HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-19 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' • . .. ,. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, JULY 19, 2003 Woman bu.rt.at fair has· surgery State officials are trying to get details about the extent of woman's injury from a fl ying bolt on Booster ride. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot FAIRGROUNDS -A 23-year-old woman who got hurt by a pin that got loose and hit her in the face when she was on the Booster ride Sunday night underwent !>Urgery on Fnday, her mother said. Staci Tomack's mother. 7,oe fomack. declined to comment further, bu1 wd <,he spent the day in the hospital because her daughter had had surgery. MWeU. so far so good." she said bnelly c10d referred all funher questions to her daughters anomey. Steven O'Reilly. who could not be reached for comment on Friday. State officials said they are still trying to get in couch with O'Reilly to get details about the extent of the Staciu Tomack's injuries. Dean Fryer. a spokesman for the !.late Department of Occupational Safecy dnd Health, said the ride operators had re- poned the injwy as "a cut." Fair officials said on Thlll"iday that Tomack. of North- rfdge. had declined to taJce an ambulance and had chosen to ride with a tnend to the hospital. Officials also said the Booc.ter nde opened on Tuesday after 11 was fixed and a state inspector had looked at it on Mon- day, when the fair was closed. The in- spector had actually come down to look a l the Adrenaline Drop, a ride right next to the Boo5ter, where a 30-yeir-old La Canada woman had been injured hours before Tomack got hun. Aidyl Sofia-Gonzalez left the hospital on crutches one day after the Adrenaline Drop's nets failed to break her freefall from a trapdoor llO feet in the air un- 1ethered by bungee cords or harnesses. That ride remains closed and under in- vestigation, officials said. On Friday, fairgoers were still riding the Booster. Many who rode seemed un- aware or the accident Tre Smith, 14, said he Mliked the ride." See SURGERY, Pa&e M 00N LEAOi I OAll Y PILOT Rmgltng Brothers Circus clown Brenda Graham dusts off kids from summer camp at the Clown Seminar at the fair. . Big shoes to· fill The fair 's Clown Seminar show provides a peek behind the big top. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot M ichaele Watson got to swirl rings with Brenda the clown. Brenda Graham, who used to work with the Ringling Bro thers and Barnum and Baney Circus. spent Friday with her husband, Jimmy, clowning around at the fair du~··~~ show. Six-year-old Michaele looked in awe as Brenda threw up the rings in the air. NThese are awesome,~ said the girl who had come to the Orange County Fair on a day trip as pan of a summer camp from Hawthorne. Michaele said she was also going to go to the circus at the Arrowhead Pond in Anahelm that begins JuJy 25. FAMILY TIME Waiting for an Angel INSIDE For more Orange County Fair news, see Pages A6-7. "I love Lhe animals at the circus," s he said. "I like the horses.· Jimmy gave the little girl a tiny tip. "Ifyou get there an hour and a half earlier, you can actually be near and talk to the animals.·· he told her. "You can talk to them. but I don't know if they'U tallc to you, w he aid with a guffaw. Maxine Tow of Downey brought her 8-month-old granddaughter, Isabel. to watch the show. S.. SHOES, Pace A6 l 1 :30 a.m., in time to catch the day's promotion tnt bad faru friendliest, hands d own. was manager Mike Scioacia. Forget Ah-nold, run Mike for governor. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.da!Miotcom Mike Whlthurst of Arkansas drr,µs more than 80 feet nrr a r:et as he . braves the Aoreca ne Drop at the Orange County Fair last year Se x charges dropped against former pastor · Supreme Court decision forces O.A. 's office to free former .St. John the Baptist Church pastor. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The dl\tnct anorney on Fnday dropped '>CX abuse charges against a former Costa Mesa pa.)tor alcused ol molesting a boy about 25 n •ar!J ago. Denu. I yons, 69. the pastor of St. John the Bapust Olurch on Baker Street for 18 year.. walked out of Harbor Ju~uce Center a tree m,in 1111 I nd.11 1!11•, '"'' ,.., ah er .1 11 " \upr .. 11u· 1 • 11irt )1·1 '>100 'tr.It d 1\\1\ I ( 1hf•HI )d\\ th.ti d!l<i\\' pt•l't" llll•ll 11' old "t•\ t nmt•, 11· · \\ t' 11• I 1 bcton f-ndu\' Ill' ir1nl! , SI {)(J 000 h,1 d l o'td \It·'"' I'• Ii , .irn· ... 11 I vun.., on \pnl .!i 111 h•' I l 1,11'l World hom1 111 "l·,11 1~ ... 111 <111J rhargC'd him \\1th 11n•• 1 oun• t1! pt>r1ormu1g .s le\\IJ .1111! Iii" 1\ 1 ous at I ag.11n'1 .i t 11,ld ' ,u11i.:1·r than I Ii and lour l rJU(I(<, pl 11r.il copula11on all td 1rn•·' nw '>upreme ( •lllrl rllll!l).; 111,tl the gmernnu.·111 1 .11111 1 rt 11 ~1 11\e)\ era'e 'ldllJll'' 11 11111111 t1on~ '' fn1,tr.;1111i.: lor \ 1r 11111 ... See PASTOR. Page A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Reactions mixed .l to Bryant charge Opinions about rape case involving Laker and Newport Coast resident vary in local sport bars. Deirdre Newman and Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESI\ -Cuslomers of sports bars in C:OSta Mesa had mixed .opinions about the ~ of N&. basketball star and Newpon Coast resident Kobe Bryant after the Friday annoWlCelllent that he· was being charged for sexual as- '>dull Tht> felon) thdl)!t> V."<l' tiled m Colorado <q.fcilll'>l H1Yanl a guani \\1th the l'°' Angt'lt>'I l,;U.t r,. for a lune 30 rende7vm1" \,\1th .1 Jq. year-old \>\Onldfl II found gtulf\, he could facc tour \ear. to llfe m pnson Houn. after the char~w "a.' d.O· nounced. Bryant held a pre-,., ron ference at the Lalers ho me. '>ta- pies Center, • rm innocent. M he repealed several ome.. Bryant did admit romrrucung ,.... adultery with the woman. but said 11 was consensual Bryant who is married with a See BRYANT, Paa• M C oache , teachers and parents know that the learning and discovery process Ls a two-way street; that many times, adults are learning from kids. The most Important Jei.soru kids teach u1 are life lessons. the reality checb that remind us there was a time ln our Uves when anything was possible and no one could convince UJ otherwise. • ltandlng on the Oeld's warning track while Coincidentally, ow nieces f>ana and KeWe Hines '"1e also at the ga.rµe, Dana with her boyfriend, But WUkina, and Kellie wtth· her newly minted flanc~ Patric:k Penderpat. Roy and MJchR.l ipUt their time between the relatM!s. us and· the frozen malt ~r. Showwf9 Me paeeibtei. but IO is hNt. &pec:t Ngtw In eo.a M.a Mir 80 and 73 In~ NewpOrt i-....;...;:::;..;:s~-...1 the players STEVE and coaches roamed '-"· S.hpAa SMITH aro\lJ\d • shaking IPOllTI t go~ one of those rea1Jty checks last Sunday at the Angela pme. My wtre and l went 10 the pmt with our IOn, Roy, and bl• &lend Michael Markovaky. ha6a. and havinl their picturet tabn. My vote for most aloof wu Troy ~val. the clOMt, who 1pen1 a lot of The pmewu addq; with the MIN nlnhw more o1 tbe •tma11 b.U'lhMPt them lbe World Serlet cbeaipiodlhlp 1Ut yev. They won w . , M-. .. Mir,.., ..... not too pl1111dwtlt•~.,,..,... reoeldiw .. ~dllMlrdlbM1dP .. e:rport~.1'6.on• ,, ........... Nft .... ,.. .... o. .. _. ~, ...... ........ We antwd at the .uicllwn at IMPN&Y ...... M time= pietum of h.11 own OD a camera. The ._,.AS ....... ~ A2 Saturday, JIJ'f J 9, 2003 SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT Betty Benow1tz leads senior events at the Jewish Community Center of Orange County. Clubbing at the Jewish Community Center By Suzie Harrison Coastline Pilot B ctr y Benowitz hai. been makrng people feel at home and part of the family for ma11y yeari. as executive director of senior ~ervices at the Jewish Community Center of Orange County. "I like the contact -a nd being able to help people of that age ii. a value," Benowitz .c,aid. She talked about the diversity of people who come to the senior cente r, their background, career and hobbies. She findl. it very interesting. "Working with the seniors is a great experience. They appreciate so much, .. Benowitz ~aid. "They enjoy the stimuJation, the news, programs and ente rtainment -they love it.." She i.aid that rhere are many volun teer'> that help make ii ha ppen and lend 10 th e positive atmosphere. "It\ gratifying to have a group called Oub 90," Bcnowitz said. "There are '>eniors in it that are 90, 95, 96. It's charming lo b e around th em." The center started in Garden Grove with the Jewish Community Center's Senior Service~ department, and Seniors can find activities and company in Club 90 at the Orange County center moved to its Costa Mesa location 10 years ago. They have been serving seniors for more than two d ecades. Their program has always included lunch. It's important that they have always been able to break bread, she said. "It was an age group that was sort of rorgonen,· Benowitz. said. "It's a wonderful opponunity to come to those who otherwise have little to do at home." The center embraces the e ntire family, those of pre-school age. seniors and everyone in -between, she said. She said there is a pletho ra or program s and things to d o for the seniors. They have a nurse who comes and keeps continual records of the seniors, as well as wellness groups such as the Arthritis f oundation. BOOMER CALENDAR "We have an exercise program now, which is yoga for seniors.· Beoowitz said. "They're all seated ." Benowitz said that in the earlier years, when the original members of the center were younger, there was plen ty of dancing. ·Mally loved to dance. When they saw the Happy Hoofers it enlivened them,· Benowitz said. "It gives !hem a real happy feeling." The senior center operates two days a week. with 30 to 35 seniors attending on a regular basis. During Passover and other holidays. 70 to 100 people an end. "Rabbis in the community conduct our services,· Benowitz said. "Each holiday has a specific meaning." They want to continue to grow and add services for the seniors she said. "It's been a very gratifying experience,• Benowitz said. •it's like being home with our mom and pop. There's a nice rapport, and it has bee n gratifying to have it all happen." The Jewish Community Center of Orange County is at ~ E. Baker St. in Costa Mesa. For information on the many programs the center has, call (714) 755-0340. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. night at 695 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St .. Costa Mesa 92627, by e~ma1I to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by faxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and locatio n of the event, as well as a contact phone number A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. ONGOING Oasit Senior Cent., holdt a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every mo nth. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee a nd orange 1uice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Margue rite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Women 50 and older cen join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, The Bntille Institute ofJ9rs free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821·5000. Th• Costa ,... Senior <Anter has ballroom dancing w"rth live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday J9Wish famlty Senrice of Orange County sponsor$ an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, bu1 registration la required. (714) 445-4950. Dai~yAPilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No newt stories. Sean Hiller, Don Leedl, illustrations, editorial ~r or Kent Treptow advertisements herein can be READERS HOTUNE reproduced wtthout written pennlsaion of copyright owner. (949) 1142·6086 VOL 97, NO. 200 Record your comments ~bout the HOW TO REACH US Dally Pilot or newt lipe. CirculMion THOMAS H. JOHNSON New.Editors ~ The nmee Orenge eoumv PUblilhGf Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson. Our addren 11 330 W. Bay Sl, Costa (800) 252.St<ll TONYOOOERO O.niel Hunt, Paul Saitowitz, Editor Mesa, CA 92627. Ofllce hours are AcheitWitt JUrif OETTING Daniel Stevena Monday -Fri<Wf, 8:30 •.m -5 p.m. a r .. (949) 642•6678 ~~r NEWSSTAff ComK1lone '*'*" (949) 642-4321 Cttme ~ ~rter, h 11 the Pllot'1 policy to promptly ~ Promotions Director (IM8)57~ oorrect all err'Of'I of eut.tance. ...... .> d#t».bhlnrtlOlatim-.oom PleeM call (94917&M32.4. (949) 642..se80 -IOmNGSlMf ~=iter. ~(~.I..~~--···· -··--... -·. -1..1.Cehn rn ...... ,.. , .. , &46--t170 ~=~~'· tMI The Newpot1 ~Mee. ....... ,.. (949) 9'50-0170 • .,..., (Mt 5 JU~•latlrrw.com ,Peity Pilot cuws-1'4«IOl la 1""91: ~t•tatJmet.com 1,/,cahfle ,.,,,,,_com ..... ~ publllhed deffV. In Newport IMd'I MllllOlllle ............ ftolitk:e, bUelneea ~ environment 1nc:1 coew MeN. eublcripdont a,.. .......... Ollee llMll 642-4321 ~~. (M~ ~.(Ml 764-4330 evtlllable only by eubeoriblng ic> The ....... ,.. ('48) 831-7129 /a,,,.,.,,...~ PfU/.dlnfofl.,.,,,..com Tlmee Ore• County llOOl ...... Dunn .......... 212·t1'1. In ...... outllde of lmf.I 5po"8 Editor, Colvmf'llil. c:ultu19 ~. Newport....,. .... c-. Mela, nm.rJ.MI 574"'223 1Mlf7<M27& IU~• IO the Delly !'lot.,. '~",,.•""""-com lollta.,_.,,.,..1-ln>-.oom IWllllM ont>/ b¥ flrlt clw mell tor .-.J. ...... M Director I NeWI o.lt Chi.f, .,.... ......... S30 per "'°""'· ("'°91 lfdude ... PubflllMd ~ .,,,,.. Community (941)57'"'2211 Coeta Mee.,..,.,_, (Ml ~1 ................ 1oa91 ...... ) jc#.lltltttt»•,.,.,_com Mdra,,..,,,.,,.~ P'OSTMAST'Elt: ~ ........ ...... • dMllon of the Loe~ Tim-. .... MIC_. c... ..... ~ton......, ~ldltor. ................. ,PM211 ~ ..... Dll¥ !'Mot. P!O. CIOOl~CN. All,.... ·-·~ .-._mornnt•ltlflmacom oonl.~•..,,_com ._, ... C-......._CA ... •-"8d. Dally Piiot THE 01.:DER CROWD Plenty of events . to fill a calendar event to learn about the C.OSta Mesa Senior Center, our special events and classes, and especially our upcoming casino trips. I t happens often. We hear about an upcoming event that sounds exciting. But then, our busy schedules take us down · another track and we forget to mark the event on our calendar. And then, once the event passes. we find ourselves saying. ·1 wish J had gone.· AVIVA You're invited to attend this meeting as our guest and to discover what we have to offer. We're confident your experience at the membership meeting and the information GO ELMAN So before you read on. go fetch your calendar, as there are some exciting upcoming events that I am sure you will want to attend. On Friday, Aug. 22, the Costa Mesa Senior Center will hold its annual lww. This event is an event that few miss, since it gives our community's seniors the opporturtity to don their most colorful Hawaiian outfits. The luau ls such a hit because our guests always feel as if they've stepped onto a beach on the Hawaiian Islands. We convert our center into a tropical delight. with authentic food. dancers. decorations and lots or enrertainment The luau this year will be held from 4 to 7 p.m The cost ls $5 for members and $11 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. You can make them by calling the senior center at (949) 645-2356. As a native of the East Coast. I had never had the opporturtity to attend an authentic lualL Perhaps many of you have never experienced one, eilher. lhat's why the senior center's luau is such a tteat. It's an opportunity to d1scovet the roots of this festive communal tradition. In old Hawaii. a luau meant a lavish food extravaganza to honor royalty. foreign dignitaries, powerful chieftains or hundreds of guests at weddinp. christenings and birthdays. F.ach guest is customarily greeted with leis or flowers. Much preparation is required for these celebrations, which can last as long as three days. Guests eat a bit. dance a bit. drink a little and sing a lot A luau ls the true •aloha· experience. On Aug. 23 and 24, the Costa Mesa Senior Center will be at the Orange County Market Place on the Orange County Fairgrounds. There, the senior center will be selling Bob's Old Fashioned Ice Cream Bars as part of our ongoing fund-raising efforts. We're grateful to Bob Tl!ller, Jdf'leller and Tel Phil Enterprises for supplying the ice cream bars. and to the people to help sell and serve the chocolate dipped treats. The Tuller family is always there to help the senior center. Whether it is a silent auction in their car museum. selling Ice aeam or giving our seniors free pMSeS to the Orange County Market Place, they always are ready to help our community's seniors. So mart your calendar fur this tasty opportunity. and don't forget to bring along your family and friends. On Tuesday, Aug. 19, our regular membership meeting will be held at the center from 1:30 to 3 p.m. The meeting is a great you gather will have you signing up to become will a senior cen ter member. Once you do, you'U benefit from all the wonderful events we host every year, and you'll receive our monlhly newsletter, the Chronicle. Membership is only $18 for one person and $30 for a couple. And membership means you receive discounts on all our special events. From 4 ·10 7 p.m. Friday. Sept 12, the senior center will be hosting ·An Old-fashioned Hoedown· to commemorate the city of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversaiy. The event will feature a down-home barbecue, line dandng, square dancing and a country band. Come decked out in your Western attire. and be ready to kick up your heels. The cost is $5 for members and $11 for nonmembers. You may call the senior center for information and reservations. Our hoedown will reflect the history of traditional barn dances. which were created lo celebrate the raising of a barn, a birthday party, a homecoming or wedding. Square dancing traces its origjns to barn dance events. which were very popular among farmers and "common" fol.le who were not invited to the l'ancier baDs of the upper da.1S. Barn dances also Conned the foundation of country and western mus.ic. All of the senior center's events are possible thanks to the wonderful generosity of our sponsors and donors. Heading the fund-raising for our 2003 Annual Campaign is Chairwoman Sandra Seputaom-Dmlell of CJ. Segerstrom & Sons. Other significant dono~ arc the Hoag Hospital Foundation, the Steel Foundation, Georgr An:her Jr., Hazelrigg Risk Management Services. lnc., the Newport Rib Company, Angels Auto Spa. Alterman Jewelers, our seniors and many members or our community. Please join this growing list and help us expand our programs and activities while helping to make our seniors' lives that much more enjoyable. Now did you remember lo mark your calendar? Good For more information on the above events. please contact the Cosla Mesa Senior Center at (949) 645-2356. And be sure to visit us. The senior center Is at 695 W 19th St., · Costa Mesa. • AVfVA GOBMAN is the executive director of the Cos.ta Meu Senior Center and will Write ooceslonal columns aboot the center, !ti members and Mnk>r lnuee. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Expect ahowers, maybe eY9f\ with tome thunder, this morning, likely tapering off tow.nf 9 e.m. But more could be on the wey. The ,..n douds won't keep the tempenturee down. Mud\ of Newport-Mw dimba to nMr 80. Expect It ID tNly get hot tf the douda bum~ In thewty~. ......... ..._ ................. .._ ............... __ ..,.., www.mn.nou.p BOATING FORECAST Light wlndl throughout 1he dly Of'I the Inner....,., but they...,., the newt. WNt to .. ... ~end w thundlrlhow..a. When .. rlln lln'1flllng. ...... W9weof 2,.. or._°"' ..--.lof2to4 .... Our .......... .... c: ......... 10to20 ...... ___ of2 ... .,, ..... n. ..... .,. rehrtlvety light at 4 to 6 feet from the west SURF A building IOU1hwest sw.11 lhould bring neer heed-hfgh sets to the best lpOb along West Newport. Expect chest-high W1Ye1 toward the N.-dpOlt Pier . And the tide wtff be. probtem tNt morning. unleu YoU eh droppil9g Into the send. .... ....-: www . .,rfrldlw'._OIO ··,. TIDES 11IM 8:07 e.m. 3p.m. lp.m. 2:111.tn. ...._ O.t01"tlow 4.32'-'hilh 2.40 ... low 3.~ .... ....... WATER Tm'ERAW n~- OaitY Pilot Sawrd~y July l 9 2003 A3 • . El Camino neighbors complain BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Improvements to satisfy those who wanted homes built. Deirdre Newm.n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A group of Mesa del Mar residents say they are not satisfied with the renova- doo of a strip mall in their neigh- borhood and instead want the property owners to follow through on plans to buUd single-family homes on the property or sell it to a developer that will. Residents had fiJed a slew of complaints with the city to get El Camino Partners to clean up the El Camino Plaz.a, on El Camino Drive near La Salle Avenue. With the prodding of a code enforce- ment center, the owners made $75,000 wonh of cosmetic im· provements, which wrapped up two weeks ago. But many residents are not bowled over by the results. They say it's time for the owners to fin. ish what they started in 200 I when they got the property rewned to single-family housing. "You just can't cover u (a bad- oo g center , e cox. president of the Mesa del · Mar Homeowners· .Assn ·And that's what it boils down to. There's tree stumps still in the parking lot where they took. down trees, the landscaping is atrocious, the building has been painted over. It's not a viable situation anymore.· El Camino Partnen purchased the center about two years ago, in· tending to tear It down and build housing. ln June 2001, the City Council rezoned the center for single-family housing. The asso- ciation supported. d}e plan and rallied to get a petition with about 300 signatures in favor of the change. The plaza includes a burger joint, a liquor store and a super- market. Alden Management Group repainted the buildings, re- paved the parking lot, fixed wood trim that had extensive dry rot and added new signage. Planning Commissioner Katrina Foley, who lives in the area, said the owners only did the minimum to their property and that was only to avoid fines. "They refuse to update and own tenants, an ~-mail. Mohammed Bagbdadl, a vice pmident with Alden, said he had no comment WUcox said a majority of home- owners don't want a commercial project in the neighborhood any- more and that few residents use it But Juan Sandoval, the owner of Mesa Village Liquor in the plaza, said he has heard the opposite. MThey're used to this being here," Sandoval said of the plaza. MThe bottom line Is whoever owns thls has the power to Qo whatever they want'' • About a quarter of the center is vacant. Ripped construction pa- per hangs in some of the vacant storefronts. Sandoval said he be- lieved the plaza has :iUCb a high vacancy rate because the owners charge so much rent Mike Sun of Peninsula Parmers. one of the owners of the plai.a, was not available for comment. •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at dsirdrs newman E--latimss com. Crunchy Puffed Soadm hel pus aevml projects ~ 11pp1owd 6lndfns for a banMuJ ol tlMe»iillMMll projeaa Iller ~g by Rep. Oma Rohnbecher, a lpOk.esman for C.. Mes0 COngJt!lllDUl .ud ~ In puling the EoerBY and w.ter Appro- priadone -Congreea approyed funding for an Oianp County red.timed water pro- ~ a Good-control project for lbe Santa Ana River and two water reUN projects in Long Beach. 1 The bW provides $4 million for the Groundwater Replerushment System. a joint project overseen by two county agencies to , purify wastewater tor~ . • The bill also gives $25.7 millloo for 6ood control efforts along the Santa Ana River. The Army Corps of Engineers bas been r.e- inforcing levies. raising dams and building new dams to shield Orange County from po- tentially catastrophic flooding. Ooce the project is complete, owners of Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach homes ln the flood plain will no longer be required to purchase ftood'lnsurance. In addition, the bill gives $700,000 for the Long Beach Desalination Plant. wbJcb has not been completed. The plant will provide "thousands of acre feet of water for Southern Callfomia.H said Aaron Lewis, •Veggie Booty ~ • Pirate's Booty ~ •Smart Sp.! "~ian Longevity Secrets'' Puffs REG. '1 .99 4 az. . . Long ee.dl Water Reuse fadllry, which wW provide 3,000 acre feet of water per ynr when running at full capacity. Man who aided police ge~ Mayor•s Award Rick Miller Is the latest recipient of the Costa Mesa Mayor's Award. The award rec- ognizes people in the communJry who have performed an outstanding act, serv- ice or good deed. Miler was nominated for helping the city and grocery store personnel capture a ca· reer criminal. In the llliddle 9f June, Miller observed a robbery in progress in Costa Mesa and took immediate action to ensure bystanders were out of harm's way. He then followed the robber, noting crucial descriptive information on the su~ect, the getaway vehicle and direction of vel. These actions resulted in the s pect's arrest whiJe be was fleeing on the freeway. The Costa Mesa Police Department commended Miller's bravery, foresight and perception under pressure. Mayor Gary Monahan selected Miller for the August mayor's award based on these attributes. He will be honored at the Aug 4 City Council meeting. Free Seminar July 23 -Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 pm "ASIAN LONGEVl1Y SECRETS" By Author Ping l t "u .. \f.JJ FREE x rurJT ~I> ·~1W-u IL~I P'J!I. I ~ I·\\ .\ 1 \ ~ "°' () \\. ~ Organic Pretzels 100%0rpnic OPl1MUM CERFALS S. P!LLE.GRINO * Sparlding * Mineral Water • Nuam (s.lhttl) • Sddal (S#l/tetl) • lbidl (s.llwl) • Rmmdl (S.11/hp/Hf') • Rouada (s.llwf) $~2n • lloundl (Urt.ltwl) ~ REG. 11.89 aoz. .Meets Weight Wal.rhers & Heart AssOdation CrifJ!ria •OpdmumSUm ·Optimum s~ LowFat REG .12.99 .&14;. &ltkdot ft the Source SUGG. 11.49 zs J oz Life Stream Natural Waffles ~...;;.......;;: All Natural DRICE Non-Dairy REAM Bewrage Made from Organic RJce ~ ulilh Organic Ghiins -Non GMO Yogurt • Soy Plus • F1ax + ~ • 8uckwbeat • 8 Gnin 13 Ftarors to Choose! ·~Plus $19! • Mesa Sunrise REG. '2.69 11 oz. XENADRINE EFX Spedal limited Time Offer! 14 Day Qui~ Loss Program Clinically -Proven -Ephedrine Free • Quick U>ss Exercise Video • Complete 1'4-Day Menu Plan • 120 Xenadrine Llft-,.A FatwssCaps SUGG. '49.99 H~ HeallJ.w. -Frozen N tura1 p;;,~~ •em! VeyetDbit "fieat-i:=1 • 1bmalo & Ff/D Ddicious! ·~&Garik • Gteelt Sesame REG. lfi.49 ·~·-·~ • "'"61' .... • Carob REG. '1 .49 32 oz Earth Sc ience ™ Almond-Aloe SPF 15 Fada1Moisturi7.er 'This hmJaJ moisb.trU.er with~ sumaeen helps ID J1!o1at skin lrom sign.sol $ ~Aging REG. '9.00 -----Glaceau Smart Water v..-DistllW :•r.:! July 19 -Saturday 11:00 to 3:00 pm BYANDMEET MANNO Worlds Stongest Man0ver40l COSTA MESA STORE I \ t M Satuday, >.J:t 19. 2003 FAMILY Cootinued from Al After the game, the boys ran down to the field where they for the privilege of running once around the bases. which the Angels allow after each Sunday home game. Thal was a huge treal for the boys. We took our lime leaving, and there were aJmosl no fans left in or oul of the stadium. I laJfway between the stadium gate and lhe car, there was a large, chartered bus at lhe top of a long ramp. Four or five fans stood ready to plead for autographs shouJd any player emerge. , WWho's coming out herer we asked. "The Angels All-Stars," a fan replied. "Bui they probably won't stop for autographs." The boyi. don't need their hearinl; checked. but there is no denying that they did not catch the last half of the reply. I>espitti the heat, Roy and Michael wanted to wrut for Scioscia. Troy Glaus and Garret Anderson on the sllm lhance that they would come out at all, then stop for auto~raph'>. To a kid, any chJnce i'> a huge chance. J agreed to wait in the heat. \fter about 15 minutes, a PASTOR Conbnued from Al s.11<.l Depury Dist. Atty. Beth Cn'>tello, who prosecuted the case against Lyons. "It\ really difficult because it toul Ult.' victim several years to gel the courage to come for· wan.I," ':the ..aid. "He's not going to gel hic, t.lay in court.· Co-;tello said she is disap- pointed that Lhe victim "got his hope'> up. "I le WJ'> on the road 10 recov· cry." '>he '>cllt.l. "In Lhis case, 1us- tire wa.,0'1 done." Lyons had pleaded not guilty on all counts. His attorney. Greg Pohhu11. ~aid his cHent is "re· heve<.1 " "I le has always denied the charges and continues lo deny the charges," Pohlson said. "It's always good to have the charges dropped and prevent the case from going to a jury trial." eo~tcllo ..aid she believes that SURGERY Continued from Al His father, Larry Smith. said he wouldn't have let his w11 go on the ride if he had known about the incident. But l're '>aid he may have just taken the nde anyway. ... couple of fans left. A couple of minutes after that, Glaus and Anderson walked up the ramp. As they approached, the boys called out, "Mr. Glaus, Mr. Anderson!" but the players did no ow ge eman walked dlrectJy onto the bus. That was enough for me. "Let'& go," I said. As I walked away toward the car and its air condJtioning. my wife reminded me that Mike Scloscia had not yet appeared. Remembering what the fan said about the likelihood of autographs, I srud, "What have you seen that would indicate that he's going to stop for an au1ograph7" Unfortunately. I was tlred and hot and I said it with an edge. "The boys want to wait," she srud. "Why don't you go get the car while they wait?" I crawled on all fours to the .car. s ure that my last breath would be ta.ken in the parking lot at Edison Field. "How do kids do it?" I thought. "Where do they get the energy? And how can they set themselves up for such a big disappoinlmenl?" I drove back 10 the big bus, and the boys came running over, excited. "We got David Eckslein's autograph!" they yelled. ApparentJy, Eckstein the prosecution had "strong evidence" against Lyons. which makes it "all the more frustrat- ing. The investigation agrunst Lyons began during spring 2002. when a 38-year-old Costa Mesa man told poHce of inci· dents involving Lyons and him berween 1978 and 1981. The district attorney's office released a detailed complrunt against Lyons from the victim. The man said his family sent him to Lyons fo r counseling and that the priest touched him inappropriately and engaged in sexual acts during these ses- sions. Prosecutors say they also talked to three other victims who told officials Lyons had molested them. Lyons retired last year and "will not be active in ministry anywhere in the future," said Shirl Giacomi. chancellor or the Diocese of Orange. . ·He was placed on adminis- Ellie I lanna of Mission Viejo. who just heard about the inci- dent. stopped her grandchildren from going on the ride. "I'm not taking a chance with my grandchildren," she srud "Not on my watch." Her 13-year-old grand- daughter, Kendra Hanna. said she WdS loolcing forward to riding departed µp the ramp in a car driven by his brother. But Sdoscia bad not come out, and I called for everyone to come to the car. Aa they walked toward me, their bacb to e g us, o a a ppeared at the top of the ramp. At that moment, I wondered whether I should tell the boys and let them get disappointed or ignore Scloscia and go home. "Tum around, guys. Mike Scioscia's at the bus," I said. MlchaeJ and Roy turned around and ran back to the bus, yelling, "Mr. Scioscia, Mr. Scioscial" At that moment I thought: 1) Shame on m e for doubting the s pirit of a child, and b) Mike Scioscia Cor governor. For at that moment, Scioscia handed his bag to the driver and signed a utographs for the boys. As they walked back. I apologized to everyone for being grumpy and fot being too quick to pulJ the trigger on the day at the game. Than.ks to Michael and Roy fQr " reminding me that kids have a lot to teach adults. • STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a m essage for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. trative leave (after his arrest)," she said. ·He retired shortly af. ter that and he will not be func- tioning as a priest in the fu- ture." Giacomi said Lyons will con- tinue to receive a pension. "He had admitted to im- proper behavior with aduJts in the past, but never with mi- nors," she said. John Manly, an attorney who represents several victims of sex abuse by the clergy. srud all his clients have one thing in com - mon. "They want these men in jail," he said. "They're con- cerned they'll do it again. It's very frightening that any of these men can move right next door to us and no one will ever know." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (9491574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com. the Booster. "I'm disappointed. but I'd rather not go than get hurt." she said. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and oourts. She may be readled at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail 8t deepa.bha171th@latimes.oom. SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Security guards mooitor ttre gates-to Kobe Bryant's Newport Coast community after a Colorado district attorney announced he was charging the Laker star with sexual assault. BRYANT Continued from Al young daughter, owns a house in Newport Coast He traveled to Colorado in June to undergo arthroscopic knee surgery at the Steadman-Hawkins Oinic in Vail The encounter between him and the victim reported.Jy happened in his room at the spa where he was staying. At the Comer Office In the South Coast Metro area. many rush~ to Bryant's defense. WHe's innocent till proven guilry, but thats not what the media thinks." said David Hay, 28. of La Palma . Others said they don't have faith in the court system to ferret out what really happened. "I don~ think too many people trust our oiminal justice system to sort out who belo~ in prison and who doesn't.· said Chris Une- berger, 2 1. of Long Beach. Karen Hurdle. 29, of Laguna Hills, said she believed Bryant was only guilty of making an error in judgment .. I think whatever he did, he's still a good guy, and everyone makes mistakes." Hurdle srud. "He and his wife are young and they can work through this. I don't think he commined any crime." Over at Skosh Monahan's. peo- ple were less forrJvi.ng. ·0umb is what dumb does," said Bob Phillips. 41. of Newport Beach. "lf you're worth $20 million a year. yeah. let's jeopardi7.e that for 45 minutes." Others echoed that ~tlment. "He's an idiot." said Lee Gris- wald, 40, of Newport Beach. John Depko. a senior investiga- tor for the Orange County public defender's office. said it's going to be tricky for a jury. if it comes 10 that. to determine which side ~ 'O telling the truth. "It's he said, she said." said Depko, 55, of Costa Me.a "The whole case will come down to what happened in that room. Ab- sent a videotape or a neighbor in 'It's he said, she said. The whole case will come down to what happened in that room. Abse nt a videotape or a neighbor in the next room, it's a tough case.' John Depko, a senior investigator for the Orange County public defender's office the 11cxt room, it's a tough case." An hour aft.er the charges were announced, media vans and news helicopters swrounded the guard gate. off Pelican Hills Road near Bry.mts home. Passersby slowed down and asked what the fuss was about. Told about the charges against Bryant. they gave a know- ing nod and rolled their windows back up. Security guards were strict about access to the superstar resi- dent's neighborhood. 1\vo guards. who refused to give their names. said they would not let any media through the gates and wouJd not make any statemenL'\.. lie is free on $2.5,000 bail. I le will return to f.agle, Colo.. on Aug. 6 for a hearing. • DSU>Rf NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readlecl 81 (949) 574-4221 Of by e-mail at deirdre.newmanra /atimes.com. • LOUTA HARPER covers cuhure and the arts She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper(aJ/atimes.com. NEWPORT llACH •w..tCOMtHill'wew. A tnlffk: llCddent lrwotvlng JnfuriM wet ntpOlt9(S In the 8800 bfoc:klt 8:52 a.m. ~-......... Sln9e:A hlt-.enckun -reported In the CO bfockltl:21 a.m. Thuredly. • Ptraap 1119lrMI: Al\ auto theft WU repofted In the 300 block et 7:.41 a.m. Thuract.y. •Rh•11d1~:A hit-and-tun WM repon9d In h 100 bled 1t 7:03 p.m. Thured9Y. •81 ....... Alll•.._A burglafy WU reported In the 2500 blodt at 12:38 a.m . Friday. •'*"--......:A loud pertywu~in the 1900 block It , 2:01 a.m. Friday. •Via ... Hlona:A hlt•nckun WU reponed In the 100 block It 1 :01 a.rn. Ftiday. WOOTERS, Jean Louise (74) died Friday, July 11 , 2003 at her home followtng a courageous battle wtth cancer. She was born, raised, and graduated from high school in Los Angeles. California She moved to Newport Beach 43 years ago. She was a cherished mother, mother-In-law, and grandmother, she is survived by her two sons, Gerard and David. She was blessed with five grandchildren, Dylan, Natalie, Machon, Hutton, and Rebekah. Throughout her life, she enjoyed famlty activttles, her many close friendships, travel and art. She was a very loving and giving person. Though we mourn our loss, we take great comfort In knowing she Is now In peace with Gerard "J8fT'Y," loving husband of 45 years. Memorial services for Jean will be held at 10:30 AM, Saturday, Juty 26, at Christ Church by the sea In Newport Beach. In lleu of ftowers, the family~ memorial donations In Jean's name be made to a chartty of your choioe. Joan Sabina (Adams) Cunningham 7125119. 7/12/03 Long time Newport Beach resident Joan Sabina Cunningham paned away July 12, 2003 from the effects of Par1dnaon's Disease, just two weeks short of the 84th bitthday. A nattve of England, Joan was ralsed In a boarding echool with her brother, Ivor Adams, whlM their father, a vaudevtllen, pursued his career on the stage. Following a bnef Canter as a halrdreaer, Joan moved to the United Stat• at the $Ing of Wortd War II to join the love of her life.I.... David tone Cunningham, who had ~migrated. ;:;ne and , a noted flUl"HfYTn8ll, founder of D.L , Inc. and past president of the California AuoolaUon o Nurserymen, manied_on December 7, 1940 and had a loving, haoPY life together for more than five decades until t"8 cM.th In Ociober, 19t1. A homemaker and rwakiettt of Udo tallnd 9'nce 1953, Joml wa active In many charitable ~. lrtdudlng the Natlor* Charity League and The Adoption Gulct. She wu allo a memb1t of The Daughters of The 8ritW'I Empire. She and Oavid had traveled the wortd for bullrMl9a and pleMww, Including frequent vlstts to their nattW Brit.al~! but always pn>feased that their home In Newport 8Mch wu me beet piece ttMy had seen In which to 11¥9 Md ,... a t.mly. She ... .,, active ..,,,. --untl the 6cta of tw .... forced her to stop ~the o-ne In her nr.. She lillo ·~ ptaytng bridge fNfllY ::r'-her~ Mindi. · Joan was a truly gen woman Md no one .vw oroeeed the threshold of her hcine who didn't IMtMCty fMI wetoome. Her bftght amh and wonderful ...,.. of humor ~ tt'°9e around ,her and her ctwm. dignity and poM n.te 1tMm .... Ill .... She Wiii the kMng rnottw to fcMA' chlldrwt. She 11 .,,.... by ION .Mmel and hll wer.. U.., of Bont• ....... end hll wllll. Connie, of LAguna ,... Robert and .............. Mao of a...,,._... met._.....,,.._ w..a n ._......_. GeCll ol co.ea Mw, •.,,.. • '*'-grw«:tM1n end one.,.. grwldlol&. ,,..,_ 11""""*11 wll tllclt _.II P-.: VIM....._... Pwtt. A ~ofllllllJnl ..... llplll19td torJfllf mtt.. ltU ~ dollllllonl...., be .... In ... --to .. tlllDi• Pwtllnlan'9 Foundllon, o/o MOie HcMlplml. One ..... DrM. Newport ...... CA. ~-.,, ~ *" .......,, .... ....,,. Daily Pilot AFTER HOURS MUSIC v PACIFIC AMPHITHEATRE CONCERTS The Orange County Fair is presenting its summer concert series at the Pacific Amphitheatre: today, M arco Antonio Solis; Sunday. Midiael W. Smith and Amy Grant Tuesday, Oevo and Cake; Wednesday, Steely Dan; Thursday, the Doobie Brothers and Buddy Guy; Friday, the Doors: 21st Century; July 26, Alanis Morissette and Jason M~JulY 27, Bob Dylan; July 29, Alan Jacbon and Joe Nichols; July 30, Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald; July 31, 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace; Aug. 1. Jethro Tull; Aug. 2, Roxy Music and David Lindley and El Rayo-X; and Aug. 3, Boston. For concert information, call (714) 708-1870 or visit www.ocfair.com. To order ti<*ets. call (714) 740-2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange Counly Fair is presenting many summer events and concerts at its Citizens Business Bank Arena: today, the Young Dubliners; Sunday. the Mariachi Festival; Tuesday. Billy Bob Thorton; Wednesday, Ri<* Springfield; Thursday, Phil Vassar; Friday, the Fabulous Thunderbirds; July 26, Royal Crown Revue; July 27, the Latin Music Festival; July 29, the Mountain Top with Dr. Ralph Stanley, featuring Rhonda Vincent and special guest Clark; July 30, the Fab Four; July 31. Ziggy Mar1ey; Aug. 1, Ozomatli; Aug. 2, Bull riding. with a musical performance by BRS-49; and Aug. 3, the Fiesta Del Charro. The Orange County Fair is on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAIR. JAZZTRIO Gulfstream Re.taurant In Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave •• N rt Beadl. ours are to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted• musicians Include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and D~wid Alcantar. the New Yor1c Jazz Connection ' -Duo. play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Di1ri joins the duo on vocals on Morday.s. It's free. Information: (949)'673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. Ni<* Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rode. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic ro<*, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Par1c Drive, Newport Beadi. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Su041a~ The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday. from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coest Highway, Newport Beadi. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m . to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. No cover diarge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC POP..ftOCK MO FLAMENCO Tate 6, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Rlltorante, 3620 E. Coast HI hwa Corona def M r. I guitarist ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&8 Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's trianon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beadi. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE CIRQUE ELOtZE Cirque Eloize, part of the new generation of circus performers offering innovation, imagination and show-stopping panache, will perform thro_ugh Sunday at the Barclay Theatre at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. Ti<*ets cost $35, $15 for diildren. For ti<*ets and information. call (949) 854-4646. HISPANIC PLAYWRIGHTS PROJECT The Hispanic Playwrights Project continues at South Coast Repertory's Julianne Argyros Stage today. The event will offer four staged readings of new works by Latino writers. Ti<*ets cost $8. South Coast Repertory located at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa M esa. Information and • All popul.u c.olon • ~nnounc 1ink hok 4. -6. &do Spluh • Ooubk B..Jknc-l:.df;" ti<*ets: (714) 708·5555 or o nhne at www.scr.org. ABBA. will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. July 29 through Aug. 10. Tidcets cost $44 to $68.60 and can be purdiased at the center's box office afonlineat www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Cost a Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. ART ANDRE MIRIPOl.SKY Bayside Gallery Restaurant, at 900 Bayside Drive in Newport Beadi, is offering a solo exhibition showcasing the works of artist Andre M irlpolsky now through September. Information: (949) 851-9181. DANCE ROMULO LARREA TANGO ENSEMBLE The Romulo Lar.rea Tango Ensemble is coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founders Hall Thursday through Sunday. Ti<*ets cost $46 to $49 and can be purchased at the center's box office of ontine at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive m Costa M esa. Information (714) 556-ARTS. Fine porcelain and naruraJ stone sold and installed at compt:titve prices. BOLERO AND RHAPSODY Maestro Cari St. Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina Lisitsa. will explore the vibrant rtiythms of Spain in a concert called MBolero and Rhapsody~ at 8 p.m. today at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Ti<*ets cost $19 to $85. To order, call (714) 755-5799. Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beadi presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and S\tturday evenings and Sunday for brundi. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 • 96""16"11'/. $695 Tile Italia E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. U£L MRR p l R I I · Oti Satu1·day, from 11 am to 3 pm, bring the kids for The Stone Activists 2927 Bristol, Suite 201 , Costa Mesa 714 751-4441 FACE PAINT ING ·CRAFTS· MUS IC BY THE ROCKJ T SC IENTISTS Bring the dogs for Three Dog Bakery's Sth Annual Summer Pool Party. And bring your appetite for Bristol Farm's BBQ! RE STAURANTS AND C ASUAL DINING &RISTOL FARMS . .760-6St4 GEl.(fO PARADISO . . . .M0-9256 GU LF1TREAM RESTAURANT 718•0187 PEITT COFFEE & TEA . .640-6Jn TOMMY 1.AHAMA ...... 760-8686 AP PAR.El ARMOIRE •.•......... 644-9888 CHICO'S ............... 219--9960 DIANE'S SWIMWEAR ... 7S?-6880 MA.RMI ............. 7lt·IJ2,S Ml PlACE . . . . . . . . . . . .219-9919 NEW 8AlANCE . . ...... n 0 -1602 ROMANO'S . . . . ....... 640-9900 SOLE COMFORT ......... <>«·S939 SUBTLE TONES ......... 6'$0>2781 TOMMY BAHAMA .....• 760--8686 HOME FUR.NISH I NGS BABY UNIQl,IE · ......... 759--4222 ITAUANO HOME STORE •. ~l4'58 SUBTLE TONES ••.••••• ,...0-278t SUR. lA TAIL£ •... , ..... 6-40<0200 WATER.WOkKS ...•..... 717•6$2S SPECIALTY AMADEUS SPA . BRJGHTON .. 718 .. 1588 COLLECTl6LfS .. 467·0473 JEWELS SY JOSEPH .... 640-6788 MOlTINI ............. n l-0113 THREE DOG BAKERY .. 760-36-47 v..NY IUWNY ........ 640-SIJI , All PHONl NUMHR.S A~ IN 949 AlUA COOl COROIR DEL "RR PLRZR hc:lflc C:oeu Hl1ll••1 e PhcAr-slt11r lo11lnard SHOl'TtllilR\llNfC.OMPANY.COM Sarutday, July J 9. 2003 A5 ~·~ .i l.i-Tri'-u r. Frank Sinatra &n-y Mo~ 6 Tw.J,,,y 6-!Jp,,. Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... QU4liry Servi~ .. ... Ni rJ Entenain.mcnr"•• I •n He1..-r1~.11unu ( .,1// (949) 646-7944 I<>').:; In ju~ Av<!'., C •nrJ ~h \J """"" u •"~'d M.m \..t1 J • ., .. ~ ••l • "61 .. .,1.,.. •• • ,,, Visit the Vineyard Newport on two Sunday nights, July 20 and 27 as John McClure presents an update on his book . Cc!untdown To Apo~alypse Viewing God's Timetable Qf History in light of today's events July 20: Why l &Ii.eve We are Now In Tiw Great Tribulation July 27: lmportanl Current Events TeLl Us Where We Are On Gocf's Ti.me Schedule Of The End 6:00 -7 :30 pm, Childcare provided Vineyard Newport 102 E. Baker, Costa Mesa, CA (At the 55 Fwy & Baker) 714.556.8463 www.vineyardnewport.org '· ~·#Hnh~. §/,nnDh1. jj tr~ r~ /-----./) -Come l/t /bit a ;... -" Free weR.lt fJr.Loll ) ~ ( No ~lf't-up Fee t/wi,-\ I '-./ulf 25. 2(}0J/~ _) f \ __ --"' / l370 BE . 17th St.'tOSta Mesa / In the Ralph's Shopping Center ' 949.646.6789 www. si mplyshapelyfitness .com 1· ' M Satwday, Joly 19. 2003 BARGAIN OF THE DAY It was one of those thinga that seems weird at first, but can get your hand sculpted In wax tor only $6. This is how it's done: Dip your hand in a boc:tet of Ice and then wax. The wax forms several coats on your hand, and then, the sculpture comes off like a glove. You can also get your wax hand · coloreq. EVENT OF THE DAY .. Juggler Dan Wiles got quite e few oohs and aha with hit throwing. Wiles · Juggled everything from batons to bells and tiny toy Insects. He juggled with his hands, feet and mouth as kl~ watched with eyes and mouths o~n wide. ~Pilot The ---best wine by fair Ora nge County Fair's state wine competition draws a record number of entries, and they are availa ble for a little taste. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot T outed by winemaker'> a'> well al. organizer-; as the world's top judging event of CaJifornia wines. the Orange County Fair's commercial win<.' compeliu on logged a high-waler year for entrie!.. Judges handed out 1.390 ribbons in this year's event, which drew a record J,325 entries. organizers said. Among the winners are eight Four-Star Gold Medal wines judged lo be the bes t the state ha~ to offer. The Orange County Wine Society organizes the event, which is now in its 27th year. "It's numbers we're talking about," i.aid Dennis Esslinger, the wine society's pre~ident. "This was a record year." FOOD OF THE DAY If you've wondered how they can actually fry a Snickers bar, you need to bite into one. The chocolate and peanuts are 1111 melted inside a thick. fried batter. It's almosl hke a chocolate bumto and it can be yours for $3 at Texas Donuts Many of the wines entered into the competition can be '>amplcd at the C.ourtyard at Lhe fair. for $1, v1i.i1ors can sample a o ne-ounce glass of a ribbon-winner. For $5, a glas ... of a runner-up can be had. DON LEACH DAIL't' PILOT Ron and Paula Phelps drove from Las Vegas for the award-winning wines at the Orange County Fair's tasbng counter. QUOTE OF THE DAY The society's a rmy of judges rated the wines on a double-blind tasling session, which ended June I. Five-judge panels combed through almost 50 categories of grape-.. Each category is broken up into sub-categories based on the wine's s ugar content and price level. What also makes the competition unusuaJ is that winemakers aren't charged an entry fee. But they must submit s ix bottles to be judged and sold at the lasting counter. Esslinger said. As in other years, the 2003 competition had its share of surprises. wine society leaderi. said. "This year, we had a remarkahle number of new entries." said Larry Graham, the society's vice president. SHOES Continued from Al "It's her first experience," Tow said. They were watching the Grahams' act. Jimmy held a balloon in his hand and bent over as Brenda kicked him in the rear. Jimmy fell down and the balloon Judges gave their highest honor lo the Macchia 2001 Zlnfandel, which was submitted from an obscure winery outside of Stockton. It was one of the four-Star Gold Medal wines. Robert Rue's 2001 7Jnfandel was also a hit with the winemaker judges. Carol Shelton, a Zinfandel '>pecialist, said s he wa.s-impFessed by the vintage\ spice notes and layers of blueberry and chocolate. .. A good balance of all different things," Shelton said. "That's what makes a wine great." In addition to the ribbons, judges aJso give oul four "best ir:i show" awards for red, white, spark.ling and dessert wines. This year, those burst. almost making little Isabel cry. "I don't think she appreciated that." her grandfather said. Monique Shaffer of Irvine said she was planning to take her three chiJdren to the circus and this was a kind of preview. "They love the circus. especially the clowns," she said. awards were handed out to Trinchero'i. 1999 Cabernet Sauvignon, St. Supery\ 200 I Meritage White, Mirabelle's Brut and Prager Winery & Port Worki.' 1999 White Pon. An award is also given to thr wine with the top label de'>ign It wa., wo n by Reynolds Family Winery\ 2000 Cabernet Sauvignon. Many of the award-winning wine!. are carried by Costa Mesa\ 111-lime Wine Cellar. The retailer carr1t'.''> ~ome 150 ribbon winner<.,. '>aid Daniel Williams, the North American '>locking manager "Within Orange C ounty, man, d o we have people com111g in to demand these gold medal wine<;." Williams said . "1-h-lime~><> the largc'>t retailing The Grahami.. who now livt.' m Oiino, Calif .. travcll'd with the c ircul. in the early and late 1980s. "But we got off lht• road 10 have a normal life, had triplets, and that wai. it," Brenda i.aid with a laugh. "But we still enjoy coming out to events like these and interacting with the c~ildren," said hrnmy. who with COMI Sii OUI NIW AlllVAU I SURPRISINGLY DELIGHTFUL DISCOVERIES FROM AROUND . TH E WORLD AT_SURPRISINGLY AFFORDABLE PRICES! • FYI Four-Stu Gold Med•I Award Winners Joseph Phelps 2000 "Insignia" Meritage Red Kathryn Kennedy 2001 Syrah Macchia 2001 "Generous" Zinfandel Robert Rue "Wood Road" 2001 Zinfandel St. Supery 2001 Meritage White St. Supery 2002 Sauvignon Blanc Thomas Fogarty 2001 Gewurztraminer Trinchero 1999 "Mano's Reserve" Cabernet Sauvignon promoter of lhe Orange County fair wines. Period." Hi-Times also organizes ahout i.1x taMings at their wine bar during luly, <>O patronc; can sample the wine\. his wife puts on the clown ..,cminar each Friday or the fair. "TI11s ic; family entertainment. It's clean, wholesoml' fun." • DEEPA BHARATH covers pubhc safety and couns. She may be reached at 1949) 574-4226 or bye mail at deepa bharsth<E lat1mes com 'You can talk to them, but I do n 't know if they 'II talk to you .' Clown Jimmy Graham to f>.year-old Michaele Watson, telhng her about how she can get a sneak peek of circus animals 11 she gets there earlier FAIR ATIENDANCE As of 3 p.m. Friday. 12,581 people attended the fair. That number is less than what it was by 3 p.m. on the same day last year by 4.222. Ou••-c,..,,.,,.,,,..,.,p 0...tWnteed 714-985·1878. 800-433-2588 . ' ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE · SATURDAY, JULY 19 lOA.M. •Guild of Aber Artists (until 11 p.m .) -Home and· Hobbies Building . • Califomla CaFVera Guild (untll 11 p.m .)-Homellnd Hobbl~. Building · ..: • Orange County Tole Painters (untll 11 p.m .) -Home and HobblM Building • ll\41 Purina Cat Chow Way of life Experience -A Purina Exhibit and Cat Adoption (until 6 p.m .) -Outaide Blue Gate •Crafts (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • ":OilCOVer the Fair" Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Sode Hop -Kida Stage • Junior Uvestodt Auction (9:30 a.m.) -Uvestodt Arena UA.M. • Camelle Aorea Ballet Folklorico -Heritage Stage •Street Smarts/Auault Prevention -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kida Stage • Circua Fun Review Auditions (11:30 a.m .) -Kida Stage NOON • Dance Center -Heritage Stage • Buttons & Bows Square Oancera -Sun Stage • Stamping: Your Pad or Mine - Home and Hobbies Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Cira.11 Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •Maureen W. Puppet (12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m .) -Around the grounds lP.M. • Kay's Co. of Dancers -Heritage Stage ... ------------- BEST BET • COURTESY OF THE ORANG[ C0u~• • f FAIP Marco Antonio Solis will perform at 8 p.m. at the Pacific Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Concert Series • Huntington Beach Concen Band -Sun Stage • Red, Ripe & Radon' Silk Painting. Home and Hobbies Stage •Art and Woodworking Demonstrations {until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building •Glassblowing Demonstration - Grafters Village • Street Smai\s/Assault Prevention -Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Melt Down Ice Cream Eating Contest -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livest ode •Traveling Game Show (1:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds • Ceramics Demonstration ( 1 :30 p.m.) -Grafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.). -Millennium Barn 2P.M. • Russell Bros. Circus -Green GateArea • Folklorico De Colores - Heritage Stage • Huntington Beach Concert Band -Sun Stage • Hot and Cold Tomatoes with Chef Nancy Beritoff -Home and Hobbies Stage •·organic Gardening· with Eric Lux -Grass Roots Stag, - Floral Building • Zinfandel Seminar ($20) with Mart DeWrtt -The Courtyard •Storyteller -Youth Building • Saylee Pace -Youth Vocalist - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -little Theater • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage 3 P.M. • Salsa Swing Connection - Heritage Stage • Royal T's Square Dancers - Sun Stage • Paris Endicott -Chase-Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Uvestodc •Whittling Contest (3:30 p.m.) - Home and Hobbies Stage • Milking Demonstration (3:30 . p.m .) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Grafters Village • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Phoenix Club/German Folk Dancers -Heritage Stage • Field of Vision Band -Sun Stage • Zinfandel Seminar ($20) with Mart DeWitt -The Courtyard • Storyteller -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Caught Red -Handed CookJe Eating Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -little Theater • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m. untll 6:30 p.m .J - Around the grounds • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m.I -Grafters Village 5P.M. • Beach City Cloggers -Heritage Stage • Field of Vision Band -Sun Stage • Future Mag1c1ans of Orange County -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - livestodc • Circus Fun Review Show (5:30 SatlKday, Joly 19. 2003 A7 p.m.) -Kida Stage • Milking Demonstration (6:30 p.m.) -Millennium Bam 8P.M. Home and Hobbies Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Pen:ossion. -Uttle Theater • Red, Ripe & Karaok.in' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Nosy Tomato Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • M ilklng Demonstration (6:30 p.m.) -Millennium Bam 7P.M. • The Young Oubliners -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mart Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Grafters Village • Kids' Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - l1vestodc • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.01.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7·30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Ceramics Demonstration 17:30 p m.) -Grafters Village • M ilking Demonstration (7':30 p m.) -Millennium Barn 8P.M. • Summer Concert Senes. Marco Antonio Solis (Gates Open 6:30 p.m.) -Pacrfic Amphitheatre • JD Hall Band -Sun Stage • Rode, Rode limbo Rode ConteS't -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Ltttle Theater • Oxen Team Presentation - l1vestode Arena • Swingfest (8:30 p.m ) - Heritage Stage 9P.M. • The Young Oubliners -C1t1mns Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - L1vestodt • Port City Washboard Wizards 19:30 p.m ) -Hemage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (9:30 p.m.) -Grafters Village lOP.M. • JO Hall Band -Sun Stage • Swingfest ( io:30 p.m J - Heritage Stage The Next Stage• \\e\p\ng schoo\n get io t~·,( ~xt $lge.. ' / -- / Sign up for Wells Fargo Checking and we'll donate to local school districts. Ten dollars may not seem like much to you, but to a schooJ, it's a box of crayons Or new books. And right now, when you open any Wells Fargo Consumet Checking Account. we11 donate $1 O* to local school districts. Sign up for Online Bill Pay and after yotJ make the first payment. we11 donate another S 1 er. You11' not only be hetping schools reach their next stage. you11 be on the way to your next stage as well. A Wells Fargo Checking Account makes atganCztng and managing )'CM.Jr finances a lot e.~ You can access your account onllne to transfer funds and pay bills. And schoofs will be able to pay biffs a Httte easier, too. Talk to a banker today to see how Wells Fargo Checking is the smartest way there rs to help our local schools. "0911 ..... l/'Jl/J00111'11NrM ... _.. .......... °*1 ... ~..,.,,._._CIMl"°""'ltwllflll»•..., .... _ ......... ~ Ii' PQ Iii! M\ ........ °SdlllllC ... _ ........... .,,.,.,. • ..., ~--- .......... ,.,., .. ,.....,_.~...._ ....... ~~-wlll!;t\fltlCllN'll•,___,lflllCllllllerlN.,._.4'Nf ........ t..,..ale .. '"9--•1,...,_.~ ....... \~-............. _ ..... ,. ..... lllA ..... fQC. • . J ., • Al Saturday, ~ 19, 2003 . FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHED -Ldln: Mail to Editorial Pege Editor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Piiot, 330 W. 88y St., Cotta M ... , CA 92627 • R11-.. Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 E~:S.nd to dailypllotOlatim-.oom • A.II co"8tp0ndence mutt Include full name, hometown and phone number (for veriftcation purpoee9). The Pilot t9MNM the right to edit 1ll aubmlaalon1 for clarity end length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY ~~e~.~S do~' t ~~~~£~~.~:~~~!gh!~~!e~~~oo~~!,00 perhaps from public parldng there ls very little through contract with the private wo!X force numbers are as that police and fire services be T he July 13 Daily Pilot contained a "Community Commentary" from Greenlight spokesman Phil Arst titled "Waste to blame for service cuts." Arst's commentary contained numerous claims which are not supported by the facts; therefore. I feel an obligation to our citizens to set the record straight on just a few of Arsts unsupportable statements. They are as follows: Arst -"Newport Beach has cut services provided to i~ residents for the coming fiscal year by materially reducing the general fund pan of its capital budget.~ Titis statement is false. The city's Capital Improvement Budget for fiscal year 2003·04 is $30.84 million for accomplishing 101 individual capital . improvement projects. which is the maximum number of projects that we are likely to be able to accomplish. given the size of our staff to oversee and manage the projects. While general fund monies going toward the capital improvement budget have been reduced, it would be foolish to budget for more projects than can realistically be accomplished. Therefore, capital improvement services for the community are not being reduced. Arst - "The city has recently raised fees on some services. For example, tl\ey are now charging seniors for classes and keeping 30% of the money instead of turning it all back to senior activities." This statement is false. I don't know where Arst is getting his one of the meeting spaoe for staff to meet sector. billing. bJlling collectibles. (ollows. Arst is correct when he outsourced.· contract cities with customers; the amount of utility services, accounting states that Newport Beach has This statement Is disingenuous. he is so waiting space for the public recreadon and special event • more city employees per resident Arst does not advocate our public enampred re,Oects a disregard for their sign-ups/applications; planning capita than almost every other safety services (police, fire. with. but comfort; the buildings do not services and pennitting, city in the county, but I believe lifeguard) be contracted out. even there have meet current earthquake codes or building/inspection and there are cwo very good reasons though Arst knows that the been no American with Disability Act permitting selVices. public works for this. salaries/benefits for these safety recent oc -requirements; there ls very little permitting. public projects One, Newport Beach draws service employees make up 63% Homer Bludau contemplated storage space for documents management, management people because of its beaches. of the city's total salary/benefit changes in (indeed, many city hall info.rmatioo systems support restaurants, shopping and costs. My guess is that he does city fee or documents are stored off site); And let's say that the private numerous other amenities. For not suggest this because he charges for OASIS Center senior some buildings are at the end of sector through contracts provided example, we anticipate within the knows it would not be supported dasses provided by the city. their planned life; and the these serviees to the public at next 12 months. more than 8.7 in the community. Arst and I are Arst -"The city says it needs to build a $30-million Taj Mahal of a City Hall to accommodate an increasing number of its government employees." This statement is false. Today's Newport Beach City Hall accommodates the same departments that it did in 1990 (Administrative Services, city cleric. Human Resources, city manager, Recreation and Senlor Services, Fire Administration. city attorney, Plcinning. Building and Public Worlcs). In 1990. the Newport City Hall accommodated 158 city employees; today's number is 175, an increase of 17 employees in 13 years. The City Council is contemplating building a new City Hall not to accommodate an increasing number of City Hall employees. as Arst states. but to improve the efficiency of serving the more than 170,000 people who come to City Hall each year for interfacing with city employees over city services. If Ar'st had attended any of the City Council's discus.5ions regarding the pos.5ibility of a new city hall, he would have heard the following reasons given for the inadequacy of the current band-aid add-ons to City Hall City Hall. Given the current level million will visit our city just to in agreement these imponant life over the years have created of services provided by city use Its beaches. While our safety services should not be operational inefficiencies that employees at city hall, I challenge resident population is 80,000. we contracted for. but if Arst defines cost City Hall customers both Arst to show how fewer private have to provide basic services for the term ·efficiency" as providing time and convenlence. sector employees could provide a much larger population. a service for less cost, he should A discussion for a new city hall the public the same level of lWo, I think our residents want champion contracting out for originated only after staff services. the best in terms of services they police and fire services also. Why proposed to the City Council My P9int With either private receive. Even if 8 million-plus would Arst not want the same some costly improvements in sector or public sector employees people visit our beaches and high level of services provided order to try and band-aid the providing the services, the City utilize our other facilities, our from non-safety employees for structures for a few more years. Hall complex still does nor have residents want our beaches. every service provided to our The City Council looked at the adequate parking, meeting space restrooms, streets. public safety community? modifications staff had proposed and American with Disability Act services. parks, libraries. etc., 10 Arst. like every ocher Newport and decided it was time to try to accommodations nor meets be the best anywhere. regardless Beach resident. certainly has the solve City Hall space issues, earthquake codes. The City Hall of how many osers make right to question the efficiency. rather than putting that decision employees that I worlc with and demands on those facilities and effectiveness and costs of city off. In his commentary, Arst oversee on a daily basis are services. I can provide Arst services being provided. I take no daims the city should be more professional, loyal and committed numerous examples where the issue with him doing so. efficient in the way It provides to Newport Beach and the city contracted for private sector However, I do ask at least a services. but seems to draw the customers they serve. They do the services and those services had to minimal level of homework in line when antiquated facilities best they can to provide excellent be taken bade by city employees order to get basic facts correct contribute to proven customer services; the physical constraints because the pride and prior to conveying inaccurate service inefficiencies. of City Hall make that a more commitment to the job did not infonnadon regarding your city Arst -"It behooves the city 10 reduce government waste through outsourcing. That will enable restoration of residential services and headcount reductions will eliminate the near-term need for a $30-million Taj Mahal of a city hall.· This statement does not stand up under scrutiny. Let's say Arst had his way and the following functions currently provided at difficult goal to accomplish. One match the previous quality of government to our populace. I more thing Arst knows the S30 wort. As it is. the city annually also challenge Arst to be faithful million he cited for the project does contract for millions of to his philosophy by not piclcing includes the cost of a replacement dollars worth of services provided and choosing bits and pieces of fire station and a new multi-story by the private sector. But we information which diston the parlcing structure. carefully pick and choose those complete picture of such an Arst -"Except for rwo very small cities (Brea and Laguna Beach), Newport Beach has the highest ratio of employees per resident among the 34 county cities." services where we feel that the important issue to the quality of services will best be community of how best to maintained al a very high level. provide city services to our Ar'st - "The target of these suggestions (contracting out for services) is nonpublic safety residen~ and visitors. • HOMER BlUDAU is the ctty manager of Newport Beacti. Sids41and.com presents .... Land Auction Sale!! Sundav. July 27th 2003 At~mbassySuites Holel 11767 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove Registration I• at 10:30 AM Auction Begin• at 11 :30 AM FREE Land Giveaway every hour, on the hour You MUST be present to win Go to http:llwww.bkla41and.com for detail• I artClf-#£.\llMW..000 Al) .... 11 -Ill-·--..... --00 Oii ....... _.,_ r _OllY..,..OO ~u--Ill-•,Cll'rClf -fll'EAllM.....000.Al) la- _.,_ 1 1111'1~-..-oo.~uo- _.,_ 11 ClnOfl89ICIN/IU.tJNOO..• ,._ -ID-• Cll'rClf -"""'"""""° 00 .,, ....... __ .,_ MCll'r Clf IB9IOWA &.1#00.llMI I• _., _ • alfYClf -.,...~00.. Al) ..... " _.,_ • IJIYOf-ClnWA...._00 CAI i&•-_.,.,. t IMICNllDllf-jllll--00 ~ '"' _.,_ •rzr>Of_Cll'r..,. ...... 00 ~ ·--- __ .,.,. '~--..... -00 Oii• .. _.,_ • .. ~llll--alll--00..~ _.... __ ,,. • alfYClf--l!l-00..All U.11- _.,_ ..... WU.l'll.W#ll.4 .......... 00 ~ ..... -·-·--~oo..••·-_.,..,.. .... WIU.IY~-.. ........,00 ~, ... -·-,. __ , __ A181~oo.~ .. - _.,_ .. 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MAPS• JlllS. wsn • • sm oa 00; Wllm4tMl.C.. 1•t1s.nse ~ lOl IGll PlllllTSltft.Z ,.,._11 f.l GIM"'8t Fm UID W M1Y -.11 m51'611D 11 a flAICllS n•m • fllll st•.,, ....s •a. &OS .us, & SM am 110 CIMl5• .. . ' , ~ AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN hem a to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay SL, Costa Meta, CA 92627; b &-m 11 o m e.swanso at mes.com; byfaxto (949)646-a170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY Newcomen to ttt. digit.I universe are invited to ·Tools and Tricb: Internet 101; a free Internet worbhop, at 9 a.m . at the Balboa branc:h of the Newport Beactl Public Library. R>r more information, call (949) 717-3816. l~ellntemet navigators are invited to register for ·w eb Walking 102; a free Internet wort wor1cshop at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beac:h Central Library. The hands-on workshop is limited to 10 participants. Sign up at the library's reference desk or by calling (949) 717-3800, ext. 2. •01vota: A New Beginning; a wor1cshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beactl. The cost is $40. For m ore information, call (949) 644-6435. . Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the BeachH series offers "The Sword and the Stone• starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Par1cing costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort 1s at 1131 Badt Bay Drive. For more information. call (9491 729-DUNE. •Growing Begonias· is the subject of a free program at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del M ar at 9:30 a.m. The program is part of the Weekend Gardener Series. No registration is required. For more information. call (9491673-2261. Hornblower Cruises and Events offers a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor. a gourme1 three-eourse meal, hve entertainment and award-winning service from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Boarding starts at 7 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations. call (949) 631·2469. SUNDAY Hornblower's two-hour champagne brunch cruise features a lavish brunch buffet. free-flowing champagne and juice service and great views while you cruise Newport Harbor. Boarding begins at 11 :30 a.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reservations. call (9491631 -2469. MONDAY Chltdren entering fint through sixth grades are invited to ·up in the Air· at 10:30 a.m . at the Newport Beach Central library Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keeping things in the air. will present the tree program . which will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 23 at the Mariners branch and at 10:30 a.m . July 24 at the Balboa branch. For more information. call (714) 717-3816. WEDNESOAY A. free Mmlnar and book signing, •Asian Longevity Secrets:' will be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Mar1cet, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (8001 695-MOMS. Adult rMders Int.rested In expforing how cultural complexities can affect familial refationships are invited to a discussion of Amy Tan's "The Bonetetter's Daughter· at 3 p.m. at the Corona def Mar Branch Library. The program is part of "Branch Out-Read; an adult summer reading program at Balboa, Corona del M ar and Mariners branch libraries. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 644-3075. Chldrwn .......... ,first through sixth grades are invited to ·up in the AJr• at 3 p.m . at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Pentral Library. Renowned Juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keef>lng things In the air, will present the free program, whlc:h will be · repNted at 10:30 a.m. July 24 at the Balboa brandl. For more Information. call (714) 717-3818. THURSDAY a... • ....:.. tint dwougtt ebcth gredes ef9 lnvfted to •up In the Nr" et 10:30 a.m . It the 8elboe bnlnc:h of the Newport 8Mdl Public Ubn1ry. ~ juggter Devid COU9in, who ~ five world records for keeping things In the air, will present the free program. For more Inform ation, call (714) 717·3816. ommerce's Newport Sunset Networ1cl ng Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pacific Avalon Yac:ht Charters, 3404 Via Oporto, No. 103, l'ftwport Beach. The dodtside event from 5 to 7 p.m. will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer is free for members. Potential members pay $10. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. Book So\!p's •Taking Tea· author series at South Coast Plaza returns with authors Janet Fitch and Susan Str.aight Di!l"cussions of their books ·white Oleander" and •Highwire M oon# will take place over coffee. tea and dessert. A portion of book sales will be donated to the Orangewood Foundation. For m ore information. call (7141689-2Ss5. FRIDAY Newport Dunes Resort's HMovies on the Beach" series offers "Remember the TitansH starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Badt Bay Drive For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE Longines presents an aftemoon with Olympic gymnastics gold medalist Mary Lou Renon and legendary coach Bela Karolyi starting at noon at Macy's in South Ceast Plaza. Renon and Karoly1 will sign autographs and promote the upcoming World Gymnastics Championships in the Fine Watch Department on level two. For more information, call (714) 556-0611. e>et 4231 JULY 26 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach" series· offers "Alice in Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores The reson 1s at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729 DUNE Triangle Square in Cos1a Mesa invttes the community to attend #A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the ou1door marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a m to 4 p m JULY 27 The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to hos1 the 68th annual Flight of the Lasers at 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. 720 West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win prizes like best costume, best decorated boat. first parent/child team. and first married oouple. Information (949) 673-7730. See TOWN, Page AlO FREE 24oz Drink ~itlt tlw pur•·lrn,w of a Marulwid1 01111 c·hip,.. •• 1 . •1 a 'I• '' J .! I -I - E. t7Mt. Patio Sea•ln,: Cold Brt"" t~ It••• ('off,_... FREE .-..fills on Dt•iclri•·la (:off.•1· 2.'; I'> Ea .. 1l.l11ff lh'.(\.,11 .. H.ill'l1-111 l .1-ll1l11H \11l.,~ .. l t'llli'11 '> ICJ .<> 10.0<>:JO :,trvi11g rht Commu111ry fur :W yrars FRUIT SALADS FRUIT SMOOTHH'.S To-Go $1 99 • 9 9 ~Cl --I (i () 1 . BAJA STYl.E Poru< SPARE RIB $2 99 lb. )ou <.111111 fry //,,,,, BEAT THE HEAT WITH CELESTINO'S D ELI SALADS f't11;110. Rulslt111 1'11r.110. \f'" '"""' < ok \lrn., / f H) /\1w $3 99 lb. I mu. t l1•11wt•" Httl I l111u" t u. 11ml1n GRHK SmE. BL 'lTER.flltD LAMB Ll:GS $5 99 lh. I n no11 <.<1rlu. /~1r1lrr or,.,,.mu 0111~ (Jt/ ih Hand-ChopptJ Salsa £1 Toro Bravo l • >J & Torti/Uµ • Homt tyk Tama/ti • ll..YJLrittus ofHoml'mlllk Sllusagt1 • <&knin.o's Ber/or Turkey~ Wt Y'T] Boar's Htllli Dtli 1«ts 270 East 17th St. • Costa M esa • (949) 642-7191 Mon Sat 8 OOAM 10 T OOPM • Sun 9 OOAM 10 6 OOPM Sat\Jfday • .llly 19 2003 At \ ' '' \; ',If r~ STAiNMASTER XTRA LIFE s 1·9· 99 By ~ohawk losblled with delue pad sq. yd. 'hawertint 18" 1 18" .................................. 14.29 .., 11 Ceramic nit ............................... 1woi.11t4 ,,.. 14. 99 .._. 11 Lamwtt Wood .......................... i..i.1i.<1f,.. '4.99 .., 11 .~upplies and Too4 fur tlu M/)Q It Yt111r~pff Prs!M All ~riC'l'!l/produC'I\ for u limit11d lim1•. hu.,·d un 01·utluhility. ._./ MESA ..L EA1RPET 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA .... (888) MESA-777 -Mon-Fri. 10 to 5 . Sat 10 to 3 i;o:) .. ~ RO LEX r7!f') " .. ~ yster Perpetual Submariner Dote BLACKMAN LTD.·~ · JEWELERS 3408 1 Voo Oi:>o•to Newpt'."t Beach 949 73 9334 ,. Saturday, Ji.Jy 19, 2003 I FOR . HOW TO GET PU8USHED ~Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Delly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Colta M ... , CA 92627 • R1111fn Hotlne: Can (949) 6'2-6086 FU: Send to (949) ~170 E-meil;Send to dailypilotfiJJatimn.com •All oorTeSpOndence must lndu.de full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purpoMS). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all aubrnlulona for clarity and length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Facts d~n't support Greenlight contentions By Homer Bludau T he July 13 Daily Pilot contained a "Commurury Commentary" from Greenlight spokesman Phil Arst tilled "Waste to blame for service cuts." Arst's commentary contained numerous claims which are not supported by the facts; therefore, I feel an obligation to our citizens to set the record straight on just a few of Arst's unsupportable statements. They are as follows: Arst -"Newpon Beach has cut services provided to its residents for the coming fiscal year by materially reducing the general fund pan of its capital budget." TI'lis statement is false. The city's Capital Improvement Budget for fiscal year 2003-04 is $30.84 million for accomplishing 101 individual capital improvement projects, which is the maximum nwnberof project5 that we are likely to be able to accomplish. given the size of our staff to oversee and manage the projectS. While general fund monies going toward the capital impcovemen1 budget have been reduced, it would be foolish to budget for more projectS than can realistically be accomplished. Therefore. capital improvement services for the communiry are not being reduced. Arst -"The ciry has recently raised fees on some services. For example, they are now charging seniors for classes and keeping 30% of the money instead of tu.ming it all back to senior activities." This statement is false. I don't know where Arst is getting his infonnation, perhaps from one of the conuact cities he is so enamored with, but there have been no recent or contemplated Homer Bludau changes in city fee or charges for OASIS Center senior classes provided by the city. Arst - "The dry says it needs 10 build a $30-million Taj Mahal of a Ciry Hall to accommodate an increasing number of its government employees." This statement is false. Today's Newport Beach Ciry Hall accommodates the same departments that it did in 1990 (Administrative Services, ciry clerk. Human Resources. ciry manager, Recreation and Senior Services, Fire Administration, ciry attorney. Planning. Building and PubUc Works). In 1990. the Newport City Hall accommodated 158 city employees; today's number is I 75, an increase of 17 employees in 13 years. The Ciry Council is contemplating building a new Ciry Hall not to accommodate an increasing number of Ciry Hall employees, as Arst states, but to improve the efficiency of serving the more than 170,000 people who come to Ciry Hall each year for interfacing with city employees over ciry services. lf Arst had attended any of the Ciry Council's discussions regarding the possibility of a new ciry hall, he would have heard the following reasons given for the inadequacy of the current facilities: there is not enough public parldng there is very little meeting space for staff 10 meet with customers; the amount of waiting space fo r the public reflects a disregard for their comfort; the buildings do not meet current earthquake codes or American with Disability Act requirements; there is very little storage space for documents (indeed. many ciry hall documents are stored off site); some buildings are at the end of their plartned life; and the band-aid add-ons to Ciry Hall over the years have created operational inefficiencies that cost Ciry Hall customers both time and convenience. A discussion for a new ciry hall originated only after staff proposed to the City Council some costly improvements in order 10 try and band-aid the strucrures for a few more years. The Ciry Council looked at the modifications staff had proposed and decided it was time to try to solve Ciry Hall space issues. rather than putting that decision off. In his commentary, Arsl daims the ciry should be more efficient in the way it provides services, but seems to draw the line when antiquated facilities contribute to proven customer i.ervice inefficiencies. Arst-"It behooves the city to reduce government waste through outsourcing. That will enable restoration of residential services and headcount reductions will eliminate the near-term need for a $30·million l aj MahaJ of a ciry hall." This statement does nol stand up under scrutiny. Let's say Arst had his way and the following functions currently provided at Oty Half were accoinptlshed th.rough CODtract with the private sector. billing, bllllng coJleaibles, utility services. accounttns recreation and special event sign-ups/applications; planning services and permitting. buildlng/inspection and pennitting servi~ public worb permitting, public projects management, management information systems support. And let's say that the private sector through contracts provided these services to the public at City Hall. Given the current level of services provided by dty employees at city hall. I challenge Arst to show how fewer private sector employees could provide the public the same level of services. My point With either private sector or pUblic sector employees providing the services, the Ciry Hall complex still does not have adequate parlcing. meeting space and American with Disablliry Act accommodations nor meets earthquake codes. The Ciry Hall employees that I work with and oversee on a daily basis are professional, Joyal and committed to Newport Beach and the customers they serve. They do the best they can to provide exc.ellent services; the physical constraints of Ciry Hall make that a more difficult goal to accomplish. One more thing Arst knows the S30 million he cited for the project includes the cost of a replacement fire station and a new multi-story parking structure. Arst -"Except for two very small cities (Brea and Laguna Beach). Newpon13each has the highest ratio of employees per resident among the 34 counry cities. M The reasons behind our city woJk fon:e numbers are \u follows. Arst is correct when he states that Newport Beach has more dry employees per resident capita than almost every other city in the counry, but I believe there are two very good reasons for thi& One, Newport Beach draws people because of its beaches. restaurants, shopping and numerous other amenities. For example. we anticipate within the next 12 monchs. more than 8.7 million will visit our city just to use its beaches. While our resident population is 80,000, we have to provide basic services for a much larger population. lWo, I th.ink our residents want the best In tenl\S of services they receive. Even if8 million-plus people visit our beaches and utilire our other facilities. our residents want our beaches, restrooms. streets. public safety services. parks. libraries. -etc., to be the best anywhere. regard.less of how many asers make demands on those facilities and services. I can provide Arst numerous examples where the city contracted for private sector services and those services had to be taken back by ciry employees because the pride and commianent to the job did not match the previous qualiry of work. As it is. the ciry annually does concract for millions of dollars wonh of services provided by the private sector. But we carefully pick and choose those services where we feel that the qualiry of services will best be maintained at a very high level. Arst -"The target of these suggestions (contracting out for services) is nonpubUc safery • services. In no way is it suggested that police and fire services be outsourced.· This statement is disingenuous. Arst does not advocate our public safery services (police, fire. lifeguard) be contracted out, even though Arst knows that the salaries/benefits for these safety service employees make up 63% of the city's total salaly/benefit costs. My guess is that he does not suggest this because be knows it would not be supported in the conununiry. Arst and I are in agreement these important life safery services should not be contracted for, but iJ Arst defines the tenn ·efficiency" as providing a service for less cost, he should champion contra.cting out for police and fire services also. Why would Arst not want the same high level of services provided from non·safery employees for every service provided to our community? Arst. like every other Newport Beach resident. certainJy has the right to question the efficiency. effectiveness and costs of ciry services being provided. I take no issue with him doing so. However, I do ask at least a minimal level of homework in order 10 get basic facts correct prior to conveying inaccurate information regarding your ciry government to our populace. I also challenge Arst to be faithful to his philosophy by not pidcing and choosing bits and pieces of information which diston the complete picture of such an importanr issue to the communiry of how best to provide ciry services to our residents and visitors.. • HOMER BLUOAU 1s the city manager of Newpon Bead'I. Sids41and.com presents .... Land Auction Sale!! Sundav • .July 27th, 2003 Af1:mbassySultes Hotel 11767 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove Registration I• at 10:30 AM Auction Begin• at 11 :30 AM FREE Land Giveaway every hour, on the hour You MUST be present to win Go to http://www.blda.41and.com for detafl• I OfY~~WA-WWOOO Al) .... 11 _.,_ • ..___"""'._.,00 Colj ._... .. _.,_ 1 -CllYfllllf 00 C.-,1.t- _.,_ • cm"' ICIUIQJC"""' •w..c oo M> • • - _.,_ I 11/Tl~WAfaNOO..Oi\IU.- _.,_ fl an OF ll&lllC)"""' I.I# oo ... ,.. - _.,_ • cm"' MtUllCCll 1#.A ~ oo -ii tue 11 ..... ., .. MCIT'fOf....,.,._.1.1.111100 ......... .... ., .. • cm" M1U1100t """'...-.o oo All 'Ult 11 ....... ., .. • an OF°""°""' CITY,,,.. .... 00 Oi\I --..... ., .. • Ullll Gl8IOlll' """' ... ..,...,00 Oi\I t. _.,_ •C11Y01~cm,.... .... oo o.i--_., .. ' IMll ll"IElllllll' NllA•.,._,oo Olll • • _...., .. fl ..._Ull.-aWAlQIMGBJIOO..CA! ..,.,. _.,,,,. 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LOS~ ISM a'AllD-..S•OIB • Dally Pilot AROUND TOWN • Send AAOUNO TOWN Items to the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., • , ye-ma to mlke . .wanson@latlmes.com; by fa>e to (949) 646-4170; or by ca.lllng (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date end location of the event as well at a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY ~to the digtt.I universe are inVited to "Tools and Tricb: Internet ioi; a free lntemet worbhop, at 9 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. . ~lewtlntlNnet navigators are invited to register for "Web Walking 102."' a free ln1emet wortc worttshop at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The hands-on wortcshop is limited to 10 participants. Sign up at the library's reference desk or by calling (949) 717-3800, e)(t. 2. "e»von:.: A New Beginning; a wortcshop for men and women divon:ed or getting divorced. is offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The cost is $40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. Newport Dunes Reaort's "Movies on the Beach" series offers "The Sw ord and the Stone" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Partcing costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For m ore information. call (9491 729-DUNE. "Growing Begonias" is the subject of a free program at Sherman Library end Gardens in Corona def Mer at 9:30 a.m. The program is part of the Weekend Gardener Series. No regiS1rat1on is required. For more information. ca ll (949) 673-2261. Hornblower CruiMS and Events offers a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor. a gourmet three-course meal, hve entertainment and award-winning service from 7 .30 to 10:30 p.m. Boarding starts at 7 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hi1)hway. For reservations, call (949) 631-2469. SUNDAY Hornblower's two-hour cnampagne brunch cruise features a lavish bruncn buffet free-flowing champagne and juice service and great vie\W while you cruise Newport Harbor. Boarding begins at 11:30 a.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reservations, call (949) 631-2469 MONDAY Children entering first through si>eth grades are invited to ·up in the Air" at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five wor1d records for k9i1Ping things in the air, will present the free program, which will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 23 at the Mariners branch and at 1<>::30 a.m. July 24 et the Balboa branch. For more information. call (714) 717-3816 WEDNESDAY A tr.. aemmar and book signh\g, "Asian Longevity Secrets; will be offered by aUlhor Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martcet. 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reseNations, call (800) 695-MOMS. Adult l"Mders im.. ltSi.d in exploring how cultural complexities can affect familial relationships are invited to a discussion of Amy Tan's "The Bonesetter's Daughter" at 3 p.m. at the Corona del Mar Brandl Library. The program is part of •Branch Out-Read," an adult summer reeding program at Balboa, Corona del Mar and Marinen branch libraries. For more i~on. call (949) 644-3075. a.adr9r1 ..,..,. •• tint through sixth grades are Invited to •up in the Air" '' 3 p.m. at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Pentral Ubrary. Renowned Juggler Davkt Cousin, who holds ftve wortd records for keepi{lg thing. In the air, will present the free program. whldl will be · l'9pMted 8t 10:30 a.m. July 2" at the Balboa branch. For more lnformltion. call (714) 717-3816. THURSDAY ~ ..... ftrltttwough aixttl grlldel are lnvhed to •up In the Ak" M 10:30 a.m. at the 8atboe ~of the Newpot1 ~Public Library. Renowned Jugglet Oevld Couein. who holds five world records for keeping things In the air, will present the free program. For more Information, call (714) 717-3816. am of Commerce's Newport Sunset NetwortOng Mixer wlll be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pacific Avalon Yacht Charters, 3404 Via Oporto, No. 103. Newport Beach. The doc.bide event from 5 to 1 p.m. will include hors d'oeuvres and a no·host bar. The mi)(er is free for members. Potential members pay $10. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. Book Soup's "Taking Tee" author series al South Coast Pl aza returns with authors Janet Fitch and Suaen Straight. Discussions of 'heir books "White Oleander" and "Highwtre Moon" will take place over coffee, tea and dessert. A portion of book sales will be donated to the Orangewood Foundation. For more information, call 1714) 689-2665 FRIDAY Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beacn· series offers "Remember the Titans" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parkmy costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores The resort 1s at 1131 Back Bay Drive For more information. call (9491729-0UNE Longines presents an afternoon with Olympic gymnastics gold medalist Mary Lou Renon and legendary coacn Bela Karolyi starting at noon at M acy's in South Coast Plaza. Renon and "Karnlyi will sign autographs and promote the upcoming World Gymnastics Championships m the Fine Watcn Department on level two. For more information, call (714) 556 0611, ext 4231 JULY 26 Newport Dunes Resort's "M ovies on the Beacn" senes offers "Alice m Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores The resort 1s at 1131 Back Bay Onve For more information, call (949) 729 DUNE Triangle Square in Costa M esa invites the commun11)1 to anend •A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals 1n the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefronr specials from l1 a.m. to 4 pm. JULY 27 The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the 68th annual Flight of the Lasers at 1 p.m. at the Newpart Harbor Yacnt Club, 720 West Bay Ave .• Newpart Beacn. Join l aser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to wm prizes like best costume. best decorated boat, first parenVdlild team, and first married couple. Information: {949) 673-7730. See TOWN, Paee AlO FREE 24oz Drink ~ itli the· ~11rd1111w of . u l'IU11tlwid1 unJ rhi1~ Patio St•aalnJf Cold Bre" t"il le .. Cuff~ t~REt; refills on 0 Pic l ric·h C :offc•f' 2.l I «J l·:a .. 1 ltl11ff I )r. f \, ,, 1 .. 11.olpli-111 I .1-1l1l11rr \111.1~· 1. ""°' 1 fJ 19.<> 10 .0<,:~o Pro<lu<·t· • Seafood • Deli ~rving tli< (A,mmu111ty for 30 ytan FRUIT SALADS FRUIT SMOOTillES To-Go $1 99 . 9 9 Cl-,, ·• . --I (1 .0 I . ... .. ,,,, .... 1x,') llAn.lRA . lrop1u.I • R;up~rn BanAn~ <..ool (:? 'i.Nn! WU/ rrrat or the Kids! BAJA STYLE ·PORK SPARE RIB $2 99 lh. )11u <•IJf/•I Ir') I lteir' BEAT THE HEAT WITH CELfSflNO'S D ELI SALADS G RF.f.N SALAD<; To-Go $3 99 C.l I 1·111"' lu»wr .. Ruf I J,11011 I u. umbfT GREEK Sm~ Bl 'TfERRJED lA.\.fB LEGS $5 99 lh. I nnon, <.urh1 , l\1n/ry, ( '""''"'"· u1,,., 0,1 I 1-: I .., II "I \I < )( 11> • )I ,J illl i ..... , \1 I"''" ..... \I"',, • 'I I I: I \I I' • '-\\ "I< I> II' II • I 1 JI I-.. II f{ I h·l11·,·1t·rl f>,,,~I' fush H11nJ-°:it!:J S4/.s11 El Toro Bravo Chips & Tort • Hom~ Styk Tamaks • J.lltJI.inks o.J.HomnnMe SaUMgtJ • ~o's By/.gr_ Turkry Ir;jz Wt '41?7 Boar's Huui Dtli pr #cp 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (949) 642-719 Mon Sat 8 OOAM 10 7 OOPM • Sun 9 OOAM Jo 6.00PM Satutday, July 19, 2003 A9 STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE s 1999 By Mohawk loslalled with deluxe pad sq. yd. TraYa"ti.nt 18" J 18" .................................. '4.29 .. " CtnaJc: nit ............................... iNlalk4 ,,.. '4.99 .. " Laalutt Wood .......................... ta.u.IN<I ,,.. '4.99 .. II Suppll .. s (Int/ Tools for the ~/)() It t'uur11.fft'rs!~ All prkl'slprodurt:r fur" l1m11 .. d timl'. ha•l'd tm 11r<11/Qb1/itg t. MESA ~ EARPET 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F • COSTA MESA .._. (888) MESA-777 -Moo-Fri. 10 to 5 . Sat 10 to 3 ti=t .. 'i RO LEX ...... µit • , ...... ll ....... , ""~f'r',.~ ~ '·r~ ('Y'""°" tvn~,.,., "'~"'"'' _.,, •1 (l(,W') ~,,.,.f AYO r)bJ,,. I(} J· +. •' , ,,., BLACKMAN LTD.· Eb · JEWELERS )d08 l Vo Oporto Newp0rl Boo ~ Q49 673 Q"1J4 ... AJO Saturday, July 19, 2003 .- • ALDEN'S DRAPERY Cl.EANIN& AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN DR RIMIMN& l'ffP9MRY I Certified Ta Clean Ail Hunter Daugl11• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette• window shad~ • Vignette' window shadings • Duette• honeycomb shades • MilleniaTM Collection • Jubibnce111 roman shades • Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenetterw Softfold1V shadings World'• Beat ON·srn:,. Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIBS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 11111/1111111\111•11111111111111111 1Ju.1/1t11 .1111/ "t1•1\111• ~,,,,,. 1•111/ PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY & ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CORPORATE EVENTS WEDDINGS BAR/BAT MITZVAHS CUSTOM EVENT COORDINATION A LL OCCASIONS B IRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES SWEET 16 PROMS GRADUATION craycraft entertainment 949.644.1549 www croycrottentertolnment .com Celebrity Claef Sertes TOWN Continued from A9 en.NM fMtu,.. • lavt9h brund't buffet, tree-flowing cnasnpagne and Juice aervice end greet views while VOO CNIM Newport Harbor. Boarding beglna at 11:30 a.m'. at 2431 W. Pltcff'lc Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reMt'Vatlona. cell (949) 831-2469. JULY2a ""8tlndriven cen ~ their driving ekllla In this eight-hour claN held during two seealona, at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. at Presbyterian-Church of the Covenant ln"tosta Meu July 28 and 29. The $10 ciasaea are limited to 30 students. Advanced registration le required. Information: (714) 557-3340. Children ........ 19 tint through sixth grades are Invited to "A Radical Science Show• at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central library. The free program will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 30 at the Mariners branch and at 10:30 a.m. July 31 et the Balboa branctt. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. JULY 30 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to #A Radical Science Show# at 3 p.m. at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Publlc library. The free program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 31 at the Balboa branch. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. A free aemin•r, "P.t Nutrition Pawsibilities," will be offered by Cooo's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations: (800) 595-MOMS. Join Corona ct.I Mar In organizing its 2004 Centennial Celebration at a public meeting running from 7 to 8 p.m. at Sherman Library and Gardens. Attendees are asked to enter from the bade partdng lot at 2647 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 422-4210. JULY 31 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Radical Science Show" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public library. For more information. call (949) 717-381,6. The monthty Career Networking Resource meeting for the unemploy9d, apoMOred ~St Andrew"I Preebyterien ~. wQf run from 7:30 to 9 p.m. In the cftlrd'l'a bpel. AU monthly meednga are open to .,, for free, neceeury. lnfonnatJon: (949) 61+2236. AUG.2 HombloudW CNIMe Ind Ewnta often a tfne..hour CNIM bf Newport Harbor, a goonnet three-course meal, live entertainment and -award-winning service from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Boarding starts at 7 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations, cell (949) 631-2469. AUG.a Homblower CNIMe Md Events offers e three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor, a gounnet three-course meal. live entertainment and award-winning service from 8 to 11 p.m. Boarding starts at 7:30 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coaet Highway. For reservatlons. call (949) 631-2469. lnwntora FoNm, the Onnge County-based nonprofit inventors' support group, presents a seminar on "High Tech nology Patenting" by patent attorney Curtis L Harrington. Registration and networtdng begin at 7 p.m. for the 7:30 p.m. seminar at Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall. The cost is $5 for members. $16 for nonmembers. For more information, call (714) 540-2491. AUG.9 Trialngle Square in Com M ... invites the community to attend #A Fair at the Square• for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. AUG.10 Hornblower's two-hour champagne brunch cruise features a lavish brunctt buffet, free-flowing champagne and juice service and great views while you cruise Newport Harbor. Boarding begins at 11 :30 a.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reservations, call (949) 631-2469. AUG.11 Registration for the Orange County Business Council's ninth annual Corporate Executive Golf Tournament begins at 9 a.m. at Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa. with the shot gun start at 11 a.m. The cost is $300 for a single player padeage or SOLIS IT. ~vESTME>:T & REALTY Kru STIN M. Sous • Llc.cnsed Real Estate Agent • Mttting aU of your &al E.stak Metis. ERie A. Sous CFP • I 7 Yean ~t •• St°'lts & Bonds •Mutual Funds •Annuities • Estak & Rrtimnmt Planning • Investment Ban/ting • SmaU MiJJ/.t Mlll'ltet COmpanies ~Qllllllllo...., . ....,_.., ____ . lltlA -.CHLllHllJUC. .. 1&-· ..... -....... --... --.lft FIGGE 'i' P H 0 T 0 G R A P H Y 'We focus on family and fan! Our Summer Family Special August through Septemoer Call for details $1.500 fot • cotpe>rete s>f•yers pact999. ProcMda benefit the Or9n09 County ReectJe Muon'• Strong BegiMinge progl'9m, which provides WOl't(fon:e lost hope and need hetp. For more Information, call (949) 476-2242, ext. 216. • AUG.23 ........ 8q&Mn In Com Me.II Invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the eights, sounds and great deale in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. I ONGOING The Newport Center Toaatmaeter's Club can .help you Improve your public.speaking · skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional discipllnee and badtgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. Validated partdng Is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Frtness. Guests are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 721-5732. The ACLU of 0...nge County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universaliet Church. 1269 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. For more information, call (714) 957-6107. ·Beach LAndacapea; .,, exhibit featuring digitally manipulated · aerial photographs of the Hawaiian Islands by Donna Ruzich, umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller and Bade Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept. 30 at Newport Beach City Hall. For more information. call (949) 717) 3870. "Tennis In Art.. an exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis instructor and coach Jose Mendoza. will be on display in the Newport Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's work is known for its manipulation of colpr and form as well as its concentration on tennis. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Volume. driven are needed to~-. help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through •Mobile Meals." sponsored by ASH-Hatbor At-.. Inc. •nd ~ Hoapftal. Call (949) 84WOliO for more lnfommion. 3107 Klllybrook Lane In eo.t.81 Mesa. Another MUk>n will begin Juty 21 •nd run through~. 1. lnfonnatlon: (714) 667-7234. Profect Cuddle, • nonpoftt organization that offers ufe •nd legal alternatives to gh1t who are considering abandoning their babies, le In need of ongoing volunteers. For more lnfonnatlon, vi•lt www.projectcuddle.prg or call (714) 432-9681. Mecv'• In Costa MMe invites Orange County nonprofit organlzatlonaihat provide services and program• to1he HIV/AIDS community to appty for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund·raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct 4. To receive an application to participate, cell (714) 556-0611 , ext 4231. Yoga etas... will be oftlred Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine week.a at West Newport Community Center. Registration Is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3161. The merchants of Balboa Village will hold a seaside Craft Merchant and Farmer's Market at Penln90la Park near the base of the Balboa pier in Newport Beach every Thursday through Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The market will include fresh organic produce, freshly cut flowers and arts and crafts. For more information. cell (714) 536-2213. Costa Mesa'• RKrNtlon DMsk>n will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 gueeta at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner. games, crafts, prizes, cake with ice cream and superviaion by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information. call (714) 754-5158. Frve new win .. wiJI be Nf'V9d on Bayside Restaurant'• terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost Is $1 6 per person. For more information, call (949) 721 -1222. " ,. ... ,_,, '° ..... Mii .. In ,.. Clf99, ........ U"'"""1 Clrl .... Our School for Professlonel Studies can ~ )IOU In the ~With CClrMlnlenl end~ _.... completion Ind cettificllaon Pl"OPlml for CIFW~ndld people In bullnm, ~. i.dl.noqy. education and mlnlttr)t. Additional lducetton ptys off. It helps )'OU IUy on top of the Clla"Cln1 m«Qt •nd tnrk:llel you l*'IONlly And at V1f11Uttd WI und4ntancl · your ntlds 11 • wor1c1na Pf0fmlon11, Which 11 wtiy we dttlcnld OIJt tftfllnt and W'llllend ci.... to fit your schedule. Reedy lO 1* Yo11t c.w ..,nd llft-to the 1*1t 1Mt1ContAict""Wl'fl119fp )'OU rnalle It heppen, S<llutday July 19 2003 All FAITH THE MORAL Qf THE STORY Taki__ng time to smelZ-the ·roses "'lb be glad of life because It gi11e$ you the chance 10 love and to worlc and to play and to look up at tlU! st.ars; w be sads/fl.d with your possessions. but not contenletl with yourself until you have l1'JQM the best of them; to . "'1spise flOlhing 111 the world except falsehood and . mamness, and to fear nothing except cowardice; to be governed by your admirati.ons raJher than your dislik.es; to cowt nothing that is your neJg}j,bor's except his kindnes of iillut and genthmess of manner; to think seldom of your ef'U!mies, often of your friends and every day of Oirist." -HENRY VM DYKE I twas ho1 and muggy. and I was gelling grumpy. I tried to bear the heat on my morning walk, bur wasn't successful. One song by the 8earles has the phrase. -ru follow the sun," but the morning I wrote this column. I chased the shade. I thought I bad left early enough, and chose paths under trees. but I was perspiring within a few blocks. Before leaving our housing development. I stopped brieOy and stared at some beautiful roses. I ~ them almost everyday and appreciate their bea~ty.,&t today. they. seen1'e& even more rad1ant. "You really are stunning. you know,# I said our loud to the wonderfully colored ro\t.~ CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON "l'U stop and admire you more on my way home." Then I looked at my watch and picked up my pace. My per'lplring picked up. too, and my mood sank some more. 111en I thought about so many family and friends who are Mniggling with illness, los., and pain tJ1at they don't dc,erve. Ibey are wonderful p<.'<>ple of integrity who work hard. give sacrificially. volunteer and help otlier.. whenever and however po.,.,1ble. My "pity pany" q111clly escaJa1ed to ric.lu ulow. proportions. 1-onunately. I snapped out of 11 when a gentleman I pass oft en ..aid, "Why are you looking so do\vn today?" I reaJized I was looking at lift-aJI wrong. talked to him briefly. thanked him and then continued on my wdy. I pa.s..ed other walker.., runner'>. biker.. and scattering rabbits, and gradually realized how fonunate we were 10 be outside at aU. I came 10 a turn and looked around at the rmgh1y ocean. the bright sky. wildflower.:. and gorgeous gardens. The birds sang cheerfully, and I realized we all have blesmngs we don't deserve. Many of my prayers haven't been answered the way I'd like, but I've aJso seen many answered in positive and powerful ways. I thought about some of those and my "pity party" changed into more of a "praise party." I picked up my pace as I thought of God's grace. I paused at the top of the hill and gazed atwild poppies. My mood picked up even though the breeze didn'L I stopped al a different entrance 10 our subdivision, and smelled !.Orne other roses. Their fragrance was better than anything out of bottle, and they dripped with last night's dew or an early morning sprink.le. As I turned for home, I thanked God for my family. friends. neighbors and much more. By the time I reached our front door. 11 was even hotter and muggier, but it didn't maner so much anymore. The change in my a.nirude wac; the most refreshing of all. And you can quote me on that. • CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON Is a Newpon Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at cindy(fjlonthegrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No 505, Newport Beach. CA92658 H.J. Garrett Furniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tmdirion of Pro11idi11t. Serziice t111d Virlue ,.,, • .,,1,1, s4:u.ama -l I . t now ava1lubk Full Design Consulting Service 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Quality Service Value Open M on 1hru .it I 0 10 6. _ un. 12 10 5 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY , NEW SUMMER FUN! COMEDY NIGHT SPECIAL EVENTS CHALLENGING THE FAITH CALENDAR event 1s a collaborattve community service effort designed to strengthen local relationships, unite organizations and help improve neighbomoods. Contact: Kryst1 Hall, communications director, AOCKharbor Church, at 1949) 548-2600, ext_ 40, or khall@rodcharbor org 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 - learning to Find God in a Busy World" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive Information (949) 644-0463 WORKSH OPS evening of lhe month Call for locations (9491 759 0999 for Friday meeting 1949) 760 5360 for Sunday meeting and 1949) 646 6328 for Saturd1:1y devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Ordnge County offers an Introduction 10 Zen Worksho~ from 3 to 6 '-' m the first Sunddy of e>1ery month at 120 f 18th St C.osta M esd S50 1949) 722 7818 A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26 lesson study on the lift of Jesus Christ tttled JournPy to the Cross is taught di '::145 d m Sundays during tht: Homebuilder s Bibi~ Cldss di L•beny Bopt1s1 Churdi Th!! study parallels the four Gosµels 10 PLEDGE Of ALLEGIANCE "Challenging 'Under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance# is being offered at University Synagogue at 8 p.m. Aug. 8. Shabbat services will be led by Rabbi Arnold Aachlis and Cantor Auti Braier. The guest speaker will be Michael Newdow, who challenged the phrase "Under God# in the Pledge of Allegiance. Newdow will speak of his decision to challenge the pledge, his education about the legal process and of bringing a case to the Supreme Coun. The talk 1s sponsored by the Metzger Fund for Interfaith Understanding. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Paricway The public 1s cordially invited to attend services at any time Child care will be provided free of charge For more information. call (949) 553-3535. PARENTING GROUP present thf1 story ol Chm.t Thi· Jewish Family Service of Orange """ttlurd'l 1s di 1000 B1wr1 AvP County is forming d pdrentong Newpon Bf!J .J, Fr ... r'.149 group to help parents to 760 5444 SHABBAT Al.fVE ~shabbat Alive; a new style of jazz and pop services first created in South America. will be held at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29, at University Synagogue. Rabb• Arnold Aachhs' focus will be on spirituality, and Cantor Breier will be accompanied by a combo of musicians and the University Synagogue choir. The services are sponsored by the Roslyn and Joseph Baim Family Foundation University Synagogue 1s at 4915 Alton Parlcway The public 1s cordially invited to attend at any time. Child care 1s provided free of charge For more information, call (949) 553·3535. GREATER O.C. SERVE DAY Dozens of Orange County and LO.Jig Beach churches and n6nprofit organizations will collaborate to host the fourth annual Greater Orange County Serve Day today. More than 1,500 people are expected to participate in community service activities throughout Orange County The understand and dedl with the feelings and behavior of their children. The grouµ will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m the first and third Mondays of th!' month at lhe center, 250 E Baker St . Suite G tn Costa M esa Information. • (714) 4454950 Pre registration 1s required THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Serv1c~es ffenng a suppon and d1scuss10 group for adults whose ch1ldre or spouses suffer from a ohol and drug.add1ct1on The group will meet from 7 to 8·30 p m Tuesdays at 250 E Baker St , Suite G rn Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950 Pre-registration is required BA.HAI FIRESIDES Members of the Baha1 faith hold informal public discussions on spmtual topics at 7.30 pm every Fnday and at 11 30 the last Sunday of the month The talks include brunch or dinner. Also. interlaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday llllD Did You Know? "That we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to ~ Nurseries and let us show you how.H NURSERIES, INC.---• DREAM ON The Adull F dllh Fc,rrn.,1 011 dt Our Lady Queen of Anych lt1ird1 on Newµort Beach h1.ild•, <1 rJr1·<1m analysis group from 1 tCJ 4 i:; m SunddyS di 2046 Md• V1'itd Drive Newpon Bedd" 949 219 1408 MEDITATION LESSONS A free lectic. d'"'°" mPrJ1tdt1ori group meetonq os hf'lr1 .1t l 10 d m Tuesdays at Our lddy Quef'n of Angels 2046 M ar Vostd DrivP Newpon Bedch Lectoo ·~ " style of mr-<l1tat1on thdl 1nclurj1•<.i using Scripture or d spec1<1I redding dS d stimulus Ttie Christ1dn Med1tat1on Group met<ts lrr:;m 7 30 to 9 p m on the first dnd thtrd WPdnesdays of edd1 montr• at the center The forrndt 1ndurlcs twu peroCJds of med1tdt1on with some onstructoon on how lfJ med11at" d tat~ dn<j d r11sr 11S<.i•on 949 219 1408 . WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Sr;rv1cr· offF-rs See FAITH, Page Al2 COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2700 Bristol St. (71-4) 75-4-6661 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (71 -4) 633-9200 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager COMPLrn lANOSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE # 308553 F&owerdale Nursery -Costa Mesa Master Nursery Professional REGISTER· EARLY! B•fore C ... ••• ••oo .... FuH or Cwelecl Due to Low Enrollment F•ll Cl• ... • .. gin August 25 oldenWes1-6flege . vvvvvv.gvvc.lnfo A.1111r "".,._ .,t4' •• ... • ' --------..-------------------~-·_,..., ------·-- AU Saturday, ,>if 19, 2003 StAnset De~i hts •----OftlLL ----•IWPOftT •EACH &joy a delicioc..ts meal featt-t.-in9 ot-t.-slow f60asted P .. ime· Rib. ·)tow• maal is acrompanied by a ho ttvmadt.> o;oup of the day o~ cl'isp ral'Sal' sal~d.1 ~ict> of· tlt'1a9Pn-Dazs ict> Cl't>am O I' so~..+ a~ bevel'a9t->. Nig htly f~om 5-7.pm Lc-.·nt .. d In th<• Newf'o>'f B .... .-h /v\,_.,.,;.,tt Hotel and T ennl" Cl .. I· v~lldated SeJf Parki··~1 •,ll)t) Newt''"'' c,..,,,., [ ),;y,• N•·wro>'f BeaC"h 949-729-3565 I I' I._,< < >I':\ I -SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'A c...rty IWmteJ t• urilf-' s.m., km <JriJ1 es t.f-' sm.' The Rev ProYeen Bunyan. Rector 3209 Vio Lido =~ 1 fl 7 30 om Trod1tionol 9 om (onlempofol')'. 9om Church SchoOl 11 om Charismatic ond Wednesday Noori P ){ I \ B \ I I IU \ '.. ST. MARK PREsBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 Jambortt & l:6bl11fT I.a '~port ~h ~tMtmad&MJAnp Pmfic View at Margucntc Corona dd ~r • 644-0463 I < Onf!'f.•J/lon nf tlv Ant.l1<.i11 <.11mm1m1n11 llUWll>G 0( 'R fA/111 LIJ\'l\G <HR/\ T A \/J Sf.R\'/\G Ol R CO\Hfl/Nln 1111 Kev~ l'cm I> H'yno. Raior \l'l\DAY'I( HHH'l 1- R ~m Hoh I' uchinsi ') ~'" \und.i) 'lcliool/Aduh B1hlc \ni.h 10 ~m ·Choral ~Ulh~m1 Nl 1/l!;f RY O.R/o AVAIV.8/f I \ll jf{f\l'll[li\\(1)\;\11 \::\ I R1111rraeti1n 8t11h 12S9 Victori a Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Sunday evening service at 7:00 PM Re~. Btt~tt• H1y1111 r.1.,~ ... (714) s39 -n21 E•1il RBMCC@~i9fHt.et• ... PEOPU: WHO DELIGHT Or. R.chard A. Todd f'uaching IN T HE LORD" '~~WS (l~lm l7:1·7, ll-25) h u t 't1111•"" C'w a. u arurday, J11ly 19. 2003, S:JO P.M. ~unday, July 20, 200.l, 8:JO &: IO:IS A.M. + •A God-ccnrmd parUh community, inmucttd by the Word of God A and renewed by lhc Sacrament? Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 (949)6#-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Mon.signor W'Jfu.m P. Mclaughlin Putor LmJRGIF.S: turday, 5 p.m. (Cantor), Sunchy1 7:00 (QWct), 8:30 (Contcmpor.uy) 10:00 (Choir), I l :30 a.m. (C.antor} and 5:00 p.m. (Coocemporary) • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence Installations -• Chain Unk Fence Repairs Ser'1in9 Or1m9e CountlJ • lhach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) $48-9662 License #313311 J WORSHIP DIRECTORY \11 11101>1\I Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coou. P.istor 160 I Margumtt" Avt". cornt"r of Marguerite a.nd San Joaquin Hills Rd. {949) 644-0745 811m Quirt Wonlup Serv1rr /Oam Worship and ChiMrrni Sunday School Youth m~tting wetlt/y I l I 111 I<\'- Newport H•rbor Lutheran Church (E.J..C.A.) 798 Dov.-Dr. Newport a..ch Tradltlout Lutheran Pastor Charte1 Endter Wonhlp Service. with Holy Comm~nlon Sund•y 9: 15 •m (949) 548-3831 MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Dr Rlcilird Gtoroe Rev Steoname Toon Semor M1111s1er Youtn Minister Christ Church By the Sea 1Jn11td Mc-thodm 1400 W Balboa lil>d • Nc-wpon lk.uh & ~\ ~m Aduh \undiy '>tt.ool 8· 10 & Ihm. \l'onlupancHluldrnu .,..ndn \c.hooj Tb~ Rev. Dr. George R Crt.p. Putor (~9)67.J..380!1 ( 111<1\ll\'. I ,,.....,.....,. ...... ----y ~~~::.s HA.RBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlsclplea of Christ) 2401 Irvine An. N..,or1 leach, CA (Mt) 145-5781 ---= Dr. °""* llllrt ... ' . ( 111~ I\ I I \ '. \( 11 '. < I FlRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Vb Lido Newixxt Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 Church 10 am & 5 pm Sunday School 10 am ~ MoolrQI 7.10 pm J .~ .,,. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3100 PaClfic View Dr Newixxt Beach 6442617 or 675-4661 WORSHIP DIRECTORY Pubu.ha Ewry Smuday io the Daily~ Pilot CALL 949.57 4.4249 ---·-----·---------· ---- IN THEORY ' With whom you stay,i with whom you pray ; QUESTION: Why did different religions come from different parts t>r the world? Why isn't there one pervasive faith? The "one pervasive faith" shared by all wodd religions is the converting realization that. as C.S. Lewis put it, "God is God, and I am not!" Great religions of this world witness to the great God of -~-~~ • • I ·~ ~ f;;. "all that is, seen and unseen" in the words of the Nicene Creed. Our God is infinJtely superior to the gods we make of pleasure, accumulation, power, security, success and self. "God is God; I am notr The great world religions have arisen and continue to flourish at different places in various times. That this is so is testimony to the revelation of the God who is God always and everywhere. as Ouistian worship puts it, ·a1 all times and in all places.~ At all FAITH Continued from Al 1 a support group for women older than 50 to address issues sud'! as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth MoQday of eadl month at 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Partway. Preregistration required. (714) 44&-4960. GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange Count'( plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL ANO SPtRIT\JAl The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m . at 2482 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 581·2290. RE-MEr.ERING GROUP Our lady Queen of Angels holds a re·membering group at 6:15 p.m . every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center is at 2046 Mar ViS1a Drive, Newport Beach. (949) -3844. ISKl:.AIU"~T FEUOWSHIP St M eel and All Angels Episc pal Church holds its Men's Felio ship Breakfast et 7 a.m . on the s nd, third and fourth Thur ys of each month at 3233 P ciflc View Drive, Corona del Ma . Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN' FELLOWSHIP llKl~ .. AST '• F-ellowship Breakfast of ANif>M""'s Presbyterian Church • 7to8a.m. w..ottniMtfillVll In Olerenfietd Hall, 600 St Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community .,. W'lb:wne to attend. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631-2880. Y<UtG~ StffORT GltOUP Jewish Famlly Service of Orange I • I moments in history, in all places ; of this universe and among all • peoples, God is God! : THE VERY REV'D CANON: PETER D. HAYNES St. Michael & All Angels Eplscopal Church It happens that the Middle East was the cradle of dvill.7.a.tion. so it is natural that God sent his prophets and envoys and messengers there to guide humanity. However, political, cultural and economic factors caused the major religions that came from there -Judaism, Ouistianity and Islam -to spread from the Middle East to Europe, Asia and other areas of the world For God, there is no dill'erence between one pan of the world and another, but because there was a large concentration of peopl~ In certain areas on the earth at one time, divine revelation began there. IMAM MOUSTAFA AL-QAZWINI Islamic Educational Center of Orange County County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life paNages and • changes, body images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker SL, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. HELP1NG THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderly parents. The group will be offered Tuesday. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service is forming a discussion group for interfaith couples where one partner is Jewish to speak ebout issues affecting an interfaith relationship. Call for times and dates. Jewish Family Service is at 260 E. Baker St .. Suite G. Costa M esa. Preregistration is required. (714) 445--4950. ANXIETY/DEPRESSK>N SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety and or depreulon at 9 a.m . Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 260 E. Baker St .. Suite G. Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach holds weekly Friday night services at 8 p.m. with a fellowship hour and refreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave .• Newport Beach. (949) 548-6900. • Is your church or place of worship planning a special event? If so. send the typed Information at least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meu. CA 92827, attention: Paul Saitowitz. rellglon editor.; fax to (949) 846-4170 or Mnd e-mail to d•l/ypllottllatimn.com. White Front Pharmacy I VISIT US ONLINE AT -www.southcoastsubaru.com '04 WRX STI 300HP NOW ARRIVING! NEW! 2004 Turbo Forester has arrived! Test 1 today ')Ill New'' 2004 SubarU Turbo FOreste ulal9d 'GOOD' (highest 1alii•) in the flanlal offset crash test'' Insurance lnstilule_ for Highway Safely (I/HS} . READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! 2003 Subaru WRX . Sedan I 227hp I 2003 Subaru Forester 1 only @ this price Model 3LA (715213) Plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emi ssion testing charge. 2003 Subaru Legacy Outback mzgon l only~@~ MOdel 3&lJl Plus government fees and taxes, a nance charges, any dealer Plus government fees and taxes, any Rnance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, an any emission testing charge. document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. ' -~,·1 stwin ows.com ·., Brands • Lowest Price Up front No Games • le~acement & New Construction # •,, I Open Sundays 1 ._. • 949-642-FEET RosEYs AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best L I FETIME WARRANTY Full Service Colliaion Center Insurance Approved Shop The HoneyBaked Cafe is full of surprises~ not ham. Oow ~ou and ~ou.r lunch buddi.es can sto:r b~ Tue +lone~fia.Jl:.ed C-af e for> a su.rprisin9l~ wUle ar>Pa~ of d elwious, made from sera.Lch, lunch tA?mpta.t'LOns. T ~ our +lone~ffa.ked ell.Le.Ken C:Or>don Bleu, BeefWelll.n~n, or> ~orl!:. Fl.llets W"Lth Fres h BlclcK,b~r~ ~(a,ee. Q,, erjo~ a fresh, crisp~ llla.ster eh~ Sa.Lad. And, if brea.Jt\fast is to ~Our> Ll.kW.8, we ser>Ve Lt° a ll da~ lon9 .. Wl-th chow.es Li.Ke our> l~t" and fluff~ i-lone~aKed Omeletta.t:a. w"Lth T urKe~, Avocado and Swi.ss e heese or scrumpt'L<>us Stuffed Fr>ench Toast So n ext; time ~ou d o lunch, d o i.t-Ui s~le at-The i-lone~B~d eafe ... where ~ou,ll f in.d o\ler si.~ d ell.el.ems thw:JS-For> Lunch, besU:les our llm;dzl.n:;, ham. C.Om e see us toda~. We> re r~ht" next door to that frunous ham stor e. OpenMonday-Wednesday8a.m.-6:30pm THE HONEVBA Thursday -Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin 13771NewportAYe.#13 Phone : 714-731~16 Fax :714-731-4907 tb1tinykln Beadl 19022 Beadl Blw1 #C.Phone:714-961-6174 Fax 714-378-1216 An American run business since 1953. Our family serving your family for 50 years .. ,......~~--. 'Momma John . We belong to the world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers tndtvtdually owned . and operated. J ennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $1 '' Lifetime Warranty Laminate ··~,, ·• . ' a...',) Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $1 '' Lifetime Warranty Wood ·- Brenda 1 00% FREE No Q uestions A.keel 60 day eXcbange. q you don 'I II/le It, we will repl«e It FULL SERVICE C111ter T•P• • S~ewen • Cera•i• • St111 • Or11it1 • WN4 R1fi1i1~ ONE STOP SHOP Wi1'1W CHtril t • Cl111i1 Car et & U bltte • Pai1tl1 -l1terltr & Eiterier 405 Costa M... lrvlne , ... , 8S0·7•78 CM9) 8S8-0t•, , •••• 17tll ''''' ........ MON-FRI 9·S MOll-fll 10~ • IATlltAY 10·4 SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 10·4 CLOSED SU Nt AY EYUUMU IV APPOllTIENT ... WHAT'S AFLOAT Ptri.odically. tf you are planning a nautical event, aubmit the · Information to.the Baily Pilot 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latim6S.com . , SAILING CLASSES 0,.... Coast College .. offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes thia summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range fi'om Udo 14 dinghies to large ocean raoers, even lceelboats. Cruising semiriars are .also being taught The OCC Sailing Center i.s at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 645-:9412 or visit occsailing.oom. Sailing Fudnation.,.,.. c:1e .... In boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with ·disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The Sdlool of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing ex~rience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina WaterSports at the Balboa Fon Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport·fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats. pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two·hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt packages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid carrftlras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673·7200. Electric boat rentals are availabte by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Pedal boats, electric boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture DailV Pilot t and wehUlta are available for rent at Reloft Weter Sports et~ Ounee. (949) 729-1160. Gondole ......... c6l9d e.ru.. Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost Includes a basket of breed, ch.-e. salami, ice, gl8.es, a .. blanket, music and a Polaroid ·; picture. (949) 675--1212. • Gondolll~ 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne ls $180.(949) 675-4984. · lrviM eo..t Charura"' Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Roma~ otrw. daily tours ot Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of Udo Marina Village, 3400 Vie Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Join Capt. Don MoMley on the beautiful sailing yacht Dulcinea for a narrated Newport Harbor cruise of the fabulous waterfront homes end boats of the rich and famous. see the sea lion colony, and sail the spectacular cool·summer, warm·fall Southern California coastline to Laguna Beach or Dana Point. As a private birthday, anniversary or special event? Sail. swim, snorlde, kayak, sunbathe, watch dolphins, and dine at anchor for the time-of-your-life vacation at Catalina Island on this well-appointed, U.S. Coast Guard inspected vessel. ASA sailing instruction and certification. Business conference facility. Details at www.shellbadcdon.com or contact Don at shellbadcdon@yahoo.com or call (949) 632-3736. Elec1ric Boat Tours often two- hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-w ater restaurant shuttle service is available. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsantheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle is available for weddings and receptions, codctail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours. plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; children, Sl) and a 90-minute cruise (adults. $8; children, $1 ) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m . daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1 ) leaves the Fon Zone at 7 p.m . daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673--0240. Catalina PasMnger Service runs 45-minute harbor cruises (adults, $6; children, $1 I and 90-minute cruises (adults. $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fon Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m . (949) 673-5245. B=FREE Doc WASH Ask About Our Groominf SPedals , -------~ --------~~~~------------------ Daily Piiot SOC I ETY , Feeding the local homeless was the goal of Linda Oeth, Friends of the Orange Coast lnterf.a1th Shelter President Judy Cooper chef Pascal Olhats, Myra Wiener and Sally Phillips. FOCIS raised $59,000 from a series of dinner gatherings. THE CROWD One child making a lasting difference N ewpon's Deirdre cgan Healy repons that KJd., Konnected will prei.ent iti. fourth annual founder's event on Aug. 9 at the Village Crean on the Back Bay. J.ounded in 1993 by then I I ·year old Jon Wagner-Holtz. Kid'> Konnected 1s all about lad-. helping lods when parents are dffl1cted with life-threatening d1.,eases or life-changing experience<,. Wagner-1 lollL had a mother .,ufTcring from breast cancer. nuough the helpline. which now functions 24 hours each day. Wagner-Holl7 shared his "fear, confusion and sadne~ \\1th other kids going through ejf Ewing & Lyleen Ewing IF YOU ARE SELF- EMPLOYED There's no doubt about 11. 11 could be more d1 fficull lor you 10 get a loan 1f you arc a free lance viol~ player than 1f you arc a government accountant. Trad1uonally lenders have been more cautious when evaluating loan applications of buyers who arc self-employed tha(l people who work for a regular salary. lf you arc self-employed. lhere 1s no reason for you to shy away from applying for a home loan. however. e pcc:ially if your earnings have been In the same field for at least two years. It is a good idea to meet with one or more loan officers before you begin your search. They will probably want to analyze your tu returns for the past 2 or 3 years. keeping in mind that many self employed people can look. impoverished on paper. since you can write off some expenses that salaried individuals can not. Try to get pre-approval by the lender. and ulc far a letter statina that yod have pre-quallfied for a Joan which the Realtor can ICUICh lo any offer you submit on a home. 1lda will make you more attractive to the teUen. Lylcen aod Jeff have 31 <lONOCUtive yeaf$ of real eltl4c CApaia:lce ln Newpon Beach. Fer ........... .ntce ... .... ..... .,.. ........... ... al Ille hlllt .. c.. ~ ....... (M)79N'7M. TM htf'9I N9 C... NlwpOft ~,, ,.,.. 9lorl001 ...... the \amt· hard ttrne'>, .. ">hares Deln:tre Egan Healy. a member ol the helpline founder'> cumm1t1ee Joda\ one I I war old., B. w. COOK \'IWlll lhl' grm .. 11 w .,erve thousand'> of fam1hr' throughout the \Jnlled ~talt'\. TI1e Kids Konnected program now indude' month!~ '>Uppon group meetings. youth leadership senunar'i. -.ummer camp'>, bereavement worl,hop'>. C.O Ntn11 for• Qiulul Let U1 Be You I 1 Cboic:le Loca.IJy! Rabbitt Insuran ce Agen cy Al'TO • HOMEOW!\'fR..S • ltf~lTll \r.1brl1:t '"" r I J' ~& ~S r)J ,. , 949·631·77 40 4-41 ()id Newport 8hd. • ~" Beach (Near Hoag H0tpiw1 '>Oc1ah; and mulh mon· To celebrate tht' \tnul''> rnadt•. the local crowd i'> i11v11«·d lo panicip~le al the V1llagP C rean as organv.er.. throw a '>Utnmt·r bash 1n the "<;pint of Aloh,1 I ht> l la\\.aJidJ1 evening \\ 1U bt: catered "luau -.wle m Ou1hall <iteakhou<,c .\ h~ l' au( 11on \\1]1 add to the fund raht.'r I 1L l l'I' dre SI l5 per pt'r,011 ( .1111944 'iHl-54·n for re .. enauun., . .ind mformauon · • •• lop local re'>lauran1-. 101ncd forces to ht'lp lotal familit:' find111g thcm~ehe., homele~' friend~ of the Orange Loac;1 Interfaith Shelter, ~nm"n ch H )C.J\, JMtt1upalt'd 111 ''hat \\a' callt·d f-OLI' on Dtn111g. a loc.U gourml't dinner '>t'rH''· '' hu.:h ra1-.ed Sill,000 tor tlw rh,mtv. ·custau .\nder'>. I I\(' ( r()\\11\ l'~c<il. lhl' 11,!l'llit <Jul> .md l·rench -i m.tdl' u•rtt1111 lhJt lilt• I I th annual 1·\1·n1 \,,1, 1 -.dl·<1111. < ha1rl'd b) IC>< I\ ho ard membt•r, ~yra Wiener .md SaJly Phillips \\Ith a,,._l,ulLt' from Linda Oet.h ,111d I<" I\ l'rt•\ldt·nt Judy Cooper. 1lw lunth raLwd will lwlp -.upport thl:' group\ progrurn-.. \\Im h pro\ tc..lt: niort than 110.000 n1t.>.1l-. Ill 1,00() ho1111 !1•-., pt•11pl1• •THE CROWD lppears Tt>ursdays and Saturoav!. Bids land.com presents... · Land Audion Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 1 At Emba~s~ Suites Hotel J...!..:'6 7 llJrbor Bh J . Ci.irJ.:~ C 1w Registration i at 10:30 A~ •Auction Begin'i at 11 :30 A\1 5aturday July 19. 2003 Al5 ENGAGEMENTS Foster·Shaw · . AlllsonJean Foster of Co ta Mesa and Todd AJLen Shaw of Costa Mesa will exchange wedding vows on July 26 at St. John Vianney Chapel on Balboa Island. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RJchard W. "Foster Jr. of Costa Mesa, will wear a white satin straplesi. gown with a sbouJder-iength tc,immed . satin veil. Her maid of honor is Teresa Manning and her bridesmaids are Nicole Collier, Kate Foster and Stephanie Castro. The bridegroom ii. the Todd Allen Shaw and Allison Jean Foster son of Sandra Shaw of PaJm Spnng~. I h'> be'>t man 1s Todd Sheets, and his groomsmt'n art' Jui.Un foster and Olristopher Foster. The bride graduated from (..al State rullt'rtOn and received her teaching cre,denllal from UC lnme. She as an elementary school tea<.:her in the :-..e\\ pon-\1ec;a Unified School Distnc1. The groom graduated from 'ian D1t'go <:,1a1e and owns a computer business in Hunti111,'lor1 Ht'al h After the ceremony. a re<.:epuon w11h no gue<,t<, \\ 111 bt> held at the :-;Jewport Beat h Lountn Club. The couple plan., w reside 111 < 0-.1;1 \1e'>a after J wedding tnp to Napa Vaill'). Moore-Alvarado Hoger and Karen Moort' of ,----- Newpon Beach announce the engc1gement of theu daughter Alden lulia \1oore of In mi-. to Da1111en lsaait., Alvaradh of ln.1ne. ·1 he brick elect graduated from :-.=ewport Harbor I hgh \dwul and UL Santa (jarb<ira with a bachelor's in lw.aurv. She is enrolled 111 the FJ~h1on ln-.titute of De.,1gn and Merchandising 1n IO'> Angl'les ·I ht: future bridegroom '>On of Cesar and Pall\ Al\'arado of Co!>ta Me-.a. grad uated from Newport Alden Juha Moore and I !arbor I lrgh !>chool and c...1' Damien Isaias Alvarado Poly San Luic; Obispo with a bachdor's m compu1er engineering . An Aug. 23 wedding is planned on the Phoemx m Newport I !arbor . •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays For a form, please call Coral Watson at 949) 574·4298 • ' All Saturday, Jli'f 19, 2003 & GARDEN CAFE Fi1u H.,,.t hnil.sbi""' AJtri.pa 6' ColJmiMa, Trllliil»ul u c.~ Gifa •"" WrJ,m ~r. WUb Un•"" txli..,,.,. GnJ.llt Utfr G.rdnl htio Di11i11111m111 Bmtltfut, u11<h. Tt11 •Ni "" Esp""" &r. CAFE HOURS: Mo1t-S1111 911m-4t"' C.iu/Ja 10 Cb.tuklim, UUt/ 6' RArr Boob, C1t1to1" Pimlrr Fr•11ti11i, F11rnit11rt Rntor11tio1111111i miuh 111orr ! ROW HOURS: Tw-S.t J0.,,,-5pm 7Dllt7 jfurniture jf tnt5bing & ~eftntsbtng Crackle, Cherrywood Finish & More • Also Match Existing Furniture Call for If appointme'nt fl R.C. CALEGARI CO. 714.547.4970 Over 25 Years Experience Quality Craft.smarubi p 1328 E. Edin er Ave, Santa Ana Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ~ _ "' Ono Bloc• South ot 40S fwy ~:. .J~~ (7141 545. 7168 :-; .. ~ Happy Independence For Your Toesl Orange County's Premiere Comfort Shoe Stare For Men and Women Featuring: Taryn Rose, Mephisto, Donsko, Ecco, Hoot, Allen Edmonds and many more. Io(~J CoM'oti_ \t STIN ro 'l'Oua , •• , (949) 644-5939 Corona del M01 Plozo I 836 Ava<odo Ave. I Newport Beoch I Near Bnstol Forms I www.lhemephistostore.com • Stmi-Privatt for Mtn cf Wom•• • 011tr 80 Piu11 of Equipm'111 • Pri1111tt Pi'4tts Studio •SPINNING Tht11ttr 4 • 16 Full Timt Person11/ Tr11'11"1 • Chi/ti C11r1 811m-noon M • S.1. I"-, • C111111n1itnt 'Par/tint • Yo11. T11i Chi, Strtteh cl11Su1 •Sup, Potvtr Pump, C11rJlo • Showtrs, Su'"" cf ToU16U •Doy Sp11 • Ac"prmctMrt!M11111it 949760-5054 www.ahape-up.com • www.fimMeCIMil 2101 Eott POcifk Coott Hwy, COtono °" • GETTING INWlVED runs periodically In the Deity Pilot on a rotating ba•. For Information on adding yoor organlutfon to this list, call (949) 674-4298. Al,.S ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Aun., which helps individuals who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, needs volunteers. (714) 376·1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261-9446. altuatJona. Lynn Howea, (714) 481-6378. OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cata at your home. Meny shelters kill pregnant cats upon arrival. Dogt and cata are also available for adoptJon.(949) 769-3646or www.11nim11/network.org. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed to help the organlz.atlon with its goal of helping children in the comniunity. (949) 645--6929. ASSN.RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group sponsors and supports outreach community service programs, such as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are needed. (714) 540-5803. BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adults with developmental disabtlities. As a NCitizen Buddy; volunteers will visit with a buddy twice a month and calf or e·mail AMERICAN CANCER • ~ them once a week. The SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona def Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment 1s a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans (949) 261·9446 or scomer@cancer.org. The American Cancer Society 1s also looking for volunteer speakers for its Speakers Bureau program, which offers a free service to communities. schools and corporations by providing trained speakers to address cancer issues. The organization will train all interested volunteers at a special session on Dec 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 :JO p.m at the Spectrum Club, 1535 Deerpark Drive in Fullel'.ton. For reservations, call Florence Dann at (949) 567·0604 by Nov 22 AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Assn. 1s ·looking for volunteers 10 perform various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund-raising event.s through Orange County. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERICAN HOME HEALTH HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emotional support to terminally ill patients and their families in the greater Orange County area. Training is provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) 540-2545. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency organization also has an e·Budd1es program that forms. friendships entirely over the Internet. Volunteers for that program must be at least 12 years old. (714) 546-t826 or · www.bestbuddies.org BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local chapter is looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived in Orange County for at least six months and have been on the job for at least three months to serve as big brothers or big sisters for children ages 6 10 16 from single-parent homes. t7141544-n73. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportun1t1es for the Orange County Council include fund·ra1sing, program development and training to existing troops and packs. (714) 546-4990. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts workshop teachers. Call for locations. (949) 642·2245. BRAILLE INSTITUTE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers with a basic knowledge of Windows 95198. Microsoft Word and a willingness to learn the adaptive equipment used by iJs students to participate in various activities at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar. Volunteers will tutor legally blind adult students using computers and other adaptive technology. Mary Johnson. (714) 821·5000, ext. 2113. CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer counselors and medical staff for Summer Camp and Teen Adventure Camp. The organization is dedicated to providing educational camping programs free of charge to children living with HIV and AIDS. Call (323) 653-5005. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for ushering, backstage work, mailings, typing, controlling lights and many other duties. (949) 650·5269. COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the ········-··•--1'-"l Daily P110t archlvea, library, museum, docent and public outreach programa. (949) 631-6918. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to teach English as a second language. People who want to learn English as a aecond language are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545-3445. LITERACY AAOGRAM The program is always in need of volunteer tutors. No professional teaching experience is required. To attain certification, a series of training classes must be completed. For more information. contact literary Services at the Newport Beach library, (949) 717-3874. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new self-help group in Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every m onth (949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are invited to help staff the Westside substation. Volunteers are asked 10 work two four-hour daytime shifts per week They would be responsible for answering phones, bicycle reg1stratton, fingerprinting. data entry and assisting with other c1tyw1 de projects. Seniors who can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Call for an appl1cat1on Fred Gaeckler. (7141 754-5208 COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose senior services faciltty at the corner of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks volunteers who can greet members and the public at the front desk and volunteers for tht: Resource Department with Exct1I computer experience and sharp telephone skills (949) 645-2356 COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center 1s looking for new board members The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will part1c1pate 1n monthly meetings. occasional committee meetings and special proiects. Candidates should have connections 1n Costa Mesa and surrounding communities and an interest tn serving the commu1111-, by helping seniors 1949) 645-2356, ext. 16 COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve d, advocates for abused neglected and abandoned children Volunteers work one on one with a child for three hours a week (714) 663·9034 CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization 1s seeking volul'lteers for its expanding tra uma response program. Some volunteers as!.1st law enforcement. firefighters and other emergency·type responders by providing emotional first aid and support 10 in1ured or traumatized people No experience is necessary Training will be provided (949) 588-1414 DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERV1CES Volunteer ~ediators, ca se specialists and outreach assistants are needed 10 help in a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skiffs are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250--048&. Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockb roker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail co disclose a conflict of interest for the ~ analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon che recommendations~ If so, you may have a case for fraud and ~reach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? _Your losses att often rccoveraQle and you may be entitled ro punitive damages. We spccializ.c in representing individual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation. • •No RecoTery -No Fee Marc I. Zussman, Attorney at Law USC Law School Gra.duat~ Over 29 ycus of Law Pr..aice Former Los Angdcs Deputy City Atromey Member of Public lnvatoD Arbitncion Bar Assoc.Uuon Toll FM 1111"'6,..S66h 310.'lnllSO Law Offic:u of Marc I. Zussnun I 0 l 00 Santa Monica Blvd., 8,h Floor 1AM AngtJa, CA 90067 I Daily Pilot COMMUNITIES & CLUBS otary clubs install their new leaders T be four Rotary clubs In Newport-Mesa held their events earlier this month to demote the 2002-03 president and installed the 2003-04 club leadership. Newport· Balboa President 8'>ler McGonegaJ was duly roasted by his fellow club members and a longtime friend from New York at a dinner attended by m ore than 80 Rotarians and guests at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub. Past President Nancy Raney presented McGonegal with a certificate from Rep. Ou1s Cox. a proclamation from the city of Newport Beach and the county of Orange, and another proclamadon from Assemblymen John CampbeU and I.Ceo Maddox and Sen. Ross Johnson, all in recognition of his leadership of our award-winning club. McGonegaJ recogrwed h1., outgoing board of di{ector~ with Cross pins, then presenied the Ice Breaker of t11e Year Award to Ryan Kussner, the Commw1Hy Service Award to Terry Rousselot. the Bob Callis Award to Nan Raney. WendeU Sawyer and me and the Rotarian of the Year Awa.rd to me again District Governor Jlm Parsons, who wa.-.. on hand to celebrate McGonegaJ's year, pre!>ented the Rotary lntemational Four Avenues of Service award 1<> Sawyer. Af1er the demotion and awards part of the eveninK. Ed Rennie was installed ru, president of the club for 2003-04. Serving with Renme are l(lm Kasell DeBroux, pre-.idl:'nt elect; Flmer Biggerstaff, vke president; Robert Krone. treasurer; Rou!..'>elot. Dan Hoffman. Dick Dickson, Steve Speer, Nancy Raney and Kussner as directors. Nev.rport Beach Sunn-.e Pre<;1denl Jeff Helle$0n wee. honored by more than 80 Rotarians and guests who auended a dinner at the Five C..rowns Re'itaurant. "It was more ofa social ume and an opportunity for me to thank the club members and the board of dire<:IOrs before turning the ~ over 10 Ham Unhardt, 2003-04 president." lieile-;on said He1leson recognil.ed hi'> outgoing board of director., wi th Rotary luggage tags. Installed with Linhardt as officers were Paye Bosler. president elect, Rob WUllarns. secretary: r.tlke Bradford, treasurer; John Oark. Syd Lucas. Heileson. John Goodlad. Tom Blrch. Scott Sorrell. Ouis Suchenyl and JIM DE BOOM Bob Wees as directors. The Atrium Hotel was the site for the demodon dinner for NeWp<>rt Irvine President Bob Ramsay. More than 70 people, including a couple of Rotarians in kilts to honor Ramsay's heritage. were in anendance as Ramsey was roasted and thanked for his leadership this past year. Jlm Coleman was installed as president fot 2003-04. Serving with Coleman are Gieg Arbues. president eJect; Bettie Lou Sechrist, secretary; JunJus Jaubert, ueasurer; Richard Hergenratber, IC.attn Spllly. Robert Uttle, Jason Lee, Roger Rust.ad and Lucy Walther a' directors. After the installation. gue'>ts enjoyed an evening of dancing to a live band. Al t11e Rotary Oub of Sout11 Loa-.t Metro, President Truck SmJth said no to a Demotion Pany. Smith didn't want to hear v.hat the members had to say. so Lisa Allen and Connie Hamilton 1us1 assumed their new po-.itiom a\ club co·presidents for 200J.<.>4 at the first meeting in July. Members have indicated that they will have some kind of party later this summer to thank. <;mlth. Smith con tinue<; on <l'> the i:lub"s secretary I treasurer. and DaJe Bixler and Teresa Sasneu will serve a<> director!> WORTH REPEATING From Thought for the Day provided by Greg KeUey of the Newport Mesa Irvine lnwrfanh I .ouncil: .. rhere is li ttle difference 111 people, but that httle dtflerencc makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude The big d~e i!> whether 11 1i. posiuve or negative." -W. Oement Stone LOOKING FOR MEANING? Visit a service club th1'> coming week. Find out whdt {hey do~ how I.hey serve the community. There is a place for you in o ne of our commun1t1l:'s service clubs. Most service clubs will buy your meal for you when you make your fir'>t vhit to the club. Exchange, Lions. Kiwanis, Soroptiml'>l and Rotary-each is a distinr t organization, and each add' meaning to their member'> hve.,. ~\~~~ MIKE'I ~~e°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Flooring Featuring ALLOC No G lue Installation Wood Flooring Refinishing & ,_ N ew Texture-Plusft ~arpet f\l.o •2u •q ft Insta lled Berber Carpet ~v-,0~ *169 Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics •.Wood • Laminates SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS nus WEEK MONDAY 6 p.m .: TI1e I Iarbor Mesa Uons Oub will meet at La Capilla Restaur..lnt in Huntington Beach. TUESDAY 7: 30 a.m. ·The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns ( r1ewportbemh su11riserotary.orgli11dex.htm). 6:'l0 p m The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Uons Oub will meet al the co.,ta Mesa Country Oub. WEDNESDAY 7 15 am. fhe 20-member Sou1 h Coast Metro Rotary Oub will 11wl:'t at thl' r:enter Oub lwu•w '11111l1rorHtmetro ruwn-argi; and the Newport H:irbor Kman1'> Uub will meet at tl11:' I lr11ver'>1ty Athletic (Jub. Noon: The 40·member I xd11mge Uuh ol the Orangt' Co,..,1 \'111 ml'el dt Bahia Corm1h1an 'J<:ht (Jub. 6 p.m: fht f)() member Hot.iry < 1111> of Nt>wport-BaJboa w1ll mre1 ill the lfah1a Connthmn 'i.1cht Uub for a prow-am b~ ,, Pnnct:4'5 D1a11J -.. pn11..,ort'd organization on lanc.1 rmrw n·rnoval. ( 111w11 111·14•1111rt ha/bua.ori(J THUHSDAY 7 a m. r ht: 20 plu' member ( o.,ta t\te.-.a-Orange Costa Br(·akfa.,1 I.Jon., Uub WJIJ m~t ar \111111' < .ifr "loon I hl' 10-member C..o!>ta Ml:'-.a K1wan" <.lub will meet at the I lohday Inn to hear Lucy Srelly on ·rrt'H'nt1ng Stro kes" ( 1111w A IU'<lllL,.f/rg/c lubl mwn1t1P.'\l11: tht' ;-.,().member KJwJrn' Ouh of NL'\vpon Bt'Jlh-t.orona del Mar will meet .u the Bahia Lonrutuan Yacht (]uh, the 80 member Exchange <Juh nf Newpon I !arbor will meet di thL· Newpon I !arbor Nauucal ~lu~cum w lll'ar Ted Heineman on "Wright Brothers and I 00 Yt"ar~ of I-light , and the JOO-member :\ewpon -Irvme Ro1.iry Oub will meet at the Atnum Hotel to hear Otief Bob McDone.llpre'>ent the !\lewport BNth Police l>Ppartment l\\\Jrc.1., I u·11·11• mrotary.orgJ • COMMUNITY & CLUBS ts publtshed Satwrdays in 1he Daily P1101 Send your service club's rnee1ing 1nforrna11on by fa)( to 19491660-8667, e ma11 to 1deboom a aol com or t>v mail to 2082 S E Bristol. Suite 201 Newport Beach. CA 92660-1740 Ceramic 'r\l.o~ $1 50 sq ft Vinyl Flooring 0~•1° f~ aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ·s~ ~ESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' fllRNJTURe REUPHOLSIERY . • Custom-Made furniture •Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads • • ' ' , '. ..,. ' 1 : ' '_I ' ' \ e ·, 1·~ ()42-:).-l()() l ... Acapulco Mexican Restaurant Cingule).r Wireless Costa Mesa FederaJ Credit Union FastFrame Gina's Pizza & Pastaria FastFrame • Great Clips for Hair Hollywood Video • Ju ice It Up! Great Clips fat Hair Hollywood Video Juice It Up! KB Toys • Pick Up Stix • Pure Beauty Sav-On • Submarina • Vons KB Toys Pick Up Stix Pure Beauty Sav On Shop Saturday, July 19th From 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p~m. •••••••••••••••••••••• ENTER TO WIN Souplantation Starbucks Coffee Star Nails Submarina \'ons $1 00 Gift Certificate from $cwondrugl~ :\'amc Add re<>~: Phone. Simply complete ~nd mail to Me~\ferde Center · 6SOTOWT1 Center Or .Sutte 9)0 • Cosa MeR.CA 92616 No purct.M n«:tl!SSNY • Entn8 mun to. rece.-1 by j<Jly 31 rt. 2003 Odds of WWl""'I bued upon numbe< of entna recAON.0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ~MC!W · ~· FREE SMOOTHIE! Buy one 24oz. Smoothie at regular price and receive a second, of equal or lesser value, FREE. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Not v&lid ort Seriol.16 Sh•kts or 5.unb.u.on Blenda. Good at Meu Verde • C.WR>r9"""1 : ••••••••••••••••• Selected Merchandise Murad Skincare, Sebastian, Dirty Girl, Redkin, Nu:xus an.d much more. not Vtlid Wl th tny othrr offtt ••••••••••••••••• ~fiffltruu~ ~ 714-414-1111 Buy One Slice of Pizza Get a Second One FREE! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • : E N T £ R •••••••••••••••• Buy One, Get One FREE ! iluy one entree ilt regular price and receive a fttt entrff of equal or leuu value. •••••••••••••••• EXPERT PICTUR E FRA M I N G 50°/ooff Selected merchandise Choose from a broad ..ell'<"hon of high-quahty. original · iind reproduction 011 pamgings plus custom or pre-made fruneJ . •••••••••••••••• 6'' Ham Sub Sandwich with all the fixin's Just $1.99 it-pack Of .5 liter D.uni Water aa1JS3.99 ·~-~ ...... ---~-.--~--·--.......... ,.~ ~¥?~· 9$ ........ w •• , lltl ...... ''' ···-, .. .... s Jll 11. lKJfMm tmTSll! JIU faaaf,.. fl"''• 9'u• 1• .,, ...... s.ftac. • .. cw ........ ... . .,, ... • . , .. '• ' \\' '" ... ',I . ,, ·~ /)• " ~I "' I '" AJI .. I > • • J I') '.t \;. l" ·:'? ,,,.. • ~·1 ., ··,t I • -· ·~. f • '( I ... .. ~ . t., .... . , . ~· '" .,, •,. ,,. ~r h. • ,I ! I ' .. •• .. , '; , , II .. J '" , 'J .. 7 " 'V .. .,, ,, !f '1 .... ., n ". I· , ... ---------·--·--· --·. --·~---------------~ .............. !"99··· ... --... ·---·-~--7-,~· --~--l!lm-••~•11!111111191•1 it QUOTE OF THE DAY "It is a storybook ending all will remember." Sports Editor Rich.rd Dunn: 19491574-4223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 Saturday July 19, 2003 Bl PONY BASEBALL CdM -ends .series with I hase Game-winning, .. ·two-run blast by league's·home run leader clinches Battle of the Bay title for CdM . Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -If a director were writing a script for the second annuaJ Battle of the Bay Pony Se ries between Coron~ del Mar and Newport Harbor Baseball Association's 14-year- old All-Stars. he or she would have used the eraser quite often. In yet another dramatic ending to the third and decisive game of the sea· son. CdM first baseman Kelsey Olase ripped a tailing fastball over the fence in nght field for a walk-off. two-run . two-out home run to cap a three-run inning and give the designated home team a 6-s victory over Newport - and the series championship -for a second consecutive year Friday at East bluff Park. ·1 knew I made soUd contact when I hit it.• sald Olase, who had gone 0 fo r 3 prior to his final at-bat. "It was my most crucial home run.· Olase finished the season with 15 home runs with his game-winner Fri- day. The incoming Mater Del fresh- man's picture is taped to the outside of the dugout, designating him as the league's home run leader. "We had Olase's number the previ- ous two days.· said John Houten, the Newport Harbor manager. "I hated walling l)'ler IBradyl the other night. so I was not going to walk IOiasel. The first four batters of the their Uneup are so good." -_...._ - CdM rallied for two runs in the bot· rom of the seventh to defeat Newport. 9-8. in the series opener. when Houten decided to intentionally walk Brady, keeping the inning alive. Brady singled twice earlier in Fri· day's game before Newport starter Jar- rett Daniel. who pitched the entire game. struck him out for the first out of the seventh. Daniel then fanned Chris Rosen. who had singled twice. scored and tallied one RBI. before fac- ing Olase. "I went out to the mound and said, 'Man, is this great or what?' • Houten said. "I asked (Daniel) if he wanted to pitch 10 Olase and he said yes.· Daniel struck out I l, aJJowing l O hits and onJy two wallcs while Brady and Kyle LeGrand. who kept the seventh inning aJlve with an infield hit. led the way on the mound for CdM. Brady al- lowed four runs in four innings, strik- ing out two, while LeGrand pitched three innings, allowing only one run and striking out two. LeGrand came up with a key strike- out with the bases loaded to stop a Newport threat in the fifth. Brady in- duced two groundouts to end the fourth after Andrew Skjonsby's fielder's choice knocked in Thomas Southern to give Newport a 4·3 lead. Southern blaSted a solo home run to lead off the second, went 3 for 3 and scored three runs. CdM tied the game, 3·3, In the third on Conner Whalen's two-out double, soortng Rosen and Blaine Nielsen, who had both reached on alngles. Nielsen, whose sl.ngte scored the winning run PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRN« /DAILY Pl.OT Corona del Mar catcher Blaine Nielsen, above, stretches for the throw home, but Newport Harbor's Thomas Southern slides in safely Friday in the Battle of the Bay Pony baseball s.eries, won by CdM. Bottom left. Corona del Mar's Tyler Brady delivers a pitch. Bottom right, Newport Harbor second baseman Bnce Stillman uncorks a throw to first base after fielding a hard-tut ball. Kelsey Chase's walk-Off home run gave CdM a 6-5 win and the series title in three games. Wednesday. went 2 for 4 with two runs scored. including one in the seventh. Michael Ford went 2 for 4 with a run scored for CdM while Newport's Na- than Todd scored once and had an RBI. Blake Pinto doubled and scored in the third while Brett Houten added an RBI single in the first. Skjonsby col- lected two RBis. Newport didn't score more than one run in any inning. but either 1ed or was tied until the final . batter . "We started adjusting to Jarrett,· Nielsen said as he bit into the last half of a hamburger. just pan of the food assortment shared between families and players of both teams afterward. A Wiflle Ball game between players began shortly after the players feasted on the chips and salsa. hot dogs and brownies. Coaches laughed together. •it is a storybook ending all will re- member." Jim Ferguson, CdM Pony's director of operations, said, after he presented the trophy to CdM Manager Steve Brady. Brady gave it to Olase . Ferguson. called the.game behind the plate when umpires falled to show. "Whether we won or lost. it was good, clean baseball,• John Houten said. "Nobody made a mistake. They beat us, we didn't .beat ourselves." ·WATER POLO TRACK AND FIELD Day Wins at Pan Am . Americans roll on Fnnner Anteaters Bailey, • Amr sco re two goals each tG lead U.S. to 13-7 victory Friday over Spain. -1be U.S. men~ aadoall WllteJ polo te!Ml won Ill eecoad ••YllM ..- to plllCll Int 'In Gnq> I ll Cbe FINA ~ Champlomhlpl IP lllalolMI. Splln. wllh a lS· 1 ¥lcbiy ... Alilada OQ~ nr. O.s. <J.O. U neww 1Nlid mcl ~.,.. doee • l·l and 3!1 But tht U.S. eoalt a 5-S leld • bllftbm 11111 ICClnd ........... .,. to Giiiy ... ~ UC ........ .,_...., ICClnd ... 111111.., .... ., ~ • Harbor View shines at South €0ast relays ~M 1' rO#~W.W,... .. _, • ._ ..... ln._~,f:11 JOO.ylrd~ Tl 1 l .......... •t ... 8DUltCOllt ... ~-------~,_ 0? I...,_,.._ ....... County and CIF record holder clears 6-0~ to claim high MnP in Barbados. ~ of SbirGn DIJ't prOtllM In the .... jUmp ·-........ •· tenlkm OQ .. lmll1iililllmi ..... 1be Colla .... Hiiia·.-·-... .... .... OllliWt . a.., ... ap -··-.................. _ ..... 2 ...... --... .... , 51 ..................... 1111•111 rll dWNllirtill .. tlaA ""-...... * ,,, Pt • I r O'Piotl ~uxu11 I~ports ~ Exotic Sports ~ar_s ___ * Fully &\nipped Service Dept. * Consignments Welcome * ASE Certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your Car * Warranty Included * Competitive .Finance & Lease Rates (on Most Vehicles) e MERCEDES 97 E320 (19423>SlnalltSMto.omtWs.Mootloof $20,980 98 E320 SON (19•72)Sodde~kliv.MooM>ol .. $21,980 00 C230 (19•2SQhwa~.19K.,fod\IClllOl'ly $22,980 99 CLK3 20 (l<ml)BIWDlk. Greof Volutl .. $ 26, 980 99 5LJ<230 (19•1~i.utw/Groylltll, Touf!n9Whls ... $27,980 9~ E320 <··9~>~w/5odcn.1.1tv. Pt.m\'hls ........ $29,980 94 S600COUPE 1mt200o• 1tmoct.""1IWLLoodtd .. $29,980 00 E3 20 SDN1 19'63>Sodllt ww ~'*'Mn,,,_ Mocmof .. $30, 980 01 SLK320 (189~1>~5hiftl8Kt.its.A~ $35,980 01 CLK430 ('9"''>811 wlllll. Utt Moooroot Pt1ont $36, 980 02 E320 119•~>5i!ve4 wfGtay. 26K Miles. Moorvoof ... $38, 980 99 5L500 (19"2)Trlplt lllodl Owomt \'his. Vtr'f a.on ... $42, 980 01 E3 20 WGN (19~1111 w,11111,t~ Mootwoof. 111abus Pk9 $44, 980 00 SL500 (19'°7()~. Sports Alg. ~m1um Sound .... $51,480 01 CLK55 (1951X>hwK.oyliv.Hov.~CholMlr'tt $51,980 01 5430 <m19)Slwfw1'11~ Moonroof, HoY.~ $52,980 00 5500 (19"6>WAlil.#arfUiros.FoWous~ ..... INQUIRE! 01 CL500 ''"'50hwKi1oJ!h0rtt15K.11cw.Moorm .. ..INQUIRE! DMW PORSCHE : ,· .. '. • SOUTH COAST SWIM CONFERENCE . " ,_ COURTESY OF HARBOR VIEW SWIM CLUB Jfarbor View's Chelsea Giger displays her form in the girls 11-12 2()(}yard butterfly relay. ·-. jlarbor View sinks competition ·at l~ague relay championships - CORONA DEL MAR -1l1e ~or View swim team cap- tured yet again the South Coast ..5wim Conference relay league • .i;hampionsrup with a victory of , )30 points over second place Green Valley on July 12. "The level of competition each year gets better," Harbor View Coach Ted Bandaruk said "It ~ ~t to see our kids swim faster ..consistently and have fun doing iL" It was ¢e youngest and olde!>l girls who ~m the fastest. lhe 6-and-under girls team of Katie Craig. Tori English. Julia I lohJ and Emily Meckler broke the I 00-yard breaststroke relay league record and the 15-18 girls team of Ashley OlandJer. Kath· ryn Binder. Brittney Bowlus and Christina I lewko rewrote the re- cord book in the 200-yard back- stroke relay. Lauren lndvi.k joined Olandler, Bowlus and 1 lewko in a record-breaking swim in the 2()()-y-drd individual medley relay. In individual age-group com- petition. I !arbor View won the 6- and-under girls and boys, 7-8 girts, 11 -12 boys and 15-18 girls . Rival Newport I Ulls swim team won the boy'> 7 -8 and girls 13-14 and finished fourth overall. The I !arbor View and Newport I fill~ swim tea.ms are both lo- cated in the neighborhood of I !arbor View Homes in Newport Beach. Roth teams are gearing up for their dual meet next Sat· urday for hrdgging rights of the neighborhood. SOUTH COAST SWIM CONFERENCE RESULTS South Coast Swim Conference Relay Finals Saturday's resuhs FINil ICOf'9 -Harbo1 View 686. Green )'alley 556, Lake Forest 380; Newpon Hills ..338; Greenbrooke 314, Pacific Sands 280 Girts e endund« 100 free relay,..-1 Harbor View, ttZ7.24 (Ton English, Char1otle Valenune. £m1ty Meckler. Katie Craig) 2 Green Valley, 1 34 15 ISabrina N1selman, Cassidy Johnson • Devin Newton, Randi Fehse1I. 3 Newpon Hills, 1·36.38 fTaylor A>lson, Teu St. Geme, Bnanna Daboub, Brynn Motall: Lake Forest. 1 45 40; 5 PS, 1.46 59; 6 Greenbrooke. 2 18 09 100 bade relay -1 HV. 1 39.30 (Emily Meckler. Charlo11e Valentine. Ton English. Katie Craig!, 2. Newpon Hills. 1 46.18, ...(Brynn Motal, Sabnna Smrth. Counney ..Carhni, Bnanna Daboubl. 3 Lf. 2 00 27 (Ashley Ailey, Kayla R1cc1. Lauren O'Sullivan. Kylee Wren I. 4 Pociftc Sanm. • •2 00 82; 5. GB. 2 31 73. 100 breast 1elay -1. HV. 15347' New League Record, (Katie Craig, Ton Enghsh. .Juha Hohl, Emily Meckler), 2 GV. 2'00 10, (Sabrina N1selman, Demi Dang, Dov1n NewtOf\, Sabrlne Nguyen); 3. GB. 2·26.14 "<Abby O'Toole, Sabrina Jensen, Manme :Rlntoul, Ashley Chang); 4 PS, 2 26.24; 5 .LF. 2 29.82 100 fly relay -1. HV, 1 5115 (Katie .Craig, Kelley King. Sidney Grace, Emily 4 Medtler); 2. PS, 2.18 24(Nataho May, •Lauren Marlcwilh, Alex McKay, Bianca Mills); 3. lf. 2.30 24 IAshley Ailey, Kylee Wien, Ashley Oulnt1lone, Lauren O'Sullivan), 4. GB, 2·54.29 100 medley relay -1 HV, 1 38.88 (Katie Craig, Emily Medtler. Kelley King, Tori English ); 2 NH, 1·4108. (Sab1ma Smith, Brianna Daboub, Brynn Motal, Taylor Olson); 3 GV. 1 42 28 (Randi •Fehser, Sabrina N1selman, Devin Newton, •cau1dy Johnson), 4 LF. 2 00 38; 5 PS, .2.o6.52; 6. GB, 2 18.02. 7 .. • 100 free relay -1 HV. 1 06.94 (Annie eAlverado, Jules Pouch, Gaby Carpente•. Delaney Pouch ); 2. GV, t ·07 99 (Jennifer Lightbody. Anh Huynh, Jamie Dang, Jessk.a Sedler): 3. NH, 1 10 SJ (Cas11dy Papa. Kaylee Myers, Sydney Raguse . ... Taylor McUlughlinl, 4 LF. 1 13.95; 5 GB, 1:14.01 . 6. PS. 1 21.28 100 bad! relay -1. HV, 1 20.45 (Shannon Griffin, Delaney Pouch, Annie Alvarad, Jules Poueh) 2 NH, 1 24.47 1.faylor Mclaughlin, Kaylee Myers, lt..Juren Dean, Cauidy Papa ); 3. GV, .4(~.08 (Sonia Ojafri, Anh Huynh, Jamie 'Deng, Jessica Sedler); 4. LF. 1 ·30.45; 5 :t;B. 1 :34.52; 6. PS. 1 :37.58. • 100 brent relay -1. HV. 1 :29.24 1(.Annie Alvarado, Jules Pouch, Monica 1\leoturlnl, Delaney Poudl); 2. GV. 1 :30.19 ~niter Lightbody, Jennifer Schulman, • rt~le Dang, Anh Huynh ); 3. LF. 1:36.88 ~llison Skaggs, Brianna Vlach, Madison egg, Kendall Thrall); 4. GB. 1:40.90; 5. P'S. 1:48.13. 100 fty relay -1. HV, 1:16.98 (MOf\ica 'Wlnturin, Ellen Na.ruse, Delaney Poucti. EJllles Poudl); 2. GV. 1 :11.71 (Jamie Ding. uynh, Jennifer Lightbody, Sonia 3. NH, 1: 19.92 (Taylor Mc:Uughtln, Myers, Natalie O'Neil, C..ldv pe A. t.,f. 1:20.58; 5. GB,. 1:33.18; 6. •1~.17. ·~11ai.rtt1111~!1 .100 medley ,....., .... ldy ,._,., Annie c; , Taylor Mclaughlin,); , .GV. 15.96 (Sonia Ojafr, JennHl'i Ughlbody. le e>.ng, "-lea ~er); 3. HV, 6.08 (Annie Alvaf8do, o.tenev Pouch, lea Venturini, Julee Poudl ); 4. LF. 1.88; 5. GB. 1:2A.14; 8. PS. 1:32.89 . ... 200 he relay -1. GV. 2:07.llO (Cheyenne Cox, To11 Smith, Kendra Sugunan, Shelby Webbe1),2 HV, 2 1712 (Sarah Craig, Allison Garren, Kalhryn Conner. Margot Moneyl 3 LF 218 BO (Cathenne Aguilar. Clance Aguilar Pauline Merz. Emily Peterson} 4 GB 2 21 14, 5 PS, 2 23 37,6 NH, 2 31 42 • \Hollace Bardon, Adina Zeplel. Shan Mead. Kelsey Kaczmarek! 200 bade relay -1 HV. 2.32 01 (Sarah Craig, Niki Zak. Anna Venturim. M argot Money), 2. GV. 2 33 37 (Cheyenne Co•. Ashlyn Sacchet1e, Kendra Sugu1tan, Shelby Webbe1), 3 GB. 2 40.05 (Paige Grigus, Lily Fassnacht. Nicole Crain, Kaycl Ruac), 4 LF. 2 4718. 5 PS. 3 01 03. 6 NH 3 03 30 (Hollace Barden. Sarah Reynolds. S1tv1e Reynolds. Claire Ham) 200 breast relay -1 GV. 2 40 01 (Shelby Webber, To11 Sm11h , Je~s1ca OelMonaco, Kendra S11gu1tan 2 HV. 2 58 70 (Kathryn Conner N1k1 Zak Annu Venturini. ViC1ona Gabent. 3 NH 3 02 25 (Shan Mead, Adina Zeplel, Claire Ham. Megan Wurzelbadlerl. 4 GB. 3 02 77, 5 LF, 3 03 52, 6 PS, 3 JO 51 100 fly relay -1 GV. 10259 !Shelby Webber, Cheyenne Co•. Ashlyn Sacchene, Tori Smrthl. 2 HV, 1 0707 (Sarah Craig. Kathryn Conner. Lindsey Luke, Margot Money), 3 GB. 1 09.64 (Nicole Crain, Enka Lucas. Paige Gngus. Kave• Rezac);' NH, 1 lQ.61 (Cleire Horn Kelsey Kaqmareli., Devon Greenlee, Hollace Barden). 5. lf. 1 16 76. 6 PS, 1'17.52 100 medley relay -1 GV, 1 ·04 \1 \Shelby Webber, Kendra Suguttan Ton Smith , Cheyenne Cox I. 2 HV, 1 09 10 (Anna Ventu11n1, ViC1ona Gaben. Margot Money . Sarah Craig>. 3 GB, 1 10 17 (lily Faunactit, Kaye• Rezac, Nicole Crain. En~a Lucas). 4, NH. 1 11 64 <Claire Ham. Megan Wurzelbacher, Hollace Barden. Kelsey ~czmarekl. 5 LF. 1 12 64 11-12 200 free reldy 1 GV 1 59 85 (Cynthia Fascella. Kelsey Stewan. Madden Revell, Summer Nguyen). 2 HV 1 59 96 (Kate Berry, Michelle Zucker, McKenna Caskey, Heather Van H•ell. 3 NH. 2 00 74 (Anna Palch1~01f. Emily Sp111dler. Conley Kipp, Kimberly Cond1nol. 4 LF 2 09 93 (Amy Mard11. Errnly Waters, Elise Abana. Sarah M anin I. 5 PS. 2 10 32 200 back relay 1 HV 2 20 22 (Kelh Feeley Michelle Zudcer Kate Beny , Heather Van H1el I. 2 GV, 2 22,38 !Summer Nguyen, Cynthia Fascella, Kelsey Stewan, B1ooke Balo). 3 LF. 2 28 16 IAmy Marchi 11 , Emily W01ers. Ehse Abarta, Jessica Bragg); 4 NH, 2 28 85 (Leslee Kactmarek, E m1ly Sp1ndle1 Kimberly Condino. KnS1a White I. 5 PS, 2 32 40. 6 GB 2 55 82 200 breast relay -1 HV. 2 36 83 !M elissa Hohl. Kate Berry Elise Molnar. Heather Van H1e1 , 2 GV. 2 39 18 (Brooke Belo. Madden Revell. Kelsey Stewan • Summer Nguyen), 3 LF. 2 40 15 <Briana McCluskey, Sarah Mariin. Jessica Bragg, Larissa TodJSCOI; 4 NH. 2 44 13 (Anna Palch1koff, Kimberly Condino. Enn Epp, Kara Chatham). 5 PS, 2 5760; 6 GB 303 72 200 fly relay -1 GV, 2 15 96 ISummer Nguyen, Kelly Sell, Kelsie Tine. Kelsey Pe1erson), 2 HV, 2 19 47 (Chelsea Giger Michelle Zucker, Kelli Feeley.Heather Van H1el I, 3. LF. 2 25 86 (Amy Marchi, Morgan NaegeleVer. Brooke Ellison. uinssa Todisco); 4 NH, 2 27.80 (Kimberly Condino.Kara Chatham. Shannon McCroskey, Anna Palch1koff), 5. GB, 2 42 75 200 medley relay 1 GV. 2 12 51 !Brooke Balo, Summer Nguyen, Kelsey Peterson , Cynthia Fascella). 2 HV, 2 16 87 (Heather Van H1el , Melissa Hohl, Chelsea See SWIMMING, Paee B4 Newport Harbor A brand new Mact>ks at a Pre-oc.une.d pri~! ~-.a. ___ .____._. ____ .__-~~ --------~~----- -_.,a._.__ .. _.~ Saturday, July 19. 2003 83 14 Satur~y. JIJJ 19. 2003 SWIMMING Glgef, Kllte 8«rvl. 3 NH, 2 18 23 tr.rlst.i Whii., IC.9t a Cllllhllm, AnN Palc:llll1oft. Kimberly Condino); 4. LF. 2 2105, 6. PS, 2.24.92; 6. GB. 2.36.60. 1J.14 200 lrte reley -1. NH, 1·5t42 (Megan Splndlet, fmlty Mc:Adamt, Klltheflne l<aczmar.-, Mary Ftynnl; 2. GV, 1~148 (Jourdan Olive, Jaylyn Sd.;d'lene, Molly Maeda. A>hl•·yA11c:hu<l••''•I. 3 HV l 51 •2 (Sarah HutU11•on. Ca11 Luvint1,l. , ll I, Kiltie l11dv1~I 4 H, 1 52 1!1 5 (,il:I, 2 i)'J 08 6 PS. 209..., 200 b.id.1uloy 1 C..V, 2 0721 \JJyll'n Sacchettu. Surah Tran. Kwun J<.11ayJm11, ¥olly Mat1dal. 2. HV, 2 08 35 (8na11<1 Galloway, Sorah Hu1chlson, HollyVa11 Hiel, Katie lndvikl; 3 NH, 2 .10 30 (K81herloe Kaczmarek. Juliano Piggott. Kasey Kipp, Mary Flynnl, 4. LF. 2:12.77; 5 GB. 2:26.80. 6. PS. 2:34. 71 • 200 breast relay -1 NH, 2 25 02 (Mary Flynn, Paige O'Brien, Juliane Piggott, Kllsey Kipp), 2 HV, 2 25 19 (!Wiie lndv1k, Can Levine, Sarah Hutd1lson, Hoity Van Hlel I: 3 LF. 2 25.66 tJuhc Segner, Andrea Kali<>W, Tracey Fo:;a, Kalle Wal.ti) ; 4. GV 2 25 93, 5 GB, 2.38.28; 6. PS, 2 46 29 200 fly relay 1 GV 2 0137 • New League Record, CSarah Tr an Mully Maeda. Amy Kumamo10, Ashley Alldreasonl. 2 HV 2 02.19 (Cari Le11ine, Sarah Hu1ct11son. Holly Van H1el Kolle llldll1kl. 3 LF 2 05 43 (Andrea Kalsow, Julie Sttgntir, Ch11s11na 0or'8'(, Tracey Foss). 4 NH. 2 06 17 !Emily McAdams. K.11he11ne KO<.Lmart!k. Megan Sptndler Mary fly•1n I 5 I'S 2 1796. 6 GB. 2 25 78 200 mc<Jluy reldy 1 HV 2 03 11 'New Leuguts Rl:Curd, ($.)rdh Hutd11son, Holly Vdn H11ll , KdllO lndv1k, C,m lov1nt1I 2 NH, 2 04 bl , \K~thonne Kdumarek Kasey K.1p11 M ory Flynn Mugan Spmdler) 3 LF J 06 12 (Tr.x:oy Foss, K,111~ Walsh, Andi oo k.dlsow, Ju he Segner! 4 GV, 2.0723, !> PS, J 16 !>6, 6 GB, 2 22 11 15-18 200 lruo reldy 1 HV, I 46 !IO (Ashlov Chondltu, Kathryn B1ldo1 Ch11~llnd Hewko, Bnttnuy Bowlus), 2. Gii 1 53 26 (Jacquehnl! Dang Amla Russoll, Ka110 Outdler Stl!ph,l1110 Morgan) 3 LF. 1 54 30 (K.itelyn l 11us. Brdndy Ba11t.li1ruk, Jenna PHOTOS couATESY OF HARBOR VIEW SWIM Clue l.e~, Emily Meckler, Kane Craig, Juli~ Hohl an~ Ton English broke the~ girls 100.yard breaststroke relay record. Right, Ryan Griffon, ChnstopherVon Der Ahe, Jake Wyatt, and Reid Meckler took first place in the boys 7-8 100.yard m~dley relay in last Saturday's meet. Burnett. M elissa DIGregorio) 4 GB, 1:56 18; 5. PS, 1:5738; 6 NH, 2·00.04 (Chri$1Jna E11ans. Katy Tomlin, Kasey Kipp, Paige O'Brien). 200 back relay -1 HV. 1.59 67 • New League Aec:o«l, (Ashley Chandler. Kathryn Bilder, Brittney Bowlus. Chr11n1na Hewko) 2 GB, 2·10 67 (M ichelle Kuo, Kayla Crov.der An<lrea Sc:ttia110nl. Katie Romo) 3 PS, 2 11 49 (Rachel Arnold, Enka Jotgo.;nsen. Air..iflda Schaffert. Briana Springer ). 4 GV. 2 12 16, 5 LF. 2 15.58; b NH. 2 26.211 (Mogan Sptndler. l<a1V Tomlrn, Pa1go 0 Bnen, Chrrstina Evans) 200 t>rcdst rt1l.iy 1 HV, 2 25 17 (Lauren lnd111k, Annu Sc:ttroe<ler. Kelh Kimi!, Brrnnuy Bowlus); 2 LF. 2 25 32 (Kristen Guodw111, Sdmantha Gelt>erger. Brmany Orahood, Brdndy Bdndaruk) 3. PS, 2 32 82 (Erika Jorgensen, Rachel Arnold. Brrana Sp11nger , Atndnd.i Scllafft:rl) 4 GV, 2~32 96 5. NH, 2.j4 33; IKJty Tomhn, Ch11~llt1d Evdns, MegJ11 Sµ1ndler Kdthe11nt: Kd"1morckl 6 GB. 7 40 97 200 lly relay 1 HV 2 03 71 (Amv Lu<.l<er, Christina Huwko. Whitney Caskey, Ashley Chandlt:rl 2 GB. 2 04 14 (Kavla Crowder, K.me Romo. M 1d1elle Kuo, Brmany Livezey), 3 GV, 2 05 71 (S1ephanie Morgan, Katie Outcner, Jourdan Olive, Jacqueline Dang) 4. PS, 2 1053,5 LF.21207,6 NH, 2 12 74 (Christle Mead, Ch11st1na Evans. Canlyn Cz11ny, Kaaey Kipp) 200 medley relay 1 HV, 1 58.97 •New League Rooora !Ashley Chandler, Brinney Bow1us. Lauren lndv1k. Chnstina Hewko I 2 GB. 2 07 79 IM 1chelle Kuo, Kayla Crowder, Brin.iny Livezey Katie Romo). 3 G\I, 2 08 t4 (N1klu M aeda. S1epnan10 Morgan. Jacqueline Dang, Anna Russell! 4 PS. 2 08 76,5 LF. 2 10.23; 6 NH, 2 16 29 (Chrtsho Me.td Ka1V Tomlin, Emily McA<lams. Ch11sllna Evans Boys 6 •nd undM 100 frw relay 1 HV 1 23 02 (HOVI Crance, C.irneron Hook R1dty Zd~. Bren Schisler), 2 PS. 1 34 59 IJ.id< Ke11ns. Coltn Douglass. Chustsn Ou11k. Slt.'µhen M arcin) 3 GV, 1 36 88 !Thorn.:i' Smith, Kh1em Huy11h. ShcJ Suerta. Sky Roman); 4 NH. 1 38 21 (Matt Md(1nnon. B11an Ltsyuay, Dan11v Rol>llrtsun, Bren Greenlccl. 5 LF. 1 !>J 78, b GB 2 05 96 100 t>ad< reldy 1 HI/, 1 38 16 (Camero11 Hook, R•cJcv ldk, Hoyt Crance. Bren Schisler) 2 GV. 2 05 38 (Thomas Smith, Kh1Pn1 Huvnh Shea Sueda, Sl y Romani 3 PS. 2 0791 ICohn Douglass. Chasen Oun!(. Jac:k Kerins, slephen Marcin)' 4. LF. 2 25.18. 100 bfe<ttit relay -1. HV, 1 54.92 (Cameron Hook. Brett Sctnsler, Gnffin Hornby, Ridty Zald; 2 GV, 1 55 07 (Thomas Smith, Khiem Huynh, Shea Sueda, Khoa Huynh); 3 NH, 21>1 59 (Harrison Caner, Matthew Moad, Joey Cooper, Ben H1Jmp/'trey}; 4 PS, 2.33 18 100 lly relay -1 HV. 1 39 54 (Bren Sctusler, Cole Man in, Cameron Hook, Hoyt Crance, 2 GV, 2 05 53 (ThOmas Smith. t<hoa Huynh, Shea Sueda, Kh1em Huynh); 3 PS, 2 OB 34 (Manhew McBride, Chasen Dunk, Jed Kerins, Stephen M arcin). 100 medley relay -1 HV, 1 32 54 (Cdmeron Hook. Rtdty Zak, HoV1 Crane, Bren Schisler): 2. NH, 1 42 50 (Hamson Caner, Ben Humphreys. Manhow Moad. Bren Greenloei); 3. GV. 1 42 64 (Thomas Smnh, Khoa Huynh, Shea Sueda, Kh1em Huynh); 4. PS, 1 5192, 5 GB. 2 10 11 (Ocvtn Moder. DmllS Puters, Connor Gordon, Joshua Deng); 6 LF. 2 11 05 7-8 • 100 free rolay 1 NH, 1 08 01 (R1ct11e Barden, Kyle Cousens. Blake M o1al. Ben1amm Zopfel) 2 HV. 1 08 13 (Ryan G11fhn, Reid Medler. Joshua G1dd1ngs. Jake Wyanl; 3. GV, 1 14 25 (Joshua Smnh. Cole Ekman, Tony Morelh, Hayden Rahmani. 4 GB. 1 14 66, 5 PS. 1 15 06 100 bad< relay 1 HV, 1 22 61 (Ryan G11ffin, Reid Meckler Joshua G1dd1ngs. Jake Wyatt) '2 NH. 1 23 84 (Alex W11do. Chnstian Garltan1 Blal o Mo1a Bcn1am111 Zepfell; J GV, t 30 60 (Joshua Smnh ' Hayden Rahman. Tony Morelli. Jusun Kloppenborg),4 u= 13t89 5 GB 134.68,6 PS, t 3787 100 breast reldy 1 HV 1 31 04 (Chns1opher Von Der Ahe, Da111s Case. Jake Wyan. Reid Meckler), 2 NH, 1 33 81 (N1dt Furgatc. Alex W1ldu. R1ct11e B<1rden. Ben1am1n Zepfol), 3 GV 1 38 49 (Joshua Smrth, Diiion Morley, Tony Morell!, Justin Kloppenburg! 4 GB. I 44 25. 5 LF 1 46.33, 6 PS 1 48 95 100 fly relay 1 NH. 1 26 23 (ChnS11an Ga1kan1, BIJke M olal Ma!><ln Mclaughlin. Ben1am111 Zoplell. 2 GV. 1 2702 (Joshua Smith. Colo Ekman, Tonv Moroflt. Dillon Morleyl. 3 GB, 1 38 59 (Alex Krygo1. Dan11'I Elhon. Gord• G11gu;,, Joshua Cerda) 100 me<lloy relay 1 HV, 1 1788 (Ryim G11ff1n, Chns1opher Von Dor Ahu c1d tiifecllor, Jalte Wyanf. 2 Nlf 1 70 20 !Alex W ilde, Ben1am1n Zeplel, Ch11s111in Garkan1. R1d11e BarrJen) 3 GV, 1 20 5& (Joshua Smith. Diiion M orley, Tony M orelli, Cole Ekman): 4. PS. 1:23.22; 5 GB. 1 28 42. 6 LF. 1 :34.03, •10 200 free relay -1. LF. 21>7.0B (Russell Ren1ena. bchary Nelson. Dustin Orrantia, Andrew Hoff I: 1. HV. 2:13.41 (Man Berry, Emery Molnar, Bruce Bearer, Ganen Larson I: 3 NH. 2 15.40 (John Swigert, Matt fisher. Anthony Daboub, Jeff Condinol: 4. GV, 2·22 28, 5, PS, 2 36 54. 6. GB. 2 42.42 200 back relay -1 LF. 2 22.72 (Russell Rentona, Zachary Nelson, Ryan Derby, Andrew Hoff), 2 HV, 2 35 79 (Matt Berry, Manhow English, Daniel Hohl, Garrett Larson), 3 GV, 2 47.52 (Lyndon Tran, Hllyden Revell. AuSlm Dang, Nolan Oodgel, 4 PS, 2 5747. 5 GB, 3.03.81. 200 breast relay -1 LF. 2 47.77 (Russell Renteria, Zadlary Nelson, Taylor Molhnger, Andrew Hoff), 2 HV. 2 53 27, (Bruce Bearer, Man Berry. Nicholas Baldon, Garren Larson); 3 NH, 3 06 94 (Slephen Kipp, Jeff Condino. Taylor Epp, An1hony Daboubl. 4 GB. 3 3110 100 lly relay 1 LF. 1 06 10, (Andrew Hoff, Zach-ary Nelson. Russell Rentena, Dustm Onan11al: 2 HV. 1·0174 (Emery Molnar. Man Berry, Dame! Hoh. Ganen Larson ). 3 GV. 1'10 2J (Nolan Dodge, Jor<lan Llsnodt, Brandon Moss. Lyndon Trani. 4 NH, 1 12 29 (Matt Frsher. John Sw 1gen. Jeff Condino Anthony Daboubl 5GB11912,6 PS, 12554 100 medley relay -1 LF 1 05 38 (Andrew Hon. Zachary Nelson, Dustin Onan11a Russell Rentcnal. 2 HV 1 05 99 IMan Ber(\! Garren Larson Eme(\I M olnar. Bruce Bearer); 3 GV 1 08 45 IAuu111 D.tng lynclon Tran, Nolan Dodge. Br.indon Mossl, 4 GB 1 15 18 5 PS , 2053 11-12 200 free relay 1 GV. 1 58 86 (Oamel Querry Nicholas Ingram, David OelMonaco, Lew•s Casile), 2. HV 2 03 34 1Da~1d Gu1bord. Ben1am1n Noe. Tyle• H<Jly Kevin Co•I. 3 GB 2 06 43 (Rol.tnd Mu<lor. Da111d E111on. Colin Carroll, M<m: Krygorl. 4 LF 2 08 12. 5 PS. 2 13.53, 6 NH. 2 32 07 (Alex Sw1gen. Taylor Epp. S1ophen Kipp, Christopher Robenson) 200 back relay I HV, 2 24 54 IJushn Papa, Alce Wilson, Ben1amtn Noe. David Gu1bordl, 2 GV 2 25 38 (Lewis Caslle. N1cllola\ Ingram. Greg Andreason . Peler Nguyen). 3 LF. 2 2746 (Toby V1llal11a. Miles Craig, Cameron Nelson. Brodie Po1ersonl, 4 GB 2 32 83, 5 PS. 2 45 36 200 brnast rolay 1 GV. 2 38 06 Dally Pilot . Joel Gilbert Colin C.rrotl, Min: KfYOefl 4. Lf. 2 5703 200 ny relay -1. HV, 2;22 33 IJ111t1n P~. David Gulbord,Ryan GfldVdl. ~'" Coic); 2. GB. 2:31 02 Cf'Oll~ Moder. Joel Giibert Colin C.rrotl, Marc IC~); 3 l.f. 2.41.70 (Toby VIiiaiva, Brodie "9ler.on. Trey Titua. Cameron Netaonl; 4 PS, 2:50.34. 200 medley rel1y -I GV. 2:15 83 (Oanlel 01Jerry, Kevin Mlllel', Nlct\ol11 Ingram. Lewi• Cattlel. 2. HV, 2 20.93 IJu11ln Popa, Alec Wilton, t<evln Cox. David Gu1bord); 3. GB. 2.24 47 (Rolend Moder. M ere Kryger, Colin Cerroll, 011v1d Elllo tll; 4. PS, 2·29.93; 5. LF, 2 32 56 13-14 200 free relay -1 GV, 1:44 70 (Adarr1 Gonzales. Matthew Sanchez. Chria Miller, Sean Robbln1); 2. NH, 1:46.74 (Trevor Gladych. Greg Slnford, Mike Flynn, Patrldt White); 3. HV, 1.48.56 (Brian Pootter, Ryal\ Kept, Ryan Huttman, Tom M oney); 4 LF. 1 ·48.63 (Sl oven Donohue. Trevor Abbey, Aeron Hoff, 01ryn HUI. 6 GB. 1·53.09. 6. P.S. 2·14.31 200 bade relay -1. GV. 1 55 98 (Adam Gonzales, Merk Tran, Zachary Slcd'lene. Sean Robl>tn1); 2. HV, 2 06 52 (Ryan Kenl Ryan Hultm an. Kyle Mc<ihll, Tom M oney I: 3 Lf. 2 08 15 (Trell()( Abbey, Annon Hoff.Neal Ouggleby, D•rvn Htlll. 4 NH, 2 11 46 (TrellOr Glldvch. Mlk• Flynn, Evan Zepfel. Patrick White), 5, GB. 2 19 70. 6 PS. 2 38 78 200 breast relay 1 GV, 2 16 77 (Adam GoN alM, Zachary Saccnette Jo•h Tordlra, Jeffroy Dang), 2 NH. 2 24 56 (M ike Flynn. Evan Zeplel, Greg Sanford. Trevor Gladycti), 3 LF. 2 25 04 (Trevor Abbey, Neal Ouggleby. Adam Bandaruk Daryn Hill,) 4 HV, 2 31 03 (Mike Brus1c Clay Russell, Tom Money Ryen Kent1 5 GB. 2 33 63, 6 PS :> 55 66 200 lly relay 1 GV. 1 53 64 (Manhl'w Sanchez, Adam Gonmlos. Ch111 M1ll<>r. Soan Robbms); 2 HV. 2 04 43 (Ryan Hultman, Ryan Konl, Brnm Pooner. Tom Monoy), 3 LF. 2 0707 tTrevur Al>boy. Adam Bandaruk. Noal Ougglel>y. A,.ron Hoff I. 4 GB. 2 09 77 5 PS, 2 54 46 200 modlov relay 1 GV. 1 53 62 (Adam Gonzale Jeffrey Dano Sean Robbins, Chns M iller I. 2 NH. 1 58 33 (Greg Sanforcl, Tre1101 Gladych PJlmi While, Mike Flynn). 3 HV. 2 03 68 (1on1 Money, Clay Russell, Ryan Hullman Ry.1 ' Konll. 4 LF. 2 08 62, 5 GB 2 09 66. 6 PS 2 3129 15·18 200 free relay t HI/ 1 33 92 !Bryd" Bu11ag1a1, Ryan Moore. Ch11s1opher Crdwfor<l, Sean McGh1e1 2 PS 1 J{, 41 (Josh Knight Zacn Dueht1ng Stov«> "''''' Damien Berndrdl 3 GB I 372t IGr1!9ory 0 10011' Jo-.cph Koller N•1 I ... r EvJn Occpek Man Ga1c1al 4 GV t JI! 7" 5 LF 14348 6 NH 15382 llak Power~ A<lam Evans. Miko Flvnn, Scon Sanluru 200 bdd rolav 1 PS. 1 50 91 1Slf'>•' Wolfo, Ryan Trover Kyle S.1111a DJnuer Bernardi. 2 GB 1 53 55 1Bl<1ke Allison Gregory 0 Toole JoS('ph t<ollr• N1elS4il Bryan B•ssonenel 3 GV 1 54 65 !Ken K1tay<1ma B11Jn Sc:ttwaru Rtd1JrtJ Tr J11 Tyle• Erw1nl. 4 HV 1 S 701 !ChrrlllOl)hM Crawford. Se1111 McGh1e, M .tn Bl<Jc.iclrir 1 Bryan Buh.igiarl, !> LF 2 03 20 200 brcd"1 relay 1 GB 2 05 53 !Kevin Kuo ~vdn Oce~k JosPph Kollcr Nielsen Mon G.11t1.il ] PS 2 CY.> t.t (Kyle Sama, S11•ve Wolfe, Dam1t•n Bernurd Zach Duch1111ql 3 HV. 2 OY Oil (Chr1S1oph1Jr Crawford (:ll~kl' Sdloe116ii1g SCan llllcGl11ts. BryJn Buhag1a1 I 4 Lf 2 16 58 200 lly rtllav 1 PS 1 4b 57 1D,111111•r1 Burnard Ry.m TrJvrf Zauo D\Jeh11n11 Josh Kr11gh11 2 GB 1 48 21:1 !Gregor\' 0 Toole M.in Garth! Bl.1kl' Alh110n Br\IJn B11sonene1. 3 HV t 49 52 ISean MtGh,.. Ryan Moore. JJmt>s Bladlo11t Bryan B1Jhag1arl 4 GV 1 50 42 5 l~ I SS 03 b NH 2 14 20 ISron Sanford, M ..., Evan Mike Flynn Za~ Powers 200 medley rf'lilv 1 PS l 4t. 32 !Steve Wolfo. l dd1 Durh11ny Josh Kn1gh1. Ddm1en Bc111.irt1• 2 HV 14771 !Bryan Bunag1111 CtH11topher Cr.iwfo•fl Rydn Moore Sedn McGn1e1 3 GB t 49 00 CGrego"' 0 foole Man Gare •a Bryan S.uoncni• E vJn 0..el>f;ll. 4 Lf 1 52 65 5 GV 1 52 711 6 NH. 2 09 40 IEvc1n Zeplol AdJm Evans Zak Power Scon S.tnfordl DAY Continued from Bl Rridgetown. Ha rhado ... Day. 18. attcmplt.•d three leap'> al 6-3. hut mi-.-.{'d, h1gene Day, her father and co.1ch, ..aid Friday night after ht> received a call from hi~ daughlC'r cJrhcr 111.11 evening. She qualified for Lhc lhree-day Pan Amerilan champ1omh1p-. after · finishmg 'lccond in the htgh jump (5· 10) at the USA OUI door track and field champion ships June 21. Day cleared 5· 11 Y. at la\I weekend's Mid-Summer Game' at Mount San Anionio College. "I 1old her lafler her leap la<;t weekend!. 'You are ready,' • Eugene Day said. The rwo-lime state champion in the high jump will re1urn from B~bados on Monday and then head to San Diego to train with the U.S. team unlil she re ports to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for a soccer camp Aug. 12. Day will compete in soccer and tmclc for the Mustangs be· ginning in the fall . , S.Rlng Price . . . . . . $22,980 Foctory Rebate . . • • • . . . ·SJ.000 NIT COST TO TOU 8 19,980 1n 1111111.- V1NS•1JAtJOe1.J1r6I09 • • • • • -... ""' ... . •• •• • •• --.. .... ... "' . ---------.~-~-----_....·""':'"'·._..~w~---~--:e-~--.... ...---......... ~._._.. •• ~.-· ... --~ .................................... ~ ........ ~ ... 991.4~a ............ ,s ..... a .... 11 .. 10"0 .. •s11; Diiiy Piiot S.SllJfddy )do/ 19, 2003 8, -------2MO L•I Notica 26'0 LlpJ Natica 2MO Llpl lladces 2MO Ml 11ie<JtrMw,J41 n. <JtrDrtM,hp,CA .... ,,....c..t Pm1'IOll Ofi MW.,~ fOI ow. Of Miii 09ll TO SMOW CAUSI JOI OIAll&IOflWU Wlllmlll:A21t90S 10 All INTERESTCO PERSONS I Pet1t1oner MM~ Anthony Sh1mmah filed • pelthon wrtll lllt1 COllfl to Show cause sll•ll b• fOf • decrM 'h•n11n1 publt~ed •t tent once Anthony Sh1m~h lo Mar~ A11thony Wa•d "cuolot 2 HI[ COURI ORDlRS that all per son' inter •~l•d 1n th" tY"ller 'hdll •PPI~• before this co111t et th• hnrtna 1nd1cated' beluw tu \how uuse, of any, why the peltllon for l.hanae of name \houtd not be &ranted NO 11cr or ltf ARINC 0dl" 8 '> Ol lom~ ") 00 pmOept I /1 lh~ add•H\ ul the rnurl t\ ••me n nuted above l A Ulpy of th~ Order ~ucceulve week• 111ou1 to the d•I• u t l1>r hnrona un th• 11e1111on In lhe followlne new~ p;ipm ot 1ene1 di Liil u lallon. printed 1n lht\ county· Oranae County D11tyP1lul Dote1 JUNl 26, 2qos Metiwle IAlrd (O(j•r, JUDGI Of THI SUPllllOll COUllT Publts.hed Newpor I B~.iLh to<>lll M~d l>ioly Prlol Jun~ ?II luly 'l I '1 11:1. t'OOJ s .. 4 ~ Poli<·,· . lhe tollow1111 pe••on• "' • d111na bu"ne•~ 4\ Wn tern Shiu Pro U\\lflll Center\, 61'> S I uLlod SltHI Unll 0 I Sant• An•, Cdlllurnt• 92704 Cmnia T1llmdn, 61 !> S Cucltd Street Unol 0 I S1nl1 Ana Callfor 111• 9?704 TllK bU\rlle\' is 1 un dueled by .tn 1ndrv1du•I H.iv~ 'ou ,1.,rted dvmtt bu\tneu 1et> Nr, Imm• lrllm•n lhos. \lalem~rol Wit\ llltd with the County Ctoch of Orao.!! Coyr1h on 06/12103 200SH47U2 lb Au11 1 2001 s .. 450 flctttlMleillKs ... s ...... f he tollowrn& per ~ons ••e <1011111 bustne\5 n KaJ11er<>0' Stull ?~ V11taa~ Or •8 Lake forMI CA926JQ Berllt• Davis, 2 .l056 Vtll•it• I>• •B lake f tit ~'I I A 9?630 l·l•ttf ,_. Brr .. •h '1l0'>6 Vtll•ll• Or •B la~e r mt\I I A 916.JO JIU-bu\tOt\S I\ LUO duded by hu•b•nd ilnd ~ Heve you ••••ltd doona ')??S H Broadway •H bu~1nen 1el' H., S•nla An• Cahfot "" Jame\ M 8ruuk• I hi~ \I •len11111I WA\ ttkd wollt lh~ l.0111111 Cler~ ul 01•11~e t.uunt1 un 06/20/0J 200S69419H Daily Pilot luly 19 26 Aua 2 9, 2003 S•4!>l Thi\ bu\mo~ •• ~un duded by an 111d1vrdudl ll••e ~ou ~tor t~d duroe bu•me•• y~H No Alba 0 Canrev lht\ shtemenl wo filed wrlh lhe C.ounly Ctt.1k ol o .. nae Cuunty on 0'>129/0J 200S6946314 Oarly Prlol Jurie 28 luly !> I? 19 t'OOJ S-447 s.I yew ..-ff Item tlM *Y weyl "-<• 1 Cleuifi.4 e4 t*yl ("9)642-5671 I low to Pla<·c A I ht lulluw1n11 P•r >u11• ,., '1 num.: bu~rne'' ,.~ lldlliv• C:•ptt.I r und1na 76017 Marauerite f'drk way Suite '>40 Monton Vttf(J. C•lttC11 nl• 92692 le11 y t1 far "1$ lt 26012 Ma• &U•"'" Patk w:ay Su1I• 540. M1\>1ut1 Vteit>. C•ltflu nra 92692 I hi\ bu"ne-.~ ·~ coo du1,,ttd by .;n t0drv1du•I ffot 1uu •l•rled do1n" tJu\lfWV yPI, No ktr'I J~IVf' llm ''•t•m•ul w•• lrlt'd wit h th" Louoly CllJlk uf O••ni.t• Count1 on 0//08/0J CLASS IFIEIAD ·lh Fax 1111•i 1 f1ll (,<;•)~ l'I 111 ol o d u" tt I Ii n, 1,11 1 .. 1 u ,1 ' I 1l1 'H h.1. A!lh I pit I''' I B\' Phont· 1•i .. w1 ~2 '>67X II our~ lh· .\lail/ln Pt·r~on : '\0 w.:,I BJ\' "itrt!<'I C 11,1a M.:,J. CA IJ~f,~.., 1\1 N.:"'port Hlvd lv. H 1\ \1 RditiM~ ... s....... lltt lolluw"'~ pn >Un• •• • doona bu•11ie" ., Re•I I \1•1• '•••11 H Owecl f,l'> , I u1 ltd Street Unit IJ I S•nl• Ana C•ltlurno~ 911()4 (mnr• lollnrdn bl'> S r ull•ll 'itr••• u ... , o 1 S•11t t Au• t ""'' ,, 111• ')/ /114 t ft49 f,U\t11 .. \ I\ oft dut h d ~' ~u 111t11,,.11tuttl U11'W't you -.I"' h d •1•1111~ t.iu~lf•t: ~' y.-t • Nv lmm• lrllm•ro 111" \llleln4'nl w•• toled wrth the c .. unlt Ufl 06/12103 200S694 79U O:atly f'olut July II l'I I& Aue l lOOJ ~ .. 4•,J SEU your stuff through cla ssified! l>t·ad lines ---~ \t1ond.1~ l-r1J.1, ') !10p111 I \ll.',d.1 \ "·( )( 'l'I I h1dJ\ h1d.1 \ I OOpt 11 Rates and deadhnc~ an: 1,uhJcct to change without nottec. The publi\hl'r rc.!>crvcs the n~ht to <..l'mor. rctl.i,,tf). revise or rcJl'CI an) tl.i"tfied advcn1-.emcn1. Ple:.a'4..' rcpon ..UI) error that may be m )Our d.i,,111c<l ad tmmcdiatl'I)'. Thl· ():.illy Ptl111 .Jlll'ph no' lrnbthl) for any arm in .in advcnisemcnt for whit h 11 m.t) ht· rc!>ponsiblc except tor thl' l'ml of llll' space ac:tua lly ocl'Up1cd h~ lhl' error. Credit can uni) he all<>'4l'LI tor the fir~t msen1on. t .·lq1h11111 X lOJm 'I flOpm '1oml.1) I mlJ~ V. .1H .. 111 X \Odm 'i llOp111 \lundd) FndJ} \UllUJ\ hrd.i} '\ IMt1•111 [~ -111' ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 10HH770 GARAGE fl!lt SALE 1419 BUSINESS & l $ FINANCIAL 230S-2490 PACIFIC VllW IAYVllW TUUlACI S lOU-AU 011 PUT 949 494-SOI S Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 -TOP SS 4 IUCOllOS nc ba. a.-(Ii. 'j], & 00\ Bl Allee. Sc*r. lift a"11'\ Mt~• 949 6 4!> /~0'> ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarof Events 1310 fOIW HOUSlt6 OPPOIT1M1l All r••I e•t .. tr ad•l'f '"'"i rn th•• new~•Pet I\ '"bte< I lo lhe r •drr •I I w ~foU\tnlt Ad uf 19&8 1t~ dmt-nded '#htc h mAkf'• 1t 1tli-I(·'' to t11dvnt1\.f' "'anv ptrft!r eot-• lirntl d ltun u' dl\1 11n11n.-tmn b•,Pd on '"',. lolm ff"lti•un '\e• h•ndll dP larmllal •lalu• m ndhooAI '"'i'" or an 111t,nt1<on '" mak, any \UC h pr•f,.rpnc!' llm1ta hoo or d1\u1nunat1on • l hi\ nrw'""""' will nr1t kn•'"''"RIY ctLLept ·•ny •dver "' fll'menl f0t 1 ttdt ,.~tat11 whu h ., 1n vool~hon nf '"" l•w Our rtJtdPr \ iHf' herttby tnfur m<d that all dwell on~ adver lo\ed 1n th•• new•P•Pl'1 are available on an equ81 npporlunrly bo" lo complaon ol drs crnnmalt(lll, call HUD toll fret •I 1 800 424 8590 Auctions 1483 WANTED TIQUES Oldef Style Furnitvre PIANOS Ir CollodlblM .,,,,,,,,..a.a ............... ·St~·-.-.·~~ $$CASHPAID$$ ON~".,_.~ WE BUY ESTAnS ............... """""' -· 'WI Tiii" ~CCJNSIBN~1ENTS I ~ . . , . . . Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 2 '""'llY Go•og• Sole '>al 8 l()J Ip A111tqu~-. .-rou&,ht non pdll<1 t.,b,~ <lo lhf'\ potlur"' & mu< h mu1 .. , lf:l.J' U..-uth'f' l •n" Nt•l.\l';\•l.ljea< h General Announcements 1610 Co•tl"g Coll 'C<onlact '.>l•ve Wdbf>f 114 ~7 S':>M ur t-1••,,., ft1lh '149 !>8-l ~ lhe Ndldlen" wrll b, hnld•rtV •llll•hllll\ l11r th" yt•" P'' lrlfmances on u,, 19th ?Ith Audolum' will b~ Aua l<d & tilth tiv awvrnl meoil ""'• If y1Ju • dn I n"h" thu\t d•lr\ marl ' P•l tur,. & r_.•.umt alltntonn '.;l•v, W1lbtr S,a,•11' Lummuntl~ Churth 18'>18 Be•ch Blvd Hunton~lun BrJt h r A IJJt.48 HOME FURNISHINGS FumifUre 3435 llO•OOM SUITI .ltu<t'n\IH btd 'l n•Rhl t,tblf'• •• mou lllit df e\\.tll "' m1Hor Al\.u 1 V wnr k out bokp •nfa 'Wl 9 l9 ;& II ....,_p~,~ Ct'f'IJ!I °"",.,,... ~­eocl ~ ~. «<retary dwl.t. "'-949 00 1879 2 (uaf..., Couc;lles Sund ,...... . 1 ft l~illly Clwnllle eatth •~ SISOO for both 949 509 7881 HIGH IOY CHISf 7 dr eweri anltque bluf'/ whole oulhne. eacellenl cond S49!> 949 no 1565 JEWELRY / · 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C-•lC•lflNH.k Old Coin'' Gold, \liver. j8w8y, watchn, lnbqueS colie(hblH 949-641·9U8 Ock9' •ttt-. leop.,d looll a·llkn, rtrt H Oiie Cold/c'-olele 9901$. rffl sc""-ZWll 909~1.Qi64 -..._ ........... ell colors, ell iit11 for e6-llOfl to l!lltllfled ~--.. ---. 0t 714 113 ~I~ • 181 1111 .. , • I -... .-........ . ... uu,. .... .. ....... .->11•• -11uoo .... ..., ....... aa.-... .. , .. cal .... ........ " ...... MERCHANDISE FOR Slll ~ 3010-3940 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Real Estate Loans 4240 SS COMMlRICIAl RIAl ISTAH lOANS SS f 1>r .tpMtn1t·nt lH11lttlrlV' Htftcfl' h•Uff111t)" ,,;H1 \hopponl( L~nl,.,, SHJO~ In S;o() n11ll1u11 l.lll In d"y lor " r RH OlJO II 949 .. 7s7 3227 CCI In< I Smr r 191:191 J Corpmdl" P.u~ St~ ?7'> lrv1nf' f A l 1t C:.i IJf'pl HI COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE 4502 IAUOA PENIN SULA co ... merclol •po•• SZ7001mo 709 l 8Jlbu3 Aaent Paul949 l90 8118 AD AGfHCY ~ wiOv ~ otbcn "' .cl)kenl 850 sJ Wiii! w ll(lll CC!ut~ llteM Ill H 8 mtdr l\e by 1.rporl I rtr11 prhfllll \hafed conl room r u•n unlurn lrom $450 949 r.i6-8::o0t HOMES FOR SAil ORANGE 5400 COUNTY 0 NIWPOllf Plll*SUlA CONDOS °""" Set· s-' -4 49U •1v., A,,. FIOM $HS,OOO 2U2tTIUT. J &4 ..... .. ,.s-.tt,7 --,_ ..... /S ..... 0-. .... = .. ..... ,.. c.. ......... s. lkll~_c:~ ,.,........,, ' f!l!l!t J.!i!l SOOS-S8SO I Corona del Mar Newt p..,,.,,. I ~torv. 1• •• .... tflJ ,,tt tf•' ... ,,.,. .... 1 •A Coor•noocllo9 <- loc.ation.. ..... trull '-• ~1;1 ( Ufllflft d(ttl •• oolikflUf J~Oltlt ~a. 4 '>fl.• "' d"" ..... 1J\{1lffl h•Jllll llll~•·d di $/'3'1111••· r 0~$ lllNf Rf Al f'f ';oly '~'llJI lJ Cu•tom Corono del Mor I c-domfnlum• i Utffird ~It•,.,..,, '#fl I t. • ,, u t •• rn lrk-1nJ t...tf ..-wtr.,.fr'"I ... uw n .• hnmf' & rt>,u f'". J 1-f ~ t COASTUHl RWTY 949 7S9-0177 OPlN ~UN I S 10 I Pofr»ettlo Hu I ~ti ... l ou._~ l1ktt f,.ttl\ hh,." <ii.trlR,I,. t.un h11n1 .. S111111 tn bt' t u!fl µl•l•d SI 71'1 f~lO A~ll!nt R I h1h11 ,1111 949 711 01 J RfOUCII>ll L...,,_ ,_,,..... I ~"4*'<~ h "'""'' on ti... .,~ .... ,joon ..... ~'"'' mum ~·tr•' ~v rm ,.... tu ,. ~di•~· .... ~ I>"'"'· '4'" Jud1 l'o1Jl;w B<·•rr 949-37 ... SS76 0-. COVI b 1ba house Waler v-Li lot 'el:s Wt:l,cwne "Kl Sandy 714 289 9646 714 974 !M'J4 Costa Mesa OP8I SAT-stM 1-4 1950Monr~ia .b !bi Canyon Pan SC25tm Ma.-1 r ewet Re/lb1 94S-646-~70 Ganten Grawe Hr 1 lo aatl!d condo New pnVcrpt. ktl llrnt & D/W Mslt bf w/wll/lt. HI clsl. l R w/cath ce1ls. r p tennrs crts, clubhw Prud CJ Realty 562-307 7588 OPIN SUN 1·4 SlAllllDGl V1UAS 103'1 T ldepoof Cw 1102 IBR 1811. Conso. I m1 to lKh Gated comm. pool, tennis. sauna $265,000 By Ownf'f 909 748 7016 ...,..._.. ltl.ff Utt"'91 Bey view cc>rner arid unit lbr 2ba "Dolor•• ,.._,. S749K Open Sal Sun I 5 l Story end tOfMr 11n1t lbr up•nd4!d S549.000 f ..... a.ii.., Oftw. lbr ltPI' Mled lown"- $507 ,000 3'f I alqr7 IOwMome $SM,000 (lH) 4bt (HI 81ull IMNM $1,089,000 ....... , ...... ....., t4t ... J2-Mlt lndrx RWESTAn REllTALS llillt 7402·7466 ,~~~VI~~-olRECT~R~~r I -For All Your Home and Busi ness Needs -T EMOYMENT OPP011U11m1s AUTOMOTIVE & rulSPOITATION aoos-as10 ~ 9000-97SO DISTRESS SALE 8.mk f-oreclmun:•,. Frc.:c: li!ic of fon:clmure propc.:rcics. Receiv<; a fr<.:c, (_ompucerized prinrour. OrangeCoastfrecHomclnfo.org Free recorded message 1.800.704.9343 JD# 1242 ltl \I~\ I<" Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 H omes Each Weck For Only $32 per week (4weck minimum ) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ~umm•r \pe<iof ll•J •I• ~11 • r 1•5'.-h•, l•n.11 M.t tF1 ,'·I Pl I t.... ~" .. , I ' Iii· II .. t.~ I ., ... 11 , ~ 1 '°' ,,., ... +1¥f"tl d""' Uo t ,., 11111 ' \I •· . .,., -t-1 • c w prirlp_ -wdl•., tr ,J·~ v.-od f 11~ r';.1 t \! 'h ~J J>v S'JJIUo·I HAllll-0« ~ tt.Vblf Ht\.rt ~ ~,,.,,,} V111 1/14 'A'· )44 ICIHGS RD, p,..,,,.. Wing I tr , ~ .t ~ 11 lt ~ I ''' t 1 ,.., f ~•11 1• • S'H . "1'Hfl'• lj '+t BALBOA PlNINSULA .. Ul,-1 <' 1 "tutt t-.-11! ,,, "' ' J' 'I t l\ij 1111 111 tvr t1 :j4·• 'IU h1.· 7H YlARlY RlNlAlS .._,,_, t 11•)1• ~~I 949 673 1100 7a. 2.Slo '"''"""''" '"' I kt" "' I ti Ir• d vll If. •lhl ..... ••lid pr•.: \14qoj 11 d>'~"' '+<l'lM ''l'o'r'I A STW 1111 SIMS/Mo llr 2.Slo, HPC.HI, '/•Off lhe hf mo._ ~"""1 t, , 1trt.lr tu• ,_"", 1t-... ...... _.,,~. "''" I Wilt,. ,., ,. h •• • , •• .i '-" btJide 2tw 2' /*° IM1hm Ip pvt p.lhn l~ ITr.lr µ.•~ fot1 UUI W <I ~·"' ~oprt ·n-1 Pf"f ,._ Av•-' X I Sl/lOnt• /l4W.~ Neor Newport Hh, tf1._,,.,. ... --d w Ot'W 1(1\_..f-.. l tf'flrl ~~r)o,, '\it• • 1H H" J ' •rw·I & < ..... "" IJI> WU •~"'"' (<l ' unll UW 8. 1111! 4 .10 , ,., ~g..M#l '."'?1'4 /14 l>J I l'fl2 Hu W!r --- lorg• I Ir I lo u~·• .n ~,,.,., f'rrunc.1,ta i-• .t1r1t t1 I 1t--r uf N i .n1ti pr• SP'•O '4'< •1 • ~41 n.. ...,.._ 11.11mtt1t1 t-. lt),, l'it:' M"lit d t'f)' I uflrl Sl'i)J ntlll g,., ........ , "w+f, rt'Vl•I Rift "4'11)44 Ill'~' ......,...., """' »/2'/• f 1 d unt , • ..., -4• r•llty ~"" ••If t lu'I •'• ,._ t /II >• t1-tt• .... .Jtl I c.-d. LtcbM ~ U,..n,... 'kt 1· • v.flrr.,.t.,,. i. .. ". l~ "• ,.,,.,.~,,, "··'··I'! .... , .. :.,,,, .. , t 1..-.st. ,.., ty; ....... • • #-, ,.. I If lf'•tl~t,r> 1')f , ,.,. BlUHS TOWN HOMl "AV YU /; !I'll I • I All(,I I I A'f JSll!M UP•,l!Alo I <PA~Of II S ilOh Ho<ol•• Pouf•on ... ,fly 949 631 6489 l rg c--,-. 19 ll<H c--. t . 1> a;"' ~ t~ , .... , ... ,.,._ ,,,. I'""" M· OPlN SAT I 4 32121r..,dSt NlWPOllT HUGHTS Uu '-.h.t pvl t1A~ k'id s 1•, ono I l 1f"•f•lf·trl1 rt•f'tl t 'tu l '·l t lwr1hrt1 n .... ,... Aid "''"" l-1tdl & ·~·pl ' HJ..>t-1 & ffi•h 1 t' LA COUNTY-7200 .... p~n~r ~· p.t-. Sil!/', Chor ming 21• I lo Ay ttf Pit-..,_. f 'rrv-tf P ~.~ h ..,.... !l ift '-'-• tfft).-frlJp SI 110 , 1 • ·...i~ 11~ i-im Goted. ,.. Hoog. ...... t M .. rt,.. SA _.., 1• lft~ 114. I )~ 14'1 1,11, 1.i!>4 P•fMl lSTAHS PATRICK TlNORl NATIONWtOl USA 949 IS6 9705 WWW ptthH"'tttm•li' l.Um SlA fAl•I Vorw-. uf IJt ~an & l':a!ahna I rnrn lltrfl" 1·11 .. lttr IB.1 $449 tU) l.:I 'fol9 MM;/ /0 I o t~rnt '"~ ,,,,,.,. !#~I --- HAllO• WOODS /br lb~ ) < i"' b .. ar m ilfr • '~' SICJOO ~9 191 4611 Newport Coast ------P•tMl lSTAHS PAT~Cll TlNO•E NATIONWIDE USA 949-8S6·970S www patnt hlenore t om -"'~' ..... er-uJ'llom nt.ite """' unyori & ocHn llltW5 Oftet ed al S6 ~000 Coostlffle """"' 949-759-0177 Noftl\ Tustin OPlN SUN l-4 110121 ... t Tr••, North T1Jt fl" !lb• 4be 1ou1 k1lch, cus.tom ilteh1teclu•e. 11<1<11, 'P•. waterfall\ SI ,649 000 le51ey C1liu ell1 114' 5t4·4'l62 MISCBJ.MEOUS REJfTALS ......,To ht fil30 .. ....,,...., Mt ... •:r 4br hse. 2 rooms en . ~ llm '"" S)m. "''" !.tlth 949-~~ W'WI c-.. Nf9, I*! oomm. CllstQm twnen. 8-1 -. " bllDony, -ba r141 ~pr. pool SllllO • 1/l ulil llm """ Aw118 I 714 608 214~ .......... .. w ••• ..... own . ... lrllMI, h , poot, pl~ "*I wllll to bch S Incl utll ... 541 126> . :.= -..... "'*-1 lla1Z UQ OI 11li20 '515. • mw. ........ ~ ~~..-. SELL your stuff ttl'qh classified! - . LONG BEACH & l4'f ~ 9491~1.at. VICINITY ClOSl TO llOt & 11\.t WVltt ~ 1.1 w 1>•' I •1•h rii '-' '"'t• .. •l 1 • \ l <Jl"'" • C)l':j 'AA I,~ ..... lllMOHT H[IGHTS 4bt} ~t,.1 I 111f1l)h ft Iv remud .. 11111,111 Id• Iii lOne(I W.-.lll f ll tH" H h1 S /19 CJ',() q4 I ll IJ /((JO Ht$1Dt..ll t. "'l ' •• ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Corona del Mar Wolli To lea<h I Br 18•. ltaht & broant no ptl\. leii\I! S !?~mu 4v,11I now 949 1'10 I ')6'> 0-vl•W homt' b• tell! quiet lb• 2b• wd 11•h1J~ no \mo~ pet I c R•• S23!>0mu 949 721 t 279 ~ JtK 1b4 llOu'i# l•nvm, good stonce 1/2 car. wd. petoo, dw, lrplc VrlOOmo 9«9 67!1 ~9!> , ........... . ,,. to ~ """ '*-Slowe. ,.,., Olol bn. nn mJrn lbr • S II 70m 2llf Ill ( 16th St Alli for Spec11! 949 S48 2421 Sllel CMMMR'tl) 38r t'/tbt , 111•1•. bllclly1t d. ullls Included (t4t) U S-7UI ~lu 7L• HUGl YARD W /GAllDlNIR. f rt .h I''"'' .. & ''" Nr l"Wl!tli"' 1'.o~ 1' I iWRJU<•vt. Sltf~J • •"1:> ~', '111 I E'•ide 21r llo le-') fr ct y ii d ) 4 dtl >-'-H wrJ th Sl9'><l mo rn1 I ii" dKlt;r v.11>7 9rl'}.M7 4'i<I( ~New ~·~..,. '1lt ./{.< ,,,.,._. HUGI ~ '" ,, • Ip N. w ll ..,,,,. •••• ,~I(~ ... ~ 1577 AA M.l l • l '114'> l SW.. Ill tqJ<Kll'Cl l•.rr II; y<11d b • tam b>.....-.. ollu rm 2.Sb.t. iJ1 lam nevi s:mi 9't9 e5() 7 lZJ HuntinglDn Beadl COMMUTl USS llll.AX MOlll r.onYct •ontal ....,. ~ """" tmlnrrnabot> C...1er JJ62!, 8 al HafYld Mld Miwl lrvne ~ 92614 I 166 ~~90 ........... ._ Oc&nlf lbr ~ condo ntal ft! Pw comm pool, $C)it w/d II ll'lll undlrird ~ ~ SllD> ~ 7SXl kvlne COMMUTI USS !Ill.AX MOlll Conbtct ,....., ...... Apart "*11 lmlornwbor1 C..... 11625 8 at ... ,,,.d end ,,._,_~Ce 9Z614 .... tOl>2'91 I ....... - I .. lie w/lult llonelt• Quall -· 1,1>11 to 11CU11 S97!1m Ind ijhl • cabll nall 8/1 949-645-97~ UM ..... ,UMI ·----tll~MMlOllS ......,... ... -1111-Y .,..,.... .... ~ . , ................... ~ ..... n.a.a I llOCIC lllOM OUAN ,,. , ... ..,, .. d ,.,,, ill4•. I If •If f1' '(;.'t ""'')II• A~ ul So( l 'i1t'i '11'' ~."1'1 38< ?'/-Ao • .in 1 ... t•••• 111 I• it rnnrJ,.I 11.u • 1 .u~utrl ,,,tf1u w J h"'ui. S1ttJ1r. ·~ ><. 1 /14 C1 !OI < ~ st.. .. ""'""' :'!• 1 t ) t• I• f,rh .._, .. v •4 fl'tWM' rt r1vt•,. S. lfbt .t'~ 9/ I 1-';'"4 .;f--4 '• • • • •""' ~-... v .. u. ~ ,.. Y ~. t (I' ............ ~.>1111 1124Por1~.4bt 3 /1bo, l • " llutf~, 'oputor l Pion , ,1._, • ., '"''" f•'-• 1t l t I f t"lll ( r ~ t I ' \t1 •'11 11rr ,u ' htl· "• " P·wt~ fl 1 Ir t)"tl • 1•·1 i_'ICH" I~ I'>. X«• CltffHAVlN l l r 21o S2•SOmo Y•ty Hvg• Y0<d & Oe<li 949 647 63'4 loclil>oy H.. • 1 ,.11 .,Ult., .... 4'• "t~. ~· t C-f ~. ' l>r. \al 1t•- V :H.n• I 1•• "'' .. , I I ~ Newport Coast UOVA.11( , t I ,'I " (It 2•1 omm11ntty P'•ol •• t S]41'1(l 'l4<t 7<t I 41> 11 (on'tutlff lO f tl to all tlto11 rtpoirjobs aro111td tltt lto•ft' u l tltt ( wsifit' St n1tt C>irttlort lttt, JOI Ji"' rtlWl#ltt . • Saturday, 19, 2003 TODAY'S Bridge .,ASSISTANT MANAGER .. FOR BOAi R£NIAI S CAll 1 800 585 074/ ·------AUTOD£TWI llWPOIT IUCH 949 735 1121 ·NOTICE 0 RS C1hlorn11 law rt quorn I hat conlt 11 tors taking 1ob\ th11 total S'iOO ut more (labor 01 mate111ls) be locen~d by the Contr.actors Sl•I• license Boa•d State l1w also requ11n th1t contractors include lhe11 Ileen~ num~f on alt adve<mm1 You can c~k the status o f your licens ed c orllra c t or •I www.cslb ca ao• nr 800 321-CSlB Unit censed con tr"' ron tal1.1n1 jobs thill total lus than $500 must state In lhttr ettverhsemenh that they are not licensed by the Contoctors Stele license 80¥d • IMllYa/CJll IA> ..___ SlO.OOl afte. 5 ve¥sl SOLOS to 39 c.ents Team to 41 cents Contrnt"tnn to 81 cents lutl WI cha•ees. COL Grads welcume. E.OE: to> 925 5556 or KLL M rnm <CAL •SCAfi) DRIVERS WANHD Newport & Hun~ Bch Set your own -.chedulel Part or lull lime 1v11labfe $1!'>-< /O~y lull tome Call 888·001 WORK OI lllJPIY @ WWW (}-0-loom AT-USE Women~ Sto" el Feshl'On lslend os now hlnna exp'd FT and Pl sal«itS assoc ~ a>nbCt lee """1 81 9119-J":B 7985 MClf't909e 8-lneu ~ ~ ,_, ~ Cood money potential T rM1 prov r tf'l r "' •es 714-21& 141X> YA(HT UOKlltAGE seeks sell st&1 hn1 ofltce miir computer fttente. MS Word & Eacel .a must I T ulary com mensu11 t e w/eq>ef'ience. fH res· ume lo 949-65().2•08 c.,etRepalr/Salts ...... C.,.. S-SS an R1llP' lnnd IWT1I! QJflJl!f ·~ ~ CJ.Id '°"°' ua!l9lS 714 ~Jai (l'(AltPET "'CAltPlh Rep3ors. Patch.ne. ln\tall Courteous. In) ~•te 1obs Wholesale' 949 492 0205 Cleaning ., 12 18 Pf s.c..o-1 Oy-'< public 5'M'al<•n w la.shton -needffl "' !fflf'rf">t 'tudents "' hogllef t"dVca hon through clasv nom presenlat1011s r ,;sloum Descn b.tdljllound ~ pl\Js Car r eqow ed CdM Mi. Summet Im lb2 3-1); Publ1sh1ne PllOMOTIONS DEPARTMENT Commun<ly ~pers Nl Orange Coonly !>eeks F uU 1 me pe<$0n to •lt!l'voew and wr rte ~tones. parlt<;o pale on communrty eVP.rlh, crl!llte and ~te P3gt!S and ~IOOS Eacellenl commoolcalton sllllh. WOik well with the pubk Know N' Style Qu111kl\PrfU Photoshop Multl Ad Cre atOI Proflc:IC!fll nn MAC "nd PC. CCI dtsoan e•pe11ence prele11ed Proofr~ lest Drue scne1Mlfl/phySIC:al reqt•e4. [ OC f ac:eltent benefit package £ma• resume. wubng samples .ind salary 1equ11ements t o '-'.~@l.J~COOI By CHARLES GOREN and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEKLY BRIDCi QUIZ Q t • Roth vulncruble. M South you hold! . •J9765l <:> K Q O 1097 •91 Thi: bldtling has ~: W&\'T NORTtl ~ SOUTH •• Dbl ,._ ! wtw oclion du you Like? Q 2 • 'either ~ulnerllble, you bold: •SJ AQ95l "Kt3 •J7' Partnc:r opcni. the bidding with ooc spade. What do you respond't Q 3 ·Both \lulncrablc. a.s Sooth )'(IU hold' • 6 4 • J J v A 5l •AK J 10 6 ~ The bu.k.ling ha> pnlCCCdcd: SOUTII WE.\I NOR'm EAST I • 16 r.. 2 .. Whul ocuon do you lal..c? Q 4 • A' South. vuln<!roble, yoo hold: •KJ6-o AQJtl4J 0 6 •QJf ter4 •u ••••••t Converllble. orlsinal owner, soltd car $19,995 WEST obo 949·719·2943. The bidding lw oroceeded: N01l111 P.AS'J' soum 1"'1' .... 3<:> 3NT ,_ ' "!" Whal do you biJ now? Q 5 -Boch V1JlllUllblc. ~South you hold /xQ6542 . H o Klt4 •K l The bidding has [)C'()(lCCdcd: souru · Wtlt"'f , N01l'I11 l• hM 21:1 . l• .... 3 ' Wh.it do you bid oow? Q 6 -Noc vulnerable. a_\ dealer )OU hold K 114 KJ 10!17651 •6 Wh111 i~ your opening bid'! Je.-r 't4 lUS C..v 6 cyf. 2+2, f11mln10 red/ ten fthf, OD, b .. utJful orl1 cond. $ 13, 995 v~2641 llnenc1n1 a warrenty 1vell Bkr '4t·SH-t1a1 -.~1.c- J.-r 'DO XH c-v 44k mi, full f1tt war· renly, British t1cln1 1r11n/ten llllr. CD, chtonl41 whl,, hke new $36,995 v'97S241 Btu. FINnclna & werr evell "'-s ... 1 ... -.eqteW.c- '-' ....... ~ Serles II wh1te/arey lthr. ps, or la owner, !.uperb Ortfl cond. $16,995 v'2967S1 Bkr. '49-SH-1111 www .ecpeltl.c•"' leaw '92 SC 300 C-.. -.. • .._...... ~ 11f1Y rn 5lpd. redlbn rt! -_ _. __ '""'_.,. _____ 111.\ II ~ Pilllll'd llfBX> 9& 72l .!SJ8 OW....a.lle '96 Aurore PHIWPS AUTO Mere•••• 't6 C210 beautllul bl1ck/cr""' fully lo1ded, 1howroom, iv'olA. $10Zi'0 714-l'SI .. Mw~ ... SIHOU./ blk beaut, 111 opt, none nicer, ,_ mllfll' we, l yr wwr Sll.50> 714-751 24114 Mere.... 4SOll '71 c ... venlltl• low 93k mks,-, eood condltloo, only $6200 949-493-0379 •-•• 'tl 420 SU wh1te/1r1y llhr, c;hrome whls, low ml, superb cond. $6995 Vt567281 Blu 949 586· 1888' --~•.<- Penche 'tt C•rer• 4611 mt, bllt/blk llhe, CD, chrome whls. llke ne $42.m V•62?057 11· nanclna & warr avail Bkr '49-516-1111 -.ec;peltl.c- Soolit 'H t .S c-v. 491. m1, white/oatmeal llhr. CO. blatk top . labulou~ hke new cond. $13,995 vll81'>761 Bkr 949-516-1111 -.ocpoltl.com 80A11 'm DUFFY ZJ' ~ ;S=· OUffY WcndC 20tT , ... Wllll~bolt. clnt coetd Rec ent new"das" ' °"" ..,. $14,!00 ~6 DUF" 2 lft 1 H4 P11m1donna. cus tom teak wood, CD chancer, upi:raded windows i cover. Just peod $4500 Spoth&hl $16.000 sltp 1¥111 949 631 0771 ~.Pilot -H ff SUP AVAAAlll IN MIWPOltT llACM StMOLIAll '4t·SOO.JOOS NUD45'SW """...,.,, .... (15'.beem) wfweter & pc>wer. 114-~2999 IAYIRA9COYI---. 1311 bHm, unll1111t1d lel1(th, quiet • pfe. 9& m:rm 0t "'"7J-t943 ,.. 8~l '11p, ptiml loc By ~m• ~na's rn· taurent. Month of AUJ only Cal r..ti t&mrnn IQAT ~ WY'# AVM Cal tar we. IDcltiall aid dd.I& WM end ~ nWdld. ..... 7s--.47 ... , ... h1tllewwtll to Mweltllet 0 r AMfll M a-tr.. Bladt W/Slf11t1, l1<1th er. Moonroof (194262) SZ2 .!Bl 60k mo. black/erey llhr. ~ mnrl. CO. fabulous cond ..... thrci uahou l $5995 vln'457ll9 Bkr 949-516-1111 www.eqool.1.c- TOYOTA CAMRY U ' 94 ·4 door. 5Jk moln. •uto . PW, PS, $5500 P11vate party9097171026 Call t~aca.::..;: Automotive 9004 IMW '12 633ul ? dr grry tan '> sp sunroof full pwt $7000 714 878 9455 IMW '97 3281 Conv metallic dao k l>lu• grey llhr , surie•b cond throuehout S l5 995 .#6n421 B1oJ 949 58i 1888 www.ecpobl.com IMW '90 32SI hke new Blk t.tn 4 dr . aulo 106k mo ac sunrt full pwr lint. C• \mO& $~ 114 651 4661 BMW '91 Z3 Ct>nv 2.1 , 6 cyl red tdn Ith•. 5spd, beaut like new cond #815721 Sl /.995 lo· nan'°ne & warranty .t•aol Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ocpoltl.com luld.. '14 Rivet• new tores bre~ks & shncks loaded. ele't mnrt make ofleo (714111-18 3704 Cadillac '01 Seville Sl S ~olver /er'y Ith• CO. chrm whls. 11old pk&. full fact. loke ntw SIS 49') ••596141 fondnlln& avail Bk• 949 '>86 1888 -· l.c- or ..w '25lr ""-"" Whole ~/ar ey 2 fk. Mile>. Sp or Is Pka (19547) $75 980 99 EJZO Sodon Whole w/Saddle leather. Moonrool ( 19443 I S?9. 980 0 r Jogvor S fyp• Se.o Cre'n w/Saddle l llw 28K mo Muon1ool (19112) Sll 980 94 Mercedo• Sl~OO Charcoal w/Black le.llher, 18" Cho ome Wheels. Moon1ool ( 1951 .i'C I $29.980 OllMW1401 Btarkw Slack only JIKM1ln ! 19485C) $39.980 0 I Po,.clte rur•• lrpl1on1c . Only 18k moles. N•vaaation \ 19394) INQUIR( 91h•v• GS J OO Cold w/Saddll' leather Ch1ome Wheels <1 9418) SZ2,980 99 Forrorl JSS '1 Solve. w/Black Leathe1 only 14k mole\ (114235) INQUIRE 01 M.,..,i., asoo Stiver w1C1e1 Navt 1atoon Only I~ m1 I 1954SC> INQUIR( 00 Pond.. lox •ter Black w/Crey Leath er. I op Iron" (I 9346) $30 980 949-574-1777 MlfSAllTO :'I; ... am STARTING ANEW BUS/NESS??- • • • • • • • • • • • The Legal Department at the Daily Pilot is pkased to annoimce a new service now avail.able to new businesses. ~will now SEARCH the name far you at no extra charge, and save you the time and the trip to the Court House in/Sama Ana. Then, of course, after the search is compkted we will file your fictitious bwiness name statement with the County Ckrk, publish once a week for fo ur weeks as required by I.aw and then jiu your proof of publication wrth the County Clerk. Pua.re stop by to fik your fictiriow buJiness statement at the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St, Coua Mesa. ![you cannot stop by. ple11Je call us at (949) 6424321 and we will make arrangements for you to handle rhiJ procedure by mail if you shoul.d have any further questions, please call us and we will be more than glad to a.rsist you. Good luck in your new business! lec..,tl_, .. Port-time CodlMoc '94 SLS SeV(h NII) motlllrl&s & 'v" 87 5k m1. f.c»d CW. nfnp for NB ltealh Club black cherty, llhr. new Contact Mke 949 642 3215 tores $4!>00 714 /45 779'4 l'hu:"' your •d tod111yl 1949> 642-S67K HEALTH Compuler SeMces COMPUTER HELP! . ...,...G'Wle Mnll ......... o111c1 • llC•llC ·~ •v.>"9~11111111 ·~Modorll ·Olot~ •Ogll~A'GI ~ ·JCWS~,,.,_,_.., UC~~. 10 Vrw C.....-Up. 714-612-2786 lrlclt lleclt St-• Tiie Conaete, Patio, Onvew1y ftreplc, BBQ Ref's 25Y1s Eap. Terry 714 557 7594 n •• c .... _,._ Cementwork 8rtCk. Tile & More Reh1blf No 1ob loo small 714 615 9062 your stuff through classified! Tl l 0 I YOUltHOME IMPltOVlMlNT PltOJlCT? c~u • plumb" painter handyman, or any of the crut se1 vice~ ll~ted here In om service dorectoryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI *A...UCAI* IMmAD-• Glraoe lloorl/OillNn =~ • LoClll 6 RllOolblt FREE ($111.tAf(S (7f4} ..... 1lM> LMJerns~epe Drywall SeMca WeMy rr.it. 11111 IJll'lll'lq WITTHOEFT DRYWAU. & 1nstallatlon. 2!J Yrs up All phases ,m/lrc jobs. Llc/lnwred !M9 548 4363 CU.AMI 20yrs, fair, frell est l 4lm30 714-639 1 .. 7 GENERAL ID'All •MAWIEWO: • ~tgj • Coovneraal No Job Too Small Dave llamllton 949.322-8292 Hiiiing JU .. K 1'0 THl DUMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAIL~LE TOOAYI 949.~73.5566 Electical Services ~Je6tlapertl Ounun (Jectrrc 20Y" [Ip loc;aVQudt Respome Service/Remodels LIZ15870 949"660 7042 TrH Senlce, Yard Cleanup, Ma1nten1nce. DANA'S HOUR CllM9tG Sprinkler Rti>•lr. Hauhnc Eu-opun Srm9 b 15 (Ht) '50-1711 ~;~"T~ UClNSlD CONJIACToa Ho-Plb loo W. M serW:esl Repair, remodel, fans, 1P9,MW SVC ~ !lf\!0111 •lilf',\IR k,. I<' ( ·."I!)~ I I ~ti I ftX .. SPU'INllT. All types of rtpen. Elet· blc:al, ~ doort. ...... '*""" ... ' """ 'lMtr/ldlays 11A -1•1 • • VINTUU MASONRY Resldentlel COflCl'tle & Masonry Service. Slone, B<lcll, Bloc* 7 lA 1165-2824 Moving' ... PUBLIC NOTICE The Calrl Public Uhlthes Commrnlon requores lh•l ~II uHd h ouseho ld 1ood~ mover~ p11nl theor P U C Cal 1 number; hmoi. and 'h&utfeu" print the11 1 C P number on •II •d•er · UstnMnh II you hoe any quuhons about the leaallty of • mover . ltmo o r chaulfeu1. cell PUIUC UTIJTllS COMMISSION 100 117-1167 ...........,c.. 12/MI......_ Nwralt!f Cere 5days.lwk M·f , 71·7p tl1Ve ••ten· s1ve Med~l 81k.crnd as well as b••na hc:enHd as l VN aw· Will t ommll to other rttf> es well Selery ne1oli•ble. Kevin Hm 949-559 0270 P1r 949 559 22* ~1Jdl.e.. ~Professional Pamllng l.J(; "94350 Rob Isbell · Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 0-..'• .-... llYB up Greif Prw:el Cu•unleed wor~ free Ht l•375602 714 S38 I~ 7 390 2945 ICE"S CUSTOM P~ Profl. clnll. qualtty worll lntertot/u t and doclls LI 70J.t68 949-631 · 4610 ~--., ......... Top Quallty. Competfilv• lnteriof/[at L'648228 Cell .lay 949·6SO-S066 Plumb Ing SIWll mlDUICW. (94') 645-2152 T e lec adMiolonof MB TJ llangt>n SEWlR JlmNC ElEC rRONIC SLAB L£AK DI ICCflON r 11endly SetYIC• 949 -6 7S -9J04 -~.cam l 0$2A9l IMU<ed ,.KISlrlUM ... R..,alrs I Re.moclellnt FREE CSTIMATl Lf617391714 9't l090 .__ Mir CncllnMld Enallsh t11cher, pro·· fuslonel •rlt11. I 1f)fcl11fze in flfOCreetl· 111ll11& lfflll. k- r11dln1 Co1c11 h p'll compHlllon J11ct1«. l114'1vid11el/CfCWJ 11'9., , ................... . a.e1en .... Ut.._ Wiiceea• , -~-~ .-:-·~ ~ :"1'77-~----..... ·---:"""'"'.'""~ .... """":'9"". ~·-·""'."'"'.'.'-~···~-w-....-:--.·"""!"'-""'' ................ lll!"'•.-i9!'111._.• ......... , ...... -.... •a••sll!IS"t•S•& ' . VALUE. ME MORE THI• THAT SllOULDll•T BE OPTIOllAL. When you compare "apples 10 apples". II becomes clear tha1 the 2003 Freelander S is nor only the most capable small-midsized SUV,' but the be~I value:~ well. But don't take our word for 11. Take a look at the following chan which should make your buying decision just a little bit easier. 2003 Freelander S 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport 4WD MSRP V6 Engine 4-Speed Automatic transmission Air Conditioner • Power Package 4-Wheel Anti lock Brakes Full-time all wheel drive S25.600 You got ir ~randard. rhey don'r! 5-Speed Au1oma11c! Even Bener! You Ber! Safery is never compnmised. h's a Land Rover. isn't it? Of course. It's not 1985 anymore! CD Player Tracrjon Control Electronic -we wouldn't go off-road w1thou1 it "'"" Vehicle Security Sysrem 16" AIJoy Wheel~ Cruise Control Independent Rear Silspension Baste warranty Rust Warranty Adjusted MSRP You can count on it. Cool You've got it for the road tnps! Standard 4 years/50.000 miles 6 years/unlimircd miles 525,600 2003 Land Rover Freelander S $20,030 Optional • S8SO -Optional · $825 Optional • $2,325 Optional -S600 Optional • $395 Optional -S 125 Optional -$765 .. OpuonaJ • $520 Optional · $310 Opuonal -$300 Not availiblc 3 years/36.000 miles 5 ycars/100,000 miles $27,045 LEASE FOR OR BUY WITH 39 months '299MUU II On AQl)n>ved Credit. Plua tax, llo & doc. fH. s~7a.•e Tota1 drive-on. 1nc1uct .. first APR financing payment & $350 aecurfty depoalt. 1 OK mll-P« year/20c exc ... mi. charge. 3 at this payment (1304871262696) (130533/267886) (130488/265032) n.-~II~ •a 911iOa to ...... YQll In 1e1ec:1in!! ., SW NI auct ~ vehlc:la II not poalbla. Al wNc1e 1n1onMbon ha beall darflled floln www.jaep.com, www.._.,,_.com I www~com. Plicee lllOwrl.,. MSRP wltllOUI dleoount. While~ e1bt ha bea11 mede to -.n 11CCM11Cy. we .,. not ~ for -ot omlallcn. -nllC1lon concrol PIOVlded lhrougll Jeap'a Tl9C-l.odt Ollllll'anllal Axle. '02 GMC SOIOMA 4X4. Crew cab Pldwp, .Loaded. SK Miles 4199(232790 $20,995 '99 RUGE ROVER 4.6, va. luxury, loaded OERTIFIEO 39761426094 VB. Sunroofs. Leather CERTIFIEO 41341'l«S85 $20,995 '00 RAllGE ROVER 33K Miles. Many Extras CERTIFIEO 41821429562 ......... -. ----~---,- 4x4, VS, Power Doors, Power Windows, Power Seat. LEASE FOR$ On approved credit. $4103.25 Total drive-off. Includes · 1 St payment, tax, lie, doc fees and $450 sec dep. 1 OK miles tax per year/20¢ excess mi. charge. + 5 at this payment • 39 months Sunroof, Auto. 6-0isc CD · 41841556594 $20,995 '02 DISCOVERY vs. Only 91< Miles, Prior Rental 4156{146642 V6, Automabc, FUii Power. Harmon Kardon Sound 4163/A376164 ~22,995 '03 DISCOVERY V8, Only 6K Miles. Ex·Rentll 41nm5359 '27,995 '29,995 0.ly lllC Mita, LOlded S29,995 S31,995 '97 DEFEIDER • ~6~995 '82 PllSCllE IOll1EI . 1 111 lllls price (4192/80~) Photo for Hlwatratlon onl ._ .. --~_.,,.,.,_ __ -• - .............. ,,,,, •9,500 Factory R"""'8 . •3,000 2001 mEW MIN Lil Auto, Ai.~ s.to8 GtNt Gal te.995 ~! (4268/701486) ........... "'ii 1 ... l'Oll'J'IM: 1111#9E SE ~Ai; Powlr~ CD81Wr te-Spol/Mf (4162/812389) . . . . . . , W1 l'Oll'J'IM: SllW8E SE .Aub At Tilt ~,,.., Spo/W 8 Monti "750 f4122/197096J . . . . . . . . . .. ""I ... ,.,,...,,,, ., .. Auf4 At 2nd samw Door. 7 ~ s9975 8 Pric«J Ri(lhtJ (4147/669878) ....... . 1wu·~~ ·=-~~=·. ~~~~ .... 89885 ,_C19'14#1fMI-. .._..,~,,...,,,~a ·-·-MN-o --,.., "'IP'f10'014)... . .. . "" ..,,.,,.,. ~At POl/IM~ CD8Chot •10 975 IJK M111i111i ('166/1110«1) . • . . I .., ,,..,. Ana ~At M PoMw. CDSllc*r. •11 n.5 Moonroat a Al#y# t•211 M1612J. . . ~ •_t;J I ; .. &LWl11D1~1S ~=~~Ml~~~) •11,975 "lpeca.I Flunclng Av.ta.bl•" In lieu Of Factoty Rebate a Most New 2003 GMC's, ~kP!.._~~!._~lLACS /M mmdl lhw1 p;,mtr4 .,as dsptnh; onCUMmr"a . N«'I~ ~- 1• l'O#nM SIAMI I'll{ ll1P 1117t:.tOIJMllflJ.Em11• 1 (c.nifi«J) Auto. AK. POW9r Group. ~;.A. s12 a f1JI Powet. R«J. Premium ~ (j s1 5 950 LeathM ti Low Milt1! (4627/243003) ' 67K Mila! (4639/824889)........ . ' ZW CllEVY •I.AZER LT 1• IWWll# lfl/aU (Cdild) AufQ M ~ ,,_, CD. L#lhfr. s1 ~-Ful Powet. LMtlw. lmitltion C«w. Top s15 -Mooorool 8 Alloys! (4495/348114). ~ .w. (j 48K Ml (4600/7048U) ' ZW CHEVY ASTNI CAllllO 1• 8IC ,_.AT V1' 4 3L Auto. Air. PrJiVtW Ste.mg s1 f.a!• Ful Powet. IWr Ai:~ Tow~ s15 995 [j Low MM/ (4526/182646) . . . . 8 Low MWs/ (4260/91664). . . . • . . '!. ~_J f_l'O#nM_,_.., II 1•ast••Mf"'8E · =2~~=1t,j:n~S12,• =~~~;';·,:;~t'iuJS1!,• WI Wt:BnaY _, _,, • .._.,. ti Auto. At Ful Powet. CD 8 A~ •1 3:a . Ful flfMw. CD. Aloyl. Tow Pll¥J. (j s11 a -(4621/103867) .......... ~ . . . Only 261<,,,,., (4636T/240266).... J .. a.raaa-.m . .. •• ,,,. t.rnited. AUIQ. At Powlr ~ CD. *13 970 Bid s-Jty ~Al TM EX11a s1 8 -LMtMr8Slwp/(4643/212163).. .. Ii {flMth«/(4602/211693).. . ..... ' .._.. ... Cl_lll · ,_U"lMinmil&I Aub At Ful Powlr. ro. A.tb)s Si Ful Powlr. aw. ~ Tflll:tlon eon.ol •11 935 (j,,,.,,. ("471/312885)......... ,, tJ,,,.,,. (4626/280261)......... ' _,_,,WW 1~ .. cw••·•--; ~ 4.31..·~ At POlflM ~a ~ _970 Ful,,.,.... ,_..,,_, ,_,.,,...... s I 940 Prlo«I ~ (452411/2""34). • . • . . ..., 8 Low,.., (tfln/10l tll). • • • • . . ' WUMll#C.JIU .. ll"'MlltlUIJINI I ai.at: Ac*>. At lMtMr 8 Low •1 s 875 ~Al,,,. 6-Awniln ~ •21 ..,, MWll (4405/097779) . . . . . . . . . ' ti """91 (4497/166623).. . . . . . . • . fU I Exceeding Expectations Since f967 GMC • BUICK • PONTIAC • CADILIAC .· Ziii IAllll ILYI,, CllTA MllA '71•>..._. .... ·-2111131'111111At: SllAllO AM SE .......... ..,., ... . ..... ....... •4,'107 ...... l'llw •14.BBB FIM,_., ...... •4aoo .Sale ,, Price ,.,_ . *-.___ t Savings ~ ··--I 1 AT,_...,;Jr2114s11