HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-04 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot--..... • .. • .. ... • .. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2003 • • 1Save Our Youth director 01oves ·on • KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT • -• Oscar Santoyo has left Save Our Youth in Costa Mesa for the -&ys and Gir1s Club in San Juan Capistrano. -- -eh earing set for "--~1901 Newport . . :,· ~ouncilwoman Libby Cowan's vote breaks a ~ ~ie to bring the high-density condo project " 'back to the City Council in July. 'Qelrdre Newm1n ~ilyPilot .... • ,. COSTA MESA -The longest -rehearing request in Mayor Gary about SO feet in height -on property that hosts the Spanish mission-style Newpon Pla7.a building. It was originally ap- proved April 14. Oscar Santoyo begins work at the Boys and Girls Club of San Juan Capistrano in order to spend more time with his family. Deirdre Newm1n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -"The new guy" is not a familiar moniker for Oscar Santoyo. But that's what the former ex- ecutive director of Save Our Youth was being called Monday in his new job with the Boys and Girls Oub of San Juan Cap- istrano. For almost 10 years, Santoyo guided kids in Costa Mesa toward a variety of goals, like getting into college. As the director of program services for the Boys and Girls Qub, Santoyo will focus entirely on programs like education, technology recreation and arts and crafts without having to worry about fund-raising. He said he took Lhe job mainJy because there Is more opportunity to grow within the national organization. But the Westside native said he will miss dearly the bonds he devel- o ped through SOY. "You can take the boy out of SOY, but you can't take SOY out or the boy ... Santoyo said. "It was a very, very difficult and emotionaJ decision I had to make. It's been an emot1011aJ month of May.· SOY started on the WeMside in 1993. Santoyo, 38, joined Lhe organization soon afterward in September of Lhat year. He de- veloped some innovative pro- grams like a scholarship tha1 re- wards participants fo r earning good grades. San1oyo wouJd like to recreate the program for the Boys and Girls Oub. he said He aJso wams to start a Big Brothers aJumni group for Lhe club. SOY's board is looking for a replacement for Santoyo. which won't be easy. ~aid board mem- ber Jean Forbath. "He gave u~ almoi.t 10 great years and I'm sure we·u work hard to find Lhe right person so we'll contmue to llourish, -For- bath ~d. Another part of Santoyo's de· ci1>1on had to do wilh his family. I le and his wife, Veronica, are expecting Lheir second child in October and he wanted to focus more on his family. ·1 really had to think about 11," San toyo said. ·1 could con- tinue on with SOY and be at the level I'm at or make a move where I can get to a pomt where my wife doesn't have to work as much and we can pay more at - 1entio11 10 o ur family." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at detrdre new man a-/ar1mes.com onahans' time on the dais 6- ended Monday with victory r the appellants. Robin Leffter. rq>resenting for Respoos.lble Growth, Qrundlman Allan Mansoor .. lVlnced the full Oty Council Monday was the third time tbe council heard the request for che rehearing. Both previous votes- with only four council members present -ended in de.a._ __ there was enough new in- fftnation to warrant a rehearing tll the high-density condos at "'!901 Newport Blvd. • ...:....... 1:he project calls for 161 up- • • IC&Je condos to be housed in rour. four-story buildings - I,• THEATER nus time, Councilwoman 1.-..... Cowan cast the decisive vote for a rehearing. Cowan said Leffier made some valid points about the shade and shadow the towering condos wouJd create for residents be· See REHEARING, P11e M ... ..--roadway shows ·-~ake stops at Center - - 0-!The Producers' is a town" and "Oklahoma!" _llighlight of a diverse seriesofproductions to take place in the coming year. Center President Jerry Mandel said it is a well-rounded season, with a llnJe bit of every- thing. "This is the best balanced season we have ever had," Mandel said. "There Is literally something for everyone in this season's Broadway. I am very ex- cited about it" Lolita H1rper Daily Pilot Religious Icons. flowers and Center officials always strive great plains all come together to put together a season that for an exciting and unparalleled appeaJs to a wide variety of pa- theater aeries at the Orange trans. he said. This season has a County Performing Arts Center. • little of everything with new The Center announced thit musfcaJs , revivals and plays for week Lta 2003-04 Bank of Amen -children. ca Qroadway series. which in· Then, of course, there ls "The eludes masterpieces such u Producers," the new Mel Brooks ._ •Jesus Oui.st Supenta.r." _Flower Drum Song,· •urtne-S..CENTBt,P .. eM • SEAN HILLER DAILY PILOT Back Bay High School students, counter clockwlse from left, Jessica Newnum, Omar Montlllo, Letoya Brady and GeOf'ge Gemayel apply a chemical stain to a pattern in concrete as part of a proiect for their ceramics class. Concrete lessons Nine students at Back Bay High School work on a project to learn more about ceramics. Christine C1rrlllo Daily Pilot S ltting in a desk. listening to lectures on literature or mathematics. H>-year-old George Gemayel sees classroom education as a chore. For him, the education he can acquire through manuaJ labor proves much more profitable. much more enjoyable. As one of nine students at Back Bay High School in C:OSta Mesa to participate in a themed-concrete project for the ceramics class at the school. Gemayel jumped on the chance to work with professionals and learn more about a trade that he already found interesting. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,· he said. "This is going to be here forever ... and I did it I know this is what I want to do." The students. who finished up the project on Tuesday. were selected from a list of more than 20 candidates and were chosen based on their behavior at school and their teachers' recommendations. They got the chance to spend nine days transforming a 1.350-square-foot area into a decorative landscape for the school's ceramics and pottery class. They helped with the rhubarb, stamping. pouring and staining and really dedicated a piece of themselves to the project. which left them wt th a sense of pride as they watched it come together. ·1 thought it would be a cool experience for me,· said 17-yur-old Jessica Newnum. one of the few girls to participate in the project.. "I th.ink It looks good and I'm proud to have See LESSONS, P111e M 1 THINKING ALLOWED · -:Slinging hash at the loss of good eatery LOLITA HMPD Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ v;.;M *"out drizzty 9'n. ... ,...A2 SPORTS TheC....~m.b tanw OC:C Ind Pteooport ................. ...... Gtlt ..... ln ............... °' .. 'b111h'drila. • ....... SALUTING DADS AIOUT FATIB'I MY c.i.bfftl your f9Ctw by Mndlng. bft.f ~Of two ebout wtrv your d9d. 80 gt9lt. ... wlttl. phoeo. tD 1he Olly Plot for p11tA:wdD11 on~09y. Silnda .... 1.,. 111d' ~lfYoUMnth pt"*> rwtumed pcltltiJU ..... •lhe ..... " ........ ,.....,. Sendyour ....... ,...... Dly, DlltyPlal. •W 111¥ 11..C.-Mile~ .... tD .. I I 18 I i I C91Jt0f ...... -..uo; .... woukl .. ,, .......... pcetMt A2 Wednesday, June 4, 2003 Daily Pilot LOCALS ONLY • .. f • FOR A GOOD CAUSE Bob and. Joan Rossen Volunteering for a cause close to home F or Newport Beach couple Bob and Joan Rossen, June Is bagel time. • every year this month, 73-year-old Bob Rossen organizes the Bagel Open, a golf tournament that benefits the Orange County Cllapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Joan Rossen, 66, was diagnosed with the disease 10 years ago. Multiple Sclerosis Is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. The Bagel Open Is something the Rossens have been doing for 14 years. It started when Bob Rossen, a former swimming and water polo coach at Carson High School, started playing golf with his athletes. •And they said, 'Coach, we should do th.ls every year,"' he said. •And we did." Why Bagel Open? "Well, all coaches are weird," he said with a laugh. "We needed a name and just came up with one. And it stuck." Of course, bagels are served to the players. "If we don't have bagels, they get very angry.. Rossen said The money from the tournament goes to the Orange County Olapter that takes good care of his wife, Rossen said "They provided her with cowisellng. group therapy and physical services,• he said. "You want to help an organlzation that Is helping you.• Rossen does almost all of the work for the Bagel Open. He gets the priz.es, does the paperwodc. prints fliers on his home computer and mails them off: His wife and daughter help stuff the envelopes and his son does the mailings. And of coun;e, he doesn't forget to get the bagels. most of the work and she helps in whatever way she can, be it taJdng care of the tables or stamping the envelopes. been involved in anything else as deeply. "This is more personal," he said. "Every time I do th.ls, I get the feeling of satisfaction that my wife will be taken ca.re of." tn the last 10 years, the tournament has donated more than $30,000 for the cause, Rossen said. "It's nice that there is that much more money to go around for this cause,• she said. Joan RoS'Sen said her husband does Rossen says he has volunteered for several causes in the past. but has never -Story by Deepa Bharath, Plwto by Mark C Dustin NEIGHBORS Randy hlmer of Newport Beach won Second Besf of Show and the award for Best Modified Engine with his 1965 Plymouth Belvede~ during the fourth annual Strawberry SUnday Funfest and Oassic Car Show at the Orange County Malket Place in Costa Mesa. Palmer won a $200 cash prize and two trophlet ... Bvm C Cooper of Costa Mesa received academic honors Randy Palmer Bolden of Newport Beach earned ptacement on the dean's list at the Betklee CoDege of Music in Bolton. Maa. ... Amr Blrabetb .._of Newport Beach gxaduated from Saint Mary's College in Noire Dame. Ind .... Costa Mesa residents~ lleicllnn. FloftSteDa Berron and MdJn M1WI graduated from Azusa Padflc Universfty in Azusa. Calif. ... Cedl Hmry Sblrw Brad Smith at Northeastern Univeratty when be wu named to the unlvenifYI dean's list for the wloter quarter ••• 'Drylor aad Associates Ardlltects, a Newport Beach-baaed company, promoted Ind Smith to princtpal. Smith bas played a by role with the arcbJtecture and Interior design Orm for the past 12 years ••. llnd 8owlm of Newport Beach bas been named one of m Fathers of the Year~ the Oranp County chapter of the Pllber'a Day Council and the American Diabetes Assn. Bowlus ls the president and chief executive of PacifiCare Health Systems' Health Plans division ... QMltOD Stroup, a Newport Beach poet from the 19305, was remembered in an art exhibition and reading at the Sherman Library and Gardens ... Outltopber John Bi.cmoette of Newport Beach ~ named vice president in the Southwest Division of AXA Advisors ... Jim RoUnwe8 of Newport Beach waa one of two students ae:lected u Purdue Pete, the sports mucot at Pwdue University, for the 2003·04 &chool year ••. D9Yld B. n graduated from the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott. Ariz. ••• Robert M. Cmnpbell of Newport Beach was honored with the pieSdgloua Ufetime Achievement Award at the UC l.rvlne Gmduate Scbodl of Robert M. Management's Real Campbel &late Conlerence and UfetimeAchievement Award Luncheon. • NEKHIORI apotlighta echlevementa ln the community. Please direct notllWOrthy Information to Conti WiltOn b'f fare mt (949) 646-4170, or Mnd •mail to coral.wi'-on•latlmes.com. ( Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 155 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publleher TONYDOOERO Editor Nf1'( OETT1NO ~~r ~Director NewsEdfton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt. Paul Seitowit:z, Daniel Steven• NEWSSTAff Crime °:er ~rter, (9491 574-4228 c1Hpa.bhar11th•i.t1,,,...oom JuneC.....• Newport BNcft reporter, (949) 574-4232 june.caug,.nde•latlmn.oom P.ulQlnton Polltlca, buslneu and environment reporter, (949) 7&4-4330 P11Ul,cllnton•i.t1mn.oom l.ollll ""'* Columni.t. eulture reportet. (9481 574-427& folfta,,,.,,,.,./Ml,,....oom Deir-. ....... eo.ta MeN ,.,,.,, (948) 574--Ul1 t#lrtke.newrNn•~com ChNllM e.'9o Eduoetlon r1PQ1111r, (948) S74-42el dtt"'-l,,..~llo.•,_,.,,_oom Co,.I Wll.On News 11sl1tent, (949) 574-4298 cor11/.wllson@l11tlm111.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiiier, Don l.eedl. Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-oo86 Record your commentt about the 011ly Pilot or new. tips. ~ Our lddren It 330 W. Bay St. Costa M818, CA 92627. Office hours ere Monday -Friday, 8:30 e.m · 5 p.m. Cowec:done It 11 the Pilot'e policy to promptly correct ell em>ra of tubstanoe. P1 .... call (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport BNd\ICotta Meae Delly Pilot (USPS-1'4-800) le publitMd deity. In Newpc>n Buch end Coste M ... , eubscrlptlo,,. ere 1v1illble only by eubecrlblng to The Tlmee Orange County (800) 252-9141. In 1reae outlllde of Newport hlCh •nd eo.t. Me.a. eu~ptlons to the Dalfy Piiot ere ev1ll1ble only b'f flrlt c1 ... mell for ao pet month. {Pl'lcee lnc:tude .it eppllcabl• ltat• end IOClll WC.) ll'OSTMASTEA: Send lddf'lll <ftengee to The N.,ipOft ~ MeN Defly Not. '-0 Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright: No news stories, illu1tration1, editorial metier or advertiaement:a herein cen be reproduced without written permlaalon of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Cln:uletion The Timu Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ a...Med (949) 842-5678 Dilptey(949)842-4321 EdltoNI Newa {949) 6'2-5880 Sportl(949)574-4223 Newafu (949)~170 Sports ,... (949) ae<M>170 &melt: <Uilypllot•larlmH.com MetnOMDI ....... OMce (949) 842-4321 .....,... ..... (949) 631-7128 ·In Pubtltt'led by Tlmee Communttv N.vn, 'dlvftion of the Loi Angetee Time.. C2003 Tlmee CN. All rlghte reMfWd. PET OF THE WEEK Miles Miles ls a very lucky kitten. A1. only 10 weeks old. he has already been rescued multiple times by the Newport Beach· baaed Community Animal Net- work. The first time was before be had even been born when his pregnant mother was rescued from an animal shelter's death row, said founder DiAnna Pfaff· Martin. At 8 weeks old, Miles had to get specialized treatment costing $985 when his mother pierced his left eye with her claw, she said. Witnesses said she was frightened by water thrown on the cats by a bystander. "We are happy that the public has supponed our goals as a DUI ARRESTS These people have been arrested recently on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant. They have only been a"9sted on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspects, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Mondrt • John Chale-Ramirez, 33, Costa Mesa Sunday •John ChriS1ian Peterson, 25, Newport Beach • Amy Lynn Leynes Agnote, 34, Norwalk Sl1urday • Brian David Beardshear, 27, Costa Mesa • Ray Anthony Medina, 44, Costa Mesa • Melanie Lynn Perret. 26. Newport Beach • Pedro Javier Rodriguez:, 20, Santa Ana pro-llle organization.• she aaid.. •Other groups would be forced to eutbanU.e animals because of cost• The network has started a "Baby Miles Eye Fund" to cover the cost of treannent Oonationa can also be made to "Save the Baby Animals" to help make tt through the ftnandally demand- ing kitten season. "Every small Ufe we save brings a smile to a child and joy to many families," Pfaff-Martin said. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnet· work.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. lnlor- madon: (949) 759-3646 or Com· munity Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newpon Beach 92658 Friday • Nancy Jane Stiles. 45, Costa Mesa • Craig Thomas Scnusteridc, 30, Huntington Beach • Gregory Randall Carr, 25. Mission Viejo Thu~ey • Misty Ped roza, 20, Costa Mesa . • Roger Ramon Lucas, 26, Costa Mesa • Kevin Lawrence Adkins, 30, Costa Mesa • Lindsay Genet Hale, 26, Newport Beach NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • Sandra Lucy Portillo, 28. Norwalk • Herbert Benjamin Williams, 43, Newport Beech Saturday • Margaret Buzby Coons, 76, Newport Beach Friday • Bruce Nolan Jankovics, 41 , Costa Mesa GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Dally Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. WEST SIDE BOYS &6'RLSCLU8 Volunteers ere needed from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays to tutor students in first through sixth grades in reading. (949) 631-7724. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN Volunteers are needed in the organlz:atlon'1 Professional Clothff Closet to assists clients and sort clothing. The organization Is at 711 W. 17th St., Suite A· 10, Costa Mesa. (949) 631·2333. WYLAND FOUNDATION The Wyland Foundation, whidl encourages greater awareneu of ocean conservation, la seeking volunteers for clerical and computer help and grant writing. (949) 497-6723. YMCA The YMCA'• Building Life Options Mentor Program la looking for volunteers to mentor and tutor teens in Costa Mess. For more Information, call (714) 838-0181, ext. 110. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The aun just never arrived on Tuesday. More than likely, it won't arrive today either, with mostty cloudy akiet end earty morning fog end drizzle. Highs will be In the lower 70., with highs in the upper60a. Thursday will be very almller, With 1 alightly h~ high. The tun may l'Nke a cameo, but don't count on eny aunblthlng. ~: www.nws.noa•.fl<N BOATING FORECAST The winds will blow 1 llght 6 to 10 knoCa In the Inner Mtett todty, wtth 2-foot wewe and a eoumw.t ewetl of 4 Mt. Out flnhlf, the wlrMil will ai.o blow light, wtth 2·foot WllY9I ~.well IWtll of 5 .... TheN wll be fog bolh Mrly end IMe on lhe w.tet. SURF The southwest swell continuff to drop today, with waist· to chest-highs. We'll'" en ever-101llght bump In size on Thursday, though we'll ltiH see ctiett-hlghs end the occeslonel shouldef'high. On Fridey, c:n..t-hlghe will bethetopl. Some eou1hwMt swell errivee late Sunday end should ttlrt pk*lng us up toward the shoulw.hlgh ninge. W...quelly: www.turlrldM.org TIDES 1lme 7:231.m. 2:54p.m. 5:50p.m. 12:18a.m. ~ .0.2A fMt low 3.27 fMt Ngh 3.03fMtlow 5.13fMthlgh WATER TEllPERATU9'E 83degr .. PHOH S &o<f '' '><f P Tyler Chernack, 18, left, and Erm Blake, l 7. comfort each other while v1srtmg a memorial to drunk dnvmg victims. A mock date with death Newport Harbor· students fake death to gain perspecti ve on the ramifications of drunk driving. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot T hetr handl> covered 1lwir mouLhs. lt>af\ rnlll'<I down their fa l t><> 'ic mw -.queezed thetr t"Yl''> ughlJy dosed and oLhl·r--.1arNl a1 the ground. lney had enten.-tl a monuary preparauon room de1..·1.,io11'> c.trry l"ht·}' g111 to <>t·c· Lhl' reaJ11v of tlw gnm '>ta11-.uc- h,ery 15 m11iu1c .... '>Omt•orw '' lulled or <.enou.,fy 1111url'd 111 an alcohol n·l.uc-d J1c1tlt·nt 111 tht· lJn11ed '>tatl"" "I wan1cd lo panll tpall' hecau.-.e I \\ulltl'd to !,'l\l' J>l'Ople an awarem·" of JU'>I hm' h1g 1the problem! really"·" -..11d 18-year-oltl I upe Vall'nt 1.1. onl' of I.he -.1 udent'> lolk·d Ill tlw mock accident ··II..., a big lt"''-"11 ·· They slood among dead bodj~ covered in wh11e <;hf't'I'>. couJd feel the cold air nowmg from I.he cooler I.hat held 1hem and couJd !imell the chenurnh used to prepare I.hem. A plaque for Danielle f arth Voisine . a 20-year-old killed by a drunk driver, adorns a memorial to v1ct1ms of drunk drrvmg. 1-rorn tht• <>111dl•nt,· tnp 10 Panik View Memon.tl l'ark to Harbor Ju'>llce C .entl'r. thl' srudenl'> cxpt•nen1..ed J portion of I.he 1wo dJy progr.im. I he program, whith t•nd., v.1th an ~mbly tod.i}. mcludl>\ d mock car accidcn1 that k.Jllcd three '>tudent!t, an arrl....,t. a boolong and a vancry of -.pt•aker-... Al today\ <l'-'>t'mhly. both 1he 1u111or and senior cld'-'>t''> "viii hl'dr I.he perv.>nal '>IC>nl ...... or tho-..e affected. real or rnn<:<x tt•d, hy drunk dm1ng 01ey had emered a world 1h,ii repre.ented I.he fatal reahlll"'I ol drunk dnving. TI1ev M•n• l.1 Nt.'Wp()rt t larbor I hgh 'x hoof iuruor; and senior<> 1ha1 lc..inH'tl about I.he dyer rnnsequen< l"" of I.heir choices through I.heir panicipation in the fir>I day of the l:~ry 15 Minul~ pmgmm on 'fuCM!ay. "This is a chance to give kid'> a realistic pict ure of Lhese i~Ul"> .. and give I.hem a chance to -.cc I.he impact of I.heir decision!> on ol.hers. • said Newport Reach BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS C.osta Mesa Realtor named top vol unteer The California Park.s and Re- creation Society named Costa Polite Officer ~lt'Ve Maninez, who organit.£•d tlw program ·· I hl">l' luch arl' hdp111g u ... deuwr thl· rnt"'-'><lgc. Tney"rc extt·ndang tlll'lll\l'lv~ ill> bt'\t llll'y l dll anti 1111' 1..ommurnty "<.'Xlcndang H"lt·lr ll1ey"rc 1molwd 111 lhl' ml·-.-..1ge I he \IUdC'nl'> heard wapluc '>lonh of an embalmer'<, l'Xpenente<> prepanng I.he hodie'> of p<'ople killed in alcohol rrlared <1<.T1dcn 1~. w<11ched a young man being ..entenc.:cd to 14 year'> Ill '>tall' prison and visi1ed a memorial filled w1Lh 1he namC''> of people killed in alcohol related dtc1denl'>. Mt...a Realtor Valerie lorclh Lhe 2003 Dismct 10 Volunteer of the Year. lorellJ received the award at Lhe organization'l> 48th annuaJ awdrd<> and installation banquet held in May at the Centre at Sycamore Pla7.a m Lakewood. She wru> recogni7.ed for her fund- raising effort.c; 10 benefit the city of C,osta Mesa. .55% Yield On Principal of Your 1 2 IVl:o CD FDIC INSURED F IDELITY INSUR£D DEPOSrrs (949) 5 88-5 7 11 Accurate as ofOS/J0/2003 l'en3Jt, tor 1-.ul\• Wirhdra" Rank l-tt\ Mayl Reduce F..ammp Not OfTcr fo \<II !><-•unt1~ SI 0,000 I 1m11 2 65\ Annual Percentage Yield on Bank'~ I-DI( Insured Nev. <I) Plu\ FiJch" Cash Payment At lnccpuon Annu1uc' al<.o ollcrcd hdehl) .tnd H-1\ Family F.sutc Insurance !>cl" •~c ( l.1c#OC5049 ) :-lot Member nt l-cdc~I 11 huurancc oon '01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 Sporty 9COf'IO cor, C«tlfled 12152341 •8,976 '01 JEEP CHEROKEE· Atr, outo. 6 cylindw 1s1onn '15,976 'OOPONTIAC MONTANA CD. pow9f" gtoup. V9f"_J dean 127422n se.976 'O 1 CHEVROLET 2500 HID PICKUP ~odo. outo, o/c (2181831 •16.976 '00 FORD FOCUS SE V9f"y clean, mull Me (2861081 •9,976 '97 FORD Al!ROST AR Xl T Auto, olc., looded (A920581 '16.976 l11e 23 studen1s who rcprCM"nted l.ho:-.c name-. weft' the living dead. "I tlunk it"s a real do't' of reality.·· !>aid l larvey Ulemack. who warched h1!> I H-year-old son I yler 01emack. who played the drunk driver, get found ._,uilty of lhree counL'I of vehicular mamlaughter "I thtnl.. they all know tha1 I.hey are a <>lep awdy from this happening to I.hem. - Witnessing how one choice couJd lead 10 death, yean. in prison or a lifetime of grief, I.he s1uden~ who participated 111 the program gamed a better underst.andmg of I.he weight I.heir lorelli"s commuruty aCUVltie. include sponsoring a vanety of spedaJ events. including I.he sum- mer concert-in-the-park series. Newport agency will handle vitamin account Newport Beach-based Estey- 1 loover Advertising & Public Re- MlllllrYau Burarllue-v ou 'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! With t'\erv '>l~ment of the progrdm. thl' polt'nllal n·J.111\ or Lheir chotl c.., rt•m.tlll'> "'It\ kind or '><.Jry hecall'>t' you JU~I never know 1f 11 rnuld happen ·10 you.·· 16 year old SaJora I Jayne.., J 1un1or who wa., among the hvmg dt•ad, -.aid. ··11-.. happening l.'Vl'I) 15 minule!i . and you n•alvt• \OU rnuld he next.~ la11on., wa'> -.cll'l ll'd b} t\Jacer Corp. to rnord111<1te all pubhcuy for i1s r·.mcr'gen < brand. a Vi- tamin C product The produll i'> '>old nauon - wide in gror<'ry and health store outletc; na11onv.ide. Offi- cials said the agency will build an aggressive marketing c;uat- . egy for the brand. 1998 FORD MUST ANG GT CONVERTIBLE Auto, Power Group, Low Miles (269890) $12,976 Come see the new EverWood• CountryS1de blinds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping sla1s create a beauuful board-on-board design And 1he ·step-up· look adds depth. d1mens1on and character co any room And EverWood CountrySide writ not warp. crack. peel or fade Even in humid areas or direa sunhgtu Come ~PJlflPI see these bcauurur b!Jnds today r ~ALDEN'S l l1 ••M.(o\l fit'' .-. .... 11l •11v\t1'!•r.t (1r\t5'.•.,, 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • \flLL__A NOVA_ Twilight~ Dining on the ~ter Entrees from $7.95 Served until 6pm (except <;arurdays) Homemade Pasta Fresh Seafood Veal Specialties For Reservations 949-642-7880 3 131 W Coast Highway ·•· @JumnwAMJ • CONSIGN• DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessories For YQur Home Bamboo End Table ................................................. $100- Round Glw/Chrome Coffee Table ....................... $150- Small Game Table ................................................... $150" Wing Chair .............................................................. S200" Leather Sora ............................................................ S.238" Pine Tile-Topped Table w/4 Chairs ....................... S2SO- Hutch ..........................................•............................. $275" Chenille Sectional Sofa ........................................... $995" 369 E. 17th Street #I 0, Costa Mesa. l...ocat.cd bchmd Plum's Pillo Phone (949)764-1746 Hom. Mon-m IO:OOn-S~ S. IO:OOlm-S;OOiln. Sm I~~ '01 TOYOTA '00 MERCURY '99 FORD COROLLA MOUNTAINEER TAURUS "SHO" Auto, olc, Veiry cl.on l.athef co dionger cl.on C*11hed (540670l U4C8451 (2316611 Sll,976 $14.976 Sl4,976 '99CHEVY '01 FORD '01 FORD SU6UR&AN F150XCAI EXCURSION . Ful0fi:;' XlT low mot.. lllnlt.d, leotf.. c.rtilled certified (23'43731 18A850qj IA71002) *11.976 111.976 '25.97 • • I . M Wednesday, June 4, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • 8*tol StrMt: A robbery waa reported in the 3000 blodc at 6:66 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard: Petty theft waa reported in the 2300 blodc at 2:61 p.m . Sunday. • Hickory Piece: A hit-and-run was repoited In the 2800 blodc at 8:46 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Bout.wrd: An assault was reported in the 14600 block at 1 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulewrd and V.ngulltd W.V: An assault was reported at 7:26 p.m. Sunday. • Thurin Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 2100 block at 11:17 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Bay Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 500 block at 4:44 p.m. Monday. • Bedford UM: A vehiofe burglary was reported in the 1700 block at 7:54 a.m. Monday . • Bud dngham une: A vehicle burglary was reported in the. 1000 block at 7:19 a.m. Monday. • Domingo Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 700 block at 12:43 p.m. Monday. • ln1ine Avenue: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3300 block at 9:42 a.m. Monday. • Neptune Avenu9: Vandalism was reported in the 6200 block at 8:39 a.m. Monday. • Roxbury Road: Petty theft was reported in the 4600 block at 9:05 a.m. Monday. @j~ Floral & Gifts 50 % OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids -. -Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-(;745 (Across from Ralphs) Give Us Your Child this Summer. ~ And we'll give you a student a full academic level higher. At Tutoron9 Clubs of AmPrlfd, Wf' re dPd1ratPd to 1·murin1J your child \U<Ct>('ds Most important we help students achieve the self esteem and confidence thf'y need to succef'd. All In With our l'xdus1ve rutorA1d justµ hours. GUARANTEED. (Urnculum WP iaa rreatE' IE'drn1n9 Sum me mp (dll today and find program\ out more. It could be ~pe<1f1cally ' ' the most important de\19ned tor your child's n~s summer of your child's life (949) 645 7900 488 East i7th Street • Costa Mesa (' (1'f1t4r ''' ltvine AvPnu••) Tutoringjtlub. •a...-~ MATH • READING • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP OEN SE PLUSH CARPET • Installed with Pad $ J 69 • 111thdlnm 60 yards 1q. ft. REHEARING Continued from Al hind the project on Bernard StreeL She al o called for an in- dependent review of the envi- ronmental report to ensure its legality. "Does (the report) meet the Callf ornia Environmental Quality Act requirements?• Co- . wan asked. "Do we have coo- Olcting information in there? Does this page say one thing and then I 0 pages later say something else?. . . I think the project has a lot of merit, but l · do think we [the city) need to make sure th at we have done our due dillgence to make sure it meets the letter of the law." CENTER Continued from Al Lemer said she felt vindi- cated that the request was fl. oally granted. ·~re pleased,· Lefller aald. •u•s just one itep in the proc- ess, though. We hope It will re- sult lo some changes in the project so it's compadble with the neighborhood." Those changes Lnclude a de- crease in project size so it won't cast as much shadow on Ber· nard Street properties, more parking and better traffic circu- lation, Leffler said. David Eadie of Rutter Devel- opment, which is developing the condos, stood fast to his be· lief that no n ew evidence was presented. "After listening. and hearing the request for the third time, it was evident to us that there's been an argument over existing pointed out that 17 resident.a evidence In the record, but · who spoke at the meeting still there's no new evidence and had questJons and ooocema that's the threshold ror voting about the project. for a rehearing," Eadie said. One of those was June During her previous rwo McKenzJe, who compared the presentations, Leffler presented high-density condos to a large a copious amount of inf onna· department Jtore that the City tlon that the citizen's group Council rejected earlier this considered to be new on issues year for the Mesa Verde Shop- 11.ke the environmental report, ping Center. privacy. parking and noise. The "How did the city reject Mesa Verde res4dent, who ls a ICohJ's yet is willing to build a garden designer, brougln sun-mammoth project on a postage sensitive Oowers like gazanias stampr McKenzie asked. to demonstrate what the group The council is ex.peered to re- considers to be contradictory hear the project at Its July 7 Information about shade and meeting. shadows in the report. Monday, a more concise Lef-•DEIRDRE NEWMAN cover• Costa fler showed up along with an Mesa and may be reached at (949) attorney the group hired -574-4221 or by e-mail at Doug Carstens. Carstens deirdre.newman@latlmes.com. The seri~ probably count' more Tony Awards and nominaclon~ than there are lights in a Broadway thealer marquee. offi- cials said BANK OF AMERICA BROADWAY SERIES musical, which "everybody loves," Mandel said. Season ticket prices range from $200 to S433 and can be bought by callmg (7141 556-' ARTS or visil the Center Web c;ite at www.0<·· pac.org. "Jesus Christ Superstar" Sept. 16 to 21 Michael Flatley's "lord of the Dance· Nov. 25, 26, 28 and 29 "Flower Orum Song" Sept. 30 to Oct. 5 "Starlight Express" Dec. 25 to Jan. 4, 2004 "Urinetown" April 27 to May 2, 2004 "Oklahoma!" June 15 to 20. 2004 "Thoroughly Modern Millie" July 27 to Aug. 1,2004 The blockbuster season opens with Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Jesus Christ Superstar.• which chronicles the last days in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. as seen through the~es or disillusioned disciple Ju - das Iscariot • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be readled at (9491574 4275 or by e-mail at lol1ta.harpsr~latimes.com. "The Producers" Aug. 3 to 22, 2004 LESSONS Continued from Al been a pan ofit.H For them,' me project demanded I.heir dedication and commitment and it taught them about work ethtc and accomplishment. "Some of these Jc.ids aren't made for college ... and this 1s a great idea because it sho~ lhem you can still be successful.· c;aid Marshall ALLOWED Continued from Al business lunches there. was shocked to hear the news. "Why?" she asked incredulously. Restaurateur Susan Adkins i.aid !>he is being forced out by the owners of the center who refuse to renegotiate her lease. "Thai sucki., dude, we shouJd protest.~ McCully ~aid. l:ven for those who wake up with a clear head pine for . AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@fatimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.daifypilotcom. TODAY The Friend• of the N.wport Beach Library will host a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m. in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison. author of more than 70 boob, will be the speaker. Reservations are required and must be made by May 28. Call (714) 596-5276. The Nwlport BMc:h Junior Chamber of Commerce will present "How to Get the Best Out of Yourself," a presentation on how to readl one'• goals, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Coco's Fashion Island. The cost is $10 for nonmembers, free to membeni. For more information, call Anna Lisa Blason at (949) 64!>-9897. lie.bane, the JtipaneM •rt of OBITUARIES Barabasch, director of architectural concrete for Peterson Brothers Construc1Jon and the leader of the project. As a former con1inua1ion school student himself. Barabasch, one of Disney'!> prime subcontractors, can rl'law to the challenge!> thcc;e s1uc.Jen1' face and wanted 10 help them see the opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead of I.hem. from beginning to end. tht· students explored a new world, a new trade and tested their brealcfast from the Omt'le1tt• Parlor. 'Coeli and George I lylkcma said they dine Lhcre at least once a week. "We are regulars bul it i'> not a hangover place for us, we arc there at the crack. of dawn," Coeli said. "If you get there before 8 a.m. you get a half-priced omelet," husband George added. (You also get there be fort• .ill the ill-tempered, sleep-deprived 20-'>ometh111g,. which is probably mcc J flower arranging, is the sub1ect of a class at Sherman library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9 a.m. Designs are based on concepts that have evolved over centuries of Japanese history from Chinese and Korean origins. Registration i~ $45. Pre-registration is required. Foi more information, call (949) 673-2261. THURSDAY Edger finelist Denise H1milton will return to the Newport Beach Central Library at 7 p.m. to present "The Crime Novel as Cultural Study.· The best-selling author will discuss "Sugar Skull; her new novel. and how her journalism badcground led to writing fiction. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information l.Nm lbout the ptant communities of California while enjoying the beauty of the Environmental Nature Center. A free. one hour adult oriented tour of the center will be given at noon by founder Robert House. Bring a sadc lund't to enjoy a casual picnic after the tour. No reservations are necessary. Closed toed, low heeled shoes are advised. The center ls at 1601East16th St. in Newport Be&Ch. For more information. call (949) 645-8489. Parent Help USA wil hold an drive aJong lhc way. ... lhc:.e k.id:. have a lot of raJcnt .md thi!> i-. ju!>I an example of what they C'dn do," ~Jid lkhh1e Davi'>, principaJ at B,tl k Bay. "You put thl'~l out in lhl· n:al world and you \CC who lh(.•y rcJlly JTl' .. I hl• '>tutknt,, \\1th tht' aid of profl''>\1011aJ'>. workl·d diligently to I r..lll'>lurrn tht• art' a m10 a dt'<. ordllVt' -.pdcC, akin to that -.l·t·n ,11 .111v Dl'>ney µJrk. that wtll 1111.tll' u•ramil trl'dll\llY and t:'XClllphfie-. the \plrit ur Back Hay'!> \tudcnt\. I he I lyl kl'ma!. -.ait.I thl' Omeleltt Parlor ha!\ an a11thcnt1dty 111 it 1ha1 ,., rare. c;t•orge t.<JJ led ii a Htrea'>urc to tlw cm11mun11y." "It i'> lhe place I go tu meet friend~ and to talk, .. George .,aid. "I hr waitrl'!>'>C~ are warm and friendly . .. "And we know all about whal their kid' are up ro." 111tt•rrup1eli Coel1 No rt'\IJur,1111 1 o mpJrc-. to rhr I l11tl'll·ttc PJrlor. the u1upll• 'aid Wlwn they travel, they """' 1lw1r homl·town favorite and l Jn'1 wait 10 get hatk. open house and members mixer from 4 to 7 p m to show the public 1ts new facility at 330 W. Bay St , Suite 120. Costa M~sa. The open house will feature music performed by Diana D'ltri and Ride Sherman. The public can make donations at the door and part1c1pate in an auction with several drawings for prizes from local businesses Call (949) 650-3461 for more information: FRIDAY UC Irvine ArtsBridge presents World Dance Day, featuring Orange County elementary school students performing folk dances from Mexican, Vietnamese. European and Native American cultures. The noon event at Aldrich Parit on the UCI campus is free For information, call (949) 824-8942. SATURDAY The 22nd •nnual Coron• del Mar Scenic SK Race & 2-Mile Fun Walk will begin at 7:65 a.m. That's when the men's SK race will begin. The women's 5K will start at 8:20 a.m. The fun walk will follow at 8:45 a.m. The 1 K Kid's Dolphin Dash starts at 9 a.m. Registration fees on race day are $30 for the run/walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration will be held at OASIS Senior Center on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday prior to the race. Separate races "It shows them that you can learn a skiU and do very, very weU for yourself," said Tom J loltom, who overscei. Measure A constrnction for the district and organized this project. "It ha'> taught the kids a trade and they got 10 participate in making -.omelhmg for lhc1r !\cho?,I. It's wme1hmg all their own. • CHRlSTINE CARRIUD covers education and may be readied at 19491 574-4268 or by e-m111I at elms/me cam/lo a lat1mes com "\Ve are going 10 he very 'ad, .. he \a1d. So 1ht•re you have 11. Hang oVl'r or no, 1he Omeleue Parlor h.1c, a hi-.wry of making people feel at home. filling their beMies with pll'rlliful food and gtvipg them fuel -for the mind and body-to face the rest of the day. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fndays and covers culture and the arts She may be reached at (9491 574 4275 or bye mail at lol11a h,uper a lat1mes.com f0< men and women are hm1ted to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. M•cv'• South CoHt ptaz• end Teen People magazine will hos1 a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest looks from Roxy, Hurley, O'Neill, Billabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Plaza's women's store. For more information, call (714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. Someone C.ntt Soup Kitchen will celebrate its 17th anniversary in memory of Cpl. Jose Angel Garibay from 6 to 9 p.m. at 720 West 19th St. in Costa Mesa. The Flag Day dinner/auction will feature Chef Leon Mathews Tidcets cost $45. All proceeds will support the Someone Cares Soup Kitdlen Hunger Relief and Tutoring Programs. Make reservations by May 27. Call (949) 548-8861. For underwriting opportunities, call (714) 801 -2354. The Ad1m1 School CountJy F.it' will run frorrt 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . at 2850 Country Club Drive. The fair wi ll have a silent auction, a 50-foot inflatable obstacle cou rse, a 30-foot inflatable slide, a dunk tank, numerous games, prizes, food, drinks, a bake sale, a DJ, a guest band and more. Call (714) 424-7935 for more Information. , Dally Pilot Wednesday, J\w 4, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -t...tt.r.: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readen Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (9491646-4170 E-mall:Send to dailypilot@latimas.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for darity and length COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Wetlands not what is holding up senior housing By Stephanie Bar1er I n response lo your Friday. May 30 story, MWetJands ve rdict holding up senior homes,· this is an issue lhat has been worked on very hard over lhe last few years by many people. including dry staff, park com.mjssioners and citizens of lhe community. Some clanfication is in order: Earth Resource Foundation has been represented and testified at Parks. Beaches and Recreation Commission hearings. and subcommittee meetings. council study sessions and council meetings over the past two years. The planning for lhe development of the park on Upper Bayview Landin g was underway well before .the senior housing project was introduced on Lower Bayview Landing. The addition of lhe affordable senio r housing project to lhe package seemed like a possible resolu1ion 10 many of the issues faced by the park plan such ru. lhe cost of off site dirt dispol>Cll and therefore was "wcddedM to the park project. Through the whole long process. lhe position of lhe commumty members and lhe city '>taff h~ com.istcntly been 10 ensure 1ha1 1he reqwrements of the California Coa.!ttal Act were met and lhat an appropnate park be developed on the Upper Bayview property. An agreement 111 concept re:.uhed in two group•1. the fo undation and Stop Pollu1ing Our Newport, submitting lettel"'> of support for this agreed upon "concept" of d 100% nauvi: vegetated park and mintmum grading, along with an ornamental horder aJo ng Coast I li~hway and Jamboree. l'he~t· letters were provided at the city\ requc:.t and are pan or puhhc rt'cord. fhilt concept :.eemed to gain approval hy city staff and the .:,ubcurnmittee meeting'>. and was pan uf the l·eh 25 <,ta ff recommendation to the City Council. which specified, Mthe park will have a few benches, naruraJ vegetati on and minimal ornamental landscaping" However, when the plan was presented to lhe City Council on 1-'eb. 25. parks commissioner Val Skoro requested that upon approval, the plan be returned to lhe parks commiSl>ion for final determination of the "park landscape design,• including some turf grass and more irrigation on 1he site. The "parlc landscape design" referred to by S.koro could have involved a complete change of lhe vegetation, irrigation, plant types, grading, layout etc .. lhus changing lhe agreed u pon "concept• significantly. These comments were echoed by De bra Allen, chairwoman of the parks commission, who agreed with Skoro lhat lhe irrigation and vegetation of the park not be specified at thi:. '>I age in lhe process. Councilman lod Ridgeway then commented that he agreed wll h the commissioners and lhat the fi nal design of lhe park was not yel determined. I le Lhen made the mot10n to approve lhe project .rnd tu d1rct:t staff to provide Lhe ab11iry for the park<. commission to conduct an outreach program for lhe design of the park. This last-minute rum of event ... cau .. ed a great deal of concern in both the foundation and Stop Polluung Our Newport and a revisit to the property by Jan Vandersloot for a rlo'>er look The implication that -.omehow thl' "environmental community" ex1<,t'> a.., a separate entity is an alll'mp1 hy thl· mayor to 1:.ola1e community memht•r-. who care about what happt.•n.., to tht.• o.,cant remain'> of open o.,pan.• in tht• lily The "hs1 of conditions" rt>fem·d tu in your story is an attempl to clarify the natural park concept and alll'mpt to comply with the Cahfornra C<>a'>tal l\<t In order for Lhe foundauon to u>111i1111c.· ART IN MOTi F I NDULGE YO UR PA LETT E S This wuk's u hibit touts local artist Ray Fries~. llis acrylic abs tract pieces have a distinct individualihf tlrnt has garnered him success lrere and abroad. From. the Collection of Ray Friesz: • •• ·. f l .f • -~ 10 :.upport and rema111 ton-.1-,1c•n1 wnh lhe beliefs of the urganl/.allun, 11 1-. nece:.:.ary that the projec1 he consistenl with lhe act. The "b:.1 of condition'>" 1-. a<·tu.ill'r wi lhin a memorandum nl understanding. Thi~ memorjndum (initiated by ci ty staff anti draftt•d \'> 11h many hour:. of communic.rnon between lhe ciry and reprew11t.1t1\t·-. ol Stop Poll uting Our Newport .ind I .<1rth Resource F·oundauon) wa!> to t lartf\ and add specific1ry so that tlu: two orgam:t.ations could go lo thl' C <>a'>lJI Commbsion and lt'Sllfy 1n '>upport of the proiect in good la11h I hi-. w;i-. 11111. a<; the mayor .,tales. a "quid pro quo · ·n1e < .i1y Council re1ec1ed thl' memorandum outright. evt•11 though c:ity Maff conceived 1l. Since 11w· memorandum focmed alrno-.r tcllall\ on the park. it appear-. 1hat th1 rnur;1 i1 I'> willing tu ll't thi'> projt>t t cltl'. 1nclutling the .,enior hou.,111g, ralltt<r than merely meeting tlw re4uirt'l11l'llt.., uf the '>tatt' la\'> 111 the de'>tgn of tht· PrCJJCCI. V<111der-.luo1. the Earth 1<1•-.ourt t• foundation and ~top J>ollut1ng ( >ur Newport do not havt• '>ctlll1· 11i.1g1L power to "kill " prnJL'Ch. a-. 1111pht·d I>\ the mayor If the <.oast,tl <.11111011-. .. 1011 tlen1e'> the permit. 11 will liL· ltt·l.tllw the c11y refu!>ed to pre'>ent •• pl.i11 th.u meet., the re4u1rt•ml'nh of till' la\'\<, tlll' Cahforn1u Loa-.tal \t t. I lad tht' < .itv C ou11nl agrel'd tu '>uppon the niemorandum 111111.stl'll h\ 1t., own '>tan. the ut) and tlw t:n\1ro11rnental Lommurnty l oultl hJ' 1• gone IClgt:thl'r ,!'> .i u111lil'd \'Oil 1· 111 \Upport the prn1t·t 1, both lht· '>t•r11or hou.,.ng anti p.1rl... tlwn·b\ 1111 r1·.i-.111g the L h<11H , • .., of pa ....... 1ge of tlw 1m11t·1 t hy lht• ( oa..,t.tl ( 0111rni ...... 111n •EDITOR'S NOTE· S1eµhdn1e 8drger ,., a Corond 11el Mar rPs1d!'nl and the' P.xPcut1v•· director ol the Ednh Resou•1..e Fount.JJt1on Discover the flavor of celebrated local artists. Delight in complimentary samples of Motifs c ulinary master pieces. a glass of aromatic wine, and relax to the sounds of a classical guitarist. ,. Savor the cuisine. admire the artistry Art Exhibit & Reception Wednesday June 4th, 5-6 pm. Complimentary validated parking Art b hibits will continue through September 3. 2003 Please call Motif al 949-234-3320 for further Information U1<0''""1 Lo<.J A nur U1<0"""f lAaJ Anm June 11 June 18 --Joy Patterson Ray Isip ® THE ST. R EG I , Monarrh Beach Hr. rt & pa Home to a certain woHd LEITER TO THE EDITOR Daily Pilot Cup provedfun, as soccer should T hank you to lhe Da.i.Jy Pilot and to Kirk Mdntosh for organv.mg a f Wl ~<:ler tournament tht'> past weekend. Almo.,t 2,000 kid'> having fun playmg '>Olcer' I grew up in ~pam and hJvc played ~ocn.~r all my lrft: I playt·d my fir'>l tournament when I Wa.!t 5 and I :.ull rl'11wmber the excnement of that day. We did not have the luxury of perfect organv..cition .111d the unhehevable field., of today. hkt' the CoMa Mco;,a Farm '>pon-. Complex and !>1m1lar lirld-. in th1'> a.rea ln.,tead, we plJyt•d anywhere we wutd· on 1 um rcte. on din. on jllY '>pan· .ivailable Mo.,t of the lune \\t' plJycd wnh no cleat\ nor .,11111 ~11<1rd.,, we burlt gouh and field'> .rnvwhnt w11h \'>hate·\ er we 1 ould li11d \\e did ha\e the ..ame pa .... .,1on tor ..,oCler our thildren have and \\l' pljyc.•tl JU"t hecaur,e 11 wa'> tun 111 pl.1} '>urely, we had dn·.un<:. to become professional -.ou c.·r plJyer<>. but al lhal ume t twrt• ~en' 110 -.-holar.,h1ps. big ( 0111rae1 .. or ent.loro.,emenh. rhat fllt'Jllt that \'>L' would be better off hc.·1r11i: good '>ludcnlo., and 1111ro.,11111g otht:r profe.,.,1on'>. But WI' .,till dreamt of how fun II would be lo play in J big '>oc<.:er -.tadtum Wllh h'r.l~"" 10'.lead or dirt . If tlw '>lJll'>lll'> are lurrect. "X)'li. of the c.;h1Jdren playing AY<..,() recreational. 1ournamen1 r-1 . . ' of duh '>Otc. t:r will qu11 a.nd trctn.,fer to dnothcr '>pon before the)' even get to high 'X.hool I have .. een I l. , 11 . even 10 Wdl·old. extremely tdlented souer player'> qur11111g the '>J>Orl heLaU'>C their pdrc.·nh or -Hmu.· mexperienced lOal h burnt·d them out. In I urupe and lately hen.· 111 lhe U '),,we toache.., have d '>tmple principle It> 1ra1r1 <111d toach at every lt•wl Lt•I thern play the game and havt• fun w11h 1t. It "very 1mpona111 1ha1 wt.• try to coach with the ·· 11:., rult· • I ) i'Vo "'"·' Yo11 u111/ <U-llWl'f' more phy\IC.f1l 1•11d11rtJn( I' rn11n111g u11t/1 a IJflll tH t4/tn u hall tlum dmnJ!. hor111J!. /J111~ /.11p\ a fl> 110 t fu II .!J \'o /11w.\ /'/11wn 11•1/I J!.l't IHJrt:cl ur d1,trru. tl'tl u~lltllll{ tht'lf tum \V111t111J!. m /me ts ""t [1111 1J ,'Vo lee turf!.\ /1/L.\ L\ tlw moH wmmo11 mutal.e of a lot 11/ 1~ c0tuh~ /Rt the p/J1yen wwl~-:R tl1e game for tlwm.'>ell't'\ wul tf\ to gwe tllem J{wtlm1u wl11/e not l.11/mg thetr gamt' c relltH'lf} l hb 1-. a wundt'rful '>0tu·r commumtv and 1lw 111volvemen1 of tht' lam1lll'..,. rrUe'> and '>lhool' ,., ~JVmg th1• No. I o.,pon 111 ttw world a chance tu lwcunll' a lead111g ')port 111 '>outht·m <...1.hforn1.i Let\ not burn out the m.1111 .,ourt.e ol thi.. ... un t • ..,., our children PEPE TENA ""t·wpon lkJl h --uuua.1 PRICES SAVI 25% TO 50% Off UIUUl.- 5-ta~ MY A MIWON 10 WIN 1litOUGH OKfMIU 2003; NO l'\MCHA.SE ~Y. SE! OfflCW MAU IJ STOltCS. NllMANMAICU5.COM/MtWOH. C. NM IT ~ llN:H t491$9J900 _.. .. .,,.._ ....,.. ...... .., .......... ...... ~-" ........ 'a ........ ~"-wl' ..... ~--ct ....... cw.. .I ................. &.t CA". a --c..-..-... ........ ' QUOTE OF THE DAY "I was in shock for a little while ... But it was a great feeling." Scott Bffrer, Colorado Rockies draft pick EVE OPENER llli1ll Daily A Pi 1ot Ill pores Hal cl Fame (, ........... """' , ......... .. June 9 honoree HUGH FOSTER M Wednesday, June 4, 2003 Sports Editor Richard Du.no: 194915744223 • Sports Fax: (9491650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS S.ea . Kings bid for CIF Division I crOWJ?. Corona del Mar can cap off undefeated seaf>on with victory over Santa Barbara today at Claremont Club. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot CLAREMONT -Corona del Mar High boys tennis coach Tun Mang has enjoyed a rela- tively stress-free season. thus • lead the Sea ~llf," to a 14-4, semifinal win owr PeninsuJa Thursday. ~He's playing great," Mang said Mlle had been playing doubles all year and I decided far. However, his stress level might rise today, or it might not. Mang is not sure. And, for the Sea Kings, that just might be for the best The Sea Kings (23-0) will face Santa Barbara, a team they have not faced this season and hardJy know anything about, in the CIF Southern Section Divis.ion I ti- tle match today at I I a m. at the Oare- mont Oub. HWe haven't seen the Santa Barbara box scores/ Mang said H All I know is they have very strong doubles. nus match will be very unusual because, usually, I can scout the team But this one is out of the area· Santa Barbara (20-3) and most of the tennis teams in the Southern Section know plenty about the Sea Kings, the Pa· cific \A>a.St League champions.. They fea- ture dominating players in singles. in· eluding senior Garren Snyder, bound for the University of Texas. Snyder has com- piled a 52-0 record in singles and dou- bles in dual matches this season. Snyder, who won CTF doubles titles in 2001 and 2002, reached the ClF singles title match Saturday. Sophomores Wesley Miller and Spen- cer Reitz will also most likely play in sin- gles. Miller recorded three wins to help to put <:arstcn !Halli in doubles. Wesley is not too far from being a great singles player, which he showed against Peninsula~ Ball, also a sophomore, teamed up with junior Brennan Roherts in doubles and swept Peninsula. BaU won the CIF doubles title with Snyder last year. Ball and Roberts, aJong with the sophomore douhles team of AJcx Ngu· yen and Nicholru. Gingold, as well as the. steady tandem of seniors Bryan Wan.aw and lssei Saida, will surely be tested against Santa Barbara. champion of the Owmel League. The Dons' best doubles team is ..cnior Chase MuUer and junior Kl'rry Wheeler. They reached the en: doubles scm11inaJs this season. MuJJer and Wheeler could possibly split and play with other part ners, but Santa Barbara Coach A.iron Webster did not indkate that would happen. "No one can beat them,· Web<,tcr ~d. "They have been the backbone of the team. If we can beat CdM in doubles and get seven or eight poin~. we wiJI have a good chance to win.· Santa Barbara enters the title match with great m omentum. posting victories See TENNIS, Paee A7 SCAN HltlER /0M.YP1LOT CdM senior Garrett Snyder will try to lead Sea Kings to third CIF Southern Section trtle in frve years, 10th overall, today. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL DRAFT Colorado Rockies draft Beerer 4 7th overall Former Sailor, Pirate wants to sign. Two other locals drafted Tuesday. Steve Vireen Daily Pilot Scull Beerer, a former baseball stand- out at Newpon Harbor High and Orange Coast CoUege, was surprised, yet overjoyed the Colorado Rockies se· lected him in the second round, 47th overall, in Tuesday's Major League first- year player draft. ·l\vo other local athletes, Randy Blood and Justin Aue, were aJso selected, COLLEGE TRACK & FIELD UCI's Turpin in heptathlon Junior Annmarie Turpin will be UC Ir- vine's sole representative at the NCAA Tracie & Field Olampionships next week. Turpin will compete in the hep- tathlon at the A.G. Spanos Sports Com- plex on the Sacramento State campus June 13-14. She recorded a qualifying tot.al of 5,228 points in winning the Big W~t Conference title at Cal State Northridge May 14-15. That mark ranks No. 4 in UCJ history and la 20th among the 27 competitors who qualified for the NCAA meet. At the NCAA West Regional Olampi- onships Saturday at Stanford University, UCl senior Darrell Tozier flnlsbed sixth in the 800 meters (l :51.33), after win- ning his preliminary heat in 1:49.72 Fri- day. Also on Sarurday, Turpin placed 10th In the high jump with a rruut or 5 {eet. 7 Y. inches and junJor Jenny Uou finished 20th In the 3,000 steeplechase with a time of 10:55.98. Al the regional Friday. senJor Santosb Swamldass was eighth In the men's high jump (6-9Y.) to de h1.s career best. ln women's compeddon Friday, sophomore Erin Curtis ftnlshed 16th ln the pole vauJt (12-6Y<) and aeruor JeMk:a Stafrord WU 19th in the ~ throw with a LOii of 135-8. Sophomore Scott ,... ftnlahed fourth In hil 400 hwdlee belt ln 53.88. but did not qualify ror the t1n111.. Sophomote Suranm P\lrmol1 -lfth In her 400 ...... belt (1:03.78) Md lellloc' w.ncty Olin -....... In her 800 beat In 2:10.01. NetdMI .cl- ftntCN to cbe ftnak f while UC Irvine's Olris Klemm and OCCs Kyle Allen could be picked when the draft coninues today. ln June 200 I. after Beerer\ freshman season with OCC he wru. selected in the 23rd round, 681st overaJI, by the lexa.'> Rangers. He went back to Coa-;t, 1hcn went to Texas A&M, where he -;tarred this season. ln two years, he improved his draft status by 634 positions. MThar's a great turnaround," Heerer said by phone from College Station. "It has been an interes ting morning and an interesting season, that's for sure. I w~ In shock for a little whlle. I reaJly clidn't have any expectations going in ITue~­ dayl. But it was a great feeling." With the Aggi~. Beerer earned Louis- ville Slugger NCAA Division I first·team All American honors, as a utility player after hattin~ ,lOS with 17 doubles, 11 home runs and 57 RBis. Bcer~r:' who wa~ named the team's MVP Monday, •1ho served Cl!> the Aggies' closer, accu- mulating a ~chool single·season record I I sav<>' I le compiled a 6-1 record. In 4ttY inrungs. he allowed just 32 hits while striking out 58. Ile atso earned first·team All-Big 12 recognition. as a relief pitcher, helping guide lhe Aggies to a 45-19 season and i.econd place in the conference. "IL wac; a surprise," Beerer said of his seai.on. "I didn't think I wouJd be able 10 , do everything I did. lo be belected fi.r;t· team All -Amencan pu1 a nice cap on it. It was jus1 a great season." srud. NI.a.st yectr. wru.1u~t a Oulce with the foot. N. far a ... my back goeo;, everything ha!> been 100% 'oince after high school. I feel heaJthy .. Beerer said he followed tlte draft on the Internet wilh h1' teammates while at their home stadium. Ol1en Field. I le said he plans to '>i~11 with the Hocldes and pa~ up h1'> '>l'mur year of eligibil- iry. 11le draf1., fir'>t day also mcluded Blood. who I!> onginaJly from Costa Mesa and played lor Calvary Olapel I llgh. I le was the ~ond baseman for UC R1ver;1dr tlui. pa'ot season. Blood wa., aJw 1>electcd by Lhc Hock.Jes, in the 'oixth round, 1671h overaU lie was the I lighlander..' i.econd·leadlng hitter with a .358 average. I le ama<:>sed 82 hits and 51 RBI-; this '>pring. Beerer endured b.1ck pam., through- out his playing day-. .11 Newport 1 larbor, yet overcame the nagging i11111ry while at Coac,t. In 2002. lie missed roughly four game1> with a fool injury with the Pirates, but he ha., been injury·free since. A'a.c. a left.handed pitcher for OCC "Everylhing h gomg 1>0 weU," Beerer See DRAFT, Pa1e A7 Tqg Taggart Costa Me sa resident, 91, still adding to his rich athletic experi ence, now as an avid lawn bowler. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot T he Great Depression challenged the hearts of many in the 1930s, including Oaude "Tug~ Tuggart. After graduating from high school in Indiana in 1928, coUege began to seem more of a dream than reality because the Thga.rts did not have money for educatJon. However, Thggart used his basketball skills and tire!~ work ethic -he worked two jobs -and eventually graduated from Ball State in 1937. ln 2003, Thggart is still conquering cballenges ... every day. He is 91 years old. ·1 have a theory about livtng these many years. .. said Tuggart. who bas ~ at the same home In Costa Mesa for the pa.st 36 years. -For my age. I'm very acdw and that's due to the fact that I have a habit of staying busy In all departments of my life body, mind and lpirtt. Tu me, that's the key to maximlzlng 'the quaUty of Ufe tn your older agie. JCeei> ~ and. of coune, eat iood food and behave younelf'. - 1beee days. naan nep. busy with lawn \>OWtin8 and aJ9o with ltretdilns aen:tw to stay tlwp ~Fore. mental~ he .... .Mt lttiicb Cl'OMWOC'd puZ1'Jet in the morning,. He is also active in h1s church and the Kiwanis Oub. In his heyday, when he was overcoming obstacles during the Depression, he took advantage of his love for basketbaJI. HMy eyes and bones don't work like they used to,• Tuggart said while he sat In a rediner in his home. "But that's OK. Basketball, as it was for many in Indiana. was Important to Tuggart. It proved to be the key to education as well. After hJgh school, he played recreationally and met up with a Ball State coach. who told him he could play his way through college. And, Tuggart did. He also worked two jobs -at the Ball Brothers plant.. where glaM and steel~ manufactured, and. as a waiter, where he collected tips to pay for his meals. At Ball State. 18ggart also competed on the track and 6eJd team, In the high jump and dOOJs. Soon alter college, be went into the Navy and then to ~rtd War O. He wu stationed In the Paciftc theater, spedalizlna in communication. One of hit stope while wleh the Navy waa on the Wmt c.out and he became attracted to C&tif'omla. Jlllt befOre flnllhlrlg hil c:areer u • ral estate hn>krr. he IJlCMd to Colia ... TAGQMT,,... A7 f II l~V I ~tit SPORTS TAGGART < '011l111ued from A6 11~1 l,1~rt. who earned IUb 111tlt-1~~·11lu.i1c dt:greE.' an phr.Jcal rl111 iJl1011, also taught and 1•.11 lll'tl111 Wolrtak.e, lnd. lie I 11 workl'C.I <L\ a 'lalesman for ' II I lo11:g.111 w.L'> li.'l whl'n he reurt.'d. 11 ·'"" gulfl·r. he remaml'<.I .ictiw 1 •• 1,, 1t11m1w1111g in llll' Sc!nior •11111 p11., ~·ven yt.'.tr'> .ifll'r I 1111..:. 111' W()f\ lhl' high fll111Jl 1, 1111pio11..,l11p 111 lltt• tt , '''';i1·old d1vi.,icm w11h a 11 .11,1111 I' Vf 4 fl'l'I, /l incht•°' I \""' <1 wry lm1lthy 11 1 '"" uld," lil~drt '>aid. "/\hour II• 11 l11rn· I hJd an 1t.'llh111a •llldtl I · li.ul .1 t hronit tc.1.-.t• ol I• 1111 lt1.1l .t'>lh111<1 lor lh'° flJ'>l l lJ 1• '" B111I ... 11ll111t1nag1· 10 -,ray I I I II fl\(' ,,, .11:1· ,ti. fai.:g.in ht'l.'<.t1nt' 11 "''''d with IJwn ~>O\vlmg. 1111 Ii ·"'Cl l11lfilll-d 111, lll't'l..l IC1Jx.· •W .1111 • I It• plJ}'\ lollI llrllt:'> J • • ~. ""'' hC111r.. a Jay al thl· 'I" 111 11,irhor I ~1w11 Howlu1g 1111 1 I It· 1' t lw oh.lt'\t 11wmtwr '"I \\111b,,,1lt1· dub\ volunlt:'l'r 1•11lil11 11'1,111111t\ l'oordtn.i1C1r 11\ 1:"'·'' fl'I. rt•a111111," la~art • 11.J 111 '"'' 11 howh11~ "I think 11 T[V[ MtCRANl<tDAILYPtlOT Scott Beerer shone in 2002-03 seasons at Texas A&M Unrvers1ty. I 1 • • 'I• 't ttlt•tl 111y hit· lour or li\'t' \ 1 • t \t 11 I, II' 1101 Jll'I good • , 1 ' • 11\ .1l'>l1 !{Olld fl·llm"lup 1 I .,. ti ,1., lrrnn .1 -.i111,1I DRAFT Continued from A6 dttl 1101 rl.iy tilt'. -.pnng. he im- prowd ht'> draft \latu'> from a yc<tr .1go. l..t'>l yc•JC. the MonlreaJ l:xpo' Jiil ked him l87lh overall. I.' I I 11 i:.111. who will ht.• 112 111 • : • ' 1 ·1111 •1·1 a11d "·" ht'l'll lllolff It'd I • • ·1 1 111·. \1,1rw. lor 45 Yl'Jro,. 111 200 I. wa' -.elet:ted in the 't'v t•11th round. I "14th overall, by lht· B.iltimore I lriolt''· llHHtl{h ht· Aat". who trun-,ferred to the IJ111wr..i1y of I lawa1i, wa~ unable to pl,1y thi-, '""'on herauc;e he wa<,n't rlearetl by the N< 'AA. ttAPPY BIRTHDAY ' 'l••bratJng the Daily Pi/ors •t,. of the WeeJ.. seri~s TENNIS Continued from A6 ')111w1 Bowl," \1,mg ... ud . "Hnally wt· an· 111 l>l\1-.1011 I. 'tel now we'll l1111w .. \/\,ho " rt•dlly tlw grt:'ale<.I tl".1111 11\N I )111\l'f'>ll' I() H, Bt.•vt·rlv 1 IJll.,, I 0 B Jlld I t1' 1\lan11to'. 11 ; Our u1111idC'1Kt' lt•\d " prcll y lugh." \\'t•b-,tn °'<UtJ .. , hJH' 1oltl tn} h"'}" th.11 th<') h.i .. 1· Iii twlww J\ml that aJI lh<· pr1·,,urt· '' 1111 ( .d'\1 .. M.mg, 111 Im 11th ~ar at CdM. rnnb 1lw, lt'.un among the top lht· Ill· h.i' ni.ttht'<l l11e ~a l\.111g' o,111,1Uc.,1 lll.tfWn of vicrorv h.t.'> l><:t·n .,., po111" th" c;ea..on. 1 1111\V I hl\'vl'\t'r. \\d>--tt·r '' \H'll ,t\\Jfl' ol ( cl'\1\ (1rCJ\W\.'>. SCHEDULE , c •1111h·r Pon•·t •• , t'J'l!j ToDAY Tennis ' 0 I ,lo JI {)1 <Jrl•I I I' ( 11.1•.1 ,., '" 700() ii t 1· t H1111t111q11111 • • 1 111 H,irlior ''I• di l'l'.J'J 1-.. ' ~. '"' 'n MP'>•·rv••v "111d,•I M,u .. I ht•\ an· lcMdt-<l 111 -.111gl1•,," \\c·h,tt.•r .... mJ "\\l' lrw"' lhl'y \\f111ld lw hl'rt·." < d\t lir11,h1·d :! I .~ .md fo..,t 111 .1 I )1\ ""'" \' 't'lllllinal 111 Bn·111 ww1d 111 2001 . tl11· '>(•a lo:111g.' \\l'fll .!. I () Jlld wok h11111t• Liil' 1)1\1-.11111 \' u"'"" I hn ""n 1he I.II l>1\I 'tl(lfl I 111lt· In l'l'l't High school boys · Corona del Mar vs. Santa Barbara, CIF Southern Section Division I championship match, 11 a.m. at Claremont Club. '' I to'\ C C-Hiflfr'( "I or u.,, lhJI\ hkt· wmn111g tht• ··pl Hotim 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices II• t I trtttfCGl;Jonio . 1 ·""1"""1 -. I 'HWf"f r l1n1.tlf' 11...RHWcn~ s 1 '" 1• •n )fl, ... .,.'' 111d (llPUfMUfl OfrAbS NOH · A job •howin9 um llUH&nNI will be he d al 11·00 "'1V ~"''"'" A M • Wedne•doy, h... • ... ·~' It·• MU< wons Moy 28, 2003, ol UYSUl COVl HAn NOTIU TO lfJOfis 'AlllC, HhlOt'lc Ol•trl<I. I'" • I I A 1)1, I. I I w 4 S PocUlc (oo\t 1~1 tu1 ,, •• ") 1 Jin 1;r,11 11 II· ti • I Hl9hwoy, loguna • l/l~/1111\r/I '' 1 1 • ' • P .,~ leach. California At thr n.1ft,., " t 1 l '• •1 '' ._~ ·•II 1 ••ndance ot the 1ob h,. • • 1t ,,1,_ f u .,. • t., •' • Olt' thowing h MANDA It'''''',.' H• f AH T •lt.i t •, 1 ~//4 TORY ond wllt be the h· t i\•HI II .fl IN I I, 1tl M.tll \1t1l1 onlyopr.or-hmltymode '"t•1•tl1ltrf1ft1itulrt•I "-,11f(flf ~111 lf\\ifNf ""' ttl '" ovollab • fo1 protp•c k1 t.eltt•U\ fJ. ·• 'f 11 1f11 I 't' I f • 11 h11" .~ I\ 111 '" 7 tfve blddert to view 11· ""•'' • 11 hit •I llt1 I 'J 'hll\ W•dn•\day, Jun. the '''• with padt 1 h11t" Ii· f• t1 1f111y1 A~ h\lrc1 t . ., th• •., 11, 1 uo 1 •• .-..hi.'' 10111 p•1,onn•I. No l ld will \11,'' • 't11I h11ht .. , ''' 1tl I I 11 .-o • • t· '11 11 I !1,., 1111 v 1W1ll ,,,.. be C4Httfde1ed from a '""Y''" f~.~1l1tt 111 H11111t t 11 11u• " 11 1111• • ""' • 11 ., ti '"'' ".ut Controctor that did not t11d f···r furru tfH t· ~oud I .uhtr1· ,, .•• w.1·11 l1v tfu "'"• 1100 ,. .. ,~ ollend the mandatory OlPARTMlNT Of o llt 1 I tc • 11 " w1tl1100 iob thowlng& PARKS 1 thtf"f ;,. ,, tu,,,,, th• '• 111 I 1t1u1 I 111•,_,,., t•Vf' t•Hh1rl AND R(CREAlfON 11.th• Ht fl It• I w • 1•,1t I 111 1 ·' 1111 m.tv , , ·"'"" .. ttut 11f1Ltu1 Ruth G. Coleman, "' 1h·h\tt-I' tt t Uo liu1• 1 i 11 t u V I ' I tiht f111 t11· .,,,., 1fli .ttlrtfP. j Acting Director 11,ut' '' 11•1 tt, ~' 1Nl 1111 ""'' tclt 11ut f1l.rn~ 1tv 1l11wu l"uhl1,h .. ct Nf'WI'"'' ltu '"'•h 1 .. 1·1 •11111 ""111 • It Ill\ , .. J•h•t~ "" li•tl P·'' .. t•'• n. H It r o-1.t M1·•. 011lv Iii 111 1 r1tw1I m 4. IH f d (\ 11.1 IAll ""'" "" I 11o1 ........ 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OI I 11t (,ltAIST 0 " 11 t /\KA CHRIS 11 1fl'.C•IF' 11 ltl!ON FOA • "h !I '139 IX'efl t t•y tNl'I MICHfLLf ' IC •fl in the 1• '"" Court of 111 • lllll County ol lti\tj(",f 111r I ·1 llTION FOR I I II ~II\ If requestt 1"81 I 11 I MICHELLE I I 1 t< t if I bl appointed ,. pe<IOl"el it 1• ,..,., l:'IM IO J> k•1• 1 ... the llQte ol a..., ·•••tt.....,..~ I Ml l'F:l IT ION l'IQUMtl ,. d'!< f'dltnr• ... lfld •:Ito"''· w .,.,,,, be n• llrd IO probltl 11 ... will llfld any ccdols "' •iv•ollbll tor I ttl •lllC)l")ll In l119 rile •• 1>1 bytllctcour1 1111 1 FllTION ..=: 11•1ll•1oty 10 ... f!1ln1n uraw 1119 ··~ ,.. l111ilrr'111lltl0n of EstaW Al I ( I hit d10ffly 11111 a11oiw lhl l*IOnll "1~t"frrtaM '° like n my . lldlOt• w111CU1 oh'-1initlQ court ~ l1rture -llidnO 4*tllrl Vl'tlY inwtanl ~ htlMlltf. ih9 perlClf'tll "'" W.llW • be ltred tO five noloe lo •·'et~ ~ " .... fwy tllM "'9Md Ot OOl .... .-f lo ''" pnipGMd don-J Jht ....... ....., dbe .,._M l*IGfl ... ~-.. ......... \ I 1 ''' ',., .. ,ct int ti t1 ful u·~ Vt ( lfh d l l4•0 •H pfm-. wtll hf' "''-"IJlt·1t hv th• 1lq1,11 lment ul PtttL \ Uhl Ut'1ftAhon h'f llOTICt TO CllMOIS Of IWWUNDOf llITTJITQ TO TWMI Al.CottOUC IMIA6f OONSI IMl'kOvf Ml NI t llVI NflNI Niii I I I llMl'l 11 1nd di 1 lot 11t-.. t .. t f.Ji.H I BflKI R SI •/ Ul\IA Ml SA CA ~/l1li> I h,. ""'d 11f tu .-u, .. to tit" If •n·drrr r-.t 1-. ON (IJ.C.C.610Jtt~-I& I SAil IHlk & WINI ,24073 _. ) l !AllNl. l'lA•t lllt N'-C •• ~ ·'"" l 11 • "'' N" ~I E.SCIOW II(). 34037.(JI l'>'>IO I now t\Wr•I for No ht t I' ht'f rb'f r•vt'n ,,, .. "' """ ... "'' ,,,.,, it tt1dl d bulk ,dlt .,1 f.118 H/\111 H " •I '"'~" dlld • ···'"'''"' ,,, l O~IA Ml v .. I A CJ:'hlh otl!,_Qhulti bcv~·~ It lh• lnltuf)Al•ll dA1• nl I hi' fnlklw1n11 Pf'• \OM\ ur dotnl bU\tM\~ a\ Womrn nt Substance 2 S1n1lelret. Newport Beat It, CA 92660 I 1 P.m•el• C1lmuur 2 SmRlelt er Or . Newpor I Utdth, f A 97660. l) P•llt Relhllt 1431 lti1h 81ulf. Newport Be•ch. CA 92660, 3) Rhetta Duey, 418 Vtsl• Roma. rhwporl Buch CA 97660, 4) N•nty llar 11n11ton. 1931 Port l•urtnl, Newport Beach 9?titi0; !>) Sharon lu• 1_,n~rt. 2!127 Buckeye. Newporl Buth, CA 9?660 6) M1<:"-lt Millet. 171 Harbor lsl•nd Newport Beech CA ~. 7) P•m Muuy 25'6 R1v1et1, l1111n• Buch, CA 92651. 8) M11y lov P1lr.hef, 130 Mtnll Pl.tee. Pelm Des ert. CA 92260, 9)Cer•fdtnt Stlllwlr. 1534 Anltqwa. Hewpott Beach, CA 92660 10) Lyn<M She•. 9 hacOfl B•). NII~ Buch, CA 92G60-II) Joen lonn. 1800 Port Chrln . Newport 6te411, CA 92660 Th1t bwstftn It tOll dueled by; I fr'!'*•( ... ,,'"" sttto Hive '°" atwttd dolftC bu1tn1u t•ll Yu, ~/87 Parntla C1lm<111r fhl1 stal•-t wa1 fM wlffl IM Courtly Cltfl1 of Ot11119 ColintJ Ort 04!lOIOJ 1MMt4n11 Oatlr Plttt Mey 14 2l, za. Jwn 4, 2003 WleG GIALSM O\amp6on Andeneti No. 1 Chelsea Barth Jessica Beyer Nikki Borchard Ally Brah• Sarah Buddngham Kati Burke Kathryn Conner Sarah Cox Corrine Damon Kate Donahue Charlotte Gadbots Paulina Leach Allie Moskovits Kaylee O'Connor Taleen Shrikian Catherine Sullivan Harbor Day Sarah Craig Anna Venturini Hannah Rome Anika Gerken Jordan Dillion McKenzie Brown Lindsey Luke Ellie Nadal Kayla Scnmin Erin Almaraz Katelyn Baker Valene Martin Carden Hell Emily Browne Tori Browne Annie Capaldi Lauren D'lppol1to Tabitha Goff Alison Gordon Andrea Keith Michelle Lancaster Lisa Matthews Jordan Murrel Bianca Posey Rachel Wilbur Morgan Wilhams M ary Yeager Harbor View Amanda Bastien Kaili Brande Katherine Donahue Jaden Heineke Brooke Henderson Knsttn Mathuny Hannah Palmaer Emily Romano Olivia Smith Kelli Stefi Sofie Yarberry Nicole Zotov1ch Paulina Zubatov Our lady Queen of Angels Allyson Bernardy Natalie Chase Kelly Cooper PILOT CUP ROSTERS Mteheela Genotosi Megan Griffin Hannah HerokS Elisabetta lmpaghazzo Jeni Penunun Natalie Rempalsk1 J1lllan Taylor M ary Kate Vale Taylor Wong N1k1 Zak K•iset Megan Khadem1 Shanay Fi&dler Kylie Poctiironsk1 Christie Olhauer Blakely Ficenec Andrea Cruz Nicole Baker Alicta Leyba Ivy Gnggs Cinnamon Sary Alexandra Steiner Kelly Rorden Claire Silva Shannon Wagner Amanda Kap1tansk1 Brcttney Stair Miranda'McFarland Lexi McCardle Cour1ney Mcintosh Sadie Evans Josie Joquse Kathryn Zimmerman Lauren Terry Jessie Hensley Carly Sorensen Brianna Truxton Katie Rubio Mariners Kristina Agop1an Delaney Bell Annie Bissell Tempest Blame Shannon Boler Taylor Cordeiro 8289 ~:- I IT Tia lEAIE PIYIBT Sydney Freeman Madison Grant Isabella Holmes Sheyna Holmes Christine Jacques Meaghan Kay Sydney King Guadalupe M ar1me1 Meghan Nance L1uv Newman Tatum Nor1on Angehque Plec<16 Ton Semis Alhson Scn"ltn Natalie Swill Mc1d1'>on WootPrs Christina Youn4 Robing Youny Devis Kdthleen Ryan Mu:::tielle K1n1 Brendd HemJmll~1 Marisal Hu1<.CJl.fo't1 Steph NquyN1 Tonia Baker Kloe Ctldndh•r Alma Gallardo Kelsey King StP.1Jt1c1n1P. ContrH.1'> Hunter Strodd 51.arlen Zamtir.mr Kns1y F1yu4111c1 Andersen Megan Bc,a1Jd1 "''" V1ctr;na B11rkhl!dtl V1C1011a Gal11·rt Devon Gree11le•· Zoya Mohan Silvie Reynoldc. Sarah RPvnol<l<, Jill St Gr•rnf' Ab19a1I Wi.sl•·y Stephamf' Wt1~c·1.., Hayley Wwn tei' 39 MO. lllSl Ill APPROVED EICWDfT CREDIT AH t>1•t11tt erCllJOlt 7rwft' ... ""@"' PP.-">' l .,, • .,._. l P'C:~· ~tit.,.,,. ~._ 'Y'J'i! ;•w:J ').-' .,,.. .-.).? r-: • l ,. .... ~ .. 2524 llARIOl 11.ID. COSTAMUA TAKI SS FWY un , .. DL YO MUIO. Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I h,. fnllt1#tfl~ Vf:r,of1' .if t' dotr1g hU\tOf'~'\ ol'\ NllHllt ,fAH THAl)ING c11 11101 w 1 llh '\t ,,.. r' .,, 200369H783 #ot1 f f-I I ~.4 « r fUfl~ 4 ,,, ftctitious luWtu NalM Stat..it h• I " . ,. STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • ". 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F a:ftort ..,., :I> DAY IVil lli GlWIAHIEE 96644-'ZZ/9 ,_WAY tor monme ~ _. al 1uttier1s. 9&!133-0tl I 'wm .w Dtm s2s... ............... 714438-5210 Jll Alla:, SpN • llbe arJ"5 . II Mike 949·645 7505 iii649-4922~ .......,,°'. ,_.,f, us OFRCE Doos 3615 Pension f uodlrle pays cash now for 8 years of yOUt fURNrTUREJ lAlltADOlt 'U'S OfA ENTERTAINMENT SOUTH C8AST ~lendar~ AUCTI N 22t2S..lllieSt. future pem«>n paymenb Claf CHAM,ION UNES, Cal 800 586-1325 for a BUSINESS platinum blonde, $800 FREE, no obloeatoon 626-359 885-4 e s t 1 m • I e EQUIPMEHT Pet a~ 3660 www~com ------.........,...,. -.<CALllllillll•SCAHilililllil) ---MedicalA)enlal G-s...,....,.._ all Ewnla 1310 ..... 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HELP'' Please call • • 949-842-6453 Merdmldise 3855 fOaon THI STOCK MAUnl NilMplr1 --m needs only one 1round level partnei on lruly promosone product lines Sky·s the hmot Serious call 949 ?95 5824 meel1n1 appointment only ~~ '" ea1o1ar .... • Corona dtl Mar SuteWlde ~hed ad ------ Larr• r-rden w11on, doc house, double stroller 949-SlS 9312 3-STHl IUllDtNGS Up to 70's. otf! 40a60, 50a IOO. 581120 Best Oller! 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I) :I i I Y Pi I 0 l < L I ' . ii i l · d ad " " 11 r k fo r .' ., t1 ~ ' I I c.-• .. • •COMINOSOOf .. • J~C.-.. .. c.u I ··-COAStUNI llAlTY t4t-7st .. 177 •A ~ N•wpwt ......... r~e. 4br (5111 8' /pme rnv'offlct downslan) !l.Sbll located on I quiet OOIMI lot Custom h1tures ltw~ $1.!i!Jlj,IXX) COAS'RN llAlTY t4t-7st-0177 • la.,..,,. c-.....,. The Best of Ev~ In 11!5 IC*louS 48' 2.58. w/a wine ~. libt11y 11!1<1 panon•IT*= vi.w, fl om thlS bluff top home. YOU mus t ••• lhts --12.799.IXX> act.. ioen 9&'107~ A IXGUSm Hr se. Mlrwbll bq tW pllrl, ht&h c 11hn1s. turvtnf mna.. out.de r P • .....,,. klldwt, Q'5tom CIOinlJlry ' 1T¥J'a..Sl,7!f).IXX> MicNal Bmunln, Coasdne 11em11y 96 7$-01 n ~ ._..... DX>sf home on a OYtnlled lot witll IC-,,.__ 48' otfite lBa, le pr FR Lt Wf IP • ound '/If d M.vbla aranrta. ~ inYys. flat SCI-' ~ 1\1 IC' Stave t4t~50-a 10 n.s 10 1HI llAO# .,., you pr rv-.;y too! °"' of the weest 1oa " Ld; s.lCb. J8r iY. v i..t. 1'1'd. madllrn Ila. 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Ir~' ~~ ........ ~ llCt ft ., Wet c.ntr al Cob-*> ~ lo Gt..i ~ l'Ub-Jnll fore& WO> .,,. ~a.­ Road & ....... f~ c...11~3116 le.Al.~) 0 Cthfornoa law re QUtft$ lhal contrec ton tallonr tob' lh•I total $!IOO Of mot• (labor Of mater1al1) be liten,eci by lhe Cunluc lor\ Sta le l ocenu Soard Siiia lew alw 1equ1tn lhal conlraclnrs tndude llle>t llc:eme number on all ad•erlfSfftC Yo;i can chedl the sl•lu\ of your lt"nud contractor 11 www cslb ca rov or 800·321 ~CSLB Unh cenud con If ac Ion talltn1 1ob\ that total less lhan SSOO must state en therr advettiumenh that they••• not lice11s.ed by the ContrK1- Sl•t• l.lceMe Bowd.· A•••I , ...... .. \ RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE -MONYAHA WI> IM- GM«S Ph:ed tor WTllT\t dllte '* t.om S49 990 Ptme like .-i:-ul 1o 1 aaes P1mCrlfr« -~ c.rton Fwry L•e Aa:ess to 1.<XXl.IXXl eaes of 1-WeN tullOOal fOfest 30 ITllnulM to Helena Pavad road t.n1wwounc1 ut*bes CMt tor 11for1T1A1Jon ano bro ctve Owner I$~ 3'20 (c.Ai. • SCAN} CALI' Unqua & cory double Wide rnobllt horne ~II anytime srJfjl( I<•• !n}.797·2833 MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS Renlal To Shan 6030 Newrrt l cJ. lee" looy 4br flse. 7 room\ av.,I f'bVYI..._ km p-U SJ';Om, '"" e ulll"s 949 !1!13 8!>!>3 StorageAjarage Space f« ~ 6060 IAYVlfW HllGHlS (6 ) 10•/0 S200 "'' b()\f S2i() !I'll pr OJI -plA! * ()y, 949 'iOO 3648 Rf SIOENTIAL Rrt~T AJ 5 ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa YLUll Y :& • den 1 !l& 1t llM ~ fdlrllly hunll" I dOOr to ltw lle¥h Avatldblt now SJ4C() mu As~llllNI R~al11 949-(,lfj 4;ia) Balboa Peninsula JI•. 210, w.n. •• bch, b•y •lu••I ICM P•h•• n "" l>C!I S7l00m 1rly '}11<1 lf>J I <JlJ pm fHJ 8:ffo l l r, lie, Sup•r the<' ,..,..,. rtmO<I toodO ~,.,,.. tu t>o.ach fr'1llt 7 ••• RM Sll:b1"' !Jiit 949 .n>--04 / I Conlna del Mar A Cwt ......... twwh. 1800sl 1 Mst" 2 I I? b•lh~ r R 4 patios Pvt c•r W/O. Pool, Spa T •nn" S2600 949 72 J 1141 or 310 4n 7930 1-supu clun turn/ ut1lurn ?br 2ba (7 rT1'ill Mlln w/pvt do!O.\ I ._., to. 4 b1o.s 11 am bcJI. ~noilftro~ 1 at ., S21'J5oll Em ~l~N-4617 ., ... ~2·1.-.i-.. • loft Newly r~modelfld Ip A/C •ht<lponl tub SlJOO/mo 949 46J 8'!61 UDO YlAal Y UASI Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675~616' N•wperthoc:h Pen1n,ul• Studio Ap11 I ment\ anti Art $750 S950 949 673 7800 21r 1.Sle, w•I~ lo buch 4245 H1larr1 nur Hoac 11.r w/d h~ups, $1395/mo 949 6.4!> 3683 N'I ,_lnaulO 2b• yurly rental\ art Sl400· 1950/mo 949 67 3 7800 949 673 7800 HAU Off hi MO alNT FOf move., Mle I w/12 mo '--New rernodej Cape Cod style comm w new doshwa\her & refrlreralot. c.arpel ' C•ll<Rt llje. Wa'ihef/dr.,er tlMle @ ilC>t 18' SI09!1 ?8t Sia!> ~Lora (949) 646 (l'J4 Of 714 633 l'Hl ,.. (;,~ ""'1llm Pilh'J COOYll 2b I ~ ~ (Ion( '!()ii llOp.tirll 111P l¥J>7< p ., SI 7!tl 949 293 ¥,.,I I IA YVllW HllGHTS 20101 Cw..u St 2llr uk ?b .. n .... ~ft W'd ~ llfl Clv<Slf '149 'lOO l648 lu1bluffibr 7bd luwnhunw 2 c &or lumm µo•JI A111 Sl.100 949-673-7800 lfACOii IA Y /IA Y AtONT up\ Id tr\ Lbr I 'JD t 111 &•< .. d h~Ul• 11 ,,. S2600 "''' 94'; b7 1 11411 ,._ ......... _,}, ...... l ., l(t I plan l u•lrom upgr a<Jed lbO<kl B800mo NerolH '-'•Oft ••olty 949-632 6489 ln Sfll 4Ur <Jton JI.a ••t"' 1><1<11 fit fd' d S.C.l(() mu B·"b•r 1 S<in regret Rltr 949 "44 019'.> Rentals Wanted 7880 ••.,.....Ible, matvr• femol• n .. ch re"tol I" COS f AM lSA, HI, N" 1111 llA HAVl A OOG. s 1000/Mo. ans. CA~Ol949-S74-4241 WANTlD ruom ~l WIJ"......,.lor 1ldlpel•1t dgabll!d tTWI wlltl .... M(.g Jo«nn ~l662 Se your unwanted Items the easy way I Place a Classlfled ad today I 4 642-5678 lAllH SHa+ Pf" weeli POlenlial No comn.ute F uo Lea•tomate bu- Home·bMed f uc1n~1tnc product 841 CA>al.Nble "'°I 14 M !he set OW\ ooly llX). 704~ 2286 (CAL •SCM I ....., ._ ar- m•n•aed 1 bu\ontn\ co .-s '/Oii ..... & abti!e lo 19> 1111 la& 714-58'.m G•t 'aid Te I• A My.1..-y Sh.wet tNo F-) k. a °""'*"tdant Corll1 •tor. evaluate Cos lomtl Servo; al r~IMJ ranb. ~ sta~ rte w-becomu~ <om l~t)l?l (CN·~} ~'­,.,,-Tt•m~ Tt•m~ leams w~ ~ , .. otn.., "" the Iona haul Owne• oper•lo" • • P•• ,.nc ~d drMn. "'*'5 le.-irrl\ •nd 11ra<1uat~ \l~nl\ LAI I 888 MORE PAY t I 8PJ!. f:J>I 1129) 1r~ 0 SCM1 0111vu s. HAMS+ WISTB9f f•(I-~~ Solod "*" ... >'cl I•"'"' IWTll'\ tOOfJittrt1.,,. t1 •y ben~lrts pa•~·~· 11•·d vaul)"' (....._, lltU /} YI"' old i((!Jtl MVll lBI r1J 9712 (I.Al. ·~,Ml -oa1vl11s WANHo Nt,wpor1 & H"nl••~11~• fl< h Sff V•~IH r,wn •.t. hf"'11ll_.,I f>•rt ut full time • .,,.114r,1,. 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A luc·lmlding -1ucnce en\ued and lhe iump tn 'lum by Nonb showed c~ltll v11lue~ W11h r101 much more tt1an • rrununum IJIX'nUI¥. ')outh lf«ided that Wll) l\lg/l cnw¥1\, Wc-c led tbc klns ol ,J*k'>. won wuh the M:.c 1J1 Jummy Trumj)\ w~ i.lr•wn tn two roundi. and dcdaru found a prclly I me TI>< ~ toS .mt.I Ill c ,,f d1.unon11' ""'c ~•heel W..O the 111,l uf '~ ''"" led. de<.larcr dh· wudtng the J141n.o11d IO!>CI' hum hand "'id clwmcd the ~litm Wc,l won .,.llh !he Queen. but chd Rl~ rclt'h hem¥ on lead If W~t 1.uukJ rctum " J111mond. Jc\'.ldtl:r ... uuld ruJT 11 II \\CIC the <jUttrl 1)1' cl-.c 1.0•cr J Inv. ui.ulllJOJ c1"1cr v. tMIOi the Jk l 1rnmcJi .. 1d~ .. r l\lflint o1V.J)' fo..&St\ yuc: ... n Jilt.I \C'tltn~ up 111..-lounh Jia m< tn<l 1n Ju mm~ d\ the fuHilhng 111,~ A 'Jladc would ) tt•IJ a rufl and ,fulf ulln14 inv •he du" lo-er to be J1'<.ard~<l ln1m not hand "' !he other l'\llh.•d \t•J J dut> 140Ufd !"< min the ..111ti1n•:J 'lr.rth-\oulh Ltrliii.C cltmt nJl1fl~ it.., 1 .. .,.., 111 lhdl 'U' <,,. 11.:..n' hoJ Jrt<l rn ... t. 9515 '00 I 8ft Dvffy Oect.ic t•••I I ..... ,.. ,,,... ~I'd b1 8"1boa ~lnd Mtr I ~ SI / COO r.00 Q4<j ~ i'Q).l 9680 MlltCUa Y Gro"d Morqul• 'JI .1111t11nd I llh• l 4 711. "'' 11111•" \UVf'f ,_.htt.il-. 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HI PICTURE Color in each space that contains a letter. l' •/ .. -- /: I Come join the fun! Now enrolling for Summer School 2003, June 23 tbru August 15, 9:00 -12:00 and 9:00 -1 :30 are available NOW REGISTERING FOR FALL Fun in the sunl Lots of creative arts & cra~s. science, waterplay & field trips! Co me join us by the bea ch. Ages 2-1/2 -12yrs old. • 2 1/2 , 3 and 4 year old afternoon classes •After-school enrichment classes •.• art, science and cooking 2350 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Next to N~ort Hills Shopping Center) 949-644-4914 ~ ~ R¥ tM ~et. a~,.,.·~ Cate. UNITE,D METHODIST CHURCH 14fJ(J 1-J, ~A fJW., lteupo.t ~' C/19%661 949-673-8233 IT'S NEVER TOO EARLY FOR FITNESS AND FUN! The Frozen Ropes Training Centers are pleased to introduce I THE BORN TO PLAY™ CLUB I A non-competitive activity class designed to introduce 2 lo S year olds to athletic movement and supervised exercise. BORN TO PLA yTM wt11 introduce: Hand~ Coordination Game. 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