HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot~-• • -1- Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2003 Council calls for Nichols' resignation MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Nativo V. Lopez speaks about the comments made by Councilman Dick Nichols. A recall effort is underway to remove · Newport councilman for remarks regarding beach renovations. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A citi7..en recall effort blessed by the Ci ty Council is underway to remove Dick Nichols from office. At Tuesday's council meeting, resi· dent Lloyd llcerd dropped a bombshell that couJd fore- shadow the end of Nichols' council career. llcerd reported that at a cham· ber meeting last fall, Nichols had said that he opposed a school in the Banning Ranch area because ll would attract too many Mexi· cans. "I rnok out recall papers at that· time to remove Nichols from of· fice." Ikerd said. ~rve been sit· ting on them. but I'm not going to 'iit on them anymore ... Nich· ols does not belong on this council. if he doesn't resign we will recall him." Nichols did not attend Tues· day's council meeting for health FROM DOWNTOWN 'I hope he's man enough and I hope he's bright enough to rea lize the embarra ssment he's caused this city, and I hope he will resign.' Gary Proctor Councilman Tod Ridgeway said. Nichols has been the subjec;l of nationwtde media attention since last week. when he said that one of the reasons he op- posed expancting grass areas on Corona del Mar State Beach js because, MWi th grass we usually get MeXJcans coming in there early m the mommg and they claim 11 as theirs and it become6 their per~onal, pnvate grounds all day." Newport Beach councrlman reasons. In his absence, his col· leagues .decided to put two items on their next agenda: a discus· sion regarding Nichols' com· ment, and a vote to strip him from his committee appoint· men ts. The six council members in at· tendance were unanimous in their belief that Nichols should resign. "I hope he"s man enough and I hope he's bright enough to real- ize the embarrassment he's ca~d this city, and I hope he will resign.·· said Councilman Gary Proctor. Other council members went so far as to encourage residents to recall Nichols. ''I'd be happy to be the first on e 10 sign that recall peution." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport She may be reached at 1949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une casagrandt1,a,/at1mes.com Clouds cool down some businesses Dearth of sunlight has hampered sales and prompted at least one hotel worker to suggest tourists explore inland activities. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Overcast June weather has had a chilling effect on local bus1J1esses that cater to tounsts and beach· goers, business owners said. Bob Black. who runs datly chaner tours to Catalina Island on the Catahna Ayer. said his busmess has fallen between 8% and 10% during the first three weeks of the month DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Youngsters at Costa Mesa High shoot baskets under a blanket of fog that enveloped the area during morning hours . "There's definitely been a dip m our busi- ness," Black said. "When the sun comes out. there's a lot of activtty down here.· Black. operating under Catalina Passen· ger Service. runs a daily tnp to Catalina as well as hourly cruises around Newpon Har- See CLOUDS, Pa1• M Green Room Sllrf Shop building for sale The shop's owner said he wants to.buy the property, but the $995,000 price is too high. was "significantly less" than the asking price. he said. Lorraine Kennard, when con· tacted Tuesday. said she has never received an offer from Steiner. Quick also sai~ Green Room operators haven't come forward with a hard offer. Green Room IS at 6480 W. Coast Highway -Qwck said. because many have been held by a small number of families for several decades. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The owner11 of the building that houses a popular West Newport surf shop have put their propeny on the malket, a move that has caused frlctJon with the propri· et or. Gregg Steiner, who owns the Green Room Surf Shop, says he has been rebuffed in a bid to purchase the building he has called home, but not owned. since June 2001. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~com WEATHER - Gloom wUI bum ol Nrtlef than It hu beef'l In the .... f.w WMb. S.PlpA2 SPORTS Sui DIMI. .o. mptur'ld the women' duathlon ~~ .. ,.... Steiner said he submitted an offer to purchase the 1.800 square-foot building shortly after the owners listed it on April 15. Jeffrey and Lorraine Kennard. who live in Hawaii. have owned the propeny since the mid-l970s. Kevin Quick. at Lee and Aw>· ciates' Newport Beach office, has the listing. The Kennards are ask- ing $995,000 for the propeny, Quick said. "We countered with some· thing they didn't accept," Steiner said. Steiner made an offer that "I haven't seen an offer from him." Quick said "We've talked to him about making an offer, but they don't even lh1nk it's worth $400,000." At about $552 per square foot, the llsting price ls comparable to properties along Old Newport Boulevard. Quick said. There are few comparisons available for commercial properties located along West C'.oast Highway-the The Green Room has an as- sessed value of $87,745. accord· ing to county propeny records. lbat amount "wouldn't even buy you the dirt" today. Quick said. Steiner has also been trying to negotiate an extension tp his lease with the Kennards, he said. Steiner's lease expires on March 15, Quick said. "I'm trying to negotiate a new lease." Steiner said. "They will not give us a long-tenn thing. A MARK C. OUSffl/ OMY Pl.OT The Green Room Surf S~is run by, from left to right. clerk Emity s.. SALE, Paa• M Smith, owner Gregg Steiner and cTeri< lfochelle Mitterwakf. THINKING ALLOWED 'Tough girl' gets a lesson in toughness J ust In cue my tousb-gi.d penona has not made It dear you ahouktn't mea with me, allow me to share this little tidbit of informadon whb you: I spent fbur hours last week training at the C:OSta Meta Police Oeputment. 1u11 u1t omcer Gabe C..O,OC.. who was my per.anal punching bag from 7 to l l a.m. He WU helpless against me. .Poor~ OK. 10 maybe Gabe wu akint It a little euy on me. He only towers CMll' me and bu annt the 'lir.e ol tree manb. N9wlr mind thal I couldn't I leerned take·down lechNques, baton tedvdques. •c-holda. •arm ~how to Lftl ..,... .._ llC lllf hind 1111 chi MY de8ect a man wt.lb a~· vw '" llinlmd ldl blcepl wb8'l how lO bandcul' I peeceftll HARPER ~5 CBWn bOlda. Sst. protelter, how to Mndall 1 a.,~ bpt ......_me not 10 pellClll\al procMUl4 heed locb. to "nm chi billdt al~ bwf plnn1qa ~ ..• IO lil\lcb UllefUI ~. hi .. llDdon. • 'lbil-•lalllD,DC-Cl•lllefl.O~ 1Dbm11ioa. ID ..... Gee to Ml ll:Dlill wfih .... f .. ~Wednesday, Arie 25, 2003 .- FOR A GOOD CAUSE Bob Robison D uring the Depression, Bob Robison wouJd roller skate to the library every chance he got. "The cheapest and best form of entenainment was the library," he saJd. Sharing his eve rlasting love for books the main branch library on Avocado Avenue. Robison, a retired civilian employee of the Los Angeles Fire Department, is also on-call for book donations. From time to time, he is called on to drive to homes to pick up large donations of books. Three times a year, the Friends of the Ubrary hold a sale with special reductions on books that weren't sold in its reguJar store. Robison, who has been married to Nancy for 49 years. Is an important part of the team during the quarter-annual book sales. .He mostly hauJs the books and laughs that be keeps his strong back by never saying the word "back." swimming. tennis and working the Roto tiller for the Oasis Garden Oub - volunteering for the library helps keep him healthy and happy while keeping his love of books alive. For Robison, it still is. The 71-year-old Newport Beach resident continues his lifelong love affair with books as a volunteer for the Friends of the Library, the volunteer group that collects and sells donated books to raise money for the library. "Its' a thrill for me to be able to be so productive for an organization that contributes about $300,000 to the city Dbrary," saJd Robison, who been a Friends volunteer for about 12 years. u At one time, I had about 35 of the Hardy Boys books," recalled Robison, who has four grown sons and eight grandchildren. Today, he consumes about 50 books a year -a lot of them of the John Grisham. Tom Oancy and Nora Lofts variety, and many of them by English authors written decades ago. "Volunteering at the Ubnuy ii a wonderful, fun thing to do. I love the books and I Love the people." Every Monday, the sttapping. &-foot-tall Robison hauJs boxes of ~onated books from the various branch li braries to the book store, which is lnside Along with his other hobbles - -Story by June Casagrande, photo by Sea n Hiller DUI ARR ESTS PET OF THE WEEK COSTA MESA S4Jndey • Franclsoo Ortega-Alamo, 40,Cotta Meu Saturday •Alfonso Madrid-Garcia, 25, Cotta Mesa ' Antonio Juen Sierra, 27. Cotta Meu •Jorge Ramirez· Lopez, 32, CottaM ... •Rachelle Plllebury, 48, Co.ta MMa • Richard Edward Denike, 41, Huntington BNdl • Donn. Jean Gutierrez. 66, Sen Clemente Md9y 4 Roberto Garci.c.SMOla, 41,Cotta M .. • Paul Rog« Zamtxano, 25, Anaheim •Christopher Blale, 33, lrvlne •S..hl IAnea Harris, 21, S.ntaAne Thur9dily • P9ol Rodriguez. 315, f.11ee1on Viejo • Cerolyn StapMI, 20, Mi.Ion Viejo ' Hekfl Fr'9ncee Avlla, 23, Riverside Wednesday • Otis Baron Free, 45, Newport Beactl NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • Jeremy Bruce Bloch, 39, Legun. Beach • Plltridt Mertin Miiier, 'Z'1. Frei no Saturdey • Michael Robert Harden, 60, Laguna Beach • Kenneth Jay W.111, 41, SantlAna F1'd9y • Laurie Celeste Mal'9hall, 36, Newport Beach • N1rclt0 Valdez, 21, Fontane Wedlieedey • Anne Petricla Clifton, 48, G.rdenGrow • Lauren Aehley w.wrrtnlak. 19, Newport Beedl • Timothy CMt1el tc.man, 48, N9wport IMd\ • Mhdl Fen., a , La Puente Lilly Ully was rescued from an ani- mal shelter's death row for the first time as an unborn ldnen in her mother's belly. Now she needs to be saved again. She will need a specialist and a $2,500 surgery to save her from her latest problem -her liver is crowding her lung cavity. •At this time, we are not ca- pable of paying for a surgery of this kind," said DiAnna Pfaff-Mar- tin, founder of the Newport Beach-based Community Animal Network.. "It is money we don't have." During Ouistma.s, the Network has received overwhelming sup- port as many people turn thelr at- tention to helping others, but dur- ing the summer the focus is more on having fun. f{aff ·Martin said. "Tu save Ully, we need Oui.st- maa in the summer," she said. "Please, if everyone reading this wouJd just send at least $25 to the Community Animal Network with attendon to 'Save Ully this Sum- mer' we can commit her to sur- gery." See other animals available for adoption at www.animalMt- work.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and • p.m. on weekend& Infonnation: (949) 759-3646 or Community Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658. Daily A Pilot ConlWl9cMI N.wt 1 .. lstant, (948) 57"-"298 corel.wft.on•tatl~com PHOT'OORAPHERS Seen Hlltef', Don LMct1, Kent Treptow Box 1680, Co.ta Mela. CA 92826. Copyright: No newt etoriel, Illustrations, edltol1al m.tter or •M~ herein cen be reproduced wfthovt written permilelon of copyl1ght owner. VOL 97, N0.171 TMOMAI H. JOHNION Publi.Mr lONYDOOaO Editor J4Xl'tOITUNO ~.a:.i=r Promodone DlrKtor Newe Edlllw9 Gina Aleunder, Loli Andenlon, DenJel Hunt. Paul Seftowttz. Demel S1eYenl Nl'WlwrAlf CritM °:r o::~,,.,. (949) 574-4228 d..,,..bhar1th•IMlm..oom June=rw• Newport ,.,,..,, (Ml) 574-4132 jun..~•Wl,,,..,com ,....Clnloft Polltlce, buel'*' end tfWlronment repotW, (Ml~ /*lf.oHmon•,_,,,._oom ........... Columnlll. ~ ,..,.,.,, , .. ,~ lollf&JwlW•"'*'-oom DllNIM Naw 1•1 C-. Mele NPOfW, IMI 174-4221 deltdN.,...,,,.., • ...,.oom ct k•• Cllllle ~ ""*"'· .. f7'M2tl ~·...,,,_.,,, RfADER8 HOTUNE (94816'2-eoee F*x>rd vour comments •bout the Delly Pilot or newt tlpt. Ad*.- Our ldd,... le 330 W. Bay St., Co.ta Mela, CA 92827. Offtoe houra .,. Monday -Friday, 8:30 1.m. · 5 p.m . ConMttone It 11 the Pilot's Polley to promptly oorrect •II enora of eui.i.noe. PINN c;ell (949) ~ .. fYI The~~Meea Delly Piiot (USPS-1"400) le puf)lllMd deity. In Newport lletd'I end Cott.a MeM, eub9ctipdone ere evellebte only by eubecrif)lng to The Tlmee Oftnge Councy (IOO) 212 .. 141. In ...... oue.lde of Ntwpoft leedl end c-. Mele, ~-tlD .... Delty"loe.,. ..,..._only by h deM IMM tot . .., ,,.. "'°""'-("1cel Include .. , ..... 1 ..... end IOOll .... , l'OIT'MAl'Tlft: Send ........ -.... eo The Ntwpott · ~MeMOeav~ftO. HOW TO REACH UI Clrouldon The Tlmee Orenge County 1800) 252"91'1 Adwl1Wllf Ch1111ed (9491 9'2·5878 Dlepley (949) 9'2-'321 EdttoMI N9we (9'8) 642-5880 lpotta (148) 574-4223 N9we Fa (1411 IMM17'0 ~ ..... (949) llC).017'0 .....,... dallypllof.11/dnw.OOtn Melll otftee lurl9-Ollee , .. , 9'2~1 hllnwfWl (..,G1·71• P'ublieMd by TltNe Communhy ...... a dfvt.ion of"'-Loe Angetee T1mee. C2001 Tlmee CN. All tfohtt r-lled. ~-....... NEIGHBORS Dixie Mccorkindale, here with Gene Farren. received her associate's degree from OCC on May 30. Trad Trllvll, a Costa Mesa resident and a communications major at Orange Coast C.Ollege was recently named OCCs Woman of the Year for 2002-03. She is also the recipient of a $30,000 Jack Kent Cooke Foundadon Scholarship for the upcoming school year. She Traci Travis has been accepted to the honors program at UC Santa Barbara for the forthcoming fall term ... nm Richey, of Costa Mesa, a 28-year Orange Coast College employee. has received an honorary associate's degree. He has volunteered thousands of nm Richey hours to service community organizations as well as woricing with the Costa Mesa Uons Breakfast Oub and the Costa Mesa High School Rand Boosters ... Corey Cano, MeUua Mabuoka and Amtln Quon. fifth-graders from the Newport-Mesa Gifted and Tulented Educadon Program were honored ln the Johns Hopkins Talent Search 2003 ceremonies held at the University of Southern California The students were selected from a talent search of over 16,000 partidpants nationwide ... Dbde Mc:Codctnd-le, a 61 -year-old grandmother and resident of San Bemadino, received her M degree from OCC May 30, graduating with a 3.93 grade-polnt average ... Ronald V. DIMI. fOWJder of OCCs Guardian Scholars Program and former president or Perrier America. was named Citiz.en of the Year at OCC's commencement ceremony May 30. The Guardian Scholars Program supports emancipated foster care youth ... GeneYlew ev.rta, daughter of Karen and Don Evuta of Newport Beach, received the $5,000 Judge Robert H. Schnacke Scholarship. She Is a member of the UC Hastings College of the Law graduating class of 2003 and graduated from Newport Harbor High School lo 1994 Allee PJdof, dmlgbter of Pmll and Sherry Eldof and 1995 graduate of Costa Mesa High School. recetwd a doctorate from Michigan State UnJverslty on May 2 ... Duldn Do, ICetth Petllef, Shawn Gnnt. Omar Montaya, a.car Ortiz, DllVid Sdrwu 11 and Rk:hanl Smith of OCC captured ftnt prl7.e ln the college division of the 14th annual Design/Build Competition at the Tustin Ronald V. Davis, right, was named Citizen of the Year at OCC's commencement ceremony. Martetplace (April 26 to 27). Students were required to construct a 6-by-8-foot ~yarc1 barn." Sponsored by Greystone I lomes, the students won a $250 Home Depot coupon which will be put toward OCC's Construction Technology Program ... The Mesa/Newport area saw several winners in the "Water is We" poster and slogan contest, which was hosted by the Municipal Water District of Orange County to promote wise waler use among children in lcindergarten through sixth grade. Fourth-graders Maria Swift and Ala Krohnfddt of St Joachim Elementary won first place and honorable mention, respectively. for their poster designs. Vineyard Christian School first-graders Rebecca Moreno. Sharon 'Dang, Anthony Dean. Pattk:k Hanna and SlrYarmah ......., all received first pl.ace for the slogans they created ... Lance Cpl Jonathon 0. 8-. member of the Newport Hatbor High School class of 2002 and son of Jdf and Jeanine 8-of Costa Mesa. has completed sis months ofttis MOO training ln avionics ln Pmsaoola NAS in Aorida and will complete his train.Ing at Oceana NAS ln Virginia. After that he will continue to his final duty 5tation in Beaufort. South Carolina ... Na")' Seaman r.oc:ty R. Ponytbe. gradua1e of the Newport Harbor High School c1a.s.s of 2002 and son of Gene L and William R. Ponythe. has completed his reauJt training with honors ... Navy Petty Officer 1st Oass R...el 0. Walker, whose wife Oiriltlna Is the daughter of Bonme Antgo of Costa Mesa. was deployed on the USS Milius to participate in Operation Iraqi Freedom ... Navy Petty Officer 3rd Oaas Thorin Mayba, a 1998 graduate of Estancia High School and son of Wanda Leonard and Pury D. Maybe, recently returned from duty after belng deployed in JuJy 2002 on the USS Abraham Lincoln ... Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Nlcholu 8. 1.etunby, son of Sherry A. Zeramby of Costa Mesa and Scott A. Zenmby of Albion. was deployed lo support of Operation Iraqi Freedom while asalgned to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unlt based ln Camp Lejeune. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Today you can expect mottly-cloudy condition• wtth area of fog In the morning that wtll bum off by the afternoon. Hlgha from the upper 80a to low 80a In tome parts. At night. aid• wtll be clear Nrfy on build the clouds and fog off ehont wtll bulld back In lfter midnight. Lowa between the mld-&Oe andeo<Mg,.. WonMtlon: www.mw.nou.gov BOATING FORECAST °°"to the ahore loot for VAMlfty wtndt et & to 11 knOll wtth W9WI 2 f9lt ori.. and Wiii ......... fMt. Out ...... expect Y"1lbte wtndl 8111--or leei Wtth WIWl2.._or .... enda ~ IWill •ltolfMt and.'°""""' ........ 2 fMt. ~lnner---wtM ( have vartabte wlnda It 10 kn~ with fog building In. Outer watert won't be muctl dltr.rent. SURF Whh the eouthWMt awetla bulldlng In, expect aouth fldng breab to hew cNlt-hlgh Mta and ehouldel'> to hMd-NQh Mia In the etandouta. WMt fldng brub ehould ... wMt-highe and.,..,. plua tome c:Nlt-hlghe and .,..,. .. lttndouts. WIW qulllly: www . .urfrld#.CHU TIDES TIMe l:.291.m, 12:Mp.m. 7:21p.m. 2'Aa.m. WATER TEMPERATURE ..... . ................ Daily Pilot Tree feud grows larger with new lawsuit Nei But the lawsuit states that the 'It's a matter of damage caused by mellaluca tree. ves e an are still suffering "injuries Lo their property" from the encroaching branches and roots from the Brldlet' tree. and bushes. principle. I love trees and this man just has a bizarre obsession with cutting them.' DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -It's an animosity between two neigh- bors that has dug lta roots far and deep over the years. Louis Ballas detests the trees on his neighbor's yard because he believes they have dug into his property, distorting his side of the fence, breaking his walk- ways and causing his driveway to crack. TwoJears ago Ballas took Ya- na an Mark Bridle to Small Claims court, but withdrew after the Bridles' lnlurance company told him he couldn't get more than $5,000. He had estimated the damages to be much more. So last month, Ballas ftled a lawsuit ln Orange C.Ounty Su- perior C.Ourt demanding mon than $50,000 in damages. Yana Bridle said she la hurt and disappointed by Ballas' law- suit. MHe had a problem with my mellaluca tree," she said. "It was very hard for me. But I cut that beautlful tree.~ Bridle said she has also straightened Ballas' fence and says the problem in the drive- way and walkway have not been caused by her trees. Neither Ballas nor h.ta attor- ney David Baade was available for comment on Tuesday. The city had washed Its handa off the case years ago saying that It was a civil matter to be settled be- tween neighbors. "The heavy branches have broken and displaced the fence," the lawsuJt stales. It also aays that the damages have not been fully estimated, but that ft would be more than $50,000. The suit says that the Ballasea have asked the Bridles to main- tain thelr trees and bushes to the roots don't come over to the other side, but they have re- fused. It further a.ab for an in- junction forcing the Bridles to cut or maintain their trees - whichever will prevent the trees from encroaching on the Ballas' property. Bridle said she believes "this ls a frivolous case." "I'm In fact devastated not be- Vena Bridle cause I had to cut my trees,• she said. "It's a matter of principle. l love trees and this man just has a bizarre obseaslon with cutting them.· Ballas had said In earlier In- terviews with the Daily Pilot that he had no such obsession or ha- tted for trees, but was merely worried about his property value. "She has never done anythJng that she said she would do to help the situation," he said. "I want all the trees that are dam- aging my property cut." COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL PARKING LOT PERMIT Shaheen Sadeghi. authorized agent for Harold C.Oren, applied for a pennit to pave a vacant property at 708 and 714 Randolph Ave. for use as an off-site parking lot for the Lab. Sadeghi has been Informally using the gravel-surfaced Randolph .....,._ Avenue properties for Lab overflow parking for several years. He now proposes to improve the lot and to credit these off-site spaces for future uses at the Lab. WHAT HAPPENED The commission approve<! the permit with the condition that Sadegtu can only use the off-she parking lot as long as his lease at the Lab is in effect. CARWASH PERMIT James Simon, authorized agent for Carl Stevens, Is applying for a permit to establish a hand carwash and detailing business, Including outdoor work. at , 161 9 Superior Ave. WHAT HAPPENED The commission continued the item after Todd Carson, who owns another carwash business down the street raised concerns about whether the parking and traffic plans were adequate. Ca~on·~ lawyer also questioned whether the project satisfactorily met the environmental standard~ FAIR PARKING PERMIT Becky Bailey-FmdJey. autho rized agent for Russell Tieman I l:xperlan, '"' applying for a perrmt for ofT·slle parking al the Experian parlung <..lruc1ure fo r u'ie FOR THE RECORD Ptug mto the P11ot Classified sectlOO to ftnd serv1Ces from electrona and plumbers. to lclndsc.apers and patntef\ No mlttlf wtwt )'OU.,. dDng. 'fOAJI homftown ~ R'IS w._ Daily Pilot Wb811111r You aurorllae .. You11 Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Planning Commission •WHEN: 6:30 p.m . July 14 • WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFO: (714) 754-5245 by Orange C.Ounty Fairgrounds patrons during the Orange C.Ounry Fair, weekends o nly, with a shuttle service included. The parking lot is at 475 MflUID Anton Blvd. WHAT HAPPENED The commission approved the perrrut wtth a condition reqwnng direcuonaJ signage to make sure people can find the correct parking lots. WHAT WAS SAID "When l went to try to find 11. I faJJed at all of that," said Plann ing Olair Bruce Garlich. "It's not easy to get into the ngh1 parlcing lot.·· Daily Pilot Wednesday, Jone 25. 2003 A3 Give Us Your Child • And we'll live you a ltudent a full acadH1lc level hlper. At Tutoring Clubs of America, M ost important, wt ht lp w t 'rt dedicated to ensuring studenu achitve the your chlld succeeds self·tstttm and conf1dtnet they ntt<i to succttd All In W ith our txclus•vt TutorA1d justµ hours. GUAMNTEED. curriculum, wt ~ create ltarnlng Sum me mp 011 today and '•nd programs out more II could ~ sp«lftcally ffftl-t~ mosr mportant designed for your child's nteds summer of your ch11d s lift. (949 ) 6+5-7900 488 East i7th Street • Costa Mesa corn~r of 1rv1nf' Avfn'-1" MATH • READING • WRITING • STUDY Sl<ILLS • SAT PREP SPfCIAI SAi ~ Long Plank Wood Flooring · OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD Ul!'"IC~ PLUSH CARPET • 1 ... ww w1111 .._. $ ].69 ... uu ..... fl() )'M"do •Q ft Tra9C'r'tiae 18" Jl 18" ••.•.•••....••...•.•.•...•.•••.... '4.29 ... I\. c~rue ............................... t.uJW .... 14.99 ,..11.. t.a.laate Woo4 •• ·-····················· 1Mta1W ,,_ 14.99 ,..11.. Supp/its 1znd Tbol.s for tJrr •0o It Your11rlfrrs/" AU prlu$/products for o limitttd timr, basttd on al'tlilabili1¥. MEIA ~ ll!Alnt' 1374 Loian Ave., Salte F •COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 .... Fri. 10 to 5 -Sat 10 to 3 .. TAKE AN l)(TRA 300/o Off AL.RIADY·REDUCED PRICES AND SAVI AS MUCH AS 60% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE. ,lAV A MIUJON TO WIN ™IOUOH OlCfMIU 2003: NO PUKHASI NfCHSAlY; SH Off!CW IUlU Al ITOlfS, Nt~US.COM/MIU.ION, OI NM I Y MAI NIW'POIT lfACH '49.7.St.1'00 ........... " •••••• 1 .... :-.., ....... ~..:.:e....-....... "=---"· .... "' .• S'.. ........... . .•• I ................. (\tle ......... O/l'a1-c..r ... ...... , M w.dnesdey, Jooe 25, 2003 ~UBLIC SAFETY Kitten in Newport Beach rescued with aid of jackhammer Three people join fo rces to rescue a kitten THE NEWS Accident slows freeway traffic A three-vehicle traffic collision Tuesdll}' after- noon brought traftlc to a slow crawl on the north- bound Corona del Mar Freeway, callfomia High- way Patrol officials said. The accident, Involv- ing minor Injuries, led to the closure of two lanes and a one-hour SJgAlert, said CHP Officer David Ferrer. The crash occurred at about 5:15 p.m. south of Birch Street, he said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • AY9nue of the Art•: An auto theft wes reported in the 3400 blodc at 6:01 p.m. Sunday. • West S.ker Stntet: Embezzlement was reported In the 700 blodc at 4:09 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2300 blodc at 7:51 p.m. Sunday. • Pacffic AY9nue: Indecent exposure was reported in the 2100 blodc at 1:19 p.m. Sunday. • Pomona Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1800 blodc at 1 p.m. Sunday. • East 17th Stl'Mt: An assault was reported in the 300 block at 11:45 p.m . Sunday. •West 18th Strfft and Newport Boulevard: A hit-and-run was reported at 4:30 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bay•ide Drive: A boat theft was reported in the 1900 blodc at 11:25 a.m. Monday. • Corte HennoH: Vandalism was reported in the 3100 bl<><* at 6:67 a.m. Monday. • Grwwl Court: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 100 blodc at 9:31 a.m. Monday. • Lugonla Street: An auto theft was reported In the 200 blodc at 11 :02 a.m. Monday. • Main Stntet and EHt Ocean Front: Petty theft was reported at 7:57 a.m. Monday. • Marvuertte Avenue: Vandalism was reported In the 1600 bl<><* at 7:58 a.m. Monday. •Newport Boulevard: Petty theft was reported In the 3300 block at 8: 14 a.m . Monday. •SupetiorAvenueand Hoapftal Ro.cl: A hit-and-run was reported at 8:48 a.m. Monday. " . KENNY 1/. PRINTER ALDEN'S D••P• Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BPACH -A little ldtten In Newport Beach was lucky enough to use up only one of his nine lives before a persistent rescuer pulled him to safety last week. He is alive because a woman walldng her dog beard his "meow" and Animal Control Offi- cer Valerie McCulley was deter- mined to save bis life, even If took six hows and several jack- hammers. The ldtten was folllld early Fri- day morning in a narrow vent at an apartment complex in the 4700 block of Villagio, said New· port Beach Police Sgt Steve Shul- man. "'The property manager told us to do whatever was necessary to get the kitten out," he said McCulley got there at 6 am., she said "We didn't know how he got there," McCulley said "He was just five or six weeks old And he'd been there fur the last day or two." The problem was the hole in CLOUDS Continued from A 1 bor between 11 am. and 5 p.m. Even with the gloomy weather, guests haven't been canceling their reservations in local hotel rooms, a Four Season Hotel spokesman said The hotel's concierge, however, has been suggesting other activ- ities in Southern California that don't involve a trip to the beach. He has suggested a trip to the wineries in Temecula. a round of golf at local courses or a day of shopping at Fashion Isiand, said Jim Kennedy, a spokesman for lhe hotel. "Some people did convert from more sun-oriented activities to spend more time on the golf course," Kennedy said "Our spa has been packed" Last week. the Newport Beach Conference and V1Sitors Bureau ALLOWED Continued from Al officer had already seen at least twice. But it painfully demonstrated what can go wrong on the job. The footage was shot from a mounted camera In the patrol car. It was a routine traffic stop and a 23-year-old state trooper came up against a man, who was uncooperative and, as it turns out, armed The video ended with the screams of the officer and the man driving away. It left a mark In my memory. Did you know the top three reasons officers get hurt or killed on the job? Poor tactics. Overconfidence. Complacency. I always thought of officers as ticket writers or the ones who always break up parties. For the most part. people don't like being told what to do, especially when they also have to pay a fine or spend eight mind-numbing hours In traffic I 1Fl\1PI 111 1 'S -1n < • " ~\. < \ 1n • 1 1 " • • DN-§ITE DRAPERY CLEANIN& AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN .. lllMIMN8 ,. EMOY I C.rtlned Ta Cl•1111 All Hllntllr Dougie• Fabric Wlndaw Cilw!rlng• lncludlng: • lwnilette Privacy Sheen' • Silhouette' wWow shadings • ~window thadinp • Duette• honeycomb shadeS • .. TM Collection • JubilanceTN roman lhaldes t Appiwt honeycomb shades I SmnetteN SoftfolP lhadinp World'• 8est ON411a• DrapnJ Cl ........ _..... A " N.D ... ALDEN'S CAJUi'B'r AND DRAPEIUD 16'3 PIKentia, Com Mesi 949 646n4131 • 714-968 1180 the vent wa.s barely three Inches wlde and it wasn't big enough to get him out "I could put my hand in and feel his head but I couldn't pull him out.· McCulley said. They tried o.lfering him food. even the fancy Frlsldes type. But the little ldtten ate the food and couldn't flgure out a way to get out So after an hour and a half of trying. she asked city General Services for help and they arrived wlth jaddlammers. "We had to jackhammer for an hour and a half because it was so loud and we didn't want him to go deaf." Mc:Culley said Theo she climbed Into the vent and sat there waiting for the kitten to come out. "He did come out and when be did, I grabbed him." she said McCulley said she and others working on the rescue and even watching It. felt an immediate fondness for the distressed ani- mal. "He was so friendly." she said "I thought for sure he was missing from someone's home." saw an upswing ln calls and visits from tourists asking for tips about local actlvi ties. The office fielded 500 requests for information, compared with 315 during the same week a year ago, said Marta Hayden, the bu- reau's executive director. "Our numbers have been up,· Hayden said. "There are so many things to do other than lhe beach." While some businesses are see- ing a downrum, olhers say they haven't been as adversely affected by lhe wealher. Wilh a string of appealing wave riding days, local surfers haven't stopped frequenting lheir favor- ites surf shops. Ouis Flowbee, manning lhe counter at the Frog House on Tuesday, said lhe shop has been hwnming lately. "We've had pretty good waves," Flowbee sald. "So when the waves are good, our business is good." school. Uke most people, I have encountered police officers who are, well, um, rude. Uke when I got my first and only traffic ticket on Orange Avenue (be careful right around Bay Screet.) I remembered th.lnJdng. "Gosh. he didn't have to be so callous." Even though I was getting a ticket, I was smiling and friendly. A little ticked off, but overall pretty pleasant. (Initially hoping I might get out of it.) Now I understand why he was seemingly rude. They can't let thelr guard down. Carelessness can get you killed. I know I am a somewhat civil, non-aggressive, unarmed motorist, but the officer who pulled me over doesn't. He could assume I am harmless. That the toddler seat in the back Indicates I am a sweet local mother, whose wooden platform sandals apparently applied a little too much weight to the accelerator. But we all know what assuming does. More than malcing a donkey out of oneself, police officers are more concerned about making it SALE Continued from A 1 long term lease does hinder the aale of the propeny." A group of local surf board makers opened the Green Room in the early 1990s. Since then, It A kitten was rescued early Friday morning from a narrow vent at an apartment complex. The kitten was then taken to a alened the animal control officers. have a name, McCulley came up shelter and was adopted right McCulley said. with one she thought was perlect away by the woman who had And since the little guy didn't -Jackhammer. Weather forecasters have said the sun should ride high in lhe sky this week. but gloomy times could lay ahead in early July. "It's looking really good this week.· said Steve Vandenburg. a forecaster at the National Wealher Service. "The clouds should be high-tailing it out of here." Vandenburg added that he ex- pects July to be "cooler than nor- mal~ Other business owners .said they could be hurt if the overcast weather persists. Pam Hubbard, who owns The Persimmon Tree on Balboa ls- land, said lhe wealher hasn't had an affect on her bilcini sales so far. "Not yet." Hubbard said. "lf it lasts all the way through August it mighL" • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment. business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@fst1mes.com. home at night. Who knows, my tattoos and piercings could indicate criminal affiliation. I could be tripping out on some weird hallucinogen. I could have a knife in my purse, a gun under the seat or a Little League bat that could be used as a weapon. Not that it's likely, but there is a chance. And when the odds have to do with personal safety, one errs on the side of caution. Too bad lf someone thlnJcs you're a jerk.. You're alive. The guys In my class were far from jecb. I can only think of a handful of times I have laughed harder, or smiled bigger. (No, It had nothing to do with the fact 1 had to intertwine my arms with a strong. courageous police officer -wink. wink.) So next time I get pulled over (not that I am planning Lo In the near future) I won't expect a smile or joke. If they want to wrestle, tJlough. I'm ready. • LOLITA HARPER writu column• Mondaya, Wednesdaya and Frideya. She may be reeched et (949) 674-4276 or by •mail at lollta.h•,.,,.r•t•tlmn.oom. local surfers looJdna for wetsuita, "fun boards• and other surf-re- lated hardware. Steiner bought out the prior owners in June 2001. • MUL CUNlON covers the environment, bu11n .. 1 and polltlce. He may be readied et (949) 784-4330 or by •m1ll 1t • • . ........._,_ GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG INWLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. PROJECT TOGETiiER Project Together seeks adult volunteers to establish a trusting, one-to-one relationship with children stressed from family problems and abuse. This comp~>nent of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the children are economically deprived, victims of neglect or both. (714) 850-8444. READINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students in klndergarten through the third grade. In Costa Mesa: Pomona Elementary School, (949) 515-6980; Whittler Elementary School, (949) 516-6898; Wilson Elementary School, (949) 51~; and New Shall mar Leaming Center, (949) 646-0396, need help for students in reading, writing and English. Mentor seuions may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m., and a~er school from 3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, 1pon80r an angel tree, hold a canned food or toy drive, or make a special gift or donation directly to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Cotta Mua youth organization 11 looklng for volunteers to help create a positive 11tematfve for people 12 to 23. Volunteers are needed to help In areas 1ucn as boxing. sporta, health, fltnela, eeroblca and academic Moring. (949) 648-3265. SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other buslneu profelalonal1 to help small butln ..... 1uc:ceed by 1 .. dlng Mmlnara end cold'llng 1ntr9preneurs onllne. The oorpe 11 a nonprofit dl1r1t1ble organlz1tlon compc>Hd of 11,600 voluntHr bueln ... mentors, both wortlng end m ired, who couneel bu1ln1U11 from nearly 400 offtce1 throughout the country. Call (714) 660-7388, end 11k for membership. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeleu families by helping them set goals and maintain a basic budget. Biiinguai skills needed. Orientation and training provided. Theresa Rowe, (949) 757-1456. SENIOR MEALS AND SERVICES INC. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound senior citizens residing In Costa Mesa who are not able to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. Volunteers are asked to donate at least one hour per week for a six-month period. Substitute drivers are also needed to fill In for regular drivers. (714) 840-6611 or (714) 891-0804. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serving People in Need, 1180 know 81 SPIN, 11 looklng for volunteers to help prepare sack meals for the homeleat, assemble hygiene kit.I, distribute meals and pi<* up food for preparation. SPIN provides move-in costs for housing, case management and support aervicea to famlllu leaving shelters. SPIN workel'1 al80 serve 81 family adviaors or mentors and conducts workahop9 on budgeting and more. Visit SPIN at 2900 Bristol St, Suite H-106, Costa Mesa. (714) 761-1101. SHERMAN LIBRARY &GARDENS You could Hilst with the g1rden, work in the gift and tea shop or become a doc:en1 guide for dllldren and adult.I at Corona del Mar's botanical garden and historical research llbr1ry. Stefanie Knstlaneen, (949) 673-2261. MARTINES..&. Conltance ~. 8om JMUm"Y 17, 1913 In Edlnburah, loottand. Died June 11, 2003 In Newport BMch CaltfomlL Contt8nce 8. euivydla WU M ~~~~ tM lkttlt of ftW ohHdrtn, S brotherl Md • Fu ..... COtllt.ioe Ulumed NlpOnllbll u hMd Of the wMn her Daily Pilot Wednesday, June 25. 2003 A& • FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Cost.a Mesa, CA 92627 • React.n Hotttne: Call (949) 642-&>86 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-meU;Send to d11ilypllot@l11tlmes.com •All correspondence must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoaea). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all 1ubmiulon1 for clarity and length READERS RESPOND Nichols in the hot seat CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CJTY OF COSTA MESA Costa M esa City Hell, n Feir Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 754-5223 AT ISSUE: Should Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols resign because of comments about Mexicans and expanding the grass areas above the Corona del Mar state beach . called a racist. For a Mexican to bad mouth a white man, they just say he is proud to be a Mexican. They should be grateful they are in th is country. DAVID MCLEAN Newport Beach I don't think Dick Nichol<, should resign. He ls right. When we've gone down there to use Corona del Mar State Beach. we've been leered at and jeered at by nothing bu1 people from large famiHes, panicularly Mexicans on the grass. And I have nothing against Mexicans, I think they are wonderful people. but they do stake out this grassy area and some of the sand area and they give you very bad looks. It is like they are taking over the whole beach. I think if any one group were behaving that way. no matter who they are. they !>hould be told that they cannot expand their area. They should stay to the grassy area that they are now, so others can walk by and feel at peace. becau!>e 11 1s very imimidaung We feel that Nichols should resign I 'd like to suggest that Nichols SUE COSTANZO \:ewport Coa!>I I am upset about thl!. councilman Nichols' ~tatemen1 about MeXJcan!> and the grass. And then following up by saying that he didn't mean 10 be racist, that he just didn't want people that were not in the area U'iing the grass. That logic would follow thraugh to say that unless you are a Newport Beach resident, you couldn't use the beaches at Newport, you couldn't use the roads In Newport, you couldn't use the restaurants in Newport. Nichols is way out of line and should resign. He's an embarrassment. JOHNNY CALHOUN Newport Beach immediately. reMgn for his disgusting comment ELEANOR AND IRVING BURG about minorities. Corona del Mar Reading the Pilo t and the request that Dick Nichols resign. I say definitely not. I think Bromberg 1s way out of line in picking up the issue on the Mexicans. Nobody has any problems wi th the Mex.Jeans down here but this probably could have sparked further discussion. not favorable to the Mexicans. Tell Bromberg that this citizen definitely supports l'ichols. ORIN BERGE Corona del Mar I was born in Orange County, I am 52-years-old, and I don't think D1tk :-..ichols should resign It is kmd of a breath of fre'>h air when a politician actually telb you what he is thinking. I'm sure 11 doe' make the mayor of Newport Beach uncomfortable when one of has colleagues says actually what is on hi'> mind. instead of thanlung out everything and trying to plea<;e everybody. You can't please everybody. I'd much rather have a man tell me what is on his mind and be honest. I don't think there 1i. anything wrong with that. We all have the right to feel any way we want. That is what makes America what 11 I'> today. It is kind of sad when a white man sticks up for himself and he gets FRANKDAYAW Newport Beach I am calling to encourage Councilman Nichols to not resign and hang in there. WALTER DRAKE Corona del Mar I think Nicholi. should.!>tay in office. bu1 1f he as going to. he should take a class m diplomacy. cultural awareness and Spanish lessons. BETTY BEHR "lewpon Beach Yes. and I \\1'>h that the Co'ita \lesa nt}' council have as much courage 10 ask 1he -.ame thing of two representatives. Allan Mansoor and Oms Steel and at the same ume. a few c1ti1em. who continually berate a lot of the Lau no communiry \vi than 1he \\'est'>tde. RUSS RAMIREZ Costa Mesa And the sadde'>t pan of all. and 1he greatest cut of all is Nichols sincerely believes that he did not say anything discriminatory. racist. or bigoted. His remarks came out of his heart as naturally and without hesitation as "I love you'' comes out of the hearts of lovers. He absolutely has no consciousness of the context in which he speaks because those feelings are tattooed to his soul. If he were to apologize, his words wouJd not be sincere because he senses no wrong. Yet, I harbor no anger, no animosity, no hatred agam'>t ham because he as 1us1 a man as I am I le loves his wife as I love mme, loves hi'> children as I do mine. dedicates himself to his community as I also do and makes mistakes as I often do. We are the same, even though I am I h!>panac and he is not, and 1f I were to harbor any resentment 11 would poi'>on me more than it would him. and I want neither one of us 10 hun. So, I forgive him and accept him as he .... I lave an Newport Beach. (a long way from 'the concrete garage floor I once k.new a'> bed while a kid in L.A.) and have a large yard Nichols ,., welcomed to come picnic on my gra~sy knolls any time he want'>. I per'>onally want to thank aU the reader'> 1ha1 re<,ponded 10 '>Urpn<,e and 10 .,hod.. to -..:1chob remarks II ,hO\\') th.ii there I') a san<..ere respect and acceptance of d1ver'>11) I congratulate the P1I01 for ns rnuragt:OU'> and accurate repor11ng IL s refre.,h1ng and encouraging to see the P1I01 '>!ep off the Yellow Brick !load to 1ra\er'>e the 1apes1ry of our rnmmun11y\ d1vers1ry. Yes. I know that John Airth 1s suit a prominent c1ll7en lwre an Orange Counry, but so •'>Juan Jose. Bua Nguyen, Mahta Gupta, (_,lady., Knight and every other eLhnic character in our story book. We are now a mulu-colored, Kaleidoscopic garden and It pleases me to '>ee the Daily Pilot not be color intolerant but instead be color sensiuve and color aware. AL ENCINIAS Newport Beach M•vor: Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan. Allan Mansoor, M ike Sc:heafer and Chns Steel CJTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newpon Beacn City Hall, 3300 Newpon Blvd • Newpon Beacn CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 M•vor Steve Bromberg Council Gary Adams John Heffernan, Dick Nichols Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Admm1S1rat1on, 10 C1v1c Center Plaza, Sante Ana. CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd D1striC1 (Costa Mesa, Newpon Beach). (714) 834-3220 • Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newpon Coast). (714) 834 3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive. CoSla Mesa CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR Board· President Ruben A Smith Vice President Patricia VelasquPz Randy Smith Emily Sanford Peggy Ha1dl, James Bartch Deborah Carona Leslie A Ray and Frank Barbero STATE ASSEMBLY John Campbell (RI 70th District State Capitol. Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-mail d1stnctlO a.,assembly.ca gov Ken Maddox (RI, 68th D1stnct, State Capitol, Sacramento CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068, Or local office at 1503 South Coast Drive, Suite 205, Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100, Fax: (714) 668-2 104 E-mail: Ken.Maddox ~ asm ca gov Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRANO PRIZE Sit on the players' bench dunng the match and meet rising tennis star Maria Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday July 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club. from 7·1 O p m This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabilia 1" PLACE One Lucky Reader will win 2 spots in the Players Pro-Am Clinic on Fnday July 18 from 5-6 30 p m at Pal sades Tennis Club. taught by a pro coach or pro player an<! 2 bekets to the Wednesday July 16 match from 7·1 O p m GRAMO PRIZE and 1r PLACE WINNERS W111 be anounced during half.bme on July 16 FIVE LUC«Y W11111£RI wall each receive 2 tickets to either ttie July 16 (vs St. Louis Aces} July 20 (vs Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs. Kansas Crty Explorers} matches All matches start at 7 p.m It's easy to enter. Fill out the entry form below and ma1l 1t to the Daily Pilot (Include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received by Fnday. July 11 at 5 p.m. Or bring it by the Dally Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa during regular business hours Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. No purchase Is necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notlfled prior to the July 16 match. Emp/oytls and tllflr rrllt/vts of t/lf Diiiy Prtot Timi$ Commul){ry Nt#S Lot Al!Qf/a nmu Ind TrilXml ComPlffY If• •ID/f Plctul'tld below: 8rlan MttcPtv. ' QUOTE OF THE DAY "Th e Ducks and the Angels are setting the expectations high.,. Liu Fortmen, Newport Beach Breakers General Manager i M Wednesday, Jme 25, 2003 lpot1I EcllDr Ncha'd Dunn: (949) 57«223 • lpot1I Fu: (949) 650-0170 , , J ~ j r I l I : ( c I I ~~~~-_.....__-, \ ... • ' ' .. • • OUTDOORS ~June gloom hasn't hurt deep sea fishers ~ •" < ,....,..,,_....,....,....,..,,,..---~ .. .. : ~ ... • • • • ~ ' ,. , ,----~ t JIM ~NIEMIEC ~ \ • ~ ... • • • Big albacore biting the line as day-trippers are filling up their catch buckets to the limit. S wiuner can't get here fast enough for harbor area anglers hoping to get a couple of good albacore fishing trips scheduled. Longfins are still staging In an area off Baja Norte and haven't started any kind of migration into channel waters. There is excellent fishing for big albacore for fishermen booking on multi-day trips where full limits are being caught Al Devito of Laguna Beach joined this outdoor writer on a seven day trip aboard the deluxe sportfisher, Searcher, runni.Qgout ofFl.shermansl.andin& 619-226-2403, which resulted In prime fishing for albies, big yellowtall and 100 pound class yeUowfin tuna. The Searcher trolled the outer waters for big schools of albacore and then headed farther south to Alijos Rocks for a couple of days of taclde busting tuna fishing. Devito fished a hot stick and landed a lot of big yellows and tuna. Co-captain Tom Calabrese, a harbor area local who grew up working on sport boats out of Davey's Locker, feels'that albacore should be TENNIS within one-day range of the Newport Harbor based Oeet by the Fourth of July weekend. Water conditions in the channel are Ideal with lots of bait and just the right water temp for this early In the season . Local fishing remains good for passengers fishing all day, hal( day. Y. day, rwt.11ght trips and six pack charters ou1 of both Davey's Locker and Newport Landing Sportfishing. Barracuda are schooled up a few miles off the beach and around Catalina Island and there have beeo good nwnbers of logs sacked by anglers. The See OUTDOORS, Pace AB • • ' " ,. , ' BREAKERS TAKE IT TO THE EXTREME ! Newport Beach World J Team Tennis franchise .i.season in less than two weeks after going through ~ a dress rehearsal Tuesday. Patrick Laverty Daltyf>iot ( The return of what Breakers General Manager Usa Fortman called "extreme tennis" comes with Orange County at an all-time s rts • eDu an eAng are g the expectations high," Fortman said. "So~ got to buck up. The standards have been set and they raised the bar.• Appearances by Davenport at two of the Breakers' &eYe!l home matches (July 8 and 12) and the marquee names of John McBnroe, playing with the New York Sportimes OD Juty 15, and Martina NavratiloYI; competing for the Pblladel· pbla freedoms In the le&IOD ftnale on July 26. lhould keep that bar hlgb. But the key to the Breakers meeting their own expectations w1D be dedded by the public'• wfllingnesa to embrlCe not JUll the big names. The return of World 1Nm 1\mnia, whk:b leaturet 10 tee.ma hm around the country broken tnco two ftve.telm dMaiona. meena • dilennt band of tenm. thin cbal which .. c:un.dy be- ~ :n~~r:..~a.n ....._ ...... doublll, wamaA ........ wOaiia\ tilblll llld ......... ~.-,..oncbe....,='lbe ~ .. ,,. •114 ----... by the first team to win four points, sets played to flw and a 4-4 set decided by a nine-point tiebreaker, the first team to five the set ' EYE OPENER • l>dily~Pilot Ill Spol'tl .... ol,... 1...wnw..i~-- Awle30honoftt PHIL BROWN Daily Pilot DUATHLON Davis • WIDS title Costa Mesa resident and former CdM High volleyball standout captures women's overall championship Sunday. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot For the past 10 years. Sue Davis has been working toward a goal. She ac- complished ii Sunday. Davis, 40. a Costa Mesa resident and a former Corona del Mar HJgh volleyball standout, won her age group and the women's overall title al the U.S. Ouat.h· Ion national championships in Alpha· rena. Ga. She finished the I 0,000-meter run, 40K bike and SK run in 2:07.6 to capture the title over a field of roughly 200 women. "I have been national champion In my age group before.· said Davis, who graduated from CdM In 1980. ·rve fin. ished in second place for women's over- all champion numerous times. This has been a goal of mine for the past I 0 years. "I am thrilled,• she continued ·1 had this belief it would happen. It's been a fun journey. That's whal h's all about It's very gratifying to have ii pay off. I'm no! the most gifted. I'm just persistent · Davis has been competing in dua!h· Ions for the past 14 years. She remained commined to a workout throughout those years. and kept the main goal in mind to serve as motivation. She rides 120-130 miles per week on her bike and runs five days a week. about 30-40 miles throughout the week. Among duathletes, she is In the mas- ter's division, wbJch Is the group for ages 40 and older. She said she has never known a master's division athlete to win the women's overall title. ·Apparently getting older is not an advantage,· Davis said. "But In my case it is." Davis, the former Sue Corea. was one of the original members of the Orange County Volleyball Oub In 1976. She starred at CdM before earning a full. ride scholarship to Arlwna State. · "I'm basically a product of Title oc: she said. Davis works for the city of Newport Beach. coordinating the parldng at the beach. She has been married to Jeff for the past 17 years. The Newport Beach Breakers, the newest World Team Tennis franchise, win feature Lindsay Davenport for two home matches next month, but Russian teen Sharapova, left, is expected to catch the attention of fins tivs unmet 1hi Pahades Tennis Club. She won her mllthlt . Wlnlbledon on 1"'1deyandlt blldu'* ,.,.. ...... ' YOUTH BASEBALL Rockies capture Farm title Team top Padres with 14-run outburst, led by Paz's four doubles in CMNLL championship. The Rockies rebounded from ID eady Jead by the Padres lO win the Costa Mesa National Utde I.ague's 6um division champion· shiJ>i 14-7, June 14. J-. Pa led the Rockies with four doubles. while leadoff hitter GmTea Ha•Jdf had four bits in six lnninp. After the Padres took the early lead on bits by Brtm and Pmtck CZomwrJJ. the Roddes responded with solid de· tensive plays from OMl)'le Shul- mm and Paz. fzlc R-m""'l called a solid game behind the plate for the Rockies and also tallied three sin- gles. Hits by Aaron \\Qcxl and Al Ma:ur helped the Rockies pull llWa)t Glrmt ltMre, Adun Dttt and &1mndo 1hrJIOo added to the offense. SPORTS COSTA MESA AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE Wt<Nsdly, Mle 25. 2003 A1 Mattl.qmos (25)of the Mariners slides into second base as Chris Schaaf of the Robtnwood Little League Reds awaits the tag. The Reds beat the Manners. 10-0, in the Dtstnct 62 Tournament of ChamptOns Saturday. STEVE M<:CRANK I DM.YP1lOT The defense also shined, ei.i>e· dally second baseman Matt Spicer. With a man on first and the Padres threatening, Spicer moved to his rigtlt to 5na8 a groundbaD. tagged the runner and threw to fim for the double play. In the farm division coaches' in- vitadonal game June 14: •The Dodgers' Robert SuDMo had a gJ8lld slam along with two other hit.s while the Rockies' Paz. the Diamondbacks Cole Memtn- .., and the Dodgers' J(ytee Stone also went 3 for 3. YOUTH SOCCER Newport Beach team gains in gold ta\ ~ Heisman meets Lowsman OCYSF Sports Banquet The Astros' Kyle Barnett and the Rocldes' Shulman each had two bits along with a t:riple by the Rocldes' Wood. Dodger Rm Bede drove in Wood. The defenses shined as Astro Rota Prledmul and Dodger Deuuuod lewtl each played solid while the Padres' catcher Plltrtck CuanweJI made two putouts at home. QomweD's tearrunate, Brtm Jolhet1e. played a strong third base and the Marlins' Sergk> \Wenn• was solid at shonstop. The Giants' Cody Stoddard and the Mets' Wee SCone and OJad IW:lda' each hit home runs. Girls under-11 team joins seven other Southland teams in go ld bracket. On the heels of gaining "gold team" status for next year, the Orange Coast Urtlted's Newpon Beach Rush under-I I girls soccer team won the Whittier Tournament on Sunday. The girls outscored their four opponents. 21 · l, in winning all four games. The Rush. the only girls under-11 team from Newport Beach or Costa Mesa that will compete in the Coa:.t Soccer League's gold club bracket. jom seven other Southland reams OCU Rush formed four yeaf') ago becaw.e families wanted a more-advanced level of soccer for their children without the pre<oSure to succeed as can happen in other dub soccer organ.i.za ll o ns. Team members mclude: McKenzie Brown. Jordan Dllllon, Samantha Feinstein, Alison Gordon, Kaylee O'Connor, Jennifer Penunuri, Hayley flaglue, Natalie RempaWd, Brianne Richards, Aahlelgh Smith, Marla Swth, Jennifer Vogal and Marta Tena. Date: Thursday, June 26, 2003 Venue· Anaheim Marriott Hotel 700 West Convention Way Cocktails -6 p.m. Dinner -7 p.m. YOUTH BASEBALL Red Sox top Mariners for double-A title Carson Palmer First selection in 2003 NFL Draft 2002 He1sman Trophy Winner OCYSF Sportsman of the Year Ryan Hoag Final selection In 2003 NFl Draft 2003 Lowsman Trophy Winner Mr. Irrelevant XXV/11 The Newport Beach Little league M championship game was a matchup between two teams riding hot streaks through the playoffs with the Red Sox defeating the Mariners. 8·2, for the dtle last Thursday. Both teams lost thelr first pme in the double-elimination toumament and won five games in a row to play in the championship game. The Marinen. seeded fifth in the tournament. had to defeat the second-seeded Braves two games In a rCM and the Red Sox bad to but the top-seeded Yanbea twice. Cooor Roc:be and Walter Prome scored for the Mariners in the first, then the Red Sox responded by loading the bases and then clearing them on a line-drive triple into the left -center field gap by Cl\ase Favreau. The triple brought in Muon c.ue, Evan Harr, and Andrew McCormack. Baron Brown cracked a single to center to bring home Favreau and the Mariners retired Uam Duddy to end the inning. The Red Sox continued to battle offensively with runs being scored by Nlcholas Roy, Dmd Weltz, and a second by McCormack. who completed his third inning of pitching with the GOLF scort! 7-2. The thrf'e·inmng pitching of clo'>er Mason Case (seven strikeouts) and the dutch fielding by Spender Christoff and Matt VanRoeeem assured a victory for the Red Sox. Skyler Garn scored the Red Sox's final run after EOJott Steele moved him into ~oring position. The Red Sox finished the season 16· 7 -1. Manager Tum Duddy of the Red Sox said: ·The boys came together as team when the playoffs started and to their credit made the big plays when they needed.· ............................................................................................. Come join honorary co-chairmen Paul Tagliabue, Don Kennedy, Tony Moiso and Pete Carroll for the first ever Heisman Lowsman Banquet. Head Table will include former Heisman Trophy winners, Hall of Famers. Raiders. Trojans and Paul Salata as Master of Ceremonies. Ladies and gentlemen welcome. No autographs please. Corporate Tables: $2,500 (includes preferred seating, one (1) seat at pnvate VIP luncheon at The Artz Restaurant with Pete Carroll and access to Pf8-8Vent Celebnty Lounge.) Tables: $1 ,500 Partner event slated for Costa Mesa course Individual Tlcket(s): $150 Note: All tables seat 1 O. C.O.ta Mesa Golf & Country Cub la hosting the two-day jun- lor/aenlor partner summer clu- alc Tuelday and today on the Los Lip coune. The times begin at 8UD. Smlor profealonals must be 45 or older. Partners played a scnunble format on Tuesday and will compete in an alternate-shot format today. Each must pay $700. c:a..b will be awarded to 30IJf> of the field based oo a limit of 40 teams. '01 FORD ESCOITZX2 Sporty 9COflO car, ~ (2152341 'OOFOID FOCUS SE v.,., deon, ..... l2861081 '01 CHEVY CAVALIER Auto. olc. deem (271920t ~.976 '9.976 110.976 First place receives $5,000 while second will gain $4,000 followed by $3,000 for third. After green fees, the remaining money will go to the pune. Details: c.an Sean Collins at (714) 540-7500, ext. 108. Make checks payable to: OCYS. Mail to. Ken Purcell, First American Tltte, 1 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707. For more information. visit www.ocysf.org or contact Ken Purcell at (714) 800-3152 or e-mail at ocysf@cox.net. All proceeds benefft local 0ranQe Count)' ldds and youtll sport$ programs. www.OC'ylf.OfV Federal Tax l.D. Number: 23-7117333 CH(CK O~T THIS HOT O(AU : . 1999FORD F150 LIGHTNING PICKUP Low Miies, Certified (Al2S22) 525,976 'OOCHEVY 510 XCA6 a.on ec:cno tr llCl 11•80451 •10,976 'OOCHEVY ASTRO p~ !'\a <Mo. 12~l7a '13.976 'OOFOID WN>STAILX Pow.rs:: CO. &A"61a •13,976 Brian MacPhie will be the Breakers' primary men's singles player. The new World Team Tennis franchise opens at home on July 8 against the Sacramento Capitals. TENNIS Continued from A6 in a Wtmbledon warm-up in Biimingharn. England recently and Tuesday won her fim- round march at \~.rtmbledon 6-2, 6-l. Oh. and shes been compared 10 Anna Koumi.kova, only that has nothing to do with tennb. With 14 matches in 20 days, Sharapova's time to impress in Newport Beach will be limited. But Fortman looks at the short time span optimistically "It's short relative to other sports," Fortman said. ~But it's also a time frame where people can get in there and get involved and see it through in jts en- tirety." "I think she11 have her own entourage." Fortman said when asked how the Breaker-; will pro· mote the four home date'> that do not have a marquee player scheduled to participate. Some of those orange-<;hin- clad volunteerl> didn't make 11 through the entire dre~ re- hearsal Tuesday. Rut with the real Lindsay Davenpon sched uled to swing a racket rn the home opener, that 'lhouldn't happen again. Breakers Coach Dick Leach ~ -•r . "'"~ ~--;-~, • 1., .. • r·~ -. . "", • -.Jtlf,;._I •• ~~ ' t V"!' •~ -;;: J!!. .e.. r -~ _.... ·•. ·-~"=' •J.,,,. .., , ~. ~ ................ ' ( SPORTS Daily Pilot , JUNIOR TENNIS · r>oubles teru:ns heat up in sectionals Doubles compedtion at the port Beach'a Owile Farmer who because of injury. lOlat annual Southern California defeated Julian Patino and Rob-C.OSta Mesa's We1 8wrowa tional championships bepn Tuesday and that meant a local batde among girls 18-and-under. Newport Coast's Juliet Muttb and partner Alex Jurewitz from Palos Verdes, defeated the New- port Beach combo of Vanessa Dunlap and Diana Khoury 6-2, 6-0 to advance to the quarter- finals. The reward for Mutzke and Ju- rewitz is a meeting today against top-seeded Jessica Nguyen and Danon Beatty at 2:30 p.m. A similar prlz.e awaits Corona del Mar's Robert Koury and New- . . wW meet the boys No. 1-seeded team tn Gary Sacb and Brandon Wal in the second round today at the Loa Caballeros Sports Village in Fountain Valley at 2:30 p.m. Also advancing in the boys doubles competition Tuesday were slxth·seeded Chase Muller and Kaes Yan't Hof, who pre- vailed 6-3, 6-1 and will match up against Cale Planck and Jona- than Tragardh today at 2:30. 'fyler Deck of Newport Beach and partner Blake Meister also advanced to the second round when their opponent withdrew • two seta to the No. 2 leed In the tournament along with partner Ryan Sandburg. Burrows is still allw though in the boys 16-and-Wlder lfJl8les competition'fhree glrla s1oglea players were in actlon Tuesday, but only Alexandrla Walten of Corona del Mar could advance, defeating Irena Katzarkov 6-4, 6-2 in the 14-and-under dMaion. In the l 2s, Newport Beach's Melissa Matsuoka and Balboa's Hailey Hogan both lost. though Hogan extended her opponent to three sets. YOUTH BASKETBALL The Mariners B division boys basketball team won crty and county 2003 championships. OUTDOORS Continued from A6 sand bass bite has also shifted into high gear and limJts of 2-to 5-pound sandies are being targeted all along the coasL Sand and calico bass have moved up to shallower water between Huntington Harbor and the stringer kelp beds off Laguna Beach. Gary Thompkins of Costa Mesa anchored up tus 25-foot Skipjack. just inside the oil ri~ and caught an easy limit of big sand ~ fishing art squid on a l oz. jighead painted white. While Live and cut bait is accounting for the bulk of the fish being harvested, plastics are also effecdve, especially under the lights while fishing a twilight trip. White sea bass still conanue to show up at ca1allna Island with live squid being the key to catching a big croaker. The cat Special has been the top boat of the Newport fleet for the past couple of week.5 with good counts on yeUowtail, sea bass and there has also been a pretty steady pick. on calico bass on the lee side of the island. Jack. Williams of Huntington Beach decked a 34-pound sea bass while fishing on board the Cat Special on a recent trip to Catalina. It's too early in the season to expect any reports on marlin but it's not unusual to hear reports of iwnpers and tailers around the 14 Mile Bank as early as the Fourth of July. An indication of better water conditions are the number of blue sh arlcs showing up around high spots in the channel along with some catches of mako and thresher sharks for private yachts and anglers fishing with the Bongos Sportfishing Oeet based in Newport. Fresh water fishing continues good at local lakes, catfish and bass are taking over top billing with the higher water temperarure. Irvine Lake is being stocked weekly with thousands of pounds of channel catfish and fishing has been good ln Woody's Cove and off Trout Island. Laguna Niguel Lake continues to produce good catches of bass and catfish and the Santa Ana River Lakes are prime fo r nJght time cat:fishlng. l ..... c /DM.Y fll.OT . Alfred Devito of Laguna Beach returned from a successM Iona range ~ aboard the Searcher, opernna out of fishlrmln's Landing, and topped off his trip with this ~ forwftn . FOR THE RECORD t.1111.... .. LltllMalicll ~~~~~~~~ .. ..,. In IM lollowln1 MWt· rtcht to bid 11 the ull Union Hill! School Dn· C-. t1Ptt of a•nerel cwcu· Putcl\aMs must bl me6e t11ct, 1432S Goldenw .. t -• ...__ hon, ptlnttd 1n lllis by e1$11 and p11d for et St Bid& 1. Wntml'Jlll<, -" --r county Newpcwt 8ndl/ the time of putchue. All CA 9261.l, end recelnd Ml •Cir .... '-'. Coste Mui Dilly Pilot purchntd 1ood1 11e 11 or before 2 00 pm., lli.MMI ..... JUMOS200S sold u 111nd must be Mondly,July14,2003 °""""' •-, •wterlt L.lnl <ertw r1movtd 11 time ol Nit heh pr09011I shall .__ .... C.... JUDOI Of THI SUPI: Sale 1, 1ub1tcl to rem1in velid f0t 1 period -or ll1CMt <ou.T c1ncellatlon 1n the event of ~ dayt 1fter the dale ""'-Publlshld fhwport of settlement btlWHn SC>Klf .. d for Ule receipt ........ "*-Bnch·Coste Mtsa Dally landlofd and obha•t•d of p1opouls --Oflll&-Plot .kine 11, 18. 25. July party Tht D1Strlct 1nervts -~-lll--~"illl•,..•1~et .. ~M~ICt111n1-l-2-.2003~~~~~-W-l.88"'1-J-P,nu:1arnl;71in 06LlJ/0~,+"....._""6'~.lo..aled AllJf 1'-ClfSI r--or all ptopouls and to -OfUll lKMI011CI Auctioneer· Wanda waive any 111e1ut1rny -I011C10f PWUCSA&l Norton Bond • S-400-therein CASl ... A21tn0 Of &H--1684, Phone (714) 848· Slpt41 Lew.,. T-e, TO ALL INTERESTED -r.wg11 7314 A .... 1 .. 11tretw .f f"41 PERSOHS: Nolle• Is hereby 1••1n Ayres Self Storaae, & Mvtrltlon S1,..,1c .. 1. Petitioner: DtbOfah that the undtt111ned will Ru1dent Manaaers Det•41 2003 >oy Biker flltd t petition sell at public auchon, Published Newport Published Newpor I with this court for 1 pu"u•nt to Section Beach-Costa Mesa 011ly BHch·Costa M.u D111y dlCTH ch1naln1 namts 21700 of the Business Ptlot June 18. 25. Pilot June 25. July 2. 11 follows: Deborah Joy ind P1ofes11on11 Coda. 2003 Wl92 2003 Wl95 Biker to Deborah Joy lht follow1na desc11bed 2. T~ COURT ORDERS property to wit. OANICL ttlet 111 peraons Inter· ROARK I 61 Ref . body asted In thlt melter shell bo11d, p11n11nas. boos 1ppt1t btfOfe this court mite JASON CARROLL 1t Ult heerin1 lndk:eltd F 24 Skis & booh. bttow to ahow ceuse 1f clolhu comp equip any, why the petition for skateboard cooler ch•nae of ntme should we11hts, misc · not be r•nted Sile Wiii be by com NOTIC OF HE ARING Pthll•a btdd1n1 ( w11tten Date: 7-15·03 Ttme 2 00 sealed bids may be pm Otc>I L73 submitted 1n adunce) T,.. 1ddtt11 of the courl on the 2nd day of July is aame H noted •bo•t at 2 00 P M al lhe J A copy of thtJ Order premises where n•d to Show c111sa shill bt prop111y has bten publtshtd 1t ltHI once stored and which is each wHll for lour louted u AYRES SELF auccusive wttk\ "''°' STORAC( 7012 [rnu1 to the dalt HI foi A•t Hun11nston B11ch hewlnc on the pellllOf'I C1 !714) 8'8 7314 L1pdtprd rncryu, the Policy . N011CI IMTll&IDS Notice IS hereby a•••n that the Board o l lru•ttn of the Hun· ltneton Buth Union Ht&h School 01st11ct will receive request for Proposils for supply1n1 FROZEN FOOO products mtet1n1 or equal lo the spec1ftutions on ltle in the oll1ce of u1d 01\lrtet Proposals shall b• clearly marhd "FROZEN FOOD PRODUCTS 03 04· addrused to Lauren I ene Adm1n1stralor of food & Nutr1t1on Ser- vices, Hunltn&ton Be!K:h fktltlM t.Wss "-S....... The lollow1na persons are dome business u fruarsetnlo. 4!170 Campus Ori•• Suite 100. Newport Buch Call fornta 92660 Tr a•erse1nlo. Inc 4160 S Pecos Ro1d Suite 20 Lu Veau New1d1 89121 Thll bu\lneu 1s •On ducted by a corporauon Have you sl11 ltd do1n2 busmen yet• No Travtneinlo, Inc Dave Cornelius SecrP tary This slltement WIS hi.d w1t11 1111 county Cletk of Or•nae County on 06/09/03 200SH47420 D11ly Pilot June 11. 18, 24, July 2. 2003 Wl86 ActllM ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 periOlls 11• do1n1 b1111neu as RCM APPRAISAL SlR· VICE 24232 Tahoe Court. L11un1 N11uel. C1hfornl1 92677 Rober t Mccosker 24232 T •hoe Cour I l 1aun1 N11ue1 Cal1fornl1 92677 Thia busmen Is con ducted by an Individual Ha•e you alarted do1n1 business yet? Yes. 01/ 03/03 Robert Mccosker lhts statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Or•nee County on 05/30/03 200Ht46491 011ly Pilot June 4, 11 18 2!> 2003 Wl82 RdltlM..-U "-S...... The lollow1n1 persons Ml dot"& bUSl"ISS IS H & H PerftcllOn F lib 11c•1ton. Inc 726 W N1coln A•t Or1n&e CA 92868 ducted by: e corportllon Heva you started dolnt busineu yet? Yu. ";,/4/ 97 H C. H Parfac11on F abuutlon. Inc • David Nauyen CFO Ac:coun tant This sllltmtnl wn filtd with the County Clerk of Or anae County on 05/19/03 200aM4HM D11ly Pilot June 18. 2!1. July2.9.2003 Wl91 ,..... .... "-*'-' The follow1na persons era do1na business .n BC System~. B20 Cau forn1a St . Hunt'"eton Buch. CA 92648 Char ma1ne Santos Bur1on10. 820 Cahforn11 St . Hunt1naton Buch CA92648 This business 1s con ducted by an 1ndtw1du1I Ha•• you started do1n1 business yet7 Yes 051()5 2003 Char ma'"' Santo\ Buraonto lh1s statement wn filed with the Count1 Clerk of Or •nee County on 05/12/03 200U944l21 O.a1ly P1101 June 11 18 25 July 2. 2003 Wl90 How to PJace A .......... ... s...... The lollow1n1 p1nons 111 do1111 busin.u " •) The Computer Handyman b) Computer H1nd1w0tlls c) P1lcl'lm Tech d) P11ct1m Tech 11oloa1es. 3100 Quatll Lint Apt 4 f ullerton C1hl0tn11 92831 t dward Bryson Son ner 3100 Quarl1 Lant Apt 4 Fulltrl<>n Cah lorn11 92831 This bu"nau " ton ducted by •n 1ndl•1du1I Have you 'llrltd do1n1 businen yat1 Vn, 11/ 20/1992 £dwud Bry\on Bonner Th15 llalem•nt wo tiled with the County Clerk of Orance Cou11ty on 0!>/ 19/0J 200S694S2S2 Datly P1101 lune 18. 2~ July 2. 9. 2003 Wl94 RdltiM ...... "-S........ I he follow1n& person" art do1n11 bus1nen u Toyland Huven O•y t ••e 413 Wu.I Cu11e Slreel S•nl• Ana Cahlo1n1a 92 IOI Cheryl r. arohne Dison 413 Wesl Cul'le Street Santi Ana C1hlo1 n11 92707 This bu\mt u 11 con ducted by •n 1nd1•1dual H••• you •tarted dOtnl bu11ntss yet? Wednesday. June 25, 2003 At --------Llplllalc9I -Lii".... .. Vu 12/21/911 Cheryl CarokM Dison ""' sutame11t wn hltd with the County Cler~ of Or_,ana• County on Cl6/0&I03 200H9472M D11ly f'1lot June 11 18. 24 July 2 2003 Wl85 fldlllm ...... ... s..... The tollowln1 ptftons •• • do1n1 bustness H ducted by '" lll~MllMll !4-v• you alMted dOlllc bus1nns y•U fllo SunKloman This stetement •II f1lt4 Wttll the <Minty Clerk of O<a11c• County on O!i/2&/03 200U94602S D11ly Pilot June 4 11 18, 2S 2003 Wl83 1) SOUTHERN CALI The lollow1n1 persons FORNIA FIREPLACE b) are do1n& bu\lnen as SOCAL flR[PlACE 2163 Hanun Rac1n1 USA Rurel Lane Costa Meu 3726·B Santa Fe V1ll11e C1hlorn11 92627 Or South CoHt Matro Patrick O'Lury, 2163 CA 92704 Rur1I l ane Cust• Meu Rach.el Riehl 3726 B C1l1forn11 92627 Santa Ft V1t11ae Or fh1s bus1nns " ton-South Coast Metro CA dueled by •n 1ndt•1du11 92704 Hawe you \tarted dOtni Th1\ bu\1ntu is ton bus1neu yet7 No ducted by )n 1nd•v1du1t P.ilrttk O'Leary I H••e 1ou s tarted do1na Thi\ statement wu businru y•t' No ltled wllh the C<iunly RathHI R1•hl Cterk of 011nc1 C1wnty I This statement wn on 06121 03 f1l~d w1ln lh• County 200J6949019 Ct erk of Or ance County Daily Pilot June ?~ Ju•y on 06 06•0j 2 9, 16. 2003 Wl9'l 20036947242 11~ ~. O•lly Pilot Junt 11 18 ~-2~ July 2 2003 Wl84 ,._s....., leyalllt Covt WHI. • Ne.,ort IHCh' C.ll • for nll t2MO This buslneu 11 con • duded b1 an lndfvldv•I • Hewe '°" It• lad '°""' . b\IMfltH ytU Mo Kn1nD tt.fr- Tllls abtt•-t Wf' flltd WIUI tlM County Cltrll of Or•ns• Cownty All O&.IOliOJ 200,.947470 011ty Ptlot June 11 18 25 July 2 2003 Wl89 Ac-. ..... ........ The follow I"• per "'n• .,. do1n1 bus.Inns .. AGR f1tnn• 1000 South Coast Ome Apt WI03. Costil Meu CA 92626 Armando C.a l1nd<> Ruyb•I 1000 South Cont Or Apt Wl03 Costa Meu CA 92626 I h1\ bu11nen " ton dueled by an 1nd1w1dual Ii••• you st11 ltd do•na bu~•nen yet' No Armando C Roybal ThtS statement wn hied '"'" the County Cler~ of Or1n1• County on 06 06 03 200H947S2S 0.,11 Pilot lun~ 11 18 2!I July 2 200l w 187 Wy• """"14 tt.s ttM ""nyl "-•. Onifflt4 ~ t*yl ('4t)M2-SUI ___ Deadline. Rates and dc:adhncs arc subject to change without nou~ The pubh,her reserves the nght to ccn,or, recl:l.) 11). revise or reject any cla\'>tfied adveruscment. Please rcpon an) error that may be in your c l<b'lfted ad unmcdiatcly. The Dail)' Pilot 3llcph no LiabiJjty for any error m an advertisement for whJch tt may be responsible except for the Clht of the space actually occupied b) the error. Credit can only be allo wed for lht' fir-.1 insertion. CLASSIFrnAD Monda~ ................... Fnda) 5.00pm Tue-,da\ ........... \ttonday 5·00pm B,· Fax <949·1 63 l-M94 1·..,.~ tnduJc )""' 11.&m< ...... l~'l'I< numhn M>d •• II .all \lliJ hit~ "'Ith I f'l''h.C~Ut'it By Phone t<f49J 64:!·567X I lour~ By \lail/ln Pe r~on: ~ lO Wc:,I Ba~ S1rcc:1 Co.-.ta \.1c\.s, CA 916~7 At Ne~pon Bhd & B.i> St Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wedne~ay 5:00pm Frida) ................... Thur~ay 5 OOpm Saturday .................... Fnday 3:00pm Tclt:phone X l0am·5·00pm Monda) -Fnda) Walk-ln 8:30am-5 OOpm Monday·Fnday Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm ANNOUNCIMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE IUSINESS & FINANOAL 1180 1310 EOUAl-- OffOl'MITY All rnl estate •dvtt Usina In I.Illa "'"'''"Pl' .. subltcl to lht r tdelll F t lf Houstna Act ol 1961 as emended whtch m1h1 It 1111111 to •d•«llte ·eny P<•f«· •net, llmltellon or dltcTlmlnellon beHd on rece, color, rellllorl, wa. ll1ndlc9'1, f1miff1I at1tu1 or netlon1I orlatn. or en Intention to make eny such prtfererte11. llm1u lion or d!Kflmlt11tlon • This MWIPIPlf will not llnowlnali accept tny edvlrtlMment for reel utate which la In vlolatlon of the lew. Our 111der1 ert hereby lnfotmed tt11t ell llwtll· lnp IHlnrtlMd In thi• new9'>1t)tr ere evelleblt on 1n equ1I opportunity b•tlt. To co111pl1ln of ell•· ctltnlnttlon "' HUD toll· ,, .. et 1042.4·1590. ow.-...~ ~·Celtwilllll ......... -....... _.Olllo~ ...... ,.., .. ---·--•muY19TAft9 ......... ~-- 2305-2490 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 -Ger-S...,..er4a all colors. all ""s for adoption 10 qu1hf11d hornl!$ www prescue ora Of 714 773 5915 2&05 Balnas ~~~~~-n.u......~ma $600-S 1520/WUICl YI """"' .... ' Postal pot1!1ons 1n Buslneaaand nouncemt111 llN081 Emry c-....a.a..- Profusional lav11 No n••M-3906 uperrence .-ury Paod tr11n1nl/VK alt0ns Call Mondty S.turdly for IAI· info I ~621).1401 • 703 (Mond1y S1turd1 y) (CM.~) w ....... & Dryw. ~th -Mutt Mier lf1c for SJl50 fOf both Cel 949- 640-4617 Of M-6~ HOME FURNISHINGS AMlalCA'S MOTTUT OPf'Ol'TIN'TY. Dex.LAA STORES 1-SX)-829. 2915 Chon your own stOfe Turn~ty IYom $45.900 DoHarStoreStr•ices Com (CAL-SCAN) lt.-MSl"UT\I Vendif1a Rout.. (lnlQul "*'- ... ~ Pmie locatlonS ..,..... "°""' [ &c:.llnt irolil poe.ntl9l ir-trntnt 'fCJ'Std SlO< end ISldlr T ol •• (24'7) 11IDQ1.1.... (~) AM VlNDIMO aoun 80 s.A'W IHta. """' 11>-Cllllora. tl!rfijJ flN9I 25, ~ws.~9311 A S2SCMl fMtsl YIAI pot•nti•I ff om home. Not MLM. C1ll Nowl 1-800-.342-1084 AISOWTI 80lDMINll 60 vendln1 mec:hlnta with u~•llent locetlons .. b Sl0.9115111»~ COlllllCML ,,.El'41Y FOR LfAIE - J01t-l9-40 SOOS·SISO HOMES FOR SALE. ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Batbol Peninsula 'INIMSUl.A CONDOS o,... Set~Svn 1 -4 49 IS ltl"'w Ave fltOM $125,DOO 2U 21THST. J&4..._ 491,_...17._ ... ,..._/J .... 0.-........... ..... n. s.,..tta c. ........ ,,,. ..... ~lblodlt.o baedl. lbr 2tle ~ lbr lbt lower Jcar 111 19690XI Ill 9&574-35911 Index ' . -'-. . .. ., , ' ..... I . . .. ' ' . --= -- . -----.-.....#. CostaMaa f'alAUISTATIS ,ATal<lt TIMOal MATIONWIDI USA 949-956-9705 www patricktenore com ....... ~ Estate Loi I O.(Ollf, orw Jbr Iba, W'1idt New hattna SB,900 Coldwel B"*-. ~ """· 9&m«Jl• a...... ,. ..... wlVt ...,.f lol on quilt strttt nc:ellant cond 89.900 qt. Petrletl Tenore 9"9- 856-9705 f!l!l!t~ ~ 7402-7466 MOWSIO O..afthe~ ..... ... s.r•o.-......... 38r• ~ Orum l>orTll With poo4 $91. BBQ ' 1)11 awo• 4000sf 10.!XX). lot Sl.7f6.00l alt Lall'te Lea-:> 949-50').8923 f'alMIUTATIS PATltl<K TIMOal MATIOMWIDI USA 949-15'-9705 www.p1tricktenore com ........ ,......"'"' custom ntata ..,.,, CMlyotl & OCMn -Offered 11 S6 S00.000 C1e1tll"' ...-Y 949-759-0177 RURAL PROPERTY 11, ..... Fp. , .. FORSAl.E w/d hkUj>S front yard ..,. ___ '!"'" ___ _ decll, n/pels/S,.,.C. S850/ D-~/ mo 9'9-371-7637 ,_MIRtl'"•n .. l '1Hler the Sen ice Directory Ban nL·r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S PESIOENTIAl l'IENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa bland Balboa Peninsula •Mewty •--'•lt4• lilt :1341 Condo s'-to bu ch Ip 2 ur I" SDXlrno Bl<r ~11 .._..., Gcltecl '--"Y lit llo ¥· w pvt &a< Ina welk lo Trt·SQu.tre S895 mo Wa111 trash p1td Klein Manaatrne"t 87J 704 8649 [ I l 9200 •• ~ --2•2/ me>«Bll tnR~°""" Ow UpsUn cow crta. waler 1nstl pd -SI~ Avd klly $500 dip l'iCX> pel HMlmVLlAGI Herllor Blvd@ M9rnmac Wap 11T4)~ .......... .,...-2& 2.S&I tone KJGE le att pr Ip N:. wt> ~OrY rtCld SZJ50rno Klein ~ U1 .11)4.86ot19 £It 91Z46 Oc-view home hlht Oc9'4t Jbr U. condo ru:t 111y 2br 2bt pallos no HS ,._ conwn pool. 1111 smoVpet Qu••t ne11h wd .,, ~ ...,,d lllll. S24SO/mo 9'9 760 8217 ~ S111Xl 9tl!M7J.711Xl LWo -.. • P'llt c-Jlr 2.Sle, "'Cr"'· na ~ 2blcs bCh ~ '"""8C ma-bla wa• ID :b Zia na yard 2c pr belch dbl p pOIX ,._ n.11>m S2Wl ~1 um $2".iOOtno 94g..~1 A STW Tiit $ lotS/Me 'I• OH ttie h t -._. tor 6mo lu!te Newt) remodeled w new •PC* carpet ' cer1mtt tile W ID tr1$tde @ untl 0 'W ' tna 28r S l &.4!> CIR Lora ~ 2224 or 714 6J3. 1m No dop ltlrtt 1~ 1 ....... ... ...... , ,. .. 1 ....... ,...... Nt tMtlilnl1/,•h. $1450949-2 j ... UJT Ya.LA aALIOA 2 MnWl. ~ rp ~rm II psbo comm pool. t.. 'Pl 2c ~ ..... ID bdl ~w1r pd Sl85Cl mo ~129- 11107 ~574-92'3 Gee.4, ............... Jba home, 2-.. pr .. pebo c.omm pool 'It • iznr,,...,_~ fOlt ltlMT IN IWffS Popular E Plan 391 2' 1re1 • f em1tp Room SJ000 mo 949 -644-4909 Sir ue.. 2r; pr 14 IXXl JI lot. ,.. ccmm pool & ~ IWllor .,._ ~ .... Slm'n~\519 Monttfy 1WU Miii Seit .uw .,, a. ... °" ...... Pan 'lrJ ... ""'" llO Uilll~O-. Counlry Property 5815 Com Mia 211t YlAti Y ltllfTAU Newport 811ch Ptl'ln $140Q.Sl9501mo 'II t49 ... 11-1aoo IWffl TOWN HOal 8AYVl[W lB,_ • F,_ LAJICE -c• Pl.AH CUSTOM UPGMD£D EXl'ANOEO SJIOOmo ...,.....,..._ . ...., NOUm 98&2-618 Of'IM SUN 1..S WTIUlf Y£WICM ui:::l~_,. lie ,_ Sl.118.Cm M&lft-10\ITAll- Tep b9y *"" c:crnw prMll tot 11111 I.I« Dlb'a l'lln f7-.<D>FEE ,..., ........ a=Q\?~ ... ~..,.~ Oll===-81/fDJltE llDy...Sll'A ·-=-... rtUtRIY FGRULE M llln ... - llr 4vplta, fp I"• UDOYualYUASI w/d hkups front . l~d & UOO SUMMll HOMIS deck n/peblamll&. S850/ ISILL CIMC>Y RUtl TORS mo 949-371-7637 t4t.,.71-6161 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS? • • • • • • • • • • • 949-411 ....... • DOWN ' Memo r IOl)i: 2 E:.nhenwar• pot J Fo19g11 Cir a Chllrcloel gnl !I Bay ol o Sky hunter 7 Ao<Nll sun god 8 Powdllf', IO llOm4I Bait - .11 .. l•d ........................... ;._;m: .... ;:"'--i .. Mt ~Amltl;::.._:;:---... MM ~ r ge ••w .•• u '-•.• -. .. 1 ... a......-ow.a • , ""~ 1 BY CHAAl.18 OOREN i>!.~1 rr,tetan .,'!'· ~ci :., ~ ':"~ = 111ue, 1uto. co. c111n. :':'~~ 1115721 111.995 II· ~.ciom9M46-78ll ~~~,:J YOU BR THE JUDGE Nonh-Soolh vulnenble. P.ast deal WP.ST ~~:63 (, 65 J •A 105 2 SOUTH •AK J 1084 2 "K J v 10 •J74 The b1ddiJlg; Whl le we arc l10l wikJ bout the tuction. no one can be faulltid. West. klok.ula al two Of thtte tricks in band und ~~ 1n pwtner'h fml suil. certainly canno1 be blamed for dou- est led lhe seven of beans. cov- ered by dumm,(• nine. East rose wilh the '°' and ~fted to the k.ina or dia- monds. Declarer woo with uummy's ace, led a trump to lhe ldl\I. casticd the ace and led the jack to force Olll West's queen. West rcvcned to di•· moods, but dc:clllrer ruffed, drew lhe la~t lr\lmp and eventually summden:J 11 trick to the ace of clubs. Makina four spade~ doubled. "llflC.flt &-rtt1ty1vail Le•n 't• u•oo 811f 949 SM 1888 ""'.~I.-Champaan• 1old/ten lthr. CO. 1old pk&. llltdi 'ts R...i er.4 sugerb. orl1 concl , Swt 2dr coupa, 3 11 V6 $1 ,795 vl2675ll fl· 5911 ml. mel•Hlc blue. nancif1J_ avail Blu ~ 1r1v Int, luhy loaded, 58fH888 www.ocpebi.com orla own• superb Ilk• llkr 949 516-1888 -·!CJM'·'- Co4111ec '90 S.4en D0¥9e St. Morth 98.600 ml. Sefvlud by Nlbors Ctdtllac:. Whlte/Btaclt top. looks Ith 1 convwtlblt. ~ ..... Sy.'-. AM/FM/CO. hc1ll1nl concl. Bollllllt new car. S2!i00/obo 949-646-6no UXUS LX470 '98 Black, ltathlr, lo1ded, •Int cond. 6 CO player. Sl2.000 714 336-135' a-'99 ltX JOO 4XA, Pd. imnac, lh. helled SMb, Ila reel!, tow Pk&. $14,00> 9t9-J!i0.2)2 pHIUJPj AUTO 01~, .... .,. only 18K ml, tR. P•· fOrmanc:e wheeb ( 19394) INQUIAf I 00 i.,,,., XKI C- BeMlblUI ffff'/, Win llllty (19476) $44.980 00 Jo111•r s ry,,. low mlln, per feet. (19171) • S25,980 Tey.-'H ~ LI 401i. ml, 1ct111I. ml. L1i1ur1 World owner, auto, pa, pw, whltl/arey Int, bHut 1•1 new co!MI, Vt755291 14995 Brolltr .... , ...... . --...... ,-· v ... ....-•001 .. ,.. 28' ml, 1p11kll111 black/ oall'IM&I, auto, moonrf, CO w I tllo wJI VW '98 Pnsot OLS V• W1I. auto. mrwf, 63k. ... clean. l2522li6 $10. 995 -.ulo.a>m ~7822 AUTOMOIUS, MllCEUMEOUS 9 WaJl(lrig tile l10of 1 o Homer epoc 31 AttatdOI 32&t11.11on 33 Objec:tl EM>,. SOUTH WEST NORTH I I• INT Dbl 2 l • P9M 2NT h& 4• Dbl P• However, !he conlract should have been defeated, l1lld the error came al the very first trick. Instead of takina Ille ace of hearu. East iJ!ouJd ~imply cover the nioc w1lh the JllCk. Declan:r can win wilh the kine. cash the bi&h lr\lmp~ and f~ out the queen. ai. befon:. but West can now return the remaining hcan. East rises with the ace and another hean promoce~ Wci.t'J nine of ~pade' w the ..etung trid .. Try 11 if )OU don't beheve u,. Co4111oc 'tO S.cfan D0¥9e St. Morfts 98.600 ml. S.vlced by N1bon Cadlllac:. White/Bladt lop. looks Irk• a conve!llblt. PYtmlum Audio System AM/FM/CO E 1t1lltnt cond Boucht new car $2500/obo. 949 646-6nO Maa4o '99 Mlata Conv. 4511 ml, auto, silver, ten top, pw, pl, A/C. CO. superb like new cond. ¥#119743 Sll,995 lln1ncln1 & warranty av.11 Bhr 9'9-586-1888 02 Ac11ro rt J .2 moonroot, loadedl (19455) S24.980 OOIMWXS ••• s,.rt Solver w/Bleck (19443C) $38,980 Wllltld 9045 ,...., o,..r..4 ho6w 0-~ ,-s ··~ Wll r-1 a wry fv pnct for yot9' 11 Wr111111mg hOkl , 2 Dela SlltCt • penner 1 J MOOIMt °' ellc :11 Cut ol beef 23 M4 IO 25 Ta11'11ed 'l7 Oo doun&nt 28~ ..... 29 Footbd QnNtt "E L " mp oyee. "Empleado." "A rbeitnehmer. '' "Employe." 34 Unslable 36 Natural elevs 40 Solar lygtlllT' panei 41 look down on 44 Oev•loped 47 Nylons 49 JOlf\9 up 50 loomsCNet 53 <:aTld s pl 10 II '<' 13 NO IATTEll =::::~ Fmn. ,_ Paa Opening lead: Seven of Study the b1ddmg Md pl:1y ol tlm de.ii, then decide· [)Id nn yooc err and. if M>, who'' Domestic Employment • Ho.nom-/Mt'· * f cle.n & m11nt•m lar ae homes Cooh drove . all duton. elderly & chold u re up 3?3 937 9038 Employment 8500 ' ~ ._ _.., &/• manaced a busmeH, co ~ you sllolb & at*es 10 t~ rl61 bl£s 714-~ •SIWlRS lor children$ clothrne. wo1 k from home Moms, or arand moms wi the touch encouraaed 714 508 9648 OlllVUSi TUMS+ WIST8IN Exp--5ucam. So6d "*5. iiood home tomes. c:ompet1trve pay t>eneltts peck•a•. P•kl vKabon Ckss A all. 22 ~ old. eooci MllR -J93.97l2 (CAI. -st:Hf) CMllVBI~ T,__ pert-Teams, Teams, r.,,. w. ,_, teams 1or the lone haul Ow11e1 opar a ton, uperoenced drown, dis. 1INml _, p eduite students. Cal 1 8B8-M)R[ PAY (l~- 3129) (CAL •SCAN) INTlllNA T10MA&. COOlt- IMNATOR seetlWW tndivld· uals who have the dest-11 to wortl with lnternabonal t.nae-s Fltxtble hours. compensatoon/IJavel In· centives. Also. looktn& for i-t famthes. Cal 1-800- 6J9.(1")64 (CAL •SCAN) NICC Now hlf'ln9 PT Bertender & Waol Staff. Apply In person alter 2:00pm Mond•V Friday 1600 I. <-•t Hwy NI Pubhshone PROMOTIONS OH'AaTMINT Cornmunrty newspllC>ft s on Ora.nee County seells ful rime person lo onter..- ~nd write stor~ plll'bCJ- pate on community events. create and P111n3le ~ ind sections E ACellent communitai-..i.111s won wtl with the publtc Know AP Style Qu...-IU<Press Pl>ot05hop Multl Ad Cte alor Pro~! M MAC and PC CCI desoan e xperience preferred Proofieadone test On>& screeninetphywcal r~ed EOE Excellent btnefot peckaee E ""'~ r ..wrM wrrtlfll ~and Ybly requtremenl ~ to 1aria fOllnsOn@ lllllme$ tom SolH $2000. Soanone Bono$• ~wk based on lecl!-nl earmr~! If wrne one can do 11 so can you' 2 3 qu<1hfled T/V O•ed ma~ & confirmed ap- polnlmen~ daJy1 $1(XXl S2SOO ommedoate p0leotlal.. per week' no e1peroence n«es\al'y1 !:<II 888 543 1788 (CAL •SCAN) JOIN OC.. TIAM and malle a ~ence In Ille Cakf«nca lvmy Nabon.11 Cuard yoti can aet money lot c~ -"' career ttatnln& Cal 1-800-00. CUAAO (CAI. •SCAN) TWIWMB>T~ Go. o ' •+ s.i. R~ 1nd m•~aeis nMded Above ,..,. qe tnCOfl'le C011'4>¥1Y e« C.-tol lree lfi6.8l9-0262 24 hotn (CAL•SCAN) Cotlllloc '01 5evllo SlS silver /crey Ith•. co. chrm whl~. aold l>h&. full feet. hkt new, $18,995 v•596741 fmanetne 1v11I Bkr 949·586·1888 www.ec,-1.c- CHEVY TAHOl lT '02 11.K mi. al uhs. On SIM. 5.8 111. 7" tow pkc. pert anl. $26.00> 9419-JS!>.6110 o ..... '91 011ro1110 h4. super clun, VI, bleck, 1148892 $10,495 WCWIUto com 9t9-64S-78ll -.ocpe1o1.e-- Mil 'It SIOSl auto, 2 top$, super clean, V8, chrome wheels. 11623872 wcwauto.com 949-646-lf!Zl ....... ._ ... (230 ltrhr, mnrf, tmmtc. MJllet ntc.t, "617317 SI0,995 wcwarto com 9$646. lf!Zl M--'n ha '93 I tol 2.3, eoreeous car. llhr. 9211 mnrl. S5995 •548954 wcWIU1o oom 98646-782'2 ~--... -runs a Int, bl a cit. lthr. • d11mond •892740 $5995 wcwauto oom 949-MS-7P/l2 0 •"•• 'tt lntrepl4 Mercodoo loM '73 210 Red, V6, CO. super clean. very nice #535725 SEL Runs eood. auto. lun WCW8Ulocom949~7822 car. •019953 $2995 ferr•I 'tt 360 C-,.o, Fl Red/tan All options, #118072 John NIWPOllT AUTOSPORT 9'9-574-5'00 14 forrOl'I• In stodil Many colors -Red, wh1t1, yellow, black Cell Jim St , John Ryan ' Tim NIWPORT AUTOSPOllT 949-574-5600 wcwauto com 949-646-782'2 MercedH '00 C23 Kompressor Sedan 2lk mi, full fact warr, bleck, 01tmeal lthr, sunroof, beuultflu lokt new co9nd, v875292 $2lk lln1nc1n1 1v11I Bkr 96- 5116 1888 WWW oq>ab.com Morcodot ClSOO '2002 Brtlhant Solver. I IK mo Must••"' $75,000. 949-117-8603 0 I A11tll A• 0110tr11 Only 14K m1. lthr. moonroof ( 19478) 26.980 00 tlncoht U Blaclt w/bt11e moonrool. chromed wheels (193811) S15980 91 IMW 740I H'-' Black/Blk w•tr•nty loaded. (19318) $26,980 ,., ..... is100 Whtie w/ten prem wheels, a b11uly (19440) Sll.980 "M•"-""" 1no w.,... White w/crey, l11th er. chrome wheels. (19-429) $27.980 949-574-7777 PHIWPSAUTO phllllpUllfe.COM Porscho 'OJ Twin lurbo, black tip, tactory lresh V•I025!>6 Jim Sr NEWPORT AUTOSPOllT 949-574-5600 ur Van or trudl pm! far Of not. Call DO Rey ~ TOl'nillll ~ Selll. 7~ 411 1931 or 714-328-3228 CASH fOR CAlS WI NHO Youtl CAR PAID roa oa NOT PHIUWSAUTO ASlt fGa MAlCOf..M 949-574-7777 MOTOR HOMES JOn MOTOR HOMI FOR RENT. Ul<E HEW C CLASS/SLIOE·OUl 949·5)5· 2JO!I BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICB BOAlSSUPS/ MOORltGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Un SUP AVAILAIU IN NIWPOllT HACH S2SOO lUSI 90-500-1005 ,.,, ... , '02 360 s, ...... bl•cklbl•d< All optoons. 1127200 Tim NIWPOllT AUTOS,OU 9 ... s14.uoo Automobiles 9000 h r" ·u M11•ton9 ~ '95 D20 Bii.tiii beaut all cpt none meet rew ~ 'M:. S12500 Sw borv '99 1 ... ,, ... -.mmn-~78?1 2 !>RS bl•ck beauty SLIP NllDIO for 40tt boll luly ' Au1usl Newport Harbor 96n l 9193"" 310291 !119> Convtrt1ble 01 oconal Automotive 900C own~• \ohd car $19.995 --------obo.9-'9 719 2943 Audi •oo A6 Ulo ml, lull I.ct warr metalloc drh blue/erty llhr CD mnrf superb cond S19.79S v•874241 Bkr 949-SH-1111 www.ocpobol.cem HONDA OX '95 Groot C-.lltlOf'I SHOO/ ..... U9-J7t-11S6 .... ~ .. 't 7 llocfoo u 414, auto. •Int •ond CO •lloyi !JOI< mo Mor••"o• '00 1320 16h ac tual mo lull laclory warr turquoou blue l•n llhr moonroof CO chrome whl~ on~ ol the lowest mole Mer cede~ of the yur on Calol v•S57291 SZ8.995 f1nanc1n1 avail Bhr 949 586 1888 w-.ocpolt.c..., MlllClDIS 210 '76 ori& owner, •II r tlOr d~ w"lt k~pt & llean 14SI.. m• s 1490 949 640-6388 IMW •95 5251 ovto, $6900 949-S00-9631 bld•h I owner. noce, touau •95 Troopor Lt ... sunroof •623627 $7495 4x4, ommac throufhout w.-wautocom 9t~7822 very noc~ 1932989 7895 wcwaotocOfTI 949646 7822 MlllCIOfS 280 '76 'oria IMW '97 3211 c .... v. auto /!>k mo, metalhc d1k blue arey llhr fabulous cond throueh out v!S9Z61 $16 995 Im & warr n aot 8kr 949 586-1888 WWW ocpal)t t0m IMW '01 74011 llodi sport pke. hhe new •657632 SJ.4.995 wcwauto.oom 949 646-7f!Zl IMW '19 73Sll Luther sunroof very clean. $4995 •86~59 wcwau1D oom ~7822 J.,... '03 S-Type 4.2 Vf, 15k mo. whole. oatmeal Ith• CO. chtome ~ 6 ~ auto Save I SK, $38. 995 v•rrf.695!> 949 586 1888 8h1 www.ocpol.com JAGUAll '6S XU c • ..,. red/Ian 72k mo Jtbuoll •-c ellent S?9 500 949 644 041 3 J-. "" "'-""' a...i.-V6 2wd CO. "II* daln Vf/ly OIU ~ '215458 wcwMC> com ~ 7f!Zl own., all rtteords well hept & clean. 14Sh mo 11490 949 64-0 6388 Mtrcedo• 'II S60 Sl whote/l•n 1mmac l\bA. l'IB iJllill ,_ !id\ qi. d'ro1'e. Sl4.a:D n4-1'.il 3EoC NI Auto Oeole,.hlp seehs Recept10nost lor k.tmW en~ Con tact VICIOf .. 949-574 nn NI .. _ '95 '•tWl1tdor 414 ommec, wlltte V6 ~ery noce IOI 1299 ~95 wcwautocom ~1822 lmded. mm al RS ~ SI0.500 714 751 2464 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot C ldS!>1f1ed sec11on to find s ervic es from electro nics dnd plumbe rs, to land!>eapers ond painters 0\14111 ...... A Daily Pilot ( ... , ......... d ( CUtUtHllUI V M ....... ,,.,,t(•• HOME, HEALTH AND BuslNESs ~ ..... SeMce Directory C1llforn11 law re quires ~t contrac· tors t1k1ns tobs lhat total $500 or ll'IOft (l1bot or m•lertals) be licensed by lilt Contract ort State license Board State law also rtquores th•t contrector1 include thew llCense number on •II tdvet liSlllC You can check the status ol your hcensed contractor at www cslb c• 1ov or 800-321 ·CSLB Unh ctnatd contnctors hklnc fobs thal total fess then $SOO must slele 1n theor 1dvertlsements that they ere nol hctnnd by the Contractors Sl1t1 license Board " Miia.i Rlnwld•- NI~ AlllN HVAC Air Cond1llon1nc & Heatlnc Service U80t660 9'9 500 9005 Carpet Repalr~les 1)(AA,IT1)CARPIT1) Repatrs. Patchm1. Install Courteous 1ny size 1obs Wholeselel 949 492·0205 Cleaning S<ivooky c1o-Quahty House cleanone. Aflord able rain. 20+Yr$ [Ip free £stmm 714-891 «E.7 & IUSl#ESS •"AMS Upsr Ides, Rep1irs of Computet. Networks. Eveninp/WHhnd_, Comj>etit1v1 prices for qualrty --voc H9..u6·111S 11-..tH-4221 ( Tl 0 IGtN YOURHOMI IMPROVIMINT PROJICTl Call a plumber paonter h1ndyman or any of the crut services hsted here tn our service dorectory! THESE LOCAL SVC P£.OPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Drywall Services Eledrtcal Services DUTCHMAN IUCTltlC LICENSE O/INSUREO COMP£TITIVE RATES L,759337 949 322 6250 UCINSID CONTRACTOR No fOb too SM M w-' Repaor remodel, fens. spe, ,_SVC ~3666 AoorfnWTJle CUSTOM O!ATM TU lnslallatJon, slate. Clf WOIC, ~. Jlont ~ 1975 L.1161~ Jeff 71~12 9961 WITTHOln OllYWAll llAICY sa.w... Repeored All phases sm/lri tobs Reeroultn & lnst1ll1tton CllAHI 20yrs, laor. lree TILE DEAN 949 673 8065 est. L 4CXXOO 7! 4-639 144 7 71 '-846-8526 714 883 2031 s-11 Jeb b portl OullQln Electttc 20Yr\ Exp LocaVQu;c~ Rl!1l)Ollse ~vic:e/Remodl!li Ul275870 949-650-7042 America ectr c LicenHd El1ctr1cal Contractor Small tobs startln111 $79.95&~. Speclallun1 m Rtmodellna & 111 home wir1n1 n.eds. n- 1-800-897-loot Ln829!!4 Garage Doors = t.-fon--l•tl.~ W..ly llWll. "' IJinnq & mst1tt1tlon 25 Yrs HP llc/lnsurtd 949 5'8 4363 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIES Professional. Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDmONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bath Specialists CS CONSTRUcnON Lie# 577982 (949) 709·S642 GanStnllll' 1.Jndsc19lng sawas IVHYTHING& ANYTHING IN A GARDIN. THI DlffHINCI llTWUN llAUTifUl & UQUIS1TL- 9 .. -S1S-H24 s,..1,.. --up Get your yard lookmc b ll9lt b Ole um-. Y•d~sp'rlkllr ~111111~ weekend & llWl quotes Xtro Ho1td ServlcH 714-427-4040 Tree Servke, Yard Cleanup, M11nten1nce, Spnnkler Rep•lr. Heullne (949) 650-8781 Glaa,tllmn Handyma!V Home Repair GFM'.W. ID'J\ll 'fWN'l'FXWJ: * Rmlrr.aal . Umaaal No Job 1bo Small Dan Bamllton 949-322-8292 ~-...... Oryw1ll Repu, Int/Ext P1H1hn& f!ree [ sllm11t Call Bob 7 '4-270-86S4 ffX UP SPICWJST. All type. of repaors Elte· tt1cal. l)lumb'"I. doors, WM' he.an.. .._ & rnn 2~fldays 71•·366-1881 6-nlC--. '~ Carpentry o Plumblnc Drywall o Stucco Palntm1. Tilt & more 20+ Years Expeflencel JI 71'•9'9-S77• JoueyAlw-'• H-• l.,.W S,.clelltt lnllflor & Ealtrlof Ropaou 714·501 6"6 lOlfi74llD ROllNSON COMPANY ~Wll9'8ah00fla ~tk 94' 6SO-ts25 THIHdDYMAN All wotk IUllftntffd ~ £i.ctrbl, Doon. rWlltl c.1q1 & te*'9 House Cleaning Pal~ng Plumb Ing DANA'S HOU5I a.INetG Ch""t'• ,.... 'll'frs e:qi Cloulc """'"'"• New Eur~ S.W:. for I!> Creal Pr1eel Cuaranteed ~ Remodehnc Cu Line yess. ,.,_ lJcln5ed work free est Lt375602 Copper Rtii!Pt lv'f R1cJS 714442-4656 714 538 1534 7 390 2946 LtS 16783 9.49 675 503S --- -. • :.r •• f • • • •• • ' •• ~ ()pet't 7 Deyt LawRaltes Storege Speclel1 ~1981 949-64~4545 HST MOYIRS SSS/Hr. s.w. Al c.tles tnst.ed n63844 1m 246 Z378 JZJ.U>-Wl I oel •I'S CUSTOM PAINTING H<*UT & Rl.ASOHAIU Pron clean. qua~ty worh PLUMBER L•506S86 lnttr10</ut and docks fret Est' Sm r~ l •703468 949-631 ·4610 OClTOJ Om: 714-2.JS-9150 Joy•Of'I'• Pelot'"t Top Quality, Comp1ltt1ve Interior/ht l"648228 Call Jey 949.-650-5066 RAINIOW c:aoJ MAINT Paonlonc Int/ell, ttot.'Aii4 Quakly tob' free estmate l#569897 714 6l6 8888 Plumb Ing SlWll AMDOUll~ (9") .. S-2352 PRICISI PlUMllNG Repaors & R1mod1hn1 FREE ESTIMATE L9687398 714·969 1090 ~ ......... C11•tom Htnd Ptlnt•d "*"TOT"' DUMrlll tiU• & faia, ,...... 714·961-Ull2 Milt far .. , a.t.tl&C AVAii.Ail£ lOOAYI M9UHSM f THl STIUf'PlRI Specla1ttln1 In W•llpapr Remo111I LIS88241 949·360-1211 t•Us ... YOll GWGESAUI II CWSRD 49 642-5671 II 12 Wednesday, June 25, 2003 Wedding owcase Water/ront weddings at the Balboa Bay Club C oupks can cdebrattin nyt; agams a stunnlllg backdrop of sleek yacht.s and sp«tacular bay views at The Balboa Bay Club & Resort. Vows take place on an intimate' waterfront ceremony lawn that is beautifully landscaped and features an Italian stone fountaiJ1. Then as guests sip champagne along the boardwalk, first moments as husband and wife are spent aboard a gondola as the perfect picture is captured on the bay. Reception options abound, ranging from the magnificent grand ballroom which can scat up to 550 or be divided into more intimate settings to the Commodore room for affairs overlooking the bay. Epicurean menus can be customized to fit any taste or style and since festivities aren't limited to just the day of the wedding, The Resort can provide imaginative events ranging from clambake rehearsal dinners, spa and salon days for the bridal party and brunch to round out the weekend. The last thing any couple needs leading up to the big day is additjonaJ stress, so to assist with the planning, The Balboa •EXPERT CLEAN/NS PREMIER The Nation's Foremost Wedding Gown Cleaners. •THOROUGH INSPECTION •ACID-NEUTRAL, PH CONTROL •PACKAGED & SEALED IN #/TROSEN •BOXED IN A MUSEUM STYLE STORAGE BOX If your umJ Jry ckann Jon not folllJw the abow s~s in processing your iown, you an not iettmt m11.SeUm styk pnU'nllll'ion. DO NOT SETTLE FOR ANYTHING BUT THE BEST FOR YOUR EXPENSIVE GOWN. l'IU.\111·.R \l'l·CI \I 1' ( 11· \\IR\ 5422 OCEANUS DR. Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649 1-800-24 -2378 Bay Club & Reso as relationships with upscale partners who pro e musk, floral, photo, video, hair and makeup rvic:es. A complete wedding package includes ear?J space the day prior, rehearsal and wed g day coordination, ceremony sound ttm, white wood padded chairs, private cer ony garden, JtaJjan gondola for a bride and gr m photo, bayfront honeymoon suite for the wed g night and valet service. A wedding host at The Balboa Bay Club & Resort is certain t provide a memorable start to a loving future. For mcm info~tion, call The Balboa Bay Club 6-Resort at (949) ~5-5000. A Weddiig dance created just for you will help pa.kc your special day a last- ing mcrrury. Choose your own song ~---:~;a,.. and your dance preference or we will hdp you Yich your sdcaion. We reach chc fatho/daughrcr dance also. Call noi for your free con~ultacion. DONNA WEBSTER 114 540-1096 mu1iJ:donnA"1,b@J>11eNIJ.net. http:llhome.paJbell.netlbillweb WeJJjng D.J.e by DonnA ... A Dance Cntrted For JO Your Sp«UJ OmuUm. NI advertisif1a supplement to the Daily Pilot, ----------·· '){passion for e~cellence, " iescrioes tk commitment and desires tliat e~t witfi ... f;ffpfia & Omega 'Wedifing Coorr£inators 949-643-8322 ... Wedding Showcase Wednesday, Jine 25, 2003 IJ -Affordable Katering takes care of all your rece ption T he Village Affair at the border of Villa Park and Orange is the newest member of Affordable Katering's family of services. The facility accommodates 180 guests comfortably with a 450-square-foot dance floor and DJ services. Paclcages start at $10.95 per person and include tables, chairs, china, dance floor and a bartender at no extra charge. The Village Affair offers 300 off-street parking spaces and a beautiful garden area and patio. Menu selections include Mexican, Italian, Asian and Continental cuisine. All receptions have a coordinator on-site to make sure you can be a gueit at your own event The scope of services offered includes food, cake, photography. video and a DJ. Affordable Katering is available at more than 30 facilities, or you can choose to have the reception in your own home. The owner and management team has been serving Orange County for more than 20 years. They are licensed, insured and look forward to serving you. Affordable Katmng is available Monday -Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call (800) 67-kater, or visit the Website at wwwaffordablekatmng. com. A R E • MICRODERMABRASION Microdermabrasion (Includes Fociol & Glycolic wom) $ 1 00 reg. $135 Crea te a mem orable ca ke /or your s pecial occas ion at rench 's Cupcake B akery P Janning your wedding involves attention to detail, crea11v1ty and making a variety of decisions about everything from choosing a date to where to go on a honeymoon. There is, however, o~e aspect of your special day that French's CupcaU Bakery of Costa Mesa can addres~ with perM>11aliud ca,e and attention. French's Cupcake Bakery adds a special touch to your wedding day by using a reproduction of your favorite photo to det.orate your cake. Bring in an 8 x I 0 or smaller, black and white or \.Olor photo into the store. That photo will be sc.inned onto edible nee p.iper and printed with food coloring instead of ink, then transferred onto the face of the cak.e. Jerry French initially saw this d1:.t1nct1ve technique used at a show hosted by the California Baken Assocaa11on and brought the innovative method back to Costa Mesa. Th~ photo cakes are a great way to celebrate weddings. engagement parties, anmver~ane~. birthdays or any memorable evenL Your dress, flowers, music and food have all been carefully cho!>en to reflet.1 vour unique \t\'le and ta\te\. Your personaJized cake will be the final, s1gnc11ure touch. French's Cupcake Bakery has been plea!>ing customers for dose 10 50 years. Owners Diane .ind Jerrv 1-rench take delight in offering customer\ .i variety of baked goods including breads. c.ook1e!>, pa,tne\ .ind '-clke' French's Cupcake Bakery rs located ut 27 J £ 17tli St., Co) ta Mesa Gill f949 J 642-0571 Cu_p t ure every expres.Hc>n. ever\/ laugfr. • OXYGEN FACIALS Oxygen Treatments $70 reg. $85 Endermologic Cellulite 9 ·~ every ·word-spoken, ana a(( of tft e emotrons l fza t make tft rs th e most precious am( romantic A I • GLYCOUC TREATMENTS • FEATURING YONKA PARIS SKINCARE Treatments $65 reg. $100 Acne Treatments by Vivont Phormocevticols $65 reg. $80 BARBA RA DI M ERCURIO Licensed Esthetician 1705 W ESTCLI FF DR • NEWPORT BEACH , CA 92660 949.642.9791 714.396.3770 Cell - -J CT cla y o_f y our fives. ('J>ROFESSIONAL (:/.)1<.,;ITAL ) ll>H)l;W.AHtY & ·{DI flN(j f·)lW.V ICl S Captunnµ fifefonµ memone.) tllrouµh creatrve & artDtn Vl.)um :) 949-374-3465 :) 1enfuny, 1det> a ext rte.( om l' I 5 c II' >J Wedding Package 4 Hr. Cruise, Catering, Bar, Flowers, Cake, Photographer, DJ, Minis_ter, Coordinator 200 Guests -$61.00 per person · 100 Guests -$77.00 per ~rson l I I 14 We<hsday, June 25, 2003 Wedding Showc a se The ·Wedding D ance Dance to help couples feel confidmt and look great when they dance their wedding Every couple's dance is unique and choreographed especially for them. She also has a selection of music to help them choose a song if they don't have a favorite song. Many prospective grooms call to ask questions and to make an appointment. They want to know the dance, how to lead, and look and feel good. All lessons are private and the couple receives personal attention. She also teaches the father/daughter, mother/son dance and the entire wedding party if couples would like to include them. Webster was a professional jazz. dancer for many years. She performed with shows in Las Vegas, New York and Florida, and for television and movies. She has choreographed shows, stage acts and helped singers with their moves. She teaches ballroom dancing including popular Latin dances and country western dances. Call The Wedding Dance at (714) 540-1096. Your dream wedding ·can come tru e wedding planning tum into frustration, exhaustion or an overw c g project. Be a guest at your own wedding_ We stress quality over quantity and place high emphasis on service and a high level of integrity. At Alpha & Omega, creating wonderfully elegant, unique weddings is our specialty. We can plan aroupd your desires countless ways. More importantly, by working together, we can plan a wedding exactly as you would like it. With a variety of reputable vendors available, we save you hours of research and take care of the details from start to finish. Before you know it, you'IJ be ready for your wedding -a day that's as individual as you !""e -all you need to do is show up. While there are many different ways to customize your wedding, there's only one way to get started -come in for an in-depth wedding consultation, tailored to fit your needs. We now have a home office in l.Aguna Niguel and one in Newport Beach. Call (949) 643-8322 for a day or evening appointment; we will be glad to work around your schedule. Alplra 0-Omega is a member of the Association of Bndal Consultants. 1(tJ Christ Church by the Sea'1 Un ited Methodist we are a beautiful Spanish-style church on the Balboa Peninsula offtringfull wedding services with pastoral care. Our maximum capacity is 225. ( !!l:reun <!Jfa{{ r& a dllf lo remem/Jer . 1400 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach 949/673-3805 f WATERFRONT WEDDI N GS Celebrate in style against a stunning backdrop of sleek yachts and spectacular bay views at The Balboa Bay Club & Resort in Newport Beach. Recite vows overlooking the water then enjoy first moments as husband and wife aboard a romantic gondo- la. Reception options abound ranging from intimate waterfront venues to the magnificent grand ballroom, all completed by a custom menu of superb cuisine. For more information about weddings on the bay, please call 949-645-5000 . ,-.. YkPfia4oaf49? WM ttPd~ .. \ 1221 West Coast Highway I Newport Beach I California 92663 9•9 6•5-5000 I Fax: 9•9 630·•2 t 5 I www.balboabayclub.com ( f I Wedding Showcase Wednesday, June 25, 2003 II -Add an elegant sound to your event Celebrate your special day water/ront dinin at ViDa Nova intimate atmosp~re for wedding ceremonies and receptions. The Harmonia Baroque Players represents this warm ambience for such events. The ensemble is Orange County's only professional Baroque chamber music group. In addition to weddings, the ensemble presents an annual concert series in Newport Beach, Pasadena and Hennosa Beach. Members of the group can also be heard live at various Borders Books and Music stores. versatile, they have several demo caucttes featuring various ensembles. At the time of the c.oruuhation, they will work with clients on musical selections for parts of the ceremony. If a personal consultation is not convenient, they will be happy to send information including a repertoire list, fee table, references and sample cassdte by mail. The Harmonia Baroque Players offers a large repertoire of music suitable for weddings that is accepted by the Catholic Church. Their repertoire extends from classical and light classical to popular and folk music. Located on the waterfront since 1967, Villa Nova offers a breathtaking Vlcw of Newport Harbor in an ambience reminiscent of an Italian countryside. It ts the perfect destination for wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, bwiness get-togcthers, awards ceremonies and holiday parties of 25 to 125. Guests enjoy the many special amenities of the private dining rooms including a private bar and humidor, outdoor patio and complimentary valet parking. The professional, courteou) )taff caters to your individuaJ needs and those of your guests so you can relax and enjoy the event. The Private Dining Room is available for the )malJer parties of 25 or less. This intimate and luxurious room offers a unique dining experience. Your guests will enioy a five course meaJ accompanied by fine wines, specially selected by the sommelier, in the privacy and comforts of this beautiful room. The Harmonia Baroque Players includes a vocalist and musicians playing the violin, viola, ceUo, flute, recorder, oboe, lute, guitar, harp and harpsichord. This versatile group can provide a vocal or instrumental soloist or perform as a duet, trio, quartet or other instrumental combinations. "One of our unique features is that we offer a frtt. personal consultation," said group leader Maria Frankl For the reception, they usualJy play a mixture of light classical and popular music, depending on each client's wishes. They are happy to pl.iy special requests. If some of tfie music chosen ~ not in their repertoire, they will learn it to help make your special day memorable. Winner of the pre)t1g1ous Gold Award for ltaJian dmu:g, Villa Nova serve~ 1r.iJ11111n.1l ltJli,1n cuisine prepared by Executive Chef Sonny Mergenthaler. Menu selections are dl·,1~n.:d IP '1111 wur taste and budget. V1lla Nova') event coordinators Wlll assist you with all of vour part\ pl.1nr1111!'. needs and emure that your event wilJ be a successful, stress-free evening. They encourage their clients to take advantage of this by making an appointment to listen to various Call (714) 970-8545; fax (714) 970-8439. \'1511 ocartmet.org/ham1011ia. Villa Nova 1s located at 3131 West Coast Highway"' Newport Beach (111/ \M9 Ml -.~'<II \ 1 11 www.v1/l<111ovaresra11ra111.com. STEVENS t CROSS COSMETIC ST U DIO For everything you need to look beautifal on your wedding day! Makeup + Hair + Brow Design Facials + Waxing + Bridal Consultations 949.646.1394 2650 Avon, Newport Beach 92663 www. stevensandc ross. com 355 S. Bristol St. 'Britfa[ SaWn Our INCREDIBLE Super Summer Sale · IS NOW HAPPENING Hun re o exquisite designer gowns DRASTICALLY REDUCED 30% to 70% You have to see it to believe it! To receive our traditional personal assistance during this fabulous sale, please callfor your special appointment 714-546-5700 Costa Mesa, CA ' 14 Wednesday, June 25, 2003 Wedding Showcase M advef1Jslnl supplement to the D~ Pilot The Wedding Dance onna W d>stcr developed The Wedding Dance to help couples f«I confident and g Every couple's dance is unique and choreographed especially for them. She also has a selection of music to help them choose a song if they don't have a favorite song. Many prospective grooms call to ask questions and to make an appointment. They want to know the dance, how to lead, and look and feel good. All lessons arc private and the couple receives personal attention. She also teaches the father/daughter, mother/son dance and the entire wedding party if couples would Ii.kc to include them. Webster was a professional jazz dancer for many years. She performed with shows in Las Vegas, New York and Florida, and for television and movies. She has choreographed shows, stage acts and helped singers with their moves. She teaches ballroom dancing including popular Latin dances and country western dances. Call The Wedding Dance at (714) 540-1096. Your dream wedding ·can come true ftcr you say "I do," take advantage of the assist:ance we provide. Don't let wedding planning tum into frustration, cxhawtion or an overwhelming proJect. a guest at your own w mg. c stress qu ty over quantity an place high emphasis on Krvice and a high level of int~ty. At Alpha 8c Omega, creating wonderfully elegant, unique weddings is our specialty. We can plan around your desires countless ways. Mor:c importantly, by working together, we can plan a wedding exactly as you would Ii.kc it. With a variety of reputable vendors available, we save you hours of research and ta}(c care of the details from start to finish. Before you know it, you'll be ready for your wedding -a day that's as individual as you ~c -all you need to do is show up. While there arc many different ways to customize your wedding, there's only one way to get started -come in for an in-depth wedding consultation, tailored to fit your needs. We now havt a home offia in Laguna Niguel and one in Newport Beach. Call (949) 643-8322 for a day or evening appointment; we will bt glad to work around your schedule. Alpha & Omega is a member of the Association of Bridal Consultants. ~ Christ Church by the Sea'1 United Methodist Wt are a beautiful Spanish-style church on the Balboa Peninsula ojferingfo// wedding services with pastoral care. Our maximum capacity is 225. !!J;;euer 01j.(f r-J (l rl°i lo rememlxr . litinctive (atenng in ~our home or one of 01 FABUlOUS LOCAD 1400 W Balboa Blvd ., Newport Beach 949/673-3805 Waterftcn locations, Yachts, Mansions, Museums and Gardlll Wedding Sites availabli r WATERFRONT WEDDINGS Celebrate in style against a stunning backdrop of sleek yachts and spectacular bay views at The Balboa Bay Club & Resort in New rt Beach. Recite vows overlookin the water then en'o first moments as husband and wife aboard a romantic gondo- la. Reception options abound ranging from intimate waterfront venues to the magnificent grand ballroom, all completed by a custom menu of superb cuisine. For more information about weddings on the bay, please call 949-645-5000. '? YZW~PJu;t WM ttPll~ -\ 1221 West Coast Highway I Newport Beach I California 92663 949 645-5000 I Fax: 949 630-4215 I www.balboabayclub.com ( f • kl ldvertlsma sopp1ement to the Datty Pilot Wedding Showcase Wednesday, June 25. 2003 81 Add an elegant sound to your event Celebrate your special day water/ront dining at ViDa Nova • ivc chamber ff'lusic creates _____ ...__ a f4 • intimate atmosphere for wedding ceremonies and rcaptions. The Harmonia Baroque Players represents this warm ambience for such C'Vents. The ensemble is Orange County's only profmionaJ Baroque chamber music group. In addition to weddings, the ensemble presents an annual concert series in Newport Beach, Pasadena and Hermosa Beach. Members of the group can also be heard live at various Borders Books and Music stores. The Harmonia Baroque Players includes a vocalist and musicians playing the violin, viola, cello, flute, rrcorder, oboe, lute, gujtar, harp and harpsichord. This versatile group can provide a vocal or instrumental soloist or perform as a duet, trio, quartet or other instrumental combmations. "One of our unique features IS that we offer a free, personaJ consultation," said group leader Maria Frankl. They encourage their clients to take advantage of this by making an appointment to listen to various instnunental combinations on a compact disc. Beau~ they are so versatile, they have several demo caSldteS featuring various ememblcs. At the time of the consultation, they will work with clients on musicaJ selections for parts of the ceremony. If a personal consultation is not convenient, they will be happy to send information including a repertoire list, ftt table, references and sample cas.sctte by mail. The Harmonia Baroque Players offers a large repertoire of music suitable for weddings that is acapted by the Catholic Church. Their repertoire extends from classical and hght classical to popular and folk music. For the reception, they usually play a mixture of light classical and popular music, depending on each client's wishes. They are happy to play special requests. If some of the muslC chosen is not in their repertoire, they will learn it to help make your speciaJ day memorable. Call (714) 970-8545;/ax (714 ) 970-8439. Vwt ocartsnet.orglharmor11a. Located on the waterfront sinct 1967, Villa Nova offers a breathtaking view of Newport Harbor in an ambience reminiscent of an Italian countryside. It is the perfect destination for wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, business get-togethers, awards ceremonies and holiday parties of 25 to 125. Guests enjoy the many special amenities of the private dining rooms including a private bar and humidor, outdoor patio .ind complimentary valet parking. The professional, courteous staff caters to your individual needs and those of your guests so you can relax and enjoy the event. The Private Dining Room 1s available for the smaller part1e~ of 25 o r less. This intimate and luxurious room offers a unique dining experience. Your guest~ w11J en1oy a five course meal .iccompamed by fine wines, specially selected by the sommelier, in the privacy and comforts of this beautiful room. Winner of the prest1g1ous Gold Award for Italian dmir.g. Villa Nova serve\ trc1dt1ion.il flc1lt.u1 cuil>ine prepared by Executive Chef Sonny Mergenthaler. Menu selections .ue de,1gn~·d to ,111• 11ur tJSte and budget. Villa Nova's event coordinators wilJ assist you with all of vour pam pl.1111rn11.: need~ and emure that your event will be a successful, stress-free evening. Villa Nova is lornted ut J/Jl West Coast Highway 1r1 Nt!Wport Beach. Call f949 fil~ ~8.'<IJ \ 1 1• wwlv. villa11ovuresra11ru11t.com. STEVENS t CROSS COSMETIC ST U DIO For every_thing you need to look beauti.fol on your wedding day! Makeup + Hair + Brow Design Facials + Waxing + Bridal Consultations 949.646.1394 2650 Avon, Newport Beach 92663 www. steven sandc ross. com 355 S. Bristol St. f 'Britf a[ S afon Our INCREDIBLE Super Summer Sale IS NOW HAPPENING Hundreds of exquisite designer gowns DRASTICALLY REDUCED 30% to 70% You liave to see it to believe it! To receive our traditional personal assistance during this fabulous sale, please call for your special appointment 714-546-5700 ' Costa Mesa, CA I ' I ·-........... ...... '-'-~sday. June 25, 2003 Wedding Showc~se AA actvertisioa supplement to tne Daily Pilot Swimwear and vacation apparel that · · ur-koneymoon eeds Stevens and Cross: a premier cosmetic studio. • Cross combined talents to aeate .. It is a teaching procas -showing w . f you've been having trouble finding ~ perttct swim or beachwear for your honeymoon. an appointment, stop by or shop their online catalog. Ginger's Wand will wist you in selecting the best designs to flatter your body type. They carry a great selection of swimwear, co-coordinating cover-ups, sarongs, cabana shorts and pants, evening party wear, beach shoes, ba~ and accessories. The I n 1990, Richard Stew.ns and Julia ~..,..,.._,..... ____ ....,... __ comfortable with. Stevm.s and Cross Cosmetic women how to use makeup properly .• ti!' search is over! Stop by Gm,.'s ~ -they specialize in Olie·to--Order bildnis and swim and island wear for any body sh.ape and size. With more than 300 fabrics and 100 styles to chooK from. they guarantee you will haw a wonderful experience creating essential garments for your honeymoon in a ~ and comfortable environment. In fact, you'll probably come back year afttr year for all of your vacation apparel needs. Whether it's a three-hour tour, vacation or just a fun in the sun day, you will never be stranded without the ~ect island attire. Make --000. . -- -,"-~""''-experience of the Ginger's Island team is extensive with multiple backgrounds in design, pattern making and garment production. All of their garments arc proudly made-to-order in the United States. Ginger's Island, 27132 Paseo Espada. 1410, San Juan Capistrano. Call (949) 489-7608 ar (877) 462-1186. Visit Studio in Newport Beach. A premier We worlc with each woman's makeup studio in Southern c.alifornia, individual personality, eliminating Stevens and Croa devote much of problem areas and adding a few new tbrir time to educating women about thinp. .. Stevens said "When a woman makeup. They continue tO worlc with goes to a makeup counter, the choica professional models on video and can be overwhelming. We provide I photo shoots, and specialize in helpful information that they can't get weddin~ and social galas. in a store." On your wedding day, one of the In addition to makeup artistry, most treasured days of your life, Stcvcn.s and Cross specialitt in hair Stevens and Cross have the combined styling (great updos), facials, waxing. knowledge and experience to make the brow shaping and tinting. bride, as well as her entire wedding "We refer to our staff as the "from party, look and feel naturally the neck up group," Stevens said glamorous and truly spccia1. The airy studio, rcrnini.sant of an 1 "My goal is to bring makeup artistry Italian villa is warm and inviting. as to all women through an emphasis on well i'S eclectic. j basic techniques that really make a difference, and yet arc so "When the bride-to-be and her wedding party leave simple they are often overlooked," SU'Vtns said. "We make our studio after we have worked with them, they arc the bride and her wedding party feel special and create a comfortable, relaxed and cwurcd. That just adds to the natural look that lasts all day long with minimal touch-up." beauty on that very special day," Stevens said. Stevens and Cross will meet with the bride-to-be during an Stevens and Cross Ccsmetic Studio is located at 2650 I initial consultation, to find out what look she is most Avon, Newport Beach. Call (949) 646-1394. HAUTE COUTURE ---.. ....... --· ,,,,,,.. - ---= ----- t[fie wedding day is tfie beginning of a marvelous adventure of love, and for tliis reason you sfiould cfioost a dress tfiat is really yours, and expresses your individuality. Custom Designed: Wedding gowns :Motlier of tne bride 'Bridesmaids r"flower girls 'Evening , formal • wear, and special occasions • Unique custom wedding cakes &om award-winning designs • 38 ycan of professional experience, tradition & quality service •Complimentary cake ta.sting \IC •\,"'•\\1\ ' \I I "• "·•• . :, ( ''"'" 'i111ul.n French's Cupcake Bakery is not affiliated with any other Bakery in Orange Cou nty. FRENCH'S CUPCAKE BAKERY 273 E. 17th Street, C:Osta Mesa For a Personaliud Service, Toll Free at 1.866.621.1154 949/642-0571 FAX: 949/642-5551 FreochsBak.e .com .. 7 . WEDDING ON THE GREEN A wedding reception in Orange County- the perfection of The Westridge Room The simple elegance of Westridge Golf Club provides a perfect setting for any affair, at an affordable price. Whether your wedding event is formal or casual, the Westridge Room offers the ideal atmosphere. From the dining room and outdoor patio, guests have a panoramic view of the majestic San Gabriel Mountains, lake and 18th green. The dining room, event lawn and patio can accommodate a small gathering or up to 500 guests for a sit-down reception. Come to Westridge and experience traditional style and elegance. WESTRIDGE e 0 L • C L u ·• Call Robert ~ee, Food & Beverage Director 562.690.4300 x115 1400 S. la Habra Hills Dr., la Habra, CA 9063 I I kl advertising supplement to the Dally Piiot Wedding Showcase Wednesday June 25 2003 Ir Plan the perfect honeymoon By Kathy Scott Y ou have planned your wedding for months, Jumped through the hoops of etiquette, tried to please both sides of the family, sweated it out at the altar, shaken a hundred hands, hugged a hundred people and now you're ready to be alone and have some fun. You desperately need this special time together. And you deserve to start your life together in a romantic, quiet atmosphere. Here are some honeymoon hints for you to do just that. Decide upon the perfect hotel or motel by considering what you both like. Do you both like the outdoors? How about a hideaway a stone's throw away from a picturesque Jake or nestJed beside a purple mountain? Do you both enjoy delving into history? Check out a special inn near some of country's memorials or important monuments. A bed and breakfast near a bicycle trail or some quaint shops might be your cup of tea. If you marry in the summer, a trip to the Caribbean may be worth your wh1Je to investigate. The hot months are ~low for the Caribbean. Once you decide on your destination , talk to each other and discus' the activities in which you would like to participate, together and alone. Yes, I said alone - on your honeymoon! Part of relaxing after a blissful, yet stressfuJ, wedding is finding some time for yourself. The bride may want to get a faciaJ while the groom has a massage. The bride couJd go snorkeling while the groom goes sailing. FancifuJ dinners, evening stroUs and afternoon naps are alJ part of a fantastic honeymoon. Whether playing together or alone, plan some of your activtties ahead of time so you can enjoy yourselves and each other when you arrive at your destination. Don't be bashful about spreading the good news that you are newlyweds. Most people like to spoil honeymooners. Champagne, a romantic dinner, flowers or a special gift couJd greet you as you enter your honeymoon suite. Remember to pack your marriage license in your suitcase, though. You may need to prove your nuptials. The last few tips are short and sweet. Don't travel the night of your wedding. Relax at a nearby hotel before setung out on the big trip. You deserve to be as rested and ready for your trip as possible. Double-check your accommodations the week before your wedding. Make sure you're secure in what you've planned with the hotel or motel. You might want to consider spending less on your room and more on activities, meals or gifts. You may even want to do something a littJe crazy to make your honeymoon especially memorable. You could try bungee jumping, crocodile wrestling or speed boat racing. Above all, pamper yourselves and celebrate your love and your new life together. & The Village Affair Reception Facility Packages from s 10°0 per person 1 (800) .67KATER www.affordablekatering.com J Mon Amie Bridal Salon features summer sale extra vaganza ., . M on Amie Bridal Salon in Costa Me~d is acclaimed for their oubtanding selection of American and international designer gowm. They are now presenting their exciting summer sale. AJJ the top designer gowm including Lazaro, Reem Acr.1, Ju~un.i McCaffrey, Alvina Valenta, Peter Langner, AmsaJe Monique Lhu1ll1er, Edgardo Bonill.i, Ines d1 S.1010, Tomasina, Eve of Mil.id y, Ev.ilinJ Couture, RJVJm, St. Pu1.lh1 and man) exquisite gowns de~1gned exd u\1vely for Mon Amie. cJn be found during this sale. Mon Amie\ spa1.1ou' 'wre provtdes an .itmo.,phert' of \tvle Jnd elegance. This wonderful ~tore offer'> everything for the bride from bndJI I I I go''"' le h,ir.J II• • nd l"l'\\IHIC:\ tit for a rnn,e" Y•HI '"II •111d 'Pl'U.tl dcpartmenh tor br1dl·,mJ1J, tl"wcr ... girl~. mothu ot the hndl' and an ;.: altcrJllom dcpartmlnt rl'llci~nc:d for ll~ expc:rt ta1lonn~ . .\ 1on Amtl ''one: 11! th;: countn 'me"t \.t·khrJln! hndal ,alon' ::: .. honored wnh tht· prl·,11~111u' HnJc, •• Award of I xu:lknu• from Bndi:' :: .. Maga11ne . •• seled11in, hnde' rl·alh \.JO J\.h1c:ve 1u\l ;: the look thev h,1, l' env1,mned tor .. , . .. , ~. bride' ~a r1.h tor ht·r pakd !:'!"''n 111111 :: an enchanting expenc:rhl :: Don '1 miss rht) suit 11( ,a/n! for" personal appo111rmmr e all .'I.ton .\m1r .Bndtil ~Ion, 1;1-l 5-Ui-5700. C<>,er g1111·11 pli<>r<'. 111·utl111'1t ar \fon Amrt". •• ... ·• 'kWednesday, June 25, 2003 '«eddlng Showc.ose An advertising supplement to the Daily Piiot Countdown to your wedding day !Flowering your b.ig day By Kathy Scott r be countdown is on to your big day. Here's a rundown of how to plan the next couple of months. Bight weeks and counting ... By this time, you should have the dresses ordered and, hopefully, in hand. If you've not started alterations, make an appointment right away. Tuxedos should also be chosen and ready for pick-up. Make sure your cake is ordered. Double check that the reception site, the phot~grapher and the caterer are still booked as planned. It is time tp mail your invitations. Be sure the return address is that of the person paying for and planning the reception. Also, this is the party to whom the RSVP will go. Start making plans for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Inform your bridal party as to the date and time of the rehearsal. Also let them know how they should dress for this event. Schedule the bridesm.Uds' luncheon. This is a time for you and your bridesmaids to relax and enjoy a peaceful meal together amidst the hurry and scurry of wedding plans. Have you had a shower yet? Now would be a great time to "prod" your maid of honor if you haven't had that event yet. It is also time to talk with the maid of honor and best man about the bachelor and bachelorette parties. The current trend is to have fairly mild get-togethers several weeks before the wedding date. More and more couples opt to forego wild and crazy bashes for quiet, simple getaways with special friends. Five weeks and counting ... It's time to soJidify plans for transportation from home to the wedding site and from lite wedding site to the reception site. Buy the gifts for your attendants. Purchase your wedding rings if that has not been done, and double check the amount of time it will take to size those rings. You should also have your engagement portr.Ut taken and submit it to local newspapers. Investigate the cost of publishing your announcement. Some newspapers charge up to $50, depending on the amount of information you want to divulge. Four weeks and counting ... Now is the time to get that final dress fitting. Talk with your hair stylist and nail technician about makeup, colors and hairstyles. Try them out. See what you like. Hand out checklists to friends and family members helping with the wedding. They will appreciate the help and your organizational skills. Once you have your final guest list, contact the caterer with the count, and plan the seating arrangements. Then all you have to do is print the programs, make the favors and find a guest book. Oh, and don't forget to relax! OF NEWPORT ,,...--· I By Tresa Erick.son A s you plan the flonl arrangements for your wedding, you will be faced wit.Q many questions. What kind of bouquet will you carry? How many centerpieces will you need for the reception? What kind ofboutonniere will your groom wear? These are just some of the issues you will have · to discuss with your florist. Mer you have selected the colors of your wedding, you can start thinking about the flowers. To get ideas, go to the library and check out some books on floral arranging, or look through some bridal magazines. Make photocopies or clip out pictures of arrangements you like. Collect them together with swatches of your wedding colors to give to the florist later. In the floral world, flowers carry meaning. Tulips, for instance, symbolize love; daisies, innocence; and honeysuckle, generosity. Ivy .__,,, Roma"'tic dates, Ma,.,.ia9e p,.oposals, #Messa9e ii'\ a Bottle" Bit"fhdays & Anniversa .. ies, ()-~ ' ~t:c:ATERING Patti McHone WtDDJN~, Office & Bachelorette Pa..+ies1 Valentil'\es, Ch~istmas Light To .... ,.s ... • 5,,..,.prise "Kidnappil'\9N Or 3...st For F ... nl (949) 675-1212 Fo~(949)675-8812 €-moil, uondolt:INB@aol.com Web s1le1 www.9ondolas.co ..... Director of Catering at ~11Qilll1il>~~· Q.arde~ and OCMA (Orange County Museum of Art) ~ Corona Del Mar -Make your Wedding Day Elegant -Weddings -Receptions -Special Occasions • 949,__,z61,__,6B6B • L...... pattiwattll@>yahoo.com .~ represents eternal fidelity, while fems represent sincerity. Keep this in mind as you choose the flowers and greenery for the floral arrangements . at your wedding. Once you have a few ideas, consider whether you will use real or silk flowers. There are pros and ·cons to each. Real !lowers smell wonderful, but they are less hardy and more expensive than silk flowers. To reduce costs, consider using flowers in season. Although they do not have a scent, silk flowers cost less and they can be displayed easier after your wedding. No matter if you use real or silk flowers, the number and size of your floral arrangements, especially your bouquet, should fit your budget and your needs. Generally, the larger an arrangement, the more it costs. If you have a small budget and need several pieces, you may have to choose smaller arrangements. As for your bridal bouquet, make sure you select a size that fits your stature. You don't want to be burdened with a huge bouquet that covers half of your dress. Once you have an idea of the type, size and number of arrangements you will need, it's time to select a florist. Depending on your needs, it could be a crafty friend or a flower shop down the street. The person you choose should be creative. They should also be reliable and flexible in case you need to make changes to your arrangements later. No matter whom you choose, make sure you are comfortable with their services. Then give them your ideas and color swatches, and watch them create some beautiful floral arrangements for your wedding. BEAUTIFUL MUSIC FOR YOUR WEDDING CEREMONY & RECEPTION Baroque • OusicaJ Popular • Solo Duet • Trio Quartet • Quintet fr« Consult;mon Demo Tape Available Wedding Showcase WedneSday, ,,..,. 25, 2003 ... c!ean and preserve your cherished wedding gown F ew things arc as chenshcd as a wedding gown. With the careful planning that goes into selecting the perfect gown, many brides choose to heirloom the dre~s as a keepsake. A properly preserved gown preserves the dream of pctss1ng 11 down to a daughter or dose family friend. While a gown may be worn JU\I one day, and not appear soiled, it will require careful cleaning. Hidden ~1hng includes perspiration and body oils. Long gown<> Wlll pick up \011 along the hemline and train and very likely, there will be food and bever.ige \pills. Some stains, which are not immediately vmble, will develop with age through oxidation causing discolorctt1on, ·fabric weak.ne~\ and damage to lhe gown. Our wedding gown specictfo~ c.irefully examine every gown, establishing the most suitable mt>thod of clcctning. Inspections arc made at every stage of the clean mg and pre~rvatlon process. Each wedding gown receives special and individual handling, Wlth anenuon given to every detail. Our newly designed museum-\tyle storage boxes feature state-of-the-ctrt moisture ctnd oxygen wntrol technology. Traditional wedding gown storage boxes do not proted or guarantee against oxidation or "yellowing" of the gown. Our ctdvanced ~ysten1 guctrctntees that your gown wilJ be as good as the dav you wore II down the aisle. Your dress I\ c.arefully se.iled man acid-free inner box that controls humidity. The oxygen 1s purged and replaced wilh ctn inert gas, malcing oxidation vtrtu.illy 1mpo,s1ble. Our sealed pack.aging .tllows viewing of your gown and veil at ctny time, while protelling your gown from mold, mildew, inscC1 damage ctnd oxidation. The inner box 1s placed an a durable, long-term storage t.h~t for add1tionctJ ~fety. For estimates and nrnrt' rnf<trmatron, call Prem1tr Specralty Cleantrs at (800) 245-2378 Tirey are lo•att.I at 5422 Oceanw Drivt, Huntington Btach. ........ -..YIM ...... .,... _ .. iii......,.,.. Alrfl¥. let't IOI '9 our..,. Ind dis in. am-thni ~»firdeninl • ~ mc1 dW Work ihoalCI idliJlt llalt It leUt a ,at in ldvMu. Ph. om ii lhe i.111er·~ mearching and planD.ing ... Ptiiue two it the prrpering. pruning and planting -.. And pbile ttitti ia .mty and cleaft-up. Planning ii the Uy to creating a prdm that can come toptha for a day. 'IM 6nt .up is to gather information. Invite the bride and ~ fot a tour of the garden and . tikc at least two hours to m.aU a multitude of decisions. ranging from where the can and food will go to how much to budFt for the cvmt. AfteT a debate, you may also be able to decide on the wtdding's colon. Working with colon can be difficult I recommend picking more than one color for AowttS. Finding a varidy of 6o~ ~with the same color, with the '3.IDe bloom date, is not easy. It ii also easier to find cooler colon in the cooler montlu. such as the pastels of primulas, stocb and azaleas, and hotter colors in the hotter months, •uch as coreopais, salvias and daisies. . Once decisions a.re agreed upon, a plan can be hatched. Borrowed· from the batticfieJd, a Time:on-Target philosophy i• employed. Working backwards from the cvmt date, research the time required to get a bloom from all the tlowns selected. From th~ bloom times a planting calendar is created. Sunset's Western Gardening book ii a great tool for this job. Starting wdl ahead of the first planting date, phase two begiru.. All the big work occurs in this phase: construction (wallcways, patio stru<..nires and benches), pruning and weedi.Dg. Pruning early in the ycv is critical. Removing the bulk of the wood early gives the plants • ~ NCO"Nr. ~-lo pM:tb ..... .ol1iloW. ii.,. impoitant Pl .... prinlfti; The..,..,."' ~it difedty lmbd to dW amount Ol 80Wm. Weediog now is important too. becwle1t •ves a Joe OI time around the fVtnt datt. Kttping an eye on the calmdar, planting ttwn ~ Owr the ytan 1 have leamtd that dvre are IOMe d:iiDp you can do, there are tome things you can't do and then there a.re things that you should tty. For exam~. became a bride insisted on a particular color, we took a gambJe for a wedding and delayed planting Glactiolus bulbs for two months. hoping they would still bloom in Septeuiber, The gamble paid off and the guats were amazed at seeing Gladiolus so late in the season. In the final phase, close attention should be given to det.ails novices may not think about: Preparing the wallcways for the worst case scenario -an old bdy in high heels. Pathways should be leveled and rolltd, the protruding nails and gaps in dee.ks should be removed. and handrails shculd be added and tightened. These precautions arc more apt to make a difference if the ~ding ii planned for twilight or night. Interestingly, the most important thing I haw learned about gardening for weddings came from a gardener-in Northern California. Harry Nieuwboer. He Jw three daughters, two of which took their vows in his three-quarters acre garden. After 20 years of gardening his adviu evolved from his role as a father and husband. . "Take care of the family first.• he said. "The garden is secondary. The important part is that everyone should go home thinking that their contnl>ution was the right thing to do ... • For mort informatWn, call Garden Shed Productions 11t (949) 515-8824. G e t the Garden Ready for Your Biggest Day Design, Install and Maintain Incredible and Exquisite Color Perfect Pruning, All Safety Precaution s Walkway , Barriers and Shade Structures Garden Shed Productions Specializing in Gardening for Special 949.515.8824 .5D1, FJIXSS & NIElllU£ WAWI•,._ ... gU ----..... ~ _{etulfarrtOtt do tohat th<;9 do 6estl CffJiere-will aH ~ur-out;pf l:owncff~LesLs saw:> At the Fairfield Inn - Mission Viejo accommodations at a reasonable price. In addition to our spacious rooms, we offer our guests a complimentary Continental Breakfast, complimentary cable channels and .compllmentary local calls. Our dedicated and friendty staff can arrange airport . shuttle service as well as provide compll~ lhuttle0 seMce within a 5- mffe radius of the hotel. $79.00 0on•t delay, call todayl 1-800-950-1099 • . .. ., - f .. 8*,Wednesday, June 25, 2003 Wedding Showc.ase By Kathy Scott r he countdown is on to your big day. Here's a rundown of how to plan the next couple of months. Bight weeks and counting ... By this time, you should have the dresses ordered and, hopefully, in hand. If you've not started alterations, make an appointment right away. Tuxedos should also be chosen and ready for pick-up. Make sure your cake is ordered. Double check that the reception site, the phot?grapher and the caterer are still booked as planned. It is time to mail your invitations. Be sure the return address is that of the person paying for 'and planning the reception. Also, this is the party to whom the RSVP will go. Start making plans for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Inform your bridal party as to the date and time of the rehearsal. Also let them know how they should dress for this event. Schedule the bridesmaids' luncheon. This is a time for you and your bridesmaids to relax and enjoy a peaceful meal together amidst the hurry and scurry of wedding plans. Have you had a shower yet? Now would be a great time to "prod" your maid of honor if you haven't had that event yet. It is also time to talk with the maid of honor and best man about the bachelor and bachelorette parties. The current trend is to have fairly mild get-togethers several weeks before the wedding date. More and more couples opt to forego wild and crazy bashes for quiet, simple getaways with special friends. Five weeks and counting ... It's time to solidify plans for transportation from home to the wedding site and from the wedding site to the reception site. Buy the gifts for your attendants. Purchase your wedding rings if that has not been done, and double check the amount of time it will take to size those rings. You should also have your engagement portrait taken and submit it to local newspapers. Investigate the cost of publishing your announcement. Some newspapers charge up to $50, depending on the amount of information you want to divulge. Four weeks and counting ... Now is the time to get that final dress fitting. Talk with your hair stylist and nail technician about makeup, colors and hairstyles. Try them out.· See what you like. Hand out checklists to friends and family members helping with the wedding. They will appreciate the help and your organizational skills. Once you have your final guest list, contact the caterer with the count, and plan the seating arrangements. Then all you have to do is print the programs, make the favors and find a guest book. Oh, and don't forget to relax! OF NEWPORT r-r-· I , By Tresa Erickson A s you plan the floral arrangements for your wedding. you will be faced witl;i many questions. What kind of bouquet will you carry? How many centerpieces will you need for the reception? Wba't kind of boutonniere will your groom wear? These are just some of the issues you will have · to discuss with your florist. After you have selected the colors of your wedding, you can start thinking about the flowers. To get ideas, go to the library and check out some books on flor~I arranging, or look through some bri~al magazines. Make photocopies or clip out pictures of arrangements you like. Collect them together with swatches of your wedding colors to give to the florist later. In the floral world, flowers carry meaning. Tulips, for instance, symbolize love; daisies, innocence; and honeysuckle, generosity. Ivy ·~ ( o1f I I 1111/1111/c' I 1 .11/,,/,/, 'Ro»\al'\tic d a tes, M a >'>'ia9e p ,.oposals, •Messa9e i"' a B ottleN Bi,.thdays & ,A.,.,ivet'Sa .. ies, ()..~ ' ~t:cATER ING Patti McHone W€DDJNC.S, Office & B ache lo ,.ette P a ,.ties, Va lel'\til'\es1 Ch~ist»\GIS Li9 ht To ... t'S ... .s..,,.p,.ise #Kidl'\a ppi"'9" Q , 3 ... st Fo• F.,"I (949) 675-1212 Fax (949)675-8812 &mailr uo..dol~B@aol.com W eb site r www.9o"dolas.com Director of Catering at J.ll~Li.bn\cy"~~ I and OCMA (Orange Counry Museum of An) 1 ~ Corona Del Mar -Make your Wedding Day Elegant -Weddings -Receptions -Special Occasions I 949,_.,z6 l #V6868 I ~. pattiwatti!@yahoo.com . ~ An advertising supplement to the Daily Pilot represents eternal fidelity, while ferns represent sincerity. Keep this in mind as you choose the flowers and greenery for the floral arrangements at your wedding. Once you have a few ideas, consider whether you will use real or silk flowers. There are pros and 'cons to each. Real Jlowers smell wonderful, but they are less hardy and more expensive than silk flowers. To reduce costs, consider using flowers in season. Although they do not have a scent, silk flowers cost less and they can be displayed easier after your wedding. No matter if you use real or silk flowers, the number and size of your floral arrangements, especially your bouquet, should fit your budget and your needs. Generally, the larger an arrangement, the more it costs. If you have a small budget and need several pieces, you may have to choose smaller arrangements. As for your bridal bouquet, make sure you select a size that fits your stature. You don't want to be burdened with a huge bouquet that covers half of your dress. Once you have an idea of the type, size and number of arrangements you wilJ need, it's time to select a florist. Depending on your needs, it could be a crafty friend or a flower shop down the street. The person you choose should be creative. They should also be reliable and flexible in case you need to make changes to your arrangements later. No matter whom you choose, make sure you are comfortable with their services. Then give them your ideas and color swatches, and watch them create some beautiful floral arrangements for your wedding. ' BEAlITIFUL MUSIC FOR YOUR WEDDING CEREMONY &. RECEPTION Baroque • ClwicaJ Popular • Solo Duct• Trio Quartet • Quintet Fret' Consulm1on .Demo Tape Available Wedding Showcase Wednesday, ..vie 25, 2003 It" Let Premier Specia /t Cleaners cean an cherished preserve your wedding gown F ew things are as cherished as a wedding gown. With the careful planning that goes into selecting the perfect gown, many brides choose to heirloom the dress as a keepsake. A properly preserved gown preserves the dream of pdssi ng it down to a daughter or close family friend. WhJle a gown may be worn iust one ddy, and not appear soiled, it will require careful cle.mmg. Hidden soiling includes perspiration and body oils. Long gowns will pick up soil dlong the hemline and train and very likely, there will be food and beverage ~pills. Some stains, which are not immediately v1s1ble, will develop with age through oxiddtion causing discoloration, 'fabric weakness and damage to the gown. Our wedding gown spel1ahsts larefully exami ne every gown, establishing the most sull.ible method of cleaning. lmpect1ons are made at every stage of the cleaning and preservation process. Each wedding gown receives special and ind1v1dudl handling, with anention given to every detail. Our newly designed museum· style storage boxes feature state-of-the·Mt moisture and oxygen control technology. Traditional wedding gown storage boxes do not protect or gudrantee against oxidation or "yellowing" of the gown. Our advanced '.>ystem guar dntees that yo ur gown will be as good as the dav you wore 1t down the aisle. Your dress i\ caretuUv sealed in an acid-free inner box that controls humidity. The oxygen 1s purged and replaced with an inert gas, making oxidation virtually impossible. Our sealed packaging allows viewing of your gown and veil at any time, while protecting your gown from mold, mildew, insect damdge .ind ox1d.ition. The inner box h placed in a durable, long·term storage che-;t for .idd1t1onaJ safety. For estimates a111J more m{orma11011, call Prcm1" Spccwlty Cleaners at (800) 245·2378. Thev '"e loi:.ated at 5422 Ocemws Dnve, Huntington Beach. ....... .,._ ..... y. --·~ ltlabilOlute--~ 'kt'• ... ap.,... ..... ad dis in. ,,...~.,. ... ~~for~lnit ihe work lhoald ~ .. at latt. yar in edftnu. Pbite one ii dw......,, ratardUng and~ ~· Phate two it the PftPlriDto pruning and planting .... And ~ tb.rft ia Midy and dean-up. Pllnnh'I ia dw key to aadng a garden that can come ~for a~-The &rit step is to gather information. hmte the bride and lt90"' for a tour o( the garden and • tlM at lnlt two boUn to mau a multitude of decisiom, ,...... &om where the can and food will go to how much to budert for the evmL Aft.tr a debate, you may a1IO be able to~ on the wedding's colorr. Working with colors can be difficult. J recommend picking more than one c:oJor for flowers. Finding a variety of Bower types with the same color, with the same bloom date, ii not easy. It is also easier to find cooler colors in the cooler months, such as the pastels of primulas, stocb and azaleas, and hotter colors in the hotter months, such as coreopsis., salvias and daisies. . Oou decisiOlU arc agreed upon, a plan can be hatched. Borrowed from the battlefield, a Time~on-Target philosophy is employed. Working baclcwards from the event date, resean:h the time required to get a bloom from all the 8owus selected. From these bloom times a planting calendar is outed. Sunset's Western Gardening book ii a great too) for this job. Starting ~11 ahead of the fust planting date, phase two begins. All the big work occurs in this phase: constructio n (walkways, patio stn:<.t\1res and benches), pruning and weedi.Dg. Pruning early in the yev is critical Removing the bulk of the wood early gives the plants • ~NCONr-~-&opeecU•diltcJilbilDW II all01n ~ P,--~ Theamo.n& OI 1Uollght ie clireaty Wed to the amount OI 80Wrn. Weeding now is im~rtant too, bccaGK-il aves a Jot OI timt around the nmt dalL Kiq>ing an~ on IM Wtndar, planting then ~ Over the years I have learned that there are some lhiqi you can do, t.Mre ate sorm thiJip you can't do and then there are tbing1 that you should try. For example. bec:aule a bride insisted on a particular color, ~ took a gamble for a wedding and ~layed planting Gla<fiolus bulbs for two months, hoping tht:y would still bloom in September. The gamble paid off md the pests were amaud at seeing Gladiolus so late in the seuon. In the final phase, close attention should be given to details novica may not think about: Preparing the walkways for the worst case accnario -an old lady in high heels. Pathways should be levekd and rolled, the protruding nails and gaps in ~should be removed, and handfails sbculd be added and tightmed. Tht'Se precautions are more apt to maJcc a diffacnce if the wedding is planned for twilight or night. Interestingly, the most important thing 1 ha~ learned about gardening for wecldinp came from a gar~~r.m Northern California. Harry Ni~r. He has thrtt dalJ.ghters, two of which took thdr vows in his thrtt-quarters acre garden. After 20 yean of gardening his adviu evolved from his role as a father and hwband. • . "Take care of the family first." be said. "The garden is ~ndary. The important part is that everyone should go home thinking tlut their contn"bution was the right lhing to do ... • Por more infomwtion, call Garden Shed Product'Wns at (949) 515·8824. G et the Garden Ready for Your Biggest Day Design, Install and Maintain Incredible and Exquisite C olor Pe rfect Pruning, All Safety Precautions W alkways , Barriers and Shade Structures Garden Shed Productions Specializing in Gardening for Special 949.515.8824 SDI, ~ & NIEllll1..f'£ WRWl•All. ...... jt'U ..... -___ ,__ ~l u ffiuvvQtt; do tohat th'CI do 6est / ct!Jrere t0ttf aU ~011tff town311ests sfflcY_~ At the Fairfield Inn - Mission Viejo We provide quality accommodations at a addition to our spacious rooms, we offer our guests a complimentary Continental Breakfast,· complimentary cable channels and complimentary local calls . . Our dedicated and friendly staff can arrange airport . shuttle service as well as provide oompllmet'llalY~ shuttle. service within a 5- mlle radius of the hotel. $79.00 Don~ ~. call todayl 1-800-950-1 .. ---. .. .,.. - Wednesdey, June 25, 2003 Wedding Sh owc a se An advertlslna supplement to the Daily Pilot ~ep your diamonds sparkling ,. t is a tiny box covered in velvet. You arc looking down on the man you love as he knccls in front of you, his face full of hope, his shaking hands holding this • box. You bear tbc quiet creak and snap as he opens the small, soft treasure ' ~· Inside is the mo~ beautiful diamond ring you have ever seen and you fall in liwe with him all over again. A& the months go by, YQU cherub -your enpgement ~more and mo.re. And your wedding ring is jUJt as elegant. Your love sparkles as ~as the diamonds. You want to ca.re for your rings so they will last as long u ~ love and here arc some ways you can do that: · • • • To clean your rings and other jewcl.ry pieces, use a gentle, non-detergent soap. Drop each piece into some soapy water for about 10 minutes and ~ a soft ~brush to loosen the dirt. Then rinse each off and d.ry with a soft towel. Do not ~ toothpaste to clean jewel.ry because it can be too abrasive. 1 .. To clean diamonds, you can buy a liquid jewelry cleaner at jewelry stores and at piy discount stores. Read the directions carefully before you use it. You can also ihix a 50-50 solution of water and ammonia in a cup, then soak your diamonds for }:;&{an hour. Gently brush them, rinse and pat d.ry. Herc's an interesting t'Wist. Dip your diamonds in vodka ,, - -·--··-·- before washing to rid them of grease. •Caring for pearls might be better handled by a jeweler. You can help kecP them clean, however, by making sure you put them on after makeup and Mirspray. Have your pearls checked every couple of years to make sure thay don't need to be restrung. • It is not a good idea to drop your jewelry into a drawer. The glow and shimmer will last so much longer if each item is wrapped in tissue paper and stored in plastic. Snack-sized, zippered plastic bags arc ideal. Another way to store your jewelry is to· wrap each piece in tissue paper and store them in individual cloth bags. •You should ta.kc your jewelry off when working around the house, ga.rden or participating in sports. While cleaning, avoid getting your rings in chlorine bleach. The person to completely care for all of your jewelry is a reputable jeweler. But using these tips can help keep your precious gems, pearls and gold looking beautiful between visits. To be on the safe side. have those special symbols of your love checked on a regular basis. Essentials Skin Care y, cvuyone is • g the "fountain of youth," however they do not want to go th.rough the painful procedures or spend a fortune to attain that youthful look. Barbara DiMcrcurio, owner and operator of Easentials Skin Care in Newport Beach, bu a treatment for the skin that is revolutionary and ama.iing in its results. What is so revolutionary about t:tW peel is it is painless with no downtime and the re.ulta are ouutanding. Basically, this is a micro-dennabrasion peel that takes the top layer of slcin away and rejuvenates the slcin to start producing collagen. A client can come in on their lunch hou.r, receive the power peel and be back at work within the hour with a slightly pinkish tone to their skin. From the very first peel, a healthy, vibrant glow is non-surgical and safe for all slcin types. It is a great way to make the skin look fabulous with no discomfort. There are so many advcrt:ia_ements to improve you skin -laser treatments, chemical pee.ls, face lifts, etc. However, all of those procedures are expensive, painful and significant down time is required for healing and sometimes the outcome of the procedure is a radical, not a oatural change to the appearance. Microdennabrasion can ta.kc years off your appearance with just two or th.rec treatments and you will see a natural change to the skin -a healthy, rested glow. The imperfections -wrinkles, sunspots, acne scars -fade and it takes years off your appearance, all with just a few treatments and in less than an hour. Most people a.re interested in looking great and being the best they can be. Going to the gym, running, playing tennis, all of these things a.re healthy and help keep the body in shape. But, the time comes in everyone's life when they need a little help to turn back time and keep that healthy, youthful appearance. DiMercurio has the machine that can do that for you and in a simple, painless procedure. DiMercurio is a licensed csthetician who has been in the skin care business for 14 years. Her salon is located in Wcstcliff unter, Newport Beach. She offers everything from a variety of facials, glycolic peels and oxygen treatments all geared to your exact skin type. She uses onJy top quality products, namely Yonka, a European line. She prides herself on caring for all types of skin and having the ability to know exactly what product to use on each of her client's skin to give them the best results. The praise she receives from her dedicated clients is testimony to her work. What is really unique about DiMcrcurio is she really cares about every dient that walks through' the door and takes the lime ,to sit down and determine what they want to accompli~h Wlth her treatments. A facial by DiMercurio is no1 only wonderful for the skin, but aJso more relaxing than a body massage. All of her products are incorporated with aromatherapy and have a calming effect on the body and mind. But, as therapeut•~ and wonderful as her tredtments are, the results she achieves are unbelievable. From the 25 ycdr old who is experiencing acne to the 35 year old who wants a hydrating facial to the SO year old who wants to look younger -DiMerc.uno ha.., the background and experience to know just )Vhat to do. If you want your skm to be the very be~t it C.ln be, with a re~ted, youthful and healthy glow, calJ the expert. Barbara DiMercurio at £ssent1aJs Skm Care. Essentials Skin Cart, I 705 Westcl1ff Drrve, .\'t'WJ>orf Bearh. Call (949) 641-9791. :w~O~. ffrs~~·9 COSTA M ESA, CALIFORNIA -'OURING OVER~ ~(M,J. IN OUR NEWLY REMODELED STORE. TO RECEIVE UNINTERRUPTED, ~uz/ ~ Pt.EASE CALL FOR YOUR RSONAL ~ l.t/Y'<HA/n~ .9¢.9. Z!~ ~~a.J We Specialize in Wedding Receptions * Rehearsal Dinners and Engagement Parties On The \%ter in Newport Beach 949-642-7880 . 3131 WEIT COAST HIGHWAY www. viU.nov11mt11,,,.,,,."""' •