HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-17 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, JUNE 17 I 2003 New chief, Hensley, surveys department Before he is sworn in at council meeting, Costa Mesa's new top cop, just the fourth in the city's history, takes a walk aroun9 the station. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -I lis office ·had nei- ther fumiture nor carpet Monday morning. but Costa Mesa's new Police OUef John Hensley was defirutety on board. On his first day as the city's chief, Hensley arrived bright and earty and spent his first hours on the job walking around the building meeting tus staff. "They're not going to come to my of- fice," he said with a smile. "So I thought I should walk into their offices and meet with them." Over the next few weeks. 1 lensley said, he will meet with each police divi- sion and get to know the officers. "When I wallled in this morning, I re- alized my office wasn't ready." he said. "But I did see a pretty big ptle of papers and mes .• Hensley said he then walked over to the watch commander\ office and spent M>me time there. John Hensley •That office is. after all, the heart and soul of the depanment," he said. ·11·s where things happen." He said that he later planned to driw around Lhe city to get to know the com - muniti~ better. "I plan 10 do a lot of thal." '>did I lt'n '>ley. who 1'i known for h1' expt:n1'l' 111 commun11y pohcmg Hensley, who wa~ C:ypre~ l'ohll' De pan men1\ chief for the pd'>t live ~e.tr-., wa' -.elcLled to <,Ucceed Dave ~nO\ .. dt'll who'K' la<,I day on rhe JOb wa-. 1-mla) ~nowden\ retirement p • .iny on ',a1urda) mght drew more than '">()() peo ple I len-.ley ..aJd 11 would 1akt· l11m di lea'>I three month' 10 gel him'>ell up 10 date wi th c11y l'>'>Ue<.. lie got a \tan on 1ha1 learning Mon day mght when ht• wa., 'worn 111 .11 1lw QUESTION 7 What issues does the new Costa Mesa Police c:tuef need to leam about fim7 • Call our Readers Hotline at 19491 642 6086 or send e-mail to da1/ypt101 u l<Jllmes com Please spell your name dnd include your hometown anr1 phone number for wmfica11on purpo'>t~ only ( ti\ ( IHHll II llll'i'llllg I \t' 1>1·1•11 llf".11t·d \1'1) v.l'll Jlld am See CHIEF, Page M Omelette Parlor owner gets a lawyer More June gloom Susan Adkins says she'll fight Vons to keep her popular eatery in the 17th Street shopping center. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MFA<;A -After rwo decades of serving popular breakfast dishes, Susan Adkins bn't ready to take her Omelette Parlor and go quietly. Adkins, who had said !>he would close the popular local eatery after failing to reach a lease extension with her landlo rd, now promises to stand and fight. The soft-spoken Adkins hired a Hun- tington Beach attorney and, with the help of a community now rallying behjnd her. says she'U stay at her 17th Street location beyond the end of the month and the end of her lease. Vons Companie!> Inc .. which owns the shopping center that has housed the Om- elette Parlor since 1983, had ordered her to vacate her 7,000-!>quare-foot space by June 30. Adkins ~ owns Oiester Draw- ers, the adjoining folksy bar. And while a legal victory is !>Jim, a politi- cal one could be in the offing. I funtfogton Beach attorney Mindy Willingham said. .. The last thing a judge wants to do ic; in- trude on somebody's property nghts," See LAWYER, Paae M ENVIRONMENT Something wicked this . way smells Officials say Balboa Village will be better off if the city diverts the methane through a flagpole. June Casa1rande Daity Pilot BA.UDA VU.LAG£ -At times, it's so nmk>us. you can light It with a match. For half a cenrury, a stench has plagued this othetwlse pleasant Uttle village. The lntenection of Wuhlngton Street and Bay Avenue has reeked off and on for at least !;() years with what Public \\brb Oin!ctor Steve Badum calls a •sulfur smell." City oftidals aren' awe where or what. exactly, the smell is coming &om. But they're confident It's the result of some kind or orpnJc matter rotting under· ground. It's bannJeM, they say, but awfully unpleuant and even 8ammable in high concentradona. And tt~ wi.precllc:tab&e. Somedmel the stink teem1 to come tn ,with the ddel, other dmet the weather eeerm lib the biggest r.ctor. : "We know tt'a methane,. City c.oundl· JDAL\ 1bd Ridgeway said. "Wa don' know If ... ,.,,l.PllpM Tired of all th e c loud ~·1 Resea rc h erss ugge~t the coas t may be in tor 25 , years of fo ggy weath er. Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot NI:\\ 1'01<1 \II \\ -llw l11t11 gl110111 weJther thJt hc1' hung p1·r._1,11·11tl; m 1·rlll'.1tl thl' yedr may hl· J tl.1rl , d.1111p prl'\11'\' ot wha1\ to' 1mw •1\t•r 1h1· 111·\l l\\t1 d1·1 .11h•,, rt:',earchl'" '-<I) A re ... uh ol \\<1r111 l.u11.l air 111111.ang 11111 11\1•r FYI An an-depth report on the June Gloom w eather pattern can be 111ewed at ams confex com ams.,annua/2003 12/SA abstracts 56141 htm 11111l 1111·J11 ,,,11t·r tlw fogg} not 111 11w111mn l,Ul11h,1r 1\t•.11h1·1 pdll1·111, 1111ld h ·111m1· lllflH pt•r,l'll'lll ,,, lh1• 1',1ull1 I h l'.tll 1 0111' ulT \t:'Jr .1ltt·r 11•Jr lr111n 1lw \'\Miil 11 '\11111 ''"'r ol 1~18 tt•t 1 lw h.11! m·1",. I h.11 \l)t1l111g .,n J>• nod "''l'.lrt hl'f' '"" 1 .... ,, l'a111·rr1' \.in t:<,pec1alll Jft t'r lt-J\ tng rlw \\,Hiil pl1.1w ol llll' '90<.," said \tl''vl' I ..i l>och} .• in J"rn 1.i 11· profe-...-.or at Lal ..,IJll' IM' \11gl'll.., I Im 111111 pha!>e encouragl'' lunl' ~oorn And thJI coultl nw..111 prohlt•rn, llll Newport Me'k.1\ v..t·a1her rd1.111t l't111111rn\ "If June gloom v..l're lo wor-.t:'n. 1h1·11· v.nuld probably bl' a d1mm .... lwd 111un,1 .1ml g1•1wral bead1g1wr populatmn: -..11d ll1t hJrd I ud1r. pre<>idt'nl of the Nl'w1mr1 BN1 h 01.1mllt'r 111 C..ommen t' Luehrs adtled thJt ,tlrl111ugh llllll' gloom has been wm,uaJI) lwaw th" H'<Lr. tlww hJ' been httle '-lgl1 I! ha .. rt·dun·d lhl' numrn·r' of visitor.. or 1oun-.I\ ro to\\ n Few doubt, though. that hn~t·nng t l1111d' will evenluJll) bt•t onw a d.1mpt•r "People general)\ prt•ft·r 111h.1rhtt111 1111 sunny day-;. -.aid I omm" l't•Jr-.1111. 11\'\ 111·r of Pearson\ Pon m :"'.ev..pon lka1 h \\111•1111' cloudy. we don I <,ee a'> m<m> 'hoppt•r' KENT TREi>lOW-/eM.V ~ A starfish lies stranded by the tide at Blackies as friends JesStCa Ochoa, left, and Hannah Juul, both 16, stroll past on a gloomy Monday morning . If so. Newpon \lt">.:1 mJ} ha\.l' b<.·1•11 m .1 more economit aJly un<.e!lled pt.•nod Imm the msd-1950' 10 the I 970<.. R(.";('arch h) t .. 1Dot hv and Bill Pat7en. a "IASA rt""('arther at k l Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTtEWEB: www.~com WEATHER The fog ahould let up • tad this eftemoon, wtth highs in the ml0-70a. S..hpA2. GAME ON UCI comput., game students show off their worts. S..PlceA3 SPORTS ~ Coeill ~running "9ndout Mktt1l1 lcben ... Cohge .... of lhe Monlh. ... ,...,. COSTAMAZING Cotta Mesa <*ebrates its 60th anniverury this yNr. Why do you live in Cotta Mesa 7 What attracted you to the city, and what do you enjoy most about it7 The Deity Pilot wants to know end will run your leften later this month• the city begins to celetQte ha golden •nniveraar(. The deedline for entriee la June 20. Send youf' letters to CostAmazing, Deity Piiot. 330 w. Bey St., Colte Mesa. CA 92817; .-mtll to ~11es.cxm or fD to (949) ~170. E-maltit~ FORUM One ........... tome comm..•onh~of • o.N Aodmen reeMy thaw. S.PlieM See GLOOM. Paee A4 THE VERDICT Back when faith was a private matter would haw wlnp and be able 10 Oy, but when I aid l wanted 10 go, my mother said I too young. I 6 or 7 at the ume. The ch.a.nee to get a pld.r of win 100 teml)dna. bOW!'W:r, 10 I disobe)'ed. I didn't have a very trong~ous upbringing. though it didn't star1 out that way. My mother was a regular churchgoer and took me with her~ SUnday. My father wu an lgJlOStic who never set fOQt near a church. but hct didn't lnterfcre whh my mot.heril ~to I wenc to Suod«y IChool and amed the atodea ln the ... ROBERT GARDNER appirig out of the hou9e.. I ran -problbly for the._ tlmr. I wou1jt be 8yf.hc ln the rut'Ure -10 lbe ,, ol the~ Ind .-ed Into die ..... Then one~ tt MS aDnoiunCltd lhlt •~to hlrYe a~~ weve al pig to be 11\ied. That contuftd up imllll "<A ..... and I Wiii wcy ~at die tboulbt ihll1 I ThO l""*:ti«-pie people wae !hOutfi1a. lild I WU ins more acilld ~ ef ._....·-·•-• '"•'"' ----.:-- -=---r _;o--,.__---c=-~ --=~ --=---------------==----------------~ ~ It I A2 Tuesday, June 17, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Paying heed to nature The Daily Pilot went to Heller Park in 'Costa Mesa to ask fifth-graders from Newport Heights Elementary School in Newport Beach, 'What kind of role does nature play in your li fe?' "Trees are important because they give you oxygen and they're important for the environment." PATTY MODDELMOG, 11 Newport Beach 'Plan~ make air and they give animaJs homes .... I like animals and I want to study them when I grow up." JOHN MACBETH, 11 Newport Beach .. Nature kind of gives us air and it gives animals a place to live. Some of the animals are really cool looking. but a 101 of them are realJy weird looking ... BLAKE DAVEY, 11 Newport Beach "I think that nature is im po rtan t. . . . It helps our environment and it's all connected." JAVZEE MACPHAIL, 11 Newport Beach "We shouJd save our environment and stuff because the trees give us fresh oxygen and help all the animals keepthetr races going." LAUREN ROJAS, 11 Co&ta Mesa -Interviews and photos compiled by Otristi~ Carrillo ON ·CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM A sizable accomplishment Newport Heights fifth-graders spend a field trip measuring trees at Heller Park Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot W ith their measuring tapes and rulers in hand. about 33 fifth-graders from Newport Heights Elementary School in Newport Beach spent Friday afternoon measuring trees at Heller P'clric in Costa Mesa. Divided up in groups of two or three, they measured nearly every tree in sight. They measured the circumference of dlfferem tree trunks 4~ feet up from the ground. Then they measured, or more accurately estimated, the heights of those same trees. Finally. they measured the.spreads of the various trees to 'You're like a fisherman when you're a teacher. You put the bait out there, but you never know who's going to catch on.' decipher their crowns. "We did a whole unit on trees," said CaroJ Manola. the fifth-grade teacher who started the field trip about 17 yea~ ago. "What I'm trying to do here 1s to buiJd an awarene&S ... I'm trying to teach kids that all living things are precious." With the sun shining high above their heads, a soft breeze blowing through the Carol Manola air and thick green grass Fifth.grade teacher beneath their feet. these students didn't have much to complain about. Incorporating everything they've learned in the classroom in science and math with each of their tasks during the mini-field trip, the students tested their knowledge in a new way. "It's been fun," I I-year-old Amber Arendash said. "We get to hang out with our friends and learn with our friends, too." Amber's friend Hillary Phoenix agreed. "At first, I thought it was going to be boring. but it's not," 11 -year-old Hillary said. "It's cool learning with your friends because you don't really get to do that." Working with their friends wasn't the only unusual twist with this lesson. The students also worked closely with their parents or their friends' parents. About 13 parents volunteered to help these young scientists hone their skills and make their outdoor adventure a learning success. "You're like a fishennan when you're a teacher," said Manola, who is retiring from a 33-year career in education. "You put the bait out there, but you never know who's going to catch on. This is an experience they'U always remember." • IN THE ClASSROOM is a weekly feature in which Daily Pilot education writer Christine Carrillo visits a campus in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU The Newport-Mesa Unified School Otstrict °"91'1 menu choi'* eedt d9y et elementary IChoola. Studenta m.y dlC>OM 1 ~ entrw. The setection may indude 1 Nied, wtdw6d1 or hot entree. Sc:hool lunc:t..11re S2 Md\ . .,..,.._ whet'a being lefVed thit wMk: TODAY Munc:Nble Lunch Selad whh fruit yogurt or ltUf'fed peppeioni Ind chMl8 pizu, c.rrota whh "nch dip, choice of fruit, c:holce of milk DON LEACH I DAILY P1LOT Fifth-graders Whitley Peters, left, and Lauren Roias from Newport Heights School measure the height of a tree at Heller Park in Newport Beach as part of math and science project. WEDNESDAY •Munc:hable Lunch Salad or taco chelupa, jlcame lticb with ranch dip, c:hoice of fruit. enim1I cradlera, choice of milk lllJRSOAY Vege1arien health sandwich or chtdten tendera, canots with ranch dip, Cheetos, choice of fruit. choice of milk_ , FRtOAY Munc:hiible Lunch Salad or manager'• apeci1I, choice of vegetable, choice of fruit, choice of mllk MONDAY Summer vacetion begins. The Munchable Lunch Salad contains toaed g..-, c:heny tomatoes, cnctera 1nd protein toUl'Cll IUCh es cheese, sunflower seeds, fruit yogurt 1nd honey-roasted peanutl (•PMnut buttef on ..i.cted days). No-childis~lllJalnst--..of~ MK-color, Mtional origin, ege °' dlubllity. H It ii bfllieved • dtild,,., bNtt di«JrimlMfwJ ..,._ ~ imm«Jlately to the Sec:tatary of ~re. Wahington, DC 20260. Daily A Pilot Corel Wiiton Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. SURF AND SUN Newa a11latant. (949) 574-4298 Copyright: No news stonee, coral. wilsonOlstlmn.com illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Seen Hiller, Don I.each, reproduced without written Kent Treptow permission of copyright owner The beaches should expect An Increase In southwest VOL 97, NO. 168 REAOERS HOTUNE HOW TO A EACH US much of the usual today, with swell today lhould pl<* u. up THOMAS H. JOHNSON News Editors 1949) 642-6086 Cf.rculatk>n ear1y morning doud$ and fog int o the chnt-to heed-high Pu bl la her Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Record your commentt about the The Times Or1nge County end then 1 few rays of range, though the better apott TONYDOOERO 0.nlel Hunt. P1ul S.itowitz, D1ily Pilot or newa tlpt 1800) 252·9141 sunshine thi1 eftemoon. Highs will '" foot or two OYefhMda. Editor Daniel Stevena Add,... Advertising will near 70. Lows will fall just WedMlday should be much JUDY OETTING Our lddreu la 330 W. S.y St.. Costa Clauified 1949) 642-5678 A~a~r NEWSSTAFf M ... CA 92827. Offic. houra are Olspley (949) 642-4321 below60. the 11me or behr end the Crime~~rter. Mondey · Frid1Y. 8:30 1.m. -5 p.m Editorial Cotta Mesa and inland ~lpeab. Promotions Director (949)57 Con91;tiot19 News Newport. meanwt,ile, should On Thurtdey, we'll drop t»epe.11Mrath•111t1,,,...oom It la the Pilot'• policy to ptomptly (949) 642-5880 eee m ore panl1I dearing thla below the heed-high renge • EDfTWO STAFF June~· correct 111 errora of 1ub9tanoe. 8porta (949)57~23 1ftemoon, with highs In the the swell '91rMta, but we cen l.J.Cehn ptq .. call (9491 784-4324 News Fu (949) 846-4170 ml6-70a. lttll expect cMtt-to Newport reporter, S9oftl Fu (949) 650-0170 M1~ing Editor, (948) 574-4232 lnfonnetlon: • shouJdw.hlghe. (948 574-4233 /u,,..c-.gran<#•i..tlm#.com FYI E-mall: dallypllot latlm••.com Exp9Ct In lnctMM Seturdey. 1.j.cahnO /atlme..com The Newport BeadVCoata Meta Mein~ www.nws.nou.(JOV JemeeMelef PUCIMoft Delly Piiot (USPS-144-800) la lu9ineea ~ (949) 642-4321 W...queley: City Editor. f>oUtic:I, ~neaa end environment published daily. In Newport Beech ~Fu (949) 831-7128 BOATING FORECAST www . .vrfrlWr.org (949)~4 reporter, (948) 7&M330 1nd C<Mli. M .... aublcflptlona are ~"*"'•IMim..com P#IUl.c//nton•Wflmee.oom ev1ll~ble only by aubecriblng to The The windt will blow about TIDES ....... °""" Lolll ....,., Tlmee Orenge County (800) 10 knota In the Inner w.ters Sportl Edllor, Columni.t. culture~. 252-9141. In,,.... out9ide of todey, with 2-foot WIYtl end 8 l1fM Hellht ~-~ (948)~ 9:461.m. ·1.141Mtlow """"'·~ Newport BNCh Ind Colte M ... , west twelt of 2 to 4 fMt. The .,...,,.._ lol#U.,,.,,_.,_,maoom Mlbectlptione to tM Deity Piiot ere lame .... be found tonight. 1:38p.m. 3.90 fMt hlgtt Alt Olt9*r J ..... o.et Chief. .,..... ... ~ .... IMIRlble only by flrat d .. mell fot PublltMd by Tlrnee Community Out flttMr, the &;66p.m. 2.ea•iow t ... )1"'4224 eo.. Mesi""°""', (t48) 174-4221 830 P« month. (Prloet lndude 111 Newt, 1 dhllalon of the Lot Angel .. not1tlw"'911y wlndt wUt btow 12:04p.m. &78fMthlglt ,,,_,.,...,,,,.,,_com tlaltdre.MWFNn•l«lnw.oom llPPl!ceble ltlte end loc:9I taxa) Tlmee. lb'Otiger It 10 to 20 kn<*. wtd\ .... Mitt .. a.....c..11e POSTMAST£A: t.nd ~ "'°'° lcMor, 1· to 3-foot W9Y9I end. WMt CMt1114• E~NP0'*.1 ... 1~ en..,.. to The NMpott C?003 Tlmee CN. All rfghtt lwelof7to1*'-Tht-.. ...... ,,.., ••• ...,,,.. CIOm ~·....,,.CIOm ~Me. Deity Piiot. P.O. ~ . • continue .. ~·· r ·~ I • - Dally Piiot Tuesday, June 1 7, 2003 Al UCI students put their game faces on Computer science students show their work -video games. Chrl1tln• Carrillo Daily Pilot UC IRVINE -Many students at the unJverslty spent last week in agony. They had finals. The end of the spring quarter was ap- proaching, and many gradu- ations were about to commence, but the students still had to fin. ish a banery of tests. For one class in the informa- tion and computer science de- partment at UC Irvine. the final exam depended on playing games. On Friday, students in the unJversity's computer game development course demon· strated the different computer games they had created during the 10-weelc course for gaming industry representatives. "Students are fascinated by computer games. but to many people, a computer game equat.e& to mindless pastime or worse,· said Dan Frost. the pro· fessor of the course. ·1 see com· puter games as complex pieces of both software and art, that students are extremely moti· vated to create their own games and, not incidentally, that Irvine is one of the world centers of the compu ter game industry. It would be a shame not to take advantage of these factors at our unJvernity. • The course required each team of students to design a game, develop user documenta· tlon a nd then demonstrate its playability. "Making games is not ex.actJy the most relaxing job in the world ll's actually an incredible arnowu of work.· said 22-year· old Uoyd Tulles. who created a game i.:alled Hyperbol with three other »tudents. "It really is diffi· cult, but when ir all comes to· gether it's amazing 10 see it be- ing pl.1yed and being enjoyed by someone else. That's the re- ward.· WhUe seeing someon e play- ing the finished product is a re- ward for the creator, it's also a testament to the talents of the team behind It, the most essen- tial factor when looking for new hires. "There's so much cross-genre stuff that's happening in the gaming Industry. It's just explod- ing." said Steve Moret, who went through Lhe same class at UCJ three years ago and now works as a lead programmer with Troika Games. "Electronic enter· talnment ~ just intertwining everywhere. "It's a bag field and it's a linle tough to get into." he said. "This has to kind of be your dream. and you have to be very moti- vated to be here. We need to be able to see what they can do. to see if they are actually capable of putting their Ideas into one co- hesive game.· The gaming industry has con- tinued to grow over the yean and has boomed with the help of such Hollywood blockbusten as "Sp(derman· and "The Matrix; creating successful game ver- sions of mega-hit movies. Now, students, many of whom learned their computer s1cllls by playing computer games, are seeking ca- reers in the gaming industry. "In my opinion, the gaming industry bas the richest combl· nation of areas of interest that you can possibly find," Tullues said. ·Anything you can think of in computer science, you can find in computer gaming. ... It's where all these technologies come together and It's continu- ing 10 change at an enormous rate." ' Felltllring A Live Tribuu To Frank Sinatra E11ery Monday tf Tua"4y 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails -·Quality Servi.a: .... ... Nigbdy Eot.auio.menr- / 01 1/1•11 'I i ll111f1. ( ,/ (949) ,,..,, -., ... l h'l'i ln111. \., ''"'J \1. ', 'lt••1t• ,, .. " ,, ,\.. \,,. ' ' ... BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Sewage spill closes area of Newport Harbor A I 00-gallon sewage spiU forced Orange County Health Care Agency officials to close Newpon Harbor between J and L streets 10 swimmers on Monday. A line blockage in the city of ewpon Beach's sewage collec- tion 'Y"lern cau~d the spill. Fou rth of July forum set fo r Wednesday night The Wes t Newport Beach Assn. wiU hold a public fo rum on Fourth of luly festivities. The group has worked w11h New- port Beach Pohce, city staff and the City Council 10 develop plans 10 make the day safer than in years past. The forum will 1alce place from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday in Newport Beach City I !all Council Olambers. Biological chemistry professor joins UCI A biological chemistry profes- sor renowned for idenufying a gene 1ha1 suppresses cancer, 10111ed the facuJty of the UC. lrvme College of Medicine on June 11. Wen-Hwa Lee entered the l>Chool's departmeni of biologi- cal chemistry through the Bren Professors Endowment. ·Throughout his career. Wen- 1 lwa Lee has been a massive force an the biologicaJ scien- ce\,· said fhomas Cesario. deen of the college o f medicine. an a press release. In Lhe late 1980s, Lee identi· · tied and cloned the human retl- noblas1oma gene, whose pro- teins control Lhc division of normal cells. While the loss of ,s he gene has only been directly linked to malignancy In the eye. Lee and his colleagues have shown Lhat the gene could be a factor in other cancers. He has also investigated why ONA repair mechanisms can fail, leading to the body's accumula- tion of cancer-promoting muta- oons. Through research in his laboratory, Lee has linked breast cancer susceptibility genes to the process of DNA repair. Before joining UCI, Lee was a professor of palhology at the Unjverslty of Texas Health Sci- ence Center at San Antonio. Holding the Alice P. McDermou Distinguished University Chair, he was founding director or the Institute of Biotechnology. He also founded and chaired the depai tment of mo lecular medi- cine 1 here. one of the first 5uch depa1 tments in the country. Whde holding these pos1 tion5. he served on the Breast Cam r Review Group. the Na 1lorn• Institutes of Health S1tH.ly Sect111 n on Cell Biology and sub<• rnm11t eel> for Lhe Na11onJI Cam r Imti1u1e. He is a rnem ber • the Academia Sm1ca of the I ··public of China and IM' rece1 ,..d the Presidential t\\\Jrd from the Society of Chtnt''>l' R1os1 •enlists in America. Th Bren Professor LndO\\· men1 was created in 1988 10 help IJU atLract and retain the nati< i's top scholars. I he en- dowi 1ent wa5 created \\ilh a gift rom Donald Bren, chatr man iJf Lhe Irvine Co. and sup- porti r of two Oa1re Trt'vor pro fessurs in the arts • S1uling Fajitas Strolling Mariachis Margarita & Cerveza Bar ~ PmtrTrays•Go /I • Enchiladas • Taquitos \,1' • •Tacos •Tamales \ • Guacamole • Salsa ~ Call your nearest location for p ick up ~ • ftUIT Pumls . • TWICE B.uel POWOES •VEGGIE Tws • CIWlED SllllAOI • ROASTB> PllMI Rt~ • SAJIOWl()j TIA~ • Asrw~ Hou.uow SAua ..,,. Large or Small We Cater to All! CITRUS SALSA 1/2 CHICKEN $1 99 lb. ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES $3 99 ea. Wt RMut 0.., 0... ~ I I I '-11 'I \I • 11 11 e I e o I / ' e ' > • I • .... \' l I I ~I : . I • ' I J.-/11 ,., ..,/ I J,11/i lei' is the eighth Donald Bren pro ft ssor. Lee received Im dot · 1oral1' from UC Berkeley\ de parll nent of molecular haolo~y tn l!IHI. H1l> wift>, Eva Y 11.r~ Ice . jom~d UCI in 2002. !:>he ,., J chancellor's professor 1n the c1e- part men ts o f biological them 1s- try and developmental celJ b1- olo~y. .l· »fl ~~-=-. ~-Ca tering '4T~ • .~ (949) 645-0209 ,. ... Costa Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa Fmb HA1ul-CboppeJ S.U11 FJ Toro BNH Chips 6 Tortillas • H<mU Styl.t Tll1fUdt1 32 Vfrit#q gfHemntWI, 5"Hlf"1 • We~i!Jr:t/!:!k, (949) 646-1142 (949) 675-6851 (949) 644-8226 270East17th St.• Costa Mesa • (949) 642-7191 Mon. ·Sit B'OOAM to 7-ooPM • Sun 9 OOAM to 6 ~ • r lf'Jf ,I r1 •. 1 r.,,-1 1r • r J. •'•f' r• k1 • I • ',' • .,, lnLt An.1 • H l.r1• r ,,. ,n p ir . • • r. . Come see che new EverWood· Countryside blinds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping slats create a beau11ful board-on-board design And 1he ·s1ep-up· look adds depch. d1mens1on and characcer 10 any room And EverWood CountryS1de will not warp. crack. peel or fade Even in humid areas or direct sunhgtn Come ~~~.._...,.,,. see 1hese beautiful bhnds coday ~-·*"········ , .. Wlutt Grt•f 1#111•1 l tft• ~ALDEN'S fllJllll ~ M 'D CL'ffi)\I \l'!M)(N (U\U J''·' 1663 Pb~ntia, Costa M~ 949-646-4838 ART IN MOTIF IND ULGE YO UR P ALETTES Fuhlnd 11rtist Rey l sip's work captures his uniqut interpretations of .till lift, landscapt, music 11nd non-rqn-tsentati.onaf abstracts. Hu IHadcground includu a caner in itulustri11~ inttrior, tnUl ttttJi ro runes t11 l d ts i gra. Savor the cujslne, admire the artistry. Art Exhibit & Reception Wednesday June 18th, 5-6 pm. Complimentary validated parking A.rt Exhibits will continue th.rough September 3, 2003 Please call Motif at 949-234-3320 for further information : • Snrti-Pri11.r11 for Mtn 0-Wl•t• u~,,, i.Aa/ ,..,._. ~1Jlf lM!tll Anus. • o,,,, 80 Pitu1 of Ef"iP''""' • Prl11.ru PilAtu Sttulio •SPINNING TIJ,.rttr ' • Con•'"'"'' p.,j;,,, I June 25 July2 Ted Baker Dale LaVole ' • Yot•• T•i Chi. Smull c!Mtii : •Sup, PotHr p,,,,.,, C•rJJ. · • s1;,,.,,.,, s,,.,,, ~ r ... ,11 •1M1 s,. M Tuesday I Jone 1 7, 2003 GLOOM Continued from Al Propulsion Laboratory ln Pasadena., found that those years were generally cooler, win ten were drier and fog levels were fairly high. "The '80s to '90s were weuer, warmer and clearer,• Patzert said. ~we've now reverted forward to the past." While the likelihood of more June gloom is high, not every sununer will be cloudy and gray, LaDochy said. Not all researchers are willing to predict years of sunless summers. "There is no official prediction 'The '80s to '90s were wetter, warmer and clearer.' 8111 Pmert NASA researcher of what is going to happen for the next decade," said NASA reseaicher Jorge Vazquez.. also 'of Pasadena'' Jet Propulsion Laboratory. And, of course. years of cooler weather don't bring everyone down. "I love ttm," UC Irvine drama professor Annie Loui said. refening to the rool and overcast days. • KRIS O'DONNELL is a Daily Pilot intern. Yield On Principal of Tour l. 2 Iv.1.o CI> FDIC INSUR.EI> FIDELITY lNSURED DEPOSITS (949) 588-5711. A.cur.au: .u ut 00/ 11/2003 l'rn.&lt} for !:: .. u h WithJra" Bani h .n Ma~ Reduce Earning\ Nor Offer To Sell Sccunrics S l 0,000 l 1m11 2 65~ Annual Percentage Yield on Bank'> FDIC Insured New CD Plus fiddi~ (.;oh l'aymcnr At lncqirinn • Annuine~ also offered Fidc:lit) and H .I, F;intil) e state lm uunce S1:rvi•c ( L1c#O.CS049) Not Mcmlxr of Feder.ii Deposit Insurance ' ration. Malll,rYou Buy or ease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! (949) 929-6400 '*' SPECIALIZING IN: cut, color, up-do, weddings. & extmslon. FEAnJRED IN: Coast Maiaz1ne, ~. Bloomtn&dale Runway. & Playboy Solon Gregorfe's Newport Beach e~~ "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality" AJI Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads ComplimmlAry Con.suit•tion in Your Homt 2 () c ~ ~ ~ ( I , I .. " ,\ \ I. ' I. , I I 1I1111 \ ~...... I 1 ,, 1.•, 1l'i :11J11 ~~~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~4~r1:1 (949)642-8400 ~"7t~-;~·~:;. ~ ~ ';ALADDIN "6 -· .... Om. I PLUSH CARPET • lmtaJW wltll N S J 89 • Ml9lmus eo,.,. ... ft. ~ 18" JI ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·1·1 .. "' c..-.Ac 'Ille ..... __ ._........... ......... ..... • • ... ft. •••,..t• w.-. ...... _._ .....,... ,._ • • .. "' ::::.-,,_ """--tlN .. .,,. ,, ~,.. "",.1.iaar. ,,. -• lliftlt*1 Httw. ,..:..,,, ...... ,... 117t .... AIN., ... P • COITA NIM (888) ~-777 ~llc:::ll -..-. ..... .. ........ ..-- • Delly Piiot PUBLIC SAFETY Woman charged in Newport sex case District attorney's office says La Puente woman became involved with 16-year-old boy and brought him home. to her home, Schroeder said. home, he said. DeepaBhuath Daily Pilot Atty. Susan Schroeder said. She said Rivera was an In· take counselor at a Newport Beach group home for abused and neglected chH· dren operated by Costa Mesa-based South Coast Olildren's Services. "That's how the connec- tion was made." she said. Rivera pleaded not guilty to all charges on June 2. Po· lice arrested Rivera at her La Puente home on May 29. She was released on June 3 after posting a $50,000 baiJ. "They found evidence In her home that was consis- tent with the information they had relating to her sex· ual relationship with the mi- nor," Shulman said. Schroeder said what NEWPORT BEACH -A 3 1-year-old counselor at a children's group home bas been charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy in her care, officials said. A pretrial bearing is scheduled for June 25. and a preliminary hearing is set for Aug. 12 . makes the case stand out is that Rivera "was in a posi- tion of trust.· "The victim was very vul- nerable," she said. Tbe Orange County dis· trict attorney's office has charged Frankie Alexandra Rivera of La Puente with seven felony counts of hav- ing sexual intercourse with a minor and one count of oral copulation, Deputy Dist. "The boy was a client of the center." Schroeder said. MThat's how (Rivera! met him." The alleged sexual acts took place in Rivera's home between Oct. 20 and March 15, she said. Rivera was not authorized to take the boy The victim's father com- plained to police alleging inappropriate behavior be- tween Rivera and his son, Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman said. Police officers obtained a warrant to earch Rivera's La Puente Schroeder also pointed out that the district attor· ney's office is dealing with an almost identical case in Orange Involving Trisha Lee Watkins. a youth program counselor who allegedly en- gaged in sexual acts with a boy she was counseling. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • V.n Buren Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 3100 bloc* at 7:22 a.m . Sunday. reported in the 3400 bloc* at 2:20 a.m . Sunday. • Watt BalcM Street and Coolidge Avenue: A traffio accident involving injuries was reported at 12:11 p.m . Sunday. •Christopher Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2600 bloc* at 7:53 a.m . Sunday. • Wal&K. Avenue: An auto theft was reported In ttie 2000 bloc* at 8:36 a.m. Sunday. • Eastbluff Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 2500 bloc* at 8:01 a.m. Sunday. •Hoag Drive: Battery was reported in the 100 bloc* at 2:24 a.m. Sunday. • East 17th StrHt: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 300 bloc* at 1:44 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Cen1-r Drive East: Vandalism was reported in the 200 block at 12:40 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: A commercial burglary was.reported in the 1800 bloc* at 9:55 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • River Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 4800 block at 11 :38 a.m. Sunday. • Pewraon Place: Vandalism was reported in the 2700 bloc* at 8: 11 a.m. Sunday. • S.ywood Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 500 bloc* at 10:42 a.m . Sunday. • San Jo~in Hilla Road: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2600 bloc* at 8:53 a.m. Sunday. • Sierka Street: Petty theft was reported in the 200 block at 9:08 a.m. Sunday. • Watt Coast Highway: An auto theft was •31st Street: Battery was reported in the 100 block at 1:07 a.m. Sunday. LAWYER Continued from Al Willingham said. "A lot of people are very upset and they want to see it stay.~ Willingham wrote a May 30 le1ter to Keith Lam, the shopping center's property manager, claiming that Adkins is "open to multiple suggestions" that would pave the way for her to stay. A meeting has been scheduled for today between Adkins and Vons officials, who have agreed SMELLS Continued from A 1 it's from decomposed shells. old oil fields. We don't know what it IS, but we know we can put in an underground system to capture It." Ridgeway wants to capture it and run it up the Oagpole -lit· eralJy. The councilman. whose district includes Balboa Village, hopes to hurry along a program that will capture the gas under· ground and then vent it into the $ky using a hollow flagpole that would be installed at the end of Washington Street right at the boardwalk. Cost of installing the under- ground system: about $200,000. Enjoying a sandwich at a village restaurant free from the suffocat- VERDICT Continued from Al to reopen stalled talks for a lease extension. "Vons is reviewing all of its op- tions as it related to possible ex- pansion and current retail ten- ants at the shopping center." said Daymond Rice, a spokes- man for Vons owner Safeway Inc. MVons is seeking a solution that will benefit all of the residents of Costa Mesa." A year ago. Vons mounted plans to expand and refurbish the center; those plans received City Council approval. No build- ing pennjts have been issued for the work. though. ing stench: priceless. Mlt can be quite ripe at times. just like a rotten egg smell." said Jim Fournier. a longtime local who remembers seeing the gas bubble up from the mud when workers were laying the founda- tion for the new Balboa Fun Zone. MThe locals have pretty much gotten used to it, but tour- ists are often pretty offended.· Fournier and others say the smell hasn't been as bad lately, but if history Is a guide. It will be back. Balboa Island has already been successful with the solution J'lanned for the village: The Oag· pole at Balboa Island's fire sta- tion takes stink from under- ground -right under people's noses -and spews It high Into the sky. The work Is tentatively planned a.s part of Phase 3 of Willingham said she has ap- pealed 10 the city to help Adkins find a new location for the Om- elette Parlor, which sits in a re- development area. Also. on Saturday and Sunday. supporters of the restaurant cir- culated a petition, gatheiing some 800 names of people who want the restaurant and bar to stay. Willingham said. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and pohllcs. He may be reacned at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton @fatimes.com. Balboa Village improvements, but Ridgeway doesn't want to wait that long. Ridgeway ts lob- bying for funding as part of the city's budget. under the cap1taJ improvements program. imtead of waiting for the 2004-05 budget that's Likely to fund all of the Phase 3 improvements. Either way, it will probably come from general fund money. "People think it's a sewer smell, but It's jus( Mother Na- ture," said Gay Wassall-Kelly. Peninsula resident and commu- nity activist. "Hopefully, the odor will soon be ventilated over our heads and it will be dissipated into the air." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reacned ar (949) 574-4232 or by e--mail at 1unt1.caaagrande@l11times.com. information personally. ln other His answer was predictable. words. when yo\J're dead. MWe ain't got no N's," he said. A crusty old chief petty officer Trying to be agreeable, I was manning the little machine suggested leaving It blank. "If that punched out the tags. He the ship goes down," I polnted minute. And then, the grown obviously took a d1m view of this out. "there aren't going to be any woman next to me fell on the bunch of guys, who were clearly burial ceremonies. anyway." CHIEF Continued from Al very comfonable with the transi- tion so far," Hensley said. Mayor Gary Monahan said he is lookjng forward to working with Hensley. "He's got some big shoe~ 10 fill in Dave Snowden. bur everything about John l'i fan r~tic," Mona- han said. Hen~ley is only the fourth po- lice chief in Costa Mesa's SO-year history. Snowden's retirement came after 16 years as chief. Snowden received a retire- ment plaque and badge at the Monday council meeung. • OEEPA BHARATH covers pubhc safety and courts She may be read'led at 19491574-4226 °' bv &-mail at deep11 bh11rath a lar1mtts com Deirdre Newman contributed to this report OBITUARIES Mary Prances Norton Services (or 48-yn.r Co- rona del Mar resklent Mary Frances Nonoo wW be he.Id at 2:15 p.m. Thursday at Pad.ftc Vl.ew Memorial Pl.de. MJ. Nor· ton dJed on Selurdq of natural caUIM. She WU 83. She la auMwd 'by IODI Kevin Nonon anCl John ReWy; dautbcat Mary JG Reilly and Wle Demato; four ~­ dno: and two ...,.-. ~ gronnd and begm1-wri1tttrlilmniig;~--ggo~ingingi1to:tiseft1~~"M' UttJ,~Ull:!hie-e..P..Nlaa'fYJ"f~Ui&-l:IAMte--ThllMe~c:scl:hliALietff.slsb~oxolkk.lJbwisuhi.eeaiadcL __ ___.~111-r.~"'"Rn-::~:::k-::=--1Wf.ff..!da»~.....-.:__-- Someone elJe began shouting knew it J had another idea. "How .l'YUllA; uu:a\ nQM out gfbberlsh. Within seconds, I Each tag had your name, about -" was the only one in my seat, but serial number, blood type and But the chief had a long line of not for long. Terrified, I da.ahed rellglon. A4 we came to the head officers waiting, and be was tired out of the tent. and even though of the line, the man ahead bf me, of this one. Slam went the J didn't have my angel wings, I when asked h1a religion, said, machine and "P" appeared on flew home, where I stammered a "atheist" my nametag. description of what I'd seen. The chief didn't even look up ~1 didn't say I was a My father's jaw tightened. as he growled, "You gotta be a P Protestant." l complained. "Kate, there'll be no more of that for Protestant, a C for Catholic, "Hell," said the chief. "'That P nonsense,~ he said, and that was or a J for Jewish. We a.ln't got no don't atand for Protestant That pretty much the end of iny &." atanda for Prtvate. That means church-going. The officer, a man your religion ls your own private Cut to World War U. A4 a new disappolntingty laddng ln affair. The Navy won't never Naval officer, I was standing ln princtple, abruged and said be know the difference." line with a bunch of other new would aett1e for P for Protestant If only all religSous disawloru Navy officers to get our My tum came. When the cbief could be handled ao nametags, the little metal tap got to re.llgton I Mid. "N: pragmatlcally. on which are punched the vital The chief ICOWled at me. atatisdca the Navy may need "Wbaddya mean, m• someday when you aren't ln a •N for none oflhe Ncvy'1 poaidon to provide th.ls buaineu. • 1 &DIWef'ed. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN ltem1 to the Delly Pilot. 330 W. a.y St, Cotta MIA, CA 12827; by ..mell to mlk•.swr1n10n•i.t1nw.oom; by fex to (&48) &48-4170; or by celllng (Me) 57.....ate. Include the time, det• and loc:Mk>n of the event. ....... cont.ad phone number. A~ lltdng It eveffeble It www~l«.oom. TOMY .,.. .............. t......:' 11 e he..,._ Mid"'°"' U0 IO 1:mp.m.1t~---- J E. 17th St, Cotti MMe. To make ,....,.,,etton., c.11 (800) ~ The....,,_ .... CMmbef of Comm... ham ltl Newport 8uelnea ,..,., .. lreekfeet for June .. the fllclflc Club, .. 110 MecArthur IMt, 811'.IO •.m. The OOll 11 t17 for memblf'I wtth • r 111"'9llon, Ind 822 M the doOt'. For moN lnformltlon, oMI (Mlt 721-4ttt. ---... I tp1 & °"""9 Couiilly • ., ....... ..,....__In ........ 1'9¥,......, com ....... ......,• 1 p.m.a • AOllRT GARDNER la a Corona del Mar resident and • former judge. His cqJumn runs Tuesdays. the Co8te M ... Hletorlcal Sodtty, 1870 Anehtfm Aw., Cotta M .... For more lnformlUon, cell (Ml) 831-6918 or .-mell cmhlstory•1•,,..toom. n.. ~ ""'°' ..... Mueeum, WCHtdng In conJuncdon wtth the~ Ubrlry, wtll Pf'tM"t • .n. of ltof'V time events on the T9Qt Dede 8t tht ~m for cHldfen ...,,..., 3 ind t from 1C>.30 to 11 :30 a.m. Thirt wth alto be ....... project fof ...... tend ....... Adml•on llhelnd "*911 lmllld.: '°' lnbmltlon Of i I I lf:fldof .. Oii _, m-7"3. • - ~ ~ . - Daily Pilot Tuesday. June I /, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO .GET ~ED -Letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMdefs HoUine: Call (949) 642~ Fex: Send to (949) 64M170 E-mall:Send to da1lypilot@lat1mes.com •All oortespondence must indude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to ecfn all subm1SSK>n1 for clanty and length. MAILBAG City needs to stop shopping cart theft now Jeff Bracey's June 12 letter, MStealing shopping carts ought to be treated like stealing,• on the shopping cart issue is righ1 on target (no pun intended). Taking and using another'!> property without the owner'l> permission and beyond the owner' in1en1 is, plainly. theft. And the convenience o f the thief is not a justification Why '>h ould the rest of the citizenry pay higher taxes and increa'>ed store prices to subsidi1e thieves' scoff-law attitudes? I w ould not divert police re'>oUrle' from other areas in a campaign to actively seek o ut these m1:.creant'>. Rut when someone i'> seen pushing a cart that obviously (and usually boldly labeled as such) b a merchant's property. down the street or in a residential area. why shouldn't the obviom thief be · stopped right there. and at least be required to rerurn the Molen property right then to its owner -with a formaJ warning given. perhaps even an infractio n citation. The predominant unauthon1ed use seems to be by s tore patron... who misappropriate a cart to take purchase!> home (and not always purchases from the same store that owns the cart). and then abandon the cart on the s treet or in a vacant lot. Ir the authonties would pay a11cn11on at. the misuse occurred. then fear of coming to the authorities· auention would very quickly reduce the instance ... o r thi'> misuse. . GORDON MARHOEFER (.,osta Mesa Solution to cart problem just a dollar away It is true that lhe nly of (,o~ta Mesa faces the dilemma or what to do about the ahandont'd shopping carts. It is aJso true that the local merchants are the victims or theft. The police can't pO'>'>ibly keep up with the monitonng or cart theft: we'IJ never find ls Dennill Rodman's desire to move to an area more conservative than Newport Beach. . GEORGE LAMPINEN Newport Beach Time to destroy Huscroft House and end debate I watched in agony June 9 as our Costa Mesa Planning Commission considered the proposal for the relocation of the now infamous Huscroft House from its present temporary location on Arlington -where it perches like a pimple on the nose ofTeWink.le Park -to a location on Bernard Street. I was amazed that the Planning Commission and city staff were unable to recall the specifics of the direction the City Council had provided when. they agreed to move forward with this proposal -the only option left to them short of demolishing the ~historic" eyesore -and that the commission had not been provided with a copy of the agreement as part of their package for the deliberations. Shon of a successful appeal to the City Council. the commission's decision to follow staff's recommendations practically insures this move will never take place. The recommendations apparently make it .financially impractical for the proposed owners to ta.Ice titJe to it. move it to the location -at city expense - then to rehabilitate the adjoining properties which share the lot. Their plan to subdivide the property and sell of part o f it to pay for the rehabilita tion seem .; ill-conceived from the start. Despite the apparent ~ood intentions or the applicant and the city it is time to put thi~ issue to rest. Far too much time and energy has already been expended by the city staff on this project. apparenlly with no compensation by the applicant in the form of fees normally charged. The city should back away fiom this deal and proceed with the demolition of the Huscroft House. Perhaps we can make it part of the ·coslAmazing· celebration later this month and invite former Mayor Unda Dixon to swing the first sledgehammer. GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa 11 would cenamly require d fuU -tlme unit to keep up with the ucketing or offending individuals. Abandoned cans do create an eyesore and sometimes a hazardous situation on our streets, so something has to be done to correct the situation to everyone's satisfaction. L.A. may be able to I suggest we adopt a solution ·1 NIMBY similar to that I witnessed while in Sl ence S Europe in November of last year. "Should LA.'s interest ln El Toro There. lhe markets harness the provide much hope to carts together by means of a strap Newport-Mesa residents?" with a coin-operated padlock. The L.A. Mayor Hahn's recent customer inserts one Euro (about discussion talks of leasing the a dolJar), the can is released. and closed El Thro property not only when the can is returned, so is the brings hope to Newport-Mesa money. Of course. this would residents, but hope to the entire mean some Inconvenience to the transportation industry and customers who must have the nation, as weU. right change. but once people The Federal Aviation become accustomed to it. they Administration has clearly staled would come prepared. The many times that our nation is amount of money must be faced with a runway shortage significant enough so that the crisis. People want to travel, but customer would be motivated lo they don't want to pay the price in return the cart. Think of It. The terms of having to deal wtt.tf READERS RESPOND Owner Susan Adkins talks to longtime customer s at the Omelette Parlor during a lunch break. Rallying arouild the frying pan AT ISSUE: The closing of the Omelette Parlor has upset the stomachs of longtime regulars. Hear ye. hear ye, hear ye. A.' 17 -year customers of both Von' and the Omelette Parlor. we hereby announce that not only will we not shop at Von~ anymore. we will aho not be able to pauoni7e any new bw.in~ that goe'> into the'Omelette Parlor '>pace. The memones of ~oot.I old home-cooked·style food in a fun and fnendly atmosphere would be too much for us to bear t.hould we ever enter upon those premises again. I ~uspect that many people v.ill have the same reaction. By this public notice. let any prospectJve tenant be made aware ur the uphill battle that they will fight in trying to survive there. Also, shame on Vons shouJd they not inform any new . tenant of what transpired and how difficult ii will be for any business to he successful In that location for many years to come. DON, PAT, COWN AND EMILY INSLEY Newport Beach Our family has frequented the Omelette Parlor for at least 20 years. I never knew it was that long. but I used to meet a retired friend there for lunch. Just looked up on the wall and noticed his retirement was 1981. Enjoy seeing the waitresses and employees and asking the boss, Susan, to teU me about her latest revic;1on Whl'ther 1t was the floor or tht• Jlr < m1<.111mnmg. ... he know<, II .111 Yt·Jh, tht· hl'lllr\ J.n<.I nu'>t.tlg1a. tht' tll•t ura11011,, 1lw hor.,.. carnagl', tht' h i,tom picturl'., of the ..trca. and ye'>. tht.: old fa,hio11ed rne11u' 1hat t'ven lt'J<'h mt· '>Oml' m.inm·r,. Yeah I hke i't all. anti the pntt' '' right. too. We first v1 ... 11t·d th!' pl.1tl' wht'n 11 wa., .:1 family rt' ... taumn1 11 tht•n bt•tJml' tht' Omelette l'·.uior Bn·.ikfa'>t is great, with huh: featur.,., that I p.m1cularty en1oy-the breakfast po1a1oe,, cubed and fried. hctJf bdked putatot''-· the wheat fn~1!>h muffim with nut'> • .111<.1 '>er\'ed with dpple buner. gfl't·n g.un..,h the vaneiy of omelet!>; ant.I finally. the name-; followmg the old Jnd or mayhe pre\ent C o<,ta \1e'MI offic1ah One omelet, \;ate Reade'" Right -I finally met '>Omeone who knew him , h1\ c;on m·law, J ldwyer. R1ck laylor, who recently rJ.11 for Newport Heach Ciry Counetl and grew up in this area Gue"'> living m Lorona dt'I Mar. we never thought we would personally know any of rhe honored. Our family ha.., grown up there; now the kid'i are out of colll'gc. and we have our fir;t grandson. I le'!> learning his manneN at the Omelette Parlor. t'Ven if n ow hie; favorite d1<,h 1<. oatmeal with ra.ic;ms and brown sugar Althou~ I never liked oatmf'al a!> a k:Jd. I have to say. u's pretty good. We sometime-; eat so late in the afternoon. after J p.m .. that we have had a ..andwich m Cllester Drawer;, but that'c; not normally our menu. Food's i;tood there. too My bo}'!"> tell me the dnnks are rt"asonable and the place .., fun. Although Olt"ter Dra .... t'I'\ h.I'> had uowdo, \\I' IMH' lll'\'l'r hcJrd of ma1ur problem' lhe cu,tnnwr' art· rt',Jlt't llul the d1entelt' \/"am·' from 1ht· young 10 1ht· old . Even tht• dog' thal a cu-.tomt'r ma) leave lll'd 10 a fem l' r.111 an· trwndl\o Although then: 1c, onn• ctnd .i wlult' ii wait. there are a ft'w pt'w hcncht.'' .m<l garden out froni for the wamng tU~tomers. Although I can't ...ay we are regular CU'>tomers or Lon~ DruK.'> or Von~ ..... t' have '>topped in 10 huy 1hing' after lunch We aho frt-quenwd IJ1e pl7..1<1 1omt tha1 wa .... on 1he end and m fact used to mee1 there w1th .,,,1m 1eam after mee~. We bel1t'Ve the Omelt'llt' Parlor 1' an 3-'>set to Co'ita Me<.a and we hope 11 can remain where 11 " a fixture 111 lhe ary. Ye!., we wouJd love to have the Omelene Parlor m Corona de! Mar If Susan could find all our h..,toncal phoros, maybe we too rnuJd learn ow hi<1tory. as well as we knCM C.o!>ta Mesa·.,_ DICK AND SANDY NICHOLS ( o<,ta Me..a It is sad to me that Vons ha<, choc;en to terminate the lea11t• of the Omelette Parlor in Costa Me<1a. I have en1oyed many special occasion., tht•re with family and friends, and 1t'i unique food and atmooiphere made it a nice alternative to the typical "corporate food" available in Orange Counn I s incerely hope that Vom will reconsider 1ts dec1s1on and let th1'> landmark remam for yea~ to come DAN PARSONS "ewpo rt Beach markets would no longer have to accommodating new runways to COMMUNITY COMMENTARY HOW TO CONTACT send their employees out to accommodate fu~ growth. ~~~~~vas:tly~im~p~rov~ed~.:an~d~eve~~~on~e~b!£_·b~~~=t~~~~~%~~~:r~LA.~-~~~ellln~~~s·~~-f---,rr...,...,~~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~~-!-~~Y~O~U~R~R~E~PR~ESENTATIVES concerned would be satisfied. Orange County what do and atate ere a Ve yo U gone CfTY OF COSTA .:SA JOAN MORRISON that they have no right meddlin1 ' Costa Meu City H•ll, n Fair Drive, Costa Costa Mesa ln our affaln. Meaa. CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Los Angeles World Alrporta Denn z·s Rodman ? M-vOr. Gary Monah•n Kudos to Newport mayor 'for getting at iss ues I am writing to say, as a resident of Newpon Beach, how pleased I am wtth Mayor Steve Bromberg's effortJ at reaching out to our community. No other City Council member has ever (to my knowledge) made It a point to write regular articles in the Daily Pilo\ explaining what ls happening in the Newport Beach council chambers. His evenhanded approach to all iuuea and the way be presJdes over council meetings (the dmea I've caught them on the local 1tadon) ls marvelous. He even bu a regular column ln our neighborhood newsletter ln which he explal.m all the relevant news and ltema of our interest before the council. I am very lmpmeed by Bromberl's leaderah!p and ~ _ atewvdehtp of t.h1a clty't affaJra and hope that be 1t«ys lnvoJ.ed for a long dn)e to com.. IUIMRILY BeJboa bland • ~ p D>es Rodman belong among the unbelievable? Am.Ila 11.uban. the PouD&aln of ......... Holy Ord aDd Jimmy ......................... • already owns and operates four • Coundt. Ubby eow.n, All•n Menaoor. Mike airports in Southern Callfom.la. Sd'teaf9r and Chr11 Steel one or which la located in Ontario, a county outaJde or L.A. South County. Residenta bawn't balbd about the fact that L.A. ii meddling in San Bemardlno County's transportation daln. The same South County hypocrite leaders haft need to Washington countleta dm• to demand that their •Great Park• take precedence over the nadon'a transport:adon crlaia and ttie El Thro airport that would responsibly eue the aiill Ind benefit the economy. Ann't d:.y attemptina to block lafllraW8 commerce and medal With cbe nation's affa1n Jutt eo Ibey can appease their own lelf-c:enterwdJ Thank you. Hahn, ror comlni forward. Now abow Orlnl'e CoU.nty that )IOU can do Wtw our own Boatd of Supervllo11 couldn't for El Toro: Plan an airport and opetadooa In eccordince whb .... aviation ldmtnilaadOD and dii pOo11. I.e. the V·PlarL 1'bn the South County NIMBYt' rillhtman of I tb.re&-*'I altpOi't Wlb flml be aUenaid oncm and far all and Ibey can tbeil Incl eorDitblnl.. . to blllk lbout. Ub dM lbOt1ap ol rr.w.,. lilniliL M111n• • rna••a ~--···- CfTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport~ City H911, 3300 Newport Blvd • Newport~. CA 92883, (Mt) 5"-3309 ~Stew Bn>rnb9rg Coundt Gary Adlrne. John Hen.men, Did: Nk:hola. Gery Prodor, Tod Aidgewly end Don ~ NE\WOM MESA UfdD SCHOOL DiSJMCT Dfartclt ()fies~-St., Com~. CA l2l2t. f™) '2UDOO • ' ., ..... ADblft lefbot IMI* ~ M99'9 Auor, V5ce Pr-'dei1e Deftil Mac*. a.t ...... 8'oUa. OMd 8'00lil. Tom Egiin. .Ntttf Fr8nc:o end Unde ..... ' 'h -QUOTE OF TtE DAY "My goal in li/e is to be known as a runner. 11 •1t1l1 lcbtn, OCC tras:k, cross country star Sports Y1Dr Rlchlrd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • lpof1ll Fu: (949) 650-0170 DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH Michelle Icban Though she prefers being in the pack, Pirate's talent propels her to the front. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot : s he prefers to run within the pack. but the results • reveal an ironic twist More often than not, Michelle lcban finds herself ahead of the competition, which means first place can't be too far away. The 19-year-old Orange Coast College sensation capped off her two-year OCC career by breaking the meet 10,00G-meter record to repeat as state champion last month. Her time of 35:49.24 was more than 28 seconds better than her nearest competitor. Icban, who also repeated as state champion in the 5,000, said competitors helped push her to new heights at Olabot Collep in Oakland. "'Ibey were runnlng the same pace right behind me,· lcban recalled. "1bat felt cool. that they were still with me put the SIC mark." 1ben kban made her move, building an insurmountable lead that would give her a personal best No matter the race, the strategy stays the same: run with the group for awhile, then turn on the speed. Ml like to run with other people," lcban said. Ml'm not a person who likes to run by myself.• The Orange Empire Conference Runner of the Year in cross country and track gains motivation from a variety of sources, including coaches. lcban won the 10,000 at the Southern California meet in 36:30, three seconds off the Coast record. After the race, she made a friendly wager with Coach Marco Ochoa that if she didn't break the school record at the state meet, he would quit his job. She had worked up to breaking the school record fo r weeks preceding the state meet, when her goal came to frujtion. "It was a joke," lcban said about the bet with Ochoa. "But it motivated and helped me. He said I was strong enough to [set the school record). The whole week I wanted it." The Cypress resident credJts teammates such as Ava Jones See ICBAN, Paa• A7 GOLDEN WEST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY Pl.OT June 23 honOree LAWRIE CUNNINGHAM LlmELEAGUE BASEBALL Dodger homers key win Ryding, Green dingers propel CMNLL champs into TOC quarterfinals. Patrick L.verty Daily Pilot HUNTINGTON BEACH -Its the Yankees who carry the moniker of "The Bronx Bombers.• but Monday in the first round of the District 62 Tourna- ment of Olampion.s, it was the Dodgers who did some Costa Mesa clubbing. The Costa Mesa National Little League major division champions slugged a pair of home runs, a three-run blast by Josh Ryding in the first inning and a two-run shot by Cody Green in the fifth, to secure a 7-4 victory over the Costa Mesa American Uttle League Yan- kees Monday and advance to the quanerfinals. The Dodgers (22·2) will face the win- ner of tonight's contest between the Seaview Little League champions and the second-place entry from Fountain Valley Little League on Saturday at 9 a.m. at LeBard Park in Huntington Beach. Their advancement didn't seem so likely after a rough first-half inning. The Yankees (I 0-11) took an early 3-0 lead with singles by Ben Loundsbury, Kevin Hoffman and Josh Werdel Jesse Dawson. Ouis Robinson and Hoffman scored the runs. "It was very encouraging that we came out like that." said Yankees Man- ager Larry Dawson. who had seen his team lose twice to the Dodgers earlier this season. But a couple of strong defensive plays by the Dodgers prevented the YanJcees from adding to that lead. Left fielder Coleman Brown threw out a runner at the plale and catcher Nick Pederson thttw out an anempted base stealer to end the inning. When Ryding tied the game with a towering home run to cenLer field in the bottom of the inning, scoring Alex Gro- sek and Pederson, the Yankees' lead was long gone. •[It was) very big," Dodgers Coach Kim Pederson said. "Josh has hit eight home runs for us this year. He's a big- play guy. "1bat settled us down. We started the game tight The kids were nervous." The Dodgers tacked on another run and Green then went to work on the See BASEBAU., Pqe A7 COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL a candidate UC Irvine men'• volleyball All-Ameri - can Jimmy Pe1ul la among 24 players invited by USA Volleyball to try out for the 2003 Wodd University Games. The playen begin tralning June 27 at the United States Olympic 1hlining Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. Once a team ot 12 players and alter· nates ls telected, It wUl compete in the Japan-USA Men's Challenge CUp, a se- ries of aix matches in Japan from July 26 through Aug. 3. The team wUl then re· . tum to Colorado Springs to begin flnal preparatlona for the World University Ge.mel, ICheduled Aug. 21-31 ln Daegu. Korea. Pm.el. a ftnt-team American VoJley- bUI Coaches Alaodat1on All-American u a funk>r in 2003, wu also a firsMeam All-Mountain Pldftc Sportl ~don honoree. He ranked eecond nationally ln pofuta per pme (6.37) and fourth ln kiDI per pme (5.16), while setting the ua .... leMOn tchool record for kWa wUh 593. He helped the Anteaten earn the No. 1 nadoOll ranldna euty lo the ............... iJl'OIJ'llD. UC1 eo.:b JDbn Spaw wtll alto be In Colando Spdl1ll ct. eummer u the b-1 COKh .. lhe 2003 MdoMl boys JO'dh trllniml ...... UCl • .._. lbe __,.. wllb a 20-11 recotcl IDd tbi No. 5 ...... ~ ICBAN Continued from A6 and Roseann Peters for helping to move her along throughout lhe season, which culminated in the Coast women placing third a t the state meet. Peters placed third in both tht:> 1,500 (4:37.57) and 800 (2: 17.:DJ while Jones took fiflh in the 1,500 in 4:47.75 a nd sixth in the 5.000 (18:21.78) at the state championship~. 8orft: Ott. I. t Ml Ho......,ws=CVPftis =~oot-2 IPon: Ttaq alld field iv.ma: eoo. 1.soo. 5,000, 10.000. relay. ~John Knox. Marco Ochoa ,......_too« Vlnllt. ke cream ,.,,..... ...... : •• Lot to R«Mmber- ~ ~ MCMnent: •areeking the lmee1l 10,000 record .i the sute meet [last monthj.• The _,.In rwtew: She defended ~state tltles in the 5,000 and 10,000 meters, wlMlng with tltJies of 17:2A.53 and 35~9.24, r~. to help OCC ftnlsh third In the tum standings. She was named Orange Empire Confwence ~nner of the Year In track. Ollrfii eonecmr sports urd wies works hard,• said Knox, the OEC Coach o f the Year in men's and women's track and cross country. ·she is at every workout.• lcban, who wiU continue her academic and athletic career this rail a t Adams State in Alamosa, Colo., maintains her m arch toward competing in marathons someday. "My goal In life is to be known as a runner,• she WThey have a lot of "peed in lhe 1,500," lcban said. ·11 wai. a hard course and they pushed me. I owe them a lot· said. "I've only competed in half-m arathons, so I'd like to Lravel and train for the full ones now." lcban has also trained the right way. managing lO 'itay healthy virtually all of he r Coai.t career. Jones and Peteri. also ran alongside lcban as <the won the ind1Vldual state cross country lltle lai.t fall. The trio helped the Pirates win the state team title, as well. A steady work ethic and determination have contrihuted to lcban·~ '>UCl'Cl>l>, John Knox, her coach in bo1h crO'>l> l'ountry and track. explained. "II all rnrncl> down lo the girl 1ha1 "She h as not b een injured the la'>t two years," Knox i.aid. "She run'i '>mart milei. ... not going crazy at the beginning or the season, but, rather, building a good base and going from there. She i<J a great team leader w ho puts everyone in front or herself a11d lets things happen." Most often. lcban happens to leave the fi eld in her rear-view mirror. SPORTS BASEBALL Continued from A6 mound After allowtng three rum on t.hJtt h11~ m the fir.I m ning, the right-hander gave up Jll.'>t one mun• h11 before being relieved by Nick Peden.on, after facing ont• hatter 111 the fifth. Green struck out '>lX OVl'r lus final thrt>t' mrnngo. and onJy two Yankees reached ba-.e. But strong defense by the YankL't'S kf'pl lhem wuhm striking distanc.e. Shortstop Jesse OaW'lOn made a tno ol highlight playi.. including the turning of a double play that halted a Dodg ers rally in the fourth inning. Werdel. playin~ rntther, made a difficult catch on a pop-up to end thr11 11Hm1g. Overall, the Yankees committed jus1 1hn~ emm But the Dodgers displayed M>rne glove work of 1hcir own. Green made a strong play on a rnmebadu:r 10 end the fourth inning. Third baseman (,m-,ek turned a l>eauu- ful double play in the fifth inning. !>teppmg on third and then throwing to second after the Yanket'l> l1<1d put their fm.1 two hitters on base in the inning. "In the second half of the -.eac;on, we wcrt• '>lartmg to malt! more mistakes on deforu.e. -Pt~er<.an ... ud "We've been concentrating on defeni.e and hl·mg n·ady 10 maJw the play. It ~owed today.· Holding a two-run advantage after four mning,, < .rt't'n padded the lead with a line dnvc two·run honwr to u·n ter with two outs in the bottom of the fiflh innm~ flll' runs proved important as the Yankt't"> man;1gt'<J a ldlt' rally in the final frame. A single up the middle by Mall Culp wnh om• out cut the deficit to three ruru.. Hrian Waldron wa.' tlwn ablt• 111 reach ba.!>e on a error, bu1 Green p1d.L'<.I up 1ht• loo'><' hall in short center field and fired 10 third h.N· 111 l,1tt h tht' lead runner. Frie Middeson recorded the final ou1, 1.111 h111g ,1 Oy b<11J in right field that i.ent the IA>dgt>r' 111111 till' 1wx1 rou11d HIGH SCH.OOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL SlAN H LLE R OM Y Pll )T CdM H1gh's Enc Jones (3), a 6-foot-7 middle blocker, towered over his competrtioo this season to become first-team All-CIF selection Five Newport-·Mesa standouts are All-CIF CdM 's Jones, Eagles' Korne a desi nated first-team honorees. Corona del Mar High senior Eric Jones and F.stancla High junlor Josh Kornegay headline five Newport-Mesa standouts named All-CIF Southern Section by boys volleyball coaches. Jones, a 6-foot-7 middle blocker bound for Stanford, is a first-team honoree In Division 11, while Kornegay, a 6-4 opposite, is a first-team pick in Division Ill. CdM senior Bart Welch and tan u i . Hartwell a.re second-team selections ln their respective divisions, while EBtan- cia sophomore Trevor Holmes is a third·teanl pick. Jones, the Newport-Mesa Player of the Year and the Co- Player of the Year in the Pacific Coast League, overcame nagging ankle problems to lead the Sea Klngs to the PCL crown and a berth in the OF Div{.,ion lJ quarterfinals.. Though he had never played $1095 Tire Rot.ti on •nd Br11ke 130J lnapect•on IMtUdlc • Full ar.ke~IOn • R<*teh • Anet tlrt P"*IUft • Viluel chtdt of cNilie & IUlplllllon • Aecofd br1lkt ~ • Aoed .... for C*fonnlnoe s...,.. llNtecw IOt dltllla. 8l3Q,'03. volleyball before high school and played hi'l first club season after debuting on the varsi!}' as a jun· ior, Jones captured the fancy o Stanford recruiters, who offered him a scholarship before his sen ior prep season began. Kornegay, a versatile and tal· ented perfonner who also brought intangibles to Coach Thacey Heims' Eagles, led the squad to a share or the Golden West League tJtle. It was the pro· gram's first league championship since 1984. A powerful hitter, who was also among thl' 1.agl~· most skilled passer., Komt>gay helped F.stancia reach th<' Cll Divi..,lon Ill seminnifs. when it fell in a five games to San Gabriel. Welch, a 6-0 out<,1dt' hitter, also overcame ankle problem~ to provide the Sea Ki.n~ with sea- soned ball control. Hartwell, a 6·2 out'iidc hitter. was also effective as a hitter and passer, while Holm~. tl1e Eagles' setter, helped solidify the attack as the all-important tngger man. Al.I but Holmes were AJJ-New- port-Mesa honoree.. this pring. Tuesddy, June 17. 2003 A7 BRIEFLY Mustangs ' Topps All-CIF Mesa shortstop lone local recognized fo r softball expertise. Cost.a M~ 1 ligh senior Ann Marie Toppi;, the Co-Most Valu- able Player in the Golden West League, has lx.-en named All-CH· :'>outhem Section for a tlurd i.traight bOftba.11 season. lne University of Oregon· hound shora1op, who belted an Orange CoWlty·be'>t I I home rum. ttus ~pring and represented the Mustang.s in a county all·'>lar game, i'> a first-learn select1on m Division Ill. She was a <,econd team AJl·CIF pick in Division IV ~ a Junior and a sophomore fopps lut .507 wnh a \luggmg percenlage or .84':1. Of her 37 lut.... 22 were for extra base<i and 'ihe drove Ill 4 I runi., while '>Conng 26. She led Coach Rick Buonan go\ Mustangi, 10 the program\ fif\t league ulle and a fourth '>trctigh1 trip to the Lit playoff,_ M~ firu~hed 17 11 after a 4 · :!. fin.1 -round loss to Redondo Ma) 2.1. Topps earned fir-.Heam all· league each of her thre<> var.11y '>{'a!>(Jlb. 2 30 Eosl I 7 St • Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 N'#w l~loOnd Qlpt'I\ (,<"' f-'orl-fn 11)-6 • .nl l(J A YSO regi~tration •SOCCER: 1-lnaJ ~arty regJMrJ uon for AN) Ht-won ':J7 ,.., torugl11 from fl.JO to H so a1 Nt-Wpon I lc1gh1' I J1,me111ary ~'h«X>I. 3011 La.\I 15th S1 I-et"> ar1· Sli'l for the fiN playt•r from a family, ~75 for a set:onu duh.I 1111d W, fur ~ach i.ub6.t q11en1 thud from the same famity Alter l\1c-.day, k't"'i are $125 Pf' pldycr I or 111lurr11dllOn, VlS.1 WU 'IV. IU'Wf HJf /tl\i\0. l ()/fl HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebr dtmg !he Daily Piiot s ' Athlete of !:hf> Week seoes TODAY 20 1<11s~ Tylt•r "'lf'wpon Harbur (J1rl~ !>< • •·r 2001 FIT FOR LIFE Enjoy Fitness as a Part of Your Lifestyle LATEST 1N W EICHT Tiw"l1r..;G/CA1m10 F1r-..1 EfJ Mf"' • (OMPUM[''HAR' FIT"IE (fJ ~ i • RACQUETBAU • SQUA~H • HANDBA· l . s ... v.£ 18A JR. O l',.MPIC Sw111.1M:~c. Poo -R1 " ~"·· • L CAt.L ~OR A CoMPL1M£NTARLG1..or-.1 P ,,., ''1> Tm H • UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752 7903 1701 Quail Street, Newport BeJch Give Us Your Child this Summer. And we'll give you a student a full academk lewl higher. At Tutonn9 Clubs o f Am,.,.ca w' r' d!!dt<at!!d to ,,,\ur on9 your child succtt<Js Ml>\t 1mpo•tdnr .,.. • nrlp \lud"nt\ .i ho*'vf' U1'• \f•lf f"\tttni o1n•1 if uf'r • t h"y n~ j I ••I'd All In W ith our "lldus111e-Tutor Aid Justµ hour\ GUAMNTEEO. curriculum w' ~ cr,at' l"am1n9 Summe mp Celli IO<loly and tmd proqrams out mor .. 11 • ould be s~lfteally r .... "" tht" rn1•\! 1mponc1n1 d's~9n!!d for your child's ~s summer of your ch1ltl s Iii' (949) 645 7900 488 Ea5t i]th Strttt • Costa M~\a <com~ of'""~ A\Of'nu•· MATH • READING • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP .....,.._,.=-o • .. ~ --__........ --• 2640 legal Nolm -.., Noaces Rc9M ..... "-S..... Tlle fottowln& penOtl$ •r• <kllna busin1n as: Coot•• lnnonti11ni, 1535 Superior Avenue. Su ite tJ I. Newport Buch. Cahfornla 92663 Mafk l. lvans, 1535 Superior Avenue. Suite •31, Newport Beach, Callfornla 92663 This buslntss 1i. con ducted by: •n h1dividual H•ve you started do1na buSiness yet? No Mark Evans Thls statement was flied with lho Co11nly Clerk of Oun&• Cou11ty on06/06/03 200-SH471SO 01ily ll1tot kma 10. \1. 24. July l, 2003 Tl 4l fidlllm ...... "-S....... The followln& persons are doina business u , Allied Judament Recov· ery. 575 W 19th Street. Costa Mesa, Cahfor ma 92677 • Rick Dekker, 1927 Harbor Blvd , •17!>. Costa Mea. Caltfornla 92627 lhlS business is con· dueled b~: an individual Have you sta1t1d dolna business ye17 No Ricll Oellker This statement wn ftled with lite County Clerk of Onnc,e County on 05/12/03 200S6t4USS Daily Pilot June 10, 17, 24, July 1. 2003 ll51 Co 949 642-5678 Put o few w.,.4• tewwk fw ........ 'tli , ••""'" "'*"' ......... the fotlowlnc person has 1bandoned the use of the fictitious Busl neu N11mt: AUTO PARTS PLUS. 1000 S. Coast Or No Vl06, Coste Mesa. California 92626 The f letitlous Business name r et erred to above was filed in Ortnae County on 05/05/1997, FILE NO. 19973719870 faribou Hajinabi, 1000 S. Coast Dr., Vl06, Cost• Meu, California Subject to cond1hons prescribed by the underslcned. sealed bids for a lump Sum Contract are Invited lor the lollowln& Work. INfRASTRUCTutlE PROJECT I MUl Tl-SPfCIAL1Y SUITI REMODEL PROJECT NO. 994510 -81D PACKAGE I 4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVIN€ MEDICAL CENTER Bid Deadline orfalnally scheduled tor 2:00 P.M., falDAY, JUNE 20, 2003 has been deferred to. 2:00 P.M., THURSDAY, JULY 3, 2003 PROJECT DESCRIPllOfh This project will renovate 5,941 ASf m Pavilion Ill (Buildlne 29) to create two suites, one 101 urology Hrvices and one lor medicaH.ur111cal specialties. The Su1aery and Medical Spec1allles Chnics that currently occupy the space will also be accommodated withfn the renovated spa1.e, lhe renovation will improve space efficiency and will include approximately six new procedure rooms, approximately JO eum rooms, ~ace tor chnical and adm1mstraltve support staff, and waitine and reception areas Worlo. will include demolition; carpentry; hazardous material abatement, elect11cal, HVAC, fire dlarm. telephone, data. and plumbing uperades; new casework and mlllwork, patching; and new lon1shes, mcludin& acoustical ce1lm&s. resilient floorm&, carpet, and paint. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: S 1,0SS,000.00 Note: Primo llcWen who do not moot the quollflrall""• In the Bidding Documents may fMt k ellgtbfe for aword. B1dd1n& Documents were made available on TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2003, and issued at: DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, Un1vers1ty ol California, lrvme, 5201 California Avenue, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92697 2450, (949) 824·4775, Hot line: (949) 824-8 117 Checks for a """-"efvndoble fee was required in the amount of S2S.OO per stt of B1ddm& Documents Checks are to be made payable to "The Re&ents of the Un1vers1ty of Cahforma· A mandatory Pre-Bid Confe1ence and mandatory Pre·B1d Job Walk wu conducted 011 WEDNISDAY, JUNE 11, 2003, begonnme promptly al 9:00 A.M. Participants met at: UCI MEDICAL CEN1£R, 101 The City D11ve, Buildme 53, Aud1tor1um. Orange, CA 92868-3298, (949) 824 6630 THI MUTING ClOSlD AT 910S A.M. AND ANY CONTRACTORS ARRIVING AFTER THIS TIME Will NOT IE ELIGllU TO PAJtTIC.,ATE IN THE llD PROClSS AS A PRIME CONTRACTOR. A SICOND MANDATORY PRE-llD CONflRENCI AND MANDATORY PRE-810 JOI WALK will be conducted on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2S, 2003, begmn1na promptly at 10:30 A.M . Parhc1pants shall meet ot: UCI M[OICAL ClNfER. 101 The City Drove, Building 53, Auditorium, Orange, CA 92868·3?98, (949) 824 4775 THE MUTING Will ClOSI AT 10:35 A.M. ANY CONTRACTORS AHIVING AFTER THIS TIME Will NOT IE EUGllll TO PARTIC.,ATl IN THl 81D PROCESS AS A PRIME CONTRACTOR. ATIENDANCE AT ONE Of THI TWO PRE-ltD CONHRINCES AND Pltl-ltD JOB WALKS IS MANDATORY FOR AU PRIME CONTUCTORS. ONLY ltDDERS WHO PARTIC1PAT£ IN ONE Of THE TWO SCHEDULED PRE-llD CONFIRENCIS AND PRE-81D JOI WALKS IN THUR ENTIRETY Will IE AUOWED TO ltD ON THE PROJECT AS PRIME CONTRACTORS. for further mlormat1on, contact UCI Contracts Department within Des11n & Construction Services. Zoomy Neu7en at (949) 824-4775 8141 wll be received only al: Bid Bo>. front Counter, DFSIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. Un1vers1ty of California, Irvine, 5201 Cahlornoa Avenue. Suite 7~0. lrvtn.,, CA 97697-7450, Phone No (949) 8?4·6630 ltd• mu•• be received on or bofore 2:00 P .M ., THURSDAY. JUl Y 3, 2003 ltds will bo opened at 2:05 P.M .. THURSiDAY, JUI Y 3, 2003 at : OCSIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, U11ivers1ly ol Cahlorn1a, Ir vrne, 5201 C~ltlor ma Avenue. Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92697 2450 Bod Security in the amount of 10% of lhe lump Sum Base Bod, ucludong alternates, shall accompany each Bid. Ttie Surely 1n u111g the 81d Bond •hall be, on the Bid Deadlrne. dO ddm1tted surety rnsurer (as defined tn the Cal1for nta Code of C1vll Procedure Section 995 120) The succ essJul Bidder and ot~ Subcontraclors will be required to follow the nond1'criminat1on requ11ements sel lorth 1n the Bidding Document!> and to pay prevailing wage rate~ at the locat1on of the Work The •uccess ful B1dde1 will be requtred lo have the lollowmg Stale ol Cahfornl• Con tr actor's h~ense currepl at the lime of subm1ss1\ln of the Bod. UC£NSE CU.SSIFICATIOH: UClNSl CODE: General B111ld1ng Contractor B Other Project Sped fin: lldder Quallftcqtl°'" called for to be •Ubmlttod of llmo of bid lnJudo, bul ore nol necenorily llmlted to: I The Contractor shall havl! bee11 111 busme~s under the same name and Cahlorma Contractor's I teenu fo1 a mm1mum of S continuous yeArs pnor to the bid opening date for this Pro1ect the locf!nse used to satisfy this requirement shall be of the same type required by the contract 2 The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 3 referencl!S lot pro1ects similar on scope and size to this Pro1ect. which have been successfully completed du11ng the past 3 yea1s THE REGENTS Of THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Pubhshed New orl Beach Cos la Mesa Dail Pilot June 17, 24. 2003 Po Hey June 2003 T152 92626 This busmen Is con· ducted by· an individual f arlbor l Hallnabi This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranat County on 06/11/03 20016947681 Dally Pilot June 17, 24, July I, 8, 2003 T056 Notte• 1s hereby aiven th1t th• undtrslaned will be sold at public Auction on July I, 2003 Starvln& Scholar's Mini Storaae. 1957 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, Ca 92627. (949) 631-3379. #40/ 14004 Laurel Lundquist. Household Items 12008 Steve Kim . Household I Asian Items #18 Kathy Tarnowski, Household Items/ Babv OSTAC NOTICE Of TRUS'IBE'S SALE T .S. No: A328J47 Ullll Code: A Loan No· BEKR AP No: f>'C).131 · 14 TD SERVICE COMPANY. u duly 1p- poinled Trustee Wider Ille tollowinc described Ottd ol T1\ISI W Ill. SEU. AT PUBLIC AUCTION 'l'O nm HIGHEST BIDDER R)R CASH (io Ille forms which are lawful t.eoder lo Ille Unirec:t S11ta) llldlor the cashier's, certified or odiet chccb spectfied m Cml Code Secuoa 2924b (payable Ill full 11 the time of sak 10 T.D. Service c:.on:.>anY> an rigbl, ulle aod i!Memt cooveyed to and oow held by ii W'.lder Wei Deed of TNM i.o th• prop- erty bereonaficr de- scribed: Trus- torWILLIAM J BEHR. ANN M. BEHR ~ corded October 30, 2000 u 1nstr No 20000585972 in Book ·-l'lgc •.. of Official Recards Ill Ille off>ce of Ille Rec:ordcr of ORANGE COllllly, purs11- a111 10 !he NotJCe of De&ull aod Elecuoo io SeU ~ undu recorded March 5, 1003 u lnslr. No 20030002Al2A9 Ill Book - • l'lgie ·-or Offx:ial Records Ill !he otfice o( Ille Recorder of ORANGE COWll}': YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DA TED OCTOBER 14, 2000. UNLESS YOU TAKE AcnON TO PROlKT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOlD AT A PUBLIC SA.LE IF YOU NEED AN EXPUNA· TION OF TIIE NATURE OF 1lffi PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A V.WYl::R. 309 SIGNAL ROAD, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (If I SlleCI ~ or COUIDlll desigmtioa or propeny is sbowD above, ao wamncy is gi-weo u to ils c~ coods •Tom .Sn~der, Spor tina equip/ parsonal landlOfd 1eservu the 11&'1l to bid at sat.. Cuh only. Salt 1s subi.ct to cencellatlon In the tvent of settlement between landlotd 1nd obll&ated party. Starvint1 Schol· 11's Minl·Sto10111 Published Newport Boch Coste Mesa Daily Pilot June 17. 24, 2003 1059 llOTICI Of AftlUCAmM FOi OWMI OwmsMr Of Al(OllOUC IMIA5I UCDISI 0.11,...,,., ..... J..12r2003 To Whom It May Con- cern: plct.elltJS or CGTeC111eSS). Said Sale cl propeny will be ode lo u is coodirioo witbool COOYCllllll or WU• ranc:y, express or itq>tied. reprdifta ti& f)(l5$t$sloll. or eocwdnllces. to pay Ille remtiainc priocipll SWD ol lbr oolot(s) sccll'Cd by uid Deed of Trust. wilb inlt.test as i.o said note provided. advam:u, if any. under the ICl"llll of said Deed ol T ML fees, ch:argies and upcnses ol the Trustt.c aod of !he llUSts crcalcd by wd Deed of Trust Said sale w1U be held oo· JULY 7, 2003, AT 3:00 PM. -ON TIU: FRONT STEPS TO THE ENTRANCE OF ntE ORANGE CIVIC CEN· TER. 300 E. CHAPMAN, ORANGE, CA At the lime of !hr irulial publica· lion of this notice. Ille total llllOWll of Ille Wlplld bal· IDCC of Ille obhpbOn sccun:d by me above descnbed Deed of Trust and estJJnalt.d costs, expenses, aod lldvances 1s St47,929 7J It u posuble thlt al Ille ~ of sale the operuag bid llDY be less than !he toul Uldcbt.edncss due. Daic: June 11, 2003 T.D. SERVICE COM· PANY u said Trusit:e, FRANCES DEPALMA. ASSISTANT SECR£. TARY TD SERVICE COMPANY 1820 ~ FIRST ST, SUITE 210, P.O BOX 11988 SANTA ANA, CA 92711· 1988 714/S43-8372 We :are mi.sting Ille Benefi- cwy to collect a debt :and any iofOftllluoo we otium wtU be uJCd for tlal purpmc whelher ru.e1Yed orally or i.o wriu.og If available. Ille Ckp«lied opemoc btd and/or post· pooemi:Dl infonnauoo rmy be obWned by CA!llng Ille following tclepboac IJW))- bcr(s) oo !he day before Ille ulie. 7141480-~ TACt 486663C PUB: 6117.m. 612M>3, 7A>IA>3 How to Place A Tht Namt(a) of the Applluot(a) ls/are: PARTYLANO USA INC The applie1ntt listed •bove 111• •pplym1 to the Oepartmtnt of Aloohollc Botr•&• Control to nll alj:oholt~ beve111es •t: 688 BAK ER ST 7, COSTA MESA, CA92626 Type ol llcenu(~) applied lor. 41 ON- SALC BEER AND WINE • £A TING PLACE Publishod Newport Beach Costa Mesa Dally Pilot June 17, 2003 TOSS NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: CHEREE CHJAAENZA CASE NO. A219566 To all heirs. beneldaries, c:redi1ors, oontlogent creditOtS, and pel"SOOS who may otherwise be interested 1n the will or estate, or bo4h of CHEREE CHIARENZA A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by ELNA THAN BAT OON in the Si.c>erior COul1 of Califomia, COunty of ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PRoeATE reques1S lhal ELNATHAN BATOON be appointed as personal repiesentatlve to administer the estate of the deoedent THE PETITION reQUe6ta the deoedenl's will and codicils, ~ any, be admitted to probate The will and any codicils are available for examination In tne ftte kept by the court. THE fJETiTION requests authority to adrmniste< the estate under Ille lndepeodent Administration ol Estates Ad. (This aultlorlty Wl11 allow the pefSONI representatrve to take many acuons without obtaining court approval Before taJting certaifl very important actions, hoWever. the personal representative will be reQUifed '1:> give notJce to lntef'ested perwons uoleaa they haYe warvec:t no6oe or c:onsenled to the ~ acoon) The i ldepef lde4" administration authonty will be granted unless an inlerested peBOn files an objection to lhe petition and shows good cause wtfi the ooort should not grant Ille authority I he lollowlna person$ er• do1011 bu&h1en H ' Q·XENCf. 18516 V•llart1 Drive, Huntincton Buch, CA92646 Qu1n11 Xuan Neuyen, 18516 Vallarta Or1ve, li1mt1oaton BHch, CA 92646 Thi~ bus1nen 1s con· ducted by an individual Have you stMted dotn& business ydl? No Quan& Xv"' N11uyen This statement wu filed with the County .Clerk of Or anee County on 06/11/03 20036941730 Dally Pilot June 17, 24. July I, 8, 2003 T055 A HEARING on the pelitlon will be held on 07/HW3 at 1 ~45PM In Dept. L • 73 IOcaled at 341 THE C1TY DRIVE, ORANGE CA92613 IF YOU oeJECT lo the granting of the petition, you should appear at the heaMg and state objections ()( file wrC objections with the court befont the hearing. Y001 appearance may be in person or by ~ rF~eu ARE A CREDITOR °' a contingent credilor of the deceaaed, you must Ille your da1m wi1h the coon and matt a copy IO lhe personal representalNe appomted by the court wilhlll lour morims lrom the dale of first tSSUanoe of lettets as provided in Probate Code section 9l00 The ume for hling claims w!ll not eicpire before lour monthl from the nearing date llOlioed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the tile kept by the court tt you are . a pen;on 111teiested in the esta1e. you may file With tile court a Request for Special Notice (loon DE- 1 54 l of tile fillng of an irwentory al1d appratSal of estate assets or ol any peb1lon 0t acoouot aa provided 11'1 Probate Code Secbor1 1250 A Request lor Special Notice torm Is available from the court clet'k. Attorney for PellbOner SOHM, FRANCIS, KEGEL & AGUILERA. LLP JEFFREY R MATSEN JULIE WAHLSTEDT 695 TOWN CENTER DR , 1700 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 o&'17I03. Otlf2~ CHS-549204I HEWPOAT BEACM.<:OST A ME.SA OM. Y PLOT The follow11111 ll•"O"~ art doana businen n · Aulu P.tlks Plu~. ~ Santa lubel Avt .. Costa Mes.. Calllornia 92627 Mohammad Karvand1, 258 S1nt1 iubel five , Costa Mesa. Callfnrnla 92627 This buStness " cun· ducted by, an 111cl1v1dual Have you st11 led dom11 bu\iness yet? No Mohammlld Karvand1 I his statement was llltd with the County Cl~rll of Oran11e County on 06/11/03 20036947680 D•lly Pilot June 17, 24, July I, 8, 2003 1055 s.I y• 11111w.ttt4 lttllS tlit tuy Wtyl Plt<e t Cl1nlfit4ilt4tH.yl (Ht)U2-ml Dally Piiot Tht followlnc perao11~ are do111a bu~ln•H H Dtil&ns By Ahciit, 3034 Cresta W1y, l aaun~ Beach. CA 92651 Jerdond Ahci• M•w n, 3034 Cresta Way, I• ~une llench Cll 92651 th" b11\lnen 1• con ducted by "" 1nd1v1dual H•ve you it•• led do1ne busmeu yal7 Ye• 6/15/ 98 Jerdon~ Allt.1a Moun This statement WH filed with th~ Cc11111lv Cfcrk ol Orange County 011 05/12/03 2003694-4369 Daily Pilot June I 0, 11 74, July I. ?003 1148 ...----Deadlines --- Rate~ ..tnd deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right 10 censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fir"it insertion. CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ..................... Fmlay 5:00pm Tut'sday ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNClMENTS [<o] & MISC. 101CH77o GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANOAl CollectllllaJ Memcnbllia 1160 OIJ ME SWIG SHrS for yoll< home or office At rnonable prtees Call 9()9. 984 0046 TOP$$ .... (OltOS nc -a-:, £le. 50s a. 8Js a. Mlle, sptr, bAll ~ Mike 9.49·615 7505 .... omMllMY All real n t•I• 1dver tmnt 111 tltlt new1pap«r 1\ ~ubiect to the f'tdelfl r.11 Hou~n1 Act of 1968 u amended w hich m11tu 11 111•1•1 to advert!f.1 ·any pref•· ence. llmHttlt'lll or d!urtrmn11taon b11d on rM:e, color; '~· \tit, h1ndictt1. emlffal 1tat11s ur n•tlonat oripll, Of an intention to mlt.• any '~" or1fer111c1, liMitt> lion " tffsctilnlft1tlon. • Thil M•lf>.,_ "ill not ltnowin&l)I ~t •llV H 'trtttlMRMnt for IHl nttt. Wflkll It in vlolltm of .,.. law. 0. rodtr.a '" ti';::/ Informed tll•t •• !ftp ""9rti9d "' "'" ,,. • .,..,., ••.•• a11 .... Oii tfl ............... '1 b ... ro c~ of tlK u~.atlfUOW .... ···-,...-· 230S·2490 Older Stylo Fumltw. PIANOS i. Colled:ibl.I . ....,._._ ·-·-·01'..•- " CASH PAID $S ... paw:. ...... .-. ..... WftllUYUTAlU ·~·in-ty­AlllR" --~---ONSIGNMENTS I •I It I • '' I By Fax (949) 631 -6594 ll'ka..., 111<.ludc your namt 01111 I~"'"< numher and we 'II call \ "U h,,. ~ Wllh • pnCC quOCt I By Phone (949) 642-:S67R Hours By Mail/In Person: • 3.'0 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay S1. Wednesday ............ Tuc-.day S:<X>pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Priday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday ):()()pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm BUSINESS SERVICES Bainm Index :; ·-. . . . , , " ;. rm ~-_... 3010-3940 .. soos-saso HOME JEWB.RY/ IMPROVBDT DIM10llOSI 7402·7466 ' I ... I .... ,so 3480 MISCEIJ.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE SERVICES 2IOO PRECIOUS METALS _Consu_ltanll ___ 231_5 ...... an. c-tCef•N-4• Old Coins! Gold, illver. - ,, ..... hdi ........ C,.. approx I /hr from Newpolrt 8Hc:h. Exul IMI !111ntina td)Kenl to st1te w•tClt'fowl retup, ownt1•llip Interest & appro. 316 ac:ru of r.nd & lfl'9'0v~nt• • your own camp compound w/•tructure and l 1111..,.,., Wond.-ful Fil. llftllt 88Q'1 t. wine t11ttn1 dur1n1 dud "''°" • ma11y utnil ldul '°' 2 frlendt Of l•tllet ,, son. c.n Mille at310 "4l -... Jtw*Y, w.ttciles, Int~ coflectil>lft 949-642-9448 cm 3111 t c..lill ......... unopened bous of T ·•hrrt bap. 4•tur df:r.pl1y t tbl ... .C .. 949-S 11·2JOS - Linder the ~ervi cc Directory Hanner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Caft Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 CAl'PUCCINO ITAUAM CO ff II Company ~X · pandlne. Distributor~ WillllCld. ~-profrt po lMINll AAvooa c:Ml do this! f ~presso ltAlta ~ lm-813.fi62S. ll"M!!itftwll r!!(d. iCH.. -SCN'f~ AISOWTI GOlDMINEI 60 vendin1 machtnes with ucellent loc1tlons .. 1or no,•°'~ F018lT THI STOCIC MAUPl ~niri:r nH<ls only oil• cround ttvet ptrtntt on t1uly promlllna prodLttl hno Slly'' 111• llmll. Serious call 949 295 5824 m .. t1n1 1ppolntmenl onf,. -.1ru. - COSTA • MISA .._ ST'fll aftlcit. 200 ~. Uli hi ,,. .,. • nZioit i.oea o1,,....]l~ to.ES FORSAIJ. OM& -aum . ~ -.... , I I 0 «---= .. ,._.., • , 1, ....... "~..,. , .. :: .::. J:.f!Y --~ ......,_ Nowfy It• ....... Triple~, leeal non con llM n)lc'i w/ocun and bay '"'Wll $1,1!1.>JXX> Jim ~ AssocJatC!d RCll)lty 949-673-366.1 Corona..., Mir ~;:.:r;.• -11on-. room to exp.irld. ArutalKTRO 96~7 COlllMm PltlMI fSTATfS PAQKICTINORt NATllOftwtDf USA f494S'-'t10S w,.-w.eatrldilenore.com NlwpOltem S• .. 0-........ , 21 CastdliN ~' l8t l• 11,590.<XX>. V•tlill Tour· 111fOC,Com ""'°-. "'9-6374D.l .... llSTATIS PATIIK1l TllllMI M.AncNIW91 USA ...... ,...,.J -· i•trtu.•s-· ~"' .... Clllt ,...mAns '" ftllCI TlllOlll U1'IOllW91 UIA ... _. ..... ,.. WWW patfidt-1 c,.olll ... Tustin Randi Ml1N Hall f abuloc3 custom home liwge yard, lttw.y, t>ewlJful ~ 5llf 3 5ba on t ul ~ ~. Olf"f'd .. t SI .O'b.oo:> by the Sutton Gtoop. Cati DonN Suttoo at 714-1111 t6n tor 11JPt Vrtool Tour thutt1111°'C '* Wtn RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE RESORT/ VAC:ATION PROPfRTY FOR SALE llalnllln """" -MONJMA LUID IM- GMNS l"ncoed b mnecWe WI lrom $49.9J). Pmie ... -potl "' 7 "°"' P-MllC VttMo OWlf ~ CtwlWll rtrry lhl•• ~ '° l,ID),(Xl) --of ttd!N ~ Ft•-' JO mlnutn to t.ien. ~r~Pl!Wdr'Oild. tllllWWOlfld 1llillla. Cll b lnbl1\Jtllllt llll(f brod•.•• WWWJl!Wltw1•anaiold.mrn Owner 1 866 'i26·J420 (CAL-~) ,.._ 5175 TtMHMAlll UMtn AMD CtlllPlfO\lfld 1111rnbt1 tlllps, 01slrtu wla cll .. ,I WOfldwlde N lllClloftt Catt V1utloll N .. wOtl U S, Mid Ctil- 1d.1 l ·800·$4'·8173 r •• ,.,,.,.. 11110t "'''IOll ·~· \SS 5518 ••• Y11ado1 llt1t11.eo111 (CM. •SCAflH ---. "' R111111 To U.. lmO UM SMr• w/fe ...... ....t, built 4/M 3br lb.t vert modern PrMte 8t, Oii mun.I lvle. ~ d Br IOf olc to &hf cw n ·~ aYlil 7/18 714 749 6345 ~RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY 811Mallland a.-.., ' •-•le 21r 2h colla&e Patio. w/d, Iona or shott teim OwnW/11&1 949 466 «!JI llr Stucllo ye.uly r~ .. e 1ncld utb, an new c1r111v pWtt. SIOOO/mo tall lo11 or Jolene 949 854 94JI Yrty ,._. 2'Ma, lo-dph ert kit w/d. bar fp •tepi. to bay. 11/pet\/'lmfl&, ave• now $24(X)n !MC}. l?Hlll2 Balboa Peninsula ''" 210, Walk ta bch, bay quiet 1•• patio no rw.k/pet S??OOm yrly 9e').26J. I 98.1. pm fH) 89911 •Newly ltemocleffi J8, Js. C.>fldi, St~ to be.ch Ip l ,., ii~' SlJXlrno Siu 94'J 400 0471 Conina del Mar oc-n view hump '•11nt 111y 2br lb• 11·''"" '10 \moll P•I Qu•tl ll<1ih S74!>0imo 94<; /F,IJ R?l l Costa Mesa SPACIOUS lbr lti• 4 pit• WO [A\I '>•dt Cn\IA Me\• "'' VH\ 94'.I ')/4 '.114 lllr---, bJ-bf.<IJ-""7 """"' "' '"'' nu l<ltc pnt tlr\ ""' ciu..i Nr fArt-v.•~ I 11-'\;d1 " p<>t Sl250~·J1)111) <ffll DUAL MASTH ?+l PIT OK Bit 111 R•n~• uv.n Jw l.k,a1t,uo. c uv "'"• wtttrt lr~\.h pd $1 !/", AVAii ~II Y S'>I)) d,.ri 1·111 1wt HAAIO'IVll.UGI t\.lfb<# Blvd '" M-<11111"' Way (7141 ')4~ 044/ f'tMe ;/Bi IS. 1 .. "" ~-yMd i:• " I r•UIJ\ vmr _.. incld Sl'>r1 & Slll!Om ~/LI 11"1\ Huntington Beach Jv.t yor4t from the ~ ;a:i. ,_ Ptl~ 'l.1 .-1111y--.\ •. 11, .. Sl~OO m<> /14 'It>'! 47'>~ ai-111 Ir. 11).t rrnt'I r"''' "" Pb C••Ml IJ'•W ',j>d Ml .,, .-lit unrt.r., d ~ 'f sum ~ &7l lfJJJ Newpoft Bach pallll, Wlml pool/ iip1. llU PHJt,lllo & <MJl'I 2t &# SI 7!iO 949 29J 46JI WYIHlY RINTAlS Newpurt llHch Pen1n Sl400 Sl950tmo •at 90-•TJ-7100 hatt. .,,,-}~ 10,_11nl1<.1n10 l ur 11,, •ti• community puof A~t S2JOOm .. '149 611 lllOO llAO>N IAY /iAY ffiiOHi "PSllW\ 2br I '>ba tp S.lf wd hhup I' ke S1600tn10 949 bl J St 11 ... ....... ltio • .;;;; '.Iba homo-?•t II iii< j)llV p.thn comm po.~ 'fr ~"' ~ ......... ,,.\llf•IA>Mn Yeorly large 31.r l ba hou~• J dcwr-, tc1 lst• tr h N•w tdqwl & 11•1111 $29501 n1u 714 '>4 S 8bl8 .Sit 2.Sk, ll ~ 14 l(X) ~f IOI, 111 ""'"" """' & j),l( .. Haobu< v.,.,,., ~ ... 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Ploct 0 Clanifitd od t*y' 1949 6.42-S678 Plumbing ' '.2 ~• 'ac:•et ~, ... ,.!I_• 5' ~ Jl'CUll"lt'11'61! .,i, A siar I'! •P<>'1 .., "1'.~ Ml~ .. ·' Sna~•., •r~ BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 NIED 4S \LIP •n Newp•rT leach ~ ,,,, • 1 ...... ·-r~ 93 fT SllP AVAllAlll IN NEWPORT HACH S2SOO llASI 949 SOO IOOS Slip lor up lo l>Oh boat lolbo<1 areo A~ofl now Call for tlelotl• 949 327 11" . i4i 19•0 18h Dulfy llectdc J•I r S. 14t,J ~~I ~r SELL your stuff ttw'<JlCh classified! ... ....... • •· ,/ ~ DUNCAN EI,ECI'RIC SMALi.JOB BXPmn1 LocAJ.,.QUJCJt RF.sPoNSE •• 11•• •14kF&daaa .U..rl• ~ 650-7042 a.275870 · ~COMP SQUAD INC. Is JOll.f compur:c:r .low? jaR like 1 cu. it needs a nane up. We remove virus - iMa:BS ch.ma -luck • tpy -worm -aopn and all a--dmn all dmcs and l'CCllMr daa. We an uMlli:r dm ID 'fOAlr unr compurer. We Kl .up nctworb big md -U. FiminiDs, Cablc/DSUDiaJ-up Modems. 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