HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-18 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the N ewport-M esa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 2003 Costa Mesa sees crime dip 5 % in 2002 Police attribute the drop to targeted enforcement that began in late 2001 . Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot cording to the FBl's Uniform Crime Report released on Mon- day. robbery plummeted 37% and ag- gravated assaults dropped 30%. The only category that saw a slight increase was thefts. up 1%. But other property <..Timei. were down -burglary dropped 8% and auto thefts, which had in- creased considerably in 2001. were down 13%, the report !.howed. Newport Beach becau~ 11 deah only with dries with population~ more than 100,000. The numbers are in '>harp contrast to 200 I, when 101aJ crime in Costa Me...a roM" more than 16% and violent cnmc'>, c~­ pecially street robbem·'>. hall i11- creased. enforcem ent Hy lhe end ol :WOI police lt<1d 1den111ied d '>h.up 111 crcaM> 111 .,trl'el rohb(·rll''· I t Dale Birney ),aid CRIME STATISTICS Cnme 2001 2002 % ctiange COSTA MF.SA -The dty saw a significant deaeue in crime in most categories in 2002 com- pared to the previous year, ac- The most impressive change was seen in the category or vio- lent crime, the report showe<J. Rape was down 50%, Incidents or ··we had '>Ldtl1:d 1·11fo1u·rnt>111 action'> in tlldl area h> the -.t<Jn of lla'>ll year," lw ..aid -·And \-VI' vwre able to havl' an 11np<Jt1 .111d l>nllg do\1\11 the numlwr of 1 nnw-. Murder Rape Robt>erv Assault BurQlarv Theft Auto tht-11 Total 4 2 28 14 155 98 203 156 554 511 2595 2620 482 425 4021 3826 50 -50 -37 JO 8 l 13 -5 The report does nor include Costa Mesa Pohce offic:iah di - tributed the dechnc to targeted See CRIME. Page A4 NEW ARRIVAL W orkers began assembling the parts for an old-fashioned carousel at Fashion Island on Tuesday. Coco's. The finished amusement mJe will be installed in front of Hobmson),·May in an area now known as Carousel Court. last The Carouwl Cam1vale, a<, 11 will be known. is expected to be ready by latt' July, a shopping center spoke~woman said. After arriving Monday, the carousel parts were assembled in the parking lot across from l11e installation will take about three weeks: the colorful array or animals will be added Above, Sean Rarrango fa<;ten!> one of 12 outer c;cen ery panels to the new carou'>t'I Co sta Mesa adopts $11 2-Inillion budget for 2003-04 City Council still has questions about some issues, but will address them at future meetings. 01lrdr1 Newman DatlyPilot COSTA MESA -Recreational op- or kids trum extra money Cor code enforcement as e City Cound.I enacted a budget for the 2003-04 ftscaJ year on Monday. The council approved the $112-mil- Uon budget unanimously after pulling a Ourry of ftetm for fu:r1her discus- sion. The council decided to address those issues in the future rather than cut from the budget entirely. 'The only loser was the city's contri- bution of about $3,800 to the Orange Coun Human Relations Committee. t money got vert o school graduation night events In next year's budget, as Mayor Gary Monahan recommended. The fact that the budget passed with only one adjustment is a testa- ment to the due diligence of jity Manager Allan Roeder and his staff. Monahan said. "They really do lake care or things the way the council wants them to and promote our priorities and run a tight. conservative budget.· Monahan said. The budget is the culmination or months of number-aunch.ing by er an and community budget work.shop were also held last week to answer questions about the budget. Councilman Allan Mansoor tried 10 stop funding rwo recreational oppor- tunities for ldds -Mobile Recreation. a program that visiL~ variou'i m•1gh borhoods that don't have a lot ol ill ces.'I to open space. and a day camp for kids. Mansoor wanted the fund'> to be used for overtime for rode en forcement. Both efforts could not even muster enough support for the council to vote on them. • 1 would not ever ~uppon a de crease 1n fum:ti11g for -Mobik Re~ creation or llhel day camp to go to the police or code enforcement," Councilwoman Ubby Cowan said. "The recreation programs we have See BUDGET, Pa11 M THINKING ALLOWED I want to go where everybody knows your name of gratitude. was nice to attend a city function out.side the munJdpll aetting. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON llE WEB:· ..ww.~com WEATHER Councilman opposes grass areas on beach Corona del M ar '<; Dick :'\: icholc; ">llY.., he doesn't want · ~ cxicans' using t 110..,e area~ all day. J une Casagrande Daily Pilot :-..ii I;\ 11< Jl<J Ill J\I II A'> L11y Louncil member-. prt·1i.1n· 111 hear J prupo~ for 1rnprowmt•ni.. ,11 ( ornna dd Mar 5tate Heath, ( ou11ulmtt11 1>1d, Nit hol'> on I uc<. day '>clJd he uppll'>t:'> Jddmg more grassy .irt'a<. to tlw h<:Jt h 111 part becaust> ·Melli can<>" dnminJtt• thl"(' dfl'a'> '"'-\11h grav. '~l' u .. uaJI} get Mexicans n1111111g 111 tht·n· (•arly 111 the· morning and Lht•\ rla11n 11 ,,., the1" and 11 becomes their pn..,1111al. pm.11<• ~ro1111do, all d.1)•." Nichol-. '>did Ill .1 plHmt• llllt'f\'I('\\ I lw romrnent was 1us1 one of many pomh the· lOUnttlmm1 made as he ex pla111t'd lw. opp1Nt11111 10 the propo...ed 1m prmemeni... hul II 1<., the one that mo'>I tmuhled h1-. u1llt.•ttJ.,'l1t...,_ '"1111., concern'> llll' • \f,1\or Steve Brom berg ~d • 1 m \W\ hotlwrt.>d bt-c:ause Lh.-. I'-not thl' Wd\ llll' JW<>ple or Newport Re.ith are llw pt.•ciplt• of 'ewport Beach are 'rry prugrt'~'>'H' and II'> indeed unfor- tunatt· 1f Wl' ha\t.' a11 t•lt•t led official spew- ing what m1gh1 bt.• lllll'rJirete<l a<; a racial ep11het." Juhn I le1Terna11 whu like Nid1ols wa'I ... urrorte<l 111 luc, 11111m 1I nm by the city'<; 111111 mll<'d KW\>\ th t .11•1•nh~ht movernt>nt. ,1J...o '><.ltd he d1<,.1pprovt'd of tJ1e comment "When you n• ,1 puhht official. }OU can't n1.1.ke rommt•nt-. th<tt dle racially toned." I leffeman ...i1d -\\hat vou lMIY I'> taken far different I} het.tU'-(' vou re a pubbc offiaaJ • c.reenhght nm1 1.1]<; al"4> qu1Ckty dis- tanced tht•m<;t·lvt•., frnrn Nichol"'i com- m1·nt., "We arl' trouhlt·d hy I >r NiC'hol"s aJI~ quote," -..ud < .ret•nhght !.pokesman Phil Arst. "I le W<L'i t•ndor..t.>d by c;reenlight he- rause of h1<> long 1ernrd of community wrvit e a<> oppowd to that or tus principal opponent < 1ree11h~h1 1s t·ommitted to a hetter qu.thty of bfe 111 Newport Bead1 and while we 'land bch111d the rea...c;ons for our encJor.ement or I >r Nichol'! as an msightful ilnd hard wortun~ ...-ommw1ity activist. who ha<> been making a difference In ~up for ltw resident.s.-we are snrefy disappointed with his comment· Ifs the second time that Nichols used the word "M~can· in a way that raised con· cems. At the Ott 22. 2002 City Council See GRASS, Pap M COSTAMAZING Costa Meu oetebnrt• Its 50th anniWfNry 1Na Y'*· Why do YoU IMt In eo.t.a Mesa7 ~ am-.1ed you to the aty, end wt.-do vou entov~~it7 ·unless you're here with him. be'• your worst nightmare.· Bromberg said about Cass and hill role u a code enforcement oftker. Unlike most city presentation , the mood wu light and infonnal. lbey were not at a podium, ll'Dlllns and lhatlng hands for the c::ameru. They were ln a local It WU all very penona1, very rrieodty, very lncluaJve. Good·natwed n'bbing was the order ot the day. The a.ura was relaxed. People Jobd around and mln&kd A cue sdCk and a b4Mr1p were always within readi lt was actually a fu.ri assignment. Cl laid of the boor.e, chough. because I wu on the dock.) 8u1 d J had fun_ The tun will shine .-n. 9t IMct aome time •rtv this aft!lmoon. The OMtV P'ilOC ...... to know and wll run your....,_ ... dlit monch ... dty begin.to~--~ ann6~ ~--mon.t\. -With pd &lend&. ahaMa. drink and a moment LOLITA HARPER ()( aM98. 11iwlday WU DOC the olldal ~Of the pvdtanwdon.. Cw wfl hive to ID down ID Cky Hll ~Ind do the tlcte ID4-tiJinle liq on the record but It u tot me thmklnl .... With .. the talk aboUt renovadnc aiy Hal. ~ not add IQIDe ol the mmpoolntl lhlt mlllCk ... prodanMdm I snwhins al« 11 f Can\ JOU 1'Jlll 16 S.PlpA2 SPORTS CdM'i ~ e...ctbuCy ta .._.,., ilf"" ~on 1hi Dely fllOt"t oriWn,..,, b high 8Ctloot 'b ...... ... ,..Al The~-....... June20. Slndycu ..... to ~~..a..­W.Blly!ll..C..--CA 12a1;...-. ,...., •.• ~Of· to&-.....WJI. E-m11Wllilill'9pu I :14. ' • AZ Wehsday, June 18, 2003 NEIGHBORS aut.dna M. Sumpter of Costa Mesa and ---P.ddle D. 1\ana of Newport Beach were recently promoted by Paclftc Ufe Insurance. Sumpter ls the new seruor vice Christina M. president of Sumpter operadons and Tung is the asmtant vice president of regulatory products accoWlting ... Rk:banl "'Rick" Jo.nee has joined McCarthy Cook & Co. as senior vice president of asset management. He will be based in McCarthy Cook's Costa Mesa office ... Richard Jones Marine Corps Reserve Cpl. DUiie.i B. Adams, son of Kim and Ronald B. Adams of Costa Mesa. was recently called to active duty for Operadon Iraqi Freedom. He is assigned to Company MG," 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marine's 4th Division in Los Alamitos: the largest groWld combat element in the Corps. He is a 1994 graduate of Newport Harbor High School ... Navy ~Officer 3rd Oass JeremJah D. CleYaand is participating in (jperadon Iraqi Freedom in the !i'rabian Gulf aboard the guided miss De destroyer USS Porter. He is a 1998 graduate of Costa Mesa High School ... NkkSacco, top Franklin i...=.... _ _.__....J Academy scholar, will Nick Sacco graduate Thursday. He \!ill attend USC this fall to study biology ... Pri8dlla Haag, an Orange Coast College communicadona major, was the student speaker at the college's 55th annual commencement ceremony on May 30 at l.eBard Stadium. She plans to attend C.al State Long Beach ... Pat Shea. a Costa Mesa carwash owner, was honored by the Bnvironmental Protection Agency for his effons to PrisciUa Haag contribute to the water quality in the Costa Mesa area ... Robert M. Campbell, RobertM. Campbell president of er Realty Corp. of Newport Beach, was honored by the UC Irvine Graduate School of Management program with this year's Lifetime Achievement Award for his 3-year career in real estate ... Krlsttne Jo Harrington, a Newport Beach student at Davidson College in North Carolina. received the colleges Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award at commencement ceremonies on May 18, honoring her service to the college, and for leadership in issues on public health and women's rights. She was also awarded the Lilly Scholarship in Religious Vocation and leadership. She plans to ttavel to Ghana. West Africa. after graduation to work in a maternity hospital and a Planned Parenthood facility. • NEJGHBORi spotlights actiievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to coral. wilscn@lstimes.com. PETS OF THE WEEK Louis and Vuitton Louis and Vuinon are 8-week-old orange kitten brothers named after the popular designer. Louis is dark orange and Vuinon is Ugbt orange with a little white. ·0range cats and kinens are the most requested. and to find two brothers will sure please someone out there wanting a pair," said OiAnna Pfaff-Martin, foWlder of the Newport Beach-based Community Animal Network. The network has started successful pet parenting classes and a new MKustom Kitties" program. allowing people to avoid the crowds and visit kinens in the caregiver's home, she said. "We know people are looking for just the right connection when they adopt a new pet family member and that ls why it is best to speak to the caregivers,· Pfaff-Martin said. ·They know a lot about each one's personality and can help guide the family to get the right pet for them." See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnetwort.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. information: (949) 759-3646 or the network at P.O. Box 8662, Newport Be1£c:h, CA 92658. Dail y.A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 169 lMOMAI H. JOHNSON N9w9 ldtt.cwa Pu blither Gin• Alexander, Lori Anderaon, 10NYDOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul S.ltowitz, Editor Daniel Strlena JUf/( OITT1HO ~~r NEWlfJTAR Crlme~~iur, Promodone Director (949)57 ~.bh•,.ttt•l•tf,,,...oom a>mNO fJT.AfF """'c,o• LJ,Cafwl Newport reporter, "'::f'~ Editor, (948) 57<M232 (948 U233 /UM.~·l•tfm..com aJ,t»hne ,.,,,,,..com ..... Cllnlon ......... Polltlc:a, buslneee and environment City Edleof, .,~ rtpOtW, (Mt) 7"'-4330 ~·ltlt/m#.QOITI pt11Jl.cllnt011•1«1,,...,oom ........ ,,..... Lolel...,. I;".,\~ Cotumnllt, cuttu,.. rtpOtter, ~·~ (Mt)~5 ..... "' ..... 1o1n..,,.,,,.,• 1at1,,,..com M OINotof' I Newt Dall Chi.f, .,...Nlwnwt ..,PM22' Cotta Meu repcww, (IMll 174-4221 -=~ dltlldte.,,..,,,.,,.,.,,,.,,.oom a.......c...-. "'°'° ldleor, EduoMk>n ~.(Ml 17'"4al , .. 11Ma ,...mannt•...,,,__oom ~•~com ' ' FOR A GOOD CAUSE Sheila Hatchell S heila Hatchell spends most of her waldng hours volunteering. The 67-year-old Newport Beach resident was elected president of Friends of Oasis Senior Center for the third consecutive year this year. The organization, with more than 5,000 members, is a support group that predominantly raises funds for the Corona del Mar senior center. Hatchell's main duty as president is to organize the group's monthly meeting, wh.ich she says is "more like a party.• ·it's open to all seniors, not just members,· she said. ·we get from 170 to 190 people every month.• Hatchell gets the place decorated and makes sure there is enough food and refreshment to go around. She volunteers with the group about 35 hours a week. "It's like a full-time job," Hatchell said. COSTA MESA ......, • Merie FerNtnda Gf9Y, 28, Cotta Meu • H9ceor c.toe R.mll'tlr, 22, Sent. Me ....... • Rlclrdo Gonzalez, 21, Cotta Mell • 8-e cfvt.den Morin. 21, Fovntatn Vdev \' Devoting her life to giving her time And when she's not in the office, she's hitting the stores looking for colorful decorations. "We always like our meetings to be a fun time for our seniors." Hatchell said. Although she does not get paid in cash or kind for the hard work she puts ln, Hatchell says the pleasure she derives from working with the seruors more than makes up for 1L •These people are like part of my family," ahe aaid. "They are like my brothers and slaters.• Hatchell spent several years as an officer's wife in the military, she said. "That's bow I started volunteering.• Hatchell said. "Volunteer activities are what make a military base a home.• She served as president of the American Embassy ln London. DUI ARRESTS organized numerous fund-raisers to keep the bases running and even ran a thrift shop when her husband was stationed in Europe. Hatchell moved to Newport Beach about 13 years ago. Apart from her work at Friends of Oasis. Hatchell ls also on the board for Coastline Community College and organizes two rummage sales every year - one for St. Andrew's OlUrcb in Newport Beach and the other for the senior center. Hatchell says volunteering ls part of who she is. "I've always done it, I guess," she said. "It's been a pan of my life.· Volunteering at the senior center has been emotionally rewarding for her. Hatchell said. "l get so many hugs. thank yous. telephone calls and letters,· she said. "It makes you feel so good.• -Story by Deepa Bharath, Photo by Kent Treptow • M~Joeeph ~.C. N9wpott Beed\ ..... • Auldn Jothua Almer, 11, *'4>0rt BMd'I Miiiy • M1lcdM Gene a.ny, M. Hundug1on 8eec:tt Cor8I Wiiton Box 1560, Cotta Meu. CA 92626. SURF AND SUN Newt aulmnt. (9491 57,._.298 Copyright: No newt ltorl•, oo,./. wflt0nel•tlmn.oom lllultretiona, edltorl1I mlbr or ~ advertinmenta hereln can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Seen Hlllef', Don l.aad'I, reproduced without written Kent Trept0w permission of copyright owner. Cloudt will greet ua ear1y, as We'll see more chest· to READERS HOTLINE HOW TO REACH US usual. but wlll make way for head-highs since the (949) Ml-«>88 Cln:utetlon the sun throughout aouthW9lt swell ls still eround. Record your oomtn4Hlta about the The Tlmee Orange County N.wport·Mesa this afternoon. The eouthwect twell loen Dally Piiot or newa tlpe. (800) 252·9141 Highs wtll ~the mld-70. steam Thuract.y, 10 we'll Addr'llle Adw111M11 Inland and the upper 60s along mostly ... c:n.t-hlgha, with Our~ le 330 W, 8-v St, Cotta au1m.d (9491 &42·6871 Mesa. CA 92827. Ofrlce houre are Dflpl9y (949) &42-4321 the coast. Lows wtll be In the the occuional lhouldeN\~. Monday • Frldey, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. EdltotW lower60I. On Friday, we'll ttart eeelng Conectione N9w9 Thul"ldey wlll be slmllar but waist· to cheet-Nghs. It II tM Pllot't policy to promptly (IM8) &42-5e80 coolef, with high• '*" 10. We lhould '"enother co"9Ct t ll lf"l'Oft of eubetance. 8poftll (!M&) 57<M223 Friday wlll be about the IOUthwelt twetl amw Pl4llM call (948) 7&M324. N9w9,.. (948) ~170 lpofta ,.. (948) 81().()170 Mme. Seturday, but ft won't produce FV1 E-mel: d•l/ypllot•l•tf,,,...com lnfomwtlon: enythlng neer u larve •• thle The Newpon a..ctllCoeta M ... MIAil Olloe www.nwt.nou.(JOV one. Delly Piiot (USPS-144-800) le ...... ()Moe (948) Ml-4321 w.w...-ev: publhmed delly. In Newport Beed\ ...... ,.. (948) 831-712e BOATING FORECAST www..ul'frldfJr.org and Colfll Meta, tubectiptloM ,,.. avall1ble only ~ eubecrtblng to The The wtndl wtlt blow• Ngtwl I TIDES Tlmee Orange County (IOO) IJMI to 10 knota In the lnMt Wlter'I 2e2.a141. In .,.... out8lde of toct.y, wtd\ 2·foot )IWl'Vet and a .,.... ........ Newpon IMdl •nd Coeta Meu, IOUthwMt IMfl of 3 to 5 fMt. 7:38a.m. .OMfMttow eubecrtpdone to N Dllty ll'tlot ,,.. The Mme wtH be found this 2:38p.m. U7 .... Met\ IYllteble only~ ftnc cHM Mell fot l'\lblt.Md ~"*Community evening. 7:04p.m. 2.78 .... tow S30 I* month. (l'l'to. lndude ... NM8, 1 di n of the Lot Anoetet Out f9'1hlt, the wttterty 12:.&ea.m. &.12 .... high tppllotble-tnd looel tua) Tlmee. wtnde wMt btow 101D 20 knota, f'OSTMAS'Tt .. : Send 86dr'e. ~to The Ntwpoft C2003 Tlmee CH. Alt righta With 2• tD s-foot wwe. ~. WATER TEMPERATURE IMdVC'*8 Mete Dllty Piiot. P.O. r'MefWd. W91tllW'llaff1D71Mt.Wlndl • ehould .... ted tNe evri19. 83degfW Costa Mesa resident who plans to move the Huscroft House to the Westside isn't pleased with the city's plans. us to Ignore the rules and let him do things we wouldn't let anyone else do so he could move the Hu- scroft House. And I wasn't buying lthosef arguments." Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -I'he Lortuous saga of the Huscroft House has la.ken another twis t as the pro- spective owner has appealed its relocation. The hisloric Craftsmwi-style house has been in limbo for more than four years as city lead· ers wreslle with its fate. Late last year, John Morehart came lo the rescue when he expressed a de- sire to move the home to his 12.000-square-foot property on the Westside. Although the Planning Com- mission approved lhe move on June 9, Moreha.rt appeaJed the decision three days later becaW>e the commission did not allow him to subdivide the property. He said dividing the property is imperative since it's the only way Board OKs slate of JWA projects Supervisors agree to spend $1 million for a special fire truck and te> soundproof some homes. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot JOHN WAYNE AJRPORJ County supervi~rs approved a package or pro1ects fue'>day that, they said, should make the a1r- pon a ..ecure and more U'>er fnendly place. SuperviM>r Jim Silva. who re- presents Costa Mesa and much of Newpon Beach . ..aid the im- provements greatJy enhance an alrpon already known for its ease and convenience. "It will not only make it a safer place. but we're also concerned about the (conveniencef of our passengers.· Silva •;cud. "What I've always tried to do is make this county friendly to business." John Wayne Airpon. a popular aupon for buc;mes_c; traveler,, saw a half-do1.en new measure. ~ the board. Supervisors green-lighted the purchase of a $1 .02 million fire truck. sLamped their approval on sound-proof- ing for IS Santa Ana Heights and Newpon Beach homes and hired a maintenance company for the newly expanded baggage S)'l'I· tern. The new fire truck will replace a 1969 fire truck that is lc:nown to break down, alrpon spokes- woman Ann McCarley said. The 3,000-gallon aircraft and rescue vehicle will be paid for mostly out of federal funds. The Federal Aviation Administration is funding 80% of the purchase. Most notably, the board ap- proved a maintenance contract for the airpon's newly installed expanded baggage carousel ln meeting a December federal re- quirement to screen all checked ba~ airport managers added 5,200 feet of conveyor belts. That goes with the 3,300 feet of belts installed when the Thomas F. Ri- ley terminal opened in 1990. Bags can now Oow dire<:tly from the ticket counter to the screening area to the plane. "It's a seamless process for the passenger," McCarley said. "It's an easy. convenient airport to Oy in and out of." The bo'll'd hired FMC Technol- ogies lnc./Airport Services for the work. The three-year con- tract. for $4.43 rnWlon, e.xplres in June of 2006. It also Includes maintenance of fire doors. Airport managers also hired AMI> Construction Group to in· stall sound-proofing material on 15 homes In Santa AnJ Heights and Newport Beach. 1be com- pany. for $567,000, will add dou- ble--paned windows. 10und re- llltant doors and Insulation. The airport has already in- stalled the improvements on 331 bomel. The FM pays (or 809' of the work. with the airport chip-Pin& in the mna.lning 2m(,, to ensure the historic glory or the house -which he will be invest- ing his time and money into to renovate -will be appreciated. "It's the kind of thing someone has to take pride in, and it's been proven that renters don't worry about details," Morehart said. "It has to be the kind of thing where someone will say, 'Guess what I'm doing this week.end? I'm painting the trim on the house.'" Planning Commission Oiair Bruce Garlich said the appeal did not surprise him. I le said More· hart's arguments for subdivision rang as hollow as the rusty pipes in the Huscroft I louse. "I think he was asking to be al- lowed to do 10 things that were not allowed and there was not a lot of justification for doing most of those: it wasn't justified by most of the land-use argu- ments," Garlich said. "He needed The historic home was built in Santa Ana and moved to Costa Mesa in 1950. In 1998, the city of C:OSta Mesa spent $54,000 to move the house from 2529 Santa Ana Ave. to TeWtnkle Park. Three years later. the council approved its restoration for use as a cul- tural museum in Fairview Park. but later decided to sell the house and put it out to bid. At the end of the formaJ bidding process, only two bids had been received, both of which feU through. At the end of 200 I, the city said il wouJd use the $200,000 desig- nated from the Home Ranch de- velopment agreement to move the historic home to Fairview Park but expected the commu- nity to match the money. That did not happen. and by Septem- ber 2002, the dilapidated home was headed to demolition. That Give Us Your Child this Summer. ~ And we'll give you • student a full ac.ademlc level higher. Al Tu1or1n9 Club~ of AmPr1ca wf' r<' dedicated to ensurm9 your child succeeds MO\l 1mPQrtdnl WP hf'lp \tudent\ dChleve the \f' f PUf'f'm and conf1den e they nee<l to succeed All In W11h our e1<clus111t" Tu1orA1d Just 32 hours. GUAAANTEED. (UlllfUlum WP .aka ere.He learnin9 Summe mp (dll toddy dnd find pr09rams f ,...,.. out mort" It could bP s~1fteally th"' mo\t 1rnPQrtdnl dPs19nt-d for your rh1ld'\ nf't'd\ \ummf"r o f your child~ life (949) 645 790 0 488 East i7th Street • Costa Mesa 1 ornf'r of lrv1nt' AVt'11Uf') MATH • READING • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP 'It's the kind of thing someone has to take pride in, and it's been proven that renters don't worry about details.' John Morehart was when Morehan steppc.>d up and offered to move the house 10 his property at 548 Bernard St. l~"t""'' •vw•• 314" COLDEN MAl'U:. SOLID HARDWOOD s4~~f1. Wednesday, J..-.e 18, 2003 .... , ... t>t:N!'.t PLUSH CARPET • JnsWkd with Pad $1 69 • Minimum 60 yards 1q. ft. Mayor Gary Monahan said he suppons Morehart's resolutene'>s in wanting to subdivide the property. Monahan pointed out that an earlier council provided direction on '>UbdiviMon to the Planning Commis'>ion. TraverUne 18 .. z 18" •..•.•.•.•.•.•....... 14.29 .,..fl. Ceranalc Tile ...........••..... 1 .. ta11"4 fro• 14.99 ... f\. "The idea was -we wamed 11 to work." Monahan said "<)ubch vision was mentioned way up front so I lhinJc. the only way he''> going to make it work h to c;ubd1 vide it and if we're undble to do that as a counal, Lhen !we're go ing 10 lose the homef • Laminate Wood •............ lnatalld fro• 14.99 -" Suppl/•• and Tools Far lht• -oo II t ·o u r••IFer•t• All prle#t•lprodu<U For a /iniltrd tlnir. bo11..t on awrllabll/111. • Semi-Privau for Me11 & Women •Over 80 Piut's of Equ1pmn11 • Privau Pilatn \1ud10 •SPINN ING Tluata • 16 Full Time Pa1011al Trainers • Child Cart' /Jam -110011 /.1 • S11t. • Convenil'nt Parlung • Yoga , Tai CJ11, Strerrh rlasus •Sup. Power Pump. Cardto •Showers, Suam & 1'01uels •Day Spa • Arupunrture/Massage 949760-5054 www shape-up.com • www.fitnesKoncepf$ 2101 Eost Poc1hc Coosl Hwy, Corona Del Mar, # • . . ,,.. .. . ,, .. ... .1 M WedneSday, June 18, 2003 Contiooed from Al the 8rii department. which OYef· ... the ...... 9UpporU the UnprcNed lllealwd ladlidel .. 1 c&UM tMY Wil allow for I biCh« meeting. Nichols referred to 1 leYel of safety In a beach area motortat as a Mexican, though that'a dUlicuJt to serve because he dJd not know the man, bis the harbor entrance separate1 country of origin or dtizenahlp. Corona del Mar from most of the Nichols made the more recmt beech uea the d ty Ufeguarda pa· comment while d1lcusling de-trol. tails of the beach impnM!lllent Better amenities are needed plan that will be heard at an up· there because of this access ls- com.lng City Council meeting. sue, be said. In addition to expanded grassy areas, Nichols said he also op- poses plans to build added £acill- des for lifeguards because they will take up more of the sand area than is necessary for public safety. ALDENS • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead\ and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.c1m19rlJ/1delillatlmn.com. ~ ------- 0 N -§IT E DRAPERY Cl.EANll\I& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECHllAllY I Certlfted Ta Dean AJI Hunter Daugl•• Fabric Window Ca\lerlng• Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers-• Silhouette' window shadings • Vignette• window shadings • Ouette• honeycomb shades • Malenianc Collection • Jubilntlll roman shades •Applause' honeycomb shades • SerenettelV Softfolcflll shadings World's Best ON-sJTEftO Drapery Cleaninl System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 ""''''""' \ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, 1111.111111 ,,,,,, ..,,.,, ", • ..,,,,, ,. l'J',/ PUBLIC SAFElY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Police arrest suspect in store holdup Costa Mesa Police arrested a ~2-yeu-old parolee Monday even.Ing when he allegedly tried to get away after·bolding up a aupermatbt using a fake gun, offtdals said. Michael Angelo Powell of Westmln.ster walked Into the Vons supermarket In the 100 block of Bast 17th Street at about 6 p.m. Monday, ap- proached the store manager with the gun and demanded money from her, U. Dale Bir- ney said. "The manager eaw what lhe thought WU a handgun." be said. "He took the money from her, Mnt out the atore and drove away." A man 11 the store who wit- neesed the lnddent called po-- lice. Birney said. •He wu abre to give us a description of the suspect and the car he was driving," he said. OfDcers spotted Powell's car In north Costa Mesa. He re· fused to stop and led police on a brief pursuit. Birney aald. "After a few minutes, he de- cided to pull over and surren- der b.lmself to the police," he said. OfBcers anested Powell at the corner of SU.oflower Av- p.m. Sunday. enue and Susan Sbeet. Police lllo fow\d the fake gun in the car, Bbney Mid. He said be la not aure bow much money WU stoJen from the store. Birney said Powell la being charged wtth robbery, poaes- ston of a replica handgun, felony evading and vioJadon of parole. He la being held In Costa Mesa jail without bail Protest held outside of Syrian Consulate About 30 lranlanB held a peaceful demonstration pro- testing Syria's deportadon of two and-government exiles to Iran out.side the Syrian Con- sulate In Newport Beach on Monday morning, police said. The BJ'OUP approached the con.aulate building at CMc Center Drtw at about 11:15 a.m., Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman said. Conaulate oftlciala called the police not knowing what the group wu there for, he aald. •The group was coopera- tive," Shulman said. "They wanted to hand over a letter to the consulate voicing their opinions." 1\vo representatives from the group were allowed Into the consulate to hand over the Jetter. Once that was done, the group left. Shul- man said. He said traffic was not dis- rupted because or the pro- test. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Eat a.y StrNt: Grand theft wu reported in the 200 blocX at ~20 p.m. Sunday. • South eo..t Dttw: A commercial burglary was reported In the 900 blodc at 12:51 p.m. Sunday. • B Modena Annue: A home burglary was reported In the 600 blodc at 2:16 p.m. Monday. • Hoeplt9I Roed: Grand theft waa reported In the 300 blodt et 4;08 p.m. Monday. • Joenn 81rMt end~~ A . hit-and-run wu reported at 9'A1 p.m. Sunday. • Newpof't BoulelMrd: Petty theft was reported In the 1600 blodc et 1 :34 p.m. Sunday. • Ogle S1rNt: An auto theft was reported In the 200 blodc et 12'.48 p.m. Sunday. • Pllrtc CeflW Dttw: Indecent exposure wu reported In the 3200 blodc at 10:08 • VlctDN S1rNt: Vandalism was reported In the 300 blodt et 2:22 p.m. Sunday. • East 111ti S1rNt: Annaylng phone calls were reported In the 300 blodc at 8:52 p.m. Sunday. NEWP0Rt BEACH •Balboa~: A home burglary wa1 reported In the 2700 blodc at ~47 p.m. Monday. • Ceder Street: Petty theft was reported In the 200 blodc at 6:63 p.m. Monday. • Newport Centw Dttw Eat: A hit-end-run waa reported In the 3100 blodc at 11 :09 a.m. Monday. • w.t OCMn front: Vandalism was reported in the 2200 blodc at 6:10 p.m. Monday. • Unfvenity Dttw: A commercial burglary was reported In the 2200 blodc at 2:02 p.m. Monday. •Via Udo: Petty theft waa reported In the 3400 blodc at 10:44 a.m. Monday. BUDGET Continued from Al play a role in the quality of life and safety of persons and prop- erty. It's unmeasurable -an in- credibly pure form of preven- don that's so Important to the community." ·1 think we really need to consider increaslng the busi- ness license fee and some other fees in the city, .. said Beth Re- f'a.kes. "I also think we should look at increasing fees for rec- readonal . facilities to cover maintenance and fund im- provements ... ·come back with an overall update on deployment on what you have going out in the com- munJty and what you want, .. Monahan said. One of the Items that sparked the most controversy among council members was the fund- ing of the Drug Abuse Resist- ance Education program. which also was pulled for further dis- cussion. The program uses law enforcement to work with kids to prevent drug use. people run the prograrp. Monahan and Councilman Mike Scheafer adamantly de- fended the program as ls. •My three sons went through the O\RE program and I'm glad they haven't given into any temptations: Scheafer said. ·u ·one kid stays off drugs, (the program) has done Its job ... Among the issues that got pulled for further public discus- sion are the skateboard park. the Costa Mesa Job Center and I increasing fees llke the tran- sient occupancy tax. While in- creasing fees would have to be put to a vote of the people, some residents expressed their support Monday. Monahan suggested bringing the discussion on increasing fees to a study session and In- viting the Costa Mesa Cllamber of Commerce and the Costa Mesa Tourism Council to par- ticipate. With new poUce chief John Hensley being sworn In Mon- day night, the council gave him some time to determine what his deployment needs are. Mansoor wanted to look at it further to make sure the funds were being spent efficiently. Co· wan suggested keeping the pro- gram, but redeploying the law enforcement officers into the community and having other The budget allows the city to maintain programs and services at existing levels. It estimates the city will take in about $38 million In sales tax and about $15 million in property tax. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN cover1 Co1te Mese end may be reached et (9491 574-4221 or by e-mell et deirdre. newman 4tlatimes. CO fil. • F• Serwlce eat.•· Sizzling Faj itas Strolling Mariachis • Margarita & <;:erveza Bar ~ ~c~a~T:~ ~ • Tacos • Tamales \ Call your nearest location for pick up . • Guacamole • Salsa ~ (• ~-._equetRoow • t .., 10 to 100 P.opl. a 411 Catering "" • .-(949) 645-0209 •• Costa Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa (949)646-1142 (949)675-6851 (949)644-8226 • ' ' • • • ' I . . . •@lll1UIWAMJ • CONSIGN---DESIGN- Qua/ity Furnishings & Acce11oms For Your Home · Small Bl_ack I>esk ...................................................... $14Kt" Game Table ............ -.••........•....•..... -.......................... $150" Glass/Chrome Coffee Table .................................... $150" Country Freoch Wini Chair .................................. $250'9 Roond Pine Table w/l,ear .................... ._. .. _ ..... -...... $.26.3- Sectlollal Sol"a •• .., ............................................................ $995" E. 17th S~t #JO, Costa Mesa, Lamldb11Uftc1Pllilll01Pllio Phone(949)764--17~ llaill:...,, .....,. ........ ,.,., ........... ALLOWED Continued from Al Here's my vision for council chambers: The top of the dais could double as an air hockey table. Any time council members find themselves at odds with each other, they could play for who's rlghL Sudden death. first goal wins. With the exception of a few regulars -and the reporters assigned to cover the meed.op - most people are only there for a single issue. Why not put pool tables In the Lobby to pass the time? J'm sure developers and residents would love to play a good game of nine ball while waiting for Old Business Item 3A. Perhaps It would dispense with !IOTI\e of the tension before the real competition begins. FoosbaD anyone? Now. I'm not sure If Newport wants to go with the nJ8B'l(I · peanut shell motif or a mo~ upecale martini lo\Ulge. but either AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa MeN, CA 92627; bye-mall to mlke . .wan.anflllatimn.com; by fax to ('949) 64&-4170; or by canlng{949) ~nclode the time, date end location of the event, u well Ha contact phone number. A complete llltlng Is available et www.dallypllot.com. TOOAV Phi ........ 0.-.,... County archivist, wHI dl9cuee whit 19 In the archlv• aa they rehrte to Costa Mesa's history et 7 p.m. et the Costa M ... Historical Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave., Costa Meu. For mo,.. lnformltion, cell (949) 831-6811 Of...,,.., cml'tl-.,,y•latwt.com. way, musk ii a must. I can see it DOW, OJ 0t. Proctor tearing up the rum tables with MC~ on the mic. Brombelg the hwnan beat box (known as simply Bro, to his fans), droppin' the beats. "The roof. the root the roof is too high-a!· 'We don't need no variance let the bleep-bleep bum! .. Tu keep the vibe on a nice mellow tip: beer OD tap and a slew of well drinks. And what would a Tuesday night be without tacos. 'Dlco Tuesdays at Newport Beacl:i Oty Hall, with SI domestic beers and $2 mixed cocktail& Once a month. the city could host Meet-and-Greet martini night. where constituents can get to know their council members while sipping a &ha.ken, not stirred. cocktail and puftlng on a fine cigar. With $30 million to play with. this could be a really bappenJng joint There would be no problem with the ABC lk:eose. (No delivaies on July 4, though.) Residents wouJd not have to Coast Unitarian Unlverullst Church on human retatlona featuring en Introduction by Rusty Kennedy of UM Orange County Human Relation9 Council. The program goee from 12:30 to 1 :30 p.m. and C09ta $7.60 per person, Including lunch, or $10 without 8 reMNetioft. The reception la at 11 :46 e.m., end the luncheon et noon. For reMf'Vationa, call (949) 880-8686, ext. 3, by 6 p.m. June 17. TheNewpoft ......... ,...,..... Mu.um, WOl'idng In confuncdon with UM Newport Llbrvf, will preeent • .. riel of ltOtY time events on the Tex.M Dede It the museum for children bet\llMn 3 and 6 from 10:30 to 11:301.m. Admlulon Is he •nd apece .. llmbd. For lnformdon Of reMNetionl •• , (Ml) 873-7883. The0..lenlorC....-ho91 a 1w1Hght dinner end et'OW withe peffonnence from·~ a55% TU" 0. PriMi,.Z ef Tnt' 12 ~<>CD FDIC INSUB.:ED ptpBI,JTX D11U11D naomn (94o9). 888-8711 1quabble over noise ordinances here and dancing until I a.m. there because who would they complain to If lt was the City Council getting its party on? The area needs a happening Tuesday night spot anyways. lt is the one night of the week that is devoid or a real ·scene· activity. Imagine the comments that could be uttered by council members If there were free-ftowing alcohol June Casagrande. get out your notepad. Of course I am lcidding. I've been told enough times that alcohol and busines.s don't mix. It was ftm to rub elbows with the mayor in a bar and strain to hear a proclamation over the tunes of a juke box. Now. that's my kind of ;wfgnmenL Party on Newport. • LOUTA HNl'ER writes columns Mondays, 'NedMMSays end Fridays and c:over1 culture and the •rU. She may be reached et (949) 5744276 or by&-mall.i lollta.harper.IMJme..oom. Bova: featuring the ex-vaudeville team of Joe Scttulein and Sam Youndhana. Tidcets .,.. avallable for S7 et the cent9r, 800 · Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mer. For Information, call (949) 644-3244. CRIME Continued from Al The decrease of robberies also led to a decrease In assaults be- cause most robberies lnvotve as- saults and are therefore con- nected, Birney sald. Natlonwide. violent crime - murder, rape. robbery and as· sault -dropped 1.4% compared to 2001. Former Costa Mesa Police 01.ief David Snowden, who re- tired from his job on Friday, said the improvement In 2002 was a result of hard work on the part of all or his officers. ·u was also because of the rapport the department had been able to build with the com- munity and the wonderful part· nerships we had." he said. • DE.EPA llHARATH coven public safety and couns. She may be reec:hed at (949) 574-422e or by &-mail at dHpa.tJMmtt•latlmn.com. connect. go to www.nation•lmNOC/.ry.OIJ1, select "'Uvfng with MS" and then select "Webcasta and Conferences~ THURSOAV~~--,.~~~-w- The Nlltlonllt Multiple~ Society will prMent en lntemet educational program celled •et Cutdedo Cllnk:o de la Eederostl Multiple;"• ~ng broedcut on cffnicel care of multiple lderol&l, tt 6:30 p.m. To Wednesday, June 18, 2003 A5 When you donate a piece of usable furniture at IKEA this weekerJd only, you will save : s20 off a •100 purchase s100 off a s500 purchase •so off a *250 purchase s200 off a •1000 purchase ~ H.,., for Htimanlty ................... -- M Wednesday, June 18, 2003 HOW 10 GET PUBUSHED -uu.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNden Hottine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-maJl:&tnd to dailypilotCfJlatimn.oom • All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoees). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. MAILBAG A swinging read on a secret scene Wow. Great article on the swing scene rswing shift," June 9). The wonderful world of the Lindy Hop in Orange County has been the best-kept secret~d. It's so good to see WOJ'trletmlg out. I discovered swfJ>g about two years ago when the live "big bands" played al Birraporerti's in Costa Mesa on Monday nights and have been having the time of my life dancing ever 'ince. As a 40-something woman, I have really been happy to see how many men -of a certain age -are learoing to swing dance. Guess in their wiser years, the guys are figuring out that there are a lot of fun and enthusiastic women out there who love to dance (and, of course, we're all gorgeous). What a shame that, since the demise of Birraporerti's. \here is no where to swing on a regular basis m Costa Mesa or Newport Beach. I keep hoping 1he Pavilion (which ic, a hi tori<. swing spot) will open up its great up!.ta1rs dance Doo\ ... or 1hat the dance club they keep 1allcing ahou1 building across from friangle Squa1e will have a swing nigh• or two. A.!> for now. anyone in1ere.s1ed in dancing 10 something other than dt!>CO. you can check ou1 the ho1 Undy Hop spots m Orange County on www.swingi11fo.com . FILE PHOTO I DAILY Pll.OT i ong, left, spins his partner, Kathy Wilmes, during their beginning Lindy Hop swing dance class. , ~ • f • All you have to have is a young heart, wWing 1>p1rit, and abiJiry 10 have lotc; of fun because -believe me -you will. KARE GRAMS Costa Mesa Does somebody have a problem with redheads? I don't see how Newport Reach Ciry Councilman John Heffernan can question the judgment or the statement made by feUow Councilman Dick Nichols when he gives an analogy that infers ta \fY that "redheads" are ~omehow tainted! "!l's like saying I 'iaw you come out of Lhe Four Sea,011.., in the morning with a redhead " My wife il> a redhead and <t wry nice lady. As far as I kJHm .. .,ht' 11a., never even been to the rour Seasons in Newport Beach. and I am sure she wouldn't go 1here with a politician. Statements like thi~ show a' much insensitivity and !.horl sightedness as the statem ent made by Nichols. It seems they all sho uld pay more auenuon to their public statement ... STEVE VELASCO Cos ta Me!>a Not happy with Nichols as a councilman I am embarrassed that Dick Nichols is my representative in Corona del Mar. He doesn't know what's going on in the city council meetings. let alone what goes on 111 the planning commission. GAREESMITH Corona del Mar L.A. brings hope to Orange County I feel that L.A.'s interest in building an airport at El Toro will provide some hope for Newport-Mesa, and I am happy that it has come up again. My outrage at south Orange County's vindictive fight against an airport is unfathomable, when then~ is such a large buffer zone a round the propoM•d site. John Wayne is so close to homes and bu .. mes-.es, and if there is no hope fur an El 1oro airport, there will be more demands made 10 Heisman meets Lowsman OCYSF Sports Banq uet Date: Thursday, June 26, 2003 Venue : Anaheim Marriott Hotel 700 West Convention Way Cocktails -6 p.m. Dinner -7 p.m. Carson Palmer First selection in 2003 NFL Draft 2002 Heisman Trophy Winner ~rnan-0, the ~ai Ryan Hoag Rnal selection in 2003 NFL Draft 2003 Lowsman Trophy Winner Mc lue/evant XXV/11 ............................................................................................. . . . . : Come join honorary co-chairmen Paul Tagliabue, Don Kennedy, : . . · Tony Moiso and Pete Carroll for the first ever Heisman Lowsman · Banquet. Head Table will include former Heisman Trophy winners. Hall of Famers, Raiders, Trojans and Paul Salata as Master of Ceremonies. ·•···•··•··••·····••····•···•••·•·••····•····•••••·•·········•··••·••······••·•·····••••·••·· Ladies and gentlemen welcome. No autographs please. Corporate Tables: $2,500 (indudes preferred seating. one (1) seat at private VIP luncheon at The Ritz Restaurant with Pete Carroll and access to pre-event Celebrity Lounge.) Tables: $1 ,500 Individual Tlcket(a): $150 Note: All tables seat 10. Make checks payable to: OCYS. Mail to: Ken Purcell, First American Trtte, 1 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707. For more information, visit www.ocysf.org or contact Ken Purcell at (714) 800-3152 or e-mail at ocysf@cox.net. All pfOCflllds benent local Oranoe County #<kb and youth sports progl8mS. www.ocysf.Offl FediliW T~ 1.0. Number. 23-7117333 ' ' expand John Wayne in a few years. They speak of their quality of life -what about our!.? Their reasons (excuses) never impressed us, and now that 14 Orange Counry cities have gouen on the bandwagon 10 make their opinions heard, I hold out hope that an FJ Toro airport wiU become a reality. ELEANORE TRIGHER Costa Mesa El Toro is there, so we should use it I am thoroughly m favor of using El Toro as our airport. We need it. it's there, why not do it. And by the way. I voted for the airport. MARYANN BARNETT Newport Beach READERS RESPOND Residents show support for hotel AT ISSUE : Plans for a hotel at the Marinapark site on the Balboa Peninsula. I strongly support the hotel that will possibly go in at Marinapark. Please hurry up and build it. I think it wiU just brighten up the peninsula and will be something we will be proud of. HEIDI OLSEN Balboa Peninsula I am calling in favor of the Regent hotel. I think It wouJd be a great improvement for that area. I am very much in favor of it. MARGARET HUNT Balboa Island ln respon~e to lhe Communiry Com.rnenLary. "Residents who know about Regent's plan wiU suppon it." I am now ashamed to admit that I was once a Greenlight supponer. evtm though my ideological instincts warned me again't it. I had no idea that a well-meaning law would morph into an activist poli1icaJ pany. I have invesugated the Regent plan and found 11 the kind of development l'Ven the slow-growther.. would embrace. I wonder if Tom BiJUng... and the GreenLight Steering Comminee. with all their decepllom., realize the damage they are doing to intelligent and slow development in Newpon Beach. lf they keep this up. anything Greenlightcro, ..ay wiJJ be rejec1ed out of hand. STEVE LEACH Newport Beach ln my more than 50 years as a re..ident of Newpon Bead1. I have seen many changes. Steve Sutherland's plans for a hotel can only add 10 the enhancement of this beautiful ciry. <;..~ ~ MARTHA HENDERSON Newport Beach 11 " QUOTE OF THE DAY "When {Josh Bradbury is J up at the plate, stops and watches." John Emme, CdM basebaH coach Dally Pilot Sports Edftor Ric"-d Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Jw11 23 honofM LAWRE CUNfeGtAM Wednesday, June 18, 2003 A7 Presenting the best of Newport-Mesa for 2003, as selected by the Daily Pilot STORY BY BARRY FAULKNER• PHOTO BY SEAN HILLER ot so long ago, Corona del Mar High junior Josh Bradbury settled for hitting the ball over the net. Now, however, the former junior tennis player-tu!}led Sea King slugger prefers thumping baseballs over the fence, a feat he performed twice as often as any other Newport-Mesa player this spring. ••• "When he's up at the plate, the whole dugout stops and watches," CdM Coach John Emme said of his powerful and versatile star, who tops the Daily Pilot's 13·player AD·Newpon·Mesa Dream Team as Player of the Year. Bradbury. a third baseman and pitcher who is becoming increasingly familiar 10 Southern California professional scouts. bashed I 0 home runs this season. nearly 35% of the total produced by the entire Dream Team roster (29). His 39 hits, 32 runi. and 21 extra·base hits were also tops among Newpon·Mesa batsmen. while his 28 RBis ranked second. ln addition. the repeat Dream Team i.election forged a 4·2 pitching record with a 3.44 ERA and struck OUI 41 in 39 innings. He earned his team's biggest win on the mound, going 6Yl innings in a 4·3 triumph at Temple City in the second round of the OF Southern Section Division rv playoffs. Having helped lead the Sea Kings to the P.clcific Coast League championship. he was voted league MVP by the circuit's coaches. CdM senior Nick ~. Costa Mesa senior Nate Hunter and Sage Hill School junior Tim Willdns are additional repeat Dream Team honorees. First·time selections are Todd Macklin. GOLDEN WEST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS Nick Palchikoff. Barren Sprowl and Blake Contant from Corona de! Mar. the Costa Mesa trio of Justin Peterson, Nate Hunter and Roben Rodriguez. as well as Newpon Harbor's Joe Cantaiella and Sage Hill's Zach Friedrichs. Karpe, the Sea Kings' designated hiner, clouted five home runs and produced 22 RBLs. while fashioning a .375 average (35 for 95). He scored 20 runs and added seven doubles. The second-team AJJ·Pacific Coast League performer plans to play next season at Irvine Valley College. Hunter. the Mustangs' field leader from behind the plate, hit .346 with one homer, 17 RBis. 15 runs and six stolen bases. His 26 hits included four doubles and one criple and he struck out only four times this season. The Daily Pilot's Dream Team for high school baseball rs (back row. from left) Tim Wilkins of Sage Htll, Blake Contant of Corona del Mar. Todd Macklin of Corona del Mar. Josh Bradbury of Corona def Mar. Zach F nedrichs of Sage Hill. Robert Rodnguez of Costa Mesa, Barrett Sprowl of Corona del Mar. Keith Long of Corona def Mar. (front row. from left) Willdns, a pitcher and middle infielder, helped the Ughming earn its first trip to the CIF Southern Section playoffs in only the program·s second varsity season. A two-time Nate Hunter of Costa Mesa. Nick Karpe of Corona def Mar. See DREAM TEAM, Pase AS Joe Cantarella of Newport Harbor, Nick Palch1koff of Corona del Mar and Justin Peterson of Costa Mesa LlmE LEAGUE BASEBALL Sweet start turns sour as • anners CMALL champions see 3-0 lead vanish in 6-4 loss to Robinwood squad Tuesday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pitot HUNTINGTON BP.ACH -Not having played in 10 days. Coat.a Mesa American Uttle Leque Mariners Mana.get Phil Sq· by attempted to recharge bis team by gtv· tng them candy ban before Tuesday'• opening-round clash qainst the Robln- wood Red Sox 1n the majon dMalon of the Dila'id 62 'IOumalllellt of <llamplom. But it WU the Bed Sol that bad the sweet tate of victory -a M decision at tbe Hundncton Valley Utde ........ fteklt -to tmprove to 15"6 and end the Mari· DentellOO- lbe w...tnen (15-8), lbi ow.&. ..... chempb• Jumped •• S-0 .... illir .. ........................ .., ... " ........... the Red Sm.-: die .......... i'Odllbe ~ allln. ...................... ._,,111611o11M pa 1r1cMica'rs -r should have given them extra bara. "Ibey were not the perty guys we normally have." Three members of the Ma.rlnen at· tended a school party at Wild Riven water pa.Ji in Irvine until about 2 p.m. 1\taday. Bagby said. The Mariners' ship encounterm 1e>me rough seu 1n the bottom of the M'OOd, when the Red~ who ftnitbed *1CJDd m their d.Msln, tied the pme. 3-3. It remained that way until the founb. when Cody Strauct ripped a 2·2 fUtbfilJ over the fence In left-center lor a two-run home run. takina the .tnd out o1 the Marlnera' aalla. "-One home run can mu. or briik DOC only tbe ...-. but cbt..., •11 •Wei.• a.,.laill. Brian Frauall. Who .... tbe,...... ......... bnkm .... •W.• .......................... T .., __ 211r1.-..... I illi•= .... ._ .. ._,. .... aa "lllit-"311dldaat ... 11 I --tn lbe ... •C.-liMlr ....... Al Wednesday, June 18, 2003 SPORTS PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Estancia High football players, working under first-year coach Craig Fertig, try to improve their agility during a recent spring drill. Eagles work hard, have fun Fertig initiates attitude adjustment at Estancia, where players crave a winning mentality. Steve Vir1en Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -By the time the Estancia I ligh football team e nded spring practice Saturday, the Eagles still seemed full of life. This. after enduring a rig- orous workout schedule the past lhree weeks. This, after be- ing challenged to deliver all-out effort during every minute spent with the E.stancia coach- ing staff. There are several reasons why the hstancia football play- ers are so filled with energy, namely Craig Fertig. the school's new coach. Fertig has taken a novel and aggressive approach when dealing with the Eagles. He has urged his players to intensify their work ethic with the promise there will be room for fun along the way. There might even be room for wins. too. Lineman Ian Morton gives his best effort on the blocking sled. ·1 sense that they have been embarrassed for the past two years and they are so eager to get back to success," Fertig said. "They are working so OPENER Continued from A7 by's second RBI single of the game to plate first baseman Ryan Boulger. Boulger knocked in Gute for the Mariners' first run and also scored in the first inning on a Bagby single. Catcher and leadoff hitter Olris Gute lined a two-out sin- Wbllller You 11111or11111 .. You'll Find Incredible. Values on Your Favorite Lexus! hard. You have to have pride to play this game and I think these guys have a tremendous amount of pnde." During the first wel·k of spring practice. which started May 27, Fertig took his players on a field trip. Fertig, who was an assistant coach on two na- tional championship teams at USC and a former head coach at Oregon State, arranged for the Eagles to watch the frojans football team practice. For good measure, USC Coach Pete gle down the fir'>t -ba.,e line in the sixth. Boulg_er hit a chopper back to the pitcher. who over· threw the third baseman in al· tempt to get the sliding runner. Gute went 2 for 3 with a walk while Mike Molina singled, wallced and plated Boulger in the firs t. Gute smothered many pitch es in the din and kept several balls in front of him. With a runner sprinting toward the AK.. AIMM CASS .1 ¥ wt&l.S, 5'llT FOlD. ~Aa SEATS mY 2.3 EHGN Robtns fOfd Otscount Off MSR.P $2<XX> Rebcrle . ·$2 500 NIT SAVIHOS 8 4.500 Carroll spoke wilt! the Estancia playe~. as did Bruce Matthews, a former USC Alf-American longtime All-Pro offen.s1ve hne · man with the I louston Oilers and Tennessee Titans, who o;poke of the importance of ac- ademics. "Our guy'> were really en- thused before and after that trip," Fertig said. "Seeing is be- lieving. They listen to me, but when they really see football. that makes a difference. I wanted them 10 'iee the prac- plate in the fifth, Gute raced to the backstop to retrieve a wild pitch and nipped to Molina. who made the tag on the slid- ing runner. "IGute) 1., a workhorse be- hind the plate," Phil Bagby 'laid. Molina pitched the final three innings in relief of starter Adam Gardner and struck out three. including two to e nd the third inning when the Red Sox had runners at first and second with no outs. Gardner played for the An· geb during the regular season, but was called in to fill the 12- man roster. He struck out two in two innings. Mariners pitche rs issued six walks while the Red Sox al- lowed only two. Four of the eight Mariners' hits came in the first inning while the Red Sox used four of their nine hits to score three runs in the fourth. tice and the speed. "Our colors are the same as USC." Fertig continued. "We're going to be the mini Trojans.· Throughout spring practice, the Eagles have taken advan- tage of other changes. includ· ing a revamped weight room. Fertig said Tustin Coach Myron Miller, the former Costa Me~ head man, donated 'iome extra weights. Fertig also said spring prac- tice began with 19 players. but increased to 55 before Satur· day, when the Eagles went through drills and a rugby-type game in front of their parents. On Friday, the players had a draft to make up teams for Sat· urday's game. They even ere· ated scouting reporti. on each other, m ost of which were in jest. "We're having fun,· Fertig said. "We're going to work hard, too: During Saturday's game. <,en ior quarterback Brad Young showed his strong arm and above-average c;crambhng slcills. Throughout the three weeks. senior Mike Cahill played tailback with the first· team offense. Cahill, Young a nd '>enior Bubba Kapko agreed that atti· tude. organization and work ethic have all improved from last year. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL CdM's Bradbury showcase bound IRVINF. -Corona del Mar I Ugh junior Josh Bradbury, the New- pon -Mesa Dream Team Player of they Year and P.dcifiC Coast l.eague MVP this spring. has been se- lected to represent Southern Cali- fornia in the California Baseball Coaches Association Junior State All-Star Showcase, Friday through Sunday at UC Irvine. Games against the top junlors from Nortbem California Friday and Saturdl!}'. at 7..J!:m.,. with Sunday's finale scheduled for 11 a m. Bradbury made the esd- mated 20-player roster from neady 200 who tried out last weekend. BRIEFLY • oz1er earns high tribute UC Irvine runner named an academic All-American. UC Irvine senior track and field star Darrell Tozier has been named first-team Verizon Academic All-Amet1can. He becomes the first UCI stu- dent-athlete selected to the first team since Omar Amr (water polo/swimming) in 1996-97. Nominee requirements in- cluded: being first-team Aca- demic All-District; a starter or lmportarlt reserve; at least a 3.20 cumulative GPA; and at lea.st sophomore standing. Voting is conducted by the College Sports Information Di- rectors of America Tozier, a first-team Verizon Academic All-District VITI selec- tion in May, graduated from UCI Saturday with degrees in English and history. Tozier won the 800 meters at the Big West Conference Olam- plonships in May for the sec- ond time In three years, fin- i'ihed sixth in the 800 at the NCAA West RegioJlal Champi- onships at Stanford. His top time of 1:49.27, which he ran at the Occidental College lnvlta· tional May 10, is fourth best in UCI history. Tozier also won the 800 me- ters at the California/Nevada DREAM TEAM Continued from A 7 first -team All-Academy 'ielection, he hit .400 with two homers, 14 RBis and 35 runs. I lis 28 hits included seven doubles and one triple and he was 11 for I I in s tolen-base attempts. In addlrion to his bat. Willcins also chipped in on the mound for fi rst-year coach Bert Emerson. He fanned 54 in 36¥1 innings, compiling a 5-2 record and a 3.44 ERA with one save. Friedrichs, a senior pitcher and shortstop, was a dominant force for the Lighllling this spnng. His 33 RBis led all Newport-Mesa hiners and nearly half of hjs 3 1 hits were for extra bases. His one homer. 11 doubles and one triple helped him produce a .443 average. I le was also perfect on 12 stolen-base anempts and scored 29 runs. On the mound, the first-team All -Academy League performer produced a 2·4 record that belied the rest of his numbers. I lis ERA was 2.24 and he fanned 58 in 50 innings. yielding only 36 hits. Also the quarterback of the football team, who played soccer in the winter. Friedrichs said he plans to play football and baseball at Whittier College. Peterson. a junior left-hander, was the Mustangs' ace in his first varsity season. I le was 5-4. but his performance was worthy of better, an argument supported by his 2.57 ERA. He struck out 77 in 65~ innings. He was a second-team All-Golden West League choice. Mack.tin and Cantarella. both juniors. were also stalwarts on the bump for their respective teams, while Contant, another junior. is also recognized foremost for his pitching exploits. Macklin, who ~one of the Sea Kings' two postseason victories, finlshed 6-2 with one save and a 2.03 ERA He struck out41ln51~ innings, while walking just 14. Pitching was Olampionships and UCJ's Spring Break Invitational this season. CdM baseball academy •The first 50 applicants ages IO· 14 will secure spots in the Corona del Mar Hlgh Fall Base· ball Academy, scheduled Sept. 8 through Nov. 5. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.atCdM. CdM Hlgb Coach John Emm~ heads the instructional staff, that also includes former major leaguer Jeff Gardner, an Estan- cia High and Orange Coast Col- lege product, Newport Harbor High Coach Joel Desguin, CdM assistant Steve Foreman, as well as various high school, commu- nity college, college and profes- sional players. The academy will focus on improving hitting, pitching fielding and the m ental ap· proach to the game, with an emphasis on fundame ntals. The cos t is $450 per player, which includes Sea King hats, T-shirts. as well as personalized videotaping. Players will be divided ac- cording to ability level and the staff emphasizes the camp is for kids who are senous a bout im- proving. CIF rules prohibit ninth grad ers from attending. For information, phone Emme at (7 14) 424-7575 (ext. 4002). not his o nJy mode of support, however. as he hh .Z89 with four homers, 21 RBis and 29 runs. I le al~o had six doubles and patrolled center field with aplomb, en route to lirst·tearn All -PCL recognition. Emme said Macklin could be one of the dominant pitchers in Orange County next season. Cantarella was another who suffered from a lack of support. Despite compiling a 3.28 ERA in 70'1. innings, he had to settle for a 4 -8 record with one save. He also hit a team-leading .3 14 for Coach Joel Desguin's Tars. on the way to first-team All-Sea View honors in hJs first varsity season. Contant made the most of his 37 'I· innings. producing a 5-1 record and one save to go with his 3.72 ERA. lie &truck out 41 and, along with Bradbury and Macklin, form a rotation capable or propelling the Sea Kings deep Into the postseason in 2004. Long. a four-year varsity starter at shonstop. earned first-team All-PCL distinction and also represented the Sea Kings in the Orange County All-Star Game. He hit .356 with one home run, 19 RBis and 25 runs. His 32 hits Included 10 doubles and a triple, primarily from the lea.doff spot. He is receiving recruiting Interest from USC. Long Beach State, Arizona State and Orange Coast College, among o thers. Rodriguez hit .500 in league to garner first-team AU-Golden West recognition. Overall. he hit .397 (31 for 78) with one hom er. 12 RBis, 14 runs and four doubles. Adding to the wealth of talented returners at CdM next year will be juniors Palchikoff and Sprowl. Palchikoff. a left fielder. hit .373 with four home runs. 19 RBis, 24 runs and five stolen bases. He was a first-team all-league honoree. Sp.rowl. wj:to was, arguably, the best glove ln the infield at first base, bit .368 with 15 RBis. 17 nms and nine doubles. He was a eecond-team all-league pick. Wednesday, June 181 2003 At -----------------Llpl--2141 Llpl llallclt - ducted by •corporation 200Ut452S2 ducted by en 1nd1v1ch,.I flcll.s...... bu••ntu ytt' Ho Have you 1l11led dolfll Oally Piiot June 18, 2S, H1v1 you sta1l1d dotn& ._ 1......___. Kevon O Hamson =Ulll==..._==·= LIPINoacea 2140 1.1p11a1c11 .......... •s....... The f "' n1 buslnt ss u . Tt1veru1nfo, 4570 Campus Drive, Suite 100, Newport Buch. C1ll CIV[N, that the City of Costa Mesa hH 11t1b· llihtd 111 Ovtrall Annual 0111dv1nt11•d Bualntn Ente<prlu Goel appll cable lo cont11ct1n1 opportun1ht1 1cheduled to be 1wardtd du11n1 lht penod of Octobtt I. 2003 throueti Stptembtf JO, 2004, Tiit Coty of Costa Mesa's propoMd Ov.ult Annual Coal and 1h r1llon1lt ..,.,, de· veloped 1n ttsponse to U S Oepulmtnl of Tr1nspo1t1tlon's New 01Hdvantaaed Bu1lneu [nltfprlH Pr oar 1m r 1n1I Rule ('9 CfR Part 26). and are 1v11l1ble for Inspection for thorty (30) days follow1na the dale of this Noloce, from 8 JO a m. to 4 00 p m . Pac1hc St1ndard Time, Mond1y th1ou1h f t1d1y business yet? Yu. 51'1 July 2. 9 2003 Wl!M buslneu yet7 No - -Tl11S •t.temcnt wu ~~::~~16:it~~~~~~~~:':-~'H-"i"-ii"l'trt;(ic~..:::=jiitiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~:::= -~_._-"..._,LllllllltWl...Mm.tOn\~!1&11\-l~~iUl..~ll.lllij.X..~~~~-I• ''' Notice Is hereby aJven H & H Perfec.tton Thia stetement wu ,,. do1na bullneu " fornla 92660 Trav1ru1nfo Inc '160 S Pecos' Ro1d: Suite 20, Lu Vean. Nevada 89121 This busone1s Is con dueled by •corporation Have you started do1n1 business y1t1 No Tr 1v1r s11nfo Inc Oave Cornehus · Secre' tary This statement wn filed wllh the County Clerk of Or1nae County on 06/09/03 200Ht47420 01ily Pilot June 11, 18. 24. July 2, 2003 Wl86 Place your ad today! 19-'9) 641·567K Policy . Rates and deadlmcs arc subject to change without notice. 1llC publisher reserves the nght to censor, reclassify. rcviBe or reject any classified advertisement. Please rcpon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. 1llC Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error tn an advertisement for which 1t may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. ANNOUIKIMDITS & MISC. 101CH770 GARAGE SALE 14" IUSINESS & FIWKW. c1nn•111: ---••w..s [Of y-h-°' offlce. ~t r..oneble OfkH Cen 909-9M·0046 2JOS-Hto 1311 --OfMmt All reel H tate ""'" • tlslnl lft tllts ne--.iaper It subject to Ult,....,,, Falr HoutJnc Act of ltu u emended wlllcll "'••u n llf•1•I to dYtfl!M "•ft1 l)fafet· 1110, llmltetio11 or -.Cr~etfoll llaMd °" !ke1,coklf, '*'°"· .... ""9K •• flft'llllel 1tat111 or 11atloflal llfltlft, Of lf'I ifttlfttloll to mah llftY •UCll f!'•fwtnU, lill'llla· Uott or dl&crllMletlon. • TI!la M...., Wll Mt ..... ~ KC.,t .... ~~' fot , .............. la"' ................. Ow , .... ,. .,. ..,. .. lllt.r-4._. ....... .... --~ .. tMt ...... ., ... ....... .......... ,, ..... . ..... ,.~ .. .. •. '•*'~ ... .... ..... , ..... ., A HEARIHQ on 11'19 pelitiorl will be held on 0711 Ol'03 It 1 A5PM In Oeol. 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FRANCIS, KEGEL & AGUILERA. LLP JEFFREY R MATSEN JULIE WAHLSTEOT 695 TOWN CENTER DA , -700 COST A MESA. CA 92626 0Sf17~ 06/2~ a.549204f ~~A lo1UA DAILY PLOT ......... ..,. Commenh wlll be accepttd on the Coal for fotly·ftve ('5) d1y1 from the date of this Notic:e Comment& t in bt forw11ded to Coty of Co1t1 Meu at the •bow 1t1t1d address or to the Stitt of Celifornta 091>11tment of lrens· portatlon, Oostric:t 12, 3337 M1th•lson Or1v1. Suite CN380, lrv1ne, CA 92612·0661. Attn . Dis· l1k:t Local Aulst1nc1 Cn1lneer 01t1d at Costa Mesa. Cellfornia, th11 12th dey of June 2003 /t/, CxecuUve Oor1cto1, Crty of Co1ta Meu. Published Newport B11ch·Cost1 ~SI 011ly Pilot June 18, 2003 Wl93 SUP8IOI COUit Of c.uc.. COlllTY Of hip J41 n. Cly""'*' Or.p, CA tn68, -.....1-11ctc.e. PmnOllOf ~..., ... fOI CHAMGI Of MAii OIDll TO SNOW CAUSI fOI awt510fUll Wlllll&A21tSJO TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS I Petitioner 01bor1h Joy B1~er filed a pehl1on with this court for a decree chana'"& names u follows Debor ah Joy Baker to Debor ah Joy 2 IHE COURT ORDERS that all persons 1nte1 n ted 1n lhos matte< shill 1ppear before this court al the he.rona 1nd1cated below to show cause 11 1ny why the pet111on for thanae of name should not be ar 1nted NOTICE OF HEARING 01te 7 15 03 Tome 2 00 pm Dept L73 Tiie 1ddreu of the court I\ um• IS noted above 3 A copy of lhl\ Order lo Show cause shall be pubhshed at lent once each wee~ for four successive weeks P"O' to the dare Ht for hearon11 on the pet11ton on the follow1na news PIPf< of &eneral ClfCU l1t1on pronted on this county Newport Buch Cosla Meu Oaoly Pilot Oote1 JUN OS 2003 Morlerle Lolrd (Grle t , JUO~l Of THI SU,l- IUOa COUU Published Newport Buch Cost• Mesa 011!y Plot June 11 18 2~. July 2 1003 Wl88 thet th• undttal&n•d will F1brlcetlon, Int . David ... S...... hied wtth the County Hanun R1con1 USA. ••II 11 public 1ucuo11, Nauyen CFO Aeeoun· The followtnfl persons Clerk of Otan11• County 3726 8 Santi ft VIII•&• pursuant to Section lint d b i on 05/28/0l Or . South Conl Metro 21700 of the Bus1n1n This stet1m1nt was •,re 1 °'"1 us ness 15 200Stt4t0U CA 92704 end Profeulonal Code. flied with lh• County c!r.~n~ll.He~~~~ g:,~ 011ly Piiot June '· 11. RachHI Riehl 3/16 a the followln& dtsc:rlbtd Clerk of Oran&• County Street. Sant. Ana 18, ~ 2003 Wl83 Santi Fe 11111111 01 properly to wot OAHICL on05/19/03 Cehfornll 92707 South Cout Metro lA ROARK I 61 Rtf . body 200Ht4S20t Che1yl Caroline Dison flctlM..... 9Z704 board, painllnas, boau, Delly Pilot June 18 25 413 WHI Curte StrMI ... S...... Tt11s bus1ntu ,, '"" Ille lollowon1 peisons mtsc JASON CARROLL July 2, 9, 2003 W191 Santi An1 Caltforn11 lht follow1n1 p1uon1 dutlad by in ond1v•dual ',.'c"R dru,•n1 but"ooo"es:_ •tr:_ f ·2' Sll.11 & boots, 92707 Have you s111ted do•nc 'nen .><>U" tlothn comp equip, ~...... ThlS bullnns 11 con are doon1 buawius " bullnns yell Ho Coot Ori•• Apt W 103 ska teboerd. cooler 11-r.......-...... The Hospital Croup RachulRtehl Cod• Me~ CA92626 --ducted by an 1nd1vldual 2621 S Bristol f'J/)7 Thll •latement "'" Arrna~do Ca11nd<i wtt&hh, misc The follow1n1 ,.,sons Have you atartad doona S1nt1 Ana C1hforn11 filed with lht Count• Poybtl 1000 South Silt will be by com· ate dolna buiinHs 11 bu11ntu yet' 92704 ' c. 1 r. •ftt win, petltlve blddinc (wr11t1n NORTH STAR TRADING Yu 12/21198 Cler.._ ol Or1n1e County I o.t• '" ....., ~ snled bid• maw be CO 1001 7 Ch 1 C 1 0 Al•n Charin SchwarU on 06106103 Cost• Meu CA 92626 , .. W I th St . ery aro me 1son 2626 Bnswooo. Hew 20036,,7242 Thi\ busontn " cun submitted in advance) Suitt S. Co1h Meu CA T,hll statement wu port Boch. Cahtornta 0 ,,1• Ptlot June 11 18 du,led by in individual on the 2nd day of July 92627 filed with the County 9?660 ' •I 2.00 P M. 11 \he Roy C. Wnllake, 1800 Clerk of Or•nae County Tllll bu11nus " <on 25· July 2 200l WISA bu~~~='~oyueN~~ed "0'"1 premises where said Park Newport #202, on 06/06/03 ducted by 1n mdMdu•I fktttlllt..... Armindo c Royb•I property has been Newport Buch, CA 200J6t4720t Have you \tlrled ooona .._S..........__. 11"' sUttm~rH wn stored and which fl 92660 Oaoly Pilot June 11. 18 bus1nenyet>No --loled w•th !ht C<.ounly loe1ted at AYRES SELF Ch1rlotte Jaynt Drake, 24 July 2. 2003 Wl85 Alan c Schwartz Tht followona P•"on\ Clerk of Or '"i• County SlORACC, 7012 Ernest 1800 Puk Newpo•t flcttllmlllsiita 1111, •tatement ,.15 ire do1ne bu••neu u on06 06103 Ave Hunt1n1ton Buch, t202, Newport Buch filed with the County I Abode App111S1I Se••1t 1200,.947323 Ca (714) 8'8 731' CA92660 ... S..... Clerk ol Or1n1e County 0 986 Bay\•dt Cu•• (1111, P1iol June II 18 landlord reserves the This business •• con The foltowona persons on OS 21 -03 West Newpo11 Buch 6 Jul 2 2003 w187 tliht to bid at the ule ducted by a 1ene111 ire doona business as 200J6t,SSJO C1llforn119?660 ___ 1 _____ _ Purchases must IHI made partnership MY CARACE 274 VK&lnll Oaoly Pilot May 28 June Ke•on 0 H1n "'" 986 ~ by CHh •nd Plld f~ at Have you 1ta1ted do1na Place Costa Men CA 4 11 18 1003 Wll8 Bayside Con Wut the hm• of purchase All businen yet' No 926?1 Newport Btoth Ctl• purctrued 1oods 1re Roy c Westlake Sun Kloman 274 forn1a 9Z6()() sold n '' and must be This slltement wu V1ra1n1a Place Cost• ....-4 Tll1• bu•1no• " <on des.SW iemoved at time of sale. foled with the County Meu, CA 92627 .,.. ducted by In 1nd1•1du1I Sale Is sub1act to Clerk of Oran1e County Thi• busmen 11 con la ..... Hue rou sllrted ao1n& cancellatton tn the event on 05/23/03 of settlement between 200J6t457'4 landlord ind obh&al•d Dilly Piiot May 28. lune party 4, II, 18, 2003 Wl76 Pubh1hed on 06/18/03 and 06125103 ...... lesittu Au,t 1onu 1 W1nda ... S...... Norton Bond • S 400· 1684 Phone <71'> 8'8· 7314 Ayru Sall Stora1e Resident Man1ae11 Publ1Shed Newport Beach Cosll Mesa Daily Pilot June 18. 25. 2003 Wl92 FldltlMt.lleu "-*-' lhe follow1n1 pt1sons The follow1n1 persons 1re do1n1 bus1neu as BC Sy•tems 820 C1h f~noa St . Hunt•natofl Beach, CA 92648 Charmaine S1nto\ Bur1on10 820 Cahfornoa St.. Huntonaton Buth CA 92648 This businen Is con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started do1na business yet' Yes 05/0!i, 2003 I Chaomatne Santo\ STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ are do1n1 bu11n1ss u REM APPRAISAL SER· \llCE 24232 hlloe Court L.tauna N1auel. Cahfo• noa 92671 Bu•aon10 • This statement "" 1 filed with the Cou•I! y Clerk of 01 anae Counlt 1 on 0!°>112103 200J6U02 I • • • • • • • • • • Robert Mccosker 24737 hhoe Court Laaun1 N1auet C•hfo1n1a 92677 Thi\ bu\1nts\ ,, . con ducle<J by an 1nd1v1du1I H•vt you started doonr business yet' Yes 01 03 OJ Robert MtCo\ker This sl1lement wn foled with tht County Clerk of Or•nae County on 05 'JI) 03 20036946'91 Daily Pilot June 4 11 18 25 1003 Wl82 FidttiM-...U ,._s......., The followon& persons lft do1n11 busintH u H & H Peflect1on F 1b rocatoon Inc 726 W N1cotn Ave Onn1e CA 9?868 H & ti Perhctoon F abrocatoon Inc (CA) 726 W Ntcoln Ave .. Ouna• CA 92868 TlllS bus1nns IS con Oaoly Pilot June 11 18 25. July 2. 2003 Wl90 RcffM IWltls llmeS........, The follow1n11 persons •rt doina bus1neu as a) The Compu ltr Handyman b ) Compute• Handiworks c J Polarom Tech d) P•li"m I eth notoa1es 3100 Ou•tll Line Apt 4 Fullerton C1hf()fn1a 92831 Edward B•y\on Bon ner 3100 Qulfll l 1nt Apt 4 fullerton C111 lorn•• 92831 Thll bus1neu 1\ con dutltd by an ond1¥1du;I Ha•e you \tar ltd do•na t>usoneu yet' Yes 11 20 1992 Edward Bryson Bonner This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Onn1e County on 0!°>/19/03 How to Place A The legal Dtpanmmr at rl1t Dail> />1/.ot 1I pkaJtd tu .i1111011lllf ..i nn. rrz :.r nou• at·a1lablt to ntu bwmmn \rt· will nou• SEARCH rht name for ](JU ar TIO exrr.1 , hargt. ,mJ i.11 r wu 1hr tJmt 1md rhr trip to 1ht Court House in Santa Ana. Thm, of co1mr. ,1fur rht starch II compkud wt u•i/I fik your firrmouI brmnm namr 1wrm1t111 uuh 1hr Counry Clerk, publ1Jh ona a wrrk for fo ur u•erkj .1J rrqu1rrd by l111. und th('17 /ilt your proof of publ1cat1on wtth rht Count) Clerk Pkasr stop b; to fik your fimuous bwmm stattmmt .it thr D.11/i Pt!"r 330 U Bay St, Coua Mna lf1ou 1.innornop b;. pka.u 1ull w .it !NY 64.!--1',! I .Jr.d:.. r ru// maltt a"angrmmN for wu to handk this proadurt b; m.id If you should han an:~ furrhtT qurmom. pk.ist '11// Uf ,rr;d 11 t "zl! br morr tl•.i"I glad to a.sstSI _YOU. Good luck in .'IO"' nru busmtss' Daily L Pilot .----Deadlines --- CLASSIFIEIAD -Monda}. Tuesda). Fnda} 5.00pm Monday 5·00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 1Pto~ 1nclu<k )OU• namt and pl-..:w nwnt-n and ,.< II cal I \OU ha~ .. 1th I pnc< QUOlt By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By ~tail/In Person: 330 West Bay Scm~t Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At "lewpon Blvd & Ba) St Wedne<>day ........... Tue-.day 5·00pm Thursda~ ...... Wednesday S:OOpm Fnday .................. Thu Nia~ 5 OOpm Sarurda) Fnda} ."\ OOpm Telephone 8·30am-5 OOpm Monday·Fnday Walk-In 8 30am-5 OOpm Monday·Fnday Sunda} ................... Fnda} 5:00pm llALESTAH 9RSALE Older~ Funllbn NHOS 6 ColedlWet .-..-.....,.....,. ....... _._,_ .. CMMMID .. _,... __ _ • 8UY ISTATU .......... ....,_ 5005-5150 Index ,.,.. stuff ~ ctauH'9dl r.11111111 Sa& OVHSTUffU CUSTOM ......... c--.wlth2 ooralud metchln1 chairs. llue f. iwtllte cllecll. lftcf wttlt.a CINIYH .,. co .... uooo .... Mt MO f411 ..urf/ --PRBlll IETM.I c....c. .... Old Colftl Go44, ~' ......., ........ ......... cellld .... N1-t42 ..... cm .,. ........... l .... . ........... ,.. .. ... .............. ,.., .. lllWl .. l .... ........ -==' Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Only $32 per week ( 4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 N!U1'111 -.__ .. ,.,. .. c•lon.. all 1l1et for e-.,tio11 to q11altf19f llofl.-www411t~Ofl °' 714-17).SllS. Sill your stuff ~ classitiedl •mnmn• ...... , -OOVIUMIMf IOH· ~ Sll.21 ID S'I per hour Paid .,...., , ..... Ho ~-~ ,_..,, ...... , , .. .... i.-.711-4211 19.50 (CM.-tcM) ~~ ......... .. ... ,, , . ....,, kf'I, 4•tur ~•r teMa• c.tt••·llJ..fMI I L 11 -0 711 I ti .. A Intl -••w~ ... ,_ __ .. ..,."-_ .... ... ,.. ..... -..... ... .._ ..... ... ....... ~-.... ........ ,., 11711 ...... ..., '°' .... ..... '-.. GITA.-& -.......... '-9 --.... a.ait Ult " Balboa Peninsula N.wfyll ........... Ir tplP • !tc~I """ "'" h1tno1'g w Ol•·tWl ttnd b.i~ Vlf'W'\ Sl l'b.00> Jim IM •lb<. 11.~ ... ri.<1 Re..ity 94'l 6/l .-;, l Newport Beach NIWPORT HflGHTS OPIN SAT-SUN I 4 3 I 20 lroocl St '>111 4hA .i < f,M 'P"' I MI '"'· 3 h11I~\ ldrl!1 "'•Ped Ydld\ wolh •1o1lrt f"ll\ tluw lu b1·od1 ~·1 nmlr k1h ~l1uw by "''"' SI 4~.000 lly uwne1 <)4<) (>47 l'l07 01 ··~•1 ~49 ',()() 8641 Stroda.-<k-......,., 21 C<Ktelon.I °' 38< 3 !:ill<i $I '>90.ro> Vtlllill tnw rp.oc • 001 ditfowtn 949 6.11 IWl TlfStin Ranch fUST1N HR1S f dbulotJ<. cu<>lon1 home Laree yatd libr ... y be<IUliful IJ•l<hupe. '.>tw J !lb.l on wt~ sa< utt ... fod "' $1 IH><XXl by lllf' Sutton l'..roop Ld• l)(mria S..ttoo •• 114 8'.>1 1617 fnr •PPI V•lu.ll lour IMlll2*t'IOflll!$COOI RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Ranches/farms/ Country Property 5915 ARIZONA llST IARGAIH, 36 aun $74.900 Horde" Stale l •nd Beautiful rMlCh 11 Wlum5./ r••l!)tatt o11u. f>e'fect 6 I 00 cWnotle Spectxular m<iontatn views. AHordallie f113tl<tn1 All R 1-877·182· 'Vf>. l I CAl •SCAN) ( (949 642-5671 Put o fow WOfd~ toworli f.,. ou. ·~ ,. ·-/I\ semce DlllClot'y NO A0£ ~ Cahlo1 n11 l.1w '" 'l'Jlrf'• thal 1 notr11 ''"' lak1n1 f"b' th~I lotat S'>OO "' mm• tlab0< °' m~I"'"" > .... IM.ltO'M!d by '"" l'.nntr "ton Slatt' I 1vnse Board Sl•I" l~w .i..,, rr11v11•· th~t c.onl1arhH\ 1oc lu<lf" lhr11 lotPll\f' numll,., on all adv"ftr<.111p You can • hMk th~ .1.1tu of you• 11< "n"•d lon t r1llor 1 1 ww w t•lh ca 11nv nr 800 J?l 1.'>l A Unh Cftnsed contractor\ t1k1ne 1obs lhat toh l lrn than s~oo 111u•I state In lh•tr adYl'rlt,tmrnt\ lh~I they arr not hcen~~d by the Contraclor\ St.1lr l K.enw Board Additions& Remodeling 'MTl9IG IN'ftlllOltS Kitchen e.lli RemocM ~~ "J6llil5 'o'SoM: 9'6.fi6!lP'..1 AJr~ AhnHVAC Alf Cond1honon1 &> liffhnt ~V!CC LWSJ8660 949 500 900S ~ Cleaning ------s...,.-y ct._ Ou1hty ttou'• cltan1n1 llflord 1ble rales. ?O•Yrs [•p I ree l stirTwtt 714-891-6667 on "--'*a of yox i-oroH- ~&"-nt1S..-..., '"""'"9 Jo, /J Aqel (ompu'"lr ~"""'' & IS ,_, .. , Po<""' JodyMomt 949-541-19'7 & •USINISS •Cl'AllH Ui>afldt'\ Repairs of COffic>uler Network' r v•n•nr/Weehen<h Compelollvt' ptocn for QUlllty s.fYK 949 ... 36-1175 714-92'-4221 COflal9 & lllllllly l nc:k tlodi st-r1to Colla .... Patio, Or_, f wtplc, 88Q Ref's 25Yrs hp. ,. 71 4 557·7594 c-... Cemtonl-k, 8rkl1, Tile .. Mott Rt4i.bte No job too 1m1ll 714 615-9062 s-1 • ,.,_, pabo, pr~ Sl650/mo 2tw 1...._ rww 1111. pr1.a. $1Ql/mo • 1 ...... ,_ apt. l*ll ~. $10!/mo ~73 :IXJ9 1" Yeorfy "9 21r 210, w/d. ht bum ctil, fp, frnt i:aoo, $1990/mo 818 903·4« 15. 949·650-2$46 Bllboa Peninsula 31r, 210, Wolk to kh, bay, qulel. tt•r. p1l10. no/\mll/pel S2200m yrly, 949-i6J.1 !8>, pm 660-lS98 •Newly flemocl.&.4 • 38r, J8a Condo Steps lo bHch, fp. 2 car car. SJmoo Blu 949 400 0471 Corona del Mar UDO YEAltl Y llASI & UDO SUMMD HOMES 81.l CRUHOY REM. TOftS 949-475-6161 Ilk Spacious lvn& rm, fplc, hrd wd Ills. krt/don lll t ll, n o /smk/pe t SIOOOmo 949 &45 !>430 A STW Ill S 1095/Mo '/• Off .... h t -._ for 6mo !ell~ Newly remodeled w/new appb, u r pet & cer amoc Irle. W/O 111~ @ uwt 0/W & tna 28r s 1445 ea11 Lora 949-646-2224 or 714· 633 7':Hl No dor- Oc•-view home, hahl. IBr 181, Sl4~/mo 146 airy, 2br 2ba p•ttO~. no Vllo Pelnt Drive, w/d, smok/pet Quiel neitth 1t1tra1e a2en1 B•rbMa $2450/mo 949 760 8217 Sw111dall 949 !iOO 1861 JOBS OFFERED RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAlf Mountain Property 5965 CostaMesa SPACIOUS 2br I ba •pin. WO. [Ml Sode Co\tll Mna, No pt!\ 949 574 5134 Lovefy Got ... C.....-tty llr Ila Aft'. w/pvt &M hoe, wa• to lro Sqo.e S8951mo Wa ter huh ~od Kletn Miln~nt 871 104 11649 l • t 9?00 DUAi. MASTtll 2+2 m Oil Bit 111 R•~/ov.en/dw, UpMao 1.ov Piii& waler/ lra~o pd Sl.12!> AVM UY~ dfJI> ~ pe1 HAUCMI V&lAGI llMbor Blvd @ M811mac Way UT4) 54) 044? 1'.W. 2Bt I B.a houses lar9• 1 br 1 ba -it ... Domestic ....... PenlMulo point. c ..... t--N e .... elil n9/pett. L.llf)'NJ""''" S 14SO 949-293-4631 2br I 5m twmTl rs ~ tb!9. p;ibo. COff¥TI pool ~ nu ~ & capet. 7cp Sl150949-~I 2111 YIAll Y HHTAlS Newport Benh Penon $1400 $1950/mo •11 949-67J-7800 futbluff Jbr :?bd townhome. 'l car 111aee communoly pool A111 S2300mo 949 673 1800 •H..,......,/Mtr·* I cle•n & maonl•tn larae home\ Cook drove •II duhtn. elderly lo t h1td care e.p 323 937 9038 Employment •" ANNOUNUMlNT • • H111n11 fOf ?003 Po\tAI poSlllOflS r t!def Al h ... $14 80$3600•/lu full benel1ts/~od Ila"'"'& lmd va<.atoon\ No e•p n« 1 877 3?9 !>768 ,,. , 1 ·11 tCAl •sc.J\N} avu yard, fi.W w/d hlu4>5. Gohd. .......... ....-. some ilPllk oncld $1!>7!> & Jba home. 2<-car tiat priv $1600rn 949-119-0748 patio. comm pool YI be ' Y"" .._ __, &f • man.1ged a busone~\. co ~~ ..... ,~ ID ~ rt11 boR. n4-2!88l'.l? DRIVlltS HAZMAT 010 slaot al 93 q1m All mole\ Company drmn start ~• 34 Lpm J/ western ~tat~ No New York' St I l •pr~~ I 800 8J'> l)ot71 (CAl •SCAN) Balboa Island Ur Stvclio yf!arly leaw. <k&dl lbr lbll ainciJ nwtl ondd utls. all new capeV le Pier. uimm pool '!Pl. paiot, Sl<XX>/mo call loo wd tn int. ---·d I*&. or Jolene ~~ 9'31 'cl SUD> 96()13.110> DestdDp Publishing TIME TO llGlN YOU.HOMI IMPllOVIMINT PllOJICl? Call •plumber painter handyman or any ol the ereat \erv1ees ltsled here m our -.e•voce directory' THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HCLP YOU TOOAY1 Drywall Services WITTHOEn DllYWAU All phases 1m/tra 1obs CllAHt 20yrs. la11, free est L41XXm 714-639 1447 Elec:trtcal Services Smoll J.t. '-"rtl Duncan Eleclllc '1J1Yrs Cap local/Qllldl Respons. Ser~~ l'27Slrnl 949 650 7042 DUTCHMAN UICTllK LICENSED/INSURED COMP£TITIVE R~rcs Ll 759337 949-322-6250 Amorlco I ctrlc loctnsed Clec t1ic1I Contractor Small jOb\ \tarhn& •I $79.9S & "f'· Spec1af111n1 •n Remodr hna ' 111 honie W lf '"I need\, Comm1lndu\t/Res 1 ... oo ... 91.1oot l •1829S9 UClNSlD CONTlltACTott No pl> loo 5111 M serVOlS1 Repalf. re~e~ns spa, MW Svt JllJ6 AoortnWJlle <USTOM CJllATM TU lnSt.alatlon, Wte CWlllTC, nwtJ6I. done ...... 1975 ll61~ Jeff 71Ul2•9961 llMY.....,.. R.-t11 Rearoutin & lnsl1ll1tlon TILE DEAN 949-673·8065 714-&t6-lla26 / 14-~2001 SELL your stuff through classified! 20 YF.ARS .EXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIF.S Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADOffiONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bath Specialists CS CONSTRUCTION Lie# 577982 ('49) 709·5642 s.lS'5 Mii rON ~ v-rly .. , .. 36.r 2bo house, 3 doo,. to bu ch New cwpet lo paint $2950/mo 714 !>45-8628 Jlr 2.s... ?t ,,,, 14 <XX> sf lot. nr wmm pool & p.1f1'. Hllrboo Vrews ~ .... S3Dlrn ~1!;9 SEU your onw1nled items throo&h cl1u1fted L-r ... , .. l-'"•• w.t.ly "*""· tree tmwTq lo ln1t1llalt0n 25 Y" eap l lc/lflSUfod 949 ~ 4J63 S8'WCB IVHYTHING& ANYTHING IN A GUOIN. THI DIFflltlNCl llTWllM HAUTIRll & IXQUISfT1.- 94t-S U .... N '"' Cel yolH yard looklna .................. Ynm-""".,.._ ~-~ woel\tnd ' evr quoits Xtro H•cl S.rvlcn 714-421..oMO froo s.n1ce, Yard Cleanup, M1rnten1nce. Sprmkltf ltep1rr, H111hn1 (949)'504711 ...... _ .... ............... ............. ..r... ,...... ... ...., .. s-. Setv~-Atl>WI • lnlttilll1l0t'tl 949-642-o424 -com SIU. HOTa n /PT Front Oc11 Niidit Aultt .... lrMl ~ ll penon, 1951 Newport Ill Costa Mesa 9'!UJ60.299'J NICC "-' i.1r1ttti ,l Bartender & Watt ~tall Apply 1n per son alter 2 ()()pm Mondlly r r 1d<1y 1600 I. c-st Hwy NI VJJ i1 .-gn dood1 Noce_.pt.imc! Do.'1 ~die riglir teoUI ruswt_.._. Yado..Y..la,Y.da Xcn tt.d ~ 714. 427.0040 * Residalml * Carmcrtial No Job Too SmaU DaYe llamlltoa 949-322-8292 Audi '00 A6 3111 ml, full fall warr, n1elall°' drk blue/R•t'Y llhr C'O mnrf, \uperb < und $19.~ v•8/4?4 I likr 949-516-1111 w-.ocpobol.<om ----lentloy Arnot• '0 2 111 .. ,ktbl .. Lk el~11•nl #)(08761 Dir hm D1llun l>r NIWPORT AUTOSPOllT 949 514-5600 IMW '9S 5251 01110, blac.k 1 OWrtf-f lllf t •6.2),6// $/495 -WdllW ( "" C)1q 646 '1fV.l IMW '01 74011 11-11 'l>O' 1 pkr hkt ""w •6!>76Jl J l4 99'> --Mlfu rom q4~ Ml> lffl2 IMW '01 74011 7f>k n11 lull f.ttl W•H •II OIOt<> oatmt'.tl Ith• 11•v1~•lon11 '0Per b llkf' llt'W c und $4 lk vlO~/I ltn.m1 on~ <IYlll likr 94'J '>ljt, 181111 www . .cpal.com IMW '0) 760ll 11 m1 .i bla<~ i:,,.~ury •DK10?'>6 Dir Ry.ml uddN NIWPOllT AUTOSPOllT 949-574 5600 Goo Moho '91 llue, Good lond 11reat 1•~ m 1l.11e mu~t se ll \000 ssoo 949 574 424S or 949 500 9908 lt11111 '9S Trooper ltd. 4•4 ommac lhrou&houl "'' y no<o •932989 $789S ~WilUlo C-Ol1'I ~7822 Jogum-'03 S-Type 4.2 VI, ISk mo. whole. u.1t111ul IU11, CO. dvome wlie.:ts. 6 ~'t!d .1ulu Sallli' I'll'., SJS.!195 v#or&H.h 949 !>86 18 88 Bkr www.ocpal.com ,.., '97 <Wand a-we- VB. 4•4. lltv. c;o nmrf. .,..v n-.~ •721'110 S54~ w. WillllO UJffi 949 646 /'822 ........... 4~02 1:11 Ill J,ftJJ ,,..._.., A Beaut.,. •llOl l/ °' Ryan I udd!r ~ HlWPOll'T AUT05PO«T 949 574-5600 lar .. d•4 ....... W 81 fU J.(OJ ''*' A ~ •Nll!l °" Ry.wit.-., HlWPOll'T At/Towo.T 949-S74-S600 le•u• '94 lS400 1 hMlllJ.Ofllt pold Ian llho CO ¥old plo.& 'UPl"rb Uft~ lOnd Siil 'NS v'/f,7'>1'1 lo 11.1111 mg .1va1I Hlo.r 949 '>If) 1888 WWW tllp.lb! lOITl Moado •99 M lota ! .. nv 4'>h m• ~ulD "'" .. , l.tn tnp µw pl, II t I H wp•·rb ltlo.• new """1 v•ll'l/4.l SI I 'J'J'l fmitrH •n.:. & w;u r Jnt y ...... t llhl '!49 'Jl!6 1 Rl!8 www.ocpabl.com Men odin I.a '91 C230 n11mmr & wArrtH1ty ,,v.ul Ltrhf mrt,r tmmac ~ Hhr 94<} ... jj(, IRWI n1<1 •blTll7 SI0,995 IMW '98 Z3 Conv 2.1 . 6 qi r•·d l<1n llho 'J\pd b~.1ut hk• nuw • •mO •81~711 S l8 lil1l '1 to www.oc.pobl.c°"' ""''""'tUIUTI '1496«> "1l2 IMW '00 U JSli ml, More.des._ -.9 300I wh1tt/be1~ top & int t un\ •Int black lthr, • luU w~r, hoihly ~1?T<1ded doamonO •892740 S59o/.> $19.999 ~9 67') !1!88 .... ...,..,Ulm 9&646-7827 fSMUSUOO Sllvtt w/p 1y luthef. prernoum wheeb.. (19.m) S27.91Kl 01 ,endw , ..... n, only 18K mt, HRE Per tor maoce w'-1$ ( 19394) INQUIRl.1 00 VWCJ.rlo 1 riple bllt., value plln (19434) $1),!8) 00 A.-s ,.,,.. low n1de!. pt!f'le<.t (19171) $2.5.980 02Acwo nJ.z moorv oot loit<led' (194S5> $24 980 OOIMW XS ........ Sllvet w/81•d • (19443Cl SJ8.~ OOMIIU20 s.i..,. w/81.k.k lwothct pr emiom wheeh 11919?) s.ll.980 oou.w•u BIM"t. w'br1ee moon r (II)( <hr ornl'd Wheet\ 119311111 SI!> "9l 91 IMW 740# s.4.n 8~11 .... ,,..,, .. loack-d !l 9J 18) 121> 911) '' i. .... rs"°" Whot .. w la11 II""'"' whttb • b<>auly ( 19440) $1i9R) 91M~U10 w...., Whit" w RT ry le•the<. cht01Toe w~I\ (19419) $7/980 949-574-7777 Pta&.l'S AUTO ,....,_._ Sut.w• '99 '-fweao 2.5RS, black bHuty, ~l!VY'f.411 RS~ Ceclllloc ·9o s.c1 ... o-fle St. Meriti 9'! 600 mo Sftv"t<I by Ntlior\ C.tdollx Wholeilll.tth top looll' W1t ,, lllfl,.... t\b6t ,.,.......,~s.,..1-. AM/r M/C.() [A( •tltnl c:or1d 8'>u~t ,,..,. t"' $2500/obu 'M9 640 6770 Men•• 8-:a •73 280 SI0.500 714 751·2'64 S(I Rut" J•>Od aulo lun Teyoto '94 Cor ... U tar •Ot99SJ S799'> 4011 mo .1ctual m• . .,..,...,,.,.,,.,, 949646 /f1fll lel\ur~ W0<ld owner Handyman/ Home Repair HANDYMAN All lypn 01 Wm l\ ln~1df' or Out I all ~II .. r o~on15 714 42/ 0040 JeueyAt..-·• H-• llopolr Spocloll•t lnlu1or & rttf'fl(lf Repaor\ 11 4 SOI 6466 ld6.1418l llOllNSON COMPANY Krtclllln< WOll\ B3ttwoool\ M&tk 949 6'>0 9'>7'> -THI HANOYMAN All work 11u111nle~d ""~ £1ef:trn1. 0!10"· r tnrsh carp &. 9&"'43Ri Hauling JUNK TO THI OUMPlll 114 968 188? AVAllABU TODllYI 949-673-5566 SELL your stuff through classified! Mer<e4H CUOO '2002 811lh1nl S1lv"1 1 IK mo M"'' .. ni S7S,OOO. 949-111~1603 Movtng & Stonge PUBLIC NOTICE Poblor Uhhlot• Comm"\lon rtQuore\ lh~I •II uud hou \Phntd ~oods muvtf\ pr 111t t hell I' U C ( al I number hmn• ~nd ch~ntteur~ r111n1 lhror I C P 11umbe1 on •II adver '"~mf'nl· II you hne any QUt '''""' about lh• lt'~.olol y ol a 1T1ov~r l1nio or Lhaufleur. call PUllK UTIUlllS COMMISSION 100 177-IU7 Pallting Strtp & ._. P'Gper, Custom Hand Painted '9\Jrlllh & feu.a. P.,..., NW tor hre 96818flll4. Joy••"'• ,ol1ttl ... I op Quahly Compeh ttve lnt•"OI' /(.at l '648228 Call hly 949 650·5066 UJNIOW C9C1I MMfT P1intk1& ~l ltouW. Q1111tly JOO! fr .. ~·· i'569197 714-Ui·88118 """' AWtW.T 'AVINO, SW COATING, SHl,.NG, Outlrty work, hi ....,,. C &C "11:1 71~ """"' auto P• pw whote/tlf•Y ont. ~aul lrloe new cone! V•75!>791 $4995 Bro .. er 949-SH-lUI -.~.c- SIWll AleDUllCUAm (949) 645-2352 .... l1tt111• AlllAL A ... I u. ..... .. P9'Clof ... far~ (M9)es1-m1 www.Al...,_.oot11 Sill v ... w ..... 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Wtehly Sf'rv!Ce l QUIP ment Repairs lnso<ed ( ... 949-292-7173 , .. ll"m'ftat Sptclelitlllt In w • ..,.,._ .. lf511124l Mt 3ll0-111l ..... a.Ill