HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-06 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot, COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Summer has finally arrived I t's here. J"think. Summer, that is. It's a tittJe late, bur it \ here. As you weU know, June 21 - the ~ummer solstice, more or less -is the official start or summer. Solstice is an andent Druid word tha._ means the official start of summer. To laymen Ii.Ice your;elves, it 's known as the longest day of the year. Bui to us sciemists, it is ~~ day when PETER declination of BUFFA the'>un ... well, tn relation 10 the Earth\ orbit. the sun is actually, I should~y:"ttn---Earth 1'>. -well it's the longest day of the year. OK? Geez. It is so hard to explain things 10 you people. Anyway, this week left no doubt that the summer that refused to start, finaUy did. TI1e June Gloom -which was actuaUy the April-May-June Gloom tJUs year -finally got over itself and let the '>Unsh1ne. which was a song from "I lair" or, if you're a Gershwin fan, the livin' is easy. the fish are jumpin', and the cotton io; high. I never understood the fish pan. Can they jump? '-· This year it seemed as if summer decided to make July 4 its openin g day instead of June 21. It's good to be Mother Na1ure. You can do whatever you want. whenever you want Speaking of July 4, it went preuy well, no? Everyone seemed to have fun and the fireworks were back at the Dunes. as well they should be. I thought the show at Mesa Verde Country O ub was the best ever. and the increased police presence in West Newpon seemed to have the hoped for calming effect. Of course. the tripling of the fines for noisy, drunken. thoroughly obnoxious behavior didn't hurt either. The city established a "safety enhancement zone," euphemistically speaking, in West Newport. from midnight Friday to 3 a.m. Saturday. On Friday night, about 55 revelers h ad to have their safety e nhanced, most of them having ~· been over-served with various Fourth of July commemorative See COMMENTS, Pa1e M l&SmE 11EPl.OT ........ You won't get rotten tomatoes with thit week's page, which containe helpful ideel on how to grow !twit delicious fruit In your garden. S..,.M The Orange County Fair ii ontv deVI """" end the fllk's ~ m.neger Ulllll lbcMlt .. .,....,. ifw11P'~• lncludlno the ...... oduc:don of"'- .... AmphltMn .. ........ SUNDAY EDITION • ·a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 JULY 6, 2003 SUNDAY STORY DONL(Alt-' [JAlt•PL' Bruce, left, and Bobbtf! Hendrick, who have been married more than 50 years, were honored for years of volunteer service at the Costa Mesa Pohce Department \ The fun is mandatory Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot · B ruc.:e and Bobbie l lt'drtt k went on their first date 111 Pa<iadt'na S4 year'> ago I le wa., an enginl't>r111g '>IUdent a1 Caltech. ~he had jui.t ... ta reed off with a job a1 a bank. They were ... et to go to a barnyard _ dant:e. Bruce -;howed up in a 1wo-1011 truck w1lh a lot of guy-. and girls in the back. "I think you even brok.e a few bran chc'> off a parkway tree." Bubb re recalled with a laugh. "I took one look at 1ha1 truck and I said to m yself. 'Holy cuW. I've never been picked up by a trut:k chat hig before!·· Two year~ after 1ha1 h eady dJte, tht• couple Wl'rC married at the County Courthow.c in I.as Vegas, Nine years later, they bought a house on a small cul-de-sac in the College Park area. They've lived there ever since and have loved every minute of it. Bruce. 76, and Bobbie, 73, are also star volunteers for the Costa Mesa Police Department. They've been al it for five years now. Costa Mesa co uple, both Police Department volunteers of the year, have grown deep roots in the community. Bobbie won the department'-; Volunteer of the Year Award 1wo year' ago. Bruce earned it lhl'> year "She beat me to it ... hl' -,aid Robbie works in the main ... t.ilwn doing paperwork for 1hc 1raffit department, while Bruce work' out of the Westside substa11 un fixing lit le t'> and driving around town looking for parking and other violation'>. "Minc's a routine 1ob," he '>aid "I mo'>t ly look for graffiti and mattre.,~e., in the alley." n1c graffiti was wori.e five years ago than it b now, Bruce \aid "I remember there was quite a 101 of l.'Taffiti in lhe Mission and Mendo1a area," he said. "Now mo-;1 of i1\ been cleaned up.· As p art of a police departmen1 drive. he walked those street<; distributing Oiers to residents, telling them that they rnuld anonymou'\ly turn in m bneant'> re ... pon ... ibli: for graffiti in th<•ir ared. ""II mu'it haVl' worled pretly .... ell." Bruce said. JOB SATISFACTION I le o;ay<, he l'lllOV'> worlung w11h the other sen tors 111 the \\t•\lstde ~talion "They're all ... mart • .111d wmm111ed people," he said. "Wt• .Ll!>o gel a lot of !>Upport from the commun11y: Robbie said '>h<' ha-. made several friends working at the main station. .. , ge1 a lot of sat,...fotlion knowing that I'm helping o u1," she ..aid. "My 1ob is mostJy .,omethrng a '>ecretary would do. 1 lopefully, 11\ h elped them ..ave some money. 100 After all. Bobbie worked a' a clerk typist for the Newport Mesa Urufied School Distncl fo r 26 years -24 of TOP STORY tho'>t• }'l'ar., 111 ll.11l~hroo~e I ltmwnr.ir\ ~thool • 1 V\d., 1u>1 one IO 1ump from om· 1ob lo ano1her a., \nu can 1ell ·'ht' <,aid Before moving 10 the traffil tlt·partmen1, Bobbie helped oul lhl' tnme scenL' mve'>tigator•; photo lah fihng finl(erpnnt card<, ·· rhey got a p1uure of me domg 1h.11 when I ~ot my award,"" Bobbie 'aid .. Why, did 1hey want to actually prove that you did your 1ob7 .. Hruu· tea!>ed Hobbie ~hru~ed ci!ld -.m1led 11\ a <,cem• that ..,eem., to play agam ad dgain al the I lednck hou,ehold (,ood humo r 1 ... welrnmed. dt l...nowledged and enioyed. .. , used w he a very !>hy girl when I wa-, younger ... Hobbie o;ard. "But a.'> vou get older. you do need a '>en 'e of humor about things.· lwen her front licen!>e plate renec.:ts ht•r attitude. II reads. "Once you're over the hill. you pick up speed." lt'r, an a11i1ude that keeps her young al hean, said Bobbie. who sport ~ roW'. of '>Liver bracelet!> o n her right hand and a while, beaded anklet on SeeFUN,P .. eM Auto dealership a real best-seller .SPCJRIS tt w..,, 8"-Newpot1 be1de. ~ 8Md'I AINricen flloed Nw;port ~ ,..._. DilcrtctN tJnle ~ AAt8r- toumemenl In M111IM1 Vilio-....... , Newport's Fletcher Jones Motorcars was the No. 2 car dealer in the nation in last year with more than $400 million in sales. Paul Cllnton OailyPtlot dealers made the list. Costa Mesa's Connell Olevro- lel, with $120.6 million lo sales. came ln at No. UK. Paul Dod· dridge owns Connell. which ls on Harbor Boulewtd. Newpon Auto Center. which ls owned by AutoNation tnc.. came in at Nb. 393 with $87 mD- Uoo tn sales. Oll\lid Walloo's South. Coat Fonl/Tuyota. ln eo.ta Mesa. lc>aed $79.5 mD· lion in IUes for No. "57 oo che list, Despite Fletch« Jones' im- pc'eSIM .-.... on the list - the dailef lmpMI frWn t No. 4 ~Che Jell'~ -the _.....-pc.-..,,. bc1ibt II It bM ..... in Ocher- ,_.., tM NpOrt illlL Ma-1117 IDtl 2000. lbe ................. puled In ... ,,, ........... t ____ EK IN REVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'PATRIOTIC PAVEMENT' Covering a community thoroughly isn't an easy task. There are the normal channels the Pilot uses to stay in tune wilh Newport-Mesa. Like calling local authorities a few times a day. and press releases Crom public relations firms. But the most valuable source we can have is the eyes and ears of the people in our community. This week's photo of the week is proof that the best way to know what is going on outside the newsroom is to utilize local sources and encourage tips Crom the NEWPORT BEACH City Council will vote on Nichols controversy The furor over Councilman Did Nithols' comments about Mexicans continued as city staff laid out options for council members. On Tuesday. the council will vote on formally apologjzing to community members and on taking action against Nichols for a comment chat drew national media attention last month. In other news: •A lawsuit IO stop annexation of the closed fl Toro Marine Air Base to the city of Irvine was of linJe surprise to local leaders. Though most say that El Toms not over until it's over. the lawsuit is un.likeJy to rum the tide towan1 a commercial airport. they said • lndependence Day brought with it some tough new rules on liquor consumption and crime in West Newport. Local officials say they hope that. over the next few years. the word will get out that Newport Beadt is no longer the place to come and misbehave. •A plan to hire two part-time rangers to ensure proper use of city parlcs met with mixed reviews. Some council members say it would be a good srart. Others say it's not enough. They will debate the maner some more at another council meeting. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpon Beadl and John Wayne Airport She may be reached at (949J..574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagrsndff\a-latimes.com. COSTA MESA Soccer organization files lawsuit against ex-leader The American Youth Soccer Organization has filed a law,suit against a BUSINESS Sales start cracking in Costa Mesa In the week leading up to the lndependeoce Day holiday. firecracker buyers headed to Costa Mesa for the hardware. It turned out. the city was also a popular spot for the Fourth of July. even with the wild West Newport scene, the return of a popular fireworksshowattheNewport Dunes Waterfront Resort and a boat parade in Newport Harbor. A survey by Priceline.com showed that Costa Mesa was the 30th most popular travel destination in the nation, beating out such hot spots as Miami's South Beach. the Las Vegas Strip and San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. The company released a list of the top 50 areas, ln terms of booked hotel rooms. Civic leaders and local tourism professionals couldn't explain the youth soccer leader from the Newport Beach region. claiming he misappropriated more than $100.000 by spending it on his company. his landJord and tickets to a profe:sSonal soccer team match. Anthony Anlsh dalms he is innocent and says he will pay back any money he owes if there were accounting errors. In other news: • Tue city's new 6ag is Hying proudly outside of Oty Hall after it was raised at the kidc-otr ceremony Monday for the celebration of Co6taMazing. Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary. The anniversary will be celebrated an year. I neighborhood. The photo department was tipped off that a giant Oag painted on the pavement on Tuft Way would be on display for a Independence Day blodc party. So Daily Pilot photographer Kent lkeptow went to check It out. Even though all tips are welcomed. they don't always pan out. But in th.is case Kent was able to get a.Jil;wtiful patriotic photograph for our Fourth of July edJtion. With the help of the cO'i!rmmity the Pilot can teU its readers what really is going on in their neighborhood. MARI( C DUSTIN I OAl.Y PILOT Greg Boston, left, and Blair Thacker work on hanging Fourtti of July decorations around a fireworks stand on Victoria Street Monday. survey results. whether it is its proximity to the beach, its central location or the affordability of Its rooms -which range between $89 and $129. • DBRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at dtHrdre.fWIWfTl8n @/BtifJ'l6S.com. PUBLIC SAFETY An end to long service for three firefighters Three <:osta Mesa firefighters retired after serving the dty for many years. Capt. Doug Wilson. Capt. Jack Schultt and F'lre ~ Tudd. Switzer have about 85 years of experience between them • PAUL CUHTON coveni the environment, buslneu and politics. He may be readled at (949) 7644330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com Schuitt. nldcnamed ·the dinosaur." holds the record for serving the longest in the department In ocher news • A fire !Mt weekend will force a popular gaDery to look for space ~ere. Square 8hJe Art Inc. WM lucky not to lose several predo~ art wortcs. but will have to leave the building. which was damaged by smoke. Owner Jamie Wilson said she is looking for another space in the Newport-Mesa area • OEEPA ~ covet'S public ufecy and couna. She may be reached at (949157~ or by &-mall at deepa.bharath@latim#llt.com. NOTABLE QUOT~LES "A ltttle bit wouldn't hurt Bl{t we wouldn't want t.o ouerdo it." -Jbhn 'Inn. a Costa Mesa resident, on buying some fi.reworb for his daughter 'Voluntttrs help extend and expand existing city programs by providing skills, expertise, fresh ideas, objective viewpoin ts or an exrra ' hand. Voluntttrs bring wirh rhem varied " backgrounds, inierests, experienu and skills that are of great benef t to the city.# -CJuia Steel, Costa Mesa councilman. on how important volunteers have been to the city in its SO years i'ou live, eat and sleep together. You become family.· -Jack Sdnaltt. a retiring Costa Mesa Fire captain, on the most memorable part of his time wjth the Fire Department: his fellow firefighters Jheother communities know that there's no enforument here. ~'s all sorts of activity going on at MariMrs that shouldn't be going on. - -CMrlle Mueenglll. Newport Harbor Baseball Oub president. on why park patrol officers are aeeded in Newport Beach ''I'd love to stay either in Newport Beach or Oma Mesa, ·she said. ilti.s arwJ has a ~rtaln funkiness to it th.al is desirable for me.• -Jamie WU.On, owner of Square Blue Art lnc .. on her plans after a fire caused enough damage that she will have find a new venue for her art gallery ·1 don't know if a m:aU would really have ~." Stasstl said. 'That's the pulse in Corona Ml Mar ... that p«Jple aren't going to support tluu." " -(]lip su.ea. Corona del Mar Clamber or Commerce cha.lnnan, on whether Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols will be recalled Conl~ Newt ... i~nt. (949) 574-4298 DailyAPilot Box 1560, Cott8 M .... CA 92626. Copyright No newt ttoriM. illustr8tlon1, editon•I mattlll' or 8dvertitemenu het91n can be reproduced without written pennla'<>n of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, N0.187 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publi1her TOHYOOOERO Editor JUC1'f OETTING AOl.tertielng Director LANA JOHNSON Promotlon11 Director ' N9wsEdleiof'I GIM ~nder. Lori Anderton, Oeniel Hunt. Paul S.ltowitz. 08niel Stell9n9 NEWISTAff Crime~ ~rter, UM91574-4226 ~.bharat.titllllflmee.oom June~·· Newport "90f'ter, (949) 57'"4232 ;un..~•J.'tfnw.com r.-e11-.t Polldce. bu.in-end 9'Ml"OfVn«'ll ~. 1¥8) 794-4330 t»Ul.cllnton•,.,,,,,__oom Lollll ..... ~~nlp04W. , .. ,~ ~,,,,,,,_,oom ~---' Cotta Mele~. (M) 174-0.21 ~•,_,_,oom Clwlsllt 1C... Ectuc.don ~.Ml PM29I ~·,.,.,_Q)tn oont~com Seen Hiller, Don l..eedl, Kent Trepcow READERS Ha11JNE (949) 6'2-«>88 Record your commenta •bout the Dally Pilot or r-. llPL Addr9ee Our eddr'MI le 330 W. Bay St., eo.ta MeN, CA 92827. Office hours •re • Monday -Friday, 8:30 •.m. -5 p.,rn. Conect•on• It 11 the'Pilot'• policy to promptly oomte:t ell errore of 1ubttano1. PlelM ~II (949) Y&M324. HOW TO REACH US Cftullltion The Times Orange County (800) 252·9141 AllwilWuot a r..t 19491 842-5678 '*"""' (9491 &42-4321 EdleDtW ..... (949) 842·6680 Sporu (949) 57~223 ..... Fa (949) ~170 lpcM1a ,_ (949) ~70 E-fMI: t»ilypl1ot•1'fl,.,,.._com MM:Olloe • rlMee 0.. (Mt) &U...u21 .......... (Mt) 831-1129 WEATHER FORECAST ~of ctoudl end fog'Wlth vilibifftv -ttwn • quetllr mh et dmee In the momhig. lingering new eome bMd'9I Into the dMnoon. oct. uAle expect IUnny ..... wht: hlgt'9 betWW179 end. exmpt lower70I nwthe ~ ~~-""" ...... of doudl end fog wtlh lowl from 5110 •. Monday .. 8h..,ang up'° be • Qrbon copy of tod9y. ............... : www.nws.n<>M.(IOV BOATING FORECAST • be from the nonhMlt. 20 to 30 knots. Occak>nel QUst1 up to 36 knots era upeo ~ 9bf aunMt. SURF The holid9y WMlcend hM 9Mf'O • nb C>n4hora flow end wewe forw.t..f9clng ~ lhoutd be d'99t Ngh or~ In ltendoutl. w.t-fKing lhofM lhoukl ... Wllillt..fligf1 ... Next w.ek loobbe ..... but. big drop-oft. -...-.: WWW..U~Otp 1 TIDES T1Me 8:031.m. 4.-o&p.m. 10:23p.rn.. ~a.m. WAT£R TEMPERATURE ........ . .. .. ' - ., . ~unddy July 6 2003 Al LOOKING BACK Pitch 1 Fourth celebrations of the past • In! .:' ~ . Help keep our city clean! Tom Forquer Daily; Pilot B efore lhe advent of cell phones and video games, Founh of July revelen. relied on more primitive techOologies for entertainment and e:_>mtnwtication. Wlille the modem -day youth u1Ui1.e cell phone networidng to detennine a pany's &ocadon and status, lhe youth or 1950s In West Newpon used trash LO attract atteqtion to their parties. Q\y Was...all-Kelly, a longtime Balboa Penilisula resident and editor or the BalbOa Beacon, recalls how "They'd built th~ soda pop pyramids and add beer cans to lhem, and the kids would go around and find lhe tallest pyramicb. which were the best parties.· These days. Founh of July reveler') can battJe for lheir independence from lhe 'iafety of their own game cohsole or Pt. George Grupe, an area resident since 1928, recalled how residents of Balboa L<Jand and lhe Peninsula in the 1970<; had a Cl'06S-bay bottle-roclcet rivalry. ·They'd Lry to shoot slcyrockets and have 'em land on the Pavilion.~ he said. c.rupe noted that Balhoa Island resident.'> were tactically di.!>advantaged because "they had to fiell t the sea bree'J.es. • 'They'd built these soda pop pyramids and add beer cans to them , and the kids would go around and fintl the tallest pyramids, which were the best parties.' Gay Wanall-Kelly, Balboa Penmsula resident, on how the youth of 1950s in West Newport used trash to attract attenbon to their parties Jim Rmmier, a Newpon Beach rt.">ident since 1978, explains more about the race on his Web site. tVt.vw.takscfbalboa.com "Held in the park at the foot of Balboa Pier. the race wouJd start in front or lhe gazebo. and go around lhe parlc's circular sidewct.lk. • Participants would bring both traditional and custom designed tricycles and race both aided and unaided by a pusher. 'Ille race became M> popular that it was featured on "Games People Play," hosted by Arty Johnson. • TOM FORQUER 1s a Daily Pilot intern He can be reactied at tom. torquer a lat1mes com f •, /l,., .. , 111111u11J ( 41U (949) 646-7944 I l.'.J<i Irvin .. Ave .. ( n•l• ~.1 .... , .. na. ......... ~ .. """ '•flu•'· ...... ., ......... w Perhapi. the most the most bizarre fonn of July 4 entertainment was the l hcyde < dand Prix. which took place for !>evemJ years in the early I 98<r.. • LOOtONG BACK runs Sundays. Do you know of a peraon, place or event that deserves a historical l<><>'c bade? Let us know. Contact James Meier by fax at 1949) 646-4170; e mail at 1ames.me1er1a1/atimes.com; or mail at cJo Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 COURTESY OF JIM F OUHNlf R Balboa Peninsula residents used to partake in tncycle races on the Fourth of July. Two Town Center adds touch of jazz Chat Noir Bistro & Jazz Lounge will open at the 18-story building in Costa Mesa in October. ruru through lwo l bwn Center - were demofu.hed 10 make wJy for lhe constructio n of the 400,000- square-root building. Lolita Harper Da1lyP1lot ffiSIA MF.<\/\ -A ">muoth. sul- 11)' 1av. loungc has <Jmlc.ed its way mto the plan'> for the hight)'\an ucipated rwo lown Center PIUJ· ect, officials an nounced this week. Retund the wdllc;, decorated by a large black cat with piercing yel- low eyes. the Chai Noir Bistro & Ja:t:t. Lounge L\ under coru.truc- 110 11. It t:. the lateo.t addition to the Two Town Center project. . lWo Town Center, once a con- lrUVtfSial proje<.1 that pitted lovers of the Noguchi Sculprure garden agairu.1. developers. received its approval for the 18-story building that will house Char Nu1r m Octo- ber. Officials '><lid tl1e plans o;eemed 10 fit the high lltandarcb or the other fir.I-rate develop- ments in the area The muJtistonc<l bu1ld111g and 1L'> accompanymg five-level park- ing '>tructure I'> the latest ver;ion of the hi~ty an1iop;11ed project fhe 18.23-acre center -hounded hy Amon Boulevard. the San Di- t'gO Frt.'t."Way, Rri~tol Str-cer and Av- enue or the Art'> -houses a ho-.l of office buildin~ restaurants. a movie theater. retail and the out- door Noguchi s.culpture garden. Edwards Theater. and its for- mer parlcing structure on Park (.enter Drive -the street that David Wilhelm, the owner of Chat Noir, is working on the decor for lhc ~tauranl that will offer a ja;t.:1 lounge and a patio for a "c,ryl- 11.t'd ambience. .. Rc!>taurdllt officials have al<;o planned a fund-raising event for Chat Noir'c, grand operung th at will benefi t lhe Orange County Pcrfonning Am Center. The res- taumr11 i., expected to open in No - vember. "Ht-mg involved in the oom mu- ruty has always been unportant for how we do busmes.s. ~Wilhelm ~d. "We are already receTving as much interest and suppon from the members of the 011V1ge Co unty Performing Aru. Center SUMMer SUPP SCHOOL Private or group lessons available Beginners to advanced • Boards end wetsuits provided learn to surf with the TOES PROS. Our instructors include an array of internationally recognized professional surfers who compete in the longboard circuit and have an inherent ability to make you feel at ease in the water. We'll get you surfing in no time! i n n t r !Locals Favorltel Sina 1995 and we antit1 pate a murually hen efidal long-tenn relatioru.h1p with lhem.·· Karen Graham, lhe general manager of ihe Two Town <~nrcr project, l>Clid the company i-. ex- litc<l ahoul Wilhelm'll lall'\I rnJi- nary endeavor. "Chat Noir bring; a neYo' d1men sum 10 our amen11y base and wtll be a great enhancement to whJI L'> already llht> county'~I premiere hu.sm~' and c:ulrural de'>Una- tion," c.raharn <>ajd. Posh Moving Sale 00 ntire nvento Sale Today at Posh We're not dosing -we're just moving to GARYS 1n the Fall We look forward to seeing you at Posh for the Posh Moving Sale. This Fal you 'I find the classic. tradrtiooal men's dothtng selection you've always loved at Posh ... (V')(j the same fnendy. familiar faces to assist you at the beautiflJy expanded GARYS. • " •• f' j { · 50% OFF -···-1st Session $15 Value ALDEN'S ----- DN-!ilTE I --------------) DRAPERY Cl.EANll\I& AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECB!IAR\' I Certified To Clean All Hunter Dougla• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • luminttte Privaq ~ • Silhouette• window shad~ • Vignette• window ~i~ • Ouette' honeycomb shades • M11lenia™ Collection • JubilanceTM romu shades • ApplauSe' honeycomb Wdes • Serenette™ SoftfolcfTM shad~ World's Best ON-srn"' Drapery Cleanln8 System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 I 111'111111 \ ll1•111d ,,,,,,,I'" ll11.1/1f11 ,1111/ &..,,.,, 11 1 -.,,,,,,.I'/',/ t I 01 ; 1 1 {1 I \ Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD E:.:::·1~" ....... Ir a Ir-.......... I ""' 'UI .. .. t...-.ae• ........... .. ... I ' ...... "'""""".._..._e • ..... = .... ,.,. ·o. ......... , M11' clrllr•IW"-..,_•-• tB) . - COMMENTS Continued from Al beverages. That's a big reduction compared to recent years and there seemed to be general agreement that the new Founh of July rager-regs were a good thing. 'Tm having a great time," said Emily Edmunds, 30. ~It reminds me of New Orleans and Pacific Beach." Hmm. That may or not be a good thing. I can't speak for Pacific Beach, but I think Mardi Gras in the Big P.asy was sort of what the city has been trying to avoid. I also think there was a renewed interest, even a sense of renewal, in the Fourth this year. I suspect part of it is an increased awareness of and interest in who we are and what we stand for, given what's going· on around the world these days. People are also becoming more neighborhood -oriented all the time, which is a good thing. ln Mesa del Mar, they FUN Continued from Al her right leg. Bruce is quick to point out that his wife is a member of the Costa Mesa Republican Women Federated. "She has an office of her own in this house,· he said. "Well. you do, too," Bobbie said. "Bruce is a ham radio operator and that's wha t h e does in his office.· GETTING INVOLVED • GETllNG INVOLVED runs periodically In the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 5744298. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and o4der are Invited to help staff the Westside substation. Volunteers are asked to wort two four-hour daytime shifts per week. They would be responsible for answering phones, bicycle registration, fingerprinting, data entry and assisting with other citywide projects. Seniors who can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Call for an appllcetlon. Fred Gaedcter, (714) 754-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CEHTEt The multipurpose senior setvioes facility at the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks ~ volunteers who can greet 1 members and the publlc at the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Department with Exoef oomputef experience and sharp telephone skills. The Senior Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes. (949) 646-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization st the Costa Mesa Senior Center Is loottlng for new board members. The fund-railing and po4icymaldng board needs ~whowlll~ln monthly meetings, occ•ooal c:ommiaM meetings end..,.... · projects. C.ndldatel lhould h.ve connedk>ns in Cotta Me9a and eu~ng c:ommunlde9 end an lf'l99re9t In eervfng 1he oommunitv bv helping eenlon. <• 646-23&8, ext. .18... eo&m-APPOlllrEb RCIM. ADVOCATES ~ ........ ..,..w .. ....,c1111fir1r.._.,,..._. and lbelldofied c:Nldlw1. ~ wofti one on onewlltt 1 cHkffor three houri a week. {714) l83.eo34. CNmMmlMCI PROQIMlltC. The notipt'olt ~" Metdno ~for Ill ~tnumlr..,.• Pf'09"M'\. Some~-­... ~ ................ oeher' ... glf~ ....... ~ ......... emodollll ... ,.. ...... SI aft ID celebrated the Big Birthday U.S.A with their first, and hopefully annual, Founh of July parade. No floats, no bands. no 4-story balloons, just kids and parents and a few dogs in makeshift costumes, making their way down the street on foot and bikes and wagons, festooned with as many flags and as much red, white and blue as possible. Very cool ~g of very cool, lets get back to the Aprjl-May-June Gloom. Th.is could be serious. There was a brief, unassuming, innocent-looking article in this very publication not long ago with a bombshell of a lead; "Tired of all the clouds? Researchers suggest fbe .coast may t?e in for 25 years or foggy weather.• Wowski. Apparently. the Pacific Ocean -which is the large one just to west of us -has been cooling off steadily since the El Nifto years of 1998 and 1999. When things start to wann up in the spring, and the warmer air from land drifts out to the ocean Bobbie also works at the Orange County Fair and the Speedway every year. "I always pour beer in the Arena,· she said. ·rm going to do it this year, too. I enjoy it too much." PARADtNG A80llT THE NEIGHBORHOOD The Hedricks have gotten close to their neighbors in Costa Mesa, Bruce said. ·nus is a very close bUt neighborhood," he said. injured or traumatized people. Other volunteers provide dispatch and office support. No experienoe Is neceuary. Training -Mii be prOYided. (949) 588-1414. DtSPUTE RESOUITION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreadl assistanta are needed to help in a variety of mediation cases. Bilingu1l language skills are needed for offioe volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical wort. programs for children with diaabilitl89 and special events. (714) 834-1111. -£NYIRONMENTAL NAT\JM~ Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors learn about their environment. (949) 846-8489. FAMUES-COSTA MESA Thia team of community-based organizations. which worb to provide youth end famlUes whh counMHng, ftiimUy tuppe>rt, heehh educ:8don. mantorif'lg. tutortng, afteHdK>ol acttvities and kJnehip ....w:.. needl • volunteer'I in all .,...._ (949) 574-3978. FISH-M08LE IEALS Call (949) Ml-6060 to hetp Friendl In Selvice to Humenity whh the Mobile MMls program end pnMde ongo4ng emergency nelstance to tt10M In need. Both •twava IMk volunteer eaittance In• v.n.ty of 1reea. (9'9) 646-8060. ,....,. °'THE IAU.ET MONlMM11E . The Friends Med volunteen who want to help tllerad local dencera pettonn In Pfof.-onel theetera. for 30 v-n. the Otgeniz9don hie pnMded 1he community wllh quelhy........, bllllC tnlfllnO-To help youth . ct.YeloplllOftO._ ....... build high lllf I It Im end .:Hwt ...... of being • piuf_,Oilll cMncer, c8'I (714) 241·701. .. ... 0Pnt1C011A-... lmlAI• The ...... ii• IUppOft group for ................. ~ ...... To foln. help_.. blidt 1hlFG ' ..,.. and helppnwnall ~ progr1me end_... In our oommunlly, Cll 17,... ..... througllout the day, those damp, gray nights and mornings that you thought would never end this year become the rule and not the exception. According to a number of weather deep-thinkers who are paid to think deep thoughtS about the weather, the cummt cycle could last up to 25 years. which is a long time. Steve La.Dochy and Bill Patzert, who are researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. have been all over this thing like flypaper. According to La.Docby. "Patterns vary, especially after leaving the warm phase of the '90s. Th.is cool phase encourages June gloom.· lbanks, doc. ln a statement that could easily pass muster at the State Department, Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce president Richard Luehrs said, ·u June gloom were to worsen, there would probably be a diminished tourist and general beachgoer population.· Which means, if the next few springs On Thursday, Bruce wcls' genlng his front yard ready for the Fourth of July party. "We've done it for years," Bobbie said. Bruce also organizes a small-scale parade for the three little streets that make his neighborhood. ·we don't go too far,· he said. ·Just around here. But it's fun." The couple have three grown chUdren, all living in California. Now they have a fourth, their I -year-old puppy. Luclcy. for book sales. Good quality children's and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboe, Mariners or Corona def Mar -or in the special boolc closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used book store, which is inlJde the eritnmce of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to work one thre.hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL.SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders. serve on special committees and give lectures, demonstratlona or classes. (714) 979-7900. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers ire needed to offer educational and enrichment opportunities for girls and boys. (949) 646-7181. HOSPICE PttEFERRED CHOICE Volunt"ra ire needed to help mike 1 difference In the lives of tenninaUy Ill per1e>ns end their f1mll es. Volunteers would ...Sst them wlttt nonmedlcaC needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the pat)enta and weekly aoci1I visits. The organization la 1leo k>oking for clerical and bereevement volunteers to 1ulit wtth office duti ... Training la provided. (714) 980-0900. tUMN OPTIONS The org1nizadon ahettert, counMla end educat• ebuMd women and dlfldl'WI. It It looking for votunteera. (IM9) 737-6242, ut.2.-. _,,-..../ . . are as gloomy as this one, the~ beach business goes in the tank. "The '80s to '90s were wetter, wanner and dearer." said Bill . Patzert "Wftve now reveted .:: forward to the past· I'm not sore what "reverted forward to the past" means either, but I think it's what happens to "gone back to the future" when you're a • scientist at JPl.. According to dte' boys in Pasadena. this spring'•': London-like weather was mudl the same from the mid-50's to • the 705 in Newport-Mesa. and • there was a lot less hot fun in lbe swnmertime (Sly & The Pam.Qy- Stone. 1969) at the beach. So hOw do you like that? All, this time we just thought it was gloomy weather, but it turns out to t. some global. when-air-masses-collide phenomenon that could last 26. years. : ll's a funny old world. • Complicated too. J gotta go. •PETER BUFFA 1s a former Costa Mesa mayor. His column runs Sundays. Ha may be reamed by e-mail at PrrB4@11ol.com. ·' She seems to have inherited the couple's sense of humo r .. : "Every m orning. she pleb &.Qt the hardest bone she can find:' walks u p to my bed and ~h on my head," Bruce said. flinching. "Well, guess what: Bobble said. "I've trained her well.· • • OEEPI\ BHAAATH CO'\lers publl0: safety and courts. She may be ...: reamed at (949) 5744226 or by.:: e-mail at deepa.bh11r11th @f11timu.com . ..= -----illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays aUBe Jewish Family Service, 260 Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Me.: Frff. Preregistration requlr~ (714)4"~. JUNOR LEAGUE Of ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteertam, developing the potential of women and Improving communitlea through the work and leaderahlp of trained volunteers, is aeeldng new membera. (9491261--0823. KAISER P£MWtENTE HOSPtCE SERVICES _ Volunteera are needed to~ four hours per week visiting : patients or doing errands for them or their paregivert In communities near volunteera-.= homes. (562) 622-3805. :: LAGUNA GRE£t&lJ INC. Volunteers are needed to a..W Laguna Coast Wlldemeu Pa • stiff end Jama Dtlley PrM•r'f9 staff Ind docenta with hiker - regfstretion Ind genenl puttlC orientation. (949) 488-0287. .... LAGUNA stwm :: Legune Shanti, an orgenlzdalr that worka with pertone ~ or AIDS, la ~ng cartng -:: volunteers to •Mist with runnlfl:i the front office, deflvertng rnelli, providing trenaportation and..: providing complimentary ther1ples auc:ti n mnaege, acupuncture ind dllroprac:do-: e1re. Uu Toghla, (IM9) 48f--. --UFEUNE LMNG CiHilid - Mentaffy Ill edutta raty on tht - Newport BNCtl centw for residential housing. It needa - prof9aion1I fun6-,.1Mrt to euppott •nd melnteln thlt reaoun:.. Dady Piiot 51J<i<ld1 July b 2003 ~ INSIGHT la there a topic you'd like to see explored on this page? Contact Jose J. Santos w ith questions, comments or ideas. He can be reached at (949) 5744224 or 1ose.santos a. /at1mes com. FUN FACTS ABOUT TOMATOES • WORD ORJGtN To"',Hoes <HP 11Jt1ve to lhfl Americas and 1he 1nd1genous p• •11>1" uf Cr>ntr,11 Amenr.<i and Mexico ndmcd the pla111 Th<• AnPCT. c.tlle<t 11 "l!ttCJmath" and tribes m Central Arn1Jroc.d callt·d 11 "ltlntdt1 • • ACROSS THE DRINK l he Spanish oonqu1stador!l took the toma10 across lhe pond where 11 received thet<rs dnel icers The Fren<;h hke<l 1t Isome Clubbed •I ·apple of tovr· I the Br111sh were susp1c.1ows. oonlust~ the plants foliage with its po1!>0no11'> COU'>tn. nightshadl' •FUUMOON FEVER Germans seemed 10 see th1: nightshade re~mblance also A common name tor the tomato m Deutse11lanel •'> wolf peach • a nod tCJ (oPrman folllore lhdl -;uygests wttches use noqht-;ha<le w con1ure up werewolves •WE'RE NO. 1 n.,. Urntto(J StJtP'> '"'"" 1toP wrirlr1 "' I" > Juctrl<j tornJl<JJ·~ P«o~ le on lhtS 1 11 .try chow <1own on 1 'i m1ll1on t• .,., of 1c1matoH<, '"""'"lly fhat'-. a Int ,f ...,,.,a • •WE'RE NO. 2 r fn•1<J,1 1• ttll' l(•d(J1nq '•t:'>h IOrnd\IJ fl' 1 lu "'J '>Idle Sorry CJl1lornia But 11• "· n< ~•CJ1.1Chus Toma1oes are 1• """ on 40.000 J<.ft"> of the states «111 '" tilt. S<1n Jo<1Qu1n Sahnas and '"'''""al vall~V" ~nd '"San Otego and tJr,tnq" cr10111tes •n£AVERAGE Yo .. may ask yourself where does 1t all go? An average American will eat 18 J)()unds of fresh and 70 pounds of processed tomatoes eactl vear • BLN> ME Willi SCE.cE Like any Ca1tfom1a celebnty, the tomato doosn't go by •ts real name. LYCOP1Jrs1con lycopersicum is the common tomato's scientific name. The tomato rs technically a fruit. not a vegetab141 Generally, the edible part of lhe plant that contains~ it the fruit. A veggie is the S1ems, leaves and root of a plant that you can eat. • GREAT r.w«>S TIS« ALICE Like tomato soup? Historically you're m good company. John F Kennedy wn a big lim of the tasty snack. • GOOD Siu:F · Tom.ioes. hire most fru1t1, are good for you One tomato oonta1n11 plenty of vitamin C, potassium, fiber and betAI carotene whlctl the body ooovetU Into vitamin A. Growing a tomato garden may not bring you peas, but it'll yie/,d some gteat fruit Jose J. Santos Darty Pilot oc a green thumb? Now's the time to gee out~ide and pl.11\t your own romato garden. If you have no clue where to '>lttrt. hen"" ... orne tips from nur<,ery owner Steve Kawaratani. a columrn'>l for till' Laguna Reach Coa<,tline Pilot. a ister publication o f the Daily l>ilot. .MOVE FAST June gloom ha.-. bttn somewh,11 of .i down1·r 1lm war. hut \\ith the -,lu~ finally dear, n<Mtl' garu1·1wr-.. 1 .111 m.Jw tht·1r move-.. 'Pl.int romatoe-. now." Kawara1arn ..aid lomaroc...., u-..u..UI\ t.D.t> th rt'\.' months to gmw, ""' tf you're planning •m >:l'll111g "''1111· 1~nM1ng done. a< 1 qu1dJy ._,J\\'ilralarn -..ml tht· plant' wuulcl nnl haw don!' w\'11 tf plantt·d ~arlwr th1-. y1·Jr duc· 10 IJlk ol ~u11hgh1 • ~R ~=~~'uw ;1 WC'at v1l'lu 1<-.1w,1rJta111 -..ii<~ini • SUNLIGHT: The plant should be getting !>IX hour~ ,f sunlight regularly • RICH, WEU-PREPARED SOtl . .: Tomatoes face c1 d•lemmc1 Kawaratani satd The plan! likes water. bul whc11 n ·really needs 1s a great SOii, one that rs not 100 heavy and one that 1s not too sandy. A great soil will have some gypsum added to ad1ust the pH level, some fertihzer to add nutnents and some planter's mix to add texture Your soil needs to hold moisture evenly otherwise your tomatoes might cradt at the bOttom. Kawaratani recommends taking a sample of your soil to a nursery to get some input from a prqf8SSlonal about whal 1t needs. • PROTECTlON: Select an area to grow your tomaroes thal wtll protect 1t from harsh elements. especially wtnd ·:--:ow. you'n, ready to sucreed at growing tomatOf."'> • ~\\itralaru 'iald • THE PROPER sa.£CTION If }'ou're in the our.cry and art' nol ~Urt' \\h,u 111 buy. K.Jwarntarn oilers this advite: •Don't buy tomato plants w<th tomatoes already on them. Start with seeds. •If you're starting late and need lo buy tomato plant!. wtth 1omatoes on them. don' buy plants wrth fruit that •'> ready to snap off ·Purchase plants that are bushy. not 1eggy Althouyh they bedton wtlh the promise of early haivest. avoid plant!> already in bloom Of beanng fruit. as they mav not trans plant well." Kawaratan1 satd • Make sure to get a basin 10 hold water for ~our tomc110 plants to avoid Sptllage • DEGl$IONS, DECISIONS Tomatoes grow on either a bush or a vme Tumato bushes prodLI<:e less a nd yield smaller fruit than wmato vines. 1lle temperature where you live wdl partly detenml)(' which plant you choose. But you should also take into account how much room you have. If you have a lot of space. tomato vmes will be perfoo. for you. Plant~ many as you like. staking them two to three feet apart. One vine will feed a family of c;ix. producing 20 to 40 tomatoes. Kawaratani said. lf you only have a limited amount of area for yow g,t1d1•1t g11 \\llh .t hu'h f'IJJll llll'lll IJ11t· ctnd J half 10 IWO 11~·1 .1p,irt Jnt.l wall:h tlwm grow l'l,uu 1111nat1K·-. c.Jel'p f<ooL' will c.Jt·wlop whefl' the "'ti 111u1 '""" lhl' ... 11·m llm rnal.1 ... for .i hu-.hwr 'U"llllgl'r 111.1111 "·"hir.11w11 ""u • THE HEAT IS ON fem i.110,.., ).:HI\\ lw111·r 111 \\Jnllt'I Ll1111Jll"'>. kl\,,1r.it.i11t ,,.1Jlf If ~uu n:· in< .o-..t;i \lt"'i \.111111 lx· able to W"'' 1111n.111x.., t h.1t lar1 "'>m1·unu.., J.VIM douhw or cnp!t- tl II' .. 111• ol gmH'I'\ '-ton· produt e · 1111-, I~ 1\ .11 H.l 114-tH'r Bo\ .m· '.1rtt·t11"> uf 10111ato1...., tha1 do \\I'll 1tl llt1· l11·.it II \11u re 111 \it•\\ port lkat.h or on Balhoa 1'1•11111,111.1 \•iu 11 prohc1hl\ onl> h.ivt· "llllt"'>\ \\1th '>mailer 111111.ittoc ... h•• I irh < ,irl 111 f•tr!\ llrn 111•: 111111 '" "'"" 11-..11,111\ rnkt· llo 111 'lO t.la\.., 10 npen "111.1ll1·11rn11.11•~"''1nl\ lll"t'(f-i11d.i\.., .FOOOANO~K Your pl<1n1 should be \.'.att'fl'd three nmes a w·t~k. tlw amount of water ... hould total ahout two tnehe'.. You :.hould add rt>mlvJ."r to vour ..cnl unre a month until vour lomatoe. npen. lhmJH)t:". grow 111 thret> ... tagt."> lne fruit '>tarts a<> a yl.'lluw !lower. then. when II 'lal"b to bud and '>el, green fruit will appFJr N> uw 1oma1u npt'm. it will tum red. If your now(.'!'. aren't '*•tun~ t.:awarntan1 recommencb h11v111g J hormone from your nuN>ry lo help your planl .tlon~ < >11n· your grt:"en IOmatoe.. s1<1n tummg red. you -..l111tilol \\ 11hhold -..<mw walt'r If vuu 1NPr walttr during this pt•nod vour rn111Jt1 It" Mil td..\lt' too v.aten. t\awarataru -..uc.J .DARN BUGS I lorn wonnc,, Jph1d., .ind \vlutcfltf!\ dff;' a 1 m11-..11lll! but J.rl' Hll'\.1lahlc \1c,...1 ol tilt ut'>l'<.L<oe'> and pruhk·m:. d.'>.'oetalt'Cl with 1omat1> n IOI ,..,..,wm-. an> 1111he pa-.t thJJlk.' to the mtroduc· 111111 of Ul"t',l'ot' ll"t,tant planL' l\..1v.tlr.1Wu ... ud I h>m"Mnm mu-..t ... un bl· d£-.llt \\1th t•1tlwr tl)o hand pidang or t'ltn11t\cllt'tl ll'c BI H.1l 11Ju., 1hunn~·1N-.. lht· rx."CaSt<>nal .1ph1d' .1n· 1·a.'>11\ lll.lnc~'\I U'JO)(,\n 11\'>l'\~IC"ldal-.oap." ._,t\h1IJlctn1 l'\'\.'01t11nt·nJ, \\.i..-..l11n~ lh<' v.tute flies away Wllh \\ ,\ll'r • VELD OONi STOP \\hen vour toma1cx.., ,1n• finally growmg. make 'un.· 10 ptd.1h1•111 when lht"y .lfl.• lltll'. nt'lt: and hnght red 111 tolor "You tan l:'Jt thcm w11hm rn111u11 ... • t.:awaratani said At tht!> point. lhl' fnJJI ,., full of ">Ugdf .md will taste delicious. Make .. un· to be vigiLmt abou1 p1dang your ripe tomaloe<.. HmJ-.. .ind pt""t Wiii "an t'W'lng \'OUJ crop if you don't \lay 011 lop or tl If you have any more questtOOS about starting your tomato garden. Kawara1an1 can be reached by e-mail at L8ndscapes a In C0)(8fWOrt.com Tomato tribute The Orange County Fair has named 2003 "The Year of the Tomato .. JoMJ. SMeos Daly Piot T hey' re everywhef"e you !<><*. VOl IOl'netimes go unnot.lc:ed. But wtlefw would voor B.L T. be wf1tlout the n The OrMge County Feir ~ml to Ull ColtAI Meu Fllrgroundl Fridrf. Thl8 ~ thelne is "Red. Ripe Ind Rodtin'" Ind the evef1119 ~ng homege to nlltufe'• red wondef. the '°"'*· ~ Fenna ii growing 25 cflftwtnt vert.del of'°"'** k\ ~ for\he ...... flllt IUP9lvilor of epeclel pnifem Jim Baclev S8td "If'• one of the mo.t popu&at. _.... pt'Oductl -grow." Bailey Ntd. Bailey sa.d IR HSY to apot a good one. Tom8to lcMws ne.d to !<><* for I fruit thlt • rip9, bright rid, fitm Ind the "lize of I ~ bell Of tmell aoftball .• 'But the belt~ .. Of\ thl vine.. 8ei'9v .-d. FelrgoeR N\111 a lot of~ ---to dtooM from, In llddltkJn to the~ ... cMITIOiiltl .... • llC C.••lill Fawm. ,_... IOfN oflhetomMo~and~ ... vwr'•fW' CONr•1•'-MLAW Kit# --,,, Git""'* .............. . •• 1D11111• ....... C- W•d11 ... y • .Mt 18, by noon • llillllly .... c.Mme .._.. .... _ ODT £116' ,_.....,a. ..... o.r .. tllil,.,,,. Sunctey, Jv/ly 27. 4 p..m. ..................... "'''• Su~~" 4 p.m. ~ • .Mo( 21. ~ 2p..m. M*9iul ..,. .... """ ...... =!""..=::::a ~ ...... .._ .... ~ ....... A ~ ............... ........ ........ r... ift .. "'1-y ~lei.cit._........,_ ...... blttrlMu ... .,., • ..__.1 .... ... ----· IS' •Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to m ilce.swensonOlatimes.com; by fa>< to (949) 6'6-4170; or by calling (949) 6744296. Include the tlme. date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is aveilable at www.dsllypllotcom. MONDAY runnyman Jeff Martin will put on a magic show at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to the Interactive program. which will be'repeated at 3 p.m. July 9 at . a.m. July 10 at the 8-lboa Branch. for more Information, call (949) 717-3816. TUESDAY The city of N9wport ~ will present an official prodamatlon recognizing the 50th anniversary of the 1953 NatJonal Jamboree at 7 p.m . The ceremony will be at council chembers at Newport Beadl City Hall. For more Information, call (714) 546-4990. ext 142. .Protllct your heert. •• free seminar,. will be offered by Judith Todel'o from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To make f99ervations, call (800) 595-MOMS. ............... ""'"- the public \0 an exctu.lve evening to meet some of Orange County's moat etiglbte slngie. at Its "Whefe the Elite Meet• mixer from 6 to 9 p.m . et Brio Rectlurant In Corona del Mar. The coat Is $75 per person. Wear c:ocitall attire. for reaervations. call (949) 2~ before July 2,. •AemWt GMlen Styte Deeigns• ls the subject of a floral design cfaa to be ta\lght at Shermen Library and Getdens in Corona del Mar at 9 a.m. All materials are included In the $45 registration fee. Pre-registration Is required. for m ore Information, call (949) 673-2261. •Nftiport N9twofklng. events are designed to provide networking opportunities for businesspeople in Newport ~-·lrl,..•111111 . Beach. The improved Newport Networki09 events will take place on the second Wednesday of each month, and will alternate between a breakfast and a lunch. July's event is a breakfast, and will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Daily Grill in Fashion Island. The cost is $17 with a reservation, $21 at the door. For reservations o r more information. call (949) 729-4411. \ Speak Up Newport will hold its monthly general membership meeting at the Newport Beach Tennis Club, 2601 Eastbluff Drive. Happy Independence For Your Toesl Orange County's Premiere Comforl Shoe Store For Men ond Women . ~(t.) Co~~otl__ featuring: Toryn Rose, Mephisto, Donsko, Ecco, Noot, ~1 STIN TO fOUI ftl1 Allen bimonds and many more. (949) 644-5939 (orono del Mar Plozo l 836 Avocado Ave. I Newport 8eoch I Neor Bristol f<JmS I www.lhemeptjstostore.com OPENING DAY -F'IBST !1.11 GUESTS ENTER li'KEB SALUTE TO JIEROE DAT -~.U­ BNFORCEMENT AND FIRE Fidlri'ERS ~FR.EE WITH ONE GUEST. SHOW YOuR ID. 10....a • • ..... J Summer Concert sertes 21 shows in the new)7 reppened Pacific Amphitheatre For show t1ehedule ..-ticket information log onto www.ocfa.ir.~m atalting at 6:30 p.m .• and the pt'OQrem wUI begin at 6 p.m. Thi• month'• topic 11 "Fourth of July - I• the Party Over?# Capt. Paul Henisev of the Newport Beach Police will give a recap of the Fourth of July Neighborhood Enhancement Zones Ordlnanoe implementation. For more Information, call (949) 729-4404. Funnyman ,,.,, ~'1ir1 will put on a magic show at 3 p.m . at the Mariners Branch Library. Children entering first through sixth grades are Invited to the Interactive program, which will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 1~ at the Balbqa Branch. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. THURSDAY . F-unnyman Jeff Martin will put on a magic show at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa Branch Library. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to the interactive program. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. FRIDAY Th• Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties will honor Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sanchez with the Profile of Courage Awe rd at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach from 6 to 8 p.m. The evening is titled MSisterhood is Powerful:' For more info~mation. call (714) 997-2155. Inventors forum. en Oninge County-based nonprofit inventors' support group, presents e seminar on •Getting Your Product ManufacturedH at 7:30 p.m. In Orange Coast College's Science l ecture Hall. Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m . The cos1 is $5 for members. $15 for nonmembers. For more Information, call (714) 540-2491. Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach" series offers MThe Wizard of Oz" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. SATURDAY Newport Dunes Rffort's MM ovies on the Beach" series offers #The Emperor's New Groove" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be 11 at 1131 8** Bay Drive. For men lnfonnatJon, caU (9491 729-0UNE. JULY 14' EJemenb.,... wll ~. beginning courM using a new piano-keyboard method from 6:30. to 7:30 p.m. In the Vincent Jorg41nMn Community Center at Mariners Park. Registration for the fiv•week counie 11 $105. For more lnformatlon. call (949) 1)4.4..3161. JULY 15 •0tgan1c 1nMct eontro1,• a free seminar, will be offered . from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'• Market, 226 E. 17th St.. Costa M esa. To make reservations. call (8001 ~MO¥S.' JULY 16 .)bur Mof1pge and MoMy: a free program on the process of buying, selling or refinancing a home, will run from 7 to 9 p.m . in the Vincent Jorgensen.Center next to Mariners Branch Library. Local author Randy Johnson will be guest author, launching "Meet the Author;' a series featuring Orange County writers. For.more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 18 Newport Dunes "-oft'• "Mpvies on the Beach" series offers MNewsies· starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parting cos\$ $8 per car:'Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-0UNE. JULY 19 Newcomert to the digtt.I universe are invited to "Tools and Tridts: Internet 101 ;' a free Internet wortshop, at 9 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717·3816. "Dfvon:e: A New Beginning: a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is offered from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. The cost is $40. For more information, call (949) 644-0435. Newport OuMS Retort'• MMO\lies on the Beac:hM series offers •The Sword end the Stone" starting at dusic on the Newpol't sand. Partilng costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. lhe resort is a11131 Back Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-0UNE. JULY23 A free seminar and book ligning, SEPARATE BUT EQUAL ByDllW ~ng In separating. a couple chose to buy a second home together, and then each of them lived in one of the homes. Even after their divorce, they owned lhc propcnies together. If one sold his or her property. how much of the gains would be exempt from t.aution under CWTent tax • rules? llus is a fairly straightf<>'Ward matter, though a careful discussion with your w advi~ would be extremely wise. as would a contractual agreement regarding how the proceeds of the sale arc to be split between the former spouses. But the central question h~w much of the gains will be exempt from wation, since both homca ere pcnonaJ ruidcnc:es-is euily eoswered.. A married couple filing e joint return qualifiea for en excmpcioo of up to $500,000 oo their ~ l"Clideftce (which cm be • first eod • ICCood home>- or $2.S0.000 on each of two home.t. If they 1R filing s4>erately. they eacb qull.ify for an exemption o( ap lo $250.000 on the home Chey ere tMns in. Apin. it la iqQtlllt to laavc .the. pidance of )'out IU 8lfYitor in chootins how to hmdle lllie Mle of J*10Qlll reGdcDODI 9d !heh-tu~· Per .... Cllatc llli-..ce c.sl me It 949-,33-1200 or vilit1ny webtltet 11 da~..cotl\ or onefonlroad.A:Om. ofrw9d by author Ping Wu from " 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Molhen Merk9t, 226 E. 11th St., CoN Mela. To v melt• ,.-,vatloM, calf (800) 696-MOMS. JULY24 n.. Nawpoft lwlh a.ember of, Commerce'• Newport Suneet Netwottdng Mixer will be held aboard the Emprees yadtt of Pacfflc Avak>n Yadrt Charters, , 3404 Via Oporto No. 103, Newport. Beach. The docbide event from 5 • to 7 p .m . will indude hors d'oeuvret and a no-host bar. The • mixer I• free for members. Potential members pay $10. For . more Information, call (949) 729-4400. JULY25 Newport°"'*' fWort'• •Movies on the Beach• series offers •Remember the rrtans· . startlng at dusk on the NtrNP<>rt sand. ParkJng costs $8 per car. .. Campfires will also be available for a' mores. The resort Is at 1131 Badt Bay Drive. For more "" information, call (949) 729-0UNe .. JULY2& N.wpoft Durtee fWort'• •Movies on the Beadl• series offers •AJice in Wonder1and• starting at dusk on the Newport • sand. Parking coats S8 per car. ' Campfires will also be available • · for s'morea. The resort is at 1131 . B~ Bay Drive. For m ore Information, call (949) 729-DUNC· JULY27 The Com~ Qub of the Newport Beadl Chamber of Commerce Is proud to host the 68th annual Right of the Lasers at• 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor • · Yacht Club, 720 West Bay Ave., Newport Beadl. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win prizes like best costume. best decorated boat first parent/child team, and first married couple. For m ore information, call (949) 673-n30. JULY 30 A free aemtner, •P9t Nutrition Pawsibilitles; will be offered by Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 • ~ to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. ONGOING ·~ Volunteer drtwr'I ... nMded to ... help dellver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound. frail or elderly ctienta incapable of shopping or cooking for themsefves througt\. "Mobile Mea11; sponsored by ASH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hosphal. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Project Cuddle .• • nonpeoftt ·- organization that offers safe and .... legal alternatives t.o gir1s who ., .. considering abandoning their be~. ls in need of ongoing " votunteers. For more informa~ visit www.proj«tcvddle.org or • call (714) 432-9681. Mecy'• In C09t. Me9a lnvitlM . • Orange County nonprofit .. • organizations that provide -• servi<:M and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply ~· participation in Mecy's South Coast Plau'a Paaport In Store fund-raiser. Thia year's event wfft' • be held on Oct. 4. To receive an · application to pa'6cipate, call (7141556-0611, ext 4231. •--'tOga ..... wll be oftwed Tueadaya and Thursdays from •. noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeb at West Newport Community Center. Registration is S64 for onl ciaa eadl week or $100 for two -• days a week over nine weeks for-· Newport Beadl residents. Otheit- pay an additional $6. For mOf'9 -. .. • lnfonnatlon. call (949) 844-3151. The metc:Nnta cl Bal»Oe v-.. will hold a Muide Craft Merd\an&- end Farmer's M•rket at Peninsula Park near the bne of the Belt>o. pier in' Newpqrt 8eMtl fNefY Th~rsday through Aug. 2&from I a.m. to3 p,m. The martet will Include frMh organic produce, freshly cut ftowera and arts and SM TOWN, hp A7 : . ,~ Contmed from A6 crafts. For more ,vitormatlon, call (714) 636-2213. C09tll Meea'• ~ DivWon will provide e three-hour theme birthday perty for up to 20 guests et the Balferic Community Center weekdays from 6 to 8 p .m ., Saturdays from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m . or4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to~ p.m. Parties for dlildren 5 to 12 will consist o lundl/dinner. games. cratt.. prizes, cake with k:l8 cream and supervision by staff. Partlea cost $250 or $300. For more Information, call (7141 764-6168. Aw new wtrMe will be NtWd on Bayside Restaurant's terTace overi~ng Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p .m . The cost is $15 per person. For more information. call (949) 721-1222. Newport Dunes Resort's •Movies on the Beadl# will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuta of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday 6enlng in June and July except July 4. Paoong is $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. A vM.ty of .,nv.t.. Mml-priwte and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options Include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beadl Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Otildren. teens and edulta can now register for summer recreatlonal boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beach Re<;reation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Protn9ionel and licenMd eoc:cer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. J9wtah Fem11y s.va is sponsoring a teen support group to~ high school students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m . at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School In Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 44f>.4950. Pre-registration is required. The Am P999 -AM Chitdren'a Books, at 270 E.-17th St., No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time Monday$, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .• Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 64~5437. •Abn'ect WcMtls on Cenvu and Paper:' an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beadl Central Library th110Ugh June 30. The.exhibit will feature selections from Rosener's ·washed Away# series. created bV dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it away to suggest the pauage of time. For Ariwrd wtnn6ng WOltla by Orange County artlata wpridng in an array of two-dimensional media will ~on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artiste Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Bayaide RMt.urent In Newport Beadl offers.wine tasting every Thursday night for $16 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. If your orchid Is too big for lta pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discowr the aec:reu of Carbon Canyon Regional Part as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m . Paoong is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts ·walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free. and all fitness levels are welcome.,~ more information, call (949_}! 75-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness. faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For m ore information, call (949) 721-8079. " Teena are invtt.d to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p .m . Monday through Friday for indoor..and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more mformalion, calITT14) 327-7560. The Newport BMdl Walking Club meets at the comer of Supenor and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 65(>-1332. The Newport BMCti Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newp<Srt Beach. For more information. call (949) 650-1332. The Aun. of Business Ser.'bs hosts a netwooong meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Cost.a Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. ·DNorc.: A N.w &.ginning,· a workshop tor men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644--6435. fT'M toura of the Onnge County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer~lounge,badcstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every ,Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by SOLIS INVESTMENT & REALTY KRJsnN M. Sous • Llc:mscd Real Estate ~t • Mmint all of ymu RMI Estllle itttls. ERie A. Sous CFP • 17 Yt11rs ~ • Stoclt:t d-&nuls • Mtdlllli FunJs 0: • Aloulitio • F.stllU cf~ l'lolWet • 1"'1tlt7W1ll &mkiat • s,,,./J Milli& MMWt ~ bellabella SA L ON -· OJllllM9 Gl9d l.ngll td ........ n. •. I MelnO""' ..._ ... G ~ I IAlO• "QUll ............ ...,.,..Oilld~ I 2721 L co.I ...,,...,, Mia »I coanoc11tMar CA~ Nt723 .... \ 1P9cial arTangement. For more Information, call (714) 556-ARTS. ext.833. The Nfwpol1 BMdt N.wcomen C1ub holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived In the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org. Oesis Seniof Canter holds • pancake ~ealcfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of wvert month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage, coffee and orange juioe for $3, $1 for dllldren. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents #Workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooldng Clau Program• hosted by dlef Alexx Guevara. The ct ... is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wedneadaya at 3333 Brtatof St., Costa Mesa. The coat, Including materials. Is $30. To reserve a spot. ~II (818) 994-5076. 'tbga and lhythm, •vogarhythmics· combines yoga, dance end fun. The clau la hetd from 4:30 to 5:·45 p.m . Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive Eaat, Suite 111, Co81a Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit N Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine Art Master;" through Sept. 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more Information. call (949) 673-7863. Interfaith couples wtth one Jewish partner are invited to pertk:ipn, In e dl9CUaak>n group at the Jewfah Family SeMce of Orange County office. The group ,, geared toward dealing with iaauea between lnterfeith couples, audl •• raising dlildren. obMrvlng hollde'(9, aymbola in the home end Atlation~P' with extended femitiee. The coat for three aeations la $46 per coupfe. Preregistnltk>n la required. call to schedule date end time. The officelaat250E.BakerSt,Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 end older can }cMr1 a ditcUaion group ooordineted by Jewish Family SeMoee to address iuues such aa anxJety, depresaion. relatioMhipe. loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondeya et the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 446-4950. Fnenda of the Newport BMCti Public Library Used Book Store W ckomc to lhc.-~OOi P2cifi<.: Coast Triathlon ~R.acc to Atbc::ns" Sooday, Jufy 6. 2003 A7 are eaking for patrons to doneta booka to replenish the dwindling atoct. Boob may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave . Newport Beadl. All hardcover and paperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible (949) 759-9667 The Braille Institute often ftH computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del M ar. offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000 A apirttual care class meets •1 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat (949) 263-1462 t 111 #,1h \11111101 I'•• 1h• • ''''' I•• 0111" .. ' "'1U h••• .. Hin '"') .-vuu'iit -Jd1tltoofU thu ,.,.,. W r •dt h.•r ,,W., nw-""'""'~' th.,....,,.... .,,,.., J'* ~,,_.. t • •• .-...-. 111111-trt l,n..-,,,, .. _,,,, 1•1f ... I 1•1f1 tq1~• ,,, .. ,,. .... , ''"'",. .. ,c t .... nit••-t•""'' \)l'"t,,.-,"''"'a.rt •11lt...o ... .-nJbyk.cal11"\' 4'\ff_)..-~•·•11,.,, ...... on f'-''.,"'"•"''I 1th1 "' t1•ttn .~ .. ., •• t tit. -....~tJ ..._,11,,.,. .. , .. ,,. "• lttlrrf\.llt-"ft.tl luath .. tf'I \I.,..,, f-"1,..'!!h!...:....S~~~~~~l!ll• ----;;;;;;;,, -..-. "'' • ,.,.,..,,., ....... ti..-• •u,111f)""4 tr .. h ._~ fhr A-d-n' c >f\o'n•r.., c •• ,.,,., tn lU04 ( rn111-. 0111 11 .. I""""''" l.uwlv ""'' tn~nd• ''"'""" tltr ~ .. ,..., '''"'' .. 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July 6. 2003 .. ; l.- HOW TO GET PU8USHED -t.en.rs: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RHden Hot1in•: Call (949) 642-0086 Fax: Send t~ !949l 646:4170 E-mail: Send to dsitypilot@/atimes.oom •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phO(le number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clantv and length EDITORIALS ~_on't swap o u t Tel Phil M embersofthc . Orange County Fair Board this week will be faced with a decision that calls to mind an o ld saying: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. • On 1 hursday, the board is ~cheduJed to decide whether to keep the Orange County Marketplace in the hands of Tel Phil Enterprises, which has run the event for 34 years, o r consid~ a competing bid from American Park 'n Swap. It i'> not an insignificant deci ... ion. More than l ,000 vendors fill the 20-acre weekend .;;wap meet. With space rentals around $50 a day, vendors alone produce $I 00,000 a weekend for Tel Phil. The Marketplace draws some 2 milJion people a year. And vendor<; estimate sales for a weekend a~ high as $2 miUion. ~ anyone v\Tho has wandered the swap mect's aisles could allc<,t, competition is at the lwart of lhl' ~tarkctplace. Which '>!all ha-. the bes1 shirt for the h1· .. 1 pric d Are the baseball ' cards here priced better than the ones over there? While competition is good, forcing businesses to serve !heir customers bener, in this case, another factor would seem to win out: track record. And with its strong track record, Tel Phil deserves the fair board's support. For m ore than three decades, locals Bob and Jeff Teller have run the Marketplace with a minimum of problems and with a commitment to the community. In an environment in which much could go wrong, in which many differen~ people are coming and going, the Marketplace has run remark.ably smoothly and profitably. Unless, perhaps. there is informatioQ we and the public do not know. Lf so, and if the fair board decides that there is a need for a change, su ch reasons need to be made clear. But from the outside looking in, it certa inly seems that Tel Phil has earned the right to continue running the Marketplace. Now is not the ti me to build new City Hall A quick check o f the economic climate uncovl'rc; a rather bleak <,jght. 1 lw .. wte hudgct gap i<, some SSA hillim1. <;chool di:;tricts. trlt ludmg the community collc·ge.,, af(:' struggling with .,c•nou-. cur-.. to :,crvice~ and layoffc; of employees. Ci lies up .rnd down California arc dealing w11h difficult. right budgets. In Newport Beach. however. there ,., talk of spending $30 m11lio11 on a new City Hall. It is talk tha1. given the climate. is mi'>timed. Certainly. there are reasons for wanting a renovated or even an all-new City Hall. The former .,chool -;1te offers a hodgepodge of office c;pace with inadequate c;eating and divided departments. Those who work 1hcn.• complain about the ancient air conditio ning, outdawd seismic standards. tight workspace and lack of amenities for people with disabmtit.'S. It is an inefficient site for workers and residents. And at some point, when more money, is available, changes should be made. Thji. year. Newport Beach is fortunate that its budget is as slrong as it is. Still. tJw budge t i!> a conservative one al $162 million, with hllle room for movement. And on till· horvon is a loomfog burden. n·t in•11wn1 payments. During the neXl 12 month-.. the city will pay abo ul $9.5 million into the Publu.. I .m ploycc Retirement System .. lhe o;tatc·run fund that pay~ retircmenl benefits for m an y puhlit employees. The neX1 vear. however, the city's payment into the fund will grow to $14 million. And in 2005-00. rt will be more. At this point, the ciry ha-; committed $578.000 to prelinUnary design~ for the renovation. mon<'y and worl.. that city leaders m•.-d I•> takt• advantage of now that tlit· j11h has started. Pcrhap~ from thi~ groundwork. a new or radrt.rlly • differe11t City Hall wiJI arise. When that work begins in earnest, the city's plans 10 get resident input. including through tours of the rundown buildings, wilJ be a necessary part of the discussion. This largess of spendi(lg demands wide support. But it is work best left for a more financially secure time. THE LAST WORD All's very relevant E very year, ll seems that Irrelevant Week gets more and more fl?levant. That's right relevant This year, the Festival or Fools, lfyou will, dubbed Ryan Hoag its Mr. Irrelevant But jotnlng the Divi fon m wide receiver al one Irrelevant Week banquet was on wh.o may as well be called Mr. Relevant, Carson Palmer. Palmer was drafted flm In the Nadonal Football League's draft whll lfoag tailed far behind at No. 262. al9o known IS last. Bur the 28th Mr. lrreleYant wu relevant. if only for a Week. u tie en~ beiog treated like a kln« and attmdJng NeWport .8e8dl bashes, hanging with Palmer for a night and visiting Disneyland and the beach. And, of course, he appeared on "The Jimmy Kimmel Show," ABCs·Mr. lnelevantoflatenighttalk. shows. It just seems the fantasy week gets better with age and Irrelevant ~k founder Paul Salata continues to outdo himtelf. Heck. by nm year, Mr. ln'eleYant may be hosting "'The 'JbnWn Show for a ni8fit But if not. one thblf• for cenaln: He1J alw.,s baW a piece bl Newport Beach's yery rMant newspapet. Mmtwetaylt? BOLTON One correction to Costa Mesa history article I enj~ the Daily PDot's spedal section to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Costa Mesa ancorporati.on in 1953. 1be scope and diversity of commentary ' highlighted the city's~ However, I need to correct an error I made in my article on the unification of the Costa Mesa Elementary, Newport Beach FJementary and Newpon Harbor Un lfied High schooJ distrtct&. I have, since publication, found out that Bob Weed succeeded Wah Burroughs as publisher before unification toolc place. Weed, not Burroughs, provided the milieu In whjch the Daily Pilot operated at the time. Support of Bayv iew project is not in doubt Stop Polluting Ow Newport supports lhe proposed aft'ordable housing and view p81t projects at Bayview l.andinc-Some misleading recent articles and letters in the DIUly Pilot have • Implied the oppoefte. The group'• steering c.ommlttee ex~ its tuppOrt In a letter to the city last Jan. 21. Representadvel of the dty have asked for further support, IO oo May 30 the steering oommJttee • approved a memorandum of und.erstanding. in which Stop PoUutfng Out Newport agreed fO lestify before the California MAILBAG Coastal Commission 111 'up~l1111 uf the projeclS. The sticking poml C1Khl nm' " the Coastal Commission '>tall, whCJ insist that the law grant:, "protected wetlands .... 1t1tt1'> 111 trivial mud puddle~. rcch111rally, they are correct. h i<; impo,.,ihlt• 10 write a law tha1 cover. all rhe cases exactly right. We Olll'>t depend on I.h e peopll' wlin enforce the law& ro uw gou<l judgment and common '>t'nw It ,., to be hoped that the luJ'>tal Commission will ov<:rridl· ii'> .. 1.1rt and enforce the intent, not lhl· letter. of tJ1e law. The-opinions above are my own. so don't blame Stop Polluting Our Newport for them. Tht'·'>ll'l'r•nr.: committee actions above dJC matters of written rctord. ALLAN BEEK Newpurt Bt•ach Of OJ., Saddam and one Newport coun cilman I continue to find the Nil.hob lnddent fascinating. I !Ne are · some of my observation<i. for whar they are worth. I . Newport Beach h.10, gone completely into is O.J. Simp'>on Defense mode. Ignore the probJem, blame Dick Niclu1f, for ra1llng lt. 2. Why does Newport Beach, which represen1s only Newport Beach residents, h1tve rnntrol ovt·r the State Park. which l>clonAS to all Californians? 3. Does the l.ncompc ten1 Sll'"ve Smith actually get paid for writing bis non.sense? By who? The :-.. .. ,\ pur 1 111 .11 h 1 J, 1111111 1 11f < 1111111w11 ·" 11" 11111111111' tut 1hc 11.11111,.tll 1 11hi'11tu111h '\iit hoh j\ ti p11hl11 'I I\ llll 11,.fm l'Xj>rl'~"·t·d hr .. 111rn111111' .111cl ~11111h Ytflll'" .. I le t'\P11 "nl 1111•111 •• 111d 111 me· .a.nd hJ th1· ''' I 11 ,11 llllll~IU)' 111t'llllll'I~ of . 1h1 N1·1q11o11 H1°.H Ii 1 II 'f c 11unul, 111.11' .tll !11.11 111.lllt'i' I 01·1• '"I 111 1•l"1 \\lllllil l.tkt' '\Ill h 11111111.11:11 II\ Ir 1111' lr1·1· r>.prt''>'>IOll <1f 11k 1~1 1 Hlh.i11d I 1 .111 ffill)k ot \\,111 I htJt-1 -1Jh11. 1'111 l'ot and ~.icld.1111 I 1\111tdN 11 rhe C iry < 01111ul .1pprr·1 1.111·" being placed 11111\1 -.,11111• 1.11 1·)!•1r, b, ~11111h • I \ 11·.1 l1·1 ... u~c· ... r ·rounding up .111wlin1ll.,,1grc•1· w11h the ll ll• 1f1.1111111 11! :'.J1d1111 ... ind ,111pp111~ th1·111 lr1 \!11111.irw. I lived 111 \111111 "'" 11 ".1 1111 lsl1· '\/ewport !\• .1d1 111 '"" •t' '.,,' < 11\l u .. your 1111111\l dnll.11' ,11td d11n I lcl tht• d1111r h11 \ 1111 1111 1111· I\ 1y uut 1 I >11 \!1•,11 111' •or l..itum-,\ rt·.111\ ru11111Jpolr1t• 1h1: grass. cbU5 prt•\1•111111){ 1><ht•" Imm u'iing n? ...,01111.• 11 .. 111t•r., hJ\t• '><ttd '>0. citing 1111ph·.1,.1111 1·,..penc·n1 e5. But we ran ig11111I' 111<•111 I h1·y art' • 111!11 11•111 p1•op1t··· act 11rcllnR to S11·v1· ...,111111t I ,u,pt'l 1 '\lt!wport Bnd1 <l11t·.,11'1 want 10 know and is 111111h1110 h11'\ ptt long OVl'r lhe < illt ..... , 111 \.ii hof, to l'drt! h \.\ 11\ h,,,11·1 '\u hole; been 1)1.mw•I Im h '' "'~ thr old Cllarhe IJ1Jt1 11lm'> n•rnlf\uJ from their \( llt'dUll' hy 1111 I O'IC Mo\tl' lli.111111I·'·1\"1.t11at11vi..i..-an~ 1.1l111g rill' 111·1li1. hut I'm '>lire ~u·w 'ir1111h \\Ill l111d d '"""Y tu blanw :'\1du1I' HENRY OSTERMILLER (:o~ta Mesa .. .. .. . .. . '1 '·. •I ~· ·. • • • ,. 1, ,., LETTER TO THE ED{TOR ·Lower Bayview needs to be protected N ewport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg claims that the wet.lands on the Bayview Landing sJte. adjacent to the Newport Ecological fteserve are "man-made depressions.· Actually, what is . "man-made~ about anything.on this site Is the dumping of fill dirt and • gravel on top of former esnwy mud and the illegal carving up of the natural bluffs (a few years back without a ttqUired Coastal Comm.lak>n permit) The high water table and the proifmlty to Newpon Back Bay are why wetland plant.a continue to grow on the lower site. despite the "man-made" degradation o( the land, and why water ponds there durinJ the rainy eea10n. 0n the bJuff top cior.ent or bea.ut1fuJ.. colorful native wtJd.Oowen ·were vtslble Jn ~ tpring, repladna the fonnerty ~pa udon lite. u the land nMTtl to lta l\lbQI ~ The bh.df atcte. haw ewn more lnteretelol plants, with rve 8aatbom and nattve OudJeyu Piidnc the crevica. The bWa and the ....... who-.. lived for many thouMndl ot,.... longer than the humans in Newport Beach. understand this geography uf place, as does Roben C. Speed, of UC lrvipe's Department of Earth Syst.em Science. who. \n bis letter to the California Coastal Commlssfon stated· quite succinctly: "The Lower Bayview Landing site may be the last unprotected open space on the Upper Bay estuarine margin. It property ~lo03S to the estuarine l)'Stem. not to a ho\Wng project.- Speed atated that the Newpon Upper Bay ei>tuary la the finest and DlOIJt complete repraentation of on estU.artne wetland ln Southern caJ.ifomla. WbUe ~ realize the mayor and other city oftld&ls mu t find locadons for ~r ho\Ullng. altt.'f eclendftc ecrudny, It bu become clear .that Newport Bay Soulhwett (Bayview Lrmdlng} wu never the rilbt pllce. ln our oplnlon. Several locahmtronmental leaders worted bard to ftnd a way for th It to wodr,, but whh deer opposition for cbe adnknal needs of wetland eca.,•en 1pedel, and upon cloeel' INpecdon. It bu become cleat that _..Al-not Che best locadon. There are ... imply wo 111t111y rnvironmenral co1'1!>tr.unlb un tJus laml. Surely. there are 'ocher locationtt -perhaps a • commerdal site that ha.s alreadY been · ' paved. hu~ only needs a zoning ~ • change, not a displacement or the life • with whom we -;hare this fl.arth. On several visit"> to the site, we have • ob<tcrved Great Rlue I Jerons foragi.ng • on tht' land prupt1St-d for senior • hou .. lng. Wl• ~vt> htard Pacific 1"t!e . · Fmw-. ac; Wt'll ac; '-O~ of the YcUowt.hrout m e heron<J, hop and M>nghlrdl\ 100 nl•t<d .,pace to live.And,•!• we'w uowJt'd 1l1em out. In California alone, morl' than 9 t ~of our ~and""' have been de\tru)'td -drained. '""" di kco and pa ild over-an for IOocf • pmj('cts for humans. We do not bw ;.- alone on thi5 planet. and we can not .. , prtlCttd tlw we do. •• ~HNeCGM PJriealdwe Dhdor • • Wt!danda M.1iOii NecWort 11• ' (a AOrel SljdOaJ I -...w--1 llOYYMI •HOD r.. ~----f" ••J ... Daily Pilot BIO Ae-:49 Position: General manager of the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center Education: Badlelor's in liberal arts and master's in education from Occidental College ·~:Anaheim Hills for 19 years Ftimly: Husband of 28 years Gary Findley; son Cary; and daughters Kaitlyn and Tessa Hobbies: Sewing, skiing, and reading FAIR IMPROVEMENT 'Though I think the fair has been successful without [Pacific Amphitheatre], it's just the ability to be able to take it up a notch will make it a better experience for the fair goer.' COMMUNITY ASSET 'I think the blend of the different artists and different types of concerts that a~e going to be there provides something for everybody.' • B>ITOR'S NOTE: HUSEIN MASHNI 11 1 former reporter for tht o.lty Pilot Who covered ectuc.tk>n. He left to do ml .. ion wortc In the Middle Ent end wrltea occ.ionally •bout hi• 8XpeMncee. FORUM .. Sunday, lit 6. 2003 Al Starting the fair game The Orange County Fa ir kicks.off on Friday and its general · manager~ Becky·f!a iley-Findley, likes what's in store T he biggest show in town arriv~s on Friday and will stick around through Aug. 3. The Orange County Fair has some changes this year, the j biggest· of which is the reintroduction· of the Pacific Amphitheatre. Its return has been able to entice some larger named performers to come to town. The fair will be open an extra weekend this year, but will be closed on Mondays. Orange County Fair and Exposition Center General Manager Becky Balley-Findley met with City Editor James Meter at the fairgrounds on Thursday to discuss the new additions and amphitheater's retuffi. The biggest change at this fair bas got to be' the Pad.fie Amphitheatre's return. How Important la It to the fairgrounds' succeu this yeart I thin.le the Pacific Amphitheatre reopening will be a tremendous enhancement to the fair experience. Though I think the fair has been successful without it, it's just the ability to be able to take it up a notch will make it a better experience for the fair goer who chooses to participate in those concerts. I also think: the Pacific Arnph.itheatre Concert Series is introducing the fair to a new audience. Some of the initial survey work that we're doing on those people who bought concert tickets is 48% of them have either never been to the fair or haven't bee.n here in three years. So it's bringing some new people and some returning people back to experience the fair. Now, you lftft able to attn1ct blgtt names, lndud.l.og Bob Dylan and Duran Duran. Can you tell me tome or the other namee that ~re OD the wlab U.tf We tried really hard to get No Doubt because they are an Orange County band. Others on the list ~re a lot of the country acts that didn t come wesL The Moody Blues. Other c:hanp9 to the fair this year are the added week.end and cl.ark Mondays. Do you plan for th.la to be a permanent c:hangef I think we'll probably stick with the 21 days for at least another year. My feeling is it's going to be successful We're ~tching closely the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar. They're doing the same thing and this ls their second year. It's going really well The dark Monday will be an . important communication challenge for us. We need to make sure. But we've had some good support from Costa Mesa businesses. They have ~nt us Oien and discount coupons, so we'll have ready for any guest who happens to come on Mondays some Costa Mesa alternatives. We hope there won't be a lot. What they found out in San Diego was after the first [Monday!. word got out really quickly after that. I think: the only person who they had unfortunately • last Monday was one of our employees. who we forgot to teU and we sent her down to the see the Del Mar fair and it wasn't open. It's embarrassing. What else wtU be different th.ls yeart We have a fabulous new ride. Ray Cammack Shows is back. They've got several new rides, so I don't want to take away froitt any of them, but the most spectacular that you can see going up right now is a slcy ride. It's lilce a ski lift that will from the livestock area all the way to the kiddie carnival area. It's an eight-minute ride. It will give you a different view of the fair, but you also, on a clear day, will probably be able to see the ocean and maybe Los Angeles. 1 lcnew that was coming, but it wasn't until these really, really brightly painted colored poles had gone up when I said, "Oh my gosh." Ir's going to be really beautiful and • high in the slcy. It's going to add a lot. We also have the Orange Groove museum going in. It's a fun historical look at the music scene in Orange County. It's going to look at venues that have been popular in Orange County. It's going to look at bands NOTEBOOK and there's going to be different memorabilia. I understand Dick Dale's guitar is going to be in there. Rickenbacker and Fender guitars are both helping with that, so that should be a Im of fun. And it's not new, but because we're having the Pacific Amphitheatre concerts and that's a paid tick.et, we have the return of the 7 and 9 p.m. concerts that are free to the public .. That'U be a nice balance. Something new balanced with tradition. And there's new foods. We have a chocolate tonilla factory, a crepe concession stand and a Mexican seafood stand. And the new items that are fried and on a stick are deep-fried lWinkies. Oreo cookies and Snicker bars, lilc.e we had last year. We also have fried green tomatoes and pick.le chips. I'm not too sure what those are. And everyone's favorite foods are here because you can't get rid of anything. What are you personally looking forward to at this year's fair? I'm personally looking forward to the Pacific Amphitheatre being seen as a community asset. I think the blend of the different artists and different types of concerts that are going to be there provides something for everybody and I'm )ogking forward to integrating llle amphitheater into the total fair experience, which we haven't been able to do before. And I would just feel so happy if the amphitheater was seen as an asset, that people in Costa SITV£ McCRANK I DAILY P1L 0 T Mesa especially were proud that it was in their city. And It has been quieted down since It closed ln 1995, right? We're not using the grass seats, '>O we're not pumping sound up there. Technology is helping us because we can have a better sound system that's mere directional We've written into all the contracts that the bands have to comply, so J thin.le there's an understanding from the beginning. We have a good sound engineer who's very confident that he's goirig to make it a good concert experience for those who are in the concert and that the neighbors are not going to be hearing il. I would love for the neighbors to call and complain that they can't hear it, that they're sitting on their front lawn and had anticipated enjoying Steely Dan from their front lawn and they can't hear them. Any flnaJ tbougbur 1 thin.le the Orange County Fair is the premiere and largest community gathering of the summer and nothing pleases me more than to hear the varioµs groups in the comµiunity excited about coming to the fair and planning their outings and exhibit booths. A lot of family traditions att here. It's like a reunion for many people who see friends they don't see at any other time. So that's the fun part for me because of mat energy. A gift to one in real need Strip- whicb. In tum is one of tbe mOlt 4 desperate comenor planet earth -UweAaa. family either. Having received some money from Cyprus Christians to distribute to some of the poor folb in Gu.a. I wanted to be sure of who J ~it to, so 1 visited A.sa'a home. FROM THE NEWSROOM HUSEIN MASHNI Aa used to work in larael. He eavedbil mooermct bulthlldnJ\ So many people here, are ID adept at~ bandoutl thaa you hlM to be '*'611 who )'OU p to le9t you waste an oppomW()' to ... the lold\ love with IOl1leOl1e ~ID ,..S. What I aw II Ala .. bOule ooovineed me lhe need WM ca A reel. I told bUn I wuled to talk ' to a few people and th.al I would md!t bf....,. 'lbae. be get beck to b1m. • b.nd a mellll thop hl - Monct.y morning he wu .... the~ tllllll back. I told him l tell that l lb9lll b 15 ... ...:t.-lil could help blm ¥Jid> about SlOO for G> ..... or 420 Sbebla. He aaid that We wae bodt....,.,..., would be eoausb to but tlbcM.tt • blm ...... tbt ... o1.a three corrupted ..... tbleCI. Laid. We .,.ad • ..., Clfl ... ........ ......... . rtderto canytbe ....... .. would cry• ..... _, ........... , .... ~ from --...... ti' the.... .... be ........... ... .......... _... JUU.lllMdll-'hiil•ll .................. _._,..... _-n.i.............. ... ...... ,.. ...... ~ll caywWiiit -. • ....... _. ... 'I ftlilcili,...Q .... -p1-a-------" - E I ' ... Alo &may, "" 6, 2003 / perfonnance through llow Uftiog to the point of exhaustion. P'robllllllll~ll.l ~or I f lbe pww1 on~ bis-· .--.-. to look a lttde too bib. Ir en., be time for IOme ~up ...... And many ID ane olthe newest l'elOUl'Clel at Newport Beach Public Ubraries. trainer to the stars It her • exclusiYe Man IAni ~ in Hawaii. Beaf.nnlD8 wt• motivatiooal U>91s'1D bll you focueed. lhe author of "die 24-Hour 'nlmUound"' provides jµmp-start techniques, a wottout routine and an eating plan aimed at, reduci.bg rat and mood sWings. For dl08e mterested in a gentler path to fttneu, Chrilty Turllngt9n explores yop's appta} lo "IMng\bp." With personal anecdotes and histotical background, the luminous supennodel presents a persuasive case· for using an art that's been around for centuries to calm, heal and ftnd inner peace. •ttendint to De ecales • llbl. 8 Different Steaks l?lw Our Famow l~ oz. Pork Cbop Rack for only $1S.9S : Looking for permanent resuJta whhout permanent dledngr CAHllkter the program espoused by Gary Heavin in ~· 1n his companion YOlume to fitness centers that have popped up around the country. Heavin c'.>utlines a 30-mlnute. three-time-a-week mrciae plan d~ to boOlt ipetaboUsrJi to absorb ap to 3i000 calories per day. Allo tndiutect In. qumlioanalml to help you ~If you're calorie aemitM or carbohydrate ~dyfor developing an lndividuali1.ed W\?1ght-Joss strategy. Entries ,Seated Ahi Sceaks ·• Ad.antic Salmon Filecs • New Zealand Sea Bass • . Fash 'n Chips • Mahi-Mahi Sandwich Appetiun Calamari • Crabcakes • Grilled or Becc-Bancred Shrimp Pep-per-Scared Ahl Soup/Salad Fresh Clam Chowder• Lobster Bisque & Cioppino Plus Grilled Shrimp · Blac.kcned Ahi • Smoked Salmon Salads You can~ fitness in even less time per week according to Jay Williams, AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 6$.4170; Qr by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is· available at www.dailypilotcom. MUSIC PACIFIC AMPHITHEATRE CONCERTS The Orange County Fair is presenting theiF summer concert, series at the Pacific Amphitheatre: • Large Vellums • Cad Plotting • l.9. Bond Coples E-mail your plot files to us at lagunaprint@earthlink.net Friday, Diana Krall; Saturday, Juan Gabriel; July 13, Melissa Etheridge and Joan Osborne; July 15, Pick up & Delivery • Fast Quality Service Proudly Sen1ing You Since 1984 ' Crosby, Stills and Nash; July 17. Standing in the Shadows of Motown featuring The Funk Brothers; July 18, 311 and Something Corporate; July 19, Marco Antonio Solis; July 20, Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant; July 22, Devo and Cake; July 23, Steely Dan; July 24, the Ooobie Brothers and Buddy Guy; July 25, The Doors of the 21st Century; July 26, Alanis Morissette and Jason :yp,; ,'7(l,,,,,. '£,,,vfp o/l~np .?n1vlnlt'tvl.; .'%,./ Now Open Saturdays LagunaPrint I l -, '\ < "·''' 1 l u \ I .iq1111.1 g,., .. h (949) 497-6016 l.1q1t1t.'P'"'' (I, ••• ,\ ( t)lll Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. ~~ ~ Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRAND PRIZE Sit on the players' bench during the match and meet rising tennis star Maria Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday, July 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St. Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club. from 7-10 p.m. This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabilia. 1" PLACE One Lucky Reader will win 2 spots in the Players Pro-Am Clinic on Friday, July 18 from 5-6:30 p.m. at Palisades Tennis Club, taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday, July 16 match from 7-10 p.m. GRANO PRIZE and 1" PLACE WINNEJIS will be anounced during half-time on July 16. FIVE LUCKY WINNERS will each receive 2 tickets to either the July 16 (vs. St. Louis Aces). July 20 (vs. Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs. Kansas City ExplorMS) matches. All matches start at 7 p.m. It's easy to enter. Fill out the entry form below and mail it to the Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received by Friday, July 11 at 5 p.m. Or bring it by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa during regular business hours. Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. No purchase is necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match. Employees and their re/8/ives of the Dally Pilot, fll116S Community News, Los Angeles rimes and Tribu/lf Company are inel/gib/6. • f'ic:tured below: Brian MacPhle Whiitle your time · expenditure even further with • Adam Zickerman's 1tower of 10." With workouts for every major muscle group, tbJs resistance-training advocate describes how·to stimulate lean muscle formation in as little as one 20-minute workout per week. With similar enthusiasm for weightlifting. exercise guru Frederick Hahn reveals secrets for building muscle and burning calories in "1be Slow Bum Ame. ReYoludon." In his new wodc., discover how to atrengthen heart and bones, and Improve athletic Beyond the 8'ID _, exercise mat. then. are many • ways to i,nsure a longer, more fulfilling life accoallng to Norman Andersollt author of "Bmodonal i.onpmy." Using a deftnltion of health that linb biology, beliefs and emotions, the CEO of the American ·. Psychological Association provides a compelling argument for optimism, openness and purpose. Even if you're physically fit. with optimal blood pressure M raz; July 27. Bob Dylan; July 29, Music Festival; July 29, the Alan Jackson and Joe Nichols; July Mountain Top with Dr. Ralph 30, Kenny Loggins and Michael Stanley, featuring Rhonda Vincent McDonald; July 31 , 3 Doors Down and special guest Clarie; July 30, and Oor lady Peace; Aug. 1, Jethro the Fab Four; July 31, Ziggy Tull; Aug. 2, Roxy Music and David · Martey; Aug. 1, Ozom atli; Aug. 2, Lindley and El Rayo-X; and Aug. 3, Bull riding, with a musical Boston. For concert information, performance by BR&-49; and Aug. call (714) 708-1870 or visit 31, the Resta Del Charro. The www.ocfair.com. To order tidcets, Orange County Fair is on Fair Drive call (714) 740-2000. in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAIR. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS ATTHEARENA The Orange County Fair is presenting m any summer events and concerts at its Citizens Business Bank Arena: Friday, the 28th annual Speedway Fair Derby; Saturday, Freestyle M otorcross Jumping; July 13, the third annual Orange Crush Demolition Derby; July 15, the Little River Band; July 16, Blue Oyster Cult July 17. the Bangles; July 18, Poco, Richie Furay and Chris Hillman and Herb Pederson; July 19, the Young Dubliners; July 20, the Mariadli Festival; July 22, Billy Bob Thorton; July 23, Rid< Springfield; July 24, Phil Vassar; July 25, the Fabulous Thunderbirds; July 26, Royql Crown Revue; July 27. the Latin BOLERO AND RHAPSODY Maestro Cart St Oair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina Lisitsa, will explore the vibrant rhythms of Spain in a concert called "Bolero and Rhapsody~ at 8 p.m . July 19 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tid<ets cost $19 to $85. To order, call (714) 755-5799. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beadl presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. a you can eohmce the qulllry and quantity al XoUf J8ll'I. • TbroUgb 8D ewueaeM of gender dUrerentee. )'Oil can • ~bone tbeproducdoD of healthy blain cf,_..,,. John Gra~ Olect out...,.. M..wftV...IJllt•B-- Soludoll" tO aplore the w:Uque needl of men and women for~-­emotiooal well-bllag. • CHECK rrour i.wTt-. by iN staff of the,. .... Beaclh Public Ubrery. Thie '"*• cohJrm Is by Melisse ~locolle~n with An~"91on. All titJee ln8Y be reeerved'"'"1homebf0.. Poms>UW9 ~ accessJng the catalog.C · www~rtbeadllibrsry.org. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents M Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. eve •• week. "Wante<r musicians include. .,,,.. • guitar players, bass players, _ •••• singers, drummers, keyboardists .... • and others at 100 Main St, • -:: Newport Beadl. Free. (949) :; 675-n&J. • MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Watter Lakota and David Ak:antar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 • E. Coast Highway in Newport at p.m. Fridays and ;>aturdays and ' 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on voca on Mondays. It's free. Information (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewat.er Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nig_~: Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and~· Gordien (known as MPG) petfot'm-.•~­ dassic rod<, R&B and swing at 8:30 : p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform dassic rode. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. -.. .. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 :: lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. • Free. (949) 675-3474. .. .. ' . • . . ' • t . • . . . . . . . • • . . • . I ~ ~ . • • 1 . • . . • . . . . . I r . ' . , -' . . . • • . ~ ' . ' • ~ • . t . .. .. .. •• . .. . r • i r· • ! t I • r ... t I . .: I { i .. • ~ t I . ff I rJ 1 ~r .t~ g . ii& ! .. l . ~ .· .~ I . '.. ~ ,.i ,, .f 1~ "' ~ t: , ! ,~ :.. §.. ~ f~ ~ . I " ,, . J illl : 'H~ if . ~ !~1 ~ K ~ t . I • :.' j II . ) i I -.• probably the best runner in Estancia· history." Charlie Appell, Estancia track and cross country coac~ EYEOPENER July l hor1u•~e CHARLES CHATMAN Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Es tancia track, c ross country standout consid ered top rtJnn~r i n ~school history. . ' Barry F'aulkner Daily Pilot H ~~:~:~.Rojas shares his nickname wilh a former boxing champion, but it was his legs, not his fists, with which he built his legacy at Estancia High. Rojas, who graduated June 19, left behind a trail of individual and team success in cross country and track and field that longtime Estancia -coach Olarlie Appell believes propels Rojas to the front of the pack in school annals. "He's probably the best runner ih Estancia history," Appell said after the four-year track and cross country standout compiled two individual CIF Southern Section division titles, six individual league championships, to go with one relay league crown, and four league team titles (three in cross country) as a prep. Rojas. bound for Or~nge Coast College. eclipsed a 25-year-old school record in his specialty -the 1,600 meters -as a sophomore, a record he would lower on numerous occasions over the next two years, en route to being named the See ROJAS, Pa1e B2 Estancia Hieh distance-runnin& standout Humberto Rojas Is the school's Boys Athlete of the Year. THE BIG EASY Vindication can be oh, so sweet S portswriters always like to maintain the appearance of being stra1ght shooters, that the~ are neut.ral in all aspec~ and !>tmply call it ~ they see tt. And lhat\ a good thing. 1 .... pi-r .1 lrt ,. 'tp I 111 c.11 ... 1~ .. , 1 .. 1,1 •• 1 rt't 1prr 1. 111 r t ,,1111• pouu B11t 11t, 11·,1•<•11"' ''J'lll qlllll• l\lhll ( tlhl~I'\ llol\l llt 1 1111nd 11 11\tJ•·td d1t·r ... \\,1, ·• 1111111\1 ,II oil ,lfld ii l<llllf Ill ,1 ... pin "'' 1111d It's '>Omethmg you 'trlvt' for. but here are exceptions. You can't help but appreciate certain player" more than othe~. and to ROGER CARLSON 1.,pt·r lnir ... 1 11u1 l.111gli,nt• ,111<l lihir1t' j 1111 t11r ,di I•! ht•df \11 \Ill! k11!dt!I).'. 11 t•l tit•, g11111~ 'IJ h1· pl 111111.! form bonds \ .. ith tho'>e \\ho 1.:c1pture your imaginauon. or are JU'>t 'tmpl} good guys wilh whom vou en10\ heing around More so if they happen to vindicate you. 'caU">t' 11 fet+ • ..,o good to be right! A good case in pOtnL 1;, c1 recollection of John Vallely when the Corona del Mar I bgh product was at Orange Coast Coll ege on h1' wa} to UCLA and lhe :":BA It was the Le"' Ak 1ndor Yl'ar., tor Coach John Wooden <tnd the Bn11n., were dommatin~ the c:ollege basketball world hke none belort' or since. Or probably. l'Ver Alcindor wa' tn ht' JUntor "ea,11n in 1%8 when the Brum<, were in Pauley. First, however. wa<, a game pitting the UCIA fre.,hmen agatn<,t Orange Coast College. Coast lost. I 05·83. bu1 \'a.lie(\ c1 .-.ophomore. stood out for the Pirates. In lhe press secuon for the Dally Pilot was sponswnter Earl Gust.Jee) who knew all about Vallely's potential and lhe fact Wooden was qUietJy recruiting him. Ai-some point during the cour~e of the evening. Gust.key menuoned to lhe writer ~itttng in front of him. Dwayne Esper of lhe Pasadena Star News. "You know. Dwayne. Vallely., going to be UCLA's point guard next year." \\ tth thl0 "' i! I\' \I II ti• •. c (J 1 l.'pt'r. llJll'td1·n·<l ••Ill' r,l •I, 11r• 1 tralk ,Hld twld pultl11 ath..lrt'' announu·r, 11 11" c11 ,sn\ 111! , r generi:lttun 11 u1rdmg rn < .u,t~t'\ continued 10 lll<11•· I hi' gu, llt'tt 'nodding tm,,ird r 1ti-tl..t·\ ., ,,1\111)! .. nm you bdtt'H' th.tt / :-.ieedlt''>'-111 "•" 1lw l1H u' turrwd toward <,u,tl..t•\ "1 \\ il'> rt·.1lh ln11111l1.sr1·d f"l 1H1•d (,u,tl..e\ O\ tt'lt·pl111111 1t·< t>lt'I\ Ir •Ill tu. ... B111emJn \Ir 111 n·,td•·t • I It \\a'> Jll'>t g c1111).! Ill" I 111-'' " humtltaw 1111• It \\liuld 11111 In I rs~ 1--., • 't \ .11 · \ would fHCJ\l' < •lht ~ t'I ' rht~l!t corret t ..ind 1 .... p1·r "1 111,., I 111-11111 • (Int of \\uod1·11 · J.:t•·,11\\1·,q11n ,., O\l'r thi-\l'.tf' \\ ,1, tlit p11r1 ,'11 .. 11·1 from the u1rn1·r I ht· linun• 1\1 11h! be fre'h 11111 "1th \It 11H1o1 '" • r '>eil'>Ol1 Jf!Jllrh.I tht· t '•rtlt'I t! I! \'allel\ ... pure l•iu1 Ii lit tlw tu.I 'It felt J\\ft1lh giJod 11ht'n lit\\<.!· '>tarun~ h"" 1u11111r 't'Jr "l U< I \ said C ,u..,tke\' • 1 dim 1 t'\ er lr11 " 1 John \.\oodt•n hnngtng .1 IC tr,w-lt'r m who caml' tn to pld\ 1mnwd1.111·h fur two vear'> lit·" c1'11 t th,11 ! 1,: hlll he "a~ iu'-t d grl'dl 0pl.1\ er ~ut 0111~ dtd \,1lll'h ... 1 .. m .111 earned All 1'.1< ~ hllr1111 ~ .111<1 " ,, n1.1ce nanlt'd 111 th1· ,111 1m1rn,11111 111 ream at the hn,tl I our \dwn 1tw Brum-. put J\1,1\ l'1m.lut· 42 -~ 111 AJcindur" 'l'tllur ,t·.i,011 ot I Yh4 .ind Jack..<.nmilk flll hl.f 111 'l;"O \11th th• Stdnt'\ \\ ll'~' < uni' HO\\t' fl.fl Jge \\'hen thl' d11p' \\t·n d 1\1 n \ ,i.Jlel\ \\J..'> near pt>rkc t PHOTO BY CRYSTAL LAUDERDALE INSET PHOTO BYKENT TREP10W PHOTO ILLUS TRATl(JN BY DANIEL HUl'<f DAILY PILOT It was 1ust a comment. inside information sometimes-shared between non·compeung wnters Casual friendships in lhe \',Tiling arena can often bnng forth a great tip somewhere down the ltne. For See_.EASY. Page 82 NEWPORT BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE Sands, Della Grotta in classic, star-spangled pitchers duel Each hurlers tosses complete-gam e gem as NBLL American All-Stars prevail Saturday, 1-0. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot MISSION VIEJO -When all-star baseball tournaments come along every summer, traveling to remote sites can occur and is often expected. Logic wouJd say the Newpon Beach UttJe League National Major AU-Stars and their American League counterparts wouJd play at Lincoln Elementary or a site closer to their home Quite the con- trary, as the two team -along with family and friends -traveled to Cunis Pruit for Satwday's District 55 AU-Star tournament game. The two teams made the drive worth it as the American squad won a classic pitchers duel, l ·O, in a lit· tle more than an hour, to elimin~e the National AU-Stars from the second· chance bracket. The American's Mitch Sands and the National's Fletcher Della Grotta each threw complete games worthy of all·star billing. "That was a courageous perform· ance," Michael Borchard, whose son Ml· chael got one of Newpon American's lhree hits Satwday, said about Sands' performance. The 12-year-old hurler struck out 10. allowing only two hits and wallcing two in an 65·pitch effort Della Grotta was equally impres.sive, fanning six while walking one and limit· ing the opposition to three hits in a 75- pitch outing. "You can't get any closer than that.· American Manager Tun Scott said. STEVE lft'<:C~AN!< DAILY !'\.OT Fletcher Della Grotta of ttie NBLL National Al~Stars makes a throw to first after See NEWPORT, Pa1• B2 picking up a bulit. The NBU American Al~Stars·won on Saturday, 1-0 CATCHING UP WllH Bob Ogle Balboa Bay Club Rac~uet Club head man still bouncing around the courts he began playing tennis on at age 10. d.sy bl the. ran"' hi.J senior year In co~ wbm he got a cal from ~d professional Don teary lbout being an auitant. The prmOUI twnrner ~ filled O\ll llD appticadon and pw rt to Lary. who months later cded t.dt;. .aylng there wu an opmlng as an Fl if II • ()lie loot the jOb and bU been. at the dbb ever eoillld ... tar .... fllilc:jit IO WidrOjl ,, --.. 12 Sunday, »J 6, 2003 SPO R TS at-bat, but Sands calmly struck out the next batter on six pitches, pumping his fist ever so slightly . as he walked off the mound with "Mitch gave a fantastic effort. We teammates s\uTound.ing him. were focused. The kids were de-~1 just tried lo throw my best," temtlned to play weU and play Sands said of his final strikeout with pride. Sand!t·also scored the game's -lo a friendly rivalry like this lone run in the top of the fourth. you always want to have a good With no outs. catcher Timmy game becawe these guys are Winning sent the first pitch your league mates, [buddies! and toward ~enter fielder Scott Ely, neighbors.· who made the catch and at- Sands admitted the familiarity tempted to throw out Sands, but with teammates and opponents to no avail. Hess. playing catcher, made him slightly nervous start-alertly fired to shortstop Reed Ing out, but as the game wore on Zaclunan, who t~ed out a run- he became more and more com-ner tagging from first. Ely made a Conable, tossing hJs favnrlte pitch diving catch oo a shallow popup -a wicked curveball -that sti-to center to rob Winning of a hit fied the National bats. Newport National threatened "It drops a lot," ~ds said in the bottom of the Jqurth fol- when asked what made him ef-lowing a one-out walk to Max fective Saturday. "I knew what Frisbie. Michael Bloom roped a pitches they could hit and pitch to deep center field, send- couldn't hit. It was fun facing ing John Doering retreating them.· toward the fence that stands 200 PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRMM I DALY PILOT National Manager John DeUa feet away from the plate. Doering · Grotta agreed that there were few reached up with his left hand to surprises when both teams met knock the baU down with his Saturday after they had faced one glove. keeping it in the park. and another in two scrimmages last alertly fired into the infield to week. hold the runners at second and "Both pitch ers perfonned even third Sands then struck out the better," he said. "The hitters had next batter swinging. Earlier in seen both pitchers all season the inning Doering caught a long long. so nothing was unexpected. fly hit by Hess. Camden Nicholson (62) of the NBLL National M-Stars, above, • throws to first in a double-play atte01>t after forcing out NBLL AmericaA Al~Star Michael Borchard. Winning pitcher Mitch Sands, right, of the NBLL American ~tars pumps his fist Sands pitched a whale of a "The one key hit eluded us," game." -JohO-DeUa Grotta said. MThe first A two-out walk to James Petri!-game we were excellent on Ii foUowed by Brad I-less' ground-bunts, forcing the defense to ball that was booted in the infield make plays. In the last two games gave the National first and sec-f of the District 55 tournament I we couldn't get the bunt down with consistency and it ~ seemed like -we bad two outs with runners on. "We didn't pressure f Sands) by FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE , SEAN HlllER/DAll.Y PILOT Russian teen tennis star Maria Sharapova, who will play for the Newport Beach Breakers tt11s month 1n World Team Tennis action. arrived in town Saturday with a dozen roses at the Palisades Tennis Club. The Breakers open the season on the road Monday at Sacramento. ROJAS Continued from B 1 4:10.58 to finish second al the CIF State finals at Cerritos Col- lege. He was third at the Southern Section Masters Meet (4:12.73), after winning the CIF Southern Section Oivisioo ru ti- tJe fu 4:14.28. He won bis heat and qualified ninth in the 800 at the aF Southern Section DMsion m pre- liminades. but elected to drop the eYent to concentta1e on the 1,600 the rest or the postSeaSOD. His senior postseason began with victories in the 800 (1 :55.36) and 1,600 (4:18.33, a league re- cord by more than four seconds), as well u a leg on tl}e victorious l ,600 rd.ay at the Golden West League finals. His in~dual ef- fort helped the Eagles claim the program's 6.rst l~e champion- ship since 1990. Rojas' senior cross country seaso~ ended with a &e\lenth- place 6.o1sh at the state meet (15:47). He was second at CIF Southern Section Division m fi- nals (15:21), after claimJng the Golden West League indMdual title in 15:21. helping the Eagles finish second as a team. The 2002 track season in- cluded a'tl.inth-place finish in the I ,600 at state finals. after a dra- *9995 &UP m atic second-place finish at the Southern Section Masters Meet (4:14.71), for which he was given a spot after qualifying as an al- ternate. He was third in the l ,600 at the 2002 Southern Section Division Ill finals (4:16.40), after winning Pacific Coast League crowns in the 800 (1:58.81) and 1,600 {4:28.14). His junior cross country sea- son was capped by a fifth-place finish in Division m at the state meet, after winning the CIF Southern Section Division m champioosb.ip In 15:25.1 . .AS it did his senor year, the P.stancia team finished fourth in its divi- sion at the section finals. His individual tide at the 2002 PCL finals (15:14) helped the F.agles win their fifth straight league team title. The 2001 track and field sea- son ended at the Masters Meet, where he OnJshed sixth (4:18.67>. He was fourth at CIF Southern Section Division lD finals that spring. clocking a 4:17.81. The timeJ converted to 4: I 9.41 for the mile. broke the aforementioned school record that bad stood for 25 years. Rojas was runner-up in the l ,600 and 800 at PCL finals as a sophomore, after finishing sec- ond in the 1,600 a1 PCL finals as a freshman. He was sixth at the 2000 PCL 4TIAE8 Of'9rllM• ........ tMnM11 t7117M11 ttll701tt4 cross country championships as a sophomore, then went on to finish sixth in CIF Southern Sec- tion Division rv. where the Eagles were second as a team. I le was 12th in Division IV at the CIF Stale finals that fall. Rojas was third at league finals as a freshman, then went on to finish 12th at the OF Southern Section Division IV finals. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~afi> the Dajy Pilot's Athlete ~the Week senes ~ 2Z -Jon Horwitz UCIMne ......'02 ~ 11 -Derllel Hunter C.O...Meu 8-bell,'01 •-awt.McMlllen Newport HIC'bor ~ c:roe1 counrry. ·oo 24 -Eri1t Murphy Newpon lierbor Glrlt wtter polo, 1996-97 20 -Garr.a Bowlut Corool dsl Mer Boys water polo, ··99 I •,, , . Moton)rafte 011 •nd Fiiter Ch•nge . getting runners to third base. where a passed ball could mean a run. Oedit their defense, which kept us off me bases.. · Newport American committed EASY Continued from B 1 Three years in the NBA with Atlanta and Houston dosed out his basketball career. VaJJefy's roommate when with the Hawks was Pele Maravich. What a run for the one· tune spindJy Corona del Mar High standout whose major attribute was the perimeter shot in an era before the arc. So it wasn't just the fact that one of Gust:keys favorites made it It was also the great sourt:e of vindication. As a sponswriter, I can teU you. it doesn't get much better than that. One of our favorite stories in the office for a long time was Sports F.ditor Glenn White finding a typed note on a small rectangular piece ofgreen paper in his typewriter from Gust.key the day after the scene In Pauley. "Dwayne f.4per is a@&N$# - eg.ft OGLE Cootinued from Bl only one error, while the Na- tional committed two. Sands and Merrett Scort each singled for the American while Jerry Kazmierczak walked ~ou Earl Gustkey 111at\ all Earl had to say at the · time. but as time went on, it \\la'> l.,;trl Gw.tkey wh1>. had 11 n~ht and W(.' ,;" • alway\ apprec1Jted that. ll\t:' COrTill relief, I guess. wa., that tht• note was very much out or d1arac1er for Gu.\tkey. who w.t.'> a profeM>ional in every way. Not long after th..11 (,u.,tley joined the Lo-, Anw:le~ I um" and for years wa.' one of rhe key figures with hi'> work m tht' outdoors secuun, as well a., many years on the boxing beat, with USC and women·s basketball. We heard from him very early in his career with The Tlmes in Orange County, and he said of his first story. "They I the e<11torsl didn't chanf(e a word, not anything:· Wt' preparing the next two weeks for the 14th annual War by the Shore JunJor Tennis ~ic July 21-25. Though the tournament rum about the time some players are competing in national events. Ogle saJd the aop of Juniors that annually enter the junior classic provide glimpses of talent "The kids are great and the level of tennis gets better each year," he said. "Hopefully we provide a visible entity In the aetcbborboocl. but there is monnous copipedtion out lbere." When he was eolely a hlKhlng pro. Ogle would trave.I IO the tournaments his llUder'llS would play in. But with his~ woG!oad and a desire for the younger ooacbes lo ga1n experience In tolSDIJDentsettl.ngs,the 50-year-.old father of two and hUlband lt8)'S al the club more ID lban tn yars pa.9L OSie ha aeeo the dub go hmm cowu in the mid '70e tit at bnrd the latter part of ... --. when tmnls ~its"boom." j, ~would walk into a I**)' llOre and lbnolt lfM:f:Y ,..... -In lhorU and. Mt.· <>tie tald or people'• illla ID_. ID lbe lale '70.. ~ ... people lined ti(» OD '-'9Jaut wdinl to .,..,.. . Daily Pilot Thom!>Cn roped a single into left for the National. ·nie American team will face Laguna I tills Tue\day at 7:30 p.m at the same i.ite. weren't ... urpno;ed. A product of Newport I !arbor I ligh (<Jw.s of '51\) Gu-.tkcy i~ retired 11ow. fi111 ... hing up hi!> collegl' 'tudil''> at MonldlJa State. I le\ ~pending a lot of 1ime looking for 1us1 thl· nght property 10 huy 11110, dnd "'an avid hiker. l:.arl rhc Pl'arl, a true gem 1 ley, ~t.'e >ou next ~undar. •ROGER CARLSON ts the former sports editor for the Daily Pilot His column appears on Sundays He can be reached bye marl at rogeranddorothea a msn.com DEEP SEA Saturday's counts Newport Landi~ -5 boats, 148 anglers. 58 barracuda, 17 calico bass. 4Hhand bass. 1 halibut, 2 sculpln, 6 roddish, 2 sheepshead, 2 cabezon. Al with. many aport.s, Ouctuations in m~ exist and Ogle doesn't 1ee anythJ.ng dlftreot rn teM1a. ·1n the ate ·10s. the {United States 'Thnnls AModationl estimated 40 mUUon people were playing." he said. "In 1985, there were 18 millloo: •people went to other sports. Tennis is tough on the body with your body pounding on the concrete. ft is cyclical. so you will atart to see people coming back to tennis." Coming bac.k to reno.ls bas never been a factor for Ogle sJnce be never really left the game that sunounded him at a young age. begtnn1ng with his family. With the lnftueoce of bis father, Bob Ogle Sc., mother, Peggy Van Hom, brother Thn and sister •. Peggy McKay, Bob took an immediate liking to the game and has developed a devotion to iL The e:nthusium 8tUl emanates from bis face. ·1t'• addJctive, • Ogle Mid. "It made me want to work bard for the next week to beat the "1l in the next town. J am still good friends with .Ome of my coUeee . t.emunates. Just recently we went to • ooncert toplher. The boodl you rorm mlb the .... enfuVlble. It. tbe ~ ofaUfedme." . .. . -· ,..-----Policy .. .. Rare:-and deadlines arc subject 10 change withoul notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified ndvert1~emcn1. Pleai.c report any error that may he m yo ur classified ad immt:d1ately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liabtltty for any error in an advcrt1~cmcnt for which 11 may be respom.ihlc C>.l·cpt for the co~t .of the space actually occup1cc.J hy the error. Credit can onl~ he allowed for the first m~nion. ANllOUNCIMIHTS l~l & MISC. 101 0-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL .. --. Vlew MAllOI w Doubi. '" .... Xkll ~ .. Mir.I '\off W••lll Sl'J\ .,.. for S/11 •IClo• 'M'I 'I H (HI l~ 1419 [I] 2305-2490 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVJCES 2tiOO c;;:ai ~Re Sl,..M lot I'•• 1ftt l/o~w modi+. R"IJM\ C..penlly sJol'lO 1111c 11!1, 11n 1. 11&1. r ......... 11 .... oon a..oo.o I" "6%"511 714 967 7436 APPLIANCES 3050 Collectibles/ Memcnbllla 1160 w~ a 0ry ... , t1o1h 10, ss 4 a1coaos n c Bu. CH, . ._ I ll 'f1· "-flh I'll M.. ~I llJLo. dffllY M11\t 9•9 b4'> /'>0'> EHTERTAINMENT Calendltof Ewnts All tf'.41 t'1:ittt" .11tv .. r h\1np 1n th1 '''"'*'P"V'"i t\ 'Ubtf"l I !ti Ito• f ttdtlt Al f •" HvtJ\•nK A1 I ol l'.lb!I •• .. •m .. nd• d ""h lh m4.,t•. fl dl,.11111 (i, ..td"rrhv· u11 u1 .. t.·1 "'"'" ltm1t lf•••fl 1H rMl'w Mu\I \.ftl11fl(_ le.ff !bO 1"4 bo•lh I dlt 949 MO 4bl 1 ,,. 94'1 bl'> b044 HOME FURNISHINGS Fumitllre JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS l11-wnm1n•t1nn t>.""" nu I Old t iun\1 Cold \1lver •4Cf' cotot ''"hrmn ,... ~Wf"•Y wtttthP"\ 4ln~ h~ndot•ll I•""" 11 ·,11111 •·•II,.• lot.IP\ 'M9 li4? 94'8 I low to Place A --Deadlines ----- C°LASSIFIEJAD By Fux 1949) 631-6594 ~!lk-..., on<IU41• 111vr nonl<' ""'I phQn< nurnbt'.r 41foJ "'< 'II '~11 )11\l ho..\ "'Ith J pm,• ljU•~• I ...... ... SAU Tt:lt:phont: 8 lOam 'i·OOpm Monday. Fnday ~ 3010-3940 I By Phone (949) 642-5678 flours Ind ex By Mail/In Person : J lO We,1 Bay Slrect Co'ia M~.,a. CA 92617 Al Nl'.wpon Blvd. & 8.ty St Wan. In !I ll}.un 5 OOpm Montl.iy Friday . mil 7402·1466 Monday .................. Fnday 5:00pm Tuc-.day . ............... Monday 5:00pm Wcdne:-.day ......... Tuc~day 5:oopm Thur,day ........ Wcdm:-.da) 5:00pm Frid<t) ................... Thur-.day 5·00pm Saturday .............. . f-nda) }·OOpm Sunday ............... . • ~ Under the Servi ce Directory Bann er :Al ESTATE R SALE AISOlUH GOlOMIHU 60 vendm2 m.tlhont\ woth oc~ll~nl h><.dhon\ "' tu S lU 9:15 lJ) I 2JH9tl Olfices b Lease 4540 Hlfr"-.,._ hum blh l 1n. ok \Vite I l.lf"lt ~ r.t•. wlfl01W" n",. brfl!rJ .. Sl'blYJ 9Q9 718fb.111i6l J AD AGOKY h..., wldo• Uf"'Adle nff• t""> « ddli'f~ll ~ •,f '-llrle w 11<iff "''""' v'I!.,., "' N B mw.frM by dlP.,~I rr.., 1J<kri~ .,i,.,,.,.d l-Uf1f IOOOI furn unfu,u lrum l4SO <)41J 7'J.> ll5Cll I KJME:S F-OA 5All: ORANGE 5400 COUNTY FOUR HfW,Oltl ,OONSUl.A CONDOS Ope11 Sot·S-I .4 "491S a1ver Ave FaOM SUS,000 213 28THST. 3 &4..._ 491~917 .,.... ,,,.,. 3 ..... /3 ..... 0.-...-.. • .,.. .. ...,,,, n. Soywlt& c.. M9-930-7S21 IOOS·8S10 ~ Reach 80_,000 Homes Each Wee k soos-5aso 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Laguna Beach 2,_.........,.Stl .. ,., "'Im" l "¥"f'J ~ .... h fJit. ,.,.,.. v~w v~ '\tr...-1 r: ........ 4ttl hc""4' jlY(I d\ "'"""" I .r.y ll<nld t"' flat loh1 i;..t I 11 (;~fold (OJf okfw•M B•nt."' Ill< mt~• dt'tdll\ "" l.tnd 'M<j 4"4 «>" s 1,S9~ ,000 MISCB.1.AHEOUS RENTALS ~ lbr loo w!OO ~••I Oiarmlng 21r lk Avd1I ttl Pill. wmm pual \4M ,..,,. f'vl ~ado tl"nn" wd on uni. unds~ d J"& u,,,. t rw.tt H•1 bot ~It ~ sum 919 m 78Xl s 11Wrn l \(' 949 JUI 14IY1 R nta'T t'i.-6030 ltoodmoore Co11do e 0 o>IWlll:: w .. 1k to beat h 2br 2b• Newpon l ch loclo loy gitled 11uul lennt\ 4br "" 7 rooms avdol Sl850 mo '>67 474 ~ l'r~!Jrio ~ prt'l $ffi()ro -.11 .. re ""'' 949 s!u sssJ Irvine Newport Beach r-r51onmAL nrt1TAi d~ ORANGE 7400 '1tst;ws~~ COUNTY --------1oy; ...... ~. Corona del Mar lyO....WI! S I ,o2 S,000 949-64 S-1'2& Stn1da-Oc.-. ~. l l f .... 1 .. 1001 °' l8r l '>ll• SI '>9J CUI •Rt owtot"t (jlt<J 1> II 0. OJ Clo11h Hoghnl point ., Spe.1.1<.,1.ir otl"an .,~w' On~ ul th~ f11te\I t ornm of lu•ury hnm,.• '>ho 4 '>h.1 s:> ·'·~ 000 I Ir, I lo, Oceon View Y111tl1 flf Pt.II n~ar f'oppy Sl»:l,11111 Oven Hou"' ~... 11 4pm ~ HMel 01 /14 772 1811 ~·t 231 I I r 1 lo, Wolk lo beach, loghl & brogh1 no J>d' f\e SI 3'bm n Id o.U-. .l•d•I nuw 949 170 156'> 7 13 i.n,... Ilr i'B.. yn ~...ch U'llto'&" p..-t lntty I (..Arport $7150 mo Clean t. ~"°Y' 949 251 9444 CosbMesa Strado ( urupun ~1,1.. ,lASTSfOl (.HAltMOI hv1n11 ll•&h'" th" hill•. 39, I ,b;o g4 r aiie t>Y,.rlonkona the Ott.tn b•ckyard u111, mcludl'd lllr • of111,. SI b9'> 000 (949) 64S·l 183 --------COMM U Tf USS · HlAX MOH Con!dct rental ~ ~I ,,_1 tmt .... matson erot ... 17625 8 .ti Han.ard Mid M.lon. Irvine C.l 92614 1166 ~2691 ~ Turtle lt0<lo ?bo ?bd trod tundo, J tavcl\ Iµ dbl gdr nr µttr t.i ler1ni~ grnbell Comm ploul Sl77'>949 1/6 19'>6 Co#.9• 'ork Jbr lb• 3857 Blackthorn lre'h paint on & out new •PPI• nice yard w ~•rden~1 SlS!>O mo 949 &4'> 9913 Newport Bead! COMMUTl UU au.AX MOH c...nca.1 rMtal """'~ me>1 lnlformamn u.. .... I i'6?>-8 at Harv•d and M<w> ll"wle. c.. 9?61 • 1166 ~2691 S 17SO 2+2..S Ind OM/ ~~r-.)ffil" f'atn an.,.hrd ~"I"' pe1 nt '20 Gonb Dr ID> .f.l} 1111 ~18 6.l> in' I llOCK fltOM OCfAN 2tu 7b.i ~pl ,,.modtltd Cdrll<)l t Sl850 Aool R I 949-5 I S-4229 '°"""99 '-""' :is. ~ lv-wfy ·~ '" ~" gar w d ~ n.,pPh va,g ll~o ~7':;94«) 21111 YlARl Y RENT AlS Newpuo I Btdt It P•11111 Sl400 Sl9SO "''' ogl 949-673-71100 Hewp«1 Ht'• R,.mod~led 28r IS.. lbr...,, Ip tma-o 'lfd Iii" A_(. W'O l.ibe "' ~~ p<Bu S2XX)n 949 642 '1:81 949 471. ~ Newport Cr•••. ?br lb.i Z < it•• w•I~ lu bth lenno\ 111101 '\µ0i S'll()()lmo 'M9 107 4.408 C...do llvH• ~ 7bt ?b<t• dl!n 1 M ? p.!llOS v...ws I p nu paonl 7c att 11"' tnmm pool rv> peb S2200rn 949 6'4 I X.7 11 lS W UY AVI. MJrtlhty RerU A•~ ~ u -.. 4i.. 2!w I~· ._.. P"'°" p,_,.,I 'iffy nr..t> hln "'11 ~fill <;ol';{,7')-46..{) °"". Tustin Horth Tu.el" Hiii• Hhrn alitllna ut ~ lrght v1f'w \ ~tlr ':>btt hou--1~ • l1bf .if t 7 puNf'"f t m'\ APP"" '>90'J '' I "' lot ltnno~ tllU• h SI ilJO 00 Remoa Cloro Tu 949-29S-9918 oarvet/CJM. (A) 14a:atd_ l lOCOO aft~ '> t•;,• '>IX OS '" 19 tfll' '"dfT •· 41 , ""'~ ,unts., tur I• 87 <~1111 ,,,... ...,.... <h••ot .. , ·01 Co.r.td'. welc.o..,.. f fl( ll)J 'J, '> ~'>",& 1 • ~ 11 M ni 11,.AI •<,1 ANo Put h\r•1n11 ,aOMOTIOflS Ol,AaTMlNT A.~t•noruty ~\ ~ r,,.,...,. I oonty ·~· I ul flf'T'r' Pf"'\uf'I to tntf!f v~w tntl wrrt.., \tntr ()l!llh ' 1>4tr " Ulf'llf'ftUnft• ~l\ (IPdh .t<"1 l>6P\<llt I'd~ ••od ""'""'' c. dlrnl c.. wnrnunc .ti•"" '#ft\ _,,, • well Mtfl ltw-pobllo 1\,.., .. ORIVHS WAHHO AJ .>IY"' ()u.vH P•....,., NP""l)Ot t & Hunbngf<ol' S. 1 PIK1ICJ\ll<l1J Mu11J Ad UP s~· VVUI own ~d1eelul• .. 1... ,.,.,fit<Mll Of'I WC P.il <lt full hm• H4•l•l·" 4n~ Pr t o I dP\•&n .S/'j_.. dayfulltimt> f"r CJPtlt'IH1 ,rf'ff"rrr-d I dll 888 001 WllRll P"•'"~"°'"~ 1•'1 l>••i' 1( «'¥ (cil WWW (I 0~ l.t"1• ·~ 1-IWlll. ..,tiy· .. ,jl !"<ltlrl'fl ' l llt l "•"""' r,..,,.,,, MOOGAGl IUSINESS ., I P"'"•'l!t' Enw~ ''"""r"' booowiv.. need t-.i (.uud I ""'rtHI~ "'".,.,.. •rlO """' 1 ,,...,,,'l"V i;.Acm...at Trdl'W¥.' 'ttqu11 .. m .. n t ,. poovocl<!d Full Pl f 4• l.t"6 '-'"~'"'l<tlt.;ton..-.... , •esun,.. /14-71£.14()) Tell Us About YOUR ~ . GARAGE SALE! RICl1"f10HIST r ull '""" llfJ'f1Wofl IV'1if~ tn b~y Nil !l~dl I \IAl• nfflt e ,.. I ij fl') fl I •mQf'!rt••• P•1 ind t.<-,,..t.I t..,i11 .m PVll't w .. • l\n-1wll'di• ul MS W<1td • vly• I " .. UfTI" 10 C14<j I 119 ..... ,,.... ........ ilu'>y ~ ~r k.w I ~t nlf\.e s.i;.,., < '"" mttn~or11P w ,..CJ f "' ."'""' .. i..~r. l'/ s..i,... 0.....,. c_,,, ,... w ............ loud! .. ,.... \.,1n ,,,ut l·•udu1o.t •N n•hon,1 m 1..-m or An int~ntocw tu m••• ••ly Cats 3610 Corona del Mar 'urh ptrfpt,.n,,. luml., -------- hon Of dtuttm1n1tu11t Odtot Kitten•. I t"Op~rd 0,fN SUN I S N•w 11\tonv Stunnm~ modf" ''"'" homt> ~Gated C-....lty .... , ........ .,, pvt g¥ tr111 wd., to 111 $.QuMe S89~ mo Wal"' tr ash paid lllMn Matlagement P.11 104 81>49 l •t 9200 ..... ···+c=* UOO Ylill Y UASl Ii •tlll,... b lba v.tOll c t<I Ip w d '/, ,.., S7'.:i(X) mo .gi Chr "'Y 949 !J(X) 3648 In ClASSIFnD (949) 642-5678 7 II ll j fie• tcho'(luioo r Pl SI l'> slMl I un ,lb0 1ht\ ntW'\PA&Jrl Wflt ''"""' "1.,... ,,.,.,.. ... nh not knuw1ro11lv •" t c11I v«>ld < ll<><.olAlt \l>OI\ redl dny •dveo '"'"" nl luo "hmoutN\ ~ 681 6664 f~il K fl1tt t1th1f h 1•. m vool•t10n ul tho• l•w U111 ,eadtr\ •''" h,.t,.by on for med lh•I •II 1lw•ll ·n~' •d•trh\td 111 '"'' llCWW•Per ., ..... ,I.bit on •11 •Qudl 1111pnr l11111ly '""~ I 11 co111pl~1n of "" u 1m1n1hon, ull llUO toll free al I 800 4?4 8'>90 SS CASH PAID $$ WI 9UY ESTATES ._.. . ........,_. ;:~ SOUTH C8 AST AUCTI N Uelle. ..... ..... AM.CA trl07 ......,,.,_u. .... ~ ...... hcl ........ <WI ..,.,, o a I /hr Ir om New,,oltt Buch [Jcel lenl huntrn1 ad~nt to state walerlowt refuce. ownership lnlete'I ' appJOI 3~ KftS of land ' •nvo••-h • yollf own camp compound w/s lr11cl111 • a nd 2 trallefs. Wond9ffut fro nllfll BBQ's ' win• tullna d1111n1 due• -son + """'' eatrasl 141e•I fOf 2 IYi.tlcb Of f1thef ' sOfl. Call Mille •• JtG-541-0854. 20C>• ltlSQJB) ICITI'ENS, LAIS OOC.S ~ on n www~orii ~IHl'>, I ""1ron ~ .J> OAY It Ill flt GUllAANllf 9496" 1279 At& WAY lor nlOflYlla t.•l "'" ,. klltM'> ~, «;;J} Dogs 3615 ------'"'eltted 9-det Colle "'""'"· Sm<J• I & Love •Ille PMl'flh 00 p,~ $400 Lou 1714> •34 1818 lAIUOOa ,U,S OFA Claf CHAM,.ON UNIS, pli1t1num blonde. S800 62f> 3S9 ~ Ge..-Sh~t.h all <.OIOf\ all Sil... lo• •dophon lo qu•hl1ed humn WWW fCVMC\14' or11 or 11• 113 !>91S MISCELlMEOUS MERCHANDISE STiil IUllOIHGS '>0 70'\ Orr. 40a•O. !>O• 90. 60x 120 Must Sell! Can Oelover! Roy (100) 499-27.0 All..._tr A 0 11 .... lul hrn SI.BOO $2,500 a wffll now' Creal oppo<· tunoly Restoch local BA TH • BOOY route Ho uthnc WO(• 4-6 houn • weell SO Oc>wn 0 A,C Call now l 800·390 7067. available 24 1161ws. rranchlM/Master IYan· c hi" unique 11pldly crowlfll ,IUa concept. 22 r hl1tory. lraifllllC. "' ... ~ wpprt S..-.ltff_..ldld_ lCX> ~...-.. In 2IXll ... .... Z167 aZ10 . : fllm .... ' • t· ' n.-_._. SA19Y &tmAY 11-S = ... =·.!!-~w.. ........ ,.,,., ...... ..... ...... = ... Mt w ., t ' ... O,lH SAT-SUN 1'2 ·S 30 JETTY JASMINlUUK q~a. 2!w°"1 Rot<WS C..c!u"6' L1nd ~~·~ Vtty low m.llll """"'° w,18....... pool Cal fn JAJI ll'l>.cm By Ownw ~In H.wl ....._ 1 .... rary. -ludtd cul de-~ gem on le lot on llU"fded lllea IWdwood flooni. un.lom 1¢1100&. boo1o ~. ~I b;w 'l r p \ cuslum Sl>d off Ol<l'>le< tentt at a• t1.inqt1ol &Melen p.itm, ml!I cm '1il 949-M-93 t • A ......., lat 29a 00- wltll <.tiMmone p.100 on " -v prrv1le llM bdy•d 1'J baths • e 'ernod<ttd w l* floors a• ~ .Jre P~ and >Olat tinted rnol rs Ille & MiCurrty systm> S.baa Sanreset RUllors M9~1ts c ... ,_ cw-4.t 111- C--'-'"'-~ £OIJ' me1 k rtdlen. wroujllt iron. custom tile and~ 111etry Front IS' Jbr ~ l\ome & I eat IS a 2bt 2b.J COASTUNE ltfAl n •••·75'..0177 •AC-•7'-~tr to Bc Corona and loollout />Otlll 481 4.58a bf and new custom home Otte<ed •I $2,950,000 COAS TUN£ RC.Al rY 949-759 om OPlN SUH 1-S ,. ... lAetr-1 L-c: ... _ Jbf l ba. One of • few ever lo com. 1vall W1teffronl sunsat views! $859,000 W YltW\ ,.f !.•ddl•bdt k 4br hund1 ~d' ol up it' o1do' SI G9S 000 O'fN SUN 1-S So1nl• lut•d F1bulous lall•lr 0111 lnr lbr 3 'lbd Ovellook1n1t C•nynn & ouan SI //9 000 ,lA TIHUM P'•O'lams SlefOftle Meu1 er 949 71'> J ISG .................. "-' cmtom t'iUte wtlh canyon & OCl!M'I viewi. ottered at S6 SOO 000 Ceo.tllfle 11..-y 949·7St..0177 H .... 1613•f 41r, 21e, Poot Home new ca•pet & p11nl SJ79.000 Malloy Realtors 11• S46 tl009 I08lE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mo191~ Hamn -LMOl1111Am1A 11.MllAOI HURRY!! lut TWO lu•ury manul homl98¥11ion~Slbr '-=* -!I'd* home '*"-.... ~ Mwy, lqe.ctl~& S...'-11 ¥b 'kV1I 562 225.QB) & UOO SUMMOI HOMES Bill CRUr«:IY Rf-'l IORS 949 ... 7S-6161 .....,_,......,.Sm ?8t I' .U. 1 lw Iott end urvl 183 Coll¥ "°"Iii"¥-.m. O'W lg balh IMgt P•llO pvl fr ont ya1d. \llyhghl~ "" peh S995 mo 100 l S 127!'> mo 949 6-'!'> 4S07 21st St 949 645 7176 1 .. & 2111 deot 1-I mi to beach vat.If <"'*' st"'"" ftll!. ~ f<VI. "'°'e S870 & $1 l«nn 133 E 16Ctl St 1\.9. '°' ~ ~)48. 7421 C.JI °' A STW IP S 109S/Mo '/1 Off .... hi .... ·-lot 6mo le~ lffwly <~mo<ll!led W Ol!W Bpj>k. orpet & ce<afTll< Ille W,1) onside @ unol O/W & hii 2Br $144!'> C1• Lota 9'9646 7:114 °' 714 633 l'Hl. No dee'> lnhlde 21H, 21ta, Apt. woth b•lcony. 1ta\ waler & tr d\h paod. no pets S l 2501mo 949 6SO 373~ i-,. l ltr I l>a """ "" ..,.1e1 'enl11•.,la "'°"''· No 1Molil,.9/P'ets . S 1450 949-293-40 I Gcncl .................. Jba hOfTW' 2•<M &al prrv patro comm pool Yr 9! VII':> iMlll row~ CUffHAV(H 3bt 21ta S29SO...o Yrly Uh L.p y ..... & o.do 949-642 ... 394 fOa U NT IH ILUHS PopulM [ Pl•n 181 2'1 8d r 1>m1ly Ruom SJOOO/mu 949 644 4..a<l UOO ISU ~lo\t to beach & harbor lb1 711~ ''"R lam homt. p•l1<1 'l l &•r SJ200 mo 714 681 S349 UYFaONl Ur 2le 53200/-yriy '26-282-77U 626-2'7 ... 2'2 * H-•em-/Mgr. * I clon & mdontaon large humP\ roo~ ~11ve ~II duh~\ elderly & t hold ••••••P l'l39J790J8 ''"your Car in CIDn1fird ' 29t 2..sa. Twni-on bluffs "' bch, lncd yd Ip, dbl pr• ulr a pr"&. SI 495.' mo .....,.,, ~-9939 STARTING •br 2ba HUGI YARO w /GAaOEHH . Fresh i--.1 "' • out. ,. lewwllde Pn & r .,,._. 1i3XXl • ~ 9&64!>-9913 ........... fP&llOl.IS 28' 2.58a home. l'lJCC Jc att p , Ip N;, W,1>. 1Jdrw ndd. S2Cmno. Kies! ~ 877-104-8649 Eat 9245 Jl r 21• M-Castskle bl& va1d, RV spc, areal pie f<H tud~ & peh $2300/mo 949·683-8879 llULIJllHllD COMMUTIUSS HIAXllOU ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • • ..... 29-J247,ll. ALOHA! EARN EXTRA MONEY Friday. luly 11 . Suoday. Aua. J ..., E.un S<1 ..,~ S 11/hr \clling bm1l H2w~JW1 Planr$ •• n1c Or."1(1.C ( flUnll' bu No t"Xp<'ncncr nn.~'°'" Ln1hm1.um ~ Plw' lnr~ in pcnon: Wed.., J~ 9 from 11 Lm. ·lp.m. ( >r~n~~ ( uunf\ f·~iritruun~h Lu nwal 111 Prl'<l11,u B!Ji Bvvth l(!Ql TROPICAL TR.EASUR.f.S ConQd rent.Ill Moc Apart """" lmb11•tiu11 Cenler 1 Jlli25-8 .t Hlrwrd and Milin. ~ c. 92614 lW-2"0 . ....... -Tht &gal Departmmt at tht Daily Pilot is pk~d to announrt a new service now availahk to nmJ businesses. TODAY 'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS m_. will now SF.ARCH tht namt far you at no extra charge, anti save you tN timL anti the trip to tk Co"rt Houst in Sanlll Ana. Thm. of ctnlf'St,~ tlJt st11rch is compkted wt wi/J fik your fictitin.s businm MIN lt4lmlmt with tht County Clm, publish onct 4 wttlt for four W«la as l't'f"jmJ '1y "1w aJ tbnt fik your p100f of P"bliclltU>n with tht Co""'J C/n* . />least stQP by to fi~ !"" fiaitio11.1 busirrm st4tmrm1 111 lht D4il] Pilot, 330 W. &zy St. CAst11 MtstL If Jfl" CA111Wt n.p l?y. plu.u aJJ .u 111 (949)642--021 aJ aw wi/J m11ltt 11mmpmts far you IQ Mndk this protttiMrt "1 lflllil If JO" shnJJ IMw ""1 fal1htr fWSlioru. pk111t '"° iu aJ aw will bt morr tJM_,, tfaJ to llSSist yow. GooJ /wit in J'll'IT MW businas! t - .. ' • ACR088 ''~ e~ In. rodeo 11 Frtee and slaw 18 Speckled ~ 21 AMldenoe 22Seper9 23 Oemck or crane 24Enecgy 25 Polite address 26Vloe - WT~tobn 88 UgN rMding 92 Euel partner ~~ngtreee 88~ SGC\lte 101 eetore. "1 melodrama 102 Demeanors 104 High note 105 Sen. -Cranston 107 Struggled DOWN 1 Lesa exclllng 2Subelde 3 Uke a apy<a ,.,.._ sage 4SpJdat. 5 Wealtw Info 6 Crow cousins 7 "Lohengrin", e 9. 8Averages 9 um '9 ooosins tO Aef>lltatlon 72 Foul-.melllng 74 Deeply felt 16Looksae lf 'Ti DC zone 81 Clean air org. 82 Rlpley11 last word 84 l.l)rary 89Ct. 88 C .. eb411tion 89 loe hut 90Embers 27 Champing at the bit 28 Web-footed bl.rde 29 Summer In France 30 Ooc::ks 109 Putter wllh 111 Nee ·112 Cheap heat 114 Wede through ,, Break i 2 Charged particle t 3 Monie signals i 4 English assignment 15 Fads and crazes 91 Pvt, 11 superlots 92 Traffic oonee 93 Pel'90lllly 94 Gibeon and Torma "95 Range °' extent 96 CQfldor '9 Jalr 32 Little child 34 T ort11i. dip 115 c1a11<-, ·oa11y Planer ' OOhort 97 Malls out 16 Senate garb 36 Ring thing .. • t 16 Valeotlne figure ·111 Flipped a coin 119 Deep black 1 7 Canape topper 1 6 Greek alphabet 100 About 2.2 pounds 103 Egre« cousin 31o...,m.u 39 --roll (lucky) 40 Ruling group 42 Nope opposite 43Spouse 44 Wildebeests 46 Mind the pub 48 E.xobc wrap 50 Clearings 53 Compete at Indy 54 Swjden foray 56 Rainier,. kingdom 60Toredown 61 Candle part 62 A K•amazov 64 • -lhe Barbarian" 65 Envelope abbf 66 Meal 68 lsls• husband 70 Fourlti dimension 71 Last letter 72 Cuba 'S -Castro 73 Basketball hoop ., 5 Shirt parts n Popular beverage 78 Is greater than 60 Preference 83 Examine closely 85 Fem saint 86 Tonto'S Scout 0 California law re quites that contrac- ton talunJ iobs that total $500 °' ITIOfe (labor Of materials) be llamsed by the Contractors State license Board. State Ir# ~ requires that t:ontractors include their license number on all advertisioa. You c.n checll the status of your l icensed contrac tor at www.cslt>.cll.JOV or 800·321-CSLB. Unli- censed contractors taklna 1ob1 that total less than $500 must state In their edvertlsaments that 4.f\•Y •r• not licensed by the Contrectors State License Bo•rd." . . ender 121 Jokea with 106 Bad·ternperecl 108 Sph1nJ( locale 122 Thlci< soups 123 191 7 abdlcator 125 Elastic 1 9 Surprise win 20 Topic 31 Chits 33 Ottawa 'S PfOY. 110 Adjust the wheels 111 Villages 113 Thing 1n law 116 Actor"S prompt 118 Modem art torm 120 Radiologist 'S rob 127 Golfer -Norman 128 like horrOf tltcks 131 John -Passos 133 Hawk 'S grtppef' 134 Caesar'S 52 35 Cyberspace junk maJI 38 l.Jman<:k wnl8f -Nash 40 Garage gadgets 41 Writef -N111 (hyph.) 121 rie<1 122 StraiHacea one 124 Distvrt>s 135 A lrttte bit 139 Hurry along 140 Jeer at 14251111 43 North Dakota city 45 Rorem or Beatty 46 ·Key Largo" actress 4 7 Scuba sport 126 Notre Dame sigt'rl 127 Laugh 128 Phantom 143 Like a foal 145"Cmon. - -pall" 146 Dragon of puppetry 148 -Arabia 49 Sinbad '8 bird 50 Browse 51 Raw rubber 52 Montezuma 'S empire 53 Ready to pick 129 OPEC vessel 130 Pass along 132 Animal wtth a shell 134 Sovitil lounder t 50 Beach sandal 152 Regions 55 Venture 136 Does as told 137 Signified 154 Chars 155Magnate 57 Hiii or Loos 138 Faotlilales 140Audrtion 156 AOL message (hyph ) 157 Puck6tet ~ Gretzky t 58 Secret rendezvous 159Hurted 58 Humped animal 59 Lalier Shaquflte - 61 Takes llOWS 63 Pleasant 66 Sur..+.oe a stam (2 v.ds.) 67 Was behind 68Sklpped I 41 Ballet costume t 43 Amount bonowed 144 Open wide 147 CPA employet 160 Metaphysical poet 161 Cozy dwellings t 49 Manno or Rather 15 t RN employe< A -Z HANDYMAN Install, reface cabinets. ~~ ~ Oout n 4-546-7Zi8 c.,.l ... lr,talts (t(AaPll1)Ca.Pllv Repaen. P1tchlna. Install Courteous. any size Jobs. Wholeule! 949-492-0205 Cleanlnt s,....-y ct-Quality House cleanina, Afford· able rales. 20-+Yrs Eap. Free Esbmiite n4-a)l .QJ67 .t •US#,,SS .,,AMS Upar •des., Repairs of CotnP,.11ter, Networks. E vemna&/Weekends Competitive prices for qu•lity servie. 949-H6-117S 7'4-926-4221 69 Horizon 153 Funny Charlotte - 12 13 t4 IS Compater Services COMPUTER HELP! • ..,.. • c.._ Mllltllt .. ,.. ....... •l'Cw• ·~ ·-l'lgoSllrq .... ·~Madlni •Olct~ • ~ \tllo, A'do, ""1lic • !OMS CcrrpAw """-'-uc e..w., o........ 10 y,.. eci.r..-EA!). 714-612-2786 Concnll & Masonry lrldt It.ck St-• Tiie Conaft,e: PatlO, Onveway Flreptc. BBQ. Refs. 2!>Yrs Exp. Terry 714-557 7594 TlleC-ewtM- Cementwork, Bnck, Tile & More Reliable. No 1ob too small. 714-615·9062 c.,. 11 lte•"' fttlooll tllost repair jobs lrOll"' lllt llOlllt 1 Ltt tit Cw1ifitd Strrict Dirtctory lttlp JOll find rtll.bk ltt . Oeslllop Publlshlng TIM TOI GIN YOUlHOMI IMl"lOVIMENT l"lOJICT? Call a plumber, painter. handyman. or any of the great services hsted here on our s.erv1ce directory• THESE lOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAY! lkywall Servtces WITIHOln HYWAU All phases sm/lrg jobs. CWNI 20yrs, lair, free est l400m714-639-1447 EledrtcalServic:a s..11 Jet. lxpertl Duncan Electric 20Yrs Exp locaVQuick R~ Service/Remodels l'275870~7042 4-1<• ctrl< Licensed Electrical Contractor. Small 1obs startma et $7t.9S&~. Specialitme 1n Remodellnt & all home w11ina needs. Comm/lndusVRes l·M0-197-loot u 9 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGE/LA COUNTIES Professional. Honest, Fair and Reliable -~---- ROOM AC>DffiONS REMODEU CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bath Specialists CS CONSTRUCilON Lic#.577982 (949) 709-5'42 El~cal Services DUTCHMAN EUCTRIC UCENSEO/INSUR£0 COMPETITIVC RA Tf S l #759337 949 322 6250 LICENSED CONTRACTOR No Job too sm All s.e.-weo;• Repa11 , remodel. Ian~ spa. new SVC 949 645 3656 FloortnWTJle CUSTOM atlATM TU lostalabon, .slate ceramrt. madlle, stone &talt 1975 l 11612044 leff 714-612·9961 LdecY si-.. R~ed Rearoutm & Installation TILE DEAN 949·673·0065 714-~ 714-883 2031 •AMEJUCAll* ovmlEAll .. • ~ O<Jor1/0perlefJ • Replamenl/Repllf • SMISIStMOI • Local & Rellillle FllEE ESTIMATES (7f4) ..... 7M lrM S.rvlco, Yard Cleanup, M11lnten1nc1, Sprinkler Repair, H111tin11 '(949) tS0-1711 By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ' TFSr YOUR PLAY North-South vulnerable. SQOlh cleuls. i1wcMia~. Nonb's leap to four spades Cockd tho auctioo. NORTH • A'ltH Ill A854 I) 7 • A6 5 J WEST • 92 'KQl092 EAST • 87 .;;7 Dcclll!U we&-• openln3 It.ltd ln hand with the lt'lng and drew two rounds of tJUmps. A (*kin& place for ~ of declarer's k>scrs had 10 be found. and a 3-3 club break was the obvious JlOMibility. Dccllll'Cr contin· ucd by cashing the ace of clubs, aod the dcfClll or the contract was sealed. A J96S K 10832 • 10 • •QJ972 SOUTH Since East is marked with a single- ton '1eart. a fof more promisinJ line is LO use that information to engineer an cnclpluy. After winning the opening lead in dummy, declarer should draw two rounds oftn1rnps. as before.then oooccdc ·.i diumond. Best i~ for .Ea.>1t to rise with the king und, si~-e a dub continuation cannot succeed. suppose East ~hills to 11 heart. Dummy cap-ture~ WC!li1·~ nine with the :ice, comci. to hand with the oc-e of club!., and 11 diamond i\ trumped on ire 1ablc. Now declarer exit~ with a d'urd club. • KQJ63 I J 63 -Q4 • K84 The bidding: SOUTH WF.S'f NOl(fff EAST l~ I r lW INT 2• P11.'ilj 4• r-Pv.si. r- Opemng IQ(]· Ten of • S111d) the bidding ond earl)' def en~ of thi-; deal then dc<:1de: How would you play lour >pad<!s after the !cud of the ten 11f du_bs:/ With the opening bid aud response 111al.111g it likdy tha1 North had ,,ome value,, and length in >pade~. South clc~ICd 10 make un :&Sl!-~Sivc over· •:111 in the maMer ~ui1. Thl11 efft:\:tiVc· ly pre~~nteJ West fmm introducing diM11ond\ at the 1wo-lcvcl. aml a po~­ 'ible diamond l>l!Crifil'c wa.' never Oown to nothing but minor-suit card~ an<l unahle 10 lt!IK.I a diamond Mncc that presents declarer with a heart dibCard from hand while rutting 1n dummy. Ea.•t can only win anJ lead a fuunh round of clubs, on ~ hich dcdW"Cr discards a hear1 from hand. Nu nwttcr which minor sui1 F.J,t play' ne xt, da:laror di11C11rd~ 1he rcmaming heart trom hand while rufting in dummy. Declarer 1Mkr' 10 tnd,, ltl\tn!? uni)' ur~ diamo11J an<l 1wodub... · Audi •o I TI Quattro Road<;tt.< loaded 191e new. lk m1. drk Rt een lop/body IMW '98 Z3 Conv 2.8 • 6 cyl rt:d tan lthr. 5.\pd, beaut hke new cond #815721 $1 7,995 II 11~11e1ne & W8rranly avail Bkr 949-586 1888 -w.o<pobl.<- lul<k '95 It .... Gr-4 Spor I 2dr coupe. 3 8 V6 59k m1, metallic blue erey ml. lully loaded, orte owner. superb hke new cond v/5297 I $5995 8kr 949·!>86 I 888 www.0<pal.c- CodlUa< 'O 1 Sevllle SlS Sliver / grey lthr CO t:hrm whl•. J!Old pkg, lull fart. like new $18,9% vl596/4 I l1nan~1ng avo1I Bkr 949 586 1888 -W.O<pobl.<Ofl'I Cadlllac 'O 1 Seville SlS s1lvei/grey lth1 CO. chrm whl'. ll'lld pkg full fact, like ""w $18.995 v#'>96/4 I ftnanttng avail Bkr 949 !>86 1888 -w.ocpobl.com $32.000 160 1% /601 Dodge ·-'99 Dakota BMW '8 2 633 ul · 7 d•. ~rey'l"rl. '> spt sunronl full pw1 $1500 /14 878 945'> P1cktrp. cklbr;db, wt.le. 116. Ye y OU $IHfi #2411419 wcwarto rom 949-641> lfVI ~ '03 S-Type 4.2 VI, 15k mo, white . oat mu I IUv , CO. chrome wlleds, 6 speed auto. Save I SK. $38.9915 v•rr'55955 949 586 1888 Bkr www.o<pal.<o"' J..,. '97 Gnind a-.. - V8. h4. ltlv. co. mnrl. -y n1<:e, •777'110 $'9995 wcwauto com 949-646-7"ifl7 ....... Gn.wl °*"*-~. 2wd. ro. S44lef clean, ve1y noce. $5995 #215458 wcwauto ~'Om 9it9 646 78Z2 lea us '94 LS400 Champaene gold/tan llh• co . 11old pke ~u p~rb . ""K corrd $10.19!. v#267'>17 f, nanung avail Bkr 9119 586 1888 WWW ocpabf tom Mazda '99 Mlato Conv 45k m1 auto. srlv~r. tan top pw pl. A;C CO ~uperb like new rnnd v•I 19/43 SIO 99'> t1nanc1ng & wa11 •nt ~ dVatl Bkr 9-49 586 1888 -.ocpobl:<oM Mercedn 1en1 '98 C2l0 L tr ht mnlf. tnlflld< ,.....,.,. nice ~617317 SI0,995 wcwauto <.om 9¥.Hi46 '1877 beallt, •• opt. -.... -lll9jor WC. -~--­.......... 020-./ b!k beaut, •" ot>•• n,one me«. new 11\1.JO' 1vc. 112,500 114-761·246' NIH• •ts 1'.tM!iMw, 4a4, lmmmc, white, V6, very nice fliOl 1299 15495 WCWll.lto.com ~78Z2 OIJ 'I "N....._..S Blue, auto, CO, clun, •025771 $19 95 wcwavto.com !M&-646-782'.Z l"HIWMAUTO 01,.,..., ..... ,. only 18K ml, HRE Pl!I'· tormance wheels. ( 19394) INQUIREI 02Acww nJ.2 moooroot, loaded! (19455) $.24,980 .. ....,u.c-3211 mites, thr ome whffls, beautiful (194961) $37.980 , ....... S600 c..,.. Charcoal w/Btack leaUier prem111m wheels. moonroof (19512C) $29,980 97 '-•on LS "°"~ Sliver w/Grey leather, moonroot. a beauty (194531) $22.980 00 l'ond. .... ,., s Silver w/Black, 32k miles, sharp ( 19490C) S39.980 01 ~MC>wfr'O Black w/r.ilvet leat'*. moonroot ( 194262) $27. 9(1) 99 fwrw1 3SS Sliver w/blllek lthr 14'\ miles. lll<gel>US ( 11423S) INQUIRE ,, u..c...h ,.,.,.,,.,._ Grey w/black leil!M. Pf emium wheels r 19419) S23.980 949-574-7771 P~AUTO ,......_o.~- Toyota '96 Avalon, .tutu. llhr. mnrf, beau t1lul. $6995 0 222178 wcWllUto mm 'M9 646 78Z2 T..... l..t " fie o&../9411: &. by ltwl Woe lor We """" tar 'iUd> a!> t.el. Mum. Lein" g})~71.D Vota.awogen '00 1 .. 11e ~811 m• ~parkllng black/ oatmeal, auto moonrl CO pw. pl. alloy whl>. hke new. vtn1470055 SI 1.499 ltr1 & W•tranty avail Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.eqt-1.c- 8MW '97 3281 Conv. auto. l!>k mt metallic drk blue. g1 ey llhr labulou\ cond lhrough uut vl59261 $16,995 Im & w•rr avail Bkt 949 '>86 Jll88 www ocp~bt cnm Dodge '99 Intrepid R~d V6, CD. sup .. , clean, very nice •!>35175 WCWllUln lOfTI 949-64(.. "l82'J f ord '65 MuAlan9 M~ 1..n '93 190( VW '98 l"ouot GlS V6 ? J ROI geous cat. llhr Vtttt. autu. mrrrf. 6.'lo.. ~ 921< mnrl S!>995 •S48%4 clean. 'l:illfJi $10. 995 wcw ... ito eoot 949--646 7822 wcw<'Ulo com 9494i46-7822 BMW '90 32SI hke new Blk/lan 4 dt . hutn I ()ljk mt ac ~unrl. lull pwr tmt c~ smog s.ti>OO 114·651 ·4661 Cort vert1ble. 011e•nal owner ~ohd "" S 19.m obo 949 719 294J Ford '98 Wlndstw red, /p;y,,\ I ·Dr owned, all reutp~. S6'R> #67933/ wcwauln c:xm 949(,46. fl!lZ BMW • 8 9 7 3 SIL Isuzu '9 S Trooper ltd. Leather. sumoof. ve1y 4A4. 1mmac throuchout dean. $4995 •86S459 very mce. #932989 $7895 wcwauto c.om 949 6'I& 7822 wcwautu.com 949-646 7822 Garden I~ landscaping RNt HOll11K1411UUt S8MQ'S EVERYTHING & ANYTHING IN A GARD(N. THI OlfflllNCI IETWUN llAUTtFUl &IXQU15"L 949-515-8424 Glm,ttlnors Wlttdtft • Giia OWi Mlmlrt4 ...... °"" All W. • S11ewtr 6 TW Giia EMltllret ftllitll" Glm •.....,Illa Sales·Servlce-Aepalrs & Installations 949-642..()424 www htvborbayglass.com Handyma!V Home Repair R£5TOR£ • Rf PAIR & Rl MOO£ LINC. Handyman/ Home Repair Gf.NEW. IEPAll 61WNI'ENANCE • Rtsa:n!W • O:xnmero.11 No Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 FIX UI" Sf'ICIAUST. All types of r epi111 s nee. tocat, plumbln&. doors, water heaW\. ties & more 74hr/7days 714·366-1881 &~ Cai penl!y o Plumbina Drywall • Stucco Pa1ntrna. nte & more 20+ Yurs E~penenee! ... 714-9'9-S716 !.IJl614.l.Rl lOllNSON COMl"ANY Kitchens, Wall, Batl'room5 Maril 949·650·9525 THI HANDYMA.N All work gu1r en teed ~ E*.1Tical, Doon., r!Mh carp till:. 5;M81li Hiiiing JUNIC TO THI DUMl"ll\ 714·968-1882 AVAILABLE TODAY! 949&73~ Mer<edn '96 C280 beaut 1ful black/tr eam lully to3ded. ~howroom. in1o<A.. SI02SO 7 t4 751 2'164 Mercedes '00 C2 S Kompreuor Sedan l lk m1. lull fact warr. black. oatmeal llhr, sunrool , beautiful hke r•~w cond. v87'>?92 S2lk llnan<lni avail Btu . 949· !>86· I 888 w_.oc,.....I.<- .,. ,', . ' ~ ~~ ,, ) • ~ \ • 4 •, • ~ '. l ~ Open 7 Deys Low Rates Stonige Special• Since 1981 949-645-4545 HST MOVERS SSS/Mr. Setvina Alf Cities Insured Tl6J84.4 800·246·2378 323-630·9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Public Ut1ht1es Commission requires that 111 used household aoods mover5 p11nt their PUC Cal T number, limos and chauffeun prrnt their T.C.P. number 1n all adver· hsements. If you have any questions about t he leaality of • mover. limo or chauffeUf, call . l"UIU< UTIUTllS ,COMMISSMHt IOO 177..al67 AUTOM08l.ES, MISCB..1.ANEOUS 9045 ,_., ~ ~ ()ver 40 ye.Y~ eap! ,.., ~ a VfYY '-pr-..e for yix, ai Van or Ind paod tor or not c.11 Do. Rey @ Tomato Auto Sales.. 7 ~- 437 l')Jl OI 714-33228 ' l aoMslOnot MBrJBengf'J't SEWER JETlll'fG ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAJ< OETECTIOl'f F11endl}' Service 949 -67S-9 )04 -.~.oom V 752A91 lnsunt<I C1-alc ~New & Remodellna. Gas line. Copper Rt1)ipe, ""1 ,__ Ll516783 949,67S-5035 "°""' & 11.ASC>Ulll PLUMBCR lW506586 Free Est! Sm rC!pllin.. OCTFCU Oise. 714--2.1>9150 l"MCISI "WMl"'8 R1p11rs & Remodelina FREE ESTIMATE U687398 714·969-1090 Poallll*8 - .. ....... Riii -MfT MOTOI NOal FOR RENT. LME NEW C CLASS/SLIDE ·OUT 949-515-2305 BOATS ,.,...... •15 ..... -... ....... '92 17ft, Anni11erury Edibon. 9CI., YltlMht ..y lew......, oriia owrwl. supenor cond, pr1119d. many oplJons, treilef. $12. *-19. 949-9» 1919 all .. left~ ..... boat I -· dodled 111 Bal>oa lsbod. r..st s.I $15.500/obo. 941).706-2063 '71 :rott Ovffy lledrk 1-t Classic .. (dison 'lO" w/v11n1shed teal\ trim. $6000/obo 949-675-8831 1990 MAIO 1tft Y"'111ha U> f'c>, art ,...... coastal boll $12.500 ~ I -M9-122-t376 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STOP.AGE U IAY ISLAllO COVI --. I Jh beam. unllmrted leflilh. quiet & safe. 949- 922 nn .,. ~7H~ Sip Up .. SOft, eood loc, cJo!.e to Lido Is. brlClae. 1nclds waler /elecVdock boJ ss.nno. !M!Mil!>-612! 40ft IOOlll5 FOi SAU. Mt--4 IJ.Jm CUSSJFJED It's thl solu· ti.on you 're searching/ or· whether you're seeking a homt, apart· mtnt,petor new occupation! J ... Sunday, July 6, 2003 15 I ~· . . I I l • • •• ****~*************************** ' I I !179. I ""~ • I., Til~ll!l< ~c;.,.,.'1 7.lOn:AfW961l.,..,.. -nl-l<Jlll.,.,.OI 11900-·•~ •• ,.. r:N>1-.11>n1~­oecut\' Oll!X*. rQ ~ 121( ..... ow-15(,,.._ !269. -.., "-°' Acl>°'1ll Od:J"))~~ff ex.ire-•-d liXilX -'• llll"""l •• .-':»f••rcpwrw1 •""'l!-•"0-•lll ,...ll'tw 'lc"*- , -. -- .• ~. "fl O, tl.W~ I • •-! .. ' . . - ..wroRI RACH_ ''·"'- NE'Wf'GRICOAST a-.- ..w'PORICOAST ''·'"'- • • --ie .............. NEWPORT BEACH 949 .644.1600 LIDO ISLE 949.723.8800 NEWPORT BEACH 949 .644. 9060 NEWPORT COAST 949.718.1700