HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-02 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot; • a1 . Servin g th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 -WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 2003 2 candidates set if Nichols recall succeeds Laura Die tz and Lloyd Ikerd say they would run for City Council if the counci lman's seat open s up. get that far. .. It takes a lot to recall som eone," Sval- srad said. said he would move to the district i.n or-QUESTION der to run for the seat. How llbty is it that Cameo Shores resident Dietz said !>he .. Councilman Dick Nichols too, would seek a spot on the ballot. wiH be recalled? Call our Along with Svalstad, Dietz al'>O ran Readers Hotline at (949) against Nichols in the 2002 race to re-642~ o r send e-mail to ? June Casa1rande Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -1 loyd lkerd 'itnd Laura Dietz are two names that are Ukely to appear on a ballot to replace Councilman Dick Nichols if a recaJJ efTon is successful But 2002 City Council candidate Her- nie Svalstad probably couldn't run again for the seat because Newport Beach council districts have since been re- drawn. SV"""dlstad's Irvine Terrace home is no longer in District 6; it's now in Mayor Steve Bromberg's District 5. New districts go into effect July I 0. City Oerk Lavonne Harld~ said that the new districts weuJd .probably govern a recall election, though, it's possible that could change sobject ro1egal interpretation. If the election were based on th~ old district boundaries, Svalstad said th11 he would run fo r the seat. But Svalstad, who wa' elected to the Fowllain Valley City CowKil in the 1980s during a recall elec- tion. said he's skeptical that the recall will • Corona deJ Mar Ownber of Com- merce Olainnan Chip Stas.sel agreed. "I don't know If a recall would really have legs," Stassel said ·That's the pube in Corona del Mar ... that people aren't going to support ~t." But Ikerd, who has vowed to head up a recall effort if Nichols does not '\leP... down, disagreed. "I think that once it gets going. it'll go like wildfire.~ Ikerd said. "He's going to continue doing the same thing and peo- ple will get more and m ore upset.·· Ikerd does not live in District 6, hut • present Corona del Mar. dailypilot~lati"'}es.com. Please spell Ikerd took out papers to recall Nichol!. . your nam e and include yo~r ho~etown earlier this year after Nichols made a and phone number, for verification comment about Mexicans at a Newpon purposes only. Beach Chamber of Corrunefl'e comm11 - tee meeting. Ikerd had decided not to move forward with a recall at tha! urne. After Nichols made another romment ahout Mexicans in a Daily Pilot ·iJllerview tn Jw1e, NichQls' six council colleague<. called for him to i.tep down. Ikerd an- ' nounced at ruesday's council meeung that, in tight of Nichols' recent com- ments, he would mCNe forward with a re - call if Nichol!-> does not resign voluntarily. Nichols ha!> said that he will not s1ep down . El Toro lawsuit gamers support Newport Beach leade rs, ·however, aren't convinced the former base will ever tly as a commerci ~ airport. June Casagrande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BfACll -City leaders say they suppon a new lawswt to prevent the city of Irvin e from annexing the foriner EJ Toro Marine ba'\e. but they·re skepucal that the su it will result in a commerciaJ airpon at FJ Toro . .. TI1e lawo;uit was predictable." Mayor , Steve Bromberg said. The Airport Working See LAWSUIT, Page A4 PHOTOS BY MARK C DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT Greg Boston, left, and Blair Thacker, right, hang decorations around the Blockbuster Fireworks stand on Victoria Street Monday afternoon. OBITUARY Mi Casa founder dies at 85 ·Sale·s ignite Kim Thacker puts a box of "Perfect Storm" fireworks on display at a Blockbuster Fireworks stand in Costa Mesa. THINKING ALLOWED . Firework sales began Tu esday, sparking Costa Mesa Fire officials to issue safety tip's f or users. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot P iccolo Pete, Mad Dog and Purple Rain are expected to tight up the city this Fourth of July. People who buy firewoils from any of the 56 stands that began operating in Costa Mesa on Tuesday will likely pick one of these three popular brands of fireworks, said Ruth Harris, who operated a stand outside Stater Bros. on Newport Boulevard. A m ajority of the stands that sell fireworks in Costa Mesa help ' local nonprofit organizations raise funds. Harris was · fund-raising for the Youth • Services Assn . that organizes several activities for scouts and other youth programs. "ThL<; is our biggest fund-raiser of the year." Harris said. "We've. always had a good response at this location, I think. because of the freeway and the supermarket." Her husband, Brian Harris. said the group has operated the stand at that location for more than 40 See SALES, Pa1e A4 Newport hasrhe upper hand Daily .Pilot ATAGLAHCE ONlltEWEB: www.~com I didn't want to believe It before but I must admit It's true. C.OSta Mesa is in Newport Qeach's shadow. While 1 think It's a great place to live (and so does half my • family) the fact mnaina that Newport Beacb teema to just buely top us in rle£'f caiegory. . Sule. Coeta MM ts a HARPER coinmunl =the name)t.t W9 don\ actUllty haw.a ehoreline. Wt would. but wtlY bldt when Che ·WEATHER. lt't condnuing to hMt up. HiGN ~hit the.,. .,.. in Com Meu. ........ A2 QUAKE SAFE · Friend s and co-worke rs recaJI Barrie Moore as stubborn and crotch ety, but lovi n g a n d generous. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -He was the kind of man who wanted things done a cenain viray. ' He didn~ like it when his pant legs stuck to his socks. He didn't like it when his hair was messed up. And be didn't like his em- ployees telling the customers, "Thank. you and have a nice day." SM II CASA , Pace M Ody Pilot lp0ft9Writet lryw Alderton ......... ~toolllJt the crowded ~ ..... loryO.lth IOCIC*'"' .. .. .,.,u ... ..... ........, .. ..aecmnd.of ....... ........ .•. • , Y1 »J 2, 2003 , LOCALS ONLY I, FOR A GOOD CAUSE Ruth DUtro 0 ne of,he most painful aspects of Ufe ,., death. Most people fear it and keep it at arm'> length. ~or Huth Dutro, death is a welcome '>llh)t'CI. MPeople think I am crazy when I say that death i.<. beautiful," ">he ..ays. At an age when most people are welJ into their retirement. Dutro spends 40 to 50 hours per week volunteering as a chaplain for Companion Hospice. Though nurses. '>OCial workers, aides and volunteers at Companion.Use medicine and psychology to make a patient's last day'> as physicaJly comfortable as possible, there is still one need that must be met -the spiricuaJ. ~Near the end of lifl' and the closer they get to dying, they havr a reaJ spirituaJ battle," Dutro '>ay-;, noting that even people with no religion have spiritual needs. Dutro, along with her huo;bantl, Ken, who is a staff chaplain at Companion, bring tranquillity to thb bat1le by performing bedside '>ervices, singing hymns and providing overall reassurance that a terminally-ill paLiem's death wtll be peaceful. "I hate the thought of \Omeone dying aJone," she l>ay'>. Thes. people have been arrnted recently on suspicion of driving under ffNI Influence o f an Intoxicant Tti.y have only been a1T8$18d on •CJaPialon of a crime and, as with all su•pect•, are oon•idtH'tld innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA 8und9y •Gerardo Lopez~, 25, Costa Mesa • Lucian Albert Gunter. 43, AliSo Viejo • Frieda Mary Reed, 60, Costa Mesa She makes the last days of life as comfortable as possible for patients. at Co mpanion Hospice and their families. Aside from adrl}inistering spirituaJ cow1cil, Dutro also furnishes gifts for the dying and their families. By providin8,.f11ateriaJs and utilizing the crafts of a group of volunteers, Dutro pmduces crosses with color-symbolic meaning. For instance, if a patient has doubt about getting to heaven, Dutro gives her a red cross that syrnboliies the blood of Quist, shed for the forgiven ess of sins. Perhaps the most unique pan of Dutro'l> servi<.:e is 1he effort she p4ts into consoling those that are left behind af1er someone's death. Her time i.penl with the dying allows her to create personali.7,ed memorial services, some1h1ng that many priests and pastori. mrely do. She writes poetry. 1e1Js anecdo1es and even rewrit~ songs to memonaJi.7.£> the deceased. such as her version of Prank Sinatra\ "My Way," "llas Way." ·rnrough 14,000 hours and 8 yeari. ol DUI ARRESTS Saturdey • Luca Padleco-Ramirez. 36, Costa Mesa • Helen Rebecca Rueda, 23, tiuntington Beach. • Gino Sharaflchenlan, 66, Huntington Beach • Freddy Mario Ortiz, 32, Simi Valley TIMndey • John Aliron Bec*ham, 33, Costa Mesa • Margaret Hennessey, 37, Costa Mesa • Kimberley Jo Siona, 35, Huntil\gton Bead1 being on caD around the clock. thii. ordruned pastor has experienced more than her share of grief. Ml get very anached to the patients and 10 the families and when one of them dies it's like I lost a good friend," she said. Throughout this experience she has become somewhat of an expen in the bereavement process. She and her husband have even created a 1V series • about it for the Triniiy Broadcasting Network. DuLro's service also includes teaching volunteers, consoling the i.taff at Companion, helping families make funeral arrangements and . "clowning," which is exactly what it sounds like. "If it ever becomes a job 10 me l'U quit, because I won't be doing those people a service," she says, explaining lhal in order to fulfµI her role, helping and caring. not a paycheck. must be her motivation. The Dutro's have lived in the area since the 1940s and '>aid they wiJI rnn11nue doing their work for as long as God allows them. -Story l1)' Tom Forqut>r; Photo /Jy Kem Treptow •Andrew Lome Steele, 19, Torrance Wildl...tey •Thomas Robert Shaw, 20, Fontana NEWPORT BEACH SuncMy • Alina Marie Brown, 19, Lagun~ Beach • David Joseph Donn, 22. Newport Beadl •Moises Hernandez. 31, Costa Mesa Daily A Pilot Coral Wll9on News assistant, (949) 574-4298 coral.wilson@l1Himos com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leadl. Kent Tr11Ptow Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 9:2626. Copyright No news stories, illustrations. editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. ( VOL. 97, NO. 183 READERS HOTUNE ,~, 6'2-6086 TltOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher . TONYDODaO Edit« JUDV OET11NQ ~-J<j=:' PromotioM DINctof , ·~ News Edttof'a Gina Alexander, Lori Andetwn. Deniel Hunt. Pllul Saltowltz. o."81 Stewnt NIWllTAff' Crirne'=r~ ~. , .. , l57'-422t ..,,..,,,.,.,,./MlmaQOm ,,_.=·~· Newport ~. !Mii ~ /urw1.c=-1p.,,. • ...,,,,...com .... C811111 ~ IM"-endMWoltment f11PO'W ... ~ PfUl.c:#neon • .....,_,oom ........... c+n• ...... ~. ,..,~ lolla,_,,., • ..,,_,com ........ _ Record vour comments about the Dally Pilot or new. tlpa. Addl'9ll • Our address la 330 W. Bey St., Costa Meaa. CA 92627. omce houra ire Monday -Friday. 8:30 a.m. 5 p.m. Conectlone It is the Pilot• policy to promptly co!T8Ct tll 9"0r9 or auti.unoe. PIMse call (949) 7&4-4324. FYI • The Newport BeedVCotta MeN Dally Pilot (USPS--lt44-800) la published dally. In Newport Beadl and Cott.a Meu, eubecriptloM are avanai. onty by tubec:rlblng to The Times Orange County (800) ._ 252·9141. In a.rue outalde of Newport BMd'l tnd eo.ta Meu. tubec:ripdone to the Delly Piiot .,. evafleble only bV flrwt date mall for S30 per month. (Pricee lnctude .. , ~ 9'lle tnd loCl8I UIJCM.) POSTMAST£R: Send tddrete cNngee to The Newpof1 IMdVCOICI Meu Deify Pltot, P.O. c... M9ee ~. (M) '™-4221 --.,,._,..,,~,_,.,.com Cbll6zC.... E~~.IM)174-'2el cltriftl,,..OIHrlllo•lllflrrM.com J HOW TO REACH US Cin:ulatlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Advenltlng Clanlfled (9491642-6678 Dfspley(949)642-021 Edttonel News (949) 642-5680 Spona (949) 574--4223 , NewsFU (949)~170 Spotta fu (9'8) 850-0170 £-melt chlllypllottll•tirrw.com Meln<>Moe •11nw Otlloe (949) 642-02f lknlw fu (949) 631-71:26 Publl•hed by Tlmee Community N4Ma, • dlvtslon of IN Loi AftOel8I Tlmea. C2003 Tlmea CN. All r1o'1U ~. NEIGHBORS Ronald v. Davll. retired chainnan of the Perrier Group and.founder of Orange Coas1 · College's Guardian Scholars Program. was Ronald V. honored May 30 Davis asOCC MOutstanding Citizen" of 2003 ••• Mk:hael Beltman, 13, of Pegasus Middle School in Newport Beach won Junior Division first place honors in the Electriciiy and Electronics ~ '~.,": . ,,. \it. category Michael competition of Beitman the 48th annuaJ Orange Coun1y Science & Engineering Fair.~ Cummings. 14, of Pegasus Middle School in Newpon Beach won Junior Oivi~ion Carissa firs1 place Cummings honor., in the Behavioral Sciencei. category competition of the science and engineering fair. Amanda Wilson, to.of Newport Beach won two honors Amanda in the Wilson Computer Generated Art. 4lld Invitations/ Ayers/ Announcem ent categories competition of the science and engineering faic. Diana Rosas. 17, of Costa Mesa won first place honors in the photography category at the science and engineering fair .. Jeremiah o.· (Jevdand,a naval peny officer 3rd class and a 1998 graquate of Costa Mesa High School, recently returned from duiy in the Diana Resas Mediterranean • Sea and the Arabian Gulf while participating in Operation Lraq1 Freedom ... Erin M. Dunlgan of Newport Beach recently received a master's degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and th e Gradua1e Srudy FeUowship for the Parish Pulpit Min..\slry ... Rreast·cancer survivors Ghmy Espensh.lp and Kathy Peanon were selected by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer N>undation Orange County Affiliate as co-chairs for thl.l> year'.-. 12th annual Komen Orclllge C.ounl)' Race for the Cure to be held Sunday. Sept. 28 at fa<,hion Island, Newpon Beach. Katie Loan Nguyen ot Costa Mesa recently received a doctorate degree from Samford Univer;ity in Birmingham. AJa ... Dean Connable Wills of Newpon Reach rece)ved a ""5ter\ tlegree from Oregon !>tatc Univers1iy. James Kirk Tabb of Costa Mesa received a ma.,1er·., degree from Oregon State ... ·rnc Girl Scout Council of Omngc County Ill Costa Meo;a ha~ announced the promouon of Gail Holm es 10 a~11b1an1 executive director of membership i..eivices. · Addi1ionally, Molly Preston JOIO'> the council as senior director of fund development and rnmmurucalions and Ju~ Breedlove joins the counctJ ~ director of human resource-.. • NEIGHBORS spotlights actuevements in the commun11y Pleaae direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by '81< at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to coral. wilSon (iii latimttS.com PET OF THE WEEK Bunerbean Bunerbean. a blue-eyed, male. neutered Aamepoint Siamese cal is looking for a home. Most people look to adopt klllens, not adult cats. who end up being pu1 to sleep. !>aid OiAnna Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Newport Reach·based Community Animal' Network. "Adult animals are dying for our help ... While many caregivers leave for vacation during the sunny summer months, the network has been left short-handed. As more and more cats ·._ __ are found abandoned in needed," Pfaff-Martin said. shopping carts, bushes, boat M Please call my cell phone at yards and garages, the network (949) 697-6632 to help needs help rescuing them all. immediately." Pfaff-Martin said. See other animals available for MShelters being overcrowded adoplion at will.destroy them all,· she said www.aniTTllllnetworlc.org or ·p1ease help." Russo's pet store at Fashion The network will open a Island between noon and 4 p.m . second adoption site at Russo's on weekends. Information: (949) pet store in the Irvine Spectrum 759-3646 or Cornmuniiy Animal this weekend. Network.. P.O. Box 8662, Newpon "A Russo& Spectrum adoption Beach, 92658. Information: (949) coordinator and volunteers are 697-6632. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It won't be pretty this morning, with lows clouds and fog, but It'll get real nice around 11 a.m. and highs will creep up Into the mid-808 in Costa Meu end the upper 70s In Newport. Highs should approach the mid-70s along the coast. The Fourth of July looks aimllar. ~ www.nws.no..QOV BOATING FORECAST . The westef'ty winds wttl blow 10 to 15 lcnots tn the '""9r Wlterl, with 2·foot W8WI Ind • mbced IOUthwe9t swell of 3 feet end IOUth 1W1R of 3 fwt. Out""'*·~ nc>l1hw ..elfiV .. wQI blow , 5 to 25 '"'°"· whtl 2-to 4-foot WIVM end 1 mtxect nofttwJMI eweft of ..... end IOUth ..... of 3 ..... The MnM wffl be found '°"'8ht- l SURF We'll continue to see chest· to shoulder-highs today ea the southwest swell peaks. Expect the occasional head-high. On Thuraday, the swell will bade Qown. with chest-highs and the occastonaf shoulder-high. The next pouthwest swelt will r~l In late Friday, making way for I decent Saturday, :when Wtt can expect waiSt-to c:t.t-htghs. Ftidey lhoutd be wellt-to dlest-Ngh. .... quelty. Wwt1uurfrld.r.of'/1 TID&S ,.... 6:16 1.m. 1:D7 p.m. 5:13p.m. 11:25 p.m. ........ -0.83 feet loW 3.MfMthigh 2M ... 9GW 5.77Mthlgh WATER TEMPERATURE ·--- I I I ~ .. Daily Pilot Wednesday, Ui 2. 2003 » Bridge upgrades near approval Work on Little Balboa, Goldenrod and Jamboree Road likely would begin· next year if Cal trans supports funding. June C1sa1r1nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACJI -Almost 14 years after the city began seeking Caltrans funds to strengthen Its bridges against earthquakes. local officials thinJc -they're fin.µiy on the verge of get- ting Caltrans to approve funds for the last phase of the project. The Little Balboa Island bridge, the Golden.rod Avenue pedestrian bridge and the north· boWld and southbound Jambo· ree Ro.ad bridges over San Diego Creek could soon win federal highway funds for retrofits lhat would allow them' to 1'Jllain standing during a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. The Udo Isl-:. Newport 'lsl<Uld and Balboa Island bridges were all retrofitted in 1998 and 1999 with money from the Federal Highway Administration and from the state. That work cost about $3.S million and was cov· ered 80% with federal money and 20% with state grants. Now, because of the state budget crisis, Sacramento is no Longer chipping In. The city will have to come up with the re- mai.{ling portion of the approxi· mately $1.9 million cost of re~ inforcing the three remaining bridges. . City engineer Uoyd Dalton said that the standards for bridge safety have changed over the years, the last time in l 989 after the Loma Prieta earthquake, nicknamed the Wodd Seri~ Shaker. The retrofit is needed only to get the bridges up to these higher" safety standar~. not because the bridges are de· teriomting or dangerous. "The bar has been raised ori seismic analysis of all of our brid· ges," Dalton said. "The retrofit would reinforce them for what's called a 'major seismic event.' It is called a 'no collapses' criteria. They would sustain damage in a 7.0 or higher earthquake, but they would still be serviceable." • Dalton traveled to Sacramento earlier last month to meet with representatives of Caltrans, which administers the federal highway funds. Dalton said he's optimistic that Cal!Ians will grant the clcy's request· The federal money is there for it, and our consultants presented a good .report ~th a good seis- mic retrofit strategy." Dalton said. Assuming that Caltrans com- mits the money, the city will be- gin detailed planning. Work would likely begin in fall 2004. ' You Can Buy A Luxury Beach Community Home For the Same Payment You fl-ave Now NEWPORT BEACH, CA For more information A Free 24:hour call the 'Consumer ·Consumer Awareness Awareness ., H otlinc The Mile adds another new hotel Ho ti in e has been anytime, 24 hours per day, established to help. to hear the free, families that want to move prerecorded message, at to beach communities buy 949-222-661 l. This free thei r dream homes for no service is sponsored by more than they a.re paying Coron a de I Mar A 52-room Holiday • Inn will replace Newport {;lassie Inn on Coast Highwc;ty in Mariner's Mile. ' Paul Clinton Daily Pilot MARINER'S MILE -An inter· . national hotel conglomerate is adding a I foliday Inn in Newport Beach, making it the second lodging along this section of West Coast Highway in less than two rrtonths. While an opening date h~ not been set, the Holiday Inn will act as a complemeni to the Balboa BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS .. UC Irvine welcomes noted physicist Chemical physicist Shaul Mu· kamel will join UC lrvine's fac- ulty as a chancellor's professor of chemistry. Mukamel, 54, who is recog· nized as one of the world's top researchers and is known for us- ing cutting·edge lasers lo probe molecules and cells. comes to UC! from the University of Roch- ester. Mukamel has developed rus research to explore the way plants and bacteria harvest light into chemical energy. a process called photosynthesis. A native of Israel, Mukamel re· ceived rus doctorate in chemistry from Tel Aviv University in I 976. He recently won the 2003 Lippincott Award from the Opti- cal Society of America. He was also the recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Award and the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-SCholar Award. In 1997. he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Re· search Award for senior Ameri- can scientists and was named a Guggenheim Fellow. Mubmel is also the author of more then 4 70 research articles, and his 1995 book "Principles of · Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy." is considered the leading text ln rus field. Upon his appointment at UCJ, Mubmel received a $1.1 ·rnillion National Science Foundation grant to lead a research effort with participants from UC Santa Barbara and the University of Oiicago. Bay Oub & Resort, which op ened a 132-room hotel in mid-May, said Marta Hayden, the executive director of the Newport Beach Conference & Visitors Bureau. • The hotel replaces the New- port Oassic Inn, which closed for the conversion. "It's changing ownershjp with a reflagging to a .nation~hain," Hayden said. "They're going to have access to that worldwide reservation system, which cer- tainly is a big reason to bring in ~ore people to Newport Beach." When it reopens, the hotel is expected to offer 52 ·rooms; the same number in the inn. How· ever, by using existing balconfos. the rooms are expected to be big- ger, Hayden f>aid. _ Mi stral demolition begins in Newport Demolition has begun on Co· rona del Mar's now-closed Mis- tral restaurant, as it makes the transition 10 new eatery Svelte. Workers began gurting Mistral shortly after it dosed· in mid· May. Svelte is expected to open al the end of August, owner Kun Conrad said Tuesday. Conrad, who lives in Newpon Beach, purchased the property last year. After a major overhaul. the restaurant is expected to re· open as an eclecuc French eat· ery. Meeting will di sc uss native vegetation The Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- mission will listen to residents' views about lhe proposed na· live plantings grant for Cast- aways Park during their next meetfog at 7 p.m. Monday. The commission will also dis· cuss an amendment that pro- poses ro plant a green area in the center of the park that will be devoted 10 visitors for activ· ities such as picnics or sun· oathing. The park is at the cor- The hotel also includes a pool and spa Newport Oassic lnn opened in the early 1990s. Japanese restau· rant Tsun.i occupied the second Ooo~ , "They met -a market demand here for people who didn't want 10 stay in a high-end hotel." said Richard Leuhrs, the president of the Newport Beath Oiamber of Commerce. "They wanted some· thing a little less expensive." London-based lnterContinen- tal Hotels Group owns the Holi· day Inn brand. Monica Smith. an Atlanta spokeswoman for the company. declined to comment about the new hotel. lnterContinental Hotels, the forming lodging !>ubsidiary Six Continents, operate'> or fran· chises more than 3.300 hotels in about 100 countries. The com- pany's brands include Holid!fy Inn,, Holiday lnn Express, Crowne Plaza and lnterCominentaJ. It's Staybridge SuitJ?S by Holiday Inn feature separate bedrooms and kitchens for elCtended stay Ltavel- e~ . An earlier incarnation of the hotel giant purchased Holiday Inn 'International in 1988. Insur· ance salesman Kemmons Wllson opened the first Holiday Inn in Memphis. Tenn .. in 1952 to "ca· ter.for the travelii:ig needs of U.S. families," the company's Web site states. The new Holiday Inn will be at 2300 W. Coast Highway. • fo r their current horn.~. Properties, brokers. ADVERTISEMENT SPfCIAL Sl\L E ·Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD ner of Dover Drive and Newport's free concert STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE s1999 Castaways Lane. By Mohawk The meeting will take place ·Series will begi.n Jul Y 13 Installed with deluxe pad sq. yd. in City Council Oiambers at Newport Beach's fre,...e _C_o~n~--1---E-lS~-l8-" .................................. •-4.20 11.. 3300 Newport Blvd . certs in the Parks series will s 9~9 stan at 5 p.m. July 13 at Mari-rue .............. , ................ ~"-4. ~11.. Fair will host three ners Park. -Wood .......................... IMt.UW"-s4.99 ~11.. Supplies and Tools for the •Do It Youru/fenr Food Ne twork chefs All prices/products for a limiml time, based on •cailabilltr. The Orange County Fair this year will feature three chefs from Food Network on its Her- itage Stage. Alton Brown. Curtis Aikens and Aaron Sanchez will per- form on July 17, July 24 and July 31. respectively. The Celebrity Clef series is being_ presented jointly by the fair and lhe Art Institute.of California. The fair will kick off on Jul y 11 and will run through Aug. 3 at the Orange County Fair and Ex- position Center. It · wilJ be closed on Mondays. For more information, call (714) 708·3247 or visit WWW.OC· fair.com. NBA ' l!A!Rftf 1374 Loian Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA ( 888) MESA· 777 • Z Mon-Fri. 10 to 5 ·Sat 10 to 3 .... Posh Moving Sale 00 .. ntire nvento Sale Starts Today at Posh· Wednesday, July 2nd • 9 am -9 pm We're not closing -we're just moving to GARYS in the Fall. We look forward to seeing you at Posh for the Posh Moving Sale. This Fall you'll find the classic, traditional men's clothing selection you've ,always loved at Posh ... and the same friendly, familiar faces to assist you at the beautifully expanded GARYS. • \ PUBLIC ,·SAFETY ... POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Adema Awnuec A vehicle burglary was reported In the 1300 bfodc et 5:15 p.m: Sunday. • w..t Baker Street An auto th eft was reported in the 600 block m 4:13 p.m. Sunday. • BNr Stteet: Possession of narcotics was reported ln the 3 100 block at 7:37 p.m. Sunday. • Bristol Street; Petty theft was reported in the 33€10 block at 7:26 p.m. Sunday. • El Camino Drive and Mendoza Prive: An assault was reported at 11. 19 p .m. Sunday. • South Coast Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 900 block at 6:19 p.m. , Sunday. • West 19th Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 500 block at 10:15 p.m. Sunday. •West 19th Street and Newport Boulevard: Vandalism was reported at 8:56 p.m. Sunday. ... NEWPORT BEACH • Bay Shore and Arbor drives: Illegal fireworks were reported at 10:38 p.m. Monday. • Eastbluft Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2600 block at 10:47 a.rn. Monday. • Jasmine Avenue and Ocean Boulevard: An auto theft was reported at 3:50 p.m. Monday • Placentia Avenue: Battery was reported in the 1500 block at 10:15 a.m. Monday. •Seashore Drive: Loud music was reported in the 3800 block at 9 p.m. Monday. • 36th Street: Petty theft was reported in the 200 block at 9:59 p.m. Monday. A Class Above. LAWSUIT Continued from Al Group "talked about doing this some time ago. At this point. in time, alJ we can do is look at it and see where it's going . . . Nothing has really chru~ed as f~ ~ New- port Beach ls concerned ... 1be Department of Transportation has not changed its position that there should be no ailport at El Thro. 'The Department of the Navy ruts not changed its position that there should be no airport at El Thro." • 11Bromberg.said, and City Man- "ager ·Homer Bludau agreed, that almost nothing short of White Ml CASA Continued from Al Barrie Moore, -Lhe populw owner of Mi Casa restauranl 111 Cui.ta Mesa. died Saturday 111 Newport Beach of heart compli- cations. He was 85. He was moUJ ne<l Tue:.day at the popular Eastside. restaurant. which o pened in 1972, and long· Liem• LUSLomers and employeei. smiled as they recaJJe<l memo- ries. "lie h cantankerous but fair," said longtime employee San Dee I ll'rriut, with tears brimming. Crotchety. Stubborn. Set in hjs ways, were some of the wordi. u-;ed to describe Moore. They wl'rc immediately followed by adjcclivcs such as loving, gener- ALLOWED Continued from Al on the sand Lhat is about six feet away from your neighbor. But having the beach as your backyard is pricelei..'>. Score: 2-0, Newport. OK. I Je re in Coi;ta Mesa we have free ll'lgn to light explo~i \ l.'l> un t:Odependencl' Day. I lah. ·111p Lhat. Wha t'? You've got bikini-dad boozers and non·'>top parllei. in West Newport'? Oh. yeah, well Costa Mesa ha!> 1he annual Mesa dcl Mar community parade. I lu.w i, thal lor a war zone? Score: 3-0. Newpor1. We've gol South Coa'il Plaza Fa.,hion Island. Score: 4 · I, Newport. /\II right, last category count'> ~h. Get a head start for the school year! • Algebra & Geometry Course Previews • Spanish I & II Course Previews •Writing Composition • Math facts (Addition-Subtraction-Multiplication) • Zoo-phonics (for Preschool & KindergJrten) CALL TODAY · (949) 645-7900 488 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa (Corner of Irvine Avenue) Enrolling for Summer Math, Reading & Writing Programs ALDEN'S [DN-!ilTE i DRAPERY Cl.EANll\I& AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN .. REMOVIN& NECB!IARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Dougla• Fabric . "flfldow Covering• Including: • Luminette Privacy • • Silhouettt' window st.acr.., • ~··windo. w Wimp · • 0uettr• honeycomb~ • · 1V Colledion • JubilaceTM ronwt shades • Applause' honeycomb shades • SerawttetM Saltfold1it Iha.dings World'• Ben ON .. llE"' Draper~ Cleuilac Sptem ~ALDEN's CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Plicenti~ Costa Mesa 94,...6-4838. 7l 4-96M180 I,', 1/11 I ',.' I •• •• I 1•1 I louae inrervention i.s fil.eJy Lo cre- ate a commercial a.Uport at El 'lbro. "I lhiftk that would have to come from the White House.• Bludau said. "I think that the president would have to say that he doesn't think it's in the best in- terest of the nation.• · The i\itport ~ddng Group and the Orange County Regional Air- port Authority on Friday filed a suit to stop lrvine from annexing the 4,000-acre Fl Toro site as part of a plan to seU otr the land for de- velopmenl The suit is based on the two ·groups' belief ·that envi- ronmental docwnents for th.e land conceal what will really hap- pen Lo the 'Gccat Park" that voters supported with Measure W in ·ous and kind. ~u yl>u asked him how his day was, he would say, 'Lousy,"' em - ployee Melva Lemus said. "That's just how he was, but deep inside, he W?S very lovable." Moore love.d to greet his cus- tomers at the door and make them feef wetcome, but he hated it when his employees would dis- miss them with a canned re- sponse. ~Thai1k ~uu .md have a good day," was one of Moore's pet peeves. It was cliche. Worn out. Unoriginal. Things Mi Casa did not promote. Bartender Starlette Oark said Moore made her very nervous when she first started working at Mj Casa seven years ago. She said he was "a little gruff." "But if you do your job right, he'll Like you ," Oark s.tid. "He had a great sense of humor. His bark for five points. We gotcha here. The city 1il Costa Mt:sa sliU wins in the "non-politically correct comments made by a City · Councilman" catego_ry. Costa f\h.,, ... City Councilman Chris Steel has been saying he doesn't want "ilkg..U immigrant!>" u1 Lu:.La Mesa for years now. A quick search with the words "Olris Steel" and "illegal immigrants" in the Pilot archives shows 65 hits. Articles about the Job Center, various charities and affordable housing pop up. Not all of them are about Steel, or even directly quote him. but at least haJf of them ha\le examples of what some people in this <.:ity -and apparently tht µ1ogressive city of Ncwpon lk ;.it h -would co11:.1dcr offensive. Now 10 be clear, Steel doc' not scapegoat Latinos an d has never nat out called them alJ Mexicans. i doubt h e has any problem with them hanging out at the beach. (At least they're out of Costa M1.:.a.) Steel 'ilys he is •,1111pl} reali'>tic .tbout the fad. rh.il Lherc ·Ill .1 lot uf "them" in •JMJ Mesa JmJ "they" ace drivi.nh down property values J.lld tt·~L score. and raising crirm: rat..:s. Steel was the t1.p vote-geuc1 in 2000. He has a dedicated, vocaJ foUow111g in the city and I \.\Ould argue, an even larger. silent one. Costa Mesans are tolt:n.lflt people. Sure, some uf us cringe at Steel's comments but hey. live and let live. He as merely !>lat.iug what he i.>elieves to be the truth. So. we in Costa Mesa thought we cornered the m ark.et on "the truth·· when Newport !reach pulled out its secret weapon - L.vu11cihnan Dick Nichols. Costa Mesa resident Gluck Cassity says its only fair. "I've t.:u1 •• e to believe that each city council should hav1.; at least one member \\ ho's politicaJJy incorrect, says the wrong thing at the wrong tune and is of questionable intellect so that the AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily P~ot, J 30 W. Bay St., ~osta Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to milce.swanson@latimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by calling-(949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dsllypilot.com. TOPAY . Chikhn eni.ring ftnt through sixth grades arc invited to "Storytelling Saf4n" at 3 ~m. at the Mariners Braf\dl Public Ubrery. The program WHf be ~at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa Branch. For more infommion, call (949) 717-3816. ~y a.M.t ........ tint through .ixth grades are Invited to •storytelling Stf1rt• 1t 10'.301.m. 8t Belboa 8~ Public Ubt'9ry. For more lnformetlon, call (949) 717-3816. UC tmne w11 '*-9 e he Y'Oll ltUdln e>pef'1 houte thlt Offen I general tntrodUc:tlon end expten1tlon of P.li• •nd teedlea how belie proco11e1 can trtneform your everydty Itta by plecl.ng ft In 1 contut of el(l)llndlng Mff-owa,.,.... The d111 rune frofTI &30 to 7:30 p.m. .. ~------:...-----.. ~-~------ .. ·March~. velopment that will be allowed "The 'Great Paik' will be ~m-there, the environmental effects poeted of a variety of uses. none of and the traffic that the develo~ wb1cb resemble a park. lncludibg, · ment would generate. but not limited to, a minlmwn of "It covers just about every pos- 6.585,594 square feet of conuner: &ibJe_area of traffic, a1r quality. wa- cial development and 3,6.52 dwelt-. ter quality," working group Presi- ing units,• the lawsuit alleges. dent Tum Naughton sald. The annexadon and subse-Meg Waters, spokeswoQ\Clll for quertt sale and development of the PJ Thro Reuse Planning Au- the land would allow the city of Ir-thority.. questioned the· validity or vine Mlo take full advantage of iliese allegations. She said that the their independent zoning and environmental drawbacb of a planning power to design a proj-commercial airpon far outweigh ect that will pave the highest p<?S-the potential effects of the devel- sible financial but not necessarily opment. .environmental or aesthetic ben-"They can say anything they efits to lrvine or the surrounding want in a lawsuit. what matters is corrummities,ft the suit W,eges. what the courts say," Waters said It goes oh to say Irvine has MI think at the ·end of the day we're failed to disclose the extent of de-going t? know that the plan is was worse than his bite. We be- came very good friends. I love him." Moore battled poor health in recent years an d was in and out of the hospital with heart prob- le111s. When he WdS out, he was on the race tracks, Lemus said. Horses were his passion, sh e said A recent trip to Hoag Hospital caused quite an uproar when Moore tried to have filet mign_on and shrimp coclctail delivered to his hospital room. He had just gonen the tubes taken out and was finaJJy off the breathing ma- chines, when he called The Arch- es and demanded some mouth- watering. artery-dogging food He was fowid out when the deliv- ery guys were stopped in the lobby, em ployees said. Moore could not hide that bi~ heart of his r:rOm his closest . otheri. wiU shine a bit.brighter. We in Losla Mesa have had ours for quite awhile. Now Newport is lucky uiuu_gh to have on e of its own," ht: w'tote in a letter tu the Pilot. Nol unJy has Newport Beal h shown brighter. it\ hogging the spotligh1. Nichol'> says one·public comment about Mexicans on the beach and ir'i, all over tht' news. The entire City Council has asked for his resignation. If Nichols does not rei.ign, Lhere js , a recaJJ effort underway. · Broadcai.t news agencies snubbed car chru.t:'> and fire-. to cuver the Nichols controver-.-y. Humor has it, the Nichols comment is the talk around the Congressional water cooler in D.C. Costa Mesa CounciJwoman Ubby Cowan said she defin itely noticed a contrast in response. She said she respects people's opinions -even if they diffor from her own -and thinks most people 111 Costa Mesa ll'l'I the saml' wJy. AgJ111, Jive·an<l ll'1 Ii'. l ' ll is very i.Jttc1L!>llng how friends. Bernadette Schneider. who was very close with his wife Joann, who died in 1996, said Moore was very gracious. Schneider is a 28-year customer and brought her chiJd.re.n to. the restaurant and now her children bring their dilldren. The whole family was involved with Lhe re~­ taurant. and still is, creating iJ legacy thar wil.I outlive a.IJ of them. "I am very grateful he estab- lished this place.'' Lemus said. So are his customers. "Mi Casa is an institution in this area," said Costa Mesa resi- dent Sallie Kuykendall. who was enjoying a 1ed enchHada and drink for lum:h luesday. "You say Mi Casa and anyone will come here with you." . "Mi Casa" is Lhc first hall of a popular Spanish saying. "Mi casa SALES Continued from AI ,. years. "I've come here and bought fireworks sin ce I wa , a boy," he !>aid. Costa Mesa rei.ident John Tran, who was look.ing at a li~I of Iii eworks posred uu1.~1de thl' stand wi th his daughter, said fireworks are a good way "for kids to have fun." "A little bit wouldn't hun," he said with a smile. "But we wouldn't want to overdo it. .. Most fires that occurred last year on the holiday were trash fires caused by the improper disposal of used fireworks. Costa Mesa ~ire Marshall Torn Macduff said. "People need to make -;u re they submerge the used fireworks in water to make -;ure they're completely out.0'he .,.iid Last year...the city aJso saw a few accidl'nts caused by illegal firewlJ1b, Macduff said. "Anyth111g that l'xplode":> 111 pretty solid. ... This ls not ~ to stop the plan from goUlg ro~ ward." And while local leaders don't expect to see the dtis air travel worries dissolve overnight. most insist lhal El Turo'11 nQt over until it's over. "As far as AWG and OCRM are concerned, I've ~ supported the~eir intentions are always to prot&t Newport Beach." Brom- berg said. "UntiJ they start selling off that land, there's nothing that's overyet" •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Be8dl and John Wayoe Airport. She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. es su ca.sa." which means "my house is your house" -or "make yourself at home." The restaurant's name was not just catchy, it was true, Kuyendall said. "The saying goes -everybody is welcome here," she said "Not like some of the shee-shee places around h ere. You can come here as you are." Moore is survived by two sons Dennis and Rick; and grandsons Ryan a.nd Andy. A graveside service was held Tuesday at Pacific View Memorial Parle. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harpertw/atimes.com. FYI . A few tips when you use firecrackers: • Buy only state-approved firecrackers • Always read instructions • Keep close adult supervision • Douse fireworks in water after use • Have a hose and bucket of water handy ." !>hoots up in the air is illegal," he 'ia.id. ·Adults need to supervise children when they're around fireworks.·~ Sometimes. children also remove the powder from the legal fireworks and make their own modified versions, which can be dangerous. Macduff said. "Parents oflen believe their children have respect for the fireworks," h e said. "But the truth is most of them don't." Ol::EPA BHARATH covers public ,f ty and court~ She may be • eached at (949) !> /4-4226 or by • •ii l people can e.xpres:, lhe same sentiment but phrn .... e word1> differently and the1cfore get a much different reaction.'' Cowan said. "Is iL really what Nichols l>Ciid, or jwa because he blew the veil off the underpinning sentiment?" OBITUARY Good question. This kind of thing has been going on in Costa Mesa City I lall for three years now. Anyone care? Apparently not. Thanks a lot, Newport, you had to outperform us in that category tou. Final :>Core: Newport 9, Costa Mesa 1. • l.DUTA HARPER writes colum ns Mondays, Wednc&days and f ridays and covers culturn and the arts She may be readled at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at tolits.harper@latimes.com. Stuart D. Towne Services for funner 40-year Corona del Mar resident Stu- Tuwne 'Dlschdjko.; grandchildren; and gJeat ·grandChildren. art D. Towne will be held at • The Deity Pilot~ 10 a.m. Thursday at Corona obltuarlet fot ntSi.dents or IOur Cour del ·Mar Community O:iurch former r-.ms of Cocta Me9e (:ongregational Mr. Towne and Newport ee.ctr, lfyouwoot died Saturday of natural to have en obitulfV printed in ' causes. He w a& 90. He is sur~ · the Pllot. Myour mortualy to , vWed by wife Mary Blier, fax us Che lnfOn'ndon-' (Mt) , ' .Tuwne; daughters &n 646-4170orcall the newt1oom Tuwne Mansour and CaroJyn at (949) 1&M32i4. " . in University Extension A. rooms 101 and 102. For more information, call (949) 82~592. ... ~ .. FRIDAY The American Legion Yacht Club will host the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of dedced out yachts parading along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories eligible for awards. For more information call (949) 673-3546. Fonner stlrte Sen. M9rian Borgeson will be grand marshal at the 30th annual Independence Day Cele~ration at Mariners Pa~ Rldlrg in a hay wagon, Bergeson will lead bike riders e~ walkers of ell ages, who will begin auembling fore.the patriotic parade at 9:30 a.m. at Marh~r: Drive end Commodore Road. Mariners Part is on Dover Drive· at IMne Avenue. For more information, can (94.9) 8'4-3161. . • . - OillY PllOt ) .. \ Wednesday, ~ 2. 2003 .A! FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Lett9n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • React.n Hottine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (9491 646-4170 E-m.ll:Send to dailypilot@lfsrimes.com •All correspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for.Yenficat1on purposes). The Pilot reserves the rlgh1 to edit all submissions for clanty and len!J(h Costa Mesa Police Department deserves kudos A tip of the hat and a well-deserved thank you to the Costa Mesa Police Department. C.ota Mesa Is the only major dty in Orange County with such outstanding petformance in reducing a1me. The next d.me you see one of Costa MesaS finest on the street. gtve the officer a "thumbs up." • JOHN T. HAWLEY Costa Mesa Costa Mesa on the way to becoming an ant hi~ From Goat Hill to "Ant ·11· ... a short history of Costa Mes . Once upon a time. it was a few buildings at a rural cros8roads. There . was a school. a bank. a hardware store and even a drug store. More buildings went up, and as the population increased, Goat Hill incorporated and became Costa Mesa. f..s Costa Mesa ventured into the snares and iJluslons of city government. the City Council and residents struggled to find a balance as shopping centers. large apartment bllildings and light industrial complexes proliferated. Not many years ago, the City Council. the staff at City Hall and many dedicated residents hammered out the 1990 general plan for the city. It was a tr:ial of contrasting vh.1ons ia which residents sought assurances of an · agreeable and comfortable environment while others sought to build a sales tax base that would support an adequate level of government services for the residents. It was intended 10 be Costa Mesa's "Constitution" for land use In the future. That general plan provided that for land south of the Sari Diego Freeway: which was zoned for high-densiry residential use. the maximum number of units per acre was to be 20. Now. the C11y Council is con!t1dering the desirability of approving a condo development at 1901 Newport Blvd. MAILBAG another plC1ne overhead!" ARLENE WEINER Newpo'tt l:kJch Thi~ Grcenhght position due-.. nut ma"-.t: st;nse I Jll'>l rl:'ad )c"1erday'!> Daily P1lo1 1q~.11d111g 1he J>elilJll llill r~un \.ly lOlltt:rn tl·ully I'> w11h Greenlight. v. hi. It 1 ,upportcd Ill :woo. But I want to '>t'I:' II this I!> corrLLl. rhe C,reenhght lt'.1dt:r' uppu'>e a I I0·1vo111 rel.on on thl' B<1lhoa Pemn<,ula. l ... ·11 th11ug11 thl' tll:'wloper hJs agreed to go to a vutt· of re ... 1du1t-. On thl' other hand. (1ft'l;nhgh1 '>late'> that II I'> IOO LdTI\' '" tl·ll that thl· Pelican 11111 re'>Orl will dr<1"' .my '>Crtou'> concert t'>. even tlwu~lt th<' i'tltcan I hll pro1eu h 1hrt·e 111m·~ larger and bypa'>!>e!> a \ute ahogl'fhl'r II till'> I'> lhl" WJY (,1eenhght WCJlb. II I'> 111m· 111 .. ay go11dbye to (jree111tgh1 JACK DAVIDSON Newport Beach .:...,- Smith \ <.:urrnnl!nh a re\erse ~light lo Orange G.Junl) • f"ILE PH(JTO/OAILYPILOt Costa Mesa Po' Officer Bryan Wadkin~ talks to kids ot Uav1s Elementary. ">1t'\t' ">nut Ii .,av., "Only ncl\'. l1Jrt111).,l' C Olllll} 1., heing though, 111 with 45 units per acre and. in thl' J nlemel flight guidt '\l..'l!m a '" '>lllllt'll11n~ other than a haH•n fo1 process. creating a four-Mory m ·h \\hilt: flt•pubhca11. ·I fhl· escarpment acro .... the Stret't from a bit Un afe. UnSO Und dnl'nt 111111>; I., Ill re'>tgn .. Junt' 21 few bewildered homeowner!> and II would seem to me. altt-r I hat .. ound .. hl..1: tht: IJtt: Cdfd in further conge~ung the already failing reading your art1de un '>aturda) n.•\l'r'l' 11,,,, dan· you' I \l' been in intersection~ aJong the north !>ide of regard111g tht' pdllt:rn'> of flight and I >1.111~l' I ouall\ <111d ;\i1:\'"pur1 Ht:dLh Triangle Square. The generaJ plan 1s .,chedule<o of a irline .. tal..ing off and -.imt: l<JlJ I hl're wa<, a time \\hen being ignored. It might as well be torn landing at John Wa rne Airport. Lhat Orange Counl\ wa .. mo'>tly white and up if this development i'> approved. we will be pro\ 1ding potential ~ mo.-.1ly Hi:publltan. It \\J'> a very ~ood Thal. my fellow c11 i1ens. "'how "'terrorist!>" w1th much neede<l ',,. llmt: Jnd Wl' \ .. ere Vt'I) pruud of Goat HiJI is becoming an "Ant llill .. 1nforma11on ("JWA 't racking ib Orange County. I'm not rich. but I am If you want 10 live in an ""Ant Hill." plar1e., for. re!>tdent<o"'J. whlll:' J11d Hepublu:an and proud of 11 do and say nothing. If you want the I be arudc is fr1gh1e111ng 10 mt-. anti . I low dare you? City Council to observe tht' pruviwm-, made rne wonder "What Mt' lhl·~ . I I thtrik Nit hol'> wa., \ l'ry wronh of the 1990 C11:'11t'ral Plan. -,how up at thinking?'" fo have reJl-time intl"rrll't You wa11t hirn to r£·-.1gn . fine. I agree C11y Hall tht1A'Vl'l1lllg ur July i and tl'll 1nforn1<1111111 lor1he µuhltl on till' I want >'Oll to apologii'l' fur ym1r the council that you don't want to live !light pattern-, I'> d!>k.1ng fur dhd!>ter rewr'I' r,lt't" remJrk<;. Pll'a .. e do 11 in an '"Ant I lill .. l.l•t"!> go back to the old-ta .. hiontd. now. DAVID J. STILLER It•.,-, u1 .. 1ly 11iethod .i.nd .,afer way ot GEORGE GRUPE Coo;ta Me.,.1 n·por1111g ttJffo . "'Uh. I ht.11 Newport Heach LEITER TO THE EDITOR Pelican Hill Inn not in Greenlight's sights I would JU'>I ltkt: to pwn1 11u1. ac; a former ml:'rnhl·r ol rht· team th.u obtained 1he original Jpflm\.itl for tht- Newpon C 'hl'>l lot al 1 0<1.,tal program Lh<1t the Pt-he an 1 ltll Inn 1-. t111JllV in keep111g w11h tht· l<llaJ tOJ.'>tJJ prog1 am That mean'> 11 1 .. l onw .. tl"rH wtlh tlie gl'neral pl<1n tor thdl part of :">oewpon Hl:'c1th JOO Llw rl'qUl:''t Ito build th<' rt''>Ort requrre'>JlO genl'rdl plan anlt'ndmenl I hu' 1 tilt' t'>t,UCI Lht: vott•r-. \\l:'r<' tom t-mt'<l about -wan11ng to \Oil' rm i.:t·ncr~J plan amendme(lt'> in ordt•r 10 at,<.e'>'> traffit 1mpc1n( ,., nC)I mggered bv t fw, panirnl.ir prnpR'>al J"he l'd1tan I hll Inn " not reque'ittng an amt'ndment 111 thl:' <:t'r1lfied loud.(!1.1 .. 1.i.l µ1 11gram It•~ um<l\1cnt \'1th tne Jpµro\.tl that wa<, granted m 1q8'i '-O I am hopefuJ that rl'dder .. wlll under.,tand that th1-. propo .. aJ. Jlthough I Jm not 111volved tn the prm e.,.,, l'> con.,l'>tent Jnd dOl''> nut require an amt'n<lmt>nt Therefore. 11 would not be .. uh1ect'to (,reenhgh1. eH·n 1f the prnjeu Wl're being prr.ire.,<oed 1hrough the u ty. CAROL HOFFMAN '\('\\ f>llrt ( IJd'>l • EDITOR'S NOTE Carol Hoffman 1& a former Irvine Co off1c1dl now working as a consultant with her own firm READING .BY 9 PROGRAM FOSTERS LOVE OF BOOKS Wi11 the Best Seat in the House ... on the .:Pl~yers' .Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRAND PRIZE Sit on the players Dench during lhe match and meet rising tennis star Mana Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday. July 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennts Club. from 7-10 pm This lucky reader will al~o receive Newport· Beach Breakers team autographed memorab1l1a "/love books on crabs." Alan Diaz "ReadinR is fun. I read at home. that's how I learn to read alot." Jarnira Coyotzl These arc the voices of c hildren who have been enriched by the Reading by 9 campaign. sponsored locally by the Dally Pilot and three Rotary Clubs: Newpon Beach Sunrise. Newpon-Balboa and Newpon Irvine. With the funds from the Rotary "Fountain for Youth" and Daily Pilot reader donations. recreational reading books ~or kindergarten through Orade 3 wsrc purchased for Pomona, Whittier and Wilson Elementary Schools. as part of the Los Angeles r • Times Reading by 9 program. More than 2.000 books were provided for these three schools. .. Over the past four years, we've been able to provide 17,000 books for these three !-chools in Westside Costa Mesa," said Roger McGonegal,. president of the Rotary Club of Newpon-Balboa. "Since we've partnered with the Daily PiJot for 1he past thre~ years. more than $10.000 has been raised from the public." \I 1" PuCE One Lucky Reader will win 2 spots 1n the Players Pro-Am Clinic on Friday July 18 lrom 5·6 30 pm at Palisades Tennis Club. taught by a pro coach or pro player ano 2 ucl<ets to the Wednesday July 16 match from 7 -10 p m GRAND PfltZE alld 1r PlACE WINNERS will be anounced during half.time on July 16 FM Lucn WltlNERS will each receive 2 tickets to either the July 16 (vs St Louis Aces). July 20 (vs Sacramento Caprtals) or July 25 (vs Kansas City Explorers} matches All matches start at 7 p m It's easy to enter Fill out the entry form below and mail rt to the Daily Pilot (tnclude Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope} to be received by Friday. July 11 at 5 p.m Or bring rt by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa during regular business hours. Monday F11day. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p m. No purtl\ase 1s necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to ttie July 16 match EmployHs and /helf rt/atlves (I( IN Daily Piiot. Timn Commun~ Ntws. Los ~Jes Times and Tnoune Comp1ny ,,., tnel;glbll. Pictured below: Brian MacPnle lllllle:~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~ ..., .... ftlw: _____________ _ .-91111:~-----~~--=-=:-=-~-----­• . I "Wt!'ll.have three teams ,_ on one field." Maree Almaraz, AYSO Region 5 7 commissioner ) .. M Wednesday, Juty 2, 2003 Spot1a EclMIDr RicMrd Dwln: (949) 574-4223 • Spcwtl Fax: {9491650-0170 CROWDED FIELDS ~ .. Little room to roam With the influx of more players in some places, along with land-locked regions, soccer teams maintain difficult quest to find open spac_es. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot M arce Almaraz returned to his original problem - three lost fields for next _ fall's AYSO Region 57 soccer season. · The region's commissioner, Almaraz, entering his third year at the helm, glanced over the schedule of field usage for the fall season, a guide to which teams from various fall spons in Newport Beach can use certain fields at designared times. "We'll have three teams on one field," Almaraz said last week. following a city of Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services Depamnent youth spons commission meeting. where fie,ld usage was discuS&ed. Commission- ers from youth soccer, adult softball, little . League baseball and youth football send in added. "The biggest concern at that point is safety. Bigger kids Icicle a Jot harder." _ Teams will practice and play wherever they can, Almaraz said, with ., some squads featuring younger players typically using smaller fields while older athletes will occupy larger areas of land. Wh_en it comes to field allotments, time must be taken seriously. According to the schedule for next fall's field locations. the city allowed 'AYSO Region 97 to use the fields at Mariners Park from 5 p.m. untiJ dusk. _ Newport Beach's youth flag football gets the same field from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Region 57 splits field usage at Arroyo Park with the city's adult softball league. Soccer teams may practice from 4 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. while softball plays under the lights from 6 p.ni. to 10 p.m. Similar jockeying for field use also occurs in Costa Mesa with teams from Region 120, said commissioner Mike Barr. Newport Beach handles field . allowances using similar criteria to what was developed in Costa Mesa. Barr said. "Residents make up close to 90% of a team," Barr said when asked if the city has an requirement that residents make • ' ,. July 7 honofH CtWtl.EI CHATMAN. • I . . . their requests to the city for fields they wish to occupy at set times. up more 50% of an AYSO team, as .t • DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT ln the fall, soccer teams are traditionally granted the most fields since the sport boasts the largest enrollment. With enrollment up about 200 p.layea.from lcist year, Region 57 will boast roughly 2.200 for next fall'~ season, according to Almaraz. He prioritized which fields he wanted to use and handed his request to the city, which.gave Almaraz fields at Buffalo Hills, Andersen, San Miguel, Irvine Terrace. and all four fields each at Lincoln and Arroyo Parle. "We are out of space.· Almaraz COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL Anteaters hire new assistant Former La Verne head coach replaces Johnson. Thrry Boesel, a head coach for five seasons at La Verne University, has been named assistant men't basketball coach at UC Irvine, the school announced Tuesday. Boesel, 41, replaces Mike• Johnson, who was hired Monday as an assistant at USC. ' • Boesel had a 63-60 recoro In two separate stints at La Verne, the most ~ cent being the last two seasons. He also coached the Leopards from 1995:98, be-fore leaving to become an assistant at the University of San Diego. He worked as an asaistant at Chap-qiari UoJverajty from 1992-95 and wu director of basbtball operations at UCLA in 1991-92. '"'I am really excited to join the UC Ir• vine sea«." Boetel Mid. •1 live in Onnp Coonty and have followed bubtbalJ In this area. so I am very aware of the IUO- ceu that UO bu bad with three lttalgbt 20-wtn teUOns. Arri time you can wort -wtlh • ttalI and program lib they haw hen, II exciting and preeenm and out- .._... opportunity." :~;UCI o.lch Pat Douglul beUeWJI Boe· eel Ii a--. ldd.ttion to the program. .,.,, .. -aperiellced COKh who • .,.., bot .. 3C' l a on the court. .. Dlq- ...... ~ WDdced wtlb Wf/ly ... ill• ................ to NaWI· lili•ci>aill 1 ...... Hell.., .... ~.,, .. ,.... ... hil lblldlt .. required in Newport Beach. Courtney Lindburg, left, and Kaity Garich scramble for a loose ball during practice at Balearic Field in Costa Mesa. With Costa Mesa virtually land-loclced, there is little or no room for further development, so the number of players in Region 120 has topped out in the last few years, Batr said. As of last Wednesday, Barr -a Region 120 coach and commissioner since 1997 -said he had about 1,200 players registered for the upcoming fall season. down from about 1.400 last year. "There is a lot of resident turnover,· Barr. a Newport Beach ~del'l(, said of the slight enrollment decline. ·Kids will then replace the ones who have left, so there is not any growth in our p·rogram.· Region 120 teams primarily use four fields at the Costa Mesa Farm Sports Complex along'with three at Costa 1 Mesa High fqr practices and games. But' teams will also use grassy areas at Balearic Park and TeWmlde ~hool. -we do use other schools for practice,· Barr said. "When I recruit coaches, I tell them to practice at a field close to their homes. I try to . A &afoot slwplhooting guard. be graduated lhunday with the school's career three-polncer. record (163). His four vanity aeasona lnduded 780 polml, ttne tripe to the OF Souabern • Section playofti Ind a..._. of die only league chunpJolJlblp (lhe ~ Cout League co-dtle In 20C)l) in the program's 43 vanity seuona. Alao named the Golden West ;M.,' practice at Victoria because I live on the Westside.· Four or five -teams composed of . yol;lllger players might use one field at the same time, while two groups of older children might occupy ftne field at once. . The lights at the Farm Complex have helped tremendously with scheduling. but Barr, whose three children all . play AYSO, believes it doesn't have to stop there. ~It helps i.nu7tensely, H he said of the Farm Complex's lighted fields. -But we still have shortage of lighted fields for the fall sea.son.· Bair has contacted the manufacturer of the lights at the Farm Complex and is studying possible venues.where more fixtures could be installed. -l}lere will qe numerous hurdles before anything happens. though." he cautioned. Ouis Sarris. commissioner of Region 97, would.also like to see more lighted fields available for use during the fall, See FIELDS, Pa1e A1 I \ f Dally Pilot S P O R T S Wednes<Jay July 2. .?003 A7 , •; PHO I OS BY DON tEAC.H DAil Y P1LOT ;.~chel Dinsdale, Courtney Lindburg, Katly Carich, and Brooke Wilburn take a break from practice. -. l lELDS : q>ntinued from A6 .- ·~en it hecomc' dar~l'r l'arlil'r • Region 97 tt:ilnl'> U'>l' 1h1l'l' kid:. at Kailtcr, and two t•,1rh at Mariner<; Park and I larpcr School. · Sarris cxpc't'ts to add a1101lwr 500 playcn. to thl• 1.450 alrt'ady regislered fur till' fall <;t'a .... on. A year ago, region 97 had 1500 players. "'We've been ~rowing hy I O"L a year," he iw.tid. The battle fur turf affectlt not only AYSO teamlt, hut duh affiliate~ ac; well. Roben Brown. who'-<.' daughter playc; on the Ordflgl:' O>ast United girl'> under 11 soccer team tllled "Ru.,h." ..aw lhe fo rmation of tht· team four years ago. 111e goa! ~to givl:' playerc; a more advanu:d level of instructi on without the pre<;.o,ure of winning, he said. The Rush recently eaml'd statuo; to play in the Coa..,1 Son l'r League's gold hracket beginning rrext year, joining <,even other teams fro m Orange. I .o:. Angell':., San Bernardino and Riwro,ide count it''>. OCU. like other <'luh '>pon i. team~. 1i. a for-profit organization. Oftenumci.. thc'e teams are "°' made up of more lhan 50% of Newpor1 Beach residents, thereforl' hm1ung the aQjlityto 'iCCUre field,. As pan or.the o ty\ yo~th '>po~ cornrnk~on. AY$0 and other groups wtuch fall UltO that category are run by voluntcen.. employ a "minimum-play rule -children getong 10 play at lea'>! half of a game -and mu.st have an open enrollment poLicy to all players regardless of kill level. Fields arc allocated to these groups first, wilh priority given ._lq teams that include the most ~ residents ofth;n.p°anicular city • -such as NeWJ)on Beach. : Marie Knight, Newpo n ·., director : of recreation and senior i.crvices • said. .. " • . Goahe Noni Esquer stops a shot during pracbce of AYSO region 120 on a team headed to Hawau on a cultural exchange: Rush prdctict><i on ct <>mall plot of wa.,., on Estancia 1 llgh\ campu ... "AYSO i!. an ama7ing program that allow., all kid<i to play and conw1ur 1r1 !>pons. they should haw firM priority of the field.,," Brown said. "After Lhar. tht· duh ream!. should sit a1 rhc ~amr labll' with ui.. waiting for thl' 'cmp,." Hrowi1 countered that tlw nty g_IVl'!. access to other duh team<, beforl' thinking of OCU. ·~111e teams t hiit lult 'f' a great er fl"rt'entage of resilknts get firs• choice at fields." Knight ~ut. "If there arP 4.000 lcids playmg and of those. 1.000 are city residl'l1ts, rl1e11 the organi.U'ltion gees , of · rl1e fields to USP ... The city uses the !lame cntena for allocating fields to club team:. a.'> it does for iL<; youth groups: Priority is given to the c;por't in seawn. number of Newpon Beach resident<; w11hin each organization. official rosters submitt ed by each le.1gue and the amount of fields av-clilable. .Under current Newport Beach guidelines. 75% of available fields are given to that season's 'pon ., wlull' 17'1(, arl' .. lottl'fl for out -of 'C<l'>Oll .JCll\ 111e ... lhl· n·mam1ng fl"<> of the a\ailable fit•lch aw not allocuted and are ll'>l'd tnr 111;u11te11ante rotation .rntl community ll'>t'. <Jub tl·am., fall under tlw, de.,1gnauo11. I ht• '>llpply of pl.1yer.., and t l'am~ rx1c,t. hut tht' 1 ity can only .1Ctommodatl' '>O rnurh. Krught -.;11d ., "It I'> a nimphcatetl ... y ... 1em \.\-t' hav(' worked hard to t1K}1 ten up," Knight '><l.ltl of tll(' mteria for field allocaflon., "It o;eerm. Lo be working prNty good 111erP ar!' more reque'>t' than we ran actommodatt·, which i'> why \W ~ve a <;y..tem rather than ju'>t >Hranly making a deu<;1on on o gets the field'>." Brown ha., nouced cln mcrea ... e m the number of MX:cer player; runrung around area field<i. .. More kid., are playing soccer now. Brown ':>aid. "I have friend'> that nm ba..,t>hall league' who arc haVlng a difficult time recn1111ng. AYSO ha'> now got team'> running year-round. Soccer is an ea-.ier c;pon for anyone 10 become mvolvf'd with. The parent~ like it Ibo bccau~e it'' done in an hour." YOUTH BASEBALL . \Newport team advances • ' i Three runs in fo urth ' ! give AAA Tourname nt ~ team 5-4 win in · .. . ~ District 55 opener. .. .. With the score tied, 2-2. : Newport AM Tournam ent i team pla ted three runs In the · fourth Inning, enough to secure : a 5·4 triumph over Laguna i Niguel In the first round of the : District 55 tournament ! Satlirday. . : Sam Cubtero singled to start ~ lhe rally and with two outs, " Brent lawlon walked and Cubiero later scored on Cort 2 Hu~ hit that was misplayed by the first baseman. J.D. Dawn drove in Lawson with a single to lefi and Austin Jones followed with another single to plate Hastings. Brennan Anderson added a single in the fifth for Newpon, which plays today against South Mission Viejo at Aliso Elementary. Cubiero struck out five and allowed four runs in 4¥. innings. Sandon Grllftn. pilched l ~ innings of scoreless relief.~ Graeme Pruer walked with the bases loaded to score Dawn after succeSSive walksto Andrew Macboekle and Au.ldn Blodgett to s take Newport to an early lead. Zach Murtaugh . added .,olid defen.,e fo r the victors. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Oait'j PiJOt's Athlete of the Week senes TODAY Z2 H1flary H1r1IM Est•ncta Girl• tennis, '98 GIRLS WATER POLO Sea Kings finish fourth 18-and-under squad wins three of fi ve tourna me nt games. ·m e Corona del Mar I lh:md under girl~ water polo tt:am fi11 ished fourth in a tournament completed Sunday at I lu11ting10n Beach High. After defeating I lunungton Beach friday, 9-f>, CdM h.mdlt•tl Maler Dei, 14·4, <.111<.l < .ap1.,tr.ino Valley, 17·:1. ~rurday Sunday. howevor. < ,dM lu<>t a semifinal cla!ih with \o( .. 11 (pn marily compn:.t'<.l of pl.1yt·r<, from Foothill High). 16·'> CdM then fell LO La~u11a lk<1l h, ll · 10, in tlll' thm.I pl.il1· gamt· Katya l:admg10n '>t orl·tl t\\O goal'> to pace the attack agau1'it SoCa.I, wtule Jordan Ana~ po ... tetl a Learn-high fi~ goals again~t l..i -gima Beach. Eadington addl'll tl1rcc goals agam ... t LaRlJm• &at Ii, agaimt wtuch Amy !:>trctlk had one goal. thret: '>teal.. .ind l\\C1 """ .,..,ts. Agai.11.0.t Capo VaJIPy, VI\ 1a11 I .iao and I racy Kubt·" h .. 1d thr1·1· goal'> apit'l'.e. while I hel'>(,·;_i l ~ nhul, Natalie Waytl', An..i{' .u1cl l:adini:,'lon added t\\o g<1Jf, t'dl h Amw had four ,1.,.,..,t.._ I•, pat p the wirmt•r..,, whc1 \'\t'rt h'tl 1n '>leab hy A..,hJt'y Clt.111dl1·r \\Ith four In llw Vil 1111) o\f'r \ l.11i·r I Ji-1 fJaO '><.Orl'd fiH• ~ti.1l,, l11f111\\l•d h\ Anae with thn·1· l-:.11w "11!11·, 11111 l.adini,-um .1ddt·d 11"' ~·· 11 • .,11 h for C<lM. I )'man and Anal' l"dt h had two "'"""'"' ag.un~t M..itt·r I >t>1. wtule l .. 1d1nl{lo11 arn.t. .. wd il lt'am lugh h\lt' '>tf'<1b ll.1·1'>t'y Md .. onmdc had fivl' 'il\'l°'> again .. 1 Miltt'r I >t:1 In f'nday\ dc;IHHI, IJJo, hadmg 1011 .md Anat.-had lWfJ goal'> .1p1<·11•, • wh1lt: I .Jllllll{lun inadt• liw '>tt'dl<.. l..1ao lour .ind Anal' thrt·t' \1d .onrnc k 111.1dt· two -..JI.It''> dg<1u1'>1 I 1111111111;(11111 lkJl h C dM follo"1Pd up tltl· tourna ment w11h 1 •i i lo.,, 111 I 01111.ijl 111 J .. u111111t-1 l1:.1gu1· g.1m1· \londJ\ al 11 lor11 I ligli I ..tdlllh'lfllt h.1tl l\\fj ~llrth <lfld Bnt1<111\ 111111•11 111.1d1• ,I\ -..1\ 1--. 111 pa1 t· < d\I \l1111d.1\ N ewport wins Fullerton tourney Con way, Belden lead cl ub team to victory over Coronad o . rollt·gt• lt·vl'I t1·.1111'> 1111 · ',l'\' P"rt 1 luh lt'<llll, \'-1111 11 I• 11t11t'' ...,.\ l'ral Nl•wporl I I.ii I 1• r I li~lt \ 1( '>ll}' t1·,11n 1111·11111• 1 i.1•1:d '>Jll'i;J.l and ch•l1•11.,1· to -.11rgt• p..:'>1 1he of) Carolyn Conway '>t><m·d lour • po .. 111011 a11d 1, 111 tlw t111mi.1 goal~ and Annt' Bl'lcl1·11 acldPd 111l'lll t11lt two to lead the !\:l'wport f1.Jrl111r Nl'\'port dl·f1·Jtt·d 1111\ 11 :!. water polo clul> tl.'.1111 10 ,1 'I II 1 ru'>lll'd ..,,1111.1 C J.1111.1 It. ~ .. 111d victory over C11ronm.Jo 111 till' Ii c·dgt•d pa.'1 .\11r1li ""'"' 11 -111 na.I of the fullenon C .11llt·14l' Op1·11 rt'ath thl' l111aJ 1g.1111,11 111'111.ul11 tournament la.,t ''l'Pkt·1Hl In till' 11111· g.um· "\1·\\ 1•w1 11111 Conway will lw a '>l'ilor .111d .,110t <.om11,1d11 .:.: t 1. 1, 1th Ir,. Belden will he a 111n111r .it \1•\, .,., a B,111 ll.<1111· I m ~ ,1111 u1ll \It pon I tarbor I ligh 111 tht· I.ill h.,.,,1 \\l)l'l'i1 ,r "11n11g 1.111· g11o1I Playing aga1n.,t 01wn 1 lull .111d l'at h B.i.JJ .1111! I rn 1. ... 1111 \\ 111 h" YO UTH SOCCER ,1•1111 II'> '"' th1 \.11lt1r.,, wl11l1· \\ lt····l··r \'Ill Ii• .1 1u11111r 111 tlh· I.di f\1 ld1·11 Ii.ill ,11111 lt•nr1 I llfl.Jm n•r 11rtll'd l\\11 .1"''''' 1 1• II. wluh· I rn ~"'" .111d I 1·.il1 H11lwr1"011 .iJ,o 1 0111 nh1J1c·d ,,., "'" ~1·wport lt·d I, I JI ll,dl1111w I .1111.1111 '''\'11'"'' g11.tl11 who \\Ill h1 ,1 '''111111 '>l11pr11·d t~lfl·t• 'ihOI'> 1111 f'f\11 \l,111tl1·rnuo .1 ll111r11 1 ',t'\\ pori I l.irli111 11 114!1 '1<1111111111 111,11 lwd 1h1· "''''P'•rt t l11h 11·,1111 \,\hilt I .(I I I h J11IJ B.trlh'(I \\oh Ill I 11r<1pt rt'> .1 .. .,.,1,101, .,,,, 11!•1r1111 !I\ 1111'11 \\11r11I I 11p I• 1111 ()1 :P f The Newport-Mesa Breakers. an under· I 0 girls club team. won the Irvine tournament Sunday. Breakers capture title at Irvine tourn~ment Newport-Mesa girls under-IO club team storms to vi ctory Sunday's final match. Jhe Newpon-Me'><1 Breakers. a commun11y girlc; under· I 0 soccer team consisting. of 8· and 9-year-olds from Costa Mesa. Newpon Beach and t.orona del Mar, outscored the competition, 27· I. en route to capturing the gold medal at the Irvine Summer Oassic soccer tournament this past weekend. The brealcers po~ted victories over JUSA (12-0), South O>unty Storm (4·0). Alta Loma A71ec' lti · I in hracll'I play to ctdv-dnce to thl' final agrumt We<.t \alley \a.mb.1 1111 C)unday afternoon at l!C lmne In the fin.ti Heather Jlort:"> scor·l"Cl in tht• fifth mmute oft a beautiful cro5s from Rachel Kerce. In the 1 Oth mtnutt> JcNl' Jogwe M"Ored v.ilh a perfect Iv placed shot into the far po'>L off an·assbt from Counne~ Mcintosh. The Brealccr; eXlended thelJ' lead to 3 ·0 when Anna Venturini brolc down the defense with clever dribbllng and beat the Samha kee(>er with shot into the far post. Late in the first half Jogwe added her second goal off a com er kick from Oaire Castillo and the Breakers' lead mcrea.,ed to I 0 11.C'rct· fim-.hed the .,ronng with a RO.ti m the '>('(. oml hall off an a.. ... .,. ... 1 from ">1erra (,ordon gml'lJ: the Rrcaker., a 5-0 \1CIOI"\ The RreaJcer<. o,tinm def en'><. \\hich 1 ompleteh .-.hut down lhe Samba anack. wa' lt>d b) goalie Lauren Terry and marlong backs Shanay f 1.."'l her. Orure CasLillo and Brooke Lux Andrea Olavez played wt'll at lhe 'Jtnker po ition. The "community' team".., the product of the effons of coach~ Kirk Mcintosh and Javier Oiave7-The coaches formed lhe team wilh the idea of having a minimal cost "club" program for the youth wilhin our community ~~~~~~~~__;__;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~~-I ii • •VI • AUlOMATIC •OVBIDltM • .-cON>. •CO •f'OWB SEATS • Sll>tNO IEAI WHX1N " I ~ Al Wec*lesday, July 2, 2003 S P ORTS YOUTH SOCCER a Slammers win i'egiona1, look to national~ . . .. ., .. ... Girls under-14 team outscored opponents, 18-1, and will compete in Snickers Na tionaJ Cup later this month in Maryland. The Orange County-based Slammers Fut· bol Oub, a girls under-14 soccer t.eam, won the Far West regionals in Honolulu Saturday in the squad's first berth in. me tournament The California-South champion raced the CaJ-North champion Mustang Blast in a hard-fo ught championship game the Slam· mers won, 2-0. · To get to the finals, the Slammers faced state-champion teams from Washington. Or- egon, Colorado and Hawaii, plus the wild card -San Diego Surf -in the semifinals. The Slammers outscored their tournament opponents, 18-1. .. The . SlammerS gins under-14 team won : the Far ' West regional title last weekend in . HonotUkl, Hawaii. Help keep J ____ o_u_r c_i_ty c_I e_a_n_!~ With this regional championship, the girls will compete in the Snickers National Cup in Germantown, Mei, July 22-27, against the 01her three regional champions to deter- mine the national champion. The team will first travel to Gothenburg, Sweden. to re- present the U.S. in the Gothia World Youth Cup tournament featuring nationaJ champi- ons from abroad. The trip to th~th.ia Cup is sponsored by Nike and was ~ when the Slammers won the Manchester United Premier Cup in Portland, Ore .. during MemoriaJ Day week- end. Highlights of that tournament will soon be featured on MNickelodeon." The girls will travel directly (Tom Sweden to Maryland for flie nationals. • lltls team is presendy ranked No. J in the councry for their age group by both youth soccer ran.Icing polls. lepl Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 Lepl Noaces 2640 Legal Notices --------&er... 11: ooomoon llOTICITO CJIDfTOIS Of 1W SAU (5KS. 6104, 6IOS u.c.q Notoce os hereby given. to creditors QI the w1thon named setter that a bulk ule os about to be made ot the .osuh described below !he names and buso ness addo essn ol the ~lier are CUONC BINH NGUYEN. 5406 WALNUT •C. IRVIN[. CA 92604 The tocaloon rn Cah 'forn1ii ol th" choef eucutove oHoce ol the seller os · SAMI AS ABOVE A.s listed by the ~lleo all other busoneu 11•m~s and addresws us~d by the selll'f wothon three yurs before the dale such lost was sent or dehvefed to lht buyer are NONE The names •nd buso ness addru~s of the buyer ii re ll S r ANG YU£N ANO f UY( 1 f ANG· YUE~. 11 BE NAVENTE. IRVlNE. CA 92606 The nsels to be sold •• e cjescrobed on iener •I as A BUSINESS IN· CL UOING FURNITURE. FIXTURE ANO EQUIP· MENT. COOO WILl. TRADENAME. LEASE ANO LEASEHPLD IM PROVEMENTS and arr localed at 5406 WAL . NUl •C. IRVINI CA 9~ Tht' busones~ n.ome used by the \eller at that locatou11 tS PLAZA Cl£ AN£RS I he antoc1paled d~le of the sate/trar>sler 1s 071 21/?003. at thr office of Ape• l scrow. 1 !>!>76 Bruokhurst Sir ect no B, Westminster CA 92683 t hos bul~ sate IS -.ubte't to Cato for noa Uniform Ci>mmercoat Code Sect ion 6106 "J II sci sub1ect. the name and dddrHS Of the person woth whom cf;ioms may bt toled ts lt'rry Iran Apt• lscrow. 1!>'>76 81 oo~hur st Street no B, Wcstmonsle'r, CA 92683 and the last date for fthn2 tla1ms Shdll be 07 I 18/03 wllllh os the busonH~ day before the sat~ date •11e c1f1ed above Dated 06/23/0J /a/ CU FANG-YUEN /•/TUYET JANG-YUEN Pubto-shed Newport Buch Costa Me'a Oaoly Prlol July 2. 2003 CNS 555474 W200 SUP9IOI CMT Of WOlllA, CotlfTY Of Otmp 341 n.. Oty DrM Seullt. ar.,t, CA 92161, t--.Mtc.c .... Prn110llOf ~., ... FOi OIMGf Of IWU OIDO TO SHOW CAUSI JOI OWIGIOflWU US( llJllB: A21'SJO I 0 All 1Nl£RlS II 0 PERSONS I Pelolooner OeblJI ah Joy Baker toled a pelollon wolh lhos court lor a decree chan&onii names as follows Debor ah Joy Ba~e1 to Debor ah Joy 2 THE COURT ORDERS that all per son'> onter ested 111 ..,s matter shall appear be lore thrs cour I al the hearmg ondocaled below to \how cau1>e 1f any. why the petot•on tor <.hang~ ot r•ame should not be aranled NO TICl Of HE.ARING Date I I'> 03 Time 2 00 pm Dept 113 lhe address of the court os s•rne as noted above 3 A copy of thos Order lu Show cause shall be pubhshed"111 least once each week for loyr succes.sove weeks p11or to the date set.-lor hcaronc on the pelrhon 111 the fottowon& news p•per of general corcu tatooro. printed 111 tho~ county Newport Beach/ l:us~a a Oaoly Polot Dote UN OS 2003 Ma orle lair" Corter, JUDGE Of THE SUP(: RIOlt COUltT Published Newport Beach Cost.t Mesa Daily Plot June 11 IB, 25. July 7 2003 Wl88 UGAl llOTICl MOTICI Of MUC SAU Of AWDOeB PlOPflTT Notice IS hereby coven that lhf' undersigned wolf ~ell at pubtoc auction pursuant to Sect 1or> 21700 ol the Businen & Prolessoonat code, the followtna desct1bed properly to wot Nadine A Van Rope<, B9. Matlltss. Bo• Sp11ng, Microwave Sewing Bell, Clothes, Boaes Misc • Poctures. Golf Clubs Sale will be by com petotove boddon& (written sealed bod'l may be submitted tn advar>ce) on the I 61h day of July. 2003. al 9 00 A.M at the premises where sard property has been 1>lored. whoch os located •I AYRES SELf STOR AG[. 1880 Whither Ave .. Costa Mesa, Ca, 92621 landlord reserves the r12ht to·bod al the sale. Purchases must be made by ;ash and paod tor at the tome of pu"hase All purchased 2oods are 1>old, "AS is· and must be 1emoved al tome of sale Sale os \11b1ect to cancellatoon on the event ol utllement between l1ndl0<d ar>d obligated party Published on July ?nd 2003 and June 91h . 2003. AYRES CROUP BONO NUMBER S 400 ISM Ayr es Sall Slor .iiie Anaeta RUS!>O & S'oll l ane Resident Man· d&ers Published N ~wpor l Beach Cosla Mesa O~oly Pilot July "l 9 200J W202 llOTICI TO CJIDfTOIS Of IW SAU IY AUCTDt (SKU IOS, 6108 U.C.c.) bowwk Notoce os hereby R•ven to tred1t0<s of the within named seller fhal a bulk sale by auction os aboul l o be made of the assets described below The names and buso ness addresses of the seller are NEWPORT MILLING CO. 811 W I/HI STRHl. COSlA MCSA. CA As fisted by the seller. all other busoneu n .. mes and addresses used by the seller wrthrn thru yurs before the dale such lost was dehvered or sent lo the auctioneer 11re None rtoe assets to be sold are described on eenenl as Machinery and Cquopment and are located at. 817 W 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA. CA The name of the •ut t.onee< os Anthony Arons lhe name ol Auctoon Company os Tauber Arons Inc The auctoon will be held on JULY 29 2003 al f I 00 o cloch A M at 817 W 171H SIA[{ I COS FA ME SA, CA I he last date for folong claims will be JULY 28. ZOOJ Oaltd JUN( 16 7003 /a/ Alo,......y Ar-• Published Newpnr t Beach Costa Mesa 01111~ Polot July 2. 200J CNS 555482 W201 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PROPOSED FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT IN TIIE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Project PA 2003-149> including General Piao Amendment GP 2003-005 and Code Amendment CA 2003-006: General Plan Amendment, Pre-LOning. Sphere of l.nfluence Amendment and Annexation of West Santa Ana Heights, the Santa Ana Country Club, and I the area south of Mesa Drive to the City of Newport Beach (see map below). NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. The Negative Declaration states that the subject development will not result in a significant effect on the environment It is the P,resent intention of the City to .accept the Negative Declaration and supporting docwnents. This is not to be construed as either approval or denial of the subject annexation by the City. The lnitial Study/Negative Declaration 30-day public review period is July 12, 2003 to August 11, 2003. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this docwnentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting docwnents are avai lable for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92659-1768, or by calling Larry Lawrence, the City's project manager for the above applications, at 949-661-8175. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a public hearing has tken tentatively scheduled before the .Planning Commission on the 21 ,. day of August 2003, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. A,..final hearing date wil~ be specified.on a separate public hearing notice. If you challenge thi s project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in. this notice or in ~tten correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For infonnation, call 949-661-8175 or 949- 644-3200. Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. llOOO IMTll&IDS Notoce 1s hereby &oven that the Board ol Trustees of the Hun lon&ton Beach Un1011 Ho&h Sch(>OI 01st11ct will receive request for P.roposals for supplyon& FROZEN f OOD p1oduch meelona 01 equal to lhe spec1l1cat1un;, on Ille on llle office o l s.t•CI 01stroct Proposals sh<>ll be clearly marked ·r RO/£ N FOOD PRODUCTS OJ 04· addre~\ed lo l aur en Jeng. Adm1111slrator of f ooel & Nutrotoon Se• vocn llunlon&fon Bu1.h Un10n +toeh SchMI Oo\ t11ct I 4J2'> Guldenwest SI Bid& I. Westm1nstc1 CA 92683. •nd r eccoved al or tidore 2 00 p no , Monday luly 14 2003 r uh proposal •hall 1tma1n vahd tor a pcroud of 45 d•Y' 1lte• the dale speufoed Im th• rtttopl ol proposals The 01st11ct reserves the roght lo ""'ct 1ny or all proposals and to warve any orregularicy thereon s........ lavr•n r ..... Aci...tnl•trolM of J-d & N"trlt f-Servi<•• Dote4: 2003 Published Nt'wpor I Beach Co•U Me\a Oll'Oly P1lol Junt' ~. luly 2 2003 • Wl96 FlditlM .._ ... s ....... The followm& ~rs"on;, are doon& business 41 frave1Honfo 4~10 .Cempus O.ove. Suite 100 Newpool B~ach 1.at1 for n 14 92660 Tr•verseonlo lnL 4160 S • P«os Road ·suite ?O. l4s Ve&a~ Nevadll 89121 Tlus bu sines• ·~ c nn ducted by a <Orpnr.Jhnn Have you started dorn& busoneu yet> No II aveneonlo Inc Dave Cnr netous. Sec re taoy Tho\ statPment Wa\ loled wolh thf County Clerk of Oran2e County on 06109103 2003'947420 Daily Pilot lune 11 , 18, ?4. July 2, ?OOJ Wl86 RdllM-...U "-S...... I he follow•n& per wns are doone business ., H & H Pedecloon r ab rocat1011. Inc , 726 W Nocolu Ave 0, an&e CA 9?868 H & H Pellect1on fabrocaloun, Inc . (CA). 726 W Nicolas Ave Or anee. CA 92868 Thos business 1s con dueled by a corporaloon Have you star led doon& busmess ye~' • 5/4/ 97 H & It erfectoon f ab11taloon Inc . Oavod NguyM Cl 0 Accoun tan! lhos stalemt'nl wu loled woth the County Clerk of 01an&t' County on 0'>/19/03 20036945206 Oaoly Pilot June 18. 75. July 2. 9. 700J W19l RdltlMltllilm "-S...... fhe lollo .. onR per sons are do111tt bu"ness ll\ Sunr•y. 21!>4 B S11n Mochel Drove West, Cosld Me,... CA 92627 Ronald Gen" Nu2ent 21 !">4 B San M1t hel Drove West. l:o\la Me<>a CA 9?621 I hos busonen os con ducted by an tnlurpo 14ted assuco.iloun othe• than• p .. rtnerdup Havt' you •tarted r101nK bU\tne\\ yPP ltu Ron Nugent !hos statement was loled wolh the l..uunty Ctrrh ot Ounite County on 06 27/03 20036t4t736 0Mly Pilot July 7 9. 16, 23. 2003 W?OJ fidHIM-...S "-S...... I he followl\i1 per sons dre doona bu\lness as BC Systems, 820 Cato loonoa SI , Huriton11:ton Beach CA 9?648 Charnuone Sar>lo\ Bur gonro 820 l:alil orn11 St Huntoneton Be11ch CA 97648 Thrs .business os Lon ducte•d by dO 111d1v1dual Have you started doong business yeti Yes O'>llY.> "1003 Cha11n•one Sanlos Burii.01110 Thos sl•ltme11t was loled woth the County Cl1t1k ot Orange County on<>'> 1:>101 20036944321 Daily Pilot June 11. 18. 25. July 2. 2003 Wl90 RdielM-...U "-S...... The follow1n1 pe•sons are doon2 business o a) The Compulei llandyrnan. b) Computer llandoworks c) Potirom Jech. d) P1l2rrm Jech oolo21e\, 3100 Oua1lz Lane, 1\4>1. 4. f ullerlon. Calofornoa 92831 Edward B11Yson Bon· ner. 3100 Quao 11 lane. Apt 4. fullerf11n, Calo· fornoa 92831 This business " con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual lfave you slltrled doon2 business yet, Yes 11/ ?0/199"1 Cdward Bryson Bonner lh1s statement .. u toled woth llte County Clerk ol Or an&«' County on 0'>/19/03 20036t4S2S2 Daily Pilot June 18, 15. July Z. 9. 2003 Wl94 Adit6M .... "-S...... The followone persons are doong busonf'ss as l oyland Huven Day· Lare, 413 West Curoe Street Sanl" Ana C•lolornoa 92707 Cher yt Caroline Orson. 41 J West Curie Strut, Santa AnA Californ11 97101 ll11s buson"" os 'on dueled by .. n mdovodual Have you slMled dotn& busone"' yet> v., 12121/98 Cheryl c .. otrne Or~on Iha> statement 1us lol~d woth the County Cler h ol Or anie County on 06/06/03 20036t4720t Oaoly Poto! lunP 11, 18. "JC, luly 7. 2003 WI& Re*'-...... ... s ...... 1 he followon1 persons Mt doon& buson~ss n · 11) SOUHllRN CALI· fORNIA FIREPLACE. b) SOCAl FIRE.PLACE 216J Aur 11 Lane. Costa Mesi, Cahl0<n1a 92621 P•lrock O'Leary 2163 Rouat lane. Costa Mesa, Catofoinoa 926?/ lhos busrnen os con dueled by an ondovoduaf Have you sta1 led do•na bu .. ness yel1 No Pat,,c:k O'Lur y 1 hos statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Or a nae County on 06123/03 200S6t4tolt Oaoly Polol Junr. 2!>. July ? 9, 16 2003 Wl95 fldltlM ...... "-S...... The follow1n1 persons are do1n2 busoneu as Studio Steel, 1300 Adams Ave , Co&la Mesa. CA 92626 Christophet Jouph B•llle. 1300 Ad•ms Ave . Costa Mesa CA 92626 flus busonen ts con· ducted by· an rnd1v1dual lfave you 5lmted dornc bu&rness yet' Ho Chrostopher J Batlle Thos st.tement was foled wrth the County Clerk of Orana• County on 06/17/03 20016t483tt Oaoly Pilot July 2 9. 16. 2J. 2003 W204 ......... ...s....-. The foltowln& fl'llrsons 8rt dom& busin.ss as: Hansen Rec1n1 USA, 3726 8 Santa r • ViHace Or , South Cont Metro. CA 92704 Rechul Riehl, 3726·B Santa Fe V1Ha1e Dr., South Coast Metro, CA 9270ot This business ri con· ducted by. an 1ndivldu1I Have you started doin& business ytt? No RacltHI Rlelll Tiiis staltlMfll wn ftled With lllt ~nty Cletlr. of Ounce Coull"ty Ofl 06/06/03 20036947242 Dall~ Pilot June 1 l , 18, 25. July 2. 2003 Wl84 ~ .... "-sw..I The fotlowon1 penons are doon1 business as AGR Fitness, 1000 Soult• Coast Drive 1\4>1 WIOJ. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Armando Calondo Roybal. 1000 South CoHI Or 1\4>1 WIOJ. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Thoi business os con ducted by· an 1nd1v1du1I Have you star led doing business yet' Ho A1mando G Roybal Thos statement wn foled with the County Clerk of 0, an&• Count y on 06/06/03 20016947323 . Oaoly Prlot June 11. 18. 25. Joty 2, 2003 Wl87 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOA CHANGE OF HMllE C-No/l:ll~ ~.~: = ot. Al.£XN«>AA VENOlA SMITH-Oltff£R tor ChlinDt ol Heme TO AU. .tlTERESTEO PERSONS PetltiOnlf Ale-*a Venclle ~ fllld ii petition willl ... ~ '°' • dtcree CfWlglnO '*"" as fQllowa .Alexandnl Venoll ~ Gonltr IO s.t\I .Ale..-.h VetlOU The Co.It Oldar"a ..... ~ ~lnllls ~ .... ~ l*ol't tin ~ al the hMr~ rnd!Cllled below to .,.,,.. eauN. If .,.,,, why .,. petibot! tor ctw'oa of -~rdbe c:'o1 Helnna [>Ml ~-5.l 2003. Time 2 PM, OejJI 73 The Qlr-of the~ le 3'1 The City DrM. PO Box 14170. 0rwve CA 92863 A CllPY ol .. Ordilr ID Sl'OW c-.... lie pW!lllwd II INll once Md\ ..... tor '°" 1occe"lw WMlll ptlOr IO the dlle Ml tor~ on trw~ln .. ~ ==~~'ii: CX'Adt'. -~ ~MIM PIDC DMI. Jun 2.A, 2003 MARJORIE LNRD CARTER ~ol .. ~ COi.ii rn~. rn/Olli'OS. ~~fz:wJ NEWPORT~ COST A llllESA OM. Y N.OT CUSSIFIED . . . . It's . tht . solution . . . you're searching for-whether you're seeking a home, apartmtnt, pet or ' , . . . . . . . . . ' • • . ntW occupation! .. .. . ' • If e h .. J Policy ·Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified m • How to Place A -----Dead line • CLASSIFIEJAD Mondd) ...................... Fnday 'i.OOpm Tut:'>da~ .................. Monday S:OOpm . advenisement. Please report any error ·that may I'!! in yo'Ur classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot a~pts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible .. except for lhe cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only bt allowed for the fi rst insertion. By Fax (949) 631-6594 '1 Pleaw: 1nclu& your ~ ;and ~ nurn~r and we'll call you bKk "'llh • pn« quole , By Phone (949) 642-5678 Bv Mail/In Person: )30 We\! Bay Street· Cmta Me~a. CA 92627 At 'cwpon Blvd & Bay St Wedne'>day .............. Tue~day 5:00pm Thur..,da y ............ Wednc.,day 5·00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. . ~ ~ GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 1489 230S-2490 FINANCIAL/ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES " . -·~ AL ESTATE R SALE 3615 'ureltred lord. Celle ~-Sm11t & Love able Parents on PremtSM $400 Lorr (714) 434 1818 Colltctibln/ Memorabilia 1160 CredltSemces 2460 lAlliDOR ,U,S OFA CfU CHAM,.ON LINES, platinum blonde S800 TO, SS 4 RECORDS nc .Im. C1li!u C 1r: !ih ~Sh .Bl Alt& Sp./ !:We MlV\ Mike 949 645 7505 SSCASHSS Immediate Cu h for structur ed '>f!ltlements annurtJes real n t•te notn. p11vate moot~ nota. accideflt t.a\r\ •nd tn\uranc.e payouts <lnl1 794-7310 ICAI. •SCAN> 626 359 8854 EHTBITAINMEHT Calendar of 1310 HEALTHSERVICES Evenb Ger-She ..... rd1 •II colors •II \1zes tor •dopt1on to Qualof1td homes www icsrescue or11> or 714.773.5915 (QIW HOOSllG MPOWm Ail 'ul estate adv er ll"n& an lhl\ new~p1pe1 I) \UbjlCt IO lh~ r tde11I L111 Hou\ln& At l ot 1968 as amended which makes '' 1lle&•I to 1dverll\I "1ny prefer enc e . l1m1ttt•on or d1\cr1mana11on baud on race LOIOr ·~~1111n \II r.nd•c-i> fam1hal \l•h.1\ Of n11too1I 011110 or an intention to m•ke any s!ich prefe•ence lim•t• hon or d1K11m1nat1on lhis new\p1per will not know1n1ty accept any •dver t1umenl f0t rul est11e which 1\ an v1ol1tron of the law Our raider\ a re hertby 111formed lhil all dwell •np advertl\td m lhos new\p•per a1 e n11l•ble °" •n equ1I opportunity be,,, 'f o compl•1n ol dis p }m1n1tl0f1 call HUD toll lrae at I ·800 474-8!>90 Old4tf Style Furnltvr9 PIANOS & Colt.ctlblet ·~~·,.........,.. .,.~·A.Mii·~'~ WESUYUTAnS -. ._ ...... ~-· AITUr' c~~s~~~~~~N.T~ l " '••, • I d I I I - .•. -.•o , I I I J so~~~g~r 22t21e. ... IL .._AM.CA1270l ~'"' .... u ... Medical S~rvlces 2565 A.ISOWTUY NO COST to y.,..lf New Power Wlieel rha11s Scooters •nd Otabetx: 5UP1li!e$ C<1tt ~ tree l 866-242 .. 7'8 ?4 hour\ • day to see fl you CllMir1Y (CAI. •SCtJ'j) HOME IMPROVEMENT PHOTOGRAPHY/ OPTICAL Miscellaneous Accmoria 3735 NEW HONDA AllOY RIMS w/16an Mochehn \We$ S600/obo Cal 714 968-7675 or 90'J 285 228S SERVICES 2600 MISCEUANEOUS G;WWI ~Re ~ 11.-s Carpentry MERCHANDISE MSM ConWudlon 8ondl!d/ l IC "696327 714 962 ·2436 Milcellncm APPUAHCES -Merdlandlse ~ GUTM g.ow w ....... & Dry., both new Must sacr rfoc for SJ50 f0t both tan 9'9- ~ 17 Of 949--675.(,()&4 HOME I FURNISHINGS MOVING WI f\a'n, GE Profile SICll by sldt ~ buy, set 11 Ide Sar!U Morta CMC tty 12· 13 1().6 l G-4 Cow Palace Sf tty 19-20, 10-6 I G-4 81101 your ae•r WWWl.eJ~COIT1 1CA1.•SCAH) s-snu IUILDINGS Up to 70'l. offl 40•60. !'>Ox 100. 58x 120 Best Offer! Can Dehvtrl Roy (800) 499·2760 Hondll Scoots· "* items. J A Z Z Y fl IC U I C ~1.81 ~ WHULCHAIR. MODEL 1100, UK£ NEW $2500/ 3460 060 949-673-2399 JEWEi.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-·· , .... N••'" Old Coins! Gold, silver. ,e,..; y watci.s, .,,tiques collectibles 9'9-642·9"8 3610 Oclcst Kitt .... Leopard loolt • .. n . rtte eaobc rold/thocolala spou, rul schmoozen 909-681-6664 200.-mo& ICITTINS, CATS. DOCS phob orHlw www••••~ora AdclltlOnS. f mhon lllnl ~ ~y IU.. lli GUARAHTEE ~7Zl9 ,_SPAY b' mormw ~ -.. klll9r\I. ~~ 391i CAl'PUCCINO ITAl.IAN COHU Company u · pand1n1 D11trlbutors wanb!d Hctt·P'ofit Po- tenbal lllryone an do lhosl ( xpr-e510 ltdl. C.tl 80).813-6625 lrwesbTWlt '81id. (CAL -st.AH) AMHICA'S HOTTIST Of'f'OaTUNITY. DOU.AR STORES. l-ID>-829-2915 Own your own store TumUy from ~.900 Dollar StortSer v1cu.Com (CAL•SCAN) f nda~ .................... Thur ... da> 'H lOpm Hours Saturday ............... . Telephone 8.30am-5 ()()pm Monday-Fnday Walk In 8 10.un-'i.OOpm MondJ\ Fnda)' Sunday ........... : .... . Fnda) 1-C)()pm h1d.i) .5;00pm 3010-3940 ,~ lli.ll~ soos-saso Ind ex m 7402·7466 ~ aoos-as10 ~ 9000-97SO Under the Service Directory Banner • Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week ·For Only $32 per week (4week minimum ) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 TAHOC!> lau~ ri;-w I Cu1tom Corofta del Mar I Mogi~tl-.t P..._ CtMt home blUd bus1nt \S Condominium•. custom eslJle with """•"'' Se8>rrie entrep<MtU\ wltll ~r.u1me1 k1td1en w.ouiht & ocean '"'""' OffHed di 1ttrtude f ull Part lam• ""n U\tom tri.. •nd tab $6 500 000 Coa11llne ORANGE COUNTY 7400 i-ely GotN Community ll r l lo Ap1. " .• •• fr~ ;,~.. t ,,,.,rt• SWl"i '' ,, .. , 0 a · 4t1 .~a HUGl YARD W/GARDENCR. frr'.11 ,,..., • ..,s,.,, ... 1--... .... & vi$ • lfl<t'. s;oct1: • ... ~'l 1)11•. IJ;J j Newport Beach UDO YlAJIL Y UASf & UOO SUMMllt HOMlS ll ,I-/' 'IL•"'" 949-67S 6161 Corrc>lete tu.nm& Com inetrf front 1s' 3br 2b• I Redty 949-759-0177 v•..S ;i lelf M. ~ ,.,, ~"· 87" 7 ,1 bf>4. f .. •??' piny '!4)0M0red n4tron•I l\.1me & rur IS• lbf 2!>41 :~:18\8 ~~ri6 ~t '~!~:.::tr RURAL PROPERTY <CAI.. ·sc»o FOR ~11 c: Balboa Peninsula lo1hide 2br, 2ba, 4pt -,.. t~ Ld r , • "i'"' ~ K.w i!'•".)U\ "' ')H.4 ,..,. .. ~ne H Jc:,I .Jt ir ,;..t• t; ~ w D ,~o­ •· IC S..'lfi.)no ~-~lfl Mr~"\ $7' .A .iy,.,c, E .i '114' llDO ISLE •• • I • '\, . ~ ... AAA VENDING ROUT( ~ ~ Unob Pll'Tlt lo c.atiora S!liiO lrM!sl 2!>'1 down wac: 8»59311 ,./lex. tit. !Tum l><.h 3 rm otc ~ I prl\i ~ lob wrndoW10 nruo br ~ze S8!bno 949-~.fi62J IA YFRONT fXECUTIVl olhce su1tt 2 olfac es. reception & Uoldge l<Jt an COM 949:718 9'>00 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula OU W "NINSUlA CONDOS o,_s.1-s-1.4 4915 Rlvff Ave F110M Sl2S,000 2U2UH ST. S &41tohw 4915-4917 --Aw lltohw/S....._ <>c..twt.w,...,. .. -""-,.,,. s.ywttz Ce MMS0-7521 Corona del Mar O,IN SAT-SUN 12-5 10 JETTY JASMINE CREEK ,.. stlry 2br ~ dP.o1 Roti'" Gardllnw lilr'CI saped Hlndlc4pped r~ Vf/J'y low maont. A.wx w1'emis. pool<:.-tor lqll $7!l),(XX) 8~ Owner 94%40-8777 lllDUCJDll .lliilmn ()eel\ r abulDla 1oca11an1 on the IJ lltlflbdl h . del\""°"'°'11 room, 11111 • IN/rm w;tp K . Ple-Cl*dtd llQob !1>11 s S71f>,(XX) Mly ~. Brolier M9476-SS76 INQUDES a.vnn COHWna! '' A i-.fy Sir 2t. home "'"" cNr ITW1C p!lbo '" li _., pnvllte Wt badly•d M baths are fffftOdeled w/ble lloon •M Wltldo~ are Peb tnd solar tinted roof IS tie ' MCl.Wf\y system S.bara Sanncret RNltors 949-644-0ltS •A c.-161.og {.....,. '11\LL * \uper Sharp I II * l.AKotlon ... \troO lo 81g ;fj, J£!4 •<kJ .1.,, I, 6 t ... ' .... 1 ..,~· ' '1' ~ cf)tona '"° 1o<Aou1 l)Offlt Randles,farms/ i,.-,.. ,, 1~ / , 11... , • 48' c~~':nbr'~: n•w Country f>ro9erty 5915 SJIDr 8" ~'1 dit)~7 • • • o-t Meat• 'M / Huntington Beach St "'l' ., -..1-4 .. ' r ... t J4 Ottered at s2 %0 coo AJIUOHA l lST IAllGAIN, Corona del Mar Pfl OI( 8" ., "• '" , •• COASfllN( R(Al TY 36 au•' $74 90\J __ __ '"' Jtr.t.•• • or•, ..),..t'AI~ lll LLd \.Ul'lG •1t' I ~ ,,,., '""' w..t....., .. d •• """ u<ldEJi>"d !JI<,;: A STW IBR SIO'iS/Mo I• Off ,.,.. 111 mo 11.,,. t ~ ':'1' '~""" t 949 I~ 01 n Boroers Sia I• land O<eon view h m• ll~hl ... 1 ... 11~ I IJ(1 SI f6 "·• BeautJful rallLh 111 Wtloal1l" •11 1 ?br Jt 1 ~•t• '" July r'lO Jlol• ~)'. ""' '°"-del M,,.. Luxury l ea<h Community H-. 34 81 s low down payments 24 h"u1 Ire-; recordt:d m~e~ C0<ona dtl Md1 Properties 949 Z22 ll61 1 E•••osoon 4 Irvine OPEN SUH 1-S Santa Ludo lbr S.Sba J < I" 11ver1ook1na t anyon And Ocean Thouund~ of up er oldo 1 SI 779 000 "•tlnum '•opertlH Stef-le Me.11rer 9-9-71S-J1S6 MAltlNE.S SCHOOL 48• 38a POOi $679 000 1536 Irvine Ave B~r Monotd R ucaaei 1 949 300 8600 (10111• H12hesl point w Specta<ular ocean •1ews One of the finest comm of lu • r,lry home~ Sbr 4 5b• S2.69S 000 Strode European \lyle lov1n11 H11h tn the hill~ ovulook1na the ocu n 3br • office Sl 695 000 O'lN ~UN 1-S New llSll'1& Stunning mode like homt w views of Saddleback 4br hundreds of up 11radnl SI 69S.OOO O,EN SUN 1-S Santa l ucoa F aDu'lous lakelront loc 3br 3 Sba Ov111ookm& Canyon & ocu n Sl.779 000 ,LATINUM 'ROPllTlfS Stef-11 Meurer 949-715-3156 flai1;statf Mt• pPrf•ct 'm"~ pel (J1to1 I r c1;,:1> KAIUIOll VLLAGf 6100 chnldte ~ '·'' ul.l1 I \/4!>0 "'" .J4'1 /f,fl H.!11 fl """1 lil•d l"Q> '~"rr"'' At" SU!f.f ~'>/! 1WY movnldll1 --~ AHord.tblt-w., ih. '>4S 04A. Irvine fonancong ~LI! I 871 28Z Costa Mesa ---T -u-r-tl_e _R_o_<l•-'t•-· -•• -~.-. -, ~263 1CAl •scAN1 ___ 2Br 2.SBa r,..,11<,,..,. L ,,.,% , l••c!·. •µ H 1 furn'd Studio rn ln \.cl ')~ t1l1ttft nr tKr tnt C\ yd tr (rH " v ... ,.., r.-n". fwy CC'>1~ 'ILllf'I n J 1»>• d\J• ~.ir • edtd P<kg Sl4'h 11,1 nM• • '"mm ~""' k 1H• Sli" • 146 SO COLORADO log Cdbon wrth well 40 at S89 <JOO Outitandang Roe~ y Mtn ,,....., !Tom t~ cli'ck ol sv~ ~· w:JllJ " IJl'.I ""' ·~~111 'W~ r,42 969\1 117 lS ',i4'i J76 195'> •••' I ') S7'">0 ~'J b42 .'Inf! 1 ---- Villa Point Drive, ,. I rl'ttdlll J1:,,it1t b iff .,,, .a'N!flddl! '44 t,,. ·"" thr1 ~auhlully 1011 < ~b•n f'ilde I bf 11,ft ""° ""'' clcM to lCXXh of Bl M f·D w r~ 1, llh 1~1,;~ ""'"' rec land Enroy rural l1Y1f1i no J>th s~ m" l'!O l unbelt;;va~ "'"~ CaU 2ht St 94!1 b4'> /716 RCR IOI fr!!'<'. I ~ 69£> Light & Brlaht Jl>I l '>I>• { \t•A ~ 11tl l'-gdr n pet b• w lii It 1 lt-11n•nt 1n1. Sl<n"m Ro'° 14 '39/ H1! College Park ·it' 11 1 18~? 81.n liith(tn tt .. \f' Jtainl m & .ut nt-¥rt .tp(JI'\ rt•Lf:' ydfd "" li''Ctnf"r ~18!>0 "" "4'l f,4• 'Nl j large l br Ibo uni! o" cju1et Penlntula point. No 1molaln9/pe h S14S0949·293 4631 S26J <CAI. ·scAN 1 I SOUTHERN SUUA'\ LAND largoln. 20 .ioe\ ·$49 !a) Pr ><.ed f0t QU1<)> ~te lic~t location I View\. i!JUt nor\oe country ( •Cl!llenl Ol)llO(too<t1 dOn t ~ O<)t1 F ...,nt!Oi avittl 1 able Owner I 888 4.32 ~ CAL •S£AA1 S39S ACRE/ 160 AUlS S695 ACRE/40 ACRES Pnme ,.nth u 1 u a• an NW Anzon a [ l no QUallfyrna 10.. down I ttrms1 Ad1aefnt In. ~olf cou1 \t community ult hostoroc Route 66 C~ll tod~y! Bro<>k\ Rulty 866 300 5263 (CAL• SCA/ol 1 RESORT/ VArJTION PROPERlY FOR SALE Moura In PTOpef1y 5965 NEW MEXICO MOUN- T A.IN~ 140 /IC. Or1'V $49.900 Gorll'J'lUS i!JltS.' lands rNllH ITM CIN8 SD) fl devllOOn Mo..f1""'1 -yea to.Tod I~ Periect for hlne l!Mr-~ • Adpcent ID rwbOnll best E ll::e~nl fminonil Cl~ lodlly' Tl'6 won I ~ ~ ~nf NMR:.I 888-2!12 9711 I CM. •SCAN> STARTING ' ANEW B USINESS?fi • • • • • • • • • • • Tiu l ry,al l>rpamnmt m tlir Dm(l Ptlor zs pkasrd to announrr ,~ lll'U' 1rrncr nou• 111•r11loblr to nrui busmm rs. m· u11/I nou• !'J f..A R( H zl1i name for vou az no extra ihargr. and 1.i1' }Oii n1r umr and thr mp to tl1r Court HoUJr m '>anw Ana. Thrn. of courir rJ_ftrr thr uarrh u 1ompkrrd u~ u•zll fik }'Our fiamow bwmr" namr Hairmmt u•ul• thr ( ounry ( lrrk, publtJh onrr a uwk {pr jour u'frks .ZJ rrqu1rtd b-. lau .m d 111n1 filr lour pr()()[ of publzr.ioon u•uh tlu County Cink Plrasr stop by to fiir )'OUr fimrzous busmm sratnnmr at thr Dari> l'1/nr nn u Ba y Sr. Costa Maa lf>ou cannot uop by. pkasr .-all us at t9-19 64} ./J} J Jnd uv u·1/I malu arrangmtrnts for .WJu to hurulk rhu procrdurr bJ mail If you should hat'< df!>' forrht'T quemom plrase a:ll w and u·r ti ill br morr rl111ri glad 10 JJJlSt .>'D" Good luclt 111 your 11ru· bwmm' Daily L Pilot ' e Call (949) ~4~-5678 • • ·- AlO Wednesday, .Mt 2, 2003 I TODAY'S CRWiSWQRD PUZZL~ Molrthl'/ Rerot.al Av.M Sq>l ~ 4tw 2b.. 16t' on Perwi 2HYlAIUYRlNTAlS Porrt Vt1y n<U: flan agl Newporl Beach P•nm Sli(X)~Clare $1400 Slo/.>O mo aet 949-673 -7800 DtctPTIOMAI. 2H 2SA. 2CAJI GAJIAG£, NEAR FASHION ISlANO. $2050/ MO. avt. 949 121-0132 VACATION RENTALS N•wport Cr••t, ?br ?ba 7 t ~.H w;ifk 10 N•wport 8•o<h Best O.:,e<1nfl ool loc 7~ 7 <0ffice, bch lettnl\/pouflwo, SIOK111u1 6/rno °' Sl21</ S?I0011M. 94!1 707 4408 mo 3/mo 949 646·6304 11 I S WUY AVl. lg upper Jbl :?ba. vault ce11, Ip, w/d. 2c i"'. $2500/mo aet Ctv ,.,, v 949 500 J&48 FOR RfNT IN 8lUFFS Popular ( Plan 3Br. 2'/,Ba • Family Room SJOOO/mo 949 644 4909 Can 'I sum to gtt to all those rtpairjobs around tht houst? ut tht Classified Strviu Dirtctory htlp you find rtliablt htl . 63 ~Town 9f14t 54 Crown wearer 55 Lewl$A/ld 56 Mllde an Oillh 58 Bltrbe!'IJ oltorlng 61 Goacless • s statue 62 -1"8Aed 83 Temerot filmdom 64 Nol ll\kll 66 Sharp bai~ -. Bridge 8Y CHAAt.ES GOREN wmi' OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCti ~IGASP Both vulnerable. South deal . lrithmctic.. With a pcrf cctty bal40CCd nine £0in~. illClooing 1wo ~-et, North I nMse lO three llO trump &eC$ our vote. Thl was lbe popular 5poc \inot, had Norm madc.,I simple tl.ISC, Soulh would ba"c ~ oo lo three. WF~T NORTH • A.J72 A92 632 •763 • Q llill S 6 K QJ84 • 9115 SOUTH • K64 J K 087 .1 A ltS 4 AJ'l TI1e b1dJ1nJ,!: West led I.he ki ng of diamoods and rnntmucd "'ilh lhe quec:n, tlcclw'er winning wilh the ace. Wjlh only 1v.o 6urc tricks in lhc minors. it seemed that declarer would need four tricks from ooe of lhe majors It> come to 11ioc. The k.ing of spOOc..\ WllS cashed and a >pude 10 ~!It: j:.:k won, but Em di.'-CllfJed a cldb when lhc ace of ~padCl> Wtl.'> casliesJ. 11ie O\JdS 11g11ins1 a 3-J heart ~plit hildjuM lengthcned. SOUTH WtlS'f NORTU t:A~T Thc he-1 ~hot now for four trick~ from hcaru was lo find West with a tloublcton heart honor. '>()declarer lod th.: rune of heart.' to lhe king and cun- unucd wnh J hean lo lhe acc. West') INT Pur. .JNT l'-1'-...... Opening lcud: King o l, di,,.;ard of a lo"' l lub pul paid to that ch..Lix-c. I or the fi~t urne in 40 wmu:il IOOr- nank'nL,, th.:re hll~e t>cen repeal wm· ocr. ol lhc New Yor1r's unnulll UJA C:h.tnty 1oumamcn1. "'luch lh1\ year r.11'«1 ~11~.{XXl 11ie eduor 111 lhl\ ml· u11111. 111111 Smllh. and C:yrulua Cohn nHllP<-<l home tu rcp.:.i1 their I\}()!! "'in One of the: wnler\ v.a' .u the: helm 011 lh 1' deal All "':!lo no1 los1. ho,..c,cr. Dcclan:r ... untinucd "'1lh a heart from dummy 10 the quet'-11. Ea.\I \phumg the hon-°"'· then thrc"' East on lead w ith a hc.J11 Sou1h d1'ieanlcd a diamond "'hen f-..<hl 1ool dIK>ther he.lrt trick. hut lhc:n "'a' foru'd Ill c~ll "'11h a dub Dcdan·r <luckoo the l 1nl! ul dulh. 1hen line">-.ed lhc J!K.l "'hen l.:JM .-nnunucd "'ilh lhc lCn. Thrc.: no iru mp bid and m.iJe l bc JUL11un w~ a ~1111plc 111a11cr l•f JOBS WMTED Emptoyment Wamd 8200 * HD41Hman/M9r. • I clun & maintain large homes. Cook. drive, all dulles, elderly & ~h1ld rn e e•11 323 937 9038 Employment 8500 WCMtU> IJ.ADUI '" Fm· ployee belleht!I ~ Sain R~ and Managers Crt'lll oncome. eac:dlfoot ltawiona, no e\'etlHi~ <:aft ID> 650 !>433. e.t 500 Of ema~ Orum Oavis@Colon11111rfe com (Cl\L •SCAN1 o.rvot~ T- port Ttdrn\ Teams T-We ~ l"""" for the l<>nR haul Owner opera lo" ~· per1enced ctrvers. <Oh\. I•"""" .t1od llJ.tduile ~tudenl:> C..• I 888 MORE PAV (I 888 667 3729) !CAL •SCAN1 DRIVERS: HAMS ... WlSTDIH { >p~re.>.. Soicl "'*"'· lt''lOd ~ ottrVDt/CDl (A) Ha:zmat_ P ubhsh 1 ng SIO.(XXl dltet 5 year~' PROMOTIONS SCllOS lo 39 cents. Te.im DIPAHMUIT lo 41 Lenb ConllM:lors Communrty ne~s 1<1 lo 87 leob fuel SUf 0raf1tll! Coonty ~s I uM charges COl Grad•. TllTlf' P"fS0•1 lo 01lervrew welc:onte FOC in> 9'l'> ·and write sl1J<~. p«llc1 5556 or KLL M cum !'die in communtly evelll\, (CAL •SCAN) create and P'lgN'late ~l!I!'\ GOVHNMlNT J08S- W1ldhfcJ!>oslt1f SIJ 21 to $48 per hour Paid training. full benefit~ No e•pwience nee Applrtahoo & eum 111forrnalt0n Toll free I 888 778 4266 d!50 <CAl"SCAN) HOTEl n /PT Froot ~ Nigltl Audit w• II a1<1 apply '" per_, 1951 NeWJIOf t Bl c~1 .. Mesa 949-6~2999 Sill MANAGO P /l 10< ~nu drrune u:nler 1<1 C M [xp'd with fuod 5ott v"e .ind good or gan1 talltorial WI!> de-.aed ~l ~nroy wOft.111£ w'~ Ac>c>IY 111 per son 126!16 floolltf St Ca<der> Grov" or '-•U 114 894 9779 lo£ and sections [ xcellenl oommumc:abon sl\ills, WO<k well w1lh the public Know AP Slyle. QuorkXP1 e~. PllotO!.hop. MullJ Ad Q-e at0<, Proficrent on MAC and PC, CCI dn1g11 e~perience prel~rred Proofreadooa lPSt Drug weerwlg/physf(.Al r~•ed EOf. ( •Cell~nl b~rwf1l pao.:;kagf' f IM~ r l'Wml! wrrtJoa '>dmplf!-. and salary requ11~men t \ In laru """"°"@>lat~Ulm RfCO'TIOMST I ufl hme posrtlOO avarlab~ 1n bu~y N8 Real £\tale off"" M r 8-Xl 5 JO Cowc>et1lrvt' pay and beMflts Lietit wm pull'f work Knowlf'dg" of MS Word a~ rd• If\!> ume lo 949 117 2179 St!ll your ( 'ar in Cl~ssifit'd ! ...,. ·01 "a_.. Roadsltf, io.ded 111\e MW Ji. mo, ctk ereen lopjbody SJ?.000 160 196 7601 IMW '97 328 1 Conv. •ulo /'lk mt rnel•fl" drk bfut erey flhr lallulnus cnnd lhrouwh oul vl59261 Sl6 99S frn & warr a1ra1l Bkr 949 586 1888 WWW OCµ.lbf \.001 IMW ·a 9 , l 5 ll l u lhcr, \unruof. vcr y dean, $4995 M86S4S9 wcwaulo c;om 949 646 rB22 IMW '98 U Cony 2.8 6 'yf red Ian llhr, 5\pd, l>eaul hkc new cund 'lll'lnl S I/ 99!> 11 n~tll ing & w8trAnly avail Ilk• 949 '.>lS6 l8811 • ..::::CKpobl.~m J111<1t '9S Rori Gr-d Sp." I 7d1 cnupr 1 8 VG 591. m1 mrtafltl blur jlrry 1nl fully l<>•d.!!d 01111 nwnrr \Ul)4'r b likl' new LUnd v}';i/:971 $599'.) Bkr 949 ':186 1881! www.ocpal.com Codllloc 'O I Snlll• SlS •,1fver ar• y llhr C.D thrm whf\ eufd pk& lull facl l1kr new SIS 99'S v•!>96/41 l1n1n58t r••I Bkr ~ www.ocpobl.com tlf~. tome>elrtove pay benefit\ patkoge paid vac1100n Cl.JSs A rot.. 22 yn old, fluCJd MVR f§J8 793 97'5/ (CAI •SCAN1 ~GAGE IO'SN'SS " boonq,. rud ~ Cood nlOOI!'( µulerltMI. Tr ar.rig provided full,PT ra, r esurne lf 4 716 I G ·ALOHA! COl A DRIVERS: MN11munt 3 monlhs tlper 1ence "l e&fn 1un' to Wr\l CoHI • 1 a te model equ1pme111 •Credi lldY. mtle\ & benchl\ C1ll Steve Mn• Trudunv I ID> ?53 !>148 <CAI •SCAN> DRIVERS PART-TIMf Mon • r1 Duve n1t.e cats ind eel paid tor 11 Call 0dn 949 574 1479 • P /TIME RSJf1 MAN- AGtll l r g sl0t age htc~rty 111 C M Monday, Thor!oday. Fr tday ()thee and hle clcdntrJ6: E ~P ct<. Call lor "''°' rn.abon 714 437 -9200 SELL your stuff through classified! EARN EXTRA MONEY Friday. July 11 -Sunday. AM&• 3 _._ E.trn S6. 75 -SI I /hr. Stiling Exouc I lawaiian Pl.arm a1 T he Orange County hur No cxpcrrcnt-c nccn\.1.ry Enil1u\i~.'HTt ~ Plu11 lntenoiew in pcnon: Wed., July 9 from 11 Lm. -2p.m. Or.mg~ Counr) hirgmunili Ci1019' o(l'rodum Bldg .. Uootb •6()! TROPICAL TREASURES HOME, HEALJH 'AND BuslvEss A I lb ....... ~~~~~~~~ .,,.....r ... ,., ~·:::·- (ltllM) ~· HAc9wRU -1'oof.~ (l 9«i5) $2it,911> -......... " 8*:11 w,.... ITIOOlf. roof, dVomed wheels (193811) S15,911>. .,.,. ... a.... only l 4K ITll, lea lliet. moonroof (19478) $26,CB>. H1'20W...,. WhlU w/Crey leather, chrome Wheels (19429) $27,!8> H )opMr Bf c- 321< ml4es. dl<ome wheels. be1utllut (194961) S37,!8l f4Mon.-.uoo c.,.. Ch¥coal w/BIKll leather premium wheek, moonroof (19512C). $29,980 01IMW 740I Bladt w/Black. only 31K miles (I 9485C) $44.980 ,,,, ...... ts 400~ s.t-.er w/Crey le<tther . nlOOflfoof. a beauty (194~1) $22,9111 0-3 O..V,.,Wt Z02 c-n• s.tver w/BtKk. lk mt ht1tcttop ~ (IOftleOOS (19S05) INQUIRl 00 l'ondt. ,.,,,,,_ s S.lvet w/Blac).", 3"" mtfes. ~hrup ( 19't!IOC) S39.~ 949-574-7777 Pt9.J.rS AUTO .,.,...._, ... ~ Codilla< '01 Snllle SlS •,1lvtr /grey llhr CO <hr m whl> gold pkg. full latl hkt new $18,995 v•!'>96/4 I f1nanc1ng natl Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.oq>Ot;l.<OM CHfVY TAHOf l T '02 1111 "' Ml uh~. On Star '18 ltr 7k tow ~ ,,.,, cond S<'6 !Jl) 949 ~110 F•rd '6S M1nlong Cunver ltbl• 011gonal uwntr solid l~I $19 9!15 obo 949 /19 2943 la11111 '97 Ro<l•o lS • .. u o l n con CO •lloys 130k mt $6900 949-S00-9631 Jogt.. '03 S-Type 4.2 VI, I!:>~ m1 white ualmedl fthr, CO chrome who.'Cb, 6 speed .iuto. Save I !ii<, S38.99& vl nfl.F.lh 9 4 9 '>86 1888 Bk• www.ocpaJ.co"' ...... '96~o-.i... \16 7wd. a:i. S4AP8 dean Vf'fy nu. $999S #2154$8 WCW<IUW lUlll 9t9 646-7822 l•a111 '94 l S 400 Chdmp.ig11r eold Ian llhr co a old pkg superb o r og cond SI0,/9!> v•267'>12 t1 nancme ~v•1I B~r 949 586 1888 WWW ~.;;om h• .. •te LS •M llMI", cllf-wtlb, IUw. looks & •1-... -'6950Mt-350-~ Meule 'tt M lol e Conv. 4511 ml, auto, 11lver, tan top, pw, pl, A/C, CO, $U~rb hilt new cond. vi 119743 SI0,995 fin;1ncine & warr•nty avail Bkr. 949 S86 1888 --.ocpelt•.,- ~--"tSltOl 2.3. aooaeous c:ar. lthr. 92k mnrf, $59!Y.> #5411954 wcWMJto.com 94!Mi4& 7822 ... , ..... 't6 C2tO be1ulifuf black/cream fully loaded, showroom, f\/~ SlOZ.iO 714151 21164 Moru.t•• •oo C2J KomprelSOf" Sedan 21 k m1, full fact w;arr. bllck. oatmeal llhr, sunrdof. beeuhful hke new cond, v875?92 S211t flnancina avail Bkr 949 586 1888 --··qiet.•.-... ,. ..... cuoo '2002 B11N1anl S1fvet. II K mt M11at H iii $75,000. 949-811-1603 ........ "JS 020 Blltbll beaut. an opt, none n1<.er PICK UP TRUCKS 1!>UVf AaOARD~ 47fT SAlllOAT, full lockD1 rm privlfep s. Harbor Meri~ SIOOOmo 9oe9-mmJ ~2!J0.8610 MOTORl&ES MalDr Homes • Red son MOTC>t HOMf FOR RENT LIKE HEW C CLASS/SLIOE OUT 949 515 2305 9515 new map 'MC. S12..500 '00 l lft Duffy o.ctrk ~ 966t>7ff0 boat I u-. duck~ by M ... codn '9 513201•/ ~ bl.ind Musi \tt• bfk beaut all <>pl. nonP $1S.5CX>'libo 949 ~ 20&.l n1c.er new mt\JOr '\Vf $12.500 714 751 2464 T....... Lot fl A«t:&ar Alie BeiJr. by the tllul for ~ modd Qll tll(l1 M MJI. Mauna, Le.us !l&~/lll Volllawog•n '00 l••tl• 281. m1. spMkhnil bldclt/ oalmPal, aulo moonrl. CO. pw, pl, allny whl\, hk~ ntw von#4/~!> SI l 499 Im & warr anly avonl. Bkr 949 ':186 1888 WWW.O<f'Obl.com •1 a 20ft Duffy llectrl< loot CIA\llt "I d1"''" 20 w/v.,nished le•k tr11n $6000/obo 949 ~l'l 11831 SELL your stuff through classified! PLUG IN uuo.lhe..etloL · Class1f1cd section to find servtees from electronics and plumber.-.. to landsc.apcrs and painters Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Community Marketplac~ • IVj • ERVICE fQr ii yolir rleedS:.. ~ Service Dlrectofy · NOTIC IQ RC AOt RS Cahforn1a law 1 e qutres that conlrac l0<s l•krn& ,abs lh•t Iola! S500 0< mtHe (labor Of male11als) bf! hcen,f'd by lhe Con Ir actors State l ocen'll Board Shle law also requires lh•I con Ir ac to" rnclude the1t hcenw number on all ad1rerhs1na Vuu can chKk the slatu' of your lit tnsPd conlrac lnr a t www csfb c~ &ov or 800 371 CSLB Unh censed t ontr <1clol\ tak1ne 1obs t hat tot1l Ins than S500 must 'hie In lhe1r 1dvert111menh that I hey 111 e not flcensed by lite • Contractors State License Board." fMMNG~ Kitchen I Bath I Remodel Aldaa~ '9IBl5 '4tC ~ ,,.~ AU.IN HVAC /41f Cond1llon1n1 & Huhlll Ser Vitt Lt8086Q) 949-500·9005 A -ZKAMOYM ... ln$lall. 1eftce cebintts ~ ~ 001C 114-646-72!18 ...., ..... ' .. Carpet Repalr~les CARPfT t:t CARl'fT o RepMrs. Patc.htnR lnst~ll Cuur feous any \Ile 1ob> Whnfesale' !149 492 0205 Cleaning S.-•ol.y Cl.an Quahly liouse cl~an1ng, Aflord able r ales. 20 • Y1 \ Exp rree ~le 714 tfll.Qi67 COi?ipiiiij Services •~ rhe ~oence of )'Oii< home "' olflCe Prtvm & Womtt ~ r~i.,,AI~ Computer~& IS ,_., • ., l'ol14inl Jody Morns ,.,._S.-1"1 COMPUTER HELP! • '"'*Of Croll--• M ,_ 1-or 1111111 •PCor• ·~ ·-PtgeSlft'9•1111 ·~~ ·Olct~ •OIJllll""->~~- ·JO.wl~~ ... ~~~ 714-612-2786 Computer Services Drywall Services SELL your unwanted wtnHOffT DRYWAU item~ throueh da~\1f1ed Alf phiues \m/fr e 1ob> INH0/111£ ClCANI 20yr\. lair. hee & •USIN£SS •El'AlllS est l4<Xnll /14 639 144/ Upgrade\. Repair~ ol Electrical SeMces Computer Network\ [ ven1n1s,Weekends Sm.U Jot. fiq1ortl Compel1ltve poc;e~ Dunon [l!'clrot 20Vr\ Eap for quality serYICC LocaVQulCll Response 949-836-11 7 5 Srtvoce/R~ 114 -926-4221 l •'1158/0 949 660-1042 Concrete I Masonry Am•rl<o l •ctrlc L"ensed £lecl11ul CM traclor Small Irle.IL llCKlt Ston• Tll• rob., sl.,lrn& at Concrete. Patro. Driveway $79.9 S & "fl· r .. epic. BBQ Rel'~ ?SYI\ Speualwna In [Ip Terry /14 5S/ /!)94 Relf\Odehna & all Th• Ctm•nt Men home w11ma needs. Cementwork, B11c:k, l 1fe Comm/lndust/Res & More Reliable No 1ob l -t00-191-1001 too small /14·61~-9062 U 78m9 DUTCHMAN IUCTllC l IC£ NSC 0/INSURC 0 TIMI TO tlGtN COMPETITIVE RATES YOUR HOME L#759337 949 322·6250 IM,ROVIMINT UCINSfD CONTRACTOR PROJECT? No fQb too sm Al ~! Can a plumber Rep•", remodel, Ian,, painter, handyman, spa, ,_ IVC 949"'5 3!lJ6 or any of the cru t sert11Ces hsled hen in AoartnJTU1 our ser1r1Ce d1tecl0fyl THr SE LOCAL SVC QIS10M QIATM TU PEOPLE C~ HELP lmblmbon. si.te. osmi*. YOU TOOAYI nwblB, stone. ... l t 7S Ul612Dt4 WI 7l4'61M961 ~ 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE rN ORANGFJLA COUNTIES Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDITiONS ,-. REMODF.U CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen &'Bath Specialist.-; CS CONSTRUcnON · Uc#577982 ('49) '719-5642 Floorinwme llAKY ~ Repawed Reernuhn & fnstallatron TILE DEAN 949 673 8065 71~ 714-883 ;mt GngeDoors •AMEIUCAll• OVBllUD DODll • Glfaoe OoMIOpeoen :~r •Local&~ fRH ESTIMAIES 17t4f ...... ?a0 1 l-TettH l_ ... , ... Weekly ,,_,._ lro!e tm..,.. & installation. 25 Yn up llc/rnsu1td 949-548-4363 n.AL sawas IVHYTHING& ANYTHING IN A GARDIN. 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Wais, Betlwooom Muk 949·650 ~25 THI HANDYMAN All wor k auar an teed I'll~ £1tct11r.81. Doors, Fri511 c:wp '*=--~ Hiiiing JUNK TO THI DUMPlll /14-968-188? AVAILA8ll TODAYI 949--673-5566 ----. : . . .... ~ r.· • '. ·. .. ·. : Open 70ays LowRates St0<1IQCI~ Since 1981 949-645-4545 llST MOVIRS SSS/Kt. Servinc Alf Crhn Insured I I 6384A 800-246-2378 323-GJO 9'.171 cett PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif P u blic Uhhhes Comm1is1on requires that all used hOUHhOld ll OO dS movers prtnl their P UC C1I T number, flmos and cha11f11urs print their T C P number tn all 1dver· lrsemenls If you have any queshons 1boul the lea af1ly o f a mover , !Imo o r ch1uffeur, call· PUILK UTIUTIIS COMMISStON 100 .,, ..... 7 ~ & .... ,.., Custom Hind Painted ~,,.., •. P ..... Ar1llt tar ,... 9llMll «i6l a.-.-...... 11'tts .,., Ctuf Pr1c:el GUlflllltffd work Fr• al Lt37Yil02 714-538-1 S34 1·390-2!M5 _,'S CUSTOM '*'- Pion, cle.en. qu.111) w0tk Interior/eat and docb LIJOJ.WI 9'9-631-4610 ' Joy•on'• Pointing lop Quality CompehhVI' lnle11or /I. I l •648228 Calf Jay 9'9 650 5066 llAINIOW CJlt<U MAINT P 1mhna .inuut. lhrA/Apl Quahty fObl r 1ee 6 1Jlnfll' L 1569897 714 636 8888 SlWB ---~ (t4t) 64S-2SS2 T L.. e dMslOnof M8l J llaR!ll'fl SEWER JEnlNC ELECTRONIC SlAB LEAK 0£ TECTION f 11endly Ser1r1ce 94t-6 7S ·9 S 04 -.~.(X)fl1 l •1S2A9j IMUt'f'CI <Intl' "-l>le9 Ntw & Remodtl1na. Cu Line. Copper Rep1pe, Mt Ami* l1516783 949-67~·5035 HOMfST & lllASONA.IU PLUMBER L1506S86 Free E.stl Sm repws. OCTfCU One. 714-~9150 pttfOSf PWMllMG Rep•ln & Remoelefln1 FREE ESTIMATE L'687391714-969 t09b PoolSemce Mosel< Poel & 5'"' Svr. Wetkfy Ser vice. r quip ment Repatrs, ln,ur .. d Cel t0-292-117> ............. Retoollfll & Repa11 s Aesiclenbal/ Comm ~ 1937 L-"'4519J1 949-&M 5641> 714 668 31 J6 THIST9t"OI Speclel111n1 In W1llp1pt Rtmovel L'58124l M9 360 1211 SEll your stuff tfyough classified! ' 1 '