HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-20 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Fight night comes to Costa Mesa ' 'A nd in thb corner. al 6 fee1. 8 inches and 200 pounds. froin Costa Mesa, California .... please welcome ... Jeff Byrne." Ever heard of him? I su5pec1 you will. Ayrnc, a 2~-year old Co!>la Me:.a en1repreneur. 1s pan of a .,pons vcn1ure called "lJp percu1 Buxrng," whu:h ,., hrm~ing profc.,.,ional boXJng IO the C:o.,1a Me-.a I hhon on PETE R June l6 with a BUFFA blatk It(', l11gh warn opening nighl of 1ab ... feini... thum p'> and bum ps I l nuw, I le.now. Boxing .., thC' l>Jd boy of '>pons. It's V1olen1 and pnm111ve and downnght uwy a1 limes. and ii doesn't t'xactly appeal 10 o ur belier ""tinctl'. Bu t that's also why 11 .tppcal., 10 a whole lot of people all around the big blue marble. Hy thC' w-.iy. how did boxmg ever come 10 be caUed. of all thmg'>. "the sweet sc1encer If you know plea'>e let me know. I couJd tell you that I'm a big fan and know aJI aboul boxing and can name who's who and what's wha1 and when''> when. Or. I could 1ell you the lruth. My knowledge of boxing is as su.,pec1 a_., my knowledge about .mytlung else. and I refuse to wa1ch Mike fyson at any lime Ill any '>t'lll ng for any reason. Bui I do enioy watching a figh t on lV now and then. and belier yet, '>eei ng one m the flesh. Boxing is one of those spons where you absolutely. positively haw to be there. On the tube. it's a .. good a.'> Sominex. only fru.1er acting. Bui when you're up close ;u1d personal. it's loud and rowdy and frenetic. Boxing hru. al'io held a long-standing fru.cmation for wrilers. Whenever spon.swriting nses to the level of li1erature, the 'iUbJect is always one of two sport.'>: baseball (my personal passion) or boxing. And we're not just talk.ing about legendary spon swrilers like Ring Lardner. George Bernard Shaw. Jack Lo ndon, Ernest Hemingway and pten1y of other heavyweight scribes were fascinated by boxing and wrote about it fo r mo ney or love or both. Hollywood has been bonkers for boxing for years. There's been a slew o f sports movies. but the See COMMENTS, Pa1e M INSl>E TIEPLOT INSIGHT Summer is definitely , here end if you're planning on having thet bedcyant barbecue, why not try it Hew1il1n style. We've oot ell the tipe you'll need 1o put on the perfect~. ........ Al ~,.not mnhed, fried Of~ but c.m.e Oyw hei whipped up • ..eood"*'lwlltlher ~ 111 n blllllred poC8tOel. ._,.AU SUNDAY EDITION ai Serving the Newp ort-Mesa community since 1907 JULY 20, 2003 SUNDAY STORY .. PH< TOS BY S£AN ~IL~ER DA. <"' Margaret Klemm tends to her garden plot at th e Del Mar Community Gardens m Costa Mesa. Th e crty-owned garden 1s maintained by more than 50 tenants A place in the sun Costa Mesa 's community garden offers a welcome respite from daily life and a chance to exercis e a gree n thumb Individual stytes that decorate each garden plot add character to the Del Mar Community Garden. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot S ome plots boast roses the color of fi re. Other have a tantalizing array of fruits and vegetables. Some are sparsely planted, leaving a lot of open space. Other are so dense with greenery they are remini~cent of the Br37jlian rain forest. The diverM> plols of 1he Del Mar Commum1y Garden, which is run by the city. reflect the v-cU1ed in1erests of their lenders. Yet a common refrain heard among these reMden1s blessed with a green thumb is: "It's in my blood." The Del Mar Garden 'iallates the eternal hunger for gardening for 59 re'i1denb -pl us one person who has since moved. Many more are on the waiting list. Earlier this month. despite some objections. the Cily Council approved a second com munity garden for a property on Clarie and Hamilton streets, which could be ready for planting by the end of the year. This one will have 42 plots. Mayor Qiry Mo nahan and Councilman Allan Mansoor were on the losing end of the 3-2 vote to ··TOP STORY approve 1he garden Mon.thdn ... u~e<;ted usmg <,pau• in eXJsting park.s for another tornrnumty garden. while Manc;oor tried IO gtt a vott· on a pocket parl. tn'>lead. which failed 10 mu'>lcr a11\' -.upport Du nng all the discu<.'>1011., on Lhe ,..,.,uc. man} of the Del Mar gardener.., <,polt• Ill f.ivor ot another rnmmurury garden. "l\e been a gardener al the Del Mar garden' for c1gh1 year<; and I'm a real happy per'>on toda~ hetau'>e I live m Costd Me'>ct: ~..,(,old ..a.id on Jul~ 7. before '>he shared some of her bounl\ with the rnuncil members "lt'o; givt•n m(' inner beaut\ 111 work m the garden." A HISTORY OF GROWTH rhc City purchased the parcel of land where the garden is now in Lhe 1970s with the m tenl of widening Del Mar Avenut-.... ud Man Taylor. a management analyst with the reLTeauon department. Two houses and a barn on 1he site were removed 10 that end. When the street widening p m1ec1 didn't pan out, the site lay vacant for a n umber of years until a res1den1 uggested it be turned mto a community garden. It opened in 1994 SH PLACE. P .. e M C~ndy, carousels and , yep , ID cards Booths at the fair offer paren~ a way to keep important information about their children in case of emergency . A2 SlrGy, "" 20, 2003 COSTA MESA C.Ouncil leaves field use study to commission ,. 1Wo council members said they are not Interested in d{scussing a controversy over athletic field use at . California Elementary andTeWinkJe .Middle schools any further. At a joint study session with the Parks 'and Recreation Commission Monday, council members Libby Cowan and Mike Scheafer say they don't see a need for the council to con.sider the issue. So the com.mission and city staff will continue to work with residents ln the area who are concerned about field overuse and related problems. • Councilman Ouis Steel appealed the expansion of the softball fields at TeWlnkle Parle on behalf of the Mesa del Mar Homeowners Assn. Residents In the neighborhood said they weren't notified about the potential changes and are not happy with plans;o remove 36 mature trees to expand some of the fields. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmsn@lstimes.com. POUTICS Maddox to stick with Nichols endorsement Comments from Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols spilled over Into the offices of Newport-Mesa's two assemblyman. The.offices of Ken Maddox and John Campbell were flooded with calls and e-mails responding to Nichols' criticism of Campbell. Nichols, in explaining why he endorsed Maddox. criticized the appointment of openly gay Republican activist Frank Ricchiazzi as "questionable.• Maddox reiterated his support of Nichols, saying be didn't intend to drop the councilman's suppon from his endorsement list. • On Thursday evening, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush paid a visit to Newport Beachs' Four Season6 Hotel. The younger brother of President Bush urged GOP supporters to rally California in 2004. • PAUL CLINTON covers tile environment. business and politics. He mav be reached at (9491764-4330 or by e-mail at · paul.cllnton@latimes.com. EDUCATION UC Irvine students will pay 25% more for school University of California system officials decided Thursday to raise tuition fees 25% this ran to help make up for fiscal shortcomings the state has handed them. The average in-state student will now pay about $5,000 per year, though the UC Board of Regents gave UC President Richard Atkin.son the option to raise the fees another 5%. NEWPORT BEACH Recall of councilman dropped on Wednesday A businessman opted against pursuing an effort to recall City Councilman Olde Nichols on Wednesday. Newport resjdent Uoyd Ikerd said at a press conference at City Hall that a recall could further damage the community. However, he dJd announce that he would fonn a watchdog group to keep an eye on Nichols and an ear on his comments. The councilman drew controversy in June \Yhen he said be dJd not favor grass improvements at Corona del Mar State Beach because they wouJd attract Mexicans, who wouJd end up staying there all day. PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'HAMMING IT UP AT THE RACES' The Alaslc:an Pig Races at the Orange Co ty Fair draws a crowd every year. Cute pigs leaping over hurdles and the sheer determination on their faces to get the prize at the end of the race always produces a good photo. It seems that nothing can deter the pigs from crossing the finish line. But this year, the pigs actually did an about-face and headed ln the opposite direction; drawing boos from the crowd and disbelief from the race announcer. How did this happen? Photographer Kent lreptow's camera with it's blg lens Was something the pigs must have never seen before because the mere sight of tt sent the little piggies packing. He was trying to find a new angle of the races by using an uJua-wide angle fens. -Steve Mc.Owlk. photo editor PUBLIC SAFETY Accidents occur on two Orange County Fair rides State officials are investigating two accidents at the Orange County Fair -both of which happened Sunday within hours of each other on rides right-next-to each other. On Sunday afternoon, 30-year-old Aidyt Sofia-Gonzalez of La Canada Flintridge got hurt on the Adrenaline Drop after the ride's nets failed to break her freefall On that attraction, riders fall from the ttapdoor 11 O feet in the air untethered by bungee cords or harnesses. Sofia-Gonzalez was released from the hospital on Monday on crutches. The ride remains closed to fairgoers and under investigation. The second accident happened on the Boo.ster after a pin came loose and hit 23-year-old Staci Tomack on the fare Her family said she underwent surgery, but ride opera.tors reported that she suffered Ma cut." State officials are investigating the extent of her injuries.. Fair officials said Tumack declined to take the ambulance and rode with her mend to the hospital. The Booster was up and running on Tuesday after an inspector from the state Division of Occupational Safety and Health inspected it • The district anomey on Friday dropped sex abuse charges against a fonner Costa Mesa pastor accused of molesting a boy about 25 years ago. Denis Lyons, 69, the pastor of St John the Baptist Oiurch on Baker •The state Coastal Commission has decided that city officials will have to rework the Lower Bayview Landing senJor housing project because it would affect three areas on the parcel deemed to be wetlands. Plans at the site near Coast Highway and Jamboree BouJevard call for 150 affordable senlo·r homes. If the project does KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT The Adrenaline Drop, right, looms above other rides at the Orange County Fairgrounds. An investigation is underway to determine why a woman was injured when ride's safety nets failed to completely break her fall. Street for J 8 years, walked out of Harbor Justice Center a free man on Friday, three weeks after a U.S. Supreme Court decision struck down a California law that allows prosecution of old sex crimes. • The anomey for one of three teenagers accused of gang raping an unconscious 16-year-old girl at a C.Orona del Mar home last JuJy filed a motion on Tuesday alleging prosec\Jtorial misconduct Joseph Cavallo, who is defending Greg HaidJ. asked in rus motion that the case . against rus client be dismissed come into fruJtion, the city will have to spend $500,000 more from its affordable housing fund because of Prevailing Wage laws. • City officials blame antibacterial filters for the rise of bacteria levels in the West Newport channels. Assistant City Manager Dave Kiff said ·we may not have used the correct filter because the district anomey overcharged Haid! and failed to give Cavallo information. HaJdl, Keith Spann and Kyle Nachreiner -who were all 17 at the time of the incident -face 24 counts. If convicted of all charges, Greg Ha.id!. son of Orange C.Ounty Asst Sheriff Don Haid!. faces I 04 years to life in prison. • DEEM BHARATH covers pobllc safety .and coul'18. She may be reached st j9491 574-4226 or by e-mail st dtH1Ps.bhsrathtllstifTl8S.com. media.· When the filters were first installed last year. bacterial levels . dropped below the state mln1mums for the first time ever. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airpon. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or bv e-mal\ at /une.c••agrsnde@/atime•.com. Olly Pilot NOTABLE QUOTABLES "I don't even agree with my wife 10096 of the time,,. MJJddDx said Monday. "I dl.sagree with the siaumenu, but I'd rather reach out to the man.. -JCen Maddox. a Costa Mesa assemblyman and candidate for state Senate, on retaining Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols as one of his endorsements ·1 think thal Dick Nichols ls his own worst enemy and hil tirades are going to con tin~." -Lloyd Ikerd, a Newport Beach businessman, on dropping his recall effons. but warning that he will create a watchdog group to keep tabs on the Corona del Mar COUJ'lcilrnan "You need to re.solve these problems aJ the source. As long as we're indifferent and silent about it and looking the other iooy and afraid to deal with it for social and philosophical and political rtas0ns, it's going to be worse and worse. particularly when you invit.e the immigrant children, and they're Uuwcml, and Wir tradition is soccer. and once you invite them in. there's a moral obligation to {give them recreation/. and this entails more roaches and more fields for socar." -Ou1a Steel, Costa' Mesa city councilman. on the overuse of athletic fields in the city "Being summer; we have the windows open in front. We couldn't no~ it." -Stephanie Vandeltnder, a Mesa del Mar resident who lives near the Pacific Amphitheatre. on being unable to hear the music at the venue that reopened for Orange County Fair concerts '71iese young guys, they /complain/ all the time.• -John McEnroe, tennis legend known ror his constant complaint.a of judging on the court, on Brian MacJ>hie. a Newport Beach Breakers tennis team player Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No newt stories, SURF AND SUN Seen Hillet, Don Leid\, lllu1tra1lons, editorial mttter or Kn~ advertlaemenu hnn c:.n be READERS HOTUNE reproduced without w$an WEATHER FORECAST SURF permission of copyright owner. (949) 642-«>88 Fog that developed The IOUthwMt .... , th9t Record your comments ebout the HOW TO REACH US VOL 97, NO. 201 Dally Pilot or news tlpa.' Clrc:utedon overnight wiH stldt around In W9e vwy lhol't..flwd la THOMAS H. JOHNSON New. Edleof'I Addr98I The Tlmee Orenge County the morning. Olti.t wfM expect dropping off but. If you loot. Publleher Gina !Jexander. l.ori ~reon, Our edd,... la 330 W. Bey St., Cotta mody 1Unny condhk>N with Vo" cen ftod aome largerW1lst· TONYDOOEAO Dan"-! Hunt, Paul Seltowltt. (800) 252-9141 hight about 76 It .. bwf1ea to ahouldet-high .... It the Editor Meet, CA 92e27. Office hou,. are Adwtdelftt Denlel St9wfll Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. -15 p.m. =high .. 12 deg,... be9t welt t.dng epotl tod9y JUl1'( OETT1NO NIWI.,_,. Cl1111fted (949) 842-6678 ~~ cnm.°=9~. Con'l lldoo• D6ePeY l949l &42....:)21 Tonight.-of douda •ndMondey. It le ttie Piiot'• policy to promptly ....... and fog wtl be.,,..,...,.. .... SouthWllt pWtode art Pl'omoCione Dil'9Ct0r <Ml • correct all errors of 1ubetanoe. ..... ~ LOWI In the80a. ewregMIQ 14 aeoonda from 176 ~.,,,_.,,,.,.,_,com pt ... <*I (Ml) 79-M32 ... (948) &42-5e80 .......... n: deQreel. 1Df111tQITAff --=-· ...,.. (Ml) 1574-4223 WWW.IM&noN.QOV On the horimn, apec:1 aome l.J.Cllwl FYI ..... ,.. ("'8) 846-4170 ncMth\ri .. wl01asA .. but no Newpoft NPOr'9f, TN N.wport a..cM::Olt.I ~ lfe'' (MIPMm ...... ,_(Ml) llQ-0110 BOATING FORECAST grounclMele. ~ e./.t»lttt ...,,,,_com /ut»-fJllMfPl••..,,_oom [Wy Piiot (USPS-144-IOO). lo4Mlt dllllypllot•""""-oom bough '*" " ..... Id. .... ca.. publlahed dely. In Newport ,,.,, .... Ollee MG In h m.-. .... ...-. ............ '°"'*•....,_end environment llnd C«*a Meea, eubecripdo111 .... hltn .. Ollee IM) 842-4321 wll be "11at1U. • 10 .._or _...,,...., ..a~com ,......,, (Ml 7'M330 IYeiteble Otttt/ by Mlblcrtblng to TN .. ...._ '-(M) 831-7129 ..... 10to , ...... ,..,,....,,.,.,..com Timee Ontnge County (IOOI 1n .. ...,,.. .. ~.1 TIDES _. .. &.11111 ..... 212-1141. In .,... ~of ,_.orlwend uu1111m..._ ~tom °'*'"'• ....... NpO!tlf, Newpoft ..... and c.. ...... • 2to ',..Ind eouehem "'-........ .. PMm ~-to the a.iiv l'loc.,. ............ atoa.m. ~-low ..... ,,. .... ..... ,.......,..ciom Mllleble Oftty by "'-... ""'.., • Out .............. at4p.m. 4.IO ......... M~=OIW. ...... • ..,.. "'°""'· (f'Ttole.,..... .. flublllMd ~ T1nlel COmmunlty .... .... a •••• ,. ..p.m. a. ....... eo. ...... ,.....,, (M) 174-4221 • ., ....... andloOllMilila.t ........ ofcN Loi~ llnal .. wind---• 2 .. l:lla.m. I.GI .... ........ -'°"' .... ,,.,.,,,,.,,.,..,,._oom POSTMAST'lft ._. ..._ ~ lndlWlllfNfttltol ... -lllC: 0 """"'°Thi...,.,,. ........ c.111-. fromtl'9WlllMll ...... WATU Tllm'IU'TUll ........ ,.... ........ (Mt f74.4m ~ ... Delly"°" '-0 ~~CH.All rtohtl bped ........... ap oonl . ...,,,.~ IOK "'°· C:-. Meea. CAlml. '-"*· ..... ,, ............ .,,., .... Dail'! Pilot From "We're Having Bush- els of Fun. in 1993 to "Red. Ripe and Jockbi'" die Sankey fUnily hu been coming to opening day at the fair for 10 ,_... Mother Paula Sankey said lt " a tradition that atarted -when her oldest wu just a baby. It wu July 1993 and the fair wu llludng crops and vege~_ror lts lOlst fair. Sankey \oak. eer little one to HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Dnve, Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Gary M onahan Coundl: Libby Cowan. Allan Mansoor. M ike Scneafer and Chns Steel CfTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beacn City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beadl, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 M•yor: Steve Bromberg Coundl: Gary Adams, John Heffernan. 01dc N1dlols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave . Costa M esa, CA 92626. (714) 432-5898 Ch•~lor. Wilham M Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G Howald; student trustee Madeline Levy NEWeORT·MESA UNJflED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office 2985-A Bear St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (7141 424-5000 Superintend.m: Robert Barbot Bo•rd: President M artha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blade. Cleric Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Lmda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627.1949) 631-1200 Bo•rd: President Jim Atkinson, Vice President Mike Healey. Trudy Ohlig-Hall. Fred Bodtmiller and Paul E. Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANfTARY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200. Costa Mesa. CA · 92628-1200, (714) 754-5043 Board: President Arlene Sdiafer. Jim Ferryman, Art Perry. Greg Woodside and Dan Worthmgton ORANGE COUNTY BOARD Of EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa M esa, CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport Beacn ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR Boerd: President Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haidl, James Barich. Deborah Carona, Leslie A. Ray and Frank Barbaro I IF:\lPI 111 .1.'S --IU ( I\ '" ( \I{ I) I I " • dren. Sankey'a only eta.., wu too young for the ma- tert.al but lt wouldn't be loD1 before the children would the ra,ce-paln!1'! booth for read the fair theme th~­ her iJuwl'lral Wt expert-setves. ence." She didn't remember There was a petting mo, what the painting was but the livestock display, plenry she remembered the booth of rides and food and coa- and haa gone back every year · ceru. The Pacific Amplth· for the &&Ille ard8tic touch. eatre was still up and nm- " He bas watched my chll-nlng. dren grow up," Paula said. The decade of fair-going Teq years ago the fair in-tradJtloo has come ~drde eluded an educational packet as the theme. ls 6nce again with vegetable fact sheets, vegetable themed -thil planting tips, Guinness veg-time Its tomatoes -and the etable records, a Cann fact Pacific Ampltheatre made Its quiz and coloring for el-big comeback with a block- ementary school-aged cbil-buster list of performances. LaUiell Sanby, 7, Mid she enjoJed che lrldldon. aJ. tbouCla abe doeui't remem- ber ber ftnt Ulp JO the fair. She bu Men plctU.reS and lo()b forward to ft every year. Each summer, the family addl more memories to theft opening day archives. Lauren proudly showed oft the c:Olorful dragon painted on her face and this year stepped up the body art to a temporary tattoo. Ten years at the Orange County Fair fa just the begin- ning of the Sankey family tra· dltion, Paula Sankey said. "We'll be back again next year too." .. ... ORANGE COUNTY W ~_PERFORMlNG ARTS CENTER BENNY ANDERSSON & BJORN ULVAftJS' ' I THE SMASH HIT MUSICAL~~°'AaBA· JULY 29 -AUG 10 $68-W .. .t.Sl lntlrp' d 2pm Sat, Aug 9 x :i 0 Sunday . JcJy 20. 2003 A3 F1•trubt1 A Li•1 Triln.u To Frank Sinatra · £,,'? Mo""7 do Twnuy 6-9p ... Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails I u1 //,,rrt"ul1n111 t ,.,// (949 ) 64(t-7 'J44 •••Quality~··· •••Ni d £1ucru.ll>mcnt" .. lht"J<. l n tttC' Au.· .• <~oj.f.i \t,, .• u .... , -.... ~ \c.. -,,... )o ... .... .. ...... . .. §OLIS ]:'\ \' E.S'T.\ l I· .. "J. & ;RE:\ LTY KRISTIN M. Sous • Licensed Real Estate Agent •Muting aU of your &al &tau nuds. ERIC A. Sous CFP • 17 Yean E.xJ>!mm:_e • !!Jroclts & Bonds • MunuJ Funds •Annuities • &tatt & Rnimnmr Planning • lnv~stmmt Banking • SmaU Middk Marlut u mpanin (:all for a free consultation at vour home or busine\\ . 949-723-116:-. -'~"-""----&tcA -.Cff'uuttlMl to°"''"' IMl71J• ... -. __ , __ lot --ll't SEGERSTRO M HALL BOX OFFICE IOAM -6 PM WWW OCPAC ORG <7 14) 740-7878 tJclc.9t-a- (71 A) 755-0236 GROUP SALES (71") 556 2787 Nf0RMATION (71A) 55.,,6·27A6 TTY .. NOW, The Classic Film With Subtitles- So Everyone Can Sing Along! ;,**** Irresistible fun! A new favorite th"'9!• """" IWJ .... AUG 22-24 Fri & Sat at 7pm, Sun ot 1 pir $22-$12 I, I ~ I I I I I - I • M $4.tlday, July 20. 2003 PLACE p e and expanded to 60 around 2000, Taylor said. The city maintains the general area and provides water and a bathroom facility. The garden basically takes care of itself, Taylor said. "We don't come out that much except to clean weeds and make sure everyone is foUowing a few simple ruJes." The guidelines include bei ng considerate of your neighbors and not putting up something so hig.h that it cast shade on nearby plots, Taylor explained. F.ach gardener gets a 15' x 13 ' parcel. The one feacure they illl crave is sunHght, Klemm said. Not enough sun in her own bac.lcyard is one of the re~on~ Oleryl Duff had her eye on d coveted spots at the community garden. She has a grear backyard, she said, but it'.) not conducive to growing vegetables. So like a gardener nurturing her seeds, <,he walled patiently-for three yeaf'i - until she got a space at lhc l>el Mar garden. "I was very excilt.•d," Du fl '>aid. "We walk over to th e 'iwap mel'I every weekend for cxerr be <u1d I wouJd see this and ~ay. 'I wa111 a garden.'" Gardening is in her son·~ blood as well. Richard May, 34 . found our he finaUy scored a plot on the first day of spring, after waiting a whole year. After he and hi-; girlfriend spent the last few mo~ths diligently digging. they are now reaping the reward~ - DFFERENT SEEDS ·FOR DFFERENT FOLKS Each gardener designs their plot based on their interests and the amount of sunlight available. Klemm is partial to flowers lilce New Dawn roses -which start out as a vibrant pink color and then fade into a sof1er shade of pink -and vegetables like - lettuce and arugula. •1 try to keep a few flowers for my soul, and the rest are vegetables for eating." Klemm said, as she munched on some beans. Tuesday, Klemm came to the garden fOr a practical purpose - 10 gather some lenuce for sandwiches a friend was making for a picnic at a jazz concert later that night. ·(The lettuce I is kind of al its prime right now," Klemm said. "It 's good oak leaf lettuce. I (plant I stuff that I can't find in the grocery store." Duff said tl1e first thing she planled wa-; corn, since tJ1ar's what her grandfather used 10 grow. "But it only grew one ear on eat:h stalk," Duff lamented. So she diversified. Now her plot contains watermelon, cantaloupe, pumpkins, carro1s and sweet peas. She came Tuesday to remove the sweet peas because ii is the end of their season and to replace them with green beans. Once a week her "adopted• granddaughter -the granddaughter of a good friend -comes and hel her tend her e z.erQeS t oo the succulent strawberries, Duff said. "Everything here is ready to be picked,· Duff said. "She eats them as soon as she can.· MORE THAN PRACTICAL While many consider their gardens a place to connect with the earth and grow what they can eat, some use their plo.t.s to teach Ufe ski.lls. Goodwill Industries of Orange County maintains three spaces so their disabled clients can have a hands-on activity and team where frults and vegetables come from. "It's an activity and it gets them out of the house and doing something.· said Klm Tran. a training specialist. "They learn how 10 make a plan." After planning what they want to grow in their garden, the clients go shopping at Home Depot, pick out the seeds and help plant them. Their gardens contain a varied bounty, including red and green peppers. strawberries and cucumbers. They come twice a week after working in the GoodwiU Store on 19th Avenue. First, they have a relaxing lu nch in a shady area. 'Then, they start working. On Tuesday, Mui Lau watered one of the plots. Smiling and laughing as she watered, Lui was assisted by Tran, who helped direc1 her where to aim the hose. When the fruits and vegelables they have cuJtivated have grown, Lau and the others SEAN H1UER /DAILY PILOT Mui Lau of Costa Mesa, a client of Goodwill Industries of Orange County, waters vegetables at Del Mar Community garden as part of a program to teach people with special needs life skills. get to take them home. HEARTY AND HEALTHY Many of the gardeners tour the healthful benefits of growing their own fruits and vegetables. Duff grows parsley for i~ beneficial properties. "It's a natural diuretic, so it'c; good for cleansing." Duff said. "I u~e ii everyday. That'~ why 1 grow ii in abundar1ce. I try to do everything~ cloi.e lO herbaJ as possible." And May likes that no pesticide~ are allowed. "h'i. all organic, '.>O you don't have 10 worry abouc Lhe health factor," May srud. "You couJd probdbly feed a family off the veggie., you get thl're." Daily Pilot PUBLIC COSTA MESA •Ntway~:A vehicle borglary was reported in the 3100 blodc at 2:32 p.m. Thursday. • Coolidge Awlnue; A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3000 bloc:k at 5:11 p.m. Thursday. • Harbdr Boul9v9rd: Petty theft was reported in the 3100 blade at 6:32 p.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boui.vard •nd Wilson StrMt: A hit-and·nJn was reported at 7:31 p.m. Thursday. • Newpot1 Boulevllrd: Possession of drugs was reponed inthe 1900 blade at 10: 15 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH •West Coast Highway end Superior Awnue: A traffic aoc1dent involving injuries was reported at 12:40 p.m. Friday. • Irvine Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 900 bl<><* at 2:44 p.m. Friday. • Ocean Boul9v9rd and Poppy Av.nue: Petty theft was reported at 4:45 pm. Friday. • S•ntiago Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 2200 blade at 1 :45 pm Fnday COMMENTS Continued from Al few thac qualify as senous drama an: always about the gritty world of boxing: l>etting up his cent as a strength and conditioning trainer. I don't le.now what thal is, buc it sounds like it's hard and ii hurts, which is probably why I am neither strong nor conditioned. starts with an I. That was the start of "Uppercut Boxing" and a lot of plannmg. hard work and sheer nerve lat er, the wham barn world of boxing moves to Costa Mesa and checks into the HiJton next Saturday nighl with a Ourry of jabs, crO!>ses and uppercuts. That's another thing I like about boxing. There's a 101 of lingo: jab~ crosses, uppercuts, ban1amweight, heavyweight. this weight. thal weight. feature lJ">ll) ~upcr M1ddlewe1ght CJ1an1p Willi e "Shck Willie" (It\ a different onel ~tewan , with .u1 18·0 record and 10 knockout'.>. And for thOM' of you who think it'., all about super mal'hO·manly men glari ng at each other and making unpleasanr noises, ifs important to nole thal a lot of the acuon in pro boxing today .., a girl thing. There will be a number of female boxers in action Satunlay night, including the Jun ior Bantnmwl'ight Women"; Oiampion, Para Draine, who I rhink ... twuJd retain rhe title based on her name alone. OBITUARY "Raging BuJJ," "Requiem for a Heavyweight." "The Bigger They Are. The Harder They Fa.JI" and "Golden Boy." "The Bigger They Are ... " was Bogan·~ last movie, by the way. And do you know who wrote "Requiem for a Heavyweight"? Rod Serling. lnterestfag. no? Do you know how an uppercut works? Ruth Fl len Earle But let's return to Byrne. I ley, I was a poet and I didn't know it. Jeff Byrne is bright, permanently stuck on fast forward and extremely vertical. al six feet, eight inches. I le was a basketbaU standout at Estancia High School, then bounced around coUege basketball (get it? "bounced around?") for five years before returning to Costa Mesa and Jeff is also making a run at becoming a light end in the NationAI FootbaU League. Yes, the NFL He tried out for Orange Coun1y's semi-pro footbaU team, the Makos and got a spot on the ceam, never having played footbaU in his life. Very Byrne. As Jeff's reputation as a highly effective, if not somewhat crazed, trainer grew, boxing promoters started sending fighters to him to become bigger, faster and stronger, not necessarily in that order. At that point, enter an experienced promoter named Ed Steinfeld, who was a key player in a ,!P)1g·running series of fight nights at a-hotel in a nearby city. which shaU remain unnamed, except tha1 it's south of Newport Beach and I found thb terribly British explanation in a BBC Sports guide to boxing: "You bring the uppercut up and it comes underneath your opponent's jaw. who can't see ii coming and ii does look very dramatic. It's more effective when you're fighting inside.# So that'& the deal· Saturday nigh!, CoMa Me'>a 1 lllton, the i.Wl'l't l>cil'nl 1>, blaLk Lie ru1d boxing. And remember, never. l'Vt'r uw Jn uppercut outsid1• I golla go. Services will be held at Foothill Family Olurch at 11 a.m. Mon- day in FoothJll Ranch (or Ruth FJJen Earle, who died Wednesday of ovarian cancer. Ms. F.ar- le ~ bom on Feb. 16, 1939, in Deer Part. Ohio. She lived In Co&ta Mesa for 35 years and worked as a sub&titute 1eacher in the ...._ Me. Earle is suni919d by her mother Mildred Alte- meier; SOM David and Dan Earle; and daugh· ters Ka.mi. Kathy and Melody P.arle. Wlletber Yau Buy or lease .. You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! mds8lallcl.com prtseflu ... Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, J ul y 27th, 2003 At Embassy Suites Hotel 11767 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove Registration is at 10:30 AM• Auction Begins at 11:30 AM ALDEN'S ,-0 -N-!ilTE --- DRAPERY CLEANIN& AND MORE I Ml TAKE DOWN OR RIMJ\llN6 NECEHAllY I Certified Ta Clema All Hunter Dougie• Fabric Window Cavertngm Including: I Lwninettf rrMcy sheers' ' Shuetft• wiMlow shadirlp • Vipe«.e ~ window sWngs • o.tft' honeycomb thadfs ' MilenQ TM Coledion I )ubiance1M romaft shades I ~ hoMycomb shades I ~nf Softfold1M shadings World's Best ON4iiE"" Drape17 Cl•nl .. S:ptem. ~ALDEN'S I don't get iL What does whether you're fighling inside or outdoors have 10 do with ii? The main event on Saturday night wiU •PETER BUFFA 1s a former Costa Mesa mayor His column runs Sunclavs He may be readied bye mail at Ptr84 a aol com WHArs AFLOAT • WHArs AA.DAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; byfaxto(949)648-4170;or by e-mail to dailypilot<@lstimes.com. SAILING CLASSES · Orange Coast Cotlege is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even lteelboats. Cruising seminars ar~ also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. P&oific Coas1 Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-941 2 or visit occsailing.com. Saiing Fudn8don dhn deSMS in boating safety and sailing year-round for persom with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orllnge County employws can bfing their employees out to Newport Bead\ on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The Sdlool of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a dlanoe for groupe to wortc wtth the on-boerd instructor on different sailing tectlnlques while they get advice on how to perform well in busineu. No sailing e)(perienoe neoeaery. One-day daaes cost from $100 to $126. (949) MS-9412. BOAT RENTALS Wfth ...... ~-the Belboa Fun Zone, you can erliov neutlcal ~from mild to wild. Take• Mtf1101ded tour of the bay In your choioe of f>CMW' Ind 18il wetennft. jump the oceen sw.fla in a See-doc> ~put you aport·ftlhlng lkllts to the test In a fully equipped 8ottot'I whiter, or eoer ebove It el on • J*'BNll ftlght •long the Newport cont Compffmentery Ice end beveregee ere Included with ell electric bolrt rentala. .................. put you on the-. in mtnv weya: with --tnd~qy•.~ bo9ta. 1~...,,... ptdaf bolltl Ind NMboula for ............ UM Of c::rulling the t.y. 8elboe 8oet Aer'llM I*> holdl two-hour _.. .. ""'""aboerd the =~==.:.= noc.-~~.aoroup OUllngl.. lht ..... ~ ..... include boats, trivia questions. maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boa1 and catering 1s available at an additional rate. f°'of hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric boat rentals •re IMlilabte by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. ~I boats, .a.ctric: boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable ratts, catamarans, beadl furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort W81ef Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours ere ofhtred by~ Gondola Co. of Newpott. 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blank.et, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. G~~Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with dlampagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and cnampagne is $190. Pld(up is evallabte at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. """-Coast~ In Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 676-4704. Gondole Romence oe.r.. ct.Iv tours of Newport Harbor during lundl and dinner. Call (949) 676-4730. The tours go out of Udo Marina VIiiage, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beadt. atUISES " Join Cape. Don Mo • •IPW on the beeudU ..aing vtcht Dulcinea fot •narrated Newport Harbor cMtt of the fabulous Wllteffront homes end boett of the rictl and famous, ... the IN lion cok>ny, •net uil the spectaalter coo&-tUtnfMI', ~rm-fall Southern Catifomia coedlne to Laguna Beed\ or 0ena Potnt M 1 private bft1hdly, *""Wlrllry or spedal 4Ml"lt7 Seil, l'Mn\, ~ Rv• tunbethe. Mtd'I dolphina, end dine It~'°' the ~VICltiOnlt c..lrw....., on tie Wlllll ~-U.S. C'A>9irll Guard il~v.-...ASA~ INWollarltnd• ....... Business conference facility. Details al www.shellbadcdon com or contact Don at shellbackdon a yahoo.com or call (9491632·3736. \ Nora Teresa Gonzalez Maher Nora Teresa Gonzalez Maher, of Costa Mesa, CA. was killed In an automobile accident on July 15, 2003. Thent la no doubt in the mind of the famlly, that after being summoned by God, Nora stayed to protect the other five famJly members traveling In the car, who walked away relatively untouched. Born in Dirlamba. Nicaragua on August 28, 1930, she moved to Los Ange6ea In the 1950's. While residing In a cathotk: boarding house, she met her future husband, Peter Donald Maher Ill. They were man1ed on Apfil 14, 1956 In Managua tu newly-weds they lived In Annapolis, Maryland, before finally settling down In what would become their "true home" -Costa Mesa. Following a br1ef stint In England, they returned to Costa Mesa with the family, which had now grown to seven members. To Nora, family was everything, and everyone she met became a member of that family. Nora was always active in the communtty; her mc>9t noteworthy accomplishment was co-founding •Save Th• Youth" (SOY). In addition to doting on her five children and ten grandchlldrvn, she worked as a p re·school te9Cher, lnstrucUonal aide at Pomona Schoof, a mtgrant hom9-echoot aide, and an Incoming student evaluator for the Newport- Meaa Schoof District She waa an lnsatSable gardener and W9S famous for her "secret" garden. She wu well known In her Francl9can pariah, Saints Simon & Jude, In Hlmlngton BMcn. She WU always thirsting for knowledge. At the 11Qe of 71, ft entered the age of technology -attending computer 9Chool up to 14 hours a week. She and her t1UlbMd tra sled throughout the U.S. and Europe, and one of her foltdeet memortM WM a visit to the Hoty Land. She la auMved by her hu9b9nd, Dan; daughtet, Kalla Codde of leetburg, VA.; four '°"'• Peter OonaJd IV' of Kennewtck, WA.; EdWw Alexander of Coet.a M ... ; J ohn Kar1 of Cof'pus Chti91t, TX; Rldwd Auguettne of Holl)Wood, CA.; a brother J. Aom8r'i 0onuMe of Hl.t11h FL ~ten bMuttful ~. Fftlnda "'9Y o.t1 Monday.1.Mf 21, 2003, 8-9 PM, Recitation of the ~:00 PM 11t ~ Btoth«a Mortuary, 17911 BMcti Blvd., ...._ Maa1 of Chr11tlan Burial, Tueldlly, July 22, , 10:00 AM. Ste. Simon & Jude Church, Huntington &wh. lnt9rmellt followtng at Alcen9'on Cerneteey, Ef Toro. ~ •"""'9 Mortulry .... ltlng the f8mlty. (714) '41·1771. , Dally Piiot Sunday, July 20 2003 A5 I• there• topic you'd like to ... explored on this pege? Contact Jose J. Santos with questions. comments or ideas. He can be reached at (949) 574-4224 or 1ose.u ntos@latimes.com. of a ' Take your senses on a t rip to Hawaii in just four ~1mple step~ The sound Luaus are more fun \\ht•n \011 'P'"I~ hl..c iJ local Krep lh1.'I Ill m1mJ There are only 12 lencr' 111 1he I la\' a11a11 alphabet. A 1s "ah" as m father Eis ·ay" as rn sav f 15 "ee" as rn see 0 IS "oh" as m lhm" U is ·oo· as m moon H.K. L M. N. P and W .in· pronuunct-d .l' 111 Engbsh. Pepper your convc!"\8Uons wuh thew llawaiian words and phra.M:~· A hut houl-Goodbyel See you later I Aikine -friend, pal, buddy; friendly aloha -love, greetings, goodbye. pity, compassion, mercy. affection, farewell; spirit of love. affection, kindness Aloha wau ii 'oe -I love you Hau'oli U Hinaul -Happy Birthday I honi-kiH Ho'omaika'il -Congratulations I kine -male, husband. man keiki -child kolohe -rascal. misdlievous, naughty, prankster kupuna -grandparent, elders, ancestors ku'uipo -my sweetheart mahalo -•thanks," gratitude mele -song; to sing nani -beautiful, pretty; beauty 'ohana -family, immediate and/or extended. Extremely important in Hawaiian culture. pua -flower Wahine -woman. wife, female The feel T he ambience Of the islands IS easy tO achl~'e.. Musk tops the list In lhe mood-creator category. Slack-key guitar or tribal drumming CDs are easy to ftnd at bis book and music stores. or even small specialty shops. Your guests will really feel the island experience if they become pan of the props. Aloha shins are a must for men, while wahJna can go native In erass skirts or mu'umu'us. The taste I f you ask Olm Gamier. head chef at Roy's restaurant m -.:ewpon Bedch, wha1 the most important element of a luau 1s without h~11a11on. he'll say. "The company.· Luaus are all about spending time with 'ol111na and hanging loose, I lawauan-sryle But the fea!>t comes in a close second and is essential to a successful 1~land ge1-together. Tradiuonall). a pig 1s roasted m an 1mu. or Wlderground oven hea1ed b} hot rocks. but 11·~ definuely not necessary to dig up the backyard to create the great tastes of Hawail at home. To feed vour gu~ts a vanery of 1i,land flavors, think ptipti platters. Pupil I\ the Hawaiian word for appeuzers or finger foods. Foods appropnate for p1ip11 combine the diverse cultures that make up I lawai1. Sushi. potato chips. cnsf!> wontons. peanuts and macadam1a nuts will plea!>e your gue~ts' palates. And of course. have a varlery of fr~h tropical fruits available. especially pineapple. which is bes1 when cut m long spears. The outer shell um be halved 10 use as a servmg boat llard-10 find Ha\'\-ai1an and Japanese produru can be foWld at Marukal Asian and Hawaiian Grocery at 2975 Harbor Blvd. m Costa ~kl>a. You can pick up premade p1ipti there or visit L&L Hawaiian Barbecue m~1de the marke1 and ge1 your pupil catered r or especial!) last)' and 'H!lisl)ing ptipu. lr)' these treats from Roy's. which ~pec1al1zes m gourmet Ha'A'allan cwsme and 1s mown throughout lhe islands. rht">e rcc1~ can be mul11phed 10 serve everyone a1 your party. Roy's Wood-Smoked S:t«:hwan-Style Baby Bedt ~ RllM Serves 4 Szedlwan mannlde: 5 tablespoon• white m110 letwo m•so) , cup ho1s1n sauce 1 • lable1poon1 m1ncect ginger I '1 tablespoons muleed 09rhc t Ji tableapoona aak.e I .., u bln poona soy sauce 2 tuapoona auger 1 tablespoon ch1le pa111 w ith garlic !preferably Uln Chi bf•ndl 2 '1pound1 baby bade porlt ribs 3 Quarts d11chn stod 1 tablnpoon minced ginger 2 teaspoons minced garlic 2 tablespoon• minced fre•h parsley 2 teblespoo,,. minced fresh cilanuo Combine mannaded 1ngred1ent1 m a bowl and refngerete overn1gh1 Place the poric nbt in a large 111ucepan with the chk:tcen 1toclt. ginger. ~rite, parsley end e<lentro, end 11mmer for about JO minutes or unt1l teOO.r Remove 1he r•bt. and reMrv• the broth to freeze for another llme. Immediately bruah the nbt wl\h the Szectowan mtrlnade, •nd let cool Meanwhile, prepare the gnll and aoak aome kl•weor me11Quite wood d\1119 in water 1n prepusi1on for amolong the nbe Brush the nbl ag.10 with the m1nnede before roasting, and slowly cook the nbt over the wood chips on 1 covered grill until nlcely browned and amoky !about 15 to 20 m1nu111). Serve with •X111 Szec:hwan man~ on the ~ Ahl l'ob Serves s..a I pound 1ash1m1-grade eh1 ltunal. cut into small 11Qual-11ze cubes roasted 1e11me 011 to Uste funkake to taste• lrulTle 011 to taste (extra virgin olive 011 may be aubstrtutedl la medium Ja~neae cucumber. peeled, Heded & fine diced 2 tablespoon• red onion, finely diced dash ol soy 11uce 2 ublnpoon1 K.llware JProuu, cnol>Qed 1 lerge Hau~. peeled, Meded i nd cut into email cubes Muc carefully all ingred1entt except 111ocado -do not mix too much. Gently mix 1n avoc1do Adjust flavor aod ldd salt to uste Should be mixed nght before NMng d11h. Germah H d9alred. Roy'a Mal Tai 1 ounoe S.C.rdi rum 'I> ounce or1nge curecao '\I> ounoe 1m1retto '2 ounces pmupple iuioe 1 ounoe 9Weet 'n' tot1r aplesll Lehlane Special derl! rum (may au bttrtute My era) ~mith: alioe of tr..h pine.pple w/ alun, • pinupe>le letf, hme wedge ind • m1rlldl1no cnerry Place 108 cubes in a U ll glHI, add rum, curacao, emeretto. pineapple juice, sweet 'n' aour, and ttlr Spieth• float of dirt rum, squ .. ze ltme and place pin.apple ~m11h on nm, add 1tr1W1 U lhe gathertns or H.awaUan goods seems daU11ting. give )'Ourself over to the Hou8e of11Jd at 1860 Newpon Blvd. In Costa Mesa. Owner Wes Johnson provides luau ~ntals ranging from a single exm-large tlki statue to complete party pacbges that can lnchtde a thatched-roof bamboo bar, tlkl statues. ~ fencing. masb. scrtnp or tlki llghts. torches and fake palm trees. Al for seating. almost anything goes. Having low rabies while sitting on stnlw mats is traditional: a picnic table with benches works Just as well. FJ.shin8 nets. bamboo placemats and d leaves all make excellent table coverings.. The sides or ta~les can be ~ with grass akinl or raffia. Houte of TI.Id also has the details down. H.awallan-themed napkins. coconut cups. tlkl mugs. 1Ca1ted candlea. lanterns. shell Ids and much more can be found there. You·~ got the clodles. You~ got the torches and the dJcls. But for a true H.awallan feel you need nowm and follage. and lots of them. For large quantides, or for tboee looldng 10 ave a Un.le green on·thetr green. stop by Anlldc Flodlca wholesale shop at 2925 c.ollqe Ave .. Suite B In c.o.ta Mesa. where there It a great eelec:don of colorful and fngrant tropical flowers and hUfe. lhfny leaW!L Orchids In all colors. large ltalb ol red sJ.nier. b\rds of par.d.lae. brilbt red anthurlum and many. many tJ leaves ate an must haw.. The eustom of ~ glvlng)'Olll ....-. a let II d popular on the .-lalandt and II an 10 ~here on the mainland. Some Hawl6ln a>mpan6el aell leta 0\'4!r the lnta'net and' lhfp CMmlgt\L But lf )'OU don't want to rt.It It. )'OU can order tweet-~ WI from Anildc Florll1a or~ make them yourlllf hm ~ And to dw ...,,._A bMlall bd*M1 the ear 11 llwll)'I ~ bul do It fW\t. If }V'.l tre ......... put tbe ~.~ 'f04Jt qabt w.11 you are~ putcbe&JWlllf behind )'OUt all ... dt.-IO )'OW' belr1. The sigh~ Two pupu planers from Roy's ah• p0ke 10Pf)tld with av<>C<ldo and tobtko cev1ar left and w ood smoked S1echwan-sryle babv bade park ribs At right, a Roy's m111 1a1 l I I' M Sunday, !ii 20. 2003 CHECK ITOUT than "Pncdcal W hile a smatterlrig of cides may be as synonymous with the sea as Newport Beach, few can boast a nautical collection that rivals BoatinJ series. You.can view renowned sailor John Rousmaniere demonstrating sailing and seamanship skills on "The AnnapoUs Book of Seamamh1p." Or, h..i'-"c..Wll~........... Wion Pncdcal performance of fresh and saltwater boats.. With information about what each type does well or poorly, wh at to plumbed In "In the Wake of M*1neu: the Murdm>UI VO)'ICe of the Whaleshlp Sharon." Based on recently unearthed journals of the ship's the one housed at Balboa Branch Library. With resources for sailors, boat b uilders and armchair mariners, the collection reflects the intere8ts of a community proud of its nautical history. In addition to books, it incJuijes current and historical magazines, videocassettes, audioboolc!. prepare for one of the ultimate tests of boating ability with help from "U.S. C.O..t Guard Uceme Boating .... ....,...."Find analyses of more than 200 vessels in the sixth edition of ~compendium of reviews, company histories and owner look for ln each, and hundreds of reviews, this in-depth guide is an all-in-one sourc.e for buyers and owners. r-'!"-----.-, cooper and third mate. this is a riveting account of the murder at sea of one of the most ruthless captains to sail the high seas. Without go ing ~rboard in cap1wing t11e darkness of the ewnts, Oruett delivers a naullcal thriller that reads like a real life "Moby Diclc." ~" -If you didn't make it to L-.....,.~...,--1 feedback. Looking for entertainment and escape without getting near a boat? Oteck out "Wayward Sailor: ln Search oft.be Real Tristan Jones." In an a bsorbing, thoroughly researched acco'unt of the Hawaii last week to witness the conclusion oflhlnspac 2003, watch "ftanlpac: A Equally indispensable for hands-on uiarlne~ Is "1lle Boated ffandhook." Recently r~ and updated. ttle new edition incorporateg tables, charts, line drawings and a we.Jth of useful Internet addresses. C:iiiiiiiiiiiii~ Century Aaosa the Padftc." With dramatic color footage, • CHECK rT OUT is written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. This week's column 11 by Melissa Adams in collaboration with Phylhs Sdleffler. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www.newportbeachlibrery.org. and information on nautical Web sites and local yacht clubs. DVDs have now been added to the shelves, including such "how to" titles as "Anchoring Your Boat" and "Salling With Con8dence" from the Better this two-hour documentary tracks the history of the 42nd Los Angeles to Honolulu race. For those reluctant to rely on wind power, "Sorenaen'I Gulde to Powerboats" provides dps fo r evaluating design, construction and nautical adventurer who died in 1995, Anthony Dalton detaiJs the life Jones created for himself and the one he actually lived. Among new and updated books, there's no better source of information about popular production sailboats Tum to maritime historian Joan Druett for other secrets of the sea. GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German student and earn up to $1,000toward a number of travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn., which helps individuals who hav&the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, needs volunteers. (714) 37S-1922. ~lALLET =~8® PACIFICA .. "We study the masters in order to rebel against them. That's ... what this pro/«:t Is all about .• M PERFOMIMCE -.JI July 26, 2003 Spm at the Barclay 167 rehearsal hours 4 cutting-edge chOreographers and 15 gravity-de1ylng dancers create a universe all ttleir own! ORDER TODAYI 949.854.4646 • onllM www.baQetpeclftcl.org flCKets Patron $60, Reserved $25 ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660· 1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261·9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs.unwanted goods such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories. antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona def Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the slfme location. (949) 640-47n AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment is a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Vo lunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261·9446 or scomer @cancer.org. The American Cancer Society is also looking for volunteer speakers fo r its Speake rs Bureau program, which offers a free service to communities. schools and corporations by providing trained speakers to address ~ /Jt /ot't a Free IUl!IA, btl.oU M> ~-up FM tlvta - ~25.20031 370 8 E. 17th St. Mesa In the Ralph .. Shopping Center 9A9.6A6.6789 www.simplyshapelyfitness.com cancer issues. The o rganization will train all interested volunteers at a special session on Dec. 7 • from 8:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. at the Spectrum Club. 1535 Deerpark Drive in Fullerton. For reservations, call Florence Dann at (949) 567-0604 by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The Amencan Heart Assn. is looking for volunt eers to perform various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERICAN HOME HEALTH HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs • volunteers to give emotional support to terminally 111 patients and their families in the greater Orange County area Training is provided. (714) 550-0800 o r (800) 540-2545. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency situations. Lynn Howes, (7141481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon arrival. Dogs and cats are also available for adoption.(949) 75~3646or www.snimslnerwo'*.org. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed See INVOLVED, Paee A.7 SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in seconds! 50% OFF: 1st Session $1 5 Value I I I t I Expires 8/01 /03 " I "-.... ---.. -~---... CJJ t°"'1y to stw.li True or False? True! Orange Coast College The Right An~wer! • 15 ••• We each have unique skills. With more than 200 transfer an d career programs available, OCC can help you package your talents for a caree r that's right for you. We'll get you to a university! We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in tra nsferring students to fuur-year universities. We1l prepare you for an exdttng career! Ou r career programs are second- to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech fi rms, hotels, hospitals and medical faci lities around the country. Call now for fall registration f nformatfon: {714) 432-5072 . Classes be~n Monday, Aug. 25. To saw WJ/uablt ~ °"1nf1t Coast C.olJegf hos not mofltd ;ts das Jdtfdlllf this f'oU... You con pldt up o ropy In tlN Admissions O//b. Of OU'US tlN foll sdt«Jult on6nt at: orangecoastcollege.com C Wt'll help you get thei'e. OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE $g on to http://coastline.edu to fi nd the latest Fall 2003 course infonnation. Check out our new searchable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses are open. Coastline's Web site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Look ioto Coastline's: • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day at the Garden Grove Center. . • Distance learni ng opportunities-fully transferable Internet, Telecourse, cablecast. and independent study classes. • STAR Program and Weekend College-two accelerated ways to cam your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and Career Education programs offering certificates in a variety of high-demand occupations. Coastline. bas convenient locations in Costa Mesa. Pountain Valley, Oudco Orove, Huntiqton Beach, and Westminater. Daily Pilot INVOLVED Continued from A6 to help the organiz.atlon with Its goal of helping children In the community. (9491645-6929. ASSN. RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group sponsors and supports outreach oommunity service programs, auch as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are n~ed. (714) 540-5803. ' I BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers 18 and older to provUfe comp11nionship for adults with developmental disabilities. As a ·citizen Buddy;' volunteers will visit with a buddy twice a month and call or e·mail them once a week. The organization also has an e-Buddies program that forms friendships entirely over the Internet Volunteers for that program must be at least 12 years old. (714) 546-1826 or www.bestbuddies.org. 8'G BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local chapter is looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived in Orange County for at least six months and have been on the job for at ldast three months to serve as big brothers or big sisters for children ages 6 to 16 from single-parent homes (714)544-7n3 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Orange County Council include fund-raising, program development and training to existing troops and padts (714) 546-4990. The three are ubs need u aches and arts and crafts wortshop teachers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2245 BRAILLE INSTTT1JTE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization Is looking for volunteers with 11 95198, Microsoft Word and a willingness to learn the adaptive equipment used by Its students to participate in various activities at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar. Volunteers will tutor legally blind adult students using computers end other adaptive technology. Mary Johnson, (714) 821-5000, ext. 2113 CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer counselors and m edical s1aff for Summer Camp . and Teen Adventure Camp. The organization is dedicated to providing educational camping programs free of charge to children living with HIV and AIDS Call (323) 653-5005. COMPANION HOSP1CE The Hospice is now recruiting volunteers to become a friend for someone who needs that extra special caring al the end-of-life. Become a member of a team whose goal is to promote quality of life and comfort measures. Each applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and training. For more information. call (714) 560-8177 ore mail volunteers'-!P CompanionHosp1ce.com. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NETWORK The network needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats in local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them back to the property where they were found. The goal of the program is to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 759·3646 COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa ~ RO LEX r!!i .... ~I Sub~rlnMo:,: w,,i, J.P«IOl M•&lop,. bezel w1tlt R1plod c/oJp ortd 1u,.,,J10t1 /1n~ 0,.llef brocel.!I Preuvr~ool IO I. 000 feet Avo1loble m 1101nktu 11eel JIO•nl11u slelll ortd J 8~1 yellow gold 0< I 8~1 yellow gold BLACKMAN LTD.;. ffi·~ JEWELERS 3408· 1 VIO Opono, Newport Beoch 949-673·9334 I .. Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the archives, library, muaeum, docent and public outreach COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to teach English as a second language. People who want to learn English as a second langu11ge are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545·3445. LITERACY PROGRAM The program is always in need of volunteer tutors. No professional teaching experience is required. To attain certification, a series of training classes must be completed. For more information, contact literary Services at the Newport Beach library, (949) 717-3874. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the nauonal Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new self-help group in Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or w ith minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month (949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are invited to help staff the Westside subs1ation. Volunteers are asked to work two four-hour daytime shifts per week. They would be responsible for answering phones. bicycle registration, fingerprinting. data entry and assisting with other citywide projects. Seniors who can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Call for an application Fred Gaedtler, (71 4) 754-5208 COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose senior services facility at the corner of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks volunteers who can greet members and the public at the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Department with Excel telephof'e skills. The Senior Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes. (949) 646-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center is looking for new board members The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate in monthly meetings. occasional committee meetings and special projects. Candidates should have conhections In Costa Mesa · and surrounding communities and an Interest in serving the community by helping seniors (949) 645-2356, ext. 16. COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers work one on one with a child for three hours a week. (714) 6~~·9034. 1 CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization is seeking volunteers for its expanding trauma response program. Some volunteers assist law enforcement. firefighters and other emergency-t'ype responders by providing emotional first aid and support to injured or traumatized people Other volunteers provide dispatch and office support. No experience is necessary. Training will be provided (9491588·1414 DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help 1n a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators 1949) 250-0488 ULTRA LITE The Professional Weight and Health Management System is here from Australia . Call toda y and find out what over 350 ,000 successful clients kn9W . It Works!! ------------------. : SPECIAL I I I I INTRODUCTORY OFFER I 5SQ000FF ~ I I I I I I With this od only through 7/31 /03 I _.:: I I ·------------------ Why this Syswn Works so weU ; . • Doccor-developed. drug .. free. and upervtsed •Most mm and womm lose up co ZZ lbs. over five weeks •Improve energy, muscle and slcin cone, and memory ~ NutritionaUy $Upp0rt~ to max1m1ie healthy fac burning A"'1il.ablt in Newport Beach exclus11 .. iel1 through CHIROPRACTIC WORKS 1617 Wntcldf Orivc, Suite •110 949.650. 1466 Call for: dmls and G FREE initial conswt.CltlOf\ Sunday, Joly 20. 2003 A7 SPF CIAl SAi f Long Plank Wood Flooring \!\,\\l\'1111\ STAI~MASTER XTRA LIFE s 1999 By Mohawk Jnstltlled with deluxe pad sq. yd. . Tra"trl.lnt 18" a 18''. ................................. '4.29 ... ft Ctnunic Tilt ............................... i..~; ,,.., '4.99 ... " Lamlnalt Wood .......................... ,,.. ... u..; ,,... 14.99 ... n Supplil'r and fool• for lhl' •f.>o It t'ourstlff'r!!" All pricl'Jfprooucls for a limi/t'd liml', bn"'1 on a1>ailuhilit11. MESA 1374 Logan A\le., Suite F • COSTA MESA ._.. (888) MESA-777 - Michael W. Smith/ Amy Grant For ticket mformatlon lu~ onl.O www ocfalr cum Mariachi Festival * Noon-10 p St rvin9 'Brtakfa s t , L uncfi 6c 'Dinner !Locals Favorite! Since 1995 SUMMer SUPP SCHOOL Private or group lessons available B .. inners to a~ed • Boanls and wetsuits pnwillell learn to surf wittl the TOES PROS. Our instructon include to array of intlmltionalty recognized professional surftn Who compltt in th• longboard cin:urt and h1v1 an inhtrtnt ability to m1k1 you fttl at 1111 In tht water. W.1 gtt you surfing in no tifMI .... Al Soodly, "1 20, 2003 ' .. I Olly Piiot • BARGAIN OF THE DAY FOOD OF THE DAY · IMXtym . Fou...minute c:.rtcetu,.. by Enten -The Att!at .,.. avellebte throughout the fair for enywMre from $6 for• aide view to $10 for • front view. If you went color, add another $10. : *•.Delidoully dliz:zled blbr, deep fri~ covered In powdenld sugar, cinnamon, whip crum, ttra~m... c:hocolet• chlpe or applet-or ell of the above-complete the traditional fair experience. Tucen Enterprises offers these tatty treats for $4 to $7. . ..depending on the topping. MARKC. DUSTIN/DAILY PILOT Contestants for the Class 1 FFA Single Market Lambs contest parade around the Livestock Arena with their Lambs at the Orange County Fairgrounds Tue sday. No kidding around Goat judging at the Orange County Fair provides lessons for participants, some of which are hard earned Tom Forquer Daily Pilot T he midday heat of the Orange County Fair was saturated by kids crying "maa" as they behaved like animals. Ustenin.g to the cries were not frustrated mothers but children making final preparations for the Junior Market and Showmanship goat judging. Last week's event marked the culmination of a process that began three months earlier when youth involved in Future Farmers of America and 4-H purchased their goats and began their projects. Getting a goat to show it's loins to a judge can be tricky. Decked out In the white pants and uniforms of their respective organizations, the owners held their goats by the collar in the livestock ring, repeatedly lifting and placing their feet so that they stood squarely, CHILDREN Continued from Al AJ cool u It was, the 9-year- old admitted he wasn't sure whet It wu for. "I think It's an (ldentlficadonJ for, lib, If you get lost or some- thing," Austin said. .. placing back legs in a slightly extended position to give their hlndquarters flex. Out of 18 enlties in two weight classes, Roxana Khan of Mission Viejo was deemed market Grand Oiampion with her goat, Douglass. •1t hasn't really kicked ln yet but I'm really excited," she said after the event concluded. , During the showmanship event, the owners were required to lead their goats around the arena, keeplng the goat between them and the judge, maintaining continuous eye-contact with one hand tucked behind their back. at times executing a technical hand swapping rotating maneuver similar to a pirouette. Mission Viejo resident Austen Palmer shared the secret to success. "Keep your eye on the judge and make smooth movements," said the owner of goat Captain Cornelius and champion of the showmanship event. At the end of each event. the judge announced the placing of the entries. explaining over the PA system the rationale for his decisions, citing both qualities and faults. Orange resident Jennafer Russel. who's goat Houdini won the heavy-weight class, explains the aunosphere of the judging. "It's a little nervous because there is a lot of people watching." she said. All but one entry were from either PFA or 4-H, both organizations that aim to enrich people through agricultural education and projects. Winslow Mosley, tending to his goat Pinky, a spunky Boer-Nubian cross who at one polnt In the day escaped and led his owner on a wild goat chase, listed off the daily chores Lnvolved ln ralslng a goat. "Feeding, watering, sanitizing the pen, exercising, making sure the goat ls healthy," Mosley said. Anne Wokenhauer. a recent graduate of Fullerton High School who was returning for the third year 'Parents can put these [sheets) away in a safe place and hope they never need them.' ..... ,,,Kom. who l1">ld man the boodl that offers free idrification sheets Getting lost would be the bat cue scenario, officials Mid. Unfortunately, lnfonna· don on the card can also be UMd to Identity ntnialns. A dJgftaJ camera ta.kea the chlld's picture and a scanMr copies the printa from the left and ripat thumb. Parenti nu out their cbOd'• lnformadon, in- cludina n.me, nJc:tname, ad· dma. c1oCIOn, dentilta, wwllbt. beilht. hair. elC. aDd attach I .... ot DNA• cbe .-.C. Mason Peter Jantz said the Grand Lodge has sponsored free Identification programs since 1994. The service has ad· vanced over the years, from meuy lnk fingerprints to htgb- tecb dlgltal equipment but the idea remains the same. About 400 children per day are finger· prlnted, Jantz said, and he hopes to have given a lheet to about 2,000 people by the dme the fa.Ir it over. Bernadine de Sevilla wuted no tlme getting her son's ldend· ftcatlon caret. Three-month·old Andrew de Sevilla Ht In his mother'• lap, while she gently placed bJJ tiny thumb on the acanner. She pntly dc.lded hla tummy while h11 picture WU being taken and 'AndnW dJa,. played I wfde grin Of p.una. County Sberttra Department booth Mid they could not com· ment to the preu but offered a wodcabeet for parenca to lU1 out. 1be handout gtvea explicit iDIUucdona for bow to gather a chlld't DNA. by rubbing a cot· ton IWlb on the inlide of ·a chlld't cheek. and ftnprprintl. OfBdU .. the Oranp Bodi boot.bl are In the Orange County Building at the lair -Juat eut of cbe Heritap Stage -and wtU be tbert for ha dwadOn. in the goat category, found tending to goats similar to caring for canines. "It's a lot llke It, you have to exerclse and wa1lc it just like you would a dog," she says. adding "though they don't seem as intelligent." The conclusion of the process happened Saturday during the livestock auction when the youth got to see how much money their goat would fetch. Though some goats wt1J be purchased for future fairs or pets, most will be slaughtered. The participants had mixed feelings about the fate of their goats. ·1 don't want It to go but I knew this was going to happen when I first started,· Khan saJd. Russel admits that "It's pretty heartbreaking." She noted however, that this emotional sacrifice ls worth it. "I think everyone should know what agriculture ls all about." she said. after a brief pause adding that ·it's the way ofllfe." EVENT OF THE DAY The roll of the ball and the clash of pins can be heard in Cotta Mesa again with Free Bowling offered at the fair by the Orange County Bowling Council. rake your beat shot and get a certificate to bowl at participating bowling centers. QUOTE OF THE DAY 'I think everyone should know what agriculture is all; about. It's the : • way of life.' ' Roxana Khan of Mission Viejo, who was deemed market Grand . Champmn with her goat Douglass .FAIR ATTENDANCE Attendance u of 6 p.m. Saturday was 36,083, down by roughly a third from the 63,820 recorded lattyur. Alson Thews, 13, of Lake Forest ==-= TtdtQlldl) ~lttht ? O.C.F•~.· I , I I • J 0 -U U W U:: .:-r 7J ::.. .. p tW » ~'19#"'!W-=~=-... •-------~--------_,....--------.,------ • Sunday. July i.>O. ?OC>3 A9 6P.M. BEST BET • Basketry· Vines from your garden -Home and Hobbies ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE SUNDAY, JULY 12 lOA.M. • Guild of Fiber Artist \until ll p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Building • California Carvers Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Building •Orange County Tole Painters (until 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Building • The Purina Cat Chow Way of Life Experience -A Purina Exhibit and Cat Adoption (until 6 p.m.) -Outside Blue Gate • Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building · • -Discover the Fair•· Bun on Program (until 8 p m ) -Youth Building • Sock Hop -Kids Stage 11 A.M. • Tap-A-Rhythm -Heritage Stage • U.S. Studio of Self Defense - Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • Oxen Team Presentation - Livestock Arena • Circus Fun Review Aud1t1ons (11:30 a.m.) -Kids Stage NOON •Mariachi Festival (until 10 pm ) -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Folklonstas De California - Heritage Stage •The Linle Gym of Tustin -Sun Stage • Introduction to Wood Carving with Pat Pagano -Home and Hobbies Stage •Paula Crego-Vocalist -Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •Maureen W. Puppet (12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.J -Around the grounds 1 P.M. • Dancers in Motion -Heritage Stage • Polynesian Dream -Sun Stage •Tole and Decorative Painting - Home and Hobbies Stage • An and Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Ans Building • Meg Vora -Vocalist. Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kariann Deshler -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Red Delicious Applesauce Eating -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - livestock • O>cen Team Presentation - livestock Arena •Traveling Game Show 11 .30 p.m until 6.30 p.m.) -Around the grounds •Ceramics Demonstration (1:30 p.m ) -Crafters Village •Milking DemonS1ration (1:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 2P.M. • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area •Laura Roberts School of Dance -Heritage Stage • Divine Talents -Sun Stage • Cooking from Trader Joe's - Home and Hobbies Stage •#Love a Beautiful. Green lawn" with Mr. Fertilizer (Don Knipp) - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building •Cabernet Sauv1gnon Seminar ($20) with Bob Bullard -The Courtyard • Storyteller -Youth Building • Wanda·s Dance Studio Celebration Stage -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater 3P.M. • Southland Ballet Academy - Heritage Stage • Babylon Mood Dancers -Sun Stage • Paula Crego -Vocalist -Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Dancers in Motion - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - -ZAGAT S URVEY The St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort & Spa Presema ••. OF ROME'' Co9cL4 DI COl9GUO AAOMATIZZATO A&. llOSMA.IUNO E l.AAOO ClOfil SOtlACaAJ'INA DI ,ATATE l4f a/,..,,,__ •NI~~...,-"*' I""""*_. SPDA DI MAl'IZO CON MOllAIUiUA A.I. f'C1'0 U!GG£llO 1"lb MOJ:Ulr#la ~ht ~ car/'flCdO RISOTTO MAHnCATO OOl'l l"ITTO DI QtlAGUA Rflotto 11/tfb brNll of ,,_p wllb /tflll ,., MIO ® TiIE ST. REGIS Mona~h lkac.h R.-aM«i & pa Home to a certain world cau Mt~aM-n• ASPEN HOUSTON tOS ANGELES MONARCH BEACH. CA NDW YORK WASHINGTON O.C. BEIJINCi LONDON ROM.I SKANGJiAI Livestock •Ox.en Team Presentation - livestock Arena •Tole and Decorative Painting (3·30 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Stage , •Milking Demonstration (3·30 pm l -Millennium Barn 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area • Wanda·s Dance Studio - Heritage Stage • lnnisfree Irish Band -Sun Stage • Saya Andina -Andes Music - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Cabernet Sauvrgnon Seminar ($20) with Bob Bullard -The Courtyard • Storyteller -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Red in the Face Donut Eating Contest -Kids Stage Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith will perform at 7:30 p.m. today at the Pac1f1c Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair'~ Summer Concert Series. The Mariachi Festival will be held from noon ~ 10 p.m as pa of the free conce s at the Citizens Busmess Bank Arena C.OUIH[ S' r r 'HE uFIA"l'it C':. ./• « r:. ~ • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater •Pon City Washboard Wizards (4·30 p.m until 6:30 p m ) - Around the grounds •Salsa Contest (4.30 p.m.) - Home and Hobbies Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 pm l -Cr afters Village SP.M. • Just Four Tonight -Heritage Stage • lnnisfree lnsh Band -Sun Stage • Saya Angina -Andes Music - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Poetry Reading -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Aud1t1ons - Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Master Showmanship Judging -Livestock Arena • Circus Fun Review Show (5 30 p.m.l -Kids Stage • M ilking Demonstration 15:30 p.m ) -Millennium Barn • Storyteller -Youth Bu1ld1ng •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebr•tion Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Red, Ripe & Karaok.in' Contel1 (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Hang1n' Loose Contest (6·30 p.m.) -Kids Stage 7P.M. • Summer Concert Sanes· Amy GrantJM1c:hael W Smith (7 30 p m Gates open 6 p tn 1 - Pacific Amphitheatre •Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage •Glassblowing Demonstration -Crafters Village •Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock • Market Awards Ceremonv - livestock Arena •Pon City Washboard Wizards (7·30 p.m l -Hentage Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston 17 30 pm I -K1d!io-Stage • Ceramics Dem.onstrat1on (7 30 p m l -Craft~rs Village • M1lk1ng Demonstration 7 30 p m ) -M1llenn1um Barn 8P.M. •Open Wide Band -AP All-Dentists Band -Sun Stage •Hot Tomato Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percu~s1on -Ltnle Theater • Moonlight Express 18 30 p m I -Heritage Stage 9P.M. •Russell Bros Ctrcus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yu zu rl-' -Sun Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs livestock •Port City Washboard V'v1zards 19·30 p m 1 -Heritage Stage •Ceramics Demonstration 19 30 p.m ) -Crafters Village lOP.M. • Open Wide Band -An All-Dentists Band -Sun Stage •Moonlight Express ' 10·30 pm -Heritage Stage THE FAIR IS CLOSED ON MONDAY Sids41a.nd.com presents .... Land Auction Sale!! Sundav • .July 27th 2003 At'1:.'mbassy Suites Holel 11767 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove Registration Is at 10:30 AM Auction Begin• at 11 :30 AM FREE Land Giveaway every hour, on the hour You MUST be present to win Go to http://www.bkts41and.com for detail• I °"'Cf "°""'°°" W• ,...w 00 >JI • -" 1 COl-COIY~ lO CAJU - ' ll/l"TOO-J .. Clll .. 10(~"'*00 °''' .. _ • CITVCf~l#lf> ... >U>OO 4/1 ....... t CITY Cf MCllllQtll ~ ,..Wo.SJ CO All 1UGt " t lNll Cff CIOll> NU two llfJtlWOC> 00 CAI t ilo 'IMfCll((JIJllY~----00 Clll•• I CITVOJ~"""""""°OO .,, ... .,- t CJINll1 Wl>IC*U 00 ..... --.. -~I-U'•l"B..XXX: 00 ~ .. - II OINC61.'MlA1111'1!f.09111Cl[WOO CAJ7•11 ti Cll'ICll l"lli.lol~lfW[Wl( 00 Wl•fl ''°""-~"""00 t-'11,.., HU!Cllat_,.-.Ol--00 (ljljU -• IMl--..... --00 C"I• .. Uoll ClfllQOllO -..... .,,..,,..., 00 Oil .. '' Uoll Cll(QCIW .w....., __, oo, Oil• .. u._.,.,.,..... 00. CAil.•• .. 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II lllDDC .... ---~00 Oii '-"-•an·----CID..-.. _ emn(Jl _ _...,..oo...1o11•-• _____ ,,,.,.,,00.. .. ·- • 111&1'11 .......... 00.. .. ·--~ .. .-0000.0tt ..... ... (Jl-....-OD.. ..... _ fl •II SSW•GeMDllCCID..ClllU-.... -.. ._00. ... ·-.... -...... eo..-. •-•«m•.._ ......... li,Q.,.._ ...... .,. ..... ,,,. ,, ..... -.. --........ .... --..... ---....... -.. --........ . .-.----..--.·Ul-..... --.......... 1'alW ...... "' ........ .. ....._ ............. . ...., .. -........ _ ·-... _ .... \._ ..... ~ .... -.... -. _.,_ __,.,_ _.,_ -Ill• _.,.._ _., __ _.,,, . -Ill-_.,_ _.,_ -ID--ID-_.,_ _.,_ -·-_..,_ _.., .. __, ... _..,_ _..,_ _..,_ -·--·----...,...,. ---·--·--·------·-------_..,...,.. -·-----·----·---......... ------ .. tw\Dl ... ..._WS&-&••••OU:ll tm••• 1-...s.m .-.---------... -1191!1'---~---.......... --_....,...... _ _..,~---------------------- _..( AlO ~. JtAy 20, 2003 HOW 10 GET PU8us..m -U1ten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Ra1-.. Hotlne: Call (949)'642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E"fNlll:s.nct to dailypllot@/.ttimes.com,.All correspotidenoe must lnc;lude full name, hometown end phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to odh all submluions for darity end length. EDITORIALS Maddox, .Zippi on wrong side of Nichols' fence 0 ne can teU a lot about people by the company they keep. Assemblyman Ken Maddox and state Assembly candidate Marianne Zippi should keep this in mind if ever questioned about accepting and retaining Newport Beach Councilman OickNichols' endorsement. Both Maddox, who will seek a state Senate seat in the March primary, and Zippi, who seeks to replace him in the assembly, accepted Nichols' stamp of approval before the councilman suggested that grassy improvements at the Corona del Mar State Beach would attract Mexicans, who he said would end up staying there all day. But they've now had a chance to erase Nichols' name from the list and have decided against it. It's respectful that Maddox and Zippi are sticking with one of their supporters, but they shouldn't be surprised if that decision comes up time and time again during their respective elections. Voters do tend to remember the most recent occurrences at election time, but looking at Nichols' track record, it wouldn't be surprising if he made another faux pas closer to the March election. At the same time, knowing Nichols' track record, it would be unders tandable if Maddox and Zippi dropped him from their list of endorsements. He has made several questionable statements that some voters - especially in Newport Beach - will remember. In the future of their campaigns, however, it would behoove Maddox and Zippi to have their people perform background checks of those from whom they ask endorsements. That way, they won't find themselves in such an unenviable predicament. They could have avoided this one. A cautionary tale T here are severaJ cautionary taJes to be found in the tragedy that now surrounds former Newport Beach recreation worker Trenton Veches, who was found guilty earlier tltis month of 23 counts of felony lewd act with a child and two misdemeanor counts of sexuaJ assault. He faces life in prison and is not eligible for parole for 15 years. The first is that it is difficult to be too careful with one's children. No one could guess what Veches, who by most accounts was well liked by the children he worked with, would do. He was known to be a hard-worker whose playfulness around children -including piggy-back rides and the infamous sucking of toes -did not arouse suspicion among hjs fellow workers. He seemed like someone parents and the city could trust. But it turns out that trust was unwarranted, that it was given out too freely .. For there apparently was another side to Veches, and that is where the second cautionary tale begins. With Veches. With a man who seems to have liked children and wanted to help them, but who made decisions and did things that will cost him years of his life. · During his trial, Veches' attorney argued that Veches' ' acts were not sexuaJly motivated, just "weird and quirky." But it-is a fact -one that likely says something profound about our society - that the lines of propriety and professionaUsm are drawn more precisely than in years past. As parents have to be careful with their children, so too do adults have to be careful of their actions. Were Veches' actions sexuaUy motivated? A jury decided yes. But even apart from that verdict, his actions crossed lines that cannot be crossed today. Recreation workers can't hand out candy. They can't wrestle with their charges. And they so clearly, so obviously, can't suck on boys' toes for fun or for some other, more disturbing reason. Trenton Veches is living with the consequer1ces of that truth. The parents of the children who came into contact with him, especially those photographed and inappropriately touched, are living with the consequences of not being just a little more cautious with their children, of finding that .impossible balance between letting children grow up and experience the world and keeping them wrapped in a protective embrace. We aU can hope that the children involved will not live with this sad tale any longer than they must. THE LAST WORD True to the team When tennis star Undsay With the Breakers' brtefWorld Davenport inked an Tham Tennis season wrapping agreement with the up in about a week and· Newport Beach Breakers to play Davenport considering having two home-matches, she surgery on her foot early this Intended to keep that promise. week. there's no way she'd be Proof of that came July 12, able to play again even if she . when she had to make an early · wanted .to. However, it'd be mt trom bet second home great lf she could show up at match after ahe re-Injured a more than the two games she's Deatnl foot tnjury. obligated to, If only to support So techniCalty, ahe didn1t her team. n.nw. her eec:ood-home game. · Jt't not quite taking one for But theN't another way to fulfUJ the team, but her teammates die ..,don, mt last to her wouJd most Ubly tow to see .,..... Ind to the Newport their marquee player cheering ..,.tbemorf. ) BOLTON COMMUNITY COMMENTARY • . Setting the record on center By Barbara Venezia I was appalled to see a copy of the letter that ~U Niewiarowslci wrote to Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg on your editorial page. It's bad enough that Niewiarowski didn't check his facts about the proposed commwtlty center, but don't you guys check the facts either? Here's my reply to Niewiarowsb. I hope you print this so the misinfonnation can be corrected and your readers can Wlderstand the project and process. The Santa Ana Heights PAC has an informational Web site that dearly delivers current information to the community on all our pending ,...projects at http:ltwww.sahpac.com/ sys-tmpVdoorl. If you are going to be against the proposed community center, at least get your facts straight 1. The PAC did not pull this idea out of the air. 1Wo years ago when we asked the community to write in on the web site and at PAC meetings to suggest projects they would like to see undertaken, a community center was one of their suggestions, and by the way, was high on the list That is why it was acted upon. (The survey was on the Web site for a year) 2. The first site selected for the community center, the Koll property, was les.s money but it did not wodc because of zoning issues, parking, and the neighbors surrounding it were_ not in favor of it The CEO real estate division of the coWlty explored the J><l6&bility and even entered into some negotiations with the seller, but they decided the location was not the rigbt fit 3. Since the community center was still on the list. a S41>committee of PAC Parenla need help to keep children safe targeted several other properties; the YMCA made the most sense because of parking. wnlng and neighborhood acceptability. 4. The YMCA is nol mismanaged They are operating in the black. The facility is old They are selling the facility because they were gifted property by the Segerstrom family and are building another facility more up to dale in Santa Ana and this one is older and needs major remodeling. Go over there any time and the place is packed even in its run down condition. Where do you think these folks come from who go there? They are from Newport, Santa Ana Heights. C:Orona del Mar and Costa Mesa. 5. Jn order to make a better presentation, Rick Dayton. who is a PAC member and subcommittee member. was kind enough to work with us and draw up mod plans to show the potential of what the space could be and did this at on his own time and at his own expense. The committee made a wish list of what could be included. AI no time has anyone said these were the definite plans for the center. Should the center go forward. there is a whole process within the county and the city that would have to be followed and a bidding process as well. There certainJy was no conspiracy between Dayton and PAC Olaim:uu1 Roger Summers. 6. No where at any time has the city of ~ Newport Beach asked for !his facility as a way into the city annexation. Just the opposite. It has taken more than a year to get them to really look at and get on board with this. We started talking to them about the concept when we first looked at the Koll property. Only recently have they seen the merit and been supportive. MAILBAG 7. The interpretative center does not work for the PAC meetin~ We looked • ' into th.is when it was first completed. It is also not used much. That is why with the· community center aooss the street we could ~ promote programs to get • • more folks into that facility. I fad Niewiarowsld been coming to PAC meetin~ and staying for the issues • discussed. he would have heard 1 everything I hav.e stated above. He comes,.. to the public comments section and leaves. so he has missed a lot of •• information. as wdJ as seeing how the . neighbors at the PAC meeting react and '. • are in favor of building the community center. It is not a health dub. as he lceepi.. referring to it He lla:5 obviously missed the wide scope of !he project. which is to ' have after-school programs for kids as ., well as senior programs. plus work out ~ facilities that the YMCA cwrently offers. . in addition to programs offered by ' Newport Beach Pcuks and Recreation. . ', I am also very put off at his reference of how dare we spend PAC money so that all of Newport Beach can benefit from it Hasn't he been petitioning and , , trying to get his neighborhood. the west side of Santa Ana Heights, annexed by • • Newport Beach for more than two years now'? So he wants to be in the dty and ::.. benefit from the increase in property value and services. but is not in favor to adding anything to it that would benefit anyone other than Santa Ana Heights residents? Wouldn\ he then consider himself a Newport Beach resident? How about just being a good neighbor? Maybe he wouldn't use the facility, but I'm sure lots of families in the area would. • BARBARA VENf2IA Is a resident of Santa Ana Heights and the secretary for the Santa Ana Heights Political Action Committee. ollly Piiot BIO Occupstion: Owner of AuS1ralian $attered Potatoes at the O.C. Fqir Educadon: Two-year diploma in child care in Australia "••h:l.-M:e: Carlsbad 700k of the time; Sydney30% FO R U M Sunday July 20 2003 All Femity: Niece and nephew helping out 1ft the fair Nobbieil: Real estate; preparing for the next fair and event GREAT TASTE , REALLY FILLING '/had one the other day. There was a TV camera and they asked me to try one and I hadn 't tried one for ages. It was r.eally good. I can only eat like one. They 're too filling. That's what's good about them. Two or three people can share the plate. Really, you don't want to have the whole plate. The seniors want th el whole one. You didn 't think so with the seniors.' Taking in the sun while selling spuds CarmeJ Dyer stops by her 17th Orange County Fair with her Aus tra li an b atte red pota toes. C annel Dyer t'>n't a big fan of \\inter and ~he doesn't have to be as she's enj~ying her 541.h COO.'>l.'CUll\'C -.um.mer. The naove Australian. who owm and operates I.he Au-.traJ1an Banercd Potat()('S booth at lh(' Orange County Fair. saY'l-c;hc.• constantly ha-. to "wear my sunscreen and a hat." Dyer has homes m Sydney and Carlsbad. but spend-. 7CY''r, of her time in I.he San Drcgo County cicy. TI1is summer mark5 her I /th Orange County Fair. where she puts in extremely long hour-. over the 3 '1'z week5. But she enjoyc, her job. On Thursday. City Editor James , . Meier enjoyed l>Ome sun over at the fair to ask Dyer more about her business and d1e tasty spuds. So what exactly are Australlatl battered potatoes? ln Australia. we call them potato scallops. Over here. we changed the name 10 Australian battered pota1oes because potato scallop;, are like your au graun potatoe5. The banered polatoe<; are tolally made up. But the ranch and the cheese are totally Americani.7,ed. ln \ustralia, we use ketchup and malt \'lilegaI and you get them at F~h and Oup shop'> What convinced you to change the name? People didn't under..tand what they were. After giving samples for five years. we finally changed the name and never looked back. And ~ry time we have a bad story about too much cholesterol, we get busier. On senior citizen day, they jw.t love them. They've been waiting all year for them. How long have you been doing this? nus 15 my I ilh year. but we ~tarted with meal pies. We rud meat pies for fh'e years !at the Orange County Fair!. Now, do you have this booth at many other fairsf We do the Del Mar Fair !that just completed before the Orange County Fairl. You must be dred after thaL It's OK. You JUSt get through that one and then you start on the next one and you get the help. We go onto Minnesota after this one and we also do one in Sydney. Australia (in summer down underl. but there. we FROM THE NEWSROOM do hot dog on a -.11< J... t hl'l'"l' rn1 1 ... 111 ~ and lemonade "o \\\.'do Au-.1r.1li.m ... 1111' here and Ament ,u1 ... 11111 tlw1 t· \ \1• 1 •· totctlly AmenLJlll/t'tl o\t•r th1 ro• \\e 11~ · all ol L'tJUlpmem. our ham·r l'\'el)1hmg. . \\t• '-t'll .i lot 111• ll' llll'''"'' on a .. uck thilll hot dug-.. \ \t· ll,1\, flw lemonade cart.'> a.nd lhn•(• lnml -..t,11111-.. ,,, our fair m ydne\. \\ruch 1-. tJw lngi.:1 .... 1 event we haH· 111 the Lountn Depending un till' wt·ddll.'r ,.,,.~·II more lemondde \\lwn n\ \\Jmit·r .ind more food 1f1t0'> t'ooler We also do a lot of otl-~.t'<m ('\('flt" m Australia I don'1 tlo cl.'> much Llll·n· "" I ~ to. ~lv~•~ll'r dl1d men'' ..trnl nephews do <1 101 of 11 How often do you end up eating them? I had one the other da\ Ttwn· 11~1' ,1 TV camera and tlic\ .L,l..t'd rt•c 10 in 11111 and I hadn t tned one for ..:gt"' It '' .1, really good. I can 0111\ t'Jt ltkl' 11111· They're too filling. lhJt" what' ).!m>d about them. /wo or rhn:t· Ill. 1 iplt•, .111 share the plate. Rt'dlh \OU Jqn t 11 .!Ill '" have the \\/hole plJte · The seniors want the \\holt• 0111· \m. didn't thtnk so with the '*'nior' What led you from an educatJon in chlld care to battered potatoe<1? Unemployment. Couldn't get .1 1ub 111 child care and went to our fair 111 ..,, dnt; and got a job there. So dJd you co~ up with this setup youndtr )1'.dl 1111, ''Ill\ 111 rot -.1.111'! I,, m,1d1 I li1\ Ill 1 l1,1Jl)!l'' ,11\J 'hi\ I' h,,._11.,ll\ 1' P• ·rl1•1 t '' Id \\,:I II t• J ).!t'I ll I '. t''\111111).! h •1-.1n111 h111h \\l· I ,1\1' l''.t'f\ ,'l ... !!lll.tlllr p1t't • 111 ~qu1pmo:1111li.t1 ,,, ,lfl hJ\l' t Ill.th l!1111g' l'<1"11'f I 11 IJ\11 tll'IJI ,,'I 1 ll1•Jrt' t lli1 I ·111 \nd 11 \\( 01111! r1.1.• II 111 g!'I 11 I 111 Jh,,1)' lool..mg lur '1Jll1t·tlllll).! llt'\\ th.it \\llJ 11• 11..1 ',1 llltll' '111111 I llll l\'11\ ''°'' ilid you get '>lartl.J 111 tht' bu,ine-...-.? ( 11111111 hh I gul ... 1.u1t·tl "hl'll I \ll(~l·d 111 \u-.1rah.1 fur .u1 ·\mt'n• .111 lwn ''ho h.1, the .,:iJlll ,lltft' J11d 1 ht•\ irt\1'1•,l m1 '" 11mlt' ''or~ lll'rt' I had ''url1·d 111tht'1.111 111d11,1n tor \-:ln<1u-. p1., 1pl1 t•H 10 \1»1r-. .mtl tllt•n I dt'rtdt·d Id go 111111111 n1\ """ I l..111'\\ 11 "il' n111t· In n111\1 101 "'°"· thh m;n ..ound IU..e a uit.k que-.tion, hut "·hat\ vour favorite food? In \. I 1111 Hu11•1 r' \n~ final thou¢\t'i? 11' 1111pun.m1 to mt· lht' lud-. th.ir I \\!If~ \\llh -I 111 .i t,url\ tnuWi bu-.-. - ll',Lnl -.orm·thmg thJI thl'\ lilll laIT\ nn \\ht 11 tht'\ go .md \\!Iii.; for .,omNmC' l'l'ot' Jn nw 11 Int'\ rnmt• out hert' .t.nd the\ n· not U)t' 1\J\ I want tht>m 10 be. 11 dot•,111 m • .mer. bui ill> long as tht") learn .,oml'lhmg and make them...el\'es more emplowhl1 ''hen they go on. that'<. \\ii.tt\ 1mponan1 10 me Fond farewell to talented photographer I twas a sad week here in for Hiller. who has been at Daily Pilot land. more crime scenes. fLre s or Saturday marked the last accidents that anyone In recent day of employment for Sean Pilot memory. Imler. one of our ace The crowning achievement pbOtograpben who has taken a of course came last Man:h job with the when he snapped a shot of a ------. Daily Breeze man dangllJlg from a freeway in Torrance. overpus. That shot has won TONY DODE RO Hiller bu Hiller numerous accolades and been a great ftt at the awanU. PUoL To send Hiller off, Wt! bad 1 \ our traditional golns-away tb:Of . lunch a-t BJ Ranchlto on Friday. lnal~ peraon To top it off, 1 asked hlm if I coukl interview him for thls column to give ruden a little lnaicbt into the life or this talented photographer. Here'• what he had to ay: a.. .... lilaw JOU bee\ at IMDlly .... "WeU du. la my ftfth tour at cbe O.C. Pair, l haw four Toshiba fOll townamema under my belt Md I bne been co l1molt ewry l8ICallrlnl and thurch In Nlwpon-Mea So 1 lhlnk that .... up co four~ and mr.e ...... Sean Hiler ~,......~,..al ~--plpllf "1be community. l!wry day, reptdlesa of the IP rlpune:nll, I It( to meet new peOple. ~for the PIPlf ii .. havtnaa UcmM ID ID wtMre a Whenewr '°" Mnt. ll\ .... great opponuNIJ llO be. wttneM lO W. llld to eajOJ the peope of our~· "Well I still live in the area. so It's not like I'm leaving the area. But I will be working In the South Bay, which has the same type of geogiaphy. I'll till be workfn8 in a beach town, which bas to be the best part of wocking ln the Newport-Mesa aiu.. ft'a a good day when the biggest news story of the day is the surf.. w.... u. been )'OW' belt PI lpmm~ M the Diiiy P8o<f "The best ~ta were the °°" J round on my own. looktoc for pktinl " the best put of my job. It's lib an Easter ea hunt~ Either I'm ~for atand-alone pjctures or cbuinc brealdQg news ICOdel. So I g\1811 lhe belt ~Would haft to be lhe 01P l.aill m-.pt of a 111111 ..,... • , ...... Udde 00 .... ilii" DllF Awl••~ Al. ....... II die •llt:unm\t dW ............ ~.,.. appanumay '° .... Cbe belt pkftll'e of lllJ Cll9lr IO fu. • . ---">•t ,, r momentt "I think it would havt> 10 be when Hillary Ointon broughl her campaign fund·rai ing efforts to Udo Isle and the Secret Service told m e tha1 I wouldn't get a picture of her, and for me to just forget about It Their atdrude just motivated me more. I knocked on almost C'-"try door In the neighborhood until one lady let me ln, and onto htt roof top. There I laked out the scene and waited more than two .boun for Mn. Clinton to e&it th~ fund·niler tea.. Then abe ~ IUIT'OUnded by ..-n lb my IUl'priac She loobd up at me and wawd to the camen, giving me what aD t~ sha<ty characters 1.n black Mid I couldn't bave, btr plc:tUrt. • wa.. .. ,... ..... .... ...,.._ ......... ... ... •Memories. I l1'\lde a lot or ~ bett.. Im esp«iaDy aolna IO mMI the pbotoca IPbm- Throueb~ --~ c ~ CMlf the yems. O\l.r .... IUll liiPt getUng TEU rr TO THE EDfTOR Tony Dodero is the editor. He welcomes your comments on news cover8ge, photography or othef' newspapeMelated issues. If you haw a meMege or a letter to the editor, clll his direct line .. , .. PMm or the RI I it.. ...... 8t w--. ~ ttby ..mail to ~dodefo~or delyplote....,,..oom. or eend" by mttl to 330 w. 8fV '5't., Colt.a Meae, CA. 92621 1 •?- bella bella SALON I I _., __ I O'fFERI N G Great lengttl hal extetWc>ns I M emo IJfe Stralgll&IWlg Sys!em I SALON HOURS ~0-,J())n\{)~Jll, ·cio.t~ I 2721 E COOS1 Highway Suite 204 Coroao del MOI CA 02025 949 723 4048 CUSTOM SA LES & INSTALLATION • •Plasma• HDTV •Home Theater & Surround Sound • Satetlite TV & Custom Audio • Panasonic Phone Systems • Home Security CUSTOM SALES, INSTALLATION, SERVICE, AND AFTER CARE TECHNICAL SUPPORT Let us Design a custom Home Theater for your office. home, boat or retail business. Our experienced and Professional staff can help you design and install your entire system just the way you want! Call ahead ... Tell us what you have in mind and we will layout a design especially made for you/ (949) 515-4700 2633 W. Coast Highway. Suite D Newport Beach, CA 92663 Did you go to the 1953 Jamboree? Do you know someone who went to the 1953 Jamboree'' Do you have an interest m the 1953 Jamboree·> ONGOING EVENTS • Send ONGOING Items to the Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latlmes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club 99n help you Improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Membe.rs come from a variety of professional disciplines and backgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. Validated parting is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (~9) 721 -5732. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Churcti, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Eacti m onth's meeting wm feature a different speaker on ji;sues relating to the Bill of Rights.-For more information, call (714) 957-6107. "Beach Landscapes." an exhibit featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna r Ruzicka, umbrella beacti scenes by Carole Boller and Back Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept. 30 at Newport Beacti City Hall. For m ore information. call 1949) 717) 3870. "Tennis in Art," an exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis instructor and ooacti Jose M endoza, will be on display in the This year the Orange County Council, Boy Scouts of America ii hosting a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the historic Irvine Ranch National Jamboree. This event was th e largest Natiooal Jamboree and the only one C\Cr held on the West Coa!lt. If you attended or know anyone who did, please let u include you in our commemorative events on Tuesday, July 11, al Fashion Island at 6:30PM. Mail to: Jamboree Alumni Search-50th Anniversary Reunion 3590 Harbor Gateway North Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (7 14) 546-4990 x 142 REGISTER EARLY.I Before Clea ... -.Come Pull or Cenceled Due to Low tirollment F•ll Cl••••• hgln August 21 ~..._.a~ OMce • 714.ns.aJOe -~olden West-01/ege www.gvvc.lnfo . ( Newport Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's wort Is known for its manl la as well as Its concentration on tennis. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 717-3870. VOiunteer ctnwh .... n..ded to - help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly cll~nts incapable of shopping o r cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Swim leUons are available through July 18 at Halecrest Park, 3107 Killybrook lane In Costa Mesa. Another session will begin July21 and run through Aug. 1. Information: (714) 557-7234. Project Cuddle, • nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to glr1s who are considering abandoning their babies. is in need of ongoing volunteers. For more information, vii; it www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. Macy's in Costa Mesa invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate. call (714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. Yoga classes will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class eadl week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information. call (949) 644-3151. The merchants of a.Ibo• Viii.age will hold a seaside Craft Merctiant and Farmer's Martet at Peninsula Park near the base of the Balboa pier in Newport Beacti every Thursday through Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . The martet will include fresh organic produce, freshly cut flowers and arts and crafts. For more information. call (714) 636-2213. Costa M.M'a Recreation Division will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m ., Saturdays from 11 a.m . to 2p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m Parties for ctl1ldren 5 to 12 will consist o lund'l/dinner, games. crafts, prizes, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. f"IV9 new wines will be MJVed on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . The cost is $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beacti• will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide, the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening In June and July except July 4. Parting is $8 per car. For more infonnation, call (949) 729-0UNE. A v.n.ty of privlrq, Mmi-private and g roup swim lessons will be offered this summer at the ~arian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register In person at Newport Buch Recreation and Senior SeMoes at 3300 Newport Blvd. a.dNn, --Md adults can now reglster for summer reaeatlonal boating classes Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949)644-3151,orvishthe Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for m ore Information. ProfMsJonal end l~Md soccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more ·infonnation, call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Famity Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets M ondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m . at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School In Costa M esa. For information or to register, call (714) 4454950. Pre-registration is required. The Am Page -Rne Children's Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa M esa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information. call (949) 645-5437. "Abstract Worita on Canvas end Paper; an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener. will be on display at the Newport Beadl Central library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener's NWashed Away• series. created by dripping. splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it away to suggest the passage of time. For more information, call (949) 717-38 16. Award-winning WOltts by Orange County artists wor1ung m an array of two-dimensional m edia will be on display at Newport Bead\ City Hall through June 27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhib1t1on. For more informatio n, call (949) 717·3870. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7 30 p.m. for $15 per person. featuring five new wines each week. For more information. call (949) 721-1222. If your orchid is too big for ks pot, Green Systems International will show you·how to re·pot your plant during their free orctlid·potting seminar at 2 p.m . every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birctl St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the secrets of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging w omen who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts ·walk and Talk. at 10 a.m. the .second and fourth Friday of the month In front of NIKEgoddess store in Fashion Island. M embers meet for lundl after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cyde of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands tor safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information. call (949) 721-8079. TMns are invft9d to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more lnforfnatlon, call (714) 327-7660. The Newport ..... w.ldng Club meets at the comer of Superior and Hoepital Road in Daily Pilot Newport BMch at 9:15 a.m. ancO p.m . everyday. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 660-1332. The Newport Beach Calat Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road In Newport Beacti. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 650-1332. The Aun. of BulinffS Servtc.a hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. "Divorce: A New eeginning; a woritshop for men pnd women divorced or getting divorced. is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information. call 644-6435. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge. backstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS. ext. 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds.a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization 1s open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have hved in the area fewer than five years. For more information, ca ll (949) 645·9922, or visit newcomers·newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for SJ, S 1 for ctl1ldren. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del M ar. For more informatton. call (949) 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Ptaze presents ·w or1cshop Wednesdays· A Hands·on Cooking Class Program~ hosted by ctief Alexx Gu~vara. The class 1s held from 6 to 7·30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost. including materials, 1s S30 To reserve a spot, call (818) 994·5075 Yoga and rhythm, "Yogarhythm1cs" combines yoga. dance and fun The class 1s held from 4:30 to 5;45 p m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive Eas1, Suite 111 . Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautkal Museum offers the exhibit •Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine Art Master; through Sept. 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. Free admission. For more information. call (949) 673·7863. Interfaith couplea with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group 1s geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, sucti as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for ttiree sessions 1s $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G. Costa M esa. (7 14) 445-4950. Women 50 and okter can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to addreu issues sodl as anxiety. depression. relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport hech Public Library Used Book Store See OHGOtNG, P11&• A13 Happy ,,.,,.,,.,..nee For Your Toe•I jo ~J_co"4rt_ . ,,., .. ,. '••• ···' : (949)644-5939 : hip Cllll(s ""*' c..r.t sa.. S... ftr ... - Fn• tlllJ TllJI t.., M11•b'8, W., &m, ... , ·~-.., .... ' .. Oaity Pilot ·ONGOING •re utdnp for patrons to donate ))Qoka to reP,lenlsh the dwindling stodc. Booka may be left at any of the thr.ee branch libraries - Balboa. Mariners. or Corona del Mar -or In the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport B'each. All hardcover and paperbadc donations, with the exception of , magazines and law bookS, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. Th• Braille Institute offers fiee computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty Jeeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite .Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six 5"8ions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care dHs meets at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat (949) 263-1462. The Com Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer • Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive. Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their fam ilies understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. • St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfield Hall Cat 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their : ..... ~ - ·.;a·v (.. -•' '~- WHAT'S AN UNIAWFUL DETAINER? ByDllW Wong Abou1 as pleasant as a good case of the nu. an unlawful dewner • ., the siruauon that resuh3. when someone 1s livin& in a home or rental uni1 lhat they no longer ha~e the rig}ll 10 occupy. Most commonly. thc term is wed rcgardina tenants who have failed lo pay rent or broken the rental conlJ'llCt tn some other way. A tcnanl who is in am:ars on rent is acnerally a1\cn a lh:rcc-day notice to pay or qui! (move oul oO the premises. lf nothing hu happened after three days, an eviction or unlawful detainer action is filed with thc court. and an officia.I delivcn •notice to !he tenant. g1vina hirri and/or ber live days 10 file an answer 10 the landlon:I' s complaint. tr the tenant fails LO answer. the court most likely files a default judgment qlins1 the tenant. with a writ of poasession directing the sheriff to move the tenant out of ~ the home, which will take place if, after another period or pctbapl twenty days, the ttnant has not appeared in court and offered justifiable reason for not payina rent (fuch u a complaint that the propeny Is uninhabli.ble -an odd • ieuon with wbich 10 justify ncithet : ptyinf ra1 nor movina out .S the court 11 WIY aware of this~). Fua? DefWlely noc. lodced, It arpes for .tamemtna very aiJnpk and dfecdw. wtw:b It the ettlbli..._. ol &OOd Unet ol COIMIUllication with llNllCt from the ,_.'°' '*" with 111e help or 'fOAll rell --pro(etaloMI Md ~ COlllnlCIUI .., .......... Ulllawftal _.,. ,..y nrely an.. ..... DO OM II tllkiq la the fine pllce. ,,. ..... olrml ... .,_.., be, .-.all. !*eflc:ial for bodl ...... a.dlord. Need bc(p w'D yow rMI e-.. all me• 949-533-1200 Of vWI MY webti• 11 cla¥OW011t'.«im or aMfoc•ued.t'Olll. Sunday, July 20. 2003 AU I children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . Mondays at the Jewlah Famil Service office at • a er t., Suite G, Costa Meaa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer preaaure children ex~rience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Com M ... Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family ServiCe of Oninge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotioQ_al and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at·the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Family Service otrw. ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences. hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jae.ob in Irvine. The second group meet5 at 10 a.m. Tuestlays at Terri pie Judea in L_aguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center In Anaheim. Free, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish Family Service of Orange County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Ryckman lead• a discussion group using the book "Converaatlons with God# from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery. ·2850 Mesa Verde Drive Ea,st. Suite 111. Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 754-7399. Marshall'• Tae Kwon Do in Cott.a Mesa offers free seff~ense dasses to alrtine pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St, Suii. 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122:' A Dealing with Divorce •upport group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m . Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus. 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Scrabble Club No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. in Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 20S.9822. Two-hour kayak tours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Bad< Bay Drive. Newport Beach. $20, or $1 0 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p m Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base. 1931 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551 -8591. THE BOWERS KiDSEUM Explore the world's fas cinating cultures.' The Coln and Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There ,. A yoga and dance clHs is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Oasis Senior Center offers ongoing assistance, counseling and refel'fal services for seniors. (949) 644-3244 . Experience .... our summer art classes and camps! Jul y-August G RA D 0 PE N R . ....,. ..l '~ . G ... Of The First Dedicated H enredon/Ralph Lauren Store In The Unite d States Visit us today and be the first to PREVIEW THE NEW LAUREN COLLECTION l;>y Ralph Laure n and HENREDON'S MULHOLLAND HEIGHTS COLLECTION. Enjoy the special FACTORY AUTHORIZED GRAND OPENING SALE. We look forward to your visit. HENREDON/RJ\LPH LAlJREN ~o~e fw.Yll\.LS~L~s tl&l\,ot tV\.ttfLOY titsLgll\. i (949)·450-1112 81 TECHNOLOGY llRIVE. IRVIN E <1111or1-5 •fl :,Allot Pt111> .· ' ... ............ Front r01N location. Golf course view. Frend\ ProYence home. HMvnan & Hinman 949.759.1705 NEWPORT COAST $1,495,000 Panoramic ocean, harbor and city lights view from beautiful 5 bd. 3 ba. Desipr's own residence. 949.644~9060 I.MUNA HACH SJ,llO,oot Excepdonal Irvine CO\'e home. Unobstructed ocean and Caalina Island views. Tremendous privacy. 949.711.1711 NEWPORT BEACH $1,399,000 Open floorplan.Approx. 3,000 sq.ft. Large family room. wood floors. Formal livini, fireplace. Pool. 949.644.9060 IPY• US ta&. P.HI."' 180 .... unobstr'UCt9d Utah lallnd. t.y, ~ vi9ws. Newly rwnocWed and~· 949-"M.9060 Thomu. om.mo t4t.759.J7M NEWPORT BEACH $1,IH,tff Udo lsJe resort li¥1nc at ks best. O¥wsized lot. 4 bd. Mast.er on first lewl. • 949.644 ..... CORONA DEL HAA $1,111, ... Upcraded 3 bd. 3.S ba. condo IOUCh of PCH. Grana Counter topS, hardwood and limestone ~ 949.644.'°'° t ·~· : ''" , ,, ... .. , ) . .. ... . . . .. .. .. ... ... . - Dal ... ~ :¥. 1· ., . • c c Br• 1 1 0i An :tm ad· ':1Jbt sec t i I)' r QUOTE OF THE DAY "Without a doubt, they feel the play their best and be happy about playing bOJeball." . Rich Hqan, Ni8A Bronco~ Manager p • .... 41 .. ,..... -,. e e a Spo'1a Editor Richard Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 BACK BAY TRAIL z EYEOPENER Spol1ll fW ~Fame t .. v .... ,,cuw ............ , ...... Jliy 21 tlOOOf ee MYRONMIUER Sunday, July 20. 2003 81 KENT TREPlOW OAJLY PILOT Newport Beach might be known for rts beaches and recreation .harbor, but the bike path and horse trails along the Back Bay offer visitors an uncrowded outlet wrth the sweet smell of sage. A ·flei borhood sanctuary Trail along Back Bay a haven for exercise enthusiasts Bryce Alderton Daily Piiot I get stomped on by hundreds of feet, wheels and hooves each day. The dust.settles as J provide a foundation for the fitness enthusiasts, those that want a quiet place to reflect on life's subtleties and get away from the bustle for a moment, if not more. I am the Back Bay trail of the Upper Newport Bay Nature and EcologicaJ Preserve. encom~ing 1.000 acres of open space. Slithering on the crests of hills and the sands below. people - or animals -take a fresh breath as they pound, roU or gallop o n me. A mother and daughter from Newport Beach walk here each day. for exercise and a respite from the grind life can aU too often bring. Wednesday they were pushing a stroller, calmly stepping along the portion above the ~ter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center, a slight breeze shooting through the retreating morning clouds that subtly muffled the July sun. Horses know the gravel I possess, even though the city of Newport Beach doesn't seem to heavily promote trail riding. A woman who lives two blocks away pushes the stroUer that carries her 14-month old grandson, munching on a handful of Oleerios. She stops on me, pausing to glance at the cliffs encircling the mouth of the estuary. I meander through the sage. which eschews a scent as refreshing as pine on a clear mountain day. Bikers roll along my dir1 -and paved -paths. Some come from Irvine, where a 63·year·old begins bis quest I am a transition and an end. providing a goal to be reached and giving someone a chance to exercise and drop by his sister's house for a brief break. I am the Back Bay trail. RoUer bladers glide along my smooth asphalt trails alongside joggers, whose sweat droplets faU onto my arteries. where they quickly evaporate under the intense sun. "Crunch. crunch, crunch: That's the sound I make when feet "plop" along by sandy soil Gordie Fitzel took his Orange Coast CoUege cross country team to train every morning on me. I give them a challenge with my littJe hills. sharp turns and steep climbs. They sweat even more, but stiU come back. NEWPORT HARBOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Newport on cusp of berth Bronco A All-Stars fall to Anaheim, but can still advance with one more c sectional yictory . .._.Alderton o.;Pilot WHm1ER -One wtn ii d .. diey Deid. the Newport Hllt>or Bwt.I Mo- clldan Bronco A 11· and 12·yes-old Al- Slln. atlai4Jdrcto JWia t1tttao.y mn1y ..... .,,lllJBmlnlecmt~ .... ...., .... Slluldmy In ....... tD 11111:11 lbe k±b M •1"no 11t· EDITOR'S NOTE Wrth its abundant horse trails and scenic bike path, the Bad: Bay serves as a haven for jogging, cycling, walking and in-line skating enthusiasts. Sports reporter Bryce Alderton caught up with the Bad: Bay trail and magically made it come to hfe I provide a pedestal to the view-; the first Native Americans encountered when they strode upon me nearly 1,000 years ago. The views. oh, the views. Looking down on the salt water See BACK BAY. Pac• 83 THE BIG EASY Tea Cups poster girl still swinging I. s • ' ----·---.------------------------------~-..-------------~ 12 SIMldly, J4iJ 20, 2003 SPORTS Heating ~p in the summer ' Two more victories provide CdM girls water polo team with momentum. Uled 13 saves. F.adington made five steals while Natalie Wayte and Hewko each added two. Anae tallied two assists. On Monday, CdM defeated Founlain Valley, 9-3, taking a com- \nandiog 6-0 lead al inlemlission. Thaler finishes third r---.. • WRES'IUNG: Gabriel Thaler, who will be a freshman in lhe faU at Estancia Hjgh, placed third at lhe 0'8nge County Wrestling Coaches Association Summer League 'lburnament al El Do-, rado High on Friday. winning five of six matches. Skiff fishing great fan in · Newport Bay Corona del Mar's girls summer water polo 1eam continued its wt.nning ways with two more vic- tories recently. On Friday, CdM beal Hunting- 1on Beach. 7-4. gelting three goals apiece from Katya F.ading- lon and Camille Hewko. Jordan Anae added one goal while goaJie Brinany Fullen contrib- Amy Strack, Kalle Kubas and Anae each scored two goals while Ashley Olandler, I lewko and Madison Jaclcson found the baclc of the cage once apiece. ·Kelsey McCormick made three saves and Hewko led the learn wilh lhree steals. Eadington and Olandler each added two steals. After pin.Qlng North Turrance's David Little In the 6rs1 round, Thaler lost 10 eventual champion Nick Abraham (Edison), 10·0. Thaler lhen pinned four con- secutive opponents to capture lhe third-place medal. YOUTH SOCCER Breakers notch another win Girls club soccer team wins its second straight tournament with four consecutive victories last week. The Newport-Mesa Breakers, a dub soccer 1eam made up of girls from Cost~ Mesa and New- port Beach ages 8-9, won lhe Wolfpac:k Invitational -lheir second straight tournamenl vic- lory, -July 12-13 in Fountain Valley. The Breakers wenl 4-0 in lhe tournament. including a come- from-behind 2-1 victory over the lnfinily Soccer Oub in the opener. Heather Plores scored in the first half to tie the game. l · l , and Courtney Mdnloeb added the game-winner lale in the second half. The Breakers trailed by a goal wilh 10 minutes to go against lhe Santa AnJta Strilcers, but Anna Venturini scored twice late in the game to seal the win. Coaches IClrk Mcintosh and Javier Cllawz credlled lhe play of goalkeeper Lauren Terry and marking backs Brooke Lux and Shanay Fischer. Rachel Ken:e and Heather The Newport Beach Breakers girls club soccer team, made up of 8-and 9-year-0ld players, won the Wolfpack Invitational last week. flora each scored two goals to lead the Breakers to a 4-0 vic- tory over lhe Sou1hw~t Soccer Oub in the early game on Sun- day. The offense continued to shine in lhe afternoon game ai. the Breakers defeated Crown City United, 5-2. Flores, Ven1urini and Kerce each scored goals with assis1s from Sierra Gordon, Josie Jogwe and Andy Cllawz. Breakers' de- fender Oalre C.UtUJo couldn'I play due Lo illness. The Breakers wiU represenl Newpor1-Mesa when they com- pete in the brirls under-10 clivi- '>ion of the Coast Soccer League Lhi!> fall. PRESENTING THE FIFTH ANNUAL "AN OF EVENING HOPE 11 N ewport Bay ls a very produc:tfve fllbery for a large variety of amaD game Oah and ~bat~ deaplte being one of the~ harbors aloAg the Pldlc Coait during the aunmer recreadonal season. A19m can e&cdvely flab the bq from public piers and docb, off a few bulkheads, in float tube9, out o( a kayak or with a bua boat. but the best way to 8sh Newport Bay ia in a rental lldfl' from the Balboa Pavilion. 11dea were Oght earlier this week foe this outdoor editor to speoo a morning sampling the 6shing in the bay wilh my wife, 'lbni. Doug Turin. co-owner of Pavilion Skiff Rentala, (949) 673-1434, greeted us at the dock and pused on a few fishing tips before helping us board one of the 14' U-drive skiffs that have served in the nmtaJ fleer for many season& Turin said, "The baJtbut bite has been real steady right here in front of the Pavilion and 8sbennen drifting with live anchovies or p1astics around the bait receiver between rhe twio jetties have been catdling aD lclnds of &b. ~had a 15 pound halibut weighed in this past weekend and anglers report .locs of ictioo on spotted bay bass, halibut and an occulonal legal whkeseabas&" That report sounded good enousb to me and after taking on a ecoop of choM!s, lo the bait well. we headed out to the mouth of the harbor aa the sun broke through lhe morning fog. ~ were ahead of the high tide movement and had to wait about 20 minutes before the f1sb got into a feeding mood. Once lhe dde began lo move into lhe bay ii triggered the feed call for alJ kinds or fish. There were three other skiffs anchored up in the dlannel bul I opted to drift along the east jetty. Jusl abou1 every anchOYY was bit by some lcfnd of &b once ii got near the bottom and often lhe live bait would be picked up on lhesink. Action was wide open for all the skiffs as bent rods drew an audience of early morning joggers on lhe c.dM wallcway. Our choice of laclde was Daiwa light acdon SSl300 spinning reels spooled wilh 6-pound Stren mono and matched to a 6 !h-inch rod. This combi-nation proved ~ Wltil tb1t writer hooked into a huge -bat ray.~ had been catcbing L.._ ___ __, lots of smaD halibut and JIM bass. but NIEMIEC wbm I set lhebook into this hi8ger Oah ft nearly took aD the line otr the reel before I oould get the motor started and begin baddng down on the monster as it beaded out to sea. DodPlg other skiffs, anchors, a parade of private boats and the Catalina Ffyel' as it beaded to Avalon, lhe bjg ray finally won the 20 minute battle when the small hook pulled just as Toni was about to try and net iL Having caught lots of short halibut, bass and mackerel. the scoop of bait was exhausted so We turned to 6sh1ng plasdcs along docks and off bulk heads while headiQg back to the Pavilion catching more small bus along the way back. Anglera were stiD catching halibut and bass off the main dodc at the Pavilion as we tied up the skilf. Turin asked about how the moming'a fishing went and my report WU petty good for jwt a few houm on rhe bay. We ca.u8'lt well over 35 fish and about the only kind of fish we didn't catch was a white &eabus, croaker or shark. carefully releasing everything we caught back into lhe bay to grow up a little. Rental skiffs are available all day for $68 and $47 for a ~day indudlng live bait A California fishing license is required for all anglers over the age of 16 and the Department of Fish and Game does patrol the bay on a regular schedule. ~ch boat can handle four adults and two children and life preservers are part or the padcage. The Pavilio~ Renlal Skiffs and fishing dock are open seven days a week from 6 am 10 5 pm. The oJd skiffs have served many fishermen over the years and 1\uin, wh9 has spent 28 years on the docks. says that a new Beet of boalS will be ready for service by the first week of Augl.\st • The latest word on albacore is tha1 they have moved off lo the west due to a su<!den rise SAILING in water tem~rarure. Spon boat.I fiom Davey's Locker and Newpon Landing Sport&hirtg a.re runn1ng OUlllde ot San Clemente Island to ftnd the 8lbies, but fishing has been • spony. ttoi>efully the big • schools or longftns, currently south of San Diego. will move up the coast and be within easy reach o( the Newport baaed fleet by early ne:xt week. There haw been no reports o( yeDowtaB being caught under ftoadng kelp in rhe channd t'Yefl though there ~ . some pockets of 73-degree water, but thete have been tails hooked at both Catalina and San Clemente. The white seabasa bite that erupted .this past weekend has dropped way oft 'The run moon did it's magic, producing some of the best calches of the big croaker thJa 'tlC!'a90n. Water along the beach has wanned up into the low seventies and angJers fishing from lhe surf and both rhe Newpert and Balboa piers report pretty good ftshlng for a mix of small fish and shoYeJ noee sbarb on cut bai.t Youth Oitdoor Safari Illy held Saturday • Soulhem California youngsters really enjoyed a wonderful outdoor experience when attending the fifth annual Youth Outdoors Safari Day at Raahauge's Sporting Oaya Complex In' Norco Saturday. The event was me to all kids 17 years of age and younger when accompanied by an aduJt. The day was filled with outdoor activities covering fishing, shooting sports, conservation, wildlife tours, rock climl>lag, kayaking and concludes with a giant kids raffie. The day was · co-sponsored by lhe Orange and Los Angeles chaplers of Safari aub lnlernaUonaJ and lhrough donatJons or many sponsors and volunteers a free lunch was served lo every youngs1er that came 10 this very popular Southland event. Highlighting this year's Youth Outdoor Safari Day were appearances by Olympic Gold MedaJ winner Kim Rhode, Irick shooting by John aaugherty and ou1door TV host Dez Young. who had his young dog Dash show off his hunting skJUs for the kids. Top juniors to compete for international championship & FRIENDS CONCERT SllON)OIU ·--~ • PROCEEDS FROM THE EVENING , BENEFJT HIGH HOPES. HIGH HOPES JS A LOCAL CHARITY DFDICATED TO HELPING JNDMDUALS RECOVRR FROM 1'RAUMATIC BRAIN INJURIES Premier match-racing event once again to be hosted by BaJboa Yacht Club Aug. 13-17. Balboa Yach! Oub in Corona del Mar announced recently that yacht clubs from the U.S. and overseas will be sending their top junior sailors 10 this year's BaJ- boa Yacht Oub Governor's Cup. The event. which is the pre· mier international junior match radng championship in the United State-, will be held lo the waters off Newport Beach Aug. 13-17. As bolt of the Governor'• Qap. Balboa Yacht Oub lnYttea 12 yacht clUb teams of three junior sailors each 10 match race identi- cal yachts for four days of in- lense round-robin competition. The ~Deed of Gifr for the Gov- ~mor's Cup was granted in 1967 by then Governor and later Presi- dent Ronald Reagan. From this race world-class sailors Paul Cayard, John JCosteclci, and Gavin Brady, to name a few, have emerged to dominate the Ameri- ca's Cup and many other lnter- na.tional competitions. "lbil race continues to be the uJdfl)8te test of junior aalling ex- ceDence," BYC Race Director Bill Marting said. "Last year's win- nen from the Royal Yacbting As· aociadon in the UnJted Kingdom ue not returning. so the field is wide open. Wllh the high caliber of d'6 teams partidpating, there COLLEGES f« the l7th llfltw8' running °' the Oovemor'a Cup, In eddidoft to the host teem from Belboa Yedft Club, the competlton wMI be: • Annepoll1 Yectit Club, Annepol11, Md • Cru11lng Ylldlt Club of Aul1rahe. Derlong Point. NSW. Au1tr1lla •King Harbor Y&chl Club. Redondo Beech •Kings Point S.iltng Academv. Kings Point. N.Y. • Ml11lon Bev Yecht Club, San Diego • Newpor1 Harbor Yacht, Balboa • Royel New Zeeland Yecht Squadron, Aucldend. New Zeal•nd • Rov•I Prin<l41 Alfred Yecht Club. Newpor1 Beach, NSW, Aullrella •Royal Svdnev Ytcht Squadron, Klrribilll, NSW, Aultralla •Sen Diego Yecht Club, Sen Otego •Sen Frenci9CO Yec:llt Club. Belvedere promises 10 be some exciting and close racing." For more details, call Wayne Rodgers at (949) 675-1355. Vu prom()tes two of its own Dent, Renkoski named Vanguard Uolversity associate athletic directors. I ~ \JnMndty ha G· tmded Ill athledc: deputment ttall to include rwo new MIOd· lbl llhledc ..... on. w Atiedc ~ 80b Wlllori ellld. --Dini.. fonnir ..... _ llhllClt IDd ..... GI Yin- I I g e Io I . . ' .. {! t." I , l c• •• ,, ~ Dally Piiot S PORT ~ ,. _ .>l[V£ Mc flA~J~ Newport Harbor's Danny Moskovrts reacheJ t9 tag Anaheim's Chns Manning. who is sate on the play Anaheim won the Bronco sectional tournament game, 10-0, at York Field m Whittler Saturday. Newport 1s still ahve rn the sectional tournament NEWPORT Continued from BI Uut a wm tud.iy puh t·wpon 11110 t.hc rl1Q<mal tournanwnt. \\>h1d1 Ix-gin., next wt<t:k.t'nd. l11P lo-.t·r ol '"" Al.imito'> and WllJllll'I will IJtl' :"!ewport JI l.! .. IO r>.m. 10 dJy Ntwport. I 'i 1i O\.l'rJll 1n lht· po~t">t'awn, h.1d wun liw 111 ,1 row, 111Llud111g a 17 .3 trou11l'lng of l'!al 1·m1a A 1n the d1.,tricl d1a111p11111 ... l11p. 1·11111i11g 111111 ~turday\ gamt' agd.111\I A11ahl'1111, ll1t• cl~ignatcd Vl\lllng team 11111 thl' 00c11-.e 'uddcnly ~ent '>Lieut <\gdlll'>l till' p11d1mg duo of A.lex Mc.L-.caren.i-. Jnd Bn.111 Bolt">. ~ltchacl 1 lelf nd1 'lJrtl't.l thl' lourth \o\llh d w1glc 111to left fil'ld !\t~port', lonl' h11 J.., ~la-.carl'- 11.i.-. .ind Boll.., e..i1 h ll.'ll(l'd tlw ... 11.ll-m order Ill t'\.'l'ry lnllUlg. • fhe b'll}'~ d1d11'1 h11 ltlt· I.he} arc accu'> tomrd lo.'' Nl'wport MilJ1agcr H.ich 1 logan '>aid. "'fhey I.hen put PR"-'>Ure on Lhem- '>('IVl"> and [Anahl'iml tool.. JUVJillagt:' of thl' mi.,tJke-., A11ahl'im i'> an c1gwt~ive tt:am. • Anah1:1m !>tole eight ha'>t" agtun'>t New· pun pll< h111g. thrt't.' hy Ma..carena.. ... whu '111gll't.I l\o\ttl' Ill four at hat., and <,eorE'll four nm.,_ 1\nJht·1111\ 'l>l't:d ldU!>i.'<.I hJVCK on Nt•w port' dt'fl'n'c' .1.11d ti '>hOWl'tl \'\llh lhree er rur' ll'adm~ lo four nm., 111 tlw fifth. 1 ll'lfm h. \'\ho ldllll' on m rcllef of ~tart · 111g pitcher Adna11 Ho<ln).,'Ul"t 111 thl' lhird. '>lrurl.. <Jiii lwo of llll' lir..t four Anaht'im h.1t1l'f\ tn lht: fifth I !It'll t amt lh(• l'ht..,ivl' tlurcl out. Homan I J11w1'111glt'tl1111wu nm' wiu1 d htt to n¢11 fil'ltl I It• l11(1k '>t'C·ond wt1cn the u1ruw from L 111fic:_ -.culecl uH·r Ult' l.11ther. Lopt't um.I ~dotf·hmer Bm111 I HIWI l.1tt·r '' ttrt'tl after the t:alther threw uvcr th1· tlurd h.t'ol' m,m\ head and I.he ball got pa-.1 1h1· ll'lt fielder. "We had a had ~e." llogan '4!ld "I'm more UJ>'>t'I thJI m lhe l.1-.1 fl'\\-in11111g'>. '"t' luokl·d ltkt: J d<.'feated IC'am ·· AnJ11l•1m gr.thtx'C.I a 1-0 lead 111 llll' '>t't ond before -.conng four m thr tlurd 1<11dn gtJl't .,lrul I.. out four 111 .!. llllllllJ.:'> \"lull· I lelfm h fonni>d thn.·c IJl .!. , 111111ng' Nl•wpon li11111ed A11aht'1m 10 only 111w ruo 111 thl' fourth, Kl'llmg thret' 1111h .il11•r nmdow11 ... HriJn I Jlpt."I. wh11 I 1.1tl \>\<,tll..t·d and \loll' '>t't·ond. i11dun·tl a p1LIJ1• h~ \'t'll tunn).! h.ilfwa} lx:twel'll ,t·nmd ,1nd 1hml Nl'wport l'>..l.'t utt·d lhl' p111..k !'flit 11·ntl\. \<\llh All'>llll \\obrock holdmg 1111 to llll' h.11! 111 rt'<. ore.I till' out tlt">plle la.lltng 111 111, b,u I.. 011 top of the lhtn..I ha<.e hJg ,!ltcr 1 olltd111g wuh II nan I A1pt• 1_ With l\o\O out'>. Hole<.> walkcd and tht:n 111- duu't.I a 1hru\>\ 111 ,tllow M3!><.itrl'll,1., 111 '>l urt• from Ihm.I But Holt"> WJ..., lJAAt•d 11111 h) M111n .. 111p Danny Mo!>lwVll"> after I h·lfm h, Nick 'Wl'lld'>t.'ll and latob Mccann '>t'lll till' runrll'r hm I.. and forth he1we1·11 fiN a11d '>l'lond ~1n ... kov11c; ta~t'd out Holt·'> .i. ... lw lnl't.l lo ... ltdt• lfllU fm.t. llog;m t>mplw.,vcd th al :-..e\<\ pt>n. \\iltt h ha' '>lX 11 yt•ar-old'>. ha-. come: tog(•tlwr dunng th po,t-.ed.Mln nm, \\hlth u111UllUl" at I L. «> p m uxJ.iy agam'>l thr lo'>t•r ol 1.0., Al,1n11tn'> ,111d Wl11111er. A wm 11Kl<1\ .. llw lod .. l1Jve (() conw UUI LUt1lid1·11t and haw lo forgt>I 15..tturday ... 1 gamt•, .. lw '>tttd. "Without a dnuhl, thl'y fl't'I 1h1· Pll''> .. urc. hut I w.ml them to play tlwtr b<.•.,t .met he happy Jhout pl.tying ba.<.l'h.ill." t\ wtn loday would pnw1tle plt•tll\ 111 ple.L'>llfl' ,u1d L.l'l'P :'-:t>wport pl.t) mg 11110 mort• of tltl' '>1t111111er . "'• . Newport opc·nt·tl tlw '>t·1111111,1l lc•ltrn..i llll'lll f hur<,cJay nighl Wllh .1 1.J .!. \'ll fllr)' over Dand l'omt after trailing . .! 0. t·nter 1ng thc founh mnmg Th.11\ '' h1·n \J1•\o\- port '>t'nt 11 men to 1hc pl.111· .111d 1.illtt'd c1ght run'>. Mo'>kO\ll'> p11chcd a lo111ph·t1· gJnw. gmng "t'\ en inning'> "l11le .ilhm 111g lour l11r.. Jnd l\Hl run' to go \\llh I .! 'tnkl' 11111' ~10.,kovil\ htt ,1 ht1'>C'' rl1·Jn11g tn- plt• ill thl' fourth to go Wtlh two HBh cm a ""git· hy IJt L. < ;r;i, t' .rnd <111 Hiii hi! hy "iVl'll<hC'll . .... ,.. b.111 cr ... 1.illH·d IWO h1h ('.ti h l11r :\l'wport Bl..ike l>,1\CY Jdd1•d J \hill In th•· I i' I \\Ill m <·r l'l,1u ·n1tJ. llt'll nth \H'lll I lor I .111tl ,1 on·d l\\11 ruri... 1n tht• le.it.lofl i,pot \\ l11le ( .r.11 l' h,1d l\'\-11 HHI '>Ingle., .111d .d'o 'l urt·d .1 nm McCann!> ms1de·thl·-park grand slam htghlightctl tht: ollt•mt· I k Jtldn.I .1 tn pie .ind '>C<>rcu four rn11' Hodngut-1 wrnt four 11111111g ... on the rliouml. i.1llow1ng nu t•ar11t·tl run-. ant.I I lt'l lr1d1 Ci.lllll' on 111 rl'hl't. g1v111g up nu ntll'> 1n one 1nn1ng On Wcdnc.,d,1y. :-..L'\\port lat l'd l'111ni- 1i.111on Jgarn..,t (,;udl•n C1rn\t' 111 1hc dl'>- tnlt tournJmt·nt, tra1ltng, I .!. ht'iidrng 11110 the final innmg HUI \\llh 1\\0 Ollh, \;('\\port\ llt'\I '>I>. ha111·r<, readll'd ... aft•ly. l ll lllrthu1111g w J 7 I v11 Inf}-Hyan \lhi·rt' ha,1·~ < 11-.inng uoubll' Wd\ thl' Ll'V htl Ill llll' 11111111g. ~10,k11v11' aga111 1ltrt'"-a ro111pll't1· g.1111e, ~trikmg out l'lgh1 , 1111 li11h11g the f111.1I 11111. and JJlm,1·<1 0111· run I h· went I l11r ·1, Wdlked .111d '' <Ht•tl ,1 run 0\lt"I'. \laddo\ ,rnd \11,1111 lh-yan l'dch '"ort•tl onrC' EASY Contmued from B 1 rhal \ a prelly dl't l'IVlllg 'renari o cons1den11g .,hl' i'> v1:ry cloo;;c in her ongoing qm·'t tu gafo a 'pot on the :.late'-. amateur team. bo.J'.'>ttng II'> t omm11me111 to "fairnc5'>," t'tl· 11 rn ... 1 ~1.trianlll' $ ltXl when Annil a failed to makt• llw n 11. as hu!.band Rria11 won !he bet. 01111ng \'\llh promi-.1· in Ju ... 1111 ~ltm·lll'atl a11d D.m D<1rndl. All tlut'l' ht1Vt' 1111limlll'd po1en1ial, .1l'rnrd1ng lo Marianne. ·111r kev. of course. b l"Ornlllll lllt'lll at the fea Cup. hul it doc~n't 'ieem to cause her any concern. "One of the girl!. I was playing agam!>L at Pinehuri.t lrecentlyl Wal> from the South and each time I a~ked tf '>he or I were away. c;he'd 1..eep -.aying, Ye~. mam.' • said Marianne. "It\ kind of shock.mg to hear your opponunt ta.llcrng !lice that. You jusl have to get over it and beat 'em. anyway." At the n>cent California State Championl>hips near Monterey, he f(ftind herself competing against Courtney Goebel. a product of Marina High in Huntington Beach. Not too long ago Goebel and her Marina teammates were up against Newpon Harbor, which was bemg coached by Marianne. The amateur circuit is dominated by the 21 -and~under set, accentuated by the ascent of such stars as 6·foot, 13-year·old MicheUe Wle. •rve been thinking of myself as an old fish in a big pond,· saJd Towersey. If you've ever watched Marianne Towerscy drive 1hr balJ on a golf rnur!>e tht• immediate 1hough1 ha-. to center around the "man v., woman· agenda As dot'" Annika, Marianne\ dnvco, and approache., leave little room for criticism. Around here the theory qulcltly boil& down to lower!>cy and Toshiba, but don't hold your breath, not that she would shrink to any challenge. It'!. ju'>t that nobody's mak.ing an offer ·1 would love to play, as an amateur. but there's been no invitation." said Marianne. Can you imagine the gallery if she was involved in the customary duel al Slrawberry ·i:a.rms GalfOub for the two or three open spots in the field later in the week at Toshiba? Annika Sorenstam got the sponsor's exemption to play at the Colonial and proved a few things. including the fact such stunts will indeed enhance television ratings and the sponsor can run around Nevenhele.,:., Marianne remain., in Anntl..J\ corner and <,ays it's nol over "l:verybody wantt•d my opinion abuul that.· 'iJtd Marianne.· 1\\j<,111 ... 1 hoping for the hc'>I for hN. I ll11nk tt gave tremenduu<, foru'> to women's golf." Marianne helicw., more of the same will he rnmmg. especially with .,urh items as Wic. "More of f the younger set I are focusing on weight training," said Towersey. "Some of the e girls are amazingly fil at s uch a young age and are able to launch their careers way ahead of the rest." Marianne is a bit.of an expert with the emergence of younger players. She has some at Newpon I !arbor where she and Scott Tamow basically share duties as boys and girls golf coaches. A fre hman last year on the girls level was Natalie Dranganza and Marianne has two incoming freshmen boys sgges ·•14es Motorcr•rl9 ....... OllMd ....... Fitter &UP tt1n11t1a Ch8nge t7.,.,, tllmR14 .. & •• '•'nRlllll ·--- 9M o..tetlhlP forprtoe . = ~~--· °""..a ..... ooupoft. 7 \Vhilc her ">ailor., may or may not wrap their fi11gl'r., Jround the rompl'l1tron on J lt'am hd'>i.,, ~lanannc .. ee'> the bcm•fit., of !Ill' game far pa'>l the \\ 111 lo'' fil l tor "It\ wry re\\Jrdtng to encour.tgl' lht•m to play well enough wlH·rt· 1hcy can enjoy Lhe game Wl th friends a nd family in the future It's a great i.port inf the world oO business. Knowing lhe cttquette of the game. the rulei. and learning how to keep up.· , There are aJso -;uch items as potential trips to florida and Hawau for the boys. and 1continuing the Pelican Cup at fellcan Hill Golf Club with the ongoing rivalry with Corona del Mar I ligh in th~ix. So it's a bu~y agenda for our poster girl. There's an opportunity 10 catch up with her on Friday al Mesa Verde. Tee time is I :30 p_m. The public ~ invited to gallery al no rosL Mesa Verde's dress code will be enforced. Sundd}', July 20 2003 83 CATCHING UP WITH Bill Leach Bryce Alderton Oa1lyP1lot A ., ti tlw l"dttlit < .<Jcl.'l I nat11lo11 d1d11'1 luw wurld-d&.., alhletl'., hclort". tlu~ year ha_., a11 "Olympic" feel unlike any other for t11e CO\.ll'W t.hJl winch ti!> way a.long u1c blufh. beach~ and blue Wdll'I"> JIOUlld ( J)">tal ( ,(1\.1' State P'drl... J.-or Lill' fir-.1 time m 11.!> ~•>. ye<1r hl!>tury. 70 proll~'>IOn.il lndlhlt'tl"> from around lhl' \<\Orld rnmpett'll '>aturdJy, LI) mg to garnl·r potn.., toward ">l'l Urtng d 'Pol for the U.!->. Oly111p1L litdb. Ath.ll:'tl."> !>Wttm I, '">(I() nwter'>, rode d b1eyt It.• fCJr 25 rntll'' JJld r;m liw mite .. 1111 <1 rnuN· ploue<l h\ many volu11tt't'r\ .wd O\t'f't'l'll l'I) Buh Cuyler Jn<l H1ll l.t·.tl h """ furnwd 1lw lnJthlun ..,!), wJI., ago I.ca< h \<\ho 111111pt'll·<l u1 tile I la~.u1Jn lro11111j11 lnJthl1111 m I ldWJll h.r tilt 111,I llflll' Ill I'll! I and <.uylf.'r. J '\t·\<\pon Ht'.11 Ii den11-.1, ha\1 \o\1Jrl..t'tl 11l·J.rl\ 10<1 , fal. l") w11rtdw1J1· '111t e uwt'I tng ..!O year'> .1g11 Orw 111 < 11'yl1·" pjJ1t•111..,, It fl I lorn. ,1 Nt•\\jlll n Ht-.11 h ..ini...t wa ... J c..l<l.'>.,111<1 ll' ut I KJlh .inti mtroduted Ult:' l\'\O 111 e~u h othl'r \\'1• .. 1.1n1·d 10 tmm together and d rt\aln \\,L., lom wd, I .c.t1 h rt'tdllt't.I 1 lc \<\JJlled 111 do lx·1tt·r ant.I \ ... orL.t'tl h,mJcr ,md h,trdt•r I le ht>al nw Ill 'o!lllll' ol the rj t l" ,md I IWJI him tn 'omc "\Vt· \t' ).ll'OWll ,..., fncnd'>. 1ni...1111g 1·,1d1 uthl·r d Int lhl'H'" 11111 .1111·go prol>ll'm J' }Oil .,onwltml''> gtl \<\llh partrwr'" I ht· t Oltr">t' mariwd uu1 lor todJ\ ' ... pn11t c hamp1011.,h1p for agt• t.11\ 1wm l'nlran1 .... "'hKh \\lll 11umhL·r m•JII}' I • ..!OU. hl1{1n' nt',ir lhl' lrJlll·r' a1011g thc lwad1 JI I J Mum a.. ... I.he dlhlctcs tlelw into u1c \\atc·r for J half-mile '\\Im I hl'n they will bicydt: lor I .! mile-.. cltmbmg dlld dhte11d111g on h1lh and finally lirno,h \>\lth .1 Ulrl'l' mtll.' run along tht dlfh owrlook111g t.lll' P-Jt.tfit. Otc..i.11 tn ... tt•ad ol domg l\\O loop' ol .,ix milt"> t•Jt.h. htkt'I'> ,,·111 trJWN. tht• lull'r tcrrn111 lor 'L' loop,, t·J t II <int· "panning l\\O null" " rhl•rt• 1, no fl,11 p.in 1111 1h1 hill· Lour.c," f .(',1d1 '.11tl \\t'' t' t.iken oul Ult· Oat pJit from om· milt• .,oulh of Corona <lei ~I.tr and adtfod twu t•xlr.i loop'-In .... 1-. one of thl' toughe'>I cour,;__•., any pro tria1hl1•1t• will hl' on " ~pt.·t ldlOr.. '>lantling on th1· beach will be ,lhlt 10 watch alhle1e.. dunng thc '>wim poruon and a.'> the.,. nm up and down tht' bcaLh ror I A.'ad1. 57 dll AdVdlll ed l'ldteml•nt world h~tory tC'at:hl'r at Lon111J Lid M.ir l l1gh. the-.e trarh art· quue famthar. I .eJl h and ( :uyll'r rtdc their bikt"\ a.long t.l1e cuur-.e thn·e llml'" a we1·k and have bPen dc>mg 11 for 20 year.. Tht' frequt>nl t hJngt"> m BACK BAY Continued from BI from Newport I larhor. wfuch mixes with fre!>hwatcr from inland source'>. gently clear' .1 squiggly path among I.he emerald-green grai.ses below 1he fog lifts and I.he un send., a glow that bowices off the water II is three-and-a-half mile'> from the upper lo IOWl'r n;ache'> of the Bay. I meander below the cliff.; and on lop of the bluffs. alway~ . turning. always waiting. Waiting for the next wal.krr or jogger or bicyclist. From where? People come from Irvine. Santa Ana. Laguna Beach. Co ta Mesa and Newport Beach. as well A man moved from Houston just a week ago and has seen my 8111 Leach d t'\.t1l111n ll 1rnughout the 11111N · tnJkl· 1111., trtJ thlo11 dtffirn.lt.. Jill.I 'lll'I 1.il I .t·.1t h '>d.ltl "II I' 1 ll'H'r t'<t"\ hl' -.Jttl ·\11 ,1\ 1tl hoth o,ur!t-r ;,mu k,1\.U..t•r ht• I Olllf><.'lt'd Ill lltt !... .! ~ ,1\ ol~ r JI I lfl tht• I •t°;'l 1 ~lon lrl·,11 < •• 11 m·.., I L'a• Ii 11111'1 rt.:l t'llll'y 1 IJllij>t'l l'O UI lht· '>\<\ll t111 111 1g .11111 b1~mg µn, di\ 1'>11111 .ii ,J tn<.i rhlo11 111 I .<1rl..,l1Jt.l 1~J11t 111 thl ...i tJIJl rn·ne thl' ldfgt''>I !ll'r\t' 111 thl' hun 1.111 hoth v.1111 h e\lt'lld., lrom l'J l h .,11..lt 111 lht• 111\\t r '>Jllllt . 1hr1Ju~ lhl' l>Ull<I( l '> Jllll 111111 lhl bJl k 1,f 11 n· tl11g.l1 h1mJtor, I .t'Jl h., ,th1l1I\ 111 ' nm tor pml1111gl'<l '>lrt'll he' 111 <1111\'. ..ii ht· dt ll''>ll t n1mpl'l1 ,1, fllll( h "' I It' dtJ Ill l.111 · fl•N :\111 10 worn I It• '>pt·nch 111111• v..tth "'"" "ih.uw .111<.1 I l.ivcl1·11 .111cl \<\lft• f111it \\h ll • 11111pe1t·tl .1l1111g'>l<l1· l.t.'oJt h Ill tltl 711 ( hillll'' 111 tltl· !... I rJt l "t"' li11hh1·d '>t \l'11tl1 111 tht rnt..J.t.I r.it 1· J11J 1 l.11t11t'll lht ln111111J11111 1•111.! II ,, hl.1 !IH'I 1 111~ (,,Ill hill '>d.ltl 111 1 um1)t'1mg m lhc lm nin.i n ")1111 m t·t•l '• •Ur,..i: 111 th.11 rOllt' lllt' 1 llllrlt-\qtl rl'lUnt I• I I f,m1111 111 \U).,'ll"t to u•fd)r<tll ltll' .!."11h Jlllll\t'r'1r\ ol till• 11r't lmnrnJ11 "fl lllt',111' t•\1•11 nltJft IHI\\ th.il \\ht'll \\t \<\I'll' Ut111lg tilt' r,Jt I' Hill ..... J I u 11 .. h111g t'> 1 prt•m tulfilltn~ n11m11·111 ...,1,111 \'>-.t mhl\ m<in loh11 ( .tmphell. \<\hu rl'prl''t.'111, 1111 1 u\ l' .Ultl \.1•\\ pon kt-.it h . .i.l1111g \\llh I >.l\t' Kill. '\L"wpon lk.11 It ·'"""1.11111 11 \ 111,111agl'r. 1\11~1 I tlJW. <i "•.itt' I 'afk., olliuotl m < hargr nf tilt ...,.nrlhl'm C .J.11111rn1a rt').,'1011 JJ1c.I I >.111 \.t'yt'11l1111,, <1 lornwr 'l.:c•\\ p11rt lk'ad 1 liJegu.ml .il1111g \'\Ith I 1·.1t h \\ho d1J11j ll'd ..!,000 ~111gl1 '' or tut-olf fl'N '\' ).,'l\l'll tO \\llllllf'> Ill l'.il h Jg1• d1\ ,,wn li.t\.'t' a.II c.L"""t'tl 111 lhl' t'\ 1·111 ... pl.JJ1111ng. "\\t• w had fabulou., \'oh11ll1't'r help." I .t .. JL"h ....ud ·Am '>t'th.11 l ... h,1\l' ht.•t•n 1J\.l'f'>h,1J11\\t'd h\ Lill' uH11n1w1ll} .,uppon Thc c·1111m1unll\ t«lll tonw 111J1 It, 1. heer on uw .uhl1•n.·, at :-J 111 tod.I\' w1od ){fill t'' thrl'l' um1--. .ilrt'.tl.I\ Jht• Ira.JI'>. tilt' '>ft'llt'r\ 1lfl unm.ttd1l•d atl)'\\ here hl -..u<l b ... 1t tlv thl· r1.•awn I \t' tJl..t·n up 'PJl l lwrt' and don't pl.m 011 lt•Jvtng <lnvtunt· -.oon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daily P*lrs Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 21 -8111 McManus Orange CoaS1 Men's eocx:er. '01 20 -Ellubeth Mondoza Orange CoaSI V«>men's l:Jel.ketball, 2001-02 FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECTION ",.. ....... ,.., ............. ,..,., ..................... ........................... lOPtnzl v.lued -.......... OealoClreNp for ....... Offw ~ Wftt'I coupon. &pl.a 7/31Jm. .. ' r Policy How to Place A ____ Deadlines--.. Rates and deadlines are subject to change ' without notice. The publisher reserves the right 10 censor, rec lassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. 'Please report any e1T9r that may be in your cllissified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the co!>t of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first inscn1on. CLASSIFIEAD -[ii] Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1489 LIJ 2305-2490 By Fax (949) 631-6594 Wlc~ lllCluck >out IWfW' And phone numbCI and v.c·11 call )OU bad "11h • rnl't ljL>Olt ) E l ESTATE R SALE Telephone 8:30am-5.00pm Monday-Friday ~ 3010.3940 IJfilll I I 5005-5850 By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In P er sonc 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Nc:wport Blvd. & Bay St Wec;tnesday .............. Tht':sday $:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Index imti '• 7402·7466 • IOOS·8510 ~ 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S _ee_metert_Lo11ttiyp1s ___ I _Leg.;_a_1 N_otl_ce_s _2640_ MISCEUANEOUS OPlN SUN 1-S 701 PalnH"la 3br 2 5ba looks llke feels lr~e a s1n1lt I.am home Soon to be lom HAll80R WOODS 211• 2b• 2 ca., bedim ull1<e a11t S1900 949 293 4631 28' 18a f root Home SI 750'no ere.I vaU! °"°" ..... 5CJt 11--'.rai Huntington Beach I 3lr 2'/• 2 ~try Twnlvn litsh •tm•1dtl ear • <.trpor I j.ldt"' w d h• uµ Sl'B>n ;M !I.I 714-32'2 8j4J * Sup•r Sharplll • Employment 8500 38• JS• c.Jnc1. "'""' 10 I b<.h y,., Pini " l< ASSISTANT MANAGlll MOTKf PACIFIC VllW UYVllW TlltRA(( SLOTS-AU OR PART 949-494-SO I S I DMTllG ll'S Or dn&e County S•n --------tahi.n 01\trtd !OCSOJ F ounl•m Valley Call lorn1.; will rete1ve 1160 \Ultd Btels unltl Au9u1t --------12, 2003, al 2:00 p.m. TOP SS 4 RICORDS ITC Bids mu,t be received h!2. Chs'!L I._ 'iJ. & ED' •I ocso·s Adm1mstrat1on Ill Alte< Srl-r hlbt dt~ Bulld1n11 or Purchu1n11 M1k~ 949 b4'> /!>0!> 01v1\fon Ofl•ct by the Collectibles/ Memorabllla date and t 1me herein abov~ ut tor th at 1310 whtth t1m~ they will be opened and e umined at --------OCSD \ Purchas•n& 01 EOUAlHOUSING l1ee. 10844 Ellis Avenue. Calendar of Events OPPORTUNfTY Fuunta1n Valley. Cal•· All '"al estatr .idvt1 fornta. 9?708·7018 RlMOVAl OF ·ocsD· 1ts1n11 1n tl11s n~wsi>dpct UTTERING FROM < \ubJ• t tn 111• I edPr al IXISTING MANHOU r au H<•u<.111P. Act nl 1968 COVERS •s aiTI•nded whll h SPECIFICATION nia\\t' 11 1lle&al ttJ NO. s.2003_ 147 ~aver 11 ·• .my P'"ttr I A Mandatory Pre-81d •Ill" l1ndtat1un or Job Walk ha b disc 11m111at1un bd Pd on h I ' s ten racr. e<>lo1 rPl1111rn \'' u edu ed or July 29 handicap tam1l1al •tatu\ 2003 •I 9 00 am at · Ur •nee Cuunt t San rt a rir n~llon•I urtP.ir <1r an 1 0 1 1 I084-4 Ell 1ntllnl1nn '' rTiakP 1ny '"" is 1 IC • IS Sulh pr•leren• < limit" Avenut f ounta1n Valley lion "' dt\ll •mmation -Cahlor n1a 92708 Pleasr I hi·. nP"''" ipet will m~et 1n the Purchas1n11 not ~ •Wt~ 1 .HcPp• 01v1s1on lobby tocatPd at Y Y 10844 Eiits Avenue ""Y .ti"""' lt\tmfl'nt for r ountain Vallt"y C al1 '""' ~\I th "1'''1' " in turma 92708 "' f•tu,n uf the l•w Our '" •d~r 5 Jtt h.i rby All pr11<pt<11ve b•ilde•s nlorntt•l lh.11 ill tlwtll Mr rt11u11ed to altend rne\ •dvPrll\rd '" lht\ lh1s Mandatory Pre·Brd MwSpdptr arr available lob W•1lh dS lhts wtll br on an •ri11al opporlun1ty the on y opportunity lo ba'J\ v1s1l the 1ob site• Failure To C(}ntplarn ut dis lo dllcnd the Mdndatory tr trflllldlion l dll HUD lnll Pr~ tl1d Job Walk for !ht$ tree al I ROO 474 8~'l0 speul1cat1on wi thout pnor written approval ol OCSO IS basis lor OCSO 1483 to re1ed and not accept i===========. a bid Approval to not • WANTED attend will only be e•anted bned on ex Auctions NTI(\UES traord1nary hardship ~ Bids must be submit· led on the lorm supplied Otoer Style Furniture by OCSO m a"ordance PIANOS & CollKllbltt with 111 provisions ol the •Ac.JI;-... ···~ \pec1ftlations Spec1f1. • ,,..._ ·""' • • 04••' -.-. c11tons. Bid blan~s. and $$ CASH PAID SS lurther information may be obt11ned at the above WE BUY ESTATtS addftss teltphune <714) .............. ...,.,.1-• 962 2411 ASTDr' Published Newport Bearh Costa Me$a 011ly P1tot July 20 2003 Su018 I c. ....... ~~~;:~~1 •1.,,_., .. ,,,t -'l~r\t1.ll L ·~ ,;·,~ I. J ;:649-4922. soumcgAsT AUCTI N 2202S..Mlltt9t. ._..AM.CAmo1 '""""""' .\ -A ••M HOME FURNISHINGS Fumllure IEDIOOM SU ITE Queensiie bed, 2 nrehl t•bln 11mo11 Jere• dresser w/mtrror Also TV work-out brke sofa 949 939.3677 lf'ClflCI -Perwn rup: I GI~/ Yard les 1489 etysllll olMdllls, ~ --------tr1d ..... ~ lllCftUry Goroge Sole Sund•y 1.,. Ant1quu. Vldtos. boob & much mo1et 2076 Santa ~n• Ave Costa Mtu between Robin llood & 21\t SI General AnnCMlncemeru 1110 (odh•1 Coll Cont1ct Stwt W(f/(:J# 11 • 997 !644 °' Mosn Toth 949 S8J 9908 The N111r-· win be hotd•nc •u6ttlont tor this rean perfCHmancea on Otc 19th 1 1111 Aud11lorn wMI be Alic. Jr41 ' 10th. b1 ~· ment only If you ~n·t m.tht lhoat llet• , Mttl • p1ch11• ' IHUme •ll•nhon Sl•v• W1lbet, Stnldt Community c"""" 1~31 e .. ch 81vd. Hu11ll"lton Buch, CA926U dlN. sMr ~ 1.819 HIGH tOY CfflST 1 dnwen, 1nt1que blue/ white outhne. uc:elleflt cond S49!> 949-720-1565 E#B.JY/ -11\ICllll - MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 STlll IUILOINGS 50 70~ OH 40a40 50a 90, 60a l 20 Mu~t Sell' C•n Oehver ! Roy (800) 499-2160 Business pleted SI ?79.000 Agent B J JohO\on 949 721 0132 llO>UCD>ll Msmrrle Creff. r at>ulous loca1Jon1 oo the i:Fl!enbell Jbr, dHf 'W)lkOUI room eatta le hv'1m w Ip. .i<: eate &Uatded POOb '>Pd s Judy Kolar Bti,t..et 949-.376-SS76 Opportunities c..,,. cow 3br 21>.i Buslneues and hou<ie. Watt;J v-L& Lot Franchises 3905 ~~*:: ;r4-~ ASllSl+PerYI Costa Mesa S..-SW.SS. Only$99tS 1~7151 Ol'OISAT-SUN 1-4 DOLLAR STORI. Own d dollar store Minimum requued S20K• equity 1-800-227-5314 AAA VINDING IOUTl 8'.l ~ Unm Ptme kr <.al.com S9550 Invest 25.., down wac 8X> llG-9311 A COICE/M&M V~ ~ BIG SSS lnrome 10 Cleat I oc's ~ lO Own fw1 !D).24(}.llDI a4 I 33 usou'n GOLDMINU 60 vendin2 machines with ocellent locations .. for SlO~ 8X).2J4-E9!2 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE 4502 8ALIOA PENINSULA Commerclol apace S2700/mo 709 E Balboa Aaent Paul 949-290·8128 l9'JO Momw1.1 3br Iba Canyon Par~ $4~.IXXJ Mary F ewe! Re~• 949-646-9670 Garden Grove 18r 18a &•led lOOdo New pnt crpt kit lttne & D/W Mslr br W/watl. 111 cl>t. l R w ca th t.t"' r p 1enn1\ c1a clObhse Prud Ca Rulty 562 307 1'>88 Huntington Bead! OPIN SUN 1-4 SlAHIDGE VILLAS 20321 T1depool C11 •202 IBR IBA Conso. I mt to bch Gated comm pool tennis. uuna S26S.000 By Owner 909· 748 7016 NewpOft Beach NorolHa 81uff llallnga Bay view corner end u111t 3br ?ba •Delore• Plan• S749K Open Sat Sun I 5 I Story end corner unit 2br npanded $549.000 Newport Coast PRIME ESTATES PATlllCI( TINOIE NATIONWIDE USA 949-8S6-970S www patntktenore com M~P.a-.er.11 Lu<;lorn estate with <anyon & ocean voeW\ Offered at S6 500 000 Coa1tllne Realfy 949-7S9--0l77 Nor1h Tustin O ... N SUN 1-4 I 1012 1entTrH, North Tutlln 'lbr 4b~ aour k1 tth. tU5IOm drth1tecture puul spa waterlalls S 1,649.000 Luley Citarella 714 514 4262 MISCEl.lANEOUS REHTAL.S RentalTo Share 6030 Newpwl 8ch lack lay 4br hu 2 runm\ av•1I l'bv~ "'" r:rel JflOro ~.,. utol' 949 553 ~'>3 ~~M'S pied tomm C.Ustom lurn!Sh 8-i .-Ill balrony own oo r u1 prllliege$ p poo1 Sl!l:JO • 1/7 uU fwn pie~ 1'v8'8 I 714 608 2145 Storage,1Jarage Space For Rent 6060 GMAGfS w/tilect 11 ~Zl UXJ or 22•2.0 $575, OI !iEOOsf, M'1)0l1 area. IM w,t¥l sec11ty 96646-1 l(J; RESIDENTIAi.. RENTALS LA COUNTY· 7200 I.ONG BEACH & VICtNITY 429 •~ 1've 9119-67 8l78 Ocean view home b11&ht quiet lbr 2b• wd patios no •moh p~t I ( ear S?350mo949 /Zl 1719 large l br 2b• lloust lamrm &OOd storaii~ I 7 gar. wd pal Jr; Ow fr pie .SZ400mo 949 67!>·!>69'.i h autlful 31r 28a/21r 18.l )'fly ·~ CUltt ~ !h'd p w1d t1u.4> ¥ S2lml'Sl!KXl 949 293 46JO CostaMesa llr & 29r c6et home 1 mo to ~.adl vaul cH$ stove Ire cetl Ian. more S&5()n lbr & Sll 70m 2br 133 [ 161h St Ask lor Spec1a• 949·548·24ll u lASTSIDl CHMMfJtu 3B1 I b•. 11a n 1e•. backyard ut1I\ 1ncluoed (949) U S-7113 a.. c.-Nr:w ~ W.tLer Vl!'W !.« lot 714 2$9646. 714-974-9494 96 737-012& ........ Pr..~ "1m'd s ...... rY lr1 Sq 'S5 lw'f Cozy ri-1 t'd .. .anv. ~ -ri 11<'1 NM & I V15 !M}.642 2818 lov.ty GoMcl C--'ty 18r I la Ar· w pvt aar Irie. wa• to '" Squar~ S895•mo Water trnh p.Jid. Klein Man311ement 877 70C 8649 £at 9200 1·.u. lg lbr loft, ..... & ""80lh.y, lg patio, ... !"ft, S99S/-. 180 l 2ht St. 949-60-7776. 28r, 28a, upper unit Apt I ·c ear, new paint carpet. blinds. hnoteum, Ail Sl200!n 949 673 7800 SvfNft•r Spa<lol Dual ~ 2•2/f'CT ()I,. Bit., RJ!neeJoventdw, Upstan aN prtic. water /trash pHI s 1295m S500 dep-S500 p.t AD AGENCY has tndov upscale offices 0t adi->t 8!iO sf SUI~ w/ll(lff CDOr5e views en N B mdnse by airport Free prllf1C, shwed con! room. Furn/unh11n from S450 949-756-8501 Tait Ing I ack up Offer a 3br uper aded townhome S50 7. 000 ll'(;U)9S Ldkl!>\000 L<7YJ Beal.ti Nottt1 ln'(j Beacll Sign.ii H HAMOlt WlAGE Hlrbof Blvd (Ci) Mefllmac: HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balbol Plnlnsula 0 ,.ININSULA CONDOS o,....s.,.s_ 1-• ·49 IS llver Ave faOM SIU,000 2U 28THST. J&4.,._ 4915-4917 ._. ,_ ,.,.._/, ..... o-.w.w,...,. .. --·~c:. 949-9»-7521 "°""l' .... I. ltd Tr rplex, lepl !IOIH:On lanrq w/~ tnd .bay Yie;n. SI. I 915 <XX> jm 1'cobs. As30cllt9d flllllty 9'9-673-lli63 c.....c... .... ( •• 1 1 ' • ...,...~.---·-~·-e•· .., ,,... ...• --&-•••• ....... ..., .....,....,, 3br I story townhome S56S.000 (LH/ 4br East Bluff home Sl.089.000 NoralH ,._, .... lealty 949-02-6489 w.....,_ a.-.y J& 2Ba wl1o-.l@ly Bay v- 0!*1 floorplan lob of windows 59ACJOUS kit. inclds W/O. SLS><XXl/obo Miry Wood, 1111 ~~ 5811 717 98t6 EASTILU,, AlllA E11c townhm. 3br end unit. fee land. HOA $180.00 By Owner $549,888 714·299·7373 O,..NSAT 1-4 J2 I 2 lr-4 St NIW,.OtlT HllGHTS 3br 2 5be pvt back yd $735,000 949·646·0454 PRIMI ISTATIS ,.ATaKIC TINO•I NATIOftWIOI USA 949 ... 56-9705 www.p1trlcllten0<e corn SIAf•I v_, of Ocleln & c.ta1 ... from Hucie J'•tio, 18' tB1 $449.IXX> Ill~ ~only ..... ) lllMONT HllGHTS 4br 2 Sb1 completely remod w/lt1llan tile, R2 1oned Willi to buchl $779.950 949·310·7300 RESIO€NTIAI.. RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY •S• loy front yrly 4br 2b• UPP•• duple• l Cir pk1ng, laundty fac S3250mo o East Bay Iron! 1pt 2br Iba, fp, Sl800mo •llir V«>. p . li&tll + brfltll. Sl4mno • 2br 2l>a house yrly S21<Xmo All 94!Mi73-«ll.1 W•y <7T4J S45 0442 :Z. 2.51o Twnnouse oo bluffs "' bch fncd yd Ip ~pr• ertra prtic. S14!li/ mo &&ent 949-641·9699 '-"E-...21w2'/ .. Twmm. Fp. pvt patll>, Le mstr, PDW'iacuu1 w/d p -vt Mn pet°" Aval 1V1 S17am> 714.$-858!'> Near Newport Hta, completely ramod 2br l.5b1 twnhm. new wd new lutch & appfs & c1rpet & more• G11 w/opener No pets. suir., 949-2!lG-6333 ~ 4br 2b• HUGI YAltD W /GAllDINll. FrWi p!ll1t In & out ft' T fJWi1kll Pllll< & F erwounc1s S19rill •dllp ~13 l 'a14e 21r Ito 1-'Y fncd yard. 2 c 1tt 111. wd firs $1950/mo Incl •loyfr-t 1149. Com-prdtttrtl8/Wllb6 ~-«> pletely 1efurb11htd lbr ~Now a.oreeous 28r lb• with Fp, mint cond. 2.S6a homL ltJG£ Jc Ill 949.9n.7777 pr. Ip. /IC.. W/O, 1Jdrw lndd. S2ll5Qono Klllll Pqt. U].104-8649 lal ~ 1'.> w• Te a-i. 1'.> 1 Br. I Ba. lllflt & brlthl. no ~ls. ltue Sl295mo •nit now 949 720 1565 J OOAYrS CROSSWORD ANSWERS Oce.nft I br Iba wnckl 11t •I HB Pe tomlTI puvl '.4).j W•d .. unrt und!flJd ~ Ail S111X> 94%7l llJJJ Irvine COMMUTI USS HLAX MOH Cool.tel rental """'-' Ap.,t1 ~ lm40t•lldl•in Ceott1 176ZS B di H¥v.,d dlld Md#!, lrVWle U 9"f>l4 1 866 40().2~1 '•ital llvtng.com Newport Beach 18r 18a w/k1tth~nett~ Quiet ••U lblk to vtedn S97Sm inti util & tabl~ av<11t 8 I 94~ 64!> 917'> OClANFIONT WIHTll RENTALS I -2 3 & 48r'• Avall. Anacloted llealty 949-6 73-3663 LIDO YlAllY LU.SI & UDO SUMMll HOMIS Bill GRUNOV Rf Al IOR 9+9-67S-6161 2H 18A YlARlY w /garoge. Avall Aug I Auaclated leafty 949-673-3663 Nil P 'mokP ,,,._. t1J11"' I blo<k b~'' bu' h w d uhl incl 1795, mu 949 6SO W43 IP s:'.2£hi&t~··110sn fllHllllAlllfNIAI'> Hwp1 st-.. lmmac 2!>r I 8AYFIONT CONDO LAI' llM l '*' to txh ,.-..,.x 2 8r 21a. 2ca< ga<ag• I 81lf! ~!. 014 7 S3SOO/mo. Dack Available. pr.Ill l""'\& tJt\ l\"""".i S?l<nn ~'l/i-lt-'391 Auodated le•lty VIia Point c1<1ts1.ndcn1t 1 949-673-3663 cundu w ) ma~tl'I~ un ~~If --well~ wd.. to Batt.u Gat.d, ~ ....,..._.. ~•nd & B.o B"Y Av .. ~ Hor.,.. 28< 2Sd ! • "' i"' t'l(jw $llfl()-n a11t 94':1 718 IJVI beactwi:. A. c SH.nm 1'>.11 114m1"'811•l4..,..,11, M-lr•\tlly R"1tl.•I AvM ...,,, ..... 4lll Ill.; 1.-..: "" , ... ., l'Otlll ""' y M• lurn <J otl[t ~:bll 949 67', dt..1)' Lw• AtrlODllWI NIWPORl IL.CM 94'1 / l~ 11 'I DltMR/CDl (A) Maimol~. SIOOll 1llH ~ Y•M~1 ".111.0S t• H '~"b T•.tr" lo 41 .. ~''' f •J"tfl tK.h. _ _., t11 >SI '• nh. tuii-1 \Ut ct1.u,,.-. tOl ~~'••I• wt'korl... I •W l!OJ 'l,•, '>'J'1f., 0 1 ~tlM 11m 2 & 3 8drm Unlh up~tdded w all n@w l .tf p•l t-. krt l.ill<115 JIM ~,,,.,,. rrnuo d w, "Mlftt- tnl/\ (~ Iv tx.h' $1500 $7.JOO 'M9 515 IXB> ~· ~· S.in 10 2 4202 tlil.tflrt 8lUFfS TOWN HOM( if Al"<,/ AN t RAV VlfW JBR •FR LARGf [ f'lAN DRIVlllS WANHD lovely 21r+-den 21/>lo 1,USTOM UPGRA0£0 N#.,r••l 11. H.11111111·1 "Fl• It lnwnhou\P 1~6(hf ? < f ~PANtll D 1~k00mn '•' Y"'" '""" "''"'' 11•' &M wet Ni po.-,(~ t""" Horal•• l'aul1on Realty f ••I w lull t1m• ,,.,J 1bl• rv f.t•.hoon l<J S?flOrn r•• 949-632-6419 i 11,. 11.11 11111 l<rn• pt!t Vl!M .. _. 949 72J fbl2 ------( 111 ilAA lllJI Wrlll~ -------Ilg c....,.... 19 R... I "l~JI( (") WNW IJfllcUI lo1tbh1ff, 31r 28r. C-, Jbr .! 0.. j _,,, j iJ• a~t w d h• uJJ Ae1 I ""' <or•ivlt:t.+, •Hr•~ 12375 n10 949 293 46.l() l IYl>.1 M·'°"' ; Mud ll~t AT IASE Wou.~•n •I •t ~ II M...i .. I S4 9'~ ,. U.I I I d'ht .. l\l .. •'1 I\ • ... 8AllOA PlNINSUIA II(~ b JW VIUll <1:• OrTiw 114-117 lRll •?JI u1n~ • '" J f I 1nn Pr A e\ '4\'\Ut ~ ..... (t.tf•l• t fi, W 0 /• ~M J24(.() ml) 1124 l'on Wl>ee6.r, 41w '~ Clwr.1194'1 'ffl.Jfi48 j l ' /1ba. > "' ~·' ---C mpt_.l•lt _.fTI•H1_.l,..d llR YlARl Y RlNTAlS 4 IJl}fJ,t S4 ,. o c .. 11 Nt>•I>"' I Ii• ll P•rnn .1111 W•• 114 Ill IRll , 'H Sl4f.IO S7400 n A~t ---- 949-673-7800 .N_,_, .._., 8oyfr- 31r 2 .Sia, NPCre•t. !Av ddl'<l & llTYlldl ,,.., bk N.tl< 10 lA.h dbl &"' pt.Jill tenn s;><°"' 96'l?.;.((67 21r 28o+ 0 "P· efflca w /"°"'. 4<IW "'"'9'· ......... s ft~ SSOOO/rno. l ... l\nr• I .,. ~ ,..,. Monll"9" lusi...u r. t•" lf'Y• '"~~ ht-\ 1 •• •1 •n•~ p1 1 .. nh. I 1 1• ' I l't I dt ,,., llC '/(< 14'1 P\1bl1'\l111'• PROMOTIONS DlPAllTMlNT ICJNGS RO, Prlvot• Wing ......,._, Cnat »/2'/"lla ol lariit home 'l sp~l f nd unll prtv siit entty rm~ Iba k1lth~tl• pvt IN.id<-U>untty M nwrble Mlrance, S9J, 949k>WJJ I*~ Vr ~ 949~3 As-sote4 loolly 949-673-3643 Newport Coast TllOVARI ConMnun1t1 t\t'N'o4>"1Cll"f' an ll•'olll~ I ••!Oly -~\ I ull lwtll J.H,.,..,,. I 1 w1f..,,,•~ •r>d ""'k •.tur .. 1 11.irt.u ,,Alt'" HI ltJOlfUUJlel'f evrul\ I tfo,&11'1' d lli!J fhl&Jf\.tffl' """"' and ~Ill( 11on\ r ft'"""' {ommlfOttdt1no 9'.tl IN1Y ... wiej4 with ~ publoo Krl<'W AP Stv1• ()uB1~XP1~' Phot1~. Muftr Ad Cle •tor Prnhc "'"' 1>11 MN •nd l'C ('Ct llt\•ill uperittH, prel rred Prooft eMl<n~ t .... t ()f Ull \O~ physa,.al rf'QUW«d EOE E •tetlent llenel1t PllCi...ee (m.t~ r~ wrrttnll "''"lllln ~•id ~y requir•mt nl\ lu Ulna ,,,.,..,,,@>IAtn-com A STW llR S I09S/Mo 'I• Off the ht mo a- (0< 6mo lease N~wly remodl!led w new ilPl'JI\ ca<pet & ceramot tllr! WIO inside @ unrt 0-W & fl c C<ill Lora 949 646 224>4 <• 714 633 7592 No~ Large I 8 r I 8a unit on quiet Peninsula pe1nt S•nale person No1~m~ peh $14~ 949 293 46JI Gcrted, ,., Hoag. ~ Jba homot 2 • '"' &., pr Iv patio, comm pool Yr ~ S?//'l lN"...,,. ~/3 8hrff'• Pepular I Pion 48r ? Ba lar111ly "''- cnurty.ard, balcony, r>o P<lU ~' 714 JZ8.83l3 CUFFHAVEN 38r 2h S29S°"'• Yrly Hue-Yard & Deck 949-642-6394 Chor.., Int 28r I le Av144 Now Prl'lldte Be11c.h 8ocltltoy Hae Huae yard. llrn5 au1.,.. tfftrr ~ fruit trus 48r ?B• ~ Sl700mLse9491181400 t 18'1 b ~~ VLlA IM.IOA 2 M.rster,. 2lu fp lncty tm. Ii p.tltO comm pool/tenn ~· 7L 1>"112 wal< to bch 11n1wtr pd $1850/mo 100Tl9 8107. 94~574 9243 S29IDn ~'peb ~251-01J8 HAll8011 VllW HOMU 38r 2B• erut loc.At1on nur \thool & greenti.11 ,.ew c•rpet ·paint .v11I a? J umrn 94~ m JT 11 1 ILOCll FIOM OCl.AH 8AYFllONT 2br 2N remod. IJYf Wpil!l 3~ ll• SJ200/-yrly c:ar'I01. $tcnlQ1t. $1850/mo 6 26-28 2-f 7 U AVlJj S.I 9&51>4229 616-297-4262 2br 211. 'l ( lldl' a.ottd tummu111ty pool .t£1 Sl400 94q ~3 46 H STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • llece,11 ... 1a1 l'or1-11.,.. ur 1y nior ""'l\ & ewe ""'ll' 101 NB Hoth tluh CMtact .._., 949-W l21!> YACHT UOUUGl \eek\ ull '',,tine oft.et mir <Ompul•t l1trr1te MS WO<d & C•ctl a must fl HI••• com mensur1te w/ujH'rttntf F •• res um• to 949 6!>0 1408 TM J..tilll f),JN1rtmmt 11 tht Ddi/y PiU,1 is pkNtti 10 """4"ntt 11 ntw 1m1itt n0111 11wi'4bk UJ nl'W businasa. ~ wiJJ M W SEARCH tht M"'l for JO" 111 no tm'll rlM.rit, •nd lllvt JO" tJJt timt •M the trip # "1t Q"" Hofl.ll in S.11u AnA. Thtn, of t'O"rII, •for tlN 1111rrh ii tM1't#J wt wiU fi!L JO"' fotiliow businns namt ltlltnnmt with tlN C,""IJ Ck1/t, p11Wbh ontt 11 wttk far fo11r wtth llJ n-q11imi by""' 11.nJ thm fik JO"'/'°"/ of rbliation with IN CAt1111J Ckrlt. Pk11St stop by to fik JO"' fat:iti4'11J b#Si11n1st4tmtmt111 tht Daily Pilot. 330 W. &y St, Costil Mt111. If!"" t11.n1f{)t imp i)I pkm uO us 111 (949) 642432 1 '"'" 111t wiJJ 1'Ukt ~for~ u ht111Jlt this prottti111t by mAiL /f r11 sbtnJJ h411t "'1 farthtr fWS'i"'1, f>/tel t4'J #J /lnJ wt wiJJ bt MOl't Wff ""'# llllill ,-G#tl /lltj ;,, ,., Mf4J iwUltts! Pilot IMW'l26Uul 2 dr .11t1/t1n. 5 ip. sumoof. lull pwr, $2000 714 878 9455 IMW '97 JUI c-v meta•ic dark blue/crty ltlu , s upe•b cund lhro111hout $15,99S 1lll612C1 9lw 9&58& IH --••• , ... 1 ...... IMW'90J2SI I•• new 8111/len 4 dr 1uto, 1<1611 m1 " lunr I f~, llnl, C~ \R>Oll 714 651 4b61 IMW 'H U c-v. auto whit•/l•n llhr r.o bHul1ful like new 1 und $17,995 v!>9/24 Ion & _, ~ llkr 941!} 'J8& lat! ......... 1 ...... ••w ... u c-... 2.1 . 6 q i red l•n llhr '>•vd beau I lllle new 111nrl •8151:>1 SI 1.99'> 11 • n'nc11111 & warr•nty a•d•I Blu 949 586 1888 www.ecp.a.l.com l11kJi 'U Rlvore MW lores b"ak\ & ''"" "' loaded, elecl nmr I rn•h olfe< (714) !WI 1104 C...,._ '01 SovlHo SLS \olver /&r ey tlhr I 0 thrm whl\ 1nld pl<£. lull t.ct, ht.e Mw $18 4~ ••59674 1 lrn•nc1111 •••rt B "' 94 9 '>86 18811 ~·~···­,...,._ •94 SLs s ... 11t. 81 51>. mr aood tnnd black thl'fl y llhr n• .. tares $4!JOO /14 14'> 1194 '97 CHEVY JAHOl 4 ct. ........ QA UJJ) So.nl s~ .. Owrr•rrlO ~ w/2 Rodik•d 'i;h. C...ull!S....-... MU..,, ~all r«*I In~ I,..-w.•r $15.!lOO 94') ~I fill <•rv•lf• '19 Coupe auto 60lo • mo met~ltr1 1ed/l1n llhr \UJJer b tond lhrouiihuut S9.'.l'J'\ Bllr 949 '>86 181111 ~ .... ,-i ...... fortl '6 5 Mu•tong Con•er 11blt 011c111dl •1wner. lOhd ,., Sl9 99'> ubo 949 119 294J 1...., '94 XIS (..,., • l yf. z .-1 fl;,m1n1c; r.·d1 l•n lthr CO buulrlul u rrc tond SI J 'I'!'> v"94?641 lrn•n11ne & WMrlnly 0411 Hkl 949-Sl6 IHI -.... ,-1.c..n 1.....-'00 XU C~I 44.. mr lull lat I w"r •anly 8rrll\h r1t1111; 11een l•n llhr ro dvome whl\ 1ri.,,, np"' U6~ •rr<)/'>?41 Bh• t inan,mg & ••11 av.ttl '4t-S .. ·llH -·~··- Callfornr<1 law 1e quires lh•I contrac Ion ltlo.rn& tolH th1t total S!JOO or more (labof or malef11ls) b4! l1een~ by the Con tr ac IOI\ SI a le l tcenH Bo .. d Stile !Aw 1tso rPQlllf" lhll con tr •ctO<l include thew lrcPnH numbt!t on all ttd•et t~na You e1n check lhc \lalu~ of your llcenud con t r a c l o1 a l www cslb ca eov or 800·321-CSlH Unh censed ~onh atlo!l lakWll 1obs th1t total less than SSOO mu1t stale In their ad.ertlumenls th1t t11ey are not licensed bl Ille Contra~to11 State Lame Board -........ RI tlfllll ,..,_~ Mdwl / 8'111 / ~ ~ ~•••••osa:im llfillv.> ~ ..,,.,9125 AlrCt •n .... ALUllNYAC ,. CofldttJo11ln1 ' Heat· lfll S« vie• 1188 ltPPr0¥M .....,~.m c:.,mv llhr, P•. or 11 o wner, 1Ul9fb 0111 COfld 11 .99S v'29675l B~r· .... , ... , ... •.... ,, .... ,_ 1.e .... ·usc>00c... ..., ,. • .,, ·~ k ;m~~ .. Mea4e 'tt Mlete CoM •!lk mr, auto, "'••r tan lop, pw, pl, IVC CO, superb lrke new cond vii 19743 SI0,99!> l1n,.11cma & warranly •••11 Bkr 949 ~ 1888 -....:!!WW,0<,.ltl.,_ M ..... ,.. '9• (210 bnut1lul bl•<~/tream fully loadtd. \howr oom. n'wt. $10.250 7;4-JSI ~ Morce4os '9S l»O t•/ blk be.ut. •" upl, none nil er, ,_ llWf.# "'' lyi ~l.!al /14 l'!>I ~ Morco6e• 4S0Sl '71 Conortlltle low 93k mile-. -v ll<lOd ~. on!~ 949-493-0319 MorocM• '91 420 Sll whrlt grey llhr lhrome wlol\ low mo. wperb llJnd $6~ 11•!'161281 H-r 949 ~ 11188 www.~°"'­ Olchmoltlt. 't6 A .. ,.,. 60!. m1 bl•rk i:r ry lth1 mnrl CO l•buluu' tund lhr ou1huut S'>99!) ~onU~/?19 Bkr 949-S .. 1818 w-.·· ..... _ 01 A.ltll A4 o-. Hl~l k w \rl•... I P,11h l'I, MoJUOlf..ol < 1 'M2bl I S22 9lll 0 I llMW .J25" W.,.... Wh r I e W>'~r~y ;I l k Mil•\ 5pur h Pk& 1I9'i4i' I S2S 980 99 IJ20 S.tlon Wl11lr w/Saddlt ltd ti .. , Muonr ool t 1944 Ji S79 9110 0 I Joguor S Typo Sr• Lr,. .. n w Saddle I fh1 7811 mt Mr1001uol t I'll ll> SJL 980 94 /l/hr utl .. S600 (hdrt1141 w 81H~ t ~Alhl'r 111· ( hron1t Wht':~h Mot.nrnvf I I 'l'> 17C r S?9 980 Ol lMW7 401 lilA< •"' R1 .. , k only !I~ Moir'> t 1948'>1 I S l9 980 01 l'oraclte Turlto l1111ro,n11 fJnl1 l8k null'' N~vA11•t1.0n r I 'l l<JA I INQUIR( 91 , .. .,.GS :JOO Guhl w S•ddl~ l rdlhtr ( hrt'lm~ Whrrl' 1194181 S2?980 99 /erred :I.SS fl S1lv.1 w BIHk I ••th., t>nlv 14~ nutt\ ( 114 ll'J I INQUIRE 0 I /IAor••'-• Cl$OO S1lvrt w Crey Nav1 ~'"°" Only ISi'. mr • l'M'>t I INQUIR( 00 l'orult. lonlor 01.,k., '""1 tuth ,., lt0hOnK 119 ~·" SJO '8) t4t-S74-7177 Pll.lfS AUTO ;'II; --- car,.t .... ~ ....... Cwplt. S-a m l1'lllJY tnnl ,... awplll ~~.CJD ...-IJCE!JIS ~ o u.»n ~CAarllo Reparn, Paldllf1C. Inst.it Courteoin any size ,obs. Wholesale' 949 492 -0205 • NORTH •Al6''\ ltf 5 K86 •QH lead WE.\T • 103 'A QJll4 EAST • 975 West elected to auack w11b the tOp oC the club doubletOI>, decl.ara pe.yed low clllb from dwn.my lllld won the fll'lt trick wUh ctie oinc. '))umps Mt\I drawn in three rounds, endina in hllnd. and dcclarrr contin· uc:d by leadln1 a club IO the queen, wlucb WU allO\lo'ed LO win. East cap- LUm.I the ncJll club with the ace: and thl' defcn~ wa~ lll the cro<.)roaili. AQJ S • 113 ;> 76 32 932 •AJ6 F.a.o.1 IXlU!.Cd10 take Mock. SulCC the opcrung bid ITIAl'kcd West with a1 lca't l'ive helllU, dcd11rer held ar ~• one:. WcM would likely have led a heW'I from a holding of either A K or K Q. i.o th111 card had to he the king. Howc11cr. there wu flQ need Ill lead a hurt through the k 1ng Fur an open- ing bid. w~ had to ha~e MJbsulntial value' an wamoodl.. "'1 n nugh1 be 1mpor11U11 tu attad. that \Ull. Mal.Ching the idea to the ~ic. I .a.'t ~h1fted 10 the ntlll' of diamond' and when South produced lhc ten. Wc-;1\ J*= I. f oru..'d the king SOUTH • KQJl K 107 4 •Kl097l TI..: bidding srnm 1 wt:.,,. .,_ I 2• .. "'-,._ NORTH FA~ .... 1 ; 4• Obi .... np..,mng lead E1ghc of ' One of the okk\t rubrk;, in bndgc t~ lc.od pactncr'' \Ult Illa! '>hl111kl be mc.Jrlicd b)' unlc"' you I.now II l\ll0l "'-"~! l.>tll:harcr hold oo 4utd. entry ba.:I. Ul hand UI Ull.e dt...cardJ. 00 the good club\ When Sourh led o hcat1 IO the l ing. WN won w uh the ace and c'"hod the ..._'C and 4uceo uf di<1- mo•Kh for 1 onc:-tnd ..ct. F...~-We,1 were plJytni' fi'l<c-c..rd lr\JJOI'\ South tool a d111nce U\ m:aU- '"~ t\l.U 'pat:le<. on a chunky four-card 'ull ta tal.eout doohlc would hll~e httn more appropnate) West·~ four· hcJ11 rclm.1 -.,w, 11 dt'.lll~'t 'tn:k.·h. hot 11 ..... , h:a...-J on the fa.:1 thut 11 m 1g.l11 tempt the opponent~ to lllke a '8Cfl· li.x JI r .. ~ltrdbk \Ulncrab1hty That wa' rndt-ed the c.i-.<. but II ~u1n:d mtl'llr~t'.111 dcfen\.: Ill ckl.:at the oppo1\1n1 i:atnc, g1~cn the opcmn1t Note 1ha1, had Ea~• roouocl) mumcd 1 hcJ/1, lhc too1rot1.1 wouJd hu"e IT\OllJc Although West can win. the w..:c ot diamond;. '"''" he lhc th.ml Jnd lu\I tmk for the dcfcn-.c l>ocl.ircr can gel tu hand with a hear1 ruff lu d1-.curd J heart and a diamond on the Ion!!-club-. and. "hen W~1 tum' up wrth lhc ace of diamond~. I 0 lrlCk\ arc In the bJg 9004 _Auto1_mot1vt ___ 9004_ BOAT REPAIRS/ '•nche '99 Carrere 4611 mo, blk/blk llhe CO, chrome whl,, like new $4?,9% V#6221Y.>7 11 n.nun& & w•n iVarl Bkr 949-516-1111 -.ecpot.l.c- ·-·· ..... , ·9· 4.0 SE /81< •"tual nu bool<s, re<ord\ t uwne1 while/ ldn llhr. co runnrne boards bru\h 11urds Irk• new <ond •112848 Sl8.m lrn & w•rranly ••••I Bkr 949 !>86 1888 --... ~ ... - s-b ·99 9.J c_... 491. mo whole O•lme•I llht CO bloHk lop I ;,butuus h~ e new 'ond SI 3 <,ff., v•87S2GI Bkr 949-5 .. -1 .. . -........... _ TOYOJ A C.AMRY Ll' 94 4 do<rr '>)I. molu •ulo . P W PS SS~ Provall' party 909 111 10?6 feyota '91 (or ... U h1:1ge auto 74k mo pw, pb pd, p\. tc, A/C 51&'1!1l S18'.Xl /14 84J.!VI l '...... I.at fl "'-owllow 1841 8e:ar. b'( ~ IN lu IN nlldtj ur <;a.di ..., llitil Mauna. le>16 D544-7L13 VW £ n A '1:1 Cl. Oldoer mode, r:tn blue. <KAI> ac ext, trR ool. al ~~ IOCUth, dnt oond 64k rn. SIOCXX:V ol>o 96-533 3349 BOATS 9515 ..._~.SJ Out 1-ee 18 Cwwllde ISO runs put 19118 P.oc.do. .. Catval'llled 2 ule II,..,, Sl9CD~-8P6 'W D •. H''f 21 11£\WORT(Jt s...e CMf SZ3 ax> ~·~ 145.tDl ~ 1341 OUf'FY wcnac 20n • ... Wtf p.#11l'lf ed bo.11. .int cond Rel ent nrw"~· & n......, olhnr oti!tl'l'o Sl4,!a) 96-~16 DUFFY 2 1 ft 1994 P11madonna t uslom tu~ wood. CO ch•n11er. up&taded windows & tover Just paid $4!>00 Spothght Sl6.000 \hp a•.tol 949 6J I 0771 SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LMJNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 U fT SUP AVAUIU IN N£WPORT llACH S2SOO llASf 949-S00-1005 SIN "• fer Mn .._ up to )Oft near balboa Island btrdi~ s.400/mo 949 67J 406? NUD 4 5' SUP In No.,.,t 1-11 (IS bum) w/wate• & power 714-865 2999 IAY ISlAHD COVl -· lllt beam, unlrmrled leneth, quret & sale 949 m 1111 °' 949-673 1StJ J 4' Boal Shp, prrme lnl By Mama Gina'\ re\ t.u1 ant Month of Aue only Cat Cm 949 Tl3 fnll IM>Af 51'5 NOW AVAIL Coll '°' We5, IOalbor1 _, dotall!. Water .xt ~ rdldud ...... ,~, l'Pilot --.....-.-Best place in the world to advertise! Call todar to place rour ad Classified 642-5678 eon....,snca COMPlITER HELP! ......... °"' .... .,.. ....... flt•• ....... U(lll*t YC>UmHO•I tMnOVIM IMT PltOJICT? Call • plumber .... peinlw h1ndym1n Of any of Ille lfHI SMVICH hshtd heft in Ollt a.tVICt dwtclO<yl JHf.SC LOCAt. SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI ACROSS 1 Fancy ooontly r...aera &Sell 10Mapi 1&Rol! 21 Stew ingredtont 22Woodwrnd 23 Ooagaln 24Bumlng 25 Zingy flavor!! 26 Venerated Nile btrd V Prompt (2 wets ) 28Add up :?9 Draw to a clooo 30Gob 32 Krnd of headache 34 Ctrcumferonco 36 Aoedie gear 37 Mako numb 39 Fable wnter 40 -881 4 1 Cookbook AMl'I 42 Heart or liver 44 Cornet features 46 Snack 48 Bam ha.bllants 51 Nov8f1!11 -Ferbl>t 53 Dressy an11e 55 Celebnty status 59 Thurman of f lms 60 Extra1e1Testna1s 62K1ngdom 64 Straignt man 65 Semesters 67 Basket-makers IW c; 69 Pry 71 Avoid capture 72 Catcl\es tire 7 4 Durable wooo 76 F1sh1ng boats 78 Ready 79 Egg rollmg time 80 Make unhappy 82 Lose 1nterest 83 Foxes d19r. 84 Ctan 86 EnJOY 88 Part ol a loa.1 90Types 93 W"""~ 95 Fastens 97 Biltllllore hittar I 01 Left lfl a huny 102 Slack-jawed 104 Shuttle di&pat.c/lers 105 Was humtltat9d (2 WU..) 106KWIJ -- lu 1/1(1 yruund t 08 Scon.ht1s I 10 Ycarr11ng sounds 112 Cairn I 13Check casher t 15 Hrghta1l 1t 1 17 Shaoc or meaning 1 t 9 Road topping I ::>() Manors t22 Pra1r.e 1 ;>4 F.ntreaty 125 Sllppefy customers l?6 Rain !c,rQSI par•OI 12a Cncss plCCO'l 130 WM1es ltkP, Shtlmu t 1;> V1N81n <; IOf> 11'5 Oe t nanntM 117 loathes 139 YOIJtt' 'it.br.ulturn (tlyptl ) 141 l ync poem 144 Go '"' 11 ioo 145 Auspices t.ib Hote' otter nq 14 l floe t~Opurna I SU l lama cous n 15<' Alexanoe< or 111a,, 154 Dramatist Hen111t. - 1 56 Eoge past 1 ~ I Lacio' ed I '.18 U1>ar 1n Italy t~Y Dame 1 GO E..~pe11nients tb l Oe empra11c 162 ,A ntt•em tG3 ~mall tires Pallting DOWN 1 Went 10 the Pols 2 Reaily stupid 3 Oainell Of Hurt 4 Capt.am a toumal 5 Solutt0n 6 Nu! and 7 Receoe 8Aackec 9 CP.a'ie t O Casino employee t I Roost Slttf'.tS t2UaDIC 13 Wear thf' crown t4 Tho ot Iha Stimw' 15 Scuno systems 16 St11p of wood 17 T 8Db1 top•r. 1 a Moreno and Ha)'WO'lh 19 Palf11ul Sl>flSM ;:>(') GM~<i a leg up J 1 Theater b&elee! 33 Wyle or fan,.. clc 35 t1o•ses gans 36 -a.,d oon ts 'JC, Ll'ldberqll and Murray 40 Do: o• a.rd 4 1 lnnsonx:ot locale 43 Peoro s good-bye 4':. M~·s a'ld Reniic• 4 I A sits ?U1 4ti -O•'? 4!1 P. lptia s OPC>OS le 50 Alerts :;;,i Oryart er (kDerg :..S ~a~•ig vessel ')) Put out a hre 5.., Poet -Nash 58 Getts 1rtroduced 60 f-all fo()Hef 61 Flowers-to-be 638og 66 Ow'" g1oves 68 Cu c.r1:I Pun&r 's aide 70-ablttt t 1 ·~ t j ,.. '" Pfumbing .. _. .. ~y. Ally 20, 1003 • 13 F.-olnlil -Jong 75 -ec.tner °' film' n EwnrJmltit -Janeway 80 W""'1Jy program 8 l Eicplodmy llAI I 83 Free of lroi.l 85 Movei. J"Uflllly ff7 Pane ixoduct 89 C1 nkWila labri<. 901rt d !tflll 9 t CtlUI, II y rt.1..id:. 92 Ut>ed d prte·dteu 9-4 Talent 96 Toucn baso (2 oNdi;) 98 Expound at IOQgltl 99 CloGO by 100 SUit life sUbjOdC 102 ActJC{;S Garbo 100 Bond1es 1 05 Lou Gr ant" stat •07 TolCA~ anomarle 109 Sclt7G'f ''' l 1mo'lous a1;ras 1 , 4 BtlCI summary , '61 9"' !)C,M(-«, , '8HldP • ;>1 Hc,.ng Kong DOalS ':?3Hrtdl , ?'> C)1Xtn '!M"<'lc;e • ?7 POd<"1 ,,,.("' , ?9 M ak,. 'I '4"1\rr , J 1 r 1'C:1•rt1t11ng , .12 A81Sf> • J.J Fosn,.. or Mo<phy , .w Butrusnes , JG Keve<! up ' jij T voe ol Quest on • 4() P1antarn 1 ty .t, '" Olar siqht , 4:.1 .., atier s units • 44 I rothy t>rews • 4!> 1 opp.lots • 4(; Heollh·IOOO bvv . ~y u .. v 1 ~ • , J•Ce· t.ased dron~ • r:.J ,dcke1 teatur .. • ~~ 11an a canov / PUBLIC NOTICE ~1Jt/Lf,.. SlWll AllDDIA.lm.-- (949) 64S-US2 GIMIAL 117All AIWNllNANCE ·~·~ o Job 1bo Sm.all Dawe Bamllton 949-322-8292 THl HANDYMAN All wc>tk auar antetd ~Professional Pain tang ut .. g&Yl( Interi«/Eztlmr Dmldft PliltbtC CAJblatdriDC •L-• o· .. ~onof "fllJNt>""'1 SE wt: R J( TT1 NC HECTRONIC SlA8 LEAK oEnrnoH f riendly S.-1 •!Ct t4t-6 7S -tJ04 C.....1-.Y lrkli 11...ti S'-Tit. wnTHOllt DIYWAU All phasu sm/1r1 tobi CUAMI 20yrs. fair. lrH .t. L~ 714-6.39 1447 t.. TettH l-4M.,.. PUnbq. l111cincat. Ooot\, Wet/lay n...t. Ir• lrYnnq Fnsh carp & 9&~ & tnsl11lahon 25 Yrs up lhP f ~Il l Pubhc Utohh~' l'.t>mml\<rf'ln rrqurrr'> lhal Alt uwd hou\~hold 1uods mov•" prrnl lherr P lJ (' Cil I numb4'f Irmo\ and < h•utfeu" prrnl therr I (, P n11mbr1 1n all ddver llumenh 11 yuu h•ve lllY ljUt\ltOn~ •bout lht lea•lrty o f • mo•er 1om,1 o r chaulfe111. call ,uauc urruTtlS COMMISSION 100 177•1147 RoblSbell ·Owner Cos1a Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 -~mm l •752•Qt 1'1W't>CI Conuete, Paho. Drlvewa1 f w'l)k, BBQ Refs 2!>Yrs hp. Terry 714·557-7594 l1HtC....t M• Cementwork, Brick, Tile a Mott Rel,.ble Ho iOb too small. 714·61~9062 vunuu •asoMIY Ruidenllal Concrete & Masonry Service Ston., Brd, Bled 714-966-212.4 8'*k:llsn. S...-Jet.l.,..nl Dunc.ti! Ellc1rlc ZOVrs E ap l~R~ $9'~ Ll2'158JO Mt-660-~ UCIJtSID COMTUCTCMI No jilll klo Ill\. ,,. ...... Repair. reinocW, f-, .., __ ..... lte/in&ured 949·!'>48-4363 Hiiiing ~~....;;..~~~~~ Tr-Senrlce, Yard Cleanup, Ma1ntenanc1. Sprrnltler Rep•lf, HauUna ( ... 9)U0..711 Pf '-'I~ l.' f • i-?f p ,,, I' \ l'f \,l l[)f l '"' JllMI TO THI OUMl"lll 714·968 188? AVAii.ABLE fOOAYI 949 673 5566 .....,......c.. 12/"'"'·.._. 9'w'91ttf Cere Sdays/wti M F. 7a 7p Hoe a.< ten s"e Med-.:al 811\arnd u weU n bein1 l1unffd H LYN 1w Will comm1t lo othef rnp n welt S11My nqollable Kev111 Hm 949 SS9 0270 Par 949 SS9 2246 ~II 949-887 -1480 ct.-.· • .-...umap Cruf Procel Guaranteed worl\. free est l•J7!>602 714 SJ8 l SJ.4 7 J90. 2!M5 m-s CUSTOM PAINTIMG Pron clnll. quality wor\ lnl•IOf/HI and dodls L'70346l 949-631 4610 ,..,...,., ....... T•~t7, Coftl9ellll\le lnt.erleor/Eat l'6482.21 C1R Jwy M-650-5066 ._. .... a ....... (~ lu<ll«, rt•· leu1e11al writer. I .-c•Hu ltl P'Kr•.t1• llAllf\t t-1 $¥- tet•l11& Cea fl l•• • COlll,OllltOll Teach ... ...... ljc;1.., , ... refett11c• ..-alfeltle s .. c..,..,..,2~- I . ~ i , . I I , J . '~---~--~.._ ...... ---..-~• .......... -----. .-;~,..__ ............................ ..._. __ ..w.v;._.~..-..~ .... -. ................. w:.. ....... ~ ...