HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-21 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot:;, Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2003 Nichols a likely City Council topic Newport Beach leaders say discussion of colleague's comment about Mexicans on Big Corona could take up much of next meeting. appalling." said Ridgeway, who was not certain whether he would take the opportunity at Tuesday's council meeting to voice his feelings. ~we're some- what limited by the Brown Act. . . . But my feeling is that an elected official shouldn't make these irresponsible comments. FAMILY TIME June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot finalized on Friday with- out any items devoted to the Nichols matter. It's pos.sible that council mem- bers will de- cide to put the issue on The decent thing is to resign NEWPORT Bf.ACH -It's not on their agenda. They're not yet sure whether or how they plan to bring it up. But council members are certain that Councilman Did Nichols' comments about Mexicans on Corona del Mar State Beach will be the subject of much conversation at their Tues- day council meeting. Dick Nichols the agenda ·A lot of us were brought up with tolerance." Ridgeway said. "This is incomprehensible.· I don't want to assume tha1 you know all of the bad examples that our leader'> are setting for our kjd!>, so here'!. a brief recap: else can one explain how he has time to check the identities of everyone spending the day on the grass at the beaches of Nev.rport? management seminars and selling lime management books and tape!> Or maybe Nichols was bom with "Mexdar" and he doesn't need to check 1denuftcauons. He has a sixth sense. Nichols claims that aJ his comments were taken out of context; and b ) he was just ·being honest.·· "You know how public com- ments take about an hour? Well, I wouldn't be surprised to see them go on all night,· Council- man Tod Ridgeway said. The City Council agenda was for discussion at a subsequent meeting. But it's even more likely that the topic will dominate the early portion of the meeting devoted to coun- cil members' comments. "I find Mr. Nichols' comment Civil rights groups are ex- pected to tum out to spealc or even protest at the meeting since the topic has gathered national media attention. On Thursday and Friday, Mayor Steve Brom- berg was interviewed by 10 news organizations. "This thing has gotten really big.· Bromberg said. "We're go- See NICHOLS, Pase A4 Responding to a proposal to expand the grassy areas on Newport Beach beache!>, City Councilman Dick Nichols told the Daily Pilot, "With grass, we usually get Mexicans coming 1n there early in the morning, and they claim it as them.. and It becomes their personal. pnvate ground all day.· My take: Nichols hru, way 100 much time o n hi!. hands. I lo" STEVE SMITH It's really remarkable when you trunk about 11. Perhaps Nichols has missed his calhng and should be conducung lime Well, let me say this about that. Unless he was quoting someone. his comments were not taken out of context See FAMILY, P11e M THE WEEKEND STARTS NOW Robert Jones of Arizona plants an umbrella dunng a family V1srt to Black1es Beach on Friday afternoon. Costa Mesa Poljce, Fire honor their own Twelve people receive the departments' various public safety awards at a luncheon on Friday. Retired Chief Snowden presents the police awards. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Sgt. Marty Carver recalled a day 1n his childhood when his mom caught him ateallng a roll of pop caps from the store and took him to task for Lt Officer Derek TtusJc laughed at how he caught a thief driving a stolen rec- reational vehicle in the middle of the night. Ofticer Tony Yannizzi described his love for the department he has served for eight years. Of6cer Larry Fettis took pride ln his knowledge of the city's strttts. Ofllcer Jeffrey Graham talked about the day be saved the life of a 3-day- old lnfant. and carver choked up as he spoke of a fellow oftker being di- agnosed with cane.er. Several awards were handed out Friday afternoon to Costa Mesa's po- Uce and ftre officials at the «th an- nual PubUc Safecy Awards Luncheon. But what aeveral communicy mem- bers saw Friday was a aide of their of- 8cers that doesn't surface when they're patrolling cicy meets. The event. sponson!d by the Costa Mesa Omnber of Commerce. was punctuated with gregarious laughter, pregnant pauses and silent tears as officers surprised the audience with a touching display of their emotional. human side. Fonner PoUce Chief David Snow- den presented the awards to police officers after new Chief John Hensley requested him to do so. Hensley said he would lib to see more officers at- tend such events. •lf they can be b~re. they should be See HONOR, hi• M Water in Costa Mesa may cost more Mesa Co nsolidated will consider raising prices 6% to meet supply costs. The district raised rates l J % in September. Deirdre Newm1n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The Mesa Consoli- dated Water District want!> 10 pass in- creased costs along to consumers m the form of a 6% rate increase On Tuesday, the dismct's board wiU consider shanng the burden of SI m1lhon in increased water supply costs with FYI its customers. The proposed increase comes nine months after the d1stnct ap· proved an 11 .2~ hike to pay for higher energy and water costs The Sl-milhon increase in supply costs is a result of other county wa WHAT: Mesa Consolidated Water District board meeting WHEN:7pm. Tuesday WHERE: The d1stnC1 board room, 1965 Placentia Ave INFORM.A TION: (949) 631 -1205 ter agencies slamming the district with higher fees. said Coleen Scamunach. ad- ministrative services manager for the dls- tnct. The district can o nly do so much on its own to absorb that increase, she said. "We have tried to find ways to mini· mize the effects," Sca.rminach said. "Some labor and benefit costs were con- trolled by reducing staff and the budget for temporary labor.· One of the higher costs the diatrlct faces results from a decision by the Orange County Water District that se- verely reduced the amount of water the district could pump out of the ground- water basin. The basin ls getting low because of low rainfall and if the diltrict doesn't control the pumping, the water could all be med S..WATEJt ...... M Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ON TIE WEI: www.~com ha elteedv won cwo euper ndorill tldei .. yeer. Too soon to assess resort, Greenlight says WEATHER fi5& Ah, unmer. M , gloom. ... ,.Al. IPORTI NM"'Dlt leld\ terril ptleliom ~ oa.edt. 11. S.~11 COSTAllAZING wt.,,, do you IM In COlll Mlle?Whlt •a*d you to .. dty, end wtllt do you...,.. mole .... •?Thi~,.,. wllM'l\Qlr ........ .. "'°"" ... dly Git 'J kl ... llDlt ••MWf. l'M deldlc• ---.. JuN 20. ........... to ...... r la.carrt or ... to CMMl-4110. Leader of controlled-growth group does lament that the Pelican Hill project does not have to face a citywide vote. JuneCaH1rltHe OailyPilot N6WPORT 81'.ACH -A GreenJltht ..,._..,. ... .... k\ too _., '° .. • .. . new ..., plarined -.ad Iba '**' .. Gal Oub .. draw .,,, .... "*"*. Glw .......... PW NIA .-s-. .... .,., -~ ............. , ........ QUD110N Doy..e-.,,, __ , ....... .-t_ ...... .. .. a.1ca1 ourA11M~ 7· • • ( .. )M2 .... or ~....,,.. ..... ,. ..... M&alflt. ......... .,,,.. ... Ind .-...,...~­~,.___b.....,., ~--............ ...-a• .............. "IMdl,rlm• .......... ....... M t AJ S.Udly, Aone 21, 2003 BOOMERS & BEYOND THE OLDER CROWD Never too oldforJCC programs Oasis holding health fair W bile the Jewish Community Center of Orange County offers programming for ages preschool and up, this column will h.igbligbt the JCC programs that enrich the lives of the boomers and beyond. 1his includes programs for people who enjoy dancing close together. to Senior center, Hoag Hospital and other local organizations will have various screenings and tests available. Suzi• H.,rlaon Daily Pilot A healthy approach to life ts something the Oasis Senior Center takes pride ln, and with their Oasis Health Pair from 8 a.m. to l p.m. June 28, anyone 18 or older can take advantage of free and low-cost screeninp and other activities to take care of their health. Hoag Memorial Hospital, Corona del Mar Rehab and Priestly Ollropracdc and ocher local health organizations have teamed up with the senior center to make this loog·standl.ng event poaaible. Some of the testing requires preregistradon and has a fee. Bone density testing costs $20, cholesterol and glucose screening costa $25, and stroke screening costs $45. For the glucose saeening. people are urged to fast at least 8 to 12 hours before. AD other testing is free, including pulmonary lung function. blood pressure, body fat. hearing. vision, dermatology, podiatry and physical therapy and chiropl8Ctic testing. "Hoag iB sending someone to checlc pulmonary lung function. and a doctor specializing In arthritia and orthopedics," said Vicki Olin, social services coordinator for Oasis. It's on a first-come. first-serve ba.s1a. Olin anticipates 300 to 400 people will come, mostly from the Newport Beach area. "It depends. /18 the years go by, it changes. .. Chin said. M /18 health care changes. It lowers the numbers. because more people have accea to their doctors.• It can be a life-changing experience to be aware of one's health, she said. *Ufeline doe.a a stroke screening and on a few occaslons people have been told to call their doctor rigbt away: Olin said. "They possibly would have bad a stroke or aneurysm otherwise." Exhibits will be on lte to provide information on different health topics and a healthful barbecue lunch will be prepared for a modest price. Oasis Senior Center is at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. To schedule a screening that requires preregistration, call {949) 644--3244. For any other information, call (949) 718-1821. romantic and understandable lyrics, are interested in sports and healthy living. and have time for travel, adult education. holiday celebrations and giving back to our community through volunteer and mentor programs. BOOMER CALENDAR One of the J's most popular boomers programs is the JCC DONNA VAN SLYKE Community Orchestra, made up of adult musicians who represent a diversity of age, culture and background. Proof that musk is a common language, they meet to rehearse on Sunday mornings and prepare for three concerts each year. Each concert features a soloist prodigy, providing a showcase for up-and-coming talent and giving these youngsters the opportunity to participate in a symphony performance. The conductor of the JCC Communizy Orchestra is boomer Rob Sudak.ow. Sudakow works for an aerospace company as principal director in space systems, but being a man of many talents, he attended college on a music scholarship and studied ceUo under Fabian Sevitslcy. Suda.kow has played with community and college orchestras including the Orange County Doctor's Symphony, the UCI Symphony and the Aliso Viejo Symphony. Now ln hls fifth year as conductor and music director of the JCC Community Orchestra. Sudakow's concens include standard orchestral literature, musical theater selections with soloists, children's concerts and special performances with orchestra choirs. Sudakow also plays chamber music and has performed locally at charity events, as well as here at the JCC At 7 p.m. Sunday, the JCC Community Orchestra wiU present a concert at O ubhouse Ill in Leisure World, 23822 Avenida Sevilla, Gate Ill, Laguna Hills. The program will feature the well -loved Academic Festival OvertUJ'e by Brahms, Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 3, the "Scottish," and the Violin Concerto No. 5 by Vleuxtemps, featuring I 7·year-old soloist David Lisker. David performed with the JCC Community Orchestra three years ago, and the video of that performance brought him to the attention of lczha.k Perlman, who invited David to study and travel with him the past three summers. The concert on Sunday is chaired by Ullian Firestone, a beautiful, vibrant and energetic volunteer at the JCC and at many other local charities. UJ. though in her 80s, Is filled with astonishing energy and enthusiasm, giving of her time to her family, friends and to community service. If you are interested in attending the concert on Sunday, tickets are $15 and will be available at the door. You will enjoy an evening of wonderful music and meet many o( the active and talented JCC boomers. • DONNA VAN SLYKE 11 the adult program supervisor for the Jewish Community Center of Orange County. • Send CALENDAR Items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to miktuwanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A. complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. JUNE23 M.ture dtfvwa can aherpen their skills in an eight-hour A.A.RP driver safety class held in two aeaalona from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. June 23 and 24 at Pntabyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Meaa. Claues are limited to 30 students and cost $10. Advanced registration required. For more Information, call (714) 557-3340. JUNE25 ·w.11neea •nd Heeling .... free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother'• Ma~et, 226 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa; To make reservations, call (800) 696-6687. JONEM •fiw tc.ya to Vlbrmt LMng· ... free aeminar to be held from 6;30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Ma~et. 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To make reservation.. call (800) 596-6687. JUNE21 The ea.ta Meu ...,c.n.... wfll hold a fie• martcet from 8 e.m. to 1 p.m. at the~. parldng lot. 696 w. 19th St. 5pecH ooet $10 for membera, $20 for nonmembers. Reaervationa .,. required. For mo,. infotmation, call (949 646-2368. H..etMoliedcMla ...... ol 11 ... are lnvtted to the Oaia Health Ftlr from 8 e.m. to 1 p.m . et U,. Coron• del Mer Senior Center, 800 Merguertta Ave. Free test1 ~II be avallabfe for blood preeeure, VIiion, hee"ng, body flt, pulmonety lung func:tlon, podletJy, dennltology, phyalcal therapy end ctilroprecttc needa. Other teltl will be offef'ed for • $20 to $46 fee. For more lnfonnltfon, call (9'9) 718-1821. ONGOING Oui9 Senior~ holde. pancalat breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage. coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center la et 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Women 60 end otder can Join • diacuaslon group coordinated by Jewiah Family Services to eddreta iaauea IUch •• anxiety, depreulon, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. P,.reglstration required. (714) 445-4960. The ... lnstitu19 ofJws free computer classes to peopf e wtth fading viaion who have difficulty seeing the computer eoreen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six aeuiona. Call to aign up for classes. (714) 821 -5000. The Costa Meu s..... c.ni.r has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 648-3884. J9willh r.mly .... of Or.,.. County aponeore en ongoing heeling aupport group fQf' 1he dwonlcelty Ill. The purix-e la to pnMde pettldpenta with emodonel aind ~support to menege ... andits~ The group m..a 8t 7 p.m. Thuredeys et 1he Jewtlh Ftmlv 5efvlae oflloe. 250 E. Beker St. COiia Miu. Allel ldence Is fnla.but nviltndion II required. (714) ~. The Coin and Stamp C.ub mMtl from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondaya at the 0Hls Senior Center. New members Interested In trading, buying and Mfllng stamps and coins ,,. being sought to join these Informal meetinga. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewieh Famlty 8ervtca .... ongoing bereavement support groups for adults It 111 atlgft of loss. Group member• share experiences, hear how othera deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with 1adneas and lou. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tueadaya at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The aec:ond group meet.a at 10 a.m. Tuesd1y1 at Temple.Judea in Laguna Hiiia. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thuraday1 at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There'• no coat to attend, but advance registration la required. (714) 445-4950. o..18 Senior Center offw'I auiat.lnce, counseling and refem1I aervlcea for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Co9t8 Meea Senior atlut\ Square and Roond Dence ctub aeekl e.xperlenced dancers to join It.a group from 9 to 11 e.m. Thursday• at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomon• A.venue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthtttl8 foundltion lnltNCtlOf Hiiiery Stone leeda an exerclae clH• at 11 a.m. Thuradaya at the Jewish Senior Center, 260 E. Baker St., Costa seniors on the fourth Wedneaday of Meaa. (714) 613-5641. each month in the center's Room HS-3, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona Ouls 5-nlor cem.r °"*9 • deity del Mar. Call to make en telephone contact program for appointment. (949) 644-3244. seniora who have • llmlted local support aystem. They alao offer Senion end kM-tncome f9mlll" computer clasaea that teach the In the Cost• Meaa-Newport Beach baaica of Word, Quieten, Print Shop area can obteln free U.S. Depertment and lntemet uaage. (949) 644-3244. of Agriculture aurplua food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m . the aecond Friday of The Oula Senk>r CenW on....• each month In the rear part.Ing lot at shuttle to take membera to the Chun::h of Christ, 740 W. Wll1on eppolntmenta and grocery St .• Costa Mesa. Picture ahopplng. The ahuttle also tekes identification ia required. (949) membera to the center. Call to make 650-8236. an appointment (949) 644-3244. a.. Senior CenW on.r.. a.. Senior Cenw ..._ vlsuel oounaelor to aaalst with questions aid ac:reenlnga wfth a Braille lnltitute about Medicare, HMO. and repreaentativa. by eppointment. supplemental and long-term care (949) 644-3244. insurance. Call to mike an appointment. (949) 844-3244. O.til hnlor cem.r h•• • walldng groop called Walk era Not Oesla Senior CenW °"9r9 • mMI Ro<*era, which meets once a week to program for members. Lunch la &efV8d enjoy ac:enlc Wllkl In end around the daltvfrom 11:.46a.m.to12:16 p.m. In Newport Beach are•. (949) 644-3244. the multlpurix-e room at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona~ Mar. The Aizhelmer's Aun. end Gn.t liome-<MIMnd meala are .vailat*t for Support Group of Newport Villa homebound terliora. Reservetiona .,. WesWilla Roaa co-aponaora a free requited. (949) 644-3244. support group meeting for categlvera at 7 p.m. the fourth Th• A.INance for the Mentalty Ill of Thursday of each month through Orange County provides education October at Newport Villa West and emotional support for famlllea A.aalsted Living, 393 Hospital Road, with loved ones who are mentllly ill. Newport Beach. (949) 631-3555. A. free support group meeta from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. every other Saturday at The Alzheimer'• Aun. end Meu the Orange County Mental Health Terrace.• reeidential community for ctinlc. 3115 Red Hill Ave .• Costa people with Alzheimer'• disease and Mesa. (714) 850-8463. related dementia, offera a free 1upport group for careglvera at 6:30 0.119 Senior Centw on.r. rentel p.m . the first Tuesday of Hd1 month of medical equipment - at Meaa Terrace, 360 W. BIV St.. wheelchairs, walkera and more. Costa Mesa. (714) 283-1111. (949) 644-3244. 0.all Senior CenW conducte The Coeta ..... Senior CenW blood preaaure ac:reenlnga from 9 to offera preventive hulth care 11 a.m. the first and third Tueec:llV of MfVicel for Mnk>ra from 9 a.m. to 2 each month In Room 3 at 800 p.m. Wedneedlys 1nd from 9 1.m. to Marguerite Ave .. Coron• del Met. 2 p.m. ev..-y othef T"'eaday, 1t 696 W. (949) 644-3244. 191h St., Coet9 Mae. Call to make an eppofntm9nl (9'8) 846-2358. The O.ela Senior cem.r ofln. Braille claaa to hetp with aJght Iott n..c....-.. ...... c.n.. from 10 a.m. to noon Thurldaya In ofren counteffng, nelatance end Room 4 at 800 Merguerite Ave., ,.ferral aervlc:a for Mnlora, 696 W. Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. 19th St., Coat.I Mesa. (949) 646-2366. The Jewteh Senior Center offw'I The Costa Mesa Hlttoric .. card games from 10 e.m. to 2 p.m. Society holds a free open house every third TuudlV. A. kosher lunch from 11 a.m . to 3 p.m. Thuradaya at la offered et noon for $3.per peraon. 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mesa. The (714) 613-6641. event futures memorebfll• from the ctty of Cost• M818 and the S.nta Ana RftlM yout llMlme documenb Army A.Ir Bese. (949) 631~918. for edvence heelth care directives at the OHi• Senior Center for $3 each. Oiert a.mo, Centw on.r. • Call to make an eppolntment. (949) Parkinson'• dlaeeae aupport group 644-3244. • from 7 to 9 p.m. the aecond Thursdey of Nch month at 800 Oetil Senior Center °"9rl Merguerlte Ave .. Corona del Mer. preventive healthcere aervicea for (949) 644-3244. Daily A Pilot Conl~ 8o>c 1560, Com Me.a, CA 9262t. SURF AND SUN News ...i.tant. (IMI) 57<M298 Copyright No MM ltOriea, oorwt.wll«Hl•1-rl,,,_oom lllustmlone, editorial rNtter or PMOTOQMPIW ~herein c.n be WEATHER FORECAST W8V9I of 2· to 3-t.t. The swell Seen Hiiier, Don Lactt. l'9PfOduced wtthout wria.-. ic.t'll Tl"eS*JW permiMlon of oopyrlght owner. wlll be from the nof1hw9lt et 6 VOL 97, N0.172 MON doudl, 1 litlle bit of to 1 fMt. tt wlll build lat8. fEADal HOT\N HOW TO MACH OI THOMAS H. JOHN80H New9 fdltof'I (948) 842.eoee ~-eun 1nd~f'M lnthe SURF Publisher Glne AAexand«, Lori Anc:Weon, Record your c:omrnem. ebout the The Tlmea Orenge County mld-70a. Sounds lb Southern TOHVDOOERO O.nlel Hunt, Peut Seltowitz. Delly Piiot or news tiPL (800) 262-9141 Callfomll, right? ctMllt high eurf for the moat Editor ........ Mw8'1Wnt The rnomlng wMe ...., off JUOV OET11NO Oenlel St9Wnl Our~ la 330 W. a.., St., Com a 11Rld <Mil 842-58711 pert on a~ .welt NEWllTAFF W9t Ind cool, with the mercury ~~r Crime°.:r~. MeM. CA t2t27. Offtce houn.,. 0...-, (941) 842""321 hoY9ftng In the tow eo.. The dde wUI be WOftdng Monday •~. t.30 a.m. • 6 p.m . ........ aoeN*•mo1N19....ie>n Promotlone DI~ (Ml67~ Conulla,. News eepeddv nw1he ....,, Not toctev. but tt.. Might be. few dNptl.bhlnth•ld,,,_oom It II lt'8 flllot'a polloy '° prompdy (Ml)M2-6el0 muctt wtl lmprcM dunng the decent W9WI etound Und mt'TIGITAR ..... =-·· OOMCt ell enora of"'~ --(Ml)~ dly. 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A '7.98 VALUE Organica Organic Gourmet Cookies • Sto1brad ~ O\unk • Shol1breld Clnmmcn Spice • Shurtbttaf IJMndir • Shurtbtmi Lemon • Double ChxoWe Co&c • Panut 8uHlr .-.--1&_ • Clrllltnd Walnut • Olhna1 Cocmut REG.'3.89 ~ c~s 89 REG. '2.39 1 .,,, "- ,,, 1~pff J Low Fat y1 \}J Wheat Free Spelt Pretzels • TASTING FMRE ·FREE SAMPLES· DRAWINGS FOR A MOUNTMN BIKE, $100 MOTHER'S SHOPPING SPREE & GIFI' BASKETS· FUN· FOOD ·MUSIC· Soy Delicious Organic Non-Dahy Frozen Deuert • Mixed Berry .~ • BiKX Olen)' • P.1plya Delight • Cranberry Delight • Prune • Grape -~~$4RQ REG. '2.29 .a..-32 ;_ __ :!2:; r.. I 7TH "iHffFT 19170 BE \l'H Rl\T>.. i«Jf1:1 \11nn:1.'"' 2·,1 t;:; P.\.'t o nr \" •. ,l, \ OPEN DAIL v• l'OST·\r.tf.~\ ffl '\'I tff.\UI 1\IJ\\IBORt:t:1lff\l\I 1\lrl IOM01l\\.l\\ ·•· (9-\91 t>:U-·\i·'il Iii t l ~lti:& .. \,0\1' rn~'ll Ti2-~10'1' \\PO()' ·!~\~ti 7h' flfth7 . r M s.b.rday, June 21. 2003 lhod1y COiium :AJbrecht 'NiUe leMc• will be held tor 61·,..CDlla .... reeAdent Dorothy Collum Albrecht Mn; A....., .. 1buncbay or natural caute1. She wu 90. Sbe Al aunlved by hlrlband Fnnda A AlbNc:bt: iillllf Mlli 1MJ ~ 1' grandChildren; W one ~t-~d • ..__• • Tiie 0.lly Piiot welcom" C>bftuatlM for r....,_ or former raldent9 of Costa Mae end Newport Beac:h. tf you _."'to have an obituary printed in the Piiot, aek your mortuary IO fax ua the JnforrnMJon at (949) &48-4170 or a.II the rtewsroom at (949) 764-4324. RESORT Continued from Al permlta for the project. but the dty'I Economic Development Committee Js l.iJceiy to review and comment on environmental studies for the project. aty Man- ager Homer 8ludau said. The Oty O>uncll do the same, he said. "We certainly are a concerned party and we certainly will be looking at it," BJudau said. "I think the Irvine Co. does pretty good quality projects. I think this one will be given a lot of their at- tention. I'm sure it will be well planned and well scrutinized by the community and a welcome addJtion by the Newpon Coast community. PUBLIC SAFETY The Irvine C.O. on Friday un- veiled the plans, which include 204 guest rooms, 52 vacation homes, 68 shared-ownership vil- las, a new golf club house, a spa and other amenities.. Officials would not disclose the cost of the project An aerial view of what the Pelican Hill resort would look fike. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Avenue of th• Arb: An auto theft was reported in the 3400 block at 9:07 a.m. Thursday. • Brfnol Stre.t: Vandalism was reported In the 3300 block at 10:44 a .m. Thursday. • Bristol Street and Town Center Drive: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 4:26 p.m. Thursday. • Me .. Vent. Drive East: An auto theft was reported in the 1500 block at 12:24 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Boutev.rd: Petty theft was reported in the 2300 block at 1 :57 a.m. Thursday. • Pla~t.la Avenue: Indecent exposure was reported in the 2300 block at 12:26 p.m. Thursday. •Santa Ana Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1500 block at 7:38 a.m. Thursday. • E•n 17th Street and Tunln Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported at 1:23 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eeatbluff Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 2100 block at 6:16 a.m. Thursday. • Irvine Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 600 block at 10:17 a .m. Thursday. • Moming Canyon Road: Grand theft was reported in the 400 block at 10:08 a.m. Thursday. • East Ocean Front: Battery was reported in the 600 block at 6:58 a.m. Thursday. • Sylvia Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1500 block at 6:15a.m. Thursday. • Tustin Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block at 7:45 a.m. Thursday. •30th Street: A hit-and-run was reported in the 100 block at 10:49 a.m. Thursday. Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNElS • HEAlnt Sllll111i1J S111u 1957. Newpon Beach C.Oofenmce and VtSitors Bureau Executive Di- FAMILY Continued from Al And since he was just Hbeing honest." and everyone likes being honest, I'd Like to be honest, too: Nichols should not be a member of the Newport Beach City C.Ouncll. There Is a big dl.fference between being honest and being out of touch. Nichols is out of tou ch. In a county that hatched John Schmitt, that finally got rid of ex-Congressman Bob Doman and is only now being thought of as somethlng other than a haven for rich white Republicans. Nichols has set the clock bad abo4t JO years. And just who are these people Nichols claims are planting flags and claiming the land for their Icing? They're your friends and neighbors. These are the people whose children go to school with your children, even at -gasp! -Newport Harbor High School. They're the people whose c;hildren play soccer and baseball with yours, whose children have the same hopes and dreams as yours and who are decent. law-abiding people. just li.lce you and your children. HONOR Continued from Al here." he said "And they should be here in unifonn. It's a great opponunity for them Lo network and meet with the community.· Hensley said award functions are always heart warming. ·The officers today will walk away from here encouraged and refreshed," he said. Fire Olief Jim Ellis made the presentations for winners from his department. "I'm proud of every member of my department." he said. Ellis said he hopes to continue partnering with the Police De- partment on investigations and other assignments, something that was accomptished during Snowden's time as chief. Kirk Dominic, awarded Fire Officer of the Year. could not at- tend because he is a major in the U.S. Anny and was deployed • during wartime. He is still serv- ing in Texas. Also. Doug Walson, who was awarded F'ue6ghter of the Year, could not receive his award because he Is in the hos- pital recovering from a surgery. NICHOLS Continued from Al ing to try to deal with this in the way decent people should deal with It" Bromberg has publicly called for Nk:hola to voluntardy resign, but Bromberg said he ls not yet sure whether the council will tab any fonnal action. ·~!!91·t;.1rn,.:.:.1 soLARIAN ~ALA~ The counc:O bas limited power to act on situations such as the Mchola comment They might choose to censure him or to im- poee aancdona, lnduding ltt'ip- pl:ng him of assignments to couoc:O committees and other bodies, auch as the Newport <Mil AdYt9ory C.OmmJttee. DDIM PWSB CAIPIT ......... ,...1•• ........ ... .. an•..,..-., .... '• cona~ ··--,. 1 ·-~1 (888) MESA-777 CUTI> ............ -··-··---·----' I ~C'.~ I ·~ -· ... __ ,, Nfcboll l&ld In a phone Inter- WATER Contirlled from Al up and the buln could collapse, Sc:lrinJMch wet. That me.ans *-Me to buy more imported .._ wblc:b la mo~ el:penltve, lbeMld. TM • hike would tnrialate lnlD • lncnue ol lbout SlM .......... ..... s.pc.mber, .... board ~ rector Marta Hayden l~uded the project. which builds on the area's rapidly emerging image as a major resort destination. "'We're just thrilled about the Oh, and by the way, one of these "Mexicans" just bought the Anaheim Angeb from Disney. For Nichols, however. none of that matters. What reaJly matters is the color of their skin, and if ii isn't pasty while, they're Mexican. Or "orienral." or black, or something. All he seems to know or care abour 1i. that they aren't whilt' and therefore, they don'r belon~ on his beaches. Isn't that it, Nicholi;? I m ean. as long as we're being hone!>! - and how refreshing 1h1., ,., - isn't that really what you tnl'<1n11 Bui why stop at claiming they're Mexican ? Maybe rhey're gay. too. Maybe these people are Democrats. Maybe they're Muslim. And maybe. JU\I maybe. they're from anorher planet. When you think about It. maybe Nichols is on to something. Maybe the grai;i;y areas of Newpon are ovt:rrun with gay democratic Mu\l1m Mexicans from Mars who arc Lrying to coloniu P.arrh. WeU, I've got my own html' ro pick. Here's what I've nutin•d I've noticed thar dunng rlw rush ho ur, the cars on lhl· freeway are filled w11h Americans. I mean. 11\ COSTA MESA PUBLIC SAFETY AWARDS POLICE DEPARTMENT Officer of the Y .. r: Larry Fen1s and Tony Yanniui Volunteer of the Year: Bruce Hendrick ReMrve Offteer of the YHr: Paul Cappucci Iii Cfvilian of the Year: Dave Kress First-line Supervisor of the YHr· Sgt. Marty Carver life Saving Award: Jeffrey Graham 10-851 Award for R~very of Stolen Vehicles: Officer Derek Trusk ARE DEPARTMENT Fire OffiC« of the Year: Kirk Dominic Firefighter of the YHr: Doug Wilson Civilian of th• Year: Barbara Marcosa Co.MJNICATIONS CE~ CommunlcatlonsOffic.,ofthe Year: Wande Ayers safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by &-mail at deepa.bharath@lat1mes com. view on Tuesday that he opposes expanding grassy areas at Big C.Orona beach because "with grass, we usually get Mexicans coming in there earty in the rooming, and they clalm it as theirs. and it becomes their per- sonal, private grounds all day.· In response to the pubUc out- cry, Nichols has reaffirmed his statement. calling It "blatantly true." However, be feels it was taken out of context because the comment was emphasl7.ed over other points he made about beach improvements. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadl end John Wayne Airport. She may be reeched at (949) 574-4232 or bV •mall et june.cnagrande IJlatifnf».com. unanimously approved the 11.2% monthly hlke. Befom that, the fu t lime th dlJU'lCl raJ~ It• water rat wu 1995. 1be di.trict tervea Costa Meu ~ 1 •mall section or Newport Bach, tndudl .. John W.yne Airport. new.. about Pelican Hill. lbat's gomg to be a wonderful addition 10 the Newport area.· Hayden ..aid. ·1na1 gorgeous golf course, that hill watching th e sunset It dei.p1cable. These dam Aml'ncans take to the streets and claim our highways as their own personal, private roadways. Then there are our business leaders. I've noticed that they're American:.. too. and they are claiming our pension funds as rheir own peri.onal, private piggy banks. I low about those An1ericans 111 the California legislature? fhow Americans are set to rriple -tnple, I say! -the car 1ax 111 lhio. -.1ate s imply because tlwy '>quandered a m ultibillion dollar i.urplui. and can't manage . nur mom·y. which they've claimed a\ their peTsonal. private pork barrel. About 10 days ago. I had the plcru.ure of hearing radio talk 'ihow hoi.r Dennis Prager give a o;peech about ethics. I've heard Prager offer ~ome of the same comments on his program, but 111 the context of the evening. an <.'ve nt at the Sutton Place Hotel in Newport Beach that honored ethic~ in business, they were gemi.. l'ragcr quoted author Victor hankel, who was in a Gennan com enu-ation camp during World War II and lost his family to the Na7j gas chambers. Afrer th<' war. Frankel was WHATS AFLOAT • WHArS AA.OAT IS published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the mfonnation lo the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or bye-mail to dailyp1fot@fat1mes.com. CRUISES Electric Boat Tours on.rs two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidt-up from restaurants with dodts is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Bane is available for weddings and receptions, cocktail and sightseeing cruises. and meetings. The cost is S500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for eacts additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Bo.i Co. runs a 45-mlnute cruise (adults, $6; children.11) and a 00-minute cruise (adults, $8; children. $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children. $'1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private dlarters are available. (949) 673-0240. c.tallna P'uaenger ~ NRI 45-minute harbor CNiMI (adulta, $6; children, $1) and 90-mlnute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 mlnutea from 11 a .m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour untll 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. Cf\Mtheh81bcw ....... Electra, a 1~foot Oauic Fent.ail VUMI. Chartera whh c•te(.ug are avallable for up to 146 pauengera. (949) 723-1088. A thf'MoCOUrM clnner Md dancillg wt.u. cruising the harbor ire evallabte at 8 p.m. FrtdeY9 Ind at 7!30 p.m. Slnurdays at Hornblower CrulM9 81 Eventa, 2..a' W. COMt Hlghwey, Newport a..ct\. T'h9fM , ..... .,., per.on on Fridays and $84 on ~ INndtc:Meet lleo 8f9 .vlMable. (Ne) e31·241Q. Thee ..... ..,..,.. ... Belbol ........... 9.lft.; dlly end rMUml "°"' c..... ~ 994:30 pm • rouncHrtp b l COlMTESY OF TliE IRYINE CO doesn't get much better than thaL lt's great news to us and the community. and we expect great ~ from having a luxury property like that" asked If he hated the German race. Frankel's reply was that he did not look at race. To him, the world Is divided into two type~ of people. the decent and the indecent. and that both types appeared in every segment of every population all over the world. Anet of trying the find the answer to why they were sent to concentration camps. Frankel wrote: "Our answer must consist not in talk and medication. but In right action and in righr conducL Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the nght answer to it~ problems and to fulfiJJ the tasks wbfch it constantly sets for each individual.· Nichols. be a decent person and distance yourself from your indecent comments. Do the right action, take the responsibility and set an example for our children that 1s sorely needed: Please resign Monday morning. Thank you. • STEVE SMITH Is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a mnaage for him on the Delly Pilot hotline et (949) 642-6086. adults; $20 round-trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-5245. Homblow °"1lr'a w ••i.nct dinner dance and Sunday dlampagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway. Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. The Adventu,.. ft Saa Yltcht Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $20. includes cruise, park.Ing, coolcies and sodas. Reservations required. (949) 650-2412. ASHING Ashing de-. IMw e.a.o. Pavilion at 6 a.m. and retum at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Ashing auppiee and boet charters (open party and private) are available at Davey's Lodcer. 400 Main St., Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishlng, 309 Palms, Suite F, Newport Beach (949) 676-0550. o.v and n6ght ftehlng dwrtws for groups ot singles are availabte at Bongos Sportfishlng on Balboa Peninsula. (949) 673-2810. KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA lmua Outrigger Canoe Club Invites adventure-minded adults to canoe Newport H8t'bor Hawaiian style. No experience required -they'll teadl you all you need to know. Orea for the beadl and bring a towel eYefy Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star Beach, 1 White QHfa Drive. Newport Beach. Fot moni Information, call (714)432-1238. - Dally Piiot AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Co.ui Maa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) ~170; or by calling (949) 674-4295. A. complete llat Is available at www.dallypilotcom. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S HOSPfTAL BENEFTT The M IGkey Jones Foundation for Children Is having Its fourth annual benefit for Children's Hospital Orange County, includlng a CHOC Ride and Blues Festival, at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at Hidden Valley Partc In lrvlne. Information: (714) 962-6718. MUSIC BARITONE CONCERT The performance by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American operatic baritone Sanford Sylvan has been rescheduled to 4 p.m. Sunday in Founders Hall. Tickets cost $60 and are on safe at the Center box offioo, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or by visiting www.ocpac.org. Tho Center is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. STAR-SPANGLED SALUTE The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orchestra ls having its "Star Spangled Salute" at 8 p.m . July 4 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Conductor Richard Kaufman will lead the Pacific Symphony in a concert that includes fireworks and John Philip Sousa marches. The event is a musical extravaganza of Broadway showstoppers and all-American fanfare. "Phantom of the Opera• et21rs Davis Gaines and Tom Bibb will be offonng their talents. Tickets are S19 to $85 to o'rder call (714) 755-5799. BOLE~O AND RHAPSODY Maestro Carl St. Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina L1s1tsa, will explore the vibrant rhythms of Spain in a concert called "Bolero and Rhapsody" at 8 p.m. July 19 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets cost S19 to $85. To order, call (7 14) 755-5799. JAZ1.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presenta a 1azz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newpon Beach Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday (9491718-0188. eff Ewing & Lyleen Ewing THE TAXPAYER RELIEF ACT IS IMPACT ON REAL ESTATE The 1997 federal budget made significant changes that benefit real estate The capital ga1os lJU exclusions on lhc sale of a pnncipal residence 1~ just one of several benefits for homeowners The cax law grants mamed couples up to $500,000 (singles $250.000) capital gains tax exclusion for the sale of their principal residence if they have resided in the home for two of the last five years. For mo t assets sold after May 6. 1997. any profits In excess of the SS00,000 (or $250,000 for sinales) were tued at the lower capital gains w rate of 20~ for those in the upper income bracket and I 0% for thotc ln lower cu brackets. As of2001. the rate fort.be upper income brocket dropped lO J 8~. and the rate for th(: Iowa income tax brackets to 8~. This Is cable for asseu purchased December 31. 2000. and held five years or more. Tho rollover pro...Uion in effect prior 10 the 1997 bill that allo'Wed an individual lo avo«l capital C!: wes by purcbuinl a of equal or areattt value wu repealed in favor Of t.be MW exclusion and la no lonacr ctTccti.ve. Con1uJt your w advisor ror your penicular c~wrucance. Lylettl llld JcfJ'llave 31 ~ve y.sofral ~ nprimce in Newport BeKb. ror ,.,,. henl..,.kur .. 'Jb ..... .,..,... .......... Cll .. ~ .. c... ~ ........ <"'> ,.....,,.. TM 1Wtf'81 M 009lt fte a iP Oft ~ .. ,, T.-n fol..,, ..... WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe prnenta Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. ·wanted• musician• Include guitar pfayere, ba" players, singere, drummers, keyboardi'1a and others at 100 Main St, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-nso. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yoric Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p,m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m . Sundays and Mondays. Diana Oitri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien (known aa MPG) perform classic rodl, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic roclc. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Partc Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431, MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live masic from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC June 28, and at 1:30 p .m. Anthony'• Rlvefboat RNtaurant Sunday, June 29 Ticbts coll $11 In Newport Beadl preMnta Jene for adults, S9 for seniors and on the ux on Friday and , students. Oiacounts are available Saturday evenings and Sunday for groups of 10 or more at tho for brunch. The program featurea same performance. Th11 play Is all your favorite. on the apprOP<iate for teens and adults saxophone. Anthony'• Is at 151 E. For more information, call (949) Coa'1 Highway. (949) 673-3425. 644-3151. POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tate 5. a funk. rodl and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo'• Rlatorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs claaslcal flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play roclc and R&B at 9 p.m . Saturdaya at Sutton Place Hotel'a Trianon lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE IMAGINATION AND DREAMS "Imagination and Dreams - Musicals in Motion" by the Irvine Academy of Performing Arts is being presented at the Barclay Theatre on June 29. It's an annual dance concert featuring students from the Irvine Academy of · Performing Arts. The performances will include ballet, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop, and tap dance styles. Dancers are 4 and older. Tickets are $16. Information: (949) 854-4646. The theater ls at 4242 Campus Drive 1n Irvine. 'THE GOOD DOCTOR' Neil Simon's "The Good Doctor" 1s celebrating its 30th anniversary at Corona del Mar High School Theatre, 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach at 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday, 'TltE DRAWER BOY' Michael Hoaley's first full-length play, •The Drawer Boy;' one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001, will continue through June 29at Segerstrom Stage. T1c:hts range from $19 to $54 For tickets, call (714) 708-6555. '42ND STREEr Tho 2001 Tony Award Winner, Orama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award "42nd StreetH will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center through Sunday. T1c:hts cost $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or by v1s1t1ng www.ocpac.org The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. 'AIDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's "Aida" is coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall July 2 through 13. Tidcets are $27.50 to $64 50 and can be purchased at the center's box office of online at www.ocpsc.org. Information (714) 556-ARTS. OCPAC IS located at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. ART 'WENDY SUSSMAN: LOOKING BACK' The exhibit "Wendy Sussman Looking Bade" will open today at Square Blue Gallery 355 Old Newport Blvd Sussman's widower, writer Juan Rodriguez will be at a reception from 6 to 9 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Service ... •••Nigh dy F.oterU.i.omcnr" • • fin R,.•rrt•11/1ow ( 111/ (949) 646-7944 lfl'lc; Irvine AH .. ( o\l.I \lnJ l ..... f n lOI I tnl \.... "'-' ''""" 'I 'II • t\..1 " • r' a .. I \ti The Bluffs Shopping Center opens with casual dining, convenient services The Blutf8 Shopping Center has opened at the comer of MacArthur and Bison, providing casual dining and convenient services to those who live and work in Newport Beach. Pel Wei (pronounced pay way) was among the first of the restaurants to open. Owned by P. F. Chang's China Bistro, Pel Wei is a casual, quick restaurant offering fresh made-to-order Asian food. Guests order at the counter, pick up their drinks, and are soon brought their food, which is se.rved hot from the wok to the table. hot pepper paste, garLic and soy; and Blazing NoodJes, the restaurant's spiciest dish with noodJes, carrots, snap peas, tomatoes, scallions, and basil stir-fried in a spicy soy and hot pepper sauce. Other casual restaurants that have opened include BaJa Freah, which is not only known for its flavorful and fresh Mexican food, but also its high quality and convenience. Qulzno" has also opened, offering an alternative to traditional fast food with its signature sub- marine sandwiches made with toasted artisan breads. Another dining option to be found at The BlaJra is p.m . June 28 . AJso expected 11 artilt John Sproul and the director of the Gallery Paule Angllm, Ed Gilbert. Information: (949) 548-1101 , or vlsh www.squareblueart.com DANCE SWING Lesson• are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, visit ocswing.com, or call (909) 666-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 pm to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Oansceno Studio, 2980 McChntodl Way, Costa Mesa (714) 64HI088 POETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY AND LIVE MUSIC Th& Gypsy Oen and Cafe at 2930 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa 1s offering a senes of performance poetry and live music. At 8 p m. July 8, Poets Michael Paul and M ike Sprake will perform, with music by Michael Ubaldin1, on July 8. July 9 at 8 p.m. Poets Lee Mallory and Season Cole will perform, with music by Courtney Montgomery, on July 9. The free events will be at 8 p.m Information: (714) 549·7012. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to part1opate in songs and finger·puppet plays at 7 p.m Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Part Ave. (9491 646-8845 Satl.wday, J\R 2 I. 2003 A5 P JS ANO BOOKS A children's story time I• presented at 7 p.m. Mondayt and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Bead\ Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear paJam .. to the ewnlng sessions Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEU.ER A children's story tlme ie held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Book.sellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time ls held at 10 a.m . Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Frideys at Borders Boob & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa Free (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5 15 p m Monday through Friday at 2735 W. CoaS1 Highway Newport Beach. $10-$15 9491642·3431 SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a m to 3 30 p m every Sunday at 2735 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach $8-$15 (949) 642·3431 TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as ch1dcon parm1g1ana and calaman p1cante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m . weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beach (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS H1·T1me Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4 30 to 8 p.m Fridays and from l 30 to 8 pm Saturdays (9491650-8463 Pel Wei chefs preparing fresh made-to-order Asian food that Is served hot from the wok to the table. The menllt featuring the l>qpAne~ Greek C~, with cuisines of Asia, Ls designed great tuting Greek food a& to allow gueeta to chooee reuonable prlces. .Da,Me~ the style ot ent'fte and their o«en tradidonal appetbera, We Are Closing Out Our enre on And Ralph Lauren Galleries, And Must Immediately Sell All Floor Samples From These Most Desirable Collections. choice of beet, chicken, a varlet;)' or ealads, and shrlmp, scallops, vegetablM combo piat., among other or tofu.. The modestly choices. Putdraoo hu prlced menu includes also opened, o.ffe.rtng a full clullc Chinese favortwe menu or putU. pnnet and such apeclaltles u pt.au, Nlada 91\d put.a Vletnameae Chlckm Salad sa1ad8 made from authentic Rolla, a blend of ~ded homelNde reclpet, Mrved chicken. butt.er lettuce, rice In a ttlued. cMua1 noodles, mint. C8ITOt, atmo8phere. peanuts, and lime-J-~~ ln n. 8bdl9 W<> hM ~ rice ~ Spicy l\On.Wl, a nlent ..-.1ce1 IUCh • 8tal' in1x ol IOGI ~ cam>ea. N.U. • s,Na. C.......U, l1J\llhi'ooaWt Ind oniol\ CIM.li 11'1' wt ,. ••• ""° t'*ed In .a ol Karim\ be~ eoon. Included Are Their Newest Collections. !ill Items Will Be Sold On A First-Come, First-Served Basis. ................ tr ............ ,. .. -....... ..._ ...... WL _...._ __ ........ ..-------- M Satutday, Jme 21. 2003 • The Dally Pilot welcomes obitu•riu for......,.. or former reeldents of Costa M ... and Newport INeh. If you w.nt to have en obituary prlnt9d In the Piiot, .-your mortuery to fax us the Information at (949) 8441-4170 or Clllfl th9 new9room at (949) 764-4324. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Avenue of the Arts: An auto theft was reported in the 3400 block at 9:07 a.m. Thursday. • Bristol Street: Vandalism was reported in the 3300 block at 10:44 a.m. Thursday. • Bristol Street and Town Center Drive: A traffic accident involving injuries was reporttid at 4:26 p.m. Thursday. • MeN Vent• Drive East: An auto theft was reported in the 1500 block at 1,2:24 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2300 block at 1:57 a.m. Thursday. •Placentia Av.nue: Indecent exposure was reported in the 2300 block at 12:26 p.m . Thursday. • SanU Ana Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1500 block at 7:38 a.m. Thursday. • East 17th Street and Tustin Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported at 1 :23 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eastbluff Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 2100 block at 6:16 a.m. Thursday. • Irvine Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 600 block at 10:17 a.m. Thursday. • Moming Canyon Road: Grand theft was reported in the 400 block at 10:08 a.m. Thursday. • East <>c.an FTOnt Battery was reported in the 600 block at 6:58 a.m. Thursday. •Sylvia Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1500 block at 6:15a.m. Thursday. • Tustin Avenue: A vehicte burglary was reported in the 700 block at 7:45 a.m. Thursday. •30th Street A hit-and-run was reported in the 100 block at 10:49 a.m. Thursday. Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • HF.Al.TH Slld11htyS1T1u 1957 AS}J_, 949-631-7740' 44 I Old Nc.owpoirt lhl. • Nc.owpoirt 8adt (Neu Ho.g Ho.pita.I) .... PLU8B CAIPIT .............. 1••· ...... ... .. 1174~-..-.P•COID~ .,_ -,. 1·-~1 (888) MESA-777 (UIJ) ............. -·····---r~ !j 1 . ---·· •·• --I RESORT Contiooed from Al pennita for the project. but the city's Economic Development Committee Is llkeJy to review and comment on environmenw studies for the project. Oty Man· ager Homer BJudau said. The Qty CoWlcil do the same. he said. "We certaJ.nly are a concerned party and we certainly will be looking at it,~ BJudau said. "I think the Irvine Co. does pretty good quality projects. I think this one will be given a lot of their at· tendon. I'm sure it will be well pJanned and well scrutinized by the community and a welcome addition by the Newport Coast community. The Irvine Co. on Friday un- veiled the plans. which include 204 guest roo~ 52 vacation homes, 68 shared-ownership vil- las, a new golf dub house. a spa and other amenities. Officials would not disclose the cost of the project. Newport Beach Conference and Vtsitors Bureau Executive Di- FAMILY Continued from Al And since he was just "being honest," and everyone likes being honest, I'd like to be honest, too: Nichols should not be a m ember of the Newport Beach City Council. There is a big difference between being honest and being out of touch. Nichols is out of touch. In a county that hatched John Sclunitz, that finally got rid of ex-Congressman Bob Dornan and is only now being thought of as something other than a haven for rich white Republicans. Nichols has set the doclc back abo4t 10 years. And just who are these people Nichols claims are planting flags and claiming the land for their ldng1 They're your friends and neighbors. These are the people whose children go to school with your children, even at -gasp! -Newport Harbor High School. They're the people whose ~ildren play soccer and baseball with yours, whose children have the same hopes and dreams as yours and who are decent, law-abiding people, just Uke you and your children. HONOR Continued from Al here.· he said ·And they should be here in uniform. It's a great opportunity for them to network and meet with the community.· Hensley said award functions are always heart wanning. "The officers today will walJc away from here encouraged and refreshed,· he said. Fire Ollef Jim Ellis made the presentations for winners from his department "I'm proud of every member or my department ... he said. F.llls said he hopes to continue partnering with the Police De- partment on investigations and other assignments, something that was accomplished during Snowden's time as chief. JGrlc Dominic, awarded Fire Officer of the Year, could not at- tend because he is a major in the U.S. Army and was deployed during wartime. He is still serv- ing in Texas. Also. Doug Wtlson. who was awarded Firefighter of the Year, could not receive his award because he is in the hos- pital recoming from a surgery. • DEEPA lttARATH covet'• public NICHOLS Continued from Al Ing to try to deal with this In the way decent people should deaJ with IL" Bromberg has publicly called for Nlcbola to voluntarily resign. but Bromberg said he Is not yet sure whether the coiincil will take any formal action. The COWlcll bas limited power to act on altuadona such as the Nlcboll comment They might cbooee to censure him or to im- poee aanctions. Including msr plQI h1m of assignments to council committeea and other bodlel. aucb as the Newpon c.out Advtlory Committee. Nichols Mid ln a phone inter- WATER ContirlJed from Al up and the bltln could colla~. Sc:ann.lNICh Mid. That means NIM blll co buy mon Imported water, Wbk.tl la more~. lhelltd. n.e ft bite wOuld tramlate lnlo • incn A 1 ~ lbout S l.44 psmoalb. 1-September, the board ~ AA aerial view of what the Pelican Hiii resort would look like. rector Marta Hayden l;Juded the project. which builds on the area's rapidly emerging image as a major resort destination. •We're just thrilled about the Oh, and by the way, one of these "MexJcans" just bought the Anaheim Angels from Disney. For Nichols, however, none or that matters. What really matters is the color of theu skin. and if it isn't pasty white, they're Mexican. Or "ommtal," or black. or something. All he seems to know or care about 1~ that they aren't while and therefore. they don't bdoni.: on his beaches. Isn't that it, Nichols? I mean. as long as we're being hont·'>I - and how refre!>hing th1., " - isn't that really what you n1t·.111t7 But why Mop at cla.im111g they're Mexican? Maybe they're gay. too. Maybe thc'>e people are Democrats. Maybe they're Muslim. And maybe, J11'l maybe. they're from another planet. When you thtnk about it. maybe Nichols is on to something. Maybe the gm-...'>y areas of Newport are overrun with gay democratic Mu.,hm Mexicans from Mars who an• trying to colonize f:ar1h. Well, I've got my own honi' to pick. Here's what I've nollt t•d. I've noticed that durmi.: till' rush hour. the cars on 1 hl' freeway are fiUed w11h Americans. I mean. it's COSTA MESA PUBLIC SAFETY AWARDS POLICE DEPARTMENT ~of the Year: Larry Fett1s and Tony Yanniui Volunteer of the Year: Bruce Hendriclc R ... rve Officer of the Year: Paul Cappuccilli Civilian of the Year: Dave Kress First-line Supervisor of the Year· Sgt. Marty Carver Life Saving Award: Jeffrey Graham 10-851 Award for Recovery of Stolen Vehlclea: Officer Derek Trusk F1RE DEPARTMENT Fire Officer of the Year: Kirk Dominic Firefighter of the Year: Doug Wilson Civilian of the YNr Barbara Marcoaa COMMUNtCATlONS CENTER Communk:ation• Officer of the Year: Wande Ayers $afety and courts. She may be r~ at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bh11rt1th lat1mes.com. view on Tuesday that be opposes expanding grassy areas al Big Corona beach because "with grass. we usually get Mex1cans corning in there early in the momlng, and they claim It as theirs, and it becomes their per- sonal, private grounds all day." In rE!$ponse to the pubUc out- cry, Nidtols has reaffirmed his statement. calling It -blatantly true." However, he feels It WU taken out or context because the comment was emphasl7..ed over other polnts he made about beach improvements. • JUN£ C.ASAGRANDE CO'llara Newport Beecti end John Wayne Airport. She may be reached et (949) 574-4232 orb'/ HNll at june.casagra~ latirnea.com. uoanimoua)y approved the l 1.29l> monthly hike. ~fon­ tbat, the lut time the district raised f ts water rare. wu 1995. The d.Jatrict eervet Co ta MeM aQli a small .ectJon o( Nt-wpon Beech, lndudln« John wayne AlrpOrt. n~ about Pelican Hill. lbat's going to be a wonderful addition to the Newport area.· Hayden ...aid. ·That gorgeous golf course, that hill watching the sunset. lt dc!>p1cable. These darn Americans take to the streets and claim our highways as their own personal, private roadways. fhcn there are our business lt:aders. I've noticed that they're Americans. too, and they are claiming our pension funds as their own personal, private piggy banks. I low about tho~e Americans 111 the Califomia legislature? I ho'>e Amencans are set to triple -rnple, I say! -the car tax in thb. state simply becaw.e tht•y 'quandered a multibiJUon tlolldr '>urplus and can't manage our monl'y, which they've claimed a'> their personal, private pork barrel. About IO days ago, I had the pleru.urc of heanng radio talk 'huw ho~I Dennis Prager give a speech about ethics. I've heard Prager offer some of the same romment'I on his program, but in the context of the evening, an l'vrnt at the Suuon Place Hotel tn Newpon Beach that honored l0lh1t''> Ill bu.,ine-.s. lhey were gem'>. Prager quoted author Victor I rankl:'I. who was in a German co1wt·ntration camp during World War II and lost his family 10 the N;vi gas chambers. After the war. Frankel was WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHATS ARDAT is published periodically. If you are plannmg a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627,byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by e-mail to dailyp1fot@latimes.com. CRUISES Electric: Boat Tour1 often two hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Aound-tnp hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pick..yp from restaurants with dodla is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291· 1953 or www wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle i9 available for weddings and receptions, cocktail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 f~ the first two hours, plus $150 for eacti additional hoor. (949) 361-3640. fun Zone Boat Co. NM 8 45-mlnute cruise (adults, $6; children, 11) and a 90-rnlnute cruise (adults, $8; dlirdren, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; dllldren, $'1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Catalina Plsaenger S«vice Nns 45-minute harbor cruiSft (adulta, $6; dllldren. $1) and 90-mlnute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ). departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 1 p.m. (949) 673-5245. CNIMthehatbor .. the Electn, e 100-foot Ctataic Fantail veaef. c.hattera with cntring ere available for up to 145 pauengers. (949) 723-1089. A thre.coune clnner Md dancing whffe cruising the hart)or are evalleble et 8 p.m. Friday9 and et 7:30 p.m. Seturdap at Hornblower CnJIMa 8a Ewnt., 2431 W. CoMt Highwey, Newport 8Mc:h. The fM ls tee.96 per person on frideva end Sl&it on s.tutcMyw. BnMd\ CNleee .-.0 •re ev1Mlbt9. (948) 831·2A88. TMCtllAM ........ hM BlllNMt PIWWOn. • e.m. dltlv end rttume fforit C .. t M liltnd It it.30 pm. S3I fOUn6.trtp for l CCXJlTESY ~ Tio£ IRW€ CO doesn't get much better than that It's great news to us and the community, and we ~ great things from having a luxury property like that.• asked if he hated the German race. Frankel's reply was that he did not look at race. To him, the world ls divided Into two types of people. the decent and the indecent. and that both types appeared in every segment of every population all over the world. Anctof trying the find the answer to why they were sent to concentration camps, Frankel wrote: "Our answer must consist not in tallc and medication, but in right action and in right conduct Life ultimately means Laking the responsibility to find the rig.ht answer to us problems and IO fulfill the tasks which ii constantly sets for each individual.· Nichols. be a decent person and distance yourself from your indecent comments. Do the right action, take the • responsibUlty and set an example for our children that 1s sorely needed: Please resign Monday morning. 'fbank you. • STEVE SMITH 1s a Colla Mesa resident and freelance wnter. Readers mey leave a menage for him on the Daily Pilot hotline al 1949) 642-6086 adults; $20 round-tnp for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-5245 Hombloww °"9rs w 11lrecKI dinner danoa and Sunday dlampagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. The Adv.mum at Sea Yacht Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday a1 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beech. $20, Includes cruise, parting, coolcJes and sodas. Reservations required. (949) 660-2412. FISHING Rahing da99es 1Mw .... Pavilion at 8 a.m. and return a1 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Fishing a.ippliea .... boet charters (open party and priva1e) are available a1 Davey's Loehr, 400 Main St, Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishing, 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Baadl (949) 676-0650. o.y •nd night ftahing ch..-. for groupa or slngles ant available at Bongos Sportfishlng on Balboa Peninsula. (949) 673-2810. KAYAklNG/CANOE8"GjSCUBA lmua Outrigger~ Club invites adventure-minded adults to canoe Newport Harbor Hawaiian atyte. No experience required -they'll teach you all you need to know. Draa for the bHch and bring • towel werv Saturday at 10 a.m. 8t Notth Star Beach, 1 White CIHfa Drive, Newport Beach. For more lnfonnation, call (714)432·1238. AFTER HOURS • SUbmlt AfTlR HOURS ltem1 to the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bey St.. Coste MMa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4295. A complete lilt 11 evaileble •t www.dallypilotcom. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL BENEF1T The Mldcey Jonea Foundation for Children 11 having it• fourth annuel benefit for Children'• Ho1pltal Orange County, Including a CHOC Ride and Blues Featival, at 9:30 a.m . Sunday at Hidden Valley Park In Irvine. Information: (714) 962-6718. MUSIC BARJTONE CONCERT The performance by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American operatic baritone Sanford Sytven has been resdleduled to 4 p.m. Sunday in Foundera Hall. Tldcets coat $60 and are on sale at the Center box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or by visiting www.ocpac.orp. The Center is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Meaa. STAR-SPANGLED SALUTE The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orctiestra is having its •star Spangled SaluteH at 8 p.m. July 4 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Conductor Rictiard Kaufman will lead the Pacific Symphony in a concert that includes fireworks and John Philip Sousa marcties. The event is a musical extravaganza of Broadway shows1oppers and all-American fanfare. ·Phantom of the Opera· stars Davis Gaines and Terri Bibb will be offering their talents. Tidcets are S19 to $85 to order call (7 14) 755-5799. BOLERO AND RHAPSOOY Maestro Cart St Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina Li11tsa, will explore the vibrant rhythms of Spain in a concert called ·Bolero and Rhapsody· at 8 p.m. July 19 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets coat S19 to $85. To order, call (7 14) 755-5799. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beacti presents a jau trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beacti Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m Monday through Wednesday 1949) 718-0188 eff Ewing & Lylun Ewing THE TAXPAYER RELlEF ACT IS IMPACT ON REAL ESTATE The 1997 federal budget made ~1gn1fican1 changes that benefit real estate The capital gain~ tu exclusion~ on the sale of a pnnc1pal residence 1s just one of several benefits for homeowners The uu law grants married couple~ up to SS00,000 (single S2S0.000) capital gains t.u exclusion for the aale of their principal residence 1f they have resided in the borne for two of the last five years. For most as<1ets sold after May 6, 1997. any profits in excess of the SS00,000 (or $2SO.OOO for sinales) were taxed at the lower capital gains tu rate of 20* for those in the upper income bracket and 10% for thoee in lower tu brackets. As of2001. the rate for the upper~ bracket dropped to 189&. and the raLC for the lower income tax brackets to Billi. This is cable for aneta purchased Dccc:mber 31. 2000, and held fiveycan or~. The rollover provuton 1n effect l)rior to the 1997 bill thet allowed an lndividual to avoid capital aaitu wes by purchuina a home or equal. or ~value wu repe&k4 In favor of the new ellcluslon and 11 no looser effective. Con.ult your tu advilOI" for your p.nJcular chi:umttanee. L~leco Ind Jeff have 31 COMOC'lldvc ~ ol real emte ~In Newport Bcll:h. ,_. ,. I f 111' 11n1cuudYIC!e ... ,.. ............... Cll .. lwtlll .. c.- ~ ........ ('9)7N7N. n. 1WfnD1 Are COllll ••"'art ~ 11 T.-n For IOO' ....... ,. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Caf6 presents Monday Night Jami from 1 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" mualclans lndude guitar playere, ba .. players, slngera, drummers, keyboardists and other• at 100 Main St .. Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-nso. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JArl. Wolter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yori< Jozz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway In Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays end Mondays. Diana Dltri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordian (known aa MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beacti. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St .• Costa Mesa. No cover ctiarge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSK: Anthony's Rlvefboat Rect.aurant In Newport Beactt preaenta Jea.e on the ux on Fridey and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the aaxophone. Anthony'1 l1 at151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP·ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tate 5, • fun!(. rock and Motown act, performs et 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo'• Rlttorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (9491 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT RU Gerold Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Sunon Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beacti. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE IMAGINATION AND DREAMS "lmaginauon and Dreams - Musicals In Motion" by the Irvine Academy of Performing Arts is being presented at the Barclay Theatre on June 29. It's an annual dance concert featuring students from the Irvine Academy of Performing Arts. The performances will include ballet, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop, and tap dance styles. Dancers are 4 and older. Tidcets are S16. Information: (949) 854-4640. The theater is at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. 'THE GOOD DOCTOR' Neil Simon's "'The Good Doctorn 1s celebraung its 30th anniversary at Corona del Mar High Scnool Theatre, 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beacti at 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday, Featuring A live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday t!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ·••Quality Serna··· • • • Nigbdy Entena.irunco r" .. For R,ur 1•1/1101u ( ",,l/ (949) 646-7944 1<1•1<; lrviuc A .. : .. ( ,11\I .. \lnJ ,,,...,., .. ""'"<-' ~ '-'•tr.,." 11.t • ILr ,, .,.. ,. 1J • 'll The Bluffs Shopping Center opens with casual dining, convenient services Th e Blu.trs Shopping Center has opened at the comer of MacArthur and Bison, providing casual dining and convenient services to those who live and work in Newport Beach. Pel Wei (pronoWlced pay way) was among the first of the restaurants to open. Owned by P. F. Chang's China Bistro, Pel Wei is a casual. quick restaurant offering fresh made-to-order Asian food. Guests order at the COWlter, pick up their drinks, and are soon brought their food, which is served hot from the wok to the table. hot pepper paste, garlic and soy; and Blazing Noodles, the restaurant's spiciest dish with noodles, carrots. snap peas, tomatoes, scallions, and basil stir-fried in a spicy soy and hot pepper sauce. Other casual restaurants that have opened include Ba,Ja Fre•h. which is not only known for its flavorful and fresh Mexican food, but also its high quality and convenience. Qulzno• has also opened, offering an alternative to traditional fast food with its signature s ub- marine sandwiches made with toasted artisan breads. Another dining option to be found at The Bluff8 is Pel Wei chefs preparing fresh made-to-order Asian food that is served hot from the wok to the table. The menu, f'eaturlng the DapAM~ Greek Cq/W, with I cuisines of Asia, ts designed great tasting Greek food at to allow guescs to cl\009e reaeonable prices. .O.AM~ the style of en~ and their off en tndidonal appedzers. choice ot bee( chicken. a variety of ea1ada. and ahrlmp, scallops, vegetabt combo platet, amona other or tofu. The modestly choices. PatG.IJr"Of>O hu priced menu lncludes al8o opened, offering a full ctaastc Chineae favortt. menu of putu. ~ and such specl.altiee u p~ Ulads ana put& VletiwneM Chlcken Salad ulads made from authentic Rolla. a blend ol shredded homemade redpet. eerved clUcken, butter lettuce, rice ln a maxed, calual noodlee, mint, CU1'0tt atmolphere. peanuta, and lilMl, ~ ln 1'tM mama Mio hM CCJOYeo rice~ Spicy NJnU\ a nJtnt llnk9 .oeh • 8'el' mix ol lol\I beUw. ~ N.U. .t ... 0.WWU. m\llhroonw, end on6on a..,,.. and T-•..,.. wUl t.oeMd In ....... ol KOl'MI\ be openf111 llOOI\. June 28, and at 1 :30 p.m . Sunday, June 29. Tidcets cost $11 for adults, $9 for seniors and students. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more at the same performance Th11 play is appropriate for teens and adults For more information, call (9491 644-3151. 'THE DRAWER BOY' Mlctiael Healey'& first full-length play, MThe Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001 , will continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. T1dcets range from $19 to $54. For tickets, call (714) 708°5555. '42ND STREET' The 2001 Tony Award Winner. Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award w42nd Stree1'' will be performed at the Orange County Performing Ans Center through Sunday Tic:kets cost $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or by v1s111ng www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. 'AJDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's "Aida" is coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall July 2 through 13. Tickets are $27.50 to $64 50 and can be purctiased at the center 's box office of online at www.ocpsc.org. Information (714) 556-ARTS. OCPAC is located at 600 Town Center Drive 1n Costa Mesa. ART 'WENDY SUSSMAN: LOOKING BACK' The exhibit "Wendy Sussman Looking Bac:k" will open today at Square Blue Gallery 355 Old Newport Blvd. Sussman s widower, wrrter Juan Rodnguez will be at a reception from 6 lo 9 p.m. June 28 . Also expected is artist John Sproul •nd the director of the Gallery Paule Anglim. Ed Gilbert Information· (949) 648-1101, or visit www.squareblueart.com DANCE SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Beacti by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, visit ocswing.com, or call (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of eacti month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintock Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641 ·8688, POETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY AND LIVE MUSIC The Gypsy Den and Cafe at 2930 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa 1s offering a series of performance poetry and live music. At 8 p.m. July 8, Poets M1ctiael Paul and Mike Sprake will perform, with music by Mictiael Ubaldini, on July 8 July 9 at 8 p.m . Poets Lee Mallory and Season Cole will perform, with music by Courtney Montgomery, on July 9. The free events will be at 8 p.m. Information: (714) 549-7012 KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 10 7 years old are 1nvtted to participate in songs and finger·puppet plays at 7 p m Mondays at the Costa M esa Library 1855 Park Ave (949) 646-8845 PJS AHO BOOKS A m lldren'1 story time la presented et 7 p.m. Mond•Y• •nd et 10:30 a.m. S.turdeya et the Newport Beadl Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the eventng seaslons Free. (949) 717-3801 WEEKLY STORYTELLER A ctiildren's story time i1 held et 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Dnve, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A ctiildren's story time 11 held et 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m Fridays at Borders Boob & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa Free (714) 432-7854 DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 10 5 15 p. m Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-S15 (949> 642-3431 SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday bruncti from 10 am 10 3:30 p.m every Sunday at 2735 W Coa11 Highway, Newport -Beacti $8·$15. (949) 642·3431 TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu. featuring dishes such as cti1dcen parmigiana and calaman picante at reduced prices, 1s offered from 5 to 6 p.m . weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beacti. (949) 642-7880 WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4.30 to 8 p.m Fridays and from 1 30 to 8 p m Saturdays. (949) 660-8463 We Are Closing Out Oilr enre on And Ralph Lauren Galleries, And Must Immediately Sell All Floor Samples From These Most Desirable Collections. Included Are Their Newest Collections.~ Items Will Be Sold On A First-Come, First-Served Basis. ~ ·"1. Jl)<t_Jt.f'* .. t ...... .... ., ... ,.. ~UIO#M ... www~net ... _____ (] a in• .... ·------..-. ...... -............... -. ..--.......... FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -L.etc.rs; Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMden HoUlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send !o (949) 646-4170 I n E-mal:S.nd to d11/lypilot@l11tlmes.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoeet). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and e gth. READERS RESPOND A political storm on Big Corona LETTER TO THE EDITOR · Twist~ng of words the real story AT ISSUE: Should Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols resign because of comments many find racially insensitive? Mr. Nichols, please resign. We welcome all visitors to Newpon Beach. Public parks and beaches are for the public. BRAD STONE Newpon Beach Dick Nichols, based on his racist and repeatedly insensitive remarks, should resign. EWOTT C. AND JOANNE MERCER Newport Beach It is clear that Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg has mischaracterized Councilman Nichols' comments regarding Mexicans' usage of Newport Beaches. Have we evolved to the point where one's nadonaliry can't be used in a statement? ls this "political correctness?" Is this Bill Q inton? Heaven help us all. ED CUMMINS Corona Del Mar Let's not blame Dick Nichols. It's clear he was raised in a closet or ls suffering from dementia. It's time for his friends and family to step up and intervene. Let him know that almost everybody who goes to the beach for the day arrives early. lays our a blanker or towel and considers it their persunal space until they're ready to leave. Let him know that a state park belongs to everybody. He's going to have to accept that others may want 10 behave in ways he doesn't appreciate and that he's onJy hurting himself if be spends time trying to change that. Let him know how, in the process of maturing as a sociery, we've learned that racial stereotyping will always lead 10 failure unless, of course. you're trying to disgust as many people as possible. JEFF SCHNEIDEWIND Santa Ana Height~ While we all agree that Dick Nichols' recent comments are inappropriate, many who agree with Mayor Bromberg's suggestion that he resign do not realize that Mr. Nichols might return to manufacturing chemicals. As a former football coach. it appears that Nichols must not have learned how to punt on third dmvn. TOM TOBIN Balboa Dick Nichols should be forced to resign. He is offensive and an embarrassment to the residents of Newport Beach. BARBARA WALDER Corona del Mar Dick Nichols is a "loose cannon" as a councilman and he is out of place on the Ciry Council. So many times he has to have things explained to him by his fellow councilmen. Obviously. he doesn't do his Mention this ad and receive one of the following SJ Off SJ Off Frozen Yogurt FREE Pasta Salad w/ purchase of sandwich "homework." As for hJs unfortunate comments, perhaps he should "engage brain before putting foot in mouth." JANET BARON Newpon Beach Councilman Nichols is to be commended for seeking 10 i.erve his communiry by taking on the onerous duties of a council member, but his comments about Mexicans and the grassy areas of Big Corona and other comments he has made show 1ha1 he doesn't understand hi!> role as a public repre!>entative, and I would urge him IO consider if this is an appropriate role for him. NANCY GARDNER Corona del Mar In the Thursday edition of the Daily Pilot, the paper reported that the mayor of Newport Beach thin~ that Councilman Did. Nichols should resign because he called ou1-of-1he·city v1\itors to Corona del Mar C)tale Beach .. Mexicans." Nichols' mistake is not knowing the lingo. I le should have used the term the "locals" use. I le should have called them "909ers." If you don't believe me. see Lolita Harper's column In the Daily Pilot called "They came from the Inland Valley." ERIC CHRISTENSEN Costa Mesa It'!. 1ime for Dick Nichols to do the right thing and resign his council seat. I !is latest gaffe. stating that he doesn't want "Mexicans" using the grass areas at the beach all day, Is just plain unforgivable. I don't want a person of his ilk representing me. He brings shame to the ciry of Newport Beach. If he won't resign, then the recall proceedings must begin. PAUL S. PEDERSEN Newport Beach I am chagrined by the bigoted remarks of the councilman who is suppo~ed to represent Corona del Mar. Not onJy has he lost my respect and confidence. bur I think he has also lost those of hh fellow council members. I hope that people will remember his unseemly behavior when the next election rolls around. ALICE REMER Corona del Mar Dick Nichols should re~ign. First. he imputes the integrity of our Newport Beach Planning Commission by suggesting 1ha1 one or more of them rook a bribe. Next, he makes a shockingly bigoted statement regarding La11nos. I hs bombasuc defense of this statement only compounded the bigoted image in my mind. and he showed not a bit of remorse for perhaps having offended someone. Our City Council has lots of real problems and they don't need these very nonproductive diversions created by Nithoh IC> waste their time. Nichols should resign. and the sooner the bener. JACK MCCLARTY Newport Beach Newport Beach Ciry Councilman Dick Nichols Is not a bigot I know because I am his wife. The article in Wednesday's Daily Pilot is for the most part spin. Dick had a 30-plus-minute phone conversation with June Casagrande, whJle he was being admitted to Orange Coast Memorial Hospital in Huntington Beach. I was there with Dick and heard the whole conversation. During the Visioning process. 70% of the residents in Corona del Mar made it clear that they did not want any changes to the beach. Dick talked to June about the proposed changes for Corona del Mar State Beach -the lifeguard station. the tower. the concession stand. the restrooms, the dressing rooms, the erosion of the sand, the new Lrees and the grassy areas. Dick gave her fact after fact about these new proposals, and all she picked up on was one observation he made. He did say that many Mexican people come down early and claim the grassy areas all day. I le did not say "he doesn't want 'Mexicans' using those areas all day.~ He did nor say •they dominate• these areas. He did not say be didn't want them there. He did not say anything derogatory about Mexican people. Dick is concerned about the lack of sand on the beach. He feels the grassy areas are now being used as picnic grounds instead of a place to gather belongings. put on shoes, ere. One more observation about the grassy areas - in the last few years, more people have been barbecuing on these areas, with Oames rising several Inches into the air, with children near by and no one particularly concerned about the flames. This (in my opinion) is dangerous.. The sand ls a better place for barbecues. Dtclt calleft June about the article and especially the sub-headline, and she informed him that she d!d not write the headJlnes, that "the editor· was the one who wrote It Now that tells it all. I have asked Dlclt not to talk to the Daily PUot, but to put his statements on paper so we have proof of these untruths that are printed as fact. SANDY NICHOLS Corona del Mar Factory Direct Showrooms Reupholstery & Slip Covers for Existing Sofas Lowest Pri.ces in Town THOUSANDS OF FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME CRAZY PRICES FAITH Saturday, Jitt 21, 2003 A7 THE MORAL OF THE STORY Every step is a graduation ~a~Godgl"O w. ftW)' ,,.non lw pu11 In our llM, ls dM f»1fw:t plTJ"'UUllon for tM fatu~ that only He can .... -cettRIE TEN BOOM I n his later years, Winston OlurchlD wu asked to give the commencement ~at Oxford University. After his introduction. be rose, went to the podium and saJd, •Never, newr, never give up." Then he took his seat IJISt week.end was momentous for more people than l know. Some people told me they were going to their chlld'1 gradlatlon from preschool, and others spoke about a child or a relative who was graduating from ldnder- gamn.J all()heatd about gradu- ations · from just about •vet)' grade, Including high CINDY school TRANE and CHRISTESON 00~· remember our daughters' "moving up" or graduating from those grades. too, and I probably still have all the programs to prove it lf I pause and close my eyes, I can piaciically picture each and every one, and if I can't. I ~have moce than enough phoros to re&esh my memoey. I prayed with and for our daughters at the beginning of each tchool year. as well as tNery single day thereafter, and thanked God {or his love and faithfulness as each year came to a close. I took countless pictures last weekend when many of my family members and I attended two significant graduations. On Friday, my n~hew John gradua1ed from the eighth grade. It was the same school his brother Matthew attended. and it was ju,,t the right school for them In their years from kindergarten 10 eighth grade. We were proud of John and his many accomplishments and positive experlenca at W. school, and It wm be fun to watch him. pmy for hJm and cheer him on ln his high school adventures. One of the speakers at Johmi graduation pointed out that as ldndergartners. they dres.sed up as Pilgrims and Indians. and now !hey are beading off to high schools with different names and masco15, and ln another foW' short yean they'll be off to college or other pursuits. I smiled when he said that. because sure enough. ii happened to our daughters in what seemed like only a blink of an eye. My husband Jon and I then drove north for our youngest daughter Amy's graduation from college. Other family members JOined us and we enjoyed several ceremonies, apeakers. events and celebrations. ~ looed at pictures. took pictures and reatiniJced. Amy and her friends, aa weU as many speaJcers, shared stories and memories of their college years. Both our daughters had wonderful college educations, experiences and made quality friendships that will continue the rest of their lives. At both graduations, we beard about the unportance of values. education. CamUy. fnends, dedsion-malcing. self-respect, service to others and many other importam qualities. I also heard people calk about the role God makes in their lives and their choices. While packing to head home. Jon and I talked about the weekend "J guess we graduated too, Cindy.· be aaJcl He was right I gue.u we aD graduate from something a little bit e~ry day. Our nephew and our daughter have already eagerly headed lnto their next stage. ll'r. time for me to embrace my future with faith and joy, never ever gfVt! up and mm God with every new day. And you can quote me on thaL • ONOY TRANE CHRISTESON 11 • Newport Beac:tt resident who speaks frequently to p.wrenttng groups. She may be re~ v .. &-matl at cmdy.!'onthegrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No 505, Newport Beacn, CA 92658 FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 640-7343 for more information 1n Newport Beach and its and registration AN EVENING OF Homebuilders Family Fellowship MUSIC AND SONG will host a five-week series to TREE OF LIFE AWARD DINNER There will be an ~Evening of strengthen mal'Tiages. It will be The Jewish National Fund will Music and SongH al St. Michael & presented by psychologist John host a Tree of ltfe Award dinner All Angels Episcopal Church at 8 Fry. The series will be held in in honor of state Sen. Joseph p.m. today, featuring Rick Dierenfield Hall A at 10:15 am. Dunn, who represents the 34th Sherman of the Village Inn, each Sunday in June. Fry's District 1n Orange County, on Balboa Island, end the Doo-Wop presentation is based in pan on Sunday. Dinner will be preceded Quintet Dreem. The suggested the research of John Gottman. by a codc1a1I reception T1dcets donation 11 S15, $10 for seniors who has followed more than cost $250 to S500 For end children. Hors d'oeuvres and 2,000 couples for close to 25 information. call 1714) 957-4540. refreshments will be served. years in his research on mamage Child care will be available. All The senes ts for couples ot all PREVENTIVE HEALTH are welcome St Michael & All ages and a1 all stages of SCREENINGS Angels Ep1acopal Church 11 at the marriage. For more information St. Michael & All Angels and corner of Pacific View Drive and and reservations. contact Patti in Cathedral Health Services are Marguerite Avenue in Corona del the Families and Singles office at 1oining to offer preventive health Mer. For more information, call (949) 644-0463. 1949) 574-2222. screenings in its parish hall at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Corona BAROQUE MUSIC FESTIVAL SPIRITUAL PARENTING del Mer. beginning at 9 a m The 23rd annual Baroque Music Rev. Gail M. Albert from the Thursday. Eight tests will be Festival will be In Corona del Mar Child-Centered Church will offered: heart screening, stroke Sunday through June 29. Events present a five-week series on screening. abdominal aortic will take piece et St. Michaels & "How Can We as Parents Form aneurysm, pulmonary function, All Angels Church, at 3233 Pacific Deeper and More Meaningful ankle brachial inde><. glaucoma View Drive, end Sherman library Spiritual Bonds with Our screening, diabetes and & Gardena, at 2647 E. Coast Children r The discussion group cholesterol, and blood pressure Highway near MacArthur will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and pulse. Individual screening Boulevard. Single tickets cost $15 Mondays, June 30 to July 28. at test costs begin at S30. The set of to $30. Call (949) 760-7887 for the Bonita Creek Park Community screening tests, plus a details. Building, University and LaVida consultation with 1mmed1ate Street, m Newpart Beach. A love written results. costs $150 For HOMEBUILDERS FAMILY offering is requested. No more information or for an FELLOWSHIP baby-sitting provided. Call (949) appaintment, call (800) 770-0240 Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recom'mendation~ misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and &il to disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and the firm~ Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker rccomm~nd unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stoc.ks? Your losses are often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specializ.e in representing individual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation. Tell h ~"''' 310.~2250 Law OfBc:a of Man:: l. Zu.saman 10100 Sena Monica IYYcl, 8m Floor to. AA' *-. CA 90067 St Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church 1s at the corner of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue 1n Corona del Mar. 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 - Learning to Find God in a Busy Wortd" will be offered at 7 p m Wednesday at St Michael & All Angels Episcopal Churctl at 3233 Pacific View Drive Information 1949) 644-0463 WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parenttng group to help parents to understand and deal w11h the feelings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center. 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G in Costa Mesa Information- 1714) 445-4950. Pre-registration 1s required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service is offering a suppon and discussion group for adults whose ctlildren or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug add1ct1on. The group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p m Tuesdays at 250 E Balter St Suite G in Costa Mesa lnformdt1on (714J 445-4950 Pre reg1strat1on is required BAHAI FIRESIDES Members of the Baha1 faith hold informal public d1scuss1ons on sp1rttual topics at 7 30 p m every Friday and at 11 30 the last Sunday of the month The talks include brunch or dinner Also interla1th devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month Call for locations 19491 759-0999 for Friday meettng 9491 760-5360 for Sunday meeting and 949 646 6328 for Saturday devotional ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m the first Sunday of every month at 120 E 18th St . Costa Mesa. SSO (949) 722·7818 A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled Journey to the Cross" 1s taught at 9.45 a.m Sundays during the Homebu1lder's Bible Class at l iberty Baptist Church The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Chnst. The ctlurcn 1s at 1000 Bison Ave Newport Beach Free 1949) 760-5444 DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Laoy Queen of Angels Church in Newpon Beach holds a dream analysis group from l to 4 p m Sundays at 2046 Mar Vi sta Drive Newpon Beach 9491 219-1408 MEDITATION LESSONS A free "lect10 dtvina • meditation group meeting 1s helJ at 7 10 a m Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vi sta Drive, Newpon Beach Lect10 is a style of med1tat1on that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7 30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday5 of each month at the center The format includes two periods of meditation with some 1nstruct1on on how to meditate a talk and a d1scuu1on !949) 219-1408 ign Up Now For Summer Surf Cam www.kanoaoquatics.com (310) 374-1994 • Certtfied Ocean Uf9guords Professional Surf Instruction Kanoa Summer Surf Camps At The Huntington State Beach (Newland & PCH) • Birthday & Corporate Parties • Ages 5 -15 • Surfboard & Wetsuit Rentals • Private Surfing Lessons Classes Start June 23R0 (Saturday Men's Classes: Sunday Women's Classes) Four -2 Week Sessions 1 Week Sessions Available Lifeguarding Services H.J. Garrett Furniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of ProvUling Snvict and Val~ 2215 Harbor BML, C:Osta Mesa (949) 646.0275 qpcn Man. ctn 10., 6. Sun:. 12. s Al Sat\Jrday, Jone 21, 2003 LDENS DN-!ilTE DRAPERY Cl..EANll\I& Al\ID MORE I NO TAKE DOWN OR REMDVIN& NKEHARY I Certified Ta Clean All Hunter Daugl11• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette• window shadings • Vignette' window shadings •. Duette• honeycomb shades • MHleniaTN Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades •Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenette™ SoftFokfTM shadings World'• Best ON-srnno Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 11111/1/11111 \ 111•11111,1111111I111 U1111l1t11 111111 a,,.,,111• "911111• 11111/ SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A ~ °""""'" U.., ..I s..rilf Jtm ant n 1.--' .I s.ww' The Rev Pr<MIOll &myon, Recto< 3209 Vt0 Lido ~5~ 7 JO om Trod1tionol 9omCon~o')'. 9om Church SchoOI 11 om Charismatic ond Wednesday Noon ST. MARK PREsBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 A Congrfl1ltlon of ihr Anxfmu1 Co1r1m11111411 81./IWING OUR FAITH: WV/NG CHRJST AND SEJMNG OUR COM/of UNITY. rhe Rcv'd Pcm D. Haynrs. Rn.tor \UNDAY SCHWUlt 8 •m ·Holy l:.uchuist 'Jam · S~y ScbooUAdult 81bk \1udy I 0 am -Chon.I Euchuast NURSERY CARE AVAJUBLE ... '• \': 1111''(\ 1 :\\111\'\: \:!\ _.._ ........ ..:.&..\ Rtt11rr1eti11 811eh ' 12S9 Victoria Street Costa Meu, CA 92627 Sun4ay e~ening ser¥ice at 7:00 PM ··-· •• ,,..,. HtfllH TelephoH (7J4) S39-n27 E•1ll RBMCC@11i1t11il.Ht "LIFE IS WHAT HAPPENS WHILE YOU ARE MAKl~G OTHER PLANS* '~QBJ::W__'S Uohn 10: 1-10) ,., ., .... , u .. " S;mmt.y. jllM 2 I. 200). 5:10 ,.M. ~nd.a). juM 22. 2003, 8:l0 8( 10:11 A.M. A + •A God«ntcred parish rommuniry, iMJUCred f>t the Word of God and~ by chc Samment1 Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar VlSti Drive Ncwpon Beach. California 92660 (949)644--0200 Fax (949) ~ 1349 RtY. MonN&nor WJlwn P. Md.a~ Pa.or I.IIURGIES: Slturi.tq, S p.m. [c.antor), SUocby. 7:00 (Quia). 8:30 (Conianporlry) 10:00 (Qoit), I J :30 a.m. (Canior) Ind 5:00 p.m. (~) FAITH Explaining the role of blind faith How three different religions view the concept of blind faith. Whlle Judaism Insists on free and open lnquiry, "blind" faith plays a role In its theology. We need a healthy dose of humility ln confronting the universe and the great questions that we pose. Our perspective is limited because we are finite beings who cannot begin to apprehend the Infinite, we are mortal creatures who cannot begin to understand the eternal. G-d does not owe us answers. for he wants us to "believe" rather than "know." It was the Tree of Knowledge that was forbidden to hurnanlcind in the Garden of P.den, but faith is one of G-d's greatest gifts. The concept of mystery must occupy a prominent place In our way of relating to G-<l and his worb, for we are not privy to the Y<C>rkingl of creation or how we ftt Into the course of eternity. A tapeStry Is beautiful to behold as the threads intertwine to form a cohesive design. We only see the baclc of the tapestry of emtence, the disconnected threads of varying lengths that do not form an intelligible picture. Our faith must be that there is a front to the tapestry, that G-d fashioned it and that G-d looks upon it always. RABBI MARK MILLER Temple Bat Yahm, Newport Beach WORSHIP DIRECTORY \11 llf(>l>l'-1 Newpon Center United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 160 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644--0745 8am Quiet Worship Service JOam Worship and Childrmi Sunday School Youth muting wteltly I I I 111 H \ '\. Newport H•rbor Luthenin Church (a.LC.A.) 798 ~ Dt. Newport Beech Tmdltlo1MI Lutbenin PHtor Ch•rtff Endter Worship a.Mee with Holy Communion Sunday 9:15 •m FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Udo Newport Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150' O\wch 10 am & 5 pm, Sunday School 10 am Wildl.-b, Milllngll 7 JO pm MESA WAD• UNfTED METHOOasT CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worehlp & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Dr Richard George Rev StepMntt Toon $enl()( Minister Youth Mm1ster Chrin Church By the Sea Unilcd Mcthodin 1400 W. BaJ9c>i Blvd., Ncwpon Beach 8:4S un. -Adult Swiday XJIOOI 8:30 &I 10 LM. • Won/up and <Jwidimo s.u..i.1 Sthool The Rn. Dr. George R CNp, Putor (9'9)67J-380S ' I I I: I " I I \ ',, ---·.-......-~· . . -' ,..., • . . I Y AsWellAs Your Heart Wcnhfp 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dtsclpl•• of ettrtst) 2411 lf'YIM /WI. ltnllort hltll, CA (141) 141·5711 ....... Dr. 0.-.""" SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST · 3100 Paobc Vew Dr Newµ:>rt Becx:h 644-2617 or 675-4661 Onuch lOam SUnOOy School 10 CDn ~, Ml9Ci'9 7 30 pn • IJI WllCll-*"f 12 noan -thue ..itft the Loni that 0.-.. the '-wns; 0-4 ...... theit fenMd the ..th ......... It, he ........... ~It, he a.r.l It Mt lft ... he,.,.... It ..... 1 .. 11•1t•• 1 .. the Lef9 ....... " ........ 1..W. U s1 I ,,..,_ Brn:lla ti Tiie Modl£r Clllld • The lirl a.di ti Olia. Sca&isl • WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publiabet Ew.ry s.tunlay la the Daily~Pilot CAll H9.S74.4249 The blind faith is referred to in the IslamJc religion as the unseen. The Holy Qwan describes the pious peopJe as those who believe In the unseen CQuran 2:2·3). Our universe has been divided into two: First. the physical, tangible, and the one that we can see. The second is the unseen, or metaphysical world We believe in predestination (but not compulsion) and free will at the same time. God commands and engineers the · first, and the human being engineers and designs the second. Although we believe that human beings are masters of their own acts. and therefore bear immoral responsibilities and consequences of their actions, we also believe that the beginning of certain things such as guidance and prosperity are always from God, and this is considered a part of the unseen world. The Holy Quran asserts this notion in 4:79. IMAM MOUSTAFA AL.-QAZW1NI Islamic &:lucational Center of Orange County Open the eyes of our faith ... ·Episcopalians/ Anglicans pray regularly in these words Crom our Book of Common Prayer. The FAITH Conbnued from A7 WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues sucti as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month a1 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets et 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. 24512 Moulton Par1cwey. The service is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first end third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. a1 the Jewish F-ederation Campus. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 446-4950. • GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a dlscu11lon group for parents of Jewish g1y1 and lesbians if enough people are interested. (714) 445-4960. mystery and process of faith always centers on the only one who is ultimately truatworthy and true, God. Faith is not knowing where you are going while belng sure who Is the origin and destinadon of your journey. Desmond Tutu says, "Nothing and no one is ever beyond hope." because there is always hope. Qui.stian faith Is never blind Faith is "the assurance of ~ hoped for'° (Hebrews ll:la). In the Genesis (18:9--15, 21:1-6) story offaithful Abraham and faithful Sarah, faith is anything but blind, as faith leads over-and-over to laughter. When God promises the very old matriarch and patriarch that they will finally have a child, It is with eyes wide open that they laugh. God then tells them that the baby's name will be "Isaac;" "Isaac" means "laughter." So faith is "laughter at the promise of a child called laughter" (Frederick Buechner, "Son of Laughter/. Ulce laughter, faith is not blind. but always centered on our trustworthy and true God. THE VERY REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES SL Michael & All Angels Episcopal Olurch. Corona del Mar community are welcome to attend. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631 -2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life passages and changes, body images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistra1ion required. (714) 446-4950, ext. 114. HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderty parents. The group will be offered Tuesday. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service is forming a discussion group for interfaith couples where one partner ia Jewish to speak about issues affecting an Interfaith relationship. Call for times and dates. Jewish Femlly Service is at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Me11. Prereglatration is required. (714) 445-4950. ANXJETY /DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Femily Service of Orange County offe,.. 1 support and discuulon group for edults experiencing enxiety end or depression et 9 e.m. Mondays et the egency offices, 250 E. Beker St., Costa Me11. Free. (714) 445-4960. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Femlly Service of Oreng• RE-MEMBERING QROlW County will hold 1 new ongoing Our Ledy Queen of Angels holds bereevement support group for a re-memberlng group et 6: 16 people In ell stages of 1011 at 7 MYSTICAL AND SPIRIT\JAL. The Mysticel Spiritualist Churcti of South Orenge County holds Sundey services every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Me11, Suite 3. A spirituel heeling service sterts et 9:30 e.m. (9'9) 681-2290. p.m. every other Sundey et 2046 p.m. Tuesdays et the Jewish Mer Vista Drive, Newport Beecti. Family Service, 260 E. Beker St •• The perish center is at 2046 Mar Suite G, Coate Me11. Free. (714) t'l1>11ve,NiWPOif 8eaCfl. -445-4950. (949) 648-3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St. Mlctieel end All Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's Fellowship Breekfast et 7 a.m. on the second, third end fourth Thursd•v• of eecti month et 3233 Peclfic View Drive, Corona del Mer. Free. (9'9) 644-0463. MEN'S FELLOWS.. BREAKf'AST The Men's Fellowship (lreakfest of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 e .m. W9dne9days In Oiarenfleld Hall, 600 St. Andrews Ro8d, Newport BNcti. AU men of the ctiurc:h and FRIDAY GROUP Temple l11l1h of Newport Beecti holds weekly Friday night 11rvice9 at 8 p.m. with 1 fellow.hip hour and refreshments afterw.rd at 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Bead\. (9'9) 548-6900. • 11 your c:hurd\ or plec:. of worship planning a special ewnt7 If ao, send the typed lnfonNtlon 11 i..st two wMks before the ev•M to th• Dally Pilot, 330 W. lay St.. Cocta M ... , CA 92en, tttentlon; Pllul Saltowltz. '911glon editor.; fp to (949) 5'8-4170 orHnd e-mail to dallypllot•t.tlmN.com. .. .... ,,,.., ............. - Diiiy Pilot Irrelevant fun kicks off on Monday I rrelevam Week XXVlll kicks off at 5:30 p.m. Monday with the arrival party to honor Ryan ffcNlg. NFL. draft piclc No. 262, at Newport Dunes Resort. The festlvlties are sponsored by the Commodores O ub of the Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce. The 23-year-old Hoag, who stands 6-foot-2 and weights 200 pounds, is a p roduct of Gustavius Adolphus ColJege in Minnesota and was drafted as a wide receiver by the Oakland Raiders. Hoag is in for one fun week before he begin:. the Oak.land Raiden.' Lraining camp. The admission price to the arrival party is $10 per pen.on and includes live entertainment and great food from fireman's Olili. Udo Diner. I lo Sum Bistro. Tommy Bahama Tropical Cafe and Emporium. Newport Rib Co .. Plcanta Martin's, Blue Water Grill. The Bungalow, Memphis Cafe, Oayton Shurley's Real BBQ, Thaifoon Restaurant, I lyatt Newporter and the Nl.'wport Beach Marriot! I lorcl. You will have a chance to mingle with sporu celebriues and more than 350 expected guesLs before 1 loag i!> introduced and honored with the -.,hower of gifts" from the local hu!>ine'»CS and NA. tewm. On Thur.day. you will h.Jve a chance to celebrate Canon Palmtt, Heisman frophy winner, who wilJ sh.are the spotlight with I loag, l.owi.man Trophy winner, at the Orn.nge County Youth Sport~ Foundation Sports Banquet at the Anaheim Marriot! I lotcl. Palmer, the celebrated quarterback out of lJSC and th(• No. I selection of the draft by the Cincinnati Bengals. wilJ he toasted. along with the last choice. Mr. Irrelevant XXVlll, l foag. lndividua.l tick.el!> for the dinner. which begini. with GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG INWlVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your o rganization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. FRIENDS Of THE BAUET MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perform in professional theaters. For 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian ballet training. To help youth develop strong discipline skills, build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of being a professional dancer, call (714) 241-7424. FRIE.NOS Of THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a support group for the three libraries in Costa Mesa. To join, heip with fundraising JIM DE BOOM cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m., are S 150. Thbles of 10 are $1 ,500. and corporate tables are $2,500, which includes preferred seating. as well as one !>eal al a prtvale VIP luncheon at the Ritz Restauran1 with USC head football coach ~te Carroll, and access 10 the pre-event Celebrity Lounge. AJI proceeds are for the bencfi1 of local Ornnge County youth and youth sports programs. No autographs, ple&e. Reservations are available hy contacting Ken PurceU at (7 14) 800·3152 or by e-mail at ocysj@cox.net. The Web site is cuww.ocysforg. On Friday, Ryan Hoag is off 10 tailgale party al Edison rield befort' being inlroduced and honored at the Angel baseball game. For more information on Irrelevant Week, caJJ (949) 263-0727. DRIVERS NEEDED Mobile Meals. spon,ored hy I loag Memonal I lospilal P~byterian and FISI I I !arbor Area. i!> in need of volunteer dnver; 10 deliver meals 10 '\hut-in\ in Corona del Mar. Co'>ta Me.a. Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, '>aid the llt:"V. Bob Parry. board member of FISI I. wwe ask people to take a two-hour shift once or twice a month to pick up meaL'i from I loag Hospital and deHver them to an assigned route," Parry 'Ml.id. "During the summer months of Jw1e through Septemher, many of our regular volun1cer drivers take off on vacation, and we events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 556-4396. FRIENDS OF TME NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The bookstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality children's and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Corona del Mar -or in the special book closel next to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used book store. which is inside lhe entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library a nd are asked to work one three-hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOUTS Girt Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special committees and give lectures. demonstrations or classes. (714) 979-7900. have a shortage of drivers now." Each day, volunteers deliver meals 10 IOS people in the four communities and spend a few minutes visiting wilh them, in probably the shut-ins' only contact with the outside world. Thi.'i is a volunteer job for a retired person, a hJgh school or colJege s1udent not anending summer school, and even for a business that would encourage their employee's participation. For more mformation or to volunteer, caJJ the FISH office at (949) 645 8050. AN EVENING OF MUSIC AND SONG Harbor 01ril.tian OlUrch and St. Michael & A.II Angels 0.urch invile you to An Evening of Music and Song (and dancing 10 oldies but goodies) at 8 p.m. Saturday. RJck Sherman, r~idenl artist at the Village Inn on Balboa Island, ha!> invited Oreem. Michael Phillips. Samantha Smith, Tina W1.18on and Diana O'ltrl to '>hare their musical talenl!> in a concert 10 benefil the Ornngc County Oiild Abw.e Prevcnuon Cenler and Loves & fohes Scholaf'ihip for low·mcome coUege bound .. 1udcnt'>. Ille concert will be held at St. Michaels & A.I.I Angels Olurch. J2JJ Pac.:1fic View Drive, Corona del Mar. The \ugges1ed donation u. SIS. SIO for seniors and ch1Jdren. Cluld care is available. I lori. d'oeuvre!> and refre-.hmenL'> will be ">erved. For more informauon. call 19491 719-1730 SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK nJESD\Y 7:30 a.m. ·1ne 40·mem ber Newport lk:ach Sunrise Rotary Uub will meet at Five Crown.., ( newrxm l>eacl i.su n rise rotary. orgl inda.J1tmJ. 6:30 p.m. l11e Co!>!a Mesa HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference 1n the lives of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them with nonmedical needs such as providing respite fo r the pnmary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization is also looking for ciencal and bereavement volunteers to ass1st wit h office duties. Training is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abused women and children. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunleers a re needed for Pro1ec1 Caring, whidl provides socialization and cultural e>Cperiences to the Jewish residents and others al Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Newport Harbor )jons ()ub will meet at the Costa Mesa Country O ub for an installation banquet and recognition dinner. WEDNESDAY 7:15 am.: The 20-member South Coas1 Metro Rotary tlub will meet at the Center Club ( www.sauthcoastmet rorotary.or,p; and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University Athleuc Club Noon: The 40-member fachange Oub of the Orange Coast will mee1 at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub. 6 p.m.: The 60-member Rotary Uub of Newport· BaJboa wilJ meel al the Bahia Corinth1.m Yacht Oub for annual Demotion Party (www.newpcm-balbo<1 o~. THURSDAY 7: 15 a.m. The 20-plu' m('mher Costa Mesa-Orange Lo!.1<1 Breakfast Uoru; Uub will meet at Mimj's Cafe for a hu'>ine'' meeting. Noon: The 50 member Lo.,ta Mesa Kiwani5 Oub will nwe1 at the Holiday Inn ( www. ki wan is.orglc/111>/ costamesa); and the 80-mernher Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor will meet at 1he Newport Harbor Nautical Mu..eurn for J Teacher of the of the Year pre!>entation being rnon.l111ated by John Uphoff. FRlD\Y 6 p.m.: The 100 member Newport-Irvine Rolary Oub will meet at the ALrium Hotel for II'> annual Demotion t>--dJ'ty ( 1uu.w.nirotary.o~. • COMMUNfTY & CLUBS IS published Saturdays 1n lhe Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting informa11on by fax to (949) 660-8667; e-mail to 1deboom a!aol.com or by ma1l 10 2082 S.E. Bnstol, Surte 201 , Newport Beacti. CA 92660-1740 Mesa. Volunteers ·adoptw a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting background chedt. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally 111 and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing J ewish healing support group for people with chronic illness at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the ~sh Family Service, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required (714) 445-4950. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622·3805. LAGUNA GREENBElJ INC. Volunteers are needed to assist See INVOLVED, Pase AlO ......... c ..... Sizzling Fajitas Strolling Mariachis t Margarita & Cerveza Bar ,_,,.,,_,. ... /I • Ench iladas • Taquitos \f) • • Tacos • Tamales \ • Guacamole • Salsa ~ Calf your nearest location for pick up . I .. lll11mr • , ........... Saturday. June ll. 2003 At White F:ront Ph~rrna~v ., . ' . . . ' Convmimt. foll service pharnuuy with low prius Diabetes Aware-.. Free blood supt leiring and cosuulcing fcaturi,ng Dave Taylor The 2na and 4th. Wcdn~y of each monch from l l :OOam until 4:00pm · Cards • Books • Sundries AU lnsuranu Plans Accepud 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bnstol (714) 540-2882 Everything at your doorstep. And now time to •nfar It. ltn't 1t time to commute leu and 91\)oy life more? N-you can do just U,at. We offer ex.uptloMt apartment commun1l1K In conwnlene Orante County loatlons; • CloH t.o .--ything yov want: •"°91>lnt. employment, and paras • Your choice of oulMandmg am.,11tlu ho l'ftMt-styte ~ming pools afld apes, b<.IMMSs ~ ht""6 centers Stlorts COl.lrts, t.oo Contact rental Uving Apartment Information Center Tocfa~ 17625-8 Harvard, comer of Harvard and Main, Irvine. CA 92'14 1.8".400.2691 rental-tlvint.com ·fmlPUmls ·YlfaTws • SAlollol Tun ~ Large or Small We Cater to All! crnusSALsA 1/2 CHICKEN ROASTBm SANDwlOlF.S l'tJ~""t'll~~~~-attninctildatl""n-r11eedlect"lllt'the--WKl~~~MM~~~~--t111M1 ... ~-.---_..~..,..-....-0111AM~~~~~~~--4Mtl""'DVNQICS Laguna COMt Wlldem..a Park ltd end Jamee Dilley PreMrve lt8ff Ind docenta wfth hiker ~•don and general public oriem.tlon. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANT1 Legune Shanti, en orgenlzetlon th8t worb with pereona with HIV or AIOS, lt11Mk!ng caring volunteers to ... 11t with running the front office, dellvertng meale, providing tranaportetlon and providing complimentary the1'8plee auch •• ma ... ge, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Uaa Toghla, (949) ~ 1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally Ill adultl rely on the Newport Beach center for realdentlel housing. It needs profeaalonal fund.-ralaers to support and maintain thi1 reaource. LUV-A-PET CENnR Volunteers who love to wort with bed. $1300 ; Includes dresser, & mirror 2nightstands free l.w+'9t Center .t P9t1Mert In COit.i Mela. For more Information, cell (949) 451-3272. MASTER CHORALE Of ORANGE COUNTY The performing •rta organization needs volunteer1 for computer Input. tfdtetlng, filing and hendllng phones. (714) 566-6282. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a laatlng effect on a young person's life. Students 10 to 18 yeara old are matched with mentors to Improve their school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships. (714) 649-9622, ext. 35. MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderty clients incapable of shopping and cooking for themselves. For more information, call (949) 645-a050. SP RI NG ORCHESTRA Orange County'• only nonprofit re1ldent chamber orcneatre needs volunteers for tk:keting, ushering, phonea, malling and help with receptlon1. Nominees ere alao being sought for the board of directors. (949) 830-2960 .• NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other chemical dependencies aeeka volunteers. (94.9) 648-9927 between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 648-8764. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led tours and programs, apeclal events and habitat restoration project.s. The interpretive center is et 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. (714) 973-6829. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to soctlonal: $950 CLEARANCE SALE l'p Te 60' OFF· IUY ON!, GET ONE fl[[' '01 Ll e l 1d lire• 0111 714 .596 S321 • 6902 EDINGER AVE. HUNTINGTON BEACH --Did You Knowl 'fhat we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified .Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet aJI of your gardening needs. Come in today to ~ck Nurseries and let us show you how.• NURSIUHES, INC. __ _ COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2 700 Bristol St. (714) 7~1 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 COMPUTt lANDSCAPfNG • 45 YEARS EXPRIENCE LICENSE ti lOl553 TOM TANAkA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowerdale Nursery • Costa Mesa Master Nursery Professional ---~--- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE "Bmer Skep Throµgh Scimct . ., __ .,,,,,,,,,.-ii!..-..... !~&; Get the Best for Less/ BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT • 0111r 80 Piues of Ef "''''"•' • Pri111111 Piutes St#Jlo •SPINNING Th111ur • c..,,,,,;,,., P•rlti111 • ~,.. T11i Chi, Stnt~• ~ • Sn,, P.tH,. "-•" Gl'rrl# • S/Jot111r1, $1111,. d-T.w/, •D"J S/" • Anl1•iu'*r1/M1U1•p ( ~--..... their reading and wrtdng akllla. Volunteers will be certified during training worbhoptl the Central Ubmy. (949) 717·387 ... NEWPORT BEACH PREMERE CINEMA GUtlD The Newport Beech Premiere Cinema Gulld, which eupporte the Newport Bead\ Alm r-e.tlvel, II looklng for new membera. Interested candidates ehould want to help further an artistic and cultural heritage In the community and ahould have a love of cinema and e desire to ralae awareneaa of the film festival. (949) 263-2880. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perform clerical duties, 1uch as filing, organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH RECrTAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beach Recital Serie• Guild needs volunteers to assist in fostering music appreciation so claaslcel music will endure. (949) 644-4208. NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers . to help with costume design, sewing, make-t..1p application. set construction, technical help, publicity • .atage management and badcstage supervision. (949) 759-1046 or LKSaf@aol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers a number of volunteer opportunities in the gift shop, as docents or receptionists, with clerical wort and with fund-raising events. Training ia provided. (949) 675-8915, Ext. 107. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety Qf general volunteer help. (949) 642·9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation Is looking for volunteers to help with fund-raising efforts, speaking opportunities, public events and occasional office won(. (949) 631-4143. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A variety of jobs need to be tadded, Including aet conatruction, ushering, mailings and assorted technical dutJee. Scheduling Is flexible, with a two- to 2~hour commitment per month. The Newport Theatre Alta Center ia at 2501 Cliff Drive. (949) 631--0288. OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared dishes to homebound aeniora In the Newport Beach area. The delivery time ia between 11 :30 a.m. and 1 p.m. dally. The center also needs volunteer nurses for its semi-monthly blood preuure screenings. The center offers this service between 9 and 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesday• of the month. Volunteers should commit two hours once a month or volunteer on a 1ub1tltute b111l1. The center la at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. OPERA PACIFIC The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, a support group for Opera Pacific, has activities for volunteers. (714) 546-0000. OPERATION CLEAN SLATE Operation Clean Slate, a Costa Mesa-baaed organization for graffiti prevention, need• volunteers to pelnt out graffiti and other duties. Michael Howard, (714) 435-0746. OCC NAU11CAL U8RARY ~-Coaat-Colieg.'..school of Selling and Seemenehlp needs book donatfon1 for lta Nautical Library. Thouaanda of volumea of boating-related titles ere needed. The School of Selling and Seamanahlp le et 1801 W. Coalt Hlghwlly, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412. INTOfNTH SHEUER The l•rgest femlly ahelter In the county need• volunteera for ltl c:Mdnm'a programs. It npeclally detlrM tutora and thoee who cen take pert In actlvtflea after 8 p.m. Tutora will work with groups of chlldren or lndivlduelly, helping children In their ecedemlo problem,,...., Volunteers will eleo act H a bJg brother or big 1lster d1,1rlng the summer. Jaime Mayo, (949) 631-7213. ORANGE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY ' A volunteer group In Costa Mesa need1 anlmal·lovlng volunteers for two hour 1hifta on weejtdays to walk dogs and help aociellze them in order to hetp them get adopted. For more Information, call (714) 540-2288. ORANGE COUNTY CHILO ABUSE PREVENT10N CENTER The center needs volunteers to work with high -risk families and children, providing weekly emotional support to families, infants and first-time mothers In their homes. The center is asking for a three-hour weekly commitment. (714) 643-4333. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a variety of functions. (714) 839-6199 . ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The task force is recruiting volunteers for the Interfaith Council Networt to wortc one on one with homeless adults in e program on basic life skills. (949) 263·1774. ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART learn more about art and share with your community by becoming a docent at the Orange County Museum of Art. A volunteer docent guides adults and school groups through the galleries end teaches about the mueeum's collections and exhibitions. (949) 759-1122. ext. 204. ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Docents are needed to lead tours of the Center. 800 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Leam about the history and the development of the Center and the workings of the bade stage areaa. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate in life management and employment training wortc.shopa 11 a success coach to foater teens 16 to 18 years old. (949) 509-1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for 1tray and lost animals In the Newport Beach, Coste Mesa and Corona del Mar areas. (949) 722· 1357. PARENT HELP USA Founded by mothers and others agalnet child abuse, Parent Help asb the public for help and volunteer• to Inform the community on vital laaues affecting children and the family. For more lnformetfon, call (949) 650-3481 or (949) 675-5271. PARTNERS ALWAYS CARING SEJMCES Volunteers are needed for a Crisis Aulatanoe Program, aulsting the emergency re1pondera by providing emotional first aid at the IQ9ne of a critical incident. No previous experience neceaaary. For more Information, call (949) 724-7199 or e-mail partMrulwaysc;aringtflcox.net. PEDIATIIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCAF, which ralaea money to support pedlltric cancer r ... anti, needa needa volunteers for a veri~ of dutlel.. (9491859-6312. THE PHARMACOLOOV RUEARCH INS1lT1JTE The Institute la looking for volunteert to take part In a study on quitting amoklng. To leem more about the program, call (888) 774-4673. Prime Dynemlce, • Newport Beech nonprofit orgenlutlon for the 99 end younger Mt. nffdt volunteer• for ltl progremt. (949) 282-7300. PROJECT ACCESS Project Acee .. le e nonprofit organization that llnkl resld4Hlt of low-income houelng developmentl with beneftcl•I aoclel Hrvlces ueuelty through reeource center•. Volunteers are needed to turor children, teach crafta end computer akllla at the various centers. Paul Shapiro, (949) 263-3120 ext. 229. PROJECT CUDDLE Project Cllddle, a nonprofit organization, serve• the needs of abused, abandoned and drug-exposed children. In addition to office help end once·a·month, 12·hour hotline shifts, volunteers are needed for an auxlllary group, fund-raising committees and to help distribute stidcers to ltop babies from being abandoned In trash bins. The organization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432·9681. PROJECT TOGETHER Project Together seelca aduh volunteers to establish a trusting, one-to-one relationship with children stressed from family problems and abuae. Thia component of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the children are economically deprived, victims of neglect or both. (714) 850-8444. REAOINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students in kindergarten through the third grade. In Costa Mesa: Pomona Elementary School, (949) 515-6980; Whittier Elementary School, (949) 615-$J98; Wilton Elementary School, (949) 515-6995; and New Shalimar Leaming Center, (949) 646-039(!, need help for studenta In reading, writing end Englieh. Mentor sesaiona may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., and after school from 3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree, hold a canned food or toy drive, or make a special gift or donation dlrectty to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SAVE OUR YOUTH The We1ts1de Costa Mua youth organization Is lookJng for volunteers to help create 1 positive alternative for people 12 to 23. Volunteers ere needed to help In areaa such as boxing, aporta, heahh, fltnesa, aerobics and academic tutoring. (949) 548-3255. SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other bualn"s profeuionals to help small buslne11ea succeed by leading seminars and coaching entrepreneure onllne. The corps la a nonprofit charitable organization composed of 11,600 volunteer bualneq mentors, both worlclng and retired, who coun1el bualneues from neany 400 off'ICM throughout the country. Call (714) 550-7389, and Hk for membership. SERVING PEOPLE tN NEED Serve 11 a guide for homeleu families by helping them Mt goala and maintain a balk: budget Bilingual akllls needed. Orientation and training provided. Therea Rowe, (949) 767-1456. SENIOR MEALS AM> SERVICES INC. Votunteert are needed to deliver mula to homebound ..mo.. dtlant relidlng In Coate Meu who ,,.. not Ible to PNP9f'9 their own meal• end do not hlMt anyone to prepen1 mNla for them. Volunteera '"' ulced to donate st least one hour per week for• elx-month period. Subldtut9 drtvera art •leo needed to fMt In for regular drtvera. (714) 840-e811 or (714) 891..()8(M. • • Daily Piiot SOC I ETY Saturday, June 21. 2003 All Fashionably supporting Chapman University ENGAGEMENTS Wescombe-Hoppe Patrlcla and Gary Wescor.nbe of Santa Ana announce the engagement Jacquelloe Dawn Wescombe of Santa Ana to Blair Richard ·Hoppe of Corona del Mar. T he Fashionabl~. in 1>upport of Chapman Univen.ity. held Its summer champagne memhen.hip reception at a posh model residence in the Newport Coast Capital Pacific llomes opened a glamorous villa m the Montooto (',oUection in honor of Chapman and the local lad1e-, and gcnl'> who B.W. COOK -.upport the Randy and Suki Mccardle of Newport support Chapman Unr1ersity at the annual event. The bride-elect graduated from Santa Margarita Catholic High School and the University of Southern California. The future bridegroom. son of Blair Richard Hoppe and Carol and Rich Jacqueline Dawn Wescombe Hoppe of Corona del Mar. graduated from Corona del Mar High Slhool and the University of Southern CaJiforma A July 12 wedding is planned at the Commu1111y CongregauonaJ Omrch tn Corona del \far uruven.ny. The stylish, afternoon l><.lin:e was organized by three powerholl!>C Nt.>wport Kab -Eve Komyei, Ouis Sullivan and Adrienne Brennan. lune heon {Chrisl!Tla1> at the Ritz) m.il>mg cloi.e to $I 00,000, and contmued with smaller gathenngs. adding momentum to tlw fund·raismg effon. Leslie Cancelhen. Eve Kornye1 and Rusty Hood at the annual F ash1onables reception at Pelican Hill. Glasgow-Wilks PhJI and Patty Sue Glasgow of Newport Beach announce the engagement of their daughter, Megan• Glasgow of Newport Beaeh. to Kristofer WiJks of Newport Beach. The entire affai r wa.., hoMt!<l and generously umlerwri11en by Barbara and HadJ Makarechlan of Capital P'dcific. On hand fo r tht' annual member<.hip gathering were Rusty Hood, l..e5Ue Cancellla1. Martha Green. Nancy Bumdt.OlrolWUken.Sandra Biegel. Suki McCardle .md Sue Hook Presently. tl1e Fasruonables are woO..ing to 'uppon tl1e film '>t.houl at Chapman. raising funds to create a "Fa!>hlonables C inema," which will be a small rnovie -,creening facility of 475 .,quare feet that will -.eat 35 people. The project will he one of three facilities available to '>ludcnt'>. featunng '>late-of-the-art technology Other'> supporting the ra<;hJonable-. efforu are Mary Sue Witter. Pat Cranford, Darlene Welner Jo Anne Mix. OlMa Ouuni, Kame Hardin. Kathie Porter. Norma Smith <U1d Mary Roosevelt The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar High School and the University of Colorado in Boulder. She earned her master's m bU\tne!>S administration from the Anderson !>chool at UCL\. The J-'ashJonahh ..... onl' of the long~l runnmg .ind 1110-.1 gencroU1> 'upport group., ol Chapman. ha\c an l''1clbl1,ht'tl traruuon of '\l°\'\ port \ 1l"'Wl support Jaung b.1tk to the founder-. of the organv...111011 1 hl' Newpon (...Qa!it t-vent \\a.\ accentuated by mlonn.tl modelmg from up'>talc ret.lller Neaman-Marrw.. a favuntc h.iwll of Fashionable women .uid men on the RIVlera. 1 uod dl1d \\1ne lmer-. get ready for thl' 11th annual \c>utl1 (..od)t Pla/.a Summer f-e<,uval supporung the ~cond Harvest Food Bank of <>range County and the '>cm1eone C....tre'> '>oup t.Jtchen. Betty Belden-Palmer. Joan R1ach and Ann Stern, helping to r a1se money for a new screening room at the Chapman Film School The future. bndegroom. son of Joe and Bette Morreale of Lake Megan Glasgow and Kristofer Wilks Betty Belden-Palmer. ~onahlec, prt">1den1 l"l'l)O"' that it ha~ !wen qu11r a Yl'.1r for the group. lhc \UC('(..,., \IOI"\' began wllh a .,old ou1 hohcht\ nw f~uval. wluch w1JI unfold from 6 to Y p.m. l11ur...dav m the <.rate .ll1d Rarrel f~lacy\ 1 loml' \iort· \\111g of '>outh < .oa.,t PlaJ4. pronu'>("; tu be an exciung l'\t•nmg featuring a <ipet·taullar .trrny of rt><>taur..ull'\, winem•., and brewene., .,howca<;1ng the l'>e'il food .md \\tnl' 111 tl1e rt.'j.,'!On n11' h,l'i .tJW"J% lx>en a Ve!) 'pt'<'1<LI e\ ent en1oyt:'d m the local tmwtl, ru1d generou,I\ 11ndt'l'\\T1t1en 17} ~>uth Coa\t Pla;.a, allowing the d1anue-. to h••ncfi1 from llw 11cke1 fee of S40 111 adv;:mn• and S50 at the door. The 0111<,t '11Q11lkan1 part of the Ou••-Cndt8mllnahlp OU.ranc.ed 714-"5·1878 • 800-433-2188 1t1'2 lleott IMt. • """'""', .... llMch l Glrtleldt ..... MDI\. WM. & MM•~ & 'ftlw'I. M •MM• 11111. 1M r event L'> th.tt ever\ ut.kct -.old buy .. an incredible 1.000 meah. t'nougl1 food to feed a famll~ of four for three montm. To suppon the eflon. plt:a.'>t' call (714J 435-2 160 • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays 130 EASI' 17-SI •COSTA MFSA Al~ d-Utt,,. Smn Arrowhead and Dr Gerald and Jamee \\'ill\ CJ! '\('\\ pon Beach. graduated from Corona del Marl l1gh ~dmol and UC Irvine A July 12 wedding 1s planned 111 Angu1ll.i Bn11.,h \\le...i Indies •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays for a form please call Coral Wilson at (949) 574-4298 & G ARDEN CAF CAFE HOl R\ \fon-!;Nn 9am--lpm Uindln to llwnd,/1rr1 l -<d C" l<.1•r fl,,. 4 I UJtom f'u flirt fr,mwit F11rn11u.Y Rr1tor.z11011 .uul mu. J, mt'' ROWHOl'RS The Original MtKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery * ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOW N 30°/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Ne eds!'' FURNITURE REUPHOLSIERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shades, & 8edspre~ds AJZ Sahxd~. Jll1I 21, 2003 Mi~1 1 stwin ows.com 'll!J~'ll• Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games ~~~fW·s • Replacement & New Co'nstruction me Pricing & Purchasing 2-494-9069 Fu: 562-494-2069 '1:0if(NjEt,or Referrals• All Major Credit Canis 1 stwindows.com SOLIS t "VEST~1El .,T & R EALTY KRISTIN M. Sous • licensed Real Enatc Agent • Mttting all of your &al Estate nttds. ERie A Sous CFP • l 7 ~an fxJ>!rimc.! • Stocks & Bonds • Mutual Funds •Annuities • Estau & Rerimnmt Pl.a.nning • lnvt!stmmt Banking • Small MiJJk Marita COmpani.es ----.......... -... --. fJlta.-.OP~UtlCl ...... -.--... --.----.urt • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence Installations • Chain Link Fence Repairs Serllin9 Oran9e CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 license #313311 ----O"ILL NIW,OftT •IAC H tttjo}! a del iciows me.al fe.at&..t.-it'\9 ow.-slow ,.oaste.d Pt4ime Rib. \to"'" me al is oci"om pa.-.ie.d by C1 ho~ode sot4p of the d ay O I' i"l'is p t:Of'-Sal' o:alod, c:hoice <-•( Haa9~.-.-Do2s iCP cl'e~lt'l o' ..bd'a""" beve l'Oflf'· $18.00 Loc-ott'd ;,. tlv-N<'wporl Brw·h ,Mo .. ..io++ Hnt .. 1 o..d TL .... 1. Cl .. b Vulldo.t.ed Se.If Por1<1"fl 900 ~wpo..+ c,,,,,. .. n ... w N .. w,.orl P. .. urh 94 9-729-3565 ome s op at t e o flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET rd ONE Karastan • Lees• Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairbome. And Much More 2927 S. Brietol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bJoescr~nc.com Abo... .... .... I.OS Allil~ ( AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Deity Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa MeN, CA 92827; by e-mail to milc• . .wetN10ntllllflm#.com; by fax to (949) &48-<t 170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. lndude the tl")e. date and location of the event. ea well aa a contact phone number. A comp4ete listing la avallabte at www.dallypllotcom. TODAY .Become a member of the Hospice PrefelTed Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally Ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team i1 seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmedical need1, auc:h as providing respite for the primary caregiver. reading to patientl, paying weekly social vilitl and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to auist with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more lnfonnation. •Dfvoftle: A New Beginning; a worbhop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, will be held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. For more information, call 644-6435. The Newport Hatbot Lawn Bowling Club will host Visitors Day on the comer of San Joaquin and Crown Drive in Corona del Mar, featuring free lessons and snadcs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 640-6049. A CompotJUon In Drwwtng Wor1c:shop will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. at Coastline Community College, 1631 SunflowerBlvd., B15, South Coast Village Plaza. The work.shop emphasizes composition cover1ng all the basics of drawing. Registration is $45, due by June 18. For more information, call (949) 640-1727. N.wport Dunes Resort's •Movies on the Beaen• series offers •Hercules• starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Badt Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. MONDAY Children 5 and older aN lnvtt.d to register for a variety of summer aquatic camps offered by Newport Beaen Recreation Services. The camps run through August, with numerous morning and afternoon options available, from •Sailing and Tennis Camp· to .. Surf Camp.• Call (949) 644-3151 for more information, or register online at www.city.newport-beadl.ca.us. fOf Oud'9f'lne Muecular O'(ltrophv. The dlnk: Wiii be Engtllh e>n>fetslonal eocoer legencM. f'.or mol'e lnfonnation .• eetl (949) 840-6630. TUESDAY A fNe wniner on 9a.ntlon deficit disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mothef''• Mar1c:et. 226 E. 17th St, Cost.a M .... To make reeervatlone, call (800) 596-6667. Adufb lnter..-d In voluntlMf tutor opportunities for Newport Beaen Literacy Servk:ea are invited to an orientation from 2 to 4 p.m. or from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Newport Beacn Central Library. No experience Is neceuary. For more information, call (949) 717-3874. WEDNESDAY "INlnw end tt.1ng• le. free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother'• Mar1c:et. 225 E. 17th St., Cost.a Meu. To make reservations, call (800) 595-0667. A Mrieil of chwtng and painting wortshops featuring landscapes and seascapes at Newport Beadl locations will begin today and continue for six weelca from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The first session will meet at Mariner'• Part, adjacentto Mariner·• Library, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beaen. Individual instruction by artist Mimi Sharon will be offered to beginning and advanced students. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Churdl presents ·1slam and Women: Fact and Action• at 7:30 p.m. at 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. The event is free, and partlng Is available next to the enun:h. Gaye Tomlinson, a native of Turtey and self-described moderate practicing Muslim, will lead the program. For more information, call (949) 646-4652. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will hold a business after-hours mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mimi's Caf6, 1835 Newport Blvd. in Costa Mesa. The mixer is free for members, $10 for potential members. For more information, call (714) 885-9090. TliURSOAY •five 1<9Y1 to Vibrant living• is a free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at Mother's Martet, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. hdc Bay Drive. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 7~NE. ~ddzMwolel agee Invited to the Oeal9 He.Ith Fair from 8 a,m. to 1 p.m . at the Corona del Mar Senior Center, 800 M arguerite Ave. free tests will be available for bk>od PreMUre, vision, hearing, body tat, pulmonary lung function, podiatry, dermatology, and physical therapy and eniropractlc needs. Other testa will be offered for a $20 to $46 fee. For more Information, call (949) 718-1821. The Com Mesa Senion c.nw will hold a ftea martet from 8 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the center's parting lot. 895 W. 19th St Spaoea cost $10 fOf members, $20 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. f'.or more information, call (949 645-2356. JUNE28 Mmennium Medical Spa In Newport Beach is hosting an all-day complimentary 30-minute makeover event The spa will provide eac:ti customer with education on skin care and mineral matceup. The •Mineral Make-up• event will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment onfy. Call (949) 863-1667 for an appointment JUNE 29 Th• first Orange County dngon boat race and friendship breakfast potludt sponsored by the Orange County Chinese Cultural Club will be held from 8 a.m. to noon at the Newport Aquatic Center, 1 Whitecliffs Drive, Newport Beacn, CA 92660. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. For event rules, regulations and volunteer Information. call (714) 535-2708. JUNE 30 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to •storytelling Safari" at 10:30 a,m. at the Newport Beacti Central Library. The program will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 2 at Mariners brandi and at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa bral1en. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 1 ·e.ect. Lancbcapea a. AoweraM will be on display at Newport Beaen City Hall through Sept. 30. The exhibit features digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian Islands by Donna Ruzldta and colorful umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. Attbtry wW combine with passion for a popular sport in •Tennis in Art; an exhibit of paintings by Jose Mendoza, on display in the Newport Beaen ANden of ... ages will be able to si~n up for Newport Beadl Public Library reading programs designed to encourage an interest in books over the lazy days of summer. For toddlers through sixth-graders, •It's a Jungle Out There• will include a read-to-me club for enildren not yet reading on their own and a readers club for Independent readers. Special programs and prize drawings will add to the fun. Visit any Newport Beacn Public Library to sign up or call (949) 717-3816. Enjoy an amy of culinary specialties from South Coast Plaza restaurants and tastings from premium wineries and breweries at the Summer Food and Wine Festival at the plaza's Crate and Bamtl from 6 to 9 p.m. Every $40 advance tidtet will benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County and Someone Cares Soup Kitenen. Tidcets are $50 at the door. For more information. call (714) 435-2160. ' Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. MatuN drivers can sharpen their skills in an eight-hour AARP driver safety class held during two sessions from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. June 23 and 24 at Presbyterian Churdl of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students and cost $10. Advanced registration required. For more information. call (714) 557-3340. Join th• Newport a..dl Chamber of Commerce In welcoming Ryan Hoag, NFL draft pldt number 262. Though he was the last pidt in the NFL. he'll be treated as No. 1 at the infamous Mr. Irrelevant Arrival Party. The Commodores Club of the Commerce will host the party to kidc.off the 28th annual lmtlevant Week at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Retort, 1131 Bade Bay Drive, at 5:30 p.m. The cost is $10, including live entertainment. a ncrhost bar and culinary treat8. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 729-4412. The lneugunl PoettM Soccer Ctinic will run through June 26 at Lincoln Elementary Scnoot Jn Corona del Mar from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p..m. 8ovl and girta egM 5 to 18 can join fOf a minimum doNtion of $250 per .eh191e. Alf proceede Wiii oo tow9rd wrcti Comerb Bank'1 Technok>gy and Ute Sciences Division invites the public to a breakfast discussion, MWhat's Your Brand, How Do You Protect It, and How Do You Avoid Getting Sued?" from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m . at the Center C1ub, 650 Town Center Drive, in Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (310) 231-5610. FRJDAY Newport Dunes Resort'• ·Movies on the Beac:h" series offers •Legally BlondeM starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Partlng costs $8 per car. Campfires will alto be available for a'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. JUNE28 a.sic boats nice fTom th• doc* of Newport Harbor Museum while events take place in and around the museum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.at Seaport Festival. On* woodies, surfing exhibits, boet building, model building, food and musk wfn be on hand Ill no cost to attetldeel. The SNpot1 Festival wih taite place al dey at the mU98Um and will Include a luau clnner and awerds &how. For moni lnfonnatlon, call (949) ~'nm. Newpoft °"'* ...._.,, •Moviea on the Beech• MfiM often •a..uty and the e...t• ttarting at dusk on the Newport und. Ptrtdng c:o.tt ta .,.r car. c.tnpfirea wlll at.o be .vailablt for a'mof'91.. The,...,., .... 1131 RosEY'sAuroBODY You have the right to chooee your repa.lt fadJJty lnellt on the Bnt llfETIMf ~\IARRANT Y JULY2 Child,.., em.ring first through siX1h grades are Invited to •storytelling Safari" at 3 p.m. at the Mariners Branen Public Library. The program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa Branen. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY3 Children ~'9 flnt through sixth grades are Invited to MStorytelling Satan• at 10:30 a.m. at Balboa Brandi Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY4 The American Legion v.cht Cub will host the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of decked out yachts parading along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories efigible for awards. For more information, call (949) 673-3546. JULY5 Newport Dunee Retort'• •Movies on the Beadl" aeries offert •Robin Hood• starting at dutk on the Newport sand. Par1c:I costs$8 ~tothe digital univerle ere invf!ed to "Tools and Tricb; ln\emet 101 ~ a free Internet worbhop, at 10 a.m. 8t the Newport 8-dt Cenhl UbnNy. The~ 0"9Mewwtll be repelt9d at 9 a.m July 19 at the Balboe branc:t\. For~ lnfom\atlon, call (949) 717-3816. JUL.YI Jet ... MtroducdoM lfwtlM tht publlc to an exdu&lw evening to meet aom• of Orang• County'• most ellglbl• 1lngi.1 at • Meet• mixer from 6 to 9 p.m. at no Restaurant In Corona del Mar. The cost Is $75 per person. Wear codt1all attire. For reservations, call (949) 233-6405 before July 2. JULY 19 Newcomen to the dlgttal universe are Invited to "Tools and Trlcb: Internet 101: • free Internet wor1c:shop. at 9 a.m. at the Balboa brand'! of the Newport Besen Public library. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. ONGOING VoluntMr dlfven are nNded to help deliver nutrltloualy prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly client• Incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through •Mobile Meals; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Ave new wiMt will be HrWd on Bayside Restaurant's terra~ overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721 -1222. Newport Oun" Resort's •Movies on the Beaen" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parting is $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A variety of priwte, aeml-private and group swim lessons Will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates. times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beaen Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. ChildNn, teens and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beaen Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beaen Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Professional and lkensed aoccet trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewish F.mlty s...,,tc.11 sponsoring a teen support group for high sdlool students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m . at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School In Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The First P9ge -Rne Chlld,..,'1 Booka, a1 270 E. 17th St .. No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday. Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .• Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m . For more information, call (949) 645-5437. •Abstnct Works on C.nvas and Paper; an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, wlll be on dl1play at the Newport Beaen Central Library through June 30. The exhibit wtll feature selection• from Rosener's ·washed Away" aeries, created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an • original painting and washing it time. For more information, call (949) 717·3818. Award-W.. ........ WOftta by 0ra,.. County artlm wor1c:lng In an arTay of two-dlmenslonal media wtll be on display at Newport Bead't City Hall through June 27. for tht Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 711-3870. .... ~In Ntwp0t1 ~offers wine taetlng llVefY Thursday night for S.. TOWN. hie All $16 per person, featuring five new wlnet Nd\ week. For more Information, call (949) 121.1222. r your orchid 1e too blo for 1ta pot. Green Systems International wfll show you how to re-pot your pf ant during their free orchid-potting eemln•r at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant aale I• hetd from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Bird'! St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for Information. Dlecovw the MCf"9tl of Carbon Canyon Regional Park aa you walk through grove• of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Sawrday at 8:30 a.m. Perking i1 $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more Information. TNm Survivor, • nonprofit organization enc0uraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exerciae, hosts ·walk and Talk. et 10 e.m . the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgoddess store in Faahion laland. Members meet for lunch after et Atrium court. It i1 free, and ell fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. I Newport Communtty CounMflng Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support g roup In SA.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness. faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens .,. Invited to drop by ~ city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327·7560. The Newport Beech W.lkJ119 C~ub meets at the corner of Supenor end Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m and 7 p.m . everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport S..ch Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m . on Thursday nights at Superior end Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Ann. of Business S...Vlces host.a e networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the aecond Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bnstol St. Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 805-0011. •Divon:e: A New hglnnl119; a wortshop for men and women divo rced or getting divorced, is held from 10 e.m. to 12:30 p.m. et 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. The Newport BNch PubHc Library hosta an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona def Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m . Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more informetlon, call (949) 717-3800. ft'M tours of the Orange County Performing Alta Center take guests to the dreulng rooms, performer's lounge, bacbtage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext 833. The Newport Buch Newc:onMn Club holds a generel meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization Is open to all women rffldenu In Newport Beadl who have lived In the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 845-9922. or v t newcomers-newportbudl.orp. Outs Senior Centiar holde • pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the eecond Saturday of every month. Breakfast Includes pancakee. sausage, cofTff end orange Juice for $3, $1 for children. The cent9t la 8t 800 Marguerite, Corona Ml Mer. For mo,. lnfonnatk>n, call (9'9) 844-324'. ,. Macy'e 8outt\ Co.-,_. pre.enu•Worbhop Wednesdays: A Hands-on by chef Alexx Guevara. The chtM Is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m . Wednesdaya at 3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. The cost, Including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5076. ~end thythm, "YogarhythmiC9• combinee yoga, dance and fun. The ctau 11 held from 4:30 to 6:46 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) 764-7399. The Newport Halbor Nautlcal Museum offers the e)(hiblt •Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine .Art Master; through Sept. 30. The museum Is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more information, call (949) 67J.7863. lnt9ffatth couple9 wtth one Jewish partner are invited to participate In a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with Issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols In the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule ctate and time. The office is at 250 E. Ba~r St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join 1 discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. M ondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. FMnds of the Newport Beech Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona def Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperba<* donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The a,.111e lnstttut. on.. "" computer clasaes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona def Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 82Hi000. A spiritu•I ca,. dass mMts 8t 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 26J.1462. The Costa Mesa Chamb« at Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club Is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group ia designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the lllneu. (949) 574-6232. St. Andrew's ~n Chun:h hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfleld Hall C at 600 St Andrews RQad, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Femlty &.vice of Orange County sponsors a discuulon group for adult children and their parents from 6 at the Jewieh Family 5efvice office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per ....1on. Prereglstretfon required. (714)~. The.JewW\ Femlty .... of Orange County hu •weekly penanting IUppoft group. Plrentt team strttegiea for IUCCMlful paf9ntfng and for deellng wtth the t.ellnga •nd behevtor of their children. The group meets from 10to11:30 •.m. Mondeya 8t the Jewl.tl Family Service oftlce 8t I MMe. The group wfll cover managing anger, anxiety and peer preuure children experience. Prereglltr•tion required. (714) 446-4960. The eo.t. Mee. Senior c.nw haa blllroom dancfng wtth live mualc from the Costa Mesa Music Maker• from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 696 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewt.h Funtty S...Vlce of Onnge County sp&naors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically Ill. The purpose Is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illneu and Its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thuradaya at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Scnbble Qub No. 350 mNta from 6 to 10 p.m . Thursdays at Borders Boob, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St in Costa Mesa. $3. New pfayers ere weJcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coln end Stamp Club mMtl from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Famlty Service offers ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of losa. Groop members share experiences, hear how others deal wrth grief, receive support and leam waya to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m . Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays ll't the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free. but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish Family Service of Orange County provides a support and discussiqn group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. 1Wo-hour kayak tours wtth • trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m . Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. See TOWN, Pa1e Al4 Scluwday, June 21 2003 AU l It's Time for Our Annual Sizzlin' Summer Sidewdl ~ Sdle ! ~~'tR ro WIN S. o par1idpol119 Wes1d1ff Plozo 11101lt1 for on entry loim ond detaik WES TC LIFF P l A Z A I 7TH STREET AT IPV NE AVEN UE • TIE RVHE CDNFIWY RETAIL~ ,,_.n..,. " ta ,.,......._ 01mtory of Stoies :. lolpM fr tsh fort 646 1411 Sov-on clru9$ 642 1211 CJ on Au HCH dwort 642 1133 :. ... Oiompogne 645-6731 Draper's & Damon's 646 SS21 kayolcs Surf Shop 631 2996 Thret friends S48 9881 r • ., (ol1f ornio S1ylt .S48·1899 lmllgti Hallmark '31 ·8111 Matthew -Taylor's 642 7311 OiamPCJtn• French lakery Cole 646 0520 Helen WO(f Choe olalts 631 8700 Pasta lravo so 3406 Pick Up Shi 6SO 7849 lalp!H fresh Fore 646 1411 Starbu<h Cofftt 650 0369 Blue Mambo 646 S7 46 Rober1 & Taylor Soion 6467 197 Anthony's Shoe lepau S48 40S3 Bonk of lmerico 7 64 2600 Righi Centre S74 7450 Moilbo1M, Etc 631 5400 lobef1 & Tayloi Solon 646 7197 Shell Oil 64S 5968 Wes10ff Plcm 0eonen 646 2392 Al ~ ~,,.,b. l ;·~ 9Ai; ~·.-;:: ,.,d~ ! • j . .,.., . I • ,. ~ 7Ff'4>:. . ~ .. t l - OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory www.patlomfg.com CUSTOM HBO'S The HoneyBaked Cafe & full of surprises, not ham. now ~ou and ~o.ur lunch buddi.es can stor b~ The -Hone~BaXed Cafe for a surpri.si.n~l~ wi.de ar>ra:y of delw.U>us , made from Sc.Patch, Lunch temfta.tums. T ~ our +lone:y.B"aked ~w.Ken Coraon Bteu, BeefWeLLLng_ton, or (()orK FLllets wt.th Fresh BLaeKber~ ~Caie-Or erjo~ a fr~h, crisp~ ~~r Ch~ Salad. Ana, ·if brea.klast: i.s t;o ~our LLK'-n3, we ser\le i,t; all da~ Lon9. WLth c.hot.ees Lt.Ke our L'1Jh:t and flu~ flone~Ba.Ked Omelettata wt,th Turke~, Avoc.ado and Swiss Cheese or scrumptu:>us Sniffed Fr--enc.h Toast. So next time ~ou do Lunc.h, do i..t Ln ~Le at The +lone:yBa.Ked Cafe ... where ~ou'lt f i..nd over SL~ deLLc.w~ thi..n~-(/or Lunch, besi...Cles our a.ma~~ ham. C-Ome see us t;oda~. We're r~ht next door to that famous ham store. OpenMonday -Wednesday8a.m.-6:30pm THE HONEYBA ThuM1y -Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. l.&lln 13771 ~-# u Phone : 71~731-6616 fax :71~731-4907 twiiyb1Beadl19a22 8adl ... #(Phone: 714-961-6174 Fax 71~378-1216 John We belong to the world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers Jennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet Lifetime Warranty Ceramic · Brenda 100% FREE ... TOWN Continued from Al 3 A yog1a enddMciedeeeiaheld from •:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, CoN Mesa. (714) 764-7399. The Rev. Connie Rydanan ..... dlscusaion group ualng the book "Conversations with God" from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 764-7399. Manh1tr1 Tae Kwon Do In Com Mesa offers free self-defense classes to airtine pilots and flignt attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St., Suite 13. Costa Mesa. (949) 574--0122. A Deeling with Oivora support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. The Sea Scouu' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for bovs and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. M eetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. Oasis Senior Center offers ongoing assis1ance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St .. Costa Mesa. (714) 513·5641. The Newport Beach ~mers Club meets at 10 a.m . the third Wednesday of each month. The organization is open to all women residents of Newport Beach who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcom ers·newpor1beach.org. The Thursday Momina Women'• Club, a 40-year-old friendship club, is seeking new members. The club, which includes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet sections. meets at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon is $23 and includes entertainment. The hotel is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842-5863. The Newport Beach Walking Club m eets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 81 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The American legion rnNta at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings. which deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard is at 2651 Newpor1 Blvd. Free. Mary Holler. (714) 546-2n1; or Bill Mimlaga, (949) 650-0894. Nightly mfftlngs for those who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. (714) 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666. o~ Pilot auppor1 1YStem. They e&eo off8' ongoing computer dHMa thllt teach the ballica of Word, Ouk.ken, Print Shop ind Internet u .. (948 844-3244. The Cotta Meet Communlc:atOn Toastmaatera Club meets from noon to 1 p.m . Wednesdays et the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wanta to Improve hla or her public speaking skllla. (714) 444-8783. The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays In Sgt. Pepperonl's meeting room, 2300 Bristol St., Newpor1 Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Jewish Ftimlly ~of Orange County holds group meetings for younger women to discuss life passages and changes, body Images. family, relationships, communication, intimacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. The office Is at 250 E. Balcer St.. Suhe G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. Marcy Middler, (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The MeN Menengers Toastmasters Club 691 In Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde Unhed Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. The Zingers Toastmasters Club 615F meets for breakfast on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 a.m . at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear #B 17. The meeting is free for first·time visitors. For m ore information. call (714) 241-1109. The Newport Center Toastmasters Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m . Mondays at the Irvine Co., 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 756-1025. The Harbofiite ToastmHten Oub meets at 7 a.m . Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Res1aurant, 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (949) 293-4630. Lido Isle Toastmasters meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. (714) 964-5314. The Oasis Senior Center off9n a shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center. Call to make an appointment (949) 644-3244. Tutoring is 8Vllilable for J*'M)n• who could use help reading English. Hourly rates and trmes are negotiable. (949) 851-1739. Oasis Senior Center offw'I visual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative, by appointment. (949) 644-3244. Euential Weight Mlnagement offers interactive and proactive weight loss groups. Learn behavior modification and other techniques to control your weight The cos1 is $20. Groups meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays aod Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Drive, Suite 350, Newport Beach. (949) 718-9848. The Hope lna1ftute. a cenw for recovery and family education, offers a women's suppor1 group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol St. C-206, Cos1a Mesa. (714) 432-0020. Oasis Senior Center has a walking group called Walkers Not Roehrs, which meeu once a week to enjoy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beach area. (949) t)44.°3244. Women Helping Women °"9r'a a free peer suppor1 group for women In transition from 3: 15 to 4:15 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7:45 a.m. Monday through Friday in Room -t~l9--M-__;.~~-'-'--..-,.,-.-~...:...,.,...;..,...~.,--Ad---Jl~~ll80ft-liilMM~_,...,n...t~...¥..11LUm1LOAilS .. S§nfQLC§ntM.J~QQ Marguerite Ave., Corona del M ar. (949) 644-3244. Lifetime Warranty l,aminate Lifetime Warranty Wood 60 day e.xcbange. If you don't like It, we 'wUl replace II nonprofit organization, operates a free museum at 100 Newpor1 Center Drive, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the world's largest collections of sports memorabilia, la open from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721-9333orwww.~­ muS6Um.org. The &tancle HIOh School~ Teacher Student Assn. hosts a monthly peper drive every Saturdllyfrom 91.m. to noon In the 9dK>ol's north¥11St pertdf\Q lot. on the comer of Utenc:ie Nol1hend ~la.~ that.,. bound, loOM or begged aN eccepted. C.rdboerd and bound materlel """ .. phone boob and Ihle*~.,. nol Al9o. bin. .......... .,.. for drop off ewrY., Of .. month. All b* r11Mc1 eo•t. 1.acledOft. FM. l"9 adM»OI .. II 2323 ......... Ave., COili Meiii. CM)l1M&OO. Ollll ..... Oalllir ..... ..., .............. .,....,..... .. ..................... Body Dellgn and Unltlld S1Udloe of Self-Defense offers kldc-boxing cfassa from 8:30 to 9:30 1.m. Tuesdays, Thurtdaya and Saturdays at 1000 W. Oout Highway, Suite C, Newpon Beach. $8 per cfau. (949) 722-0526. The AllMlmer"• A.n. and Grief Support Group of Newpor1 Villa w.tlVilll Aou ~I free eupport group mMClne '°' cereglvera 8l 7 p.m. h fouf1h Thundev of Ndl month through Oclob« .. Newpcwt Wla Welt ~ Uvlng. 313 Holpttal Roed, Newpof1 llNtcft. , ... , 831-.-&&. I . ' VISIT US ONLINE AT www.southcoastsubaru.com ~ 04 WRX ::.-r~ ·:OOH'-" NOW ARRIVING! ·: ... '\N ~ 2004 Turbo ;iorr-cster has arrived! Test 1 today 2002 Leg~· sedan Model 'lAA (213306) 1 At This Price Others to choose from: '02 Legacy Sdn #2AB '02 Legacy Sdn #AC '02 Legacy Sdn #2AD '02 Legacy Sdn #2AF . 2003 Subaru WRX Sedtlns & wagons I 227he I 2003 Subaru Baja® I Automatic I 3 To Choose iV.odel 3BP (105431) (105701) (107157) $999.00 Down . Tier 1 buyer on bank approval thru Subaru Finance Corp. All dealer incentives are included. 2003 Subaru Outback wagons & LL Beans 200 I Ferrari 360 FI Spider Sliver/Black 6K Mlle~ Under Warranty, Many Options! $119,500 QUOTE OF THE DAY "When one of them raised his hand.an4ask•d.if-Ja~{i B'o---- to the restroom, that's when I realized I was at a high.school." ...... Sapolu, Cost.a Mesa assistant footban coach Daily Pilot Sports Editor Rldwd Dtnl: (9491 574-4223 • Sports Fu : 1949) 650-0170 JUNIOR TENNIS EYEOPENER June 23 honoree LAWRIE CUNNINGHAM Saturday, June 21. 2003 Bl Glatch on a global scale Newpoz:t Beach 13-year-old phenom has already won the first two super nationals in 2003. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot S he may not talk a lot on the court, but the way Alexa Glatch seemingly snatches up victory after victory allows her tennis game to make noise. The 13-year-old from Newport Beach, coming off a singles victory over top-seeded Tiffany Lee, 6-1, 6-4, ln the Unlted States Tennls Association's lnterscholastics West tournament ln Fresno -a national event for girls under· 18 -readies for Monday, when she will Oy to Europe to spend the next month, along with eight other girls from the United States, in several under-18 international events. "The USI'A national coaches caJled me up and asked me if I would like to represent the U.S.," Glatch recalled. "I was really excited and think it is going to be fun.· Joining Glatch will be doubles partner Loren Hansen. Hansen and Glatch have won the last two super national titles an the girls 14s division and are currently ranked No. I in Southern Califomla. Glatch heads the pack in singles in the same division. where she has won the first two super national tournaments this year. The last super national -the Easter Bowl in April -saw Glatch and Hanson n9t lose a set to capture tl)e coveted crown. ln singles. Glatch sailed through the semifinals without losing a set before battling Maggie Mello -ranked No. 2 in singles in Southern California -an a three-set final, prevailing. 6 -1, 5· 7, 6-2. Mello had defeated Glatch in three sets in last year's final of the girls l 4s of the Southern California junior sectional championships. which begin today at various si tes. "That was. the biggest tournament I've ever won,· Glatch said about her victory in singles at the Easter Bowl, the first time she had won the event. "It Is supposedly one of the best national tournaments In the U.S., so that was my leading goal heading into the year.· Glatch and Mello, a Laguna Hills resident. someumes play practice matches together and live only 15 minutes apart. ·I know how she plays. she likes to hit the ball hard and has a big serve,• Glatch said. "1 just tried to keep the points going and see if she would make the error. I let It slip away in the second set, but got it back together in the third set and won.· Not much has slipped away from Glatch lately. She has spent the last six years honing her game with Syd Ball, a former professional player from Australia who has coached such standouts such as Pat Cash. Ball continues to stress the importance of being aggressive, which translates into Glatch, who anends Irvine Home School, covering more of the court. ·From the first time I went to him he has always wanted me up at the net. volleying.· she said. "He is very positive and always encourages me.· "I've always had the view of giving her a good foundation, teaching her a daring game. which she could play at any level if she got good enough,. BaJJ said. Glatcb will get a chance to test her game again against lnternadonaJ competition when she travels to the Czech Republic ln August for the World Junior Cup. Glatch and two others will 'I'm just going to keep working hard, practicing and playing a lot of matches. My whole game has come together the last y ear.' Alexa Glatch, 13-year-old tennis player represent the U.S. ·1 didn't know all thls would come thls summer.· Glatch saJd. Spring has been quite plentiful for Glatch, who recently won the girls l 6s national open in Whittier She wants to become a pro and eyes a chance at gaining a wild card entry as a junior into September's U.S. Open in New York. "I'm just going to keep woricing hard. practicing and playing a lot of matches.· she said. ·My whole game has come together the last year.· Ball has also noticed a surge in Glatch's game. "She Is serving really well and that has helped PACIF1C COAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS Members of the Corona del Mar High girls track and field team are: front row from left, Lindsey Manning, Nicole Parise, Keelan Cuyler Ind Devon Ahem. Middle ,.,,,, ftom left. Jennifer~. fllrie St Geme, Kitzie Kremer, Taryn Kawata, KelY Mo,raan and Jenni • LQlln. Back rfM from ~ Kite Heeschen, lildsay fisher, Melssa SWfaert, S.a Claster,Becky ·~and-.111'. w.er.. Alella Glatch, 13, smashes a forehand Wednesday afternoon She recently won the USTA lnterscholastJcs West tournament in Fresno and w111 play in Europe for a month to play 1n International Tennis Federation events. bypassing ttle upcoming Southern Calrforrna 1urnor secbonal champ1onsh1ps. PHOTOS BY MARK C CXJS'tN DAJL't' PILOT out a lot,· he said. "She is taking advantage of the short ball since not many glrls serve and volley now. She bas confidence and is a ~ry dedicated girl. "It is like a plateau to go on There are st~ and steps until you get to where you a.re going." For Glatch, the possibilities seem endless. COSTA MESA LITTLE LEAGUE Mariners top Rockies again CMALL Minor A champs beat Rockies a third time this season and advance to today's round at noon. • Dally Piiot I I: Luxuty Imports & Exotic Sports .Cars ·· I innteyo * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included * Consignments Welcome · * Cash Paid for Your Car . . * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates (on Most Vehicles) DMW 97 328i CONV (19'32>Whltew!Too, Spolf Pkg ..... $20,980 99 328iS (19,70)"-d wflllodl Sunroof, Shine'( . $21 , 980 97 328i CQNV <1??77J'tlt'lme w/Ton l.eolhef. Auto $22, 980 • 98 7 40i (t9:i.O)()rwo Ownl'f 0vom. "his. Must See $ 22, 980 00 323i (19779() #hiie w/Ton. ~ Mootvoof $2S, 980 98 7 40i (19:11&)~1r.i01'11 (l'l!lMd $26, 980 00 323ci (19~Sl0i~~~J<tle1 lNHew X..U>nd $26,980 QQ S28i (t9:l&J)C,Pv.Oll,~~ 5portPrem Plr.g $31 ,980 01 XS (19•t>O>'*'Hp w'Sodde. 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P.ct $18, 980 99 FORD EXPEDITIONnlM!wfl!ly \Da'IWI 'f'f'" $19, 980 01 DODGEVl~nGTS t62980 98 DODGE DUMHGO •'16$1 ~~r.txir!.ouu\W $19,980 rtn <19~n~hwiBllAWflOfnt!.P ' 99 LINCOLN N v1r..•·roR t2,,_ 980 A \JI\ <!>.11m11lkx) w'Groy Eiaro 0ton .P v, 03 DODGE VIPER <19~20 "9d wtiro.,..,.. ~-'°' rwi .JNQUJRE! 02 LEXUS lX470 SPOl)'J $44 980 ...,.., " (t9'&0) .. ':at~ )law 35K"' , 01 fERRAPJ MODENA SPIDER (19~>~1.oodtd war INQUIRE! 02 WfJmwr.iRQm,,"661, .,~~~m.t~49,980 Daily Pilot SPORTS CRYSTAL LAUD£ ROAi.£ /DAILY PILOT Kaes Van't Hof of Newport Beach. connecting on a forehand in last year's Southern Ca~forrna 1urnor sectionals, 1s among the top players in the boys 18s in this year's champ1onsh1ps. Top-seeded Radeva ready for sectionals Costa Mesan, Ojai winner heads area players as action begins today. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot C O!>ta \1t"X!\ Nelly Radeva 1u .. 1 \Cems to keep rhmhmg tht• ten ni<. ladder After wmning the girl-. 14'> \Ill we., d1V1.-;1on at !ht• prC">llgJOU\ <>1a1 Valley tenni'> 1ournamen1 tn April, the girl who Jll'>t com ple1ed her sixth-hrrade yC'ar at Kru-.cr l:lementary enler\ tlw IOJ<.1 ')outhem California Jenni'> A..~oua11on'!> junior \C<.llonal championships. which begin to · day at various '>lies, a-. the No I '\et-d in the girll> 12., Sht• .., the only Newpon-Me..a player c.,eeded No. I. But she won't play until Wednesday at 11 a.m. a 1 the Neal Machander Tenni!> Center in Scm1a Ana Wlth a chance to ad- V"cillCe to the round of 16. The ..ectJonaJ headquarter" are al l.o'> Caballeros Sports ViJJage in fountain Valley Radeva. who reached the quarterfinals of the la!>t year'<; ~IJonals m the girls 12s. 1s cur- rently ra11Xed No. 5 in the UnJted States Tennis Association's rank- ings in that division while claim- ing the top spot in Southern California in that circuit. On the boys side. Newport Beach's Jake Aerning earned the third seed in the boys I 4s singles while felJow Newport residents Fabian Matthews · (seeded eighth} and Ryan Caughan will also begin play Wednesday with a chance to advance to the round of 16 ln the division. AemJng is currently ranked eighth In Southern. CalifomJa 148 at Ojai. Newport's Carsten BaU Is seeded sixth in the boys 16s sln- gles and plays Wednesday while Cost:a Mesa's Owlie Alvarado (the eighth aeed) will compete ln ..RlG FRY C.M Y PILOT Costa Mesa's Nelly Radeva reaches for a return while winning last year's Southern Cahforrna 1urnor sectional championships the bo~ 12., ~·•<"> Van't I lof ,., Un\eeded in till' boy-; lfh \mgk.., draw. In doublL•\, Van't 1 lof and partner Chase Muller tomt• into play !>eedcd '>ixth. with 1he1r fir.t match coming rue\day. Joining Radeva in tlw round of 32 of the gnls 12'> walJ he < .orona del Mar's Cierra I <.aytan Leach while Newpon Reach\ Jillian Bravennan begins rnmpN1t1on on Wednesday. Five area player\ hegin play to- day in girls I & l>mgle'i: Amanda Rubenstein, Vanessa Dunlap. Di- ana Khoury. Amber Ray and Bonnie Adams. Juliet Mutzke and Brittany HolJand play Sun- day. Dunlap and Khoury, team- mates from Newport I !arbor High. will team in the girl'> I 8s doubles against Muuke ru1d partner Alex Jurewitz l\J~day while HoUand and partner Cllri'i- tine Dao aJso begin their doubl~ run the same day. Owiie Farmer and Tyler Deck. also Sailor teammates, begin ac- tion in boys 18s singles today at Patrick Darnel. N1rhola' Gingold, Juslin Shomaker, Mall Chou and Roben Khoury a11 begin their runs today. ~penn•r Reit1 com - petes beginning Sunday. Farmer. Deck and Burro~ wilJ also compete in hoy.. 18~ dou- bles. A stacked girls I 4s singles draw fearures area players such as Kelly McKi11erick. Sarah Geo- caris. Hayley Young. Alexandra Mcintosh, Sasha Dunlap. RacheJ Cox. Efuabeth Van't Hof, Mi- randa Young and a matchup be- tween Corona del Mar's Alexan- dra Waters and Newport Beach's Olristina Schwartz, Sunday at 2 p.m. al Los Caballeros. Henri Olomeau. Andrew Singer, Brad- ley Fisher and John Leonard round out the boys 14 singles. Mara Schmidt, Meaghan Oio- meau. Eleanor F..dJes. Undsay Zotovich, Melissa Matsuoka and I lailey Hogan will compete in girls 12s singles with Olris Da- mion, Omeed Ghassemi and Conn~r Curry stepping on the lo girls l6s singles, area ath -Neda GhaMernJ and Joseph Di letes including Carly Adams. Giulio represent ~ girls and Kate McJCitterick. JIUJllson Steele. · boys 10s singles division. respec- Brittanny ~ Jill Damion lively. and Megan McJC.ay all begjn play The tournament runs today today while locals Wes Burrows. through June 29. Drop tl1'.. r.vp on a new 'o~ SU< ~JO Roadscn-umh Sport Padwgt' Ola Jn,f1 dead (lfTrgernu pnce YcJlj lu1t ~ [II \Ct: I[ [JI 17.?Ue.ie lhl\ 2002 C240 &dan Net.n 11..-.ed , \lm/>h {"• "flU'tlt'tl 'thu't.~ J:Ot w p1ru.h ~11undj' Sat\M'day, Jme 21. 2003 13 .. Saturday, June 21 , 2003 S POR TS Dally Pilot HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION 2003 ALL-STARS Pinto A (8-yMM>lda) Daniel Albert Troy Arnold Matthew Carpenter Kyle Flagg Landon Gyulay Cory Kroeger Chris Okey Blake Pender Riley Peterson Nick Sargent Ryan Schroth BradTapfer Manager: Denny Pender ••• Pinto B Josh Faber Dayton Cribbs Dalton Jensen T.K. McWherter Jam es Newman Taylor Parks Scott Russell True Tam plin Nick Vierra Chase Whiting Max Zielinski Jake Prater Manager: Mike Parks ••• Mustang A (9-10-year-olds) Angelo Angelides M att Bancroft Charles Coakley Haydeg Cornwell M ax Gerard Blairluchs Nicholas McCann Austin M etzger Spencer Rautus Austion Rios Michael Salam MARINERS Continued from B 1 who went six innings for his fourth complete game of the season. Maloney struck out 12, including the side in the fifth and got the final out of the game with a nasty changeup. After the final strikeout, Maloney raised both arms in the air and embraced catcher J.T. McLuclcy as teammates h uddled around them in celebration. McLucky's lWO·OUI triple -hH over the drawn-in right fielder in the top of the third -pla ted three runs in a four-run inning for the Mariners. "We lost six games all year, three to (the Mariners!," Rockies Manager Sean Panerson said. "There is something about (Maloney). Our kids could not hit him for beans. He threw changeups that we couldn't adjust to." Maloney also pitched in the rwo previous wins over the Rockies earlier this season, including a no-hiner in a 2-J d ecision. The Rockies countered with solid efforts on the mound by starter Josh Hill and ace Eusebio Castillo, who struck out eight in three innings of scoreless relief while n ot allowing the Mariners a bit during that span. Hill struck out five In three innings while allowing four hits. Patterson said be thought about bringing Castillo in during the third inning, but decided to wait until the fourth so be could use him today if the Rockies won Thursday. Under league rules, If cannot return to the mound for another four days. Mariners Manager John Stephens wrestJed with a similar decision regasdlng Maloney. 1 Nelson Simons Manager: Fred Cornwell Coach: M ark Gerard ••• Mustang& Connor loMenzo Mac M cKelvey Todd Bates Garrett Kerr Jordan Desguin Joseph DeCesare-Tenore Sean Sullivan Jamie Davis Blake Bell Ryan Cerrato Jakob Tro bman Christian Ochoa M anager: Lantz Bell ••• · BroncoA ( 11-12-year-olds) Ryan Albert Blake Davey Austin Deyan Jack Grace Michael Helfrich Alex Maddox Jacob McCann Danny Moskovits Adrian Rodriguez Nicholas Svendsen Scott Ward Austin Wobrock M anager: Rich Hogan ••• BroncoB Thomas Badum James Cunningham Connor Curry Chris Gowdy WWhen I put him out there to start the fourth, I just decided to let him go as long as h e could," Stephens said. "He kept throwing strikes." Stephens will send iyter Sheffner to the mo und today when the Mariners face the winner of the Robinwood league champion or the second-place team from Fountain Valley at noon at LeBard Part. For the last three weeks of the season. the Mariners have spent about a quaner of their practice time on hicting, The preparation paid off. if only for a shon ti,me, in the four-run third. A leadoff double by Jam es Lewis followed by consecutive walks to Man Logue and Austin Knon loaded the bases with no ou~ Following a strikeout and a pop o ut to second, Mariners first b~man Martin Mysinski singled sharply to center to plate one run. with each runner advancing a base\ lbat kept the bases loaded for McLuclcy, who delivered bis three-run triple. "I knew J.T. bad it in him," Stephens said of the clutch hit. "Every time he gets up It is exciting. The whole place is charged. He fears nobody.· The Rockies (19-6), who finished in first place in their division. would not go away, keeping the game close with two Wteamed runs in the fowth. Castillo walked with one out and advanced to third when Tommy Price's groWtdball hopped over the shortstop's glove and rolled into center field. The center fielder's throw sailed onto the infield grass. allowing Price to take second. Jetl Guillen's soft-liner was caught by alert Castillo took otl after the catch and slid home to beat the tag of the catcher. Hill knocked in Price with the second nm of the inning on a slow roller --~ ·~.liOD Adrian Luchs Jason Harris Elliott Kaufman Peter Kinney Alex Rios Chad Seeber Justin Todd Arturo Vasquez M anager: Marie Kaufman ••• Pony 13-year-olds Ben Frazier Troy Seeber Erik Bonn Garrett Gordon Niko Hernandez Jerry Whitney Peter Hapke Spencer Smith Tyler McGill Brock Schuler Chase Behr Jackson M assingill M anager: Joe Whitney Coach: Armando Hernandez ••• Pony 14-year-olds Starnes Arnold P.J. Errington Brett Houten Nathan Todd Dan Winkle Jarrett Daniel Blake Pinto Brice Stillman Chris loMenzo Ky1e Rohan Tom Southern Drew Harris Manager: John Houten Coaches: Darren Todd, Mike Reid toward the left side of the mow id. The score wouJd stay 4·2 until the sixth. With one out. Puclcy Cruz went to second on a passed ball .. The next batter -Brandon Lewis -popped out to the first baseman. but still recorded an RBI. Cruz. tagging on the pop out, slid head first into third and when the ball eluded the third baseman, he got up and scampered ho me. Earlier in the inning Ramon Martin doubled over the center 6elder's outstre1ched arm. f.ach team tallied four hits. Mysinsld, McLuclcy, Lewis and Sheffner had hits for the Mariners while Marcus Hayes. Hill, Martin and Castillo provided the offense for the Rockies. Man Mello, Tommy Stephens, Nathan Olson, Kyle Peterson and Dakota Gilbert made up the rest of the Mariners' lineup while Luke Roberts, Kyle Onon. Sho Watanabe and Jessica Hayes all saw action for the Rockies. ·Luck.• John Stephens said when asked why the Mariners bea1 the Rockies all three times this year. "The ball bounced our way when we needed it to. [The Rockies) had a great season." PHOTOS BY SEAN HIUER /ONLY PILOT Former San Franeisco 49er Jesse Sapolu, center and with his Mustang lilemen, is coaching Costa Mesa's offensive line. Below, Sapolu shows something few high school coaches have -his Super Bowl rings. Former Pro Bowler I Sapolu returns to fiel d Former Pro Bowl offensive lineman for the 49e rs is learning to adjust at Costa Mesa High. Steve Vlreen Da1lyP1lot A fter 15 year:. ofbauling in Lhe Nfl trenches. Jesse Sapolu thought rus days of football were over. naat is until his son's senior season came along. Sapolu, the former Pro Bowl offensive lineman for the San Francisco 49ers, will be the offensive tine and strength and conc,litioning coach for the Costa Mesa High football team this year. I lis son, Luke, was a first-team All-Golden West League offensive lineman fo r the Mustangs as a junior last season. ·1 promised myself I wouJd never get involved,· said Sapolu, who is the alumni coordinator for the 49ers. ·My son kept asking me IO coach at Costa Mesa. I just wanted to relax and enjoy my retirement. I could watch him play and make mistakes and make plays. But now that I'm coaching it's a majo r adjustment for me." Sapolu, who played guard and center from 1983 through 1997, spent the past spnng workmg out the Costa Mesa player; m the weight room The same man who U&ed to snap the ball tu quarterback greats Joe Montana and Steve Young has found himself in a whole different world of football. ·When one of them raised his hand and a. .. ked if he couJd go to the restroom. that\ when I reaJi.7.ed I was at a high school," Sapolu said. "I've seen the other level for 15 years. I enjoyed it in the NFI., that atm osphere sometimes you mL'>-'>." Sapolu. who wru. drafted out of I lawaii by San Francisco in 1983, playeQ for the 49ers when they earned the moniker. •Team of the '80s," after winning four Super Bowl titles during that decade. Sapolu contributed to four Super Bowl teams for the 49ers in 1984. '88, '89 and '94. He made the Pro Bowl as a center in 1993 and as a guard in 1994, when the 49ers defeated the Cllargers in Super Bowt XXOC He aho earned AD-Pro honorable mention recognition in 1990. '92, '93, '94 and '95. Throughout Sapolu's career. his consistency led the 49ers 10 10 or more wins Ill each of the seasons he played. ·Not too many player<. get to stay with 1he '>aml' learn throughout their career," said Sapolu. who a11ends every San Francisco home game and three of their away gam~. M:tllng up ~aling for former 49er players.. "l'U Oy up 10 San fr.mc&o on Saturday mornings because I will be wtth Co'>tJ Mesa on Friday nights." During this past spring, Sapolu spenl four da~ a week with the Mu~tangs. Mo-.1 of the 11me they were in the wc1gh1 room. "I enjoy the fact that rm teaching them work habiu.." Sapolu said. "I'm aJso reaching them wha1 it talces 10 play the game. If you"re not wo rktnK hard enough. you're not going to have what 11 takes. I try 10 communicate that 10 them. Hut rm not a screamer. I wa.o. always on the olhl'r end of screams." Costa Mei.a head coach Dave Perkins has e njoyed Sapolu's prCM"nce during pmct1ces and ha:. noticed the players have responded weU tn him. Perkins said the Mesa player\ li .. ten intently when Sapolu spcah "It's really neat." Perk.in!> said of the Mustang'> respect toward Sapolu. ·11e ha'> done ii all. lib knowledge of the game, with the lads thal is really a neat deal." Sapolu said he is excited to work with the learn during the upcoming season. The Mustangs are the defending Golden West League champion~ ·we've done the work in the weight room. hopefully that will translate onto the field," Sapolu said. WATER POLO Mann selected to U.S. junior national team Five fo rmer UC Irvine products also earn honors for Team USA. Former Coron a del Mar High standout Jo Mann, o p ays water polo at UC Beriteley, wu selected to the U.S. junior men's national team and will represent the United States at the world champion.ships in Naples, Italy, Aug. 8-17, USA Water Polo an· nounced Thursday. In addition, five former UC Ir- vine players were named to the U.S. national team and will re- presen World Olampionships next m onth in Barcelona. Spain. UCJ products Genai Kerr. Omar Amr, Jeff Powers, Dan Klan and Ryan Bailey were picked to play on U.S. Coach Ralko Rudie's 13- man roster. On the lower levels, O ay Jorth. who will be a freshman at New- port Harbor High in the fall, was and-under terun, whUe Ensign products Olnton Jo rth and Na- than Olstillo made the U.S. na- tional youth 14s squad. Policy How to Place A ...----D<·adlinrs -~ Rates and deadlines arc i.ubject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to cen~or. reclass ify, revi se or reject any clasi.ifo:d CLASSIFrnAD Monday ..................... l-r1 day S·OOpm Tuer-.day ................ Monday 5 OOpm By Fax (949) 631-6594 ll'ka..c 111dudc: HIUI f\illfl(' ... kl ph<lOC numt..:r ..nJ "" II ••II )llU 1-...c~ "llh J J'fkC ljUI~( I Hy Phon(· 1949) M Z-5678 II our~ By Mail/In Pt·nmn: \ \() Wc\I B.iy SI reel C'11\IJ Mc'"· ( A 'l2fl:!7 l\t "'''"' pon Ul~d ill R.iy \t Wednt:'>day ............ Tul'-.da~ 5 IJOpm Thur-.day r nday . Thur-.dJ\ <i OOp111 Saturd.i;.-I nJ<.1) ~ OOpm . advertisement. PleaM: report any error that may be in your cl <bsified ad immediately. 'The Daily Pilot accept~ no liability for an y error 111 an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except fo r the i:o~t of the space actually oc<.up1ed by the error. Credit can only be aJlowcd for the flr~t insertion. T de phone I< m.un 5 OOpm M ond.iy h11Ja) \\.ii~ In X ~(}.1111 'i OOpm "'11mdJ) I mJ") Sund.1~ •..•. h 11.J.1) 5 OOpm AHllOUIKEMINTS [~ & MISC. 1010-1110 ~ GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1449 L$1 2305-2490 m<HAllDISE FOISAll REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3010-3940 5oos-5a5o L!gal Notices 2640 Collectibles/ --AdillM--lllliiMs---Memorabilia Garage/ 1160 Yard Sales l Garage/ 1489 Yard Sales 1489 ... s....... I he lullo•1nc per \On' "e du•ne bu\1n•~\ ·•\ •) P•lhW•Y Pubhshm11 b) A.rByC C10.,p 18lE> Port Abbey Place Newporl Buch C.A 9?660 • Marl\ r lemin11 t8J6 P o1t Abbey f'lu ~ ;266801 1 8edlh CA rhll bU,IOU\ I\ lllfl ducted by an md1 v1<lu•I Htve you \l.'I• led do1111 11us1neu yeti No Mari. ftem1n.i This statemenl wo hied with lhlO Counly Cieri\ of Oranee Counly on 06/11/03 200J694710J 0•1ly Pilot lunr 1.t 71 28 luly 5. 200J Sa4 .lO Rc1lliM .-..SS ... s....... Thr follow inc P"I wn\ •re du1n1 bus1nP\\ ., r aecut .. e J•nllul 1.il S.1•1tt' 901 <;p11n~ 1111 .. 0. Newport 8u.t1 LA 92660 Pu1hc N•ltvn•I M41n len•nlP MilnA11rml'nt Ir,. <CAI 90J Sp11n~ lide Df Newporl Hr •• h l A 97660 1 hi\ bu"Ot!\'\ '' l ()ll du• led by • ~urpo14tu.11 Hnr you sl•ll«<l 0..111~ bu\1nn \ y~I ~ Nn P '" 1f1< Nallnn•I Md111 lt n•~~P M&I M1hP R~11•m11n Pr~1d~nt I his stalement w .1\ llled with lhl.' Cuunty Clerk ut Or•ll&P Cuunly on 06/ll/03 200J6947179 0 11ly Pilot Jun. 14 71 28. July 5 2003 S.106 RdttiMINiess "-S....... lhe lollow1111 pe1\ons .,. do1ne b,u\lnns n Sandslont Hnenit So lutK'ln~ ?'l?'J I Iden. B I Cost• Me'I CA 9767/ Sh•run Woody. 2'!122 (ldtn 8 I Cu,I• Meu CA9?627 Terry Stone 2522 Ehlen B 1 Costa Me~ CA 976?1 Th11 bu11ntu rs con dueled by co p.,lners H••e you sl.r led do1111 business yell No Sharon Woody This statement wn filed with the Counly Cieri. of Ou n11e County on 06/t2/03 200Ht47H2 Oaily Pilot June 14, 21 78. Juty 5. 2003 Sa0 5 Rdl!IM ..... ... s...... The followln& persons are do1n1 business u £AM CO . 11871 Joshua lane, Santa Ana. Cah fornla 92705 • Erika Ann Mtln . 11871 Joshua Lant . S1ni. Ana, Robert Miles. 11871 Joshua lane . S•nla ""'· Caltforn1a 92705 This bus iness II COii dueled by hu"'1nd and ..... Han you 11.,led do4nl business yet? Ho R obit t Miles Tiits slateme.nt wH file4 Wtlh Ill• County Cleflli ol Of1nae County on 08/0!>/03 200Mt47060 Oaity rt1o1 June 14 21. za. MJ 5, 2003 S-437 ClASSlfllD It's the solution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home.-~ ~ornew ~tion! \ OUI Tiil SAUG Sll'S tnr yuur hon1,. u llffu;. Al tf"•.ondl>f,. '-'' ... .tll 'J09 4.114 lll04f;, TM SS 4 lllCOCOS UC lw. Q,.,,. lk. 'JJ· i fJJ, l!I. All,.. SIN 1.u ..,.._.. M ·•~ 'l4~ 64'> 7!10'> I EOtW llOUSll6 OPPOIMl1Y All r eat ~\lat~ 4d•rr fl'llll In thl\ flf!W\J)iitJH!f t\ w1J1et1 tu lhr red" ~I r dlf HUU\lllg A< l ul 191>8 a \ 1m•nd~u .. 111<1t rl14 ... C\ If llll"&dl lo fdVl"l ll\I' ~ny l;ll'l~r t"Ol,. l1m1t At 1un ,,, d1\u1n11nttfH1n b.nt-d on rat..r cu'4H r~l·~YHl \.t'' h •11d1< dll l•n11l1•I \latu, or n.tl1un.tl 1111.:w tJ' ,rn tnt1·nhon lu m,t~t' an1 I · u1 h '" ,.,,, ~111 '" l1rr11tA lion or d1•.r r1nunaf•1Hl ltu. rttW' .. (Jdpt'I <ll'Tll 1wt kuuw111~ly •'-cpt .ny •dvit"t lt\tment tor rr.tl ,.~ 1.tlf" whu h t\ m oJ1tll•t1un 1f lhe ti1w Our ,,.."df't':. jfr h~f f'by 1nlu• m~u lh•I all dwrll 1n.,.\. ,;ch .. rh\t"d 1n th1 fitW\Pdlltf .art: o1v.uL•bt,. un .trt f"QU•I ••tll>U' lun•h bd " J,, c.1•1Tt,1l.un o f d1\ t "m11IJl•111 L.•11 ltUO tnll II •r •I I 800 4l.t 8'>'l0 APAllTMlNT SAU MUST MOVE I I 3 l oypo1nte Or Newport leoch CA Code te get Ir• gate I•• 100 Sa1 June 21 •I 7 om 2pm Sun June 22nd 1 om 1 l om I 11tt.-... 1bl I 11'1'IJ_1 1111• '"', If ,, ... pl,,., t •• t •tool:. t 11f1' uuf,., '1t-• .._._ ,} 1 l•tn ~I tP11t'f hlt- t7> ,.u1•o I (J 1-••1t'4' 111111,,S w111.il lihh, ~1111 • lri.n,f1 ~ \ buuli. ...-.111 1J111f ~ 1• hut• 1·1 r1 t tbh t hmlt turnfl1Ht-w1:1 .11 t,, "'"' ,,,,.,.,. hl1·u1lt-1 l•Jd\ter lolft:1 p11I '"'' h• hlt·r l h1p tl1µ Ir '1 V tP'' hnldfl'r VHJll'11 I () ~t,.f"\n l U 1 11111.ttn..,r' Old .. tH & lMJWf a,tr.tl• t<i•I h~'' 1 "h" rl•1lt11n.,, d ....... ,,~ J IJUf'\t" iJ(l(t11Ul. r ''''" IUfl I •• ,.,. tr 1¥11 bAas j'.dtdt·n t11 • ._,. '.itft•t· m11•!'• ,.; .•.11rt11d l•Ml y µapef\ btUrrn ""''"' .u1d t.ht1•.1 ,,f '" 1w 1 r 'J end lJhlt'\ w lttrflp\ l i1ht11t .. °" f I 1 11r11u, • 1 l' w (.ttl!Pr lU POU!''P""' y hml'1f' l1yht w brttff•t1P\ 4 '-"" uf 1 w111 '•t"""''' t nto iN tu lit n,.w t #HI beddtn J l"lt t ar 11 'II ll•>d " Sp111t NPI HUGI MOVING GAllAGf SAU SAT 1 -3, ('AlllC UOO) ru: •I lo Hu~•.t 4U4 8ott-H• W•"/ f tHfl dJJtJh4fH f., ~lt\h•'''' kJlhp dfl #uf\ 1ff;...t Uf 1';>71 P,.rl Whotl•• f'lo I '*"""'"' 8c:n nti San """ ... NIW,ORT HllGHTS SAi l>'n•,.,., . ..._ tu nu t• tu rfW?tt lfl '>ll SanU M.1 A~ 111 *v Cats 3610 ' wm .W llttMl S2S... IW,tipr~ 71U3'-S210 3615 ILACIC LAI ,.,,. Ired, 1 y~.w t kt ti , •I .nt I ·~( .... id ..... , .... • ~ /'Yi ''"'ll • Pet Adoptions 3660 Auctions 1483 20 FAMU SAUi Germon Shepherd• 111 t ,fn, .11f •11r' fur l11npftntl tn IHJ ll1h.,.d hnm_., www K"' ,.,(.UP m v. "' 114 111 ~91!> ;::::::::::=::=:=:=:=::::; Sot8-12.18CH.2ht St. WANTED turn cutlt:<.llble'> ""°"' hukl 1terr" tv ' dothin11 ANTIQUES AHTIQUES Older Style Furniture _______ _ Pt~.2:.'~ ~~1'!'-' ,... b Sale 3010 ............ A.l" ... •0-ot••..-.... $$ CASH PAID $$ Wf BUY ESTAT£S • -~· ~~ Mf'w<• ~64M922~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION S2 VKTOtllA NIWrOIT HACH SAT/SUN lll!bques. .uthentic m pOrtlld bfQn f\#nkl6e, bci"m Mb. 50fl Mb. custom ~. llill!pllOnt systems. W/O. outdoor nwl* la!*. 510.lm Stew =ta 1"9 w.,..__fY-4 s.te s.t.,tley ·--.. -. s,ottina pods. clothina. toy1 ' moitl 930 Wut 16th St.. Costa Mesa CfOSS St/Ht fllotwOYll. c ........ ht 7-?, _._... ...... . ... ••• ,.1., ,, ..... . st« .. , tVO ,Myws, ..... -··•tc. ANTIQUl SOFA Upholstl'l'tc:I with M.oht'fil. ony b1m e•t ellent LOO dllion $llXX> 949 ;>~2216 HOME FURNISHINGS OVfllSTUFUO CUSTOM .. .4. 6ft. ·-"" .. 1th 2 over s11ed matc h1n1 chain Blue & wlute t heck, incl while C•n•H shp covers $2000 all. 949 640 2488 8eauttful 01"1ne lable w/6 t ha11s. '2 couchs area ru1 949 677 !>680 JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECtOlJS METALS c-tColnN .... • Old Coins! Cold, silver. ieweiry. watches. antiqoff collectibles 949 64?·9448 3610 Odc.t IUtte1t1. leopatd look·a·l•n . rare notJC &old/chocolate spots. real schmoorers 909-681-6664 100. M5Cl8 IOn1IG, CATS, llOOS llh*B _.,. _ .......... 1'.cre ~ fdlllll Wind ;J) ~y 1€M..nt ClWWfTtt 98Q4.ZlJ9 ,_1'AYtartn01mWal/ .......... ~,, 4240 ARI YOUA MIWONAlal SS n .,.._.._. .. 1 .. --,,. ....... ,.., ... --,.._, fott Hrvtce. C ........... 1"'1ty....-c1· .... ( .. ta4cly fw. tr .. .... t4t-442...uot. CP, IR<. (SIMe l Ht) Uc. Ce O.,t. R.l . ac..,....rerti. Wit• JOO, lrvlM, CA Index IWmATE lllTAlS EllPl.OYMEHT OPPOITUlllTIES Costa Mesa 'lllMl fSTAHS ,ATlllCIC HNOllf NATIONWIOf USA' 90 8S6 9 705 WWW, ... ., ,.,, .. rtnr .. t ,, ~ Deligltl I •t•I~ I u! ltl(J'()o I ·~ 11.• lbd I W \1dc N•·w It l1n~ \tfcJ':fjl f ,,i.Jwt11 fl.t1•tr o.dd Plaff W;i / U fJIM I ( SW. .. 'll. .... ....i. I .. ,. ti.·-w r~t11 ,w 1iund ,,.,..1111, I • ~" S.fH'-«11 <J4'I ~ j~ /l)IJ'l otl "•"' l h wwwt\drllt•._tmt.um ~ 2bo twnhm >1. V.M .m ,..,,., J•"1 tolr 1 <11,.... SI HI l'r •• Only ~/k flttl 1M1'( I 714 '~/ 7U~J Newport Beach ,AUlSON lllALTY MORAlJ:t 949-Gl7.641fl Wnlm WWHOMI l J10.•~J I <;1.,y ·• ~·tut 4llk • rRr~ ~ ,_ $1 llfJIJXI IU*f"S lSl"DllOOM TOWNHOMfS I ~IMy ,_ .,... , ... ,,~ ~ .. ...., .. 111M•"'""-S/¥~r1n rcr 0,-. Sal 1-S Ind I.WI ~-"""' ••Cul d ....._ l4JO.od .... c:1.~~· $.'ill (j)J fl I NEWPORT HEIGHTS 0,(N SAT-SUN 1-4 3120 8raod St '>b• 4b .. J ' £di 'I"" ldm1m J lrplt' laud "•P•d yarrl\ With ..... , l•ll\ rlov to bu1 h Ct d111I• ktl· \huw by appt $ l.49'>.000 By uwntr "'19 641 3902 or cell 9'9 500 8641 H. VllW HOMES HUGI lOT-2-STY t ,OOO+SQ.n . NLUSCHOOl& GllHNHlTS $1,195,000 Ha.G£UYlONG 94t-71'-2l6' Of'IN SAT 1-4 Stoneyb1ook Plan 4 G1ut f•mtly home 5bf • den. 4 full ba Very la ulh • pvt bac~ yard w no houses behind Sar•h Coldschm1tdt 81\r Mt-2S4-J700 6400 sf lot Presl&IOU$ Nrwpcit Hetdlts Front row, Bay/own view ltl By Owner Aslunr SI .t3,tm 949-64&-1628 ltt ......... r a w/11b11ry New window~. doors. new 1ppts lu ured w11l~cetl1, crown moulchn&-desc ners hie. plfquet floorlna •nd "'°'' •11 !M9-584-!18l 1 m 7402-7466 ~ Under the Service Directory Banner &005-1510 ~~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 9000-9750 For Only $32 pe r week (4wcek minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Best Buy Hotlist Free computcriL.cd princouc reveal \ I 0 hc~c buys in your ~pcL ifl L pri ce range. OrangeCoastfrecHomelnfo.org Frtt recorded message 1.800.704.9343 JO II 1240 IU \I\\ lt1 PRIME l SlAHS PATlllCIC JlNOlll MISCELLANEOUS MATIOHWIOl USA I 949-8S6-970S RENTALS ""ww pat11tkt~norP •om ____ , ___ _ o..ap..t "' ,._, 4u1 Rental To Share 6030 l ~d .J400sf J(.Ar ~,\I $89'> IJ)J ,g~nt 11.t•••f P11nu· 114 817 "IJ.>' WCSTCUfF fOWNHOMl 21r 2.Sllo, 2c gcs. Sl7S,OOO. ogt. 949 ... 2~1872 Newport Coast PlllMl lSTATlS ,ATlllCIC JlNOlll NATIOHWIOl USA 949-8S6-970S Newport l ch Bock Boy 4t11 h• ,. ' f' ·m· i 1 ut Ni,, .n• k.,-11 l" ' .,r-.,, h.u• util\.'WJ SllJ'"J>i'"1 "tf'£1 \h 11t: /t, Lt , 1p1 w11t1 , rol ft"' n • ~ r~t Sh~ m J • I I ul I • <l~P '14'1 /hO JO?'> Rooms for Rent 6040 CM/v.,1 h lffli• lu1 S.i"'• WW!lt uatnd•;lf'f no· "' "" II I"'~ '\m+.. ... .. ~ --------"""' 1.11'.141Ml41fi~ MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mobile,ftilanufadllred ORANGE COUNTY 7400 Homes 5993 Balboa Island IRIOMT SHOllS OPEN HOUSl stllOI Sl'KW °" Tiil MAllMA 1 WO~'" ~tou' n•w dbl w1cJe mob1I~ htim,.f" ...... , ll••led ~ ''"' IMI ~ lluly 5615 \Pd~ rent o~I' uk .. ont la'l Mub1I• Hume 011ed A\k 101 "" fofld !>62 21'> 0999 l lk Slvdlo Yhllly 11 ,, •· "'' kJ 11lk all rww t rtf l~f't "~'"' Sl001 llli• 'All I tlll m ~~,,.. 949 !!'ill 'M JI Smal 3br 2bo. ""'"' IJ'~ Slf.'iO ""' 2bt IM. 1,..,. ~rt t'kV Sl4L'll "'' 2bt lM, n,..., 1 r1.1l ,,._,, Inch Sl400 ""' 4ot'lli7i nl'I Neww ~. lk• IS.. I 1 11 "'' t .... t1 •1 ,. V.tl tlpt t S / ff, Wu I J N;! ( ~·d• , ' '"t • t ~ ' ,. _ ... I • /J. 'I Sl•1 -.1-. '11' Ir i L.do s-do ""' c-..... .,._._ 41\"' , .. , ·-1.J • t • • -,,, ~"" "••1tl IU-0- • Yearly lg 28• 210. f'llde 'b• 11\.t 1 • ..,., 111 Ir t h '''" .. , ,.., .. I '"I ii* It I r:•lJ\'° •u1t I ti SI, .... ,, 811'; ............ ., .. liil s1• ~ '· t M I HI', 11 d.' LW, 1 >-tH 14' fl'' /41< 1 •1 •l o" l ay front '"' ">br It 111 S ~·· •l br W ~,I, I t •td ""'~hi SI l •1 rr • 2br hou1• ruu .. t q..-"'' ... ,,,,... J '1:~ "'"'" \l)dft-""J) "' · M ':l4'H11! 4CJV Balboa Peninsula *Newly Remodeled* tlh ik~• t unf1-1 f"'()\ ti. h.-.t1 ti tp ~ ,u gar S l Jl)n'01 Hk1 'l<l'l 4(,1)()4 /I N8 /a-tlful 38r f,m• horr•~ mttll 1.JC..n itU \ hom Alrnot1 Kew-• • ~·,. ... ii ... t •.t " !' ,, 11. Ao ·' I ,, ~· -. ~' V h 11i. ~ ... M1~1 ' I J /1)4 >t-A 1 I d ~. 1~ Huntinoton Beach COMMUTf USS lllLAl MORI I efft.t u"f)f,.i )r./11'1" 1\4 "' """''t IH11•xm.•h" f f"flt•'f l/f,.,,J B "' H-t1V<tt"l illd M.t•· "•'"' ' ... 'l.">14 1 -366 400 2690 rental w...g.-n m•,h:• l460Cl "'" J'fly 11~ .. .....tt It, lb.t "'° , .. ct .• 1(1 U~ylld 949 F,/ l 38':1.i lfj 1'... • •HfT II'.~ .,.1 CoronadelMar 1 "''1 " ..,, ·~-... -,JI~ llo,1 Slrt fl~;'7t 'ICI Smoll llr, 180, \'•'" >oJ'M\I F,/J ~1!Jf '!4~ /?.t 64 If 1 I r t lo, walk l o beach, 1,,.,,, & ~ro~hl 1 I" h t SI fhn 11• "-' utt, .,.,, 1, /, \149 1/0 I'>!;'> Oceon w-lew h6m'" ,.,-r11 tu.., ''' 't ~ l) •ftn" t ,, 1• v' I U•M .. I Ot"•f.' $;4'11 m ~':I bl) ~~I Costa Mesa t• dot...._ I mo 1. bl ..Ji • "' ..& ,.,..., ~oe. u "tl t t11 ''--' ... SRJOn llJ I lhth ,t "°;. h ~.pee~' '*'"411 '411 (.J1 (Ill Irvine COMMUTl LISS RELAX MOllf ... ,dl. ff"lllf"" lir\.•111 ~· mtflf im' • "-''' "'"' f"(lfl"'f 1 'fj,."> e .1 H ..... " ... ., .......,, .,...,.. I 'f.4,)4 ' 1 ~2MI ~ l urller<><~ J.wnh"' 2 ,, ''"' "'t<' 1fi IJ... • .. 1~ ., ,a• "' d tr. .. pn S?l'J., ~n A-.i< >JJ s.i Newport Beach COMMUH USS llfLAX MOU Sr SS+ Lg. 11• ... "'" 1';~11.;. I '""I.JI IMni( l\co.Y1 ll.1~ A. L 11 w •I t•vl '"" m,.11t lmfr.rm.1tu1 l ..,,,.., IV l>df• \IJet:l prk"" <µt'I 116?> B •I ll..,'11.,rl >n<I S9'\0rr1 • ul~ 94'1 ~ .1246 Ma111 lr'lltnl' C.i %14 lovefy Got.d C°"'"""'"Y l 166 4~2691 A STW llll S109S/Mo '/> Off tt.. ht mo 11-1 ' •• ,. "t .. ""'' , .. 1 "' ...... ,,,, ttt,.tt & IJtii:- \l'f l ~·1• lw f. I I l)<r Ho lh \ 4'JI 1 146 VIiia Point Ori••, " ,J I. ti ,,r,. ,, •. 01 ~ ut. ,, ... -.~H1d,,I ...& , ,,., tJil>,I lorg• 1 br 1 bo unll 011 quiet ,enin"'lo point No '"'e k 1r19/peh S 14SO 949 791 0 31 .._,..., t" ~ . .i •• l"l.<rl>'" ~>-"' Ho. • {I .. 1 Wt ~,.,., ......_ '-'1"-1-11 Sll<•1m1 • ~'l lit lilfl ....... It.mot , -•I• A.•• • ly I b • > t1 \ 1.11 t'!• W I'-.,.".-:.-~· sun "' ~~f"•~.?t ., , I .....,,., I"''• ...... " .. µrt.. • •• t ,. t ~"' ""•1 ,., 11~• "" , ... , •• q11 .,. C, 4 4 t r Gated Penlh-H Ill• • ;Jrr• "tit ti• 111 b•·~ h f 0 (J 10 ti-n 1 I f L •I n,. nu ,,.,, itt dt 1 .. ~'t I Sl~.om ~.t CW9 't J l Ilg c-yon Jo...,home •&r 'fi:,, w 11.1'.tH ,1tlm, , .. ,n p111111I ,,., "'''' '•·n111 Sl'f'>I) ""' 114 .Ut, l!W ,....,.tvtn,. .... 111 Illa Af>t. "''"" ~ar -2H YlAlllY lllNTAlS I"~· w.11~ Iv 1' '.qu.11• LIOO YlA•lY llAS( I N•wporl k••• t' I'••,. Sll'lS ""' W•l" tr d\h & UDO SUMMDI HOMES Sl400 SI '1'.U 110., ,.~1 P••ll Kic,111 Mt"•ll•"fl•lll BUI GRUNOYRtAlllrH'> 949 673 1800 817 104 !lf>4<j l •l 'l.'UI I 949-675-'161 /t)I II ... ,.,... •Art ... l 1>1101 Gahd, U........ ~I 120Ckl, 21r 21a II Y 111! '1 I .. tt •.tr .... t ttnme .,Br 7Fl o " t M I f\to.,..,., l~•Y lul •~ fj I'"~ ,.uJO u...s.I '"'I ~dt \Ct 2 b~a' h• A C ~ d<V· ~· b<.tt JM'!\. I,., Sl.\'IJ 949 722~ 1 • ,a11 1 ~ ~<lll 17'.>K Sl'6>m Y'lv 'f4'l 'i6f., "*"' STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ Tht Legal Department at tht Daily Pilot is pkastd to announct a new servll'f now availabk to new busintssts. Wt will now SWCH tht namt far you at no tXtTa charge, and mw you tht timt and tlu trip to the Court Houst in Sanuz Ana. Thm, of count, afar tht se,arth is compkttd wt will flit your fictitious business namL stattmtnt with tht County Clerlt, puh/iJh ontt a wttlt far four wttkJ as rtquirtd by /Jzw anti thm fik your proof of publication with tht County Ckrlt. Pkast Jt()p b] to fil.t your firtitiaus businm swnnmt Al ~Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St. OJsuz Mrsa. If you cannot ItQ} by. plrast call us Ill (949) 642-4321 •""we will makt 11rranumnits for you to hanJ/i this proadurr b] 1111liL If 10" sh<nJIJ havt llllJ forrhtr ~!IS, p!L~ "'11 us .Ni aw wi/J bt mtJrt tba glMI"' llS1ist you. Good iutlt in your ntw btu_intsl! Pilot ' t • Satur • June 21, 2003 T.ODAY'S CRQSSWQRD PUZZL~ 81 SMiiing 92 T90 83 Ult9-rho Nillllht Zont" 94 Golf P9 65 ........ town ee Tour ol ciU1Y ffT MatlNte IUIJC)Olt DOW~ 1 Ladn I verb 2 WeaVftf s lrame 3 8:IAal IUOC8ll90I' 4 Reel 5 Who4IY . ab6orbeo 6 Castle dotense 7 IQd • llli'eels 9 Wind dif. 9 Oloters. 10~1y 11 Whlppeckream 30 Wed In halne 31 Seaooa.!it 8Yllllt8 32~ 46 DltlU .... 47 Ta~uman 50 Not very close oeMng 12 Wtld Cluck 13 Noditf11tenl 21 Thorny !ltl<ub 23 Sun. In oonwyanocs 34 Eleganoe 35 u. 8 lfH:U8< 38 Btldg8 plpy$ •2 Oue. or ont 43 Slal'IS a 51 II tempet 52 Ofg 53 Hindu lllir8 S4 Golfer -Outra 55 HOltday number 56 Br.lln wave Mazallan 25 Gushes ou1 26 Poto.ar pair 27 Dormant 28 Mote appealing pa1ag1aph 4SR~IO pollen, maybe (hyph I 57 Taki! n 1188)' 60 Ran 11110 MontNy Rental Awv! Sept- line 4br 2ba t..e oo PtllWl )c¥idgo ~ 2Br 2Ba. Pol'lt Vt:1y n1c.:e 11611 d£I J1ll!W+; remodeled, f p. all U500 9fl9.675-'16.ll Cl.we p , w/d, ITig. l\fpetwlsrnllg. llUFFS TOWN HOME ~ ~9rt60 B'AY Vl[W 38R + rR •Ir 2.Sla, NPCresl, I ARGF ·r· PLAN lmmac, marble wait to CUSTOM UPGRADED ~.dbl p . pool/lenrns. EXPANDED $3800mo J25(Xlwno. 949-923 0857 Naroloe Pa uls-Realty !;otod. "'Moog....... 949-632-6~89 )ha llOme. 2-a .... prrv Newp-"~~ '9lfh0, comm pool Yr lse UCI~ C1ll:15 wail now 9'%46&$73 fOR RENT IN llUFFS ropular E Plan 38r. />Ba + Family Room 3000/mo 949·-644·4909 : Udo On TI.o Water .Jar 2Ba. aar+spa. w/d. • b111IHns, sm pet ok • H11ge deck lacing the :ChaMel Poss. sltp·6mo • lease I yr $3200m aet .. hetfy @Cannery. 94'3 •723·5830/888·969-9667 IAYflQNT ~ 2le $3200/-,.ty : 626-282-1733 • 626-297-6262 )Ir 2.5la, 2c pr, 14,0CC al lot. nr comm pool & ~. Harbor Views Homes 1trea, SJmn 949-683-41!8 Trow•• 2 ... 2So ,ondo, mgje-level, 2c £111, $2500/ mo incld~ ulls. agL fJvi1 a 949 4Ei6 7536 or Chuck 949-212-6070 Tustin Clrpet ""81r/Sala Concrvte&Masonry ~CAlPlToCARPlT'€t Tlte Cemet1t MDII Repa11s, Patchin&. Install Cemenlwork 811ck, Tile Courteous ""Y size job&. & More Rehable No 1ob Wholesale' 949-491-0205 too sinall 714-615-906? Cleaning Squooliy Cleon Quality HouH cleilnine. Allor d able rates, 20+Yrs Exp. free Estimate 714-891-6667 Deslclop Publlshlno TIMl TO llGIN YOUR HOME IM,ROVfMlNT ,ROJICT? Call a plumber, painter, handyman, or any of the er eat ser vocn h~led here on our service d11ectory1 THESC LOCAL SVC PlOPU CAN Hfl P VOU TODAY! Q I • Vulnerable, you hold: • KQJ76 J Q J(QJH o 8 •4 Partner opens the blddin& with ~ diaioond. What do )'OU n:Spood? Q 2 -Botb vulnemble. a.\ South you bold: •J76 · AKS4.l .-85 •KJJ The bidding has proceeded: • A 16 <:> J9 U O A K 18.5 l • 1 ~~EAST lo l• 2\1 ,_ ' What do you bid now? Q S • Vulncruble, you hold: • Q 7 S4 <:1 Q 10 3 2 ~ K H + I( 7 14 ·-·· ........ Many colors -Red, white, yellow, bladl. Cllll Jim Sr .. John, Ryan Ii Tim NIWPOIT AUTOSPOH 949-574-5600 NORTH P..AST" SOVTff WF~'T I• P1w l~ Paw Ffff'•I '0 2 J 60 Sp1ct..,, blacll/blacll AU options, #127200 Tim NIWPOlT AUTOSPOlT Your lcrt-hand opponent's opening 949-574-5600 bid oWhf one cl~b ldoS ~L~? od to Foret '65 Mu•ton1 you. at 1k,1Jon you......, Convertible, orla1nal 2• Plllili ? What do yoo bid now? Q J · Ncllhct 'ulncrablc. as Sou1h you hold: Q 6 • A• Sooth. vulnerable, you hokl: AK7 64 •AJ 9S Tiii! bidding hlL' pnx;iledeJ: SOllTll WJo:sT NORTH t:AS'I' • AK J 6 4 "J 10 4 '> K J6 • J6 J Th.: h1dding has proceeded: SOl 'Tll WFST NORT11 EAST I l'a.w lNT P~ I• ~ INT Pan ? Wluu du you bid no"" What do you bid now? Q 4 ·A~ South. vulnerable. }'OU hold: Look fur WtS"'<'rS 011 Monday. JOBS OFFERED Domestic Employment 8400 * HouHmon/Mv. * I clean & m31nta1n large homes Cook, drtve, ~II dulle•. elderly & child care exp. 323-937 9038 Employment 8500 • you "'-__, &/• managed a bu~mess. co. ~ your sll*i & ab9tl6$ 1o hef n.i bla n4-Z:B8D1 lOAN' OFfKlRS estab n~ co sedrs 5 top sales people BIG U fte1. tr r /f'T fax re. 714 242 1678 H8CC Now hiring PT Bartender & Wait Slaff Apply in per~on alter 2 ()()pm Munday f t1d•y 1600 l. Coass Hwy NB Pubhshong SALES Tired of Pr05ptdilg? $60k • saok+ Id Yr. :r~:~~l~I eCa'!>e~r.rnk~~s oul\ldo sall'S protes· slunul~. t'1e Mtu·ch•nt Servlcu lnclustry hat experienced double <11Vlt p;o~:~'u'2r. ;s r ~:s1~~ proof WI PIOW)f: •Pre·SU/Ouellll•d A1111u. Dflllv In Your Aree •Closing A1>lst. D EverY APt>t. •Proteulonol Training •Huge Commla1lon• Peldl>elly 1-866-754-536113217 South Coost Plora " looking for Secu11ty Oll1rers lo 101n our team! Xlnt cu~tomer service sluti,; and a clean Lkgo nd/d11v'"& record are a mu~l. $8 50• /hr (DOC ) • •Int h1meflls1 Apply m person at 3333 8t oStot SI. Costa ~. CA IMW ,.S 5251 -••· black, I ·owner, nice, sunroof 11623627 f7495 wcwauto.com ~7822 IMW 'Ol 74011 llocli sport pka. like new, #657632 S34,995 wcwauto.com 949-646-7822 IMW '01 740ll 26k mi. full fact warr Dfninco/ oatm~al Ith•. ntviaation. s11perb like new cond S4lk v#020471 flnanc1na avail Btu 949-586 1888 -.ocpol.<om IMW '89 7 3 Sil Leal-her. sunroof, very dun, S4m •86!'>459 wcwauto com 949-646-?m IMW '91 U c-v 2.8 . 6 cyl red Ian llhr. !'>spd, beaut hke new cond •815721 $18.99~ f1 nancin11 & warranty avail Bhr 949·586-1888 w-.ocpobl.com IMW '00 Z3 U lt ml. wh1te/be1ge top & int, owner. solid car $19,995 obo 949·719-2943. buau '97 Rocloo LS 414, auto. xlnt cond. CO. alloys, 130k ml, $6900 949-500-963 1 hu.111 '95 Troopor ltd. 414, lrnmac throuahout ve<y nice, 1932989 $7895 wcwauto.com 95-646-78Z2 Jagus 'OJ S-Typo 4.2 VI, 15k m1, white. oatmeal lltw, CO. clwome wheds. 6-$pe0(! auto. s.ve lSK. $38.995. vff'rfHHJ 9 49 586-1888 Bkr WWW.Otf"Ol.C- JAGUAR '6S XU C040po, red/tan, 72k m1, r ebuilt . eacellent $29,500 949 644-0413 _,. '96 c;.w ~ V6. 2wd. co. $l4Jll' dean, ~ nice, ~ #2154511 wcwauto.com 95-646-Ml2 ,..,, "97 Grand a.... .. VS, 414. tthr, CO. mnrl, Vfily n«:e. •nJm $9995 wcwauto.com 949 646 78Z2 Lexu• '94 LS400 Champaane &old/tan llhr. CO. &old p k11 superb or 111 cond SI0,995 v#267512 11 nanc1na avail. Bk1 949 586 1888 WWW oc:pabt LOm le•u• '90 LS 400 1mmat chroml' whls. lthr. look~ & d11ve. hke new S7 .600 949 350 5202 uxus lll470 '98 Slark, lealhllf. loadl'd alnl cond. 6 CO player $32.000 714·136 13!>4 PROMOTIONS OEPARTMlNT Commumty newspape<s on Orangt' County "'8' ruu Time pe<""'1 lo 1nterVtew i>fld w11te sl0<ies. p.trtlCr· pate In community evenlr.. ueate and P<!ilflal<l pa~ and ~t10ns E •cellent communocaloon 5111115 work welt wtlh the t>Ub!IC Know AP Style, QuarkXPress. Photoshop. Muth Ad Cre· a tor , Pr oftnenl on MN:. and PC, CCI des111n eape11~nce preferred. Proofreadone test Drna saee<tliiefphysrcal r~tri!d lOC Excellent benefit package (ma~ resume, wrltlflll sa~ and salary requ11emenls lo lana.~@lablNs.com Retall-11.y ~ store .., CM Slll!ks lfll!fdy enlhu!itasbc shop ;r;st. Fie• ~. advanc8ntflt OIJP(y. £()( 949'-650-2243 lull warr, highly uper•ded ~ '99 RX lC)O 4X4, S19,999 949 675-3888 pcs, lll'lfMC. lllY, 1-&led Aubnoblles 9000 'iii Codlllac '90 Sodan .o-tle SI. Marita 98.600 ml. Serviced by Nabo<s Cadillac Whde/BIKlr lop, looks kke a ronve<tlble ,,._._ ...,.. Syst-, AM/l'M/CO E ;,cellent cood. Bou8111 new ca< $2500/Clbo. 949 646-6770 Cadlllac '90 Sedon ~ SI.~ 98,600 mi Sa-viced by Nabors Cadilac. Whtie/Black lop, loolls like a convertible PremJum Alldto System AM/r M/CO f (Cellenl cond l!ov&l>t new Cat $2500/obo 94~/ /0 Codlltoc '02 Sovllto SlS Sliver /arey tthr. CO chrm whls, gold pke. lull fac.;1, hke new. $20,995 v#596741 fln•nc1n& .v~il B~r 949-586 1888 -·~· .. - sea~. Ila rid, tow pl\g. $1~.600 9<$~~ Moz da '99 M lata Conv 4!ik m1. dUto. silver. tan top pw pl A/C CO 'uperl) hke n•w <:ond. v•l 19743 $11 m f1ndncina & warr dntv avail Bkr 949·'>86 1888 www.ocpobl.<om Mil '81 380Sl auto 2-tops. •Uj>er clean V8 chrome Whrel\. •61381? wcwauto com 949-646 l822 M.,...._ 8ora '98 C230 I Ith•. mnrt 1mmac. ~ mce, 1617317 SI0,99!> wcwatito com ~ llrl2 Mercodot 8ora '93 190l 2.3. eoreeous car. Ith•. 9211 mnrf. S5995 •548954 wcwillll:o com 949-646.-1822 0, hnJte ,.,.. "' only lat< ml ......... '°'~ wi.ets. (193!M) IHQURI oo..,_u•c-ee.utitUI flrllY, Wilrrlllty (I 9•76) $44,980 00 , ..... , s ,.,,,.. tow milo. perfect (19171) $25,980 01 Ac11ro Tt J.Z moo11rool, loaded! (19455) $24.980 OO•MWXS • •• s,,.,., Silver w/Black (19443C) $38,980 0 I Audi Af Ouotro Only 14K m1. llhr, moonroof (19478) 26.980 00 llnceln tS Black w/beiae moonrool. ch1omed wheels (193811) SlS,980. 91 IMW T40I Sedon Black/Blk, warranty. loaded 09318) $26,980 91 t.xw LS J OO While w/tan prem wheels. a beauty ( 19440) $13,980 91 Morco<IH EJZO w...- Whlte w/arey, tutti er , cllrome wheels ( 19429) $27 980 949-574-7177 PHILUPS AUTO phllllpsovto.com MercedH ClSOO '2002 811lhanl Solver 11 K n11 Mu•I H iii S7S,OOO. 949-187-8603 ~ "9S £320 Blo.U. beaut, all OIJI, none n1< er new mip '"" Sl2.!:£0 ~ 91H.t'>78:!2 Mercedos •oo 1320 1611 alluJI n11 lull la(ln1 y w "' turquu1'e bluP tan l!h1 moonrool CO t hr ome whl• 011e (If liHl lowe~t mrle Mer Ltde~ ul tht YMI Ill Calrt v•'i57291 SZ8 995 l111dnt1ng .,v,111 8kr 949 'iH6 1888 W WW .CKpOil.~om MlACIDlS 280 '76 one own•r ~11 record~ well k•PI & 1 fun, 14!>h m1, $1490 949 640 6J8ll MCAClOES 280 '76 0 1111 owner .ill reui1d1. wtll kept & clean, l 45k ml S1490 949 640-6388 Merced.. '88 S60 Sl whit~ Ian. •mmar nlcat. 11111 11nat. new 'illft ~ dtme1. Sl4Jlll n4 l":il 2'!Q NI Auto Dealerthl' seek' Recrptoono~t lt11 !od11llllJ ~nent. Con tact V1Clotra ~9 S74 1711 Nl1..in '9S Pathfinder 4,4 ommac. whole V6 . very mce •011299 J!>-495 wcwaoto com W}~ 782'2 Clllssife.d is CONVENIENT N'lutltn'you'rt buying, selling, or just looking, c/assifitd has whal JOU need! Audi •oo A6 311i "''· lull fact warr, metalhc dr k blue/er ey It hr. CO. mnrf superb cond. $19.m v•874241 Bhr CHEVY TAHOI lT '02 llK m. al eatras, On Sta. 5 8 lb. 7k tow pk&, per! cond. $1'6,!0l 9119-lSM>l IO M.n ... ._ '89 lOOl runs tint , black, lthr. a diamond •892740 S599S WCWill.llO com 949-046-7822 OW...OW.'M ~S Meno4e1 8-• '73 280 Blue. aul•'· CO. clu11. SEl Run~ aood. auto. fun # 0 2 5 7 7 I S I 9 9 5 tM. #019953 S2995 w..wauto com 949646-78l'7 CU SSJF/£0 (949) 6'2-5678 Electrical Semces Amorlco l cfrlc licensed riectroe.il ContractOf. Small jobs slarhn& at $79.95 &up. Specialwng in Remodehna & all home w111n11 needs. Comm/Indus I/Res 1-100-197-lOOI LS782959 DUTCHMAN ELECTRIC· 949-586-t H8 w-.oc.pabol.com Garage Doors *AMEIUCAI* IVllllUI l80ll • GMaoe Oooni1>pefte11 :~~ • local & RthM>lt FREE ESTIMATfS f714J....,.7ao UCENSf0/INSUR£0 Lou Torros IAndtcap• COMPl llTIVE RAf(S Weekly mart!. tree trmrrq l •759337 949 322 6250 & mstallat10n. 2S Yrs up UClNSlD CONTRACTOR Lic/inst11ed 949·S48·4363 No ,:lb loo sm. M services! Dodge '91 Duran9• 414, super clean. V8, black. •148892 SI0.495 wr-rto com ~ lf!:l2 wcwwto c.om 9119-646 7822 Place yo ur a d today ! (948) 842--6678 HomeRtp1lr HANDYMAN All Typer. Of Work Inside or Out Call Jeff or Otnnts 714-427·0040 louoyaaw-•s "-Ropolr Spodoflst lntenor J Extenor Repairs 714·501 ·6406 ID1674183 ROllNSON COMPANY Kitchens, w~ Batttooms Mar~ 949·650 9525 Hlullng Sul>oru '99 lmpr•&• ? !IRS blar ~ bPauly, loaded. mrrl al RS lll~ltJfrJ SIO 500 714·751-2464 Moving • Storage PUBUC NOTICE The C11t1f Publtc Ut1ht1es Commission 1equ11n that all ustd hou .. PhOld e oorh mover~ print lheu P.U C Cal T number, limos aod chauffeurs pr 1nl their l C P number '" all advrr lisemenh If you h11ve any question, about the legality of a mover. l1n10 or chauffeur, '4111 PUllK UTIUTllS COMMISSION 100 177-1867 Por•c"o '03 Twla Turbo, blacll, 11P. f•tlor~ fruh. V#l02556 Jim St. NIWPOltT AUTOSPOllT t4 .. S74·Uoo Toyoto '94 C-.llo U 40k nll, •clu•I. n.I, Lttsure World owner. 11uto, ps, pw, white/trey int, beaut llkt: new cond, v•7S5291 54995 8roker 949-S86-ll81 --·O<p .. 1.c ... Vollitwogan '00 loolte 28k m1. sperklina bl3ck/ oatmeal, auto, moonrt, CO, pw, pl, alloy whls, hke new. vln#470055 Sll,995 fin & wa11anly av•ll. 8kr 949-586 1888 --.oqtcdtl.,_ VW '91 Pouot GU V6 ~ auto, nm. 631. sups cleen. ~ $10. 995 wcwauto.c;om 949646 78Z2 AUTOMOBUS, · MISCB.lMEOUS Wanted 9045 ,...., Opor-.t Dea6or Over ilO feiWS e~p! wll pay a Vf!IY '-pnce tor yoUJ C¥ Van or tnicll paid for or not CM! Old< Rey @ TomlllO Auto Sales I [4. 4.l7 · 1931 or 714-328-3?28 CASH fO« cAltS WI NH D YOUlt CAR PAID FOR OR NOT PHIW,S AUTO ASK FOR MAl(OLM 949-5 74-7777 Classifitd is CONVENIENT l41hethu JOU 'rt buying, u/Jing, or just looking. clanifitd has whal you ntttl ! CU.SS/PIED (949) 641-5678 Plumbing T eloc or ec1tm1onot M81 J P11n11cn S£WfR If TTING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK DETECTION Friendly Servtee 949 -675 -9 3 04 www~com l97S2497 IMunod (Jank '"""I.Int New & Remodehne. Cn line, Copper Rel)ipt', ""'1 ~ l#516783 949·675 5035 HONEST & RlASONAIU Pl UMBER I •~586 r ree (sit Sm rl!f)llFS OCTFCU Obc 714 Z35 9150 PRlCISI PlUMllNG Calilom1a law re quires that contr ac tors tak1n1 jobs that lolal $500 or more (labOf Of materials) be licensed by the Contractors Slate license Board. Stale law also requires that conlnclors Include their license numb1!r on all advertlslna. You ca11 check the status of 1 your licensed co,,tract or at w-.cslb.ca.1011 or 800·321-CSLB Unit· cenud contractors tlllfna 1obs that total less than $500 must state In their advertisemenh lh1t they are not licensed Repair. r~model, tins, spa, ,_ SVC ~lQjf) JUNK TO THI OUMPlll 714·968·1882 AVAILABLE TODAY! 949-673 5566 D.j..tlNo Repairs & Remodelin& ,.. ,.,,'V FR(l ESTIMATE J-lh.e C.o.n1t.actot.s. State locense Board • = # WfTIHOm ORYWAll All phases sm/lf• jobs CLlANI 20yrs. le11 . free 1~1447 Smotl Jo" Exeor11 O.mcan E.llM:tnc 20Yrs £ •P LoClll/Quidt Response Service/Remodels l 1275870 949-650-7042 Aoorlng/Tlle QISTOM CltlA1M 1U lnst3tlatt00, sate. ctnmic. StOflt...~l!lJ l.1612044 Jeff 714-612·9951 LWCY SMw... ~ed Regroutm &. lnstellatlon TILE DEAN 949·673 8065 714-84&.a526 714-lllJ..2031 SELL your 11nw1nted llems throufh classified ~ 20 YEARS EXP.ERI.ENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIES Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDITIONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY J(jtchen & Bath Specialists ts CONSTRVCTION Ltc#577982 <9-'9) 709·5642 """ ~ Get your yerd tooklflt tts best b the U111111f. Ylfd~tp'HIW tune ups and ~ weekend Ii eve quotas Xtr• H-4 S.nrlcos 714-4V.tMO GDDALIEPlUI .IMINIF.NAQ ... ..,~ frlo Job 10o Snf411 D8-.e s...tltea M9..122-8292 llST MOYlld SSS/Ht. SlrVn Al Ql9I !mind. T16.11Mol P..2A6-2318 323-6»9971 eel Sll1p & Wt.I ...... l #6117398 714 969· I 090 Custom Hand Painted '-Uals & faia, P~ Miit for !we ~l .e'i64. a-,'~ Crut Price! Guaranteed work free est. Lt375602 714·538· 1534 7 390 2!M5 Joynn'• Polntl119 lop Quahty. Competltlvt Interior/hi Ll648228 Ctll Jay 949 &50.5066 IWNIOW C1K1,1 MAINT P1fn1tn1-lrltl••t. tb.9t/Apt Quallly )obi free tStimate l1569897 714-636 8888 ..... ••ttllfflit• AlllAlA .. 11 lAlll .......... P9lcl ct Mind fOr YaU (141)131-5771 WWtl.Al•slllAINW.wl BMlS .. soft IOAT & MOORING. NEWPOIT HACH .,. $35,000 Call Chuck :. 949-645-0134 ... New&tko41oots : Morino Def Roy .,. IOAT SHOW June 26th.,.. 29th (310) 64S·515.,_. 13 1/211 Boston Whal~ 40 hp. Yamaha, s1dC consolt. $3400/obo 714·815-9057 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCtuNG/ .. • ... STORAGE 9680-. 93 FT SUP AVAJlAIU - IN HfWPOIT llACH • $2SOOWSI : 949-500-1005 IAY lSlAHO COvt w..: 13ft bearn, unhm1te• length, quiet & sate 94,....' 922 1117 ()( 949-673 t94r. SELL your stuff through classified! Sri/ vour('ar in ciauifit!d ! Pool Sefvice ... I .. ., M ... lc ,_.I & Spo Sv.- Wioekly Sl!fv1t.e [quip• men! Rep~11s, ln,urecr:; Call949-2t 2·7 17S '" -R....tolleoffag R•ooft,... & Rep;11rs Aew!ent~ Comm Sn:e l'l.I/ LM5li81"> 94964-4 5840 714-fiM.311': K.C. TNIST_,Rt ""' $pt<lalltln1 tn : W•l1P•P' Remov•I Jf/1' L~2fl Mt-llO·Ul,.. c: .. • • . VALUE. DIE MORE THllG THAT SHOULDN'T BE OPTIONAL. When you compare "apples to apples", it becomes clear that the 2003 Freelander Sis not only the most capable small-midsized SUV, but the best vaJue as well. But don't take our word for it. Talce a look at the foJJowing chart which should malce your buying decision just a little bit easier . 2003 Land Rover Freelander S LEASE FOR $ 39 months OR +tax MO BUY WITH I On Approved Credit. Plus tax, he & doc. tee. $2978.49 Total dnve-ott, Includes first payment & 5350 secunty depOSlt. 10K mites APR financing per year/20c excess m1. charge. 3 at t~is payment (1 304871262696) (1305331267886) (13048&'265032) 2003 Freelander S MSRP $25,600 V6 Engine You got 11 standard. they don't! 4-Speed Automatic transm1.,~ion 5-Speed Automatic! Even Better! Air Conditioner • Power Package You Bee! 4-Wheel Anti lock Brakes Saf ecy 1~ never compnrrused. FuU-time all wheel drive h\ a Land Rover, isn't 11? CD Player Of cour.,e. It's not 1985 anymore! 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport4WD $20,030 OptaonaJ -S850 Opuonal -$825 Optional -S2.325 Opuonal -S600 Opuonal SJ95 Optional Sl25 Traction Con1rol Electronic we wouldn't go off-road "'ithout 11 Optional ') 765° Vehicle Security System 16" Alloy Wheels Crui se Control Lndependenl Rear Suspension Basic warranty Ru~t Warranty AdJuMed MSRP You can counl on it. Cool You\c goc II for lhe road tnp~' Scandard 4 ye•m/50.000 male'> 6 year.,/unhm11ed male~ Op11onal -S520 Optional S110 OpuonJI S '00 3 year,/16.000 mall!' 5 yeM,/100.000 mile, $27,045 ThtS comparison is presented as a guide to assist you tn selecting an SUV. An exact equivalent vehicle 1s not possible. All vehicle information has been denved from WWW.Jeep.com, www.landrover.com & www.edmonds.com Pnces shown are MSRP without discount. Whtie every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we are not responsible for erroni or omissions. ""Traction control provided through Jeep's Trac-lock Oitt"rent1al Axle ,_E ROVER IS T1fE FIRST SUV TMAT REPRESEm A TIIUE ALTERIATIVE TO A LUXURY SEDAI: AUTOMOBILE 3fl3 4x4, VB, Power Doors, Power Windows, Powet Seat. !£~~~~~·~:~~~· sggg 1 OK mlln/year, 20 c.nta/mlle over. • + tax ~~~,~~~i~Am~399 per yeer/20c exCMS ml. charge. + tax .5 at this payment. 48 months 5 at this payment • 39 months '00 VW BEERE GLS Very Clean Inside & Out 41781471~ $12,995 '99 RAllGE ROVER 4.6, V8, Luxury, loaded CERTIFIED 397&426094 '27,995 '03 DISCOVERY V8, Only 6K Miles, Ex-Rm 41nfl75359 '31,995 GLS. Extra Clean 4181/A31998 $18,995 Hardtop, Must Seel 417~20508 '27,995 '97 DEFEIDER 90 Ortt 45K. Extra Clean 4140/1088 '34,995 PRE·OWIED SERVICE LOU CARS 4X4, Automatic, VS, Power Package, Moonroof, s23:·99c5 3 It 11111 Pll• (382940) (366803) (384378) '01 IU XTERRA SE VS. $(Jnroofs. Leather · Sunroof. Auto. 6-0lsc CO CERTIFIE04134/'244585 41841556594 '20,995 '21,995 '00 RAllGE ROVER 33KMiles.~ CERTIFIE04182/429562 '29,995 '02 DISCOVERY ~ 41561746642 '30,995 --. --- NEW 2003 a•c YUKON XL $91500 .,..,,,,_,,,,..,,,,,...,,,,,,. $f2, s3,aoa Fat:tory .Rebate Net Savings 1AT11IESE MW'l6S n15111) s 7,aoa ,,.,,,,, ,,. .,,,.. ,,. ,,,,,, ,,. S3;000 Fat:lotJ Rebate NEW 2003 SMC M c •fltmlllllt .... """',,.,,. 1111111 1 111.E IOU1ll OF Tm4tmFREEWAY www.nabersautomall.com .......... Mon.-Sat 9am to 9pm • Sun. lOam to 6pm ............... Mon.-Fri. 7am to 6pm • Sat. Sam to Spm '51,5'11 '5,BIZ \