HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-18 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot25% hike in UC fees ?pp roved .. for fall ·. In-state students will now pay nearly $5,000 a year. An other 5% increase could be on the way. Deepa Bharath and Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot UC IRVINE -The University of California regents on Thursday slapped a 25% fee in- crease on students. their econd hike this year in the face of drastic state budget cuts. The board approved the increase for this fall on a 13-3 vote, backing the UC Regen\S Finance Committee's recommendation on Wednesday to raise the fees by 25% while giv- ing UC President Richard Atlc.inson the au- thority to go 5% higher. In-state students will now have to pay about $4,794 a year -aJ- most a Sl.000 increase. University officials anticipated that the re- gents wouJd approve the recommended in· crease. but don't lcnow yet if it will end up be- ing a 30% hike, said Brent Yunek. UC Irvine's assistant vice chanceUor of student affairs. "That's not been adopted yet, and we won't lcnow for sure until the state approves its finaJ budget," he said. University or Callfomla officiaJs expect cuts of at least S380 million to their state- funded budget of about SJ billion. and some proposals in the Legislature wouJd cut up to S400 million more. UCI is ·doing everything to help students in need.· Yunek said. "We have a variety of grants to help out (poor) students: he said. ·we even have par- tial· aid available to middle class families with income of up to $90,000. • • _ Yunek said the tight budget has not forced UO to ax entire programs, but several educa- tional programs have suffered in one way or another because of deep cuts in funding. . ·There's still a lot of uncertainty,· he said. ·eut we're doing everything we can to protect the integrity of our educational experience.· Srudents interviewed on campus Thursday said they are disappointed by the fee in· crease. · Lin Hu, a chernicaJ engineering sopho· more, said he cannot afford the increase. "Hopefully, financial aid will lcick in." he said. "This is not good. But it's education, it's SH HIKE, P11e ~ . M Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, JULY 18, 2003 OONLEAO• DAL•P_-· The Booster ride spins in the late afternoon at Orange County Fair. The nde was stopped temporanty after an accident and reopened Tuesday Fair reports a second accident The incident on the Booster occurred the same day a woman suffered injuries from a 110-foot fall on the Adren aline Drop. THINKING ALLOWED If you need a lift, DHpl Bhilrath Daily Pilot the face. The fair staff offered the victim first aid. but she chose to ride with her friend to the hospital instead of going in the ambulance, said Becky Bailey-Ftndley. the fair's president and chlef executive. I have the ride for you FAIRGROUNDS -State offidaJs are investigating a second accident at the Orange County Fair that hap- pened Sunday hours after another woman was injured on a different ride. The second accident occurred on the Booster ride at about 10 p.m. -roughly nine hours after a 30-year-old woman was hurt on the Adrenaline Drop. The rides are next to each other. Bailey-Fmdley said the Booster ride dosed Sunday after the acci- dent and wasn't reopened until af. ter a state Division or OccupationaJ Safety and Health inspector looked at it An inspector already at the fairgrounds on Monday to look at the AdrenaJine Drop checked it out, she said. 0 K. Who on the fair board has connecllons with Mountain Hjgh? For those of you who haven't seen it, the fair has a new high-towering ride that looks like a slci lift. It was cool enough to catch the attention of my almost 4-year-old. LOLITA and I was mean enough HARPER not to let him go on It Booster m1uries MORE INSIDE See Page A6 for more fair news Oh yeah. I paid for that for the next 10 mmutes m pouting and tears, but hey, there was no way I was gomg to let Fair officials said Thursday that a 23-year-old woman was hurt riding the Booster when a 5-inch metal pin came loose and strudc her in Aidyl Sofia-Gonzalez left the hos-because I thought he was too little. This was opening day. before the Adrenaline Drop and a toddler -all hopped-up on See FAIR, Paa• M SH ALLOWED. Paee A4 President's brother stumps in Newport Gov. Jeb Bush, taking a break from legislative battle in Florida, talks at state GOP and New Majority fund-raiser. P1ul Clinton Daily P~ot group gathered for a private fund-raiser at the Four Season Hotel. Bush toolc a brealc from his own politicaJ pressure cooker, which has pitted him against his own party in a battle to pass a medical malpractice bill even as Bush took a respite from Florida politics to speak briefly about his own state's im· proved economy, the younger brother of President Bush turned his primary focus to the 2004 campaign. ries California. it's over .... I be· lieve because of California. my brother will be reelected." Bush left Florida after a Wednesday Impasse on the mal- practice bill, extending a legisla· ttve deadllne 10 Monday. Bush had twned up the heat on Re- publican colleagues who had not supported his maJpractice bill, several Florida newspapers re- ported. . can Party jointly sponsored the event. Before addressing the packed ballroom, George Argyros. am· bassador to Spain and Co ta Mesa developer, offered brief m- troductory remarks about Bush. ·it's wonderful to be back.· said A.rgyros. who had just re- turned from Spain. "You're all in· vited to Spain. and I hope you'U come soon.· DON LEACH I OM.Y Pl.OT Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks at a Repubfican Party fund-raiser at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach. NEWPORT CENTP..R -Taking a break from a heated legjslatlve .lelllon. flodda Gov. Jeb Bush .wept into town 1bunday to promote his brother for a second White House term to a GOP "1be fact that I'm here Is an in· dication of bow lmportant Cali· fomia is in the next election," Jeb Bush said. "lf a Republk:an car- On Thursday evening. as he spoke to a packed room of local politicos, business leaders and GOP activists. Bulb uried Re- publicans to mobOize support for bis older brother. The New Mljority and California ~ubU· The aowd included such local luminaries as Irvine Co. Olair- man Donald Bren. Newport ~ hi..... Wlliam 1'0N. actor l!.rtt &trada Ind for· See MOTHER, Pip M PUBLIC SAFETY F~refighter~-ready for a wild. fire With last year's annexation of Newpon Coast, Newport Beach ftrefigbters had to become prepared f~r canyon blazes. ( Dffp• BMlrath Daily Plfot o·-- Don't miss our Grand opening f ~tivities fncluding.· • Drawing for FREE trip to Las Vegas , • Putt-putt to win $500 • Pro(essional DJ • Moon bouncer ·• Hot do~ & sodas . I . .. 25% hike :· in UC fees pp proved for fall In-state students will now pay nearly $5,000 a year. Another 5% increase could be on the way. Oeepa Bharath and Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot UC IRVINE -The University of California regents on Thursday slapped a 25% fee in- crease on students, their ~ond hike this year in the face of drastic state budget cuts. . .. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, JULY 18, 2003 The board approved the increase for this faU on a 13-3 vote, backing the UC Regents Finance Comminee's recommendation on Wednesday to raise the fees by 25% while giv- ing UC President Richard Atkinson the au: thority to go 5% higher. In-state students will now have to pay about $4,794 a year -al- most a Sl.000 increase. University officials anticipated that the re- gents wouJd approve the recommended in- crease, but don't know yet if it will end up be- ing a 30% hike, said Brent Yunek. UC lrvine's assistant vice chancelJor of student affairs. DON LEACH GA •• p .-:- The Booster fide spins in the late afternoon at Orange County Fair. The nde was stopped temporanly after an accident and reopened Tuesday "That's not been adopted yet. and we won't know for sure until the state approves its final budget,· he said. Fair reports a second accident University of California officials expect cuts of at least $380 million to their state- funded budget of about S3 billion. and some proposals in the Legislature would cut up to $400 million more. The incident on the Booster occurred the same day a woman suffered injuries from a 110-foot fall on the Adrenaline Drop. THINKING ALLOWED UCI is "doing everything to help students ln need.~ Yunek said. If you need a lift, "We have a. variety of grants to help out (poor) students," he said. "We even have par- tial aid available to middle class families with income of up to $90,000. • DHpa Bhlrath Daily Piiot the~ The fair staff offered the victim first aid, but she chose to ride with her friend to the hospital instead of going in the ambulance, 5ald BecJcy Bailey-Findley. the fair's president and chief executive. I have the ride for you Yunek said the tight budget has not forced U.O.W ax entire programs, but several educa- tio nal programs have suffered in one way or another because of d eep cuts in funding. "There's still a lot of uncertainty,· he said. ·But we're doing everything we can to protect the mtegrity of our educational experience.· Students interviewed on campus Thursday said they are disappointed by the fee in- crease. FAIRGROUNDS -State officials are investigating a second accident at the Orange C.Ounty Fair that hap- pened Sunday hours after another woman was injured on a cliJJerent ride. The second accident occurred on the Booster ride at about IO p.m. -roughly nine hours after a 30-year-old woman was hurt on the Adrenaline Drop. The rides are next to each other. Bailey-F"mdley said the Booster ride closed Sunday after the acci- dent and wasn't reopened until af- ter a state Division of Ocrupational Safety and Health inspector looked at it. An inspector already at the fairgrounds on Monday to look at the Adrenaline Drop checked it out, she said. 0 K. Who on the fair board has connections with Mountain High? For those of you who haven't seen it, the fair has a new high-towering ride that looks like a ski lift. It was cool enough 10 catch the anention of my almost 4-year-old, LOLITA and I was mean enough HARPER not to let him go on it Booster m1une., MORE INSIDE See Page A6 for more fair news· Oh yeah. I paid for that for the next JO minutes an pou11ng and tears. but hey. there \.\Cl'> no way I was going to let Lin Hu, a chemical engineering sopho- more, said he cannot afford the increase. "HopefulJy, financial aid will kick In,· he aid. "This is not good. But it's educadon, it's Fair officials said Thursday that a 23-year-old woman was hurt riding the Booster when a 5-inch metal pin came loose and struck her in Aidyl Sofia-Gonzalez left the hos-• because I thought he was 100 little. This was opening day. before the Adrenaline Drop and a toddler -all hopped-up on See FAIR, Pa1e M See ALLOWED, Paee A4 See HIKE, Pace ~ President's brother stumps in Newport DON LEACH I OAllY ALOT Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks at a Republican Party ftinckaiser at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach. Gov. Jeb Bush, taking a break from legislative battle in Florida, talks at state GOP and New Majority fund-raiser. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT CENTER -Thking a break from a heated legislative eeeeion. Florida Gav. Jeb Bush swept lnto town Thursday to promote bis brother for a second White House term to a GOP PUBLIC SAFETY Firefighters ready for a wild fire With last year's arinexadon of Newpon Coast, Newport Beach firefighters had to become prepared for canyon blazes. Deepa Bh•rath Daily Pilot NEWPORT OOMT-Pia l:fll· .. m ... -. wbldl 11 pmt1cu- 1u1y-.... eobnilb hwllb b hllb ddlm .net lll*W cm-~ .. -. llll b. '°"'1· ~bmywllMbtMMOO. ,:.; Newport COlllt. I canmU*y M -M' II to NlwpoR group gathered for a private fund-raiser al the Four Season Hotel Bush took a break from his own politicaJ pressure cooker, which has pitted him against his own party in a bartle to pass a medical malpractice bill Even as Bush took a respite from Aorida politics to speak briefly about his own state's im- proved economy, the younger brother of President Bush turned his primary focus to the 2004 campaign. "The fact that I'm here ls an in- dication of how important Cali- fornia is in the next election," Jeb Bush said. "If a Republican car- ries California, it's over .... I be- lieve because of California. my brother will be reelected.~ Bush left Florida after a Wednesday impasse on the mal- practice bill. extending a legisla- tive deadline to Monday. Bush bad turned up the heat on Re- publican colleagues who had not supported his malpractice bill. several f1orida newspapers re· ported. On Thursday evening. as he spoke to a packed room of local politicos. business leaders and GOP activists. Bli1llb UlFd ae. publicans to mobOiz.e support for his older brother. The New Majority and California RepubU- can Party JOintly sponsored the event Before addressing the packed ballroom, George Argyros. am bassador 10 Spam and C.Osta Mesa developer. offered bnef lO- troductory remarks about Bush. ·it's wonderful to be back.• said Argyros. who had just re- turned from Spain. "You're all in- Vited to Spain, and I hope you'll come soon.· The crowd included such local luminaries as Irvine C.O. Otair- man Donald Bren, Newport .e.dl ........ Ider Wlliam 1.fODS. actor Erik f.strlda 8Dd for- S.. IROTltER. p ... M .. ON THE MARK C. DUS~ I DAILY PILOT A crew puts the finishing touches on the Newport Harbor Shipyard's new Marine travelift, which can lift up to 90 tons. A much-needed lift A larger travelift will open at the Newport Harbor Shipyard next week to support bigger ships. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot Big boat owners take hean: The biggest travelift in Newport Haibor is being built at the Newport Haibor Shipyard. Until now, owners ~ats larger than 140,000 pounds have had to sail on down to San Diego whenever they wanted some shipyard servic- ing. But now. boats up to 190,000 pounds and I 00 fee1 long need look no farther than the Lido Peninsula. "We've been in business since 1983, and in that time, a majority of our customers have gotten bigger and bigger boats," said Jesse Salem, owner of the Newport Haibor Ship- WHATS AFLOAT with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perfoml well in business. No sailing experience necessary. On&-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. yard. ~This allows us to lift the bigger boats." About 80% of the company's business is private yachts. The rest is commercial and fishing boats. Most come in for annual maintenance and repairs - painting, cleaning, hull wort - the worts. In the course of doing this job. Salem said, you get to see a lot of really impressive vessels with some really impressive owners. Many of the firms cli- ents are weD-lcnown figures from entertainment and busi- ness, Salem said And with the company's new capacity to lift larger yachts. luxury service at the shipyard will soon get bener, he said Though the lift is not expect.ed to be in operation until next week. the shipyard already has appointments with three or four large yachts whose owners learned by woni of mouth that they wouldn\ have to make their San Diego pilgrimage any- more. Polaroid cameras aod supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coat a.... In Udo M9rlr'9 Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. .- .. ' THE HARBOR COLUMN ·· Boaters need to : all just get along A h~1 . -does th.is mean Vessels should received always try to port to quite a few port Oeft to left). ' responses to last Vessels being week's column. overtaken (passed) especially abQut a usually have the growing lack of right of way of the · courtesy between boat passing them. boaters ln Salling vessels Newport Harbor, usually have the and many were MIKE right of way when concerned with WHITEHEAD under sail (not the never-before power). when on a boater at the helm of a new straight course and when , yacht Every summer, we not impeding safe passage have the intensification of of other vessels. ln basic those using the waterways. terms, a sailboat crossing in whether sailing classes, mid-channel is usually the chaner boats, outriggers. stand-on vessel over a · : fishermen or paddlers. power-driven vessel. · I actually Uke to see However, the sailboat must people using our harbor, maintain course and speed. and we must a1J learn to be and this means you cannot respectful and tolerant of tack (tum) directly in front each other on the water. of the other vessel's bow Too often, I hear the excuse nor pitch off a vessel from someone pushing the cruising next to the rules, ·1 have been living shoreline. here for 20 years so .... • Often you will hear First off this week. I heard reference to Rule 9, which two slcippers squabbling governs the steering and over the radio about a sailing rules in narrow passing situation, and each channels. Excerpts from the skipper noted how long section include, "a vessel of they have been boating less than 20 meters in here for whatever reason. length or a sailing vessel Sadly, both slcippers were shall not impede the using horrible VHF Marine passage of a vessel that can radio protocol as set forth safely navigate only within by the FCC considering a narrow channel," and •a how long they stated they vessel shall not cross a have been boating, narrow channel or fairway Interesting that golfers wort if such crossing impedes hard to improve their game the passage of a vessel," and lose any bad habits. and "a vessel engaged in Boaters might want to fishing halJ not impede the foDow the golfers' example. passage of any other vessel Who cares whether naVigating wiOlin a narrow someone has been here 20 channel." years or an hout? As l have Further, Rule 18 stated in many columns. responsibilities between most boaters do not know vessels states, ·Except the navigation rules, and I where Rules 9, 10 and 13 wonder how many actua.Oy otherwise require: (a) a know what the rule book. power-driven vessel looks like. Did you know that underway shalJ keep out of a copy of the U.S. Coast the way of: (iv) a sailing Guard lntematiooal-lnland ves,,el" Navigation Rules book is This is where the required LO be on board all confusion and ~more than 12 meters interpretation of the rules or 39.4 feet long, and every differ widely among vessel regardless of si7.e must boaters. It's obvious that follow these rules? sailing in the Rli.ine •WHATS AR.OAT is published periodic.ally. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the infonnation to the Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES OrMge Coast Colege is oftefing new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to Jarge ocean racers, even keetboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.oom. BOAT RENTALS Wfth MMiNI w.t9rSports 11t the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self.guided tour of the bay io your dloioe of power and sail watefCr8ft. jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doc> jetboat. put you sport-fishing dolls to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it an on a parasail flight along the Newport coast Complimentary ice and beverages are inducted with aH e6ectric boat r8nt.8Js. Electric bollt ~ ... 9VIMl1trte by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window endosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. Arl hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Gondol9 RomMc:e c6rs cWy toun of Newport Harbor during luncti and dinner. Call (949) 6754730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Bead\. I am not convinced that · Otannel falls under Rule 9. licensing every boater is the But is the large turning answer, however. I do basis by the anchorage area recommend that boaters. defined as a narrow especially new ones, attend channel, meaning Rule 9 or classes and seminars or hire 18 could apply? ~ f1lsdnation oftlws m-1n boadng safety and sailing yeaHOOnd for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) ~1678. Ot-MgeCCM.wrty ~can bring their employees out to Newport Beadl on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The SdlOOI of Seiling and Seamanship now offers a dlance for groups to WOf'k S.l>oa Bost R.ntals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats. 14-ho4der sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electrlc bay boats, providing group actlvity for oorporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt pactages indude boats, trivia questions, maps, ..... bollts. 9ledJic bollta. boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 7~1150. Gondole tours .. °""9d by the Gondola Co. of Newport. 3400 Via Oporto. Suite 102-8. The $76 cost indudea a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondole~3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A 00&-hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and dlampagne Is $180. Pidcup is ., CRUISES Join Cllpt. Don Mo1~ on the beautiful sailing yad1t Ouk::inea for a na1T'8ted Newport Harbor cruise of the fabulous Waterfront home6 and boats of the ridl and famous, see 1he sea lion oobiv. and sail 1he spectaa llar CX>Ol-turnmer. warm-fall Southern Caifomia ooaldine to Ulguna Beadl or Dana Point. As a private birthday, anniversary or special event? Sail, swim, tnOftde, kayak. sunbathe, W8td'I dolphil .. and dine st anch>r'for1he~ V8C8tion at Catalina Island on 1his well appoli lt8d. U.S. COllt Guerd inspected vesea. ASA. sailing instruction and oertiftcatlol-.. Buaineea oonferel I08 facility. Deteill llt www.shellbackdon.com or contaGt Don at shellbackdonflyahoo,oom or call (949) 632-3736. DailyAPilot PHOTOGRAPttERS Seen Hiffer, Don t.eedl. ICenl T,.,,eow AEAOER8 HOT\N (949) 642-8088 Copyright No rl4IWI storlel, 111\Jltrltlons, editorial matter or adverti .. menta herein can be • reproduced without written permlulon of OOPVright owner. VOL 97, NO. 199 ' NewtEdleon Gina Alexander, Lori Anderton, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saltowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWSITAff Crime '!:er C::::-reponer, (Ml) 574-4228 ..,,..bltMWli•""""-.oom --=·· N9wport reporter, (Mii 514-C32 /UM~•,.,..,__com ,...m.... f'Oiltica, butineee end enYfronrnent reporter, (9491 784-4330 pllUl.dlnton •..,,,__com Lollil"-" Columnltt. cultuN nlPOf\tf, IMI 574-<t271 ,,,.._/NKP« • ....,,..c:iom ....... NJUUICWC eo.t. Mele~."' ~1 i#kd,.. fWIWffWt•,.,,._oom c....-. ,..,. .......... , ... ~ oon11 ....... .......,,, • Record your commenta about the Dally Pl1ot Of n.w. tips. Addr.- Our addrea Is 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday -Friday, ~30 a.m. -5 p.m. Conucdct• h II the Pilora pe>Hcy to prompty COIT9Ct all wror9 of IUblOlnce. ,,._.call (Ml 7M-4324. m The Newport Beedw'Coet.a Meu Deity PMot (lJSrS. *«IO) .. publiahed dlllfy. In Newport ~ and COlll9 MeN. ~.,. w...,.. only b¥ IUbucf'lbtno to TM Tlmea Orenge County CD) 212 .. 1'1. In ...... OUllidl of Newpol'l IMdl end c... Meu. .......,.. eo dNI o.a;PWot .. .,. .... ..., b¥ ....... "*'for .. per"'°""",.,......,... .. •••c1llle-.., 1oe111-...1 llOl'TMAIT'Eft: ............ cNr.-eo The Nlillipoft ~ ..... Delly Piiot. P.O. .. 1-. C111111 ...... CA ma ----~ HOW 10 REACH US Circuletlon The Tlmee Orange County (800) 252·9141 ~ Cl111lfled (948) 842-5678 =M9)M2~21 =M2·5880 lpoft9(949)574-4223 ............. ,~170 lpoft9 ,_ (M) 8&0-0170 E.-.11: dllltwHJot•l«l,,,..,oom ..-.o.. ....... a.. (Me) M2~1 ....... ,.. (9491831-7121 In ~ b¥ nm. Community • Newt, I dl¥feion of the lot Angelee Tl met. Cl2003 Tl"* CN. All r1gttt9 '-*· a private instructor. What mos t people forget Also, common sense, but is that the rules are written if you see a Oeet of sabots, basically for one-on-one then look for their buoy encounters, so when placement and try to go several vessels are at risk of . outside. Just as true, the collision, then everyone Is • sailing classes need to , responsible for being a constantly evaluate their prudent sailor to avoid a buoy placement for safe collision. Let's be prudent. passage by other boaters. courteous and work Remember, the two biggest together for a fun summer· .. mlaconceptions I hear a1J of boating. · : : the time are that sailboats Safe voyages. and the Balboa ferryboats ·a1wiry1" have the right-of-way, which is incorrect. s.te p1111age by all vessels is the primary objective of the nav-rules and in a ba.rbo(, aea-room is an important factor. What . . • MltE WHITEHEAD Is the Pilot'• boating and harbor columnist. Send him your .; harbor and marine-rNted • • thoughts and story suggestions by e-maU to Mi .. O&»thocJN 1Y.c:om or Vitit BoMhoCJN1Y.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Wa'll feel a tllght drop In twnpereture todey, but It'll still be humkt bec9uM of the continued doud pt'918111Ce. ttgha wlff jult top 80 In Costa M.., end will top 70 along the c:oest. Overnight Iowa wlU be In the mid-to upper IOI. tl'I be mud1 eunnier on s.turct.y, with ... humkthy but ... cooler ""1plraturel. Hlghe wUI ""' rNd't 80. W.IMllOli! ~=CAST The wtrtdl wlll blow e llght 10111'°'8 In the Inner_.., ...... 2-foot WW. lftd. mixed WllllWlloA2to4 ... and aoultMlloAJWl Out ............. .., blow~ .. 10 llnoel. with 2.foot ~and. mixed not1'nMI awel of I to 7 .... andaoult ... °', .... ' ' SURF The lltelt IOUthwelt awelt •trivet tod8y end It lhoukt bump us into the lhoulder-to head-high range. Ovemeada will be found It the better epota. On Seturdey, the tweff will peek.., we lhould ... eeverat ~ On SUndey, the awell will loee enqy, though -· ... ... Wllilll-to c:ftaet-hlghe and theocc•onel ~. w.r...-v: WWW.eurlWdw.Of"f/ TIDES nn. 7:3iee.m. 2:22p.m. ,,.p.m. 1:20a.m. I ~ Not ju.st the ordinary steakhouse Newport Coast res1 ent Bill Allen and P.F. Cb~g·s founder designed Fle ming's to appeal to a larger set. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot •NEWPORT CENTER -Oarlc mahogany paneling.. thick smoky air and a "sea of suits" don't have a place at Aeming's Stealchou..'ie, Olief Executive Bill Allen said of a s~~ that, only slightly more than four yea.rs after its founding here, is taking the ~­ tawant busines.s by storm. The Newpon Coast resident. who founded che restaurant in 1998 wich noted restaurateur P'c1ul l-1eming. set out to create a steak- house that would be different from Morton's, Ruth's Ch ris and other more traditional tealc t.erv- ers. 'lbeir formula is paying off a., the Newpon Beach company roll!, BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCTA will finish carpool connector Omstruction wort wiU swrt next month on the connectc1r be· tween the San Diego and C.:o<;ta Mesa freeway carpool lanes. On Monday, the Orange County fransponation Authority dedded it couldn't wait any longer for me· diation to decide whk h en tity would pay for repairs on the con m.'C'tor. So the agency decided lo fru111 the S2.5 million needed for n.>pair.. lbe da.-ision was based on the agency's priority of firu'>hmg rhe wort by the end of the yt>ar. -.aid Michael Litschi, an agt'nl)' -.poke.man. For the past few month.-.. the parties invotved -Caltm.n' and tbree private firms -have been participating in mediation lo reac'h an agreement to "Phi the en.ts of the repair. So far. no n.....o lu uon hal> been reached. ·lbe agency still hold., out hope: that the mediation proc.:e<>.'> will rnnnnue and be uc~. out a ' year and next. By the end oC Hawall. After opening at 11.S Newpon ~. Allen said there will be 23 After Aeming left P.F. Chang's. Centec location in 1998, Fleming'i. steakhouses across the oountr)( Tun he <Jed4ed lQ get back into the has slowly rolled out more restau- more are planned for next year. steakhouse business. He met up rants. The company expects an- "When we stop and take a look with Allen. who was then chief ex-nual sales this year to reach SIOO (at the end of 20041. we'll be the ecu~ of French bakery oom· million. By the end of Juty, rwo third largest steakhouse in the na· pany La Madeleine in Texa& Allen more restauran~ are scheduled to tion," Allen said -We cry to ex-was an investor in P.F. Olang's. open in San Diego and Edgewater. ecute the concept the way it was "We beUeved there was a need N.J. designed everywhere the same for a steakhouse where everyone Along with Allen an d Aerning, way." would feel Included. that cost less Outback Steakhouse owns a small An Important elemenr Lo the and was something dilferent on share of Fleming'!). Earlier lhis Fleming's concept, Allen said. Is the w,ine front," Allen sald. ·year. Allen abo purchased Roy's the inclusion of women, cou~es At Fleming's. palroru. can order. from Randy Schoch, who owns and groups other than the -y one of about 100 wines by the Thaifoon. pense-account crowd. 'That in-each day. 'IYJ>ically, steak-So far, M> good for 1-lerning's. d udes a no-smoking atmosphere. houses offer their most rar=reach-said Peggy Fort. a i.pokeswornan even at the North c.aroUna Flem-ing wine. onJy by the bottle. lllat for the Newport Beach flestaurant ing's. which sits in the heart of to-can range anywhere from S30 to Assn. bacco country. $300. · "ln the restauraru industry. pay- AJJen met Aeming in the 1990s. To help cu-.1omen. choose just ing attention to detail and offering Fleming is the founder of P.F. the right wine, 1-leming's offers a lot of choite> 10 the patron is Olang's Otina BislrO lnc., which what they call a "wine mght" -what rrraKp!i them stkk. OUL," Fort 'now generates about $456 million three two-ounce !NllTlples of either said. "lheir decor L\ very elegant a year in sales from il.'. restaurant... red or white winei.. l n e patron It's not a stuffy. old 'iteak.hou.<,<:." 111e public company now holds a can test t!ach sample. the11 choose Sl.26 billion market value. the wine for the meal. In the 1980s, Fleming. who also Though he hru. retired, Aeming owns a winery in Napa Valley, is al'>O readying a cabernet sauvi- held franchise agreement., for gnon from tus winery. Allen is about eight Ruth's Oui."' stoolc-worhng to hnnK it to the re.tau- ' meeting on Monday to dl'>CUS.'> the furure of the CenterUne hght rail projecr: ·1he meeting wiJJ rei.pond to an Irvine public vote i11 June in which rl'l>idenls rejet1e<l the Center! jne route tluough their tity. lney did leave open the option of hghr rd.ii through Irvine in the future. though. A number of opucm., will bt· d1!>- cru.!.ed. including: advdllting a '>hortened initial uperacing <,eg- rnmt of CenterlJne that wouhJ run from the depot at Sant;t Ana to John Wayne Airport; '>hifung !'f· forts 10 other rail, hu.., or road op· tion~; and dropping the ( ~ntcr I foe project altogether lhe rneeung "' .11 'I ..t.m m Hoorn 154 of the .1gt:ncy\ admm L'> t ra uve office'>. a 1 6UO ~ \fain <;t .. Orange. t-or rnol"l' mfunnatm11. c-4" (7141560·6ZHL Co uncil wi ll take a second look at issues The UJ'>ta Mt.....i Lily Council \'\111 return to thret! itt11n.'> affecung tht> mning rnde and re.1dential dNgn guidelint."> al IL\ Aug. IR meeling. On Monday. the council held a '>ludy '>e'>'>ion on three interre- lated ic;sue'> of residential devel· opment: a zoning overlay pro- p osal for an Eastside neighborhood; view preserva- tion for certain Wew;ide resi- dential neighborhoods; and changes IO the re.,1dential de- velopment '>tandards and re- view proLedure'> in the zoning code, along with changes to the residen tial dei.1gn guidelines. While the L'ouncil will discuss these item .. individually on Aug. 18. ultimately they will all be folded into rhe zoning code and residenual dc!>ign guidelines. The '>ludy se,i.1on allowed council members to ask ques· rions of 'itaff to get a belier han- dle on the i-..,ues. One of the item' some re:.i· dcnr~ -0f the Marina I lighlands tract took h.sue with was the Planning Comrnbi.1on·s recom- mendation to put up story poles to outline the corners and roof line-. of proro-.ed secund- i.tory con'>lruc11on. Councilwoman l~by Cowan NICK,S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment. business and polrtics He may be readied at (9491764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clmton a /at1mes com sajd she thought e rwisioning th e c;econd ·!itory rnuld belier be accornph!iht•d by ming a computer in~cead. Centra l Library to host youth science ~how The l\cwport Heath Central !J- brary wiU ho'>t a \t,ence .,how for children entenng Lht: lir.t through fifth grad~. lhe event. utled "A lladical ~i ence Show." will fearun, an inter- active '>t''-'>ion thal will introduce M'ienlifit conn•pt~ to children u1 the form of trick.'> and experi· men ts. lbe free YHM' will talce place at I O:JO am. July 28 at the mam lJ brnry. at J pm July JO al the Man· ner; brclllch and at 10:30 am. July JI at tht' Kalhoo branch. for more infonnauon. call (949J 717-3816 or visit w1t1W.fU!U.'/Jf>rt· beachlibmry.org, HEMPHILL'S __. Rl 'CS & CARPETS Friday, Uy 18, 2003 Al ,,1,,111,11 ''-"'If'"'"'' 1<t1, ...,,,,,,.,/ S/9 "'-. n-rl~A u., 1"Hu. n Frank Sinatra EMJ7 M..J.y 6 T-U, 6-~ Steaks• Seafood• c.ocktailS lc11 H''"''·''"'''' t .,// ('J·\9) ,,..,,_ -,, .. .. ,, ...... ~'~~.".!','~:'\.''' ' . .°:'r' .... \I.·~ .. "'' ~--..,,~ --COIM /Jt pt a L.._ Free llll!M.. btiatl ~ ( !% ~tr-up f'M t/vr.u I "-... J~25. 2007~/ _ __) ~_.A 370 B E. 17th St.'tosra Mesa In the Ralph's Shopping Center 949.646.6789 www.simplysha pelyfitne ss.com If not, the board dlso d&u.-.....ed Monday the poi..sibility of llllg-d lion. I jtschi said. New freeway offramp set to open next week WBY NOT TRY ••• •••••• 1n1D11'1, Fresh nu, Frail 1tea1r1, 1a1 11ar1a11 a Mme! Posh Moving Sale The new ltyover" offramp to Fairview Road on the nonhbound Corona del Mar Freeway is sched· uled to open next week. The offramp will talce ,mo1ori<,1~ from the northbound Corona del Mar Freeway to Fairview Road. un proving traffic Oow and conges· lion on the freeways bordering the city, as well as greatly ellminalin8 weaving and merging. said Sandra 1-'riedman, public information of· ficer for Caltrans. in a lener to community and business leaders. Centerline fu ture will be di scussed Monday The Orange County Transpona· tlon Authority will host a special ,' . .. ·. . . KENNY 1/,. PRINTER lncladn Choice of Soap ar lllld TRY OUR BEST NEI CLAM MUSSELS STEllDS IN TOR! Luc•S.1edFrom 11 .. lalll 4pm NICK'S lllTOlllTE 8 PlllERll OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR CENTER Mon-Thurs. 11am·9:30pm 2300 H-....._. 1u ..... o • .u-K Fri.-sat 11am-10:00pm -c;:~ --~ ·1 CLOSED SUNDAYS (94S) 722_ 7566 ca.DU'91 Wf RMI ...____.... _ _...._ ____ __,, Anniversary Sale~ I • I I • I Saturday July 19th anc1 Sunday July 20th All Bird Seed 15% olf Selected Items 151. to 50% off Large selections of HUmmingbird fe1den, IMd fe1dent bird taw. books, bird Mlhl, bird IWI. binoculss end .. den .,.., ... 27995 Greenfield Or. Suite~ t.,.. 111¥!1, CA 92877 le!n=Sat.1CM ~ff/:e>o-~,.._,, 949.360.7114 ~·12-:5 ,, .,. "°""'.O./PCll. , ,_ Jh Ctt•w Ill Alalch N,...-6 ....,_ .... ~..,,£cul 1111 ~ Your ultimate backyard nature store ·w O/o ust Sale Today at Posh We're not ciosng ·-we're just moving to GARYS in the Fal. We look forward to seeing you at Posh for the Posh Moving Sale. This Fan you'll find the classic, traditional men's clotting selection yo.;'ve ~ loved at Posh ... and the same frierdY, famiar faces to cmst yoo at the beautif\Jy exparded GARYS. I M Ff'idrt, ~ 18, 2003 ALLOWED Continued from Al lee cream and funnel cakes - With nothing but a lap bar over him. I decid ed to check i t out for myseJ!, so City F..ditor James Meier and 1 went over to the fair on Wednesday at noon. We needed four tickets to ride on~way ($3} and had to be taller than 48 lnches or accompanied by an adul~. (;overed there. We bad to wait for the ride to open because the operators were n ot yet finished placing warning signs on the back of each chair that told rid~rs not to throw anything from the ride. A few minutes later, a fellow carnival worker came waJJc.ing up with two signs in his hand. They were falling off the chai~. almost hitting people. Finally, it was time to ride. We stepped into the clearly marked boxes on the ground and waited for the chair lo sweep us off our feet, but halfway through our climb the lift stopped. We swayed in the breeze for a good minute before the ride started up again. Maybe they were reapplying one of the falling FAIR Continued from Al pita! on crutches one day after the Adrenaline Drop's nets failed 10 break her freefall. On that at- traction, riders fall from a trap· door 11 O feet in the air untethered by bungee cords or harnesses. That ride remains closed and un· der investigation. but the Booster is up and runnin~ as ii has been since Tuesday. the day after ii was reportedly fixed. State official'> said they initially believed ride operators failed to report the injury on time. but ad· mined on Thursday that it was a misunderstanding. The operator, who under the state's labor code is required 10 inform state offi- cials if an injured fairgoer hru. to go to the ho -pital, told the in- spector at the fairgrounds on Monday morning. said Dean Fryer, a spokesman for the clivi· sion, or CaJ/OSI lA "Usually we like them.Jo report it immediately,· he said. "They could have called our answering service that same night. But the way they reported ii is acceptable to us because it happened late at night.. Bailey-Findley said ii was more convenient for the inspector 10 HIKE Continued from Al very important, and you have to pay for it." Rob Ross. a graduate English literature student, said the state ..-w BROTHER Continued from Al mer county Supervisors Cynthia Coad and Bruce Nestande. "He h.it on aJJ of the major is· sues." Nestande said or the speech. Supporter Jeff Frieden, who GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOlVED runs periodica~ly in the Daily Pilot on a s gns, I thought we &lowly aept over asphalt, booths, some t:reea. more asphalt and booths and trees, while looking over the scenic pe. co see e ig towers of the South C.oa.st Metro district. and we got a great view of the newly refurbished City Hall. (While It is archaic and outdated, It em bodies that funky vibe that is Costa Mesa. It looks so crisp now.) There was also a clean, cool b reeze that offe~d a great con trast to the scorchlns sun. As I turned around 10 see the view behind me, I noticed the 6-inch gapfog hole bet-ween the ~ack of the chair and the seat of the chair. I wasn't worried about slipping through, because it ~ would take a much bigger hole to drop my posterior. Sometimes, it's good 10 have a "voluptuous" rear end. I decided to see how far I could slide under the bar before ii caught me. I didn't even get to my waist when James stopped me. "Don't d o that," he said in an anxious but authoritative tone. He'U make a great dad one day. (No, his dog Bailey doesn'1 counL) We were h.igb above the fair, with a bird's eye view of the look at the Booster because he was lhere anyway to inspect the Adrenaline Drop. "The requirement is 10 report tlle incident within 24 hours. and we did that," she said. "We not onty reported it, but we look the state inspector right then and there to the ride and had him in· spect it." The Booster is a thrill ride that consists of a 131-foot column lhat rotates while carrying four pas· sengers at the end of each ann. The passenger cars spin as the beam rotates at about 52 mph. At least three people who rode the Booster on Timrsday said they had no knowledge of Sun· day's incidem, but that they would have ridden ii even if they had heard about iL "It's a rush." said George Cas- per of Philadelphia "I might have thought twice about it, but I would have gone ;myway. You don't go on these rides to lhink about them." Allis<m Cllecvenak and Hachael Runcr. both visiting from Auburn, Calif .. c;aid they rode the Booster la'>t year and didn't wam 10 miss OUI this year. "It's awesome how high it goes and how it swoops down,· said Owrvenak. her face still flushed from the ride. ~hould anc:rea.'>C taxes in'itead of ~chool fees. "We spend more on the prison !>ystem than the school system," he said. The increase. do no1 affect a few such as Jason Tenenbaum. a gradua1e chemistry student who Uves in Dana Point, said ht: also li.ked what he heard from Bush. "I thought it was as good as expected.· Frieden said. "Any- Lime you raise money. it's fairly strong for any political party.~ Florida voters elected Bush lo their lop elected pos1 in 1998 al the same time George W. Bush held the top job in Texas. rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA CoS1a Mesa families can host a German student and earn up to SPFCIAt SALE Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK .. ROSEWOOD ~~· XftA un SJR99 lutalled wtth de.lat pad .,;..~,.. •asa .... tr s IF .. '111 ..... c...ac ,. ____ ....... a...... .. .. • 'str:WrrC ............. ....,._•4 .... .. ~ _,..,, ""',., ·o. ,, ,._..,,,,., .. .M "' ....... 1 .,. ,., • """"""""" ...... -"""'""' Auatrallan Battered Potato Booth and the .. camle .. camp lo tho Arlington Thealer. I glanctd at the sturdy beams that held the thick cables in place and felt co o ... un rem embered they bad gone up ln less than a week's time. Lt didn't help that James kept saying: "Just th.inlc of how much it would hurt if we fell." "We'd probably break our necks." ·0o you think it would hurt more if we landed in the trees or on the asphalt?" "Just as we were reaching the end of the line, the ride stopped again. Across from us were two young kids riding by themselves, huddled pretty close togetheL They were small enough that a cheek or two · could have fallen through the cracks. (No pun intended, t swear.) "J-{ow old are you?" we sh outed to them. The boy was 10, the girl was 8. ·Are you scared?" •A little nervous." the girl answered . "I'm totally frea.lted." the 10-year-old boy said. "Hang in there kiddo." Finally. the lift started moving again, and our joy ride was over. Ruller said she felt secure rid- ing the Booster. "It has a belt and the safety bars. which made it OK." she said. San Juan Capistrano resident Rose Goodwin. who was observ- ing the ride, said she would feel more comfonable sending her grandchildren on the ride · now than before the incident. "It's probably safer now that they've fixed it.· she said. "They would probably be more careful. Loo, because I'd imagine they would be under a lot of scrutiny.• State officials say the investiga- tion in10 the Boos1er is by no means over. Fryer said he has been lrying to get in touch with the victim to determine the ex- 1en1 of her injuries. "The ride operator reported to us that she goc a cut." he said. "Bui we've heard that she suffered a lot more injuries. Following that, we may need to take a closer look at this incident· The fa.mil¥ .oLthe victim an Thursday declined in a phone conversation 10 discuss the ind· dent. Rick Achard, a ride inspector for the fair, said all rides are in· spected every day. "We check all rides just as the manufacrurer wants us to do it." gets tuition reimbursement and a monthly stipend from his advisor. HBut given the budget crisis, something needs to be done," he said. • DEEPA BHARATM covers public safety and courts. She may be With the 2000 presidential election coming down to the wire. Jeb Bush played a public role m the counting of ballots for Florida's electoral votes, which swung· the campalgn against presidential candidate AJ Gore. Jeb Bush recused himself from any decisions affecting the vote counts. ln 2002, he was re- I bad to know why the ride kept •topping. "For emergencies: the operator told me. OK. We stop one-way p. emergency Mr,pened ln those 15 minutes? No. not lib that. for lib senior citizens and people who can't hop on the chairs as easily," the operator said. Oh those kinds of "emergencies.• Sheesh. With all the lnjuries getting ink at the fair, I don't think the guy should be throwing around the word "emergency· so easily. All in all, the ride was cool. ,Boring, but cool It oJJered a scenic, relaxing change from pounding the pavement, and I'm sure it's even better at night. I still stand by my decision not to let my toddler on it. Parental supervision o r not, it's simply not secure enough for a skinny. wiggly little kid. And let's hope the ski lift is not the subject of the next press conference at the fair. • LDUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper@latimes.com. he said. •And the rides have to run three times before they are opened up to the public." Achan:I said the eight pins holding a sign on the Booster have been replaced. A different kind of pin now holds the eigtH together, he said. Achard said it is difficult to de· tennine which variety of pin is the safest to use for a ride. "The pin we were using was safe. but lt wasn' safe enough.· he said. "It's somedling you only learn from experience and being out there." No other ride in the fair has a similar construction, hut inspec- tors will be looking at all the rides even more closely, he said. Bailey-Findley~ the pub- lic that the fair's rides are aJl safe. ~ said last year at the fair. 49 in· juries were repon ed. 22 of which occurred on rides. None of those required the injured to be taken lO the hospital. Bailey-Findley said. "We had 1.8 million (peoplel go on our rides last year.· she said. • 1 would not hesitate to have my child ride the rides: • DEEM BHARATli covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be readied at (949) 574-4226 or by &-mail at deepa.bharsth ~latimes.com reactted at (9491 574-4226 or by e-mail at deeps.bharath@lstimes.com. • DEIU>RE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be rHdled at~9) 574-4221 or by &-mail at deirdre.newmsn@latimes.com. elected, defeating Democrat Bill McBride, who had upset former Atty. Gen. Janet Reno in the pri- mary. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.cJinton latim6S.com. $1,000 toward a number of Monday through Saturday at the travel-abroad programs. Danielle same location. (949) 640-4n7. Carpino, (800) 322·HOST. ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn., which helps ind ividual• who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's d isease, needs volunteers. (714) 376-1922. ~R'S ASSN. Of ORANGE COUNTY Suppor1 group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource conauttanta and otrk:9 volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time proj~ or ongoing progrems. Training ae"lons ire availabfe. (800) 680-1993. M1EJttCM CMCSt SOCETY The Orange County Region of the American Cencet Society IHb otrk:9 volunteers. The IOCiety 1lao M8b volunteers to an.swer call• for the un~'• ~Int lnfoCenter. lM> 291-9448. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needtl volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment la a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and Insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehldesor American Cancer Soc:ietyv1ns. (949) 261-9446 or ~rtlcancer.org. The American Cancer Society I• also loolclng for volunteer speakers for Its Speakers Bureau program, which offers• free service to communities. ~I• and corporations by providing trained spe1ters to eddreu cancer inu". The Of99nlution will tntln all Interested volunteers at a spedel MUlon on Dec. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. et 1he Sp.ctrvm Club, 1536 OMrpettc Drive In Fullerton. For reaervetlont, c.11 Florence Denn et (Ml M?-*4 by Nov. 22. Oilt't Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY COSTA MESA • A8hlJto od: Petty theft was "'f)Orted In the 2700 block et 7:67 p.m. MQnday. •....,. f/Athe Alts: Vandalism ~reported In the 3400 blodt at 1:21 p.m. Monday. • w.t a... 5'rNt: Annoying phone call• were reported in the 600 block at 5:39 p,m. Monday. • Halbor Boulewlrd: A commercial burglary was reported In the 2300 blodc at 7:57 p.m. Mond1y. • Joenn and M..,a. strMta; Possession of a controlled substance was reported at 2:58 a.m. Monday. • East 17th Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 400 blodt at 7:15 p.m. Monday. • w..t 11th StrMt and WallKe Avenue: Drinking in public was BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Ne\vpOrt cyclist break. legs in collision A 30-year-old Newport Beach woman suffered a bro- ken leg on Thursday after her bicycle collided with a car at the intersection of Orange Av· enue and Coast I lighway. po· lice said. Brodie Brickey. 32, of l.ong Beach was driving westbound on Coast Highway while Caryn Cain was ricling her bicycle on Orange toward tlle beach ·at about 9 a.m., Newport Beach Police LI. John Klein said. Ifs not clear how the cra'>h occurred or who was at fault, he said. Cain was lransported to Mission I lospital in MW.ion Viejo. FIRE Continued from A 1 provide back-up and suppon .- AJthough the number of bru!>h fires this summer IS about average for this time of year. there is .i widespread concern abou1 a bari beetle that has been eating up and killing a species of '\ugar cone pine that is abundant in severaJ areas in the Santa Ana mountain!>. Matheis said. "We have quj1e a few of those trees here. too,· he said. "And when large trees die. they Just be· come fueJ for a fire.· The Newpon Coast area has at least one small grass fire a day during the summer sca.~n. Matheis said, adcling tha1, fortll natety, they are controlled nght away because people c:aIJ them in over a ceO phone. Firefighters also need 10 have special gear 10 hanle these fires. said Donna Roston, spokes· woman for the Newport Beach Fire Department reported at 3:35 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Ho91 DIM: A commerdal burglarv wu reponed In the 100 block at 1 :18 p.m. • Wednesday. •~Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1600 bfodt at 10:05 p.m. Wedneeday. • Rul~lda: Grand theft was reported in the 8300 bf<><* at 9:67 p.m. Wednesday. • SM .kNtquin Hih Roed and Newport c.ni.r Drfw: A hlt·and·run was reported at 10:09 a.m. WednMday. • Sherington Plac9: A vehicle bUrglary was reported In the 1800 bl<><* at 7:43 a.m. Wednesday. • Superior Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 1400 bl<><* at 4:36 p.m. Wednesday. • 42nd Strwt: Petty theft was reported in the 200 bl ode at 6: 12 p.m. Wednesday ·At first, we thought the in· juries were far more seriou~." · he said. No one was cited or ar· re,1ed, Klein said. No injuries after car rams coffee shop . ·' • Nu one was injured after a 59-year-old We!.tminster nian accidentally rammed his car in10 a coffee ~hop on Thursday morning while backing up. Newport Beach Police officiab '>aid. Offic'rals said Duoc Nguyen was reven>i ng hb car out or tht' parking lo1A 1he 1200 · block. of Bison Avenue when ' ht!> fool s1epped on 1he accel· eral<>r instead of rhe brake.,. I le hit lhe outer wall ur the coffee <\hop. Hoth the l<lr .md tht-wall were damaged in lh<' ind dent, police ~au.I. "Brush tires drt: a lot different from 'ilructurnJ fin.°').· <\h{' c;aid. "l11e gear b much h¢ner be· l'(IUse. often. firefightc·r. will have 10 WJ(k quite a hll on those caJL<,.- Jney work w11h heavy-duly di~ng tools needed to cut fire Im~ and clear area'>. Boston ~d. Ille depanmen1 also re· ce1vc., help from Airborne Law T:nforcemen1 , the helkop1er op· eratcd jointly by Co~ta Mesa an<! Newport Beach. 11le Newpon Coa.-.t fire M.atiob on Ridge Park Road has monitor- ing equipmenl that con'itantly trac~ wind and hum1d11y. she -..ud. TilaL, in t">M'nce, as the most '>igruficanl pan of pn:.'VCntmg 'llch Ii~. Matheis said. "A lot of it 1., Wdlching the wt>'dther and bc·ing prepared.· ht: 'iatd. • DEEPA BHARATli covers public safety and courts She may be reached at (9491 574-4226 or by email at doopa.bharath u lat1mes com Joan Sabina (Adams) Cunninghan> 7125119 • 7 /12/03 Long time Newpo rt Beach resident' • Joan Sabina Cunningham passed away July 12, 2003 from the effects of Pattdnson'a 06aeue, just two weeks shorj of the 84th birthday. A nattve of England, Joan was raised In a boatdlng school with her brother, Ivor Mama, while their father, a vaudevillian, pursued his career on the stage. v Foffowlng a brief career as a hall"dresset Joan moved to the United Stat" at the of Wortd War II to Join the love of her life, David Cunningham. who had previously emigrated. She and. • noted nurs«yman, founder of D.L Cunningham, Inc. and''• put president of the California A.aaoclatlon of NurHfYmen, • • married on December 7, 1940 and had a loving, happy life • together for more than five decade• until his death In Odobeti • ; 1901. ' A homemaker and l"8lident of Udo Island alnce 1963, Joan wu acttve In many charitable otganlzatlon1, Including the National ; .ct'llffty=and The Adoption Guild. She WU 8'so 8 member of The of The BtttW'I Empn. • • She end had tnlYe6ed the WOftd for bulinesa and pleaur9, lncludtng frequent vlalta to . their native Britain, but alwaye pn>fnnd that their home In Newport 8Mdl wu the belt place , tf'9Y he('J ... In~ to ltve and rWM 8 fwnity, , •I She wu an ..:tiVe tennlt player untll the' effecta of her 1AnMI forced tw to atop pl9y1ng the glfM In tw 70' .. ~ Ille> ~ .. ~bridge W«y ... with her ledy frienda. • I -JOln wa a truty ~ women Md no one 9"f" cfOIMd the ' thrMhotd of her hOme who didn't lnatantty ,.., wetcome. Her bright ttnh and WCM"*1uf _. of humor Nfum6nat9d thoM ~ her and her chMn. dignity Md pcMM made them .... at .... She WM the loving mohr to fow chlldren. ~ .. ~ b1 IOf'9 ....,_ and hie Wife, U... of Bon 1 ll; t...wrela and hie ..... t •1 Connie, of UgaN Nigull; Aab9ft MCf .. wtfe, an... allQ of. 1 I laguM ~.and her~. S-,..,, WMt and her hulbMd . Gd of COala U... M .. M ... gi•lddltiM and OM .... .. ldlOIL Pftvm lrUmmw1t wtl W. _.al Plldllc Ya.w MlftMNW P1rtt. A ........ oA ....,_Ind .... II plll1'9d tor -Mt mh. it ... °' .,..,.. ---· _, be ,,.. In .. ,.,,.. to tM ........ PWthon .. FounMan. O/o Hole • ..,...., One °""' fMwport a.oh. CA. ~ ~ .... vw ........, .... 144-2100. Friday, JUy 18. 2003 A! HOWTOGETPUIUSHED -Letten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reeden Hottlne: Call (949) 642~ Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-m.l:s.nct to dallypllottllatimn.com •All correspondence mul1 include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for d arlty and length MAILBAG A remembrance of frames past people each offered their opinions regarding Councilman Dick Nichols' statement, I came to an While driving by the remains unexpected conclusion. The of Kooa Lanes, I was reminded huge hype about Nichols' of events that had taken place a comment is an excuse for few weeks earlier. people on all sides of the issue It was the last week of school to vent their own stored-up and my sons had some friends emotions on the subject. over during the afternoon. My Nichols has made several oldest boy came up to me and statements on various issues said they were bored. I told him that have become launching that they could go out in the pads for debate in our street and shoot some hoops. community. I find that healthy . He then reminded me that the • because it encourages week before they had the police discussion and indicates called on them for playing people are interested in the basketball in the street. decisions and direc tion this ciry Apparently, some people must is headed. · think that kids p laying Who is right and who is basketball is an illegal activity. wrong obviously depends upo n So then I mentioned to him. one's perspective. but withou1 "Why don't we go to the school Nichols. we might never have and play some football?" They had a chance to explore aJJ thought it was a great idea. publicly the issues. I lopefully. so we grab bed a football and the opposing sides actually were off. I. another adult and heard a Unle of their about 20 kids set up to play opponencs' concerns and, in foocball at the nearby school time, might be less rigid and untiJ the janitor came by and more appreciative tha1 others asked for our permit. Seeing as have valid viewpoint1> worth we didn't have one. he asked us considering. to leave or he would be forced The bottom line: Nichole; to call the authorities. should stay the cour1>e. Apparently, playing on school ELIZABETH LONG property without a permit is an Ne\vport Beath , illegal activi ry. When we got back to my house, my son asked me: "Dad, you grew up in Mesa Verde (where I now live). What did you used to do during the summer?" After thinking a bit, I recalled riding mini-bikes and go· carts in vacant lots and dirt fields, which no longer exist in north Costa Mesa. I used to go ice skating at Ice Capades OlaJet. which no longer exists in Costa Mesa. And every summer. I would join the youlh bowling club at Kona Lanes. which no longer exists in Costa Mesa. It was then I started to realize that there is no·place for kids to go In North Costa Mesa to have constructive fun. No YMCA. no Boys & Girls dub. no puollc recreation center, nothing. The population wants to keep kids off the streets. off drugs and out of gangs. but what outlets do we provide for them? Which brings me to the purpose of writing this lener. We don't need another strip mall at the old Kona Lanes site. What we really need is a fourth recreation center. North Costa Me a is a beautiful place to live, unless you're a kid. BRETM. RAUS Costa Mesa can all sides learn fro m Nichols' matter? After watching the Newport Beach City Council meeting on television and trying to keep an open mind as a parade of READERS RESPOND Getting out in the nick of time AT ISSUE: Is it time to put to rest the matter revolving around Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols? With regarda to Councilman Dick Nichols, of courae it should be dropped. The Daily Pilot ahouJd never haw blown it IO out of proportion. My opln.lon of the DIOy Pnot hu certainly ~after this tlMco. JULEVMCf. Newport 8elCh l deftnltely th.Ink it ii time to put the Dick Nk:bola matter to rel( m1• DAUCICD NewportBwb ... tt " time to put the CGundbMn OkkNc:boll ...- to.-. Support of overlay not anti-family Eastside property owner., supporting the propo-,ed overlay zone have been characterized repeatedly a'> anu-family. so we are wnung w set the record straight A<i parents of young children and as homeowners in the neighborhood. we are \ery much pro-fam .ily and al'>o for the overlay. I !ere':. why: rhe Eastside hou.,ing tract 1n quesuon was one of the ftr<,1 tract developments ever bu1h m losta Mesa. during the late 1940s, con isting of 140 rectangular propenie~ measuring about 60 feet b} 120 feet, with alleyway accc~s Although there has been much remodeling throughout the years. m ost proper11ec; hav~ retained the essential character of the original tract. as follows: front yard. resid ence, back yard. jl!leyway garage. Even today. 90% of the properties here exhibit this basic tract character. The people who like 10 call The American Sign Museum in Ohio 1s adding Kana Lanes· l 950s-era sign to its collect1on the overlay propo.,al "anti-family" never d1,cui;s thi<> original layout of our .tract or the beau11ful open back yards we have for our ludc, to play m between our home!> and alleywar garage'>. fhey claim we are o ut to restrict their remodeling 'pace The truth'' that our only concern is 10 prevent our open back yard'> from being walled-in on both sides, to the east and Wt''>l. by two-'>tory stucco walls like you see down in BaJboa. Corona del Mar and !':ewport I !eight'> -because living in a stucco canyon Whether You Bur or Lease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! between 1wo ·'>tory v.alb ,., not good for children or anyone The overlay propoc;al \\ould red uce current de\elopment !>tandard'> in our traLt bv onl\ 15%. from a pos.,1ble · 6.865-!>quare·foot. two '>torv home to a 5,81 4 '>quare foot two-story home rhe d\t'rage home in our tr.ic1 today "'l''' than half that '>ltl· AJI newer. non aJle\\\J} tracts in our c11y have 20 loot rear !>elback.'>. which prevent tv.o-story con.,truction around the back yard'>. but not u-.. Our rear (\>\'0-'>tory '>t'tbatl.. trom the alley I'> only 5 feet Wt• fJm1ht•'> lwre \\ho .,up port the O\'erlay ha\ t: aho pl'tll1011ed the Cit)' to add d Ill'\\ iO loot. tWO -'>IOrV rt:ar '>l'tbat I.. tor alleyway acce ..... prnper11e'>. '' h1ch would prt''>en.e our open back yard., "hile allov.111g ample room fur l\\O -.ion t:on<,1ruu1on mer th<' e\1~11ng home., \\e urge e\el) re,11..lent of Lo'>ta ~h.·<,a , .. ho Lare'> about quality of hfe ,.,.,uec; and responc;1blt· gro'' th w \Hite 10 vour < 11v C cHmlil membt'r' and expit· ...... your ... up port for tht· l.a'>l'>ldt· '''t'rla) propo'>J.l and al'o J Ill'"-)0 foot rear t\"o '>ton .,t'th.u I.. for alle\ .ttlt''" pwperttt''> in 1he Ut'! \\ 1thout 1hl''>t' med-.ure., the l d.,hide \\ llJ 't(Hlll ht'lOffit' '\t'\' pun \It \1Jn-.1••n \\'lthout tht: ht·adl -\\.cUI IO·\\aJJ '>IUCUI. \\ llh CJ Ur ( hildren tran'>ll>.l'd indo~r'> at their' '1dt•o gJnll''>. wh11t' mom and 1.IJ<l IJkt' tht'1r relre .. hment in thl· l Olli l\ Jrd BART & CHARMAINE ROSA Ea'>t'>tde Krum:--.: M. Sous • Licensed ReaJ Estate Agent • Metting aU of yo ur Real &tau nmls. Eruc A. Sou CFP • J..., Yrm-r Ex;erimce • Stocks & Bonds • Muiual Funds • • Annuirm • &tau & &timnmt Planning • lnvestmnu Banking ·Small Middk Marker umpani.es • f ·1 M Fridly, !AJtt 18, 2003 . FAIR SCHEDdLE FRIDAY, JULY 18 p.m.) -Home end Hobblee Bulklng • C.etfornl8 Cwvwa Guild (undl 11 . p.m.) -Home end Hobblee 8uldlng • OrMg8 Coooty Tole,.....,_ BEST BET n until 11 p.m.) -Home end ~Buting Cnrfts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • • • "Diacover the FeJr• Button Program (until 8 p.m .) -Youth Building • Sodt Hop -Kida Stage • FFA Martet Swine l!lnd .._.. Martcet Swine Showmanlhlp Judging -Uvestoc:k Arena 11 A.M. • Echoes -Sign Language to MlJlic -Heritage Stage • M41''s Boot Stampers -Sun Stage •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • Circus Fun Review Audition (11:30 a.m.) -Klds Stage NOON • Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bail~ Clown Seminar (until 6 p.m.) -Youth Building • Rainbow Kids -Heritage Stage • Let's Do Lunch Band -Sun Stage • Dyeing Warp & Space Dyeing - Home and Hobbies Stage • Pet Rod< Contest -Youth Building p.m.) -Cnrftere Village • Milking Oemonstmlon (1 :30 p.m.) -Miltennium Barn 2P.M. . •Ru.ell 8roL Circus -Green GeteArea • Rainbow Kida -Heritage Stage • Mera Boot Stompera -Sun Stage • Maltese CUlaine with Claudia Meltele -Home end Hobbies Stage • •Compatible P9rennlal Plants" with John Bishop -Grass Roots Stage -Aorel Building • Let'• Do Lunch Band - Celebnltion Stage -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - KldsStage • Recyded Percussion -Little Theater 3 P.M. • Pacific Dance -Heritage Stage • Four Seasons Youth Ordlestra - Sun Stage •Juggler Dan Wiles -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •Maureen W. Puppet (12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds •Gill Dance Co. -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • AJ~Alasbn Racing Pigs - Livest ode At 7:30 p.m. today, 311 and special guest Something Corporate will perform in the Pacific Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. Gat~s will open at 6 p.m. Meanwhile, Poco, with Richie Furay and Chris Hillman, and Herb Pederson will perform as part of the free concert at 7 and 9 p.m. in the Citizens Business Bank Arena. 1 P.M. • Pacific Dance -Heritage St.age • Gill Dance Co. -Sun Stage • Red, Rhythmic & Rappin' with Animal Cradters -Honie and Hobbies Stage •Art and Woodwo~ng Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Cra1ters Village • Morgan the Magic Man - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Rodcin' Roundup Contest -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Traveling Game Show (1 :30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds •Ceramics Demonstration (1:30 • Croc:het Rag Rugs bv Piecemakers (3:30 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Stage • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m .) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • La Sole Flamenco -Heritage Stage •Academy of Dance bv Dorothea -Sun Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds •Table Setting and Napkin Folding with Jan Mongell (4:30 p.m.) - Home and Hobbies Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (4:.30 p.m.) -Crafters Village 5P.M. • Cenitos College Pop Ensemble -Heritage Stage • Newport Dance Cheer Al~Stars -Sun Stage • Four Seasons Youth Orchestra - Celebnrtion Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodc • Circus FtJn Review Show (5:30 p.m .) -Kids Stage •Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m.) -Millennium Bam The Difference Is Dignity THERE ARE MANY CREMATION AND FUNERAL SERVICE PROVIDERS BUT WHAT THEY PROVIDE IS NOT THE SAME. There is a difference in care and service when you plan with a Dignity Memorial* Service Provider: • EXPEJUENCfD COUNSELORS We want to relieve as much of the stress as possible during what is already a difficult time. Our trained and caring staff will discuss pricing, benefits, plans and service optio ns answering all of your questions clearly and simply. + I 00% SERVICE GUARANTEE A 100 percent service guarantee that supports our commitment to provide service beyond expectations. • TRAVEL BEREAVEMENT PltOCRAM Significant savings on flight arrangements and other travel needs such as ho tel and car rental to out-of-town family members. • HANDUNC Youa NEEDS BEFORE, DUJUNC AND AFrat Dignity Memorial's care extends beyond the service. Our Ahercarc• Planner helps survivors through the sometimes burdensome legal and business affairs they must attend to after a loss. +COMPASSION HEl.PuNE A 24-hour a day telephone line, staffed by licensed counselors for the bereaved to obtain counsel during the difficult months following a loss. + Fill!£ INJaNET 'MEMORIAL Through www.mem.com, we will provide an introductory Everlasting Memorial• at no cost that provides an opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one. LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED ADVISOR. CaJI our caring counselors to discuss crcmati~n or funeral amtngements or to learn matt about pre-planning programs- PAOFIC VIEW MEMORIAL Paa BaO'llBS PAK Mm MOIRUAaY Bl!IJ. laoADWAY MolrruA&Y Co.ONA OIL M.u CosTA MISA • 949.'4&4.2700 949.642.9150 F01178 6P.M. Gate Area Theater • Wood Finishing with Dave Dutra Home and Hobbies Stage • Hypnotist Martc Yuzuik -Sun Stage •Wartime Radio (8:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage • Storyteller -Youth.Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recyd ed Percussion -Little Theater • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Klds' Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All-Al85Un Racing Pigs - Livestodt 9P.M. • ~ichle Furey/Chris Hillman & Herl> P9denon -Citizens Businea Bank Arena • Red, Ripe & Karaolcin' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage •Tomato Walk Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • • Port C-1ty Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • Rossell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Marlt Yu:z.uik -Sun Stage • All-Alaskan Radng Pigs - Uvestodt 7P.M. •Summer Concert Series: 311 with special guest Som ething Corporate (7:30 p.m. Gates open 6 p.m.) -Pacific Amphitheatre • Milking Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 8P.M. • Port City WBshboard Wizards (9".30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Ceramics Demonatnrtion (9".30 : p.m.) -Crafters Village ' • Poco/Richie FtJray/Chris Hillman & Herb Pederson -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros. Circus -Green • Smooth Toudi -Sun Stage • People Pretzel Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little lOP.M. • Smooth Toudi -Sun Stage •Wartime Radio (10-.30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage The Costa Mesa Community Golf Classic ' r--------------------------, I I I I ENTRY FORM ~·I I Name ________________ I Company I Addres<i ___ _ Oty ___________ Stat.e __ 71p __ _ Telephone: Home _______ Wor ______ _ Foursomes -best buy ... singles are welrome Names I 1. _ ___:._ __ _ I 2. I 3. ___________________ i 4. ___________________ , I S ___ Golt, Lunch & Dinner $250 Single I s ___ GoK, Lmcb a Dimer $950 F°*8cme I S Tee Spoosor $125 each (plus promodooa1 gift to golrers) I $ ___ Awards Dinner & Aucdoo only $45 per penao I I I . I s ~_Total I I Tuumament Spomonblp Opportunldes 8dl Anlable. i Por lnlao•tkm OD ~Spolw.Aiblp .J OpportwM'm cal FAI Fawa!U-(714) 885-9095 1 :-r.:=11'ri'!".:r.r,_ :i 1700 Adlml M.~ 101, Qllla Mela. C\ 92626 ~ aie (714) 885-Pa (714) 885-9094 r-.~~~· a.afMtl•--........ ___;;;.......,.---..---.~~-'-~~-----__;:::......:1 ~VI. AX (<*de-) .... ------t ~-~1ret•nted MllV--NOW :.12 FRIDAY F.\IA CONCEATS. The Orange County F1ir'l 1ummer concen Mries at the P8ciflc Amphitheatre contlnu .. with 311 and Something Corporate. For co~ lnformetlon. cell '714170&-1870 or visit www.ocfalr.com. To order tlctets, cell (7141740-2000. SATURDAY 80lEAO AND RHAPSOOV. Maestro Cart St. Clatr and the Pacific Symphony, with guett pianist Valentina llaitsa, will elCplore the vibrant rhythms of Spain In 1 concert celled ·Bolero end Rhaps<>dy" at 8 p.m. at the Verizon WireletS Amphitheater . .., Tldteta C08I $19 to $85. To order. call (7'4) 755-5799 SUNDAY "Al>A." Elton John and Tim Rice's mu11cel Wiii finish ill run attn. Orange County Performing Arla Center's Segerttrom HalfSun<Say Tickets are-$2750 to $64.50 and cen be purdlased at the center's bole office or onl1ne at www.ocpac.org lnfor~: (7141 556-ARTS The Center 11 at 600 Town Center Drive in Coltl Mesa ·HOURS- Daily Pilot . DON LEACH /OAJLY PILOI I I I I Thrice guitari.sts Teppei Teranishi, left. and Dustin Kensrue play an acoustic set at a Warped Tour appearance in Long Beach. ' I I I Ambulance chasers Paul Saltowltz Daily Pilot H alf way into the Vans Warped Tour -the summer festival of punk. hard core, extreme sports, temporary hair dye and black T-shirts -and a tad more than two weeb from melodic hard-core band Thrice's highly anticipated major labeJ release. "The Artist in the Ambulance.· one of the artists is indeed in need of an ambulance. Dnuruner Riley Breck.eruidge. the oldest member of the four-piece band known for its extreme time changes. Iron Maiden meets Metallica riffs and imagery-laden lyrics. is laying ftat on his back in the living room of his Costa Mesa aparonent. The.re Is a pillow propping his head up and a frmen pack of blue gel underneath lhe small of his back The pain ls so Thrice, a four-piece rock band with two members based in Costa Mesa, will release it's major label debut Tuesday -severe that the band's booking agent.. Andrew Ellis. and manager Nick Bogardus have to cany him across his kitchen and into his room just to get him into his bed. His friends all stand around him th.rowing looks of concern and shaking thelr heads at one another. There are still almost 30 dates left on the tour. including the next four in Southern California, and for a band known for explosive live shows. playing without a drummer could leave the local crowds angry and disappointed. Tu Thrice. whose members are known for staying late after shows to meet and talk to thelr growing fan base, there's nothing worse than disappointing the fan.s. Breckenridge lamented his dilemma to the fans on the band's Web site, and within minutes, there were several threads on the site's message board wishing the drummer well. Thrice took the stage just as the sun was going down to dose the Ventura Warped date. A crowd more than 5,000 strong stayed to watch the set. knowing that the band would be mis.sing a member. Guitarists Teppei Teranishi and Dustin Kensrue. and bassist Eddie Bred.enrldge -Riley's younger brother -spent the day in the bus t:h.rov.iing together an acoustic set. Unsure of what they were abou1 to do, they took: st.age. As the audience matched Kensrue lyric for lyric. the acoustic set didn't seem co hamper the crowd surfing and overall exuberance. The next two shows would follow suit.. until the final. hometown show. After three acoustic songs to the packed house at Cal State Long Beach. the aowd grew rest!~ when it saw the drums set up behind the band Riley Breckenridge returned for powerful rendition of "See You m the Shallows." off of 2002's "Illusion of Safety." Without missing a beat. the band was bad in fonn and the elation on the members' faces showed they felt like they were bad to where they were supposed co be. "Playing acoustic was really cool for us. It was great co see the way the SN AMBULANCE, Pae• AlO .. :'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :> 1• ,. ,. , . • • . • • BEST BITES Billy S at the Beach brings a tropical feel to Newport ' Friday, July 18 2003 A7 THEATER Smart fare coming to UCI next season By Tom Titus T he cunain risei. on mteUecrualJy challenging fare for UC lrvlile's 2003-04 theater sea~n alt the university's drama department heads into its 39th campaign. While producuon dares haven't yet been announced. nor have di.rectors, the producoons themselves have. and 11's an eclectic lineup. from the anc1en1 Greeks to modern. confrontauonaJ theater w1lh a linJe Shakespeare and Sondheun thrown m Stephen Sondheim lead~ off the UCI ~eason on the umverstty's main stage with ff Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, a bloody musical epic based on actual events in the London of yesteryear. The tille character admirusters exceptionally close shaves to his customers. who then are transformed into meat pies. For some welcome comic relief. wan for the song "Try the Priest· Oassical theater m a more traditional vein Is next on the main stage as Shakespeare's timeless story of teenagers m love. "Romeo and Juliet.· is revived. For modem audiences who might not be familiar with this one (if any), it inspired the musical "West Side Story." Oiarles Mee's slightly skewed sense of satire was on display i,w UCI last season with "Big Love," He'll be back on the main stage with an allegorlcaJ pi~ titled ·war to End Wac Orange County Performing Arts Center audiences may remember "Blood Brothers.· a musical tragedy about two separated siblings destined to die when they discover the truth about themseWes. UCJ will take a crack at the Wally Russell epic as its final main stage production. "The Uidy's Not for Burning.· Olrl.stopher Fry's 1948 ~ drama about a medieval witch hunt. will open the university's Stage 2 season. It centers on a ) •Semi-Private for Mm & Womn • Over 80 Pieces of Equipmmt •Private Pi/ates Studio •SPINNING Theater • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care 8am-noon M -Sat. • Convenie11t Parking • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch cl11sus •Sup, Power Pump, Cardio •Showers, Steam & Towels •Day Spa • AcupuncturdMassage • Did you go to the 1953 Jamboree? •·Do you know someone who wen1 10 the 1953 Jamboree? • Do you have an mterest in the 1953 Jamboree? This year the Orange County Council, Boy Scouts of America hosting a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the hi National Jamboree. This event was the largest Na · only one ever held on the West Coast. If you anended or know anyone who did, pl include you in our commemorative events on Tuesday, July 11, at Fashion Island at 6:30 Either mail your name, address, phone or log ont in your information. Mall to: .. Jamboree Alumni Search-50th Anniversary Reunion 3590 Harbor Gateway Nonh Costa Mesa, C/ir 92626 (714) 546-4990 x 142 •. la·ke the Grade. Orange Coast College will help you ••• Achieve Your Goals! OCC has been an incubator for success for 55 years. More than a million students have advanced their lives on OCC's campus. No ma what your goal might be, it's a good bet e hc.ve the program to get you there. 'll get you to 1 unfversfty! -We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. • We'll pteplrt you for an excftfng c11"Hr! - Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums wortc for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospit.als and medical facilities around the country. (all now for fall registrati6n information: (714) 432-5072. <lasses begin Monday, Aug. 25. To uw voluoble rt.SOUrces, Orange Coast Col• hts not "'°""' ;a class schedu,. thfs foll. You can pidc up a copy. ;,, the Admtuions O/fia. or access tht foll schtdule onlint ot: ora ngecoastcollege.com We'll help you get there. r --- w• smth and Marti1 Lawrence are back on the mean streets of Mam ri "Bad Boys I,· rarltilg -Mttl prodJcer Jerry Bruckheiner and director Mlc!lael Bay. The action fttck opens today. REEL CRITICS 'Pirates' a thrilling romp . . Most people thought "Pirates of the Caribbean" one of the most highly anticipated movies of the summer. As a viewer. I must agree. Neither the gore nor SARA SALAM the lengthy battle scenes particularly devoured my attention, but because of the plot, I was lured into the action of the film Key scenes from the Disneyland attraction version of this movie were placed in practical order to distract from the familiarity of the action. The entirety of the film is related to or spent investigating the curse of the Black Pearl, an ancient pirate ship headed by its fonner first mate (Geoffrey Rush) whose crew has been cursed to live life as skeletons by the light of the moon. Jaclc Sparrow (Johnny Depp) had been the captain, until there was a mutiny. There Is a missing medallion that belongs to William Turner (Orlando Bloom), a glft which he received from his father. The pirates do everything in their power to get it baclc. As the story unfolds, so does the mystery behind the purpose and ambition of each man. From shJps to swords and pirates to fatal curses, the characters are what made the film. Rega.rdless of their tatus in sodety or thelr reputadon among the others. at the very leut, each actor deliveted a modest performance. ~provided all the wise aacb and comedic llnea and just made everyone he encountered.look like an amateur at~ he wu cloq. Turner hid all the wtldom and bonelty that WU necuruylor a penon with such chancter to eucceed lo h1a ambktona. Tugetber, thetr ~ pnwed to be one of the qmlllY duo. chat a1lowl aucb a movie to e~tablish itself ac; something wonh <,eeing. With this in mind, it is no wo1,der why there is '>O much conflict in the film. At first. the whole concept of the movie kind of eluded me. I didn't understand some of the motives that drove each character to pursue thei r specific dream. The plot then reveals itself. Gradually, as if by sequence, new sources of information come into perspective and shape the final product, which we ~ec on t.he screen. Not onJy was the result a thrilling feature to endure, but 11 was just such. a great movie. The outlook it presents to you can't be found in any other (pirate) movie. • SARA SALAM will be attending Corona del Mar High School in the fall as a sophomore. An unex traordinary 'League' on every level The very expensive and totalJy half-baked "League of. F.xtraordlnary Gentlemen~ is full of extraordinary fooUshness. It appears the writers toolc the screenplays of a dozen different adventure JOHN DEPKO mmsand threw them into a blender to create a crazy quilt plot without purpose, meaning or sense. I trust that Sean Connery ls suJtably embarrassed for the fat $17-mJllion paycheck he collected for lending his name and reputation to thJs fiuco. But even hls potent ecreen presence cannot brlng legitimacy to the preposterou story line, which center on a ton of l9tb·centuty wralon of the "X·Men: We start with a most bizarre collection of super heroes trying to save the planet from a major world war at the tum of,• the century. (Don't we all lcnov.C 1hey failed?) The extrao rdinary heroes include a I lulk-lilce creature, a deathless vampire; 1he Invisible Man and the 11nmortal Dorian Gray. They are joined by more ordinary government agents from Aritain and America, who are funher assisted by a horde of • reformed I lindu swashbuclclins pirates. The whole gang is able to travel to their choreographed adventures on Capt. Nemo's gargantuan submarine, which can somehow navigate the tiny canals of Venice, Italy. Our heroes are locked in a ·• stupendous battle with super villains who come from wildly · disparate sources. Some are from Englis h Uterature. Some · would be much more al home' · in a James Bond, Robocop or · • · Aruce Lee movie. The poor city of Venice is ground zero of the • mind numbing war between · the two motley crews who commit mass destruction on , the human populadon they claim to be trying to save. The fiJm features vehJcles, machine guns and ONA .. ,, lechnology that haven't been , 1. invented yet, as a mad scientist trie to clone the powers of the. superheroes fo r his evil designs. A few first-rate special effects, aJI too common In • these films. provide the only excu e for the existence of .. stupid plot developmenta with_ le credibility than S.ddam _ Hussein's last election result.a. Sc,Jence and hlstory are casualties or war in thl• misguided attempt to join the , 2003 summer movie • blockbuster parade. h's 1 . mindleaa, lame and forgettable on every level You want real action adventure eec:apllmf Go see •Ttrmlnator 3. • I •JOHN DIPICO It • Coe«a M... t rttldent ~ • Mnlor Im~ t for iM °'M94I County~ • • def9nder'• office. • ... . - I ' H AP P EN I NGS ' ~rtist Andre Miripolsky has created some hip work for Bayside Restaurant •21st Century nc Toe" 1s a piece in acrylic on corrugated cardboard. Lollt1 H1rper Daily Pilot The eye candy at Bayside Res· . taurant has been sweetened by the new display of colorful pop art by acclaimed artist Andre Mi- ripolsky. Bayside Restaurant rotates a yibrant art collection every three months. Miripolslcy's bright and imaginative paintings liven the mood and bring a hip collection that has not been seen in Orange County In nearly a decade. A delectable array of his works Intermingle with the island plan- tation d~r of the popular res- taurant. creating a visual feast for customers.. The food is deliaous, too. Ma.re Ghoukassian, the owner of the popular restaurant, said he was honored 'to showcase the display. He flipped through book., and books, and none of the art was bold enough -until he saw Mlrlpolsky's explosive works leap off the page. Ghou· kassian became an instant fan. He also commissioned Miripol· sJcy to paint the very first painting of what is sure to become a col- lection. "I love pop art," he said. While Ghoukassian is a fan, some of the provocative works may not sit well in conserv.mve Orange County. •Lot's of people have been shocked in a way: Ghoukassian said. •1t's gotten lots of anen- tion." They can love it or hate -the imponant thing 1s they have been exposed to it. One of Miri- polsky's catchiest phrases has been ·Fear no art." Art sparks emotion, innovation. creativity and passlon. 11 helps fuel the sen- satloi;is that make the world go THEATER Continued from A7 soldier who wishes to be hanged for murder and a young woman suspected of witchcraft who definitely doesn't. The female of the species is ·C!eadlier than the male. they say, ~d Euripides illustrated it in ancient Greek times with "Medea· This classic tragedy occupies the second slot in UCl's Stage 2 season . • Drama professor Roben Cohen, who's been teachlng and directing at UCI since they opened the school in 1965. has adapted Henri.Jc Ibsen's "Peer Gynt" for modem, ethnic audiences. The new cltJe Is "Pedro Gynl" The play Is the third entry ln the Stage 2 season. ,Henry James' classJc novel from the late 19th century "The PortraJt of a Lady" has been adapted for the stage by Valerie Rachelle. This mannered English drama will close out the Stage 2 seuon atUO. It shapes up u a typically heady sea.son of comedy, dnuna and musk:a1 theeter. Season tick.eb and more information are aftilable by contacting the ua Fine AIU box office at (949) 824-2787. • TOM 1T1'UI reviewl local thMter for the C.lly P\lot Hit rwvtewl appMr FitcNly9. Put a few words to work for you. call the · Daily Pilot PHOTOS BY KENTTREPTOW l>At!Y P1lUT Artist Andre M1npolsky is. exhibiting his work, such as these two oil paintings from his "Hip and Tasty" series. at Bayside Restaurant. · around. "It il> Fear No Art Day at Bay- side." Miripolslcy said loudly. with his arms ~e open, as he walked in the're taurant. The artist o tshone his own work with his d · · ng ·Fear No Art" T-shin. oran pants, 1,ebra· stnped bracelet. pink, blue and green shoes and immaculately shaved head. The Bayside exhibit worked out with "precision. !>tileno urn- ing from the universe.· Minpol· !>ky said. He had just gotten his "Hip and Tasty" exhibit back from Japan three days before the opening at Bayside. Vodka lovers and late night TV Junkies know his work from the Absolut vodka campaign and the six huge scenic sets for the "To- night Show." Newpon Beach- based band Sugar Ray recently perfonned on one of Minpolsky's sets on the 'Tonight Show,· and even the artist was surprised at how dynamic the effect wac;. "They create these total Miri· polsky environments. and it is so spectacular," he said. "This is really quite radical of I the show!.· Miripolsky's body of work in- cludes sculpcures, light board drawings, clothing. jewelry, Lap· estries. stage sets, films. logos, al- bum covers and paintings. He is based in Los Angeles at his stu · dio, the Kingdom of Color. His list of achievements would dry the ink on the printing press- es. but the most notable are work on Elton John's ·Piano Key" cos- cume for his 1997 performance in Central Parle. album pack.age and The m1xed-med1a piece "Whoosh" by artist Andre M1npolsky 1s showing at Bayside Restaurant. vi.'tual de.,ign work for Berte Mi· dler, Qujncy Jone.,, the Rolling Stone<., the Bea5tie Boyl> and Hobin Williams. me M IV generauon would be familiar with Minpolsky's 6,000· square foot mural on the UGA basketball coun for the "Rock and Jock Basketball Jam" of 1992. Mmpobky 1<; no stranger to di· vel">llY and the various shad~ of the world. Born in Paris 10 the cultural advisor for the Amencan Foreign Service. Minpolsky trav- eled all over the world m his youth. I le lived in the "exotic landM:apes" of Iran. Thailand. Au.'>tna. F1c10ce. Indonesia and Korea. Art has alwa~ been a part of his W'e, he said. At 8 years old, he was working with oils. and by IO. he had sold his first painting - an oil on canV""J.l> of an erupting volcan.o -to the American Am· bassador of Indonesia. hi wish I hadn~ sold it: because it was a really good painting," he said. After graduating high school in Seoul, Korea, Miripolsky headed to the California lnsuru1e of the Am. He brings his W'etime of artistic expenise 10 Newpon Beach. Those who are drawn to the Bay- side Restaurant for line dining and a fabulous view of the Back Bay will also get a taste of world renowned an. The popular eat· ery tickles the senses of sight. taste. touch and sound with live music every night "I really think this i good for a place like Newpon Beach," Miri· polsky said. ' Fnday, July 18. 2003 A9 Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Embassy Suites Hotel J 11767 Harbor Blvd Garden Orov; Registration is at 10~30 AM • Auction Begin5 at IJ :30 AM Spa Gregotje's . SPECIAL VALUE Arcon1 Faci1/ Phenomenon , ft4 & :: ON.Y Rece .e ·~~ 1ol"' uS Ar.ona f8tliJI PLUS a S20 4,,, ·.a tu'~l·dse credi1 . I ~s: S'O , 5"5 •a ~ Spa Cr~~orie s Hours ti I AlO Friday, J.it 18, 2003 HAPPENINGS ' AMBUl:MCE Continued from A7 DN -!ilTE DRAPERY Cl.EANIN& AND MORE IOOll translated and the way peope reacted, but we 'didn't have time to refine anythins aod that made it a bit uneuy," Teranjahl said. "It was so p>d to have Riley back." • And so it bas been for the band since it formed just five yean ago. and as they have become modem rock radk> staples. regulars OD M'JV and the object of autograph seems around the globe. ab four members have ~ each step with a grain of salt. I NO. TAKE DOWN -llEMIMNli NEr:EHAllY I Certified Ta Dean All HUnter DOugl•• Fabric Window Caw!rlng• lncludlng: • Luminette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette• window shadings • Vignette• window shadings • Otlette~ honeycomb shades • MilleniaTM Collection • JubilanceTM ronw\ shades • Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenettetv Soft~olcftll shadings · World's Best ON.SJTEno Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CAR.PET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 1111111111111 \ l/1•11111,11 11111 I 111 IJ11r1llt11 .1111/ ~,.,, 111• ..,,,,, 1• l'l'1/ ...................... ~,. ...... 4-t. on& $ ---- New ort Beach 4250 Birch Street (949) 955-0822 & *7:30 ..... ".'""' Poeo/Blolaie Pura7/Chrl1 * 7 & 9 BUl.au/Jlerb Pedenon "We didn\ .st.art a band to be famous or anything lib that." &:kl.le Bredcenridge said. "With us all, it's all predicated on the music. \4k don't want people to know us as people or for what we do outside of the band It's natural for people to latch onto to things lib that, but image Is not important to u,,. We really don't have any image at all' There are still the lndie rock elite who scream sellout at the success the group bas achieved. but anyone who has watched them progress from the beginning knows d.itferendy. Embracing mainstream popularlty has been anything but normal for these guys, who look to bands such as Pearl Jam and Radiohead as models for how to band.le themselves. ~/.~PR.qt., ..... ······· Thrice bassist Eddie Breckenridge tunes his bass moments before startJn~ a set at the': Warped Tour stop in Long Beach. • tour of Burope as part of the Deconstruction there is still the widerlying nY,iody to bold It• 1bur and plans to bit Japan and Burope again all together. · . ~ • in the future, Thrice bas been on the road -Lyrically, Kensrue has continued to expJore They have already turned down countl~ offers to tour with more "mainstream" bands, there are no photos of the band ln the CD insert. and don't expect to see them inhabiting the pages of the teen magazines and gos&p columns any time soon. give or take a few montm for recording-for themes of Wlcertalnty, mortality and ~ two years. for oneself. but there is also a hint of politiad; They were just as relendess recording and awareness that wasn't there before. writing "The Artist in the Ambulance" as they Fans oftentimes dissect the lyrics on the • are with playing shows. For two solid months, message board, with interpretations coming: "I hate the term 'Rock Star.'" Riley Breckenridge said "It implies a lifestyle and an image. We're not here to party lib Modey I Crlle. Were four dorks that are lucky enough l ro play music for a living, and that's what they literally locked them.selves in a rehearsal from all directions as to what is really being : studio for etght hours a day. seven days a said The new album should Inspire more of week writing. With the help of producer and those discus,tjons, but don't expect any : band confidant Brian McTeman, the latest answers from the band m embers. • l we're here to do." effort is far more balanced and memorable Remember, they're here to give the music. I It was bard work. rather than Image, that got the band to where it is now .. With COWltless North American tours. iqcluding three stints on the Warped Thur -this is the first year they've done all the dates -a recent than "Wusion of Safety" or 200l's "Identity The rest is up to you. Crisis. .. ·Although so~ are more cohesive and less sporadic, this is by far our m01t complex album.· Riley Breckenridge said "\Ve have a lot of really mathy stuff in odd times. but • PAUL SAITOWIT.Z ls the features editor. His column appears Fnday and he may be read\ed at (949) 574-4295 or by &-mall at paul..saitowhz@latJmes com. BEST Continued from A7 umbrellas. Dare ro try other tropical t drinks? Billy's frosty pifla colada ($7.50) combines light rum with Coco Lopez. pineapple chunks and juices. It's sweet IPld simple. The taste of the blue Hawaiian ($6.95) is slightly reminiscent of pina colada. despite being blue and unblended. The drink is made by pouring lemon rum. coconut rum, blue curacao and plneapptejutce over crustred !"re. Billy's twist on a tequila sunrise, vodka-based red sunrise ($6.75) is made from smooth Ketel One vodka, Remy red liqueur and orange juice served over ice, garnished with an orange slice. Ir's perfectly refreshing. Billy's other tropicaJ drinks are not in the same cl~ The planters punch ($7.50) combines dark. rum. four fruit juices. sugar and grenadine and is garnished with an orange. The very sour navy grog ($7.95) features three rums hand shaken with fresh lime juice and rock candy syrup. There's also a liSt of trendy drinks: cosmopolitan, lemon drop, sour apple martini and more, but ordering those at Billy's wouldn't fit BY the way, Billy's also boasts an award·winning list of 300 wines. Wme connoisseurs even get a breakdown of owner's favorite imported and domestic wines. Seafood. with a sprinkling of beef and poultry choices. dominates the lunch menu. Appetizers (pupus) include crab cakes. pan fried and served with burre blanc and mango sauce ($9.75); barbecued baby back pork. ribs with Billy's backyard luau sauce ($7.95); and seared abi crusted with black sesame, served with burre blanc and Dijon SC1Y sauces ($9.75), though true ahi lovers won't need the sauces. Fresh soups include New England-style clam chowder -CSS.25)-and Bennoda-style1lsh chowder (SS.95), a spicy favorite. It's a tomato soup with chunks of fresh fish. To offset the spiciness, the soup comes with cruets of dark. rum and sherry pepper. Fresh seafood comes from Kona or Maw if the menu doesn't specify. Fish plates are served with a coleslaw vinaigrene and choice of steamed Jasmine rice or French fries. The best bet for an en tree salad ls the Caesar with seared ahi tuna or grilled chicken, chopped Romaine lettuce, fresh Pannesan and homemade Hawaiian bread croutons. tossed with the chef's Caesar ~g ($12.95). The sandWiches and more listings include a weU·seasoned Billy's beach burger with French fries or coleslaw (9.95), the grilled ahi sandwich with caramelized onions and Dijon soy sauce ($10.95). the spicy ginger rice bowl ($13.95), deep-fried fish tacos ($10.95) and the Hawaiian 'i' RO LEX f!Y.,_~~.;.w_ WWI l(M1oJ ~ ,._, willl llploct .._, otid _..,,..W:O,,..~. ~ID 1,000'-'.A~ In elUW... ..... ~ .... ond I lld,...,. flOld Of I ltt,...,. flOld. BLACKMAN LTD.{$:~~ . . ..... 30-1 Vio <$orio, P..._port ~ 9•9-613-933-' • Ono fish and chips ($11.95). The dinner menu offers a long list of appetizers (pupus), mostJy Hawaiian style: Oto Oto, skewers of grilled tenderloin in a teriyald sauce ($7.95); coconut shrimp ($7.95); poke, sashimi diced and tossed in Lima seaweed and sboyu ($7.95); and fresh smoked fish planer served with cheese. fruit and sauces ($9.95). The same seafood soups are offered at tunch and dinner, plus an entree size shrimp or crab Louis salad. A fresh fish menu with about six choices l!. printed d.ally;"lllong with chef's specials incorporating Hawaiian seafood and beef selections. For entrees choose from steaks. seafood, roasted rack of lamb and linguini with clam sauce. Main courses come with a generous portion of fresh vegetables, regular or twice baked cheese potato, or steamed rice; tableside tossed salad, and Hawaiian garlic cheese bread. For lighter dinners order from the small plates selection: grilled chicken breast ($18.96), Billy's beach burger ($9.95), grilled ahi sandwich ($10.95). fish and chips $12.95). Prices are reasonable here considering the ample portions and waterfront location. Lunch price ranges: appetizers $7.95 to $10.95; soups $5.25 to SS.95; fresh fish $16.95 to S52; salads $10.95 to $13.95; sandwiches and more $9.95 to $17.95. Dinner price ranges: appetizers 11*1 study the m181ts • .. $7.95 to $10.95; soups and salad.$ $5.25 to $13.95; ent.rees $18.95 to $52; small plates ate $9.95 to $12.95. Lunch is served daily from I I :30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dinner Is served 4:30 to 10 p.m. Sunday to Thursday: and from 4:30 p.m. to midnight Friday and Sarurday. Billy's at the Beach is aL2751 w. Coast Highway in Newpcn . Beach. (949) 722·1100. ••• Caf~ Pascal at South Coast Plaza. is offering a.great swnmer program called "Sunsets t1nder. the Bridge" l'rom 6 to 9 p.m. every Thursday. You can relax and enjoy Parisian loWlge music presented by audio therapist Michael Ba.ssler. Favorite Frencb specialties and wines are offered with a special two-<:our5e dinner and wine tasting. The offer includes six pours of wine, red and white. for $25 per person. Call (7 14) 751·4911. Thaifoon. Taste of Asia ., restaurant now has a Web slte and an electronic newsletter that offers future promotions. You can go to www.1haifoon.ccm and click or) "contact us/Preferred guest , club." Thaifoon, Taste of Asia is in Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 644·0133. • BEST BITES runs every Friday. Greer Wylder can be reached at greerwylder@yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at 1949) 646-4170. In ordlr ti tltll agalnSt them. ~ ........... "about. .. ' . ., --.. --------~~~~--:-----"""'!"""------:----..... --... 1111111m1111mi!'!!llm---- .. . ·-' ,. .. ... .. ,.., QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's coming down to the wire, the way it should be." .... Md, Newport Harbor Pony baseball coach . J lpottl Eclelor llCt..d Dunn: (949i 5744223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 LITILE LEAGUE BASEBALL EYE OPENER .DaiJy~Pib. Spertl .... (J/fl- ~u... .--. July 21 hooofee MYRON MILLER Friday, July 18, 2003 All .ffhrice as nice for National All-Stars Costa Mesa National LL captures Mayor's Cup for _third consecutive year with 9-5 win in coach's final game: Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot OOSTA MESA -Costa Mesa National Llnle League All-Star Manager Kim Pederson received more than one phone call telling him not to blow this opportunity. Despite numerous· rallies from Costa Mesa American Little League. Pederson didn'L In his last game as a Llnle League manager, Pederson led National to a 9-5 victory Thursday in the decisive third game of the Mayor's Cup at TeWmk.le MiddJe School keeping the Cup in National's possession for the third consecutive year. It's the first time in the seven-year history of the Mayor's Cup that one league has had pos- session of the trophy for three straight seasons. With the win, National also took a 4-3 all-time advantage in Mayor's Cup play. "It's a great way to end my Utlle League' ca - reer," Pederson said. But the American All-Stars tried everything in their power to blow that ending. They forced a third game by bouncing back from an opening 11-0 defeat on Saturday with a 9-7 come-from-behind victory on Tuesday. Try- ing to rally agaj.n, this time from a 9-3 deficit in the final inning. American brought the iying run to the.. plate before a double play ended the game and the series. • three of those came in the final inning. Up until that point, National right-hander Nick Pederson had turned in another dominant performance. After throwing a two-hitter in the opening-game shutout; Pederson came ·back to limit American to two hits through the first five innings. ·1 thp1k their confidence level wdS fine," Bag- by said. "Unfortunately, it ~t didn't work out for them. He throws enough different pitches, it'!> tough to get a grip on them." When American finally did put together a string of .hits. it turned out to be LOO late. Trailing, 9-3, going into the sixth inning. American's Dylon Gravelle. Ryan Boulger and Mike Molina opened the final frame with three consecutive singles to load the bases. American closed the gap to five when a run scored on an error, with Oui.s Robinson getting the RBI. After Ben Lounsbury was hit by a pitch to bring in another run, American trailed 9-5 with the bases loaded and no one out. Kim Pederson then decided to end his son's day on the mound. •Nidc got tired and~ knew it." the elder Pe- derson said. "Going into the inning i1 was a two • hitter. but you could see he was tiring. I wanted to give him a chance to finish it." But while Pederson got the win, it was Troy McOanaban who received the save. McOanahan came on in relief of Pederson and induced· a ground ball to third baseman Taylor West. who threw home to record the force play for the first out. Then a second ground ball. which glanced olf McOanahans glove, was turned into a double play by second baseman Frank OeNoewer. He stepped on the bag a't second and threw to first baseman Josh Ryding to end American's hopes of a comeback. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa National AH-Star Frank DeNoewer throws to first after forcing Costa Mesa American Chris Gute. "They were coming back.·· American Man- ager Phil Bagby said. "We were just hoping for more out of our bats.." American was limited to jw.-t five hits and "You ·ve got to take your hat off to the Ameri- See NATIONAL. Pae• A12 PONY BASEBALL Bambumer in the Back Bay Newport Harbor ties Battle of the Bay Sei:Jes, 1-1, with convincing 10-5 win over CdM Thursday. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -As in most cases involving 8aPt Bay teams in ath- letic competition. the Newport Harbor Baseball Association and Corona del Mar Pony 14-year-old All-Star teams are playing a firebrand type of ball in the middle of summer. With unusual hum1dity and occa- sional hurricane type weather, baseball were flying everywhere Thursday in Game 2 of the Battle of the Bay Pony Se- ries at Eastbluff Park. where Newport Harbor rallied from an early deficit to -post a 10-5 victory and square the series at one ~e apiece. The third and deci- sive game is 5:30 p.m. today at Eastbluff. "It's coming down to the wire, the way it should be." Newi)ort Harbor assistant coach Mike Reed said. "When there are rivalries. it should come down to one game ... next year should be real inter- esting when ~ey start high school, be- cause 100% of the Corona del Mar guys CllJ! going to high school at (CdMJ and 95% of the Newport Harbor"guys are go-· ing to Newport Harbor." In the opener Wednesday, CdM won a dramatic, 9-8 decision as the home team on its home turf. In th.is one, New- port Harbor, the designated home team, feU behind in the first inning as CdM scored three runs, highlighted by Chris Rosen's two-run home run to left-center field on a 2-0 pitch. But. instead of its spirits deflating. Newport Harbor rallied quickly with a five-run first as it sent 10 batters to the plate against CdM starter David Wheat- ley. Newport Harbor added two runs each in the second and third innings to build a 9-3 advantage, and, with right-hander Bren Houten coasting on the mound, it appeared LO be only a matter of time be- fore both sides realiz.ed another day of summer baseball was upon them. "That's the best I've pitched against them," said Ho uten, who relieved start- er Nathan Todd (sore biceps) after one inning and pitched the final six innings to earn the victory, striking out eight and wallcing three, while yielding six bits. After CdM plated its final run in the sixth on Grant Heffeman's scoring fly ball to right field, Houten ended the threat -CdM had two runners aboard -by striking out Kelsey Gtase on a dandy knuckle-curve. "I threw mostly straight curves and lmuckle-cutve five times.· Houten said. Leadoff hitter Blake Pinto sparked Newport Harbor with three hits and STfVE McCRANK I OAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Jarrett Daniel (tallest) is greeted by teammates as he See PONY, Pa1e A12 crosses home plate after l(nocking a two-run home run in the second iMing. 2003-NEWPORT-MESA DISTRICT BOYS ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Rojas in th_e pink Estancia distance runner established quick pace, which was brighter than his flashy uniform. B•rry Faulkner Oaify Pilot (2003) in his two CJF State l ,600 finals. In addition, he helped the Eagles win Pacific Coast League cross country championships in 2000, 2001 and 2002. as well as a track and field team title in the Golden West League in 2003. • Termed "probably the best runner in Fstancia history" by longtime Eagles coach Owiie Appell. Roju' battles with the stopwatch were equally successful. Rojas. bound for Oranp Coast Col- lege, eclipsed a 25-year-old school le"' cord in his specialty -the l ,600 -as a sophomore. then proceeded to whittle away at his own malk avet the oat two years. For his efforts, the Fstancia Boys Ath- lete of the Year. nicknamed •Pepino. • ls the Daily Pilot Newport-Mesa Boys Ath- lete of the Year. His best. 1,600 docking QIDe in bis fi- nal high IChool nice. • be potted • dme of 4:10.58 10 ftnilb aecood at the OF Seate ftnak at Certttoa Colele-He wws third at the ~ Section M..cen Med (~ l2. 73), after wimUb8 lbe OF Southern Section DtYWon m dde 1n 4:14..218. . Ht won bis heel IDd qe..-..S nkllb In tbe eD0 II lbl CIF Soulheln sec-. DMlba m ,_.... • ._ bal .... ., cliop lbt ... lo oonca:mlle .. the 1,800 ebe Nit fl lbl poetJ IM OIL • .. _...p1*11•a..,._.Wllb. tortel In die IOO (l:.SS.31) lid a.- (4: 11.33. .......... .., ......... four seconds), at the Golden West League finals. He also ran a leg on the victorious 1,600 relay at the same meet. His perfonnance helped th~ Eagles daim the program's first league crown since 1990. Rojas' senior cross country season ended with a seventh-place 6nWl at the state meet (15:47). He was second at CF Southern Section Division III ftnals (15:21), after claiming the Golden wat League b1dMdual tide in 15:21. beli*lg the F.agles ftn.ish seoond as a team. The 2002 track season included a ninth-place finish in the l,600 at sca.te ftnUI. after a dramatic 9eCOnd·pl.-ce ftn. isb at the Southern Section MMcs'a Meet ("4:14.71). The perfom.uce ac Masters WU aet Up wheri a top-Noe ~· taalc:bed. ~ RojM ID cash in OD bis ICabll U an aitemlte. He -third in the 1.800 ..... 2002 Sou1hem Set1lon DM11o11 m ..,. (4:16AO), after winning PM:Mlc C.O.. l..tllilUt CIOWDI In the 800 (l:.58-81) md 1,800 (4'28.14). .. jumOr CIWI COQQll)' lellOft cul· 11• '9't ta a .......... 1m111a ID DM- ilaD m • lhe-~iAll ...... lbe CIJI Soillbem Sec9aiil DMilan' ,. chie''*'""t"' 15:25.l. M 11 .. 1111 -,.., ...... -ti' t d ...... In .. dht '• • dlie ........ ..... ' ........ All .. . - .._ • AlZ f'Nday1 Jiy 18, 2003 TRACK AND FIELD Shar nD ;in Barba~os today Local will represent the U.S. team in the Pan American games. will represent the U.S. team at the international track and field meet. -· SPORTS NATIONAL Continued from Al 1 pres.sure on ~ by pu~ the b.u in play and making us mab plays. I told cu guys to focus on making one out at a tine." The National All-Stan stNgled with that in Tuesday's loss. oommitdng 6\le enors in one inning. which allowed American to post its lone victory of the aer'k!s. But National made just two em:>rs in the entire game Thumday. Costa Mesa American Utde League Al-Star Mike Kelty knocks dcMf\ a ground ha# in the Costa Mesa National A»-Stars,9-5,atTe'lf11kle Middle School on Thursday. KENT TREPTOW I DAA.v PILOT Sharon Day, the former Costa Mesa High star athlete, will com- pete in the high jump today at the Pan American junior cham· pionships In athlede8 ih Barba- dos. She qualified for the Pan American championships after finishing second in the high jump (5-10) ~ lhe USA junior outdoor tracl!and field champi- onships June 21. While their deCeose impm.ted. their o&nse never relented. After scoring 2.0 runs in the ftrst two games of the series, National kept pouring it on. when National scored four times, sending l 0 men to the plate and coJlectin8 live hits. what l wanted" The runs proved fortunate with American's late rally. The top two finishers qualified for the Pan American champion- ships. A t:hree·run homer by Josh Ryding in the first inning helped NadonaJ <M'l'COme an early 2-0 deficit In tlle third inning. National took a 5·3 lead on a two-out. two-run doubje by Ga- vin Montague. Four of those hils were to the opposite field, Including a two-run double for West and an RBJ llingle fbr Montague. ~1 thought even when they started putting It together in the bottom' of the fifth. I tbousht we had a good chance to come back." Bagby said Day, 18, the Orange County and CIF Southern Section re- cord-holder in the high jump (6 feet, 2 inches), left Monday· and The high jump will be con- tested on lhe first day of the three-day meec But the blg blow came in the fifth inning, 'We talked in the dugout. '!The umpire's) calling everything on the outside [a strike),' " Pederson saJd. •1 toJd them to mmie closer to the plate and go to right field and everyone did Molina led the American All-Stars With two _hits. Gravelle and Bougter each scored twice. ROJAS Continued from Al l His individual title at lhe 2002 PCL fi- nals (15:14) helped the Eagles win !heir fifth straight league cross councry team title. The 2001 track and field season ended al the Masters Meet, where he fuushed sixth (4:18.67). His 4:17.81 clocking that spring produced a founh- place finish at the OF Soulhem Section Division Ill finals. The time, con vened to 4:19.41 for the mile, broke the afore- mentioned school record that had stood for 25 years. Rojas was runner~p in lhe 1,600 and • ! 800 at PCL finals as a sophomore, after finishing second in the 1.600 at PCL fi- nals as a freshman. He was sixth at the 2000 PCL cross coWlcry championships as a sopho- more, then went on to finish sixth in CIF Southern Section Division rv, where the Eagles were second as a team. He WclS l2th in Oivi!.ion rv at the ClF State finals !hat Ca11. Rojas was third at league finals as a freshman, then went on to finish 12th at lhe ClF Soulhem Section Division IV finals. PONY Continued from Al 1 three runs scored in lhe first three Innings. while shortstop and No. 3 hiner Jarren Daniel smoked an RBl single to left field in the first and crushed a two- run home run In lhe second to left. Houten, catcher Zippy Levy and second baseman Brice Still- man contributed RBI singles for Harbor in the first as lhe first five hitters eventually came around to score. Newport Harbor extended its lead to 9-3 in the third when Drew Harris reached on a 6eld- e(s choice, then rnoved to third on a wild pickoff throw to first base ftom the CdM pitcher. Har- ris jogged home on Pinto's RBI bloop single to shallow center. Pinto stole second base and took. third on a catcher's throwing er- ror, before coming home on an· olher error. ln CdM's fifth . l)'ler Brady sin- gled home Michael Ford to cut • r's lead to 9-4, but New- scored again in the fifth. - !he sixth, Rosen doubled to I eJd, moved to third on a pitch and scored on Heffer· nan's fly ball. NEW 2803 THUNDERBIRD Selling Price . fodory Rebate .·$4,()()() Discount Off MSRP. . . ·S3,000 NO SAVINGS NIT COST TO YOU •1&980 •nct1111,_ VINS-:3897764,3895759 3895714, 3895732 83000 ' .,., .... ,_' VIN••: 3109760. 3111679. 311286.4, 311~5 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TUA TA NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PROPOSED FOR THE FOLWWING PROJECT IN THE CITY OF NE~RT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Project PA 2003-149, including General Plan Amendment GP 200J.006 and Code Amendment CA 200J..007: General Plan Amendment, Prezoning, and Anneudoo or the Emerson Street Area (see map below). NOTICE IS GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the proposals described above. The Negative Declaration states that the subject proposals will not result in a significant effect Qn the environment. lt is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. This is not to be construed as either approval or denial of the subject annexation by the City. The Initial Study/Negative Declaration 30-day public review period is July 19, 2003 to Au&USt 18, 2003. 1be City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this docwnentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department. City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92659-1768, or by calling Larry Lawrence, the City's project manager for the above applications, at 949-661-8 175. NOTICE IS F1JRTHER GIVEN that a public hearing has been tentatively scheduled before the Planning Commission on the 11• day of August 2003, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. A final hearing date will be specified on a separate· pubJic hearing notice. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For infonnation, call 949-661-8175 or 949- 644-3200. Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach. PROPOSED EMl!R80N SJREEI AMEXATION /~·~ -/ -- NOTICE Of APPLICA- TION TO SELL Al.COHOUC BEVERAGES Date ot F"~ing Apple· calK>n July 11. 2003 To Whom It May Cooceln The Name(S) ol the Applicanl(S) tS/119 CHAT NOIA UC The applicants "5tlld lbOYe are applying to ll'lo Department of AJco.. hollc Severi199 Control ~ 51111 alcollobc be\l9f • ages 11 655 ANTON BLVD COSTA MESA. CA 92626 T~ of tioense(a) "Wiied 1or 47 • ON· SALE GENERAL EAT· ING PLACE SatU Ana N.....,x>r1 Beach-Costa Mesa Daily CN6849SS 7497~M JtA 18,25. Aug 1, 2000 ISC 13212 · MOOO Of Pflmltl TO~ lSTAnOf: CYa f. lllTIAll WI llO. A22002S To all heirs, bcnefl c1111e,, crcd1to1$, c;on lmaenl creditor-and pe1 son\ who m•Y olh erw1se be intcre~ttd 1n the will or nliole Of both o f CYRii f KERTMAN A PETITION FOR PRO BA Tl hn been I tied by MICHAll W ECK(R 1n the Supettor Cou1 t ol Callforn11, Cnuf\ty of ORANCC THE PETITION roR PR08ATE requuh MICHAEL W ECKER be appointed ,. person11 represtnl1l1ve to ad· mlf\ISllf the esl1l1 of the clectdent THE P£TITION requet.h tM Mcedenl'$ Well and codlclls, 11 any, be admitted to prob1tt. Th• Will •nd •n1 codlctls ert aY11t1bl1 for eum1n1· lton In Ille hie lt.ept by ltt. llOUll TH( P£TrTION requuh auth0t1IJ lo 1dm1n1sttf the estate under ll•• Independent Admlnls tretlon ol hlates ~t (This Author It)' wilt allow lht personal 1ep1net1 tallvt lo t•lt.• m1ny actiont. wtlhout obt1lt1· ln1 court approval Belote talllnl cert.tin YtrJ lmpoi tent 1ctlons, howevtt. the P•flOftll rep!'esenlahv• wll be 11q11lred lo 1lve notice to lnl•etltd 'per1Clft1 un1t11 they hive ••f,,..i notice Of COMenlecl let the Pf ClpONd .CllOft,) The llld~ndenl eel· mlnlsltallon . 111tllorlt1 will llt IJaMM ""*' en ll1ur11t•d IHKIOll , .... Ill~" \tit petltilft .... ....,. eeM c.-. ...., ttte cwt "'°"" lloC .... .... tuCMtlty. A .. MINO Oii tllt petttlM • .. twlf on AUGUST 7. Z003 el 1 4t p Ill In 01pl l73 louted et Ml Tiit Clt1 Df.lvt Solltll. Ot•ntt. CA .... IP YOU 08J£CT !o 11!t a• an\1111 ot lhe pehhon. 7ou Uiould appe~t at lhe "-"''"I •nd Slllt )'OUI obiechon~ or ltle wr11ten ob,.ct.ons w1lh tN court belote the he•11ne You• eppearance may be 111 pe1son or by your illtorney If YOU ARC A CRCOI IOR or con t•ncent u editor ol lh~ decened you must ftle your claim with lhe court and mail a copy lo lh" penonal 1ep1 •~nli1\1ve 1ppo1n\ed by lhe court w1th1n four months hom lfle d1le of lho lffS( IS\UilnCe 01 fellers as provided 1n Probate Code section 9100 The lime lor Mine da1ms will not upire before four months from lhe hu11ne d•t• nohced above YOU MAY E.XAMIN( the It~ lt.epl by lhe COi.ii I II you are ii persof\ 1n leresled "' the estate you may ftle with the court a Requut for Spec.cal Noltce (form 0( · I S4) of tht f1ltna of iln invenlot y and 1ppu1ul of est•te nuh or of any petition or 1ccount .n p1ovtded 1n Probate Code ~hon 1250 A Request fo1 Sp1c111 Notice form '' av•1lable Ir om lhe cour I clerlt. Allor ne7 10< Pef1lloner OOHS L llASTAM, lSQ. JOOI I fVY GUNN, sn. 1 \ 2. LAGUNA MtGUll.. CA92677 P ubllshed Newpor I Beach·Costa Mesa Dilly Piiot July 14. 18. 21. 2003 M'763 Selhng Prcce S22.Q80 Factory Rebate -SJ 000 NIT COST TO YOU •19,980 7 Tl CllllE ,_ VIN.S•· 3.493033. 3816809. C17809 3815117 3815230 to 1n\e1nted persom• unleu they h•ve Wi11nd nohce or c;onsenled to the l>(Oposed action I I he lndependenl 1d minlslralton <1ulho11ly will be 111<1nted unleu an 1nte1ested person !ties an nbteclton lo the pelolton and shows eood cause why the court should nol er ant lhe authority A H[ARIHC on Ille pet11ton will be held on AUGUST 14, 2003 al I 45 pm 1n Dept L73 localed 11 341 the City Drcve South Ounee CA 92868 If' YOU 08.tCCT to lhe eranltnl of lht pet11ton, you should appeal al tht hearina and stale your Obfl(ltons 01 ltle written ob,eclions with IM court t>et0<e lhe hu11na You1 appear ant e m1y t>e tn penon 01 by you• attorney If YOU ARC A CREDI· TOR or conllnaent er edlto1 ot the deceased. you musl lcle your cl1lm w1lh the court and ma•t a copy to the per son al rej)(tsent1tive 1ppotnted by the cout I w1th111 tour months from the date ol the llrsl 1uuance ol letters H p1ov1ded In Probate Code section 9100 The lime lor fllina cl11ms Wtll not e•ptre bef0<1 four months from lhe he111n1 date noticed above YOO MAY EXAMINE the file kepi by lhe court. II you ,,. 1 person in- terested in the esbte. you m1y fill with the court • Request for Specilll Noll« (form OE. I~) ol ltt. fil1n1 of an inventory ind appr1iul of Ht1te .ss.ts or of any petition or eccount as pro111dtd 1n P•obale Code section 1250. A Requut to1 Special Nollet foun cs ... 1111ble from UM court clert. Atton1•1 kl< Pelltoon..-hril! e ...... , h4t- "" < ..... Dt •• s ... 670, ht!M, CA '2612- 2'" Publl•lltd Newport 8udl·COsb Mesa Daily Piiot July 14. 18. 21. 2003 Mf162 CA 97705. w•thtn the l•tu ol four month\ ilttr July 14. 2003 ( tM dale ol the first publt <•loon of notice lo c1 editors) or. 1f noltct 1$ mailed 01 person•ll1 delivered to rou. JO day\ .. fter the date "'" nol 1,e os m••led or per-onalty delivered to you A claim 10< m may be obtained lrom tllf cou1t cl.ict. fo1 your p1oter t1on, you aoe encour a11ed lo ltle your cl11m by cerhf1ed mail, w1lh return receipt requ11ed ,_ w ... .......--. Alt4."-& ....,.n_, 2070 N. ''""" Ave., s.,., • ._ G\92705 .. ~ ...... , ... , OAtlD;·;.;;. 24, 200J I•/ •~• ...,..,.y. .,,,.., .. OATl01 .i-e 26, ~ ANDlUON & ANDEt- SON JAN W. ANDUSON, /•/ '-w .• ..-.... A-...y ·-f'etftl-I '""'" Publcsh•d Newport Buch Costa Me" 011ty Pilot luly 14 18 ?I 2003 Mf 161 R<-..a...a .... --.. The lollow1nc person\ ,,. do1na bus1neu n All Seuon Prope1 ly M1n11emenl. 816 Ala b•ma SI . H11nt1n1ton Buch. Cahfo1n1192643 Ma1y R1nc11, 816 Alabama SI . liuntcn,ton Buch, Cahforn•• 92648 ldd,. I Rancel. 816 Alabama St • Hunttnrton 8Hch, Cal1forn1a 92648 This bus111ess " con ducted by husb1nd 1nd w1te Have you started dolna buf.lntu yet? No MMJ Rineer Tllb statement wu ltled willl the Countr c .. rlt. of Or•nc• Countr on 07/16/03 MOMH1741 Delly Pllot July 18. 25, Aua. t,8,2003 r•92 ~ .... ......... Th• t~1n1 Plf'Mfl• '" dolftt buslntas ": • H .. d ~Vt Water loll\ ServlcH, 274 8t¥tfly St .• t..cuna BHch, CA 92651-1402 S.111 A8fCHI flinn, 274 9•verlr St., L1111n1 • Buch. CA 9ZMJ • 1402 Cflef)'I llttll w..,_. '461 kiowe R•.. Welt· 11111'111«' CA. .., Thia busiMu Is COii• clucW by: 1 ..,_ .. pert--. ..... ,...twt ..... ......... ,..,..., tt...1'W...., • TM., .. .._.••· ......... C:..,· C~efOr .... c-ty -~· ... llMl-Delr ..... -.u . ..., ........... ,.,J --~---------=:---:c "--------~ f IHTt:RHATIOHAt CORP 20430 Lon&hY D1n1t, YOfbl Linda, Cehf0fn1• 92887 KEPRO INTCRHATION Al , INC.. (CA), 200 0 Lons•b•Y Drive, Yo1b• Linda. C1Ulornla 92887 This business Is con ducted by a c0tporellon Have you sl•rted doln& business rel7 Yu 10/ 26/1999 KEPRO INURNAllON Al. INC • Shen C hena P1esident This statement wn Wed with the County Clerk of Oranae County 'On 06/20/03 to0St941941 011ly Pilot June 27 July 4, II, 18. 2003 f 464 The follow1nc person• are do1n1 bu\1nen H I ) Irvine Sp1t11lty Hospital 2) Irvine Sur1ical Center . 16300 S•nd Canyon Ave Ste 1005 Irvine. CA 92618 Mui. l Andtr\On 16300 Sand C1nyon Ave Sle 1005 l•v1nt, CA 92618 Th is bu\1nen 1\ ton ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you \tarted do1n1 b1111nen ye1> lfll • Ma1k l Andef\nn Tho\ \latemant wH filed with lh~ Cnunly Clerk ol Or•n11t County nn O!), 29 03 RdlliM ~ 20036946341 ... t....__. 011ty Pilot Jun• ?1 July .._ 4 II 18 200J 14// The follow1na per \On' ri..-__ •·-'-··s <1r e dotn& busmus u '""._,_ ALWAYS SIMPLE , 250 Nne1tat....t West Ash St · 8"1• lhe follow1ne p~r "'n' Calrfornta 92821 ., • do.nil bustnt\\ •S Kenntl,ll W Chrtsltan Th~ Cat• .. •Y Crout) S 18 son Ir • 250 West Ash L•meo Iii hldnih Or St . BreS Cal1lor111.r Lorun• O~t M•r lA 9l821 I 'U625 I Thts bus1"4ss " <.on l•nda R1l~hor Sllj ducted by an 1nd1111du1I tameu H·~hlMiO\ Ur Have you \111 ted do1na Oet Mar CA business yet> Yn 07 08/2003 Kenneth W Chro\ltdll son. Jr This st11emenl wn fj1trh1t Sl8 H11hlond\ CJ1 Oel Mar I.A Polif·y Thi• buslnus 11 con· ducted by: co·partn111 HIV• you 1t1rttd dome business yell No Linda Ritch,. Th11 statement wn hied with the County Cl11k of Ounce County on06J24/03 20036949231 D•ily Piiot June 27. July 4,1\,18,2003 F468 fldttt.s ..... "'-*'-' lhe follow1n1 penons ire doina buuneu as Cot Water• 11•68 Be.ch Blvd Stanton, C•hlorn11 90680 L1nd1 Von1ear1. 2180 S Harllor Blvd Co\11 Meu. Cal1lorma 92627 MMk Marton, 2180 S liorllor Blvd Costa M<>i C•l1lorn1a 92627 This business 1\ con dueled by a iieneral pat Iner ship Have you started dotna busine\' yet> lfo l 1nd• Ytntei!<a Tilts statemenJ wn lll~d with lhe County Cl•rk ,,f Or dnae County on o~ 29 0.1 20036946311 Daily Pilot June 21 July 4 II 18 2003 f463 Rctitiws~ as...._.. 1,952 Port Provence, l'tewport Buch, Call· fOfnia 92660 Th11 buslneu Is con ducted by: 1n 1ndmdu1I businen yet7 Ho Jouph C. McCtne Hus statement wn flied with the County Clerk of 01 ance County on 07/15/03 20036'51645 Daily Piiot July 18. 25, l\u1 1, 8. 2003 f 490 Rdllell ...... "-S....... lhe follow1n1 pu\ons •re Goon& bu\lness as Cr1ph1ullycorrect 2300 Fairview Rd •CIOI, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Ju1tann1 Ruth Zerltr, 2300 ra11v11 w Rd #C\01, Co&la MtH. CA 92626 Thrs business oa con ducted by •" 1ndrv1du•I Have you st11 ltd ao1na bus1nus yet> Yes 06 23/2003 lulr1nna leoter ThtS \talement wa\ fried with the County Clerk of Oranee Cuunly on 07/08103 70036950705 Daily Pilot July 11 l8 25. AUi I. 2003 f487 f1dltiM IN!ns .... s ....... 17th St , Sent• Ana. C1hlorn11 92706 Th" bus1n1n " con· ducted by an 1ndlvtdu1I Have you liar led do1n1 01/03 l" Roberl llrod lh15 st111m1nt was loled with the County Clerk ol Or1n1• County on06/24/0J 2003694t192 Dirty Pilot lunt 27. July 4, 11. 18. 2003 F46!> Rdl"-t.illu "-S....... I he tollow•na per \ons ••e do1n1 bu>men u 1aot1n com 270 S B11Slol. Ste •IOI 315, Costa M•u. CA 9?626 lnquatt& Int IS CA). 2081 Bus1neu Center Or Suite iao Ir v•nt CA 92612 This busmen •> ~on dut led by " tor poi dllon, Heve yo11 \tarted do1nc bU\IOIU yeP No tnquart• Int Don O\borne Pru1dent This statement wu filed w1tl1 the County Cle1~ ut Or•net County on 07!1!1/03 70036951671 • Daily Pilot July 18 25. Au& I. 8 2003 F 491 FlditlM~ ...s ...... Ille follow1ne per \ons "e dom"*'-bu51nns as Green Oesr&n l andsupe. 421 W Alton Ave Unit #0, Sdnla An•. CA 92707 Ricardo Arteola 421 W Alton Ave unu P Santa Ana, CA ~1701 This bu"neu la con ducted by' an lnd1v1dual Have you star tad do1n1 bu"n•u yet> No This s11tem1nt wu filed with the County Cluh of Oranae County on06124/0J 20036'4'221 Daily PUot Jun11 27. July 4. 11. 18. 2003 f466 Ad!llM ...... "-*'-' The lollow1nc perions are doln& bu11n1H I\ Huanqut 401 Newt>Orl Center Ortve Newport Beach CA 92660 Dennis Cdward Port 1e11. 500 Ca&ney ln PHI, Newport Buch, Cahfor nra 92663 Thts bu\onen I\ con ducted by an tnd1v1dual Have you started du•na busrnU\ yet' No Oenn1i[dward Port1e11 Thts statement w o\ tiled w1lh the C.ountr Clerk ol Or anrie Co uni y on 06/23103 200369491 '7 Daily Pilot Jun' 27 July 4 11 18 2003 f 4&7 '' flctitlM IWMu "-*'-" The lollowi111 persoM are do1ne bU\tllt\\ ., Player Oevtlopmenl 2233 f aorv1ew Rd Apt K. Costa Mn.i CA 9l6'1/ Michael Wilham !food 2:?33 Fa11v1ew Rd Apt K. Costa Mud CA 92627 T hos business IS (On duclcel by an lodlVldual Ho,v to Place A Have you star led dOtnl business yet? No Mtchatl W Hood This 1t1t1ment w:n Clerk of Oun1e County on 06120103 200Stt4H74 011ly Pilot July ' l I 18 fS. 2663 f4r.I Rdllella.IMw ... s ...... Th11 follow1n1 pusons are do1ne bustneu n PLUMB.SHARK 1168 W Juno Ave t'l Anaheim CA 9280( Oarten Matthew Yip 1768 W Juno Ave •C An•heim CA 9280t Thrs bu\tness " 'on dueled by ;in 1ndtv1dual H•ve yt1u \tatted doonri business yet' Vu 071 03 03 O•rr•~ M Yip ThtS slatemtnl .,., filed "'tlh the County Cler~ ol Oranee County on 07 08 0$ 20036950120 Daily Pilot July 11 18 2s Aue 1 2003 r 485 Fktltlous IWMss 16...S""'-"" lhe tott1Jw1n11 prrson\ .,. do1n2 bu\1no> "' New ld~n 8401 Oun ~•>ltr Hunt1n&ton Btdlh CA 9l646 Mf Th.,mp\cin 8401 Don< nter llunttnpton Bea< h c..A 9?64& Th1i bu\1n, ... \ 1\ "on ducleo by dn md1v1dudl H•v• f'JU ~l•• teO dv1n11 bustne\> yet' ~u Jett lhomp>on Tht1 \lat•m•nt wn IO•d With the Couoty Clerk of Otanc• County on~/21/0J 2iMIUt4S422 July 4 11 2003 F999 Ac-. ..... "-S..... Thi tollow1nc pe1 sons 1re do1nc bu\1nn' u fin1I Coit, W13 B •I Placen111 Co,I• Meu, CA 92627 Hoene M Nauyen 1•25 [ t • Palma Ave Anaheim CA 9180!> This bu\lnt" is con ducted b~ In 1n01v10u•I Have you slar led do1n11 bustne>s yet' No Hpana M N&uyen This \latement w•s filed wtth the County Cletk ol Oranct County on06 1903 700369417 31 011ly P1lol Junt 'l1 lul1 4 11 18 2003 I 411 FktitiM llsiifts "-S""-tt Cieri! of 011na• County on 06/24/03 100Ht4ttoa D•oly Pilot June 21 July 4 11 18 2003 f470 Ttit lollow11111 ~·"""' I.!µ: fullr.. "'"¥ """'"'" are doon2 bU\lllC~\ d~ 1'~ .lom1: ~u\1nt\\ o Samarpan C<.>nstrvl11vn ( rl,tk1A~ H•roll> lt>Prl 410 Hurll1n&ton SI IJrut ~•ul1< M•HAI.• and C Hunltnilort l:l•o• ~ I ~ I! •11" r~ I ((J t l!Ut• 92648 ~lrut C•,~I ' Mt\• LA Dean S.orn•ri•d" 410 970,27 Hunline,trn1 St iJ• I (4r1.,,-.. ~f'' ~~·~<hm•dl Hun11n.:1•on Bt• r. ~ Bl Br •dw• 1 O\ta 92548 M~'• ~A 92617 Thi\ bil'l.HI~·.• ~ O• dUl ted by ..trt tnc1 f'ttJl1.il Hctvt /OU '\tatf~d ,1,dniJ bu\rne\\ yet' N1; Dean Sdm•r .. n lh1\ \tatemrnt ,.. ftleel with lb1 CvMnlt Clerk of Oran&• County on 06/24/03 200S .. 4t2J2 011ly Pilot Jun• 27 .luly 4 11 18 200J F999 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSlflED (949)642-5678 ,---Deadlin e~ __ __, Rate~ and deadline' an: 'uhJcl..l to change .... tlhoul not1c.:c The ruhlt,hcr resef'!es the ngh1 to ccn,or. rcdJ"ll) rev1~e or rCJCLI <1Il~ da\'>1ficd advert1 ~emcnt Pk<i..c rcpon an) c:rror that ma) be Ill )OUt da,,1l1cll .td 1mmed1a1el)' The Da.il) l'illll au.l'ph no hah1ltt) Im an) error tn an :uhertJ~.:mcnl Im \\hrch rt ma) Ix· rc~pon~1hll' nlcpl tor tht· co't of thr space aduJJI, <K.lupu:d h} the error Credi\ <.:Jn 0111) Ix• .1lh>\H:<l 101 the l1r,1 tn~ert1011 CLASSIFIE AD •• d Mond.i) . Frida) 5 ()(>pm Tue-.da~. \.1 ond.i) 5 O(Jpm BY Fax ( 949", 6' 1-6594 • "'"' H~I k\••\Jr .IOI~ .\I l 1r 'k"''Li" ~-r o1nd ,,,.t '"'" I \j h.-. ~ .. It .. rr l qu 11; By Phone fl).191 {)4~-~67!\ II our~ By .\la il /ln P(•rson: 1 '0 V.t.',t B.i~ StH:t.'I Co,tJ '1c'.i CA 926::'.., Al '<'"'pon Bhd & Ba' \t Fnd.1) .... :nurdJ) . Thur-.d.i~ <i ()(Jpm Fnda) 3 <K)pm Ti:lc:phoni: X \O.im 'i OOpm 1'.lonJ.i~ Fndj~ WJll.-ln ~ ~Oam-5 OOprn \1unJd) -rndj~ Sunda~ ... Fnda) ~:OOpm ANNOUNCIMINTS l~J & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ,AClflC VllW IAYVllW TIRUCf S lOTS-All OR f'ART 94t .. 94-S01 5 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TOf' SS 4 RECORDS nc -~flt~'~ a. Allee Sc*I tubt dlT1l\ Mok~ 949 6•~ 75~ [QtW ltOUSllG OPPOl1\llTY All rul ut1lt 4dvtr llsina '" th1> newspaper " wbiect to th• I •dtral F 11t Hous1nc Act ot 1968 as amended whttll mikes 11 oltee•I lo adwerhst "any pr eler ence. l1m1ht1on or d1sc11m11111ton basell on 11ce. color 11h11on, 'o 11and1cap tamihal slalu\ 0< national oro11n or An intention to mah• any such preference hm1t1 hon or d1sc11m1n•llon • This new~aper will not know1ncly accept any advertrsement tor real estate which " in YIOlahon of ttw law Our readers ate hereby informed that all dwell 1nai adverltsed rn this newspaper 111 ava1l.tble on an equ1I opPot tunoty basis lo compl11n of dis cr1m1n1tion. call HUO tol4 lrM at 1·800-'2• 8590 C>WtrSbteF~ l"IAHOSA~ . .._.._ .......... ....... _.°""'_ 1489 LIJ 2305·2490 Garage/ Yan!Sales 1489 'l'ord Sole Sot, lom Crib t hddrtn• lhoniis & lol• ot ottier &rtdl item• ~ll c.,n•loon Av• CdM C.M./SAT l ·l Gl9-tlc Y~d Sole! A lttle IHI crf ...,~1 3 17 P'riM ..... °""' Glonl Yard Sale Salurddy 8~m 2103 Huntonaton St • l HunltnRfon Be.Kh. X street Y•n1c• Huntinaton ~ Hvt• Gar091 Sole frl & So1 7o-Ip [v,,ythin& mu\t ll"' Side by s1dt Irie p,.r l1wn mower 1nt1que\ 2 w1c k11 dressers & many misc 785 Maano1t1 ( 1n alley) Co\la Mui 2 r .... uy Garet• Sole Sit 8 301· Ip Antique\ wroulfhl 11on patio table clothn p1cturn & much more' 1600 OcwoChy l ane Newport Buch Genml Announeementl 1610 Cntl119 Coll Contact Steve Wiiber 714-997 !1544 or Mons Toth 949 !>83 9908 "TIM Naz11ene" will be holdrna aud•hons tor this yon perf0<mance' on Dec 19th 21th Auditions will be Aue 3'd ' 10th. by eppomt ment only If you can't make those d•tn, mall a picture & resume attention: Sieve WUb11, S1u1d1 Community Church 18531 Beach Blvd, Hunhneton Beech CA92648 ~ 3010.-3940 ~ 5oos-saso JEWELRY/ 3460 H MESrORSA! r DIAMONDS/ ORANGE 5400 PRECIOUS METALS COUNTY Coa1t Celn N11d1 Old Coon•' Cold \liver iewtlry wale hes anl!OUf'\ cotte<t1bi..• 949 6'7 9U8 Cats 3&10 200+ ICJTTINS, CA TS, OOGS www~k cwa F W... bUnd,'htne S!lll'. tn.m ~Tli~ ~'Z'D9 Sp.ty morTWnl ~ l'IOmes lor kJ!tim 9'1SQ17 f,632 Oclcol ltltte111. l eop11 d look a -ltlo.l!S, rare ea Olo<: eoldichocol1tt SpOI\, rul schmoozers 909 681 6Ci64 Ptt Adoptions 1101.., Tenl•r 10 ·wk\ female btac~ ' white housebroh . show qu11 1ty, perfect ch1mp1on & lnternet1on1t ct11mp1on fines siooo obo 714 596 1044 or 114 711·™1 Go-Sa..,.hor.t. 111 cololl. 111 s111s tor adoption to qu11tltad homes w-eYOClll Of& Of 714 773-5915 All STU\ IUtlOINCH SUf'lll SAU 24128 WH $8200. sell Sl990 l8•46 WH $l3,60(), sefl IS48I) 411100 WU m ,800, sell Balboa Peninsula ... SUMMlll StrZLlllS ... On n.s.w1 8t.MJtJfiA :& 3 !lba Mmr wrth eievalcw POOi IJl!ill krtct!en LR, buclllront &ill den & wtwtewalel Vll!W'> of Gold Coast $4,500,000 ,,.,If at IJ I,... 1.Sla Conterrc1onry home on h 'l St P•li French e..i rNllttf llmetont flocn down "'atm krt. beautJflA patio wty<v own ltM $1.5",000 ~-,..... Rernodllted, hr dwd f1oorl. ta QPefl LR w/fp, IJW out door pabo, ~ 2;c pr St.5".000 R~..S~. loc.tted on r •• 1111 lol 48r 48awt-i-.fp, .... ,..._Y'-vault ~ SUSo,000 ~!?~ 'IN8"SULA COMDOS 0... Set-S-1-4 4tUIU¥"An nto• sau,ooo 2U21TMST. 3&4W.- 4t1S-<tt17 ......... JW.-/J .... 0...-. ....... -""1'1tS.W.-C. ~,. .. CAIMMJO .. ..... _ .. __ •IMIVDTATD ·----~-­.... -,..,.. 112 850C1h Nowt 3436 · T-(iOO)Hl'-7 ... llOIOOM IUITl Ou.enM.te btd, 2 nl&tlt t1•le•. lflftOlf llfll dt'UMt w/rnlTH# Alto TV. w0tk-out 1>111. aot1. M9939·31n 11111111 °'91lk ••• I I 11111• A1uhl111 - Ind ex •A c-.dlng c-~i-...s!lotf to B111 Co< o<1a and lc>oi<nul po.nt 46< 4 ss~ bt and nf'w cu\lom l>ome Otff'ff'd at S1.950 000 COASTUNC Rt Al IY 949 7S9 0177 CuslOfft Corona del Mor c ... d .... 111tu ..... aourmet httc~n Wtoultht won. custom Ille and c•b 1nell y Front 1s 1 lbr 21>• home & r~•• is 1 2br Zb1 COASTUHI RWTY 949-759-4177 O"N SUN 1·5 70 I ,ol.,1ettlo )br 2 5b1 l ooks ltkt le.ts hlie a sinete t1m home Soon to be com pleted SI 279.000 Aeent B .J. Johnlon 949 721 0132 RIDUCIDll Jnr-. Cteeil r abulous tocal!on' on ~ 8' eeflbell lbr den WOl1'ou1 room. utr• ta "" tm w 1p IC ~ded pool\ -·s bly t<oU< Broiler t49..J7'-557' OP9' SAT-M 1-4 l~Molrcma Jr lbaCanyonPn $425,(D) lk1 r ewei Re,i11u ~170 1 • l te pt9d condo New pnt/crpt, kit nr,. & O/W. Mstr llf w/wa• 1"· cbt. •LR w/c:.tUI cells. fp, tlMD orb . cluOllM. Prud Ce "-lty 562-.107 75'1 ll1Sf .... ............ ........ WI.AS 20l2l Nloee4 Cir •102 lllt USA. 0..0. 1 11'1 lo ktt.C1t.dCOfftm,,..i, t1nM, 1¥f1• JM5.000 ly Ow-.ue 74'.JOll ~ 7402·7466 ~ IOOS-&510 Toltlng loclt. up Offe,. lllr uparaded tn,."" ,,.,. S!">07 000 Jbr I •lor 1 rownl1111r·~ S!>6~ 000 t l Ii 1 4br (a~t 811111 h11n1r i i 089.000 Norol11 'oulson R•olty 949-U7-6419 w-...-a.wty .& I 2Ba w 'lovdy 0..f V~ Ol)ej'I lloorplan 11>1' ,, windows l.P~CIOU\ ~11 tnekl\ W 0 SllDCDl obn M¥y Wood, def 949 '>84 5811 717-9816 IASTllUff AlllA £ >ec lownhm )br end unit. lee land HOA $180 00 By Owner $549 888 71• 299 7373 OPIH SAT 1-4 3%12 1r-dSt NIW,ORT HflGHTS lb! 2.Sbe pvt b1c1tyd $735 000 949 646 CM54 SIA fAltU v~ of Ocun ' C.tal~ ftom Hup P•uo. I Br IS. S449.ax> act ~no ~ontt . ..-> M9 lff--' ,..._ Cr-' custom estate Witt! e.trlyon a.--ott.edM $6,500.000 '°"''"•• ........, ~7SM1 n lldlllllln MP SUM 1-4 1to11a-tTr .. , .....,.r .. tt. Sbr 4ba cour ~Itch. cu•tOM ardotecture, pool. a,.t. waterfall $1,649,000 lHley Cit ... 71• 51•~ u nder the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 R£:S;D£r~T•Al RP.~A. S LA COUNTY. noo LONG Bf.ACH & VICINITY 'X ~ .......... <:«: rr, 81>.:'. • .jl'.'t'"' u. "Q Bo-a..• ~'"*" IUl'lllOHT HEIGHTS •br l '>b• c omplelely remod w llaltan Ille ~2 zoned Wilk lo buch1 $779 9!">0 949 310 7300 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • lAST~f CHilMCR 3B• 1 b• a•r•I?• baci.,"o ut1h included (949) 645 , • ., a...c...w-"-l& l QI AR"> Welton'IP 714-2!& 964Ei 714-974 '.M9t 9& rn-011& ..._ '"...., • ' . TODAY'S A14 f~, »118. 2003 I CRosswoa.o euzzLE Costa Mesa 31 Stink 32 Europe·Asia sst~ ,.. Pnotaon s rMI< 38 Ey9f1-39 T .. s 1 8'0t}' <lt ConoefY Of "Or. No. 4' Boll 46 Pony, otler'I 411 Ulh4-- 51 Wll'rn up louboul Noor Newport Hh, completely remud :Zbr I 'Iba twnhm. new wd, new kolch & appl's & carpel & mo1e1 Gar w/openei No pets $1875 ~2!»6313~ Newport Beach 11r llo w/k1tchenet1e Quiet area lblk lo ocean S97'lm incl ulrl & cable avaol 8/1 949 645 9775 lovely Gotecl C..-.ity llr llo Apt. w/pYI ga< Ire, wall. to Jn-Square S895/mo Waler tt<i•h Pdod Klc111 Mana~menl 8n 704 8649 E .i 9200 C10SI TO IOt :& 2Ba E'slde:.z.!!w loft, .,iet WSIOe. hu&e lol w/pod, & i... ........._ gr<h" f p, Ill pallo. w/d. w ......... -. -s1mno 9't9-~ pen, S99S/-. 180 l gar. . OCEANFRONT WINTER RINTALS 1-2-l & 41r's Avoll. Auodcrted a.olty 949-673-3663 2ht St. 949-+4S-7776. 4br 2ba HUGI YARD W /GUOlNlR. f1~ PiW1t n & out Nr 1--*lt P.n & Fwg,Ol.t'ld!. SI~ • de!> 949-6115-~13 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Both vulllel1lble. Sowh dcah. opcn1111 bid and NortJ1. wllh the wne IQf\ of holdina. knew clUlctly where IO f)l8" the oonll'lln Notrnt •AK•l Q 1C 62 De piie North'• oniuw ra;pome. 0 84 • Q 106 EAST .,, W....i COCTeCt!y led the lop of the f*:!c scqocix:e. Occl3rer coi.tld count ~.,, rust trich. Whid1 ml·buit fjne~se ahould Soolh attempt fillit'1 1be oru.v.et h neiltlt'I'! Even 11 suc- c:~ful finesse pins onl1 ooe tnck. llOO yoo need thrtt. Aii.bough the club ~WI •~ the wcakC!it of the thrte suits. two crick~ coo be c'IUll>lis.hed by force by k.nod.ing out lhe BCC and king. 10 8 7 J 9763 • K4 2 SOlTfff • Q 53 V' A J 3 <>A Q 10 2 •J1S TI.-b1ddmg: SOlITTi WFST 1 1 .... NORTH EAST I• p- ~l~r •hwld win lhe opening lead m dummy and immediately lead a club to 1hc jack A\\umc \1(1:"1 win' lll1d pcl'5C~ew; wrth sp;idci. Wtn in hand 10 prcl>enc Jummy entries and • roo;c Wl lht! n:11111inin1t1 big.Ii club. Be~• defense i~ for &bt to taLl the king lllld shin 10 11 heart. but lhi\ ;, not the Lime w falter. Play low from hruid. win the ling in dummy and l:.l~h \he rcmamm,. bhK.k-suit w1n- net'I. You can now a ... ,urt the cootr.IC1 by rx1L111~ v. uh a spade. pitclung another d1ami1nJ fmm hand. W~t mu.\I win and lead rnlo one of yoor red·,u1111.mace' for~ mnth 1ricl... INT Pni JNT Ptill Pk~ Pti5 Openinii lead: J.acL. of• When you ha\r to ~hMI trid' fiN i.acllc the SUH where \UC'CC\~ ,, l'eM.ll.ln con,ider this deal lllc auction wa.~ mwmc. South described a minimum. b11laoc:cd lluff'• Popvlor l ,.._ 48r, 'l1/z81. family rm, courtyard, balcony, no peh $28X)rn n4 328 8333 lodiboy Hat ttua• yard. hurl trees. 4!1r :?Ba. "* • !Bl b <*Al~~ lot.. I I r 110 unit on S29IDn l\ltleb 9&Z>J-0131:1 quret Peninsula point S1nale PtfSOl'I, No/s.rnll/ pets $1450 949-293-4631 Cltor..,ln9 21r I la Ava~ Now Private Bexh. ling co.rt ,_. H;wbar ~ SJ 700m Lse 949 718 ldOO 1 llOClt BOM OClAN 2br 2ba remocl, 1M c114*•. ca-port. ~ SllliCVmo Avao1 8 I 9&51S-4229 Vllo Polrwt oolsl.tndln& condo w/2 masll'f~ on eo'I ct1urw. wa• In llallloa kl~nd & B.icll Bay Avad now $2200rn agl 949 718 I~ 2 & 3 ldrm Unlh upar aded w all ntw carpel IR. ~ Cdbnb. t:.w ~love llllOO d/W, D~ cntn. els to bell' Slsa> S23!i0 949-51 >a8) ()pet! Sat/Son J(}? 4202 li~i'lllll Lovety 21r+den 71 /110 1 own house 1860sl 2 c star -' bar po0v5j)9/tenn "' r ~· 15' $23!i()n no pel yeM t... 94<} 72J r:El2 • S..per Shwplll * .JJt 38a Condo sll!l>5 to bch. 8atni Pim. ~ 2< p . ~ a., 96®001 IAVfRONT CONDO 21r 21a, 2cM ,..."9• $3S00/11to. Dod1Avalloblo. Au0<lo1ed Roolty 949-673-36'3 MuntlVy Rental AvttA S$t· Uie 4bl 2bd IN l.ll1 P\'!IWI Point Very nu lurn'd llif um 9496]") 46ll cia.e IWFfS TOWN HOME 8AYVIE.W38R •FR LARG£ "E. PLAN · CUSTOM UPCRADCO lXPANOCO SJIJOOm'> Notoloe Povl•-Realty 949-637.-'4&9 JOBS WANTED Employment Wanted 8200 * Hovtemon/M9r. * I tl~~n & rna1nta1n farg@ home~ Cuul< d11ve all duhe' elderly & child lar~ ••P J7J 931 9038 Employment 8500 ASSISTANT MANAGlR roR BOAT R[NTALS r All I 800 'l8'l 0747 IMW '82 6J3 csl ? d1 .1t11v/tan 5 ~P. sunroof. full pwr, S?OOO 7' 4·878 94!>'> IMW '97 3281 <-v rnel.tlhc dark blue ete1 lthr •upet b tu11d lhrou&hool SIS.995 v#672421 8111 94S581> 1888 www.o•pabl.co~ IMW'9032Sf hkf' "ew Blk /lan 4 dt Auto 106li mo at •unrl lull pwr l1nl c~ •mo1 $3850714 651 4661 28r, 280, upper unit Apt I <: ear new paint. t<llpel, blonds, lrnoleum, Aet $12.00m 949 673 7tm UDO YlARl Y UASl & UDO SUMMCR HOMES lostblull, l l r 28r. BIU CRUNOV R£Al lORS earag~. w/d hkup Agt 949-67S-416 I S2J75/mu 949 293 46JO 1824 Pon wi,..-,, 4~ 3 '/•bo, 3 ••r ear lOmpletely r tnrudeled 3 OOOsl S4 950 C•ll Oor ue 714 712 1811 a:LJl AUTODETAIO ~IEAOI 949 n'l 1111 I MW '98 l3 c-v 2.8 . 6 t.yl red Ian llhr 5ipd. tieaul l1kr "ew tond •81!>171 Sil 995 II nanctne & w.m aroty .tv•1I 3' U la Twmoow oo blulk "' bell lncd yd Ip <Ill p • e• If a prill. SI <t!l>/ mo acent 949-642 9699 ._ ...... 2lir 21/*a fWTthm, fp. pvt pabo, Li mslf, pbo4/.-.af • p +Utrl. vn pet <*. A'flij 8'1 Sl.1D'nG71~ Celltorn l1 law re qi#" Mitt contrac· tot) t1tuna iot>s that ~ $500 0( ~· (t.IMir or meter lals) be bnud by the Contractors Slate license Board State l1w also requ1res that contracto1 • include their ltcense number on all •dvt!rl1sina You can checlo. the status o l your h cenud cont11cto1 at www.ulb.c• 1ov or 800·321 CSLB Unli c1nsed conl111clots ltkrna jobs that tote! less than SSOO must slete rn therr 1dn1trsemen1s that tbly 11• not hcensed by th• Contractors S111te license Board." M••I Anad1li' ,..,,.. INT.-.s Klld1en I &tn I Remocld ~••••lllfoMDn ~~~ Alt~ AU.UIHVAC A" C()nd1honln1 lo Ht1t · tftl Stf¥1c:t 888 Approwd l l!Dl660 949-~nxi Huntington Beach COMMUTf U SS RELAX MORI Contact rental '""'1Q Ac><wl menl tmklr1n11bon Cent• I 1625-B at IWvill d Ind Man """'· Ca 9?61 • 2H l lAVfA.lllV w / ..,,.._., Avail Aug 1 Auocloted Reolty 949-673-3663 Nice smoke tree studio. I blocl</bnt buch w d ut.I rncl S795/mo 949 &50--0943 I 866 400-2690 ····~ ICINGS 11!1, ,..,..,,... w-.., of lar ee home. 2 spac °"8ardl Us tba condo naxt rms. Iba. k1tchette. pvt P'ier; -pool, ~. ....... Sll8'i ~ w/d rn int. urldlr1Jd !)lie ~ Sl8Xl9667378X> IALIOA ,.ENINSULA le upper Jbr ~ vaull t.H Ip, w/d 2c e<11. S'l400'mo ~t Chrr..ty 949 500 3648 21R VfA.RlY RENTALS Newport Bch Penm~ula , Sl400$2400/mo 1\111 949-673-7800 l i t 2.Slo, NPCrMt, ~ ~ & ll'mlo"t, rni!Fbll, wal< lo bCh. dbl gar. pooV loon S25mn 9$923 <151 n.~~~ lba. ~·end"""' SZIOO.lmo BMban Siil /~el. Riii 96W 0195 s-ltlftel+ r-• -·114>l 111 CM/tiB tor ,....,, dean 54/yr emptoyed m-.R!hTmn~ Dtwa/CDt (Aj .....,__ Bkr 949 '>86 1888 ,..,.;,,..0<....,f.c-SIO.<XX> alter 'l '/f'41H1 SC.OS In J9 c~I~ leMn luldt '14 Rlvoro new lo 41 •ffil\ Ct.>ntt.....:tnr~ lne' bruk\ & \hotk• tn 81 ~"'* fuel ...,.. lnaded efell mnrl make char&e• COL Grad• nllor (114)848 J/04 we1co'"" r oc ax> m 5556 or KLL M com Codllloc 'OI SewllloSLS (CAl "SCAN) \tlver I&• ey llh1 CO ---------t Chtm wltl•. eold pka lull lat.I. lrt.f' new Sl8.<l~ DltlVlRS WANUD Newport & Hunt.,.t.on 8dl Set yrru1 own ~hedule' Patt or futt tome avatl•ble ,-r;, .. /day lulHtme ~I 888 DOI WORK a llRlly @ -D-0 lcun v•596741 lmancone nail Bkr 949 586 1888 •ww.oc,.-1.~ Cot(llM '# ~ Seville 81 ~ 11¥. cood t.nnd black che1rr. tlhr n"w I H e\ $450() 714 7'5 //9/t f.foME, HEALTH AND BuSINESS ~ ..... c.,et Repair/Sales ...... C.,.. S-SS on mlp' brand rwne Clf1ll!I eJl)!l1 ~ ~ -llfflZl915 1t4'lJ>.tlCf> ()CAUU~<ARPU'I!) Repaors. Patchin& ln\11111 Cour leous any srze tobs Wholesale! 949 49? 0?05 Cleaning ' COMPUTER HELP! • Mllll llt ""',.,.. .. ,.. ... ,,, .. ·~· .. ·~ ·-... ~·­·~.._ •OICI~ • (JgtW lti!o. ~ Iola ·~~~~ UC ~Oraclwle, 10 y,. CcwripuW &p. 714--612-2786 oeamp Publistllng TIMI TO llGIN YOutt HOM l IMPROVEMENT "ltOJECT? Cati 11 plumber, pa on let. handyman. or any of lhe areal set vices ltsled here rn our '~'vice dorector'(I lllC SC t OCAL SVC PEOPLE. CAN HELP YOU TOOAV! WITINOln DaYWAU lrldi lledi Stefl• ftle All phasu sm/lr1 tob• Concrete.· Pebo. DrMW<1y (llANI 20yr s. fair. free r"t11lc. BBQ Reh :ZSV1s est L4'Xlm 714-639 1447 E•p. Terry 714 5S7 7594 Tlt• c .... ..,, M• Cementwork, Buck, Tole f. More Re1t1bte. No tob too small 714·615-9062 ~ ~ 18 Yrs [JP • Creal Reh AM Plltses of Cons tr ucttM ~~Up!J1s l l577982 !M9 709 5642 your stuff tfTough classified! EJectrtcalSentca 5....1 JM h,_..t OuncMt Clectnc 20Vn hp LOCllVQUicll R~ Servu,/Remodds l 1775870 949-65(). 7042 UC.lMSlD CONTRACTOR No jilt> too $111. ,. Wvlcesl Repalf, temodel, llnS, spl, ._ IYC ~ 36156 *AIEUCM* ~~ :~t • Local & Rllublt fAU ESlllAATIS (114J ~UO HandymarV Home Recaatr GFM:IAl. IEPADl Ii llA.INTENANa • RNdtnoil • Cl.lllll'llatDl No Job Too Small D•we Bamllton 949-322-8291 lHE HANDYMAN "H WOii< flU•I ilnleed ~&S1arage PUBLIC NOTICE l-Twre• L-ch~.... Plomt1S11. (lee.but. Doon. WMdy rNll1l tree ~ ~mi uirp ft:.. 96~ The Calif Publlc Ut1ht1H Comm1n1on r equrres lhat all used hou'!>ehold goods movers pt1nt their p u c c.1 l number. limos and ch•ufleurs print their 1 C P numbef 1n alt ad~tf llsemtnh. If you have ""Y questions <1bout tile le1al1ty of a 111uver. lln10 o r 'hauffeur. ull P'UIUC UTIUtllS co•MtSSION 100 177-1 .. 7 & 11nt111tat10n ~Yrs op L re/insured 949 ~·4363 Haul Ing . ,,.. Service, Vard Cleenup, Marnten;ince. Spunkier Repetr. Heuline (t4t ) iS0-8711 RES TOR( • R• PAii! & RlMOOILINC. ~~~~~-~~ JUN• JO THl DUMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE. TOOAYt 949 673 5566 DAM'S ltOUSI QlNe9G Eiroi-i Sewle b 15 yeon, re~ L~ 714-S42•S6 ~Can \2/~---.­ Nvn"'9 Cwe !>days/wk M F. 7•·7P Hnt olen s1ve Medical Bakcrnd u well as bein1 frcensed u l VN aw·W11t commll to other resp. u well Salery ne1ot1abte llevln Hm !MC).559-0270 Per 949 559 2246 vunuu MASONRY Rt5rdenttel Concrete &. Pllnllnl MHonry Service Stone, __ ..;;,.-____ _ 8tict., Block 714-965 2824 Strtp & .......... Custom Hand P.inted ~ & ~., •• p~ Mm a'*' oet«IK .. ------~·1 ••ul• .•• ••••• Conv. 45k ml, aulo, ••.w ----Whit• w/1re12r~ Milu , Sports Pile (19542) 125.980 ••u~os.,_ White w/S1ddl1 lother, Moonrool (19U3) 129.980. 0 I '••••r S ry,,e SnCrHn w/S1ddle lthr, 28K ml, Moonroof (19112) $32,980. 9• MerceJe• SfOO Ch1rco1I w/Black leather. 1s· Chrome Wheels, lll'oonrool (l9512C) $29,980. 01 •MWNOI Black w/81.ck, onl~ 3 111 Mtles (19485C) $39,980. 0 1 ,.•rult• r t1rt.• 11pt1onlc, Only l8k miles. N1va1alron (19394) INQUIRE 9• te1t11• GS JOO Cold w/Siddle le1lhtr. Chrome Whuls (19•18) $22.980 ff ferr•tl JSS fl )i1hre1 w/81ack Leather. only I 4k mrle5 (114235) INQUIRE OIM-e"-•ctSOO Silver w/Crey, Navr· aation. Only ls.I. m• (19545C) INQUIRE 00 l'w..dte .. ..,., Black w/Crey lealh· •r. T111tromc (19346) $30. 980 Mt-574-7777 rm!ISAUTO ;tS;r•c. '97 CHlVY tAHOl 4 m ......... 4XA. um Soon!~ ... DYnuwJ _. w/Z Rodllcwd Si.as. Center ~ wNs. ~ 25b oH load la"" fM; _, s 15$> 9$ 2!l'> rs 0-., , .... lT ... 4•4. 8'.e. ti n•. lltr. ,_ Ire & ~ \,W~ bim'-.. performdnt e brakes $16.!al CW}:?ll>-1193 ford '6 S Mu•ton9 Con• ert1blt, 01111nal owner ~ohd tar $19.995 obo 949 719 "943 J....,., '94 XJS Cemt 6 t.yl 1<'1 tl.11m1n20 1ed Ian lthr CO b~auloluf oroe tOnd Sl 3.99'l v#94264 I frn.inun1 & warranty av•ol 8~1 949·S86· 1188 -.CKpot.l.c- ,....,. •oo ••• c_,, ~k mo full I.tel war r anly 81111\h ""'"& green/tan llllr CO. 1.111 ome whl\. 11~e new S36.995 v•9/524 I Bk f 1nanc1ng & w•rr anrl '49·S86·11U -. ...,.w..-1.-1.._....,......., Se11th fl wh1le/1rey llhr, ps, 0111 owne1, ~uperb 01111 c:Ond , Slf>,9" ~7Jt 91tr 94t-SU-f8U .......... ,..~, ..... ~"IJtB,~. ~Professional Painting Le ... 94360 lutab/Eltaiar l*mldft,..... Colarlllt ...... Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa. ca (949) $46-3006 C4111949-887·1480 ci.-.·· ,... 'OYrs lllp C1eat Price! Gueranteed work 'Free u t ll37S602 714 5311534 1 390 2945 MI'S CUSTCNI PMffT1118 Prof'I, clun, quality WOfk lntenor/ut ind dock$. l•703468 !M9 631 4610 ,.,,_ .. , ....... lop Qu•hty, Compet1t1ve lnltrlOf /Eat llM8228 C1H Jity 949-i!J0.5066 UIMIOW C9QI MMn 'l>tlntiflc.w/Ut. ""'-'~ Quality )ob! frM tr.\lmllh l.'569897 714-636-8888 I r.llvlf. tin t~. pw, pl, A/C, CO, r.upetb like MW eend. ril119743 Sl0,99!1 fln1ncln1 .& warunty _ ......... ,, .. 2.3, a<>rpou~ CM. ltlw, •naft 9211 mnrl, ~ "548954 DUft I G ._ wcWUDQlm ... nrll ------~.~1~: .............. 1 .. ~.. .. 2 3, 1or•ous CM, lthr, "1 llft ~ 111.niOU : 9211 mnrf, 15995 tlS489!l4 v& lnboard/outbotr•-. l<jCW,wto com 9o$646. 71122 1 n 1 I n 1 • w I I r a If • r °' S7SOO 949·709 3079 _ Mene4e1 '9• C280 b11ut1fut blecll/crum fully to~d. showroom, f1/QA. SJOZiO 714-151·2'1M ---'9S 020 8IVbll beaut, an opt, non• nle•. new major svc, S899r> wcwaito com ~71122 ••-'"•ts 1no•/ blk beaut. all opt, flone n1Ce1, new lf\IP Sli'C, I~ wan SU.500 n~7512464 Men .... 1 450Sl 'll c.n ... rtlltle low 9lk n*s, vtry eoocl condrtJOO. ooly S62.00. 949~93-0379 ••raCff• '91 420 Sll wh1te/1ret lthr. ch1on141 whls. low mi, superb 'ond, $6995 V*567281 8h1 949·586 1888 www.t<paltl.c- 0'4h__..ll• 't6 Awe<'• 60k m1, black/11e1 llh1 mrwl, CO. l•bulous cond throu11hout $599!> vrn•4!i/219 Bkr 949-586-1181 www.oq>obl.c- Ponche '99 Conn• •61o mr, blll/blk lthe. CO. chrome whls. h~e nH• $42,995 V16220SJ It m1nc•n& £ ••" ilva~ Bkr 949-S .. ·IHI www.ecp..a.1.c- s..i. •99 9.:s c ..... 4911 m•. wh1te/011lmul lthr CO. black lop fabulous hlle new cond Sil ~ vt8/5261 811.r 94t-514-1HI -·~···-TOYOTA CAMltY U ' 94 4 do@r . 53k m1le1. auto. PW PS. S5500 Pro••le par Ir 909 717 1026 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES • "' " • -.. -----.. .. .. BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE -~ 9' n SUP AVAllAlll ; IM MlWPOU HACH • $2500 ll.ASI ,. 949-500-1005 Side tlo 1 .. "'' i...t : u11 lo 30ft neat balboa • hland bndi• $.400/mo • 949·673-4062 : MHD4S'SllP lft Newp«t leod1 ( l'l. beam) w/wete< & • powe< 714 865 2991:... -· IAY ISUHO COVf--.. I )It bum unlrm1..,._ lenath, quiet £ u te. !M!Jo- 922 TT77 or 949 673 1 , IOAT S&'5 NOW AV Cal k.f SlleS, luall:ron ...... detaol!.. Watt. iW1d i--• incw.ci Mt-67S...UV.:: PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters NI~ f(.A t1 •tV\A P.~\Jti -~ . • t. Clas.,rfr C'd Community Marl, .. tpLlCe SlWll a.DUllOU. (949) 645-2352 ec e dM1'\otl ol MIU J n.nvcn S{W[R JETTING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK OETtCtlON F111ndl1 Service •••·•75 -9304 -~~ l • 1S2A91 Insured , .. ,. . .. . ... "' • . . .. .. T.._..._ - rtll(ISIPWll .... Rep1lr1 &. Remodeltn1 fRE.E tSUMAlt L'68?398 714-969-1090 ..._,...,() En&hlh I N eher, ,. len10111I •11111 ltet •t>•clallie In ptocrH n1tln1 tHna Su111C:: 1 .. d1n1 COlth Cap~.; compoaltlon T11cll_. l11dMd1111/Gto1AP rat refuencu nail•~ SM Clarll Mt-21& t ' 18 2003 All I Don't miss our Grand opening festivities including: • Drawing for FREE trip to Las Vegas • Putt-putt to win $500 • Profe&5ional DJ ··Moon bouncer • Hot dogs & sodas I· All Fndly, LINCOLN • Jlt111 p emmenr fea Ind cue.. Illy finance cbalg~. any dealer documc:n1 prep:u.uon charge and an) cmm1on 1c-i1ng chlutc REBATE I!'\ LIEl OF ~PECIAl LOW RATI:. A1'A.'Cl"G 1 At This Net Cost tJ27S.W> f'lu, 110,cmmcn1 fee, 31ld •~'•'· any f11U111<c dwrge,, an~ Jeakt document pttp.uJttun lhar~c. JJld m~ cm""on 1c,t1n~ charge KLHATF 11'< Lll:.L OF '>Pffl.>.L LO\\ RAlc Fl"A"'CIM, 1 At This Savings • MERCURY P1111 to¥emment rea llnll w.es. any finance chatgcs. 1ny clc&Jcr documc:nc pl'CpellOOO ~. and any Cf111SSIOll teums cha~. REBATE tN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE ANANCING. 2 At This Net Cost Plu\ IO\ffi'lltlCfll fee• and IUe\. any finance chugc,, an) dealer ~ni prepe.1111100 charge. and My cm"'100 ICSlm& <h•rgc RE8ArE: IN LlEU 01' SPECIAi I 0 \\ RATI:. Fl1'A"Cl'G 1 At This Net Cost I At lpis Savings Cf>.127041 USED CARS VER50 CHOOSE ROM ~~~"~ ~~~~F~u~!~e~?~~.~ ... ~.~ ............................................. •7 88 0 ~J!~~~! ;~e!~ .......................... ~ ........................ •t •I ••• ~!~;~~ .. ~~~~r~n~po~l~n, s-spd, Alr .......................................... •a 48 0 01 LINC.OLN CONTINENTAL ••o •a• (181008) 21K Mlle, One Owner, Superb Condition, Moon Roof, Full Power. • 1 • W ~~~~~~!.~l~~! ............................................................. •t a,eae ~7;!~=.~~Jh~~:.l~ ......................... •at ,aoo ~~51':r~1~;M~~~l~~!r~X~nt~e.~.?~ ...... ~ .................. ~ ............ • t a I aas ~~.!2!~~~! ~~Moonroof, co Sharp ................................... •-t I a as ~20~~~!,v~~~~~~L~~sSea ......................... •t e,eas ~~~~~~)~~~.Power All, 11tt cru1 .......................................... •a It I 8 8 8 ~~,';!~~;,~. fo~~!!~~~!!; ............................................ • t a, 4 es ~e1~!~~2.LJ! ~~~:~?.!!~. Sh.,., ......................... •aa, eaa ~1'=)~~~~.!.~.~~.~.!.~~ ............................... ~ ............ • t a, 4 e e ~e~~~~~~~~'!!~Wheet .. Sherp ..................... m•aa,eaa ~87';!~;~ ~~Chromes, CO, Sharp, low Mltet ........................ • t a 1a8 0 ~~..';!~~~!~~ .. ~.~.~ ....................................................... •a 4, ~as ~~tt~~~ ................................................................ ~ ...... •t a,aso 02 MERCURY VILLAGER . (J0737M'2721) 1• .. , Top of ttll h wtth tuthef, CD, ltlOlllOOM flliilf-•t e 888 ~~..';!~~?!-~x~= ~:on't Laet ................... _. ................... •a 4 I 9 ae ~N=~-~~..:.·~~R ... ,.._,, ........................ -*99 988