HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-09 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2003 PHOTOS BY Kf Nf TRf PT()W DAii f f'IL01 Zak Kong, left, spms his partner, Kathy Wilmes, during their beginning Lindy Hop swing dance class at the Avant Garde Ballroom. Swing shift Classes at the Avant Garde Ballroom bring out teens and seniors, beginners and experienced rug-cutters Coral Wilson Dally Pilot S tep. step. Lriple s1ep. "Swing her out lilce you mean it," dance lnstructor Shesha Marvin 1old his class. Newpon Beach. Rod step, Lriple step, and clap your hands. "Half of you go1 u. half of you did ii. That's OK," he said. Afler reviewing lhe b~ic routine. lhe pace quickened, and lhe room filled wilh a combina1ion of laughter and apologies becween !>et.s. It was the last session of a six-week Absolute Beginning Lindy I lop class, and Lhe class was just starting to catch on to Lhe fast and tricky foocwork. A series of beginning 10 advanced level swing classes are offered Sundays at the Avant Garde Ballroom in The class staned ou1 a li1tJe more Lhan a year ago wilh about 50 '>ludenls, co-instructor Terra Marvin said . Now. about 150 student.s Dancers take their partners by the hand as they wait for the music to begin during a See SWING, Paee A4 Lindy Hop swmg dance class. -IN BUSINESS Home is where the money is in Newport-Mesa A strong reaJ estate r:narket is bolstering sales at furniture and decorating stores during an otherwise soft economy. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -A cwo-year housing boom has led to a steady stream of sales of rugs, sofas. plasma screen televisions and other home furnishings, area retailers said Udla Mandelbaum, the manager of dupuis In South Cout Plaza. said her store has seen a renewed interest in her Mexican-style furniture. "When real estate Is hot. people buy furniture," Mandelbaum said. "One thing goes with the other." Not only have the existing home re· tailers done well; a string of new stores have come to Newport-Mesa In Lhe past two years to give shoppers a bevy of options. Late last month, a new 308,000- square-foot llCEA opened at lhe Home Ranch development in Costa Mesa Fashion Island added Design Within Reach In late 2002 and Shabby Chic in late 2001. South Coast P!ll7..a. slnce October, has brought in Silk l'radlng Co.. Room & Board and Retr~pect.. ln October, the Irvine Co. opened Crystal Cove Promenade, which in- cludes the Yellow Cottage. Acanlhus Gallery. Williams-Sonoma and Juxta- position Home. INSIDE For more business news. see Page A2 ·we have met or exceeded our sales plan monlhJy since we opened in Oc- 1ober, • said Julie Weil, marketing di- rector a t Roo m & Board inc., which also owns Retrospect. "What we're finding too Is an overall level of im- portance placed on the home. . .. They're wanting to make it nice, a re- Oection of themselves." See HOME, Paa• M A CLOSER LOOK Costa Mesa is Broadway bound The Orange County Performing Arts Center continues to build area's reputation as a place for legitimate theater. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot ( ()\fA ML<.,A -CO'>la Me'>J\ Broadway L'> no longer JU'>l a small residenual '>lreet on lhe La.,1:.1de It., metropol11.m It.., culture. It s Lhc !idJlk of Amenca Broadway Senes at Lhe Or.rngl' County Performing An!> Center I or H'M'> performing arh lll'>ldcf"> have tdlkt·c.l dhou1 puumg Orangl' County on Lhe rn.ip and '>ealmg II'> rt•p111at1or1 "" a nauonaJ niltural huh After a grhll JOUrnt'y, lhe area om(• lnoy,.11 onl}' for II.'> proximity lo l.o~ Angclt.'1> ha:. amVl'd ··1 do Lhmk we an· prl'llY much Lhere:· 'kud Todd BenlJt:n, Ct·mer \Ill' pre'>idenl of markt'ting dnd c·ornmuni<"illHJ11' "!liere I'> w 111ud1 .. uppon for t'Vl'l)'lhm~ we c.lo • See BROADWAY. Pace M CITY HALL Council looking at lean budget City leaders will begin di scussions on how to spend city funds today. State budget cris is informs the conservati ve forecasts. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA Ml-\A -C 11) lcac.lel"'> will gel a gUmpse today of what prom1<,ec; to be a lean budget for Lhe 2003 04 fi'>Cal ~ar Ounng a <;tudy ~•on. Lhe C1ry Council will begin conMdenng the o ty's annual hudget. which proJect't about S96 rrullion m revenue and about SIOS mdhon m expendt- tu~. It calls for Lhe gap to be filled by sav- m~ The ciry's fi'>Cal troublC!> could ulumately mean further reducuonc; m revenue. To steel itself againc;1 ma1or cuts down the line because of the c;1ate budget crisis. the budget forecasts !'\"Venue conservatively and expenditures m ore liberally, Mayor Garf "'1onahan said. Rut Lhat doesn't mean Lhe d ry is pend- ing more, Monahan was quick to point ouL See BUDGET, P•• M THINKING ALLOWED ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL • When good houses go bad Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE The keys to the Cup . ON THE WEB: w..w.~can WEATHER ~ If you miaed the morning dN:de, lt'a coming bedt tonight. And there'll be no bfMk from tt.doudt. S.PlipA2. SPORTS ............ J Al Mondly, .ltN 9, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT DON LEACH/DALY PILOT Wes Johnson surrounds himself with Polynesian mugs, lamps, and other items of South Pacific theme at his House of Tiki shop. Where anything goes Paul Clinton Daily Pilot W es Johnson's House of Too didn't get off to the most auspicious stan. Johnson launched his retail store on Sept IO, 2001. As he watched the attack on the World Trade Center a day later, Johnson knew business wouJd be slow for several months. But a rise in popuJarity of Polynesian and Hawallan parties has driven brisk sales of TIJd mugs. Hawaiian art, lawn torches and other paraphernalia with a South Seas theme. Too culture has clearly taken hold again, Johnson said. •Anything goes in Tild." said Johnson, who graduated from Corona del Mar High School in 1981. •tt's just a fun vibe.· The Tiki subcuJture saw a spurt in popuJarity in this country in the 1940s and ·sos among surfers who headed to Hawaii, BUSINESS CALENDAR • Send BUSINESS CALE.NOAA items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.t1W11nson~l11tima.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. lnctude the time. date and location of the .---8Ytltnt.-ff-well as-. QOf'ltact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. WEDNESDAY -.n Cen Rest.untnt. 1500 Adam• """9. In Costa Mesa, will have its grand opening from 6 to 8 p.m., featuring cooking by TV chef Martin Yan. The restaurant will donate The House of Tiki has survived the post-Sept. 11 slump and ridden a fad to success Bali and other far-away lands in searcll of the perfect wave. Tiki parties and luaus began to crop up. New Orleans restaurateur Ernest Beaumont-Gantt brought Tiki culture to Southern California in 1937, when he opened his Donn the Beachcomber bar in Hollywood and began serving exotic drinks such as the Zombie. Pi Yi and Tahitian Rum Punch. Polynesian p841es, ln the 1950s, provided "the outlet that allowed the man in the gray flannel suit to regress to a rule-free primitive naivete,~ according to Sven Kirsten's Book of Tiki Locally, the Kona lanes bowling alley. all of the proceeds from $10 admission tidtets to Share Our Selves, a private nonprofit agency serving low-income Orange County residents. For more information, call (949) 642-3451, ext. 262. ONGOING The Cost. Mesa a.amber of Commerce hosts netwomng luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Countiy Oub. The coat is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa:-(Tt4)-885-9090. Th• Costa Mesa Communkaton Toastmasters Oub meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. which was built in 1958, reflected '50s Tiki influences. Now, like swing music in earlier years. Polynesian culture hu made a comeback as the latest retro fad Weekend gatherings have taken on a Too theme, Johnson said. Many of these hosts stock their back yard with items from House ofn.k:i. A vintage Tiki mug can be purchased at House ofl'i1ci for $85. A statue costs $25 to $1,000. Ti1ci torches cost abbut SS. Johnson had custom House of Too mugs made up. They cost $15 and will •fit a full beer,• he said Johnson, who grew up in Newport Beach as an avid surfer, opened House of Tiki in what was once a residence on 18th Street in the Westside section of Costa Mesa. • Got an interesting tidbit or story idea about a local business? E-mail it to Daily Pilot bu1ine11 reporter Paul Clinton at psul.clinton@lstlmes.com. The Newport a.ech Distinguished Toastmasters Oub 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m . Tuesdays in Sgt Pepperoni'• meeting room, 2300 Bristol St., Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Mesa M11•1ngen Toutmut9n Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church. 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. The Newport Gent.r-Toestrnenln Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondays at the Irvine Co., 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 756-1026. The HarbcHttta Toutmast.n Club mNb 8t 7 a.m. Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. (949) 293-4630. Daily A Pilot Conti Wlleon N8W9 &Mistant. (949) 674-4298 coral.wl'9on•1.r1ma.com PHOTOORAPHStS Seen Hln.r, Don l.ledl. Kent T111PlOW Box 1560, Costa Meu, CA 92626. Copyright No news atorfel. illustretiont, editort.I matter or adVertlsemen1S herein can be reproduced without written pennl•lon of copyright own«. VOL 97, NO. UJO Newt EdllDr'I Gina A)exander, Lori Andlnon, o.r.t Hunt. Paul Sahowttz. Denlel S\Wenl NlWSSTM' Cl1me '=r CC:::-1'91)0tlef. (948) 57'"4226 ~bhMathelMirN&c:om JuMC1111a• Newport ....,_ repc>ft8r, (IM8)57~ Ju~•l«lnwM.oom ,.,,Clfl-. l"olltJcl. bu9lnem and 9"Yironmem ...,,_,, (IM8} 7eM330 p11Ul.dlnton•"""'*'-oom Lt919...,. Coeumnilt. ~ ,.,,..,, (M}DMnl ~...,,..,com ........ c.--.. ....... c..PM221 ~·~ a ss c..-. ~ t1:....,._..nwm .............. , .. READERS HOTUNE 19491 &42-8088 R«otd your comments about the 0.lly Pilot or newa tlpe. ~ Our edd,.._ le 330 W. Bey St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92827. Office houre we Mondev-Fridey, 8;30 a.m. -5 p.m. ComlltlOM It le the Pllot"9 policy to promptty correct elf enore of IUb9tance. Pleeeec.11 (Mt)~ FYI The Newpott ~ MeN Deify""'°' (USPS-1.....00) le publiehed ~Hy. In Newport 8eectt and COllta Mlee, IUbecl lpclorw .,. .,.....,.. orttv by tub9crtblng to The Tlmel ~Count'( (100) m .. ,,,. 1n.,... ~ °' .....,,, ... and c.. *-· IUblc:wlpdoi• to the°"'¥ Nat.,. we••bte ~ byftrllt._ mell b .... "'°"". ~..-.. .. ...... _""" 1oa11-.1 POITMMTBt .... .....,_ =-·~ I .... a., ..... P.O. HOW lO REACH US QCllMtioft The Times Onlnge County (800) 252·9141 ~ Q1 11 Wied (949) &42-6878 Dllpe8y (949) 642-4321 f:dlllMW ..... (Mt) 642-6880 ....... (9118) 574-4223 Newsr..(948) ....... 170 ....... ,_ (948) 8I0-0170 1411111: dt#IYPl1ot•1ttt1,,,_com ... Olllee • --a.. (Mt) Ml-4321 ...... _,.. (948) 131-7128 "' ......... ~Tlmel Community ........ of IN la~ nm.. ClllOGI Tam. CN. NA ;w. ·--- ' WALL STREET WEST ICN trying to reabsorb spinoff T he still-new corporate leadership at lCN Pban:miceutk:U Inc. took another step toward repairing a company WaterPik aped to pay $1 million on the back end of the deal. • payment that will be bued · on the unit's 2003 pedormance. •A major strategic objective n•uL for our pool rl'l business bu been damaged by executive in-fighting. regulatory CLINTON to accelerate sales and profit growth through the development of a more comprehensive package of pool equJpment and accessories," Otlef Executive Michael Hoopis said. investigations, shareholder lawsuJts and renewed competition to its hot-selling hepatitis drug. On Monday, the Costa Mesa drug maker announced it would try to roll back the abortive spinoff of RllMlpbarm Inc. in April 2002. ICN tendered a $168 million offer to buy back the public shares of Ribapbarm. which owns the rights to hepatitis treatment ribavirin, for SS.60 a piece. ICN offered 20% of the company for $10 per share. "We have concluded that now is an appropriate time to re-integrate Ribapharm, and we believe that this offer will provide stability to Ribapharm and its critical scientists, eliminate distractions and bener enable us to focus our efforts on augmenting our growing specialty phannaceuticaJ business,· said Robert W. O'Leary, ICN chairman and chief executive. Earlier this year, ICN ousted most of Ribaphann's board members, saying it had lost confidence in them. Almost immediately after the buyback announcement, investors rang the alarm bell Ribapharm shareholder Maxine Phillips sued the company on Monday, accusing ICN of angling to buy the stock ·as cheaply as possible,· the Los Angeles Times reported An ICN spokesman dismissed the suit as having no merit On Friday, shares oflCN rose 0. 7% to dose at $15.30. RNA shares rose I . 7% Friday to dose at $6.36. Wala' Plk Technologies Inc. announced it had agreed to pay $8.1 million up front and as much as $1 million later to acquire Air Bnav Heat Pumpe Inc., a privately held · manufacturer of beat pumps for swimming pools. A1r P.nergy Heat Pumps. a Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Company, logged $13 million in sales during the past year. in 2002, Water Pik logged $281.8 million in top-line revenue and SS.49 million in bottom-line income. Shares of PIX sank 3.8% Friday to dose at $8.06. UPGRADE,IDOWNGR Analysts downgraded two pro(essional-aervices providers and a so~ company this week. as we begin monitoring the activity of Wall Street analysts' coverage of local stocks. The Information was reported on Briefing.com. B. Riley & Co., on Thursday, downgraded software provider fUeNet Corp. to Neutral from Buy based on valuation and said the shares had exceeded the firm's $16 price target. Shares of the $637.3-million-market cap FILE closed Friday at S 17 .08. a 2.311(. drop. On Wednesday, Robert W. Baird & Co. cut Its rating on Raoun:a Connection Inc. to Neutral from Outperform. The company, with a $49.3 million market capitalization, provides a host of professional services, including auditing. human resources and Information technology. Shares of RECN closed flat Friday at $20.39. On Monday, O'. Davidson & Co. dropped its rating on Amb .. 'ldoft lntemadonal Inc. to Underperform from Neutral. The S JJ 2.9-million-capitallzed Ambassadors provides domestic and international travel services. Shares of AMIE closed Oat Friday at $11 .48. •PAUL aJNTON covera the BmlirDrunent. b•alr,.sa.and politics. His column Wall Street West will run fNery other Monday. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or bye-mail at paul.clinron tllatlme•.oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be moctty doody today, The IOUthwest ewetl wtth fog and drizzle In the inc:reaaa today, and thould morning and eventng. The fog keep the Orange Coalt In and drizzle wtll be mo'9 good wavee until about prevalent the later it gets. Thunlday. Sometime In Highs wtM be 66 to 73 betwMn, another IOU1hw.t deg ..... , end lows 68 to 83 .-1 Will mov. In for eupport. deg,.... h'e too bad the eun'9 not~ ............ , to ... thlL www.nwa.nOM.gov bpec:t<Mlt-to ~ BOATING FORECAST todeyMd~on 11.Med.y. .... ..-,: tt1I be a mid ct.f on IN WWW.turlWdft:OfV lnnerwmr., wtll ~ .,..... .. • 2 TIDES .... Md ............. ,... ........ .... -rt0t•••--•4 t.t end .......... 2ta3flllt. 12':02•.m. UIMtloW ,.._.._It won't be mud'! l:30a.m. U2Mthtlh dlffli•itw.t .... ltlto 16 11:371.m. 0.71Mtlow t.tlndMWt2tiMtot 8:23p.m. U2t.etNgt: lrMleron1 rnlmdiWel- ,.,,., ......... end WAlD .............. TEMPIU11111 '°""~ ..... ~ -....,YG'I fDOUI ..._ •t11m • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .... . . ,. Daily Pilot Storm drain to get stepped-up pollution enforcement Newport Beach will take a more active role in keeping Santa Ana River drain clean. Officials considered shutting down the drain, diverting to sewer. June Cau1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -A pollu- tion-prone stonn drain that may have contributed lo the 1999 beach closure ln Hunllngton Beach doesn't have to be shut down and the Oow diverted lnto the sewer system, but the city must take other measures to stave off hazards posed by the Caltrans-owned drain. And neighbors are sure lo feel some of the effects. City officials say they plan to step up enforcement of water- quallty rules in the Seashore Drive watershed, an area be- tween 61st Street and the Santa Ana River on the south side of Coast Highway. Residents of the area will receive letters in the mail sometime in the next few weeks telling them of the city's plans to increase pollution con- trol in the area "We'll probably be sending the water-quality police out there more to make sure that people are picking up after their dogs, things Lilce that,· said Assistant City Manager Dave K.iff, who added the area would be consid- ered a "special enforcement zone.· The city will also post ·Don't Pollute" signs in the area and distribute pet waste bags throughout the area. The storm drain is particularly problematic to ocean waters be· cause it is almost completely clogged and is in the tidal zone. whlch means that ocean water noods in during high tide. The stagnant water trapped inside might be providing a breeding ground for bacteria. SUt backed up lnto the storm drain might also contain pollutants. The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board was con- sidering forcing the city of New- port Beach to spearhead an ef- fort to shut the storm drain and fi nd some creative way to get the water out and into the sewer system. "We decided it wa'i appropri- ate to give the city i.ome time to try this approach." sald Kurt Berchtold, ru.sii.tant executive officer of the water quality board. The city wasn't too keen on the idea for a number of rea- sons For one, it'i. not the city's &ionn drajn. The city is respon- sible for fixing the problem be- cau~. though it'!. Caltrans· storm drain, most of the runoff in 11 comes from Newpon Beach, Berchtold saJd. Moving the contaminated wa- ter posed some serious logistical challenges, In part because the tides that force ocean water into the storm drain system would have added to the difficulty and expense of treating the water as sewage. The city was consider- ing using tanker trucks to move the water into the sewers. Now the board has approved the city's proposaJ to work to re- duce the pollutants that enter the storm drain. Over the last two weeks. city workers have in- \taJled filters a t the Morm drain enLrances at a cost of about $30,000. Enforcement and the campaign to educate the public will cost about $12,000 a year. Kiff ~id that the city would have preferred to -,pend these resource<; throughout the city on a number of different water· quality problems. "It\ a priority for us because it's a prionty for the board." Kiff ..aid. Come see the new EverWood· CountryS1de blinds rrom Hunter Douglas Overlapping stars create a beauuful board -on-board design And the ·step-up· look adds depth. d1mens1on COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW and character to any room And EverWood CountryS1de will not warp. crack. peel or fade. Even in humid areas or direct sunhgtu Come see these beauuful bhnds today. ON THE AGENDA Here are a few items that the Planning Commission will consider tonight. RELOCATION OF HUSCROFT HOUSE The Huscroft House, originally constructed around 1915, was moved to Santa Ana Avenue in Costa Me a in 1954. Because the houi.e 1s consid ered a historic landmark. the city accepted donation of the structure when the property the ho use was on was redeveloped in the 1990s. Because of costs and policy issues involved in relocation of the structure to Fauvlew Park. as was initially planned, the city offered the house for saJe. In January 2003, an agreement was reached berween the city and applicant John Mo rehean detailing relocation of the Huscroft I louse to 548 Bernard GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG IMIOl.VED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 5744298. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a tasting effect on a young person's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with men1ora to improve their school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships. (714) 549-9622, 8)(t. 35. MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nvtritioualy prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping and cooking fo r themselves. For more information, call (949) 645-8050. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTltA St. and its rehabilitation Several planning applications are needed to accommodate relocation of the house. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff has recommended approving the relocation permit, master plan and mmor design review. It also recommends denying all the variances requested, including a minor variance from interior front setback requirement\, and denymg a conditional UM' permit for shared parking. "It's a pretty complicated application and it has a lot of part~ to it.• Olairman Bruce Garlich said. "Staff has · recommended some solu11om. that the applicant isn't willing to malce." FINAL MASTER PLAN FOR TEWINKLE PARK rhe plan recomm end s converting the existing and programs, special events and habitat restoration pro1ects. The interpretive center is at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach (714) 973-6829. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND V1SrTORS BUREAU The bureau Is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential visitors. Volunteers with extensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. (949) 722-1611 NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers will be certified dunng training worUhops the Central Library. (949) 717-3874. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Beach Premiere Cinema Guild, which supports the Newport Beach Film Festival, is looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic ba<,cb.ill/'>oftball w mpll'X tntu a four fi eld '>oftball only facil11y , pullini.: 111 new tennis, volleybaJI and ba'>kl'tball court:., a 20,000·!.quarc foot permanent -.luuehoard tacll11y and a 10,000·\quare-foot community center; and nmova11ng tht' lake. The plan ali.o propose'> improvement'> to the bru.Jgc and mt·d1an on Jurnpero Draw WHAT TO EXPECT nic plan provide<, a t·omprehcn<,1w rt'\'lt'I.\-of Lhe my., mo\I U'>ed lldrk. I lw plan proc..es\ uwolved '>IJ.:rlificant communuy anvol\ement. !>taff believe'> the uin .. ultdnt has prudu<.:ed a well wr111en plan 10 gwde recreational progranh and fac1ht1e'> JI le\\'1111..le Park for the neX'l fiw ye • .tr'> Therefore. '>laff fl'rt>mmcnd" at rcptance of tht• plan .. r he key thmg for me I'> that none of thc m•w tlung'> or t hange'> to the eimt111g park will he finalii'ed by adoption ol the and cultural heritage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival. (949) 253·2880 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs eXlra hands to perform clerical duties, sucn as fihng. organ111ng and stuffing envelopes, at the Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave (949) 717-3890 NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beach Recital Series Guild needs volunteers to assist in fosteflng music appreciation so classical music will endure. (949) 644-4208 NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design, sewing, make-up application, set construction. tedinical help, pubhcrty, stage management and bacbtage supervision. (949) 759-1046 o r LKSaf ~sol.com. FYI IUIBhlt• •WHAT: Planning Commission meeting ......... ,.,._, .... .., ....... , .. •WHEN: 6·30 p.m today •WHERE: City Hatt. 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (71 4) 754-5245 ma<,ter plan." C,arlach \aid. "A.., pieces are implernentl'd. thl'Y umw ba1 k with morl' dt'taal " ~ALDEN'S I, •• c •~flf''' ... ,,.( 11'"4 \\.1"-.t#N" (.11.H ... 16&3 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 ART IN MOTi F ~II I NDULGE YO U R P ALETTES This week's cxlribit touts local artist Ra11 Friesz. H1!> acrylic abstract pieces have a distinct indiv iduality th11t has garnered him success here and abroad. From the Collection of Ray Friesz: Discover the fl.ivor of celebrated local artists Delight in complimentary samples of Motifs culinary masterpieces. a glass c1f aromatic wine. and relax to the sounds o f a classical guitari:.t Savor the cuisine, admire the anistr; Art Exhibit & Reception Wednesday June 4th. 5-6 pm. Complimentary validated parking Ari I 'h1h11 .. \\ill 101111nue thrnuqh <>tpltrnber 1, 200'! Ph.•a'>l' l JI \1ntif JI 'HY 234· !J.!O f .. r lurtht'r inforrno11un I /• ""''"~ / ... JI ~""' 1 , •• "'"'C U>OU A .... I June 11 June 18 --Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber orchestra needs volunteers for ticketing, ushering, phones, mailing and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board of directors. (949) 830-2950. ~t/Sr~~ R e t a u r a n t • -:j._? Joy Palter<,on Ray Isip -----Established In 1962------ NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other chemical dependencies seeks volunteers. (949) 648-9927 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 548-8754. ~BAY NAlURAUST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preeefve ls looklng for volunteers to uslst with naturalist-led tours / ,,, Ji, ,r,·1 ''''"''' ( 111/ ('>·t'JI (H(l--')+f I h'h I I\ Ill~ \H ( "''.I \l<>A Steaks • Seafood • c.ocktalls .. -Quality SaTice··· ·-N".pdy Eattttai.nmeor• .. ' . \ ,,, '.. .. . . . . '01 FORD ESCORTZX2 Sporty~ car, e«ttfted 121.523 .. ) •l,976 '()()PONTIAC MONTANA co. power group, very dean 127 .. 2271 •l,976 '01 CHEVROlET 2500 HID PIOCUP ~odo. auto.ale (2181831 •J6~976 'OOFORO FOCUS SE Verydeon, must ... 12861081 •9.976 '97 FORD AEROSTAR XL T Auto, o/c, lood.d IA920581 •16.976 1998 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE Auto, Power Group, Low Miles (269890) 512,976 TIIE ST. R EGIS Home to a certain world '01 TOYOTA COROLLA Ai$o. o/c. dean IS4067ot '1l976 'OOMERCURY MOUNTAJf&R Very dean U.«:8'$ 114.976 M Morida;', Nie 9. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Firefighter falls at scene of house fire Amid thick black smoke from a structure fire, fire.. fighter and paramedic Ed Wick fell from an attium window to the first tloor of the house in Newport Beach on Sunday morning. "Thankfully, he is in sta· ble condition, and bis inju- ries are minor," said Donna Boston, public in· formation officer. "It ls very worrisome when you hear a firefighter is down on a call." The call of a fire at a house undergoing eitten· POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Ent 17th Street end Newport Bout.vard: A man was a1T'8Sted on suspicion of presenting a false identification to a police officer at 2:30 a.m. Sunday. • East 19th StrHt •nd Tustin Avenue: A woman was artested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs at 1 :01 a.m. Sunday. -G•rden Grove Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of selling narcotics in the 9100 block at 1:30 p.m. Friday. • North Flower Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of violating a protective ordinance in the 500 blodc at 1:50 p.m. Friday. •West 19th Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of BUDGET Continued from Al "I think the staffs done an ex· ceUent job of tightening our belt (considering! what's going on with the state.· Monahan said. MTh1s does not take into account if the state cuts its budget $5 mil· lion in a fund that affects us.~ In addition to the state's pro- jected $34-billion shortfall, some challenges to the city's financial outlook are a slowing economy, rising costs of services and slug· gish tourism. Marc Puckert. city director of finance, said the key word of the budget is "flat." since there is al- most no change from the previ· ous fiscal year. The only changei. are four items that represent un- controllable costs. Those items are: increased pension costs from losses in in· vestment earnings within the pension fund because of the re- cession, totaling about $1.6 mil- lion; debt service payment for a new computer system for the police department, totaling about $640,000; complying with new storm water runoff require· men ts from tJ1e federal govern - ment. totaling about $I milljon; and costs for fixing a fuel leak at one of the fire stations for about $300,000. The preliminary budget aUows sJve remodeling at 169 Shorecllff Roa<l came in at 7:17 a.m. Firefighters saw black smoke billowing from the second Ooor and set out to make sure no one was inside, Boston said Wick fell from the top window of a vaulted ceil· lng and was rushed to the Western Medical Trauma Center in Santa Ana, Bos- ton said. There were no other injuries. 1\venty-one firefighters had the fire un· der control within 45 min· utes, Boston said. The cause of the fire in the vacant house is under investigation, but it ap· pears to have been acci· dental, she said. The dam· age estimate was $100,000 to $200,000. scavenging in a dumpster in the 500 block at 9:50 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Sherington Place: Petty theft was reported in the 1700 block at 11:51 p.m. Saturday. • Shorectitf Road: A structure fire was reported in the 100 blodc at 7:17 a.m. Sunday. •West Co•st Highway: A vehicle theft was reported in the 2400 block at 11 :54 p.m. Saturday. •16th StrMt Trespassing was reported ifl the 1700 block at 11 :50 p.m. Saturday. • 19th Street and Court Avenue: A physical fight was reported at 1 :38 a.m. Sunday. • 27th Street: Disturbance from a party was reported in the 100 block at 2:31 a.m. Sunday. the city to maintain programs and services at existing levels. It estjmates the city will take in about $38 million in sales tax and about $15 million in prop· erty lax. Items discussed during today's council meeting will include: the Planning Commission's com- ments on the proposed Capital Improvement Program; pm· posed additional full-time posi- tions; the general fund operating reserve; community objectives; support to commissions and committees; Costa Mesa Beauti- ful/Costa Mesa Safe; review of the city's investment policy; and Westside Costa Mesa improve- ments. The council will also focus on the $1 million in revenue that has not been allocated yet, Monahan said. The discussion begins after a special Redevelopment Agency meeting, whkh is set for 2 p.m. in City HaJI, Conference Room lA. ··1 think what we'll see (today] is a discussion of some prior· ities," Monahan said. "There's not a lot of maneuvering room." Monahan will also bring up a formal discus.sion on capping counciJ members' expenditures. • DEtRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (94.9) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. •t'!~ft!9! ,i.§ijfo pi SOLAt{IAN' .~ALApj,!§ lft" fOOU>BHllAPIB DINH SOLID llAIDWOOD PLUSH CAIPBT ••99 ...... ,..,lee ...... ft. ....... ... .. SWING Continued from Al Crom 13 to 80 years old come out on SUndays to dance. The secret to swing dancing ls just to have a good time, she said. ~It's supposed to be spaxzy, crazy. loud and obnoxious," she said. "You just rnak.e it up as you go." A180 years old, Oint Holland said he took up swing dancing after his wife passed away four years ago. Before dying. she asked bim to continue doing the things they loved to do together - lncluding bicycling, dancing and downhill skiing. That gave him a free pass, he said, and now, dancing keeps hJm young. healthy and active. "l lilce the activity. There's a lot of movement." he said. "You have to think and plan ahead" It's easier than it looked, Michael Poley said after learning the basic steps. uThe advanced dancers just do the basic steps with a lot more flair.'' he said. The first couple of days were intimidating, but after six weeks. he said, he can just about get by BROADWAY Continued from Al Bentjen said producers of critically acclaimed shows such as "Urinetown," "StarLight Ex- press" and "Oklahoma!" - which are among those in the 2003-04 Broadway Series -are eager to come to the n ew center of suburbia. Many shows set re· cords in Orange County, Bentjen said, and if they don't, they come really close. "Shows love coming here as much as we love having them here," Bentjen said. The Center announced last week its 2003-04 Bank of Ameri- ca Broadwdy Series. whkh in- cludes "Jesus Quist Superstar," "Flower Orum Song," "The Pro· ducers" and "Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance." Officials have touted the series as star· studded and balanced -the best entertainment for all audi· HOME Continued from Al Business has been going so well at Gary's Island Home in Fashion Island that owner Dick Draeger is now negotiating with landlord the Irvine Co. for space to expand. Braeger says he sus- pects that people are putting off their European vacations and using the money to remodel their living rooms. "People aren't traveling as much." Braeger said. "They're spending more on their homes." Even in a weak economy, the two destination shopping cen- ters South Coast Plaza and Fa.~h ­ ion Island have fared weU and seen their home stores outper- form other retail categories, spokeswomen said. ~we do have a very strong re- ALLOWED Continued from Al I'm sure each creak and moan from the wooden planks of the decaying home tell a story about Costa Mesa -or perhaps the .tales are about Santa Ana, where the house was originally built in 1915. It was moved to Costa Mesa in 1954. If that house could really talk. it HOCKEY Continued from A 1 we will all see heart. pride and competitive spirit flourish and the NHL will relgn in a new Stanley Qap Own.pion. Game 6 was a game In which I really tho~ that the star playen for the Oucb would have to p1-y a major role if they v.iere to win. 8Jg games require the big name players not only to show up but to play a stgnlficant role in the outcome. I looked for two players to lead the team, and they dJd 1101 disappoint It waa obYious to me that Paul Kariya and R~ were those lcey players. Not only for the reuon that they are pttbapl the two best p&aym on the (Mm, but becauM of what their leldellhip meant ID thl$ -.n'taaccw.. Jadya ... bMll 1 Cl'dd. lery cuotpeClkw wl ._I* ICtiorlS tpeak louder ct.> his wonk. He 11 lbli IO IM lhe UlOe fA ·~ byldl i*WWW on the tee.~-~. role In ~ bCb9tilalbd ~ ................. Ht 11 loOIDed co by lhe 6ni' .net ( KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Clint Holland, 80, has no trouble keeping up with his partner, Vanessa Koman, 19, while practicing the Lindy Hop. on the dance floor when classmates meet to practl.ce their moves at na Juana's in lrvine. Their instructors host Swing Night every Wednesday night, he said. "I've been kicked a few times,. but not that hard," he said. There had been some body smaclcing as well, Joy Hought added. "Everyone just apologizes and keeps going." she said. ences. ON THE MAP Arian Langston, spokesman for the Orange County Museum of An in Newport Beach, said the Center's Broadway series is one of the things that has put Orange County on the cultural ma p. He was not at all surprised at the Center's phenomenal line up. .. , think ii is fair to say the Center has established itself as a logical venue," Langston said. "Not to say anything to compro· mise their efforts in getting those shows, but they are so estab- lished that it is not extraordinary that they get them." Orange County is no longer just tract homes just south of Ins Angeles. II is not just the home of Disneyland and orange groves. Still one of the nation's richest counties, despi!e a bank- ruptcy in the 1990s, Ordflge County has the resources to sup- port a strong cultural center. "We are beyond the point tail category," said Shayne Voor- heis. Fashion Island's sales and marketing director. "The whole category is performing very well. The trend is that people are stay- ing at home." Other local home retailers are seeing solid sales. Ellen Jones. manager of Juxta· position Home in Crystal Cove Promenade. said the focus on home ha~ come from a chilling in the lravel markets since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. 200 I. "J think especially in light of Sept. 11, people want to nest and make their homes comfortable," Jones said. "Their dollars are go· ing into home improvement.'' One way to gauge heightened home improvement activity is to look at the pennjts issued by dry building departments. Newport Beach ()lamber of Commerce President Richard Luehrs said. Luehrs himself pulled a per· would probably beg to be put out of its misery. Any mystique the old home once had has been stripped by Costa Mesa officials and their inability to do anything decisive with the home. They have slowly suffocated the structure by keeping it in such horrible condition all these years, The donated Huscroft House encountered resistance even before the city spent $54,000 to move it from 2529 Santa Ana Ave. to TeWmkle Parle. his teammates to score. no question about that, but wha1 he was asked to do by the coaching staff this season was to become a more well-rounded player and make others around him better. UJce a true leader, the captain o( the Ducks ful6lled this request from his coaches above and beyond anyone's expectation_'- Wlthout Paul's commltment to the franchise. his teammates and the fans, none of what we have experienced would have been posslble. A sel6ah star player- and beUe\le me there are lots of them -is not willing to sacrifkle the at.au and the UmeUgbt for the greater good of the team Remembcrthi&; lhtrC is no "1" ln TEAM. ~ow lots of SUY5 don't Kanya wu able to dtm0nstmte all of these charact.erisdcs becao.se of 41ne lrightming hiL IClrtya -c:rulhld at Iha~ blue tine by defenle9n&n Scan ~It WU I dean hit by !levma. who hl9 the nputadon fo~~~lot. become part al the 9llMrw ~-·~ ..... llDIW .... ., ,,. ....,. ippieliwd to comt ha to It's fun, the music is good. and swing dancing attracts a wide variety of people, ·Hought said. Unlike other forms of dancing. gender roles are clearly defined, and she enjoys the chance to express her femininity, she said. While Foley and Hought had decided 10 taice a break for the next ses&on, they agreed that they weren~ ready to give up. "You can do it if you keep practicing," Hough! said. "Even if where we have to contrast our- selves to LA,· Langston said . ''We have our own identity, and it is a very strong and sophisti- cated identity, and growing more so all the time. You don't have to talk people into coming to Orange Counfy anymore." While there is a strong sup· port for the arts in Newport- Mesa, one Daily Pilot reader, Garry Short, questioned locals' n•action to the title "Urine- town." "It looks like another greal season of Broadway musicals coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center, but a couple of questions." Short wrote in an e·mail. "A play with the name 'Urinetown' might win Tonys in New York., but will it really sell in conM!rvatiw Orange County?" A BIT OF FUN Bentjen acknowledged a hur- dle with the show's name and said even New Yorkers had to mit to redo a portion of his own home, he said. A remodel can often lead to an array of new ac- cessories. "I'm absolutely familiar with that," Luehrs said. "When you remodel the kitchen, don't tell me you're going to bring in that old glassware." Newport Beach's building de· partment has, since 1996. issued record numbers of permits for work.. Costa Mesa Building Di- rector Rick Brown could not be reached for comment. In April, the city issued 14 per- mits for new homes and l I for demolitions. The city averages about 130 permits for total home projects. Building Director Jay Elbettar said. Every year since 1998, the ci1y has L<>sued permits for more than $200 million worth of work on homes, he added. "We noticed a rise two years Now, even those who can appreciate the historic value of the house don't want to keep paying for it I doubt the house holds a spedaJ place in anybody's heart anymore. This is.<.-ue has been beaten to death, and the Huscroft House hangs onto its hinges by a stripped thread. It's time to put the old girl om of her misery. She is past her prime. Beyond repair. Pull the plug. c.an it quits. Of course. there is still the consciousness as he lay still on the ice, he was helped up and off by teammates, as he could not do so under hia own power. We all worried that J<ariya's season had just ended. and maybe, so did his teams. Then that f\mny thing happened. Kartya came back to the team bench. took a quick sbre on the foe and pronounced himself~ for action. Coach Mike 8aboodt sent his star over the boank, and wtthln minutes, Ka~ Oew down the left wing and b1uted a patented slapper up over the aboulder of Brodeur. Just like dwt. Kartya announced hewubect. Not only had Kattya shown his mettle. Rua:h1n woukl. as well. Rucchin ha been aott!y miastd in the luc few teUOns u he has barded vartout eerious but Oub lr1jurie& Aa Rucc:bin~ roommatit on 1he &"Old for lbol.lt t1a 1111 IPl'lt I p to lmaw l*la wall.IM*a.*-,_.,1 tpent mant dme With RoOdt d:ien with my own wife Ind._.__ With -t lelmed whal amde Aoodl ~ md cbe-ublm Mihm& ........... ca C t)f iliilm. Wiildilit .. Dally Pilot Jt eeems like you can't. your feet remember." You have to know what you are golng co do ahead of time. and ~ con1ldent, Shesha Mwvin told hi.\ class. f le lnstruCted them with the directions to commit and then execute. "Rod step, and stop right there, -he said. "Look at us, look at you. and tix It." He called out the steps In place of music -step, step. triple pull. Five, six, seven .. elght '11lat was it, that was it, there we go." Joe Bauer announced proudly to his partner. The~ class came to an end, and the intermediate class was starting. Wtlliam Daniels prepared to hit the dance ftoor. Swing dancing allows for innovation and creativity. and there is always something more to learn, he said After his years of practice. he said, the class ls still jUl outlet for movement and expres.sion for him "Your energy level is just elevated," he said "You can't help bu1 come away exhilarated." • CORAl WILSON is the news assistant and may be reached at (949) 5744298 or by &-mail at coral. wilson@larimes.com. learn to love it. Producers and theaters launched a "just say it" campaign. which had the folks of New York uttering its name up and down the streets, he said. People really need to see the musical, whkh Bentjen de- scribes as a loving parody of Broadway. to understand why the name was chosen. The show pokes jabs at its own name. as well as making loving references to "Les Miserables," "Cabaret" and "Starlight Express.· ·People who really love Broad· way will appreciate the loving tribute that it is,~ Bentjen said. . Seasdn tickets cost from S200 to $433 and can be bought by calling (714) 556-ARTS or visit the Center Web site at www.oc fXU.org. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolira.harper·aJfar1mes.com. ago that here has been a very high value of residential con struction." FJbertar said. Much of the home improve· ment activity has bej!n driven by historically low interest rates, which have made it possible for homeowners to pull cash out of their home by refinancing their mortgage at a lower rate. Lenders have also reported a rise in equity lines of credit to fi nance remodels. "It's an optimum time, witll the low interest rates, said Ed Fawcett president of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. "They're either rebuilding, refur- bishing or remodeling their homes.· • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and poht1cs. He may be reached et (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail et paul.clinton@larimes.com $35,000 it will cost the city to safely demolish it. but you can chalk that up to proper burial costs for a would-have-been historical monument The house has suffered enough. Give up the l luscroft ghost. • lDUTA ~writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 5744275 or bye-mail at lolita.harper@latimes.com. with the media. With Rllcchin's Injuries and his being a huge part of the team's foundation. we sorely missed his talent during my last two seasons wt.th Anaheim, and really. outside or our loct.er room. no one knew how important he was to our success. Now being healthy and with a full year behind him, the hockey world has oome to rea1iie that he Is a apedal player. He has oontinued to Impress u the Due.ks' playoff nm entm the flnal game of the &ealOll, a pine in whJcb the wiMtt will Inst Lord Stanley'• Cup. Thett two gu)'I have demonstrated all lhe aldll, lcedenhip and puelon that a team needs to win at thJ.t )eye), Game 7 w01 be a special one for all ln\'Olved and a pine that I ratdnd me~ dllt mer ebNdmedib. Alra,..no-.lbe DI .......... ~nf~OMllJ hll a tesn Cbll Wdl be .a. to ~fmtheQipb,....ID Clam& ID .. ._.~ do win,. IDd I ~billlW~wlL lbnt •-Ndmr-an lhlhaum lot Iba...., pinde. AROUND TOWN reMrVttlona. For ,....rvetlone or "OMNwe. A~ lettnnlna: • more Information, cell (M ) worDhoP fvr mtn •nd wom.,, 497-7847. dlvoroed or Oetting divorced, wlll •Send AROUND TOWN heme to bt held from 101.m. to 12:30 p.m. the Deity Piiot. 330 W. Bay St, Mother• MMwt wtl ho6d. ft 180 Newport Center Drive. For Cost.a Meu, CA 92827; by •melt "Spring C1eenlng• delranoe Male more Information. call 644 6435. to mike.swan.an tllatimaoom; from 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. Testa byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby demos will be oifered from 11 The~ Herbot Lawn calling (949) 5744298. Include the a.m . to 3 p.m . The atore is at 225 Bowling Club will host Visitors time, date and location of the E. 17th St. Costa Mesa. For more Day on the comer of San Joaquin event, ea well as a contact phone information, call (949) 631-4741. and Crown Drive in Corona del number. A complete lilting is Mar, featunng free lessons and evallable at www.dsilypllotcom. SUNDAY snaoo from 10 a.m . to 1 p.m . For Triengle Square will host • more Information, call (949) 1\JESDAY farmers' market featuring live 640-6049. The Aun. of BualneN SeNice entertainment and several booths will have iU monthly dinner boasting great deals in addition A Compositk>n In Drewing meeting from 6 to 9 p.m. in Costa to storefront specials. The market Workshop will be held from 1 to 5 Mesa. Ari Galper will speak on will be open from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m. at Coastline Community Reverse Selling. $ 18 for member. p.m. For more information, call College, 1631 Sunflower Blvd .. $28 for nonmembers. Call (662) (949) 722-1600, ext. 25. B15, South Coast Village Plaza. 494-8124 or (949) 805-0011 for The worttshop emphasizes directions and other Information. JUNE 17 composition covering all the •Fenti Shui for• Heeling Home• basics of drawing. Registration is WEDNESDAY is a free seminar held from 6:30 to $45, due by June 18. For more Jeanne Alnt horn ttl• Alzheimer's 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Maritet, 225 information, call (949) 640-1727. Assn. will present ·Focusing on E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To make Memory Loss· from 6:30 to 7:30 reservations, call (800) 5~ JUNE 23 p.m. at the Orange Coast Chlldren 5 end older ere lnvtt.d to Unitarian Universalist Church, JUNE 18 register for a variety of summer 1259Victoria St.. Costa Mesa The Phil Brigendi, Orange County aquatic camps offered by presentation will address various archivist, will discuss what Is In Newport Beadl Recreation causes of memory loss and the archives as they relate to Services. The camps run through diagnosis and treatment. For Costa Mesa's history at 7 p.m. at August. with numerous morning more information, call (949) the Costa Mesa Historical Society, and afternoon options available, 646-4652. 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mesa. from "Sailing and Tennis Camp" For more information, call (949) to "Surf Camp." Call (949) The Belboe Bey Aepubllc:.n 631-5918 or e·mail 644-3151 for more information, or Women Federated will hold its cmhistory<ti>lanaet.com. register online at "Scholarship Awards" winners www.city.newport-besch.ca. us. luncheon at 11 a.m. at the Bahia The Newport Mesi lrvtne Corinthian Club on Bayside Drive. Interfaith Council will present a The Costa M ... Senion Center For more information, call (949) round table d1scossion al Orange will hold a flea market from 8 a.m 515-8677. Coast Unitarian Universalist to 1 p.m. at the center's parking Church on human relations lot. 695 W. 19th St. Spacei; cost The Wldfloww Welk will mMt st featuring an introduction by $10 for members, $20 for 9 a.m . at El Moro for a five-mile Rusty Kennedy of the Orange nonmembers. Reservations are hike at Cryatal Cove Parking County Human Relations required. For more information. costs $5. Wear boots and bring Council. ·with the County of call (949 645-2356. water. Call (949) 497·7647 for Orange Budget Cuts. Where Is more information. the Human Relations Council MstuN driven Q n sherpen their Nowr 1t asks The program skills in an eight-hour AARP THURSDAY goes from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. and driver safety class held during A free bone density SCrMnlng costs $750 per person, including two sessions from 12:30 to 4:30 wm be offered from 10 a.m to 2 lunch. 9r $10 without a p m. June 23 and 24 at p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 E reservation. The reception 1s at Presbyterian Church of the 17th St, Costa Mesa For more 11:45 a.m .. and the luncheon at Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes information. call (949) 631-4741 noon For reservations, call (949) are limited to 30 students and 600-8665, ext 3, by 5 p.m . June cost $10. Advanced registration Shepe up Of trim down for 17. required. For more information, swimsuit season at "Shape Up call (714) 557 3340 for Summer,· 7 p.m at the The Newport H.,bor Neuticel Newport Beach Central Library Museum, wonting in con1unct1on JUNE 24 Personal trainer and certified with the Newport Library. will A frM semlnat on •ttention nutrition specialist J.J. Flizanes present a series of story time deficit disorder will be held from will present the free program. events on the Texas [)eci( at the 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's covering exercise and nutnhon museum for children between 3 Mari(et, 225 E 17th St . Costa tips of optimal fitness. For more and 6 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m Mesa. To make reservations. call information, call (949) 717-3816. There will also be a crafts pro1ect (800) 595-6667. for children and parents. Book-klvlng mothers and Admission is free and space 1s JUNE 25 daughters are invited to the final limited. For information or "Wellneu and Healing" ls a free session of the Mother-Daughter reservations, call (949) 673-7863. seminar to be held from 6·30 to Book Club's season 7 p.m. at the 8:30 p m at Mother's Maritet. 225 Newport Beach Central Library. The Oasis Senior Center will hol1 E. 17th St • Costa Mesa. To make The club is open to girls in fifth a twilight dinner and show with a reservations, call (8001 595-6667 through seventh grades and their performance from ·sunshine moms Qr significant female Boys.· featuring the ex-vaudeville JUNE 26 grown-ups. Register at the team of Joe Sc:hulein and Sam "flve Kr,s to Vlbnn1 Living" is a Central Library Children's Desk or Youndhans. Tidcets are available free seminar to be held from 6·30 call (949) 717-3800 end cttoose for $7 at the center, 800 to 8 p m al Mother's Market. 225 option five For more information, Marguerite Ave. in Corona del E 17th St.. Cos1a M esa To make call (949) 717-3816 Mar. For information, call (949) reservations, call (800) 595-6667 644-3244. FR10AY JUNE 28 lnwntors Forum prnents • JUNE 19 Classic boeu race from the dodl: seminar on "Intellectual Property The National MuttipM Sclef'Osis of Newport Harbor Museum Law· by Edward Schlatter, patent Society will present an Internet while events take place in and attorney, at 7:30 p.m . in Orange educational program called ¥El around the museum from 10 a.m. Coast College's Science Lee1ure Cuidado Clinico de la Escleros1s to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Regatta Hall. Registration and networking Multiple." a Spanish-speaking and Seaport Festival. Classic begin at 7 p.m . The cost is S5 for broadcast on clinical care of woodies. surfing exh1b1ts, boat members, S15 for nonmembers. muhiple sclerosis, At 5:30 p.m. To building, model building, food Call (714) 540-2491 for connect, go to and music will be on hand at no information. www.nationalmssociety.org, cost to attendees. The Seaport select • uving with MS# and then Festival will take place all day at SATURDAY select "Webcasts and the museum and will include a f\IH Spectrum Yoga hu partnered Conferences." luau dinner and awards show. For with New Directions for Women more information, call (949) to host ·ee1ebrating Wholertess." JUNE 21 673-7863. a yoga and healing arts festival Become a member of the benefiting women and children Hospice Preferred Choice team JULY4 served by the nonprofit New and make a difference in the lives The American Legion Yactit Club Directions for Women. Admission of terminally ill people and their will host the 48th Fourth of July is free, and donations are families at a volunteer Boat Parade. featuring loads of accepted. The full-day event will orientation. The team is seeking dedted out yachts parading along be at Full Spectrum Yoga in caring people to assist patients the waters of Newport Bay Newport Beach. For more and families with nonmedical starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 information, call (949) 955-1965. needs, such as providing respite boat categones eligible for for the primary caregiver. reading awards. For more information, Crys1al Cove Stat. Partt wtM off9r to patients, paying weekly social call (949) 673-3546. a badccountry hike at 9 a.m .. a visits and running errands. historic district walk at 10 a.m. Volunteers are also needed to ONGOING end a sunset/moonlight walk at assist with office duties. Call (714) VoklntMr drivers ere needed to 7:30 p.m .. which requires 980-0900 for more information. help deliver nutritiously prepared m"I• to homebound, frell 0' •ldeftv cfl1nt1 lncepebft of 1hopplng or cooking for themttlVH through "Mobllt MNt1: apontored by FISH·Htrbor Are• Inc. end Hoeg Hospital. Call (949) 645-8060 for more informetlon A v.Mly of priwte, seml-priwW and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High Sdlool Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, teens end adutb ~n now register for summer recreational boating ciasses offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151 , or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Profession•! end ricenMd soccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Family Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets Mondi:ys from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. P.·e-reg1stration 1s required. The First Page -Fine Chi6dren's Books, at 270 E 17th St., No. 10 in Costa Mesa. offers free story time Mondays. Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10·30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p m For more information, call 1949) 645-5437 •Abstract Worb on Canvas and Paper:' an eYh1b1t of an by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beach Central Library through June 30 The exh1b1t will feature selections from Rosener's ·washed Away" series. created by dripping. splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing 11 away to suggest the passage of time. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. AWlrd-winning wonts by Orange County artists working in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County -"rtists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717 3870 Beyside Restaurant in Newport Beadi offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines eadi week. For more information. call (949) 721-1222. If your orchtd Is too big for its pot. Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid·potting seminar at 2 p .m . every Saturday. A plant sale 1s held from 9 a.m to 4 p m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 156-1211 for information. Discover th• secrets of C.rbon Canyon Regional Par1c as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees JNery Saturday at 8:30 am. Parting is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. TNm Survivcw, • nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts ~walk and Talk" at 10 a.m the second and fourth Friday of the • Pri••U Pll.111,, ShUll• •SPINNING TW111n • 16 F.J1 n,,,~ hN•IUI/ Monday, JtN 9, 2003 A5 month In front of NIKEgodHs ltOrt In Fathlon ltland. Mtmbtra meet for tun~ after at Atrium oourt. It 11 frM, and all fttnet1 I.vela art w_.oome. For mor• lnformetion, c.11 (949) 275·3888 The H9wpof1 .... Calli8 Decor.Une C1ub m-.ta from 1 to 9 p.m . on Thur~ night& et Superior and Hoepltal Road tn Newport Bead\. For more information, cell (949) 650-1332 Newport Communrty Counteling Center offera a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for aafety. awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information. call (949) 721-8079. The Aasn. of ButNnela Ser+'icee hosts a networ1ung meeting that deals with education connect1ona from 6 to 8;30 p m on the M)C()nd Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Brtstol St., Costa Mesa For more information. call (949) 80!> oon TMns are Invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center la at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. "Divorce· A New Beginning; a worlcshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced. 1s held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month Cost 1s $40 For more information call 644-6435 The Newpof1 Buc:ti Walking Club meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m . and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information. call (949) 650-1332. The Newport S.ach Public Library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p m Tuesdays The library is at 420 Mangold Ave For more information. CCIII (949) 717-3800 .55 o/o Yield On Principal of Tour 1 2 1\11.o CD FDIC INSUR.EI-:> FIDELITY 1'1\l'Rfl> l>HO\I I\ (949) 58H 57 1 J . .\HurJIC ~~Ill ()()/04; 200~ l'rnllr. 1 .. r I ;rl, \\ rlldrJ" llm~ 1, 't KcJu(c l-un111~1 ~ •• , Otlt'r J,, \di'"'"""'' \ l!I 111111 ''""' "nnuJI l'cr.c:ntJ~c \ rd,J '"' MJ11k ' I I lit 111"11,·tl '' ., 1 I> l'lu I t J'h 1'~1 mc111 '.1 Jn,.:r11nn \111 u111t 1!-" 1111.r-.I I 1dd11\ " l .1111111 I 1IJll ln\Ul•O\C '('l\I\ J ,.a(I( ;-11 1'1 ...... \1,11 l'i'r .. , t Ir • l>cpo'lt ln\Ur.lll•< < "'l"•rmon S(JL.lS L ·v·E~T.q F.."T l~ Rr L Stock Market's Up. Stock Market's Down. Arr you urcd of dlt l!WlK d.eprcsunt bclu•1ot of thc marli.ft> If \ou .lll,.,.,rrJ "ye." then come~ "tlrakfa.st 1ritb Enc~. Lcvn bow to S'U1.lllltt ~rf1"'1h, .... ,th no nsk 10 \OUI ~ be A Sol.~ is a~ Fiunu.1.l Pl.inner < 11' with 1~ ycan np<ncnu. Co!M~ re bow he bu bdped h11 diem' in•c•I thcu money wn.ch \()~can sleep at ai&hL For more information and a FREE Home or Office Consultation Call 949-723-1167. "RM/,'"'"'~ o~. fU'llt1 ~'""MY· RM/, lftlWtbtr rt/llD, 11"""1 ]0'1,rl "'" n1unber OM i/VjHt •• "'"'' ~LAs _L~CHITO. • FIESTAS \ S1zzl1ng Fajitas Strolling Mariachis Marganta & Cerveza Bar ~ PwtrTraysToGo /• • Enchil adas • Taqu1tos \,b ' • •Tacos •Tama les \ • Guacamole • Salsa ~ Call your nearest location for p ick up '# (• ~-.. MQUelROOIRI ' ../l.f[ 10 '° 100 p-~ fli;a. • • (94~a~r~~209 il..~ •• ~ l\ Costa Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa (949) 646-1142 (949) 675-6851 (949) 644-8226 • • ' ' ' • I o I . . . ' . . . • CJ,llJ C.N au. ..... II .. QUOTE OF THE DAY "{Hugh Foster is] the best high school player I . have ever seen. ti M Monday, .lUle 9, 2003 Spot'8 YW Rlcherd Dunn: (949) 5 74-4223 • Spot'8 Fax: (9491650-0170 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Coach Doug Volding's Corona Del Mar High girls swim team came through at Pacifc Coast League finals to lay claim to the 2003 league championship. I COLLEGE HONORS June 16 honofff JOSIAH FREDRIKSEN Daily Piiot COLLEGE MEN'S GOLF 'Eaters' Lavery honored UC Irvine senior golfer, who won Big West title, named an All-District VIII academic selection. UC Irvine senior golfer Mike Lavery has been named to the 2003 Verizon Academic All-District VIII men's at-large third ream. Lavery. a psychology and social behavior major. led the Anl· eaters to their t.hJid sttalght Big West Conference champiomhlp this season by winning the individual title with a 36-hole score of 6-under par 138 (70· 68). He had four top-10 finishes this season and was UCl's top performer at the NCAA West Regional Champion· shlps with a 32nd-place finish of 221 over three roWlds. He e nded his senior season with an average of 72.47 per round. Lavery hru. earned first-team All-Big West Conference honors the past two years. He was UCJ's male Big West See GOLF, P•c• A7 UCI honors record 170 scholar-athletes Gabbe, Lavery foremost among those recognized. UC Irvine Athletics honored a school-re- cord 170 student-ath- letes as 2002-03 Big West Conference Scholar-Athletes at the program's annual ban- quet May 19 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. This year's list brings UO's total to 2,221 conference scholar-athletes since 1984. The 170 honorees best.s the old mark of 148 set in 1998-99. Requirements for this award include maintaining a 3.0 grade-point average over three quarters or a 3.2 GPA over two quarters for ~en. Student-ath- letes must also earn letters in their sports. The Scholar-Athlete award was im- plemented by the Blg West Conference to honor tboee student-athletes that have maintained a high level of scholas- tic m::ellence while participating In intercollegiate athletics. UO expanded the award to include teams that do not participate In Big West-spo050red sports. In addition to the 170 scholar-ath- letes, UO also recognized several indi- viduals. Men's soccer player Scott Bow- man was honored as Lauds & Laurels Senior Athlc;te of the Year, the most prestigious award given by the UCI Alumni Association. Bowman, an inter- national studies and environmental de- sign major. was a two-time first-team All-Big West selection, finishing his sen- ior year with nine assists and one goal for 11 points. He finished his career with 25 assists, second most in school history and 47 career points, which is the sixth most In school history. Bowman is a four-time Big West Scholar-Athlete as well as a two-time conference All-Aca- demic choice. UO's Big West Scholar-Athletes of the Year are seniors Wendy Gabbe (basket - ball) and Mike Lavery (golO. F.ach con- ference school honors one male and one female athlete each year. Gabbe was a second-team All-Big West selection after leading the team with a 13. l points-per-game average as a senior. The guard was also named to the Big West AD-Tournament team in 2003. She finished her career with 1,000 career points and 151 three-pointers. The English major was named a Verizon Academic District YUi second-team honoree for women's basketball She was a four-time Big West Scholar-Ath· lete and was aJso a three-time Big West Fall All-Academic honoree. Lavery, a social ecology major, was the medalist at the Big West Champion- ship leading UO to its third consecutive Big West title. He had four top-10 fin- ishes this season and ended the year with a 72.47 scoring average. He was a two-time, first-team AU-Big West Con- ference selection and was named to the 2002 PlNG AU-Pacific Region team. La- very was al.so a four-time Big West Con- ference Scholar-Athle1e. Men's soccer player Frankie O ay re- ceived the University's Academic Chal- lenge Award from the UCI Admissions Office. The women's cross-country team accepted the Faculty Athletic Repre- sentative Award for the hlghest team GPA. It was the llth time head coach Vmce O'Boyle's team has won the award. A complete list of UCJ scholar-ach- letes foUows: Baseball; Jimmy Alstot. Mike Davern, Matt Falk. Paul French. Steve Guthrie, Michael Koehler, Matt Millett, Steve Schroer, Jordan Szabo, Phil Tripoli and Greg Wallis. Men's basketball; Mike Hood. Ross Schraeder and Stanislav Zuzak. Men's crew: Brodt Beard. Ryan Booth, David Camacho, Jeffrey Oumg. Michael Olen, Brad Cohn, Roy Culver, John Dashtara, Gabriel Francis, Daniel Gro· mis, SaJah Haggag, Charles I tine, Ste- phen KeUy, Joseph Lynch, Kevin Margu- Ueux, Michael MaxweU, Kevin Mothom , Jason Park. Jimmy Pham, Christina Quel, Scon Ritter, Peter Skoutelas, Jerry Vaysman and Chris Wilderman. Men's cross country: Jules Castano and Aaron Jacobsen. Men's golf: Nick Asbroclc. Jeffrey Co- burn, Ryan Cole, Mike Lavery and Ryne Rindfleisch. Men's soccer: Scott Bowman, Ben Bush. Frankie Oay, Josh Murad and Jesse Peron. Men's swimming and diving: Bernar- do Bermudez. Kevin Olson and John Wmgender. Men's tennis: Greg Biorkman, Arash Bormand. Jo nathan Endnkat. Raymond Hekmat. Chris Prentice, Peter Surapol Eric Yandoc and Wkwesi Williams. Men's track and field: Brandon Bailey, Aaron Corbett. VI.ken Jennakian, Wil- liam King-Lewis, Travis Morisoli, John Stein, Jonathan Stewart. Santosh Swamidass, Jeremy Torres and DarreU DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE· MONTH To?Jer. Men's volleyball Dillon Filch. Greg Ford, Jerome Genuse-Fareau. Jaren Jen- sen. David Kniffin, Monie Tucker and Kyle Weichen. Men's water polo: Thomas McOuslcy and Jeff Powers. Women's basketball: Llsa Faulkner, Wendy Gabbe. Krison Thawtey and Jo- anna Usher. Women'l> crew: Kaylen Amos, Stepha- nie Anderson, Eli7,abeth Barren, Evelyn CaldweU, Rebecca Estrada, Kristine Koo, Loma Leopold. Nadia Moya, Erin O'Donnell, Kristina P.dcelc. Marissa Palmer, Jessica Raney, Emilia Ravsk.i, Audra Reed, Erin Sully, Rachel Sung. Alysa Vande~rd and Cameron Yahr. Women's cross country: Amanda Armstrong. Janelle Del Soldato, Melinda Fuller. lti.sha Harris, Veronica Herrera. Jenna Keith, Jennifer Liou, Julie Man- son, Lisa M~th. Karin Ragudo and Kaleena Yee. Women'l> golf: SteUa Lee and Oum- ning Lovejoy. Womens soccer: Lindsay Duke, Jes- sica Hakim, Sara Henderson, Olelsea McCarthy, Robyn Piotro\ySkl, Tiffany Scheibley, Julie Scheppele and Tara Wei- s.. HONORS, Pqe A7 Darrell Tozier Senior's hills and valleys throughout this season have included Big West 800 title. Steve Vlr1en Dally Pilot . I n track and add, the 800 meters ls ddn.ltely a chaOengbl& event. Middle-distance runnera muat be mentally atrong and know bow to maintain lld!ident strength and speed as needed for two laps around the track. Run too rut from the outlet and the.re won't be enough gas In the Wik towud the en~ UC lrvtne senior Darrell 'lbzier has waged hJa wan agalnat the 800. Somettme. he won and eomedmel he Iott. But when bia MUOd ended. he nlllll8d thOM Yktodel and failurea u a pert of lift. a nice that condn&ia ·1n the 800, there are momenll tn the r.ce where you can completely &oee tt. • 1brJer .ad. •1t't noc IOJnetb1ng your body ... WZEA.,... Al Dally Pilot SPORTS YOUTH BASEBALL Dodgers wrap up outright crown Two more victories give Dodgers CMNLL M ajors division title. The Costa Mesa National IJllll' Lea,gue Major Oodger. defl..'<1ted tJ1e Padres, 15-2, May 27 10 clinch first place for the M.'t:ond half of tJ1e 11eason. Ilic Dud~t>r' (21 ·2), who aho took fir.t placl' fo r ilie first half, ttien defc.11t•d ilic Diamondbacks. 2· I. fUnl' 1111 extend their winning c,1reu~ to 11 game11. By wmrung botll halwc, ol tin· regular 11eru.on. no plilyoff \"·" needed in the Ma1or-, 1>1v1,1e111 The Dodgers wdl rt'pre.,cnl 1lw lea,gue in Lhe Di.stnct h.! lourn.1 ment of 01arnpiom. la1t-r 1111-. monlh. Prank OeNoewer pill hl'd J '>ix-hitter and Matiliew Tell._.., had two hll5 ill1d four HBI, 111 lht• victory over the r~udn•-.. Frie MJckelson and Eric Mc(.ool each added t"\o\O h1l'i .111d l\\11 RR ls. In other Ma Ju" IJt\ "'"" games. • D·bacb II, Padl'elt 4 Gavin Montague -.1.u11nwd ,1 1wo·run horner, Im. thud ol 1111 wa~m. whdc Andrew ltoth tn pied and 5ingkd l\\.tte 111 1ht• 11 run attac.k 'Troy McOanahan tlir1·\\ .1 tomplett• Ji:ame \\llh 't'\t'll c,1nkeout,. O.ase Harrison. Sean Ander· son <md Joe Zlda e<1t ll -.1nKJt d .wd St:Ored a run Max Friedman and 11m Morley rc•at lwd 1111 walk.sand each :.<.urt'd ,1 n111 • D·bacb 4, Giants I Montague <;lrul k oul 11 111 .1 complete-game v1e1ury .• dim .. mg JW.I two hit'> Hoth went~ for I \\tlh l"o ... 111 gles and l\.\O rune, '-U1n·d \\luh· McOanahan abo h.id .1 h11 .rnd \t:ored. MonlaKtJt' c,um·d 1111 t-nE·drnan\ 'mglt' In C..oMa Me-wJ ~luwr 1\ pl.1y • D·bacb 6, Dodgers 5 Tuny Campo druv( 111 Marc DePrenza wilh !ht' w11111111~ run in the stxt11 111111ng tor thl· I> back.\ on May .I I Stephen Hildebrand JnJ Josh Dominguez t omb11wd I 111 I '°I stnkl'OUl'>. I hldebra11d entnt·d the game in Lhe fir)t m111nK "1th Lhe b~ lo.ided, but \tnH l 11111 Lhe nelCt two hattl'r. to t•rnl 1ln innin.-c. Roth p11rht·r<. h.1•1· ,1\1•r aged two Mrikeouts per 11111111K Defrenza had two hw. \\hilt· Campo, Domingue.1., I hldl'hr.111d and Alex Kronfeldt l'Jt:h addt·c..I smgles. fU5tin Batangan mowd run ner& mto scormg p<Nllnn \..,\1h some sacrifice buntmg wlult· Je· aus Rodrigutt and Ouistlnn Aguilar each scored cnucal nm-. wilh heads-up baserwming Catcher Shane ButJer cau~t six innings. • Rocldes 7, Padres 2 Nklo Ruan suuck out 0,1, 111 lw. three innin~. teaming with Cluia DeSoto 10 hold the P·.idn•c, tutJess over six mmng-. on M ay 31 DeSoto fanned four in tlw last three innings N1ck Schlmer doubled Jilt.I caught while Mau Hutcheraon. DeSoto, Brian Stanley. Robert Scott and Ellwood Webb pro vided timety hies. R.khard Herchuk made two HONORS Continued from A6 don. Women's swimming and div· Ing: Megan Balcer, Kristin Ruha giar, Shannon Coskran, IGm Do, MoUy Donelan, Jessica DrnJce. Oleryl Jennings. Jennifer Marcus, Stephanie Moore. Sam Showalter, Jaclde Snyder. Alison Vass. Jayme Yahr and Chandra Zem. ~men's tennis: Anna Bentzer, nffany Chang. Cannen Khoury rutd Amy 'D"ancldno. ~men's track and Oeld: Erin strong plays in center field wiili Alex Tenno, Parker Shoaff, Gar· rett llope and Spencer Owens dd<.lmg Milid defensive effort!>. • Rocldes 2, White Sox I Eusebio Castlllo ~truck out thl' :.i<lt' m the Mxl.h inning while Jeffrey Guillen ~cored the go JheatJ run on a p~i.ed hall HJ i.c· lltrt' tlw vwtory for the Hoduei. 111 111lerlt'ague play May llJ. Tommy Price drove in the Hod:.1t'\0 firc;t run with a ""WC· • Rockies 3, Dodgers I "it 011 dro"e 1n tht' game win· 11111); run V.'lth a IWll OUI -.ingle in lht· fuurth 111ning tu booM tht> 11111 l ie\ to vil tnry May 27 lh1d11 and DeSoto combined to hold tht• fir'>l·pl<11.l' llcidgen. to four htl~ and onl• U•ll'arned run 11\t•r '>IX inmngc,, I >eSoto -.truck JJlll five tn hi'> thn.•t• inning -.1rl'1l h. \du mer. playmg calt her. 111Jdt• a run o,avmg -putoul at h111nt· platt>, wh11l· 1 lutther .. on, h·11no and ">1anley 'cort·d the I). 1>,11 1.-. run ... \ho.if! and I lerclu~ made "lrtll l~ fit-ldtng pl.iy'> di 'l'lOlld ,111d t t•nter lil'ld. rt'\pl'l tiVl'ly, \\ htll' I lope. ()\.,,t•n-. and Webb .11IJ1·d c,ofid dl'ft·nc,iH• t•ffom. • O·hacks 6, Marinen. 2 Josh DomJnguez. pttd1ed d l111lt·" tirwl three mn111~'· ,,aJl. lllg l\\U ,111,J 'olril..tng Olli 'ot'Vl'll 1111 I h1· I) li.11 l ... I It• .tl">11 ,rdtlt'd .1 do11hl1 111 lhl' 1h111l 1111ung \\ lwn th• I> hdlk., "1111•!1 1111 tr 1111.il 1hrn nm'>. \11an. l>cfren.7.u .1ml lony Campo .1d<IC'd hit-. 111 1lw 11111111g ~1.rr11·r Stephen I lildebrand '>l'lth·d dm"n 10 -.hut ou1 the \laruwr-. tht' tin.ii t\\u 11111111g\ he p111 hec..l ,1fll'r .1llm"111>: 1""0 n111., 111 lht• lir-.t I h1· I> 1>.1tlc, '>< un·d tlHl'l' nm-. 111 till' h1111um 111 tilt' lir-.t \\Ith hit-. h\ I Jl I n•111.1 C .<1111po, Con· nor Gilligan .11ul I lil11l•b1.md 111 I arm pl..t\ •Dodger.. 14, Astros 13 1 lu· Uoc..lgt'r-. 1Jll1t>d lw '>IX llm' 111 1lw holtom ot thl' lou11h 11111111g .mJ thrt-e 111 tht• hfth 111 .. 1.1l.1· ,1 one n111 11·.itl .111d lwld 1111 A"trr" '>I orl'il''" tlw fin .. tl l\'" 11ir11ng-. to prec,1:r\1 tht' \\lit 111 .1 I Oll'oOIJt1on-br..tl kt•t gJ.lllt' \I.I\ II I 'lodgl·r -.horhtop Ren Beck. \\ho t•ndt>J till' ·\\I ro-. foun h \\llh ,UI IJlld..._\l'lt'd d1111hlt· pl.1~. 11·1 ortltod thr lin.d 1hn•t• m11-. ot 1lw K·ll11t·. Jeff Carlyle .ttH.I IJsa llynd· mllll l'JI h ""cnl t for 5 while A.J. Hscher YeiI..on Ham.irez, Kylee Stone Jnd Kayla llayes l'dlh ddt.lt•d 1hn•t• h11' Noah ~tero Jilt.I lil'l l t'aCh hJ.d (\\0 llll'o \lone tnplt•d and l c111ght a tll\\Cnng pop n, at '>l'l ond wl11Jt.o p1trher Dezmond Lewis -.hont' 011 defen~e. 'nJ.nng o.1 hard·hll lOnwbatkt·r and throwing the runner out in the <oecnnd 1nn1ng. • Dodgers 6, Marlins 2 ~trong defen-.e ll'd th<' way for tht· Dodger<, l.e\\10, 1·a11ght .1 foul pop at third ha.c,c \'\hut· h'><:her m.ide a -.trong play on a ground er to third and I lydrndn, pl.iymg .1t wrnnd in thl' th1rd inn111g, hJd J h;mu 111 all thl· out ... In Newport &·dc:h ~tajor .. playoff artlon. • Braves 3, Cardinals 2 Jeff Jones lcnnckrd in Camden <..u rth. Angela Louco. l.ailienne l>tcha. Una Pimentel, Annmarie l\Jrpm, Kim Ramil'Cl and Keib Vanderhurg Women's voUeyball Sarm Cash, Rohyn Oiung. Ashlie lla.m. Lmd- say II~. Dana KW7bard. Jt>nni · fer Moser and Brenda Waterman. Women's water polo: Justine Basom. MicheUe Carey, Sunceray Olamblee. Margaret Feeney, Me· llssa Femande7.., Erica Horman, Meghan O'DonneU, Lauren Vol· can and Rebecca Wedemeyer. Sailing: DanieJ Arsenault, Pi· erre Auroux. Jonathan Boyd. Jor· dan Korss. fuUa.na Long and Emily Robb. Sales~: rorc1 Rebate: Nicholson for Lhe winning run in Newport Beach UttJe Lt!ague Ma1ors playoff action May 22. Nicholson led the Braves wilh two nmt> scored and teamed up on the mound Wllh Max Prlsble to stifle the Cardinals. Jones, Putrer Stone and Kevin Tsou each had two hits, while Grant KeUglan, Andrew Pulcher and Josh Hamson added 10 Lhe Braves' attack. Jones abo made a catch in righ1 field to stave o ff a (.ardinal rally. He wa.., aided defen'>1vely by Jack Gerdau, Mkhad Hayde and Noah Molnar. Ilw Cardmah rallied wilh a run hy Neal ntchman m Lhe bot· tom of Ltw \tXlh inning to get within one. but tllt' Braves held on to advance to 1.lle quarter· finali. aga.1.mt tJ1e Oud~er... In MA att1011: • Yankees 9, Red ~ 7 Patrick Pearson \truck out the only two hatter.. he fated to stop the Hed !>ox rally in Lhe final 1.11· 11111g on May 31, \l'lttng up a re· match between both teams June ~ lor the nw1t 10 face the D· bc1l k... 111 thl' Lhampmnship game. I ht· Heu Sox wl'nt on to bl'o.1l Ult• Yankee., and IJ back... to da1m Ull' t11le Pearc,on, nomwlJy J fir-.t ba.M>· man. hddn t pill hed 111 more th.t11 t\..,o month\ and entered the KaJnt• wuh ninn('r-. on ~­ und and third \\1th one out. All thl' Yankl'P fllll her .... hJd lhrown thl' maximum 11u111b1:r of pllthe., allowed for Ll ll' week. fhe Hed ~ox pruwd "rong on tht' mound J:o. well. Brent Lawson, Nathan Wagner and Jake Starnes comlunl'd to <,tri}..e mil IJ \\h1lc .1llowrng '>t'\en h11s.. Int> Y.ink1·e, prov1dl>d umely hit-. Bryce Ashton hc1d Lhree IIBJ... while Preston Rhser added two Jnd Trevur McGhle one Jack Murphy \torcd the final two nm\ of tht• game and had 1hreP for tht' gaml' ~larm·.... Dytan Varner, Bran- don l..oo and \.\'a~ll'r !three run-. '-toredl led Lht• HetJ \ox offen~e. Strong dt•fen\C by Nick Good· ing. Tanner Traulhen, Michael I laeri, Eric Frazier Jnd ~y Townsend o,lowt-d the Hed '>o'< 01Te11',e lll'>St'r, 1hhton. r r<1ulhen and Pt>ar-.on rornhuwd for I l '>tnke- out'>, allmVlng only thrt"e h1ls • Yankees 7, Reds 5 f'he Yankee.., rallwd for '>t"vt:n runs in the final innings to erdSe a 5·0 deficit and down the No 2· -.eedl'd Red<. m a quanrrfinal playoff game M.iy 29.Rl~r. c.oodmg. ha\l'r lr.iu1hen. llaen anti \lcC..h1e J.11 had h110, and RBis 111 tht• 1.c.t two 11111mg., to pro· dut e th(• \l'\t'n rune,. Ille Yankel'\ held off c1 Reds rally in the bottom of Lhl' suctll when ~hton '>lnirk out Lhe fir!>t hatter. followed by con<,ecutive dC"fensive gem-. from Murphy and l-rascr. The Red<> offem;e ~ powered b). J.D. Dawn and Taytor ~. who each had mulll·hll games. along with Al« Putre, who drove m two run<o \Vllh a hit early in the game The lkds got c,trong defense from catcher Zach Murtaugh as weU as Duis Seapn and Matt Berry. R.i!>Ser and Ashton combined GOLF Conbnued from A6 Scholar-Athlete of the Year in 2002-03 and he is a four-time conference scholar-athlete. The at-large team encom· passes Lhe sports or fencing, golf', gymnastics. hockey, lacrosse, ri· Oe, skiing. swimming, tennis, vol· leybaU, water polo and wrestling. Nominees must be a starter or important reserve wiili legitimate athletic credentials and must have maintained at least a 3.2 CU· mulativc grade-point average_ to record rune st.ri.keouts and aJ. lowed only eight h11:.. The Red) got strong pitching from Brooke Brady and Murtaugh. who com - bined for eight strikeoub and al· lowed nine hit.s. Pearson, Frazier and Murphy helped hold off the R1~th offense. •Yankees 7, Braves 6 The Brdves i.cored Lhree rune, in Lhe last inninK. bllt Fraser struck out two and fl.iM.er ilirew out a would be ba~ stealer to seal Lhe wrn for Lhe Yankees in playoff actJon May 27. Wilh ilie win, Lhe Ya.nkee5 adv-.mced to Lhe quarterfinal<; agamst Lhe Reds.Thret' of Uw lour Ji:8ffie~ be- tween Lhe Yankees and Braves this season were dt•uded by one run. Hisi.er It'd thl' Yankl'l''>0 olfell)t'. going ;1 for J Wllh d lnpll', whd1• Fra.i.er had two HBI'> tu go w11h one RHI by rrautht•11 Pear!>o11 added an HHI .ind \It( .hit· h11 Lhe baJI M.•11 Gooding .md A'>hlun -.howec..l speed on tlw bai,e p.ithc, and i.cored run-. while hd/tt'r, Mur phy and Jeremy Fox hclpl'd hold off the Hraw,· offonw The Brave'>· olfl'n,e wa\ pow ered by Oarlc \..ashJon , who went 2 for J wtlh a doubll· wh1k playing sohd ddt>mt o.11 talther Austin Allen. Brennan Ander· son, Tony McCoy J.ncl \11tchell Meleski dll wntnhuted '>lrong hits for ilie Hra•l'' The Yanket·-. \\htnn and I ra ~r combmcd 10 -.tnl.t· 11111 Io and allowed 'IX hit-. lht·1r mound counterpan-. r>ytan Pievac and Garrett I.an.on -re- corded nine 'itr1keou1., .111d al lowed nine hitc, • Diamondbacks 6, Angels 2 Trent Bora.s doubled .wd tri· pied, tallecung five RBI\ 10 give Lhe D-backs the Vlc:IOI) over the Angel<, 111 playoff acuon Ma} 22. The D bach .,cort.'d lJ1 the firc,t inning on con,e<.uuvl' h1h h\ Cort Hastings. Paxton O'Brien and Ben Grelner. (,reiner ... h11 'rored I fa<;ling.<, and Bora.., then followed with a douhlc Lhal pli.tted O'Brien and C1rt'1ner Erle Hallett '>lllglt•d and scored on a wild plllh m I.he third mnm~ for tlle Angele, In ilie bonom of Lhe mn1ng. Rodney Keller walked. 1 lru.unb~ singled and O'Bnen walked to load Lhe hast!l> fo r Bora<o, who cleared them wtth a triple Sandon Griffin pitchl'd I.ht• fir!>I four inningi. for the I >·had. .. .,, aJlowing a nin nn two hll-. wilh one walk. Bora' wt·n1 the final two mnm~"· iUlov. ing one run and ~triking out lour The Angel.-. dg'cl.m threatened 111 Lhe top of the fourth wilh hil'> by Brian Ford Jnd Parker Ewles But center fielder Oumdler Mitchell Lhn•v. to < .rl'tner anti Lhe catcher taggt>d ou1 a runner to l'lld the Angel r.ilJy. ln Ncwpon 11 .. irhor Ba<,c.•ball Assoc1a11on Hromo pldyolf al· ti on: •Giants I 0, Cardinals 8 The Giant\ came bc1ck from an 8·5 thtrd-1nn1ng defic11 to elinu nate Lhe CardmaJs from the pla} - offs for age.. 11 12 The Giant !>cored four rum in ilie fifth mning. fueled by hill. from Jacob McCann. James See BASEBALL, Pa1e A8 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CekbratJng the Dally Pl/ors Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 11 • Sharon Day CostlMeu Tntdt Ind field, 2000-03 Soccef,2000,2003 /Yew fi.Jj Explorer XLT : 4-Door '2s,21a •ew MiUQQ Monday .Mie 9. ?OOJ A7 llfMI Daily Pilot llfMI ports Hall of Fam ( • ·I 1 ·Ii l , tlj II~ I} II' 1t l1IJ1 'II Cl t 1111 HUGH FOSTER Newport Harbor I I i s athlctic:hm was on a tornplc:tely higher level chan most of prep peer~. Steve Virgen Dally Pilot H ugh I 11-.1t·r '"''~ ,, h'Tt'JI It ,~I" l1tlf1l \11IJ1..,11,1ll pl.i}1'r \\1114.ll lt·d lurn 111 lw '" grt·.11' I lo h,1d 1•xtrwird111o.1n ... ~,11, hUI It" 11111m1d,11mg a111111ut· .tl"' pnNt•d to lw \'l'r\ uo.,c•lul '"\\1\t·n I ""t'llt 11p f1ir J. ~111. I took .i11n, -..ml I •,...11•r who pla\l·d Olll' 'ol',1" 111 .11 '•'"l>c>n 11.trhm lhgh II \\ , " 111(1 rt .tho ll I It 11 ll 11 g pt'(1ple 111 tlw l.u ,. \\Ith tht• hall \.\1U'llt'\.l'I I 1ltd 1111 -.cmwon<'. I \\111lltl look OVl I .11 111111 .111tl 'rmlt I r.11r111 1l.111\ lt~'<J Ill dr 1 llt,11 " r11atd1. 7·1'>. 15·11. I 1'1 l'ih l'i u -1 tll('I a 101 ul h'ft•a1 p<·11pl1· 1hrouw1 vullt-vhall and .11 ~1·wpon I li1rh<ir • I <l'oll'r -.;11d M lllo'-t' ""l'rl prr1ll.thl\ tlw h1-...t d.1\-"> 111 111\ hll' I n·11 w111b;:r Jn\ 111~ ar11lJJ 1tl Ill\ ,'11lb\\J~flll b11g ,tffllllld lht•tt .u1d tht·n.' '"mid l'lf• 01h1•1 tar-. hkt· \1eru:•tft.., Tlldl \\d'-Jll'ol <1 d1fforen1 pl.tlt' Otw 111 llll' greal pt'<1fll" 111 111"1 llll 1111 lolhtfe bec..tI111 111~ \\th' I la t\\<J \'t're lll<lTTlt'll l.t'>1 \l JI .11111 ( 1ll01lll dllt'll Jt~J 1tw l\l~ld1ng ki...tt·r 11 '>ltll pl.1\-. \ 11llt"i h,:Llf bu1 1110-.th for 1\111 I am cJefit1111 h 1101 .t~ q1111 k .1-. I ll"-d Ill ht· I 11-.11•r "ud hl'oll'r llf'H'r 111'-ol ·• m;11t It 111 h" 111111 prq1 't'iNH\'o, thrt'(' ,1l l'1111,1h11 lltgh Ill Hugh Foster .\ le\\ yt'Jf'o d~ll f t)'ol{'f dt1 tdt-d It I I lol\\olll otlltJ hi-. <-•·11111r ""L'-'!ll .11 :"\:1•\\11o1n I l.1rb 11 \\hen ht· ll'll th1· "-ul• 1r" '" .1 I II ...,. 11Hllt'rt1 ....._'l 111111 I \ d1,1mp111rio.J11p 111 l '18 I "'It r \";!.' tin· I II I \ I 'ld\l'r ••I •ht-\to.ir "I It '1tv ht-...1lui;1"11001 pl.f\t·r I h.1\t' t"·<·r 'ot't'n. "-"LI l),lJl (,11·1111 \\hU \\il'o Ill h" ltf'•t \l'.tr oL'o hl'dd t IJJ• h ,.,,lll'n I 1 "1er pla\ed lus '>t'lllor '-t'J.'°11. I \e '>t't'n ._,m:h ~.ir·al) pla} I haw '>{'1.'n J lot of pld\'t'r. \\ho "'elll on to tht• c >lvmp1c~ .\.' fur a' hi!> W(' .tnd .,~u. I O\ll'C V..l'o \l'r'V iich'i.llltl-<l nw htAAl'r the n1.11d1. th1· ht•llt'l ht• 1\0.t-'o I Jto )U'ol li,11J ,11111thC'r kvt'I. I fu't had to ll'l'P h11n mlt·rt"'lt'<i. I tJ'o.tt•r, hom and m1 ... 1'll 111 l l.iwm1. went undcft·.tt• ,1 \\1th 1'1111<1!10 m tu-. 1un11 u "'..t.'>{111 h1 I l.1wa11 .• 11 1h,11 llffil', hcJ\'\ \lllll'VhillJ -.C-d."4.111 Wot'-111 the IJ.11 I It' tro.1n ... 1t.-m'l.I to ''"' l'k>n llarhir .md tned 10 pfJ\ 111 tltt' ... pnng ul f'l/i/1 bu1, dll on.hr 1~ 111 lhl' nilt-.... lw h.1d 111 \1JJ1 unt1l 1lw 1 ollowmg Yt' .u Ill 1987 Ill' ll 11\llllUt'll '" l'lll!IV lw, lllllt Wllh lhl' \.11lor-. .ind 1fw dim.ix camt· \\ill'n tht"I \Mm tht· c lt- d1.u11p1on.Jllp '\twpon I IJrhor dl'leall'tl \ hr.i l "'tJ 111 .1 h1•a1<·d 1:111d t'wndu.I I IT ms lf.111 PIYBT llltl\t' h.1l ~ hl)lllt' I .m 1111 lw. 1.11h1·r \\hu v.o.-. b.111h11i: • ;111• 1·1 .tllrl 1·\1·111u.tll\ -.11n t\t'tl 11 l·o-.ll'" la1lw1 "'1\\ It\ I., Ill ( .ciht1 "><U1 I Ut .L ... hl'oll'I 'olol\1'tl Ill I l;tw;.111, ''I wn· lt1 111.tHdJ.il" a hU,lfl('' \\ lt1lh lt'llh fi-.hing llll<lh .111d 11ll1t•f \dt.lllOll n·nwl-. I wn .,., ollen. N>'>ter \"1U 1Jll' ma \nlleyball matdt M\'oll('\'ball is l"l'.illv big tl\f.'r hen· ht• '3.lc..l -1 Like grnng to .1 ntdtt ll "ht'rt' rwll< xi\. li111"") .. mout me I ··n1<1\ \\Jlthm~ volleyball nn IV, 1110 Hut -.otnl'lllllt" I ,,,,, t..,. rt'.11tllng ..11 Ult' 'olTl'l'll I t1-.H'C, tJ It l.110-...1 hrtrt11r11• 11! •lw l >.111\ 1'1101 I l.t.ll 11! I amt '>did ht• rt·111J111" thdnl.1111 1111 mt't'lllll! a.1111 h<·n1111111g !nt'llt.1' \\lth ( rlt•rlll .md h1' h·atnlll.Jlt..., \'ht.It 11 \t'\'l'""t llwl 1, .111umg lht 111i;11i..:111 ... hl· ""llt'\l 'lk1ni,: I II PIJ\'t'f ol UH h•,lf 111 Ill\ <.t·ruor H'M "'1' 'Pt'(·ldl to 1111·.' h1..,ter ..aiJ Tlwn· \\1·n· ,, Int nl pLner-. \\Im lk'o(·rwtJ ll I tru" felt thJ.I 11 \"•'" 1 i.·.11n •hm){ I >.uim "th1· ht...,1 111c1< h I t'\t'r hJt.l. tw • rmt1m1t'Cl I le t.111w11 llll' ol 1111 .lhout k1;•pm1: 111\ Ill< 11 lit• tiJU~lt Ill!' .1 101 31 • LEAIE • ll•Di& flCRIFIJ CIEll1' SJ 000 iocior, r~• pk4 '2 •Qq ~ c.W. ~ 15 4Qq ~to> & k-0.. al "- '911119 No 1e<1o-~, ~ •llQ'.l"tod JQCXX> '°'°' t...i.t '* i-. •"' 2()1 peo ~·• ·------,. -. -' TAKE SS rWY I lrt FAJR 01 TO MA.111101 '29,975 *''PN M Monday, ble 9, 2003 ~~ ~ SPO RTS BASEBALL Continued from A7 n.m.tnat-n and BNat aa..r to take a 9..S lead. Ooser &tc ffol. lillMI pitched a scoreless sUlh and seventh lnn.inga. .... ~ pnMded strong defense for the Giants, who also benefited from the hitting of &le a.bl, .. Gnce and Cody Hol- ter. Mlcbm C.. ..eden and '9ke C-lgbHI, who each' scored runs. 8nt round of the Mustang (ages g. 10) playo85 May 31.Gerard threw the first three inn1ngs. striJdng out eigbt. allowing only lWo hits and no runs. The Reds' defense fin. isbed strong with second base- man 5-11 Goodwin throwing to M8C ~at first for the final OU1. n.,dm eomw.a and Nick MtCllm helped the Red Sox comeback. of his three hits ti the Red Sox battled the White Sox in the 7· and 8~year·okl teams' final game of the season May 31. Junior Nllje"a doubkld to center 6eJd and tln.lsbed with three hits. Bryan Sbolln, Qulnd Holple. Amlin Smith and RObel1 Aleun- der also had three hi.ts. Duke Monke. Spencs Bu- chamrt and ~ Muniz also contributed for the Red Sox. In NHM Mustang play: • Reds 9, Red Sea 8 The Reds tallied 12 hits with Gerard. M8tt Bac:roft. Manning, Trey lftnldln. Bn!U Pllrbr, McKelvey and Jib IWl aD adding to the offense. Goodwin. Ala Rime and lC'ftpll 8eewn also provided a strong presence. •ea.b ~. O-Wbldng, Connor Moore and Mike Reo each tallied multiple hits with ad· ditional long balls off the bats of Jed Or1Ueb and T.J. Ele!nko 10 bring in runs for the Astros. Ma Gerard and Brice Mm- Jdng combined to hold off the Red Sox just enough to advance in the In Pinto Amerlcan play: KeYtn Rallatraw, WW Pudw and Nim s.rp.nt played ~ for the Giants.. •1hn Mdietrtc:k tripled for one TOZIER Continued from A6 wants to do -just run and run for a half mile. You have to get on yourself because mentally you can break dawn. As long you are aware of that. you can fight and light througn IL" Throughout this past season, Tuner fought through various obstades.. His quest started with high expectatio~ and great confidence. In 2001, he won the Big West Conference title in the 800. He redshirted the following season. gaining more experience to prepare himself for this year. Along the way this spring. he encountered a wake--up call that came in the fonn of a second-place finish at the Big West Oiallenge Apnl 5. UC Santa Barbara's Tedo Emmen won the 800 at UCI in I :52.59 and lb7ier followed in 1 :53.14. UO associate head coach Ben Cesar thought Tozier ~nt out too fast. "We butted heads quite a bit in how to run the 800." said Cesar. who coaches sprints and the middle distances. "Darrell never loses on (the UOJ track. It ~ a shoclc.. He was tryins to run from the front and dominate the field He had to run it from the back. I toJd him. 'You have so much speed. toughness and strength at the end that guys can\ match it'" Tuzjer and Cesar put a better race plan together for the following week at the California/Nevada Olampionships. Tuner broke through to win the 800 Cal/Nevada title in 1:50.12. Then, on May IO. the Daily Pilot College Athlete of the Month established himself as one of the premier runners in the NC.AA West Region. He finished sixth in the 800 with a personal-record time of 1 :49.27 at the Occidental Invitational. The time put him a1 No. 4 on UOs all-time list And. having competed against the best in the 'M!st.. it also proW:led Tcrner with more confidence that he could reach the NCAA Championships. One week later, he reclaimed his Big ~t championship by winning the 800 at Cal State Northridge. "After a year off, it ~ nice to come back and take it bad." lbzjer said. "Most of the other runners usually have a good sportsmanlike attitude, but there were a few guys in the race who I wasn\ particularly fond of, so it felt good to win the title." However. Tozier ran into trouble while preparing ror the NCAA West Regional Olalnpionships during the last week.end of May. I le caught a stomach illness and lost fu..e pounds in leis than a week. Yet he still battled through the pain to win his preliminary heat in 1:49.72 May 30. The next day. he could not shake the illnes.5 and finished sixth with a time of 1:51.33. The Lop five qualified [or the NC-AA Olalnpionsh1ps. "At this point. I can make all kinds or excuses for myseJf, but that's not really what I'm about.· Tozier said "I still had an opportunity and I missed it When it comes down to it, you can\ point the finger anywhere but yourself.· While 'Jbzier did not end the season as he would have liked, he said he still enjoyed the goals he did accomplish. Th.is month, he will graduate from UC.J with a double major in English and history. He earned various scholar-athlete awards throughout hi'> two sea.so~ and he made the Dean's I .ist each of his eight quarters at ua. Tozier ba.sic:aDy seil.ed the opponun11y in regard to academics. A transfer from San Mateo College. TO'ller said track and field ~ the pnmary reason he ~ able to afford an education at UCL "I try not to make too big a deal about my successes or failures." ..aid T<Yl.ier who plans to teach at a community college in the future. "You have to realize your place in the cosmos. I mean. what am I doing? I run in cirdes. Not everybody thinks that's \eY Important. But I did. II mattered to me. But what are you going lo do a1 this point? (Not qualifying for the NCAA Ownpionstups L<>I something I'm going to have a long time to think about. I will and I will fUS1 keep going. Wha!s tha1 old saying. sometime<. you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you.· ' . .· legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 leoal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal N~ces 2640 leoal Notices 2640 Leg1I Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Lepl Notices PUllXMOOO IMTA TIOll TO ID Notto os hereby a:1ven that the Ocean V~w School 01st11ct of Ouniie County Caltfornoa hereinafter relerred lo as ·01SlRtc1· wilt receive \Uled bod\ up to but not tater than 2:00 ,.m. on ht doy of Jufy, 2003, at the Otstrrct Admont\lr a loon Offo< es 1/700 Pinehurst Bld11 B ltuntongton Beath CA 9?647 At this tome dale and pl.1te. bods will be pubhcty opened and read aloud for the lotlowona: HAUOURVllW IUMINTARY SCHOOl M ODERNlli TION ,.OJlCT llD 01 :0304. ltdrodtor • 3, MOOO TO COWT'RACTOIS CAUJl6 FOi iDS School Otslrtt l COAST COMMUNITY COltlGf OISIRICI Bod Deadline July 30. 2003 at 2 00 p m Platt of Btd Reu1pt Ofloce ot 011ectu1 ut Pu1d1as1na:. Coast Community Colleee D1strltt. Bldg ·o· 1370 Adam\ Avenue l'o\la Me\.,, CA 92626 Project ldentofltdloon N"me Or~ng• Coa.t Colle1ite Sailing Cente1 Sea Wall and Cap Hepaor. Bod No 18~7 Place Bids are on tole and avMIAble at Uft1te ot the Physical f ac11tt1es Coordonator Ardith Richey Cna•t Community Colleee Ooslnct, 1370 Adams Ave . Btde ·o· Costa Mna, CA c 114) 4J8 4611 Web Sitt www ttcd edu/fllcrht•e• NOTICE tS H£REBY CIVEN th.it the .1bnvt ndm, d School O"trtcl of Ou nee County Cahtnrn1a •thn11 by .md thrnueh oh Covern1ne Baud. heretn.1ller refetttd to n DIS IRIC I" will receive up to but not taler than the 1bove stated hmt suled b1d\ tor the ~ward of ,, co11trAd for lhf' pooiect deurobed as Repair Se• W1ll .1nd Cap at Orange Coa\t CnllP&P Sa1hn& r:enter Ther• wtll be • Twent~ f1vt <SIS) dnllar non 1efundable paymtnl requ11ed for each set ot bod document~ Ch1•th ~huuld be madP payable to Cont Community Colleg• Ot,lrtet Bods shall b,. reu1ved rn the pl.tt.t 1dent1f1Pd ~b,,ve and thos~ bids shall be opened and 11ubltcty 1e"d al,,ud "'the nbove •tal•d t11np and pince In •ccordenc.e with the provl\tons of Cahforn1e Public Contract Code Section 3300. the Oostroct requires that lhf! b1ddc1 pouen the follow1111 cfass1ltcallon of contractor's hc~nu at the time that the conlrdct 1s awarded Contracto1 A or Bl 1cense PUBLISH June 9. 2003 and June 16 ?OOJ WAI II lHROUGH Wafkthrough t\ N<il Required Oate June 74 7003 al 9 00 1 m • Ot1n11 Coast Colle&e Sa1hng Cente1 1801 Pacific Coast H11hway Hewpott Beach, CA 92660 Call 714 438 4646 tor map BIO DATE July JO. 2003 al 2 00 p m BOARD OAT( August 20. 2003 No payment shaU be miJde for work or matrri1I under the contrnl untns ind unltf Ille Rec1slr1r of Contrac:to" verilte~ lo the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR was properly lrcens6d al tht tome the conlratf w•s .1w11ded Any CONTRACTOR not so licensed 1s sub1•ll to penalton under the law II the locense cfass1f1caloon spec1fted here1natiove is that of d ·spec1at1ty conlrntor· I\ defined in Section 7~ ol the Cahfurn1a Bustneu and Profeulons Code, the spec1ahty contractor aw11ded lht Contract IOI this WDfk 1h1ll thelf con,truct a ma1or1ty of the Work, '" accordance with the provls1on1 of Cahfnrnla Bustne~\ and Profn~1on1 Code Section 10!>9 All Work mu5l be completed within 110 con~ecutlve day\ Time 1s of the euenc:e ~11lure to complete the WOik w1th1n the lime 5el forth herein will routt 1n the 1mpo~1hon of hQutdated damaaes for each day of def1y 1n the amount set forth tn the •tnformatoon for Bidden• Each bid must Lonform and ~ responsive to the contract documenh Eech brdder shall submit on the form furnrshed with the contract documents • hst of tilt proposed subcontractors on this proiect es required by the Subleltln1 end S11bc:ontract1nc falf Practlcu Act Government Code Section 4100el seq. Each Bid shall be accompanied by 1 certified Of cashter's check or bid bond In 1n amount not less than ten percent (IO 'lo) of the lol1I bid price. payable to the District as a 1uarantee lh•t the bidder, if tis proposal ~ 1cctpltd, sll1tl promptly execute the Aar"ment, furnish • satrsf1ctorr F1lthfdl Ptrformanct Bond in an amount not i.u then one hundred perctnl (tOOS) of the total bid prtce. furnl\h • Peym1nt Bond In en amount not !tu lh•n one hundred per<:M t ( IOO'lo) ot tht tot1f bid price, •nd furnl.1h c:erllflcalll evldendne th1t the requlted lnsurente 11 In effect In the amounts stl f«t.11 In the cen.ral tondltlona In lht event of f1ilurt lo enter into lht CGntrect and uec:11le the required documents. Mith bid security writ be forfeited The f 1JU!fol Perf0fm1nu Bond 1h11f remain In full fotce and effect t.twowtlt t1111111r111ttt l*lod It ,.,.cifltd tn I.II• cenerel COftd1tt0n1. lht OISTitlCT ruwvn the rl&Jtt to rtttel 111y ot 111 blcls Of lo w11vt 1ny lfft1UIMll1tt 0< lnlorm1t1titt In 111y l>lds 0t In the bfdd1n1 Aa rtqlllrtcl lly Seruon 1773 of the C.1tfornl1 L•bOf C.. the Oltec:tOf of tht O.,llftrn111t of ltt4lu$t111t RtletrOftt of the St.le of C.llfOfnia hu dltJtrrniltM the 11ner.ity 1Kn11hnc r•t• of w11es In tht loulity In wttlch IM WM h to btl Ptfforllltd Co9ln of tM11 •ep rate det•min11.Jcms. tt1lllled "'CVAILIHC WAC£ SCAU , •rt m11ntelned et tht OISfRICT office locJltt4 et I !10 Adems Aw , Colbl MHA, CA 9'6'6; Physic.e f tcifltles "9nnln1. ind "' n1il1blt to 1ny lnternled perly upo11 rtq""I. l'ht COnlrKhw ~ llOSI • COflt of this document et eiw;ll IOI> t.He. The Cof\ltldOf ll!ld 4111f IUKOfllf ICIOf lrndtr II ,,,... ,., not .... 11\•n the tc*lfled fl'IVIHllnt r1l11 e w1pt lo Ill w~wumplo~td In lht u.ecutto11 of tht Conttlct. Ho "4141« _, "'~'"' 1n1 l)ld for • f*IOd of ahty (tc)) dtp •ft• tM d1u Mt f0t ttle 09Minl of blcb A P•YNllt botld ·" M required PUOf to IHClitlOll of tilt COfllrlCI Ind .... II M ill "'9 for Ill Ml IOftf\ Ill tflt tOlllt Kl docillNllt\ Pu11nnt lo S.C.h1111 22300 of tilt Plltilic Contlact Codt, Ult COlltfecl will ~t• ,,-.190llS l*Nllflt lht a.-ccnsfwl IMddet to llUIKlltllt• aac1111lia f• 1ny -le:• wltflMW 11y tllt Dtstt1Ct to 911MH• "''-m•11c. ltflW tlle ('4\lt•d hdt ~ uf>tnltted "' '~ to ''"' !'lotlC• iNll COllltift, .. • w ittlfll, .._ ............ , ....... llM llfecifll.or ....,.-..1~. for 11!9 ,,.ttcti911 ... -.... Ill "*"'"'' "' ""' ............. "'*" .... .......... ., .......... _ ... I , .... ~ .. --a.Y .... N.t ... Q ..... c....c -~ ......... , .......... ......,. hectl~ -~""'°' ...... It, 1001 111/.JI ' (, CORcrete, ll<en1e(1) I , Cl 1 1.tradt091•4, Strwtural St .. t, ll- cen1e(1) I , CS I ,C60 lfdjtad1._. •S, R-.h CarP!fttry. llc..,1e(1) I , CS tn .tccord1nce wtlh the provtStons ot Calttorn1a Pu bite Con It 1e t Code §3300. the 01st11ct requues that Bidders pouus the 1pp1opriate c ta,s1f1tal1on(s) of C11hforn1a Contractors l otense •I lhe time that the Conlr.tl tor the Work I\ awarded Ap prnproate licenses are noted alter th, Btd Pat kaee I otles above and mnrt' than one hcen•e may bt' required This hsl m no way relieves lhe Con Ir actor fr om fulfillment or any 1ea1f requ11emen1 or lic~n\ln& necttssary for performance at his work Hen~Mar1dotory 1ob walk will be t0nducted on June 17, 2003 at 9 00 a m at liarbour Vtew [ lementary School. 4343 P1ckw1ck C11tle. Hun lonat<>n Beach. CA 9?649 Bid plans and con· tract dot umenh '" ~v11lable for • ref.,nd- oltle deposit of $100 00 per ••I ,oyaltla te OCUN Vl(W SCHOOL OISTIUCT, company or cashiers rhe~ks only (no per\01111 check' or cash will be accepted) at Oou&IH C Barnhart. Int . Cons tr uctlon Man aaer . 4343 Pickwick Crrcle Hunllnaton Buch. CA . ind al 10760 Thornmtnt Road, San 01eao. CA 92127. (858)385 8200. 01 •t th• 1ob w1!11 on June 17 2003 Bldde" wishin1 to pick uo documents shall notify John 811nard1. Oouat-s E Bernha<t, Inc. (858) 531 ·2010 ror bidden w1ihin1 plans to be fOfwerded lo them vi• UPS, •n addtlional aepar1te 11on·11fundable check, p1yabfe to Dou· &II• E B1<nhtrt, lllC, In th• •mount of $75.00 f* Ml for shlppln1 1nd htndltn&. Wtfl lit It• quired. P1H1111nt lo C.ltf0tnla I 1bClf Code §1773, the Ohct0t of tht t>ep.rt ment of l11 dustrlal lttlallons of the St.le of C1tlfornt1 Ilea ct.lei fftl11ed t111 .. nerelfy 1Ktvt1Nnc 11tu of per diem wt .. \ for 1111 toc11tty In which the WC>tl i• to bt f)tf'fountd Cofilc> of tht11 titler 111111•11011 •. e11tllltd "l'ltCVAILING WAG( $CAI, r • ., • "'''llliMllOd 1t the Oillb'iet office tnd ett lvtlllltle 11 1111 fottow1n1 well•l h ' WWW . ., C. tlO" ft thll M mlM•tOly U90fl tht •11euuft1I ltld4et I• wMM fM COlftr Kl • .. .,~ ~.,...., Mkontreclef ....,, te "'" ... ,,. ""' 1,,uuill• P'"""'"' •••• r •I• for 1111 dau1f1cahon of labo1 provodt'd by lht11 re specltve wor ker\ 1n prosecution •nd e.ecu hon ol the Wur~ The Ote1n View Sthool 01\t11cl h~' 1n1llaled and wtll enf0<c.. • I abor Cornpll•nce P1 ua:r •m Tht\ '""~'' t\ lunded on whole or in part with Sl•le bond fund\. drtd. therefort the 01slr1t.I and/or '" d'"Rnu will be op11r at 1ne a labor comphan'e proeram on th1\ pro1ect pur\Udnl lo Labor Code Ht !ton 1771 I Each Bid Prnpusal shall be atcnmpanied by Bid Security or Bid Bond 1n an Amount not less thin TlN ruUNT (10%) of the muomum 11mount of th, Btd Propo\al 1nrlu\1ve of any add11tve Alternate Bid Item(•> Any bidder \hall not w1thd11w b•d proposal tor ii pe.r111d ol ninety (90) day\ afler the opening of b1d\ £ ach Bid nal\I ron form and b, rl!\llOn\IVe only lo the bod docu menb ilnd arireemtnl m its ent11~ty .n provided by the 01111 it t The O"troct reurve\ the rieht to reiect any or 111 bids or to wetve any 1rre11olarolles or 1nlo1 mahhe\ 1n eny bod\ or m lhl' boddtna proten J....,., R. Torwa1 .. , Id. D., Dl1trlcl S11,erln- ten4ent, 0 <•-View hh-1 Dl1trlct Publi1h•d Newport Beach Costa Mesa Deily Pilot June 9. 16. 2003 M731 IS( 1Sl'2 MOTICI Of nnnol TOMI na fSTAll Of: UIUl5 .. SPIUIQI ... UIUIS IWOUOI ~ WI.,, A2'M44 To ell helr<i, ben~li· t larlu, cnditort, con- tincent creditors, and penons who mey olh· erwbl be fntttuled on the wlfl or tsl1t1. Of bolh, of LOUIS N. Sf'lfl8£RCCR 1h lOUIS NAPOlE~ Sf>l{I er RO· CR A PCTITION F Ofl PRO BAT£ hn l>Mfl hied by OOfllS LOUIS( CAYHOR 1n I.lie SliPltlof Covrt of Calrforn11, County of ORAHCC lHE PCTITION rnR 'R08ATl requuta DORIS LOUISE GAYNOR bt ICIPOi.nttd •• l*IOntl f'tpfeunl1tlve lo •d m1nl1l4'f tht t fate of ttl.ldtudtnl THC PC nTIOH ttquntt th1 H<ectellt t Wtll tnd t04llc11t, II 1np. lit ..,...t.,, to Pfotll{e n. ft IMlf!Y C.-Ma •t ........... ~ . boltlllhflle~tlly --t TH[ P'lnTIOflf ,..,.... 111tf1Cifltt to ..._,.._ IM estate...., IM l Independent Adm1n1s Ir alton of ( statu Act (This Autho11ty will 1tlow the personal represen latove to lake m•ny actions without obt11n one court approval Before tak•na: certain very 1mpo1 lant •chons however. the personal reP<nentallve will be requtred to eive nohce to mteresl•d persons unless they hiJ'Ve waived notice or consented to the proposed action ) Th• independent ad m1111str atoon aulho11ty wtll be eranted untus an interested person files an ob,ectoon to the pet1t1on and show' 1ood cause why the court should not l' ant the 1ulhot1ty A HCARINC on the pelthon wilt be held on JULY 3. 2003 al I 4!> pm tn Orpt L73 localed al 341 The City D11ve SouthL Oranae, CA 92868 IF YOU OBJf.CT lo the gr11nlong of the petition. you should apPf!ar at the hearina and state your obtecltons or ftle written obieclt0ns with the court before the horin1 Your appearance may be in person or by ynor ettorney If YOU ARC A CRCOI TOR or cont1n1ent creditor ol the deceased, you mu\! ftle your claim with the court and mill 1 copy to the personal representative lpPOlnled by the court with111 four months from the date of Ille ftr st issuance of tellers as provided 1n Probate Code section 9100 The ttrM for f11tn1 cte1ms ••II not tKplfe befOfe four months from the he.111n1 date notoced above YOU MAY EXAMINE the ftle kept by the court If you are • persQfl In· tertstt4 tn ttt. ntate, you may fife with lht court 1 Requtal for Special Nohe• (form I){. 154) of the fillna of en tnYtl'ltory and apprelstl of tsl•t• nsets or of eny pelltJOfl or 1ccount es provided In Probate Code sec I ion 1250 A Requut for Speclef Notice fotm Is 1v1ll1b,. "°"' the c:ovtl cletk Att=J 1or ret1t1ow. •• v. v.a.w, l~{CseitOM7H) SOJOC.....,Dr., Newpol't •-•· CA t2660-t1to Pubtlah•d 1otewport 8111c;h.Ce lt Me.It Ollly "tot Ju1119, 13, 11, 2003 Mf713 mercoat code. section /?10 (2) the follow1n1 m1scellan1ous household and personal propt1ty to wot 1dentolied by name ~nd star aee unit num ber I Devis Kathy lol IJ 2212 T otat of I tots. stored 1t Morris Movma. & Storaae Inc, at localoon ot 11610 Subo1rd Circle. Stanton CA 90680. 011nrie County Th is s ale wilt be competitive b1ddone on lhe 6/15. 2003, 10 AM . 11 Joe Tadlock Auclton- eer. 13418 letfrn1well Ro1d. Whtltttr CA 906IY.>. (~2) 94"8602 on satd premises county of lo' An1etu State of C1hforn11 Joe hdlock Au ct t0n eer hcense number 739 SRAD 4 7162 74. wilt conduct sale at 13418 l1f11n1wefl Road. Whit lier, Cahforn11 Sales " sold wrlh ltri111 and re.er ve, the landlord rner ves the roeht lo bid •I the sale Purcha•n must be p•id for •I tune of purchases A.II pur chned aood~ are sold. ·., 11•. and mU$t be removed by 3 00 P M on the day of the sale All salts are cash This sale IS SUbfl!Ct to prior cancel11llon in the evenl o l settlement, between Morrrs Mov1n1 &. Stor•a•. Inc . and obfl11t1d party Publlshed Newport Buch Costa Mesa Daily Ptfol June 2. 9 , 2003 M730 Rdl!IM ...... l'-tS...... lhe folfo•1na person\ are dome bustne-;\ a5 MAS re R s PIANO~ Rr s TORAllON 1o:rn l Hootell Ave An•hetm C1hforn11 92806 Alefandr o Martin r erque 1146 Blossom li1ll Ottve Coron•. C1hforn11 9:>880 Hu\ busmen " con ducted by •n 1nd1vidu1I Hav~ you started dointi busmen yet7 Yu 04/01/03 Ale11ndro M I 11 que This staltment was fifed wtlh the County Clerk ot Ounce County on OS/IS OJ 200J .. 44HO 011ty Potot M1y 19 26. June 2 9 2003 M718 flt'"'-...... 1'-tS..... lilt. lollo..,111.&. jle"ons are doina busmen as Star Motor C1n. 3100 A11w1y Ave Ste #116. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Ramona J1qun. 8332 Res1denc1a, Newport Beech, CA 9?660 This busmtn is con ducted by en lnd1v1dual Have yo11 slatted dotn& buunen yet' Yn. 4/1/0J Ramone Jaquts Hus stetement wn ftfed wtlh the County Clerk or Or en111 County on OS/15/0J 2001H44UO Deify Pilot May 19. 26. June 2, 9, 2003 M71 7 MOTICI Of APPW TIOll TO S8l AtCOHOUC IMIA&ES O.tf ... A,pl ... ..,IJ,2003 To Whom II May Coocern The N•mets) of the Appltc•nll s) '' ue I IONS DC NIN<. The 1pplocants h\ted •bove are appfyma to the OeparlmPnl ol Alcoholic Bevett8f' Control to sell ah ohot11 bever •ees •I 1314 BISON Al/( srt I NC WPOR T BC AC Ii CA 92660 Type ot l1cen\e( \I Applied I or 41 ON SAU BUR ANO WINI EA TING Pl ACC Published Newport Buch Costa Meu 011ty Pilot May 26 June 2 9 2003 M724 RdtliM ...... "-'*-" fldlllM lltsilm l'-tS....... lhe tollnwtn& Ptt\nn• •• e dome bu\IM\s •\ MA If RIAi ltl9 GnvPr nr.r Street Costa Mf'U C•hlo1n1192627 Cl•ylon Webster 8J9 Governor Sii.et Costa Meu Cahfornia 9?671 lh" busmen " con du~led by •n •nd1v1du11 It ave you \lat led do•n2 bU\tnO\ yet' No Cl~yton Web\ler Hus \l1lement w" llted with the County Cieri< ot 011ne~ County on O':I 19/03 200JH4S117 011ly Ptlot June l 9 16 23 2003 M726 Rdltll. ..... "-S....... The follow1ne persons •re do1nc bus1nes\ n NU N l/ CONSTRUCTION ~11H-""""'--~l.l.-..L-..JUUL.l1ll.~~~~~~ are dolne busonen n Anahttm C•ltforn11 JOHNSON'S BACl(HOE 92806 SCRVICl. 949 Governor 01n1el Nun.i Mendoz;a St. Costa Mesa, CA 11602 C11menita Rd #C, 926?/ Whittier . C<1l1tor n11 01v1n Johnton. 949 9060!i Governor St Co\le This bus'"•'~ 1s con Meu CA 92627 ducted by an 1ndtv1duat ThK business is con Hne 1ou started do1n1 ducted by an ond ... dual bu"neu yet' No Hne you st11ted do1nc Daniel Nune..r Mendoza bosmess yet' No Tht\ l tatement wn Davin Johnwn tiled with the County This stetement wn Clerk of Orange County fried with the County on 04/28/03 Clerk ol Orane• Co11nty 200J•t42S 19 on OS/21/03 Dally Pilot May 26, June 200JH45417 2. 9. 16. 2003 M722 Daily ""lot Mey 26. June 2,9, 16,2003 M723 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS!. • • • • • • • • • • I I I Policy Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of lhc space actually occupied by lhe error. Credit can only be allowed for lhc fi rst insertion. ANNOUNCIMENTS & MISC. GARAGE Slll BUSINESS & FINANOAL 10HH770 230S·2490 By Fax (949) 631-6594 (f>lea>e tncluJe )OUr ~ and phone number me! .,.,·11 ull )OU b.ock .,.1lh 1 pn..c qiutlc I How to Place A CLASS IFIEIAD By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Person: 330 WeM Bay Street Costa Me~a. CA 92627 Al Newpon Blvd. & Bay S1 ~-Deadline Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tue..,day ....... , ........... Monday 5:00pm Wednt!!>day .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thur.,da)' .......... Wedne5day 5:00pm Fnday .................... Thur!.day 5.00pm Saturday ................... Fnday H )(}pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-In 8:30am-5 {)()pm Monday·Fnday Sunda~ .................... Fnda)' 5 OOpm l ESTATE R SALE 3010-3940 SOOS·SISO Index .-... ...-~ ~ ' ' . ' -"'"'" ' ' .. .. ·~ l!l!l!t .1il.il IOOS-8510 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum ) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Pedftc •law •-tel Pwll, Vl•t• Dal M• let•149s.ISUOO 94t-S4&-4S4S _Es11te_Sa_1a __ 1488_ ART/ I~·:::.=~· & PAINTINGS 3060 5 SNACK & '> SOOA • •COMING SOON • • Vendin& mach•no only 2 c ... -c-clel S6500 required Ms C••••...__ I 888 279 9226 COASTlJNl ltlAlTY AAA V1N01NG lOOT1, {I) __ ... _,_-7•5•t•-0•1•7•7 - u ll1n1 units Prtme C...._ M- RURAL PROPERTY FORSAL.E Mountain I MISCELUNEOUS Property 5965 RENTALS MONT NU INC> IAlt· 1 ORANGE 7400 COUNTY s. l•y ,,_, 1r 1 ,.,, ~o· f1P~' OuPJt, ' l •f P•'"-~ 'l •und ••c. S 1?50 mr 9''1 67 J ~2 Hedllles Best Qualtty eept only 94~7 loll 1~ LOST DIAMOND •tMG (ci) Ho•& Hospi tal fi:indrarser @ Edwards lhu ther 1n womens restroom •IWUD Ill '4t-'7J-'7DJ PH1l DllCl PAINTINGS All Newpo<t Harbo• scenes JO X 40 011 16 X 24 W'C 18X 24 wc 1-100-IU-9 I IS HOME FURNISHINGS loullons S$50 lnvnt 11Mt1 - ZS,_ down WK. SX>-l96 • 1• /.ao. QI.Ml meet 9311 (CAI. •SCAN l lou!JOn $411 !n> For .t TOf' SS 4 UCO.OS ITC .Im. a.le. Ek 9h ' 8J's .8l Mme, 5'Jlw", bA1a IWT1l5 Mlllt 90·645·7505 Found 3435 FO•GlT THI STOCIC V«b.11 tcu of this ~ MAHnt ~ ~ hOrno! YoU un u11 .... ytme needs only one around "°"s 1 ~Y and ne. a loel putner on truly tKJYded dll5cr~ of .a p1om1.,n1 product hnn lb fe.IYfes and ~ Sky s the 1tm1t Seriou\ C.JI I ID> 2.83 1765 Mid l•ll 94 9 ?9'> '>874 ent.er 0-Z144 toll!iten rn 151 O Furniture mu t1na •pp1>1ntm1nt TV c.wn.t, CUSlom 011i1 only (QUAl llOU5ll& OfPOIT\llT'f JOUNDPUPPY CAU TO DISUlll •••-• 1 J-2J2J All rul uute •d•ar BUSINESS trs1n• In this n1w1p1per SERVICES 11 subject to Iha f t deral Farr Hous,m1 Act of 1968 ______ _ a s 1 m1ndtd w htch Buslnla mellu II 1111111 to ,._......_ edwart1w "eny prefer '-"'-•••nu 2315 1nc 1 l1m1lat ton o r d1ac11min1tlon based on race. col«. relt11on ua handicap. fam1.h1I status or n1Uon1t or111n or an 1nt1nllon to make any such P<tference. hm•u · tron or dtM;tlm1nalton • TI111 newspaper will 11ot knowmcty accept any 1dvethMmtnl for ru t ntat• which 11 1n v10letton of th• law Our readers '" hereby informed that 111 dwell •np 1dvtrl1Md In th11 11ewsp1per 111 ava1l1ble on an equet opportunity bH IS To compt11n of d11· et1ml111lion, c .. HUO toll· fru 11 1·800 424 8590 1413 Older Style Furnltutw PIAHOS6~ . .....,__._ ·-·-·OOO<e,...._ $tCA8HPAID$t .................. SEU your unwanted Items thfouf!I c:laulfltd ......... '" owntnC 'fOAJI own buMMul Thnunc of ··~· Neec:t ~· Cd I 866 ZS16175 for al 'fOAJI tiwn.s == '-" AIWICIAlJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CndM Slt'Vlca . 2A60 MUD $ •o• •o ebt Consohdatton •Homa lmpr o vem e nt1 •tnvn tments Property •car. boat. RV c,11 Northport l_.... •I tn customer -~ for 19 .,.... I ·888·894·6688 (CN..-scAN) HEAL TH SERVICES .... ., foodll Prodlctl m " "'°' wetllfll loss breMttlr~ WOt1\ fast· Ult resulh Palanted ~II wvedllnb Try one wull supply Freel ._,.tr~com (t.M.n HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 l9• 74 pul-oot s-..el. 4 ------- >helwslft. bin & 2 en:;~ A.ISOWTI GOU>MNI 60_....~ ..... SOFA ._....i.......a.-.. lw Ta11 Hld•-a·bed SIO,ftS. I00-,,.._. .. 2 fUl 949-645-9127 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c ... 1 Coln MHoh Old Coons I Gol<l. Stl•er ,ewtty w•lc.hes 1nbqun cottec.t1blas 949~642·9"8 3610 100+ lllSQB ICJTTINS, CA TS DOGS photos on-tne .,_ ... ~crii Business Opponvntty SeMces 3910 Are Y.v looltlnt to promota • untQlJlt proruct 0< s.tf wtet 1n muttic>le ~ ., CM!ortwl State.Ide CIHSlfre<I ad {SCSO lor Z5 wor O\) Stat1w10e 011pley ad cs1 350 f0t 0 :2 s·1ad nu rt1orm.11on ~ (916)288it010 <916>288 6019 _., t.i i.<.an tom (t.M. •SCN4) ~ rw.in ~ :l> c.ea ,.._ ~ ~ DAY tOl TH ruNWflEE 01b 2ID500al W incl ~2279 As tow n Sl.25&1 lots ol Mii SPAY b momrne Cit/ ~ 714-540-:J'i66 .-a1 kllll!m ~II - 6 Wlll .W litttM $2SK HOMES FOA SALE ........ ORANGE 5400 11~s210 COUNTY Dogs 3615 Balboa Peninsula LAIUDOI PUPS OfA CHF CHAMPION LINU, S03 '-' lay. CormwcaV platinum blonde, S800 res mued l~ close to 626-359-88!>4 run Zone must sell' '6913.ax> llkr ~251 9444 Pet Adoptions 36eO Corona del Mir Ga~ Sho,Mr<h a lt colors. alt s t us for adoption to quat1f1ed homes WWW peseue O<i or 71 4-773 5915 OPEN SUM l -4 USO SlAVllW AC... ..... C.-~trol to Be Co rona and loollout pot1tl Balnas 48< 4 56a custom home n..-.e. ... ltla. ott...111 • $2,tS0.000 PlfMl lSTATlS PAUICIC TINOH NATIONWIDl USA '49 ... 56-9705 www patrtcktenore com Newport Beach a A s..,..rt. Newport ......... re5tdenre 4bf (~th 8t!p me rm office down1t~o) ~ 5W located Cl<' a quiet COU>ef lot Cu\t om le•t ur es throuaf>oUl SI !J99 <XXl COASTUHl ltlALTY 94'-759-4171 A Oot&TI S. Sita ~ bq lb:. pis\ hr&h c.e1t1n1s cur v1na SI#~ outMde r P. a ~ kllclw>. aAlm ~ & more.St 7'B.ax> McNel 8<rilnwl c.-tit-.e Re11y ~J!J&{)I n s1w_.o.-........, 21 Cntallna Dr 38' 3 58a $1.!J90 CX)) Vrtual I our rptOC com ·iv-94~7-0nl PllMI ISTATlS PATRICK TlNOll NATIONWIDl USA 94' ... St.-9705 www patrtcktenore com • .....,., SAi 581 28.t. cul de WC loattlon W (poof Prtnc11>•ls only pleaSe . $67'>K Leasehold 0ouc Sulley. 8tu 949-120-1704 01-catk-• ••Calf.,. Uatl .... •• Prv"°"91el Calf •..tty '4t·IJ6-J7JO ===-and COAST\N ltlALTY ---Mt-75'~177 ._.o.,.lu2/2•0k. f1ll1dllaa & 2/1 u,,- -------......... c.-lii~ .,,i VIQftl Awl. S898,CX:O AVON E11traprene ur ,...... ........, on the 9'6-m8128 ~ rm. a-.wa II ltv,tm w/tp TIUSTH SAU K. P \81Ulrd9d. ~ llG HACH HOUSI tlllS. S791J.lXXl. ARI KcW 4H 2.SIA-SUt,too Blot ...._,,._SS76 AGINT '49-2lt•2SS9 MIWW!mp,.,..._.. UxMlan ' vib! 38r s 1.299.ax> 38r Sl.279.ax> 2Br Sl.m5.<XX> 8J. ~ Pfud Ca Riiy MJ.721-0132 PllMl ISTATIS PATllKI TlNOll NATIONWIOI USA '4t-U6-970S www p1lr1Clltenore.c:om Rancfl8liflnnll Country Property 5915 Cot.OUDO llAH04 SAU 100 xres-Sll9l> <Wy 162 wit. Sa..e SS now IN! own some of Cob~ s be5I ranches En,oy l..t>ulou$ VWW5 ol the Rcx:lues w<ltl stlJnlq sunsets' Acuu to 6CXXl ao~ of f ed Rec. area Year round roild with tel/ele~ E JC owner hnanc:1t1i Cal toll free I 8£t6.696. 5l63 -Based on Jyr fi.ed ··~ ol s !15'{, 15 'I' amort. wr.!l'\ down (CAL •SCAN1 ~ ~IC.~~ur ~"'; Rental To Share 6030 Pnnw lollot y-p.llt• el \0 7 .cr~ p~--~ ~'111 C.11oyun f ••Y Like k ceu to l IXXl CIXI .cres nl ~~ N.JttUndl f ornt Xl mon.itn tu Heltn.11 Phed ro•d undef if ouod ut.IMs c.I lor inh>rm<11t00 .tnd bfo cnurt Owner I 866-'>26 3420 (CAI.. SCAN I fl ND Nawpert l ch laclt lay 4br hsc 1 r om' • •• "*""'11'1"1< ~ e1d S!'Jr. \hart uttl' 9'9 ':I~ l IS~~ SELL your stuff through classified! Balboa YlAltl Y l8t • °"" l ~fb 7, "' ..... ~ ··-· he~ joloL' tfll-. t.ii•.to ti A.a.t.lo ... """' S341Xt rr As..x ... t~ R~a•l• 94~420' Balboa Island EASl U Y F•ONT APT 7t.r lb.i ltr ppla • \hare l•undrv Sl800 rno 949-613-40"2 Balboa Peninsula StP11·· 1><.n & t .. 1 " .. • ~··nt t•ri;.et lbr ]t.• I !Ci QUllt l t~ rtr\ ti mmecl •••• 1 s:r,,r, 1'>41 ~" 1ma• Or ':>4~ t,/' l J'>i' l l r. 21a, Wolli la loch, t1•1 Quiet .,,, U4h ~ • m !>"I 5.' "flOm 1'11 \+4~ ;>f",:j I 'lJ) "'" Fh.> lfl'I' llr, 31a, Super oharp M'" re me.cl ( arld<J r t<V\ to l>U<.h lwepi< 7 '~ ~·· ilMT1o ~· 949400-0lll 'J<e a ch 4 2, 000 :Readers in Xewp?r l 71ea cli. C orona def YJ(ar, J<.ewporl Coa sl, Cos/a YJ(esa. 7Jon ' iss oul on !.his cha ole.yq.lf-r f's Jiefd/ 16, 200j A ~I (9 4 9 ) 574-4.2 4 9 Pilot ' e Call (949) 642-5678 l!O=Tttwlflls IS2 l.&n 83 o..m.s c:zw MT~· • EllWf#l/lt • Olmon.ll .. f7 S!Mll in.ct 080.V.metiw DOWN I l\M!'tin pmil 2 --tor ht money 3 8elo"9d I EieolicMai> 5 RtAh-hour e r=:grp. 7 S!Ud<-up one 8 RI'!'.! horse 9 Cr·ftii>~ 10 ~rd pests 11 Sponl In 1'he Tempee!' 12 Jez:zy Len• - t 3 MaOe nasce 2t PuOWMng • .xeca 23 Bv hean 25 In Iron! 27 AluUn poll 28 Oixar • ~ 211 Gas or !el 30 FrMlrom "Employee.,. "Empleado. " ·'A rbeitneh mer. ·· .... Employ!.,. Q 1 • Ncidlcr ~ .. Soulh you~: •• u o Qtt2 o Jttl5'2 •U The ~ hll aroceedl!CI: NOlt'r1I .IAST' 500TR WFSr •• Ji;/ ? Whll IClloo do you take? A • You have enou&h (or iOmC oom- pctlcJvc action. but no convenient bid. AIJ you can do Is pus IDd wall to see how &he auctloft develops. U you arc Inclined to P1*l1d you have throe spade& and conipccc by bidding 1wo spades, yoo might pus.II the opponenis into an unbeatable lhree club~ when two hclllU w~ going down. Q 4 • ,.. SoudJ.. wlnctlble. you hold: •Kl6 c:1 QU o A.KU +tO The biddiaa hu orocicoded: wr.sT NOtrnt. EAS1' sovnt 10 ,._ .._ ' WMt do you bid now? A· You have 1 IClltbook bid avall· able. In lhc paslOUt seal, a !Wancing bid of ooe no tnunp show1 a bal· anced hand of 11· rs pointi with 1 stopper In opener's sull Your hand meetS these standlllth pcrf ectl y. ~ reopen with a bid of ooc oo 1rump. Q 5 • North-Sooth vulnetablc. llS Sooth you bol& 2br u.t. ~ rr ltolll .. !IMD. -pod/ ...... ~,,.,.... 2 c"" $1150 9&2!n'11 -YIMl.YllMTMS Newport Buch Penln Sl400-Slt50/mo *" • Mt ... 71-7900 •1tc_,..T.---. 2Bf 2911 w/masler slttin& room, pool/jlcuul/telmis $1950/mo 714-402· 1846 • n. c...Ao, den, 2.c pr, 2 patios, canyon view, IVll Ally, $2150/m. Cal Robert @ 949"644-1367 IAYVllW HllGHTS 21)101 Cypiess St 2br, ofc, 21>1, MW kit, w/d, $225()n1 •et. Chnsty 949-500-3648 Q 2 • As South. vulnerable. you hukl. eKQl08 l ?AK ~K7eQ9S4 t .. tlaluff 3br 2b1 townhome, 2 car 1111•11•. eJ9642 ~KQJl O Al043 •~ lllC b1ckhna ha.~ proceeded. The biddin2 has~: SOU111 WES't NORTH EAST cl>mmunrty pool Aat J $2300mo 949 673 7800 le l l e ? What do you bid now? NOllTU ~ SOUTH \VF.ST I• 2... 1 Whal ocoon do )OU lake? A· The opponcn~ have bid the ""roof. red ~uit for yuu ! Your 1tiJ1i of ~ i~ of doubcful value now. SO wlule your hand I~ good CMUgh to btd agam. it 1s not qu~ 5tron& enough foe any inviwional acuon. ConlCOl yourself with 11 compcuuve three spades. A -With five-card wppon for pan- ncr's map w11, do noc consider. e~en for a moment. dcfcndmg ajl,IUR.'I IWO hcl\n.\ doubled With your dt\tnbullOnal hand. leap 10 four ~·Game ~Id be la)oown and. -.hould F.ibt oompele with fiye cluh4'. bid Ii vc •J*ks and lea YC the n...,_t of the IWCll-Ofl IO panner Q 6 • A\ &iuth. vulllefllblc. you hold: Q J · Both 'ulncmble, ~ Soo1h you ho kl •·K Q 16 >1 A J .., A 9 4 3 e A 5 4 e AJ 1094J AJ ~ 6J •Q98 The bidding has proocedcd: W~'T NOlnll EA.bT SOUTH J . Dbl .._ ? Wha1 do you bid oow'l llic b1tkhng ha.' procecdal SOUTH WEST NORTll EAST le "-INT 2 Whal acuon dn you Lake'! A • While yuu have u tleac.I rmnunum ~ner in tem1s of high c11nh. :tn<l E~i-t\ oven:all hw. rdieve<l you ol lhc obllj!alJOO LO bid 8l(Uin. yuu do huvc "~ t1uah1y canh m lhc 1~1cr )Ult lllld partner'' ooc aware of thul RK.ltWCI\~ A • Pcrlwps I.he supcr-!ICicntiMll have a way 10 find out exactly what part· 11cr holds. bul it is bey<J!ld us. Obvioosly •. ttm haod IS better suited for a ~uit conllllCt lhan no 1rump becllusc of the ruffing values. so we would simply tnkc oor chancel. by 1umping to s1Jt spa0:._(. ~ilc any normal t».rou1 double, slilm should · have play. s.ly•....tt41tem ... tay nyl Plett. Cleulf!.4 14 "4.yl j'4t)'42-S671 NO fllrrER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FINDR. •II-MM ,.. 2-Sh. I~ home. mn-ocean viewi ftom nmter surte. avllll now, S5<1Xl/mo yrly :st. Daye ~73-3899 ConJna del Mar llr 11•, wolli. te lteedt. h11t.1 & bri&ht, no ~ls. luse $1395/mo 1nclds ulls 949 720-1!>6!> 71J ~ 38r 2Ba."" i-:tl ootbee. pvt lrOy I carport $2D)lmo 0-. & Rudyl 949-251 -9444 Oc._ view home ltghl a11y. ?br ?ba pahos, no smok/pel Quiel nergh S24S0/mo 949-721 1279 21r fr-Flnt •-tta ••"' • O.tl....t. Private pitttM. (pie, larae unit 2811. Sklh11ht 1ar ace. Sl?SO/mo Close to 405 & Beach Blvd Must be qwahfred 714 847 3633 ~It.-lba c.at11b ~•I Ii! p.,,. COf!Yll oool. l()d wd 11 int. ~ti ~ 't $11Dl 96Q3 pm Newpolt Beach l«1• Jlr 210 coftdo, ml"l o<•-view, lrpk, 2ca1 ear, n/peh. lease LIDO YEAltlY lfASl $2495/mo 949-720· I !>6!> & UOO SUMMOl HOMtS A Cut Alo4'V• rwnhH I 800sf ? Mst". 2 1/2 baths, f R, 4 patios Pvt 1111 W/D. Pool. Spa fennrs $2600 949 123 1741 Of 310 477 /930 ll<ltfwr,..2'/ .......... • loft Newly remodeled. 1 p, A/C. whirlpool tub, $3300/mo 94~8361 ComMesa t• .. ..._ 1 mi to i-cn. vaA aiis. -· .... c:eil '"" more S81l)n 133 E lf'Ah SI "511 for ~ 949 548-2421 C.t (). 1.-.ly o.t...i C.-..lty llr fh ~-w/pvt 11~. Inc. walk to Tri-ScJl•re $895/mo Waler/truh paid Kletn M:anapment m 70'-8649 [a I 9200 Bill GRUNOY R£AL TORS 94t-67S .. 161 Newpoit Buch l'en1n-.ula STUDIO N'ARIMfNIS available. a&I $7!>0 $950 949 673 7800 21r I .Slo, walk lo beach. 4?45 Hil111i1 near Hoa11 ear. w/d hkup~. $1395/mo 949 645 l68J HALI Off ht MO lllNJ For move ., ble I w/l2 mo fuse ~ remodl'I C-Cod slY'e comm w/new dishwasher & retri11erator c1<pet & cer*'11C Ille WW>er/dTys. ..we @ .apt 181 $1095 2Br $14l!> Cal lat. (9'19) 646 2224 or 71H33 rRl. o..4, ............... 3bl home, 2.ar pr. Pl'IV patio, comm pool Yr Ill S2!l25 ..,... ,.,., 9496468'13 Y..ty '-t• Jltr l ite house. 3 doon to bHCh New nrpet & pllnt $2950/mo /14 !>4!> 8628 Lt Jltr JM • den, wd,ocean view, totally renod. .... lo ti.ti 2 c e SJmnJ !M!Mf6.TJ8} Rmls Wlfllld 7880 0•1v1•s WANTED Nl'loport & ttont•1(11un lkh Set your own ~chedulel f'art Of full hme •011.tble • SI!>• /day lull om .. Call 888 001 WORI\ at m@ -001aim GUDINING ASSISTANT Salw. Part tune f rum 8am I? noon MON I HI Sherm•n (' ... rdtn\ rn COM Call 949 6/3 2?61 ..... heoltlorl at ;. ... ~ uhool 8 I? JO •tu.np pwno condu<:ttne vo..ol ~ a ~ c.oor1llnat~ yearly mtl'..ICJll produc.lloo Cal 9'9 64!> lnl HOME, ffEALTHft!J ,. ...... ____ ERVICE ##HOME Automobiles -Ferrari 360 H .. UI SPIDI• 2001 Bl;tc:I.. blKk. 3400 nllles. every opllOll, private pllf'ly 916-B 199'3. Bart. &st ofter ( CAl •SJ:.AN) Automotive 9004 lefttley Arnog• '02 Black/black eleeanl IX08761 Dir J1mD1llow Sr Nfwrou AUTOSPOH 949-574-5600 IMW 'Ol 760U 11 mr • bl•t k buuty •01110256 Dir Rya" luddet s NlWro u AUTOSrOIT 949-574-5'00 fen-orl '02 36"0 fl Spider Y~llow tan rnl 600 mr •1?7672 Dir luhrr Ho1ll N(Wrou AUTOSPOU 949-514-s.600 fenwi •94 341 .........,_ lb lU) £f'flllr mlb 1(811JJ.j ~ John lt.111 NIWPOlrl AUTOSf'OltT 949-574-5600 ......... •···· Conv 4!>k ml, 1uto, s1lvtf. tan top, P.W• pl, A/C, CO, suptfb like new cond. vlt19743 $12,995 financi"I & warrenty 1vall Bkr. 949-586 1888 www.eqoalltt.c- MercetlH '00 IJ20 16k actual m1. full f1clory warr, lurquolH blue/01tm .. 1 lthr. moonroof, CO, chrome whls. one of the loweat mile Mercedes ot lht year lo Calif. v#557291 $29,995 financlna 1011 Bkr 949 586 -1888 •--ec~.<- Mere ..... 'OJ Sl SOO Bhack still In the wr•PJ>e• #.48048056 Dir John Hell NfWPOtlT AUTOS,OH t4t-S74-UOO rHIUJPS AUTO 00 NIW M ._.,_ Conv. blec::k w/111y. premAJm wt.els ( 19388) S28. 9lll fSMUSUOO Sliver w/11 •Y lealher. premium wheels (19390) S27. 9IKl . o,,,,,...,....,n,. only 1111< mi. ~ Per formance wheel!> (19394) • INQUIR[I 00 VW Cllltrlo lripll! b•. value plu~ <19434) Sl5.'Bl 91 •MW 14(11 S.-. OM -· local New port Sedan CJ ut rKor~ chfoml!d whb ( 19340) $22.98> OOJ...-S Type low "~· perled (19171) ~.911> 91LuwGS (.Jv unted whMI\ low "*5. 54lnf oof (19418) S23.98> 02 An.nt n ,_2 moonrool ~ r 194!>!11 $14 !8> OO•MWXS .... ..,. ~ef w/Ulack ( I 9'4lC) SJ8 9lll O:J ,._,,_H2 Blad w I tan. kMded. • buuty (193641) $45 9IKl OOMUEUO Sclvet w/BLa<.k le.ilht!t, Pfem1um wheel\ <19191) WB 949-574-7777 rH!Ua'S AUTO ,.....__ r-.che '02 Twin T...t.. unu\u•I whtle, bl llhr Tip. 4000 mtles • -"686006 Dir NlWPOIT AUTOSl'OttT 949-574-5600 Sut.-.. '9t lmrr•a.• Ferd '65 M v•ton9 2 SRS bl•clo, buuty C(lnvcr trbtr 011e1nat loilded. mrT1 ... RS opCliJr& Ow!rP! "ulod c•r Sl9 995 SIO SOO 714 751 2464 ubo 949 719 1943 f<Hd MvttOftg CP£ '98 TOYOTA 2001 SEQUOIA v6 26~ '"' fully lu~cled lrmrll!d 4X4. !>river fully 1 1ol tond fl•ll•n owner loaded 9600 mo perf $8 000 949 173 6306 cond $31.<XXl 9663? M> PalntirJ;I wr'A'lrt:IO<ft'l ..... raiohooorlH-l~WJ:ut~l''-MS * JIG MASONIY * Any I ype Best Prtces ft~ 01r Q1Jl111y wt1rt1 IMMIOW GICU MMfl lf7'JD!B JoM 714 531 7643 P•1ohn1 lnt/ul. HcMifllllpl HONIST & llU.SOttAIU pt UMBCR l '506!>86 ~fst!Sm 1~1: "NO ICE 0 RtAOCRS California law re qulra that conlrac tOfs t•k•na jOb\ th1t lot.I S!iOO or nlOft (labor or m1lern1ls) be lrcenied by lh11 ContraclorJ Slate l~nH Bllnrd Stale law also rtqmre' that con tr actors rnc.lude lhelr llcen~e numbet on all itdvertrs11111 You can rh!!<.k the slalus o l your hc.ensed con tractor n t WWW CSlb ta l!OV Or 800 321 CSL B Unll censed tont1aclors lak1"11 Jobs tha t total lus lh1n $$00 must 1tate 1n their 1dnr11,.menh th1t they are not h<.ensed by the Contnctors Stale ltC.ense Board " A-lNMOYMAN IMt•M, reflCt UIHMls ~ ~~,·~~7291 ........... Cli•lom 8u11Hns. Cf own Moldtnp, 8H• Boards L 157791194~ 109-564? ......... """ O'CMIPIT v CMl'IT tit ll'tlllft, P1tthln1. ln1t1ll Co11tltot1• a"y sht lob• Wllola•lel 949 492 0205 Up11ra~s. Rep11n of Comput~ Networks ( venonp/Weellends Compet1hve prKH for qu1hly 51!JYIC 949 ... 36-I 17 5 714-926-422• Conan & Masonry 1 .. 1cti. llocli. St0tt• tile Concrete. Patio. Driveway f1replc, BBQ Refs 25Yrs Ea:p lerry 714 !>57 7~94 n..c ....... , ..... Cementwork. Bri~k. Tile & Mo1e Reh1ble No 1ob too small 714-615-9062 ~ NHD MOH IOOM? AllOIT10NS & REMOOEl.f«: l 1577982 949-709·!>642 °"*',.,_ YCMllHOMI IM,.OYIMIWT NOJICll C.11 a plumber, P•mler. h1ntfym1n, Of 1ny ol lht lfUt •tr11lces l11ted htft In OUf service difec:totyl Tlif.S£ lOCAl SVC P£0Pl£ ~HELP YOUTOOAYI WITTNOllT HYWAU All phases '"'/Ir I Jot>. CUMI 20yn, f11t, frH est. l«lm> 7144.l'l-IMJ AMerlc.o <trlc Licensed [lec1Jlc1I Conlr1ct0f Small tobs st1rt1n111 $79.95&~­ Specllhllnlf 1n Remodelln1 & •II home w1r1n1 nuds, Comm/lndual/Ret 1...aoo-at1-loot tf7ll2959 Cet your yard looluna Its bet b h sumw. Y•d~ ..... tunHcJa and ~ weekend ' •Ye quotes ltr• H-4 S.....lce• 714-427.-0 Tr-S-lc., Yard Cleanup, Maintenance, Sprinkler Repair. Hauhn11 (t4t) 6SO..a7' 1 Hf 'i IORI • Rf PAlfl Ii. Rl ~1110£ I INC • Wlmtill•c.o.aai QJobJboSfMll .............. M9-32M292 ,..,.. t.rpentry • P1utn1Hn1 Orywa• • Stucco Patnhna. Trlt & more 20+ Yun bpe11ence! .19714-9 .. -5776 HANDYMAN All Types 01 Work Inside or Out Cell Hff Of Otnnls 714·427 0040 ,. ... .,Alw-'• H-1.,...r S,.C'-'l•t loteriol l Ealerior Rep1tn 714·~1~ Lb16ICll! IOllNSO• <Oa,ANY K~Wa,Ww­ Mark 9'9·650-9525 TillNANOYMM .~~ka-ent-i ,........~ODor'I. rmti c:p*-•~ ....... NMl TO TMI tu•ttt 71&.961-1882 AVM.A8lE TOOAYI ~73-!1568 Qualfty ,ob• r ree estimate ...... '.... l•569897 714 6l6 8888 HST MOVIU SSS/Hf. S..,,.. M Clbes IMlwed TI6JIM4 ID> 246 2378 32).6J)-'Bl I eel PUBLIC NOTICE The Celli Public UUllUes Comm1nion requ~res th1t all used houaehold aoods movers print their P.U.C. C•I I number, llmot and cheulleurs prlnl their T.C P . number In •II •dver tlsements. II you hne any ,u.,tions about the e11llty Of I mover, llmo Of chauffeur, call PUIUC UTIUTlfS <OMlltSMON M01774 .. 7 a-.'•~ 'l.IYn ap Gr11fl'Y1cel Cu1tanteed woB. ,, .. at. l•375602 714-531-1534 7 -390 2945 ,.,_ ............ Toei Qulttty, ~ti1we lnl•iol/'ht LIM8228 c.n ,.1 949 650 5066 .......... ASPHALT rAVING, SUL COATING, st•IPtNG, Quehty work hoe 9nalll c ' c "IN' n4-8D..v.e Plumbf ng SMI A19NAIM<U-.& (t4t) '4S·2SS2 M • division ol MB rJ Ban!retl SEWER JEnlNG ELECTRONIC SlAB LEAK OCTlCllON Fr tendly 5-rvle• t4t-67S -tJ•4 -~.(Oii! l • 7~91 m.urecl ., .......... UllAlMMll -"°"' DD91 I c... In ,,..,. Own Home (949) 631-5771 ' OC1TCll °"' nt ZI) 9150 r•tctSI n&IMllNG Repairs & Remoderin1 FREE ESTIMATE l '687398 714 969-1090 PoolSIMce MeMk r..i & S,. S.c. Weekly Sefv1ce, Equip- ment Repairs, Insured Cell t4t·2'2·717J Plumbing v .............. ... m ml, sp.rkllna blaell/ oatmeal, 1uto, moonri. CO, pw, pl, alloy whlS. hke new, vl"l470055 $12.~ fin I werr1nt1 avalf, Bkr 949·586-1818 -.-,..M.c- ,... o,...I .. 0...-4o ~ UCll ... P9Y I VfTY fas pt1C9 b '/Ol6 a6 Yin or truck pmld b at nol Cal Oldl Rey @ f onulo Auto S.S.. 711 4J1 1931 at 714 J211.3228 <ASH fOtl CAaS Wf NOD YOUI CAI rA&O FOi Ott NOT ,Hl&.WS AUTO ASll fOtl MAlCOU. 949.574.7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES BOATS 9515 .... Sdot4 °"1l'ic 18tl bcMlt, rl('W l.farlef afld l>•tteues l:l'UI toodlholl S8ZOO 949 723 0726 '00 "" Duffy Dedri< bo.t1 I -dooked by a.a-~ Must -· $17.<XX>/obo 9'9 Ja>.2063 Sallboltl 9520 H ....... r20•J1 ...... llectrln, u~. $17,000elte 94t-2JJ-77SJ ClWOUT YotlHOUSE WITHA GWGESALE! CAll (949) 642-5678 SELL your stuff hough classified I