HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-23 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-M esa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2003 D.C. grounds L.A.'s ·El Toro airport proposal Secretary of Transportation says Washington has no pl ans to halt Navy sale of the closed Marine base. June Caucrande Daily Piiot NEWPORT-MESA -lne city of Los Angeles' request that the federal government push for an airport at E1 Toro has been an· swered with a firm ~no" from Secretary of Transportation Nor· man Mineta. U.S. Rep. Chris Cox, who re- presents Newport Beach and Costa Mesa as welJ as much of southern Orange County, had asked Mineta to male public the depanment'~ posilion on EJ loro. Mineta responded Tuesday to a June 19 letter from the congressman. ~The Depanment of Transpor- tation UXYrJ, including the Fed- eral Avia1ion Administration (FAA), doe' not intend to inter- cede in the El Toro reu'>t: pr0t ess, • Mineta wrote. In early June, a '>l'Lrl'I le11cr from LA Mayor Jun I lahn to the federal govemmen1 a\ling for approval to try to turn tht· do,ed Marine base into an a1rpon be came public. The m.•w, '>J)Jrkt'<I a new round of hope .rnd angul'>h in the ongoing airpon ddi.ttl' Tuesday's new' c:anw J'> no PHOTOS BY DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Participants of the 1953 Boy Scout Jamboree gather to share memories dunng the 50th anniversary of the event J alllboree.Jubilee Scouts who were there in 1953 reassemble in Newport Bea ch to mark Scouting tradition's only West Coast appearance. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot N eaJ Oine clutched a photocopy of a front page of an old newspaper. It was the front page of che Los Angeles Tunes from July 20, I 953. The page had a photo of then Vice Presidenl Richard Nixon at the Boy Scouts Jamboree in Newport Beach with a few scouts in the background. Oine was one of them. And on Tuesday, the Huntington Beach resident came to Fashion Island to remlnlsce aboul the Mgreat experience" -the one week he spent camping out on the hillside where the sprawling shopping center now stands. A camp flag from the 1953 Boy Scout Jamboree sits on display at the 50th anniversary reception. its memory. He was part of the jamboree 50 years ago. an event that gained so mt;ich fame and recognition In the area that a main road was named in The 1953 jamboree was the only one on the West Coast. The Boy Scouts Jamboree, held once every four years, has been held in Fort A.P. Hill, Va. since 1981. About 60 people came to the commemorative event organlzed by the Orange County Council of the Boy , .... Their bodies 4o milk· good Children at the fair learn about cows' jobs in producing the milk they don't want to drinlc. Tom Forquer OailyPitot FAIRGROUNDS -How many plJona of mllt doee a QM produce dally? The an• "SWer to tbia and many odw dahy4 related quesdona can be (ound I I the COW milklna demonttradon in the MJlleo. niwn Bun at the Orange ~Fllr. lalDE For todlyt Ora~ County Fair t(:hedule of ewnta .... -PlgeA6 f'or the CXJWI, f.de1o ubd the audAence lf It could ..._.. how much the IJliJmll wel(lbed. Mer tUlrl8 an- . .... that rUlld from 30.4 co 2,500 J>O'll'ck, lhe .-Id a.a Hc*elnl. ......... producdft ol dairy cows. typl- aly ....., between 1,000 Ind 1,500 .,.,.... . Scouts on Tuesday. After the reunion were a flag ceremony, a speech by the organization's officials and a special ad~ by Newport Beach City Councilman Don Webb, who is also an alumnus of the program. Webb, who came to the 1953 See JAMBOREE, Pqe M .,urpn-.e lo local lt'adt'r!>. "It really rdue!>n'1 come a<, a 'urpnM! 10 me." ~ewpon ~ath Mayor Steve Rromberg lMild "It\ con.,iMcnt with what we heard month\ ago, that the DOT wa-.rl°t going to change 1he1r mmch • lliough local .. upponer'> of a commern..U airport at 1-1 loru See EL TORO. Page A4 QUESTION What do you m•ke of the latest news in the ongoing El Toro debate? Call our Readers Hotline at ? • (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to da1/yp1/ot a1/at1mes.com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for verification purposes only Scheaf er will w.ork to phase out fireworks Councilma n , who h as sold fireworks as a Lions Cl ub m embe r. reconsiders practi ce after ne ighbor is badly burned. Deirdre Newma n Da1l;P1lot < 0'> fA Ml '-.A -A firework-. rl'lated fire that -.everelv burn t>d a neighbor nf Co111icilmun Mike '>cheafer has mo1ivatt'c.I h1rn lo reton'>!der hi' r,uppun for \Citing the cxplO\IVt''>. Belem: Lhe holtday. '>< heafcr adamantly supponed .,elltng firework.'>. A\ a member of thl' IJor1.., <lub. he ha.. helped -.ell them for the pa.,1 1hree year\. 11 .., neighbor Adelaide l hid '>Ufft.'red .. evere burn!> after a 'parkier r,he lighted ignued ht'r dotht"> on the fourth of July '>he underwent her thud '>km gm.ft operauon lue'>day. Iler chance of 'un.ival at the nme of the acmJent w.c. 50%. bul ii. higher nO\ ... her husband. Jerry. ..aJd 'xheafer ..auJ he 1., ha\11tg CITY HALL QUESTION What. if anything. should the city of Costa Mesa do about its fireworks 7 Call our Readers ? Hotltne at (949) 642 6086 or send e mail to • da1lypilot a /a11mes com Please spell your name and include your home1own and phone number, for venf1ca11on purposes only ~umd lhoug!n ... for a k"" rt•a '>On' h1., nl'1ghbor\ t:xpenence h1'> extK'nenn· a'> J '>tale f.arm ln,uramt' J~ent dcalm~ with client'> \\ho haH• had firework... related fire<;: and the proWerJ lion of group<t -.elhng fin:""ork.., over the pa.<,t few year., 111 .. <i11lu11on 1<, lfl wentualh See FIREWORKS. Pace A4 Santa Ana Heights added to city plan Newport Beach leaders lay groundwork for reunification of east and west areas. June Casacrande Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT BfACH -The City Council took an important first step toward annexing the remaining parts of Santa Ana Heights on Tuesday. but M - nexadon remains uncertain. The council voted 5 to O Tuesday night to add to the city's general plan zoning the western portion of Santa Ana Heights. the Santa Ana Country O ub and tht' nearby area south of Me..a I >nve Tod R1dgeway and (,ary Proctor wt?re absent The vote doesn'l change the 1onmg. 11 JW.t offiaally docu· menLo; the area in the city's gen- eral plan, wh.1ch 1s a first tep m annexmg the area. • nu.., will alJow the council. if they choose 10 at a future date, to submil an application to lthe county) 10 annex the area· Oty Manager Homer Bludau said. That question could come before the council in the next few monlhs. but some serious is.sues will haW" to be ironed out. City staff members have said that they wiJJ only annex the remalning parts of Santa S..Pl.AN,PaceM Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ ... be. w.m, but""""""'-· S..PletA2 NO THRONG ALLOWED On n..ct.y afternoon, • mob al ~ ll'ld • Mndlul ol ..... wacebed a m.cblne milt IWO tlollleln COWi -9ClllCllOf Ewy Bdelo told them .,.. dllry COWi and the ..... plOC· ... 1be am:hlne -turned Clft Ind ... IUCdon ...,_-. hoobd up ID ..ta ol • IWI DIU"Of o.ld•llRD11dllCb .. .._..d11McN111mllllil1c:.411r11i1a dliDDia:-... 11 .. 0riWI C..-.,F•• T•-· ,. !he IMdW• -.,..... ""'*4d ........... M • ........ _ ~- Al WIGlesdly, .lloJ 23, 2003 E .OCA L ___ . . LY . ). } •• NEIGHBORS • .. . . ' .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,.-~~~---, The Girl Scout Council of Orange County recognized the top cookie sellers for the 2003 Girl Scouts Cookie Sales Program. Shona lamb Costa Mesa residents Shona Lamb, Aly.u AIUeon and u...l Carroll and Newport Beach residents EllM Wleelnpr and Laura Yearpln were honored for their entrepreneurship, money management and marketing skills ... Nine OCC students have taken student government positions. The student body president is Ben Jemen of Aliso Viejo, the vice-president is Erick Garda- Anlgon of Mission Viejo, and the business manager is Ly Nguyen of Costa Mesa. The lnter-Oub president is Jose Soto of Santa Ana. Elected boa.rd members include Raebel Harrlpn of Tustin, Z.Cbary Uberman of Santa Ana, Mona Mlbd of Huntington Beach, R.kbard Nora.Id of Irvine and Mohammad Rafiq of Garden Grove ••. Bric Neff, SOD of Mr. and Mn. Douglaa C Neff of Newport Beach, graduated from Clloate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Conn. He will attend Emory in the fall ... Gall Bonpru of Rancho Santa Margarita has been hired as executive director of Project Access. an organization that provides education and enriclunentprograinsto low-income youth. families and seniors ••• Danielle c.•·wo of Costa Mesa has received a bachelor's in childhood education from Boston University ... Orange Coast College students Olbaldo N1efts and Margaret Walk have received S l ,000 scholarships from the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation .•• AJaander IC. F-nkuchen. son of B. Fanlmcben and L Kantrowitz of Corona deJ Mar. ea.med honors for his spring term at Philip Exeter Academy ... Navy Seaman Jama B. Bettencourt. son of PhU B. Bettencourt of Costa Mesa. has completed .. , ...... a.ao..Gofi ....... ea. ..... • .... Qi PI.~COIM .... ................... '&,. ,,.. • ...,......., ......... n .... AM ........ Chy.23.Tllnip9 • • 5 ·---~-ea­.... . ...._,._..._a ... 77 ... c.ri Ma -~:1:--.....-.... ........... a.. .... • ...._c.--.,an· •• FOR A GQOD CAUSE Alyssa Alison Elise Wiesinger Linsi Carrol Laura Yeargain recruit training with honors ... Marine Corps Pfc. Ernesto A. Alvbo, son of Teresa and Ernesto Alvizo of Costa Mesa, has completed the basic food service course ... These students have been selected for the spring quarter dean's honors list at UC Santa Barbara: Costa Mesa residents Amy Bumngton. Brenn.a C.OOley, ~ DootMn and Dane Louvier: and Newpon Beach residents Joel Furman, Autumn Smith and Paige lbompeon ... Douglu M. Dukes of Costa Mesa, a senior at Rensselaer Polytechnic lnslitute, has been recognized on the spring semester's dean's list ... Marine Corps Lance Cpl N1cbolas B. Zenunby, son of SMrry A. Zeramby or Costa Mesa and Scott A. Zeramby of Albion, has completed a two-week bilateral training exercise with Albanian military forces while assigned to the 26th Marine E.xpedi tionary Unity based in Camp Lejeune, N .C. ... Marine Corps Pvt. Benjamin M. Romero, son of Gloria M. and Antonio A. Romero of Costa Mesa has completed 12 weeks of basic training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. Dody Reid • NEIGHBORS spotlights adlievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax al 19491646-4170, or send e-mail to cor11/.wilson@latjm'".com. DUI ARRESTS ,..,., . • a.. Jleon .... J4. c.-.. ..... •\11D ..... Ho • --..... _. ...... • awti.. ....... Ollng, 11, lm'8 ..... WI 0 II t1s • ... Jlltnll'Mr I ' , 11, ea. .... •L.-IM9'*21 a· tta. -....u.. JI J«mllllCll 0. nee a teacher, always a teac.ba And. Dody Reid might add. once a swimmer, always a swimmer. . The Newport Shores resident and retired teacher bas been holding semi-weekly water aerobics ooumes for the ()a.gs Senior Center since 1984, the year she retired as a profes&ooaJ teacher. "It's a lot ol fun." said Reid. a 76-year-old modler ol four grown c:hildrm. Cla.w!s take place in the pool at the Newport Duors 00 Tuesday and Tbwsday ~ ln shoulder-deep water. Reid and up to 30 srudenis at a time pecfonn a regimen of rDOYes. some outright playful. designed to build strength. endwance and overall Doing what comes naturally health. "We do silly~ tiU one~ call the frog,· Reid said. desaibing a maneuver in which part.icipant.s put the soles of their feet togethtt. Then. she said. shell often rombine the frog with the dUcten -a funky. chicken-like arm~ -Lil a hybnd moYe they caD the • cbog.. ·For some peopie. this is a reaDy btg soaal activuy.. she said. lbey meet peopAe they ~ thmgs in common with. Thry become fnends. That part has bttn really~. Reid. daughter of 1ocaJ ~ Leon Yale. moved to Balboa ls!and moolhsokl. water to me is probably 00 tand. .. she said. time living in Germany. •• Reid has spent in Newpon Beach. She taught for at Corona def Mar Elementary and at the Conner MacNally School in (m(a Mesa. She also taught elementary school for about 17 yeais in Huntington Beach. When she retired in 1984, she went sttaight iftto wiunteering for the water aerobics da.u -a stint she says she loves. "Once a teacher. always a teacher.· she said -Slory by June Casagrande. PIWU> by Seo.Ii Hillier PET OF THE WEEK fMlr • ....... NOad&falilliif ... INM • Cllnllle ..... ''" .. II t r'a • 8My CifUtiilr, ma. COll9 ..... ..... 7 u . ..... .,.,.~ .. C...Mltii ... ,.,,,,, ........ -• ,_ 3 5 •• 'ol .... ..., .. tt 1111., MIS' ra.-. .. .._Ltldl '• s • • nol . ......... .. • .... 't Ml I I l-,.._,,~1 Kia we IGawe was rescued from the Hawaiian is.land of Molokai when he was a kitten and was named after the IGawe tree. He likes to be bekl and carried like a be.by, making him a perfect lap kitten. said DiAnDa P!aff-Martin. binder of the Newport Bach·bued Community Animal Network. The white, neutered and dedawed cat is now 8 years old and still ~ to p1ay. she said. lbt! children in IGawe's form.er family have grown up and~ away. and the adults want to travel Pfaff-Martin said . '"Sadly, we see an inause in families needing to get cheir animak new homes because they want to travel and cannot a:f[ord the high cost ol -veterinary boarding facilities. • she said. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnmuotorg or at Russo's pet stcn 111 Fashion Island~ noon and 4 p..m. on Wttkmds. Daily_ A Pilot REAllERI H01\.9E -·~ Copyright: No newt~ llUllnCioN. edimti8I .,,,.., w ~--hef-.n c.n be reptOdumd without M10ln ~d~ownet. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST lt'I be Ul/h.,, 1his ~ig. wid11tle light:IMt c:t..nce of Iha ftJWL 1111 ltil be 'Mlm tod8y, though Ml ody ... l*ttv "ft'IV ... 1"'9 .-nooc .. • The IOUdww.t awel condnues to drop off 1!0d9v, 10 loot fiot knee--to Wllilt-NgM end not much mot9. .......... GiN Ale a idllr, Lori Alim eon, on.t Ha-. ,_..Saha ltio a..is.w.. ....... Crime-=ra Q .... ... *I tt±• ... t•m .... 'g a ....................... .. U.41111' /MW 0 ..... a• .... catlla ~-· ... ,. .... ._.. .......... ,. JI 1 'k •2 12 &.-.. .... Ct 'l ........... __ .,. a a S' n ...... __ c.. ............. DMZl'1 4111l•w• F • ..., .... ~----.. .,.cm ..,. Sr •1111 a Allcord ycMJf comnwa ~the Delly,...w,,...llipl. ~ Our ...... 330W. a., a. eo... ...._CA ll2llZl Ollc9 hour9 .. ~. fridmy, a3C> a.rn. ·I p.m. c 1 ltlt .. PlaftpalcylD(MCM~ w11 .... 01.e -. ..._ ..... ,..ax "" Tiie ....... cc.. ... a., ........ ~. ,'S,,,~,. ............ ... c.. ..... ' t• -• 7 l' ....... 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COl9t8I Pa. portlwflwtlWhigths ... 10. taw.. be ..... mkMOr. ..... g ~ IOATWG FOIECAIT ~ThewllMilwflllkJW•WC .,.,.,..'" ...... ~ tDdlll¥. --NDac---., lftd. ... ..... af21D• ... and• ........ of11D311a CM..._ ... rn tj ............... ... ,.....__..._ .... ofl1D7 ................ .. , ..... .. • Thur9day wilt pict up wwy IO IAghdy, but ellpecl fJNv h occeebwl c:hm.ftigh on top of .. knee--to Wllilt-hlgt& The next IOUttwwelt .... em... on Fnd9y, ~ ue into 1he wirllt-to dmt-Ngh ,..,.., h>ugh there lhould be .... ftJuktw.to ............ ~~ .... be ...,..,_ WIW..-,: ~'°"' TIDES n.. 1:31a.m. n:20a.Jft. 1:10p.M. 1:11a.m.. 10tr1- ,• " I ~ I -l ... ·-:• ' • ,. Dally Pilot O.C CEO candidate takes page from Roeder John Moorlach of Mesa Verde says city manager works well with elected officials. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot ·COSTA MESA -As he pursues Orange County's top staff job, Jqhn Moodach is looking to a lo- cal role model for working with five elected officials wha usually b4lve five different points of view. · Moorlach, a Mesa Verde resi- dent who ~orb as Orange Q>unty's treasurer, has put his name on the short list to replace Michael Schumacher as the Orange County chief executive. lf named to the post. he'll partly model his management style af. ter Costa Mesa City Manager Al- . Ian Roeder's. "You've got a model here in our own city," Moorlach said TuesdaY, "You can have someone who works with five (elected offi· d als), and it can be a long-term relationship." · In some ways, by vying for a job that. when politic~. 'can mean short tenure, Moorlach 88)1, he w9uld be stepping into a sticlcy situation. · The board fired Schumacher in January. It had hired him after cutting loose Jan Mittermeier and, earlier, clashing with Wll- liam Popejoy. The 47-year-old Moorlach, who submitted his name at the urging of Supervisor Chris Norby, said hes happy with bis job. Moorlach's outspoken style won him kudott almost a decade a ago when he spoke out about the county's risky fiscal policies in the months leading up the county's 1994 bankruptcy decla- ration. If hired, he said he wouldn't al- ter that style. 'Tm a town crier," Moorlach said. Ml stand up when some- thing isn't quite right" County Supervisor Jim Silva., who represents .Newport-Mesa, was traveling Tuesday afternoon and couldn't be reached for com - ment. After Norby approached him to submit his name, Moorlach ~d he didn't leap at the oppor· tunily right away. But after wefghing his options, Moorlach said he called Norby's office a week ago to get into the race for the post Moorlach hasn't submitted a r~e or been interviewed for the position. A San Diego em- ployment recruiunent firm is handling the search, he said. Jn March 1996, Moorlach ran successfully for the county's top financial post to replace former lreasurer Bob Citron. He won re- election in l 998 and again in 2002. Before his stint as the county's treasurer. Moorlach spent 18 years at Balser, Horowitz, Frank & Wakeling, a Costa Mesa-based accounting firm. 81dstJlancl.com Land· AudiOn Saie!! 'Sunday, July 27th, 2003 ; At Embassy Suites Hotel I jl 1767 Harbor Blvd .. Garden Grovel Registration is at 10:30 AM• Auction Begins at 11:30 AM Costa.Mesa backs creating river conservancy City Council supports assembly bill with a 3-2 vote, with council divided on how much local control the legislation leaves. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSlA MESA -City leaders narrowly voted to support an assembly bill that would estab· lish the Santa Ana River Conser- vancy. The entire watershed would cover an area of about 2,700 square miles in parts of Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside counties, including a portion of Fairview Park. On Monday, the council voted 3 to 2 to suppon the bill, with Mayor Gary Monahan and Councilm an Allan Mansoor dis- senting. The bill is now in the state Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildlife. If it passes, it could open up chan- nels of grant funding for Fair- BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport water quality officials get new office Newpon Beach Code and Wa- ter Quality Enforcement Division on Tu~y got its new head- quarters, a 60·foot trailer moved to the front lawn of City Hall at 3300 Newport Blvd. Staff will not move in for an- other two weeks -electrical and telecommunication outJ ets still need to be connected. City officials said the increase in enforcement staff is because of: changes tha t required step- p~g up monitoring code viola- tions for residential and com- mercial wban runoff entering tll! city's storm drain system. ·1be city has m ore than 104 miles of storm drains that empty fnCo the Back. Bay or the ocean. ·for more information, call Jim S~Jc at (949) 644-3215. Fashion Island will kick off its new carousel Fashion Island will celebrate the grand ope ning of its Ve· view Park. The close vote reflected diver- gent views in the community as to whether supporting the biO means relinquishing local con· trol. "l think we don't have control now-we're downstream," resi· dent Rich Gillock said. "We have ·to cooperate and do this as a cooperative effort. "The Santa Ana River is the largest stream system in Southern California. The river has endured intense development and needs resto· ration, conservation and en· hancement along its entire route, states the bill, authored by Assemblyman Lou Correa CD-Santa Ana). Under state law, conservan · cies can acquire, manage, direct the management of and con- serve public lands in the state. netian-themed carousel this weekend in its Carousel Court with Carousel Carnivale. an Italian festival that wilJ feature free rides and an Italian marketplace with street per- formers, face painting, gelato and a fresh fruit market. The new carousel, measuring 38 feet in diameter, features fiberglass animals created from molds of original antique fig- ures carved of wood. h also has scenes from Venice and has the djstlnction of being one of the two known carousels in the world that has female faces. It will be lighted by about 1,200 white lights and will spin to 80 melodies recorded from an original band organ. Rides will be free during the weekend. They will cost $1 be- ginning Monday. Information: (949) 721-2000 or visit www.ShopFashionlsland.com. UCI names assistant vice chancellor Richard Lynch, director of fi. nance and administration at UC Riverside, has been named the assistant vice chancellor for finance and administra tion at UC Irvine. FOR THE RECORD • $,,,,1.p.,;,,.,, for Mn cf w,.,.,. • Ot1n' 80 p;,~,, •I£,,,,,,,,,,,, • Prit1•t1 Pil..u' Sttul.i• •SPINNING TIM•t1r ' • ClllU c.~ 8••· .. .,. M • • C••flnlnt P•Ni•t • y.,_, T.I Clli, Stnd d.un • SUJ. P."'" p,,,,.,. CmlU • $Mwn, SUwl• 6 'IMll •O., s,. • A~•WhlnlM"""I' .. The bill wouJd also establish the Santa Ana River Conservancy Fund, but the conservancy would not be able to exercise its funding authority until the leg· islature or a bond act ajjocates the necessary funds.;..)'he con- servancy would &Jso not have the power of eminent domain. The price ~ag for the Fairview Park Master Plan, adopted in 1997, is $9 million. Several proj- ects have already been com- pleted, but the city onJy has $700,000 in grant funds and general funds set aside for the rest of the plan. Councilwoman Libby Cowan said she viewed the bill as a way to gain funds to complete the remaining park projects. The governing board of the conservancy would be com- prised of 13 members, includ- ing one from the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Mansoor said he felt that Costa Mesa's interests would be out- numbered in the decision-male· Lynch, a longtime member of the University of California sys- tem, oversaw UC Riverside's strategic program plans. re · source management and the in- vestment operations of the UC Riverside Foundation. Before UC Riverside, Lynch spent 13 years as the assistant director of financial planning in the UCI budget office. He earned his bachelor's from the Univer- sity of Texas at Austin and a master's in business administra- tion from Otapman University. •11111rY01 lllV or lllll-v ou 'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! ing process. Part of the bill refers to local control, saying the conservancy must "conform to all relevant general and specific plans and zoning regulations of local agencies within the territory of the conservancy." But council members had different inter- pretation of the language. Mansoor said the bill\ Ian· guage in terms of local author- ity is conflicting. "One part says the citie:. have control over their property, then other pans say !the conser· vancyJ can sue, and other pans go into all the detail'i of the au- thority the lconservancyl has," Mamoor said Tue~day morning. "It appears 10 contradict itself in that nature as to who really has the final say in those areas:" Councilman Mike Scheafer said he understood the fears about local contrnl being usurped. but believed the Ian· guage would aJJow Costa Mesa to retain local control. Vanguard will host teacher trai ning institute Vanguard University will pall· ner wi th the Assn. of Olristian Schools International this sum· mer to host their first Early Edu- cation Summer Professional In- stitute to train new teachers. Training will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 8 at Van- guard's Scott Academk Center. The cost will be $25 per person. For information, call Sharon Fein at (7 14) 556-3610. ext. 240. Skosh Monahan's ·St:eakboase & lr<isb Pub Skosh's Daily Specials (only S6.99) Monday Tuesday Bangers & Mash Lomb Slew Wednesday Thursday Beef Strogonoff Corned Beef & Cabbage Happy Hour Specials {Mon·Sat: 4-6pm I Sun: 10om·5pm) Fish N' Chips $7 .50 Pizzas $2.00 Off Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK• TEAK• ROSEWOOD ST!. MASTER XTRA LIFE s 1999 By awk Ins led with deluxe pad sq. yd. Tnlt1ertine 18" ll 18" .................................. '4.29 ._. 11 CeramJc nle ............................... i.utalld '""" 54.99 .. 11 Laahulte Wood .......................... 1N1.alld '"'• '4.99 ,...11. Supplies and Tools for the wDo It Yourselfers!" All pric-es!produrl4 for a limited time. based on atVJi/abilitg. MEIA ~-~ET 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~g on to http://coastlilte.e"" to find the latest Fall 2003 course information. Check out our new sear®.able class scbedul~pdated daily to let you know what courses are open. Coastline's Web site is available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week . Loot intoQ>astlioe's: • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program otf ered during the day at ~ Garden Grove Center. • Distance learning opportuniti~lly cnnsf crablc lntemct. Telecoune. cablecast, and independent ~tudy classe • STAR Proaram and Weekend College-two accelerated way IO earn your A.A. degree. • Updaled 'JCcbnical aod Career Education programs off~ certificala in I variety of~ occVp.dons. • -- 23 2003 LOCALS ONLY "'\. J .) •• • .. . NEIGHBORS The Girl Scout Council ·of Orange County recognized the top cookie sellers for the 2003Glrl Scouts Cookie Sales Program. Shona Lamb Costa Mesa residents Shona Lamb, Alyua AIUMn and Uml CarroD and Newport Beach residents EIDe Wleelnger and Laura Yeargain were honored for their entrepreneurship, money management and marketing skills ... Nine OCC students have taken student government positions. The student body president is Ben Jen.ten of Aliso Viejo, the vice-president is Brick Garcia Angon of Mission Viejo. and the business manager is Ly Nguyen of Costa Mesa. The lnter-Oub president is Jose Soto of Santa Ana. Elected board members include Rachel Harrigan of Tustin, Zachary Ubennan of Santa Ana, Mona Mllcad of Huntington Beach, R1chard Nol'Mld of Irvine and Mohammad Rafiq of Garden Grove .•• Bric Neff, son of Mr. and Mn. Douglua C. Neff of Newport Beach, graduated from Clloate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Conn. He will attend Emory in the fall ... Gall Bongcaru of Rancho Santa Margarita has been hired as executive director of Project Access, an organization that provides education and enrlcluneotprogramsto low-income youth, families and seniors .•. Danielle GaJuao of Costa Mesa has receive a ac e o s 10 childhood education from Boston University ... Orange Coast College students O.baldo NleYes and Margaret Walk have received $1,000 scholarships from the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation ... Alexander K. Fan.kuchen, son of E. Fanlcucben and L Kantrowitz of Corona del Mar, earned honors for hls spring term at Philip Exeter Academy ... Navy Seaman Jamee E. Bettencourt, son of PhU E. Bettencourt of Costa Mesa. has completed Alyssa Allison Elise Wiesinger l,insi Carroll Laura Yeargain recruit training with honors ... Marine Corps Pfc. Bmesto A. Alvtzo, son of Teresa and Emeeto Alvtzo of Costa Mesa, has completed the bask food service course ... These students have been selected for the spring quarter dean's honors list at UC Santa Barbara: Costa Mesa residents Amy Bu.fllngton, Brenna Cooley, ICJ.mberly Dooteon and Dane Louvier; and Newport Beach residents Joel Furman, Autumn Smith and Paige Thompson •.• Douglas M. Duket of Costa Mesa, a senior at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has been recognized on the spring semester's dean's Ust ... Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Nicholas B. 7.eramby. son of Sherry A. 7.eramby of Costa Mesa and Scott A. 7.eramby of Albion, has completed a two-week bilateral training exercise with Albanian military forces ~ecrtol:he 26th Marine Expeditionary Unity based in Camp Lejeune, N.C ... Marine Corps Pvt. Benjamin M. Romero, son of Gloria M. and Antonio A. Romero of Costa Mesa, has completed 12 weeks of basic training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e·mail to cora/.wilson@lstimes.com. DUI ARRESTS ,,_.., • O...Jmon Sn-. JC. COlta Mele •VlncePMllHodlei ..... Hullllllgloft .... • a.... ....... a.ng,11, Longa.d\ FOR A GOOD CAUSE Dody Reid 0. ace a teacher, always a teacher. And. Dody Reid might add. once a swimmer, always a swimmer. The Newport Shores resident and retired teadler has been holding seml-weetlywater~r the Oc)sis Senior Center since 1984, the year she retired as a professional teacher. "It's a lot of fun." said Reid, a 76-year-old motbec of four grown children. Oasses take place in the pool at the Newport Dunes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. In shoulder-deep water, Reid and up to 30 students at a time perform a regimen of moves. some outright playful. designed to build strength. endurance and overall Doing what comes naturally health. "We do silly things. lik.e one we call the~ Reid said; desaibi:nga maneuver in which participants put the soles of their feet together. Then. she said, she'U often combine the frog with the chicken - a funky. chicken-lik.e arm gesture -in a hybrid move they can the • dlog. • "For some peopJe. this is a really big social activity,• she said !hey meet people they have things in common with. They become friends. That pan has been really rewarding.· Reid. daughter of local developer Leon Yale, moved to Balboa bland when she was 3 montm oki "Being in the water to me is probably as natural as being on land,· she said Minus some time lMng in Germany. lndiana and Hawaii. Reid has spent most of her life in Newport Beach. She 1aughtforyeaBatCmona del Mar Elementary and at the former MacNally School in Costa Mesa. She also taught elementary school for about 17 years in Huntington Beach. When she red.red in 1984, she went straight iflto volunteering for the water aerobics das:s -a stint she says she loves. "Once a teacher. always a teacher,· '>he said -Srory by /UM Casagrandi!. Pliow by Saul HiJJu PET OF THE WEEK ·-· • Mll.tdo F8blo Lucero, 26, Milllon~ • .-., Pllrtc* GlldoncMle, .te. COll.IMel8 ,....., • P9dr9m Noolt~. 46, erw. •c.n..Mlrqum.•, ~ • """'~. 80, eo.c. ..... ......... • ""'*"..,.,, Gkteon, 3&, C..Meu ,,...,,.,,,. ,,..,. ,,,,.,, Kia we IGawe was rescued from the Hawaiian island of Molokai when he was a kitten and was named after the Kiawe tree. · He likes to be held and carried lik.e a baby, making him a perfect lap kitten, said DiAnna Pfaff-Martin. founder of the Newport Beach-t>a..ed Community Animal Network. The white, neutered and dedawed cat ls now 8 years old and still loves to play, she said. The children ln Klawe's former family have grown up and moved away, and the adults want to travel, Pfaff-Mart.in said. ..... d .......... ol .,.. ....... ~ .. ., -. .. ·' .. ' , .. ' , t .... 1 "n..r,.... ..,.. rdon.....,ol .............. ............. .......... ,..,...,,.... . •Sadly, we see an increase in f'amilies needing to get their animals new homes because they want to travel and cannot afford the high cost of veterinary boarding faclllties. • she said See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnmilork.org or at Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. lnformadon: (949) 759-3646 or Community Animal Network. _ P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach.·•• CA92658. ··• ••• , .. ·--: Daily.A Pilot PHOTOORAPHEAS 5-f'I Hiller, Don l.eedl. Kent Trepcow READERS HOTUNE (Mt) M2..eo88 Copyright No news 11orlet, Illustrations, editorl•I tNtter or ldvertftementa herein c.n be reproduced without wrttten permlMion of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be ugly again this morning, with the sllgtitest chance of lhowen. It'll still be warm today, though we'll only ... pertly sunny sk1n this afternoon. • The IOUthweet swell VOL 17, NO. 204 THOMAI H. JOHNSON Publllher TONYDODERO Editor .Alar OlJ IINO ~ Promotlol • Dnctor Reoonf YoUf comments •bout the Deity Piiot or newe tlpe. Addi.- Our~ II 330 W. a.y St, Cotta ,._,CA 12827. OMoe hourt ere Mondly-Frldey, 1:30 1.m. -I p.m. Cltll t111 I It ..... ,.,... poflcy to p('Ompttv ~el M'Or'I of eub11Mc9. ..... Giii Mi ?M-4324. m TheNewpoft~ .... Deity Plot (lJSPl.144-tOO) .. "',.JNd My."' ......... ...... end Cllll M91a,. ,, ..... ,. .. .,1r1111 •by ...... llll•tDTIMI nrn.ar.,.. Courcy- ...,.,. lft-OUllldeof ~ ...... c.. ..... ••• Tj .. •tDlheDll¥ .... .. 911 ,.,., • .., .......... . .,. ..................... .. ................ 1DC91 ..... ) ~Ssnd .... ..,...tDThsPl1 11art 111 llh:eo. .._ Dslr l'loc. '.O. .. , ... C..~CAaea. HOW 10 REACH US Chulsdoft The Times Orsnge County (800) 252·9141 .Alh9itlillt4 CSI r rlP'led (Mt) M2·5678 .,......, (Mt) M2-432t Mloll9t ..... (Mt)M2.-.0 ......... 1574-4223 ..... ,_ (Mtl 64&-4170 ...... ,_ (SMl) et50-0170 141111: deil'IPllofet.11,,,...oom .... a.. •llnm ems. (148) M2~21 ....... ,_(Mt) 831-712$ Ml1~,...,_ CommUnhy ....... ofthel.oe~ TirML CQOOI ~ CN. NA,..,... ....... Coste M ... can e>epeet highs to top 80, white coeltll Newport e.ecn wtll fMI highs -neer 70. Lowt wtll be In 1he mkMIOa. ~: www.nw1.nou.(Jt1tl BOATING FORECAST The wtnde wtH blow 1 llght 101cnot11n u.. 1nnet w.ier. todey, with 2-foot ~. •nd. wwc IWll of 2 to 4 fMt Ind • ~ llW'lll of 1 '° 3 f9et. Out fafther, 1he ... •• 11v .. wtll blow 10to 18 ~ wld'l 2-foot wwee, 1 wwc-.. of 8 to 7 •Ind• ICMlth ..... of3fMt. SURF • continues to drop off todey, eo look for knee-to ..wist-highs and not muc:tt more. Thursday wtll pk:tl up WflfY so allghtty, but ••pect only 1he occetionel dlMt~lgh on top of the knee-to wU!-Nghe. The next southWl9t .well ''"""on Friday, putllno ue Into the w.ist-to c:t.a-hlgh range, though tt.. ltQlld be • fewlhouldw-to ~ Seturdev'I W9Y91 ltQlld be lerger. .... .-r: www . .urlWder.OfV TIDES Time 7:311.m. 11:20a.m. 8:10p.m. 1:16a.m. ....... S.O'l .... high 2.80 ... kM a.n .... hllf\ o.• .... low WATD TEllPERATIME 10-.... O.C CEO candidate takes page from Roeder -John Moorlach of Mesa Verde says city .manager works well with elected officials. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Ian Roeder's. "You've got a model here ln our own city," Moorlach said ·COSTA MESA -As he pursues TuesdaY. .. You can have someone Orange County's top staff job, who works with five [elected offi- Jqhn Moorlach is looking to a lo-ciaJs). and it can be a long-term cal role model for working with · relationshf p." five elected officials who usua]\y In some ways, by vying for a ~ve five different points of view. job that. wben politiciz.ed, can Moodach, a Mesa Verde res!-mean short tenure, Moorlach dent wbo works as Orange says, he would be step(?ing into a County's treasure,, has put his sticlcy situation. name on the short list to replace The board fired Schumacher Michael ·&hwnacber as the in January. It had· hired him after Orange CoWlty chief executive. If cutting loose Jan Mittenneier named to the post, he'll partly and, earlier, clashing with Wtl- model his management style af. liam Popejoy. ter Costa Mesa City Manager Al-The 47-year-old Moorlach, who submitted his name at the urging of Supervisor Ouis Norby, said he's happy with hls job. Moorlach's outspoken style won him kudos aJmost a decade a ago when he spoke out about the county's risky fiscal policies in the months leading up the county's 1994 bankruptcy decla- ration. If hired, he said he wouldn't al- ter that style. .. I'm a tOWJ\. crier ... Moorlach said. ''f stand up when some- thing isn't qulte right" Count"Y Supervisor Jim Silva, who represents Newport-Mesa, was traveling Tuesday,aftemoon and couldn't be reached for com - ment. After Norby approached him to submit his name, Moorlach said he didn't leap at the oppor- tunity right away. But after weighing his options, Moorlach said he called Norby's office a week ago w get into the race for the post. Moorlach hasn't submitted a resume or been interviewed for the position. A San Diego em- ployment recruitment firm is handling the search, he said. In March 1996, Moorlach ran successfully for the county's top financlaJ post to replace former Treasurer Bob Citron. He won re- election in 1998 and again in 2Q02. Before his stint as the county's treasurer, Moorlach spent 18 years at Balser, Horowitz, Frank & Wakeling, a Costa Mesa-based accounting firm. 81d ' land.com preuni ·· Land· Auction · Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Embassv S u ites Hotel , 11767 lf.ubor B0lvd . GMden Grove Registration is at J0:30 AM •Auction Begins at II :.30 AM Costa Mesa backs creating river conservancy City Council supports assembl y bill with a 3-2 vote, with council divided on how much local control the legislation leaves. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -City leaders narrowly voted to support an assembly bill that wouJd estab- lish the Santa Ana River Conser- vancy. The entire watershed would cover an area of about 2, 700 square miles in parts of Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside counties, including a portion of Fairview Park:. · On Monday, the council voted 3 to 2 to support the bill. with Mayor Gary Monahan and Councilman Allan Mansoor dis- senting. ·The bill is now in the state Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wtldlife. If it passes, it could open up chan- nels of grant funding for Fair- BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport water quality officials get new office Newport Beach Code and Wa- ter Quality Enforcement Division on Tu~day got its new head- quarters, a 6()-foot trailer moved to the front lawn of City Hall at 3300 Newport Blvd. Staff will not move ln for an- other two weeks - electrical and telecommunication outlets still need to be connected. City officials said the increase in enforcement staff is because oC: changes that required step- ptog up monitoring code viola- tions for residential and com- mercial urban runoff entering th! dty's storm drain system. the city has more than 104 des of storm drains that empty fnfo the Back Bay or the ocean. ·for more information, call Jim SiBa.sek at (949) 644-3215. . Fashion Island will kick off its new carousel fashion Island will celebrate the grand opening of its Ve- view Park:. The close vote reflected diver- gent views in the community as to whether supporting the bill means relinquishing local con- trol. "I think we don't have control now -we're downstream," resi · dent Rich Gillock said. ·we have to cooperate and do this as a cooperative effort. "The Santa Ana River is the largest stream system in Southern California. The river has endured intense development and needs resto· ration, conservation and en- hancement along its entire route, states the bill, authored by Assemblyman Lou Correa (0 -SantaAna). Under state law, conservan- cies can acquire, manage, direct the management of and con- serve public lands in the state. netian-themed carousel this weekend in its Carousel Court with Carousel Camivale, an Italian festival that will feature free rides and an Italian marketplace with street per- formers. face painting, gelato and a fresh fruit market. The new carousel, measuring 38 feet in diameter. features fiberglass animals created from molds of original antique fig- ures carved of wood. It also has scenes from Venice and has the distinction of being one of the two known carousels in the world that has female faces. It will be lighted by about l ,200 white lights and will spin to 80 melodies recorded from an original band organ. Rides will be free during the weekend. They will cost SI be- ginning Monday. Information: (949) 721-2000 or visit www.ShopFashionlsland.com. UCI names assistant vice chancellor Richard Lynch, director of fi- nance and administration at UC Riverside, has been named the assistant vice chancellor for finance and administration at UC Irvine. FOR THE RECORD • Sntti-hi••t• for M'" d-w.,..,. • O•n-80 Pi1c" •f Ef •Ii/''""' . • Pri••t1 Pl"'w ShUii• •SPINNING TIM•t•r • c•;JJ C.rt 8••-,...,. M · • c.,.,,,,,u., p.,..,., • Y•1-. lid C/,1, Sm#• cliwn • $iq. P.tHr ,r.,,,,, C.rtll• • $HfHt'I, s,,.,,. 6 TtWll •0., S14 ...,_. • An1••t,,,N.IMtUMp The bill wouJd also establish the Santa Ana River Conservancy Fund, but the conservancy would not be able to exercise its funding authority until the leg- islature or a bond act allocates the necessary funds. The con- servancy would also not have the power of eminent domain. The price !ag for the Fairview Park Master Plan, ad opted in 1997, is $9 million. Several proj- ects have al ready been com - pleted, but the city only has $700,000 in grant funds and general funds set aside for the rest of the plan. Councilwoman Libby Cowan said she viewed the bill as a way to gain fund~ to complete the remaining park projects. The governing board of the conservancy would be com- prised of 13 members. includ- ing one from the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Mansoor said he felt that Costa Mesa's interests would be out- numbered in the decision-mak- Lynch. a longtime member of the University of California sys- tem. oversaw UC Riverside's strategic program plans, re- source management and the in- vestment operations of the UC Riverside Foundation. Before UC Rive rside, Lynch spent 13 years as the assistant director of financial planning in the UCI budget office. He earned his bachelor's from the Univer- sity of Texas at Allstin and a master's in business administra- tion from Oiapman University. Mllh11r You _ 11111orL1n1 .. You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! ing process. Part of the biU refer!> to locaJ control, saying the conservancy must "conform to all relevant general and specific plans an_d zoning regulations of local agencies within the territory of the conservancy." But council members had differenr inter- pretation of the language. Mansoor said the bill's Ian: guage in terms of local author· ity is conflicting. "One part says the citie~ have control over lheir property. then other parts say !the conser- vancy! can sue. and other parts go into all the details of the au- thority the lrnnservan cyJ has." Mansoor said Tue!>day morning. "It appears to contradict iL'ielf in that nature as to who really has the final say ln those areas:" Councilman Mike Scheafer said he understood the fears about local control being usurped, but believed the lan- guage would aJlow Costa Mesa to reta1n local control. Van guard will host teacher training in titute Vanguard University will part- ner with the A.!>sn. of Oiristian Schools International this sum- mer to host their first Early Edu - cation Summer Professional ln- stirute to train new teachen.. Training will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 8 at Van- guard·s Scott Academic Center. The cost will be $25 per person. For information, call Sharon Fein at (7 14) 556-3610, ext. 240. Skosh Monahan's 5-ceakboase & l kisb Pab Skosh's Daily Specials (only $6.99) Monday Tuesday Bongers & Mash Lomb S'-'w Wednesday Thursday Beel Stroganoff Corned Beef & Cabbage Happy Hour Specials (Mon -Sot: 4·6pm I Sun: 10om·Spm} Fish N' Chips $7.50 Pizzas $2.00 Off SPECIAL SALE Long PlankWood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD STAJNMASTER XTRA LIFE s 1999 By Mohawk Installed with deluxe pad sq. yd. °haYtt1iJtt 18" I: 18" .................................. 54.29 ._. n Cena.le Ttlt ............................... 1netalle4 r..a. 14.99 ... n. Lam.iaatt Wood .......................... 11utatlt4 ,.,..., 14.99 "' n.. Supplies and Tools for the MDo fl Yourselfn-s!" All prices/products for a limited time, based on al'11ilabifillJ. !M&A ~ eA!JJPiT 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA ( 888) MESA-777 OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~g on to http://coastli11~.ulu to find the latest Fall 2003 course information. Check out our new searchable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses are open. Coastline's Web site is available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Loot into Coastline's: ' • ACCESS-an A.A. dcgrceltransfer program offered during &he day at the Garden Orovc Center. • Distance icarning opportunjti~fully transferable Internet. Telecourse. cablecast. and independent tudy classes.. • STAR Program and Weekend Collcgf>-(Wo IC'Celeraled ways co am your A.A. degree. • Updlled Technical and Cucer Edueation programs Oft'eriqg certificates in a ~ of higlMlcmaud occ_upMion . ComliM hu conwaical localiom ia Costa Maa. Fomtain Vallc.y. o.dm Grove, HllllliDl'on Beteta, wl WMmin•s. PUBLIC SAFETY Crime down, car thefts up at OCC . Crime OD Orange Coast College's campus is the low- est it has been in nine years, officials announced Tues- day. The college did. how· ever, see vehicle thefts sky- roclc.et by 70% compared to last year. The number of crimes decreased 5.1 % during the 2002-03 academic year, compared to the previous year. Most violent crimes, Including murder. rape, sex- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Elden Awnue: A home burglary was reported in the 2500 block at 5:59 p.m. Sunday. • Herbor Boulevard: Lewd conduct was reported in the 2200 block at 9:19 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: Grand theft was reported in the 2100 block at 9:03 p.m. Sunday. • San Juan Lane: Vanda lism was reported in the 2700 bloc:J( at 6:28 p.m. Sunday. •East 16th Street end Sanu Ana Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 7:45 p.m. Sunday. •West 17th Street end Plec.ntl• Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported at 8:25 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Birch Street: Grand theft EL TORO Continued from Al might think Mineta's letter is bad news. Bromberg said that's not necessarily the case. "In LA.'s 37-page letter, they never laid out a plan for El Toro. Interestingly. they never con- tacted Newport Beach. I called three times to the LA. mayor's office and never heard back. ... So without knowing what they had in mind. it's hard to say what this means. It's conceivable that a llighl plan al El Toro could send planes right over Newport Beach. We had no way of know- ing what they had in mind." Tom Naughton, president of the pro-El Toro Airport Worlcing Group. agreed that the news is no surprise. But it wouldn't be a surprise either to see Mineta change his mind. Naughton said. "I don't think Mineca can tum his back on something that is a regional transportation issue." Naughton sa4d. PLAN Continued from Al Ana Heights if they can also gain control of the area's redevelop- menc agency. The agency. which the county now adminiscers. generates several million dollars a year through special property taxes eannarked for area im- provements. About $30 million has accrued in its bank accounts, and the money will keep corning until 2035, when· the agency ex- pires. U the city did take over the agency. it would still have to spend the money fixing up Santa Ana Heights. But city officials have said. and residents and county Supervisor Jim Silva have agreed. that the city could put this money to better use for the ·. . .. . . KENNY /. PRINTER l lFJ\lPllll l 'S -l\l < , \ ,\. < \HI' I I \ • • . ual assault. robbery or hate crlmes. did not occur at all, offidalt said. Minor or verbal assaults were down 339', and petty theft or penopal propeny dropped 189(,. Burgl.uy of personal property increued 149(,, Officials attributed the decrease in violent crime to efficient patrolling. They also noted. that only 269 people used the .campus's free escort service this year compared to 1,555 in 1997 • 98. was reported In the 20100 block at 8:51 a.m. Monday. • Bi.on Av.nue: A · commercial burglary was reported in the 1300 blodc at 6:44 a.m. Monday. • w..t Cout HJghw.y: Battery was reported in the 2600 bloat at 1 :24 a.m. Monday. • Dorothy Lane: Vandalism was reported in the 1500 block at 11 :30 a.m. Monday. • SealhON Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 5000 block at 11 :03 a.m. Monday. • Shenngton Lane: An auto theft was reported in the 1700 block at 9:13 a.m. Monday. • Tustin AV9nUe: A hit-and-run was reported in the 700 block at 6:59 p.m. Monday. • 8th Street •nd West Bay Avenue: Petty theft was reported at 6:40 a.m. Monday. 'In L.A.'s 37-page letter, they never laid out a plan for El Toro. Interestingly, they never contacted Newport Beach. I called three times to the L.A. mayor's office and never heard back ... .' Steve Brombera Newport Beach MayOf The Navy plans to sell the bulk of the base's 4,700 acres in an onllne auction in the fall. ln 2002, county voters approved Measure W, which rezoned the base for use as a central county parlc that includes commercial elements. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadi and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@fatimes.com. residents than lhe county can. Earlier this month, the coWlty agreed to cooperate with the city in using redevelopment money to pay for a fire station and a community center for residents in that neighborhood. "It's certainly a good sign that they're allowing us to use that money in the area and run the projects," Bludau said. The Santa Ana Country Oub could also complicate annexa- tion. Like the western portion of Santa Ana Heights, the club had been slated for eventual annexa- tion to Costa Mesa But Costa Mesa doesn't want to let go of the country club. Newport Beach of- ficials have said they would be willing to take in the club If the county agrees. "The council may decide to In- clude the COWltry club in our an- nexation application and let !the county) decide,· BJudau said. The eastern portion or Santa Ana Heights. along with some other areas, became pan of New· port Beach on July 1. Their neigbbora to the west haw ar- gued that Santa Ana Heights is a slngle conununity with a single Identity and a shared redevelop- ment agency. • JUNE CASAGRAN>£ oovera Newport e.ect'I and John w_..,ne Airport. She may be l'MChed et (9491 574-4232 or by 9-fNll .t Jun..c.uvran<H101.om.oom. Cb&ified ~ work for . Ill.II••·~~ 111 Daily Pilot ' FIREWORKS Continued from Al -phue out dle sale of ftreworb. in the dty and. in the meantime, llmit the number of srow>e wbo can aell them. Owing the suc· gated phaseout, Scheafer said the grou.ps who rely on aelling fire'WOtb need to find other out· lets to make money. • 'We invited groups to raise money at the Fish Fry, for exam- ple, and we only had a couple who took us up on the oner," Scheaf'er said Afttt watching the fireworks extravagam.a in Newport Beach with some family members on the Fourth of July, the ThJe1s re- turned to their home on c.allfor- nia Street witlt some left<JYer sale- and-sane fireworks from their family celebration. Adelaide Thiel, a retired claims adjustor, proceeded to light some sparklers on her porch, and her JAMBOREE Continued from Al jamboree by bus from Arizona. arrived at Tuesday's reunion in full Scout dress. "Once you're a Scout, you're always a Scout.~ he said. "It becomes a part of your life." Webb has been the Eagle Scout coordinator for the Newport-Mesa area for the last nine years, he said. The passion for Scouting seems to run in the family. Both of his sons are Eagle Scouts. as their father once was. The 1953 jamboree was a tremendous learning experience MILK Continued from Al the cows' four teats. Competing for the crowd's attention over the noise of the vacuum pumps, Edelo said the cows Mget a spe- cial treat every time they are milked.· The cows get to chomp on a mix of oats, wheat. barley and molasses. Because of the large amounts of cows used in the dairy. they usually go unnamed and are re- ferred to by lheir numbered ear ~. she said. A short moment AFTER HOURS • Submit ~ HOURS itema to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by ealllng (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypifot.com. MUSIC PACIFlC~TRE CONCERTS The Orange County Fair i1 presenting its summer concert series at the Pacific Amphitheatre: today, Steely Dan; Thuraday, the Doobie Brothers and Buddy Guy; Friday, the Doors: 21st Century; Saturday, Alanis Morissette and Jaaon Mraz; Sunday, Bob Dylan; Tueaday, Alan Jacbon and Joe Nldlola; July 30, Kenny Loggins and Mldlael McDonald; July 31, 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace; Aug. 1, Jethro Tull; Aug. 2, Roxy Music and David Lindley and El Rayo-X; and Aug. 3, Boston. f"Or concert info""atlon, call (71-'l 706-1870 orvistt www.ocfalr.com. To order tidteta, call (71•) 740-2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange County Fair 11 presenting many summer event. and conc:erta at it.I Citizen• Buslnen Bank Arene: today, Ber11n; Thuraday, Phll Vat88r; Friday, the Fabulous Thunderbirds; July 26, Royal Crown Revue; July 27, the Latin Mualc Festival; July 29, the Mountain Top wi1h Or. Ralph Stanley, featuring Rhonda Vincent and apedal guett Clartc; July 30, the Fab Four, July 31, Ziggy M•riev; Aug. 1, Ozomatli; Aug. 2, Bull riding, wtth a muticet performance by BAMI; and Aug. 3, the Rest.a Del Chem>. The Orange County f91r It on Fair Drive In Costa Meet. Information: (714) 706-F.AIR. JAZZme> Gutfstreem .....,rant In NewpOtt ~ ~· .. •Jm trio Sunday through WedNldeV .. ......, •lteftmilwnent It llO Awcedo All8., Newport'-". HoYn.,. 6 tot p.m. lundly and 8to 10 p.m. ~through Wedn-.y. (...., 71'-0t& WDXLY.MM The .. Clt6 pr ....... MoncMy Nigtrt JerM from 7 to 11 p..m.wwy--.~· .,....,.~~~ .,.. .................... ~ ••• andClllWf'l• 100 Mllnll..N9t11Dftllmll\. ..... .. .,..n-. W&MWB ... MIZ We need direction about how we can get alternatives or events or things where they can raise the funds to support the groups.' -·~ Costa Mesa city cooocilman, on the elimination of ~d firewot1< stands polyester akin causbt fire. By the cities ln the county that perm.its time Jeny Thiel came to the ~ the sale of ftreworb. Thia Fourth rue, abe had aevere burns all over of July. there were about five fire· her body. woi:b-related Ores. but only Ad· She has been at UO Medical elaide Thiel's lnvolved a person, Cent.el' since the acddent and Is said Gregg Steward. battalion ln fair condition. Jerry Thlels said clUef with the Costa Mesa Fire be saw her Qn Sunday and she Department The rest were trash was lo good splrtts. and tree flres. •My prayers have been an-As·an insurance agent. Scheal- swered," said ber husband of 26· er has dealt firsthand witQ the years. "Faith had a lot to do with devastating effects of fireworks.. it. and I'm not a religious per-ln the pMt. a bouse belonging to son." one of his clients almost burned Jerry Thiel was also burned on down from an Ulegal bottle both of his arma during the ind· rocket, he said dent He has just regained the use But that hasn't deterred him or his hands. He still has a band-from enthusiastically supporting age on his right ann. the sale of firewodcs over the past Costa Mesa Is one of only five few years. ln a phone interview for him, Webb said. More than 50,000 Scouts came to the event from all over the country. Tustin resident John Thompson took a three-day train trip with his friends from Cincinnati to get to the 1953 jamboree. M It was a lot of fun," he said. MI don't th.ink I got much sleep." One of the events he remembers most from the jamboree was an evening of entertainment with such stars as Bob Hope and Roy Rogers. ln 1953, Mike Sampson traveled two days by train from the Dalles in Oregon. He now lives in Newport Coast later, number 7069 dropped fi. brous waste, to which the chil- dren responded in unison. "Ewww!" The flow of milk waned to nothing. and David, the man running cbe machine and han- dling the cows, removed the suc- tion tubes and dipped the utters in an iodine solution, which Ede- lo said wa.S for preventing infec- tions of the teats. The demonstration ended with an explanation of the pas- teurization process and some statistics about U.S. and Califor- nia dairy production. At the conclusion of the event. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yortt Jan Connection Duo, pl.ay at Mamma Gina at 261 E. Coast Highway in Newp(>rt at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRU The Blueweter Grill offes's live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgen, Nldt Peper and Kelly Gordlen (known as MPG) perfo"" cla1tlc rock. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perfo"" classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant ii at 630 Udo Partt Drive, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the mualc of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band perform• from 7 to 10 p.m. Wedneaday and Thuraday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Fttdlly and Saturday and from 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday. The reataurant 11 at 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT "-'YERS Players restaurant It now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Pleyers It at 512 W. 19th St, Coate MM&. No cover dlarge. (949) 646-6615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Rivetboat Restaurant In Newport 8eectl preMnts Jesae on the .. x on Ft1dey end Saturday evenings end Sun<My fof' bNnd't. The program fNtUl'98 ell your favorttet on the aaxophone. Anthony'119 .t 151 E. CoHt Highwey. (949) 873-3425. POP~MO FLMENCO T.ce 5, a f\lnlc. rode and Motown -=t. perfomw at t p.m. Slturdtvt .t C::.nMlo'1 Rletor11nte, 3520 E. Co89t Hlghw9y, Corona det Mar. Solo gultan.t K8lt s.nder9 perlcMme dwlc:el flamenco """'et 7:30 p.m. ~and SYndays. Fr-. (Ml) 871-1922 • ~MQHTUI Gnld llhlbeltlif and tM 8'one lrtdge lend play rodt and Ml et lp..m. ~--Su9on .... ~,.._.Lounge. 4IOO MecWfu Mwl., N ... Olt lwf\. ,_, (•> 411-200'!. STAGE ---.......... ~ ........ .. ,. ................. .. ~ ........ " ... .. ar...~ '9lfonnlnl,Nta Sampson said be fell in love with the area and cold himself he'd come back. Mll was my first trip to California, and 1 was impressed," he said. Ml thought to myself. 'Gee. when 1 grow up, I wanna live here.' Now I do: The event was still as exciting to locals~ it was to outsiders. Bruce Nott. whose lace father. Les Nott, was one of the organizers of the event. said be looked forward to the jamboree through all the years he saw his father prepare for It. Ml anticipated it so much, and in the end. ic turned out being the dustiesr place on the earth with all the buses coming in,· he 12-year-old Kare Rusmussen of Huntington Beach said, "I l.ilced it; it was very informative." Aliso Viejo resident JeneUe Hayhurst, 5. who was at the demonstration for her third year, ·said she liked everything. wsbe likes to see the milk llow through the tubes," her mother said. She dreads the questions about where baby cows come from. but otherwise, Edelo en· joys teaching lclds about dairy practices. "It's nice to know that kids are curious.· she said, The demonsuation is an ex- Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Aug. 10. Tickeu cost S44 to $68.50 and can belJUrdl•aed at the center's box o'ffice of onUne at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. ART ANDRE MIRIPOLSKY Bayside Gallery Restaurant, at 900 Bayside Drive in Newport Beacti, Is offering a aolo exhibition showcasing the wor1ts of artist Andre Mlripolsky now through September. Information: (949) 851-9181. DANCE PACIFICA CHOREOGRAPHIC PROJECT The Ballet Pacifica will present the Pacifica Choreographic Project at 8 p.m. Saturday et the Irvine Barclay Theatre. The project is designed to support the development of new dance worb. Tldceta are $26 and S60. The theater ts at 4242 Campus Drive. Tldtet1 and Information: (949) 854-4646. belore the A>urtb of July, Schedr said be supported sell- illl them be- cause of the money ral.led for various groupc. Mike Scheafer N~ Scheafer says be will talk to Fire Department of!ldals and city staff who can help bim de- sigrl a plan for the full Oty Coun- cU to consJder that would evtn· tua1Jy eliminate firewoi:b. 'We need direction about how we can get altematfves or events o.r things where they can ~ the funds to support the gmupS." Scheafer said. After his family's ordeal. Jerry Thiel said he also supports ban- ning fireworks sales in the city. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Co9U Mesa end may be niadied at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at dt1lrdre.newman@latimes.com. said. Jamboree was barely a dirt road then. But Nott said It was a fun experience. He recalled trading in Irvine Co. leather for neckerchief slides and carvings. Nott said. On Tuesday, he lovingly held up the piece of leather signed by all the scouts in his troop who were ac the 1953 jamboree with him. wwe were the hosts,. he said. "We were part of the host paaol and everything. It was nice." • DEEM BHAAATli covers pubhe safety and courts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at d88f)ll.bharath@/11imt1s.com. tensjon of the Agidemics and Centennial Farm Educational Tour that runs September through May co educate elemen- tary school students about agri· cuJture. • TOM FORQUER 1s a Daily Pilot intern. He can be reached et Tom.ForQuer@latimes com. MYERS, Penny Welner (78) Passed away peacefully on Juty 19, 2003, surrounded by her family, husband ~. sona Todd and Jay, their wives Peggy and v~ granddaughters Sophie, Madeline, OanleUe, Charlotte and Allaon. Also aurvtved by her brother Sidney W8'ntr and hia wife Ann and aJater· in-law Goldie Singer. Bom May 3, 1925 In Brooklyn, New Yort<. she haa been a resident of N~ Beach for 30 years ri participated In numerou1 philanthropic organizations and the was an avid ~lervic" 2:00 p.m., Tueeday, July 22, 2003. Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelback Or., Newport Beach, lntennent following at Pacific View Memon.I Parle, Newport Beach. In lieu of ftowera, kindly make donations to the Al.S Auoclation. AnQeteno Valley MortU8(Y. 800.922.2244. Dally Pilot .r' ( . :,WEDNESDAY, .JULY 23 'NOON '•South Coast Weavers & Spinners (until 11 p.m.) -Home 8t Hobbies Building. ·•Sewing Guild (until 11 p.m.) - ·•Home & Hobbies Building -Ann Woodman -Bead Lady •(until 11 p.m .) -Home & Hobbies .Building • Crafts (until 8 p.m .) -Youth ·.Sulldlng ~ "Dl1<:over the Fair" Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Bull ding •Junior Baking Contest -Youth Building • Sode Hop -Kids Stage •llama Presentation (12:30 pm.) -Livestock Arena 1 P.M. • M aureen W. Puppet (until 6 p.m.) -Around the grounds • Shenanigans Youth Thea1re - Heritage Stage • Dance Spectacular -Sun Stage • Gourd Society -Home & Hobbies Stage • Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m .) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Fortune -Quartet vocals - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Traveling Game Show ( 1 :30 p.m. • 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds • Russell Bros Circus ( 1 :30 p.m .) -Green Gate Area • Angora Goat lndus1ry Presentation ( 1 :30 p m I - Livestock Arena •Ceramics Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Grafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1 :30 ·p.m.) -Millennium Barn 2P.M. ,. Wanda's Dance Studio - Heritage Stage • Mel's Boot Stompers -Sun Stage • Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell -Home & Hobbies Stage • The Magic of Fran~ Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little 1'heater • Circus Fun Review Auditions (2:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Sheep Industry Presentation (2:30 p.m.) -Livestock Arena Wednesday. Juty 23, 2003 A5 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 3P.M. • Shenanigans Youth Theatre - Heritage Stage • Dance Spectacular -Sun Stage • Fortune -Youth Quartet Vocal -Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Funhview Show -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Sewing A Child's Bib (3:30 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Oxen Team Presentation (3:30 p.m.) -livestock Arena • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p m.) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. •Wanda's Dance Studio - Heritage Stage • Mel's Boot Stompers -Sun Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Pool Jewels Contest -Kids Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Grafters Village • Port Ctty Washboard Wizards (4·30 p.m. · 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds •Russell Bros Circus (4:30 p.m .) -Green Gate Area • Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell (4·30 p.m ) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Angora Goat Presentation (4:30 p.m.) -Livestock Arena • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m.) -Grafters Village SP.M. • Folklorrstas De California - Heritage Stage •Associated Square Dancers of Southern California -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Circus Fun Review Aud1t1ons (5 30 p m I -Kids Stage BEST BET Fairgoers cheer on the racers during the Al~Alaskan Pig Races. which take place at l. 3, 5 and 7 pm daily at the Orange County Fair. Also, Steely Dan performs at 8 p m today m the Pac1f1c Amphitheatre as part of he Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. Gates open at 6 30 p m Performing the tree shoY.s a1 7 and 9 p.rn today m the Citizens Business Bank Arena wtll be Berhn, featuring Tern Nunn • Sheep Industry Presentation (5:30 p.m.) -Livestock Arena • Milking Demonstration (5 30 p.m.) -M illennium Barn 6P.M. •Weavers & Spinners Guild - Home & Hobbies Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • Red, Ripe & Karaokin' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage 7 P.M. • Berlin, featuring Tem Nunn - Ci tizens Business Bank Arena • Hypnotist Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Grafters Village • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Don't Topple the Tomato Contest -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Russell Bros Circus 17 30 p m ) -Green Gate Area •Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 pm.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston 17:30 p.m I -Kids Stage • Ceramics Demonstration 17 30 pm 1 Crc1ft1::rs V1tlc1ge • M1lk1ng Demonstration t7·30 p m J Millennium Barn 8 P.M. •Summer Concert Series Steel, Dan Pac1f1c Amphitheatre tgates open at 6 30 pm • Class of 69 -Sun Stage • People Preuel Contest -K•ds Stage • Recycled P1Hcuss1on Lmlt: Theater • Oxen Team Presentation - Livestock Arena • Swmgfest (8 30 p m. - Heritage Stage 9P.M. • Berlin feat.unng Terri Nunn - Citizens Business Ban~ Arena • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Ared • Hypnotist Mart< Yuzu1k -Sun S•c1qe •All Alaskan Racing P•gs L111P.steid' • P0rt City IA>ashboard Wizards 9 30 o m -Heritage Stage •Ceramics Demonstration 9 30 pm ) Crafters Village 10 P.M. • Clc1ss of 69 -Sun Stage • Swingfost '10 30 p rn Herrtage Stage M Wednesday, JIJy 23, 2003 . . · FORUM Daily Pilot HOW TO GET PU8U8HED -L.dllra: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • R11dera Hodlne: Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu Send to (949) 646:4170 E-mal:Send to dallypllotOlatimes.oom • All 001Tespondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submiulons for cfanty and length . MAILBAG Wendy Leec~ is a champion of free speech • Thank you, Wendy Leece, for daring to champion free speech even when It isn't polidcally correct (MOid Nichols' opponents make too much noise?" Tuesday). Newport Beach City Councilman Diclc Nichols said what people are not allowed to say. My guess is that the government could station someone •t Corona del Mar State Beach and find many illegal aliens. Who are these people who wan! more and more illegals entering our country? Yet they chose to put forth a severely flawed candldare because Nichol' particular view on growth issues might come closer to theirs regardless of his known Intolerant views aAd shortcomings. And, more importantly, regardless of the damage that might be done to the city as a whole. Basically, they sold out the city of Newport Beach for their on~issu and for this they should be sever chastised for duping the elect e of CAROL SCHNEIDER Newport Beach About those who are local and those who aren't The hue and cry that has ensued in the aftermath of Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichois" comments have gotten to the point of being ridiculous. At first. I was amused al all of the "shocked" and "hurt" reacrion. Now, I find it very irrilating. I would like to examine what basis there is for "recall" requests. Whal specifically did Nichols say tha1 ho grounds for removal from office? Was he particularly bad when he used the word "Mexican?" I would suggest that the grandparen1 of the 'lame people yelling for ~recaJI" were called names. It has been a universal cmtom in thi5 country 10 denigrate the background of the minority of the day. The Irish immigrants in10 this counlry and the Italians, etc. didn'r mew for recalls. They went to work and earned respect. In fact, the 1erm '"Mexkan·· i5 hardly a put·down in my book. My own observa1ion is 1ha1 a great number of Mexicans are digging in and earning a respectful place in our society. Good for them. Or, does somebody think tha1 Nichols was wrong to suggest that Mexicans or Mexican Americans are dominating the common picnic areas at our local beaches? What he said is the truth. Go down to the green area at Big Corona early on any weekend or holiday morning. Before you have FILE PHOTO/DAILY-PILOT Jaime Vega of Orange protests a Newport Beach councilman's comment about Mexicans on the beach's grassy areas. fini!.hed your coffee and newspaper. they have spread their blankets, tenh and barbecue'> throughout the areas. l\ly wife and I used to live on Heliotrope near Big Corona. One of the reasons we moved was the incessant noise, traffic jams, garbage on streets and on residents" yards and domination of all parking on the street!.. And, although you may not like to hear it. these people are not residentl> of Newpon Beach -and a high percentage of these people are Mexican or of Mexican descent We couldn'1 even have guests during weekend afternoons in the summer: nowhere 10 park. And it was truly ugly to take them down to the beach. Is this desirable? I feel Nichols was absolurely right. Why in the world do we spend Newport Beach 1ax dollars to make more and belier facilities for people who don't pay these taxes? I would rather ask the councilmen why in the world they don't try 10 create an environmenl beneficial to the interests of the locals. Why don"t we have weekend permil parking in Corona del Mar? Wh y don"t we take Meps 10 give the locaJs at least a nominal chance at using the beaches and related facili1ies? And, for heaven's sake, qui I sauteing people who speak the truth. I am sick of it. DENNIS MCCARTER Newport Beach Greenlight should have known bener Shame on Phil Arst and his Greenltght zealots. who knew very well tha1 their candidate of choice 10 govern Newport Beach from Corona del Mar was seriously flawed. Dick Nichols" propemities for intolerance and stubbornness is not new. I witnesc;ed it almo51 weekly when I was a planning comnussioner during the 1980'> and early in the I 990s. He could be l:Ounted on to make irrational and unfounded statementl! almul>t weekly a1 both the meetings of 1hc l'la11111ng C..ommb.,1011 and the City Council. Some of the leuder5 of Greenlight and their advii.urs were witnesses to this. also. I know, a ... I was there. I know some of thest.' people ralht.'r well and, as a ma11er of fac1, have workt'd wi1h them on '>Orne of their campaigns and project<>. Newport Beach. One of these days. the shortsighted folks at Greenlight will realize that there a lot more important things going on in this city other than how many cars travel down Coast Highway on any given day. The bouom line is that Greenlight won by a majority vole, but in reality, it was a minority of voters in this city. Their so·called mandate is nonexistent, and it's time they realized this. JAMES PERSON Newport Beach Centerline light rail doesn't look very useful The Centerline article didn't list ridership numbers for the equivalenl Orange County Transportation Authority bus routes linking the Transportation Cenr er. Sourh Coast Metro and John Wayne Airport ("Centerline stilJ on track after 9-2 vote,~ Tuesday). Is it higher Lhan the routes I frequent, where buses are often empty or nearly so? Looking at 1he transportation system map, I couldn'1 find a single route that represents CenterLine as we migh1 expect if Cen1erLine's proposed route is so important to reducing traffic. One gets the feeling that Centerline will be built because there is money to build ii ra1her than it berng a needed project Costa Mesa Co uncilwoman Ubby Cowan·s comment, "I think once it is built. people will find a way to utilize it" is government by gamble. Please do a follow· up ar1icle on recent light rail projecrs in other cities to help us put thb in perspec1ive. MIKE SMITH Corona del Mar P R E S E N T I N G T H E -F I F T H A N N U A. L "AN 0 . F EVENING HOPE " PROCEEDS FROM THE EVENING BENEFIT HIGH HOPES. HIGH HOPES JS A LOCAL CHARITY DEDICATED TO HEl.PJNG INDMOUALS RECOVER FROM TRAUMATIC BRAIN lNJURlES () E DEADI .l\E FOH SPACE & COP\' Wednesday, July 23, 2003 5 p.m DEADU\E FOH CA~IEHA ltEi\O\' AHT Moodi!y, July 28, 2003, Noon ADVERTOR IAi. IJEAllLI E & 0 l T T Wednesday, July 23, 2003 (no~°''"' ll<:cepted after dt.adhne) REA. OF CIRC LATION INCL DE: DAILY PILOT · Wednesday, July 30, 2003 ewport IJt'nd1 • Coronu del Mar • ewport Con C • Costa Meta HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT· Thursday, July 31, 2003 llunting1on Beorh • ll unelngtoo Harbour• unlef Beach COASTLINE PILOT -Friday, August 1, 2003 ,.~ ... lit•• ..... INDEPENDENT 94~2-4321 Laguna Beacla Daify.41 Pilot 949.:64Z432 I . . . . .. .. .~ . .... . . -.. -·· - PHul'JS 8Y[i( N l [A< H v A Ur Pantry chel Jamesa Gonzalez puts a pizza in the oven moments before grand opening of Claim Jumper at South Coast Plaza Eatery works claim in South Coast Plaza Cla im Jumper opens it~ 3 1st re~taurant, a more upscale versio n o f its eate ri es, and d ebuts a few new m enu it e ms. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot <.,<HJlll <.OA<;I ~11 IHIJ family d1111ng ... 1Jlwa11 ( J.um Jumrer Ht..,tauran1,, \\llll h be- gan "' di.un m Omngt' < ount~. debuU.'tl II\ nev.1...,1 l'lllf"\ Oil rut">(J,1y al \11uth ( .O,l\I 11,Wt nw rnmpany opt'lll'tl 11 ... 11 ... 1 rt">laurarll. Jnd 201h 111 t .. 11ifm· Ill<!, al Ull' high L'11d .J111ppmg cemer m tilt' I<)( .11111n •mu· 'K cup1ed bv BtrrJpon.·111 .... Jll 11.tl- ldll P..tll'n th.11 do'>t't.I .Jmu,1 J year a~o. t t•nll'r <M11er<. CJ. Seger· ... 1m111 & Sons 'i<!Y the family d111111g r~uran1 wiU be an· 01lwr ,·,.med offenng at South < o,L.,1 I 'l.v.a which i!, known nww tor high-end f-rench ea.1- t'nt.., .. 111 h as l mque1 and Cafe l~N.JI < lJm1 Jumper opt•m'<.1 di 3 p 111 1111...day afll·r .1 S.I rruJlion n·1111><.kl Chefs and line cooks in the Claim Jumper krtchen assemble fpr a meetmgbefore the grand opening. lo fit m \\llh ~1u1h t lkl.\I Pldl.a·., nVml">. .... <Jami Jumpt>r nffici..tl'> g<1\l' 1ht.•1r Ol"''-"1 e..tl t:I) a mort• u~·.ile lool.. "( l.11111 tum1>1:r. 111 IL'> own \\,I\. I' \'t'ry high qu,JJly-plaza 'pult..,\\11man lx·hra Gunn I ltl\\ 11111g said "\~l' nt.'eded morl' ol 1ha1 ~tnd of duung ex- pent•m t' here .. , 111 dl'buting J more upscaJe n·r.1011 of Claim Jurnper. a ~- 1a11ran1 lno~rn lur rruner arti- l,1t1' hJ11).ting on Ult.' walls. laq:e lm><.I portions and homey ea1- 111g homhs, the company is try- ing out J new concept. Ott ~d. patio. refashioned the bar and used a "bolder. but wariner" color '>Cherne. Ott -..ud. ~~. ttus <laim .lumpt.'f rerained the antk.'f dlandelier-. ~ portion<> of food and \..ooc.l paneled lodge-style imerior. C:osta Mesa location: a l 4 ounce, bone in, nb eye steak: hlackened ah1 rolJ. and cmpy \ egetable roll • I ht.• llllt'nor h.t' ht'f'll de '>l){Jietl ,1 huh· hll rnort• 'orfu-, 1ica1t.•<.l." ""l' llnlw11 011, the compJny\ t h1l'I 01wr ... 1111g ofTi- · Cer. -wt· 1h111k \W II do ~ell hen: \\t• thml \\t' rt· .1 good lit fhl' comp.my opened the n-.,1<1t1mlll. added dll outdoor Of the about 200 menu item'>. a few new ones have het.-n added e'>pec1aUy for the ·we alwav., 1ry to add a touple of new i1ems." Ott ..aid. "It\ a good luck charm." nit.-firc;1 Oaim Jumper opened m 1..0., Alamitoc; in 19ii' :AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to milce.swenson@llltimes.com; by fax to ·(949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) : 5744298. Include thtt lime. date and location of the event. as well as a contact : phone number. A complete listing is :available at www.d11ifyp1lotcom :TODAY :A frM teminu and book signing, •Asian ·longevity Secrets;" will be offered by •author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at ·Mother's Marttet. 225 E. 17th St , Costa ·Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) ~MOMS. Adult l'Mdets intlrest8d in exploring how wltural complexities can affect familial ~lps are invited to a discussion of Am/ Tan's "The Bonesetter's Daugh1er• st 3 p.m. at the Corona def Mar Brandi ·ubrary. The program is part of ·Branch Out-Read," an adult summer reading program It Balboa, Corona def Mar and Mariners brand! libraries. For more information, call (949) 644-3075. Qwldr9n ....... ftr9I tMMlgh *th gredes are Invited to •Up ln the AM• at 3 p.m. llt the Marin«a brand\ of the Newport Beacti Pentral Ubmy. Renowned juggler Dr.lid Cousin, who holds five wor1d reoords for lteeping things In the air, will present the free program, whicti will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 24 at the Balboa branch. For more information, call (714) 717·3816. Loul Mlthor LYMUe Bnllfielcl, whose f'lnt novel, •Nature Lessons; was honored as a July/August Boobente 76 pkt by the independent bootseflers of America, will be the featured guest at the Ma!:;iners branch library's •Meet the Author" from 7 to 9 p.m. The South Africen-bom author Is now working on her second novel, •Arrt(how in a Come~ For more information, can 949-717-3816. n«JRSOAY CNlchn ....... ftnt1twough .u. grades are Invited to ·up in the ~r" It 10'.30 a.m. at the Belboe brand\ of the Newport 8eacti Public Ubrary. Renowned jugglef David Cousin, who holds five wot1d records for keeping things in the air, . will presem the free program. For more information, call (714) 717·381 6. Th• Newport Beadt Chamb« of Commerce's Newport Sunset Networking Mixer will be hekS aboard the Empress yacht of PKific Avalon Yacttt Charters, 3404 Via Oporto, No. 103, Newport Beach. The docbide event from 5 to 7 p.m. will include hors cf' oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer is free for members. Potential members pay S10. For more information, can (949) 729-4400. Book &oup'a "Teldng .._. Mfthof ...._It South Coast Ptaza returns with authors Janet A1l:h and Susan Straight. Discussions of their boots '"White Oleander• and •Highwfre Moon• will talte pl~ over coffee, tea and deaert. A poftion of boot ules wiU be dc>Mted to the Orangewood Foundation. For more information. call (714) 689-2666. • • Wednesda 23 2003 A7 COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL MEETING WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL I lere are a few ol the uem., tha1 the council considered Monday: REPORT FEE State law requirel> a mobLle home pan propeny ownn to prepare a report on lhe t.-ffecu. of relocating tenants before dosing or convertiqg the park fur another U'>t' However. bc-cau<.e the c1ry\ own fet.-s and charge., don'1 · include any provision for the review of the'>e reports. i.taJJ member<. re4ul">1ed that the fees be changed 111 include thts review and thJt 11 be applied retroactively to 1r1tlude the closure and conver,1011 propo!.ed for the IJ Nido dnd Snug Harbor Village 1rn1ll•r pa.ib Staff member' recomnlt'nde<l lhe report revit.-w be dorw by an independent con<iu lta111 undt'r con1ratt bel'auw '>lafl llll'llll>l'r' doe'> no1 have the n(.'(.t''>'>JI'\ expert1.-.e f-or thl' ~ l''al11 ~11ug I !arbor n•port. '>lafi nH·rn~H·r., expce1 tht.' indt'pendt•11r l l'\ II'"" wlll Ul'>I $J, 000 10 ~ ·,, OOll WHAT HAPPENED The council vo11'<.I unanimously 10 JPJ>rm, the changes to the fee' anti 1 h.1rge., WHAT rT MEANS The city will '>tan 1 hJr>,'lng for an independem lCJll.,uhJnt to review relocaoon rt•pnrh WHAT WAS SAID "State law is \'ague ,111d we probably have not bcl·n ct'> diligent as we wuld hd\ l' been Councilwoman lJhh\ < owan said. "This c;e1, u<. up for the future" LANDSCAPED MEDIANS The counctl allo( awd fund' last fiscal year and th1' li,t.il y~ for the de~1g11 of landM:aped med1am on I '-llh Street from Pl<1cen11J ;\\t'llUl' 111 Park Avenue. and for •ht· con ... 1rut 111m ol J ponion ol tl1t''l' median' '\1 1h'-· l·t.>h I H tounc1I nwt'lmg. be<:au~ of the numbt.•r of bu mes...-.es bem g alT et t NJ b\ thl' full landscaped median ... lhl' council directed <,IJIT members to prepare other de-.1gn'> and to pursue additional puhhr participation and 111pu1 on the new design. The dK1gn and engineering work on 1he mediani. is presently underway WHAT HAPPENED The touncLI uno1J11mou'>h approH.-d the final engineenng of the landc;caped ml'd1.m., on l 91h S1reet from P1arrntia Avenue 10 Park A\enue and tu con<.truct median l'>landr, from Placen11a Avenue to \1t>rer rlace II al'>O Jpproved Lhe constrncuon of land.,raped parkwa)'l> from Placentia Avenue to Anaheim Avenue. WHAT rT MEANS The 1nstallauon of tht.> medians and patkway.. will improve the aestheuc<i of lhP area. WHAT WAS SAID ·1 fully support it. - C.Ouncilman Allan Mansoor srud "I think it's a perfect example of how we can improve the look of the Westside. - ALDEN'S NEXT MEETING •WHAT: City Council meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p m Aug 4 •WHERE: City Hall. 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (71 4) 754-5221 SANTA ANA RIVER . CROSSING STUDY I he tran-.ponatmn servtce) dl\·~.,.on crea1ed a mulu-step plan 10 serve ~ a blueprint for ewntually gerting the Gisler Awnue and 19th Street bridges n•mowt.l from-'.ounty plans. nw propo..al \Ug_g<.><ib me&~ tu aJJt'VIJtt.' the problt>m'> the bndgt"> would ulhl'f\'\1\t' '>CJl\l', 111dudmg llHl'r'>l·<.11on 1mprtJ\l'men~ and ro.1d\\JY wtdl'ning.._ < lm l· <t.11 the,•· rnea,ure.. aie t 11111plett:. the goal t'> for anotht:r ... 1ud\ 10 hn onduu<'<l If the lllt'.t'>llrl''-proH· dlf'l uve, the hndg(·<. ~mild tw rt·mOVl"d from llll' l Olin I} \ ffici ... lt'f pldll WHAT HAPPENED 1 lw l lJUOLll UllcilllJllfJU'>I} .1pprt1\ f'd 1he prripo....U WHAT rT MEANS I Im•« ol hl·r t 1111·., dlfern·d h; 1lw pl.mnt·d hndgt'' f-ounlcitrl \,Jiit•\ f IUllllllJ.,'1t1fl &<1lh Jlld '\t">"pon Ht·.1lh llt.'l'd 10 'upport II a.' \u•ll I hl' Omngt· Lot 1111} l rdn.,p11n<t11011 -\uthonl\ \\111 llt' dt<,lU<,\tng lht• bndgc<. di th lllt't'ltng Oil ;\limd.J\ WHAT WAS SAID ( OUnt 11rnt111 Clm' \It-el h dd '111111· ~ord' ,,f 1·111 our;1gcnwn1 lor n•-,1dt·111 l<oh1·n c .raham. "'ho "·" .11J.11n.u11h .. upponl·d <i I '11h "t1rn·1hndgt·11\l I !ht' \ear\ I ,l(JllHrt' \lllH l 1111'>1\lt'ne\ .111d \llll \l' bn·11 ... 1n111g JOOUI rh1' tro111 d<1\ orw "•ed '>aid nwrt• flld\ tlt' "Olli\:' f>t•nefil\ lfl II 11 l>ndgt·i". hu1 I t.10111 1h111k pt ·opt. \\ .u11 11 I It ,11~1·.,lt'll lhJI l,raham I u11d ,111 111d1·1wnd1•11t '>lud~ of 1h1· lwnl'lil' 1lw lmJgt' \.,ou.Jd hn11g .md lOllt'l I l'IH>Ugil 'lgJIJlllrt'' 10 gel .i rdt-rl'nclum 011 1lw lmdgl' cm 1he halJ01 DESIGN CONTRACT I Ill '\t•wr111r1 Buult•\ard ... 11u1hh•1uml frort1.1gt· road 't'rH·, a' "n 11npor1.m1 gale\\d\ 111 11!1 u1~. pJntlUIJrh to the < JrJnge c .ounl\ I air-ground.., Tiw {'\J\llllg a. ... phaJt lrafl on thC' wec;1 ..,rdr ol 1he ... outhhound fron1.i.:1· road ht•l\\t't'n \rhngton Jnd f-a.rr dnH'' '' 111 poor l ond.Juon and rt'qlllrl'" ll't.(Jn .. lnJCUOn "-t.•wr.tl po,.,1ble al1~1men~ for tht• n't.on.'otrucuon. a. .. well as land-.t c1pt· 1111pmwments. m th.L.'> dll',1 hJ\C' hct_•n dN,&Se<i within uw ut\ and ,,,,h fcllrgrounds .. ran The c:ounnl c1t'° needs 10 "'appmve a coopt>r.tt1ve agreement "11h thl' 12nd D1.,1J1ct Agnculrural .\.'>"1 for the reconwucnon. WHAT HAPPENED lhr council approved an option <,upported by Man<;o0 r for an Ii-foot wide concrete trail. Y.1th :!·fool graded <,houlders on l'llht.>r '>Ide This opuon also pr11v1de-. a landc;caped buffer .ihi1u1 'i feet Wide lx>tween the 1ra1I and the roadway curb I.me WHAT rT MEANS llw city has already ~ a wam for S207.Q90 to reconstruct the CXl'>tlng asphalt bicycle trail <.n now the contract for the de<i1gn will be awarded. (iJmpiled by flf'rrdre M!wman ------------ DN--!ilTE ---- -- DRAPERY D.EANIN& AND MlllE • .. FORUM ... HOW 10 GET PU8USHED -&..tlilra: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, COl18 Mesa, CA 92627 • RNdert Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Se~ to (949) 646-41?0 E-mal:s.nd to dallypllot@latimn.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. MAILBAG Wendy Leece is a champion of free speech Thank you, Wendy Leece, for daring to champion free speech even when it isn't polidcally correct ("Did Nichols' opponents make too much noise?" Tuesday). Newport Beach City Councilman Diclc Nichols said what people are not allowed to say. My guess Is that the government could stadon someone at Corona del Mar State Beach and find many illegal aJiens. Who are these people who want more and more illegals entering our coWltry? CAROL SCHNEIDER Newport Beach About those who are local and those who aren 't The hue and cry tha t has eni.ued in the aftermath of Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols' comments have gotten to the point of being ridiculous. At first, I was amused at aJl of the "shocked" and "hurt" reaction. Now, I find it very irritating. I would like to examine what bao;b there is for "recall" requests. What sp ecifically did Nichol!> !>ay that i!> grounds for removaJ from office·? Was he particularly bad when he used the word "Mexican?" I would suggest that the grandparents of the sam r people yelling for ~recall" were called name">. It has been a universal CU'>IOm in th1., country to denigrate the background of the minority of the day. The I ri!.h immigrants into this country and the Italians, etc. didn't mew for recalb. They went to work and earned respect. In fact, the term "Mexican!' 1s hardly a put-down in my hook. l\1y own observation is that a great number of Mexicans are digging in and earning a respectful place in our society. Good for them. Or. does somebody think that Nichols was wrong 10 suggest that Mexicans or Mexican Americans are dominating the common picnic areas at our local beaches? What he said is the truth. Go down to the green area at Big Corona early on any weekend or holiday mo rning. Before you have Fil£ PHOTO I DAil Y PILOT Jaime Vega of Orange protests a Newport Beach councilman's comment about Mexicans on the beach's grassy areas. firu-.hed your coffee and ncw'>paper, they have spread their blanket'>, tents and barbecues throughout the are~. My wife and I used to live on I leliotrope near Big Corona. One of the reasons we moved was the incessant noise, traffic jams. garbage on streets and on residents' yards and dommation of aJJ parking on the streets. And. although you may not Uke to hear it, these people are not residenti. of Newport Beach - and a high percentage of these people are Mexican or of Mexican descent. We couJdn't even have guests during weekend afternoons in the summer; nowhere to park. And it was truly ugly 10 take them down to the beach. ls this desirable? I feel Nichols was absolutely right. Why in the world do we sp end Newport Beach tax d ollars to make more and better facilities for people who don't pay these taxes? I would rather a-.k the councilm en why in the world they don't try to create an environment beneficial to the tnterest'> of the locals. Why don'rwe have weekend permit parking in Corona d el Mar? Why d on't we take steps to give the locals at least a no minal chance at using the beaches and related facilities? And, for heaven's sake, quit sauteing people who sp eak the truth. I am sick of it. DENNIS MCCARTER Newport Beach Greenlight should have known bener Shame on Phil Arst and his C..reenlight LeaJot'>. who knew very weU that their candidate of choice to govern Newpon Beach from Lorona del Mar was senow.ly nawed. Dick Nichols' propensi ues for intolerance and stubbornner,i. I'> not new. I witnessed 11 almost weekJy when I was a planning comm1i.sioner during the 1980., and early 1n tht· 1990s. I le tould be counted on to make irrational and unfounded statements almoi.t weekly at both the meetings of the Planning< omrnii.i.1on and the City Council. Some of the lcaderi. of ( .rccnhght and their advii.ors were witne'>seo; to thic;,, also. I know, a'> I was there. I know some of the-.c people rather well and. as a mailer of fact. haVl' worked with them on -.oml' of their l·ampa1gns and proJCCI'>. Yet they chose to put forth a severely nawed candidate because Nichol' particular view on growth issu es might come closer to theirs regardless of hJs known intolerant views and sh ortcomings. And, more importantly, regardless of the damage that might be done to the city as a whole. Basically, they sold out the city of Newport Beach for their one Issue, and for this they should be severely chastised for duping the electorale of Newport Beach. One of these days, the shortsighted folks at Greenlight will realize tha1 there a lot more important thlngs going on in thls city other than how many cars travel down Coast Highway on any given day. The bottom line is that GreenJlght won by a majority vote, but in reality, it was a minority of voters in this city. Their so-called mandate is n on existent, and it's time they reaJi7.ed this. JAMES PERSON Newport Beach CenterLine light rail doesn't look very useful The CenterLlne article didn't list ridership numbers for the equivalent Orange County Transpo rtatio n Authority bus ro utes linking the Transportation Center, South Coast Metro and John Wayne Airport ("CenterLlne still o n track: after 9-2 vote," Tuesday). Is it higher than the routes I frequent, where buses a re oft en empty or nearly so? Looking at the transportation system map, I couldn't find a single route that represents Centerline as we might expect 1f Centerline's proposed route 1s so important to reducing traffi c. One gets the feeling 1hat Centerline will be built becau<,e there 1s money to build it rather than it being a needed project. Costa Mesa Councilwoman Ubby Cowan's comment. "I think once 1t is built, people Wiii find a way to utilize it" is government by gamble. Please d o a folJow·up article on recent light ra1l projects in other cities 10 help us put this in perspective. MIKE SMITH Corona del Mar PRESENT I NG THE FIFTH ANNUAL "AN OF SPONSORS. EVENING HOPE" PROCEEDS PROM THE EVENING BENEFIT HIGH HOPES. HIGH HOPES JS A LOCALCHAR11Y DEDICATED TO HELPING INDMDUALS R£COV£R FROM TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURIE.S D E DEAl>Ll\E FOH SPACE & CO PY Wednesday, July 23, 2003 5 p.m DEADLl~E FOH C.\ \IERA HE·\D\' AHT Mond~, July 28, 2003, Noon AOVERTO IU\I. DEADLI t.: & 0 l . T Wednesday, July 23, 2003 (no ~or1al ac:cwted otter dt.adlinc) AHEAS OF CIRCULATION INCLUDE: DAILY PILOT -Wednesday, July 30, 2003 ewport IW1wh • Corona del Mar • ewport Coast • Co tn Meu .-HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday, July 31, 2003 949-642-4321 lluntlnf(ton Betl<'h • Huntington Harbour• unlteC Beac h COASTLINE PILOT -Friday, August , I 2003 taguna Beacb . 78,000 circulation DailyAPilot I •e ••,h • COASTI..INE PILOT 949·642-4321 949-494-4321 -·-·--~----..,.... ... ·-·------~--...,...-- PHUfOS B'fOON lALH !.JAltir.> Pantry chet Jamesa Gonzalez puts cl pizza m the oven moments before grand opening of Claim Jumper at South Coast Plaza Eatery works claim in South Coast Plaza Cla im Jumper open it~ 31st restaura nt, a more upscale versio n of it5 eateries, and de buts a few new menu items. Pa ul Clinton Daily Pilot SOlfl II C OA'i I ~II I 1<11 Family d111111g '>talwart I J,um Jumrx·r llt">taur.mt ,, \\ 1 m h be.· gan IL'> t h;1111 m C )r,rngc• < 011111\. debuted "' llt"Wl''' 1•11tr'\ on I Ul...0.ry .rt 'iouth < "·"' l'l.v.L < 1·111t·r owner. L I. Seger- '' r11111 ;t.; ~n.s '><lY U1e family d111111g re'>laUJdllt wiU be an- othl'r htned ofTenng at South < ~•·l'l l'l.iza. which U. known 1111m· for high·cnd French eat- t'nl..., 'lit h as 1 mquet and C'..af~ Pa-.. .ii < J.11111 Jumpt'r llfl<'lll'll at 3 p 111 fln..,day aflt'r .1 SI 11uJl10n 11•111och·I llw uunpany 111w1wd "' I ht n">ta11rcmt. tllld 20th 111 < ~1hfor- 111,L. .11 Ull' h1~1 l·11d ,11opp111g ll'llll'f Ill th1· lot .lllClll lllll l' IJC. cup1t'tl hy Birr.ipon•111 '· .111 It.ti 1,m 1.·att'I'\ that c ltN:d .1h1111'>1 J }'('ar agC1 < J,11111 Jumrx·r. 111 11'. own \\ti\ 1, \t'ry tu,Ql q11,1h1y:· plaza -.puf..1..,\\ 11nlan I >l:hrn ( .unn I )!1w11111g '>Uld. "\\1· 1weded 111on· 111 that krncl of dminK ex- f>t'rlt ·111 l' here ... Chefs and lrne cooks in the Claim Jumper krtchen assemble for a meetingbefore the grand opening. 'fo fit ll~l.lh-""'"111lh ( Ch'l'>I Pla7Al\ nvm1 ..... -.. < l.11111 h1rn1x·r C1ffiual'> gavl' tlw1r lll'\'1"1 l't•I el) J mon· up'-< all' 11101.. "llll' llltt'nor h," h1·1·11 de :.1grwtl a h11k h11 11111n• '>ophi-. Ucatl'd." -.;uu Hoh1•n C Ill. tht' comp.my\ thll'I 011t·ra1111g om In clt-buting a rnort.• upscale \l'No11 of (]aun J111llper, a res- 1.111r.1111 lnl'Jlr\11 for miner arti- l.1t t' h.111ging on tJw walls. large lornl portions and homey eat· 111g hoo th\, tht· company is try- ing tJllt ti new cont·1.·pt. Ott ~d. palio, refashioned the bar and used a "bolder. hul wanner" color scheme. Ott '><lid I lowever, thi'> <hum Jumpt-r retamed the ant.k>r chandelier,, laq.>t' portion.c; of food and wood raneled lodge-<>tyil' interior. Of the about 200 menu Item'>. a few new onec; have bet'n added ec;pec1ally for the Col.la Me\a location: a 24 ounce. bone 111. rib eye '>leak, hlJtkened ah1 roll. and cri'>PY \egl'table roll ·we alway-. try to add d rnuple of nl'w items." Ott \a1d. "It\ a good luck charm." rt1e firo,1 Claim Jumper opened in 1.o'> AJam110' in l\f77 . cer WWt• th111l \\I• II do well . here \\1• th ml \\l'·n .1 grn1<J fit f1w l ompany Opt>ned the rt">t;1urn111. .iddetl an outdoor AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92.627; by e-mail to milce.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to • (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) :574-4298. Include the time, da1e and •location of the event, as well as a contact :phone number. A complete listing is ;available at www.dailyptlot.com :TOOAY :A f1'M aeminar and book aignfnfl, "Asian ·longevity Secrets: will be offered by •author Plng Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at ·Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St, Costa ·Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Adult ,....... im.ntated In exploring how cult\Jral complexities can affect familial relationships are invited to a discussion of Amy Tan's "'The Bonesetter's Daughter" at 3 p.m. at the Corona del Mar Branch Library. The program is part of •Branch , Ouf-Read:' an adult summer reading program at Balboa, Corona def Mar and Mariners branch libraries. For more information, call (949) 644-3075. Chlchn entilf.• first tfwough *th grades are invited to ·up fn the Air" at 3 p.m . et the Mariners bntnch of the Newport Beach Peotral Ubntfy. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who hotds five world records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program, whidl will be repea ted at 10:30 a.m. July 24 at the Balboa branch. For more lnformatlon, call (714) 717-3816. Loe.I a4rthor Lynea. ............ whoM first novel, "Nature Lessons; was honored as a July/August BooksenM 78 pick by the independent boobellers of America, will be the featured guest at the Mariners branch library's "M'eet the Author" from 7 to 9 p.m. The South African-born author Is now working on her MCOnd novel, "Anyhow In a Comer:" For more information, call 949-717-3816. THURSDAY Children ............ through *th .. grades are Invited to •up in the Air• at 10:30 a.m. at the Batboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five wot1d records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program. For more information, call (714) 717·3816. The Newport a-ct. autmber of Commerce's Newport Sunset Networking Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Padfic Avalon Yacht Charters, 3404 Via Oporto. No. 103, Newport Beach. The docblde event from 5 to 7 p.m. will Include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer is free for members. Potential members pay $10. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. Book Soup'• 'Taking-· llUthor ...... at South Coast Plaza nrtums with authors Janet Fitch and Susan Straight Oiscusslona of their books •White Oleander" end •HJghwire Moon• will take place overcof'ree, tea and dessert. A portion of boo4t sales will be donated to the Orangewood Foundation. For more infonnation, call {714) 689-2666. No nonMr>• ~ .... ~ ~tlc>sl is CJt: '' ''"' COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL MEETING WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL I lere are a few of the nems that the council conMdered Monday: REPORT FEE State law requue!> a mobile home park propeny ownl'r to prepare a report on the effects of relocating tenants before closing or converting the parlc for another 1.1'>t' However. bt•cau'>t' the c11y\ own rec' and chargl'!. don't include any provi'>ion fo r the reVJew of tht:'>t' report~. Ma.ff member. requt">ted that the fees be changed to include this review and tlldt 11 ht: applied retroactively to 111dudt· the closure and conver'>ior1 propo~d for the 1:1 Nu.Jo aJlll Snug llarhor Village mult·r park.'> Staff member'> n:cornnwnded the report review be done· hy Jn independent ron-.ultant 1111der tonlrdll bcc:au~e -.1all 11w1nht'r... doe'> not have the net l''"in expt·rtt'>e I or tht I f't...1d11 "1111g I larhor tl•rort, 'tall 1111·111h"r' expel! thl' incfrpendc·111 ft'\ II'\' will rn\I $J,000 lo 'f>'i.(J<I() WHAT HAPPENED The council \ott·d unanimously tn .ipprow tlit· changes to the 11·1·' .mcl c harge-. WHAT rT MEANS The city WllJ \IJrt 1 h.1rg111g fur an independent u1m11h.ull tu review relcx:a11011 rl'(>11r1' WHAT WAS SAID "State law IS \'a~'lll'. cllld \"'l' probably have nut hel'll ,1-. diligent as we wuld hJH' hl'en. Councilwoman IJhhy < c>wan said. ··mis ..eh u ... up for thl' futun>." LANDSCAPED MEDIANS Ille counctl allt1L<1H·d fund, last fiM:al year and 1!11-. II-.< JI y~ar for the dl"\1gn of landscaped mediam on 1 •1th ~lreet from PlacenlJJ AH'lllll' tu Parle Avenue. and for the con-.tnrc wm ol J pOrlllll.l ol tht•,t• lllCUIJlh. At thl' I l'h IH rounc1I rnt•t·llng. becau!>e of the numbt•r of busine....,es being afTt•< tcd hy tht• full landscaped median-.. the council directed -.1afT member'> to prepare other de-,1gn'> and to pursue additional publk partic1palion and 111p11t on the new design. The dc<>1gn and engineering work on the mediam i!> prt!!>en1ly underway. WHAT HAPPENED The council un.tntmou'>I\ approH•tl lhe final engml'enng of the land.,caped ml•d1JJ1-. on l!.:lth ~tl'l.'l't from Plaren11a Avenue to Park Avenue .met Ill con .,trut'I median t'>ldnd' from Placenua Avenut> to ~lewr Plate It also .ipproved the conMrucuon of ldnd\l apt•d parkway.. from Placenlla Awnue to Anaheim Avenue WHAT rr MEANS The mc;t.allauon of tht• medians and parkway-. will improve the aesLhc11c<, of tlw area. WHAT WAS SAID ·1 fuUy support It," Councilman Allan Man-.oor said. "I think it's a perfect ex.ample of how we can improve the look of the Westside.· ALDEN'S NEXT MEETING •WHAT: City Council mee11ng • WHEN: 6:30 p m Aug 4 • WHERE; City Hall, 77 Fair Onve •INFORMATION: (71 4) 754~5221 SANTA ANA RIVER CROSSING STUDY llw tran,pon.iuon !>el'VIC~ cl1v1'>1on ueart:d a multi-step plan to '>Crve as J blueprint for cvn1tuaJJy gcning the Gisler Awnue and 19th 'itreet bridge.. rP111uved lrorn rnuntr pl~. 111 e pro f>O'>a.I '>UAAl">b meru.urt"> to .illt'Vla te the prohlt·m' the hndgl~ would 111 ht·rwht: -.<1lw 111cludmg mtt'r'>l'tllon 1mpmq.·menL'> and ro.1d\'d) w1tlcn111g' < )111 e all thl''>l' rnea),u re'> are c 1in1pfl·tt'. tht· l{O.if 1., for anotht'f -.1u11\ 111 lw rnndlll tt'tl If the n 1t·.i-.urt:' pmvt· c·fTt•l uve. the hndgt'' \.\.ould b1· n•moved from tf II' llHJlll y '> llhl'>tc·r pfdll. WHAT HAPPENED I Ill' c tJU11ul u11,11111nou ... h .1pprciH·d tlw propo'><ll WHAT rT MEANS l hrt·1· otlwr l llU·'> .iflt-nt'd h\ tlw pla111lt'd br1<fgl'' -l·our11.t111 Valft·\ I l111111ng11111 8t'<1th <1nd '\t•"" port Be.it h net·d 10 '>llpport It a-. \H•ll I ht· C Jr<mgt• C .011111y I r.in'>pon,1111m \uthorrt\ \\tll lw dl'>t:IN·lflg ilk hndge'> JI 11'1 llll'C'llllg Oil ~IOlldJ\ WHAT WAS SAID ( ounulr 11.111 (Jin, "let·• lldtf '01111 w11rd' ol •'Ill 1111t.1gemt•111 lor rl'-..dt·nt llolwrt < 11.tharn. who h.,1-. <1d.J111.1111f\ -.11p1111ned d l<Jth \t rc•t ·1 l>ndgt• 11\o1·1 I ht• \ t'aJ'> "( ollfflllfl' \11\JI I llll'l'll'lll,, .111d \1111 \t• l>t·1·11 'tro11g .ilXJUI th" frolll d.I\ llllt' "lt't'l 'wt1d I lw1t· 111J\ lw '0111t lwnt'fit' 111 1111 hmlgel, b111 I cfo11 t thin!. flt"llflh· \\,!Ill 11 . I It 'll).:gt''''"-' 1 ll.11 c .raha.m tu11d .111 111dt'pt·11dt·nt 'tUd\ ot tlw ht·m 111-. th1 hmlgt· \\Ould hrmg .111d u1ll1·c l 1·11ough 'ilj.(ll.11\Jrl''> 10 gt•t cl rt•ft•rt·ndu111 011 the· lmdgt• 011 till' hallnt DESIGN CONTRACT I ht• '\t•\\ rort Bollil'Vl:lrd -.C1111hl>ound fro11t.1).(l' road 'C'r\t'' .1, Jn 1111portcillt gatewa\ 111 till' ut~ pa.rt11 ulttrh to thi:- 1 )rangt' C.ounl\ I JI rground... nit• 1·\i...t1ng .i-.phah trail on the wt'l>t '>ldt' ol the ... uuthbouni.J lron1.1gP road ht•f\,t·i·n .\rli.1h'111n J11d l a.ir dnvC''" 111 poor 1 ond111on and fl'ljlllrt'' fl'lOn'ilrlltllOll '-o(•vera.l 1l<>""bl1· .1.IJgnmcnl!> for 1lw n."1.·on-.1ruwon. a.., well as laml'><'<tp<' 1111prfl\t•ments, m ttu. .. .m•,1 ltJ\C' lx--cn dt'(.ll-.M.'<i witJun tJw nt\ .ind \'1th l.iuground., -.raft lhe coum 11 JI-.<> need"> to Jpprm'l· a rnopt.•rJtive agreement \.\.Ith tlw :i2nd 1>1..,tnct Agnculrural \.-.-.11 for the recorNruction WHAT HAPPENED I hl• l ounnl appro\l'd an opuon -.upporwd hy Man'>oor for ilrl Ii foo1 wide concrete tnul. \.\lth .!·foot gr.idt"d 'houlder.. on t•nht.•r <,1de Tht'> option also prm1de' a landci;caped buffer .ihou1 'l feet wide hetween the trail a11d the roadway curb line WHAT rT MEANS llw c•f) has aJready ~ a grant for S207.090 to reconstruct Chl' l'Xl'itrng asphalt bicycle trail <.n now Lhe contract for the dNgtl will be awarded. Cim111i1Rd l1y IwirrJ" Newman -------------- DN-!ilTE ----------- • a &&& "I'm just going to play one shot at a time and do my best. It's more pressure than o regular tou'"'r"'ent." Akemf K.hUt, on playing In the Tea ~up A8 Wednesday, July 23, 2003 Sports Ec11or lllchltd Dunn: (949157«223 • lpotta Fax: (949) 65(}-0170 • SWIMMING OPENER Mt28honofte MATT JAMESON rl I Peirsols c_elebrate with · a pair of m~dalS A day before his birthday, Aaron Peirsol captures a gold medal at the World Championships; younger sister Hayley wins a silver. Aaron Peirsol will celebrate his 20th birthday today in Barcelona. Spain. He'll do so with a new gold medal around his neck and his sister by his side. But he wasn't the only one in the family to be presented with a gift Tuesday. Peirsol's younger sister, Hayley, a 2003 Newpon Harbor Higb graduate, won a silver medal in the 1500 meter freestyle at the 2003 World Olamplonships and Aaron followed that with a gold-medal performance in the 100 meter back- stroke. Aaron set a meet record for the second consecutive' day with a 53.61 and just mlMed a world record, which was set at 53.60 by Lenny Krayzelbwg in 1999. "I wasn't expecting to break the world record, I was going more for the win," Peirsol said in a U.S. Swimming release. "The time came as a result of how fast everyone was going: I had to go that fast to win. 1bis is the fastest field I've ever seen, and so this win means a lo t more." Peirsol was the fastest qualifier, swim- ming a 54.28 Monday in the semifinals, a meet record until he broke that mart Tuesday. He trailed Australia's Matthew Welsh at the 50-meter mart in the final by more than two-tenths of a second, but Welsh (53.92) ended the race tied for second.With Russia's Arkady Vyatch- anin (53.92). The gold medal came after Hayley had picked up her silver medal in the 1500 m eter freestyle, finishing behind Germany's Hannah Stockbauer. TEACUP VII Playing in the rough Al though Akemi Kh aia t wi ll be on her home course, Mesa Verde, it's hardJy an ad vantage in her eyes Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot S he has felt the weight of an entire nation on her shoulders. 1n Friday's Tea Cup Cassie VU, Costa Mesa's Alcemi Khaiat will again have eyes watching her, especially those of friends, golfing partners and family members from Mesa Verde CounoyOub. Mesa Verde's two-lime defending women's club champion will compete with course champions Marianne Towersey (Santa Ana Country Oub), Debbie Albright (Newport Beach Country O ub) and Sally Holstein (Big Canyon Country Oub) for th~ Tea Cup titJe in the 18-hole, stroke-play event set to begin at 1:30 p.m. on her home course. It was the second international medal for the 17-year-old, who won a bronze in the 800 meter freestyle at the 2002 Pan Pacific Olampionships. Her older brother's gold medal was his tenth top three finish in international comped· tion, including a silver m edal at the 2000 Olympic Games in the 200 meter backstroke. Hayley was in third for much of the first-half of the race before taking over second from U.S. teammate Diana Munz at the 800-meter mark. Peirsol re- mained in second throughout the re- mainder of the race. Khaiat, born in Tokyo and the co-captain of the Japanese CIASSIC national team in 1998 when it competed in the World Amateur championship in Santiago. Oille. said she feels some pressure playing on her home course. SEAN DUFRENE /DAILY PILOT The women's champion at Mesa Verde Country Club, Akemi Khaiat, chips out of a sand bunker. "I feel like I have Mesa Verde on my shoulders," said Khaiat. who, along with husband Laurent and 2-year-old son Anthony, lives in a house that backs up to Mesa Verde. "J'U be nervous. I'm just going 10 play one shot at a time and do my best It's more pressure than in a regular tournament." Khaiat. 40, bas played in her share of tournaments, including the U.S Women's Mid-Amateur Olampionship last fall when she took first-round medalist honors. She also finished with medalist honors in the tournament in 1996. She has competed on the Japanese national team several ti.mes, even winning a prestigious state tournament in her native country. With Anthony though. Khaiat decided to limit her national tournament appearances this year to spend more time with him, but plans to enter more events next year. That's not to say she hasn't spent considerable time at Mesa Verde. where she takes lessons from Tom Sargent, the club's head professional. She also has been working with a personal trainer and said she has added 10 to 15 yards to her drives compared to the same time last year. "Working with the trainer was initially designed to help lower my cholesterol. do some !cardiovascular) JUNIOR TENNIS exercises and eventually ended up with full-body workouts," Khalat said. "It helped me get stronger and hit the ball longer. This year I've had more time to focus on my game and feel much more confident in it." Her game was good enough to claim the women's club championship at famed Riviera Country Oub in P"dcific Palisades, where Khaiat is also a member, in June. She shot 76· 75-79· 74-74 to finish less than 1 O strokes over par. "It was much tougher than !winning the Mesa See KHAIAT , Pa1• A9 Local players produce on second day of play The War by the Shore continued Tuesday at Balboa Bay Racquet Club, narrowing the junior tennis field in half. NEWPORT BEACH -The second day of the 14th annual Balboa Bay Oub junior tennis tounwnent pro- duced a usual share of upsets, sur- prises and blowouts, but no matter how Its describe¢ the Held was simply cut in half at the Balboa Bay Racquet Oub. Survtving wa.s a inmn.are of top seeds and swprile gueats. locaJ players from the Newpon-Mesa area advanced u dkl playen from Redlands, Bewrty ftilJj and. Bakersfield. 'Ibey will all at- tempt to do it ap1n today when the tournament condnuea. Among the bAgb1fghu tor Newpott· Mesa players on Tuetdly wse a pe1r of advancementa lnto the boys l8 tlngla quarterftnal& Spencer Rettt of Newport C.oMt cruised into the third round with a 6-3, ~2 victory over Russell Meyerowitz of San Diego. Reitz will play Ryan Malawy at 9:30 a.m. today with a semifinal berth and a pos&ble meeting with top- seeded Josh Ledennan on the line. Ma· lawy ousted the No. 3 seed Tuesday. Joining Reitz in the quarterfinals was Newpon Beach's 'fyler Deck. a 6-3, 6-1 winner CM!' Geoff Hsu. He will face David Grazer in the quanerllnals. also at 9:30 a.m. today. In the boys 16 single$, top seed Ryan Caugbren bad no trouble breezing past Stephen Stapleton. 6-0, 6-0 to reach the round of 16. AllO mnalnJng in the 16 singles draw 1.8 Newport Beach's Jultin Sho- maker. He advanced to a meeting wtth ~ytor Leiby by default. In boys 12 ~ top seed Joshua Lorentzen ldvlnced to the quarter- ha. wttb a 6-0, &-1 wtn avet Eugene It.Ing. lomltzen h.u loec Just two games in his 8.rlt twO ma.tch!!S- Omeed Ghaueml hat Iott one lea KENT "'°"OW/DM.YPl.OT Spencer Reitz of Newport Beach retwns a serve durina his 6-3, 6-3 victory ... TEW, '• M over Russel Meyerowitz et the W11 by the Shore tennis tcunament. ~1 just feJt like I was ln ~ond for too long of the race not to take second with a strong finish," Peirsol said in a U.S. Swimming release. Peirsol will attempt to add to her medal total ln the 800 meter freestyle later this week. Aaron, who recentty completed bis freshman year at the University of Texas, will also be compet· ing in the 50 meter and 200 meter back· stroke. Both swimmers have today off before returning to the pool on Thursday. Tuey can use It to celebrate Aaron's birthday and a pair of outstanding performantes. WORLD TEAM , TENNIS Hartford breaks streak Newport Beach loses for the first tirri e in six - . match es and fa lls out o( first place in the West. -. The one constant in the Newi>oit Beach Breakers run to first place in ~ Wesrem Conference of the Wo~ Team Tennis Standings has hen ~­ year-old Russian phenom Maria Sh8- rapova. : Ranked second in women's sin~ play in World Team Tennis, Shara~ had helped the Breakers to five straiiet victories to jump from last place :"t> first p lace in the course of a week. ~ But Sharapova didn't play Tu~ and Newport Beach felt the brunt.-t f that decision. The Breakers' ~ streak was snapped by Hartford. wt,itl overcame an earty deficit to post a t.Q· 19 victory at the Blue Fox Run GOll Course. :. Jewel Peterson. Sharapova's replaQ· ,. See BREAKERS. Pa1• A's LITTLE LEAGUE . Newport : motivated by loss Newport Beach 11-year-old All -Stars look to Thursday's rnatchup with confidence, e.ven after 1 10-1 loss to Villa Park. Steve Vlr11n Daily Pilot ORANGE -How does a team aciµ- ally gain motivation after losJng 10-17 Allow Newport Beach 11-year-old All· Stars Manager Ken Gerdau to ~la.In. Gerdau's team lost. 10-1, to an im- pressive Villa Park squad in a pool- play game of the Section 5 to~ ment Tuesday at Glassel J>att. U> Orange. But the Newport Beach mc- 1ger maintained confidence wit.ti an opportunity for a semifinal bath loomlng. "We want to play Mila Park! aplft," Gerdau llld. "I Ceel real good [about ~ North Anaheim ThundayJ. 1 th1Dk the kids wilt come back ltr'O(W. The key la l9 set to the weekend. l9d then you just never know.• Villa P.n ii guaranteed to play 411 weekend lfter cWe.ttng Newport Beach. Brian Gin.a. who went 3 ~r 3 indudms • thne·run homer. led.._ Plrk. HoweYer, the Newport Belch a. ~ All·SW. rema1n conftdtht ._ .... ORT.~At ~ ---------------.....~---· ---------- -------·------ BREAKERS Continued from Af3 ment, played with Eva Dyrberg ln women'$ doubles, lhe last set of the night The score was died at l 5 games each going Into the set and Hanford's Martina Muller and Milagros Sequera won the.set 5-4 for the on~game overall victory. Newport Beach (6-5) got off to a fast start behind !heir men's doubles and mixed•dou- Wes teams, leading 10-5 after c.s> sets. But Hanford (7-3) ei.ptured the final three sets, Including women's singles, where Sequera defeated Dyr- berg 5-2. The loss drops the Breakers lnto a tie with Sacramento (6-5) for second place. Both tea.ms are a half match behind Springfield (6-4). The Breaker.. will play tonight al Delaware (~I), the leaders of the Ea-it- em &>nference. The Breakers close out their season with home matches against Kansas City Friday and PhiladeJptua Saturday. Martina Navratilova is expected to play foe Philadelphia. HAPPY Blml>AY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Altilete of the Week senes TOOAY 20 -Aaron P9irsol Newport Harbor Boys sw1mm1ng 199!1 2002 21 -Jenna 8ar10 Newport Harbor Girts water polo, 1999 25 -Bllty Messengef Corona del Mar Boys water polo, 199b 97 18 -ic.lllann KJein Corona del Mar Goris basketball 2003 TUESOAY 17 -Kevin Wektl Corona del Mar Football 2002 TENNIS Continued from Af3 He defeated WU Prim 6·0, 6-1 Tuesday. Daron Arnold also advanced with a 6·3, 6 -3 win over Christo- pher Luc. Advancing in the boys 10 sin- gles were David Vu (6-2, 6-0) and Joseph DiGiulio (6-1, 6-2). Vanessa Dunlap of Newport Beach, the second seed in the girls 18 singles bracket advanced Tuesday with a 6-4, 6-3 victory over Johanna Phillips. Dunlap will face Alyssa ·10nelli at 8 a.m . today. Heaching today's rou nd of 16 m the girls 16 singles were New- port Beach's Hayley Young. An- d~a l'Allllucen, Cassidy Grand- 'itaff and No. 2 ..eed Jillian Uravenna11. Corona del Mar's Cierra Gay- tan-Leach. the top seed in the gi1ls 12 singles advanced to t11e quarterfinaJs with a 6-1. 6-0 vic- tory over Della Taylor. Doubles play began Tuebday KHAIAT Continued from N3 Verde championship!.~ Khaiat recalled. "The two girls were of national-level yuaHly, so I was very happy with my score<;. nu.• opportunity 10 play both rnur-.. e' ha'> helped my game Both cuurwc; have lolcuyu llifa'-'>I for the rough around tht.' KTt'en., '>O I've learned how to play with that. At Mesa Verdt· you can't land your chip !>hot in front ol thi: green and have 11 roll on. You have to rut the ball un thi: very front of thi: grren. .. me green:. have been very funny. They are qulle dllficult to read There have been <>o many thanges in the weatht.'r .rnd tht'y JU.'>t ~ot vertically nil " Kha1at often tdkt . ., Anthon} with her to the range to *16,580 2T9ClllR,_ KENT TREPTOW I DAllY PILOT Spencer Reitz of Newport Beach zeros in on the ball during hts match at t:tie War ~Y the Shore junior tennis tournament. in the girls 16 d1vil>ion, with heavy locaJ involvement. Cassi- dy Grandstaff (Newport Beach) and Kalie McKi1tenck (Corona del Marl defeated the Newpon Beach-duo of Jill Casserly and IU!lie Staudinger 6-0. 6-2. Carly Adam:. and ~ha I >unlap, both of Newport Reach, were l -6, 6-3. 6-1 winner:. ovt'r Andrea Zamu- cen of Newport Beach and part· ner Molly McGlone. practice, introduung tum to golf at an early age. muth hke her own upbnnging Doubles play begin<, 111 other dtvisio~ today and conttnue:. in girls 16 with the quartertinah. Hayley Young and M1r.10da Young of Newport Bt•ach. the top seed in that divi">ton, had " first-round bye and will play Grandstaff and McKittl'm k at 5 tonight. Abo at 'l, noxannr 1(;:11 den and Jess '\latt•r, who aJ<.<1 had a first-round byt. will fat.e off against Adam!. and Dunlap Oiamp1on.,h1p 1n (X. tot>t'r Jt tht: WATER POLO U.S. falls to Greece UCI grad Bailey scores for n ati onal team, but they lose in the quarterfinals at the World Champio nships. Coming off a fin.t plate finu.h in their pool-play group at ~e 2003 World C:h.1mp1onsh1p'>, the U.S. men\ na11undl water polo team had high hopt"> ol ddvanc ing to the mt:daJ round, but thost were cru~hl-<l 111 d 4 2 quartertinaJ lo.,!> to C .rt:et t• I tie"> day 111 Barcelond, ~pdln Featunng fiv<' lonnt:r \JC Ir vine player.;,. 1lw IJ \ hdd dd- vanced w the quartt:rfindh hy scoring :i2 goab 111 thn·t> gamt.'\, including two vtctont''> .i.nd a 11c with 2003 l:uropean champion !>erbia and Montentgro Bui the lJ.5. wa.'> hl'ld 10 ll"> lo~t:'>l goal outpu1 of the 111urnaml;'nt b\ Gree<.-e. The U.S. led I -0 after one quarter, but managed just one more goaJ the rest of lhe match and C.reece scored twice in the final period to advance to the \emifinaJ~. The U.S. will play Romarua on fhursday. A viclory would put them t.h the fifth-place game. whiJe another loss would drop them 11110 the seventlJ-place game. Ryan Hailey. one of the fonner Irvine players on the squad, notched one of the U.S. go~. convenmg on a man-advantage .. uuduon. lfe was also top!. dmong the five players in mm- u11.•.,, playmg 15:35. Omar Amr played 13:35 and came up with one blocked shot. Jell Powers WW> 111 the pool for 12 25. but m1~d both of his '>hOI opportuniues. Dan Klatt played IO:J8 uf the match. Gencu t..i:rr ~rved a:. the backup goalie d.nd did not play. 1 ler mother, Ma'>dko, and father, l.1gi. introduced Khaiat to golf when she wa' :I At time!., Khaiat dreaded practice, but -;he has learned it'> wlue. Long Cove (,olf Cluh 111 I lllton Head, SL. l.a.\I ~eek '>h1· m1s-;ed qualifyrng for JH:'(t month's U.S. Woml'n\ Alltdll'llf by rwo s1roke\. lower<.ey. who won the Women\ C.c11Jforn1J State Olampion.,hip in M.1y, abo mi~cd 4uaJ1fy1n~ Im Ilic· Women\ Amatt·ur JI \I\'(.( l.1 ... 1 week.. NEWPORT I Continued from AS After \outh lrvme ued the '>lore 7 7, Bnan Hurst singled to lead o ff 1he '>txlh inmng, .,tole '>t'lt>nd and eventually ad vanced lo third on a pa:.sed hall. I le '>Cored the game-winn1n~ run after rommv Colton\ '><llrt fict: lly. "IEigil wa.' very -.1nc1," K.l1aiat ~d. ~,le alWdY' made me prdCIJCC and I hated II '>C>metime\ Hut now I appreciate it beG!U">t' I wouldn't be where I m a1 1f hl· didn't pu<>h me Anthony ltke'> golt alrt'.'ady, Khatat '>3Jd. hut \hl' dot..,n't want tu furt.e a11yth1nK on him "When I prac!ILt· putting he comes with me .i.nd h11 ... lht.' ball:. around." Khct1Jt '-<lid. "We take him on No. I Jnd No 2 It 1\ a chance lor me to prat lll I;' and I apprenatl' that ·· Khaiat plan-; IO cnmpelt• 111 the lJ.~. Women\ Mid Amatt'ur 01e IWO Were lat•cl ,Iller thc fir<>t day for mcd..U1 ... 1 honor'> di the state champ111n.,111p fornng d sudden-deJth pld)OIT. won h\ Khaiat. "I had m•wr I h.111 J ~udden·deatla playolO · ~hJ1at said. ··The next day, I '""' 111 rny t11st-round matlh. Mananm· 1., a great player, hut '>O i'> !>..illy and Debbie. I le.now t'\'cryonc .tnd have played with thl·m many lime~. I le.now how thcy c11l pla-.. but I will try to COIH l'ntrate on_ my own game I about tht• to11rn.11111•111 l1e•t ,1ll'>t' tht-y .i.1-.o won 1h1·11 tir't 1~<> game' In c1dd111on '•'\\port will face '.;onh Andht•1111 I hur.,da-. at 1 30 p.m .11 < .1."'l'I 1•.11~ l\urth An.itw1111 '' II I in the :-.ecuon '; tourrt.11111 111 If :\c\\. port win .... 11 \\Ill .uh 1llll l' to J '>em1fin.sl \Jl111dJ} (11~rd.1u lt~c·-. ha-. l h.ime'>. e<>· pecidlly ii "" .di -..1at., can grab the '>JJllt' lll!Jllll'llll1m they al· ta1ncd 'iund.t\ 'Jl•wpnrt came ou1 on top, II i, .i.ltt·r J ')eesaw ballll' .1~dll1,l \outh IT\ me The -..:e\,port All 'itdr'> hJd to over- t omt J I 0 lar'>l 1nn111~ defici1. NEW 2003 THUNDERBIRD 83,500 •ac••t on MSRP C olton dt:hvered ~ewport' lone run I ue .. ddV \endmg a .,ulu bla'>t ovt:r the fente an center field Colton. ""ho pill hed aga111<.1 Villa PJrk, abo '>lant:d on thl' mound \aturdJy ""hen he led Nt•wport lo d 5·0 victory over l·.a<>t Anaheim He '>truck out nme. watked one and allowed lour hah 111 h1i; -,hutout I lur'>t. C,olton. P-.uker \\.erbne. Jamie I It: an et ke lack c.erdau and \fatt Rull pro\1ded l11t\ fur 'elo'.port l ahf0< ma 91660 lnumph Mo<li•ie If A> l 601 Dov• Stre•I Suitt 120 N•wporl 8t.tch C 111!01 n11 92660 Ttu' bustnf'\~ '~ 'on ducltd by 1 'O'l>Ofll•on H••t you '''""rd c:kun~ bu~n••• ytt1 Yu 01 It 7003 1 numph Mo< I &•e• luhn Cal~ P<t.,dtnl 1 h" •lalemtnl "• lrltd .,.,th tti. l.ounly C l~<k of Ounsie County on 01 14 113 200UtS1S03 081ly P110I My 16 73 JO -.ua 6. 2003 WI~ • • The tollowinc persons 11• dolne business es: lnt•rcr•ted Acupuncture Cente1, 4020 B 11 ch StrHt, Suite 105, New• port Beach, C1fltornh1 92660 M1ry J. Snyder, l.Ac., 4020 Birch Sbeel. Suite 105, Newpo1t Beech, Celifornl• ~660 This business is con- ducted by: an md1vlduel Heve you started do1na business yet? Yes. 06/ 01/2002 Miry J. Snyder. L.Ac. This statement was filed With the County Clerk of Oranee County on06/24/03 20N6949459 Daily Piiot July 9. 16. 23. 30, 2003 . W212 fldllM llsileu -~ The followina persons are dolna business as. Laser Medical Center For Skin Rejuvenation, 3816 S. Bristol St Suite M. S1nta Ana, California 92704 Russell John Ka lander. 18142 Brentwell Cir .. Huntlnaton Beach. Call· forn11 92647 Linda Leo S1moman 18142 lrtntwell c11 .. 14untlnl(ton 8uch, Call· forola 92.647 This business Is con- ducted by: c;o·partn•rs Hive you started dolna buslnots yet? No • Russell John Ka.lender This statement was tiled with the Couoty Clerk of Or1na• County on117/03/03 200S69S04U Dilly Pilot July 9. 16. 23, 30, 2003 W208 fktlliM ..... ......... The lollowlna penons are dolna buslneu as: Sunrey, 2154 8 San Michel Drive West. Costa Mes., CA 92627 Ronald Gene Nueent. 2154 B San Michel Drive West, Costa Mese, CA 92627 This business is con ducted by: •n incorpo· rated assoc1at1on other than a partnership Have you started doine business yet? No Ron Nuaent This statement was flied with the County Clerk of Orange County on 06/27/03 20036949736 Daily Pilot July 2, 9, 16. 23, 2003 W203 Policy . AcflM .... ... s...... The followlna persons are doina business n : H1pn ooa Mobile Groomlnc. 42 TtsHr• Avenue, Foothill R•nch, 'Cahfornia 92610 hnet Depue , 42 Tessera Avenue, Foothill Ranch, California 92610 · Mike Depue , 42 Tessera Aveoue, Foothill Ranch. CA 92610 This business is con· ducted by: a eeneral partnership Have you started dolna business yet? No Janet Depue This statement was flied with the County Clerk of Orance County on06/16/03 20036941293 Dally Pilot July 16, 23. 30, Aua. 6, 2003 Wl23 fkffM ..... Mmes....., The followina persons are dolne business as: A Garaae Door Solution, 2628 Elden. Costa Mesa, Cal!forni1 92627 Marean Mead. 22216 Caminito Zaraaoza, Laauna Hiiis, California 92653 Justin Muro, 2628 Elden Costa Mou . C1llfornl1 92627 This business Is con· ducted by: • a•n•fll partnership H•ve you started dol11i business yet? Ho Morc•n Mud This st•tement WH filed with th• County Clerk ot Oranae County on07/03/03 20016950475 Daily Piiot July 9, l~~· 30, 2003 WDJ7 Fktlll. ..... ... s...... The followlna persons are doine business as: The Newport Center for lnleerated Medicine, 1519 Bonnie Ooone Terr ace, Corona del Mar. California 92625 William S. Flanaaan Ill, 15J9 Bonl\ie Ooone Terrace. Corona def Mar • Callfornla 92625 This business Is con: ducted by: an individual Have you started dolna buslnus yet? No W110am S. Flanaean, L.Ac. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/26/03 20036949515 Daily Pilot July 9, 16. 23, 30, 2003 W213 The followln• jMlrtons are doin1 bu11oes1 1s: A.A. Flea &. Banner Co .. 771 WHl 19th Street, Costa Mesa, Callfornfe 92627 J. Scott Hornsby. 1961 Ylsu C1udal, Newport Bu'th, Callfornle 92660 This business is c;on- ducted by: en Individual Have you sterted Jk>lna buslnen yet? Y11, 06/ 01/2003 J. Scott Hornsby This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on07/03/03 20036950476 Daily Pilot July 9, 16, 23, 30, 2003 W206 fldltM ..... ... s....... Tlie followina persons are dolne b~iness as: Studio Steel, 1300 Adams Ave.. Cosh Mesa, CA 92626 Christopher Joseph Batlle, 1300 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This business is con· ducted by: an lndivldu1I Have you started doine business yet? No Christopher J. Batlle Ibis statement was filed with th• County Cletk ot Oranae County on06/l7/03 IOOH94H9t Daily Pilot My 2, 9. 16, 23, 2003 W204 ............ ... s...... The followlna persona are do1111 buslnus n · Nffd 4 Spe&d, 914 Cedlr Pl1ee, Coste Mesa, C11lfornia 92627 Daniel Joseph Gerlach, 914 Cedar Place, Cost1 Mesa, California 92627 This buslneu ls con· ducted by: an lndlvldu1f Have you started doine business yet? No 01olel Gerlach This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 07/02/03 20036950211 Daily Pilot July 9, 16. 23, 30, 2003 W209 fktltlM ..... ... s........ How to Place A ducted by: •n lndlvldu1t .H•v• you st.,ted dolnc bu$illes1 ~•t1 Yes 7-1-03 Bru~ Nest•nllt Ttiis 1l1t1meot wu flied with lhe County Cieri! of Orena• County on 07/21/03 IOOHH2JH Dilly Pilot July 23, 30. All.I• 6, 13, .2003 Wl28 ......... ... s...... The followln-1 per sons are cloi111 business es: •) Tustrn Toyot1, b) Tustin Scion, 44 Auto Center Drive, Tustin, CA 92782 . • OremOf of Tustin. LLC. (CA), 44 Auto Center Drive. Tustin. CA 92182 This liusines.s is ·con· ducted by: Um1ted Llabltlty Co. ,Oralhor ol Tustin, LLC, Steven J. Fleurant · Chief F ioanc1al Officer This statement was fifed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 07/17/03 20016951141 Daily Pilot July 23. 30, Aue 6, 13. 2003 Wt29 SELL The lollowln& persons 1re doln1 business u : M11terServe Commercial Pest Eliml.n1tlon, 22.45 Tustin Avenue, N•wport B11ch CA 92660 Mar' J1mt1 ~hlrey, 2245 Tu.tin Av• .. New- port e .. ch. CA 92660 Thi• business Is con· ducted by: an l.nillvldual Have you started doint business yet? No Merk Jemes Shirey This statement was tiled with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 06/10/03 20016947566 Dail¥ Pilot July 9, 16. 23. 30, 2003 Yi 116 This ataterneot w11 filed with the Cou11ty Clerk ot Oranae County on 07/07/03 20016950.IO O•lly Piiot MY, 16, 23, 30, Aua. 6, 2003' Wl24 fktllM ..... ... s...... The followlna persona art doina buslneas u : Ancient Ways, 440 Fair Drive Suite 61 Coste Meu, CA 92626 Ronald Bieler, 61 Aaostlno, Irvine, CA 92614 Thi$ business is con· ducted by: an individu•J Have you st1rted doina business yet? Yes 06/89 Ronald Bieler Thi& statement wes filed with the County " Clerk of Oranae County on 7/10/03 The tollowina' persons are doine business as: Sol, 317 Goldenrod Avenue. Corona del Mar, Calilorma 92625 K1therine Eileen He· lmark, 317 Goldenrod Avenue, Corona del Mar, Californ11 92625 This business is con· ducted by: an ind1v1dual Have you started dolna business yet? No Ketherine Eileen He· .200.S6951 176 Daily Pilot July 23, 30, Aua.6. 13.2003 Wl26 Ntwr.ort B11cll, C•~; , fOfn a 92663 , ' This busineH Is con• duc:t1d by: 1n indlvlduel Have you start.ad cloV9 bu•l.ness.yet7 No Air on fttlchMI Gron Tiiis at1tement w1& filed wlt.h the Coul)l.¥ Clerk of Oran1• Counllf.. on 07 /01/03 • 200,.tS0121 Dally Pilot July 9, 16. 23, 30. 2003 . wzu. .. Tell Us Abolt . YOUR GWGESALEI •• ., . In CLASSlffED (949)'642-5678 . ' . ' . ,.,, ... SELL your unwented • ' 1tems·throu&h classiflad ___ Deadlines --- Rates and deadJines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any clas!>ified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertiseme nt for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Crediccan only be allowed for the first in:>ertion. [VISA I • cLAss1FrnAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS ~] & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1489 230S·2490 By Fax (949) 631 -6594 I Plca.'9 locludc your name .lllll phone number and we'll call you back with a pntc quote J L ESTATE R SALE Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday ~ 3010-3940 soos-saso Bv Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Pe rson: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5 :OOpm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Walk-ln 8:JOam-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... 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HOUSltG OPPOIT1JllTY All real estate adver · t"ma 1n this newspaper Is subject to the f eder1I fair Housing Act of 1968 as •mended whi ch makes 11 1lleaal to advertise ·any prefer· ence, 11m1talion or dlsc11mm1l1on based on race, color. reh11on. se•, handicap. familial \latus or nat10011I origin. or an Intention to make any such preference. lim1ta· lion or discr1mmat1on • Thi$ newspaper will not knowlnalY accept any advertisement for real estate which 1s in violation of the law Our ruders are hereby Informed that all dwell· lnp advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal oppor lunlty basis. To compl11n of dis- crimination, call HUD toll- free at 1·800·424 8590. SELL your stuff through classified! WANTED ANTIQUES • Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Collectlbl11 ·Ac.JP~·'~ •St~•""'°'•Olf'.c..f .. •l'lf't6A $$ CASH PAID $$ 0""9 P"IOO'.....,..~ WE BUY ESTATES .:649-4922~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202So.lle0119t ..... AM.CAl2107 _6...._CA•.>IO Estate Sales 1486 NEWPORT COAST Pine Hutch, Waterford. Ari, Rues. Antique furniture, Ralph Lauren Bed, Royal Crown Derby (lmari) Executive Desk, Kitchen Items. 7 /22 & 7 /'Z3. 10a·2p 949-673-6223 949-636·1313. PUTAFEW WORDS TO WOUFOR YOUI (949) 642-5678 ' 'rlvote Duck Hunfl"f Ck.ti approx I/hr from Newpo1rt Beach. Excel- lent hunt1na ad1acenl to state waterfowl refuae. ownership Interest & approx 375 acru of land & improvements + your own camp compound w/structure and 2 lra1lets Wonderful Fri. ni&ht BBQ's & wine tasting durina duck season + many extrasl Ideal for 2 friends or lather & son Call Mike at 310·541·0854 HEALTH SERVICES Medical Services 2566 AISOWTUY NO COST to youll New Power Wheel· chairs. Scooters. and Diabetic supplies Call ION free 1-866·242-4748 24 hours a day to see if you quality. (CAL •SCAN) HOME FURNISHINGS MecllcalA>tntal Equipment 3565 AIOUT ELECTRIC WHHlCHAlllS New-no cost to you rf ~ Medicare accepted. \Nheetchah and P-- chWs (SGOOter ·Style) V>le treat you rid>t! Cal 7 days. (800) 835-3155 (CAL•SCAN) 3610 ~ ICJ'ITIHS, CATS, DOGS www.~ore F aslul lsland/1rWle Spec trum t£AL TH GtJAA.tMEE 94%44-2Z19 Spay momma cal homes tor kittens 949-6:17-6632 Odcot Kitt.,. •• Leopard look·a·hkes, rare ex otic gold/chocolate spots, real schmoozers 909·681-6664 Furniture 3435 PetAdoptlons 3860 Go1111-Sltophorok all HIGH IOY CHEST colors, all sizes for 1 drawers. antique blue/ adoption to qualified white outline, excellent horiies w-.asrescue.Of& cond $495 949-720·1565 or c.11 714-n3-5915. 3460 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE JEWB.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS · c-.t <• Noo4• Old Coins! Gold. silver, jewelry, waldles, antiques c:ollectfbles 949-642 -9448 STUL IUtlDINGS 50-70~ Off, 40•40, 50a90, 60a 120 Must Selll Can Oellverl Roy (100) 49t-2760 A+ NESTU Chocolate Treasixes Yendlni R~ Great locabons available while they last Eacdent Profit Potential lnvtstment required S9K and under Toll free (24/7) 888-333· 2254. (Cal•Scan) CAPP UCCINO ITAUAN COFFU Company et· pand1na. Distributors wanted. HV.·profrt po- tential Anyone can do tha! £ •pr8$$0 ltalla CaU 800-813.()625 lnvesin-t req'd. (CAl. ·~ LEADERS WANTED Na- tional Croup E •pandina in California. Look1na lor someone who has op erated a business or has experrance in marketing. teach1ne. or public speakina. Hi&h Income Potenti1I. 877·846 3752. (CAL •scAN) AAA VENDING llOUTE Ill s.-c lk1its. Prme b- catioos. ~ lnvllsl 25S down wac. lro-396-9311 AtSOWH GOLDMINE! 60 vendine machines with ucellent locations .. for $10,!Hi lro 2J4.6982 HOMES FOR SAi.£ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY A.,••4011ed vintaa• Balboa Island Cottaie $800,000 Much souaht a fter Cln•lc I-it D,.f111 ~•Ibo• P eoln1ul• 1975,000 ApwtC.WW .. '-"•r 949-617-2197 Shps .. Ge.' --OPEN SAT-SUll l-4 Zl3A·21Jl 28TH SI. The Saywrtz Co 949-ID7528 Gt-9 o..lo11 I block to beach, 3br 2ba upper, lbr Iba lower. 3car eu, $949.<XXl aet. 949-574-~ Corona del Mir OP'EN HOUSE SAT·SUN 12·4 316 1 /2 Httletr.,.e Nettlol Amid Mllll-S homes! 2br Iba. beau priv tree line str on cul· dlMaC $687.000 Jim & Patty McDonald aJM Homes ~7!J9.00JO •A Coo1w1w ... 7 C-- l.O<attoft.-5trol to B11 C0t ona and lookout point. 48r 4.5Ba bf and new custom home. Offered at $2.950.000 COASTllNE REAL TY 949-JS9.01 n c.,.,_ <or-del M.,. c ... ,_,,.,_ •. aourmel kitchen. wrou&ht iron. custom tile and cab-inetry. Front is a 3br 2ba home & rear 11 a 2br 21>1. COASTUNl ltW TY 949-759-4177 I llOCIC TO Uttlo cw-leecfll SI ,!i95,000 316 Hazel Or On Lus.h Canyon w/ocean vlawll M~~CDM"-ot. 949.759.9070 •EDUCED to Sto7,000 Very pvt 2br • den, sln1 story on la lot ' in Jasmine Cruk Prof l1ndscaped. Aat Joan Burl!• 949·759·9314 714-259646. 714-974-9494 949.293.4631 COUNTY oretSAT-SUll 1-4 1950 Minovia h lba~onPark $425.~ Mary f ewel Re/Mu 9'9-646-9670 OP'EN SAT-SUN 1-4 4S1JW.IAYST S1n11 fam 3br 2.5ba house .. New commumty 2 yl'4 new. $425,000 By Owner 949-640·6"6 or 949·280-8650 OPEN SUN 12·3 2D10 Sw-Dr. Nr eolf course 4br 3ba sina flm house. Larae yd $689.000 "81 Paul Pavilion Real Estate 949·290·8128 INSTANT NOTJrKATION SlllvtCE: Are you look· ina to purchase a home in Newport Beach or the surroundmii area? To receive lnst1nt notiflca· lions via e-mail H soon as new list1nes hit tht merket, simply till out our onllne form by vis1tina our website at; www.N.,.,,.atHu WW Please all (949)852·9400 with lllY questions OPIN SAT 12-5 2201v1 ... .._,... Newport Beach 81uffs Eaec townhm, 3br end unit, pvt p1llo, 2 c ,., • $549,888 By Owner 714-299.-7373 HA•Alll Views of Oc1111 ' Cltllina From ~uce P1tlo, 18' !Ba $449,(XX) 111. ~170 (~fri/ ...... } P'lllMl fSTATH PATlllCK TINOltl NATIONWIDE USA 949-156-9705 www.patrrcktenore.com MorMkont ,. .... Crest custom estate with canyon & ocun v~. Offered at $6,500,000 Ceoatllno 11..tty 949-759~177 RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Bllboa Island Balboa Peninsula l•Atoe P'at1ln•vlo '•Int 2 L& Br's & 2Sa's Soutll upowre. steps to beech or bay Paradise location $1550/mo Yearly, 1544 Miramar Or 949-675-1358 Rlndlel,fanns/ Corona def Mar Country Property 5915 •-tlful Hr 21•t.::; 20 AClll UNCHIS Ula~ rer1I*. M9 . Closeout Sale. S9995. Nell ft"d .,, w/d l*l4J, all 8oonq El Paso. Texas S2800/St1Dl 94S-293-4630 S95 down/$99 monthly (IO'J./216 months) Road$ " • ' • 2lr 2.Slo T wnhoust 0.. : bluffs nr belt. lncd yd~, • dbl p • extra prka. $1. • mo apnt ~ : No., Now,ort Hts, ' completely remod 2bf " I 5ba twnhm, new wd, • new kllch & appl'l & : carpet & morel Car ., w/opener No pfts. sia.- 949-2!1).6.m ~ - E SW., • ~ horM:~ Ii )Td. h • fam tionuW.. =U'm~nr· .. Hllftanglon Beadt " • Oc91't lbr Iba condo next HS Pilr, comm PoOI. SC-. ~dS~IDl~~: I surveyed free maps/ Costa Mal pictures. No qualrfylna. Ugllfta Bllctl GrNI locatlOn. excdent Studl• ~' In Mobile ' ~ tlmina, Sunset R.tndlos I· Home Park, ~Jtc ba, ut1I Lua apt bid& !D).343 9444 incl S600/mo office 949-2br 2ba. ocean view • • f (CAL •SCAN) 646-4151 714-404·9068 $2200/mo c1ll resident mar 949-494·8083 • .,, $J95 ACllE/160 AClllS $695 AClll/40 AClllS Prlmt ranch acruae In NW Arizona. EZ no quallfylna, low down terms! Adjacent lo aolf course community, off historic Route 66. Call today! Brool\s Realty 866· 300·5263 (CAL •SCAH) MISCEWNEOUS RENTALS 309 Mo" Dr, l aide duplu, lbr all redone. vacant no pets $875/mo. 949.756.1551 ~ G.tw4 c......., "" fh· Aftt. w/pvt pr, fril. walk to Trl·Squ111e S895/mo. Wiler/trash patd. Klein ~t 8n.704-8649 ht 9200 ., llgn lflgltl ~ 1.-tlfvl c'.Me located'} In hpresslons. low.r" t unit 2br 2ba, trple, jl:, f 2 c attach car. Sl600m6 1 Joanie 949· 7Z0.9422 '• : 1·.w.~·-Wt, ..... & .......... _ ,.._, $" 1-llO I == -21sf St. Mt-MS-777•. 21r, 21e, upper unit Apt. l·c aar. new p1lnt, UDO YIAnY UASI ctr pet, blinds. linoleum. & I.IN> SUMaa NOMB Act. $1200m 949-673-7800 81.l CRIJNOY R£M, TORS 949-67M161 A GOOD AD! Call (949) 642-5678 . , tll llA YUllY w/~V:.'1' _.,..,.., ....... ,..,c 'I: OIJ .. ,. -........ Newly ~ .. ~.-= _.<§> &OIW&tr._ Cal LAn M!M146-222lt or 7 l,4.6}3-7592. No dop.. w.........,Offk•w/2 ~lnl lflKH, •PP'O• f. SltOOmo n•ll no Auoct.ted RHlt)' t4t -67S..S66S ~Ht lh unit on qvllit Pan1nsul• point Sir pwson, No/a~ ptl • $1450 949-293·4631 V'liaU&.tM 2 ~ ~ f p, fndry rm. It 119tlo, c:oMin ~. 2c ~w.lktobdl,~ pd, Sll'iCVmo. 12»-81~. 9&574-92AJ ~I fltO• OCIAM ' r4m0d. pvt~ ~-..s ~19861~ Newpert Creat, 2b1 2b1. 2 c ear, walk to bclt;-t•n/pool/~. $2000 Avail 8-1949-7 7~ Le~t'/ .... To w 1860sf. 2-c ......... ~ rw ~lsl no a. 9&723-06ZZ. .. *~...,Ill .. l8r. Condo .... '° bch.11111111~ IA&aOA Pl•SU&A ... 13!Dn llr t ... ~ 2tle. _. Clil. • w/d, 2c fl"', 12«JCVmo. .................... 11.t Christy ---- Hana 2Br .. 2~ Da Yl.AalY IUfTMS rn ....... M:. 1.._1151 n4-J6.57u Newport kh P•nln.vi., $ 1400-$2400/mo Act ~ 191111 Mil s..,e t 4M71-7IOO bll 4br 2119 IM on hr*' Hr 2.Sle, IWCrHt, ,.~ Very ,,.. bn'd • ~ & mnwc. llllr1*. mxi~a.r. wll ID bcti, ~ S25Q)n VIC 7 .... c... ... ..,..., Neltlrt• 38r. 28•. late• f1m1ly room, TltOVMI 2 car 1ar11•. avail 811 211< 2b• 2 c ~•lad. $2700/mo 949-759 3771 community . •II $2400 949-293-4631 ......,C...,/2'/ .. [ n d unit pnv, SC1C enby, IWadt COl.l1lry ~ "*'* TtllkAl»ott • SZ7ID Yr he~ ~ ............... YOUR lb8 home, 2-pr. pnv pebo, COIJ'llll pool. 'l'I • f/Tl5 .... -~ GAUGE WEI ltlwff'a P.,...&.r f Pt. 4Sr. 21/161, l1m1ly rm, In courtyerd, balcony. no pets S2tlnti 7 I 4-328-8333 l eckMy "" Hu/; yard, CWSIAED fruit trees, 4Sr a, .a ••tr ~ (949) 64 2-5671 S2!IDn l\flllb 9e-251-0~ HAUOI VtfW HOMIS 38r. 28a. sreat loe111on nn r school & 11ecnbell New catpeVpaint 1•a1I &i'23 umn 949-~m1 Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace C1hfor11 la l1w re· cW)rn that contrec· tors t~"'' !Obs th•t tot.II $50() °' more (ltbor or m•ttr .. ls) ~_Jlcensod by tlM Contractors Stilt LlctnH Soard. St•te law also requires that co.fl}r•clon Include t,_ Uc.nM numbet on Ill 1c1vertJSins. Y 04I qtt c'-11 IN stlttus of your llcenud CO.JI I r I C t 0 r I I .,...cslb.ca.1ov or 8Ql).321 CSLB. Unll• censed cont11cto11 11"1111 jobs th1I tot1I less t111n $500 f!Ul,ll state In thew 1dvettl1tm1nts th1t tlt.•1 are not lkenMd bet UI• Contractors Silte Uc.me S-d .• .. a.c.2•1•1111 A118111¥AC A1tt Coftditlolli!lr I Hut· "'&t-==~ citf1•1 ,\ o <AJIHTo <Allnlo R1911rs. Patchtns. lnatan Courteous. any 11ze jobs. Wholtst1l11949-492·0205 c.....1-, lrlclillecfls-n. Conc:tetit. Pltlo, 0rMwtty Ftrec>lc. 880. it.rs. ~Yrs Cap. Twry 114·557-7594 n..c-e•• c-twof1t. Brick. Tile I More. Reliable. Ho jotl too*"''"· 714.elS-9062 VlltTHA auo•IY lt..W..ti.t Concteta & .._.,1 Servtce. st-. lrlcl. llocll 714-.. 21214 c ··-· ••• your stuff ~ cl111ifledl ... /Ol ~"--­ SIO.OXI lftlr 5 .-rs• SOLOS to l9 c*1b TIMI to 41 cents. Conb ector s to g] cents. fuel SUI charees. COL Cr1ds welcome [~ ~925 5!>56 o r l<l L M com (CAL•SCAH) DllVlHWANl'lD Hlwport .. lblllr1fll0n 8d1 Set your own scMdule1 Part °' fu ... 11,,,. available STS+/daJ full hme Call 888-DOt WORK 01 ~@ -D-Olalm AT-lAH Women's Store al F 1Sh1on lsl1nd is now h111n11 eap'd f T and PT Hies HSOC Please contact Lee Nwi " -~ 798S YACHT llOICHAGI seells self star t1n1 office mer. computer literate. MS Word & E•cel a must FT, utary com mensura te w/e.pe11enct r aa res· ume to 949·6':>0 2408 NOW HIRING 2003 Postal Jobs S 14. SO-Sl6 11 /hour P1 1d train1n1 rull benefits No eape11ence necessary Call 1 877 · 367-7717 Cat 4000 (CAl •SCAN) Pubhsh1na PIOMOTIONS DlPAllTMlNT Community ~S WI Or~ C4&#1ty Sol!do.s r u1 lme ~ to intarv- lnd write Ull<iM Pllrtk• pell! In community eveou. aute and ~le ~ Ind sectiom c.cdenl conwnunocabon !>II~. W<Wk Ml With the pubic: Know N> Style, QuaRXPr~s. Ptlotmhop, Multi Ad Ct. ator. Proficient on MAC and PC. CCI dn11n ••perience prelerred Pt"oolrudlne let Duie scr~r~ecl [()£ [ acellenl benefit ~ [tn..i r~. -rtinc SllfrC)les and \411aity 1equtremenl\ t o lllN.J)hMon@labmes com le<ettt'-1•1 Pwt·ll'9e Bridge Bv CHAAL.ES OOAEN wftt'I OMAR SHARIF 8'ld TANNAH HIRSCH GIVE TWO. GET THREE Both vul~ SclUlh dc:ah NORTH WCQ led lhc deuce of haru a1'(j dcdarct capcurcd ~t's kuve with lbe flee. With nine clubl headed by Ille llCC-king. declarer 11'M1Cdiaccly c;~ the twu high ch1bt, and I.he rootn1e1 Wb ~L No roauer how d«lllttr coounued, lhcfe wu oo w•y to nine tnclo. ~ ~fon: the dcfondcn could 00Uec1 two hearts, two daa· moodi llld ii .:lub •Al i:1 K7 ,, Q9764 • 864 l WEST •75Jl 'Q 10 8 2 EAST AS • J 107 • 0 •• , ... /UJ K .ll •0 South's I uic would have been c:or· RlCt had Ille openin11 lead been lot spade ur II lughcl hem q>OI That wt.1111d have mrant that the dc:lenden were poi~ to take three tric.U tn the m.ejor Md rwo high duunond\ The onJ y ''lwicc for Ifie nHllnlCI woo kl have been to rely on an even club break. But after the S1art of the dcuoe uf tie.ru. assuming the lead ~llJ hon· cu. the hearu v.<n bicruing 4-4 and South lwd a 'iUt'C-utck hne tor the COOtnlet. SOUTII • KJ ' v" 65 . l 108 •AK 95J ~<ktin~ NOltT8 £AS'f INT ,._ 2NT ,._ J.VT ,._ ,._ ,._ Opcnlll& lead: Two o( 13vcry openmg lead tell~ a s.lOf)' The hne you adopt 10 make your con· tract could depend on wtuu the defender hll\ choo.en 11.• the opening "'1.lvo. 'The aucuon v.a; rouunc. With 16 po1ntl> and a fui1 fhc-umJ ~oil. Swlh wll!I tllllncntly com :c:t 1n accepwlg partner'\ ID\IJWIOOaJ II() trump nw.e. lnSlcld vf relymg on du~. Jccl;u er !ihoukl hJ"c played on dtJmond\ unmedlately b) fon:ing out the ace and king. The defender• will ~ able to Ullt.e 1wo hel111 1nck~ iind two dia· moods, but dcd~.r w1H ~ able to come to ntnr IIICks with three d1a· mon1J> wllJ '""o in ca..h other \Ull. IUld the drfcn~ 1~ hdplc~ to do illlylhing abwt1L Automobiles --IMW '1 2 633 nl 2 dr arey/lan 5 ~ \Unroof lull pwr. $2000 714 878 9455 IMW'9032SI like new 81k/l•n. 4 dr. auto, 106k mt, ac. sunrl, full pwr. llnt. Ca smoa S.3850 714·6!>1 4661 IMW 'ti ZJ c...,. auto white/tan llhr. CO beauhful ht.e new cond S 17 .995 •597t4 l1n & .,,.., avar1 8111 9&58> Ila www.ocpaf.co"' luldi '14 l1¥ere ,. • ..., t11es breaks & shocks Cervette 'It Cet1pe auto 60k~ mt mellllte red/tan lthr. supetb cond throuetiout. S9.99S 8kr 949 !'>86 1888 -.~t··- POID~'t2 Eddie Bauer, Ith btac:lolbn. Ill ex tr as & l*"CJl!Jed Cr9't llftll ~Olp! -cal 96 79>6776 Fer4 '65 .... , ... , Con•er t1bte. ort11n 11 owner. solid ur .$19.995 Obo 949 719 2943 J...,_ ''4 XJS C.-6 cyl, 2•2 ftam1nao red/ tan ltru CD beaullful ortc cond S il 99!> v'942641 linancinc & warranty avail 8kr 't49-S16-11H -........... _ Mo11la 'tt Mloto Conv 4511 mt auto silver tan top pw pl A/C CD. \upetb Ith new cond v•119743 SIO 995 fmancma & warr<1nly avail 8 kr 949 ~ 1888 -.ocpal>l.c- loaded. ei.tl mnr1 make Merce4H 't6 (210 olte< (71 4) 848 3704 beautrful black/crum PHllll~ AUTO 0 I A...# .U 0.-. 81<Kk w/SMwt. lulh er Moonrool <194262) S22. 980 01 •wnsrr...., Wh ite w &rey 2n Mil es Sport~ Pke < 19'>42 > S7!>. 980 ,, 1310 s.11 ... Whtie w/SadOle leather Moonrool <19443> S29 980 0 I J••u., S 1yp• Se~ Green w Saddle llhr 28K mi. Moonrool ( 19112 > S32 980 94 Mere.ti., S600 Charco•I w/81ac k leather, 18" Chrome Wheth Moonrool < 195 I 2C I S29 980 01•MWT401 Slack w/Slack only 311( Milts (I 9485C) S39. 980 0 I l'orulte r 11rl.e T1ptronic Only 1811 miles. Navaaatton (I 9394) INOUllH 9a t.•11• GS 300 Cold w Saddle leather Ch1ome Wheots <19418J S22980 99 h rror/ 3SS II Silver w/Stack leather only 1411 mile~ ( 11423!>) INQUIRl early motnincs & eve 1L nines for NB Huth Club Cedl ... •t 4 SlS Sewl- Conlact w.e ~ l7l!> 87 !II. m1 cood cono blacll cherry lthr new hres S4SOO 714 74!) 7794 fully loaded •howroom norut. SID.Bl 714 ~I 2464 01 M erce4.1 CUOO S1l•er w Grey Nav1 talion Only l!>I< mt tl9545C) INQUIRE VOLUNIH R IN llfRICA leach Children & Adulh HIV/AIDS p1event1on Health Education No u pettence neceu ar ~ Local info·meetm1 8/16/ 03 Free a1>9lifl ~" marie@humana ore www human• ore 1 413· 441 5 126 CCAl •SCAN ) YOUllNOMf IMf'IOVIMINT •NOJl<Tl C1ll 1 plumber, Pflnter, ht ndyman. or 1ny of the erut Mrvlca listed hen tn our Mrvlce directotyl rnESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI ---CAUGHT IN THE ACT Great Farmly Memories! candid Portrarts 01 People • Pets Al ~ @ beach/pooVpart etc call Now For Appl Jolla Mf.351·574' Tr-Setvlc•, Yard Cleanup, M11nten1nce, Sllf'inkler Repair. Hauhn1 (t4t)HO-a711 fl!~ Jl)flf • I I l'.\11' ,\ "I "1t •DI l 1 ... I ·-~ 4SOSl '71 Cettwertl~le low 93k m4les Vf!fY gaod condrtlOl1, only $6200 949-493 03/9 Pen<he 'tt Caner• 46k mi. blk/blk lltle CD chrome whls. lllte new S42.~ V•6220!>7 11 n•ncin1 & wan 1v11I 81u t 4t -H6-llH -·ec:r-1>'·'- JUNK TO TM DUMPlll 714-968· 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673-5566 llMM'S HGUSI ~ 00 ,..,.. ..... ,_ Blad w/Grey loath er. T1ptronic (19346) S30,!8> 949-574-7777 Nlll'SAUTO ·-···-j tj Att.t IWerly i.. "- .... C.... Swa~ e.tlq. n.m. dlwq. ,,,... Dr lllPb. llllt. mt rrls.. _., n4JZl.e.D 12'"''-"-........ <•• Sdays/n M·f . 7a·7p. HIV• Ulen 11ve Medic:•I Baksrnd u well as belna licensed u LVN.•w·W1ll commit to other resp. u well S1l1ry nq otiable. K•••n Hm 949-559-0270 Po 949-559·2246 ~ S..C. b LS Plilllng ,_a.,........ t.....i --~-----714442.-M s.ip & ..... ~­ Open7~ Low .... aa..,.1pec111111 Slnce1111 948&4M545 Custom Hi nd P•inted a,ua & Faix ....... ktist b hn ~---' ,.IJJt«e.. ~Professional Painting lit.~ llltl.dar/ld* -· ..... <*••:tkc Robllbel ·Owner eoe&a Mee&. ca (948) Me-3008 Cel ...... 7·1480 We<tlesday, Uy 23. 2003 All TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Automotive ___ · ___ 9004_ BOATS BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES ...... • .... , '96 4.0 SC lllk actual mo boolls retord$ 1 owner wh1ttl tan lthr CD runnina board$/bru'h &<turd\ ltlle new cond •21?848 S 18,995 l1n & w•rr •nly ..... 111 8kr 949 586 1888 www.oqoot.l.c..., TOYOTA CAJHY U ' 94 4 door 53k mile\ dUlo PW PS, S5~ Provale party 909 71] 10?6 Wi .£Tl A <J3 GI. Older mode. dilrk blue dU1.o ac ed. mrrool iii ~....._ rll(X)o'CI-. 11nt c:ood 64k ""' SI 0 <XXl obO 1)$!>.l).3341) BOATS Power Boats 9515 ourrY 2 1 h '"" Pnmadonna l u• 1""' teak wood CD oi.n~ei upgr ao~o w1noow' & cover lu\I paoO $.4YJO Spolhghl S 16 000 \l•p dV<l•I 1)49 631 0171 SEU your unwonl•d items lhruu&h tfi>\•f•~d BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 S•de Tie bO • '""" t hann,.I Nt"Wl nr t t~ • .t h Sraod ""°"' or11 i., w,..., .. , & POWPr ~q 6/~ !1> Best place In the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classified 642-5678 l(l'S CUSTOM PAINTING Profl. clean. quakty wotll Inter'°' /eat and docks l •703468 949-631·4610 ,.,.._,. ,..,,,,.... Top Quahtr. Compehhve lntw ior /ht L"64&228 Call Uy 949-650·!>066 IAINIOW <aCU IUilfT Paintinc~•l tb-'~ Qu•llty job! f '" esbmlta L 11569897 714-636·88118 c-. Send )'-best friend to ump while ~OU 10 on VICJtllon. S•fe, "lel'ldtJ & fun mountain M111ronmwll •I L• ArfowheM tor sodllliad dap. No ~ w.lleftd ._ --to and .._ c::emp, '" a..s.n ..... .. NICISIPW•I ... Repairs & Rtmodtl1n1 fREEESTIMAn l'687398 714 969 1090 .......... ~ W•ty S.11ict [quip m.,.t R.-h . ln~ured c..I t4t•IU-7171 '-',....,~ Enalish tucher pro- fessiona l w111tr spec11hze 1n ptocrull nat1n1 IMns Summet rudrne Coech C •Pd compos1t1on Teicher lnd1v1dual/Croup r etu r1ferenc11 ••lllable Sue C18'k 949-275 4905 ...... a.1111 ..._WUT _.,.savKI S.tkfectiorl C-1nt.S * Mt4ll·I~' * .. • ')· 'i· ClllUtTAH CONDOR I G AZ•••• ., GOllJl.l.4 JAO UA.a L.So•AJU> MANDRILL OCELOT POLAR 911t4R c.rnJON STollK TIGER z s T 0 R K A s D E R W. I G A z E L L E J T G L E 0 p A R D AT E L y G H c 0 u G 0 R I L L A H D I UL D R s A p EN 0 A E F I? G H M E ·O B R c -Q N x K L TC w p 0 L A R B ·EAR 0 E R u M p y TH 0 N NEWPORT HARBOR IDGH SCHOOL CHEER SQUAD Presents JUNIOR CHEER CAMP 2003 Clinics led by Newport Harbor High School CheetJcadcrs will include: Basic cheer technique and cheer/dance routine. Classes are by grade level. Clinic: Mon, Tues, Wed August 25, 26, 271:00.3:00 p.m., Performance: Thursday August 28, 1:00.1 :30 p.m. \;. Grades K-8 at Newport Harbor High School in front of the anchor. Call Doree Mexia 949/673-1989 Sauet s~ Sr. J OACHIM CATHOLIC SCHOOL • Pre-Kindergarten to 8TH grade • Qualified, credentialed teachers • School accredited by WASC • On-site extended day care available 1964 O RANGE A VENUE, COSTA M ESA (949) 574-7411 Contact.· Cathy Dressler ... ~i ·I~(~ ·~·~ r., ·~·····~ Why do bees go on strike? I 2s I s I 11 I I 6 I s I 11 I 24 I I 1 I s I 1 I 24 I 1s I IT'S NEVIER TOO EARLY FOR P"ITNIESS AND P'UN I Th<' Frozl'n R£Jpl'• Tl'alnmx c .. m .. rs arr-p/;(IJl'd"' lntFT>UUC<' T H I!: BORN T O P LAY™ CLU B I A non-compcuuvc ac.tlYll) clan de"g;ncd co aruruducc 2 10 1 )ca.r old" 10 •thlcuc n1ovcmcru wtd ~upcrv18c.xi c 'C'n.1.w •o•N TO ,.LAV1"M ' w1.J1 lntsud ucc: ( lu~·" ••fl'-'n·tl 4w fl1cxtbs.lity And '-t(rrt. hlnt1 flu1r.h1\ l UOS'm ''"' 1 N>ptn "' Afliltty An<l °'"'' ti..i.....:. "-Cc..:01u..0t .. Ancl ~..__.. $60.00 .... lland-<)"C' C•JittrdhiaUHn ''*""'~" ~,.~ ...... , 11 or-..m lo JI MJam "'"1_..~~--TI,n.-tnc. , rur pwk...-ufn, .. c....._,. ( •tch.1:n4t & flJtUr\I( \ffftYltlflllli I llFROZKN RO~K• TRAININQ CIENTKR 1902·11 MCGAW, '""'"c C.....in>•H•A 9281~ 1M9l 250-l lff wwwnooz°""°"s CON OUlt TltA/,Y1'G !>UCCES!> HAS BE£!'. Ft:ATt,ltEIJ '"' Swimming for all ages 5 & up. Includes adults. Serving the community for 30 years. fot Info. (949)595·1124 ELEMENTARY • MIDDLE SCHOOL PARK PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL OF COSTA MESA Kindergarten through 8th Grade &tabllhed In 19'6 Prindpal Suzanne Lamond, M.A. Ed. READING/LANGUAGE ARTS PROGRAM EMPHASIZING PHONICS STRUCTURED FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS ONE & TWO-YEAR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM. EXTENDED OJRRICUUJM TEACHERS FOR: •• PICTURE Colo r in eac h space tha~ contains a le tte r. • ·-16--- 17 -· @S ibler @Sl"'°" Na111111 Aaenca (714) 469 -30_87 wwww.sllverspoonnannie's.rom • A Perfect Match For Your Family • • Computer Education • ~nish -• Swi'!""ing (pool on premises) • P.E. • /Vt • Musec Im.met Connection in Computw Lab and Classrooms. Classroom ~ & c01ftP.U1W lab on premises. Reader, ~ & Audio Visual libra:s premises. Ct .mntialed 19aehen. Smal Full Time • Part Time 7 :00 am to 6:00 pm AMI Affiliated single-grade classes. Sibling discounts. ea ... Before & Aftw School. 6:30AM-6 P Non-Academic Summer camp 261 Monte Vista Ave., Costa Mela, CA 92627 ........ ,..,.." .. ,,....... 949-645-5171 WWW cam Christian Monte11orl SchOols · f ncl Acacle•y We Accept Children 18 Month to 12 Years 1539=Ave. 714-831 -9749 Ages 2 to 8 Buck Bny llJont~~ori 398 U~rsity Dr.• Costa Mesa (949) 548-3771 ... PLAYMATES PRESCHOOL Since 1964 • Deve1opme1 ital and ~ ChlldhOod EGEc:-IUUOCClatt.m.lonM'I ~ 2 Yrs. thru Pre-K ·==-~=-~ • Potty ~ Avaloble . Ful Qc!tY & MOrrq ~ S.likh"W Monq thrU ~ 6:30am-4:00pm one.tor. Arllr'9 5lqllro (714) 540-19~9