HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-16 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot·, • ·a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa coniniunity since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 2003 . Businessman drops effort to recall Nichols Lloyd Ikerd says such a campaign could damage the Corona del Mar community. June Caaaarande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The re- calJ is off -fodio~. Saying that a recall of Council· • man Dick Nichols could further ~·. damage a community torn by biner emotions and bad prt!~. businessman Lloyd Ikerd said ht> is shelving his recall pla.11. "At this time, we feel that the recall will do more damage to the community,• Ikerd srud m a press conference at City Hall on ruesday. "We hope that Mr. Nichols will realize that he's done a lot of damage and we hope he will re!lign." But the change in plans by no meam reflects a change of heart: Ikerd. who remains harshly criti- caJ of Nichols' recent race-re- lated comments and other pub- lic gaffe'>, called for Nichols to step down volunt<.mly. He \aid he is also fonnmg a watchdog group to keep an eye on Nichols' public comments. "I think that Dick Nichols is his own worst enemy and his tirades are going to contiq_ue," Ikerd said And the minute that Ikerd and his supponer'> believe that those comments are more damaging than a rernll. the effon will be re- Fair play Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Officials at the Orange County Fair open early Tu esday to give disabled students their own private fair. F or Jennifer Pierce·~ disabled chlldren. l\Jesday morning a1 the Orange County !-'air packed some special thrills. Shortly before noon. Pierce's students giggled and laughed as they rode on the Bear Affair ride in the children's play area. After arriving at t.he fair. the children bopped around. 111 front oft.he ride's fencmg. anuc1paung their fun Blaung through the gate. after a nde operator swung It open. the Lhtldren hopped into their teddy bear spinners. which turn like the teacup rides at nther parks. "It's been good." Pierce said as she !shepherded 1hem to the ride. "They're ha\1ng a lot of fun." Pierce 'it!rYes as an aide with the We<>umnster School District. teaching handicapped children during the summer. She had brought almo<,t a dozen of her students age'> 3 to s· w "Friends of the Fair." Fair organizers set aside one morning each year to give moderately to severely handicapped patrons the nm of the fair. On Tue!>day. the studeRts had most of the fair to themselves for 2 '1'z hours. Almost 40 ndes. mo-;tly in the children's area. were open. The more danng rides. including the roller coasters, were not open. AJso, most of the vendors and all of the exhibit buildings were open. Only the commercial products hall remained closed. HI get so much feedback from these groups.· said Ginny Smith, the fair's coordinator of specialty programs. ·There are not many places to take this type or patron .• vived, Ikerd said QUESTION "lfe doe'>n't reprec,ent the peo· pie of Newpoft He a ch... Ikerd !Mild. 11 It time to put the Councilmen Didi Nlchol1 matter to rest7 Call our Readers Hotline at ? • Nichol'> did nut rc-,pund to in- terview requeM'> tor 1his story on Tue!>day Nichol'> ha'> been the ~uhjec1 of nationwide mt'd1a attenuon See NICHOLS. Paee A4 (949) 642-6086 or send &-mall to da1/ypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number for verification purposes only Newport, Cos ta Mesa see drop in hate crimes State report reveals that Newport Beach reported four in 2002 while Costa ~esa had one. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot ;\;I\\ l'OI< I \ti '>A -Hate rnrnt·' tk cltned .,1tgh1ly 111 hot.h ot.11:s 111 L002 wm pared to the• pn·\10u., \ear reflecun,.: c.1 '-l<lll'\\lUl· trt'nd. tht' '>tall' :\ttome\ (,en cral rcpom·d un I Ul',da~ '\e\,vort Heach repuned four hatt• tnllll'' l..i ... 1 \t'JI compared to .,u 111 LOOI \\htlt < O'>IJ \te'a n:poned only onl' mm p.m·<l 10 thrl'e the pre\fou~ year '>ta1e \A 1dc hatt· n1mc-. 111 L002 decreao,t'd b' 16 6% <0rnpc.1n·d to 2001. 1ht: auome\ ~t'rll'ral\ rt·pon 'c.lld See CRIMES, Paee A4 PARKS Fields are commission's concern ,,Costa Me sa Citv Council /will leave athletic field u se issue to Parks and Recreation Commission. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CO IA ML'-1·\ -City CoWlcil members on \lcmday fina!Jy had a chance to hear from both c;1dec; of a controversy regarding the u<it' of athleuc fields at California El- ementary and TeWinkle Middle schools. Smith has been organizing this £air event for 21 years. She oversaw the fair's distribution of som e 7,500 free tickets to groups that preregistered and requested tickets.. MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PllOT Lisa Mahar from the Jordan Secondary Learning Center in Garden Grove shakes hands with a clown on s.. FAIR, Paa• M stilts at the entrance of the Orange County Fair on Tuesday morning. Some neighbors of these schools have cornplamed that o;occer and little league b.tSeball have created negative effects such .._., noise. parlcing problems and over- use of tl1e field.,_ Aher ht>aring about what the Costa Mesa P..irks and Recreation CornmJs.!ton has been dotnfi: to alleviate the concerns durin(( a 1omt tudy session on Monday, THINKING ALLOWED A nun house? Thats how local legend has it · T be image of cleric women wandering the streets of the Balboa peninsula seems strange to those who think of the area as a hub of revelry. Onanygtven aununer day, you can the reserved. full-length. black and white habits donned by nuns, who were rumored to pnce own a VIC'adon home on the penlnau1a. ftnd half-nabd 20, 30 and~ngs LOLITA HARPER running, roler-blading. lkateboudinl. drinking and~~Che ..... and pub ot tbe belchfront c::omrmmlty. Quite a concr.t to 1\ac:bd away on the belch side of S9th Slreet-kMnatY 14a1ed to by ta mott. um. tOdll, relldents .. ·c11ny-ntnlh lttftt. -ts an~ rust-a>lond bcM.IM chit was ID•-bulk u I retreat for num. ~to lbe Orlnp ( County Diocese and dty and county historical societies cannot conflnn that fact. but the residents of the street are convinaed. rt Is the only houte in the area devoktof atreet-fldr'll wtndows. as the cuemeoll me rn.t-1 hidden around the eutem comer, where they hme the main encnnc::e co tbe a.ow.. AD that is viltie from ........... aeries of wooden pua. wblcb pe the home .. Mde Ind ltolated JOok. 1be ldlhld ace ft . ' ... M.LamD,,...M Daily Pilot ' AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~COO'I WEATHER lM tun contlnuea heating us up. S..P..-A2MllA3 SPORTS Tennlt..., end commenweor John McEnroe~ by "'''"" leed\. Seil'lliA7 SM F1ELD, P .. 1 M t . ' A2 Wednesday, July 16, 2~ ' FOR A GOOD ·cAUSE Bruce Cooper A fter retiring from 30 years of engineering and research and development at McDonnell Douglas. Bruce Cooper told himself"First, l want to do nothing since I haven't done that since I can't remember." lbree months later. he ended up at the Literacy Services Program at the Newport Beach Library, where he has been tutoring a woman from Japan for the last two years. lf it's nor !heir native language, a person trying to learn English can be in an extremely challenging situation. he said. There's the vast vocabulary, the wide use of colloquialisms and the phonetic system with a seemingty larger amount of exceptions than rules. The position of leaching it might only be slightly less complicated. "When you first start out, it's raally somewhat difficult. It takes a lot on the tutor's part to really develop where to go and how to go." Cooper said. The Literacy Services Program, composed of 75 volunteers and a small staff. helps adults improve their reading and writing slcills through one-on-one tutoring. Sessions occur PET OF THE WEEK Precious and siblings ~ Ptedous ts a little boy kitten, bom with a Club paw that taUleS dl8comfort "'We moved Precious into surpry, hoping to ease his discomfort and to ftnd some toe paws, but only found multiple tiny bones and no toes," said DIAnna pfaff.Martin, founder of the Newport Beach-based C.Ommunity An1rnal Network. 'the kitten 1s more comfortable after ::r"1and1s doing much better. abe "Predout' morn is a hlgbly deified Helping out one word at a time weekly and are typically one to two hours. "It's a flexible program. We want them to develop skills that they are loo Icing for first and along the way we put in skills we think they should have," Cooper said. In the case of his student, Talcako Okano, "We changed our fonnat to make it more work oriented." Okano came to the U.S. with her husband and two kids and is working in the office of a Japanese doctor. Cooper has aided in making her job a little easier by helping her practice the words and phrases used in different phone communication scenarios. They have._iso worked. on giving people directions, using both textbook and creative approaches. For Instance, if she tells him about a restaurant she ate at, he'll ask her for directions from there to the library. Reading books has been another method of gaining greater understanding of English. While the . book "Holes" wasn't easy to get through. their current book presents even greater challenges. ''Willy Wonlca is a little bit difficult in that there is so much colloquialism," Cooper said. Before a student can enter the program, they must go through an assessment session so that the tutors can decide which issues need to be addressed and how. Cooper is one of five assessors and tries to do one or two assessments week. Cooper explained that through this part onus job, "I really get to meet a Jot of different people. I ask a lot of questions about lifestyle. anything to get to know that person. l use that also as a forum to get them to feel at ease, to get them to talk about themselves.~ In tutoring, the student isn't the only one who reaps rewards. "You know, you really feel like you are doing something." Cooper said, adding with a laugh that. "You've got to pay back sometime." -Story by Tum Forquer, Photo by Don Leach Daily A Pilot PHOfOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news stories, Sean Hiller, Oon Leacti, illu11rationt, editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertlaementt herein can be READERS HOTUNE reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. (9491 642-6086 VOL 97, NO. 197 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US Dally Piiot or newt tips. Clrculllt.lon THOMAS H. JOHNSON NewsEdfton AddrMe The Times Orange County Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Our address Is 330 W. Bay St .. Costa TONYDODERO Denlel Hum. Paul Saitowitz, Meaa, CA 92627. Office hours are (800) 252·9141 Edkot Denlel StewN Advwdelnt JUl1t OET11NQ --81Nf Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. Clwlfted (949) &42-5678 ~r,.,;f' Crime °:r~rter. ~ Dtaptey (949) 642-4321 Promodone Director It 11 the Pilot'• policy to promptly E.dhotW UM8) C00'8C1 all em>ra of substance. Newt deeptf.bharathOW#me..com Please c.11 #!WI 764-4324. (9491 &42·5680 B>fT1NO STAFF ...... = .. FYI 8pofta (949) 574-4223 8.J.Cetwt Newport report«, ,.... Aue (949) 646-4170 M=ing Editor, (9'9)5~ The Newport BeachlCosta Mesa 8pofta Fu (948) 615().()170 (9'9 67~33 June.~•~ Deily Piiot (USPS-144-800) 19 £.....ii: o.11yp11otelatJ,,,...com e./.Cllhne 111;,.,,.com ....... pubti.n.d dally. In Newpon BMdl MllnOllloe ............ Potltlct. bulfnw .... •Mror".ment •nd Cotta Mee.. eubeafpdona •re ...... _ Olloe (949) 842""'321 • ~Editor, , .. ~ repotter, ,.., .,......, avellabte only by aubecriblng to The ...... ,_(tu) 831-712t ,.,,,_,,..,,.llllllmacom pwl.dlnton•...._com l1mel Onln9e County (IOOI ......... DuM a.am. ...... 252·9•41. In,,.... OUClide of lpof'9 Edlllot, ~ ............. N9wpon IMcft end co.. Meee, ... ,57iM223 "411IJIMIJI ~to tM DIMiy Pilot tire ... d.dl,,.,,.~ lolll&,.,.,., • ..._oom eY•llebte only by ha-mell for ~,,. ...... M ~ 1-.. Dlek 0'6ef. .......... S30 per moneh. (Priclea incfude .. , Pubflthed by Tlmee CommuMy ..,PM.22. co. .......... ..,f)M221 epplicabte ... end ioc.. tu&) ~·-·~ .-...... ~ POSTMASTER: Send~ ,..., • dlvfllon of the )..ot .-....... Tlmee. ..... -.c .. c.--.... ~to The Neiwpon Photofdla, Newt 111' !Can\. <Ml~ lelcNColee MeM Delly '11ot. P,O. ct003 Tlmel CN. Afl rfehta • (MJ78M31e ...._~ellnlrrW.oom .,-.,..-,,,e....,_,com Bolt 1NO, C.. Mtee, CA t2e2t. ""'*· ' ~ • ~ Diiiy Pilot NEIGHBORS This year's Cattle Baron's Ball will take place Oct. 25 at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center in Costa}Aesa. Jim Mcilwain, who spent the past 38 years as an Orange Coast College .--------. professor coach, athletic director, dean, vice president and Interim president, retired on June 30. Mcllwaln retires as OCCs Jim Mcllwain vice president of administrative services •.. Aletha Anderson Is the newly Aletha Anderson elected 2003-04 president of the Orange County affilladon of the Swan G. Kamen Breast Cancer Foundation, headquarter in Costa Mesa ..• Sharon Eeterley and Stacy Browt!r, both Newport Beach residents, have been named as chairs of the fifth annual Cattle Baron's Ball benefiting the American Cancer Society, Orange County Region. This year's ball - "Ranchero Roundup" - celebrating Orange County's Western Heritage will talc.e place Oct. 25 at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center in Costa Mesa. Other Newport Beach committee chairs are Stacy KranJ .. Bobbitt WUllama, Joy LePlltner, Julie Arot, Carol Wllbn, Malle Undley, s...an John.ton, Sharon Hart&bome and Jenny Gerard. To date, the Cattle Baron's League of Orange County has raised more than $2 million for the fight agalnat cancer .•• Taylor It Allodate. Archltedl in Newport Beach has promoted Brad Sftlltli to principle. Smith has been with the firm for 12 years ••• Share Our Setvee, a 33-year Costa Mesa firm, received the Inaugural Primco Poundadon Award For Excellence. The volunteer nonprofit provides food, clothing, financial assistance and medical and dental care' to the homeless. unemployed and working poor of Orange County ••• Coast Guard Ensign Joeepb R LoYen, a 1996 graduate of Estancia High School in Costa Mesa, recently returned from a three·mqnth deployment off the coast of Central America, where they seized nearly 7,000 1 pounds of cocaJne with an estimated street value of S60 million .•. Natuba Saran, a resident of Costa Mesa, has been promoted to district manager of Vector Marketing's Costa Mesa office. Vector Is the execudve marketer of Cutco Cutlery, the largest manufacturer of high quality kitchen cutlery In the United States. • NEJGHBOAS 1potllgnt1 achieve menu In tne community. Pleaee direct noteworthy information to Corel Wllaon by fa.x at (949) 648-4170, or send e-mall to co ral.wilson@/11time1.com. DUI ARRESTS These people havt1 been arrested 1'9C6nt/y on suspicion of driving undt1r tht1 lnfluencfl of an Intoxicant Tt..y have only been arre.redonsuspicionofacrime and, as with all sus/)8CU, are considered Innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunct.y • Hugo Diaz Lopez, 20, Santa Ana • John Moblle Aeisd'lman. 47. Huntington Beactt 8aturct.y • Juan Domingo Velazquez-Aguiler. 22, Olympia, Wash. •Aurelio Garibay, 27, Santa Ana Fdd9y • Julio Cesar Millan-Neva, 28, Cotta Mesa "- • JoM Verduzco.Arias, l 1, Costa Mesa • Jose Mauro-Hernandez, 32, Santa Ana Thurwday • Brandon Ray Peterson. 30, Costa Mesa • Jose Lula Avetzno-Cruz, 32, Huntington Beactt WednMday • Miguel Angel Merida, 20, Cotta Mesa NEWPORT BEACH Sunct.y • Molly Fraser, 19, Fountain Valley Seturdey • John Rogers Marqueaa lll, 26, Loa Angeles • Tel Reese Kekawa, 36, Costa Mesa • Brant Lee Houk, 28, Coste Mesa • Clarence Ruaaell Marsh, 60, Tustin ' . • Brian Honmen lee, 28, lrvlne • Kennith Jeffrey Mullinix, 46, Laguna Beectt . ,, . SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST V'fe can expect another wann one today, with cfoude eer1y end highs topping 80 afterward. Cotta Mesa lhould near the mid-80t while coastal Newpon enjoys the low to mld-70.. Overnight lows will drop to them~. On Thursday, we'll feel very similar temperetures. lnfomMdion: www.mw.nou.gov . BOATING FORECAST The ~·•.tv wtnda wtl blow 10 to 20b'°'8In1he .,._ W9tW9 todey, wllh 2.foat W9Y9ll end. wMt .well of 4 to e feet. &pect..., c:ondldoN~ Out'*""'· the nontwu 1rtlrty wtndt wUt blow ltrOnger .. 11to2& ~. wttti 2·to~~end• llOfh.-... of I to 10fMt... The .... be found tonlghl. SURF The weakening IOUthwelt awell provldee nothing but knee-to waist-highs today, eo lt'a best to get to wortc and stay dry today. Save hooky for a better awell. Thursday loob to be another WOf1t dey. On Friday, though. lt't loc*ing Ilk• • good dey to wof'k thlt fake cough •the next IOUlhWMt awett antwe. Wt lhauld ... eome lhouldw-to ~­Wlllarquelly: WWW.-U~OIV 11DES ,..... e:1e1.m. 12.'Mp.m. lcA2p.m. 11:48p.m. ........ -0.latwttow 4.11fwthlgtt U1fwtlow l.'MfMthlgh WATER TEMPERATURE ,,,...,... • , .. . . . - -----.. --. --. -.----::: . I I I ' • I I I I I I I I . I l ! Wl'dfle'>dc!y, July 16, 2003 A3 Expansion of Te Winkle softball fields appealed Chris Steel for help in order to address the removal of 36 mature trees. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The residents most affected by an expansion of softball fields at TeWi.nkle l'ark say they weren't given suffi- cient notice of the action !?~fore the City Council a pproved it on luly7. 'Jhe Mesa del Mar Homeown- ers' Assn. is hopfng the counciJ will reconsider the issue so it will have more time to alert resi- dt-nls to the consequences. wh ich include the removd.J of 36 111a1ure trees. So members enlisted Council- man Ouis Steel in their efforts. On Monday, he filed a request fur a rehearing. which the'coun- cil will consid er Aug. 4. · "No one ever complained aboul ii, so everybody assumed 110 harm, no foul." Steel said. ·11 turns out tJ1ey weren't nulified." ·1 he counciJ unanimously ap- proved the expansion of me lhrcc soflbaJJ fields earlier this 111u11th. The plans had been in the dc..,ign stage for quilt' some time. Mayor Gary Monahan said. The goaJ of the expansion was to enhance the playing ex- perience by increasing the dis- tance between home plate and the ourfield, he said. Steel's request lists three rea- sons why the council shouJd ap- prove a rehearing: the issue of notice; the adverse effect of the trees being removed; and con- cern about an insufficient buffer area between me outfield fences and me nearby homes. Jeff WtJcox. president of the homeowners' association, said he received notice of lhe pro- posed changes a week before the councH meeting. but be- cause of the long holiday week- end over the Fourth of JuJy, he didn't' have enough tin~e •to get the word out. Public Services Di~,·1or Bill Morris said notices were not sem out because staff was un- 1>Ure what the council wouJd ap - prove. The request stairs tth at the coun cil didn't consider the negative effect of removing the to ensure that the trees removed wouJd b e replaced by 1rees of equaJ size. MMature trees and open space in TeWinkle l'ark are assets that cannot be replaced.· Steel wrote. Morris said the tree removal wouJd have to go to the Parks and Recreation Commission. which would afford an opportu- nity for public cornme11t. That is tentatively scheduled for Aug. 27. depending on me outcome on Steel's request. The expansion del>ign was in- tended to prt''>ervc or relocate the tree-;, but it wa'> ultirnalely determined 1hat thr trees couJdn't be rclocaled hecau!>c of their '>ize and condition. The bulk of lhe trl'l''> that would bP removed is next tu rhc outfiel<J fe11C:e of lhc northeast field and '>ome otht'r-. are next tu the outfield fmce of the north- west field. 111t'y include Brazil- ian Pepper. Shamel A'>h, Mexi - can ran l'alrll\, F.ucalypt uc, and Pi11e. Dave Alkema. park'> project manager, '><ttd the city ,., re- quired to rl'plare 1·ach tree rt· moved with three trcl'<>. hut there j, n11 way to replact• tlwm start. A decision hasn't been made yet on what kinds of trees will replace the 36, but the city will probably veer away from the Brazilian Pepper and Shamel Ash because mey are difficuJt to maintain, Alkema said. The re- placemen t trees will be chosen on several criteria, including how weU mey mesh wim the ex- isting trees, low maintenance and good survival rate. Steel recommend!> increasing the fence height from center- field over to righ1 field on the ncrrthwest field so the majority of trees won't have 10 be re- moved. · The 1hird charge in the re- quest claims , that no anaJy!>i'> was performed ICJ examine the potential effects of expanding the ou1field on the neighbor- hood. Murril> said mis claim is a mailer of interpretation because the !>la.ff consulted the proposed l'eWinkle Park Ma.-.ter Plan. which require .. additionaJ trees closer to the residential home'>, which would !>enie as a buffer. "A concern here is obviously the transition," Morris 'iaid: "If we put in new tree<>, they'n: not going to be as big ill> the mature Ir Ce'>. Ocean keeps temperatures mild in Newport-Mesa Temperatures have been more typical of summe r as of late, but they're not breaking a ny te mperatwes in Newport-Mesa. much t'ooh·r hen'." -.h<: -.aid rischcr ,,ml 1lw lamily caml' prepart'd wtth 'prny hnllle fan..,, hut didn't have LO lhe tlwm Davit! and Doruthy ( llyn n from IJ1ng Ht"at h Wl'W rt'laxing in thl' '>hadt·. Deepa Bharath IJatly Pilot Nl:WPORT-MESA -The mer- cury is rbing above record levels all ovtr Soulhern CaJifornia. llul the ocean is keeping it nice and breezy in Newpon- :\!c'>a. Mctcurulogists forecast highs of rnurc than 90 'degrees inland for the next week or so. but in Newport Beach. that number -.hould stay in the 70s. "lhcse are typical summer- ti 111c temperatures." said frank O'Leary. a meteorologist for the National Weather Service in San Di1·gu. I le "'id daily records are being brukc11 In many of the "younger" t it it·"· such as foUerton. which BRIEFLY IN . THE NEWS Clmcer fund -raiser se t for fairground s ·nw fifth annuaJ Canle Baron's Ball lx•11cfiting the American C.utl'cr Society. Orange County Ht·giun, will be held on Oct. 25. I his year's baJI -"Ranchero Houndup" -celebrates Orange County's Western Heritage at me Urange County Fair and Exposi- tion Center in Cosla Mesa. l11e balJ is expected to attract 11carly 1.000 guests who will don Western attire for an evening of gounnet Western dining. live- ba11d dancin g. entertainment. g.u1ting and auctions. lidccts are $150 per person, $2.50 for reserved seating and must be purchased in ad vance. Contact your American Cancer Society at (949) 261 -9446. opdon J or visit www.cancer.org. 1b date. me Cattle Baron's League of Orange County has raised more than $2 million for tJ1 e fight against cancer. don't have a long rernrd like, -;ay. San Oiego. "That malc.c-. it look lilc.e we're going through a heat wave ... O'Leary said. "liut mat'!. not really the ca'>e." Fairgoers • in Co!> ta Me~a seemed IO agrci.' with the fore - caster. 'f11e '>Un was beatmg down and it wa-; warm. but fre-.h bursts of sea breeze kept it bearahle. Several huddled in tlw c,hade when it got to be 100 much. Some overcame me heat wim '>now cone'>, mid drink..-. and c;oft ice cream. A few like I J~a Fisi:her, who w..ts watching her children enjoy one of the rides, said !>he though I lhc "weather i-. great." ·rm from Placentia. ~o i1'o; "It\ t·w11 < 11111!·r th;}n I ong Beadl hl·re. ·· I .>ornthy < .lynn \Jid "11wrl'\ a 1111 e. c·uol hrect l'." t .ly11n '<11d it -.111ne1t111e ... get.. cold once lhl' 'un go<"' dm' 11 SPECIAL SALE Long Plank Wood Flo{)ring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE s1999 By Mohawk Inst.ailed with deluxe pad sq. yd. Tra'IC11Jat 18". 18" .................................. '4.29 ... 11.. Ceraak me ..................................... 11 ... ,,.,... '4.99 ... 11.. l.aalaate Woo4 ............................. u..talk4 ,,... 14.99 ~rt.. SuPlliles and 10oU for the -0o It Yourselfenl" Ml prim/products for a limited time, bosed on owllobi/iq. MEIA Ji ~. 1374 i.o,0 Awe., SaJte P •COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 • Z Mee-Fri.10te5 -Sat 10te3 • Over 80 J>_ieus of Ef11i/"""'' • Pri1111te Pit.us St11tllo •SPINNING Th111ur • 16 F11/I Time P"101111/ Tr11i11"' • Co11,,e11i111t P11rlti111 • Yo111, T11i Chi. Strttch tllusn • SI'/', Po11Nr P""'I• C11rtlio • Show1r1, Stt11111 d-Towh •»111 s,. • An.11111ttt1rt/M11J11111 . , "I alway'> lc.eep~ a 'weater h;rndy." !>he <.a.id. "Becau.-.c once 11\ dark. it gl't~ freezing." ()'Leary ~d the heat may gt>t on· "-OITie nerves hecau'>t' of the high humidity. which make-. tht' weJlhcr hot and muggy. "Tht' humidity i~ clO!>C IO 6:1%. which i!> not aJJ mal bad... he ...Wd. "Rut combine that with temperature'> in lhe 80c, or !Kh. 11 can get quite uncomfortahle." r7iD ' ' ~ yster Perpetual Submariner Date W 1rh spe<.101 '•me-lapse t.eze/ w·''" ' : · 1 • i .. I (J()(J leer Avo ul.i1P r ~'·J .,. \.,., >'«J ,. ,, , BLACKMAN LTD.· ch -JEWELERS 3408 1 V 10 Oporto Newpof"1 Beoch 949 673 9334 IT'S OUR BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON • 40% Off ALREADY-REDUCED TAKE AN lxntA AS PRICES AND SAVI AS MUCH . ..... 65% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES .THROUGHOUT THE STORE. l'\AY A MflllON TO WIN THaOUGH OfCfM!ffl 2003, NO PUICHAS£ NfCfSSA«Y . SEE OfflCIAl llULES AT $f0US, NE~CUS COM/MIUION OI NM av #Mil NEWPOll aEAOt 9• W. '°"'le SOI. ......... pMaeft ~ ..................... fWI Mf M ...... ~­ptlot-. ..W 1&....,-*>' J Gl'fpl, _, _,. .._... ,,_ _., ,_......._ ~GI ~....,.,.._~ ......... .., ...... ~-...... ~ ....... :: .. ..., No edjl llllMilla 5of prior Nlliiw ""--" ~ ~·-# tk I Mt WW.. We at a..pa, ~Ma 111 d ..... c-...., Mic:Mt-. f1arWo. ....... v.\. ,..._ ~. '-"¥• •,Mi.. 1t1 ~.vw. • .-.oc .~........,a.,~,.............,~Sc.~, Oftll,. MID .... -'r W. Id 4' ~ $ool Ollv> ............. S. .... ~ 11. Meiditz OJ I GI n.. o.iJi(• d ,......._ ,_... .............. Lolt Cir a.....ilit G.iiM ............... • A2. Wednesday, July 16, 2003 FOR A GOOD CAUSE Bruce Cooper A fter retiring from 30 years of engineering and research and development at McDonnell Douglas. Bruce Cooper told himself "First. I want to do nothing since r haven't done that since I can't remember." Three months later, he ended up at the Literacy Services Program at the Newpon Beach Library. where he has been tutoring a woman from Japan for the last two years. If it's not their native language. a person trying to learn English can be in an extremely challenging situation, he said. There's the vast vocabulary. the wide use of colloquialisms and the phonetic system with a seemingly larger amount of exceptions than rules. The position of teaching it might onJy be slightly less complicated. "When you first start out, it's really somewhat difficult. It takes a lot on the tutor's part to really deveJop where to go and how to go." Cooper saJd. The Literacy Services Program, composed of 75 volunteers and a small staff. hel ps adults improve their reading and writing skills through one-on-one tutoring. Sessions occur · PET OF THE WEEK Precio~ and siblings Precious is a little boy kitten, bom with a club paw that causes discomfort. "We moved Precious into surgery. hoping to ease bis dfscomfort and to ftnd some toe paws, but only found muld.pJe tiny bones and no toes," saJd OlAnna Pfafr·Martln. founder of the Newport Beach-based Community Animal Network. The kitten la more comfortable after T, and~ dolng muth better. she "~ous' mom is a highly desired Helping out one word at a time weekly and are typically one to two hours. "It's a flexible program. We want them to develop skills that they are looking for first and along the way we put in slcills we think they should have," Cooper said. In the case of his student, Takako Okano, "We changed our format to make it more work oriented." Okano came to the U.S. with her husband and two kids and ls working in the office of a Japanese doctor. Cooper has aided in making her job a Little easier by helping her practice the words and phrases used in different phone communication scenarios. They have also worked on giving people directions, using both textbook and creative approaches. For instance, if she tells him about a restaurant she ate at, he'll asJc her for directions from there to the library. Reading books has been another method of gaining greater understanding of English. While the purebM white Tuddah Van cat rbat bad three white babies with aold eyea jull lib, bet," Pfaff-Martin laid. "AD are llV&ilable for adoption." 1be network encouragea people to spay and neuter their cata, Ind \itteoa ahbuld atay with their mothen \Ultfl they 8l'e at least 8 ~old. Pfaff-Martin said. "h is a constant batde to pt people1D do thecight and humlne tlq ".abe llkl See other aolm.ala avaDlble for adoption at wwu.t~orsar Ruaso'a pet store at FMbion lalaad between nooo and 4 pm. cm w 111.m. Information: (NI) 759-3MS or Community Al.lllMl l'felMG. P.Q .. 8662, Newport B..m 92858. book "Holes" wasn't easy to get through. their current book presents even greater challenges. "Willy Wonka is a little bit difficult in that there Is so much colloquialism," Cooper said. Before a student can enter the program, they must go through an assessment session so that the tutors can decide which issues need to be addressed and how. Cooper is one of five assessors and tries to do one or two assessments week. Cooper explained that through this part of his job, HJ really get to meet a lot of different people. I ask a lot of questions about lifestyle. anything to get to know that person. I use that also as a forum to get them to feel at ease, to get them to talk about themselves." - In tutoring. the student isn't the onJy one who reaps rewards. ''You know, you really feel like you are doing something." Cooper said, adding with a laugh that, "You've got to pay back sometime.• -Story by Thm Forquer; Photo by Don Leach ·Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leadl, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Copyright No news stories, Illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner: VOL. 97, NO. 197 TiiOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher lOHVOOO£RO Editor AJltlf OETTING ~r Promotlone OlrectM Newt Editors Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Oenlel Hunt. Paul Saitowitt, Danlel S~ NEWISTAFF Crlrne~~rter, (949) 574-4228 d6epa.bNrt1thOIMJm..com June=,.. Newport NpOrter, (949)57~2 /uM.c.nllfl,...nd9el«lffl#.oom llllulClllloft Polltlce, bull,.. Ind ttwlfotwment repontr,(141) ~ PllfJl.ollnflOflOIMlmea.cotn ........... Columnlet. oullin ~. (M) 5"-4111 lollt&herpfir•,.,,,,_,oom ~ .... , .. c.-.-. ......... , ~1 dtltn.•:::-=•com Newt.......-. IMl 574-4211 oontl.Millott.~ Record your commenu about the Dally Pilot or news tips. Adchel Our addren Is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 6 p.m. Coneetion9 It is thJ Pilot's policy to promptly correct ell errors of substance. Please call (9491764-4324. \fY1 • "Ale Newport Beach/Cotta Mesa Daily Pilot (USPS-144-800) It publlthed deity. In Newport a..ct'I end Coett Mela, aubecrlptlone are evelleble onty by euti.criblng to The Tl"* Orange County (800) 252-9141. In llfMI outlJlcte of N9wport INd'I end Cotta M .... eubeeripdonl to the Diiiy Pilot ,,.. evil._.. onty by ftm c1 .. mell for 9.30 per monct\. ("1oee Include all tlppflcllbte ..... tnd ioc.l taQI.) POSTMASTER: Send~ chlngea to The Newpon IMdVCotcAI Meae DelfV Piiot. P.O. loJc 15e0. C:O.. MeN. CA l2t2e. • HOW TO REACH US Cifculedon The Timell Orange County 1800) 262-9141 AdWftl9'ng Cl...afted (949) 642·5678 Dlepley (949) 642-4321 Edltoriel New9 (949) 642-5680 lpcM1s (949) 574-4223 Hew'I Fu (949) 646-4170 8pcwta Fu (949) 65().()170 ~.ftMll: d•llypllote 1111lfr*.com MetltOllloe ..... OtllGe (949) 842...:J21 • ........ ,.. (949) 831·7126 Publlthed by TIMtt Commurihy Newt, • dlvl-'On of the Loe AngiMee TltnM. CZ003 TIIMI CN .• All "O.hta ~. / Daily Pilot NEIGHBORS This year's Cattle Baron's Ball will take place Oct. 25 at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center in Costa Mesa. Jim Mcllwaln, who spent the past 38 years as an Orange Coast College ....------. professor coach,athletlc director, dean, vice president and Interim president, retired on June 30. Mcllwaln retires as OCCs Jim Mcllwaln vice president of admlnistratlve services ••• Aletha Andenon is the newly Aletha Anderson elected 2003·04 president of the Orange County affiliation of the Susan G. Kamen Breast Cancer Foundation. headquaner in Costa Mesa •.. Sharon l!aterley and Stacy Brower. both Newport Beach residents, have been named as chal rs of the fifth annual Cattle Baron's Ball benefiting the American Cancer Society, Orange County Region. This year's ball - "Banchero Roundup" - celebrating Orange County's Western Heritage will take place Oct. 25 at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center in Costa Mesa. Other Newpon Beach committee chairs are Stacy Kranja, Bobbitt Wlllla.im, Joy LePatner, JuUe Aroa, Carol Wllbn, Malle Undley, S&&Nn Johnaon, Sharon Hartahome and Jenny Gerard. To date, the Cattle Baron's League of Orange County has raised more than $2 million for the fight against cancer ••. Taylor Ii ANoclatet Archltecta in Newport Beach has promoted Brad Smith to principle. Smith ha.s been with the firm for 12 years ••• Sha.re Our Setvee, a 33-year Costa Mesa firm. received the Inaugural Prlmco Foundation Award For Excellence. The volunteer nonprofi t provides food, clothing, financial assistance and medical and dental care' to the homeless, unemployed and working poor of Orange County ••• Coast Guard Ensign Joeeph R I.oven, a 1996 graduate of P.atancia Hlgh School In Costa Mesa, recently returned from a three-month deployment off the coast of Central America. where they seized nearly 7,000 pounds of cocaine with an estimated street value of $60 million •.• Natuha Saran, a resident of Costa Mesa, has been promoted to district manager of Vector Marketing's Costa Mesa office. Vector is the executlve marketer of Cutco Cutlery, the largest manufacturer of high quality kitchen cutlery in the United States. · • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements In the community. Please direct noteworthy Information to Corel Wiison by fax at (949) 646-4170. or send e-mail to coral.wilson@l11times.com. DUI ARRESTS These people have been arrested rect1ntly on 1u1picion of driving under the Influence of an intoxicent. They have only been arrested on 1usplcion of a crime end, as wfth sit SUlpecfS, ere considered Innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday •Hugo Diaz Lopez, 20, Santa Ana •John Mobile Fleischman, 47. Huntington Beach ~ • Juan Domingo Velazquez-Aguiler, 22, Olympia, Weeh. • Aurelio Garibay, 27. Santa Ana Fttdey • Julio Cesar Millan-Nava, 26, CottaMeea • Joae Verduzco-Arlee, 41, Costa Mesa • Brian Honman lee, 28, Irvine • Jose Mauro-Hernandez, 32, Santa Ana Thur'ld-v • Brandon Ray Peterson, 30, Costa Mesa • Jose Luis Avelzno-Cruz. 32, Huntington Beach Wedneeday • Miguel Angel Merida, 20, Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • Molly Freeer, 19, Fountain Valley S.turday • John Rogers Marquess Ill, 26. Los Angeles • Tai Reese Kakawa. 36, Costa Mesa • Brant Lee Houk. 28, Cotta Meu • Clarence Ruuell Marsh, 60, Tustin • Kennith Jeffrey Mulllnlx, 46, Laguna Beach SURF. AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST vp can expect another warm one today, with clouds early and highs topping 80 afterward. Cotta Mesa should near the mid-809 while coastal Newport enjoys the low to mld-708. Overnight lowt wlll drop to the mld-609. On Thurtday, we'll feel very similar temperatures. lnfofmetlon: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST The wetterty wlndt will blow 10 to 20 knotl In the W. W8t .... todey, with 2.foot waves and• weet IW9ft of 4 to e feet. E.)CpeCt llmllar condhlonl tonight. Out fllrther. the nof1hw .. -'V wtnde wtfl blow ~It 16 to 25 knots,~ 2· to 4"fooC W9Y9I end. ~Nelof8to10fMI. . The ... wtt be found ·tonight. SURF The weakening IOUthwMt swell provides nothing but knee-to walat.tilgh9 today, ao it'a beat to get to wortt and stay dry today. Save hooky for a better IWell. Thursday loob to be another wortt day. On Friday, though, lt'a looking like I good day to WOt'tc thlt fake cough n the next IOUthwaat awell •l"riwl. We lhoukt aee eome thouldef. to he9cf.hlgh9. .. Clllllty: WWW.~l'frlder.otg "'TIDE$ 1""e 8:181.m. 12:64p.m. l:A2p.m. 11:Aep.m. ........ .O.GtMtlow . 4.11'-tNgh U1tMtlow 5.74'-tNgh WATER TEMPERATURE 87degrwe .. -. . -.. -. .. -. . -. . . .. _. -. . -. . ... .. I I I I I . I i I , j Oady Pilot w .. dw.•'>d.tv July I b, 7003 A3 Expansion of Te Winkle softball fields appealed Chris Steel for help in ord er to address th e remova l of 36 ma ture trees. to ensuie that the tree.'> removed would be replaced by tret•i. of equal size. Deirdre Newm•n UatlyPllot COSTA MESA-The residents most affected by an eicpansion of softball Oelds at TeWinkJe Paik. say they weren't given suJfi- cic111 notice of the action before thi: City Council approved it on luly7. 1 he Mesa del Mar llomcown- e1s' Assn. is hoping the cow1cll 'will reconsider the issue so ii will have more time to' alcn resi- dt•111s to the consequences, which include the removal of 36 111ature trees. So members enliMed Council- 111a11 <l1rii. Steel in their effon!t. 011 Monday, he Oled a request fur a rehearing. which the coun- l ii will con!t1der Aug. 4. "No one ever complained Jbout it. so everybody a<;-.umed 1111 har111, no foul," Sti:el ..ajd , "It tum!t out they weren't notified.· I hc council unanimou<,ly ap- proved the expan!.ion of the th1ce '>OftbaJI Oeld!t earlier thi' 111onth. ll1c plam had been in lht• tlc1>1Kn <,tagc for 4u1tt• '"mt• ·Mature tree'> and open '>pace time, Mayor Gary Monah31) -in ·1cWinkle P·.u\ are a'>'>Cls that said. ·me goal of the expansion cannot be replaced." Steel was to en hance the playing ex-wrote. perience by increasing the dis-Mom'> '.tid the trt-e removal· tance between home plate and wouJd have to go to the Parks the outfield, he said. a nd llecrcat1on c .ommi'>sion, Steel's request lists thiee rea · whkh would afford an npponu- sons why the cow1cil should ap nity for public commt·nl. That is p rove a rehearing: the issue of tentatively <,chedulcd for Aug. notice; the adverse effect of the "/.7, depending on tht> outcome trees being removed; and con 011 Stt-l'I\ requc·<,t. cern about an insufficient buffer The expan,io11 dt·,1gn wa.. in- area between the outfield fences tended to prt•.,t·rw or relocate and the nearby homes. the tret''• hut 11 WJ'> ultimately Jeff Wilcox, president of the determined that till' tree' homeowners' association, said rnuldn't lw rl'lot Jtcd hl'l'aU'>l' of he received notice of the pro-their '"l' and co11d1t11m powd changes a week before ·nw hulk ol tlu: tree-. that the council meeting .. but be would lw rt'n111ved 1' next 111 the cause of the long holiday week outfield h·nll' ol thl· 11onhca .. 1 end over the fourth of July, he field and ""Ill' othl'r'> Jre next 10 didn't haw enough lime to gel the outficld lt·m 1· of thl· nonh- Lhe word out. we't liehJ I ht·' irH lude Hra/il l>ublic Services Director Bill tan Pt•p111·r. '>h.1111cl A<.h, Ml'XJ- Morri~ i.aid nouce~ were not Lan I an l',tJrn,, I mal}'Jllll' ,md .. en1 out becaui.e Maff wa!t un· l'illl' \Ure what lhe council would ap l>JVl' 1\lkem.1, pJrk' project prove. inan,1gn, ,,11d till' l 1ty 1' re TI1e requeM -.1ate'> that the 4111tetl t11 rl'f1l,1t t· 1"11 h 1n·1· rt'· council didn't coni.ider the 11111H·d \\llh thrt·c· trl'11,, hut negative effect or removing the then· " 1111 \\,1\ 10 rq1l.11 e tlwm i.tart. decision hasn't been made yet on what kinds of treet. will replace the 36, but the city wiU probably veer away from the Brazilian Pepper and Shamel A.'h because they are difficuJt to maintain, Alkema said. The re- placement tree!> wiU be chosen on sever.ti criteria, including how well they me!>h with the ex- isting trees. low maintenance and good survival rate. Stee l recdlnmendi. increao;ing the fence height from cenler· field over to right field on the northwest field so the majority' of trees won't have• 10 he re· m oved. The third t·harge in the re 4ue<;t claim!> that no anaJy'>1'> was performed to examine the potential effect" of expanding lhe outfield on the ne1~hbor hood. Morrii, '><lid th" drum I'> a mailer of interpretation becauw the 'taff lOnsulle<.I the propu.,l'd feWinkle Park Ma ... 1er Plan. whil'h require'> add111onal tret'-. clo~er lO the n.• ... denltal home'>. which would <,crw a' a bufft'r "A conl:ern here I'> obvmu'>ly the transition." Mum'> <,aid .. If we p\Jt in new I ret"" tht>y'rt· not going to be a!t l>1g as thl' ma1un· lrcP,.00 i' ROLEX Ocean keeps temperatures mild in Newport-Mesa Tempera tures h ave been m o re typical of summe r as o f late, b ut they're no t breaking a ny temperatu res in Newp o rt-Mesa. mud1 ( ool,·r IH'n"." ,111· ,;ml l"l\1'111'1, ,,11d I hl' l,11t11ly talllt' prl'JMn·d \\llh 'IHa\ bottle Ian,, hut d1d11'1 l1<1\t' to tht' 1h1·m l>,I\ 1tl ;111d I lo nit hv C.ly1111 lroin 1 ong lk.11 h \\l·rt· n·l.Lx111g m tht• ,h,ul1• Oee pa Bharath lJa1ly Pilot NI Wl'Olfl-Ml:SA -I ht> mer l u1 y i!t n!ting dbow rctord lcvel'i .di UVl'r Southern Lc1ltfor111a. llut the ocean i5 keeping 11 11i1 c and brce1y in Newpon- ~ll'-..1. l\lctcorologh~ lureta'>t high~ of rnure than 90 degreci. inland for the next week or -.o. but in Ncwport Beach, that number -.h1111ld .. 1ay in the 70:.. "lhl'W Jre typical .. ummcr- ti11w temperature~." said Frank O'l .t·.1ry. a mctcorolohriM for lhe N;.itio11uJ Wl·ather ScrviC'C in San Ult'~ I le -..1!1d daiJy record., arc being l11oj,.,t•11 in many of the "younger" litil''· .. ud1 as J-ullenun, wt11t h BRIEFLY IN . THE NEWS Umcer f und-raiscr set tor fa irgrounds flit• fifth annuaJ Cattle Baron's H.i.U ht•nl'liling the American L.1nler Society, Orange County ltl'g11m. will be held on Oct. 25. 11 ii1> year'!. ball -·· Hanchero Houndup" -celebrates O range Crn1nty\ Western I lcritage at the Ora11gt· County Fafr and F.icposi· lion (~11ter in Costa Mesa. Ilic baJI is expected to a1tract nearly 1,000 guest<, who wiU don Western attire for an even ing of guunnct Western dining. live- ba11d dancing. entertainment, g.uni11g and auctions. lkkcts are SISO per person. $250 for reserved seating and 111ust be pun:hased in advance. c 11111act your American Cancer Sodcty at (949) 261 -9446. option J or visit www.cancer.org. l o date, the Cattle Baron's League of Orange County has raised m ore than $2 million for tl1e fight against cancer. don't have a long record like. -.ay. '>an Diego. "That make'> it look hke we0rt' going through a heat wave, .. O'Leary said. "Rut that\ not really the caM· • Fairgoer. in l.A,.,ta Me'J 'eemed to agree with the fort .. ca<,1er. lllt' -.un wa.., bl.'atmg down and II was warm, hut fre<.h hu~t!) of r,ea breetl' kept it bt>arahle. ScvernJ huddJed in the 'hade when ii got to he ton much ~unc overcanw thl· hl'at with 'now t·one~. n1ld drink.., and '>Oil ire cream. A few like Usa rbcher. who wa-; watching her ch ildrc-n cn1ny onl' of the ride.,, said '>ht' thought the :weather i' great." "I'm from Placentia, 'o 11\ "It\ l'\t'n 11111h·r 1h.1n I 1m~ fk,1l h ht·n· I >11roth\ <,I\ 1111 'did "1 lwrl'' ,111111 111111 h11•1•1t• C •h rm ,,!Ill 11 '01111·11111t•' ~et' told 11111 l' tilt' \1111 ).:Ill'' dm-..11 SPECIAL SALE Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE s 1999 By Mohawk Installed with deluu pad sq. yd. httrtiae 18" a 18''. ................................. '4.29 ,..11.. C«raak nle .... _ ......................... i..1&1w r.-'4. 99 ... fl Laalaate Woo4 .......................... i..i..tw ,,_ 14.99 ,.. fl Supp/in•"" Tools fw tlr~ ·0o II Yournll,,.,r .411 flrlcnlpro(/u<'ts for• llmltft! llmr. lx11ft! °" •ooildilir,. MBA Ji EAMET . 1374 ~-Att., Salte F •COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 Z .....n.1ote5-Satl0te3 .. • 011er 80 Pieus of E'f"il"'"'' • Pri11•te PiU.tes Sttulio •SPINNING Tlu•ur • 16 F11/I r;,,,e PtNO"•' r,.,,,,,., • Co11•e11it#I P•rki"I • Yot•• r.; Chi, Strtu}I t'4lu1 •Sup, Powwr p,,,,,,, C4rtlio • Showtri, Stt•"' 0-Towtb •D•y S1• • At•l""''""/M..,1•11 '1 t "I aJway-. ket'P'> ... <,Wl'Jll'f handy," 'ihe ~1<.I '" lkc;rnw om l' 11\ dark, 11 gel'> fret'11ng ·· O' l.eary -.aid the ht:at mJy gt•t on "Jmt' nerve'> hecJU't' o f tht· h1Wl humiditv. wh1C'h ni.tle' tlw Wt'ather hot and muggy "fhl' hun11d11y .., do.,t' 111h 1·• .. whtt h .., not all lhal bad. hl· -...11d. "But tombuw that \\-1th temperature., in thc 80'> or'+<". 11 can get quite u11romfonahlt· r?!fil .. {_'.jl yster PerpehJal Submariner Date · W1rft\~ Q ffn,..Qt;,,#"t_.t",:P ....,,.. 0 BLACKMAN LTD.·~ · JEWELERS 3408 1 V10 Oporlv r lewport ~I h 9.dQ 673 .}]J.1 IT'S OUR BIGGEST SALE OF THE SEASON 40% Off AL.READY-REDUC ED TAKE AN EXTRA AS PRICES AND SAVI AS MUCH . 65% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES .THROUGHOUT THE STORE. ,lAY A MllllON TO WIN TH•OVGH OfCf:M&U 1003, NO ,VllCHASE N£Cf5!>Al'f SEE Of'ICtAl llUlU Al STOllU. NEtMANMAACUS COM/MllUON, Oii NM 8Y MAil NfWPO«T 8CAQt 9•9 7S9.1900 1ol.e 30J. .. 5°" .. .,.,,.,a,,_ .. ~ ...... ~..,., ,.,.. ........... ~. puor dlo, W.W 9D tllow--., ol -'r, 9" .-YI.Wt Ill'*-·· ~oi.J• ~ .. __,,,.,,.._., lld.e ,.._...,,. ........ _.... "'~ .._ ~ ....... ,....., ~ ....... ,..._..,..,,,.bpnor~~ ... W...'aw -I --~ W.•Gwp, ..,__ M ;t .... , c.a.-. ~ ...... ,.._M, ...... ......, '-'"'''t •• MM••--• Mo....,n, '+'W•'flOI• 0 c .. v....-. ,...._,., a..ie,......, .... ~ .._.., S.. f , _. ........... _., w. ...... NMS...Oiep_.. ... -. w.-.)lrl t.~• n. Oelw• Cl......._ ......... 111 ....... .'4 "-* o.t' a. .... c... --........... M Wealesday, Aly 16, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES- cosrA M!SA • Cenear 8trMt: Trespauing was reported In the 600 blodt at 10:22 p.m. Sunday. • F9irview Aoed: An auto theft was "'ported In the 2700 bk>dt at 9:28 p.m. Sunday. • Hamilton Strwt: An assault was reported in the 400 blodc at 7:17 p.m. Sunday. ' • ShaUmar Drfw: Vandalism was reportad'ln the 700 bk>ci at 7 i;.~. Sunday. • W-19th S1JMt: An assault was reported in the 600 blodc at 8:03 p.m. Sunday. • West 19th Stntet and Meyer Place: Drinking in public was reported at 8:20 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Coast Highway. A oommerclal burglary was reported In the 2500 blodc at 9:19 a.m. Monday. • Oovw a..: Battery was reported In the 700 blodt at 7:20 a.m. Monday. • lna.t .. o.tv.: A burglary was reported In the 4000 blodc at 3:54 p.m. Monday. • J.mborM Road: Theft was "'ported in the 1100 blodc at 12:39 p.m. Monday. • Plec:*1tia Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 1600 blodt at 10:28 a.m . Monday. • s.ndcastle o.tve: A home burglary was reported in the 1400 blodc at 2:13 p.m. Monday. • 8th Street and West Balboa Boulewrd: Vandalism was reported at 6: 19 a.m. Monday. • 20th Street and Court Av.nue: Vandalism was reported at 5:42'p.m. Monday. /, .. ~ :. : . ; KENNY ;/,.. HH,,1PHILL'S PRINTER Rl (,~ & L\R l'l.IS \,/JQ :·5: _:. i 230 East l 7t St. • Costa Mesa (949) 722-7224 www.r~sondco~ls com fv4on.-fn 10-6· Sot 10-5 • ~ lancl.com pnH,.11 ..• Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Emb~y Suites Hotel 11767 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove Registration is at 10:30 AM • Auction Begins at 11:30 AM Mdl11rYou 1111 or Lease .. You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! Tublil AClaaaAbove. • Get a head start for the school year! •Algebra & Geometry Course Previews • Spanish I & II Course Previews • w,;ting Composition • Math Facts (Addition-Subtradion-Multiplication) • Zoo-phonics (for Preschool & Kindef8Arten) CALL TODAY (949) 645-7900 488 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa (Comer of Irvine Avenue) Enrolling for Summer Math, Reading & Writing Programs ALDEN'S _ ------------- DN--!ilTE --~---- DRAPERY Cl.EANll\I& AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN OR llEMIJVIMi NECEHAllY I Certified Ta Clean All Hunter Daugl11• Fabric Window Caw!rtng• lhcludlng: • lllnindtt hMcy Shem" • Sihuette' window shad'ings • Ypte-window shadings • Duttte' honeycomb shades 1 MleliaTM Collection ' JubianceTV roman shades • ~honeycomb WdeS Smnettfnl SoftFoldTM shacfltgS World's But ON..01&"' Draper, Cleanlns Sptem ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 ~centia, Costa Mesa 949-646 4838 • 714-968-8180 "' CRIMES Continued from Al Neighboring cities sue as Huntington Beach. with a popu- lation higher than both Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, re- ported one hate crime while Jr. vine, similar to Costa Mesa In ~lze. reported two incidents. Newport Beach arrested one person in one case and had a suspect In anothe.r case in 2002. Costa Mesa bad no suspects In its only case. Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman said he does not view the city's numbers as high. "The significant thing about these incidents was that no one was injured." he said. Shulman said one of the inci· dents Involved two 12-year-olds, one of whom called the other by FIELD Continued from Al two council members had a question: what's all the fu.-.s about? "l have a real concern that we have made an incredible deal out of kids playing supervised, managed sports from people who chose to live next 10 schools and fields," Council- woman Libby Cowan said. "I don't see any more action this body can take short of shutting down the activities.· Cowan and Councilman Mi.Ice Scheafer both said they did not see a need for the council lo consider the issue. But Councilman Ouis Steel, who said he was originally ap· proached by concerned resi· dents iwo years ago, said he would consider bringing the is· sue 10 the council this fall after the softball season has ended and as soccer and football are starting up. 'Tm not anxious to bring it up right now," Steel said. "If these problems continue, I will bring it up. I want to wait for a couple months or more and see where we are and zero in on ALLOWED Continued from Al bordered by a simple patio, where perhaps the nuns sat and watched the sunset. or course. today the nuns are gone and the house has been rented out by (!Yo bachelors, who have brought the home into current compliance with the infamy of the party street. Nick. a 30-year·old engineer, was kind enough to give me a tour of the clistinctive house that he now calls home. Once inside. the design of the house epitomi7.es the humility in which holy women vow to live their lives. The living room is minimal, free of decorative molding. extravagant light fixtures or carpet. The cold slab floor is only slightly warmed by the wood-burning fireplace, d ecorated by stones. The kitchen follows suit and holds only the basics. No dishwasher. convection oven or island. Only a stove, sink and ample room to store supplies. The bathroom is smaller than a NICHOLS Continued from Al ·since a comment he made re· garding Mexicans was published in the Daily Pilot in June. P.arller this month, Ikerd an· nounced that he had pulled pa· pers to recalJ Nichols back in Oc· tober after Nichols had made a comment about a Corona del Mar motorist Nichols had be· FAIR Continued from Al Tlckets and little red stickers went out to a long list of groups and individuals, including a group at the Fairview Developmental Center In Costa Mesa. This year. Smith said, some ~'d rather not have any hate crimes in this city. But living in a complex and d&nse society, that's almost impossible.' Newport Beach Police Sgt. a racially derogatory name and invited him to a fight "Then one boy ended up hit· ting the other boy," he said. Another incident involved vandalism where someone had scratched a swastika and racial slur targeted at homosexuals on a car door, Shulman said. "The victim in that case was from our city and he did not be· lieve the racial comments were directed at him,· he said. An arrest Was made in two In- cidents. one of which involved a Tustin man who allegedly threatened a victim, chased him and assaulted him. The assault and threat to terro9ze charges were thrown out and the man spent 10 days in county jail for disturbing the peace, Shulman said. Another incident happened at a business when an African American found derogatory comments written in his locker with a black marker, he said. No charges were filed In that case. Shulman said h.li department ls consclendous about reporting hate crimes . · "lfwe are not sure, we'd rather err on the side Of reporting It rather than not reporting it," he said. what is really egregious or ad· end issues: and city staff meet· verse." ing with school district staff to The Mesa Verde Villa Home-consider future ways to lessen owners Assn., a condominium the trash and enhance the rest· project next to and across the room situation, which currently street from the fields, has been involves pon·a·potlies. working with staff for the past Steve Hayman. director of ad· few years regarding the use of rninlstrative services, said the the fields. The homeowners ob· staff took noise readings four jected to a lighting project in times on a Saturday at 10 differ- December 2001 because they ent locations around the fields said they fell enhanced lighting and the only one that exceeded would cause more fields to be the maximum noise level in the used and consequently increase city's ordinance was on a free· the traffic, noise and trash. The way offramp. city respected their concerns Steel said he is not against and <lid not Install the lights. soccer, but railed against a fa. On April 10, the council re-rniliar target for causing the ferred the subject of field use 10 field controversy that he blames the commission for review. The for many of the city's ills: mag- next day, an anomey for the as· nets that he says bring people 10 sociation sent a lener to the city the country and city illegally. saying they suppon youth ath· "You need to resolve these letics on a "proponionate and problems at the source," Steel reasonable scale" as long as the said. "As long as we're indiffer· problems of parking and traffic. ent and silent about it and look· noise, disproportionate use and ing the other way and afraid to trash are addressed. deal with it for sociaJ and phiJo- Efforts the staff has taken to &ophicaJ and political reasons, alleviate the homeowners' con· it's going to be worse and worse, cem s include bringing together particularly when you invite the field users, Newpon-Mesa Uni· immjgrant children, and they're fied School District staff and\i~~ocent. and their tradjtion is homeowners to discuss "road ~cer and once you invite blocks" and "solutions;" hiring them in there's a moraJ obliga· more part·time field arpbassa· tion to recreate !with) them and dor staff to help resotve week· this emails more coaches and wal.lc·in closet. with barely enough room for a tiny shower. toilet and sink. even the bedroom is smaller than most wal.lc·in closets and squeezes Nick's desk and futon -which he has no room to fold out -to the middJe of the room. One of the home's two windows sits in the southern wall of the humble room and offers no direct light The view: a duplicate window, just across the entry way, that looks into identically miniature quarters. "ls that it?" I asked at the end of the three-minute tour. "Isn't it crazy?" the unusually jovial man said smiling. "This place is definitely one of a kind.· Of course, Nick has done his best to introduce the home to a more decadent way of life. Bottles of liquor, half empty glasses and bottJe tops line the once pristine counter. A large screen television -equipped with all the latest technology - and two couches sit proud)y in the living room, which also serves as a makeshift bedroom on any given night of the week. "I once woke up and I didn't know a single person in my lieved was Mexican. In recent weeks, instances of several sim.i· lar comments have become pub· lie. The other six members of the City Council have asked Nichols to resign. Nichols bas said he has no intention of stepping down. •JUNE CASAGRAM>E covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by •mail at june.CJJsagran<kl@fatlmes.com. schools declined invitations for tickets. A few said they were worried about the stepping up of the nadonaJ security alert system to orange. • MUl CUNT0N COV&fl the environment. bualrleM and polhlcs. He may be t'NChed at (949) 7&M330 or by Mnail at PllUl.c/inton•lat/,,.,..,com. living room,· he said. A hot tub was installed in the back courtyard area Nick said it was there before he moved in but doubted if 11 dates back to the nuns. Hard to think of what they would have w9m for a quick dip, he says jokingly. Mismatched lawn chairs and a barbecue grill adorns the front patio. where Nick is greeted by a lively neighbor. "Morning.· he shouted from across the street. It was4 p.m. "Hey!" "Same time, same place?" the neighbor asks. "You know it. man.· And so, the once Godly home joins the other delinquent domiciles on the dark side. U the drab house weren't so devoid of character, one could almost imagine a grimace on the sullied structure. Or, perhaps. it's a smile. • l.OUTA HARPER wri1es columns Mondays, Wedneidays and Fridays and covers cuhure ind the arts. She mav be reedled at (949) 5744275 or bye-mail at lolita.harper@latimes.com. No m.Jtt~ what ~ ~ 'f04J< hon'lelowr1 ~ "'1S "'-·· Daily Pilot OBITUARIES John McFnary Private Interment wlD be hekl for John Mc&wy. a IOl\ldme 0r1'nge Collt c.oue. musk: pro- fe.or who IMld In llVlne. Mt. McEnary died Sundly of canctf. He WU 50. He II ant¥ed by tm. perenta and lilt.er. ocn fo&mda. don bu l&'I up I John Mc£nary ~ P\IDd &bat • ben- elt oa: muek ......... 1boM tn....._. In ClODdludni can c.all (714) 432-5749. Dorothy Ann Spic.er Mus for ca.ca Meta n.ldeot Dorothy AM Spker' wtD be held at 11 a.m.. 1burtday at Sc. John lbe lapdlC Catholic OturdL Mn. Sp6cer died ~ of heart ..... ·-81. she la ~ by bulbud Bob; IOOa Owtle and Qepy: clauahter Judc;e Webb; and MYeS\ panel· cblldteo. Shulman saJd the number of hate crimes are not bJgb gtwn the number or people who lJve in, vlsit and pass 'through the city. crimes in thls city." be said. "But living In a complex and dente society, that's almost impos- sible." Costa Mesa Police ofndals were not able to get Information about the incident on Tuesday. But Sgt. Bob Oszek saJd hate crimes are "particularly distwb- ing." "It's the intent behind the crime that mues it distwbi.Qg. • he said. "The intent Is pl!J1'ly hate.· • DEEM BHARATlt covers publlc safety and coorts. She may be reedled at (949) 574-42~ or by • e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com. more fields for soccer." · Kelly Feldman. chairwoman of the Parlcs and Recreation Commission, said she belieyed progress has been made so far. ·1 think we're on the righl track," Feldman said. ·A$ a community, we've worked v_ery hard to get things moving. There are some issues that need 10 be taken care of -like the pon ·a·potlies -but some things are out of our control" The commission and staff will continue worlc.ing on residents' concerns regarding the fields. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e·mail at • deirdre.newmanoa>/at1mes.com REYNOLDS, Charles Grafton Char1es Grafton Reynolds Jr. passed away In his home on Juty 9th. Char1es, "Tex" as many knew hlm, was born In Orange, Texas, March 24th 1920. He Is survtved by his wtte Ruth. sons Chal1es Grafton Reynolds Ill, Grant Beckstrand Reynolds and Grandson Nicholas James Reynolds, Sister Mary Jane Massey and brother Bull Reynolds. Services will be held Thursday, July 17th, 2003 0 11 am 0 Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, 600 St. Andrews, Newport Beach, CA. Please Join UI In • celebratory luncheon Immediately following at the Church. In lieu of ftowers ~ wishing to make a dona1lon m11y either do so to The Chat1es Reynokts Perpetual Fund at Someone c.. Soup Kitchen end TUtoMg Program O 720 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, CK The Beck.strand cancer Foundation ~2-961.a583, WWW.. --:::.. , . ' . Diiiy Piiot WtdntSdat July l 6 2003 A5 I .. . • I ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS • 'ti ,;.~ULY 16 ,,,, ' IP.M. .... .HOON • Gulld of Fiber Artllt (untll 11 , _p.m.) -Home and HobblH . ~Julldlng • Tole and Decorative Painting - Home and Hobbit• SUlgt •' • Orange County Polymer Clay ;, 0 '(untll 11 p.m.) -Home and • Tht Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration SUlge -Youth Bulldlng ;HobblH Bulldlng ' • Orange County Tole Painter• (untll 11 p.m.) -Home and • Clrcua Fun Review Show -Kid• Stege ·" +iobblH Bulldlng ,. Craftt (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth ·.: 'Bulldlng • "Olecover the Fair" Button Program luntll 8 p.m.) -Youth' 8ulldlng · Theater • Clrcu1 Fun Rtvltw Audition• (2:~ p.m.) -Kld1 Stage 3 P.M. • Red, Ripe & Karaokln' Contett (8:30 p.m.) .-Herltege Suige 7P.M. • Blue Oyster Cult -Citizen• 8u1lne11 Bank Arena • Hypnotist Mark Yuzulk -Sun -Stege • Sode Hop -Klda Suige •Junior Floriculture & Junior Horticulture Contest• -Youth Bulldlng • Shen1nlg1n1 Youth Thtatre - Herltege Stegt • Shlto-Ry\J Karttt Do Genbu Ka i -Sun Stege • Gla1tblowlng Demonstration - Craftera Vlllage • Be1t-Ore11ed Tomato Conteat - -Youth Bulldlng • Talty Tomato ~euce ContHt , ... Plapley -Centennlel Ferm ,. • Farm & Garden ContHt Dl1pley , .. ~ound 2 -Centennlel Ferm • • Market Celvea and Market Beef 'Judging -Llveatock Arena I J• · 1 P.M. ~ ·•; Maureen W. P\Jppet (llntll 6 ':''().m.) -Around the grounds .r • Shenenlgen1 Youth Theatre - • j l-4erltege Stage • Sunahlne Generetion Sound ·station -Sun Stage • Sunahlne Gtntrttlon Sound Ste1Jon -Ctlebratlon Stege - Youth Bulldlng • Clrcua Fun Rtvltw Show -Kida Stege • All·Al11k1n Racing Plga - Llvtstodc • Polymer Clay Demonstration with Kathy Davia (3:30 p.m.) - and HobblH Stage • Mllldng Oemonltratlon (3:30 p.m.) -Miiiennium Barn 4P.M. • Glaublowlng Demonatratlon - Crafter• Vlllage • Klda' Karaoke -Celebratlon Stege -Youth Bulldlng • Don't Topple the Tomato Contest -Kida Stage • All·Alaakan Racing Plg1 - Livestock • Ru11ell Brothera Clrcu1 (7:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area • Port City Wiahboard Wizard• (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thuraton (7:30 p.m.) -Kida Stage • Ceremlct Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Craftera Vlllage · • Miiking Demonatratlon (7:30 p.m.) -Mlllennlum Barn 8 P.M. '·. • Fiber Arta Demon1tration with · . •Dorla Knape & Candy Frost - Home and Hobbies Stage •Art and Woodworking • Klndorf Dancer• -Heritage Stage . • DOTS -Sun Stage • Summer Concert SerlM : Duran Duran (Gates open 6:30 p.m.) - Pacific Amphitheatre , -Oemonatratlons (untll 8 p.m.) - Y11ual Arta Building • Glaaablowlng Demonatration - Craftera Vlllage •Juggler Dan Wiies -Kida Stage • All-Alaakan Racing Pig• - Llveatodc •Traveling Game Show (1 :30 ~ "p'.m. until 6:30 p.m.) -Around ~ the grounds . • Ru11ell Bros. Circus ( 1 :30 p.m.) • -Green Gate Area ~ ... Ceramica Demonstration (1:30 : .'.p.m.) -Crafter• Vlllage .•Milking Demonstration (1:30 "'_s).m.) -Millennium Bam 2P.M. • Rainbow Kida -Heritage Stage • DOTS -Sun Stage •Candy-making with Cla11ic Cake Decorations -Home and ,Hobbie• Stage • Orange Acres Back Breaker• 4-H Club Skit -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kida Stage • Recycled Percuu ion -Lente I • •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stege -Youth Bulldlng • Pool Jewel• Conteat -Kida Stage • Port City Waahboard Wizard• (4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the ground• • Ru11ell Brother• Clrcua (4:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area • Speclaltlea from Romano'• Macaroni Grill (4:30 p.m.) - Home and Hobblea Stage • Ceramlca Demonstration (4:30 p.m.) -Craftera Vlllage 5 P.M. • Sun1hine Generation of Diamond Bar -Heritage Stage • Shlto-Ryu Karate Do Genbu Ka i -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wllea - Celebration Stage -Youth Bullding • Recycled Percu11lon -little Theater • All·Alaakan Racing Pigs - Llvettodc •Circus Fun Review Audition• (5:30 p.m.) -Kid• Stage • Hotel California -A Salute to the Eaglet -Sun Stage • People Pretzel Conteat -Kld1 Stage • Recycled Percu11lon -Little Theater • Oxen Team Preaentatlon - Livettodc Arena •Doc Anello & Swing Machine (8:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage 9P.M. • Blue Oyater Cult -Citizen• Bu1lne11 Bank Arena • Ru11ell Broa. Circus -Green GateArea • Hypnotilt Mark Yuzulk -Sun Stage • All-Alaakan Racing Plga - Llvestodc . • Port City Waahboard Wizard• (9:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Ceramlca Demonstration (9:30 p.m.) -Craftere Vlllage lO P.M. • Hotel California -A Salute to the Eaglet -Sun Stage •Doc Anello & Swing Machine (10:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage The-Costa Mesa Community Golf Classic r--------------------------, .r I I I I ENTRY FORM I I Company ________________________________ ~ Address. _______________________ _ Qty· ____________ State __ Zip. __ _ Telephone: Home Wor ______ __ Foursomes -best buy ... singles are welcome S ___ Golf. Lunch & Dinner $250 Single --~ Golt Lunch & Dinner $950 Founome $ ___ Tee S~ $125 each (pM promotional gift to golfers) I s Awards Dinner & Auction on1y $45 per person I S Spomcnhlp cl a.ob (f.d ror avdablllty) s __ Total ~ Thumament Spoosorsblp Opportunide8 sUll AvaOable, For lnb ll'ltDJ OD Purchallng Spm:l!Q8bip 0ppom11•dm call Ed Fa~ -(714) 885--9095 Please make cbecb payable to: Colla Ml!lla Ownber ~Commenle Golf'Tuumament t 700 Admm /we., Suite 101, Coia Mesa. CA 92626 ~ (714) 885-9090 Fax (714) 885-90'.H ,. ~ VL AX (drde one) a:p. --- s.-e U11 Spowailllllps are I le bed Mll V--NOW BEST BET MNIN TAYLOI NICK •HOOIS MOii UION ANDY TAYLOR ROGER TA no• Duran Duran will perform for those ''Hungry like the Wolf at 8 p.m today at the Pac1f1c Amphitheatre at the Orange County Fair PLUG IN • • M Wednesday, Jliy 16, 2003 . . . HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letterr. Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meaa, CA 92627 •RH deft Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu:: Send to (949) 646-4170 • - E·nullhSend to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reMrvet the right to edit all aubmlaalona for darity and length. LETTER TO THE EDITOR .Bromberg is off the mark on YMCA deal N ewport Beach Mayor Stev~ Bromberg is dead _ WTC111g. Bromberg believes that tfle new deal to purchase the faltering YMCA facility for a reportedly $2.5 million. and $11.5 million more to remodel it into a grand comrnuniry center for the recentJy annexed eastern ponion of Santa An<! Heighti. is a great deal. l couldn't disagree with the mayor more. The deal between the ciry and the Oranse County Development Agency proposes to use these $14 million funds from tJ1e estimated $30 million total available in redevelopment fund'> designated for the Santa Ana Heights redevelopment area. nus is a gross and fragrant waste of redevelopment fund-.. First of all. the residents of Santa Ana Heights were never polled or asked if they felt !>uch an extravagant expenditure interests them, or if they would even use ilie facility. In fact, it was the 12-member Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee -led by 18-year reigning Olairman Roger Summers. a developer. and a fellow committee member and architect working on the proposed YMCA remodeling project -that wants the facility. after its first. and more modest (less than $5 million). community center project failed to transpire, This $14 million communiry center is nothlng of the sort. It b a bail-out of the faltering YMCA facility that has become run-down due to mii.management Santa Ana I !eights redevelopment funds will cover the entire expenditure as an "initiation" to joining me city of Newport Beach, the facility's new property owner. Newport Beach will gain a new $14 million health club facility that will be accessible 10 .ul Newport-Mesa residents, and will continue allowing ilie !>ame \ \1CA staff lo manage it. Santa Ana 1 leights residents will be charged and !>upposedly get a 'discounted" rate to use me health club facility that their ret.levelopment funds paid for. And what percentage of Santa Ana I !eights residents will actually use this faciliry? About the :.ame number that use the neighboring Upper Newpon Ray Interpretive Center facility: le~ than I%. ln fact, when the Interpretive Center was opened. we were told that our It commun11y could use 11 for our/ b1 ·monthly PAC meetings. Never happened. The Newport Beach council really needs to get their priorities straight. They spent $10 million to fight for an El Toro airport that they have now walked away from. and now they want to surpass that sum by wasung S 14 million of funds iliat don't even belong to them on a fac1bry that few residents will ever use. Fewer still when the inevitable JWA expansion will remove Santa Ana Heights from the map "completely. Their pet projects appear to be those that serve no one but the developers and special interest groups. RUSSEU NIEWlAROWSKI Santa Ana Heights Overlay zones add to character of Costa Mesa Costa Mesa just celebrated its SOth year as a city, with small-town charm, where young families come to raise their children. Yet Planning Commissioner Katrina Foley feels "there's not going to be support for just a zoning overlay on the Eastside~ unless the city looks at "making different neighborhoods unique" _and takes into consideration the "unique character of the different neighborhoods." When one considers that the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Laguna Beach and Orange all use overlay zones to preserve and enhance the unique character of their distinct local qeighborhoods, one has to ask: Why not Costa Mesa? What were we celebrating over there at the fairgrounds on Thursday'? Irvine? MARGARET LECZKOWSKI Costa Mesa Betting that column is the result of envy My grandfather. E. J. Hughes, was judge of the Seal Beach Justice Court from the early I 930's to the mid l 950's. As Judge Gardner correctly indicates, the diMricl attorney never won a gambling case in his court. That was not because grandpa was blind; it's because there was no gambling in Seal Beach. Those were all games of chance. Nor wai. there any activity in Seal Beach that violated Prohibition. Any bootlegging in Seal Beach was by rogues from Balboa. Any booze coming onto the beach in Seal Beach was brought by rumrunners headed for Balboa who got lost in me fog. UJegal liquor at the Glider Inn? Lies. Those were exotic tropical fruit drinks. And those stories about Mrs. X. They are lies as well. I was best friends through grade school wilh her son and I knew her a kindly woman who, on her own generosity, operated a P R E S ·f -N T I N G T H E F I F T H A N N U A L ,, MAILBAG home for wayward girls .. It's little wonder that Judge Gardner would write such things. He has always been jealous of the facts that Seal Beach has a pier five times longer than the puny Balboa Pier, better surf, and two harbo.rs compared to Balboa's one. It's Judge Gardner who is blind. DAVID HUGHES Newport Beach Labeling people is wrong for . any reason I was particularly surprised and upset to read the Daily Pilot article. "Disgust and Support Shown for Nichols,· by Tune Casagrande. Labeling any group of people is just plain wrong no maner how you twist it. In this article it was reported that June Casagrande stated, "White conservati ve republicans came out to praise him (Nichols). Mexican s came out to rail against him." In the July 13 article by Daily Pilot Editor Tony Dodero, "first Amendment is a two way Street," he states that an unnamed editor assumed Casagrande got it backward and changed the original paragraph. which should have read, "Mexicans came out to praise him. White, conservative Republicans came out to rail against him." Somehow we are supposed to believe that this statement is less offensive than the one reported. It is not. June Casagrande stated ih the Week in Review, Daily Pilot July 13, "The complexity of the situation was renected by the two speakers identifying themselves as Mex.icans who gave Nichols their support and a while man who idemified himself as a conservative Republican who denounced Nichols for his comment." June Casagrande also reported that. "nearly 50 people spoke at the City Council meeting.· I watched the meeting on television until it went off s D E the air and all speakers were slmply asked for their name and residence. They were not asked for their heritage, political pany nor whether they were conservative or liberal. There is no basis for Casagrande or the mysterious editor implying that the other 47 speakers should be labeled either "Mexicans" or MWhite conse~ativ.e republicans.• or any other label for that matter. This was not the issue and should not have been re ported as such. Such labeling cannot be justified as being used to show the "complexity of the protests." Nor can it be justified because it was, "edited incorrectly," and "merely a breakdown in Journalism I 0 I.· These excuses were given at the end of Dodero's article on page 9 of the July 13 Daily Pilot. June Casagrande's article used hurtful and polarizing labels which were prejudiciaJ and stereotyped all those who spoke at the City Council meeting. The Daily Pilot, June Casagrande and the mysterious editor shouJd quit making excuses and issue an immediate apology as prominently displayed as June Casagrande's original article. This apology should not be buried in the back pages of the paper. YVONNE HOUSSELS Corona del Mar El Toro's invitation to join airports coalition I am calling to add support for the actions of Congresswan Dana Rohrabacher and Mayor James Hahn of Los Angeles to include El Toro airport in the Los Angeles world airports coalition. The continued enlargement of John Wayne is going to destroy large areas of residential districts in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. which is sad. & TERRANCE MORAN Newport Beach 0 ll T "AN OF EVEN I N .G H 0 PE NT ERIOR DESIGN I CUSTOM HOME DESIGN I FINE HOME FURNITURE I ACCESSORIES & SERVICES/LANDSCAPING & FRIENDS CONCERT SPONSOllS ti--I II I I •· ~ -1--w • • PROCEEDS PROM THE EVENING BENEFIT MlGH HOPES. HIGH HOPF.s ISA LOCAL CHARITY DEDICATED TO HELPCNG INDMDUALS RECOVER FROM TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJUl\lES DEADLINE FOR SPACE & CO PY Wednesday, July 23, 2003 5 p.m. DEADLl~E nm CAMERA READY ART Monday, July 28, 2003, Noon ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE Wednesday, July 23, 2003 (no advtttorial occepted after deadhnt) AREAS OF c m CULATION INCLUDE: DAILY PILOT -Wednesday, July 30, 2003 ewport Beach • Corona del Mar • ewport Cout • Cotta Meta HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thtxsday, July 31, 2003 Huntln~on ~ach • Huntington Harbour • 8umet Beach COASTLINE PILOT -Fr1dey, ~ 1, 2003 IApnaBeicla 78,000 drculltion Dailyj)J>ik>t M9-642-43Zl . ' .. •• '• -. QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's amazing what a couple of hiu and errors can do 10 cheer up a bunch of 11-and " Phil BalbY, CMALL Al~Star Manager EYEOPENER • DaiJy~Pib • Spmill Hal olF-••«-1t111 ... i... ....... Jul)-2 I honor et MYRONMIUER Sporta Editor RJcf\ard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sporta Fu: (949) 650-0170 Wednesday, )IJy 16. 2003 A7 WORLD TEAM TENNIS • Breakers rOcking Palisades New York wins two of three tiebreakers, but Newport Beach captures second match in a row. -Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NFWPORl HIAC II lhe ta- PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I DAILY Pll OT John McEnroe, playing for the New York Sportimes Tuesday night, reaches, but misses, a return m men's doubles action against the Newport Beach Breakers at Palisades Tennis Club. Below, McEnroe glares at a side iudge. The Breakers won the match, 23-18. gline for World ledf11 Tennu. markeung campaign ,., "Think rock conttm. Then add tenn15." With Juhn Md-.nroe. a fom1er rock n' roll '>lllger hun-.elf, on the court. that concert becomes a re- d!ity. Shaking things up Outspoken legend Jo hn McEnroe performs usual act Tuesday night as New York visits ' Breakers a t Palisades. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bl:AU I -Much of the World Team Tennis scheduJe is buih around tlw appearnnce of the league·s marquee player!>. The marlteting gurus are quick to promote the appearances of Lindsay Davenpon. Martina Navratilova. Andy Roddick and Andre Agassi. But there mlght not be a bigger name on the World Team Tennis circuit than the left-hander l.aldng center coun for the New York Sportimes Tuesday at the Palisades Tennis Oub. John McEnroe, a member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame and a seven-time Grand Slam singles champion, embod- les the spon of tennis. Whether it's through his vibrant personal- ity that has led to many memo- rable outbursts on the coun or his outspoken demeanor in the broadcast booth. But despite his emmy-nomi- nateci work as a broadcaster, it's on tht• court where McEnroe '>till ~hine~. As a part-time player for the Sportim~. McEnroe has showt1 that d~pitc hi!> age. 44. he can still keep up wtth some of the young guns in the league. G~ing into Tuesday's match against the Newport Beach Breakers, McEn- roe r-dlllted fifth in the league in men's singles. winning 15 of the 26 games he had played. He hadn't lost a set in either single or doubles in three matches until he dropped the men's doubles set in Monday's 24· 14 loss to Sacramen to. "I feel I can hang with a lot of people for a certain period of time,· McEnroe said. How l(!ng he keeps it up is questionable. bur for the time being. McEnroe is as serious as ever when he takes the coun "It's difficult to say. I'm not get- ting any younger,· McEnroe said. "Bui I feel good now." World Team Tennis also has 10 feel good about his participation. The Sacramento Capitals re- corded their largest crowd ever Mooday and the Breakers were expecting a sellout Tuesday. Still, World Tham Tennis isn't perfect and McEnroe. in bis cus- tomary fashion, will be the first to bring up the key issues. "With so many events and See LEGEND, P•1• AB McEnroe\ antics -and that\ really all ht!> on-court behavior can bt-called -brought IO hfe a near- capacity crowd Pah!>ade<. lenrm Oub I ue-.c.lay. H1-, s•Evt: Mc(RMI( 0~ YPILO" The Breakers' Mana Sharapova celebrates a point against the New York Sport1mes m a mixed 31 doubles match at Palisades Tenrns Club on Tuesday popularity wru. evidenced by the large portion of lht: uowd that eXJted after Mcfnroe completed play. That crowd rrussed the l~t two !>ell>, women'!> double<; and women's ~mgles. and the Bretl- ers· second straight vtdOI') ai. they mched clo~r to the .500 mark. wtth a 23-18 Victory over the New York Sportime<.. But the real draw wru. McEnroe and h e didn't disappoint. lf the 44-)'eat-old left -hander LS farnoLI!> for anything. if~ not hLS Hall of Fame tennis career that included seven single-; Grand Slam titles and 10 doubles Grand Slam titles. lt"s ht.s erratic erup· tions during play that earned McEnroe a loyal following. "That's part of has aura." Mac Prue said. ·He tiles to <,llf u up.~ The crowd at Pa.IJ!>adt'l> got a handful, or more accurately an earful, Crom the colorful McEn- roe. But the brunt of McEnroe's u rades fell upon the Brealters' an- nouncer, who is often loud enough to drown out the plant>S taking off Crom John Wayne Alr port. Having heard "It'~ hanuner time," in reference to his singles opponent Brian MacPhie. one too many runes. McfJ1roe lost his cool. \'dlm~ at th1: annoum:er. Md·nrue rl'u.>1ved a ..... ammg for ITil">C<mduu \'.'hen ht-umun ued, d point penalt) Wa!-ai. '>l'!>'>ed. ~till up'>el, McEnroe promptly took a '>edl un the ~pornmes· bench. and hke a young du.Id, re- ~ to pla). After a fhe minute break in pla). MacPh1e, who led the set. 3 l., and the <;ixt.h game, 2·0. after the penalty pomt. be- gan to feel the wrath of \kEnroe. On the ensumg pomt McEn- roe's shot h11 the t.ape and cra\.\i- ed over the net for a point When he returned 10 the ba..eline. Mac- Ptu e !>af'Ca.SU caJJv l>3.I d, ·=--:ice -.hot." McEnroe's resporu.e was to tell Macl'h1e to lass a certain body part. and 11 wasn't the lips. The rwo then approached the net and conunued to exchange words and glares unul Breakers Coach Dick Leach had to step onto the coun and almost physi- cally separate the two. "That'~ JU l tus deat he does it every night,· MacPhle sa.id. ·we both want to win. It's not like we re out here for the fun of it. I wanted to let hun know tus crap wa..\n°l going to fty with me. I thmk he take'.i it as a lmle bit of dtsrespect for the older guy, but I have plenty of respect for tum. I See BREAKE.RS, Pase A8 LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL Costa Mesa American All-Stars answer back CMALL evens Mayor's Cup with come-from~behind, 9-1 victory Tuesday, forcing deciding game Thursday. "If you watch the third strike. you're going 10 get o ut," he said. "Even if you don' make it out of the infieJd. you have to put the ball in play if you are going to Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -C:OSta Mesa Ameri- can ;Major All-S;tr Manager Phil Bagby bas ' tenn for blhatcben: 1\.utey plat- ter. ·The Image calls for the catcher, ads Gute in Tuaday's cue, to open his ~ .. wide u poeaible, giving pitcher (lM1I Robinson a big talgel B¥t it was the Cotta Mela National AD-$an who bad the~ oo thelr speqncaJJy In the Mb Inning, u .. AD-Stan scored abt times la deficit and even the best-ar Mlyor'I Olp led.el at one pme .... with ... 7vldo1'y1Ueeday at 'h- ~ Mkldle Scbool : ne American did 1t with three wati. b~ and llYe mon by the NadOnal lo .. top of the ftfth, takbtl an 8-7 ...._ ~ went the d6lcanc:e. ....... ... ~ In • lnftinll -llYe In cbe a-... iwo. 1be 12 .. ,.,.o1c1. whom ~ =. ~ ~r.donll~ ... -.= iiiiD -ID two bAta OWS lhe 11111 duee ~: ~ aca .. tafhlluind ' errors can do to cheer up a bunch of 11 -get on base. and 12-year-old boys." Bagby said •If the kids are given that break.. then Ryan Boulger walked to begin the whatever Uttle thing goes in their favor fifth and came up with a two-run single would change the direction of the game later in the inning to account for the and you can grab (the momentum) and American's 6naJ two runs. Oeanup hit· run with it" ter Mib Molina reached on a 6elder's Robtnson singled and was k:nodted in choice and wu foDOM<I by Robinson, by Gravelle for a key insurance run that Mike Kelly, Kevin Hoffman and Gute all put the American up. 9-7. heading into getting on after an enor. Hoftinan's the bottom of the stxth. lined shot went off the glOYe of the A le.doff' walk to the NationaJ's No. 2 ehmtstop. tcoring Kelly and Dylon hitter -1\'oy Mdlanahan -who wmt GraYeUe followed wtth an RBJ oo a field-1 for 2 with two wa.lb. two RBll and OM er'a choice. Jab Johnston walked and run IClOred. In "the atxth put the pm.sure later acored and Gute would score after on Roblnaon. but be responded with be reecbed bue when a fteldef couldn't two ltrlbouts and a groundout to Hoft'- cornl a ground ball Cute. Molina. man at ftrst to seal the victory • RobDon, ~ JohNton and Grawle RotMnton uted what he termed • all ICOted In the lnninl-•lllder" in conj\&nction wtth a futbaD "lb.a Wiii .,.tr bueblll, • N9donal that hquendy roee up ln the strike Mr I r llm Pedenon llkl. 1be Mni• 1100e. etiddng mmy lded-.... -plly to mue .. the ..., .... They ., -lhlowtnc lbe IMdel' on lbe out- ..... • 7·2 a.d Md lllUlned 11-t could ,; lkie comer bul lhe fumpftJ ~cal­ 'Cadllec It.' taldl'8 le ~ Caeca Mela tnc It tO I Jtllt dww it down lhe Wei: Amerlam .. • IOod twn chat Mlly put ck. RobtNon eakl lbe ..-a on-.. We bhe to 1tom lor · Tbe Nldoclel ~ In to ~ lhilmll11h11· ~lnibeftnldne~wben PUllllli tbe a.I In plq WU al .....,, d;e,.xnd ....... r--. ......... • . Nkt: PtdliiOlil atpW -.ply down the right-field line to plate McOanahan and Josh Ryding, who had both reached base with singles. Pederson slid in un- der the lag • or Gute at home on a ground-ball hit by Cody Green. the Na- tional's starting pitcher. in the first Green went 4~ innings, striking out five while walking three and was the only National player with two hits.. He went 2 for 4 with a run scored and one RBI. Boulger, Robinson and Hoffman each had ~ singles as ·part or the American's 10-hit anack. Molina. Robinson and Kelly each scored l'wtce. The Nadonat scored three times in the third, twice on walb to Danny O'Neil and Mc:Oanahan. which ec:ored Gavtn Moutque (pronounced Moo· tag) and Ala Grolek. lfter Frank Oe- Noewer knocked In Green on a Gelder"• choke to~ De~ ICOn!d the National'a ooe nan in tbe eecood lfter ttipbng and comlnl home Oft McOa- nahan'a IVOUDd W lhM bmda6'd tM thlrcf ~ who .. to .. me. aDd -uneble co .... • 1hnM QM -Holfman ....... In one nm In lbe teCCMid IDd dint. ,.. ~ dmifl• the Amllbn wtlbln 4·2. lou.1111 wml2bSwtdlaMilllftd twDDll ................. w.a..t 11111 ·~ ·" w•aa •·••• 2 for 4 with two runs scored and Kelly scored twice, walked and knocked in two. Hoffman had rwo hits in rour a1- bats with rwo RBis and Gravelle was 1 for 3 wtth two RBis and a run scored. Johnston walked. singled and acored while Jes.w Oawsoo added an RBI and made caught a sh&rpty-hJt line drive in the third lO rob Ryd.ing. His counterpart at third, Taylor Wat. also snared a lined smash off t:M bat of Molina to end the fifth lo go wtth one bir Tue5dal4 O'Neil waJbd twtce and tallied o ne RBI while DeNoewtt, who pitched the flnaJ I ~ lDDtnp_ ltritlng out one. and ~Nd\ went l far' with one run ICOf'8d. Nk:k Olhw waited 1n ttne u-bla. Botb tee.ms sttanded 10 runnen and each de WU only l'l'dftd In onW once. Thlaaee1s_. ........... s p.m. ~ pme 'lbundllly • wtnlde. 1bll " the wand ........ .. --tn tbe~·,., ..... lft aldlit Mmyot'I Olp. Eech .......... .. c.p tlrie dmia 11-Ni .. olDil a. .... ..... .::c-:· 1be -• .:::-.-:: :.: .. ~.~~ .,.::: a.., ..... ....., ..... _ ~I • < Al Wednesday, July 16, 2003 SPORTS ... . . WOMEN'S COLLEGE SOCCER ~~~· ·~ ions e oac -'" .... to play 'in Irelan~ Vanguard women's so~cer player will iiavel with Athletes in Action ministry. costA MESA -Albley De Loach, who wW be a eophomo.re on the women'I aoc:cer team at Vanguard Un1vel1lty thJa fall. la traveling to Ireland wtth an Ath· letes ln Acdon ministry team th.la summer. ....... . '·~· for yc>ungtters and playing tbll8> · to four exhlbldon games ~ · week aplnlt tea.ma from f!'e\, land and Holland. DeLoach ~ travel .throu&h Ireland ~~ Northnn l.reland while eta~· with boat flmtll• from ~ eortna churches ln the conuP,~: nitiet. ~ .... ". •0ur mlniltry opportµnl-.: wtll come 1n the way ot niee# wtth each team, lh&r1ng wtl\: the kids at the campe and cl:tn-: lea, and do1n1 ·apeciftc O~·· reachet wtth chia.rcfies that h~ ut," OeLoacb said. · ·"' .. PHOTOS BV STEVE McCAANK I DAILY PILOT Maria Sharapova of the Newport Beach Breakers, above, returns a serve In mixed doubles play against the New York Sportimes on Tuesday at Palisades Tennis Club. ·Below, Josh Eagle returns a volley during mixed doubles play . .:f'ihe Breakers won, 23-18. PeLoach, a S·foot-9 forward from Rancho Cucamonga, had a succestAal frelhman year lut aeuon for the Llons and "feela privileged" to be able to take her soccer skills abroad ln a ministry setting. Athletes In Acdon la the sport.I m.in11try for Campus Cru.ade For Ouist and send& teams all over the world. Oe- OeLoach, who scored ~ · goalt and played In every pm.: her freshman seuon, wtll be tourt.ns with AJA from ni~·. through AuiUft 10. She wtll ro:. tum ln time for the preaeUOSt tralnlng at Vanguard that bt8'it( ln mid-August. ·-"" The Uons begin the 2003 ~·: son with the annual alwnrlt game on August 22. . • ·;."' BREAKERS Continued from A7 juat don't put up with a lot of nonsense." But McEnroe wasn't jUlt entertaining the crowd. He's always been one of the best at the mental part of the game and the whole ordeal seemed to give him an edge. He came back to win the game, force a tiebreaker and emerge with a 5-4 (3) vie· tory. For good measure, he slam· med the mlcrophone with his racquet on his way off the court. The tiebreaker was the over· ri4ing theme of the night. with three of the five sets decided by one. Josh Eagle and MacPhie de- feated' McEnroe and Ellis Ferrei- ra in men's doubles in the tie- breaker, while the Sportimes' Marissa INm and Shuai Peng defeated Marla Sharapova and Eva Dyrberg in a tiebreaker in women's doubles. The latter pulled the Spor- times (4·3) to within one game with women's singles, Sharapova against Irvin, remaining. Shara- pova had combined with Eagle to defeat Irvin and Ferreira in mixed doubles to open the match. · Sharapova, only 16 but ranked among the top 60 players in the world, is quickly becoming the Breakers' ace and that showed with a 5-1 thrashing of Irvin that finished off the Sportimes. "She got out to a quick lead, which was great," MacPhle said. "It took a lot of pressure off her breaking serve that first time. Then she was able to relax and play her shots. She did great" .. loach's group wtll be gMng daily soccer cainpa and clinics GOLF ... .',. ,-:· .. ·-, . -·. . . Newport's Towersey behin4~ by two strokes in Monterey·~~ Marianne lbweraey climbed up the leaderboard Tuesday at the 2003 California Women's Clwnpionshlp at Black Horse Golf Course at Monterey Bay. moving into a tie for third, two shots behind the leaders going lnto today's final round. in the 8eld after shooting an 83 _ Tuesday. Her two-round total"ls- 160. 13 shots behind the lead~ The eighth annual Callfor6iil! Women's Champion.ship • conclude today. The toumamep~ ls open to all female am.at~ California resident&, regardless.~ age. •1· ... ". .. , .. ... ~. LEGEND in Newport Beach, the Sportlmes were still missing his brother, Patrick. days of dominating Grand Slam tourna· men ts. Towersey, 52, bounced back from a four-over-par 76 ln the opening round Monday with a one-over-par 73 Tuesday. the best round among the 76 players in the field. The Santa Ana CoWl- try Oub member and Newport Harbor High girls golf coach is tied for third place with Allen Beth of Cal State Northridge with a two·round total of 149 in the 54·hole tournament HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series Continued from A7 i 1t I I I : such a full calendar. it's hard to find it's place." McEnroe said of the WIT season, which lasts three weeks between Wunble- don and the U.S. Open. "It needs its own time frame. perhaps November. Some time when people aren't playing a lot of events." One of the problems with the current setup is that the marquee players are irregular participants. Davenport., the marquee player for the Breakers, appeared in just two matches this season. McEnroe is scheduled to play in six. But even with his appearance "Obviously. that's a matter of economics and other issues, other schedules," McEn- roe said of the appearances by the marquee players. "That's why it needs.a time1:rame of its own. It'd be easier to hold it together. Again, that's easi~r said than done. "When you play only two matches, It's hard to feel like you're a part of something. But it's better than nothing. I'm playing six out of 14. I played eight last year and I felt the travel got to me a little. Now I feel good. But to do all of it in a short period of time, that's not easy. Right now I feel like I can play more than that." When McEnroe is on the court, not much has changed from his When a group of fans were chatting as McEnroe got ready to serve, he said, uLouder. I can't hear exactly what you're saying." McEnroe had choice words the linesmen. the announcer and talked trash with the Breakers Brian MacPhie like they were a pair of NBA shooting guards. When MacPhie started complaining about a call early in the men's doubles match, McEnroe said, "Are you complain- ing already7" He then turned to the crowd and said, "These young guys. feey (com· plain) all the time." No one was complain· lng about McEnroe's appearance at Pali- sades. The are both chaslng co-lead· ers Erica Blasberg and Yvonne Weng. who are at 147. Blasberg, a sophomore-to-be from the Uni· versity of Arizona from Corona. is the top-ranked collegiate woman. The defending cham- pion, 26-year·old Heidi Chua. Is nine stokes back at 156. TODAY 11 -Jaamlne Gelder Or1ngeC011t Women'• tredt. '03 1f -Brittney Bowlu1 Corona del Mar Glrl1 water polo, '03 -. Cllanning Lovejoy of Big Can· yon Country Oub dropped back NEW 2003 THUNDERBIRD l.lpl Nallca 2MO Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices cm Of llWPOIJ llAOI ll011CI IMIM& llS Sceled bids may be received at the otfoce of the City Cler k. 33()0 Newport Boulev•rd. P.O. Bo• 1768, Newport Beech, CA 92658·8915 until 2:00 p.m. on the 13th day of Auaust 2003, at which time such bods ahall be opened •nd reed for 118 <ANY°" RISllt- YCMa lANl>KUI AND SITI IMNOYIMINTS TltteefPr~ (_.tectNe.JS9' Sttt,000 .......,....r. ....... Aw..,-41ty /S/St.,,,._ G. ...... ,,...., W...tlt Dlrectet Prospective bidders m1y obtain one set of bid document& for $25.00 from the office of tl\e Public Works Department, 3--300 New-Pof1 Boui.vard, Newport & .. ch, CA 92643. Cofttrector General "A" lkenM required for th11 pro}tcl. For further Inform•· 30th day ol July 2003. at which lime such bids shall be opened and read for HAlllOI VIEW NA TURI l'AltK SlOf'E HPAllt Tiiie of 'ret•ct (Ofltro<t Ne, 3567 $ 120,.000 fn1l-•r'• btl-9• 1<wrwe41ty /S/Ste,.._ G. ,..._,PvWlc Werb Directer Prospective bidders may obtain one set of bid documents for $10 at the office of the Publlc Works Depart· ment. 3300 Newport Boulevard. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contractor License Cluslficatlon required for this project: "A or C 12', For turthllf 1nform1· lion, call Lloyd Dalton, Project Man•a•r at (949) 644-3328 Published Newport B11ch·Cost1 Mesa Daily PllolJuly 16. 2003 Wll 7 tlon. call Mich11I J. The followlfla peoon• Slnecor~ Proltct Men· are dolna buslnen ... •Pf .t \949) 64-t-3342 ltoyal R11ltJ l'ertneo, Pullllshtll Ntwport 1601 Oov1 Street, Sult• 81ech-Cosl1 Mui 01llJ 120~ flffwporl BHCh, Pilot JUiy Hi, 200J Wt l . Ctlltornl1 92"0 GnOf~llMI ....... klltcl bids nt1y lie r~ et tM oHltt of tM City Clttll, 3300 Newport•CMlltnr4, P.O. loa 1118. Newport lellCtl, CA 9296t·•lli !Md• 11:00 1,m. on '"' Tr lumph Mort1e11. (CA), 1601 Oov• $lrfft, Suite 120, Newport ... ,.,. C.lffOflllt 92MO This butlntss Is COii dUcttd by:• COl'Por•ho11 lttvt you attttM clolfll bws.IMH ~If Yes, 01/ 11/2003 frh11nph Mort1•1•. Jgho A•ta• Prwdlnt This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 07/14/03 200369s1503 Dally Piiot July 16, 23, 30,Aua.6.2003 W125 Flcttllets ..... ... s...... The followln1 persona are dolna buslnHs u ; lnt1&rated Acupuncture Center. 4020 Birch Straet. Suite 105, New· port Beach. California 92660 Mary J Snyder. L.Ac .. 4020 B11ch Street, Suite 105, Newport Beach, Caltforn1192660 This business is con· ducted by. an 1ndlvldu1I Have you started dolna business yet? Yes, 06/ 01/2002 Mary J. Snyder, l .AI:. This statement wes filed with tit• County Clerk of Dun1• County on06/24/03 200Mt4t4st D111Y Piiot MY 9. 16, 23, 30, rocl3 W2l2 .......... ... s...... The tollow1n1 P11rl4ns 11e doln1 bus1111u 11: l-Mtd!cel Center fOf Skin Re)Uweftltloll, 3816 $ Br l-tlOI St. Suite M. S1nt• Ana, C1llfornl1 92704 Ru11efl Jotln Ktl•'"*, 18142 Brentwell Cir .. Huntlnaton ktell, C.11· fornlt 12147 Llfldt l• Sllftonlen, 18142 •rt11tw1ll Clf., Hunlill&ton leKll, c.tl· fOU!~Z This business Is con· ducted by. co-partners Have you started dolna business yet? No Russell John Kalandtr This statement was llled with the County Clerk of Or anae County on 07/03/03 20036950463 Daily Piiot July 9, 16, 23, 30.2003 W208 RdllM ...... ... s..... The followlna persons are doln1 buslntss u : Sunrey, 2154 8 Sen Michel Drive West, Costa Mu1.CA92627 Ron•ld Gene Nuaent, 2154 B Sen Mlcllel Drive Wast, Cost• Mesa, CA 92.627 This business Is con- ducted by: an lnt.orpo· rated usooletlon other then a partneuhlp Have you st11tt1d dolna business yet? No Ron Nu1ent Thia st1tement wH flltd with the County Cl«~ of Or 1n1• County on06/27/03 200Mt•t1J6 D11t1 _Pilot July 2, ~!. 16, 23, 2003 w203 ......... .......... TIM followlna persons .,. dOlnl bualnet• at: Hepn 001 Mobile Orool!llna. 42 Tt1w• Avenue, F'ootlllll Ranch, C•llfornl1 92910 J111et 01pu1, 42 Tnlll't Avenue, ,oothift Rancll, c111tornl• 92910 Mike 01pue, 42 !UM! I Aytnl!!. fooll!H! Discount Off MSRP ...... ·$3,000 NET SAVINGS 83000 enc•1111.-' VIN•a: 3109760. 3111679, 3112864, 3114095 Ranch, CA 92610 This busineu ts con· ducted by: a aeneral partnership Have you started doing busoness yet? No Janel Depue This slltement was filed with the County Clerk of 011n1e County on06/16/03 200H .. HtJ Deily Piiot July 16, 2a, 30. Aua. 6, 2003 w 123 ............. ... s....... The followln1 persons ere doln1 business u . A Ger .. • Ooor Solution, 2628 [Iden, Costa Mesa, Callfornla 92.627 Mor1en Mead, 22216 Camlnlto Zaraaou. Lacuna Hills, Caftfornla 92653 Justin Mur o, 2628 £Iden, Coste Men, C11ifor nit 92627 This buslnu1 Is con· ducted by: • Ctnertl partnonhl(> Hew yo• 11Mted d0in1 buslflCSS yetf No Mor11nMo1d Thia daltment wH flied with the County Clwtl of Dr•lll• County on0'1/0J/Ol .. ... ,..,, Delly "lot JUiy 9, 16, 23..i 301 2003 W201 ........ ... ....... lh• followlil& pert0na ere doln1 lluslneu es: TM NeW'POft C.11ter fot lnte,rated Medicine, 151 8nnl• Doon• T•r.ct, Cor-del M«, c1l!f!!ntt mn 2MO Llglf Nadell William S Flanaean Ill. 1519 Bonnie Ooone Terrace. Corona del Mar. C11tforn1a 9262!> Thos business os con· ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have yau started dotna bus•nus yet? No Wllllam S. l'lanaean. L.Ac. This statement wn !tied with the County Clerk ol Orenee County on 06/26/03 200169495 IS Daily Pilot July 9, 16. 23, 30, 2003 W213 FktllM ..... .... s...... The followlne per sons are doin1 buslnus n : a) SOUTHERN CALI · fOflNIA FIRE PLACE, b) SOCAL FIREPLACE. 2163 Rurel lane, Costa Mesa, Calilornla 92627 Patrick O'lury, 2163 Rural L•ne. Costa Men, Callforni• 92627 This business Is con· ducted by: 1n lndlvidual Have you started cloina busrneu yet? No Patrlcll 01lt1ry This stattm•nl wu fllt4 with lh• County Clerk of Or 1np County on06/23/03 200Mf.ttoef DaQy Pilot June 25, July 2. 9, 1', 200.J W\95 .......... ......... Tiie follo_.... P«Ml'I •• dolftt II~• lis: AA ri.t 6 ltnMr Co •• 111 Witt 19"1 Strtll, Coste Mlle, Cllflfor• 92627 J, .Scott ltofnM!x. 191 Visit Caudal. Newport Beach, Californle 92660 This busin~ Is con· ducted by: an Individual Have you started doln1 buslneu yet? Yes, 06/ 01/2003 J. Sc·otl Hornsby This stateme11t wu filed with the County business y~No D1nlel Ger h This stet• .._ was filed with th• County Cler k of Orenae County on 07/02/03 200·SHS0217 Delly Piiot July 9. 16, 23. 30, 2003 W209 Clerk ol Ounae County .......... on 0 7 /03/03 . 200S6'5047' ... fMlilelf Dally Pilot July 9. 16, 23, "' The followln1 persons 30. 2003 W206 are doln1 business as: MasterServ• Commercial Put Ellmln•tion, 2245 Tustin Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 The follow inl persons are dolna bus.lness es: Studio Stul, 1300 Adems An .. Coate Mesa.CA92.626 Christopher Jouph 81llle. 1300 Ad1ms Ave .. Coste Men, CA 92629 This buslntu Is con• ducted by: an lndlvl4utl Haw• you started dofn1 businus yett No Chrlatophlr J. 81tlle Thia 1t1tement waa filed with tM County Clef'k of Oten,. &oun\1 on06/17/03 ..... ..,.. Oelly PHot Jul~ 2, 9, 18, 23, 2003 W204 Mtrk James Shirey, 2245 Tustin An., New· port 811ch CA 92660 This busintSs Is con-ducted by: an lnclMdu11 Hen you sttrted doll\-businlss Y41t? No Merk Jem11 Shifty This 1t.tem1nt w11 filed with tll1 County Clefk of Ottnp County on Ol/l0lt>3 ..,.,.,,.. Deity Piiot JUiy 9, 16, 23, 30,2003 WlK MAFIW MSTO WGaFOI YOUI 642-5671 S.lhng Price . . . . . . . .. $22 980 Foctory Rebate .......... ·$3.000 Nn COST TO Y6il •1a,aao · 7DCIH•,_ VINS•: 3.4930l3. 3816109, 1 111 m 2141 Ltpf Nallca - The followin1 persons are doinc business as: Zattaflsh Enterprises, 506 1/2 36th Street. Newport B11ch. Cali· fornl• 92663 Aaron Ml<:hHI Gro11, 506 1/2 36th Street, Newport Buch. Cali· fornla 92663 This business ls con· ducted by: an lndlvldutl Have you alerted doln1 bualneu yet? No Aaron Mk:h11I Grose This statement wu filed wltll the County Clerk ot Onnae County on 07/01/03 200HtJOIH 01ity Piiot July 9, 16, 23, 30, 2003 W211 ,... ...... ~ ... s...... Tile followin1 per$ons are doln1 bultness ·ai: Sol, 317 Goldenrod Avenue. Coron• clel Mar; Cellfor nil 92625 • ~ Katherine Eilffn ~Hi· ~ lmark, 317 Goldenroa Avenue, Coron• del Mu. C11iforni1 92625 •' • This business Is ¢0n· ducted by: en indlvHIAl- Have you st1rted dllllt ; business yet? No --, Katherine Eileen .... : , !mark -• -' This itltement w~ \ filed with the Coi/n~ •: Cltrll ot Or•n1• CQ11nly ', on 07/07/03 • • ; • IOOMtSMJO •, , .., • Dilly Piiot . July 16.L 23, I. 30,Au1.6,200J 'I~:~ STARTING ANEW BlfSINESSl 10 U.l<M • How to Place A CM To 111 hlira. ~.~J contingent crt<lhort. lllll p.rtlOIW wno lTllY 04tlelwlM be imefMted In the wltl O< Hta1e, O< bolt\ o4 USA CAMPUS A PETITION FOR PA06ATE nu DM11 filed Oy SUSAN MARIE MUNGER in the Superlol Coult Of Call1omll. County Of ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requelll 1'111 SUSAN MARIE MUNGER be appointed II pereonal r~tlve 10 ldmlnlater the Htate Of ltoe Okedlnt THE PETITION rwquNll the deoodent'I wtfl Ind ooelicil•. 11 1ny, be admmed to PfOOlte. The will and any codlcilt 119 IV&il&Ole lor examlnalion in t:ne 1111 ~m ~~ requHt• 1uthortty to aclmlnlltlf the 1111te under the lnoepeodenl Admlnltntion of E1111H AD.. (Thi• autholity wlll l llOw tile pereonal reprlMl"ltative to take many ICtlont wttnovt obtlfnlng OOUl'I l pptOYll S.lofe tJklno 011111n very lmpontnl ecdonat nowever. the P11110NJ rlC)l'ltentattve wtu be 19C1Ulred to glVI notloe to lntetffi.d l*10N l.lfllfft they Nve waived notloe °' ooneenc.d to tl'le ptopoaed action ) The independent admlnl1tr1t1on authortty will bl gtanted unleU an tnt.rHtld pel'IOO lilel I n OOjec1loll to the ped1lon Ind 8tiowl good cauee wl'!y t:ne oovrt CLASSIFIEAD By Fax 1949) 631-~94 Plew llKNdr \Oii ·-n! pt.n~ll\l Bv Phone r9~9! 64~·~6-, By .\Jail/In Per~on: 330 \\~~ Ba~ Smt't Costa \1N C .\ 9~6~~ .\I \t"por1 Bl•ll. & Ba) S! , . ~~E~~f. <A~209,t..em PetltlOr> or AL.£XANORA ORANGE CA 92888 l......ol..-'_._ VENOlA SMITH-Olf'/TER IF YOU Olijecr IO tne --· fOf °*1oe ol Name granting °' h petition. Pr.w. Dept. ~ INTE'RESTEO ~~== rmnoltOflllYllT· P""'°'* ~ Of lie Oll,fOl~OflWlf Venola S~ flied ~ the court OIDfl TO SHOW CAUS1 fOI : '::: :::..0.~ ~ the n.aring YOU/ lllllliM Of IUIU U foflOwt ~ mJy bl In ~ -AleDl'Clta Venoll Smith-Pl'ton « by YoU' WUUll8: A.21"91 Qjrqr 10 Sulla All~ra •llOmeY VtnOla IF YOU ARE A TO All INTERESTED Tiie COlll ordeta lhlt all PERSONS petlOrll tl'MfHlld 111 t!U CAEDfT~ °' • I Pet111oner (Mil Y matlef 111111 IPPMt ~· contingent creditor of ll'll M[l TON ftteo a p1llt1on fnje court at lht helnnQ declaMd, YoU mull Ille with this court for • tndic:lled below '° lllDW your clalm wittl tt:e coun det•ee than11ne n•mn Cllal. ~ any, wr., IN and mall 1 OCfY'I IO tr1e o lollo-w\ EMIL V ANN pe1"lon for cr.rq. ot Pl~ r~tetllle MHTON to EMILY GRAY name ahould not bl :1~r ~ = 2 THE COURT ORDERS ~of Heen~ .. the date ol fil'lt IHuance I tn1t .ii per ion~ inter. Ottl Aug \ 200J Tl/Tie of letter• aa provided In I uled 1n tt11& mattu shall ~~Mlodo:!. J~ COUit 11 PnJCete Code aectiotl appear oefor e I his court 3' 1 Tiii City Or;ve p 0 9100 The time f« filing at the hearine inai~atea Bo~ 1.&170 Or1n91 CA C11lm1 Wiii not eicp1re tiftlvw to \how cauu ii 92863 before toYr monlht trom 4ny ""Y lht pet1t1on !or I A Cl:Jf1V ot 11111 Orotr to the heating date noticed chanat <JI n•me \hould Snow C1t.ee 1hall Cit above 1 no1 be w11n11d pt.Clillltd II INtt once vou MAY EXAMINE tr.e , NDllCE or HEARING 1 :~,.:--:' pnor~ file kept by tne coun 11 Dall 8 5 03 Time 2 00 ttie dl1* .. 1 for ,..,,no on you 1,. 1 perton pm Dept L 7 3 the petlllon 1n ti. totlowmg lntetea19d In the t 8'tt•. lht odaren ot the court '-JP&Plr o1 generel you may file wt1h tr.I 1.• umr •• noted above c:ircUlat1on. r.nntld In IN• OOUlt a Rl<!Utll tor I A ropy of tn1\ Order counlY Newpon Specjll Nottce (form DE· t ~ho" tause shall D• 8McfVCot11 MeA l>!lot tM) of tne ftllng of 111 ""bl \hed at 1101 once ~Ir 2003 \.AIRO inven!Ofy 1no 1ppr1leal ta•" "eo for tour CAATER o4Htai.~orolany \utceu1<1 "leek\ pnor JUOOt of .,,. SloC)lllor petition Of account 11 to tne 01te ut lor Covr! ptovlded 1n ProOlte '"•"''i on the 1>•ttl1on 07l02/03, 07!01fl'03 Cooe SectJOn 1260 A ·• •he lollow1n1 n1 .. ~ 0711&t03J;:.3!03 RIQuMt fOt Special ~dper ot &tntral tlfCu ~~~~RT I E.ACH-Notfce IOfm 11 av1ilto11 1t11<i11 pnnt•O in lhis COSTA MEU DAIL y from the ooun clerk < ovntt Newport Buch PILOT Attom9y lot Petillo,.., Ceisu Meu Oa•ly Pilot ------- BURSTEIN. MICHAEL 1 Oate1 JUN 25 200S 11800 W...SHINGiON Nlorjorl• lolr4 Corter PL 1 1°' Pubt \l'>ed Nev.porl I LOS ANGEL.ES. CA Buen C..osta Meu 0111y llOOeO P 'JI July 9 16 ?J 30 07118/03 0717'03 2'/.IJ Wll!> 07123/03 a.•llOO:atf NIWPO..-r 81!ACH-COITA MIU. OAIL 'f PILOT yu It'"" thuosywayl l'loct 0 Closslfltd od todoyl 949 M7-S67S SEL~ your stutt through classified! PUTAnw WORDS TO WORKfOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 .------Polic,· ----- Raies and deadl:nes are subject to change II; 1thou1 nouce The pubh~her reser. cs the nght 10 censor. reclassify. re\ l\e or re Jc.; I dn~ cla~s1fied advenn.emeni Pled>e report any error that ma) be in :rour cla~i.1fied ad 1mmedtdlcl) The Dall~ Pilot a.:~epb no liab1hty for any error m an advcn1scmen1 for v.h1 ch 11 ma~ be rcspo~blc. accpt for the cmt nf the space actwtl4 occ.up1c:d b) the error Credit can onl) be lllo'll>ed for the fmt 1meruon •<I ~l""!ll<l •Ill' 1 P'Y.t~ SERVICE DIRECTORY ~\J,, -For All Your Home and Busine11 Needs -{\VT Hour!ii: Telephone IOam-~ ()(ipr:- 'vlonda~ -Fnda~ wdu. In ~ 30.un ~ OOpm ~lontfa~·fnJ4\ .------Deadlines---~ \lnmla> Tuc,du~ \\ednc,da> Thur-.la~ Fnd.i~ ~ flOpm FnJ.s) r-w"' 1 .. , ~ ff 'f'rr Inda' l IM •prn f nd.s' ~ 1~1pn 1 ' . I I I I ...... ' I ' I ) I I I , I • I I \ t ~ ! I I I llllll9W week For Only Sl2 per W!tk (4week mlnfnium) •QI .... • (t4fl SJMm ,AClflC VllW IAYVllW TIUACI S lOTS-AU Olt ,AltT t4'-4t4-S01S IRTAINMENT ~of E9a 1310 ..... fQUM llOllSM ,..,, --·onorJlllTY Jf'; ru l 11t1tt 1dv11· n this n1wlp1per ct to the Feder al ualna Act of 1968 m1nd1d whlth s It 1111111 t o tlst ·any pref tr· .:ift,_ llm:t at lon or ~ln1tlon blStd on ~· color. ttll1ion. 111. tfllld}cep, femlll•I 111tus cil"ertlonal or11111. or ,,, 11fint1on to make 1ny ...ii.pr1ter1ne1. limit•· t[t~ or diKrlmin ttlon. • ;male MWlplj>er will no\ llnowln&IY ICCI PI •l'l1•:advertlsem1nt for r•.t estate which 11 In vlofatf()n of th• law. Our rt1ders 111 lltrt by Informed th1t all dwell· lnp advertised In this n111t.P•p11 111 avell1bl1 on 'iln 1qu1I opportunity b1(it.: To t ompl1ln of dis· crl"'!r•tlon. etll liUO toU· frt~ •t l ·800·424-8590. G= Yant la .1411 01911fYw4Sele Saturday 8em 2203 Huntlneton St. •3 Hunlil1it0n S..Cll, x street V1n1c1/Huntlncton St. Gnni Announctmlllll 1110 l'tlvete Dvdi "-tlftt CM approx I/hr from Newpoirt Bu ch. Excel· tent huntlna 1dj1c1nt to state waterfowl rtfu11. ownership 1nt1rest ' appro• 375 acr11 of land ' lmprovamtnh + your own camp compound w/str ucturt and 2 trtlltrs Wonderful F rl nlaht BBQ' a • Wint t11ti111 dudnc duck snson + many utrul ld11I for 2 friends or lather ' son Call Mike at 310·541·0854. .,.,, ,. __ ....... thl w!wtabout of Reynold Mota Coleridl, 1ka Ren. aka Ric.II, born In London, Onta-lo, c.n.da 111 IQ> IS l9QUIStlld to c:ontKt the followlnC" cec . Att811tion: Estate o.c>artment. 56 't'OUf'lll Street. Sub 1000. Toronto, Ontario MSE 1. C-p (Cal•Scan)J " r" , .... ,..__, ... an went to tither Cll'llcS, I em In dttl*'al• nHd of tll1 n•me of the doctors who opelllltt d thts• clinics. Ple•u cell me collect 1t 41S·fl2•· 9037 or 415·381·3845. FIWtCWJ PROfUltOUL SERVICES Clldl .... - SSCASNSS Immediate Cuh for struGtured eettltmtl:t; tMUltlla, r• t$t1t1. otn, privet• ~ not.a. llCddlnt CHU and ln111r1nct ~ ~) ?!M-7310. ( • -scAN) ,.. ....aaENT ISM8 -RI 11111• ....... -r.:;• ""ri=" I potl Jon /en· __._. .... ~ ,.,~ ...... ..._............,,... • ...,.......... c:.I! =~-(MD!t41t} (Ctll 9Df0 S8l .:;:.. -- l.EGAL.SERVICES =~ SIMcll 2860 ,,. •• _,,, c-14er~ ...,.._,Wt can~ We "*'81iz.e In ~ temilla wltt1 birthmooths n•tionwtde. Toi fr• 2A "°"" • dmy 866-921-0'J65. One True Gift Adoptions. (CAL •SCAN) HOME FURNISHINGS Fumlbn 3436 llDIOOM SUITI Qu11ns lze btd, 2 nllht tablta, a rmo1r. I era• dress•• w/mlrror Also TV, work out bike. sofa. 949. 939· 3677 .....,.,. Oland* . c.... ~tat ~ Wld UClla chlh, '""' china, sk !M!Mi«).1879 2 Cvtt•"' Couches Brllld N.w. 7 11. T~ Ctrtnaa W1ll tones. s for both 949-5'5-71181 JEWELRY/ 3488 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C-9C•M..4e Old Coins I Gold, silver, )ewet'y,w1tcnes.entlqlltl collec:tlbles 1149-642·9448 OFRCE RMTURf/ IUSIBS EQtlllBfT •·LUlnlll e.ii,wt .. AIOUT ILICTllC WNIUCMAlll Ntw•no -tio you ......... MtdlClrt I CCI/..!:!. 'Mli*Nth end • dWR (-*'.,._6.. WI treM you ~ 7 dot.. (800) 135-3155 ( -scAN) c. 1111 O..K'"--Leo.>wd lool-•---· rw• 11o& tpld/chocolet. ~ reel tdWMoars IOMll· ... .... _ .... CAl'S, OOOS ..... _.. ga:r::.,~ IUL1" GUIWM& --..JDt ---tar...-~ ............. .. i\JQll -...._,~ IC>lwU. ...... ~ . ...... llH11•rt1M, ....... ::;...t.et---• n1111• ~ ......... 7l 1044 or 7l .. 717'1Ml. Pit Adoptions -Oe"".., Shepherd• 111 tolors. 111 sizes for •dopt1on to quellftad home.1 www ~Stescue ori or 71~·773·5 15 MISCELlAHEOUS MERCHANDISE Mltcllleneoua Mlrctlandlll 3855 SIMI .............. Multr· Pur~st. Can you htlp1 4-1 ' steel. bolt toctiter. w/stamped draw1nf;, deltveted 2••32. 40, . 60• 120 Alli f0< MacV Production Dept 1·888· 757-8335 CCAL•SCAN) AU STUL IUILDIHGS SUl'H SAU 24•28 wu S8200. "" $3990 28146 wu s13.soo. "" s~ '8a 100 wu S25 800, Hll -Sl2.850 Call Nowt TeM (IOO)Jt2-7106 lullnm Oppor1unltlts 11111-•nd fftndlfla -, ......... ~-Cal·SCAN ads In 200 ~ sblt.wlcW 25-wordl,~SXXl Northern or Southern c:.llflir,.. Ft91 lnbmltlon (916) 288·6010: www .c 11.s ca n co m <rA-srM) CA,,UCCINO ITAUAN co•n• Comp1ny ··-p1ndln1. D11tf!butors wanted. H1at111toflt po· tln!W. Anyone can do this! E~ ltlil.I. Call IJJG.813-6625. Investment. req'd. (rA~ AVON Entrepreneur Wll1t9d ""5t be ~ to WOl1I wi.-you want. be )'Ol.r own boa. end enjoy ri:niUd ~ Lie's T• (8118) 9'2 (rA~ A ,_...., 1.st y.-ftlolt1I ..,..,.. S.-tcu lncP'w ...... 2!t . "°" lrtblllllDn. 1 ~..a. NotKM (tlScwl) AAAYl ...... IOUTI *> ~ Priml to> ~ lllMM downwac.~1 UIOW'f1HW..U IO fflHltns m.e11111H wltti o c.n.11t •oee.\10n$ .. tar $lo.II&~ - MlflW W.TO I ... I' Tiii fM~M2·5t71 HOMES l:QR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula ... SUMMI• s1rzu•s ... Olt n..s..J 8eautrfut 38' 3.50• home wrth elev•t". poo4 are.at kltdlen LR. bud1front ptden ' whltewats views af Gold Coast $4,.S00,000 ........... , .. ~ Con!~ home on lhl 'l St P-11 Frl!"ICh Buu· manire lllMstone fbn down. ar1111te kit, beMJful ~bo w/ywtr own tree $1.S".000 ~-,...... ~. hrdwd floors. • open LR W/fp, arut out· doot petJo. ample 2c p $1,$99,000 ...... ~ Remodeled and eal*ldtd, located on rare ctll lol & 481 w/oaun VlewS. Fp. wide halways, vault eels $2,aS0,000 ~~ fOUlt '"nr v.Ol PENINSULA CONDOS or,rset-s.,,. 1-c t I S llver Ave fltOM Sl2S,OOO 2U HTHST. ll&4 ..... 4tls-.tt17 ... ,_ 1a..-11 ..... O...vt.w,...,. .. ...i.n.~c. ......... ,. Ocem:f:.,.. ,..,,_. '::l to remodel or rebu • SC*lous R·2 lot looks :-ea:. f:.' .~.~ Jim .tacobs. Auocltttd Rtelty ....... ,......, ~ ....... T~a. llpl ftOl\-e()n> ~ W/OCMR end bey vltws. Sl.l~.000 .,, JKobs. Anodli.d R-"1~ ..... ~ l blocll tio bllell •• 2bl upper, lbr 1 be to-. Jcar ...J:it IM9.<m ... .,, c.. .... ..... ..... . ......., .. ...... ~ ""' ::.L:s'" .. did ... .... a.-i n------• f'p\, CUltllltl .. Ill( ...... _... .... ~==---= ·t= ¢/::;:' c.r... ............... . ........... ~ ........ ~ -.11Nt11 \l•md4~ ~ lJOpm '•r1ml•' Tuc•dA' < O(Jrm SundJ~ '-'cdnc,da\ < 1t0pm Cwt•"' CereftO .,., Mar I N ...... r·-n , ,..,. ...... d•IMar 211f n A YfARt y 'Miltltt>ly Reritlll Al/3' S4of· (oftdomlftlvlfta. _Uf_11_1 11_Mi _____ "111_"'_""_" ____ , w /9oroy•· Avoll Avg 1 ~ 40 ?ba l1Se Of\ P~ eourmet kitchen, wrouiht Ol'IH SUH 1-4 Oceoft view home b•teht Anoe at•d Reolty P0tn1 Very "'°' lurr• d eel tron. custom Ille and cab· 11012 l eftt Tr••· quiet 2br 2ba wd p8lios 949-6 73-3663 S3!i(X) 9119-615-46.'J) CIH• lnetry front IS I 3t>r 2ba Horth Tvalln k t I · .__me & rear .• a .,._r .,._a no smo pe c i~r 1 A STU.I. lllt S109S/Me llUffS TOW .. HOMf "" -"' <u Sbr 4ba •our k1tch S23~ 949 721 1279 " C"''"STUMl •WfY • mo 'b Off tt. ht"'°...... B·~ ''IE""JBR -'R ,.... " custom architecture (.,. ~ • • .. ~ • 949-759~177 pool. spa waterfall\ leovtlf11I Hr 21o/21r or 6mo lene Newty LARCl ·r ·PLAN ltlOUCIDll .lasmtne Creei1- f abutoos locahon1 on t!le ar eenbelt 3br ~n, workout room. e•lt• -lov/rm "'I/Ip, ec, pte·iruarded pools soe'$ Ju~ llotM Broil@< 949-376-5576 CostaMna OPlJf SAT· SUll 1 _. lfJO Monrovia 3br Iba Canyon M $4ZS,00l Maly h we1 Re.\bJ 949-64&-%70 l'Nde "1'',_..., ....... 181 W/ hlll.IP\. pallO. ya<d, 310.B Mont. V~ta S885m n/pet 9't9-631·7813 Garden Grove llr 11• e•ted condo New pnV~rpt kit flrne ' O/W Mstr bt w/wahHn· clst, LR wlcath cetls. Fp. tennis er~ clubllse. Pr ud C1 Realty 562·307·7588 HuntinglDn Bad! O"N SUN 1-4 SlAHIOOI VILLAS 20321 Tidepool Cir 11202 !BR !BA. Conso. I m1 to bch Gated comm, pool. tennis. sauna $265,000 By Owner 909·7'8 7016 ........ llvff u ....... Bay view c0<ner end unit 3br 2b• '"Deleret ,._. S749K Optn Sat·Sun I ·5 I Story end corner unit 2bf upended $5'9.000 , ........ d .. ,.Off .... 3br up1red1d townhome SS07.000 3br I st0<y townhome $56S,000 (LH) 4br Eist 8Mf home Sl.089,000 ....... ,...... • ..tty t4'·6H ..... t , Sl.649 000 Lesley I& '{fly r""'2lli. ~ llcJit, remoeleled w 1-llPllil CuSTOM UPGRADED C1Urella 714·!>14 ·4262 n d p . w.'o ~ ~ carpet & cl!<am< tJll! ~IO 1 0.PANDED S3800mo RURAL PROPERTY FORSAlf Ranctltl(ftrmaf Country Property 5915 SOUTHlltl'I SIUU'S LAND lorrln. 20 acres S49 900 Pr1eed for quick ule ( •Cellenl loc:allon I ,oews. areat tiorse country E <Ctllent opportunity don't ml$$ out I F '"'"'1118 evell- •ble OwTw J.aBB-02~ ICAL •SCAN) RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAL£ Mountain Property MI W MIXICO MOUN-TAINS. 140 ~ · Or1ly $49~ Gor9110US ..-... latwa IMtUre Irle aMI'' ill) fl ellwbon. MaonlMI --~-found rOlds. Pert.ct lor hone 1oY1rs. Adflk*ll to nltionll lorest. Excellent ~ c..n todly' Tha ~' lat! Soll Pfopertla ol NM. Ire. l 888-292·97U. (rA •SCAN) MISCB..lMEOUS RENTALS Weet "'' own '" tr•nce, ba. pool. pllln1. short wall: to bell. S7~ incl utll 949-$48· l 263 ==- S2lm'$11m 949.293-46.J) ~L! g:;-t~~4 : N ... ol•e 1'011l10fl •-try • l.owtly 0-.. Vlow ~ 714-633· 7S92 No ('°II) 94 9 • ., 2-6419 sty hO<Tlt '»+ comm I lore• 1 I r 1 lo unit on "°""'"" hoch ~ Charm1ni crtyrd entry Quiet Peninsult point 21< :ZS....•...,.~ AQl>ro• 1700 sl lbt~ 'S1na1e pef\Oll No sml\ ' wfbottl. "-.,......, 2ba Fp f0<m Dfl •ti 2c I pth 51450 949 :?93 4631 ,_ fw 45 ft~-i•r w \lo•aie M\ter SSOOO/-. w,walll "'~~t Comm 0004 VILLA IWOA 2 Mester\ ,._...... lt..ity -clbhse Sm Piil CJI\ I 2ba f p lndr) rm IQ i:MllO 94._.7J....3643 Crdrv ~50 mo lltem comm ponl tenn spa 2t M&mt 887 704 8649 ,9204 D<•i. ... ~ to bch en. wtr i..wty Goted c--.nv llr flo Apt. w pvt ill' tr11 wailo to T•1·Soua•e $89!> mo WAier trl'\h Pd SI ll5Cl mo 71iO 729- 8107 94s.574.9243 1 ILOCI( 'ROM OCIAN 2br lb. rM10d pvt ~·. caroort. ~ SUfi01mo AvlM/ 8 1 94<).5154229 ptld 10~1n M3neeement 1 "•wpert Cr••t, 2br 877-704-8649 f •t 'l200 2ba 2 c ear wal~ to l'.W.~br !oh quiet I bch tM poof 11>• S2100 & , It ,.flo. "° I Avatl 8 I 949 707 '408 ,.._, S99 /mo. 180 (I H•wport Cro•t 2br 2ht SI. '49.,....S-7776. 2b• 2 c eu w~I~ to b' h ten pooVspa S21 CXlm 21r, 21 o, upper ~nit Avall 8·1 949·707·4408 Apt I ·c ear n•w paint carpet blinds ltnol@um lev•ty 21t ... •ft 2'/ .. • Act Sl200m 94~673·71m Townhouse 1860\f 2-<: 29r 2.Sle Twnho<Ae oo ~ ,.,, heh, Inc.Cl yd. tp dbl pr + ta tr• pr"&, Sl 49!1, mo llllftt 949--6'2·9699 Mr n.., Wslde 114& lot w/poot. .-dnt f p. I& petio. W/d. pr, dON to bch $1900/mo 949-548-6343 4br Zlla MUOI YAAD W/OHDHUI. FrW. pel'lt l'I & out r. T_.lt f"ario & F•~ Sl9fl0 +dlp~3 pr """' blr pooV~ "' r Mtwon ts1 S2l50m no pet, teat l5e 949-12J.«i22 lo1t .. l11ff. Jlr 21r, a•r •a@ w o 111<up Act S2J751mo 949· 293·'6l0 IA.LIOA l'ININSULA 18 lJPC* 3br Zba, veuft oe9 tp, w d. 2c pr S2.xltmo .., Qw-isty 94~500-lli48 Hit YIAltlY ltl MTAlS Newport Bch P•n1ns11l1 Sl400-S2'°°/mo Aat t4t-67J-7100 .JOBSWAmD -•H-.-/••·• I clH n & m11nte:n 11119 homes Cooll. drive all dutlM. elderly & uuld C•rfUP J2J·937·90J8 - o eARMIS 10122 $340 1111 IRllUI .... 0< 22-20 S57S. °' 4000lf alrl)Of't 1re1, pvt w/lllfh HCutlty Ml~·l1Cl6 ......... ..,. , ......... ,,. ...... ~·m OC:UllPIMT ---Ml ,.,,.., . ....-. .... ............ ... ...,..,.... ' AlO Wednesday, July 16, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS ; Cempue grp. 5 Nllb 10 'M1lrtpool 14 Bledl.n-whlle "** 15 Lulu Wlllcon\e 111 Sclrw 17 Flip llvough 18 Prove Innocent 19 ~Wig P1'1vaw 20 ln-belwftn 22 Meels • 24 ~weMell · abbt 25 Gel tatigted 26 Stadsllcs 29 Movll pan 32 Aatle buildtlf 38 ll11n I V8'0 37 Tibia neighbor 39 Tote DOWN 1 -HaShanan 2 Bo Oertll< 11lm 3 Rowrduck 4 Sita °' pape< S Chocolate tie4ll 8 Treaty member 7 01g11 8 Blacken . - 40 Ooca.,,..J 9 $ullan 's llldiOS 10 M""'1flll 31 tmmatUte 52 ROf>8 rniurie1 c;:z' 11 Wttl/llf. lrBOllCll18 n Mild oxplollVe 13 Desires IJ\llt811'1181 ~Olma • (2wds.) · 4J $1ngllf. Ill Parl• 4'I Wa1m O••r 21 -scream· 33 Move smoothly 34 SWO!d lhn.ist 35 Urged on 5-4 Stlclcer 55 Gan of "Mr. Mom" dtleciOr 45 Penmetm -Cr11ven 37 'Ra1sr·. old-ctykl 38 Allow 46 Spagnottl 48 Coaat Guard cit 49 Silver or Scout 50 P 0 servlce 23 Joyous outtltlrst 26 0.&gliS!ed (2 WO.) 41 Cunning 42 Separate 58 Mate P8Jllfll 57 Foot part 58 Car lmpon 59 Sci'Mlme 60 Identical 83 Atlantlc Coast st 52 Anaoooda 27 H1pp0drome 2tl Eotlng places 29 Supple 4 7 Bought and sold 53 Vl•as 57 Wheel OOVl!IS 30 "Ghosts' wnter 49 WMP touoty 51 Ocean water& -~Employee._,~ ··Empleado. ·· '"4rbl'ifnPhmn .. 'Ernp/o1 l .. , ' Dailf Pilot Service Directory Accounting "NOllC[ TO R(AOFRS· Calofornoa 13w ·~ 11u1< e' lhal r onlr ac tors taking 1obs that tul<1I $500 ur me.re (labor rt• materials) be licensed by the Contractors State L ocense Board Slate law alw requires that conlt actors include their hunst number on all advert1s1ng. You can check lhe status of your llcenstd c on t r a c t o r al www cslb u .gov or 800 321 CSLB Unh censed contractors lakone jobs lhat total ten lf1an S!>OO must state 1n their advertisement~ that they M r not hcenud by the Contractors State License Board." Addttions& Remodelll!O fMnlNG INnJt90llS Kitchen I Bath I Remodel M:llDr& ~osmn lf!ill1l'5 vs.toe IM9.6,6!J325 AlrCofld~at AlUNHVAC Atr Condlhomna & Htalin11 Service L '808660 94~·S00·900!> I ' /, Carpentry A -Z HANDYMAN Install, reface ceb1nets Krldter11'bath/doc7~~ ~ Ootig 714 546 7'158 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Wall U111h. Crown Molding Basetx«d.. Cuslml a.. ns.. E • pe11enced & rieasonable l•517982 949 709 5642 Carpet Repair/Sales ~ c.ar,.. s.we u Q1 miP tnnd rune rapet ~f)lf:t r15tJ&!r~. ~ 'JO".u? LllU11915 7~!D>-41Cfi 1"•U.Rl'U?CARPITn Repa11~. Patchme. Install Cour 1uous any size 1ob\. Whoteute• 949·492·0205 Cleaning NOMATTtR HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIREDCAN FINO IT. Computer Services COMPUTER H ELP! • "1vatt ,. ~ Marlllt • At yoll' 1111111 ,. ofllc:t •llC!#IK ·~ •WltJP-ue~•lll!i ·~llbllln ·Olb~ • ~ \ttoo. A"(ll> !,\II(. •lQ.MS~~--uc~~. 10 Yra c-t• fJlp. 714-612-2786 INHOMt & BUSINESS IUPAIRS Upgradu, Repairs of Compute1, Networks £ venrnis/Weekends Competoli.t prices for quahty servic. 949-836-117$ 714-926-4 228 lrlclt lloclt Stone Tiie c.,.,c:rete, Plltro. Ortveway Frreplc, BBQ Ref~ :>SYrs Exp l erry 714·!>~7-7594 The C eme"J M °" Cementwork, Brock. Tole & More ~eloable No rob too ,mall. 714·615-9062 ~ 18 Yrs E•p • Greet Ref's Att Pha58S of Construction ~ Alrrcdl £xprts l•577982 949 709·5642 YOUttNOMI IM,.OVIMINT PltOJICT? Cell e plumbtt. p1fnter, handyman, or 1n1 of the 1r .. t nrvicu Iii.led here In our service dlrtclorvi TttCS£ LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HEI P YOU TOOAYI Bridge -• J.,._ 't4 XJS C...V • gyl, 2+2, fl1min10 red/ ttn lthr, CO, beeutlful orl cond . S l3.995 CHAMPIONSHIP DEFENSE Nonh-South vulnerable. South deals. NORTH •J H ~9 {/ ttgJ 73l •K :z WEsT • EAST • 107 • K 98 3 IV K Q 10 76 4 i;;> A J 8 2 " A 8 5 o 10 6 4 •J4 •83 SOUTH • AQ62 V' 5 3 •j 9 •Al09765 The bic.kJing: SOUTH WF.ST NORTH EAST I• l 'i/ l o 3" Paw 4'V 5• J>a'i& PllSS Pim Opening lead: King of : Californian Lew Stansby broke onto the national bridge !>Cene in !he late: 1960~. Since !hen, he has been a consistent wirmer. and his mMY sue· ces!>C:S include four world title,. Here i~ an example of his defensive ski It. Stansby wtd his favorite partner. Chip Ma11cl. sat West and East. re~pet;tively. Martel's jump r.U~ in heart.\ wu. .. preemptive. This had 1111 • P /TIMl RIUlf MA.H- AGER lg storege facility: Sunday & Monday+ Office and Irle marntenance. Exp. a plus' 714-841-4466 Irma PT-Host/e11/~ .. 2 3 eves Restaurant.~xp. a plus! Cash h;ihdlrn&, busy phones Fax resuma 949-642 ();7 4 VIiia Novo PERSONAL TRAfNElt E.xpenenced, for a friendly personal If a1n1n11 fac1lrty on CdM Lisa 94~75J.?f17 imiioflllot consequence in the play when, all.er We5t upped the ante with foot heart&, .North 'b1d on rather than double the advance sacrifice. West led the king of hearts and found the bes1 defense by cootinuina I.he suit. forcing dununy IO ruff. 'Thll king of diamonds lost to tbe ace. and a diamond was returned. dummy winning as declarer discarded a spade. The king of club5 was led from the t11ble and SIUJl$by con- tribuled !he jack! Next came the jack of diamonds. South discardins another spade a~ both defenders followed. Declarer now had Sl:Ventl lines from which to ch<>OM:. With uumps 2-2. cashing !he queen of clubs would have aua.ran- teed 11 tricks and, if clubs proved to t:>e 3.1, South oould fall back on the spaJe finesse for the fulfilling trick. The auction. however. suggesled tha1 nolhing good wBll about to happ«?l1 in either black suit Lf West's J&ck of clubs was llll honest card, declarer could lead another diamond: if East ruffed. declarer could ovenuff, cross to dummy with the: queen of club). dniwing the lu1 trump. and take a discard on a good diamond. When declarer adopted that line, Mattel simply di . .carded and, wben declarer ditched the queen of ~pade~. S~by ruffed witll the four of club\ for the se111ng trick. J..-r ·oo x1• c ... v 441i ml, tull f1ct war- nnty. British racln1 11r1tn/hn lthr, CO. chtom• whfs. Ilk• new S36.995 v'975241 Bkr. f inanclnf & werr avail f'f·SH-llH -.ec:pelll.c- -..-..~~ V6. 2wd. co. super clelo. V«Y nice, $SOOl5 1215'58 wcwauto.oom 9&&t&7822 Jeep '97 Gr...t a.-... \18, 4JC4, lthr, co. nwf. very nice, #7V9'ZO $9996 wcwauto.com ~7822 '-I ...._ 1io '*-Y Series II while/11rey lthr. ps, oria owner. superb orle cond. $16.995 v#2967Sl Bkr. 949-516-1111 www.ocpobl.ee111 Moaclo '99 Ml oto Conv. 45k mo, auto. silver. tin lop, pw. pl, A/C, CO. superb like new cond. vlfll9743 $10,995 frnanc1ne & warranty •vlfl Bkr. 949-586-1888 www.ocpobl.com M~9-'98 C2'° Ltrhr. mnrf. rmmac, ~ ntce, #617317 Sl0,995 wcwauto.com ~7822 AIJtomotlve 9004 M-..ci.. ._ ·93 1t0« --------2.3. ioreeous car, lthr, 9211 mnrf, $5995 #548954 luld1 '84 Rivera new wcwauto.com 949-646-7822 tires breaks & shocks loaded. elect mnrl, make offer (7 14) 848-3704 Co4'111ac 'O 1 Seville SLS solver/erey llhr. CO, ehr m whls, aold Pk&. full tact. like new. $18.495 v•596741 ftnancme avail Bkr 949 586-1888 www.ocpabl.com Coclllloc '94 SLS Seville 87 .5k m1, eood cond, black cherry. lthr, new M-..c1Mlens'93 190l 2.3. eoraeoys car, Ohr. 92li mnrf, $5995 #!>48954 wcwauto.com 949-646-7822 Merced•• '96 C280 beautiful black/cream fully loaded. showroom. f\/out. SIO~ 714-751-2464 .,_... "9S £320 Bll.ttl< beaut, all opt. none nrcer. new maiot SVC. $8995 wcwauto.com ~ 7822 tirn $4500 714·74!>·7794 Mercedes '951320 Slit/ '97 CHEVY TAHOE blk beaut. all opt, none nicer, new map svc 1 yr warr Sll.500 /14-751 2464 Mer~eclea 4SOSL '71 Cenvertlbfe low 93k PMIUJPS AUTO 81ad\ w/SNver, leatll· tr, Moonroof (194262) $22, 980. 01.._..n Moonroof. Navi&IUon system, Loll~. (l!M56) S24,980. HIUO~ White w/Seddlt teeth· et, Moonroof (19443) $29,980. 01 ... SType Se• Crean w/Slddle lthf. 28K ml, Moon· roof (19112) ,$32,980. 9' • .n ... UOO Char(loal w/Black LN!her, 18" Chrome Wheels, Moonroof (19512C) S29.980. 01IMW7"11 Black w/Black. only 31K Mrles (19485C) $44. 980, 01 PONdte flrio Tiptronic. Only 1811 miles, Navaaatlon (19394) INQUIRE 91 Luw OS JOO Gold w /Saddle Lea th er. Chrome Wheels (19418) $22,980 f f fenwl 3SS fl Solver w/Btac~ Le.ther. only 14k miles (1 1423!>) INQUIRE 02 CoJllloc llOllotl. Bl•ck w/Slddle Leath· er. 23" An let a Wheels (19528) $34.980 00 ,. ...... •·:aw Black w/Grey Luther, Tlptronrc (19346) $30. 9IJ) 949. 574-717 7 M.LfSAllTO ........ (. Soab '99 9.3 Conv. 49k mo, whole/oatmeal lthr . CO. black top. fa bulous like new cond $13.995 v•87526 I Bkr 949-586-1888 www.acpabl.com Pubh\htng PROMOTIONS Dfl'AltTMfNT Commu11ity newspapers 1n O<ange County seelo.s fuH Ttme person to int«v- and Wf ote stones. parllc:i · pate 111 tommuntty events. create and Pat•nate paees and wctions. E xcellenl communic<ltlOO skins, work well with the pobtoc Know AP Style. QuarkXPr~. Photoshop, Mulb·Ad Cre· ator. Prohuent on MAC and PC CCI deslen e a per oent e preferred Proolr~dtn& test. Drug !.Creeno~physical reQ<J•ed EOE Exctllent benefit package lma~ r~me. wrotong sampie.. and salary r e Qutt e men t s lo l<lna ,OOnson@lallme!. tom Automobiles 9000 4 « wtwte, 4X4, um Sound 5ystem, a!! Otamond aodolO wfl Rodtfard Sllb5. Center l.l'1eS ~ Mochelin 2S6 off road ll'es. Fat:.1warr $15.500 949-295-7368 moles. very &ood condition. T eyoto '96 Avolon, only S62.0l 949-493-0379 auto. llhr. mnrf. beau AT-EASl Women·~ Store al F ashoon Island 1s now horong e•p'd FT and PT .ilJ.e.s ~noc Ple;!:se contllCt Lee Ann at 949-'JW. 'l'B> Top Ranliecl T e<hnology Co. 1Hpand1ng Sa~ Reps dnd managers needed Above dVer age income. Company car. d QUAlrhed. Call loll lree 866-8:)9 0262 24 hour\ www cal· S<:an com (CAL •SCP.Ni Drywall Servtces WITTHOEn DRYWALL 9004 IMW '82 633 n l 2 dr. erey/tan, 5 sp, sunroof, full pwr, $1500 714 878·9455 IMW '97 3211 Conv metallic dark blue/&rey lthr . supe rb l Ond throuehout $1 5,995 vtr672421 Bllr 949-$1888 www.ocpabl.com BMW'90 32SI toke new Blk/tar1 4 d1 , auto l06k mr -sr 'nmrt lull pwr. tint Ca smo& $4200 714 651 4661 BMW '98 13 Conv 2.8 . 6 cyl red Ian lthr, 5spd beaut like new cond •8157 21 $1 7.99'.> II· nanc1n11 & warranty avail Bkr 949·!>86-1888 -.ocpobf.com Garden Ina/ Landscaplng Owwy T.,._ LT "8 4J4, Blue, 85k ITll, lltr, ~ tns & shocks. ~-y bin, 1¥ performance brakes, $16,500. 949-285 7lB3 Oodg• '99 Dpltoto Piek up dulx:al>. while. \'6, -y mce $8995 #244419 wcwautocom 949-646-7822 Merec4es '91 4 20 Hl whole/er ey lthr. chrome whts. tow m1, superb cond. $6995 V#!>67281 Bkr 949·586 1888 -.otpobl.com Ninon '9S l'othflncler 4.4 1mmac. while. V6 very nice •011299 $54% wcwautoGom 94~7822 trful, S699!> •1222178 wcwautn com 949-646· 7822 Toyoto '98 Carollo l( b••a•. auto, 74k m1. pw pb. pd, ps, cc, A/C. stereo. S9lX> 714-843-5211 Trade !Alt fl fin~ 1l4i Be.w, by ~ tall.e for late model ca sldl M ""61. Dodge '99 lntrep14' Oldtmoble "94 ~ S Muma. WIA <J:B.!"144-n:D Red, V6, CO, super Blue, aulo. CO. clean, clean. very n1Le •535725 # 0 2 5 7 7 I S I 9 9 S wcwautocom 949640-7822 wcwauto~om 949-646-7822 VW '98 l'ot1ol GlS V6 ford '6S Muatong Convertible. 01121nal owner, sohd car $19.995 obo g-49719 l9U f..,.d '98 Wlnckw ..cl, 7pa~ 1 Dr owned au ret.etpls. $699!> •B29337 WCWlllJlo com 949-64& 7irl2 l•uzu '9S Tr..,.r lt ... 4•4, ornmac throuehoul very mce, •932989 S789S WCWllulo com 949-646-7822 Handyman/ Home Repair Olclsmoblle '96 Auroro 6()11 mo. blackl&rey llhr , mnrl. CO, ldbulous cond t-h rvui1rou~ $~1395 vm•457219 B~r 949-$86-1888 www.ocpobl.com Persch• '99 Carrero 46k mt. blk/blk llhe, CO. chrome whls like new $42,995 V•622057 II oanc1ng & warr avail Bkr 949-586-1888 www.ocpobl.com ~I. auto, mrYI. Gll, ~ ciear1. •2522fi6 SIO. 996 wcwauto com ~7822 SELL your stuff through classified! All phases sm/lrg robs Lou TorrH lond1<op• CUANI 20yrs, fair. free Wedll'f rrwit. bee b'1'T11Tlif'e !!!.I L4(X))J) 714 639-1447 & installation 25 Yrs eap THE HANDYMAN Moving & Storage PUBLIC NOTICE The Caltf. Publtc Utrllhes Comm1ss1on requue.s lhat all used househ old aoods mover~ print their PU C Cal T number, limos and chauffeurs prrnt their T.C .P. number in all adver hsements If you have any questions abolil the legallty ol a mover limo or chauHeur. call· Electrical Services Smoll Job bp•~tl CJuncan Eieclroc 20Yrs Eap l ocaVQurck Repon-se Serv1te/Remodels l rl27!>870 94g..550. 7042 America I ecrrlc l oceMed Electrical Contractor Small 1ob5 slartme at $79.95 & ""' Spec1alizlne on Remodel•na & all home won na needs. Comm/lnctust/Res •-•00-'97-1001 U 7829S9 LICENSED CONTltACTOlt No job too sm Al set'Vice$! Repair. remodel. lans. spa. new SVC ~ J656 Floonng/Tlle OISTOM <JllATM 1U Installation. slat& ~ nwble, stone. &Wt 1975 l'613* Jeff 714-612·9961 LIMY Sheww-a Repeired Resroutln & lnstali.tlon TILE DEAN 949-673·8065 71~ 714-883-2031 Llc/onsur ed 949 548 4363 Tree Service, Yard Clea"up. Maontenanle. Sprrnkler Rep11r, Haulrng (949) 6$0 -8781 Handyma!V Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR S. REMODELING All work guaranteed Plumb4f1i [lecbocal. Qoor,., F lf1l'>h Lil<P l!lt.. 'Jll9.£ll4.8Hi Hauling JUNK TO THI DUMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOA'l11 949·673 5566 House Cleaning DANA~ HOUSf CUAl9tG E1Sopeoo Service for l!> yean, ref1nnc~. l1Cf!f15C!d 714-l42-4656 Interior Design Design Reftections Prof tufl1111JI roOlft 1r1dt-ortr, Mct1sorlzi11g, slloppi11g, conJ11ld11g, I th!Jdtrlg11. 949·459-8270 l'UIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSION 100 877-1167 Nursing,flnonl Clre 12/Hrht-"-• Nunfnt1 Core 5days/wk M·F, 7a-7p. Have exten- srve Medical 81karnd u well as beine licensed as l VN aw-Will commit to other r9$p as well. Salery neeot1able Kevtn Hm 949·559·0270 Per 949-559 2246 GENEIAL IF.PAii Masonry Sttfp a ._. .....,, 'u&n.Prrllr&~ VfNTUltA MASONRY Custom Hand Painted llllllll'll:All l"-£ Res1denl11I Concrete & ~ & faui, P.,_ * RcsidmtiaJ t (oaunemal Masonry Service. Stone1 ~ b IW't !0Ml81~. No Job 1bo Small Dave Bamllton 949-322·8292 ffX UP SPfOAUST. All types of repairs flee· triul, plumbinr, doors, .. helWs, ties ' tnOl• 2Ahr/7d1ys 714-366-1881 Brick. Blocll 714·96S·2824 llST MOVllS SSS/Hr. Servin& Ml Cltlet ln1u1'1d n63844 aoo t46.ma 323·6»99n cell Rob llbell • Owner C<*8 MeN, C• (949) 846--3006 Cell 949·887·14a0 Ch11n9'1 ..... ZIYn ~ Great Price! Cuar 1nleed work. Free est. l#375602 714-!>38·1534 7-390-2945 lllf'S CUSTOM ,AINTltG Prof l. clean, quehty work Interior /ext and docks. l#703468 949·631 ·4610 Joy.on'• Pol•11"11 Top Quahly, Competitive lnte11or/h l l#643228 C1tl Jay 949-650·5066 ltAINIOW caa.E MMfl Parntina .flVed, HousNApl Quality iobl Free estimate L#569897 714-636·8888 -··"' .. 9Y c_, Send your best friend to CltJ'IP while yoli 110 on vacetlon. Safe, friendly & fun mountain envlf'onmeot at lat ArroWl'lead for socitl!zed dop. Ho kenMls. Weekend hmo seNice to and from camp. 909-SM-S62S ...... _.... ...... AUTOMOT1VE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ AJiA lmy .... Dec' ..._ t.-1 ~ Income verlfl· c•tlon. Purchne, refi· (1#1(11, c.sh out. $100,000 to M.ooop & from 'No Down'. 11111>-7()9..3279 "' WWW sel f - •meloyedloans.com (CehfOfnit MB# 8135902) (CAL •SCAN) HOMI MORTGAGE LOANS LQwest inter8'1 rates. All credit types. No pte·peyment peniltles. Best service In the state. CalifOfnia DRE. ff!IP)'teln Fundq. CaN noyt lD).iJD. 891i9 (CAL •SCAN) MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes 9350 '91 llAVllt MONTlltEY 301t, 300 ut pusher. 6 sp auto Alison trans, 7500 Onan quiet aen. hurricane hi& sy•t. 'lide/ out ltvrm & kite Washer/ dryer combo, auto saltll TV 79k m1, SS!>,000. 949-548·6033 to see. PP PUT A FEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOUI (949) 642-5678 D:ily Pilot INSTANY SMOG PAst =-~s=: www.~com (IOO) ~"'111. (CM.~) BOATS Powlr 8oltl 1515 '91 lift 8ayhr Runabout V6 Inboard/outboard en111n1, w/traller $7500 949.709.3079 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE Bl U fT SUP AVAllAIU IN NIW,OltT HACH SUOOUASI 94--S00-1005 IOAT st..s NOW AVM C8I fQ' stzes. kx:ation and dlrble. Wew and ~ lrdlded 949-4175-4147 Clln 't stem to gttto oll tltou repairjobr oroundththo1m? Let tlte Clorrifl" Smice Dirtctory ltt/p you find reliabltlttl . PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified 1section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Community Marketplace Ct.ulc ..i-t.tnt New & Remodetone. Gas Line. Copper Repipe, /llny Rlpat- L #Sl6783 949·675·5035 HOHIST & llASOHAIU PLUMBER L #!i06586 Fr• fsU Sm repan. OCTFCU Oise. 714-ZJS-9150 l'ltlCISI l'lUMllNG Rtp1lrs & Remodeltna FREE ESTIMATE l#687398 714·969 1090 Metelc ,_, & Spo Svc. w .. kly Suvice, Equip- ment Repain. Insured Cetll 949-2t2-717S ,.,,_•l"f· RtMnllf &Ymelft....,.. 714.435.1 State LI(. Wall CcMrinp TNI STlttPfllltl S~c1ahiin1 In WaUpapr Rtmonl l •58824l 949'360-1211 Tel Us About YOll GAIA&ISMEI la CWSllD {949) 642·5671 ..