HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-30 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK For what price a new home? Newport Beach City Council is considering spending as much as $30 million on a new City Hall. If you want to apply for a job with the city, there's no place to sit while you wait. If you and a group of neighbors want to meet with staff from the city manager's office. you'll have to stand outside m the hall. There isn't room for more than three people at a time to sit and wait. Lrate JUSI how cramped. outdated and inefficient the City Hall complex is. And if you don't be!Jeve tum, you·u get a chance to !>ee for yourself. Perhaps as soon as next month, city officials will begin meeting with members of the public and even giving City Hall tours in hopes of gathering resident input on s-pending up to S30 million on a new City I fall. The counul hcl!> dpproved 'pending $578, I 85 lo drnw up -.omt· -.<:hemdlll de<>1gn~ of optJom for a new Lil)-I tall. But that'" JU'>I Lhe bt-ginnmg uf whal couJd be a long. tontenuou-. dfld uJu mately CO'>lly prou.·-.., June CaH1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -If you want a permit for a variance, first you go to the Planning Oepanment and fill out some paperwork.. Then you exit Lhat building. walk to the front building where the cashier is. and pay your fee. Then, re- ceipt in hand, you walk back to the first building. where Planning Department staff will give you the permit. Those are just a few examples City Manager I fomer Bludau offers to illus- PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Darlene Wong, left, and Linh Ding of the Orange County Chinese Cultural Club toss rice over a boat to start the Dragon Boat Tournament. Matthew Feng, 1, helps the ViewSonic dragon boat shove off at the tournament. Enter the dragons Dragon Boat Festival, one of the most significant Chinese traditions, is held in Orange County for the first time Coral Wiison Daily Pilot D uring the third cenrury 8.C., the Olinese people rushed 10 the river as their beloved poet and national hero Qu Yuan drowned himself in a dramatic protest against the corrupt government Long dead and more than 2,000 years later. people from around the world reenact the events of that day, rowing acro&S the water in colorful dragon-shaped boats. On Sunday, the first Orange County Dragon Boat Tournament was held at the Newport Aquatic Center, bringing in teams from BCl'Cm Los Angeles and Orange counties. While most Otinese have lost hope that Qu Yuan may return, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people or all nationalities still beat their drums and throw rice dumplings m the water to distract the 8sh from eating the dead poet's body. The Dragon Boat Festfval has THINKING ALLOWED evolved into one of the three most important annual Ounese festivals and a demonstration of the Chinese virtues or cooperation and teamwork.. "Dragon boating Is an addiction, it's an adrenaline rush," De Lowe 'Kl.id of the Killer Guppies. The Killer Guppies, including Otinese, Thai. Korean. Italian, Philipino, Taiwanese. Canadian and Beliz.Ian rowers, is one btg happy family, Lowe said. Dragon boat racing has become an international sport, he said. •0nce you hear the start gun, the whole world shrinks to just the boat,· Rebecca Nelson said. See DRAGONS, Pea• M Coming up on Fox: Newport's seamy underbelly ~This 1:. under com1dl'rnllo11." Bludau !>aid. ~It isn't done dt:dJ We are <,<·nou<, See HOME, Paee A6 IN BUSINESS Hope high for better half of 2003 Officials say signs are good that Newport-Mesa's economy wiIJ grow stronger during the second half of the year. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Nl-WPORT-Ml:..'>A -Wil11 thl' door do-. ing on 2003\ fiN haJf. oh-.l·rwr-. "1'.Y .t lull blown economJC ret.ovel) for tlw nl'XI 'ix months bn l in the offing Nt'v.pun \1C"'1'> economy lS expected to grow .it a nwre ar celerated pace. though "The economy 111 < .<Na \1t''>ct '>Jlt't 1fi cally and Orange t.ount} generaU} v.ill probably grow only ,10\11-iy d11nng the '>f.>t ond half of thi<i year." '><lid rd Pd\.\l"f'lt president of the C O'ila \fe-.a <hamher ul Commerce. INSIDE For more business news, see Page A2 l·conomit growth ~"hlle generally '>tag· nant dunng the '>IX· month penod ending today. "hould p1dc up at betwc.>en 3% to 5% in the two c1t1e-.. offic1aJc, '><!Jd. f)unng the fir.it three months of the year. the Commeru' Department reponed lnuf'>day. the na uon's economy grew a slack I .4%. I-Ugh energy co.,t~. a suit detenorating job mark.el and a <,enec; of expected tax hikes could mute any dw.nce of a recovery from the gloomv econorrul cond1uon.., ushered m by the '>harp -.tcx k marlce1 de dines that began in 2000 Olip Hanlon of Newpon Realh's Fun> Paa.fie Capital Inc '><Ud economic rnnd1- tions shouJd improve somt"\Nhat in 200J. but only temporanJv \Ioele.-; rallymg s1m·e Mardl have begun to pau..c -.omewhat over the past week.. "The stock rrwt.et ..eems to be precltct ing an uptid m econorruc actJvtty, • Han- lon said. "'There wtll ~ ~me corTeSpond- mg econorruc strenK!-h It JU'il won't be lasting.. Nestled along the coast of Orange County. Newpon-M~ has dodged the worst of an economic downrum that has hit California particuJarly hard Home values have risen. and car and truck dealerships and home furnishings stores have fared well. said Richard Luehrs. Newport Beach Olam~r of Com- merce president. The ending of combat in Iraq. Luehrs said. bas also spurred some spending. ~·re seeing companies starting to Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~can WEATHER Moldy a.ft1Y, ...... u.uel nwnwd ~ ........ A2 SPOltTI ~ ... -~ ~ ....... ..... ......... ? ... ........ A7 A2 Monday, June 30, 2003 Y o ·u ·R TAKING A BREAK ~HILLER I DAILY PILOT Ryan Sheets takes a smoke break at Noguchi Gardens, a distinctive sculpture garden created by renowned sculptor lsamu Noguchi in Costa Mesa. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Kiehl' s: the business of looking good The I SO-year-old New York skin and body care company has a space at South Coast Plaza. Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot B t-lor<.• 1herl' was electnc.ity. ht•fon• 1 ht> coffee pot, even h1•lort• lhc cylinder printing p re''· 1 lwre wa-.. c,ince 185 1, Kiehl\. tlw <ult .. kin and body care company. I or 150 yPM'>, th1~ old world apothc1 ary of Nt-w York\ .. ,ast Village ha!> lwen ofll'rin~ a blend of cosmetic, phar111acl'utirnl, hcrbaJ and medic inal k.nowlcd~e that was developed and ha nded down through the family\ generations. The company now offers face, haJr and body care preparations at its newei.t c;tore at South <.oru.t Plaza ln Costa Mesa. KiehJ\, wl11c:h JOined forces with 1:oreal in 2000, helps image·nmi.caou., southlanders lum the other ch eek -for more of their luxuriou!>. albeit cxpen'>ive, product'>. "At Kiehl\, we U'>l' only lhe linei.t naturaJ ingred1enli. and minimal preservatives in our fresh, made-by-hand, original preparations," store manager Ka1y Riddell said. "We also mainta in a · fry before you buy' rhiloSOP.hy. With or without a pwchase, free samplei> are available 10 every customer.· Kiehl's old-style, no-frills pack.aging. with directions that actually make sense, lets you feel ~ though you're just paying for the i.tuff in the bottle. "We don't, and never have advertised, our product line. We believe that once you've tried them, you'll come back for more,,. Riddell _ said. "Word of mouth is our best advertising tool.~ Arowsing the store is pure olfactory blisl> -Kiehl's coconut smelJ like old·fashion tanning oils, and their facial cleanser has actual berries in the botlle. No products are artificially scented. The staff offers a personal care FYI Kiehl's 1s at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., No. 2219, Co$1a Mesa. (714) 427-0998. regime thal 1s appropriate for each lndividual'i. skin, hair and body care needs. Furthermore, the Kiehl's experience supports Southern California's active, healthy lifestyle .. MOur business is to malce you look and feel good,· Riddell said. MGuys make up 30% of o ur business." Moreover, guys will drool over the vintage 194 7 llarley-Davidson Knucklehead Suicide Shift molorcycle on display at Lhe '>tore. Kiehl's also offers an infant slUn-care line. BUSINESS CALENDAR 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. et the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost Is $14. The club 11 at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274.. • Send 8UStNESS"CAtE'4DAlt items to the Daffy Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mes.a, CA 92627; by e-mail to milce.swanson tllatimes.conr, by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, d ate and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dsilypilotcom. ONGOING ~Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from The Cost. ..... Communk:non ~ Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Com Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to Improve his or her public speaking stcills. (714) 444-8783. TM Newport Bw:h DiltinguWled~ Oub 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuetdays In Sgt. Pepperoni'• meeting room, 2300 Bristol St., Colta M9M meMI 1117 p.m. Tueedays et Mesa Verde United Methodist Church. 1701 W. Baker St, eo.a. M9M. (714) 64CM446. TheZlngen~Qubl11f mMbtor breakfast on TUMdaya from 7 to 8:30 a.m. et the VHlage Farmer, South ea.st ptaza Village, 3851 S. • S..r St., No. B 17. The meeting is free for first-time vlaitort. For more Information, call (714) 241-1109. , THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE D oes it need all those Ss? W hy is the boss' son treated differenlly lhan the boss's daughler or even Ross' brother? Because possessives are evil, that's why. No matter how many times I reread my Associated Press Stylebook on thh one. c,he concept never really penetrates alJ the way into my brain. So, pretending this is for your sake, but really for my own, here's a crash course ln possessives ending in S. There are really onJy two ruJes to take note of here. First: Proper names get differenl treatment than do plain old nouns. A proper name ending with S doc., not get another S after the JUNE aposliophe. When CASAGRANDE you just picture the name Jesus m print, this rule is pretty intuitive. "Jesus's teachjngs" 1ust looks wrung. doesn't it? And "Jesus' teachings" looks belier. righl? Bui we sense that something·s KOne funlcy when we consider a word like "boss.· That'" because the oppoi.11e rule applic~. Becaui.c "bo!>~" is a common noun and not a proper name. the oppo,ite ruJe appliei.. I )o add the S after L11e apostrophe. ft'c; "the boss's orden.." Uke Rule I. Huie 2 1s at the ..a.me time intuHive and elusive. Simply. that ruJe I'>: Never put three or more S's in a row. If the rule above wouJd mean putting three S's in a row, break· the ruJe above. 1 lence the •boss' son· eiample. NormaUy. to make ·boss~ possessive, you wouJd add the S after the apostrophe. But when the word that foUows begini. with an S. weU, treat the boss as you would Jesus. Of course, there are exceptions to these basics, such as the mind-boggling instance of words that are pluraJ in form bul '>ingular in meaning, such as ·malhematics." In this case, only add the apostrophe. We'll gel into ~ome of the insidious asidei. as they arii.c in the future. Ln the meantime, I'd like to shift gears to let you in on Lhe terror that has become my life since this column premiered two weeks ago. As a rule, writers love getting reader mail. But this writer, for one, is lnclined to freak out when that mall comes from dozens of readers who know much, much more than I do about my professed area of M expertise.· That said, I should probably restate the intention of this column. William Safire I ain't. What I'm shooting for is DummJes, • specifically. dummies who want to write an effective business lener or press reJease . without having lo get a PhD in English grammar. And I proudly count myself among their ranks. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She mav be reached at (948) 674-4232 or by e-mail at june.aisagrande~latimes.cqm. Dai ly · Pilo t Cor81 Wiiton News as1i11ant, {949) 574-4298 coral. wllson@llatimes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Coata Meaa, CA 92626 Copyright No news stories, illustrations, adltoriel matter or advertisements hflf'8in cen be reproduced without written· perminlon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. 181 THOMAS H JOHNSON Pubhshlf TONYDOOERO Editor JUDY O£TT1NG A=~r Promotions Otrecto' ' \ News Ectlton Gina Alexander. Lori Anderson. Daniel Hunt, Paul Sa1tow112, Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAff Crime ~co~ner, (949) 57«226 dffpa.bharath@larlm..com June C•11J111nde Newpon 8Mct't reporter, (949) 574-4232 /une.cauorant# latlmff.oom hulelnton Pollt1C1, bullneM end environment r•Porter, 19491764-4330 pt1Ul.clinton lat/,,,..,com Lo-....,,_ Columnitt cultu1'9 reporter, (949) 57<M275 lolit•.hlfPM'./M1,,,_com O...Newmen eo.ta M-.. r9t)Orttr, (Mil 674'4221 dttlrt:h.'*""*'tll11ti,.,...00fn ~canllo Educadon repor19r, (M) 6J.M291 oh,.,,.~ ltrtirna«Hn Sean Hiller, Don l.eadl, Kent Trepcow READERS HOTLINE 19491642~ Record your QC>mmenu about the 011ly Pilot or news bpe. AdcHwu Our addrMI la 330 W. Bay St, Costa M .... CA 92627. Ofla houra '"' Mond-V -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Cooectionl h la the Pilot'• policy to promptly correct ell erroca of eobstanoe. Pll8M call (949) 764-4324. FY1 The Newport Beadl.ICocut.Meaa Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) 11 publial'led dally. In NtwPort Beadl and Cost. Mesa, aublcrlptlona are eveilable only by aubecriblng to The Tlmea Orange County (800) 262·9141. In lf'NI outaJde of Newpolt hed'I Ind Cotti Mesa, tubterlptlona to the Deily Piiot are avatllble only by first c1 ... mall for S30 '*month. (Pricles lftctude all tPc>flc»ble ._.. and ioc.t -...1 POSTMASTtR: Send lddfeee ~tolhe~ ~Mela Deify~ P.O HOW TO REACH US Clrcua.tlon The Tlmn ~Inge County (800) 252·9141 ~ Clwlfted (949) 642-6678 Dllpley (949) 842-4321 &llOfW News (949) &42·5680 lporW(949)67«223 NlwsfU (949) ~170 8"tts Fu (949) 850-0170 f-m.111: cUllypl/orOl•rimH.com MelnOllloe ........ Ollloe (949) 642-4321 ........ Fu (949) 831·?126 PubUehed by Tlmee Community New., a dlvlt'orl of th41 Lo. A .... Tltn111. C2oo:t Time. CH. AH '1ghta rwfWCI. WEATHER FORECAST It'll be mostly cloudy with areas ol fog in the morning, but the sun should be out by the afternoon. Highs will be between 70 and 81 degrees.. The clouds and fog will move badt In late to prepare for the rns>ct day. Lows wfll be between 56 and 61 degrees. lnfonMtlon: www.mw.no.ta.QOV BOATING FORECAST The day sta.111 out~ light variable winds on dM Inner waters, bot mott of dM div end evening the wlndl wtll be northwest 11110 to 16 llnola. The wevea wtlt be 2 •or._ on • mixed lwell -weet at 4 fMt Ind IOUth llt )feet. TIMft IOUthem compo1ient wttl .dfttppMr by the~. Fel1her out. .... wlndl wtU bloW llt 11 IO 20 knaCi; llded fn the .-noon by..,.,.. teal 9'*I up IO 30 ll:ftoelt. Tht ·. waves will be 3 feet on a mixed swell -northwes1 at 5 feet pfus some south swell that will only be th11re during the day. Close to shore or farther out. there will be areas of fog all day. SURF The latNt southwest swell will increase today, peaking sometime Tuesday. Expect dleat· to shouldef.hfgha for the next two days. A northwelt 11 due for the hollday WHkend. W.WQUllCy: www.turfridf>r.oro TIDES ,..... 6:02a.m. 11;47 Lm, 3:48p.m. 10:07p.m. ........ .().71Mtlow 3.64feethlgh 2.!Sef..clow e. ,, ,_ high WATER TEMPERATURE Dally Pilot BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport nature center will host family dinner The Environmental Narure Center will show off Its cootribu- lion to the local environment by hosting a family picnic dinner at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. The event wiJJ showcase the center and its surrounding natu- ral wonders: native plants, wild- life habilats, walk.Ing lralls and Nature Center amenities such as the outdoor cl~room and dis- covery center The cost is SIO for nonmem- bers. There is no cost for mem- bers. The picnic will take place at the center, 1601 16th St , New- pon Beach. For reservations and information. call (949) 645-8489 Pas port appli cations availab le at post office The '-:ewpon Beach Post Of- fice Jt l IJ3 C.1melback $1. 1s one or 12 Orange County PO'>t offi < t''> that Mil accept pa'>spon appllc atton' lo get a pa.,spott. travelers mu'>l prt'H'IH a birth ler1tl11.are and proof of 1dentuy. pay 1he fers and have 1lw1r picture taken al tht• pO'>I offite ~tand .ud pao,,pon '>crvttc take., .1bn11l fnur to 'lX \\l't·k~. hut 1wople \vho h<1v1· an emergency 1 Jn requt''>I expt·cllted .,er\'ln.' .1111.! gt•l their pa.,,port bad .. 1n .1hou1 l\\O \\t:t'"-' I or mon• information. \ l'>lt 11'14 I<' /II/)'< 11111 '\eurolog1-.t firnh cau\e ol he.mng di\order I< In uw 1wurolog1-.t i\rnolc.J -.1.1rr li.1' pinpmntl'd ont of 1h1;- l .H1 t' 111 .1ud1t1>r) nt·uropatll\', 1 ht·Jr111~ t.h,ordt·r that preH•nl\ Put a few wo rds to wo rk for you. Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5618 sound from reaching the brain ln the normal way. Starr, who identified the dis- order 15 years ago with col- leagues. detennlned that It is caused by a low cell count In the auditory nerve fibers that connect with, and are within, the ear's cochlea. The study ap- pear in the JuJy issue of Brain. MThis lets us look into new ways of treaLing the problem,· Starr said in a pre!>s releru.e. "Because it indicates that this disorder is clearly rooted In the auditory nervou .. system." The current practice of lreat- ing auditory neuropathy is by removing the cochlea and re- Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Service· .. ... Nightly f nteruinment• .. placing it wtth an implant that electrlcaJly activates the re mainlng nerve cells The study. which wa!> lunde<l by the Na ilonaJ lmtitute!> of Health. abo link!> aud11ory neu· copathy 10 similar neuraJ d1~or ders In the body. where lesion., in nerve fibers inhibll semory and motor funcuom "The con nection i'> 1>0 1>1rong, many col leagues now que\1ton the lcgt11 macy of even talli11g this condllion auditory neuropathy. and I 11gree." Starr \aid, in the release "My 1ntere1>t now ,., 111 advancing thii. re'>earrh and seeing how 11 can be app!Jed ' ApproxJmately l';0.000 pl·r1· SPECIAL SA LE Long Plank Wood Floori ng OAK e TEAK e ROSEWOOD ·~· "°'T\I'\\ t \.1\11 J{ ' ~I,, TAIX~tA TER XTRA LIFE s1999 By ~1ohawk Installed with deluxe pad ~q. yd. l Travtr1int 18" 1: 18" .................................. 54.29 .. n 1 Ctnunlc Tilt ............................... 1no1a11,; ,,,.,. f 4. 99 • 1 n L&minatt Wood .......................... butaUt4 '"'"' 14. 99 .., " \up(llits u11d Tool' for the "/)o II >ourHdfrn! Ill prrcrJ/producf., fur a l1miltd l1mt. l>asf'd on u1u1luhilil11 final clearance! 40-70%0ff! LADIES' ~l'~1~1ER SHOE~. HA:\DBAG~ & ACCES OR I E~ Sizes 4 to 12 in a great selection of widths! Corona Del Mar Plaza • 964 Avocado Avc:nuc. (comer of MacArthur and PCH) • 949-72 1-1325 wv.'W marmishoe com I· VI •AUTOMATIC • OVUORIVE •AIR CONO • co •POWER SEATS • SllOING REAR WtNOOW pie suffer from auditory neu- ropathy according to the l:.aton Peadbody Laboratory ot Auditory Phy!>1ology. •et11erYou Buy or Lease ... You 'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! • • ,. .,.e1t Delua• Pao. • AR T I '\ \1 C) 1 I I I NDL LG l \ <>' H ll f ea h1red art"t lh11t• I <1\ 111,. ''" .. 1 1• art, workin.J? i11 'urlr "''"'''' "1 inspiration from th1 'f" 1 , ., •, From the Collt>lt 1u1 111 J • I • ,, Discover the Oa\·1ir or 1 complimi:ntdn 'Jmp1t''> •" · · of aromatll \\Irie. ann it I 1\ Art L \h1b11 ,\ h l • Wedne5d:.t' l11h _.,,, Co mplimentar' ' 1l1r1.t11,. Art E\htb1t<; \\ 111 UJ• • Ple:tc.e call \fo11f JI qJ f'O"I '· • I July Y - ) ' I It 0Cj I •I' . '''\ ·' '11111111 11. II I I I ,.. ,_ MSRP Robins Ford Discount Sole Price "' Factory Rebate Nn COST Home to a certain \.\Oriel ff.'.;.: www.streglsm b.com "-' VVOR~ " 928,995 l' Movie Stars Kia Motors America, Inc. -Make eveOI' mile count/ Victoria &. James Warmington Producers Anonymous Janet C. Bement Rosemary&.. Bill Brown Thomas J. &. Arrabelle F. Brown Patti &. Jim Edwards DI redo rs Mr.&. Mrs. Richard H . Berg Ruth&. Arnold Feuerstein Mr. &. Mrs. Jeny M . Harrington Greater Newport Physicians McCarthy Construction Walter Schroeder Screenwrtters Wendy &. Rick Aversano Daily Pilot -Tom&. Vicki Johnson Dr. Christopher Duma James B. Fleming Dr. &. Mrs. Warren H. Fong Jack&.. Marilyn French Dr. Gerald T. Gostanian &. Dr. Tonia M . Marralle Mr. Michael K. Hayde &. Ms. Lynette M . Carlucci Mrs. Elizabeth Martyn Newport Heart Medical Group Pacific Hospitallsts -Dr. Weston G. Chandler, Dr. Michael Eilbert, Dr. Gene Mizumoto, Dr. Richard ,Meis, Dr. Joel Katz, Dr. Loreen Strope, Dr. Hubert Sle Elizabeth H. Perry Carl &. Mary Raymond Mr.&. Mrs. Theodore Robins, Jr. Mr. &.. Mrs. Robert Santos Cliff&. Cumi Sechrist Sandy Sewell Dave &. Ellyn Snowden Janet Speers-Baron The Swedlund Family Sue Tarvin Ginny &. Peter Ueberroth Pam Seiber Weston Keith &. Jennie Yonkers Supporting Actors Mr. &. Mrs. Dick P. Allen Mr. &. Mrs. Guilford C. Babcock Norris Battin PCW -Greg &. Stephanie Beebout Don &. Sharon Bernhard Mrs. Caezltla Burnside Tom &. Suzy Casey Honorable &. Mrs. Walter W. Charamz.a 1. Corporate Express Offlce Products and Furniture Joan Turner Cox Jeny Frey Richmond&. Sally Gipple George E. Hoedlnghaus Mr.&. Mrs. Melvin J. Hoeffliger Dr.&. Mrs. Tejlnder Kalra Brian &. Rhonda Kelly Roger &. Gall KJrwan Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas W. Knapp Darleen Leyerly &. Ramon Lopez Jim &. Heather Madden Mr. &. Mrs. Austin Mahr Mr. &. Mrs. Vince McGulnness, Jr. Mr. Kevin Murphy Pam &. Jim Muzzy Newport Emergency Physicians Northern Trust Bank of California James&. Nancy Penney Mr. Edward R. Reynolds Dr. &. Mrs. Nicholas E. Rose Elinor Schmidt Bruce &. Marie Schwartz Scudder Private Investment Counsel - Douglas j . McCrea Diane &. Duke Swarts Robert &. Sandra Weiner Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas A . Williams Stunt Men Hank &. Marcia Adler A .G. Edwards&. Sons, Inc. Dr. john and Frances Applegate Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Badham Jeffrey I. Barke, M .D. Mr. &. Mrs. Douglas F. Bellakoff Honorable Dan &. Nina Brice Kathryn R. Buckham john &. Sheny Burrows Bob &. Terry CaJlahan Caring Companions at Home Sherrie L. Cheshire Clara Clem Don 0 . Croft Mrs. Patricia S. Culpepper Mr. &. Mrs. john L. Curd Mary Allyn &. Earl Dexter Dr. &. Mrs. Walter Dletlker Robert 0. Diiiman, M .D. &. Jacquelyn Beauregard Diiiman Dr. Richard and Linda Doering Bernard M . Feldman, M .D. Pete &. Elvia Foulke Mr. &. Mrs. Ira J. Garbutt Goodwill lndustrfes of Orange County - Dan S. Rogers Ms. Kelly Gray &. Mr. Kurt Conrad Ron &. Peggy Guziak Mr. &. Mrs. Max W. Hampton ·-. .. .... Walter &. Elizabeth Hanson Greg&. Teri Hardke Rush &. Linda Hiii Carol Hoffman &. john McDermott Steve&. Maureen Hogan Mr. &. Mrs. Hunt Holladay Ken &. Laura Honig Mr. &. Mrs. Albert M . lrwln Ms. Jacqueline M . Jensen Steve Jones Barbara Kellogg Mr. &. Mrs. G . Berk Kellogg Lee Anne Kirby Charles H. Kliem an Alex j. Kochnuk Paul R. Kuhn. M .D. Mr. &. Mrs. Ariu Levi Mr. &. Mrs. Robin L. Lunsford Mr.&. Mrs. Robert M . Lyons Daisy L. Maslach Bill&. Lydia Mccroskey Mr. &. Mrs. Michael D. McKee Marilyn&. Bob Mcintyre Mr. &. Mrs. Wiiiiam A . Moodie Patrick&. Raquel Munoz Tom Nielsen Mr. &. Mrs. Wiiiiam Newfleld Mr. &. Mrs. Roger B. Palley Marjorie L. Phillips Pieri Construction. Inc. -Len Pieri Anthony K. Plummer, Jr. Mr.&. Mrs. john H . Poole Ruth M . Poole James &. Carolyn Reed Ms. Miidred A . Richards Walter &. Susan Richardson Mary Jane Rickard Herb &. Carol R.ogove Kenneth &. Christina Ryder Jack R. Sanders _Mr. &. Mrs. jack L. Schoellerman Suzanne M . Shaw Debbie Simon KJm Smith &. Donna DIBari Nancy &. Kent Snyder Alfred &. Donna Somekh Family Trust Dr. Charles P. Steinmann Michael &. Diane Stephens Mr. &. Mrs. Richard Wallace Ms. Janet Curd Walsh Bert White &. Ms. Lori Schwartz lxtru Dr. &. Mrs. Kenneth E. Aaron Maryam AtabakJ &. Ollvla Robbs Lin &. Al Auer Ms. Barbara Aune Lewis &. Mary Barbe NoemJ &. Charles Bcc.htloff Or. &. Mrs. Laurence Becker • .t -.. Dr. Barry B. Behrstoc.k Jim &.. Nina Berman M rs. M arjorie F. Bertin Dr. &.. M rs. David Bloom M rs. Joyce Boghosian M ayor &.. M rs. Steve Bromberg Ms. Laverne Bugna Ellle &.. Irv Burg M rs. CaezJlla Burnside Charles &.. JoAnn Bozza Mr. &.. Ms. William J. Carroll Lynn Cathcart GaJI Chancellor Susan Chappell Ashok Chopra Jim &.. Raylene Creath NataJle R. Curtin Gregory Dennis Margaret Dern Bob &.. Betty Donellan Patricia Elm s Courtney W. Emery Florence Falnbarg M elanie Fltch &.. Paul T. Salata Fletcher Jones Motorcars -Kirk Dawson Mr. &.. Mrs. James M . Foster Mrs. Ralph FrankJln Ms. Rosalie L. Friedman Ms. Thelm a Garford Patty L. Georges Dr.&.. Mrs. M ervin H. Goldstein Ms. Dorothy P. Gray Mr. &.. M rs. Richard D. Halderman Lois A . Halverson Pat &.. Gene Hancock Laura Hathaway M r. &.. M rs. Richard P. H ausman Mr. Edward G. Hirschman Loan Ho M r. &.. M rs. Peter T. Hoffman Beverly Q. Holcomb David Hom Mr.&.. Mrs. Robert D. Hyson LaRae lrvlne Michael B. Jeffers B. J. Jo hnson Joseph f. Johhston Dr. &.. Mrs. Ronald L. Katz Mrs. Karen Knoche Mrs. Dorothy M . La.Rue Ms. Elizabeth Mariani Paula McCaffery &.. Diana Davies Mr. Clifford J. Meyer Dr. &.. Mrs. Edward I. Miiier Ellle Miiier Pamela Miiier Mary M . Munday Mark &.. Mariellen Murray Daniel Ng. M .D. Mr. ~ Mrs. Christopher Otto Kim Pace Elalne A . Park Sara L. Parker &.. Bruce Liplan Nancy Pharo Biii &.. Linda Pierpoint, Jr. Rosalie Puleo Ms. Jody M . Raef Dorothy M . Ray, M .D. Jim Rice Joel K. Rubenstein Bill Scanlan Janet Seltz Jashlnskl Mr. Charles W. Sharkey Nancy N . Shook Nickole C. Slerp Kellie Smith Perry Soderberg, CFP Chip Stassel Ann Stern Robert Stevens Bernie P. Svalstad Dr. Barbara Swartz Mr. &.. Mrs. Robert M . Syrene Jerry Tardie Mr.&.. Mrs. Richard P. Taylor Dr.&.. Mrs. Roger H . Thomas Ms. Nannette Thompson Nancy &.. Steve Turner Martha Unlckel Louise Upham Chris Welsh Robert White Mr. &.. M rs. Heinz Wilden Mr. &.. Mrs. Gordon W. Wiies Ms. Christine B. Winton Harold Wright Pamela l. Young DonAdons Charles &.. Phyllis Bell M r. &.. Mrs. William J. Carroll Dennis &.. Nancy Deovlet Ms. Dorothy P. Gray Mr. &.. M rs. Fo rrest K. Harrell Ms. Beverly D. Heberden Mr.&.. Mrs. Robert D. Hy son M r. &.. Mrs. Joseph lrvlne Sol &.. Ruth Mahler Mary Ann Matyear Ms. Karen M . Muller Mrs. Philio R. Tozer Mr. &.. M rs. Heinz Wilden In-kind Donors Abbey Event Services Aramark Boulevards of Travel Bristol Farms Coca..COla Botttlng Co. Costa Mesa Explorer Scouts - Edwards Theatre Fire Safety First four Seasons Londance Studio -Students: Serena Hesketh and Paul Bond Michaels Art &.. Craft Store Miles&. Kelley Construction Newport Beach Marriott Newport Florist Northwest Airlines and KLM Regal Entertainment Group Richard Reilly Sam's Club Sunset Property Services Straub Distributing C.o. Ware Disposal Warner Bros. Chris Wynkoop Restaurants Baja Fresh Bamboo Bistro Breakfast at Ciao BrewBakers Britta's Cafe Cafe Panini Catalina Fish Kitchen Champagne French Bakery Cafe Ciao Italian Eatery Clayton Shurley s "Real BBQ" Coco's Fashion Island Fire Department Grill - City of Newport Beach Four Seasons Health Emporium Ho Sum Bistro Hettie's Pizza House of Blues La Cav e Restaurant Margaritavl I le Morton· s The Steakhouse Muldoon·s Irish Pub Newport Beach Brewing Co. Newport Beach Marriott Newport Landing Restaurant Newport Rib Company Renato Rlstorante Rlstorante M amma Gina Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel Royal Thal Cuisine Roy's Newport Beach Sabatlno·s Lido Sausage Co. Turnip Rose Catering VIiia Nova What's CookJng? Bistro Wolfgang Puck ~ Yankee Tavern Restaurant A6 Monday, June 30, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY · BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS $50,000 damage from dump ter fire A s1nic1ure fire that be· gan In a dump5.ter on Old Newpon Beach resulted in $50,000 of dama)(e by 1he lime the names could be putout. ·nuee engine'>, two 1rucks, a paramedic unit, 11 ba11alion chief and lH Nt'w- pon Beach fireli~hlcr-. rc- ~ponded to a <..lit at I I .1>9 p.m of n ftre <II 34q <>Id POLICE FILES COSTAMfSA • East 11th Street: A man was arrested on susp1c1on of being drunk in pubhc in the 300 block at 12 19 am Saturday • East 19th Street: A man was arrested on susp1c1on of prowling and loitering on private property in the 100 bled< at 9:02 a.m. Saturday • Harbor Boulevard: A woman was arrested on suspicion of prosutuuon 111 the 3300 blodc at 9·2s p m Wednesday • Industrial Way and Newport Boulevard· A mdn was arrested on suspicion of possessing a controlled substance at 1.50 a m Sunday •Shannon Lane. A man wac; arrested on susp1c1011 of battery in the 1300 bloo at 5·2S a m Sdturday •West 18th Street: A man •wport Road When they arrived, a dumpster to the &ide of the build.Ulg was consumed by flames. which were spreading up the out side w.ill, onto the roof and Into the attic, a fire official said. fhose Oame~ were put out with water. Hrefighters then diJ an interior check. Identifying hot spots with thermal imagers. Most of the tlamage was confined to the wall, roof and attic. the official said. Nu injuries were re - puned, and offidal~ are stiJJ mve!.Ugating the 5.Cl'nt'. was arrested on susp1c1on of having an open container 1n a public park in the 500 block al 1 :09 p. m Saturday NEWPORT BEACH • Ban.ma Court. Annoying and obscene phone calls were reported in the 100 blod. dt 10·44 p m Sa1urddy. • Baycrest Court: A residential burglary was ri:ported m the 100 blodc at 10·49 pm. Saturday • Btoad Str9et and Catalina Dnve: Illegal fireworks wer!.' ri·µontid at 12:40 p m Sunday • Pacific View Dnve: Vanddl1sm was reported 1n 1hr 3::00 block at 8:06 a .m S1111dav • Riverside Avenue. A 011"l 'P.rc1at burglary was r"ported in the 100 btodc at 7 46 d rn Sunday • 43rd Street: A petty theft WriS fl ·p(ll1r.O In lhP 201) blur.i< al 1 55 a m Sundoy Kru s fll\I M. S011s • L iccn~cd Real Estate Agent \feetmg ,,// n/ yn111 He.ti &tare 11l't'df. ERK A. Srn 1 ~ Cl fl • , ... Yta,.,-b.Jmmre • 'itm ks c,~ Bonds • \.f11t11al F1111ds • Almmttl'1 • F11,11e v Rr111·e111m1 Pw11n111g • lnvestmmt Banking • 5maU Muldu , \111rke1 Companies Call for a free consultation at your home or business 949-723-1167. "'•••••• Catd_.,.,• ,. .. ,... ... ~~ lff"'•tr .... ,. , .. _,,.tit fJ~' ..,., '" ll(.•MH•I c .. o.~ ti11t , ... ,SJ · su...-dtu or.,,. "'~f" '•••« ....,..,flnl•c:. 1 ... ..,,..._. u a.o awe You Can Buy A Luxury Beach Community Home For t he Same Payment You Have Now NEWPORT Bl-.A( II . CA A I rt•c 2 I hour Con su ml' r ~warenc" Hotl ine ha, ht.>l·n CStabli5he.d LO h.clp fumilie5 that ~.mt to move to beach communities buy their dream home~ for no more than they are paying for their current homes. I or more info rmation <.al l the ConH1mcr Aware n e \ ~ H mline an~·time. l"I hours per da). li1 h.e . .H th c f re\.:, prernorJed me\sagc. at 949-222-6611. This free )enilC i~ 'pomurc<l b} Coron a d c I \1 dr Properties. brokers. ADVERTISEMENT ALDEN'S I ·l~IS;j ii 11 DRAPERY CLEAl\llN6 AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOV l l\l6 l\IECESSARV I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings lncludlng: • Luminette Privacy Shee~ • Silhouette window shadirtg' • Vignette window shadin~ • Duette honeycomb shades • Mmenial'I Colltction • lubilance114 roma,n shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette N Soft Fold™ shadings World's Best ON•Sl'rE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPEIUF.S 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 I I • " • I ' I /11." , 'I •••. j .... , I If I •.. ,, 11 ' , 'I'. Dally Pdot HOME Conunued from Al enough to move forward, do our due diligence, see what the co ts are and bow the commu- nity feels about lc. 'The first step will be holding some public meetings to see what does and what doesn't work and giving people tours, doing public education end outreach.' impossible or financially lm- practlcal, but for now, It's on the list of options to be explored. The parking garage would pay for Itself even while provid- ing Cree parking 10 City Hall visitors. Spaces would be avail - able for a fee on nights and weekends to people parking to go to the beach, Udo Village and other nearby attractions. Homer 8fudau city manager ·What council bas said so far is that we're serious about look- ing at the planning to see if we want to move forward with a new City I !all," he said. "The first step will be holding some public meetings to see what does and what doesn't work and giving people tours, doing public educalion and out· reach." 'begjn. Staff and many members of the council seem eager to improve the aging facility. They cite problems like archaJc air conditioning, outmoded seis- mic standards, cramped work- space, lack of amenities for people with disabilities and outrageously ineffi cient The public outreach, which could begin next month.' wilJ be the easy pan. Once contractor Griffin 1 loldings Inc. has fin - ished schematici. early next year, the real arm wre!>tling will But they differ on how to pro- ceed. Councilman John I leffer nan thinks that now is just not the time to spend nearly $600,000 on the snJdy, much less spend $20 million or $30 m1U1on on the complex it.,elf. DRAGONS Continued from Al "Once thl' gun got..., off. you bcwrnc rnw." De I.owl' agreed. I few. an.I Oie11, pre.,1den1 of uw ln1emauonal Lulturt• L\chang£' A.,:.11 .. •~ 011gi11Jll y from laiwan ,md ha:. ht·lped organit.4.' c•vt•nt!> in Wac.hmwun, IJL, 1 .... Vega., and Lon~ Beach. ll1e ... port ts ne\.\ to Or.mg(• County. but he '>aid 11 1s rap1dlv g.mw1g popufority around the world. "I liOl'rt·nt agt•s. differl·nt gt•nder:. can ml\ tugNhei. hf.' •;.i.id "<;o 11 bring-. fdmtlit'<i togetlwr. 11 bring:. rnn1111uni1it-<, togethf"r. · llw boats, \\hith wert· made 1n (runc.1 amH·d JU.,I mun th' <1go Own was involH'u m t•wrything lrom 1kr.1gn111g the hnat<. 10 gl'lllllg tht>m tu '''\\llllrl Ht'.trh I It· tlo11d1t·d llHHl than $:i,(){)() for tht' bo.ih ;incl put .i 1111 of 1•m rgy 11110 nMl..ing uw d<t} a 'unc.,, L Councilman Don Webb was a little disturbed to see the rough plans laid out at a study session because they basically called for razing the existing City Hall buUdJngs and fire station and replacing them with one new building for City Hall, a new fire station and a parking garage. Ml like the old buildings," said Webb, who instead proposed finding a way 10 salvage a few of the buildings and add on struc- tures to create more space and greater efficiency. That could prove logistically But while the park.Ing struc- rure looks like a financial no- bralner, the rest of the project isn't so lucky. The biggest ques- tion looming is: Where will the money come from. The city's answer, In, a nut- shell , is: We haven't figured that part out yet. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e·mall at junB.casagrandB a latlmBs com PH I !lflllN tkfl'l W II ' wnrth 11: hl '><lld .. \ 1.ikt•'> peoplt· hdpp\ lht hard I lull. \\ho \\i1., lll"trumcnt.11111 gt•ttmg tlw OrJn~t· C mlllt) Drt1gon l{c1.1t team t1Jgtthe1. 'JIU he JU<.I l..1·pt t.tlkmg t1bou1 for .1hou1 l\\U Yl'.1r~ un1il ht• w;i\ ..1blt to rt:Lrult t•nough .. uppo1 t I It· 1111rwd l•iru.•., with thl• Orangt• { Cllllll} <hmcw Luhur.J Ouh, and 111 thl' l'nd I I h'.11n .. p.1r11upall1ll Racers paddle to ttie beat of a drummer srttmg on ttie bow as they compete in an early heat of the first Orange County Dragon Boat Tournament But 111111-.aid11\ 1w1 tilt' numh<>r., th.it matlt'I "',() long a' peopk ar1· having hm a11tl pt'Oplt· .1rt· '>m11ing. that'., 'lltn·'"· .. lw '-<lid "lhat\ 1110,t irnporlanl · ll'<llll t..lglt-. maul' up of Or<1ngC' ( OlllllV U.S Po-.tal Workt:r,, -.1arted \o\llh a Owr "'"' out by flll hJtd Maher. RESULTS Division One· • First Place· Los Angeles Racing Dra~ons • Second Place Killer Gupp1us •Third Place· V1ewSonic Dragons on Top Division Two. • First Place Thunder Dragons •Second Place-CPrr1tos on Watm •Third Place Team lmua "I he dragon bo.11 "<111 111d1v11lu.1l l'lllll I wlllun a team vou wor~ un y11111,df JJHI "l thou~hl. I'm '>Ufl' llllt of itJ.000 employt>t''-w1• < .w pull 20 10gerhe1 111 m.O.t· a team.·· l\.1aJwr ,,ud ·And tJw Laglt"> wC'rt• halthed ·· Po~t.al \\orkN hm Warren '>a.lu lhl' !tam <itarted prat uling only two month' ago. Alrl'acly tJ1ey had a tt'am I -'>htr1 i.lnd \\.Ort' (alee dr~on talloo<i on their necks Dragon dancers perform at the begmnmg of the tournament on Sunday crt:ate <;ynel"R)." lw -..i1tl "I think 111tt11y ca..,1em phtlu\uphtt''> .,ha11· th,11 1tl1·a In Buddh1,m. }OU wnrl.. on om.•-.t:lf to hl·iwht \OCrety- Tiie Or.mgr C 011nty tl'<1m 1' nt•\\ "hit h m.Uc~ 11 um4uc. L.ancr \did -.porwmng and lUlllpl'llllK m the I vn~ B<'.1t h r;u t''. I >t•Jn '\u-.haum \JIU 1lu· feeling ol rnmaradt>ril' filtt•rN.l into .tll le\ Pl., of tJw "When Wt' fir<>I '>lan1>d oil, dJI of our paddle<; Wf're OUt of WnC, there Wa'i paddle h111111g. <tnd 1wople \~crt >;t'll1ng tired h.JI \\ii\' through. \\'am.'n ... Jill .. But a., v1111 >:" on )llU hutld uni<ion · l orp11ra11on • 11 ha' rau.,NI 1><>oplt• to tome 1ogether \\ho \\Ollld 11ot n11rrrnill) 11111·rnLL he \dld \1111wont· \\.Or~:ing in till' WMt'hnu ... c <<lll 111ler.il I \\llh a ll•g•il .11111nwv or !ht \ 1c I' pw-.11J1•111 '\\oe ha\e a real rdngc of ah1htW'>, expenenre level., nm to rnenu1111 t·uhun·'· he '>did ··we dft' not ho11nd tn an 1·mpl11w1 en an organv..1111111, w<• ttrl' the or~anu.111011 Offermg opportullltu''> tor \01 1Jll/1n~. ''dying dCllvr. tr.t\cl111g <ind nt't\\oricmJ: ro\\-1ng ha-. hc<.omt: part of '"' lifl·'>t\ It-. <Arter '>aid. I he ll'illll '>pirll >:"l'' he\ond 1111 h11;11 , lw \JIJ ( lthcr IC'Jlll\ Jlllllfll'J II Ill hC'lp 11·.1111 l\.111c..1 I >r.1gon ho;11 rCl\wr-. '>Jlcl tlwy got "111 leep doing 11 hl· '><lld II I lt·.1q· hen·. 111 lind anntht•r lt'•1m 111 ,111utl ll'r nl\' I ..iglt· get -.iartcd · "111 tlragon h11<1l111g, tlll'tt• JH 110 10,1·"· 11 lo\tl·r-. J h'<lnl eH11rt.' hl ... ml hrrvn1w hl'lp<, l'\t'r\'Olll l'l'l' 11111 . r1•t ru1t1•d h\ '"m1•011t· the} l..11C1\\. II h.1prwr11·tl 111 \1t111 C .Jrttr ..1bout thret• vcar' .igu \\lll'n hl· mowd fr(llll i'ortland. Or!.'KOll to :".1•wport Hl'iH h, Ill' -..ml om• nl the fir'>I tl11ng.., he cl1u wa' 11111101.. tor J ni:w tc.trn •CORAL WILSON is th1· no•w., a~i.1stan1 11ruJ "'dY he reached at 19491 574 42'IB nr hy e mall at coral.wllson a latm1et. com A-. 1•n1ph1)t't'" of V11'\o\ ">01111 h1·i.:.ui HOPE Continued from Al 11111\l'll llll'1r pur-.1· ,11111g'.' I tll'llr' 'wild f>rt·.,1dt•111 c 11·orgt· \\ Hu<.h\ '"' < ut pl.in. \\.h1c h )(Ill'' m111 l'f 11·1 I 011 Jul\' Ii "hould lw an- other Pcononur '11mulJtur I ul'11r-. '>dld Worker.. \\ 111 lwg111 '>N'lllJt extra ca."h 111 tlll'tr pa) c11Prn ··1 hcllt•\e thdl pt•nplt ha\(' bec•1} tOn!>rrvallVl' in th1·1r ALLOWED Continued from A 1 and "Surtc1tybaby." Opinion., run the gamut. So me people are afraid the show will poorly ponray Orange County kids. Others are glad the world will finally wake up to the crazy lives Newpon Beach people allegedly hve. M Megcra 114," a lunb'llme Newpon resident. said the show will probably portray at least a faction of the community to a T. ·rveryone I know that Liv~ there needs a big rt>allty check. but they won't 1tet It. I thmk II wtll be great to ee exactly how life rPally Is In Newpon portrayed on rv. Fabulou,, • Mcgeral14 wrote on a chat 'lite. I don't know If It' ju t the people I hong around with, or what, bul I have to say, I have also heard ome wl.ld stories from my friend about their tugh school years. I havr run Into nt lc:-.ut u hnndful or people from Newpon Ueach who wrrc arrested either for posses-.tng druf;' or drlvtng und •r the lnfluenet" l~cklly for them. money can buy you a good lawyer, and a good lawyu con 1 you probation M or th m lc-.mt'd lhtlr n ind w -up. Thank(~ pcd tlle MIRm that -.pc·11cl111g h.1h11.. t 1wl11-. '<11tl. ·· I hn· II bei.;111 It> w1· .111 1111 rea .. t• 111 tlll'H lll'I p.J\ .. J\ V.ICIL•IV \\iJll lll'cl I tlll\llllll'I c cmlld1·11n· rt p11rt, relt•tt\t•tl \\1·dm·,d<1\ h\ 1tw ( onlt•n·nc l' Bo;ml, 'hll\\t•d .1 drop off 111 'Jwmhn~ 1n \f.i\ I ht• rc•porl u1ok .i r11on· 1Jp11m1 .. t11 \IC\\ ol 1111' '>llO!lll h.tlf 111 lhl' \f'Jf, prt cli<:tmg inc """t·d '>l>t ndmg 1lwn. It''' dear th1 1'"Pl'rh '>i.11c1. I\ mmttrf'I tht> rcdnat ttewn.'t"s I Ith rni.· 1111 "nc 1· early . .mo I will h1· a hou.,t to bu,lnt''>' l he felon} conviction~ bring th!.'ir le-.s lortunate brethn•n. If thry had been in Ea-.1 I .o~ Angclei., they would have wrved time. been marked with that conviction, never gutt en n good job and very probahly rc1umed lo a lift' of crime Hut I dlgres<,. Orange County does offer an environment that t.:an't be fountl anywhcrt' else. While my LA. friends love nw dearly, they refuse 10 cornt' "pnrtyK with me down here. It\ JU">! not thrtr ~ccne And wh1Je I never w~nt to school in Newport Beach. 100 many 12-and 13 year-old lcld!> at my middJe school in ln-lne were domg drugs. having 'iex and ditching -;chool. I remember bcin~ oflerP<I tah'l of acid to takl' during the Harvest Fe,uval because Myou get a realty good trip from alJ those Ugh!S. M ( fhanlc. God I had '>pons.) I remem~r one of my da..,'imate gett~g hl• atom cll pumped because hr. dmnk too much beer and smoked too mu1.:h weed ut the pool just hehlnd our middle , chool I 1•d 1111111 1% lhl' rail' bank.-. uw \\. llh t·.H h ot hl'r in .. en1 r111g m t•ri11gh1 loJn' •\l\11 pruhlt·mal 11 lor hu.., Ill"('\ h,t\ hl't.'11 lh!• ,1111 l11i;h tll'>I ril t'lt·t tnnly ,111d n-;111g c 0-.1 .. 111 \\llfkl'r'> compc11..a11on l..1\"1111,. lht> 'talt' Le~sl.11urr " 1101 l'"pectcd to -.1g111fkdntly ad clrl "" what -.ome "Cl~ i<i rampant w or~n' u in1pt'n.,a11nn fraud I il\\l I'll -.aid the state\ inho\ p11ttblc atmo.,phere for bu-;ines., ha-; dnvt'n compames-aCTOS$th~ bnrdt•r A dtVJ\IOn or \,anon USA m C..1Na "-lt'!>.l pulled up stakci. in :.'OIU A'>wmblvmJn lohn t J111plwll . who r(·prt.•,1•111' l\c \\port Ht•at h. .t~rt·t•\ ·· 111l' b1•,t 01111.l' ot the 1\n1oi1a ,ind "{'\ <1d<1 l hamht•r-. of < 0111 mercc· I\ tht· 1 ap11ol hu1ld111g m ~(filllll'nlo, ( ,11nplwll \JIU II\ ro-.1111~ -.o mlllh (lo ni11 .1 bU\lnl''>'> Ill lhl'> \I.sit' • PAUL CllNTON covPrs lhP emmonment, busines"I and pOfrtics He may bf! reached at 19491 764 4330 or bye mail at paul.clmton a lsrimes com ------------- body 1 on-.cww •. (Again, I am l>O ~rateful for .,ports.) Thing~ got I 0 lames worse in high school for those who had too much money to play with and not enough constructive actMtie&. (It didn't help that <,0mebody's parents were ou1 of town every weekend.) ln some cases, sports, dance and music classes were still not enough to keep people away from certain vices that seem 10 permeate affluent communities. MKlds doing drugs with their parents. people having sex at the age of 13, people paying off the cops, mo t ldds getting brand new cars before they are old enough to drive. parents cheatJng with other parents. ldds having sex with their teache111 ... 949forlife wrote on the Website. ~Whether you want to believe It or not. thlll I what Is going on In O.C.. chi very minute. So l\lly or you o.c. elites trying to deny If need to open yout eye" to the things around you. Newport Bench ltt the perfret locatjon for thla show ... even though I ~houJd have choM.'n Irvine. M SoltndJ Uh 949 and I went to the \Im high school. I "iU Pf"Cl It was a ma.lier portion of th population doing th thin than l had lmagined use every tlm~ I t about what watt on ln my town c:luM8 my tten yeea. ptople look at me as if I have a thmJ eye. It mah~ me feel hener knowing not everv one was that me~ed up. II also trips me out to think tJ1at some parents were so blind to all of lh1&. or at lea'lt, put their blinders on. It will be interesting what klnd of twist MThe 0 .C. • puts on these issues and what kind of reaction the community hu about the show. Of course, we are talking Hollywood, so 11 IS fair to exp«t a good amount of dramaUzauon and exaggeration. Oh, and by the way. don't expect to see any familiar hangouts In the background. The how is being shot ln Malibu. So much for authentldry. • LDUTA HA.APER wntet columns Mondaya, Wednetd1y1 and Fridays end covert cuhure and the ertt. She may be rNdled It (949) 574-4276 or bv•mall at lolit•.h•rp11r l•tlme1.com. I QUOTE OF THE DAY "Ir was always much more than football. It was abour characrer." Phll Brown, former Estancia football coach Dady Pilot Ball tops rival for 16s title He overcomes two match points to claim 5-7, 7-5, 6-3 triumph at SCTA junior sectiona ls Sunday. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot FOUNTAIN VALLEY After nearly rwo dozen meelings, !>panrung the last six years, Carsten Ball\ malry w11h Shan Sondhu ha!> bt!come mort· than com- petiuve. Ifs personal So It ~ with extra clJtlOn that Ball. who .. .,,iU be a iuruor at C.omna del Mar ll1gh next fall, ~\Ored 111-. 5 7. 7 ·5. 6·3 victory over the Laguna Niguel re'>1dent 10 thl' boys 16', '>mgle'> final of the IO I st .1nnual Southern Californw lenim A">· ~ociJtion junior '>ectwnal champ1on- '>hips Sunday at Lo'> C.iballcro'> Racquet and Spons Ouh "This is the be'>t ... '><lid Rall. the No .• 6 .,eed. who staved off two match pmms in the '>econd '>et to .. , 10 hi'> fir">t <,ecllon- ab crown "This 1., my b1gge'>t win • Ball, who helped Cd~1 p<>'>t an un· beaten '>eason that mduded the 2003 UF Southern Secuon Dl\1'>1on I team ll· tie. said the victory aho helped cut into Soodhu's advant<1ge 111 head·to·head meeting'>, which he estimated at 20. "Shan and I have a big hi'>tory and he ha'> been on top," Ball '>aid .. But all the stuff he has done over the year'> to a lot of people, may be catching up to ham ." Rall ~d Sandhu, who attend'> Aliso N1guel lilgh. has earned a reputation for cutung comer'> dunng um1pt'llllon "Oleatmg. anything he rnn do to win." was how Ball put 11 , \\hen pre,'>ed for '>pecifics. "f..ucklly. tod.a} I had J hne 1udge lone match rt'ferl'e who pre,ided trom an elevated chair at ont• \Hit' of the netl. She overruled l\ondhul l\\ill' on hne c~ early m the matd1 c1.nd he stopped (calling ball' out' alter that .. Ball appeared to nee-cl more than luck to overcome Sondhu., \trong '>Cl'\ e and ground strokes, espec1aJI} after ',ondhu erased a 4· I first-set defim to takl' rnn- trol of the match. Sondhu, the No. 5 '.>eed, won the final live games of the first '>et. prornp11og m· creasing frustration from Ba.II. who fi . nally loM a point for racquet ahu~e by hurling it into the fence after dropping set point. Ball's frustration wa'> typified by a '>e· quence in the ninth game of the open· mg set. Leading. 5-3, Ball wa.., up. J0· 15. EYE OPENER I f Ill Daily A Pilot~ 'pcJf'W HAD ol f&l.Dt' , ' t ,, July 7 honoree CHARLES CHATMAN Sports Editor Richard Dunn: 19491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Mooddy. June 30. 2003 A7 .... JUNIOR TENNIS CR'f'S 1Ai. A ,, f llCA Radeva • reigns atop 12s Costa Mesa resident wi n s first-set ti ebreaker, then cruises to sectional singles championship. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot FOUN'rAJ!\ VAIJJY' -It Wd.'>llt the Stan '>he pla.nm'Cl on But, then agau1. c1 3·0 first ·'><'! ddiut W<C>11't anvtlung her game plan hadn t acc.ounted for either ')(), C..c>'>la \le'>a rn1dt'nt :\elh Radf:'\~t.t. confidence bol..,tel'l'd b\ the be-.t run of her young Ldl't:er the fu....,t Lhrt't' touma ment'>. plL'>hed <l.'>ldt' an} parut tu O\er· come R1am<1 ~ludrx ot Placenna. "i i b I m the girl' I l' '>Ingle!> final uf the l(J 1'1 annual ~mtht'rn C..ablorrua Tenm'> l\.wJ ciauon 1unwr ...ettJonaJ champ1on<J11p.., Sunda} at IJJ"I < ..ibaliero!> RalqUt't &1d Sports Oub The tnumph extended the roumanwnt Mnning !>treak to t.hll:'e for Radt'\ u. tl1t No. I '>t't:d .. .,hu 1.., also ran.Iced '\o. I m SC."TA 12'> and '\o. 5 m the Umtt:'d ~tt'"> Tenru., 1\.-.'ouauon·., naaonal ranlang-, She al'><> Mm the I ·h '>IIlgl~ CT!J\"'11 c11 the Oiai \all~ toumd!Tlent and a nauorld.I IL'> title dunng tlw retent hot '>tre'dk. Already known for her con'>urnrnall' compo'>ure. lt:tdeva appeared unmtNt'C.i 17} Modoc'> early "IUCCt">.'>. "My plan, wnung m. wa.-. not tu get upc,et.'' '>aid Radt">a , ... tto recentl) turn pleted the <,1xth grade at Kal'>t'r 1-Jemen· Lary "I knt"\o\ <,he w·d.'> gomg to hu her share of \\mner. bt.-caw.e '>he gOt:". tor them a lot I JU.'>t dJdn t wam to get tru.., trated." [jke f."\t'l)thmg el-.e H.adl'\a ha.'> ..et her rrund to ol lall' '>he wa\ errunentl). ... uc.:· Ce<,.'>ful. ·I 1u..1 kt•pt thin~.mg po~11J\ el\ ·· R.!dt'\'tl '>Cud. "i\.t'Ver unce l1<1ve I been read\ to give up I Ju." mt.'Cl to be more aggre<>.'>1\e CdM's Carsten Ball. shown here in action earlier this month. won ttie boys l 6s singles crown Sunday in Fountain Valley. Often mere!\ ket>pmg the ball m plav from the ba.'>t'lme before the more ctg gres.r,1ve ~fodcx rrusfired. Radeva '"on four '>traJght gam~ Radt"\a brole .\lod<X to claim her fiN lead. the first of~ con sec\JOV(' breaks IJ\· the IWO 'itandOUL'>. wtuch eventually le'd to a oebreaker and '>ta11011l'd ,I( the net for what ap· pe;ucd to be an l'•"') O'>erhead putaway. But Ball h11 the <,hot ""1de. prompting a groan from B,111, '>Upponen; in the crowd and rept•ated '>houts of regret from Ball on the rnurt. Seeminglr \till mifTed by his missed overhead, Ball double faulted and made two add111onal 1.•rror'> to allow Sandhu 10 pull w1th111 5·4 Ball rallied for c1 2· I 'econd-set lead. but Sondhu. rt'lying on Ball miscues and hi'> own powerful sene. won three '>tra1ght games. Sondhu c,mashed two ams and another service wmner during the three game surge. Ball clo5ed within 4·3, but Sondhu won the next game. which fearured an other mbsed overhead by Ball and a Ball forehand that ki cked off tht• tape a.nd veered sharply outside the s1dehne on game pomt. "I think it shook me out of my rhythm," Ball said of the cnucaJ error'>. A Ball back.hand drop mile\ averted the first match pomt 111 tht• ninth game. when a deep appro<1th ... hot forced Sondhu to h11 v.1tle 1111 thl' '>econd match point lronu.:all\. 8,ill \\Oil the game on a difficult o\'erhl.'ad from about 10 feet inside h1-, own b,1.,l'1111e lne overhead wa<, the '>t.trt uf nine <,trrught point\ for R.111 \\ith renewed momentum. he prou.>l•ded to \\111 the See BALL, Paee AS Modoc error.. helped R.adeva ..... m the fir<.t four point~ of the uebreaker and Ra · de\'a eventual!) prt'\"dlled. 7 ·2. · I W'J\ rehevt.'tl that I won the fiN ..et ... "><lid Radt.'\~tl. who de-.cnbe. her .,tvle J.., an aggn..,,.,...,\' hJ.'-t.'bner Oh\1ou'>I\ dl'flatt:'d 17}· Radl'\a·, c.:ome· See RAOEVA. Paee AS SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Jeanne Little Newport Beach res ident won eight gold medals at U.S. masters natio.nal meet last month. St eve Vlraen Daily Pilot T here are three reasons why Jeanne Little, 66, rema1ns competitive in swimming. For starters the Newpon Beach resident is the oldest or three sisters. ln that sense. she has always been driven to be the best Uttle has also been making up for lost time. When she was in high school in Iowa. competitive swlmming wasn~ otrered to girts. TitJe 00 Not in those days. There was water ballet. ·1 hated water ballet.· UnJe said. Utt.le also has a dri\l'e to compete because of her background. She developed a ftghting spirit at a young age. Her fint encounter with swimming came when she was 7 and wu dJlgnosed with a minor form of polio. In the early 19'09, amid fear or the dbea.se that caused bolpltala to fW whb many )'O'ma chUdmi wttb &hrlvtk!d 1ep and Od*l aektng c:ura In an lron lung. Utile found rt°*Ylo ~ Utde dodof told her mother.~ tbat ~ would help the young girl 'trJ.Jl{hten the S shape that was -.tarting to develop in her spine. And, so Little's day'> in the \.,atl'r began. Seemingly. she wa .. made tor the water. That proof ha-. been evident recently, while compeung m UnJted States masters swim meets Last month. -;he won four gold medals in indiVJdual events and four gold medals in relays at the U S. masters national champion-.h1ps m Tempe. Ariz. She won the SO· yard freestyle 111 30.94, the 100 free in 1:12.21, the 100 bunertly ln 1:37.92 and the 50 Oy m 36.16. "l felt pretty good. very good actually: UnJe said. "Sometimes the thrlll of it is not how many medals you win. but what time you do. In this case. all of my umes wt'rt as good as or better than they've been in the past fiVe years. which Is really good When you are getting older, you should be getting slower. but you find that you have it in you. That's ~ better.· In a sense, UttJe has always had 1t in her, ever stnce her childhood Utde balls from a gma}J town in Iowa. OttumwL Th&.t means rlppling waters. The town n n the bean of aoutheast Iowa. The Das t.totnes IUYer flow. throtlgb the cturaque community Whim Uttle wu powlnc up. a young boY an heT' ndihbothood dJed from polio <,he was fortunate to avmd .;uch a homble fate, as she had a minor form of the disease "They wouldn't put me in the hospital because mine wasn' bad enough." <;he said. "They were afraid that I would get worse if 1 went to the ho<ipitaJ because the hospital was full of polio patients." wururung made unJe feel uruque. even special. Few were involved wtth the spon m Ottumwa. BaslcalJy the spon made a post~ impact on Little. She oven:ame the challenge again t her posture with the help o( swimming. She swam throughout her childhood and during high school. Yet, after she graduated., she did not swim for the next 30 )'Hrs of her life. During that time. she manied. became a librarian and ra.bed two children, Emily and Greg. When UttJe was 48 in 1985, she bttame reacquainted wtt.b swtmmin« and sat:isfted her lnte:rest wttb the Masters program offered at UC IMne. ·ey that time. my kfid.s were old enough that I could pt out ()(the house for a lJ~ bU. • Utde Wd. "WMn I went to my ftnl meet. I wu a oenous wreck. It -. a irMI local meet. but I did fairly well. I bpt lt up net' aioatand I baYe ~ • While~ lJnle .... Ill.to bendted from 1 IOCW ...,ea.• leeum.l. ..... M f ' A8 Monday, June 30, 2003 flLE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Nelly Radeva , shown in 2002 action, extended recent roll by winning girts l 2s singles title Sunday. RADEVA Continued from A7 hack and tiebreak triumph. Modol-. 1111: No. 2 .,t•t•cl, accder· att•d her pmpl'lhlfy for taking chann."" and miv·,ing \hot<,, 111 tllC' M:'l'OllJ ~t·t. Hdying 0 11 COllW>tl'llC)', quit'k· ne~~ and foo1worl, Hadeva pa· trolled the l>.1\t•l111l' v.'ith determi 1mt1on, tm11Hcnng Modoc·~ -;lro11g pal c ,1nd ag).,'Tl'"''VL·ne&-. with .1d1111mblc t•llitwnt:y. HJdcva !><lld <,lw hupl'd 10 wear down todo<'\ wrll to \~in, JU'I a., .,he had in a recent victory in the Quickbilver I Roxy tournament this c;pring. "I was down, 3-0, in the first \et, but I think I eventually got it all working," Radeva said. "lhLo; one went kind of like the lru.t Limc we played." Hadcva said ~he prides herself on mental toughnel>S and also wait t'ager 10 praise the positive impact Coach Rance Brown has had on her development. Ml've really been picking it up and working hard,'' Radcva scud. Hadeva swept the third game of tht' \et:mu.I o;et. in whkh all lour points ended on Modoc errors. Tied, 15-15, in the next game, Radeva ran down several Modoc blasts toward both comers, be- fore winning the poim on a de· moralizing lob. Modoc double faulted on the sub!>cquem point, then, after a rare Radeva misfire, surrendered the game on a forch;md into the net. Modoc rallied to win the fifth game, but Radeva punctuated victories in the next two games with ringing forehand winners. Radeva captured match point with a backhand winner. Win the Best Seat in· the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRAND PRIZE Sit on the players' bench during the match and meet rising tennis star Maria Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday, July 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St. Lours Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club. from 7-10 p.m This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabilia 1P f>lACE ~::::-;~iiliW One Lucky Reader wrll wrn 2 spots rn the Players Pro-Am Chnrc on Friday. July 18 from 5-6·30 pm at Palisades Tennis Club. taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday, July 16 match from 7·10 p m GRANO PRIZE llld 1' PLACE WINNERS Wiii be anounced dunno half-lime on July 16 FIVE LUCKY WINNERS will each receive 2 trckets to either the July 16 (vs SI Louis Aces) July 20 (vs Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs Kansas City Explorers) matches All matches start at 7 p m It's easy to enter Frll out the entry form below and mail rt to tne Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received by Friday, July 11 at 5 p.m Or brrng 1t by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa durin g regular business hours. Monday · Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p m No purchase is necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match. Employees and their relatives of the Dally Pilot Times Commumty News. Los Angeles rimes and Trtbune Company are mtltglble Pictured below: Brian MacPhle ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ENTRY FORM DAILY PILOT-NEWPORT BEACH BREAKERS ON COURT CONTtST Name: Daytime Phone: e-mail: presenled by ~ ADVANTA. ............ _ -~_,.,. ..... ~ ·-----• "°f #t"f' tlA(llt . ~IT•-.........Y.,CI Daily A Pilot BALL Continued from A7 second set, as weU as the first game of the deciding third set. "I felt (the momentum change!.· Ball said of his sec· ond-set surge. "All my strokes were starting to fall Into place and I thought he was getting tired. I knew if I just kept playing hard, it would pay off in the end." Ball broke serve to earn a 3· l lead, as Sondhu appeared to be sµ-etching to work out a lower· back problem and also began limping slightly and massaging his left thigh. Sondbu, however, remained effective, claiming the fifth game, then dosing again to within 4-3 as Ball double faulted on game point After a service winner and an ace put Sondhu ahead in the eighth game, however, he self- destructed, dropping the final two games and the match. "We've been playing against each other since the I Os," BaU said. "I guess today was my day." Ball's victory Sunday capped a five -match run to the title. I le defeated Trevor Dobson of Re· dondo Beach, 7·5, 6·2, in the first round, then dispatched Alex Krueger-Wyman of J>aba. dena, 6· 1, 6-0. In the quarterfinals, he topped Stefan Hardy of Santa Maria, 6-4, 6-2, before defeating Mike Gurman of Los Angeles, 6·2, 6-4, in Saturday's semifinals. LITTLE Contmued from A 7 many or her friends are involved with the meeu.. as well as routine training. Uttle has also traveled to international meets, competing in Japan, Australia. England and Germany. She trains five days a week, for about an hour a day. 111e two days she is not in the water, she lifts weights or performs yoga. Liu.le also works part time at the Newport Beach Public Library. She's a reference librarian and she also reads storie!> to children. "Working part time is perfect, so I have time to work out, play and golf,· Uttle said. When Little is not competing in masters meets, he sometimes competes in ocean swims. She plans 10 swim from the Balboa Pier to the Newport Pier July 12. Overall, swimming ha'> a.llowed Uttle to garn confidence and release !>Ire~.,. (jttJe's son, Greg. has noticed hi'> mother's improved heaJth over the year>. "She ha'> been mspirational to me and my sister,· he l>aid. MPiclcing up swimming at the age of 48 has been like the Slart of a second life for my mother. In addition to being a great sport that she is passionate about, swimming has introduced her to a great group or friend<; and has given her a great &cuse to travel the world. "Intellectually and ph}">ically. my mother is one of the most truly alive people I know." lllftll DailyAPilot lllftll Sports Hall of Fame Celebrating the millenniwn PHIL • BROWN Estancia Former Estancia football coach encouraged his players to embrace heavy underdog role. Steve Vlr1en four years. Daily Pilot "In that year of 1970. we D uring the early 1970s, f.stancia High f oolball wru. Rocky Balboa to the Apollo Creed that was the Irvine League. Just as in the classic boxing movie, Pstancia virtually came from nowhere lo shock the opposition. Playing the role as, MMickey," the trainer was Coach Phil Brown. Brown guided the F..agles from 1969· 72 when f.stancia was a puny school compared to Edison and Fountain Valley of the Irvine League. Yet , that seemed to on.ly insptre the Eagles. and Brown was there 10 get the best out of his players. had a right tackle that was 6-foot. J 70 pounds." Brown said "Those kids were great kids. They had huge hearts and no fear of their opponenlb." Brown constantly challenged hib players and pu.,hed them to the limits. He taught them les.<,<ms t.11at also went beyond the game. "It was a.lways much more than football." Brown said. "It was about character. We wanted thern tu be hon~t with themselvt"o, with other>. and their coacht". It was alwa}"i about '>!riving lo excel. We may not h<1Vl' aduew<l that level, but that MOuring those four years, oh golly.· Brown said, while reminiscing. MOw ~l year was in 1970. We went to the ClF playoffs and got to the second round. That team sticks out in my mind because that Phil Brown had to be the goaJ. I wet.<, a reaJ believer in the fundamentals and an old·f~hioned guy I wanwd the k.icl<i to be ethic lo stare themc,elves in the mirror and not have any regret.'>-We got a lot of mileage out of our kids. The kids really gave Lhcir all • was really a great group of kids. ', "In those years we played Edbon. which had abou1 5,000 students." Brown continued. "Fountain Vallt')' also had 5,000. We had about 1,900 students and we were playing those big high schools. Those were nea1 dayi,. We played Edison at !Orange Coast College! and we would get about 10,000 at the game. lnose were really exciting time..· The Eagle.. defeated rountain VaJlt')' twice in four tries under Rrown. And. t.liough J· .... tanoa never cla.Jmcd victory over Edison. I.Ile Eagle. always played the 013.rgers tough. "That war. l.11e thorn in my side,· Brown said. "We lost to them, 14· 12, in 1970. My kids will be mad at me, but that's what I remember." Brown al<;0 remembered the c;trong will the Eagles displayed throughout those After hb four year; a1 fatancia, Brown went into the commercial real e.tate bu!>rn~ but eventually went back into coaching. Lim lime .1t El Toro. I le ~pent two year.; there and faced d per.,onaJ tragedy. J lis ""ife, Marsha, died of cancer. "It wac, JU\t a real sad time in my llfe." Brown ~id. "I wanted to get my (two) guts away. I got a job at a small college. But after a year being gone. the giru weren't doing very well and ""e moved back." Brown coached for one year at Monmouth College 1n Illinois. Brown, 62. now lives in St. Lows, Mo. working ao; a financial consultant for AG. Edwards. llcrnanicd, he recently celebrated hi!. 2Jrd anniversary with Janice. They have six grandchildren. Tunes are real good right now.· scild Brown, l.11e lat~1 Oaily Pilot Sports I laJ.I of rclJTl(> honoree TENNIS Breakers to honor-COM HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratxltl the Dally Piiot's Athlete o1the Week senes CORONA OF.I MAR -fhe Corona del Mar High boys tennis team. which capped a perfect 24·0 season by winning the 2003 ClF Southern Sa"tion Division I championship. will be recog· nized during "halftime" of the Newport Beach Breakers' July 15 World Team Tennis match against the visiting New Yorlc Sportlmes, at the Palisades Tun· nis Oub. Sea Kings Coach Tun Mang said BreakeTS General Manager Lisa Fortman contacted him re· centJy with the idea. "Usa said she wanted to give our program a little pubUdty, • Mang said. The Sea Kings, led by singles sweeps from Texas-bound senior Garrett Snyder, sophomore Wes- ley Miller and sophomore Spen· cer Reil7., defeated Santa Bar· bara, 14·4, in the section title match June 4 at the Oaremont Oub. CdM doubles tandems sopho· more Carsten Ball and junior Brennan Roberts, as weU as sen· iora Bryan Warsaw and lssei Saida. each won two sets in the championship conquest. the 10th CIF Southern Section team dtJe for the program. including the Division V crown in 2001. i ii I ~ I : TODAY 21 • Eric Snell Corona del Mar Boy basketball 2001 25 ·Cami Eridtlon OrangeCoHI Women'• tennis, 1996-97 22 • Shakena Hender.on Costa MeN Girls tr.ck and rield, 1999 TRUCK saooo ¢ .. -/-FOR &O SALE .'IJll\~1·,1J',1q11·1 ii 1,. •' t' ,, 1 •1'1111 ... f·: ' '' .. ' !Yew1"1AJ Focus SE : 4--Door IQll ijlMMIJCMllJ ......... ...... . ..., ·-~'16915 • s.IOllS Hg~T~[N OAHT (Av1so I AcuH do) MICHAll COROON an 1nd1v1du•I. IHl CORDON fAMll Y TRUST. MARTHA [llZACBTH COROON, •n 111d1v1du~I. and DOCS I thtOu&h 10 lndus1ve YOO ARE OllNC SUI O HY PlAINllf I (A Ud le nl1 dt>molnd ando) RUS. Mil IBANO & SMITll. A ProftUIOnal Corpouhon You hne JO CAl(N OAR DAYS •Iler Uus summon• 1s wved on you to hie • typewritlen 1tsponse •I lh" cou1t A lellet 01 phone call will not protect you your lypewtlllen n •ponu musl be 1n proper le1al form 11 you wanl the cou11 to 11e1r your cue lndrx lJRll Wd 14....J &lllt 1•f~1m If you do nol hie your re$ponse on llme you may lose lhe case. and youi wases. money end ptopeily may be la~en without futtller w11n1n1 from lhe cou11 Thet e •re other le11I requ1temenh You may want lo call •n <1lluu111y roeht aw•y If you do nul know an •tlur ney yuu may call •n atlU< ney refetr•I \trv1te or 1 le&•I 11d otfou (hsted on munmrT MaWllS -.Ml . -· SERVICE DIRECTORY Esta1I Sales lh• phone boolo. I Dnpun d• que It entre11uen ota crtn1011 1ud1~1•I usled htne un plazo de JO DIAS CAl E NOARIOS pi11 • pr et.en ~r una ttspuul• u u1ta • m1qu1n• en HI• ~urle Un• lllh o una ll•m•d.11 lflt-lor11c1 nu le ohete11 IJjMlt lUun su llO\l)Uf\ll"' I S" ill I m•qu111a lttne que •umphr lOfl lu fotmal Hiidfl\ le11ln IPI op11 lln ~· usled qu1ere que la C<H le n c u'h~ "' ...... u St U\lcd nu pr h.:nta "' rt!4)Uesla a 11en1po, puede pat det et t UO y 11 pueden qu•I•• \U salMN> su dtn1<0 y otras COiHde \U P'Ol>"d.0 Siil llVISO •dKIOO•I po< par le de la ~U< le [ arslen otros requ1•1 los lt'1alu Puedf que usl~d qu1en llam•r • un •bo g•do 1nmed1at • mente S1 no ~onuu • un •hocado, puede llarn•r • un >er111c1u di! r•ler enU• de aboeados o • una ofouna de •YUda lr&•I I VH el direLlorto telefonKo) CASI NUMlll: (Nutftlr• d•I (01•) OJCC0 27lt JUDGf DAVID A. TH- OMPSOM DIP?. CU I lie neme aod add'"" ot the cuufl " 111 non1bre y dutH t<>n de I• cw le u) SUP[AIOR COURT or CAl.tf~NIA. CUUNfY Of ORANCI C.f N IRAL JO<) lt(;f II NII R /00 CIVIC LI N 11 H ORIVI WCST SANIA ANA LA 92102 The nano~ ddtl'"" and lf'lt'phflJI-1111mt>tor of plaintiff' dllrn nt'y <>I pla1nl1ff w1tll•1ul •n alt or ney •~ II f n111nb1 ~ 16 rilf,.C(l(lt• y el ffUfflf'PI Ile lelt'ft111u t.IPI dlJ<•V.•du del dernand•nl~ 11 dtol demtt•lddot,. 110,. 1111 l1Me ~bog.1110 ~\) RONAl U klJS I \V #67l69 RUS. MlllflANll & SMITH. A P1 "'~'"""~' Lurpor•l•un lhlJIJ M1d1el~on 011v1• '>~v,.11111 f hwr Ir ¥Int" f 1hl11f Ot .. 97617. (949) ,.,~ /ltMI DATf: (hcho) fll 07, 2003 AlAN SlAHR, Clerk (Actvorl•). l.y GUSTAVO Hfll NANDIZ. Oep utr (Delego4o) Published NPwt" 11 Hf>.tch G1nta M.-, .. u ... 1ty P1lul J1111t' 7 l lO lul1 7 14 ?OOJ M/1\11 ot th• but11 '•'• is lutr I I 1001 •I the ofhu of llr~e•\ r" rnw ..... f(e 2914 w M•111ot11 Blwd 8urt.•nk CA 91SOS ( S<.ROW NU 148'.ll l\l ruw Olllt•f l11n .......... " ( 111 C l•1m• rn• t lit llk>d ••lh "••ll• .. , -r •bu .. (9 ) The to t d•I• fur him~ l l••m\ I\ lult 16 lOOJ I IO I I h• Hula '>•I" " 'Uhte• I 111 'it• ltOn (> 106 1 nf lhf' Un1lurn1 f:nmmt"U 1,11 l.odt" I 11 J A' il \l-d liy lht '>1•llf'1 dll ulhN 1111\1111'\\ fldtlltt\ ttnd 4cJdt "",., ..... "',." liy fh,. '>•ll~r w1lh111 Uu ~,. yttJt \ ht"fmn U1,. fj,Jfpo •,11th 11\t Wt)•, \ttOI HJ drllvf'r t•ct lu tl1t' Buy rt .111· NCJNf OA If (J tun~ II l lJlll rnAN'.rl IUf '• of pU<tltntt All pui l haMld aood' are M>ld ·n 1s• •nd must be 1em<1vtd by l OD P M un lite d•y of the sale All \.lln are ••sh Thi' , ... '' >Ubl"cl lo IJf '°' .onullalton on the e~ent ul settlement IHolwt'en Mot11s Mov1111 & Sit>< •&e Inc •nd ubhaated ~•r ly Publ1~hed Nl'wpor I Un•lt Co~I• JM"" Da~y Ptl<tl Jun• lD July J ;>003 Ml~? I h,. lollowina per~''"' .,~ dmn& bu\lneu AS t1uull11p44 Adventures '117 Alt1alrou Or t,u\l~ Mtt\• CA 9262b I HllUlhy l SIJlll 27 J7 llllt11lr "" !Jr Cost• f M P111,• Int " Me\• CA 97676 t •llt11111i.•t 'H~o•t.•h•m V"l,.rte-M Stt1'n 'JIJI lly ' M 1111 f·,11tMflllln Alb .. trns\ Cost• Mts• ll.4u t'ff -.1t1t'Ht lly \ I 111),. I<"' <;,<I f•u hli'\h• d N• wi· ''I 11• ""I u IJ Mt l l>11ly h "'' )""~ 10 JI.JI) I I N', '•'•4/fo / M/•,( ! A 92bl 6 Mol~. June 30, 200J ,. _. .................. -- -LIP Madca 2M l•abrhty Co Han yuu \I.Wied doilli busonn• yel7 Yu I 9'lll Good Dot Un1•en11r. l LC M1ch .. 1 Ci11er M111a1e1 Thr> dalallwllt wH hid wrlh '"" County Cletl• of Ounce Count"f 01106/?0/0l 200J6t41a16 D•rly Pilot June 23 JO July 7 14 200J M7~1 I he lollow111i P"' w n\ •• e dom& bu\1ne" H Win\ton fur l'>I',• Ir ~ns1stor I '"" Hun lin&t1Jn llUl fl CA 9764'.I r MC Ser Vil P\ Int (CA1 1'>1')4 lron\t\l•>r L 4flt Hunlmtil"n Bt•• h C.A 92649 fhl',, bU\tnt !.\ I~ t flO ducted by • U H p of alHm llavt VfJU \latled d"'"I bu\ont'\\ ytl' Nu CMG ~nv1tn Int J<1t lynn M """' Pro lht\ \l41Mfltnl .,., ftttd wrlh lhf' l.ounl1 l.ler~ 111 U••n11t f nunly nn Ob ;IQ OJ 20036941UJ D•1ly P1lul Jun• I J Kl )ult J 14 llJllJ M/',#, At-.a ..... ... s..... The tunu .. 1111 11«no11' ate Ooon1 b11•lflf'U -~ Netwur~ K1islnf'n S.. v1te\, 17!.l U•u•d SlrHI Nto"'P"'' ""•• h CA 9Xi6l l\a<tn M :.<hurt ~J Broad ~heel Nt'•porl But h, <.A 'l/bhJ f hr~ bo\•n•· ,. • t•n du< ll'd hy •n 111•h•1llu•I H•w,. Y''V \l.trlt1j ltntOj: bu•mt>~ yr!''(~· 4 ~I l\•1 .. 11 M :.<hu1t lht~ '''''"""' ... , ftl.,d With tft,. I HUllt'/ lltitk o f (Jf,ttW• t 111111ty 01106 l'I 01 2003041115 lJo•I~ f'1l•1I hou~ I J ill July 1 14 /fJltl M/'111 fiditlM lvti!Hi ,...s ...... lht fulluwmt '''''"'' .uP t101nr l;u•rn,.\1. • But"' /\1ut "'~ 1 .,.,, .. .., '>Ol.Jl fj111h ~I ,,. ......... rl llt 4 t• I A <j/IA.0 ti u l1 .. f.t > l:fu1u\. J<tl tfr.tn1t1.-t'"" '""·''" t ,,,h Mt-"' t t.. ~7fdl lh1'\ Ltu•.o•••· t\ c h d1f ffl'!1 t1• ~'' 1rnl1Y1•llJ • H4"'' 1•v~l••1••~~ '' l1U\fhf"-.1. t,.1 1 N b~• ~~· • I ffot1 fh1• \1.,1,.mr1 I f1,.c1 w11t1 t•• .. ' '4 • ~ t ' ,,,,.,. I~ '' ~ 1 20036904111 I 'ly ' ,1 I '" • llJ I 14 II 'JI M U t• ti• Ill~ 1114 II t ,,, r h• r ,, t • ' I '11f"I tilt h ~... I ... IJ Ht.Uh l ·'"' '""I '1!•1-1 K.tthlf"t"'t I l\11•, • l "'"'' 1l1t h 11 I '•'U Bt IH.t I 1ltf·1,,1H 11 I.' Th• r 01• 1\. , ., flue h d t ,.-"11 lffll -1111, tt.t°'"' 'f II 'ut1•1J ti!• l11r.111• ., •• r. ~"'tt' .,,., I I 1' 1 1111 t,1 ,, r ,, 111 I ""H 11 o 1111 "'" ,t '"' '• •r t)t~ l t I 70031>'1411370 I,.,, 1, t fly .1 "' Sell your unwonted items the easy way! Place a Classified ad .today! 949 642-5678 llow to Place A CLASSIFrn ijlD By Fax 111.lll I,, II l'l''IJ t'\r.,,.. r-.b)-. 116 fWI"" ""~" IM'l"' , ... , -r th:at • '\l~l •0) """11'"« Business Opportunity By .\lail/ln P••r:--ou: l IO \\C'f H~\ \Ir ..:I < '"'J \k.J C \"~' ~, \I \,•,,,p.tfl 111\,J .\ Ii I\ \1 I lour~: Tckrl~•tic ~ 10.mi ~ <•~•11 \lnnd.t\ l·nJ" V.JI~ In ~ 1•t•m 'furm \f.11~!.1) h t·IJ' R.ih:' .ind d.:adlmc' are 'UbJCll ll• (h.m11c "11h11u1 111•11 • I Ii puhlhhcr rc:,crve~ the ngh1 to ~cn-..>r. n.·d.i''''~ ft'\"t' "' rtwi.1 .an~ d .i,,tfted a<lven1<.em1:n1 PkJ'(' rcpnn JO~ •rrur th.11 111.1\ be m ~our da"1fi.:J J.d 1mml'd1Jlch The: D.uh l'1fPt Jtu:ph nu li.101111~ for an) error m dJ1 .llh .:n1...:ml'rt1 h•r u. h1. h 11 111,1\ bc n:,pcln,1hle cxc..:pt tor the l t"l of the 'f>Jlt JllU.ill\ •"-<"I''"'' by thl' ..-rror (rt"dll can only be allowed for the"''' 1n"'n u •n \1t'Ot1.I\ r '": "•"' \\,·1h1t·•J.I\ I hu""·" Deadlinrs --------. I nJJ~ 'IUpm I r11l.J\ M .. nJJ\ ' IWJpm 'i.111mlJ\ Tu.:-.d"' 'Ulprn \1111.t,t\ \\r1lric-.dJ\ 'tOpm Newport Bead! f h11r~l 1\ ~ ll'J•t I 11111\ .. ~ ..... I 11.l.1\ ( "11 ·• 1486 Miscellaneous ------Pets ~'-'"•"""LR lbm ""' & p.>1ll0 turn b Mil'\ IV t.lfrV, M.lvt"I( W'\l cweor,11>• pr>t<, M pbnh .,. .. ~ & '"'. ,. 9't'} 494 6144 Oetltlot 3655 Services 3910 ltlDUCIDt I .1.wr-Credi F 4'JulJl6 ~ub1Jn1 'tn the "Cf'fi1dl lbr Jr•o/W<•l.<•rt l•Vlffi ~tfra ~ lt\I ll!t W/lv. ac. ~,,, ftlliVlW ll"(>k. ...,., ' Sl!fi cm h!y Ko1o!r 0r.-..y 949-376-5576 MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED l~t.kt. tbf l11lt 1·1ht ullll ll W I• t,,u, l.tn·• l'••l•n ''" .... , S'l-4'1 Ult• l>tu ' I· I ,1 '14 tl.1'. II"' »-• New ,.:. • ~.,...,." 28r .•'it\.• t..., .. Hll4I ~ rlll , • ., Ip Al WU ~ch •-111 S..V-0"' 1\-Mngt Kl/ /04 lf'4'l I , ( '114'> UDO YlAllY llASl lor .. fl., t bo u,.11 on ~ulel '•nln1ulo point N o •meltlng/p•ll S14S0949 79J 031 Collectlbla/ Mtmorabllla 1160 TOP SS 4 HCOllDS n c .11117Cllira._l11.'IJ'<&tn< Ill ~ .,,.,..., hftlfo "''4" Molle 949 64~ 1'>0':> lQ4JAl HCMIMG OPPOIMIJY All rul t'\t•lt advtr lt~lnl m lht\ n~w'P•Pt!f I\ \Ubjttl to lhf' r f'dtr .. 1 f • .111 Hou\lnf A<I of 1968 makH 11 1llea•• t o •dve111\e ·any prefer ence ltrnllatrun o t d1sc11m'"•llon bn•d un rac•. colo1 rehg1on ,., h•ndtcap. fam1h1I ~talir\ or nallon•I ort&tn or •n 1ntenhon to maltt' 1ny \uch prelerenu, l1m1I• lton or d1~crrm1n1lion • Thi$ new,p11per will not know1n1ly accept any ndvarhsement 10< rut n tlte which "· m vt0lallon of the law Our reader s '"" hereby informed th•I an dwell mp .Ovtt liit'd In lht\ newspaper are avftllable on an equal opportunity bnr~ · To complain ol d•s ctlmtn•tlon. u• HUO toll frH 1t I 800 424 8590 141.1 APPLIANCES w ....... & ~. bollt Hh• "411'1 ..... 11f1< for s.J':iO fut both Cal 949 640 4611 ·~ 949 6~ fi0&4 HOME FURNISHINGS ow... w-Oropft 71mn IYnd t~ mu'l wit S'>'> I wrth • A&P S9'> I I 11.,. lrol( I wait< k•>i S2{) f.il OI buth IOI S.t) 949 642 'i6J I 3660 Ger.,._ Sheplterd1 dll t nlur' •II "'~~ fnr adoption In qu.il1f1pd hom6 www ""'..cur CHI Of 714 773 591'> PHOTOGRAPHY I Furniture 3435 Miscellaneous , .... -., ..... Accessories 3735 ...it, l °"' ..,. sm M'C bed. tJW' llfrrClS. atderW. MIW HONDA AllOY a t> "'-t.nll, fl.IP, shdves llMS w/16<n M1Chehn & .. Sl<XX> ~631 1982 l•n. $600/obo Cal 714 968 167!> or 909 285 228S 3460 MlSCEWNEOUS MERCHANDISE JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c ... 1c ........... . Old Coins! Cofd. 'll•er. ie-lry, wale'-. llll~ collecltbles 949-Ml-9448 .,. Oddt llttM9. lllOll•rd loc)I\ • littll. ,.. dotit rold/thocolil'4 .,t.s. , ... tclwnoo191'\ 809 Ml lt6t ........ .-. CATS.~ ..... .,. .. -··-~ ~,....._....,30 ~y IU&:nt ca#IMftU ~· ..... ,.,,_Utll .............. , • .., .. saa ~::' Mlsclf Inoa ...... 3155 J-Sflll IUIUHNOS Up lo 70,-. off! 40a60 !iChlOO. !>81120Bnl Offed Can Deltv1<' Roy (800) •99 ?160 JAZZY lllCTllC WHHlCNA•. MOOH 1100, LI([ HEW S2500t' 080 ~32399 - An y.., loolllftt lu jJJlln'l<llr rl llOl<lllf' r•nrurt nf '>'""" tn muttfll)te ,_.,.,.~<\ ro l;..wfnn1a> !if~trw..,.. C 14'>"11<.-d Ml (J4'>{) lul /~ Wllrd\) St.1trw1dt D1w ldy 4d 1SI l'){l 1.~ U 7'> IMI IRll alhlMllt)(t JM<~ <9tb1}!« m10 191ft1m 6019 wwwUI ~An l•WTI 1r~·::,i.No COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR ..... ~ton.,..,1..al rf'IMI """"-e $2700 "" mo "IN> nul to !heat·• Vlk.Ml! 111it'° .949 7!081?8 IAY,.OHT, IXICUTJVI olt1te suite 2 olfKU, r~reptlon & sloraae loc tn COM 949 118 9'100 MIN SAT-SWt 1-4 MJH .... St 1~•-~11on ... ""' ""' M"a. 2 ...., +400it .. -2 t.11 ... ~ ...... 3 1111s-.-. ...... u. -~JllW. 9y0...~ .... ~ 1 beocl to i-11, J1w 2tJll tC1t*, 1 br lb• lo-. Jeer .!~ cm Ill 9'J.51- IKLIJD(.S COlfVtm COHV&nWU II •A <.os,.,.., ... c......, 1..ocat19a-.,bolC In 81& C<11lln3 and lookout pM>l 46' <I !lea bl and ntw umom llomf' r11tt"ed al S2.9"J()(JJ) LOASTUHE ROl T'I' 949 r.;gom C1nt-Cw-4ol Mor C--'-!ttl-•. II""'""'' kitchen. Wt!l<Jlh1 1run CU\tom hie and cab "~try ron rs a ltomf & IUI JS • 2tJr 2ba COASTUNl ltlN.TY t4t-7St~l77 , __ .. -Lvllwy leoc h CeMt11<t1tlfy ........_ J~llf·,, low doWfl paymenh 24 hollf "" r ec0tded roossaaoe C«ona OeC Mar Properties. 949 222 6611 (a tension 4 s.•o .......... 21 Catallu Or lBr 3 5811 SlM0.000 Virblll low ,..,_ COii\ ~.MM:lton> ...,..Clllt M $ • I • ,._ Cl'tllf aaiom ..... anyoll ·OCllfl-~ ... suoo.ooo '-"'-... .....,,,....11 W.PllGI dllY FORM.£ HOUSING ..... 18r 180, lo u • " 1 1' 101 I ''""¥tHd lt11h y hk Ill' V1· Hll s 1·lf)r) mn MoblfeManufadured ,,1 tf•rn.lll, l'l .. 11 I ol,f Homes 599J .,_II h ""'"' 'l4'l I t I f.AJ/4 IUOIT SHOllS dP£M HOOSl sea SPl<W OM TlllAIU TWO llO<&COU\ llf'"' dbl wide m<>b•I~ hum•"' ,.,.l c~led 5 •I•• P••t. Only S62!> \pa< , _nl l"'I' .. ~ wont Int Mob•"' llornf'• 011ecl ""'"for v .. '"''~ '>62 22S ()IJ9q MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS Rentall 0 Sha11 6030 CM w.,, \lllP llPWly rern•xJ Jbr huu•r I '>ba Huie yd a•r nu p~I S6001mo 949 8J6 ?9'>'> lo•hlde 71u, 2bo, A.pl. with h ••· uny f,A' wJ lftf & II ., h 1 lid no pf'h s 1 ·so ,,,, 449 b'>l1 11 l'i •• °""" ...... 2'>2/ Pn <* Hll "' R ~~ ,.......,_ .,,. ~IM\ <HY jJJkjf w •"• 11 "" pd SI l<'"J Av ... ~ 1.'ill °"' S500 "''' I KU90ll VUAG( llAf!Jo• 8Nd @ MrflWT~ 2a. 1. Sh T wnhouw on 1>111tt "' l• h h'<d yd Ip ,.,,. v• • ""~ .,,.._~ s1e. .... t\'fll ·~ &41 9&99 Remod•led 21r Ila llnll'f' 111 l•nt Pd YI d Riii ljll' w .d t lr1w In i.clrk., II'"~ WXlroo 949 W ~I 949 .V SU> Huntington Bead! COMMUTl LESS lllAX MOIE l;.....U. I ll'fltool ........ ~""1 '"""' '"""' nt.lll<'>n ·~·!'I' l/IV'>H •t lbtv•d And Mow! """"' L.a '12f> 14 1~2690 QeMlft lbr Uw lUdl ,...,1 le Pe <•.nwn puol - wd "' ...... ........d i*4: 1c1 sum '.M9 67l JIJl) COMMUTlUSS Ul.U Motil Cant,vt renbl ~ ~t· '"""' ~-!Jon Cenblr 116.?S B at Hifi.wd Md "'""'· ,,_... Ca 92'6 I 4 1166 ._,.., ' ....... - & UDO SUMMut HOMlS Btt I r.RUl'«JY RI Al I 11+1' 949-67S 6161 1111 Y(AIUY UHTAlS ,. ... ,, •. ,, , •• r • \141• SI rJ• ,, ,,1 t• I ... Pt•nlll<>u'I' loov,.I 949 67J 71100 ii' eat ""' l ""'"' pn<>1 '..iM w•• tn ~a<ll Sii:"> "'" I Ulca ....., 1• :'! •1 •(I JI• 287 <j}48 ti• l'•f> 'ti ~~ f. IPlf l~ 1"4..., l' • • I'•·• t ,,. t UDO ISU b• I onl bid w-e. 1 1 Pl ~ ~ ••••1 y r .. s;fH)1't tttrM ~.,_. t1· stud1n w \lov-& fr·~ S II~ inti I ll\ ••ll'f & '~''"" '149 67!> OJ ?Cl A SltAl 1• SlotS/Me '/•()fl .... ,,, -·- '"' 6mo ~f ~ .~ ...... ~ W1> tmtdilo @ uM O"W & fflt 18< SI~ C.I Lor•~ '122• or 714 &33 7Yi1l No ~ lilt IR~ SWiO mo 146 V9. ,...,. ~. wd 2• aee ~fll'tll Oar bM • SwrncMlll 949 500 1861 lXClP1'lONAl ,.. ,., ?<Alt G.u.t.Gl. NlAA •ASMOH ISi.AHO S 70SO/ MO ... t49 121 0117 t 115 SW IAY AV( ·-.. , .... 'I • Ip .. d lt c. s.;••tJ ' aitl °" l'\ly ~ .,. f,illl Jlr 2.Sle. NPCre~t. i.nm. fYIMbW w•• t i..:11 dbl ,. ,,.. ~ t ...... $2!!00rno1 \M4 '111 II!<./ Newpon lch lock l•y 4br hsc. 'l 1oom~ avail ~ ""'i-f!f f;l':mt sh;"" ultl \ 949-'>'> 1 I\<)'> l NPB ~h.-r • 2bt 7b 1 "Pl Mlh pcol fern no \mk pet $690/mo • I ·1 ulll • ~ 949 160 J(J'n STARTING RESIDENTlAl RENTALS ORM6E 7400 COUNIY . ......... peUI P'll& Slfilillm10 ar I._ ,_ apt. p.wll. Inch Sl400Ano 949 61.l .n1'! .... ,II. lbll ANEW B USINESS?f. • • • • • • • • • • • AlO Monday, Jooe 30, 2003 Bridge I ·TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY l.RIOGl'l QUIZ Q I •Ii.a" Wc~t vulncrahlc. you hold •J t AKQJ '4l ~ J •QH Wh.lt I~ )OOI ope4UJi bid7 A. Wl\llc >OU ha~c. good b.llod In cenru of high cards. and can c~pcct to nllll.C c1gh1-plW1 tneks on offense, )'OUr lkfcn~i•c capabilities lll'C slighl un<l }Ou nre mtssin~ the mMter sutl Bid four hearts -1t could keep lhe opponenu out of a maltable four -pack~ Q 4 • As South. vuJncrable. )'OU hold: •IH O JI07 o K6•11CJl61 The biddlu Im oroceeded: "'OR111 'P.ASl"' SOU1li Wlo';l,'T .. ,_ ' Wblt do you bid now? 0~1.01410-~,.... Q 2 ·Neither vulncnilllc. a~ South yuu hold· A • Wbctber you play four-or fivo- card major.I. we su~ !?' rahoe to two sptcb r.ithcr than bid one no tnlmp. Even avid four-card rnqjorilcs rarely opco one spade with rcwcr th.all live cards, so the ruffing value in tliamood oould be wortll a lull Irick 10 p8rtncr. Soldom ovoll Gronvllle Condo, 1tolt tour'~ loc Goto4,. Hoag........, 2Br, den ?Ba. ~/mo ~ home 2+ar &M pm Contact e•clu~ovt ll1rt patio comm pool Yr 19! Paul C.:h11\I 949 644 1308 tzl75 _,. '°"' 9664&aU3 10• •INT IN IWFFS Newpon Coast Popul•r [ Plan 3Br, Sonc*'n 3Br 2 5B• ~•n1e 21/ Be ... Family Room lam hm y4rd, wd hkup lJOOO/mo 949 644 4909 2 t II•• comm poul » 2.S ... 2.c p . 14.<XXI ~• lot. rw comm pool & p.Ylt. H¥bor v-Hornes tire$, $3Dlm ~-4159 41r Dwplex In o lu•l- nou Pork. OH1ce or euest Alli on lrnt unot. Comp! refurb Le bkyrd. slora bide 1l rur $3200 "400 949 760 9637 co..d,.mw..t ...... Horne 2Br 2&. 2-cs p IJll\ beao:l'le\. M:.. umno 714 998-1158 714-34>5713 Mon4hfy RentW AwriA Seiit· U>e 4br 2l>il tl!ie on Pl'nl1 Poot V.., ~ ltlfn ct mx> 9&67!>-46D Ctwe 0 READERS Cahfornoa l1w r•- quwes lhal contrac· tors takina iobs that toll! $IJOO or more (labor or matern1ls) be licensed by the Contractor1 State llcenu Board State law also requoru that contr1cton include lh41t licanse number on 1\1111 OU can chock the status of your ltcensed con l re c lor al www cslb.ca.eov or 800 321 CSLB Unll· censed contrtctors talo.1na 1obs th1l total less lhan SSOO must st1te In thetr adverllsemenls that they ire not licensed by the Con tr actors Stata license Board " MITtlNG lnmcm ~I WI I Rernodtll Aldar'& ....... OSrCCJn ~~91W6CJJ'25 Alt~ AWNHVAC Air Conditionrna a Hut1n1 ~r~ice Lll08&60949·SOO 9005 SJOOO 94 9 8!> I 834 !> Tustin Tw1tn M.....,._14711 Dor.....,.., Clrdo ideal loutbon. QU1Ct WI de !>Ole ne • t lo park, aSSCM; POOi. I& pat10 wAl yard, 2llr I 2Ba LR OR, ct.I $1650/ mo Pam ')19..Zb-222'6 SELL your stuff through cla ssified! o Cilr O<Alll'IT o Repairs, P1tchon1 lnil•ll Courteous 4ny \lte f-Ob'\ Whoteule' 949 49? 0205 Cleaning S<tvo ... y Cloon Quahty House cl111111na. Allor d able rates. 20• Y" hp Fr• tstlm.1ll 714-891 «.67 er-. 50 Plait 51 Mindless 52 Traat WOOCI 54 Kolehln IOOI 58 Nobelo9t -Wlolet 58 One. '" Bonn 59 Adi d MMllP6 80 C.tlle network 63 Spud at Nowpor1 looch Br·\t OceMtfronl toe I I• tl1.1 $10!\ 1no 6 mn "' Sl.'11 1 mo J, mo 90'l H/ I04'> PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORKfOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 Computer Services l#HOME £ IUSl#ESS ltfl'AlltS Uperades Rep111 \of Computer. Netw11rk\ l ven1n2,/W••k•nd' Cllmpellllv• pr 1c.e' for quality ~erv1c 949-836· 11 7 s 7 14-926·4 228 lM HGIN 'VOUR NOMI IMPaOVlMINT PROJECT? Call a plumbtf painter. h1ndymwn, °' 1ny of the arul servicu 11\ted htt• 111 our ~r.,ce dorectn1y1 HffSC I OCAI SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! •9J2 AK65J A •K10115 Q 5 ·Boch vulncruble. iu South you hold· The htdJ mg 1ui, proctttJed Wfl.'i r mrrn lo.AST SO\ITH Plbi. ~ I• 1 •Q 111162 1897 •AK l7S l)bl• ..... ~ ,._ 1 The btddt RI! has l)r(lCCCdcd. • pmaltles • Wh.u .i..111>0 do yoo we" NORTH bST' SOlTTH ~'T I I• 1 \ • Ir 1111ght -..!<:m th.it i-~mg ,.., autum.i11c, but thmJ. for 11 momtnl. On the a1Ktmn. it i~ ubundaotly dear tit.ti p:inncr 1~ W>r1 in hclUt.•, and ..ct n.·<.1..nn' tu have length in the minon.. U1d three duh' l:.vcn if the oppo· ncnL\ i.Juuhlc, •l ;, unlil..cly to be 11 "ur~ 'P'" than l\\>O lie.lit' By the \\>'1\. y,c, 1uo. l'luuld lw•c 11•e1.:wllc:i.J 1y,1i hc .. r1' Wh;at do you bid now'! A · If you pllly negathc: tloubles, thl\ " the hand forJou. If yuu tlo oot., you have to bi lwo dub3 will hope: thi.1 you can get 10 yoor best SJXll with or wlthoui addiliooul enemy mlCtfercncc. Dimibulionally. the hnnd ll worth a competitive effon. Q 6 -Neither vulnerable. ll• South )'OU hold CJ ·'· "' '>uuth. \UIOCrdblc. )'OU hot.I •QJ92 KJ 74 6 5 •KJ l QK7 KJl6 J •AQ2 n"' h"kl'"l! h.t~ rOL.~I \\~" l\OKll t ..-1 M>l'nl Ille: bidding has proceeded: "ORTH F.AST SOllTH \H~T I ha I. l • "-• PILlB '• ·" T Pav. ? What do )'OO bid no"., Wh.11 il11 )llU hid nov.'l ,\. I ;"1·, prl'..-mpt ha' I.Jone 11., "'llr" th.-r•• '' 011 Illa\ vuu haw the rt••m 111 in\<."'ll!!UlC0 the P''~"b1huc' \\,• "''ul.I '1mpl) d<>« our C)'C\, Ind "' 111• trump .mJ h<ipc f•JI' the~ A • Pnrtner ha~ ~wn 11 minimum opening bid and oo part1culur hking for heam. Ncvetthele~. you h11ve enough to im ue game, and lhe obv1· uu.' acuon .CCIII.\ to be a rebid of two ™> 1n1mp. JOBS WANTED Employment Wanted 8200 * H .... 1emon/Mgt. • I do·~n t. ma1nla1n laret homl"' Cook d11ve ·all ti1111~, ~ld.rly & t h1ld •Alt~tp 37193/9038 SEll your uowc1nted •IN1'~ thruuah cla\sifoed j Drywall Services WITTHOEn DUWAU All ploau' \m Ir & JOb\ CUANI 20yr\ l•n lret !'4.I I 400U l 114 639 14A7 Electrical Services Small Jolt hpor11 IJurl( •n (le<.tiic 20Yrs E•P L.,.. •l'Q\lrtk Response 5.«voce/Remodrls I •?1'>810 949 650-7042 DUTCHMAN IUCTRIC I ICI NSfO/INSUREO COMPCTITIVE RATES l # 7!19337 949 322 6250 llCINSID CONT•ACTOll Nn ,,., loo VII Al <ef'lllCGI k~p~n r~model. fans. 'll>i ...... 5\IC !M9~3656 WSTOM CJtEATM TU ~. slat '8'111'1W:, mar'blt. 5tooe u... 1975 L'612044 Jeff 714-612 !&Iii Constrvctn.tontr JOBS OFFERED Domestic Employment 8400 SllVU SPOOH NANNY AGIHCY (714) 469-'°87 .• #¥......, D'DflllmliiML<Ont Employment 8500 ••ANNOUNCEMENT•• H111ne for :?003/Postal PG$1loons f edet al hn Sl4 80 Sl6 00•/ht full ~nehh p.tld tram1n2 and VK411Jon5 No UP nee I 811 3?9 ~268 ut 131 (CAL•SCAN> QASS A Clll 11 t.1S1 ?h wedls-T urbon PMI HI'-. £ r.perteneed [)Mn. No Crodlt Ow:M No f..__ ~ MedlClll benefib. I 800 181 2778 we1een @cr\t com (CAI.~ D•IYHS l'AIT-llMl Mon f' 11 On•e nice can and cet P•1d lor 11 Call Din 949 ~74 7479 M11nlenance N.I . TENNts <WI hlfln& rroantenanct po~1hon ~I & PT 949·6« 0050 UMY si--. Repa-ed A~rouhn ' lnstanatlon TILE DEAN 949 673 8065 71~71~2031 Ga11g1Docn s.-was IVllYTHING & ANYTHING IN A GAIDUt. THI Dlf PlllNCI 1nwme llAUTifUl &UOutSnl- 94t-S1S..aH4 • P /TIMI ltllD MAN- AGO. Lr& slot• IKllity on C.M. Monday Tlus.by fr~y Office wnd Ille t~ Eap a• c..11 for tnfor'mabon 714 4.37 !tllXl NICC Now hlrlftf l'T Barte"der & Wail StaH Apply 1n person wlter 2 OOpm Monday f riday 1600 I. CO<Kt Hwy NI l'ort-tlM• Secwr lty ,..,,... Moo f II 11 '>pin SIO/hr Call 949 5'8 8861 a~ for Shannoo Pubhshmii P•OMOTtoNS Dll'UTMlNT Community ~~ Ill 0r ~ County >4ldls r u1 Tme perlOll lo 111terv.w and Wl'ite stor~. pmrUcl pate "l convnuruty everot\, cnate and ~~ ~ and sections [ • cel&e.nr ~ <dllh, worli wd with the public Know /IP Style. QuMUl'teu. Ptloloshoc>. Multi Ad Ct~ •tor. Prohcleof °" MM: and PC CCI dn111n eipertence proferred Proofructrc test. On• ~~·~ed. EOE E&collent bent"f1t ~ Em.itl •~ wrrttnc ~ and \MM y r r qu11emrnt\ lo ..... JOhrti()n@lalwf.s I.Qin Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & REMOliELING CDD.U.DJIJ\ll 61WNJ'ENAM'! * Residaal. Umm:aml o Job 1bo S"""1 DaNllamllloa 949-3224292 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE lN ORANGE/LA CO.UNTIES Profe sional Honest, Fair and Reliable T,.. '-I~•. Yatd C ... nup, M.tlntlllllnCI, Sclflnlt.I« ll8'tff, H1tt1llnt , ... , .,...,. , "-....... Dr)'Wllll R11>1ir, lflt/t•t P1lltlltnll Froe Estimate Cal Bob 714-.27~ ROOM ADDITTONS R.EMODE~ CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bath Specialists CS CONSTRUCTION Lie# 577982 (949) 709·5'42 Allcfl '00 A6 llk Ml, lull fact w1111, metalhe drlt. blue/erey lthf. CO, mnrl, superb cond. Sl9.795 11#874241 Bkr 949-586-18H -.oc,....1., .... IMW '95 5251 outo, bl1ck, I owner. noce. sunrool #623627 S7495 wcw.uto.com 949 646 1822 IMW '97 3281 Comr. auto 7~11. mo, metallic dr II. blue. erey llhr. t1bulous cond lhrou&h out •1~261 Sl6.995 fin & w1rr av11I 8kr 949 !>116 1888 www oq><lbt com IMW '01 740ll llcKli \porl pke. hkt! new, 1657632 U4.99!i wcwlklto com ~ l'i!l2 IMW '89 73S ll I ealhe1. sunroof very rlun $499!> 186~!>9 WCW<ltlto wm 949'6«>-7f!12 IMW '98 Z3 c..,., 2.8 6 t yl red hn llhr '>Sl>d bout toke new cnnd •81'>1?1 SIB 99!> f1 nan<on& & warranty •n•f Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.~poltl.com lulck '95 Rogol Groncl Spnr l ?dr i:oupr. 3 H \16 '>C)k mo. metal lit blu~, £"Y inl fully loaded 0111 owner. ~uptrb toke new cond •7~~/I $'>99!1 Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ocpol.c- Codin.c 'O I Snlk SLS \!Iver l' ey lthr CO chrm whls &Old I>~& lull l•d. loke nt:w. $18.995 ••~96741 hnancone au1I Bkr 949 !>86 1888 www.ocpoltl.cOlll CHl"VY TAHOl LT '02 l IK mt. el e•h'\ On S111r. ~JI Ir l'k low lllle. pert c.ond. S26.!0J 9$:J6.61 IO Docf9e '98 Oure n90 w. ..... MOMDADX'" ...... < ......... SIMO/ ... . .... ,, ... ,u. ..... 't7 ae4oe LS 4x4, auto, xtnt cond, CO, alloys, l 30ll mt, 16900 ..... ,.... .. ,' ...,_,., Tr....-it4. 4x4. lmmac throu&hovt _, nke, '932919 S7895 wcw.Alo.oom 948-646-1822 ...... 'QI S-T,,_ 4.J YI, 15k ml, white, Olltmeel lh. a> • ._ ,,..., s..-i 8UID. s.w 151(, SJB.995. ~ 949 586 1888 Bkr www.ocp.l.c.99 ..... o....la-.koe \16, 2Wd, 00. Mlplr dmn, Vfll'J nee. ll'il995 1215468 wt:WllUID com !M!Mi4&-1822 -.-.1o.-1a-..... vs. 4l4, lthr. co. mnrf. WtY noce. •nWJ!J $.9'J95 wcwauto CllfTl 9&64S-1822 loaw• '94 U400 Champaan e aold/tan lthr. CO. eold Pll&, suc•rb, 011e cond. SI ,795 vl267!il2 f1· n1nclna 1v.11 Bkr ~ !i86 1888 WWW oq>abt corn loau• '90 l$ 400 """1ac, chrome whls. lthr, looks & drlvn hke new $69!>0 949 350·5202 lfXUS LX470 '91 Black. luther. lo1ded, •lnl cond, 6 CO player. $32.000 714 336 1354 ..._-.t1Xll004M, &dtf onwnac. h . llllllled ~. ka r.:11 tow~ $14.!D) 9"9350-~ Moz4• '99 M loto Conv 4~11 ml, 1uto. s1l•~1. Ian top, pw pl. A/C, CD 5uperb hke new c.ond v#l 19143 $10.995 hn•nc1ne & warranty avail Bkr 949 ~ 1888 -.oc l.c- ....... ._'98(230 Ltthr mnrf. tmmac. ~ nice '617317 SI0.995 wcw<IUID <Xllll ~ 7822 _....._ .. 3190( 2 3 llOl&ec>U\ car llhr. 9711 mnrl ~995 11~ wt witUIO com ~ 1f!12 ,.__.. ._ ... 300( run\ •Int bl1ck. lthr a diamond •892740 $5995 Wl.W"'1tn tOITI ~ 7i?fl1 Monocfot 8-z '73 2IO SEL Run5 &ood • .Julo, lun l •r . •019%3 $?99~ ... wauln com 949-6116 lfIZl Morco4.. ·oo C2J Kllmpre\\or ~din 2lk m1 lull l•~t w•rr black o~tmul lthr 'unroot b~a.aul1ltu ll ~e new to9nd v8/5291 S?h. lon~ncon& 1vi11I 8 kr ')19.. !>116 ua1.,,_ ~com Merco4H CUOO '1002 ll11lloanl Silver I IK mo, Mvtl .. 11 $75,000. 949.111 ... oJ PHIWPtAUTO 01,_., ... ,.. only 18K ml, HR£,P• bmanc:e wheels. (19391) INQUIM.1 02AareRU moonrool. loeded' (l~) S2UllO oo~u Biid .. ~ _. roof, dwomed wt.is (193811) 115,911) 01,._.M._. only l 4K mi. luther. moorvool (19478) $26.980. NIJ10W .... White w/Gny leather. cllromawt!Mb (19'29) S27.9llO HJ..,.XUC-32K rMes. throme wi.ek,buuflful . (194961) S37 ,980 .... .-..uoo c...,. Ctwcoel w/Blac.k leather pr amoum wi-ts. moorwoof (19512C) $19.980 01IMW740t Black w/Black. ooly 31K miles ( I 9485C) S44. 980 97t... .. LS ""'~ Sllv« w/Gtey INlher. moonrool, •beauty (194531) S22.980 '"~zoz ~ s.lv• w/Black I k mo. 1111c11op Ind eor~ (19505) INQUIR{ 00 l'wsdN .... ,.. s Sliver w/81Kk, 3?11 <f\lles, \harp (19400C) $39,!8> 949.574.7777 ~AUTO .........,..._. Toyeto '94 (0<.U.. U 40._ mo •ctu.at m1 l eisurr Wor Id owner auto pl. pw, whole/&teY mt . bout toke new cood V'75~291 $499!> BrokP1 949-SH -1118 -.ocpobl.c- '"""" Let 11 Ano:o&oar /fie a.-. by the L1M lor w. model a1 9JCh a-. MU ~ Le.111 ci:&St4 71D Volll1w09on '00 lootk l8k mo sparkhne blark oatmeal. auto moonrl CO pw pl allop whh toke new von'4/00">~ Sil 499 ftn & w1111nly avail Bk1 949 '>"6 1888 -·~··- 414 'UJ>Cf dun V8. Nlt10ft '95 l'e1l1fh•4" black, •148892 SIO 49!1 4,4 1mm1< while, V6, wcwauto com 949-6'6 1822 nr y noce I() 11299 $5.495 AUTOMOBl.ES, llSCB..lMEOUS WCWllUl.o com ~1822 Do49• '99 lntroplcl Red V6. CO super ot• t I "M Adi6ow $ tit-an Ytr y n"e •5357~ Blue .aulo CO d ean. wcwauto w rn 9"9 646 7f!Zl I 0 l 5 7 7 I S I 9 9 5 Forti '65 Mu1ton9 Con•er t1ble CH 1gin1t ownei '\Ohd c.ar $19,99!> obo 949 719 2943 HandymarV Home Repair JUNK TO THI OUMl'lll 714 968·1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949·673·5566 DesJgn Re~tJons ~,... ..,....,~ . ...... ~, .,.,,..,.. '49-4S9-8170 wcw.ulo '°'" ~ 7f!fl2 SEU your unw1nted 1lems lhrnuah claurfied Plumbing SIWll AleDUllOU. (949) •4S-2H2 PU<IU PLUMllHG Repain & Remodelina FREE ESTIMAT£ ~ & ..... ,.., L"687398714-969·1090 Custom Hand Painted ......, • ......._ "'-'• & ,.,., ~ ruul-- Arlllt lot hn !Den .61164 MIMk Poel & Sf>-he. C.__.,a ...... 21'M 811f> WMtlly Satv-. Equip Cr Hf Proce! Cuarantffd m1nt R1pa1n, lnwred wOfk Free nt L•375602 < .. 949-192-717' 71• SJ8 1534 7 390-294S ........_~ m-s cuSTOM P...-nNO .-w,.-o !'fort. clean. qullrty wort. lnterlor/1JI and dodls ll10J468 949 63l·t610 J -CAStf fOll CAllS WI Nll"D YOUI CAa PMD fOll Oii NOT rtl&UPS AUTO ASll POI MAl.CO\M 949.574.7777 PICK UP TRUCKS .......... 1171 ~UVIAIOUOC> 47n SAlllOAT, full locktf' rm PflVtle&es. H1r110< Marl"• SIOOOmo 9&~3223 19).25().8610 AUTOM011VE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES HOME MOUGAGE LOANS Lo-..esi intatest r atn. Al credit types No pra1)11Ym1Jn1 ~ Best service in the \h1te Cfflorn1o11 DRC E IJ'4>Yf on FuncfWi&. Cal now fm720 8969 (CAI.. •SCAN) MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes · Rent 9355 son MOTOll NOMI FOR RENT Liii[ NEW C CLASS/SLIDE OUT 949 515 2J05 RECREATIONAL VEHICtES REPAIMARTS/ SERVICES Mlscellaneous 9450 BOATS Power Boats 9515 '87 looton Wholer Supor Spot! Umltecl, l!Jll 10., Yi!Oldh.t, <~• trllller lot on 8ahM i.. ~ ~Y\ 9't9 m 18t0 ~ 9$61j 7"Jl8 '00 lift Duffy Ooctrit 00..t I owner ~ket.I by Ball>N kl<wld Mlr.>t <M1 s 15.500 otlo !M9-!();. :ia.1 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 9 3 n SUI' AVAJlAIU IN NEWl'OaT HACH $2SOOUASE 949-SOO-IOOS SUI' NHDID lor 40tt boat July & l<uau'\t NPwf»rl lfarbor 'M')./?I 9199 a.I 310-191 9'2Rl sn, ,., .., to sott i.-1. Waler & power tncludPd C•ll for d•t11I\ 949 67~ 4847