HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-08 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot- -es .... oey .. b if • • -;o IS Jii. ~ 0 ) N) ~ -15 rk bj "!! 5.1 -·h 0 ,, i i , - • • . .. " . -.. . -. . - • ai Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 TUESDAY, JULY 8, 2003 This Fourth iS -less fierce in West ·Newport Numbers of arrests in West Newport are down, pleasing c ity officials, who cracked down with n ew codes and fines. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot WFSI NEWPORT -The tmdi uonal "war zone" auno<iphere on the Fourth of July was replaced by a a more mellow ambience tht'i ~ar. ~ts decreased f~m la.!.t year, and mo~c or those arrested were out of-cowners, police offici~ ..aid. ··rhe -general -consensus M:'Cme<l to he !that! a lot or the panygocr. were not quite a'> agi- tace<l or on edge a~ in previow; year..," Newpon Beach Police Sgt. Mark 1-wn on '>aid. "lhe overall moo<l tended tu he more .. ~ue<l than before." During the "safety enhance· ment 1..0ne," which lasted from 12:01 a m. Friday to 3 a m. Satur day hecween 32nd Slleet, Newpon Boulevard. Coast Highway and 54th St.reel, there were 103 ~~ Everton said. During the IMlllle pt·· riod la'>t year. there were 154 ar· rel.ts . In their elfon to cmtl down on crime and public drunkenn~. city officials created new rule5 and tripled some fines. They also con- ducted a comprehe~ive outreach campaign 10 educate residenL-.. II paid off, Mayor Steve Brom· berg ..aid. "NeedJes.<. to -.ay. we were sue· c~ful Wll.h KCtting the word out." Bromberg ..aid. "Apparently. it worked. Quue fnmldy, we clidn't k.nuw what to e.xpect. but it ~ml'tl hke a lot of people were havtng a R·ally good time." ·n1e breakdown of arre.1S shows that fi2 people were arrested on \ll\p1c1on or public intoxication. I wno11 -..ud. Of those, only nine were lex.al, ht· added. There were dl-.i1 tl11"C't' dnving-under-the-influ- enn• arrt..,I'> <tnd two prresu; on )lt\p11.wn of bakmg under the in- 011em·t'. anti none of those were local. 1-.wnon '"ud. Three were ar- n.-:-,tc'tJ (Jll 'll'>p1t'ion or possessing alcohol <1.' c1 minor. and none of tho..(. wt·n· lonal, either. Mort• 1h,1n 200 officers from 10 ~t'nrn.., p.11rollocl the area. allow· mg them to have four officers on ewry'>IM.'I AromlH·rg '><ltd he vtc.ired West SUMMER IS IN THE OAR .. . Newport with LL John Klein at about l<}.30 p.m. Friday because he heard that'i; when thin~ grew crazy last year.~ year WdS dif. ferent. he ~d. -11 was preny much a non- event." Bromberg 'Ml.ld. "Most people had left .... ·me only tlung we saw was this really hatry guy on roUer-blad~ wearing a thong." Bromberg said he dad not see any open contamer. dunng the 45 minutes he meanden..~ through the area He said he await'> a full police report of the Fourth of July arre>ts and to see how many people par· ticipated in tl1e We..t Newpon rev- elry. DEIRDRE NFNMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be read1ed at (9491 5744221 or by e-mail a1 de1rdre.newman a lat1mes com f IL [ P110 '0 [IAi; 1 Ptl I"' Police officers arrest a young man on Balboa Boulevard on susp1c1on of being drunk in public on the Fourth of July Huscroft House gets its own lot City Council agrees to let John Morehart s ubdi vide hi <> property to sell his toric fixer-uppe r inde pendently. Deirdre Ne wman Daily Pilot C O~IA Ml~ rhe llu'o(.roh llou'>t.' ' . >A-t\Jch ha\ endured more th.111 four war' of lunbo. wtU fmdlh hc!H' cl plJle tot.ill hOrlll' on Its own lot ' DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Amy Acevedo, left, tugs at the oars as with niece Bobbi Hoose, 7, as they row through the Grand Canal next to Balboa Island. Nieces Claire and Alanna Russell Joined the pair for a cruise on Hoose's first day learning how to row a boat. ·.Balboa Island F6rry scuttles early morning runs Summe r schedule is being scaled bac k from 24 hours a day because • pvernight runs cost • more than they bring in. June Casa1rande Da1lyf>1lot NEWPORT BEACH -The Balboa Island Ferry has shonened its summertime operalions from 24 hours to a 5:30 a.m. to 2 a m . sched- ule. ferry manager Lowell Swett said. , The new schedule began this morning and i'> expected to he thl' permanent '>ummertime operating schedule. The change wru. m ade bt'cau-.e operating the ferry overnight cost<; more money than it brifigs in, Swett said. ·Financially, it's just not feasible." he said . The ferry service operates rhrec vessels and. until recently, it em- ployed 16 captains. One captain left the company. making it even more difficult to run a cost-effective over- night operation . Swett could not gjve exact figures for how many people use the ferry from 2 to 5:30 a.m. dur- " mg the '>llmmer, but said 11 wasn't eno ugh to cover the costs of staffing during that time. m e company has had the change of hours posted near its lancling sites for about a week to warn users of the 'ichedule change. Wintertime hours of 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. }:riday and Sarurday and 6 am. to midnight Suflday through Thurs- day are expected to remain the same. The business is regulated by the state Public Utilities Commission , hut Swett said he did not believe Chat the schedule change will have to go through· the co~ion for ap- proval 'ot everyont> agre~ with the change , "It's super-convenient to have tha1 ferry open 24 hours tn the summer." said Brad Thompson, a Balboa Is· land resident and regular user of the ferry. ·rn the summertime, when there's summer south swells and you want to go surfing before 5:30, now you won't be able to.~ • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpon Beacti and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.caugrandel@latimes.com. On \1onday. the co11nnl appro,-ed John Morehan' reqm">I 10 'uhd1v1de tht propeny he own-. at 548 Bernard <.,1 -.<1 ht> tc1n -.ell the I lu~noft I lou'>t' mdependentl) n( Lh<.-other See HUSCROFT, Pa&e A4 CITY HALL Firefighters recall racial comments In lette r to mayor, Newpon Beach Firefighters A sn. wri tes Nichol · word co t him backing in 2002 e lection. June Casacrande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -CounCllman Dick Nichols made racially charged comments to repr~ntatives of the Newpon Beach Fire- Hghte~ Assn. during lase year's City Council campaign. contributing to the group·s ded- See COMMENTS, P ... M THE VERDICT Actor and avid sailor Justice must have been blind t ,•. Daily Pilot . J ustice usually is portrayed as a lady in nowtng robes, blindfolded and holding a set of scales. When I was in law • .mool, I understood the acaJea. A lady wu a Utde harder to understand. since we had bnly one woman ln law school. Beach Justice C.Ourt. Fullerton was 5UITOUllded by the orange groves of the blg familles, and the penalties for stealing oranges were horrendous ln the coun of PullertonJusticeofthePeace Halsey I. Spence. The blindfold. however, completely eteaped me -untIJ I started practldng law in Ora.nae County ln tha.1930I. • 1be c:owuy then wu 1 checkert>oard ~Judldal ROBERT GARDNER Then there was the Anaheim Tuwnahip/Orange Tuwnship mess. The boundary between the two WU Manchester BouleYud. Uncle Charley Kuchel WU~ ot the~ in Anl,helm. HJa ttandW dilpoek1on for drMna 10WNhlpl and city c:ouru. and eadl admlnJltmid hi own bnnd ot law west o( ihc Pecol. For example. Seal Beach WU • • , . , alwlys wide open. and the diltriCt attomey ~won a pmbllnc cue In the Sal under the lnftueooe WU an~ $50 ftne when the going rate tn the county wu WO. ... WIDCT ...... M AT A GLANCE 0Nll£WEB: www.~com WEATHER Unlite OYW the weekend, the .~wilbeju.t about peff9c:t aoct-v. S.PlpA2. SPORTS ThiH9wpcwt .. ....... ,.... far ... ,. r'09d Wtofy cw.Sea...,.ieo In the WTT ..,,.opener. ... ...... Buddy Ebsen dies Aside from acting,· the fonner Newport Beach resident was known for winning the Transpac. Km O'Do•1ll OallyPleot N'BWPCm' IMO« -Ao« Buddy-.. ...... ... lllyOUb ...... 111111 .... ......... r1llller~ -let'' d Mondlly •••• I ......... nw1.· aa11111a 1a ~t.apb 8*r\. bet· .. A2 Tuesday, July 8, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Cbatting about those summer bites The Daily Pilot ca ught up with kids around Ra lphs g rocery s tore on 17th Street in Costa Mesa a nd asked, 'What is your favorite c;umme r food?' ·· 1111.1a jui.t dll'l''t' ... ETHAN FICHTNER, 9 Nl'wp1111 lk.u 11 "kt• l rt' ill II ( aurardl'lh < ]iCI( ol<lll' llai.or" JEFFREY FICHTNER, 11 '\t·\\ p11n Bt'<ll h "t .nlle<l ( ht'l'"l' .. WILLY REESE, 11 Nt•wpon Beach u( hlllt' ... l' food " STEVEN BIGELOW, 14 c .lendora/ Balh11.1 1'1·1111...,ula "\Vain 111 l'I o 11 " GRIFFIN GAFFNEY, 12 I .<1kc Chwego. Ore.INewpon Ueach -lnterr1iews and photos nm111iled by /)(>ifdre Newman . • •• • . . · ... SUMMER LEARNING .. SEAN Hill ER I DAii. Y Ptl OT Grayson Erskine, 5, examines a snail dunng a class science lesson at Costa Mesa Htgh School. Instituting -know ledge Deirdre Newman Daily Piiot • N ot having to go to school is usually the most exciting part of the sununer for kids. Science and math program give Newport -Mesa students a chance to delve into n ature elbow deep '>hell and feelmg the wx111n• of the ..nail\ body im.ide the '>hl'll "Tht.j1're lOOI.'' (,my...c:m !>aid. rhird-and fourth J,'Tddcr; study plant growth and dt'Wlopml'nt and eco~ystems. They get tu -.toe tht• life cycle of a plJnt dunng th!' thret'-week period. But at a summer school in Costa Mesa. the excitement of d~covery and sharing that discovery with others is palpable. IJ ke 10-year-old Miguel Nateras. who was so excited after dissecting a crayfish and examining its heart with a microscope that he piclced up the microscope and walked around the classroom with it. eager to share his enthusiasm with others. Or chree kindergarteners so engrossed in scrutini.7Jng the bodies of snails with their magnifying glasses that they savored the experience for a-; long as possible. These studenL'i are pan of the 2003 Summer Science/Math Institute, presented by the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. The institute emphasi7.ci. hands-on learning. "You get to experience and see different parts lof the crayfish I." said Daphne Rivera, 12. "All the things you can~ see with you.r eyes." The institute provides profes.sionaJ development for teachers so they can practice honing their skills on the life science units before teaching them during the regular school ye-M, said Marcy l:ncinas. institute coordinator. ·nuee hundred seventy-five 'itudent!>, in kindergarten through sixth-grade, participate in the three-week program. Kindergarten through SUMMER CAMPS COSTA· MESA Monday through Friday from June 23 through Aug. 22. The 8 a.m . to 5 p.m . session costs $90, and the 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. session costs $110. For mo re information, call (714) 754-5158. • A $5 fee will be added to each program for nonresidents. SUMMER CAMP COSTA MESA 2003 The camp, geared toward children ages 6 to 12, includes various recreational programs, sports, games, arts and crafts and excorsions. The camp is held at the Balearic Community Center. It runs MOBILE RECREATION Children age 5 and older can participate in a little mobile recreation this summer. When the trailer rolls into their neighborhood, they can join in on arts and crafts and other organized activities. Younger children are welcome when accompanied by an adult The service is second-grade 'itudent~ learn about the diver..ity of life by ob~crvmg aml caring for a variety of animals like \nail.,, butter1lics and millipede:.. rhey record their obl>Crvations every day and compare and cont.ra!>I tht' animal features. They also <;et up woodland terrnria and fre<.hwater aquaria. Teacher April Schnuetcnknop taught her kinderga.rtener. about the body pans of the snail before they examined the gastropod:.. l'hrc<.• of her Mudents sat on thl' gm"' 'l11uri-tday and observed for themsclve~ what they had ju~t learned. Graywn En.kine. 5. rhet·kcd out the '>nail he picked up from all different anglei., gently tapping 1i... free. For more information on time and locations, call (714) 754-5158. SUMMER TEEN CAMP The fifth-and !>ixth·J,rr.idc ~tude1w, mostly focus on human body systems of respiration. ci.rruJatiun and digestion, but also study ecology. Sixth-graders also learn about plate tectonics. On Thursday. they investigated visco'>1ty, th(' propcny of a nuid 10 re!>ISl nO\'J, and how ll relat~ 10 the IYJ>e" of magma in volcanoes. First, they compared the vbcosity of <>uhstance<. -;uch a ... honC'y. peanut huller and vegetabll' oil. l'hcn. uc,ing '>traw.., a string and tb'iUC paper. lhey worked on cn•a1i11g mol!.'Cule.., of silica. a mineral found in volt:an1t· rock!>. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB Students entering grades seven through nine in fall 2003 can participate in a six-week excursion-based camp. The daily excursions willlinclude trips to local a musement parlcs, malls, movies and museums. The camp begins July 7 and ends Aug. 15. The camp, which runs from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, costs $95 per week. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. Boys and girls ages 6 to 18 can head over .. " to Eastside Costa Mesa for the club's-'• summer program. The program runs Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aside from being able to -•":• participate in a variety of the activities at : .: the club, participants also have the option r: of going on two field trips a week. "• Participants need to be members of the organization, a $50 annual fee. The summer program is $75 per week and additional fees may apply for field trips. - For more information, call (949) 642-9372. -... I • ..... ...... • •I ... .-------------------------4, •.. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editori•I matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copynght owner SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST I • I I .. ' I t I I • I I • VOL. 97, NO. 189 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. HOW TO REACH US Cln:ulation Those weird formations high in the air return this morning. What are they again? Ctouds. Of course. \tnots. Waves will be 4 to 6 feet on a northwest swell of 6 to 8 feet Wind will drop little In the evening, badclng down to 20 to 30 knots from the northwest. . .. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Pubtrsher TONYDOOERO Editor JUDYOETIING Advertising Director LA.NA JOHNSON Promotions Director New9Editon Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson. Daniel Hunt, Paul Saitowltz, Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAFf O...,.Bhamh Crime and courts reporter, (949) 574-4226 dHpa.bh•rsth•l•tf,,,..,oom Junec..er..• Newport e..cfl reporter, (949) 574-4232 rune.cnagr•ndtl•l•dm..com ...... ~ Potltlca, buall'911 end environment reporter, (948) 764-<U30 paul.clintontllatlfnft.oom Lolt9 ....... Columnist, culturw report9f, (948) 574-4275 lollta.,,.,,,.,.llltlm-.com ~Newn• eo... Meal reponer. (!Mt) 57~1 ~MMl'lln•IMlmee..com c...IWlloft NMt .......,,., (SMI) 57~ corM.wflton•IMHrw.com AddrHI Our address is 330 W. Bay St .. Co11a Mesa. CA 92627. Office hours are Monday · Friday. 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. CoMCtlons It la the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of auti.t1nce. Please call (9491 764--4324. FY1 The Newport Beac:h/Costa Meta Daily Pilot (USPS-144-tl>Ol 19 publi9hed daily. In Newport Beach •nd Costa MeN, aubecrlpClonl •ra av1il1ble only by tttblailblng to The Timee Orange County (8001 252'9141. In ire• outside of Newport Beac:tl end Cotta M ... , IUblcripCloM to the 0.lly Piiot lr9 evtllatlte only by flrtt ct... melt for $30 pef month. (Pricet include all epc)iletble ... and locet tale ... ) POSTMASTER: Send eddral8 ~to The N9wpoft ~Meet Deity Piloe. P.O. Box 1MIO, eo.t.e Meet, CA 12921. ,- The Times Orange County (8001252-9141 AdveftiUng Clneffted (949) 642-6678 Di..,tey (949) 642-4321 EdhoMI ,._. (949) 642-5680 Sporta (949) 574-42.23 ,._.Fu (949) 64M170 Sporta Fu (949) 65().()170 E-meit: -d•ilypilottll•tlmft.com Melnomc. ......... <>Moe (949) 142~21 ........ Fu (949) 631·7126 Pubtl1Md by Tlmee Community New.. • divfek>n of ttMI Loi Angelel Time.. cr.l003 Tlmet CN. All rigMt rMenled. • But by late morning, they should have bum~ off as we head to a high near 80 or hotter in some spots. There might be some gusty winds In the early afternoon, too. Wednetday la shaping up much the same. tnfonndon: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST Ught Winds most of today on the Inner Wltera, W'1tti wfndt from the we11 It 10 to 15 knots In the afternoon. wtnd wev. witl be 1 to 3 feet on a west Mell of 4 to e feet. No lignffbnt ~throughout the •• It wiU be I dlfhwent ltOfY f8f1her out. wtth wk* from the not1h•llelt .. 25 to 35 ', I SURF Dropping swell today brings mainly wal11· and dlest-high waves with le11 power. The rett of the week also loob to be pretty small, with a southwest swell finally malting aome noise thlt weetlend. W.......-lty: www.•urfrlc»r.org TIDES T1me 5:171.m. 10:37 a.m. 5:34p.m. 12:51 a.m. Helflht 3.27 fMt higt) 1.60 .... low 6.80 .... hlgt\ 0.45 .... low WA~R TEMPERATURE 87~ . r: . ' '. . ' I ~ ' I I I Oaay Pilot Plan for run of 'Flower Drum Song' falls through. It will be replaced by Broadway inspiration for Oscar-winning movie. LQllta Harper Daily Pilot PERFORMING ARTS CENTER -;: A sweltering gust from the windy city wiJJ propel a summer of murder, violence, corruption and scandaJ at the Orange County Performing Art Center in Costa Mesa. "Oticago" wiU play at 600 Town Center Drive this summer, officials have an- nounced, as the resuJt of changes to the Center's Bank of America Broadway Series. Adjustments in lhe nationaJ tour scheduJe for "Flower .Drum Song, H which was sch eduled to run Sept. 29 to Oct. 5, required the Center to withdraw the pro· duction from the Broadway Se- ries, officials said. Center presi- dent Je rry Mandel said the search for a "blockbuster· re- placement began immedia tely and "Chicago" fiJJed the hole, despite some opposition from some decision-makers. "l am really excited about it,· Mandel said. Not everybody felt the same way, but it's going to be great.• ~ · The originaJ "Oticago· was produced in 1975. The 1.996 re - vival won six Tony Awards, in - cluding Best MusicaJ Revival, and a Grammy for its sound- track. · Its sultry, scandalous story also caught the attention of movie makers. The big screen version dominated the Acad- emy Awards this year The opening number de - scribes the show as '"a story of murder, greed. corruption, vio- lence, exploitation, aduJtery and Lreachery -alJ the things we hold dear t.o our hearts.• The production tells the story of two murderers. Roxy Hart (played by Bianca Marroquin) and Velma Kelly (Brenda Braxton). who tum their scandal into celebrity. "Oticago" is said to be a criti- cism of the American justice system. The cast is direclly from Broadway. officials said, and the tour features the same sets, cos- ~umes, lighting. direction and cho reography from its award- winning run on Broadway in 1996. Mandel said the "newfound enthusiasm" fur Oticago. in- spired by the motion picture. will draw a crowd to the bve stage show. "The timin~ is great." Mandel !">aid. "People will be coming who have never been to the Center. and then, they wiJJ come back for other perform- ances." The national tour, which be- gan in Syracuse. N.Y. on June 6, will work its way to Wasnington, 0.C.. Otarlorte, N.C... St. PauJ, Minn .. Pittsburgh and San fran- cisco before coming to Cosla Mesa. Then it will be off to the Windy City an~ seven other venues before returning 10 Cali- fornia for its Los Angeles show in January. Because of the difference in run dates berween the "Flower Orum Song" and "Olicago. • Cente r officials i.aio they were prepared to offer refunds to sea· son tick.et holders who cannot mal\e it to the shows in August. Tickets go on sale July 20 and will cost from $28.75 to $65.75. For more information, caJJ (714J 556-ARTS or visi1 the Cen1 er Web site at www.ocpac.org. Costa Mesa gun company files for bankruptcy Bryco Arms. may cease operations. The move com es aft~jury held the manufacturer li able for an accidental shooting. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A local manufacturer of cheap pistols has declared bankruptcy and may cease operations after be- ing liable in an accidental shoot· ing almost a decade ago. Costa Mesa-based Bryco Arm5 and B.L Jennings, its Nevada clistributor. sought bankruptcy protection more than a monrh ago and are now mulling whether 10 puJI 1he plug on the company. said Ned Nashban. Bryco's bankruptcy lawyer. "Theoretically. they couJd put together a plan and reorgani7.e ... ~id Nashban, an attorney with Florida firrlJil. Quarles & Brady. "It's 100 early to teU ... As of Monday, the company was stiJJ producing a line of low- price handguns at its Costa Mesa factory near John Wayne Airport. Calls 10 Bryco's Janke Jennings. who now oversees day-to-day operations. were not returned. On May 14 . Nashban submit- ted I I interrelated Oiapter 11 fiJ - ings on behalf of Bryco, B.L Jen- nings and founder Bruce Jennings. who filed for per!:.ona l bar1kruptcy. in a Florida court. lne filing5 came less than a month after an Oakland jury held the company liable for the accidental 'ihooling of Brandon Maxfield , a now lo-year-old boy who was paraJyzed after a family friend a ccidl'nlally sho1 him in the jaw, in I 994. while he was trying to unload a .38-caliber Hryco handgun. The jury found Bryco I 0% liable and lhree gun distributors. including FU. Jennings and Bruce Jenning~ himself. 35% liable. The remaining faull was placed w11h the pawnshop where the gun wa.., bought. Wil - li1s Pawn: Maxfi eld's parents: and Larry Mort·ford. who pulled the trigger. On May 7. the jury awarded the teenager $50.9 million in compensatory damages. Richard Ruggieri, the San Ra- fael a ttorney who represented Maxfield, said Bryco's bank· ruptcy should be a warning c;hot to gun maker:. who produce faulty weapons. During the tnaJ. Ruggien found that the company aJJo· cated scant resource:. 10 le'>t th1: guns or ensure safe operation. "If anything forces them out of business, it's their arrogant failure to consult an engineer," Ruggieri said. "It's beyond im·· sponsible. It's parasitic." To date, Medi-Cal has covered $I million in medical care tor Maxfield, Ruggieri said. Some of the Bryco gum., which selJ for aboul $80, have .i reputation for jamming. l.oun Tests magazine, the Con· :.umer Reports 'of fiiearms prod- ucLs, generally gives the "Satur· day Night Specials, fl ru, they are known, low marb. The maga- zine found a "large number of malfunctions" with the Bryrn Arms J-22 in May 1996. The Hry- co Model 48 wa:. "just acct'pt able" in a November 199::' rating. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS J 00-gallon sewage spill closes part of harbor About I 00 gallons of sewage spilled into water near the Har- bor Tower Marina on Monday. ancJ Orange County health care officials closed the area 10 c;wirn· ming. The area will remain closed until it meet{ acceptable stand· arcis. A ciry of Newport Beach sew· age coUection vehicle discharge caused the spill. health care offi· ciaJs said in a late afternoon press release. Actual groundbreakjng begins on concert hall Back.hoes and other con· struction machines on Monday shredded the asphalt that lies over the site of the Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall at the Orange County Perform - ing Arts Center. Monday marked the firsl day of actuaJ construction -not to be confused with the ceremo - nial groundbrealcing in Febru- ary that featured choreo- graphed heavy machinery. Absent the direction of es· teemed rnacst ro Carl St. <Jai r and the fireworks, construcuon workers began work on the site Monday morning. Construction of the expan· sion project marked the 20th anniver!:.ary of the construction of 1he o riginal Center. which broke ground July 7, 1983. The hall should be ready Sepl. 29. 2006 -exactly 20 years afler the in itiaJ Center opened, offi - cials said. Perfonning Arts Ce nter has new July programs The Orange County Perform- ing Arts Center has five new programs 1his month. The American Ballet Theatre wiU perform Don Quixote from July 22 to 27 and feature a rep - ertory program Tuesday through Thursday. The pro- gram will include Sir Frederick Ashton's ·Dream," a one-act version of u A Midsummer Night's Dream;~ "Within You, Without You: A Tribute to George Harrison," wnich fea- tures eight of the late Bealle's songs; and Balanchine's Tchai- kovsky Pas de Oeux. Tickets are $20 to $80. HOtJtr SO Yurs of Fin.t Q1U1lity" Ali Types of Window Tr~nu • Valancea & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blind. • Verticab • Sbutten • Bccbpre.ad. c._,lirutuMy ~ ;,, y..,. Hnu ~ (), , < >I I 1-'~~ DESIGN CENTER FKtory at Showroom 1998 Hmbor Blvd., ea.ta Mesa ~~ (9'9)642-8400 :,=:-~ t ... Disney':. newest mus1caJ. "l:l- ton John and fim Rice's Aida." i!i being presented through July 13. The shows run at 8 p.rn. Wednes days through hidays: at 2 and 8 p.m. Sa1urdays and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $27.50 to $64.50. RomuJo Larrea fango Ensem· ble presents "Tangos for La Milonga." a tribute to the rhythms and dar1ce steps of tango's golden age. Running July 17 to 20. shows will be at 8 p.rn. Thursday through Satur- day and at 2 p.m. o n Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $49 for the evening shows and $46 for the afternoon shows. "Mamma Mia," a musical featuring more than 20 of ABB.A's greate5t hits woven into love stories. will run JuJy 29 tluough Aug. I 0. Show'> are a l 8 p.m. Tuesday 1hrough Friday, at 2 and 8 p.m. on Saturdays and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday'>. Tickets are $44 to $68. The Cen1er also offers free public tours through the Seger- mom HaJI facilities beginning at 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. The tour takes about an hour and I 5 minutes and re· quires reservations for groups of more than I 0 persons or for private tours. For information on any of these programs. call (714 J 556· ARTS. ~.,e44-~~~ -\ · r-R e s t a u r a n t CJ., • . r--...._.} -----Estabusnea 1n 1962 ::._'t::.J _.. __ _ !Uh#ri"f A Li-Trihi. To Frank Sinatra e__, M....., o-r--., 6-9p"' Steaks • Seafood • <:ocktails / ,,,.. N1·),.-, 11,11101u < 111/ (949) <•4<>-"79·t4 l h'I~ 11'-UH \,t' .. ( 0,(,1 :\h~J l ,,, .. < • ,, " .1 \(, ... '~· '' ,, ... "'' .. ''~· •• , .. ,, ' • '"' Smmtt dN o,,,,,,,.,.;ty for 30 ye'"' Ceksti11oi FartUJus LEMON GA.Rue FRUIT SALADS MARINATED ~ CHICKEN .99 ¢ca. $~1 221b. CJatiM~I 0VF.N ROASTED OUCKENS s522 Q . HM -To · Go liieSday, July 8, 2003 Al SPECIALIZING IN: Color, ·haircuts. high/Ile~ up-dos. & wed<ling~ f&\TURt:D Liv: . C\2ib.ll-.1.~Wili Salon G r egorie's 200 ~cwpon Center N\!wport Beach SPEC I AL SALE Lo.ng Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEA K • ROSEWOOD ..... ~.' \"T\J\ '\ t '\STER j'l.I ST..\l~~L\STER XTR.\ LIFE $1 999 By '.\1ohawk Jnstallt'd wi th del u"'<e pad sq. yd. Travertine 18" x 18" .................................. s4.29 04-11 CeTamic Tile_ ............................... in•t•llf'tl 1,..m s4. 99 .. fl. ~minate Wood .......................... , ... 1.11,4 ,,..., 54. 99 .. fl .'>uppl1n 11111/ Too/, fur th1t "/)(, It >our>1tlft-r~!" Ill pnc1tslproilu1 I• (.., u /1mil!!tl lim'" bused un uroiluhility. MESA ~ EARPET 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA ( 888) MESA-777 I -. I M Tuesday, liy 8, 2003 P BLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • FelNMw Road: An assault was reported in the 2700 bloc:k at i :25 p.m. Sunday. • Hatbor and MacArthur bout.wrds: A 50-year-old man was arrested on suspicion Qf begging fro m the median at 12:30 p.m. Sunday. • Ma11eit'" Way: A vehicle burglary wa:; reported.in the 2400 block at 7:26 p.m. Sunday. •Shalimar Drive: A s hooting was reported in the 700 block at 1:06 a.m. Sunday. • Stat9r Avenue: A 22-year-old male was arrested on suspicion of carjacking in the 10000 block at 5:15 p.m. S unday • West 18th Street: An auto EBSEN Continued from Al "I le wru. always the m o'>t pleasant gentleman." said llenry Schielein, president of the club. Bud.dy was an avid sailor and thrived in the outdoors. I le won a multitude of races here and abroad, including the prestigious 1968 HonoluJu Transpac y.tcht race in his 35-foot catamaran Polynesian Concept Before that, in the boat's first race. he placed second in the Newport to En e- nada. His showbiz career lasted 75 years. He starred in 31 films. 12 made-for-'IV movies and five fV shows. He performed with Eddje Cantor, Sid Silvers, sister Vil ma Ebsen, Judy Garland, Shirley Temple and Audrey l fepburn, but his true love was the sea. Ebsen summed up h.is life at end of his autobiography, "The Other Side of Oz:~ "Llfe'!. a brand new ball ga me every day! Re· member that of all the elements that comprise a human heing. the most important, the most e~­ sential, the one that will suslain, transcend. overcome, and van- quish all obstacles-is-Spirit!" Ebsen is survived by wife ALDEN'S -- theft was reported in the • 700 block at 10:05 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Amalfl: Vandalism was reported in the 2700 block at 10:46 a.m. Monday. • w... Coast Hisillwav: A misdemeanor hit-and-run was reported in the 700 block at 3:06 p.m. Monday. • Coast Highway and Superior Av8Que: Redcless driving was reported near the intersection at 2:31 p.m. Monday • Harding Street A vehicle burglary was reported in the 400 block at 3:35 p.m. Monday. •Mission Bay Drive: Illegal firewortcs were reported in the 100 block at 12:04 p.m. Monday Actor Buddy Ebsen wa s at one time a Balboa Bay Club member and a Balboa Peninsula resident. Dorothy; sister Vilma; children Alexandra, Susannah, Cathy, Ho nnie, KOO and Dustin; and six grandchildren. Donations in his memory can be !>Cnt 10 the Motion Picture and Television Fund, 222 12 Ven - turn Blvd .. Woodland I lilJs, CA 9 1364. • KRIS O'DONNELL is a Daily Pilot intern. He can be reached at Kris Odonnel/.!' la times.com. \ D . __ _/ DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 Al\ID MORE I No TAKE DOWl\I OR REMDVIN& NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas fabric Window CD\lerings Including: • luminette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette' window shadings • Vignette• window shadings • Duette 'honeycomb shades • M1llenia™ Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades •Applause' honeycomb shades • Serenette™ SoftFold™ shadings World's Best ON•SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ',,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,I 111 f)11,1l1t11 '""' .,,.,, ", • ..,,,,, ,. 111'1/ Tutmin lub. A Class Above G•·t" 11•.•ad s tart for th e sc h ool Y''·'' / •Algebra & Geometry Course Previews • Spanish I & II Course Previews • Writing Composition • Math Facts (Addition-Subtradion-Multipllation) • loo-phonics (for Pmchool & Kinderprten) CALL TODAY (949) 845-7900 .. E. 11th Sirwet. Costa llw cc:cn. Ill......_ Awnm) . HUSCROFT Continued from Al units on the propeny. The historic Craftsman-style house Is sitting on blocks next door to the Bark Parle. Late last year, Morehart came to the res- cue when h e expressed a desire to move the home to his J 2,000- square-foot property on the Westside. Morehart said he was de- lighted with the council's deci- sion to preserve a part of the city's history. "What is this community but its history," More hart said. "It's great to see (the council mem- bers] came together and recog- nized that they want to see the restoration of som e of the past .. Although the Planning Com- mission approved the move on June 9, Morehart appealed the decision three days later because the commission did not allow COMMENTS Continued from Al sion not to support Nichols' can- didacy, association President Rich Thomas wrote last week to Mayor Steve Bromberg in a letter calling for Nichols' resignatjon. "During Mr. Nichols' cam- paign for City Council, he made statemen ts to members of the Newpon Beach Firefighters Assn. that ref1ect the b road re- cord regarding h.is views on race. Those views are one of the fac- tors that went into our decision not to support tus candidacy," Thomas wrote. VERDICT Continued from Al On the other hand, CaJ Lester, justice of the peace in o'range. invariably gave six months in jail, even for a first offense. I don't know what he did to repeaters, since six months was the maximum at the time. I once asked him why he always gave six-month sentences. He fli pped open the vehicle code. Hit says right here in the code -six months." I pointed out that it really said, "Not to exceed six months.H "That's just surplusage," Cal replied. Which brings us to our own area and a similar problem. WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AA.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;by faxto(949)646-4170;or bye-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast College is on.ring new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length. and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, .Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. Sailing Fa.Ondc>n often c1a .... in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County ernployw9 can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sajling and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups-to wortc with the on-board instructor on different sailing tedlnlquea while they get advice on how to perform well In business. No sailing experience necessary. O~ay classes cost from $100 to $126. (949) 646-9412. BOAT RENTALS With MMtna W.IWSporta at the Belboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautkal experfenc:es from mild to wild. Tatce a self-guided tour of the hr( In your~ of power and Siii Wltft'Ct eft, jump the OONn aweltl in 1 See doo j9tboat. pot you tl)Oft•hhlng stit .. to the t.-t In a fuftv equipped Boston wheler, Of 80W eb<w9 It ell on• .,.,...., fttght elong the Newpof1 «Miit. Complmel ""¥ loe end ~ 1re lnduded--lll 9*tric bolt......... . ...__ ........ ...,.you on lhtt wMllr In m.-iv weyt: wtth ... end doUble Uyeb, elec:utc bon.1~ ....... pedll boltl end tunlboulll for offlhore _,or crulelng 1he i.v. a.lboa .,. Alntllt Mo hokM two-N>ut ICl'I ..... ~lboerd the 'I like the idea of saving the house, but I think [Morehart) should play by the rules and put it Kftln ShMnon Costa Mesa resident him to subdivide the propeny. Morebart said be believed pro- spective buyers wouJd be de- terred if the historic house were surrounded by rental properties. He also said subdividing the property is the only way to en- sure the historic glory of the house -which he will ~ reno- vating -will be appreciated. Tu sut>pivide his propeny. Morebart requested some excep- tions to requirements such as minimum lot area, parking and street frontage. The Planning Commission de- nied the subdivision because it deemed the move unnecessary. The historic home, which was built in Santa Ana, was moved to Costa Mesa in 1950. ln 1998, the He did not offer specific state- ments made by Nichols. Thomas submitted the letter to the council on behalf of the association as the council pre- pares to discuss Nichols' race- rela ted comments at their meet- ing tonight. Nichols is expected to attend tonight's meeting, in which colleagues will consider stripping Nichols of his commit- tee appointments and rebuke him for com ments about Mexi- cans. "My lmt priority will be to give him a chance to speak.· Bromberg said. "Nichols de- serves the opportunity to be heard, and I want to give him ev- ery opportunity to do that." Newport Beach and I lunlington Beach townships also shared a boundary. lf you got a traffic ticket in Huntington Beach Township, you were home free. Justice of the Peace Olris Pann was a kindly man Who simply couldn't bring himself to assess a heavy fine no matter what the offense was. We called him "Minimum Olris." Sometimes, if you told a sad enough story, old Chris wouJd reach into his own pocket and pay the fine on your promise to repay him when you got the money. Forget kind hearts and coronets if you were cited in Newpon Beach. Justice of the Peace Donald J. -for JaiJ - Dodge drove an ancient Dodge touring car that would go 40 mph Oat out. and he somehow electric bay boats, providing group activity fo r corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt packages include boats, trivia questions. maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations. call (949) 673-7200. EJec:tric: boat rentals are available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 64&-6812. city of Costa Mesa spent $54,000 to move the house from 2529 Santa Ana Ave. lo TeWtnkJe Part. Three years later, the council ap- proved its restoration for use as a cuJtural museum in Fairview Park. but later decided to sell the house and put it ou1 to bid. At the end of the formal bidding pr~. only two bids had been received, both of which fell tbrOugh. At the end of 2001. the city said it wouJd use the $200,000 designated from the Home Ranch development agreement to move the historic home to Fairview Parle, but expected the community to match the money. That ilid not happen, and by September 2002, the dilapidated All of the other six council- men, including Bromberg. have asked Nichols to step down for making several public com - ments about Mexicans. "I get a lot of e-mails from people who have the impression that this is about one untoward comment," Bromberg said. "A tot of people don't know that he has made a number of other comments in the past that are in the staff report we'll be looking at in our meeting." Documents prepll(ed by Ciry Atty. Bob Burnham for tonight's meeting list four instances in which Nichol-; is known to have masje comments about Mexi- cans. including his making alle- decided that should be the limit. Anyone caught going faster got the maximum penalty -50 bucks. Oearly. where you got the ticket meant a big difference in the outcome of your case. That would seem a simple situation since the boundary between the townships was generally along the Santa Ana Ri ver. but in those days, the river meandered quite a bit. Only the county surveyor knew with any p recision where the boundary was. Somehow, in the ca~ of those tickets handed out in the no man's land along the border, you seemed to land in the justice court that W-dS con-;istent with your attitude toward the cop. If the tick.et said, ·Attitude of Driver -good.· you usually ended up in I lunlington Beach Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Join Capt. Don Moset.y on the beautiful sailing yacht Dulcinea for a narra1ed Newport Harbor cruise of the fablllous waterfront homes and boats of the rich and famous, see the sea lion colony, and sail the spectacular cool-summer, warm-fall Southern California coastline to Laguna Beach or Dana Point. As a private birthday. anniversary or special event? Sail, swim, sno~e. kayak. s unbathe, watch dolphins, and dine 81 anchor for the .. time-of-your-life vacation at Catalina Island on this well-appointed, U.S. Coast Guard inspected vessel. ASA sailing instruction and certification. Business conference facility. , home was headed to demolidoo. lbat was when Motehart step- ped in and offered to move the house to his ro Some en op subdivision because they didn't CeeJ the Huscroft House ~~ with the Westside neighborhood it is moving into. • "I like the idea of saving ltw house, but I think fMorebartJ shouJd play by the rules and put it somewhere where it fiu, • Kevin Shannon saJd • Mayor Gary Monahan said ~ supported the subdivision ~­ cause the exceptions Mor.ehart requested don't significantly change the property. , "To make this propeny work, we need to do this for (More. hart)," Monahan said. "It doesn't change the footprint or move.it closer next door.• · • · • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa . Mesa and may be reached at (949) • 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@l11times.com. .. gations ' that Mexicans get into car accidents to get money out of white people. Nichols. who has not returned phone calls' or e -mails from t!Jt; Daily Pilot. told City Manager Homer Bludau that he plans to attend tonight's council mee'f• in~ • It will be the first time he has been on the dais since comin~ under fire for ma.Icing racia'lg charged comments about MeJi~ cans. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e-rnail at 1une.casagrsnde aJ/atimes.com. . in front of· Minimum Oiris. H lf it said, H Attitude of Driver -bi:fd or argumentative," you were on your way to Judge Dodge's court: and because it took a surveyor to find the boundary, you were ' stuck. Oh. there was a provision of the law under which you couJd _ get cited to the counry seat. bu{ Ju1>tice of the Peace Kenny Morrison wai. so tough that no knowledgeable person ever chose that aJternative. So then I knew why justice wore a blindfold. If she had seen how justice was administered iill Orange Counry in those days, sh e might have dropped the scales from shock. • ROBERT GARDNER 1s a Corona def Mar resident and a former fudge His column runs Tuesdays.·· Details at www.shellbadcdon.com Or contact Don at I shellbackdon@yahoo.com or call' (949) 632-3736. • Electric: Boat Tours often two-hour cruises of Newpor1 Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is .. available. Piak-up from restaurants with docks is also available. Chartered and catered • tours. (949) 291-1953 or ' • www.wattsonrheharbor.com. The Newport Lancing Belle .. I available for weddings and receptions, oodrtail and sightseeing cn.iises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours. plus $1 50 for ea~· additional hour. (949) 361-3640: ~ ' P9dal bom, et.ctric: boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. OBITUARY (fli "' Gondola toun are off9Nd by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $76 coat includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ioe, glasses. a blanket. muslC end a Polaroid picture. Wine Is also available. (949) 676-1212. Gondola Ad"9nturea/N9wport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne la $70. A two-hour tour wtth dinner ~nd cham~ne is $180. Pic*up is available at Wllterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. '""'-Coat Ch...-. In Udo Marina Village offert two-hour electric boat en.ii ... With a gourmet dinner. $180 for two per90ns. (949) 67M704. Oondole "°"'*-... deity tours of Newpon, Harbor during lunch end dinner. Cell (948) 87M730. The tour8 go out of Udo Menn• Vlllege, 3400 Vi• Rohen W. Allen andtwo~aL iii I .... Tuesday, JIJ./ 8, 2003 Al ·'. NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW . WHAT TO EXPECT ".'Here are some items to be ~Jdered tonight by the Newport b'each City Council. f,iO STUDY SESSION 1 ' 'The study session before today's 7 p:tn. regular meeting of the City Council has been canceled. Instead, th'e council meeting will convene at 7 p:tn. as the Newport Beach Public ~cWties Authority for its annuaJ meeting. After that meeting within a meeting la concluded, the council will J1rooeed with business on Its regular The authority, which first fonned to handle financing for building the Cannery Village par.king lot and expanded in 1992 to finance the central Ubrary, will convene to elect officers and receive a brief financial •WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Beach City Council •WHEN: 1 p.m. today •WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Full agendas and staff reports are available at the city's Web site at www.city.newport·beach.ca.us For information by phone, call (949) 644-3000. marine life resources faciJ11y with a lifeguard observation room on top Plans aJso call for expanding the gra.~.'> area along the length of the beachfront pavement. WHAT TO EXPECT Re!>idenl!> have StTOng rerlin~<, iibuut the best ways 10 improve tht: lwadi, ..,o it's po<;siblc that the di.-.cu'>\ton could get heated. tonight will vote on a plan to sweep streets in this neighborhood. The council will consider an Item to bring the area in line with the rest of the city for weekly street sweeping. The plan includes posting No Parking signs on most !>treets in the area to forbid parking from 8:30 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. t•very Thursday. .. AROUND TOWN •'Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Piiot, 330 w. Bay St., Cotta M"8, 'CA 92827; by e-mail to mike.•wenaon@Jatlme•.com; byfaxto(949)648-4170;orby calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date end location of the went, ae well 11 a contact phone number. A complete ll~ng is eivailable at www.dal/ypllotcom. TOOAY J'h• ctty of N9wpoft Beed1 will Present an official proclamation r9cogniiing the 50th anniversary oJ the-1953 National Jamboree at 7 ~.m. The ceremony will be at c0uncll chambers at Newport Be'ach City Hall. For more Information, call (714) 546-4990. ext.. 142. ·~your heett,• • fTM seminar, wtll be offered by Judith Todaro from 8:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother'• Martet, ~25 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. WEDNESDAY Jeit Set lntroduc:ttona lnvtt.e the public to an exclusive evening to meet some of Orange County's most ellgible tingles at its -Where the Elite Meet" mixer from 6 to 9 p.m. at Brio Restaurant in Corona del Mar. The cost is $75 per person. Wear c6dctail attire. For reservations, call (949) 233--6405 before July 2. •Aemlsh Garden Style Designs· is the subject of a floral design class to be taught at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona deC Mar at 9 a.m. All materials are included in the $45 registra1ion fee. Pre-registration is required. For more information, call (949) 673-2261. .. N.wport Netwoltc.lng. ev.nta are deaigned to provide networking opportunities for businesspeople in Newport 8'1ach. The improved Newport Networking events will take place Ofl the second Wednesday of each month, and will alternate between a breakfast and a lunch. July's event is a breakfast, and will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Daily Grill In Fashion Island. Tl)e cost is $17 with a reservation, $21 at the door. For reservations or more information, call (949) 729-4411. 5Peek Up N9wpoft will hold fta monthly general membership meeting at the Newport Beach ~ Tennis Club, 2601 Eastbluff Drive. Food and drink.a will be served starting at 6:30 p.m ., and the program will begin at 6 p.m. This '1,\0nth's topic is •Fourth of July - 11 the Party Overr Capt. Paul kenlaev of the Newport Beadl Police will give a recap of the Fourth of July Neighborhood Enhancement Zones Ordinance Implementation, For more Information, call (949) 729-4404. funnymM Jtlf Martin wtl put on e megic ahow et 3 p.m . et the Mariners Brend'! Ubrery. Chlldren entering ftret through 1bcth grades ere Invited to the lnterectlve progrem, which wtll be repeated et 10:30 a.m. July 10 et the Belboe 8111nch. For more lnfonnetlon, cell (949) 717-3818. THURIOAY ~-M9ftln wtl put on 1 magtc ahow et 10:30 e.m . et the Belbol Branch Ubrery. Children entering ftrtt ttirough 1bcth gl'ldM .... lnvtted to the lntertc:ttve program. For more lnfonnatlon, call (948) 717-3818. report. CORONA DEL MAR BEACH IMPROVEMENTS WHAT TO EXPECT A long-awahed hot topic wUJ likely get its time In the spotlight tonight ai; the council considers a plan to mak.e about $2 million in imprciwrncnh 111 Corona del Mar State Reach Plan' l all for n-vo 1,23 l -!>4uarc ·foot rl',1roo111 buildings and a 2.225-'>quJrl!-loot building to house conCt''>:.1011', STREET SWEEPING Because the matter is on the counnl\ consent calendar, it's likely to Pil'>'> Newport Oun .. R910rt'I "Mov ... on the Beach# series offers -The Wizard of Oz" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort Is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more Information, call (949) 729-DUNE. Patrlc:k Wiiiiama, founder and president of the Institute for Life Coach Training and a'n internationally acclaimed author, will be the keynote speaker at the International Coach Federation in the Wyndham Hotel in Costa Mesa. Williams will lead two sessions, Hlife Coaching - Making the Transition,# from 5 to 6 p.m. and HDancing on the Edge, Therapy versus Coaching, Know ing the Difference," from 6:30 to 8 p.m. For more information. call (949) 623-8247. SATURDAY Newport Dunes Resort's -Movies on the Beach·· series offers "The Emperor's New Groove" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parklng costs $8 per car. Cam pfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. MONDAY Ei.m.nta Music will offer a beginning course using a new piano~eyboard method from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Community Center at Mariners Park. Registration for the five-week course is $105. For more information, call 1949) 644-3151. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Forest Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central library. The program will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 16 at the Mariners Branch and at 10:30 a.m July 17 at the Balboa Branch. Heart Throb the C_lown will present the interactive program, part of -it's A Jungle Out There:· the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 15 ·organic lnNCt Control; a free seminar, will be offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. JULY 16 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Forest Fantasy" at 3 p.m. at the M ariners branch of the Newpcrt Beach Public Library. The program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 17 at the Balboa branch. Heart Throb the Clown will present the interactive program. part of "It's A Jungle Out There:· the Newport Beach Public library':; summer re8'ding series. For more information. call (949) 717·3816. ·vour Mortgage and Money,H a free program on the process of buying, selling or refinancing a home, will run from 1 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Center next to Mariners Branch Library Local author Randy Johnson will be guest author, launching UMeet the Aut hor;· a series featuring Orange County writers. For more information. call (949) 717·3816. JULY 17 Chrldren entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Forest Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newpcrt Beach Public Library. Heart Throb the Clown will present the interactive program, part of "Ifs A Jungle Out There; the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717 38 16 JULY 18 Newport Dunes Resort's -Movies on the Beach# series offers "Newsies" siarting at dusk on th•: Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort ls at 1131 Back Bay Drive For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 19 Newcomers to the digital universe are invited to "Tools and Tricks: Internet 101 :· a free Internet workshop, at 9 a m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library, For more information, call (949) 717-3816. lrrtermediat&-level Internet navigators are invited to register for "Web Walking 102,H a free A':.> part o f Its com.mitmcni "'h1·11 11 annexed portion<; of Santa Ana I lt·t~ht-. Internet work workshop at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The hands-on workshop is limited to 10 participants. Sign up at the ltbrary's reference desk or by calling !949) 717·3800, ext. 2. "Divorce: A New Beginning,-a workshop for men and women divorced or yentng divorced, is t · offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. a1 180 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach The cost 1s $40 For more information. call (949) 644 6435 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach" series offers "The Sword and the Stone" starting al dusk on the Newport sand Parking costs S8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort 1s at 1131 Back Bay Drive For more mforniat1on call (9491 729·DUNE. JULY 23 A free seminar and book signing, "A:;1an longevity Secrets," will be · off.,red hy author Ping Wu from o 30 HJ 8 p m at Mother's Market. 225 E 17rh St.. Costa Mesa To make reservations, call (800) 595·MOMS JULY 24 The Newport Beach Chamber of ComrnP.rce's Newport Sunset Networking Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pac1f1r Avalon Yacht Charters. 1404 Via Oporto No 103. Newport Beach ThP doclcside event from 5 to 7 p rn' ..v1tl include hors d o ... u. r<?S and a no·host bar. The m1.(er •s fr.ee for members Poten11<1I members pay $10. For more information call 19491 729 4400 JULY 25 Newport Dunes Resort's -Movies on the Beadi .. series offers .. Remember the Titans" starting at dus~ on the Newport sand . Park1ny tosts S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores The resort is at 1131 Bad< B;iy Drive For more 1nformat1on. ca ll (9491 729-DUNE. JULY 26 Newport Dunes Resort's -Movies on the Bcc1ch " series offers "Altce in Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking co~ts S8 per car Campfires will also be available for ~ mores The resort 1s at 1131 Baell Bay Drive For more informa11011 r all 19491 729-DUNE. JULY 27 The Commodores Club of the Newpon Beach C'hdn h .. r uf Commerce 1s proud'' t st the 68th annual Fligh1 · '' •1 .. L;;~ers at l p.m at the N"wl rt Hdrbor Yacht Club 770 I/', r ~., BJ / Ave Newport Br~<1ch Jom 1 ·~H enthusiasts uf al il\J• ,., tou sail to win prt1• 11~•· 1,. • • costume, br!c;• of• r. "11 r11.1a1. first paren1 ch 11t.·1rr , ,,,, flfst marrted coupl• r r ' tr• information • • --.~ • 673-7730 Whether You Buy or lease ... Yo \.l 'll Find Incred ible Values on \ our Favorite Lexus! -Compiled by June Casagr~ JULY 28 Mature drivers c:11n sharpen their driving skills in this eight·hour class held during two sessions. at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa July 28 and 29. The S 10 classes are limited to 30 siudents. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340 JULY 30 A free seminar, -Pet Nutrition Pawsibtlittes:· will be offered by Coco's Canme Cuisine from 6:30 to 7'30 p.m at Mother's Market, 225 E 17th St . Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call 1800) 595-MOMS ................... ml! ........... ~ ........... '!"' ....................... ~--------------------------~~~~~~~~~~--.,~ ....... -.-~-~~----~~~..,........,..,....~~- ... •• .. M Tuesday, Aly 8, 2003 Daily Plot HOWlO GET PUBUSHED -l.etblra: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • AMdels Hotline: Call (949) 642~ fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-nuill:Send t9 dallypllot@latim6S.com • AJI oorrespondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edrt all submlssl~ns fo r clarity and lengf!l. . . LETTER TO THE EDITOR The legal problem with N ichols' comment I have read with interest and dismay some of the comments both for and against Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols' statement. Finally. Katherine Wright's letter on Thursday (which seemed to attempt to make Nichols some kind of Otristian conservative white male martyr} and Reba Williams' letter, also Thursday, drove me 10 comment. I think those writers and a lot of oLher people have missed the point. J don't believe that the issue is freedom of speech. Nor is it, as Councilman Tod Ridgeway put it a couple of weeks ago. about "tolerance." And finally, I don't think the issue revolves around "indecent speech," as your columnist, Steve Smith put it. Let me explain. Nichols is free to exercise his free speech rights. wl:\ether or not his statements are perceived as racis t or ind~cent. If the people of Newport Beach want to elect or retain someone who is a racist or is perceived as one, they are free to do so .. Nor do 1 think the problem is Nichols' intolerance, either. While I am happy Ridgeway learned "tolerance" when he was a kid, Merriam Webster defines the word as "sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own" or •the act of allowing something." I don't think the fact of being of Mexican ' ancestry is a "belief or practice" needing our tolerance, nor do I think that they need 10 be "allowed" to use public property. Ridgeway m ay not have meant to use the word that way, but I can tell you that it.comes across as somewb.at condescending if you are one of the persons being •tolerated.· Perhaps in Nichols'· case, a bit of tolerance would be a good thing, but again, I don't think that is the real problem. Smith's comme nt is also a problem for me because his definition of "indecent speech" may, and probably is. different than mine. People have different m oral codes, different religions or none at all, and 1 always gel a little nervous when someone else decides what is o r is not acceptable speech. I don't believe, as White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said, that Americans should "watch what they say." I believe that the problem is )he context in which Nichols made the comments. Nichols on this and evidently al least one other occasion, speaking as a public official. seemed to be suggesting 1hat1lis decision as to spending public money on a public asset would be determined by which segment of the pubUc used the asset. In the 1950s and '60s, this country went through considerable upheaval to overturn the idea that public money could be used in a way that discriminated against one minority group or another. Whether he meant It or not. Nichols' statement would lead one to believe that if onJy conservative while male martyrs used the grassy area, that you would have been fine with the expenditure. Or, If the proposed new school only had white kids, that it would be OK. Or perhaps you meant 10 have a •white onJy" and a ·wencans only" areal Well, "teparate but equa.l'' died a Iona time ago, too. . 1be Supreme Court and the Conpess of this nation have '°Ill recognized lbat dJICrlm6oalloJl when public ~ii at ttake la ri'ot only ~It it WepJ and that It dllt ~problem wUh lllllboli'coaunent1,lt teern1to -. I hope that Nichol will~ bnit lhe good pace lO ~. ,,,.,, .. 1 Newport~ MAILBAG Corona del Mar residents John and Ohvra Poole celebrated their 60th wedding annrversary on Thursday. Memories of spinning the platters for Pooles' station A smile crossed my lips and warm memorie rushed from the far reaches of my mind as J read the ··endless love" story of the Pooles of Corona def Mar. I was privil~ed to be a small part of the FM radio team that John ru.sembled to introduce a new sound to the airwaves in Southern California II was 1959, and it was caJled KBIQ FM -not the KBIG FM that it ii. known as today. We took great pride in working for John Poole. He was and is a genuine class act. My panicular shift wac; on the air from noon to midnight on Saturdays and Sundays. That allowed me to Uve on the beach at Malibu from Monday through Friday. More importantly, I met my wife Jeanne while a ICBIQ disc jockey. and courted her bY using one of the perks of the day. fabulous record parties. ll was the best of times - food and drinks. and no payola. 1n those day-;, we were a stepchild of AM radio. We knew we were doing something great, yet few American cars were equipped with FM radjos. A few years later, after the advent of stereo. the industry turned upside down and the little orphan became the pri7,e. I have to give credj1 to Jack Wagner, Roger Wagner's brother, for setting ICBIQ 's light jazz tone with George Shearing. Dave Brubeck. Bill Evans, the Modem Jazz Quartet and so many others. However, it was John Poole who had the vision. Thanks John, for the memories. MERRITT JOHNSON Corona def Mar A di fferent us versus them to plag ue Costa Mesa Response to "Us versus them continues to hurt Costa Mesa.* Wednesday. Geoff West has demonstrated how even a weU-reasoned individual can be lured into the fog surrounding the issues on the Westside. This is caused by presentin/ "symptoms" of a condition rathe r than the condition itself, then ascribing questiona ble values to those who comment on these "symptomi..· The us verSUl> them could be characterized as: Us -those hoping to improve conditions fQr all of the residents of the Westside by fighting the continued "urbanization" process; and Them -those who for whatever reac;on wish to spread this "urbani7..ation" throughout Costa Mesa using the "Westside model." If West doubts this ·Urbanization," aJI he need do is check the agenda at previous council meetings: Mesa Verde parking problems. Kohl's department store. the Home Ranch sell out and 1901 Newport Blvd., just to name a few. Given the magnitude of the "issue." itself, the "symptoms" present a diffe rent perspective and relate less to any one individual than the total population. MIKE BERRY Costa Mesa Friendship lost in councilman's comment This feller is addressed to Dick Nichols. A man that I greatly respected died this year, Moe Hamill. He was my neighbor. I te fought in many wars, including World War II. the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He was involved in many civic organizations in Newport Beach. I think he exemplified the best of Newport Beach: friendship. Though he fought in these wars. he spent the majority of his life reconciling with the men he fought against. He fl ew in the Berlin Lift, risking h is life to feed the poor c hildren and families starving in Germany. When he made Newport Beach his home, he was instrumental in establishing the Sister City program wi th Okazaki. Japan. Men and women that we re bitter enemies were brought together In celebration of friendship. I think. the part I loved best abou t Moe "' was there was no us against them. he included everyone. There are admirable leaderc. in this community that supponeJ you, councilman. as a Greenlight candidate. I figure. in order for them to give their endorsement, you must have demonstrated leadership qualities. But it is my belief as a leader you have not developed enough. If a rose ii. a rose is a rose, than a bigot is a bigot is a bigot. I don't believe anything is ever that !iimple, there are shades of gray. Many have accused you of being a bigot for your comments about Mexicans using the gra!>s area. I am not wri1ing this letter to judge you. I am asking you to acknowledge that your comment~ were hurtful to many people. It appears by comments you have made to 1he press that you are proud of not caving into pressure to be ·politically correct" and being able to speak your mind. I ask you to step down at this time. If Moe was alive today, he might have been able to break down the barriers of prejudice you have for Mexicans or people that appear to you as Mexicans. He would have done It like he did everything in his life through friendship. He would have you eat with the families on the grass and hear their stories. You would learn that there is not much that separates you and these families. But at this time, you are not evolved enough in the area of tolerance and respect to be a leader in Newport Beach. I hope in the future you realize fully how offensive your comments are not only to the ·Mexicans." but to alJ people that see beyond the stereotypes to a person·s true character. You see, Newport Beach is not only a sister city to Okazaki. Japan, but also Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. How can we extend our hands in friendship to the Mexican citizens Ln Cabo San Lucas when we have a councilman that says de rogatory comments about Mexicans? CYNDE BORCOMAH Newport Beach COMMUNITY COMMENTARY FIU PHOTO I DAILY P!l.Ol Newport -Mesa not serving all students we ll In Hank Panian's article. "One path to a better education· <Daily Pilot special o;ection. June 27). he notes that the decision to "merge the three 'iChool districts" brought both "proponent!> and opponents out of the woodwork." Had I been living in Costa Mesa at the time. rm pretty sure I would have come out of the woodwork along with many otheri.. I say this largely because I am not in agreement with historian Panian that Newport-Mesa Unified is a .. huK,e benefit for our youth." Except fo r a S!'llall percentage of students, Newport-Mesas a largely segregated school system. This is especialty prominent in its secondary ~chool system. where one school has already met its requirem ents for state testing while another is far below on the API scoring. Completi on and graduation records further show sharp differe nces in all four high schools. It appean. that the local governing QOatd and the district administrati on are content to maintain the status quo year after year without any special innovation or creative effort to raise the levels of academic achievement at the poor performers along with the high performers. lt would be interesting to the residents of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District to know what its leadership is doing to improve academic learning in its secondary school system. Ifs possible that the use of an academic decathlon may serve as a stimulus and motivation 10 impact dramaticaJly on those sch ools where academic achievement is a lower priority. Since the sports or athletic team model is already part of the system, it goes without saying -as It's been proven county-and nationwide -that the academic decathlon can be easily replicated and introduced into the system as a positive force for learning. LEFTERIS LAVRAKAS Costa Mesa New system is not a security hazard By Alan Murphy around John Wayne Allport c-lntem et and the safety and secu.rtty. Th.It lnformatloo on the origin and flight guJde aeem a bit umafe, program does not allow for •reaJ tJm•" destination, the air carrier and the unsound"). I muat 1tttta that the flllftt Wormatlon to lbe public. The Olgbt number. · ~, • "' •, ' • . .. ·- . .. .... . .. • • • •• •• I ~ntly <:3me acrou the Oaily . Piiot article •JWA tracking Its planes (or res~nta• from the June 28 edJdon and hoped to clarify aome of the lnforu.tlon that may have been m.lainterpmed. tracking software lt completely aa1e software ls equJpped wlth two I want to thank you for thla and Its maln purpote it to akl the leCUtity-related dda)". The 6rtt lt a opportunity to explain better tblt td pubUc t11 undentandlng bow avlatJon, 10-minute delay of the actual radar leMce provided by John w.yne. lfyql In Wedneeday'• •Forum; a *1dent ttom Newport Beach echoed her fean .t>ouc ~ new technology for ttlCt1ng fltabtt tnvmtng ll1npKe Oft( and and spec111c:aDy lobn Wayne, alfecta · data for MCUrtty reaaooa. Al that time a would Uke (ufthtor tnfortMtlon about' tbeJr daily lfves. , penon wtD be able to pt an Idea of lbe tblt new tyttem o r to try ft lo(~. We put thll eof1ware through an urcnft type and the altitude. If the lust log onto WMl'Nloadt.com. menttw review proceta Prior to lndMdual ii fnteretted ln more · · tlnallz:inl it for public use to ...ure lnfonnadon, there la a ooe-bour delay • MM MUN11MY i9 m. eirpoe1 dlftcdon ~ aa:wacy of the lnformadon • iepiay func:don. wbkb . .,. prO¥kieJ for ~n W9yM AJtpoft. '•.---~===---1 ,. - .. ·Daily Pilot GEmNG INVOLVED • GETl1NO INYOlVED runs periodically In the Deily Pilot on a rotating basis. For lnfonnatlon on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are : needed to adopt a family, sponsor : an angel tree, hold' a canned food · or toy ddve. or make a special gift or donation directly to the , Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serving People in Need, also ' kn6w as SPIN, is looking for volunteers to help prepare sadc meals'for the homeleaa. assemble hygiene kits. distribute meals and pidc up food for preparation. SPIN provides mov•ln costs for housing, case management and support services to famiHes leaving shelters. SPIN wortcers also serve as family advisors or mentors and conducts wortcshops on budgeting and more. Visit SPIN at 2900 Bristol St .• Suite H-106, Costa Mesa. (714) 751·1101. SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The clinic, which provides emergency servicas to the needy in Orange County, is looking for volunteers to delive< and pidc up food from local restaurants and grocery stores. help with medical and dental staff, data entry, assist with food sorting and distribution, to help at the front desk and some other duties. The group also n~s translators. (949) 642-3451, e><t 257. SHERMAN LIBRARY I.GARDE.NS You cook! assist with the garden, wortc in the gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for children and adults at Corona del Mar's botanical garden and historical research library. Stefanie Kristiansen. (949) 673-2261. SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER The Small Business Assistance Center of Orange Coast College needs volunteers to advise small business owners in finance, accounting, law. mariceting, sales. human resources and other areas. (714) 432-5916. SOMEONE CARES SOUP KITCHEN Someone Cares Soup Kitchen needs food servers and volunteers for kitchen duties. The organization is at 720 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 548-8861. SOU1li COAST UTE.RACY COUNCL Volunteer MOB are needed to meet a reater demand for iteracy ngUsh as a second language classes. Students are • taught English reading, writing and speaking skills at their own level in small groups or one on one. There are centers all over Orange County. Onoe trained, tutors may dloose the center at which they want to teadl. Mary Fitzgerald. (949) ~· SOUTH COAST REPERTORY THEATER The South Coast Repertory Theater needs volunteers to help with ushering (see plays free) and other functions. (714) 708-5500. SPEAK UP NEWPORT A nonprofit organization that promotes the social welfare by educating the public and improving local government in NeWP,Ort Beach holds monthly meetings the second Wednesday of each mooth at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. A reception begins at 5:30 p.m., and meetings begin at 6 P·.Ql· Free. Annual membership dues are $20. Send chedc to ·speak Up Newport; P.O. Box 2594, Newport Beach. 92663. (949) 673-1191. smCHES FROM TME HEART Made up of a group of women from Southern California who love to knit and crochet. the nonprofit corporation is looking for volunteers to knit and crochet hats, booties and blankets for premature babies and babies in need. The items are donated to hospitals across the country. Patterns are available. and donated yam is apprec.iated. Kathy Silverton, (310) 472-6903. SUSAN G. KOMEN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION Volunteers are needed for a variety of positions to help the Foundation with the 12th annual Komen Orange County Race for the Cure. The race is Sept 28 at Fashion Island rn Newport Beach. More than 30,000 participants are expected, and 2,000 volunteers are needed. For more information. call (714) 957-9157 or visit www.odcomen.com. SWEET ADEUNES Of ORANGE COUNTY The singing group invites women who like to sing to join them Tuesday nights for four-part harmony, or Barbershop-style singing. (949) 495-5685. TELL-A-FRIEND Orange County cancer groups seek volunteers to encourage women to have mammograms_ Setting the Matter Straight \ Participants will take part in a one-on-one program of educa1ion and encouragement specifically related to mamm m ea breast cancer detection. The SuNn G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, (714) 957-9157. UNDERGROUND The Underground program, a function of Child's Pace. provides social activities and interaction for adolescents. Volunteers are needed in many areas. (949) 548-884S. VISIONS FOR PRISONS Visions for Prisons. a nonprofit program that teaches attitudinal healing and meditation in prison; needs typists to transcribe letters from inmates to troubled kids. Weekday hours. Mesa del Mar. (714) 556-8000. VOLUNTEER CENTE.R Of GREATER ORANGE COUNTY With more than 1,500 volunteer opportunities, the Volunteer Center will match people and groups wishing to volunteer with nonprofit agencies in their area. Volunteer Connection Ltne. (714) 953-5757. ext. 106. WELLNESS COMMUNITY Of ORANGE COUNTY The Wellness Community needs volunteers to help at the reception desk during the day. (714) 258-1210. WEST SIDE BOYS &GIRLSCLUB Volunteers are needed from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m Mondays and Thursdays to tutor students in first through sixth grades in reading. (949) 631-7724. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN The Costa Mesa-based organization provides support for needy women to become self-sufficient by gainrng employment Volunteers are needed rn the·organization's Professional Clothes Closet to assists clients and sort clothing. The organization is at 711 W. 17th St., Suite A-10, Costa Mesa. (949) 631-2333. WYLAND FOUNDATION The Wyland Foundation, which encourages greater awareness of ocean conservation, is seeking volunteers for clerical and computer help and grant writirlg. (949) 497-6723. YMCA The YMCA's Building Life Options Mentor Program is looking for volunteers to mentor and tutor teens in Costa Mesa. For more information. call (71 4) 838-0181, ext. 110. 'I(> the Editors: . . . "tlh ,111 cditm1,tl tlu ~ Sund .. " l) ·1 p ·[ t d1'd ,·1s reader.., a cl"'"<.: f\ t<:l The . ai v 1 0 · .. (ju\~ 6~ ··bon'I Sv.ap Out 'I d Phil I '\I . Onncrc Crn111t\ F.m Bo.ml '" · · \ . f· ·t\1·dh \\roll~ H.: ' .., I · l r L'' t th e ed1tona Wc1S cl( .. . • I ~ \ irkl'l p ell c opu ,I (l • r·1rs. . , . d '"hclhl'r to replace cuncn , . . . uQ1 deciding this l hms J l . \from \mcm.-.111 P.1rk n S\\,tp. Tel Phil Enterprises. \\'ith .1 c0111lp<:ll1ne, )IC t to O\)Cll thl' '" o co111pL·l111~ . . l l . : \ g " 1ct H.'f or no The Board is s1mp ~ c cc 1c Ill \. ti . compditl\e lmlch11g pr<Kl'''· bids and begin c\·ah1,1tin~ them um u tc , . 1 t I docs the people nl ()r;rnge Cou11t\ And it is that spirit that the ec\1to.n.1 rn \ \ 't r. ·1 .. th e Dur fr Pilot's cchtm1.1\ . . .. , f . t . \ I broke c Oil Tl\. I • h a di s crvice. In wnhn~. . I ;Jll • f . . f· c·ts 'l he lmb \i,1\c iwt Cl'll I l ·ncc o ,\ll\ ti • · to its conclusion Ill tic ct 1'>l . comes f · I 1 • d d don't know 1 11 .., )rn .... c · opene , an we Tuesddy, AA'/ 8. 2003 A7 .., T·I Phil\ current profits from tl11~ C the Market Place he run better: Arc c ·, . ·c? Can a new opcrnlot an . ·11 the market or excess" . f d government contract in \me ,-.·1 .~ 1 the Fair's' Master Plan build out? Ca.n oo Provide more revenue to help wll l 1 t rs' and vendors' input into the " M· kct pace cus ome . d . . service be improved? Can ,n l b . f sh look? These questions an man) b b tt , cfl cctec y a re operations there c e err t't' c bidding of the contract . others can only be answered by compe I iv . , ·1 h ' But if vou don t know . fi . ,, ften a good ph1 o op )· . F . "lf it ain't broke, don t x it . is o k Th. 'Thursday, the Orange Coun~· air if it's broke, you have to take a loo . ~s the bids and find out if th~re is an~· Board is voting only on whether to ope ti. We're sure th e Daily Pilot and ib . M ket Place opera on. . chance to improve ar . ld be the right conrse of achon. readers would agree th.at ll~1s wou Sincerely, John Fembach President . Amcri~n Park 'n Swap jfembac@dncinc.com ' r ......................... ________ ..,. ______________ ~~-----~~~-------~~--~ QUOTE OF THE DAY EYE OPENER \ l: I "We played great defense... • Dcilly~POOt • and we hit the ball ... I thought Spana Hal at!WM our kids played great." '~~rnlhllkn Kim PMenon, CMN.l Major Al-Stars mana1er Al Tuesday, JIJy 8, 2003 Spotta Edftor Richard Dunn: (94915744223 • Sporte Fu: (949) 650-0170 .. LITILE LEAGUE BASEBALL -!t!'t.14hon0t .. TIMO'BRIEN Daily Pilot .Costa Mesa National shows promise. Seaview earns 4-1 win, but local major all-stars will try to rebound Wednesday in District 62 action. B•rry F.ulkn•r Daily Pilot COSTA MESA-As in no other bastion of baseball, Ut- tJI! League Is precise in its procedures. Wrought with pre- ca .. ~ona.ry rules to protect the players, as well as enough mind-numbing minutia to keep managers and coaches leafing through rule books deep into the summer, it Is this seemingty unceasing paper chase that some might view as an irritating interruption to the simple joys of the game. For all its o~n boorish bureaucracy, however, there is wisdom behind nearly every letter of the Little League law. Perhaps no better example is the double-elimination fonnat it has adopted for all-star competition, enabling forgiveness to follow any team's first postseason loss and emP,O'W'!ring the defeated with the promise of another day. The Costa Mesa National Uttle League All-Stars proved thoroughly deserving of this rec.lan¥ltion proclamation . Monday. Despite a 4-1 loss to Huntington Beach-based Seaview in the first round of the District 62 major division all-star tournament at TeWinkle Intermediate School, Costa Mesa displayed enough defense, pitching. rutting and baserun- ning ability to give potential victory a prominent place in its dugout "We batded," summed up Costa Mesa ,Manager Kim Pederson, who had plenty of reason to be proud of his squad, which will return to action Wednesday at 5 p.m. against the l~ to tonight's first-round clash between Robinwood and Ocean View. "We played great defense ... and we rut the ball. What more can I asJc7 I thought our kids played great" Outside of a three· run first-inning outburst. Costa Mesa also played lts opponen~ even Monday. Seaview, the designated home team. strung together four of its six ruts in the first, when it seized a 3-0 lead A bunt single opened the rally and a sacrifice bunt at- tempt followed. Costa Mesa got the out at first and ap- pearecl to relay the ball back to third ahead'°f a sliding runner trying to advance two bases on the play. But the call went against Costa Mesa and Olance Ross followed wlth an RBI double. After a ftyout. back-to-back singles. the latter by Ryan Miller producing two RBis, capped the rally, which ended on the same play, when Miller was thrown out at second by pitcher Nick Pederson. Pederson was the cutoff man on the play, fielding the throw in from right fielder Alex Grosek and relaying It to second baseman Frank DeNoew- er, who applied the tag. It was the first of two cwist.s by Costa Mesa outfielders. as center fielder Danny O'Neill collected an overthrow of second base and threw to third in time to retire a runner trying to pick up the extra base in the founh O'Neill al.so stabbed a line shot to center in the third, whfle left fielders Cody Green and Nick Oliver fielded Oy balls to add to Mesa's error1ess evening. Costa Mesa's infield wasn't left out of the defensive dis· play, with third baseman Taylor West fielding flawiessly to lead the way. Wesi had four assists. including a sparlcling stop of a grouhd-ball rocket to her backhand side in the fifth. as well as one putout DeNoewer also short-hopped a hard-hit grounder with his backhand near second to start a perfect third inning, while catcher Ryan Knapp, shortstop Troy McClanahan, Weston Barloon (who came in at second in the fourth in· ning), as well as Ryding at first, helped support Nick Pe· derson's quality pitching. The younger Pederspn surrendered only two hits the fi- nal four innings and did not walk a batter in his complete· game effort. Costa Mesa had just three hits -singles by Josh Ryding, McOanaghan and Oliver -but it put its leadoff man on In the second. fourth and fifth innings and had at least one base runner in aJl but the third. Grosek's groundout plated Knapp in the fifth for the only Mesa nm. "We couldn't get the timely rut and they did." Kim Pe- derson said ·Give them credit I thought both teams played a great game." Herbert in pursuit of Ironman redemption Newport Beach resident, 39, readies himself for 'Super Bowl of triathlons' with Pacific Coast race neXU:tp on the schedule July 20. lteveVlr1en OtllyPKot T here'I a que1tton that comes up r1ery '° often that Kevin Herbert would rather avoid. He doeln't lib to &nlWef the queadon, yet It ii llCtUaDy eerviJ1C u modvatlon for the ""1Nel•w-1po1-n Beech retldent 1be queldon: How did you do In the Jronman 1tWblon Wodd OwnplontbJp Jut year? "11:. time I em.bed In II not IOIDething J could f>Jll lbout. • Herbert aid. •1 flnllbed Jn 12:30. But I want to., bldt and Ndeem ID)'Mlf.,, / TRIATHLON Helbert. 39, and a ttiatbAete for the put two years, mdLnd humid c:ondhioDI and h9d to owrcome two .. drel ch.wtns lbt ~ pordon 1-yeu. However, be .. ~~ chance tbll time around "'*'be couvm In Che wodd ~In llell-«onl, fl9Wail Oct. 18. The e¥ent wW be In ttl DON LEACH I OM.Y Pl.OT Kevir1 Herbert wil warm up fOf lronman world chempi>nshlp It the upcominl Plctllc Coast Trilthlon. ... HIMDl ,,_AlO f < • Above, Costa Mesa National Little League major division an·star third baseman Taylor West, right, throws across to first for an out as pitcher Nick Pederson ducks out of the way. At left, Costa Mesa's Nick Oliver run s down a fly ball to left field to end the Seaview fourth inning. Seaview scored three in the first and held on for a 4-1 win in the first round of the District 62 Tournament Monday at TeWinkle Intermediate School. CMNLL returns to action Wedne sday in the doubl~limination format. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I O~LYPILOT WORLD TEAM lENNIS Breakers I ' top Caps ; CITRUS HEIGHTS, Calif. - The Newport Beach Breakers swept all three doublet matches lo defeat the S&aamento Capltale, 1g.1a, tn ~ ¥.bdd n.m 1'nnis MUOD opener 6f both teams Monday at SUnriM Mall. • Breabn 1otl1 P.qle and Unduy ~ enpon earned a S..3 victory OYer ~ Apul and Elena UkhOYtMYa In ~ doublet and Balle teamed with lonnli' c:apttal Brian MacPhle to ditin • H men'& doublet triumph <Mr AIUIA ant Marte Knowtes. I Maria Sbarapova and Bva~ won In w0men's doublet, 5~3, to ovm:ome am,tee loeeea by and MacPbie. Newport Be.ch Openl ha home IOO tonJ&ht at 7 IPiDlt s.awn... P6ldee nmm. Club IDd ~ expected to be In the llMup. Daily Pilot S P O RT S LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL Above, pitcher Mitch Sands of the Newport Beach Little League Am erican Major Division AJ~Stars throws to first to record an out in Saturday's 1-0 wm over Newport Beach National. Below, NBLL National AJ~Star Reed Zachman puts a tag on NBLL American's Nick Freen:ian (6) at Curtis Park in M1ss1on Vie10. NBLL American plays Laguna Hills tonight at 7:30 at Curtis Park . , Rotation =s1oes Tire and a ... k• P1110 lnapectlon lncludet: •Full Brake Inspection • Rotate llres • Reset tJte pressu11 • Vrtual cfleck ot chaslle & auspenslon • Record bnlkt readings. • Rold test fof perfom\lnce 7/13'03. Tuesday, July 8, 2003 A9 COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL J Pirates taking an early look Orange Coast's summer workouts are unde-rway as Bucs prepare for 2003 season opener. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot School is back 111 '>CS!.1on at Orange Coai.t College and not only in the cla<,sroom. Also. ou;., football team is underway wi1h mandatory sum- mer workouh, giVJng Coach Mike Taylor an.d '>lafl a chance to evaJuate player'>. e-.pecially the incoming frc'>hmcn. "The defenw '>houJd be really good." Taylor -,aid. "Ami we will be young on nfft·n-.e .. Among the lll<tny fre-.hmen expected tu bt· out at Coast\ practice field •~'" rnghts a wel'k from 6 to 8 p.m are ex·Edt'>on defender!> Hubba lkvnolds (1111e-backe~) and rnrne.rhack Andy Avila. along w11h Hilt•y Mahoney. a former linehac:ker from 'Jra- buco 11111.... am.I defen'iivc end Justin William'>. a M1~-.1on Vie10 graduate. On uffen'>e, hylor expect:. to ~ee former ~n CJemente qua'nerback Beau Budde. offen· sive tackle Blake !>orber (llun- tington Heachl and Roderick I Jayne'>, a running back from Germany. I layne" compeled in a Ger· man high '>Chool football league and raced to "many touch· downs." Taylor '>aid. Hayne'> will attempt to fill the void "-tei{ by departed--,opho· more tai\back.'> Nile'> M11t a..,ch and Steven Mahelona. Mitta'>ch will red!>h1rt at the Univeri.ny of < >regon while Mahelona earned a sch olar<;hi p to play at Div1s1on 11 -Tu..,culum in C.rceneville. renn. Sophomore quarterback Derek AspinwaJI return:. to Coast, while Kehka I liga. a for- mer quarterback and receiver at Oiapman University, should add to the offense, Taylor added. The team's Most VaJuable Player a year ago as a fre!>hman -defensive end Jes'>e Mahelona -ha-. already received scholar- ship offers from Division I schools such as UCLA. Colorado. Oregon and Wa!>hington. I le has added 15 pounds to what 1s now a 6-foot-2, 295-pound frame. A year ago. Mahelona led Coast wilh nine tackJe!> for a loss and matched linebacker Ryan Miller for the team lead in '><!Clu. with six.. *He is rated one of the best defensive lineman in Orange County for communny college football,· Taylor said. Coast scored five defensive touchdowns a year ago and, with a relatively inexperienced offense entering this season. Taylor said the Pirates might have to score even more often using their defense. Taylor doesn't expect lhe scheduJe to ·get any easier th1i. season, as lhe Pirates begin competing in the realigned American Division of lhe Mis- sion Conference. The confer- en ce's athletic directors unani- mously approved the realignment at their winter meetings. The conference now features an American and National divi- sion. Coast will play three games against National Division foes (Santa Ana, Fullerton and Saddlebaclc) while facing Ameri- can foes Long Beach. Cerritos, Mt. San Antonio, Golden West and Palomar. S '[ 1r ~1( .RANI' [JA,l f >-1 •• Orange Coast College quarterback Derek Aspinwall, shown here in action last fall. is among those working to prepare for next season . "We ha...1call y traded Pa.,Jdena for Long Reach, 1·.I Cam1110 for Cerrito'> and 01her'> ... Javlor ..aid. "l:veryone .., prell) good f..ach game will be tough.· The '>late\ Comm1.,.,1on on Athlellc'> approvet..I a pl<tyoff 'Y" tern th•'> '>pring 1ha1 feature'> e1gh1 bowl gamt·., hiur team'> each from 1he nonh and the <.oulh Y.ill 4ual1f) tor the po..,t \ea\un. ~ One team from 1h1· -.ou1h ant.I north v.111 fatt' one another 111 the \late champiomh1p gunu.' in Baker..,field in Dect'mber "iince more team., will 4ualify fur lhe po.,1-.ea..,on. that mean-; team-. that make the playoff'> may have lo play game\ rhank..-.- ){ivi ng weekend. Coast begin-. it'> '>t:a'>on !)ept. 6 al GlendaJe, a week earlier lhan a year ago. In Lhe pa5l, Coru.1 part1npa1ed in a c;crimmage. but will not have thal luxury 1111'. year. rhat di~ppo1nt'> faylor. but he con tends. "That,.., !he way it goe5 ... The Pirate.,· first day practiL - ing in pads will be Aug. l 8. TI1e Orange County AJl-Star football game JuJy 11 featur~ -;everal Coast pro-.pects. Ml lay- lor will have a hetter idea of who hb lineup:. will feature once that game has pac;sed. Several ex-Loa'>t players are getting ready for Lhe1r collegiate careers. while '>ome are making 11 111 lhe Arena footbaJI I .eague. Linebacker Dan o;,1einau is scheduJed to "tart for Central Michigan in its opener against Michigan State this fall. while guard Ed Fane and hjs team- mates from Lou1s1ana-Lafayette prepare to face I ou Holtz's South Carolina Gameco9cks. David Castleton and Jared Flint. aJong wilh Coach Sean Ponder. Coast's former offensive coordinator. are 8·5 for the Wichita Stealth of the AFL-2 league. Castleton. who played basket- ball at Cal State FuJJenon follow- ing a distinguished two-sport career at Coast, has five recep- tions for 90 yards in two games. Flint. a University of Hawaii product. has seen action in nine games at quarterback.. Flint holds Coast's career re- cord for completions (311 }. at, tempts (572) and passing yards (3,999). • I AlO lue$day1 July 8. 2000 SPORTS Win the Best Seat in the House ... on -1lyers • Enter the Dally Piiot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRAHO PRIZE Sit on the players' bench during ttie match and meet rising tennis star Maria Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday. July 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St. Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club. from 7-1 O p.m. This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabilia. 1" PLACE One Lucky Reader will win 2 spots in the Players Pro-Am Clinic on Friday, July 18 from 5-6:30 p.m. at Palisades Tennis Club, taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday, July 16 match from 7-10 p.m. GRAHO PRIZE and 1" PLACE W INNERS Will be anounced during half-time on July 16. FIVE LUCKY WINNERS will each receive 2 tickets to either the July 16 (vs. St. Louis Aces). July 20 (vs. Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs. Kansas City Explorers) matches All matches start al 7 p.m r ~ It's easy to enter. Fill out the entry form below and mall it to the Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received by Friday, July 11 at 5 p.m. Or bring 1t by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa during regular business hours. Monday -fnday, 8:30 a.m to 5 p.m. No purchase is necessary Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match Employees a/1d the" relatives 01 the Dally P1/01. Times Commumry News, Los Angeles Times and rflbune Company ire me//g10le Pictured below: Brian MacPhie •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ENTRY FORM DAILY PILOT-NEWPORT BEACH IRlAKHS ON COURT COHTIST NC111M:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Doytime Phone:---------------- e-lftOd:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- prmetllecl by ~ ADVANTA. A ur Daily.A Pilot LeoatNotices 2640 legal Notices 26'0 legal Notices ~~~~~~~~ FiditiM lwsMs .... s-.... Thi' loflow1n11 j)l!t 'uns a1 P dn1ng bu""'~~ a' l a'yl111k Cnmmunu.a hon\. 3170? V1d Colina' 1:010 De Cau CA 92679 Rtlay M~rkrllng. l l C fl M l 120? V1• Colinas l.ulCI Oe C,u.i CA 971;79 r hi~ bOSlllP\\ I~ t. 011 1luc;l ~d by l 1m1led l 1•b1hty (.u H've yo>u •.t.rtl'd d"'"ll buqn~s~ yPI' Nn RPl~v MMkf>tlng 11 C. Anthony P,tll,tnl~ II M6n•~er ltll' •tatPment wa\ l•l~d w11h lhe lounty (.;lell1 of Or•n(lt County "" 06109/03 20036947393 0.11ly P1lol luly 8 IS. 2? 79 ?OOJ 1074 NOTICE OF PETI- TION TO ADMINIS- TER ESTATE OF VIOLET McNAUGK- TON 1lul VIOLET MAY McNAUGHTON case No A:i.19944 l 0 al hen, benefl. oanes. creditor&, contin- gent creditors, and per. tone wt.a may ottieN<lee be Interested ln lhe will or ntatlt, or both. al VIOl£T McNAUGHTON aka VIOLET MAY McNAUGHTON A PETITION FOA PAOBA fE hal been fied by Tama Swanaon (lotmerly known as, and Identified In the Wiii as, T VN 8<atlUll"t) lr1' the Superior Coun of Cal!- 10n1'a, Courtly cl ()R.. ANGE THE PETITION FOO PAoeATE re-QUMta lh8t Tannl s..reon be appolr'lled .. perlOIW rapwenta.. llYe ID aonril'8t the --cl the dloeder(, THE' PETITION • t'9QUl&tl the deoldenl'a IDlt • and codcla. I l/'f'f, be "*7lMld IO ~-Copile cl "" lc)lf .. and ll'f'I coctc:tll .,. l¥lllbllt lor .... l'9llol\ In .... -by lhteourt. THE PETITION l'fqlltlll autholtly IO ................ "* ........... M!lliitlllillloti °' e-. NJ.m-=• ..... '9p- ....... IO ..... INlflY dtitrl :::,:r-*CI court .... .... ~ tMy.,.. ~ ..... hoW-............... ::c .......... to _.. f'Glb '° . ... jlllflOfll ..... .., ............. •••.. d to .. = r::J.n: IDn .... ..... ,...., .... ............. ............ ~ ' RctillM a.ws.s A-s...., fhr tollow1ne per .. ons tu~ c1orng hu'~ine•,, .t\ Q X(NC[ 18';11.i V<1llMl.t Drive Huntingt"n Bea1 h CA9Zb46 Qu•ng Xuan N1i:ovr11 ll'l~lfi ll«il•1t• Drive lt1111t1ngton Ut'-Hll. t.A 97646 'ht'\ bo~1nt"-' t• c.:on dut led by ~n 111d1V1d11AI rt4ve you Sl•rted do1n1i: IJU\1nr .. ~ yel' No 011an11 Xu~n NllUV"" lht'> '>lol~menl w•· hied with lhl! l:ounry I.lei~ ot Uranp~ t,nunly 011 0611110.l 20036947730 Oa1lv Pilot Jun,. 11 24 luly I 8. ?OOJ 105'> ·~ §tlPBIOI COUIT Of CALIOalA, coom Of OWIGl 341 n.. flty Driw, °"""' CA92161,~J.s... tk•C ... rmTIOI Of ... 1--<..-.. Vktwlt Alll Mz..C.,. • 11.wf ".,_ .... llllJ FO« OWIGEOfllW OllDB TO SHOW CAUSE FOR OWIGEOfllW WI llJUll: A2197'3 10 All INffRfSHO nRSONS I Pet1t1ontr Mallh~w ldn1e' Capull) & V1eto11a Ann RL111 Caputo on brh•tf of Breann• NICOi" Ruiz filed a pelrllon with th1\ <.our I for A dec1 ec 1 hJne1n2 name~ a\ lollow\ Brtanna N1colt R1111 to Bre~nn• N1colr c;~pulo 7 rnr COURl OROE RS I hat dll per ~nns inter r\ted 1n th1\ matter sh•ll apptar befort' this court di tht: hearine mdic•ted llelow lo show <.ause 11 ,my. why lhe ptt1ilon lor <.h~njte ul •••me \hould not be er •nted NOTICf or HI ARIN(; O•te //?9/0J lime 2 00 pm Dept l 73 the addr~\\ ot the <.C•Url 1s same as noted above J A copy of this Order In Show ca use shall be pubh\hed al least once e~~h wee!\ for fom s ucte\s1ve we~k~ jlflOI to the da te sel tor hrarm1t on th• pet1l10n 1n lhe lollowmg ncew\ pspe1 of 11ene11t cir cu t1llon. pr1nled 1n lh1s county Newport Beach/ Costa Meu 01111 Pilot D.r .. JUN 20, 200J llll~le lolr4 Certer Published Newpor t Buch Co~la Mesa Daily Ptlol June 74. Ju11 I. 8. 1!>.ZOOJ T063 IRPGITIUOI OTY COCMIM&eA SIMllY C*lc:MmlS-m llwrorJ IOWV• Mr•r-· ..... AGllUMENT BETWEEN 1H£ ClfY AHO TH{ OftAHGC COUNTY Ol VflOPMfNT ACE HCY llC GAl!OlNO A f'IRF STATION ANO COMMO HIT'f CCNllA IH SANTA AHAHCIGHTS l\c llon. l) Conduct public hHtln1. end 1) £ nt« Into en •er .. m4Hlt w1t11 tti. ~ty ol Oftfll't (•Collnty•) INUf th• Oren•• to11nly Do11opm•nt A,.ncy ("Apjl(t0) to ecquwe , .. , PfOPefl)' toe I ••110"•' conunu111ty CM .. tln4 fife a\AlllOft to COMtrul t • l*'N· "•nt fltt •l•llO'n In SMtaAAe h C SS CORONA OE l MA R S IATf BIACH BE AC HG Or R AM( Nil Y IMPROVEMrNl PRO.ICCT (COO ld lrom 6/24/1)3} At twn I) Approv• tonceptual s11e plan and d1 dll l•~1l1t1es toncepl fv1 rtplalt"'ent tac1loile\ ~t CoroM del Mar SIA\• Beach. 'l) All11m lht t.atego11ca1 l Hmpllvn C.1 tta<.hed to stnll r•porl) J) Oirecl stall to protred with the full site ptdn ~nd facihlu" urncept by 111tasing the lull pro1ec I lo retlrt t dv<)1labl~ fund-, and by '""lung •ddllrnnat lundmg 101 •ts LOmple lion CURRfNT BUSINfSS RE SOl UTION OF 111[ Cl1 y COUNCll or ml CllY or N{WPORr BlACH DISAPPROVING COMM[NTS MAD[ BY COUNCii Mf MB[R RI CtiARO fltll.IWLS THAI STCR£0fYPl OR EVI OlNCE AN 1NlOURANCl or P£0PI r Of HISPANIC ORIGIN AND THA l INOI CAT[ Hf HAS FOR M[D A PDStrlON Rlt A llvt TO CfRTAIN ASPl ClS Of A CITY PROJfCT BAS(O ON l Hf r ACl HIA l PEOPLE o r HISPANIC ORIGIN WOULD Bf USING PUB I IC PROPlRTY ANO R(QU£STING MIS RCS ICNAllON Al11111l 1 ha I C1ly Cuunul take whaleve1 n l1on ct deems appro p11ate REPORl ON COUNCIL ME MBER NICHOLS' COMMITlf r ASSIGN MlNTS Action Thal City Cnvn~1I lakt wh•tever action 11 der•ns appro p11•te Publishe d flt e wpor I Beach·Co\la Mesa Daily Pilot luly 8 2003 T~ AOYll1l5UUlfT ~ l9S Sub1ect lo condllton~ p1escnbed by the un ders11ned, ~Hied bids lot 1 lump Sum Con lrect 111 invited fOf Ille tollowina W0t~· IJtFUITRUClUH NOJtcTl,Mll ... OJf<T NO. "4510 -llD ,ACSA4H fl 2 UNIVERSITY or CAll FOllNIA, IRVINE. MEDI CAL CENTER COtJHTY Of ORAHCF , CAI lfOffHJA ,_OllCT DHCWflOM1 Tiie ptOj41Ct wtll reno vtl• the btMmenl ot 811lldifla IA. th• ultllflt t .. dlna roomt ind w•lllna room' wlll be ttlouted 10 th•t a new CC 1.5 T MRI ~•n be l>ullt In the 1.0?0 ASf' of r tleltUCI ••n The MRI 111\it Ht«lf 11 Mini l11tt1lltll bf vt11llor Work wlll litclu4te lk • mollllo": c•rputrr; ll111rdou1 material •bllemenl. electrlul, tfVAC, fire •lwm, t• pllo11, l11h. 111., JlllMflMt llflfHtl, -UNWOfll tnd llllMftfll; f1tclllr1C• 111d ••w 111111111, t11c!•'111a a<.ousl•ldl ceil1nes. rts•l~nl lloorme. carpel nd P•ml STtMATfD CON STllUCTION °COST1 $460,000,00 Note: Prime lld4er• who clo 1Mt "'••t t ... 'l"'ollflcatlen• In Iha llddln1 o .... "' ..... moy not be ellglble for ow 1dd1n Documents will be av~1I le to Bidder\ on T .. .-y. J..ty 1, 2003, and Wiii bt IU U'd al OE SIGN & CON <;TRlJCTION S£RVtCCS. Un1ve1stly ol C1hlorn1a Ir vine 5201 C•ltfor n11 Avenue S ulle 2'>0 h vine, CA 92697 2450 (949) 8?4 6630. Hot Lina: (949} 8 24 · 1117 !,hecks tor a ,..... rehM4o61'8 tee will lw reQuired 1n the dmount ol $2S.OO per sel ol B1dd'"& Oocumenl ~ Checoks 1re lo be m;ode payab~ to "the Ree.enl\ ot the Un1vers1ty ot Cahlorn1a • llcl• wlll be re,elved -ty•h Bid BO• f ronl Counter O£SICN & CONSlRUC 1ION SERVIClS, Uninr slly of California. Ir vme, 520 I C11hlorn1a Avenue. Suite 250 Ir vine, CA 92697 2450 Pllone No (949\ 824 61i30 lld• '""''t ... ··-cetvecl .., er befere 2.00 ,,M., WlONES- OAY, JUlY 16,2001 114• wlff ~ ..-•d ot 2 10S ,.M., WIDNISDAY, JULY 16, 2003 et1 OlSICN & CONSTRUC tlON SE 11 VICCS. Un1vers1ty o f Cehlorni•, Irvine, !>2Ql C•lllor 1110 Avenue. S111le 250. Ir vl(le, CA 9?697 2450 Bid Secu11ty in the amounl of 10~ of the Lump Sum Base Bid, eacludlnR allernatu, 'hall actompany each Bid The Surety IUUIOI the Bid Bond Mlall ti.. o n the 81d Deadline, an admitted \urety Insurer (u defintd 1n the C1hfor '"• Code of Cml Pr oceduf e S ec tton 995120) A mandalOf y Pre 81d Conference tnd nunda IOfy Prt Bid Job Wall\ •lll IM condllcttd on WfOttlSoAY, JUlY t, 200J, be11nnln1 promptly ti t.00 A.M P1rtlclpent.1 •hall mffl 1t 00 K.OICM. CEN T(R, 101 TM Cit, l>flvt, Bulldlfll M. AvditOt~lll. Chnat, C~ t2864. (9'9) 824--U30 Map nt114bft upon '~·· A"'9AIKI AT T1'I ,..__ CowmlKI ... ,...... , .. WM.IC IS aMNfort .. Ml .... QNl-1'UIC10M-. ,. -.T· -Wl&l a-AT "" A.& ..., c-. TUCTMI ........ ~flmflMIWU ... . .._.. .. LITTLE LEAGUE No lead'wall safe aa the New- port Beach Utt.it League MA All-Star Tournament team fell to South Mission Vjejo, 13-12, in extra innings, in the second round of DI.strict 55 play. Newport trailed, 8-1, starting the third inning, before coming back to take the lead, I 0-8, in the top of the fifth. Newport had leads of 11-9 and 12-11 , but SMV tallied three consecutive hits in the bottom of the sev- enth to end the game. With the score I 1-9 in the bottom of the sixth, the first two SMV baners walked and the third was hit by a pitch. An~ other walk and an error scored two to tie the game with only one out. But with the bases loaded, Brent Lawson (three hits) caught a line drive and threw to first baseman Andrew Machos- Ide to pick off the runner for a dramatic double pJay to force extra innings. Newport took a brief 12-11 lead in the seventh when Aus- HERBERT Continu~d from N3 25th year and, as such, will have anniversary festivities. To prepare for the event known as the "Super Bow\ of lriathlons, ~ Herbert will compete in three different types of races before October. starting with the Pacific Coast Triathlon, July 20. The Pacific Coru.t event is a sprint triathlon, which includes a half-mile swim, 16-mile bike ride and a 5,000-meter run. The race begins at Crystal Cove state park. at 7 a.m. Then, Herben will compete in the Vmeman, a half lronman, in Sonoma Aug. 3. That race will involve a 1.2-mile swim, a 56-mile bike ride and a 13.l -mile run, basically half the distancel> required in the lronman event. In September, I lcrber1 will cap his training with the LA. Triathlon. which featu~ Olympic distance of a 1.5 kilometer ~wim. 40-lcilometer bike and 10-k.ilometer run. The world championship tn I lawaii i~ a full lronman: tin Blodptt singled ln Sam Cubetlo from second. z.ch Mu.rtauch also singled in the irutlng for Newport. Newport's bats came alive In the ftfth lnnlng. Cubelro began the inning with a single and walks to Fraser and Blodgett loaded the bases for Lawsop, who singled In Cubeiro. c.ort Hudnp then belred a doub~e to center field, scoring three runs. J.D. Dawn later scored Hastings o n an error and B.ren- nan Andenon plated Dawn with a hit to put Newpon ahead, 10-8. Fraser walked to start the third inning with Newpon down, 8-1. Blodgett singled and following a fielder's choice, Hastings knocked him in with a hit. Dawn then singled to load the bases and Machoskle slam- med a deep single to center to score Lawson and Hastings, who went 3 for 4 with four RBis. Newport continues District 55 play tonight against either Laguna Beach or Saddleback. 2.4-mile swim. 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run. With all the distance he will be covering. training on his own is vital. He works out 20 hours a week. So, it helps that he owns his businesi. as an executive recruiter. He has been working for his own company. the Will Jordan Group, for the past 12 years and, throughout his life, he has been gaining the experience necessary to become a triathlete. He said, endur.ince, perseverance and time management .are important attributes triathJetes need. I ferbert, originally from Maryland, wrestled while at Nonh Hagerstown High, from which he graduated in 1982. He was an all-state wrestler in the 119-J>Qund division his junior and senior years. He also wrestled in college. at American University in Washington D.C. where he earned a bachelor's degree m business accounting in 1986. He worked for a few year.. in New York and moved to Caltfomia in 1988. In addition to building his own business. I lerben competed in maratJ1ons for JO years. He finished 20th in the 2640 ....., Nadcel 2640 Lapf Notices ~~~~~~~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratQI the Daly PikJ(s Athlete ofthe Week seoes ~v ,, -Alina Zoelle Corona def M ar Softball, 2001 23 • Nldt Hood Corona del Mar Football, 1997·98 20 -Jared Haley Orange Coast Coll8f1e Men's tennis, 2003 DEEP SEA MONDAY'S COUNTS ~Landing -5 boats, 101 anglers. 3 batT8COda, 259 calico bass, 606 sand bass, 1 halibut, 5 sheepshead, 23 white fish, 1 blue perch, 1 cabezon. LA Marathon in 1992 and he placed seventh in the Long Beach Marathon in 1993. 1\vo years ago, I ferben became lnlrigued with the lriathlon after watching one on television. He reallied he had some free time and could make a commitment. Now, he has developed into a triathlete. He works out with a coach. Steve fjsenhaur. He joined club teams, including UC Irvine's, as ~u ~ adult squad. Team Sheeper. He is the a.ssi.stant coach for both clubs. "Without sounding too arrogant. I'm a step below a pro." Herbert srud. ·1 would call myself a top age-grouper." Herbert has also received suppon, and leeway. from hi'> fiance, Leslie. They plan to marry in early 2004. Herben qualified for the world championship after winning his age group. 35-40, m the California Half lronman in Oceanside April 5. I le finished 111 4:32.JJ. He is aware thac he can redeem himself in October because he finished the California Full lronman in J0· 14 in 2001 . ,AlflCIPATI IN YHl llD PIOCISS AS A ,IJMI CONTIACT<Mt. Only bidders who par hc1pal~ 1n both lhe P1 e-81d ConletenLe and the Pie Bid Job Walk '" the11 enhrt ly will be allowed to bid on the Prn1ed ·~ prime <On t• aclo" r or further 1nformat1on. contact UCI Cont"t h Oevartment w1lhm Dn1gn & Con s ir uclton Ser v1t e\ Zoomy N&uyen •I (949) 824 4775 the Supe11or Court of Cahlornra County ol ORANGl THf P( llTION fOR PROBAIT requ~h PC TER R PAURMO be appointed u peri.onal repreuntaltve to ad mm1sler lhe uble of the decedent Beach Costa Men 011ly P1lol luty 8. 14 I!>, 20Cl3 TMO/l Al .I.: 42 .. JOl-43 °* Ila.: UI03107 I07 bcrw Ila.: mtJ4..IO llOOO TO CIBlfTOIS Of llUWI Cale11n2 Comp1ny. d J lht Grumpy Courm<el t) Prem1l'I C•lerme f) ?4 Carrot e> Cate11n1 by Dncn. h) 24 C•rrnh Cate11n1 And Evenh 9392 Chitwood Onv' Huntrneton Buch CAh torn 11 92646 Newpor t Coast C:A 92657 'fr111I B1hrem1nd 3 Somrnel Newporl t.uot CA 926!>/ Cynlhll Lynn N1l•l1t, 3961 Colina Court o,uns•de. CA 92054 lh1> bus•nn1. 1s con due led br a eener •I par Iner shtp l h~ sue< e!.\lul Bidder •nd •h Subconh actors will be requ11ed lo follow 111e nond1n11m1nal1nn 1equlfemenh ul forth 111 111" B1ddmg Ootu menls •nd to pay prev11lm£ wa11e ralei. al the locailnn ol the Work fhP i.uttU\lul Bidder will be reQmred to have the lollowme Slate ol Cahforma Con Ir actor·\ l1LenM: current •I the time of subm1s\lon of the Bid UCIMSI Cl.ASS"1CA TION: Gener al 8u1ldine Conlr•<IM UCIHSI CODI• B Other '•el•« SJH1clfln1 "'"•• o-llflcetl-• ..... , .... t• ...... . Mlttecf et ti.. ef .. ... ........... i...t -· -t n~euwlly t1Mlte4 ta1 THC PC 11 llON requuh aulh011ly l o ad1mnl\le1 lhe estale undtt the Independent Adm1n" lralton of £states All ( rh1s Authority will allnw the per\Onal represe11 t•l•ve to lake many achons w1lhout oblA1n 1ne court approval Before lak1n11 cer t11n very important uhons however. lhe personal representat1Ye will bl' 1 eQuired lo 111ve notice to 1nlerested person\ unless they have waived nollce or consented to lhe proposed ac\ton ) I he independent ad rnm1shahon authority will be aranted unless an interested person hie~ an ob1echon lo the 1Ji!hhon ind shows 1ood c1use why the court should nol crant t/te 1ulh0f1ty A HEARING on the pehllon will be l!eld on AUGUST 14, 2003 at I 4!:i pm 1n Oept LIJ localed at J.41 The C•IY Ome South, Orance. r.A 92868 If YOU 08.IE CT to lhe cranlln1 of the petlt.on, you should aPC>ear at the heermc '"d s l1te your obiections Of hie 1•Htlttn objections with tlle cou. t befoie the hurina. Your 1pc>e11ance m1y be 1n person or bt your 1ttMney IU(C SK 6 IOS) NOTIC[ IS HER(BY GIVEN th1I a bulk ule 1\ aboul to be made The n•m•(~) business ad drns(n J ol the Sell e r(\) a1e Mahmoud S h•f11 •nd Sepehr Grantar, 16~ Supe11or Avenue, Coua Meu CA 9l627 Ooma Bu~HIU\ u Supe11or re-•co Cu Sta hon All o ther bu\lnU\ name(\) and ad dces~(es) UHd by lhe Seller(\) w1th1n the pnl three Ytl" n slated by the ~ller(s), 1s/11e Cr11nf11, A C111forn1a P.utnersh1p and Mimi l Shain The names(') and address ol the Buyti(s) 1s/tre Crowen 011KI PJc>perilH, l l C , 101 [ 17th Slael, Cost1 Meu, CA92627 The Assets be1n1 sold are eenerally desc11bed IS rurn1ture, h•lures, i;qu1pment. tradena"'41. 1toodw·111. lease 1nd dult,.h1p, leasehold 11'19fovements, covenant not to colT!j)ele, lele phone number and ire localed at 1695 Supt nor Annue. Costa Meu . CA926t7 No1m1n Richard Ben nett. 9392 Cl1ll11roud Onve, Hunltneton Bu<.11. Cahlor n11 92646 Sllem Slone·Bennelf 939? ChHwood D11ve Hunhneton Beach Ct h IM n11 9?6A6 Th" bus1neu rs con dueled by hu!>b1nd and wile H11ve you st11ted dotn& busmeu 1•1' Ho Sherri Stone·Bennell Th1r. statement wa~ hied with the County Clerk o t Or anet County on 06/11/03 200J .. 47619 Oa1ly Pilot luly 1, 8, I!> 22. 2003 l066 Adll. ..... ... s...... Tl1e t0Uowm11 person' are do1n1 business n flec lroniC f1n1ne11I Serv~es Group 3300 Irvine Ave .. •120 New port Beach. CA 92660 New Amencan Real Eslah Manaeement C1oup. Inc (CA), JJOO Irvine Ave . •1 20 New P<l't Buch. CA 92660 This business 15 con due.ltd by· • cocpQt allon Have you started clornc business yet7 Yes 06/01/0l New American Rul Es tate Manaaement Croup. Inc , Gr ant Wlll1tt Ktns, Pru1dtnt Have you s urted doin& business ''" No r e11al 81h1emand _ rh1s 1talement wn Med w1lh lht County Clerk ol Or an1e Counl.1 on 06/24/03 2003694'240 D11ly Pilot July 8 I!> n 29 2003 l06I S.....tf 11 t tlfU.." Ac*-........ The follow1ne penon h•s abandoned the use ol tile r 1ct1t1ous Bu" • nt» Nam<e AUTO PAAn PLUS 1000 s Cont Dt • No VI06. Co~I• Mt~.: C1lllo1n11 92626 • the FtChllous Bu"ne- name referred to 1bo# .. was filed 1n Or •ntt • Counl1 on 0!>/0!>/19!17, • FILE NO 19973719870 fanbo11 Ha11nab1, 1000 S Cont Dr , V 1<>6, Costa Mtu, Cal1lornfa 92626 Thrs bustness 1s con ducted by 1n tnd1v1d111I r anbou H111nab1 This st1tement wu f1~d with the County Cieri! ot Oranee County on 06/11/03 200J6947Ht Daily Pilot June 17, 14. July 1.11. 2003 TO!l6 I The Contractor shall have been 1n business under lhe same n1n141 and C1hfor n1a Contrec tor's License for 1 minimum ol 5 contl11u ous year\ pnor to the bid openine date IM this P101ect The hcense used lo sahsl1 this requKe ment sh•lt be of lhe ume t1pe required by the conlract 2 Iha Contractor 1h1ll provide a m1n1mum ol J 1elerencn IOf llfOjtCts s1m1lar m 'KOi"! and S•ll lo lh1$ Protect. which have been successfully completed Ill llw! PHI l yetn. If YOU All[ A CREDI roll or continetnt creditor ot the deceased, you must Ille your cl11m with the court ind mail a copy to 11141 pcrsonel repn1Senl1llve •Wolnted by the courl within tour months from the date of 11141 llrat issu•nc• of lttten H ptovtded In Prob•lt Code seclt0n 9100. flit ti!M fOf fi1tn1 tlaims wJll not upilt before four montll• lrom tht llur1ft& date notle4d tboVt. The bulll sale Is in· tended to ~ consum mated 1t the office of Escrow Ntlwo1ll Group. Inc., 18200 Yorba Linda Blvd. 1308, Y«be Linda. CA 921186 end Ille ant1c1pated ule daft 11 July 24, 2003 This statement wn lii.d with lh• Co..nt, Clerk of Or enae County on 06/17/03 IOOhtu.492 Oeily Piiot luly 1. 8, I!>. 22. 2003 T067 1he tollowina penons • are do1na business u . .; t~~ :::~ :v~~·~ : TH£ RCCENTS Of THC UNIVERSITY Of CALI· ~ OffNIA July 200.J Publl1htd Newport Buch Costa Mesa Oa~r P1lol Jut, I, 8, 2003 T065 VOU MAY l1W111NE the Ille ktpt b)' th41 eo11rt If )'CM! art • fil4WIOll In· l•Ultd In tlM ftt1t1, rov _, ,... w1t11 t11t cO\lrt 1 Requ .. l fOt Soocl•f Notic. (lotm OC· t5t) ot Ille fllln1 of tn Inventor, •nd _,,elt.llt ot estat• HMta or of an1 petition Of '"411f!I ., pro¥1dtd In holl1te Co6t HClion l~ A ttequ11t for s,ee111 Nolie• lor111 .. tvthblt rr-u.~c•~ Atli0r""9fllf htiltoftr :::!"~~ IAIO, C•t•1• a ~ ~.l'' L ~ .... ... 19Lft11 ' CA ........ " ~ Pll•ll•lll• Ne•,ort Tiie bulk ule ls subject to CalllOfni• Un1lo1m Commercial Code S.C- tion 6106 2 YES/NO Yu The narM and 1ddrtU of the penon wltll wllom cl1lms m11 b• flied Is. Ewow Hetworll Croup, Inc., 18200 YOfbl Lind• 81Yd. Suitt JOI. Y«b1 Li!ld1, CA 92886 end t~ last d1t1 fOf filffla cr.lms by any_ cre41toc 11\111 bt Nl'I 2.3, 2003, wtllc.11 .. l:tle b.,.... °'' betote tllt ui. it.le S414'CHHl.d 1bov.. Oiled: Jun. 23, 2003 8UYCR(S)' Oro..,. Oltac:t ''Of* tlu. l .l .C av: 1s1 """'" " Stltbu, M1nqlnt Mem· Mr '11bll1t1•• lhweor l a..c11-c:o.u Miu~ =~~2003 T072 ............ .......... The foffowl.n1 per sons 11e dolna business es: lln<uecom, 26111 Bun 111ow Pleet. Cofona del Mtr, C1llf«nl1 92625 Vlrtultll Computer StfVICH (CA), 2618 8 unaiitow Piece, COi' ol\a del Mel , CA 9~ Tiii.a busln1u II con M .. d bf: I C(l(porltlon TM r1C1strat1I corn· m•ncecf to 1,.nuct 6111lneu undtf Ille fictltiollt bvalMn nerM Ot nemes llstlCI Ibo•• on JllM 16, 2003 Ylrt11t•ll Comp11ler s.v1c ... ~ ....,.,..,. Wllltt, S.C.•t..., ttlls ttalemen\ was flled wltll lM Covnt1 ~ of Orlfllt County IMIOl/llt'O:J •Ht4&1JJ 011ly , .... -.'24. My I, 8, H, 2003 T062 ....... ................... Tiie ....... ,..,...., TM ....... WNM ~ ...... ~ .............. ff: •} 211 Clrrtt\, i.) A ~ """91 m....c. COii Act_... o> """1 g!1111 J •••••t .,, . Meu , C1liforn1a 92621 • Moll1mmed KMvandi. :- 2!18 Santa lubtl Ave.. •' Costa MeH, C.llfornle ~ 92621 •• Tiiis buslnts.a la con· , ducted by: en ifldMduel • Have you sltt1ed doif11 • busines. yetl Ho MolllWfttlllld Kwundl Thh it1tement wn ft~ wltll IM Cov11ty Ci.ck of Or1111e County .. on °"11/03 \ 290att47... ~ Deity Piiot NM 17, 24, \ Ally 1.11. 2003 ~ '. ~ ., •• i I Poli<·v .ates and tkadline' ·arc · ~ubJt'ct to <!hange without not1u:. The puhlisht:r Q!serve!> the right to ccmor, rcda~sily. revise or reject <my clas~ified advertisement. Plca.;e rcpon any error that may he h~ your cla\\1fie<l ad ·' . IJ11JJleiliatcly. 111c Daily Pilot accept!!> By Fax (949) 6] l -6.51>.i 1 f'h:J-.C-HM. IU4.lr ) • •UI u.1111r .ull:J ph••m 11umt,·t JH'I ",.II l,111 \llU hJI. ~ \\lltl j pru." 'flllUt. I How to P lace A CLASSIFIE iAD Hv Phon•· ., (IWJ) M 2-.'i67X · I lours BY .\lail/ln Pe r~on: '\() Wl',t rh) S trcl'l < tl\la Mi:,a. CA lJ2ti27 Al "il'V.fl\>n Hhd & B.t) SI , ____ Dead lin ePi ___ Monday ................... h tday 5:00pm Tu~~day ................. Monday 5:00pm Wcdnt:,day .............. Tuc~day 5:CX>pm Thur,day ............ W1:dnc,d:i) 5:00pm F-nda)' .................... Thur,d:iy 5:00pm Saturday ................... Fnda) 3:00pm ~o liability for any aror in an ~dvertisemt•nt for \\;h1d1 11 may he ~ponsiblc exccpt for the co't of tlu: space actually ou.:up1ed hy tlw error Credit rnn only he allm,cd for 1l1L· r1r'1 insertion. T l'it:plm111: >< 10am-'HKJpm Monday l·nddy W.111. In >-; lllJ111 'i llOpm Mnnd.1:-h1da) Sunday ....................... Fnda) 5:00pm Ind ex r ANNOUNCEMENTS ! ~. l ~ IWESTAH [mt & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE -SALE 1489 --BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 230S·2490 t_!~l.ots.tiypts . I General s1n9i. Lo•·P ,, .1,, v •• ..., I Announcements 1610 SJOOO l!lll 91«. /ti" I, -------m•, Pr1vate Outk Hunting K Club ·*l't'' • t t11 tr 1m MERCHANDISE IEJITAlS 7402-7466 FOR SALE 3010-3940 EMPLOYMENT rn OPPOITUNmts aoos-as10 REAL ESTATE [¢ I FOR SALE SOOS·S8SO AUrOM011VE & 1IMSPOITAtlON 9000-9750 I A+MAAS/NlSTU V1·111J11w G rd G OFFICE i111u1. u1"""" "'"' '"'" a en rove ~, .. ,, '""""'lurnty' f'ntlN>' 1Br 180 g.tlt->tl tu11r111 FURNITURE/ ~ •( ,thUll\ ,f\lild4th... fhlV.I ,.,,,,..,_ put t rµf kit th ny & Costa Mesa BUSINESS I ,,dt.-·11t '"nftt pnt1·11t1J1I I• N M•.tr t,1 w w.1U' m tt•v• •,ht• 111 "''"" "11 Sii.ti I· I 111 ti I I • N1·111p•.iff f~1~,,, It I ,, .... 1 EQUIPMENT u1d 11ndt-. l1ofl f,, .. f('I\ /1 "'' ,, l i :;1 \ V Collectibles/ 1 '"'' '"""""' .,11 .. •·111 1.. lfl)ldl /4M 11_,1 • ._,1111 :'"'" uh .tu~lt.c f';ud Memorabilia 1160 1.ti. .., "', '""' I• 1111••· • . .• H1·•1tv '161 1A11 1 ~1 lovefy Got.cl Community I Br I Bo Apt. w l'•I 1:.ro fft~ Ndl" fr1 1rt o(lll tr,.. ia~~ "'" w.1,, 11 ··-h I j.MltJ t<l,,.10 M,,rt.t)''·m.-.nl l'.71104 IJM'J l •1 'Ul1J "'"I', .1111• ,,.1. ,, 1 & Med1cal!1>ental TOP SS 4 RlCOROS nc 1 ·'l'I'"" ti' "I•• .11.,,.i Equipment 3565 ~ VDIOIHG ROUTl, Jf) Newport Beach .hu. ~. [k. ~{7, ~ t-,r, 1 1. lfflpfoVt "'""' • '(' IH -I ,..I 111~: Ulllf: f'lltllt-. l kM thnn• 11:1.1 till Inv..,. ... I Str· ~-"'-H lqh ('•ide 1 br kilt ~ ... 1 fjflft I U W Ii,: ,,.ith lr11.,11 f.JJ11•1 nu ,.,....,., 1W..i rr111 )klJ l .'I'.\ '..I 'Y'P1 ~,tjrJ lllf, tll Altet S!)l.J lUI~· ,,,,~, I IOW ll I""'" • '"'' """t AB 0 u T l l ( c TR I c ./Ci ohNll WAA >HJ r11. ...... • ..,..... •, Txi''· Mok~ 94!lb4'>1'Jll'i l "'~.fl ll '"" '"I' WHULCHAIRS New11u 'Jlll itN"'il AN i JfliJ')l!•ll'>'~I O'I tr.111 ... , •• W111•hdiil r •• 11i-t ,,. y•l41 ff Phplt•.._,1 .J~·luwf!f;.f (J.1<:fhJIO•AJ 111~1t1t fHHJ ~ w JI•• I I """ hw ... en, 'l""'' • 11m • ENTERTAINMENT . , MH1" tr,. J1 • ' I I• •I I ABSOlUTl GOLOM IN El lo•hode 2b• • 2bo, Apt. ft 1111~ 1ju1111, du1 ~ 'Mt11lilh,t•• .-.H•J h,w,1 I I wilhlJ,,f,,.11.f ·'" ""·'"' tH on ....... ,,,.,,,, •• h irl-t•.,,;111.f•t Jvl.J W· t l)Vt'ttdtn).·fltdlhlllt' NewportCoast 1& 11.t'.h µwt 1111 1ul Calendar of M1-ti 'j" . htt-1111' ltt llt'dt /!MJ , ... hi' I·''' I I wlll1' 'I 1·11• tit l11t ,,,,.w... st:''lfJ lflt• 44\t •1'10 H ~L I '"'''' /l. ...... , •II M1~.. .t.oy• f J!fl(J I k I', n '"• I tN 1 .. $111!11> Jt:1> l.Ji\ IH'.t Magniflc""' P.tkcn Crttl Events 1310 of 1111 '•-11 ll>''14 1, f\J ·~ M , I 'u~tr•m .-.tM,. with ' inv•on --------rw.; f l 4540 /!. ,.,.tn ... ...,. <ttt .. .-11 .ti • •Ouol Mmte< 2•2/ (OUAI. HOOSllG Ca... 3610 u~ces or_ease I S~· '.00 lJIJO Coo•tllne Pfl OI( Bil •• R .... , .•.• ,. .•• ~ R~ 949 7S9-0177 ltw l)Jr1dt ,,,, P'~~ orPOl1UlfTY HEALTH SERVICES -NB/~• 1'" h '"1 1• 11 ! ~·J • w"'" lt.,•J1 po.I SI l,A, 11•.t-AW fPdl t'\lctft• .t1l1•·1 Ocicot Kitten,, It H~1'-'' iJ 1111 il1 ·111!1 I ,,, .... , -11 ..UI~ SC,Cf ltt.11 S'lllJ IJ' I l1">HIK tn tt11 ,,,. fll'll' ,,.,., '' •.ub1ec t tu lht· • edn ttl f dU Hnu~m...: A. I 111 I 4h8 <t' dffiPtlc1f"tl Nhl h IOdkt"•. tl tll.,.~•,tl ht dd\t~'t t1"i•• • dlt'f µn.'lt•1 en< t llm1ldl 11;11 uf dlS\. t lrtllllrtf iUf1 b,.;•,f·tl •Ht 'dlt' c ulw rt·l1g111n ·~•· -4 hdlldll.Jjl_ fdfllil1ttt ,t.tfU', m natulnirtl ur 1gin '" .u1 1nl,.nt1on tt, mAkr ,4ny 'U(.,. pr~t~r .. n1 ,. l1m1t"" twrf.bt d"u ""'"~tron • 1 h1\ nt-w•,.,Mprt ~•II nnt knf•Wtnl(ly 11t t .-pt nny adv,., ll\l"ttH·nf ho 1 eat t-\t(ltt-whit h 1\ in v1nlAlton ul fhr lrlw Uut rPad~r\ ~f~ ttPf~ht ml01mecl th,11 dll dwell "'"~ advt-r tP.rd "' HH'l new\p.apt"r ,,., .. "'""1l.1bh· nn an ~qwtl ou"w t11mty ha• .. To cumµlfflfl ol d1\ u 1mm.ollon. '"" HUD lull he~ .ot I 800 424 8~90 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Styl• Furniture PIANOS & Collecdbl•s t • .tr.ppt,,,..,.. ~ ...... __, .. • '~·AAltno.• .A.rv,_.,,. $$ CASH PAID $$ Wf BUY ESTATES \, II• l1M1k ,. llkr• '"i''"' 1~•nf11 l••t lNl11t1'1w "" ,. hi',_../,,. RURAL PROPERTY HAR80fit VUAGI Health Services/ >: .. 1rt 'h•• .. 1,t•• '" 1 1~.i1 st1~. ,,.,., ,,.,,, v .r1 i1.in It.Ht><• 1.,1,.i (In M .. """·" Clubs 2545 .. , 1""""'~t· .ui ~.>n fl-.64 FOR SALE """v 1 tt4• '"'" <1441 HOME IMPROVEMENT Pet Adoptions 3660 Getmon Shepherd• -111 t ulor •_, ;11tl '.lit' 101 .td11plt110 t.. •tu tl•lwit ftulfw• WWW g•.ft''.1Uf+1JJ1: ... 114 l/! !i'll'> SE~VICES -2600 MISCELLANEOUS <>-Gr c--!ff=' MERCHANDISE mn<IPI'. RPIM9' ldt,Jentry MSM l.•.n'Ol/(K , .. , ""'~ ' " ""'*'vi 114 9b? ?4., Miscellaneous APPLIANCES 3050 WcnhH & Ory .. , IH•lh rww Mu't •...,t 11ftt luf S.bO l0< IH•th r •II 949 640 41; \I u< ')tlq 61'> 6044 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS (0011 Coln Ne•d• Old Com\1 t.old "l•e1 jeWeh Y w~ lt "'"' "'1 fJQUI"> loll~clible• <wi t.42 9448 SELL your stutt through classified! Std/ your ('or 111 Cl11.s&·ifi,.d ! , Merchandise 3855 STfll BUILDINGS '>0 ltJ' 1)11 40 <40 so.•10 i,o, uu Mu·,t '\•II' Ca11 Ott1v~1 t R .. y (BOO) 499-2760 Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises 3905 AMlRICA'S HOTHST Of>PORTUNITT. OOlll\H SlORlS I llXJ 829 L':ll '1 Ow11 vurn own -.111' t lwnkey loom S4'.i <I(~ OollAt Storf*~f"r vu fl'\ { nm ICAI ·~AN) AVON l n tr e1>1 ~n,.u1 want~ MIJ<t bt> WllllllK lu wnrll wlw>oe-you want b.-ywr nwn ~. Aod ..... ,,y uollmltt'd eMn~ let'~ l •" (8881 9112 4Cl'>J ((:Al •SCAN) ACCIP11NG 1 DAYS •• P~al P'N ~.W twl' Sl411).trl Pd hi>lllV~ICl!hts 1(1} 818 ~ Anoouncement llCA92() I CAI. •SCAN I t '' .1-.1!: I h t<t t ORANGE COUNTY Ranehes/f arms/ 5400 Country Property 5915 28r 'l.SBo I N1thot1•,,.. un bk1H·. m t~ h tnf ,., flt fµ r!lil ~ill• "'"'' 1•k1: \14'/i m•o ·~,.11t 949 ti4i' '*>~ Balboa Peninsula fOUR NlWPOl!T PENINSULA CONDOS Op•n Sot-Sun 1-4- 491 S Rivet Ave FROM S8 2S,OOO 2 13 28TH ST. 3&4bdmn 491 S--4917 RN. Aw 3 bdmn/3 bah 0-.. ........ .,..,.lo .....i.. n.. Sayw;h Co 949 930-7S28 c.--OupMx I ti~• k t .. bt; ... fl JIK }hd Ul'IJ"I lilt' ARIZONA BlSl BARGAIN, If; J• r •~ S?4 900 krH~•" ')1~1• I a11<1 l 41H /tJd HUG( YARO 81•.111l1lul '"'"·" •• W~k..ttr. W/GAROl NlR. I'"'' H.1:,1 •• 11 ,., ••• .,.,o1 •• I p.1111 11 & '"'' Ni , __.lo-I f> 10') 1 lcn1•I~ ~l.t<.•~•• 1 f'at11 & I,,..,°"""' SACO I 1no 1uo•td•11 vw-W'. Atf••ct..bte • <>ti tWJ M'> 'l'll l l1nm" 1n£ II/I k 1 8// i'87 -i' Vfd !Cl\l "'il:.AN1 ...,_.New i!<•V."'"" "lh so COLORADO kl\!, LAhWI w1lh W•il 40 ~1 lR'J 9)') ll111\IW<l1nv Hc11.ky Mtn v""'"""' hum tt~ U.'\.k tif 1111' llt:dulilully log 1 dbon '~""' to 1u:xr, ,,1 BlM 1M l.i11d I n,iy ru<~I llvtr1g 11nheloevdblt> Jl'll<!°> l..ill RI R 1 .. 11 Ir"" I IJili 696 '>Jbl fl.Al •S(AN) ? 'JI!• hott!P lit II J \ .•tt l(M fJi A/. W lJ o?lfJW 10C k1 S](JX),.,, Klf ... w1 Mu,,I 87 / /f)1 lf)4q f " 97,j•, 3Br 2Bo HouH I •'f'.or1P b1~ y.Jrd H\' 'fh ,_,,~dl pit lf1I ~1d•. & JWl\ SI \IHI mu '14'J b8 ! !llS7'l lli.i low .. , !o dr g•1 SOUTHlRN SIERRA'S S%9 ()l) ,J~ot ~<j '>14 f;f£. LANO Borgoln. 21) -'<.ff!' Huntington Beach (ltCdllfl 1 bl l IM • "'"~ nn t H6 Pu 11•1•11 I'"" '!"' I wd 11 um u11ch 111•1 1"'-: I 11¢ S ll'Ul 'WU.I < IKJJ Corona del Mar A lcwefy 3Br 29o ht1<Ht· with t.h.1rmmi.; 1Mho m d ._....,. y P' rv.ttP-hr.ti b,.. ky,vd All IMOM ..... ••fllll(ji,ltffi w tole lto<r" •II w1nd<1w• •"' P<'ll.t dllll • .. ~ 11 I •>ll><l wol " lilt. & ""'-"' •ty 'Y'k"' Rdfl.ldl• 'i.tnrcwd kPditO<' 949-444-019 S Cu•lom Corono det Mor Condominium•. .ioun11 .. 1 ~1lchen wr11ut(hl iron LU\ torn flt~ ttnd t itb mt>lty I rt1nt ri. ,, 1bl 7btt hotT"' & r e .. 1 " • i'I>< 2h• COASTUHE RW TY 949-7S9-0177 • A Co11•t1<11idlt19 C-• lo<at'-. .. '>lrnll lo 8111 C0<on• and lool<out point 481 4 ~ .. bt rtnd new tu~lum hom" Olfe1ed al S2.950.000 t:O/\Sfl IN! Rt N IY .. 'M9 /'>9 011/ S49 '¥ll Pr .,...,i In• r~1-.il "'"' I •Lflllent lno at•11• ljr/"W', gredt roe.to tot.mhy I H ,.lieflt 1'IJl)(Yh111rty don I fn~.-. out1 r lfldtlC Nlg ''""~ ill* Own,_. I 888 432 '>2b..I CAL •SCAN1 S39S ACRl/160 ACRES S69S ACRl/40 ACRES ~, 1me r dOt.h al r eage in NW Ac"""~ I I n11 QU•hfy111R low down le1m•.1 lldtMPnt In golf "uur 'f! c..ummurul y off h"fo11L Roult• 66 Cdll lud.ly' Brnok' Rc•llv 866 300 !i?63 CCIII •<;r11N1 Rt.SlotN r IAl Rf:N r ALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Corona del Mar Irvine 1 Turtle Rock /tu llM 't1d I 111Hff\ i lrvt>I• tp tfhl p,M llf lh.U t ftnnt~ gr nh~lt 1 "'""' llofll Sl72'>'.14'l llb l'l'>h Coll•g• Potk lh1 /ti,1 38'>? Ria• kth""' ""'" pit!OI In & ilU' Ot'W .tppl•. llH to YcHd W i!.lfdPUt'f S l l!'lO mo '14'1 M'> '1'11 ~ Newport Beach UDO YIARLY LUSE & UOO SUMMlR HOMlS BK I GRUNDY Rf N. IOR~ 949-67S-6161 4 ltlltl lo lt.ach. Sunny Hewpcwf Heighh Sm /Bt lbd t duple• new lBa Cott.v no i!il'dl!" """ appli. carpets. ear. wd pvl front v••<I \kyloght• Sl250/mo 949 76() 1356 Sl27!> mo 949 645 4~07 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck For Only $32 per week (4weck minimum) · Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Run your ad in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Dally Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100.000 homes: Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail with a check today! 0 YES, SEU MY CAR 0 A_M) Please ChecA ~· Bo.ces Yea---Matt Moele'----- 0 • -O ·~--a ~.._.,. a...... a ,.. a~""--o ·,,. •. .-...i ,...."-C----o ..... ,.r-..,..._ a ~.-'W ... ~a ~ ~ O•...-o .. -~o .--... o .,._, o ... ~"-o ...... ..._ a .... ~O ..,r..-.~Cw ........ -0.. ..,....~a...-..... o .,,.. •. ,,...._ -1 .. 0 1 .. ~_. a ~~* a~~N-~ .... -i.: o.. Piiot JJO w EM> St c,,.ta .....,.. ~ "-"~ -19•111M1 '.eTll • ,_, 1949 ~· ~ Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we 'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20 .. DailyAPilot INDEPENDENT FIND ...... dmW FIND FIND ' e •• ,. Call (949) 642-5678 , GET THE POINT? Daily Pilot < 1;i,,iffrd ;1<1' \\1111-1,.: .11.1 1 \ 1 I A12 Tuesd:y; #y 8, 2003 • I TODA¥S I Bridge CROSSWORD pu771 E ~= ....._ _________________ _, and TANNAH HIRSCH 0 20QI) ""-' -~.Inc 57 Recipe qtys. 59 - -In one's bonn.i • 80 Undlluled 61 Bronle e--~":: SOUTH • 0 I06 ;j l{J74 • A 10 • AKJ9 SOlTOI 2• J• J:"I 40 and I Staysnan lWO<lub probe fur a ma,j«-suit fit, South elected IO t.how lbe powerful four-card c:lub hoklina. and Nonh's lllnlo dWnoods ~ clubs u ~ while promuina strength in the bid suit The laler club raise made this e•elicit Themlrler, the pGrtnCtS cue-bid their red-suit conuols before askiog ror ~. The five-~pade response i.bowed two~ and the queen of trumps and, when South confirmed possession of all the key c~. including the king of trumps. by asking for kings, thorcby iodicating iolereSt In 11 grand slllm. North decided that the discunb 11v11il- able on lhc diamonds 11nd posse~'ion Qf the ten of elubs merited 11(.'tt~ lance. 9000 Au4I •o t TT a-ttra Ra.dskf, lu.lded ltl\e new. lk ""· drk green lop/body .. .... 'OS '-Tw-u VI, l!lk ml, white, oetmMI lthr. a>. chrome llflllols, '"~ ... s.w 19(, SJB.9!15. ~ 949 !186-1118 Bkr ,.. .. 7 .... a...11.e VI. ..... tow. a>, imrf, _, nice. '7'lJ'l1IJ MfJl5 -*.com ---7822 ,.. ...... a.... YS, 2wd, a>, ll4JS c:i.n. _, na. $!i9!Jj '2l5«i8 Wl:WMlto mm 9&646-7822 h •.u 't4 u•oo Champ11en• &old/tan lthr , CO. &Old pk&, superb, or111 cond, SI0.19.!I y#267512 · lo- nancin& nail. Bk1 949- 586 1888 -w.ocpabt.rom Meulo •tt M lato Conv 45k mi, auto, ~•Iver. tan top. pw, pl, A/C, CD. SiJperb like new cond vii 19743 SI0,99!j tmancone & warranty dVilll Bkf 94!1 586'.1888 w_ .. .,...l.c- ~AUTO .,,_...., .... ,. "" Ill< ml, HR£ ,., (IUM) IHQUIR(I n.._.na.z ~oof. lold9d! (19456) $24,!JS) .. .,.xuc- .12t( miles, dvome wlleM, beautiful (l~l) $37.980 t4 ,.,.,._.. uoo c...,. Charcoal w/9liKll leather premoum wheel$, moonroof (l9512C) $29,980 t 7 t.Jrw LS 400~ Sliver YI/Grey leather. moonroof. a beauty (194531 ) $22, 980 """°'""" ··-s Srlver w/91acll. 32li mites. sh111p BECOME TAX EXEMPT! Olscllera• eny debt at no c:ostl D1schtrCe 1n1 court easel Outwit eny Altorney/Judael Write for lnforml!toon Nat.tlr~@tem.w...COM F A1. #'.!52036 8718. No N;trnt ProclJc:tiora. (CAl-st'M) HOME MORTG AOf lOAHS Lpw~sl lnleronl rate All c1ed<t types Nu Pf .. payllllfll pendte Best HJ YIU on lhfl sl•l• Calllornoa DRl C mpyrean F und111e Cal nuw lrX> 720 8969 (CAI. •SCNf) MOTOR HOMES Babiloola 65 CPA pro 4NT SNT .... Clearly. the best 2J1lnd slam was~n the Mo~•i1111 4-3 c:fub lit. depending on nothing more than nonnaJ distri~ utioo. and declatu made shon wori.. of the play. South won the diamond opening lead in hand with lhe ten C11>.hcd thc lllX and ling uf Ileum ant.I ruffed a heart ltigh The ace of d1:1- $32.000 760 196 7601 ~ I.a ... C2JD ( l!M!IOC) $39,980 Motor Homes . Rent A STUI. HR $109S/Mo '/• Off tt.. h1 -RMI 10< 6mo le.tse Newly remodeled w/.-~ carpel & ce1 amtc Ille W/D ·~ @ unol D/W & f111i 2Br Sl445 CaN lord 949-646-2224 or 114 6.13 l'Hl No doe5 New,ert Cre•I, 2br 2b1. 2 c 111. wall• to bch. tennis/pool/spa. $2100/mo 949 707-4408 111S WIAYAVE. I& upper Jbr 2ba. vault cell Ip, w/d. 2c p. $250Qlmo iii Christy 949-S00.3648 31r 2.Slo, Nl"CrHf, ~ilded & inmic. nwble. wall to bch. dbl pr. pool,/ Lorge lbr Ibo unit Oft tenn ~ 9'19-923.Ql67 41ulel Penln•ula palnl. No •moklng /p e h . S 1450 949-293-4&3 I S 1750 2+2.S End IWI/ NiewpYl North Townhon't«> Pabo. attadwl p 9 , pet ok. 20 Cenb ~. iromnt7/818~ 1m Gated, ........ 3br+4en 3ba home. 2 •ca1 gar, prov patio. con1m pool Yr be W'/S Mll'"(JW~TJ FOR RENT IN llUFfS Popular E PlaTI 3Br, 2'/>Ba + Farnoly Room $3000/mo 949 644 4909 1 llOCK FROM OCEAN 2br 2ba remodeled apt. Gal..t. ~28a 2..._. l<Uporl S1850 Avail 8 I llome LOO • -<:¥ &a<. 949-SIS-4 229 ri .. ~~4.~ 2H YEARl Y H Nl AlS Monthly Rental Avail S1c>t Newport Buch Penm .u. 411' 2ba hse on Perwi •14oo s19S01moae1 Pmnt Vtry ntee 11.m aet 94'>-671-7800 mx> ~ 01n Service Directory Accoontlng "NCJTICf TO READERS C<1loforr111 l•w re quor•s that contrac lol\ l~kon& 1nbs that total S!lOO 01 more (laboo or mate,,als) be licensed by the Contracto1s Sl1te Loc~n~ Board Slate law alw 1equoru that rontractors mclude lhPo< license numbe1 on all ad•Hhsinc You cu1 ct\tck the it1tus ol your loren5ed ton lr•clor al www cslb ca 10• or 800·321 CSLB Unh tensed contractors 1ai.1n1 1obs 11111 total ten lh•n S500 must slate on the11 •dver llsemenb that they are nol licensed by the Contratlors Slate Locensa 8011rd ·· ,.,,... lfTBlmS KJtdWJn I a.th I Remodl!I ~ ....... tn.a:m ~ ~ 9'16filll15 NI Condltlont'tnl AWN HVAC An Cond11tonin1 & He1ton1 Ser vice l •808660 949 500 900S A • l HANDYMAM Install, rtfKt c1binets ~ l'10ll9 Oa!t Tl4.54S-72511 Carpet Repair/Sales ~ C.,.. 5'M SS on IT1IP' l:nrcl rwne capl'll el(l91 mtlftt!!PW'. ~ 'D'Cll Ul(Pl915 ~ICf> <>CAllPITtrCARl"ITP Repau s Patchin&. Install Courteous any s11e iobs Wholesale' 949 492 020!> 0penmg lead: nH• of moods was the l'ntry back 10 h!u}.d 10 r ruff anothec bean with the queen ol The rnmputl'r age h~ w0<ked clubs. When the trump' bch.l'vl'd 11><11ld&:" for bndgc. Nowaday~. 11 is accurding 10 the probabtl1tio. dcdar- rout1nc to fiod pl:1ycr<. from four con-er was able w dra"' trumps. d1-.c:wd tuieoh lllklng pwi in a game. or p;tn· , mg three spades from the wblc. and nc" thoo'>3Jlds of miles away pr.ilCllC clrum the rest of !he trick.\. '>COODi? m 1ng lhc1r b1ddin1i1 llus deal 1s from all one spade, two hcaru. and 1'40 OK Rndgi: heart ruff•. four diamonili and foor Aller a strong no-trump upcmng trum~. JOBS WANTED Employmert Warted 8200 * H°"H mott/M9r. * I clMn & maonteon larae homes Cook. drove. all duties, elderly & child care op 323 937 9038 Employmert 8500 DllMJt/CDl w ..___ SIO.<XXl alter 5 years! SOlOS to 39 cents leam to 41 e«ots Contractors ID 87 cents fuel sur charies tOL Grads welcome EOE 800 925 5556 or KllM com (CAI. •SCAH) Publ1sh1n1t nOMOTIONS Dll"AltTMINT Community new~apen on Oran1t9 County seells Full Time person to onterv- II 11 Mfltot-..... *t Busy Newpor1 Beach Re.JI Estate. office Salilry com mensurate w/e1p r ... resume lo ~6~ 2127 and wule stones, parlico 1.s..i.--.-$-2000--.-S-,e-11-111-R pate 1n comrnofllly events, Bonus! $5500/wll based 00 create and paainate pa,e;es recent earnlfl""I If '50nW' and sections £ •ullent •· communication skits, woril ooe can do ot ,,so can yoo! wel with the p00t1e. Know 2·3 qualified T/11 Owec:I S Qu Lvn mail & conlw~ dp AP lyle. ar..,.,-ress, nnlntment.s daily' $l<XXl/ Photosh()p, Multi·A<I <Ae ,_. alor, Prohcienl on MAC $2500 1mmt>d13te and PC. CCI design potential. per w•' no 411pe11ence preferred upenence ~! C.K Proo1Teadtn11 test Oru11 ~543 1788 (CAI. •SCAN) sa eenrc/physical r eqw-ed. E 0£ C.ceUenl benelol padlage Ema• resume. wnbne sarr(lles and salary requ11em,enl s to lat\11 lllhmon@t.t.nes com ltKUTIONIST r u1 tJme positron ••• .-able "' busy N8 Real Estat. otfoc.e M F 8.:J> 5 :J> Corrc>etrtrve pay and beneflh L!llttt com put« wor1' llnow~ ol MS Word a pill$ r u res ume to 949 7l7-2n9 SALES Sales Manaeer \ One of lhe hoahesl paid 1obs on America Hoahly successlu l n•loonal company Woll lra111 We provide appoonlm~nl\ c .. 11 Don 1·800·3?1 4103 iessoca@ver 1commcor11 com <CAL •SCAN) Sale!.. °""""' c-., faj, Womens To..d of .MW. skon care produlls 7 /l l ·813 f •• 5Chedule IMW '12 633 nl ? do v.• ry/l~n '> sp t.unrooi. lull pwr. Sl!>OO 71 4 878 94~'> IMW '90 32SI hkt: naw Blk I on 'I dr .iulo 106k 1111 ~• w111 I lull pwr 11111 r.1 \m<>i.: S-4200 114 f>'>I 41.61 IMW '19 7 l s I l t edlh•r \11111nnl •••Y d~.10 S49'J', •llb'>4'>9 wt.W<llllU «•II '+1'.I MU l8l'l I MW '9& Zl Conv 2.& .bqlll"tl 1.11111111 'l<.pd be.Jul I k1• ,,,.w 11111d •8t't/71 Sil 'J'I'> ii OMll 1111( x. w.Hf u•ty d'i1lll ll k r t 14 ,, '>116 11181! www.ocpabl com Codlllac 'O 1 Sevlfle Sl S "1 ... rr •v 11111 1 ti dor111 w111, , ... 1.1 !Jk~ lull lat I lokt• 111·w ~J!I ~S v#'t%741 1111,1111111¥ ,1v,11I llkr '14<1 '»16 1881! www.ocpabl.com Cadlllo< '01 S ... llle Sl S s1tv,., ,.,, 'f llht ti> chr m whl· 1•ulrl 11~1 lull l•t l hkr 1i-w Slll'f'i'> v•Sll&]4l 1111 u11 in~· .l\l'dil Bkr '•411 °>kl> 1 IU!k www.ocpabl.com '97 CHEVY TAHOE 4 D' wht• 4~4 1011 'vuv1 '"'',. 1l llLw1uld mdtt "' H· • .,,,,,.., .,,,...,,.,_ f.etth• I,,.... .. 1o1o. Mod••• "l"f>,,ft , ...... ttr .. f,. ,,,...,, l l'1'lf ·~ ~ /U ', DRIVERS HICll PAY' Moles• lmm,doate bene fits 9!>'l. no touch lraoner\ earn up lo SO 4 6 lop teams $100,000• average I 866 4 00 CRSI (CAL "SCANI f!Pl.$72!>sUrt~unf()b' Ood9e '99 Doliolo IU-129-3247, IC. p,, ~"I' , U• ..t wM~ \'I wry 11• t ~ti •.'4441'< w1.w,•1lf' ''"" <t11:qf;,1h IK!l Computer Services ----- OIUVlRS WANHO Newporl & Hunllf1ilon Bell Set your own schf'dulel Part or full lime available S7~ •/day lull time Call 888 DOI WORK or o1'lPIY @ -D-0 laim m>etAl JOeS feds aAI P 11 ks/Cler oc al/Postal/ f•efi&ltters/Pola SJSK+ ~ Bonus Cal M-F !bm-9pnv1:SI 1-8XM64- 8991 e•I 7.l (CM. -scAN) Drywall SeMces ALOHA! EARN EXTRA MONEY Friday. luly 11 -S!Wday. Aus. 3 Earn $6. 75 · $I I /hr. .-.: Selling &otk Hawaiian Pl~m~ ~• The Orange Counry Fair. No experience: nccc:ss~ry­ Enthusiasm a Phu! laurn-in penon: Wed.,JuJy 9 &om I la.UL ·2p.m. Orange uiunry Fwgroun<L. Carnival o(produm Bldg .. Booth •601 TROPICAL TRF..ASURF.S GlmMtnors INHOME WITTHOlfl ORYWAl.l UMCY ~ iu.-ec1 ' IUSINESS llE,.AlllS Upgrades. Rppaor~ ol Computer, Netwurks E venmesrWeellendi Compel•h•e p11ces for QU~ifly \Pl VIC 949-836-1 llS 714-926-4 22& All phnes sm/lr& 1obs Reirout1n & Installation CU.AHi 70yrs, fa or, free TIU DEAN 949-673·8065 rost t4<XXW 714639-1447 71~ 714-8113-2031 Concrete & Masonry I rick lla<k Stone l lle !:(IO(Sete Paho. Onvrw11y f ~epic BBQ Ref•, 75Yr\ f •P ferry 714 551 1594 The Cem..,1 Man Cementwork. Brock Tole & More Reliable No JOb too small. 714 615 9062 T ME TOllGIN YOURHOMl IMl"ROVIMINT l"llOJICT? Call a plumber, pamltr. handym.111. or any of the ereal service~ hsted here In our service dorecloryl THESf l OCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYl Electrical Services "-erfca I ctrlc licensed Electrical Contractor Small iobs sta1 tone al S7t .ts&_,.. Spec11hrinc on Remodehn& & all home woroni needs, Comm/lndusVRes 1-IOO-H7-100I L•182959 DUTCHMAN IUCTIUC LICCNSEO/INSURFO COMPETITIVE RATES J..#759337 949·322·6250 LICENSED CONTltACTott ~ plb too sm Ill Sl!lrVlcesl RepaH, remodel, fans, SIM. ,_ SVC 949-6'!>-36fi6 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNllF.S Prof essionaJ, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDmONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bath Specialists CS CONSTR.UcnON Lie# 577982 (949) 709-5641 t-Twrn~<.,. w..ty "*11. tree lnn'w1'q & instanauon. ZS Yrs up LIC/lnSUftd 949-548-4363 .was IVIRYTHl .. G & A .. YTHING IM A 8AIDIN. THI DlfflHNCI llTWID llAUTtfUl & EXQUISITL.. 9•9·515-UH ,,... Senrke, Yard CIHn119, M11nlenance. Sprinkler RllPH, H1uhn1 (Ht) 654M781 your stuff . houafl classifiedf H11111wn•ll Home Repair RESTORE •REPAIR l RCMOOELING Will it ne rr' cloMl1 Nocaio.p time! Ooa'1 tu.r die ript roob! 1·u~~ v•r•v..i.· Xm Kud Scnia» 714.427.0040 w... ... * ...... ~ 0 Job Ibo S'""'1 .,. ........... tff.J2J..8292 Dodge '99 lnlr epld fl¥d Vf I fl Ill'• I th·"" I/fr f "'" •'l i11l/'1 w._ w.mt•, • • lf11 1*11} f)t11, /K "J ford '6S Mu•long CtHIV(, I th1• .,, ltr!Ht ,.1 nwn .. 1 •.11hd 1 M ll'l 9'111 oho '14'1 11'1 ;><14 i fonl '9& Wlnchtar red, I~· I o, "'""'" .. u re<"f'1l>I· SHff, •(V9ll/ Wl'W'dl~• .. '"' ..,,. ~h> 78.-? l•u1u '9S Trooper ltd. 4,4 mun.11 lhr"u~houl ve1 y 1111 e •'ll)<lft9 $18'!', wtWilU\ll<l'WYl ~ /fll2 Handyman/ Home Repair FIX UP SPECIAUS T. All lyp~\ nf r.11M«. 11,r 111< al plunih1111: d'""'· water IOCAIK~. 1• ' & mure ;/4hr 17d•n 114 Jb6 1881 6-rtl C.Slnldloa 11.,.n C.>rp,nlry • Plumt>•nR OrywAll e \tut 1 U Pttmhn~ J1f#> & "''''"' 20• y,.,.,, ( .,~'"""' ~· J9714-969 5776 t.J"'6741SI ROllNSON COMPANY K~rl""1'\ W~._ Ralhroorm Mar~ 949 6'>0 'J'>75 fHI HANDYMAN All work 1uarM1I• 1•d Plu~ie, Eu Ira.Al. rlu<w" I lll!Sh ;.•p. 9'&~11R> HaulinQ JUNIC TO THl OUMl"lll 714 968 188/ AVAILABl( TODAV' 949 611 ':>~ Hou1e Cleaning OMA"S HOUSI QIAHttG Eur~ Sttw:e lor IS r-'-relorMCU l~ 71...,,..2-0656 Design Renections 'Nlf nflbul '"*'-_.,.,,,.,,, •rctuerldttt. 1ll"1'Pi11.f, fOlfJlllliflt, 1 •11nt111. 949-459-8270 Mllmly Ve11t11ro M a oe "'l RHidtnloAI Concrett M11onfy ServlC•. Ston1, 8'td>. 8~~ 714 2824 ltrht. mnrf. ommac. 54.ll)er nice. #617317 $10,995 wcwauto com 94!Mi4£>,7frl2 More ..... I.a -.3 190l 2 3, eor 11eous car . llhr. 9211 mm I. 15995 •!>48954 wcw...ito com ~7frl2 Mercedes '96 C210 br.utolul black/er um lully loaded showroom. 1110<11, Sl020 71 .. 1!>1·2464 ~ "fS l320 ea.,,tie. bo·Jut ~II <>111 none n1eer. rlew m.lfOI SVC, $8995 w;-....;UJ.ru1nw 95&lf> J8Zl Ninon '9S l"athflnder 4,4 omm•c. while. V6 •~ry nolt •011299 l!>-495 we wauto com 949-646-7821 Old.moWe ''>4 ~ s l~lu•. duto CO, clean. #Ol '>771 $1995 wt. W.tUIO corn 919 646 7frl2 Toyola '9 6 Avolon, •UIO. llhr mnd . beau 1th1I S6995 #1222178 wt wowto co<n ~ l8l'J Trod. Loi " Atrll6eilr '% llmr by ~ Woe for "* n..:.W CM 'il11 ~ t.til . Mimu W•L15 'lB 544 7113 Volktwogen '00 l ee lle 78k mo ~par ~111111 bl•clo./ tMlrn~•I .iul<l nioonrf .CD 11w pl alluy whl~ hk• new von#4 /00!>'> S 11 499 Ion & warranty ,1va1I 6 kr 949 !>86· 1888 -.aqiot.l.cam OIA..MA4~ Black W/Sllvet leathef. moonroot .{194262) S22.980 ,, 1.nwl us Srtver w /1>4ac.k lttw 14K m~. eoreew~ (114235) IN()UIRl " """°"' No.,,,. ... Grey wlblac:t< lealhe< pren1111m wile<'!\ (19419) $:73 'Bl 949-S74-7777 ~AUTO .............,._.. AUTOMOBILES, MISCWANEOUS Wanted 9045 ~ Oper-.d Dod. Over 40 ~s eAp',.. p;.y a ~y 1.,. price lu yCllJI c.at v .:o or II udl pdOd h• a nol Cal 00 Rev (,u) lomillO Ai.Ito 5,Me!. 714 437 1'131 a 114 Wl?/8 CASH Foti CARS WE NEED YOUlt CAR l"AIO fOlt 0 1' NOT l"HIWl"S AUTO ASK FOR MALCOLM 949-574 -7777 I 9355 30fT MOTOlt HOME FOR RENT LlllC NEW C CLASS ·SLIDE OUl 949 51~ 230'l BOATS Power Boats 9515 ·oo 1 a1t Duffy OecMc boJI I OWlll'I do<l.t~I by e.,._ kl.ind ~· :.<~·· $I!> ',()) """ 94'l /06 IOI> I BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 93 fT SLIP AVAIL.AIU IN NlWl"OllT H ACH S2SOO UASE 949 SOO IOOS 1•1 .... t• 'uu r aul lodU)' 1'14'11 t.42-~f>7H VW '9& l"eucrt GlS V6 ~I dlJll) rnn1 6:.. ~ • bti1 •Zi221i6 SIO 995 wt.WdlJIOt.0111 ~/827 Call Classified Today (949) 642-5678 NOMAmfl MOW YOU I AY rT, ClAISlflf.D CAN FUmrT. .. f;rttfJ/tJ}f't'. " "f:mp/Nulo. " "1\ r/1., it rirh r111•r. •• '·f:mp/o)P." t ,,,._,,;,,/. '•'.! .-.1.:-11 • Moving & Storage --"'./, ·. · ...... ;. ,,~ I\ 't l \ • •••'I ~ Open 7 Otlys low Rat .. St~ SpecWa Since 1981 949-6454545 H ST MOVllS SSS/Hr. SefYone All Cities lnso•ed 1161844 800 246 2378 313 6lO 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The c .. 111 Public Uhhhc\ Commouoon oeQunu lhal •II used houuhold ioods movers print the11 PUC C•I I number; limo\ and <.llaulleurs prool theor T C P number on all adver l1semMh If you h••• 1ny questoon• about the le&allly of a mo Yet. lfmo o r chaulfeur, call. l"UIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSION IOO '77~88'7 s.re, & ........... Cu~m Hand P11nted r.\llla & f IUA. ~ Mist lor In mai-... 0-,'• ..... 'O'lrs Gp C<ul Prrcel Gu11tant.ed work rree est. Lt375602 7 I 4 Sl8 I !»34 7 • 390-294!1 m "S CUSTCMI l"AINTlte Pron. d11n. qu.,.ty -" lntetior Jut and doc:lls. l•703468 949 6314610 J Painting Ja.,.on•• l"alnfl"9 lop Quality Compet1t1ve Interior IT <I L •648??8 Call Jay 949 650 ~ ltAINIOW caaJ MUfT Pa1nhn1t lnl/ut. House/I.pl Qualrty iob' free 1?Stimalr t.11569897 71• 636·8888 Phlmblng sml -DUii Cllml6 (t'9)H S-23S2 T e loc eOM•IOnol M llT J ii.nllt'rt SEW£R JC TllNG lL EC IRONIC Sl AB LEAK DETECTION Fr H!ndly Ser vice t4t -67S -9 3 04 -.~com l•7b2•91 onwrl'CI O..slc ~New & Remodelln&, Gn I me, Copper Reprpo. Mt Repes' L#516783 949-675 5035 MOMlST & RIASONAIU PLUMBER L•S06!i86 free Est! Sm rep.s OCTf CU Clec. 714-235-91 !JO ,RICISI nUMllNG Rep11rs & Remodehn& fRH CSTIMATC L#687398714-969·1090 Pool Service Mo.ale l"oal & Sfto he. W~ehly ~"1v11 e f quip> menl Rrpd"" ln\t,,.M Call 9'9 292-717' THISJ..,lll Sj>ect1tmn1 In Watte>•!)< Removal Lt*241949 360-121 1 SELL your stuff through classi fied! I - •' ··~ . ___ .. ___ ..__..._ ................ ____ ._.... _ ..