HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-13 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. .. SUNDAY • EDITION • a1 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 JULY 13, 2003 SUNDAY STORY Fit to a tee Newport-Mesa is a golfer's dream, with plenty of greens to choose from. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAil Y Pit.OT Casting long afternoon shadows, two golfers walk the fairway of 18th hole at Newport Beach Country Club as they finish a round. Jun10r golf 1s popular these days as 8-year-old Alexa Barnes, top photo, can attests to as she hits from ladies tees on a par 3 at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club's Mesa Linda course. June C11a1rande Daily Pilot I .fit weren't for the harbor -that stunning and expansive ameniry for which Newport-Mesa is so famous -this place would likely be best known for golf.. With a total of seven golf venues spread throughout Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. this Is undoubtedly a gorfer's paradise. Even better, the wodd of Newport-Mesa golfing offers ultra-elegant private COWltry clubs and top-notch public courses where golfers known around the world rub elbows wtth everyday ·people. > • lndeed, lo about 200 countries where the Toshiba Senior Oaso;ic tournament is broadcast each year, Newport Beach is portrayed in beautiful aerial shots of dv,zling expanses of green complemented by ocean views. Yet to golf in Newport Mesa is to know just one or two of the seven mini;universes of golf here. Almost no one has the opportunity to immerse himself or herself in all seven places, meet the regulars. play the I.inks, belly up to the bar and truJy get to know the personaliry of every club and every course. · So. in hopes of offering a bird's eye view of all of the area's golf offe~ here's a quick look at what makes each of these clubs and courses special. A CHOICE OF GREENS Costa Mei.a Country Oub is a pubLic faciUry that boasts not one. but two 18-hole courses. The dub has carved a niche by bringing superb golfing condltions to the rnru...<.es in a welcoming. homelike en vironment. "We pride ourselves on having country d ub private conditions for a municipal price." club Manager Danny Lane said. 1lle greens have some of the best conditions in Orange Counry. he said -good consistency and finnnes.s. These condltions benefi1 skilled golfers and novices alike, espeaally by aiding ball speed. See TEE. P•1• M TOP STORY THE BIG EASY The Pride of the Sailors 0 11July4, l!flY, I <HJ {,t'hng bruke a 11at11m\ lwart \ .. hen he pro< l.11111l·d bdore a packed Yi111 kee StadJUm < rowd .. foday. I ton..,1d1:r my..ell lht• lmlc:Je'>l man 011 1l1t· fau: of th1'> c:arth • A ~anr on the d1arn1111d wi1h l.1.10 -.lrJ.tgh r gaml'., playt·c.J and a ltreume ba11111g avcr<1gt' of 140, lWlCe 1he American r I .eagueo, ~1\'P .... nh uu: powerful Ne""' York Yanker-.. h1.• MJUhJ ht• gonl' 111 It'.,., lh.Ul two \ e.tr '>. Jl I h1• .1gt:' ut Ii'. a-. a n•.,ult of \my or rophtc 1.attraJ ~<ll'IO\I\. ROGER CARLSON \I.~. a \Ubj<'l'I 'o ldrl If., kr 1own -,1mpl~ .1.., I 11u < 1dir 1g., ll1.,t:'a'><' after ll 'tn11 k dm .. 11 nw l'rrc.Je of lhl' \.i11k1.•t•, • In t'\t:f) Ro .. e Bu\' I g,11111.· t rnwd. one v.111 he atn1111·d , .. 1111 •\l.'l, which aJIOW'> 1lw mmd lo rt·ma111 dear wh1lt:' 11 at1.11 b th1 mLL..,dl'' J.J1d cunuol 1111ul 1h1.·11.· art nonl' ldt fhert''> no \.\3) to -.ug<11111.il 1h1-. thing. 11·~ a ll'rrihlt" heart breal..mg d1-.ea.'o( Three-lo-five yedr'> 1-. tlw CU!.l omary progno"" '"' 11 10 111 arl' tht· ou1.1.ide number... 1 lll'rt' 1'> no curt:', nor undcr<,1,111d111g for rt:~un. A round the-.c p.irh. I \1• aJWa}''> lOn'>Hfrrt•cJ George Yardley d' m11.· 1il tht lul lc:Jest guy'> l'Vl' t'\ er llll'l Thl' fi r'>I player 10 -.urp.1'' 1lw 2.CX>O-pomt platrau 111 1111t· 'ea-.on in lhe !\ l!t\, a n11·rnh1.·r 111 1he NdJ.)m1lh Ra~kcth..UI 11.tU of l·ame in Spnngficld, Ma'' nnl of four Yardlcr.-m tht• J)J1h 1'1lot\ port~ I fall or I J llH (along with daughter. A1111l' •• md -.on'>. Bill and Rob I and l lt·arlv No I at Newport I IMhor I llK!1 ((la.~ of '46). tha1., < 11.•orgt' Yanilt'). l1eorge Yardley. tlw \on nf Dorothy and George Ir . whu would raJ'it' his own blue rrbbun family with wife IJ1a 11d (,eorge Yardley. the StJnford walk-on who hecunw a three time A1J Amt'm .u1. 'nappmg !lank Lu~111., '>mgle-season sconng rN.ord at tanford m the proc~., George Yardley. tht• -.ix t1111e COMMENTS& CURIOSITIES Overcome your recall ·anxiety TIEPl.OT O.C.FAIR On the grass that started it all .. carnsnns.,_.M The glassblowing demonstration makes the fair • family treat. S. ...... A10 Got • rad 'IOI concef1 to go to thil eummer? Better dr9ll the part. ....... Group protests at Corona del Mar State Beach against Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols' comment about 'Mexicans.' 0Hpa Bharath Oaity Pik>t STEVE llCOIMt(/ ~y PLOT Jaime Veta of e>rance WIS 1m01'11 the croWd • COf'onl del Mer StJte Beach piotni1111 Newport 8elcta eo.drnln's cOO'lltent lbcJUt Lltinos on the beach's ,,__, lrW . -----~ -------~--·~--- --=-c=_-_ ---=""""T""~-----=-----==~-------y. • A2 Sunday. Aly 13, 2003 ' NEWPORT BEACH Nichols, comments focus of council meeting Councilman Dick Nichols and comments he's made about Mexicans again ~om.lnated the week's headlinescomments coptinued to play ou~ in the public eye. The controversy came to a head at Tuesday night's council meeting. when nearly 50 people spoke at the City Council meeting. Their comments ran the gamut from passionately pro-Nichols to emphatically anti-Nichols. The complexity of the discussion was reflected by the two speakers identifying themselves as Mexicans who gave Nichols their· support and a white man who identified himself as a conservative Republican who denounced Nichols for his comment. The council voted to approve a modified rebuke of Nichols, one that emphasizes that in the future he must observe his sworn duty to make decisions without concern for race. After observing the proceedings, Lloyd Ikerd said he might not spearhead a Nichols recall after all. Ikerd said he would wait a few days to try to determine whether a recall would be in the best interests of a city already torn by a high-profile controversy. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beam and John Wayne Airport. She may 1 be readied at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. POLITICS Nichols' makes remarks about other groups Controversy surrounding Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols spilled over into other circles. as he to~k aim at groups besides Mexicans. In comments made Wednesday, Nichols slighted gays, the Lincoln Qub and Assembly candidate Marianne Zippi, who ran for City Council in 2002. In explaining why he endorsed Ken Maddox instead of John Campbell for the local state Senate seat, Nichols criticized Campbell's appointmenr a gay GOP activist Frank Ricchiazzi as "questionable.• He also called the county's top GOP fund-raiser the Lincoln Oub "not a bona fide Republican group.• He accused the group of supporting nonconservative candidates. Nichols stood by his endorsement of Zippi, whom he called Na personal friend,• but said he hoped Zippi opponent Omck DeVore wins the race because ~he would make a good assemblyman." •PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and poli1ics. He may be readied at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Hixson fire brings back memories A vat of acid exploded at a Hixson Metal Plating lnc. in Newport Beach early Tuesday morning. igniting a two-alarm fire and causing about $50,000 in damages, but no injuries, officials said. Firefighters responded to the call at the plant in the 800 block of Production Place at about 4:32 a.m. after a vat containing hydrofluoric and nitric acids exploded and started a fire. All employees of the business and the 20 firefighters from Costa Mesa and Newport Beach who responded to the call were sent to Hoag Hospital for an • evaluation. It was not the first fire at Hixson. In February 1987, the business was the scene of a much larger fire that released potentially toxic fumes and ~EKI~REVIE : . PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLL' COSTA MESA Huscroft House gets its own lot . The uncertainty shrouding the future of the Huscroft House was resolved Monday when the City ·Council approved letting John Morehart subdivide his property where the house will be moved - at 548 Bernard St. -so the house can be sold independently. The decision reversed the Planning Commission's denial of the subdivision. . ln other neW&: • Costa Mesa's public kickoff of its 50th anniversary rocked Thursday night at the re-opened Pacific Amphitheatre. The celebration included free ca.Ice. musical entertainment, a video history and fireworks. • On Thursday, the Orange County fair Board decided to start over with the bidding process for the 10-year lease of the outdoor, retail marketplace at the Orange County Fairgrounds. The process, which involved two competitors - incumbent Tel Phil Enterprises of forced the evacuation of more than 200 residents for five days. The deaths of Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steven Van Hom, who died of leukemia in 1997, and Firefighter Larry Parrish, who died of colon cancer, are said to be directly related to the Hixson blaze of 1987. Two other Newport Beach firefighters, Al SchmehJ and Tony De Teeis. are still battling cancer. In other news: • Former NeWport Beach recreation coordinator Trenton Veches was The opening ceremonies at the · Orange Collllty Fair, which featured the Hodads at the Heritage Stage, were made much more attractive thanks to the roller-skating waitresses from Frisco's Diner. The fair offers many side-stage acts with artists performing for the crowd. When you see this year after year, It becomes pretty mundane. The addition of roller-skating beauties was genius and it made the Hodads' act so much more energetic. A d07.e0 girls in pink skirts dancing on roller skates in front. of the stage made the Hodads' '50s tunes even more alive. Dol'\'t get me wrong, the Hodads could definitely hold their own, but the addition o( the dancers was like pairing an exquisite wine with a classic culinary aeation. -Sean Dufrene, photography intern S£AN DUFRENE I DAILY PllOT DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Children rush up for a piece of a giant chocolate cake for CostaMazing, the city's 50th-anniversary celebration at the Pacific Amphitheatre. Newport Beach and American Park 'n Swap, a subsidiary of Delaware North ofBuffalo, N.Y .. had become bogged down in controversy. Board members said the fair thing to do would be to reject the previous bids sentenced to life fn prison on Friday for sucking the toes of several young boys enrolled in the city's after-school programs and holiday camps. Veches cried as Superior Court Judge Richard Toohey handed him multiple life sentences. He will become eligible for parole in 15 years. in May a jury found the 32-year-old guilty of 23 counts of felony lewd act with a child and two misdemeanor counts of sexual assault. He had also pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor and reopen the process. • DEIAOAE NEWMAN CQVers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e·mall at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. count of possessing child pornography. • Costa Mesa Police on Wednesday arrested a 39-year old man on suspicion of robbing seven city businesses with a fake gun. Cllester Vincent c:ecere hit three businesses on Tuesday afternoon within 30 minutes, police said. • DEEM BHARATff covers public safety and-courts. She may be ruched at (949) 574-4228 or by e-mail at deepa.bh•r•thtllatlme1.com. NOTABLE QUO TABLES "It was pretty much a none~nt. Most people had left. The only.thing we saw was thls really hairy guy on roller-blades wearing a thong. H -Stew Brombeq, Newport Beach mayor, on this year's Fourth of July reveliy in West Newport . 'TM bottom line is a ccmmunity garden is an asset to the entire community. It reaches out to more than those hoeing cornstalks." -U bby c.owan. Costa Mesa councilwoman. while convincing those at the Costa Mesa City Council that a community garden at Cllarle and Hamilton streets will benefit the entire city and not just those residents gardening in It "I am not a mdst. If you think you can label me a Mexican hater. the evidence just won't support thal." -Dick Nkhola, Newport Beach councilman, at the City Council meeting Tuesday after noting that he has worked with and .supervtaed Mexicans at different times during his professional career "He'i hit the trlfecta. This guy sounds like somelfody who's. lost TOTIClrwltlf reality tiiUI • isn't Interested In ~lecting Republicans." . -aut.Wywki, Assemblyman John Campbell's campaign consultant. after Nichols said he didn't support Campbell's state Senate bid because Campbell bad supported a gay Republican, and then railed against the Lincoln Qub of Orange County "So we'd do most of the heavy cutting. We~ like everyone tc ccme tn wtth JO fingers and leave with JO fingers." -Glenn 7.agoren, chief executive of the Newport Harbor Naudcal Museum, on having museum offi cials saw the wood for a family boat-building event over theweekend PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l..eadl, Copyright: No news stori ... illustratlon1, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written perml11lon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN Hewe~ Glne AJ81cender. Lori Andel'IOn, Oenlel Hunt. Paul S.ltowitt, ,_..Stewnl . 'NIWI Sf/l#F ertme°:r~. (.., d#pe,,,,_.,.,.,,,,_,com ..... =·--· Newport reporW, t,.r 574-4232 jutw.~-~ .... Cllnlilwt Potltlcs, buslnee. mnd enVirQnmem report«, (Me) 7&M330 ,,-ut.cllnton•JMJ,,,...com L.olla....,., Ookmnliet. culture reporter, (MIJ74..427a 1o11taMrpM•1«1macom DlllM•wman Cotta Mau "lf>O'W'· (M8) 57~1 dfllrchMMNn•l«l,.,..oqm c:..--.... Newa ........ , ... , ,,.... «nl.""'°" ........ °""' · Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-«>86 Record your oommentl about the Dally Pilot or newt tlpe. Add,... Our addreH is 330 W. Bay St., Coit.a Meu, CA 92627. Of'flce hours ere Monday ·..,Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Co"9CtJone It i1 the Pilot'• policy to promptly c:Orrect all errol'I of subltlnee. Pleete cell (9491764-4314. FYI The Newport 8MdVCoeta Meea Delly Pilot (USPS-144-IOO)la . published dally. In N9wpot1 B..c:n end eo.t.a Mesa, auti.ctiptlons are evelt.ble only by aubecriblng to The nmes Oranet County 18001 252·9141. In ereM out9ide of N9wport BNd\ 9nd c-.. Meu, 11.1bacrfpltone to the Oe4ty Pltot .,. ~only by flrwt ... ""'' '°' $30 pet month. (Pricl9 lndlMte ... eppffcM)fe ..... mnd loca& .... ) POSTMASTEl': Send eddrell cNnO-to The N.wport ~ ~ Deltv Not. P.O. lox 1MO, C-.. ~.CA l2i8Z8. HOW TO REACH US ~ .• The Times Orange County (800) 252·91'1 Adwftielnt ClaMlfled (949) 642-5678 ~ (9491642-4321 Edltoriel News (949) 6'2·5680 lpotta (949) 574--4223 ..... ,..(M&) ..... 170 .,... ,.. (Mt) 890..()170 E-mell: daltyp11ot•t.t1,,.,...com Mllllt Olllo9 • ......... Olllo9 (M&) &42""321 ............. (M9) 631-712t ft\lbllahtd by Tltnee Community Ntwt, i dMtlon of the Lot Angttea Time.. C2003 Tltnet'CN, NI rigtlta r~. WEATHER FORECAST look for ateM of douds Ind fog In the morning 1h8t wtll linger neert0me ~Into the afternoon. Othefwt•, mody IUM'f with hight In the mfd.70. to mid..eo. lnlend. Owmight, lows between 80 •nd70degl'M9. ......_II: www.nwa.nou.QOV BOATING FOIECAIT Wlndl wll be Y8t1lble .. 10 la'°'8 or._ with 2 foot W1rWS end ........ ,fNt. In open--. ........ 10 lncrllll '° 20 ~In .. ~-' TIDES Time 10-ACJ1.m. 3:14p.m. 9'.33p.m. 4:641.m. ~ 3.98 fMt high 2.21 fMllow 8.96 fMt high • 1.'6 fMt low .. Daily Pilot Sunday, Joly 13, 2003 Al The ol' Costa Mesa barbershop Tom Forquer Daily Pilot A mid the hustle and bustle of contemporary corporate comm erce in Costa Mesa lies a remnant of old business and community values. Tucked into a tiny alley off Newport Boulevard, you mlgh1 know about Swalm's QJp Joint if you happened 10 notice ilS rotaJing barbe r pole or If you've lived in Newpon-Mesa for a while. Looking for a job after he discharged from the Marine Corps, Ed Swaim took a tip from his barber. "He said you could always have a job, you wouJdn'1 m ake much money. but you would mee1 an awful lot of nice people," Swaim said. One such person, Uoyd Braddy. provided Swaim fus first barbershop job in 1949 at Braddy's Barber and Heauty Shop. He told Swaim 1hat if he did one thing. he could always keep it. ''Alway!> do the be':>t you can do." Swaim recalled. It only took Swaim three days of working in Costa Mesa 10 kn ow that he had found a home. Swaim identified with the young residen1s. many of whom were aJso ju'\I out of the service and rail.mg or s1art1ng families. wl:veryone was trying to help eac;h other ~et a job.:' ~waim 'Said ~ '!' Though tlwre were 1hree barbershop~ w11hin a small area, re~idents would Lry 10 rotate between them. Swaim slated that "In orher word-:.. they would split their bu!>ines-;." When Hraddy died in 1957, WHAT'S AFLOAT •WHAT'S AFLOAT 1s published penod1cally. If you are planning a naut1cal event, submit the mforma11on 10 the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa M esa. CA 92627; by fa)( to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail 10 F.ulwri,,, A LiH 7N6.u To Frank Sinatra £_.,,., M•U., 0. T~ 6-9'• Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails / 1.11 Jle"'f YI -1111'1'/t f ~,// (')4')) (,:.(,. -,,,,, ,, lh•J~ ''"""''" ~u·, ( u._,,_. \I.,• ' ............. , ... \t-............. "' ..... , -• DON'T MISS OUT!!! SOCCER CAMP STARTING MONDAY, JULY 14 · Bl¥e Star is committed to the successful development of young soccer players in Orange County. We provide a fun. learning environment to help ensure the maximum retention of skills that are taught. For three hours a day, each player will develop their basic skill level and have a chance to use those skills, DON LEACH I DAJLV PILOT Ed Swaim , in the foreground, spends time with some of his best friends in his barber shop he has occupied for 40 years. Some come for the hair cut and shave and some iust come by to chat. in games. ·Date: Monday, July 14th -Friday. July 18th, 2003. • Time: 9-1 2pm each day Swaim bought the shop and 11s equipment, much of which ii. •still being used today in the Oip Joint's current location. The 1wo-chair shop's walls are covered with barber-related aftwo rk. h1s1oric photos of Costa Mesa and aviation art, like the photo of the Spruce Goose in its one and only histopc. Tught. fhe Oip Jo1nl's viri1age appeal has attrac1ed i.uch celebrities a!. ~like Nes.'>. front man of the rock-a-billy punk band Social Di'>tortion. When Swaim fttst s1arted. you could get a men's cur for 75 cenl'>. Today, you can -:.rill get a cut for a!i little as $5. Woody I Iadley, 87-year-old darlypilot <i-/at1mes com. SAILING CLASSES Or•ng• CoHt College is offet1ng new credit and noncredit sailing classes this su mmer. Most classes are five weeks in lenglh, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center l Co~ta Mesa residenl and lungume fnend of Swaim. noted 1ha1 "'fhc pnce is nght." C1'11s Brown is reputed 10 have knCJwn Swaim longer than any other (.o..,1a Mesa resident, which 1~ believable considering he hai. lived here since 1922. "fh1s 1r; a place where you'll find out the my\ bu'liness," said Brown, noring thar the shop is ·frequm1ed br rnmmunity leader!>. When ~wa1m ha'> encountered rough times. the community ha., pitched in to help. such a., the ume hi.s barber pole was s10len and the Cos1a ~le\a Fire Department paid for and 111\lallec.J J ne\ .. o ne. is at 1801 W Pacrf1c Coast Highway, Newpon Beach 1949) 645-941 2 or VISll occsailing com. Sailing Fascination offers clHaes in boating safety and sa iling year-round for pe1sons with disabilities. Free. (9491640-1678. Irvine Coast Charters in Udo Marina Village offers two-hour Al 82 year!> old, Swaim "ill loves cutung hair and ha!\. no plani. for retirement "If I believed in re111carna11on, I'd just assume come back a'> a barber," he said wtlh d chut l<le •TOM FORQUER is a Daily Pilot intern He can be reached at tom forquer o lar1mes com • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do you know of a person placP or event that deserves a h1stonca1 Look Badl7 Let us know Contac1 James Meier by fax at 19491 646-4170, e-mail at 1ames me1er o lat1mes com. 01 mail him al Clo Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. Sl80 for two person~. (949) 675-4704 ·Cost: $95 per child. If you bring a friend. the price is only $80 per child! 0 Age:4-14 • Location: The Back Bay field on the corner of Monte Vista and Irvine Blvd in Costa Mesa. ·What to bnng: Soccer clothes. cleats. shin guards and soccer ball (if possible). Please call as places are filling rapidly Registration will take place on the first day. BLUE STAR SOCCER (949) 645 8777 www.bluestarsoccer.com Does your NeWport Beach or Costa Mesa-based charity, school, civic group or non-profit organization need$$$? To celebrate 20 years of serving delicious BBQ and 20 years of serving our community. The Newport Rib Company is proud to present 20 Days of Chartty -a spectacular string of fundraistng events hosted at b oth Newport and Naples Rib Company locations. Benefiting 20 local charities. 20 Days of Charity gives you , our dining patrons. the opportunity to help us support our community. For 20 consecu tive days (October 12-31 . 2003), Rib Company will donate 20o/o of each dining receipt to your cholce of the 20 selected charities. lf your g1'0&1.I> ~uld like to be considered. a Mflciary of N~pert Rib Company's 20 Days of Chari lease log onto ...-. nd click arity link. You eat deli~ious BBQ and we donate money! What could be better for you · and our community? -- 2196 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa call (949} 631-21 '10 for tnf ormation & reseIVations www.rlbcompenJ.com PUBLIC SAFETY COSTA MESA • ~ 0.. Grendthel was repot'9d In the 2700 blodt at 8;46 a.m. Thursdey. • fell' Drtwc Grand theft was rePorted In the 60 bl<><* at 9:42 a.m. Thurlday. • Heft»or 8°'11ewrd: A commercial bofglary was reported In the 2100 bl<><*. at 1 ;45 p.m. Thursday. • Kllybroob Lene: An auto theft was reported In the 3000 blodc at 2:36 a.m. Thursday. • Onlnge Awnue: Vandalism was reported In the 2600 blodc at 8:28 p.m. Thursday. • PomoM Awnuei Vandallsm was report9d In the 1900 blodt at 8:20 a.m. Thut"ldly. • VMeC9 ~ Greftlti WU reported In the 1900 blodc at 6:26 p.m. Thurlday. • E.-t 17th SlrNt A hit-and-run was reported In the «)() blodc at 12:21 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • AmbrolM: A home borglary was reported in the 300 blodc at 10:34 a.m. Friday. • Birch StrMt •nd MacArthur Boulewrd: A vehicle burglary was reported at 5:31 p.m. Friday. • c.m~ DfM: Vandalism was reported in the 100 blodc at 10:08 a.m. Friday. • Udo Plletc Drive: An auto theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 11 :27 p.m. Friday. • Lugoni. Street A hit-and-run was reported in the 300 blodc at 11 :11 a.m. Friday. • Newpol1 Boulewrd: An auto theft was reported in the 2400 blodc at 3:48 p.m. Friday. • Reeidenda: A borglary was reported in the 5200 blodc at 5:42 p.m. Friday. TEE .Continued from Al Lcil lAp" the lor1Ff oC the ~two p counet, whb ~ par-lbree holes and a couple of pu·&ve holes. The aborter Mesa Uoda course is more of a shot .rnakel's course, Lane said, with dog legs throughout PttfVATE, BUT CASUAL Newport Bee.ch C.OWltry Oub ls a private, but friendly club best known as the site of the Tushiba Senior Qas&c Thl\f'NUlleDt. But the 1V footage of the cowse seen around th~rld can't show off one of the best features of this 650-member club. Its location lends it.self to some cool ocean bteea1 that make play OD the pat·7l c.oune evm more pleasant '" · Manager Jeny Anderson dt8Cribes it as a coume that's cballengjng and frieodJy. espeddy \lecaUle Jt'a easily waJk.ed. A bounty of ttees across the 1usb gniens aeate the feeling of playing golf in a pa.IX. "It's beautiful. and the location is so good because you get the afternoon breezes -it's just a pleasant a place to play golf,• Anderson said And ~ough it's a private club, it offers a more casual, friendly environment THE CHAMPAGNE OF COURSES Mesa Verde Counny Oub is an upscale and elegant private club in Costa Mesa that boast some impressive golfing credits.. Besides being one of the only courses around that bas hosted PGA. LPGA. USGA and Senior EASY Continued from Al NBA All-Star before "retiring" at the ripe oJd age of31 to stan his successful engineering business. To this day he remains the legend of Fort Wayne, Ind., where he sizzled for years before the Pistons moved to Detroit. George Yardley, an original Bid , lancl.com presenu ... Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At EmbiWy Suites Hotel 11767 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove Registration is at 10:30 AM• Auction Begins at 11:31 AM §OLIS l. fVESTME ... T & REALTY KRlsTIN M~ SOUS ; Licensed Real Estate Agent • Mmint all of your Real Ett4U iHJs. ERie A. Sous CFP • 17 Ytdl'I ~ • Sl«lu 0-&nJs • Mutwl Fimds • AnmU#a • EstllU 0-Retimnmt Planmt • Invmmmt Banktng • Sm4ll MIJA Mmlut Uimpllnin • Large Vellums • ~ P\otttng • Lg. Bond C,opla &moll Vo"' plot ftla lo ua • lagunaprflt....,ltllnlr..nct Pldt Up A Dllwry ·Falt~ S..tloe ProMtv Scmn, Yo. smc. 1914 C/R .~trf9 .Yxwl', 9'/f.k'..y g~ fkl Now Opet s..-,. LagunaPrint • I,' I •• > ,· (\I I ! I' I PGA ewmt1, lt'I UC> famed for being the place where •Qwmpqne Thny" Lema Mmed bJa nk:b:wne. After wlnnJng hll Grit PGA nmt In the mid· 1980I at Mesa Verde, be bought champagne for memben of the preu In atmMlance. The private club with a par-71 coune bu about 430 members. It's al.lo a popular lite for weddings and other elegant events. lta new clubhouse, which opened In February, adda another touch of opulence with fine dining on the green. A VIEWTO ORM FOR Pelican Hlll ls synonymous with ocean views, and stunning ones at tqat. Both of Peli:an · Hill's 18·bqle co~ owrlook the beach at Crystal COYe atate park. offering ocean views {tom almost evecy hole. It wu created by renawned golf coursed~ F8*-an. impressive credential tor a public course. •A lot of people think it's private, but lt's a public course,• said Ham Maissen, general manager for Golf Properties for Pelican Hill "I think we have all the advantages of a private club with none of the disadvantages of a private club.· DON LEACH I OM.Y PILOT A golfer hits from a bunker on 18th hole at Newport Beach Country Club during a recent prcram tournament. The Ocean North Course is par 71. The par-70 Ocean South Course actually leads players under Coast Highway to play right next to the ocean. ult has a lot of forced carries. which helps ma.lee it very dramatic,• Maissen said. UNDER THE LIGHTS The Newpon Beach Golf Course is the only night-lighted course around. This offers an selection to the Orange C.Ounty Sports Hall of Fame In 1981. George Yardley, the happiest and most robust inductee at the Naismith Hall of Fame, ever. No one has ever stood the city of Springfield on lts ear as did "The Bird"" In his induction year of 1996. Springfield has done everything except adopt him. George Yardley, at age 74, the brash, the outspoken. the noisy, the Oamboyant, and my friend, who has joined the ranks of l-in-100,000. . imponant lnslgbt to what this place is all about. owner Steve Lane said. It's a friendly, welcoming public course that tries to meet the needs of anyone and everyone who might enjoy a round of golf. Families with young children enjoy the course. Businessmen often bring lheir clients. People who work during the day can meet up for friendly golf games in the evening. Older people feel welcome. Novices reel comfonable taking their first swing at the sport. and expen golfers come to enjoy the challenge of its water bodies undergoing a series of infusions of gamma globulin and protein since the diagnosis became irrefutable. The four-hour sessions once a week are to help slow lhe process and ease various symptoms. Yardley, whose voice is now slower and lower, said he doesn't have any problem discussing his situation and that his daughter Anne, son-in-law Tim Nagle and son Robbie have been his major assets in coping. MHuge, ft was how Yardley I t was about a year ago when described each of his Yardley was loosening up to champions. _ enjoi one of his favorite Right now his daily regimen passions, golf, that he reallz.ed, consists of an early rise and a #I couldn't hit the ball out of my morning's routine in his office at shadow." work before heading home for a • 1\vo qntha ~o it was 6nally relaxing afternoon and early conflrme(l 'llMl!~~s••= retirement. ALS. .,..... He was one of the scheClWed "It was a shock.• corumned guest speakers at a recent AlS Yardley, who has been fund-raiser in San Diego, but in COMMENTS Contirwed from Al understand this stuff and you can't'? It's because they have two thin~ that you don't: No real job and the Official Davis Recall Budget C.Ollapse Handbook. Everything you ever wanted to know about the current pandemoniwn in Saaamento and the impact on cities like ours is in lhe Handbook. Read it, use It, don't leave home wilhout it Pay attention. This is important We begin. Qualdon: What wW be the impact of the budget impasse on cities like Newpon Beach and Costa Mesa? Amwa: I have no idea. Q: Who are these people who want Gray Davis rec:alJed IDd what are they so upset about1' A: The recd q»polbetl IJ"e • what political expa1B call. "people who live in California" They are very upset with Gray Davis for a number of reasons: a dedlnlng state economy and a staggering budget deficit, the energy tlasco, and most lmporundy, the fact that he~ his hair like Gwnby. Q: Why would a grown man wear hJs hair like Gumby1 A: I have no idea. Q: Has a CaHfomla gcM11lOf' e\ier been recaDed1 A:No. recall folb have acruaJly stopped collecting~ and belleYe they have tumed in more dwl enough signatmes to produce the requisite 897, 158. Q: What is a ualid signature7 A:. A signature that is valid Q: What iS the significance 897.1581 A: It's a really big number. Q: Do you know any Gray Davis trivia? A: 'ai!s I do. Q: lsn' that a stupid waste of time that only a lhallow person lik2 you would care about1 A: Sbul up. Gray Davit was born ao Drumber 26. 1942, in New bk~ which is where he grew up. Be carelul about people from New )mt Clty. ~ talbd about that. Davb' "'81 QAme b Joseph Qabam Davis, Jt J-n,, mother nk:knamed him "Gray." No one knows why be wears his hair like Gumby. Q: What happens if the recall qualifies1 A: \bt.m wW have their say in a special dectioo this November, or M part ol the 2004 dections. Either way. it will be a political free.for...all seldom seen in Calii:>mia or anywhere else. \bters will be Bed two limple questiooa that aound lib this, nxft or 1ess: l. SbouJd Gny DIMa compleCe bia tmn u GcMrnor OM>mM. yea or nol 2. Who sbol*I cocnplete the mm ot Gny ~. Gowmor of Clllbnia1 Unden1 ... the aetOl1d queetloo wll ........ kqlilt ol amdM-bGcMmor. and sand traps. "It's good for all ages," lane said. "You can be 5 years old or you can be 80 years old. It has something for everybody. It's not too hard. But it's challenging. It has W<i.ter. It has sand traps. It has a little something for everybody." The par-59 course has five par-four holes and the rest medium to long par-three holes. It also ha.a a night-lighted driving range. UPSCAI..£ AND PRIVATE The Santa Ana Country Oub and the Big Canyon C.Ountry fact. did not speak to the gathering. "I had to get my rest and I left a little earty.• be said. "I had a joke ready for them.• He takes comfort in the fact he has been scruck with AlS now, as opposed to the younger set. "It's much bener at this age than an earlier age,· he said. The disease can strike at any age. but more often than not, it goes after those in lheir 40s. Yardley maintains a sense of humor and said one of his main objectives is to continue with a positive attitude. "It's just that my arms. they are weak." he said. He has no plans for getting away for a tour or vacation. opting for what be loves most as Oub are known as some of lhe ritziest most elegant courses around. The Santa Ana Country Oub. for example, has a dress code for players that helps set the mood of a truly upscale place 10 play. Both private clubs contribute to the image of Newport-Mesa as a world·class gotftng destination and help put the area on the map. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach end John Weyne Airport. She m-v be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by .-man at june.caugran<HtllatlmH.com cause may be brought another step toward the forefront because of Yardley's stature. As this news gets around. despite the considerable research already in place, concern for cause and remedy may get a boost And maybe. just maybe. it will enhance in some way the chance that a miracle will someday emerge. At least it's something to hold onto. The nights may be long~r as time goes aJong but George Yardley can rest assured he has the daily thoughts and prayers of his friends in Newport Beach. and many. many others. In his comer. the keeper of the flame at his •ROGER CARLSON 1s the former business in Fountain Valley. sports editor for the Dally Pilot Has • column appears o~ 1n the T be only pGiillflle ptb'tt'Ne tr 9POftl HC'lion. ~ teactled the fact so many yictims by e-meil et of the disease and their roger11nddorothea msn.com Q: Who can be a candidate for Governor of c.alifomia? A: Anyone who bas $3,700 and can fill out a form .. : Serlamfy. That's why there will be a list of candidates as long as your arm. keeping in mind that I don't really know how long your ann is. The most mentioned naines include C.Ongressman Danyt Wll CR-Vista), Turrninator Arnold Schwarz.enegger and former candidate Bill Simon But there will be a small anny or also-rans. political ideologues and plain old whack jobs running. For 3, 700 sbeJcels, you can say for the rest of your liCe that you ~ an official candidate for Governor of California -the 1arglest stale in the Union and the sixth largest nation in the wodd ii It wme a country. For certain polilical junkies. the tempta1ion ~be overwhelmlng. Q: la (',(JI( DllVil lWJdng bad:1 A: Abeoh.ttdy. In ID dort to win back the bearca and minds of California voters. he's trtpUng the annual reglattation fees on your car. i dolJars tn S 100 bills Is a stack about 14 inches high. But a billion dollars in s 100 bills Is the height of a 10-story building. 1b repeat. lhe hole in C.alifornia's wallet is between $28 and S38 million dollars. Yikes. Q: Is this all she wrote for California? Are we done? Is il over? A:. Technicfl)ly, that's ~ questions, and I tuwe n0 fdii what she wrote, becaU!le J\oe never understood who •she" is. Do you? No. this is not the end for California. Saaamento will find the money they need the old fashioned WtJY -borrow It Q: Will Qay Davis be recal1ed1 A: Jn a word ..• ya Do you know~ And )'DU CSl!'f' you beard ltba tat n.• ... be recaled not...._ heS .,00 or bad or Democrat or Republican or exciting or not And not even because of his hair. It'll happen because WaD Srreet and the investment oommwtky wlD quiedy get a Olelllp out to everyone &om big shots to little people. and.espec:laDy. big unlom: No new leadership means no public oooftdence,-and no public conftdenoe means no money. AD the sound and fury from Sacramento about more taxes. no cuta .•. more CUtl, DO taxel, is about a Important u • dog baddng tn the dillcance on a windy day. Remember, IMM!I' ~ polidcs with n!lllty. I gotta go. • """' ....... le. bmer eo... Mele mlYOf; Hie column NM SuncMys. He "\IV be,_,_ by HMll • ,.,,...~ ' ... uoo-.. $l,4tl, ... op. HOUie I ..Spm • 217 Vlo ICorott l...Mdnwtt estate on double wide loc. 4 bd. plus oflb.Jcr..,.. ..... 717.4749 IUVAGI Open House , ...,,,,, • 3 Sammet ~ and strikircfy ups! aded fwni1y home. .. bd .. plus bonus room. Oty tip views. t49.6t7.1219 COllONA OIL MAA $f,ttS,tot Ccmllne loadon wldt,.... bwh. ~ to duplkac. this P' •d&foul Umeo Shores estaCll. • . .............. ... CAN10N SUtl,IM .. C..,on ............. w. J .... Q'9IDm hoMe. Golf CIOWM ....... M.nt.1nt DOVIR SHOUS . $1.1111 ... ()pelt House 1-Spm • IS 18 GcNiry Or Private s bd ... ba. Old wortd charm. ~ BadcS.vJew. Ht.717.4764 HADORVIEW HO.-s $1,ltS,000 Open House I ..Spm • 2333 Port l.etwldt l'f. EJcp.nded 4 Bd. wtth family room, librvy on owntud lot. '49.717.4750 DANA POINT $1,tst,lff .. bd. remocWed ........ home In pc. auarded oc.wWo.1t community. f*Aoua OCAll\ vtewt. ONI POllD·M>AD $1,tM,IM Ew"'fdDWlll a....~""'), ._ .... 'WI ... .. 90NITA CANYOH Sl,7" .... °'*' House I ..Spm • 26 Mcrile Sands 8-ud<uly llndsaped, upsraded. 6 bd. home In pted ...... Mary a.. a llob w.p.n t49.7st.lm WJIOA PENINSULA POINT $1,195,000 Opet! House l-4pm • 2038 Minimar ~ Peninsula Point 3 bd. and den. St.pt to ocean. 949.711.2757 NIWPOllT al.ACH $2,ltl,Ht Golf c:oune c.,. Cod home 911 one of IC CM)'Of''s premier lou. 5 bd. 4 be. family room pNs den. HADOAV11W MIU.I SIMS.- Open House 1-Spm • 2ao I Harbor V'lf!W Or. • R.modeled 3 bd. one story home. Ocean and harbor views . ..... 717.A7SO COSTA MESA Open House l-4pm • 205 Rawer St exp.nsr.. cont.emporvy home. l.arp pm. ct.c.k. brick walkw.ays and separate patio. 949.711.2719 NaWPOllT HACH $2,691,... &cm .. Newport~ f:NfK" lH .a. unobscn.a.d ocan, harbor and Cac.lina ...,_ ~ • • &.my, "113, 2003 INS HT Ill..,_• tDplc you'd• to ... eJCPIDMd on ttt9 ,...1 Contact Joee J. Sant~ with questions, comments or .ideM. He can be reec:n.ct et (9'9) 674-422A or jt»e.Nntodllati,,,.._oom. a.YER FRANKIE SPOON SAYS RELAX Blue top and Top by Diesel, green collared $49. Pants by shirt by Dolce and Penguin, S'8 Gabbana, and $38. Pants $355.Shoet by MAVI. $68. by Stuart Shoes by Weitzman, Dietel. $88. $198. D on't go see Duran Duran In that tired outfit that is so 2003. See the MIV pioneers at the Orange C.Ounty Pair on WedJ;lesday dressed In an outfit that is totally tubular. Don't you k:noW that ·eos fashion ls making a comebadc? It's falrty easy getting that retro ensemble together anywbei'e. But if you've got some dough to spend (the decade of excess. remember1), you can sport an outfit from Bloorningdale's at Fashion Island that blends yesterday's sense with today's style. -Jose J. San t.os THE SPfCOU, PART 1 Top and shorta byOpCl...ic CoUectlon, $48 and $'8. Holt by Ambiguous. S28. HER NAME IS RIO Top by Mia Sbcty,$89. stlrt by Dolcl and ILOVE ROCK 'N' ROLL Top end lldrt byDolclend GabbMl-.$185 end$185. Tights by OKNY.$14.; YOU MAY ASK YOURSElf Alt-....., .a a. out tt... mecNnlc:al pendle end -how mudl you know ~!he ·ao. edl lnvedlng ~~ 1tMe eummer . • ~ Mnd--.......................... -....n ~ Whit -!he nwne of !he cult fevoril97 Al "hiil I ' ' ........... "liodry Hon. litctur. lhowrCj .......... Jl Thef'e'1 1 ,_ moon. It'• Monday. You've str;9d your wwv through tfle cola day, W1ilting fo do I fl~ end yo4lre waWlg~ Whmeisi&l Al .......... ~ .... C),,.... .. 41 DEV0-110N In the '90I, Nirvana, ~ Ag.inll the Machine end Sounc1gardtn Ill Old DilllO oown. But Dl'lo WM flmoul for ~COIW.oi • 'llO!ldalic:. Wh8l80flG -ltJ . A>n-......_...._, ·oc.n-.GetMDtt u r , .. .,. -~._Got ... C)'De ....... '"'HelW ........ .. ~ aAmS $pMlling of_.., !he BMglee heve done IWW In tMl'lfMl;ll\R~~;-KQVSl\I& ~ WlnMc • -m the .. ,,,,,..... o« wh4! d ' 1Ddllct2 Al -n. ··~:t:..11 c:Mt·., ·a-,.... z..· Q ...... -·· J .... •Otwufltwl»Ci.,..,.,_l'lltli; "Mlw*'Moi*t."w,..wMd ----------- m AM"' OE-DtEAIMAVD If vou find ym.neH tMllng Juial Newton •Angel" one sunny mommg end~ to be in iOllWwhM uf ~tlurry, wn.t~ you do b9bw you-..? AA Held hrftt" ...... _, Y-* Jllille'a .... Q f..il ............... • ' Sunday. July 13, 2003 A7 The write stuff at Mariners branch bella bella I nterested in discussing boob with ~tful writers who are also 'your neighbors? Mark your calendar fo r four upcoming Wednesday evenings. 0 when local authors will talk about their works and the process of writing at "Meet the Author'' in the Vmcent Your Home Mortgage Jorgensen C.Ommunity c.enier at Mariners Branch Library. Residential loan specialist Randy Johnson will launch the series on Wednesday with "Your Mortgage and Money.· Johnson is the author of "How to ~ 11iousands or Dollan on Your Home Mortgage" and "How to And a Home and Get a Mortgage on the Internet." With 22 years of experience in the residential loan business, he can offer k.een insight into how homeowners can maxirniz.e savtngs in this penod of GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For 1nformat1on on adding your organization to this hat, call (949) 574-4298. PROJECT TOGElliER Pro1ect Together seeks adul1 volunteers to eS1ablish a trusting, one-to-one relationship with children stressed from family problems and abuse. This historically low interest rates. The focus will shift to imaginary scenarios when Lynene Brasfield presents "New Fiction" on July 23. For "Nature Lasons," her first novel. the Independent Book.l.ellers of America selected Brasfield as a July/August Booksense pick. The story about a copywriter who breaks up with her fian~ and rerums to her native South Africa to search for her mentally ill mother is a reftection on los.s, guilt and the perspective we bring to the universe. The National Alliance fo r the Mentally m recogniz.ed it for its realistic and compas.slonate portrayal of mental illness. The South African-born author is now working on her ~ond novel, "Anyhow In a Comer." component of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the children are economically deprived. victims of neglect or both (714) 850-8444 .. READING BY 9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students tn londergarten through the third grade. In Costa Mesa. Pomona Elementary School, (949) 515-6980; Wh1tt1er Her worlcs will be on Newport Beach Public Ubrary shelves in the near future. The dreamy days of summer may be the perfect time to reflect on novels by winners of the Golden Heart Award who will appear at the Mariners branch on July 30. With the annual honor, the Romance Writers of America recognizes unpublished authors. Since receiving it, both tradibonal romance writer Shannon Donnelly and historical romance writer Susan Squires have collected numerous awards for · works that will SOOll be available at Newport Beach public libraries. Last year's wmner, Debra Hollitnd, is a psyduatnst whose first science ficoon-romance wiU be published shortly. If you think romance is for the birds, or believe pets are most Elementary School, (949) 515-6898; Wilson Elementary School. (949) 515-6995; and New Shalimar Leaming Center. (949) 646-0396. need help for students in reading, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8·30 to 11 :30 a m ., and after school from 3 to 6 p.m .. Monday through Friday. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree, hold a canned food or toy drive. or Se r ving r"BreaR.f ast , L.unch & 'Dinner • !Locals Favorite! Smee 1995 ast p ecials 3 EGGS SCRAMBlE No Prerequisites. Orange Coast College invites you ••• To Bring Your Dreams! No matter how high you've set your goals, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. Wt1l get you to 1 untwrsfty! -We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universitift. Wt11 prepart you for 1n txdtf ng arter! - Our career programs are seconcj.to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses •. corporations, high-tech flrms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. till now for fall registration informa&n: (714) 432-5072 . Clines begtn Monday, Aug. 25. To S4W1 Wlluobll rtsOUrms, Orange Coast C°"'ft hos n« moiWd Its class sdttduit this faU. MJcl con pie* up o copy in ti!. Admiuions QfJia. 0t aam t#tc foll sdlldalM Offllnt ot worthy of your devotion. explore how to incorporate them into fiction at "Cats and Do~· At du.s Aug. 13 program. author and animal lover Patricia GuJver will talk about her mystery series starring fictional pet detective DeWah Doolittle. Cat Fancy journalist Sandy Robins will join her, speaking about writing • nonfiction articles about feline behavior. All "Meet the Author programs wili begin at 7 p.m.. and will include complimentary refreshmen ts, informal discussions and the company of other booldovers. Copies of all books .in print by guests will be available for sale and signing, courtesy of A Great Read boolcstore. • CHECK rr OUT IS written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. This week's column 1s by Melissa Adams. in collabora11on With Mary Ellen Bowman All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www.nt1wpcrtbeachl1brary org make a special gift or donation direct1y to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organization is looking for volunteers to help create a positive alternative for people 12 to 23. (949) 548-3255. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeless families by helping them set goals and maintain a basic budget Bilingual skills needed. Orientation and training provided. Theresa Rowe. (949) 757-1456 SALON $rEY..r ,., ~ ro el'8'•!.IO' A 101no L 1,, SiroogtH&' lf-Q (ll<;fl" SAlON HOU~S I "'-'fY><~F):;. J .J,c.,.. ~ ,,, E '"OQS' ..,~ .. -:i, • ., ~.A C0tc.ro ~ '"'°' C/4 ~JiJ2" 949 723 4048 SPECIAL SALE Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEW OOD ·r TAl~MASTER XTRA LIFE $1999 By ~ohawk Inst.ailed with deluxe pad sq. yd. Travminr 18" 1 18" .................................. 14.29 04 11. Crnunk TIJr ............................... lmt&Dd ,.... '4.99 04 11. umlnatr Wood .......................... lutalle4 ,.,._ 14.99 ""11. f,upplies and Tools for tht w0o It Yourstlftn.'~ ~II prices/products for u limited ti mt. based on at'ailabillty, 1374 Loian Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA ( 888) MESA-777 . Mon-Pri. 10 to 5 ·Sat 10 to 3 .. SUMMer surP SCHOOL Private or group lessons available Beginners to advanced • Boards and wetsuits provided Learn to surf wrth the TOES PROS Our instructors include ar array of internationally recognized professional surfers who compete in the longboard circuit and have an inherent ability to make you feel at ease 1n the water We'll get you surfing in no t rnel SUrF car.vs: 111.Y 21-zq AUGUSt 18-21 AIJGUSt 25-28 • Al SI.May, >.ii 13. 2003 ~ 10 GET PU8USHED -Leaien: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meaa, CA 92627 • ReelNre Hotline: Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu; Send to (949) 648:4170 E-mell:Send to dallypllottll11times.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Piiot nlMrvet the right to edit all aubmlulons for dartty and length . . .. EDITORIALS Nichols doesn't . deserve the respect . of the City Council T he resoWlding message from supporters of Newport Beach City Councilman Diclc Nichols is that Nichols just told the truth in his comment about Mexicans taking aver ~ parts of Corona del Mar §"tate Beach. Once again. for the record, Nichols' conunent was: "With grass, we usually get Mexicans coming in there early in the morning, and they claim it as theirs. and it becomes their persona!, private ground all day." Like Nichols, who has not apologiz.ed for his statements -even though he could have. and should h{ve al Tuesday's City Council meeting -his supporters simply do not get.it The issue is not whether Nichols told the truth. The issue is that he has demonstrated his dislike for a group of people, in this case Mexicans. by . talking specifically about their actiQns and stereotyping them. If having Mexicans, or really those of Latino descent, on the beach did not bother him, there would have been no reason to bring them up. There was no reason to complain about Mexicans unless his problem is having Mexicans -be did not say whiies. he did not say people, he did not say Democrats -on the beach. For that comment. as well as others that have been documented that also illustrate his views of Mexicans, Dick Nichols should resign. We have urged that before. I le had his chance Tuesday and did not. We urge it again. This apparent hatred compromises, if not desrroys, Nichols' ability to represent all of his constituents. as pointed out by his colleague Councilman Gary Adams. And it does not appear that Mexicans are alone in fee.ling Nichols' wrath. in a comment to the Pilot that appeared in a Thursday story, Nichols called appointments of members of the Log Cabin Republicans. a pY Republican group, "questionable.' As with his comments about Mex:icans at the beach, it is inconceivable that he brings the issue up. • Unless, of course, Nichols is bothered by gays and lesbians. who whether he likes it or not. make up a portion of the very constituents he has taken an oath to represent. Such a man does not belong on the Newport Beach City Council and does not deserve the honorifics that come with the seat On Tuesday. the rest of the council on Tuesday should have stripped Nichols of his committee assignments and isolated him as much as possible. While it is Wlderstandable that his colleagues want to provide him as much opportunity to grow into his seat, Nichols has shown no desire to rise to the level of leadership demanded by his place at the dais. Nichols deserves punishment if l)e is unwilling to do the right thing for the city and resign. Instead, the council essentially gave him one more chance, approving a resolution that says that if Nichols cannot abide by h1s oath of office, then he should resign. This should be the last chance Nichols gets. Time to sit back ~ and enjoy the show H ere we go again. Put your anns in the air and keep your eyes open for a wild ride. It's hard to believe that a year has whooshed by and once again, we are faced with the prospect of the newest and scariest carnival rides, 10-pound buns, battered potatoes. elephant shows. barbecued com on the cob. all-Alaskan pig races, rcxleo cowboys and priz.e-winning strawberry jam. And oh yeah. SS million worth of top-bill entertainment to headline the pewty refurl>ished Pacific Amphitheatre, which itself has gone through a tumultuous roller coaster ride of dosing dawn and opening baclc up. all under the cloud of fallground neighbors complaining of concert noise. Amphitheater or not, the Orange Cowity Fair bas become a rite of passage each summer for Newport-Mesa and the entire coWlty. ft's a place where you can bring the lclm for good, old-fashioned fun and where parents can take nostalgic walks down memo,.Y lane. And last Year· fair oflicials learned j~ bow popular It had become. With S 1 million to spend on entertainment. they were able to book such banm as the country rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd, Heart. Styx. the B-52s. Huey Lewis and the News. the indigo Girls and Save Ferris. Comedians "Weird" Al Yanlcovic and c.arrot Top also headlined the shows. The result wa.s a 16% increase in attendance over the previous year. This year. the fair extended the show to 21 days, but eliminated Mondays from the lineup. And unlike years past when the entertainment was the butt of jokes, the amphitheater will be roclcing with an impres&ve lineup of stars. Bob Dytan, the Doobie Brothers, Diana Krall. Melissa Etheridge. Joan Osborne. Alanis Morissene, Crosby, Stills and Nash, Duran Duran. Amy Grant. Devo, Steely Dan Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald are just a taste of what is in store for the fairgrounds this year. "I thinlc the Orange County Fair is the premiere cµld largest community gathering of the summer and nothing pleases me more than to hear the various groups on the community e:xdted about corning to the fair and planning their outln~ and exhibit booths." fair General Manager Becky Bailey Findley told us last week. •A lot of family traditions are here." With that, all we can say is sit bade and enjoy the show. J . THE LAST WORD A trio to be missed BOLTON COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Waste to blame for service cuts By Phil Arst N ewport Beach has rut services provided to its residents for the corning fiscal year by materially reducing the general fund part of its capital budget This means that some street repairs and improvement may be cut baclc among the choice of various city improvement projects available for cutting by the city. · .J. The city has recently raised fees on some services. For example. they are now charging seniors for classes and keeping 30% of the money instead of turning it all baclc to senior act:Mtres. This does not portend well for other fee increases you may be charged in future dealing with the city. At the same time. a new $30-million City Hall building and associated parlcing have been proposed. and the study of the cost of its Initial study is already taking more precious dollars out of the residents' services budget. It is showri below that Newport Beach has one of the highest cost city governments in Orange County. It is dead last in reported outsourcing of major city services as is done to varying extents by all other Orange County cities. Outsourcing is a major tool to use to obtain cost reduction efficiencies. By writing a tight contract. the vendor can be held to high levels of service (source: QC. Division of the California League of ates 2003 City Directory). A<> an example of what can be gained through outsourcing, the one minor service that the city has subcontracted has reduced the cost of rree trimming from S89 per tree to $39 per tree. The city ls also mown to have subcontracted the maintenance of several new p.irxs. An example of possible high costs is that Newport Beach Phil Arst is one of only two dties among the 34 in O~ge CoWlty to operate its own oash collection service with government employees. City officials admit to high costs but claim Nbetter services." They have no proof to substantiate these daims. For example, even though I've repeatedly asked, the city has not even bbthered to obtain outside quotes to measure the efficiency of its setvices and instead has taken the tack of cutting services to the residents or apparently raising fees instead. Q cy claims of better service in operating everything Itself with government employees fty in the face of reason. Do you really believe that government operates more cost effectively and with better service than the private sector? The city says it needs to build a S30-million Thj Mahal of a dty hall to accommodate an increasing nwnber of its government employees. However. except for two very small cities, Newport Beach has the highest ratio of employees per resident among READERS RESPOND the 34 county cities. One of the reasons for this excessive number of government employees is that whUe the average city in the county has privatized five major services. Newport Beach has not privatized any major services. It behooves the city to reduce government waste through outsourcing. 'That will enable restoration of residential services and headcount reductions will eliminate the near cerm need for a $30-million Taj Mahal of a city hall. The sicuation wlD only get worse in the coming years as the state cuts back more funding for cities a11d a strong increase in city pension payments will be required. The target of these suggestions is nonpublic safety services. In no way is 11 suggested that police and fire services be out.sowt:ed. However. the groups seem to have very high administrative costs that a consultant could look at in order to increase their efficiency. Again, do you really believe that government operates more cost effectively and with better service than the private sector? The city should seelc greater cost effectiveness through outsourcing nonessential services that can also maintain the present level of services for residents. Other cities have managed to do it well. We face further reductions in dty services and fee increases if we do not • PHl..P ARST is a apoltesman for Greenlight, a commYnrty ectJvist end 1 consultant in business development fOf the tectmology industry Furor has everyone feeling nicked ·AT ISSUE: Did the Newport Beach City Council deaJ appropriately with Councilman Dick Nic)lols? A.s we were watching the July 10 Newport Beach City Council meetiilg on television last evening (an~ into the early a.m.), 1 was absolutely appalled at the arrogance of the *good ol' boys" - Councilmen 1bd Ridgeway, Gary Adams and Don Webb and Mayor Steve Bromberg -and their mean-spirited attitude toward Nichols, u though none of them bad ewer made • miltab. We an know that's not true. It would be my advice that they IDCM out of their •gtasa houlel,. before they throw another stone. Coundlman John~ WU comet -ewn lf Nlchob bas enoueh counge to tum the other cheek and remain in the aJUDdl seat to wtdcb he wu elected. the other guya on the cowldJ will not allow him to be effectiw ••.. He can vote. but that's about ID Chey'D give bUn. He«ernan knows of whence he speab. for me1 I remember with lontPnl the ~of~ Heedm; llomal • Rtdbelyn Plummer, Jean Watt and IMllyn Han ••• and even John · ..... wtdl wham l llklocn ~. but knew he Ml'* Me ..... chou-p-~-tlo. coo mud\. _ ~ \tM.a In! DOC pit up cbere In yotar lOfty...., Wa blOllf IKh one ol 10" t. mlde a poor Judlpna:at cd or~ Now we've heard enough of this rnapid BJ1l.1Dlent alreedy. Let's drop it and get to wort. MTMCIA w..EGAAVEH Balboa Island Nichols-supponing crowd. I am further disgusted by the ignorant. bigoted comments made by the majority of those who spoke during the public forum. A short time ago, the Pilot ran a column from an individual questioning whether Newport Beach was a radally prejudiced community. Alter attending Tuesday's council meeting, I am left with little doubt that this is probably the cue. · Nichols bu brought dlllJace to our dty. and after ow coundl eo obYiously caved in. we are well deserving of the reputation of a being a bfaoted community. BIO . Ag.:47 Position: Newpon Beadl lifeguard captain for 10 years; has been with lifeguards for 30 years Education: Bachelor's in economics from UC Irvine R~: Newpon Beach for 10 years f9mlly: Wife of 17 years Nadine; four children Hobbies: Family SAFE SWIMMING 'It's an open body of water and precautio ns need to be taken. You need to be a good swimmer. You should swim n ear a lifeguard. You should swim with a partner. D07<l 't swim alone.' OVERALL GOAL . 'We love.people to come down and have a great day at the beach and then go home safely and think, "Hey, that was fun. Let s go back again."' , FORUM 5'roay >.Jy ) 3. 2003 At • eep1ng a 00 OU Ne wport Beach Lifeguard Ca pt. Jim Tu rner makes sure everyone knows how to stay afloat and on top of their duties at the beach T he hotter days have arrived and with them come busier days at the beach for 11feguards. But just because the beach is there doesn't mean everyone should head in head first. In fact, it's best not to go in head first, said Newport Beach Lifeguard Capt. Jim Turner. It can be fatal if a spinal injury occurs as a result. On Friday. City Editor James Meler stopped by Turner's Newport Pier office to discuss important water safety associated with ocean vi!>its. including rip currents. What should people know before entering' the water at the beach? We'd love for them 10 know what a rip currenl looks like and how 10 get out of a rip current. At ils simplest level. it's a river of waler trying to escape from the beach back out into the ocean. Typically in Newport. it'll go out 50 10 I 00 yards. We ask swimmers to swim parallel 10 shore to get out o f tbe rip and when they get ou1 of the pull of the rip to swim to shore. It should then be eai.y. If they get tired. they should slop trying to struggle and should just stay anoat and call for help. Now how will they necessarily tme they're ln a rip current? Typically. the water's brown. where on both sides it'll be blue or green, it will be choppy and frequently. there will end up being some white foam on top o f 11. And they'll feel 1he current pulling them out to sea. A.re there areas in Newport that are more prone to have rlptJdes than others? Anywhere there's moving wa1ers. there can be curren1s. A rip current 1s 1ust a specific one. We have a lateral current and a longsho re current, where 1he waves hit at an angle. We've had side currenls here moving 3 to 5 mph. This area gets attacked because it's a south-facing beact-i. It's quite trong when we ge1 hurricanes off of Mexico or winter storms in the Southern Hemisphere off of New Zealand and Antarctica. So that's No. l. You should be able to identify a rip and get out of a rip. See the lifeguard and ask them to point one out and describe it. A second big concern for us i spinal injuries. It happens three ways. No. I is out there riding a wave - surfing. bodyboarding. bodysurfing and getting knocked head first on the bottom. Second is running out and diving into shallow water. And the third is diving o ff an object into shallow water. like rocks, jetties. the piers. Six or seven years ago. we had two of them in one month. One of them passed away. When It comes to riding waves, b there a smart way to avoid hJtting the bottomf Put your hands out in front as you're starting to go into the surf. Anytime you're diving into the surf, falling off a board. try not to go 1n head first. If you are, pu1 your hand<> ou1 in front of you. Simple rules Our 1hird big ruJe is bodyboard leash and fin safety. Many parents buy bodyboards for their kids and fajl to pu1 a good pair of surf fins on their on or daughter. And they shouldn't be ou1 1here on a bodyboard without a leash. The bodyboard gives them the courage to go out into deeper water and 1t allows them n otation to get out 1n10 conditions that would otherwise be unsafe. As soon as the bodyboard gets hit by a big enough wave. 11's knocked out of their hands and no\o\ they're in an area where they normally wouldn't be Wllhout a bodyboard . And we promote surf fin<>. A fin with a !Mong i.trap across the heal as opposed to a slip-on pull nipper or heavy pair of diving fin . There are maybe four or five really good products out there. Fourth big issue is skrn cancer. Hat. T-shin. sunscreen. Ears. face. tip of nose. What dermatologists are really preaching is to put the , sunscreen on 30 minutes before you go out so it'll dry on the s~1n rather than perspire and then reapply after going into the water. Part of i1 1s. "Oh. it's water resistant." I've never '>een one that's been listed a towel-proof. Afler you get done drying. the sunscreen's on the towel and it\ never going to get skin cancer. And our last point is that dlcohol and water don't mix. Where att the safest places to swt.mf It's an open body of waler and precautions need to be taken You need to be a good swimmer You should swim near a lifeguard. You should swim with a partner Don't swim alone. In Newport. on any given day, we can have surf from I foot in height to FROM THE NEWSROOM 10 feet in height. ~ome beache!> are rather '>lraigh1. Newport ha!> a change m contour with the coastline so we have west-facing beaches. southwe'>t·facing beache!> and south-facing beaches. The Balboa area is wonderful body surfing. West Newpor1 is our prided surfing area Corona del Mar 1s a Litlle more -;ecluded and ryp1ca1Jy ii quieter beach. but they still can get high surf. l'yp1caJly. Corona del Mar 1s a couple feet sm aJJer than the penini.uJa. What's your best advice when lc's somewhat oven:rowded In the water? We IO\e people who swim long di<,tance who sv.im paraJlel 10 shore rather than swtmming ou1. I hey can <>till enjoy themselves among larger CfO\o\d!:>. Jui.I being considera1e of other5 in the waler is a big deal. Taking turns on waves rather than cutting others off. Are there any marine animals out there that people need to be aware of whUe sw1mmJng? The IWo most common contacts berween marine hfe and the public in Newport consists of sungray and Jellyfish Jellyfish are a litlle difficuh 10 avoid and the treatment is the application of vinegar. Slingrays can b e avoided by shuffling your feet. They liki! coming in closer to shore when the surf 1s smaller. It usually occurs because someone steps on the stingray and they have a natural reaction to Oip Lheir ta.ii over and strike o n the ankle or foot. The treatment for that i~ hot water, but not to the point on scalding. We're talking about a spa temperature for up to an hour. ee the doctor if there's any mfec11on or any other problems beyond that A s1ingray is painful, but as soon as the} get to rhe hot \o\ater. the pain" relieved Usuallv. 11., the hot water that bothers them. The toJUn from the Mtngra} breaks down under heat Thai 1ake'> care of 99% of 1he m1unes. Sringray'> are 1yp1cally clo'>e to shore in lhe morning~ and evenings. \'-hen '>Urf t'> ... mall Then people '>care 1hem off a few mon: }ard'> When should people swim and when should they avoid swimmlng? ~w1rnmer-, '>hould no1 go out when the \Urf ,.., larger than they're comfortable "-1th They shouldn t '"1m far out to sea and the\ ... hould be '>\o\1mming "'1th a f m~nd 'rou . shouJdn't '>Wlm aJone \Ve do have some v.eak '\o\tmmer'> that go out into the ~urf line \o\hen there are strong rip current<. pulling and that\ a recipe for d1sa\ler Becau ... e they'll be out where tht'} can take care of them'>eh·e'> and do n t reali.7e that the currents can take 1hem to where the\ can·r tal e ldre of them!>elve'>. Last year, 8.3 million people \1s1ted the beach in !':ewport There were 4,534 re!>cue.,, 4.253 medical a.Jd'>. 126.000 preventive action<> hke warning-. and cauuom. and no fa1al1t1e'> AJso. there \o\ere .i2 I lo<.1 people, primarily children that were taken care of There are 21 5 <,ea onaJ guard'> We have abou1 65 guard., o n aturday., a nd Sundays. Tower'> are placed by need ba~ed on parlcing and frequency of danger. They're fairly close roger her here by the pier There are about 600 park.mg place'-at the three big parking lots in Big Corona. Balboa Pier and here. Ally ftnaJ thoughts? We love people to come down and have a greal day at the beach and then go home safely and thank, "Hey. tha1 was fun Let's go bacl again.· And I love work.ing \o\lth the md1viduaJs here. First Amendment is a two-way street P anion me if I'm a bit baffled by the argument from supporters of embattled Newport Beach City Councilman Dick N1c:.boll that somehow his Pll'lt Amendment rights are being called rnto quesdon. Nichols baa ewry right to .say the outlandish. small-minded COmmenll that be wanta. But on the ftlp aide, tboee who diaqree with him U.O have Pint Amendment dahCI. Mayor...... n I'S and hll cowldl c:oll•••..., hive Pint Amlndment dlbU-They bmt tbe rtaht. .. do othen, to .. Nkhol9 they think .. l6iDllb are btped. burdul and ~ The Finl Amendment doelO't .f"* 10OM~1'bidl NlcboM ...................... ~ICCWMl'ltolha. he ...... be aWl IO., &nJtblml be wm• lftd no ooe bM a rWti to ...-i IL ~ .. tiyOU;9.-...1n ... ClC)i ..... ot )'Q'll' home l' TONY DODE RO talking back this week. Readers accusing us of all sorts or things. Specifically, our reporter, June c..p.nde. who first reported Nichob' insensitive comments " about those who to him look lib Mexicans using the state-owned beaches at C(>rona del Mar, bu taken the brunt of the ~mment:s. Cuagraode bas been called many names and her motives have been questioned, but throu(lh it an. she bu ma!ntalned her dignity and compoture, tbou8ti lhe certalnly teemed dog•tlled by It aU at weet'a end. M a point of c::lartfkadon. some leeftl c:ontu.ed. and beUe'UW the coamMn11 wen f\* • private aJmll!lladon by Nk:tm that c .... <Mlhelrd. Notuue.. c ..... -....... Nlc:holl .,_. .. ~ ct..,...toO... ... .... 8-:b. HI ddDld .... ..... olpiobllmlM lllitdWllll h changes, including the proposed expansion of the grass areas. Why is that a problem? Because Mexican people, or Mexican-looking people, use Lhe grass areas all day. he said. Dick Nichols. if he i.s as honest as he and hi supporters say he is. should admit the contet:t of bis comment ls clear and quit blaming our reponer for his foot-in-mouth disease. He knows dam well why be said what he said and what he meant by It. ••• it was merely a brnkdown m Journalism lOl: Never assume anything. Let me recreate the error for you. The story, written by Casagrande. ran Thursday undtt the headline •Disgust and support shown for Nichols.· orlgina.Uy had a paragraph that read: "Mexk:anl came out to praise him. White. conserva.ttve Republicans came out to rail aplntt ilim-And the room roared with applluee 9fter nuy speeku, Wtth one camp ~Nicholl' aupponen and anotheraroup ~ ~ bil decnctort. .. ~point-to • ... the cocnpMdey olebe pn..-. lut • .._ dldlt\19C th.llDd-•d•Juatpil ~The .... ~ tbie ....... Nid: "!Wlllill CQC I ...... .......,..mlM_IO~ bl& t'lif OM• cw• tlD nl ...... Illa Alid ...... TRL rr ro 1l4E B>m>R Tony Oodefo Is the ecfltor. He W91cx>mes your comments on news coverage, photography Of other ~*' t:uu... If you haw• m1111ge ore ten.r to the editOf, c.n his dil'9Cl line at CMlt DMBe 0t the na 1 "''....._at ea.-.~ tt bv..,.. '° ...,..... ..... , ... amor ~lot8llldlu H ura.or eend It bv mel eo SIO W. 8-v St.. ea.ta M9M. CA.12Ct j A.10 Sunday, "'1 13, 2003 Dig Into fut food crepee, a new dellcecy at the fair thl• yeer. Though crepM, pronounced knlpe, are originally Frenc:tl, the chefs at JP Cf1ipes mete 1hern the Japeneee style, whlctt I• pert.ct for the fair t>ec:.UH they can be rolled up like f cones and atuf'fed wfth dellclou• filling•. Don't wear white If you plan on eating these becauM they can be quite messy. The cn9P8S come w,ith a variety of fillings sudl aa ham and cheese, Stained gl•• nwer goe1 out of vogue and the folks· at Creative Door and Window Produc:J• who have a booth atthe Carnival of Products seem to know il'They de1lgn pieces 1mall enough to fit in the palm of your hand ~ bigger pieces that serve aa colorful panels for doors and windows. Those who find glass intimidating can go for Hercullte pieces that have the .appearance of stained glass but are actually acrylic. Prices vary from $4 to $300 depending on the . size of the piece. veggie, mixed fruit wfth Ice cream and Mandarin orange. Prices are between$4.50 and $6.26 depending.on what filling you get. ( SEAN DUFRENE I DAILY PILOT Glass blower Charlie Keeling demonstrates for the crowd how to make your own bowl Friday at the Orange County Fairgrounds . .. -----ar -a hot place Glassblowing can get quite heated at the fair as 2,400 degrees are needed to perform the art Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot V isitors to the lll th Orange County Fair will be privy to numerous hands-on artisan demonstrations -this year's glassblowing demonstrations are ones that should not be missed. Artisan Otarlie Keeling has been working as a glassblower since 1989. Keeling. who now lives in Upland, received his master's degree in glassblowing and crafts from Cal State Fullerton in 1996. "Due to the expense of moving all the equipment around, I'm the only glassblower at any county fair in Southern California" The process of glassblowing has been known to humans for the past 2,000 years, but humans have been using and manipulating this versatile substance since prehistoric times. Until about the first century B.C., glass Qbjects could only be made slowly. A single glass object could take days to make by casting, coring or cutting techniques. The introduction of the glassblowing process changed all that. After this discovery, glass vessels suddenly became easy and inexpensive to produce. GJass factories first developed on the East Coast around Boston and down toward Cape Cod before and after the Revolutionary War. From l 750 to 1900, this was the period of great glass maldng -e.g. the hand production of window glass and bottles. The gradual takeover of mechanical methods removed the artisan from the work. With the 20th century came an era of revolutionary t~ology. Machines were developed which replaced traditional mouth blowing technique with a semiautomatic process and transformed the craft into an industry. The Studio Glass Movement, which began in the 1960s, sought to "reintroduce" the artist with the craft. Oassical man-made glassblowing became an art, maintaining the tradition and knowledge of ancient glassblowers. Today, there are two kinds of glassblowing: woricing behind a torch, a technique known as "lampworicing" and working in front of a furnace, which is called "European Offhand" or "Softglass." "l demonstrate the European Offhand style here at the fair," Keeling said. Glass is a transparent material produced by melting a mixture of sand, calcium, oxide and other raw materials and then cooling the resulting product. Blown glass can be shaped entirely by band, but for production, it is often best to have a head start on the shape by blowing into a mold I.hat may provide the entire shape of the final product or only provide the initial worlcing shape, like a textured base globe base below a cylinder neck. Molds are usually made of iron. but can be brass, wood or alumin um. . "I use a mold to make all my drinldng glasses, thereby maintaining a unifonn shape," Keeling continued. Tuday's glassblower utilizes the basic blowpipe, but artisans have a vast number of supplementary tools to ald in working the material. Glassblowing is divided into several processes that first require the furnace to reach 2,400 degrees: • Gathering consists of capturing the glass in liquid state from the furnace. • Marvering consists of creating an even shape on the end of the blowpipe. The artist then prepares the glass to blow the initial air bubble. • Blowing requires the artist to actually blow the glass to a desired sire and shape. • Annealing is the final process In which glass is cooled and can take from eight to 12 hours. · "I've got to have a game plan in mind when I begin," quipped Keeling. "Once I start a piece, there's no bathroom break or answering the phone. Once you start., you can't stop." Keeling offers a myriad pieces for sale ranging from bowls, paperweights and bottles. "I also do a Jot of custom wodc for customers who have specific demands." ICeellng can be reached by phone at (909) 949-0608. Pony up to a fair favorite Children, parents flock to the pony ride, an attraction that never goes out of fashion . DHpa Btlarath Daily Pilot PAJRGROUNDS -Kathleen Lopez smiled as she waved out to total strangers. The lfttJe girl, who wlD tucp 2 yean old in twt_> wee~ didn't care. She wu riding a pony. And that WM all that mattered. It WM ~tbleen'• Ont time on a pony, Mid her mother Diane Cnmer·Lopn. *lthout taking her eyw11 oll bet dauprter. •1 c:mi'I beUew a.be' not cry· I ing," she said, shaking her head ln amazement. "We brougbt her to do the pony rides be- cause she can't go on the other rides. She'• too arnaU.'' Mlke and Vanessa Testa com e to the fair every year with their two daUlhtera and the first-thing tbcy do wben they get thro~ the gates ii head for the pony tidea. "They love tt, jWJt being on a btg anlmal," Mike Testa Mid. •We have SJ811fJt to tbe wt.Id antmaJ put. Tbe Pr11 Jutt Jove anJmall and lhit lt lftlll, • Their 22-m onth-old daugh- ter Alenla waved as she passed her paren,tB. They waved back. laughing. Don· · Tucker, owner of Tutker's Pony Rides, .has seen thousands of children ~e his ponies. Tucker, who owns a ranch in Norc-0, goet to five falrs every year and this is his 38th year at the Orange County fair. He operated hi.a UttJe booth at the fair with seven ponies. Fow or five of them attached to a wheel an alowty walking around the tent and Tucker and hlt helpen put the chUclten on the arui-. u they are m<Mnc. Parent• me not allowed tn- side the tent. '.I\Jcker said pony rides are always a hot favorite among young and older kids. "Pony rid~ never go out of fashion,• he said. "The kidt love It and It's here to stay.• He hu seen hJs &hare of frigbtened kids, but Tucker saya most kids adore the anlmala. Cami Gallant, 8, of Newport Beach ~d a))e enjoyed her pony ride. •1t was good,. w d Cami, who bad jutt gott~n ofJ a pony. "They're fun to ride. I got to pet the pony and It waa real soft." The dda coet U.SO. Add S5 to haw your plctute t*1l on the pony. EVENT OF THE DAY The Hershey Wall of Chocolate event was whipping up quite a frenzy near the Blue Gate. Hershey employees were handing out bottles of cold milk shakes for free. They won quite a few hearts on a very warm and sunny day bringing a smile on the faces of people with parched throats. Just a word of warning: Don't be fooled by the words "52-foot wall of chocolate." There's no giant slab of candy. It's just a 52-foot wide cooler stacked with rows and rows of chocolate milk. It's delicious all the same. QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's her first time on a pony. _ I can't believe she 's not crying." DlaMe Cramer-Lopez of Covina, watching her toddler go on her first pony ride. FAIR ATTENDANCE Saturday's fair attendance aa of 3 p.m.: • 18,050 people; down compared to last year's 21 ,389. Daily Pilot FAIR SCHEDULE SUNDAY, JULY 13 lOA.M. • 53 Feet of Chocolate -A Hershey Exhibit (until 6 p.m.) -' Outside Blue Gate • The Foster Imposters Road Show -A Foster Farms Exhibit (until 6 p.m .) -Outside Blue Gate • Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth euilding •"Discover the Fair" Bunon Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Ju('lior Cavy Judging ~ livestodc -Small Animal Tent • Junior Pygmy Goat Judging - Livestodc Arena • Sode Hop -Kids Stage • Embroiderers Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Building • Orange County Polymer Clay Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Building • Leather Craft Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Building 11 A.M. •Orange County Song & Dance Co -Heritage Stage • Kuu1pos (Sweethear1s) Polynesian Dance -Sun Stage • Leah Espinoza -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • Circus Fun Review Auditions (11 .30 a.m.) -Kids Stage NOON • Country Kidcers -Heritage Stage • WmdyNites -Music Duo - Stage • Leather Craft with Robert Ambriz Home and Hobbies Stage • Voice & Guitar of Fernando Olivares -Grass Roots Stage - Floral Building · • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • Maureen W Puppet ( 12·30 p m until 5.30 p.m.) -Around the grounds 1 P.M. • The Colony of Performing Arts -Heritage Stage • Happy Squares -Sun Stage • Polymer Clay with Donnie Harris -Home and Hobbies Stage •Art and Woodworking Demonstrations (unul 8 p m.l - Visual Arts Butlding • Marleena Coulston -Vocalist -Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kuu1pos (Sweethearts) Polynesian Dance -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • St Jdc in the M iddle With You Contest -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Uvestodc • Open Pygmy Goat Judging - l1vestodc Arena •Traveling Game Show (1:30 P m. until 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds •Ceramics Demonstration (1:30 p m ) -Crafters Village •Milking Demonstra"tion (1 :30 p m l -Millennium Barn 2 P.M. • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area • Third annual Orange Crush Demol1t1on Derby -Citizens Business Bank Arena •Youth Expo Talent Search Winners (3 Div1s1ons) -Heritage Stage • Kung Fu San Soo -Sun Stage •Cake Decorating -Custom Cakes by Gayle -Home and Hobbies Stage •"Love a Beautiful, Green Lawnn with Mr. Fertilizer (Don Knipp) - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Syrah & Other Rhones Seminar ($20) with Greg Stoddard -the Courtyard • Storyteller -Youth Building • Leah Espinoza -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater 3P.M. • Mat Polynesia -Heritage Stage • Apadana's Dance Company - Sun Stage • Voice & Guitar of Fernando Olivares -Grass Roots Stage - Floral Building • Jenesagrace Samson -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building CUSTOM SALES, INSTALLATION. S11MC1. AND AFTER CARI TECHNICAi. SUPPORT Let us Design a custom Home Theater for your office, home, boat or retail business. Our experlenc9d •nd Professional staff can help you design •nd Inst.II yotw entire syst.m Just~ 'MY ~ WMtl Call •hNd ... T•ll us wMt have In mind •nd w. wll1·-11 •sped•lly,,... • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Lt vest ode • Polymer Clay with Diane McGuire (3:30 p.m .) -Home and Hobbies Stage • Jestin Samson -Youth Keyboardist (3:30 p.m .) - Celebration Stage .:.. Youth Building • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Korean American Dance - Heritaoe Stage • Saya Andina -Andes Music - Sun Stage • Marleena Coulston -Vocalist -Grass Roots Stage -Floral .. ALDEN'S BEST BET Building • Syrah & Other Rhones Seminar ($20) with Greg Stoddard -the Courtyard • Storyteller -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Red in the Face Donut Eating Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -ltttle Theater • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m . until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds • Buca di Beppo -Northern Italian Cuisine (4:30 p.m.) - Home and Hobbies Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p m .) -Crafters Village SP.M. •When Pigs Fly -An Americana Band -Hentage Stage --' ro DRAPERY CLEAJ\111\16 AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOV l!\16 l\IECE!iSAR'V I Certified To Clean All Hunter Oougla• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • luminette Privacy Sheers· • Silhouette window shadings • Vignette• window shadings • Duette• honeycomb shades • Milltnia™ Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades •Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenette™ Softfold™ shadings World'• Beat ON·SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND D RAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, \ l /#'/111/,fflflll / tll l lU.t/111/ .1111/ ... , I\ II I' 'ttlll I ' l'/'1/ SUNMIST 50% OFF 1st Session $15 Value ---------------------------- Melissa Etheridge and Joan Osborne will perform at 7·30 p.m today at the Pac1f1c Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. For ticket information, call T1cketmaster at {714) 740.2000 or go onhne to www T1cl<et master.com. Tickets are also available at the fair box ott1ce ;... t ' -~ -:.".~:. ', ... , ;:-;., ~ • Saya Andina -Andes M usic - Sun Stage • Jenesagrace Samson -Youth Vocaltst -Celebration Stage - Youth Bu1ldmg • Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racmg Pigs - L1vestodc • Jeslln Samson -Youth Keyboardist (5 30 p m ) - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show (5 30 p m I -Kids Stage •Milking Demonstration 15:30 pm.) -Millennium Barn 6P.M. •Embroiderers Guild -Home Sonday Juty I J 2003 Al 1 • Storyteller -Youth Building • The M agic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Oxen Team Presentation - Livestodc Arena • Recycled Percuuion -Little Theater • Red, Ripe & Karaokln' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Hangin' loose Contest (6:30 p m I -Kids Stage 7P.M. • Summer Concert Series Melissa Ethendge with special guest Joan Osbornea:30 p.m Gates open 6 p.m ) -Pacific Amphitheatre • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - lives to& • Port Ctty Washboard Wrzards (7 30 p m 1 -Hentage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 pm ) -Kids Stage •Ceramics Demonstratton 17 30 p.m ) -Crafters Village • M1lk1ng Demonstration 17 30 p m I Millennium Barn 8P.M. • Third annual Orange Crush Demoltt1on Derby -C1t11Pns Business Bank Arena • Raymond Michael Sun Stage • Hot Tomato Contes! -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion Lmle Theater • Lao·T1zer Band 18 30 µ m - Heritage Stdge 9P.M. • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnoi1st Marie Yuzu11t -Sur- Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - L1vestoc:k •Oxen Team Presentatton - L1vestod< Arena • Port City Washboard W1zardf. 19 30 p m I -Hentage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration r9 30 p m -Crafters Village lO P.M. • Raymond Michael Sun Stdge • Lao T1zer Band I 10 30 p m 1 - Hentage Stage THE FAIR IS CLOSED MONDAY Melissa Etheridge & 7:30 Joan Osborne ......... .. Por l.ickel lnlormaUon I 3rd Annual Oranre Crush Demolition Derby 2 & 8 • All &may, Juty 13, 2003 ING claaa eadl week or $100 for two recreational boating ct ..... daya • W!tek over nine weeks for offered through Newport BMd'I EVENTS Newport~ realdenta. Othert Recreation~ Ct,_ peyaneddttJonal$6.Formore begin July 12. Fees vary. Call Information, cell (949) 644-3151. (949) 644-3161, orvtaitthe • Send ONQOWQ Item• to the Newport 8"dl Recreation and Daily Piiot. 330 W. Bey St., Coete The merch.ma"' 8alboe Vllage Senior Servtcea 13300 Newport Mela, CA 92921; by •malt to will hold a eeaslde Craft Merchant Blvd. for more lnformltlon. mb~fllltlme&com: by and Fanner'• Market at Peninsula fexto {~) ~170; or by calllng Pa rte near the baae of the Balboa Pwofa 11ionll and 1111 aneed..., (MS) 57'"'298. lndode the time, pier In Newpon Beach every tralnera with the All-England date and loc:don of the fNent, •• Thuract.y through Aug. 28 from 9 Soccer Acedemy are avallable for well as a contact phone number. a.m. to 3 p.m . The market will one-on-one, 1mall group end A complete llatlng Is avalleble at Include fresh organic produce. large group trelnlng. For more www.dallypllot.com. freshly cut flowers and arts and information, cell (949) 395-6103. crafts. For more information, call The Newport Center (714) 536-2213. Jewtah Family Service .. Toutmaster'a Club can help you sponsoring a teen suppon group improve your public spuklng Costa Mesa's Recfeetion Division for high school atudenll that akllla or.polish your busineas will provide a three-hour theme ·meets Mondaya from 3:30 to 5 presentations. Members come birthday party for up to 20 guests p.m. et Tarbut V'To,.h Upper from e variety of professional at the Balearic Community Center School In Costa Meta. For disciplines and badcgrounds. The weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m ., information or to rfKilster, call group meets every Monday Saturdays from 11 e.m. to 2 p.m. (714) 44&4960. Pre-registration la , morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. st or 4 to 7 p.m. end Sundays from 4 require(!. 610 Newpon Center Drive, to 1 p.m. Parties for children 5 to Newport Beech. Validated pa ricing 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, The Am Page -F1ne Chlldrwn't is available In the perking games, crafts, prizes, cake with Book.a, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 In structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. ice cream and supervision by Costa Mesa, offers free story time Guests ere welcome. For more staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. Mondays, WednMday, Fridays Information, call (949) 721-5732. For more information, call (714) end Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 754-5158. e.m., Tuesdays end Thursdays Vok.intMr drfvwa ... nMCMd to from 4 to 5 p.m. For more help deliver nutritiously prepared Five new wines will be .. rved information, call (949) 645-5437. meals to homebound, frail or on Bayside Restaurant's terrace elderly clients incapable of overlooking Newport Harbor .. Abatrac:t Worb on Canv111 and shopping or cooking for every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 Peper; an exhibit of an by Janet themselves through "Mobjle p.m. The cost is $15 per person. Ro•ener, will be on display at the Meals," sponsored by For more Information, call (949) Newport Beech Central Library FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag 721-1222. through June 30. :rtie exhibit will Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for feature selections from Rosener's more information. Newport Dunff Resort's "Washed Away" series, creeled "Movies on the Beach• will run by dripping, splattering or Swim leNona arw evellabla every Friday and Saturday pouring additional paint end through July 18 at Halecrest Park, throughout the summ8T, mediums onto en original 3107 Killybrook Lane in Costa including a two-hour barbectJe painting end washing it away to· Mesa. Another session will begin before the movies stan at dusk. suggest the passage of time. For July 21 and run through Aug. 1. Guests are invited to bring their more information, call (949) Information: (714) 557-7234. favorite cuts of meat. The resort 717-3816. will provide the rest for $7.95 per. Project Cuddle, a nonprofit person. The films will be shown Awarcf..wlnning worb ~ organization thst offers safe and on a large screen in the sand on Orange County artists working in legal alternatives to girls who are every Friday and Saturday an array of two-dimensional considering abandoning their evening in June and July except media will be on display et babies, is in need of ongoing July 4. Parking is $8 per car. For Newpon Beech City Hall through volunteers. For more information, visit www.projectcuddle.org or more information, call (949) June 27. for the Spring 2003 call a J4) "'12·988t 729-DUNE. Orange County Mists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) Mecy'S In Coet:a M"8 A wriety of priWfe, Mmi-prtvate 717-3870. and group swim lessons will be invites Orange County nonprofit offered this summer at the Bayside Restaurant In organizations that provide se~s and programs to the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center Newpon Beach offers wine HIV/AIDS community to apply for at Corona del M ar High School. tasting every Thursday from 6:30 participation in Macy's South Options incllide one-on-one to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person, Coast Plaza's Passport In Store Instruction on Saturdays and a featuring five new wines each fund-raiser. This year's event will Monday through Thursday week. For more information. cell be held on Oct. 4. To receive en program for all ages and levels. (949) 721-1222. app(lcatlon to paniclpate, call For session dates, times and (714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. costs, call (949) 644-3151, or tf your orchid ts too ~ for ltl pot, register in person at Newport Green Systems lntemationel will Voge ..... wlll bt offwed Beach Recreation and Senior show you how to re-pot your Tuesdays and Thursdays from Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. plant during their free noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks orchid-potting seminar st 2 p.m. at Weat Newport Community Children, teens end adults every Saturday. A plant sale is Center. Registration is $54 for one can now register for summer held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. st the N S I D E & 0 U T ' INTERIOR DESIGN J CUSTOM HOME DESIGN I FINE HOME FURNITURE I ACCESSORIES & SERVICES/LANDSCAPING DEADLINE FOR SPACE & COPY Wednesday, July 23, 2003 5 p.m. DEADLINE FOR CAMERA READY ABT Ml::Jnr:Jlry, July 28, 2003, Noon ADVERTORIAL OE:ADLINE Wednesday, J.uly 23, 2003 (no~ accepted ofter deadline) AREAS OF CIRCULATION INCLUDE: DAILY PILOT -Wednesday, July 30, 2003 ewporC Beach • Corona del Mar • ewport Cout • Cot•a Men HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -ThursdaY. July 31, 2003 HunUngCon Beach• Huntlngton Harbour• Suntet Beach COASTLINE PILOT -Fridsy, Augu$t 1, 2003 Laguna Beach 78,000 circulatiol LH<VU hu~ COASTLINE PILOT . 949-494-4321 20362 Blrch I 766-1211 for Information. DleooW9rthe ...... "'C.-bon Canyon Regional Parke.• you walk through grovee of beautiful CoettaJ Redwood tl"MI fNery • s.turdey 1t 8:30 a.m. Partclng is $4. Call (714) 996-6262 for more lnfc>rmtldon. TMm ...... a nonptOftt organtz.edon encoureglng women who have been thl"Ol,lgh cancer treatment to exercise, host• "Walk and Tai~" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of lhe month In front of NllCEgodeas store In Falhlon ••nd. Members meet for functl efter at Atrium court. It Is free, and ell fitness levels are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 276-3888. Newport Community Counaellng Center offers a wey to stop the cyde of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awareneu, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30·to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teena are lnvtt.d 1D drop by th• city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for Indoor and outdoor apons end activities. The center la at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. Th• N9wpof't Beech Welking Club meeta at the comer of Superie>r end Hospital Road in Newpon Beech at 9:15 e.m . and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. Th• Newport BMch Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Aten."' .......... s.mc.. hosts a networtclng meeting that deals with education connections from 8 to 8:30 p.m . on the second Tuesday of every month et the Holiday Inn et 3131 Bristol St., Coste Mesa. For more Information, call (949) 806-0011. •Dhrorce: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, Is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . et 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost Is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. ··-·· . •--• v • • • '-• • Dally Pilot .... Performing Arts Center take of'lloe la at 260 E. Baker St., Sutt• gu..U to the dteaJng rooma, G, Co.ta M .... (714) 446-4950. performer'• lounge, bedC8tage end on atage at 10:30 a.m. JNery Women llO and older CM Join 8 WednMdey end Saturday et 800 dlacu~ groupP!>Ofdlnated by Town c.nter Drive, COile Meta. Jewlah Family S.Moel to Group tourt can bt held by addnla 1 .. u .. ~ aa anxiety, spedel errengement. For mo.-depreuion, relatlonthlJ>9, Information, call (714) 568-ARTS, lonellneu and family. The group ext 833. meets from 10 to 11 :30 e.m. Mondays at the agency ofllcet, The N9wport .... Newoomen 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa C1ub holde a genertl meeting on Mesa. Preregistration required. the third Wedneeday of every (714) 44&-4960. month. The. organization 11 open to elJ W«Mn reeidenta In FMndl"' the Newport leech Newport Beadl who have Uved In Public Library Used Book Store the area fewer then five years. For are asking for patrons to donate more Information, call (949) boob to replenlah the dwindling 646-9922, or visit stodc. Boob may be lefht any of newcomers·newportbeach.orp. the three brendl llbrari .. - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Oeaia Senior Center holds. · Mar -or In the book closet next pancake breekfast from 7:30 to 10 to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 e.m. on the second Saturday of Avocado Ave., Newpon Beach. every month. Breakfast includes All hardcover and paperbedc pancakes, sausage, coffee end donations, with the exception of orange juice for $3, $1 for magazines and law boob, will be childr11n. The center la at 800 accepted and ere tax deductible. Marguerite, Corona del Mer. For (949) 759-9667. more Information, call (949) 644-3244. The BnaHle l.nstitute oe.. frN computer cleste8 to people with Macy's South Coast Plua fading vision who have difficulty presents "Workshop seeing the computer screen. The Wednesdays: A Hands-on Ossie Center at 800 Marguerite Cooking Claes Program" hosted Ave., Corona del Mer, offers six by chef Alexx Guevara. The cleas sessions. Call to sign up for is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. classes. (714l 821-5000. Wednesdays et 3333 Bristol St. Coste Mesa. The cost, including A aplrttual carw c:fasa m..ta et materials, is $30. To reserve a '7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 spot, call (818) 994-5075. Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newpon Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) \ibga end rhythm, 263-1462. "Yogertiythmica" combines yoga, dance end fun. The class is held Th• Costa Mesa Chamber of from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays Commerce hosts networtdng et 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, luncheon meetings Wednesdays Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more from 11:45 e.m. to 1 p.m. et the informatlon, call (714) 754-7399. Coste Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club la et 1701 The N9wport Harbor Nautical Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. Museum offers the exhibit "Joe (714) 886-9090. Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Merine Art Mester:' through Sept. 30. The museum is A brain tumor support group et 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, meets the first end third Newport Beach. Free admission. Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. et the Hoeg Cancer For more informedon.c8'Ji49) Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag 673-7863. Drive, Newport Beech. Free. Interfaith ce>upMe wtth one Registration not required. The Jewish partner ere invited to group Is designed to help peniclpate in a discussion group patients end their famlllea at the Jewish Family Service of understand end cope with the Orange County office. The group illness. (949) 574-{!232. is geared toward dealing with St.Anchw'a~n · issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, Church hosts e mental Illness observing holidays, symbols in support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m the home end relationships with Sundays In Dierenfield Hall C et extended families. The cost for 600 St Andrews Road, Newport three seasions is $45 per couple. Beach. (949) 574-2236. Preregistration is required. Call to See ONGOtNG, Paa• Al 3 2003-2004 SEASON BOYS und er 12 JOIN US! We are looking for players to round out our team. Come try out at Moulton Meadows 4 -5.30 pm Monday, J uly 14 Tuesday, July 15 Wednesday, July 16 Coaching Director -Andy Thomas LA Tie••• Coach of the v.. . aF Chmliplons • V. .. otr.t~ sa excltq nllW prowmnthla yem-. .. Dl'edoril: Prom ClowatoM ~ ••ch-acQli on P,CH, lift .. ~Piece ..... Mftl .. tlli ,.. tD •i.,._ :nun ltft on a.-.. "4ild Ii• yiow _... ,..ttlletlrlllll court& J The JeWllh ftmlly Service of Orange County aponsora a dilc:Uulon group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the-Jewish Family Service office at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G. Coate Mesa. $10 per person, per seulon. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewllh Family Sentlc9 of Orange County has a weekly parenting IOppott group. Parents learn strategies for succesaful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer preuore children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Com Mesa Senior c.nter has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish F.mity Sentice of 0'8nge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its AWINDOWON PROFITS By Daw Wong Thu 1!> an investment that will provide immediate savings as well as upping the ,aJue of your home when you eventually sell it. New wmdows ,. · Doesn't sound all that exc1ung? Probably because one of those telemarketers has been bugging • you. The fact 1s. though, today's new thermal windows • can increase the energy- ; efficiency by 70~--and your windows arc where the most heat and coolness is lost to the • outdoors. Now. take a look at advcrtiscmcnlS for homc5 t.ha1 arc for sale. Every now Md then you'll run acroa the famous window bnnds- Andcrsen. Pell and Marvin - among the home' a cbOicait useu. Potential home buyen respond well to brmd-oame ' windows. Accordioa '° Remodel.in& magaziae. JC*'U • esn ti.ck about 75~ ol lbe eacal Cllpente Of upptidillc )'OS ' windows with a ~price when you sell your home. ThiJ ia not a cbelp projeec. ol coune. Your real.-. ad¥itor can help you m1p out Iba • aequence of home iu4JfOWIDllll projecu you~'°~ over time. includiq purcbue • Md imWl.000 ot ... wiDdowl -·andywr~ ...... cm beJp with the blll llild ._. I C~Y'C finacilll ID .... • Jobe done. Por help .. JOS ra1 _. qaeldcJm can -• • 949-533-1200 ot viait IA1 webet• • davewonr'.com or oaefordl'Md.com. [),. ... ""' """ -"nw --;,,~ ... --J#j.,J;, """' c... ,,,,.,.,, ,.,.~"" aa.tw. m1a•« Family Service office at 260 E. Baker St., Cotta Mesa. Attendance is fr'ee, but registration Is required. (714) 446-4950. Scnbble Qub No. 360 meets from 6 to 10 p.m . Thursdays at Borders Boob, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St In Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 2~9822. The Coln and Stamp Club m..a from 1 to 3 p.m . M ondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested In trading, buying and selling stampa and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish F.mity Service ofiNf'9 ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal w ith grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish F.mily Servlc9 of 0'8nge County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or Tueedays at 260 E. Baker St, St, Suite G, Cotta Mesa. (714) Cotta Mesa. Advance registration 446-4950. It required. (714) 446-4960. 1Wo-hour byllk tourt wtth • trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m . Sundaya from the Newport Oun• Waterfront Re.ort. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive, Newport e.adl. $20, or $10 for C.lifomla Wiidiife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalista and Friends members. (949) 729-1160. A yoga Md d8nce den la hekt from 4.-30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Avdonan ~ • diSCtJssion group using the book ·eonversations with God" from noon to 1 p.m . Tuesdays at the Center for Spimual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 754-7399. Marsh•ll's TH Kwon Do In Com Mesa offers free self-defense dasses to airline pilots and fl ight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St, Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. \ A Dealing wttti Divorce support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m . The S.. Scouta' lhlp Del Mair 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 1~ interested In sailing, seamanship, pilotlng, navigation and cruising. Meetingf are from 6 to 9 p.m . Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base. 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. O.sls Senior c.nter ohn ongoing assistance, counseling and referTal aervlces for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Com Mesa s.n1or Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to 1oin its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 645-5669. Atthritia Foundation instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. · Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club meets at 10 a.m . the third Wednesday of each month. The organization 1s open to all w omen residents of Newport Beach who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers-newportbeadl.org. ""'\. St.lday, ),Jy 13. 2003 AU l M UNICIPAL B ONDS ONE OF • california's leading underwriters • New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RBC Dain Rausch er To Ser an Appointment, Please Call LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 610 ,\'m'{J<.'n Center Dn've. Suue 900 Newporr Beach. G1 ~2660 (949) 720-8901 lantz.bell@rbcdain.com GRA D 0 PENI G ... Of The First Dedicated Henredon/Ralph Lauren Store In The United State s Visit µs today and be the first to PREVIEW THE NEW LAUREN COLLECTION by Ralph Lauren and HENREDON'S MULHOLLAND HEIGHTS COLLECTION. Enjoy the special FACTORY AUTHORIZED GRAND OPENING SALE. We look forward to your visit. HENREDON/RALPH-LAURE N ~OVM-t fuY""Ls~t""'g.s ~ ....... ct tll\,ttYLo..-~estg ....... (949) 450·1l12 81 TECHNOLOGY DR(VE . IRVINE (Eu• of 1·5 off Alroa l'l•1J ------~~--------- rlt _ -=: r_ ------ QllllECFllEDlr "I feel terrible. I apologize. matcha as you want me to.'' Unduy o.vtnpOrt. BreaketS tennis star Al 4 Sooday, Jul't 13, 2003 Sports Editor IUchlrd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (~49) 650-0170 WORLD TEAM TENNIS ~ 14hon0ree TIM O'BRIEN Daily Pilot • Lig1'ts stay.on but Davenport gpes out The Breakers lose theU' marquee player to injury and their third match in a ro~t experience no lig~ting-problems. While it wasn't the catastrophe that occurred Tuesday, when the lights went out during the Breakers' home debut and the proceedings were forced to move to a side court, pavenport's depar- ture definitely dimi..nished the star power. pear in any of those matches -her only other match was Tuesday's contest - and the injury, to a nerve in her foot, which has. bothered her throughout the year, could force her to miss the U.S. eight weeks, though that timetable is not definite. The U.S. Open begins Au· gust 25. replaced Davenport. Thus Davenport's two appearances with the Breakers included the los.s of ~f the crowd when her singles match was moved at mid-set to the side court Tuesday because of the malfunctioning lights and her early exit Saturday. Patrick Laverty D~ilyPilot It also means its lights out for the Breakers marquee player, who is not scheduled to play in another match this season. After a 24-14 loss to first-place Springfield on Saturday, Newport · Beach's hopes of a World Team Tennis title are rather dim as well. Open. . . •1 played on it on Tuesday and it ldnd of hurt me Tuesday night." Davenport said. "Then I took a few.days off until this morning and tried to hit and it just killed me. lt's ldnd of been bothering me all week. even when l wasn't playing o n my days off and it's not supposed to." Ranked fifth in the world, Davenport battled through the pain during the women's doubles set that opened the Breakers' match against Springfield. Playing with 16-year-old Maria Sharapo- va. the Breakers fell behind 3-0 before rallying for a tiebreak victory, 5-4 (3). But that was the only set Newport Beach won all night. "I feel terrible," Davenport said. "l apologize. 111 play next year, as many matches as you want me to. But this morning. I knew it was going to be bad." NEWPORT BF.ACH -The lights stafed on but there was still a loss of electricity Saturday at Palisades Tennis' Oub when Lindsey Davenport was forced to make an early exit because of injury in the sect>nd home match of ~e season for the Newport Beach Breakers. The Breakers (1-4) fell 3Yilllatches be- hind the undefeated Lasers (4-0) with nine matches remaining in the season. Davenport was not scheduled to ap- Davenport plans to have the foot re- examined Monday and then make a de- cision as to whether to have surgery on it Monday or Tuesday. She has been told that surgery would sideline her four to Davenport anempted to come back and play in the women's singles match, a highly anticipated contest against Anastasia Mysldna. ranked No. 10 on the women's tour. But after serving the first game, which Myslcina won, Sharapova The match went from bad to worse, despite Sharapova's best efforts to hold off Myskina. Entering the set with a one-game deficit, Sharapova came bad to lead See TENNIS, P•1• A15 Newport rallies for win . NHBA scores three runs in bottom of seventh inning to edge Whittier, 6-5, in district action Saturday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot FUU.ERTON -The Newport Harbor Baseball Association Pony 13-year-old All-Stars followed the formula Manager Joe Whitney spoke about before Saturday's elimination game in the district tournament against Whittier at Arnerige Part. The recipe according to Whitney: "They never doubt themselves. If someone makes a mistake, they pick each other up.~ · Newport picked itself up off the ground mightily in the bottqm of the seventh inning, scoring three runs to pull out a 6-5 victory, advancing to a 10 a.m. game today against Cypress. Newport must win today and again Monday to advance to the re- gional tournament. Consecutive walks to Thay Seeber and Spencer Smith to open the seventh quung, followed by a sacrifice bunt by Jerry Whitney, set the stage for Ben Frazier. The Newport right fielder laced an 0-1 pitch over the center fielder's head, plating two runs to tie Whittier, 5-5. An intentional walk to shortstop Erik Bonn was followed by another free pass to Garret Gordon. giving Newport the bases loaded with one out and Brock Schuler with the , bat iJ1 his hands. The left-handed swinging Schuler sent a fty ball deep enough pastfttle drawn-in center fielder for a single to plate Frazier with the winning run. "I was looking for a fastt>all and it was a fast; ball." Schuler said as he walked to the car, toting his equipment bag. Whittier starting pitcher Victor Soto threw his 121st pitch on ball four to Bonn. then was relieved PONY BASEBALL , STEVE MtCRANK I OAIL'{PILOT Newport Harbor Baseball Association second baseman Niko Hernandez tries to tag out Whittier's Trenton Koza after fielding a grounder in Saturday's Pony All-Star action in Fullerton. • by Jonathan Garcia. duced a groundout Bonn scooped up and fired to "I don't think they had anyone else," Joe Whit-Smith at first to end the third. Travis Gallegos had ney said when asked if he was surprised Soto reached base on a bloop hit that feU in the middle started the seventh after baviog thrown I 0 l pitch-of three Newport fielders in shallow center field to es. "He was pitching tough." "lead off the second and later scored.· Soto limited Newport to ei.ght hits while Whit-Newport scored once in the first to take a J-0 tier tallied 11. Frazier and Peter Hapke each had lead on a Seeber sacrifice fly to left to plate Hapke. two hits and scored one run apiece while catcher who had opened with a single. · Jackson Massingill went 1 for 1 with two walks, Whittier tied it with a run in the second before two runs scored and a single. Owe Behr and 'fy-Newport regained the lead briefly with a run io ler McGill, Newport's starting pitcher, each tallied their half of the inning. Bonn's sacrifice fty to cen- one hit ter scored Massingill, who had walked to begin the McGill pitched 5¥.i innings. allowing nine hits inning. and four runs while striking out three. Schuler Whittic!i scored single runs in the third, fifth and came on to close out the game and goJ the win, sixth innings to build a 4-2 lead heading into the fanning one. bottom of the sixth. With o'ne hit and two walks, Whittier left nine men on base, five coming in Newport had the bases loaded with no outs when the second and third innings. With the bases Gordon went to first on ball four, . collecting an loaded and one out with an unearned run already in, McGill struck out Phillip Ybarra and then in-See PONY, Paa• A15 CATCHING UP WITH Sheldon . Blockburger Former decathlete from Newport Harbor and Orange Coast College is readying to coach student at world championshjps. lryc• Alderton Daily Pilot · mockburpr, who will tum 39 in September, returned to the dty where be spent his youth playing baabtbaD. bueball and eventually, trlCk andlekl. He won CIF titles in both the long and triple jumps his senior year at Newport. juat a yMr after be went out for track for the ftrst lime. • Ftesh out of basketball eeaon, Bloctburger blossomed on the track after• commibnent to state cbamp'i(i'nahip in the decathlon u a · spendhlg the needed houri tn the wetght room . eophomore. The decalblon Is made up of ten and the dme running to maintain cardloYllcular ewnts: the h.a,h Jump. 100 meters, long Jwnp, lhot beeltb. put, 400, high hurdlee. dllcua, javelin. 1,500 and Mer graduatiOn ftom Newport in 1983, the pole \llWt. . Blockbuqrer toOk hAI talents to greeter hel&b11 at SCMdlnc &-foot·2 and ~ 165 pounds. ~ competing tn the decatbJon for the ftllt dine Blockburger defied odds expi'esled by hit own u a heshman. coach. Under the' guidance of Fled Holcanson, Collt't •1 approached Holtanaon and said, 'I want ID do hMd tnd and field~ at the dme who It now the decathlon.' •~rec.Bed. "He · dm ICbool'a athletic director. ~won the ....,. at me. I Ml (6-2) Ind ,165 poundl. I Mid. ------~-~~--------------------------~------------- EDITOR'S SCORECARD Inaugural Mr. Irrelevant dies at49 taken w:1Y too soon. Great sports T his i.s trctgedy. Life memonescan pwnp joy in our spirit. only trailing God and family on the grand scheme of the pecking order. But death is reality. too. and we lost another friend earlier this month when the inaugural Mr. Irrelevant, Kelvin ICirk. died suddenly while playing pickup · basketball. He was 49. RICHARD Ki~ who pJayed 78 gam~inthe CanadiM DUNN Football League and was •• lcnown as a speedy receiver for the Ottawa Rough Riders, paved the way for Irrelevant Week in Newport Beach. The defending Super Bowl champion . Pittsburgh Steelers selected Kirk. a receiver out of Dayton, with the final pick (No. 487) in the 1976 NA.. draft and lW founder Paul Salata was there with his big wann hands to greet 1CiJt, put his arm around him and invite him to a weelclong party, roast an~ celebration never seen before on earth. After all, doing something nice for somebody for no reason has a good underbelly for public relations. but Salata & Co. began raising money for charity and Irrelevant Week became nationally famous with Salata at the NA.. draft podiwn to announce each y_ear's final pick. Kirk. who inau8wated Irrelevant Week by missing his plane, was cut by the Steelers after training camp that summer. but ended up with ·a fine CA.. career, which included catching 103 passes for 2,942 yards and 16 touchdowns for Ottawa. Toronto, Calgary and Saskatchewan. He returned punts Md Jdck:offs. His 22-game stretch with Ottawa. from 1981 through '83, included an appearance in the Rough Riders' 26-23 Grey Cup loss to the Edmonton Eskimos. "JCeJvin was j~t a delight to be around.· fellow former Rough Riders receiver Bruce SM SCORECARD, Paa• A15 Sheldon Bloc:kburger is a former Newport Harbor High andOCC track star and is now an assist.ant 1rack coach at Cal Pol'/ San Luis Obispo: - -.... Tourney continues tb conquer locals Newport-Mesa schools have trouble for second consecutive day in Yardley Cage Classic at Newport. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH· -II con- tinued to be a rough weekend for Newport-Mesa high school boys basketball teams in the George Yardley Cage O a.ssic at Newport Harbor High. After the Sailors produced the first victory among the three lo- cal schools entered in the tour- nament - Newport I !arbor. 1-..s- tancia and Corona del Mar - late Friday night. Saturdciy proved to be unfulfilhng for each of the three schools. Estancia dropped a clash with Irvine in the morning and had another contec;t '>CheduJed late Saturday against Laguna Beach. who bea1 Newpon Harbor in the first round Friday. Corona del Mar, who has had the roughes1 tournament ~ far. fell to Trabuco I hJI~ after loslllg games to El Toro and Ed1son on Friday. The host Sailors bounced back. from its opentng·round lo'>i. to Laguna with a victory over ~orth Torrance Fnday rnght, but lor,1 our on a chance to play lor the consolation champ1onc;h1p with a 52-45 defeat at the hand ... of Northwood. loumamen1 play concludes today. Newport Harbor plays at 10:30 am. and Corona del Mar is scheduled for a 4:30 p.m. con- test. Estancia's final game will be detennined by lhe outcome of its contest with Laguna Beach . The consolation champiori- <1h1p looked 10 be Newport Har- bor's destination at halftime of its game against Northwood, with the Sailor-; holding a 21·19 advantage. But lhe fimberwolves ex- ploded for 20 potnt'> 'in the third quarter. agams1 iust IO from Newport Harbor, to take a 39-31 advantage The Sailor<> deficit was never le'>i. than five point!> fo r the re· ma.inder of the c..on1e1.1. Jarme Diefenbach led Newport I !arbor v.11h JO pumti. and eight rebow1d' and laylor Young added rune point' and nine re- bound'>. But their efforts were undone by I Y ~ewport I !arbor turnover .... \Vhi.h' the mou1111ng lo~-.es have to bt' 1akmg a 1011 on the player,, '>olace can be taken in thl' fdc:t that the los-.e'> have come agam'>t quality opponents. C...dM\ first-round qpponent 0 foro reached 1he .. emifinaJs a<> did b tanc1a's fi rst-round oppo· ncnt. l:l'>inore LI loro matched wit.h Mater De1 in lhe '>enufinah laie Sa1ur- day and Elsinore me1 remerula ClMparraJ. The champ1on!>h1p game will be played dt 6:30 tonight in the matn gym at Newport Harbor DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Lindsay Davenport, m action against Sacramento Tue sday, played her last of two home matches for the Breakers Saturday TENNIS Conbnued from Al 4 3-2. before Myslcina reeled over three st:raight game~ to take the set 5-3. By that time. the Lasers had pushed their advan1age ,to 14-10 and things only continued to gel worse. Brian MacPhie and Josh Eagle were routed by Glenn Weiner and Andrew Kratzman, 5-2. Then Krat:zman and mixed doubles partner Nana Miyagi then made it four straight sets fur the lasers with a 5-2 victory over Shara.pova and Eagle to finish off the Break- ers. For the second dine ln three days. Weiner haunt.t MacPbie. In Springfield, Mo.. on Thurs- day, the Breakers pad an oppor- rurury to hand the Laser, their first los.). leading 13-9 after three s.e1s. But Weiner and Kratzman defeated MacPhie and Eagle, 5-3, and Weiner then beat MacPhie in che final set. 5-2, for a 19-18 Springfield win. With Newport Beach once agam ahead. this time after the first set. Weiner put Spnngfield on his back. The 27-year·old frustrated MacPhie with his serve, prevent· ing him from even winning a break point throughou1 the set. which Weiner took. 5-2. Mac.Pbie's own service game Wld strong too. He blanXed We-iner in bis first two service games. But he double-fuulted to open the sixth game, promptly hit the ball on top of the Pali - sade& clubhouse, and went on to lose the game 4-3, gfving Weiner a two-game advantage. STEVE MrCRt.•i11 DA1LY PILOT Newport Harbor Baseball Assoc1at1on center fielde r Peter Hapke secures a fly ball as a Whittier batter watches Saturday. PONY Continued from A 14 RBI. Hut '>f>lo '>lrucl.. out the next two batter-, and tnduced a groundou1 10 end the inning , .. ~th Newpon 'till tra1hng, 4-3. Newport '-Cemed to come to· gelhcr a., tilt' game went un. gt.'t· ung con1nbu11on'> from every SCORECARD Continued from Al4 Walker said in the Ottawa a r:um.. "You couldn't say a negative thing_ about him. I remember amving at practice f!!Very day and Kelvin would bave drawn alJ sons of caricatW'eS on the chalkboard. When (Coach) George Brancato would come in. he would have to erase the pictures or draw the plays around the pictwes." Added fonner Ottawa receiver Jeff Avery. M [1GrkJ made &.llliqb. dlDCQI Uta. scenes or what went on at practic.e. I'm just in shock about this right now.• KU:k. who died July 2, BLOCKBURGER Continued from A 14 and the work finally paid otr Tht: lo!>ta M~ nauve tool.. filth in the event al the ~lA>\ champ1on-,hip!> as a se111or. "The good pole vaulter-learn tec hntqul'<, 'i1mtlar to gymna.,Uc'> and the importance of bod) awarene.,.,, .. Blockb~er ..aid. "The pole vault helpc; the long 1ump. hurdle and all the '>peed rhythm events.'' Blockburger. who finished third in the deca1hJon in the 1991 P.-a.n Am Games. had aspimtion!> to compete in the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. Spam, but d1sloca1ed hi left ankle -the one he pushed off of -two weeks before the trials. He stiU completed the meet, but fail ed to qualify for the Olympic'>. "I wac; clearing 17-4 wh.iJe most were going over 26 feet.·· Bloclcburger said. "It was depressing to see alJ your dreams evaporate, but that's what happened. Things in life happen for a reason. •1n the end. It ls just a sport. People out there would love to l>e competing." Blockburger did his last player. 'icrnnd IM'>t'llldn \:1ko Hernande7 had a -.auilile bunt and nearly bl'at out two throw'> to fir'>l. '>hdmg ht·ad fir...i eJch ume. "Our guy'> don 1 mtnd bunung and we are sol.id throughou1 tht:' ""hole lineup:· Joe \Vh11m·\ ... aid "They are all \\1Jl111g to work 111 gether." Today !hey \\Ill be together ag.un. and maybt:' for longt'r wor1ced in the Ottawa Q tizen's advertising department since 1989. He lived In the Aylmer section or Gatineau with his son. Jonathan. Kirk is the founb of the 28 Irrelevant Week honorees to die. •He was a great alhlete. he had such pal speed. and I remember in the Grey OJp game [in 1981) when he brok.e open and (quanetbadJ J.C Watts overthrew him by maybe six inches.• former Onawa Rough Riders general manager Don Hohby told the Otiz.en. •1t would have been a different game. It sits in my mind. I still remember lt liJc.e U was ,.. dd)l.....-.Yi• ... ha gentleman. He had such a great personal!~ He was a good. good pen;on. well -liked by everybody.. decathlon 111 1994, when· he finished founh in an internauonal llll't'I called ··c,ottJ.t. · lwld 111 Au!)traha Six month., 1.itcr ht' rece1\ed d phone call Imm\\ h1e Le:'l.lau ml'et d1reuCJr f1Jr another 1nternat1on.il tompeti11on, ..1 .30-nunult' pe111athlon held in Pan'>. ln I 94'i Blod..hurger won the national mdoor heptathlon and took '>econd h1., fir<.t 1wo vear; at the 30·m111Ull' J'lt:'ntdthJOn. a meet featunn~ the lop 12 compet11or-111 thl' "orld. Rlockhu~er wa.,n't tra111mg heav;ly from I 4Y t %. but kept recei,.ing ca.II' tn enter the pentathlon "She liked the fact I was gJVIIlg eve rythtng I had and ll \\as m front of a 1V audience.· he ..aid. The ume constraints afforded a 30-minute pentathlon wert.' 111 ')lark contrast to what Blockhurger had focused and trained on for the decathlon. "A decathlon takes eight hours of training a day." he said. ·11ust llked the concept of doing somethmg in 30 minutes and 11 paid weU 100, ahout $6,000 an hour." Blockburger now gets his check from C.al Poly. where he will work with Sharon Day. the Costa Mesa I hgh graduate who Sunday, July 13, 2003 AU OUTDOORS z s, ge y our fishing tackle out few big white~ Thieny Sanglerat of Newport Beach decked T he inaugural JGds Hshmg tournament spen.sored by Oavey'l> Locker Sportfishing in BaJboa ~ underway for lhe local 11'Ultimer fishing sea.!.On. Children will compete for monthly awards in two age grou~ and specie divisions dunng lhe months of July and August According to JIM - NIEMIEC a 43 pound wtute seabas.s 111 action early tlus week wtule tlslung aboard the six pack charter boat Bongos Ill. captained by Joe Bairian of ~ewport. c.atalina bas also been producing qualiry yellowta.1.1 fishmg on both lhe front and bad .sides of the island. Captain Norris Tapp, c.pokt:Sman for Davey's Lock.er. i.he tournament is des1gnt:d tu get youngsters involved in fhhmg and show lhem JW•t hov. much fun a linJe fnendJy rnmpeauon can be. There are two '>t'parau.· age groups in lhe tournament OliJdren 10 yt>a.r'> ol c.1ge and under will be amon~ thr vounger contestan~ and older bov'> ant.I girb in the age group of 11 to· I; years will compete in the ..emor d1Vlst0n. Pro.es will he awarded e-ach month for lhr three hea\1ht fu.h m each catt:gCJr\ 'lpec1e<> of fhh that an.· r11giblt' mdude: &5.<> catt.-gory hand. Lalim and '>potted bay bassJ. bam.ll uda, and other 1yeUowtail. , ... tute '>t'.tb~. halibut. tw1a, bonito. dor.1C.lo c.lfld marl.mi :\ot mduded m ttm tf)umament are '>harlcs. ray-... eel<. Iv.Md tbh. mackerel. cod or rot kfah. All fish mus1 be l·,1ught on a l)avey'i. Locker c;ponfhh111g boat or a -.Jciff ren ted from \1ewpon 1 IJibor Skiffs. Rules and rl1,'\.dations of the C.ahlom1c.1 Department ol f1,h dfld C..ame appl} to the legal i.v.e of a fil>h thc.11 can be weighed in burv canh for the tournament are available at the Dawv\ Locker \portfif.hlng office and on fleet boaLl. and must be turned mto thl' mam office or handed tu a r~ member after lhe fi'h ha'> been officially weighed Contestants will be l.urutl'<.I to placing a quahlytng fbh onJ~ on1.l' per category each monlh. ln tht' event of a ue. the pnze will be awd!ded to lhe conte<.tant who <:aught the ~ fir..t for more 1nformaoon call Davev., Lock.er at 44Yl 673-1434. hshing is on the up'>\" mg tnr coa.c;tal waters, at Catalina Island and it leobthe albacore are finally starting to movl' up 10 \l.ithm one day range of lhe Newport based span.fishing Oeet. Catalina has been v.1de open for calico bas.s. log barraruda and a owm the CIF Southern Section and Orange Countv record in the h1Rh 1ump \'.1th a clearance of b .!. while repeaun~ as '>late champion 111 the e\l~nt 5-IO at lemto~ CoUege June 7 "I '>ee her going ou•r 6-4 very ... oon .ind she ha.' 1he po~s1bil1ty of making the Olvmp1c team," Blocl..burger ..aid. ")he has the be.,t raw 1umptng ah1hty of any girl in the countn Rlockburger '' al'o ge1un~ read\ 10 go to the \\Orld track and field champ1on<;h1p.-, Aug l2 i I in Pam. I le \\111 coach and root for a current 'tudent, P-duJ ferek. a ~l1chigan State athlete who took second 111 both the decathlon and the pole vault at th1~ year's :>.:CAA C'hc1JT1p1onsh.tps. "I called htm up .ind asked. Do you need a club to tram with?' " Blockburger recalled That was alJ it took !or Terek to take Bloclcburger·~ offer. So Bloclcburger \\1ll re1um 10 the world stage next month. a spol he is familiar \\Ith trom his days competing. He doesn't dwell on the past. despite the near mi~es. "I'd like to say I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory ... Block.burger said about his third-place finish In the Pan Am Games. which he led after seven events. ·But you.have to keep Don Donungque-L of Hunnngr.on Beach sacked a 23-pound yellow while !Wung off the s1em of the Y. day boat Freelance running out of Davey's Lock.er. Along the beach. I.unit:. of ~d ba'-'> are sull be111g caught off '>trueture wilh the a\ll'rage ~ '"e1gjung 111 the 2· to 3 pound cl~ As the ~a temp conunues to me look to sandie.. to move into .,ha.IJower water and begm theu annual !>ummer spawning nrual over the mud Ila~ off Hunungton Beadi There L'> good new~ for deep ..ea angler. who have heen pduently awdlong the amvd.I of longfin tuna H1g <,chool' of alb1~ have final!\ moved to wilhm one day range ior the San f>u~go boat.!> dlld lhey '>hould be 111 thhable "~atel"\ for the spon boat.!> and pnvate yacht'> running out of "iewport and Hunungton hdrbor. hy 1ht5 weekend. \\a1er temp<; .ire holding in lhe low to mid '>UCOt">, there c. plency of ban and t.-\el)'t.h111g L'> pomung to a good '>Ununer of aJbarnre fi'hmg l.hb '4.'3.'>0n <\urf fu.tung is also gerung good herween thl' pier. and north up to lhe ">ant.a Ana River ietut". ">mall barred perch and vtllowfin uoaker are bemg caught on bolh 111 com111g and out gomg odes dfld the ba.Jt of choice are small -.and Lrnb-, pinnl'd on a w.t> ...;o I~ .. nellt:d hook. Kad. up baJ~ indude mu,.,eb., cl.un ... d11d ... hnmp which arc al~ good for rnrhma and bottom teeder. P1d, up a ude book at Anlder'> ( enter. lorated on old '\;ewport Rl\d before heading 1Ju1 to dfl\ <.urf fhhmg spot to make -.url' mu ha\e the latest 1nfonnauon on where -.urf fbh dJ'e b1ung and \I.hen the be-.1 udes will be. Hoben 1-urman of ~ewport 'pent an evening '>urf fi<,hmg off I bth !-itree1 earlier th1-; week and on an out gomg ude caught perch and croaker ·we1ghmg to I 5 pounds. thtng., 111 per..pecuve J gave a good run and still have my health and famdv. • Happ\' btrthda·y Johnm and \J\''>d HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrabng the Daily Pilots Athlete of the Wee~ senes TOOAY 24 Breanna Badore~ Newport Harbor Girts basketball, 1996-97 21 -Daytvn Kellv Orange Coast Women's volleyball 01 20 -Ashley Lowden OranoeCont Women·s swimming 02 SAT\JROAY 19 · Steven Russell Corona del Mar Wre11tmg, '01 FRIDAY 2!i -Monica Ortega Orange Coast College Softball. '00 23 -Jennifer Tunz1 Orange Coast College Women·1 golf, '99 21 -Ryan Cook Newport Hart>or Boys water polo, ·oo THURSDAY 22 -Tia Montalvo Orange Coast College Women's water pOlo. 01 WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ALMOST AS LONC AS FORD 'S BEEN MAKING THEM ! Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer fll/79"11 t111701tl ~· Motorcran- 011 and Fiiter Ch•ng• Up to ftY9 quartt of Motorcratt9 oil. lb•• and dlac>OMI fMt extra. SM 0.tl•rlhlD '°' detab. Offetvtffd with coupon.Expirll 7/31/03. · ._, FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECTION H;.awould~lllletolmowwlllt ,.,.., .............. ... .,,.. ....... -·••lll•n. lOMIIl V.lued et ..... a.. DMlanNp for demMe. Off9f' velkt wtth coupon. . • ~ 7131J03. ---~~J.~ Cioied 0.. _... Policy How to Place A --· . ..--· Deadlines _ ___, Rates and deadlines are subject to change without nolice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no tiability for any error in an advertiscmenl for which ii may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first inscrti.en. 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HOUSltG OPPOITINTY BAL ESTATE fOR SALE Auctions WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Colle<tiblfl • Aoe;.4111P'Cft,. ~ •!.t•..ot ·~·~f~ $$ CASH PAID $$ 0"4'~0',,,.,, ... ~ WE BUY ESTATES 3010-3940 ~ 5005-5150 7402-7466 ~] a=: 8005·8510 ~& ........ ~ 9000-9750 3460 Pet Adoptions JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 3660 Ceast Celn Needs Old Coons' Gold 'tlver Germon Shepherds all tolor\ .111 sizes lur '1dopl1n11 tn QUahhed home\ WWW ll~P'<UP Olg or 11 4 //3·5915 "'welty, w•IC~. MlltQUeS M~l'Cl 1 IMEnl'S cottecltbles 949 642 9448 I~ UU Cats 3610 MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S -fr drllhtSe1 MJskr fr •n 1.h1.e unoqu,. r dpodly i.\•ow111e P1ud con"pl ?2 yr h1slury lr•mona m~I&. ,,.,..,alll'.JO ~I St1' Why -Ye .,.., (1V8 100 fr ... hN!-. .. ')(11) .»A~ I 81§3 J4o1 ?167 •210 TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS AAAVlNDING ltOUTl 8l ~ Untb py.,lr Iv Ulol!o ~ lrM'5I 6 "- • ~ -!U>'J969311 All r~dl t\lale adver h•.me on lhos newspaper ts sub1ecl lu Ille Federal r au lluu''"' Act .,, t 968 ~\ am~n ded which m •~t' 11 1lleg.1I ,., ~dvrrtl\P ·any p,.ler ent t ltm •laltun or d1su1m1n.1loun b .. sed on 1at e lOlm. 1rllg1on. ~ea handoc •P lamthal slalus or aahondl 011gin, or an mlenhon In make any sut h pr eltr encc hm1ta lton m d1\c.r m11n.tl•on .. • •th'"'9d·•t• fr •rdy ~· "WE PAY MOM F'ASTDI'" Private D ... t. Hunllnt Clut. appro• 1 hr from Newpoir I B•ach [ •Ctl lent hunhne ad1acen1 In sl•le walerlowl rtluet ownerstup onterul & "PPfO• 375 .. cres of land & omprovenotnl\ • your own camp compound w /s ltu c l ure and 'l tr aolers Wondl!rful f " nieht BBQ's & wont lasl1n11 durone du•k season • many e•lra•' Idol lor 2 friend• ur lather & ~un Call Mike al 310 !>41 08!>4 Ockat Klnens. t eopard look a 111\e<>. r ;tt r t•ohc euld/chocu'41e ~t~. real 'chmoote<s 909 681 6664 Merchandise 3855 Olc8s b Lease 4540 This newsp.ip~r will not knuwon~ty accept .r1y .10.,r 11\tment lor ,.,,., ~~1,1te wh1<.h '"" m v1ulAl1un ol the law Our r ead~r " ate here by mlormed lhdl all dwell 1n&' •dv~rlo\ed on lhos n~w•paper arP av .. olable on an tciual uµprul11n1ly hA\I\ 11> 1.11mplMn nt do•, c11m1nat111n rall HUO toll Ir ee at I 800 424 85QO I ;: 649-4922.., SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202So ...... St. s .. u AM. CA 92101 t ·Jr?'\. ""'~ ..... If yov took f'h•n·f en and wenl lo e1lh~r cl1n1~'· I din 1n dl!Wtr JIP twed ol lht name of lht dullur\ who opN•ltd lhe'c dm1(' Plc<1•e ••II me tollnl at 41';924 90J7 Ot 41 5 381 J845 Pet Adoptions 3660 lo.tOft Terrier 10/wk~. female black & whol~ hou,ebrokt>. s how qu.il oty. perfect th•mpoun & lnlernatoonat <hampoon tones S7000 obo /14 !>96 1044 or 714 717 5541 Adorat.le f'ug ,uppy l?/w~' pedigree. fawn tOlu< COtne'i w/kennel 1er .. l>o<>lls & dol.umeo~ lo qu•llfied lam~y Ownet .iller a•< 949 644 2342 AU SHU IUllDINGS SU,IR SAlE 24• 28 was S8200 sell $3990 28i46 was $13,600. sell $!>480 481100 was S?'> 800. \ell $12 8~Call Now' Tom (100) 392-1106 Business Opportunities Buslnesses and Franchises 3905 DOllAlt STORE. Own d dollar slore Mtnomum r~qu11c1J S20K• equol~ 1-100·227-S314 HOME, HEALTH AND BUSINESS -............. --=-- ERVICE Calllet Repalr~lei ..... ea,..t SM-SS oo rll'lfl tr.wwl rATI! carpel u pWI ml1A/rf1l'll'. !JICI\ .....,,._,, I l(VJ91~ /l~ICfi , CA•'ET , CAlt,lT<• Rtpau• Palrhrng. ln•l311 Cour leou' any ~11e 1obs Whole\al~' 949 492 0?05 Cleaning Computer Services INHOMI & 6USINISS /Uf'AIU Upgrades. Repairs ol Computer. Nelwo•ks Evenings/Weekends Compeloltve pr ices for quahly ser vte 949-136-1175 7 14-926-42211 Concrete&Masonry ld<k llo<k sr-• Tiie Concrete. Palto. Ortveway fireplc. BBQ Refs Z5Yrs C•P Te<ry 714 557 7594 TheC_M_ Cemenlwork, Brock. Tole & More Reliable. No 1ob loo small 714 615 9062 Oesldop Publishing TIMl TO llGIN' YOU•HOMl IMPROVIMlNT ,llOJICT? Cdll" plumber P•orller hdndyman, or any ol the gr e31 servo(e•. l•~ltd h~re m our "'"" t d11 ftln1 yt lli(SI I UCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY• Drywall Services WITTHOln DltYWAU All phase\ sm1tr1 tob~ CllANI 20yrs. lau fret e-.t l4<XXm 714 63') 1447 Electrical Services s....i1 Jolo lJl.IMf'fl ConslruclnlConl Ouncan I lectuc ?OY" f •P ,.,,,.,..Al"m9 ~.... local/Quick Reponse ~·-·-,·-·....... Setvice/Remodeh 18 Yrs Erp • Creal Refs l•U~70 949-6!J0.70C2 All Plla:ses ol Consltuclron '-------~ Rl»TrxH [ .cpirts l •517982 949 709 564? SELL your stuff through classified! America clrlc l teensed rlectrrcel Contractor Small tobs star line at • $79.95 & ,,,. Specral111ng In RemodPhng & all home wu 1na need•. Comm/Indus I/Res 1 ·100-197-ION UJ7fl29S9 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIES Professional, Honest. Pair and Re liable ROOM ADDmONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bath SpeciaJjsts CS CONSTRUCTION Llc# 577982 (949) 709-5642 80,000 Electrtcal Services DUTCHMAN lUCTIUC I ICf NSrD/INStJRI 0 COMPf llTIVf Rl\IC S I •159337 949 1?7 6?!>0 UClNSID CONTRACTOR No tob too sm M ser w:e' R1"11a11 . remodel, I ans 'ij)il, -SVC 949 645 J656 EXPERT INSTALLER Moldmg • Laminate Floor I nstafled $3 50 sf Crown Molding Linoleum & SUb floor Repair 949-582-8866 714-925-3249 OISTOM OIATM 1U lnslalaltoo. slam Cft amk: marble. stone U... 1975 L#6l2044 Jett 714 6L2 9961 LJNCY sa..-... Rei-ell Regrouhn & lnstall~hon llU OCAN 949·673 806~ 714 846 8526 7 I 4"88J. 2031 Garage Docn . --·--. . . . . *AMEIUCAll* IVENUIDOGll 'G.irlQt OooB/Oplntft :~ • Loe.al g Reltallle rRU CSllMAffS en ..... .,ao .was IYllYn.118& AMYT ..... 81• A •At•••· TNIMHal•<I ~IUUTWUl &DCMSITl.-t4t-lll-tl2• ·i • Gamenina/ L.andscaplno Tree Service, Y ,., d Cleanu11 Maintenance Spronkl~r R-.paor llaulonl! (94') 650-8711 Handyman/ Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & REMODELING Christian Handymen f mil (Mpenc!J terQ!6 ~ stua:o. Sb~. wMow1/docn -. tasa bo.Yds & peonllnQ SenlO' dl5(:0ll!I Free esllmale Call ~ 714-636-3235 GFM.IAL RFnll •MAINIINANCE .. ~. ('ommcn:ial o Job Too Small Dan Bamlltoa 949.32%.8292 f1X UP Sl'ICWIST. All lypes of repaws Elle tr~I. ~ docn. ""* hue.rs. ll6ls & mare 2~fl4Mys 11066-18!11 TKI HANDYMAN Aff WOfk JU.,•nleed ~ £ltlc1rica4. Ooon.. r1n11111awp-.--- AD AGINCY M\ •ldtv yP'l(.dle oHru"' <• ad~I ~sf sotlc w gulf '"'•"' voe~ "' NB nooOrr.e by d•potl I rtt ~kn~ \/1.wtd t ont rborn turn unturn fr nm $4';JO r:M<J /'XJ ~1 SELL your stuff through class ified! Haullng JUNK TO THI DUMPlll / 14 968 1811? llVAll llBI I IUOllY1 949 6/J 5~ House Cleaning DANA~ HOU5l o.EN9tG I is~ Ss~~ Ir• I!> yein rmMCn , ._~ 114-342-4656 lnteriOf Design Design Renections Prof1uW>Ml r00111 llldt~l"ff, OC'C"fJJ(}n:Jlt,, J/topputl• C'OllJ#illltf, I 4-1dtsi11t. 949-459-8270 Masonry Moving & StoraQe PUBLIC NOTICE I ht t~lol Pub Ire Ut111t1r' t om1111,.,•tHl rtQllllP\ lhdf ~II U\td hnuHhnld g:nod\ moyer \ pr onl the or PUC Cal I numb"'· hmo\ dnd •h•ulleur~ p11nl lheor r c p numb~r on all ~dv~r h«emtnl\ II you have any quesloon\ •boul the lre~loly ul • mover l•mo or l haulleur, t •ll ,UIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSION 100 177-1167 Palrelng Strtp & .............. Cuslnm H'nd P•ontrd '-"olb & f .,.. p.,...._ VlNTU•A MASONRY MISI tor lwe g:&(;Sl.(,664 Rnodenlt•t Concrele & Masonry Scrv1u Stone. 811c.~. Blod< 714 9&5 2824 Open 7Deys LowRetee Stor.ge Speclal9 Sl~1081 949-645-4545 IHT MOYIH SSS/Hr. S. ¥1111 All Ctlles Insur: tc1 '16.11144 800-246 2318 323 630 9971 cell PUTAFIW WOIDSTO WOllFOI YOUI (94 642-5671 ~'/Jdte,.. ~Professional Painting le ~94350 lnterior/E*ta Deecntift Pliatil« Colar ""ddlC Rob Isbell · Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 a-.-........ 'lJYrs hp Greaf Price! Guaranteed WO(~ rr11 H I lt375602 714 538 1534 7 390 294S llMUISTOMf'..,.._ Pron, tleim. Qu.tllly work lnltrlof/UI Ind Oo<ks ll7~ 949 631·4610 • Painting Jaysan't f'alntllot r op Quahty. Competohv• lnleronr/l •I l #648278 Call IAy 949 6!)0 ~ Plumbing Cloulc ''-"1"9 New & Remodel11111. Gas Lin,. Copper Repope fvtt ~ I •'> 16/8) 949 6/!i 50V> HONEST & ltlASOHAIU ltAINIOW CltO.l MAINT PLUMBE.R l•5065.86 P.i1nt111e lntl~•I HolWAvi rre.! (st' Sm rep;w~ Quahly t<>b' Fret esltmale OCtrCU ON 714 ~91!JO l•569897 ] 14 6J6 8888, •-roln DOf Day c-. S<'nd your b"sl friend to ump wh1lr you go on vnatoon Sal• lritndly & fun moun!Mn environment .rt I .tile t\uowllud ICJf socraloLtd does No keflnel!. Weekend hmo service to and ITom camp 909-lJ6-S625 ........ _..........___ Plumbing SIWll AllD DUii cua. (949) 645-2352 PltlCISI f'lUMllNG RtP•"' & Remndelonft fRU (STIMATC l •687398 714 969 1090 MeHlc 'Ml & Sr Svc. Weekly Service, r QUIP mtnt Rep111 s tm.ured , .. 94t-292-7 I 7J Al T Tr," el 11.ei a. ' •AnWc.tW•r--a.I (949) 548-0769 .......... SlLENCF. lS GOl.l>EN Boeh ~11lnmlble. South ~'II\ NOm1 • AJ 52 , 97 2 o J 3 • Q 10 7 2 W&.\'1' F.AST • ltfO • 98 I( Jt4 J lt6 K 9 8 7 5 4 2 •KJ93 •A64 SOUTH •K Q7 <;·A386SJ OA • 8.S The blddin11: S()tmt W'Eb"T NORTH f.AST • l l .... l J .. ,_ .,... PMi Openin& lead. Ten of Diffacn1 ~ for different f1•ll\ can be found 111 many ~'IJOn' There are die ICtivtm. who b1J on chc ~mell of ao oil '1i in the hope of dJvupong chc auc:uon or finding a 'lknhu Othcn belx'°-c th&! chc II\ cn:all '' men efficient. if t...eJ on "II.Ind ,,.1. 11CS and IS iuJ-<ilffll Ung cnouiti IO SUggct.l )'Oii have a prol-illb!C &ICrificC lbo«ild lbe ~ bid 00. and lb= is DO &lWMll:le lbM I diamond ii Wbll y011 want led. Had Eu 11.l)'ed out of die IUCdon. W~ would probably have led a club, glvina the dclendcts u e~c:ellenl C.l\ancc IO collect IWO tricks each in U\lmps and cluti.. Given the auc:tioo. lhou&)l, for We~ lO lead 111Y!hinl QI.her than a diamond woukf have been a gros~ dcreliOOon of ducy, and dccl~r. formcr Scoulsb intcnWioo- 11list Barnet Sbenkin, now 1 Floridian, ma4e the mou of the chance offered on this deal Crom the Spiriaokl Team Champioo.lbip 50Cl'le yean ago. - The opening lead was probably a doubleum, to East held seven dit- moods. Since that made it likely that trump:. would IRalc badly. Shenkin elecled 10 play for East lO be sbon in he4ns and Weat to bold exactly thRlC uum!)) along with lhrcr Of more tpades .... W.1-4 .. ~~ 3br 3'!1, OM ol 1 few ever to come 1ve1t. W1lerlronl sunMt view\! $859,000 ......_ ,,..,..,. ... ,, ....... _., J0-71S·I U6 W"t lnrlfte 4br lb• 2000sqft , 2 c car. l yrs new le yd. $629,000 lntlM WMt P..ti lbr lb1 1300 aqft. Dehthtd horne Built In 1995 S519,000 Alt Cl111 Tu Remn 949.295 9988 -...s .... un..os Bay --.., int 3br 2!Je 'tlelorts Pltn' S'J49,IXll ClflN SAT 1-S I Sby tnd -uni! Zbr •'<l*'Clld '549,IXll ~a..1.5 Count ll\ among tho-.c: v.ho bo:hc'e lhat Ea.s's lhrcr di.amonth ..Cl'\c' no J>lll'IX*· h ts unhkely lh.11 p.~r ha' Al tnck ooc. declarer capt\Rd ~\king of~ wilb the ace. o:~\hcd chc ace of l!Qn\ and then suwd on spades. When East discard- ed on t.hc third spade. r-as pctf ccdy \Jfc: IC.I cash t.hc fourth spade '°' 1 duh dt~ The defenders had to be u 11sfied wuh tv.o rrurnps and a club. Ral&tlll SIMca HOMES I-OR SA4.E , ....... ~bay •nd beach, 2500sf. with z mnlen, 2 Fp'\, /I.IC, remode6ed kll ' baths, Is krt & fam rm, $925,000 Ches/we Real Esble Inc 949-7n6037 JH .. I•• Cr••lit New prtm.I l 1t0ry. 28t+ dwl, sedudld wl-dl--sac tetn on Is lot 111 ~ded •• Reduced ta $819,CXXl llCI loen &.M ~l!i9-9.Jl4 T ..... blc:lo 1C1 ol'llrs on tt.e honm 3br ~ '°"""°'"' 'HJ1 ,IXll :b I sllary i-rtlQml S!5Qj.lllJ (lH) 4br Easl a.Al home Sl.(lB,IXll PUon Rtmlly 98&2~ A Wat.,nil,,, I!' ~ .. trurdo 01 y.,.,, 11 .. mt B~ Beatrice Anderson 949.759.0550 PUTlHW WORDS TO WOllFOR YOU! (949)642-5678 ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Ptnlnsul1 ... SIJMMll SllZllU ... °",,.. s-wl Beaulirul :& 3 ~ hQ<ne with ele'l1tor pool. VNI Mchel1 LR beachltont pOtn & wtvtewater -of r.ci111 toast 54,SOO.OOO kn1 lelr t .Mr 2..s. CoottfT'ClO' WV home on lhe t SI Pn r renc:h Betu- ~e lrne\tone floors ckMf\ "ilrllle 1\11. bulltlful pabo w ''fOAI own tree Sl.S".000 Owtdu .. 4»,..,_ Rern<>Ol!led r. Owd flofn, I& <IC*l l R w ~ p IJNt OUI lloot patJO Ml"c* le p Sl.S".000 ..... ,_,, 0.-Oupl.1t l bloc:ll lo beach. 3br 2ba UllC*. 1 br Iba lower, 3c1r e••, $969,(X)} aet. 9'&-57'-3598 Corona del Mir hlliAWWAWi South ESTAT£ on one of the la1enl lots OPEN SAT-SUN 1-S IS20be1Dr. 511< Jb1. Med1tetra· nun par1d1u Gr•· coan U.1ped pool ' Spa foun111ns & Palm Trett. By Owner Acceptine Bids Be tween Sl.499.000 Sl,57S.llll 9&i'm-0162 RA'fnodded Mld t~ JUST USTED TODAY! k.u~ oo r.r•e dbl lol 48t • OPEN HOUSI ~ w'ocean ~ fp SAT-SUN 12-4 Mde lutw~ 1d eek Sl6 1/2 Helletr.- SUS0.000 Nulled Amid Mtlhon S homes! 2b< lb1. betu "--" o.yo.. ,..,.. prtv l•ff hne slr on cul l49-67J-.3899 de· UC $687 ,000 hm & Patty McOonafd COM Home 949-~ Of'IN HOUSl SAT-SUN 1·4 UOArlitffSt Jbr l.75b1. new k1tch. wd firs, 1 bfk lo Canyon Park $459.900 Mary rewef Re/Mn 949.646.9670 OHM SUN 12-S Js.42 v.a...1e Plec• Oeun view fner, hue• price rad11Ct10n 4Br 28a All 714·504·3742 -'" lie rated condo New pnVcrpt, kit fll'nc & D/W Mslr br w/wll• 1n cbt. LR w/c.th c11t.. fp, tennis trts, clubhsa Prud Ca R11tty 56Z 307·7589 OCWIVIWLOT "° 0-Yltw ... MOO diet rr...,......,.,iw;n ..,, ..... let. tyO...A*"'t $1,090,000 MM4S-1'21 WATlafaONT 2S CHANNll RD. OPIN SAT & SUN 1-S 2 sty, 2br ZIM. Udo Penin- S<M Resort. Ba-·Hlrbor CotUip l~f. pr+ Pfl ••ta. be.lch, comm pool, spa, clbhw AsklllC S2'251< LMld a lined 8kr 9& n.3-50>. 888-~9667 H~ aJ41r, MAXIMUM VIEW new' lull remodel 4br l 5ba soncle·sto<y Buytf\ only SI 6 Mil •ct Paul 949·290-3053 S--..0.-.......,.., 381 3 58a, Sl.590.~ 1&Vowne< 94~-0300 ~@rptOC.com TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Houae slippef 8 Old A)'I09 11 BtNted f8 Colony of bees 21 Ten.:, 22 Dromedary 23 8r'fW'I or Ekberg 24 Like IOm8 S/lOWefl 25 Ofganic oonwunc:t 26 Ice and dtce V Twtg junc:MGS 28 Llama habitat 29 Tell tales 30 Talk on and on 32 Playtng msrtlle 3' Roondad up 3& Pecty of "free Willy· 38 Hou3ton bftseballer 40 Ma Ronstadt 42 Horae's 'brakes· 43 lnautetlon ptecee 46 Penctl end 47 Doggerel 49 Rodeo gear 52 Smart 53 Pilot's test • 54 Muddy the wattHs 58Custom~. after tne sale 59 Eastwood of hims 60 Sleazy 62 "Wheel cl Fortune" bvyl2~1 83 Wield a brush 64 Exi>teu gratitude 65He9nate 66 Piece of prose 68 Pwapsychology IQPIC 69 Inquiring 71 Malt dee! 72 Kind of lettuce 7-4 Hens and msros 76 Pat1y giver nTot 79 lnc:enM bumer 90 Wild.goose - 82 Nrrvfts 83 Model'• need 85 L.owbow 68 More reined 90 Owec:tor -Kazan 91 Ion &OUrc:e 95Pan 9 7 A.lft1ctlOn5 98 Beaullf18$ 1 ()() Fie6ta 6hout 101 Ol&tulb 102 Narrow street 104 Hiner·s st.anon 105 Diagram a sentence 107 "How --doing?" 1 08 Handed out 110 Polishes 111 Fred - (comics ~) 112 M to Einstein 114 Ooean't 81Cist 115 Tart fruit ,,,,.........- 116 Arroyos 11 7 Nairobi locale 119 Auto opllOll 120Throb 121 Throw angnly 123 Lots arid lots 125 Cunsy oafs 127Ch0fe 131~ 133 Leans ago1ISt t35 Tooth type 137 Luau IOUY9!llr 1~ Mder Of Davis 139 a.Cl by a hair 141 Hl.tlgef tor 1 '3 Tylenol compedtol 145 On the lnnges 146 Wallflow9f oppoeite 14 7 Something elM 148 Ctl8liP nightclub 149 Bloodhound clues 150 Lodi or cu1 151 Tired tS2"TheEYeofSt -· DOWN 1 Magic lormula 2 Timex alteme!Mt 3 Mak• a eound ··-~t.(J.ellW' 5 Croa a river 6Cc>Rront.s 7 lklnerves 8 Fos&I reeirl 9 Sangy thousand 10 Bt1de In "l.ohengr1n" 11 Slamming 1 2 COi 189C1111111 13 Bailed out 14 Yves' vaamon bme 1 5 Pinch of salt 16Gawt<s 17 Breezier 18 Pilgrim suitor John - 19 MaNI grasset 20GPs 31 Has lots of statu1 33Auh 35 FtA.iX pu 37 Dramatist Henrik - 39 CtlOOllng 41 s.ys frlinkly 44 Largest ertecy 46 Pig nOIM 48 Of greater age 49 StnOee along 50 Flooded 51 -Ill (mdgn) 52Tllt 53 Ffy up, u ontOOS 55 W...,inO ptll08 56 Silly 57Han SQ Carpenter's tool 60 Fumitl.n pc<*Cbe 61 Aden'• ooun1ry 64 Some bo,Qng tnumpns 85 News source 67 -Monica. Ctllf. 70 Emberraa.nent 71 Really!~ 73 8°'rdng mllln 75 Glances OYer nsaum. 78 ~·· gnpper9 81 W..,, ll'des reoublic 82 Mumued 90ltly &4 Encircle 85 Get out fut 88Good smel 8 7 Bact8riologist -Pasteur 89 Young rapcor 90UpWt 92 SaApture. ~ 93 Maiy-Kale and ~ey - 9<t Runs lnlD 98 tmperttnent 98 Lord Tennyson 99 Reaohea across 103 Type Of ecllp58 104 Priddy seeds 108 To d8le (2 wds ) 1 09 Sc:orcti 1 1 o Wiid animal I 11 Light wood 113 G ltde lightly 11 s Contvees 116Knivet 118 Waiki tn i 111 Brand names 120 Shor• bc.d 121 Jvng c:ontempo•aiy 122 StmHun gam• 124 Aagpole"topper t26 Comhuliter c:tty 128 Wnw -T ofll« 129 Fishing net 130 P\llid garments 132 ~°'ctr loan 134 e.g. 138 Hindu prince 138 Opposille of applaud 140 Germen at1ICl4I 142 St. or a\19. 144 Family pet Sunday, Jtity 13, 2003 A17 ---------------- ~ furoptan style IN"11. Hi&fo 1n tilt hllb ovwloolunc Ill• ocun lbr • othce. SI 695.000 .......... s---. mode; tlU llofnt w/v1ews of S.ddlebKll 4bf hundreds of 11.p• cr•llflt ti.695.000 Of'IN SUN 1-S Santa LUC•• r 1bulou1 l1k1fronl foe Jb1 3 5b• Overlook1n& Canyo" & ocun. Sl.n9.000 PLATINUM PaOPlUllS St.--le Meurer 949·715·3156 ...... , ..... er..1 custom est.ate Wiii> ceny~ & ocean YleW$ Offet ed at $6,500,000. (Hstllne ~ t4t-7St-0177 Tlltln VllW CHATEAU 10501 lrl•~lon• Located In N Tustin Hills I 5 1cre hilltop estate 6bt 7ba Call for pr •t• Aal John Loean 714·7ll 1808 MOBU HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mr a., W'llde be lot w/pool, •lb fp Is pabO, W/dL flll • dose lo bl.11 $1!QVmo ~ 'bf 2:ba HIHH YAie W /OAllDINll. frail P11111 II & out ,.. T_... I'll\ & r.,,..oundl. SlW> +dip ~9913 COMMUTIUSS HlAXMOH Cont.ct rtnUI ~1'11 Ap.w1 ment tmtor rnallOn CenUw I~ B ~I HMvard and Main, h-Ca 92614 1 ..... -400-2690 Oa:M1fl I br I bl condo ne• I H8 P.., comm POOi SPa w d •• unit. unc1et1Jd N I.et l llll> ~, J. /!D) Irvine COMMUTI USS Ht.AX MOH Tatln a-.O..eTu t4t-2ts-tttl ~­Homa 599.1 C.nntatt rentlll IMnC ~ ""'"' tmtor..,.tlllll c.iw 17625 B •I f1iw•ard M\d Mair> lrYrre C.. 92614 I 1611 ~2691 'I Employment ~ WaMed 1~~~~~~~~ Laguna Hiiis • H ..... mon/M9r. • lM Oii 111 IAllNA •LOMGIUOI HURRY!! 41< >11aJ '-"' h~ dbl , .. , Y"d ~-~" no pet~ 2 yt ~ SlllJOmo 1>M utb ~ s.m> 949 642-0138 Last TWO lu•ury manul homes ;wlil on pied 5 Sid UIJ6Cllle 5ef.ar ~ 11on .. 1 Laguna Niguel per1'. Only l6Z5 space rent -Near QIMM ~ L~ 'or Leooe lmmatulote Beach aqu11tUT1 i Seal 2700-. f Hu mt 4 Br ?. ,Ba 9-:11.,.,,,, 1or 't <d• it•• 111 tm1um Vdona 562 ZZS-0:99 \thon" "" Ptt,/\mkna SV'>O "'" <;4'l 12? 0696 MISCEU.AHEOUS RENTALS Newport Beach COMMUTE USS au.Ax MOH Rental To Share 6030 I Conta<. t rent.ol IMna AclM 1 mttTt lmforrn.tmn Center N.wpert l~h I.de. lcry 176?'> B at Har.atd ~ 4br hse 2-rooms oa•a1I ~ .. lrvnt Ca 92f>l4 ~ 11!rn inf '6S)m I 866 ~269 t shve u11rs 949-553-~53 .... ,,_. •·edo u ... hie Bdrm -batn. Pvl enlr 1nce Nr Brodee S700/mo 949 322 1117 ~aragt Space For Rent 6060 ~GAlt.AGlS 10•27 S340 or 22120 S57S or 4000st airport area. pv1 w h•&h secl'.lrity 949-646· I I 06 RESlOENTIAL RENT AL5 ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island 2-Sfy ........ 2llt . def>. 2.Sba. 2 Fps. 2c p w d patJO. II/pets., avail Sept wroter or yr1y ~297S ele•I 11.y tr-1 apt Zbr lb1. fp, $'1800/mo •tltr WO auaee h&ht • brtlht Sl400 mo • Zb1 2b• house yurly S2100 UDO YlA•l V UASl & UDO SUMMOt HOM rs BU GRUl'()V REAL TORS 949 ... 75-4161 VUA UUOA 2 ~It<\< 2ba f p lndry rm • pal.lo. comm pool tenn 5'>I 2c Plf\&. .... 10 bc;h lntw17 pd s l(fJO.. mo 7f:J) m 8107 949 S74 9243 1 llOCIC BOM OCEAN 2br 2ba remodeled IPt Yrt, :WW 2iMI. lower dpb carp0<t 11~ Av11I 8 I ~ lut. w/d. bar tp '~ 94'-.S u ... 22. mo A(t 949-673-406? ta bly. n/ptlb,/\ITlll&. ~ "°"' $2400m 9& 72J..~ Nice 21r llo, yr ly C¥POrt. w1d. llJ s.r111<;i. pets. clean Sl500rmo Av4Ublt ""' hi act 94~7> !\069 s..,.. lo bet. & loy ?br I ... dl>h. Ip, &a< ded :rd. lndry, n/pet!. 'vnll& s lllXlmo 626·836-07;15 • 541per Shorpl II "* 38'. 3& Condo steps to buch. fp, 2-ur garaire S325l)Tio Blu 96-400-0411 Coronl dtl Mar ~ w• t. 1-u -o lBr. lB1. hlht & br11111t no pets, lease Sl29!>mo ao1I now 949-720·1565 1 Ir. 1 ... oc-vi •• Soott> of PCH neat POl)l)y Sl-mtmo Open Hoose Sun.. 11• ~ tbul Or 714-772 181 1 eel 231 21r t le frMt H..,.• veufl ce11-. br1ahl Le LR/patio Ip, I c &•• ()pen house Sat Sun I·• 1vao1 8/1. 4?9 Iris no pm, Sl ~ 94').61).8)78 711 ~ JBr 2BI srn i-cll coftaae. IWl tncry I arpart. 12150/mo Cleat> & llMdy! geg. 251 9444 .__....., Sir 21o/21r Ula 'j!tf l9ICl9.. °* 4""". 1h'd .,, w/d ~ Ill $2!1Xl1SUU> 9'9-293~ Conn Hif1ln*I a.m 2br 2bl house. pr. le yd lob al pnyacy. Br'4tol remod plriltion ~ w11111a en. wd tn. ._ ~s 1oa " -. um -~ l~ (441 S--0 Rd) ..... , ..... 210 N•w,•rt (re•I, lbr 2ba Z c c11 ••I~ to bch IM POOVspe S2100m A•11f 8 I 949 · 107 '408 (011 .. IYfl, l l r 21r, rar111• wld nkup. '-81 S2375 mo 949.293 4630 IAl.IOA PININSULA • l4Jl)ef 3br 2.bl. vault oell. Ip, wld 2cp , S2400/mo. ~ CIHty 949 SOO.M 2H 't'u.lY alNTW Ntwporl Bch Peninsula, S 1400 S2400/ mo All t4t47S-7IOO Jtr 2.Sle, NPCrff1, ~ ICletl ' sm.c. nw'*. .... lo bch. clJI pr. POOlf I.won 0J)n 9&9ZJ.a7 ........, c;,.. •12'/ .. £ nd uni pnt ~ .......,, 14¥ade COlaWy M. nwtM *tl'mYr•~ Get.ct. ............... 3ba home 2+ar pr Pf!Y patio tomm pool Yr 118 flJ7'j ..... l'O# ~ llvff'• ,.,.,.., I Pt.. '8', 2' /tBa, lemoly room, court yatd, balcony S2800/mo 714 3Z8 8333 CU,,MAVIN Jlr Ho $2t50t ... Yriy 14"99 Yeril & D•da t~t-642-Ut4 I cte1n & "l••nttt+n lo'~'" home\ C-Ou~ 1• •• •• dulle\ •ldeily & Llnlo t ll• UIJ )'1i '11 1.j!Jlfj Employment 8500 IOAT FT. Kr\l•wlo•'-' .,f ~ ... 1· & ~ d mv.,f ..t1irv-Hfd+I'; ~~"'""°"~ ~ 4 • l\rJulv "' Pft'\lltl (@ Monnr-v· 1.-t.ht ><l'plir l°lJa> ~1ul !ltv•l C·~ld ~ 94<JW41W 01 MOW kAJ(Jk' f'f ilUI "''J .tQI ., I f 1111 •te4 week.en h dr ,,t 949 647 4 'II i Dtlf'IB/CDt (A) Homnal- SIO CXXl •II" Y~"'~ SOlOS to 39 •"h 1.,~ to 41 unts •r.ttl « to 8/ cents Iv• '~" chu2n cot C• •J welc.ome (Of ~'~ ':/?<. SSS6 or ~ l M c m (CAl. •SCAN1 M_.,... ..._.,_, boonw'4I. need "'*' l.aod money ~I ,..., ii'"' r -1'1 fu us /14 Ill>140> - ..,.. ..,, n o-tt... Roedst«, lottded. lille new 7k ""' dr1I ...,. tl)p{bndy S32.000 760·196 /601 IMW'tlUJul 2 dr, r •1/t1n, ~ ~. SIHlf~ • Ml PM. 11500 714"'78·~ IMW 'tJ Hit c- met.t8" da<ll blue/sr•Y ltllr . a1perb cond ~hott Sl~.995 ·~­--...-.•.c•• laW"tOJUI I e MW l..,,,.n, 4 dr. evto. Joa ... ee. tlllVI, M (>'Wf. Unt, C. R1101 "'200 714-6&1-*1 t•W •tt JUIL L....,_, JiWoof•e' '"'"·.... ' ·----1122 •w .... uc-1 .. • 1 cyf ~ ... ""'. ,..,.., ........ ,... ~ •llUU U 7,tt5 ti• ~·Wf..., ...... "'· .... 19 aw • ; '! ... ... ,.....,. - P.......SAUTO 01Aa..n Moonfoo1 NAVOUOI\ lrsteM Lotdacl ( l9'!i6) 12' 980 "'""s... WMew~lutll w Moorwool •1944.JJ S29• 01 ~s r.,,.. Sea Green w Sa~ I tilt 281( m1 Moo" roof rl'Jl 171 SJ2.'l8'.l 04M.,~UOO t:lwtoal wl91ack lullM!t 18" Chrome Whtt~ Mool\rubf '19Sl2C1 $29 98) Ol •MW 7~ 01..._i. w Black u11ly JIK M116 I I \H85C I S44 911> Oll'orui.er"""° r "'''oo"' 0n1y 1811 m1~ Na•ilCa!Jon I l 9J94 1 INQUlfff ................ buut ••• oeit. -nlc«, ....... •SOSt 7 1 C....,•r1IM• low 9311 nula. ... ~ .,od ~. Wt Sl6.200 ~ M••4" -.1 UO Sil wlul•/1ray ltllf dw ome •Ills, low mo, &uptrb tond S6995 Vl'567Z81 8kr 949 586 1888 -....,a.i.~- NI••-·ts Pett.floo4er 4,4 1mmat wh1ta V6 .. ,Y noca 11'()11199 $!»4~ WCWAUIO c:cm 96~ 7flZ1 at• •• 'M~S Blue. •ulo. CD. clean. •025171 S l99~ -~torn ~7822 Oltfs....ii.1i. 't6 .__.. &Cl. m1 bl1ei.1crey llhr. mnrf CD l1bulou\ (Ond 111r ou1hou t SS99S •in•451:>19 Bkr ut-s ... 11H -.~I.e.. 91 Le•"' GS ""1 (.4)IO W 5a(ld)e LUlf> "'Ctvo"""~ 19418 l2.2 98) ,., ........ (9"ff• 1 46~ m1 blk bHI ltht CO t hrcime ..,hi\ Ilka new l'l 9')') Vlf6220Sl Ii n•nt1n1 ' warr a.•11 B~r 99 lrr.f us 11 s, •t'f "' 8SaQ, l e.ithe< vnly 141-.m~ , 142~1 INQUIRE t4t·S .. ·ltU --~···-s-• ·•• t .l c.-. 4911 m1 wh1t e101tmuf llhr ro blac-top l•bulnu\ like ne"" cond 01 Codlloc l"""'°* B1 .. c~ " S.dd~ t eal/\ e• 71 Ant•1 a Wheeb I 19'>28, "4 WI OOl'ondNSo.c•- Blatk w G1 •Y l e~t1"" f'1llrC1n1< I JU99'> ••8/!>?61 B~r 949 Sl6·1HI •-·•<pot.I.com r t9'1A1:>1 UO 983 949-574-7777 PMlllS All'TO ~""' '97 CHl VY TAHOl 4,,. """'' 4.ll4 t"ml J•ro r.tt-<i, ~~ IUdo9 w ? Rudo 1Y ll <xb; ~ Ure ~ M..tielr 'l':h ulf r.,..,c Ire'\. f • '"'' W> 'JOO 9629> /}>8 o-y T.._ lT '98 4,4 BV-16 mo lllY ...,. lie (,, h. .. ;.. 'Wa• bat"\ ~ pt:rf rma t Lra"~\ SIF; 'ilJ ~IB· lf!i' M--'-\. ._ ... cuo trhr mnrt HT1mac ~ "'Ce 11617 31 7 $ 10 99'.> ¥1CW1U?O oorn ~ 1fJZ) Toyelo '96 Avol•n, •ul•• llhr rT1nrl buu 11tu1 Sfh~ •17n118 ....... avin ..om 'J4~ ran Toyoto '91 Corollo lf bt111,t •ul<> 74• M• ""' oL pd P~ ct A. t t""" \SJ)) 714 843 SZl I VW '91 ,anot GlS V6 ~ """ ~ 6.J> \t.4)W 1!1¥> •°l'>'l?YJ SlO 9'b ... #Wl.o u:.<n ~ 1fJZ) AUTOMOBllES, MISCEU.AMEOUS Wanted "'' r ... ~ RiJNl>WI Ill) 1nbo •rd oulboaro ,.,,i nf! w 11 •ile , $1~00 949 709 3079 03 DtJTY 11 ICV*(J!Tt R ~ <Ml SZl(XX) ~1lry.,..,.... $45.llll 949~ 7341 9680 U n SUP AVAll.A.IU IN NlWf'OtlT II.ACM $2SOOUASl Ut-500-tOOS IAY ISlMO COV'l --1311 bu~ unhm1ted le<1itl\. qu'81 & sate 949- 922 nn or 949 673 19'3 •--'" ._ .. , 190I 2 J ilorceou' t ar t1tw 9~ mnr I S5995 •!>48954 -~com ~7frl2 ......... ._ .. ,,_ 2.3 eorpou'.\ c.,. ft.hr 9~mnff S5~~ WCWaulD oorn ~ 1frl2 IOo\T a.s ti/OW AV• Cal lcr -IQaltJOn Ind ......... ,,. (210 dltllh. w.w and ~ buut1tu1 btack/crea111 lndJdld .....,~ fully loaded showroom rvtU. SIOZiO 11 .. r.,1.2'161 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Clas.sified section to find servas from electronics and plumbm. to landscapefs and painters. ( ' t NEWPORT BEACH . 949.644.-1600 LIDO ISLE 949. 723.8800. '