HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-13 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• . l 0 Serving the Newpo rt-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2003 Fingers crossed on new El Toro talk Newport residents continue to hope fo r a new airport, but aren 't sure what to think of L.A.'s interest. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Jet noise almost completely drowns out Russell Nlewia· rowski's voice as he tries to explain over the phone why his hope for an El Toro airport has gotten a boost from the news that LA Mayor James Hahn has asked federal authorities to consider turning the closed Marine base into a commercial airport. "It's not over till the fat lady sings. and she hasn't sung yet on this one." said NiewiarowskJ, a fonner pro-El Toro air- port activist whose West Santa Ana Heights home ls three doors down from John Wayne Airport's runway. While governmental and nongovem· mental organizations wage an ink war, Newport-Mesa residents are a little more reserved about what may or may not be a revival of the pro-El Toro airport cause. "I don't know how it's going to rum out," said Robert Hanley, a 30-year resi· dent of Santa Ana I !eights who supports QUESTION Should LA.'1 ln1*Mt In building en elrport at El Toro provide much hop9 for N9wport-Mete7 Call ou r Readers Hotline a1 (949) ? • 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypiloti§latimes.com. Please spell your name and Include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. creating a commercial airport at El Toro. "I can't predict what the outcome will be. I probably won't live long enough to find out." Residents are split on whether the city of Los Angeles has a right to push for decisions outside its jurisdiction. Han- ley, for example, doesn't see air travel demand as a county issue . "This is not a local issue.· be said. "This is really a national issue." But Newport Coast resident Gerry Ross disagrees. ·I don't like the fact that they're med· dling in our local government,• Ross said. "I think that L.A. hac; no business whatsoever in doing an end-around on the will of the people in Orange County. ... We don't interfere with the govern· ance of L.A. County.· Ross. like many of tus neighbors, LS tom over El Toro. Some Newport Coast home5 rrught suffer as much under an El Toro airport as they would under John Wayne Airport's expansion. 'Tm conflicted," Ross said. "For a lot of reason!>, an El Toro airport would be good for w.. I JUSl don't want II tn my back yard" B.J Johnson, an officer of the Corona del Mar Res1den~ N.sn .. said the as.so ciation may revive dtscuss1ons of the matter with it.s next membership meet· ing. but it'!'> too won to be sure. "Ow assooation supported the !Air· pon Worlong Group) ongmally. and in my opinion. I t.tunk there's definitety a need for an auport. It Just seeml> -;o ~ple and logica.I to me that 11 !>houJd be at El lbro: BOAT SINKS IN SHALLOW WATERS Results of Westside Picking up where a hero left off Roger Mendez, a 17-year-old Newport Harbor High senior, receives the Jose Garibay scholarshJp award. 'It means a lot because he is a hero and did the same thing I want to do: Roc•Mendez Jose Gri'>a-/ schollrsNp award winner honor be will not take lightly. "Wow, I don't know haw to mp1a1n tt.• Roger-Mid. "lt &ne1D1 a lot becauae be ii a hero and did the aame th.Ina I w.nt 10 do.• Gerhy folned the Madnes when he WU 18, Juet after he~ trom NewpOrt Harbor High. and WU bued at Camp Le- jeune. N.C He and m ocben from bil tillle Mn klled March 23 Dell' Nulrtyah. lrlq; fl· ter ~ ID ambUlh ~ ....,. aoopa. omdlll reporud. Gmtb«y Wll dw 8nt of two Or-. ~ c:uueld-.. ~indwwar. PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER /OAl.Y PILOT A 48-foot CrisCraft reportedly sank off the 200 block of East Bay Front on Thursday morning. Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol officials said. Sgt. James Thomas said a passing kaya.ker found the boat at the bonom of the water at about 6 a.m. The water is about 6 feet deep in that area. No one was in the boat, and no one was hurt, he said. "We don't know exactly how It sank and when It went down,· Thomas said. The boat's owner contracted a company to move the boat, he said. Above, a diver from Vessel Assist Newport Beach surfaces after working underwater to begin raising a boat sinking off East Bay f root on Balboa Island. At left, the 48-foot CrisCraft takes on water, the stem submerging as crews wori< to raise it. gang sweep please cops No suspects were nabbed, but police say handguns found could be evidence in s hootings. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Police \aid they are pleased wtth a mulu-agent"\ gang sweep on the Westside on Wednt'!>day rnorrung that netted three handguns and what offi· cers say they believe could be evtdence in the recent spun of gang-related crunes. At about 7 a m . Wednesday. Costa Me~ Police officers -along wtth offieta!s from several other agenc1~. mcludtng the See GANG, Pa1e M EDUCATION Fund-raiser saves 21 ace classes Campus' sailing school raises $63,000 at annual auction. State thinks it's a model for other coHeges. Christine Carrillo Da1lyP1lot OCC CAMPUS -Orange Coast Col· lege's recent fund-raising effon.s chat have allowed the college 10 recum 21 ~ to the 2003·04 schedule have also rumed the college into an example of eft'iamcy for other commuruty colleges in the state. The Caltfom1a Community Colleges SMOCC,PaseM Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONnEWEB: IWW.~com WEATHER Coude ftret. Sun .... S..PlpA2 THINKING AU OWED Loltll Hllrper le on lllli911fMM. IPOllTI c..ya.jllll lllilmOdM. 1-1. ft._.., ...... ...... A2 Friday, .Jooe 13, 2003 ON THE The Heritage Regatta and Seaport Festival offers a race of some of the area's most notable wooden boats and family activities. Boats, boats, boats The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum hosts the 12th Heritage Regatta and Seaport Festival next weekend FY1 •WHAT: Heritage Regans end Seaport Festival June Casa1rande Daily Pilot S ee boats. Board boats. Build boats. Sail boats. If that sounds like the kind of day that floats your boat, then there's no better place to be next weekend than the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum's Heritage Regatta and Seaport Festival. The event, now in its 12th year, combines a race of some of the area's most notable wooden boats with a day full of family activities. Curlew and Kelpie are just two of the famous classic schooners that will panicipate in the noon race from Balboa Pier to Huntington Beach and back. Meanwhile, baclc at the museum, the WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AA.DAT is published periodically. If you ere planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to daitypllot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast Coflege ii offering new credit end noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, end boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beech. (949) 646-9412 or visit OCCS11iflng.com. Selling Fuclnation offerl cla .... In boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employerl c:en bnng, ttt.ir employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The Sctiool of Sailing end Seamenship now offers a chance for groups to wort with the on-board parking lot will be overrun from 10 a.rn. to lO p.m. with free exhibits. activities and demonstrations. The International Knot-iying Guild, the Ship Modelers Assn., the Southern CaJifomia Small Boat Messabout Society, the Woodchuc.kers wood-carving club. the Newport Outrigger Canoe Oub and the Antique Outboard Motor Oub are just some of the organizations that will have exhibits. live demonstrations, boat rides and hands-on crafts workshops. Oilldren, for example, will be able to build their own milk carton sailboats and then sail them in the water.. Families will get a sneak peek at the boats they will build for the museum's Family Boat BuJJdlng Weekend, which takes place July 12 and 13. To top it all off. there's a luau dinner, instructor on dHferent sailing tec:hniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes coS1 from $100 to $125. (949) 646-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Merfna WawrSports et the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nauiical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the teS1 in a fully equipped Boston whaler. or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rental• can put you on the water in many ways: with s ingle ltnd double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holdtir sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boell, providing group actMty for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations end group outings. The hunt pac*ages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and •WHEN: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. June 28; race begins at noon; luau dinner and awards begin at 4 p.m. •WHERE: Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, 151 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach; regatta begins off Balboa Pier on the Balboa Peninsula • COST: Most events are free. For prices and reservations for the luau dinner, call the museum et (949) 675-8915 or visit. www.nhnm.org which is the only part of the festiviti~ that isn't free. "What we're trying to do here is to show that you can go to a museum and actually have fun,· said Glenn 1.agoren. executive director of the museum. MParents are always lookJng for ways to get kids in to more cultural things. It shouldn't have to be painful. It should be fun." catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric: boat rentllll aN SVllilable by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice end cups ere provided. Reservations ere suggested. An hour rental is S75. (949) 645-0812. Pedal bosts, electric: bosts, booiile boards, kayaks, Inflatable rafts, catamarans, beacti fumlture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondotti tours are °"*'ed by the Gondota Co. of Newport. 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost Includes a basket of bread • .cba:ese...aalamUce..Otauear a blanketT music and a Polaroid picture. Wine ls also available. (949) 676-1212. Gondola Adv.ntu....JNewport, 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-end two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with ctiampagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and dlempagne ls $180. Pldcup la available et waterfront rmauranta. (949) 675-4984. Daily A Pilot Coral Wiiton News aulstant, (949) 674-4298 coral. wilion Olatlmn.com PHOTOGRAPH£RS Seen Hiiier, Don lMctt, Kent Treptow Box 1560, Costa Meta, CA 92626. Copyright No news 1toriea, illustratlons, editori•I matter or ac:tvertlaement.1 herein un be ,.-oduced without written permission of copyright OWMr. VOL 97, N0.164 TltOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOetO Editor JUDV OETTIHO Advertialng Director LANA JOHNSON Ptomotlont Dl1'9Ctor I News lcllora Gin. Alexander, Lori Anderton, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saltowltz, Daniel Si.vent NIWISTAFF Cnme°:cr~rter, (Ml) 174-422' ~.,,,.,.,,,.w,.,,.,,.oom ..... =··· Newpott NPOfWI', CMl)PMm /u,,..c•""8'•••N&com ... Cllllil Politlca. buillrlW ........ NMnC ,..,.., ... ..... p.tU~..,,n• C10m .......... ~ ................ .. DM171 w...u .... , .... ......... eo.i. Meu ..... CM> "'"'2.21 tMlrdra.'*'"""".,.,,,.,°"'" a. ..... ~ Educadon ,..,,._, IM1 .,..._ tlltWlktt&flMnllo•.,,,,.,_oorn RfAD£AS HOTUHE (949) 642-6086 Record vour comments about the D•ilY Pilot or news tipa. AddrMe Our llCklreu It 330 W. Bay St., Colt8 Meu, CA 92627. Office houra ere Monday · Friday, 8:30 •.m. -5 p.m. Con9Cdone It It the Pilot's policy to promptly colTIICt •II em>r1 of eubstance. Pl .... ull (IM9) 784-432'- rn The N.wpon ~ Meu Delly Not (US'S-1......o) le ~deity. In Newpoft hectl end C«*t Meu, aubeoftpclone are 1111•••• only by tubecftbl"" to The ~ °'9nge County (800) Ja .. ,.,. lfl 8"'89 OUlllktli ot NMDott l9eecft end Calit.I Mle9. tubecripdoftl to .... DlllY "'°' .,. ~ °"'V lllV .. a.t melt fof l30 per month. (l"rioaa "dude all 111plleebte .... end locel WCM.) l'08TMASTE .. : Send~ ~'°The Newpcwf leecM:OICa Meu Oeltv ftllot. P.O. HOW TO REAai US Cln:ullrtlon The Tlmet Ortrige County (800) 252-91'1 ~ Cteteffled (949) 642-6678 Oitptey (949) 642-4321 Edho"81 Newt (Mt) 642-5680 lpott9 (949)574-4223 Newt,... (!Ml) ~170 .... ,... (948) f560.0170 ElfMI: th//ypltor•1«1rn..oom MelROIJoe ..... Olloe (IM8) 842-4321 ......... ,.. (IM8) 131-7128 ~ bv Tlmea COmmunlty Newt. a dlvtefon of the Loe~ Tlm-. e2003 TI"* CN. AU "9hte ~ THE HARBOR COLUMN Still bringing the nel-Y yacht south Ahoy. Wrong answer, tty again. In last week's column, I mentioned that all this week, I will be aboard a lll-foot r.odecasa Fantail mega-yacht on a delivery to Union Lake, Wash. Onboaidare three experienced captains for this After the bilges start to fill up with water because of a blown cooling hose or maybe because you aacked the hull, overwhelming the pumps, then you will feeJ the MIKE boat get sluggish WHITEHEAD and roll from side to side. However. if you have a bilge alarm, then you would be alerted at the onset before you are wading in water. · trip. Joining me are BuLCh lcobeUi and Mitch Keeler, both from San Diego. This ls an expensive mega-yacht and it is important to have the experience on boaid, especially heading north with the weather systems this time of year. Well, if our route plan holds true, then a little after 7 this morning. we will change course from a northerty heading of 342 degrees magnetic to an easterly heading of 76 degrees magnetic. 1ltis means we will round Washington's Cape Aattery. leaving the Pa.dfic Ocean and entering into the otore protected, yet open waters of the Slrait to Juan de Puca that separates Vancouver lsland and Washington. For those boaters mentally plotting this course, remember that as you travel north. the variation inaeases between true north and magnetic north. So. charting in our southern latitude of 33 degrees north, the variation is 13 degrees east. yet today, I am at 48 degrees north with a variation of 19 degrees east We plan to touch our first dock this evening at Shilshole Bay after a nonstop five-day voyage traveling more than 1,213 nautical miles. On Saturday morning. we will ua.nsit up Shilshole Bay through the loclcs to the yacht's new home in La.Ice Union. Next week. I will tell you about the trip·s highlights. TIP OF THE WEEK Oleclc that your high water bilge alarms are working. What's that? You say that you don't have any high water alarms on your boat1 Then it is time to install high water alarms in your bilges before you find out the hard way that your boat is sinking. These alarms are activated by Ooat switches moWlted just hlgher than the automatic bilge pump's Ooat switch tn the bilge. Ar. the water rises, the switches trigger an audible alarm Some also have a panel with lights that show which switch is activated. l beer boaters say too often that they have automatic bilge pumps and are therefore protected. Also. bOge alarms have saved many vessels at dock or ded to a mooring can. It is common for the house bat1eries to die or a bilge pump stop working leaving the boat Wlprotected. An audible bilge alarm will alen those nearby your vessel that something is amiss and that a high pitch squeal is usually a bilge alarm. One new problem is that new vessels are equipped with carbon monoxide {ffi} detectors that audible squeal sounds identical to a high water alarm. 1ltis is a problem because for some reason. the CO detectors falsely activate on unane.nded closed-up vessels. sounding li.lc.e a high water alarm. I do not consider a falsely activating CO detector a concern on an unattended boat, but if it is a high water alarm, then that is a major concern or an emergency. I have bad many pankked boat ownen call me who have been called by their marina~ about an alarm going off inside their boat. Some of these boats are docked as far away as Mexico, and everyone is deciding what to do In case of Hooding. The CO alarms SOWld for a while wid then shut off, leaving everyone wondering what it was all about I have been called for an activated high water alarm on boats equipped with water alarms. I think the false alarms are because of the fabrics or materials releasing a chemical on very hot days. Many people are now turning off their m detectors when they leave their boats. but you have to remember to rum the detectors back on when anyone is aboard. Boat safe. Next week. I will be back for a week until my next voyage up the coast. Safe voyages. • ftW<E WHrTEHEAD ii the Pilot's boetlng and hatt>or columnist. Send him vour harbor •nd mari"4H'918ted thoughts and stofy ~~..meilto Mike0~1V..c:omor vllit 8cwthoute TY.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Not much dlanges H we start off gloomy and end up gloomy. lt'I the~ that'•• bit more lnterelting. The aun lhould break 1hrough aome time nur 2 p.m. Hight will near the mld-70. In Costa Mea end the upper 60a In Nrweebnd loob a bit better, u the gloom lhould bum off a Ihde Mrtlet. ~ www.mw.no..(IOV BOATING FORECAST SURF The aouthwest ewetl continues to lote tteam today, but we can ltlll expect some chelt-hlght and the occealonal shouldeMllgh. On Saturday, the ewell badca down more, lelVing ua In the waist-to che91-hlgh renge. Sunday's no bder, ao ww'll probebfy be ltudt wading In k'*" to Wlitt-Nght.. The not tOUthweet ew.11 loob to llTM TUeldey, though tome will hh -~· w......-r: ~~°" TIDES ,,_ t:e&e.m; 2:Mp.m. 1:8p.tn. ~11a.m. . \ Daily Pilot r rtdcty June 13 2001 Al Airline backs out of JWA berth off er ''Your Newporl-Jtleaa Flooring ~/" ATA Airlines, which supervisors were considering for slots at John Wayne Airport, could be replaced by another carrier. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot JOHN WAYNF. AIRPORT -A Olicago-based discount air· line has backed out of a bid to offer flights out of Orange County, prompting airport managers to ~eek a replace- ment carrier. In a Tuel>day lc11er, ATA Air· lines declined an offer 10 set up shop at John Wayne Air- port. NATA plans Ill return the [Oights) ten1auvcly provided to us," Stan llula, the airline's vice president of planning. wrote in the le11er to John Wayne's Access & Noise man- ager, Enc I-reed. "We appreca· ate the con'>aderauon given to ATA during this process and we hope to be able to commence operations at a future date. N The Board of Supervisorl> tentatively approved granting two new flights to ATA and three to Frontier Airlines on June 3. The board has sched· uled a final vote for June 24. In its le11er, ATA said It wall declin'ing the flights because the airport could not offer overnight slots for its planes. The airport has already handed out all of its 30 "remain over night," or RON, slots. After ATA's decision. airport managers turned to Midwest Express. a regional airline based in Milwaukee. Freed has tentauvely offered two daily nights to Madwe~t Expre~-.. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Commission approves Boy Sco ut Sea Base The California Coa-.1al Com· mi~ion on Wedne!>day approved a rewritten '>laff report that ap· proves a new Boy Scout ~a Bru.e in Newpon Beach. The commp .. ,1on had ap· proved the ba~e about a year ago, but becau~e tht• deca..,1on di~greed w11h the ... 1.tfT rccom mendataon. the report had IO be redrawn. The comml'>'>IOll '>11pported the S4 .5·mdhon \t.'J bt1'>e. I to I. over the obJeltlOn.., ol a \tall ana· lyst Wedne~ay' dCllon \\a' e.., ..,entially a formaluy of boul · keeping C on..,truL11on began on the base Ill October for a ne\ .. two-story. ll,060·'>quare 1001 building. Summer reading programs available Geanng up lor a '>ummcr fillt•d with reading, 1ht• Ncwpora Beach Publu: Library ,., encour aging reader' ol Jll age' to c,1gn up tor one of the many .. umml'r reading program.., II'> offering this year. For toddler-. through '>IXth graders. Lhaldren CJn paruc1 · pate m the ·II., a Jungle Out There" program 1111s program wall include a read-to-me club for tho'>e ch1l· dren not yet reading. a' well a'> a readers dub for mdeprnden1 reader'>. In both club.,, mem· ber., will earn pn1e' ror their readmg efforts. f.or tho'>e ll'enager., t•n1enng seventh grade and above '>eel· mg !.ome ... ummer reading, the library will offer ..i "(.er Wild . . Read" program. Adult.., can join in by signing up for the library's "Branch Out -Head" program, which will be held at the Hal- boa. Corona del Mar or Man- ners branch. <;ignu ps for all club-. will con· tmue through Aug. 16. For more information, call (9491717-3816 or vis11 www.newportbeacl1/i· bmry.org. Interactive event ki cks off reading program The Newport Beach Central Library will host the "Storytell· ang Safari" for children entering first through sixth grades al 10:30 a.rn. June 30. The pro· gram will be repeated at 3 p.m July l. a1 the Mariner., Branch and at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa Branch Prnfes-.1onal storyteller Jim ( ogan wtll pre .. ent the mlerat· tive program. which will launch the :'\ewpon Beach Pubht 11· brary s 2003 chtldren\ '>Ummer and reading program, "II'> a Jungle Out fhere." Cogan ha~ been an actor. teacher, 1ournaJist. a \'o,emite l\auonaJ Park natural"t. and lifelong member of the l\auonal ~torytelling A~sn Wells Fargo to donate money to school. Well.., I argo will lend a hand 10 public educa11on through Aug. 31 a~ pan of m commu 1111r-ba.,ed program learn Up for Our ~chools. fhe company w1ll donate up to S20 to the school d1!>tnct clo!.esl to the branch for every new checlong account opened 1 hrough Aug 31. The bank will donate SI 0 IO 1he d1c;tric1 when the account ai. opened and $I 0 when new and ex.isling customers sign up and use Wells Fargo Bill Pay, a ,erv· ice 10 pay btlls online. 1 he 83 Well~ Fargo offices an Orange County will also adopt an elementary school and will ~ponsor supply drives and col· ora ng contests. Each office will also have teachers' wish list~ and ... upply bins to collect items needed in ahe classrooms. That will start July I. -Kris O'Do11nell which would ny to Kamas C11y NThey're the next earner on the lwauingl li'>I, • airport spokeswoman Ann Mc< arley said. Midwe't txpress. a nache carrier that has launched a re- trenchment of its operauons. has not yet decided whether the Orange Cou111y nights would be profitable "We're &till dec1dinl( whether to apply for the '>IOI'>." com · pany spokei,woman Carol Skornicka 1>1:1id. "tr ahe ccc>- nomici.. of ii work, we'd love to serve Orange County .. On Thur!>day, f\11d\>\>e'>l 1-..x press announced it wa-, clo.,1ng a Kansa!. City call center. ~lash ­ ing food !.ervace on all flight'> and reducing c:aparny by 12%. f arlier thl'> year, the d1rlane an· nounced 11 \\Ould eliminate 13% of 11 ... \\'orl lorce The company al'u ~aid fhuri.day 11 ma> need "1ud1cial aSl>l1>tance" as it implement'> a re!>tructunng plan designed 111 return it to profi1ab1hry M1dwe ... 1 Expres.., wa' fuun ded an the late 1970'> ti'> a '>Ub sid1ary of Kimberly Clarie ( orp fhe first flight lert Milwaukee on June 11. 1984 The company offered public share'> 1n 1 !JY 5 which now trade on thl' Nt•w York Stock fxcha11ge If it flae~ out ul John Waynl", Midwest J:xprt.,., would u .. e the newer, quiet er Hoeing -; 17 jet!>, which '>eat IHl pa-. ... t'nl(l'" The Board nl "'11p1·n 1,or' would need to apprn\l' till' air hne and Denver ha,ed I r1111 tier Airline'>. \\h1ch hopl'' tu add rhree n1ghh. Ai. a re!>ul! ol a modl.''I ex pan'>aon. the airport l an nov. sen:t:' 10 J m1ll10 n PJ''>l'llgl·r ... annually· 111 2011. 1ha1 numlwr would n'c lo 10.H 11111111111 I here art' k'1 dJ1(\ 1111-:ha.. at John \\Jyne 314" COLOE~ \tAPLE OEl'.'>E SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~"· • ln.wl~d "1th Pild $ J 69 • 'linrmum 60 virds aq ft. Travertine 18" JI 18" ..................•.. •4.29 ~ n Ceramic Tile .•................ 1 ...... 11..i fro• •4.99 ~ " Laminate Wood •.•.......... 1 ... t.it.d ,....,. •4.99 ~ n 'upplle:. and TtXJI ... Fur the -ou II >uur&r/Fn·>1!'0 1411 prl< r11/pruducls Fur a lb111t .. d ti nut. bo~trd on 01 ollubll/111 1374 Loian A\le., Suite F •COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 (6Ji21 ' MO\.-f'IU. 10 A.'I i. 5 P'I • ..,. • ....-. t ·~ SAT. io A.'I I• 2 P'I tCLO £D Sl~DA.YI ~ ~ '----------~--.0•"' ~----..-.----~Baby Backs--....------------...... and Lots of Other Good Stuff "Give Dad (and ~our Grad) the Perfect BBQ!" ~---~---~-..;::;.. _______ ___ ... Bucket of Rlbs "2895 lntrodudne "U"-Que Paks 9c..Jl OUI _. • YOUI crill-.ii fn'tt die lm!9 ~· • l..J, , • ,..... .. .. _ • .. a ...., 1\ :.c ...... · .. t'"'••,..n ... •~b•uJ r.ti ,., ..... .,., rt• ..'~\--........ "!"'f""\a.•t ...... ~ .... ····•11.:rJt\;~ • ...._ .... i; f'IC • ._ "" """ H,;-...... ~.Sfi '\." Hoe • -.!. • •,,,.. I l~r ... ~.... S74.9& V Porkrr · t-. _ " .,~ \f.,., .._~ ~ M~t Cboiccs • • • ""' ,.._\.!''°!'\ r_ . ! -W·rr. •, ~ -,, u ~, r<QI-t '"'1 fd" .-1' ••• ,.., n... " Sida Reyn Spooner preview from the hawaiian islands . at:-ea•e is proud to present our annual Reyn Spooner trunk show on Saturday, June 14th from 11 :00 om to 4:00 pm Please joip Richard Bybee from Reyn Spooner to preview the largest selection of island prints on the mainland. Receive a DI R'¥1 Spooner f·Shirt (valued at $20) with the purchase of any RevO shirt and short combinooon. M Fr1dl.Y. June 13, 2003 111.\lPllll I 'S - I I \t \ I " '" ( \I \I ' I l \ . . . lllldllr YIU lllDrll••- y ou '11 Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! SOLIS I NVESTMENT REALTY KRISTF.N M. Sous • Licensed Real F.statc Apt • Mtttmg all of your Real Esw.t nmis. ERie A Sous • c • 17 Jtiln • d-&nJs • Mllllllll Funds •A,,,,, £rtl#e . Planning Call for a ·on at your home or 949-723-1 . ,,_~.._., . ............,,. ____ . &tcA. ...... Cfl'U...lMl ttlloflllO _ • ._.....,.. ...... ""-"-·Ill&. -llAIO.WC ,, llt Pranta ''Meet the Winemaker" ~J..u 14, 2003 12 NHn imtil 3.-00 I·""' Great Legs W'mc, Tasting & Boutiqor Proudly lnvita You to Meet The Mu. ihc Myth. the l..egmd RANDAU GRAHM roundct & Pruident of Bonny Doon Viocyanls Come shop at the oldest flo oring sto re in Southern Califo rnia. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET l&r. ONE Karastan • Lees• Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairborne And Much More .. I I , ,. ,,; I '. ' ... ,••. -· " -- ,., , .. . .. ' -....,, 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714-) 751-2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach and Los Angeles • <!JUIRDIPAiuJJ • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Fumishings & Accessories For Your Home Pair Wicker End Tables ........ " ................................. $90" Small Black Desk .................................................... $100- Round Glw/Chrome Coffee Table ....................... $150" Black Floral Wing Chair .......................... _ ............ $200" Bamboo Glass Sora Table ................ -..................... $250" Henredoo Sora Table .............................................. $250" Small Green Hutch .......................... _ .. M ................ $275- Sd ol 6 Ladder Back Chairs ........................ ._... .... $3W' 369 E. 17th Street # 1 O. Costa Mesa, Lot.teed behind Plum'• Plcio Phone(949)764-1746 lllm: w.fri IO«la-S:JOpll, S..10..~ S. t~- POLI CE FILES COSTA MESA reported In the 1900 blodc at 8:60 a.m. Tuesday. Daily Pilot • EutCout Hlgttw.y and~ Ortw: A traffic accident wu repotted et 9:36 e.m. Wedneedey. • Ademe -.nu.: Grand theft waa reported In the 1600blodcat11:63 e.m. Tueaday. • 8oeftlc IMlnue: A vehicle burglary wea reported In the 1800 blodc at 4:34 p.m. TuMday. • Wlllllloe IMlnue: Annoying phone calla were reported In the 2100 blodc at 9:63 p.m. Tuesday. • ENt Coest Hlgttw.y and Promontory OM East:: A traffic eccldent Involving Injuries waa reported at 11 :07 a.m. Wednesday. • Briltol 8trwt end Hotlel w.y: A traffic accident lnvoMng Injuries was reported at 11;41 a.m. Tuelday. • Herbor and MIM:Arthur boulevards: A hit-and-run waa reported at 7:44 p.m. Tuesday. •West 11th StrMt: A home burglary was reported In the 700 blodc at 9:47 p.m. Tuelday. • Ontngton Aoed: A vehide burglary waa reported In the 4500 blodc at 9:51 a.m. Wednesday. • w.t9ffront OM: A hit-and-run waa reported In the 2200 blodc at 8:11 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Newport Boulevwd: Vandalism was reported in the 2400 blodc at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, • Pomorui Avenue: Drinldng In public was • Bunya StrMt: A burglary was reported in the 2400 blodc at 8:59 a.m. Wednesday. • 18th Stl'Mt: All auto theft waa reported in the 1900 blodc at 6:33 a.m. Wednesday. GANG Continued from Al county Probauon Department and Newport Beach, Irvine, La Palma and Santa Ana poUce de- partments -conducted a mas- sive sweep of several homes on Center, Maple. Mission and WLl- son streets and El Camino and Shalimar drives. Costa Mesa Police initiated the sweep to track down sus- pects in two shootings, a stab- bing and several graffid inci- dents that happened over the last three months, Costa Mesa Gang Detail Sgt. Tim Schennum said. Police suspect ail were gang-related. occ Continued from Al chanceUor's office will recognize OCCs annual boat auction and marine gear sale during a Board of Governors meeting later this month. One of m y duties is to "let the board mow what's going on at colleges throughout the state, and I thought this was a really interesting way for a college to fight baclc against the budget cri- sis," said Kirsten Macintyre, the public information officer for the chancellor's office. "I just wanted to gjve them some rec- HERO Continued from Al Roger, a Costa Mesa resident, also plan to enlist in the Ma- nnes and serve his country. he said. He wants to fight for the freedom that makes it the great- est nation in the world. He wants to protect the Uberties that allowed him to pursue a better life than his parents. He wants to protect other countries from evil and tyrannical leaders, he said. In the fall, Roger will attend Embry· Riddle Aeronautical Uni· versity in Daytona Beach, Aa .. where he will srudy engineering and physics. Why? Simple, he said. "It interests me a lot.· Roger said. "It is the study of what we do everyday. Why is it that we are able to stand and walk? lf we • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mikB.swanliOn@latlmes.com; by tax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date end location of the event, aa well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypllot.com. TOOAY lrwtorl FoNm ptWnt:I • seminar on ·intellectual Property Law" by Edwerd Schlatter, patent attorney, et 7:30 p.m. In Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall. Registration and networ1dng begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $6 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Cell (714) ~2491 for Information. Newport Dunea Reeoft'• .Movies on the Baacti" Mriea offers "My Girl" st.artlng et dusk on the Newport sand. Per1dng It S8 per car. Cempflree will alao b9 avallabfe for e·morea. The retort la at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more lnfonnetlon, call (fM9) 729-0UNE. SATURDAY The c •• ,,... ...... Aoedelhy, the flrtt lllemlc hleh ld\ool In Orang• County, la having an 1nnu1l 1Undret.fng dlnnet with guett aputera. a recepdon end a anent auction et 8:30 p.m. et 1he RadMeon Hotef, 4646 Mec:Mhur INd., Newport htc:h. S40. To teglster and for MOf'e lnfonnedon, c.111 (71•) '31~2011. The stabbing occurred April 15. A 15-year·old boy was re- portedly attacked by two men while walking in the J 900 block of Wallace Avenue. The second incident. a shoot· ing. came less than a month later on May 9. Men with guns attacked two men standing in a parking lot of an apartment complex in the 1900 block of Maple Street. The latest incident left a 20- year-old with a bullet in his back. A man reportedly shot the victim when he was waiting with a friend in an alley behind the 800 block of Center Street. None of the injuries were fatal. But Schennwn said the incl· dents only go to prove that gang violence is like a dormant vol- ognition . . . bring it to the fboard'sl attention." On Sarurday, OCCs School of Sailing and Seamanship held itS annual boat auction and marine gear sale. The event raised $63,587, enough to put 21 course sections baclc onto the schedule after OCC elimi.nated them be- cause of state budget cu ts. "I think it's an innovative way to save classes and help meet students' needs," said Jim Carnett, director of community relations for the college. "It's a good example for creative ways of generating money for the col- lege." Because of the budget crisis, the college expects to cut 500 to sit in a chair, what keeps it from collapsing underneath us7 What makes a plane Oy?" While Roger is busy exploring the phenomena of everyday life. his sibli.ng.s have a role model. his father said Roger has shown his siblings that education is the key and that success is not im· probable. Although Rogelio Mendez came from a country where he was not empowered by education, his children will not suffer the same fate. he said. "What can I say? I am so very proud," Rogelio Mendez said in Spanish. "I give thanks to God first. Without him, we are noth· ing." Rogelio Mendez said he al- ways tried to instill the impor- tance of faith and service in his children. Roger has always been a boy who likes to help others and demonstrates the power the Lord has in on e's Ure. Roger said. "Ever since he was little," the o eness, a yoga an arts festival benefiting women and dlildren served by the nonprofit New Direction• for Women. Admission la free, and donations are accepted. The full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga In Newport Beadl. For more Information. call (949) 955-1965. Crfatal Cova Stat. Partc wttt ofrw a badtcountry hike at 9 a.m., a historic district walk et 10 a.m. and a sunset/moonlight walk et 7:30 p.m .. whldl requires reservations. For reservations or more Information, call (949) 497-7647. ModMr'• ~wll hold. ·spring Cl .. nlng• clearance sale from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Taste demos will b9 offered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The store la at 226 E. 17th St., eo.te Mea. For more Information, call (949) 631~741. Newport eun. Aeloft'• "Movtee on the Beach" Mf1et offera •Allattaala" ..-rtlng et cMJlk on the Newport und. Pitting coeta $8 par car. campftrte will etao be avallablefore'morae. The resort ti at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more Information, call (SM&) 729-0UNE. ........... wlthott• flrmen' met'bt fMtutfng live ~and MWr8I booth9 boMdng gr-.1 de-. In addfdon to"°'"'°"' ...... The mllbt wilt be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more tnfoimdon, Olll (941) 722·1800, met. 21. 1\DMY ~ ........................ II I"-_,._ hild'""" U0 ID ,. .. p.m.•Ma ............ 221 E11ftk.CO.Mlle.1bmlM cano that can erupt any time. "It goes up and down: he sald, "like a roller coaster." The violence and graffiti seem to be the wodc of three Costa Mesa gangs, Schennum said. Graffiti and violence usually go hand-in-hand as far as gangs are concerned, he said The gang unit noticed a "decrease in graf- fiti and other activity" just be- fore the sweep on Wednesday and after, he said. "It goes to show that our en· forcement has had some effect," he said. "It also helped us be· cause. although we didn't arrest any suspects, it was very pro· ductive because we collected weapons and evidence that may or may not be related to the re- cent incidents.· 1.000 course sections rrom next year's schedule. Since college ad· mjniscrators have already estab- lished a fall schedule. the addi- tional classes, funded by Saturday's event, will most likely be added to the 2003-04 spnng semester. The event, which drew more than 400 people, offered a vari· ety of nautical items for auction such as boats, kayaks, rowing sculls, sails, rigging. electronics. life rafts, oulboards, inflatables and dlnghies. "Most of the· time, the money raised goes right back into the sailing center, but this year, since the budget cuts were so drastic, the sailing center decided to put father said. In addition to his rigorous ad- vanced placement studies, Roger is also very active at h.is church. La Puerta Abierta - "the open d oor" in English. He is the m usical leader for the youth worship team and the former di- rector of the choir. "I like to mess around with my guitar: he sald. The rest of h.is free rune is spent domg things any other teenager would do. including going to the movies and "kicking back." The Jose Angel Garibay Me· m orlal Scholarship Fund was es· tablished through the Orange County Hispanic Educational Endowment Fund at the request of the Garibay family. During the mem orial service for Garibay, his uncle and family spokesman said if one positive thing could come or his nephew's death, it would be to help educate others. The Newpof't BMch ctternber of Commerce hosts ita Newport Bualneaa Referral Breakfast for June at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd .. at 7:30 a.m. Attendees wlll team about a mar1cetlng program in which gueata of the Marriott's Newport Coast Villh are referred to l~I busineaaea. The coat la $17 for members with a reservation, end $22 at the door. For more information, call (949) 729-4W 11. WEDNESDAY Phll Btlpndl, 0111nga County erdilviat, will discuss what is in the ardilvea 11 they relate to Coste M .. a'a history et 7 p.m. at the Costa M"' Hlstortc.I Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Coate Mesa. For more lniormatfon, call (949) 631-6918 or•mall cmhf.ioryOl•nHtcom. The Nnrport MeM IMM lnter1alth Councfl will pteMnt a No suspects m the gang-re- lated incidents were arrested, but four people were arrested on suspicion of unrelated offenses. Police would not discuss the details of the evidence collected. Schennurn sald Costa Mesa's gang detail, conslsting of four officers and himself, will con· tinue to vigorously patrol the streets seven days a week. "We'll be conducting routine probation checks," he said. "We'll continue: to maintain our presence in the community as we always do." • DEEPA BHAAATH covers publtc safety and courts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4226 or by e·mail at deepa.bharath 4'/atimes.com. the money back into the col- lege: said Tabatha W"Llson, de- velopment specialist for the OCC Foundation. which organizes fund-raising events for the col- lege. "It's a good event. and the people of Newport and Costa Mesa definitely make 11 hap- pen.· OCC will hold next year's boat auction and marine gear sale on June 5. To donate items for the sale. call the coUege's School of Sailing and Seamanship at (949) 645·9412. • CHRISTINE CARRJU.0 covers educa1lon and may be readled at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine cam/lo 4'/st1mes.com. Roger is just the first. endow- ment officials said With the help of others in the community, they hope to grow the scholar· ship fund Into a supportive tool for many coUege freshmen to come. Perhaps another Mendez wtlJ be a recipient. His younger brothers. 12 and 5, could earn 1t in a rew years with hard work and dtligence. "Many olher people have rec- ognized Roger's strength." Roge- lio Mendez said in Spanish. "I have two younger boys and I hope they follow his example. I pray that many others tum out like my son . With the grace of God, they can." • LOLITA HARPER wntes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the alts She may be reacned at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lo/1ta.harper@lst1me1 com roun 1 cu ion a range Coast Unitarian Unlversalist Churdi on human relations featuring an Introduction by Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human Relatlona Council. •With the County of Orange Budget Cuta. Where la the Human Relations Council Now7'" It aalca. The program gon from 12:30to 1:30p.m. end oosta $7.60 per parson, including lundl, or $10 without a reaervatlon. Th• reception la at 11 :~ a.m .. and the lundleon at noon. For reMrvatlona, call (949) 660-8865. ext. 3, by 5 p.m. June 17. The ~wport Harbor N...UC.I Museum, wor1clng In conjunction with the Newport Ub,..ry, wlll pr ... nt 1 Mries of story time evanta on tM Texas Dede et the muaeum for dllldrwi betwMn 3 end e from 10:30 to 11 :30 e .m. There will also be a crafts project for children and P•'*'tl· Admluton la frM and apace le llmlted. For Information or NMtVetlona, call (949) 873-7883. Dady Piiot I riddy, June 13, 2003 A5 HOW 10 GET PU8USHED -t.eu.ra: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cost.a Mesa, CA 92627 • Reeden Hotfine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) f;4fµ170 E-m81:Send to dallypilot@latimtts.com •All correspondence muat Include full name, hometOWt) and phone number (for veriflcauon porposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edil all submissions for danty and length READERS RESPOND Having to break a few eggs LEITER TO THE EDITOR Cox plans for El Toro don't work AT ISSUE: The closing of the Omelette Parlor on East 17th Street. I t has been a week Mnce I learned that the Omelet1c Parlor loM ilS lease and will be closing. and there has '>till been no news of a repneve. I low can this be? nw. U.n't juc;t another r~tauram -this is a livi ng. breal.hinio: part of Cmta M~'s identity. J>arlor. perhap'> we '>lwuld Ix· wr111ng ro tht' corpomte po\ .. CI"'> a1 Vo11'> ll1cy -.c.•t·m to perLt·1~e tht•ir IJll-of bu'>lnt'"-'> c:au-,,cd ll} tlw p<1rlur\ patron .. u'>ing all of "their parking '>pan"> Lei rrw "4.'t'. 1h.i1 1 enter ha.' rnort' 1han 1lm'i· \Jlanut">. dlld Von' -.1111 \ .. 111 not look al 1lw1r dark, dinh') 1 rampt-d '>l<lfl' a., 1hc1r re..U n·.1-.cm for down "1lt"'> I .11ll 1101 reddy 111 btd fart-weJJ 111 .111 old fnemJ, .ind to thdl 1·11d. I w1ll 1111 l1111g1·r pi!trunve \ 1111' IRENE KRINSKY ( .O'>IJ Me<.a II 1-. w11h J hca'y hunger pain Jnd Jn t•111 p1y '10111<1th that I 1c10 la1m·n1 1lw rlo'>mg of the 011wll'ttt· 1'.1rlur 111 the Nt·wport Me.,.1 .irc.i I rnt·<tn. hm' n HH h more W 11h Ill'> vigorou-. an11 11 loro Airport ~tanLt:, Hep Um., Cox marche~ aJong w11h south Orange Umnuan'>. prot ccung uwtr ..o < alli:d -quaJ11y uf hfe" Wl10 can blanlt' him' fhat\ wht'rc the vote'> arc• With th1 .. ..amt' uppo.,.tion to I .I I oro A1 rpon. howewr. he appear~ to be t0n11nually 'tabbing Nt'Wpor1 !il-'ach n•'>Jdenh and thL·ir "4u..iJ11y of hie" 111 the bad .. I k kJ1ow' that air tr<111'>portcwon 111 l 0 yedf' \\-tll be at maximum '01e Omelette Parlor t'> an important community gathering place, where people young and old flock fur '>UStenance and good umes. II is hke a very dear and old friend, tru:.tworthy and reuahle. always there for you when needed. The '>taff I!> alwa~ frienilly. and the food L'> aJways cxccllenl. We mU5t do whatever we can 10 prevent tht lo'>:. of .,urh a great place! 1111., appear. tu be J cold-hearted and c-cillou.-, hu'>tneM dett51on by tht• owner-. of Von!>, es.-.enually a dollar!>-per-square foot At q LO' Owner Susan Adkins talks to customers at the Omelette Parlor, which will close this month. l'gg 111 llll' fat(' t·an a h'll} m gal t.ikt" l .. ulll'r lht' 'lmng. tht' '>tl\111) f>OW('f\ I lo-..·d ( (It II' on 17th '>1rt•1.•1 I lll'll -.111m· gu\ 1m·tl 111 t.tl..t• ,l\\J\ Ill\ ()fl•() I f11Jl.11•' \;m .. 11-. Ill\ hn·.ik.Ja,1 onwll·I Jlld h.t .. h hrt I\\ 11'> l .ipat It} tn '>outhern ( ctJilorma I It' ~llUW'> full \H·ll that John \\.i.,.ne \irpon w11l t•\t'lltuall\ lw nrw lor CX[ld11'101l I fl' kJlfl\.\' tht'o they fceL ROB DICKSON calculation with no value gJ\en Over thi: IJ-.1 5V plu., year-. to the wti.he--. or the commurnry that I have spent 111 the I low can Vons haVl' mt'>.Sed the Newpon-M~ ....... 1 I have oul-the·door hnt"> di hoth rarely found a re'>I 1urd"'t with J thester Drawe" and llw combmauon of I l 1.J011.iblc Omelette Parlor? prices, co11!>1Mem:, l url'>lderate The Omelctll' l>-t1rlor hai, hecn and f~t !>ervlU a J 4ualtty .i thnving part or our food. Be!.\~~"> Lh.u, the place I'> t ornmunily ror 20 year.. I low bright. f omfon.1blc dfld homey. rnn we just Ma nd around and Add a,'flcr>0nahll'. hard-working let another pan of {:0'>ta Mesa\ .. 1aWand ownl'r. <111d you have l uJturd.l heritage J(l'I ~natcht"Cl Lh(· (,o.,ta Mc~ Omdeue Parlor out from under our feet? I can /1 have <;t·cn -.1111ilar place-. only hope thal cwryonc who j l low hffau~ thc busine'>ll wanl.l. the Onwleue Parlor lo bt• ' owner wa'> rc11nng or the .iround for al lea.r,1 dJ1othcr 20 ,• butldi.ug wa.., bc1118 tom down yeat!> will lt•t Von\ know how/ . mat ... nol thl' L..t.'>l with the I J Omelette P'"<ir\vr ..,u'>.!11. 1h1· l).arlor'c;, o\vn<:r. wilnl'> \l'I) much to '>lay in hu"nl'" llw build.mg L'> not l>t>111g torn Llown lne Von., <.orp n·lu'>l..., tu CVl'll dl">t'U'-'> \\ hy tht·v \\/\II not t'Xlend her ICJ'>C A' long (I' they rdu'>t' 10 dt'4.1J'>'> till' Omell'ttC Parlor. I refU'ol' to '>hop 111 1he1r c,tore<. and encournge like minded folb 10 Lio the ..amc 11wrc ;., 1101 ano1hcr plan• ltkt• thl' Orndl'ltt· l'ctrlor 111 ( .o<>ta Ml''><! It cannot be rl'plat t•d lw a rc'>laurant t ham. when" t•wry umc you Vl'>tl. Lhl'Y have a Ill'\" '>lafl. lhcrl' arL' a thnu!>and ~cway market'>, all prL'llY much .1hkc llw Onll'lt·tte Parlor,., umqul' \\t• m·ed th" Let them know how proud you are! p<'< 1.il p.1g<' will publish. m the D.uly Pilot on f rtdJy, Junt• 20 111 h11n01 o r gr.1rlu.1t<''> For your d,lUghtt'r, son, friend or spectJI ~omeonf' lw ,1 p.1rt (II tlm 1butt> for only S40 00 12')(2 .ich Fill in the iorm b<>low .ind m.1tl 11 to u-. \'\1th tht•tr photo Be \un• to put tlw n,1me .ind .1clrlrt>'>.., on th<' hack ot th<' phot1> .ind w••'ll return 11 to you aduate's Information: Submitted by: LrJduat<• s N.ime ~chool Nam<' ~----~·------~~~ \bout the Wddu.11< I lul11 enter~/, or tulurt• 11/,111' rl cn111t'd !O -IU 1wrd mf">~/·W' Address:~-------------­ Credit Card No.:---------Exp.: __ Signature for credit card :------------ 1/t you prefer, you f11cJY enclose $40 check milde paycJble 10 ·o"''> Ptlot ·1 McJ1/ th1s form w1rh photo to· 2()()3 tfuuUitl 0AJLY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 l..111J ofhll,llll'"' Ill ( 11'1.t \lt•'-1 ~l'l'P th{' < Jrnt'lt·llt> l'-arlor opt•n MIKE STEINER ( ll'>IJ \ lt..,.J I .md Ill\-l.11111ly .ir1· "' 'orn· to hl'ar ul tht' du'>urt· of tlw loc.tl < lmdeue Parlor \\'t• low 1h1·ir early-monung "happ~ hour" nmelel'> dunng tht· \\l't•k .cnd often go \'>1th lnend' 1111 ..,u11d<1y'> aftt'r d1unh < O\IJ ~1c..a won't ht· till' '>amt• w11hou1 them Wt• h.1ve IX'l'll go111g tlwre lnr ma11y yt·.tr,. DONNA DEGRAFFENREID < 0-.1.1 M1·"1 I• ir tho'-4• uf 11-. \.\ho h,I\ t' ht't'll l'lllO~ 1ng tht· · locJI .1111l11l'111 I'" of tlw Oml'lt·ttt ® lakl' m}' gun pt·rhJI>'> I d l.c my dog tf you h.t\l' tu bu1 doll I llll°"'> With 01}' hUl)(t'f\, t hn:,t· onwll'h and ( lr1·0 l I U lkll''> IH'\l'f" I low ahuul all of uc, gl\lng Von' llll' vau1um 1rea1111t·n1. likl• Ill If Wl' ,tJJ refU'>t' Ill 'lllfl .111d 'hop tlwrt• tlw < .1-.h flo" \.\Ill ht•tOllll' J VJl'UUnl l't•opll' of Newpon Me~. an· vou with me or not? It\ lime to draw J h1w 111 the p.irking lot .. ,,,11,111 and let Von-. know they 111·1•d lo n•m•w th<' leJ..'>t' of the l'~ Jll'Opll' MICHAEL GLUECK \,ewpon Beach \Ii wha I " Co\'> ahl'rn.1t1\e plan 10 fl) people Ill .in out or the area , .. 11huu1 an atrpun at 11 luro7 CJk , .. e·ve ht'ard the "lllnnl'f through the rnuuntalll' theon·. but ll't\ get n·al Dot'-. ( .o>. hd\ l' J v1"on and J worlG.1ble '>Oluuon to tht' future air trnvcl cntnlh 111 Orangt· < oumv. ~outhcrn <...tlilon11.i and lht' 11a110111 If '"· l would he llltert'sted to hear 11 FLORENCE STASCH Heisman meets Lowsman OCYSF Sports Banquet Date: Thursday, June 26. 2003 Ven ue: Anaheim Marriott Hotel 700 West Convention Way Cocktails -6 p.m. Dinher - 7 p.m. Carson Palmer Ryan Hoag First selection in 2003 NFL Draft 2002 Heisman Trophy Winner OCYSF Sportsman of the Year Final selechon m 2003 NFL Draft 2003 Lowsman Trophy Winner Mr. Irrelevant XXV/11 ............................................................................................ : Come join honorary co-chairmen Paul Tagliabue, Don Kennedy, Tony Moiso and Pete Carroll for the first ever Heisman Lowsman Banquet. Head Table will include former Heisman Trophy winners. Hall of Famers, Raiders, Trojans and Paul Salata as Master of Ceremonies. ······························································:······························ Ladles and gentlemen welcome. No autographs please. Corporate Tables: $2,500 (includes prefetTed seating, one (1) seat at pnvate VIP luncheon at The Ritz Restaurant with Pete Carrofl and aooess to pr&-event Celebrity Lounge.) -ntb ... : $1 ,500 lndhtld'* Ticket(a): $150 Note: All Ulbles teat 10. Make cheCb payable to: OCYS. Mllil to: Ken Purcell, F1rlt Nn8rican Tide. 1 Arst American Way, Santa Ana. CA 92707. F0t more inbmdon, v*t www.ocysf.org or oontact Ken Putcell Ill ~14) 800-3152 ot HNiil Ill ocysfOcox.net N pjooeedl bet*" local~ Counf)' '** Mtd )QMl tpOrtl ~-WW.OC/fl,OfV F«JwW n.1.0. """""-= 23·7111333 M Fridiy, June 13, 2003 lll·.\1Pllll I 'S -I\ l ' I " '" ( \ I \I l I l .... • §OLIS INVESTMENT REALTY KRISTEN M. Sous • Licensed Real Estate Agent • M«tmg aU of your Ru/ Estllle n«Js. ERIC A Sous ·~ • 17 Jtll" ~& &nJs • MJdU4l FunJs • Ann Esl/IU RetimMnJ Planning • lnvatmntJ ig • ~rltet CAmJHlnies Call for a ·on at your home or ess 949-723-1 . -e:Mllnll llool!r·..........., __ __ &llA.-.Ul'lk*U41C.Ootillll ~·-llloo-..... --.loc -MIMIO.llPC \ ni' Prnnw ''Meet the Winemaker" ~. ]"111 JI. 2003 12 NHn ""tiJ 3z(){J p. m. ~ Lep Wim, T astiJ1g ec Boutiqut Proudly invites You to Meet The Man, the Myth. die legend RANo~GRAHM Founder & President of Boony Doon Vmcyards Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET rd. ONE Karastan • Le es • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairborne And Much More 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 •@umnlRAJuil • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessories For Your Home Pair Wicker End Tables ........................................... $90'* Small Black Desk .................................................... $100- Round Glw/Chrome Coffee Table ....................... $150" Blac.k. F1oral Wing Chair ......................................... $2W Bamboo Glass Sofa Table .................... -............... $250" Henredon Sofa Table ............................ -............... $250" Small Gree-n Hutch ............................. -.. ......................... $2759 Set of 6 Ladder Back Chairs .. w-.u--•••••••••• ........ o-.$300" POLICE FILES COSTA MESA PUBLIC SAFETY reported In the 1900 blodc at 8:60 1.m. Tueedey. D11ty Piiot • East Cout Highway end Beylkle Drtw: A traffic acddent wH reported et 9:38 1.m. Wednetday. • Ademe Awnue: Gnmd theft was reported In the 1500 blodc at 11 :63 a.m. Tuesday. • Scenic Awnue: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 1600 blodc et 4:34 p.m. Tueedey. • v...oe Awnue: Annoying phone calla were reported In the 2100 blodc at 9:63 p.m. Tuesday. • East Cout Hiehw-v end Promontoty Ottw e.-t: A tramc ec:cident Involving Injuries was reported at 11 :07 e.m. Wednetday. • a.t.tol Sn.t end HotlM V.V: A traffic accident lnvoMng injuries was reported at 11 :41 a.m. Tuesday. • Harbor and MacArthur boua.v.rd1: A hit-and-run wa1 reported at 7:44 p .m. Tuesday. • West 11th SbMt: A home burglary was reported In the 700 blodc at 9:47 p.m. Tuesday. • Ontngton Road: A vehicle burglery wa1 rePorted In the 4500 blodc et 9:61 e.m Wednesday. • W.teitfrout Ortve: A hh-and·Nn waa reported In the 2200 block at 8:11 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Newport Boulewrd: Vandalism was reported In the 2400 blodc at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. • Pomona Av.nue: Drinking in public wa~ • Bunya StrNt: A burglary was reported In the 2400 blodc at 8:59 a.m. Wednesday. • 11th S1JMt: An auto theft waa reported In the 1900 blodc at 6:33 a.m. Wednesday. GANG Continued from Al county Probation Department and Newpon Beach. lrvine, La Palma and Santa Ana police de- partments -conducted a mas- sive sweep of several homes on Center, Maple, Mission and Wil- son streets and El Camino and Shalimar drives. Costa Mesa Police initiated the sweep to track down sus- pects in two shootings, a stab- bing and severaJ graffiti inci- dents that happened over the last three months, Costa Mesa Gang Detail Sgt. Tun Schennum said. Police suspect all were gang-related. occ Conbnued from Al chancellor's office wiU recognize OCCs annuaJ boat auction and marine gear sale during a Board of Governors meeting later this month. One of my duties is to "let the board know what's going on at colleges throughout the state, and I thought this was a really interesting way for a college to fight back against the budget cri· sis," said Kirsten Macintyre, the public information officer for the chancellor's office. ~1 just wanted to gjve them some rec- HERO Continued from Al Roger, a Costa Mesa resident. also plans to enlist in the Ma- rines and serve his councry. he said. He wants to fight for the freedom that makes it the great· est nation in the world. He wants to protect the Liberties that allowed him to pursue a better life than his parents. He wants to protect other countries from evil and tyrannical leaders, he said. ln the fall, Roger will anend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Uni- versity in Daytona Beach, Aa .. where he will study engineering and physics. Why'? Simple, he said. "It interests me a lot." Roger said. "It is the study of what we do everyday. Why is it that we are able to stand and walk? If we • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.6Wtlnson@lstimes.com; byfaxto(949)846-4170;orby calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dallypilot.com. TODAY lnwnton Forum preMnta • temlnar on "Intellectual Property Lew" by Edward Schlatter, petent attorney, at 7:30 p.m. In Orange Coalt College's Science Lecture Hall. Registration and networldng begin et 7 p.m. The cost i1 S6 for membert, $16 for nonmembert. Call (714) ~2491 for Information. Newpoft Dunee AwMt't "Moviel on the Beech" eerfes offera "My Girt" starting at dulk on the Newport sand. Parlcing la $8 per car. CampflrM wlll elao be evalleble for t'morea. The retOf't 11at1131 Badt S.y Drive. For mo,.. lnforml'tfon, call (949) 729-0UNE. SATURDAY The C1lfomle 8ll1noe ••it.my, the flrat lsl•mlc high ecNot In Orange County, 11 having en 1nnu•I fundreltlng dlnner with guett epeegrt, • ,...,cton tnd • tllent auction llt 1:30 p.m . 1t the Aldltton Hot"el, 46e8 Mtc:Arthur 8fvd., Newport Beech.$«). To regitter lndfor more lnfonNdon, call (114) 631-20t1. The stabbing occurred April 15. A 15-year-old boy was re- ponedly attacked by twO men while walking in the 1900 block of Wallace Avenue. The second incident. a shoot· ing. came less than a month later on May 9. Men with guns attacked two men standing in a parking lot of an apartment complex in the 1900 bloclc of Maple Street. The latest incident left a 20- year-old with a bullet in his bade. A man reportedly shot the victim when he was waiting with a friend in an alley behind the 800 block of Center Street. None of the injuries were fatal. But Schennum said the inci· dents only go to prove that gang violence is like a dormant vol· ogruoon . . bring it to the rt>oard'sJ anention." On Saturday. OCCs School of Sailing and Seamanship held its annuaJ boat auction and marine gear sale. The event raised $63,587. enough to put 21 course sections bade onto the schedule after OCC eliminated them be- cause of state budget cuts. "I thinJc it's an innoval.ive way to save classes and help meet studems' needs," said Jun Carnett, director of community relations for the college. "It's a good example for creative ways of generating money for the col· lege." Because of the budget crisis, the college expects to cut 500 to sit in a chair, what keeps it from collapsing underneath us? What makes a plane Oyr While Roger is busy exploring the phenomena of everyday Ltfe, his siblings have a role model, his father said Roger has shown his siblings that education is the key and that success is not im· probable. Although Rogelio Mendez came from a country where he was not empowered by education, his children will not suffer the same fate, he said. "What can I say? I am so very proud,· Rogelio Mendez said in Spanish. "I give thanks to God first. Without him, we are noth- ing." Rogelio Mendez said he al· ways tried to instill the impor- tance of faith and service in his children. Roger has always been a boy who likes to help others and demonstrates the power the Lord has in one's life, Roger said. "Ever since he was little," the and children 1erved by the nonprofit New Direction• for Women. Admistlon Is free. and donations are eccepted. The full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Voge in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 955-1966. Crystel Cove St.et. Pllrtt wttl °"91 a badtcountry hike at 9 a.m .. a historic district welk at 10 e.m. and a sunset/moonlight walk at 7:30 p.m., which requiret reservation•. For reservations or more Information, call (949) 497-7647. Mott.'• Malbt wtl hold • •Sprtng C1eening" cleerance ule from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Taste demo1 will be ot'feAld from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The store II et 225 E. 17th St, Cone Meaa. For mo,.. Information, call (949) 631.,.741. N9wpott DuNe Aeeot1'• "Mow* on the Beach" Mri" offera ·Anastaa1a· starting at du.it on the Newport und. Pertlng costs $8 per car. CampfirM will tleo be evallable for •'mo,.... The reeort la at 1131 8** Bay C>rtw. For n\Otl fnformlltlon. cell (Mel 72$-0UNE. ............. wtlholit• farmere' merbt futuring llvw emertelnmeftt Ind .,.,.. boolhe boMdng .... d9.a. In lddtdon to ttoteftont..,..... The mertwt wt• be open from 11 •• m. to 4 p.m. for mote lnfonnedcM\, cell (Ml) 722-1800,-. 21. TUllMY ~ .............. ......,. ...... ..,.,., held'""" .. to 7-.IOp.m.lt~ .......... 221 L 1"' IL. C0118 ~lb mll1te cano that can erupt any time. "It goes up and down," he said, "like a roller coaster.• The violence and graffiti seem to be the work of three Costa Mesa gangs. Schennum said. Graffiti and violence usually go hand-in-hand as far as gangs are concerned, he said. The gang unit noticed a •decrease in graf- fiti and other activity" just be· fore the sweep on Wednesday and after, he said. "It goes to show that our en- forcement has had some effect.· he said. "It aJso helped us be- cause, aJthough we clidn't arrest any suspects, it was very pro· ductive because we collected weapons and evidence that may or may not be related to the re· cent incidents." 1,000 course sections from next year's schedule. Since college ad- ministrators have already estab- lished a fall schedule. the adcli- tional classes, funded by Saturday's event, will most likely be added to the 2003-04 spring semester. The even!, whkh drew more than 400 people, offered a vari- ety of nautical items for auction such as boats, kayaks. cowing sculls, sails, rigging. electronics. life rafts. outboards. inflatables and dinghies. "Most of the time. the money raised goes right back into the sailing center, but this year, since the budget cuts were so drastic, the sailing center decided to put father said. In addition to his rigorous ad- vanced placement studies. Roger is aJso very active at his church. La Puena Abierta - "the open door" in English . He is the musical leader for the youth worship team and the former di- rector of the choir. "I like to mess around wnh my guitar,· he said. The rest of his free time is spent doing things any other teenager would do. including going to the movies and "ldclcing back." The Jose Angel Garibay Me - morial Scholarshlp Fund was es- tablished through the Orange County Hispanic EducationaJ Endowment Fund at the request of the Garibay family. During the memoriaJ service for Garibay, his uncle and family spokesman said if one positive thing could come of his nephew's death. it would be to help educate others. reservet1on1. call (800) 5~7. The Newpoft 8eed'I Ch.mber of Commerce hcnt9 ita Newport Bu1ineaa Referrel Breakfest for June at the Pacific Club, 4110 MecArthur Blvd .• at 7:30 a.m. Attendees will team about a merketlng program in which gueata of the Merriott'• Newport Co11t Vlllh ere referred to local buainesaes. The co1t 11 $17 for membert with a reservetlon, end $22 at the door. For more lnformetion, call (949) 729-4411. WEDNESDAY Phll Btigandl, Orenge County erchlvilt, wlll discu .. what is in the archlvea H they relete to Co11a Meu'• history at 7 p.m. et the Co11a MeM Hlttortcal Society, 1870 Anehelm Ave .• Costa Mna. For more lnformetlon, call (949) 631-5918 or•m•il cmhl.iory•tanHt..com. The Newpot1 Mete Irvine lnterfelth Coundl will pruent e No suspects in the gang-re- lated incidents were anested, but four people were arrested on suspicion of unrelated offenses. Police would not discuss the details of the evidence collected. Schennum said Costa Mesa's gang detail, consisting of four officers and himself, will con- tinue to vigorously patrol the streets seven days a week. "We'll be conducting rouune probation checks,• he said. "We'll continue to maintain our prei.ence in the community as we always do." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath Q latimes.com the money bac.k into the col- lege.· said Tabatha Wilson, de- velopment specialJ.st for the OCC Foundation . which organ1Ze1> fund-raising events for the col- lege. "It's a good event. and the people of Newport and Costa Mesa definitely make 11 hap- pen.· OCC will hold next year's boat auction and marine gear sale on June 5. To donate Item s for the sale. call the college's School of Sailing and Seamanship at (949) 645-941 2. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e·mail at christme.CBmllo~latimes.com. Roger is jus t the first, endow- ment officials said. With the help of others in the community. they hope to grow the scholar- ship fund into a supportJve tool for many college freshmen to come. Perhaps another Mendez will be a recipient. His younger brothers. 12 and 5. could earn 1t in a few yeari, with hard work and dihgence. "Many other people have rec- ognized Roger's stnngth, • Roge- lio Mendez sald in Spanish. "I have two younger boys and I hope they follow his example. I pray that many others tum o ut like m y son. With the grace of God. they can." •LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts She m1y be reacned at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lo/1ta.harper lat1me1.com round table di1cussion et Orange Church on human relatlon1 feeturing an Introduction by Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human Reletlons Council. •with the County of Orenge Budget Cuti, Where 11 the Human Rel1tion1 Coundl Now?" it alb. The program goes ~om 12:30to 1:30p.m.endcosu $7.60 per person, Including lund'I. or $10 without• reaervetlon. Th• reception le at 11 :46 •.m., and the luncheon et noon. For re1ervatlon1, C811 (949) 660-8666. ext. 3, by 5 p.m . June 17. The Nhrport H•rbor Neutlc•I Muaeum, working In conjunction wtth the Newport llbrery, wlll P'9Mnt 1 Ht1e1 of 1tory time events on the Texa1 Dect It the muHum for chlldl'9n between 3 and 8 from 10:30 to 11 :30 •.m. There wlll elao be• crafts prof eet for children ind parentt. Admluion I• free •nd spece It llmlt9d. For lnformltJon o r l"tMfV1tlon1, ~II (fM9) 673-7183. Daily Pilot frlddy, June 13. 2003 M FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHED -letten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reect.rt HottiM: Call (949) 642-0086 Fu:: Send to (949) ~170 E-mal:S6nd to dailyp1/ot@lstimtts.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for danty and length READERS RESPOND r Having to break a few eggs LETTER TO THE EDITOR Cox plans for El Toro don't work AT ISSUE: The closing of the Omelette Parlor on East 17th Street. I t has been a week stnce I learned that the Omele11e Parlo r loM Its lease and will bt: closing. and there has still been no neW!> of a repneve. I low can Lhis be? n1 b bn't just another restaurant -this is a living. breathing part of Co!>ta Meba's identicy. l'Mlor, perhap., we -.houJd IX' vvnllng to tlw corpom1e po\.\<t'r'> di Von'>. llll'y '>l-'Clll to pt'n;e1\e tlw1r IJlk of bu'>lnl.">'> tau-.ed by lht• parlor'!> paLWll'> U'irng all of 1lw1r' pi.lflung '>pall"' Let mt• '><'l'. thJI tenll·r ha.' more than 1hrt·1· ViJlJ.Jll ll''>, and Von' """ vvtll no1 look di thC'ir d.irk. tlinin c rJ1111wd \Hirt' d'> tht·tr real rl'.1-.<111 tor down ...Ue... I ,un not read) tu bid farewell 10 .111 olt.I ln1:nd, J.nd to Lha1 1·11d. I w1ll 110 hmger JMtro111/(' \ 011'> IRENE KRINSKY c .u\la Mt"a fl 1' w11h ,1 llC'avy hwtger pam and ,1111·rnpty \torllaLh tJ1a1 I 1110 l.11m·11t the do-.rng of th~· C l11wlt•1tp P.1rlur 111 tlw 1'-<·w1l<1rt '\fr'H.1 an·a f rnean, how lllllt h rrt<Jrl' W uh hJ'> v1gorou., .mu 11 loru Airp11r1 '>tdfllt!, Hep 0 lf!'> Cox marche'> along wilh i.outh Orange Counua.m. pro1ec1jng their"" t <Llll'd "quality of hfc.~ Who can blame h1m·1 fhat\ wht•rt: lht' VOie'> dft• With tl1i'> \aJlle oppO'>tllon tu LI lorn Airport, h <>Wt'vt'r. ht.· appear. to bt• 1 onttnually -.1abh111g Nttwpon Beath re'>1denr' and tht:1r "quah1y of We 10 tht· bdt It I le k.nmv' that air ·n1e Omelette Parlor tl> an important communjty gathering place, whcrt.' people young and old Ocx.:k for '>Ui.tenance and good times. It is like a very dear and old friend, tru!>rworthy and reliable, alwayi. there for you when needed. m e '>Laff ii. alway.. frkndJy, and tJw food i!. alwayi. excellent. We m~t do whatever we can to prevent the lo'>!> of '>urh a great place! In•'> appear. to bt: a cold-hearted and callou'> bu-.in~ decL'>ion by tlw owner. of Vons, es.scnt&ally a doUan.-per-~uare-foot A Owner Susan Adkins talks to customers at the Omelette Parlor, which will cloc;e this month t·gg 111 1lw IJu· l ..tn a h'll\ or gal 1.1kt•1 I .arll1·r 1111, 'Jmng. t1w \.1\0r)- P°'"t'r' do,td < CKC" on 17th ~lrl't'I 111111 -.<>nll' gu\ lm·d to 1.1L.t• J\\a\ 111\ Orl'O l t1t1lul''> \;m" 11' Ill} brt'illcL"I 11rnele1 .u11I h.t'>h hrm'n' Lran,pona11un in I U yt«ll'' \.,,tlf lw al mdx1mum tt1pau1y tn ..,._Julhl'rn c .J1lom1..i I k k.ncJW'> full \\.di that J11h11 \.\J~ m· \1rport .....,,11 ew111uallv I~· ript· fur expdrhton f It.• k.1111\\ ... 111 ... they feel ROB DICKSON < ..osta Me<>a rnkulation with no value gJVen ()\.er the ld.'>I 5(J plu.., year. to the wishe!> of the commuru ty. that I have spent Ill the I low can Vons have mi~'>t:d the Newpon ·Me~ ..... , 1, I have out·t11e-door tin~ at hotl1 rarely found a re ... t .• ura"t with a Chester Drawers and Ille combtnauon of r._ :.>unable Omelcne Parlor? prices, tons~1em1, dmr,1derate The Omelelt e f>-Mfor has bet'n and fast M!IVl(:c a J 4uahty a thnvmg part of our food. ~t"> 1h.11, tJ1e place" rnmmunicy for 20 year.. I low bright. ,comfort.thk dlld homey. can we ju:.t '>land around and Add a;f>er..<mdblc, hard-working let another pan of Co!>ta Me'>a'l> 1,tafiland owncr, .md you have nrltural heritage get -.na tched tlu» Costa Ml"wl ( Jmelette P..arlor out from under our feet? I can /f have -.een .. 1111ilar plac~ only hope that everyone who /do-.e bt"Cal.IM' the busine">s wan~ the Oml'lclle l"arlor to bl.' ' owner wa' n-uring or the around for at lea-.1another 20 ,· hwlding "<l' hc111g tom down. year., will let Von-. Imo\.\ how/ ' mat ,., not till' ~ with the I J Omelette Par~r \u'>.111. tlu · Parlor\ mvnN, ~.inh H'f"\ much tu '>lay an hu ... 11ll">' I ht· building 1' nut ht·111g lorn down Inc Von., Lorp n·lu'>l'' lo even d1..cu"'' why lhl'> will nc11 t'Xlt•11d her le<LW A., Ion~ d' they rt'fu<;e to d1'tt·u,., 1lw C >mell'ltl' P-drlor, I rclu'>l' 10 'hop 1n their .. wre-. and encourage like mindt·d folk.' 10 c.lo 1he -.ame. lht•re I'> not another plan• like tJw 011wlt·111· PMlor in ( .o-.ta Ml"><l II ranr1111 he rl'plare<l lw .1 rt~taurant t ham. wherl', t'\l'ry Uml' you vi-.11. Lht•y have a 111~ ,,arr. llwre arl' a thou'><.lnd Safewdy marke~. alJ prl'llV much al1k.e ll1e Onwll-tte Parlor I'> un1qu1• \>\e m·t·d 1111, Let them know ho w proud you are! p<>c 1.11 pagc> will publish, in th<' Daily Pilot on f mlay, Jurw 20 lo honru o r gr,1clu.1t<'' For your d.:iughtl'f, son, frrend or spec1.il '-OmC'one lw .1 p.1rt or tlw. ribut<.' for only S40 00 C2x2 ad1. r ill in the form be-low and m.111 11 lo ll\ with tlwir photo. Bc> sun• lo put th<' ndm<' .md .1drlrr-.s on thl' back ot thC' photo ,ind v..1''11 return 1t to you Graduate's Information: ~choolName·-----~--~ \lic>ti/ t/K> 1'r,1c/u.11t I lt1/11 lfllt'f(">h m lulurt• pl.1n' rL1m1tt-d In 4U 1~urd me-.>.1,1:1·1 Submitted by: Address: _________________ _ Credit Card No.:---------Exp.: __ Signature for credit card:------------ 111 \IOU prt>fer, you may enclose S40 check m.Jck p.iydble to •().itly Pt/Of ·1 Ma1/ 1h1s form with photo to 2()()3 t;cttl/4-" DAILY PILOT 330 W . Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ~ ~ 111d o f 1>11,llll''>'> 111 < O\l,1 \h·-.;i l'l'l'P 1Jw Omd1·111: PMlur opl'll MIKE STEINER ( ll'>tJ \ lt'"1 lakt· Ill) h'\Jn pt·rh<1p-.. I ah· 111\ dug 1f you ha\t' to bu1 dun 1 rm-.. ... w1th my burg1:r-., \o. \\ h,11 ... ( II\'> .thl'rn.111H· plt10 10 II} pl'opll' in an out ol thl' area wrthou1 J.f1 ..urport at I I Toro'<>.._ \\-C vt hl·ard the "tunnt'l through 1ht• mou111.un'" th(•on, but lt·t\ gt'I re.ii I .md rn) farmlv .m· '" ,.,rn to hl'ar of thl' du.,ure of tlw lornl Onwlcllt' l'arlur \\t• lm1· th('1r t'dfl}-111orn111g · IMpfl\ buur .. umcll'I'> d11nng tht• \wt·k .1111..I often go w11h lnt·mt.. on "iundav-. .iller l hun h ( 1 "IJ t h1'l''l' o nlt'lt•t, dlld C Jrl'o 1 cioktl''> Ill'\ er' I low ahout .ill of u' gl\ 1ng Von'> tht• "al uum trcatmcrll. lik1• 111 rt w-1· dll ref11w 111 '1np .u1d ... t111p llll'r<' -thl' rn-.h 0<1\\ w 111 lwc Ollll' a Vdcuum Doe-. t ox hd\ c• d w.1011 a.ml a \\-orkahk· -.olut 111n 111 the future air trdvcl tninth 111 (>range· C .ounty . ..,._,utht·rn < . ..ilrlornrJ .ind tlw rldllon'' If '>0, I would he intt•rt·'iled to hl'ar 11 \ tc-..a won I lw I hl' 'J llll' without them. \\l' IMVl' bt·t·n gwng Lhl'rl' for m;my yt'.lf\ f'l·oplt· ol Nl·wport Mt"><l, art· ym1 w11h me or not? It\ lime to tlr.iw .1 11111· tn the pJtki11g lot a'>phalt and lt·t Von-. knO\" thl') 11t·1·d to n•nt•w tlw h0i.l'>l' of the 1·gg pt•upl1· DONNA DEGRAFFENREID ( 11\IJ \ll'-..1 I or thO'>l' of ll\ \"ho h,1\ 1· ht•t•n l'llfopng the "local .unhwm l'" of the Orm•lt•llt' MICHAEL GLUECK '\ew'J.>ort Beach FLORENCE STASCH "'ewpon 1-k«tt h ----------- ~ \f1il Heisman meets Lowsman OCYSF Sports Banquet Date: Thursday, June 26, 2003 Venue: Anaheim Marriott Hotel 700 West Convention Way Cocktails -6 p.m. Dinher -7 p.m. Carson Palmer First selection m 2003 NFL Draft 2002 He1sman Trophy Winner OCYSF Sportsman of the Year Ryan Hoag Final selection m 2003 NFL Draft 2003 Lowsman Trophy Winner Mr. Irrelevant XXV/11 ····························································································: . . . Come join honorary co-chairmen Paul Tagliabue, Don Kennedy, Tony Moiso and Pete Carroll for the first ever Heisman Lowsman Banquet. Head Table will include former Heisman Trophy winners, Hall of Famers, Raiders, Trojans and Paul Salata as Master of Ceremonies. : ........................................................................................... . Lsdles snd gentlemen welcome. No autographs please. Corporate Tables: $2,500 (inctudes preferred seating, one (1) seat at pnvate VIP luncheon at The Ritz Restaurant with Pete Carroll and access to pr....-ent Cetebrity Lounge.) Tab ... : $1,500 lndfvtduel Tlcket(a): $150 Note: All Cables seat 10. Make checks payable to: OCYS. Mail to: Ken Puroel, FlratArnenc.n lltle. 1 F'arst American Way, Sa,nta Ana. CA 9~. F0t men Information. Yilil www.ocysf.Otg or contact Ken Purcell at (714) 800-3152 Of~ II ocysf@oox.net N proowll berWJI lo<»/ Cftnge ~ _.. .ntJ )QAtt .,xwtl Pl'OfJfS"& www.OC)lllt.og ~ r.1.0. M.ltnbar: 23-11J7333 72 HOURS FRIDAY Bayside boogie. The Bayside Restaurant at 900 Bayside Drive in Newport Beadl wilt present Jay Mltbom, who will play a combination of jazz. fusion, Latin jazz, show tunes and Top 40 tunes at 7 p.m. For information, call (949) 721-1222. SATURDAY Smiling for the test time. Costa Mesa's Smile wilt play lta last show ever at Detroit Bar at B43 W. 19th SL In Costa Mesa. Expect some surprises and guests from the boys for this special nighL Joining them for the evening will be tome of Costa Mesa'• finest musicians. Doors open at 9 p.m., and the cost Is $6. SUNDAY a.teone. The performance by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American oper11tlc baritone Sanford Sylvan has been reecheduled to C p.m. in Foundeft Hall. Tldteta cost $60 and are on ule at the Center box off'ICll, by calling (71C) SM-ARTS or by visiting www.ocpac.org. The Center 11 at 600 Town Drive. Costa Mea. A6 fnday, June 13, 2003 DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Julia Kato's children, huge ~Rugrats" fans, are proud of her work as the voice of Kira , Chuckie's "new mommy" in the animated movie ~Rugrats Go Wild." A real life Julia Kato is the voice of Kira in "Rugrats Go Wild," which opens today. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot W h en JuJia Kato is nol busy being a mother to her own rugrats, she is voicing a mother of a "Rugrat" on the big screen. Kato plays the rore of "Kira" in the Paramount Pictures movie "RugraLS Go WiJd," which opens today nationwide. Do you remember the sweet, patient, Japanese Reptarland employee from the fi.rst "Rugrats" movie? Kato gave her a voice. The Newport Beach resident first joined the "Rugrats" cast in "Hugrats in Paris: The Movie." I fer character, Kira. married Oiuckie's dad and became the lovable redhead's "new mommy.· ·uural is one of the complements of the show,· Kato said. "I reaJly like who she is. She i'l a good person." In the new film, the cast of "The RuEfats" meet up with the cast of the "Wild Thornberries" -another Nickelodeon show -for hours of adventure and laughs on a deserted island. "When the two come together. we just all go wild," Kato said. Playing an animated mommy is not a big stretch for Kato, who is a mother of a 6-year-old and an "almost 4-year-old. • She can identify with the nurturing nature of her cartoon character and said worlc.lng in voice-overs allows her to spend more time with her own children. "It's a good schedule for a mom," she said. "I wouldn't want to be away from them aJI day in a city an hour away." Most of her work is in Los Angeles, where Kato spends anywhere from a BEST BITES few minutes 10 i.ix hours in the studio. Som etime5, she spends more time on the freeway than at work, TGito said. Another bonus is that there is no lighting, makeup or wardrobe to worry about, she said. While her job allows her to spend a lot of time with her children. her work is very last-minute and requires ~ome schedule juggling. She couJd get a call and have Lo be in Los Angeles in a matter of hours. she said. Then there are hurdJes such as child care and traffic to clear. "In some ways, Its exciting, but in some ways. it's not the best when you have le.Ids. but somehow f manage, and we are getting by," Kato said. During the phone interview for this story, Kato popped in the "'Rugrats' Decade of Diapers" -a compilation of the best episodes in the I 0 years of the show -to keep her children entertained for a few minutes. Not every child can say their mom Is one of the stars of rheir favorite cartoon. Kato's children a re huge "Rugrats" fans and are proud their mom is a pan of that. Karo said she is thriJled to work on a show her children can enjoy. If her kids were in high school, il wouldn't be as much fun. sh e said. Kato also takes her children to movie premieres and award shows, where they get to meet other stars of children's shows, such as Joe, the new host of "Blues Oues." "That just made their night," she said. Kato has worked on "Steven Spielberg Presents An1maniacs. • "Batman: The Animated Series,· "Married with Olildren, • "Max Steel" and numerous other projects and commercials. Capri Blu has a cozy neighborhood feel By GrHr Wylder C apri Blu Ristorante opened early January in an unlikely locatlon, ln former office spaces, adjacent to one of Newport's best shopping de,tinadons: Westcllff Coun on YMtcWr Drive. Locals weren't used to Mdng blue and white umbrdlu in &Ont of the ltart buUdJng wfth • steel blue granite ~e. ft took a while lO ralU.e It WU a rat.auranL The interior was atrtpped of Ill office decor, and • drudc mnodef nndormed the spece Into a comb1able restaurant With a~ ful '*-.. Wal1i were &Ja7.eCt in warm ..... c--.... CAPRIBLU •COST: Prices 1t lunch: 1ppetlzers, S7 to $11; main courses. $8.60 to $14.96. • Prices at dinner. appetizers, S7 to $11.50; main courses, $12.60 to $26.95; deuertl, $5 to *6.60. • HOURS: Open for lunch from 1 1 :30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m . Monday to Saturday: open for dinner from 6:30 to 10 p.m . •WHERE: 1617 Westcllff Drive In Newport Beach. • IWORMATION: (9'9) ~. www.caprlblu.com ltd is frleOdly and accommodlidng. Owner GtUleppe VltieJlo, ori(pnally from Capc1. ltaJy. reloclled to NlwJ>9l1 Badi. after ddnc of the cOld In 1'1hir1dt, Colo., when .. owned two l\JCCelltuJ r.caunnll -Rmdco and .. ........ ,. THEATER 'Camping with Henry and Tom' superb By Tom Titus T here is no historicaJ confirmation that the leader of the free world, one of America's captains of industry and its most renowned inventor ever became stranded in the woods together, beyond contact with the outside world. It's a matter of record. however. that President Warren G. Harding did indeed participate in a camping trip with Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, which prompted playwright Man St. ' Germain to create "Camping With Henry and Tom." the latest production at the Newport Theater ArUi Center. ~ the character and persor\alities of the three men, SL Germ.ail has aeated a "fiction suggested PY fact. -thrusting these three his~' caJ figures together and turning loose, so to speak. on one another. e resulting Newport production, . cted by Phyllis Gitlin. is among the nU>st Impressive of the year in comm~ty theater. Such a fabricall~>n -invoMng men who left their one way or another, on Ameri history - demands an outs cast. and Gitlin has accomp · ed this objective with the three actocs share the stage and air their pas.g ns. or lack of them, in the privacy of Gbe forest. The three combine to render~superbty enacted account of what r lght actually have transpired k in the summer of I 921 . To briefly set the stage of history, Harding was a man who n$ wanted to be president and tered the history boob as one of th ost ineffectual holders of that offi .• Ford, on the other hand, yearned \ desperately to occupy the White , House, a dream that was denied him. whlle Edison existed in an inteUectuaJ ' plane far above both and couldn't care less who was in charge. It is the Henry Ford character who commands most of the stage time, and Jack Messenger delivers a powerfully arresting performance in this role. Messenger's Ford is a blunt, opinionated and. as it develops. viciously bigoted man whose politics would play more effectively in Nazi Germany. Messenger pUots bis Ford into emotJonal overdrive, running roughshod over the president. but defening to the ·famed inventor to the point where he can address him only as •Mr. Bd!son.. Tom Turnley, ln the much lower-key character of President Harding, readily acknowledge& his See THEATER. P .. e M Daily Pilot H APPEN I NG S Friday, Jo~ 13, 2003 A7 REEL CRITICS It's a graceful 'Whale Rider' COMING SOON , 'W hale RJder" is probably the most lyrical and unique film I've seen so far thJs year. A hit at international Olm festivals, "Whale RJder" is set ln contemporary New Zealand and SUSANNE PEREZ actually shot). features glorious scenery and photography. Directed by Nlki Caro and based upon a novel, it's a story of a Maon tribe in the uny seaside village ofWhangara (where the film w~ According to legend. 11 .. ancestors came to the village after riding m on the back of a whale. It is believed the fir-.tbom son of a tribal leader wilJ come back one day a.'> a prophet Lo lead his people 10 their former greatness. A young woman has just died after giving birth to twins, a boy and a g\rL The boy does not survive and the baby girl's grandfather and tribal leader, Karo. was certain that child would have been leader. The girl's father, Porourangl, names her Pai after their revered ancestor, and seemingly abandons her to the care of h1~ parents. A!> Pai grows up, we ~e that Karo does love her, but al~o cruelly rejects her becau'>e )he 1-. a girl and -or no use" to him. Binerly disappointed that his son and grandson did not fuJfill the prophecy. Karo is detenrnned to find another boy in his village who 1s desuned to ~"the One.· Luckily, Pai geu. '>upport and sttength from her -.trong-willed dranny Flowers, who loves aJJ her children and grandchildren unconditionally. There are no "Matrix-like" -.pec1al effects in this movie. lmtead, we get a fascinating look THEATER into the Maori culture and at the close-knit bonct.. of a community. Although the men of the village have not Uved up to their polential, they are still good-hearted, spiritual people and are respectfuJ of the old traditions. There are many fine performancee., but the real heart of thJs film is 12-year old newcomer Keisha Castle-Hughes ~ Pal. I fer deUcate charm and sensitivity tugs at your heart without being overtly senumcntaJ. It 1s the .,lrength of ca .. tle 1 lughes' performance that let' you willingly foUow the Mory a' 11 cros'>es into a touching d1max of mythical proponion-. "Whale Rider" !>tarts out '>lowly. hlll If you go Wllh the flow, the hcauty in the me\Sage of this film will resonate long after you leave the theater. • SUSANNE PEREZ lives 1n Costa Mesa and is an executtve assistant for a f1nanc1al services company. The specter of Death (Jason Siebert) menaces island girl Ti Maune (Enca Stewart-Givhan) in a tense sceneirom the musical "Once on This Island" at the Costa Mesa CIVIC Playhouse Civic Playhouse trip to 'Island' is heart-tugging By Tom Titus P olynesian le~end 1c; )Ct to music in "Once on Tht'> Island." lynn Abren\' captivating tale of undying devotion and unrequited love. now on view at the ( O'>ta Mec;a Civic Playhouse This is not your typical musical comedy Ca't member'> slide in and ou1 of d1fftrent characters, and most playgoers poring over their programs wdl have little idea who is playing whom. save for the pnnc1pal characters, those few who are named in the show Yet the producttc>n, directed by Rovin Jay. prove., entertaimng and heart-rugging as a company of mostly youthful entertainers passes down this legendary saga of a peasant girl smitten by a prince. Be advised. however. this is not a South Pacific version of "Cinderella" The players. who shift from penniless peasants to pampered patricians and back again during the course of the musical fable. function as a tropical Greek chorus, enriching the how with strong background contributions. Oloreographer Ruben Rodriguez moves hls actor-dance~ at a near-dlz.zying OURS ·S.bmhT-··o tht OaJ= 330 . Bay St., eo.tt CA 7; by fax to (Ml) ~170; or callfng (949) 57'-4298. A list la eveHable et ~lot com. • SPECIA~ ct&DMN'I~ WI The MlcbY Jonet Foundetlon for CMdr'ln .. hlvtno Its fourth .,.,_. .... tor Qtltdren-. ....... ONftge~. lnaludlnl• cHOC .... end ...... FellMl.•U0&-~21 .. =-~.w= pace under the musical direlllon of Stephen Hulsey. Central to the story's unra\eling thread is fJica Stewart-Givhan. radiant as the island pe~t girl TI Mounc, plucked from a tree after a humcane a!> a child Her que'>t for an ultimate romantic desuny reache., 1t'> crescendo when a young pnnce !Matthew Junmar) fmm the island\ ruling family wipe'> out m hi!> car nedr n Mounes village and is nur<;ed had.. to health bv che adonng girl r ventually. the two fall in love. but social and familial ob<>tacle<; thnist in their path are too inlle~1hle to be overcome Not to menuon the god-; that hold sway O\er the people -particularly the menacing Jason Sieben in the guise of Death himself. whose quota must be met. Mark J. Phillips and Janet McGregor as TI Moune's adoptive parents may be a bit young for their roles. but they elicit heartwarming affection even as they wisely warn the girl against bucldng the odds with the gods. Kelly Kenny hardJy is physically beUevable as a Polynesian goddess. but her lusty. energetic perfonnance enriches the Costa Mesa The perfonnence by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American operatic baritone Sanford Sytvan hat been rete:Mduled to 4 p.m. June 22 In Found9rl Hell. Tk*ei. coat $60 and,,.. on •le et the Center box office, by celling (714) 66&ARTS or by villtlng www.ocpac.orp. The C9nW It et 800 Town Drive, COttaM .... JAZZTRIO Gulflhwn R91teurant 1n Newport 8eed'I prM8ntl I Jezz trio Sundey hough WednMdly .. ,.1.,~eceeo AwcedoM .• ~leed\ . Houri ... to. p.m.. Surid9y end • to 10 p..m.; MOiMtlv hough w.dneed8y. ,..., 71M1• FYI •WHAT: ~once on This Island" • WHERE: Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. 611 Hamilton St .. Costa Mesa • WHEN: Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m ., Sundays at 2 p.m until June 29 •COST: $15 • CALL: 1949) 650-5269 production Al'>O 1mpre .... 1ve are Gary fn111dad a." Armand. Daniel's unbending father. and Abigail Kmnahan a.' the t:ool. noble pnnce'>" with a childhood clcum Oil Daniel<. future ren-year-old Ka yla Montgomery t'> part1cularly appealing as the younger TI Moune. whtle T.J. Dawson and Ann-Mari~ Scott complete an enthusiastic cast in supponing assignments. "Once on This Island" warms to its task with a somewhat modernte first act. but hits its stride with gusto in the second, due in no small measure to the expressive features and catlike movement of Stewart-Givhan ln the critical role of TI Moune. May the gods smile on her career. • TOM TITUS reviews ~I ttiNter for the Daily Pilot Hia reviews appear Saturdays'. • musician• lndude guitar players, baa players. slngera, drummers, keyboardiltl and othera at 100 Main St, Newport Bead\. Free. (949) fflf'>-7700. ...-.~GINA WEEK£ND JAZZ. Witter Lakota and David Alcantar, th• New Yort Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamme Gina at 251 E. Coe• Highwey In Newport et I p.m. Ft1deya end Slturdlyt and et 7 p.m. Sundava and Mondeyt. OlaN Ottr1 Join• the duo on voc:M on Monday&. tt4t n.. lnfonnMion: (M) f73.llOO. ._ 11.T THI fMLL 1M llUftllMllr Gfll offtf'I Mw ""* Frld9y end s.turdlY ~or.a Morgen, Ntdt,.., enct WV Oonlen (known .. MPG) pemnndlilllcrOdl. MB end .... l:JOp.m. ~ .............. Josh Hartnett, left. Lena Olin and Hamson Ford star rn Revolution Studios' acbon comed:y "Hollywood Hom1c1de," which starts Friday -::s FE~~XVA L~ ~ A Uu1que Shopp111~ Advvnh Jr<• ... ' OCFAIR&EXPO COSTA MESA BB Fair Dr . Bldg . ~~10 JUNE 12-14 T h u r s.GFri.9 -9 Sat.9 4 Parking & Adm 1 ss1 on -~ ~::1Pr1cariit ~th of :.1Jv !'Ed 1d1 !£' ~·.c t:.A i~ ., ••• ~r~· li "" .r-t C.:tr.de1• br£-.Qd.\.'•r.:r. red~ r.::. ... 1r• L;tv 1:.\·rr :. • .\::i:1>S:~U·S ~ .. d ,.Jr.lh.~·;. cri;if." u Gnl-1· ·: . 'I". • •• c I• ·-, 1'· 10 lll' c,;,P ,,r r' ·,c r.~~.c·· aC!:-\'' " •• I .. i: "I I '/J ttfti,; ~: Ct1 f:Ard:1c, .~ I i:< .,-.... 1 .: ~ for a • )'. ~hcc~. ad·:~· ( ri-l ;..._;. ....... i: ~ (l,l~ ~ • r I mq~ a. ){) ~ !hr ~ al!'l?'il mJy (mt ffi Cnl\ft \'a r ~ ht I rl'lllii • -... ... .. -... • "!.)~ • .. ... • • ... - - -• -• ~ , ~ r ~ . .. ...... :N o w .S e r t' 1 n 9 •Brt•al:./a '13 on • SeMi-Pri11•tr for Mt1t 6 w.__. • O•u 80 Piues of Ef"il"""' • Prifl•t• Pit.u s S111Ji• •SPINNING Tb1•trr • 16 F"ll r;,,,, p,,,.,,.1 r,..;run • Clli/J C.n 811•· ,, .. ,. M • • Cu11n1int P•"kl"t • Yo1•.. T•i Clll. s,,.,,,. tl..ua • Stq. PotHr h•p1 CINi• • SllotHN. Su""' 6 THHll • D•J Sp• • ~••thlmM~ 'J L ,; ..... , ... • ..... u 11 ( h .:_" /) I t: II t f J O'-JI\ f J\IHllC Since 1 :1:15 A8 Friday, June 13, 2003 ,. 85+ Awx;ad,o Avenye N.wport &aoh, CA Fo,. R~rwttone -{949) 760-6686 Come see rhe new Everwood· CountrySide blinds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping slats creace a beauti(ul board-on-board design. And the 'step-up' look adds depth. d1mens1on ,1nd charac1er co any room. And EverWood CountrySade will not warp. crack, peel or rade Even in humid areas or direct sunlight. Come L~ilii-~--~f;f-;~ see these beauuruJ blinds today ..... .,,.,, ........ . ~ ,,,,, '"'' .. , ... ,, .. ·~ALDEN'S J •~•HI>• ~l""l,'l1(l\lll~l\X'iNl!1N.(P\lk/'\1" " 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGORIE S r.7, f'~··-')~.fa-... / FREE EPICUREN GIFT! --~-....... ~ .- ~:;·1 .~ ' .. . -·· . 5 terrific products in a handy plastic pouch · yours FREE with any Ep1curen Discovery purchase of $75 or more Offer ends &~tt.1. while supplies l1s1 Spa Gregorie's Hours Monday 11 am 9pm Tuesday-Sunday 9am 9pm 200 Newport Center Drive Suite 100 Newport Beach. California 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM (949) 644-6672 ~w _L~CHITO. FIESTAS .\ M Seftice Calerlng Sizzli ng Fajitas Strolling Mariachis • Margarita & Cerveza Bar Pmlt""rl•Go /_I •Enchiladas • Taquitos \f, ' • •Tacos • Tamales ,- • Guacamole • Salsa ' ~ Call your nearest location for pick up lta2 .. •t••-. 10to 100,,... C . • (949) a;;SJ209 Y• ,. Costa Mesa -...; ----------~ ---- HAPP E NI N G S THEATER Continued from A6 failings -including his fathering of a child with his mistress. Nan Britton, during a Ointonesque rende'.tvous in the Whlte House. As m uch as Ford covets his office, Harding would love to give it to hlm, or anyone else. and Turnley beautifully renders this scandal-plagued figure with aU his fau lts Intact. FYI •WHAT: "Camping With Henry and Tom " • WHERE: Newport Theater Arts Center, 2601 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach •WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays; 2:30 Sundays until Juno 29 •COST: $13 •CALL: (949) 631-0288 season. Donna Fritsche contributes tine period costumes, while Mitch Atkins' lighting and Ron Wyand's sound effects serve the p roduction equally well. The role of Edison. whose famed deafnei.s seems quite selective, is enriched with satlricaJ lrony by Jack Rule. who not only resembles the late actor John Houseman physically. but vocally as well. Edison's stature at the time placed b1m several rungs above ford on the ladder of prestige. and Rule captures this kingly qua11ry in an excellent performance. From left, President Warren Harding (Tom Turnley), Henry Ford (Jack Messenger) and Thomas Edison (Jack Rule) in ·camping With Henry and Tom" at the Newport Theater Arts Center. "Camping With Henry and Tom~ probably isn't historically accurate, bUl like other plays with celebrated figures of the past. it offers a provocative glimpse at what might have transpired had these three men been thrust together in such a situation. In any event, il's a terrific evening of theater. The play's fourth character, a Secret Service agent who discovers the stranded campers late in the play. ts played with proper rigidily by Andrew BEST Continued from A6 La Piazza. V1uello, along with his cousin and chef rabio Marei.ca , was drawn here by lhe warm climate remirui.cent ol the island of Capri. Many d1she'> have a C..apn tht•me, named after the island\ mo<.t beauuful de!>lma11om. lliere\ feuucunc Monte SaJoro. linguine Puma Carena. linguine Punta VI\ ara ,md penne Via J 1 Campa rhe lunch menu offers gil anttp,L'oll lappeluer,1, le imalate l'>aladsJ, 1 panm1 (sandwichec,J le pizza. and le paste (paMa) llle dinner menu offers gil antlp~u. le insalale. le wppe (i,oupJ. le p11.1.a. <iecond1 (mam rnuri.esl. n'otto and le pa'>lC. Speciah u'ually include a tno of wondt>rfully prepared fre'ih fish , a trio of meat,, p11.7..a, soups and des .. ert Some '><tY the be'>l HOURS Continued from A 7 Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m Saturdays. The restaurant 1s at 630 Lido Par1c Drive, Newport Beacn Free. (949) 675-3474 MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m Wednesday and Thursday, from 8·30 p.m to 12·30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday Players 1s at 512 W 19th St . Costa Mesa No cover charge (949) 646-5615 WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant m Newport Beach presents J8"e on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favontes on the saxophone Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays et Carmelo's Ristoran1e, 3520 E. Coas1 Highway, Corona del Mar. Vonderschmin. His impact is sligh1. but telling, such as the moment when, in deference to I larding. he refuses to be cowed by the ballistic Ford. The Maryland forest setting. thin-crust pizzas in lOwn are here. All pizzas are made in a Napoli-style wood burning oven on a lava rock stone, heated with olive tree wood lor subtle navor. Guest!> immediately receive a ba-;ket of freshly baked rost>mary focaccia and breadsticks. I-or wine aficionados, there's an 1mpress1ve wine select1 011. Vitiello\ Telluride resiaurants \ .. ere mentioned m the July 2002 1,.,ue ol Wme Speclator, and for thn:e 1,ear'> were named "Award of facelleni;e' \\1nners. I lard-to-find Italian wtnt:'> are Capri Blu's specialty Bra11d}•. cognac. grappa, pom, .Uld '>pecialty rnffee dnnlc.s are available, too. The speetalty '>oup. a puree of spinach, potato and onion, lacked Oavor. The carpaccio d1 maru.o ($11.50), thinly sliced raw beef tenderloin <1erved wi1h fresh arugula, capers o live oil and thinly !>liced Parm1g1ano Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd . Newport Beacn. Free. !949) 476-2001 STAGE 'THE GOOD DOCTOR' Neil Simon's "The Good Doctor" 1s celebrating its 30th anniversary at Corona del Mar High School Theatre, 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach at 8 p.m June 27 and 28 and at 1:30 p.m. June 29 Tickets cost $11 for adults, $9 for seniors and students. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more at the same performance. This play is apptopriate for teens and adults. For more information, call (9491644-3151. 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length play, "The Drawer Boy." one of Time magaz1mrs Best Plays of 2001 , will continue through June 29 at Seg~trom Stage. Tickets range from $19 to $54 For t1deets, call (714) 708·5555 '42ND STREIT The 2001 Tony Award Winner, Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award "42nd Street" will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center through June 22. Tideets are $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA WBY NOT TRY ••• Bam....ade RavlaU's, Fr•ll Flab, Fresh Steaks, ..... .. ·BEST MUSSELS II TOWll! which prevails as the captor of the three men. is most rc.thsucaJly designed by Marry Eclcmann, one of the fines! scenic backdrops offered in local community theater all cheese. was almost perfect. except the arugula wasn't as lively as expected. AJI other dishes were excellenL La capre1>e ($8.50) with fresh buffalo mo1.zarella. tomatoei.. basil and olive oil had navorful, fresh vine-ripened tomatoes that make or break that dish. Gamberoni al sughetto 1$10.50), jumbo ~hrimp sauteed wi1h freo;h spicy 1omato~. white wine, garlic and olive oil is a defini1e rnusl - 1rre btible especially for garlic lmwc,. Penne aJla grappa 111 ri ch <tnd '>tmple, with ham. radicchio .md grappa pink sauce. De!>Sen chotees ancludt' lla11an claso;1cs hke 11ram1~tJ~ panna cotta. o;emifreddo wh~ 1.abagltone covered with t:hocolate ice cream and decorated with hazelnut and tocoa. and <,orbetto and gelato. rhe des~ert '>peciaJ. tona di ricotta, 1~ worth ordering, not too 'IWCel -frt ... h ricotta. v.ith a hinl of lemon. rhe "famous. (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. · 'AIDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's #Aida" 1s coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall July 2 through 13 Tideets are $27.50 to $64.50 and can be purcnased at the center's box office of online at www ocpac. org lnformat1on- (714) 556-ARTS. OCPAC 1s located at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa ART 'BONJOUR LES ARTISTES' Twenty-eight artists will take par1 m the second NBonjour les Artistes;· wh1d1 will take place from 11 a m . to 7 p.m . Saturday at the Sutton Place in Newport Beach. Artists from Costa Mesa, Newport Beacn and other parts of Orange County will be showing. Admission and parking 1s free. The Sutton Place is at 4500 MacA11hur Blvd. m Newpor1 Beacn Information (949) 851 1838 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil his series of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County art scene who are making a difference in its evolution. The exh1b1tion will run through Sunday at the Blue Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beacn. Information: (949) 648-1101. • TOM mus reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Saturdays. Lemoncello, a lemon liqueur freshly made there. cornplementi. all dei.sens. Capri Blu'11 u!>e of simple, fresh. authentic ingredients helps make this restauran t an instant hil. along w11h a t:aring and enthu~iastic s taO. ... Gustaf Anders. known for its Continental, Swedish and American cuisine. will be ~erving 11~ famous smorgasbord brunch for Father's Day. Popular dic;he!> a 1 C..ustaf Anders include gravlax, wild rice pancake'> topped with smoked ~mon. caviar and creme fraiche. The hou~e-baked bread'i and iced aqua\11 are ideal with lhe hemng and the Vas1erbotten cheese. Don't miss the large selection of caviar~ Open for lunch from 11 :JO a.m to 2 p.m. luesday to Saturday; and for dinner from 5:30 p.m. Tuesday 10 Sunday. South Coast Plcv..i VillaKe 1714) 668-1737. WENDY SUSSMAN: LOOKING BACK' The exhibit "Wendy Sussman: Looking Bade'" will open June 21 at Square Blue Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd. SUssman's widower, writer J~n Rodriguez, will be at a reception from 6 to 9 p.m. June 28 Also expecttd 1s artist John Sproul and the director of the Gallery Paule Angllm. Ed Gilbert Information. (949) 548-1101. or VISll www squareblueart com DANCE CLASSICAL DANCE CENTER Classical Dance Cen1er, with locations in Newport Beacn and Tustin, will celebrate its 10th anniversary wittl its 10th annual student performance through Monday. Tickets cost $15.50. Dancers from age 3 to adult will showcase various dance styles: ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical, and hip-hop. Irvine Barclay Theatre Is at 4242 Campus Drive. Tideets: (949) 8544640 SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom ill Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, viStt ocswing com or call 1909) 656-6119 ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of eacn month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McCllntod< Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. OSITIVE OCCER LlllC June 23 -26, 2003 CoronA thl Mar • day ctlnlc tor boYI aRCI girts, age &.11 Coac:Mcl by lntmoftOHl locctf ltarl All ... , .... rtctlvt an Adldal eocctr ball alMI J•rMY To ,.pur, eMJ Nftl Brwrukl111 •t: 714.814.2771 1 OO"ICt of the proceedl go to MuecUlat Dyatrophy RetearCh PARENT PROJECT •• QUOTE OF THE DAY "Vinnie {Valdez/ is a learn player who pilches, ca1ches, hits and plays in the field." Rick D•yton, Calvary Chapel Pony baseball coach $ports Editor Richard Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: 19491650-0170 YOUTH BASEBALL Eagles lift weight in gold Calvary Chapel beats CdM a second straight day to claim Pony crown, though protest was fil ed. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAH -Calvary Otapel of Costa Me'Ml's Pony ba!>eball team couJd get used to playing the Co- rona de! Mar Pony C.ardmalc, al 1..ast- b luff Park.. pitching with tim ely hjtting that re- suJted in a 7-3 victory over CdM -the fo urth seed -Thursday. "AU the kids believed they could hit their ace pitcher !Michael Kordichl." Calvary Coach Rick. Dayton said. "We scored five runs off !Kordich), which made a difference, along with a pitch- ing staff that has been awesome for us." Slatter Jason Loftus allowed one run on three ruts in three innings whil e Vin nie Valdez scattered jus t two hits with no runs while striking out seven in four innings to preserve the victory. never fl'lt hke they were out of a game " CdM (20 7-1) led, 1-0. trailed, 'l-1 af- ter three innings. and cut the lead to 5-3 before C..alvary plated two rune, in the top of the <:.ixth. l.oft u!> and Valdez each had HRb in th e sixth. Cardinal-.' starting pitcher Michael Ko rdich, who struck out 11 in five i11 nings. connected fo r a '>Olo home run to left -<.enter fi eld in the sixth. Kel!.cy C:lia!>e. who threw one inning of rehd and '>I ruck out o ne, rea ch ed ha-.e on an in tentional walk and late r '>cored afwr a Calvary outfielder dropped a Oy ball June 16 honoree JOSIAH FREORIKSEN Friday, June 13 2003 A9 Needing to win two gamei. m two d ays to claim che Newpon -Me:.a Po ny b aseball championship, the top- seeded Gold Eagles comhint>d clutch "Vinnie is a tea m player who p itches. catches. hits and plays in the field ." Dayton said. "We've had some spolly defense and good hitting to go with the pitcrung. These kids have heart. They The Cardinals wouJd load tht· ha\l''> la ter in the sLXth. only to havt' Valdez \tnke out his third baller in tht· inning tu '>lop tht• rally KE NT fk[f'IO>\' (;A • ~ 01 Corona del Mar's Michael Kord1ch. left. tag s out Calvary Chapel's Joel Stanton See EAGLES, Page AlO at home plate in the Newport-Mesa Pony trtte game Thursday at Eastblutf Park. COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Mnmarie Turpin lines up a ,avelin throw as she prepares for t«;AA championships in the heptathlon. She will be the only UC Irvine athlete competing in the finals. Long road continues Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot T here will be many thoughts racing through Annmarie Turpin's mind today. If she·s no t too careful she might get too emotional. Who couJd blame her after what she has been through? Turpin, who tore her left anterior cruciate ligament two years ago, will be UC Irvine's one representative in the NCAA track and field championships in Sacramento. She will compete in the heptathlon today and Saturday. •ifs been a long road, but fuJfilllng, ·said Turpin, a junior for ua. ·it's been a progression or emotions, from picking up the javelin for the first Heptathlete Annmarie Turpin will be UC Irvine's lone representative at the NCAA chflmpionships this weekend. time, to being entered in my first heptathlo n to completing my firsl heptathlon to getting a better score. And now, ifs been I'm glad 10 be back. bu1 let's get after it• Turpin will get after it in the 100-meter hurdles. the high jump, shol put and 200 meters today. She will also compete in the long jump. javelin throw and the 800 Saturday. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Sea Kings molding into shape Spring football is more about growing up for Coach Freeman's Corona del Mar Sea Kings. -, be one of a few players b'alning at Q\wtertMlck for the Sea Kinp. Shaun Mohler, who was the quartert.ck (or the CdM fresh. man tam lut yar, wU1 also be vying to be the team's •wthla atgnaJ..caJJer 1n the rau. "Tbere it • retal good intensity level... Pn!anM Mid of the ...-.,....,... which hM .,_, ... -......... and wiD met ~ "We told them thlt we're.......,. ltufr up. The o&lite ..... to be • -- S.. llA IONQl, ..... AlO .. It may be a HttJe lonely." Turpm '><lid . ·1 m not used to havtng my season go this long. But I don't feel pressu re. I'm honored to be able to represent the school. ru do lhe best that I can . ., Because of her k.nee in1ury. lhls wtll be 1ust the fifth he ptathlon she will complete. Perhaps lhe most remarkable fact about Turpin·s rnmeback is tha t she is no t 100% yet. In March of 200 I. she injured h er left k.nee. She had surgery April 13, and that's when plans for h er comeback began. ~Initially it was really hard, because you have so many expectations and they all come crumbling m one tep. ·Turpin said "But 1 didn'I lhink for a See TURPtN, Pace AlO Tom Welch of Corona def Mar~ hauls in 1 pass during spring footbaA practice on Monday. Welch wtl be I~ In the fll anit Ibo try his hind • ~ IClHT T1ICPnM I OMYPlOT FISHING Daveys Locker adds new sportfisher B .tlhoa l'av1lwn flw h"i deluxe .. ponfi ... her c .at ~pecial. mJde II'> mdlden tn p out uf l>a\t>y\ Lm.k.er thi., ~unda) .irHI c .apt<.u n t...enny Wager o f !'.l'W pon 8<.'ach rt>warded the hm1wd lo.id of local angler ... with cl lantJ.,llL fhh1ng Lnp to (A1tal1na hl.md me l ~ year veterdO '>!upper set a cour<.e for thl' ea .. 1 end of the 1'>land 10 net hve o,qu1d in an area where the '><JUld had been noallng under '>lron~ lights in the darkn~of night It took the cr~ JIM aJmO\l IWO hour. to fill NIEMIEC the mam ban tank w11h "candy" ban. It wa., only a shon move to an area o n the back side of lhe i land k.n own a.s lhe "V's" where the anchor wa'> d ropped just before ~unnse and the fishmg day began Second captam. Greg Obymuo of Co ta Mesa. metered !>eab&s on the sonar and ordered 20 more feet of '>COJ>t' to be let out on lhe ancho r ft didn't lake more than a couple of minutes before the fir'>I rod went bendo and exc11em«i>nt explo<Jea alT around the widt' beamed sport boat Om . ., Madaloni of Newpon Beach decked hi!> 24-pound croaker. Jerry l.ovesee of Balboa -.t'I the hook on a 22.5 pound sea~ and Steve Ward of Balboa put a 20-pounder In rus gunny 'lack.. The b11e was wide open with every sqwd getting bit a.s '>OOn as 11 hit Lhe bottom. Dan fr.vjer of Newport fougtll hi'> scabas.., around the boat a couple of tunes before deckhand Mike I lail gol a gaff into its side. 1t scaled a chunky 23 pounds. Other hart>or area anglers that scored on this trip included JW Richards who I.aves in Newpon Shorn and fished for the Newpon Harl>or Lady Anglers for years. Rk:twds' white seabass scaled 21 pounds and was gafred by first deck. Sunny Jones. and also catching her Om ever fish was Valerie Muller who did a ftne job ln I.anding a 17 pounder. FishiJl8 continued sttong and rrom the bridge Captain Wager watched doeely 80 that oo one e:xcieeded the one llb limit on white mibul Capcalnl try to ..... aood bite wilb ~ aoal boeD and &bit w.rm ~cded ocherehlr1S --from Newport Harbcw In to cake his lpCJC and .. of .... ....,_were put Oft t..d..., ..... O. llCGual -~ The Cal $pel:W .. be • nwriniMmiMd s-tY.,. IObWlndllOllb ..... ... 'illlAll • -... Above, Corona del Mar's Michael Kord1ch watches his ball sail over the left-field fence for a s1xth-mning home run against Calvary Chapel. At right, CdM's Michael Ford prepares to tag out Calvary Chapel's Scott Holbrook at second base Thursday. PHOTOS BY KC NI Tllff'TOW DAILY Pll 01 SPORTS EAGLES Continued from A9 CdM left nine runners on base -the same as Wednesday -when Calvary won, 10-4. 1\vice the Cardinals left the bases loaded and were victimized by a triple play to end the second inning. Ricky Townsend lifted a Oy ball to rlght field, which was caught. The fielder threw to first baseman Joel Stanton to pick off a CdM runner who c:ouldn't retreat to the bag in time. Then, Stanton fired to Valdez -the catcher. Valdez, standing about five feet up the baseline, held on to the ball after he was knocked over by a CdM runner attempt - lng to score. The runner did not slide. prompting home plate umpire Philip Baumfield to eject the Cardjnal. "Malicious contact, especially when the defensive player has possession of the ball• Baumfield said when asked why he ejected the player. "lie could have slid, or run around (Valdezl. Why crash into him?" CdM Coach Howard KeUy filed a protest with the league commissioner and added that the ejection of a player in a champi- onship game put a damper on an other- wise "classic baseball game." • 1 don't like people tiling out catchers," Kelly said. "I just came back from an all star certification meeting where a district official couJd find no rule when asked, 'Does a runner have to slide to avoid con- tact with the catcher?' It is a shame to throw a kid out of a championship game. It was a violent play, not a malicious one ... The loss required Kelly to insert Alex Johnston at catche r untiJ the sixth inning. when he came out of the game. ho lding hi!. wri-;1. In came Mi chael Ford to relieve John.,- ton. ford usually plays -;hortstop. "It I'> bad in the championi.h1p game when you have to ask. 'Who wants to wear the gear:· Kelly said . "IKordichl was throwing in the mid-7cr... so it was not a good time to experiment with the catch ing. But hats off to Alex Johnston, who did a tremendous job for us.· Ford led off with a single and later scored on Otase's Oy ball that was drop- ped by the left fi elder. Kordich went 2 for 3 with a double with Regan Riley also hitting for a two-bagger. Tom Thomas walked twice and i.ingled while batting in the sixth slot. Caleb Burgess. J.J. James, Stanton, Lof- tus, Valdez. Chris RJgmalden and (Jiad Belmont each scored for Calvary (22 -4). NIEMIEC Continued from A9 seabass as long as there is squid available. As the season progresses Wager plani. on fishing outer waters for albacore and bluefin tuna and may even add a couple of two-day trips to the schedule. Among the sport fleet the Cat Special has the most spacious and comfortable bunks complete with curtains, a huge bait capacity and chef, Steve Lamb, can grill up a bacon cheeseburger that would rival any other served along the coasL With a cruising speed of 11 .5 knots the sportfisher is sure to become very popular with harbor area deep sea fishermen. For booking information call Davey's Locker at (949) 673-1434. DON L[ACH I DAILY PILOT UC Irvine's Arnlrnane Turpm trains in the high iump for the women's heptathlon m the NCAA track and field championships m Sacramento. She has recovered from tearing her left ACL two years ago. Water temps in outer waters continue to warm and it looks like albacore are just about ready to come within one day range of ltJRPIN Continued from A9 .,econd that I wouldn't be ahle to make it back.· furpin tabbed her comeback d'>, ua personal challenge,. and \tarted it. with small goaJi. and r•ventually started to raise the bar. Last year, she won a Big West Conference title in the high jump and flnished fifth in the 400 hurdles, leaving her coaches to believe lhat she could take on the heptathlon thjs season. u' just took it day by day," Turpin said. ul know that sounds clich~ hut that's the way you-have l-0-d~ • This year, Turpin won the Big West title in the heptathlon. lead ing to her qualification in the NCAA Olampionships. She posted 5,228 points to become the Big West champion at Cal State Northridge May 15. Her effort ranks No. 4 in UCI hjstory and is 20th of the 27 competitors who qualified for the NCAA meet. Turpin, who starred at Simi Valley High, had always expected to win Big West titles. yet the injury actually aided her in the process, Ben Cesar, UCJ's associate head coach, said. "For Annmarie. the injury Robti. Ford 0.K01111t Off MSl.P f-4.500 Reba)• ----• 3L~ NITSAYWGS .•7,500 wa,~ a, b~g-io rlisguise.." --j.--lJu.e.JUJCil.WiipOi[LJJLeeJWU:J.U..liJ.Wta.U::.... Cesar said. "As a senior in high \chool. Annmarie was probably the best aJJ-around high school athlete in the slate. She came in here as a frei.hman. and in a sense na'ive. not really knowing the level of Division I. She thought she would dominate and she did. but toward the end o f the season she became fatigued ... I don't think she feels at 100% yet because of the knee, but mentally her approach to the sport has been better. The patie nce. where before she didn't have none, grew. She finally understood what it took to be a seven-event athlete." yachts. Schools oflongfins were reported on the edges of the Dumping Grounds and appeared to be moving to the northwest. With the full moon due this weekend the albies might make a migration up and in and be fishable inside San aemente Island within a couple of days. Another indication of warmer water was the Mako shark caught on the charter boat Bongos U, running out of the PaviUon docks this past week. and the increasing number of big yellowtaU showing around CataJjna Island. LocalJy, half day, three-quarters day and twilight Daily Piiot KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PtLOT Corona del Mar High football coach Dick Freeman talks to his players Monday during spring practice, which ends this week. SEA KINGS Continued from A9 pace. We want to dictate the game more.· me Sea King~; running backs wilJ include no seniors, Freeman said. Wes5 Prei.son, who will be a junior in lhe fall, will see more lime at tailback, while Aus tin Brawner, who is coming off a leg injury. and John Shanahan will also be in the backfield. Shana- han is also tmining as a fullback.. I lowever. with Lhe graduation of Matt Cooper. Freeman is already planning to include offensive playi. that feature two tailback&. 7.ach Wii.hengrad. who will al~o be a junior in the faJI, i!> the team'!> lone lnte fullback. Free- man <mid. "We're mo'>lly trymg tu get l'vcrybody l'xperiencc and get them comfortabh.· playing.~ 1-reeman ..aid. "We have a lot to learn mther than open competi· 11on with people. We're not work- ing on gamc-rypc '>ltuation'> rcaJJy. We're working more on the fundamentals." I recman and h1~ coachmg '>lafT ha-. Jl<.o been st~ing weightlifting. nie Sea Kings don't have much size, Freeman said. but they do have !>peed, which will be di'>playcd on defense. Freeman expect!> the defen se to h t'. "more prc!>Mlre oriented," than ii ha., been in the past. 'We're trying to get leadership which is tough with only seven seniors. So the juniors will have to step up a little bit.' Dick Freeman, Corona del Mar High footbaU coach Troy I larrison, a new assistant for rreeman, will help in that d e- partment as he is training and developing the Sea King defen- sive bads. l larri~on will also coach the receivers. rreeman said approximately 60 player& have heen involved with practicl'!> thi!> spring. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daiy Pdors Athlete of the Weel< senes TODAY 22 -Cesar Te"ones Estancia Boys soccer. '98, '00 21 -Malt Hess Vanguad University M on's soccer, '02 JIM NIE:MIEC/DAILY PILOT Chris Madaloni of Newport Beach hefts his 27-pound white seabass he caught last Sunday while fishing aboard the Cat Special, which is now operating all day trips out of Davey's Locker. The big croaker was part of a limit catch for Captain Kenny Wager of Newport Beach. trips out of Newport Harbor have produced a mix of bass, barra,cuda, halibut, sand dabs. sheepshead and a few seabass. The water temp along the coast has finally moved up a couple of --. degrees according to Captain Norris Tapp at Davey's Locker and this is a good sign for boats fishing kelp and reefs between the Huntington Beach Oats all the way south to Dana Point. Friday. .ll#le 13, 2003 Al 1 ~--------------2141 Llpfllallcm -L.-1 .... -Utel .... -Lllll .... -11111 .... - 1'.'0TICE OF TRUSTEES SALE TS No 104367 4-o8 APN 048 11 S-02 TRA 07-001 Loan No JS.1165962 REF Stevena, Geotge M IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DA TED Sepiembet 05, 2001 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROf>ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOVlD CONTACT A LAWYER On June 26 ~·n a1 :oooam Ca1-w-~r11rn R«:onv'°y.uice (;.clfl)o;.t .l"Ofl U OUly ai;.oooriteo tr.;stee unclef a"'.l purwanl IO OHd of l ·u~t 1 eooroed S<-rr•onoer H 2001 H ,, \I No 200106555e.3, ~ Q<tc&J R~ on ttie i;t•oe... ol Irle County R.-e<.108' ~ Clfaoge Cc"'r.ry, SIA~ ol Ql~l.J{IQ tl!eCuted 't:1f c;..or~ M S!eloflOI arid n.,.~ Angela Steve,.. ~'1~and Ano W~e As J,..1,1 Tenants w.rt Mii 11 r;"JDllC 111C1t0n to ~ t,.Xlfo( 11)( CiSrl ~~I (.'""it dta-on a sure ·~ •o.lti<Aal baflk a Ch!JC> di awl'l O'( a &late Of !~l!r31 credit vn.on. Oi a c• "'Cl< dlawn Dy • a111e If ltldetal MMng5 ll"ID I '\;ii uaooatlOl'I wvinoa 1511<.ICHbon, OI UV"1QS t.lrn• speolied 1n Secnol'I '>1 .? of !he FINl'Ollf Cl-°' if1d autnonzed IO ~ t.ua1ness 1n trlos a11te 1..,. trOlll OI the F 1Qr.oleS It IN Mlll1 E ' aru Alu to Ille ., ~( ~"" CMC CAf'ltlt< l ' .11 I E Cl'\lpmln ~a 1 •Mr..a '" ngtc IJtle a '1 niernt eotWeyeO to ar i:t now held oy n vnc»r '41Cl Ofoed ol T NS! Ill the "'C'(J4111y sitUateel Ill llid r-OV ty al"IO Sta• ......... ......... Tiie lol10w1n1 p•rsons are dolftl bvsJtllU H . •) Tllt Copiw Sokillon•. b) Am.,lcen Home loa•I\ c) C1llfor n1a Moncaae Ltnws. 531 N1wpG1t Center Ot Ste 546, IMWl>O't 8HCh, CA 91660 G1n1 M. K•mmu1, 30 Palatine f 317, Irvine, CA 92612 Thll bUlolnHlo IS con· ducted by· an 1nd1vldu•l H•v• you started c1<>in1 bustncu yet? Yes, Jan 2003 Gina K1m1nsk1 Th" statement wH flied with the County Clerk of Drance County on 05/02/03 2003694-lltl Daily Piiot May 30, June 6. 13, 20. 2003 F409 ftdltiM ..... ... s...... The lollowt1111 persons are doin1 business as I K D Sties Wot LLC, I 301 Dove St . Suite 380. Newport Buch, CA 92660 J II D Sa'" West llC (CA) !JOI Dove St Suite 380 Newpor I Buch CA 92660 This bu\mess " con ducteo by l 1m1ted L1ab1hty Co Hove 1ou swted dorna busrnus yet1 No J II D Sain Wot llC Pamela Miller M•n•aer This statement wn tiled with the County Clttll of Oran11e County 11n 05/23/03 200JH4S697 Oa11y Pilot May JO. lune 6 13 20,2003 F40.l ........... ..s...... Thi follow1n1 penon1 111 doltlt busineu " Crum City hpptr Compeny, 169 S•nd uslle, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 DoualH G H1tch1rd, 169 Sandcutte Aliso Vllic>.CA92$5e Cl1nn Vener 1clon, 25021 Cosl .. u, L11un• H11l1, CA 926!;3 lhis bu11neu •• con· ducted by· co·partn••• H111• you stlrted doin1 bu51nns ytt? Yn, 5/1/ 03 Dou&IH H1tth11d Th11 i.l1tement wu filed with the County Clerk of Or1n1e County on05/28/03 200Hf4'1'4 D1ll1 Pilot May 30, June 6, 13.20.2003 r 4tO The tollow1n1 perM>ns are d11in1 buslnns as Simar Enterp11ses 2163 Net1on•I Ave Cosla Meu CA92677 Sudoun Al B1y1t1 2163 N•t•onal Ave Cost• Meu CA 92627 Barba" Al 81yat1 216.3 National Au Cos ta Mesa CA 926'17 This bu\1neu 1s con du,ted by husband and wile Have you slor ltd Clu1n1 bUSlne\S yet> No S11doun Al Bay1t1 Th1\ ,talement wn l~ed with tile Cuuntr Clerk of 011n11e County on 05t I 5/0.3 200JH44745 011ly P1lol lune 6 1 3 20 27 2003 f413 .......... S......tl ... s...... .. I ,., .. .. Thi follow1n1 person• tre doillC bu1lnft1 u ANbon Olm1le•d Pubhc R1l1tton•. 270 Kno- Ptace, Costa Mesa CA 92627 Si lly Pack1np1111h. 250'1 Un1ver•1ty Dr ;~ort Buch CA Alllwn Dtmstud. 270 Knox Plan, C~tl Meu, CA 92627 Thtt b11"nns ,. con· ducted by a &•neral partnel\h1p Have you started dolna bu\lntu ytt? Yes. 2/03 Sally Peckenpau&h This st•lemenl w11 filed with the County Cl11ll of Or•n&e County on 05/23/03 200Ht4SHS D11ty Piiot May 30. Jun• 6, 13, 20, 2003 F 404 lht follow1n1 pert0ns ••e doine business u A>srst 2 Sell Buyers and Sellers Rulty, Inc . 17962 S-y Part. Clfcle •C. t1v1n1 CA 92614 Buyers and Sellers Really Inc (CAI. 17962 Skypark C11cle •C Irvine CA 92614 Th11 busmen " con ducted by 1 <Of POf at ion Have you started do•n& busineu yet> No Buyers and Sellers Rullt. Inc All•n l Steven•on Presrdent lhis statement was filed with the County C.lerk ol Orance County on 05/14/03 200'6944691 O••lt Pilot May 23. 30. June 6. 13. 2003 F 390 fldltlMllllam -s....... I he lolfo N1n1 persons ue doina business JS Pit Moort Recovery S~r V l(U 1120 W Warner Ave Santa Ana CA 92704 lhomas Phillip Alan 190'> W H•ll An Santa An• CA 92704 This bu\1nns is con ducted by 111 1nd1v1du1I Have you •farted doin& bu\1n"s yei> No lhomas P Alan lhl\ \l•lement wn hied with lht Cciunty Cltr ~ of Ora nae County on 06 Ol 03 200J6t46160 Daily Pilot June 6 13. 20 21 100J rc12 ~OFAPPUCA· T10H TO SELL ALCOHOLIC 9EVERAOU Dale ol F\hno Appl- catiOn May 30, 2003 To Wt"tOlfl It May Conoofn The Nlmtil) ol the Applk:al'll(a) lto/aro W£ST COAST HIGH· WAY NO TWO INC Tl'te 1ppticara IMltiod llot>oYe are lppl'f1"9 IO the ~= of AJa>. rdc Control to ... alcohollc o.vet· 1Qff I L 2901 W COAST HWY STE 270 NEWPORT BEA01. CA 92e63 T~ OI lloonN(I) ~tot-•1 -~ SAl..E G~EFW. EAT- ING P\.ACE SaraN-. ~BMch-CoN MMaDolly CNe& 11e1 tle'7&-AK Jun a.13.20. 2000 Mlm ..... ... The follow111C ~M>M hne 1b1ftdon.o It.. UM of the F 1Ct1t10U\ Bull oen Haine Spyratmynd, 15 Sundlnu Ot Hew potl Speh, C11tf0tn1a 92663 Tht f' oct1lt0us Bus111e» nema referred to 1bove wu fried 1n Oran1• County on 06/04/2001 FIU NO 20016866789 Randall Eucane Mui· lane. 15 Sundance Dt . Newport Buch, C1h for nla 9Z66J Mar• D Sutherland. !>>4 Colusa Way, L1vtt· mOfe, California S.5!>0 Tl11s busmen 1s con ducted by • aen•• •I partnership Mark D Sutherl1nd This statement wa• tiled with the Co11nty Clerk of Oranc• County on 06/06/03 20036t4721 I D11ly Piiot June 13, 20 27, July 4, 2003 t04 Rdlllm ..... ... s...... The lollow1n1 pu sons are do1n1 b1111nen H •> Glob1lm111ca bJ lifespan Cruseders Home Care Services 1057 Tulare Dr Cu>la Mesa CA 92626 Brenda J Power y 1057 Tulare Dr Costa Mesa. CA 92626 This busmen is con ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Han you started oorna busrnen yet? No Bren~ J Powery lhrs statement was fried with the Counly Clerk of Or1n11e County on 05/23/03 2003694S6t9 D11ly Pilot May 30 Jurlt 6, 13.20. 2003 F400 llOIKI Of UPUUllOM TO SBl Al.COHOUC IMIA&£5 Dltttf ... ~-­S..?UJ To Whom II M.oy Conct:rn The N•met \I of the Apphunt(SJ 1s are NATI'/[ FOOOS COSl A MfSA I LC The •pphcants h\tto above are •PPlyona f(I the Oep•r tm•nt ot Alcohol1t Br•eraae Control to sell •lcoholw: bever•au at 7937 Bri•tot Street •C 100 Cost• ~u CA 92626 Type of hctnul s 1 applied tor On S•le Bee• & Wine Eatm& Place Publish rd Nrwpor t Buch Cu•I• Mn• Oa1ly Pilot June 6 ll 20 1003 r 427 RctlllMa.ilm ... s...... l he lollow•na pe,.on• u e do•ne busineu "' \/ M Str•ICU 2178 Canyon Dn~e. Unit R. Cost• Mesa CA 92617 Andrew I \/an Reen•n 2178 Canyon Drive, Unit R Cosb Meu CA 92627 Jon B Marquez 515 S Dem1ne Santa Ana CA92704 lh11 bus1111u is ton ducted by • aentr •I partner•h1p Ha•t: you •t1rted dorn& business yet> No Andrew T Van Reenen 11'11s statement wn ftted w1tll the County Clerk of O<anae County on06 OJ.D3 2003'UHO D•1ty Pilot .lune 6 13 20 27 200J f415 OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL JOINT PUBLIC HEARING THE COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILL HOLD A SPECIAL JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A REHEARING OF THE 1901 NEWPORT PLAZA RESIDENCES PROJECT LOCATED AT 1901 NEWPORT BOULEVARD IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL (PDC) ZONE. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: FINAL EIR NO. 1050. THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED: For Dave Eadie, Rutter Development, authorized agent for property owner Kennedy/Rutter ------ff..j~VVfQUlrntiITTi.-for a 161-unit residential candomlniwn project, as follows: 1) Certification of Final EIR No. 1050. 2) General Plan Amendment (GP-02-04) and Title 13 amendments for a site-specific floor area ratio (FAR) for the commercial component (0.35 FAR allowed; 0.70 FAR proposed), for a site-specific density for the residential component (20 du/ac allowed; 45 du/ac proposed), and for the proposed 5-level parking structure [applies to General Plan] (4-stories allowed; 5- stories proposed). 3) Final Master Plan approval (PA-02-1 1) for the proposed mixed-use project and variance from residential parking requirements (456 residential parking spaces required; 415 residential parking spaces proposed). 4) lnclusionary Ho!sing Plan for the 1901 Newport Plaza Residences project. 5) Amendment to the 1999-2004 Implementation Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment Plan to lnciude fncluslonary Housing Provisions [Redevelopment Agency actfon Item]. This public hearing tor the joint session will be held as fotlows: DATE: Monday, Juty 7, 2003 TIME: 8:30 p.m. or .. eoon .. poulble tt.r.fter PLACE: City Council Chlmben 77 Fair Drtw, Coat.a Meu Publlc comments In either oral or written form may be presented during the public heariig. For further Information, tefephone (714) 754-5245, or vtait the Devetopment Servtcee Department, Second Floor of City HaJI, n Fatr Drtve, Costa Mesa. caJlfomla. For questiorll related to RedeVeiopment, telephone (714) 754"5635, or VltMt the RedeYelopment AgtKo/, Ftftti ROor of Ctty Hall. The office la open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. IF THE AFOREMENTIONED ACTION IS CHALLENGED IN COURT, the ~ may be lfrriited to only ttKJM luuee raJled at the pubH6 heaitng.d11Dltild In the noloe, or In wrtnln ~ delMi9d to the qty CcUd m, or prtor to, the pubic t.artng. OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE nA11ClfC... JUt.Y 3, 2003 et l 4S •-.,...., rnoi.y • ..-'~r ..-nc• ,riot -Of P m In Dot L73 111operty may IN t.M• to iuu•tte• of ,_,.,,t, _. .. ,_, located .i 341 Tlw Cttr wltllout f111lhef • .,nlltt Df¥wt c•llfltd lln4et ----Ome Soutll, Ofanae. CA tromtti.cowt Uld PfoCflll'I IMJ dive Wl*llS'(-.sAlllll 92161 fllete are Olhef lf&ll IOt "'Of!Kt OfOj>Ontl'lt• tr YOO 08JCCl Lo UI• requw-nu You may (Hd ch.,.. • '" for #ftMS .. SfKIM p1nt1111 of the pellllon want to uU 111 altcwney Mtv1u1) and 1ubm1I IOYIQClf IAwm? 1ou Ulould fC>CNM •I tt.. r.pt •••Y 11 you 4IO no1 "t>Or" tlm1l91 to tllote h .. un1 •nd stale your l>.now an attorl\ei you ,.qu111d under Ille WCAl .. POlm.. objKtlons or hie wr1ttan "'41y 'all .,, etl0tney C1ui.1pa tu1loha l!Wn To ()(f(NOANT Ill[ ot»t.cliOll• with tJle courl rale<t1I "'v10 OI • lloun1 end reportinc GAll Y UNINSURED EM IMfcu the h .. r1n1 Your le&•I aid ott1u Cl~ttd 1n pro1um Pl OYER AVISO A 1d le •PPHrance ~y b• In the pl\one bU<ill> To pattoc.1111te 01vtr\ astan Oemand1ndo Le Ptt son or by 1our Dnpun de que le .,. requlfed tu have Citfte p11ede u""11 una 1tlotn1y enttt&utn e\U c1l1c1on bn" PADI 01 NAUI dtcts1on Qui le 1fecte IF 'l'OU ARE A CRE.DI 1udic11l usttd Ilene un 4ort1f14et1011 encl , srn qu. Ml le ncKht • T 0 R or con I 1 n c • n t plazo de lO DIAS CAI. m1n1mum of l'.i d1vo memos que ad 1etu• cttdAtor of the decened ENDARIDS 11111 prewn D .. en shuuld be 1.a11•ble pronto Lu 11 s1cu1ent1 you mu~t file your da1m tar una rnpuesta o cf low v1i1b1hty d•v'I• 1n 1nlotmac10n with the court and m111 crita a maqu1n1 tn esi. tht harbOI 11'1 depths of DEFE NDANT W1lh1m J. ' copy to the personal corte lO 1 .. 1 111 l1u The McMahon, DDS 134Z2 repruenllttve appointed Un• t er to u u111 llfln•n1 ••II l•h .l tu ~ Newport Ave . • A, by the coutl wtthm lour ll1m1d1 ttlelo111t• nu I• houlS dtpend1na c11 the Tustin CA 91180 (714) month• from the date of ofret.era protetwin \u number ol d•v•ll Pi• !>44·!>883, AP Pl 1 the f11tt •nu•nte ot rnpuni. ucrill 1 t1c1p1t1n 11 and will CANT(S) P1lric11 C1111 letten H ptOvtded in m1qu1n1 t1en1 qu1 con111t ot flu ( 11 NOT&CIS Probate Code Hct10n cumphr ton In lorm11 pruent1tt0n of t.Ouu I) A 11 w,u•t. the 11 9100 lhe t•m• lot film& 1d1des tee-to 1p1op11-tton•I mater rah on the t1ched Apphetllon fot <lilm\ wlll not ••Plfe du " usted qu1e1e que n•tural h11t0<y etoklay AclJUdicalton of Cliim before lour monlhs from la corte ncuche su importance 1nd 10t11h hH been filed with th• the heM1n1 date not1ud cuo hc..ation of eellf •U 1n Workers Compensation 1bo11e S1 usted no preunta N1wp0rt Bey and 12> 1n Appeals Board a111ns1 YOU MAV (XAMlNl the \U rnpunta a tiempo tha water •nspect1on you u the n•med hie llept by the court 11 puede petder el <:H O y tra1n1n1 defendant by the abo•e you •re • person 1n le pueden qu•t•r 111 Divel\ .. 111 betom~ namedappll(;ant(O tere>ted ·~ the t\late sa~flu su d1nero y ottu t1m•ha1 •11ttl meth0d1 on Vou may uek tht you m1y 1111 with Ille cos1sde su p1op1ed•d whale t" eape<I ul11au ad••ct of an •1101 ney in cour I a Request for Sin av1so adic:10na1 pur to occur 'u'h as 1n tho any miller tonnected I Speci1I Notice llOfm Ol· parte de la c0tte vicinity ol bulllhud\ with this lawsuit and I~> of the f1l1n1 of an £ •ISltn otro• reQum d~s end channels how such attorney should bt inventory and •pp111sal tos le1atu Puede que to 1dent1ty prob•bl• consulled ptomptly so of otate •neh or of usted qu1t:11 lfamar • un locauun• ol ealcr•u that your rupons• may I any l>fhllon or •tcount 1bo11do 1~mtd •t• ba!Mld Jn '"'" .. ,,,, be tiled •nd entered 1n n pr JVlded '" Prob•le meflle S• 110 tun"'" • wi'9b1htr •lld hab•I•• ~ 11mt ly tnh1nn Code \t<l1on 11~ A I un •boaeoo puede lyi>e• ••id unotrw•I•'' If 1ou oo nut know an Requtst lor Special llamar a un '''"'''° de \u1vey luhn1qun •ltorney yuu m•y call Noltce form '' a1111lable referenc11 de llboeado\ P use b"nl •II •P .,, •lt.,rnty reference 1 trom the court clerk o a una olic•n• oe ayuda pro>pr 1tt drv• 1ur to ser••<• ., • ltt1•I ••d AllOfney lor Pel1t1oner ••&•I t11u el direlt1>r.o ti\• t111n1ne sen1ur1 11 ulf•t• , Ht ffltphone Mlcheel V. Vollmer. telelon1co1 I you heve 1ny Quf\tion\ d11e<1ory 1 la.t. (CSI• 054735) CASI NUMllR1 plene t•ll Cllrl\ Mill•• v..,u "''Y al•u request SOSO c......,. Dr., (HUfftere 4el (ou) II 19491 6« l<Ml ,, n\1\t•n• • 1nlorm.i11•n New,.ert leech, CA OJCCOJ2l0 lom Rossmiller 11 9'9 lrom •n h1f11rmal1on •nd 92••0-2120 JUOGI THOMAS N. 1;44 3041 or t m.,1 u• •' As\1\tance Oll1ter cl ttie Publ1sned Nn1por t THlASHll, SI. •m•ller @t•ty r,.,..p.,r 1 01v1sion of Workers Buch Ct)\t~ Meu D•1ly Dll"T. <II t>u<.h ta us CJ< 110-.-wnill Comptn•.il1on 1\ee P11otlun•9 13 16 2003 H1ename•ndadd1tss e•(Q)c1l1 new pv1t teleptione directoro Mf733 I ul the court '' l[I t>eocn u us 2) An AMwe1 to 1111 nombro y d1teccion Oe Publl\htd Newp~<I Appl•t•ho11 must be tiled SIJMMOtlS la torte es) Buth Co\I• Mew CJ111, and served within '" (OTACJOM.QMCJAlj I SUPERIOR COURT OF P1101 Jun• I 3 14 do\ ol lht urv1te of NOTICE lO DEHN CALIFORNIA. COUNT'f OF 20'Jl r~a4/9 th• Appht•lion pur\l.rant 0 RANG [ CE l'O R AL to Appul~ Bo.it d r uln I OANl ~ ~·~~ ~ Acui.a I JUS TIC[ CENl(R 700 S....... tf ther etore your w11tt•n ~~JONG l AN C1v1c Center Dr1v• Wnt H •I , ..J 11 ... ..J rnpons• mu•I be tiled •" ind,.•du•I Santa Ana CA 9;>70? ... -• •.,.,,..., with the Appe•h B1u1d and dorn& bu\rneH n The name 1ddre" ffc1i11M 1111i1fu ._ prumplty 4 lt'lltr or ~gtsN~to j~N MUSI(; and telephone number OI The l<Jll11w•nt Pt"\''' phone t.tll .. 111 ul YOU ARE BEING SUED pl11nf1H' •ttornt:y or hU lbanduntd lht uv 1)"119<1your1nl•••\I. 81 PLAINTlf r pla1nt11f ... thout '" "' the I I "" U\ 8u• )1 You .,,If h• Hr'ld altorney '' •f 1 no,,.br. With • N 11• •t \I ct IA UO It •~•• d•m•nO la direc<1on 'ol num•ro nn\ l'Om• 11" 11""\' • ~... d Ml~H QUANG ot Arr ~ ..,.•"''._. .. Hu11na •no mu•I •P ~·~u"vt N > A A Ot lelelono del 1b•·~•O Co• 11 Mn• CA '1~;>1; pedr at •II ~·••1n~\ "' MINH • • l M G1 del demand•n•• o del Int I• Moo)u\ flu"""" tonltr"''"' Alter wen Ygu lla•e JO CAlEN J demandanle oue no n•n•t ·~'•"•O 10 •t. ,. hUr"'il ..... lbunt DAR DAYS ,, th t1ene •butad t\ ... \ lofeO •n vr•n11or you• •PP .. """ 1 • er is TRUONG£ AS~CoAfES County on) 12 !Jl I ll( de• '"on m11 t>e made summons " \trved on Ht>• Phu lruone; SBN ~O 200X>B')'}!>n •nd ·~ ••••d cil tom , 1ou 111 file a I/Pt"'' tie" 1'>6-tll lei 17141 963 <>ttp'>1n1• Stoll.r P•n\lf1()11 benefit• may rt~ponse 11111., ou1t /)35 107?1 S••te• 7166? 8rr,uol\ul\t ~I 15\u• ·~••nsl 1Q'-The letter or t>Mne tall AHnu~ Suit• 202 a .. a!d •ould toull on the '"111 no! protecl you rouou n Vall•1 rA ~~~net n Buth CA i'""shment ul your tour typewrotlen re 92708 Mo htll• C 8•11nttl w10,t t••·n~ of you1 I sponsel mtt" b7 in DATE: (Fedto) fll tO 168 H•""•t• Or C:~\t• moMy m prnperlr o• pruptr e&• •HIT• ' you 200l othtr rth•I ••nt the cou•t lu hear ALAN SLATIA. Cler~ M• • CA 31'6?6 II th• .t.11peal~ 8o•rd I your <Ot' {Actuorl•). l 11,., bu\•n••.•. •\ tOf' m•kts an 1.,•rd •&.,nst II tnu Ou not lilt your Ly llll AllTH GAM "" ••d D; •" un1nco1 yf'Jo your hous.e ot othet , • .,"0"'' on •~mtt Y"u I 0 A , O •p v t y ~ 'Al ... O •'\\U ••t 10'1 dwrlf111& or other prup I m•r IU)t !ht U\t and I (Delo9oclo) ulht• lh.,, • p•r•n•''"'" ert; rnay be tilktn 10 •you• waae• money and Pub I sned Ntwp•" I Mo~~~fi:~:,,;,,,,'1 11 •• Ufl\ly th1I aw.,d in a I property may b• liken Beach·C0\11 MHa O••ly !too\ ~tattm• I #f\ non 1ud11 ,.1 s•lf' Wllh no I ~1thnul lurlher '"'"'"& P1lal May 23 j() Jun• l1i•O with tr.r C olunt' t•tm~tlllll\ from •u I '~~th•tourlt 1 1 6 112003 ll97 C.1er>dUr•l'l~tr,,11nt; CUllun Ue •rt 0 n., eita 011 Q'> 14 OJ A 11,n "'•Y •l•.o bt ••Qu11emenh You may PUIUC llOTICI 2oo••t~4613 mp d P .. ant to tall an attorney ~~,u.. ~ '" 1 o H u "n yr, u r h If do 1 ,_, .,..,.,.. .,,. D11ly P1lul Ma~ JO Jun• ~~~~~~Y .:·~,,~~L,'r~1:·~~ ~·~o~·:~r ~tt;r~~v ;:~ P..itlnl03-m 1 ~, I J :>O ?001 r •Oli ouu1nce ol ~n 1w•rd may l•ll an attorney 19'-'IMll ~ .._.__ 4) v 1 t 1 H referral u1•1ct or 1 v~ ...,1 ~_.. A ~u Bus dno 1 1 Y 1~• le11al 11d ollict' (listed 1n I Notice 1\ llereb1 i •••n ._ S....... ~P~ ' ddoer 1° the the phone book) th•t •n •PPhcotion nn Tl\e lullt>•lnl •·tr'""' P 0~• • "" ur • Dupuu dt' Qut le 1 been •ubm•tttd b 1 ~ \etdvw:• of ot11<1al n'lllcet• tntre•uen nl• c1tatoon Jo"ph E ~udd tor • ••• do•n& bus1neu °' •n peper\ and noll y • Ne .. p<>1t Bue~ Surlm~ th Ai> 1 B d 1 1udK1•I u\ltd Ilene un I ten•nl improvement lo A\\OClltion )4l9 Vi• t l•tot ' o•r o pte10 de 30 DIAS CAl an e11st1n1 tommtru•• l 1dn Ntwe>orl Buth CA a~1 ch•n1es in that ( NDARtOS para p•eun bo1ldin1 to allr,., • ta~• 9266J •TU~s~CTION HOW TO Ill/ una rupuesl• t\ out \e<VKP hm•teo 1004 8e•n1•do 81rn,ohu PIOTl<T YOUI ct1la • m•qu1n1 en nta UH Thp ust w111 occupy Jr 3419 V11 l•do •IS9 INTHlSTSI rortt I 031 sauarP tut •"d Nr•P ,1 BtHh C• hsu•d by WORK£RS Un.1 c atla o un• will ''"'••lore 1n 10 9166J C 1, Mp f ~SA I 1 ON A p rlamada ttltlon«• no r <team and desert\ No >ol1r.,, Rindal M ,rl?ln P[AlS BOARD NamP olre<er1 prolec"orl \U il'lte,.or patron sul•"I 2020 I ull•rton "•• ind ... ddre\\ ol Appe•ls rnpur•I• '""IA a "' sl111d uP counttr Cost• Mn.o CA 9?f.?1 e ..... d WOR 1'£R S maQu1n1 foen• qu• Sl>•Ctl\ptoC>Q\ldlllllH\ '"'' bu\1ntS\ ,, '"" CIJ MP(NSAttON AP cumolu cOll In formal t•m• OutOOo< dm•na •S dutltd by •II Ul'lllll.,, PEALS BOARD O !> W 1dadu teeales •PfOP•• not propost:d at lh1s 1 por•ltd 1~,0, •lion MisSIOI' Bl•d • IOO du \I usted quiere que time and 1f addtd later uthtr than 1 partner\htp Pomon• C.A 91766 la torte estuthe su will 1equ1te appto.,1 .,1 Have yoll starled d<l•n& COMPLCT£(1 BV N;;me cuo soparllr ptrmit lh• business rel' No •nd Addreu of ~pli S1 u\ttd no Pte!.t!nb property I\ located 1n i.ttrey Moraan lint's Attorne1 Repre "' ropuota • llt'mpo the RSC R D1st11tt ll11s stetemenl .... \lnlat,..r (nr Apphe•n1 puede perder el caw 1 Properly l<K•led al filed ••th the Count~ ii actm1 w1thn1.1t Altt>r le pueden qu•••• su 102 Mowlfto Av-• Clerk of Oranc• rountv nev 'R•pre\fntal••f') ut11io su d1ne10 y otru This p101ect hu bt:en onos,23 .03 L.tw Olf1tts of Keith A cousde su prop11dad reviewed. and •I hn 2001,945701 Suiull p 0 Bo• 2188 sin 1viso 1d1c1onal po• bten determined Illa! 1t Dally Pilot May 30 June Pomon• CA 91769 2188 parte de 11 torte is ceteaor1c1lly eaempt 6 1 J 70 7003 f 402 (909/ 397 740() EA isltn otro' roqu1s1 under tht: requirtmll'lh NOllC£ 10 THE PERSON los leplts Putde Que ol tht C•lllorn11 £nv1 SE RVCD Vou ue "rved usted qu1era fltmar a un ronmental Quahty Act u 111 individuil dtltn •l>o11do 1nmed11ta under Clan I I[ ust1nf mentt S1 no conoce a Facthties/ Th<' loflow1n1 per M>n> are do•nc bus•nen n Mo th•" 8 ootcamp :'1612 M.trl'*''~ Ph•V ')u11t I U Ml\sl<ln V1eio C •l1lot n1a 9269.? dant un a boa ado puede Plann1nc D11ector t U•e Pub I is he d N •'" P 0 r 1 lfam., a un HfVICIO de Per m1t VP2003·020 is Buch Cost• Mesa Daily , elerentia de •botados scheduled tor rev .. w lly Pilot lune IJ 20 'l7 o 1 u111 ohc•n• de 1yuda the Plal'll\1111 Dtplftment .luly 4 1003 1 430 1,111 ( •n el d1tectot10 ot the City ot Newport IS( 131'2 ltlllol'IKO) S.•ch o •• ofter lli\~Of-CASI NUMlll> htt4oy, Joe 24, Helen Hunter Neubert 11622 Marcutf•t• """"Y Suite 144 Mru ion ""'° C1hlorn1a 9269? -•M nm-(.._.... .._, C-) 2003. 'written tom TOADlllSTll 02<Cl41'3 menb Of 1riput rel•ted rt'UflOf: JUDOI JA.MIS M. to the protect sho..ld be WI" • IAOOl.1 subm•lttd to lhe Plen Bl1nu Rtnra 915 Be1cn1a Avenue <Asia ~ C.1Tturm1 9'M6 Th11 busontss '' con d11ctoel by a seneul PertntrV"P LOUISl~ The neme ind 1d~•H n1nr epu men •LMllAPOtfC* nf the court rs IE.I Monday ''"" 2J. ,,__ nombre y d11eccion de 200J, '" Oto.< to bt .--la c0tl• u ) considertd 1n th• P'lan CASI .0. ll1f444 SUPERIOR COURT or n•na Otre<l0t' de<•sion THl STATt Of CAll II eppto•ed at lhe tum FDRNIA of review, the appeal For the Co11nty ol pert0d of J' day\ w•ll Oun1•. Central Jushca be11n from that d•I• Center du11n1 wh•cll tune any 700 ClvK Cent., Dove 1ntwested perty 01 tlle11 Wut. Sant• Ana. CA authoqzed 11ent ac 92702 0838 111ev1d of that dtc~1on Have you l!Mlod 00.,. bu Jinns yet t No To 111 helfs bentli t11ries cred•lo" con hn1ent cred1t0ts, and persons who may oth erw1st bt 1nternt1d m the will or Hiiie, 01 both. ol l OUIS N SPIELBERCER •kl LOUIS NAPOLEON SPIELBERG ER A PCTITION roR PRO 8ATE hn been l1ted by DORIS LOUISE GAYNOR in the Sl.IC>lf tor Court of Celilornl•, County of OftAHCE THC PE TITIOH FOR ,.ROBAlE requesh DORIS LOUISE GA'l'HOA be •POOtnled .. ~Mlftll r19f1Hnlahv• to ed minister Ute estate of th• decedel'll THC P£11TIOH requnb the clecadtnt'• Will and codlcfls. ti •nJ. h 1dm.tt•d to cwoti•ta Tiii Wiii •net 111r C9flelta .,. nibble lot naintu lion In tll8 hit ..... , the court TMC f'(l~ r..-11 IUtftotlty to .clftllMW the ...... vMtf ltl• l11depe11ftnl A4nlllff1· tta\IOll of (atet.t Ad. <TMI Allttlorlty wtll alll'w IN '*""•' ••-t1ttve t. lN..e Nllr -~ lfltllollt ......... I•& co111t •Ppttul. l 1fcw1 lllkllll cert.tft _, ~18"t ~·~ .. .., __ , tlle .,.,._.. , • .._. ..... Wiii ... ,..,..8111 to 11"8 tMtb tt ll!ltfft.W ,.,._. ---""' !left ..... llttic:•Of ~ .. .... ..,...... ...... ) 'fllt klt~Mtlt •• llH•tntio• ....._..., .... ,, ...... ..... ..... ..,.. ... ,. ... ................ .................. .... _, .. -· ....,, ... ., .... ....., -~-· ........... Helen Huntlf HeuMl'l 1111\ sl•t~ment we\ hied '""" Ille County Clerk ol Ot 1n1• County on OS 16113 200>6'44'40 D11ly Piiot hlllt 13 20 27 . .luly ' 2003 f' 4~ The name, address, m1y file 1 notKe of 1nd talephone numbw of •~al to Ill• Pt1nn1n1 pta1111tff's ett0tney, 0t Comml$sion wrth • Mine pl11ntilt without an IM of $875 00 to defray attor-ney 1$. (El nomllfe, the cost of the •PPl•I 11 drrec:c10n 1 ,, num"o ptocedur• The lollo•lnt peuon• de telelono d•I abopdo The 1pplK•t1on and et1 dolrtl bu\ot1ts1 " del demencl1nte, o del ct.Yelopmenl planl of Actnnced Mo¥en S« demendante que 110 the pr~d PfOf!KI ••• Y•u 278 811ehell Road. Coste tit.sa CA '2S26 lien• abocedo, H ) 1ull1bl• for pub II< Micll.MI lalMt If own Law Office~ of Hoa P'hu t1v11w and tn\l>t'C:hon •I Truont St1t1 Bar No Ill• Plel'lnln1 Oepait 211 l11clln1ll lloed 15641 ment Ctty of IM°'""t Cost• Mau, CA 92121 10221 Sletet A•tnt.K. S.ech lJOO Hewpotl h n' Ir••" 271 Suit• 202. fountl ll'I 8 oul1v1rd, H•w1orl llu<l>.neU ltoH Co1ta Valley CA 9Z70I S.ach, C.l!forl'ltt ~ .._. CA~ Ttl (714)963-733!5 1761 For further tnf« Om~·• tt COii DAn1 (J~ MP M , m1llon contect fire dutled .., • ee-at ,.., ~&.ad!,,.._... pet~ MA• RA"'* ~ 0..""81\t 1t (Mt) M4 Hew 109 AMW ._ ~.. ~ W-.,.tl Vn ~y &••HA 1•01, llOTL TM••...-ot 1 ~ J .. .-~(ad 0 I I th nota " .-td ttom Tllll sta-.-t -1'11111f1a1telll New~rt a fllliltl fM co9KtMI fllH _.... tlle c...nt) luctt-C.U MRe ff-\tie ~t ~ of Or .... c-ty r1'of JUN I, U, 20, z , f'olllttshelll Newport M Clltl VUJ 200J fCl.2 l..cll C.u .,..,.. Ollflr !MMIM117S -Not .. ll,., r.tJi o.tty , ... --u. IQ. -i ,.... 'l7.MJ4..IOOJ rw .:Pfo-cii7lN ,...... ... ..... OMT. (~vile • Aeuaa ---... -..... ;.) 1Clt.W9H YUCN, It -.. ...¢ ......... ,...~ .. ~:--l:Z~ :;.~ .. -.. ~ Uf., ...... .......,., ... ..w .... ,.., t IMe) lO k•f'tWI .. , C... ..... CA__, Y• ...... • CM.(111 .... .._ l . l.-. t\t DM 04'\'I .... tllil ....... DJ • ..., lllM ;::-::. ~ .::-.: 'f ':::S:=t ~'=.:.-:0-,...... .... ~ ....................... _,, .......... A .............. .,....._._._ .. .._,_...,......._ ...... ~ ... ~ ........ ---... , .. ,_ .,,.. ..... H • ....... I lfllt0 W ....... , U... ...... ... , ...... ..._....... n. .. t 1 -................. -..................... ~ ...... ..., .................... ~=c..w ,..... ..., ........ . .......... ,.. .......... I ...... ....... --. ,. -) •11 ........... ·-!!:: .., ......... ,..... .. ....... ..... ~ - -- 0 Pilot i"fna.ay, .AJtle 13, 2_00_3 _____ ------ J.ijlillalca 2MO Lept...... 2W Upf lallca 2W Llpl..._ 2M1 Llpl ..._ ·Everyday is a great day in Classified! ........... : .......... , Tiie foffowjnl pttsona •• d01111 business es So Cal Spec;1alf1h, 1108 B11c:l11n..,_m Or. Apl O. Costa MeS11, CA 92626, Jamas 81•111 Crlswold, I 108 811t1,1111ham Or Abt O Costa Mesa, CA 9M26 This business B con· ducted by an 1nd1vldual Have yo11 1la1 tad do1111 bullnffs yel7 Yn. 01/ l~/03 Jamea 8r11n Crlawold lhla statement was "l•d with the County C erk of Ot1111e County on 05/16/03 20016944999 011Jy Pilot M1Jy 30, lune 6. 13,20,2003 f405 .,...... ...... ... s.... lha tollowtn1 pet sons are do1111 business 11: lf s f 11ndtna 138 e 47th StrMf NewpOfl e .. ch, CA92663 John Fr1derlcli, S.un den 138 B 47th Strfft. Newport Buch, CA 926b3 fhlS buslnen " con ducted by an 1ndlvldu1t Hive you st•rted doln& business yet? No John S1unders Tiits s tatement was fifed with ""' County Clerk ol Oranae County on04/29/03 2003694210l Dilly Pilot May 23, 30, June 6, 13, 2003 F397 . Policy ........... ... s..... Th• followln1 parsons •r• doinl buslnass ... The House of Ari, 88 Fair Dive. Costa Mesi, CA92626 Oavld Patrick 8ennell, 268 Hanover Drive. Cost. Mesa, CA 92626 Th11 business la con· ducted by· an l11d1vid11al Have you started doln& buslneu yet? Yes, 5·11· 03 David P Bennett This statement wn hied with lh• County Clerk of Oran1e County on 05/f4/03 20036944614 Dally Piiot May 30. June 6, 13. 20. 2003 F406 ......... ... ...... The lollowl111 1>*4'SOllS are do1111 bu&1neu 11 Haalthy Body to lo11I, 1980 Main St., lnlna. CA 92614 Edtth Tlmw • Reid, 171 23rd Street. Unit B, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Th11 busloess Is con· ducted by an lnd1vldu1I Have yC>t1 sterted do1111 business yet 7 No Edith T 1m11 a Reid This statement wu flled w1lh the County Cletk of 011n1• County Oh 05/23/03 20036945700 Daily Piiot M1y 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2003 F401 The lollowlna pttaons er• dolfll bu&lnns u : Actvenced Yethls. 515 Celallne Or • Newport B11ch. CA 92663 Denni. A Oberst. 515 C1t11ina Or , Newport Beach. CA 92663 fhll bUSllllU ~ con- duc:ted by: en ind1vidu1I Hen you started do1111 bu1lnu1 yet? No Dennis A Obelst This statement wu hied with the County Clark of Ortn&e County 01105/29/03 200H94'272 D1tly Pllol June 6, 13, 20,27,2003 F414 How to Place A Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 ____ Deadline :Rates and deadline' are c;ubjcct to :change withou1 notice. The publisher :reserves the right to censor. reclassify, ,revise or reject any classified :advertisement. Pl~ report any error :that may he tn your dassified ad :immediately. The Daily Pilot accept<> !no liability lor any error in an :advertiM:ment for wh1d1 it may be ;responsible except Im the cost of the ;-.pace .ictually lX.1.up1cd by the error. ;Cred11 can only be allov.cd for the fir-;t CLASS IFIEAD -Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 (Pl~ 111cluJ.. VOUI II.Vil• and phone numhcr •nd "' · 11 caJ I )OU b.w. k ,. ,,h ~ I'"'• qu1He I Hy Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mai 1/1 n Person: 330 We~t Bay Strel'I Co~lll Mc,a. CA 92627 At Nt'wport Blvd. & Bay St Wedne~day .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... hiday 3:00pm : in.se rt mn Telephone 8 10am-'i.00prn Monday-Fnday Walk-ln 8.10am-~ UOpm Monday-1-'nday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. ~l -_) 1010-1770 GARAGE SALE 1439 BUSINESS & $J FINANCIAL 2305-2490 ~ l..o1si(iypls Estate Sales 1486 2 P'rl"'• Adjolnl1t9 loll Jur.. l3 & 14th ... OO's PAClf IC Vlf W /fJ· !\In <ivft plate. lnen5. (Ocu11 View) $6,500 td IJ<llOI~. books. 11) Duffy obo 949-673-9201 ~llu !111 CTodlery 1'124 Coll.....ibJ-' o..i..,,1ie Grand "'3rlo Fn """' -8 .. 16 (M & Set 9 j ID> ~billa 1160 I v •• N1Ya 1 ni ~--- ror SS 4 ltlCOllOsnc MOVING IUT OOAUTY I .II.a. ~ l k. 'fl. & f(j\ "'''"" ~11.;rl C4ilt..U... .8l Allee SjN • ..,., ~· lrY"" jL"Wf'iry ITWHW\. Miki! 949 64'> 1'>0'> 11-lt·'"1 0.td W't> ~ &. 'imv lhl/ Ir~ I .w N 8 949-650-6357 (JU> TlMl SMJNG stW'S b ~ llOOW" • off• 1 At resonabP 1111.i:s U !1»984-0)16 6fuRTAJNMENT 'lendarof ~ 1310 EQUAL HOOSllG OPPOITUNITY Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 C.M.·tm._,wy Salo Sot .... Iott of -w fwn, chain, etc...-2940 College Ave. Ste A, 2 famlly hrate Salo ~al 1>114. 8.J 2p. Ev Prylh1ng mu\I go' 1651 S11j)f'rtn1 AvP Co\lll Mesa Yard Sale frl. I 2p-Sp, Sot &a Sp, Llnlh1ng & toys 44'/ Broadway Costa M P\d I( \lreet lrvme Ave Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 NB/Giant c...,.,,,_lty Solo! 3!'> • ldm1hn \omethine lor ever yonel Sal 7-2. loy•ldo/P'CH. loy•lde Vlllogo. Follow 1a1-.i Nowport l oath SAT 8-IZ. ?039 Shtpwat Cro~s sir tels Irvine&. 8 dycr e-I Cle•mnc out 11<1ra11e tools. clothes. kids tor . furn&. more lost 1505 Lad (All Blonde. lone h<tW ans~ed lo Mo1own CM Mesa Verdi! Stat2 slrl!t'h. R-ar-a 714-U>-1922 ~ 3010-3940 m SOOS·S8SO Cats 3610 100+ ltl5QJD) ICmlMS, CAIS DOGS pholos on line WWW ~leiwurl\ OF(I Adwbun\. r ~ hNlld :ll ~y tOI.. TH CtJNW(I[£ 9'9 6'4-ZZJ9 RID WAY tor momma rat.. rt " kittens 9't')om-Oilll 6 WUI .W llttw S?S... .... ~ 714-43'-S?IO Pet Adoptions 3660 Gu.,._ ShOf1herll• all colors all \l1P\ tor adoption tn Q11Al1l1rd home\ WWW '" e'>'UC 1112 or 714 773 5915 SPORTING GOODS/ CAMPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP Jiu real "'tllP adv~r tlilme 111 th1~ nt·ws11•P~r 1a sub1ecl tu the F edei <11 f'lllf HOU\lllll All 111 1'1611 ~ amended wh11 h rtat..es 11 1lleg1t to ldvr1 hsr any pr r fer f"ll~e. 1tm1tat1on or <11unm1nahnn bnrd on r •c• colo< rehe1on -.e • llllndlCdP l•mthal \I.JIU\ at national ortcm nr "" 11tt1nl1on tn m.,k .. any '>Jlch prelerencr ltmtl\ 111111 01 d1\• 11m1nallon Auctions 1483 BUSINESS ;=:::::::====~ SERVICES WANTED Elertlse Equipment 3760 W-.. i.iy T ........ nu~ &. W(j ~~ ~ lo Po1tY ta. pna1 Mu pra ANTIQUES OI~ Style Fumiture PIANOS & Collect>bles ... . '* • $$ CASH PAID $$ Business Consultants 2315 lntw-.d 111 OW0101 Yota own bu5mess7 ,._.'"I of '• IJ30dlnl!' Need ~, YI I 86&257 617S tar al Yo"' ~s~~ SJOO = ~l!W Ill> MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous MeRhandlse Tht\ nrw•pa~r will ol!ll knuwm11ty ·•llepl ;my act~rrmemrm lGr r••I e\t•t' '*h1r ti 1~ 1n v ... 1a11on nl th• l•w Our ff'dctPr • .. , ,. httr ft by 11fur med 11••1 Jll dwell tll(I\ •dvo•r l"cd on lhll 1y:wwapN arl' av11lableo WE-8\J¥-EST'AT1ES-fttllisc~mness:­Cosh l"oti•fon, unoptMd I ntes nl T \htt t b•I" 4 tear d••Pl•y tables n ~n eQUdl oppor tun1ty l;d\t~ 111 compl•111 nl di' rhmon.ttl(lfl call ltUO toll tree •I 1 800 424 8590 -· 1483 '•dyW e • ~649-4922. SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2102So.M.n.St. S..U Ane, CA t2707 ti •JAl .. r Al /14 Attend and Name a price for the Rug of Your Oreanu at the one and only FINAL :AUCTION '\o 111i11i111t1rn I '.\o rnt·rH · : Rugs ot Notions n Newport Beocl't hos 'Gone 0o'f' Business The remantng 1 (XX) I Of :ORIENTAL It PERSIAN RUGS •wll be offored at lhO PlbllC auction fcx . · 3 qp only \·1 1111 , I 1 ,, '1•111 \1 I I 1 ' I • , , j' Ill \1 '·' ''"" I 1, ,1 I''" Servlces 2340 'rlvate Dud! Hunting Clvlt app•o~ I/hr from Nrwpo11 t Bl'.tt h [JC el 1.-nl hunltnR adtA,enl to state waterfowl rl'IURP owner shtp 1nlere•I & apprn• 375 acres of land &. 1mpruvl'menl\ • your own camp compou11d w/s tructure and 2 tra1len Wonderful F" night BBQ'~ & wine laslrn• du11ng dud• season + many extras! Ideal lor 2 l111nds or father & son Call M1~e al 310·541-0854 HOME FURNISHINGS Can 949-S 1 S-2JOS Business Oppoftunities Businesses and Fnlndlisa 3905 5 SNACK &. 5 SODA Vendrna machrnes only S6!IOO required I 888 '179 9?26 FOllGlT THI STOCK MAlllCITI Newp(r1 1-*11 needs only one 111ound level partner on truly prom11ln& product lines Sky's the limit Serious. c all 949 295 !>8?4 meetlnc eppolnlmenl only 3435 Olc8lbi.-.. --------COITA M1SA MllMN A11tl4P10 ... efln•.._. & snu dfa 200~ w now fvr,.lt•re. T Hk n:1 As low a Sl.2511 lab coll table (Bait) $350. ol '*l::J 714 ~ leak ofhc:e deslv'merht _ table $475, eertr Ame1 HC».CSF'OR~ tean cheny hutch S1500. fta&Ml'r ~JIM child's white drusar UIWtQI; .,...,., $150, st.nd1n1 cherry NUlllllllTV vanity mwror $150. &lflll """"I J twin Lutnston bed '""'" lllW $1200. old Olll/IHIMJ prlnc:tplH cht1t Sl50, ch1trrwood chest $100, 2 8Mc:h ~~ti.11--96-~ 98..uJ.6331 OPH• SAf-M* 2-S 21571. O<IAN •LVD Just 1teps awey from the Mll1 perk 3bf 3be fp, trench du that over looll •II p1tio Sl,095.000 AJ•nt 310 4f>J 104$ Ind ex 20 I Ith St . Newly r"110deled 1 '°'* > ~I non GOfllor 1111111 w1ocean ~ b.iy V>ewS. SI.I~ cnJ .l!m Jacobs As\Oelilll!CI Re.11ty !M9 673 1663 503 ._ ..,. Coowr...u4 ra mwid LO<Wlfl. iJIJW to I un lone must sett• S699 (XXl 81u ~ 2!> I 9444 Corona def Mar OP'lN SUN I 2-4 30 JlTTY JASMINE CllUIC '1111[ Slnty }lir :ii><! llM R•e:t' C.. cn11> l.lnd ~~rP..dv Vtty klW mMJI ~ w ltlrns pool Lal tor apvt $1'.li (ll) Ry Owner 949~sm fol Out Of ha-I 'Xi• piu'. bonus rm 1n Spygl.t$s 11~1 C1r;lom P<Jt~. "l>d &. Cdltbo Ill 1111' IQ YICWI02 dfo< k 00 lhl! IJflllf" lf>vel Yl'ilM I x IP11S1ve m.e nf er a111te marble &. lot\ ot love SI 9'.)() 000 Judy Kolat. 81.r 949 376 5576 Howl ,...._. , ...._,.,, secluded cul de AO. lf'ln on lg tot 111 euarded "'ea H;itdwood flnot,, CU$lom h&tttlnl. booll WM!s Wf'I bar, '/ fp\, Ul'ilom 'iC);O off mas.le ,enlt..t •• Ir anqu~ CatOPn palt0s $859 (XXl 'Ill 949 7S9 9J 14 o A c.,.,,. ....... C-- l.oaltMft...sltoll lo R;g Curnn.t and k>ok1..,1 '"""' 48r 4 'lib bnrnd ~ CU\11,m hl''Nf\t: Offttf'd at S?.9'iO WI C<W.fl IN£ RI Al IY 949 /":!) 01// -----......... c....i....c;.._ ....,. ,...,_._...,.unlhl' • 8l!bbdl b dr'Jn 'WIYlt.out rm, ealr• '& lrv/•m wllp 11c:. ~11wdf!d pool\ \I» s $19l,Oll iJCly l\nlar Div 949-376-SS76 CA.MIO HIGHLAHDS 4626 Cortland Or. OPEN SAT ll ·3 SUN 11 ·4 4br Z !>be ~incle story. corner lot 3 pvt beach St .050,000 By Owner ColtaMm !'llMl UTATIS l'ATlllClt TlNOlll NATIOffWIOI USA 94t-aS6-'70S www petrtclt.lenon rom CUSSIFIED It 's tht solu· tionyou're searching/ or- whtthtr you'reseeking a ho11t, apart. ltltflt, pd Of new oct ! f m 7402-7466 ~ Under the Service Directory Bann er IOOS-8510 ~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 9000-97SO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S 'Metropa11t-· 2Sr Ha condo. fp ·~ ituard (l<lted. poul ~ ' (IYffi S375,000 C 21 Ab<>di> Rc:tty 949-D> 3729 :!j1 OP'IN SAT ·SUN 1 ·4 3 I 20 I rood St 5br 4ba 3 c 11~r ~P•< fdn11m. 3 lrplcs l•nd Hdl)I d yat d~ w1lh W•IPr 1 .. 11, •lu~e In bt'nh R• •mt• kite 'huw lty appt $1 4~.000 Laguna Bead! fly own~ 949 64i' 390? 2 P-W~ Sit" or<~ll 949 ~8641 on pr""" l~ Beach __ ucun v-... .ao,.., sltcet Current <tar hOrT1" tr.ecf .u leautlfully remod 4br tOComf' I •~Y bu 1<1 '"' 11,.1 I• t.• 111 •m·'' < ''•" w.iy "'~· u• l&l r.on...-tord 1 •111mal d·n•m lab rlr•am (.@C<ifd,.d B•nket tor t..1tch Sp•r fdmrm I• trh m0re detarh on ~ 949 to pvt yd Pout built 1n "64 Xl14 S l.Sff,000 bliq ldm n1·1~1t A 10 • -1 SI l9S tl()ll ll•lly lu •ii Newport Beach 949.U7-2'60 PAULSON lt(Al TY NOttM.11 94~ bP b4fB ~ VEWHOMl lar 11'!'>1 I Sltir y un ill IOI 4bfl ' FR remodtl ~ MW Sl.189.<lXl 0,-Sat 1-S llJJfff 38IDllOOM TOWNHOMIS T 141 bay ...,... c.ornlll prrvate kll "'1d unt Dliol'es Pliw1 S7"9.IXX> FEE 0,-W IS fndlhll "'Sw Plan on (Aj d sac iwa<1 modol pwfect ~100>11 r 0,-Sat-S-1-5 ISWy ........ fW NbJ •uslom \! Int ~.(ffi (lttr W l-S w .. 1 Nowpat1 Out*• ~l(.tlf'd Ill th~ 11.() blotk, llf llid ~•wt'< ll:lr 111.o Uj.lpef F ll>flt Vdfd W/RJ ·~\ \ll:Cl'> to b.'dth Askrot $835.000 3j,!I hm l.iC~. 949 61 j jf-(,J NfW ON THI MUKIT Open Sot l-4 Ono ford 114. S Vlnfot• Dr !>br 'lb~ 7 c a11 SI 79!> 000 By Owner 114 3!11 ~50 SELL your stuff through classified! "E l " mp oyee. "Empleado." "Arbeitnehmer. " "Employe." -?I C~tetllna 0. ~ j !i8a s I. !l90 (XXl 'l•IUdl lour rpooc corn ail.,_ 949 637 OD> P'ltlMf ESTA H S P'ATllCIC TINOltf NATIONWIDE USA 949-156-9705 WW'# p.tlrtCt..lenore com Newport Coast Newport C-t c ...... li1~hlt upar •ded ... 1th fortvtr "'''"w~ t t own mutlltw¥'"! ~· pasit 111 . ..,,. '*' ""'~"''"' pM1o w cut nut wat~•t,ifl $!199 (XX) ~ K""h I iN son !M')-43.~ I~ P'lllME fSTATIS P'ATlllCIC TINOllE NA TIONWIOl USA 949 IS6-t70S www pat11rkleno1~ lOm SanClemelU San a...-. buch I.kw> lripir• sln w•y lo sand •I Ute end of weet Great rnrestmenl! $67S.OOO 11111 Kerth Lar Mlf1 949-4:n. 7963 Tustin Randi "6nN ~ r "1>ulo.Js UISl.ool home l.WI!" y.wd. ... My bl!liloblU liitndsc-. 'ibr l SC. "" wt de sac Otlttl'd ..111 SI 14';W> by ri. Sutlnn r .. nup Coil Dom• !;utton al 714-8>1 Ifill hY dA'I \t'll fnur < or In C ioniftt'd ! RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Randles,fanna/ Coanery Pn>plfty 5915 COlOllAOO AT IT'• l(ST 15 u1n only J.!B<ro (r~ -nnt.v & ~~ .... ~~ acrn 1n We-.t t.enb ti Color..oo ~ lo \.t•ld Me;.-~ Fr•rrl WO.. cre8. fr~ 8' V1t'W'. Road a. e1a.1n. r .....,. '"' Clll I 8118U 1116 (~°'SCAA? MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Moblle,\4anufactuf!d Homes 5m IUOllT 5llOllS Oftll HOtJS( SIMOI SPl<JAl Oii TlllWIU TWO l(orceous new dbl w1dl! mobile homes sec a•ted S st..111 park Only ~ \pac •t'nt pets n~ wont la~t Mobile Hom~s 011ect Ask for VKl011a 562 225 099'.l MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS Rooms for Rlftt I040 I' ... CJ!' T ..mm art pvt rnvt>.o dirM1 pr •Id. n peti,lwrio.c. .... prefd SIO)n• •!\6~ P'rof1 M•/F.,... 111 bu ulllul new cu1tom h<>mt '" Urtfhaven lull •men1hts veiy prnrlle Sl60'mu 949 7&4 0001 RE " OfNTIAI. RENT~ S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island w Yearf~ Lt 21r 210, w/d, hi beam ce1I fp lrnt palt0. $199Cl/mo 818 903 U 1 'J 949 6!>0 2546 efa•I lay fr.,.t apt ?bf Iba, Ip , share laundry Sl800/mo •l~r WO. 11r aee. 111111 + brfihl $1400/mo • ~ liewe mu\I see, all redone, Viare WO I .... !p9Cll S2!iOO,lmo "'4-96QJ..G2 SELL your stuff through classified! ( /, I ' ' , I i , I I • ( I I ._, ; ( > ~ / : • Friday, Jin! 13. 2003 Al& ........ ~21r l& ,.. uni, le f11, ..._ 2br l!iti. hwnn ~ "'" "-"' w ...... tbp, '*'° c.onwn poaV .... ... """ ~ In ~,;s~~ ~.i:1:;:.i~ •• _.. .. Brld c.-.. '" •• v.. 1ae TODAY'S l btWlt. .-. Slmn 11t. Oll'llld f'IWlt •718-IS20 .. c.-. 2!r 2bi! Coldo ~ ...,._.7 1~( tu• 2 petio.' ~Sl6'50 newly <*:011ted. w/d ~ ~ l'T 2:5 v!'-C>ld l\'lldt SJl!Om 714 ~l Co. fun Eiwlr-1. Paid I 200af 21r 21• In W!lll!ly. 71A-373-m45 Rob Beacon Bay, lull f\lldlen Publlthlna a~. 21., w• •• Ktt. bey, QUttl. Cir, Piiio, no/MTllVpet S2200fn yr ly, •263-1181, pm fi6().a998 MIC room, balcony, 1t~ PllOMOllOMS to buch, p11k, tenrns. I OIPAllMIMl 't9W lease Sl9!JO/mo !M9-Community ,_5'Nll*s tn $9988 Orenp County~ Fu• "• c-y ... , • ., ......... 2Br 291 W/master lltlln& room POOl/ .. cu.ul/tenntS Sl950 mo 714 402·1M6 COnlnl del Mar 2H YlA•lY UNTAU S-y Stv41o p11v1te l'Uwport 8t1th Penm tnl, walll lo bHch, uhl's Sl400 S19!10tmo •&t lneludtd, avail 1mmad 949-'13-7100 S700/mo 949·675 1151 llr I le, wolk to tMHidi, li&hl ' b111hl no pets. lease $1395/mo melds utls 949· 720-1 !>65 711 ....... :l!r 2Ba Mt! i-ti cotlaQll. pvt in(i y, I carport. ~mo Clean & Aul¥ 96-251 9444 Ck-view home. 111111 11ty, 2br 2b1 p•llo~ no lmoll/pel Quiel IM1&h S2450/mo 949-760·8217 l_,.. Hr 21• Coe4e ~view, lrplc. 2 tll 11re1•. no pets. lene S2495/mo. 949-720-1565 Colllllaa llr .. t.... I mt le.I i-:11. vllA a*, stow ~ ml fin, men S8Jl)n l lJ E 16'1 St ~ for ~· 966411-:aQl C.t tt, SPAUOUS 2br lb• 4 pie• WO Cut Sid Co.ill Men No peh 949 574 5134 21r 210, 7c 1111•&•. nur I Hh100 i.land 12050. mo f'1udenl1al C1 Reelty 949 121-0132 lootbl11fl ibr 2ba townhc.ome 2 car 11111r community pool A&t S2300mu 949 673 7800 llA(.ON IAY /IAY l'IONT upsl•or. lbr I 5b4 Ip 1111 wd h~up yr lse $2600 mo 949 673 8'11 .....,.,.., ............ lb. hofnfi 2~ pr. ptlV pabo comm pool Yt a ~ ...... .._~ Y .. rty lore• Jbr 2bo huu~e J duuo\ tu be~til Ntw car Ptl & P•mt $?91\0 1110 114 545 8628 llU,,S TOWN HOME BAY VI( W IBH • IR l ARul r -Pl AN fUSIOM UPCRAOCO l ~PANOl.O S3800mo NorelH p..,ltOfl a-tty 949 U2-Ul9 lASlSIDl llr, llo, Cen... P'•~ate y~rd JI le0<en loy Cht rrmna W/d no peb $99S. MCJ 3b< l l.1 IAm rm P41IO n1117/l 562-577 9291 ntlw p.tmt u111 no $11\k l'.U. 28f 181 llot..-l4CX»n yrly '149 b/3 0061 avatl ywd, p , w/d l'ilups 1 .. ttMutl SfR 41i1 den wne Ilic* ndd. $1600 & lb~ vtew p. • ..,, I& fard SIMTI ~n907C8 s.t300 m<> lld1b~1~ S•n 38r 2h. newly red!.ne I 'ef~I Rttr 'J49 644 0195 don room pr f~ TustJ ylfd1 •va1I on July n l2D)m nc.lca Utt.. 74~1 -14_7_1_1_Dar-... _____ Clr_ Slnta AN ~2.fJ'hl! dlojo "'" • Huntington Bead! COMMUlf USS HlAX MOU eomxt rMbll ~ ~I mlfll lmf<11TWbon Ca'ileo 176.Z> 8 al Hilrvilfd and Man. ~. c.i 92614 1 ... ~2490 , ............. _ J111t ycw4.t from the --2111 ,_ P<Yi:" fh..f ,_..,~&6..11 .... SI!)()() mo 71 4 969 41'>6 fine ~ lo #lttrYleW 1nd wnte slof'•. pertltl Pll• tn comnU1lty ev.ms. CIUla Mid piljNtl Pllll .nct sectJons E •eelllllt c-.-bon$111a,-• w!ll With the poblc Know AP Style, Qu""-10'1 eu. Photoshop, Mulb-Ad Cre ator f'foficle<tt on MAC and PC. CCI du11n ••Pe11tince preferred P1oolreildln1 lesl Dru& $CHllll..,,phylilC<ll rllQUll'ld £0[ E 1cellenl benefit ~ [ml~ '""""· wrrtlf1c """' 11\d ..Wy requirements t o ~ ,d!mon@lat.ornu.com S4Ms AaMdate " hw ma 1mm1d11tely No up ne<.essary 714 596 S321 or •pply 1n penon 6902 E9 M . 1U!trJ1!!n 8dl Seuetory PT@ NPB learntn& centei ~ iltute. marnt of phonn. corrnpondenl$, scti.d uhn1 and booklleep1flC Compelil1v1 salerv. flu h" Call 949-720 1450 TiU-lllPS A,tttt. S.tten '1;l 00 Sl6.50 iU11 hol.r'~ • ~ boou!es Pd weellly f 1 'PT [ '419' prtfd. R$'1~ wet:onwl ~ .,_ Co H B ~&l~ EtM'crmn c.I I ID>-163 4(XX>i2~ 9004 Sedan 1111 ml. white o.lm .. l IUV. CO, Onstw, vtl379U 12,,995 nve SZOll, fin ' wau anlr avail Bllr M9 616-1• -....... - Co4111H •to Se4•• .,..... Sf. ~ 98.800 ml. Servbd by Nabors Cldihc. Wllitl/Blldl loP. loob Ilk• • convertlble. PrtmllHll A.Hlto System AM/FM/CO. Excellent c:ond eo..trt new ur Sl995/obo !M9-646-6770 Cetlll9oc '02 Seville US 1llver/11ey lthr CO. dlrm whls eotd pka_. full f1(.t. ltke new. $20,995 v•596741 hnanc1n1 av111 Bkr 949-586 1888 -.~I.«- ,.,.,.,, ,, (941t", white, red leather, blld&- H & more 3,000 miles '120496 Dir Ryan Ludden NIWPOtll AUlOSPOH 949-574-5'00 fenwi '02 MO Fl s."6w Yellow tin int. 600 ml • 127672 Dir. Joho Hall NIWPoal AUTOSPOU t49-S74-5600 fort! '6S M1 .. ten9 Conv•1 l1ble 01111nal owner sohd c•r $19.991\ obo949 719 ~3 f.,.4'1 Muolo"ll CPl '91 V6 2Q m1 fully lo•ded ~Int C<rnd ore1n owner S8 000 949 721 6306 ,__ '03 S-Type 4.2 Vf, 1511 mo, whit~ Odlmeal lt!1r CO. chrome ~. 6-~ auto Save 1 ~ $38 9'b ...-m5!J95!> 949 586 1888 Bkr -w.ocpol.com ....... ,., ~ 02 Bl 81 3,00) miles A 8-ily •1111111 °" Ryan Ludclln N(Wf'Oln AUTOSPOltT 949-574-5600 Loa110 '94 lS400 Ch•mP•&n• l?Old t.n 11111 co 11old pka 'uperb u1111 conll SIO 99~ v•2675!2 lo · nAncmri 1vaol B~r 949- !>116-1888 www ocpab1 com 1.e .... LS400 '90 areal Gondlllofl Ol 'if..... o- 9'* ""' 5'lv tf 111 rd blllt l>uok S88X> 949 675 5ai6 ~ lbr I.be ..ardo nut ttl ,.... c....... IM)I 'ljM. 3111 "''· Moz tlo '99 M leto fu f1d ,..,, met•I" un• 45~ mr .outo wd ., ~L"!.~•d iJll&. ~ sum '31P.H>/.J 78X> Newport Beach UDO Yllll Y llASl & UDO SUMMi. HOMlS BH.l CRUNOY REAi. TORS 949-67s-6161 llr Spaciou' lvna rm lplc Ind wd ftr1 1\11 din .,., shwed n \mll pet SIOOOmo 949 64!> 54JO o1vH tin top pw pl dr~ ll•ueo '' tY II'' CD A C CO ~u~r b t1i.e new mnt 1 "II" 1' nd I tond v•ll974J Sl7 49!> $l9 ~ ••814741 k~f hn•ncon~ & w.,unty 949-516 1111 ... ,, Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.ocpoltol.com w-.ocpoltl.com lentley Ar"09• 'O 2 Bt•rk bl .. ,k ~rea .. nt •)1.08761 Dir J1mf1•tlun Sr NEWPORT AUTOS,ORT 949-S74-S600 Mo,.edeo CLSOO '2002 811floant Solver . 11 K m1 Muoi .. 111 S7S,OOO. 949-117-1603 --------Merutl.. '00 U20 !f1~ ,., tu al m1 lull I 21r l.Sl o, ,..,~ to '1• lory WAii turquo1~t bu~h 4?4~ liilaroa nf'll Empl--' 8500 IMW 'O I 140!1 261. n·• I blu• t•11 ltlu moonroot Ho., I" ., d llkup\ "'"""'" lull tall .,.,, or non• o CD lhrurr" whls one ol SIJ95,m.i ~9 645 368J ------.atmul Ith• n•••c.r•on lhf lownl milt Mer A STIAI. t• SI09S/Me .....,...,.... & A<~ \u1Jdt I•• "•"' ~ond •dt\ ol tht yu1 rn '/•Oft tt-o tot me a-I s..,...,.. '°"~11-· o 141~ ••0/0411l1nanc111r1 (•hi v•55729! $2899':> t..f 6"'11 "'•-.e Plewty ~~:', ~:Z~ :.~':nc:: I hJol 9k 949 ~86 I R88 lrn•n.in11 avail Bkr 949 runodt"'d ,. ,..,. appl' f.>,. ~'»"'' ... a R....,lfll' -.oq>ol.com 5 R 6 I 8 8 8 t Mptl & CetMT>~ ''"' I• I" 949 44/ /j4<j ,_ uJ -----W-.OC ...... COM WIO rmlde @ ""'' O'W I ~9 442 73'11 BMW '03 760ll Mwce4es 4505n '7S for~~ ~4:~ l~h I you '---' &/•I 11 m1 ~ lol•• ~ bPAlllV. S.lvet d.nsoc al. ~ llfll. 6.1 .. 'J.7"9? No Ool!\ mdn•t?~d • l>11\1nn' t11 , •llfq07'>6 Dir fm black onl $1900 ~' f<U •)lrll\ & 1hollf..,. Ry•" l ud<1~•' 1 llJOI M'loed $4(X)()) l[OOCl ler9• lbr Iba -11 on I"' r..y ,..., Bn. 714li8lrU! NlW,OllT AUTOSPOllT lond 949-689-W2 ~let h1tl"111le poU.t. DIUVllS WANTlD-949 S74-S600 No '"'•kfn9/,elt. ,.. • ..., .. ,' huol"lflO<'I ~h Merce40t 'OJ SL 500 SI 450949-293-4631 \~I 1.our , "'" • rhed,.le' FIND Hl.t<~ \loll'" the wrapptr .._ 9"' Piii '-:fl,_ I' art (;1 lull l1n•P .. uol•hle •480480!>6 Dir ID t.y llnw. ,..... crpt.'P"I C••l 88tl OOt WOOi\ &........&. ~ NCW,Oll AUTOS,OllT Hift1or l:>.io! 2Br IS. 4DJ1 S1'>-dAy !ull trmt ' e..... l<>h11 Hall JllOOm iw 949 718 1400 or "AllY @ -{).()fa1m __ -_-..__ 949-574--5600 Celito1n11 l1w r•· quw.. thal conlr.c !Of' tJk1n1 fOb\ th1I lot1I S500 or more (t.bor or 1n1tulllls) be hcennd by the Contractors Stet• l1eense 80.Jtd St1t1 llw 1tso reQUtnS that con tr actor• IMlude lhtllr license number on all 1dlrert1111'11 You can chet'k the status of your licensed con lr1c t o r 1t www.cslbce.rv ~r IOO 321 CSL Unll censad contractors tall1n1 job• thll tot11 In• 1t1111 SSOO lllUSI stett lft ttt.11 adnrt11em1flh lllat lhe\I ere not lknst4 by th• Contrtctors Sl•l• Uc1ns.e 4 • !tMIOnll Almo••llat Clfptl RIPl1r1'ala Qo(AllPUCoU.Pno Rl'pa11s P1tch1na lnsto1ll Cour teOU\ 1ny \IZe tOb• WholeSlltl 949 492 0205 Cit an Ing S4Pf_.Y Cleon Queloty House clea111n1 Alford ebte 11tts ZO..Yrs E•P r,. ~ 11~1.fifi61 • IN & •USINESS •tf'AlfU Up11radto1. Rep111s ol Compute< Netw0< ks l ven1na1 Wl'e~Pnds Compt'tollve PflCH for qu1hly serv1c 949--1'6· I I 75 714-92'~221 Conc:nte ' MllOfl'Y lrldt lledt StOflO lite Concrete. Patio. Or•-Y f lrtplc, BBQ Refs 25Yra Exp T0try 714 557 7594 Tt.eC-tM- CemenlwOfk, 8rictl llle & More Atlttblt No jOb too small 714 615 9062 YOUlHOMl IMPIOVIMINl HOJl<Tt Cati • plumber, pernter. h1111d)'man, Of any of the """' 1etVte•• llslH htr• In "'' Mrvlce direclOfyl THESE lOCAl SVC 'EOf>lE C~ HCLP YOOTOOAYI A•.,.lc• le l1cenud Electrul Contractor Small iobs Siii hn1 II $79.tS & .,,.. Spec11hlln& on Remodelin&' •II hom• wtrln& n .. ds, Comm/lndusVRes 1-100-1t1-tooa L• UCINSlD CONTUClOl Ho lob too "" ,. ....,.,., RepH, remodel, fa~­,-, rww 11111:~.- ftodtl1'lle LIMY.__,...._ Ref outln & IMttdetion Til DEAN Mt-673.-S n~11~1 By Ot4NI .. QOAEN wtttl OMAR SHARIF end TANNAH HIRSCH TRRU~ ANO PAJUlV Baa-West vulnctoblc. Nonh dealJ tiencr llCCOOd-l'Ollnd re tb1111 1wo NOR111 no trum~ even thou&h could be • A J 9 S-l!Cd beo N<Hth off ·~ ., A IC 8 5 ~ • l>C»'ible wnt111Ct. elected to e<im:ct lO three no tru oo thc 6 : IC 7 6 S ~t'.'~~ ~:~~ .. uc:~ W£ST £AST SIOCI • I 7 S • K 10 l • Nuc wrpmmgly, We~ a low J 761 • 89 Llub, do_l<ltcr ~g f.w.t ' • 10 8 4 2 ..... _ ... ....._......... ._ __ _ • A 9 5 4 ) 4 8 6 "''"' In•: run& '""' """'' C1...,.; ckvelop dlwnood~. and the !°m) way to 1111;Uc the \Ult v.a• fur 0 :\ er t.o lead a Utamond from ) I 4 -tov.wd the Jlld1. R.ilht-r th.an r un • ~ ~ 10 7 tluit alone, which v.ould fail on ~-I diamond break e~cn 11 wt hct Uk" The blddin&: tiuec:o. dcd1tter prep.ired a fall cl NORTH EAST SOUTH WE.ST po'1lion by ludm¥ a ~padc to le l ~ r.. 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Whenever J>O"- \lblc, combmc your chances. North'' l\k.-000 ~bed the hind perfectly -a tie1ier-1han-mmimum openina bid v.1lh five diamonds. four heart' and three 'padcs South had no South \;OOUnucJ b)' <.:<l.\htni Ille lie 25 lrieAPC,,.,.,,. 27H1t--.11Mor1o~ 29 Liii< 3'~"!1 netgNx>< o( \padc\ .llld le.id mg lhc runt tu q11ttn When both JcfenJcr) lul lowed, ~lart:r h3J nine tnl~' -1 thn:c 'Patle'. and IWll Ill c .... h Ill 111<: ocher \Ult\. u.,.,,.,.-1--+--+-- at1•• 52 ""·~ °' • 90r'lg 9004 Autom __ OIM __ 9004_ BOATS 0141....a.llo '96 ...,.,.. 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REBATI£ IN 1..ll:U 01· ~ flNANClNG. 2 At This Net Cost (JJ4890) (J24440J Pkls pal-fees IDd tuea, my 0-c!wJes. 1ny dealer docwneN preplRlioo charge. and any cnussion teiling charge RFJ\ATE IN UEU OF O'J f1NANCINO ON APPROVED CREDIT. 2 At This Savings (J02772) CJ07807) "ut pemmcnl ,~ and -· 11ny finance charses. aoy de&kr document pttp.valloo dlarg.,. and any e:mi .. ~IUfl tc..amg charge. REBATI' IN L.lhU 01' O'J f1NANCINO. 1 At This Savings (Jl81JO) ... ,.,._. ,_ .., ..-. •1 finance ch.vacs. ony deak:r docummt prcperatlon roatJe. and any emtssJon t61ing cluuye Rl'BATI• IN 1.ll·ll OI SPhCIAI LOW RATP FINANC'IN(i 1 At This Net Cost (()()7K62) i ii>/ Pilot I . • A GUIDE TO WHAT 'S HAPPENING FESTIVALS • 0 N THE ORANGE COAST 1NDEPENDE:Nr ----------~---------~-------------~------......_ _____________ ~-------...._-=--------- J . i ~ . 2 M 8 N j tii .., D (.) ~ CIO ~ ~ ~ j ~ • • i l •• l ~ l I s I .s::: ~ .., 0 • s a: ~ ~ .., 0 u THE GOOD LIFE Our favorite season, but far too shon What ls It that makes everyone long for summer? For kids. the answer's all too easy: no school. But even once you've entered the adult world, you still count down 10 those precio us three months when the days are longest, the sun i.s hottest and a vacation is just around the comer. Along the Orange Coast, these months are especially ripe for fun and frolicking. This place was made for summ er, for walks on the beach, for leisurely meals on a restaurant patio or for a nap under the shade of a favorite tree. Summer in Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa. Newpon Beach and Laguna Beach is brimming with things to do. Some choices are obvious. Many more are known to just a few devotees. AD are core reasons why summer ls our favorite season. If only ft were, as the classic surf movie portrjlyed it, endless. . -. .... .... ~ ....... ., , .. ~ I"-• .e • ..,.., -.., •Ir ,. .. ' • Sand and sunshine I sn't it why everyone moves here? The beach. Whether rocky shore or yards of sand, the very tip of the Orange Coast that nips against the waters of the Pacific attract hordes of people, including those who can walk down the block and lay down their towel and families that pile into SlNs and commute 30 minutes to a favorite spot. It's the place for surfers, for volleyball players, for sun worshippers, for sand diggers. And from the south end of Laguna Beach to the far side of Huntington. there is a beach that's right for everyone. HUNTINGTON BEACH The City or Huntington Beach didn't earn the nk:kname, Swf City, for nothing. Whether or not you're a novice in the water or a seasoned surfer, the waters along the coastline offer plenty of places to catch the wave of your choice. Two who know the city's surfing "bot spots• are the surf coaches at Bdison and Huntington Beach highs, Zoran Forgiarini and Andy Verdone. One of the current •happening" surf spots is the area located in front or the construct:ion zone at Pacific Coast Highway and 1st Street. There is no parking available -due to the coostruction - but If you can make ~ walk, the surf area is •wet1 worth it,· Verdone said. Still, both said that the surf around the Huntington Beach Pt«>lO 8v STEVE McCRN« River Jetties Is one of Huntington's most populor surf spots. Pier remains a favonte area. Surf is best on the south side of the pier in the morning. to the north side in the afternoon -or, after "blackbalL" "Ir's the best all-around spol with the best wave shape,• Forgiarlni said. "The crowd can get gnarly at times, but despite the crowd, the waves can be worth it." If you can sneak off to the .RJs. .. (X" RM:r Jeoies. al 8rookhurst Street. you're sure to aw:h some south s....eJ barrels. ~e water's cleaner there A NEW CHAPTER IN CHlli)REN'S BOOKS IS HERE! Fine Childi en's Books -.. Great Gift Ideas -Registry, Specialty Wrap 3 J C/l c 3 3 ~ N 8 w C/l c ~ ~ ~ 0 :::i oa ...... :::l" "' (") 0 ... !!! (") 0 ... "' !:!; 5 .,, :9 2 0 ~ -< ~ 2 5' 0. "' 0 "' :::i 0. .,, .a ~ • • • I t l • I I I J • • I • I I I I I I I I l I I I • I • I I I I I I I I 4 ....., 8 N j • in ~ <-> ~ ao ~ ... J . I • l ~ 41) 0 l I 8 BEACH Continued from 3 than you th.ink." Verdone said. "The dirty water talk is just rumor. lt's a good place to surf." Forgiarlni agreed. "Generally RJs features a fast. speedy, barreling wave.• he said "It's a spot where you will find some pretty good surfers out there." The waves at Magnolia Street are similar to RJs. Forgiarini said. but it's a "llttJe bit mo~ mellow-but still steep." 1Wo areas -Goldeowest Street and The Oiffs-have plenty to offer, too. "Those are two pretty big spots to do some surfing," Forgiadni said "Generally, waves are one-to-two feet higher than in other spots, although the area gets shut down at high tide." If you're a Jongboard fan, a hot spot, both said, is the soutbeni-most eod ofBolsa OUcaBeacb. "I think all longboarders who board at Bo.Isa Olica should come out and enjoy each other's company," Verdone said. "lt'smeDowwith an~· attitude," Foi:giarlni smd. "It's 1l good spot for begin.Den.• NEWPORT BEACH Whether you like to relax on the sand or get active in the water, Newport Beach has something to otrer for all types and ages. The city's beaches, wbJch typically are not as crowded as those in Los Angeles, attract families, body boarders, swimmers and of cowse, hordes of surfers. Adam Wright. a forecMter for Surfline.com, said Newport also offers waves for beginners as well aS seasoned pros. The best waves are always found between 54th and S6th streets, he says. "Lt's called the hottest 100 yards in surfer circles," Wright saJd. "It's usually where 8l'Y8· the pros, go to shoot for Surfer magazine.. For beginners 3200 Street to the Balboa Pier is the best bet. he said. "That's usually where most of the longboaid group banp out," Wright said. "Mid-level surfers normally hit the beach between 38th and 4tth streets. And of course. for body surfing, there's the Wedge." A Black Ball Oag goes up on the lifeguard tower by the Wedge on May 1 to let beacbgoers mow that Ootation devices such as surfboards and bodyboards are prohibited in the area from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For surfers. this is going to be an "average season." Wright the best beauty that Newpon Beach has to offer." LAGUNA IEACH 1Aguna Beach's image as well as its seven miles of coastline is shaped by 24 beaches, most ol them ~ible to the public. But a word of caution. "Beach~goers can go out and have a beautiful day at any of our beaches, as k>og as they blow their limits and stay within them,· said Marine Safety Director Mark ~a...;.::;.;..:;.!. __ .::.._ __________ __....J ~osterman. PHOTO 8Y KENT fREPTOW Rap are used at all city The steep, hollow waves af 561h Street in Newport Beach often offer beaches lo stgnal the safety a perfect platform fOf cutting-edge, innovative surfing. level Red slgniftes. very · dangerous condfdons, for predicted. "bow you want to use the experienced ocean swimmers "But we will have a number beach,· sak1 Newpon Beach only. Yellow Is baz.ardous, still of swells as well.· he said "I Lifeguard Officer John Moore. best c:baBenged ooly by the won't say it's going to be better "Any beach with fitt pits, experieoced. tQan last year. But it should be a restrooms and places to eat are "Green means somewhat fun summer." going to be a hit with families.· safe, but we always urge For those not seeking a he said caution."' ICJostertrWl said. "It is bacre1, Newport has a variety of Those who are looking for the bard foT people to believe that beaches to pick from for just least crowded areas or to spend we do 50,000 prewntjom a plain lounging. Wright's vote a "quiet day at the beach." year, but Laguna has become a goes to the Baby Beach in shouid probably bead for the year-round resort destination.· C.Orona Del Mar for families. Cameo Shores area. Leashed dogs are allowed on "But if you want to take in • "But you have to be a littJe the beaches before 8 a.m. and natural beauty and looking for adventurous and walk along the after 6 p.m.. June I-Sept 16 and pristine beaches. you shouid water to get there because most durlI?g all public hours from probably go to the beaches of the beaches there are private Sept. 17 to May 31. south oI C.Orona Del Mar and for residents of Cameo Shores." There is no curfew for adults Crystal c:ove. ·he said. be said "But the beaches in on city-maintained beaches. Locally, what beach you want that area have a beautiful rocky to go to mainly depends on shoreline and bidden coves. It's Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern Calif orrtia. Family Owned Since 18 79 JOHN BWESER CARPET~ ONE Karastan -• L~es • Manningtoil-·- Mohawk ·• Liz Clairborne And Much More 2927 S. Bristol Street , Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324= www.bloesercarpctonc.com Also in Long Beadt and I:as Angeles BEACH ConHnued from 4 Laguna's beaches start at the northern dry limils behind the gates of lrvine Cove and Emerald Bay, lnaa:ess1ble to the public, except by water or invitadon. Crescent Bay Park is the first public beach, nestled between 1Wo Rock Point and 1\vin Point Equipped with showers. Shaw's eave. formerly known as Santa Ana Cove. comes next. It is used for diving classes. including night dives. Spear fishing is allowed, to the consternation of local swimmecs. Fisherman's Cove is a tad further south. Divers Cove. Picnic Beach and RockpUe are zoned "no-take.· "Laguna Beach Is a marine protected area from cil)' lirn1t to city limit, which allows fishing. • K1osterman said. ·A no-lake area means no shells, no creatures, no plants, no fish.· Barbecues are allowed OD the bluff above Picnic Beach, which is at the foot of Myrtle Street. One shower. The roe.ks that gave RockpOe Its name are the remnants of a pier that ran bdow the gaubo in Heisler Park to Bird Rock. A 1939 hurricane destroyed It. Rockpile ls one of the three city beaches designated for all-day surfing. Main Beach ts Laguna's "Wtndow to the Sea.• bought by the city to prevent the construction of high rise hotels. A Boardwalk separates the beach from Main Beach Park. where alcohol is permitted with meals. Volleyball and basketball courts are attractions. Sleepy Hollow Beach, with access between ThalJa and Legion streets, is an expansive stretch of sand, pedect for swimm1ng and surfing. Long ago known as Oleney's Point Thalia and Oaks/Brooks Street Beaches are known as Laguna's best surfing. The reef between Oak and Brooks Street is known 10 long-Ume Laguna surfers as Honeybuns. All -day surfing Is permJtted ~t Thalia and Brooks beaches. St. Anns Drive, Thalia and Oak/Brooks streets provide access. The 46th Annual Pro-Am Surfing Oassic Is scheduled 10 be held there June 21 and 22. weather permitting. The oontest, which claims to be the oldest in the world, Is open to all surfers with a Laguna Beach address. Proof of ~ldency may be required. Registratjon opened June 2, The foe is S20. Mountain/Cress Street Beach, below the Coast Inn, Is accessed by either street. Bluebird Beach is reached by a ramp from South Coast Highway. Agate Street Beach comes next. It is narrower and doesn't have Its own . Ufeguard but is visible 10 a guard at Pearl Street Beach, sometimes referred to as Arch Cove. Surfing Is allowed before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m. at Agate. Woods Cove at Diamond Street Is a nelgtlborhood beach. The fonner home of movie start Bette Davis. Identifiable by the big D on the ch1mney, is at the top of the sleep steps thal lead down to the beach. Parlcing is limited. ·eut that's pretty much true or all of our beaches,· said K1ostennan, who grew up in town. Moss Street Beach. a block south. is a quaint Uttle cow. Snorkdm lib lt Pt«JTO BY 5£.AH Hl.LER El Morro Vllloge Is just one spot whel'e people con spend a carefree day. because of reef.s. VJCtoria Beach is designated for skimboatders during the summer. As::a:ss is by a runnel at Nyes Place. Used to be known ~ Sugarloaf. Treasure Island Park. The beach only recently was opened to the public. The tide pools are a trearure. Docent tours available. 1Wo showers. Goff Island, named for an early Laguna Beach settler, ls an attraction, but should be approached with caution. lncorn1ng waves crash against the steep rock. making for great pictures, but heart auacks for emergency personnel. "It's scary to see someone out there having their picture taken with their back to the ocean,• said K1ostennan. County beaches are closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Aliso Creek Beach is a county beach with pimic tables. barbecues and fire pits. Metered parking is SI an hour. Some free street parking. Also showers. The area is permanently posted as unsafe whett Aliso Creek. spills onro the beach. Camel Point is just around the curve on South Coast Highway. West Street Beach. The north end of the beach is Laguna's •gay beach." publici.l.ed in maga7Jnes. The southern portion is popular with slcimboarders. 1,000 Steps Beach in South Laguna is named for the steep stain:ase that leads to the beach from 9th Street. It isn't really 1.000 steps; it just seems that way climbing up after a day at the beach. Body surfing and volleyball. Three Arch Bay, named for the rock formations just off the beach. is al the southern boundary of the city. Uke the beach at the no rthern boundary, It is off-limits to the public. ClUf-jumpers have been known to rrespa.ss In order to challenge the tides. Not a good idea The ocean Is never completely safe. Klosterman said •Al best, we like to say it is somewhat safe.• he said -CDmpil.ed by Dttpa Bharolh. 8aTbam Diamond and Miu Sdac:ca Ocean Vuw Cooking in the Heart of lagu.na Beach Looking for something fan? Thar's TUVn" bun a better titN to kam the art of coolring - right in the heart of Laguna &ach.1 join ur far a casual haTUis-on c/asJ at our Home Chef coo/ting JChool on PC:~:::::~:;~~~!!~ join us for Breakfast or Lune -or anything in-be-ti«en at The Bakery & Cafe! Doni miss the delidow offerings at Fht' B.i1ury uihik watching the rhefi-in-rrammg go thr<tUgh tlmr dmly lessons. Sampk our wonderfi1/ art11on hmuis, pasrrm. sundu11t """ 111/arls and 11eger~1rtan fort' L<><.Al l OBI 1-..X H N IHt ARl-A-FAIK & SAWl>l \l ....... l lVAI .\ 5 "' 0 0 w • • I ' ' I --' . . -' . . ·,~ .._ }~\ .... July 26 -August 31: •NATURA-Floras para Mary• llladimlr Cor • Opeftlft9 II~ July 26, 6-9 p.m ~'°'the Letln Amerio~ flnt ~.August 7~ 6-9 p.m. ---- \1 \ll!C I'\ \11) 11~ 345 N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach www.MarionMeyerGallery.com 949.497 .5442 -· Len Wood's INDIAN TERRITORY galleries & museum Antiquities Collectibles Free Appraisals Navajo Rug Cleaning Navajo Rugs Pueblo Pottery Hopi Kachinu Southwest Jewelry Antique Baskets Zuni fetish carvinp Books & Ratoration Ott Coast Hwy .• OM "1od lfOf'flr of Main &oclt 30S North Qmt Hwy., Llguna Beach, CA 926Sl (949) 497-5747 www.iodillltcrritor.com GIUery Hows: Tue.~s. 10-s ao.d Suo-Mon .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . • • • • • • • : •• ! I 'VOU All COIWIALLY INVITED TO EXPEllJENCE .It.be exquisite Baroque Mwic Festival, Corona dd Mar, now in its 2lrd year. For one week in June, tbc charming seaside community of Corona dcl Mar prcsmts a series of five concerts of &roquc & nco-lbroquc mwic pcrf ormcd by distinguished profatiooals in unique Fatival settings. Music Festival lkp'ton ltlnon, ArtUl'ic DirtJctor,,. Conductor 23rd <Annual Season+ 22-29 June 2003 SwMlay, June u, 4100 p.a. 8l S.W Mkhael a All Anpla Ouarch MJlOQUE CONCUIOS Fettival Orchcltre ~period~ lartoo IC.anon. """""'*' Ellubdh Bbunenatoc:k I: JolJonc 900 Blnem, W>lim Marlane P6N. o&w. ADdmf Artbv, organ £bncwrtos by llodl ontl Hand# Monday, June 2;3, 1:00 p.m. • 81llBl IGc:hMI •All Ansds Cln11.C.. OllGAN &ECITAL Aadttw Althur,.....,. ~,,~ linglislt ""90" ~ Su ... y. June af, 4100 ,.... 8t Wiit JOdulel A All~ Churdt l'U'ITVAL nNAJ.E ICimtat llMe, #f" w,· .io.e,lt Matttiea. wwwn.....,, Jonathmt Mlc:t, IWllJr,Anm ................... Feltival Singers I: Orchelba; '-'°° ~ tJOMlwtor Jlqior "'°'*',. ~ 1"""'61# ~ 11ckdlb0(6/<a&•97>.*'6(6/aAat)Aeis(6/Q). Ttl(Ml),...,,..7 O..torilisl01 ...... llllllel'aliuillCIJl.P.O. ._.,..<'Ml CA9a6a5 weekend s NEWPORT BEACH A rich experience Whether gondola rides or shopping at Fashion Island, Newport has a mix of things to fill a weekend. Jue CcllagrollClt Staff Wflter N ewport Beach's image as a naven for the wealthy overloob much of what the city bas to offer for locals and visitors. In fact. many of the best times to be had in Newport Beach are also the least expensive. Newpon's true appeal lies in its natural riches: One of the world's largest private pleasure harbors and a stunning ecologicaJ wetlands raerve encircled by miles of ocean and sandy beaches. The ideal Newport weekend lndudes a mix of the ultta-posb and ultta-earthy experiences the city baa to offer. • 6 p.m. Friday: Start by getting the flavor of the Newport Beach loals.know and love. A romantic sunset oondola cruise can set the tone for a perfect Newport weekend, especially If coupled w~th dinner at the Cannery Restaurant or any of Newport's classic nautlc.al·themed eateries. the full beach expertence: sit In the sand, swim In the ocean, enjoy the attractions and shops In Balboa VIiiage and the Funzone. But don't linger too long. You've got to get to the Bac.k Bay while.there's still plenty of daylight. • 4 p.m. Saturday: There are a number of ways to enjoy the ecological wonder of the Upper Newport Bay, Including kayak rent.a.ls and guided Interpretive tours. But pel'Mps the best Is to just get out the.re and hike vound. Statt at Shellrnaker Island off Bade Bay Drive and just follow nat\n wherewr It le~s you. • 7 ~· Sawnllly: For dinner, try the Arthes restaurant on West Gout Highway where the stuk w 'J)f1me rib are as famed u the su.food dishes. TMn hud over to Fashion Island for some~ nighdl~ ~The View, the lounge on top of the Newport Be.ac:h Mamon with llw music. dancing and a near-panoramic view of the dty. • 9 a.•. S.ftdlly: BNnd't at the Flvt Crowns Is lmpentlw. Then stroll down to CoroM del Ma.r to enjoy beautiful Big Corona State Beach. •Noon Sunday: Before sunburn sets in, hud to Fuhlon Island for some wortd-dass shopping, topped off with the ultJmate Indulgence: Swedish massage at the spa of the famed Four Seasons Hotel Newport Beach. • 4 p.m. Sunday: Top of that relaxation with one final fcny Into the c:lty's seafood expertise at the Bluewater Grill • 9 a.m. Satwday: Enjoy a cup of coffee ovutooklng the water at Harbor Hoose Coffee at the ~rry landing on the Balboa Peninsula. Then jump on the ferry for a ride over to quaint Balboa Island for a stroll along its waterfront and Manne Avenue. Al the end of the day you'll see that, • 1 p.m. Saturday: When the sun starts In Newport, the good Uf e is what you to blaze. get bac.k to the peninsula for make of IL COSTA MESA A.rt_of__going out Movies, sc~ptures or theater, the City of the Arts has a little something to keep anyone busy. Lolltl...,., 5'aff writer Costa Mesa may not technk:al.ly be a dty by the sea but it's full of revt!lry if you know where to be. Some of those places, for a fun.filled weekend. might be: • 6 p.lft. Friday: Head to rTejas for drinks. SJt Inside and watch whatever sporting event happens to be on or relax outside under the coot, setting sun. The brlghtty colored and helpful servers will l~ulge you with your beverage ~~rence from ales to tequila shots. Mloht as well enjoy the delldous food while you are ~re. • 9 P.•· Friday: Catch a show at Edwards Onemas In Meuo Pointe. ... COAA..U. .... 10 ----------··------------------------ Patients Rank Our ER #1 Wondering about the care at South Coast's ER? Just a&1t our patienl&! California Emergency Physicians (CEP) McdJCal Group recently announced that South Coast Medical Center Emergency Department ranks • #I in patient satisfaction among 41 other CEP-afllliatcd ERs across the stlte. A patient satisfaction survey is conducted quarterly by CEP at its affiliated emergency facillti The spring 2002 --survey, the latest survey results available, revealed ER patients at South Coast were the most satisfied with their care. Patients are experiencing fast, friendly and safe care at South Coast ER, waiting just 22 minutes on average to see an ER physician. That's a fraction of the 47-minute wait at other ERs nationwide.. The news of the recent top ranking in patient satisfactio n comes after South Coast ER was honored as the I 999 California Emergency Physicians' ER of the Year. South Coast Medical Center ...MvEildll llMltla Your Hospital With A H~art 31872 Coast Highway uguna Beach wwwSouthCoestMcdCmtcr.com 949.499.7193 ' <£• 3 ~ 3 ~ I . .., 0 0 _, v. c ~ i .l> '2 I r.. ~ t il ~ r c... J "" ~ ' c I 0 ~ j ;: ~ ~ I I i 11 l"'I 8 r N j t I ~ 0 u ~ r ~ r • J ~ c Q.I '2 ! ~ ~ iO 0 ~ a: ~ ~ II) 0 u COSTA MESA • 6 L rn. to 9 Lrn. Satu rday {early birds only): Drive around the city visiting various garage sales. Check the Dally Pilot dasslfled for llstlngs. With the wide variety of colorful characters In the city, dozens of treasures are just waiting to be discovered. • 9 Lm. Saturday: Head to The Sidewalk Cafe on Newport Boulevard for breakfast for under SI 0. Drink your delicious lemonade from jars and sit on eclectic furniture. The walls are covered with family photos and the servers are bright and friendly. • 11 Lm. Saturday: What fun Is summer without the perfect wardrobe? South Coa.st Plaza Is your one-stop-shop for all that Is "in" this season. Mainstream stores like the Gap and exclusive shops llke the Chanel Boutique promise to satisfy the tastes of nearly every fashion aficionado. Also check out the coolest grilling gadgets at Brookstone. (Take a·break from your shopping and grab a bite at one of the plaza's dellclous eateries. You must refuel.) • J p.m. Saturday: Venture across the street to the cultural center of the city. View public works of art such as the Naguchl Gardens at Two Town Center. Marvel at some of the county's best architecture in the towering buildings that surround you. • 7 p.m. Saturday: Spark up the barbecue and throw on your fre shest, juiciest cuts of meat, poultry or seafood. Or check out Santa Monica Seafood for the catch of the day or head over to Carduno's Dell for meats and side LAGUNA BEACH dishes. Both &re 'on 1 7th Street. • 10 p.nt. Saturday: Ull a cab, you are going out! Do "the t• pub crawl along Newport Boulevard and 1 7th Street. Each venue has a distinct ftalr from the meat market at the Ya.rdhouse; trail-mix crowd at Coat Hiii; locals at ~ Helm; dancing at Pierce Street; the alternative crowd at Little Knight; and the artsy crowd at La Cave. (Goat Hiii, The Helm. Little Knight and Pierce Street allnave pool tables.) want more of a dub scene7 Tell your driver to head toward Memphis or Detroit Bar (both In Costa Mesa) • 10 or 11 a.m. Sunday (depending on your night): Brunch at Plums on I 7th Street. Chose from a scrumptious variety of breakfast dishes Including omelet's, salmon hash, fluffy pancakes and fresh fruit, ranging In price from SS to S 10. For an additional SS .95, add your choice of refillable mimosas, champagne, bloody marys and other specialty cocktails. • 1 p.m. Sunday: Travel west to Fairview Park and take adVantage of one of the city's most precious gems (be careful of burrowing owls), Walk the natural trails, take a ride on the model train or watch members of the Harbor Soaring Society navigate their model airplanes. The par1< offers hours of active fun under the beautiful Southem Califomla sun. • 4 p.m. Sunday: Co home and shower. • 5 to 6 p.m.: Grab a llght salad at Mother's Cafe, ranging from S4 to SS. Other ideas: Talce a bike ride along the Sama Ana River Trail. take yow dog to the Barlc Park, check OUI the o.c: Marketplace or pamper yourself with a facial, manicure or pedicure. Lost and loving it Galleries, beaches and plenty of choice~ to find food make Laguna Beach an easy place to get lost for a few days. klle Harrllol S1off wrft8r In Laguna Beach. It doesn\ maaer if the weather is gloomy or bright SUnny or not, the~ can be filled with great food and fun for aD the senses. • 2 P."'• Frtdmy: Take a self-gutd~ tour of the cottlges and bungalows of Laguna Buch on the Laguna Buch Transit and also check out the 28 pieces of publlc art throughout the city. A public art brochure and the self-guided cottage/bungalow guide Is avalllble onltne at www.logunabuchclr,<Mt or by calling the rtaudOn department at (949) 497-0716 or LaguM Bach should take a few hours. During the walk, If hunger sets In, go to Madison Square and Garden Cafe louted at 320 N. Coast Highway In the heart of Gallery Row. It has a wonderful outside dining venue on their garden patio. They are open d~ily from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. • 4 p.m. Friday: After the snack take a stroll or Just relax at tfelstu Part where there are beautiful gardens and breathUklng views. Heisler ls located across the street from ~Ison Square on Cliff Drtw. Call (949) 494-0137 for lnformatJon. • 6 P·"'· Frtdmy: Since there Is a lot to pack In, ta.kt some time to freshen up and head over to Len's Wine Cit~ for wine wtlng, whkh takes pqce every Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. Len's Is located Downtown at 303 lroldway. For Information, all (949)'376--2215. After the wine tutlng, take a five.minute walk to 230 Forut Ave. tot~ a sumpWOUs I -~'4'7~.nlf al a .......... a ............. a ... a .......... a ..... a ............. ~_. ............ _._.._. __ __ " llGUNA BEACH Cootinoed from 1 o dinner at 230 Forest Ave. 230 has an Innovative menu with dinner ranging from S 15 to S24, a full bar and unique selection of California wines. For information, call (949) 494-2545. • 10 p.m. Friday: A simple end to the day. Take a romantic stroll on the beach under the summer stars and get a good night's rest. • 8 a.m. Saturday: In the morning enJOY an early coffee and breakfast at the Koffee Klatch at 1440 S. Coast Highway. They have a tasty array of inexpensive breakfast food. For information, call (949) 376·6867. • 10 a.m. Saturday: Co to the Hortense Miller to visit the beautiful garden that covers 2h acres of the upper slopes of Boat Canyon and features a range of plants and small·themed gardens. Visitors can park at the gates and the walking tour leaves at IO a.m. Tuesday through Saturday and takes approximately 2 hours. It's free. but donations are appreciated. Tours through the private residence must be scheduled In advance. Information: (949) 497·0716 ext. 6. • 2 p.m. Saturday: After cleaning up, it's lime to spend the maj0<lty of the early evening enjoying what Laguna Beach Is well·known for -the art festivals. Purchue a Passport to the Arts for S 14 and visit The Festival of Arts, Sawdust Art Festival, Art·A·Falr and the Laguna Art Museum. Free tram service is avallablt. Tat mt day to mJ~ different festivals. their live entertainment and food. • 8 p.m. Saturday: No trip to Laguna Beach would be complete without seeing the Pageant ofthe Masters. This well·kr,lown life art production kicks off at 8:30 p.m. at the Irvine Bowl, 650 Laguna Canyon Road on the Festival of Arts grounds. Pageant of the Masters Is celebrating its 70th anniversary. Tickets range from SIS to S80, depending on the night of the week and sell quickly so try to purchase them in advance by calling (949) 494· 1145. • 9 a.m. Sunday: After a nice easy stroll on the beach, Sunday morning Is a terrific time to go to Coyote Crill at 3 1621 S. Coast Highway. They have the tastiest Bloody Marys and Screwdrivers, plus the food is great and a lovely ocean view is included. Their breakfast burrito is yummy and Is less than SS. Call (949) 499-4033 for information. • Noon Sunday: For lunch, head up to Las Brisas for some seafood and breathtaking views of Laguna and the Pacific. Try the Ensalada de Salmon, which is chilled salmon, mixed greens. tomatoes, a.sparagus and ginger balsamic vinaigrette for S l I .9S . They have spectacular views and the best place to be is on their patio. They're at 361 Cliff Drive. For Information, call (949) 497·5434. • 2 p.m. Sunday: Next, take a quick drive through the canyon and go to the SM LAGUNA BEACH. Poge 12 I~ idc: I ht· I a~1111a Bl'ach I rnllt·\" l\. Bu "t·" I· 1<1 ·:1-''. . . l1111t· 27 thruu~h \11!.!ll "t JI Interior Resourc u- g> 3 :J 1 "' 8 ..... ~ 3 ~ ~ 0 :::> 3" ~ fl) r 0 ... ~ (") 0 ... "' ~ 5 ~ Ji £ <:' ~ ~ ~ ;- ~ 'C ~ 5. ~ I u HUNTINGTON BEACH J ~_skin' it in ~1!.~2~~ • ~" wr1er south seas dkor. hand-blown llg .. tJng ,;; In Hundngton Beach. not eYecything and rough hewn wood bum ceilings. 8 revolves around the beach-just most After dlnMr, relu wtth coffee, tu or a things. Any fuD weekend In Surf Ci will drink by the ftre pit of the restaurant's ~ naturally leave sand in the shoes. ~t large beac:hslde patio. Try the king aab ~ rhe beach is n•ct th ~ .. ,..... what legs steamed, served with lime butter, ~ . ,~. e ~&" ..... '6 to cheddar potatoes or French frtes and the ctty has to offer. grilled com & papaya slaw j • 6 p.m. Friday: Sit back, relax and sip on cocktails while taking In the ocean view from Duke~ barefoot bar. at the foot of the Huntington Beach Pier. • 7:30 p.m. Friday: Romantic sunset stroll along the surf. • a p.m. Friday: Head to Chlmayo at the Beach for a seafood dinner, where voodoo shrimp, grilled sufood and wood oven steaks are all popular LAGUNA BEACH Continued from 11 Friends of the Sea Lion MM!ne Mammal Center, where one c.an see Callfomla sea lions, elephant seals and other sea animals. They are at 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, right after Big Bend and by the animal shelter. Their hours are 1 O a.m. to 4 p.m. dally and although • 10 p.111. Friday: If you're st.Ill feeJlng feisty, venture Downtown to Ibiza. where DJs spin International beats, or If you're looking for some Wild late night dubbing reminiscent of a college frat party, then chedt out Hun1canes. If you're willing to brave the line overflowtng onto the street. try a 2<H>unce Margarita at F~ Mexican Cate and Cantlna for S4.75. • 7..,.. s.a.. •r: Start the morning off by hitting the wa\ti. If you're an exper1enced surfer, the Huntington Beach admission Is free, donations help save lives. For Information, call (949) 494-3050. • 4 P."'· Sundmy: After that enjoy some more shopping, the an galleries or the beach until you pack up a picnic basket full of snacks, wtne and a blanket to enjoy the free Music In the Park summer concert series from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Bluebird Park located at Cress Street and Pier Is the sUce to go. Southside In the morning, northslde In the afternoon. New to the sport? Try the softer waves at Bolsa Chica State Beach. • 9..,... Satwdlly: No one~ a true surfer until one has frequented the local surf joint. the Sugar Shack. for brnkfast. Calm your hunger palns with a hearty omelet or breakfast burrito. Prices are from S4 to S7. • 11 Liii. Saturday: Grab your bike or strap on your roUer blades and work off all that bacon with an Invigorating ride along the boardwalk. • 1 p.m. Saturday: Cool off with a fr6h, Ice-cold lemonade and a quick, cheap bite to eat at Ruby's Diner, at the end of the Huntington Beach Pier, and then a shopping session Downtown. • 4 p.111.. Saturday: Catch a matinee film at either the Mann Plerslde ~vlllon at ~dfk Coast Highway and Main Street or at Edwards Charter Centre 5, at 7822 Warner Ave. Bluebird Canyon Drive. • 7 p.m. Sunday: For dinner go to Woody's at the Beach, located at 1305 S. Coast Highway, and enjoy an e>ecellent view of the ocun. They offer California cuisine, anything from seafood to roasted vegetaf1an bell peppers, and pasta and have Inside and outdoor seating. For reservations. call 376-8809. And top the weekend off with more live • I ,.... Salw •r: ltut yoorself to a ste.amlng plate of penne ~e or ~gna bolognese at Roman Cudna., a dimly lighted Italian bistro run bv two brothers. It's a perfect date spot with a casual atmosphere. Don't le.ave without sampling one of the horMmade deserts of cheesecake, anoll "'tJramusu. Price: S10to S14. • 10 p.111. Saturday: Wow your frtends with a mean game of pool at the House of Brews and choose from 80 bottJed beers and 26 on tap. Poot games cost 75 cents each. • 9 a.m. Sunday: Tee-off at the Meadowlark Goff Course. Rates are S3S on weekends and S25 weekdays. • Noon Sunday: Splurge on brunch at the brand new Hyatt Resort~ Californian. The contemporary, avant garde restaurant futures Mediterranean-influenced C1Mslne, with an edectlc rMnu and a courtyard ove.r1ooklng the ocean. Brunch costs S20 to S30. music and an after-dinner drink at Mosun, which offers live musk until 11 p.m .. bv Nick Hernandez of Common Sense. and sushi roll and drink specials. Mosun is located at 680 S. Coast Highway. For lnf<>nNtlon, call (949) 497-5646. Rain or shine, lt's no problem in Laguna. a a a a cs Night skies will light again Fourth of July fireworks return after a one-year hiatus in Newport Beach, Huntington Beach continues its parade. June Caograndt and Jtnny Marder Sla1I writers Along the beaches, there are 1wo spots to seek out, without a doubt, this Fourth of July: the Newpon Dunes, whk.h is bringing back its fireworks .,how, and anywhere along Huntington Beach's Independence Day Parade rou1e. Plus, there will be plenty of panics, races and revelry to ·~~E (~Tlbl.Slde) • Rack M'Lamb (~~eSide) • Vcal~ keep people of all ages entenained as they celebrale America's birthday. In Newpon Beach, lhe oohs and aahs are back. After a year without fireworlcs at the Newport Dunes, the beloved Independence Day tradition is back. The Dunes fireworlcs show is likety to be the biggest hlt of the holiday. with the annual Fourth of July Boat Parade and West Newpon street panies also offering lots of fun ways to celebrate. The Newport Dunes Waterfront Reson last year put the brakes on its traditional fireworb display because the liability costs bad gotten too hlgb. Boat owners were filing claims for new canvas boat covers after more and more of them were burned by hot embers falling from the pyrotechnics display. But the city, determined to bring bad lhe popular event, stepped in 10 help the new Dunes owners find a way to make the show feasible. The result will be visible for miles. Presenters promise a superb show that's just part of a • Sword&h •Salmon • ffalibRt (81.drmed,~ GrlJJecl Or~ daylong lineup of activities at the Dunes. ~we·re very excited abou1 continuing this tradition," Newport Dunes Generdl Manager Andrew Theodorou said. Fourth of J~y event!. at the Dunes will begin at I 0 a.rn. with a water balloon toss. and a From the bluffs al Castaway Porl<, fireworks con be seen exploding over the Newport Dunes in 2001 Pt-010 BY 5lA~ Hlll.f P coniinue for about 12 hours with live music, a family vo lleyball 1oumamen1, carm\'aJ games. a bike and in -hne 'ikate parade and other actiVtties for kid'> and adults. The fireworu <;how will begin at 9 p.m wwe want to make up ror last Set FOURTH. Pa;e 30 (/) c: 3 3 ~ "" 8 w ' I l '· 14 ("') 8 N J i ~ • In a word: bigger The Orange County Fair, running three weeks without Mondays this year, will welcome Bob Dylan, . Crosby, Stills and Nash, ' and more. new so it's going to be quite a memorabJe year,• said Becky Balley-Findley, general manager of the fair. There will also be a #Red, Ripe and .Karaoldn"' karaolc.e oontest every night on the Heritage Stage. Nightly winners will return the final night to compete for a $5,000 gift certificate from Cal Spas. ~ ·Delrdrt Newman SkJ1r wrt1ef Tomatoes will be abundant at Centennial Farm, whJcb will feature 1,000 tomato plants as varied as tiny COSTA MESA -"Red. Ripe and grape tomaaoes to beefsteak types that Rodin'# is the theme of cbil summer's weigtl two pounds or more. Orange County Fair. 1be red aod ripe . -'-~~...,! ~ol~~-'s Food are manifested in tomatoes, wbkh wiD ll\I~ \l.IAlllJ _,, IAST.-ni be prominently featured, while the Netwoit, startin& on )IJy 17 when rock:in' comes courtesy of the reopened celebrity chef AhaD 8rQwn of •Good llt40TO f1Y SE.Ne HU.ER Pacific Amphitheatre. Eats• aplores the tomato and the many Bull r1dlng Is one c:J the Orange Colllty Fair's main attroc:ftons. Concerts will feature big-name acts roles it can play in the kitchen. like Steely Dan, Crosby, Sd1ls and Nash. If you want to feel ae a tomato In a Another new feature is Art on a Slick. -free paddng wMt admlaioo from Dwan Duran and Bob n.A .... Closed blender, you can Geck out the new a m.aal. oUldoor sculpture competition. noon to 1 p.m.. -and RodJn' a.-1 .. n since 1995, the am phi~;; is me Tango ride, whidl takes riders 80 feet Fmrles. whldl will be displayed Hunger, July 23. noon to 5 p.,;_~ recipient of a half-millioo-dofiai. face.lift into the air, then lpinlthem and turns througbouuhe fairgrounds, have no entry with five .aooperflllable food that includes new paint, new~ them upside down. bei>re returning to wdgbt or size limitations and can be Items donated to Secood Harvest Food and new restrooms. 1he fair wiD still solid l?'°und. . 7 · made from my medium such IS • Bank.. offer its free concert series 00 15' of the While the fair dOesa\ otter fried, green ceramJc. ~metal. neon or~ For more tnmm.Uon. call (714) 21 nights of the fair. ' tomatoes, there II odm fried fare to sink Otbet fair highlights include: kldt'Day 706-FAlR or viltt ~r.oom. "Everything together this year has your teeth into like deep-frled 1\vinkies, (evay Tuesday); Seniors Day (every The fair will run duee weeb this year, elements of both the traditional and the Oreo Cookies and pickle chips. . Thursday); Rock:in' lnto the Fair, July 16 but will be closed Mondays. WEDNESDAY &SATURDA~ WINE NIGH,.$ 20% OFF ALL BOTTLES ON OUR EVER CROWING SUNDAY IS F~J J-~.t;:~JctitjT 12 & U NDER) B OTI I OUR REG ULAR & GF/CF K ID'S M ENUS A.RE FREE! Sl<OSH'S HAPPY HOURS! M O N-$ J": 4-6 PM I S UN: I 0AM-5 PM El ~~~$~1PS ' SUMMER SUNSET surfers catch the lost waves of the day OS the sun drops Into tt)e evening mist behind the Huntington Beach Pier. PHOTO BY KENT TREPTOW 11 • (I) 1 c ~ N 8 w (I) I ~ ::3 00 .... ~ n 0 ~ !!l n 0 ~ "' ::1 3 .,, 3' ~ 0 ~ ~ 3> £ [ .,, i ~ . -...... ' ... LIVE ENTEirlMNMBNT Tuesday EvcrungJazz Samrday E . . Bands No~ BEER APPRECJATION N1TE 3at Wednesday of Every Mondi ~ CHILDREN'S MENU Stroller Parking AYailable PUUMBNU, FUUBAR 2 Ocean View Patios Ow W.d y..,. .. 'UHo ill~ 0. O..IW 100" Sn.. 7V )lJT OPTICAL PilD Smwlce •plleal D•a Baar Santee on Mast llnglevislon Lenses Focus on Lunch while we work! lp1clll wltb s WIU rrm11 lla1lnlll11 714-536-6300 00 HUNTINGTON BFACH CoNFERENCE AND VISID~ BURFAU (800) SAY OCEAN ..--"!' l ' I . . . I ... - . / . . . u J i Secrets to making ~ J· J • I Mount c:armel uthotk Church, 1441 w. Balboa Blvd. are all surrounded by patklng spots that are free from 8 a.m. untJI 1 p.m. on SUndaays. Summer along the Orange C.oast can be the best of times. Because everyone knows that. lt al9o can be the wont of times, as crowds bade up traffic for miles and pa.rking spots become more scaroe than at 9:15 a.m. in Manhattan. T'9e e>r...,.C...eyn.....,..... Unless you're a Joe.al -then you · Authof1ty has bus routes that can help know just where and when to grab the buchgoers dodge patktng nightmares. spot with the busted meter. Just pvk somewhere tnl.lnd and jump You also know where the best meal for ·on the bus. <:alt (714) 636-7433 for cheap i& Wblch beach b right for your route Information. guest& Where a seaet eec:luded spot with a view i& ! · or arurse, no one is ~local everywhere. But with these hints, you can spread your knowied8e beyond your In 1•a..a, die MCftll llO puttl .. °" the Balboa Penlns• lnsteters ~y. Is to get there early. Those In the know mtw In the Balboa VIiiage aru In time to enjoy a late brukfast at one of the toe.al reswnnts before hitting the sand. back door. NEWPORT BEACH OM.,.... par1U ... dp Is good on Sunday mornings, when metered parking spots near four Balboa Peninsula churches a.re free. Chr1st Church by the Su, 1400 W. Balboa Blvd.; the Chr1s~ Selena Church and Reading Room at 3303 Via Udo; St. James Episcopal Church of Newport Beach, 3209 Via Udo;. and Our Lady of L.ookh9g for a Hale Mduslon7 0.. of the best get-away-from-lt·all spou tn Newport Beach Is also one of the clty"s best-kept secrets. The eastern side of Mariners Drive dud-ends In a resl~ nelghbothood that overlooks one of the most serene spou to enjoy the natural buuty of the Back Bay. Not evwy tip ................. you out. One, to keep vou out of trouble Is If you're having a cup of coffee at the PATRICK TOBIN New Paintinp • Laguna Beach tZnJ La C-om Grande June 7 -July 3 Gallery McCollum 206 North Cout Highway • Laguna Beach. CA 92651 l \\ ·~ it H ' B 1ff,lf'7.~27 ... JI 'I u J'E H WW •' J 1& am locals know • summer easier HMt>or House on the Balboa Peninsula, think twice before you do anything ·potentlally embarrassing. You're probably on camera. Harbor House Is just one of six sites where the www.TolesO(Bolboo.com web site has one of Its web cams positioned. Other cameras are at Balboa Bay at Udo, BaJboa Buch we.st. south and ust. ~ the famous W1ed9e. The s112 Is also a great resource for ched<Jng out beach conditions before getting In the car and for waving to friends far away. 0...., Ne•porft ........ ~nturt5 comes courtesy of Balboa Para·saillng near the Balboa Fun Zone. You an sail airborne outside the harbor, pulled by a motorboat. A 90-mlnute trip costs S45. For more Information, call (949) 673-1693. And while you're around the Fun Zone, don't forget to IBe vtsltors on the Balboa Isl.Ind Feny. It might not seem like much, but tn a aowd pluser. F1_,ly, It's .,ocl to r-••ll •where vou an't go on the Fourth of July. Just as In years before, a number of streets In West Newport wtll be dosed to nfftc. From 12:0 I a.m. July 4 untll 3 a.m. July . 5, traffic will be rerouted on portions of Seashore Drtve and the I 00 blocks of and alleys between 32nd Street and 54th Street, Balboa Boulevard, Back Bay Drive and Newport Boulevard. COSTA MESA The dty known for being home to the Orange County Performing Arts Center is home to another, lesser-known artlsdc desdnation: the concerts at Fairview Park. Held at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesdays. the concens boast a wide variety of musical styles. "My tip of the summer is to come to the summer coooerts at FaiMew Park - get there early. pmt at &tanda [High School} and hike in,. Costa Mesa Councilwoman Ubby Cowan says. And parting can be a snap. if you know how to do It. "lf you buy a county paJb parting pus, then you don't have to pay the meter and don't bave to fight tourlsts for metered parking, .. Planning Commlalloner KattiDa Foley says. 111 llCllTS. "" 18 ~PWS.mtm:~ ~a NlfJJCA. BED. BRH & 8E'l'CN>, o.lro cc:e-as. ~~c~ oors ~-c.. JfOSl-O OPfOWTI!IST EAST C°'5T 1W36. EJ JO ~ Pt<>TO WM BO\', FM PONTSOENeS, GN BA8V ON GN llllS, 1<N3 DoG Bfl!fSS.~ l'vWfRS M OTY IW3Y Oi£ lSSK:A MCQNTCX)(, MNN STAGE WON, M/11/lCS Nf:JX:>N & S£.A1000 ~ ~ ClO NNY, ~ STF.N:S. N.fY • NlfJJCA. l'US l'US PETS. PIEi I, GlW1TY l!EAUTY CN:E. SllBIX. TUYSSM.ES. ~ TICKETS, fv.oER JOE'S, I.A'S STORE, ~ a SECRETS Continued from 18 LAGUNA BEACH Here. the moi.t imponant lip i~ how 10 pan and get around town A few \Ound ideas: 1. Pubtk transportation: Trams won't run ah er 6 p.m. on the Fourth of July. Traffic 1s so heavy, the trams wouldn't go anyplace, anyway. 2. Parking: Iring quarters. Metered parking Is S I an hour, most with a maximum stay of three hours, some as short as 30 minutes. J. For all-clay parking, stick with unmetered lots. Fees vary, but you can count on S 7 to SI 0. The cheapest parking Is In town is at ACT V on Laguna Canyon Road, owned and operated by the city. It costs S3 for the day, and the free Festival Trams are right there. The Festival parking lot. 65 I Laguna Canyon R~. across from the Festival of Arts, charges S8. Unmetered public parking is aJso available for S8 a day at the Lumbe~rd parking lot, next to Gty HaJJ on Forest Avenue and at Wells Fargo Bank, 260 Ocean Ave .• with entrances on Ocean and on Broadway, between South Coast Highway and Forest Avenue. A be.st bet, If that's possible, on Saturday mornings, Is to try In front of City Hall on Forest Avenue or nearby on Ocean or Forest avenues and Third Street. The farmer's market Is open In the morning, so cars constantly come and go. a The Laguna Beach Library parking tot, under the library on the corner of Clenneyre Street and Laguna Avenue, 1s open to the public for a fee when the library is closed. Once parking the car Is no longer a worry, the focus can turn to what else to do in Laguna. A hidden gem for a quick swim is the Laguna Beach High School and Community Pool, 625 Park Ave. 25 yards. Handicapped accessible Children under 11 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Swimmers must shower before going in the water. Lockers are available. The drop·in fee 1s S2; a 20-visit summer pass costs S 30. Children 24 months and younger get in for free -but they must wear rubber pants or pool diapers. For pool information, call (949) 472-1 450. If you're in the mood for something a little different, the Laguna Beach Recreation Department offers summer classes that range from belly dancing to children's activities to yoga, many of which allow drop-ins for a modest fee So no planning ahead needed. For information, pick up a summer brochure at the Community Services Department 51 5 Forest Ave. or call (949) 497-0716. Another secret spot: the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling O ub. Free lessons for groups or Individuals. Daily game fee is SI. For more Information or for lessons. call (949) 494-1811 . A key to enjoying Laguna Is Its public restrooms. They can be found at the bus depot on Broadway between The 'Must Do' Harbor Activity .•• Get your Hands on the Wheel! Mid-Wttlc Special! Monday-Thursday S.t~ 25% on a two hour Dufty Rental (949) 645-6812-Newpott Eidt (561) 592-3028-Hunl Buch Holidayt excluded ~~ a PHOTO BY KENT m£PT<JN Take the time to lown bowl m Laguna II only costs a bud(. Beach Street and Forest Avenue; the parking lot in the 200 block of Ocean Avenue, between South Coast Highway and Beach Street; the Lumberyard Mall. 384 Forest Ave., sometimes locked, but keys available; the Laguna Beach U.brary, 363 Clenneyre St.. during library hOurs of operation; Main Beach. one at the south end, one at the north end; two in Heisler Park on Cliff Drive; and at Treasure Island Park, south end. White most dog lovers know about the Laguna Beach Dog Park. on the east side of Laguna Canyon Road. south of El Toro. the better secret is that dogs are allowed on most beaches m Laguna from June I to Sept. I 6 before 8 a .m and aher 6 pm And the best kept culinuy secret? The Hare Krishna temple on Clenneyre and Legion streets offers an all-you can eat vegetarian lunch every day but Sunday for S 5 HUNTINGTON BEACH In Surf City, you can break away from the usual on Fridays at the Farmer's Market at the pier plaza Downtown, from noon to dusk. Flowers, fruit, bread, nuts and specialty foods sold fresh. Entry is free, so you can take a quick hike onto the beach for a break from this break. Another bruk can be had at Ch1mayo by the Beach during happy hours. from 3 to 6 p m. Monday through Fridays. The restaurant's famed blended mango mart.ml topped off with a fresh shce of mango, normally S7.50. 1s JUSt S3. With those few extra dollars, you can get a few games of Frisbee Coif at Central Park. There are I 8 targets and 1t costs a reasonable SI to S2.50 (have you been on a golf course lately?). And children younger than I 6 play for free. These tidbits, of course, are just the tip of what locals know. So the last, and maybe best: Ask people their secrets. v•••C:TY nto .. ou• 30 O<&.ICIOU• WlND "-AYDl'9, TO A TIIM'"TIHe •CLCCTIOH Qr •ANOWICHC9, -LAD• -0 -· "1N AHO VM~ .. c a u-AHO Wft.L. 1AT w._ .. ..,.,.._ -t a.. ...... ,_ ......... _. ....... ~..M ... _, .... .... ,....,,,,,,._,..._.~I H .. 0 11•'34.n• * 3131 .... (•t~ttl( ... '* , ..... ,. lt- -4 ., - -.. , 1 . . -.,, . .. . ,. -... • ' j ~ Open season (; Surf sensations from around the globe will be shredding during the U.S. Open of Surfing. Huntington Beach has been the setting for many stellar surfing showdowm throughout the years and Swf Qty will once again take the international center stage at the end of July. That's when the 2003 Honda Element U.S. Open of Surfing Presented by O'Neill debuts. America's top professional surfing competition, part of the Philips Fusion. a multi-sport and music festival. will run from July 23 through Aug. 3 at the Pier. The U.S. Open of Surfing is North Americas highest-rated qualifying tournament and annually attracts crowds that near 200,000. This years competition will once again draw surfing's major stars from all around the globe. Nearly 500 contestants -representing the United Slates. ~ Brazil. Franc.e. Japan and South Africa -are scheduled to vie for $175,000 in prizes. ~·re going to continue the tradition of offering the best surf event in the country." said James Leitz vice present of International Management Group, which owns the U.S. Open of Surfing. "'Ibis year it's a true open event, with more spots a~ for local and amateur swfers." 1be event features a six-star W>rld Qualifying Series rated menS division that will offer a $125,000 total prize package and the largest points total of any mainland surfing event in 2003. The $30,000 women's division also is a six-star WQS event and is the mainland's highest rated qualifying event Another competition taking place is the O'Neill U.S. Open of Longboarding, which offers $10,000 In prizes. The city's steeped tradition of world-~ surf competitions dates back to the first West Coost Surfing Ownpionshlps held in 1959. The event's name d;langed to the U.S. Sorfing Ownpionshlps in the early 1900; and now Is known as the U.S. Open of Surfing. which was founded In 1994. On Aug. 9, Huntington Beach will be a first -time host to the Game, an F.ast vs. West showdown that. Leitz said, will pit the east's top 12 professional surfers u. PHOTO BY OOH UACH Pro surfer Andy Hobson competes durfng the 2002 U.S. Open. against the top 12 from the west. The Game is part of the X Games. which will be held In Los AngeJes. KeDy Slater will captain the F.ast and Rob Machado "posgbly" could tap(ain the West. Leitz saJd Jll..'>1 four days after the surfing competitions have left the shoreline, the south side of the famed pier will heat up again with the Huntington Beach Open. part of the 2003 Assn. of ~Deyball Professionals Nissan Series presented by Bud Light The Aug. 14 to 17 tournament is the fifth of the series' eight U.S. stops during . its 2003 season tour. The women's championship match will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Sat., Aug. 16 and the men's final will be played at I :30 p.m. on Sun. Aug. 17. Both divisions feature a $75,000 purse. The team of HoDy McPeak and Elaine Youngs are the defending women's champion and the randem or F.ric Fonoimoana and Dax Holdren won the 2002 men8 title. This summer enjoy four of Laguna's art venues for only $14 (a $21.50 value) Art-A-fair Festival -=-~~~---~~~~ Festival of Arts-Fine Arts Exhibition Laguna Art Museum Sawdust Art Festival July 6 -August 29, 2003 Purchase the Passport on-line at: www.artseek.com/lagunapass/ For general information contact the Laguna Beach Vllitor & Conference Buruu (800) 877-111 5 www.lagunabeachinfo.com A night spot for everyone From Malarkey's in Newport, Chimayo's in Huntington and Club M in Laguna, there's always something to do. ....... ...,., samrwrtter John liavolta may have sung It best in the movie. "Grease.· With slick. dad hair, a dangerous leather jacket and dght jeans. he proclaimed his aftinity for sweltering ooctumaJ activities atop the high school bleachers. "1hose su-hum-mer, ni-hi-ightsl" Summertime ls known for scorclUng days and fiery nights. It's as true in Huntington. Laguna and Newport beaches and c:osta Mesa as anywhere. Downtown Huntington Beach at Main Street offers a happening scene. complete with music, dancing and entertainment. With live bands and DJs, Surf City has a pulsing nightlife for all walks of life. One of the most popular spots is Chimayo's. On the opposite side of Pacific Coast Highway from the main drag. this beachside restaurant/club goes off. Take the stairs or the elevator to the lowest level and gel ready to dance. The spot is popular for birthdays and special occasions. The patio dance area is steps from the sand and offers a beautiful view of the ocean. Thursdays are arguabty the most popular night. lf you don't get there before IO p.m .. plan on waiting in line. A few miles south is the "Newport scene," with dozens of hang outs for all ages. From The Alley at C.oast Highway and Balboa Boulevard to Oass of 47, the city has a plethora of hotspots along the peninsula Relax with Us! Special Rates From $69.00 and Coast Highway. Those in the 20-somethmg crowd usually start their night at Newport Brewing Co. on 32nd Street because it doses the earliest. People meet there for happy hour and beyond for great beers. mixed drinks and conversation. The smoking patio is popular, as It allows customers to partake in two vices at once. while staying warm under heat lamps. Just before the midnight closing time, most patrons head across the street to Mala.rtey's or Rudy's. The less "pop star" crowd heads farther down the strip to c.assidy's for a raw bar experience. Those who have had enough of the beachside scene often hail cabs and head Inland to the Little Knight, where the drinks are even stronger. Both spots cater to people with tattoos, pool players and those who prefer only a splash of cranbeny juice Indulge yourself at Palm Springs downtown a ll suit-: resort. Guests enjoy spacious one and two bedroom suites, heated pool, spa and tennis. Conveniently located near world class championship golf, shopping, restaurants and the Spa Casino. MARQUIS VILLAS 140 So. Calle Encilia • Palm Springs, CA 92262 nigh PtiOTO BY KENT TREPTOW Missiles ot Octobef singer and songyntter Poul Pedersen lays into a song at the Manne Room . in their Cape Cod. Those who prefer lo dance all night in a club-like atmosphere should head to Costa Mesa's Detroit Bar or Laguna's Oub M. Unlike their Newport and Huntington counterpans. these dubs are centered on the music, from deep base beats and unique melodies 10 underground house. In Laguna. Royal Hawaiian stands alone as one of the local favorite spots on the north end. Downtown popular places are Ocean Avenue Brewery, the Marine Room. Hennessey's, the Laguna Beach Brewing C.O .. the WhJte House. the Saloon and Javier's Cantina and Grill Farther down C.Oast Highway. the Sandpiper is a good spot, a<. are Woody's at the Beach and the Boom. lwlable Nilhttr ii the SusW .. Only ll1L1•1•. www.benlhana.com Newport a.ach 4250 ••rc1a ltreet (14 21 VI c: ~ ~ "-' 8 w ~ 3 3 ~ ~ ~ CJQ .... ::r ,,, . (') 0 "' !:!!. (') 0 "' ~ 3 ., :::p 9: 0 ~ -< :::p s & ,,, ~ 5. ,,, :a - • ' 1 J ~ l ~ ~ ~ l , l E . ., 22 t't) 8 N ~ § Cl) • v; ~ (.) ~ ao g < ... ~ E ~ ... c: ~ x ~ 0 .... Q. ~ .., 0 ~ ! lii .., 0 (.) .... .. ag ant o he At the heart of art During the summer, Laguna Beach is home to numerous art shows, including the famous Pageant of the Masters. Suzie Horrtson Sto1f wr1ter Understanding everything that's going on in Laguna Beach's art world can be quite daunting, especially when it comes to the three major lUJJTlJ'Tler art festivals and the world-famous pageant. But all it takes is a little information, and a small world of art opens. The Pageant of the Masters, which is celebrating Its 70th annlversary, creates life-sized "living pictures" of classical and contemporary paintings, sculprures and other famous works of art. This summer's show is tided "Seasons.· The show comes to life through lighting. set design, staging effects and technical genius, as well as the people who pose in the sets. Thirty-four pieces are recreated for this year's show, which runs njghtJy from July 9 through Aug. 29. All performances are at 8:30 p.m . and tickets cost $15 to $80. The Pageant is on the fesdvaJ of Arts grounds at 650 Laguna Canyon Road. Information: (800) 487-3378 or (949) 494-1145 or onllne at www.foapom.com. The Festival of Arts is a fine art show known as "California's premJer fine art exhibition." The juried exhibit showcases 145 world-class artists from the Orange C.Ounty area representing various genres. Artists exhibit and sell their work from July 6 through Aug. 31. The annual event. in Its 7lst year, is California's longest-running outdoors fine art exhibit Ticket prices are reasonable, with a season pass costing SS for adults, S3 for seniors and students and nothing for Laguna Beach residents and children younger than 12. On the grounds is Zov's Bistro, offering Mediterranean-style food, and Tivoli Terrace, which features seafood, salads and tradJtionaJ American cuisine. QisietiletotaemlhliJ11iotei! ~ (888) 3 I 8·3312 . It is at 650 Laguna Canyon Road Information; (949) 494-1145 or (800) 487-3378 or go online to www.foapom.com. The festival Is open from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m . daily. The Sawdust Art Festival is another favorite, but with a laJd-back flavor. ln its 37th year. it will run June 27 through Aug. 31. The artists worlc in a variety of media, including glass, sculpture, photography and more. Tickets cost $6.50 for general admission, SS.SO for seniors 65 or older and $2 for children 6 Lo 12 years old. QUJdren 5 and younger get in for free. A season pass is available for $12 or $16 for the summer and winter shows. ll is at 935 Laguna Canyon Road Information: (949) 494-3030 for go online to www.sawdustartfestival.org. The Art-A-Fair Festival Is celebrating Its 35th anniversary and runs from June 27 through Aug. 31 . Hundreds of artists compete to be among 124 members of this internationally juried competition. Tickets ecost SS for adults and are free for chlldren younger than 12. Seruor AU Pt«)TO Potra 8lyonf poses as a statue standing guard CNfJf the 2002 Pageant Gola. dJscounts are available. It's open from 10 am. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. It is at m Laguna Canyon Road. Information; (949) 494-4514 or go onllne to www.an-a-fair.oom. Page Private School ~.~.9~ A brand ·new campus with 95 years of experience. Family Cboltt A•ard Winner for Best Prfrate Elnnenury School! •pe: & Mlle Computer Labs •saaae-ot-tbe--.rt Library -Sden~ Lab •Smatl Clau Slia •Prfvate S•lmmJng Pool •stroaa Currlaalum •1ncUvtdu:al Att~tloo •After School Programs •Field Trips •Fontan Laniuaae •Physical EdacatJoa •M~ o..ce. AIU A Craft.I -· With school out, ~ ve plenty of pm IS7SJ lnformauon. <714) fundamentals through games. Aug 18 to 22 IS I 191. Information long wmmer ~a~. and Just DISCCMRY SUMMER SOCCER 536 5486 exemses and scnmmages. for (714) 536·5486 how to fiU thtm an be a challenge CONIC children ages 6 to 14. will be held unless you llW along ~ Orange A soccer c.amp that teaches NslC MAD SCIENCE DAY CAMP from 9 a.m to 3 p m July 29 through SICYHAWKS MINI-HAWK Cont. ~there IS plenty of soccer slulls for children ages 6 to 12 Three separate science camps will Aug. I CS 119). lnformauon C7 I 4J A camp that introduces children ilCl.Mtles fOf kids, young and old. will be held weekly, June 16 to Aug be held for children ages S to 12. 536 5486 ages 4 to 7 to soccer. baseball and 22. The camp 1s offered 1n half day each one teaching Its own set of basketball will be held June 23 to '7 HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ss10ru from 9 a.m to l\OOn and topics Camp No I 1s called "Claws. JUNIOR HAWKS SOCCER July I 4 to 18. Aug 11 to IS and Jul~ ~om I to 4 p.m IS I 00! lnformatton Codes and Constellauons," camp No. This camp teaches the .28 to Aug I Sessions run from 9 MJ AT nlE IEACH: CHILDIEN'S 17 I 4) 536-5486 .2 Is called "Movmg Wuh Science," and fundamentals of soccer to children a.m to noon (S 1191 Information Sl"C9B Mf CAMP camp No 3 1s called "Rockln' Rockets ages S to 8. It will be held from 9 1714) S36·S486. All an camp that teaches drawing. FUNTIME DAY CAMP and Aerodynamics. Camps will be a.m. to I p.m. June 16 to 20 (S 1191 ~ng, music. dance and sculpture A day camp to enJOYi a variety of held different weeks from June 23 to lnformauon. (714) 5 36 5486 SICYHAWKS BEGINNING GOLi chlld~n aoes 6 to l 2 Wiii be held actlv11Jes, including ro ler sk.lting, Au~ 29. The camps are offered In A camp that teaches the proper ~.JUM 23 through AuQ. 22. The fort bvildlng, tire ndes, sw1mm1n9, hal day sessions, from 9 a.m. to SICYHAWICS IASEIWL tt!Chnique and etiquette of golf while amp Is offend In full and half-day nlO\MS, bilttmg cages. miniature golf noon and from I :30 to 4.30 p.m. A camp for beginning to using larger. softer equipment 10 sessions. FuU-c»y ~sions ~ from 9 and a major amusement park tnp, for (S95) lnformauon (71 4) 5 36-5486 1ntermed1ate baseball players ages 5 golfer~ ages 5 to l I will be held July a.m. to S p.m. (S 190) tUtf y children ages 6 10 12. will be held to 8 will be held from 9 a m to I 7 to l I and Aug 1 I to I S Sessions sesslom ~from 9 a.m. to 12. 30 wttk.ly.June 23 to Aug l 5 The SPIKER CAMP 2003 pm July21 to2S!Sl09) run from 9 a m to noon for cholelre., p.m. and l :30 p.m. to S p m. camp 1s offered from 8 JO a m to An 1ndoof volleyball camp that Information (714) 536 5486 ages S to 7 and from I to 4 p m for CS 11 S). lnfomwaon:(7 l 4) 536 5486 4.30 p.m IS 135) Inform.man 1714) teaches splk1ng, wning. passing, children ages 8 to I 1 cs I 09! 960·8870 or !7 l 41960-8895 d~gin9 and dMng. as well as SICYHAWKS BASKETBAU Information 17141536 5486 '6f AT 'fMl IUCft: c.p.fEfNS JUN101 SPtlfRS -IEACH o enng veruc.al 1ump resting, video A camp for beginner and •RERZ '6f CAMP analysis and a camp tournament. for intermediate basketball pla~rs ages SICYHAWKS FOOTIAU All ~~nm fOf teens VOUFflAU CAMP students In fifth through e19hth 7 to 14. designed to improve Teaches the fundamentals of r.ag ~ 12 to 15 art interested 1n A volleyball camp that teaches grade will be held July 21 to 24 from passing shooting and dnbbl1no fOOlball to children ages 7 to 14 w1 ~ng lhetr "''tis as VO<Jng baslC and advanced skills. trammg l 30 to S pm ($84) Information· slulls. will be held weekly, Julv · 4 be held weekly July 14 through Aug ~ists will be held Aug. 2S to 29 dnlls. challenges. com~uoon and a 17141 536 5486 through Aug 8 Sessions run from 9 I S Sess10ns run from 9 a m to 3 Full-div seswom go from 9 am. to 5 darty swim in the ocean. for children HIGH SCHOOl SPtKERS CAMP a..m to 3 pm IS l 19! lnformatton pm CS 1191 lnformalton 7 4 p.m. (S 190) Half day ~UIOOS Ira ages 8 to 14, will be held weekly. 1714) 536 5486 536 5486 from 9 a.m. to 1.2 30 p m and rom June I 6 through Aug 29 The camp An 1ndoo< volleyball camp that I· Jo to 5 p m. CS l 1 SI lnformatlOfl 1s offffed from 9 am to noon !S941 te.lches the intermediate and JUNIOR HAWKS BASKETIALL SUMMER ARTS AHO CaAFTS CAMP C7 I 4) 536-5486 lnfOfmatlOfl C949) 631 7658 advanced pla~r 1n ninth thro~h A camp that teaches fundamentals A camp that teaches a range of art 12th grade to run advanced o enses of passing. shooting and dribbling to mediums such as soft sculpture. DAMCf STAIS CHEtl.LUDING JUNJOI TINNIS CAMP and teaches the trans1uonal game players ages 5 to 8 will be held from garelen mar't(ers. sandcastles and CAMP A tennis ca.mp that teaches basK will b4' held Aug 4 to 7 from l .30 to 9 a.m. to l pm July 7 to 11 IS I 091 watercolors for children ages 6 to l I A chttrle..ldlng camp that teaches ph~K.al frtness concepts, slull S p m at the CITY gym (S 114). Pla,ers Information I 714 I 5 36 54 86 will be held Aug .ZS to 29 Sessions Jumps, luc:k.s, sphts. dance routines c00<d1nauon d~lopment, .tll stroke must have club or high school run from 9 a.m to 2 p m t SI 191 and stunt t~ for child~n techniques. tennis Olymp;cs •nd expenence. lnformauon. (71 4) SICYHAWKS MULTI-SPORT Information !714) 536-5486 ages 6 to I• will held weekly, July supervised match play, for children S36 5486 A multiple sport camp that teaches 7 to 25. The amp 1s offered from I 0 ages 6 to 16. wllt be held weekly, SICYHAWICS SOCCER bastC skills In soccer. basketball and SUNSHINE GENERATION SONG • a.m. to 2 p.m. CS I 00) Information: June 16 through Aug 29 The camp flag football to players ages 6 to 14 DANCE PERFORMING CAMP (714) 536 5486 1s offered from 8:30 a.m to 1.2 30 A camp that teaches soccer will be held from 9 a m. to 3 p m See CAMPS. Poge 24 SUMMER SPECIAL • •SPEED $75 • LUJlURV Daily Service lift CWTOIDI ••·OM cunf'ICATI IU QDT. llOT ..uAIU M -CAii ....eTI .. CAlll. °"° ...... TOWARD COSM ETIC PROCEDURE OF YOU R CHOICE Clinical. Skin Care and Cosmetic laser Services • Laser Hair Removal • Botox Treatment • Medical Microdermabruion • Spider Vein Injections • Prescription Strength CllemicaJ Peel8 • Pt"etcri_l!tion Skiii Care Products Discover how ihe laust medical technologies makes us different from a salon or spa. Mm We/co~ ............ ~-...-..-............. -...--........ -~.~ 23 v: c 3 3 ~ "' 8 v § 5 ~ ~ f: ,.;, ~ "' n 0 ... ~ • ' n 1 0 "' 1 ~ 5 't> 3l 1 ~ , ~ c 1 ~ 1 < , ~ 1 , ~ 1 'O 1 ,,. 1 ~ a. ,,. a l ~ 1 1 ~ , l ........ ' l - ....... M ~ ~ ..... ! t; ~ <..> '= QO a < ..... ~ ~ c: ~ ~ ~ 0 a: ~ .., 0 £1 0: ~ jS "' .., 0 <..> -........ -.. -.. ...., ___ ..... CAMPS Continued from 23 A camp thilt teaches slngl~ children are welcome when accompanied by an adult. The servic' is free. For more information on time and locations, call (71 4) 7S4·S 1 58. dancing and showmanship . group will perform live on stage at Kno«~ ~rry Farm, the Orange County Fair and Adv'nture City. The camp for children ages 4 to I S will be held June 23 to 27. Sernons run from I 0 a.m. to I p.m. (SI 06). Information: (714) S36--S486. GYMNASTIC CWSES The Tumbl,·N·K1ds Program offers beginning through advanced level gymnastic classes for children I O·months to I 2·vears-old, promoting recr,ational gymnastics as a foundation for all sports. The shc·week class starts on June 24. Information: (714) 842·3S86. COSTA MESA •A SS fee wlll be added to each program for nonresidents SUMMER CAMP COSTA MESA 2003 The ump, geared toward children ages 6 to 12, includes vanous recreauonaJ programs, sports, games, arts and crafts and excursions. The c.imp 1s held at the Balearic Community Center It runs Monday through F nday from June 2 3 through August 22. The 8 a.m. to S p.m. session costs S90, and the 7 a.m. 10 6 p.m. session costs SI t 0. For more informat10n, c.ill (71 4) 7S4·Sl S8. MOllLf IECIEATION Children age S and older can partkipate in a little mobile recreation this summer. When the trailer rolls into their neighborllood. they can join in on arts and crafts and other organized activities. Younger SUMllU THN CAMP Students entertno grades seven through nine In fall2003 can partlCiPit' in a she-week excursion based camp. The dally excursions will include trips to local amusement paru, malls, movies and museums. The camp begins July 7 and ends Aug. IS. The camp, which runs from 8 a.m. to S:30 p.m. Monday 10 Friday, costs S95 per week. For more information. call (714) 327·7S60. KIDS IN THE KfTCHEN Children ages S to I 1 will have a chance to prepare foods and learn the basics in cooking so they can help mom and dad In the kitchen. The five·week class will teach students how to measure, mix, spread. cut. s11r and, most 1mportan1ty, taste. The class 1s S30 for five weeks. A SI 0 material fee will also apply. Classes wlll begin June 2S ex July 30. For more information, c.ill (714) 327·752S. PlAYGROUND PROelAM Children ages 6 to 13 can spend their summer days playing on the playground, participating In crafts and even gotng on d1trerem excursions. Children 1n the program may come and go freely, but will be supel'Vlsed by recreational leaders. The free program will run from June 23 to Aug. 22. Fcx more information on limes and locatJons, call (714) 7S4-Sl S8. BOYS AHO &lllS CWI Boys and girts ;iges 6 to 18 can head over to Eastside Costa Mesa for the club~ summer program. The program runs Monday through Frrday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aside from Mitchell Gold SPECIAL ORDER SALE ! SAVE 20% F1l f'tiOf 0 Liv Kfoury, right, and Morissa Jue at dance and art comp at Grant Howold Port<. being able to partte1pate In a vanety act1111~s such .s pho(ography. of the actllllues at the club, coolung and rw1r1uon, economte part1Clpants also hilw the option of ht,racy, sP<><tS and vanous field tnps. gotng on two field tnps a week. The program will begin June 23 and Pan1C1pants need to be members of ,nd Aug. 29. h will run from 7.30 the organization, a SSO annual fee. a.m. 10 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. The summer ~ram Is S7S per Reglstralion is S40 and weekly fees week and adchtlonaJ fees may apply ' for field tnps. For more Information, are S90 to SI 00 For more call (949) 642·9372. information, call (949) 646 7181. OlllS INC. Clr1s ages S through I 2 can participate 1n a summer program that Incorporates fun and learning. The program wrll include workshops and NEWPORT BEACH •A SI O fee will be added per class S7S and over and SS ~rclass S7'4 and under for non-residents. TU N POLICE ACADEMY CAMP The Newp-ort Beach Poltee Department w111 offer a Teen Pohce Academy 10 local s~nts. Department expens 1n SWAT. K·9. narcottes, Pilrol, traffic laws, firearms and drrving under the 1nfloence will conduct the eight-week program. Students will partk:ipat' In pracuaJ demonstrations and will accompany an officer on a rlde-aJong. Students who attend all eight sessions can earn 24 community Stt CAMPS, Page 25 H.J. Garrett Furniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Traditifn of Providing Snvict and Val~ ON ALL MITCHELL GOLD FURNI'l'URE SPECIAL ORDERS D URlNG THE M ON'fH OF JUNE! ~ -G?~~ 10-6'·~~ 11-.f .18~~~-~a~· ~/~,..~a.9~6'SI .9«.9-«.97-8.91.9 THE LAGUNA COLONY COMPANY Full Daign C.Omulting Service • Quality SUvic:e Value 2215· Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. duu Sat. 10 to 6, Sun. J2 ro 5 --- CAMPS at (949) 646·7725. p.m. Monday to Friday. The fee is classes plus a SI 0 supply fee. Gym. The cost 1s S80, S50 for each 25 I ~ SAIUNICAMP S95. For m0<e lnfofmation, call (949) SeSSIOl'IS begin July 9 and Aug. 6 .iddrtlonal family member between ~ Continued from 24 644·31s1.. lnfonnation: (949) 497-0716, ext. 6 ages 8 and 18. Camps startJuly 7, (./) CNldml ~s 8 through 12 an Ju~ 14andJuly21 at9:30a.m. c 1 seMc.e hours te>WW their 3 partldpate in an elght~y ~ling SIYHAWICS SUMMH SPOITS In ormatt011: (949) 497-0716, ext. 6 ~ ] graduMion require1M11t. To camp that wiR grw them experience LAGUNA BEACH CAMPS =r· students must be saili~ dght·foot ~.They Wiii Skyhawtu offers a golf c.amp to DANCf N 4 Mid 18 VU1'S old. be le.am sailing slolls such as RNllS children S to I I . a bask~I. soccer Kyne Dance Academy will offer 8 attending high school In Newpoo rigging M1d ~t maintenance. Laguna Beach High School tennis and ~I camp fOf children 4 to ~Y dance camps to people age l.J Buch~ haw consent from a Pankip;ant.s must bnng a Coast coach Brian Ricker 1s teaching I 5 7. a soccer, basketball and ~ S and older, 1nclud1r19 ballet, Up, parent °'~!An. There is no cost Cuatd-approwd life jacket each day, ~ c.amp fat children 6 to 14 Jall, hip-hop, lyrical, commeroal (./) ~ five-day tennis camps fof boys and c to attend amp. The amp runs as well as a dally SNdt. A S I 0 f;1s from fifth Jrade to varsity level and a Junk>< Hawk soccer camp for Video, gymnasocs. modeling, st.age 3 ~ June 26 to Aug. 14. For more • matenal fee wiU be due on the first s 7S. She's so leach•~ thrff children 5 to 8 at Moulton Meadows makeup, musical theater and arts ~ lnfonNtlon, call the ~'s day. The camp, which costs SI 8S per four-day c.amps for S60. first Patt. Each ump costs SI I I fof a and crafts. at the RecreatJ<>n Bu11d1r19. Community Relatlons Office at (949) session, runs from 9 a.m. to noon°' r~y camp. except the bask~I. Levels f0< the camps will be ~ thl'ff start June 23, the last thrffJuly 0 l 644-3662. from I to 4 p.m. FOf mOfe soccer and baseball camp, which deierm1ned by JazZ expenence. The ::i 28 at the Laguna Beach High School °" Information, call (949) 644· 3 I SI tennis courts. lnfofmation: (949) costs S IOI . Golf starts July 28: first camp starts July I I. The cost 1s -t SU1RB DAY CA-. soccer, basketball and Rag football SI 6S lnf0<mauon: (949) 497 0716. ::i-497-0716, ext. 6. Coach Julie ,,, Chffdren e~ klndergatten SUlfCAMP Heussenstamm and assistants lead July 14; basketball, soccer and (") ~ mrouoh the gntide are Weeklong surf camp sesslOlls for baseball Aug. 4 ; and Junk>< Hawk SUIAN8 0 two three-week camps for youth and QI welcome to anend a Community people age 8 and older will begin teens at the beginner Of intermediate soccer July 21. Information: {949) The Donovan Frankenreiter ~ ~ Youth Center Camp in COfona del Mar June 30. The classes will teach level at the Alta Laguna Patt tennis 497-0716, ext 6. Surfing School is a weeklong surfing or Bilbo&. A ~nee:! r~ion staff participants the bask skills of surfing courts. The cost Is SI S6 per and ocean awareness program that (") ~ will pro\llde an environment and water safety. Wet suits are CHEEI will educate ~ and girls je 8 and 0 12 lesson series and S 120 f0< each QI 1 .,, conducive to lndlvldual achievement. strongly recommended. Surfboards additional family member. First Coach Nora Wtederspahn leads older on the fundamentals o surfing !:!; sdt~stfflTI and s~shlp. are provided. Panidpants should be sessions stlrtJune 23, second two children's cheerlead1ng camps and manne safety. People of all ~ , Ulnp fees, from 90 to S I I 0 per ~ of handllng themselves sesslOlls start July 14. lnfonnation: for ages S to 8 and 9 to I 3 ~nlng surfing levels are wekome -no ::p week, Include a WftkJy excursion to ly n the water. An ocean swim (949) 497-0716, ext. 6. She also Aug. 18 at Alta L.ajuna Park. cost experience 1s necessary. All s -a local theme parlt or sporting event will be conducted on t~ first day of leads two thrtt-week Tennis is SI 15 for a rive ay camp. Instructors are CPR certified. and various boch actlvlties. class. A S 3 matenal fee is payable to CompetltOfS camps designed for Information: (949) 497 0716. ext. 6. Reg1strat1on 1s S400 per. six·hour 0 Partlclplnt.S need to bring a lunch. the instructor at first class. The sesslOll, which includes all QI players 8th~ I 8 who are ready ~ sNCks and sunSClffn. A camp T·sh1rt sessions, which cost S63. run from to compe1e at l USTA level. Classes IASEIAll equipment. The first session starts ~ wlll be provided. The camp runs from 7:30 to 9 a.m. °'from 9 to I 0:30 cost i 3 I 2 per I 2~sson series and Laguna Beach High School July 7 Surfers will meet at Second 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. fOf more a.m. Monday to Fnday. For more S240 fof each additional family baseball coach Dave Dopf and Reef Surf Shop and surf at Thalia lnfomatlon, all (949) 644-3 IS I tnfofmatJon, call (949) 644·3151 member. Camps start on June 2 3 and assistants will offer three camps. for Street Beach lnfonnanon· (949) 5 July 14 at the Alti ~una Park tennis ages 7 to IO. I 0 to I 3 and 7 to I 3 497 0716. 0. llDI PADDl.f CA-. llOAOWAY FUNl-llUSICAl combined. at the high school's ,,, coun.s. Information: 949) 497-0716, 'O ChUdmi 8 to I 2 an team the lHEATEI CAMP ext. 6. Carrillo Field. The sesslOlls f0< •s 7 l.AOlJNA IUCM CWI FOi KIDS ,,, basic Uyaklng and= L.e.vntrig a little rTIOfe about to 10 start June 23. ages 10 to I 3 The nonprofit dub offers arts and ~ ,,, unoeMQ skills as ttwy le to ~. c:hildml ages 8 to I 5 can QY'MNAS11CS MD Mr CAMP June 30 and ages 7 to I 3 July 7 The crafts, sports. drama. field tnps, ~ destlNlions around Newport Hartlof. spend a week during their summer Children 4 and older will lam cost 1s SI 50. S 75 for each addrtional science, cooking, dance. nature They wUI ~ enjoy crafts and a le.amlng jazz. funk and contemporary basic gymnastic techmq~s and family member. ~h camp lasts activities pool days and mofe to poWck barbecue at the Newpon steps from such show tunes as tumbh~plore the vault. uneven mofe than a month and meets from 9 children S to I 2. Reg1stratlOll fee 1s AqUAtk Center on Fridays. "Annie: -cruse· and '"The Sound of puallel and the ~e beam, a .m to noon. ~ry week.day. S25. lncludlng a camp T·sh1rt. The Partldplnts should bring a towel, Music." This class is designed for 1n addrtion to art lessons uslr19 the lnformallOll: (949) 497-0716, exl 6. weekly fee 1s S85. and all field trips bathing suit. change of cloth•rig and boys and 91r1s int.ensted 1n music.a.I Morwt drawing method. Sue Ezzell and pool excurs10ns require an lunch. Ute ,IKkets win be provided. theater and looldng to gain po1se and and Chris Northridge offer two YOU.EYIAll additional fee. Hours of the camp are Sessions run from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. self<onfidence. A S 3 material fee Is four·week sessions (classes every ptayers can learn °' Improve 8 a_m. to 6 p.m. The club is above ~to F~ and begm as early ~ to the Instructor on the flm Wednesday) at the Lang Par1t Individual and team skills In three Bluebird Canyon Park. lnformatt<>f1: as June 23. The ee Is SI SS per week. day of class. The session will st.a.rt on Gymnasium to children 4 to 7 and 8 quidi)a(ed. four-day c.amps at {949) 494 7630 from I 0 a.m. to S fOf more lnf«mauon. can the center July 14 and will run from 3 to 4:30 and older. The cost 1s S88 f0< four Laguna Beach High School\ North p.m. weekdays. L -------.. -i •, •,.,I ,. \ J1 f J ,, I I I • ~ , ~ ----------·----------------------··· - . ... .. ~ .. .... .. • . . ·: ~ • ' • A.. . . . . . .. . ~ .. . • . ·~ . . .. •, •. .. .. ... .. . .. . •' # .. . .. .... .. ,,. .. .. . I . . ~~ C:L?i:;...._. -, . --~ l ~~ .• . .... • -.~. ~ s+ ·~-~_-.-,__ ....... -~ -!L~.::: a -.... ~~ a 0, a . r. i". -~ ;, . ·~ '? • . . ~-. -.• -~ -0 • , l ~ Coastline Pilot Dally Pilot • Independent • Summer Along The Coast • Summer 2003 • ~~~iiJil}i! lf {!!!iiliif if! 1~111~1'! l[f!tf f il1r! ~ ·r~nf1f l ~~Plii11r~u ia ~)H''~ ~~Hhi~, ~ 1~1~,,i!g , §1 1 ~li· 'f §i1 '~ ~r~~!~r 1~~~11Jf1I li! ~:f f~ilJif ~llijJt'i·f :;J "·fl!f i {ffi!~i~f ' E -f11~ i1i1 . f!~f t :[ i ,,V-iQ , ~~ ~1! iii ~ ilii f! ff J~iliJ!ll l ;f!tllff 1 ~ff ff ilf If it~Jii f ! i tn~s ~ ~ fJ1p,~n . ·ph! I T!Ji,., J g,.1[rt ! i!lff ! !itiliiilf Ii f ;J~i1!1 iii~!!il ! ill!!l f t jt!f1 ?fkia•~i1ix~1 gJ!i11t1r ~11~~' l~~ t1r~~~1 j :j I ~ 5 ~ f [ l l ~ ~ f ~ ~ s ,, • i ~3 ~ ! i ~ ~ ~ 1' :Jc ... ~ -i. . II" Jtf f J! ~l!l ii~f ! ~1!ill'f ! ~lll!tiii!l~~i l~ lli~ii ~!If I f itll!ig if iJ~!ilg 'rt~i~illlif ii f ~;Jf (t . ii~fl 1~'12~ll l ltJ~l1a1 i~a.'li~a~s(lI ~~il.f 0 ~ k~' ~ ;!'f ~~ ~J ~ ~r;1 i sai:~ i, ~~i~~ ~ ii g ~ 5. i ; Q. }[ ~ J XI~ •t 3 . 11~ · ..... ~· --------· ·--------------"...-----------------------------./ ll!I!Jil~[J(• ~iit~~JIJit1~11~= ~f~Jf ii~IJlll ~ff If J!IJ Hi h i~ 111ihH?hi ' I SI . -1 ~ .. ~ •• LU1 .§1 a I . ~ 1;11 ~'~lfiff1lili1 1~~ ii iJ'!t[f 11 -!;•i~Jtillt!J ~ !Ji!~lliil ~i~' 11 1r~r:~11!!ff !'ilifl~f!rti111~rt1 t1~~l~~I~~ 1111~ ·11J•f ~•1f ;Jr1)~11i1f11~!ftl ffl'I it J~ai '' i-1-! ~iil f1~f~J!gi9ifJ~~i~i~if~1 JJiili• 4 lfitll !~}~II ~i§f ;~[l:f :il;~ltflt)!Jr:!l1 i11[ l §~J~ll ~Ji f • Q =f1~i f I fBJgl !t t~~s iii ~iils ~! f~ ~i!ltf !Jl f~ iiljl!f f~ i1liif ~I! il!f f !f iilf ! I I ~!iflhf J= f1 '1Mil1~ sJJilrH fr'hif iji11hg I l 1,t~1·1·ill ,~,J~f 111f !11 ~11i'1~ ~~ I ~ i ,J 1 ~ i ! ir fir! ' ~ f g =1 ~ i • I ~ i = a. ~i (r • - p.J rD ::l c.. p.J ~ ~,I ,,..._.. -CubMo ITIU'llc NI th<1 ~.tdl Conan from I ID ) p m &1 mt ~&If< ad_pctnt ID lhf Hunongton ltam P\fr, •t l'actlic Co.11 Highwly M>d ~ ScJ'ffl ~ "" Conctn IS~ by the l'.lly ol Huntlngton lt.tdl Community ~"'"'I ~ C&ll M\;SI( Hol~M 71•1 17• 16H w-~Day (fllOV ll'il' c.nnan Amtnun lltau L\nd .and ITtt food for mt finl S00 PfOCl6r on lh•I cuh~l l'IOlld&v llwt W<NllS IOw .,mos, .u rnucll .ti thfor bnl'°""'' LI•• •mtrU>ntnfnl ..,.. bf ITom l •of, pm .u tht Old Wotlo ~·'~"'""' 1S6 I (t'nttr """' AdmoulOn I\ ,, .. lnlornwuon (7 I•> 8'1S 8010 .. -IMd-Ad ... Summw c.o-t ~ 2001 ......,.u rtw Svmot!oni< Sana of Oranot w~I PtrlOfm .i S pm •I 71 I r T~ AVt' 8r't"9 your l>Wnk•H chairs ~ pl<noc lM\lr.tU 10 ,,,. ~nilv 'loc>f<l ~wns bthlnd C""r., IJO<vy 10 tn11>v ~ Slmplt .,..isorH or .m old (ashlOMd Sond.ty '" IM Poa•' lm•n1ng 10 a conc..n •• Hun1lnq100 C•~ Pu\ SM>dt'l.lnd "IC> ru~.UrOn\ art rtqu•rro to •ttrno II.vb«.,. •nd •oh d11nh .. 111 !W' '°"' not ,., from IM conc•n II~ •I P •• ~ Btncll C..lt 177l1 ~""'''' c, f tM lldmlUIOn M>d IM<lu"Q l11fonN110t1 c71•r J74 Jt>S8 .-wr(ctl)'llb"'g eo.c.ns °" ltM G,_ 8t•"Q t1'l<J• 111.inUls ....:i t.Wf'I <l\M• 10 ·~ ~· ~'1 Collfc}t AmplW!hUtfr ro .nm fffld1uons of PoP<Mr mu•I( cl•"rc •' W~IC)M bOQ b.tnd \"'OQ p.IHIC>I~ mu>I( M>d lrcwd .. ~ \how•~• '" < fTtt 1"""""1 ((lt'l(t'rt II P'Plt'ntf<l II\' Colckf'l V-1 Cofte9o '>vmPhon< 11.a"<I uncW1 ltw d~uon ol conductur Ton Ht<NnOtz from S 10 b p m •• cno.,. WHC ~. I H•4 Colotn""'" ~' lnforl1Wltl0tl t714lll'I\ &ISO JULY20 l!Wtadll Aeyft& • Los A,,..iu Uwacl'ter~~ Ftstlll't mu\>C Mii i,. ~rf~ '" 1h1\ ~.ach C(lt'l(tn from I 10 l p m •• •hr MT>PhlthHtlf ild}Mtnt to tht Huntington k.ach flwot &1Pa<1IK: (.,,.11 H'9hw&y ~nd ~1n Sllttl The ftff COf1Ctn 111ponwr~ bv the mv of Hunungton ~.odl CommunltY ~""'" ~Pinmtnt Udl lht Musi( Holl!,,. ' 41 )74 16Sl Surfln' Sundays l'reMftu S..m'f:O from •ht ~ach "''" perlOfm lrom I r• I p "' ~• '"" Huntu>qton ~.Kh n•r•n.i•.,.... 'lurf.nq Mu~""' 4 11 ()I,._. ~t .J,f 't-4" (nt~f o( 5,., ')lrpr• Cl"Kt" ,,,., .. nftrrr'l.l~"(,fl 71.& ~1.:111 Sum~ Conan Seiriu 20C>J ~u r •Uy Rl»~~m •I qh Wtf"r., ""'"'f\tr1111 ..,..., pr-rf,.Jr~ ~t p tT" .Jf ., I "i&fbfn 4\ • 8r1nq tW' n t1rk11H h.t·r~ •nd aet f')t( h•\~f''~' '"'-' ~nfl\ tr r.r!J """'"\ l"wh1'ld ,,,_,. • r't• l f>f.t'"\ u rn,v.. '~,. "'r"'" fl t'ol\V' .. \ ~Jf ctn o4d f,l\htt1~Hj t\Lffid.t\; H ,.,,,., PJI\. l1\fll01~ tO. ('·"' .. ,, tf H .,n•1riq1nn « ,.,,u.J• p_.t ... B.trw.h•iirllt ~o tf\t:r .... 1flOM\ d't' r«"Quu~d fn .1n~nd 8.irN< .,, .ino \oh dnnl "''" tJO' ·••rt t)nt f.ir ''om lhft r.-:on<rn \laQf' •t J>J'"- ~ntn r.11• I 17ll CAIO.O~w•,r " I 'f"f' .cjm1\\~ tind P'it"-IM<) 1r1fcwm.o1""1 1714 J74 I &Si; ~_..w •1Jrlr1r., "h '"R eonc.ru on Ille GrMn 8ro"Q y .,, t'>l.uii-.f"1 •nd •~11.n t'1t11t\ .,, ,,,,,. LQl:'.jpn /w1-\t f (_);.lf'Qfl 4f?'prurhrA1f'r t9 '"'°' 't'nc!J,cn\ '"'lf porput.J mu\I( '4\\f(dl ~•lrf'llOn\ 1-'9 l>.lnd ,,.,"9 p.arro< v fTlu\tC 4nc:f Sro.JdlA"tl'r \f'toiA IU'V!i< 1 t\f\ tt~ \.V"""ff<t)n(."11 I\ P~fl~f"!l"l'f'd b~ ~fl ,\f'\I (~ """""'°""' flit'IO u~'f"""d•fHtJOnOf(l')n(j,;tf !'f torn u ... •n.lf"tdtl f,om 5 to f pm .l' ;.oltjrn .W\r COi~ I) 74• IA'O#"""' ~r ,., •'TUI "' 7' 4 ll'IS >l r ~0 JULY 23 Serena lrool.a O..y Surf C.tmp .tnd ...,,..._, CompedbOn N-Id • \V fpf' \.t•~n,a 6t()C)l,. ~ ~t'ly twi ,~.._f'I, t • cU, of fun •or 'r""°' t\ o' •' q\ horn 8 • m to ' p ,.,.. on rtv .._, ,.Q• ol Hum1ngton 6".1<1' Pl•• •' <'.><11< ~•l Hot;"'-•v incl 'J<~ \HH'• R,.·~1,H.t'J(Jn 1f'KJ~\ \urft"Q 4'h ,.., O' f"nH\ 1n ,,, J~rrur ""'rf c QIYll)l'llllQn plus b•"H••I '"° lu.Y n P'lMtlf<l b'f Ou~f\ a f\hrn dnO .1 IJ')l'>dy b.1-l fl'il' CO'it ,, Hll """'July I Cl Aflt• Jul\. t 8 req111r,ut0n "' l bfo 4·•ilm'" o111pacf ~'"""tor S~'l •h• Come see the new EverWood' CouncrySlde blinds from Huncer Douglas. Overlapping slats creale a beautiful board·on·board design. And the ·step-up· look adds depth. dimension publl( II lllV1ff(l IO W~!Ch lh<> wrf con1~\I for frtt Jnfotnwoon tlw Or""9f' Courny Commvnrty Foun<U'-l'i-491 487 2 I 90 JULY 25 TO AUG. 17 H11nt"'9ton ludl Pl&yhou1<a iw-1~ Qu<rt•rl w ~ bt' PfP>Mfl•(l 4< lhf> ( rt1tr4 ,bf4'Y n .... .,r Bv ""111\. "'°"'m.ln •ncl 8.l•b.ou 0 .HT .. \k ..... lh ly•I(\ b, Shrkian •lvnl(• •I tS • J(I\'°''' •1"'1 n'\U'lr nq ,,, ,.t1tJt•<>r. c..f •""*rv•r ,.O,,.'dnhoud rt ' p.i.-\ f'I "'""'"' '' bu1fl fO t~t' ( IU" J~ •n.J \~""' _.1f C,M ()f O\;f n~,lf. n\ t:.<.inr,.t 'A f\f'f """' htt \111 d.i&J'lt 't' \ (},, .,,.,, hiltnd\ • ·.tt1ot\ of 1 't"tn•-..hJ \ ,.rf'\ (Jr"fwftOQ th,. ''""' ,._,.., hti1t\h ch .. !Htr ~\ •nd thtd n'4 '"'""'I'd\ CJI ft,...'1f1,r l·ft llum1rur•n4 "'.A••\ Jffl Cl>N..t•nf'd ·~ tt1•1-.tt t•f'\ fJf J1,ohtlt:>r~\ With ' oi\1t 0.,1m"' 4nd 1 1Hh• In tht fnd 't 1 ~ 1' U\ µ4H ht'\ .jff' ~\'.t'r'OtJl.-d IOlf.I i t1t1lh ,nr1" 1r,k1dui q ,1h cr .. •t1nq .a hr .... uh'"""'Q .utd rn..u.11<.dl .. tt .. t1 nf°'""'""''l rll 41 II\ (*>Jli, "N-.,l1/lf'h C1tm JULY 27 S..mmet Com.,, Serles 2001 pt'tMtnt• ••i.;r.tmqtrir Kt-d'h ' ""'' B.tlld " ~do1m .. 1 ~pm ,.., I l4 ht rt ,\._.fl 8'1nQ 'r">Uf ~n\t,,,. tw.r\ .. nc1 p.(no( D.11\th 10 lht Qfntly \l«w<l i,,,."' bfot>ond (.,.,.,,., ltb<o\IY to •f'l,Ot It>~ \•m(l'f' p.f'tit\u•i-\ O( Ml Old 1.-noc.<'4'<! \ur..Uy rn ll'i(o rur\ \trr. l'\!j 10 • ton<rri .t' .-.unt."Q(on .. , tr,1 P."r• 8.lncl'tlt1flCS .._,, rf'\~f\4~1(111\ .... tfl'Q,...,.tf"d lO 40tnd k,,11>rc~ ,,,., \611 or r·~> .. 111~1010 noc •.tt lfr,m ttw tc.iot tft \tq At p,._,._ 6':"!'1 41. 7.'J2Col<ltn.,fsl'>I ~ ..... l\«J<l ~""1 ,,.,, l"<j r 0\1 ''""' no """""'''°" 71• 314 1•~8 ~""' "'' f~ ,._, "II AUG. 1 Surf.n H&ll of fame lnd11<11oft u t ~n .,.. bf> '"'nwwt..1•11f'd ...., '" "·' ~1ix,..,· toof0t1nt ttnd 41.UtOQtiaoh\ "' 'I r ·~"' JI I 0 • "' 41 S..fft>t\ H .. 1 O' J \ffliP "'' i'ttr\idf> Pit..,1hon (Ot'~r of J.".1 •••< '-'"'"' .. i1CJt'!..-.ay ...nd Mtl•n Sfrrf't ,."'t' ro '-d'Cti .,,, . .,..,.,,.,l"-H"I '7141 ~· 4QVI) .,.,. ~ h,,mr ,.~, ¥'h1r(J1 d\ptJ'f cvm and-dlaraaer tor-eu.q.....u.o.iLLLLo...<...U_.-_-lt-'------......i~ EverWood CountrySide will nor warp. crack. peel or fade. Even in humid areas or direct sunlight. Come "91111!9 see these beautiful blinds today. ..... ,, ............ . Wlttrt Cr"I ••••• 1#1/•. ~ALDEN'S Fl.OOll ~AND OJs'ToM wi,.1>0'f ~' 1663 rt.lcentia, Com Mesa 949 646"'"38 AUG.3 s.i-c-t 5-iel 2003 -U -MoonllQht UPft'SI .. ,II Ptrlorm at S p m ill 71 I I TalbM A~ Bnfl9 your ~Is clwrs .and pocn1<. bu~ flS 10 lht Ofndy slopt(l L. .. ns bt'hond Ctotral Ubrwy 10 '"Pf thf sr"'IH !*,.su"s of M> old In~ Son<l.ly '" 1tw l>&fl<. lrsttt11ng 1c. a concrn at Huntonqlon Ctn1ra1 hr\. 8.lndstM>d No res.tl'\oatr0n1 .i" •t<1u1rt'd 10 anen0 s...rti«~ .. n0 \l)f1 d11nk1 ..,,d M \Ole! noc far from tilt conct<'I \I~ ,11 Par\ kn<h uft 11711 Goldt,,.,.ut St Adm•\llD<' dl1d CWll.. "9 co11 no1hrr>q lnfo<ma<.un •7t4t ll4 16S& .. ..,. wrfrn> ""°'ii AUG. 10 SUrfln' S..nd&ys ~nls '>urf 1t.109\ o1nd 1tw Ch.i.ntay\ A1i1 po,rform from noon 10 3 pm o1t the Pvr Pldt• Amphllht>•ler on 1ht' no<th 11d• of Hun11nqt011 tlt>.Kll P.er. P..t1fic C.oa\I H19~wo1v and Main Slrt!tl Tht' con.. rn is free rnfom ... 11on (71 41960 J48J S..m<Mr Concen Seriu 2003 prucnu ~Tom Kobr\ B.lnd will pt rform al 5 p,,., .ill 11 lalMn Av~ 8r1"9 ..our blan~.,\ c.,..r < anO pocn>e basli.tts 10 1h<> gtn1tv '~d 1.1 .. ns ~t"nd c •"tral l1brar, to'""'" lhf \Im~~ plU\ult\ Of ~n ?Id foh~ S..n<lav "'th<' Pi'" l1\IMl11Q 10 a concrn at Hu!lllfV.lton (#nlral Po1ri.. 8.lncl\Ul'<I '-<> "lt't'l.ill_,,,\ art tfQU<tf'<l 10 •llt>nd 11.irbf<~ ,.nd ~fl dlrnk\., I bf' lolJ ~ f.tt frOl"'t 1hir conc.pn S~ df P4rl l!fnc '1 ('~Ir I 77 l? GoldP,,,.t'I' 5• AOm1\\10<> and p,irl< 119 cou no<I\ nq "'"'~''°" 7141174 1658 ,..,.,. '""'"" "" org AUG. 14 TO 17 l'ro bucfl \!OlleytMIJ ht' Aw1 ~~N Profe1s10no1I\ "" hem ll'il' V'(ond 'Ort th« &.Kh Pro &ac~ ~le~ll Toun\olm.n1 "'"''~ .. rllbt' b<IM<k~\l on .. II( (~ Oo""n I!) lllf' bt'«h 10 M '"°" •> ""' t~mtru roll or "' at ~ <U1d ,..,.,Ch rt on lt~V•llOn ~Jst •~ms 1n<llJdlo 1~ WOm<!n\ fin~ from I 30 10 l Pm \aruri:l.h A<lQ r 6 Jnd r~ ~tn\ Ft'l.11 Imm I JO 10 3 p m S..nd,.v ~ I ' rhttt <lav1 of .inion 1n<lud• 'l'oo•h r ''"" , ~nd mu\•C tnform.mon l 0 •26 8000 . ..,_ovpcom AUG. 11TO17 l'adfk Offshore "- Conlr\W'tlS "''N It'! 1&~ a1 11 & m "' ~ffl UnO•OQ MM°lnol on PM1lc (CM\' HIQh..,,v ~ Pi'1t•"Q fol '" front vi Pf'ltr\ Lan0•"9 .. .n bt' full of ~nd<J< .&nd lllf' °"' 1'111 '°' M)tnf .... '°""' !><Mt\ JY( • CWHfl wt.,Ch ••<'I 0v icxdloO<I .... olW'O>ltT\ollfl) \ID 1 m1\or\ lf)OQ SY(,.,,. run n Ct)f'llln..,..,v. loops ••t:'..nd thl-<\ P')onh m..r~Pd lh b<ill'y~ •nd mu\I ~··"·!urn, ~, .. ,~" 10 •no 300 •~"" o' "• bUO'f""\ Thto t<nqt~ of ,two r.&<r '"',,,..,\ ll\ (l.\\\ "4<•th \lJPt'' ( ait .&'td Sutlir'' ..... t' tu'1~ nq 1pp "'""''"~• 100 milt"\ i't1 t.M h VT'\..&llpr ClJ\\ ~I\ run,, f"I{~ \llQ"' ~ ft·<Nf'f lo1p-\ ,lf\\l ty111f"'\ ~f•I\ 1rt· J'l\o.&rdFc.1 tu f'.l h t>t'l.lf ,,,, t-J t, '• t- <.J'Tiplf"t,.O •« 1tdlf"'4'J 11') rN-r 1tr f fin1\h PrJmf\ itr"° rdhul.Jtf'd If rh .. !.Poi\C;n ,.,lC ru ,,Jmf' rht °"""'ti Ndfu~I H19h P1')otif\ (. h•mp.o '" ... 10 'la\\ lnforrntition '°"'""~ fkJ<lf1roffshMt ,,.,,,, AUG.23 The 40th annual Huck rlnn F'hhlng Derby -Childlf" I\ •nJ wunger df P m .... r~ ro Qfl •AJf 1n., ' N'\CHuc:kfmn•ndSlot"\ ft\.j~(h•t c lt"Jttvo\ .a"1 Q'.0 tht'•r t•\h•n<.I P''"°\ ¥1rtn pr'lt\ in C0\11,.1n., 4nd t1\hnQ ccwnc.,.11tton\ from~ t1 rtl 10 nQJ.)n P~Q ,,,.,'°" 11 frr~ ~'"' l>t'q n\ •• 8 am ••!ht' tno of 11'1f i;..,r P•muoon< mu\t bf•""J INt 'o~n PO'f" •nd fM~lt .> '""'" """'°"' ot b~ 1 , f•o1.-ld<od ,_ AUG. 24 Surfi n' S..ncl&ys !'resent~ ' hr \•-'Q~TO\ ,., 0trt 'fm fr ,n-to p,.. 41 ttlf H1.1"l•"Qton fW • ., t "'"'"""'·on..i !liiur11nt;; ....,"~""" 411 QI ... \r •Io~ tornrt of ~11\ ~"" ~ .. \frr.,.f) Thf' (l)n(t'l I\ ftff nlo<moll 00f1 • 4 'It.() 14113 AUG. 30 TO 31 Huntington luclt O vfl Wllr ll......nment 1•~•"9 pUl.f • t"ntr~ Pair\ t"°\t nt4t T4Jt11:rt A~f'nUt oin<I C.oklfon,.t\I \lr,,t "'" "'"d d \lliAv 01111~ "' ll'il' I &00\ on<1ua._ r O\lurnflld JCtOO trK •mpmt'nh '"' bdctff'I Df't a..-., v.1th c .mnon ht" tflCJ d1~c1la'r\ mu\1( tllr\d booCt"\ \t'll ""-' boOk 1 .ind ckxhtng il>d cxMr rt•m1 of tntr-,.it NEWPORT-MESA JUNE 13 Newport Dunes lluon's '"MoviH ..., '"" St"' h "'""1 off•rs -~. C«' 11j!H1Jl"lq JI c.lu\lr. f")r ftw 'fl4P')l" \~nd I'.-• "9 (0\1\ \<SP"' •• ump"••\ Al ill\O ~ hr.l l.Ab1ot •or \ ITWJO\ •11r , .. \ "" 'tJ 11 &..c• 64, Qt-,, .. t rr 41 r .fAt, 1 ]·~ ()\.. •,:- JUNE 14 Crysl.&l Cove SUll! Pari. will oft~" t>.. .. '°',,1,... ~ rllf 4t Id,... .t ... t " •· •· ~Jh· Jt d m .. rw: J n ..... mcnni gn1 .,,..J.~ ..t' l .: ,. ,., t> 't"Q1J1tft\f~~r,d'•t)t":\ , .. ,,,,.d, 4-4'~4J"'~I~, Hewpon Dunes R.&son's "Movies ,,.. t~ ~J t"i \f"' .. \ r,ffl'r-Annti\\ f.Jftir1qc1tdu\ki1:n1ht ~ ..... wt)<.lti .. Jnd ~ ... , ... ,"" lv)t\ 111 r~1 ..df L.af'l"Jpf1tf"• -N•lf Jl·.o bt" _. ,;.11ldblr fo, \ rnor'\ h .. , .. \Ofl •\ .t• I l 1 &.dr-IW) °'' t. , f '""'' r 444 1. •; r. '-I JUNE 15 Tri&ngle Square wiU host•,.,.....,,' _.,l.~l tt:dl\;f•f'lQ 1.t' t'f'Tf-'1.1 nr-.,..., ~ '-..... j booft ~ l,.; J\' l""Q .j" Jt'd\ n•1Jdll(,rj' \H,,1·,.t ,,r1 t•· ... 'tot' m•r.-r1 "'II~ QOf*'l fr'j~ • rT •I .. 0""' Mf'ltm.Jl-C,, •.!tf ....... t JUNE 17 "fw.e Sftu1 for• Healing Hoftw" ts t,,.._ ,I-fr r..1• f'llr .O fr .,,r-S pm "',,,,. '~'"-e-! ... l ·t- \c .. , .. \A~y lo f'f'W• ~ .. ,,.rlf"d'" Q •( ... - JUNE 18 l'lul lng&ndi, Orang. C-nty .. .,, \f • a. """'\ ~hdf \ 1n 'l'\fl t t! ,. \' fhf'• .,.,,.,,. t" -'1\f.i V• .i ,., \tor, ~t 7 p ,.,. d' '~ O\I• "4rw t~ \t w t ... X 1tf • ~., An..lt"wi-tm At .. \f• ... .,\j nfQtf"f"\..J1.0rJ I ;#4'i 1 B mh1ShY¥' V"tfl 1 ,. See CALENOAR. Page 28 Beautiful Handcrafted Bamboo • 2'1 llledl '*" • llllN IFW¢r 1111i..,cMy ... • ...... Hnla1lll!d 8s7Cloo .--.rn )..,...,. EVERY STYLE IMAGINABLE UNDER ONE ROOF! .......... MD... a.ic •CtlllrJ-OllllorM ......... a.a.. .. I .................. ..,.....,.,__ ttOllillltf911 27 ' ~ Vl ~ l ; ::: ::- ~ .. E ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ": ' ., ~ ~ 1 1111 i ~ s -· • 21 CALENDAR Tiap" SWUng at ®'It on tht Newpon llldepef .,11 ruden. 5PKilll buUtlg, food and music wll bt on 644-3151. 800 Mwguet11t, c-.. Mir. Mind. Pltklng com SI s-r ex PfOll'"Ml'IS and prju chwings wtl IMld hand • no cost 1U attendlu. The lnfumwllun: (9491644-3244. Qimpllra ... also be MllWlle '°' IU die flln. ~ ~ Ntwpoft lt«il Supun~wtluM~ .. ., c:JllMr-._ ......... _ ,.,, Continued from 27 ,·mcns.Themonls• 1131 ladt!Wf l'ublc lJlrr; 1U llgn up 011 all (949) • u. -and wtl lndl.dt 1 111111 -regisWlur-~ ....... ~ ........... 8 OrM. ~ 1949> n9-0UH£. 717-3116. dinrWf llld ~ shuw. lnlunnMlun: buMJng c1as-ulflnd Owuugh ~ )'1191. dilnce..., flln. Tht N Cowd wtl lftKnt ll IUUnd cable (9491673-7863. Ntwpon leO ll«tellJon Se!YQs. d<ul Is htld l'rum 4:3010 S:4S p.m. ~ discussion at ~ Cols1 UnltaNn .,,,_A.._' a' ...... n. c.a .._. 5elllor'8 c...r 0as-MQjrlJAlly 12. Fees Vll'I· Vhil ~ • 21SO MeY ~ DrM ~ Churc.tl on hulTWI woRshup fur""" and Wllmti\ will hold ll flel f'l\ilttel l'rum I &Jn. IO 1 .....,.a-. ................. dlt Newpon luch RecrNllon and List. SulUI 111. Cosca MHll. tYlom futurlng ail\ lnlruduc1lun by dlwJra!d Oii gl(llng dM>rttd, wtl bt p m. • lhe Cll1llltf\ Pl'1dtig lul. 695 \'£ on U. lluch" Mrift ol9tn "1le.ll.ay and Senior 'Miiion. 3JOO Newpun lfo.d. '""'"'-(714) 1s. n99 ~ Rusty ~dlla Onlngt Courcy htld flum I 0 Uf\. ID 12:30 p.m. lll 19111 St 5pKes COS( SI 0 fur INmbfn, !he lellsl' Alfting • Mk on tht lnfunNOun. (9491644-l IS 1. ...._ ~ Coundl. -.ti lhe 180 Newpun c-onw. S20 fur nonmembtn. ~ ~ Newpon Mllld. Pat1llng costs SS i-t Tiie ~ ........ N.-lcail • C(IUn(y ol Orange lludgtt Cuu. 'Mien! lnfumwlliun: 64+64 ls. requlrtd. lnfurmadun: (949 64S-23S6 eat. ~ wtl aho bt avallllble fur MIMI.Im~ tlit Wlibll .Jue OunClln Vi 1s tht HurN11 11&11ons Council Howr ,·rncns. The man Is. 11 l I kt& e.v "y-. on:Nil Is -.... fw lb""'" Qiwcn ltld!Kuwftng UllfumU) <O 11 llSll.s. The pruonm ps ftom 12:30 ..,.........,_,..,....t.... ,.... .. .....,.8-tiai..Mr Orlw. lnfunnllllun: (949) 7~ c;,_, SvM:tlM irum.doNI ... show Mlwlne M t.Qsi.r,. lhrouQll Stpt, 10 0 u 10 1:30 p.m and com S7.SO s-t ....... Oub wtl '-' \ltsllOlls ~on d c-In wetcunq Ryllll you hOw IO~ 'tU<" pUtw cblng Tht-lsM 151 £.hdllcC.0.S. cu penon. lndudlng lund\. Oii s 10 the cumtf d ~ jcMqlJin and Crown HoAg. MR chft pick numbtr 262. JUlY4 dleir"" Uldlkt-put1ing -• 2 Hlghwrt. Ntwpun INch. Fitt i= Wlchuul ll ~.The~ Is OrM in UiruN de.I MM. fl!.ituring IYft Though he WllS tht l.lst pick In Ille n.~.....-.YMMCMt p.m. wtfY Salurclolv. A piM'll Yle Is admission. lnlutmldon: (949) CIO lll II :4 5 Lm .. and tht luncheun M IHSOll)S and INdts from 10 a.m. to I Nfl.. he'll bt ~as No-I lll Ille wtl hutil the 48!h Fouttll ol JAJ/ly.,.. held from 9 &Jn. 10 4 p.m lll the 67H86l. c noun. Rtwrv.allons: (9491660-8665, 0 p.m. lftfunnMlon: (949) ~9 w~ Mf; 1rrt11vant Antvill Pliny. Panldt, "-'ring io.dt d ~ 20362 litdl St. facllily lnfunNllon· < ext 3,bySpm.,JuM 17. Tht Ca1•110daa Q.tb cl the .-wpun yactcs piltailng alono the _...., d (949) 756-1211 ~ ..... ........, .... I AC Jll'deaMDnwilla lluct1 Ownbt.r "'Commm:t wll ._. Newpon IW( Alfting • I p.m. Tht.ft NJlc lbr; OMd locik SIDrt -n..........,Hlwbw ........ ~ wil bt lwld ftom 1 to S p.m. the plr'ty ~ • klcko« to the 281:11 -30 boM ~ eligl* fur T __ .......... ..,, .. asll.lnQ fur swirons 10 doNle ~ to Museum. WOf1tlng In conjunCllol\ with ill~ CommunityCollegt, 1631 --lrrtiMlnl W!tll ill the Htwpon -Mds. lnlurmalon: (949) 673-1546 dry d Costa MeSA A«rUllon CM!~ rtpltf1W1 lhl dwlndling slOdL looll.s (/) lhe Newport lb'My, wll1 ~. Sunflower tlllld .• 11 S, SooJth Coas1 Dunet waetfrunc.11.fton. I I l I 8ICk from 2 to 6 p.m. MondllV ltwough may bt ~."""cl lhe llv'M btand1 series d story llmt ~on the \llllllOf l'lllD.. The woRshup IW( OrM, • 5;30 p.m. Tht cost IS JULY& FricUir lur Indoor Ind OIAduor sporu lbartH -..._, Moltlntn, Oii CoruN Texas DKlt •the museum fur cNldn!n emptmlzts composition and CCM't'S S 10. wl1id1 cown live"'-· .._._.a-. ................. and .aMtin Tht uncr ~ • 1860 Of.I MM -Oii In !tit boolt cluMC nut IU c btlwetn land 6 ~old from I 0:30 ... the bub"' dRwtng. ~ • ~ llilf and culrlllfy-. on the INCh• seriH offtn "ltot>on ~IM lnfunNllon:(7141 the FNnds eoc. ~ M I 000 cu to I I :30 un. Thtn! wil lho be a Is S4 S, dut by )lrtt IS. lnlormalon: lnfofmllllon: (949) 729-4412. l27·7560 ~"""'·Newport._,,_,.. -g cn1U prufto fur~ and l)lnfl(S. Huud" sUWtlng &t dusk on the <949>640-1 n1. ~ llltld. Paltllno cosu SS ~r ~iWld~duNIJons. ~ Admission IS ffff and SPi« IS limited. JUNE25 QI. campfires will Mso be walbblt n..._._. .......... a. wtlh lht txqpUun cl INg&Z'.lnft Md ~ lnfurmllllon and~ (949) ........,u.-...n"MewW A ........................ for s'rncns. The rt10ft IS at I I l I -•IN COllT8 dSupttlor and ... boob. ... bt anpqd and - " . 6n.7863. on the ludl. ltf1ts ~ "Heft:ula" ~Uurlng~Mld &lick IW( Drtvt. lnlunnMJun: (949) ~ AOild In "-Pon '-ti. WC dl!duatit (949) 75'H66 7 • suwtlng • dtM un the Newpon IMld. ~. Newpon leKh loallum n9-0UHC. 9: IS a..m. ...S 7 p.no. ~. ~ TlleOuks.iorC-....... Plll1dng Cmt5 SS s-r aw.~ wll MQlr1 todaV llld cUl'lllnut fur Shi ~(949)6~1132. ~a..-iso_,,_ a IWllighl dlnntf and show wtlh ll wil aho bt _,,......fur s'morn. The Wfflts f!um IOa..m. to 12:30 p.m. The OlHEIMNIS 610 I 0 p.m Thundllvs ill~ a: ~from "5w1shlrlt Bovs." resort Is ill II l I ll.1lck IW( OrM. fnl seulon wtll ,,_ • ~ l'iwt. ~-. .... 0nm9ac_,, loob. MuJlt 6 UM • s-t1 Coul ~ Uuring the«•~ tome/Jot lnfunNlion: (949) 729-0IM:. adjKlfll IO Mllltnen Linty, 2005 ......,..,_.....,...,....... ~Ms Uf1ltf tac guests ID ~))])._St. In COIQ ~ u <O ~and Sam 'lt>undlaM. lldlcls on lht laac:h" wll run -v ~and ""drtsslnO -ptrfurmtf\ -~ .n wttc.omt (949) 0 In! ~fur S7 ill lht Qf1I«. 800 Ouwf Ortw. Newpon ludl. Sllllldly ctwuughaul the -..... 23 lndMdull lnWualon by ll1lst Mimi loungt. bKkstagt and on JU9t • 206-'J822 ~ ~ lnCorunl ~Mir. indudlng • IWU-hour blltJec:ut btfur9 ~ lnfurmaiu<l. (949) 644-32«. a.Mowts_...__~ .. St"""1 wtl bt ~ 10 btglnnlnQ 10 tht ITQlles """ 111 cluslt. <Mtsts ;n 10:30 a.Ill wtfY~ lf1d ~fur. vlillety of wmmt• advM1Cld studtm. lnfunnlllon• (949) lnYlttd to btlng "*' fMW1le cuu d ~-600Town~ Ortw. ~1uiya-. ..... ... lqUllllc QIT1C)S olhrtd by Ntwpon 644-l IS I. CmQ MHll. Cnlup ~ Cllll be lwld I~ llllUfaht ~ ;n o&r.d 41 cu JUNE 11 llQd\ Reoudon SeMn. The CMnlK mua lfld the mon _. PIUYldt tht by tClldill ~ lnbrnaJOn. I 0 a..m. ~ f!um lht Nrwpuft ~ n..._._.e-tia....fllf run dwuugh ~ wtlll numMJUS JUNE 27 -lur s 7. 9S s-r ptnon. The ftlms Ql 41SS~OI 113 ~ Wll«flunl lttion. Tht ltiOf1 IS Commeltlf wll llMCU'l(Z Sc.ott IT10l'11ing and lll\tmuon oPtiunS .._._.u... .....,.."Mew'-wtl bt lihlMn on a ~so--. in die lll 11 l I lack IW( DIM. Newport ~ hulSM n !he 2001 Ollun ol lht Yur ~. from~andlennli Ynd on ..-y Frldrf and~ n..._._.._..~a •• 8-:h. Sl'O, 011 S 10 fur~ u llwW fur lht city d Newport lltxh. on the lt<ldl. Writs ollers ~ ewntng In )lrtt lf1d JAJ/ly oapt JAJ/ly 4 Club holdl ll Ofl*'&l rnfftJng on lhe Wldlft Olmplion and Newport IW( Cllmp· 10 "Surf Ciimp •• lntormMlun and Blonde· 5Wtlng at du5Jt on lhe l'iw1llng eo&IS SI s-t QI lrlfurnallon' ~will bt honortd al tht ~(949)644·31SI .• Newport t.lnd. PMiung CXl5ts SI ~r (949) 729-0UN(. ttllnl ~d INtfY munch. Tht NMurllisu and rflmdi ~ cNmbtr\ annoQI chllirmlln\ ~ ~-bmdtGO llS at.~ wtl aho bt llYllM* fur orp1lzilllun k'Cll)tfl IO .a-(9491 729-1 I SO and ddzer'I d the~ inMf'Utiun. t'mons. The mon Is ill I I 31 ll.1lck IW( A...,...,, ftf l"tww.. ..... .m-~ In Newpor1 loch who Niii This~ -'*' ~· s p.m. ....,...,, ................ OrM. lnfunnatlun: (949) 72!HXJNE lf1d 1J1Ut4> swim lalUl'1l wtl bt li"fd In lhe -"-' INn fM ~ al tht lillbol IW,I Club and ltesott, sign up fur Newport lluch P\dc lnfurmMJon. (949) 645 9922. n.s-~·e111pomM11r 111 I 2 2 I W. Cols! Hlghlnv. The cost IS ollimd dlls M.mmtf • the Maran _,~.otll of OriV9 Courcy°""" • IJIU9ram fur Linty rud1ng provrarns dtslgntd co JUNE28 ~ Aqullk c-tt. Corunl ~ S)O s-r penon and indudts hon fllCOUfilQt.., lnl~ In~ OW< ~ and \IUUf'!I Mtn ages 14 10 11 d'otWtH and. nc>huR bllr. lhe lazy drfS"' wmrntf. Fur ~ Ouak .... ,_ ,,_ .. tlilcil M.r High Sd1oat. CllXJOnS lndl.dt o.as..-c-._..... ~lnYlnQ. ~. ~ 1949> n9-4400. Owuugh ~. '11\ •Junlllt Oul cl Newport HAibur Muw\.m whit ~lnSU\alonon~ ~ brukfllst from 7 30 IO I 0 pilucJno. nMglC.lun _. ~ Then! .... lndudt ll rud-to-mt dub Ntl1lS tab pl.a In and .aruund lht and .. MondllV Owuugh Thursday Lm. the 5«'0ll1d ~"' ~ MttUngs ¥1 flum 6 ID 9 p m. JUNE20 ror t lllknn noc ~ INdlng on 111e1t muwumfrom 101..m 10 IOp.m.lll program fur .. IQH and slUI !Nd" month. llrUkf.st lndudts ~. ~.vthtSu~sSN ........ 1>11.-a.«ft "McMM own and ll ruders club fur Ille HenQge ~and Se"l)Of'I ~~ In ptrJOf1 at Newport loch ~. culfM and Orlln9I Juk'.t fur IHt, I 9} I W Com Hlgl'rwav, on !he It.ch. series olJtn "hrtM fHtlvill. ClnSiC wooctiH. surfing ~and Senior SMl!cts •• $), $I lot chldm\. The -IS• Newpon lluch (9491642~)0 I 011 uhbts. boil bulldlng, model llOO Ntwpon -.Id lnlurmilliun: (949) , /'-. (949)SS1-'S91 Ouls Senior c.ntmr has an ~~·d•oll Adwn111ous ~ Vouc>. which n.c.e..-.S9w~ t~• 10 POfflts of lnltfttl kJallv .ind JUNE 21 ~Ind~ Danct Ola> Mft:s Mound t!Mo ( oo.rity Tlw orouP mttt\ .ti ....... ...,.. C--.pcwary""" '~ dltlO!n .,~ lls ~ 9•m f~•tlhtctn<H.vld~ optnln9 -~ • llOIS.·.,, ll'om 9 lo 11 a..m. ~.ti !he ... ~ly pa.ct Tlw (~ " "' uhlbooon ~.llUl1nQ .tn ontlfNlt UtllOf'I (.osQ Mis.~ Canta. I 91t! SU-180()~, ... ~ ~~~ ol thrtt '*' Mid .tts!ht1te .... '°" Mid ron-,...,__ COliU ~ 19491 644 }144 ~~s Monf~s. P..,.,, (714) S4S 5669 Schotfl Mid Olnstwn l.D()t I 0.. n. Jew .... '-*""' c-g.illHy " ~n from 7 10 I 0 p m n.e ......... 9-* ...... CMI Se.-~~ DP-o/ t"' MMoon Mryef C0111rmc>o'NV M ts .U -• 9 &.m. Ind 7 p.m Monci.v IWlh ~ Ulvl c tn!Of °""' I S4 N Co.ut High¥. av lnki<,.,,,..ICWI tlwouQh SMurdoty. Ind • 7 p m. OOPOrtunit~s for 9'V"' ~ A t9491497 H41 5'nloly. ~ lholAd ,,_ • !ht politr QfOU1> ,,_, I I • m to l 30 inU'n«lton al~ __,Mid p m Moncl.ty\ •nd • mall PW ll'OUI> JULY 1. I , 15, 22 AND 2t; ~~ ffft (')4916501))2 nwfl> trom 11 • m 10 I 10 p m AUGUST 5, 12, 19 AND 28 Mondilys Mid ~V\ Slr>go. IMll Oaulcal s.w.t..s1 Feadval, n.e ......... i.-u.--•• M>d rtw\\ plil'f"f') "" .11\0 ~ lor d.n~ muste ~rlormanct• on ttwtt nonptOll1 Of91111UllOl't. ~n • frtt ~ d.tv\ 10 ti. lorn\ed >oon (7141 SUQl'S With -~ .. f) ""'M bt> htid -al 100 f'Mwpoft Centtt OrM, 1SS 0140. t\t 161J from S to I 0 p m •1 111t ').owdu\1 An ~leach n.-i.m. whtch fuuvil Tlc.kJot• .trt lb 50 for .Suits. h.HOMdtM~~ TloeU,..,~lay SS SO for --. •nd l l for cMdttn 6 colectlonl d ICIO'U ~11.t. IS ~lt.rral!.is •nd fntnds ,,_. thot toll A\U)Of>p.tHIS l12 fht ~ florn 9 &.l'l'I to 6 p m Wftlid.tvs second Saturd.Jv of~ month " t!M-~SI An ff\UV..t" '1 935 l..IQUN olnd IO a.m. IO l p m on Saturday eomt< ol Lulbluff •nd B«.lr. Lty C.OVOO RO.tel lnform.UOn 494 3030 19491n1.gns or dnws wattung "'"" It~~ 15 -~fPO'tJ "'"JC""' Of'9 mH1UlH from 9 to 10 I 5 • m frtt JULY 3; AUG. 7 1714) 971 6820 -.r.....,,s.w.~ Ant~Anw.Mt, ,_, to 9 p m , Pftief11• 16 ~~s ComrnuNallon ~ 11\e oClP()ftunlly n.e ,...._,Hatt.cw Ur-ror IYIT! ado optfillOn to P""ICIPlltP llowltnQ Club nwfl• ill I p m c"VW'dc 111 • fftt festM cultUl'lll tn C.o1U lolti.I\ 11.tdio Amilttut CMf ~Mid t 0 • m .,..urd.lys .. ~ ftOllutlnQ .. .,, Qt-• Mid EnWf9tnCY 5ftYIU Of9M'lulton tlw c.or"" of Crown Onw Mid SM1 stvtn -d"'°""lty " consunt f ~ WMldv..U Ml htld II 7.20 pm on )olQuln Ro.o (9491640-6049 shunlf ~' lnforrn1t1CW1 147 060 MHz. ~ mttllnQS Me ..-(lrJttltwu;foyJo~ com ~ • 6•30 pm lltR fourUI TheNewpof1 ....... ~0.. ~al ACll lllOlllll 11 !ht COlU mttlS lit 6 4 S p.m the W<ond 11¥1 JUt.Y 3, 10, 17, 24 ANO 31; Motwl'Olilc:t~(7l41 fourth~'" Room 6 ol !ht AUG. 7, 14, 21 ANO 21 754-104S o.u.. ~ c:er.tt. comer o1 sen T1-~An,_W.,at 9lS Stlttl olnd ~·"-·Corona ~Unvon "-' .... ~ n.c--.~s.dMy de! MM SI NI q\ -lcorne 1'ock.ln'~ ·1n~ halch I .. aplf1 houw "'°"' 11 Lm 4941030 tOlP"'-~• 1170ANlwlt!I TloedcyelC-:la .... ~ /JM.. <MD MIM. llw -lulurtt OMilOn\ EMly<Mdhood Program JUlY4 11610 .... "'°"'"" ary ol Cosu ~ rKIUCJONI ~· ror A "'-ti.a 4k,-Y ...... __.el MltW Md .. Situ,.,.. Nm( Air a.w ~qs l10Sffom9a_m to I Ml ~drta O.Vctltbr.uon M 9 l!M916JM911 p m 'olonlMv 11wougt1 r ndolv .-tht p.m al Hti~ Plw1l Wunc CommunoiyCtrnr. t97S Or-..~ ..... ,..... laiNnc 0.-Cd lot <OSU (714) JULY I TO AUG. 2t .._. 6 p.m. It. Hltond Mond;Jy ol 7!>4 \IS8 ..........,. ..... Alts afhn ,., .... -v monch al a. Cosu t.Ww ........... a Wit'( 10 '11Pf lour of~ ~Ctnw. 114S hr\ Nolf .• Mt WflYn ~one lldtt1 nw eowMn&.r-(714)147-4110 LAGUNA BEACH p.uspon ~ )IOI.I OM 1dmlnlon to M MM 194~94-4S 14), Fwlval d n.11 .......... a..._.a.. JUNE 21 Arts Ant An WlibitlOn "'l'eU • 6:4S p.m 1ht wcond .md ('}4~916S82). ~An Museum fountl ~ d!N monch..,"" WW1MY <Ollltlry, JSO Nof1h Coul (949-494-8971 ). S.wdust M ffftlvlll Qub ~ C.-. lblrn 6, 800 Hlghwll'(. 1949) 497.491/, 6 pm to 9 1949-494 30)0) l'lcket pnu Adult.l ~ • .-.. .. Corona~~ S2 p m f !ff Sumtntt ShJW ~Uflnt;I S 14 Conulct 800-177 111 Sor ontlnl! 1949) 646 S29J """ ..00..s by P!9'}t K~ Rot>Ms Mid .., -Ol'TJ«i c~pou O RANGE CouNTY REGISTER'S #1 'Boutique comes to 'Jt.f!,wport 'lleacfi W11t1llfr P1111 -llewpert 1111• ' JULYS TO 12 M s sj)Kl.)I ~ lnttt~ wllh vcoclc mus1C WIN bt> plllytnQ a Ifft C-u.e-a An...,_ .....i It. .......,,.., whole MltS( ClvlS Hoy """'ln\ ll'om S to 7 p "'-for tlw ~ .., ltW! UQuN ~NI~"' Ann Mt tlwor ht>•U!'f on~> lnfomwllon PM\~~ WI ll!Mbird PMlc MIWlQ ~ ilMl.IOI ,...,, AK (9491494 II 4S C~u SI~""" ~bold~ Onw ln~uon 19491497-0716 Comptt«IOfl .ti !ht muwum, 307 Otlf JULY I TO AUG. 31 Onw ~~.aowslht AUG. 10 public 10 mttl Mid -ch so tWlonilltv l.ae-~ ........ .,.._ rtcoqnlud Mtl\ts ..s !hry pU'll. fl' "'IWwy." Owll1ts Ntlson R.to!lly Wiii .,... wlch -s-........ "' l)ieH1 •• throughout~ 8-.h direct a SIM st~ C.Ul 1t1 INS Wlf mu\IC "''" bt> ~ .. frtt !lit Wffklong ~ I\ Gill>IWd bv • uwnedv ~ a IT\Ml, hi> """"'* concen Imm \ to 7 p m for ti.. Mu1AC cholcnn\ ...,.. °"' on Ju1Y I I olnd tht ffWnd .ind his l""1lly ""hO OW* ~ '" tlw PM\. \U<M>tf ~· "' 81~ c..&.l Col!Kton tdruon on MY 11 •hould bt> pu1 •wav 11cltl!ts cos1 ffom Pili< Ctn• S1tttt .tnd ~ CM>yOn U9 to l6l ~ P\;iyhou\e " .ic 606 tnfOf1NIJOn 19491176 361S Onw lnfor~tion 19491497-071 {> ~ ~ AOiid lnfomwtoon JULY7 (9491497 1787 AUG. 18 "HI q II-lal't.a." Is put - bv 1ht Owmf ol Commerce lit !he JULY 20 TO OCT. 5 TN fetlyAI ol Ans ls ~ u TIMIM-doe uhlblta .......... at Ile Onr O•• i,..,,..lil lrom noon to 4 ~Is fuqo p•rktng lot on Ocon Avenue trom S 10 8 p m w11n A llw l..IQun.tM Muwum ~ p m wtth • hVf •u<toon of OM~-ltond show •t tht P•9un1 of tht M•sttr\ from Yt,iuN Buen Ou< 1own tn dw dKlQfWd lit'\ ftwft\ lood M1d ts 9"''" •• 8 JO pm. l icktts •rt SSO C..rly l\IOOi .. ~H~ Smrth SS~ Ml~nt I und• go to loal for 1he •II vou un Ht b•~cut •nd ol PalntJn9 ." llM' Rrst Comc>tehtnslW anisu In flffd ~ f tswal of Ms •s •I 1ht Par.14'•n1 show, SI S for th' s~ of thts 1ntt•Nh0<1'111v 650 UQUN C.lnyon RO.tel 1>"1r~cut only lnforma1t0n (9491 «.cl;iimtd Lty lvt• 1111st. "SorM Funv lnlorm.111on 19491494 1145. 494 1018, ut. I LoQoc T1w )o;M'I s.mon Menke• Qfl." Ml uhtbmon ol • •Ktnt Qlft of som. SO AUG. 17 JULY 9, 18, 23 AHO 30; worlo from l~ coll«lton of )o;M'I Stmon t.ltnku. locustno on attku ~~will be p&eyfftg fodi AUG. 8, 13 AHO 20 who mo\llV u-10 ~f\tflC.t In "" 'n' roll Mid soul .. • lrtt concen from S llMdt Ans~ Dlys ,,_ to 7 p m for t~ Miiite "' tht PMlt t 980s 1..i1QUN M Mu"'um, 307 Ollf 10:30to II lOam .vld I to2p.m ,1s °""'·"°""'from I I .am to S p.m wrnmer ~nu•• Blutbonl Pill\, Cnss • ttstlval o/ Ans~-""-In dilly AdmmlCltl U>SI' l s lnfor'rNOOn. Stlttl M1d Bludlitd Unyon °""' P""nerVlil> wtth ~ Outruth (9491494 8971 lr1bmmon 19491497-0716 Communrty NU Mid Ho~ ThNlrt. lhe rn:tMll of Ms Pf"\'111s • JULY 20 AND 27 AUG.23 childrtn\ .., worluhop, includonQ """'° ,,_ Muk ... it.e l'wtl conctrt\ MAM NU Dloy wllt be held ffom kinds on an~ Mid wlll bf gl\lfll from 5 10 7 p m 11 noon to 4 p m .., the r ~Wval ol M s dtmorKtn~ lnfonNtlon (949! lllutbird P.tt\t. Cnss Stlttl .tnd ~' tht Mt,~. ceremony 4'M 1145 lk.tJonl Unvon °""' Tornl»eo.. .md lvstorv ol mMYV ~ ~ JULY 10, 17, 24 AHO 31; Shadow •• ~' a..-j(ft Cllll'"' W!lh hM>c!Hln W0tti$hops. ~co-IMnd ..... pl,ty )i'( 20 dtmonstmJOn'I -m<n ""' ftuMI AUG. 7,14,21 AN021 Sltw ~Mid R..o Sun .... al NU IS •1 6SO Yt,juN Unvon ltoKt A.._ 1Uda9 AM Juz _.. pqy bluti on )IV 21 lnfonN!IOl't Womwuon «9'91 494 114 S "'°"' 4 30 to 7 30 p.m. IS • FtstJv.11 ol (9491497-0716 AIU wed.al_,. ElljOy ~WW AUG.24 Mid Mt-~ VCPM on-Nnd 10 AUG.2 Tiie..., Ehfses wlll be.....,....• dlicu\s tht wines .tnd fOOd pwlng .......... ~Dloy-behtld fTee concen of Stb•n•n rock from S lnfomatJon (')491494 I I 4 S fl'Om noon to 4 p m • rt.. FHIWll ol to 7 p m for the Mus IC tn thf PUie ArU biltntru Uw tr.tdltloM Mid 1ummu s•ri•s •I llLH"btrd P•r'll. JUlY 1S, 20 AHO 27; AUG. culU.ft ol our SOth suae wld1oul Cr.st Strut and 81utbtrd Canyon S.10, 17 AND 24 '-""O Y9UN lluc:h. WU. ~ Oflvt lnlorm~tton (9491 Tiiie 5-dlly O..Nc:al Nusk--dar>cen. Ito 1Nk1!19 ltld inort lltMu 497 0716 horn 2 to 4 p m ts • Feswal ol Mi Cost lS, Sl for stnoon ~ 12 ~ ~. lnpydu~ mwc M1d vounQK .ind YguN lluc:ll AUG.31 °"" brunch 1nronn.oon (9491 rtSldtncs 9l'f In for frtt !lit Fnuval of ~l ... P•rll Trou~wm 494 1145 Ms It •t 6SO ~ CAnyon "* be p4.t~ng a frtt concen from S to 7 lnform.ttlCltl 19491494 1145. p.m (Of tlw MUSIC 1n IM Pal1< JULY28 t<ilnfM< senu .ti 81Ul'btrd Pvtt. Cftu "Ma a ..... -it.e Wllcl Side"' AUG.3 SC:rfft and Blueb<rd C.nyon Onw. from noon 10 4 p m Is • f"IJVal of OolcowllJI it.e~~Uldft lnformauon 19491 497 0716 (}t:S'COIJ'el" , , , PEARSON'S PORT NEWPORT BEACH selectm11 a vareety of hvc local aab and lobster from JO live t.tnks, II ll<;h lits your plans then thts 1~ the place lo be Choose from an arrdy of the lreshe:!.I quality seafood available Famlly owned. run dnd h~hed daily for over l J years Pf:arson \ l'ort 1!> <.>pell 7 days a Wttk tor your c.onven~nce! BBQ SEASON HAS ARRJVEDI FRESH: a.....-netl SwoftlRs•, Ahl Tana, Yellow Tall, Sllark 8M -re •.. 29 - 'fl c => ~ rv 8 V> c 3 ::i ~ l> 0 ::i "' ..... =>' ~ n 0 a. ~ n 0 a. "' ~ 5 ~ Jl §: ..... 0 21 < Jl §: 5 a. ,,. ~ ,,. ::i a. ~ ?. ........ "' • ('t) ~ J 1n 8 ~ CIO ~ ~ ~ c .. c • -2 l ~ ~ ~ ,g ~ ~ ~ u ,.., FOURTH Some great spectator spots for viewing the parade are at SUlf CllY ta"NDINCE Conttnued from 13 the Balboa Fun Zone and from Every year, people travel west year," said Mayor Steve Balboa Island facing the from all comers of the county Bromberg, who led the fight to peninsula, espedally between to revel at Swf aty's annual bring firewor:b back thiS year. "I Marine and Agate avenues. parade, the oldest don't have the specifics yet. but West Newport will be the Independence Day Parade on it's going to be a really place to watch this year. The this side of the MJsslssippi. spectacular fireworks show." area is famous for its Colorful Ooats. marching 'The harbor will put OD its wdl-attended and sometimes bands, downs, dancers and own kind of show beginning at wild street parties. But flis year. local politicians are. as always, l p.m. with the ever-popular the city has stepped up its the 8tUfl' of the pan¥ie. which Fourth of July Boat Parade. An efforts to curb wildness. An will celebrate its lOOth institution in the harbor since ordinance that would limit · anniversary neu year. the mid-1950s, the parade liquor storage. sales and This year, Orange County usually has about 100 boats ..delivery on the holiday have service members returning piloted by private owners gotten a Jot of ink. from the War in Iraq will lead showing off their patriotic "This ls going to be a very the procession as It snakes from pride. Red. white and blue rule significant year In West 8th Street and Paci.fie Coast the day as participants compete Newport," Mayor Steve Highway, southbound to Main for prizes in several dozen Bromberg said. "We're going to Street. through Downtown, to categories, including be looking very closely to see finish at Ma.in Street and best-decorated kayak, bow everything comes off and Yorktown Avenue. best-decorated dinghy and a whether or not there's a change HoUywoodlegendMickey category (or children 12 and in circumstances regarding the Rooney has been chosen to yo~r. This year, inspired by conduct of the crowd. lf there's serve as Grand Mamhal for the the Ouistroas Boat Parade's a change in circumstances, we year, a •coveted title that has Circle of Ughts, the parade will can tufD on a dime. ~re very been awarded in the past to include a contest for the open to modifying what we such bigwigs as former best-decorated home on the want to do. If we don't need this President Franklin Delano parade route. ordinance. we'll look at that. lf it RooseYelt. actor Robert Wagner •rt's just great.· said Gay needs to be stronger, we'll look and actress Natalie v.ood. Wassall-teny, a penlnwla •chat. too." "He and his wife are very resident who helps promote the For more information about patriotic people," said Mary event and who, with her ..-at the Newport Dunes. Ellen CianciabeHa, the perade'S husband, 'Bill, ls U>ogtime wt.It IAIWUl.NewportDuna.com ooordlnatoL "He's a put participant "Usually about 75 or C.U (949) 729-386.3. Tu humanitarian, and people people register, which is free, ftlllater' to pa.ttidpate ln the respond to him and mipect but It gi\'el you the chance to boat parade. or for more him.· win priz.es, but then a whole illhmation. call the American Other major players in the bunch of other boaD jump In." lepMl at (949) 673-5070. ~de will be baseball Hall of !t.~ a ring ~:~ mpanwns .9tt :Home. ~ C.111JHl'IUnu At Home is committed co helping $Cniors remajn in their homes by providing chem with competent companion/caregivers. O ur companions assist wich: • Dr. ~ App-.intments • CompanitnUhlp, Comfon ff S.port • MeJialtion Mlminders. • Ho1JJit4l Dllel11~ All co~panions are bonded, insured and hia.Wr:~q~. We offer an ~ordablc solution and keep ih'lWUCliron ~ r~ basis with both client and companion. Famer Reggie Jacbon and Swf Qty's ftrst Fourth of July Huntington's Assemblyman Parade was held in 1904 and Tom Harman. Tuny lbvact. a drew more than 50,000 people, 78-year Hundogton Beach resident. wU1 be this year's quite a feat for a dty of3,500. ln hB Infant years, the event C-ommunJly Grand Marshall. featured sm-<f ptg contests, Money ailed through this hone races, vaudeville shows. yean eve,. will be given to the fortune tellers, wrestling Friends of the Junku Uleguards. matches and bathing beauty "'They're so good to us." said contests. Pat Sder, chair of the Fourth of The parade bas swelled over July commission. -ibey gJve us the yeam and bas seen other so much support." changes, but it remains a family The parade boasts an average affair. annual atteodance of about "The biggest change is how 250,000. It Is ::l:"t-ud by an fast It grew," l8id Ciania.bella. a executive bo of seven 28-year resident who has been members and coundess attending the parade for 35 volunteers. years without fall. "Everybody "There are over a hundred ~ there with their babies and volunteers.· Ciaodabella said. strollers. Over the years, it's "Because of all those people grown into a wonderful family that you need, all those unsung event." heroes, it tabs an awful lot of There's more to the day than people to make this happen." just the parade. Independence The two-hour parade will Day will actually~ have 250 to 300 entries this sunrise with run year, indudipg floats. out of up and strelchiQg fo the state marching ba.ods, drum annual Surf City SK run/walk. and bugle corps, vetttan From 6 to 10 a..m.. an annual groups. .local oqpmj7.adons, flag pancake breakfast, orpnit«t by girls and hones. the Kiwanis Oub. wW be held at "We're pnay much at ow Lake Park. Uke Park ii at Lib limit rigbt DOW,• Stier said. and ) 1th streets. The cost • $5. The commlbee decided to The parade wW run from 10 wt back &be lllDDba' of entries a.m. to noon. dlls year to c:andll• the "We draw a email crowd. parade'a I~ which Stier said about 250,000, • CiandabeOa WU getting al* lOO long. last jobd. year. there Miit more than 300 For more in&>rmadon. call entries. (714) 374-1535. I ...... c Cos1 year his c 0Hp1 Daily F cm Sn owe tumec -~ II !aught musin ('t') It w. ~ June l j startec cer at partm1 • SnO'I t; reer F. 8 city's c ~ said ht I j • ...... ' I ! • ~ i' 0 ~ ~ ~ u 1 pe. abo COi in 541 I <M Jel'I dif I bet off ..... ) 1 wh dra a tJ 1 the bq ... Po 79-y« Cost; early hep• Daily Pil OOS'l M-.c )'eU·ok allpk:k touchln 121:': IDd 7J1 the at Ottaba ;:c.