HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-05 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDA~ • .ft:'LY 5,2003 THE FOURTH, NEWPORT-M~SA STYLE Fourth of July fireworks from Newp'ort Dunes illuminate the sky Fnday night as seen from Castaway Park. ··-"') SEAN HILLER /DAJLY Pit.OT A little quieter on the western front Fewer people and less n oise made for an atypical Fourth of July on the streets of Wes t Newport. Deirdre Newman DailyP1tot NEWPORT BF.ACH fourth of July revelers OOtled to lhe1r trdditional mecca of West Newport Friday. but the crowd wasn't quite as large as in yeatJ; past and the atmosphere was a Uttle tamer amid a crackdown by lhe city on crime and public drunkenness. The City Councils effort 10 create a kinder, gentler Fourth resulted in new ruJes lncluding tripling of some fines. Uquot deliveries to the area were off limits Friday and retailers were not al- lowed to seU liquor out of their park- ing lots. More. than 200 officers from IO agen cies roamed the street, an in- INSIDE • Mesa del Mar neighborhood celebrates with i1s first parade 'PageA7 • Former Marine sets up honor to Jose Garibay and protest o f Dick Nichols. Page A3 crease of 60 com- pared to last year. '>aitl · Lt. John Klem. As of 10 p.m.. 41 people had been arrested. The city created a "safety enhance- ment zone" from 12:01 a.m. Friday to 3 a.m. Saturday between 32nd Street. Newport Boulevard. Coast Highway and !'>4th Street Klein attributed the low nwnber or arrests to the mcrcased police pres- ence which included four officers on every street and the comprehensive outreach effort. ·nierc was a year-long effort to co- on.Jmate with community groups and the community gained from that." Klein said. "We're very pleased with the results." The scene was reminiscent of years past as partyers navigated the street~ on foot, on kateboards. on bikes and on roller-blades. The increased police presence didn't seem to diminish the jovial atmosphere of the occasion. "I'm having a great time,~ said· Emily Edmunds, 30, Who roUer-bladed around the area ·1 think it's.so incred· ible. It reminds me of New Orleans and Pacific Beach." See FOURTH, Pa1e A8 Pohce officers arrest a young man on Balboa Boulevard for allegedly being drunk 1n pubhc. Police said more officers and triple fines for violabons kept the West Newport area under control during the Fourth of July hohday. MARI( C. DUSTIN / ewt.YPILOT FAMILY TIME Missing the family at Half Dome Daily Pilot ATA GLANCE ONlHEWEB: ~.~com Swap· meet _op erato rs awaitfa~r board 's ruling ' - J enny Bloche would be proud of me. Jenny, you see. is a Newport Beach res4dent who writes a column ln OC Panly mapzine called •JIVenu Need A Ufe," in whk:b ahe oft'ers guidance few psents who want to k.eep thetr aaruty whlle raislna their kids. She'U supst wata tor pa.rents fb ~ IOm4 d.me for tbemleha tueh I you shouldn't have kids. That doesn't ltlean that parents can't ever go out to dinner alone or with friends. It means that as a • .,.rent. eech day should be ltruc:tured around what ls belt for lbe kids and only when there Is a special opportunity lhould parents tab dme off. Of ClCIUl'M. the aJ'llUDlftll could be IMde tMt tUinC tOIDO .. tie pd for ~~!9=111,_!!!~-~ ... 2 .":8'~· WEATHER Theaun ia finally out to atey. at leeat forewhtle. S..hpA2 BOOtWtS wmt A KICK -The• to eo veer o1c1s who ma-. up the •Hippy Hoofw•"' ........... at 4Mlntl end ... ~homM.· ... ,...Al The Orange County Fair Board will consider allowing competition 'to bid for Marketplace's <fOntract. Detrclr• Newman Daly Plot OOSl'A MESA -The tw0 comp.Net V)'in« .. . Al Sabdly, ~ 5, 2003 .. BOOMERS & BEYOND ·, KENT TREPTOW /bAll.TY PILOT The Happy Hooters tap dancers perform at the Jewish Community Center of Orange County on Thursday. Dancing days are here again The "Happy Hoofers" keep their audience en tertained at the Jewish Community Center of Orange Co unty. biggest fans. Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot Watching the skilled dancers choreograph numbers while wearing dazzling costumes, one might think these perfonners were former Rockettes, as they captivated their audience at the senior center at the Jewish Community Center of Orange County on Thwsday. Ranging in age from 60 ta 80, the "Happy Hoofers" are a tap dance core of about 15 women who perfonn at area retirement homes, convalescence homes and senior centers or any other place they are requested. Rohen Cooper served as the emcee, dressed to the nines, with a white jacket. black slacks and sparkling red bow tie and vest and was sporting different hats to meld with the theme of each dance. Cooper took the audience through a nostalgic journey of dance and music - through the different eras and poinled out fascinating information while also entertaining the crowd. ·rve been dancing all my life and ii feels natural," Swanson said. "What I like most aboul dancing are the people, activity and audience. It makes everyone happy and it's good exercise for the person that's doing it" She said it keeps the dancers' memories quick -not only do they have to think about what they are doing. they have to think ahead to what i$ next. "It's a joy, the camaraderie with the girls, 10 do something and see the enjoyment of the senior citirens, • Collins said. Collins and Swanson concurred that the key Lo life is to stay fit. , Dorothy Jo Swanson started the "Happy Hoofers· in the early 1950s after she moved to California. Swanson has been dancing since she was 12 and.is still performing at age 88. She choreographs the well thought out and performed numbers. There were many show stoppers, including the Fourth of July themed dances to "Grand Old Flag" and .. Yankee Doodle.· where the crowd couldn't help but sing along. "Keeping active is the whole thing to everything.· Collins said. ''When I'm not practicing dance. I run the track." ·1 opened the Dorothy Jo Dance Studio in Corona del Mar aboul a week after I moved 10 California," Swanson said. "Little by little, they all drifted in and we grew -we do about four performances a month." The dancers even changed cos1umes between numbers to coordinate wilh each themed piece. Regarding 1he dazzling often-sequined costumes, Swanson explained thal they have a sewing bee and make their own. Lorrie COUins, a dancer who facilita1es the "Happy Hoofers." explained that Dancer Madelon Sherick has bee n with the "Happy Hoofers" for I 5 years. "It's a greal group, fun and dilferenl from our daily lives." Sherick said. lleceiving rounds df applalise, it was obvious the ·Happy Hoofers" are tapping their way into the hearts of their audiences. Belty Benowitz., coordina1or and director of the senior services . department at the senior center, said they have the "Happy Hoofers· perform for the Fourth of July. She is one of their there are two groups of dancen. and they practice two days a week with three hours a week of tap dancing. To find oul more about th• "Happy I loofers" or book them, call (714) 968-7897. • Send CALENDAR items to the Corona del Mar. For more Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa infonnatlon, call (949) 644-3244. Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by Women 60 and okler can join a fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling discussion group coordinated by (949) 574-4298. Include the time, Jewish Family Services to date and location of the event. as address issues such as aruciety, well as a contact phone numher. depression, relationships, A complete listing is available at loneliness and family. The group www.dallypilotcom. meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, ONGOING 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa a.. Senior CAnt9f holds a Mesa.Preregistration required. pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 (714) 445-4960. a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes The B,.ille lnttttut. off9rs free pancakes, uusage, coffee and computer dasses to peopfe with orange juice for $3, $1 for children. fading vision who have difficulty "The center is at 900 Marguerite, seeing the computer screen. The Daily A Pilot · VOL 97, NO. XX Newt Edtton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderaon, Daniel Hunt, Paul Seitowitz. Daniel Stevena NEWSSTAff Crime '=9co~rter. (9'8) 574-4228 d#pt&.bhefllth •1«1,,,_com ·--=--N9wpoft !'llpOlt«, (149) 574-4232 june.~•~oom ,.,.CIMM Polltlc:e, buM,,_ end environrl'l9flt ,..,,..., (941) 7&M330 pt1CJ/.dlntonf!IW1,,.....com ............. ColunwM ~ repclftlir, ( ... PMZ71 ~com ........ $ ... co.ta -..,.,..,,, .. , PM221 dM'lft,...,..,,.~ c:.--.... ............. .,..... .,.,.....,............,.,, BOOMER CALENDAR Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. The Costa Mesa Senior Cem.r has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10-.30 p.m. every Tuesday night at-696 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewilh nmtty Setvtc:. of Orange County aponaors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically Ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage Illness and its PHOTOGRAPHERS .. Sean Hillef, Don Leedl. Kent Treptow READERS HOTUN£ "49) 642-«>86 Record your comment.a about the Dally Pilot or newt tlJJ9. Addr'9e9 Our addreu Is 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Meu, CA 92877. Office hour1 ire Mondr( -Friday, 8:30 1.m. · 6 p.m. eon.dkN• It 11 the Piiot'• Policy to promptly comict all errore of 1utiaance. ,,,_..call (949) 7&M324. FY1 The Newport 8eadVCoete M ... Delly Piiot (USPS-144-800) 19 published deny. In NtwPon 8-c:t\ end Com Meu. eublc:ripdont are aveilable only by IUbec:rtblng U) 1)'9 Tlmee Orange County (IOO) 282·9141. In .,.... outlidt of ~ hedl and Co.Ml M9N, ~II() ... Deity f'lloC.,. ....... onty b¥ .... mall fof ao ,_ '"°'*'· IPt'be lndudl a1t ~ ..... endloCllW) ~: s.ncs lddr.- ~'°TM....,.. ~ .... °"'Y"'°" P!O • .. tMO, C.. ..._.,CA 12828. consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration Is required. (714) 4454950. The Coin and St.mp Qub rnMb from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish f8mily s.rvtce of99rs ongoing bereavement aopport Copyright No news storiel. illustnttiona, editorial matter or advertlsementl herein can be reJ)(Oduced without written permluion of copyright own«. HOW 10 REACH US Clm.tledon The Tim" Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwrdlil11 a111trled 1949! 642-5678 Dteptey (949) 842..Q21 EdleotW New9 (M9) 842-5el0 ........ (M9) 574-<l223 ,....,... (949) ~170 ......,..(948)~70 l-IMll: t:Mll'(pl1ot•1.r1,,,...oom .... Olloe ••• , ..... Ollme (Mt) eG-4321 ......... ,_ (M9) 131·7 128 THE OLDER CROWD John Byerlein and sailing the Oasis II "Believe me, my youngfrlerul., IMre ls nothing-absolutely nothing-h4Jf so much worth doing as simply messing about In boats." -™TH Glt.'JfiAW, 1he Wind in the Wilows It doesn't take much to get Oa.Sis Salling Qub Commodore John Byatetn enthused MELISSA ADAMS OrtginaDy built ln 1982, the-vessel WU oudltted with a new inboard diael motor last July. h comfortably seats six adulta, on daytime and sumet excwaiofis ranging from races to Hund.ngton Harbor to ovemlght jaunt.a to San Pedro and Catalina. Augmenting these outings are parties and about boats. Indeed, bad It not been Water Rat musing dreamily of watercraft in Kenneth's Grahame's children's classic, it might hive been Byerlein. Now entering the second year of his two-year tenn as bead of the lOO·member dub, the C.oast Guard Academy reservist can instandy reel off a litany of stats about the Corona d el Mar senior center's 17-year-old sailing club: "We have 13 designated skippers. 10 designated mates, 17 members working to qualify as mates and 60 casual sailors who also bring treats and enjoy sailing's social aspects. .. As one of four elected o.fficers. Byerlein bas help in making Oasis n -the club's 30-foot Newpon Mark DI sloop - available to club members 29 days a month. Sharing leadership responsibilities with him are Vice Commodore J8Ck Ttberg, Secretary Jim Stone and Treasurer Dorothy Fm. Under their stewardship, Oasis n departed Its Balboa Yacht Basin mooring on 257 days In 2002, proYkting l, l 00 penon-days of enjoyment. On all voyages. a certified skipper and first mate are o n board, to satisfy insurance requirements and provide optima) safety. Oub skippers must pass both a written and a hands-on test. Even with such precauUons, watery mishaps do occasionally occur. Following one this spring. Oasis II undeiwent major repair and now boasts all new rigging. lifelines and safety equlpmenL ·After five weeks out of commission, it's stronger and safer than ever before,· Byerlein said. groups for adults at all at.ages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief. receive support and learn waya to cope.with sadness and losa.. One group meet.a at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea In Laguna Hiiia. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There·• no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) '\f6-496(). The Com Meaa &.Mor atbMi Square and Round Dance Club aeeka experienced danoera to join partJdpation ln local boal parades. Including recent American ~on festivities and the annual end-of-year holiday celebration In Newport Hart>or. Sailing club dues, which run $10 per month. and sailing excursion chargea-$15 each for the fint three sailinp each month -~ dock fees. insurance and maintenance cosas. Qub members perform most roud.ne maintenance. To coordinate activides. they meel from 1 to 3 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month at the Ouis (.enter. Experienced and new sailors of all ages are welcome to join them. to learn about what Byerlein userts is •me world's most active sailing alliance.• Newcomers can enjoy one free sailing wt1en they join the club's ranks. If the lure of the sea and the enthusiasm of club member& fail to motivate, Byaiein adds one more incentive. "People with involvements and relationships live nine years longer tlwl thoae who are more paasJve.. ·1 can't die: said Byerleln, who was the Newport Harl>or Nautical Museum docent-of-the-year. ~1 have sailing this weekend.· • MELISSA ADAMS manage• communication• for City of Newport Beach Library, Arts. and Recreation & Senior Servicet. Oaai1 Senior Center is a hub tor older adultl 1oclal and information aervlces. at Fiflh Slreel and Narcissus Avenue in Corona del Mar. For more information about the center and ill ectivitiea, pleaae call (949) 644-3244. its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thu~ at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. AltMda Foundetion IMtrudor Hibty Stone leeda en exerci9e ctaa st 11 a.m. Thuredaya st the Jewish Senior Center. 250 E. Beker St, Colt.a Mesa. (714) 513-6641. The o..aa Senior Centw ....... shuttle to take members to appointment. and grocery shopping. The shuttle elao takes members to the center. Call to make en appointment. (949) 644-3244. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST· Some fog In the morning with lows of 83 degt'Ma turning Into a sunny day wfth highs of 80 degrees. The WNtt'9f lhould stay ~t Sunct.y wtth highs of 76 degf'M9. lnfonMtlota: WWW.l'M'S.fJOIN.(/OV BOATING FORECAST The Inner W8tw wtnda wtM be 10 knoll Of ... beoOmlng 10to20knollfrom1he IOUltMelC'" h eftltmooc" Wind W.W. wll be 1 10 3 fMt. Swelt .. be" .... from h Wiit II I aeCCMlda end 210 4 fMtfrom the ICMllh 11 M ....... Thtre .. be.,... of tog In lht momng. The , ~qwllbrtng~ .. II 1010 20 ilnala. 0.. ........ be1ll021 .... "°"' .. Wllll wllh wend .... , ............ ................ _ 0 3 feet from the south at 14 eeconda. SURF TIDES" .,.... 1:0la.m. •1•a.m. 3:21 p.m. l:i48p.m. WATER TDmlEM1UIE ........ • • • .. • .. • . . Dally Pilot Soturdav. July 5. 2003 AJ f Former Marine stages protest of Nichols comment U.S., Mexico and Marine flags placed on a Corona del Mar grassy area honor Jose Garibay while making statement about councilman's opinion: Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CORONA OEL MAR -As crowds converged on C.:orona c.Jcl Mar State BJ!aCh to soak up some rays and let loose on the i;ourth of July holiday. an observance of a more '\erious na1ure oc- curred on lhc &!'a'>~Y area above the beach. A cano)>y wa:. erected , covered in caipouflage and-adorned with nags re - presenting the Marine-;, the U.S. and Mexico. Outside the canopy was a pie· lure of Jose Garibay. a Marine from U>sta Me...a killed in the war again't Iraq. The art•a wa.., <,cl up by C...uauhll1t:oyotl Madrigal, :11. to ... Prvc a dual purpo'>e: 10 honor (,aribay·., memory anti a' a ccr· e monial prute ... 1 aga11v;1 a comment made b~ Newport Bl.'ach C 1iy Council man D1l'k Nichol-. During a phonl' Ill· terview in ·June, Nichols Aid he op- poses adding more gira.ssy areas to the beach in part because "Mexicans" come early and claim the areas as I.heir own. Madrigal ls a poet, community leader and former Marine. Garibay'!> brother, Gabriel. 16, joihed Madrigal in his *mis· sion." "One is symbolism of the ultimate sacrifice on lhls Founh of July," Madri- g~ said. "'Ille second is to elevu1e the subconscious of Nichols, for we are here on the grass as he se~ us -as Mexicans. But we see ourselves a!> war- riors, dying like all that love thi:. coun- ·lry." . After the ceremonie!i for the Marine'> from Southern California kilkd in Iraq, including one that he helped put to gether, Madtigal said he rnade a com mitment to their mothen. that he would 1ake pictures of their <>on~ IO the pyra- mids and ancient churche-. in Mexico and have 1hem ble'>l>ed Ont' of 1how mother' wa<, Simona Garibay When he re1urned. SinHlllJ d .... t u.,...t•d Nichols' commenl with turn. "Mr'>. Garihay "1!d, 'wh.il .., ht• 1ry1ng lo 1ell U'>?'" M.idrigal ...aid .. lllill m y <>on\ dt>ath wa<, 111 vain'?" Simona a'>ked Madng.11 to lmn~ a p1erurl.' of Jo.,e to lhe grac,-.y tl!l'J ... o "\11.t' can .,it on th"e gr;i.,., ,.., a ... 1all'lllc11l of LIVING MUL11-VITAMIN & MINERAL SUPPLEMENT """' llomtodatJc Nutrients l)niCned tee • Enhanu f.na1b' &: Pafonmnce • Fadlbte ('4eW n.tmifiratioo • ~ ODlaliw Sbal • Contain.s 70 Whole Foods including 23 fruits, 20 vegetables, 11 tonic mu.shrooms, 9 ocean vegetables, 6 botviicals, plus naturally occurring probiotics & enzymes • Optimal level of every nutrient in "Body Ready" form 11eap1m 2$ 1 REG. '37 .45 REG. 'fi1 .45 99 FARM FRESH PRODUCE On1beVlne Tomatoes Sl'ra\jmwiw~ ~49 I~. \ forgiveness." Madrigal said. "Th forgive those that would hurt us,· Madrigal said. "We don't come here with hate. We come here with love and hope that we may forget those com- ments and instead remember t.ha.se that have made the ulrimate sacrifice M> we can enjoy this beautiful day.· Gabriel Garibay said he was honored Madrigal a<;ked him to accompany him. "I think it's kind of cool be would let me be a part of this," Gabriel said. People who paused to admire the view from above the beach said they appreciated lhe memorial but ex- pressed varying reactions to Madrigal's proteM. · "In tcm1s of t.he Marine!.. it':. a good idea." '><!HJ David Muller, a < :orona del Mar rel>idenl. "Semper Fi -lthey'vel showed 11 10 be their motto. It certamly hold!> true for all of them. As for Mr N11.;hol-;, he's got a lot of thinlun~ to do." Others ~d they didn'1 under'>tdnd 1he heat Nichols is taking because of h1-. commen1. "I he memorial helps lusl remember why we're here and what thi'> 1~ all cthout." '>aid Ardith Olaffce . anolhl'r <omua dcl Mar resident. "I didn't !.Cc .inythmg dt:rogatory about Nichol., 1 omnwnt I think people who are try ing IO gel him oul of office are com- WfsrBRAE NATURAL Mustard • Stone Ground • Stone Ground -No Salt •Dijon $~I9 •Honey REG. 11.99 Boz. •,. A f Pl JT A tent decorated like a military bunker serves as a memorial for Jose Garibay and to protest a comment made by tJewport Beach Councilman Die ~ Nichols pl.11111ng about 11 I d<1111 l..11cm "II\ .1 Ml'lm an would hl· 111 ... ultl'd h\ 11 I h1·\ dn flgh1 for 1he gra..:.~ .trt'.1 11' 111,1 • Whole Wheat BUNS •Hot Dog •Hamburger No Sqar, Dairy OT Eggs Baited . ~!n;':sI~ REG. '3.49 -\S.59 ~IUM-99 MG Amino Acid Cbmp/i'x ~:~9349 100 SUGG. '6.49 c. _-... 10111c. lir.,1 Wl\t> 111 tlw. \<\orld 11 was a .. 111p1d lurn1 111·111 hut no1hmg dhre 'pectful " ~ Chicken & 1Urkeg Fnnlcs •Regular .-~ ~99 •Spicy REG. 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IMl•l •i •J CD/a.uette.alr cond.powa windows/door ~ Net $ '"> k~M£ ~=~'!~c;;~~J]S . cost ~~fO !Vew '03 EXPEDITIOIV XL T /Yew (1)] EXCURSIM: Wdie Bauer 4x4 ~~:s;::;:,.~~-S4!J,[,i, 6.0L Tllrl>o Dle:Kl.tow p•g,lutber.huted • O~~D~.lM$38975 seat.5.ln Oilsh (6) Dl.sc CD.rear DVD - -,_ Entertainment System D 15SOJIS•O l!SoJDoi•D ~~Ol55':()QI 0 lllt'J/11 "You MUST qualify Wt! and fmance ~ford M(tor Credit to~$ I 000 Double Down·Match. * * 0°/o APR financing for 36 roonltls ~ 36 pa)lOO!ts of U7.77 ~ ~1000 ~. *0°/o APR financing for60 montlLs ~60 ~ntsof ~16.67 ~r~IOOO OO!Trt«d. ~ pa'J111enl, cash, ortB'le, rangt>S from l~~o 35%, ~on )OOTOOI aedMxtltina5a5 determined~ ford M~rCredil lndi~dual circumstances may allow for a higher or lower down payrnenL Some customers may not qu~ify. Applies to new vehicles only. Residency restrictions apply. Exp~es dose of bu~ness 7 /06/03. /Yew [{1AJ F 150 XLT Supercab Al'101'1A TIC TRA"S " In Oa$b (6) OLK CO.remote entsy. power window!J/dr loclc.s.t.Jlt.crui§e. alr cond.lllum wbee6.P2!J!J/70R· I 6 OWL tlres.A~nce plcg ' --~ --... ·. ~ IDl~ISWl/J0915'1' ID 11\S~I> IAS5~ 11D MSSMOI 11D MSllliSl Sales Price: Ford Rebate: D.D. Matclr: _...;;....::;~·~ $21,975 MflnnJ MflnnJ l'Yew.k1~3Explorer XLT: Tow Pkg · Rf .\ H l 1tl HOit 51 .\ 1 rwr drlYer'• !!leal.rauote entry,pwr wllHl/loCllAUll.au&e.alr cond.IHlto ,,,_p beMIJlgbta,prlyacy glaM .... OL SOlfC V6.•utomatlc ttmu,.cereo CD n--u-•,..n'"l?J;"':1 .. 11> Kl9'0JW Kl9'1J6«1J KPllllJ /I) ICIOJMXf) Kl9S&JI llJICIO&fd#I) K191JIJ "'"'~ !l>IC106ll/ .,Kl~IJ Sales Price: ~~ '25,476 Ford Rebate: D.D. Matclr: /Yew ({1A3F150 XLT SUPE~CREW Tow pllg, I 7• I 0-spolle alum wheds. P27.5/6-0R·l '7 OWL Ures.rrmote entry. power wlndow~/dr loclu. tllt..c:nll~. air cond,automallc tr.m$ .... 6l. VB. stereo CD /!) ICblSCl5•111Cbl5J1 f) IC610S•/O Kl>1JOJ. ID ICt>/5641 New '03 EXPEDITION : fddic 1Jc1ucr ,, /) ,.,,, ,,, /lt'tC (/) ; Od mb Al'I' lor lfl MIL • .,....a.a~ AU flB ,f.>mmliJo.Me 0... Mlftt' t. rw,,. <ma l'IOlr 0eC btnt mmm °'*' Dowl ltMd• hm fw:' Moe« Qt.If• lllJ ummot £.,.n. 1/f/OJ On Approved CrecllL financing rates vary depending on credit wortJlfnl of customer as determl~e~ by ford Credit. Some customers wUI not qualify. f'1U$ government fees and taxes, any nnance charges, any dealer document preparatlon charge, and any '- emission testing charge. This ad ex~ude.s all lemes, rdalJ purchase only, subject to prior saJe. expires ~ of bu.slnw 7 /00/0~. , ! Ir: , . .... . -... .. . . . .. .. - .. _ ... .. -.. :: ·= ·-• :· • . ... -. .. :: . .. • ... .. . . . . ·. :: - • . .... . ... .· ·: ·-•. :-·: ... •. •. · . .. Daily Pilot ~. >.ly 5, 2003 A5 ~Dear Newport-Mesa, I I Come Discover ·your Newest Community .Treasure.~. T HEATRE Feat u ring - ... ' ... v• Ill . Thu rsday, July 10 7 p.m. Grand Openin g-Friday, July 11 8 p.m. Costa Mesa - CostaMgzing Years • Help kick off the City of Costa Mesa's year-long 50th anniversary celebration! Enjoy an evening of live entertainment and a fireworks sky concert! The first 2,000 people will receive a slice of' history (cake that is)! This is a free event so come join the celebration! I5i"ANA KI\_A LL Ms. Krall, currently on a European tour, flys in from Verona, Italy for her only So. Cal performance. Ms. Krall is a 2003 Grammy A ward winner and world renowned jazz singer. Tickets for the Grand Opening Concert arc on-sale now! .. ·.and Catch the Stars under the Stars! Juan Gabriel Melissa Etheridge Joan Osborne Crosby, Stills & Nash Duran Duran "Standing in the Shadows of Motown 311 Something Corporate Marco A ntonio Solis Amy Grant Michael W . Smith DnJo Cake Steely Dan Tb~ DoobU Brothen Biu:ldy G"Y The Doon of the 21st Century Alanis Morissette Jason Mraz Bob Dylan Alan Jackson Joe Nichols Kntny LoggiJU Michael M cDon11ld 3 Doon Down Our Lady P~ace Jethro Tull R oxy MMSic Dawd Lindley & El Rayo-X Boston _.r Pacific Amphitheatre Summer Concert Series ... • • I j I I ' I -·--~---~-~__,..---~-~-~--~ ------------------~·----------..-... M Saturday, .My 5, 2003 FORUM I .. Dally Pi'lot .. !,• . • -. v. HOW TO GET PU8USHED -t..a.a: Mail to Editorial Page Editor SJ. Cahn et the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ......... Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send Co (949) 646:4170 E~Send to dallypilotQllatime..com • All correspondence must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reHrvea the right to edtt all aubmlssf<>n• for clarity and length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Looking at the roots offers a clear picture of this place On Monday, June 23. the Daily Pilot's parent. the Los Angeles Tunes. ran an artide titled "Leaders Deny Racism Is Part of Newport Ufe. • The instigation for this article was Newport Beach Councilman's Richard Nichols politically incorrect statement, which I will not delve into now. But I must pause and respond to the adjective that some people here in Newport Beach demand that the city does not deserve: racist Al one time(?), the Newport Beach Police Department had an unwritten policy of pulling over anybody who didn't look like a teSident, meaning if you were not rich and while, you were going to stopped by the police. If I may. please let me start by saying I was married to a black woman that r loved very much. Let me also say that living in Newport Beach was never an option for us even if I was born and raised here. Newi>ort Beach does deserve the adjective "racist." I grew up here in Newport Beach and my father was a mem'Jer of several clubs, including the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub, among others. There were never. and as far as I lcnow now, any black members in the club. At one time, Jews were not allowed. Now. if you are Jewish. you can be a member, but if you are black. I thiflk your chances are less. and I say this very graciously. I say this judging by the current membership. 1llis situation may prevail at other clubs here in Newport Beach, and I whole-heartedly believe it does. PAUL JAMES BALDWIN Now lo give you a little history, Orange County is the binhplace of the John Birch Society. For those of you who don't lcnow what this is, go to the sean:h engine on your computer and look ii up. Orange County's roots are based in racism, and they exist today, albeit in a more politically correct way. Jewish people now are accepted in Newport Beach to some extent. but at one time. they were not Black people still are frowned upon, as well as Muslims, or anyone who does not fit the stereotypical profile of a white person, or a white person from Orange County. Orange County has attracted a wealth of foreign nationalities and cultures. Wt; have Persians, Koreans. Vietnamese. Cambodians and Mexicans and many other nationalities. We are now attracting Russians, Ukrainians, Tuiwanese and others. W.e here in Orange County should rejoice in the rich diversity and cultural extravaganza that we have around us. This makes for a vibrant and dynamic society which we are uniquely positioned here in Newport Beach to lead the nation in a new era of tolerance and compatibility. Southern California is the new "melting pol" of the United States, and Newport Beach is very impacted by this. ls Newport Beach "racist?" I believe it is, although it has come a long way, and I hope it continues to progress in a socially liberal way. I lcnow my comments will bring disdain fro m my neighbors, my friends in Emera.Id Bay and elsewhere, and from associates. lf being politically correct means not telling the ttuth and that racism exists in Newport Beach on a daily basis, and the facts as one sees them, then please do me a favor. call me politically incorrect. But 10 ignore reality is to deny future progress and reality. The choice is yours. • PAUL JAMES BAlDWIN 1s a Newport Beacti resident. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (71 4) 754-5223 Meyor: Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sdleafer and Chris Steel crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH •... Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach. CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Meyor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration. 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach), (714) 834-3220 - •Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast ), (714) 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (71 4) 708-FAIR Board: President Ruben A. Smith, Vice Pres ident Patricia Velasquez, Dick O'Neill, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haidl, James Barich, Deborah Carona, Leslie A. Ray and Frank Barbaro MAILBAG R~signation would save the city money I appreciate Mayor Steve Brom berg's analysis of wby he and the other five Newport Beach city councilmen have asJcod Councilman Dick Nichols to resign. I, too, heard similar comments by Nichols last October during the campaign. Unfortunately. I cannot respect a public official who seems..so out of touch with the times. I enthusiastically support a recall and will work to replace him with a more qualified member of our community. Nichols needs to be replaced. It would be ah honorable act if he were to resign and save our community the $70,000 cost of a special election. ALEXANDRA MCKAY Corona del Mar Celebration of di versity celebrates the country Three cheers for Mayor Steve Bromberg for setting the record straight and for his insightful synopsis of what the Nich ols matter reaUy means to aU of us. As we celebrate our Independence Day, maybe we should aU take a moment to reflect upon what it means to be an American. America was created as a haven for those who had experienced religious persecution. This country has been built on the notion that all people are welcome and encouraged to participate in our community affairs and our democratic institutions. The melting pot anaJogy 1s not just a concept - it is our reality and it is what gives our country its strenglh. There ii> nothing "politically correct" about it. Immigrants to mant,other countries are nor invi1~d 10 integrate into the community. They are excluded, held a l arms length, perpetually "different." What ends up being created is a si7.<1ble disenfranchbed. disaffetred and increa1>ingly angry minority. Think of the North Africans and Middle Easterners in many European countries today. Gratefully, that situation stands in marked contrasJ to what our imm igrant exp erience has been here in the United Stales. To quote New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman: • ... American power and wealth now . directly from a deep spiritual source -a spirit of respect for the individual, a spirit of tolerance fo r differences of faith o r politics. a respect for freedom of tho ught as the necessary foundation for all creativity, and a spirit of unity that encompasses aU kinds of differences.· What rnaJces me proudest to be an American is when I look at a group of my children's fri endi., classmates or teammates or a l any assemblage of the brave m en and women who maJi:e up our nation's fighting forte$ today and see an array of black. Asian, Latino and white Americans. Our diversity, inclusiveness and tolerance are the cores to o ur strength as a people and a nation. My Irish American ancestors were no doubt treated with the same disdain Nichols apparently feeb for those h e caU1> ··Mexicans.·· I low quickly we forget. We are all immigrants. It's just a question of timing. Let's all celebrate the birthday of this grea1 country and the ideals for which 11 s tands - without excluding anyone from the party. THERESA BURKE CHASE Newport Beach Once Nichol is gone, how about all th e gates? ~ I take pen in hand, I cannot refrain from ma.long a comment abbut tht' Nichols situation. To be consist en I, if you get rid of Newport Beuch City Councilma n Dick Nichols, you -.hould also get rid of aJI the gatt'd communities designed to keep "you know who· ou I. / MIKE MANG Corona del Mar The Next Stage• :· .• . Sign up for Wells Fargo Checking and we11 donate to local school districts. Ten dollars may not seem like much to you, but to a school, it's a box of crayons or new books. And right now, when you open any Wells Fargo Consumer Checking Account, we'll donate $1 er to local school districts. Sign up for C(nline Bill Pay and after you make the first payment, we'll donate another S 1 ~.You'll not only be helping schools reach their next stage, you'll be on the way to your next stage as well. A Wells Fargo Checking Account makes organizjng and managing your finances a lot easier. You can access your account online to tranSfer funds and pay bills. And schools will be able to pay bills a little easier, too. Talk to a banker today to see how Wells Fargo checking Is the smartest way there is to help our local schools. f?altt Pilot , " '•dturddy July 5, 2003 A7 . Mesa del Mar residents parade their spirit PROUD DISPLAY Comm~ty's first July 4 e\Jent brings people together. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSfA MESA -The Fourth of JuJy has al- ways held special significance for Danya Se- govia Her mother considered naming her In- dependence to match Danya's maiden name of Hall: She was born on the f'Ourth of JuJy. And this year. she helped organized Mesa Del Mar's first annual Fourth of JuJy parade. About 75 people gathered Friday morning 10 participate in the inaugural event. The gathering enabled residents of the area to liaVe f4n and get to know each other a little better. ed at Sonora School and then wended its way to TeWmkle Park and back for more celebrations in the neighborhood. Joey Nguyen, pulled a wagon decorated with a Oag with son Matthew, 4, inside. Ngu- yen said the parade h~ped foster a sense of patriotism and neighborhood camaraderie. "[We camel to celebrate the ·Fourth and shOIN our independence, to boost morality," Nguyen said. "Tu $ow we're all one big. .neighbort\ood family." Chriss Lang deeorated her beach cruiser bike with some flags and also decorated the bikes of her daughter, Ncualie SuJlivclfl and Nat.alie's friend, Sarah Lelea She said the pa- rade came at the perfect time for the chang- ing neighoorhood demographics. "I think we need some community in- v6lvement," Lang said. "A lot of people seem to do their own thing, especially since there are a lot of young families moving in." SEAN DUFREN[ PAii v ·1 r f'I\\';," lil\ICJ\:'\ (1.udeo Dc~ign Plantd Boxc:s H undreJ, I)( urnq It h.11•. • • ! I'' rt" '" 1 •· n .i)I mu rtH world, Ill \Ill"\ IJJ' f1i :; I! ti'' I• 't i 1· .t"' 'Ill.'\ LJll tic or<ltrrd Our u1;to1!1t • ·ll'l ·• ,. :n r n t:llt r r '1nl k Jnd 1111 prem ium qu.i.lirv 111 11ur pl.mt "I think it's great." said Katrina Foley, a Planning Commissioner who has lived in the Mesa del Mar neighborhood wit11 her family for the~ix years. "It's a nice, neighbor- hood mmuni1y activity. !>Omething we needed.~ Segovia an co-organizer Staci Ch apman '>pread word of the parade through mers and · a homeowners' newsletler. Ihe parc1de !>Lart - ;. Madeline Schwartz, 10, rode her hike adorned with streamers and tinsel in the pa- rade, while friend Shannon Walthers, 10 rode her' scooter. "I had lots of fun,'' Shannon said. · Segovia said she hopes even more Mesa del Mai: residentS participate next year One participant in the Newport Beach Boat Parade showed pride m country m celebration of Independence Day. FAMILY Continued from Al weekend off withou1 the k.idl>. Actually, I took it off withou1 my wife, too. ·. This trip wai. abou1 13 years in 1he making. In I 990. my wife and I and a frit;nd, Scon Thomas. took a trip to Yosemi1e National Park. Scon and I planned to hike to Lhe top of I falf Dome. one of the Wec;t's and perhaps the nation's, most recogni7,able icons. !)cott and J started out at 6 a.m .. planning 10 spend about I 2 hours on the trail. The hike 1~ 17 miles round trip, 16 of which is quite pleasant. About a half mile from the peak. however. the trail turns nasty. very nasty. It is a1 tha1 point. afler hiklng eigh1 miles, that you have to navigate about a quarter of a mile. probably a little more, of steps. The step!> are uneven and endless. They '~·ere hard 10 do with my younger legs arrd even harder lasl weekend at'age 48. FOUR SEASONS ID " OTHIRI llU. FCMt • 199 nD•I NIT S4 Ml' IALE PRICE r.., Once the .. 1cps are done, it\ 11me to climb the hack si de of the gra11ite dome. rhe trajectory of the 400-foot c:limb i" --my guei..., -about 70-degreel>. almost straight up. The surface is slick granite. To reach lhe summjt, you have to pull yourself along by gripping '>leel cables that run though polel> imbeddcd in the rock. lne pole:. are about I 0-feet apart. The physical and menial challenge is indescribahle. Besides having to use every muscle to pull yourself along the cables. there is the lingering thought that one false 'ttep means death. My niece. Laura We!>t. 18. made the trip a week ago bu1 did no t challenge the c-ables. But my brother-in-law. Bud West. once climbed the dome without the cables. crawling instead to each of the 2 X 4s that rec;1 against the pole<; that are I 0-feet a pan. Bud's the exception. Most people, including my two hiking buddies. Steve Thoma., and Craig Reem ., will tell you, that the hike is the mo!>! physically demanding thing they've ever do11e. That\ a mouthful rnrning from Craig who t'> rn excellent shape. Gening to the 'ummtt i-. an achievement you never fo rget. I've never had a deep religiou., experience but I have to believe that getting to the top is clo5e. The time away from the family was often t>ittcr,weet. On the day we arrived. the weather w~ perfect. There w::1s <,t1IJ plenty of water in all tht1 falb and the 5ummer crowd., were not closl' to what they U!>ed to he. thank!> to the flood of 1997 that wiped out so many campground' and cabins. That year. it -.eems, Mother Nature took care of the bu!>iness that too mariy comminees had been agonizing over for too long. With the perfect weather. the water and our very nice accommodationi>, my first wish wru. that my fan1ily wa'> with me inMead of my rwo lnends. I don't think they'll be insulted to read that as they were probably wishing they were there with their own families instead ol with their two friend!>. Llke me, the trip was Craig's first one SALE PRICE FIHISHES AVAUBL£: ·~BrB • Pcl:sh!d &ass #1 CASABLANCA STORE ANNOUNCES THEIR 23RDANNUAL CASABLANCA SUMMER KICKOFF I away from horrw w11h111J1 ti" family in 16 year-, of m.imagl'. not <:nunt1ng bu-.rne'>'> trip' H1dmg our 1>1k1·-. otro1111d 1 h1· vulll'Y Oour onlr made I! "'or-.1· If I had to pi<:k ont' activity that that ha' brought our family more JOY than Jny otllt'r, 11 would be· bike· rid111g 111 Yo'>l'mite. <In the hike. I wondert'd when my kid'> would be old enough and 1.ufficicntl) • prepared both rne111all> and phy,ically 10 i:omt· along wit I\ lllt:. f he iHl~Wt'r <:ame a ft'\\ minutes after I got hack wh1·11 rny I J -year-old daughter u'kl'd me if ~he could climb Half Dorne with me. too. I've al read\ '>tarted ma.king arrangement\ fur a trip next -.pnng. Rut if it\ OK w11h Jenny, J think I'll 1ust keep 'pending time with the family as J haw been. This. tou. "do<>e to a rel ig10u~ expenenc c~ •STEVE SMITH •!. a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily P1lot,hotl1ne at (949) 642·6086. CHU,(, /).II II IA. OW.\'1-R//JJ \/(,\/ H, 0 1\' 'ill I-////\ \l I/ Al \/J /() Hl:/.J' IX II II H Jf H IJ'IN/J\(.A/'/.\(, .\'EFJJ\. "BRJNr, Pu t l 'Rf'·'" 10 8/o OFF Your next plant purchase of SS0.00 or more at Organic Art Plants & Design Valid through July 31, 2003 Organic A'rc Plant' & Oe,ign' 2()') '.\. ( ol.L\\<.'JI l 1rJll~l ( :\ ')2\()(• 7 14-289-0222 '"'\" llrg.in1,.1npl.t111\ l <'lll tZ •I• Posh Moving Sale 00 ntire nvento Sale Today at Posh .. We're not closing -we're just moving to GARYS 1n the Fall We look forward to seeing you at Posh for the Posh Moving Sale This Fall you'n find the classic, traditional men's clothing selection you've always loved at Posh ... and the same fnendly, famiUar faces to assist you at the beautifully expanded GARYS. . .. ... I • M s.tir I "" 5. 2003 AlDENS DN-!ilTE DRAPERY Cl.EANIN& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN .. llEMIMN& NECEHARY I Certified Ta Dean All Hunter Douglail Fabric Window Covering• Including: • Luminette Privacy Shttrs' • Silhouette• window shadings • Vignette• window shadin~ • Ouette• honeycomb shades • Millenia™ Collection , • Jubilancellil roman shades • Applause' honeycomb shades • SerenetteTM Softfold™ shadinp World's Best ON-SITE"'. Drapery Cleaning System ~·ALDEN'S CARPET AND D RAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 "'"'"""' \ H,.,,,,,.,,,,,,, ''" IJ11t1l1t11 •""'..,,.,,II, • ..,,,,, ,. l'J'1/ PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY & ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CoRPORATE EVENTS W EDDINGS BAR/B AT M ITZVAHS CUSTOM EVENT CooRDINATION ALL O CCASIONS BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES SwEET 16 PROMS GRADUATION craycraft entertain ment 949.644 .1549 www.croyc roftentertolnment.com FOURTH Continued from Al Even peopJe who, got warnings from law enforcement officers took them in stride. John Salov. 1 the owner of a house on River Avenue and Bal- boa BouJevatd at the entrance to West Newport, got a waminl in the afternoon for playing his mu- sic too loud. Salov said be turned the music down and tried to limit his party to close friends. Around 7:30 p.m. rap music was emanating ar a toned•down level from a speaker on his balcony "It'd be nice if it were like this every day," Salov said of the scene. Down the street. Kristyn McKormick of Huntington Beach was hanging out with some friends on the front lawn of a residence. They had no idea whose house it was. "We just took over the yard of someone's house." McKormiclc said. "We are having a blast" McKormick described the scene around her as "Orange County at its finest and iis ugli- est." Toby Pesce, 26, of Rancho Santa Margarita, hung out at a friends' house all afternoon soak- ing up the scintillating scene which he described as a "pa- rade." He said the atmosphere in the early evening was so meUow that the police didn't have to crackdown. "I heard at this time last year it was a lot crazier,·· Pesce said. The scene wasn't free of vio- lence, though. Dwayne Tum er. 37, of New- port Beach, said he was accosted by six guys. Turner's shirt was smeared with blood and he had cuts and bruises on his hand and face. · "I was just walking down the street and some guys got cocky," Turner.said. "They just didn't like me because I was from here and they're from somewhere else.· Turner said the incident did not completely sour him on the West Newport F.ourth of JuJy ex- perience. ·or course I will come back next year," Turner said. "Without a doubt.• Newport day camps . still available OtiJdren between ages 6 and 12 "can stilJ register for one- week day camps offered by Newpon Beach Recreation Services through August. Campers can choose from base camps al Community Youth eff Ewing & Lyleen Ewing SUMMER IS HERE: TIME TO SELL? Summer hu alw•ys been n fa1<unte umc of year in lhe real e~llltc market 11/ld every year a whole new crop of h~buyer' emerge~. However. th1~ year even more 1nten:,tcd buyer:. arc in the marketplace L\ a rc~ult of rc~ord low 1ntercs1 rate~ Loans ~ more alfordahle. creating more 1n¥c,tmcn1 pos~ibilities for hornebuye~ of nll lc.,els. Generally. the advanU1ge goes to the seller in th1) year's marke1 with more huyers than there arc h\,usc.~ available for sale. 'However, when more homes become available, the compeuuon belween sellers increases and gives buycn l'T10fC to compare and choose from Buyers may be less interested in compromising their specific needs for• hou5e'and nui)t lake longer 10 look around at Olher bouiies that ui: for ule before comminln& to a purchuc. More competition isn'c necessarily 1 problem providin& the martec i1 movina at a Uvcly race. Ask your real eswe aacnl to lnforni you •bout homes 1imllar to yours that have come on to the marltct and 110ld recently. This will ai vc you • aood idea of' how \ooa 11 w\11 lake to tell your own home and wha1 YOW" astina price ahoold be. lyleen and Jeff have 31 oonsecudvc years or real estate cxpcrieocc In Ncwpott ~-For .............. eiMct ...... ,..,. ......... ... al ... l ..... llC.... ~ .... (M) 7"'3'7M. The Ewlf9 Ale COMt Newpot1 ~,, ~ FOi 2001 .... SL'N HILLER I DAILY PILOl Gunner Shanton, 2, of Newport Beach throws a sign to the camera Friday in West Newport during Fourth of July festivities. Below, people party it up in West Newport Beach for the holiday. S£AN DUf R£ N[ DAILY PIL 0 T BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Center in Corona del Mar and Balboa Community Center on Balboa Island . Registration fees are SllO per week and S 120 for nontesi- dents. Camps are from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fees include excursions to local theme parks or sporting events an·d daily beach activ- ities. Information: Call (949) 644-3151. Lessons on learning the Web Before you can s urf. you must learn to walk. That's the idea behind an intermediate-level lntemet workshop titJed "Web Walking l 02." The free work- shop wiJJ be presented by the Newport Beach Public Library at I 0 a.m . JuJy 19 at the Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave. En- rollme nt is Jimited to 10 people. Sign up in person at the CentraJ Library reference desk or call (949) 717-3800, ext. 2. Uve music by the Surfans. Hawaiian roast pig and a silent auc tion will be part of Luau at the Dunes. a benefit ··ror St. Jude's Otildren's Research I los.- pital. The event will take place Sept. 20. Tickets cost S 150. For more information and reserva- tions. call Angela Todd at (71 4) 538-0502. Newport 's concert · series wiJI begin July 13 The Jumpin' Joz Band will k.iclc off Newport Heach's free Concerts m the Parks sene., from 5 to 6:30 p.m. luly 13 a1 Mariner,c; Park. The Newport Beach City Arb Commission '>ponsors the se nes. which the Newpon Beach Art~ Foundation supports. The series will continue Aug. 24 with The Rock.it Scientists. who will perform al the grand open- ing of the Bon ha Canyon Sport~ Park and Mesa View Drive The series wilJ conclude with a performance by the Pacific Symphony Orchestra on Sept. 21 at Grant HowaJd Parle in Co- rona del Mar. Fo r more information, call (94 9) 644-3211 , ext. 2156, or (949) 7 17-3870 or visit the city'!> Web site at www.city.Newport- beach.ca. Its. MARUC'TDI A,CE American is. a subsidiary of years ago but it closed after 10 ~ I r~ Delaware North, a privately-months. Continued from Al owned company based in Buf-American officiaJs also assen faJo, N.Y .. that specializes in the that they will give the fair board service industries. Delaware more revenue while not raising Loclcheed can. If {American) can North owns the Boston Bruins the vendors' rates. build one, fine. But (customers) National Hockey League team ·Tue vendors are going to cry don't want something that's in-and operates hospitality and that (we'rel going to raise (their! ferior." event venues al large-scaJe tour-rates, bul tha1's not true.~ said American officiaJs contend ist attractions like the Kennedy Tim Paone, an attorney re- they just wanl a fair shot at the Space Center and Yosemjte Na-presenting Delaware North. bidding process. They say they 1ionaJ Parle. .. Everyone can win in this."' don't understand why Tel Phil. Fembach said he considers TeUer sajd maintaining a with so much experience run-the Marketplace to be weU-run family atmosphere is just as im- ning the Marketplace. Is trying under lei Phil. But he believes portant as making a profit. to discremt them. American couJd Improve upon ·Any good business is one "I don't quite understand the iL While he called American's that makes money, but for us, it's huge lobbying effort that the in-bid "comprehensive,· he said he more than just profitability-it's cumbent is putting on to have was. not able to provide any de-a sense of family,• Teller said. the bid disqualified and !not) let tails because the bid.a are sealed . Tel Phil's bid includes some fair play go through," said John under a t:outt o rder. major investment in the fair- Fernbacb, group president of American runs swap m eets In ground properties, including a contract services for Delaware four locations around the coun-joint-use commissary and food North. "All we want Is the try -Phoenix. UnJe Rock. preparation area, Tuller sald. chance to have {the boardl score Memphis and Mynle Beach. But lf the fair board decides to our bid, to be able to tell our Fembach said none of them i.s consider American's bid, it will story, to be able to tell all the ·comparable to the operations at use a scoring process with "ex- things Delaware North does on a the Marketplace and therefore Jt perience" as one of the catego- national basis.· iB unfair to corppare them. While ries_ The process gives all appU- Jeff's father. Bob, started the TeUer h~ compared the Phoenix cants equal consideration, fair Marketplace in 1969, renting swap meet to the Marketplace. board president Rubm Smith spaces for $1. ~e giving out Fembach said the analogy is not said. coupons for the same amount to appropriate. Smith said the boa.rd was potential vendors. It grew at an "The Phoenix market is a very looking for guJdance on how to average compounded rat• of apt and capable, probably three-deaJ with American's origl.nal 42% the first 20 years. Jeff Thller star market." Fernbach said. omission in the bidding process said. It paid the state almost $5 • 10range County) Is a five-star ·and now we have It" million last year and has paid market. It's not comparable and the state atiout $110 mlllloo the same analogy I would take is • D£IRDAE NEWMAN covert Cotta since It atarted, TuUer added. . .. we've won the contract at Yo-Mesa end m.y be readled et (9491 It h,. e'YOtved to an event of sernlte National Park . . . and lf 57.._.221 or by .-melt et enormout variety where you can you were to look at our op-chlln:lre.f'HIWtNn•i.t1,,,...,com. llnd can like Ron. Royce's _kjtty eradons at Yosemite, at the one- comer to a nwbt telling fruit star level you'd go down to the and vegetables. It typically draws tented villages and you'd say, 40,000 to 50,000 people a week· 'How can the people who run end. The Mub!tplace prides It-the tented villages run the Ah- telf on provldinc top-notch cus.. waboee Hotel1 And lt'a us, pro- tomer tervkle. 'Jells Mid. vtdfllg a wondetful aperience ln "If you're not lltllfted with a one•lt.tl', two·atar or ftve·star eomethlng ~u buy, r wUI mund setting." the moMy. 1eDer aekt. •1t'1 kind ~I PhJI attorney Stuart Such· of like NonMtrom. We don't Id· r111n potnted out that American ver-. but -do k. The a. lllrtad • ...., ftMlt .... Loe tomer feeltnc aean II crltk:al. • Alunftoe Rlcet»iid lbcMJt Mftl'I ' ll<EA. PA.~s FIX TN1s THE TAX To .,NOT yo ThefkE U. Soturdo A Safes 't and 6th y Ond Su d Q,X on any~ ll<dEA Pay,;1 th:' Jul ly 5th n e"ery it sa es tax ern You buy. ' • ' ' AlO ~. j,if 5. 2003 .. FAITH SPECIAL EVENTS CHALLENGING THE PLEDGE OF AU.EGIANCE "Challenging 'Under God' in the Pledge of Alleglanoe" Is being offered at University Synagogue at 8 p.m. Aug. 8. Shabbat services will be led by Rabbi Arnold . Aadllls and Cantor Ruti Breier. The guest speaker will be Michael Newdow who challenged the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Alleglanoe. Newdow will speak of his decision to challenge the pledge, his education about the legal process and of bringing a case to the Supreme Court. The talk is sponsored by the Metzger Fund for Interfaith Understanding. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Parkway. The public is cordi&Uy invited to attend at any time. Child care will be provided free of charge. For more information. call (949) 553-3535. SHABBAT ALIVE "Shabbat Alive,H a new style of jazz and pop services first created in South America, will be held at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29, at University Synagogue. Rabbi Arnold Rachi is' focus will be on spirituality, and Cantor Braier will be accompanied by a combo of musicians and the University Synagogue choir. The services' are sponsored by the Roslyn and Joseph Baim Family Foundation. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Parkway. The public is cordially invited to attend at any time. Child care is provided free of charge. For more information, call (949) 553-3535. FAITH CALENDAR GREATER O.C. SERVE DAV Dozens of Orange County and Long Beach· churches and nonprofit organizations will collaborate to host the fourth annual Greater Orange County Serve Day on Saturday, ~uly 12. More than 1,soe people are expected to participate in community service activities through6'ut Orange County. The event is a collaborative community service effort designed to strengthen local relationships, unite organizations and help improve neighborhoods. Contact: Krysti Hall, communications director, AOCKharbor Church, at (949) 548-2600, ext. 40, or khsll@rodcharbor.org. 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 - Learning to Find God in a Busy Wortd" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) 644-0463. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewis~amily Service of Orange County is forming a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center. 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G tn Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service is offering a support and discussion group for adults whose children or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The gro.I meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E.'Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. . Pre-registration is required. BAHAI FlRESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith.devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday m eeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County . offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m . the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818 A SPIRrTUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the ltfe of Jesus Christ titled "Journey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebutlder's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The See CALENDAR, Paee Al 1 ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE Fint Hotnt Furnishinp. Antiqut1 6 Collmib"1. Twli1io111tl to Cafflltt Gifa and G•rrlm Dtror Wish lut onJ Dtl1ury G.nJrn Uift C.rrlm Pouo Dmins '""'"l Brroltf.ut, U.nch. Tta anJ on Espruso &r CME HOURS: Mon·S1'n 911m-4pm CAntlu1 to CJ"'ntklim, Uttd 6 Rort Boo/ts. Custotn Picrurr Frtltnlflt-FNrnitllrt Rntoration 1111tl m11rh morr ! ROWHOURS: . T~-Sai I011m·5pm TW1177 ----- ------------ MATTRESS OUTLET STORE "Bater Sktp Through Science. n .--_,,,,,,,,,.~...-" fil& Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ~ ......... THE MORAL OF THE STORY The bl~ssing of friends , and 'companions 'I. • • '77WTP Ls notlllng we like to sa so much as tJUJ g""'1n of pleasurr In a penon's eys when he feels that we havtl sympadair.ed with lrlm, understood him. ln#tmt«I ourrelf in his welfare. Al these mommt$ somethingfine and spiritual pa$SeS berwetn two frlmds. These moments are the moments worth living." -DON MARQUtS M y husband Jon and I are richly bJessed with family and .friends. Our daughters have also blessed us beyond belief. You've read about Kelly and Amy before, and you will again Kelly has written a column before, and today you have the Creal ofhearlng from our yowiger daughter, Amy, who just graduated from college. Amy is a friend to many, and I am excited to let her share one of her most recent adwnrures with you: A couple of months ago, my friend and I decided that we wanted to ride our bikes home from school Though home is 400 miles away, we thought it was a great idea and convinced two other friends 10 join us. We started the day after graduation and made the trek in five days. While we were riding and taldng in the sights and.smells of the California coast, I was ~minded of a bike trip my family had taken years ago. Perhaps to take our minds off pedaling. or simply to offer a point to ponder, my • father asked my sister and me to think of ways that life Is like riding a bike. We came up with quite a few: ,bills look worse from far away, ybu cmer more miles if you wake up early, and.it is more fun when you eat good food. This trip, though. reminded me of the analogy that at the time, we thought was the most fitting: life and riding a bike are both more fun when done with friends. Over the years, I have noticed that I can ride much falter and the miles p88I by much quJcker when J am riding with a friend •I Our Pacific coast adventure ' was no exceptloa. We had some hard days once lt turned out we had 83 rnilN to ride rather than the SS I Md planned. There were some trying limes. such as when we got a second Oat tire 10 yards after fixing the first one. And while one or two of us may have gotten tired or hungry at • times throughout the trip, there were always others who felt fresh or were happier to take the lead or cany our bags or otherwise encourage.us CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON to keep going. When we arrived at our destination each night, we were exhausted. We ate leisurely and then just enjoyed each o01er's company until our early bedtime& Though little was said beca1* of our fatigue, we were all encouraged by one another. And this. I have decided, is how God aeated us 10 live. We rarely have the energy to ride 400 miles alone. But throughout life, God gives us iraveling companions with whom we can share our water, whom we can draft behind and whose bags we can help carry. Not only does this make the trip easier. we learn to look for others' needs and what we haw in our packs that can help make their time easier. And you can quote me on that • aNOY TRANE CtRSTESON is a Newport Beadt resident who speakt frequently to perenting groups. She m-v be reached via e-mail at dndy onthegrow.com or through the mail et P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beadt, CA 92668. st1ct1onal was $1150 now $630 SUMME R CLEA RANCE SALE [ ~ To 6 0 ~ 0 F F • ~ [ \' 0 ~ L ~ [ T 0 S [ f ~'I [ '(). l1 ••I•• II••• 011• 714 596 5321 · 6902 EO ING£R AV[, HU NTI NGTO N BEACH 111/!llCI Iii 11-llOff IMIALL,.,,_ Table Lampi, Floor Lampi Chand1//1rs, nttany_ Lampi, Bathroom Llohllno, Torch11rs Lamps Factory Outlet For 1111 '!i""" ,..... YHr 1""'--ll ,,,. . ,.,,,,. 174Z4 •••oh Blvd. (•t lll•t•r) 1 !-i mll•• tlo. of M• "'1tl Fwy. Hunt/nf/fOtr ll••t:h (714) 847-8100 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY , NEW. SUMMER FUN! COMEDY · .NIGHT Daily Pilot CALENDAR Continued from AlO dlurch la et 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Orive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408 MEDITATION LESSONS A free ·1ectio divina" meditation group meeting is held at 7·10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our lady Queen of Angels, 2046 M ar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (9491 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Prereg1strat1on required (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays dnd a Challenge of Change· support groop that meets at 10 a.m Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hilts. 24512 M oulton Parkwa9. The service 1s also formmg a parenting support group to meet the first and third M ondays of each month at 10 a m at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are Interested. (7141 445-4950. MYSTICAL ANO SPIRITUAL The Mystical Spiritualist Churd\ of South Orange County holds Sunday services every w eek at l O'a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd .. Costa M esa, Suitfl 3. A spiritual healing service Slarts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 581-2290. RE-MEMBERING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 p.m. every otherSunda9 at 2046 M ar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center is at 2046 M ar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 548·3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St. M ichael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m . on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Presbyterial) Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in Oierenf1eld Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community are welcome to anend. $2 50 at the door. (949) 631-2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life passages and changes. body images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p m Tuesdays at the agency office. 250 E Baker St , Suite G. Costa Mesa Prereg1strat1on required (7141445-4950, e)(t. 114 HELPING TliE HELP.£RS Jewish Family Services 1s sponsoring a discussion group focusmg on the issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderly paronts. The group will be oHered Tuesday The ott1ces are at 250 E Baker St , Suite G Costa Mesa. Preregistration 1s required $10. (71 4) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Service of INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Orange County plans to present Jewish Family Service 1s forming I Riviera Collections opens at 1 Newport Hills Shopping Center : with Great Gifts & Home· Decor I Do you want a rww look for your hontt'., · L" it tinw to upr1atP I your dkor with -.onw s1mpl(' a.c~ories? Sun111wr 1~ a I popular time to fr(•sht•n i1p the look of one's home and there is no better time than now, with Riviera Collections opl·ning rwxt week at Newport Hit.ls Shopping Center. Locatt>d at San Miguel Drive and ford Road, Riviera CoUectiOllS will offer -chic home acces- sories and gifts for men, women and children. ml, 1wstos and heautifuJ gift h:u11pt'rs. 1l1t"se gounnet tn·at..., also make idt>al host es.'> gift.<, whE>n you are i11\'ited to a s1111un<'r party. I f ir's a ~ift you are look- ing for. Riviera Collection.s ha.-. many options. For wo111Pn's giflc;;, check out tht" chic purses by Kiki Pearl rutd ChristiMa, Bedhead pajamas, or candles and other accessories. If it's a man you are s hopping for, Uw store has great ideas including golf accessories, flasks, books, desk acces- Rlv#ef'a. Coll#lctlon• offers chic home accessories and many gift options for men, women and children. Rlotero Collectloru1 will have a wide variety of decor such as lamps, pillows, silk plants and vases, prints and more. Home accent pieces such as ca.ndJes and picture frames will also be featured, and of COUl'9e make great glfts. The showroom will cany select furniture by Palecek, Italian Murano g1us utd cashmere throws, perfect for thoee cool sum- mer rJlhts. AU of these ltem!I can opdRte the look of your home tn one <IQ. Rlolero ColleetloM wUJ have ttems d1llt are perfect for en~ and al free.. co din1nc. lnclud.lna bar- #ltt, cr)'lUl by Hoya and ~foods blcludlna Moonetn.ecJc chocolate, oUve sories and other items he's sure to appreciate. High-end baby gifts will a.I.so be canied, including clothes, books, nursery decor and the softest baby blankets available. 1\vo popular lines are Kozy Kids and Uttle Glraff e. _ The showroom will also have a select.Ion of contem- porary stationery featuring greeting cards by Jolie Vie and «iftwral> by ~ Dee6gr\S and f>ewey Howard. awkra · GoUMtlMIJ will otter complimentary lift boxes as well as 8hipplna teMces. Diacover this hot new . sho1ffl>Om Mon~ througt\ SAtutday from 10 .. m. to 6 p.m. The ltXM'e CM be l'ftlChed al (949) ~ ~.cl .-id peld t0r by Mlt•ll-.CIOllnll~~lllR \ ' -~---------- f·AIT H a dlscusalon group for interfaith couples where one partner 1s Jewish to speak about issues affecting an interfaith relation1hip. Call for time1 and dates. Jewl1h f amily Service is at 250 E. Bakei St., Suite G, Costa M&sa. Preregistration 1s required. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY /DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety apd or depression at 9 a.m . Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Me!:a: Free. (7f4) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950 FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach holds weekly Friday night services at 8 pm. with a ' SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'A ,......,, IWcstti It l.trilf .J StrrilJ ;.., Grist ff ~ -s.." The Rev Pra.ven Bunyan Rector 3209 v >O lido NewportBooch 9A9/6750210 7 30 om Trod1tioool 9 om Contempo<~ 9om Church xhocil I I om Chonwooh<: and Wednesday Noon l'RI \H) 11 HI\'\ ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Mu1ds" Worship 9:30 Jambotft &: ~urr In 'llf'WJ'Of1 klldl (949) 644-IJ41 fellowship hour and refreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 548-6900. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults dealing with the aftermath of divorce at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the agency offices, 250 E Baker St., Costa Mesa Call for pnc.es. (714) 445-4950, ext. 1'4 ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP St. M ark Presbyterian Church hosts a faith-based, nonsectarian abuse support group from 7 to 8:30 p.m M ondays at the church, 2100 Mer Vista Ave., Newpon Beach SS or donations. (949) 721-8079. PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a support and discussion group for people dealing with the issues of anxiety, depression. relationships. communica11on. life changes, loneliness and family at 10 a m Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E Baker St Costa Mesa $15 Prereg1s1rat1on ~ I arr('tt.ln · • 11/v hti.J, Jr •fllrr.u111~ft /I{ llJ>l\I, IJ/ II f4trH llll /\11 I f/R/\I ~\II \/RI/\(, IJI /H t)\1"11 \fl) I.,, 11, ... J 1'1 I• I I) I 1,.' ll" IHI 'f"I"" HI Ill It ' •"' lf.,h I u, h.r •I 'I ""' \und,1 1,,.J,.~,1 AJulr ll1hl1 \1uJ1 ltt Jm C hor.J h11.lurn1 \ il.\llil 1 ~/if ~HIJ IHI/ \II I K()l'fll I I\\ t 1 l\l\1' \ii\ Rtturreeti•n Bteeh 12S9 Victoria Street Costa Meu , CA 92627 Sunday e~ening serviee at 7:00 PM Re~. Btr~1rt H1y1t1 TelephH (714) S39-n27 E•eil RBMCC@uh1t•ail.Ht .. SPIRITUAL FULLNESS IN AN EMPTY WORlD" \~~'S (lsai.ah H:l-1) .... \9' tt•t-. ... (HI .. It A + •A C'.otkcntmd ::=t;l =~the Word of (',00 Our Lady Queen ·of Angels · 2046 Mar Vlsra Drive Newport bh, Califumia 92660 · (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 6#-1349 flty. Monsignor Wdliam P. Md...aughlin Putor U11JRGIE.s: Sacuri:by, S p.m. (Cantor), Sun4a1. 7«J (Quia), 8:30 {Concanpot91y) 10:00 (Q.otr), tl:30 a.m. (C.-.,,) and 5:00 p.a (<Anumpocvy) ... required (714) 445"4950 MEN'S FELLOWSHtP GROUP Presbyterian Church of the Covenant's men's fellowship group meets from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesdays at the Village Farmer restaurant. across from South Coast Plaza 1n Costa Mesa. {714) 557-3340. IUNESS SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people experiencing chronic illness The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Suite 'G. Costa Mesa. Free Prer.egistrauon requ1 445-4950. Presbyt an Church of the Covenant hosts "Crossroads'" for sixth-, seventh and eighth-graders from 5 30 10 7.30 p.m. Thursdays at 2850 Fa1rv1ew Road, Costa Mesa The p<0gram includes dinner. games and Bible study. $2 donation 1s suggested. (7141557 3340 HELP W1TH HEALING • Saturday, July 5. 2003 All Jewish Famllv Services of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group at 7 p.m Thursdays for people who 1uffer from chronic illness. The group's purpose is to provide participants with emo11onal and spiritual support to help manage the effects illnesses have on people's hves. Meetings are at 250 E. Baker St .• Suite G .. Costa Mesa Free. Preregistration requtred 1714) 445-4950 WEEKLY KIDS PROGRAM. Presbytenan Church of the Covenant presents ·children of Our Lord.w a weeklv Thursday evening program for first through fifth graders Games, a speaker and dinner are included for a $2 donation The church is at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa (714) 557 3340 • Is your dlurch or place ol worship pli!nning a specral event 1 If so, i.end 1h11 typed 1nforma11on at least two weeks belore the evt-nl to the Dildy Pilot. 330 W 8dy St Costa Mesd, CA 92627, anen11ein Paul Sanow•tz r~l1g1on ed11or filx to 1949 646·4170 or send e mc11l 10 dailyp1lor" la11me!> com ai-ch WORSHIP DIRECTORY \11 IHOl>l \I N~rtuntcr United Meth<><fut Church Rn. Cathleen Couts, P~,mr 1(>01 M .1rgurnu: A\c: tornc:r of,\ 1Jrguc:ruc .rnJ \,1n )<>Jyurn ltll\ Rd (949) 644--0745 &m Qym l'('onl11p Vrl'lu 1011111 W11nl11p 1111d r·ht1drrn1 .~unday \clwol }0111.h murrng uieelt{r l l 1111~\' Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.L.,C..A.) 798 Dover Or. Newport Beech Tradltlom1LLutberan Pastor Chartes Endler Worsh ip Sen1lc• with Holy Communion Sunday 9: HI am (949) 548-34531 MESA VERDE UNITED ME'THOOIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M . Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Or R r~rd Georoe Re. Sito• J ' Toon SenOOf Mm'Sltr YO-Jll' Minister CbrUr Church By rht' ~ l n1rrJ \1rrh, .. 1,., 1-llMI \). l~.lh.1• fi/.,f ''""!'"fl tk;,h ""' """ \Jw 1\..;.r;J.. ,.,,,..,. /Ii~' A 1 tri ~ ... J ,r .i.-1' 'i rr " ~ "'-h.:n 9 PrayHard .l. Worship 10:00 A.M HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlsclplH of Christ) 2.01 lr1in1 AYI Mewpof1 leacti. CA (949) 645-5781 llilllllf: Dt o.11 SMlt --~ 1 I IHI'-I I \ '\ '-< 11 '-t I .__. ~ FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST.SCIENTIST 3303 VVJ. Udo N&wµxt 9eoch 673-1340or673--0150 Olurch 10 am & 5 i:xn Sunday School 10 am Wlid!IM:tlr~' '°?l' SECOND CHURCH'OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST JlOO~V¥IW Dr Newport Beach 644-26) 7 OT 675-4661 Olwch 10am Sunday School 10 am ~~7l0fft1 l I• Wiid IM»f 12 llllllll Gt¥e urnto the Loni the tl«Y due unto" hit ,.....; worthlp . . the Lord in h Mauty of holn111. .. .. ..-.~2 WORSHIP bIRECTORY PublilheS ~'ft!l'Y SldaVday bl tbe I A.10 S.U.daij. ""' 5, 2003 .. FAITH SPECIAL EVENTS CHAU£NGING THE Pt.EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE "Chollenging.'Under.God' in the Pledg'e of Allegiance" ls being offered at University Synagogue at 8 p1m. Aug. 8. Shabbet services will be led by Rabbi Arnold Rachlis and Cantor Ruti Breier. The guest speaker will be Michael Newdow who challenged the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Newdow will speak of his decision to challenge the pledge, his education about the legal process and of bringing a case to the Supreme Court. The talk 1s sponsored by the Metzger Fund for Interfaith Understanding. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Parkway. The public is cordially invited to attend at any time. Child care will be provided free of charge. For more information, call (949) 553-3535. SHABBAT ALIVE "Shabbat Alive,H a new style of jazz and pop services first created in South America, will bf held at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29, d\" University Synagogue. Rabbi Arnold Rachlis' focus will be on spirituality, and Cantor Breier will be accompanied by a combo of musicians and the University Synagogue choir. The services are sponsored by the Roslyn and Joseph Baim Family Foundation. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Parkway. The public is cordially invited to attend at any time. Child ca,re is provided free of charge. For more information, caU(949~. FAITH .CALENDAR GREATtR O.C. SERVE DAY Dozens of Orange County and Long Beach cl'\urches and nonprofit organ~ations will collaborate to host the fourth annual Greater Orange County Serve Day .on Saturday, July 12. More than 1,500 people are expected to participate m community service activities throughout Orange County. The event Is a collaborative community service effort desl~ned to strengJhen local relationships, unite organizations and help improve neighborhoods. Contact: Krysti Hall, communications direct or, ROCKharbor Church, at (949) 548·2600, ext 40, or khall@rockharbor.org. 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' #Christian Meditation 101 - learning to Find God in a Busy World# will be offered at 7 p.m Wednesday at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) 644-0463. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 1~ :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa Information: (714) 4454950. Pre-registration is reqUlred. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service is offering a support and discussion group for adults whose children or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The groap will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. BAHAJ FIRESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith' devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for SuAday lil"leeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St.. Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818. A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled #Journey to the Cross# is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebu1lder's Bible Class at liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The See CALENDAR, Paae Al 1 -ANTIQUE Row & G ARDEN C AFE Fin' Hom~ Funushings, An1iq1"//llfr. Colkrribh Trtu/11ioMl to Corraxr Gtfo 11nJ C11t'tkn Duor lf'uh Un and lk/11-,ry. G11rrkn Grft G11rrkti P11no D1n,,,111mn1 BmJtfast, umrh. Tt11 an4 an E.sprwo &r. CAFE HOURS: Mon-Sun 9am-4pm Cmdln to CJ11lf1ti1/it'N, Uml Co Rart Boolu. C.mom P1rturt Fr11m1nt• Furnirurt Rn1orJ111on 11nd murh morr 1 ROW HOURS: Tut-Sat 10am·5pm ~1177 ----------------------- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best tor Less/ BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT THE MORAL OF THE STORY .T:he blessing Of friends . and companions . · '7herB /.s nothing we like to sn SQ much as the gleam of pieo.surr! In a persons qt wlum he feels that wr have sympaJhlzed wt di him. untlentood him, lntel8SU:d ounelf in his welfare. Al these moments somediingftne and spiritual passes bt!twem two friends. ~ mQmellts a.re IM mommts worth living.,. -.~MARQUIS M y husband Jon and I are rich.ty blessed with family and friends. Our daughletS have also bl~ us beyond belief. You've read about Kelly and Amy before, and you will again. Kelly has written a column before. and today you have the treat of hearing Crom our younger daughter, Amy, who just graduated from college. Amy is a friend to many, and I am excited to let her share one of her most recent adwntures wilh you: A couple of months ago, my friend and I decided that we wanted to ride our bikes home from school Though home is 400 miles away, we thought it was a great idea and convinced cwo other frlends to join us. We started the day after graduation and made the trek in five days. Wblle we were riding and t.aldng ln the si~ts and smells of the California coast, I was reminded of a bike trip my family had taken years ago. Perhaps to take our minds off pedalj.ng. or simply to offer a point to ponder. my father asked my sister and me to think of ways that life is like riding a bike. We came up with quite a few: hills look worse from far away. you ~miles i£you wake up.early, anditis- more fun when you eat good food. Th.ls trip, though, reminded me of the analogy that at the time, we thought was the most fitting: life and riding a bike are both more fun when done with friends. Over the years. I have noticed that I can ride much faster and the miles pass by much quicker whln I am riding with a friend Our PaciJlc coast adventure : was no exceptioo. we had ~e hard days once it tumed out we had 83 milm to ride rather than the 55 I had planned. There were some . , trying limes. such u when we .; got a second Oat tire 10 yards after fixing the first one. And while one or two of us may have gotten tired or bun8Jy at , times throughout the trip, there were always others who felt fresh or were-happier to take the lead or cany our bags or ocherwise encourage-us CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON to keep going. When we arrived at our destination each night. we were exhausted. We ate leisurely and then just enjoyed each olhcl's company witil our early bedtimes. Though little was said because of our fatigue. we were all enrouraged by one another. And this. r have decided. is how God cnated us 10 live. We rarely have the energy to ride 400 miJes alone. But throughout Ufe, God gives us uaveling companions with wht>m we can share our waler, whom we can draft behind and whose bags we can help carry. Not only does this make the trip easier, we learn to look for ethers' needs and what we haw in our packs thatcan help make their time easier. . And you can quote me on that • aNOV TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach reslde,,t who speaks frequently to perenting groupe. She may be readled via &-mail at cindy onthegrow.oom or through the maU M P.O. Box 614G-&. 505, Newport Beach, CA 92658. sectional was $11 50 now· $630 SU~I ME R CLEA RANCE · SA LE r ~ T 0 ~ ij ~ 0 F F • i [ l 0 ~ L ~ [ T 0 ~ [ f r[ [ >01 L1•11 d 111•1 0 11• ., 71 4 596 5321 • 6902 £DI NGER AV!, HU NTI HGIOH B!ACH O#AU,_.,,,.. Table Lam1s, floor Lam_p1 ChandBllBfl, n"anf Lamps, Bathroom Lighting, Torchl•rs Lamps Factory Dutl11t F0t tb1 '!i""" Rllllr Yoor La·-,,,,, ....... " 17414 •••~h Blvd. (•t lll•t•r) 1 ~ mll•• llo. ol Ht• 4IHI Fwy. Huntlnlffon •••oh (714) 847-8100 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY NEW SUMMER FUN! COMEDY NIGHT Every Sunday At 8 PM Make Yo\lr Reservations And Enjoy The Show Ni Dinur S «i4h ·,,,,;,, 111 5pm Daily Piiot CALENDAR Continued from A 10 church Is at 1000 Bison Ave .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-6444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formatio/l at Our lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m . Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDrTATION LESSONS A free Mlectlo divlnaH meditation group meeting is held at 7 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newpon Beach. Lectlo is a style of m editation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p .m. on the . first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (9491 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service otters a suppon group for women older than 60 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St Costa Mesa. Preregistratton required (7l4) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement suppon group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea 1n Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parkway The service is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a m at thP Jewish Federation Campu!'., 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa . Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 GAY jl.ESBlAN SUPf>ORT GROUP 11 discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians If enough people are Interested. (714) 445-4960. MYSTICAL AND SPIRrruAL The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. 1949) 581-2290. RE-MEMBERING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 p.m . every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center is at 2046 Mar Vi sta Ori,ve. Newpon Beach. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St M ichael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds Its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona def Mar. Free. (9491644-0463. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in Dierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community are welcome to anend $2 50 a·t the door. 1949) 6:l1 2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family 5(lrv1 ce of Orange County offers a sllpport group for younger w omen dealing with issues such as life passages and changes, body images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 pm Tuesday!'. at the agency office, 250 E Bali\er St • Suite G. Costa Mesa Prereg1stra11on fCqu1red. 1714) 4454950. ext. 114 HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services 1s sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderly parents. The group will be offered Tuesday The offices are at 250 E. Baker St . Suite G. Costa Mesa Prereg1strat1on 1s required $10 (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Service of INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Orange County plans to present Jt>w1sh Family Service 1s forming . Riviera Collections opens at 1 Newport Hills Shopping Center 1 with Great Gifts & Home Decor I D o you w;_u1t a rw y, look for your honw'' ls it linw lo up<lat<• I your dk'or wtfl\ sonw sunpk· accessones'? S11mnwr '' a popular tim(• to frl'slw11 11p the look of orw's honw :u1d there is no bE>ltE'r time tJ-1an now, with Rlvlua Colkctions opE'nini;t 1wx1 week al Newport Hills Shopping Center. Located at San Miguel Drive and Ford Road, Riviera Collectio11.s will offer chk home acces- sories and gifts for men, women and children. w l. pl'sto~ aud beautifuJ gift h:unµl:'rs. 111Pse goumiet lft•ats al'i<1 make idl"al hoSl es.<; ~1ft.s whC'11 yo u arc tm1ted to a -;urnm C'r party If it'!-. a ~Ltl you an• look- t11g for, Ritiiera Collections h<L., many options. F'or wcnnt>n's gifts, d1E'<'k out tht> clue purs<'S by Kiki Pt•arl a11d Christiana, Bt>dltead p<ija.mas, or candles and other accessories. lf it's a man you arf' shopping for, the store has great ideas including golf accessories, fla.sks, books, desk acces- Riviera Colltlctlon• offers chic home accessories and many gift options for men, women and children. Rwuro ColkcUon.a will sories and other it.ems he's have a wide variety of dkor sure to appreciate. such as lamps, pillows, silk High-end baby gifts will plants and vases, prints and also be carried. including more. Home accent pieces clothes, books, nursery such as candles and picture decor and the softest baby frames will also t>e featured, blankets avallable. Two and ot course make great popular Une.s are loiy Kids gifts. The showroom will and Little Glra1fe. carry select furniture by The showroom wfl!.abo Palecek, Italian Murano have a selection of contem- glus and cashmere throMJ, porary st&ttonery featuring perfect Cor t.hoee cool sum-greeting cards by Jolie Vte mer ntchd· All of these and giftwrap by SaJe Oesigna it.ems can update the look or and Dewey~Howard. llhJura your home tn one ~. Collttdou will offer RloNro ~ will complimentary gift boxes..., have ltems lhM are perfect weU • ~ aervices. ror ent.ertatnlng and al fres.. Dl8c~r thla hot new co dinln& lncludinl W. . showroom Monday through ware, cryMal b)' Hoya and &aQJrday trom 10 Lm. to 6 ~foods lndudlng p.m. The More can be r.lOOl'\tltluck chocolate, oUve reached a& {949) 64().4438. ' FA I T II a dlscuaslon group for interfaith couples where one partner is Jewish to speak about iasues affecting an interfaith relationship. Call for times and dales. Jewish Family Service ia at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration 1s required. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY/DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety and or depression at 9 a.m . Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St .• Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement suppon group for people in all stages o f loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach holds weekly Friday night services at 8 p.m with a fellowship hour and refreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave .• Newpon Beach. (949) 548-6900 required. (714) 445-4950. MEN'S FEUOWSHtP GROUP Presbyterian Church of the Covenant's men's fellowship DIVORCE SUPPORT QROUP group meets from 8 to 9 a.m . The Jewish Family Service of Wednesdays at the Village Orange County offers a support Farmer restaurant, across from end discussion group for adults r-South Coast Plaza in Costa dealing with the aftermath of r Mesa. (714) 557-3340~ divorce at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP St., Costa M esa. Call for prices. (714) 445-4950, ext. '14 ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP St. Mark Presbyterian Church hosts a faith-based, nonsectarian abuse support group from 7 to 8:30 p.m Mondays at the chijrcn 2100 Mar Vista Ave .• NewporrBeadl SS or donations (949) 721-8079 PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a suppon and discussion group for people dealing with the issues o f anxiety. depression, relat1onsh1ps. commun1cat1on. life changes, loneliness and family at 10 a m Mondays o.t the agency offices. 2SO E Baker St . Costa Mesa $1 5 Prereg1stra11on Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors en ongoing Jewish healing support group for people experiencing chronic i llness. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St .• Suite G. Costa Mesa. free Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 AT A CROSSROADS Presbyterian Church of the Covenant hosts ·crossroad!. .. for sixth • seventh and eighth-graders from 5 30 to 7 30 p m. Thursdays at 2850 Fa1rv1ew Road, Costa M esa The program includes dinner, games and Bible study. $2 donation 1s suggested (714) 557 3340 HELP W111i HEALING •· resszons Saturday, July 5, 2003 Al 1 Jewish Family Services of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewlth healing support group at 7 p.m. Thursdays for people who suffer from chronic illness. The group's purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to help manage the effects illnesses have on people's hves. Meetings are et 250 E. Baker St., Suite G .• Costa Mesa Free Prereg1stra11on required (714) 445-4950 WEEKLY KIDS PROGRAM. Presbyterian Church of the Covenant presents ·children of Our Lord,H a weekly Thursday evening program for first through fifth graders Games, a speaker and dinner are included for a S2 donation. The church is at 2850 Fa1rv1ew Road, Costa Mesa (714) 557 3340 • 15 your ctiurch or place of worship 1Jlan11ing a special ~vent' 1rso: !>end the typed 1nlorma11on at least rwo weeks before the ~v.-nt to the 0d1ly Pilot. 330 W Bay St Costa Me~d, CA 92627, dttent1on Pdul Sa11ow1tL. re11g1on ed11or Id" to 1949 646 4170 or send e-md1l to da1/yp1/01 u ldt1mPs com WORSHIP DIRECTORY SAINT JAMES-CHURCH EPISCOPAL "A (,_.;,y o..bW It urilf al s.n., •• Oirist IJ '-' -' Sirriw" The Rev Proveen Bunyon Rec1e>r 3209 Yoo lido Newport Beach . 949/6750210 • 7 '.30 om Trod1tt0nal 9 om Conle!T'PO'O'Y. 9om Church SchoOI I J om Chommol>C ond wednMdcy Noon I' H I .., In I I H I \ '\ ST. MARK PRESBYTERJAN CHURCH "Ope11 Arms a11d Open Minds" Wor'ship 9:30 i c "'trt'(Jfl r. I riv -lr.t•' Ji, < "'"'~~'"" Ill 11/J/.\f, <JI R /ilfH /(JI/\(,< /IR/\1 i \l>\fRll\l.111 Rffl,11111 \111 11 !{., J l'<t 1 I l 11,,, k .. 1 .. 1 ''''>"\I llH>t 11 'I'"' tf.,I. I u,h.ri•I 'I ;111 \unJJ\ \,f,..,1 \Juh l\1hk \ru(h lll Jm ( hur.J rudiJrnl \' II\/ N) Hlf iii/. i/I// Rt111rreeti111 Btaeh 12S9 Victori1 Street Cosh Mesa, CA 9262.7 Sund1y e~ening service at 7:00 PM R•"· 8ar~1t1 H1y11t1 Tel1rh11 (714) S39-nf7 f •til RBMCC@ui•t•til.11t "SPfRITUAL FULLNESS IN AN EMPTY WORLD· (Isaiah H:I 'I A + •Ac.od-ttn~~ish~~=~~WordofC,00 Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beach, Callforrua 92660 · (949)644-0200 Fu (949) ~1349 Rtv. M~ W'tllWn P. McU~in Pa.Ror LITURGIES: Satwdq, S p.m. (C.amor), Sunday, 7~ (Quia). 8:30 (Coottmponty) 10:00 (Oloi1). 1 l:JO'L'la. (Can.r) and 5:00 P."'-{Conmnponty) ... \ti· I HOl>I \I Newport u oter Urured Methodist Church Rn. < ·a1hlc:c:11 <'oms. l'a:.rnr i (10 l M.ugurnte A": u1rnc:r of ~fJrguc:ntc: .111J 'i.111 j0Jqu1n 1 lilh Rd {949) 644--0745 8.11n Q11trt \\'onl11p \ern(( I0111n W'onl•rr .1nd c.'111/drmi ~u nday ·'d}(>(J/ }outh me~rmg u•alt~y ll .IHIR\\.' Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.L.C..A.) 798 Dover Dr. Newport B4Ntch Tn1dltlonaLLutb1u:an Pastor Charles Endter Worship Service with Hoty Communion Sunday 9 : 15 am (949) 548-3N1 MESA VERDE . UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Bak~. C.M. Worship & Church School 8 :30 and 10:00 a.m_ (714) 979-8234 Or Rocna•o Geo•O" Ile-. Sr•o"J P Too• Senl()r M1niste1 'l'OtJI" M·~.ster Christ Church By the Sea l llllC'\j \f. lh•~Jt'I t-1110 \l. Ii.If,," ht .. ! '""I"'" llc•~h .. 11"i • \J" .. '1l "'"-• WI \jj t. ,., \t"' 11' .11\tl 11'1 oll°kU~ "-flllCli4 ( llf{fl.,fl\' -j Lll)llilt ! ::1:::dM HARBOR CHRIST1AN CHURCH (OlsclplH or Christ) 2401 trvt11e Ave . .....,CM1 tead1. CA (949) 145-5781 l laldlr. Or. DtMil Slloft ~-~ < 111~1'-11 \'-. '-< ll '\.t I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3303 V'IJ Lido NeWJ;:X)rl Beoch 673-1340 or 673-6150 Onuch 10 am & 5 pn Sunday School JO am WdlmXIV ~'lOIJ'f ~ SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3100 View[) Nev.rpa1 Beactl 644-2617 or 675-4661 Clnuch 10 am Sunday School 10 am ~ MIJJC91 ~pn • 1•-...iav 12noan WORSHIP DIRECTORY \ Al2 Saturday, July 5. 2003 KRISTIN M. Sous • Licensed Real Estate Agent • Meeting all of your Real Estau nuds. Eiuc A. Sous CFP • 17 Years F.xJ.mmu • Stocks & &nds • Mutual Funds • Annuzti~ • Estate c!r Rttirnnmt Planning • Investment Banking • Small MiJd/r. Mark~t Compatiies Call for a free con~ultation at vour home or bw~incss . 9'19 -723-1167. -ICll-llotlly l....,........,_IM __ i... A. s.111. tfr u ..... ~,"' o.,. 1oo _,., • ._.,.. -...... '""""' -••."" •-llASO swc ··f,'mplo_H'e. ·· ··Empleadu. ·· ·· ~ rbt>il neh nur. .. "f,'mploye. ·· ~.Pilot NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY n, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND fl. Skosh's Daily Specials {only $6.99) Monday Tuesday Ba,,gn-1 0-Mash lamb Suw Wednesday Thursday Beef Stroganojf Cortiul Beef d-~bbng" Happy Hour Specials (Mo11-Sat: 4-6pm I S11n: 10am-5pm) Fish N' Chips $7.50 Pizzas $2.00 Off FIGGE We focus on p R 0 T 0 0 R A p 8 y .family and fan! Look for our upcoming summer special! ... COMMUNITIES & CLUBS DukeS Place shares a treat . I t1.:. Y ou are in for a real treat on We~e day nights at the new Balboa Bay Ouh and Resort as the Page Cavanaugh Trio has returned to weekly performances in the new Ouk.e's Place lounge. The 81 -year-old Cavanaugh has pl;iyed with the likes of Doris Day, 'Prank Sinatnt. Peggy Lee, Johnny Desmond and Mel Torm~ in his 60•plus years as a pianist and bandleader. Eldest daughter Stacy and I Mopped by Duke's Plac.e on Wednesday to. hear Page sing c;uch songs as '"Three Bears," which was introduced by Bobby Troop in 1946, Sinatra's "Lucky in Love." Nate King Cole's "If I I tad to Choose Just One Day" and."Someone to Watch Over Mt'." The audience was muttigenerationaJ, from people in the 20s to the 70-year-oldi., with many using lhe dance Ooor. In the audience, appreciating the musical talent of Cavanaugh were 4?·year old entertainer Michael Feinstein and his parents, up from Laguna Beach, where they are vacationing. "I am an unabashed Page Cavanaugh fan," l>aid Feinstein, who produced the Page Cavanjlugh Trio live CD "CrdZ)' Hhythm." Between setc;, Cavanaugh visited with guestr. in Duke'!> Place, seeing if thl"y had a song tu re4uest the tno to play. \t'ldom doe'> Cavanaugh use '>hl'et mu!>1C, and he usually provides an iniroducuon and hi<,tory to what ht' hi.-. going to play. I ti' finger' <lon'I mis.!> a key, .md his voice <.trung and .,oothmg. • GElllNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your orgamzation to this list. call (949) 574-4298. ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German s1udent and earn up to $1 ,000 toward a number of travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino.1800) 322·HOST. ALS ASSN •• ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn .. which helps ~ individuals who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. needs volunteers. (714) 375-1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Suppon group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers I £ JIM DE BOOM "I lis stories are the best part of working with Page," backup drummer Dave Johnstone said . "Page has worked with so many legends of the music industry." Cavanaugh, bass player Phll Mallory and regular drummer Dave 1UU played weekly at the Balboa Bay Oub for four years. before the construction of the new facilities. ln past years, you had to be a member of the Bay Oub to hear the Page Cavanaugh Trio, but not so now, BBC Pres ideni Henry SchJeleln said. The resort-. facilitie.,, including Duke's Place lounge. the rin.t Cabin restaurant, ho1el and conference facilities are open to the public. Just drive in, give your car to the valet, and your server. like our server in Duke's Place Wednesday, Holly Holzer, will validate your parking 1icket. You pay for your beverages and food just like a11y other fine dinning restaurant along the coast, except here you have a bay front view and entertainment nightly Monday through Saturday. "The trio achievei. a 'ynerKY 1hat captiv-.:ite!> everyone who liears them." Feinstein ~<J. "Don't take my word for 11. Usten." The P-agt· Cavanaugh Tno pla~ from 8 p.m. to 11 :30 p.m Wednesdays in Duke's Place at the Balboa Bay Oub and Resort. 1221 W Coast Highway. Newport Beach. WORTH REPEATING From Thought for the Day provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council: . "The time is always right to do What ls right." -Martin wtber King Jr. SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK MONG\¥ 6:30 p.m.: The Newport 1 larbor·Costa Mesa"t.ions Oub wiU meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub for their annual awards night. Past Pre.'lident Marlanne Segalla will present members with awards and honors for' their participation in the club's events. including the School Box Supply Program. Ronald MacDonald l lou.,t' Assistance, Sight and I tearing r oundation and Ho)"> & Girls Club Chrii;1mas Lift Wrapping. TUES~ 7: 30 a.m.: The 40-membcr Newport Beach Sunnse Hotary Oub will meet at Vive Crowni; for a Craft Talk by Laura Dietz ( n ewportlwacl is u 11 risP rotary. orgl inrte.x.l11m). 6:3j> p.m.: The C:o!-ta Mesa Newport I larbor I.ions CJub meet., at the Co-;ta 'Me ... a Country Uuh. WEDNFSOAY 7: 15 a.m.: The 20-member South C .o~t Me1m Rotary (lub GEITING INVOLVED are needed Volunteers may work on one-ttme projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660· 1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange Cou nty Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. 1949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Canoer S<kiety Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing, furniture. 1ewelry, accessories. antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. CoaS1 Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transponation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and fro m medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment 1s a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261·9446 or scomer1nlcancer.org. The American Cancer Society is also looking for volunteer speakers for its Speakers Bureau program, which offers a tree service to communities. schools and corporations by providing trained speakers to address cancer issues. The organization will tram all interested volunteers at a special session on Dec. 7 will meet at the Cen~r Oub -< 1vww.southcoastmetro . ~ .. ,,. rotary.org); and the Newport I larbor Kiwanis Oub will m eet .,, at the University Athlelic O ub. ~ • Noon: The 40-m ember Exchange Qub of the Orange Coast will meet al Bahia •I • I Corillthian Yacht Oub to hear ''"'·" Assembly candidate Marianne -,,h lJppl. ' .... 6 p.m.: The 60;member Rotaryu•:• Oub of Newpon-BaJboa will . 1 • meet at the Bahia Corinlh.ian •• Yacht Oub ·•, (wrvtu.newpon·balboa.of1P. '' THURSD\Y 7:15 a.m.: The 20-plus : j~ member Costa Mesa-Orange ( :osta Break.fast I Jons O ub meets at Mimi's Cafe for 'a business meeting. • I ., Noon: The SO· member Costa ... :~ Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at th~ I loliday Inn (w1v1v.kiWflnis.ory/clubl costamesa); the SO-member Kiwanis Oub of Newport lieach-Corona del Mar will mee~ at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht <Jub; the 80-member Exchange "· Club of Newport I !arbor wlJJ meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum; and the JOO-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub will meet al the Alrium I lotel for a dub assembly • ( www.nirotary.or~. • COMMUNITY Ir CLUBS IS published Saturdays m the Daily Pilot Send your service club's meetmg information by fax to 1949) 660 8667; e·ma1l to tdeboom a. aol.com or by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol. Suite 201 , Newpot1 Beach, CA 92660-1740 •j .,. from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Spectrum Club, 1535 Deerpark Drive tn Fullenon. For <eservations, call Florence Dann at (949) 567-0604 by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Hean Assn. is looking for volunteers to perform - various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County. No experience necessary. Trainmg will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERICAN HOME HEALTH ', HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health :: Hospice Program needs • • volunteers to give emotional :1 suppon to terminally ill patienta ,. and their families in the greater • Orange County area. Training is : . ' See INVOLVED. Paa• All: . 4 • . •, ,' !: • .. '• -·· 1, I, I 1' , . • I I ' j .. II 11 ,, '• ., ., ., •• '· 1, '· :· • :1 jl I j .. 11 'I ' ., ., ., :1 '1 ., li Deily Plot INVOLVED existing iroop. and pacb. (714') promotN the history of Costa 54M990. Mesa and the harbor area. Continued from A12 Vofunteera are needed for the BOYS a. GIRLS CLU8S ard\ivea, libtary, museum. docent OF NEWPORT-MESA and public outl'MCh programs. provided. (714') 660-0800 or (800) The three aree dubs need (949) 631·6918. 540-2646. volunteer OOad\et and arts and crafts worbhop teachers. Call for COSTA MESA AMEMCM RED CROSS, locations. (949) 642·2245. LITERACY COUNCIL ORANGE COUNTY CHAPlU BRAU£ INSTTTUTE'S1 The Costa.Me.a Literacy Center The d\lpler needs volunteers to needs volunteer tutors to teadl ~community groups about ORANGE COUNTY CENTER English as a second language. Red Croea servioea and to act as The nonprofit organization Is People who want to learn English llal9c>M wfth the media In disaster looking for volunteers with a as a second language are also and emergency situations. Lynn basic know1edge of Windows encouraged to call. Call to Howes. (714) 481-5376. 95198, Microsoft Word and a register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) willingness to learn the adaptive 545-3445. ANIMAL NETWORK equipment used by its students to Of ORANGE COUNTY participate in various activities at UTERACY PftOORAM Become a bome-feeder or take in the Oasis Senior Center in Corona The program is always in need of pregnam cats at your home. del Mar. Volunteers will tutor volurteer tutors. No professional Many shelters kill pregnant cats legally blind adult students using teaching experience is required. upon arrival. Dogs and cats are computers and other adaptive To attain certification, a series of also available for adoption.(949) technology. Mary Johnson, (714) training classes must be 7S9-3646or 821-5000, e><t. 2113. · completed. For more information, www.animalnetworlc.org. , contact Literary Services at the CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Newport Beach library, (949) ASSISTANCE LEAGUE Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer 717-3874. Of NEWPORT~MESA counselors and medical staff for Volunteers looking for varying Summer Camp and Teen COSTA ME.SA MS levels of Involvement are needed Adventure Camp. The SELF·HEl.1 GROUP to help the organization with its organization is dedicated to The Orange County chapter of the goal of helping children in the providing educational camping national Multiple Sclerosis community. (949) ~929. programs free of charge to Society has started a new children living with HIV and AIDS. self-help group in Costa Mesa for ASSN. RENAISSANCE Call (323) 653-5005. people newly diagnosed or with CREATORS minimal symptoms of multiple The Coct.a Mesa group sponsors sclerosis, or both. The group and supports outreach COMPANION HOSptCE meets at 11 a.m the second community servi~ programs. The Hospice is now recruiting Tuesday of every month. (949) such as the homeless sanctuary. volunteers to become a friend for 650-7659 Volunteers are needed. (714) someone who needs that extra 540-5803. specrnl caring at the end-of-life. COSTA MESA Become a member of a team. POLICE DEPARTMENT BEST BUOOIES whose goal 1s to promote quality Seniors 55 and older are 1nvi1ed to The nonprofit organization is of life and comfort measures. help staff the Westside &ubsta1ion. looking for volunteers 18 and Each applicant will receive 16 Volunteers are asked to wor1< two older to provide companionship hours of orientation and training. four-hour daytime shifts per week. for adutta with developmental For more information, call (714) They would be responsible for disabilities. As a ·citiZ;en Buddy; 56()..8177 or e·mail volunteers,til answering phones, bicycle volunteers will visit with a buddy CompanionHospice com. registration, fingerprinting, data twice a month and call or e-mail entry and assisting with other them once a week. The COMMUNITY ANIMAL citywide projects. Seniors who organization also has an NETWORK can speak Spanish and English &-Buddies program that forms The network needs volunteers to are also needed Call for an friendships entirely over the help control the nsmg population appllcatton. Fred Gaeckler, (71 4) Internet. Volunteers for that of wild cats in local 754-5208 program must be at least 12 years ne1ghbor1'oods Volunteers would bid. (714) 546-1826 or trap and deliver cats to local COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER www.bestbuddies.org. veterinarians for spaying or The multipurpose senior services neutenng, and then release them facility at the comer of 19th Street BIG BROTHERS, BIG 5'STERS badt to the property where they and Pomona Avenue seelr.s The local chapter is looking for were found. The goal of the volunteers who can greet men and women older than 20 program 1s to save the lives of members and the public at the who have lived in Orange County stray cats. (949) 759-3646. front desk and volunteers for the tor at least six months and have Resource Department with Excel been on the job for at least three COSTA MESA computer expenence and sharp months to serve as big brothers CMC PLAYHOUSE telephone slulls. The Senior Meals or big sisters for children ages 6 t The playhouse needs volunteers program also needs people to 16 from singl&i)arent homes for ushenng, badtstage work, deliver meals to l\omes. (949) 1714) 544-m3. mailings. typing, controlling lights 645·2356 and many other duties 1949) BOY SCOUTS Of AMERICA INC. 65().5269 .• COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. Volunteer opportunities for the The nonprofit organization at the Orange County Council include COSTA MESA Costa Mesa Senior Center 1s fund-raising, program HISTORICAL SOCIETY looking for new board members. development and training to The soetety preseNes and The fund raising and Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your !>tockbroker recommend srock.. hased upon his brokerage firm's \Cock analyse~· recommendacions? Were the recommendac ions misleading. premised on b.l.Seless criceria, and fail to disclose a conflia of inrerest for the analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so. you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary dury. <" Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safcry of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk srocks? Lild four broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses arc often recoverable and you may be enricled to punitive damages. We specialize: in representing individual investors. Please cal l us for a FREE consultation. •No Rearrery · No Fee Marc (. Zussman, Artorncy at Law USC Law School Gradwte ToU Free :888-663-5661; 310-772-2250 Law Offices of Marc I. Zussnf'an Over 29 yean of Law Practic:c Fomfcr Los Angeles Dq>uty City A"orncy I 0 I 00 Sama M onie.a Blvd., 8th Floor Los Angdes. C.A 90067 Member of Public ln~ors Arbitration Bar Associarion H. J. Garrett Furniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 j. A Family TraJition of Providing Snvict and Valut ICA i11s Harbor Blvd., eo.u Mesa (949) 646.0275 ~Mon.dwS...tOto6, Sun. llcoS poflcymalcing board needs volunteers who will participate in monthly meetings, occasional committee meeting1 and sp6cia1 projects. Candidates should have connections in Costa Mesa and surrounding communities and an interest in serving the community by helping seniors. (949) 645-2366, ext 16. COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are n~ to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers work one on one with a child for three hours a week. (714) 663-9034. CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization 1s seek.mg volunteers for its expanding trauma response program. Some volunteers assist law enforcement, firefighters and other emergency-type responders by providing emotional first aid and support to iniured or traumatized people· Other volunteers provide dispatch and office support No expenence 1s necessa'ry. Training will be provided. (949) 588-1414 OtSPVTE RESOLUTION SERVICES • Volunteer mediators. case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help in a variety of m~1auon cases Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488 EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunreers for ongoing clerical work. programs for ch1ldren,wrth disabilities and special events (714\ 834 1111 ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help v1s1tors learn about their envtronment (949) 645-8489 FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organ12at1ons. which works to provide youth and families with counseling, family support, health education. mentoring. tutoring. after-sctiool act1V111es and kinship services, needs volunteers m all areas (949) 574-3976 FJSH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to ttlose m need Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050 ---. --------~ Sc1turday Jvly 5, 2003 Al 3 MEPHISTGM On Sale Now! Open Sundays 10-5 1727 Westarff Drive, Ne ort Beach• 949-64 2-FEET' .1 stw indows.com I Major Window Brands • lowest Price Up. front No Games Vi,nyl Windows • Replacement & New Construcuon Real Tim e Pricing & Purchasing Ph: 562-494-9069 Fax: 562-494-2069 Contractor Referrals • All Major Credit Cards w \\ \\ I " l "' i n d L1 '' <; • c o m • Custom Wood Fen ce Installation • Custom Wood Gates •· Chain Link Fence Installations • Chain Link Fence Repairs Servinq Oranqe CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 l1cen!>e #3133 I l Happy Independence For Your Toes! Orange County's Premiere Comfort Shoe Slore For Men ond Women featuring: Taryn Rose, Mephisto, Oonsko, Ecco, Hool, Allen Edmonds and many more v_ok)<:-oN\\ort . ,1 ~••N ro tou 1 '''' (949) 644-5939 ~ er.,..,,....... 0..1'1ffC.•d 714-115-1878 • ~2188 1t1a lled9 IMI. • Hw~8-dl.._.. a~ ....._-.,-.&MN•~&-....N••M•la1a.4 FREE BARBEOUE --llY4,SANDlf -----..--~ '****~**************************: I I 2003 SE QUO ""..,.., • t,,,..a"-. """"* 'J""'"' "l>FCA·~•o.._, -rc:-••.,.....<11 -o_,._,,.,_ '-'"'-""'"'~­_,.._~,,, .. -·211--.,.., .... •x.-.•.:.oa 2003 ECHO 2003 4RUN -$%1,9$1 ....... !269. • . • • • . . , ' . • • • I ' • NI ilNdM ~ lO prio( ....... ~ Olul llMl'I\ ment .._ llld tax.a, .., • .... ..... Incl deR doo llllllfll llNC*'lllOn cner11. q~~dwll On lllPCll'o.:I CNQt Siii ........... on,. 1111 ..., lO ....... or ....... MNMomlf .. encl .. DMIOftll llllUll9d gpUoftl .. -*' felUllr rtte-1 twlCe dcJIM at ......... °"' 1 ( AROUND TOWN • Se~ND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 w. Bl!Y St., Co'sta Mesa, CA 92627, by e-mail to mike..swanson@/11t1mes.com, by fp to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. lnctude the ttme. date end location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is a.,,,.llabfe at www.daitypilot com. TODAY Newpon Oun" Resort's ·Movies on the Beach· sen es offers •Robin Hood" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking cost"-. $8 per car. Campfires will also ~ available for s'mores Ttfo resort is at 1131 Bac.tc Bay Drive For more information. call 19491 72S-OUNE Newcomers to the dlgrtal universe are invited to "Tools dnd • Tridc.s: Internet 101 ;• a frea Internet workshop, elf 10 a m . at the Newport Beach Cantral library. The beginning level overview will be repedt<:d at 9 a.m. July 19 at the 0dlboa branch For more mformdt1on call (949) 717·3816. MONDAY Funnyman J.tf Martin will put on a magic show at 10 30 &.m at th~ Newport Beach Central L1brdry Children entering first through slxth grades are invited to the interactive program, which w ill be repeated at 3 p m July 9 at the Mariners Branch a net <•I" 10 30 .i m. July 10 at the Ball>Od Brandi For more informdt111n t 111 1949) 717-3816. TUESDAY the city of Newport Beach will present an off1c1JI µm<..tamat1on recogmztng the !>0th ,.tron1versary of the 1953 N;l11()ri,1I J,1mtmr1>P at 7 p m Th1' l t'rt•rn0nv w1ll l11• ,11 council chamt11 r<, 11 Nt·wi.un Beach City H.ilt fvr mori· information r.;.ill ( J 14 1 540 <l990 MXl 142 • •Protect your heart." a fTee ,seminar Wiii hf'! CJftl'lt:d Uy Judith TOdero from & JCJ t J 7 30 ri m •I M other's Market. 225 l 17th St Costa Mcst1 To m::i~•· reservation<, r .ill 18001 595 MOM S WEDNESDAY Jet Set Introductions invites the public to an exdus1vP f""t'ninq ro meet som e of OrnnqP C:uunty s m ost el1g1ble singles <11 tto; *W here the Ehle M eet mixer ftom 6 10 9 p m di Bno Restaurant in Corona df'I Mar The cost is $75 per pcr<>on Wedr codoa1I attire. For rescrvill1ons call 1949) 233-6405 before July 2 ·Aemi.sh Garden Style Designs· 1s the subject of a fl oral design class to be tauqht :it Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9 a.m. All materials are included in the $45 registJatlon fee. Pre-registration 1s required. For more information. call (949) 673-2261. ·Newport Networffnu• events are designed to provide networking opportunities for businesspeople in Newport Beach. The improved Newport Networking events will take place on the second Wednesday of eadi month, and will alternate between a breakfast and a lunch. July's event is a breakfast. and w ill be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m . at the Daily Grill in Fashion Island. The coil is $17 with a resefVation, $21 at the door. For reservations or m ore information, call (949) 729 4411. Speak Up Newport will hold its monthly general membership meeting at the Newport Beach Tennis Club-. 2601 Eastbluff Drive. Food and drinks will be served starting at 5:30 pm .. and the program will begin at 6 p.m This month's toptc ts #Fourth of J uly - Is the Party Overr Capt. Paul Henisey of the Newport Beach Police w ill g ive a recap of the Fourth of July Neighborhood Enhancement Zones Ordinance 1mplementat1on For more information, call (949) 729-4404 Funnyman Jeff Martin will put on a magic show at 3 p m . at the Mariners Branch Library. Children en\eri~g first through sixth grades are invited to the interactive program, which will be repeated at 10·30 a m July 10 d i the Balboa Brandi For more info rmation. call (949) 717 3816. THURSDAY Funnyman Jeff Martin will pu1 on <1 magic show at 10 30 a m al the Balboa Branch L1br11ry Children <'nten ng first through sixth JrJdes are mv1ted to lh<: 111tera<..11ve program. For more info rmJllon call (949) 717 3816. FRIDAY The Community Action Fund of PIJnnf'd Parenthood of Ornnge .md San BPrnardtno counties will honor CongresswomPn l orettd <Jlld Linda Sandiez with th" Proftlf' of Cour::ige Award at the P<11 1f1c Cl1Jh in Newport Bead1 from 6 to 8 pm The evrntng 1s t1tl1!d "S15terhoocl 1c; Powr>rful" For more inlormr1t1on. cctll 17141 997 2155 Inventors Forum, an Orange County-based nonprofit inventors' support group, µresents a seminar on "Getting Your Product Manufactured" at 7 30 p m In Orange Coast College's Science Lec1ure He1ll Registration and networking See TOWN. Page Al6 . ~,9J~~ MIKE'$ ·\~e °cARP£T$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owncx f & O perated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring ~arpet \-\'-'-•2~ Featuring ALLOC N o C lu<' /11 <,t,1//atio n Wood Flooring Refinishing.& N ew sq ft /nstc11/ed Berber Carpet f~o~ $169 /nc;talle d sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Clrlson-Solmssen Bonnie Kay Cai-Ison or !\a111a Monica and Andrew Burndfd Solm&Sen or Santa Monaca ex changed wedding vow' on May 17 in the garde n of Mr and Mrs ltichard I loll in San•Juan < api'>· trano. l'lu· bride. daught€'1 of the lat<' John (a rl!>on and M r'>. John Carbon of Lorona dl'I Mar. wore .in ivory. silk, Vt•r<1 \ ang gown. 1 lcr matron ol limwr wai. Mrs. Kenneth Solomon .• 111d her bridc~}Tia1<J., w ere 1\1,..,,1\11ahl'lle Al/\:ry. Mr'>. <.ourt11 py <.oum·y. Mi~' Kall' l.orng.111 "'-.11,.., Pauli! Edward'>, \11.,., \\l·tuh I lolt. M t'>' H1·lwn .s ._ra mer. Mi.,., Katt• ')11llll'>'>l'rl ""LI '\11'> Am y ~toll(.'. I hl· hrnl1•g11u1111 t.., 1111• '>Oil of Mr. and Mr-. 11.sn ... \11lm.,.,t·11 of Summtl, N I 111 ... bl''' mJ11 wa<, (llrt'>!Op hl·r \ol11hw t1 Jnd '"' groo m.,1111·11 \\ l'rt· In 1ng •\11g1·ll Il l. A11th1111; H11glt.tn ICJnd Carb nn, Audrt>w I r.111~. I IJ\ ton Hale 111. Art1hrn1\ I 1·1w'"'· lkn 1ami11 I ev1n, lmlu l .1'\'" .ind l\le\,J1H.lt·1 \,1l'ft'Ullll' 'J ht• bt1d1· t<, l mplO}t·tl ,1t tilt' .trl h1 1t•1·t 11r1· firm o l 1>1·1·g,1n I >,1; I k '>Lgn .... I ht hrrLl1•gruom , ... t'mplo\t·d tn .11h ntl'>tng .111cJ \\<l:h d1·.,.g11 .11 tlw ( 0 1111·111 l'ro1 l'l'I """ I ht• I 1·rt·l111Jf1\ \\ ·'' t11ll~!Wt;d l>y ti H'l l'jlfllJll 111 I 0111 glll''>h Ill th1 g.11 d1 ·11 I ht· t 1111pl1• 1, .11 hu11 H· 111 '-Jnt.1 \111111• .1 .1lt1 r ,, \\l'dd111i.; trtp 111 H.th Re Pa inting? ti you rf' loo~ •"<.l 10 p-:11r r o • rPp,; r • •cb• 1 lcJ 1 repl 1 r> 11 or re•)t{ "' 11 loo~"' the Plot r •. , ,·,tl11·(J\ ro f1ricl tr ( "("Vt((• bec.t (1 tt1nri 1r111r nr•1•<J , Daily Pilot Cl.tu1f1t>d Community Mart..,lpt;ue CtJJ No111for11 Quou! La Us Be Vow-I l Choiu Loca1Jy1 R.1bbi u lmuranct Age ncy Al 10 • llU.\11 OW'>fR\ •Ill \I t II ',,,, ·'l ,, &<;~;_, r , 949-631-7740 1-1 I Old ~wpon Bhd. • ~n Kea<h I l'<u r lloag Hmp11Alt Ceramic -y-Y..."..,~s1 so sq ft Vinyl Flooring 0~•199 \·~ sq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S1Jtua, ~ESIGN CENTER #for All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERJ • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers •Patio Furn iture Dra~ries. Shades, & Bedspreads • f dl'{llfY 8._ ~h,,Wr \H lfl' • . '.1'. •· II I' I '' I ,q4q i (J42-(W()() ;.i!utfldy JIA 5 1'003 AlS ENGAGEMENTS And rew Solms,,en and Bonrn"' Carlson Oa~tr-1 Houlihan and Kassandra Sc.hP.rPr Sc hcr~r-1 {nu Ii han C •ilfY .11111 C .. 11 I "l h1·rl r '11 \,,.,., port Bl'<tl h and B.irr1t i,:1• 111 Ill. l!lllllllll( I' tilt' I rtg,1g1·1111 Ill 11j lht•1r d;i11~~lit1•r ll:.t ...... 1rtrlr.1 """ 'll' '\I( ()fl .... , flt' rt t 111 ( h11 •I)'.' I Ill .. 111 ll.urfl' I I 1.11 1 llf'l1• t lr111h II.in ol 011ldgo Ill 1111· h11d1• 1'11•1 I ~'I 1•lu,111•d lr<1tll till' J.1111i ..,I 1!11111111 I )111,1g!1 .111d K1·nyo11 < c.llq.:1· tit < .. 1111h1t·r. ! >h10 ',lw ~,,11 lwp11 •u r ni.t.,11·r., pn1gra111 tn ..,,.1111111.tf\ ··d111 .1111111 n "1>.1111..,h .11 I Jtol' 1111 I Jit1\1't'>tt\ 1111.., I 111 I Ill' h11dl'~f1Jl1J1 "''" 111 1.11111· ... .111d \1111 I q.:t11 I i1111hlt.111 111 C l 111 .1~·.o Ill gr.1d11.1 11 rl l11Jn1 I lw l.11111 '-1 li1111l 111 I l 111 1gn .111cl ._,. 11\lltl I oll1•g1 111 I ,,1111(111 I ( lfittJ \11 \U~'ll..">l ''tiding 1" pl.1rm1·1l ,If ..,, \1,tr\" ( ,t" ht I .lltlll II Ill Did You Know? "That we are a full ser.1ce nursery with qua hf ed California Cert1iied \ur:ier\-Professionals and land~ape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to 'J~ Nurseries and let us show \OU ho-...." NURSERIES, INC.---• CO STA M ESA SA NTA ANA • / Hl 1311-.tol ..,, _Hull 1' T11'>t1n Avt• l.1~•· I If• '1 hi TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manage r . (714) ""54 -661'>1 (714 ) 633-9200 COMPLETE LAN DSCAPING • .is YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE # 308553 Flowerdale Nursery · Cosu Mesa Md~ler "'lursery Pro if•..,..,t(>r'dl Youth and Comm un ity Programs greatly benefited by: The Cen tral Orange Coast YMCA I 0th Annual Golf Classic C.j. Segerstro111 & Sous, Platinu111 Sponsor ( l11 \1,~nd.n, lunl If.. 'II I' Ill C l 'll'.tl < >r 111!:1 < "·''' ) \1< \ hd,! :hl 1· 1 1 11111u 1 «111• 111u1n.1m111t .tt 1h, \1n.1 \ rdl ( "11Hr. l lul• 111 ( 11 1.1 \11,,1 I >u 1•1 ol11 •.tf'.,ftllt wir ,upp111111\'ll '" (llltl ,.,i11f.'l'111\\ 11.:. 11111 )11u1 h tnll l 11111mu111t'. 1 111·~· urn .n tl1l 111l' 111 < 111.111.1 dd \l.11. l 11~1.1 \lt,.1 lntnl '"·"r11n Bl .1d1 "-1111.1 \:n .1111! fu,r 11 fhan k~ to o ur <ip~>ns.on! PLATINLM < ~ J. ~cgcr-.c rnm & ~0 11 ' GOID ( in '\.,11111rul B.rn k Pm .li e: <.l1lnt )l·n 11..n. l ln.1i.: \frmortJI t lm pHaJ P n.·,bvt cr1,111 Int' In 11H· < 11rnp.11l\. .1n<l '\c-wport H.irhor I lb l od~l: 111 -Ct - SHIRT ( omcrica Bank Pnvacc fh11k111i; SILVER E~t & Young, H & R Block Moni;Jg1:. l'il·,.,ml")t:r & Dilli on, and William L ron Homl'' BRONZE Odome & Tou chc LLP and 'ystcm ·our"-e• In\.. TEE&: GREEN Alan Arwdl. OCB Rc:prograph.ics. Balboa lmurancc: I Landsa fc, Bowe Bell & Howell. Brorhen on. D r. Kathleen Campbell. Chiro practor, 0 . R. Horton. Digit~ Communiation Sysrcm, EPT Landscape Archjrecrurc, Fiddsronc Homes, F~ Enginttring. Greg . Johnstone -Ccnraurus Financial, Grey-stone Hom~. Halverson & Lodbcncr~ Jocegnaced Elcaroo1c Management Corp .• IDEX Funds, jln Archirecrutt +- .Planning, Keystone, Manin Potu & A5.10Ciarcs, Mc Kennon, Wilson & Morgan LLP, Original Tommy's Famous Hamburgers, Richmond American Homes. lattr Builders Inc.. St2nd.ard Pacific Homes, car T ra • The Mcri1 Companjcs, Union Bank of California. Xerox, and Zcisa-Kl.ing Consulwus. Inc. HOLE ml ONE Fletcher Jon~ Motorcars IN KIND CONTIUBtmONS Advantage Golf. Aloe Up. Dr. Kathleen Campbell, Chiropractor, . and first American 1idc ......... 11!11 ............ 1911 .................... ~Wll .............. ~ ....... ~ .............. --.... !""""---"'"""-.."""""..,...._....._~--~----__..._.------------------- Alt Saturday, July 5, 2003 Daily PilQ( .. 'unduy Specials 1 /2 P1·it-t• istorante Tuesdays , .. ~.~!1~e,..~ ~.r.:~,~~ ... $1 :3.99 714 :n:1 !l:l9 RosEYs AUIOBODY You.have tl:~e right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision Center lnturonce Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 White Front Pharmacy Si:>rvmy Orange C11,1111, fur 32 Vt·ar'> Convenient, full service pharmacy with low p-;.;ces Diabetes Awareness Free blood sugar testing and consulting feat uring Dave Taylor . The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of e,1ch r month from ll:OOarn un til 4:00pm Cards • Books • Sundrin AU lnsuranu Plans Acupud 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 Everything at your doorstep. And now time to enjoy It. Isn't it time to commute Ina and en~ life mont? Now ,.oii can do just tltat We ofter e.rceptioflat ~ment c:ornmunltin In conwwnlent Or~• County locetloos: • Cto1e to ev11rythlng you wa"t' lhoppine, employment, '"' pwt11 • Your choice or outslJlndlng amenltlff like resort-Myle ~Ill poot. and apas. bualnHt and fltnn1 eenten. s,on. court1, too. Cont•ct rent.l living A41artment Information Center TOIMJ 17625-8 H•rv•rd, 'orn.r of H1"'8rd ...cl Mein, lrvtM, CA f2614 1.166.400.2'91 ,...~ SPECIAL SALE ~ Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD ~ STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE $19' 99 By Mohawk lnataJJed wjth deluxe 1N1cl 14· ~. een...Je 1lle .................... _ ................... ,,_ '4. .. fl. 1"'a9trtlH 18" a 18"····-···········-············· .. '111 ... 11. laalaat ....... _ ............................. ,._• ... ... Slqlfllln •fli 7"1# fw tJw •0.11 HMM!wtr- All ~ '*' .11,,,11w1 "-· .... -... 1"1611/lf. ' ~ THE CROWD Rocking together for the A'merican Heart Assn . T he American Heart Assn. put 'WP for bid rocker Eric Oaptoo's riding cap, heartthrob Justin runberlak:e's autographed photo and dckets to Bruce Springsteen's upcoming New Jersey concert. II was aJJ part of a charity effort to fight heart disease and stroke, and raise awareness concerning drug use. The community resp onded, helping Lhe association to raise significant sum s at the evening held al Irvine's Hya« Regen<.)'. The ffiUl>iC industry connection was 1he idea of Max Harlow. wife ,. of theJate John Entwistle of the rock band The Who., Enrwistle died last year while being lreated for a hearl condition brought on by drug use. Olaired by Newporr's Tom Neilsen, the event and the I leart Assn. was supported by Winston Miller, David Wooten, Riva Gebel, Roseanne Levan, Pam Weston, Sam Goldstein and He idi Miller who was honored with the ~Friend of Heart" Award. In addition, 1 loag I lospital was recognized with lhe VLegacy of Life Award" for ils·service to the community dating back to the post-World War 11 day'> in coa~tal Orange County. Top photo: Susan Reynolds, Tahne Kofdarali, Susan Bridgford, Coffeen Knottnerus and Kelty Ross help raise $125,000 for pediatric hospice care. Afxwe left: Kathy Emmons, Tonya Thomas and Shane Voorheis celebrate the opening of Babystyle at Fashion Island benefrting CHOC. /VJove right: Hope For Humanity fashion show/luncheon co-chairs Chris Griffith and Colleen Knottneru s at Pelican Hill event. ••• I lope t=or I lumanity held il<; fifth annual luncheon anti fashion show at the Pelican I lill Golf Resort benefiting Olildren's I lospital Orange County's Pedialric Hospice. 01aired by Ouis Griffith and TOWN Continued from Al 5 begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. For more Information, -call (714) 540-2491. Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beach" series offers "The Wizard of Oz" starting at dusk on the New port sand. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE JULY 12 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach" series offers •The Emperor's New Groove" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. JULY 14 Elements Music will offer a beginning course using a new piano-keyboard method from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Community Center at Mariners Park. Registration for the five-week course is $105. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. JULY 15 •0tgank: Insect Control," • free seminar, will be offered from 6:30 CoUeen Knottnerus. Lhe even1 raised $125,000 for lhe first dedicated in-patient hospice facility in Orange Cou~ty. More than 250 gueMi. enjoyed luncheon and fashions by Neiman Mart u!>. Members supporting the cause were Susan Bridgford. Paige Collins, Dana O'Toole, Lisa to 7:30 p.m. at' Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS JULY 16 ·voor Mortg11ge end Money," a free program on the process of buying. selling or refinancing a home, will run from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Center next to Mariners Branch Library. Local author Randy Johnson will be guest author, launching ·M eet the Author; a series featuring Orange County w riters. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 18 Newport Dunes Resort's •Movies on the Beach" series offers ·Newsies" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 19 '- Newcomers to ltl• digital universe are invited to "Tools and Tricks: Internet 101," a free Internet woritshop. at 9 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. "DiYo~: A New Beginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The cost is $40. For more information, call (949) 644-M35. WHEN IT COMESTO WNG-TERM CARE. THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. A w>Od Lhlngaboul L.ong-Tmn Carr ll'Nlranct from Scatr Fann•• 1.1 that YJlU ~ your choi« ol Cat\' optlOOS -lndudtng tn )'OW' home. You11 also tx bdpng to P"O(tCl your li(r sa'~ hoot tht ro5t ol otmded cm. To lmn morr about 11, jo.sl talk to your ndghborhood Suitt Finn Agtnt. \\ E UVE \\'l IERF YOIJI 1\'E. Stncn Hill Uc.#: 0C80618 3'° East 17th Su·tt1 Sul1e 21 1 (ostj Mesa, CA 9'49-6'46-9393 st.tven.hlll.lxod@statcfann.com LID A 0000 NEIGHBOR, fifl STATE FARM IS THERE:~ ·--~....., ............... ~.,._~· ....... • ,_,..,s...,_...,..,. ........... ..,_ ..... ......, I TC'l2\)()2-0l\ Mfff-,_. P\)2~l MKl'l RazJn, Susan Reynolds and Margtuita Solazzo. to name only a few. ••• In other CHOC: 11ew•,, a VIP opening recep1ion at Fashion b land introducing a new Slore called Aaby!>tylc hrought out the local crowd to check out Newport Dunes Resort's ·MoVies on the Beach" series offers •The Sword and the Stone· starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Pariting costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. JULY 23 A free Mminar and book signing, •Asian Longevity Secrets: will be offered by au1hor Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS. JULY 24 The Newport Beech Chamber of Commerce's Newport Sunset Networiting Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pacific Avalon Yacht Charters, 3404 Via Oporto No. 103, Newport Beach. The dodcside event from 5 to 7 p.m. will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer is free for members. Potential members pay $10. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. JULY 25 Newport Dunes Resort's •Movies on the Beach" series offers "Remember the Titans" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more inform ation, call (9491 729·0 UNE. the good~ and help CHO vta • .. fund., raised for the receplion:' The new slore debuted in the Carousel Court at the Newpon • shopping destina1io11 featuring infant apparel and producls ~ galore. .., • ,,, •THE CROWD appears Thursdays .. and Saturdays. !- 1• , .. 1: JULY 26 ... Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach· series offers •Alice in Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport .. sand. Partung costs $8 per car. ,. "" Campfires will also be available " for s'mores. The resort ia at 1131 .,, Bade Bey Drive. For more ,,. information, call (949) 729-DUNE. ": ~ ,, JULY 27 ' .. The Commodores Club of the t Newport Beach Chamber of .. Commerce is proud to host the 68th annual Flight of the Lasers ~ at 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor • Yacht Club, 720 West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win prizes like best costume, best decorated boat, .. first parent/child team, and first married couple. For more information, call (949) 673-7730. • .. JULY 30 .. A free seminar, "Pet Nutrition Pawsibilities," will be offered by Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 fo 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-M OMS. • '· ONGOING VokantMr drivers are needed to' help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound. • frail or elderly clients Incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through •Mobile Meals," sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Cell (949) 645-8050 for ' more Information. UULL NIW"O•T IWACH 6'jo)! a delic io&.49 ~I featu.-ing o""" slow t'aasted P t4ithe·,.,~.au: ' ' . I I , QUOTE OF THE DAY "That's what made it fun." ~ Bob Shupp, Costa Mesa High aQUatics coach Daily Pilot Rich.rd Dunn Daity·Pilot C osta Mesa High aquatics coach and longtime water polo guru Bob Shupp is about to trade one Mustang for another. Shupp. you see, is packing it up after this oomlng school year, ending a long and Wustrious prep coaching career second to none in the world of water polo and swimming-boys and gj.rls - wbi1e extending a two·year commitment to C.Ost.a Mesa to a third season beglnn.lng in the fall, when Costa Mesa's crack boys water polo team prepares to tackle the Golden West Leque and battle for. aF Southern Secdon laurels. Shupp WU Colfa Mae's boys water polo coach from 19Tl through '85, when the Multanp ,,. played bf8·1Chool powen Jib • Ntwpon Harbor, c.ora.. del Mar. El 1bro. Long Beldl Wlleon Ind Sunny Hiiia ~a replllr buia and often tlniahed a reapectable Mc:ond to ~or C.dM ID the Sea View J..-cue. "1bat'a what ..... it rim.. Slid Shupp. who rednld ... dme lifter the '85 lealOD ID ..... ocber • lnt.enllCI. 1'¥o,,.,. .. Colla .... ~bfllllll!lqisJtoc:ome &.:k. He did. .. unlJ undlr .. c:oMtdoOI. hl DO time, the Mulliu1i boys awtrnnqend pulo p{opiiil&; Spot1I Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Spcwts Fu: (949) 650-0170 Saturday, My 5, 2003 11 RAILS Costa Mesa High aquatics coach Bob Shupp is retiring after the 2003-04 school year and moving to a Montana ranch KENT TREPTOW I DM.Y Pl.OT Costa Mesa Hich aquatics coach Bob Shupp will continue to keep the Mustang in him in Montana. 11 well u girls swimming. climbed to tbe top. Both swim teams capClll'ed league dtles this year. . Mlulwhile, Shupp'• f,amily ls 00 the ....., on the trail to Montana to IM In a ICLmning 150-aae .mtnc rllldl oUllide ol Duby (ne.ar the Idaho border) with ownership of pans of the Bttterroot River IDd Fem Qeek in the Bitterroot~ (1be name Bitterroot c:Omes from a ftower lndigmoul to the area with a bklllMMCb:~ root.) The ranch Is in I ~ t\ded away and hidden nicely to keep tbe elements ln check. On da,a when it's ~atWest ~It can hit 60 degrees at the raDClb In ~em Montana. I golden·wedw lpOt protealld ~ the edge of the Rocky Mounlain.s and blessed with loads of running water and some of the best. fly fishing in the world. Hunting Ln the forests around Darby and the ranch is a huge attraction. "The fly fishing here IS better than the !nearby) Madison River." said Shupp. who has pooled his finances with many family members and intmds to tum cowboy after retiring as a Costa Mesa teacher and coach. Shupp. a handyman aroWld the house, and his wife. Janet. a real estare agent, have worbd hard and invested wisety in real estate -and now they're turning their dreams to the great Big Sky C.Ountry. where the ranch has been featured in An:hitectural Digest and owned by a Native American chJef. Their home in Huntington Beach. where Shµpp has lived since the late 1970s. has been sold and they plan to move to Montana later this month. c.oach Shupp. bowcotC. wll remain in Costa Meu b anotb« year -livingin an Eutlide apartment they own -md COICh the Mustanp OD & fareMI UM& Shupp. who ......... ... swim propma 1&0.. ....... .. )Wl'l llO> wll ailllllill-- ch.wq the 20CILMM ..... ,.... • wlllmlkecbe ... il(-. 1 whDe antk~ I .......... an the Moraoe~ t ___________ .._..._.,. __ ~·-.. -------------.. -.... -- . . L~~.Itttports' & Ex~tlc Sports .Cars ~_..,.__ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified TechniciW * Warranty Included · * Consignments Welcome * Cash Paid for Your Car (on Molt Vehida) * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates MERCEDES BMW 97 E320 (19423)Snlolltk.OwomeWs.MooM:>OI ....... $20,980 97 3281 CONV (19432)WhlTtwflon.SponPkg $19,980 98 E32Q SON <19472,~~SklJl'(Mooooof. $21,980 9~ 32815 (19"10>1Wdw/Dlock, Sunroof.Shlney . $20,980 00 (230 (19•25Clhwllll<Groy.19KMilfs.Foct\lcrrortt $22,980 99 CLK320 (1~,0I~ Gi.ofVolvel ' .......... $26,980 99 E320 (1944.l)WhtTe w/Soddle Llhr. Prem \Vhls $29, 980 97 328i CQNV cmnrWhlte wflon ~rhel. Auto $20, 980 00 3231 <1~11iSIMrw/Dllllhr, GreotCood.,Moonlool $22,980 OQ 528i <19'°1>SponPk9.~rool $23,980 ' 00 323ci c19~>0ntt39KM.les LiktNew Xll!Cond $26, 980 94 S600 COUPE 1~1X)Chcr w• ~ ~~ loodfd .$29, 980 01 X53.0iSPORT c ..... ,"'-~~~~ $33,980 99 E320 ,,9 ... ,"-tw~ •7K.llhs Pr@m~ Mocmot $29,980 01 7 40il (19.a5CJOnly J1K Miles. Olk/Olk $44, 980 00 E320 SON (1946J)~·~liil~~lb>Md $30,980 · t r:.1\,980 00 M5 (19431Q Block wrolodl, Llhr One Owntr '1.JV 01 SLK320 (169•51)~~~2&1<"'-'es Alleouy $35,980 01 MS INQUIRE 01 CLK430 (19U51)!l'llwllll utu. Mooorool Phone $36, 980 02 E32Q (19~>Sitver wfGroy, 26K Miles. Moonroof .$37, 980 99 SL500 (19442) Trl>lf M Chrotnt ~ Vtff Oton ... $42, 980 00 5500 (19440) Blo<Wlllll. ~ ~ FoWous Ccnd ........ ...INQUIRE 00 5L500 (19'°70~· Spom Pk9. Prtm1u111 Soood .. ...INQUIRE c19•71Cl Blc w!Groyllllk Int Only 11 K ~s. lleovnM EXOTICS 99 FERRARI 355 Fl (19"19)~Wmlodlll!Y.~Whetis' $23,980 01 DODGE VIPER GTS c1~0WSlvelwml<Awtsomt!$59,980 03 DODGE VIPER (19431() Pfd wiW. CWt 2K • '°' fnj. INQUIRE 97 POPJOIE 911 TWO c19'110St..ONt12KM1ts. ~ ... INQUIRE PORSCHE 86 9285 c19'2M) Olk wnon Int, Avto. I.ow Miles $10, 980 6 7 SPEEDSTER REPLICA (19'22() SIN« wi?.td. Low t.tJt.s $15, 980 00 80.XSTER c194263) Silver w/Dlock Llhr, o most SH $ 28, 980 00 BOX.STER (19346) Bloc!< w/Gtaf np $30, 980 00 BOXSTER S (19•90C)h~32Kllli·Pltmm $38,980 00 911 COUPE c1~,2~A1Jes Su-.lool6P.tcoids $49,980 00 911 CONV (19u qSivtrwitk PttnlWs $59, 980 00 911 CONV (19u7)\'0!IOOIY 35K~s $59,980 01 TURBO (19394) r~ ~ 16K,.,. YOli~S..T>ks Ont'' INQUIRE 01 911 COUPE (19424Q lltJT<r 19Kli'..s AWtlOmf INQUIRE 01 TURDO (19'66(} Olr.'Sk Ortf l4h1. ~ INQUIRE suvs 00 FORD EXPLORER (1°')3) vrw. wtra1 0ton $14, 980 01 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT ·~~[•,,.~-. $15, 980 00 NISSAN XTERRA (194 .. ,Mo!rf Acmiones $15, 980 99 FORD EXPEDITIONi194111lk·<ni lu.llit\ v,..~ $17, 980 00 lANDROVER DISCOVERY (t9mc1~ tow~ . $1'9, 980 98 DOOOE DtlJjj() iMA QTM rn. (1928~1) XJ.ntJ!!t\S OIMlwt1 $19, 980 99 LINCOLN NAV1GATOR(19419)Blodlwi(:ioy EXl!o0ton $23, 980 98 ~ MWi PtOVER (1941()() ~. lb. JICorfod "-Ao $ 23, 980 o 1 omrurwa(ltllh) 11aa w'GlcJ (tr VO. I.ad "10. lU. To. "9 . $ 29, 980 • ()Hy Pilot S P O R TS OUTDOORS Local fleet awaits , arrival of albacore A s predicted by velerclll pack charters skippers and deep sea and private anglers it appears that the yachts when traditional albacore season will live squid is begin .on or just after the Fourth available and of July holiday. Big sch ools of there have longfin tuna are moving up along also been the Baja coast and are now some pretty within in one-day range of the respectable San Diego based OeeL Newport croaker Landing Sportfishing. counts posted headquartered in Balboa, JIM by the Cat scheduled the fast sportfisher NIEMIEC Special and Ultra out lo the tuna groun~ Aggressor and most lilely it will be joined running all day trips out of by the Cat SpeoaJ operating out Ralboa's two landings. of Davey's Locker. The speedy six Fishing in Newport Bay has pack yachts of Bongos been very steady for sponed bay Sportfishing Owters will be ba'iS weighing in the 2· to ready when the alb1es move into 4·pound class. AJI the boating channel Welters, hopefully by the activity LO the bay over this middle of next week. holiday weekend could make ~1'1 6shlng remains very fishing a lot tougher for anglers. good for a mixed bag of sand and Work the incoming and outgoing calico bass. while Calalina Island is t:ides between doc.ks to tap the producing good fishing for bay for the sponed bay bass bite. banacuda and calico ba!.s. ·me lhe lures of choice are soft bite has been excepuonal aJJ along 3-inch plastics, rigged on a the beach with limiL'> caught daily Y•·ounce. jig head and the honest by anglers fishing on board ~. y, color pattern is anchovy. and twiligh t lrips. Ncwpon Local Orange County angler Landing Sportfishing, 675-0550. Phil Arciero, Sr. spent 22 years spoke\man Kyle Arown, repons fishing off his sportfuhers docked that calicos and c;and ha.s.s are in Huntington Harbor and his biting best on anch<Me. and years of experience on the Welter plastie> with good catche. being might pay off big time for the made aJJ the wJy from ""Ille Barn· avid angler. Arciero. along with a up to the Humington Beach flats. group of friends. just returned One hot spot noted by Brown was from Waterfall Resort, (800) the reef known locally by cJcippers 544·5125, where they enjoyed as "Newpon Pipe" where easy excellent fishing for Icing salmon. linms of sandies ~ghmg up into big halibut and bottom fish. the double dtg)ts ~been the rule An.iero entered the 15th Annual for~ thilo past week. King Of Kings Salmon Over at Catalina L'lland there ) Tournament and, a week. ago are still \Orne good catches of Tuesday just an hour before he white 'ieaba.s.'> hcmg caught by i.ix had to fly home, he hooked into BRIEFLY a 64.4 pound ld.ng salmon that has h1m on top or the leader board for the toumamenL This outdoor writer was joined by my wife TunJ for a visit to WaterfiµJ Resort and passed Ardero in Ooat planes as he headed home and we were arriving at one of Alaska's premier fishing lodges. Even though no other anglec has been able to Lop Arciero's catch, fo date. the fishing ~ exceptional with the major runs of King. pink. sockeye and chum salmon still not at their peak. Ay ln lodges in Alaska are becoming very popular for families look.mg to maximize their time on the water while enjoying the comfons of a well staffed lodge. Our stay at Waterfall wcu. exceptional for quality fishing from comfortable sportfishen.. Toni and I topped off our all too shon of stay in AJask.a with a couple of Ooats on the legendary Kenai River rated as one of the finest King salmon fisheries in the world. Headquarter.. for Ooats on the Kenai River was at Great Alaska Adventure Lodge. (800) 544-2261, and thil> operalion provided super on nver guiding. There are striet limits on this King ~on river that have resulted in giving anglers an excdlent opportunity to catch the f15h of a lifeume. While drifting with outfitter Kent John. rom toppt..od off an awt"lOme moming of ~mon fi<Jting by releCC>ing a 45-pound "chromer" while rhis writer sent a huge 49·pound hen back into the river to conunue with her '>pawning run up the Kenai River. Velocity claims Pacific Cup Rolle r hockey team scores fi ve unanswe red goaJs to win state titJ e in unde r-12 division. Trailing. 3-0. at halftime. the CPH Velocity roller hockey ieam. made up of players ages 12 and younger from Newport Beach. Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach, scored five unanswered goals to defeat Team Excalibur, 5·3. for the Pa· cific Clip Roller He><;key slate championship on Sunday in Anaheim. Forward Evan Mc:Nemey ignited a five.goal rally with a qu ick stri.lce a t the start of the second period followed with a hat trick by Nick Dillion and a goal from J.T. 1boDU1S for CPH. compel· ing in the Squin M Elite Division. . Brett Ol1nger displayed strong defense while goalkeeper Brad At.ldmon sh ut down Excalibur in th~ second half. 18ylor Aroruon. Dakota Eveland and Darin Nowick contributed to the victory. CPI-I Velocity, coached by DPe Calms and Nick Dowling. travels to Detroit in August lo compete in the MU Junior Olympics. CdM Po ny tops Corona • BASEBM.L: The Corona del Mar Pony All· Stars defeated Corona. 11 ·4, to end the Cy· TRAILS press roumament with a 3· I record !)unday. In addition to their 11 rum .. the CdM All· Stars of 14-year-olds also depended on the pitching of Tyler Brady. I le pitched a com· plete-game and was named MVP of the game. At the plate, Bla1ne Nielsen, Tom Thomas, Cllrls Rosen and Bobby Manning delivered rwo hits each for CdM, while Connor WhaJen, Kelsey Cllue, David Wheatley and Brady also collected key hits. The CdM AJl·Stars will take on Back Bay ri· val Newport Harbor in a bei.t-of·three series July 9, I 0 and 11 if necessary. AJI games will be at 5 p.m. at Eastbluff Park. The following week, CdM will compete in the national pony tournament in Whittier. which starts July 17. Stunkard finishes second •SPEEDWAY: Costa Mesa res ident John Stunkard fi nished second in the 12 l.ap Oassic Saturday as part of the Speedway Motorcycle Racing program at the Orange County Fair· grounds. Stunkard finished behind Rudy Laurer from Gardena and ahead of Robert Fiesler from Huntington Beach. Scon Brant of Riverside won the 25 Lap Oassic event. increase the fast·twitch muscles used in athletic movements. Continued from B 1 "They say you should m ake an apartment nJce enough to where you'd want to live ln it. and that's what I'm going to do." said Shupp, who has owned and managed a couple or income·genenting apartment complexes with his wife. 1iylng to afford the ranch ls a challenge, but Shupp and his wife felt sJmilarty in '79 when they bought their Huntington Beach borne, which Is within walking distance to the beach al Brookhurst Avenue. NOIN, it's a goldmine. The family intends to operate the ranch by bosdng company motivational retreats and excwsions for hildng, hunting and fishing. Shupp, who coached at Santa Ana High in the 1970s before leaving for Costa Mesa In 1977. Is . considered a coodftioning expert and bald-noeed c:o.cb With a "focus" plii.loeoph)! Shupp launched an intense conditioning program at Costa Mesa along with former football coach Myron Miller in the early 1990s that seemingly kick-started an athletic boom at the school during the decade, which included Miller's Mustangs reaching the CIP Division Vl1l title game ln 1993, Costa Mesa's first-ever trip to a section championship game. "We were teac:hlng plyometrics before anybody even knew what it was,· sakl Shupp. refen1ng to the series of JwnWl& driDs to • But Shupp and his expertise are only around one more year, then ltls off lo the sunset co ride another Mustang. ] [ Saturdcty, July 5, 2003 SJ , . . ----~--------------~--,_.. 14 Sltwdey, U; 51 2003 SPO R TS South Coeet Swim ~No.1 Herbor View llO.S, P9dflG Sends 398.5 JuM 28 ,.,ults Boyt 1a Under . 25 free-1. Hoyt Crance, HV, 20.67; 2. Jadt Kerin1, PS, 22.68; 3. Cole Martin, HV, 23.11; 4. Justin Hanson, HV, 23.69; 5. Matthew McBride. PS, 27.30; 6. Noah Nelson, PS, 28.34 26 beclt-1. Rldcy Zak. HV, 23.84; 2 Colin Dougles1, PS, 30.40; 3. Hoyt Crance, HV, 31.84; 4. Jusiin Hanson, HV, 31.97; 5. Juon Kirk. PS, 35.94; 6. Jadt Kerin•, PS, 36.75 25·brea1t .... 1. Ridty Zak, HV, 25.09; 2. Cameron Hook. HV, 29.40; 3. Slephen Marcin. PS. 29.84; 4. Charlie Coffman, HV, 35.60; 5. Noah Nelson, PS, 35.118; 6. Jake McKinley, PS, 40 67 25 fly-1. Stephen Marcin, PS, 23.18; 2. Hoyt Crance, HV, 24.56; 3. Cameron Hook. HV, 29.42; 4. Hugh . Crance, HV, 30.65; 5. Justin Hanson, HV, 30.80; 6. Jason Kirk, PS, 38.72 ' 100 free relay-1. HV, 1 :27.17. (Ridty Zak. Cameron Hook, Cole Martin, Hoyt Crance); 2. PS, 1:34.37. (Jadc Karina, Matthew McBride, Cohn Douglass, Stephen Marcin); 3 HV 1:46.68, (Justin Hanson, Griffin Hornby, Charlie Coffman, Hugh Crance), 4. PS, 1.55.89; 5. HV, 1:56.63, (Sam Silverman, Ashton Ja1on1e, Matthew Clemens, Luke Wyatt); 6. PS, 2:38.15 • 100 medley relay-1. HV, 1 :41.53. (Cameron Hook, R1dcy Zak, Cole Martin. Hugh Crance). 2. PS, 2·03 62. (Stephen Marcin, Noah Nelson, Matthew McBride, Jade Kenns); 3. HV, 2:06.93, (Danny Giger, Max Helman, Benny Brooks, Ashton Jaionie); 4. HV, 2:11.03, (Justin Hanson, Griffin Hornby, Stephen Von Der Ahe, Charlie Coffman), 5 PS. 2.18 60. 6 PS, 2:58.55 7-8 25 free-1. Jake Wyatt, HV, 14.86 (new record), Tommy Brooks, HV, 17.78; 3. Christopher Von Der Ahe, HV, 18.02; 4. Kyle Williams, PS, 19.68, 5.Logan Bechtold, PS, 19.99 50 free-1. Jake Wyatt, HV, 36 60; 2 Matthew Mills, PS. 39.16; 3. Tommy Brooks, HV, 42 56 4. Christopher Von Der A he, HV, 43.22; 5. Kyle Williams, PS. 44.96; 6. Matthew McKinley. PS 45.73 25 back-1 Jake Wyatt. HV 20 52. 2. Luke Knight, PS, 23.22; 3. Kohl Ebbinga. HV, 23.70, 4. Davis Case, HV, 24.07; 6. Matthew McKinley, PS, 24.56; 6. Joseph Menke, PS, 24.93 25 breast-l Reid Meckler, HV, 22 77, 2. ChnSlopher Von Der Ahe HV, 22.85, 3 Luke Knight. PS, 23 22 4 Davis Case, HV, 23 23 5. Griffin Camps, PS 28 53, 6 Moses Hamberg, PS. 3760 25 fly-1. Ryan Griffin. HV, 19 61 2 Matthew Mills, PS< 20.18; 3 Reid Meckler. HV, 21.17: 4 Tommy Brooks, HV, 21.45; 5 Luke Sonne, PS. 26 7l 6 Joseph Menke, PS, 31.07 100 free relay-1, HV, 1 10 61 Inc"" record!. (Reid Meckler, Joshua Giddings Christopher Von Der Ahe. Jake WyanJ; 2. PS. 1 13 91. (Griffin Camps, Luke Knight, Kyle Williams, Manhew Mills). 3 HV, 1.16 94. (Kohl Ebbinga, Kaden Ebbinga, Tyler McPh1ll1ps, Tommy Brooks); 4 HV, 1 24 73,'(Jim Berry, Caswell Orr, Addison Giddings Charlie Rodoskyl 5 PS 1 28 25, 6 PS 1 38 21 100 medley relay 1 HV, 1 21 73. (Jake Wyatt Reid Medtler Ryan Griffin Joshua Giddings), 2 HV, 1 26 29, (Addison Giddings, Davis Case, Kohl Ebb1nga, Tommy Brooks); 3 PS, 1 26 73, (Matthew McKinley, Luke Knight. Manhew Mills, Griffin Camps), 4. HV 1 32 45, (Timmy Strader Christopher Von Der Ahe. Caswell Orr Tyler M cPhllhpsl. 5 PS. 1 52 50, 6 PS 1 55 81 9-10 SOfree-1 Matt Berry, HV, 32 21, 2. Michael Hauss, PS, 33 78; 3 Bruce Bearer, HV, 35.17; 4. Spencer Haly, HV, 36 82, 5 Kevin Johnson, PS. 35 90 6 Logan Miller Crew, PS, 36 08 SO back-I. Garrett Larson, HV, 36 63 lriew record); 2 Matt Berry, HV, 37 59 3. Logan Miller Crew, PS, 42 99 4 Tanner Trauthen, HV, 44 86, 5 Chapman Hamborg, PS, 52 65; 6 Jameson Shively, PS, 54 71 SO breast-1. Garrett Larson, HV, 40 10. 2, Chapman Hamborg, PS, 18.68, 3 Daniel Hohl, HV. 49.09, 4 Mason Case, HV, 49 13, 5 Brent Bazzell, PS, 52 42. 6. Jameson Shively PS, 54 09 25 fly-1 Ma,1e Carpenter, HV, 16.n . 2 Jeke Bandaruk, HV. 18 34, 3. Daniel Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the DaUy Piiot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRANO PRIZE Sit on the players· bench dunno the match and meet rising tennis star Mana Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday. July 16 when th, Newport Beach Breakers meet the St Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club, from 7-10 p.m. This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabilia 1" PLACE One Lucky Reader will win 2 spols in the Players Pro·Am Clinic on Friday. July 18 from 5·6 30 p.m. at Palisades Tennis Club. taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday, July 16 match from 7·10 p.m. GRAND PRIZE 111d 1" PLACE WINNERS will be anounced durinq half·time on July 16 FIVE LUCKY WINNERS wlll each rece1Ve 2 tickets to either the July 16 (vs. St. Louis Aces). July 20 (vs. Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs. Kansas City Explorers) matches. All matches start at 7 p.m. It's eaS¥ to enter Fill out the entry form below ant! mail It to the Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received bX Fr\day, July 11 at 5. p.m. Or bring it by the Daily Pilot office It 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa during regular business hours. Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. No purchase Is necessary. Winners wlll be picked by random dr'lwlnQ and notified prior to the July 16 match. · Employees and their re/a/Ms of the Dali'/ Pilot Times Community News. Los Angeles TifTllS and Ti'lbune Company ara lna/iql/Jlf Pictured below: Brian MecPhle Hohl, HV, 18.52, 4. Kevm Johnson. PS 19.38, 5 Jllchin Hamberg, PS. 19 78. 6 Brent Bauell, PS, 23.52 100 IM -1. Matt Berry, HV, 1 :26 18. 2 Daniel Hohl. HV, 1:31.75, 3 Spencer Haly, HV, 1·36.37, 4 Michael Hauss. PS. 1 36 71, 5 Jact11n Hamborg. PS. 1 38.97, 6 William Menke PS. 2 01 45 200 free relay-1 2 14 43, IGdrren Larson. Bruce Bearer. Spencer Haly, Man Berry). 2 PS. 2.39 26 (Jameson Shively, William Menke. Michael Hauss, Jech1n Hamberg), 3 PS, 2:42.93, I Logan Miller Crew. Mallhew Ferretti, Brent Bauell Chapman Hamberg); 4 HV 2 43 42 (Chip Zucker, Sam Noe. N1dc Mathews Daniel Hohll. 5 HV. 2 53 00. IJohn Pridcen, Everett Sc:holey, Liam Duddy, Jade Reed), 6 PS. 3 2725 100 medley relay-1.HV. 1.09 91, (Matt Berry, Garren Larson, Emery Molnar. Bruce Bearer); 2 HV, 1·1705, (Brennan Anderson, Mason Case, Daniel Hohl, Spencer Haly) 3 PS, 1 19 07. !Logan Miller Crew, Chapman Hamborg Michael Hauss Brent Bazzell) 4 HV, 1 20 73. (Max Carpenter. Chip Zucker, Jake Bandaruk. Derek Salvino), 5 PS, "l :33 43; 6. PS, I :48. 17 11·12 SO free-1. David Gu1bord, HV, 30 48, 2 Kevin Cox, HV, 30.59 3 Anders Hamborg PS, 30 85 4 Ben1amin Noe, HV, 31.69. 5 Kevin Coleman. PS. 33 69. 6. Trevor Springman. PS. 35 93 50 bacl( -.1 David Gu1bord, HV 3727, 2 Ben1am1n Noe. HV, 40.03. 3 Eric Traver. PS. 41 65. 4. Trevor McCourt. PS, 42 26; 5. Zak Maurer Erickson. HV. 44.85. 6 Jacob Shaver, PS 5113 SO breast-I Trevor Mccourt PS, 40 68. 2 Alec Wilson. HV, 41 34, 3 Tyler Haly, HV, 44 20. 4 Austin Allen HV, 44 73, 5 Kace Sarvis, PS. 52 87. 6 Ben1am1n Tinsley, PS. 54.77 50 fly-1 Kevin Cox. HV. 33 83, 2 Anders Hamborg, PS, 3'4.49; 3. Ryan Camps, PS, 39 58, 4. Beniamin Noe, HV, 39 67. 5 Scott Frazier. HV, 39 89, 6 E11c Traver. PS,43.92 100 IM-1 Alec Wilson, HV, 1;21.33, 2 Scott Frazier. HV. 1.24 90, 3. tyler Haly, HV, Harbor View, 1 ·26.57. 4. Kevin Coleman, PS, 1 26.81; 5. Ryan Camps, PS, 1:28.17; 6. Trevor Springman, PS, 1:53.73 200 free relay-1. HV, 2:07.46, (David Guibord, Alec Wilson, Tyler Haly, Kevin Cox); 2. PS, 2:12.32, (Ryan Campe, Trevor McCourt, Kevin Coleman); 3. HV, 2:17.67, (Benjamin Noe, David Welland, Bryce Ashton, Scott Frallerl: 4. HV, 2:30.38, (Zak Maurer-Eric:bon, Neal O'Hara, Derek Salvino, Daniel Dlchiro); 6. PS, 2:45:70 200 medley relay-1. HV, 2:24.47. (Alec Wil1on, David Guibord, Kevin Cox, Tyler Haly); 2. PS, 2:31.32, (Enc Traver, Trevor McCourt, Ander1 Hamborg, Ryan CamP1): 3. HV, 2:39.00 (Benjamin Noe, Au1tm Allen, Scott Frazier, Teddy Bandaruk). 4. HV, 2:43.31(Zak Maurer·Ericbon,Patrick Sc:hoenberg, Ryan Gladych, Daniel Oichiro); 6. PS, 3:36.27 11-14 60 free-1. Adrian Niehenke, HV, 26.38; 2. Tom Money, HV, 28.47; 3. Ryan Kant, HV, 28.80; 4. Shane Gardrwir, PS, 30.42; 5. TravS. Cole~n. PS, 32.00; 8. Cody Sarvi1.,PS, 34.29 60-bad!-t Ryan Hultman, HV, 32.68; 2. Shane Gardner, PS, 33.93; 3. David Jotineon, PS, 41.75; 4. Cody 8arvi1, PS, 47.47 90 br9ellt-1. Adrian Nlel)enke, HV, nee; 2. "Y8fl Kent. HV, 37.89; 3. Clay "'-et!, HV. aM; 4. Gut Hambor;, '9, a•; I . TrM ColeNn, PS, 42.17 IO fly ... 1. Ryen Hultman, HV, 31.88; 2. ~ ltent, HY, 32 ... 3. Brian '9oDI, HY, 33. '9, 4, IMM Gardner, PS. 34. tt, I. O.vld Johneon, PS, 38.58; e. Gut Html>ofO, PS, 38.60 lOO IM-l . Gut Hambor;, PS, 1:21.11; 2. De¥fd Johneon, PS, 1:28.911 ZOOfrM ~-1. HV.1:17.31, (Aven HulaMn, City """911, T1mmy ...,...., 200· rn.dley relay-1. HV, J ;Ol.04, '(9'yen Hultmer1, Cley ""'""· ftv•n l(ent. Tom Money); 2. · N , 2:21.71, lltlene Gar~r. Qua Hembor9, Travle COltffn, Cody leMll:,.. HV. 2:13.40, (n.vle ,.,._9!'f Anct'9W Nk*ef, lri.n Clockwise from top left: Matt Barry, 91 en route to his win in the 1 Q(}yard individual medley; record-breaking smiles from Ashley Chandler, 15, and Jake Wyatt, 8, of the Harbor View swim team; siblings Margot and John Money set team records; Garrett Larson set a record m the 9· 10 year old 50-yard backstroke. Peotter, M ike Brus1c) 15·18 50 free-1 John Money, HV, 23 73 (new record), 2 Steve Wolfe, PS 24 24; 3. Josh Knight, PS, 24 57; 4 Ryan Traver. PS. 25 03, 5 Chnstopher Stodtstill. HV 25 08 6 Daniel N1ehenke HV 25 09 50 baclt-1 Bryan Buhag1ar HV 2707 !new record I 2 Steve Wolfe PS, 29 18 3 Ryan Trdver PS 30 31 4 John Money. HV, 32 45. 5 Tyler Kent, HV, 33 42 50 breast 1 Zach Ouehring PS. 29 89 (new record), Bryan Buhag1ar HV, 30 27, 3 Christopher Crawford HV 33 20 4 Kyle Sarria PS 33 SO S Walker Russell HV 33 67 6 James Lawrence. PS 52 05 SO fly-1. Josh Knight, PS, 26 74. 2 Zach Duehring 27 30 3 Rvan Traver PS, 28 16 100 IM -1 John M oney, HV, 1 02 76, 2 Kyle Sarria. PS. 1 05 17 200 free relay-1 PS 1 56 22 !new recordJ, <Zach Duehring Kvle Sama Josh Knight, Steve Wolle1 200 medley relay-1 PS 1 48 73 (Steve Wolle, Zach Ouehring Josh Knight Kyle Sarria! 2 HV, 1 51 70 (Bryan Buhag1ar, Walker Russell , John M oney. Christopher Crawford!, 3 HV. 2 03 45, INadeem Hakim Tyler Kent, Ryan Casserly. Clmstopher Stocks11111 • Gir11 6-end·under 25 free -1 Katie Craig HV 19 69 2 Charlene Valentine. HV 20 56 3 Natalie May PS. 23 l3. 4 Kelley King, HV, 25 77. 5 Sierra Williams PS, 28.02, 6. Tessa Sarvis. PS, 33 63 25 back-1 Katie Craig. HV. 25 09 2. Emily Meckler, HV, 25 82, 3 Bianca Mills, PS 2744 4 Kelley King, HV 31 09, 5 Sierra W1ll1ams. PS, 4181 6 Hayley O'Connor. PS, 4795 25 breas1-1 Emily Meckler HV 2728, 2 Bianca M ills, PS. 30 39. 3 Julia Hohl, HV, 30 85. 4 Kalle Craig, HV, 31 07, 5 Hayley O'Connor. PS, 46.96; 6. Tessa Sarvis.PS, 58.11 25 fly-1. Emily MedUer. HV. 25.38, 2 Chariotte Valentine, HV, 27.52. 3 Natalte May, PS, 29 73; 4 Kelley King. HV, 3104, 5 Olivia Desalvo, PS, 1'05.67 100 free relay -1 HV. 1 ·48.30. (Meagan Gooding. Sidney Grace, Taylor Ped1clni, Kelley King); 2. PS, 2:06.98, (Natalie May. Sierra Williams, Olivia Desalvo, Bianca Mills); 3. HV, 2:15.91, (Kelly Owen, Kennedy McGuinness, Stephanie McPhillips, Gaby Orr ), 4. HV, 2 20.19, (Annie Reed, Samantha Jones, Bridgett Storm, Tasia Karas); 4 PS, 3:17.49 100 medley reley-1. HV, 1:40.81, (Charlotte Valentine, Emily Medder, Kelley King, Katie Craig); 2. HV, 1 :69.93, (Meagan Gooding, Sidney Grace, Annie Reed, Taylor Pedicini); 3. PS, 2:16.93, (Bianca Mills, Hayley O'Connor, Natalie May • Sierra W1lham1). 4 PS. 3:10.73 7 .. 25 free-1 Julel Pouch, HV, 16.65; 2 Annie Alvarado, HV, 17.67, 3. Shannon Griffin. HV, 18.17; 4. Erin Hudak. PS, 18.68; 5. Madl10n Hau ... PS, 19.09; 6. Nicole St Laurent, PS, 19.41 50 free-1. Delaney Pouch, HV, 36.78; 2. Gaby Carpenter, HV, 43.36; 3. Cauidy Smith, HV, 46.48; 4. Halley McBride, PS. 47.93; 6. Samantha Goodman, PS, 60.37; 6. Megen Coleman, PS, 53.87 25 bedt-1. Delaney Pouctt, HV, 19.71; 2. Ellan Narun, HV, 21.91; 3. Annie Alvarado. HV, 22.03; 4. Erin Hudak. PS, 22.87; 5. Megn Parker, PS, 27.00; 6. Hilley McBride, PS, 28.05 26 breeat-1. Delaney Pouch, HV, 21.25; 2. Monica Venturini, HV. 23.05; 3. Laul'9n Hoenecta. PS, 24.43; 4. Shannon Griffin, HV, 24.82; 5. Nicole St. Laurent. PS, 25.51 ; 8. Megan Colemen, PS. 29.18 25 fty-1. Ju,.. Poue, HV, 18.81; 2. Lauren Hoenedre, PS, 19.93; 3. &"9n NaruM, HV, 20.24; Shanno" Gtlffln. HV, 21.22; Mediaon Htuea, PS. 24.41; &. S.mantha Qoodmen, I'S, 31.'7 100 free retey-1. HV, 1!12.10, (Monica ~rinl, Geb¥ c.rp....,, Julee '°'1dl, o.teney P'oud\I: 2. HV, 1:20.00, (Mldfaon Hely, ~e Carpenttf, letley Alttton, Eli.n NaNM); 2, I'S, 1:2U1; (Nicole St. Leutent, Erin Huda Medllon Heuee. lW Hoen ••ti;._ I'S, !21.11; I. HV, 1 :3UO, (Vlctona Abboa. Alllt ~ Daily Pilot Glover. Emily Klr1ch, Courtney Wilson); 6. PS. 1 :35.86 100 medley ralay-1 HV, ~ :21.42, (Sh1onon Griffin, Julee Pouch. Monie• Venturini, Delaney Pouch); 2. HV, 1:29.41, (Annie Alvarado, Ellen Naruae, Madi1on Haly, Gaby Carpenter); 3. PS, :137.87, (Erin Hudaf(, lluren Hoenecke, Hailey McBride, Madl1on Hau1~; 4. HV, 1:40.86, (Emily Turner, M1ckenz1e Carpenter, Kristen Riner, Cassidy SmithJ, 5 PS, 1 :49 43, 6 PS. 2.05. 73 9-10 so free-1. Margot Money. HV, 31.88; 2. Sarah Craig, HV, 33 29. 3. Karlee Hodgman, PS, 33.69; 4. Stephanie Seaman, HV. 36 44; 5. Nicole Kiralla, PS, 39.60, 6 Rachael Wojtyna, PS, 42. 19 50 back-1 Niki Zak, HV, 4121: 2. Anna Venturini. HV, 42 22. 3 Karlee Hodgman. PS, 45 37. 4 Valerie Martin, HV, 46 28, 5. Nlcole K1ralla, PS, 48.85; 6. Haley Springman. PS, 5938 so breast -1. Victoria Gabert, HV, 43 27; 2 Kathryn Conner, HV, 44.37 . 3 Anna Venturini, HV, 45 12; 4 Stephanie May, PS, S0.18; 5 Alexandra Goodman, PS, 56.06; 6 Dylan Barmore-Hughes, PS, 56.29 25 fly-1. Margot Money, HV, 14 89 (new record I, 2 Alexandra Goodman. PS, 1717, 3. Kathryn Conner, HV. 1794; 4. Laura Marcin, PS, 18.02, 5 V1C1011a Gabert, HV, 18 46: 6. Dylan Barmore·Hughes, PS,21.17 100 IM-1 Margot Money, HV, 1·27 69; 2 Kathryn Conner HV, 1 :30 79 3. Victoria Gabert, HV 1 35 43; 4. Laura Marcin. PS. 1 35 69 5 Stephanie May, PS, 1 42 56, 6 Natalie McNeely, PS. 2 03 73 200 free relay-1 PS, 2 23 80, (laura Marcin. Alexandra Goodman, Stephanie May, Karlee Hodgman); 2 HV, 2 31 61, !Stephanie Seaman. iolhson Garren, Anna Venturini. N1k1 £ak) 3 PS, 2 51 86 (Nicole Kiralla. Carlie Dunk. Rachael Wo1tyna. Dylan Barmore-Hughes). 4 PS. 3 19.89; 100 medley relay-1 HV 1 09 97, (Sarah Craig, Victoria Gabert, Margot M oney, Kathryn Conner!, 2 HV. 1·14 26, (Anna Venturini, N1k1 za{. Amanda Parrill. Allison Garrett). 3 PS. 1·1727, (Karlee Hodgman Stephanie May, Laura M arcin. Alexandra Goodman1. 4 PS 1 29 17 11·12 50 free-l Heather Van H1el, HV 28 27. 2 K1ers11n Coleson, PS 28 77 3 Kate Berry, HV. 31 32, 4 Kelh Feeley, HV, 31. 77. 5. Catherine Vasquei, PS, 33 63. 6 Corynne McMullin. PS, 3759 ~ back-1 Heather Van H1el, HV 3~7 2 Chelsea Giger HV 3707 3 M1c.hetle Zucl<er HV 37 84 4 Catherine V<1sque1 PS 43 33 S Corynne M cMull1n PS 44 65 50 brltast-1 M!lltssa Hohl HV 39 37, 2 K1erst1n Coleson. PS 39 88, 3 Hedther Van H1Ell. HV. 40 01, 4 Kate Bi.,ry HV 41 37. 5 Mogan Du eh ring PS 44 51 6 Stephanie Walrer. PS 47 76 SO fly-1 Jenna Shively PS 34 29 2 Chelsea G•ger HV 34 57 3 Melissa Hohl HV. 36 04 Kelh Feeley HV 36 60 5 Stephanie Walter PS. 4793 100 IM-1 Kate Berry, HV. 1 1783. 2 Melissa Hohl, HV, 1 18 29 3 Jenna Shively, PS. 1 24.09, 4 Megan Duehring. PS, 1'25 89, 5 Kathryn McKennon HV 1 2706 6 Lauren Bazzell. PS. 1 29 53 200 free relay-1 HV 2 06 87. (Michelle Zucker McKenna Caskey Chelsea Giger Kelh Feeley) 2 PS 2 16 01 (Jenna Shively, Lauren Bauell. Catherine Vasquez, Corynne McMulhnl. 3 HV, 2 22 04, (Elise Molnar. Annie King, Blake Gardner, Karhryn McKennonl. 4 PS, 2.44 49 200 medley relay -1 HV, 2 19 19 IKell1 Feeley Heather Van H1el, Kate Berry Chelsea G1ger1. 2 HV, 2 24 73 IM1chelle Zucker Elise Molnar, Melissa Hohl. Allison Peotterl 3 PS 2 24 87, (Lauren Bazzell. Megan Duehrtng. Jenna Shively, K1erstin Colesenl. 4 HV, 2.38 53, !Annie King Brinany Rovzar, Blake Gardner, McKenna Caskey). 5 PS. 3 04 27 13·14 SO free-1 Can Levine HV, 28 80; 2 Sarah Hutchison. HV, 29.53 3 Briana Galloway. HV, 29 63, 4 Courtney Lynn. PS. J0.00; 5 Brianna Noble, PS, 33 50. 6. Cindy Waters, PS, 33 n 50 back-1. Monica Olson. PS. 42.67; 2 Annika Tinsley. PS. 46 92; 3 Cindy Waters, PS, 52 61 SO breast -1 Holly Van H1el. HV, 38 23, 2 Jessie Knight, PS, 38.76, 3 Briana Galloway, HV, 39 29, 4 Kelly Sama, PS, 44.28 SO fly-1. Katie lndv1k, HV, 29.98. 2.Sarah Hutchison, HV, 32.75; 3 Cari Lavine, HV, 33.50, 4. Keely Miller Crew, PS, 35.17; 5. Courtney Lynn, PS, 35.59; 6. Kelly Sarria, PS, 37.67 100 IM -1 Kalle lndv1k, HV, 1.07.92. 2 Holly Van Hiel, HV, 1:13.81, 3 Briana Galloway, HV, 1 14.32; 4 Jessie Knight, PS, 1. 15.46; 5 Keely Miller Crew, PS, 1 19.09; 6. M onica Olson, PS, 1 :28.77 • 200 free relay-1. PS. 2:05.38, (Monica Olson. Jen1e Knight, Courtney Lynn, Keely Miller Crew) 200 medley reley-1. HV, 2:08.84, (Cari Levine. Holly Van Hlel, Katie lndVill. Sarah Hutchlaon); 2 PS, 2·24 19, (Brianna Noble. Jessie Knight Kaely M iller Crew, Courtney ~nnl; 3. PS, 2:63.81, (Monica OllOn, Ctndy Waters. Kelly Sania, Annika Tinsley) 15-11 50 free-1. Ashley Chandler, HV, 26.86 (new record); 2. Chriatlna Hewl(o, HV, 26.67; 3. Mk:hMla Milter Crew, PS, 27.17; 4. Rachelle Rodger1. PS, 29.30; 5. Kathryn Biider, HV, 29.43; 6. Kim Abbaeela. PS, 29.49 60 badc-1. Katie lndvik. HV, 32.37; 2. Holly Van Hlel, HV, 36.69; 3. Maggie NellOn, HV. 40.03 60 breast-1. Anna Schroeder, HV, 36.63; 2. Briana Springer. PS, 38.67; · 3. Amanda Schiffert. PS, 40.07; 4. Whitney C..by, HV, 40.97; Maggie Nel10n, HV. 44. 73 eo ny-1. Aat\leY Chlndi.r, HV1 28.43 (new record); 2. Anne Sc:tlroader. HV, 32. 19; 3. Amaoda Sc:haffert. PS, 32.49: 4. Whlenay Ctakey, HV, 32.72; 5. Briana Springer, PS.34.89 100 IN-\. Whitney c.tey, HV. 1~224 2. Meggie~ HV, 1:2U8: S. lellV o.rdnlr, HY. 1 :31A7 200 ~ retey-1. '2:10.01, ,,..... Amotd. ....... ftodgert. Amandi~. Kim Abblede); 2. HV, 2: 10.01, (Whitney Caekey, ChrledM Hewlco, Amy Zucbr, Kdlryn lltcllr): '·HY. 2:21.31. (Hel9y ~Nwtlldn1 .. r.~ Nellon..,_..,, ~I • • u 0 D!i1y Pilot llfll.... 2l40 llpl Notica 2MO Lapl NotlCll MUC~ cm Of llWNIT llAOI ,., .... ser... TrASW, NOTrc~l~RCBY GIVEN th1( the Pl1nn1n1 Comm1n1on of the City of Newp0rt Buch w1tl hold • public hur Ina on lh• 1ppllcatton of Rk:h 1td M.erlln, 1ulho11zed 11enl IOI the property owner, Onis P1rlner' UC. for T r1tf1c Study No 2003·002 1nd Mod tflc1t102'erm1t No 2003 064 on propeflr lo~1led 11 1401 Oo•e Sir ot The properly is loc1led on lht Newport PIHe Pl1nn1d Community (PC l l ). RtQuesl for a 1 raffle Sludr '" order lo con struct • two story office bu1idln1 cons1\lon11 of 1pproa 1m1tely 26.1 SS SQUlll feel 1 ha r eQuesl mcludn a Mod1l1callon Permit lo authori1e a ttducllon on the parkm11 requirement The PH•1ect was oro11na6jy appro•ed 1n 1998 but 'has t•pired thereby requ111na a rupphc1t1on •I this time A M•heated Ne~•l••e Decl111t1on wu ~P proved for the pro~cl in con1uncllon •r1lh lht General Pl•n Amend ment, Mod1f1cal1on Per mot and Tr•tltt Study appro .. d on 1998 The p101ecl hu not chanaed i nd a d1term1n111on hn .... ., --- b"n m1de that the ~--•"" •n•ironm1nt1I •rwtys1s CITYOf~IQOI and M1t111t1d Nt&•ll•e 11-...1 ...... ,..-._ Ot clarahon will ser•e u .....,.., __ the tn•11onmen111 doc (PA2002-221) umenl1l1on fur this NOTIC( IS HERE BY 1ppl1uhon GIVEN that the Pl1nn1na NO llCC IS HC RC BY Comm1n1on of the City fURlHCR GIVEN Iha! of Newport Buch will S11d put>h< h .. rma will hold a public hu11n1 on be held on July 17 2003. the 1pphut1on of RHL al lhe hour of 6 30 p m Dn11n Group Inc on •n lhe Council Cll<imber\ behalf of Newport Auto uf the Newport Bea<h C • r s L L C f u, City Hill 3300 Ntwpofl llmencln•enl Nu I to Use Boultvard Newport Permtl No 3660 on Bt1Ch C•hlorm. •I properly loc•led di 445 wh1th ltnoe and plate [ut Cont Ht&hw.ty Jhe .tny •nd •It per \vn~ propt r ty 1\ located 1n trtteruted may •PP•ar the RSC 01\trtll ~nd be hurd therecm II Re q u t \I Io r d n yuu t halle1110 !11" •mended Use Pern11t tu pro1tl1 m trJurt. vuu dllow d 2.496 •quare m&y be llmoled to ral\1ne tool e>pansinn nf an cinly thuse 15\Ut\ you or u15t1n1 l.'>04 square someone elu raised al toot ules of11ce1stora11e t he 1>ubl1t he•r 1011 bu1ld•ng \4,000 sQuue de\c111>ed in this notite let] total) fur use as • or 1n w11t1e n cnrre •vtomobole showruum spondente dehvtred to •nd • b 302 square toot lhe City al or p111,r to aad1ll<Jn t" an '"''"'II the public hearone r <ll aulomubtle repaor and 1nform•llun t all 19491 s01v11.e bu1ld1n11 Al an 644 3200 ••l\l•n11 automobile '•tty Temple, (x-dP•ler>lt11> o fficio Souotory , This 11ro1tct h•s been ''-"l"t Commlnlon, rt.it wed .tnd •t hu City of Newport loat h. betn d•lerm1ntd thal II NOH: Tht e.penst of •s • •tegomdlly eaempt this noltu: 1\ P••d h f.Im under th~ , .. quuemenh • f1lm11 IH <"ll•dtt1 I of lht Caltlornt• Env1 lrum lh• apph<dl•I "'nn1entJI Qu•hly All Publ•\h~t1 N'"I 1 I under llH\ I 1[.,\ltni! B••tl• 1 •>\Id M"a t d•ly ta. ,r 1 .• ,, P1tollul1 S 200J \,,~4S NUlll,I IS ~CR[BY IURIBlR GIVl N that \a•d vu blot hear '"ll will be held "" July 17 200J PoliC'Y . •t t he hour of 6 .30 p m rn the Council Ch1mb1n of the Hewpof! Buch City liill 3300 N1wp0tt Boultv&rd Newport Such C•l1torn11 11 which lime •nd pine any 1nd all P''""°"' 1nternled m•Y •PPH ' and be h11rd thereon If you t h•llenae this pro1tct 1n court, you m1y be l1m1ted to rais1t11 only those 1nues you or someone else r111sad JI t he public he•nna duc11bed '" lhl\ notice or 1n w11t11n corre )po11denc e deltve11d to the City at or p1101 to lh•' pub ht hurona r or mfor m1t1on till I 949) 6-4.4 3200. '"''if'• l. Te ... , •• , b -Offlclo Socretary, "•-Int Commlulon, City of Nowport looch. lfOTlt The u pen\e ul lh1~ nollc.e " paid fr um a fol ma fee colle' led fr om th~ applicant NOU1 The upen\t uf this notice 1s p11d fr om • ftl1n11 ltt <ull<t trd lrom the •PPl••anl Publl\htd Newport Buch Co\ta Mtu Da•ly Polol luly '> ? J ~a444 PlAll9fG COMMISSION PlMDltG AGENDA -"'Y 17' 2003 l SUBJECT lm1 dttd Jat•11t Oudd t PA20Ch 0/11 ?'>4 POIJPY A.~n1i. SUMMARY kequ•\I t nlabll\h crad• pur\uanl to Section 70 6!i O ~O B I •• for the remodel of an •• 1S1tna s•nal• family ru1dence loc11td on C0tona del M11 !he •PPh<•nl propou s to •dd o1 \ltund slor y •nd root dtd• to the ea1shni resu$ence AP Pl !CATION Site Pl1n Review No 2003· 002 • ? SUBllCl RHI Oe 111n Group In• Alln l•t11 T1db1ll U S E Co.st Hwt SUMMARY R~quut tor an •mended U\e Permit lo allow a ? 496 \Quare lout e1 µdn\1on of o1n t >1\lrna I S04 squar• luol \di~\ 01f1<elslor •a• bu1ld111~ ( 4 000 square feel loldl for u\e n an avtomubole showroom dnd " 6 307 square foot add1lm11 to on e• 1st1na aulonooL1le r•pau and s~rv1<~ bu1ldona af an t11')t111f! automobile de•ler,h1p Af'PI If' A lllJN Amend m•nt Nr, I lo Uu f>trm1t No 3660 J SUBJECT Richard Marlm •vthortttd aeent ''" the properly owner U.iv" P•rln er \ llC 140 I Ouvt Street <.IJMMARY f1aff1c .. tud1 fur o new lwo story ollt<l' bu1ldon11 Id pro• l 6122 SQ feel J Af'f'l ltA 1 ION T raff1< Stud~No ISl'OOl ~ 4 suBJCtl CITY or NE WPORl BEACH HOUSING CLE M[Nl SUMMARY In att0r dance with the St1t1 of C1hforn11 General Plan &nd Zon1na l.tw• the Coty of Newpo•I Buch hes prepared 1 01111 Housmc Clement lhe Clement I\ •n u"d1te and nforn"t of the u1st1n1 Hous,.11 [lement and 1n1.ludt' updal•d Reaional Hous1na Nuds Aunsment f1aurn as mandated by law APPLICATION Gener&I Pl•n Amtndme11t GP /0()) 04 (PA200J-IOJJ •nd Ne1111ve Oe,1a111ton Published NtWP•ll I Beach Cost& Mn4 D•oly Pilot July 5, 200J S•44f, ll'lt ell persons inter esled in this m•ll•r sh•ll 1ppur b1f0t • lhl\ tour t •t 1ne hu rina 1nd1ut9'l below to snow uuse rf •n~ why the pelthon fl>f t h•n&t of n•m• snc.ulo nol be 11• 1nttid NOllCl 01 HI ARING Datt 81'> OJ lime 1 00 pm D•PI l 1 J 1 l>e •ddrtu ot the LOOI t 1s ume •s noted above I A '""f uf lhl\ Order lu Shuw uust shall be JJubh\lleO at lu•t on't e•< 11 weO tor lour iuc~t\\1vtt wtt"k\ ptwr t" the dat~ set tor hl di rn~ un tht µet1t1un 1n tl1t! fo llow1na nl"w\ SUP£llOa (ootl Of P•ptr ul ~'"''•I "" u tlllltlMIU l1t1c>t1 tirtnlffd on lh" ~,.,.,_, I ''>uni 1 01 .inae C.ounty COUNTY Of Or111'9' Oaoly f'1lot u1 •'--0ty1U.· u1 •"-Doi•• JUN( 26, 2003 "" •• ll'ITft1'" '"' , Mat\orte lolrd Corter, City Drtvt, Or ... , CA I su~r~~~~~~~T t2168,~Cowt mrnoNOf: ... ,,,,..,~ FOi CHANGE Of Nill( OIDO TO SHOW CAW FOi OWtGl Of MAME Wl llUlla: A2lt90S TO All INTERESHu PERSONS 1 Pet1t1011er Mir~ Anthony ShammAh lott1 a pet11ton with lht\ "'"'I for d dtc•t•· \.htJO~ IOL n•me) •• lull11 N\ M•r ~ Anlf1on1 Sh•rttr>•••· "' Mar~ Anlllc.ny w.,d Aguilar 2 lH[ COURl OROIR!> l'u~lt\h~d Newprrr I ''""'hr"''' Mt\a D11ly l'ol"I lune 711 July ~ l l l'J /UOi S64J9 Tt,. '""""""& personi Jrt ""..,~ bus1nt \\ '' • 1 t' 111 "·' f Publt\htnl! IJ) A1b1C Cruup 1836 p,,, f At>tkf"'/ Pl•'-• l\j~"ll'"I B•Hh CA 4/IY:AJ M11• ff"""'• l!IJ6 I rt A~IJ•f f'IA< ~ ~~ .. ~ rl H•Hh Cl\ '11fHJ I fo,v to Place A a a a a a a Saturday, July 5, 2003 15 -----------------Lepl Naaca m.G tun you st&rt•d do1n& busrntu yet' No M1tlo. flen11na lhtJ St&temenl wn filed wtlh lf1c County Cltrlo. of 011n1• County on 06 11 03 200JH47IOJ Daily Pilot June 14 21 28 Jitl) & 2993 &9419 """"-..... ... s..... 1 he f<Jllow•ni per ~11"' •rt du•ni bus1ne•S u c.ec ultve Jo1n1 lurtil Ser'°" 903 Sp11nic l 1de Dr N~wpo1 I 8uch CA 92660 CA'.12627 ltrr1 !>t11nt 2~21 [Iden II I Co•l• Mcu CA92611 Thi\ ousmcu os con dueled Oy t<> 1>•• tntrs H••t 1ou $lit ltd Ov•n11 b1n1ncu yet' "t 1 Sharon WuuOy lhts ,,,.ttmt nl wn tiled wtth th• C•Junly Cler~ uf (Jr •nc• County on 06 12 'Ol 2001 .. 4 7167 D•1l1 P11ut •"• 14 I J 28 luty ':I 'OCH \ .14 1• P1c..1fJc Ndt1onal Mo1n Hu-'titfuw1t1~ lW' -..11n!. t"n•nt t M•oagemr'lll , .trt-t.11unp Lu\tnri A Int ICA) 903 Spt1toa f AM l(J I Pi/I l•·\1111.1 Tide Dr . Newpc.rt Bed~h 'l4"• '••"'• Ao" l.•" CA 92660 '''""d ~no~ lh1\ bu\111ts\ " cr.r. l•••d Am Mile' l IATI dueled by b c.tlrµnr•H1111 J• \fHJI l.tr1' '..1l fl1d Art t ltivt you •ldr led 'cfom~ l •"'"""4 <;1?70"; bU\ltlt'\ yrt> Nr, . ~ .. 11•'1 Mil•• l llol/ I Po'"''''° N.rt1vn-*• Mdm • •.t'lud l ctr'" ~'"'"" A.nd le'OdllC..t M&t M 1J r -tlit fOH CJ)/'J'- 8aaram14n Prt-~1dent ft,\ tu..1\1nt\\ 1\ '''" Th1), ~tat~mt-111 ""t\. d .... h·O L't' ~•u\t.1111 d .tnd fllf"d With fh• fwnT I W ft Cletl\ r;,f Or..;nge t uflft t"'"" tOU ',.ldf ff"d Ju11 t on 06 12 OJ bu\•"'\',.,," 2003t.947179 "' ~··· "''. Daily Ptll:ll Junt-1'1 ti li14. \•Ml'" .. l"lt ...... 28 July!> 2001 ,.4 1• ' ~o .. u I'•• I:''' ' u,., .• t: 0t. lf:i I I '200364147060 4 71 •'J Rd!MM ..... ... s...... lht follow1n1 "•rwns ••• dvllll bu•,,.tH "' Woud Cite Spet t1ll\I l225 N 8ro1dway IH S1nlo An1 C1hfo1nu 91106 Alb• Oel1n1 C1mty ll2'> N Bru1d.,11 •H >•nl 1 An• l ahf ,r "'• 92706 f h1'\ lJU\IOl''\\ I\ t 11n 1ur t•d by 1r:. 1nd••10u&I Ho• ,.,u \titted e1<>1nr fJU"fU•\• ftt ' N 1J All>• U C1met 1 ht~ \l•fttn1t'flf W.t\ 111.,1 Nolh th~ L11unt 1 i 1~1 ~ ''' fJf •fllti t uu11t ~ '" rJ'> /9 OJ 70016946314 D••ly P1iut Jone 18 JtJJy ~ It I~ lOOJ Sa4A2 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGf SAU! In ClASSlfl(D (949)642-5678 ___ Deadlines ----. Rate!> and deadhnc-. arc 'UbJec1 10 change '>' 11hou1 notu:c The publt~her ~e!>erve'> 1hc ngh1 10 <.:cn..or. red..1"1f~. revise or reJel 1 ..in) d.i!)\1l1ed adven1.,emen1 Plca--e repon an) error that m..t)' he;> 10 ) uur d..t!>,1fied .id 1mmcd1ah:I~ The Dall) Pilot accept<. no ltab1lt1)' tor .in) error to an adven1!>emen1 for .... trn:h 11 m:.t} be re'>pom1bk· e\cept for 1he co't nl the '>pace au uall) oc1.up1cd b) th..: error Cred11 l·an onl) be ..tllowed lor the fiN in.,crt1on. CLASSIFIE AD -d \i1ond.i~ ..... F-ndJ~ 'i OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. l5fJ 1010-1770 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 'edflc Yi.w M-ial- Doublr, Ct .avt Xlnt loc Must ~ff Worth SISK ~l'N for SllVobo 949 939 ll91 Sln9I• lot-I' aL1f1t V1~w $3000 Bl8 986 7322 lv ms11 Collectlbles/ Memorabllla 1160 TO, SS 4 UCO.OS nc .Im. a-c. (It. 5(h ' Sh .8l Altec:. Sc*t ~ ~ Mike 949 645 1!10!> ENTERTAINMENT Clltndlrof [wnll 1310 fQUAI. NOUSllG OPPOIMl1l All rul ost•I• ad .. , hs1na 1n this newspaper -•$ sub19cl lo lht r ederel fair HOUSIRI Act of 1968 u 1mended which mikes 1t 111e aal lo •d•er Ilse ·1ny. prefer ence. iom1ht1on or dlscr1m1n1t1on based on race. color, reha•on, sea htndlc1p, famlllal stalu' or n•llonal or1a1n, or 1n inhnllon lo m~k• any such preference. llm1ta· lion or disc11m1n1tion • lh1$ n1w1p•p•r Wiii not -now1n1ly accept eny •dvtttlsement for 1111 Hiii& which is In ¥1C>llllon of tht l1w Our ruders are hereby Informed thet all dwtll· ll'IP 1dvert1sod 1n lhrs newspaper 111 anltablt Ml en eQU•I Ol)9G'lunlty basla To complain of dis cr1minalion, c,. HUD toll ""at I ·I0().424-8S90 ClASSlfllD It's the solution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home, apartment pet or new occupation! 1419 2305-2490 Auctions WANTED ANTIQUES Ofd&r Style Furniture PIANOS & Colloctlblei •""-"'·"· .. '-~ . ~ ........... '' ........... -· . SS CASH PAID $$ .. ~.,,, .... ~ WE llUY ESTATlS • ~,.,,.,., •Y• ~~T W"Y<• ~~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2102So.11Mk ..... AM. CA 12107 &-l'dld&c.. ...... u •:'t' Genlrll Amouncemenb 1610 ''lveto Dvcli Hvntln9 ci.. •PPIO• I/hr from Newpo"t Beach £.eel lent hunt1n1 1d1acent to sl1te waterfowl refuee. ownership interest & 1ppro1 375 1cres of land & Improvements + your own tamp compound w/slructurt ind 2 lr•Uers Wonderful fn n11hl 88Q's & w1n1 tnllna durin1 dud wnon + many n trnt ldNI for 2 lr .. nds or f1th4" & son Call Miiie •• 310.541·08S4 B\' Fax i<>~•i1 6' I ti'i<i~ I·~ I' f~ ~"' I h t• I IJf .~, 1 Ill l ' -~ ,111 if ti. •i·• IL l.h· 1-'hon e 1~~111 M2·'ifl7 l\ I lour~ BY "a il/ln·Per!°"on : '\(l \\-:,1 l:S,1\ ..,trcct ( 1\\IJ \k,.t ( ·\ 9.'!ti2.., \I '\," l'K'n Bh 11 A. k.1\ ..,, S<iturd.i~ f·ndJ\ ~·IKJpm kkph11nl· x \0,1111 -'i llOpm "'v111ndJ~ Fm!:.1v \\.ill>. ln X \IJ.im '\tlOp111 \1 t111t1 •• , r riJ.1, SunJ:i~ ............... l-r1J..1~ 'i ·OOrm Al ESTATE R SALE ~ 3010-3940 -soos-saso 3050 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Wcnh.r & Dryer, bt>tfl new Musi uuofit lor SJ)() fur both Call 949 640 4617 or 949 b75 6£M4 HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture 3435 MOVING SAU fl.on Cl Proflle 5.de by "°" "!&. Honda Swot& mec II~ ~181~ JEWB.RY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coo1t Coln Need• Old Coins• Gold. silver, ,...et y. watclln. anl!QUe$ collecltbles 949-&t2 9448 Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 l STEH IUllDINGS llp tn /0 olf' 40•60 '>O• 100 '>8 • 170 a-~t Olt•t 1 < ~II D•l1wtr' Ro) 18001 49'1 1760 NI/loo bto. from ~h 3 rm oft w~t l 11'111 \Cl lot\ _,.,.,Wllr' note bt cue S195mo !M91278 66J2. 'E6l3 AD AGOKY h.l' ondlv Ufl\C•le ott1C~ °' MliKttil 8SO sl suite w aoH cour~ Yew\ WI NB nttdrtH by ~WP<'fl fr• fll'~111 sl\lted conf room Furn unfurn from "4~ 9'19-7S6-8!>0t 3610· HOMESFORSAU: -0-cl-co_t_IC_l_tt_e_n•-.-l-e-op_a_rd ORANGE 5400 looll·•·ltke~ rare uatoc COUNTY 10ld/cnocolalt $00lS. real schmoozen 909 681 6664 ,.,,.011 .. ~ c.ao ....,,..... Smwl & Love &bil. P•tnts on Pr..-s $409 Lori (714) '34-1818 lAHAl>Olt ,UPS OfA <Bf CHAMP'tON UMIS, platinum blonOI. SIOO 626·~9-88!>4 -Go,_ se..,.ai-• 111 colon. all siies tor adoption to qu1lilttd hOmes --f"eKU. °'' or 714-nJ.5915 , Balboa Ptnlnlula PININSULA CONDOS o,_ Set·SUtt 1·4 4t IS atver Ave fltOM Sl2S,000 2U HTHST. ... ..._ ••ts...tl7 --,_ ,..._/, ...... 0-. ............. ..... n. s.w-a c:. ........ )S21 Ind ex Cu1tom Corona del Mor Condominium•. v.uurmot h1tch~n wrought uon 'u\tom tile ano Lab 1netr y front is d )bf 21>• h""* & rP.ar ~ ~ 2br ?b~ COASTUHl RWTY 949-159~ 177 lfil!1 7402-7466 ~ aoos-as10 ~ 9000-9750 Strada ~ vf 1 t~.WA" t ti' h\11t1~ H11i(tl 111 111,-tulf• 1Jvl9f loo~tn'1' th,. '' f> tn !hr • 1ft1o ~ Sl t>Y'> tl!JO OPEN SUN 1 S NP...., l1't1 ~ "tunr "'~ m •dt 1 i..,. hr" ,,. "4° \t'leW\. f I 4idC:JlJlt-bd0 4 br hundt ~d4 f t 1..w era I~~· SI b~'> "'"' •A C•1•1•tdlng c....,_ I O'lN SUN 1-S t.-""--'ttolf to B•e Santa Lu<•• f •bu •u' Coron• Ind lookout po.nt 1.tketronl 10, Jb• J '>~A 48r 4 58.a bt and new O•or loo~•na Cdny n t. custnm ~ ocean SI 779 000 Off"' td .al S2 950 <XX> COASTllNC REAi. TY 949159--0tn ,atMl ESTATES PATat(IC TlNOltl NATIONWIDE USA t4t..aS6-970S www p1trlcktenore com O'lN SUN l ·S folt lohfr.,.t locetl.,. Jbr lba, One of 1 lew e.er lo come 1va1i Walarfront sunset YllW'! $859,000 "•ll-PrOf'OrllOI Stet-foM-or t4t;71S4156 O~o-lf•l9hh·Dr•°"' ....... One of thP l.WCf\I tots Er • Den W<lh "°°' •• 88Q & Pl! Aooro• 4CXXl/sf 10.<XX>-Lot "Ill l.lliav l '81l1Q 949 509 89Z3 .......... ...._(root custom est.ti. wot11 canyon & OCeMl ~ Offl!rtd at $6,500 000 (oottlfH ......, t4t·7St..0177 2~ ..... Slta on prime L.-9ucti lll'ltl Ana OCNfl ,,_ Ytllc'I slreel ---------c..nnt 48r home UMd a ..... l6U•f 41r, 21•, tnCOmt [ny buld on 11111 Pool Hotnt. new c11pet lots! C111 Lil ~d 6 parnt SJ79,000 M•lloy @Coldw9il Brier tor Ralt0ts 714-146 4009 rnare dlCllil on llnd. ~ 464-3014 s 1.»t.000 your stuff houtdl classified! .... ...l!'!'r .. tM9~11 • Under the Ser\'ice Directory Banner '• Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S 1 MISCELLANEOUS I RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 ~t.. .... ', 7400 111 ~ flt 'B.J ""jJ8r ' 2lfl """ .__ 1 ttei>e.h <Otldgt' uvl ~v ""' In bi'd<.n "'~ ""' l carl)oJlt \.'l<Jl "'" l'IP.an \!OW frlll •eol l~n """'" & R""dv' 94q 2'jl ~ W C' & SI I~\" l S.J [ ----lblll 51 A:..11 1.. """" <M.' Costa Mesa \149 ~ /4.:'J I ~t I.Jo (o•tsld• 2br, 2bo, Apt. with b.ah.ony id• "" t,., & tr_..,,, µ.01~ f1 ~·,·f' $I ;.>'i-0 "' '14'.l I>~ A J~ 78r 2.Sla T "'""' ..,. Ll11ff'r-"' t>cri 'r)(d 1'1 't ft.I~-· h''"' Of~--s 4...,. ~nl ~~64:' .... Jlr 710 H-•• f •'·IS•d-o l>t~ '" d 11, .p. • .... pit fM iio +d & ,,flf• Sdflt.l ""'' '<4'J E.83 887~ Huntington Beach COMMUTl USS llllAll MOU "nt"' I 11'<\t..ll lov~ Apart """'1 tmJ,,,m.itrun ~ter l71>"> B •I HMv•O and M.o • 1•••· C.. 92614 I ..M.6-400-1690 ~ ORANGE COUNTY lASJSIDl CHAllMER 48 1 l 4 •• Ai1 t. L•d•y~•J u! I• n.iuatd (94') U S-7113 UgM & ~ lbr "'' • •.lory all .c i• n Pt~ r> ......,!! l~ ltw •.nlo ,...,. Corona del Mar t-oly Gatocl C..........ity 11< Ila Af>t . .,. p.1 ~.ti '"i wall>. to Tr :,Q1>d't S89'.i mo W••~· t••>~ p.ood """" M•n<>ctment 817 7t)t 8649 I •I 9i'ro t ""°~fy r t•n•,..,., •0 ~ P~ """' oonf ,.,_. t l':ron Rnn II• l9 in ""' r ""' ~d pi.,. I I r, I la, Ot•on Vl•w South ,f PCH nP.W Poppy SIJ09 m" Open Hou~ ~.. II~ ~ Hazel Dr 11 4 l/'11811 e•t ?JI 4br 2b1 HUG£ YAllO w /GAlDlNlR. r P~h oas>t .., & >llA "t T~ Pari.. & r ... ii llt6Q Si'Q)) . °"" ~991~ .._, \llJ.Xl ~n nm l rood,..ooro Co11 de W1t~ I l>U• h }br 'lb.o tll•d r110 l•nn1\ S 18C,O ml\ ':>6? 414 'I090 l 'sltM lb. "1tt end un•l ..._., Mew &'•~JUS 2St _ D W to: bath IM&e pattO I l. !& homE HIJ(.( k •" no pth S'99'> mo I Iii E p Ip /IC. W t) "drY 11 \I St 94q 64S 71 lfi """' Wi()ini l\lioti• Mll!(l 8,, i0'-8&19 l •t 924!1 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • -------·~· __..-~--.... ~---.. • 4 == 4 ... 0 S W FF 4 F .. Sliurd.y, "'1 5, 2003 t TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF andTANNAH HIRSCH UTl ~ P/T ~ ~ .. _Am_modwt ______ IOTORUMIH MlliOr dinq cenw in , l1VlllM' C.M C.p'd with lood _C.._tl_llec __ '0_1_S._w1Me--S-U =::. ::'tct°'C s1lver/1r•i 11111, CD. ,_ .......,_ .,,_,,_ chrm wflls, cold pk&, lull en,.., --• •1-""'" fact, hke new, SlA.m ~-lnSt. ~ Grl:IS56 vl596741hnanclna1ve1l ........,. • ---· ow 8111 949-586--1888 OI'' ., ........... s .......... 8tue. 1ulo, CO, clun. D- t 025771 $199 5 ,_ ~com ~7ffl2 ------~ COMMUTlUSS lllAX MORf Contld <!flt.ii IMrc ,.,._, menC lmlOl'mabon Center 11625 B ~I Harvard Mid MMn, lrwle, Ca 9:161 • 1166 ~2491 ............... Tvrtle Reck 2br 2ba end condo, 3 levels. Ip dbl II" nr park, tenn" grnbell Comm pool Sl7~949 376 1956 Col .. e Pork 3br lbd 3852 Blackthorn. fr p'h paint in & out new ~ppls nice yard w/11ar den er S 1850/mo 949-64!> 9'J I J COMMUTlUSS RllAX MOlll Contact renbll lrv111& ~ men! lmformaboo ~ JJ62!>.8 at Harvard and Milon. trwle, Ca 9261• 1 ... ~2691 ..... ~ TO AD£RS· Ct llforn1a law re QUWn th•t contuc- too Itkin& tobs that total SSOO or more (tabor Of m .. teuals) be licensed b)I' the Contnctors SUie license Board. St1te law 1lso requwes th•I contt1ctors include thetr IJGenSe numbef on ... itdYstislne. You ~n check the status of your llcttnsed contrac tor at www.cslb c:a.110Y or 800-321·CSl8 . Unl1 tensed c:ontr ac tors lak1n1 1obs that total less thin S500 must slate 1n their advertisements that they •re not licensed by lhe Conlr aclo<l Sl1te L1eense Board." A••1n1I n1m1•11q ....... 11.-s ~ / B.tl/ lllmoOel Male. ....... b MllTI aa vsc 9816'5CJJ25 AlrCt •mat• MLl91NVAC ~ Coftditloflln1 6 Heettn1 Servlc:e LteOIMO !M9·SCJ0.9005 WE•;Kl.V RRIOGE QUIZ Q I -East-Wa.t vulneoible. b Soot.It you hokJ: • J 6 5 2 -:• 10 I K J 9 SJ •A 1 The bidding ha.\ DltlCCtldcd: NOR11f F..A!t'l' SOUllt WEST I• l v 'I' What do you bid now':' Q 2 • f...a.,t-We..i 'ulncrablc, n.~ South )'UU ~kl: • K Q -.1 Q84 J2 -. K Q 10 8 • H ~ bicldinll lull> proi..'ClC\led: Wl!.ST NOllTif ~T smmt .._ PaM •• ......,. 2• PM! .,_ 7 What ac1ion Jo you talc'' Q 3 • 'onh-Sooth vulncrahle. a.' Sou1h you hold. • 7 v A Q 7 6 3 A J 7 J & A 10 5 ~bidding hM proceeded; wr..sr NOR'Tl( EAST SOtml I• • Dbl ,_ ? What do you btd now·~ Gert.cl. nr ........ ....._ Jba home, 2-1 car ear. prtY p.illo, comm poo4. Yr l9c S2/7':J aval <'Oii ~ CUffHAVlN 31K 2t.o S29SO.... Yrly I.-I.mp Ytrd & Dedi 949-642-6394 1011 RENT IN' llUffS Popular E Plan 3Br, 21/tBI + r~mtly Room SJOOO/mo 949· 644 490!l ~-+-+---11" LIDO ISU close to buch & nar bor 3br 2ba s'"ll tam home, patio 1 c 11•r S l?OO/roo 7 J4 681 5349 BAYFllONT 31r 21o $3200/-.,...., 626-282-77'3 426-297-626.2 Q 4 • Neithcf vuln.:rable, I<!> Soulh )'OU hold; • K 10'7'3 9HJ 0 1162 •Vvld The biddin11 ~ pnx:ttded: NORTH EAST SOUTH •• 2• ' What actmn do you tale 'l Q 5 -Vulnerable, you hold. •AKQ!l4Jl Pnnntr opens lhc b1JJing with one hean. Wh..11 do you re~ponJ'/ • Q 6 • Both 'ulnt'mhlc. you hol<i &7 6 ~QJ9S42 9872 •7 l'anner opo!ru. Lhe bu.liliog with two no trump What du you re~pood'' Publlihtnll 'ftOMOTIONS DlPAUMfNT Commonlty newspapers lfl Or.... County Sft'ks f ull Tme peri.on to 111lervorw ~ wflte \tones. pw lX'.1 pale Ill community ~ftil3. ae.itc 4'nd ~le i>aee> .ind :.e<.lt0n• E1cellent comr1111111C•tlon slulls, work MM with lhe pubic. Kriow N> Style QuarkJlPr eu, Pholoshop Mulb ~ Cte ator 1'10111:-t on MAC and PC CCI de\titn e1perien1 e preferred PfooheM11o11 lest Drue Kr41f'fW1&/rtllysical le<J,llrt!d E(){ [ •cellent benefll pack.ice Em<W' resurrye, wr rtJnc S<ll"llies and ,..,..,y requir eme n t \ t o latlll~@la!Sfle"'.wn JOBS WANTED RKl"TIONtST Fun tme po'!lllOl1 ~va1lable m bU'>Y N8 Heal I ~tatr oHte.e M r 8 JO S l) CompetJtJve 1>a1 and b,.r,.fth I ighl rnr11 1>11tl!f wllf k Knowic.di•• ul MS W••d • "'°' r •• re<, ume tu '149 717 lll<J Monti..,. Reoldl AvM · ,pt UW: 4llf 2t>d tu on Ptnn p,.,, Very r'fll'.I' fun -et nl.l'.l 949-6~ll cw .. Employment Wanted 8200 * HouHmon/Mgr. • Of QI 714--M-9719 E.O.f. www • .,...l,c- 9000 9004 A...1 'O 1 TI O-n.-o Roadster, loalk.>d. lilll' new. 711 ""· '" '1e.!fl hJl'l'boJdy S32.000 160 1% 1601 IMW '11 U3 o l 2 dr erey ldll s \IJ sunroof, lull µwr Sl'.00 714 878 94'>~ IMW '97 3281 Conv. "uto, /~ll nit metallrc drk blut &r o tlhr labulou' cond 1111 uueh out vl59lbl Sl6 <19!> fin & w1rr au1I R• 1 949 586 1888 www OC.ll••hl tom IMW '9032SI like new Blklldrt 4 dr •uto, 1061' nri, a• .onr r lull pwr. tmt c.. n'l<lll J.420011•·6'>1 •661 C..._.'01 S-lletSlS &llnr/1rer lthr, CO, chrm wllts. cold~. full fact, hl<e new, $18.~ vt59674 I fln•nc1n1 avail Bkr 949586-1888 l.c- Deda• '99 Dekoto P ICkup, cUJcllb, wNte, Y6. WI"/ ,.,. ~ 12t444 I 9 ~awn~1822 Declt• '99 Intrepid Red, V6, CD. super C~•n, very ntt• •5357~ -auto ll(t(TI 9$646-782? ford '6 S Mustang Conver I 1ble, .j>ft~•n•l owner, \Oltd ter Sl9,99!> obo 949 / t 9 2943 '-d '98 Wlnokls ..... I~ I 0. owned, •• re<.eipl:s, $69':l> 118293.!7 ~ oom 9'19-04&-/Pfl2 lsutu '9S Troeper lttl. 4•4 1mma~ throu11hout very mce. •932989 S789!'> wcw.Jlllo com 949 646 18'l2 .._...,. '03 S-Type 4.2 vi, l'>k ffit, white. oalm<!dl llh!, CO. Chtoml' wheeh. 6 ~ auto Saw 1 'iK. S38.99'> v•tr6!H:Jb ~•9 '586 1888 Skr www.oc al.co"' Jeep "i7 ~ .... a..-..- \18 4,4 ltllf CO mrvl ,.,.y ""'~· •l?IWO S999'J Wt w,1olt1 r '"" '149 fA6 Js:n Jeep '96 °'-" a-.i... \'6. ?wet ro ~ dean, WI'/ l'IO.t ~ '215458 wcwaulu UIOl CM9-6'6-7812 leau1 '9' lS400 Cha"'""Knt &nld 1 .. 11 lllOI I 0 v,old 11~11• \upt11 l> o r 1r <:<and. SI0.19S v•7bl512 It nant llll 4Vdtl B1'r 949 586 1888 WWW oqwb4 c.0<0 Motdo '99 Mlolo Conv 4Sll '"' .. utu \live• t•n l•)p pw pl I M W ' 8 9 7 3 S I l IVC. CO •UP~• b like new PHIWPS MITO .,,....., .... "" only 1111< mi. HRl Pet kif mlllM» wllMls. (19394) IHQUIA[I OJAcwwRJ.J nlOOClfoof. loadedl (194!>5) S24.911> H _,,_ xn CMV 32K moles. chrome wi-ts. buutllu' (194961) $37, 9ll) '4/IA~UOO , ... Cllitr coal w/8tacll lea ll1« ptenoom w!Mets. moomool ( 19512C) S29.911> 9 T t.iw ts 400~ Sllvl'I w/Crey leaUlef, 100011toof. a beauty ( 1')15JI) .$22,!8> 00~ .. xdwS Sliver w '81adl 3211 fY!lles. """ p ( I 9490C) $39 980 OI Awll A4~ Bia. k w/~olller l@.tt.hw, .rnoontnol (194262) S22.!8l 99 Ferr-1 3SS 'iJlvt:1 wlbtatk ltht 141\ ntt~. gtN l"QU~ I 1 l<t235) INQUmt'. 99"'-'t~ Gt ey w/blacil te.theo', prenuum whffl$ (19419) S23,980 949-S74-7777 JOff MOTOtl MOMI roR RENT. LIKE HCW C Cl.ASS/Sll0£·0UT 949 515 2305 IQATS ..... -.... ...... '92 1711. Annlnfnr» Edition. '301p y~ _.y ... i..n, Of!l -· IUP«IOI Cond. pllOd, m1ny opt1<>ns, t1111't. SJ2,49'J 949 939-1919 c9' '00 lift Mfy ~ boat I owner, dodied lloy Bab» lslMld Ml4I -$15.500/obo 949-10&-~ '71 20ft Dvffy lled(k •-• Clan1c: "Edison 20" w/varotshecl leek tum $6000/obo 949 67'5 8831 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ l.AUNCHIN6/ STORAGE IAY ISlANO COvt..., I Jft bum, onltn11ted 1.,.1gt1t, qu11I & sale 949- 972-7177 ()( 949 613 1943 . f oyoto '96 Avele11, Sip Up • SOft, eood lot. •uh lthr mnr I be"u t lose lo tJdo II. br_., ltlul S699!> 11122178 1nckh w•ler/elect/doe~ ,... w.iu1n Ulm ~ /872 bO• $9Dno ~J'!H;l2.8 l edlher w11r<1"I ver y 1 n11rl v• 11 <J/4 l $1U. '19'> T,... Loi 11 llt.1&A11~ d~"" $49'.J!i •111>'>4">'i fm,rn1111~ I!. w•rr•nlv liA>• i,., ttv-w..., ~. wtr w .. •,,•uto .. •n '"'11"'6 IW7? ••d1l l!~r '14\1 '>Xf> 18811 rn.dl ._.., ""·" o6 ~ _www.ocpa .. l.com M1A11\.1 le•l.6 'Ul ';44 /I ti BMW '98 Z3 Conv 2 .1 Mere_..~ "91 C230 t. t YI red ldn Ill•• ') .11<1 be,wt t1k..-11t·,-w ' ... ,tt ,81!>/21 $1 / '11i1t It lhtw nuuf 1111n1d1.. "4J'2' nw P #Id I.I I / S Ill 9'l'J W\.WlttffO I fllH 'J4'+-64f, /fr/'.1 Volluwogen '00 leetle ''°' "" "'" ~ lt11g bl•• .. tlll'llrru~.-1 ttUIH ffi!Htrtrf CLASSIFIED LIDO YlARLY UASl I BlOCk FROM OCEAN Tustin I clean & m•1nld"1 lar g~ horn~~ Cnok d11vt. all dull", eldPrly & d uld , dr e e •11 j? I 'JJ7 9038 ll1 41w•tfll.-woalltwM Bt.1'iY lllf.wpr,,.t °"""h H .. ;il nanttnl{ & warr.rnt1 ""•HI Bkr 'WI '>Ill, ll'!Hli Mwc.edeo Bem '93 190l I fl llW ol ~lloy whl\ likt-lllW ;111•4}1)0'>'j Sil ~·~• It" & WMJ~r1ly ..... 1 I'~• 949 !>86 11188 & UOO SUMM(R HOMIS 2b1 ?ha Al)I r"model~d Bill GRUNOY R(AI TORS Carport Sl8'>0 Avail Ji I 949-67S-•1•1 949-SIS-4229 A STU.l IBR S 1095/Mo '/•Off the hi mo Rent 10< 6mo ~d\t: Newly reo>udo:led w new .apph. Cilrpet & u•r.11111< hie W1> "'~ @ unit D'W & tnit 78' S 144'> Call I OU 949 64fi 77?4 <W 7\4 633 1">92 No doa'> Lorr lbr Ibo .'..nit o" qvlet l'enlnsulo point. He 1lftoli ln9/pels. SI.SO 949-293-031 a--mMg 211 I lo. Avd~ Now Pv1 BeAr h t~nm., w urt, nt:.ar lt•rLor l•le SllOOm L!.e 949 /18 1400 s 11 so 2+ u Incl Unit I Newpa I Nor1h TownllOlre'> Patx. altilched '1i" aee pd al\. 20 c.'llal Pr. 8D.m.n171111s~ 1m ------- 21R Y(AlllY RENTALS Newport H~Mh Pemn Sl400 Sl9!>0 mo .igt 949 •73-7800 Hewpo<1 Ht'• R@mcw:ll'l"d 281 18.1 ~hJY> tp IMt.etl yid, g;w A. C W/O, ~ to sdu ~. ~ck•"', l2!llhi 949-641 'LAI 949 42? &H> Newport Crest, 2llr 7b.J 2 • ~di N41~ tu be h ltnn1• P'>hl '"• S2100 mu 'J.t<j 707 4408 Condo Blufh l9' /bl 71>.t• <11'11 I ti.I 'J paltM v1t:W\, f p no l"''"t it alt p u11111n 1>UOI. no P"U. S2200tn 9'19 f""4 1367 1 11 S W IAY AV(. lg Ul)prf 3br 71>.i vaUll ._..,. Ip w/d 2' KM. $2500 rm a£1 c1 .... 1y9-19 500 Y>48 North Tustin Hl111 B•·•u tdldlm.t u ly lticltt Yll'W\ ')hr !lb~ hflll\~ • ltbr M v ? pnw4'r • m\ flppro1 ')90() \I I 1l lul Ir nm~ tr,urh S2 l':Kl 00 llemax Claro Tu 9'9-29S-9988 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGf SALf ! 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EARN EXTRA MONEY Eriday, luly J 1 -_jy,oday. Aug.J l-..1111 S6 ~., S 11 /hr • '1..ll111i: l-11111~ I IJ~~11~n 1·1~111\ ~·. The Dr .111.:c ( ounl\ bn - ~ .. nix·n(llll ru·"'"''J' \ l-111 hu<1.i..'1» J l'lu•.• lnlcrviC'W in person: Wed., Joly 9 from 11 a.n1. -lp.m. Or-nip: ( uun" 1-Jui:rnunJ, l.um,.i 111 ProsJu.i.d)IJi: .. Bour.h l{~)J TROPI CAL TREASURES #'l'lt.ttf tfl ~f_,1J l>I.._T Merced•" '96 (210 tJ ... 1 t1•ut f I u " 1 • "" www.oq.o6tl.c0fft VW '91 Pouot GlS Vt> tun, l11.t1h· 1 h••-"'' ,.1111 \Ntft ,._,,1, tT.rtrf 69' ~lflf'I " .. it $1•> •11114 r.1 14f.1 , lro•n •1'>711.'6 SIO '1-1-. M •re• cl•• '00 C 2 3 NI"'""'" •1..,.1 ~ 6"t. lflZ• 9'1 ·np1• • l.H 'I " " I 1' I •• I ... ... ''1• ~ I Al1TOMOBllfS th 1t 1! lllit '"flt'' I ' l•·dnlolul I•~• "'" not MlscaLANEOUS """' '", :111.1 )(f, 11111J1 Wanted .... , •• 1 I> ··n· ... n. 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Alford •ble rates. 20~vn E•p free Estimite 714 891 f6j/ I# 0 & •USMESS ltrl'Alfl Upende,, Rep•lrs ol Computer, Nelworlls . E. venin1s/Weel!1nds CompelitJwt pr lcea for qu.llty MrVIC t4t ... M-117S 714-tlM2H CompWr semces COMPUTER HELP! • llllWlllor""",.... • M ,_.._or ollcll •Kor .. ·~ ·-1'9~·­·~l.bllrn •ObT~ • l)glll ~ ~ !.\..: ·~~~~ UC ........ ~. 10 y,. ~Exp. 7 14-612-2786 ~Publishing I ETOI GIN YOURHOMl IMl'ROVlMlNT l'ltOJlCT? ( all~ plumber 5Mrnle r hctndym4'f'I nr ~ny nf the treat · • r vii P~ hsl"d h'r~ rn "V' \erv1le directory• Jiff SE l OCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN ~tfLP YOU l ODAVI Dtywall Services • Electrical Services DUTCHMAN lUCTRIC I ICI NSI D1INSURf 0 COMPtm1vc RA T(S l #]')933/ '.14!1 127 6250 llClNSlO CONTRACTOR Nn !'lb too "" NA vtrw""' kepatr r~•n<>ftl!I Ian• ~. rtew S¥< 949 645 ~ Aooring/Tlle OJSTOM <JtlATM TU ~b:in ~If' C01'<!W:, martile, \;1()1¥ btatt 197 s l~ ~ 714 61 2 9961 LIMY.,_.. 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"S CUSTOM ,AINTINO Pron. de.10, qu.tt\y wor~ lnletlot/ul ind~ Lt703468 !M~l-4610 Painting Pool Service llAJNIOW cmKl.I MAINT Me.ah 1'-' & SfMI Sv<. l'a1111tn11 1r1Vnt Hou~/~ Weekly Se1v1ce, lquop~ Quality t<>C>' f r!e l!"lllrnalP rnent Repairs Insured. l •Sfi9897 71• 636 88llll Col 949-192-7 173 Plumbing SlWll AllD OWi au.& {949) 645-2352 e loc •OMSlOnOf MITJS.nvert SEWER JETIIHC ELECTRONIC Sl~B LEAK DETECTION I riendly SflrvlCe 949 -675 -9 304 -~Q)rTl I • 7~49j ln~url'll 0-slc ~ ... New & Remodeltnit. Gas lmt. Copper Rep14>e ""1 Rlsm I •!> 16783 949.575 !>03!> HONfST & ftlASONAllU PLUMBER L•506586. Free Est! Sm rep1n. ocrrcu ON: 714-~9150 l'lllOSl PWMIUMG ReP•'" & Remodehn1 FRE£ ESTIMAfE l•687398 71 4-969 1090 .. , ... r• - . . . . . - www •• owe 4 c ea CC 'MIE ROVER ~ THE FIRST SW TIIAT REPRESEITS A TRUE All£BD11YE TO A LUXURY SEDAM.' AUTOMOBllE 3/03 4x4, V8, Power Doors, Power Windo_ws, Power Seat. ~!~§jTo~~~gl~ti $ LEASE FOR$ On approved credit. $4103.25 Total drive-off. Includes tax. license and first payment O security deposit. 1 OK mites/year, 20 centslmUe over. + tax 1st payment, tax, lie, doc fees and $450 sec dep. 1 OK miles per year/20¢ excess mi. charge. + tax 5 at this payment • 48 months 5 at this payment • 39 months VALUE. O•E MORE THlllll THAT SHOULD•'T BE OPTIOllAL. When you compare "apples to apples". it becomes clear that the 2003 Freelander S ,., not o nl) the mmt capable s mall-midsized SUV. but the be-.t value a-. "'e ll. But don't take our \.\Ord for 11. Takt> a loo!.. jl the following charl which <>hould make your buying decision just a linle bll easier M SRP V6 Engine 4 -Speed Automatic transmission Air Conditioner • Power Package 4 -Wheel Anti lock Brakes Full-time all wheel drive .. 2003 Freelander S $25.600 You got 11 ~tandard. they don't! 5-Speed Automatic! Even Better! Yl•U Bet! Safety 1s never comprimised. lt'c; a Land Ro\ er. i~n't it? Of course. It's not 1985 anymore' 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport 4WD Sl<).(13<> Opuonal -$850 OpuonaJ -$825 OptionaJ -S:?.325 OptionaJ -$6(X) OptionaJ -$395 Optional -S 125 2003 Land Rover Freelander S Traction Control Electronic -we wouldn't go off-road w11hou1 11 OptionaJ -$765*• Vehicle Security System You can count nn 11. Optional -$520 LEASE FOR OR BUY WITH 16" Alloy Wheels Cool Optional -S3 I 0 s299;:o 39 months GlS, Extra Clean 41S1/A31998 '17,995 '99 RUGE ROVER 0 , VB, luxury, loaded CERTIAED 39761426094 .'21,995 '00 DISCOVERY VS. Sunroofs. leather CERTIFIE04134fl44585 '20,995 '00 RAISE ROVER 33K Miles, Many Extras CiRTIFIED 41821429562 '29,995 'I RAIRIVBJIE Cruise Control Yo u've got 11 for the rnad tnps ! Optional · $ •OO lndependt!nl Rear Suspens ion Standard Not 8\ a1llhlc Basic warranty 4 years/50.000 m1k-. 1 }car,/16.000 m1lc!. Rus t Warranty 6 year-./unhm11ed miles 5 years/100.000 mile' Adjusted M SRP 125,600 ,-$27 ,045 Thia compartaon la p<"eaented as a guide to aaalst you in selecting an SUV. An e><act equivalent vehic le •• not possible. All vehicle Information has been dertved fTom www.jeep.com, www.landrover.com & www.edmonda.com. Pnc.a ehown -MSAP wtthou1 discount. WhHa av...y effort has bean made to ensure~. --not ~bla ~ an-ora °' omlulons. ""TractJon control provided th~ Jeep's Trac-Lock OfffM&ntlel Axle. - '01 llSSAI XTERRA SE Sunroof, Auto, 6-Disc CO 41841556594 '20,995 ·'02 DISCOVERY VS, Only 91< Miles, Prior Rental 415&746642 V6. Automatic. FuH Power. Harmon Kardoo Sound 4163/A376164 '22,995 . '03 DISCOVERY VS. Only 6K Miles. Ex-Rental OllJ• Mii•, L11,1i '29,995 . . '31n:• •aa .. 11& • 1 at tlils price (4192/B012288} Photo for illustration se onl . 'IPaamTER Sport. flj UN. ... 10UI 1 41911624185 '39,• -----..._ ___ --------~ ~ ~~-----------~ ---- a " • ...,,,...,,,. . •54, ~-"UI'-. ~:::; .... _, •7,442 ... .,, ••• 1.$1 AulO. A.r.~ Stw-.o (J Grut a.. SS& ~ (4268/701486) . . . . . . 1_, '9nM Sllll,_E IE Au10. AH; POWIK ~ CD tJ Rear sam Spolierf ("182/812:i89J . . • . . . •... Z001 l'0#1IAC ~IE ~ Ar; Tit CD, R.r Spot#r 8 Mott/ ~50 f412211s1os6J . . . . ""I I ... ,,,,,,..,,, ..,.Am'lr Ault>. Ai; 2nd Sting (Joa, 7,,.,,.,,,,., *8975 8 Pric«J Rl//htl ("14 7 /5898 78) . . . . . . . 1WCAMll&~ =A::r4380~~~1M0 .... ..:,...mWQlO "*"Door. Ar. ro. ,..,,., Cwtom 1Junprfl~(4278/114486J . .., cmn ••• Aufo.Ai:""-~CDIJ~ •1ft '.,. 13K,,,.., (4165/671'080). . . . ~·~ ... ,,,.,,. UIS , Aufo. Al: Ful A:Jtwr. CD Stllcttr. •11,m Mootnd. AJolyf/ (4271 /607612) .•. ,.,,.,,. ... ~ ~Aum. Ai;~~ ro. lMlflw, Low Mi#/ (4627/2'3003} -..... --·· ., .. ,.,.,.,*' Aufo. ,,._ N. POWfr ~ ro. Tow. s21 750 U.tlw lJ Alloyfl ("347/111681) i ,., .,, .. ,.,, Aul)..A;, POWIK ~ CD. Tow Pkg. Ii AJloyt/ (4272/619d88J ........ ~ 780 191al!W..Ul1J. (c.tift«JJ Wdl Al TM £.ow. PNtniun $~ ~ (j,,.,,.., (4417/166123) ..... _,,,.,,.MB• 8~ ~6.7LRMnAi~ ~ lMtlM IJ """"(4642/106676} wuw•M•r•llll• ,.., lV,...,,,. , • •• rtm111..,1)............ ,829 .............. (c.tll«/JAufo.,,.., Ai; ~ ~ s25 • lMflw IJ Mot.I (4"63/11tOl3J.... ' _, UMJM8711111 • Ful POWfr......., Corw Tap IJ ~ IK _,, ("40/104674). . . . . . . . . ,835 ... .,,..,,,, Aufo. ,,..Ai; .w Seit~ MD,9 8 s29 am: ~ FIWll ,..,.,,,.,,,, ,.,.,., aaa•••-.J.1 Ful,.... ~ Qi&w. ,...,,.,,. •32,• A/loltM (4286/10l1H J. . . . . . . ..• ,