HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-28 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. Serving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 2003 AYSO sues former commissioner Anthony Anish of Costa Mesa is accused of misappropria ting more than $1 00,000 of soccer funds from Newport-Mesa region. send a message about the 1m-received from thmgs suc:h as propriety of An1sh's actions. registrations and fund·ra1-.1ng. ·I believe the conduct war-according to the lawswt rant'> lhe imposition of both AYSO officials first suspected general damages and punitive Anish around the faU of 2002 (damages!.· said Mike Wade, when they began discovering fi- AYSO\ attorney. nancial problems m his region Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSl A MESA -Ille Ameri· can Youth Soccer Organization has flied a lawsuit against a youth soccer leader who aJ leg· edly misappropriated more than SI 00,000 by spending 11 on his company. his landlord and tickets w a professional soccer team match. On June 20. AYSO flied the lawsuit with the Superior Court JWA tracking its planes for residents New online service aJlows Newport-Mesa residents to monitor fli ghts out to 80 miles around the airport. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot JOHN WAYNI AIRPORT - The cllrpon on fhursday launch· ed an Internet Otght-tracking system on m Web s11e that will alJow the publtc: to look at air traffic around John Wayne Air· pon AlrponMon11or 1s a Web based tool that wtll \hov. ltve and h1stoncaJ graphic depic· 11ons of air traffic bef\\.een five and 80 mile., around Orange County's FY I airport. spokes· The airpon's woman Ann Web site 1s Mccarley www.ocBir.com. said. She said airport offi· c1aJs bd1eve 1hat lhl'> service "wiJJ be a great tool to the com· muruty." · It shows them where the noise mon11ors are," McCarley said. Airport Director AJan Murphy said the '>yMem wtll "provtde the pubhc wtth an accurate and re· altStic view of the air space around theu communities.· -1 beheve that provtding this great tecnnology Will ltelp edu- cate the public as to how airlines and air traffic operate in the air space,· he said In a statement. of Orange County against An· thony Anish, the former com- missioner of AYSO Region 97. which is made up of Newport Beach and part of Costa Mesa. The lawsuit accuses Anish of four main improprieties and ·numerous other instances of misappropriation, conversion. misuse and fraud.· The lawsuit seeks general damages to ~ol­ Ject the amount that Amish al- legedly spent for his own pur· poses and punitive damages to Amsh. a Costa Mesa resident, such as bounced chel~, <,atd could not be reached for com· Chris Sarris, the current re ment because his phone num· gional commissioner. ber has been disconnected. "We had over SI00.000 in sav- Anic,h began serving as the ings, and I was hedfing thb interim regionaJ commissioner from vendors.· Saris said. "We around February 2001. accord-kind of thought. 'Well. how are mg to the lawsuit. Nine months . we bouncing checks?'" later, he became the regionaJ Sarris began aslung Am!ih for commi-.sioner. I lis duties in financiaJ statements, but he this position were collecting didn't provide them with any. and maintaining AYSO funds Sarris said. MARRIED IN STYLE ... INDIAN STYLE ABOVE: Rajesh Sodhi rides through a sea of friends and family members on Tai, a female Asian elephant during a tradrtional Indian wedding procession Fnday outside the Hilton m Costa Mesa. His bnde 1s Pnya Agrawal. It 1s a custom m an Indian wedding for the groom to enter on a elephant or a whrte horse. The 34i)iear-Old elephant of Pems, weighing four tons, 1s a celebrity of sorts. She has starred in the films •0peratJon Dumbo Drop• and ·George of the Jungle.· In early 2003, Sams and some other AYSO parents formed a fi - nanciaJ commmee to examine the regions' financial LOndition Sams said he began finding checks made out to An1sh's cor- porauon and to his landlord. He aJso discovered that the organ1· 1a11on's balance wall onJy $19,000, and n faced debts of about $60,000. ''It was disbelief on everybody's behaJf," Sam!> s.:ud "They couJdn't believe that a) we didn't have any money left. and bi we had '>Uch incredible debt arn;I we had vendors , screa.nung for money that hadn't been paid '>U1Ce September. · Whtie the lOmmlllee mem ber~ were becoming aware of the financ1aJ problem-.. 1he mJ )Ont} or AYSO member'> art· only finding out about tht'm now that the lawsuu ha'> he come pubhl, Sarm .. aid "The hardec..t part wa~. here we have a community-balled organvauon that'!i stealing from the rommumty.-Sarn'!> said Am'.>h h.u. JO dav-. w re'.>pond to 1he ld\V<,utt . \.\oade '>atd. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be r~acned at (9491 574-4221 or bye mail at de•rdre newman " /;1t1m11s com Fourth fines come at triple the cost Citations on the Fourth of July in Newport Beach will be three times the norm. police announce. Deepa Bharath Daily Prlot WEST ~[\\PORr -Pamt•r, in th•' beach commun11~ who get ~ 1tl·d on tilt• Fourth of Juh will haH· to pa\. tnple 1lw u~uaJ fint' "e"" port Beach Pohce ..aid 1-n day The Police Department'> mo' e to 11gh1en enforcement and deploy JOI.I(, more offi~er' than la<>t year feed., off emouragemenl pro "1ded by the Lit~ Lounul ,-..h1th pd'>'t·d legis.lauons to curb rO\\'dme.,, rn We'>t '-e\-.. port, including one dt'>1gnatml( the Jrt'd bordered by Coa!>t lltgh\-..ay. '\e\-..port Boulevard, 32nd Street. the ocean and 'l41h Street a!i a · '>afety enhancement 1une !:.very year. police issue hundred'> ol wa tions on Independence Dav. Newpon Beach Pohce 'igt Steve Shulman 'aid "La!>t year alone. we arre\ted lbO people tor a var.1ef\ ol charges to keep peate in the neaghhorhood... he said • '\bou1 88~ of those arre<,ted la~t vear h'>lt.'d 1he1r addres., as hvtng out...ide '\ewport Beach - And last \ear wac, hl'tter than prev1ouc. years. Shulman '.>atd Pohce officers ha\.e been working Y.1lh \\e<;t '\ewport r~'>ldents who complain vear after vear about pub!Jc drunkennes., and the large uowd'> that en· danger their ~mall commu n11~ This year. ClldttOn'> ts\ued 111 the area said The Web site has a map of the area and shows airplanes, each RIGHT: Friends and family dance dunng the wedding procession for Rajesh Sodhi and Priya Agrawal. PHOTOS ev SEAN HIU.£R/0All.YPILOT ·we JUSl want everyone to know that we want them to ha\e fun and en1oy their day,· he said. "But we al'>O want them to obey the law and be considerate of people who live here and others who are aJso here to have a See JWA, Pase A4 FAMILY TIME An indecent act in a decent city 0 fall the disnublng comments made since Newport Beach City C.Ouncilman Dick Nlchols decided once a.gain to show his true colon. none l.s worse than the uggestioo that he was Just expressing what mo t of Newport Beach beUeves anywa)t One letter writer, a C.Osta Mesa resident whose reaction was es predictable u the sunrise, evt!ll went u far aa to caU outrased Newporters "hypocrites." Then there la the debate over 1 whether we're upHt with N•cholt beawle of what be bellevel or bKawie he bothered to state dlOM beUtfl ~ s.dly, even my collelgue Joe 8ell reo lnto d'1t trap aw · Thundjy. Another letter writ• C6red that lt II Nichols' leek or STEVE SMITH judgment in speaking out loud that is his real crime. Let's take the least important polnt first. It manersnot whether Nichols expressed h1s views toa Dally Pilot reporter or to h1a ndlJ\bor over a barbecued teak. He apretMCl tMm, and (0 me and to the ilx dev·thinldnl membera olthe ~ ~ OtyCoundl, that'aiJI lhu matters. Nkbofrl, you eet. II a publk aervant. Md aJd\oulh I know that these days It's a hard concept to understand. public servants are suppoled to be held to a hlgher standard than the rest of us.. Yes, though omd.als from former President Bill Ointon all the way down to fonne r Newport-Mesa school board lhtstee Jim Ferrynw\ committed crimes and felt no urge to resign from olftce, many or us don't lib audl behavior. GCN Gray Davis. whO bu committed no crlrne. Is feelln8 the wrath or CaJJfomlans who have drawn a ltne ln the eand. fed up with the lnllPO_llltie ~our ae.deil Wk. ICI and iapend our moneJ It~ wry_w.I be ... the tutor owr Nkholl' commenu • ._Ml&Y,,.._M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.~com WEATHER ThiswiH bea nice day to hit the beed\ Of' g«atan. S.PllPA2 COLORFUL EVENT .......,., ...... holel1Wii1My ... kn ..... '*""°"¥· ....... Al Sff FOURn4, Paa• M SPORTS A2. Saturday. MM! 28, 2003 ... BOOMERS & BEYOND THE OLDER CROWD Volunteers keeps senior center going P erhaps you're }obmon Is a board reading this column ·member and ls publisher over your first cup of ofThe Dally Pilot coffee. anticipating your Board member morning walk o r thinking Manfl'edo lelpler is an about the day's activities attorney specj.allzing in you've planned. If so, family and civil law. Gwyn here's a suggestion: Make Parry is a center board It a point to take a stroU member and director of today around the Oea community medicine at market at the Costa Mesa Hoag Memorial Hospital Senior Center and meet AVIVA in Newport Beach. Board the terrific volunteers who GOELMAN member Sonja Dion is a make the center the oasis senior editor at UC Irvine. it is for our community's senior And board member Arlene citizens. Hazelrig is owner and president The Oea ma.rice! will be open of Hazelriggf Risk Management from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the senior Services. center's parking lot at 695 W 19th We are so fortunate to have these St And while you're there. pick up imponant community leaders a special treasure or unusual item. serving on the Costa Mesa Senior The Costa Mesa Senior Center p!nter Board of Directors. They flea market is one of the volunteer their Ume and expertise fund-raisers the center relies on to in providing vision and direction finance the numerous services that for the center. are such a vital part of our Equally important are the members' lives. Indeed. without volunteers who assist In KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Sheree Cottrill of Newport Beach delivers meals to homebound seniors thorough the Costa Mesa Senior Center. activities such as the flea malket. innumerable ways In the daily the Costa Mesa Senior Center running or the cenrer. They always would not be able to serve our bring a special moment to the community's seniors. center's life, just by taking time 10 Every little bit 4elps That's because the Costa Mesa show how much they care. The Senior Cen ter is a nonprofit volunteers are often the first voice organization. Even though we do you hear on the phone, the person receive, with thanks, suppon from who takes your lunch and coffee the dty of Costa Mesa, the vast tickers or the instructor who majority of our funding is teaches many of our education Suzie Harrison Coastline Pilot Making Life smeU a little c;weeter for others is something Sheree Cottrill of Newport Beach enjoys doing, not only as a vendor for Givenchy, but also as a volunteer for Costa Mesa Senior Center, where she delivers meals 10 i.eniors who are homebound. "I've been volunteering for five years.· Cotlrill said. "I woric on Lhe weekend, so I'm not able to do anything in church -I wanted to help in my community and give m return '>ince my community has been good to us.· Con.rill has had the same route since 'ihe '>Larted. She tends to 11 every Monday. If someone else can't make it, she pitche\ m. • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mefla 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of lhe event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.da1lypilot.com. Newport Beach resident Sheree Cottrill spends as much time as she can volunteering at the Costa Mesa Senior Center volunteering as a job, a job she doesn'1 get paid for -but feels responsible because the seniors depend on the volunteers. "They can't jump in their cars and go get a burger, so it's important to take it seriously," Cottrill said. "Its a good feeling to be able to help those who aren't able to get OUL • generated from corporate and classes, including compucer private donations. , training. They are the core that Beyond the Onancial generosity make this center function. and we that supports lhe Costa Mesa would be lost without them. Senior Center, our center and The fourth Friday of every nonproftt organization is privileged month, volunteers meet and to be governed by a volunteer di.scu.'>.S ways of improving the borud of director:s dedicated to the center. Becoming a senJor cenler "I have a flexible schedule and will do it if I can,· Cottrill said. "My mono is, when Dan calll>, Sheree hauls.• Dan Lachman is the site manager who oversees the volunteers for meals. "She got the volunteer of the year award on June 7. • Lachman said. "She's fantastic. Whenever I need her to help, she's great. She gets a lot out of it and others do, too -ii seems like a symbiotic relationship.· Cottrill has 11 clients right now, but that number varies, l>he l><lid. ·1 make sure they gel their hugs,· CottriU said. ''I love flowers. and when the roses In my garden are about to open, I'll take them to my clients. One lady ha!> a birthday close to mine. so I usually bring her a linJe gift.· She's developed a real bond with her clients. Sometimes, they need to talk. and she'll fasten. "I enjoy going oul and 1a.1Jdng to them.· Connll said. "Sometimes the volunree~ are the onJy people they'll see in a rew days.· She said that she loolc.<. at Be it by giving a rose. a hug or having a chat with someone, Cottrill likes to lift their sptrits. ln her spare time. Cottrill likes to garden and act. She is in the cast of "Heaven Can Wan.· which is playing In Huntington Beach. Lachman said he didn't know what he would do without her. and mosl likely the seniors she helps feel the same way. center's mission, as well as a volunteer is a great way to serve committed core of volunteers that your community. You are welcome literally runs the center day in and to anend our monthly volunteer day out meetings if you have and ln1erest The spirit of volunteerism in serving. pervades all sectors of our work. As a volunteer. I can promise you The volunteer board of directors is that you will learn from and be made up of wonderful people enriched by the wondetful seniors in from all waUcs of life, each of them ow community. Having passed contribu ting their skills for the through so many experiences- bettennent of the center and the from the early days of the senJors It serves. automobile right Into the computer lbeir commitment deserves age -that wisdom is a treasure recognition. that they are eager to share. You DeJ Heintz ls president of the can't ~ how wonderful it is to board of directors. Del is vice have a rup of coffee in our lounge president of government affairs for and jlN listen to the ~t tales our Comcast and represents Comcast members have to tell. in regulatory community affairs Volunteers share themselves, and government affairs for the interacting with others in a way company's broadband operation in that always makes the world a BOOMER CALENDAR Southern California. Del is an Uttle brighter and a better place. energetic leader whose vibrant Whether serving as board Interest in community affairs and members or as helpers at Health Fair from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Corona def Mar Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. Free tests will be available for blood pressure. vision, hearing. body fat, pulmonary lung function, podiatry, dermatology. physical therapy and ctiiropractic needs. Other tests will be offered for a $20 to $45 fee. For more information, his management skills serve the lunchtime, all the volunteers Women 50 end older can join• music from the Betty's Trio from center very weU. bring a great deal of valuable discussion group coordinated 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Del is assisted by Jerrel talent and caring to the center. by Jewish Family Services to Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th Rk:hanls. board vice president and As an example. a special day at address issues sucti as anxiety. St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) immediate past president, who the center will be our Independence depression, relationships. 548-3884. fonne1ty served as a University of Day baJbecue on Wedneiday. A loneliness and family. The California vice chancellor and as lunch will be prepared by several group meets from 10 to 11 :30 Jewish F.mlty S.rvice otr.n an Orange Coast CoUege dean. members of the Costa Mesa Are a.m. Mondays at the agency ongoing bereavement support Loretta Claute is '\,board Department from 10 a.m. LO 2 p.m. offices, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite groups for adults at all stages of member and a past president who Tickets cost $4 for members and $10 G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration loss. Group members share practices family law. Ron for nonmembers. call (949) 718-1821. required. (714) 445-4950. experiences. hear how others Pranldewkz serves as board Join us that day and ,.YT\l>rience JUNE 28 deal with grief, receive support -,..- The Costa Men Senior c.nter The Bn1ille Institute offers hff and le am ways to cope with treasurer, and is an accountant and jusl how wonderful the Costa will hold a flea market from 8 ONGOING computer classes to people sadness and loss. One group business consultant. Joen Weeb Is Mesa Senior Center and Its a.m. to 1 p.m. at the center's 0Hls Senior Center holds 1 with fading vision who have meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at our board secretary, and is vice people truly are. For more rtcin lot, 695 W. 19th St. pancake breakfast from 7:30 to difficulty seeing the computer Beth Jacob in Irvine. The president, branch manager for the infonnation, call us at (949) t-~~---1s~paces~~co~stfii1rno~fo~r~m~e~m~~r~s.~~nr,a~.m~.o~n~~e~s~ec~o~n~~u~~ay~-P~;:.:.;,.;;;;:n~;;.;;;,.-.;;;.;;nn..__;;.;:;;.;.;:;.:;;;~-;;;,,;.;;.;;;_,;..M~""'~-Gail~.acn.£A-~~-=-~~~~64!i..i:3.SEL01t.-beue.ry~stopin $20 for nonmembers. of every month. Breakfast Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Tuesdays at Temple Judea in . Heather Armbruster is owner of and vi.sit. Reservations are required. For includes pancakes. sausage. Mar, offers six sessions. Call to Laguna Hills. The third group "The Heathers" board and care more information, call (949 coffee and orange juice for $3. sign up for classes. (714) meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at fadlides. Board member PbylUI 645-2356. $1 for ctiildren. The center is at 821-5000. the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Daugherty directs the travel 800 Marguerite. Corona del There's no cost to attend, but department at the center. HHtth-eonscious J*>PI• of all ages are invited to the Oasis Mar. Fo r more information. call Th• Costa Mesa Senior Center advance registration is Board member Unda DIDm is a (949) 644-3244. has ballroom dancing with live required. (714) 445-4950. fonner Costa Mesa mayor. lbomas • AVJVA GOEL.MAN la the executive director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center end will write occeaional columns about the center, its members and senior issues. Daily A Pilot Conti Wi'11on News assistant, (9491 574-4298 coral. wflsontllatlm...com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l..eectl, Kent Treptaw Box 1560, Coste Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright: No newa stories, lllulttltions, editorial matter or l<lvertltements herein can be repl'odUced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF VOL 97, NO. XX THOMAS H. J0HNsoN Publllher TONY OCJGa() EdlrOt J4Jfrf OITT1NQ ~ Promock>n8 Olrec:tor NewsEditoB Gule Alexandef, Lon Anderson, Daniel Hunt, Paul Saftowitz, Daniel SleYeN NEWS STAFF Crime °:r ~reporter, (949) 57'""226 dH/M.bhllmhO'-t1,,,..,com JuneC-•• Newpon Beecfi reporter, (949) 574-<U.32 Jur».cnaof'llf>de•t.rimes.com .... Clmoet Polltict. butlneee end erwlronment ~-. (SM9) 7&1-433() ,,.ul.dinton•t.ti"'-.com ~ ...... Columnist, culWrt reponet, 1949)~ Jolit•.,..,,,.,.l#ttlm#.oom ~ ........ co.t.e ~ AIPOf*, (Ml 574-<U21 t:Wrdt-..~•,.,,_,oom O..MliwC.... Edl.lcttlon ~. CMI f7""2tl ..,~.,..,_com READE.RS HOTUNE (949) &t2-6086 Record your comments about the Dally Pilot or newt ti~ Addr9ea Our lddr ... It 330 W. Bay Sl, Costa M ... CA 82827. Of'fic. hours •re Monday -Friday, 8:30 1.m. • 6 p m ~· 1t i. the Pilon Policv to ~omt>ttv CIOfTKl •II error• of aut>sttnce. Pieue c*l (949) 7&4-4324. FYI The Newport Beec:M:oN MeM Delly Pilot (USPS-144-800) Is publilhed dally. In Newport 8MCh and Costa MeM, aubKrlptlone are evell1ble only by tubtcriblng to The Tim. Orenoe County 18001 252-9141. In er... outllde of N9wpoft ~and~ MllM, llU~ll to the Delly ,..lot .... evellable only by fif'lt ct.. mail for l30 '* mol'ICh (Prioel lnolUde elf appflcable ..... end toe.I talJI.) POSTMAS'TtR s.nd ~ ~to The Niawpoft ~ Meaa OeifV Piiot. P.O. HOW TO REACH US an:w.tion The Times Orange County 18001252-9141 Mver1hll19 a .. "ted 19491 s.t2-se1a Dilpley (949) &t2-4321 EdltoMI News (949) M2-6680 Spot1a (949)57-M223 New1J,.. (949) ~170 8poru Fu (949) ~70 £-mall: dailypllotOlatlma.oom M*Oll'lce ...... Ollce (IM9) &42""321 .......... (9491931-7126 Publlahed bv Tlmel Communfty N9wa. a dlvtelon of tM Lot MQetee Tlmee. C2003 Time. CN. All riehCa ~ We'll start off the day a bit cloudy, though we'll dffr up by earty ef\emoon, wtth highs near 80 In Cos1a Meu end in the mld-70a In Newport Beech. l.owt wlll be •bout 80. Sundey will be limiter, but cooler, with hight In the lower to mld-70.. Monday wm prooMe mudl of the ume, wfth hight of 74. lnfionMdon: www.nws.OON.IJOV BOATING FORECAST The wlnde wl" btow 5 to 10 knots In the Inn« wnn, with 2.foot wrne Ind I mbced wwt twell of 3 ,_end IOUth lwtll of 2 '"'-Out flfther, the north\u 11twty wtnd wtll bk>w 10 to 115 llnota, wtwt. Moot W9ll'9I end • nortlnM111W911 of 4to8f1Mt.The_. •• up to 10 to 20 llnioll tonight. The aouthwelt .weft continua to b-* down todly. though we should tttll ... aome waltt-to cn.t-high .. We may eee the oocaionlf ahouldef.high. It'll be wry similar on Sunc:t.y. On Mondsy, the next southwest IW'lll 1ntv., but h won't do ell that much for us. We can Qpect c:t.t-to shoulder-high9 Mand.., lftemoon. The IWelt wAI peek Tueedey, V.W...-ay: ~.IU~~ TIDES 11Me 3:5'1.rn. 10'.331.m. 2:37 p.rn. 8:61p.m. WATER TEMPERATURE Dally Pilot SatUlddy, June 28. 2003 M · FORTHE RECORD Peninsula flagpole ceremony returns In a story that ran ~ ( .. F9rn '° be hOnONid wtltt 181 tree"), the lmounl of ecruge the Irvine Co. Mt 8iid9 for open~ In N9wpon Coast tepOfted lncomldfy. The compenv let elkte more then 7,000 acres. Including the ule of Crystal Cove. to the state, not 70 llCrel. In the Notable Quotables that ren Sunday, It was suggested that Costa Mesa Councilmen Allan Mansoor wanted to reduce funding for the city's DARE program. He wanted to reexamine expendhures on the program, but did not aay he wanted to reduce them. No ITldtter what you re do111q your hometown riew.papE:>< ~Daily Pilot Ferry landing provides location for patriotic events all summer long. June Caucrande Daily Pilot RAUDA PENINSULA -The flagpole was flagless from the 1930s untiJ last year, when local businessman Ralph Rodheim ,..aw an opportunity for the entire com munily to rally around Old Glory. Now, wha1 was a fledgling attempt to salu te Am erica is on Its way 10 becoming a peninsula tradition. Every Saturday night this summer, the flagpole at the ferry landing on the Balboa Peninsula will be the site of a patriotic ceremony with special guests, mui.ic, can- non bl~ts and a Dag-lowering. The ceremonies, which take place at sunset. are designed to be moving and uplifting. · Wit's a neat thing and a way to h onor America, R Hodheim said. f..ach week.. there will be a sp<.-c1aJ guest taking pan in the ceremony. Last week. the event resumed with an appearance by Mayor Steve Bromberg. l'hb week's cen!rnony, which begini. at 7:45 p.rn., wiJJ include representative!> of the lJ.!:>. Marine Corps. including Newpon Beach resident Ben Wynkoop am! other t ludt·" .! I gun ,,iJu1t.· prt·-.t·11tt.'d hy tht· hi Camp Pendleton Manne~ returned from tJI 1\111t·ru .111 I t•g11111 po-.1 Jnd .i uim ert Iraq. on ·\ug IO tht· J,,.,, 111gh1 of tlw 'urnnlt'r Other Leremonie!i 1111-. -.ummer wlll 111 lung '>l'rll'" WEsrBRAE NA TURAl Mustard • Stooe Ground • Stone Ground -No Salt •Dijon $~19 •Honey REG. '1 .99 aoz. Palomar ::r .... ~ .. MOtultain Wheat Bread Fre8:'ttail11 S.89 REG. '3.39 ,... ., 3202 HAl~I PureFoods • MayOnruuse • Safflower Liu Z for •Cano/a $ • F.ggless/UnsaJt REG. '3.49 -SS.59 (.,\\Et~ MOl :'\T-\IN GR l.\'G(J 'J' . .J JJ ' u.r !J 1!-~~ l I j --iOO L JJ JJ ;; .. s . . . Charles V1llaloboz, manager of Balboa Boat Rentals, is impressed by the number of people wtlo turned out for the summer long series of sunset flag-lowering ceremonies held on East Edgewater on the Balboa Peninsula ' t.r •• nil' puhhl " lll\llt•tl lo <Jlll'ntl thew In·< t'H'nt' lron1 7 1·, to >Ip m l'Vl'ry ~t unluy n1~h1 through \u~ 10 .it tht' HJ.lboa I err) on the H.tll>oJ l'1·n111 ... ul.i ~ Chicken & Turkey Franks • Regular •S~obd $•99 •Spicy REG. '2.99 .& 12oz. • This sbltnnmt has not bttn 10t1lualld br tht FDA . This product is not intmdtd to diagnos1, trwlt, prt'ODfl Of' cu" tlnf duHs•. LIVING MUL'D-VITAMIN & MINERALS wlJh HonflOS/alJc Nulritnb D 'C _.ta • £nhmq F.naC1 ~ Paformaact • fwlltate Celglw DetwwlAration • R ... ece Odd:aliw Sha. • C.OOtains 70 Whole Foods including 23 fruits, 20 ~tables, 11 tonic mushrooms, 9 ocean vegetables, 6 botanicals, plus naturally occurring probiotics & enzymes •Optimal level of every nutrient in "Body Ready" fonn 11cau1m 1 REG. '37.45 FARM FRESH PRODUCE Tahiti Trader's Shm6x ...... ....,Sim ... !.Amb~a.ihn ·~· SUGG. '14.99 SUGG. '27.95 lnesscents ~ Jojoba Butter An...,., MOft of G$Oll:MI f•lfll. llCltls lo,. aew lldn ~ pdhluJ flow. Al Seen In s'I'! Women's World Magazine! REG. '13.10 2 at 881.l\NCE "'BARS POTASmlJM • 99 MC Amino Add OJmp/a l ~~J ft~!J SUGG. '6.49 -~ Caps OVER 120 CERTIFIED ORGANIC PRODUCE ITEMS ZincsoMG Zinc Gluconate '::::::::r '-s .. t1orUm1 ,,_,,,.. SUGG. '2.99 FOUC ACID -800 NCC ~ ~6249 SUGG. '4.89 1oot1p1 .. ·a~1)~1 IceCream zPINTS,_ AB Rmxws Sl!!90 A '7.18 VAUE -:Jiii' M Saturd3y, Jone 28, 2003 Horse owner, entrepreneur Pascoe passes Longtime Newport Beach resident who founded a metals firm also founded Oaktree Racing Assn. and won a few yacht races. J une CHa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPOITT BEACH -Entre- preneur and horse-racing asso- ciation founder William T. Pascoe Ill died Wednesday at hls New- port Beach home at the age of87. The founder of Pascoe Metal Building and eventual chairman of parent company American Ce- ment, Pascoe was also a deco- rated soldier, an accomplished pilot and sailor and a noted breeder and trainer of thorough- bred ho~. He helped found the Oalctree Racing Assn. and served as president of the California 'Thoroughbred Breeders Assn. Pascoe was born in VVilkes- FAMILY Continued from Al bein.g fueled by the recall sentimen t that is sweeping California. It's only natural that at some point, Joe Sixpaclc is going to want to hold these people accountable. Nichols has not commined any crime thac is punishable by law. But h e has committed a moral crime by condemning not just a few people but an entire nationality. He ~ entitled to his viewi.. cenainly. but when those views become recldc!>S, no one, least of all Nichols. -.hould be surprised at the reactions. Nichols spoke. and now 11's Lime for Newport Beach residents to respond. Let's take the large point now. the one that hints tJ1at Nichol!. was saying what many in Newport Beach are thinkmg. -WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs AFLOAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627;byfaxto(949)640-4170; or by e-mail to -.· .• ' ~ /" :..;· -: . • •. : ; .. t. * KENNY ;/,, PRINTER (/,SQ~~= 22"2 Miele VACUUMS & FLOOR CARE Rtdltmmg F/oot Cl.r1 Proaocts Sin<» 1927 PALS (949)645.7257 2299 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa , •• ,,_ .,, dHJUfaT ... 0oN lRr BUYINC lNS1.11tANCf! Bl!ONETOOI Rabbitt Insurance Agency Alff()• HOMEOWNERS • HEA1TH 'lub1/it; \111u J y5- ~~ ~ s ("°'JJ 949-631 -7f 40 , 441 Old Nrwpon 8hd. • Nrwpon Be.di (Neu Hoeg Ho.pica.I) Barre. Penn., on June 23, 1916. After graduating from Roosevelt High School in St Louis, Mo., P.ascoe worked for a year at the Ralston Purina Co. to earn money for college. He studied engjneering at the University of lllinois at Urbana, where he also became president of his frater- nity, Sigma Phl Epsilon. He moved to CalifomJa in 1940 to wort at the Long Beach Ship- yard designing ships. When World Word II broke out, Pascoe. a reserve officer, joined the army and spent sin years in the South Pacific. earning the Bronze Star. ln 1948, he founded metals firm Pascoe Metal Building in Po- mona The company was pur- I don't believe that there i'> a single resident of Newport Beach who moved there or lives there because it's almost alJ while. They moved there because they see the city as one of the nation's best places to live and because they've worked hard enough to afford the city's · cost of living. They moved there not because they appreciate the color of their neighbor's skin , but because they appreciate that their neighbor is a decent person. Newport Beach is a decent city full of decent people, and Dick Nichols has shamed them. Dick Nichols doesn't speak for Newport Beach residents, he speaks for the indecent people they try co avoid. The trouble with indecent people is that they think everyone else is indecenc. too. So when they speak their evil minds, they're doing so because dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Oninge Coast College is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beacti. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. Sailing Fascination offers das ... in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina WaterSports at the Balboa Fon Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power You Can Buy A Luxury Beach Community Home For the Same Payment You Have Now NEWPOKT BEACH, CA A P~c 24 -bour Conaumcr Awarcncas Hodine b aa been euabli•hed to help &milia that wot to mo.e lO badi mm.mWlities buy thdr dram homa fOr no more chan me, arc paying f'w dacir cunat IMcitn For more information call the Consumer Awa.re n ea s H odinc anytime, 24 boun ptr day. to hear t he free, prerecorded meuage, at M9-22~1 l . Th.is fm .ervice it 1pon1ored by Coro na deJ M u PrapaUa, brobn. ~ l '( .. chased In 1967 by American Ce- ment, which Pascoe eventually took over, steering the company out of financial crisis and over- seeing the company's renaming toAmcord. ln 1970, be moved to Unda Isle, where he continued to pur- sue his lifelong intem.ts in sailing and airplanes. Pascoe was a pilot of twin-en- gjne and Jet airplanes. as well as helicopters. A self-taught sailor, he was member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub. His racing wins include the St. Francis Big Boat Series in San Francisco, the Southern Ocean Racing Circuit in Florida and the Los Angeles Whitney series. ln 1972, he mar- ried Sally. The couple moved to Cameo Shores in 1984. A longtime horse-racing ex- pert, Pascoe housed about 750 horses at a time at his farm in they believe they've got an eager audience. I applaud the backbone of the Newport Beach City Council for moving swiftly to condemn Nichols and to urge him to resign. This is one of the rare instances in the entire country when our young people can look at bad behavior by an elected official and actually see some consequences. Last Thursday. Joe Bell had a chance to ask Nichols to resign, but stopped shon. I was sad because it would have been one of the rare times we agreed. And how comical ic wru. to read my name associated with the tenn "bleeding hean liberal" in reaction to my comments a week ago calling for Nichols' resignation. The l~on for our kids here is that common decency cuts acro'>S aU races. religions and nauonahues and that there is no and sail watercraft, 1ump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler. or soar above it all on a parasall flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks. electric boats, 14-holder sailboats. pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, bi rthdays, no nprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt pacbges include boats. trivia questions. maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric boat rentals aN avallable by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Pedal boats, electric boaU, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours are offwed by th• Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Commission will host Back Bay cleanup The CalifomJa CoastaJ Com- mission. In partnershJp with lo- cal e nvironmentalists, ls spon- soring a cleanup o( Upper N~rt Bay today. From 9 a.m. to noon. volun- teers wt.ll be preparing the soU for a new batch of nat1ve plants.. JWA Continued from Al color-coded to lndicate arrival at or departure fTom John Wayne Airport. About 10 al.rporu n.adonw\de use this system. ~lllkl. The 1Y9lem went onllne Th~ afternoon. It will COit the ~ S42.000 ror the ftrat ,.,. Md *.300 09el" three ,..... ~ new ~ lhould "be rWaurtns to raJdftlu," tonner ~ Mwietta. I le served as member of the board of directors of Holly- wood Park and Bay Meadows and was one of the founders of the Oaktree Racing Assn. and a president of the c.aufomia Thoroughbred Breeders Awl. •tte had such an incredible life. he didn't miss anything,· his wife said. "One day, he said, 'The one thing J haven't done yet is go to the moon.' And his friend said, 'Don't worry, Bill You'll pass It on your way to heaven."' He is survived by his wife. Sally; sons Bill, Michael and Marc; daughter-in-law Dana; grandson Willy; granddaughter Sofia; niece Connor Umont; and Wlofficial adopted daughter Lani Cordero. Services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Monday at Pacific View Me- morial Parle & Mortuary in New- port Beach. place in public life for anyone who shames decent people with indecent comments. ••• Congratulations to Kirk Stone and the Costa Mesa National Little League Minor 8 Dodgers for winning the District 62 Tournament of Champions. Kirk brings to coaching the best of all possible qualities. Kirk loves to win, but n ot at the expense of humiliating any child. All he asks is that they try their best each game. IGrk loves le.ids, he loves coaching, he loves baseball and he loves to have fun. That combination will beat pressuring kids any day. • STEVE SMITH 1s a CoS1a Mesa resident and freelance writer Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. Via Oporto. S uite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket. music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventures/Newport, 3101 W. Coast Highway. offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne Is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pidcup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast Charters in Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 67&-4704. Gondola Romance °"9r's daily tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 67&-4730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Electric Boat Tours °"9r's two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off·the·water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidt-up from restaurants wi1h dodts is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. Th• Pffwport Landing Belle is available for weddings and receptions, codctail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. The commission , Orange County and the state's Depart· ment of Fish and Game, in co- operatjon with local environ- mentalists, have been removing invasive plants. The Newport Bay Naturalists & Friends have take n a lead role In the project. In the past year. volunteers have removed 2 l ,000 pounds of these plants, replacing them with more than 600 native pe- cies. Volunteers will meet at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpre- tive Center, at 2301 Univtn1ty Drive. NfMtport Beach Councilman Dennis O'Neill said. •1t will &bow them that the Olght..'l th.at arrive and depart are staying true to the Intended OJ8bt path," he saJd. •People IO far ha"\'e been complalnfna that they see too many planes Oytng over their horns Now tt.ey cen see for lhemltlva." •DIEM IHAMnf 01M1S putAlc -tatv and COUfta.. She "Wl'f be ,..,_._.~PM221orby ~-.... bhMrlllt.~ PUBLIC SAFETY Newport police have suspect description Newport Beach Police .ue still looking for a man they say assaulted a 40-year-old woman after she pulled into the garage of her'Corona·del Mar home Wednesday after- noon. The woman was surprised by the attacker, who walked into the garage and punch- ed her in the face soon after she got out of her car, police said. But she fought off the ma n and may have averted a robbery, officials said. She suffered minor injuries from the struggle and was treated fo r those injuries. Two similar incidents were re ported in Dover Shores and Lido Isle. In both those incid ents, jew- elry was reportedly ta.ken, police said. Another inci- dent was reported in Hun- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anton Boulevard and BMtol StrMt A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 2:01 p.m. Thursday. • Arbor StrNt:-Petty theft was reported in the 900 blodt at 8:11 a.m. Thursday. • Canyon Dttve: A t.raffic accident involving injuries was reported at 2200 blodc at 5:31 p.m. Thursday. • twrbor ~rd: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3200 bfodt at 5:17 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Boulevard: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2600 blodt at 8:35 a.m. Thursday. • Onnge Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 2500 blodt at 5:50 p.m. Thursday. • East 11th StrMt: Grand theft was reported in the 200 blodt at 10:38 a.m. Thursday. . dngton Beach . New- port Beach Po- Uce have released a composite sketch of .__ ____ _. the ~an Assault suspect they are looking for in connec- tion with Wednesday's Inci- dent. He is described as a black male, about 30 years o ld, 5· foot -9 and weighing about 160 pounds. with black hair and brown eyes. He was seen wearing a black jacket, black shirt and black hat. Those with Information a.re asked to call the New- pon Beach Police De pan- meot's Detective Division at (800) 550-6273. NEWPORT BEACH • Birch and Bristol etrMta: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 10 a.m. Thursday. • Campus Drive: Vandalism was reported In the 6000 block at 10:15 a.m. Thursday. • CataHM Drtve: Vandalism was reported in the 300 block at 1:58 p.m. Thursday. • w..t Coat Hlgtrw.y: An auto theft was reported in the 2200 blodc at 10:39 a.m. Thursday. • Dove StrMt: A hit-and-run was reported in the 1200 blodt at 8:46 a.m. Thursday. • OcNn Boulevwd and Poppy Avenue: Indecent exposure was reported at 1:12 p.m. ThursdaY.. • RNen6de -.nu. and Avon StrMt: A traffic accldent involving injuries was reported at 2:08 p.m. Thursday. • U1h StrMt: A burglary was reported in the 100 blodt at 11 :43 a.m. Thursday. OBRUARIES Glady ~Bird ~for 70-yur Costa Maa resident Glady Downs Bird will be held II 2 p.m. Thursday ai Mojave Cemetery, 2040 Belahaw in Mojave, Call! M.t. 8trd died Wednesday. She WU 100. She is sumved by a grandchild and a great-grandchUd. Marshall Perry Notthcutt Visltadon for 4S~year Costa Mesa retldent Marshall Perry Notthcutt ' FOURTH Continued from Al good time.· The most significant prob- lems are caused by people get- ting drunk, pa.rtyers getting into fights and large parties that get out of concrol, Shulman said. He said the areas that is most active on the Fourth of July are the streets between Coast High- way and 32nd Street, Seashore Drive and the streets between West Balboa Boulevard and Seashore. Some West Newport resl· dents said they are happy that the police department and the City Council have responded to their problems. Gene Dorney said he hopes these steps would help avert "catasuophic things from hap- pening.· ·All of these people are packed Into a small area, fueled by alcohol and armed with fire. crackers," he said. -ibat has the potential to cause damage to people and pl'Operty. It's not an lmagjnary danger. It's real and it exists.• NelRJlbor Elliot Leonard said ·the Oty Council made tome good moves." "The police are e~elJent, but they just get overwhelmed by beer numbers," he wd. "But tough enforcement does work..• Othus have been less entbu· staatJc about the p romised ln· creased poUoe pretence. A grou p cafiln3 !welt freeNew- pon hu been camp&lgn.lng tplrut what they gy la an un· n ecetMI)' overreaction to the Fow1h o~ July revelry. •DOPA IHAMTH cowra pubHo ......, Ind.,,,., Shi mev be r..c:Md llt (Ml) 17....ant or by MNll• ..,,. bhanlflt •""""-.com. Daily Pilot SUMMER FUN COSTA MESA • A $5 fee will be added to each program for nonresidents. SUMMER CAMP COSTA MESA 2003 The c:11mp, geared toward children ages 6to12, Includes various recreational programs, sports, games, arts and crafts and e>Ccursions. The camp Is held at the Balearic Community Center. It runs Monday through Friday from June 23 through Aug. 22. The 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. session costs $90, and the 7 a.m. to 6 p.m . session costs $110. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. MOBtLE RECREATION Children age 5 and older can participate in a little mobile recreation this summer. When the trailer rolls into their neighborhood, they can 1oin in on arts and ctafts and other organized activities. Younger children are welcome when accompanied by an adult. The service is free. For more Information on time and locations, call (7141754-5158. SUMMER TEEN CAMP Students entering grades seven through nine in fall 2003 can participate in a six-week e>Ccursion-based camp. The daily excursions will include trips to local amusement parks, malls, movies and museums. The camp begins July 7 and ends Aug. 15. The camp, which runs from 8 a.m . to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, costs $95 per week. For more information, call (7 14) 327-7560 KIDS IN THE KITCHEN Children ages 5 to 11 will have a chance to prepare foods and learn the basics in cooking so they can help mom and dad in the kitchen. The five-week class will teach students how to measure, mix. spread. cut. stir and, most importantly, taste. The class 1s $30 for five weeks A S 10 material fee will also apply Classes will begin June 25 or July 30. For more information. call (714) 327-7525. Aug. 22. For more Information on times and locations, call (714) 764-5168. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB Boys and girts ages 6 to 18 can head over to Eastaide Costa Meaa for the club's summer program. The program runs Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aside from being able to participate In a variety of the activities at the club, participants also have the option of going on two field trips a week. Participants need to be members of the organization, a $50 annual fee. The summer program is $75 per week and additional fees may apply for field trips. For more information, call (949) 642-9372. GIRLS INC. Girls ages 5 through 12 can participate in a summer program that incorporates fun and learning. The program will include workshops and activities such as photography, cooking and nutrition, economic literacy, sports and various field trips. The program will begin June 23 and end Aug. 29. It will run from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. Registration is $40, and weekly fees are S90 to S100. For more information. call (949) 646-7181. NEWPORT BEACH • A $10 fee will be added per class $75 and over and S5 per class $74 and under for non-residents. TEEN POLICE ACADEMY CAMP The Newport Beach Police Department w ill offer a Teen Police Academy to local students. Department experts in SWAT. K-9, narcotics, patrol, traffic laws, firearms and driving under the influence will conduct the eight-week progrem. Students will participete in practical demonstr1tk>n1 end will ecoompany en o1ftcer on a ride-along. Studentl who attend all eight aeafon1 can .. m 24 community aervlc» houra toward their graduation requirement. To participate, ltudenta muat be between 14 and 18 years old, be attending high ldlool In Newport Beach and have conaent from a parent or guardian. There 11 no oost to attend the camp. The camp runs June 26 to Aug. 14. For more Information, call the department's Community Relations Office at (949) 644-3662. SUMMER DAY CAMP Children entering kindergarten through the seventh grade are welcome to attend a Community Youth Center Camp in Corona del Mar or Balboa. A trained recreation staff will provide an environment conducive to individual achievement, self-esteem and sportsmanship. Camp fees, from S90 to $110 per week, include a weekly excursion to a local theme part or sporting event and various beach activities. Participants need to bring a lunch, snac:b and sunscreen. A camp T-shirt will be provided. The camp runs from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 644-3151. KIDS PADDLE CAMP Children 8 to 12 can learn the basic kayaking and outrigger canoeing skills as they paddle to destinations around Newport Harbor. Life jac*ets will be provided. Sessions run from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. M onday to Friday and begin as early as June 23. The fee is $155 per week. For more information, call the center at (9491 646-7725. PLAYGROUND PROGRAM Children ages 6 to 13 can spend their summer days playing on the playground, participating in crafts and even going on different excursions. Children in the program may come and go freely, but W111 be supervised by recreational leaders The free program will run from June 23 to Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday c!r TueJday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality Service••• ... Nigbdy Entcrta.inmcnr-.. 1-nr Hnn·Mtiom ( j,/[ (949) 646-7944 16'>5 l n in ... Au•., ( o\l.I Mc\.t U••M'f "11Cn'f.I ''-• '°'' ....... ' vi• 1.t , • .-• #4 • .a It's Time for Our Annual Sizzlin' Summer Sidewdl~ Sdle ! WES TC LIFF I' I ·, . . ,· 17TH STREET AT IRVINE AVENUE • 1HIWCDIFNl'f ~~'?IW I GROCERY, DRUG & HARDWARE Ralphs fresh fore ..... 646-1411 So¥-On drugs ......... 642·2211 Crown A<• Hardware ... 642-1133 APPAREL O.Ompognt ..... Draper's & Oomon's Kayaks Suri Shop . ThrM friends .. . .. 64S·6731 .646-SS21 . .631 -29'6 . .. s.41-9111 SPECIALTY GIFTS & HOME DECOR Colifornio Style . . . . .S41·11H lrnoges Hallmark ...... 631·1118 Matthew · Toylor's ..... 642·7311 FOOD O.Ompogne fren<h Bakery Caf6 ......... 646·0S20 Helen Grace Oiocolotes ... '31 ·8700 Posto Imo ......... s.41-3406 Pick Up Stil ......... 6S0-7149 lalphs Fresh fore ..... 646-1411 StoJIMKks CoffH ...... 650..0369 HEALTH & BEAUTY llue MMbo ......... 646·S74' ..,, ' Taytor Won .... 646-71'7 SERVICES ~'SI. ...... 541-4053 ..... Meriel ...... 764-2600 Rfit C.. ......... 574-7450 ._.xes, Etc. • .•...• 631-S400 w.t & TeyW w. . ' .. 646·11 '7 SW Oil ........... 64 5-5961 ........ 0.-S .. 146-2392 All~ iwmber. -949 -COit. Saturday, June 28. 2003 A.!5 You'RE INviTEd! SE JoiN Us AT 0RGANic AR~ SUMMER GARdEN PARTY Come meec all che scaff and arcim ot Organ it Ari Planc5 & Design ac cheir Firsc AnnuaJ Summer Garden Parrr 10 be held Sacurday & Sunday, June 28th and 29rh at 269 N. Gl~sdl in Orange. Tim ~ro.ss of Native Sons will answer yo ur gardening questions only on Saturday from 1-4 p.m. Steve Mclnteer of Iron Garden Arc, Marilyn Chambcr5 of Marilyn~ Own Linda Haun, an outdoor nature photographer. and ~u5;c Duernberger & Nancy Messnick of Charming G.udeos will aJso be am:nding. We hope to ~ee you there! Kathy & Crc:gg Davila 0RGANic ART PLANTS & DEsiGN SUMMER CARdEN PART)' Saturday, .June 28th, 8 a .m . to 6 p .n-l. Sunday, .June 29th, 9 a .m . to 6 p .m . 269 N . Glassel!, Orange, CA (7 14) 289-0222 Email: orgart@ pac bell.net Refreshments• Plant Specials · Container Drawings 10 8/o OFF Your next plant purchase of SS0.00 or more at Organic Art Plants & Design tlal/d through July 31, 2003 'c Art Plants & Design 1~ upcn from') a .m . en 6 pm. \CH'n J.n., a wc:ck. For more informauon, call (7 14) 289-0222. nr '1~1t cht: , .. d, \Ill' at www.or anicartplants.com • J I I M Satwday, June 28, 2003 OIJ!tt Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -L..u.rs; Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •~Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-m.l:Smd todailypllot@latimt1s.com •All correspondence mus1 include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. READERS RESPOND MAILBAG This housing is too condo-luded Toss-up on who's worse: Nichols or Aitken I'm sure I'm not the only one who just abqut tossed up their breakfast (from the recentJy re!>cued Omelerte Parlor, no less) when I read Linn Ailken's comments on the Dick Nichols affair Sunday morning. It's incredibly depressing 10 know that there are actually people who sti II think this way in N~wpon-Mesa. but at the same 1ime, it'!> even more depressing to know that there are more of them than would care to admiL Wonder what he or she thought when picking up the paper this week to learn that La1inos are now the largest minority in the country. unproductive Mexicans come to be on Aitkln's beach7 They saved. toiled and struggled all the way here. It is by sheer chance and by the Krace of God that Aitken was born in America and not in another counlry that lacks free market opportunities to improve oneself. UnJess Aitken happens to be an American Indian, Aitken's forefathers skipped out on their country and hopped a boat 10 be greeted by often unwelcoming Americans . AT ISSUE: Should a tour-story condominium prdject be approved for 1901 N~ortBlvd.? 1be,,.... roe mega-condo .,........,t at 1901 Newport have many ..-~whose neighborhood ii Dilll fDr a jumbo deveJopment .,.....,, a~ pJan or mning ..-+neat. OUr ...-.i plan ha$ a gJOWth Jiia'-opby built into it that Is designed to rw • dew!lopment to that our streets -DOI CMdy' congested and our ea.tecdona continue to Oow. Thlftic ls RW"•pd by man~ growth. Growth is •• I d by r.ontni. t.Oning limits the bl .... denatty. Colla Mela bas a good plan for .,...,..•:nt. Qurently, anywhere so~th ollbl tree..,.,, the muimum residential ..._, dawed la 20 units per acre, with aalf a IN delianated high-density zones. If dlli ckwlopec gets the City Council to pe Mm what be wants, he will rez.ope ihe ~lot of bis commercial building ID .......... and build 161 ClODdornlnium Wlits in a four-story ~This w01 create a density or 45 unlll per acre, more than twic.e the matmum currently allowed. All the open llDd wll be COYaed with condom!niums· .nd a Ive (let me repeat) a five-story • pw•hc....._ '1118 rlllldents of Costa Mesa have a ....... ol what kind or density should be doMd In our city. Big zoning and seneral plan changes like this make us nervous. Residents bave a legitimate apectatioo that the future development of Costa Mesa be based on what is allowed by the zoning and general plan. 1bls "ain't" bappenlngl This is so far from Costa Mesa's general plan ~t it is like a bait and switch situadon where shoppers encounter unscrupulous merchant& They advertise one lhing. but try to sell you another. People who want such intense urban density can move to Los Angeles, Santa Monica or anywhere in the world where this has already happened. So much for the quality of life in Cosca Mesa. Not every place in the county has to be heavily urbaniud. Some places such as Costa Mesa can, and should, remain community friendly. High-density high rises do not promote community. Costa Mesa does need more housing, but why put all in one location? Why do our elected officials and staff thinlc they need to fix the problem with one project. which will turn a suburban community Into an urban nightmare? Costa Mesa does need more housing, but we need to provide It without concentrating ft in four and Ove-story towers at one of the most congested intersections in the county. When people invest their lives and capital in a home, they choose a city and community with characteristics that they like. They want a sense of security that these cbaracterlstics will remain intact as the city develops. It is not fair to change the rules in the middle of the process with no warning and no community inpuL PHYWS ATKINSON Costa Mesa I cannot believe our City Council is allowing the development of 190 I Newport Blvd., which will result In an increase four times the building mass currendy on the property. It was approved by our wonderful City Council on April 14. Thank goodness for community organization Costa Mesa Citizens for Responsible Growth, which appealed the action and succeeded in overturning the City Council approval. On July 7, the City Me ntion this ad and receive one of the following SJ Off blend ed coffee d rinks SJ Off Frozen Yogurt FREE Pasta Salad w/ purchase of sandwich • Council will again consider approving this mammoth mning and General Plan change for 1901 Newport Blvd. This means the mega-development will cover me existing parking lot of the former Pacific Federal office building with un condominiums -in four-story towers - pJus a five-story parlcing structUre! This increase in density will contribute to ongoing pressure to build the 19th Street Bridge. ls this the future we want for Costa Mesa? KAREN VOIGHT Costa Mesa As a resident and homeowner in Costa Mesa, I'm deeply concerned about members of our City Council considering approval for wning and general plan changes in order to accommodate a mammoth project at 190 I Newport Blvd. The development, as currently proposed. would consist of I 61 condominiums in four-story towers, plus a five-story parking structure. It would also create a residential den5ity of 45 units per acre. This is more than twice the maximum of 20 units per acre currently allowed south of the freeway. I'm not opposed 10 sensible development, but in this instance, the deveJopmenL a<> proposed compromises our quality of life as resident!> of Costa Mesa Sensible development Is designed 10 be harmonious with the community. On the contrary, this project would literally shadow the front yards of the one-story homes across the streeL If approved, Lhis project would set a horrible precedent to our quality of life and it Is not the future we wan1 as residents of Costa Mesa. We should urge the City Council to deny ur reduce the project's proposed density. EDWARD MAZZARELLA Costa Mesa FIGGE 'i' PllOTOl>R APHY l lis or her vit>w!> are so 111cre<libly backward, perhaps we rnn round up all those who feel the same way (including Nichols) and ship 1hem off to somewhere in Montana. Get with the 20th century. Mr. or Mrs. Aitlcen, lwcau!.e thic, is the future. As l!odney King c,o eloquently !>aid '>Oml' year'> bark: Can't we all ju'>t get along? MIKE MCNIFF CO'il3 Mec,a No fair singling out Mex ican immigrants In rt''>pun..e to I inn Anken\ lclll'r llUhlic,hed ~unday. Aitken !>hould try '>UINituting the word Mexican for any immigrant ethnic group of the 19th and early 20th c~n turies. .. I hese are people that (Ireland. Germany, Italy. Russia. Po.land! llm•, not want and 1, Klad 111 rid tlwm'>elvc'> of: poor. low da.,.,. 1111product1vt', unin'>p1red. uneducated." Aitken 'oundc, like the l'litlw, of n1y poor. low da.,.,, unprolluctiw. unin..pired, uneducatl·d lri'>h and German ance'>tors' day. I low did thew Most immigrants are "inspired" by the thought of better paying job'i, a better way of life and a better future for their children. May they learn Ouent English , become rich, educated and productive in this cla.si.le'is nation of ours. KELLIE BIEBER Costa Mesa Quit playi ng games and get lo work I hope that Assemblymen lohn Campbell and Ken Maddox and our other '>late le.:1!.lator~ rl'ad Jerry l'at1erc,01l''i commentary. Arc they KOing to let our state go over the cliff while they play the ir partl<;an game'> -like the totally 1rre .. pon'iible recall campaign? It 1c, time for the Republicans to offer a con'>tructive alternative budget instead of Jll'>I rabid anti·tax rheto ric. But I think they are afraid to. bccauw they know that the only ,tlternativec; 10 a tax 111crea'>c are mas<;ive cut!. in education. children\ h<.':'alth rnrc, and o ther vllal clement'> of 'itate govcmrnenl Our 'tatc lcgl'>laturs need to ..110w Pa11er~on and the reM of u'> that they value our community college syc;tem. PAULEKLOF Costa Mesa We focus on family and fan! COME SEE OUR NEW Patio Sets • Patio Space Heaters • Decorative Be • Fireplace Accessories • Umbrella Stands • Chli :tilliiW• Patio Sets • Fountains • Bird Baths • Mail Box I Dally Piiot AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS ltem1 to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St, Colta Me ... CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4295. A complete lilt 11 available at www.dailypllotcom. MUSIC STAR-SPANGLED SALUTE The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orcnestra will give its "~tar Spangled Salute" at 8 p.m. Friday at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Conductor Rlcnard Kaufman will lead the Pacific Symphony in a concert that includes fireworkl and John Philip Sousa marcne1. The event is a musical extravaganza of Broadway showetoppers and all-American fanfare. "Phantom of the Opera· eta rs Davis Gaines and Terri Bibb will be offering their talents. Tidcets are $19 to $85 to order call (714) 755-5799. BOLERO AND Rtw>SOOY Maestro Cari St Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina Lisitsa, will explore the vibrant rhythms of Spain in a concert called "Bo lero and Rhapsody" at 8 p.m. July 19 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets cost $19 to $85. To order, call (714) 756-5799. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday thro ugh Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St. Newport Beach. Free. 1949) 675-nso. . MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo. play at M amma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and M ondays. Diana Oitri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Gnll offers hve muSIC Friday and Serurday nights. Greg Morgan, Ntdt Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform dassic rodt. R&B and swmg at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rodt. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 676-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant Is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacn. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PlAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight fN9fY Friday and Saturday. Players ia at 512 w. 19th St, Costa Mela. No ca.w dlarge. (949) 64&-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Rlvert>oet Restaurant In Newport Bffdl presents Jesae on the eax on Friday end Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program featuree all your favoritel on the eaxophone. Anthony'1l1at161 E. Coaet Highway. (949) 673--3426. POP-ROCK AND Fl.AMENCO Tate 6, •funk, rode end Motown act, perform• et 9 p.m. Saturd•Y1 at Carmelo'• Rletorante, 3620 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs clas1ical flamencQ tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tueldeye and Sundays. Free. (949) 676-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald lshlbashl and the Stone Bridge Bend plav. rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Piece Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE IMAGINATION AND DREAMS "Imagination and Dreams - Musicals in Motion• by the Irvine Academy of P9rformlng Alta ia being presented at the Barclay Theatre on Sunday. It's an annual dance concert featuring students from the Irvine Academy of f>efformlng Arts. The performances will include ballet, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop, and tap dance styles. Dancers are 4 and older. Tidcets are $16. Information: (949) 8544646. The theater is at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. 'THE GOOD DOCTOR' Neil Simon's ·The Good Doctor" is celebrating its 30th anniversary at Corona del Mar High School Theatre, 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach at 8 p.m. today and at 1 :30 p.m . Sunday. Tldcets oost $11 for adults, $9 for seniors and students. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more at the same performance. This play 1s appropriate for teens and adults. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. BLUES CLUES "Blues Clues Live -Blue's Birthday Party• is on stage through Sunday at Orange County Performance Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tidceta cost $16.50 to $29.50. For tidcets and information, call (714) 556-ARTS o r visit www.ocpsc.org. Segerstrom Hall is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length play, "The Drawer Boy," one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001. will continue through Sunday at Segerltrom Stage. Tidcets range from $19 to $64. For tidcets, call (714) 708-5555. CIRQUE ELOIZE Cirque Eloize, part of the new generation of circus performers offering innovation, Imagination and show-stopplng panache. will perform July 11 to 20 at the Barclay Theatre at 424 2 Campus Drive in Irvine. Tidcetl oolt $35, $15 for cnildren. For tldtets and Information, call (949) 854-4646. 'AJDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's "Aida• is coming to the Orange County f>effonnlng Alta Center's Segei sbom Hell Wedne9day through Juty 13. Tidceta are $27.60 to $64.60 lhd can be purd\ued at the center'• box ofl'k:e of onllne at WWW.OCJMC.OIV-Information: (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 TOINn Center Ori"'8 In Costa Meu. DANCE AMEltJCAN BAU.ET THEATRE American Ballet Theatre "International Dance Seriff• i1 coming to the Orange County P9rformlng Arte Center'• 5-gerstrom H•ll July 22 through 27. Tk:tet1 oolt $20 to $80. tldcetl and Information, call (714) 666-ARTS. The Center 11 at 600 Town Center Drive In Coeta M e ... IWOTBIW MNtMAJ ~CO. One of the world's leading guru• In the art of Kathak, Pandit Blrju Maharaj, brings hie company of dancer1 and mu1lclans for 11 1peclal evening of 1tory and spectacle at 8 p.m. Tuesday to the lrvlne Barclay Theatre, at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. Tldcet1 cost $35 to $45. Fo r Information, call(949) 854-4646. SWING lesson• are g iven every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m . at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no.partners are needed. For more information visit OC$wing.com. or call (909l 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. the firl1 Saturday of each month at Oanscene Studio, 2980 M cClintodc Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. POETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY AND LMMUSIC The Gypsy Oen and Cafe at 2930 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa is offering a series of performance poetry and live music. At 8 p.m. July 8, Poets Michael Paul and M ike Sprake will perform, w ith music by Michael Ubaldini, on July 8. July 9 at 8 p.m . Poets lee Mallory and Season Cole will perform, with music by Courtney M ontgomery, on July 9. The free events will be at 8 p.m. Information: (714) 54~7012. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. M ondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. P JS AND BOOKS A children's story time is presented at 7 p.m . Mondays and at 10:30 a.m . Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEUER A children's ltory time is held at 10:45 a.m . Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coalt Drive, Cotta Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St., Colla Meea. Free. (714) 432-7864. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rulty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 6:15 p.m . Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coalt Highway. Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) &42-3431- SUNDAY BRUNCH The Ru1ty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m . to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$16. (949) 842-3'31. ~dM<lc1y Ju~ 28 2003 A7 He J. Garrett Furniture Full Design ConsuJting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Fanuiy Tradition of Providmg Servia and i ,due __ Comi1tanr Good Prius Everyday. 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon thru )at I 0 tt• C1 "un I 2 10 '\ Quality Service Value AIRFLO W-- by(~~- FOUR SEASONS m .. MIRAMAR .. OTMIM SIU FOR $ 199 ftll•I POST S4Mr SatE PRICE r"" 111111.... • SALE PRICE ~ FIGSHESAVWBLE •"'-&. ·~~--CA'S #1 CASABLANCA STORE ANNOUNCES THEIR 23RD ANNUAL CASABLANCA SUMMER KICKOFF M Satwday, Mie 28, 2003 Daily Ptlot FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY The Fourth of July is a time for fun and reflection "" l fPEll..S IOURCE Before our meals, we say grace, It ls tlw IOllllM; not m. ~r. thank.lo& God for the day, the food, who ""1 glwn us freedom of tlw the ability to enjoy it all and for press.· what He has done for us. We've It l.s t#ae wlllln; not th~ poet, who dined on barbecues, com on the has giom w ft'Ndom of spetch. cob and watermelon, and It ls the sollll#r, not the campus sometimes freei.e-dried camping organiur, who has glwn w the foods. frt«lom to demonstrate. Many of our Fourth of July It ls the solllWr, not the lowyeT; experiences have also included who has glwn w the right to a fair sunbuma, chlckcm pQX, bug bites trial. CINDY and swollen eyes, but those It Is the IOlilln; who salutes the TRANE eventually cleared up or went 11 ........... _ #rva ulUUr the """'and N away, Many of those more trying J~ W:.nrn ts draped by f~ CHRISTESO experiences have also built who allo1111 the protes• to bum tM flag. character into all of us. They have instilled Wtre It not for w brow, there woulll "-no memories we Will never forget Some of the -land of tlw ftw." adventures have appeared ln past columns, -AUTHOR UM<NOWN and I'm sure more will appear ln the future. T his week's column comes out the weekend before the Fourth of July. Th.ls yeu. the Fourth happens to be on a Friday, which means that many people will hlppUy enjoy a three-day weekend. May it wm be a wonderful time to enjoy family, frlenda, fun, food. festivities and ln some places, Jheworb. May it will also be safe and aane and a reminder to thank God and all those who have sactlficed to bring and ertaure freedom ln our country. · We also need to remember those who are p~ntly sacrificing in many ways to preserve our freedom, as well as to help those innocent ones who are caught in the middle of battles on foreign son. My family and friends and l have bad many wonderful and diverse Fourth of July celebradom. Some years, ~ve stayed at home. and some years, wdve traveled. We've . been part of or watched parades. gone on bike trips. as well u hiked, boated, played and enjoyed dltlerent beaches. A friend recalled aome of her unpla.oned disasters, but then she smiled and laughed. ·1 told God I thougbt I had enough cba.racter already, but be seemed to see things a dUl'erent way." she said. "After all, he is God, and I am not, so here 1 am, a character in the malclng. • I guess we are all characters with character building ahead of us. We are very fortunate to have great men and women of deep character who Cought for our country ln the past, and those who are doing so today. Whatever our duty or call, let us all be men and women of godly character, committed to and willing to sacrtflce to ensure the freedoms we are so blessed wlth today. And you can quote me on that • CJMr1Y TRANE CHNSTE80N la a Newpqrt Beach r"ldent who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via ..-nail at cindy•onthflflrow.com or through the mall at P.O. Box 81.-0-No. 605, Newpon Bnclh, CA t2868. ------------------------------ MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less/ BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT final clearance! LADIES' SUMMER SHOES, HANDBAGS & ACCESSORIES Sizes 4 to 12 in a ~at selection of widths! • Corona Dd ""' Plaz4 • 96.f A~Attnuc,(comcr «MllcAidnlr and POI) • 949-721·1325 www.minldlboCl.com FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS BAROQUE MUSIC FESTIVAL The 23rd annual Baroque Music Festival will be in Corona del Mar through Sunday. Events will take place at St Michaels & All Angela Church, at 3233 Pacific Vlf!IW Drive, and Sherman Library & Gardena, at 2647 E. Coast Highway near MacArthur Boulevard. Singte ti<Xets cost S15 to $30. Call (949) 700-78lf/ for details.. HOMEBUILDERS FAMILY FEUOWSHIP St AndrEtW's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach and its Homebuilders Family Fellowship will host a five-week series to strengthen marriages. It will be presented by psychologist John Fry. The series will be held in Oierenfield Hall A at 10:16 a.m. each Sunday in June. Fry's presentation is based in part on the research of John Gottman, who has followed more than 2,000 couples for close to 25 years in his research on marriage. The series is for couples of all ages and at all stages of marriage. For more information and reservations, contact Patti in the Families and Singles office at (949) 574-2222. GREATER. O.C. SERVE DAY Dozens of Orange County and Long Beach churches and nonprofit organizations will collaborate in the fourth annual Greater Orange County Serve Day on July 12. More than 1,500 people are expected to participate in community service activities throughout Orange County. The event is a collaborative community service effort designed to strengthen local relationships, unite organizations and help improve neighborhoods. Contact Krysti Hall, communications director, ROCKharbor Church, (949) 548-2600 ext. 40, khsll@rockhsrbor.org. 'CHRISTIAN MEDfTATION 101' ·christian Meditation 101 - Learning to Find God In a Busy Wor1d" wlll be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St Michael & All Angela Eplaoopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. lnfonnation (949) 644-0463. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County Is fonning a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. lnfonnation: (7141 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service is offering a support and discussion group for adults whose children or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m . Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (71 4) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. BAHAI FIRESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal poblic discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the laS1 Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the laS1 Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $60. (949) 722·7818. A SPIRrTUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled ·Journey to the Cross# is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Sible Cla5S at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church la at 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-6444. DREAM ON The Adult faith Fonnatlon at Our Lady Queen of Angela Church In Newport Beach holds a dream analyals group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free "lectlo divine" meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angela, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a styte of meditation that Includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St .• Costa Mesa. Preregistration required (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement sopport group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parkway. The service is also fonning a parenting support group to meet the firS1 and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. See FAITH, Pas• A9 Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock .analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and bil to disclose a conflict of interm for the am.lyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and brc.ach of fiduciary duty. . Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in t.eehnology stocks? Your losscs arc often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specialize in representing individual invaton. Plca.sc call us for a FREE consultation . FA I TH IN THEORY Evolution in faith Four Newport-Mesa spiritual leaders were asked, 'How does your religion view evolution?' Humans might share the physical stages of growth and reproduction with animals. but humans di.ft'er in spiritual growth. The story of human evolution Is mentioned in the Quran (23:12-14). After mentioning the physical stages, Allah asserts that ·then, we developed out of it - human -another crearure, • meaning that, from an animal life, Allah creates human life with all its capacities and responsibilities. IMAM MOSTAFA Al-QAZWINI lslamk Education Center of Orange County There are a number of different takes on thjs within Judaism. Obviously. those who believe in the Biblical text are struck with the d&repancy between Genesis. where Creation I!> described as having occurred m six days. and evoluuon. according to which the world is bilUons of years in the making. Some schollll"i mamtain thal the "six days" of creation are not 24-hour days. bu1 rather vru.t time periods in the hl<itory of evolution. Other ..chol~ take the Bible literally and say that. although carbon -dating seems to imply a universe that is billions of years old. It is possible that God created an "old" world. Other scholars point to the fact that conditions such a'! a great Oood may have altered the state of the uruverse so that it would a ppear to our eyes as older than it actually is. In any event. whether the theory of evolution is or is not correct misses the primary pomt. whk h is that at some point M>methmg FAITH Continued from N3 GAY /1..ESB&AN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a diSCt.Jsslon group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians If enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTlCAL AND SP2RfTUAL had to have started the ball rolling. Go back as far as you want, even billions of years, and you have to come to a beginning. Who caused that beginning? That is the question that Judaism asks -and answers. RABBI REUVEN MINTZ Cllabad Jewish Center Newport Beach The comedian Robin Wtlliams, who is an EpiscopaUan, has a •Late Night"-like ·Top 10 Reasons to be an Episcopalfan." I Us No. I reason is ·No matter wha t you believe, there's bound to be al least one other Episcopalian who agrees with you." ("Christian" could confidently be substituted for "Episcopalian" in 1hb No. I reason.) Robin Williams' No. 9 reason is "You can believe in dinosaUI'!). • I "believe· in dinosaurs, that is, I 1hmk they lived on this plan et before Homosapiens, as so do moc;t EpiscopaHans/ Anglican .... fhe EpiscopaJ 01urch ha\ accepted the theory of evolution as an account of human(cjnd\ origin, as weU as other contemporary scientifk di<;coveries. without di<;1urbing our central beliefs. In both freedom of inquiry and Biblical criticism. the Episcopal 01un·h\ position has a place for a "modernist" school of 1hough1 among our memberi., a!> well a'> "catholic" and "evangelical" emphases. P.volution is nol emphasized, but it i!. accepwd by most Anglicans/ EpiscopaJians. lliE VERY REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES St Michael & All Angele, Fpiscopal 01urch Judaism does not believe that '>Cience can lay bare the deepest YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life passages and changes. body images. family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. HELP1NG THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderty parents. The group will be offered Tuesday. The offices are at 250 E. mysteriei. of creadon. llobert Jastrow, director of NASA'!> Goddard lnMilute for Space Studie1>, wrote, ·i:or the scienti'>t who has Lived by faith m the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the moumains of ignorance, and i!i about to conquer the highest peak; as he pull!> himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been s1tung there for centuries.· The <Jogan "science has proven" sound!> so 'l<>hd, "° imposing and useful an these materialistic tim~. Bui no science can ever touch the e'>!>ence of things. SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •AC....., Wor#-'Jt i...., .J sm., Inn an.t.,.. Snlw" The Rev ~ Bunyon, Reclor 3209V~ Udo =s80ito 7 30 om Trodihonal 9 om Con1empormy 9om Church 'SchoOI 11 om Chcxismotic ond Wednesday Noon l'l{I \In 11 HI\'\ I The operuog chapter of Genesis would conform with those who posit creation in stages, and from lower to higher and more complex forms of life. It begins, though, with a dedaration beyond the ken of the scientific logo~: "In the beginning. GQd created." Science may leavt.' God ou1 of the process, whiJe for religion, there can be no proces'> wi thout the injtial and continuous governance of God llw,, for the man of fajth, i'i the c~nce of existence. Genesis I!> not a book of science. II i!> not <.<> much about the origin of hfe a'i the meaning ofHfe. nliS ht.''> beyond empirical inve!>Ugauon. Ultimately, let U'> not be '><> concerned about L11e ongm ol life as with the de<>11ny of 1he living. RABBI MARK MILLER 'lemple Ra1 Yahm ~t~cbad&~Anp P.i-.1fic V1t"W JI lvbrgucruc Corun.i Jcl M.u • (H4-(J1(1 \ -I ( unM•WO• nf tlv ~~/,.,m ( """"11•1M Ill fl/>IW,(}('RMIT/l /Or/VC,flfRl\f 1 'Ii/I \fRI /\(, 01 R <()~Ml "In lhr kn .I l'.rtr I> ll.1nr' Rt ... 1ur '' '\ll\' '< 111 1>1 II X •m I lol• I 11<hJm1 'I Jiii 'un1IJ1 \,,h1M1l/,4..jul1 l\1hk \llJ<lt W ;m I hunl I 0<lwM \( H.I/ kt t,Akl ili4// 1H/ [ \I f l~tl l'tll !l \\11 1\i\1 : \II· The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday servioes every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m . (949) 581-2290. Baker St.. Suite G. Costa Mesa. R111rr1ctit11 811ch Preregistration is required. $10. RE-MEMBERJNG GROUP----mrari~gr;o:-__:__ ___ ~~UJ:UUL..ll....D..Ll..U.U.....L&.l.lli.&.a.J.:~---=1-=2s-=:9~V;--:-ietori • Street Our lady Queen of Angela holds INTERFAITM COUPLES GROUP C M CA 92627 a re-membering group at 6:15 Jewish Family Service is forming ost• eu, p.m . every other Sunday at 2046 a discussion group tor int.erlaith "Open Arms and Open Minds" S n J y e"en1' n• 1e..,1'ee Mar Vista Ori"e, Newport B--...... U 118 w ~ n .. ......,, couples where one partner is The parish center is at 2046 Mar Jewish to speak about issues at 7:00 PM Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) affecting an interfaith Worship 9:30 548-3844. relationship. Call for times and Rti. Btr~lfl Hty•tt dates. Jewish Family Service is at J1111borft ~ FAStbhttf 111 N~ Badl T I L (714) S39 n27 BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa I 1p•OH - St. Michael and All Angels M esa. Preregistration Is required. RBMCC@ • 'I Eplsex>pal Church holds its M en's (714) 445-4950. . E•1il HllfMll .Hf Fellowshlp Breakfast at 7 a.m . on the ncond, third and fourth ANXIETY /DEPRESSION Thursdays of each month at 3233 SUPPORT Pacific View Drive, Corona del The Jewish Fami1y Service of Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. Orange County offers a support • ' and discussion group for ~ult.I MEN'S Fn.LOWSHIP experiencing anxiety and or BREAKFAST depression. (7141 445-4950. The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Pretbyterlan fRl>AY GROUP Church meets from 1to8 a.m. Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach Wedu•days Jn Oierenfleid Hall, holds weetty Friday night 800 St. Andf9W9 Road. Newport seMces at 8 p.m. wtth a Beadl. All men of the church and feHowship hour and community ere welcome to refreehmeMa 9ftec WIWd at 2401 ettend. $2.60 et the door. (!M9) Irvine Ave., Newport Beadl. (9'9) 631-2880. 54Mi9()0. •STRENGTH IN TIMES Of WEAKNESS" tr~ (baaah '40-.l7-J I; l Olnn. 12.5-10) ;;;<.;'ii&." c "' .. " Or. lfW M.~ S...,.,,_J_ U , 200J, J:JO PM. frMJ,,,.. s-t.y, J-1,, 2001. liJO 8c tO:U A.M. (9CI09 hm ~ H8rbor Hilla Sdloel • '"9 -t ISGI 600 k Alldmrt Aelied, ~ 9ack, c.t.fom .. 916'.J UlJ ('49l "1•2llO MAU Nlk ........... ,.,.n.org TD WWW JU~ I Sat\Kday, JI.Ile 28, 2003 Al Contact rental living~ tnform.tljn c..... T.., 17625-8 H~"'-comer of Harvard and Maln, INllW, CA '2614 1 .IU.4'00 . .2491 rintal-"'int4'n • aich WORSHIP DIRECTORY \II 11101>1\I Newport Unter United Methodist Church Rl-v < :.uhlccn Cool\. P;uwr 1601 Margucme Ave. lornl'r of Margueme anJ 'Ian Joaquin Hill~ RJ. (949) 644--0745 H111n Quiel Wnnh1p \rn•rrr /Oam \'('orsl11p and 011/drmi Sunday School Vou1/i mr~ting U'rrldy (LL.C.A.) 798 Do¥W Dr ...... port a..ch TraclltloML Lutberan Pastor Chartes Endter Worship Service wfttl Holy Communion Sund•y 9: 15 •m (M9) 548 3831 MESA VERDE UNITED M£niOC>tST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church Schoof 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Or R1tflara Genrgt Rtv Steoha111t Toon Senior Minis1~1 Youm Mm1ste• C hrisc Church By the ~ l nu .. d \k1ho.l"1 I 11111 \X ll•ll~"' 1111.t '•"'1'"11 lk~c h \. t ... .lul f ..,J Ji' ,,.,,,. ...... ,!if Wondrip 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Otsclpln of Christ) 2401 lrwln• An. Newport leadl, CA (9-49) 645-5781 Mlllls*tr: Ot o.11 Sllelt .. t ¥n. t 111\ I" I I \ '-"' 11 '-t I I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 VXJUdo Newpcc1 Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 Orurc:b 10 am & 5 ~ SWxlay School 10 am __ ..,.., M1111191 l0 pn ""''-SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST.SCIENTIST 3100 Paclbc V'll.lw Dr Newpor1 8aadl 644-2617 a 675-4661 Olurch JO am SUnday Sdlool JO am ~ ..... '7JOSD •1•~~12can fer evw,O ~thy ward ii ....W lft 9-wn. 11wy falthfuMela ........ al .............. .......1'9:"# 9CS'(to 1) . ~ ' I -- A'A God ttft'd~~byt~~ Our Lady Queen of Angels 2°"6 Mar Vasu ~ Ncwpxt Beadl, c.alifOmia 92660 (,.9)6J4.0200 Fu (94,) ~1'49 ~~=:..,~ SuM.y. 7•<Q.m> •. ldO(CG1 l!Rf...,.) l (a.air), 11 :.JO a.a. (Cmlof) .. 1'00 p.a. (Cw I n I ~llJ) WORSHIP DIRECTORY ' AlO SatlJrday, June 28. 2003 "U!ioi~ltt Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games Replacement & New Construction me Pricing & Purchasing 1-494·9069 fax: 562-494-2069 .--:..':otrlftlttor Referra.fs • All Major Credit Cards 1 stwindows .com Call today for details! lmpac Lending Inc. (n4) 847·3360 UT.29 ask for Mike Fox Take advan tage of the lowest inte rest r-ates in years! ·· 30 year conforming Home Loan APR 5.139% Rates ellecilve &2MJ3 and are subfea to change without notice Loan request are subfed to underwnter·s awoval l.Jcensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate Real Estate Broker O 1318836 SPECIAL SALE Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD .. , STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE s1999 By Moh.twk Installed with deluxe pad sq. yd. baftrtfae 18" • 18" .................................. •.t.29 ... 11. Ce:ra.a1c rue .................................. talW f'9e •.t.99 ..... ft. La.ala.ate W ............................. luta&W ,.,._ 14.99 ,... tL Suppl/ea and Tools for tltt "Do II Youndfnsl" All prlcnlproducu for a //mllld time, baud on atJflilabllitv. 1374 Lopa Ave., Salte F •COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 :IC Me9-Frl. 10 te 5 • Sat 10 to 3 • .. Snvint IM Community for 30 yun 'fEQUil.A CITRUS ukstino's Famous SAi.SA Yi CHICKEN FRUIT SALADS $122,b. .99¢ea. Gn.J .,, ti# GrilJ <Mld-s.-t! ul.ntinoi Situsap ..r tlH ~t'-CHICKEN SALAD BRATWURST SANaWICHF.S $4221b. $322ca. Kwt Porlt .,. Cbicltnr GRF.EN SA.uDs CELFSilNO,S OvEN To-Go ROASTED CHICKENS $3221b. $5 22 ca. i-.. r--. c--. c..-M COMMUNltY & CLUBS Fireworks back for Fourth T uesday through Friday. you will be able to purchase fi.rewoits from the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor lions Oub at the Del Theo at 17th and Newpon Boulevard. as well as at dozen of other stands throughout Cosia Mesa. But remember, fireworks are permitted in Cosia Mesa. not in Newport Beach. From 7 to 11 a.m. Friday morning, the Fourth of July, stop by the Ameriea Legion Post 291 al 215 E. 15th SL in Newport for the annual Pancake Brealcfast The cost is SS per person, Legion member 8d Oemaro said. At I p.m., find a spot along Newport Harbor so you can take in the colorful annual Owacter Boat Parade sponsored by the American Legion, with this year's Lheme of hononng the U.S. anned services. lne 44th annual Fireworks Extravaganza will return to the Newport Dun~ Waterfront R~on after a one-year absence, thanks to additional support from the city of Newport Beach, the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce and Retcher Jones Motorcars.. The Fireworks Extravaganza begins at 9 p.m. It can be watched from the bay and the hills and bluffs surrounding the Dunes. ln addition to providing the location for the evening fireworks djsplay. the Newport Dunes is conducting daylong activities on their resort property area off Jamboree Road and Pacaftc Coast Highway. F.njoy the holiday. Stay safe and sane. GOLF FOR KIWANIS The Costa Met.a Kiwanis Oub is sponsoring a golf tournament on Monday. Sept. 22, at Lhe Mesa Unda \.i<>lf Course in Costa Mesa. Proceeds will bt'nefit the GEUING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating baS1s. For information on adding your organiza1ion to this list. call (949) 5744298. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enricnment opportunities for girls and boys. (949) 646-7181. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the lives of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them with nonmedical needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties. Training is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abused women an dren. h ls looking for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE Of ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Project Caring, whicti provides socialization and cultural experienoes to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Develqpmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers "adopt" a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residenta on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting bedcground c:hadc. Volunt&ef't ant also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish heating support group for people with c:twonic Ulnesa at 7 p.m. Thur'ldllya 11t the Jewish Family SeMoe, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Cocta Mesa. "98. Prereglstrlltlon required. (714) 446-4960. JUNIORL.EAGUE Of ORANGE COUNTY The orgenization of women. committed to pn>moting Westside branch of the Hart>or Area Boys and Girls Oub. The price ls $75 for golf. tee prizes, cart and dinner JIM afterward at the Newport DE BOOM Rib Co. Best ball is the format 1be tournament is limited to the first fiO players. The first tee time is 11 a.m. For more information or to register. contact Charke MuW at (949) 642-6438. PACIAC COAST TRIATHLON The sixth annual Pacific Coast niathlon will be held Satwday and Sunday. July 19 and 20 at Crystal C.ove State Park. 1Wo races will be held over the weekend, said Bob Q.ryler, event chair. On Saturday. an Otympic Distance Professional race with I SO athletes from around the world will be featured. On Sunday. the USAT Regional Sprint Distance Championship will feature more than 1.500 of the best age groupers in the United States. Volunteers are needed to help with parking, traffic control and communications. Proceeds from the event go to local charities. More information can be obtained by calling OJyler at (949) 646-5611. LIONS INSTALL Off1C£RS Mike Scbeafer was du1'f demoted Tuesday night after serving two consecutive years are president of the Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Oub. Taking the helm of the volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the wortc and leadership of trained volunteers, is aeeldng new members. (949) 281-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBE1.T INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Partc staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that worb with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking caring volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies sucn as mauage. acupuncture and dilropractic care. Usa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. LIFELINE UVING CENTERS MeAtaltv Ill edttltl refot' en dMI Newport Beactt canter for residential housing.. h needs professional fund-ralsen to support and maintain this resource. LUV-A-PET CENTER Volunteers who love to work with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv·a-Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. For more information, ~II (949) 451-3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The perfonning erta orgentzatlon needs volunteers for computer input. tldcetlng, filing end handling phones. (714) 566-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community S.rvk:iM needs mentora to m•b • l..Ung effect on e young pert0n'• lff9. Students 10 to 18 .,..rs old •re matched with menton to Improve their school performance end..., ... ,...,, white devetoplng poettlve peer and eduh rMtlonthl.-. (714) 549-9822, ext. •• 'RosEY's AuloBODY Yoa have tM ript to daooM your,.. facili ty IMlatontheBnt LIFETIME WARRANTY 54-member club ls Raad ,.,.._ Serving with Jara are <hd c-ldy. first vice president Mlb Allen. tail lWiater, Roberto ...... lion tamer. Joe Coom. secretary; MJlce Mdlroy, treasurer, Lee Glbbl, bulletin editor; and Rich Rocirtqum, P-..1 LunM. Scheafer and Jim Wahner as board members. Scheafer was scheduled to be club secretary tmtil he was appointed to the vacant seat on the Costa Mesa Oty CoWldl. Coons stepped in to replace Scheafer as secretary, freeing up time for Scheafer to devote to the council. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SERVICE CW8S Du Ardell, who joined the P.xc:hange Oub of the Harbor Area WORTH REPEATING Prom Thought for the Day provided by Gftg ICelley of the Newport Mesa lrvine Interfaith Council: "A person will sometimes devote all their life to the development or one part of their body -the wishbone." -Robert Prost SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK 1UESQ\Y 7: 30 a.m.: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns to hear Rep. Outa C.m provide a Washington Update (newportbe.achsunrlserotary.orgl index.him). 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Oub will meet at the Cost.a Mesa CoWltry Oub. WEDNP.SD\Y 7: 15 a.m.: The 20-member MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping and cooking for themselves. For more Information, call (949) 645-8050. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident cnamber ordlest.ra needs volunteers for tidceting. ushering, phones, mailing and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board o1 directors. (949) 830-2950. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other cnemical dependencies seeks volunteers. (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 648-8754. NEWPORT BAY NAT\JRAUST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led tours and programs. special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpret.Ive center is et 2301 Urtlverally Drive, Newport Beach. (714) 97~29. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE NfO VISITORS BUREAU The blfreau la dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential visitors. Volunteers with extensive knowledge of Newport BHdl are needed. (949) 722-1611. South Coast Metro Rouuy Oub will meet at the Center Oub (wwtUsouthcoastrnetro roUJryorg); and the Newpon Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a business meeting. 6 p.m.: The 00-member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a Craft Tallc by Lan Nguyen and an update or the Oubs Web site by Ryan ICLmner ( wwwnewport-balboa.or'fP. TIIURSD\Y 7:15 a m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Lions Oub will meet at Mimi's Call for a business meeting. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwdllis Oub will meet at the Hollday inn for a program by Jbn Schabarum on Holland ( www.kiwanis.org/clubl costLJlnatl); the SO-member Kiwanis Oub of Newport Beach-Corona del Mar will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub; the 00-member Exchange Oub of Newport I iarbor will meet at the Newpon I la.rbor Nautical; and the I 00-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium I lotel for a program by Paul Sharat. as Benjamm 1-ranldm ( www. nirolary.or8} • COMMUNITY 6 ClUBS 11 published Saturdays 1n the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting information by fax to 19491660·8667, e-mail to 1deboom !'!'aol.comor by mail to 2082 S.E Bristol, Suite 201. Newport Beach, CA 92660 1740 love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival. (949) 253-2880. NEWPORT BEACH PU8UC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perform clerical duties. sucn as filing. organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beacn Recital Series Guild need1 volunteers to assist in fostering music appreciation so cla11ical music will endure. (949) 644-4208. NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume desig~ sewing, make-up application. set construction, tedlnical help, publicity, stage management and bacbtage supervision. (949) 759-1046 or LKSaf@aol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUT1CAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers a number of volunteer opportunities In the gift shop, H doeent9 or receptionists. with clerical wortc and with fund-raising events. Treinlng la provided. (949) 675-8915,Ext. 107. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a verlety of general volunteer help. (949) 642-9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCttOOl FOUNDATION NEWPORT BEACH LmRARY The foundet(on ls look.Ing for UTERAcY PROGRAM volunteers to help with The program ...u votunteera to fu nd-raising efforts, speaking opportunities, public events end tutor edulta who want to Improve their reading end writing aklll1. Volunteers will be certified during training worbhops the Central Library. (949) 717-3874. PCWPORT BEACH,.__ CINDMG&a.O The Newport 8Ndl Pretnfere Clnem• Gulld, Which eupporta the Newport a.ec:tt Rim Fattval, 11 looting for n.w members. lnternted ~ndact.t.e thould want to help further en artlltlc end cuhur., ~In the commuNtv and lfMNld have • · occaalonal office work. (949) 631 .. 143. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER \. A variety of Jobe need to be tactJed, lndudlng Mt coNtructlon, ushering, rn.lllngt end uaotted technlc:el duti• sm.dullng I• ftexlba., wtth • two-to 2(Mtour commitment per month. The Newport Theeir. Arta Center 11 1t 2601 C11ft Drive. (949) 831-0288. ... IMUED. Pip All ·,r·rc1t.l111•H. ,~. ~'rwPOIH •, r.ncH111 · q,n .. ,, r11·-11rH,TIVI l',J,'\T['. ... '.'J•'l'l.HI 11:ir.i •H>MI Daily Pilot INVOLVED lnfonnatlon. call (714) 566-ARTS. ext.833 Continued from Al 0 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate ln life management OASIS SENIOR CENTER and ems>'ovment training Meal• on Wheel• volunteers are wotbhopl as a succea coach to needed to distribute prep8red foster teena 16 to 18 years old. dishes to homebound seniors In (949) 509-1451. the Newport Beacti area. The delivery time le between 11:30 ORGANIZATION FOR TiiE a.m . and 1 p.m . dally. The oenter HUMANE CARE Of ANIMALS also need• volunteer nursee for Volunteere are needed to care for Its eeml-monthly blood preuure stray and lost animate in the ecreenlnge. The oenter offers thle Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and service between 9 •nd 11 a.m. the Corona del M ar areae. (949) first and third Tueadaye of the 722-1357. month. Volunteere should commit two hours once a month PACIFIC SYMPHONY or volunteer on a substitute basis. ORCHESTRA The center la at 800 M arguerite The Orange County Pacific Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) Symphony Orchestra's 644-3244. Volunteers in Education Opportunities program needs OPERA PACIFIC volunteers to assist children in a The Opera Pacific Guild Allianoe, variety of hands-on musical a support group for Opera Pacific. activities. Volunteers spend a has actlvltlea for volunteers. (714) total of six Saturday mornings 546-6000. with the children. (714) 755-6788, ext. 244. OPERATK>H CLEAN SLATE Operation Clean Slate, a Costa PARENT HELP USA Meaa~based Of'g&nlzation for Founded by mothers and others graffiti prevention. needs against child abuse. Parent Help volunteers to paint out graffiti asks the public for help and and other duties. Michael volunteers to inform the Howard, (714) 435-0745. community on vital issues affecting children and the family OCC ANGEL TREE PROJECT For more information, call (949) Orange Coast College students 650-3401 or (949) 675-5271. are holding their 18th annual Angel Tree Project, a Christmas PARTNERS AJJNAYS CARING gift collection for needy Orange SERVICES County youngsters and senior Volunteers are needed for a Crisis citizens. The project also benefits Assistance Program, assisting the children enrolled in OCC's emergency responders by Children's Center. Unwrapped providing emotional first aid at gifts may be dropped off at the the scene of a critical incident. No Associated Students and College previous experience necessary. life Office from 8 a.m . to 9 p.m. For more information, call (949) Mondays through Thursdays and 724-7199 or e-mail from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Fridays in partnersalwayscanng@cox.net the college's student center PEDIATRIC CANCER OCC NAUTICAL LIBRARY RESEARCH FOUNDATION Orange Coast College's School of PCRF. which raises mooey to Sailing and Seamanship needs support pediatric cancer research, book donations for its Nautical needs needs volunteers for a library. Thousands of volumes of variety of duties. (949) 859-6312. boating-related titles are needed. The Scnool of Sailing and THE PHARMACOl.OGY Seamanship is at 1801 W. Coast RESEARCH INSTTT\ITE Highway, Newport Beach. (949) The institute is looking for 645-9412. volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn ORANGE COAST more about the program, call INTERFAITH SHELTER 1888) n-4-4073. The largest family shelter in the county needs volunteers for its PRIME DYNAMICS children's programs. It especially Prime Dynamics, a Newport desires tutors and those who can Beach nonprofit organization for take part in act1vit1es after 6 p.m. the 99 and younger set. needs Tutors will work with groups of volunteers for its programs. (949) children or ind1v1dually, helping 262·7300. children m their academic problem areas Volunteers will PROJECT ACCESS also act as a big brother or big Project Access is a nonprofit sister during the summer Jaime organization that links resident of Mayo, (949) 631 7213 low -income houstng developments with beneficial ORANGE COUNTY social services usually through HUMANE SOCIETY resource centers. Volunteers are A volunteer group in Costa Mesa needed to tutor children. teach needs an1mal·lovlng volunteers crafts and computer skills at the for two hour shifts on weekdays various centers. Paul Shapiro, to walk dogs end help socialize (949) 253-3120 ext. 229 them in order to help them get adopted. For more tnformat1on, PROJECT CUDOLE call (714) 540-2288 Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization, serves the needs of ORANGE COUNTY CHILD abused, abandoned and ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER drug-exposed children. In The center needs volunteers to addition to office help and work with high-risk families and once-a-month, 12-hour hotline children, providing weekly shifts. volunteers are needed for emotional support to families. an auxiliary group, fund-raising infants and first-time mothers in committees and to help distribute their homes. The center is asking stidcers to stop babies from being for a three-hour weekly abandoned in trash bins. The commitment. (714) 543-4333. organization also needs donated gift Items for mothers and babies. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY (714) 432-9681. DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a PROJECT TOGETHER variety of functions. (714) Project Together seeks adult 839-6199. volunteers to establish a trusting, one-to-one relationship with ORANGE COUNTY #lildntP stressed from family HOMELESS TASK FORCE problems and abuse. This The talk force is recruittng component of the Orange County volunteers for the Interfaith Health Care Agency's Children's Council Network to wort one on Mental Health Services offers one with homeless adults In a training and supervision for the program on basic life skills. (949) program. Many of the children are economically deprived. 263-1n4. victims of neglect or both. (714) ORANGE COUNTY 850-8444. MUSEUM Of ART REACH OUT FOR SENIORS Leam m ore about art and share Volunteers are needed to provide with your community by companionship end friendship to becoming a docent at the Isolated seniors In Newport Orange County Museum of Art. Beach and Costa Mesa. Training A volunteer docent guides adults and support ere offered, and and ldlool groups through the volunteers must be 18 or older. galleriff and teaches about the (949) 4'2-1000. museum's collections end exhibitions. (949) 76~1122, ext. READINGBY9 204. The mentOf' reading program ..._ volunteert to reed to OAAHOE COUNTY PERfOAMWG students in kindefoarten through ARTSCEHT!R the third gredt. In Cotta Meaa: Docent. •re nMded to lead touf'9 Pomona Etem.ntarv Sch>ol, (949) of the Cent.,, 600 Town c.tnter 61M980; WhlUiet Elementary Drive, Cost8 M .... Lum about S<Mol, (9'9151M898;Witton the history and the devefOPmenl Elementary Sdlool, (9'9t of the Center and the woftdngs of 516-6995; end New Shelimer the bedc stage .,.... For tnOf"9 Leam ing Center, (949) 64&-0398. need help for ttudenta In re.ding, SOMEONE CARES w riting and English. Mentor SOUP KITCHEN aenlona may be ICheduled from Someone C.rea Soup K1tdlen 8:30 to 11 :30 •.m .• and after needs food servers and IChoot from 3 to 8 p.m .. Monday volunteers for kltdlen dutie.. The through Friday. organization i1 at 720 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa. (949) 548-8861 SAUfATK>H ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY SOUTH COAST Group or family ~unteers are LITERACY COUNCIL needed to adopt a family, Volunteer tutors are needed to eponsor •n angel tree, hold a meet a greater demand for C8nned food or toy drive, or make literacy and English as a second a 1pec:ial gift or donation directly language classes. Student• are to the Salvation Army. (714) taught English reading, writing 832-7100. and speaking skills at their own level in small groups or one on SAVE OUR YOUTH one. There are centers all over The Westside Costa Mesa youth Orange County. Once trained, organization is looking for tutors may choose the center at volunteers to help create a which they want to teach. Mary positive alternative for people 12 Fitzgerald, (949) 458-8664. to 23. Volunteers are needed to help in areas such as boxing. SOUTH COAST sports, health. fitness. aerobics REPERTORY TliEATER and academic tutoring. (949) The South Coast Repertory 548-3255. Theater needs volunteers to help with ushering (see plays tree) and SERVICE CORPS Of other functions. (714) 708-5500. RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals SPEAK UP NEWPORT to help small businesses succeed A nonprofit organization that by leading seminars and promotes the social welfare by coadling entrepreneurs online. educating the publtc and The corps is a nonprofit improving local government 1n charitable organization Newport Beach holds monthly composed of 11,500 volunteer meetings the second Wednesday business mentors. both working of each month at the Newport and retired, who counsel Beach Tennis Club. A reception businesses from nearly 400 begins at 5:30 p.m • and meetings offices throughout the country. begin at 6 p.m. Free. Annual Call (714) 550-7369, and ask for membership dues are $20. Send membership. chedc to ·speak Up Newport;• P.O. Box 2594, Newport Beach, SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED 92663. (949) 673-1191 Serve as a guide for homeless families by helping them set SITTCHES FROM TliE HEART goals and maintain a basic Made up of a group of women budget. Bilingual skills needed. from Southern California who Orientation and training love to knit and crochet, the provided. Theresa Rowe, (949) nonprofit corporation 1s looking 757-1456. for volunteers to knrt and crochet hats, booties and blankets for SENIOR MEALS premature babies and babies m AND SERV1CES INC. need. The items are donated to Volunteers are needed to deliver hospitals across the country meals to homebound senior Patterns are available. and c1t1zens residing tn Costa Mesa donated yam is appreciated who are not able to prepare their Kathy Silverton. (310) 472-6903 own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for SUSAN G. KOMEN BREAST them Volunteers are asked to CANCER FOUNDATION donate at least one hour per week Volunteers are needed for a for a s1x·m onth period. Substitute variety of positions to help the drivers are also needed to fill m Foundation with the 121h annual for regular drivers (714) 840-6611 Komen Orange County Race for o r (714) 891 0804. the Cure. The race 1s Sept. 28 at SERV1NG PEOPLE IN NEED Fashion Island m Newport Beach. More than 30,000 participants are Serving People in Need, also expected, and 2,000 volunteers know as SPIN, tS looking for are needed. For more volunteers to help prepare sadc information, call (714) 957-9157 or meals for the homeless, visit www.odcomen.com. assemble hygiene kits, distribute meals and p1dc up food for SWEET ADELINES preparatton. SPIN provides OF ORANGE COUNTY move-in costs for housing, case The singing group invites women management and support who like to sing to 1oin them services to families leaving Tuesday nights for four-part shelters SPIN wor1ters also serve harmony, or Barbershop-style as family advisors or mentors singing (949) 495-5685 and conducts workshops on budgeting and m ore. Visit SPIN at TEU-A-FRIENO 2900 Bnstol St.. Suite H· 106. Orange County cancer groups Costa Mesa. (714) 751-1101. seek volunteers to encourage women to have mammograms SHARE! HIGH SCHOOL Participants will take part tn a EXCHANGE PROGRAM one-on-one program of Host families are needed tn the education and encouragement Costa Mesa area to provide a bed, specifically related to meals and a loving home for high mammograms and early breast school students from more than cancer detection. The Susan G. 28 countries. including Germany, Komen Breast Cancer Japan, Brazil, China and Poland. Foundation, (714) 957 9157 The students, all between 15 and 18, participate tn cross-cultural UNDERGROUND exchange to learn about America The Underground program, a and share their own culture. The function of Child's Pace, provides students stay for five to 10 social activities and interaction months and are screened twice for adolescents. Volunteers are for academic excellence and needed in many areas (949) proficiency in English. (888) 548-8849. 533-8514. VANTAGE FOUNDATION SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The Vantage Foundation supports The cltnic, which provides employment and community emergency services to the needy training for adults with in Orange County. is looking for developmental d1sab1ht1es volunteers to deliver and pidt up Volunteers are needed (949) food from local restaurants and grocery stores, help with medical 645-7833. end dental staff. data entry, assist VISIONS FOR PRISONS wtth food sorting end Visions for Prisons, a nonprofit distribution, to help at the front program that teaches attitudinal desk and some other duties. The group also needs translators. healing and meditation in prison, needs typists to transcribe letters (949) 642-3451, ext. 257. from inmates to troubled kids SHERMAN LIBRARY Weekday hours, Mesa del Mar. la GARDENS (714) 556-8000. Yoo could assist with the garden. VOLUNTEER CENTER Of work in the gift and tea shop or GREATER ORANGE COUNTY become a docent guide for children and adults at Corona del Wrth more than 1,500 volunteer Mer's botanical garden and opportunities, the Volunteer historical researdl llbrery. Center will match people and Stefanie KristianNn, (949) groups wishing to ~unteer with 673-2261. nonprofit agencies in their area. Volunteer Connection Une. (714) SMALL BUSINESS 953-5757. ext. 106 . ASSISTANCE C£HTER WEST SIDE BOYS The Small Butinea ~ Center of Orange Coat CoHege &GIRLSCLUB needs wlume.. to 8dviM amall Volunteers ere needed from 2:30 buslnea ownen in finence, to 5:30 p.m. Mondays and eocoundng, a.w. m...t9llng, sales, Thursdays to tutOf' lrtUdents in human~ •nd other first through sixth gntdes in .,.... (714)432-6916. reading. 1949163t·n24.. MEPHISfGM Saturday, Julie 28. 2003 All MJND, BODY & .Jo(~ Rejuvenate your Sole with styte and comfort. Jo(~)~o~~ort~ \'•••• '• •ov• '''' ~ (Mt(I '*'-t (~OO Slioe ':llot1 f1» Men cnl W1111• ltQl\Plg liiyn io'A, ~. Wo. Elco, Nooi, Alen Etnanit.. Poncno • cnlnmyftlfit (949) 644-5939 (orooo del Ma P'ioro 836 AiOludo Awe I Newpatt Bluh HD 8'1Slol lfI1!1'. • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence Installations • Chain Link Fence Repairs Sertl;n9 Oran9e CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 license #3 133 I 1 House of Tiki Warehouse Sale Don 't miss our One DJ y Sale of Bamboo and Other Tropical Furniture! One Day Only~ • Saturday Jun~ 28th • 9am to Spm Our Warehosue 1s located at. 1725 Monrovia, #D., Costa M e$c1, CA (949) 642-8454 ALDEN'S I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DRAPERY CLEANll\I& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMO\llN& NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers • Silhouette window shadings • Vignette• window shadings • Ouette honeycomb shades • Millenia r,,. Collection • lubilance N roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette N SoftFoldN shadin~ World's Best ON-SITEno Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 ll111tt111111 'll••1111ti1t1111r I"' LJ11,t11t11 ""'' -,,.,," ,, "''" 1• 11.1•,/ DANSK ,, DINNERWA RE Your Table 1s .Se t.' • A12 Sat\Jrday, June 28, 2003 ,S 0 CI ET Y Dally Piiot THE CROWD Celebrating the students of the arts A n amazing turnout of 2,900 guests filled Segerstrom Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center ln support of the Orange County High School of the Arts. It was the "Season Flnale" on stage showcaslng the talents of more than 300 students. "Season Finale" Is in its 16th ----- B.W. COOK year, a much anticipated annual event that brings resounding applause for hard earned success representing work from nine conservatories of particular artistic discipline that make up the local performing arts academy. Before the performance. some 250 VIP guests and underwrite rs joined forces for a cocktail reception and dinner at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel. Costa Mesa. On hand for the celebration were Dr. RaJph Opaclc, executive director of the school, foundation board President John DanJels and his wife, Sandra Segerstrom DanJels. Carrole Watts wru. honored for her volunteer efforts with the inaugural Carrole Watts Fund-raising Volunteer of the Year Award. Interim anistic director and Broadway actress Susan Egan was also lauded, as was trustee Kate St. OaJr. The perforrnance, directed by Egan, fearured excerpts from a number of Broadway musicals such as "Side Show," "Into The Woods." "Parade," "My Fair Lady" and "42nd Street." Performances of classical music, dance. opera and more rounded out the presentation. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. 20% off Brealif ast When you present this ad Monday thru Thursday 7 am -11 am Eqfra JulJI 19, 2003. This ad ran without an expiration date in the Thursday, June 26 edition of the Daily Pilot. Please note the exp iration date of J uly 19, 2003. We apologizefor any inconvenience. this h as caused . Call For Reservations 949-729-1144 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach . New at Newport Dune's Resort BARBECDE IJNIJEH THE STARS You proufde the entree and the chef. We provide the BBQ Grill and the side dish bl4[fet -$7.95. Ajter Your Meal, Enjoy Our Movies On The Beach! The show begfM at dusk every Friday & Saturday 5:30 -7:30 pm Call 949-729-3883 or vf.sit www.newportduna.com Not available Jul 4, 2003 • Above, Ralph Opac1c and Susan Egan celebrate the High School of the Arts' 16th annual "Season Finale." Left. James and Linda Wallace and Sandra Segerstrom Daniels and John Daniels support the high school's benefit m Costa Mesa . Share Our Selves in Costa Mesa announces that ~ McGHm, executive director, has been awarded the 2003 Community Leadership Award from "Leadership Tomorrow," a nonprofit organization founded by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Pictured are Patricia Herri&an, Karen McGllM and Jean Forbath, SOS founder. In other SOS news, the 12th annual charity golf tournament, sponsored by Western Digital, brought its combined donation level to more than Sl million for the Costa Mesa.based food distribution organization. Western Digital support for the event came from Jim Hafker, rear, Usa Wilson, Dean McCurry, Dave Shafer and Ed lnel. Factory Direct Showrooms Reupholstery & Slip Covers for Existing Sofas Lowest Prices in Town THOUSANDS OF FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME CRAZY PRICES f, . -.. Qenn Brown and Meliaaa Wlll1ams of Reston. Va. ·~their~t. 1ht bride-eJec;t. daughter of Joanne and Felton WllMmnl. graduated from Jefferson Oavll High School Md GeolJe Wubinston UnJVersity ln Washington, D.C. 1be facln bridepoom, son of Gabriel and Marion of Columbla. S.C., graduated from Spring Valley High in Calumbia and the University of South Carolina in ColuwDh4a. He wu a former member of the B~akfast <Mt Uld Balboa Bay Oub of Newport Beach. A June 8, 2004, wedding is planned at Breaux Vineyards In PurceOvlDe, VL • WBCW AND INGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a.form, .... eel Cont Wit.on It (949) S7-M298. AROU~DTOWN • Send AAOUND TOWN items to the Deity Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Ca.ta M,.., CA 92627; by e-mail to mlke..w.MOn•tatimas.com; by fax to (949) 846-4170; or by calling (949) 67-M298. Include the time, date •nd location of the event. H well as a contact phone number. A complete llatlng Is available at www.dallypllotcom. 'fOOAY a.lie ho.a,.. from the dodt of Newport Harbor Mueeum whlle eventa take piece In and around the museum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. It the Heritage Regatta and Seeport F.atlval. C1auic woodies. aurftng exhibits, boat building, model building, food and mutlc: wlll be on hand It no COit to .U.edl ••. The Seeport Feettvel wlll tKe place .. , my It the mweum and wltl lndude a The Costa M ... Senion Cen19r will hold a flea marilet from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the center's parking lot, 695 W. 19th St Spaces cost $10 for members, $20 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. For more infonT\ation, call (949 645-2356. Mm.nnJum MedicaJ S.,. ln Newport Bead'I ia hosting an all-day complimentary 30-minute makeover event The spa will provide each customer with education on skln care and mineral makeup. The •Mineral Meke-up" event will be from 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only. Call (949) 863-1667 for an appointment SUNDAY A lueu dinner and 8W9rdl ahow. For more lnfonndon, call (949) The tint Orange County dNgOn boat reee and friendship breakfast po{ludt sponsored by the Orange County Chinese Cultural Club will be held from 8 a.m . to noon at the Newport Aquatic c.m.r. 1 Whltedif'fl Drive. Newport Beech, CA 92880. Regittrttion begins It 6:30 a.m. For event rules. reguJationt and volunteer Information, Clll (714) 635-2708. B 873-7183. C Nii! apart 0..-9'wMt'a •Mov'- on the Beed'I• ....... ofrw8 D •a.uty and the a..t• atarting E 9t dUlk on the Newport und. ~costs SI per car. F Cemf!"-wtl lllo be 1Vallable for I mew.. The NIOft la It 1131 lldc e.v onw. For more G lnfonnldon, c.11 (IMt) 729-0UNE. H J K L Theeo.t. Meea .... ~ wll hold ltl lbcth ennual Bath'Stllle Dey Dog Wash end Vendor Fair from 9 1.m. to 3 p.m. Wnhea co.t $12 for shorthalred dogs and $17 for longhaifed dogs. The Vendor's Fair will °"9r a vartety of pet-related products and MMcea. For more lnform•tlon, call (9'9) 733-4101. The"IOand._.. ........ wll heYa h:a dlnce petty 9t the HoMdly Inn In Colta M9al from 2 to I p.m. Mml•lon 11 $10 wttt. dlnce i..o.. from 1 to 2 p.m. ,....llfNe.F-ormore lntom ........ _, l7M1'0I. ... nMN.,...All ,. White Front Pharmacy Carth • Boo/ts • Sundries AJJ /nnn'41'ee Pbins kcepud 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 Momma John We belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -c0-0p. We are tbe biggest flooring tkalers lndlvtdually owned and operated. ~OOOSTORB BVYING POWER NOBODY anywhere can beat our selection, prlas or service. You 're paying too much if you 're not buying from us. Jennifer I Lifetime Warranty Carpet . $19 1 Lifetime Warranty ~ Laminate $2 99 Saturday, June 28, 2003 AU J Fane porcelain and natural none eold and irutalfcd at competitvc prica. Tile Italia The Stone Activists 2927 Bristol, Suite 201, Costa Me.a Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic Lifetime Warranty Wood $299 714 751-4441 Brenda 100°k F REE No Q uestions Asked 60 day excbange. If you don't like ft, we wiU replaa it FREE FULL SERVICE Counter Tops • Showers • Cer1111ie • StHe • Granite • Wood Refinish ONE STOP SHOP Wiadow Coveri• s • Cle111i11 Car et & U holste • Paintin -Interior & Exterior 405 Costa Mesa Irvine (949> 850·787& (949) 818·0141 t 24 E. t 7th I "l"l"l"I Main ·a· Man St MON-FRI 10-6 • SATURDA~ 10-4 n. ~ flHt ,..,, tU & '•" CZ * ~ )( w J .. FURNITURE • • LIQUIDATORS 8966 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN VALLEY SALE HOURS: (714 848·1994 Mon.·Frl. 10AM·7PM SalUnlay 10AM-6P~ ~ 11AM·5PM Payment can be made bY Cash, Check, Visa or Mastercard. Delivery may be arranged. .. TOWN Continued from Al3 MONDAY Chldr9n ..,... .. ~ fint through lixth ~ are Invited to "Storytelling Safari" at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beac:h Central Library. The program will be repeated et 3 p.m. July 2 at Mariners branch and at 10:30 11.m. July 3 et the Balboa brancn. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. The Wofld Affairs Council of Orange County will honor two of Its members at the 2003 Golden Award Presentation with a gala dinner at the New Balboa Bay Club and Resort In Newport Beach. The award is presented annually to people who have made outstanding contributions to the lntematlonal life of Orange County. Reception begins at 6 p.m . For more information. call (949) 380-3307. PrudentWI S..:urities preMnta a dinner discussion, "Current Martet Perspectives," featuring guest speaker Bill Hayne of New Yort Life from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Tutto Mare in Newport Beacti Seating is first come, first serve. For reservations, call (949) 759-4516. TUESDAY "Beach undac:.pes 8r Rowers" will be on display at Newport Beacn City Hall through Sept. 30. The exhibit features digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzicka and colorful umbrella beacti scenes by Carole Boller. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. Artistry will combine with passion for a popular sport in "Tennis in Art~ an exh1b11 of paintings by Jose Mendoza, on display in the Newport Beacti Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. WEDNESDAY Chikhn entering first through sixth grades are invited to "Storytelling Satan" at 3 p.m. at the Mariners Brancti Public Library. The program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa Brancti. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. THURSDAY Child,.., em.ring fint through sixth grades are invited to "Storytelling Safan" at 10:30 a.m. at Balboa Brancti Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816 UC lMne will house a h'M yoga studies open house that offers a general introduction and explanation of pu1a and teaches how basic processes can transform your everyday life by placing 1t in a context of expanding self-awareness. The class runs from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in University Extension A. rooms 101 and 102. For more information, call (949) 824-5592. FRIDAY The American legion Vac:ht Club will host the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of dedted out yactits parading along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories eligible for awards. For more information, call (949) 673-3546. Bergeson will be grand marshal at the 30lh annual Independence Day Celebration at Mariners Part. Riding in a hay wagon. Bergeson will lead bike riders and walkers of all ages. who will begin assembling for the patriotic parade at 9:30 a.m . at M ariners Drive and Commodore Road. Mariners Part la on Dover Drive at Irvine Avenue. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. JlLY5 Newport Du.nee RMC>ft'a ·Movies on the Beacti• series offers "Robin Hood" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parting costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for a' mores. The resort Is at 1131 Badt Bay Drive. For more Information, call (949) 729-DUNE. Newcomers to the digital universe are invited to "Tools and Tricks: Internet 101~ a free Internet worbhop, at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beacti Central Library. The beginning-level overview will be repeated at 9 a.m. July 19 at the Balboa brancti. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULYS The city of Newport Buch will presen1 an official proclamation recognizing the 50th anniversary of the 1953 National Jamboree at 7 p.m . The ceremony will be at council ctiambers at Newport Beach City Hall. For more information, call (714) 546-4990, ext 142. JULY9 Jet Set Introductions invites the public to an exclusive evening to meet some of Orange County's most eligible singles at its "Where the Elite Meer mixer from 6 to 9 p.m. at Brio Restaurant in Corona del Mar. The cost 1s $75 per person. Wear cocktail attire For reservations, call (949) 233-6405 before July 2 "Aemish Garden Style Designs" 1s the subject of a floral design class to be caught at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9 a.m. All materials are mcluded in the $45 registration fee Pre-registration is required. For more mformation, call (949) 673-2261 JULY 11 The Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties will honor Congresswomen Loretta and lmda Sanctiez with the Profile of Courage Award at the Pacific Club in Newport Beacti from 6 to 8 p.m. The evening 1s tttled "Sisterhood 1s Powerful." For more information, call (714) 997 2155. JULY 14 Elements Music will offer a beginning course using a new piano-keyboard method from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Community Center at Manners Park. Reg1strat1on for the five-week course is $105. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. JULY 19 Newcomers to the digital universe are invited to "Tools and Tridts: Internet 101; a free Internet wortshop. at 9 a.m at the Balboa brancti of the Newport Beacti Public library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. ONGOING Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, trail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hosprtal. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Yoga dasses will be on.red Tuesdays and Thursdays from at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class eacti week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an addlt1onal $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. The merchants of Balboa Vlflage will hold a seaside Craft Mercnant and Farmer's Martet at Peninsula Part near the base of the Balboa pier In Newport Beacti every Thursday through Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The martet will include fresh organic produce, freshly cut ftowers and arts and crafts. For more Information, call (714) 636-2213. Cotta Meu'a RectMtlon DivWon will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for ctilldren 5 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, games, crafts. prizes, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information. call (714) 754-5158 Av. new wines will be HfVed on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlookmg Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p m The cost is $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721 -1222. Newport Dones Resort's "Movies on the Beacti" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are mvited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide th.e rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Pancing 1s $8 per car. For more information. call (949) 729·DUNE. A variety of private. semi-pr;v.te and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High Sctiool Options include one-on-one 1nstruct1on on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register m person at Newport Beach RecreatJon and Senior SeMcel at 3300 Newport Blvd. ~. 1IMnl and adutta can now register for summer recteational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. aasaes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. ProfMslonal and licensed soc:c.r trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Famity Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high sctiool students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper Sctiool in Costa Mesa For information or to register. call (714) 4454950. Pre-reg1strat1on 1s required. Th• First Page -Fine Children's Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No 10 in Costa Mesa. offers free story 11me Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10 30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437 "Abstract Works on Canvas and Paper:' an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beach Central lilJrary through June 30. The exh1b11 will feature selections from Rosener's "Washed Away# series, created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it away to suggest the passage of time For more information. call (949) 717-3816. Aw.rd-winning wortts by Orange County artists woncmg 1n an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beacti City Hall through See TOWN. Pa&e Al6 Op8' Mandlr ·et to llA·6cl0,. nutdlr • SIUdlf I &.a.f J& Siiflrlaa-2 pa. SoLI~ JL '\'EST.'lt<:. ·~, & REAl;ry l<RJrnN M. Sous• Llccnsed Real Erur.c Agent • Mttting aU of your &al ErtJtu nuds. ERJC A. Sous CFP • J 7 Yt'an ExJ>!rima • Stocks & Bonds • Mutu11l Funds • Annu1tits • EstJttt' & Rnjmnmt Pl.anning • lnvatmmt Banking • SmaU MUJd/, Marlut CDmpania SAVE 25-50°/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory www.patiomfg.com CUSTOM BBQ'S llllllJntML 41t•tU fllliLl:JM.1.ll.tlll .. ~ 11 I fl ........... IC.._,....,. ~JMaolZll I • .. Alt Saturday. June 28, 2003 llL1\1P IJll I 'S --l{l ( I.., ~ ( \I~ I' I I .., • elf &vlng & lyleen Ewiug SIGNED. SEALED, AND DELIVERED When a real estate deed is signed, it is effective. right'! Even if a deed is properly executed, it is not effective until it has been delivered ro and accepted by the buyer. This can sometimes create bizarre results. An elderly man properly signed. sealed and acknowledged a deed to his nephew and pla1:cd it in an old tin box in his room, where it was discovered shortly after he died. The nephew lost a contest with other heirs over the property because the deed was not delivered. and therefore. was not effective at the time of the um.·1e·, death. Until the deed is delivered . the title remains with the seller. and he '-'Ould change his mind and destroy the deed. H owever, once the deed has been properly delivered and accepted. the title p~sc' and cannot be revoked Thus the old. old saying signed. sealed <and notarized )--and delivered. Lylcen and Jeff ha\'t: 31 consecuti ve year~ of re.ii c\talc c:xperiern.:c rn Ne1Npon Beach for professional servict or ad, ice with au your real estalf needs call I.be Ewirtg1 at C~t Newport-Coldwell Banker at (949) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's #1 Team For 2001 ~, TOWN Continued from Al 5 June 27. for the Spring 200l Orange County Artists E>ehlbltfon. For more Information, call (949) 717-3870 . 8eyside Restaurwrt In Newport Bead'I offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $16 per person, featuring five new wines eadi week. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222. if your on::hid ii too big for lb pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Biren St facihty. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Disc:oY9r the secrets of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beaU1iful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (7 14) 996-5252 for more information. T .. m Survivor. a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts #Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m . the second and fourth Fnday of the month in ftont of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for luncn after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 721·8079. Teens ant invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . M onday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport Beach Cau Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Bead\. For more lnformetJon, call (949) 660-1332. The A.an.°' eu.lrMIA s.r .. -.. hosts a netwoooog meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at th• Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (949) 80S-0011. •otvorc.: A New Beginning," a wortcshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced. is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge, badcstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents en Newport Beacn who have hved in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or VISlt newcomers-newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange 1uice for SJ, Sl for c:tuldren. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) ()44.3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "Workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by cnef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, 1s $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994.5075 Yoga •nd rhythm, #Yogarhythmics· combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Onve East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399 The Newport Herbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit N Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine Art Master," through Sept. 30. The museum is &GARDENCAF FiM Ho1N! F..rnishinp. Anriqun & CollKribln. Tnt41tioNJ to ( omitt Gifrt gnJ Gardm Dmtr. Wi1h Lur "nJ ~/,,.~ry .• GarJ.m Gift G.irbn {',mo D1ni11: YTV111: Brt,J,fnst, i..M1Uh, Tea atul an f.Jprrc10 Bar C.AFE HOURS: Mon-S-9mn-4pm CAnJks IO CJH1111klim. u,,J & Hart Boolr1. CMJtom Pi<tWrt Fr11mi11:. Srlt\fF.R F..rn1rwrt Rrstorarion atul murh morr ! !>t>i t11m;1I w;ic, $1150 llOW $630 CLEARANCE SALE ( p T 0 6 0 ' 0 f F • ~ l l' 0 ~ E I c E T 0 N E f I'[ [ '01 ll•il t4 1., •• 0.1, 71 4 596 5321 • 6902 COINGlR AVC Menlll Lynell, ••tomon 8mltll B•mey, Morw• 8t•11••r. •nd other brok•l'll9• firm• ••reed to •1 A a lllon .. ttl•••nt. Govem111ent •ttomey ... ,,. c•llecl their conduct, -.11. l•,..at ,.._ud ever perpetu•tecl on tll• lnveatln• pultllc.• W If you h•v• lent mon.y or h-1 your r9tlrentMI nvlng• 'l»vntatMI due to atoclcbro/cWs lnv.•tlfJll your Mn/ umed HV#np Into rlaky or un•ultllbJe lttVNtments, you ,,,.Y be .,. fO NC0"9r aoclr,,,,,,.,,., ...... at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newpo" Beech. Free admlulon. For more Information, call (949) 673-7863. l,._.ltti couplet wtth one Jewish partner ere Invited to participate In a discussion group at tile Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with lssua between Interfaith couples. auch as raising cnildren, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The oost for three sessions Is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older e11n join • discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues sucn as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodt. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries -Balboa, Manners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperb(l(J( donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Braille Institute of'fen free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar, offers six sessions Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual cant class meets at 1·15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462 The Costa M ... Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncneon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa M esa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa M esa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of eadl month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital. l Hoag Drive, Newport Beacn. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfield Hall C at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beacn. (949) 574·2236. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult dlildren and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m . two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Senrlce of Orange County has a weekly learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their cnildren. The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. M ondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure dlildren el(perienoe. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Costa M9M Senior Cem.r has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday nlghOt 695 W. 19th St .. Coste Mesa. $4, (949) 548-3884. Jewhlh Famly &.rvlce °' Onlnte County tp0090rs an °"9(>ing healing support group for the cttronlcally Ill. The purpose la to provide partlclpanta with emotional and apitltual support to manage Illness and its conaequenoea. The group meeta at 7 p.m. Thuradays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance la free, but registration la required. (714) 445-4950. Scrabble Club No. 350 me.ta from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Pl82a, 3333 Bear St in CoSta Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coin end Sump Club mMta from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Famlly Service offers ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish Family Senrice of 0...nge County provides a support and discussion group for persons reoovenng from cnildhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Costa M esa. Advance registration IS required. (714) 445-4950. Two-hour kay•k tours with • trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Badt Bay Drive, Newport Beacn. $20, or $10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturahsts and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. A yog.a and dance dass is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 M esa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399 The Rev. Connie Rydcm1n leads a discussion group using the book ·conversations with God• from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 754-7399. Marshall's Tae Kwon Do in Costa Mesa offers free self-defense classes to a1r1me pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St.. Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A Dealing with Divorce support group 1s offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa. (714) 445-4950. The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacn. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. Oasis Senior Cent9r on.. ongoing aaslstance, counseling and referTal services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The to.ta M.se Senior Citinn Square and Round Dance Club seeb experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thur11day. at the Coste MeN Senior Center, 19th StrNt end Pomona Avenue, Coste Mesa. (714) 545--5669. Arthrttt. Foundation IMtNctor Hiiiary Stone leads an exercise claa at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 260 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. (714) 613-6641, The Newpott Beech Newcomefw Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The organization Is open to all women residents of Newport Beacn who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers-newportbeach.org. The ThtJrsday Momlng Women'• Club, a 40-year-old friendship club, is seeking new members. The club, whidl includes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet sections, meets at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel In Newport Beach. The luncheon is $23 and includes entertainment. The hotel is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842-5863. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The AmeriClln legion meets et 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, whicn deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard is at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (7 14) 546-2777; or Bill Mim1aga, (949) 650-0894. Nlgh1ty meetings for those who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in Costa M esa and Newport Beacn. (714) 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666. The Newport Sports Museum, a nonprofit organization. operates a free museum at 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beacn The museum, whicn has one of the world's largest collections of sports memorabilia, is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m . on Saturday. (949) 721·9333 or www.newponsports museum.org. The Estancia High School Pltrent Teacher Student Assn. hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon m the sdlool's northwest paoong lot. on the comer of Estancia North and Placentia. Newspapers that are bound, loose or bagged are accepted. Cardboard and bound material sucn as phone books and thick magazines are not. Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the month All funds raised go to the association. Free. The sdlool 1s at 2323 Placentia Ave • Costa Mesa (949) 515-6500. Oasis Senior Center °"9t"s • dally telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also o ffer ongoing computer classes that 1eacn the basics of Word. Ou1dten, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Communlcaton Toastmasters Club meets from noon to l p.m . Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to a11vo11e who warns to Improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Newport Beech Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdsys in Sgt. Pepperoni's meeting room, 2300 Bristol St.. Newport Beacn. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Jewish fllmily Service of Orange County holds group meetings for younger women to dlscuu life paaaages and dlangea, body images, family, relationships, communication, Jntlmacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. Marcy M iddler, (7141445-4950, ext 114. I can't believe ..... . It's My-Hotne Landscaping or re-landscaping i.t your an.rwer to a bcaLLtiful new look for your home. FLOWERDALE can make your Ian~ dreamt come true, and increue your home's valor. tool Come in today and ditc:ovu the people who can mab a diffeceoce to you and your p.rden. ~.,,,_,,..-"~~ NURSERl•S, INC. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING"' YEAAS EXP.I l..icenk No. 308553 - SANTA ANA• 2800 N. Tusr1n Aw. (714) 63~9200 COSTA MESA • 2700 Briaol A~. , •• 754-6661 I VISIT US ONLINE AT wWW.southcoastsubaru.co111 '04 WRX STI 300HP NOW ARRIVING! NEW! 2004 Turbo Forester has arrived! Test 1 today '~ll New" 2004 Subaru Forester 2003 Subaru WRX Sedans & mzgons 1 227hp 2003 Subaru Baja® I Automatic I r 110. ·12 1101. · 3 To Choose Model 3BP (105431) (105701) (107157) $999.00 Down . Sale price $21,026 +tax, lie, doc fees, govt . fees, finance charge, 4 .49% APR , 72 mos. Tier 1 buyer on bank approval thru Subaru Finance Corp . All dealer incentives are included. 2003 Subaru Outback wagons & LL Beans· = RA911.wvn~nce I or ToY* Highlaficler, WIT~. Subaru haS b11n the best~ lqlort wagon in America fw 20 y;..n in a row. Based on the Polk ~ompeny retail registration statistics as of 12/31/01 . lOOJ Merced11 SUOO lladcllbdt o•_., .... Al o,d•• SI 17.SOO 1001 Bentley Arnqe T lladclllack 521 Mlltt 20" l.owenhart WhHll Gorpoutl $229,500 .. QUOTE OF 11E DAY "Just remember. There's a r10Son why the Cincinnati Bengals chose firJt and the · Raiders picked last." Ry111 Hoa1, Mr. lfrelevant addressing Helsman winner Carson Palmer . EDITOR'S · SGORECARD @ne big irrelevant night I n an lrreJevant Week Lowsman 1\'ophy banquet for the ages - one in which Martha Burke would be extremely happy because women were allowed for the first time, ending a 27-year run of stag parties - Mr. Irrelevant XXVlll Ryan Hoag. a 1>mall-college wide receiver, made a big 11npression in front of the Heisman nophy winner and a .--------. sellout crowd of RICHARD DUNN 1,200 at the Anaheim Marriott. Oh, sure. irrelevant Week founder Paul Salata fired off his usual jokes and former USC quanerback and 2002 Heisman winner Carson Palmer shared the spotlight with Mr. Irrelevant. But poor 1 loag. He shows up for Irrelevant Week ~II amid June's first week of ... unshine while wearing the world's biggest smile. then realizes right away this 1s not Raider country. "I gueo;s mo'>t people around here don't like the Raiders." Hoag said I hursday night. prior to the headline l'Vcnt of Irrelevant Week, the annual I owsman Trophy banquet that honors \tr. Irrelevant. who is presented a bronu sculpture that depicts a football player dropping a ball. Hoag. you see. had no Idea that Orange Countians. especially in these part'>. aren't exactly the welcoming wagon for the silver and black. But I loag. selected No. 262 by the Oakland Raiders and the absolute dead-last pick in the NFL draft, has handled the ill-Raider feehngs well this week. like everything else. Hoag. the former football and uack and field standout at Gustavus \dolphu!> College in St. Peter, Minn., is 1 re..tl pro and even put the celebrated Palmer tn his place late in the banquet and, well. telling the truth. "I know (the banquet! is usually re-;e rved for the Irrelevant Week honoree. Thanks for ta.Icing the '>po t light tonight." I Joag said to Palmer at the podium. "Just remember. There's a reason why the Cincinnati Bengals chose first and the RaJders picked last." Palmer. the first same-season Heisman winner to appear at the Irrelevant Week Lowsman Trophy banquet. gave plenry of thanks in receiving the 2003 Sportsman of the Year award, but added that enough is enough. In other words. no more awards. please. ""Jhat's enough. Stop SM SCORECARD, Paa• 83 Spot1I Editor Richard Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Sports fax: 1949) 650-0170 2003 HIGH SCHOOL ATH RAISIN CdM aquatics standout is proof that unselfishness can have its reward. B1rry Faulkner Daily Pilot P roving the axiom that the more yo.u give, the more you get m return, recent Corona del Mar High graduate Christina Hewko parlayed decreased offensive statistics into a stream of team and individual achievements in her final season of prep aquatic competition. After scoring 85 goals as a junior on the Sea Kings girls water polo team, she sacrificed some scoring for the good of the team last fall as a senior. The result was another CIF Southern Section team championship, as well as recognition as CIF Player of the Year in her division for the second year in a row. Hewko, a strong and selfless two-meter standout, scored 54 goals and added 31 assists and 54 steals in her fourth varsity campaign. But despite posting As a sophomore, Hewk.o collected 58 goals, 27 assists and 97 steals to help the Sea Kings win the PCL title and advance to the semifinals of CIF Division IY. She was first-team All-CIF Division N and first-team All-PCL As a freshman, Hewko helped the Sea Kings to the Division N title game, a 7-4 setback to Santa Margarita. She was first-team All-CIF Division IV and All-PCL that season as well. CdM was 89-36 her four seasons, a winning percentage of better than 71 %. She also contributed to the swim team in the spring. As a senior, she posted CIF qualifying times in the 200-yard freestyle and the 100 backstroke, as the Sea Kings went on to finish second at the CIF Division 11 finals. As a junior, sbe. was a CIF BIG WEST CONF.ERENCE CHAMPIONS JLwle 30 honofff PHIL BROWN Saturday, June 28. 2003 11 E YEAR SERIES BAR Corona del Mar water polo and swimmin& standout Christina Hewko, who is headed for Stanford, is the Sea Kings' Girls Athlete of the Year. JUNIOR TENNIS Local trio moves on to semis Radeva, Fleming and Ball compete in semlfinA.ls today in SCTA junior section&ls. t ... I invite you to take a test drive toda}r!" ~p~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * Consigiiments Welcome * ASE Certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your Car * Warranty Included * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates (on Most Vehicles) BMW 97 3281 CONY (19~2)Vhlrew/Ton. SponPllg .. $19,980 99 328iS c1m°'1fdw/~oddurvoof.Shlney. 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PORSCHE 86 9285 c1928610lk w!Ton Im Aura Low Mlles 10, 980 6 7 SPEEDSTER REPLICA 19'7l( S<lvf.'I w P.eo low M.1es 15, 980 00 BOX5TER (1~)1lk>d. w•Grat np 30, 980 00 DOXSTER S c10•90C)s.vei ... ~ )K~ Pl9m \'his · 39, 980 00 911 COUPE c194~12'~Ml~1 >.lvool&P.f<ords 49,980 00 911 CONV 110 ... 11~•1.'1,.,"Jli< P-tm"'Ns • 59,980 00 911 CONV (t94'7)Wuior'Y J5~Mi~I 59,980 01 911 C4 CAB (1947~)5M<·~•OH~~~·, •21, ~ 73,980 01 TURBO c1m•>r~ Olwy 1e.r.li f01JAo\AIS..1MO.... INQUIRE 01 911 COUPE (19414( c.~·cr. IQl(~,.4'S A~f INQUIRE 01 TURBO c1946&C)Dk ~ .,1(,... ~ INQUIRE suvs 00 JEEP GMND OfEROKEE LAREDO •0)44 .ow w f' $14, 980 00 FORD EXPLORER .o~ v-e ·"~ c.f(Wl $14, 980 01 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT ·~~ionnU:'=S._ $15,980 00 NISSAN XTERM <10.u>Mony A~ml/Yles $15, 980 99 DODGE DURANGO <10'36 °'"2• ~ •ooe Tm Tcr. ~ $16, 980 99 FORD EXPEOITIOHc10•11 IM!w~ LC• Vf"y~ $17, 980 98 DODGE DUPAHGo c1•11i.ll.IC.,.,l~ n ~= c iu~ $19, 980 00 lANDROVER DISCOVERY (!0•~,o.o-. 1a-• $19, 980 99 UNCOlN NAVIGATOR(lo.••>Biodl"~ tooa.on $23,980 01 oma£T TNau•11111M..-..,,lt( VO. '-'d"-0. ntt tow "'9 $ 29, 980 Daily Piiot SPORTS PHoros BY KfNT T~f PTOW /DAIL y PILOT Above, Mr. Irrelevant Ryan Hoag pulls in a pass despite the defense of fifth-grader Dylan Hunt during a footban clime at The Pegasus School on Wednesday. Below, Hoag gives his approval. SCORECARD Continued from B 1 ii,· Palmer said, m reference w the number of po'>lsecc.on honors he has collected since leading USC lo 1t~ viclory over Iowa in the 200:1 Orange Bowl as the Trojans finished lhe season 11 -2 and ranked No. 4 m the nation . Later at 1hc banquet podium, after Palmer and I loa~ had received gifts. including a replica of each others' college jersey, Palmer a~ked I loag to , aulograph it. "R1gh1 back at · you." I loag ..aid lo P.aJmer. The Lo~man rrophy mgh1 was considered lhe largest Irrelevant Week banquet crowd in history inside the mammoth ballroom. The banquet is usually held at the Newpon Beach Marrion, bu1 SaJala & Co needed a bigger place 10 play lhis year 111 the I leisman meet'> Lowsman buildup Despite how '><>me local<, might feel abou1 the Raider">. Hoag can't wait to get his shot al making the Oakland ro'>ter and maybe work.Ing his way into a ~tarting role in the future. He also returns lockofTs and punt~ He said u's a great situauon to be in with future Hall of Farner., Jerry Rice and Tim Brown to help groom him 1 loag, fi-foot 2, :mo pound .... played only one y(·ar of high 'l honl football and that \o\a., a" a IV 4uanerb,uk I fl' grt>w up 1n Minneapoh<,, llwn 'J'lt'lll one yt•.ir a1 Vlaxe r on-''' <t' ,1 \'>all on .,on·er player I le returned to h"" rooL'i and enrolled at (1U!»lavt1., \ , I I t\dolph11'>. ""ht•n· hl' "'''' ,111 All r-.11nrw ... ota lntl•rrolleg1.11t• 1\f hl<'l1t ( onferent l' pl•rlormt'r lhrt•t• llmC'> f lw "..1mnt•apoh" naU\ l' pl,tVt'<l ll•nnr-.. ba ... kl•tball and ... m u·r 111 l11gh ..,rhool. htoforc gomg 111 \Vakc .-ore<,I YOUTH SOCCER Slammers' run comes to an end in regional tourney quarterfinals Newport Beach under-18 team featured Mazura, Shepherdson and Janes in Hawaii. The Newpon Beach Slammer... girls under-18 squad, which won the state cup last month, reach- ed the quarterftnals of the U.S. Youth Soccer Far West regional at waipio Peninsula Soccer Park in Honolulu, Hawaii, Thursday. lnc ~arr1rnl'r.... \>\-l11d1 ledture-. relenl Lorona t.kl Mar I llgh graduate.., AIJ\ia M<Vura. Lauren Shl:'pherd.,on and l'<ugt• Jant''>, won 1heir pool with threl' vie lorn.·., 111 the touni.inH.'nt that <;tancd Monday The Slammer. rcpr~nted Southern <..ahfonua after winning the final 10 the Pre- mier C...up Qiamp1on<ih1p 10 May. The Slammer... won 1he1r pool when Mazura '>cored the game- winning goal afler converung on a through ball with <1hout 15 minutes left, leading the <;lam WATER POL<r mer' 111 iJ l. I \1t tor\ O\l'r \\J. ... h - 1ngton on \\edne ... dJy llw Ple<banton Hagl'. re- prc..,cntmg Nonhern Lahfornm. dcfe<11ed the Slammt'r'>. I O. 111 a 4uanerlinal ll1ur.<.lay. On Monday. the <;lammer' de·· feaH·d I lawaii. 7-0. and they de- feated Ala.ska. 1-0. the followmg day <;hepherdson. \.\ho made hl'r fir...t appearance <,rnce reha- bili1ating from a broken foot, re- corded an as .... isl on the first ball .. 1w touched in the 20th minute agarnc;1 I lawaii. CdM girls triumph in summer opener Liao scores four times to lead CdM 's l 0-goaJ outburst. Vivian Uao scored four goals whil.e·Jordan Anae tallied three to give the Corona deJ M.ar girls under-18 water polo team a 10-3 victory In the first game of sum - mer league play Monday against University at El Thro Htgh. CdM outahot University, 16· 10, with Ashley Olandler.(two) and Olelsea Lyman Con e) also addlng goals. Katya Eadington tallied four MSists to go with two steals while Katie Kubas contributed three steals and one assist. Uao added two steals and Amy Strack collected two assists for CdM. CdM led, 5-0, at halftime. Goalkeeper Kelsey McCormick made two saves.. DEEP SEA Friday's counts Newport Lanclnt -7 boats, 167 anglers. 6 yellowtell. 52 white ... bass, 423 calico bMs, •11 send bit•, 5 hefibut. 12 aheepshead, 1 triggerfl~. Drop w wp 1m a n.tu1 'o~ SU< ~30 RDadsttt u11Ui Sport Pacl<.Qfe at a arfip dead J:OTRc!UUS pnce You htm! w ~t' 11 w bt~ thu .ioo.i C.i40 Sedan Newr ~. ''"1/~) pr<!-.1tt'f'led You\._. l(C>l. co fxri.th 'l11UNl{! Saturday, ..looe 28, 2003 83 ( &~d ) TRUCK saooo ~ .... / .. FOR &O -SALE ' '' .. ' ' . I • I ' I I' •• ' • ' l'fellkf>1 Poala Z1S : Moonroof ·-- 1 -- • 84 Satwday, Jule 28, 2003 SPORTS Daily Pilot -RUNNING Parsel breaks age-group record in 20K Estancia alumnus, at age 48, sets Masters division mark in meet at OCC. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot F iguratlvely spea.kjng. Dave Parse! stumbled upon the national age-group record in the 20,000 meters. Yet after enduring a rigorous week. Parse!, an Estancia High alum, came nowhere near stumbling wt1en he broke the 45·49 national age-group record, llnishing in 1:11.9.20 at a Masters division trade meet at Orange Coast College June 8. The Masters division is for Whether You Bur or Lease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! runners age 40 an<I older. The previous record in t}le 45-49 age group was 1:13.46. Parsel, 48, became aware of the record some four hours before the meet started when he was listening to a phone message from his friend Dave Pier, who Is a cross country ~d trade and field coach at OCC. The day before the meet at OCC Parse! ran in the Corona del Mar Scenic SK. By the time Parse! listened to the phone message, he had put in roughly 85 miles throughout each of the previous three weeks, as h e is an avid nmner. "Running a 20K was the last thing I was thinking about,· Parsel said. "My first thought was that was totally insane. It seemed out of the question. I found out that I had to run back-to-back ~minute lOKs, and that's all I had to do to break the record." Parsel. who played football at F.&tancia and OCC in the 1970s, actually had to overcome more than finishing each half of the race (n 36 minutes. He went the entire race, 50 laps around the trade. without water. In addition , the meet was at night and the only lights provided were at the finish line. •11 was surrealistic," Parsel said. ·1n some parts, it was pitch dart. I could hear the voices cheering. It wasn't really dizzying. but after 25 laps, I did feel cramps. I didn't know if I would be able to do it. Dave Fier yelled out that there was 30 laps left. I just said, 30 down, 20 to go. The people there laughed and that put me at ~" Parsel has been rather comfortable with running long distance ever since 1979 after he rehabWtated from a broken leg Put a few words to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Piiot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRANO PRIZE Sit on the players' bench during the match and meet rising tennis star Maria Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday, July 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St. Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club, from 7·10 p.m. This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabilia. 1• PLACE One Lucky Reader will win 2 spots in the Players Pro-Am Clinic on Friday, July 18 from 5-6:30 p.m. at Palisades Tennis Club. taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday, July 16 match from 7-10 p.m. GRANO PRIZE"' 1" PLACl WUOIEAS will be anounced during half·time on July 16 FIVE LUCKY WINNERS will each receive 2 tickets to erther the July 16 (vs. St. Louis Aces). July 20 (vs Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs. Kansas Crty &plorers) matches. All matches start at 7 p m. It's easy to enter. Fill out the entry form below and mail it to the Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received by Friday, July 11 at 5 p.m. Or bring it by the Dally Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa during regular business hours, Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. No purchase is necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match. Empl~ ar>d th61r ~lives of 1118 Oaity Pilot, nmn Community News. • Los Anglin nmes Ind Tnbu111 Company'" IMl/gible. Pictured below: Brian MacPhle suffered while playing football for 0CX:: in 1978. He went bade to OCC in 1987, when. at age 32, he won the state championship in the 10,000 meters. Ke won Orange Empire Conference tides lo the 5,000 and 10,000 that year, as well, and went undefeated in both races until finlshlng second in the state In the 5,000. Ke'! no stranger to u'afoldJng being a bit of a novelty act. In regard to age-group records, the Masters division meet on June 8 wa,, actually supposed to solely feature Paul Cook. a SO-year-old from Santa Ana. Ke had prepared for the process of setting up for the record in his age group lo be officially broken. The process included making sure an official watched the race and that the track met legal standards. Cook broke the 50·55 age group record, finishing in 1:13.48.79, breaking the record by more than 10 minutes. SEAN DUFRENE /DAILY PILOT Estancia High and Orange Coast College product Dave Parsel recently set a 4549 national age-group record at OCC. PONY BASEBALL Newport Harbor wins two of three NHBA 13-year-olds score 11 runs in two wins in Fullerton Tournament. Newport Harbor Baseball Aswcialion's 13-year-old Pony baseball Learn completed the Fullerton Tournament. 2-1, after victories over FuUenon and La Mirada. A 12-hit anaclc caLapulted Newport to an 11 ·6 triumph over La Mirada Erik Bonn. ~Behr, Nl.ko Hemandtt.. Troy Seeber and ~Hapke each had IWO hits, with Seeber clubbing a double while collecting two RBis. Ben Pra:zler and Brock Schuler each tallied singies. Hapke, Frazier, Bonn. Behr, Hernandez and Jacbon Ma8llngl.U all had RBis for Newport Hemande-L got the win in relief. going four innins-; with three strikeouts and not allowing a run Spencer Smith started for Newport and struck out three in his three innin~ Fullerton rallied with seven runs in the final two innifW>. but Newpon held on for the 11 -9 wm over Fullerton. Smith went 2 for 2 with two doubles while Seeber and Tyler McGID each went 2 for 3. Massingill, Behr and Frazier each singled. McGill and Massingill scored twice and had one RBI apiece while Behr. Garrett Gordon. Seeber and Jerry WhJtney. who doubled. each knoded in one run. Gordon started on the mound and went five innin~ allowing three runs on six hits while striking out five to pick up the win. Hapke pitched one inning of reuer for the save and had one strikeout. • Newport led Dana Point, 14-13, in other Fullerton Tournament acdon, but the game was called after exceeding time limits. Frazier hit an inside-the-park grand slam in the third inning and Massingill knocked in three runs with a bases-loaded criple in the fourth. Newport scored four runs each in the third. founh and fifth innin~ Smith led Newport by going 3 for 3 with two runs scored and two RBis while Bonn also scored twice and went 2 for 3. Seeber also knocked in three runs and went 2 for 3 with a double. Whitney had one hit and an RBI while Olale Behr, I lapke SENIOR TENNIS and Gordon all had i.ingles. Massingill strude out one in l Y1 innings of relief while McGill got the save, getting the final two ouLS in the sixth, including one scrilceouL Schuler '>tarted on the mound and went thn.-e inmn~ suiling out two. •On Monday. Newport came back from a 5-2 deficit, !oCC>ring iL'> final run in the bonom of the seventh to claim a 6-5 win over Rancho Trabuco in the Dana Point Tournament. Newport's only loss in the FulJerton Tournament was a 7 -0 decision to Rancho li-abuco. Massingill led off the beVCnth with a walk followed by a sacrifice bunt by &'Cher. With Massingill on second. Bonn singled home the winning run after a fulJ count. Hapke had two of Newport's five hilS, including a double and tallied one RRI . Gordon also knocked in one with a tut and Frazier went 1 for 3 with one RBI. Wlutney got the win an relief. striking out rwo in one inmng. Smith added an mning and W'.t.'> preceded on the mound by McGill, who pitched 3-;t, innings. allowing one run with two strikeouts. Gordon went I innings as the starter. Duesler eyeing two USTA titles Four doubles teams and one singles player remain in the hunt with wins Friday as play heats up in the men's United States Tennis Association national 60s, 65s and 70s hard-court championships at the Undborg Racquet Oub in Hwltington Beach. The· top-seeded doubles team of Newport Beach's Bob Ouesler and partner Jim Nelson (Palisades of Jim Uindin and Lenny Lind- borg today at noon. O\Jesler. the second seed in 65s singles. ~pt seventh-seeded Uoyd Goldwatet 6-0. 6-0, to ad- vance lo a semifioaJ today at 10-.30 a.m. against sixth-seeded Bob Helton. and-seeded team of Jim Per1ey and RusseU Seymour today at l:JO p.m. lWo doubles teams with Costa Mesa players in the 60s diVlSion advanced to the semifinals with wins Friday. ~QJJ.J...,· Oub) advanced ro today's lo 70s doubles. the top-seeded duo or Newport Beachs Diclc Doss and partner John Powl~ of Madison. WJS4 Jidvanced._ro Jbe division final with a 6-4, 6-3 tri- umph~ the fifth-seeded team or Roger Hing and Midlae! Ohara. Doss and ~ face the sec- Costa Mesas Bill Harader and partner Chris Brown defeated Frank Fulton and Fred Hardy. 4-6. 6-3, &-4, while Phillip Oegaillande and Hamilton Sab. downed John Grazer and Alan Gow. 6-1. 6-4 .• 1111111111111111111111111111111111 ENTRY IOU DAllY PtlOT-NEWPORT IEACH llEAIERS ON COURT CONTEST ~ r:=.-::::o:". -v---... ............. semifinals in 65s doubles with a &-4, 6-1 victory over Heruy Lan· ~and John Roberts. The duo will fac.e the fourth-seeded team TENNIS Continued from B 1 16s action and will face Los An· geJes' Mike Gumian today at 11 am. at lot Cab. Swlday's 6naJ ts scheduled for 10-.30 a.m. 1Wo area players are still alive In the consolation brackets of their age dJvislon alter Pr1day. Newport Beach• Kaea Van't Hof defeated Encinitas' John Cald· well, 6-4 6-3, to advance to a boys I 8s quarterfinal against Irvine's Adam Louclcs at 9:30 am. at Los c.ab. U' Van't Hof wins, he would play in a semifinal later today at 12:30 p.m. while Alvarado would play again at 2 p.m. if be defeats Nguyen. Costa Mesa's Chadle Alvarado needed three sets to post a 6-2. 4-6, 6-1 victory in the boys I 2s consolation bracket. Alvarado. MSRP .•........... $37, 180 Robins FOf'd Discount .. ·SS,68~ Sole Price ........ $31 ,495 Foct0ty Rebate ...•... -$2,SOO .... Both semifinals will be hdd at I :30 p.m today with the finals at the same time Sunday. the eighth seed, will face Ana· heim's Denis Nguyen in a quarterfinal today at 11 am. at the Neal Machander Tennis Cen· ter In Santa Ana. Brittany Holland, in the third round of the girls I& consolation bracket. and Ryan Caughren in the same round in boys l 4s. lost their matches Friday. Holland lost to Kristen McVitty of Woodland Hills, 7·5, 6-3, while Caughren fell to Ouistian ls1p. 6·3, 5-7, 2-6. I oa.ly. Pilot ' 2MO LeplNoUcea ~-the~ A HEARtNQ on lt'9 Pltlorl • be held on 2003 at 146 PM No l 73 IOc:aMcl The City DnYe °""lit. CA 9281 J. 1571 IF YOO OBJECT '° --~ol ..... Ian, )'OU lhc.Ad IPP9lf .... ~Ind-· your~ or Ille WllaiNl ~ wit1 .. COUit befot't lht heeling VOUf ~­ anot may be In person Of by your attorney If! YOU Af1E A CAEOITOO 0< a contin- gent credltof of Ille deceased, )'OU must file )'O\lf claltn With the COUit ano mall a oopy to lt'lt l*'IOl\al representative IA>Olnted by Ille COUit wiltwl f()IJI tnOnh trom lht daw ot first laauanoe of ien.. •• Pl'OYidtd in Probat.e Codt MCt1011 11100 The lmt lor filing ciawne WIJI not ellplfe bt4ore '°"' monltls from lht heMJng date nollCed abo\19 YOO MA V EXAM- INE the file kept by the court H )'OU are a pef'IOf'I ..-esled in lhe esl.ilte. YoU may lite Wiit\ the court a Request tor Speaal Notice (loml OE· 154) ot the filing ol ao 111\190l()(y and appraisal of eaute assea or ol any peCJtJon or account as Pl<Mded in Probate Code MCtJOf1 1250 A ~ tor $peaal Notice loon is available from the COUit Clef1I AtlOmty IOt ptllltoNr: MINA N SIRKU~ ESQ STEVEN C GAM- BARDELLA ESQ 20751) VENTlJRA BL VD SrE 201 WOOOl.AND HILLS CA 91364 Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Dally CN681883 DILLON JI.fl 27,28. J\JI 4, 2003 Ind ex llOllQ Of Pml llAm OUlllCMYY IMOPlllT,,.., ,..counBr fGI SAll'TA MA Bien fll STAlJDU• SAll'TA MA Blmll<IUTIDll fACllJY NOTICE IS HlKLBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Newport Buch will hold a public hearin& on TllH4oy, July I , 200J, 01 7:00 '""' m the l.hamb•rs of the New port Bea<.h City Council. 3300 Newp11r I Boote vard. Newport Beach. Cahlornla The publit hearing os-beon1 con ducted m fulfillment of the requ1remenh of Health and Safety Cod• Section JJU !> itnd 33679 The hea11n11 may be continued frum time to time unlll completed Any person des"'"I lhe opportunity to be he.rd will bl' allordt!d an oppor tunoty tu dO so The PUIPU\t' of this h••rlntt I\ to LOR\tde1 • prupo~ed Pubhc f acoh hr• A11reemf'nl ff)( Santa Ana Height. r ire Sta hon and S•nt• An• He1&hh R•uutoun r •t•loty ( Thr 0 A&1<l'men1· 1 amonc the Oranll• I •111nly Dtvel npm.,n l Agent y 1·A11tncy·1 •he t"unty ol Oran11t I the l.nunly ) dnd lh• Coty of N~wpurl Be••h I -C:ity" 1 wher tby the Aeenc y would pro v•de a !!•,mt of t.u •n•.rPmt!nf bond pro Cf!Pd.-. and n, av41lttbl.- tai mrrf'fl1~nt 111 the amount of $1!>,bOO 000 '"' Coty Ito d< quuc land lu1 •Rd lo <tJll\h ud th• Santa A11A He11thh r ore c;1 .. 11r ... """ '" d< Qllll' ft'paH And IOIPIO¥, ,,,,. Sdlllo An• He1€hl\ Recr••l1un f •<ohty fh• Sant• An• He•ahh fu~ St•t1vn and Rtue .&hon r aur.ty ar• klc•l•d :111--~ SIU •••"40 -.M& RE ... w1thm tile S.anle Ana Hel&1ih Redevelopnient AIH and WIH d11ectly e l1m1nete bli1ht1n1 phy,11.o11 end e~ono1111c ~cmdlhun~ Ill th• s.nt .. An• lito&hh P1014K-l AIH by lept..llfll • ltl'JljXHMY l11e \lal1on with 1 per11unant '''hon and sub'l•llllitfl't repa111n1 •nd 1m41r ov1n1 •nd ••"""' r"crt11t1onal laciloty luthllln& m1ior 1oa~ and obiechves ol the Santa Ana lie1ahh Redevel11pment ,..,.,,. Any .nd all pel\on' havu1e •llY ob1ed11111\ 111 the 111upo\~d A111ePm~nl nr th~ propo .. ed A11ent y itranl lot lhr '>~11ta Art• lle1ehh In• Slahon ~nd S•nl d And Hbt&loh Recte•hun I •<1hty "' who dMy thr t~(lul•rtly of tlt1\ pt utt·rd•nK 01 W1\h tu '"'°~ ''n .iny "'u" 1 aoud by lhe prnpo-.ed Aett,m•nt "' the p1opu,~d A&rnc y 1111111 lot lh~ S•11I" And Ht•ihh r '' u '>t~t1on •nd Satol• A11.1 _Htt1thl-. Rt!crf'at1nn t .•t 1hty "'•Y "llP"•' .\t th• t1tarm11 .and woll be .tturd~d .tn n11pnrtun1ly trJ •I ti• lheu ull1<'1. "''"" JI .11ny p .. r,u11 c1t;\ttf\ to 'b •ll•ro~t' on • ''"I !ht Adophon ot tht' IKOflfi,,.d Aitr~rnlf'nt '" lht' pro po\Pd A1t•n• y ~· ml 1111 lhe Sdnl• An• H•!¥hh r,,~ St1i1t11,n .~11J S,u\1,1 Alld l1•1~hl' Rt fl Jloun r dl thty Ht dny pt II t. f'edm1,•. 1n t 11111,,., liuu th to I PWlfh ftH•y fU+tY' hf" hHlll~d tu I Jl\111.i: 11rtl'( U1tt\f' l\,Ut'' thrtl Uu·y ur '\t1ni1•1,n~ rl~.,. r .u ·•ti 111 lht" ht•llflllte 1Sto\4 t1twct Hl th1'\ n11tut' ru 111 wt 1U1tn • uro•• i1t11111N1• .. d~lov .. red In !ltft AK~"' '( 01 th~ Uuard .11 '" ,,. ,.., lo th@ hr•<llll! A .. r PqUll ~d hy H~•llh •nd s,,,1 ... ty t nit ...... tu.rt U6/'l " t OIJY "' lh• P• ''"'"td llr1 ~·m•nl • w•ll •\ ' 'ummor y vi lht' prol"""d Ag1 e~m•nl •nd !hr p1opu•,rJ A&encr 1,1nt tor tlM Santi An1 Ht!thh r N t StatlOn 1nd S11nta Ana He1&hh Rnrulllifl f ii clltly •• •v•1l•ble for pubhc on\ptc hc.n and • opyone 11 /1 '"\! nol to ttered th~ co~t of dophuhun hom the City of N•wporl u ... ch s C11r Cltrk (1300 ~ewporl Buulev•rd New11urt Be•th C<1htorn•a), the (;If'(\ Wtb s1 le (www •tty n•wport he4rh 1..1 u•) and the oflit• ol the County Cl•rk ( 10 t:1v1t Center Pldl<I, Sdnl• An.i, Calo lutnt~) ru1lhm 1ntu1 "'"'""' •ee•rd1111 lh1s h••"'"' may ootaoned by 1rmla1 Im& Oavtl lltll IA~\1~ld1tl City M•naeer) .it 949 &44 3002 or T11n R1l11y IF"" Chief I at 949 64<4 JIOI I•/ lellonl I. lrewn, bepvt., City ct.rt. 1 .. laV-• M. !40l'kle11. c11., Clerk, Ci ty el Newpo<1 leac:h Pubit\htd Ntwpo1 I bt J• h r o't• Mru u .. 1ly l'tlol Jun~ 18. :?fJO I Sa440 SUPlllOI COllT Of CAllOlllA, COOIITT Of hp 341 n. Qty Driw, 341 n. Oty Driw, On.p, CA 92161,rr.a..CMt Pl1TOOll Of: lark...,~ fOI (IWtG( Of WU OIDO TO SHOW CAllSl fOI C!WfGf Of IWH CASI MUIR A21990S llJ Al I !NII RI SlfO f'I HSllN'i J 11 ... t1ltun,., Mai._ Arolh•ony Shomnodh Med .i ll~ltlton wtl h lltt\ wur I tm <i 1Jt:f '.,,.. • tMog1ng n.rnu···. ,~. toll11wc; Mat" llr1thn11y ~h.1mmah to Mu~ Anlhuny WJrd Ap?Utl"r 'l Ht£ CllUHT ORDERS I! H all per )OD) rnter nted 111 thri milter sh•ll ..,.,.., bef or• 011s t.our t at the he1111n1 1nd1c1tect below Ill \OOW t•UMI ti 1ny why the pelttton 101 chana• ol n•m• \ltuuld not be er anted NOTIC[ or HC AR INC Oat• 8/~/0J I ome '1 00 pmOept 113 The iuldreu of th• cout I '' ume n nuted •b<>~• 3 A cop; of th1\ Ordft to Show t•uu •hall he pubhshed at tent onu each wuk for lour suc.cess1ve week' prom to the d•I" u t Im hu1tn& on the pellti<•n m the following 11rw•. paper of 11ener •f rn lll talion, printed to 1111~ c.ounty Or ana• tou111 v Daily Pilot Dot•• JUNl 26, 2003 Marlofl• Lolrcl Corf er, )UDGl Of THl SlWHtoa COU•T Publ1~hed Newp•11 I Buch Costa Mes.t D11ly Pilot hJnr 28. luly S IJ. 19. 2003 Sd419 MOTICI Of CJTY AUC110ll AIAll)()IB vmas w....,,..,,,9:00. •UCC61flll bldftf lhe wmn1n1 btd6wt " r' '90ftwble to r tmovt the VH\el llllm the Ho11but Oep411 IMent l•Ohty by !. 00 pm the day lul lu ... in1 Ille ~nd c.I the 1 rden1pl1un pe11od --·"'-'"' c-iw1 •• , .. , .. ~1 .. -... s,..,,,, ... Publo>hed Ne wpur I Buch Co,ta MtH Oa1ty Pilot June 28 2003 S•44t MOOO Of APPUCA 1IOM fOI OWIGI It OWlllSHr Of AlCOtlOUC IMIAGf UCDISI Datte# .. ~ 1-21,2003 to Whu111 II May (;011 '"''" tltr N•rnd •l ol lilt A'°'s.tl11 .tHI( .. , " 1111 c 1,IO Al All AN Ill &. l'AI 1111 YAl.11 t COHI' I hr .iopptoc .. nh 11\lt'd dh''""' ~'" appt11n1 to lite [)..,µ,11 lm1·11I vi Alc.uhu!oL e~vera11e ( fJUIH,11 ttJ !.fill 41(.uh«Jht t•t•rr •K•~ .ti 3474 VIA llf'llH I II <,t If' /09 NI Wf'OH I 131 Alfi CA • 'f;tf>bJ ron.aDel M.r'Ji'bJ') lypt ot htcnu(~J lhe C•ly nl """"'I""' •ppfoed tur ~ ON llu<h wtll •u<l,.>n '>I 'iAl[ CENERAl BOAT abandoned vr"•" •n f'ut.t•· htd Ntwpo<t dodm~ d1n~h•~' ~ .. ,d~\ H •. , I> r .. ,1. Me•• 0.aoly Ontn&e County S1t~1111 Harbor Oepdl lm.,nl 1901 8;iywde Dr111e C.v & <11 11 uulbv•<d '~' f'tlul 11111, 21! 7003 bu•t er 88/lE Y • I 1 So4.l8 2S M<G••aor """"'·'' Cl 4/llJA I It Jll d1n11M er 04 IOW lltewong woll be ''""" on Wrdne\d•Y Joly 'J be1weer1 8 00 •Ill .n~ 9 00 drro at the Or •"l!f l;r,011t y Shertll llMhnr O~l>Mlmenl CHh only will Ill' dtt~Pled Minimum bod " $1 ()() The H•rbor Oep•1 I menl mu\t r~U1n 1ht l.I rego~t.,ed •~"rl lnl low1nc the aucltun l1>r ,. 10 day redrmp11on period belore tit~ •e'>~~t t~ rel~<Hed l lJ lhl' PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 l~O\V to Place A CLASSIFIEIAD ll) Fax lh' Phonf' . 1111•11,, Ii '•'''~ By '.\lail/ln Pt·r~on : no \li<',t BJ' Stied c .... 1.1 \k,J r .\ <1:1.~' \I 't'"'I'"" Hl\.t &. kJ\ \I ,..... ...... ... s...... fhe lollowm1 ~"''"• .are dom& bu"""' u Wood C•re ~et.tit\! 'l'/'l'J H Brt>•dw1y t H S•nt1 An• C.ihlorru• 92706 Alb• Oeltn• l •n••Y 2225 N 9ro1Jw•y •H S•nl• Ana. C.Aht11r m.a 92706 fh1s bultnen 1s Luo ducted by an tnd1v1du•I Hue yc.u sla• ted ooma bu~tne.s yet> No Alba 0 C<1mey I hi\ •l.tlem•nl ••'• llled wllh the Cuunly Clerk ot O•ane• Cuuuty on 0'.11?9103 2003690 Sl4 O"tly Pilot Jun• If. luly !> 11 19 7003 s.447 FidttiM a.si.ss "-S..... I hr lollnwonii 11e1 ""'" •rt! dum.: liu\tru·-..~ •. n l AM CO 11811 lo'.h11• l •ne Sant• An, c ·•h l1Jrn1a 9?10'-, Cto~il Attn M·I~~ 111111 Jcnhu• lan~ ~•nl• A" 1 C4111or n1d 9270'> Rubel\ Mole\ 111:11 kr\hul l •nt s.nt .. "'·,, C..alolor nt4 9270" fht\ bu\1nt\*. 1\ c<1n ducted by hu\bdO•l dml wol~ H.tv,. you s,ldrh-'1 11.u . bu~tne\\ tel' Nu Rnbe•t M1IP'> fhl\ \t•t«!mrnt w.,""i ltted w1lh the f """' 1 Cler~ ot Ur ang• I • u•• ty un 06 ()'5, OJ • 20036947060 Daily Piiot June l 4 'l ?8. July ~ 2003 ... ~4 11 SELL your stuff through classified! Satutel.ty. June 28, 2003 85 ---------------- -LlplMaacel -nc-.. ..... .......... The lollow1111 pcrrwrt\ ..,. dvtOj bu,tnO\ H A 1 P •lhw•y 1-'ubl"honi b1 A1Hvt 1.roop 18tf. Poi I Abb•v Pl•L• Ne w1101 t R• •< h t:A 92660 M•rk I ~·ni"'~ 11136 Port Abbt y Pl•<~ ~;f;8orl ll••LI• CA Tht'\ bu\tnl!'n ,.. l un dut led bf ••• ond1;1du•I H•v• yt1u .. 1 tr t~d du111c bu~tn~'\\ yt-1 1 N1J M.uk 11,..n11n!( lht\ ~Ltf,.rllrHt W.+ f1lrd wtlh lhr 4 nunty t,.l"rk ut fh.-rnw:r t uuoty un Ob II 111 200369-47803 ............. ... s...... I he lulluw1n1 .-•uun~ ••e ft11n1 llu\tM~'\ .,,. s.uctstu•.. llyv11~ s ... lulK>tl\ r,77 I ldet\ U I l u,la Mf'u I A 'IJf.21 Sh.iu11 Wuudf l'>'lZ f Iden b I t.,,• I• M<s t !;A 'U.61/ 1~11 y S tvn~ l'>l'l t lrt~n H I I r•,l• Mt·'• I A'1/bl/ 1t11~ bu\Utl6~\ ... t uu LhH.ttHJ b~ 4 u ('4Ulm r\ Ii••" ~utl .l•rlrd dotu~ t,u\lrn yt·t 1 No ,, .,,,,. Wo•ldy I hi .. ,, ... UtttHI --· t11,. d with Hit Luuttt y c.1.-11i. .,t (J140~1i < •unt, 0111111 II fJl 2003tU7 .. 2 Oa•ly 1-'tlu! lu11c 14 /I 11 .. 11 hi"! lufl~ I• t Ill July '> )UO I ,,,4 10 7!l July '1 7(11'.H \.t4 I' Fidttiols '4ldlMJ .... s ..... I ht" followrn1. V"' '·•"'" ar,. du1n.-: tur •llt:,.\ •·· [ • t-tUlt"'" J.en1t 1111 .. I s .. ,..,.,t 'lfq ~Jfllt\! 'u1•· (Jr Nt-wµ, 11 I Hr.t tt 1 A 9')ff.Jll • P.t• f1 ~itl""n'41 M1m '"n.toc ~ M.1n4i''"n1rnt "" • r. A 4'1 t Sc•r •r•a T1<Jr (h N1 ,..., 1d Ht-tdt C.A ~21,1.11 fh1\ l..u •• • bu--~ir•t'•.-• ,t I ""t1J P.it 1111 N,c1t. '"' 'I tin 1•<•411 • M ~l Ill ~ • 8d\ief .. HlllJO Prt tdl ,,, '" ·t4ff"ll'Hf1t wt t.1 ... a with th,. 11111•1 t lr-rll. tJf Urtlfl•• 1 111 'i ''" Oli I? Ol 20036947819 U"1ly Ptlut lun"" 711 lllly " /0<11 SELL your stuff through ·classified' CLASSIFIED It's the so/u. tum you're searchingfor- whether you 're seeking a home, apart- men~ pet or new occupation! Pol ify --------. R.it.:' .ind de.11Jlin.:' .ir.: ,ub1c1.1 '" ~hJn~,· v.11h•t1tl n1•11, .. lhl' puhll\hcr rc,cr.c' th.: n~h11 ... .:n -<•r r..-d.1 ti\ ri:'"~· "' 1c1nt dn) d.1."1hed .i1.lvi:rt1wnwnt P1 ...... , .. r<'r•tn 1n, , rrur th.it m.1\ h< rn )Our da"rl11:d ad 1mmcd1Jt,·h l h< l ).11h l'1l11t ·" ·pt' nn ltJh1lrty for an\ error 111 an .uh ··ni-.·m, 111 1111 v. 111 It 11 111.1\ ~ rc,pon\lblc: e~cc:pt lur the, .. ,, 111 tlw 'I'·''" .1.iu.ilh '" qt1l'd h\ th,· l'OOI Credit , Jn only 0.: Jlh"".:d 1111 th, I 11,1 111,t'1'111n SERVICE DIRECTORY ..... rt. ... IUft'-1 .nt M" I ..t v~•l • • llouri-;: ...------Dl~adlinl\~ ----- c......, LoelA:lypls I Esbtll Sales __ 1486_ Estate Sales ....... v.w .._.... Ooub6to c,, ..... l(Jnt IOt. "'1\t wl Wortll SIS!\ <.di hlr S11Vo0u 949 9.!9 mt SSI..... lei ·f'.t< oltt v,,.., lOOO 818 9116 /l'n Iv 1160 TOf' $S 4 l lCC>aDS ETC Bu.~. [k 50,' IO~ .Bl All« sPu. lob ~ Mlkt 949 64~ /')05 ENTERTAINMENT lOUAl ltOUSll6 ~ Alt real e~l~lfl advei lf .. ln& tn th" n~W'IJ.IPM " ~ubre< I t u th• F tder •I r ittr Hous1na Act ol 1968 1111 .omendtd which makn 1t 1t1•1.01 to .adve< ltse • •ny 111 ''" ence llm1hlton or d&s.cumuut.on butd OD r•~•. color reheion W• h<1nd•C8P lemlhtl 'l•tus or national orocin '" •n mtenllon to make .any such preference hrrut• lion or d1M:11m1nahon • Th<S new'l)ape1 will not knowln&IY acupt eny advtrttsemenl for rHI estate wtuch rs 1n voot•tlon of tht l1w Our ttaden att hereby tnlormed lhtt all dwell lnp •""trltsed 111 thl$ newspaper ere tnll1bl• on 1n equal opp0ftun1ty basis To 'omplein of dis crrtnlnthon, "I HUD toll frH II l 800 424 8590 ,.;_a Del Mor 2007 T..._ Terrace, SAT I · 12 Cr y\lal. chtnA ll'Wrlry hn11n\. 70 yn ot SlUH 1 1489 IALIOA ISlAHD UO TOf'AZ A vt (AWY) SAT 1-S. loh nl iMlhQU"\ .ttld Lollt!ltt~ n4'. •l~n ( 16tt • 37W a UI> J dotnooa &. mt'>< COSTA M lSA SINIOI CINTll • nlAMAllCll• SATl-1,MthtP_.."'9 Mt lit~ a_~-­ '"' W. 1tltl SI) ,_.21th HUNllNGTON llACH 200t 1 HAil.iOi ~ll u nsst. A4-M(M-'1• 'it. u . suit. 1 . 1 Sl.~<-'t w/Met<h .... lev._.1, •••••• & ..... • .. t •• •1tterlel11111ent ctr, deltlea, let• "''"· s~w.s..as­ S.m-~ W/D, p s BBQ. childlem clothes. toy$ & misc. 9632 Oty~ Or. HB s-..a-......,.w-c I ltJ 0.....,. We S•I, 8 12 oft Santa An• AwtlP•IHUS Comput "' (M ac/f'C's) 'l90f ttn1 roods blku , furnrture. wuhers. toys, clothes wedd1n1 decorations c1me111. ltnena. dtnln1 "116 morellt MOVING l£ST OUAUTY 32 Sony hoot lr>.ld W/O vonlafle tallan ft!W"lry, ..... ~ t49-S.U.S020 3460 Real Estate Loans JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c .. 11 Celn Mffcl1 Otd Coon'' Cold \lfvtr Jt!Wdy ••It~ dnhqu1:s cotlec hbles 949 642 9448 3610 Gcl~at IU"•"•· l~ d lool; I lilies I •r~ UOllC &<lid chocolate \C>Oh rut "hmool"'' 'l09 681 6664 20C). llSCUB> tamNS. C.ATS. OOGS pl'Gb on h -.-.n.*retwln.O!I M)(ICJOns, f' lt!hoon l'lllnd J) DAY ~ 1li GUlAAHTl l 9f.M;44.'/219 flll WAY b momma QA/ eel .. kll1lft. 9il9 fBl 6632 'Wiil .W 0. $25• ....... ~ 71 ..... 5210 ... , ..... ,. 31155 a.-. w.-......... 21mo h9nd rlltied ~ Mii. ~ (With ~ ~ ) l tree 11-Q&. I we!M flQI. '21> • Of both "" s.~ 949-6*25631 PllMlflm• - ..,._ ~· eA COIOfs, 111 situ for •do9h on to qualltleel '*'* -· pttlC\19 .... 0t 714 nJ ~915. All YOUA MllUONAlll SS ?? ""-l -•"lrnltllOfl t\ilft. lew rot .. , -ta:a ••-· fMI ..,vice. C-tlcltentl..Uty r•atM<f .ct..c ... ....,, •• "" ....... t4t-442 U OI. CO, IM. {SIM• 1919) U<. Ct 0.,.1. a.I . IC..,.--P..t... Mite 300, Irv'-. U. COMMERCIAl. PROPERTY FOR I.WE 4502 ................ tOfl'llll!Hllll r.t.l• ~~ S? 100 lltW mo &r0l'I$. nut to Tl1'!"ter Vaunt ~ !149 ~ 8128 Olc:esbllm 6tO ,.jloc till from bell 3 rm olc SUile, I prf\a 'IP. lob~"" breut S&l5mo CM'J ~ IAYFIOMT IXICUTIVI ollk• 101l• 2 otl1cu . r1teeplt11n & 'torep. l0t In COM 949 711 9500 RESIOBffiAL • INCOME PROPERIT - OPlN SAT -SUN I ·4 JOS 32n .. SI l!Xt° .. r-.VOSITU<.Wn "'" '"'" hm W-:'\., 2 )l.Jy •'1(.()J .tt.i.. .-? C..Y Ir-" MJnt 'W ...... J ~ In , .. _. w• tu t QI l'>ir'~I""~ flt Own!Y C)tq 4Jj 8lt14 lir'od o..,M11 I bh ~ lo ~h Jbr lb.t ~ lbr lb• I .we1 I< 1r fl•• S%9 cm .og1 949' ., '4 :fll.lB S03 l>m ...,. eu.m.,.aat rin. ntt•ed int.re. 1 llleot lo f un /nne mu'I ~II' SffJl.CXll Blu 'J49 251 9444 Corona del Mar Fel Owl Of lacrvwt ~r ~ bonu' rnt "' Spyii!ilU thtt CIJ'.tMl pool "4» & GMl'bn In lht lg •"'Wiiii ,,.. h on I,_. upptr lrvel v"ta• I •ll'MIW """ Ill "aot!e m.trbll-& k>ls of lou SI 9'JO OOCI hJdy 11 .. 1. !'ht i;49 116 !676 ....... 1 ,.,.,,_ t......,, '"" llJded ll~ .,,. ~ Ill"" on Iii tot ., lil\lolfdlod are111 11adwnod I\,...· cimom lodrt"'l btri ~ .. et boor' l fp., 1.u.lum ~ oll "''"'"' L~tr.ol a11 fldllQU~ lt.IJ<den p.tltll'> S8J9(U) 11£1 9t$M-93t4 llDUCIDtl .......... CsMl I ~ lncatJanl on lht .,_.... .b der\<'Wort.oul rOIYTI. uh " ""!rm w ~ « e•tr eu-dld. poots. loj)ol \ $185.IXXl .lid)' KoW. Brdltt M t-.S76-SS76 INCWDIS COIYITtt CONYa'IWU It •A C•1•1 ... C.-le<ot'--wolf to Sta Corona and loollout f>Olllt 48r 4 58a bl and new custom home. Ofle1 ed •l $2.950.<XX> COASllfNl RtAl TY 949-759-0177 Cw t-cw-49' Mor c-.hoo....,_., l'OUfmel lutdlen. MCMJ&flt •Oft custom tole and cab lntlty front • a .lb! 2bJt home ' ,_ •• "" 2ba <OASTUNI MM.n " Mt-7st ... 1n lckpho1\( X '\(l.1111 ~ lj~~n \i . .oJJ\ rntl.i) \\JI~ In\ 10.llTI ~ 1•ipm \l1'"'1~~ I nt!J\ I N-...t Bead! I jjj;";;;;;;;""""' ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;... MISCEUANEOUS PAUlSON lAlTY RENTALS NOMI.a ~~ 14) o•ou& .. 1 s Rental To Share 6030 WTall'f l/£WH:M: IAllf"I I ~y un 1.->1 4tlR •IRr~ tile ,_ St Ullin:> IWffS 398MtOOM TOWNHOMl'S r.., bay ._ "'°'"" prM!~ w tnd ..... Detor I"'> Pkt S74900'.l fEl I stwy llw 2laa '9 "°"• CIAlon1 UJ9 """"1 S!Jll>.OOl \.}I bidlWt T ,.._ ooutl-d"11i. 1w.ld modtt!C pwlN I ~IO:XHI! 1 Stuyero.m 2b ~·PMC!Pd ~a.cl s... 1-5 Uve In Newpen 1 .. ch lor $lb!> 000 Ot Anu Boys•de Voll•&~ mnt .. re home. •l W•t~rtr .. nt bac~bay vorw Co1y ch~rmme C•b•n• mu btle ho""' Ip 2 J yr Isl' S1137/mo C1n Co0•£t' Home~ OPIN SUNDAY 1-4,... 714-624-1362 .....,_, lite._, IMy """ bcM:h ?!IOOsf with 7 m1Klf'l's '1 rps A l r~ ~rt &. blltll\ \ii kit &, f;wn Im. $925,IXX) Chelotwt Rl!i\I [slAlt lllc 94~ n;J fi0l7 NlW OH THI MAHIT o,,_ s-1-4 0-Fetcl Id. l Vfnl"I• Or ~b1 5ba 2 c 1111. Sl,795,000 By Owner 714 357 54!JO CM W•• I "d" n•w!y tt"m1 t1 Jbr h•Hl1• l 'Jb.t llU¥• yd "•r nri P•I S600 mn '14q 8J(, J<I':>') Newport l ch leek lo., 4b1 h't l rt•um\ ·"•'' Nm "'" "'11 IW... Sf,h,., \h•• ~ ultl' 949 '>~3 8'>'> l Nl'B .ha1~ 1b• lb" •1•1 wtlh "' uf l•n> nu "Tlk p~t $69011110 • t 2 ultl • dtp 949 16() j0l'/ flf<".tDftHIAI lifNlf..t • ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island UTTll ISLAND 21or 21te j Jvor lrum bt'•th 1104 f' •• ~ Avt St~ m .. 'M9 b'>O 1741 2'i. 2"a + effb 1Wbr1 pr .... SI~ rr>.> 2lw '"' ,_ upl ,,...., lnO'y St40'1 m.1 ~/l Dl9 Yrir Jlw 2tMi. kt-dPI• '7 I M " d b.11. fp. sl1$1S tu !My n IW'~~ .av.tel ....... S2ol00m 949 723 Sim ete.t le., f r-t •Pl 7br Iba Ip Sl800 mn •I ... WO R•t di• toaht • b11aht S 1400. mu • ,.,. ....... mu,, Ut' •II redone I p '!ll*- $2l(X), Im ~ 960~ Balboa hninllla • Sutter Sherplll • 381. Ea Condo steps to beach. Ip, 1... pap. SJ.D)mo 8kr ~71 \t •ll.1J\ I T1•IJ\ ( "~'"' I "'' I u.: ... 1..1, """.Jn.:...J.i' ll1ur-.l..1\ \l .. r .. l..1\ ' • •f'f'lll '•l tT '-" I .. ,., ' •••rm ,,,r. I 1 \\ -.ln.· ... l..1\ ' IW tpoo 1 ..... c1.1.c1 l l r llo tf, U' _. fCJ t-. c •d f' ~ l.M-41t.'r .,,,, d .... k I "•~ ...,,...n.,. JA'Wtn ... '+4'1 ""' <;:hl ~'I 4?..' k4 f ~ .... II'"'-"'"" 28' 2'>8. "'""" ~ } •It ~.ir fp AL W t.l l/lrh tnt Id WJl)nri 11'""1 Mngt 8J I /04 864'1 l •I 'l>4'; Huntington Beach Hewpott Cre 1t 'h. ... ... t Ir S I t i ...... JI 11 , (o.,do llvlh Areo 1 It 't.t Jr I w.-... ')p•ho '-'''"""• fi "'" Pd nl f:df tit ~·' c. 1mn1 ~ ti ' I S '.'f)'lm h/I \10' I• 8.,n,I 949 644 I 36 7 111 SSW I U AV( COMMUTl U SS t. •"""1 ltv '.'!> • ""''" •, Tustin '"""" Meodoon 1471 I o .. ,._m, Cir<'- ' f f 1 .. •• i•~ ...... " \ • "'" ll ~ , 111 Of.I i..n Sl,,'11 ,...,,..""'' 7 ... n~ VACATION RENTALS I l l.Alt MOil fl' ,. d 7< '" s:"il.JJ rf• .... t.oUI -... (";.,.ta.;t rl'fll.M lfw1tl ~1 •ii nw ... t, ... ,. .,,r, I-All Be°"'""*"'"'" meol lmlornunoo cxrtto 31, 2 Sl o, NPCr .. r. I Rentals 7905 17625 B d\ H.Jrvard Mid Maori ~ ....... Ca 92&14 Imm.., """''If. w•• I• Newport l•och flt 1 1 166~2690 tl<'.•h dtM~.r P"o(l••'lnr llf•tnhr••ll• • • .tt•~ ................ V':>llJmr• 'M<j\jJj{if>/ ,A $1 ,1\ I II/ LtJ4 I~ lbt lb.l tmt:l ""''' I GaM4, "' Hoos. ,.,, ..... tti f'w rorr•n ""'" ·~,., il>A h<•nt l•• ll '-"' prov wd wo oll'lll \AbilJd ~ 1Mh• ''"""'' ,,..~ Ye ""' Ai,~ SUD) 949~11 M1l I P/I'> ~ .... ~~ Irvine COMMUTl U SS Ill.AX MOi l !Jtnt.a..I rtf'IUI 11w1V ~ menl lmlorrrwl•lf1 r...,,,. !Jf.25 B di Hav•d and M..1 trvwre Do $161 • I ... ~2.691 ... ~ ..... ~ COMMVTI lUS lllAl MOil c.onuct rWIUI '""""<I "'*1 ltWll tmbmlobm ·~ 1762!> B .. IGr-d .n:t MM!. """' c. 926t 4 1 ... 4C»-26tt ..... ..,...._ UDO YIAal Y l.IASl & UOO SUMMD HOMES Bill CRUHOV RE.AUOR5 t4t-67S-4161 1a. 19' Plllll~ leffi 11wt lox. comm pool ipa welt to budl Slll!l/mo ... 714 287 9748 ..,,_ ...,... .. ""t.-"11 •IU'\ "'Nf ""'' ~"""' ........... lbr '>ll• ~rr•nb•ll Inc s i ':O.lrn f>1I i'l" /l<+ w 21r 2 Slo. l Hlhlull I 1'f"f'fY~ltii•t•tt~ \tu1 r ,.~ t'iAl • rw ~· .,., 'Jilli M. Riel FO• lllNT IN llUfJS P pu .u f P11n iBt 2 Et~ f ""'''• A1 o'" s JOIJU '"' 949 1>'4 •909 IAY,.ONT 38' 2 .. SS200/_.,..., 626 212 f7U 626-297 .. 262 I Hui~.. n.. )Q "" wo ....... ~~. New Ce r pel. Ge r snoo-~2-4.!!! Jllr 2.saa, Ir p l41Jl) ,, kit. "' .. ;mm pool & piYli twb•.. VlorW\ 11nmr< er N s.lJXlm '}49 fill1-4 I'S JOBS WANTED •"---!••·· I < le•n & m.11nt a1n l11r ,e s.•o-• .....,.... 21 Cnteltna Or ,. 35& Sl.S90<XX> Vll1Ull 1 IU. rpooc: com a/IN-1M9-637-0Dl UDO tw baytront bid& t I r 1 le. Welk t• I& stucltO •/stove & lr11 i...dt, llShl & brlClll. no SI 19!1 •ncl 1as. w11t" ' pet~ 1st $13!.llm tndd u1f1a eltctrte 9'9-61!>·0l:ic> 41• Dvploa 111 • lvsl- ~• Parli. Orlte• or cu<'sl Apt on trnt unit. tompt ieltlfb le 11111111 "'"'I bid& al rtar S~ S~949 160 9611 ~ ....... ..,._ ·-29r ~ ?ga p . 11¥1 ....,__ M: UiOOnlo ltonln Cool< dr tve. II d11t .. , elder 1, & 'hold < .,, ••P .J7l 9J/ 90 Ill JOBS OFFERED MMINlltS SCHOOl 48t 381. pool •79 000 l!>l& llvine Ava Bkr. Molwca R.__, M-JOO 8600 eva11 now 949 710 I !165 714 9'J8 11'.ill 114-36 5711 .. ...., Alnbt -... SlllC .... 4111 2tlOl ..... 1111 Pmn Pull! "-' ,.. "'" ... mJ)~Clilft o.n..te-J+J1!1Col*~ ~}M Wt ... d .... tr .. --.w. .. . 12 ._ """ O\ad 714 151 VO Ml ., l>~ ...... k Dallllllc &lflaglllllt saw."°'* .....,.,_., (1lC} ... ..., ...... II ' -- • . ~ .. --!""m· ...., 28 • ~DAY'S ~ CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge ~ CHAALE8 GOREN whn OMAR SHARIF Md TAHHAH HIRSCH WEEKLY 81UDGI QUIZ S 0 1"1.I •-A1H1 I ~ 8 1Al.t.ITI QI • Easc-W® vulnmiblc. you hold; • I 74 r;; J 117 <> K 6 • K J 16 1 A AIA R • tr.11:; I I IAIVIAI The biddin& bas riroc:eedcd: IN E'IL L • u-iAI CH IE'INll lDI •Jf l:.I AKQJUl o J •QJ9 Whal is your openina bid? NORTH IAS1' SOUTH WEST NDIT I -R• Al 1tntAI p T • l• .... ? S P L U .I It:."' I ~~I A I i:: E H E AP SAR UN Q 2 • Neither vulnerable, u South yoo hold: Whal do yoo bid oow? Q 5 -Boch vulllCRble. as South you hold: OOWN 1 ML neighbof 2 Fconomftl -Smllrl A .a 11!-SIL w !l I A r HE YO 3 tl.ewday brle!ly --u TA LC 4 Grastland 5 Pounced e StatlC! AR Pl IE A tA NT 9E 7 Compielel)I 8 Sonnet 0< 000 8 Ul1nlmlty 10 o.u. In IClod> W!ll'I 11 lllMICI 12 Tenkarel 1e,.~p1e11ea 21 Type ol c.ke 23 o.m. 2fl Root llOllnd 27 Sand mendal1 buildel 28 "°"' Comet• .... 29 o--i QooCI .. 30 klf"Ct ttetotl-Work from +iome S500·Sl500 PIT $2(0)..WJ(X) f/T 88S-3l6- ""JIJ)I www.l'f~ 'lilllnaual also needed Maintenance ... I . TINNIS CLUI htrtnti "')n1nlen1nce position .IT & PT. 949·644 0050 NICC New hlrl"t f'T 81rtendtr & Wait Staff Apply In person alter 2:00pm Mond1y Friday IMO I. c-t Hwy NI lort-tlM• Security ...,,.... Mon·f(I, 12 Sc>m. $10/hr C.H 949 5.a 8861 asA fOf Shannon C.llfornla lew re· quir• that contr1c· tors t.funa jobs th1t total S500 Of more (labor Of mat«lals) .,. '-"Md by the Pubhshme ,ltOMOTIONS DIHUMINT Comm#llty~lll Orarce County seei.s f u1 rime person to 11ter- and write stones. parhet· pale 111 commonrty events. aeate and paemate ~ and ~nons Cxoetlenl communcauon sluls. wor11 wea wlttl the public Know AP Style, QuarllXPress. PholoW>p, Mulb·Ad Cle· "'°', Prof!Cleflt oo MAC itnd PC. CCI des11n nper1ence p1eferred P1oofread1111 test Orua 5Ct~ph~ requrecl EOE (acellent benellt J>Kll• Email resome. writine samples and salary requ1remenls to llN l()Mson@lltrre com , ................. ... Busy ~~ Rell E~ office Set1rv com- menJ4W 1tt w/eap. Fu ltsume to ~ZlV Sell your Car In Class(fied I c.,,et ""81ritllll <:rCAJtPIT <:r"CAJl'O <:r Repairs. P1lch1ne. Instill Courteous. 1nl size tobs Wholesale' 94 492-0205 CleMlng .... y 0.-Qu1trty House clonln1. Afford· 1blt 1ales. ZO...Yrs Eap. s • I A T AV • T ER M l NA N I T • DU EL •• PH ELL p Rs E NE Al .. I L co E B BS • ES w~ S9"ftt Ceo.t ,.... IS looktnt for Security Offic ers to 101n out t1am• Xlnt customer ser111ce skills and a clean bk111nel/d11v1n1 record llt 1 must S8.5Q-./'hr COOE) • •Int benefllsl Apply in person al 3333 Bristol SI. Ccista Mesa, CA Tell Us About YOUR GARAGESAUJ In CLASSlflED (949)642-5678 Computlr SeMcel S•U {;."' Car '" c •V!!d 1 l#H M a IUSl#ISS .,,Aiits U1>&r1des. R1c>1111 of Computer. NefwOfks Evenmp/Wttllencss Compet1t1v1 prices for qu1hty StrYIC a 9 3 2 o AK 6 5 3 o A • K 10 8 5 The biddln~~ prooceJcd: WEST NORTH EAST SOUl'H ,_ ,_ •• 2· Dbl• ,._ .... ! • peMftlct Whel action do you take'! Q J • AJ South, vulnerabfc, you tlold: a AJ Q87 e KJ86 J 4AQ2 The b1dd1ng ha$ proceeded: W£ST NOR111 EAST SOUTH Ja 3.VT ,_ ? Whitt do )OU bid now? Q 4 -A!! Soulh. vulnerable, you hold: • Q • 10 8 6 l ; 10 9 7 • A K 8 7 5 The bidding has Pl'OCee<lod: NOMTH EA&T' SOIJTH ~'T 10 I• ? Whal do you bid now7 Q 6 -Neither vulnerable. llS South you hold: 4QJ9l 0 KJ74 G65 •KJl The bidding has proceeded; NOlml EAST' SOUTH WEST 10 l'ul I<;> l • .... ,.. ? Whal do you bid now., ~~~~-9004-AaamadVI ~ A..4111 '00 A6 ''" .. ,, full fact werr. metelhc drk blut/a••Y lthr, CO. mntf superb cond, Sl9.79!> v•874241 Bkr t49-S16-1HI -.ecpekl.c- IMW 't5 5251 ellfe, black, I ·owner nice. sunroof •623627 S749!> lvldi '95 lte ... Or...t Sport 2dl coupe, 3 8 1/6 5911 mt, metallic blue, 1rey int, fully lolded. orla owner, •uperb like new cond v752971 $5995 Bkr 949-586· 1888 w-.oqwit.c- Ce41111toc 'O I SevtMe SlS sllver/arey lthr, CO, chrm whls. aold pka. full lect, like new, $18.995 v/1596741 lmanclne avail Bkr 949-586-1888 W-.MpOltl.<eM CHEVY TAHOE lT '02 UK mi, .. Htras. ()I SW. S.8 ltr. 7k tow pica. pert cond, ~ 9$355-6110 D•4ilt• '91 Dvroftto 414. super clean, V8. black. •148892 $10,495 WCWllll:o.com 9&646-78Z2 De4t• 't9 lntre,.1411 Red, 1/6, CO, super cl11n. very nice "535725 wcwaito.com 9&646-78Z2 ford '65 Mvat•tot Convertible on11n1I owner. sohel car Sl 9.995 obo 949 719 2943 HONDADX 'tS Oreot C-4ltlen $1100/olto. t4t-S7i-t156 wcwautocom ~7822 ltviv 't7 lte<fee LS IMW '97 3211 Conv. auto, 75k m1, metallic drk blue. 1111y lthr. fabulous cond lhrouah· out vl59261 Sl6.995 fill & Wiii IYall 8111. 949 !>116-1888 WWW ocpatl< com IMW '01 74011 tlaclt spoil pk1. llke new. •657632 S34.995 wcwaoto com 949-646-7822 IMW 'It 73SIL leather sunroof, very clun. $499!> •865459 ••4, auto. lint cond, CO, alloys, 130k ml. S6900 949-500-9631 ltvav 'tS Tr..,.er ltd. 4a4, lmm1c throuahout 11e1y nice, •932989 $7895 wcwlKJ1o oom 949-64&-7822 ,,._ 'OS S-Type 4 .2 Vf, I 5k m1. Wh tie. oatmeal ltnr, CO, chrome wheels, 6-~ ... to Save 15K SJB,995 v•m56!155 949 586-1888 8k1 W-.eqol..<eM wcwarto com 949-646-182:2 J.Mip '96 Gr.t4ll 0-.U. IMW •ta'zs c-v 2.1 . 6 cyl red tan tthr. SS4)d. beaut like neo# cond •81S721 S18.99S 11 nancma & wu11nty avail Bk• 949 586 ~888 -.~1.c- Drywlll Semca WITTHOlfT DltYWAll All phHH sm/lr1 jObS ClUNI 20yrs, f11r; free est L4CXXl30 714 639-1447 EJecb1cal Slrvtca Mtolll.t.l~t Ounclln E lectnc rs E • p local/QUICk Response V6 2wd. a>. ~ clean. Vf'Y tw;e ~ #215458 wcwauto oom 9&646-7822 ... '97 On.oil~ V8. 4c4, llttr. a>. rnnrf, very noce. •72Jf¥1.0 $9995 wcwMi> com 9419-646-7822 Aoortnt'flle UMY sa-.. fqpwed Rearouhn & lnst1llatlon TILE DEAN 949 673-8065 71 "846-8S2S 714-813-2001 GngeDoon f'HIW,SAUTO Olf>endwT_..,. only 18K ml, HRE Per- IOl'rnanct wheels (19394) INQUIRE! 02Acwon1.z moonroof, loaded' (19455) S24.980 OOu.-lntS Black wl&lae moon· roof. chromed wheels (193811) Sl5.980. 0' Atl4 A4 0-.... only 14K ml. leaths. moontoof (19478) $26,980 91U20WopM White w/Grey leatNt. clvome wheets (19429) S27 .980 t• J.,._, XICI c...,. 32'\ milts ctvome wt.els, bUutJful ( 19&96 l) $37 .980 N~UOO ,...,. O..c.o1I w/81edi leather Pf emu!I ~.moonroof (1~12C) S29,980 01IMW740! Blacll w/8lldl, only 31K mites. ( l 9485C) S44. 980 97t.•w lS 400~ Sliver w/Grey leather , moorvoof. a beauty (194531 ) $22 ,980 03 a.r.-1.t Z02 ,__,,. Sllvet w/8lidl, lk ""· hardtop and IOfiec>uS ( 195(li J INQUIRE 00,..,.. ....... s SW.w~.3211 ""'9s,Wrp. (I 9490C) $39,91K> Ht-574-7777 ....uPSNITO ........,.__ RESTORE • REPAIR & RE"'100fl INC .-~~~~-..-e..1'tT~·rto,,.--stet•ft!::!::::;;!!;::;:::;::~tf~~~!!'~:!!---J Llunse Board Stile IHI also requires that contr1cto11 Include tllelr lteenM numbet °" ell advertlsine, You cen check the status of your llctn11d contrtclor e t www cstb.c1 aov or 800-321 CSLB. Unll- "nnd cont1acto11 taklna 1ob1 th1t total Ins than S500 muat st1t1 1n thttr 1dvertl11mtnts that they 1r1 not llctnstd by the Contractors Sl1t1 Lk:ense Be>11rd • S.-...iRemodels l •275870 ~71M2 ConcntllMaanry lddi 1hdi st-Tiie Concrm. Pltlo. Onvew1y Fweplc, BBQ. R1f1 25Yrs Exp. llfry 714·557·7594 Thee ... _,._ Cemenlwork. BrlCk. Ttle & More Relleble No 1ob loo smell. 714·615·9062 YOUlHOMI IM,ltOYIMINT "'oncn Cell I plumber. paintlf. h1ndym1n, °' 1ny of the crut llrYiclS llsltd htrl tn our 1erv1tt dtrectoryl THES£ LOCAL SVC PEOPU CAN HELP YOOTOOAYI erko rlc licensed Electrical Contr1ctor Smell jObS st1rt1n1 II $7t.ts &~. Spec111izlna 1n Remodelina & 111 home wit Int n11d1. Comm/Indus I/Res 1-IOO-tt7-1DOI •m DUTCHMAN IUCTltK LICENSED/INSURED COMPETITIVE RATES L17593J7 949-3.22·6250 U<INSID CONTRACTOI Ho job loo tm. M ..-i R1p1lr, 1tmodtl, fans. .-• .-w svc ~ cum>M CMATM TU lnltalltitlll, .... ~ nw1lle. slolll. ..... 1t7S LJ612DM ..,, 714-61281 Cst•z~ 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGPJLA COUNTIES Professional, Honest, Pair and Reliable ROOM ADDmONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen ct Bath Specialists CS CONSTRUcnON Llaf577912 (949) 709-5642 lo. Torr°' l-4scepe WW>t lnlH. tree wtmq a lnsl1A1tlon. 25 Yrs np Lie/Insur eel 949-\48-4383 I • •• • ·., I ' .,., .was IVllYTHtNO& AllYTNtNOINA ........ THI DlfflllNCI anwa llAllTliUl &DOUISIT'I.... t4t-SIJ-Mt4 f,.. Senke, Yard C ... 111111, M1lfltenanc41, $pflnk,_ ,.e:palr, HtUlll\i (Ht)H4M78' a ... ,., DlllY Pilot ;.;:;;:,...; .. ;;~,.... AllDllOlw .. MIJOalB, -::,~~ __ ____,..____ mcB.lMEOUI IQAT SMOW JuM MUI· h11n 't 4 U400 Chempa1n1 &old/tan lthr. CO, told pk1. 1up1rb, orl1 cond, $10,795 v•Z97512 fl· nencln• 1vell 8kr 949-S l818 ._.Gqllblcom Mtrn•h• '00 CU 290t. (310) MS-5151 l<0"'9fMIOr St4111 21k ~ .. ml, tuu feet "''"· bltck, "-'00 lift ~ .._. --------... l --· ... by 01tmffl ltf\t, sunroof, ,_. ......, Dia* lllbot w.M. .._. .... bu1utlf111 Ilk• n.w 0..-_,~ e•"' ""-.. •15 IW\1o0o ,.. 108-lllDP cotnd, vl75292 $2111 --.,... ,_,, • .-· fln1nclna avail Ilk M-a YWY · price lor 10" l ....... lS 400 lmm•c, chrome whla, lthr, looks a drivn Ilk.I new $&950 949-350-5202 SIB -.Gqllbl.oom Cit Van Of truck paid ear or not c.I Od! Rey ~ TClll9 Al*> SMll. 7~ 437-1931 or 71'-3211-32211 llXUS LX470 'H Black, IHthtr. loedtd, lint cond, 6 CO 11layer, $32,000 714-336-1354 .... , ... cuoo '2002 8rllU•nt Sliver, UK ml. ... , .... $19,000. t4t-M7 ... 60J ...... 'tSUJD~ beaut, •II opt. none nicer, a-'" a '°° 4Jt4, ,_ mlP s.c. S12.!lXI add. lmmlc. lt!Y, hMted ~ 98&67871 $i"~ ~ '*" Nlutm •ts 'othflto411er 4~4. lmm1c, white. VS, 11ery nice #011299 SS-495 -.uto.com ~7822 Moa4o •tt Mloto Conv. 45k ml. auto, silver. tan top, pw, pl, A/C, CD. superb Uh new cond v•l 19743 $10,995 flnenclna & w11renty 1v•ll 8kr 949·586 1888 -·~·-.__...._ ... UID Lltlv. mnrt, lmmac, super nice. "617317 Sl0,995 wcW8Ulooom ~7822 ..._... ...... , ltol 2.3. eoraeous car. lthr. 9211 mnrf. $5995 •548954 wcwauto.com ~7822 ..._... .......... runs •Int. black, llhr, a dtemond •892740 $!1995 wcwauto com 9&646-7822 .... '°"" 1 ... 11 '7' 2ao SEL Runs aood, euto. fun cer, •019953 $2995 Wl:WMo.com 9t9-6t6-7822 FIND ~ ot ... llllt.1-.. AdliowS Blue, 1uto, CO, c lHn, •025771 $1995 wcwaito.mn ~7822 Tey•t• 't4 c.,. ... U 40k ml. 1ctu1I, ml, l eisure World owner. 1uto. ps. pw, whlt1/arey int. beaut I~• neo# cond, V•755291 $4995 &roller t4t-5H-1HI -·~··-v .... ....,·oo 1 .. tt • 2811 mt, spirkl1n1 black/ e>11tmeal, 1uto. moonrf. CO. pw. pl, •lloy whls, hkt new, v1n#470055 $1 1,499 fin & warranty 1va11. Bkr 949·586-1888 -.eqoaltl.com VW 'ti ,ouot GLS V6 Wirt. llUID, rnnrf. a. ~ clan, #252266 SlO. 9915 wtWIUto com 9t9-6t6-7822 CASH roa cus WI NllD YOUI CAil ,.,.. roa oa HOT PttlllJn AUTO AH IOI MAl.COlM '4t-S74-7777 PICK UP TRUCKS ~UVI AIOAlO'I) 47fl SAILIOAT, full locker rm prlvi~ses, Harbor M111n1 $1 OOO!nO 9t&22.8J2'13 5.zsl>.8610 MOTOR HOMES MalDrHoma· Rn son MOTOll HOMI fOR RENT LIKE HEW C CLASS/SLID£ ·OUT 949-515·2305 BOATS 1515 '17 leaten Wh•l•r Sllper S,erf l1Mlte4, ISft. 701> Yamn. no 17m. loc on 8lllol II. ~ ~ys 9$724-lBIO .......,.. 91&673-1988 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • IOA11Ull MOORllGll LAUNCHINOJ STORAGE -tJ fT Sll, AYAlf.AILI tN NIW,OIT llACH $2SDOlUH t4t-S00-1DOS SUP NllDID for 40tt bo1t July & Au1u1t Newport Harbor. 9&721- 9199 Cll 310.2!11-92l!O Stlp fw vr te SOft "-t- W1t11 & powtt Included C1ll for details. 949·67!>-4847 PUTlfEW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOUI (949) 642-5678 The l~al Depamnem at the Daily Pilot u pkased to announce a new urv1a now available to new bwmmn. ~ wdl now SEARCH the name for you a1 no extra chargt, and S1111e you the ttme and the trip to the Court Howe in Santa Ana. Thm, of count, afttr tht starch iJ compkud we will fik your fictitious business name stattmtnt with the Cou nty C/,rlt, publish onu a 1uttlt for four wttlt.s as rrqumd by law and thm fik your proof of publuation w1th thr County Clerlt. Pkasr stop by to fik your fictitious busm.m Jtatnntnt at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mtsa. If you cannot stop by. pkast call us at (949) 642-4321 and wt will maltt a"angrmmts for you to handit thu promiurt by mail If you 1hou/J have any farther qumions, pkast call us and Wt will bt mort than gilul to assut you. Good luclt m your new bu.smm.1 ........ c..... l!e- rnoddl. ~ c..,.llry MSM ConsWctlon 8onde4.' Llc:Jl6963Z7 714-962 2436 HANDYMAN All Types Of Wotll Inside Of Out Call Jeff 01 Oenn11 714 427 0040 '"••yAltr-'• H-..,.,, S,.clolltt lnlerlOf & E 1lltr10r Rep111s 714-501-6466 ldfi14J83 ltOllNSON COM,ANY ~. Walh. Slhooms Mtrk 949 650-9525 JUNK TO THI DUM .. 111 714-9611-1882 AVAlLABL£ TODAY! 949-673-5566 11n aovus SJS/ilr. StlrW9,, c... INlnd. n&JM4 ..,.,,.._,.,,. ~IOll Mowtng' SblQI PUBLIC NOTICE Tho Calif P ublic Utlht1es Commrssion requ11u that all used househo ld 1oods movers print tht11 P U C C1I T number. limos and chauffeurs p11nl their T C P AVmOer ~ a~ a4\I ltsemcnh If you have any questions about the te111tty of a mover. limo or chauffeur. cell f'UIUC UTtuTIIS COMMISSION aoo 111-1H1 Plumbing SIWll AleNAlllCW. (t4t) 645-2'52 oc • OlvlSIDn of •MSTJe.n~ SEWER J(TTING ELECTRONIC SlAB LEAK 0£.TECTION lillllfry ~lte t4t-675-tJ04 -~.mn L•7~1 •nwrecs Cloaslc ,._.., lihtw & R1modt1tn1, G11 L1n1. Copper RtplJ>t, /Int~ l•51678J 949·67S·!I035 .. ~ ... .. Saturday, June 28, 2003 S7 I 'RAif ROVER IS THf ARST SUV THAT Rf PRESEITS A TRUE ALTtRUTIVE TO A lUXURY SEDAN.' AUTOMOBnE 3V3 4x4, VB, Power Doors, Power Windows, Power Seat. ~!~~'1r.~EQ,~M $ LEASE FOR$ On approved credit. $4103.25 Total drive-off. Includes tax. license and first payment. 0 security deposit. 1 OK miles/year, 20 cents/mile over. + tax 1st payment, tax, lie, doc fees and S450 sec dep. 1 OK miles per year/'10¢ excess mi. charge. · + tax 5 at this payment • 48 months 5 at this payment • 39 months 2003 Land Rover Freelander S LEASE FOR OR BUY WITH s299;:o 39 months '00 VW BEERE GLS Very Clean Inside & out 41781471008 •12,995 '99 RAISE ROVER GLS, Extra Clean 4181/A31998 s1a·,995 '00 RUGE ROVER . 33K Miles, Many Extras CERTIFIED 41821429562 '29,995 'IRAm•IE Ontf 36K .... Nlv, Bfusll 811, Rng llds 41461431954 '34,995 VALUI. ONI MORI THINI THAT --.DN'T Bl IPTllllAL. When you compare .. apples lo apples ... ll become' clear thal the 2003 Free lander S 1s not onl~ the: nw .. 1 capable small-m 1ds1zed SUV. bu! the best value as "ell But don'! take our word for 11 Take a look at the following chart which \hould make your bu} ing decision JU'>t a l111le bit ea\lc:r 2003 Freelander S MSRP S:!'Ux>O V6 Engine You go1 11 <>la.ndard. they don 1! 4-Speed Automatic transnuss1on "i-Spet:d Au1oma11c' Even Beuer' Air Conditioner • Power Package You Bel' 4-Wheel Ami lock Brakes Safely is never compnm1scd. Full-ume aJl w heel drive It" .. a Land Rover. 1<,n'1 11? CD Player Of course. It'' nOI I 98'i anymore' 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport 4WD s20.inn Opuonal -~x 'iO Opuon.tl · SX:!'i Option.ii -~::? ~2'i Opuonal -S600 Opuon.11 S W'i Opuon.tl \I :?'i Traction Control Electronic.. -we Wtluldn 1 go l)f~-road w11hou1 11 Option.ti -7n'i•• Vehicle Secun1y S)"•lem You c..an t.:oum nn 11 Opuonal \'i20 16 .. Alloy Wheel-. Cool Opuonal -S ~I 0 Cruise Control You've got ii for 1he road trips! Opuonal -S '\()() Independent Rear Su,fl'!n'iiOn S1andard Nol avaihhlc Basic warranty 4 years.150.000 miles ' years/l6.000 mile' Rust Warran1y 6 year'>/unhm11cd mile~ 'i )ears/100.000 n11lc'> Adjusted M SRP 525,600 $27 ,045 Thia compattaon le ~ted .. a guide to ..... , you In aelecllng on SUV. An aKact equivalent van1cla I• not poaatbl4t. All vahlc .. lnfonnatlon h .. bean <Mrived from www.jeap.com, www.landrover.com & www.admoncts.com. Price. shown -M SAP without di.count. Whl .. every effort h .. bean mad• to -ure accuracy. we .,. not ..-ponalble for 9'TOf'9 °' oml99k>ne. -n-acuon control provided through .Jeep'• Trac-Loci< Olft-ttat Axle. V8, Sunroofs. leather CERTIFIED 4134/'l4-t585 •20,995 '02 DISCOVERY VS, Onl't 9K Miles, Prior Rentll 41561746642 ~0,995 '01 IU mRRA SE Sunroof. Auto. 6-0tsc CO 41841556594 '21,995 '03 DISCOVERY VS. Qntf 6K Miles. Ex·Rental 41nm5359 '31,995 NEW 2003 llMt: YUKOll XL· .. fftmlllllt _ ..... ,,,,, ...... . ·$91 500 a11•f ,,_,... ,. . .,,,, ""' •3,000 Fat:lol'y Rebate •7,000 ... .,,,. .... ,...,,,,,,, •3,000 Factory Rebate Net Savings ~ ... , ; , I I I ... fftmlllllt .. ..... ,,,,, ...... . •3,795 14,000