HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-19 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2003 Mayor suggests that Nichols resign Steve Bromberg says if his colleague has problems with minorities, it's not representative of the city. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bl"ACJ I -Mayor Steve Bromberg said Wednesday that Coun- cilman Dick N1chob should consider stepping down from the council in the wake of Nichol!>' comments about peo- ple he identifies as Mexicans using the beach. But Nichols on Wednesday vig- orously defended hi!. statement "lf Mr. Nichob' commenh abou1 'Pe· cific minonues renec1 the way he truly feels. he should consider resigning a!. councilman becau'>e that\ not truly representative of the be'>t interests of this communlly. • Bromberg ..asd Nichols had ..aid during a phone in- terview Tuesday that he oppO!>C'> '>ome of the renov-,!llon'> proposed for Coronc:1 del Mar Slate Beath, including e>.pand QUESTION Should Dick Nichols ru19n from the Newport Beacn City Council? Call our Readers Hotltne at (949) 642-6086 or send 7 • e-mail to da1/yp1/ot Matimes.com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number for verificauon purposes only. ang the grass area'>. "With gras!>, we u\ually get ~1eXJcan!> coming in there early in the mornmg. and they claim 11 a-. them .. and 11 bt'· come'> their per..onaJ. pnvate grounds aJI day." Nichob said luesday In a phone antemew from a Santa Ana ho!>p1tal where he as being treated for an 111fecuon m ha!> leg. 1'\1chol-. on 'Ardne'>day defended 1he previou!> day\ wmrnent and '><ltd tllitt 11 had bt'en taken out of con1ex1 .. \\'h~ don t you go down there and t,Lke a -.uney and we \'.hat fra cuon of the peopll' on thl' \\eekend~ are from when•? You're go111g lO '>ee a predom1 rlJrn e ot peuple 1ha1 don't li\e an the SE A~• r'!E~E D4t1 "" • Corona del Mar High students Vivian Liu and Jon Wolfe. both 16. have a lot to smile about. They each got a perfect score on their SATs. A perfect 1600 Three students in Newport-Mesa schools get perfect scores on the SATs Christine Carrillo Daily Piiot J on Wolfe took the test cold. He wanted to see how well he'd do. Vivian Liu had a llnle help pre· paring. Sh<.· took the test for the second time. this year. exceUmg heyond u1e1r ex pectations and conquenng the feared SAT bea-;t. The two 16-year·olds can now coast into their senior years with· out worrying about the test Why ruin a good thing'? After the nev.'S '\unk m, the <;n1· denL!>. their families and fnend., had some ome to reflect on their ac-Jdemtc achievement, an achievement that less than 0.05% of srudents received nationwide last year. 1n 2002. one in 2, I 56 srudents re- ceived the top score nationwide. Out of 16A.847 college-bound stu-The two students. juniors at Co- rona del Mar High Schoo~ ham- mered out 1600s on the SAT exam "When I saw my score, I ~ really happy, but I didn't know how to react," Vivian said. "My family couldn't believe It I had to tell my mom four times. .. Sage Hill's Katrma Redelsheimer See PERFECT' Pace A4 THE BELL CURVE Dissent depends on point of view S teve Smith took some sbou at my column about Wtlliam Bennett aome weeks qo that rather cleanly missed the polnt I wu trying to make. I've been hoping Lolita Harper would plc.k up on It. but since she didn't. I'll lave tt there except for one refe~nce that :1eem1 to me worth further exploradon. He called my piece one of •the ptedJctable responaes of the left ..• to Bill Bennett'• out·of·controJ ~deo poker pmbtina babft." It wu the "ptedktlble rmpon1e1 or the left• that caUlbt my aaendon becaUle It often such a clMr example ol the WMtlinl that lnlecu todal and polldcal rhetoric tr.. days. JOSEPH N. BELL We're golng to be 1eeing and hearing a lot of It ln the months ahead, so It occurred to me that I could provide a service by offering a brlef dictionary of tenns that need to be ~eftned to understand their political implications. Here are some of the more frequent aamplea of labellnc belna UMd In polidcll and tOdal criddsm: • A "liberal" ls a bleeding hean whose primary mission in life is to take bud-earned money from other people and give it to Indigents, bwns, welfare cheats and similar undeserving malcontents who didn't grow up In middle-daa suburbs. Uberala look to more aovemment to address social lnequldee u long as the rich pay for It. •A •conleMdve" is someone Who is certain that the poor -includi.ng children -got that way beaude they were lazy. Providing them wilh more help would be counm·produc:tM because lt S..QIM.PlpM Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE area: \:1th11I' ,<11d \\«dnt·,da\ ~) ... 1atem1:111 \\ih h11m·'1 II d11t·..r11 '>cl} Im d"Lnminatmg <tg.1111'1 tlwm \\1wre the hl·ll am I 111 ..Lil\ ''a' d1..,t rarnan.i1111K or bt•tng i1 b1g111 h\ rJlJ~lllg ,, ..,IJl~ 111t'OI 1ha1 "hl,11,11111\ tr11t·' \11rrw 111 111... '111l1·.1Kllt'' t rttll l/l'O '\1111111 ... • < ornni1·n1 t1111 11or1t IM.., pull lat I\ Jt l u .... ·t.1 ham <11 d1,l rirn111.1t11111 or of I w111g ,, h1got \.11h11J.. p1,11111·d 11111 1h.11 rtll' l•1m flll'lll '' ;i.., JU'>l one 111 1hoU1 '· p111111" lw See NICHOLS. Paee A4 Omelette Popular eate~ \\ill c,ta~ open on month I} lea-,e Adjacent bar C..he'>tl'r Drawer'> \\.ill close inc,tead . Paul Clinton Daily Pilot ( Cl'd \ \II...,\ <.,u .... 111 '\d~11 1' l<:•llnt:d ull I l 1h ho11r n·prwv· f•ir h1·r c >nwlelll l'.ulor JJrt-r \,,.,., •1rti11,11 ... 1~n·ed to n· 'und tht'lr 1.111 tor lwr (Jlhtl'r lrom .1 I ;111 '>trl'el .,h11pr111g t l·nH·r Dunn~ .1 lul·..,du\ nw1·1mg \on .. < om pc:tnll'' lnl .!J.!H'"d ti• put \d~Hl'• on .i month~ to m11r11 h lt·.t"'' .md ant 11rpora1t· hl·r popul.ir 101 .ii t'dl•·r. nt" ,, pl,1nn1·d ri>no\almn ol 1111' 1 l'flto•r '\'1111' 1 ... pl.1nrlllll.! .1 r••mn<.!1'1 ot till <,hoprmg Lemt·r \t.l._rn, '><llCI \1 1111 .. pmnl 11-. thur 11111·rn1 11 ari u< 1 ••mmodJlt' 1h1: Ornele11t· Parlor .\., p.u1 ol her 't'lll1•nwn1 .11.:r• 1•mt•n1 \\Ith \On' -\dl._111, h,1._ ,1grt't'd (II I le ht• ,td 1.1u·n1 \\t1ll'r111g hoh-< ltt•.,ri·r I 1ra~~l'r' h\ lllnt' llJ See PARLOR, Page A4 NEWPORT HARBOR More dinghy parking to be considered June Casaarande Daily Pilot \.£\\ POH I Bf .\C II -< h~nm~ c:1 moor mg an \.ewport I !arbor l'>ll t all at cracked up to be <.,ure. 11 r, great to own ct boat And there\ no better place to benh 11 than :"l.ewpon I !arbor But 1f your boat., on a rnoonnR 'l. to or 10 vard-, off shore, how do you Rf'I to ttl The an ... wer. a'> mooring permit hold ers know. ,., that vou usually need a boat to get to your boat a dinghy. that is See DtNGHY. Pase M SPORTS An ongoing summer Mries on youth IOCCer in the Newport-Mela communi1y ia leunched SeeP11eBl ~ ......... "'-!l .... lllilli ................ "" .......... ~lllll!!l'ill .... 1111111 ..... ~ ................. ~._.....J , - A2 Thursday' JtMle l 9, 2003 P-OLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Death to the 'death tax' Paul Cllnton Dally Pilot R ep. Chris (.ox's dogged effort to eliminate the estate tax bore fruit Wednesday. as the House passed a proposal he has been canying since 1993. In a 264-163 vote. the House approved a full repeaJ of the tax on inheritances, which would go into effect in 2010. In 2001 , Congress passed a partial repeal of the .. death tax,~ as it has been dubbed by opponenis. The tax was firs t implemented after the Civil War as a way to pay off the country's wardebti.. ''The death rax is the opposite of a 'sin' tax, it is a 'virtue' tax," Cox said in a statement. u Hard-work.Ing American men and women who spend a lifetime providing fo r their children and grandchildren s hould be encouraged to save, invest and continue to work if they choose. But the death tax punio;hes such virtuous behavior." Saluting the flag, GOP style A who's who list of Orange County Republicans auended a rally in Cos ta Mesa on Saturday at the Wes tin South Coast Plaza hotel. The SI SO-per-plate dinner, which ki cked off at 6 p .m .. was billed ru. a Flag Day Salute to Freedom. K(NT TREPTOW/OAIL't'PILOT The House passed a repeal of the death tax that Rep. Chris Cox has been pushing since 1993. C.Ox meets with Iraqi dissident Cox, the I lous.t> Polky Commjttee chairman. m et with Iraqi d1s'>1dent Ahmed OiaJa bl on Thursday in Washington, DC... Chalab1. the thairman of the Iraqi Na11ondl Congress and the world's mu-.t recognized opponent of the now-de posi>d regime of Saddam Hussein. made hi-. third appcara nct' before the committee since 199fi country's provisional governor. Face off at the Newport Beach Golf C.Ourse l\vo gun-issue watchers .,lugged it out June 11 during a debate held in C..o~ta Mesa. The California Republican A'>i.embly hosted the "no holds barred exchange." as the group described the event. 11 was held at the Newpo rt Beach Golf Course. informaJJy running for a seat for at least a month, Assembly candidate 0.uck DeVore formally kicked off his campaign las t week at a fund-raiser. DeVore held his event a t 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the Oiinatown restaurant in Irvine. About 60 supporters attended the two-hour event. DeVore would not say how much he raised for h1s run for the 70th Assembly District seat. Supervisor Chrt.1 Norby showed up to rally the crowd. Devore said. Datt Piiot POLITICS ASIDE Here today, Nichols may be gone tomorrow 0 ne of the few truths about poliucs: It changes fa.st. As I write this on Wednesday afternoon. Newport Beach CoWlcilman Dick Mcboll is in a hospital room, being u-eated for a serious infection in his leg. And he's raking a few more phone calls than he likely wa.s expecting. Those calls. of course, as the story on the front of today's Daily Pilot tells. are about a comment Nichols made to the paper earlier this week and ran in Wednesday's Pilot WWlth grass. we usually get Mexicans coming in there early in the morning. S.J. CAHN and they c1alm it as theirs. and ii becomes their personal, private grounili all day,# Nichols said about improvements being proposed for Corona deJ Mar ~ate Beach. It was just one comment Nichols made a.bout the improvements, but when a public figure says something so racially chargl--d (lhere are those who don't see this as racially charged. of course) it becom~ news. ~ asJc Sen. lftnt Lott of ML,St'>'>lpp1. His fall from the Senate majority leader's office late last year because of comments he made suggesting the COWltry would have been better off had the Segregationist #Dixiaats# won the pre!>!dency in 1948 certainly suggest.s tha1 Nichols may not be long for the council dais. Al first. it looked like Lott. a Republican. would weather the storm. whldl wa.s being blown mainly by the left and Defnocrats.. But as. it lasted. stubbomty refusing to go away. more and more people from Lon's own party began to attack what he has said. and his core suppor1 faded. And then that support withered totally when President Georp W. Bulh refused to offer hi.!. bading. (In contrast. when PennsytYcmia Sen. Rick Santorum made comments earlier this year that were offemtve to gays. Bush offered suppon. and Santonun survived mostly unscathed.) The question here. though. is: ~ Nichol" have that kind of make-or-break support? Reps. Cox, Dana Rohrabacher , Darrell Issa (It-Vista), Ed Royce (R-Fullerton), Gary Mlller CR-Diamond Bar) and Ken Calvert (R-Riverside) attended. They we re 1oined by a host of other elec ted officiaJs that included s tate Sen. Ross Johnson, Assemblym en John CampbelJ and Ken Maddox, Supervisors Jim SlJva and Tom WlJson and Republican Party of Orange County Oia irman Tom Fuentes. Cox and then lnte rnau u nal Relations 01a1rman Rep. Ben Gilman (R-New York} wrotl' tht' lraq Libe ration Act after testimony from Ulalabi and other exi le'> of 1ha1 country Oialabi .,poke a hour the effort to rebuild h" ... haltered hom eland and the creation of .1 democralll governmen t m Ira q. In the gun-right'> come r wa~ Jeff Greene, a legislative aide to Assemblyman Ray Haynes IR-Temecula) and publisher of the Senate Hepublican Caucus' newsleltt-r "Gun Control Watch I ii,t " In the gun control comer w~ Oiarles Blek. the Orange County chairman of the M1Ll1o n Mo m March with the Brady Campaign. Blek 1s also a member of the Lincoln Q ub of Orange County, a GOP fund-raising group. "It exceeded expectations, largely due to Norby,· De Vore said Monday a bout the event. w He was able to raise several thousand more d ollars on the spot.• Given Mayor~ Broenbeg'a comments in today's paper, It Is otMous dla1 Nichoo will not•. be getting support &om his c:oundl colleagues. : But glancing at just the past few weelc.<;. it is clear that his suppon was never gomg to come· from ~-(And Is it not incredible that only a week ago the Newport Beach Oty Council W<L'> - debating Nichols' comments before the Former gubernatorial candidate BllJ Simon, conservative radio person<Llity Hugh Hewitt and GOP fund -rai~er Buck Johns aho attend£'d. The mt•c1111g 1.·arne at a time when U.S. troops are working to restorC' ba-.it. functional clements in Iraq. '>Ucha .. hospitaJs. road'> and other infra'>lrucrure. Presidcnl George W. Bush ha., appo1nrt•d L Paul Bremer ,.., llw De Vore makes it offi cial I H'n though he ha'> been DeVore. a Republican Pany activist and aerospace executive, is running against Anaheim businesswoman and Corona del Mar. resident Cristi Crl1tkh, former Newport Beach City Councilwoman Marianne ZJppl and Irvine businessman Don Wagner. P1anning Commission? Will Tuesday's council meeting again center on Nichols' words?) Will Nichole; ge1 that needed suppor1 from the Greenlight group. which backed him durin~ the faJJ election? So far. Greenhght c;pokesman PhD Ant has distanced the group from the WMexican# comment. but not from the man. If that changes. the coWlcilman will be left wuh few friends in Newport's polil.lcal drcleo;. POLITICAL CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's Birthday Bash, featunng Jeffrey •s kunk• Baxter of the Doob1e Brothers and Dean Torrence of Jan & Dean, will be from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the home of Wendy and Scott Baugh in Huntington Beach. Information· (714) 969-7457 discussion w11h Sen Norm Coleman (R-Mtnn.) at 10 a.m a t the Newport Beach Marrion. Information-(310) 27 1 7429 or m flchman ti rJchQ org JULY Marianne Zipp1 for Assembly will hold a campaign kidc-off party from 5:30 to 8 p m Tuesday a t the Clara Lincoln Mans ion 111 Newport Beach. Information: (949) 644-7425 9· Orange County Yo ung Republicans will hold a gene ral meet mg at 7 p m at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel. Information: president a ocyr.org or (949) 475-5559 15: Marianne Zippi for Ass embly will ho ld a fund-raising reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at the home of Edna Deeb in Newport Beadl. Information: (949) 644-7094 JUNE Frid.., through Sunday: Orange County Young Repoblicans will go on a las Vegas trip at the Luxor Hotel. Information: www.ocyr.org Republican Central Committee meeting trad1t1onally dark in July. 29: The Republican Jewish Coalition will hold a Daily A Pilot VOL. 97, N0.170 THOMAS H JOHNSON Pubhsher TOHYDOOEAO Editor JUDY OETTING ~~r Promotions DlrectOf News Edltora Gina Alexander, Lon Anderson, Daniel Hunt. Paul Sa11ow1tz, Daniel Stevena NEWS STAFF ~BNmh Crime and coul\I reponer, (9491 674-4226 deopa.bharttth l1tt1,,.,.!I com June CMafnnde Newpor1 Beedi reponer, (949)57~2 1une.cnagran<N•fllrlmn.com hul Clinto'1 Potita. business and environment rep()tter. (949) 764""330 paul.dlnton l-'im#.com LoMta Heirper Columnist. culture repot10f, (949157«275 lolit•.hll'Pf1'•111t1,.,....oom ~Newmeft Co&1a ~ repoftef, 1949) &74-4221 dttlrdra~•"'t11NAconi CtwtldNC... Edu'*ion ~rter, IMS) &74 4268 thri911rwJ <»frillo.,.tlf'Mll.com Coral Wit.on News 11ss1S1ant, (949) 57~298 cor11/ w1/son a lsr1mH.com PHOTOGRAPHERS SAan Hiller, Don Leadl, Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (9491642·6086 Record your comments about the Dally Pilot or newli tips. Add- Our address 11 3JO W Bay St , Costa Mme, CA 92627. Office houre ere Monday · Fnday, 8·30 a m 6 p m Conectlon1 It 11 tho P1lot'I policy to promptly corroct all errors of 1ubstance. PleaM call (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newi>ot1 Bead\/Costa Mete Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) 11 publ11hed daily. In Newport Beedl and Costa Mesa, 1ubecnptloM are available only by S4Jb9cf1blng to The Tlmoe Orange County (800) 252 9141. In areat outtlde of Newpot1 Be8dl and Cost• MeN. .ubecriptlone to the Deity Pilot are available only by first ct... mell for S30 per month IPricM lndudt •" appllotble .i.t• and local wees.) POSTMASTER: Send addreu dlangot to The N9Wp(>lt ~Mal Dally Pilot. P.O. AUGUST 14: Marianne Zippi for Assembly will hold a fund·ra1s111g reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at the home of Cathy and Tom Kroop in Corona Del Mar. Information: (949) 644-7094 And why would the group's position changl·7 One ~n: the residents of Newport Heach. If they recoil from these commenls. it L'> difficult to imagine the Greenlighters socking by Nichols. regardless of how comfortable they are being a political firebrand in the aty. lf residents don't react. Greenllght will be able to t•ontinue backing him 18: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8556. It is also possible that Nichols will contmue to defend what he said and refuse any calls to step down. Then, the story will be whether there is the politicaJ will to get a recall effort going. SEPTEMBER lf there is. we might be subbing Gov. Grey DllvW name for Lott's. 15: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8565. It all depends on how fast the politics of this go. There's really no telling where Nichols may be today. tomorrow or next week. • S.J. CAHN 11 !he managing edrtOf He can be reached 81 (949) 574-4233 or by e-mail at s.j.cahn@lst1mes.com. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Copynght No news stonM, tllustrat1on1, ed1tonal matter or advertiaemontl herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Circulation The T1mea Orange County (8001 252-9141 ~ Ctuaffied (949) 642 5678 ~19491 642-4321 Edltoftel News 1949) 642-6680 S90rtw (949)574-4223 News ... (9491 846-4170 Spcwt9 Fell (IMSJ 650-0170 E~ dlli/ypllot•l•rime1.com Meift()Mce ••• ,,... OMoe (9491642-4321 ~Fu 11Mi)S31·7129 SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST We'll ewake to drizzle and cloudiness, and unfortunately, the cloud• look like they'll stay along the coast this abmoon. We ahould aee some sun Inland, with highs In the lower 70. and lows In the upper 60t. Friday loob to be similar. The sun 1hould ahlne more thla weekend. lnfomwdon: www.tMS.noH.fPV BOATING FORECAST The~ wAt blow 10 knota In the kW* wet9rt, wtth 2-foot wtvet end•~ 1W911of4 to 6 fMt. The Mme wlU be found tonight. SURF The southwest swell loses a little steam today, leaving us some diest-hlghs end the occasional head-high. The swell t>.dc down further on Friday. so we'll drop Into the wellt· to chest-high range Expect a few heed-hlgha. Saturday, h should pie* up 1 ted to ensure we keep seeing me.t-hlghs. Sunday, wflefl the latest swell pealtl, will be almllar. Expect weiat-to <Ns1·high1. W....,.tty: www.twrfrl<#r.«"(/ . -• • Publllh9d by TitMI Community News, a d1vilie>n of the Loi Angei.. TI"'", Out hlrtNw, the ~wVM»wUlblow ~tit 1& to 25 lcnott, wfth ). to 4.foot WW. and. northwMt Melt of$ to 8"""' Expect..,,.., condldoM TIDES 1'1rne 1;21a.m. 3::38p.m. 8:30p.m. 2.'01 a.m. ~ .0.19fMelow .. 02 .... Ngh 2.83felclow ........ high .. ~ •. C>2003 Tim• CN. All rfOht:a reHrved. ·~ wtlh 4-foot WllYet .net .. Mooe .... ( • • •• . •. • • WATER TEMPERATURE • : 13d1Qii .. ' Dally Pilot TflUfsday, June 19. 2003 A3 • Home construction begins at Home Ranch Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. The finished product in late 2004 will offer 60 single-family homes and 83 townhomes at Providence Park. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The smell of hot asphalt permeated the area around llCEA Wednei.day ai. con- struction worker& paved the en- trance to the residential c;ection of the Home Ranch project. Construction on the homei. that will be known as Providence Park started May 7. The tract wtll eventually include 60 single- famlly homes and 83 10W11 hom es. The model home'> are BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Vanguard hosts theat er classes for teenagers "fh eater clas'>e!> are being of- feced b y Vanguard llniver!>1ty\ Y(luth Summer C..on .. crvatory from Monday to July 'i. The conservatory will give s tudents age'> 12 lo I fl J chance to explore the foundation'> of acting. mu.,ilal theatt'r and dance. Tht-goal of these clas.,e., I'> not only to enhanlC 'tudent'>' pcrformante and technical .,kJlb, but tu fo'iter rnnfidem e in their CJ\\ n tdlent'> and ab1l II le'> "\\e hope tht' .,tudentc; 111 the tommumty \'-Ill bt· abh.' to broaden and '>lrengtht-n their the.tter ctr!'> 1alent'> through th1'> program, "'hether they .ire JU'>l beKtnnmg or a '>l'd.,,Ulll'd .. 1agc veteran." Van1~uard\ I heJtre set to open in November while all of the homes should be fin - ished by the end of 2004. Residents who had lobbied for m ore housing at Home Ranch to help alleviate the jobs-home!> inlbalance in the city welcomed the start of construction. "It will certainly meet a need that we have in our communiry," former Mayor Sandra Cenis said. ·1 would have liked a larger amount of acreage devoted to the h ousing, so just seeing any of it is a good thing." Arts Olair Susan Berkompas '>aid 111 a press rt-lease. aa~ses include stage man- agement. improvisation and lric;h dancing. For more information, con· tact the Vanguard Theatre Art'> Department at (il4J 668-61 45. OCC hosts summer basketball camp OCC's head men's basketball coach Steve Spencer will con- duct the Pirate Baske tball Campi. for kids ages 9 to 17 Participants Wlll work on fun- damental s kills and individual development, as weU a'> devel oping team concept-. through tompeuu un . , fhc camps will run from :\londay to Thursday, wnh the boy'> running from 9 .i m to noon Jnd the girls runmng trom I to -l p.m The <.:CJ'>l of l'ach camp lit S80. Spenc.N hJit been 1m olved m directing d \.d nt.'t} of ba~ke1ball camp'>. tn· l ludmg the UCLA Ba'>ketbaJI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Wfioe 'Elves & '1'iri£s 'Dance and '1'/ay and Unicorns 'Roam 'Fru! Comr be .1 pJri of th" forrnr ~1agical World! MJn) grc::Jr lhdJr\.·n\ rolt.:it ,\1on<lJ)', f ur\JJv, WcJncsdav. ThundJv Junt.: n. 2 .... 2). 26 l""-'.lpml Libcny Theatre -Joint Forces Training Base ( mncr I ~""IC'""~ I H4uhJr I .. \l,m111 \I t-.. • "' 1>!1'\ f...,.., nit l\.i1cll1 For Funhcr Information, CaJI 7 14-827-9141 All Dancers Needed (8-16 The home prices haven't been set yet, but there h as been a lo t of interest expressed in the homes since llCEA opened, said Dana Bieber, pro1ect manager for Standard Pacific. which is building the homes. The prices wiU target first-time and m ove- up buyers. Bieber said. Councilwoman Ubby Cowan, who s upported the Ho me Ranch project. also said she was glad to see the bulldozers. "I think it's great," Cowan said. "I've been watching the grading procei.i., and the whole I lome Ranch is starting to take place, with IKI:A opening and l:.mulex being built, and it'll be nice to see some of the ho uses going C.imp, the Magic Johnson Camp and the Shot Doctor Camp. for more 1n formauon about OC..C. camp!> phone !714) 432-5880. Costa Mesa Bark Park hosts annual dog wash l he lO'>ta Mc'>a Bark Parle. will pre!.ent the <iLXth annual Bath'Sttllc Day Dog Wash a nd Vend or l air fund ra1c;er from 9 a m. to J p.m June 29 I hl· fur wa.,l11ng a shorthair dog 1.., $12 and for longhair, $17. fhi.' eVl'nt ~111 alitO feature a rafne. J 1-mbce competition. rdrl.' ... hrnt•nt<. for human'>, ca- nmc produu \ t:ndor., and dog adopt1un group' Attendees mJ} al'>CJ p<t1111 a tile com- mt•morJlln~ their '>pec1al fr1t·nJ \\hllh \\Ill bl' plact:d on the l·ntr, to tht' par!.. Prou:ed'> \\.Ill go to lht· opl·rallnJ:: fund for the fiJrJ.. f>arJ... a nonprofit leJ.,h It'.,~ dog park for more 111lornh11to11 phone (<Hq 1:13- 11 o I The Orange County Museum of Art is delighted to offer a series of jazz concerts this summer. Participants are invi ted to enjoy live jazz. the beautiful art on exhibition, and fine food and drink. Come join us in our relaxing sculpture garden for some hot jazz and cool art. Tom Hynes, jazz musician and educator, is coordinating the arti sts and music that will be presented on each evening. Tom is an accom plished jazz guitarist who has a Master of Arts in music from California State University, Los Angeles. June 20 Jennifer Hall Quintet: Tribute to Gerry Mulligan With her crack quintet, baritone saxophone ace Jennifer Hall pays tribute to fellow baritonist Gerry Mulligan, whose combo with trum - peter Chet Baker defined the "West Coast Cool" jazz of the 1950s. July 25 Cathy Segal-Garcia One of the smoothest and most sophisticated vocalists in today's jazz scene, Boston-bred Cathy Segal-Garcia has moved to Los Angeles, where she works with some of the finest jazz musicians from both coasts. Aug 22 The Tom Hynes Quintet Director of the OCMA Summer Jazz Series, Tom Hynes brings his own hot quintet to the museum, featuring a sax and trombone front line performing his delightful, eclectic compositions. Admission to the individual jazz performances is S15 for the general public and SlO for museum members, students, and seniors. Series tickets are available at S40 for the general public and S25 for members, students, and seniors. Prices include admission to the exhibitions on view at the museum. Jau evenings at the museum are from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. • For more information and to reserve tickets, please call Tim Tompkins at (949) 759-1122, ext. 206. The museum is located at 850 San Clemente Drive in Newport Beach. up." While the Home Ranch housei. are on their way to being built, there is sulJ controver'>y swirling around tugh-d em.1ty condominiums at I 90 I Newport Blvd. Genis said '>ht wbhcd more housing had gone into Home Ranch so city ltader-, wouldn't feel compelled 10 .ip· prove such a high·dcn!>1ly proj· ect downtown. The council ap· proved the pro1ec1 .J.nd then agreed to rehear it. "Interestingly enough. the amount of housing eltm1r1<1tcd at Home Ranch 1<, about tht' same amount that we're trying • to cram into l901 Nt'wpon. (,l' nis said. Sanitary di strict to collect large item~ From Monday through the week of Aug. 25, the < .o.,ta \.le\J Sanitary Distm1 will run 1he annual Large ltt-m < <>Hernon program. Single-family re'iidl.'nt'> of the Costa Mei.a and !'ldnld i\nJ Heightit area!> who U\e curh'>1dt' trash collection (1101 dump sters) will be ablr to Jl'>p0'>{' ur • items too large to be plaLed in the bins. Watt'r heatt'r'>. \\d'>h ers. dryers. refr1geCJtnr'>. tar peung, furn1turc <1nd morl' rna} be disposed of at no addilllJlldl cost. Yellow not1Le., will lw hung on resident' Joor' I\\ 11 weeks 111 advance of the u1lll'l · Lion date. The district a')J.., rt•,1dl·nh to consider if Jn ttem l ,111 lw d11· na1ed to Lhdr1tJble org.1111/J tion~ before d1'>cc.1rd1ng 11 I or more 1nforma11011, ph111 1· (9491 646 4617 (J{ -, , :-i1 5030. -/om J nn111,·r Family Owned Since 187 9 JOHN BLOESER CARPET f#rr ONE Karastan • Lees e Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairborne .· ·. And Much More ~·.{~-----~: ~!~~ ..... ·-_._.....~ -· . ..,,, j · .·f"'::; 1•1,ti!~U_.,..,•a JI ~ l•1.t.'.·•~. ~ ............ ..,... ... . . -·· 2927 S. Briscol Street. Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bloesercarperone.com Also in Long Beach and Los Angeles Everything at your doorstep. And MW time to l9'oJ It. Isn't it lime lo eotnmute IH6 and enjoy Ute mor.7 NO'lll yoll Oft d9 jull that. We offer exception.al 1pan1Mnt c.ommunllln In C--.. Or•"9e County loatlons: • Close to -rythlng ~ WINI\. shopplf\9, flTlt>loVfMJ\t. ~ t*'M • Your c.hotc9 of outaandlf\9 amenit!H Uk.a l'W«t ... llWWN111!4 pools Ind .-s. buslnes. IN\d frme. ct"*9 S,.... <wna. .... Cont.ct rntal living Apartment lnfOf'tNtion Center Toct.J 17625-B H1rv1rd, comer of Harvard and M.ut. lrv\M. CA '261& 1.866.400.2'91 nmtal-!Mrit.am It's Time tor Our Annudl Sizzlin' Summer Si~ewdl~ Sdle ! ,. --- WES TC LIFF l 1TH STREET AT IRVINE AV(NUE • 1"1WCDB#f M'IM. l'IMI a !18 ....... , 01mtory ol )tom G~OCERv DRuG & 1-1AROWAPE Rolph\ Fmh fora Sov-on drug\ Crown Ace H01dwon A;> At' Chompogne Droper s & Damon s Kayaks Surf Shop Thr et F11ends .:i.>£ -AL'' G1q \ ..... ,.,,..~ DECC k Cal1forn10 S1yle lmoge1 Hallmark Matthew Taylo1 s FOOD Chompognt Fr en ch Bakery (al• Helen Groce Chocolate\ Poslo lravo "ck Up Stix Rolpft1 fr~h fort Storbudcs CoffM HEALTH & BEAUTY 646 1411 642 2211 6•2 1133 645 6731 646 SS21 631 2996 S419HI 5481199 631 IHB 642 73ll 646-0520 631 -8700 541-3.406 650-7149 6-46-1411 6S0.03H llue Mambo "6-S74' lolier1' TayW w. ... "4"7lt7 SERVICES w.y'l SMe ¥ ..S4HOS3 ... of AmfKI • • .7"4· UGO ~ c.tre .S74-74SI .._es, he. .'31 S400 hlitrt' 1ayW w... ,'46-7lt7 SW oa ...... '4S.S"8 _. .... a-n .. .646-2392 ( PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • West Baker Street Vandalism was reported in the 1300 blodc at 10:52 a.m. Monday. • Bristol StrMt: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1300 blodc at 11:49 a.m. Monday. • Fairview Road: An assault was reported in the 3000 blodc at 4:40 a.m. Monday • Harbor Boulevard: Grand theft was reported in the 2200 blodc at 12:03 p.m. Monday. • Knowell Place: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 blodc at 9:44 a.m. Monday. • Onange Avenue: Petty theft was reported in lhe 2500 blodc at 3:25 p.m. Monday. •Victoria Strwt: Petty theft was reported in the 900 blodc at 3:10 p.m. Monday. • West 19th StTHt and Maple Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported at 1 :34 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Balboa Boulevard: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 1400 blodc at 9:22 a.m. Tuesday. • Dover Drive: Battery was reported in the 2100 blodc at 10:19 p.m. Tuesday. • Irvine Avenue: Petty theft was reported1nthe1000 blodc at 2:45 p.m. Tuesday • Paric Newport Drive: A burglary was reported in the 1800 block at 10:07 a.m. Tuesday • Snug Harbor Road: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodc at 9:48 a.m. Tuesday. • River Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported in the 4800 block at 8:06 a.m. Tuesday. •Villa Point Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 100 block at 8:34 a.m. Tuesday CURVE Continued from Al would only reward laziness. Conservatives look to less government so they can bener protect what they have. •The "left" is anyone more liberal. and the "right" anyone more conservative than the current critic. • "Whining" means expresslng views contrary to those of the critic, whose opinions are always honest, straightforward, earnest and backed up by formidable research. Contrary opinions are "wtuning," and are offered up onJy by whiners. •"Facts" are bits and pieces of information ~mbled to suppor\ a particuJar point of view. There are good facts and bad facts. Good facts are those assembled by the critic. Bad DINGHY Continued from Al But even these tiny shuttlec:raft are making waves because, for many mooring owners. there'b no place to keep them. The city's I !arbor Commis- .,ion has proposed a solution, one that couJd be a godsend or could raise all kinds of ire. At their next meeting, commis- sioners will discuss whether to move forward with a plan to build 15 racks at eight public ~pots to hold up to 76 dinghies. The four· and six-unit racb wouJd be at the Fernando Stree1 beach and pier, the 15th Stree1 beach and pier. the I 61 h St reel beach, the 19th .,treel beach and pier and at the Udo Bridge· public beach area. Often. they wiU be next to pump-out Ma lions, but wouJd be designed 111 a way that would not hamper boaters' access to the facilitiel>. They will cost $14 a month 10 rent and will only be avaiJabll' 10 permit holders. "This is something that ha., been discussed for a long time ... Commissioner Seymour Heck sajd. "The ba~ic reason for it i' ju!tl to make ii easier for peopll' White Front Pharmacy Ser.-1nq 0 1dll'.W C u,m11 11/ !~ • .-a" Convenient, full service pharmacy with low prices Diabetes Awareness Free blood sugar testing and a:miulting f earuring Dave Taylor The 2nd and 4th Wcdhesday of c2Ch month from 11 :OOam until 4~00pm Cards • Books • Sundries All Insurance PIAns Accepted 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 join us tod1~v to begin ... 11 lifetimt' ofbe/011gi11g! Rnd out why Congregation Shir Ha·Ma alot is one of the warmest. friendliest. and most innovatlVe Reform congregations 1n Orange County. Get to knOw us and our dynamic Rabbi Rldlard Stemberg aoo feet nght at home. Interfaith families welcome JuM 20th 6-30pm Tot Sh~bbat 730pm ~bbat SErvta JuM 27th: &30pm WiM & ChHst R&cEptlon 7:30pm 'Fftiay M!tlt Uw ~ 5a-.ila July 4ttt. HOprn Milt at Corona °" ~ Badl 6.00pm 116adl' 5tlilbbat Sr.lloE July ltth 7:30pm Shabbat 5Ervla COll6RE6Afl0 N Sl1tr Ha-M.A'alof 949-857-2226 facts are those cited by the person whose views are being criticized. Facts may or may not be true. There is a limitless suppty of "facts" from whii::h to choose for the critic and the person being criticized to suppon conclusions they mostly reached before they started looking for facL~. • "Dissent" means expressing views tha1 don't confonn absolutely to the pro forma poUcies of authority. Perhaps the most prominent dissenters in our history were the men who signed the Declaration of IJl<Jependence. When the same group wrote the Constitution. 1hey fell it imponant to prolect dissent in the nation they created. and nowhere did they suggest ii might be unpatrlolic. Dissenre~ are accepted as a necessary evil by lhe prevailing establishmenl a& long a& they don'1 expre~ themselves. at FYI Detailed information about the proposal to install dinghy racks at some city beaches 1s available at the city's Web site at www.city. newport-beach ca. us. All members of the public are welcome to anend the Ha rbor Commission meetings. The next meeting is at 6 p.m. July 9 in City Council chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. The city's Harbor Resources Depanment can be reached at (949) 644-3044. lo gee out to their boats. II would be done on ki nd of an ex- perimental baw ... • Sirnuha11eou .. 1y. l 0 111m l')'>1on- er'> are ton.,u.ler111K c'll.tending the period of ume the dinghies can he ducked at 1hese pier<;, a\ well a~ at Coral Street public pier. lentattvely. the 20-minute time lim11 fur docking dinghie!> at the exi~llng pier' at <,ume of rhe'>e lot.atton... would he ex- tended to two hour-.. in most ras1·~. Now, lma l owner<; are allowed lO dock their dinghie:. at public pier~ only for <.hurt period~ of time. Extending .,omc time limits, I !arbor Resource'> Supervisor Chrb Miller wrote m a staff re- porr, could allow boilt owners enough time 10 access amen- ities on 'ihore. 1hereby malcing the harbor more "user friendly.· Miller\ depanment is send- ing out noticeo; to residenl'> wuhin 300 ff'et of each '>ite. in- vmng 1hem 10 ... h.ire their op111- 1<>n'> at the m•x1 l ommb~1on mceung, 011 July lJ Only then wdl they have \Cllllt' idea whc1her rim plan will float "We want 111 get feedback from the re...,derw., to makc \ure wt•w got all thl• ba~e' cm t rcd and view' Men't oh ... tructct.l and to give the puhlk a c:IMnce tu vc11cc their op1n1on'>... Miller 'iait.l . NICHOLS Continued from Al had made rn an cx1cnded phont• interview on Corona del Mar State Reach improvements. I le said thar the fallout over hi!t comment amounred to polit1raJ COrre1;tneSS. which point they become e,ither whiners or traitors. • "Co1orfuJ" refers to lies expressed in Uterate language that covers up a paucity of research. • "ClJ.informed• means that the person under attack has selected a set of facts on which to suppon his premise that is different from the set of facts that appeal to his critics. • "lrrationar and "irresponsible" mean that the conclusions being critici7,ed do not logically follow the critic's ufacts." •A "cheap shot" ii> irony lhal draws blood and is either not perceived as irony by the critic or is regarded as a tactic that only the critic can legitimately use. • "Thinly disguised propaganda· refer~ to arguments that 1he cri1ic caJ\'I logically refute. PARLOR Continued from Al A ~pokeswoman for S<1feway In<:., which own'> Von:., couldn't be reached for cnnunenl. Earlier thi~ month, Adkin~ an- nounced she wa'> dosing the Omelette P-drlor, which sh~ has nm since 1983. Many tw,tomer!. di the homey eatery. which drdW!t prcii.o;e~ for it~ t.lown home food and hi'ltOrit· photo' ol Co'>ta Mesa on the wttll, '>atd the announcement 011tragrt.l and saddened him At the ume, Von ........ L, unw1ll PERFECT Continued from Al dene. m C..alifom1.1, 75 '>lutfonr... eanwd a lhOO on tht' ~I te<>t m 2002. "I IU'it think lha1\ a great. great thing lor tho'it' two kid'>." <;aid Jaime Castellano~. <L~l'Lant <;upt•r· intemlcnt of secondary education fur the Nt.wport · Mt:.""1 Unified ~hool District. "I think it's an amazing feat .. While Vivian anc.1 Ion were thl' only two MudenL' in the Newport Mesa Unified School District 10 earn th.is cop ..core. tht-y wt•ren't the only rwo ... 1udents in the New· WHArs AFLOAT • WHAT'S AFLOAT 1s publtshed periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby e-mail to da1/yp1/ot n./a11mos.com SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast College 1s offering new credit and noncrt1dit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length. and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies 10 large ocean racers, even keelboats Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Bead'I (949) 645-9412 or visit occsaifmg.com. Sailing Fascination otters dasses m boating safety and sailing year-round for persons wrth disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. "This is P.C." he said. "l-vi- denrly, if you uc;c one of these spec:ial words, you've done a no- no and you've already been fired from office lf you're a Republi- can. If you're a Democrar. you Orange County employers can can join the Ku Klux Klan. and bring their employees out to 3652 Mlch•lson Drlv•. lrvln•. CA 92612 nol a thjng happens to you... Newport Beadl ~~weekdays to Rusty Kennedy, who heads the en1oy a day of sarhng courtesy of __count¥'s Human.Belatioos Com·_ Orang~ Coast College. T~e Scnool . . -utSattmg-am:tSeamanshtpnow ~ · · · · www shmtemplf orq DmiSE PLUSH CARPET • fllttlilW lflth N $ J 89 •Hloflllueo -.. ft. ~~ 1 ............................... ·i·u ... f\. ~ nJe ................. ._._. .......... ,.._, • • .... a.. La••••l• ......... ou.-. • ._ ... ~ • • .. "' '1il/lill~ .,.,,, n.ol.tl Aw dw .. 0. It ,,_~, .. All,,....~ IW • IJMllW tt.#, '---'--IWllllJI. JS7t WC-~ lhalte f •COSTA UM (888) MESA-777 cunt --. ......... ......... ..--I I ·:---,. r_.."1' .. ._"'.I r~~:' ··---:-1 ""]_--:,; rrussron, was speald~g 10 lhe offers a chance for groups to work ~ewpon-Mesa fnterfruth ~o~n· with the on-board instructor on cd ~t lhe ~range Coast Umtanan different sailing techniques while Uruversalist ChuTch in Costa they get advice on how to Mesa on Wednesday. He found perform well in business. No Nichols' comments surprising. sailing experience necessary. "It is hard to believe thal One-day classes cost from $100 to someone in a position like that $125. (949) 645-9412. would say something so insensi- tive," Kennedy said. .. He should apologize.~ Last week. Nlchols' colleagues debated censuring him for a comment he made at a Planning Commission meeting. Al that meeting. Nichols told Plllnning Commissioners that he thought their opposJUon Lo a variance re- quest wn.1 Illogical and unfair. "It doesn~ look good." Nichols said at that meeting. "ll looks like you're taklntt money for this one." Nichols npologil.ed for the re- mark. and coUeagut1 ultimately dropped the matter. ln October, Nichol. drew heat from n community member for d~g a mocot1 t as a ·Mexi· c::a.n• in a tclevi.wd council meet· Ing, cvtn though Nichols did not know the man., his nationality or whether he wo.s a U .s. eiti1.cn. •JUNE CASAORANDE coYerS Nwtpon Beed't and John W~ne Alf'P0!1, Shi may be rMCMd. CM) PM.232 °' byHnaW et June.,...,,,.,,,.,. ~com. ' BOAT RENTALS With Marina WatwSporb at the Balboa F-un Zone. you can enjoy nautical experieooes from mild to wild. Take a &elfiiuided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercnifl. jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or $08r above it all on a paraaail ftlght along the Newport coast. Complimentary ioe and beve~ are induded with all electric boat nmtala. .._ ... Rent.a. can put pa on tN watet In many weya: with sing .. Ind double k1yab, electtic: ·boeu, 14-holder u ilboete, '*'81 boeta end runabout.I for offahore ute or cruising the bay. Bllboll Bott Rentlft l llO hofds two-hour ~hunts aboard tN electric bey boats. ~ng group ac:tlvtty for cofl)Ordone, bit1hdtys. ~ orgeniz8tlone Ind group outi~ The hunt f)Kbgel lnc:kJde boett. trivia ~.m-.~ ~ •nd tuppliet.. The ooet of ....... ---·-----. . ---- • •Learned professor" is a catchall for academics whom everyone knows to be Impractical -and sometimes dangerous -liberals. leftists. dissenters and fu.tzy thinkers who never met a payroU. •A "straw man~ is an argument or position that can only be assailed by ridicuUng it as irrelevant •A "larger problem" is one the critic wouJd rather debate than the problem on the table. TI1ese examples -limited by space -only scratch the surface of political rhetoric. There are dozens of other exan1ples, which I'll be happy to take a sh ot at defining if you want to send or phone them in to the Pilot Meanwhile, to save the readers' Lime lookmg fur example~. f'U be happy to adrrut that I'm as guiJ ty of labeling as ~teve Srruth or even William J. ing to extend Adkins' lease for Lhe 7,000-square-foot space that includes Ch~ter Drawers. , Within six months, Vons is ex- pected to submit revised plans to renovate the center to the city. fho~ plans wouJd included the Omelette P-Mlor, said Mindy Will- ingham, Adkins' Huntington Beach attorney. Corporate owner Great Ameri· <:an Fair opened the Omelette Parlor and Chester Drawers in 1983 ru. a Western-themed chain restaurant. A similar Omelette P..u1or still exists in Santa Monica. At the time of the opening. the rnmpany signed a 15-year lease pon Me-.a an.>a. K.acnna Redel~eimer, who jusJ fim<Ju.•tl her junior year at Sage 1 lill School in Newpon Coast. also scored a 1600 on the SAT exam K.atnna was unavailable for an in· 1erview hccaw.e she was visiting I.ht' U.S. Nav-ct.I Academy in Annapolis, Md. Vivian and Jon, both advanced plan•ment and honors students. admit 1hat they've always had an alTinity for taking tests. That, along with a confident and stres.s·free atmude, helped them get the per- fect 800 verbal and 800 math ),(;(jft".,. "I thmk it'!> fond of hard to put your finger on why some kids '4.0l't' tugher than olhm.· Castel· a hunt begins at $2.25 per boat and catenng is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric bost rentals are awilable by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. All boats are equipped wilh window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 64s-6812. Pedal boats, electric boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes (949) 729-1150. Gondobl tours ef'9 offered by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami. ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventures/Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway. offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with Gh&mpagne is $10, A ~r tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pickup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. . Irvine Coast Chat19n In Lido Marina Village offers tw<Hlour electric boat cruises with a gounnet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance~ daly tours of Newport Harbor during Benne«. and l should properly be judged bypocridcal If I don't follow my awn advice. l would never. however; suggest lhat attacking Bennett's critics ls a predJctabJe response of the right l checked wt th the members of my poker group and fowid that some suspect leftists have been known to expose their children to Bennens "Book ofV"trtues" and some suspect rightists think he got what was coming to him. This is admittedly a small sampling. but I consider it as accurate as most polls. From a deep sense of serving the public, r·u keep you posted from time 10 time on new examples or political rhetoric. Let me know if you would like to add some of your own. •JOSEPH N. BEU 1s a reslden1 of Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays. with a five-year option. In 1988. Adkins. who helped launch 1he restaurant, bought the Omclene Parlor. As the company dissolved in 1993. Adkins purchased the Chester Drawers bar. LocaJ patrons have said they head to the Omelette Parlor for us hearty food and local flavor. The eatery's menu Is dotted with locaJJy named omelets such CL'> Estancia Rediscovered and the Performing Ans Center. • PAUL aJNTON covers the env1ronrfient, business and polt111.s He may be readied at (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clmron aJ/a11mes.com lanos said. ~1 tend to thmk tha1 11 you have a good. wcll-rounded, challenging program ... and II.he students) go in relaxed and really know how to go at the quesuonc., well. "It does give you a UttJe bu ul in .. '>ight 10 what the tests are look ing for," he srud "I think it's Jll.'>t one of those thing.s ... a challenge they have to be willing to tak.e on.~ For Jon, his thoughts on their educational feat are simple: "It\ something kind of root that hap· pened." • CHRaST1NE CAARa.10 C011ers education and may be readied at 1949) 57442ti8 or by e-mail st chnstJ~ camflo O!/atim6S.com tunctl and dinner Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Electric Boat Tours oft9rs two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off·the·water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pick-up from restaurants with dodcs is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing a. It available for weddings and receptions. codctail and sightseeing cruises, end meetings. The cost Is $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for e&dl additipnal hour. (949) 361 -3640. fun ZOfM Boat Co. NM a 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; children, $1 ) and a 90-minute cruise (edults. $8; children, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-mlnute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1 ) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. dally. Private d\art&f'Hre av~Uabkt, UM9) 673-0240. i ' Dally Pilot fhursday, June 19, 2003 M . " I • .. . HOWlO_Gf'!' PUB~HED -~:Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reeders Hottine: Call (9491642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 64&4170 E-mail. Send to ds1lyp1/ot@/11timtt&com •All COfT8spondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subm1ss1ons for clarity and length. EDITORIAL .. Teach your children well 0 ne of the silliest thin~ graduates are told is "Now, you're entering the real world." High school is the real · · world There are real pains and ' struggles, love and triumph. ... What graduates are ente ring is the real world without a safety net Most parents make sure their children have enough to eat and a place to sJeep. But soon these grad uates are on their own, responsible for their everyday lives and their future. To graduates, that lack of a safety net translates into freedom. Sweet, amazing, ~hocking freedom. But parents m ust let go. SuddenJy, there are new friends and a world full of experiences -good and bad, safe and unsafe. This is the time that parents cross their fingers and hope everything they r.aught their kids will stick. Many young college students spend their first year or two t~1ing that freedom. It often takes that time for young aduJts to realize that they are the only ones who can determine their future -and that a life of partying won't get them very far. But for parents who em phasized education, self-worth and responsibility, the future is bright even if they lose sight for a moment. they usually come back to the straight and nanow if they've been taught well. And for those young aduJts who feel you didn't have the support you needed at home. this is the time to take control of your life and make it what you've always WdJlted Professors and other studen ts can provide invaluable encourngement aJong with your own realization that it's in your hands. In the meantime, enjoy the summeL Earn some money. head out to the beach and spend all the time you can with family and friends. because, while it's not fair to say you'll be entering the "reaJ world," it is fair to say thin~ will never be the $CiIDC. COM MUN ITY COMMENTARY Don't give away needed parkland and open space open space land. Sutherland's artide then went on to say: "Residents should no t be surprised if Greenlight finds some reason to oppose the resort This future projection flies in the fac.e pf my testimony in his presence on March T he city's present suppty of recreational and environmental open space land is now under assault by three separate projects. 1Wo are worthy uses of small amounts of open space land -the St Marlc's Oturch and senjor housing in Bayview landing. We suppon them PHIL ARST 8 that we opposed this wanton talcing of our recreational and open However. the line has to be drawn and quickly to protect the remainder of our dwindling supply. The proposed Regent Hotel takes our precious recreational and environmental open space land for a p roject that.. for the reasons cited below, is questionable. For example, in a recent C.Ommunity C.Ommentary in the Pilot. Steven Sutherland ~ifies the area of the hotel as "one of the most run-down parts ,.. . of the city. It is filled with bars, v, tattoo padors. body piercing shops and rental units." Yet Sutherland would have us believe that he can build a "five stat" hotel that will attract afDuent will rovide · revenues to the city. That implies they will prefer the tattoo parlors -= -and body piercing shop ~ OYer the amenities of the many fine hoteJs in the d ty that are in prime. not run allegedly down :· , · ndghborhoods. l don't believe 1-that '· The city previously preached a reYeOue bonanza by taking away open space land for the Aetcber I •' °. Jones Dealer5hip. While it does I provide substantial reveDllt, the ~ --~ anlk:i.pated revenues were f -reduced because most can am bought 00 lease. and~ ftnances their can in New~ So CllUdon ahould be aerdaed when reviewing any deYelopen rewnue dairns. c:onvlndng proof that caudoo la needed ia contained in the O ty Couodl minu1el of March 11, .... ban~ 21. Al. that r-meedn& bcMll ~and I ... bll6d b the recon!. ~ ! .. ~ tma recd ComnuUty ;...,, Commes..,.dl&d In~ "'•" lmportllll ....... tom che tin. o9dll .-.... ol lhe meedl'lg. ,. ... 1 .. mtldl .-ct chit a.....,. • hid not tllrlll a poeldan on lbe "'' ........ "81art.11w ... 1.1~· e:e::···-.evldmcllhll ~ dam oppoeed ... ,j • ..... ... ...... .... ...... .., ............... ... spac.-e land Sutherland further stated "a vole of the residents will tak.e place in NQvmiber of 2004. not because of Greenlight, but because the leaders of this city agreed that residents should decide a project of this im portance.· However in my testimony on Ma.n:h 11 . I pointed out we believe that the project would require a Greenlight vote. This Is because its square foo• exceeds the Greenlight law's limits. The use of this initiative process instead of the "Greenlight" Q ty Olal'ter law lets the O ty C.Ounc:il off the hook by bypassing a public vote by them. How man of them would have dared to wte against es of the majority of the residents? Because of this ap proadl, we may never know. However. if the lawful procas is further disregarded. there are still judges who can decide the legality of bypassing the Greenligbt law. Sutherland also takes Greenlight's position oo desirable development types out of context For example, one of the principal reasons we previously opposed the Dunes Hotel and now the Regent Hotel WU that it would occupy a bay-&ont positior:L ~ think we can and should add hotels inabcn without turning the city into another Miami Beach. H1I out-d-a>nte:xt starement ot our posidoo did not mention that. OtYerl this number of documented nV.1tat11me11m in $udledlnd'a clOtumn. I penomly wtD quelllk>o ti the ....... and c:11tJnw he ii d1IVWlnl II al ... )1UU do lhe mne. Ow~'llaod envkoiammal open 11*11 ind ~"':!';9~ ll.alawby~~ Che .......... ' MAILBAG Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols has again drawn the ire of reaoers by his comments. Nichols comments don't speak fo r Newport Last njght. I watched coverage of a past Newport Beach City Council m eeting. much of which was spent lis tening to the defenders of Coun cilma n Dick Nicho l-;. These people were defending Nichols' comments regarding lhe integrity of the planning commissio ners. I understand that everyone maltes m istaltes and lha t you m ake your ap ologies a nd m ove o n . However, Nichols' la test comm en ts regardin g the in crease o f grassy areas at lhe b each are clearly unacceptable. He opposes adding grassy areas · because "Mexjcans claim it as theirs, and it beco mes their personal, pn vate grounds all day.~ I am of Mexican heritage and I am emba rrassed lhat Nich ols is o n ou r council. The las t time I checked , the Co ro na del Mar State Beach belongs to everyone. not just those that Nichols d eems worthy. His ignora nt. elitis t comments are not representative of his co ns tituency. GARY W. BORQUEZ Newport Beach Councilman 's words sound a bi t too famili ar Congrarulatio ns to Corona d el Mar's O ty Councilman Oiclc Nich ols and his comments abo ut Mexicans. He has finally articulated a view held dear by many in this progressive little part of the good old U.S. o f A. I suppose it's fine for Mexicans to pick rus fruit, mow his lawn, wash his car. change his oil, malte his burritos and bag his groceries while all along staying far from his nice little Corona Del Ma r abode, but if they choose to lo unge o n lhe beach like lhe rest of us, "Then. my goodness, these lazy people have jus t gone too far!" I thank the Daily 1'110 1 for doing the story. but why not drop the ob1ective journalist hit and just wri1e an op-t'd piece abo u1 what an archait little twirp this guy really is? ROBERT FAY Costa Mesa An Fl Toro airport under LAX is a good idea The city of Los Angeles ha.., a vrry good idea . Just tra nsfer El Toro w thl· Department of Transporta tion. which will lease it to LAX as an airpo rt. Thi~ will !>ave everybody he1.·au!>t' under the present argument. the land can't be transferred unlll the Navy clean~ up all th e tox.1c site'> a t I I loro n us may never happen . Bui an airpo rt can be run a1 1:1 loro without lhe cleanu p problem <\o let'<. get 10 it. ROBERT M. WOLFF Newpo rt Beach Let those women wait on a bench for th e bus Coming off th e freeway and turning left o n ford Road to San Miguel. \\t' invariably see older wo men ei ther sining on lhe grass o r on lhe curb waiting for a bus (!he area is al ro"'' from our new baseball park. whrch we can use). What k.ind of mentality d o \\C hJve that allows the people who clean our SI-m illion h om es -tha t we {'an dnw by in our SS0,000 cars -and not e\1·11 p rovide them with a bench? BRENT AND PEGGY OGDEN Nt>wport Beach A bigger picture needed fo r condo project Re: "Condos a re not what rcs1de nh want." Le tter to the Editor. June 5. I he author professes to see the big ptl·ture, hut did nu1 addrt''"' 1r 111 tilt' lt•tll'r I he I <i&o.., .,logan ·· l l11nk glob.ill\ . .i• r lou.1.lly·· may be mure Jpproprtdlt· today gi\'en the ~luhal11l'J nJHm· ol our world Thl' h1g ptrlllrl· 1-. thdl \H' Jrl' dc·vt'lop111g our open '>PJ' l'" Jnd °"' 1ld land.., JI Jn alarrning rJlt• \outlwr 11 C.alifomia ha'> -.el the 'olandc1rd lor urban c.,pra\<\I and, unlonu11Jlt'h. man~ uther muninp.1h111·., h.iH· foll owed o;u1l I ht•rt• art• \!'r\ 11•\\ '>ulutaon-. 10 1h1-. trt•nu:<nduu" env1ronmen1al problem Pnmar1I~. glnhal human populatron't mu<.1 lw ht:ld 1n dwd ... \H' arc• rapid)\ muvrng pa!>l a rea'>onahle t..trnlllg tapc.1nt\ 1i,r human., on 1h1-. plarwl -.... 11h no real '>lgn" of rrdut mg the 1n•nd At prt·'t'!ll \\e men haH· m11n: ro111rol 11\t:r \\ht"rl' w1• pla~c human tlevelopml'nl'> \\t• ough t to work IO\\ard refurb1 ... l11ng our dow111own and mner-nt\ aH'<l'> 10 hrlh utili.1.e eXJ'>llng infra'>lrlll:IUrt' r hrc; bring ... u ... lo the 1~01 ;-..l'\\port rondom1nium prowr1 All ol 1i-. t Jn thml... of many rt'a,nnc., \1\.11\ th1-. proJC'll (and other.., h.ke ir 1 '>hould 11111 he built Bu i let\ lool c.1t the h1g picture. r very downl0'.1.'Tl co ndommiu m proJt't I 1ha1 \H· hlllld save'> open space -,omewh ere Wllt'n peo ple Live near '>hop., and market'>, we dimini..,h the total numbe r of car trip~ per day In <.ome ca<.e .... pt'ople will he h\ing do ... er IU 1he1r ioh-.. '!J \'\l' t u1 d own work-celated t·ommute'>. Our d ect!>IOn!> ab out proiect'\ ltl 1 thew !>pl.'ak volume., of our VH'\'\ uf. eroc.,y.,tem prorection J, rnon· congestion and higher human d1•11"1v in our u t1t'' dn approprnllt> pnn' 10 pay for expand ed emironmental pre..,,ervauon? It dt'prnds upon whether we are really trying to 'ee 1he big picture and w hether our currenr narrow view<. are brmgin~ abou1 1tw de,1n'd long term re\ult-;. J.B. LITVAK l oe.td Me-.a Newport needs more affordable homes for seniors I n contrast to several other letters to the editor on the subject of affordable housing on Lower Bayview Landing. mine shall be brief, but pithy. Not since J had the privilege to serve on the Newport Beach City C.Ouncil (1974-78) has there been an affordable housing project for seniors. I spearheaded and .upported the establishment of Oa.sia and the endtlement for the Luthenm Oturcb of the Maiten project ob Pacific View Drtw. Both projects only came Into beln8 becaUle of the a"'°8billty of ftden1 Amd& They were passed by my Oty C.Ounc:il despite allegations of socialism, if not communism, as raison d'etre. The Lutheran Omrch of the Master project was completed for occupancy of 99 seniors in 1982. lbday, there is a waiting list of more than 150 qualified seniors. l beg to differ. The apartments for seniors near the Oasis Senior Center are not affordable. Their last sale WU more than $500,000. Suf&e it to say tba1 the dty of Newport Beach ii violating the ltate-proecribed allotment for alfordabie senJor hous:lng. Tu be simplistic: For every l~e housing project built in our city, the state mandates lhat a certain dollar amount be allocated for affordable senior housing. That money has h<'en accwnuJatJng without implementation. I don't wish to engage in the arguments pro or con about the alleged man-made wetlands or the threat to a few gnatcatchu s. Howner. I shall conclude by writing that unmet human needs are most lmpottant. ln addltton, I wlllh to confess publJdy that I haw not paid my cunent Stop .Polluting Our Newpon dua I have indeed been a member for many yean. I lowever, I cannot cast my Jot with an organization tha t has been respon.stble for electing an ineffective City Council mem ber and which allows lenm and memoranda to be directed to the Califomia Coastal Commission that will ~ult in the continuing ladt of ~e ho~ in me a ry of Newport Be h. I conrinue to ~ for the greatest good for the gJCllClfit number. WCl•FKUEHN Corona de1 Mar HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES COSTA IESA IMl1MY. Dll1"MCT P.O. lciic 1200, C-. ....._ CA~1200, C7Mt1MIM1 .....,. ....... MeNSdwflir,Jim ~.Alt Nrry, Grtil Wllodlld9 and Den..,.. .... Menlll Lyne", S•lomon Smith ••mey, Mo111• St•nley •nd ot"•r brokel'8ge firm• •greed to S1.4 81111on .. ttlement. Govemment •ttomey have o•lled their conduct, -. ... largeat fraud ever perpetuated on the lnveatlng publlc.• .. If you h•v• los t money or h•d your retirement ••vlng• t:NvestatH due to stockbrolcen lnvntlng your h•rd Nm«l avlng• Into risky or un•ulteble lnvntments, you m•y be ab/9 to recover ur stock m•rk•t /ossN. . MATTRESS OUTLET STORE "Better Sleep Through Science. " .--~--~~ 4.gg; Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Q.,,. 11 ~' • South ~ t 4 L 5 r .. ., ~-...... ( = ~~il~ 17141 545-7168 ~ ~ NIGHT LY DINNER SPECIALS Beginning at 5pm • Sunday -Prime R1h s 1 l • M o nday -All you t.in t•.it 'raghem $5 • Tuesday -G rcnaJmc of &·ef $5 • W ednesday -Baby B.llk R1h, $8 • Thursday -H u mc:m,1J i: M c.nl11af $10 • Friday and Saturday -C h ef's pecials f\,L. 1 ••r "°r't r 11 ..... 11 •tr'"' L.,.,,.J ,h~ I 'f~u.ohu:• Jun~ Z2 teve Mittleman Junt: 29 Francei. Filorienzo Jul y 6 COMEDY NIGHT EVERY SUNDAY Resermcwm suggested Dmner a1 7. Sh11u at 8 Julv 1 ~ Boh O'Shack July 20 Eric Schwartz July 27 Brian Keith Etheridge Tom C lark LIVE MUSIC NIGHTLY Featuring the classic rock sounds of ... H owlin' Traile r Trash , Plane t Farm Boys, The Buzz, Mighty Mike and Many M ore! 107 21 ST PLACE • NEWPORT BEACH 949.675.2338 • No ROOM FEES The Origina l MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COS TA MESA * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery * ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff CALL NOW ~s DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads OH THE AGENDA Here are a few or the Items that the council discussed Monday. GRAD NIGHT FUNDING The council has ~ received an open 4• l solicitation from .,_. the grad night - committees at Costa Mesa. Bstancia and Newport Harbor high schools for financial con tributions. The city has granted financial support of grad night events in other years. Funding has neither been consistently solicited nor approved. but considered on a year·to·year basis. The schools asked for $1,000 each. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the funding. WHAT rT MEANS The city will contribute $1.000 to each school for graduation n1ght events. WHAT WAS SAID Mayor Gary Monahan said he supported the funding to keep students safe on grad night and took issue with the vote's not being unanimous. "It's incumbent on us to act GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations. which wor1cs to provide youth and families with counseling, family support, heatth education, mentoring, tutoring, after-school activi1ies and kinship services, needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. ASH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050. FRIENDS OF THE BALLET MONTMARTRE The Friends need oJolunteers who want to help talented local dancers perform m pf0fess1onal thea1ers. For 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian ballet training. To help youth develop S1rong discipline skills, build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of being a professional dancer, call (714) 241-7424. FRIENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a support group for the three libraries In Costa Mesa. To join, help with rundraising events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 556-4396. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The bookstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality children's and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Corona del Mar -or in the special book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 as a corporate citizen," Monahan said. "I really do take exception that wflre no t going to be unanimous and the message It will send." VOTE: Councilman Allan Mansoor dissented, saying he thought the council should consider It at the same time It looked at the budget. CENTERLINE AGREEMENT This Item was continued from the June 2 City Council meeting awaiting the results of the June 3 referendum on the Centerline light rail project In Irvine. Irvine voters rejected the part of the CenterUne route through their city, but left the door open for light rail In the future. Overall, the agreement documents the working relationship of the city and the Orange County Transportation Authority. The agreement makes additional funding available from the authority to provide assistance to the city. if needed, in the technical analysis and comm unity outreach. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used book store, which is inside the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to wor1c one three-hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders. serve on special committees and give lectures. demonstrations or classes. (714) 979-7900. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enrichment opportunities for girls and boys. (949) 646-7181 HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the lives of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them with nonmed1cal needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization 1s also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties. Training 1s provided. (71 4) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization s helters, counsels and educates abused women and children. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 737-5242. ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Vol unteers are needed for Pro1ect Caring, which provides socialization and cultural expenenoes to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers #adopt# a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting badcground check. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic agreement. WHAT rT MEANS The city will tie reimbursed for some money It has already spent on the project. WHAT WAS SAtD "We have supported prel1mina.ry engineering all along. and I would bate to see us step back at lh.ls point," Councilwoman Ubby Cowan said. VOTE Councilman Allan Mansoor dissented. NOISE MONITORING AT FAIR The council considered a contract for noise monitoring services In an amount not greater than $1 5,000. WHAT HAPPENED lhe council approved the contract. WHAT rT MEANS fhe money wiU mainly be med for a sound engineer to monitor the noise at the fair concert'>. including the ones that will be held in the rt•opened Pacific Amphitheatre. illness at 7 p m Thursdays a1 the Jewish Family Service. 250 E. Baker St . Suite G. Cos1a Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women. committed to promoting volunteensm, developing the potential of women and 1mprov1ng communities through the work and leadership of trained volunteers, 1s seeking new members (949) 261-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPtCE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients o r doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' homes (S62) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Par1c Slaff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that wor1cs with persons with HIV or AJDS, 1s seeking caring volunteers to assist. with running the front office, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies such as massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Lisa Toghia. (949) 494-1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally ill adults rely on the Newport Beach center for res1dent1al housing. It needs professional fund-raisers to support and maintain this resource. LUV·A-PET CENTER Volunteers who love to wor1c with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv·a ·Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 451·3272. MASTER CHORALE Of ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer input, ticbting, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6262. . . ... .... ... ... •" .... .. ,. .... .. • -=~ -. • 4 .. ' ... . . . .. . ·~ •• r Daily Pdot SOCIETY Thursday. June 19. 2003 A7 THE CROWD An evening to benefit Orange County Museum of Art Anton and Jennifer Segerstrom, Tony Cenci and Kathryn GJassmyer. S he is one of the most creative and sophisticated hostesses on the California Riviera. Manha Anderson. the gJamorous redheaded wife of Knott's heir Darrel Anderson. created a spectacuJa.r I Dining has become well known for Its creative design, and 1t seems that each year it ts elevated one more step beyond what is 1magmable. evening for the Orange CountyMuseumofAn, B.W. COOK Another impres.sive ·element of the affair was a collaboration -.\lith a distinguished artist and an patron. This season. Bay Area artist Nathan under the banner of ~Art of Dining XVI ." More than 5575.000 wac, raii.ed ln support of the mu\eum as guests. local and long distance. mingled at Peh<.an 11111 enjoying what was cena.anly ont:' of the top five event!> of the year an -..:ewpon. The evernng'c; theme wa5 ~celebraung Cahfom1a," and Ander'>on made sure that each of the .i50 gue'>ls who were dre\\ed to kill had a loJJer ume. The celebrauon began with an extravagant cocktrul recepuon at sunset m the Pelican Hill Oubhouse overl ook.mg the Pacific Ocean. nic crowd \\'a\ then ushered acro!.5 the property to the ma .. ~h c wh11t· big-top tent erected on J promontory point Anderson and team transformed the interior of the tent into a backd rop of hot pink and vibrant ora.i1ge ~pectacul.u '>haded lantern'> hung from the rafters. and dramatic lighting added to the mood An of Otlwlra. who lives and works at Stanford. jomed the celebration. Obve1ra rose to prominence in I YS9 ~·hen he was included in the ~lu.,eum of~todem Art's ":"\ew lmJge<> of Man:· an exhibition of figurauve an. :\long wnh 011\eua. arts ph1lanthrop1'>t David A. CouJter. \lte chairman ol J.P. ~1organ ll1a\e & Co .. \\~ lauded a\ bt nelactor and ans advocate \\guests and patron~ enjoyed a lour·course dinner prepared hv a team of execuuve chefs rt;pre.,e111mg a selection of Four \ea.,on\ I lotels m CaJ1fom1a lru~nd\ mingled under the lent and on the dance floor brought 10 lift: b\ Art Deco and hls Soclety.On:hestra. <.,0111e of the members of ,\nckr'>on\ commlllee de'>er. ing rt·wgmtion for the ~ucce'>' of the evening indude Ronnie AJlumbaugh. Barbara Bowle. Cerise Feeley. Donna Phelps. Joan Riach. Sandl Simon and Elaine Weinberg. Sponsor-. ~~ ~ Darrel Anderson 101ns his Wife, Marsha, chair of Art of Dining XVI, witt1 guest of honor Nathan Oliveira and his Wife, Mona Kl' mg ~encrou~I} to the mu.,eum and the pam· were Julia and George Argyros. Elizabeth and Tom llemey. Elizabeth and Henry Segerstrom. Alison and Bud Frenzel, uJd and Randall McCardle. Nancy and Donald Wynne. MJcheUe Rohe. and George and Nancy Wall ~polll'd in the crowd \>\ere Stephanle and Ken Grody. Carolyn and Don Lowe. Rebecca Mclarand, Carl and Pat Nelsser, Barbara and Bill Roberts, Mac Shattuck. Debbie Simon, Jennifer Van Bergh. ,u1d Teddie and Michael Ray •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays Philanthropist David Coulter 101ns Chapman University's Lynne and Jim Doti In this era of bank mergers, isn't it nice to kno\v First Bank wi ll never be sold? First Bank guarantees a refresh ing difference. As one of the largest privately held banks in the country, we can co nfidently ay First Bank is Not For Sale. This means we are free to do what a bank should be doing -devoting all our energy to providing you with superior customer service and premium producrs. Simply put, First Bank is Not For Sale. And that's more than a promise, it's a guarantee. Stop by and visit our newly relocated Costa Mesa office today to rediscover what banking should be like, and ask about our New Account Sperials for new personal and business checking accounts! Not For Sale Costa Mesa Office (<:omct ol H&tbor &Mi. and l\aktt) 3001 Harbor Blvd., Ste. C 11•-668-308o • ........ Merrlll Lynch, ••lomon 8mltl9 ••rney, Morg• •t•nley •nd other broker119e tlnna •9reed to 11.• Bllllon .. ttlement. Government •ttorne ll•v• c•lled their conduct, -the l•rgeat fnu ever perpetuated on th• lnveatln9 publlc.• .. If you have /oat moMy or had Your retl,.,,,ent •avlng• devaatatH du• to atoclcbroken lnVNtlng your h•rd Nmed nvlnga Into rlalcy or unsult.ble lnveatmenta,.you m•y be •ble to 1'9Cover our •tock marlc•t /os .... MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA o,., !llo• .. Sout~ t•f .I'~ r ... , c = ~~;~· (71 41545-7168 ~ ~ NIGHTLY DINNER SPECIALS Beginning at 5 pm • Sunday -Prime R1h $11 • Monday -All you Gm l:at ..,paghctti $5 • Tuesday -GrcnaJinc of &'cf $5 • Wednesday -B,1by B.1Lk Rih:i $8 • Thursday -Hllmem.1Jc ~1t·.1thil $10 • Friday and Saturday -Chef's Specials ·\ k \"m ~rH1' 1h1>Ut .. ur ""l..<11.I did' •1•n1 '"'"' June 22 teve Mittleman Jun~ 29 Frances Filorienro July 6 COMEDY NIGHT EVERY SUNDAY Resen•awms su~ened Dinner at 7, Shou at 8 July I~ Bobo· hack July ZO Eric Schwartz July 2 7 Brian Keith Etheridg~ Tom C lark LIVE MUSIC NIGHTLY Featuring the classic rock sounds of ... Howlin' Trailer Trash, Planet Farm Boys, The Buu, Mighty Mike and Many More! 107 21 ST PLACE • NEWPORT BEACH 949 .675.2338 •No ROOM FEES The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA *Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery* ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood• Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/o off ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom·Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shades, & Bedspreads COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP ON THE AGENDA Here are a few or the items that the council discussed Monday. GRAD NIGHT FUNDING The council has ~ received an open 4-1 solicitation from ,,,.,. the grad night com.mJttees at Costa Mesa, F.stancia and Newport Harbor high schools for financial contrtbudons. The city has granted financlal support of grad night events in other years. FUndlng has neither been consistently solicited nor approved, but considered on a year-to-year basis. The schools asked for $1.000 each. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the funding. WHAT IT MEANS The city will contribute $1,000 to each school for graduation night events. WHAT WAS SAID Mayor Gary Monahan said he supported the funding to keep students safe on grad night and took issue with the vote's not being unanimous. ~It's incumbent on us to act GETTING INVOLVED • GEmNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this liS1, call (949) 574-4298. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations, which worits to provide youth and families with counseling, family support, health education, mentoring, tutoring. after-school activities and kinship services. needs volunteers in all areas. (9491 574-3976. ASH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-00SO to help Friends in Serv1oe to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050. FRJENDS OF THEBAUET MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perform in professional theaters. For 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian ballet training. To help youth develop strong discipline skills, build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of being a professional dancer, call (714) 241 -7424. FRSENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a support group for the three libranes in Costa Mesa. To join, help with fundraising events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 556-4396. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY ·The bookstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality children's and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the brandl libraries -Balboa. Mariners or Corona del Mar -or In the special book closet next to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 as a corporate citizen," Monahan aald. ~1 really do take excep don that w~re not going to be unanimous and the message It will send." VOTE: Councilman Allan Mansoor dissented, saying be thought the council should consider It at the same time it looked at the budget. CENTERLINE AGREEMENT This Item was continued from the June 2 City CouncU meeting awaiting the results of the June 3 referendum on the Centerline light rail project ln Irvine. Irvine voters rejected the part of the Centerline route through their city, but left the door open for light rail In the future. Overall, the agreement documents the working relationship of the city and the Orange County Transportation Authority. The agreement makes addltionaJ funding available from the authority to provide assistance to the city. if needed, in the technical analysis and community outreach. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used book S1ore, which is inside the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers muS1 be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to work one three-hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special committees and give lectures, demonstrations or classes. (714) 979-7900. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enrichment opportunities for girls and boys. (949)646-7181 HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the hves of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them wrth nonmed1cal needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits The organization is also lookmg for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assiS1 with office duties. Training 1s provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abused women and children. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Pro1ect Caring, which provides socialization and cultural experiences to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers -adopt" a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting ba<*ground chedc. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. Tho group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic asreement. WHAT IT MEANS The city will t>e reimbursed for some money It has already spent on the project. WHAT WAS SAID ·we have supported prellmlnary engineering all along, and I would hate to see us step back at this point,· Councilwoman Ubby Cowan said. VOTE CouncUman Allan Mansoor dissented. NOISE MONITORING AT FAIR The council considered a ~ contract for noise ~ monitoring ~ services In an amount not greater than $15,000. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the contract WHAT IT MEANS The money wiU mainly be used for a sound engineer to monitor the noise at the fair concen1>. including the ones that will be held in the reopened Pacific Amphitheatre tllness at 7 p.m Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Surte G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organ1zat1on of women, committed to promoting volunteensm, developing the potenual of women and 1mprov1ng communities through the work and leadership of trained volunteers. is seeking new members (949) 261-0823 KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are nee~ed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or thetr caregivers in communities near volunteers· homes (562) 622·3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Park staff and James Dilley Preserve S1aff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287 LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that woru with persons with HIV or AIDS. 1s seeking caring volunteers to ass1S1 with running the front office, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies such as massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally 111 adults rely on the Newport Beach center for res1dent1al housing. It needs professional fund-raisers to support and maintain this resource LUV-A-PET CENTER Volunteers who love to work with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv-a-Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 451-3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer input, tidtetlng, filing end handling phones. (714) 556-6262. •• ..... .. · .... · . -.· . .... -. . :=~ -. . . -. -. . . SO C I ETY Thu,Sday, June 19 2003 A7 --------------------------------IHECROWD----------------- An evening to benefit Orange County Museum of Art Anton and Jennifer Segerstrom, Tony Cenci and Kattiryn Glassmyer. I Dining has become weU known for its creative design, and it seems that each year it 1s elevated one more step beyond what is imaginable. S he is one of the most creative and sophisticated hostesses on the California Rlviera. Manha Andenon. the glamorous redheaded wife of Knon's heir OarTel Anderson, created a spectacular evening for the Orange County Museum of Art. B. W. COOK under the banner of Another impressive element of the affair was a coUaboration with a distinguished artist and an patron. This season. Bay Area artist Nathan ·Art of Dining XVl." More than $575,000 W'cl5 raised in support of the mu,eum as guests, local and long di'itance. mingled at PehcdJl 11111 enjoying what was cenamlv onl:' of the top five evems of the yeM in Newport. The evening\ theme was "Celebraung Cahfornia. • and Ander<.on made <,urc that each of the J5-0 gue<,L' who were drec;o;ed w loll had ..i luller Uine. The celebrauon began with an extravagant cocktail recepuon at sunset in the Pelican Hill <Jubhouse overlooking 1he Pacific Ocean l11e crowd wa' then ushered a( ro~ the property to the ma<.\l\e whlll' big-top tent erected on ..i promontory po1111 Anderson and team transformed the interior of the tent into a backdrop of hot pinl.. and vibrant oran!(t' SpeL tdcular shaded lanterns hung from 1he rafters, and dramau c h(tt111ng added to the mood Art of Ollvelra. who lives and works at ~tanford. joined the celebration. Oliveira rose to prominence in I lf59 when he was mcluded in the ~lu-.eum of Modem Art's "Ne\v Image'> of Man." an exhibition of figurauve an. Along \o,1 th Oh\'eira. arts ph1f,mthrup1'>t David A. CouJter \ 1u• t ha1rman of I P ~forgan <l1a\C & Co. wa., lauded a<, lwnefat tor and art~ advocate \., guew .. and patron'> enioyed a four-cour'>t' d111ner prepared h\ J tt·am of exeruuve chefs rt;pn.•,ent111g a .. election of Four "it'.l'>on'> Hotel'> 111 California. lril'nd-. mmgled under the tent .111d on the dance floor brought to lift• by Art Deco and hJs W<:lety Orchestra ...,ome of the members of .\ndl:'r-.on·., cornm111ee de\enini< rt•tog111 11on for the '>llctC\'> of thl:' t'\ rm ng include RonnJe AJlumbaugh. Barbara Bowte. Cerise Feeley. Donna Phelps. Joan Rlach, SandJ Simon and FJalne Weinberg. Spon<,or; Darrel Anderson 1oms his wrfe. Marsha, chair of Art of Dining XVI, with guest of honor Nathan Oliveira and his wrfe, Mona KJ\'lng ~encrou.,I) to the mu'>eum and the pJrty were JuJla and George Argyros. Elizabeth and Tom Tiemey Flh.abeth and Henry Segerstrom. Alison and Bud Prenzel. SuJd and Randall McCardJe. Nancy and Donald Wynne, MlcheUe Rohe. and George and Nancy Wall ...,polled In the crowd were Stephanie and Ken Grody. Carolyn and Don Lowe. Rebecca Mela.rand, Carl and Pat Nelsser. Barbara and Bill Roberts, Mac Shattuck. Debbie Simon. JennJfer Van Bergh. and Teddie and Michael Ray • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays Ph1lanthrop1st David Coulter 1oms Chapll'an University's Lynne and J1m Doti In this era of bank mergers, isn't it nice to know First Bank will never be sold? First Bank guarantees a refreshing difference. As one of the large t privately held banks in the country, we can confidently ay First Bank is Not For Sale. This means we are free to do what a bank should be doing -devoting all our energy to providing yo u with superior customer service and p~emium products. Simply put, First Bank is Not For Sale. And that's more than a promise, it's a gua.rantee. Stop by and visit our newly relocated Costa Mesa office today to rediscover what banking should be like, and ask about our New .Account Specials for new personal and business checking accounts! Not For Sale .....,FDIC .... llllaCOlft Costa Mesa Office (Cornn of Haibor m.d. and &ktt) 3001 Ha.rliOr Blvd., Ste. C 714-668-308o - - Al Thursday, JIJoe 19, 2003 BEST BUYS Check Hoag S Thrift Shop for bargains 0 tr the beaten path is Hole Holpltaf'l 'lbrtft Shop, where bargains can be found on dothlng, books, household Items, decoradve pieces and more. The thrift shop, staffed by volunteers, accepts donations that are in good cond1dt>n and will pick them up. AU proceeds benefit Hoag Hospital. Open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday; and the first Saturday of every month. In the Quonset huts at 670 W. 17th St, No. F2, Costa Mesa. (949) 722-9106. SUMMER'S SHOE TIME Great deals on Mephlsto shoes for women can be found at the second women's summer clearance sale starting Tuesday at Mephisto Newport Beach. Oearance items reduced 25% to .55 % Yield On Princip11l of Tour 1 2 ~<>CI> FDIC INSUR.EI> FID ELITY lNSURED DEPOSITS (949) 588-5711 fu:curatc a,) of 06/ I I /2003 Pcnalry h:>r Earl\' Withdra\\ Bank I-cc) May Reduce Earnin~ Not Ofter To Sell Sernntks -SI0,000 Lim11 2.65% Annual Pcrcenragc Yield on Bank's FDIC Insured New CD PluA F1d<liry Cash Pa~ment At lnl·epuon · Annuities also offered Fidelity and FEP, 1-amily Elime lmur:ince Service (Lic#OC5049) Not Member of Federal De ir lruur.incc Co ration. Whllhar You Bur or Lease_ You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! f'J.e. PIZZA "Proud)J Senlq Cotta Meta Since 1974" r ----EVEiwTIJESDAY----~ .. ~~1-:.~itg:~~t'£~!;J 1420 Baker Street #8 , Costa MC$a, CA 92626 (Costa MC$a Square -Target Center) (949) 548-5523 or (714) 545-8328 Page Private School §r~Ht>/906' 'i A brand new campus with 95 years of experience. • FamJJy Choke Award Winner for lkst Print~ Elementary School! •PC & Mac Computer Labs •State-of-the--art-Llbrary •Scientt Lab •small Class Si:t~ *Private Swimming Pool •strong Curriculum •Individual Attention •After School Programs •field Trips 60%. Mephlsto apedalizes in high-quality comfort footwear and related fashions for men and women. The selecdon Includes dress. casual, walking, sandals. outdoor I hiking/ trekking and golf. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. 1727 Westcllff Court, Newport Beach. (949) 642·FEET. LIGHTS ON Acanthua Gallery is having its annual lamp sale throllgb June 30 at its new Crystal C.ove Shopping Center location. There are more than 300 lamps. chandeliers and sconces reduced up to 50%. Lamps come in a variety of finishes, with unique shades and finials.. It also specializes in decorative accessories and antique prints. Open from 10 am. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. 8045-46 E. Coast Highway. Newport Coast (949) 715-6900. TIME TO SLEEP Blue Sprtnp Home has a ~welcome sununer sale" starting this weekend. High-end Belle None and House Inc. bedding is reduced 20% to 70%. Adorable baby bedding is included. Great buys on discontinued and sale merchandise throughout the store. Blue Sprin~ also has antiques, furniture, mirrors. chandeliers, accessories and AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bey St, Coste Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to miktuwanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date end location of the event, es well es a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY The NatioN1I Muttiple Sden>sls Society will present an Internet educational program called "El Cuidedo Clinlco de la Esclerosis Multiple," a Spanish-speaking broadcast on clinical care of multiple sclerosis, at 5:30 p.m. To connect, go to www.natlonalmssociety.org, select "Living with MS" and then select "Webcasts and Conferences." The Newport B.ach Chamber of Commerce will announce Scott Paulsen for the 2003 Citizen of the Year Award for the city of Newport Beac:h. Paulsen will be honored at the c:hamber's annual c:hairmen's reception and citizen of the year presentation. This year's event takes piece at 5 p.m. at the Balboa Bay Club and Resort, 1221 W. Coast Highway. The cost is $30 per person, whlc:h covers hors d'oeuvres and a ncrhost bar. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400. The Coron• del Mar R .. ldents Assn. will hold its monthly meeting at the Newport Beach Country Club, 1600 E. Coast Highway, at 7:30 a.m. This month's speaker is Councilman Tod Ridgeway. For more information, call (949) nl-0132. FRIDAY Newport Oun• Resort's "Mcm.s on the Beac:h" aeries offers "Parent Trap" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Paricing costs Luncli 6o 1Jinntr !Locals Favorhel Jina 1995 GREER WYLDER fabulous d~er matemlty apparel Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from noon to 4p.m. Sunday.369 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 642-3632. wwwbluespringshom.e.com DISCOVER SUMMER The American Cancer Society Dllcovery Shop will start its Msummertime sales event" on Saturday. The sale will continue through June 30. Prices will be is reduced 10% to 75%. Open from 10 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday. 2600 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. (949) 640-4m. WATCH ART Design Within Reach at Fashion Island hosts a wonderful modem an exhibit with a variety of art on display by local artists from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m . Sa~ay. The artist's work will exemplify Design Within Reach's five guidelines for great contemporary design: details, materials, integrity of de ign, simplicity and authorship. Fearured artists are Ron Whitworth, with his metal work.; $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (9491 729-DUNE. SATURDAY a.come a membw of th• Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally Ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmedical needs, suc:h as providing respite for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more information. "Divorce: A New Beglnnl"9." a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. For more information, call 644-6435. The Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club will host Visitors Day o·n the comer of San Joaquin and Crown Drive in Corona del Mar, featuring free lessons and snacks from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call (949) 640-0049. A Composition In 0rawi"9 Wortshop will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. at Coastline Community College, 1631 Sunflower Blvd., B15, South Coast Village Plaza. The workshop emphasizes composition covering all the basics of drawing. Registration ia $45, due by June 18. For more information, call (949) 640-1727. Newport Oun .. Rnort's "Mcm.s on the Beac:h" series offers "Hercules" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Paricing costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more Information, ca ll (949) Myra Fallaz. with a quilt of wood; Zald Arriola, with paintings; TnM>r Scherr, with glass wort; and Rico Garcia and BU Ea.ston, with absttact paintings. Lower level of Atrium Court ln Fashion Island. (949) 721-()031. LISTEN UP, MUGGLES Harry Potter fans can attend the celebration of the release of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at 10 p.m. Friday at Borden at South Coast Plaza. Borders planned rwo hours of fun and games leading up to the midnight release of the latest Harry Potter adventure. Also. there are three ways to win a free copy of J.K. Rowling's latest: l. Dress as your favo rite Harry Poner character. They'U pick the best costume and the winner gets a free book. 2. Wm a Harry Potter trivia contesL 3. Enter a drawing for a free copy. The three winners will be the first to receive their books at midnight, when the books officially go on sale. (714) 432-7854. GET THE ORIGINAL As soon as Oprah Winfrey announced that Origins' A Perfect World Intensely Hydrating Body Cream with White Tea (S30) was on her "Oprah's Favorite llungs" List for 2002, it instantly became the 729-DUNE. MONDAY Children 5 •nd older are invited to register for a variety of summer aquatic camps offered by Newport Beach Recreation Services, The camps run through August, with numerous morning and afternoon options available, from "Sailing and Tennis Camp" to "Surf Camp:' Call (949) 644-3151 for more information. or register online at www.city.newpart-beach.ca.us. React.n of all ages will be able to sign up for Newport Beach Public library reading programs designed to encourage an interest in books over the lazy days of summer. For toddlers through sixth-1Jraders, "It's a Jungle Out There" will Include a read-to-me dub for dlildren not yet reading on their own and a readers club for independent readers. Special programs and prize drawings will add to the fun. Visit any Newport Beach Public Library to sign up or call (949) 717-3816. The Costa Meea S«ilors Center will hold a flea market from 8 a.m, to 1 p.m. at the center's parking lot. 695 W. 19th St. Spaces cost $10 for members, $20 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. For more information, call (949 645-2356. Mature driven can aha,,,.n their skills In an eight-hour AARP driver safety cf ass held during two sessions from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. June 23 and 24 at Presbyterian Churdl of the Covenant In Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students and coat $10. Advanced registration required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. Join the Newport BMch Chamber of Commeroe in welcoming Ryan Hoag, NFL draft pidt number 26l. Though he was • 5,,,,;.p,,;,,.u for M111 tf W111M1 • o,,,,. 80 Piece1 of Ef "''"""' • Pri••U P/t..u1 Stt1Jlo •SPINNING Tlm111r • 16 hi/ r;,,., p,,.,.,.,,/ Tr1 •Stq, Powe,P••I• C1t'tlio • S'1•wn, Siu• tf T•wb •D111 S/• .. AryllM-'*n/M.,11111 hottest seller at the Origins South Coast Plaza store. 1Wo years before, he mendoned Origins Ginger Soum~ whipped body cream ($25) and customers couldn' get enough of that either. Never menlloned by Winfrey, but a favorite among loyal customers, is Origins anti-aging cream -A Perfect World White Tea Skin Guardian ($30) -meant to smooth vl.sible signs of aging. It's recommended for all skin types. ~ is known for·nature-based products and for their helpful staff, who are willing to take the dme to explain products. With two free-standing sinks. they'U demonstrate salt rubs and washes. Origins ol!'ers a salt collection, body washes, sensory therapy. skin care. hair care, makeup line and more. Customers love the U'anquil scents used m bath and body care products: grapefruit, tangerine, ginger, pomegranate and peppermint. Ask about their complimentary makeovers. massages and facials. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 a m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2. at South Coast Plaza. (714) 957-8800. • BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send mformatton to Greer Wylder at gr66rwyldttr a yahoo.com, at 330 w Bev S1.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627. or by fax at (9491 646-4170. the last p1dt in the NFL. he'll be treated as No 1 at the infamous Mr. Irrelevant Amval Party. The Commodores Club of the Newport Beadl Chamber of Commerce will host the party to kidtoff the 28th annual Irrelevant Week at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. 1131 Back Bay Drive, at 5·30 p.m. The cos1isS10, including live entertainment, a no-host bar and culinary treats. For m ore information, call (949) 729-4412 . The inaugu,.I Positive Soce« Clinic will run through June 26 at Lincoln Elementary School in Corona del Mar from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m Boys and girls ages 5 to 18 can join for a minimum donation of $250 per athlete. All proceeds will go toward researc:h for Ducnenne MulC\Jlar Dystrophy. The clinlc will be conduC1ed by a number of English professional soccer legends. For more information, call (949) 640-5530. TUESDAY A free seminar on an.ndon deficit disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Marltet, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-6667. WEDNESDAY "Welln ... •nd Huling'" 11 a free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m . at Mother'• Maritet, 226 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595--6667. A Mries of dnwlng •nd SNtindng workshops featuring landscapes and seascapes at Newport Beacti locations will begin today and continue for six weeka from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The first session wlll meet at Mariner'• Parit, adjacent to Mar1ner'1 Library, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beac:h. Individual instruction by artist Mimi Sharon See TOWN, P11• A9 LIF E & L E:I SU RI ThtJf~y June I CJ. W03 A9 NO PLACE LIKE HOME Tall oaks from little acorns grow T oday, more than 2,000 high school students in the Newpon-Mesa School District will receive their high school diplomas -one of those students is mine. Congratulations, class of 2003. for celebration and a Lime for reflection filJed with nervous andcipation. They've climbed a mountain, and even though they have bigger mountains to climb, today they laugh, cry and endure parents taking dozens of photos to capture the moment in time when they belong to two worlds. Af) parents, we shared playgroupb when they were babies, we cried on the fir<_;t day of lcinderganen, we cried on the la't day of kindergarten, we p rayed when they got their driver\ license, we took picture'> of tlwrn with their first love. Wl· hCJpc that we have taught lhl'lfl grace and \trength of t hdfaC"ter that wall carry them through life'i. adversitiei. A-. my children grow up, I find I hat I have grown up. ab well. I have had the oppon unity to face 111y fl'ari. by h elpmg them face thl·1r ... I've had lCJ explain thin~i. tu Owm that were never explained to me l'vt• hacJ to bt· struni-: even 'Alwn I felt wt•ak. I've had w let lhl'lll 'tru~le, though II l aU'\ed UH' pam to watch I've learned that family ,., 1111' greak'>l ble~'>IOK you 1.111 h,1\.1 I " learned that 1he thtJlt l"'> I lllJ!..t .Jlt' only right lur me and 11111 11th1·" I've learntd lhdl 11 ' 11r11 1ht• de!ttinatum hut tlw 11111rn1·y 111.11 count!> ·1oday. "l' torn111c·mor,111· ' KAREN WIGHT The magnitude of the day seems almost impossible for our graduates to fathom at this point in {h eir lives. When they shih the tassel on their monarboard, they aJi.o begin shlft into adulthood. I ltgh school graduation is a time As the saying goes, ~you can't step in the same river twice,· life flows on, and we need to flow with it. We've been the best friend they'll ever have, and i.uml'l1ml''> in their eyes, the wor'>I enl'rny Wt· ho pe chat we have given tlwm the skills to heal their own hurt., and to righ1 the wrongs tn their ra1h 1 hildhootl\ IJ'>I r 1lt• 11f 1'·•"·•1•1· 111 1how who hav1· \\,1l~t·ll tlw p.1111 with u-.. th,111k you < ,1q w d1t•111 • KAREN WIGHT 11> c1 Nt-wtJ<1n ll• 1rJ rt!.ldPrll H"r columri run~ Th11r ~<ldV!> • ... TOWN Continued from AB will be offered to beginning and advanced students. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Orange Cout Unitarian Univeraalist Church presents "Islam and Women: Fact and Action" at 7:30 p.m. at 1259 Victoria St. In CoS1a Mesa. The event is free, and parking is available next to the ctiurcti. Gaye Tomlinson. a native of Turkey and self-described moderate practicing Muslim, will lead the program. For more information, call (949) 646-4652. JUNE26 ·Aw Kays to Vlbrant Living• ts. free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's M arket, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. Enjoy •n •rnv of culinary speaatties from South Coast Plaza restaurants and tastings from premium wineries and brewenes at lhe Summer Food and Wine Festival at the plaza's Crate and Barrel from 6 to 9 p.m. Every S40 advanoe ticket will benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County and Someone Cares Soup Kltdien. Tickets are $50 at the door. For mo re information. call (714) 435-2160. JUNE27 Newport Ounft Resort's •MOYies on the Beacti• series offers ·Legally Blonde· starting al dusk on the Newport sand. Parting costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (9491 72~DUNE . JUNE 28 Cleslic basts rec. from the dodt of Newport Harbor Museum while events take place in and around the museum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Regatta and Seapon Festival. Classic woodies, surfing exhibits, boat building, model building, food and music will be on hand at no cost to attendees. The Seapon Festival will take place all day at the museum and will include a luau dinner and aw ards show. For more Information, call (9491 673-7863. Newpof1 Ouw Aeeott's •Movies on the Beacti • series offers "Beauty and the Beast• starting at dusk on the Newpon sand. Parting costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available tor s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bae* Bay Drive. For more infonnation, call (949) 729-0UNE. ~c:ttiaNof .. ages invited to the Oasis Health Fair from 8 a.m . to 1 p.m . at the Corona del Mar Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. Free tests will be available for blood prepure, vision. hearing, body fat pulmonary lung function, podiatry, dermatology, and phyeical therepy and ctiiroprectic needs. Other tests will be offered for a $20 to $45 tee. For more information, call (949) 718-1821. •• .lN29 :;: • • The first 0...-County chgon :• ~ boat race and friendship • • breakfast pottudl eponsored by !-· the Orenge County Ollnese •; · Q,ltural C:Sub wilt be held from 8 • · a.m. to noon at the Newport ~ · Aquatic Center, 1 Whlt9cfltfl ,. • Drtve. N.wpc>f1 ~.CA 92e60. · Aaglttrltlon begint at 8:30 a.m. Fol went rut.. regulattoN and "°"''".., lnfonnation, call (714) ~2708. • JUNE30 •" • ~ ............. ttwough • "! liJCth grtldet .,. lnvtt.d to '" •5to1yta1tlng S.ferl" at 10-.30•.m. • : • the Newport BMd'I Central • Ubrlr(. The program wAt b9 NPMtltd It 3 p.m. Jutv 2 It Merintrl bf'end\ and It 1oaJO a.m. My 3 •Iha ... bnnd\. "°' more lnbmdon, alll ,._ 7t7-311$. JUL.Yl ........... lflFAftlaaa• Wll 1111 on dflPlil¥ •,. :~!Mt ... QJHllltnillhl•• ,,.. ........... ..... ..... ... ••• 11 ..... pt,411$ ... I of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzicka and colorful umbrella bead\ scenes by Carole Boller. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. Altistry will combiM with passion for a popular sport in "Tennis in Art," an exhibit of paintings by Jose Mendoza. on display in the Newport Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY2 Children entering fint through sixth grades are invited to •storytelling Safari" at 3 p.m. at the Mariners Branch Public Library. The program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m . July 3 at the Balboa Branch. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 3 Children em.ring fint through sj.xth grades are invited to ·s torytelling Safari• at 10:30 a.m. at Balboa Branch Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816 JULY4 The American Legion Yadrt Qub will host the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of decked out yactits parading along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories eligible for awards. For more information, call (949) 673-3546. JULYS Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Bead\· series offers •Robin Hood" starting at dusk oo the Newport sand. Par1ting costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-0UNE. ONGOtNG VoluntMr driven .,. needed to help deliver nU1ntiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderty clients incapable o f shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meats; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for m ore information. Newport Dunes AMOf't'1 "Movies on the Beacti• will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for S7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parting is S8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. A wMty of pdvn9, ~ and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include on4H>n-one instruotion on Saturdaye and a Monday through Thursday progrem for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register In person at Newport Beactt Recteation and Senior Service9 at 3300 Newport Blvd. ChldNn, ... end edulta CM now register for summer recrAtional boating~ o1'9t9d through Newport e..ct'I Recreation SefViceL ca.- begin July 12. Feel vary. c.n (9it9> 644-3151, or Wit the NMpot18eadl RectNtlon and Senior Sel'vbt a 3300 N9Wp0ft Blvd. for more lnfotmetion. Piaf 11lamhndlur111d- ~ with the Alf..Englend Soooer ~ 8f9 evaHable lot on.on-one. amall gn>up end 1af01 group tnlAnlng. For more lnformetlon, Celt (949) 396-6103. ........ ,....., ..... 1Poneot'""'G •teen M'PPO't group torhlah ~ .... thM ,,,_ MOfMSIVS trom uo to 6 p..m. • 'TMt>ut ~Upper Sd'OOl Inc-.~ Fol '"9orrnllon "''° ....... eel C7Ma•• 1111)! .............. "°" .. ........ Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m ., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For m ore information, call (949) 645-5437. •Abstrec:t Wotb on Canvu •nd Pape~ an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newpon Beach Central Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener's #Washed Away# series, created by . dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it away to suggest the passage of time. For more information. call (949) 717·3816. Aw8rd-w lnnlng w orb by Orange Cou nty anists w orking in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beacti City Hall through June 27. for the Spr1ng 2003 Orange County An1sts Exh1b1tion For more information, call (949) 717-3870. S.y1ide Restaurant in Newport Beacti offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines eacti w eek For m ore info rmation, call (949) 721 -1222. tf your ord\id is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free ord11d·potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . at the 20362 Birch St. facihty. Call (9491 756-1211 for information. Discover the MC,.U of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m . Partung 1s $4 Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. THm Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise. hosts #Walk and Talk# at 10 a.m the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. M embers meet for luncti after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For m ore info rmation. call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a w ay to stop the cycle of dom estic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness. faith and empowerment. The group meets Monday s from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens .,. lnvtt.d to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport BHch Walking Club m eets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beacti at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p .m . everyday. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The NMwpof't IHch Cab Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p .m . on Thursday nights at Superior end Hospital Road In Newport Bead!. For more information, call (949) 660-1332. The Assn. of ......... SeAicee holtl a netwoftlng m..itng that deals wtth education connectiont from 6 to 8;30 p.m. on the MCOnd TuNday of eY9fY month at the Holidey Inn at3131 Brfatot St.. eo.t. Mae. For more Information, call (949) 806-001t •oewor.: A N9W .... ,.. ..... a wofbhop fOf men end wom4tn dtvorced or gtltfng dM>fW<t i. h.ed from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. at 190 Newport CentwOrfva on the third Seturdrf of werv monm. Cott It $40, For more lnfonnlUon, cMe ... 9435. info rmation, call (949) 717 3800 Free tours of the Or•nge County Performing Arts Cenler take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge. backscage and on stage al 10:30 a m every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Tow n Center Drive. Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by special an angemenl For more information. call (7 141 556 ARTS, eXl 833 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of evt!ry month The organization is open to all women resident!> in Newport Beach who hc1ve lived in the area fewer than five ye<H!> For more information ca ll (949) 645-9922. or VISll newcomers-newportbeach orq Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7 30 to 10 a.m on lhe second Sa111rd..iv of every month Breakfast includes pancakes. sausd·~!! coffee and orangP 1u1ce f1.1r SJ, S 1 for d11ldren The center is .it 800 Marguer1te. Corond c1el M c1r For more mformat1on call (9491 644-3244 Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "Workshop Wednesdays A Hands on Cooking Class Program .. hosted by chef Alex>t Guevara The clas!> is held fro m 6 to 7 30 p m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol S1 Costa Mesa The cosl including materials. is $30 To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075 Yoga and rhythm, ·vogarhythm1cs" combines yoga. dance and fun The class 1s held from 4 30 lo 5 45 pm Tuesdays at 2850 M esa Verde Dreve East, Suite 111. Costa Mesa For more information, call 1714) 754.7399 The Newport H.rbor Nautical Museum offers lhe exhibit ·Joe Duncan Gleason Rediscovering California's M anne Ar1 Master;· through Sept. 30 The museum 1s at 151 E Pac1f1c Coast Highway, Newpon Beach Free admission For more 1nlorma11on. call (949) 673-7863 Interfaith couples with one Jewish panner are invited to pan1c1pa1e ma discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County o ffice The group 1s gt!ared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples such as ra1s1ng children observing holidays, symbols m 1he home and rela11onsh1ps with extended lam1lie!> The cost for three sessions 1s S45 per couple Prereg1stra11on 1s required Call 10 sctiedule date and time. The office 1s at 250 E Baker St , Suite CJ. Costa Mesa (7141445-4950. Women 50 and older can join a J1!>cussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues sucti as anxiety, depression, relat1onsh1ps, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11·30 a.m . Mondays al the agency offices. 250 E Baker St., Sui le G, Costa Mesa Prereg1strat1on required 7141445 4950. Friends of the Newport Beech Public Library Used Book Store Jre asking for JJalrons 10 elm , It boo~s to replenish lhe rJv.1ndlir stock Book!> may 111 h:ft 01 ri, 1 the three branc.h lillrar11• Balboa Mar1nt-rs c;r Cm • o M ar or in the t,oc ~ f(J 1 1 ''' • 1 10 the Fr1ends Boo~ S101• 11 1000 AvOCJdo Ave N ... wµt1 11 Beach All hordc.<Jvf'r u111l paperback donoli(JroS w1lh 11 •· excepuon of rndyM111M "'cl I 1;·. books. will bl' .iu r!pH:<1 01111 ci11 ta..< deduct11Jlr 9491 7!:19 %t. 7 The Braille lns1rtute offers free compuwr clJS!>E:'> t0 peo1 It w •1 fading VISIOn who h.J\/t! tMftr 111 • seeing the computP.r sen ~r n • Oasis Cttnter at 800 Marg.11 "'' Ave . Corona del Mar o ttF>rs sessions Ci!ll lo sign uµ for classes 171418?1 5000 A spiritual care class meets at 7 15 pm W1 dr • &dJy!. at 34 Irvine Ave Su111 n4 Nrwpr Beach Call to ,,.scn.r· <t s• 11 t949 263 146i The Cos1a M esa Chamber of Commerce tloS1, fll 1W .r~1PQ luncheon meetings Vl.et1r • s 1 from 11 45 a m t() 1 p 111 •th• Costa Mesd Coun1rv Clut Tl • cost is $14 The club 1s bl 170~ Golf Course D1111f.: Costa MP:;,1 (7141885·9090 A brain tumor suppon group meets the fir!>\ and third Thursdays of each month In m 7 to 8·30 p m at the Hudg Conr 1•r Center at Hoag Hospital 1 Ho.-111 Drive. Newport Beacti Frel: Reg1strat1on not requirE:d Th•· group 1s designed to hPIJ1 patients and the11 fdmil10~ understand dnd OJJ• v..11t1 111• illness 1949 574 6232 C.AFE HOl'RS Mon-S.m 9tm'l-4pm 131 P.ASJ' 17'1" st • COSTA MF.SA Ar~ 6 U. 17"' SOtia (Aflliln 10 ( IMmblinJ. l ud c:-/W" fl-"•· ( NJtom Punrr fr11m11•t.· fwrn1turr Rntt1r11t1011 ,,,,J mwlt morr ' ThisWeek@UCI Presentations June 19 UCIMC ..... l,,, Ctwrer Prtvntt11m -Wltat You Need to Know \'\'1th hC'alth edu1..111on 'Pi.'1.1ali'lt Lom· W1bon, 10 .t.m., Orange Semor Ccnt('r, 170 S. Oli\t' Street. Or.mgc-. f ree Extension. f.ducar1011 Plnn11111g Session: Oracle, Cisco. Sim & M1cm<<>f1 Ccrt1fimt1on 6:30 p.m., 41 99 Campus Drive, Suite F, lrvme. Frt.'C June 21 Graduate School of Management. Ful/-11mt' MBA Program Info rmation 5'>.s.sron. 10 a.m .• Multipurpose Ac.&dem1c & Ad.mtnt!.trat1ve But.ld1ng, Room 120 A-8. Frtt F.ucutsve 6-Hmlth Ca.re Extrutrvt MIM ProgramJ Information Sasiort. l 1 a.m., Multlpurpostt Academic & AdmtruStra~ Building. Room 130 A-B. Frtt Fully Employol MBA Program ln{orma.hOn Session. I p.m., Mult1p~ Acadmuc & AdministntM Building. Room llO A·B. Free L I FE & LE I SU R E Dally Pilot ~IAS ~L~CHITO. • FIESTAS \ Sizzling Fajitas Strolling Mariachis Margarita & Cerveza Bar ~ Pa11rTrap•Go /-, • Enchiladas • Taquitos \,'b TRAVEL TALES • • Tacos • Tamales \ ~ Guacamole • Salsa ' Call your nearest location for pick up ~ .(• ~~ BmoquelROOlllS , • #" 10 to 100 People A . '"'· (94 ~a~;;~~8209 ~ Three generabons of the Boyles went to Ireland for the U.S. Foref1ghte~s Ball. A Newport Beach travel marketing company organized rt. ,9i;1s~~s:42 ,~:;r~;:::~~ (9i;is~~26 Lessons from Irish firefighters • r 1 l• '/ · • • .•·.\p )rt b,.,,ct-, • Cc)std M t>Sti •"I• • ;, 1 • Hl.• • r1q•rJ1 P !'k. • .._•J"g B••,l(~_, Grand Opening Promotion 2ror 1 By Jeff Boyles E veryone ha'> a 't.ory The morning of Sept. 11, 2001. undouhtedly Jell anyone who wa!> old enough to comprehend the unfurling Jllacb on our country with a per!lonal account or that morning they will mu .. 1 likely nt'Vl'r forget. These pubs are the very fiber woven into Ireland's social culture. We passed through a town with a popuJation o f 10,000. It had 52 thriving pubs! By my math, that is one pub for every 192 people. One night. while sociaJi'ljng in a locaJ pub in Killarney, the owner closed his doors for the night. Only instead of closinK us out, he actualJy locked the doors, and us, in! I le insisted that the Unued States firefighters stay and share their stories with him until 4 a.m. or It 1~ now·ohv10u., that not ju~t thou~Jnd,, but m1lhon., uf people wt•rt-afft'<:tt•d by the .shermath And with exception of the fan11he., who Jo.,t their 11nmcd1ate loved one ... I would .irguc th.u the fan11ly of firefighter'>, worldwidr. h~ Kncvcd and cndured perhaps that greatc'>t cmou onaJ setback throughout our proud history. On that one 1nau'>picious day, J43 firefighter' were luJled in the I inc of duty. I ircfighters from around the world have rallied to ~how their support for the Fire Department of the City of New York. The U.S. Frrefighter's Ball was hosted by the Dubhn Fire Brigade. Now. in America. locking your patrons mto an estabUshrnent is 111 violation of many punishable laws. In this town of KiJ larney. it was simply a way of expressing genuine hospitality. The owner of the pub, nearing 80 years of age by my ec;timation. pulled me Into a corner of his beloved tavern and pointed to a framed h dc Bay Center 26 75 Irvine Ave. IA 949.631.5587 fnfo@hdthyfitness.com Mhyfitntss.com 508/o on Personal Traini~ 'Plus a one·t1me admimstration fut • St.at' of tilt i1t strtnqth tquipmtnt • L rfp fitness urdio cent.Pf "1th I ndlYlduli tritvi Sl(lnS ' llldoo! cydmg • Soul1d-p1oof yc19a room • trmfifd tr.ill""' ind 111struct~ • SPfN.ty IJI09rams fol thlld•er- maw,. acl;:ts. ~ aod r.IOIP • NutnlloNI counseling • Body Sct.lpt\lllJ l'liJI~. Vrrtui (yd•ng • Ho ~be<Ynp f~ In October 2002, the FDNY held its annual memorial service to honor more than 350 ' who had died m 2001. Having marched in the o,ervice and attended private memoriaJ '>ervice., in firehouse'>, I witnessed a collective attempt from the men or FDNY to move on emouonally. fh1!> wa'> recogni1ed by various groups, mO'>I notably a man named Jim O'Donnell, who runs the Industrial l:mergcncy Council 111 CaJifornia. Jim and Deirdre ()'Neal, who own a travel marketmg company in Newport Reach. organized the first lJ S. Firefighters Rall ho.,tcd by the Dublin Vire Brigade in Dublin, ALDEN'S Ireland. ·11rn, event wa'> the main draw, in which marl' than 110 firefighteri:. and !.po uses from C:aliforn1a and New York shared lheir '>tor1t''> and moved clo.,er to what 1he Irish call am du slanaim, ur "a lllne for healing." My father. Gary, a fire chief in the Bay Arca with 31 years of fire .,erv1ce. agreed that our whole farmly '>hould participate in th1., uni4ue fire service/family journey to Ireland My mother, Jolcnt'. wife. Aimee, and 7 month old '>On. Rraeden. all ~hared in the experience Our Ca.hforma group Oew mto New York and met with the New Yor~ firefighter'> who wouJd be joining us on to Ireland. Rut we didn't leave New York without firM marching in the ever famouc; St Patrick's Day Parade. [DN-!ilTE J '---------- DRAPERY CLEAJ\111\16 AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECH9ARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Dougla• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • lwninette Privacy Sheerst • Silhouette• window shadings • Vrgnett window shidings • Duette• honeycomb sh*s • Ma11enii™ Collection • Jubilance™ roman~ •Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenette™ Softfoldlll Ndings World'• Best ON .. ITlt"" Drapeey Cleanln8 S~stem ~ALDEN'S CARP.ET AND DRAPERIF.S ' 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838. 71~968-8180 I ' , , \ I' • • I I ' I • ' I ' ' ' • • ~ ' ' I We were met 1n Ireland by the Dublin Firefighters Pipes and Drums band during an after-hour'> private tour of the world renowned Guinness !>torehoui.e. We caJJ them hrt•weric~ here. We were welcomed by the mayors of Dublin. Waterford and Killarney. 1-rom trips to the Uiffs of Mohr, the Blarney Ca~Lle, the llmg of Kerry and many littJe towns. the Irish hospitality was phenomenal for lack of better word-;. You will hear the saying < t'<ld mile failte in nearly every town and puh in Ireland. l.11crally translated, it means "one hundred thousand welcomes." One can't, or shouldn't, anyway. vii.it the country of Ireland without frequenting '>omc of their many pubs. picture of the World Trad e Center towers standing tall. He bowed his head. pressed his palm against the glass and started to cry. I le looked up to me. with redness around his aged and dark eyes. and told me that his nephew had died in the towers that day. His gestures taught me that indeed am do slanaim Is still needed across the world. But more imponantly. that everyone has a story. • JEFF BOYLES is a fireflghterfparamed1c with the NewPort Beach Fire Department He also serves as the Newport Beach Firefighters' Assn. vice president. Jeff, Aimee and Breeden live in New Port Beach. IT's THE QUESTION NO ONE WANTS TO ASK THEMSELVES. Wha1 If you suddmly ~ somt kind of &ona·tmn cart? How would you pay for Ill What kJnd of optloos would you lvvd Afttr agt 65. almost 3 ouc of-. ml}' nttd answm to tboK quauom. whidt b why )QI nm! Uq-Tom Can l.nsunrn from Sc.alt fwm••' Jt can bdp pnMc:ct your urc •vb9 from thr costs of extended an. To learn rnc>ft about It, talk to your nrl1bborhood S. Fen,.._ \\."£LIVE WI lERf YOU LIVE' StHt:aHUl,Atol Lk.•OGI061t no &M t71ti S1rt•• .,., 111 CA"• Mtte, CA 94t -M6-9l9) 1JxE A <nx> NEIG~ (:i) STATE F~RM IS THERE: A .... ,...w ................ c' ........... ,, .... ,_,..,_....,.._.__ • ...,.....,..., .. c...,..., .... lftl 41-.111. ,,. .. c-..... •W ~.,..,_.,..... ............ , ...... ,.,,,ff II .. ,,....., ... ,... .... ,, ..... ...,.._--'_...., tt('l:XlOl-< ) ~ ... P'OM29 04l{)Z -.... Daily Pilot L IF E & LEIS U R E Thursday. June 19 ON VACATION Sean and Jordana Carroll of Costa Mesa, and John and Susan Carroll of Newport Beach, on the M1ss1ss1pp1 Rrver in New Orleans Adnana Panans1, nght. of Costa Mesa with her cousins 1ns1ae Jat1can City 1n Rome I, Joanne Szabo of Corona del Mar, Diane Vickery of Cos ta Mesa and Samantha Watson of West Hollywood 1ust got back from Carnaval in Tnrndad . Jett, Sean and Angela Calvillo of Newport Coast v1s1ting Prague. Czecr Republic in January 2003 to , v1s1t relatives on their grandmother's side whom they have never seen now ~erving ~andwiche~ ..• andJalads catering platters available Purchase Any Whole Sandwich or Salad And Receive A Free drink. Must Present Coupon At Tune Of Purchase. Limit One Per Customer. Expires 06/30/03. All A1'1<'rtca11 r u 11 h11stt1t'" ''"t<' /'J"t \ 11111 /c11111l1• wrt 111;.:. \'''" /c11111h p11 '\n 1~·11r, Momma John world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated. 4,000 •roRB BUYING POJFllll NOIKJDY anywbnY can betll our #l«dori, Jirlet11 or~. lbU ·~ ptiyl!il too mucb If yotl'N ftOI "'9'1'W~-~- Jennifer Lifetime Warranty I.aminate $2'' Gus UC-etime Warranty Ceramic $1'' Lifetime Warranty Wood o- FREE No Questions Asked 60 day excba~. q you don't llM II, we will reploa It FREE FULL SERVICE Ct11ter Teps·• s~ .. .,. • Cera•i• • St11t • Or11it1 • w .. , R1fi1i1~ ONE STOP SHOP Wi14 .. Ceweri1 1 • Cl111i1 Ca et & U ~•ltt• • P1l1ti1 ·l1terier & Exterier Co•*• .... lrvln• , ... , •••. ,.,. , •. , •••.• ,., t•• •· 17tll ''''' Main -.· ION.fll t ·S IOl·fll tt4 • UfDltAY IM UTUUMS & SDJltAYS tt-4 CLOSH llltAY lVllUMS IY APPOllTIIUIT l " A12 Thursday. June 19, 2003 I 11 ·~ 1\ t I > I 11 l _ I _' S -IH ( I" & ( . \I{ p I I ~ • OU/ :!l...MWAm~'t.I ...... Style is not a size ••• It's an attitude! Fun, Feminine Styles for AU Shapes & Sizes of Beautiful Women. ~ ~ LlFE & LEISURE Dady Pilot f ON VACATION 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 Bob and Shantel Ziegler and Linda, Nicole and Ron Apted on a Walt Disney World vacation in Florida in January . Michael and Ginny McEvoy of Costa Mesa vacation in Ocean City, N.J. ........ FotoART' •••••••• Unique Personalized Gifts for every occasion V1s1t our Web Site at www fotoart com FotoArt Key Chain Sale Order your FotoArt Key Chains by tJune 30, 2003 and get 50% off our regular price of $14 95 (No hm1t on quantities} Kirk Dawson of Newport Beach at the Market Place in Hong Kong. P'tu.M ... ~ -.b Mle t'Of tWneOt -· Thtl <Al~i. ""'" oc;eotnp0ny yO.. onMt NCC YMd ~ A"Y O'lhef OISC.Ountl Of ~ole"ll°"'FotoM £~•11.lGOl 02003 FoooM l4'C ~ Mondllo; Thru F ridlly 9AM ID 5PM S.i1lv11ley IOAM 10 ~PM Of by llPPOOfllmeol 7e() WHI 1&1'1 SlJHI Co.ta MeN CA 92627 BolldiogO IMi-64~ 3686 On a tnp to Rto de Janeiro, Dunn Voyer and Calder McNab stand Newport B~ach residents Jerry Wynn and Audrey Rozran wrtti above the city at Corcorado their fnends Glona and Julius Pechmer in Vietnam. ' Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place 'our h< 'le fl narcing n eel in the hand~ of 'ri ,ttc \1ortgage Banking. • I Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6129 Branch Manager Lisa Hayes 949-251-4409 Private Mortgage Banker I complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. •-Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans David Kravitz 949-25 1-4902 Private Mongage Banker Jay Kunkle 949-253-4354 Privtte Mortgage Banker Dennis Lance 1949-25 1-4467 Private Mortgage Banker Mary Ann Magee 949-251-4453 Private Mortgage Banker Main Office (949) 251-6047 ( Chrlsllne M. Sanderson 949-251-4452 Private Mortgage Banker Kim Porter-Donath 949-253-4236 Private Mortgage Banker Gary Parker 949-253-422 1 Con lructJon Manager Lawrence Drefko (800) 613-4PMB Privalt Mortgage Banker ' Redtfmmo FIOor "'re Products Srnca 1927 PALS(949)645.7257 2299 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa [;]l7J Dunn-Well 1 S20 IAomMa A.e Com Miia CA 92627 CMPll's&~~ =-&o, ~IMT Robert Dunn WI'• o.m.g. Or)'W'll Tel: IM9.""8.9373 c.w,.,~ 714.648.3434 WllM I II 0.-.W II ii Oolll .... I• eA1' "" """""""· •• OON LET BtMNC INSUltANcE 8 £0NETOOI Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNE.RS • HE.Al.IH ~ td ~Sr"J_, .r , 949-631-7740 441 Old ~ BMl. • Newport Bacti (Near Ho-« Ho•pital) . • ., 1. I I I ii! OF 1HE DAY "Soccer is growing everywhere. Last fall we had 1, 700 players and we are already taking sign ups for next year. 11 Chris Sarria, AYSO Region 97 President Dady Pilot Spof1a Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Spof1a Fu: (949) 650-0170 CROWDED FIELDS An in-depth look at youth soccer in Newport-Mesa Uphill battle Thanks to a saturated soccer scene, those wishing to start a club soccer team in Newport-Mesa face difficult road to success Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot G rab the shinguards, along with the cleats and water bottle. Soccer beckons. Begging to catch on the United States, here in Newpon-Mesa, the game commonJy referred to as ·rutbol" in the rest of the wo rld has grown in numbers and interest, accordmg to area coaches and commissioners. The added amount of players brings along more coaches t.ryltlg to capitalize on that talent. Some coaches want to jump-start their own club 1eams. while established groups continue to Oounsh an the Newpon-Mesa area. Walid Khoury and brother Ziad act as the directors of coaching for the boys and girls age-specific club teams with the Slanuners Futbol Oub, based in Newpon Beach. Slammers' teams have won 11 State Cup titles the past four years. including the girls under-18 squad that ctauned its third cup champ1oruJUp last month.' Begmrung Sunday, four Slammers teaim will compete in the Far West regionals 111 llonoluJu. Walid coaches girls under-10. under-13, under-15 and the under-18 with club president Terry Mazura. The under-13 and under-18 teams each will compete in the regionals. The girls under-18 team was the first learn fonned in 1996 and has compiled a 253-59-49 record. lne J<hourys. along with others, have developed the Slammers into one of the nation's premier club soccer programs. They lilce to train players from this area, but realize that to have a successful club requtres reaching their feelers to other pans of Southern California. ·we love players from this area. that is what we are built around." Walid said. ·eut the bonom line is that to maintain the hlghest level of play, you can't have all 18 players from one area.· Fonner Corona del Mar High girls soccer players such as Paige Janes. Lauren Shepherdson and Alivia Mazura are members of the Slanuners' girls under-18 team. which has 11 players planning on attending Division I colleges. MARKC DUSTIN OAllY P·~OT At left, Avery Paulson. a 13-year-Old Costa Mesa resident, and Sean Fahmtan, 10, of RNerslde battle for control of ttie ball during a recent Coast Soccer League pracbce drill at Manners Park m Newport Beach. Ma7ura, like many player'>. began competing in AYSO, but, m order to take her game to the next level. she had to move on to club, where more intense technical tra.ming 1<; offered. "These die pdld profeSl>tonals whose full-time job 1s training the~e kids ... said Ma7ura's father. Terry. "AYSO has many purposes to introduce kids to the game. teaching them the basics. Oub soccer then picks up where AYSO leaves off. Those who want to play soccer in college. need to be in an elite program. It is very competitive." The stakes are quite different in AYSO. where children are guaranteed to play at least half the game. By contrast. club coaches will keep the best players on the field for as long as possible. In order to keep players in the program. I 0 years ago A YSO began a club ci.rcUJ t known as ·APP progressive· and now features year-round soccer options such as the spring select season. Rarely will a player compete in both AYSO and on a club team. "It is a small percentage. maybe about 1 % or 2%." Chris Sarris. president of AYSO Region 97. said. Sams has noticed a surge in soccer players ma.Icing their way to area fields. where ii becomes ever more difficuJt 10 find a place to play. "Soccer is growing everywhere," he said. "Last fall we had 1, 700 players and we are already taking signups for next year. ·we use any school we can get." Sarris said when asked about field availability. ·eosta Mesa is 98-99% built out and Newpon Beach is the same way. The biggest problem is there are no Lights. so when October comes and it gets dark earlier. what do you do? These organizations have so many teams that want to use the fields that 11 becomes crazy trying to scheduJe anything." Such teams as the Slammers and lrvme Stnkers puJI from many areas, which must be done, See CROWD, P11e 83 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS na del Mar High boys track and field team captured the Pacific Coast League title this spring. The Sea Kings are, front row from left to right, Eemaan Jalili, Jack T umer, Garrett Prechel, Andrew Wong and KeMettl Wong. Middle row from left, Mark Ciancium, Brian La Per1e, Matt Morris. Blake Dillion. Brandon Borcoman and Chris Ringstrom. Back row from left. J.C. Turner, Kevin Artz, Bo Weidner, Mike Rudinica,Steve Minard and Ross McKee. SEAN ttl.LEll / OM.YN.OT EYEOPENER Oail~POOt Sport.a Hal"' .... ·-.... _...., June 2 3 honoree LAWRE alftNGttAM Thursday, Jone 19, 2003 11 GOLF Goodwills Rogers ready for round two Longtime Cos ta Mesa resident prepping for group's fund-raising tournament June 30. D an Rogers claims hl'> handicap 1~n·1 as low a'> 11 couJd be, lhough a 12 ~und'> good enough to me. The Costa M~ reMdem and member of Santa Ana Coun try Oub will tee 11 up again June 30 in the Goodwill Golf a~'>IC at the Coto de Caza Golf & Racquet Oub Roger... the fonner lJ~ basketball star, LS m ht5 -.econd year as president and chief execum:e officer at Goodwill lndustnes of Orange County. wtuch has dona11on centel"'> located throughout Costa ~I~. '>UCh as at the f-curgrounds. along with a thnft store in the cuy Goodwill prOVld~ emplO}meni opporturuUe'> for people with dJsabilllle'> to ach1eve economic and pen.on al andependem;e. Before becoming a BRYCE ALDERTON member at Santa Ana C.C. d year ago. Rogers honed IUs golf s~ at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub. "My golf game 1s not the ..... ay I wam 11: he 'Mild. That could be ')8Jd b) man~ golfers. including yours uuly ~1ill. Roger'>. "'ho ha-. '>pent many houn; \'Olunteenng \\1th orgaruzaoons such dS ~cl\ e Our Youth the Boy<> & Girls Oub of ln1ne and Our Lad}' Queen of Angeb Olurch in '\e'A'J>Ort Beach mamlalnS hl' foCU'> 011 lhe organv.aoon he works for He ..aid thl.'> war·s fund-raising goal from tournament proceed., 1s $85.000 ''That goe<> ngh1 to hanng people with dt...abtl1ue5, he '><lid ~~lore than 91 See GOLF, P11e 82 YOUTH BASEBALL Double play saves the day Svendsen catches line drive, doubles runner off second to preserve Dodgers' 4-3 win. Leading. 4 -3. in the last half of the seventh mnmg. the Dodger defense came up wi th key plays necessary to secure a champ1onsh1p in the Newport Harbor Baseball AssoClation Bronco DiV1S1on 0 1-12-year-olds). the Giants' Erk HoUand ripped a Line drive down the first-base line. but first baseman Nick~ made a dMng catch to rob Holland of a hJt and doubled up the runner at second. Dodger pitcher DUlan Pmberg then struck out the next batter to gjve the Dodgers the championship Sunday. A day earlier the Giants defeated the Dodgers. 4-3. 10 force the dedsM game Sunday at Mariners Pa.rt. The Giants fought back from 1 4-0 deficit with three runs ln the bottom ol the sixth.. Cody Holtmr led off wtth a single and stole second bue. Jllb 0.W.00 reached ftrst bue safdy OD an error by the shortstop. Halter wouJd acore on the play after the left flelder committed an error. Leedoft' hltter W. ~singled to center to ICOrt Dawson with one out. JM:ob ~ lhen sin8'ed to oenter to ~ Ou.,,ut Dodgen' starter ..,.. ...... _. and Pndberg ClOl1lbined for d8ttt a1J1boub and ftw shutout lnn1np. 1be Oodlerl ecored once Jn the top ol the Int. Zs<-.... .. olf wttb. -. to amw.llld. .-. MOCllld lllld ICol9id on a double IO lbl Wk~ .... by .... bl the ddrd. lhe ~ ICDlwd tMci wllb two Wll. ~ rwhed an a ~-... bS CMrcblDIWIR ..... nu.. ..... t 82 Thunday, June 19, 2003 SPORTS Daily Pilot Amy Werblin practices kicking field goals during Sage Hill School's football practice Monday afternoon. She will be a junior in the fall and competing for playing time. She also plays soccer. Costa Mesa Be a art o this -s ecial section of the Daily Pilot devoted to the City of Costa Mesa's 50t Anniversary. FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2003 • Explore the hisrory of Costa Mesa's early years • Where is the city headed? • Community leaders express their viewpoints • Who lives here and why • The Scgerstroms' role in shaping Costa Mesa • Milestones of Costa Mesa • The impact of che Orange County Fairgrounds A great opportunity to congratulate the city aru/. showcase your business at the same time! Space Raerntiom and Ad Copy due: Friday, June 20, 2003 Ad Rdcuc and Cemera Rady Ads dues Wednesday. June 25, 2003 Pilot • Starting from scratch • Sage Hill coach placed an emphasis on playbook studying this spring. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot NEWPORT COAST -The general expectation for the Sage . Hill School football team ls that the Ughtning will deal wltb a season ot growing pains during the fall. However, Coach Tom Monarch has been doing his best to ease the maturation proceu during spring practice. Monarcb said the Ughtning feature a sophomore class, in- cluding Keya ManshadJ, that will be the strength or the pro- gram for the next three seasons. This year's spring practice is all the more crucial because of the youth on the squad. It will also be important for Sage Hill's sen- iors to discover their Identity at this time. During spring practice, Mon- arcb is stressing m ental strength and attention to detail. The playbook will be introduced and players are expected to become familiar with it quickly. "We want to have a lot of learning because we are so young,• Monarch said. "One area for learning is the wetght room, which involves strength and conditioning. 1Wo is learn- ing the offense and defense. When August rolls around in- stead of kids worrying about plays, we would rather focus on technique and hitting. I think they progress a Jot quicker if they are not worried about thin.king too much on the 6eld • Sage Hill, in its second year of varsity competition, will have some changes on offense, as Zach Friedrichs, last year's quarterback, will have gradu- ated. Enter Eddie Huang. The senior-to-be is expected to di- rect the offense, which will actu- ally be run-oriented. Ray Lim, who will be a senior in the fall, along with Manshadi will be key factors as running backs. "This is a very young team,• Monarch said. "I think we will PHOTOSBY t.4ARl<C DUSllN/DAILYPILOl Quarterback Eddie Huang hands off the ball to fullback Ray Ltm during practice Monday afternoon at Sage Hill School. Both players will be seniors m ttie fall when ttie season opens. compete in the Academy League within the next two years." Monarch expect!> running plays to be come out of the I - back formation. Because of the concentration on the nm, the Llghtn1ng player!> have also been diligently working in the weight room. "We want to work on strength,· Monarch said. Monarch hru. been with the program '>ln<:c 11 began two yearc; ago. I le '>aw !:>age I !ill'!> fi eld when 11 wa!> just din. I le said he takes joy in watching the team learn and improve from year to year. Sa~e I lill'!> spring practice has included 18 returnees. In addi- tion, Steve llingst is a new addi- tio n to Monarch's staff. I lingst '' a former player at UC Berkeley and will be working with de- fen'>t.' for Sage I !ill. BRIEFLY GOLF UCI's Coburn, Lavery ousted Two Anteater golfers eliminated in match play Wednesday in California Amateur at Pebble Beach. Jeff Coburn and Mike Lavery, who recently completed their senior seasons at UC lrvine. were defeated in match-play competi- tion Wednesday at the California State Amateur Olampionstup in Pebble Beach. CAJburn was defeated 2-up by Greg Uberuaga from San Diego. while Lavery lost ). and I to Buzz Peel from Delray Beach, Ra., at the Pebble Beach Golf Unks. Coburn was second after 36 holes of stroke play in the tour- nament. ffe shot a 2-unaer-par 70 at Spyglass Hill Golf Course e. ay er opening wt a al Pebble Beach Golf Units Mon- day. His total of 145 was four shots behind UCLA's Roy Moon. Lavery shot 77-74 for 151 to also advance to match play. For- mer UCI player Ryan Armstrong bad a two-round total of 154 and did not advance out of stroke play. Six 'Eaters honored •WATER POLO: Six Ant- eaters have been honored by the American Water Polo HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daity Pilot's Athlete of the Week senes TOOAY 23 -Bnan Bob1k, Orange Coast Men·s soccer. '02 21 -Chris Newcomer Orange Coast Men'a SO<Xl8r, '01 Coaches Association as mem· ers o 1e omen s All-Academic Team. The six to be honored are senior Meghan O'Donnell, junior Melissa Fer- nandez, junior. Michelle Carey. junior Rebecca Wedemeyer, sophomore Margaret Feeney and sophomore Deni Basom. The entire UC lrvine team was honored by the AWPCA for maintaining a GPA greater than 2.75. To be honored as an indi- vidual. a student-athlete needed to be a starter or oiajor contribu - tor with a GPA greater than 3.20. Continued from B 1 ccnl'> of each d ollar r.u'>Cd gob 111to our program'> l.<t't year we had more than LOO pl.1ycr. on both cour~l>. ·· At $400 per perw11. 21 J players' would need to regt'>ler for Goodwill tu meet Hoger.' estimate I le jui.t waJll!> tu have fun. play a good round and nui.e as much money for the organization. With !>ever.ii yea~ cxpenence voluntcerinK. Hogeri. hru. been doing plenty nght. • •• for tho-.e, 1f any. who are lucky enough to ace the par-J 18th hole dt Me.d Verde Country Club dunng either thl' rea Cup Oassic or Jones Cup. a new Mercedes will be waiting for them on the dnve home. four female amateur., othenvi..c known a.., the four women\ club champions from this newspaper's c1retJlation - Mesa Verde''> Akcmi Khaiat, Big Canyon Country Oub's Sally I lolstein. Santa Ana a:s Marianne Towersey and Newport Beach Country Oub's Debbie n -wi a emp oace the 135-yard par-3 18th when the Tea Cup is held July 25. If any of the quartet Is successful, the golfer will drive away in a sltver M-Oass 350 model. A week later on Aug. I, the four men's club champiom alon& with a club professional from each of the four venues wiU also vie for an M-0~ 350, though this one wtlJ be black. The men will play the same hole, but with the tees moved back to measure 175 yards. I • I I I ' ' I I I I I -- Oatly Piiot S PORTS Thursday, JIAne 19, 2003 U Celli ... ,., .. == ~t.loon.Clllllll Ff-* DeHoltu•, Dodgerw Coctv Green. Dodgerti Ala Gtoeell. Dodgtra Ryan KNpp, 0... TrovMc:Oanthan, ~ GaYln Morague, [).becQ Nick C>elwt, Dodgen Danny O'Neill, Padrft Nick P9derson, Dodgers Joth Aydlng, Oodgere TtYtorWest, Giants Manager. Kim Pederson Coadlea: Bob Knapp, Den Otlwr Cott.IMeAN9ticNllll Utdeleegue Minor A AJl-Sr.r. Seen Anderson, 0-bkb IM•Joral Pudcy Cruz. Rockies Daniel Degree, Glen\I (Maiof•I lr¥MGl--.O..... ............. Colll ............... .-.KNpp,Oi111'1 °"" ....... A:-J. ROI\ 0-.. (JMjore) AUllln ~ Ga.nea ... iah w.tanebe, RodUi9 Jordlift ~. OOOgera MMIQr. 5Mrt P9aef1on Ca.chea: t.any Hiii, Rob Knox, Mitt Moine Coete .... AnMltcan ....... ~ Major All·Stara Ryan Boulger. Manners Jene Daw9ort. Yank ... Dvtan Grewfle, Yankees Chris Gute, Mariners Kevin Hoffman, Yankees Daniel Htu1ey, Angelt Jake Johnston, Angela Mille Kelly. Mariners Coeta ............ ...... &....- Minor A AJl.SfMI Derek Amendota, Angels Austin Bagl)v, Mariners (M8j0rtl Scott ~. Mariner• (Jt'ajoft) Chri• Bletlng, White Sox Nldl Dawson, White Sox Gamm Hifld'I, Angels (Majoral Jedc Jeff riff, White Sox Brandon Kelly, Merlners (Majorel P.J Maloney, Marinert Austin McArdle, White So>e Matt McE&dlern, Angela (Majors) l<.emran Quereshi, White Sox Brian Waldro n, Angels (Majors) Tommy Werdel, White Sox Manager. Jerry Dawson ~AA~ .JU'> I IN uAil r f-11 J YOUTH BASEBALL Mohammad Khakpour, right. a former professional soccer player in his native Iran. explains how he wants to set up the field to Subrma Witt during a recent soccer practice at Manners Park in Newport Mariners wrap up maJ· ors crown BceaRch.OTheWDtwohavebeenworkmgtogether to c reatetheCoastSoccer l eague 'It is very hard to establish yourself in this They defeat Ange ls ~turday at Ka.il.er Elementary defea11ng thl· Hulk.Jc., to force a Conbnued from Bl lea gue. You see clubs popping up left and right for CMALL t1'tle, School. '>l.'cond game to decide the and then they disappea r.' Ed rlier in the week lhc Cub!! d1vii.1un trllt• advance to Di strict defeated the Reds, 3·2. Connor Shorhtop Patrick Cromwell 62 TOC. LoMen.zo lltymied lhe Red..,' threw out three ru1111ers mt.he comeback attempt in the la'>t in111ng while Max GUbert, Th e Co<,ta Mc:.a American Little League Mariners dcfcatt'd lhe Angel" for the Major. divibion champtonshtp, 8 l., lune 7 rtuoughout lhe :>e<t!>on. the Mariner.. (IJ -7) wen: led by Mike Molina. who Mruck out 11 agamst the Yanke~ for a wm Ryan Boulger llJI two horm.' run'> m one g..tnlt.' and Outs Gute dtJt.IL'tl two horner~ in c.lllot.her game Mohna. David I lovdestad and Roland Wood cach added one Outfielder'> Nico Sauceda. I lmd~tad. Justln Miller. AustJn Bagby c1.n d Scott Beach provided !>trong defense. Wood, Molina. Brandon Kelly. Mike Kelty. Boulger and (,ute all i.aw c1.ct11J11 m the infield. Wood, MoHna, Mike Kelly, BouJJo(cr, Bagby and Br.Uldon Kelly all pitched. l'he Manner' played their lir~t ~ame 111 tJw D1Mrn:t fi2 • lournamenr of <l1ampion., lul'<,<.Jay at I lur11in>,tto11 Valley I Jttlt· 1.eague Jn Nl•wport 11.irbor liill.eball N.<.ooa11on Mu'>tdng playoff auwn- • Rech ... CulMI 3 11ll' ncd, forll'<l .Ulother game aga1mt the C ub'> to determine the drvhmn tllle w1tJ1 the wm. Jlie Cub-. m Lhe1r foun h playoff ~ame had eight lut!> but left t'IWll runne~ '>lmndcd fhe fled'>' deft'n~ came up with timely play... Ille Cubs and Red'> faced each uthl'r 111 the Lhampton!>hip Jo:ame BASEBALL Continued from B 1 head and then Mole M!Cond Svencben doubled to plate Gagnon. Svendsen then stole third. <;etting the Mage for Lawrence, who ripped a single to center 10 plate Svendsen and give the Dodger.. a 3·0 lead. Jack Grace, Caughill. McCann. James Cunningham. Brett ()Unger. Mk:had Cancadden, I lolland, Sean Ma.npno. Eric Otebll. Holter and Jake Daw.on all contributed for the Giants, who were managed by Peter Grace. The Dodgers featured Gagnon , Freiberg, Sven dsen, Lawrence. bottom of the sixth innin g with a Brian Jolivette. Noah Jeyarajah. strikeout for the final out aft er Ryan Adkisson and Joshua ~isling on a puLout a t the plate ButJer each had multi-hit on the previous play. game'>. Gabriel Ruan, Brandon With two men on and one 0111 tong and Brian Cromwell made m the botlom of the ~ixth. Breu '>trong play'> m lhe fil'ld. Parker singled home one run Manolo Laguna hit a sharp and Jake Hall followed with a liner to nght field for a hit while double to plate an additional John Santoyo toilet led two run before l..0Men10 do,ed out HBI'> Lhc game. • Melb 28, 0 -bacb 19 Cub!>' leadoO hitter Nat I hl' Mel'>, who firmhed founh Johnson ..cored two run' agai11'>I in tht• I cirm toumm1enl. were a !>lrong Red!>' pitching '>lafT. lt•cl by (]lad FackJer, Brandon Max Gerard and Brice Manning OleckhofT and Jake Stone. All allowed five hil!> through '>IX three earned Mo'>t Valuable inningi. while Cubs' hurft-r, Player honor-. and ret etved Austin RJos, Vl.ncent Aqueveque garne hJ.11' and LoMenzo combined for the IJ1eckhnIT cleared the fence victory. twit:e for home run' while In Costa Mesa National IJllll' l..cabrue Majon. acuon: • Diamondbacks 4, Padres 2 Gavin Montague pitched three in nings. striking out "°'· while Troy McOanahan thrl'W the final three inning~. fanning three. lo preserve the win Mdlanahan, Montague and Joshua Emo each went 2 for l and scored a run while Joe 1Jda also had iwo hiLS m rwo at ·hat ... /jda attempted to 'ilea! home. but Wa!> lagged out. Ryan Boselo, Sean Anderson and Patrick McGulre each singjed while Ryan Oiurney and Anderwn each made ley putout!>. In farm play: • Padres I 0, RockJes 8 The Padre!> kept t.hl•ir champion ship dream!> aJrve hy gam e. • Cubs 8, Reds 7 Fitting the th ird and final game belWeen the two le.ml'> this season was decided by one run. The previou~ two meeting<. had been decided by just a run and I.he final was no different. Mu Gerard's h it to the left -center 6eld alley plated one run to cut the Cubs' lead to one, but Cubs' center fielder Parle F.ddy gathered the ball and threw to cutoff man Nat )obn9on at second base. Johnson relayed the throw to catcher Ausdn RJos, who made the tag on the runner trying to tie the game, resulting in the final out I aek.Jer 'lammed fivt' double~ to go with fiw HBI!->. Stone caught a hrll' drrve m lhe third and fifth 111111ng' and went 5 for 5 with fiw HHb. Ryun West .,_110ekcd in four ntn'> and threw a ball from right field to thl' pllcher to prevent a nm from '>t:onng. Matt Thomas h.id J 1111 in e,1ch of hr~ at-bat!> and drove 111 four NJl!. Cassie Stevenson aJ-.o had a hH m each of her at hat!> and drove m three run ... Ray Barlds doubled and smgled LhreE' llml'-. while Eric Pfautz .ind Wll1lam Reed each added hrl!> in all of thelI c1.t·bal!>. Harrison Stem ~lammed a '>trong hit rn the thrrd inning and W.I'> robbt.'1.l of J double by a I> back defender Brad Wilson ddt.lt.'d hri.. in Lhe hoth till' thrrd and fourth 111n111g'> I le added a .. 1rong 111111ng 011 lhl' rn11u11d. inninK'l, led by lo hnwn'!> two-hit, three RAI , two run pt'rformanct'. Rrns hit his 10th home run of the year in the foun h a 1hree run shot. Stevie Michaelsen and Connor LoMenzo aho baited ln runs for the Cub.-, wuh James Ja.rvh .-,coring once and Nicola.. Jaber tallymg two runs. Reds' pitchers Max Gerard, Brice Manning and Bfttt Parker pos!ed 15 strikeou ts. Parker had eight. Gerard tallied five and Mannmg ftmshed with two. Rio'i pitched three innings. allowing one run on three hits with seven strikeouts while Vincent Aqueveque threw one inning. allowing no runs for the Cubs. according to ·1erry "A strictJy Newport Ht'ad1 or Costa Mesa club can't !.urviw by only taking its playl•n, from th dl specific city,~ he ~id. ·· I hen: simply io; not enough player. from a !>mall town like Nl•wport Beach." Which beck1m'> ,myorw wishing to '>Lart up d (tub lt'J.111 to luuk oub1de uf tlw uty lrmti... even MohJJllmad Kh.1kpuur Jlie lrd.ll native dlld "lt>wpon Beach r~1dt·nt " trymg to lilt five ho~ and girb t luh te.inh 111 compete in the lughl)•·competlttvl' C .ua.<,1 ">iJtl t•r League begmnmg m·xt fall A., of Saturday. Khakpour. who won a gold medal with the lranta11 nauonal '>OCCer team 111 thl' I 'IY8 N.ran Olyrnp1c'>, h.td Lhrct• warns, each with IL player<.. J hl· two other team' he hope-. to till ~Lill have vacanue ... Khakpour doe'> not r<'l nJll. preferring inMcad tu pa<,, duh information by word of mouth "I will not recruit from uther dub!. LO bring kid'> into th1'> dub, my concern •~ for t.he luuil ludc,, ·· Walld Khoury, former Corona del Mar girls socc.er coach Khakpuur ..aid. "If anyum· ha' pott•nuaJ .rnd w.t111-. to ''urk haid, I will make them d better -.occcr pldycr • With tJ1e wealLh of dub-.. player'> rnu.-.L make a Lhotce ul ~Im h duh C>r orgd.llv,c.111on lo .illl0nd, \am., ..... ud "Wh..it '' 1>-hakpourl domg thdl no !Jilt' ef-.t• 1-. tlo111gr ht· cl'>kt·d >..hakpuur '>lrl.,'>t.., that hr l<K U'>C'> vn lt'alh111g '>llldeni.. the fundarnent.J'>. molding tht'm 11110 poh-.ht'd pfa) l'P> Khoury dnd \arm '><Lid thdt aJrcacJy OllUr'> w11h an\ d ub tt·.tm. w11h AY50 t'\l•n lo(t'llll1g 111 Oii addt'<.1111<.trulttOll 111 LOOO, AY\CJ apprmt'tl lhe formation ut the P·dnfil ~Jt tt'r Uub, a pmgr.t111 for playl•r<. of vanou' .. lilt level-. Ille goal uq:an11er'> had Wa!> to increa'>t' the rl'tl·nuon of AYSO player' who wanted to t:ompett' JI a more -.killed level. In contra~l to othl'r dub team ... "t•vl'ryont> pl.1y'> .. 111 tWSO HONORS "We t'vcn offer a VIP pro1ifam for hand1tap1>t-d k.Jd'>." ~rm '>aid "We tend lo bL· a rnrnmun11y-ba!>t'd dub team." Walid Khoury fthol'd \arm thought' about Kh.Apour\ dppare11t '>lru~e to lil'ld a tl'am ( >n I ut•..day'> <1nd f'hur'>Clay.. Khakpo ur\ dub practrte'> at art>.i demt•ntaJ) '>Choo f.., '>Ul h a..' t...ill'>er .md l>a\ I'>. ~1111t· ..,unddY' Jit' re ... t·n-t'<l lo r a d1ntt di \lanm·r' P.ctrk \"when I.he -.ca..'>On l>t'gm' in '>eptembt:r. Khakpour' h·dm' will play home game.''> at \.!gt· 11111 \th<)()I lt-halpourl I'> ont• uf 11\dll'< prul~'>lonJJ player.. ll'\'lrlg to cu.it h m th~ league, -..ud Wabd, uw lonner l..dM girl.'> <;ocn·r Loath and a pldyt•r tum">t.•U c1.1 Nt'WJX>n I !arbor ,md C >range Loa.-.t College "((..(>J.'>I ~x.ter l..caglwl '°' tht· bt.">I the ndtton M'> to ofkr It L'> very hard to t">tabb,h yoUN:lf 111 1111, leaglll· You '>Ct' l lllh'> poppmg ur lt•h iUld nght and lhen Lhl'Y d1..appca r Icban, Thornton .sweep awards O CC dista n ce s ta ndo ut, wo m e n ·· baske tba ll coach a re voted tops in their fi eld for 2003. Five-time cro" rnu11try ,md track !>late chrunp ron M1chelll• k ban and women\ ha .. kt•tball coach Mike lnorntun of Ornngt· Coast CoU~C' d<umed the Orange County Femalt' Athlt'll' and Coach of the Yl'ar Award!>. respectively. while ~111a Ana College !.0t·cer player Nev.a.no Miramonte'> and Cypr<.''>'-C ollegt.• baseball coach Scott 1'1d .. Jer were chosen for the ..ame award~ on the men\ !.Ide l\Je!>Cfay after noon in a vote conducted by the county's community college sports mformauon director.. playoff'> through to the '>late title g • .m1e win over Contra W'>la. 6<! 61 \dddJt"baLk College \ .. omen' b.l!>letball wc1.d1 1-enlrll>.'> \\!inn drtd C ypre<.'> College '>Olll'r t CIJfh Ka> lfaru. roundt'<l out Lhc> top three 111 Lhe \'Olmg. Mrramo111e:. led the !>late Ill '>l onng for thl' Don'>, tallying JI go.ii., and l:l a'>.'>ist~ for 74 potnb and wa'i cho'>en the Orange l:m · p1rl' Confl'rence Player of the Yl•ar I le ret0rded a -.chool re· cord '>l'Vl'n hat trade.'> on tht' !>ea· ~on and finhhed with mne 111 tu .. two year career. I le datmi-d top ..coring honor.. 111 lhe <.Late by a whopping 29 po11110.,, h1' closest compeuto~ both finrshmg with 45 po111l!>. A pair of bawball pla~ · t'f'> fim.,hcd 2nd <llld lrd 111 tJw votrng Ja'>on \J.rg.t'> ot ( )l>rt''>-' and Rob loh11 ... on ol "-•ddlt-bad .. respt:>L I r\d> 1'1d·.frr gurded tht· Chargt·r' ha-.ehaJI ll'c.Ul1 tu II'> lounh '-IJlt t hamp101t'>hrp. knol kmg off rnn ferem t' nval ~ddlt•bdt k m Utt· l hamp1nn.,h1p )(amt• f>tl k.IE'r. who p1t lwd up hi'> WOth \\'111 during the '>t'a...,011, -.hart•d tlw Orange Lmp1rl' ( 011forem l' C oath of tJw 'rt·JJ Aw,1rd J'> lht• C .hJigt'f\ were U> t h,unp1011'> ol the conferenct• with Rrwr.idt• Plt:k.ler wa' the only unammou' -.elt"CUon, talung ho11or' u""' Orange C Od.'-1 trad. LOal h lohn M1ox and Santa Ana '>()llt'r coach I P I nrto<, LEARN TO PLAY GOLF BEGINNER TO PROFESSIONAL JOHN ORTEGA • PGA Cel1iW leading ProfesWmi • Co-Fou!Jdef .Jilln Byron lioff • IMntor of the •Gr•etting• Putting ~ De1tt -+---Nathan Tepl,o.Md Consecutive hits by Jab Hall and Trey Prank1in along with a walk.lO Sean Goodwin and two more hits by Alex Rltze and Keegan 8eaftn got the Reds going in the final lnning. Cub s' thiid baseman Cameron Blgelow caught a pop Oy in the inning. Aqueveque also saw action at first base and was belped defensively by shortstop Nick DedJNky and second baseman Aaron Cervantea. lcban edged Ha.7..el Woods of SaddJeback. Colk·ge in the vottng to help the Pirat~ <.weep the fe· male ponion of lhe voting. She started the season by win ning the cross country mdrvrduaJ and team state championships. then repeated in the sp ring as 5,000- and 10,000-meter champion on the track. t I I I ' I .. ' I I I I I Blake-Puutit. Ryan Hatcher, fiUa Apollnartt. Garrell Koch. Brya Puller and Randall H.awJe. Bob 9'end8en managed the team with help from assistant Kevin lfatchtt, In the Mustang (9· 10-year-olds) championship The Cubs erased an early o ne-run deficit with eight runs throughout the first three Matt Bancroft CUI lnto the seven-run lead with a two-run do uble in the fifth. An RBI slngle by Mu MdCelvy got the Reds o n the board in the first. Thornton led the Coas1 basketball team to its first-ever state championsh ip in March and was named Southern Cali· fomia Regional Coach of the Year. The Pirates am assed a school-record 3 1 wins and took the No. 4-seed in the regional WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS N M C • F d D I ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your ewport • esa ommunity or ea er Motorcraft• 011 •nd Fiiter Change MotorcP9Tlr-'ll Brake Service THEODORE ROBINS FORD Wiii MEET or BEAT Your Best Deal on NAME BRAND TIRES Front End &B,.ke lnapectlon ........... -~ ..... ............ 2MI Llpllallca ................... .. ......... s..... ... _. "OllCE IS HU HY GIYUI tllet Mlltcl tiro- poull fot tun11tt1mc 111 l1bof. in1t1ri1i. • .., •• ment. 1J 111SOo'Utlon lfld •ucll otW teclltt... •t may be required for ....U MID lllSfAU SUM SCllllMS AT '"' POU<I fA(IUTY, tt PA.II DllVf -<tn NCNICT tlO. H -14, w111 be rK1iv1d by th• City of Cost• fHs• 1t the Offlc.e of th• City Clefk, 71 Felr Orlve, Cost• MHa, C11itorni1, untll th• hour of I OtOO ...... T"'""r '..ty i. 2001, 1t wh ch ilm. they will be opened publicly and read aloud in the CouncU Chambers.. Sealed pr()j)Ouls shill bear the title of the work end name of the bidder but no other distln1uishin1 marks. Any bid received 1ft1r the scheduled closin& time for the receipt of bids shall be returned lo bidcMr unopened. It shell be th• sole responsibility of the bidder to see that his bid received in pr~' time. A set of Bid Oocu· menb may be obtained at Iha Office of Iha City En1inear. 77 F 1ir Onve, Costa Mese, California, upon ft•1tref1uul•~le ~· •• s 10.00. Alt ed41t.._. dMr9• .t $.4.00 must be included if handled by mail. Bid Documents and other contract documents may al$0 be examined at the Office ol the City Cieri! of the City of Costa Mesa. Bid Documents will not be malled unless the additional $4 00 charee Is Included wtth payment. Each bid shall be made on the Proposal form, sheets P· 1 throu1h P-9a provided In the contract documents. and shall be accompanied by a cer· tified or cashier's check or a bid bond for not less then 10% of the amount of their bid, made payable to the City of Costa Mesa No Pfoposal shall be con· s1dered unless accom· panted by such cashier's check. cash, or bidder's bond. No btd shall be con· stdered unless ti ts made on a blank propose! form furnished by the City of Costa Mesa and 1s made 111 accordanc:e with the prov1t.1ons of the Proposal require· menh Each bidder must have a Class ·B· license (Gener at Bultdin&) or ·c- 17" (Glaztn1 Contrac· tor), and also be prequahfled as required by law. A Con tr actor uStne a craft or cluslftc:ation not shown on the General Prevaohne Waee Deter mtnat1ons may be required to pay the waae rate of that craft or clan11icatlon most closely related to ti as shown In the General Determinations effective at the lime of the call for bids. The Contractor shall comply with the prov1 slons of Section 1770 to 1780. tnchn1ve, of the Calrfornia Labor Code: the prevaillna rate and scale ol waaes estab· h$hed by the City of Costa Mesa, which are on hie with the City Cte.rk of the City of Costa Me.sa; and shalt forfeit penalties pre· scribed therein fot noncompltance ol u .1d Code The City Council of the City of Costa Men reserves 01e rt11ht lo reiect any and/or all bods JUUlfOlOlt, DllMJfY City Clerlt, CftYM CMt•MeM Dated: June 9, 2003 NOTE· Mandatory job Wllll·throu&h IS rtqUlfed startin1 at the Costa Mesa Ctty Hall lobby, 77 Fair Drive, on Tuesday June 24. 2003. at 10:00 •m Published Newport Beach-Costa Mesa 011ty Pilot June 19, 26, 2003 Th519 C'Mr .. iii lndudld wittl pay-ftt. Itdl Mf .ull k Wlt de on tM ITOfOS•I form, 8'*t. M ltWOillfl P·9' prowlcled In the COlltrKt ~ume11tt, t11C1 1h1ll be acco,,.anllO by • eel' l~ or ceshler's check or • bid boflCI fOt not Ina thin lOS of the emount or lhtlr bid, m1de peytbM lo tflt City ol Colle M1H. No propout s11111 be con.· skHrld unleu 1c:com· ptnled by auch c1sh1er'1 chlcll, caU!, or bidder's bond, No bl6 sh•ll be con· siared u11less It Is m•de on 1 blank propose! form furnlslled by th• City of Costa M.s1 and is m1dt In accordance with th• provtalons of the Proposal require· menu. Each bidder must have e Cius *B* (8ulldfn1) license and alao be prequallfled as required bylew. A Con tr actor usin1 a craft or classification n ot shown on th• General Prevailin& Waae Determinations mey be required to pay the w1ae rate of that creft or clesslflcation most closely related to it as shown in the General Determln1tions effective al the time of the call for bids. The Cont1actor shall comply with the prov1· slons of Section 1770 to 1780. Inclusive. of the Ca Ill or nl1 Labor Code; the prev1illne rate and scale of wa1os estab· hshed by the City of Costa Mesa. which are on file with the City Clerk ol the Coty of Costa Mesa: and shall forfeit pen1lties pre· scribed tlleretn for noncomphance of said Code. The City Council of the City of Costa Mesa reserves the riihl to reject any and/or 111 btds. JUUlfOlCllt, Deputy <try Oerli, Clryerc ....... . Dated: June 9. 2003 NOTE: Mandatory job walk·throu11I is required startme at the Costa Mesa City Hall lobby, 77 F1or Drive, on Tuesday June 24. 2003, at 11 :00 1m. Published Newport Beach-Coste Mesa Daily Ptlot June 19. 26, 2003 Th518 M01ICI Of MUC SME Of WleOEIPIOPllTY '2&44 byi.tlct ,.uent.a, J.t30 12th Street Apt. I , M.nhltt.n Beach. CA 902" Thia 1>4.rslntt• It con· duct1d by: 1 aenerel ptrt11ttalll!> Have you alerted clolnl t11nlneu yet? Yes 19111 Ra.,llnd fuent" Thia atatement • wu flltd wttb ttwt County Clerk of Oranae Cou11ty on0$/l3/03 2001H.QOSI Delly Pilot June 19, Z6, July 3, 10, 2003 Th523 S.....tl M ' ttlU..tl ........... The followln1 persons hne ebandoned the use of the Fictitious Busl· ness N1me: a} Tiie & Carpet Unlimited, b) Carpet & Tiie Unlimit1d. 16317 Hubor Blvd .. fountlln Velley, CA 92708 The Fictitious Buslneu name referred to allove was flied In Oran1e County on 10·1·98. FILE NO. 19986771368 Asente Bayrooti, 1705 S. Mein Street, Santa An1, CA92707 Allen Bayrootl, 1705 S. Mein Street. Santa Ana, CA 92707 This business is con· ducted by: c.o·partners Allen B1yrooti This statement was filed With the County Clerk of Ora'lee County on 05/28/03 200S6t4'120 Dally Pilot lune 5. 12.. 19,26,2003 Th"80 ,.... ..... llmeS...... The followln1 persons 1re doin1 business u ; Sports Fuel Olstrlbutln1, 27202 Re1io. Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Brent W. Frank, 27202 Realo. Mission Vieio. CA 92692 Linda A. Frank. 27202 Recio, M1ulon Viejo, CA 92692 This busmtss •s con· ducted by: a 1eneral partnership Have you started dome business yet? Yes 9-1 · 2002 Linda A. Franl\ This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/03/03 20036'46152 Daily Pilot June 5, 12. 19,26,2003 Th-486 .......... llmeS...... The followin& persons Notice IS hereby elven are doine business as: thet the underslaned a) Tiie & Ctrpet Un· Intend' to sell the hmited, b) C1rpet & Tile personal property de· Unlimited. 16317 Harbor scribed b1iow to enforce Blvd.. Fountain Valley, • hen Imposed on said CA 92708 pro perty under the MlAMKT Corp. (CA) California Self·Servu;e 16317 Harbor Blvd , Storaae Fac ility Act Fountain Valley. CA (Bus. & Prof Code 92708 "'21700-21716). This business ts con· The undersi1ned will ducted by. a corpo<1tion Hll at public sale by Have you started do11111 Plltnenlllp Htv• you •tlrttd dioln1 buslnlu l'et? No Roehelle ltolfer This at1l1f'lltlll waa filed With the County Clltk Of Of•n&e COunty ono&/Oll03 IONH41115 Dilly l"llol June 1!1 _l9J 21. Jiiiy 3, 2003 11149/ ........... .......... Tiie followlna persons ar• doln1 busln•ss 11: Crlltl'll Heelthy Rela· tlonshlps, 2834 Irvine Ava,, Newport 811ch, CA. 92660 Or. Jostph Pasc1le, M.F.T .. Inc .. (CA), 2834 Irvin• Ave., Newport B11ch. CA 92660 This business ls con· ducted by: • COf(IOl'ltlOll Have you sllrt1d doinc. bustneu ywt? Yes, 11/ 2001 Or. Joseph Paanle. M.F.T, Inc .. Or. Joseph f . Pescele, Prealdent Thl1 statement was tiled with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 06/13/03 200S6t4IOH Otlly Piiot June 19, 26, .July 3, 10, 2003 Th526 fktll. ..... llmeS....... The followln11 persons are doin1 business as: a) Costa Mesa Newport Rifle Association, b) Costa Mesa NRA. c) CMNRA, !>65 W. 19th St., Costa Men, CA 92627 Costa Mesa Newport Rifle Association (CA), 565 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This businus is con· ducted by: a corporation Have you sterted doina business yet? Ye.s, 1999 Costa Mesa Newport Rifle Aswciatlon, Wayne I\. Morse. President This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 05/30/03 2003694603 Daily Piiot June 5, 12. 19,26.2003 TH.476 fldtlM ..... llmeS....... The followln& persons are doina business as: Ocean Alliance, 1757 Westminster Ave .. Coste Mesa, CA 92627 Lauren Lohman 1757 Westminster Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Eric lohm.tn, 1757 Westminster Ave .. Costa Men . CA 92627 This business IS con- ducted by: husband and wife Hoe you started doina business yet? No Lauren Lohmtn & Eric Lohman This s tatement wu filed with the County Clerk of Or anee County on 06/13/03 2003694"41 Dally Pilot June 19, 26, July 3, 10. 2003 Th528 fldtlM .... llmeS....... competitive biddinJ on business yet? Yes the 7 /3/03. at 10:30 5/16/03 The followina persons A,M. on the premises MTAMKT Corp, Mark are dotn& busmess n . where said property hu Anderson, President Boardwalk Appraisal been stored and which Thts statement was Services. 438 Baypointe. are located at 17th flied with the County Newport Beac h. CA Street Self Store1e. 670 Clerk of Ounae County 92660 W. 17th St., C-4. Costa on 05/28/03 Shtnnon Mesa. County of Oran&•· 20036946121 er, 438 State of California. Units 01ily Pilot June 5. 12. Newpor t Jo1ch1mstal· Baypolnte, Buch. CA and tenants listed below 19, 26, 2003 Th481 92660 Contents Include per n..-.....L-£--Brian Joach1mst1ler. son1I items, household ,___ 08 B1ypo1nte, Newport aoods, machine tools & --~ Buch,CA9l660 misc items The follow1ne persons This business •s con #133 Wilham Brothers are doine buSJness as· ducted by. husband .and Landlord reserves the Kelsey Manne Services. wife rieht to bod at the sale 16291 Waikiki lane. Have you started doin1 Purchases must br paid Huntineton Buch, CA business yel? Yes 2003 for at the time of 92649 Shannon Jo1ch1mstaler purchau in cash only Dan West, 1665 A ThtS s tatement was All purchased items sold Placent11 Ave.. Costa filed with the County "as IS'. and must be Mesa. CA 92627 Clerk of Oran1e County removed at the time of Dina West. 1665 A on 06/03/03 sale. Sale sub1ect to Placentia Ave.. Costa 2003694675 1 cancellation In the event Mesa, CA 92627 Dally Pilot luM 5, 12. of settlement between This business 11 con· 19, 26, 2003 Th493 owner and obll1ated ducted by: husb1nd tnd ffdlllelslllilless party O'Brien's Auction wife Service, 909·681-4113 Have you started doin& llme S....... B/N 1"663730()49 business yet? No The follow1ne persons Put>l•shtd Newport Dan West and Dina are doina business n : Beach-Costa Mesa Dttly Wnt Elec tronic f inancial Pilot June 19. 26 This statement was Services, 3300 Irvine 2003 Th517 hied with the Counly Ave 111265, Newport Sllhmlftf Clerk of Oranae County Beach. CA 92660 M ' I rttflhuf ~~~~~ ra~i~ ~:i;~'&ct~~~~~ .............. Dally Pilot June 5, 12. Ave. Ste. 320, Newport The followlna person 19. 26, 2003 TH472 Beach, CA 92660 has abandoned the use FlclllM.... Thi$ business is con· of ttie Fictitious Buso ducted by· • corpor1hon nus Name: Tile & "-S...... Have you started doin1 Carpel Unlimited, 16317 The followin& persons business yet? Yes Harbor Blvd.. Fountain are dol111 business as. 3/27 /03 Valley. CA 92708 OIVERSOISCOUNT COM, Key Mortcace Corpo· The F1ct1tious Business 30308 Esperanu, Suite ration, Michael Caronell, name referred to tbovt A, Rancho Santa M.,· President CJTYOf was filed In Orinae 1arlta, CA 92688 Th1S statement WIS ,,,na 11tt1 County on 9/Z0/99, FILE SCUBA.COM LLC (CA). filed with the County w1111-NO. 19996805932 30308 Elperanza, Suite Clerk of Oranae County OUMICCMITYr ALAR CORP (CA) A. Rancho S1nta M.,. on06/10/03 ~ 163 17 H.,bor Blvd. 1arlta, CA 92688 . 200Ht47US Fountain Valley, CA This business is con· Daily Pilot lune 12, 19. llO'IXllWlllGl9S 92708 ducted by: limited 26. Juty 3, 2003 Th511 NOTICE IS HEREBY This business is con LiabllityCo. ,.... ..... GIVEN that naiad pro· ducted by a corporation Have you st1rt•d doln1 ........._ r.......__. posals for furnishin1 all ALAR CORP, Allen busineu yet? Yn. - -tabor. materials, equip· B1yroot1, CEO 06/01/1990 The followln& persons ment. trensportatlon end This 1t1tement wes SCUBA.COM LL C. are dolne business as: such other faclfitiff as filed with tll• County Melinda Herndon, Min· Advertlsina Recruitment rn•y be requited for Cle~ of Oran1• County •1in1 Mulber Specialists, 16700 Se· COMSTaUCTION O' on05/28/03 Tiils atatement w11 quota St .. Fountain Mo\TU.•M ... COYEIS 2001694' 11 t filed with the County Valley, CA 92708 AT THI COSTA MISA Oail1 Piiot June S, 12 Clerk of Or1n11e County K1thleen Nomu,., (OU'OltATIOM YUD, 19. 26, 2003 TH479 on 06/03/03 16700 Sequoia St., 2110 P\AClllTtA AYI-........... 20HH.t67H Fountairi Valley, CA MUI -CITY l'IOJICT Dally Piiot June 5, 12, 92708 110. 01·16, wlll be llmeS...... 19. 26. 2003 TM92 This business " con- received b>-the Cit) of Th• followina personi ............ ducted by: Limited Costa Mua at the Office are clolne bustnHt as Llablllty Co. of the City Clerk, 77 Fair •) Cyteeh International '-S.-. Have you st.,ted doina Ot1ve. Costa Mesa. b) c.,ttch USA, 180 The fotlowlt11 ptriona business y1t1 Yu. 1·1· C.1ltforni•, until the hour "-wport Center Drive. are doln1 buslneu aa: 03 of lOJOO • .-., T .. a. Newport Buch, CA HUT·2.l, 660 w. 17th K1thle1nNomurt 4-y, My I, 2001, at 921!60 Strnt •Q·21, Coste Thi• at1t1ment was which ti"'4 Utey win N laid A. Astlf'tbldl, l80 M .... CA 9262.7 flied with the County opened publicly ind reld Newport C.ntw Ori••. Thi Turf Company, Clerk of Ort1'11 County aloud 111 t~ Co11ncll Newport Buch, CA lflC.,(CA) 1750 Wlllttlet on~/30/03 Chamber•. S11fed pro· 926eO Avwwe '85, Cosll Meu, 200Ut4f.tt2 poNls tl\111 bttt Ute Heua11 Rass~ll. 180 CA 91627 Dally l"llot Jun. S, 12.: tltle of the w~ Ind Newport c.ntar Orin., Thlt bualn111 Is con· 19, 26, ~ TH46Y n1me ol tilt b!Utt but ~-••port Buch, CA ducted by:• COfPO'tllotl ........... no otller dl1t1"1ulshln1 .,2660 H•vt you 1tart1d doina marlls. Any bid recei\l.d This bustneu It COii• buslntu yet1 No '-S..... tltet the "heduled duQted .by; a a:•nerel The Turf Comp1ny, The foflowtn1 peoont clo.Mn1 Ume for the partnertllfp lne, Irene Youna·VP/ '" dolll( buslneu n : recttpt of olct. •ll•H be Hn• you atlfted clolnt Settetary SllTlf>fy s.11..,.iy, 370 8 retur11ed to lllddlf business r.tt No Thlt •l•t•mtnt Wat E:. 17ttl Street, Coall unot>tntd. It •hall be \tie Zekt A Astarabactl filed with the County MIN, CA 92627 '° .. responsibility of the This •tttement we1 Clttk of Of•n1• County tctwerct L..-1 fllnl Oldcler to Ml that hit filed With the County on Ol/Ol/03 111ons, 1460 Parh Ntw· Old ftctlwd n propel Clttl of Or•nct County 2"Mt47111 poft 1218, Newport time on 08/U/03 Dtilr P'llot Jun. 12, )!.: IHCh, CA 92660 A Mt of 8Jct Oocu· MeMfilMJI 26. JUI) 3. 2003 fhll>W MlcMleM Ann• McClftn, lfttfl'tt _, lie Mtalnff Dally Piiot June 19, ~ ........... 1150 l"uk Newport •t the Offret of "" Cttr July 3, 10, 2003 Tt62.• ._ .........__. ~!II. """'°" Inch, c...-.nrt1r0r1ve, ........ _ .,..t:tMO c.a. -.. Cetffomt., T1lit fonowttll ~ ""-~ It con· u,.11 _.....t.ll4el!W ....... .,, dol!la bwlnMI n : M W by: 1 ::==' ;11•.-. ~ l'1'e ........... !*MM " I T Lu1l111 & .....,.i,.,tner.= ..... ~=•lld •e ~ hSJMu IS! r:....-t, eJl2 Mufi• W... YOll It ..... • ....: ~ NIM lilt P~ htro, 1125 attt Dr.. H•ntln1ton ~ ,.tl No Dwum111h eiM olllef ==:r~·=-Mlwp«t '='ii!:'=-. IW ,,.,:•d lute ,._. • ...._. .. z ..... _, Oanl•I lldll011111 · -.C• Or.j..~~ Tiiie eta..._,. ... fltM ......... II Ille ICtnnedy, llMI v..-9-lt, CA snw WIUI IM County Cllrtl of .... -'~ :'= =-~=1n1tan .!!."'."C:':~= ·=r co..nt, Oii Oii ... ..__... ,._..... K .. ew1U, leldl. CIA_.. •HH41171 ................. 1_,l \1"9i .. Clrele, ,ftlll _....... .. ,_.. ~~,.e:e 1~.:. ... ......... • ... u 7 -••• CA ..... l!r; I .... ~.,....._ ... _,&W_~ __ _ .......... ... ..... Tiii fOlloWlfll PWIOlll are dolnc bUSIMU II! Chubbywood, 5S7 N.w· "°" Center Or. usa. ~;.egort l11ch, CA lton Hancocll, 103 Herbor Woods Pl•c41, :t:Sort B11of1, CA Robert W. H1ncoc:k, 2S51 Callfornl• Ave .. Slp1I Hiii, CA 90755 This business I• con· ducted by: • 1ener11 partn.rutlp Htvt you started dolna busln1u yet? No Ron Hancock This statement was flied with the County Cltrk of Dunt• County on 06/13/03 200S694I021 Delly Pilot June 19, 26, luty 3, 10, 2003 Th520 ......... '-*'-' The followln( persons are doln1 business es: Cre1Un1 Htalthy Rel•· tionshlps, 2834 Irvine Ave .. Newport Buch. CA 92660 Joseph Pascale Rt1I Estate Corporation (CA), 2834 Irvine Ave.. New- port Beach, CA 92660 This buslneu Is con· ducted by: a corporation Hive you started dolna business yet? Yes, 7/2001 Joseph P esc1le Real Estate Corporation. Or. Joseph F. Pucelt, President This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Or•nee County on 06/13/03 200Ht4IOS4 Otlty Piiot June 19. 26, July 3, 10, 2003 Th525 AdllMs ..... "-S....... The fotlowin& persons are doln& business as: Drunken Uncle Indus· tries, 30 Pat1tlne Suite 334, Irvine, CA 92612 Ryan Moore. 30 Paia tine #334, Irvine, CA 92612 Jeremy Johnson, 2514 J W. MacArthur, Santa Ana, CA 92704 This business is con· ducted by; a aeneral partnership Have you started doone business yet? No Ryan 0 . Moore Thll statement WIS filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on06/03/03 200S6t46764 Deily Pilot lune 5, 12. 19,26,2003 TH489 ,....... ..... "-S....... The follow1n1 persons are do•na business u . NextSlep, 43-4 Riverside Avenue, Newport Beach, CA92663 Kttherine Glelter. 434 Riverilde Awe .. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Christopher Cletler, 434 Riverside Ave , Newport Beach, CA 92663 Thts bustneu ts con· ducted by: husband and wife Have you started doin11 business y~No Chrlstoph'I' Cleiter This s lalemenl was tiled with the County Clerk of o,.nee County on 06/03/03 20036946712 Daily. Pilol June 5, 12. 19, 26, 2003 TM97 fklHIM ..... llmeS..... The lollow1n11 pe"ons are dolna business as. Your Home Pro Paint1n11. 575 W. 19th St. Apt. 205. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 John Wayne Russell, 57!1 W. 19th St Apt 205. Costa Meu , CA 92627 This business ts c.on· ducted by· an tnd1v1dual Have you started do1ne business yet? Yes 6·6·03 John Wayne Russell This s tatement wn flied with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 08r10/03 200H947SU Daily Pilot lune 12, 19. 26, July 3, 2003 Th510 Fldlllm ..... llmeS...... The lollowln1 persons are doln1 business as. a) K1d11a, Inc., b) Kadara Outdoor, c) Kadar• Import, d) David Kay Collection, 146 E 18th Street, Costa Mest, CA92627 Kadtra Import Ea port, Inc .. (CA). 146 E. 18th Street, Costa Meu. CA 92627 This buslneu Is con· ducted by· a corporation Have you started do1na businus yet? Yes. 12-1·2000 Kadar• Import Elport, Inc., Lisa Zo1h1rl1n, Vice President Thia statement wu flled with the County Clerll of Oran1e County on 06/06/03 200Ht4717S 01ily Pilot lune 12, 19. 26, July 3, 2003 Th496 .......... ... s..... The foltowlna persons .,, dolne business aa: JP's Crepes Al·A·Oo, 179 E 17th St. 1107, Costa JHse, CA 92.627 P'er VHtlflund, 179 £ 17th St. 1107, Coata ~.CAm27 Julous ltodrlcu12. 875 46th Ave.. Sen Frtn· ciKo, CA 1Ml21 Thi' butlntN b con· duct1d by: an lndMdu•I Have y~ alMtect doln1 business yet? No ,., Vutttlulld Tiiis statement wes !Med wltll tlM County Clerk of Orin .. County on 06/02/03 200Mt4MS4 O•"Y Pilot June 5: . .1].:. 19, 2'1 ZOQJ T~ County on 8-lS-02. rllC NO. 2002691 ?oi! Tam111y Rey, 240\ Vlt M1rln1, Newport l•edt. CA92MO lht. business Is con· ducted by: an lndivldu11 r.mmyltey This atattment w1.1 flltcl with the County Clerk of Oran•• County on06/30/03 2001Hff414 Dilly Piiot Jlln• 5. 121 19, 26, 2003 TH471 .......... llmeS...... The followlne persons •r• dolna business 11: Scope It Out, 923 Sprlna Tide Or •• Newport Beach. CA 92660·8210 Herry E. Cetewood k .• 923 Sprin& Tide Or. Newport Buch CA 92660-8210 Miriam K. G1tewood, 923 Sprin1 Tide Or .. N_ewport Beach, CA 92660-8210 This business Is con· ducted by: husb1nd tnd wife Have you started doln& business yet? Yes May 2003 Herry E. Gatewood Jr. ThtS statement was filed with the County Clerk of Or1n1e County on 06/10/03 200H947SH Dally Pilot June 12, 19, 26. Juty 3 2003 T512 MllM ..... llmeS...... The followina persons are doine business as: M & D Perional Tralnln1 Services. 25002 Ox ford Or .• L11una Ni11uel, CA 92677 Michael Frink Sturino. 25002 Oxford Dr .. La· euna N11uel, CA 92677 Dina Marie Maltese, 25002 Oxford Dr .. la· auna Ni1uel. CA 92671 This businus ls con- ducted by: a aenu al partnership Have you started doon1 business yet? Yes Ap"I 18, 2003 Michael Sturino This statement was fi led wilt! the County Clerk of Oranee County on 06/13/03 2003 .. 48059 Oaily Pilot June 19. 26, July 3. 10, 2003 Th529 .......... ... s....... Tht followlna persons are doln1 businen as. C.ahfornla Community Colleae Badminton Coaches Anoc1at1on. 26084 Via Per a. M1s51on ll1e10. CA 92691 Allan Hodeert, 26084 Via Pera, Mission Vieto. CA92691 This business Is con· ducted by· an unoncor· p or ated 1ssoc11tion other than a partnership Have you started do1n1 business yet? No Allan Hodeert Thts statement was ltled with the County Clerk ot Oranee County on 05/30/03 200J 6t4'U6 Dally Pilot lune 5, 12, 19. 26. 2003 lH473 ,..... ..... "-S...... T ht follow1ne pe"ons are dome busiriess as· JTC Screen Craphlu. 1835 Whittler Ave .. •M, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Chris Okey, 177 E. 18th St. #6. Costa Mn1. CA 92627 T1llany Shauahneuy. 41 20 N. Santa Cecilia St . Oranae. CA 92865 Jam11 Shauehnusy. 4120 N Santa Cec1h1 St ,Oranae.CA.92865 This bu"ness ts con· ducted by· a aener al partnership Have you s tarted doone bustnns yet? NO Tiffany Shauehnessy This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Onn1e County on 05/27/03 200S694S974 Daily Pilot June 5. 12. 19. 26,2003 Th478 ,.... ..... ... s...... The fotlowlne person' are do1n11 busmen as: Armen G. Onians, <'60 Newport Cen ter Or -Z.O, Newport Buch. CA 92660 Armen G"eo,.an Oe sian. Inc (CA) 260 Newport Center Or . •240, NewPort Beach, CA 92660 This business os con· ducted by. a corpor atlon Have you started doin11 bustnllSS yet? Yes May 12. 2003 Armen Cdaoroan De· s111ns, Inc .• Armen Criaori1n, Pruodent lhis statement wes filed with the County Clerk of Or•n1e County on06/06/03 200H U7114 011ly Pilot lune 12. 19. 26, ~uty 3, 2003 Th503 flclllM ...... .......... The followln1 persons are doln1 buslnns 11: lll An&els Photo1rephy. 30502 N. Hampton Rd .. L111un1 N1111el, CA 92677 Photoaraphy by Stephen Inc., (CA) 30502 N, Hempton Rd., L11una Nl&uel, CA 92677 fills business Is con· ducted by: a corporatlo'l H1we you itarted dol11& but.lneu yet? No Photo,rephy 81 Stllphen nc., Stephen Kent. Pru. Thia statem111t w11 flied with th• Count1 Cler11 of Oran1• County 01108/13/03 200Mt.QOH Dtlly Piiot June 19. 26. July 3, 10, 2003 . Tfl521 ........ ... Slllmllf Tiie followt111 p.,tona IKI dol, b111lnus H : flonl l•f•nct by Conni. L, 1 Modesto. INN. CA.ftt02 CoMle L. OlbboM, 11 ModH CO, lr11l11e, CA t2tO.? TM follow1111 P8'tons n1• follow1n1 pertona 11• doHl.I bu•lntt• u: ere dotn1 bu11nu1 u : Shill tnferprllu, 1070 Pony Pals. 3286 Turlodl Park Ntlll~ort, Hewpott Or., Cost• Meu, CA l11ch, OA t2MO 92626 ltobtr\ Shell, 1070 Shell• Ahn Ferauson, Park ~•lllP~).:..N•wporl 3286 Turloek O• .. Coat• 8Hch, C:A tzaou Meu, CA. 92626 Ive th F 111dlno Del Thia butlntu Is c:on• Shill, 1070 Petk Hew· ducted l>y: an lndhltd11•I port, Newport 8Hch, CA Hn.• you 1hirted dolt\a 92660 busln111 yet? Yes This bualnen Is con· 1989 ducted Dy: husband 1nd Shella f er1us on wife This sl1ttment was Hin you 1ttrted doi111 filed with the County business yet? No Clerk of Orane• County Robert Shall on 06/10/03 Thi• at1tem1nt was 200S6t47539 filed with the County Dally Piiot June lZ. 19, Clerk of Ortnae County 26. July 3. 2003 Th506 on 06/10/03 200S6t41SH Deily Pilot .June 12, 19, 26. July !. 2003 Th508 fldlllM ..... •s..... 1he followln1 per sons ere doln1 business .u: Oceana ShHt Metel, 322 Twenty f irst Street •B. Huntlnaton Beach, Cati f9rnia 92648 Brian J1mes Halter· man, 322 Twenty first Street llB, Huntmaton Beach, C1t1forn11 926-48 This buslnen is con· ducted by: an individual Hive you started doin& business yet? No Brian Halterman This ttetemenl was flied with the County Clerk of Oranee County on05A8/03 20036946154 Dally Pilot May 29. June 5, 12. 19,2003 lh465 flctllM .... ie.s....... The followln& person$ are do1n1 business as. EC Oesl1ns, 706A Avo· cado Ave., Corona del Mar, CA 92625 - Eliubtth Cordova. 706A Avocado Ave . Coro'la dal Mar . CA 92625 This business ts con ducted by: an 1nd1v1dual Have you started doone business yet? No Ehubeth Cordov.a Th is alatemenl wn filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 06/03/03 20036946755 Daily Piiot lune S. 12. 19,26,2003 Th494 fktlM lwslltss llmeS...... Th e followona persons are dOtnll business as The Paddtn Croup, 1707 Terr aptn Wey, Newpoll Beach. CA 92660 Marena Padden. 1707 Terr aptn Way, Newpor I Beach CA 92660 This business 11 con· ducted l>y 1n tnd1v1dua1 Have you started dotnll business yet? No Marena Padden This statement wu ftted with the County Cle1k of Or1n1e County on 06/03/03 20036946762 Daily Pilot June S. 12 19, 26, 2003 TH490 RdltlM W.U llmeS....... The lollowlna persons are dome bu$lness n lnerod's Shoppe, 23.36? Via San Martone. Aliso VttfO, CA 926!>6 lnerod Mandelh 23362 V11 San Martine. Aliso ViefO, CA 92656 This bu,tness os con ducted by· 1n tnd1v1dual Have you startecl doona business yet? No lnarod Mandell1 This tlatement wn ftled with the County Clerk of Ot1nae County on 06/10/03 20036947531 011ly Pilot June 1 l 19. 26. July 3. 2003 Th514 ~ .... '-*'-" Thr foUow1na pet son' are dome business as White Front Pha•m~cy 801·B Balm St . Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Abdul K. Jawad, 10 Bell Vista. f oothill Ranch, CA 92610 This business •s con· ducted by an 1nd1v1du111 Have you started do1na business yet' Yrs 1 I 96 Abdul K. Jawad Th11 st1tement wu ftled with the County Cle(lc of Oren1e County on 06/03/03 2003'9461SS D11ly Pilot June 5. 12. 19. 26, 2003 Th48f> ~ ........ "-*"-' Th• followlna persons art doln& businus as Netfon1t ltbor9tor1es • Water Sy1lems Mf& .. 6491 Maple Ave .. Unit A l8, Wutmlnster, CA 92683 James Slmak1s. 1915 Mission St • Sd Pu11dena CA 91030 This butlness is con ducted by: an lndlvtdual Heve you st1rled doin1 business yet? Yu 1955 James Simakls This statement was flied with tha County Clerk of Or anae County on06/06/03 200Ht471IO Dally Piiot June 12. '19, 26. July s. 2003 Th501 ......... '-S..... The followln1 per1ona ere dolna bu~lnus ... Taylor Print M1na1•· ment, 140& VM1n I ane, :*8ort Buell. CA l_y_nn Te~lor lrown, 1~ VfVltll Lene, "-•· port Staci\, CA t2MO Thi• bu~• i. con· ducted h : 1n indMdu1I Htvt you at.vtad dotn1 busineu yet? No L111n T•11ot ''or" This •l•l•m•n wu lllM wltll "" County Clltll ef Chnp Count~ Ofl 96(10/03 ... Mt47MO 0~ l"llot .IUM U, l~ 21, MJ). 200.t Tfl!I01 your stuff ttwoudl ct ssffltldf The followin1 persons are doln& bU$lness as: Madison Landscape Oeslan. 5 Cameron Cir .• Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Susan Irene Hupp, 5 Cameron Ctr., footh11l Ranch, CA 92610 This business 1s con· ducted by; an individual Have you started doin& business ydt? No Sunn Irene Hupp Th11 statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 06/03/03 20036946768 011ly Pilot June 5. 12, 19,26,2093 Th487 The follow1n11 persons are dome business as. Coconut Spa, «5 South Coast Hlahway, Laauna Buch. CA 92651 Cath erin e Jean W1tll1nsori, 105 Cedar Way Laeuna Beach CA 92651 This busonen 1s con ducted by· an 1nd1v1duel Have you started doina business yet? Vu 04/01/ 2003 Calhertne W1lk1risnn This statement wu flied wofh lhe County Clerk of Oran1e Counly on <Y.>/19/03 200369450$3 Daily P1lol June 5. 12 19. 26 2003 TH48A FlditiM hsiwu ..... s ....... The followone persons are do1ne bus1nus n a) Animal Amour b) Animal Amott. 2674 Oranae Ave C-1 Co\la Men. CA 92627 loan Marte Oldfi eld. 2674 Oranee Ave .. C I Costa Mesd, CA 9<'6?7 Tho\ business 1s 1.00 ducted by an ond1v1du•I ~•a~e you started doma busoness yet? Yes 2/03 Joan Ma• 1e Oldft~ld lhtS statement wa\ filed w1lh the County Cl.,rk of Or a nae County on 06/13/03 20036941030 011ly Potot June 19 76. luty 3. I 0. <'003 T h522 AdltiM..._s ..... s ...... The follow1ne per sons are doon& busoneu AS OCC, SOSO Vorksh11e Onve. Cyprus Caltlor noa 90630 Rteha•d Vernon Hol man, 5050 Yot ks hot t Ortve. Cyprus Cahfo•- nia 90630 lh•s busmen " con· du,ted by an 1nd1~1dual Have you started Jo111r busmen yeP No R1Ghard llolm~n I hts slalemenl w•~ filed wtlh the County Clerk of Oranae Ctounly on 0!>/14/03 20036944696 Daily Pilot lune 12. 19. 26, July 3. 2003 Th!> 16 Rdltla lvdMsl it.es...._.. The lollow1ne persons uc doona business n Tamaddon Consult1t1on Co . 19431 Rue De Valore •21E Foothill Rancl>. CA 92610 2312 Ta11h1 Oallal Tamaddon. 19431 Rue Oe ll•lo1e #71E. Foothill Ranch. CA 92610·2312 This bu,1ness 1s cnn ducttd by an tndlvodu•I Have you started doine business yet? No Taah1 Oallal Tamaddon Th t$ s.iatement wu hied with the County Clerk of Oranee County on OS/30/03 20036946441 Dally Pilot June 5, 12. 19, 26, 2003 TH467 ........... 11mes....., The followt111 per•on1 ar • do Ina bu•ints• ••~ Ptrlwlnkle Press.. 202.' Beryl l tna. Newport 8uch,CA9~ Michtlt Rankin. 2024 Beryl L•n•. Newport B11ch. CA 92660 This bualnen Is con· ductad by: an Individual Have you star led doln4 bu.slntu ytt1 No Mlctwle Rankin This statement was flied with the County Clerk of Orenee County on 05/30/03 200J69464H Daily Pilot June 5, 12. 19, 26, 2003 TH466 Rctft'-...... ._s......., The followln11 per5ons are doina business as: Modds, 131 E. 18th St. Suite '22. Coste Mesa, CA 92627 Lara Nemec, 131 E. 18th St. Suite #22. Costa Mts1, CA 92627 This buslnus is con· ducted by: an lndlv1duel Heve you started dom1 business yet? No Lara Nemec This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 05/30/03 20036946426 Dally Pilot June 5, 12, 19. 26.2003 TH475 fidftlM lusiless -s ..... The followlne persons 8re dome business as· a) The AV Den b) The Audio Video Den, 2060 Ptacent11 llC2. Costa Mesa CA 92627 Dertk Coplan Wtneaar 7141 15th SI #8 , Weslmmsler, CA 92683 This business 1s con ducted by an ond1v1dual ti ave you started do1n1 business yet' No Dertk W1neear lh1s $lalemenl was toled wolh the County Clerk of 01.anae County on 06/13/03 20036948040 Daily Pilot June 19 26 luty J JO 7003 T,,!'177 FktltiMlllsiltls MmMS.._.., I he fnllow1ne persons are dome busmen as Pho Vietmonese Noodles. 12012 Knoll Ave #C, Catd~n Grove. C~hforn1a 92804 Lan Neoc:' Luu. S525 W Ho&hland St , Santa Ana. California 92704 fht\ busmeH ts con· dut led by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started do1'1a bu$1ness yel' No tan Neot Luu I ho\ statement was filed with lhe County <.:!trio of Orange County un <Y.1120 03 2003694 5335 Oaoly Ptlol June 19 26. July 3. 10 ?003 H1!>30 flctttious .... N.tS..._, The tollo w•n& persons •re doone buStnen u l\n&el Pel O•oomona C•llery 12RO £ Vorba L'"da Blvd . P111cent1a CA 92870 Maro.t Del C•rmen Rod1111ue 1. 90 I' S Bewley St Santa Ana. CA 9V°' I h•s busonns 1s con· ducl•d by an 1nd1v1dual ltu• ynu started dorna bu"neu Y'I' No M•tt• Oel Cat men Rodr1auc1 This statement wu filed with lhe County Clerk of Oran&• County on OS/30 03 200369464 I 3 0Aoly Pilot June 5 12. 19 ?6. 2003 TH4 70 fldittM lusilen it.es....., The lollow1ni i;e• •ons art do•ne busmen as lohnson Bros Oes1an & Cons tr uctton ?139 /Islet Place. Costa Meu , CA 92627 Terry Michael Johnson, 2139 Astei Place, Costa Mesa CA926;.>7 Th111 bU\tnUS I\ con· duch d by an 1nd1v1dual Hive you started do1nr business yet' No Terty M fohnson This statement was filed wolh the County Cieri! of Or a nee County nn 06/10/03 2003694 7543 Dally Pilot June 12, 19, 26. July 3. 2003 Th51!1 RdltiM ..... J "-S..... •if• t The foltowtn& persrn~, : art dolne businen "' Stoneeten Propert1n. 1.4 Stoneelen. All$o V1<'1• CA926~ 01vid limes Olson. H Sto'leelen. Aliso Vtt·1•• CA92656 ThtS busineu Is t1•n ' ducted by· an md1v11l11al Hi.ve you started do•" buSlness yet? No Oawod J. Olson This st1temenl w • flied with the Cour•t 1 Clerk of Oranae Count, on 06/10/03 20036'4750 D11ly Pilot lune 12. 1 t 26. July 3, 2003 Th'·' fktl!IMIN!tss llme w...t The loUowtni pet\"' are do•na busonMs " Owner'5 Contrat111•1 Services. 2110 Newpurl Blvd •l, Costa Mt" J CA926~7 Donald R W111d. 71 il• Newport Blvd •I Ctoq Meu. CA 92627 lhos bu\tntns I\ • ''" ducted by an 111dlv1 lu • Have you sl11ted 111 .. .,1 business yet' No Oona Id R Wa i a Thts statunenl w filed with the (.uu"'' Clerk of o,.nee C.011nt, on 06/10/03 -L 20036941512 Daily Po lot June I? I 1. <'6. July 3. ?003 11" 1 Rdltla9 llliltss llmese..-t The followme per"'' are dome bu\1ne .. ' 1 Hunt1naton Bnch Wor less. 9606 H1rn1llon fl •102. Hunt1na1nn I'• 1 1 CA9<'646 Thomas Pham. 14~~ Newpor I Ave • l •·A T us ton CA 927AO lh1s busmen " • dutted by an 1nd1(!ll1o;!., • li1ve you Ma• '"cl '" "• bu\lness yet' v .. ~ t- 03 Th<imd\ Pllarr1 Thi\ slalenient "' • f>led Wllh lhf I "1"1 I Cle1k ol 01anae 1,.,,..,1, on 06/03/03 2003 .. 46761 Oaoly Pilot Jun~ ~ 11 19. 26. 2003 • 1114' flctJllm .... H 11mes.....i lhe lollnw1nl( 11•,. ' .ir c doma buson~ Car •ee r loor Sulult • l11c , 131 N Tustu A. nos. Tudtn.C.A971Rl.J Cai aae r loor S»lui. • (Cl\l 131 N Tustin II. •205 1 uslm CA 91 /'II Thi\ busonen " dueled by a corl'•"•'" Have you st~• t•d 11• • business yet' No C8ra1e floor S11lul1•" James N•lhan 1\11• II· nell. P1es1dent This slllem<111t .,., • !tied with lhe (. "'"'¥ Clerk of Qiane" t .,,. 1 • on <Y.>/l0/03 20036'460t Dally Pilot lun' •1, 19 26. 2003 11141.>' ,........, llmes.-t 1 he follow1na pt•, .. ~· • are do1n11 bu5tne'' ' Grapevine l•&~I 1 f 1n1nc11I. 177 ll lt 1111 l.ane, Hunlin1ton B~ "h CA92647 Steven R1ymonll l "n rkes. 17712 C11bb I•'" Hunllnaton B~ft1 11 I :. 92&47 This butWieu " "'" dueled by"ll'an tnd1v11jue~-' H3ve you sl11led dnmr. ' bu11nus yet1 No : : Steven Lenz~t\ Hus st.ttemt~t ''"'~ ftled With th11 (;0111· ~ Clerk of Oran1e Co1111CZ:: on 06/06/03 - 200S6t47179 D11ly Pilot June 12, lft 26. July 3. 2003 Th'•O!:.!•• --------... PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to f ind services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NlWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA Daily Pilot • I I 1· I 11 I• II I~ I I Poli ey By Fax (949) 631 6594 ta'\c4'4: irlllutk )'OUt u. • .unc •ud 1~•10C nu111t..:1 .uMl "'< II• all ~nu ti .... l "'''h " Jlfl« 'fU<~t l How to Place A CLASSIFIEIAD • fil By Phon~ (949) 642-5678 I lours By \lail/ln P(•n1on: 'IO ~c,t Bay Street t'mt.i \1c,J, C'A Q21)27 At °"""pun Hl~d & Ba-. '\t ....-----Deadl ines __ _, Monday.................... h 1d<1y 4i·OOpm Tuesday ................... Morn.J.1y <; OOpm Wcdne!.day ....... . :r uL·,day c; OOprn ThurM!ay .. ... . Wcdm:,JJ) 4i·OOpm fnday ... ............. . rhuf',d.1) c; OOpm Saturday .................... hrJ;.I\. ~ OOpm Rates and dcudlmcs Jre subject to change wi thout notKc The publisher reservel> the right Lo ccm or. rl!Cla:.sify, revise or rcJCCt any clru.sificd advenisemenl. Plca'c rcpon any error that may be m your classified ad immediately. The Oally Pilot accepts no liab1hty lor any nror m an adven1sement tor whu:h 11 may be rei.pons1ble except for the 1..mt ol the '>pace ac;tually 1K.1..up1cd hy the error. Credit can only he Jllo"cd lor the fiN in~n1on. l dcphonc 8 '0am ~ OOpm Monday Friday ~all. In X lllJ111 c; 01~1111 MonJa\ I ndJ\ Sunday ...................... f·rn.l.1\ 5'.00pm l~ ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1770 •awtDISE [~ FOi SAl£ 3010-3940 GARAGE SALE -1489 i_lJ IEAL ESTATE BUSINESS & FOR SALE soos-saso FINANCIAL 230S·2490 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 YardSales 1489 cosTA ~ G~ Garage/ I <-.:es u Lease 4540 OlD Mf SAIJtG SfffS N l WP ORT HUGH TS STYU ntt. f' ;iro °i.O'J 1-"" N[W,Oltl HUGHTS O"H SAT SUN I 4 3 120 l rood St 'ib1 41.!• i~ K~I .µ1< t.1111 rm I hplt' ldnd '\t •l'.lf·d 1 tr ch with w.th·1 IJlh t h..1\t tu Lt:dl h t• .. noto koh •.huw bf .A I II ' ,,.,..,.~ .. I ttl '"· boo "' SI ?J'J I "" lur you• h11me " 11, • 1, """'' 11 ,,...,,t.i• ..t ""'"'''41' 714 '),e() ~ Al lf'~On•ll~ I"" f'' I •I 909 984 OfMf, '>11 ~• t, 111 ... A.,.,,, :1:y •QAF''.:>rrJR .; -lost 1505 TO, ss 4 •Ec<>ttos nc I '-' Cat 1 .. o-1 ~ _ 8l1 o,._ Ill 'IJ t. Ill • "" ·- ORANGE COUNTY "l'Pt SI 49'> OOfl fly 11wn•1 'M'l f)C;> 1907 "' cell <j4tj !'>()() 8641 5400 fll Ahl ~ hitw> ~ I ::·:!~ .. ~~:::: ,,.,... 9 4ci "4., '°'0., f<,..,.,,d 1M 41> 1<v.> Balboa Peninsula H. VllW HOMES HUGI lOT 2-STY 9,000+SO.n . ENTERTAINMENT ANTIQUES catendatot Events ArCicJJeS tlr Sale Jt10 1310 All 1t.,,1 n t•lt· •tl••• 11'\me in Utl\ n•·w'''·'P' 1 t' •,ubtf'C. t tn th .. I•,, .. , .ti I ... llOU\1011 "' I "' I '!WI .~ am,.nd,.ct •hit h ANTIQUE SOFA llj.i • .i-1"1•<1 w~h MJho11 lolly "~" t"•(..t·n.-1,,, ...... , <Ill••• $11UI '.WJ /4() /lib HOME FURNISHINGS m•kf'• ti ollq d '" •<J•t• to\.. d"Y ''" '" Furniture 3435 "nt.f' l1m1tatftufl r d'"' romon•lonn bl ,.11 ,, OVlRSTUfHD CUSlOM flf~ <.ilof ••hi'"" v, modo 611. •-•Ii with ;> h•nd1< . .ip h1m1t1•t '''*'" V'"f '~''"'' mittt h1n2 I h.t1f 1il1 ,. & ,ilfhlff' Of n•honal urtKlfl Pf Ht C tu 1.. in I #hit,. tn'lf.J\ ont•nlton to m•h "'' ,111 , ,. 1 Sl'•io .,11 \Ud• 1><et•1tn•" ''"''!" '+<l't •AO 141:18 tu.>11 1Jf d1-M:.1~m.n .ttiun 1--------l h1'\ Ot!•\.l.liitl-U"f w I nnl knowrnrl1 1 •J•I JEWELRY/ 3460 •nv 4d .. rt1vn1~"' f . 1 DIAMONDS/ f ,.,. ~~l•lt whrd 11 fl •oul•hon <II ti•• .... "'" PRECIOUS MET Al.S ttitdtr' .trf" ht'' ~.-t rnlur m~d lh41 tll lw•ll int\ •d-Vf"f h..,,.d 111 Uu UeW\P•P~r ., .. tl/.f thl,. nn •n f"(lu•I nfl,1udun1ty b•\IS, T '' , ompl•111 ••' l11 u 1mor1dl•1n c •II l!IJ() loll h ee •I I 1!00 4/4 K'•'«l Olct.r Style Furnrtur• PIANOS & Cotlectlblet """-',f/llV..._ .... ""'" .. ">'•--·~·., •. $$ CASH PAID S$ W£ BUY ESTAT£S ._MY lllOlll $ FASTDI"' : ~~~~~~-~~·Bl ,'/tr1 ,,,., '~ , . ., ... '•\ ~~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION Z2t2k ... 9l ._.AM,CAl270l ........... 4 ...... • ... Coe•t Coln Nood• fJJ.I f l•lfl ,1 (I IJ llYH ,.,., 111 •"'""" tnloQt~ ....... 1o11 ... 94'1 b47 94-48 Cats 3610 Oclcol IUtlon•. l ~1Jpa1 d ~~.,a.. .i l·k•' tdrt' ttautw;. i!Hl1I I Iii· 11ldlf' \ilJC')h 11·41 •,( hrm" •I• r "• 'J09 68) W:/,4 I 00+ RlSCUU> ICITTfHS, LAf•; (JI~ µl•Ar.. m lor .. WWW vwi.•w1wull 1.<k M4;bo .,.. f .NlfUO bl.wld ll flAY 11 /'4 Ill C~WIANfl I <;e<j~ r/19 Atll SPAY f<lr nronm.t cat; """~ ... kCtu~ ~!.JJU.11 6 WW .W littm S7S... .... ~ 714-631-S?IO Dogs 3615 llACll lAl-Puro l r o4, I trM told Ha· 11 '>llUL\ • ~Good •tum. • • 949 ffl !llOO • Pet Adoptions 3660 Go.-Slio,.,.er41 all tolo" dll \ll~\ fo1 •d11pt1011 to qualoh~d hnmt'~ WWW ll"''"'-"• Ofll "' /14 /1 l '>91'1 °" .... Sand bt-.JUlJfut & ) SBA h< wnt w •ll!VdltJt 11<•~ ~utotul k1I LR w -... .,, \/1l'W'i ol c.*l (L ..... t ~ $4 '>00.tlX) :!IP D<tyna 949-h/1 llm CostaMesa PRIM ( (SJ A H S PATR'rcK H NORE NATIONWIDE USA 949-8S6-970 S WWW pctlttt.klenurl! lUlll 21. 2bo lwnhm It WW 'JTI patin pvt e<rtJ y duf'". Sl8/ Pt...-Only VJ~ Ra, lttlJ J 714 587 7f6J Newport Bead! ,AUlSOH MAL TY HOUlll 'M9 63:? 648!J WTIU.ff WWHOMl l..lr~ I SWy u. ~ \JI 4liR • FR 1 ernxi.! ..,_,_SI UECXD 8UffS .-oAOC)M TOWNHOMIS leoe>bity _Ull....,. P'lllMr •JI ....., .... °"*""' !'Wt $749.tlXl F([ 0,-Sat l·S ...., u.. ·s· """ 0t1c.Ad-..:"'"9ad modt!I per let.I ~7.(XX) fFI I Slory iiJeenbelt 14'111~ wswm 111 lol ~.(XXl (Ill) Sat 1-S NIU SCHOOl& GltUN8H TS S l,195,000 IKlt. GlltRY LONG 949 7 18 2366 0,[N SAT I 4 <;t1111ryb10110 Pl,111 4 (..1P 11 t.o1rnly hum~ ~t,, ~ ,1 .. u 4 lull htt Vtt 'I 11• ""'" '"' bd•• ydfd w n1• hou ..... , bt"htnd \~1 dh Conld'-< hm1tdt Rlu 949 2S4 3700 &400 st lot PrtslglM ~wpcw1 ~ front row Say own VitW lol By 0.'l!.f ~111& S 1.0l>.!XX> 9'f9.64S 1628 lh Gorgo..,•I /br ?b• w hfH•t1 Nt"w wrnttow dto1r O .. '# APPi' If' a Uf td W tll' I fl"lf\ [ "'*" mnuldmr ctr'\1gnrr">. t1lr li1Hqu .. 1 ft1111nnv 1torf <n<tl r AO:l 'M<j '>84 '>811 s~ .......... 71 f ~\ltk~• IJt l8' J ':>IU SI ~tnl Vortwl I our 1 '"'"' "~" dgl. OWfl<'I ')t9 bJ} O.UI nlM [ [STAflS ,AllttCK llNOltl NATIONWIDI USA 949-8S6 -9705 www fJAhu.htf'nore corn Newport Coast ,RIMI UTA U S PATltKK TlNOtt[ NATIONWIDI USA 949-8 56 -9705 www pal111 ktenorti mm FIXER UPPER Bargains, chese ho mes need work, lowsc prices. Free computerized lisc. OrangeCoastFrecHomclnfo.org Free recorded message l.800.704.9343 ID# 1248 RUMA>. Ito Index fill! IULESTATE :1 llllTAlS 7402-7466 ~ Und er the Service Directory Banner IOOS·IS10 ~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck AURllOIM& .....,. tol0-97SO For Only $32 per week (4week mini mum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING j corondel~ 18r '• I' t I IU l~H· f I 21R YURl Y IHHTAlS Jar 2.Sk. I .._.. 4 11 MobileManllfactured Homes 5993 IWl<*T SHOllS OPOI HOUSl DOI SPKlAl Oii TillABU IWO &"IKl'Ou\ n~w dbl w1d ... moh1te homf!s :.rr ~.it~d 't tM l)M~ 011ly M>I'> WM 1 •nt P•h ook wru1t '·"'Mobil~ Hnm~-; 011ed r ... 11 ror d~t ... 1~ I ·800·38 7 • 1234 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Shan 6030 NPB \Ila•~ ?b1 7b• apt ''"'" j>fOI tem nu ~ml. pet S690 mo • I 2 ulol • dep 949 /flJ J022 Rooms tor Rert 6040 llr llo, w olli lo booch, h,?hl & hr &hi peh lw Sll'l>m ftt<l ""' dY~ll i; 22 949 l >() I 'Vt' Ocean view homf-h.t 1 dU "/ ?bt }f11I ''th Ill '\mok prt Vuud llt"tt;.' S2450 mu '"1<t 1'11 I!,' I/ 1 t .,_,,1 fU\ "1 rtu .. Jt t l • 14 ~ IA'· ,4 It A ~TW llR SI09S/Mo /1 Off tho ... ""' ..... I f I ... , , ~,.,,,' a&. ~ " rVVi ttt~·I & ltf 11tK. t1&. II [) in ioiS. (f11 u111I 0 W I'. lftg ·1, l f 44', " I• t 11411.4> '///4 • '14 ti. J'-,•• N i 'I llr d.t ,__ I 111 ' I• ltit 114''111• t46 btah v...-U'1I\ .1...... tr Villa Pou" Drlvo ... 11 "-e-4 tdfl mctt SM/ftt1 It ., • .,,. ,, ..... , t· ,ft,,.•, E. 16th SI M lr1 '4"• •r • ,.,,.,1,,11 •1-1-; .... , lkf>I 94S'>48-?4"1 1 01 1 • lorg• I br Ibo unit on St. SS+ Lg. 111< .., rm, qulot Ponlnwla point ~ .. IC A.C d w 11 '"'t hfll Ho •moldng/poh ••PM~ \IH.,.t Pfkr~ ,,,,.., S l4SD 949 29 3 4631 ~· • ut•949~ t/41, I a-Bay f'vl I;.,, ...... 1.ovofy c;aM C~ty fhl• • ~~ IHI lfi..1 ~UI I 8r I Bo Apt . .., ,,,1 ~"' '" l.iy 1ou.. ,......, 111>1,µ111 htg Wd!k tu fro '><tUM• ~l /tJUm l•.o '1-t'I Ill< 1400 S89'> mo W.tl•• If .1 .to 't. I·~., 1 .... 1••11 11 Hold\' paid Klem MdOd•'• n~rit 1 1w,.... ~..,_.t;, '110.-11 pt•lll 877 704 864'1 l •I tj._llJI '~"' '"' IMlll t•• & • WI> t ~ • \I rfl IWt •t141.!I Goted Pentho11 .. I lh • 1 .. " "-'·•'"" t, h.-.4," t p 1 I l,.nrw It.. f t 1tty ~lll'illm 111 I .. I II 'd/I lig Canyon T•wnh•m• ~Pwt,••" k,._. n ..... nm \ 14' J I ,,·t 949 1>13 7800 1200•1, 21r 210 ........ llfl t If fol "ft k I .t. f'1'" t hi h fAa10 tt1 11</;J(Jo·•" ' •1" '#. ~ [c,.tbl11ff b L I w th• n1,_ tt ,,• ~, ,~,_ 1nimun11 , , Jul A~I ' ~JO"' J44 " /XJJ(. PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! "' .,, ,,, p;Y"t-. t-Wt ... v .............. ...... "'"" $.HJ.Jn 'jil~rXI 4 "IJ llUH S TOWN HOMt llAY ,,, "' <iii< 11 AllC.I I t-""' I J JM IJPGRA!>t [J f Xl'A"l!Jl [J $.$800m• Horolee P-'•-Reelty 949 f>32-U 89 Tustin PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! JOBS WANTED Employment Wanted 8200 HANNY loor.lng for •vmmor I•" Cobo?• .duurtod. ,,_ .... , .. M.-1 4 4 "' l ._I , .. ~ t p ,, • ,.. , /Hr 'ti• ~ t\t .. 1 1trh·t,, -------- (949) 642-5678 (949) 642-5678 l'.W.CM lwrfin ~11'11 •rnbJ •.lean ~ .., d n IJl:'t... ·Jt~ l<:m. p-f'fd $.}ll'.)n. .... 9f9 64f>«ll> ' ,, • ' 4 ~.' , .. ,. ~· It. Ibo< ·-t MIJ"< """"' 11'1'>1 "41 ·~ Ydfd Ip N .11 .... 1 nrc ,.,.-~mAI Rft./TA..'" ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa lstand llr Stvdio ye.irly lu-e "" Id Ull\ 1H tll'W tMpeV fMllll SlOOO mo uH Lou "' ~·~ 949 &,4 9431 s.n.a • 2IMo. p.illu prk& U.&iO mu 2lw 1 bo. new krt tJfk,._ S1400imo 21. Ibo. 1.-w upt piWl1 ktdly Sl«Xl nwi 949-6/J. "llJ9 ~ ~ ... ·-.. , $1400 949 12:2 8444 ( •Ide 7br ? "-t~ hr• l ""'" I (. • u • I (. (dta,.iv•t P11·1 & !.J-•, SlbOO 949 b7'> 1181 l'.W. 2B< IR.t "'1tr_... d .... y .. d """ w rl ,..,.,., totr .. ~ •• ld Sl'>I'> 1'. Sllfiln 949 11q lllo\X ...._.. New ~"tllf~•uu· ._'fit" I 2~ hom HUI.! I< •11 &41 Ip N. W lJ ,, 1lnr r><.ld, ~IOU l\~ .. I Mn\'1 811 /04-8649 I • I ,.,.'4'> Hanti• Beach Ju•f y0<d• from tho .... 2& 111.'W tHgt• f\H •-b.Jy ww'd"<w-& ~'Its,.. SI~ m1J 114 ':lfi'J 4/'>f, • Yoof'ly Lt 21r 210, w d h1 b~am teol Ip hnl p~too $1990 mo 818 CJOI 441) 'M9 6!JO 2~6 ~ llll lb.\ ulld.• .,.,, --tti l'll!f o+"lllTI f)t•~ .p.> •[011 loy lrem dpt 7bc wd " urwt undl'fJ'd (ll<;t lbJ tµ Sl800 mo •lbr• Ag! Sl1nl'911%/J ®l WO e•r•er lt&hl - b11ghl S 1400 mo • 2br Newport Bead! t. • .,.. mu\t .-~ <111 <edon~ I P• ~ 0ll;mo ~~JG2 Balboa Plninsula 31r. 21 •• w• to ...... bay quiet &•• P•ho no '""' pet S2200m yrlr 9'19 26.l ICJI) pm ~1Hl8 •Newly a--4olod• l8t 38a Condo St~ t.o buch Ip ;> u• c•• liDlmo Bill 9'19.400-0471 .. ~··­home. mont ocn vu·~ lrom m.nt" S4600 mo yrly oilfl O;ayn.i 96673-31199 COMMUTE LESS RElAX MORE Cortixl "nut~ l\p.vl rrutt lmlormatu• r ...... t·• 11'6Z> 8 <ii Harvard ...,.1 MM> hne C.. 9261" 1166 ~2691 ~ UDO YIAltl Y U ASE & UDO SUMMEa lfOM[S Bl l CRUNOY Rt.Al I ORS 949-675-61'1 u.t.s..is -l'ltt c- rw;r home. .!1:6.\ bJ1 yr,., :b 2ba. ,.,-e yard. It ii" <Vpd!.. SZfro ~ b31 IQ II .. Hmployee ... .. Empleado. ·· ··A rbeit neh mer ... "Employe. ·· NOIATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSflEDCIN Fiii n. I ., .. I I · > -< -0 t "·"·''· ,,., • (t --.) •• 0 ' e ·call (949) 642-5678 CROSSWORQ PUZZLE sea:'~ eo J""" -JonM 11 Self•lllOft finn 13~ ... .. ~. es i::"n,; se~an..,, landmaltc 87 Keepa pul'IUlng 118 PIPM 89 HorM oolof DOWN 1 -Ol\IO (aeize) 2 Geregejob 3 Energy 80Ul1l9 " Moel profound 5 UnwtlOle9ome 6 Alimony geallfS 7 WfflllWI ti OOl4l 8 Commodons 9 Soup legumes 10 Bulwark 11 88uene 12~·~ 13 Ouly 21 Drakes end Qanders n JAm pro<1uc1 28 Watering nole 27 Pllltl8' s larget 28 Sllcl<ad up 29 Doled out 30 Smadl 3, ~ s aiuntry 32 Patriol -Allen 33 Seals the faleol 36 lllSeCI resin 4< Sileocee 43 Sprlr'Q bad< 44 Pociui:\r ~,._. "5 NFL pjeylll "7 Munnur SoltlY 49 Compost 52 Tiny ephere 53 •Otheflo· pjoner 54 Sportscas!er -GumlltM 55 Old word IOI 58 ;r.;:,-ov., I rom office 57 Defense grp 58 -SI Vinoen1 Mllay 59 0 Neal OI tllms 62 C11cM1 pan STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Tht-~ /),plrtmmt 111 thr /Ju1/y l'tl.ot u pk11Hd 10 11nnnun. r J nn.. ..,.,_, u r """' 1owit..bk "' MW ""''""''' ~will MW SEARCll U.r fliltnt for JON .u ffo """a <Ho'1,<. Jntf '"'"' )'O• rf,, hMr.,,,; rlN rnp "' ,;,, Y Nrt HoH.Jt '" s,,,.,., ""'' Thrn, tJ/ •·ount, "ft" ,,,, murh iJ romp"'"'..,. ''""ft/, your firrttJotU b"1Jn"1 fill mt m.tnnr'll with r/.,. Cittutty Clnlt, p,./,/uh ona" u•:.lt Jar four _,/tr"' 'r'f"'"" It, l.iw a,.,J tMn Jrf, yovr proof of pwbb.c..,11on 11.•11J. 1J.t County C.lnlt l'k4U 1111p b] tri fik 1"'" fimrio"' bumtru 11.1rrmmr Jr rht lJ,,.f, l~/111 1 W II' Bay St. c,.,.., MNL If 1"" "''"'"r •r1Jp hJ. pf,,i1e .,,JI.., at 1')-1 'JI 6-1.! 4J,l J 11114 u~ """ ~ llrranpmn for fdu ro htJ,,,JJ, tbt1 prtX '""" tr, ,.,,,ii If 1"" ,J,,,,./,I h.rw.,,,, fo<Thn qtmttu•ll, p/,i= call w 1111J 1u will bt mo'T ihan tfAtl to anut yow.. Good I.ult m JO'" ,,,,,, b..,.,.,,,,1 Daily A Pi~ot SeMce DlreclDly " TICE TOR RS Callforn11 fe w re· quires that contrac- tors ta~mi jobs that total $500 Of' more (ltbof or materieb) be lkeosed by the Contractors State License Board State law alM> requires that conlt1clors include thew hc.ense number on all tdvertlslna. You can check the status o f your licensed contra c t or at www.cslb c•.aov or 800·3ll·CSL8. Ur>ll· censed contr1ctors ta kln1 jobs that total less th•n $500 must slate 1n their advertisements that they ere not licensed by the Con tr actors State Lk:ense Board." Clean Ing S4141Hky Cleen Quahty House clunln11, Afford· able rates. 20+Vrs [Ip Free E.sbrmte 714-81Hi667 Computer Services 01 IN YOUR HOME IM,ROVIMlNT PROJECT? Call a plumbe•. palntM handyman. or any of the ereat services listed here tn our ~e• vice directory I THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! Drywall Semces WIUHOEFT DRYWALL All phases sm/lrg 1obs CllANI 20yrs, fair. free esl L 400nl 714-6J9.144 7 Eliditcal Semces Sll'IOll Job b pertl Duncan Electnc 'l<J'(rs (lp I ocal/Qu1Ck Response ServlCe/Remodels l '27f>870 949·650· 7042 DUTCHMA.N EUCTRIC L ICENSEO/INSUREO COMPE TfTIV( RA TES L •759337 949-322·6250 ge ,_.,,c ..... Whit., red l•etlltt, badJ• By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH .. & more s.ooo mu .. 112049' 011'. . Rya.n l.Uddtl$ NIW'POlT AUTOWOIT t49-174·MOO SILENCE CAN Bl GOWEN Ferrwlft c .... , white, r•d leattler, bad1· ts & more 3,000 milts North-South wlncrable. South deals. that suit and one hiJl1er-ranking. West's jump to th* diamonds -a moll unulUAI ICtioo after maldnJ a limited openlna bid -now propelled Nonh-South into game. Since, on I.his auction, Mecksu1:ilb 's hi&ber sult had to be a major, Rodwell feltjllilified in cue-bidding four diamonds lO locate •120496 Dir. WF.\'T • AJ '15 NOR111 • 10 875 2 (;'J A9J2 o K9 •A 10 AQJ 108 2 •Q8S SOUTH • KJ 6 ';; Q 1086 -:-4 •KJ962 Opening lead: Ace of the fit. West led thc ace of diamonds and cootinued with tbe suit to the table0s king. declarer discardin_g a spade from hand. TIIC ace and kmg of clubs were cashed and a club ruff in dummy feicbcd the queen. A spade to the jack lost to the ICC and a spade back was won in the closed hand with the king. With nothing to guide him, Meclcstroth might have gone wrong in hearts by running the queen or the ei~hl, but the bidding and phty IO this . . Ryan L11ddera NIWPOltT AUTOSPCMlT 949-574-1600 ,....,... '02 360 f1 s.w-- Yellow, tan int. 600 mi. 0 27672 Dir. John Hall NIW,ORT AUTOSPOU 949-574-5600 for" '6 5 Mu1ton1 Corivertlble, oriainal owner. solid car $19,995 obo 949·719·2943. lau1u '9S Tr....-r Ltct. 4•4, 1mmac throuahout very nice. "932989 $7896 wcwMrto.com 9ll!M)46. 7822 For more lhltn three decades, Jeff Mecl..\ll'Olh and Eric Rodwell have been regarded a' one of w world\ top pe.irs. Herc is a reason why. East-West were using 11 12-16 range for thc:ir one·no-rrump openin& bid~. Instead of keeping North-South out of the auction South was able 10 compete with two clubs, showing point had drawn a blueprint of the ,.._ '03 S-Type 4.2 holding. West was mal'ked with I 3 vi, l l>k mi. white. poiot5 (the qllller! and jack of dia-oatmeal ltht, co. chrom1 monc4 could be inferred}. so could wf1eeh 6-i;peed wto. Save not hold both mi&Sing hcaJ1 honon, .151(. iJa.995. v#m56956 and West'~ distribution was virtually 949. S86-l 888 Bkr certain to be 2-24-3. A trump to the www.ec1tel.cent ace and a crump back limited declar- er's l<>l>Cn lO one in the sui l and three overall -bidding and making four heart.« wticre no one e lse wa\ in game and most took only eight aicks at a JAGUAR '6S XU C~. red/tan. 72k m•. rebuilt, excellent $29.500 949·644·0413 heart contract JOBS OFFERED Domestic Employment * Hov,..nten/Mf'. * I clean & maintain larae homes. Cook, drive. all duties, elderly & child cue op 323-937-9038 Employment -I .,_, '-__, &/• managed a business, co. seelo.s )'Oii !l"5 & abities tD ,.. tul Illa 714-Z"B&Jl! Hom n /'1 Front Desk Nigllt Audit will train apply 1n person, 1951 Newport Bl Cost.a Mesa 949-650-2999 N8CC Now hlr1"9 l'T Bartender & Wait Staff Apply in person alter 2 ()()pm Monday · Friday 1600 I. Coo1t Hwy NI Publlshtn& PROMOTIONS DEPARTMENT Commumty newspapers 1n Ou nae County seeks F ult T me pef'son to interv- and write storie~. part.cl pate •n community events. create and paiJMte eaors and sections E •ceUent communalloo )kills, work weff wrth the pubhc. Know Af> Style. Quarlo.XPrl!S$. Photoshop, Multi·Ad Cre· a tor, Prohcient on MAC and PC. CCI des111n e•perurnce preferred Proofread1ne test D<ue sa eetW1&/physical r eQUnd. EOE E uellent benefit pacbge E.mad resume, wrfbna samples aod salary requirement s to lana jOhnson@latmeuom South c-11 Plo zo 1s look•ne for Secunty Oft1cer s to 101n ou1 leam• )(Int customer ser vie~ skills 1nd a clean bkernd/drivina record ue • must. $8 50 .. /hr (DOE) + xlnt beneflhl Apply 1n person at 3333 Bristol St Costa Mesa. CA Electrical Services America ectrlc Licensed E lectncal Contractor Small 1obs start1na al $79.95 &up. Spl!c1almne In Remodehna & all home w1r1nt needs, Comm/lndust/Res 1-100-197-100• Ln829S9 UCINSED CONTRACTOR "lo lob too sm M serw:esl Repair, remodel, t11n5, spa· MW SVC 949-04>3666 Aoonnwme Automobiles 9000 Audi '00 A6 Jalt Ml, full fact warr. metalhc drk blue/trey llhr, CO, mnrf, superb corid, $19,995 v•874241 Bkr 949-S16-1HI -.otpol>ot.c- lentley Arno9• '02 Black/black ele1arit •X08761 Dir Jim Dillon Sr NIW,OU AUTOS,ORT 949-574-5600 IMW '9S 5251 oute, black. l ·owner. nice. sunroof •623627 $7495 wcwauto com 949'64& 7822 IMW '01 74011 lloclt sport pka. hke new. •657632 $34,995 WCWllUtD com 949-646-7822 IMW '01 74011 26k mt full tact warr orn1nco/ oatmeal lthr. nav111tion. superb hke new cond S41~ v•020471 liria11c1na avall Bkr 949-586 1888 W-.~l.C.CHll *AllEIUCM* ~~ :~ •local & Aelllllie FREE ESTIMATES (Ti ..... ,.ao GanlenlnW Landlcaplng t.u TwrH i.-ttn..,. Wf9.t; rTm"lt, tree trirnrrq & install•tion. 25 y,. eap Licftnwred 949·548·4363 .-r-OM ElllAtM-'fU 1iiiniiiiiim1 lrlslauabon. slate. ceram4c:. 11 marble, stone. E .... lt75 l '612044 leff 71 ~12·9961 llAl(Y st.wars Rec>Wed Re11Tout1n & lnstallatlon TILE OE.AN 949-673·8065 71~ 714-Ml-2031 sawas IVllYTHING & ANYTHING IN A GAltDIN. TNI D"FlltlNCI llTWHN IUUTIFUl &IXOutSfR ... 949-51S-H24 IMW'03760U 11 ml, a black buuty. •DK10256 Dir. Ryan Lu dders NIW,OltT AUTOSl'OaT 949-574-5600 IMW 'ti Z3 Comr 2.1 , 6 cyl red tan lthr, 5spd, beaut hke new cond 111815721 $18,99!> It· nanc1na & warranty avail Bkr. 949·586·1888 -.eqtoftl.<om IMW '00 ZS Ult ntl, white/b.t1ge top & int, tun wan. ht&hly uparaded $19,999 949-675-3888 Cedllloc '90 Sedan D.Ytle St. Morita 98,600 mi. Ser viced by Nabors Cadillac. Whlt~/Bladl top. looks like a convertible ,......,,... A»clto s.,..-. AM/FM/CO Excellent cood. Boullflt n-car S2500tot>o 949-646-6no Codllloc '02 Sevltte SlS s1lver/11rey llhr, CO. chrm whls, told Pk&, full fact. flke new. $20.995 v•596741 finant1nt avall Bkr 949·586 1888 W-.O<polil.<Otft Jeep '97 °"'"" a-.i.... V8. 414, lttv, a>, mnrl. very nice, lf7219'1JJ S9995 wcwauto com !M!M)46.. 7822 lexu• '94 lS400 Champaane &old/Ian lthr. co. aold pka. ~upub . oria cond, $10,995 v'267512 Ii· nanc1ne av111 Bkr 949 586 1888 www ocpab1.com Mez"o '99 Mleto Conv 45k m1, auto, silver. t•n top, pw, pl. A1C, CO superb like new cond vlll9743 Sll,995 f111anc1ne & wairanty avail Bkr 949·586· 1888 w-.0<polil.com Mil 'I I 380Sl •uto. 2 tops, super clean, VB, chrome wheels. #623872 wcwarto com 949-64& 7822 Mer-'" ~ "91 C230 Dodie '91 Durenvo l trhr mnrt. 1mmac \le>er 4x4. super c.lean VB. nice 11617317 $10.~ black 11 148892 $10,495 wcwautocom 949-646-7822 wcwauto.com 94~ 7822 M•-* '-'a '89 300f runs xlnt. bl1ek lthr, ~ DSodf• '99 Intrepid diamond #892740 S5995 Red. V6 CO, super wcwautocom 9&646-7822 clean, very nice #535725 wcwlUto.com ~ 7822 Hlndyma!V HomeRtpalr Willi1'"'1ft ~ Not-Jhdmd Doe '1 haft tk rip1 IOOlal ru 1tan _,,,_. Y•Y.S..Yada XII'& Hu.d Scrrica 714.427.0040 .......... """"' Mercecles 1-.z '73 210 SH Runs aood, auto. tun car •019953 $2995 wcwauto com 949-64& 1822 Merced•• CLSOO '2002 Brilliant Silver 1 IK m1 , Muat .. n1 S7S,OOO. 949-117~1603 Handyman/ HomeRtpalr J"teyAM-'• Ho-1_,..1, s,.datlst lntenor & E aterior Repairs 714 SOI &466 LliiQ4l&3 IOllNSON COMPANY Kitchens, Wala, BattrOMl!S Mark 949·6~0·9525 THE HANDYMAN All work auaranteed Pbnbina. [lectr\all, Oocn. Ctwlatilln Handyman FinM carp C. 9&'*8Hi Fldl~. Hlullng -....~ "1.lCclO. uftocn. JUNIC TO THI DUM"ll wildowlldooB. -. 714-968· I 882 fllicabo9dl4 perntJnQ. AVAILABl.E TODAY! Srilr ~ r,. · 949-673·5566 ...dnll&Cal.illll 71 ~2315 "ffouil"lMAliiiil "-----..;;;;;..i --'"• GFM'.W. IEPAll lMAINll'..NANCE • Rsdeobal • Uxnmertial No Job 1bo Small DANA'S ltOUSI <1lANltG European s.W:e for I 5 yews. ,._ Lansed 714-342"°656 FMnlNGINTRIOllS l<itl::hln / Battl / Remodll Aldbs Wli ... bs.arn "811?5 ~ 98.6459'J25 I H Call Class fled Today (949) 642-5678 ..... -Get your ylfd looklnt lls bllt tor the ...,,,,..., YIFd ~ l!lrir* Design Renections frvftulMIM too. ,,,.., ... ,,,,~ .. .,,u.,. tMlllllliltr, ,., .. Ak~ ..._HVAC Air Condltlonina a. Heelin1 Servlc;e l 1808660 949.500.9005 ....., & IUSINISS •El'Al/U Uparades, Repairs of Co1T11>uter, Networks E venin1s/Weekends Comp•titlvt prices tor que llty Mrvk 949-IH-117S 714-926-4221 Con&ntlAMllGlwy trtdi ta.de St-Tlk Concrete, P'atio, on-y Flreplt, BBQ. Raf's 25Yrs Exp. Ttl'ry 714-557 7594 ;)CAllf'no <AaPno The,_,•• Repairs, P'1tc:hln1. ln1talf CementwOl"k, B1k;ll, Tiie Ooutteo111. any size !Obt. & Mort Rtli1bl1. No job WltoleHltl M9..&92.o205 too ~•fl 714-815·9062 •, ~~ 20 YEARS EXPERIENCl! IN ORANG£/LA COUNTIES Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDmONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bath Specialists CS CONSTRUCTION Lie# 577982 (949) 709·5642 ~-~ Wllblld & aw quotes Xtre tt-4 t.ntcee 714-4%7.-0 949-888-6455 ......... 'HIWf'S AUTO 9S /HZ SLSOO sjlver w/oay leather, prem1Um wt-ts. (19390) SV,980 0 I /'endte Flrie 1"' only 181< mi, HRE Per· fMmance wi-ts. ( 19394) INQUIRE I 00 ...,_. Xltl C- S-W iffr'f, ~ (19476) SU.980 00 J.,r1or s ry,. low miles, perfect. (19171) $25.980 02 At t1r• Tt ,.2 moonroot. loaded! ( 1945!>) $24.980 OOIMWXS 4x4 5,.r1 Silver w/Bl-.ck (19443C> S38.980 01 Ar1tll A4 Or1otro Only 14K mt. lthr. moonroot (19478) 26,980 OOtlncolttU Black w/betae moonroof. chromed wheel' (193811) $15,980. 91 IMW T40I S..,_ Black/Blk. warranty, Loaded (19318) $26.980 91 tur1• IS '00 While w/tan prem wheell ll bnuty I 194'0) S13,980 ,, .. .,, ... u20 w...-Wh1te w/arey leath· er chrome wheels ( 1~29) $27.980 949-574-7777 PHtWl'S AUTO ,h1M1,.-1 •. c..., Movtng&IDlgl PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Publlc Utthties Comm1ss1on requ"es that all used household 1 oods movers print their P U.C. Cal T number, limos and chauffeurs print their T.C P number In all advtt· tlsements. If you have any questions about the leeallty o f a mover. limo o r chauffeur, call• l'UtUC llTIUTIIS COMMtSSIOM aoo 111 ..... 1 J .. .......... 2.5RS, black Meuty, ,.. ... loedl4. mnrf, 11 RS 0114b11 110,500 714-751-2464 SOft IOAT & MOO. .... NIWl'OltT HACH $.U,tOO C9' C'"'4 94' .... 41.0114 Tey9tt1 '94 <.,.._ U 4011 ml, actual, ml, lel1ure World owner, euto, pa, pw, wllltt/arey Int, beaut like new cond, V"755291 $4996 8roller 949·5"-11N _......,._ Velka....,i '00 IHtle 28k ml, sparklina black/ oatmul, auto, moonrf, CD. pw. pl, alloy whls. like new, v1n*470055 $11,995 tin & warranty avail, Bkr 949·586-1888 -.ecpeJll.com vw Geff Gl '90 Sspd stick. 111 records, wwt ftpl a. ••ICUllDI. exhd $1900/obo 949-706·3999 VW 'ti Pflltlf GlS V6 WhC. auto, rmrf. a.. super Glean, #252266 $10, 995 __,..,.com 949-646-'lf1fl2 AUTOM08l.ES, .esca.wEOOS Wlnlld 9045 '-lly o,.....e.I Do* o-40 ~ eipl wil pay a vt1y I• pnce for )'Oii es Van or trudl I-' for OI not Cal Old\ Rey @ Tomato Auto Salles.. 7~ 43'7·1!nl OI 7l4-328-J228 CASH Pott CMS WI NHD YOUR CAA ,.,D ro• oa NOT ,HIW,SAUTO ASI( fOl MALCOLM 949-574-7777 MOTOR HOMES son MOTOR HOMI FOR Rf.NT UK£ N(W C CLASS/SLIOE ·OUl 949-515 2305 CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SALE! CAll (949) 642-5678 Plumbing ., .. llttttt UllAlAl~I i.. .. tar ... ..... "' llnd far 'fbll (Ml) ea1-sn1 .... 'RilnllAIMUl'.ool'll SEl.l New&UH4t .. •• ..... D.al•Y. tOAT SHOW June 26th· 29th (310) 645·5151 13 1/2~ Boston Whaler 40 hp, Yamaha. side console. $3400/obo 714·815·9057 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 NHD4S'SUP In Newport 8eo~h os· beam) w/water & power. 714 865·2999 93 FT SUP AVAii.AiU IN NIW,ORT HACH $2500l£ASE 949-500-IOOS IAY ISLAND COVf oreo, I 3ft beam unhm1!e<I len11:th. quiet & ufe 94'.l 922 nn or 949 673 194~ CLASSIFIED It's the solu- tion you 're searching/ or· whether you 're seeking a home, apart· men~petor new occupation! Pool Service Me• .. c 'o•I & Spa Svc. Weekly Service lqu1p· ment Repairs, lnwrtd Cell 949-292-7173 R~ulterl TNISTW.lltl $pecl•lltl1111n Wlllpapr Removal l l588241 949-360 1211 W...Clelnlng u•w......."--*-- Allidll'ltlll Mli1I. --;;.. .... ' ~~