HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-24 - Newport Mesa Daily Piloti· • ai Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, JULY 24, 2003 Soon, the answer will be tacos The Newport Beach eatery What's Cooking will close after 27 years because the Irvine Co. says they're delinquent on rent. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -After 27 years dishing out fresh pasta and sauces, the proprietors of What's Cooking Bistro are closing their restaurant, after the Irvine Co. declined to retain them al the Newport Hills Center. "It's so sad that lthe Irvine Co.J will not renew our lease." said Lucy Luhan, who started the res- taurant in 1976. "They have a taco place coming in. Family es- tablishments are being replaced by fast food places because they make more money.· which owns Taco Mesa.in Costa Mesa Mayor Steve Bromberg hon- ored Luhan and her family at Tuesday's City Council meeting with a proclamation. Bromberg said he \\/llS sorry to see the com- munity lose a longtime and popular eatery. "It's absolutely a shame." Bromberg said. "There are so few locals places. a5 I like to call them." INSIDE For more Irvine Co. news, see Page A3 of sauces. What's Cooking was also notable for printing the ca- loric count of ilb dishes on its menu for health-comctous din· ers. J()t., , EACr' DAJL 'f P1 • The Italian eatery's owners have planned a farewell party for Saturday. In early 2004. Mexican eatery faco Rosa is expected to open at the same location. The upscale cantina-style restaurant is being launched by the Calderon family, Luhan first <>igned a lease with the Irvine Co. in October 1975 for a space in the center. She began offering more than 5-0 types of pastas and I 0 different varieties Luhan's mother. Mary VaUera. now 89, continued to make fresh pasta from scratch each day. even after Luhan turned over the day-to-day operation of the eat- ery to her rwo !>On!! in 1999. Lu -Lucia Luhan, left, mottler Mary Vallera and son Jorge Luhan II have See COOKING, Paee A7 run What's Cooking 1n the Newport Hills Center for 27 years Skate park debate hits new delay Parks and Re creati on Commis io n bu.mps issue from agenda. Supporters say they're fru tra tcd by wa it. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA ~ti ~A -'>~<tlm~ af1uonado' dnd bark park fa.11-. ''ere pot'-t"d tu h.Hll•· \Vedne'.>da\ night tor a CO\t.'ted ptt>t.e 111 land at Te\\'inkle \femonal Park. Skateboard park lam h;l\e hap 1he1r e\t:' on the sue '>tnce 11 ,,a.-, Listed as an aherna uve skateboard park locauon on t.he Te\\'in kle Park Ma!>ter Plan The Lo,ta Mesa Bark Parle Foundauon t'> abo '>d!1va11ng 0\-er the area ea.-.1 of Junipero Drive along Arhnglon Avenue a'> anothN do~ friendly area See SKATE. Paee A7 KENT TREPTOW Kathy Davis, wtio makes dolls out of polymer clay, prepares to grve a demonstration at the Orange County Fair on Thursday. RECREATION Newport parks will be patrolled Like putty in their hands Artists s pend their days at the fair showing visitors what can be made with polymer clay. Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot W anda Colar. Myra Katz and Johanna WoUenzeine demonstrate the an form of polymer clay modeling at this year's Orange County Fair. Polymer clay is a man-made. pliable. bendable polymer that is compounded for artists and crafters. However, it's n ot a true clay -true clay consists of fine particles of silicate suspended in water -polymer clay consists of fine particles of polyvinyl chloride, or PVC: suspended ln a plasticizer. The curing process fuses the particles Into a solid and requires only low temperatures -265 to 275 degrees -low enough to use your home oven as a kiln. The polymer then hardens to a nearly rock-solid state. Once baked. It can be finished in various ways to obtain gliwy or stone-like textures. •1t can be used mucb like clay. but unlike earth clay, it comes in dozens of colors, and you can blend clays together like paints to ~e p>ur own colors.· said Wolfenzeine. who has been INSIDE For today's fair schedule, see Page AS working in clay for 10 years. "You can imitate anything from ivory to wood with polymer clay." You can use polymer clay to make buttons, mosaics. plaques. wall hangings and other decorations. "We often use pasta machines to press the clay into very thin strips,• Katz joked. "The designs are only limited by your imagination.· Colar said that the Orange County Fair Is the only fair where THE BELL CURVE ' /Newport just became a bit more diverse ~, the three members of the Nattonal Polymer Oay Guild demonstrate their art. ·The guild's objectives are to educate the public about polymer clay and to study and promote an interest in the use of polymer clay as an artistic medlum, • WoUenzeine said. In the last few years years. polymer clay modeling has developed from a child's plaything to an artistic medium, yet its apparent delightful playfulness has not been lost. ·The only thing you can't do with polymer clay," WoDenzeine quipped, "Is eat or drink. from them." • KRIS O'OONNEU is a Daily Pilot Intern. City Council OKs hiring two part-time staff members to ensure (lark safety and guarantee field reservation ~. June Casa1r1nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEA( H -Park abusers be· ware: Come thJs fall. two my staff members will pe patrolling city parlts. checking per- mits and helping out sports teams that have been muscled out of their reserved playing fields. The City Council on Tuesday approved a pa.ric patrol program that officials hope will put an end to a number of problems now S..PMKS,P .. eM Official sued by AYSO has faced numerous other suits D on Strauss wu the mayor or Newpon Beach when I moved to Santa Ma ffei&bts 20 years • and we aeldom got thro\llb our monthly lunch sesaiont without discutslng the atate o( anneudon, which had u.cty been ldcbd around for many ~ ' ~ So. along with my new odgbbora, I guess I never rally believed umeDdon would happen. But. Infrequently and IOIDedmel almott mqlcally, b6gbly lmprobeble projects llCtUIDy come to fruition. lt IUUCi me lut yar that lf the Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: ww.~can WEATHER ~ Since 1980s, 25 civil Jawsuits have been filed against former Newport Beach youth soccer leader. years. There WU llwayl IOlne tecbnlcal prob&em that would IOOn be raolved boldinc ~ ~ Angell can wtn a W>rld Seriel. anything can happen. EYen the annaadon of Senta Ana JOSEPH ffellbt1 bf Newport 8e1icb.. the ~became the norm. one ol tboee comlonable comenadonll pllcel when aJI that ewir chfDted WM lbe nal\.ft ol tbe DMMC raedblock. N. BELL l'm notaulanwbylt ftnaDy UWmed when h dkL But now that ll bM. I find~ c:auaht between two emodont. ~ lhaQ m ... QIM. ..... M Keep your eyee doted tll the aft.emoon end you'"~. IUf"'V dey with higt'9 neer 80. ........ A2 SPORTS 0.1'*9Newmeft Oait(Plot 00STA MJ3SA -A youth IOC· Cll' ...... whO hlil.,..., aied fair m' ;ipopNidan ill man m.n $100.000 In ..........., IOCClf a.. bM blid maaom ml ............. , ........ lridadWCW.tliid ...... THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE POLITICS ASIDE A reasonable voice is heard M ost everyone -but not. surprisingty. everyone -seesm pretty sick of the whole "Nk::hob affair.• an eesy short-band for the pnm on Newport Beach Oty c.oundhnan 1ti Nlddl since he made a racially dlarged comment {one of what's rumed out to be a series of similar sratements dating bade even before he was elected this past November). But the story took an unexpected and. in the end. welcome tum when Nichols explairied his suppon of~ Km Mllddoal of Garden Grove OYer &sembJyman John Campbell of Irvine in the race to replace state Sen. ao. JohDlon. "I like Campbell. but Campbell has made some endorsements that are .--------. questionable." Nichols told the Pilot "He appointed a log Cabin member. ... Ken Maddox doesn' have any around-the-back maneliverers. • Without naming him.1 N'IChols was referring to Laguna Beach's lftnk Rlcd*'*2:1. an openly gay co-founder of the log Cabin S .J. CAHN Republicam political ocpnizarioo who's a noW>le presence around tbe town. He'I al9o. a Maddox mainly was remfnded. quite the 6rtJbrand. Soon after Nic:bols' comments wes-e published. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks at a Republican Party fund-raiser at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach on Thursday. Rkx:bi.azzi 8eOl out an e-mail ettolling &ieods and support.en to bombard Maddm with quesdmls about why the assemblyman Is '"not speaking up. when his supporters have been attacking Jolm Campbeil for seJecting me a, his representadve." Rohrabacher 's vets bill passes House The source of all this dmt-up: Campbell. back in 2<XX>, appointed Rkx:hiazli -or "Uncle Prank." as he's known -a wting delegate 19 the California Republican Party. No harm In that. right? Paul Clinton Daily Pilot The House on Wednesday passed a bill introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher that would give World War II veterans who were u~ in Japanese sJave labor camps the abiJjty to sue corporations in that country. The bill, H.ll 2799, passed the lower legislative body 400 10 21. Some American servicemen who survived the Bataan Death March, for example, were )rupped to Japan and used as unpaid workers. "We must stand up today and send a message tha1 this kind of behavior is not acceptable." Rohrabacher said Tuesday. "What bener issue to draw the line than to back the rights of some of America's greatest heroes." Cox demands apology from Secret Seivice Rep. Otrls Cox this week criticized the Secret Service for trying to interrogate Pulitzer AUGUST Price-winner Michael Ramirez about a cartoon that appeared in the Los Angeles Times. Ramirez's cartoon, which satirized an award-winning photograph taken during the Vietnam War, showed President George W. Bush with hls hands behlnd hjs back as a man labeled "politics" prepares to shoot him in the head. A cityscape labeled "Iraq" is the background. "The use of federaJ power 10 attempt to influence the work of an erutoriaJ cartoonisl for the Los Angeles Tunes reflects profoun dJy bad judgment," Cox wrote in a lener on Tuesday to Secret Service Director Ralph Basham. lo the lener. Cox demanded an apology for Ramirez and said "the public is owed an explanation of both how this happened and why it will not happen again." In addition to serving as the ch airman of the House Policy comm ittee, Cox is the chairman of the Homeland Security committee. He represents Newpon Beach. Gunpbell caught in real budget battle Assemblyman John Campbell stepped in front of a poJiticaJ firing line Tuesday when a top state staffer shouted him down in a state Capitol building haJlway a few feet from the office of Gov. Gray Davis. ShonJy after a news conference, in which Campbell discussed comments attributed to a group of Democrats overhead on so-called ·~quawk boxes," in which they threaten.ed 10 further stall the budget staJemate, Finance Director Steve Peace confronted the legislator. Peace said he was "embarrassed" by the budget stalemate and challenged Republicans lo "stop making sp eeches and start putting up their votes," the Los Angeles Times reponed. Assembly Republican Leader Dave Cox wrusked CampbelJ away before he couJd respond, but Newport Beach's representative in the slate's lower POLITICAL CALENDAR h ouse aJred his views Wednesday. "Maybe you ought to look In the governor's office for a place of embarrassment," CampbelJ said. "It's completely disingenuous for f Peacef to say that." Jeb Bush taJk brings in the cash By aJmos1 any measure, a Republican fund-raiser in Newport Beach last week was a wild success. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's appearance at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newpon Beach raised more than $225,000 for the California Republican Party, event organizer Thomas Tucker said. Tucker is one of the founders of the New Majority, a Republican pro-business group that has pushed for the elimination of "sociaJ litmus test" issues such as abortion, gay rights and other haJJmarks of the far righ1. Republicena ere welcome. (7141556-8555. Obviously, it rubs some the wrons way. And, if nothing else, it ls making for the latest banJe between Maddox and Campbell. who are not shying away from starting their primary fight off early. But the addition of Rkx:hiazzi to the "Nidlols a1l'air" and the Maddox/Campbell battJe also n.uned up as useful. substantial and even thought-provoking. gjverl the harsh tone surrounding Nichol< conunent. Best to let Uncle Frank haYe his say. in the worm be used to dole the e-mail about Nichols. "Tu Republican aaMm and friends. this ls ~ let~ gjve a dear message that we are not going to tolerate this open bigotry any longer." Those woitls should resonate with anyone who Lets any debate rum into a degradin& mean-spirited confrontation. reprdle9e of whether they support Nichob. Rk:chiaz:zj - whose role in politics ~ nicdy summed up by Campbell campaign comultant Ouis Wysocki. who said. "'The only reason Republicans have a foothold in Laguna Beach is because of the wodc Prank Ricchiaxzi has done" -offers a wise voice in an arena where wisdom doesn' always dominate. AREAL.POU A quick kudos to Rep. Ouis Cax for one piece of his Web page: the Poll of lhe Month. Although at the time of writing. just 303 people had responded -and in no way can il be a scientific measure of opinion -the question still offers visitors some small say in Jhe state of the Wlion. . h also implies, at least. that Cox is interested in what Witors to his Web site have to ~ The question this month: Which d the following issues do you think is most important for Congress to address? The amwers: 14: Marf.nne Zlppl for,.., ,mbly will hotd e fund-nllling reception from 6 tO 8 p.m. It the home of Cd"( end Tom Ktoop in Corona Del Mar. lnfonNU'on: (Ml) 8'4-709' SEPTEMBER 15: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Commi1lee wtll hotd e gener9f meeting at 7 p.m. et the South Coast Plaza Westin Hot91. It 918 Anton Btvd., C09la Mesa. Admisaion ia free, and all Republana ere welcome. (7141556-8655. Defense/War on Terrorism 29%; Education 13'b; Environment 10%; Jobs and the Economy 40%; Healthcare 9%. ta: The Repllblicen P8lty of ()qnge County Central Commhlee Will hold• general mMti119 et 7 p.m. et the South eo..t AIU Weltln Hocef, et• Anton Blvd., COiia Mele. AdmlMlon Is free, and ell Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 205 THOMAS H. JOHNSON New.Editors Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson. TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowltt. Editor 011nlel Stevena JUDY OETT1NO NEWSfITAff ~la~r Crime °:cf9 ~rter. PromodoM OlrKtor (948)57.M ~.bharath•l.rlrTW.oom EDfTWO ITAlf June=·· Ll.t.eWt Newport r9p0rter, M•:f~ Ecfttor. (M l 57.M232 (941 oM233 ju,,..~•,.,,,.,,...oom -./.e11hn• 1MJme..oom ..... CIMioft ........... PolJtlce, bualneea and envlron!Mnt ~Edleor. '(IMI~ ~r,(IMI)~ ~,,,...,..__com 1»Ut.c11ntor1efMlm#.com ........ 0.-Loltll....,., ~~ Columnllt. eultuf9 f'9C)Oft9f, ~ • ..,..ClOm (M)~5 JoeeJ. ...... lolltJl,,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,,_oom Alt Olf'9CfOf,,... o.t ChW. O.W..Na•l'Mll (M)f74.<m4 co.c. MeM ~.(Mt) 57~2, ;o.....,,,.,.e,.,,,..,com ~·Wlnw.oom ..... MIC. c...-... ""°'° Editor, ............... , .. ,~ ...,,...... -...~•...,_,oom OOl'el.Mllot>e.....,,_oom PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l.ea<tt. Kent TreptOW READERS HOTUNE 1949) 642"6086 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or new1 tips. AddrMe Our addreu la 330 W. Bay St., Com Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours ere Monday • Hiday, 8:30 11.m. -5 p.m. Coneedona h Is the P1lot'I policy to promptly OOITICt all errora of auti.tanoe. Pl .... cell (!Mil 7M-<&324. FYI The Newpof1 a.edVCoeta M ... Delly Pilot (USPS-144-IOO) la published dlllly. In Nwtport Beech and Cotta Meea, aubectlpdoM .,. · available only b'( eubecriblng to The Tlmee Orange Coumy (800) 2&2·9141. In.,... outllde of Newport~ end eo.ta M .... eubec:riptlone to the Deity Piiot ere IY9ileble only bv flrM a.. mtll for $10 per month. ll'rioea Induct. all tppllolbte ..... end local taQe.) P'OSTMASTEA: Send~ cNngee lO The Newpon ~Mela o.lly Piiot. P.O. b 1NO, C:O... Mele. CA 9282e.. Copyright No news stories. illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Cirwlatlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ Claulfled (949) 642-5678 Oiepaey (949) 642-4321 Edltottel News (IM9) 842-5680 Spoftt (949) 67.M223 N9ws Fu (949) ~170 ~Fu (949) 650.()170 E-meil: dallypllot•tatlm#.oom MtMOfftce ...... OMoe (9491642-4321 ., .... ,.. (949) 831-7126 ieu Pubffehed b'( Tlmee Community N.wa, a division of the Lot An99'" Tl met, 02003 Tl"* CN. All ri(lhte .......wd. • 8.J. CAHN is the managing editor. He can be reached 8t (949) 5744233"' bv &-mall et s.j.Cllhn@latimaoom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF The ct-v wffl start off doudy Todey wtll mert the end of end foggy, but wtJI become the weeller btNb fore t.w ~ eunnv, wtth eo.te Mell dlys. So stay dfY by evoking end lnlend Newport e..cti'a the~ to weilt-hight todey. highs In the lower SO. end On Fridly, the nut IOWI In the mlcMIOI. Coutaf IOUthW9lt lwell emws, Newport will feet temperetu,.. bringing us c:n.t-to just eboYe 70. ~lghs. though the Ft1dey will ptOYtde mud'I of b9aw apoe. wttl ... the Mme. ~ Seturdey end Sundey s.turdlry,wtll continue to be lihcM*f be • ~ w.mer. ..... but the WllW8 wll .......... a: begin 1W11Wllt19..,, «>(' www.nws.nc>N.fOV Sundly. Wllllf'.,.llv: BOATING FORECAST www . .urlWc:w.OtJl The wlndl wtl blow eboul TIDES 10 lcnoll In the Inner W9terl thf• ltWnoon. wtltt 2·foot 11me ........ WWII end I~ Milt Miit e:aea.m. U2fMtNgh of. felt end eouth .... of 1 to 12:17p.m. 2.74flltlow , ..... 8:6' p.m. Ult'Mthlgh Ouc .....,, thew 111eriy 2:31 a.m. 0.22flltlow --.. blow 10to 11 llnoel, ~ 2.fooe ~end. mbc9d .-Mill of I to 7 flalt end IOUlhMlllof31111. ... • ... Daily Pilot IKEA sued for move to Home Ranch Irvine Co. contends the furniture retailer broke its Tustin·Market Place lease by relocating within eight miles. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACll -The lrvlne Co. has sued IKF.A, saying the furniture retailer vio- lated its lease when It pulled up stakes to move to Cost~ Mesa from 'fustin. IKFA's new store opened In May at Home Ranch. At the same time. the company closed its Tustin location. In the suit, fiJed last week in Orange County Superior Court. the Newport Beach- based Irvine Co. said the move constituted a breach of the lease, which prevents IKF.A from opening another store within eight mlles of the Tustin Market Place sto re. "The lease we have with. IKFA contains :;pecific agreements that the cenant IKEA won't open another store within eight miles of the Tustin store." said Jennifer Helger, spokeswoman for the Irvine Co. "In addi · lion. llCFA cannot close the Tustin store if it's in default of the lease." fll E l'HlifO People wait in line to enter the IKEA store in Costa Mesa on opening day. The Irvine Co .. which owns the 'lustin Market Place, i'> asking for a judge\ determi· uation about whether IKfA broke its lease. about I 0 miles away. JKF.A has also been working to find a re· placement tenant to fill its former space "We're still optimistic that we can work out dil agreement that wtll please everyone in the end," said Joseph Roth. dirC'ctor of propeny public affairs for IKFA "We're a bll djsappoinred that they cho'>c 10 go tJ1i'> route." Roth said IKJ:A ha' '>Ub11111tt·ll a polenliaJ '>ublease tenan1 IO filJ the I '>0.000 ... quare· foot spJce 111 lu..1111 I he 1 om1Mn) I'> now paymg rent on tht' cmpl) hullll111g. Roth ~Id. At 310,000 '>quart· IN•I, llll' ( O\IJ \1e..a '>tore I'> the largest re1a1ll·r 111 < >r.111gt· < ounty. Whlle the IIVine Co. con1ends Lhe IKEA blore is slightJy more than '>even miles from the new store, IKEA :.ay:-. the new :.tore is IKl·A inherited tlw lca'>l' 111 hhlll1 "'hen it purchased the huild111g, \o\.llll h Ii.id htt•n ot cup1ed by a s·1 OH tum11url· '111r1· Job Center survives another council vote Site catering to day laborers, which co mes before the City Council every so often , will continue as is. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSfA MESA -The Job Cen tl'r opened its doors 15 years ago a'> a cleanng.house for day la· borers to find temporary work. Before that. the laborers congre· gated in Lions Park and other open spaces on 19th Street. While the center has been controversial since its inception, It has been fairly succe<,sful 1n providing a place for laborer'> to gather. So when Councilman Allan Mansoor proposed requiring the laborers 10 · be Costa Me!.<! resi- dents. many wondered whether the move would turn back the clock on the neighborhood and send day laborers from out of town spilling onto 19th Street and beyond. ·A!> neighbors of Lions Park. I'm concerned if there are any hmitauons. thal people who art• not permHtecl will hang out 111 l;ons Park and make it unfit for recreational purpose,," resident Debordh Kole.en !>aid. On Monday. the Gty Courml narrowly vo ted down I.he restrir· tion. showing its preference fnr the status quo. Only Man-,oor and Mayor Gary Monahan hacked the restriction. Ma.n~oor expre'>'>l'd d1'>dJl· puintment with I.he outcome ·1 tried tu do what I thuuRhl was best. and 11 railed." Man~our '>aid Tuesday. "I would hke to we (the rt"itnction) happen. I lh111l it's a very valid way IC> rcducr -,o. licitation on till' -.1rect and to make more room for people who live in Costa Me'><I to find work. ... Over lhe pa'>I 14 year'>. the council has received numcrnu_-. reports on the centt-r. In March. Clly i,taff reportel.l that 37% of tht• d.iy laborer'> at the center came from ouL'>ldt: uf Costa Mesa and 1ha1 JO'lf> to 40'1(, of the total laborer pool W<L'> ht• mg turned away each day ' Councilman 01ri'> 'lteel 'x!Jtl he opposed restricting the la - borers to resident-. nnly wi 1huu1 limHing the employcri, in 1lw '>aIT1e way. Staff found that .iqo,:, of the employer., U!.tng I.he t l n ter were from oul'>ldt• of Co,1.1 ~tt'!>a. with Newport Beach h .. mg the highe~t pcrt.entagl . A GARYS COMPANY Moving Sale Up To O/o • 1n ust Sale Today at Posh 'ii ' Jnd I h1111111g1U11 Ht•ath nt:xt at ll'~ "I \\.tlll Ill l'\l'lllU.ill} rluw (JUI 1 e1111·r tlm-.11 un11I Nt•\\ port Beath or ~n1.i ,·\n,1 h,.., one --If 1hn h..iH· oru: '>O ou1 day la - bortr'> \-.111 go 111 their'>." Steel '>-Ull I ue-,d,1y. ··wl' m·ed to pro· vidt· 111n·nt1\l' fen otlwr c1t1t•s tu have 1heir 11\\11 \1onalldll. hct\\l'H·r. '>d.ld lw felt \fi.tn-,oor\ rt•.i,on' for \\i.1111 - ing to fl''>lrH I 1111' l.ihorer-. to rl''I dent'> uni\ 111.11.fr 't'n't' "I thmk ~ 1.111.,wir., 1dt•J \\ould havl' mt•Jnt llllll h mort• l'mplu~ ffil'nl tor ( '"1.1 \k'>.1 v.urker-. ,Jlld ll''>'> h11d1C''> llllO 1mvn. which j, I now I fore 111g workt •r-. nut onto the .,tree1," ~lonah.111 '>JH.l. "I thought 1111., \vJ'> ,1 good l ornpru- n11w anti ... 011w1l1111g 1h.it would mctke ..i guutl hcrwlit. ,u1d ,1ppJr l'llU~. ~tel·l1 cJm·'>11 t ~'"" hov. to pla) thal ga.rnt' it~· Green & White Tag Sale A'I TIU. OK< llAKJ> A II resule clothinr, •nth u r.rem or •·•hire tar, 4oo/o I OFF '"" '' ''""'' 369 K 17th Mr~d #20. C1.-.la ~~a. 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(No limit on quantities) Open Mond•Y Tlu'u Fndlv SAM to 5PM SIJt<ir<Say I OM4 ID 4PM or~ appolnlmem 760 W9$1 16111 SlrMt Bulldlng 0 Costa Me.a CA 92627 941MW5-3686 Join us totl1~}' to begiu ... 11 l~{etime of belo11gi11g! Firlj1 out why Congregatio~ Shir Ha·Ma'alot is one of the warmest. friendliest, and most innovative Reform oongregations in Orange County. Get to know us and our dynamic Rabbi Richard Steinberg and feel nght at home. Interfaith families welcome. Ju!IL~th: 6:30pm Wine & ChEESE R,::n 7:30pm 'Frimy Mc;t!t Uw' Sa-.icE AuQust 1st: /!)()pm F9mlly 5habbat 5e'Vla5 a<>Op1n a Cr6ilm Social August 8th: 6:30pm Coffff & Convusaition with Rabbi StElnbErg 7:30pm Shabbat SErvicES August 15th: 5:45pm Plzn DinnEr 6'30pm Tot Shabbat 7:30pm Shabbat SErvk:e CO NlillEGATION S'htr ti..\-Ma'alot 949-857-2226 3652 Mlch1lson Drive lrvln1 CA 92612 ::_. '· • ·· . WWWShmtemplE org' . ··· ·' ,. 1 r • ' White Front Pharmacy Se!",1119 Ordnye Cuunf)' f1;r :<._' vears Convenien~ fall service pharmacy with I.ow prices Diabetes Awareness J:rcc blood sugar testing 'and con~ulting foaru1ing Dave Taylor The ad and 4th· Wednesday of each moo th from 11 :OOam until 4:00pm Cards • Books • SunJ.riLs AU lnsuranu Plans Acuputl 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bris1ol (714) 540-2882 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Man killed after car flies off bridge PUB~f SAFETY said. While speeding. the Porsche driver came upon another ve- hicle and the Pomche veered to the right as the Costa Mesa Freeway met the San Diego Fh!eway. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Albor 8b'Mt: Two people were trreated in the 900 blodc on suspicion of drinking at 11 a.m. Tuesday. The driver of a Porsche trav-Al that point. the Porsche • Gleler Awnue: Three people were arrested in the 1200 blade on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance and-Paraphernalia at 2:10 a .m. Tuesday . eling at speeds of about 100 sttuck the guaJ.'.d rail and fell mph on the Costa Mesa Free-below to the sfioulder of the way ofi Tuesday night was southbound San Diego Free- killed after he lost control of Wa.y. where he reportedly his car, which ended up · struck a 1993 lbyota Corolla smashing through a guard rail driven by Yvonne Suhendra of before plunging onto the San Anaheim. She was taken io Diego Freeway. California Mission Hospital. but was re- Highway Patrol officials said. leased with minor injuries, of- • N9wport Boulevard: Two people were arrested in the 2600 blodc on suspicion of soliciting labor and presenting false ID to a peace officer at 9:35 a.m. Tuesday. •Joann StrMt Two people were arrested on suspicion of receiving stole property, assault on a peace officer and possession of drug paraphernalia in the bl<><* at The driver, whose name was ficials said. not released, was reportedly The Porsche driver was pursuing another car that ejected from his vehicle and passed him after he entered ended up on the n~rthbound the freeway from the Del Mar side of the freeway, where sev- Avenue onramp just before 10 eral cars struck him. He was p.m. Tuesday. CHP officials later pronounced dead. PARKS Continued from Al taking place at city parks and playing fields: alcohol con- sumption. vandalism, un- autltorized use of reserved fa. cililies, disputes over playing fields and more. "I was skeptical about this at first," Mayor Steve Bromberg said, "but now, I believe this is a good program." One of the biggest selling points for city officials is that the program is almost com- pletely self-funding. The $48,000-a-year cost to hire the two part-time park patrol agents will be funded through increased field reservation fees CURVE Continued from Al dd sense of nostal 'a at -to paraphrase Richard Nixon -I won't have annexation to kick around any more. And a corollary sense that I should probably feel something - elation, relief, wariness, hostility, indifference -that this has actually taken place. lhe annexation kicked in officially on July l. It is something of a curiosity to me that Annexation Day came and went without any recognition. official or otherwise, that an event had taken place. There were no block parties or fireworks in the heights. The onJy acknowledgment I'm aware of happened at the City Council meeting last week, when Mayor Steve Bromberg publicly recognized three of my neighbors who have audited every council meeting in person since the annexation issue was revived This tolerance for boredom deserves a Purple Heart more than a commendation. There are still pockets of resistance here that continue to regard the city's motivations darkly, but they were dearly not strong enough to prevent the annexation. The main reason their arguments mostly feU on deaf ears is that annexation - at least to most of the locals with whom I discussed it -is regarded as a real estate bonanza Fancy figures have been thrown around for years in AYSO Continued from Al The AYSO lawsuit accuses Anish of four main improprieties and "numerous other instances of IJtlsavpropri.ation. conversion. misuse and fraud." Anish proclaimed his inno- cence about two weeks after the lawsult was flled. But his attor- ney, Jerry Werbman, ii adviaing him not to make any more st.a~ menta to the media. Werbman said he bas filed Anish's answer to the complaint -Wednesday WU the deadline -and that Anilh la ttying to de- termine what blppened to the funds he a.~ of rnitappro· priati.ng. Werbrnan re6Jaed to comment on any of the other claims.-AnAlb ~-he u.id. he WU not inwlYed with 'When you can get 100% of t he youth teams to agree to increase their fees, you know you have a program that is desperately needed.' Roy Enclebrecht parks commissioner for sports teams, increased event permit fees and increases in rental fees for park facilities such as picnic space. Youth sports team representatives support the increased fees. The program came before the City Council after barely eking by the Parks, Beaches and Re· creation Commission in a 4-3 vote on April l. "When you can get I 00% of t)le youth teams to agree to in· ciease their fees, you know you have a program that is desper- specuJating on the increa-;e in value of Santa Ana Heights property once it became Newport Beach. There's no question about the increase, which has been stratospheric in my neighborhood. Much of that took place when our mailing address changed to Newport Beach two years ago. But there is also no way of knowing whether this property windfalJ is primarily because of the Newport Beach connection or because of runaway housing prices ln this part of the world. The question is moot, now, since the annexation is done, and prices continue to rise. What I perceive remaining in this new bastion of Newport Beach is an attitude I mostly share -although I wasn't as hot for this annexation as a lot of my neighbors -that now that all the legal stuff is finished, we can go back to business as usual being Santa Ana Heights. Oteerleading is not the order of the day here. Neither are changes in our lifestyle. We were getting along just fine in our own eccentric way before we were joined to the country club. It remains to be seen whether city officials will buy as totally into this sort of cuJtural laissez-faire as they have com.mined themselves. Already there are small -and admittedly benign -signs of unsolicited helpfulness. Horse droppings. we are told, will now have to be picked up. This will probably displease horse owners. while the rest of us more or less accepted horse 'He kept saying he would make it good and he never did.' ~ ... ately needed," parks Commis- sioner Roy Englebrecht told the council. Commissioner Tom Tobin rusagreed. ·During these tough budget times, I think we ought to take a long look at it ," Tobin said. The council voted 5 to 0 to begin the program; Councilman Tod Ridgeway, who had been most skeptical about Lhe pro- gram at a council study session last month, was absent, as wa~ Councilman Gary Proctor. manure as a price of being allowed our own eccentricities. Streets will be swept twice as often, and so -likely -will parking tickets be more fee uent. Our neighborhood trees were being checked to see if they extended too far over the street. Police presence will be more frequent. But these are mere beginnings. It is far too soon to know how compatible the marriage is going 10 be for either party. I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile. our new city councilman. Gary Adams, says he looks forward to working with us. He may be less enthusiastic when the subject rums 10 the City Council's decision to turn its energies 10 new caps al John Wayne while the proposed airport in El Toro was still in play. Airport noise is embedded in our lives in Santa Ana Heights. and Adams should know that we·u be pretty touchy on this subject. especially as it gets worse under the new caps. To aid his knowledge and understanding of us, I took a highly unscienUfic survey on two questions: What are the primary advantages and the primary concerns offered up by annexation? The advantages were split evenly between increased property values and access to services. particularly police. One respondent sa.id, ·we never really felt protected before.· Among the concerns were tighter restrictions in remodeling perm.its and heavy-handed law enforcement Leeds Funding Group. The for- mer travel agency sued Anish for $2,093 for a bad check. It won a judgment, but never got a-dime from Anish, said Denise Rehe, the agent who wor:ted with him travel agent who worked with Anthony Anlsh ·it's great to win in small claims !court), but it doesn't guarantee you get squat unless lines for hiring regional commis-you're diligent and constantly be sioners including looking for on It about every little thing." good management skills, people Rebe said. •He kept saying he who can accomplish things and would make it good and he those that poS6eSS good commu· never did." nity con tacts. said LoUy Keys. An1sh was also served with a chief communicatl.on officer. complaint for unlawful detainer WhlJe AYSO has required refer· for past rent in excess of $12,000 ence checks on potential re-by his la.ndlord for an o16ce glonal commissioners, they have Leeds Funding used on Airway only started doing bac.kground Avenue. A judge ordeted AnJM to checks in the last couple of years, .P«Y about $10,000 ln October JCeya said. A backgrouod check 1998. AYSO la accuaing Aniab of would tum up crin}lnal and c:ivO um,, part of the mlsappropd· matters, Keya added. ated money to P«Y com.merdal r----------~ them.. 1 <;iant Slice , . Free Large Spaghetti 1 · Anlsh 1>epn .w. u the 1n- The bed:ground checb are rent. On Sept. 27, 2002 .• Anlah only done on a random buis,. wrote a d:teck tor $2,500 to the •anct 1 lhink lt'• unfommate that landlord ot one of bit bwlneMet. Mr. AnA1b slipped through the but reported h to AYSO u ator- 1 efCl•u,.Pb::,llA-4$""'4 I w111t.,.,w11•·1'1Ullo,., I :W,=~~ I Olfl1$1.H I ~-,.,. ..... ,,.._,,,,,_ I •'--'-""' ... __ .... _ ..... _ =:t: ....... ,... ... Ad_,...>..,. Ow .. ~ ,,.,,.,.,,.,.._Pow ...... r-... 1¥oll¥#W.... (0 U~ --'-J..UN IDOnu. -· r.--S"%'!!..~:!.._'-e.!!-~ _ :..:.":.r.!."""-~ ..!~--i he becuue rbt ..,,_comma.. 1FreeMini.Canoli1 FreeBotlomksa 1 :W-i-~== I Dts•rt I Soft Drillk I AYSO r.anc11 moeMd 11am I ,,.. .,., ~ 0rw 14.IS I w•,,,., 01*r OHr $1.,s I IOUltlel 8'ldJ u ..,.....ldonl IDd .__,.,,.....1"!,,. ... "'_ U/til(W,.., ,.., .... ,. .. ,.. &-..I -laina __.._ to .... _ .J_ Ill. ""' J j _J IUlal··-... --.. UlllC _..:__ -..... ~ :_.. •• .. --· '.LJ '.J... . • • • • • • : • I. • • • lawll.dt. The AYSI.> N9doml Support md1' .... CW-~ cracb." Wide llld. ..,irent. the lawtluft cllima. II a ~ t.cqrouod In Ught of lhe ftnandal b'WVlila cbeck bad been conducted on of the Newport Beach ft181on, Anllh, It would haw turned up Wade Mid that ~ AYSO na- 1be UIU1)' of lawluita and lnfor • tional center tho\.ald com&der llllldon tbll aome of che Jud8· banding OYel' the ~d mmta tplnlt him were newr cbecb to the local regions.. lllhled. One example la • lawadt flied ... Anilh in........., lf1'¥1 hr Cid Nlwport 1mll Compllly ---~ .. , ......... I ' I • !WLM Nl\fAMN ClOY9f't eo.ta Mem and mey be l'MC:Nd II (Ml 1"14-G2l °'bit""' .. ...... ,....,.,,.~ ' Dally Pilot 10:17 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • WMt Cont Highwey end Dowr Dttve: Reddess driving was reported at 10:31 a.m. Wednesday. • West Coast Hlghwey and Oovet Driw: A traffic collision without injuries was reported at 9:23 a.m. Wednesday. • Newport Boulevard: A physical fight was reported in the 3000 blade at 1 :36 a.m. WedneSday. • West Oceanhont and 23rd Sbwt: Petty theft was reported at 8:06 a.m. Wednesday. • Santa Birt>ara Drive: A hit-and-run involving a pariced vehicle was reported in the 800 bl<><* at 10:47 a.m. Wednesday. The new staff members will go through extensive training. Recreation and Senior Services Director Marie Knight said. They will receive training from the Police Department and from the city's code enforce- ment ruvision. They will patrol the city's 57 parks, especially the 22 where most problems occur, and they will also respond ta calls from park users over space disputes and other problems. They will be unanned and will rely on PoLice Department backup in confrontational situations. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpon Beacti and John Wayne. · Airport. She may be reacned at (949) 574-4232 or by e·mail at june.cBsBgrande14'/atimes.com. But by far the greatest concern was the loss of identity so dear to veteran residents of Santa Ana HeighL'i. "Our biggest fear,· said another respondent. "is that _ somewhere down the road, new. council members might not feel bound by promises made to us and want 10 change things here. We also don't want to be dumped into the Nichols Syndrome. We can provide lots of diversity. That's a plus we can always offer Newport Beach." That resonates with me. I lived in Newport Beach for 20 : years before I moved to Santa • Ana Heights, so I can make a : pretty direct comparison. J'U be : hoping that we can export some;: of the ambience of our close-knit neighborhood~. the ., way we look out for one another, and our irreverence about social constrictions to Newport Beach. We might even be able lo hetP: our new hometown lose its title : as Least Diverse City in California while we explore the : perks that wilJ hopefully go • along with cityhood. •JOSEPH N. BEU is a resident of • Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays. • .. ~atly Pilot Thor!.day, Juiy 24, 2003 A5 THURSDAY, JULY 24 . NooN • South Coast Weavers & Spinners (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Bulldlng • Sewing Guild (until 11 p.m.) - Home & Hobbies Building • Piecemakers (until 11 p.m.) - Home & Hobbies Building •Crafts (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Building t "Discover the Fair" Button Program (until 8 p.m .) -Youth Building • Senior Oasis Ukulele Jam Session -Heritage Stage • Sock Hop -Kids Stage •llama Presentation (12:30 p.m .) -llvestodc Arena lP.M. • Maureen W. Puppet (until 6 p.m.) -Around the grounds • Senior Golden Wedding Celebration -Heritage Stag& •All-American Boys Chorus - Sun Stage • Sewing a Quilt Blodc with Dorothy Olsen -Home 8c Hobbies Stage • Art & Woodworldng Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building , Glassf>lowing Demonstration - Grafters Village •Miss Debbe Lynn -Vocalist- Celebration St.age -Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Traveling Game Show ( 1 :30 p.m until 6 p.m.I -Around the \)founds •Russell Bros. Circus (1:30 p.m .) -Green Gate Area • Angora Goat Industry Presentation (1:30 p.m.) - Livestock Arena • Ceramics Demonstration ( 1 :30 p.m.) -Crafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -M illennium Bam 2 P.M. • Irvine Senior Follies -Heritage 3P.M. • Marge's Tappers -Heritage • Stage • .. All-American Boys Chorus - Sun Stage • Miss Debbe Lynn -Vocalist - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Weavers & Spinners Guild (3:30 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Stage •Oxen Team Presentation (3:30 p.m.) -Uvestodc Arena • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. •Al D1 Mora -Vocalist - Heritage Stage • Huntington Beach Adult School line Dancers -Sun Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • The Pie's the Limit Pudding Pie Eating -Kids Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m . until 6:30 p.m .) - Around the grounds •Russell Bros. Circus (4:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area •Cooking with Chef Jan M ongell (4:30 p.m .) -Home & Hobbies Stage •Angora Goat Presentation (4:30 p.m .) -L1vestodc Arena • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m.J -Crafters Village Stage 5 P.M. • Huntington Beach Adult School • Spectrum Racquettes -Sun Line Dancers -Sun Stage Stage • Drapers & Damons Fashion •Juggler Dan Wiles - -.Sll~Hom~ Hobbies St~e ~Celebration S~e -Youth • The Magic of Frank Thurston -Building Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater Theater • All·Al~kan Racing Pigs - • Circus Fun Review Auditions L1vestodc (2:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Celebrity Chef Series· Curtis • Sheep Industry Presentation Aikens, Host of Food Network's (2:30 p.m.) -Livestock Arena ·calling Alt Cooks• (5:30 p.m .J - BEST BET The Doob1e Brothers and special guest Buddy Guy will perform at 7:30 p.m in the Pac1f1c Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series . Gates open at 6 p m. Phil Vassar will perform the free concerts at 7 and 9 p.m. m the C1t1zens Busmess Bank Arena. Heritage Stage • Circus Fun Review Auditions (5:30 p.m .) -Kids Stage •Sheep Industry Presentation 15:30 p.m .) -L1vest0Ck Arena • Milking Demonstration (5:30 pm.) -Millennium Barn 6P.M. • Rubber Stamping with Kris Bowers and Susan Booker - Home & Hobbies Stage • Storyteller -YQY.th BuilQing •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • Red, Ripe & Karaokm' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage 7P.M .. • Summer Concert Series: Doob1e Brothers and Special Guest Buddy Guy starts at 7:30 p.m. - Pacific Amphitheatre (Gates open at 6 p.m.) • Phil Vassar -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Hypnot1s.t Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Grafters Village • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage--=. YoiJthB.utldmg • Hang1n' Loose Contest -Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - Llvestodc • Small Animal Master Show manship Judging - L1vestodc Arena • Russell Bros. Circus (7·30 p m l -Green Gate Area • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m I -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7 30 p.m .J -Kids Stage • Ceramics Demonstration 17 30 pm.I -Crafters 0 Village •Milking Demonstration (7.30 p.m ) -Millennium Barn 8P.M. • All-American Boys Chorus - Sun St~e • Rock, Rode Limbo Rod< Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • David Alcantar Band (8:30 p m l -Heritage Stage • Oxen Team Presentation (8:30 p m l -L1vestod< Arena 9P.M. • Phil Vassar -C111zens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros Ctrcus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist M ark Yuzuilc -Sun Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs .: L1vestod< • Pon City Washboard Wizards 19:30 p.m 1 -Heritage Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (9 30 p m l -Crafters Village lOP.M. • All-American Boys Chorus - Sun Stage • David Alcantar Band 110:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage DINING ROOMSrLMNG ROOMS SOFASPBEDSPIAMPS &MIRRORS ' I ~ I I ' I 1 · j ~---.,·---·~·-~-.. ·---··· .... __.. . 0"""' Pilot M ThUfsday, Juty 24, 2003 _, • , HOW 10 GET PUBUSHED -lebrt; Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Piiot, 330 'W_. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • R~ Hodlne: Cati (949) 642~ Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-maH:Send to dailypilot@latim68.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions f,or clarity and length. EDITORIAL Fair needs to be open with everyone I t's all fun and games at the though the ride is open, as it Orange County Fair until has been every day since the. somebody gets hurt. incident, a state investigation There's always a lot of continues into how a woman excitement at the fairgrounds. was injured so severely that she and fair officials love to see i1t had to undergo surgery later in splash ed across as many front the week. pages as possible. After all. ir's Fairgoers shouldn't be basically free publicity. So the surprised whel'1 they see that fair promotes these happenings the Adrenaline Drop is closed . to the press. and through it to They should know before the public. walking through the fair's gates But when something goes chat another woman got more wrong -which is likely to than she bargained for when happen with as much that's she dropped toward a net that goin g on at the fair -fair didn't breilk her fall. officials seem to have a nasty The Orange County Fair may habit of shutting up. Though not be legally responsible for they reponed the two accidents alerting news organizations that took place last week to the about such accidents, but it state -as they're required to do aoes owe its would-be patrons by law -they failed to alert the that courtesy. lt should feel press. After all, it's not the type responsible for telling the of publicity they're looking for. community about m ore than However, it really is just cute racing pigs, funny important that people know clowns, deep-fried 1\vinldes and about the bad, as well as the a large Ferris wheel. good, in the world around Because if the informed them, and that includes residents of Newport-Mesa and happenings at the fair. the rest of Orange County onJy . READERS RESPOND FlLE PHOTO I OAJLY Plt.OT Greg Boston, l~ft. and Blair Thacker hang Fourth of July decorations around a fireworks stand in Costa Mesa . th=1:~~e~:f~~:%v~~~~~:aall :~~.a~~~r~~:i~-~e_::i_e~-~-·iv-~d_. __ _,_ __ An 1· nc end1· ary deb ate thrill ride called the Booster. for there's more than meets the Before they go on, they need to -~eyL.=e-'-. ___ _ know that a pin came loose and Perhaps next time. fair knocked a woman rider in the officials will open their eyes to face just a week and a half ago. the public's need. Everyone who They need to know that even walks into the fair deserves it. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Shank you very· much W hy do the people who live in Costa Mesa continue to get the short end of the stick from the city? The city buys land, gives it to Habitat for Humanity, which then gives the homes to people in Santa Ana Do we not have anyone in Costa Mesa who could use a home? The city buys cars from car dealers in Tustin. I know we have car dealers in Costa Mesa. The city buys landscaping services from Anaheim . Don't we have landscapers in Costa Mesa? Look at any City Council agenda, and you will see that the city rarely, if ever, contracts with the businesses in Costa Mesa They contract with Irvine, Santa Ana, Tustin and everywhere else, but not Costa Mesa. The City Council on Monday night would not even vote to give the people in Costa Mesa first right to jobs at the city-run Job Center. Why are the people from everywhere else more important than the people who live here in Costa Mesa? JUDITH BERRY Costa Mesa AT ISSUE: Should fireworks re m ain legal in Costa Mesa? E liminating fireworks in Costa Mesa would not fix any problems. lf the city did eliminate fireworks, it would force people to go to Mexico and get illegal fireworks, thus creating more problems. ln the Daily Pilot. it said there were about five firework-related fires, and onJy one of them where someone was hurt. lf the city banned fireworks that number would expand exponentially. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday. Hopefully, the City Council will not spoil the fun everyone has on the Founh of July. TAYLOR LOBDELL Costa Mesa News from the trenches: As I write this letter. a loud firecracker just exploded in my neighborhood. What irony. I am ready to have Costa Mesa ban fireworks and have been for years now. My Eastside neighborhood turns into a "war zone" from approrimately two weeks before the Fourth until a week after. My son was burned by a "Safe & Sane'' sparkler when a small explosion sent a large spark into his eye, burning his eyelid. That was four years ago. and l 've not purchased fireworks since. In fact. I make sure my family is out of the neighborhood, as spending Lime here on the Fourth is no longer enjoyable or safe. Neither is driving home late in the evenjng. dodging fireworks in the street or having "ground !?loom flowers" -among other legal fireworks -thrown at your moving automobile. The legal l'ireworks serve as a "gateway" for illegal fireworks in our city. I call my neighborhood a war zone because of the illegal fireworks being set off. An assortment of skyrockets and bombs are set off day and night leading to the Fourth and beyond. It is my feeling the legal fireworks serve as an OK to the residents and visitors' minds for any fireworks -legal and illegal. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Essentially, the illegal fireworks hide behind the legal ones. This year'~ Fourth was the last stiaw fo r me: While leaving my home on the evening of the Fourth at 6:45 p.m .. my car's hood was struck by a large falling skyrocket, denting it. I'm sure ll was fired off by ne•gbbors across the street. as they had been lighting the same illegal fireworks all afternoon. Calling the Costa Mesa Police Department did no good, either, as they have to catch the criminals "red handed." I actually flnd it hard to believe there aren't more house fires, as these illegal skyrockets have to land somewhere. There are plenty of other opportunities for charitable groups to make money with other. safer fund-raisers. It is time the city wakes up to the dangers. stops the ~unsafe and insane" fireworks, and joins the majority of other Orange County cities by making all fireworks illegal. Get the legal fireworks out so the illegal ones will have no place to hide. DAVID SINGER Costa Mesa A slice of American heaven By Quintin J. Reich sure if she was deliriously happy down the streets for l 0 o r 15 into physical labor and our and this is certainly true of our bad in others. lt certainly brings . or seriously challenged by minutes looking for parking scanners show an inordinate neighborhood. The people who us locals no pleasure to clean up I t usually happens that I wake reality. close enough to keep them from amount of synthetic material live here don't put empty beer after everyone else once they've up early in the morning, Without fail, and irrespective walldng too far before their run. enhancing their physical cans in your hedge. broken glass had their fun in our back yard. sometimes before 6 am. The of weather, dozens of Latino They are the most conspicuously appearance. This could only in your gutter and dirty dia~ Neither, though. should it bring sound of the surf gently crashing families stake out their piece of wasteful and the most mean insecurity about their on your lawn; the visitors do. Our us any pride knowing that we on the shore drifts in through grass, sand or rock that will be environmentally oblivious station in life. And those poor quiet mornings are not often waste more of our planet's our open window, calling me to their home for a day. It truly is culture on the planet. and we slaves who have been relegated disturbed by our neighbors resources than any other culture llf e. J sneak out of the house amazing to see such a live in their favorite gym. Worse to picking up after their driving by with their music on Earth, and therefore, have no with my dog to say good commitment to family so yet .. it ~s to me after putting four-legged masters, they must shaking the windaws of our right to complain about bow morning to our little paradise by widespread throughout one my sweaty Lycra in the wash. as be ln the lowest class of all." houses. That too is done by our Inconvenient it is to tolerate the sea. and to m y surprise, J am culture -all before 6 a.m. As a I drive my sport utility vehicle to This is really not too hard to visitors.. . other cultures. never alone. habitual morning person, it work. I am th.em. imagine. Not the part about Does this make me a racist? I The challenges we face haw to Bvery morning, I see the same makes me feel almost slothful to It would be no more an .. aliens from other planets. but hope not. but it is the truth. And do more with doing the right ' Japanese couple, ritually walking see that kind of Industry and exaggeration to say that nearly the idea of visitors lfir's the truth about Newport's things than saying the rtsbt their multiple lengths of the exuberance shine at such an 100% of the ex:erdse fanatics are misinterpreting the cultural alleged or denied racism we're things. We cannot improve ow beach. Sometimes they walk early hour. white than it would be to say differences we claim to looking for, take a look at your track reoord by denying that lt'a together, and sometimes they or course. they probably look that nearly 100% of the celebrate. Yes, I say "claim to CC.&Rs. At least one local bad. And we can no more afford ate many yards apart. But they at me with my dog as one of the day-campers are either Asian or celebrate," because, as much as I neighborhood, developed ln the to neglect our own • are always there, greeting the more bizarre forms of life in the Latino. Rieb white locals don'f low the variety and the quality 1950s, felt it wasn't a good idea responsibilities than we can to ' morning in their special way. zoo. From their pttapecti\'e. do the day-camper thing around of llf e here at the beach. I have to sell homes to nonwhJtes. criticif.e those who neglect One morning. there were two folb like me, who follow around here any more than their less to com e home every day to the There's even a paragraph tht;i.rs. It would be nlc:e to go to ~ young Aslan girls sitting together their four-legged friends to aftJuent, minority neighbors t e-effects of both, ln fact, prohibiting nonwhites from the beach one day without at a portable piano, singing collect excrement in little pludc drive Hummers to go for a run. ore sitting down to write th18, spending the nisht at your having to step~ the llltMiee • '°me happy melody that I ~probably have no But neither ls more ridiculous I noticed a soiled diaper outside house. So, for those of you othm have left behind. But I'd • couldn't quite make out. self-respect. . than the other. my window. And since my wife non.racist locals who have also lib to com.pott,. ~! I've teen a yo~ Oimbing the step1 home from It maket me wonder what and I don't have an inlant living minority servanlJ, please be sure drive a solar-poMred t0 , American couple with B.lg C.Orona. l run into the reaJ • al1em trom another planet wUh us, nor do any ot our send your help home at the end work tn the mo.ming. .when I • dnlml and ahells Chae thook fanadCll. ~ da~ lt'I the Mme would think U they were to look tmmedlate nelgbbon. It'• lale to of the day. my=holqoldwallJl around their ankJes. Their dance thing. Some people hire down on \II. They may or 11'1:')' say th.at one of our visitors left it Yes. we ~ in a very be!Jutiful behind home.,.,... t tnduded a chant Chat was personal tnlnen to ICNem not notice the color of our Min. behind. And t have to clean up place. We JM ln a resort town, hundred9 of .... ~ t = moring and abeolutely them Into fttneN. IOd eome but c.My would c:ertalnly notice after them. and people oor:oe from Ill over Cdfon1la\ molt predcu : In the calm air ol teemed modwted by inner the acdolw of pudcu1ar :;:pt. BYety momin& u I make my the state and an over the WQrtd reeoun:e. I Wint U> .a bD to ' ..... AnoCtm woman. who demons. They pnnce around tn In not bard to !:t way down to the ocean for our to lee our little .uce or American ·~·broom.--··--111111t have been more than 60, their1F9 ~ ... Ml)'lng ~ • •'Jbe on~ run. I aee not only the vartou& heaven. BUI we aD have way my~often ...... up : dlllced llont, almoel In • Wiltz. and~ 1bey wich brown lktn aeetn to be ln ~ti of our gm.t American ctttrermt bablit, llfeltylel and dlny...,..~.., .... .. .,..aed and IWlrled henelf ..me In lhe molt ablUld ... chirp. They r. ant pick of ~-poc.J~aDthe~ cultural prw:dca I'm not Mying tty to pt my own ID-'P. tlim one IDd otthe bead> to the pm.ten.~ for eome lwlllble Ian and~ left behind from the nllht befoN. that one Is more o«tr\llve than iill* lind .... haw pea . ofl·roed amenture dud *" nut be ota bWW daa The They ay drM nobody tU81 care the other. Thi)' .. aU c In • GUlnWJ. ..... ~ol .... , ... wo.trOUl.1 ~ newr come. 'Ibey drlYe up and white Ollell tn 1r eemJ forced ot )'O'S' PftlPll1Y .. wel .. )10'&. eome Mp. and d of n COl'Ofte def Mar. -~ ) I ---------, Daily Pilot han moved to llaJy at the time to open a bed and breakfast. She had been running B&B of l\lscany until last week, when ~he re turned here to close the restaurant. SKATE Continued from Al The issue was tentatively f'>Chedult.d for the Park and Re· ueation Commission's agenda, but in the end it was postponed when it tum~d out that other parts of the TeWlnkle Park Mru.- ter Plan would be dbcussed m August. The recreation department would rather have the comm1s- .,10n consider more of t11e plan at the ~me time next month, l>ajd Mark faylor, management ana- ly.,t with tlle City\ recreation dj. Vl'>iOn. WhLle the delay rn<;t the roun· dation about $JOO to l{IVe notice through maillngi., it was anotller domino in a series of delays and -.ctback.\ that have undermined the collective p!.yche of the .,kateboarding camp, ..aid Jim c .ray. who hao; been lobbying long for a park in town. "We're deaJing with a lot of young kids." Gray said. "lt'i. 10ugh to tell them they have to keep fighting. Thafi. a ..ad state· men1.· On June 9. the Planmng Com· mission approved parts of the leWinlde Parle Master Plan. a 10ad map for the future of the han's son Jorge and the Irvine Co. began earlier this year to keep the eatery at the Newport Hills Center. However, the com· pany elected to remove What's Cooking because they were six months behind on the rent, Ir· vine Co. spokeswoman Jennifer Heiger said. MThe most serious lssue we city's most heavily used park. But the commission continued a discussion on the skateboard park for a variety of reasons, in- cluding glving fans of the Barie Parle a chance to weigh in on the discuss'ion. The master plan originally proposed a 20,000-square-foot skateboard park at Davis El· ementary School. But installing it there raised red nags among some commissioners. staff a1 Davis School and Newpon-Mesa Unified school board members, leading city staff to consider re- moving ii as an option, Steve I iayman, the city's director or administrative services, said las1 month. A5. this location loses its luster. the skaleboarders have shifted their focus 10 TeWmk.le. Foundation officials say they are not opposed 10 a skateboard park. They just don't want ii al this particular location, said Cathy Mitchell, foundation chair, mainly because tlle skate· boarders would be sharing tlle parking lot being ui.ed by the bark park. ·we don't have enough room for the patrons who come to our park." Mitchell said. "What if we had children on skateboards an· tagonizing dogs on leashes? In essence, it's not a very good Signature Store to Open io Sou them California • ability to pay its rent,• Heiger said. "The faUure 10 pay rent was a persistent problem that dateJ back several years.• While sales from the center's other stores has risen 15% in the past two yean., salei. at Wha t's Cooking were ·consis- tentJy down,. 1 leiger srud. Jorge Luhan disputed those idea." Mitchell said the foundation settled on the additional area af· ter a site they wanted in Fairview Parle was rejected. It would like to use the TeWinkle site in rota· tioh with its area on Arlington Drive at Newport Boulevard to allow ilie grass in both parks 10 recover. Although most of the new area would have to be fen ced off, they would leave the neighborhood side ru. an open area, Mitchell said. Gray said the c;katehoarding contingent .., getting so frus- trated that <,ome have suggested tying up the publk comment c;essiom al C11y Council and Parle and Recreat10n Comm1s..,io11 meeting'>. "I t11ink the mayor of Newpon Beach once called ui. 'the defiant subculture," and we're no t." Gray S<tid, "Rut we're feeling hlce they're fordn~ u~ to be this defi- ant subculturl' and dug up thl' first hour of City Council meet ingf'> until someone <;tarts mak- ing something happen.·· . Taylor 'ia1d hl· ha_., n>ceived a slew of e-mail-. from the camp., for a bark park addilion and a skateboard park. rhe skate· boarde..S !.hould r~t as.sured that the two are no t mutually ex· elusive, laylor ..aid • itli>ntion tliu ml 11nd ri>cPirP " FREE 24oz Drink with th.-pur(•hase of a ,;andwich and chipt'I was only "two to three months" behind in rent. "We were dolJlg we ll," he said. "We were malcmt; money.• •PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e mail di paul.clinton "'lat1mes com '(The skateboarders! perceive that if we do put a dog park in, there will never be a skateboard park, and that is definitely not the case.' Mark Taylor management analyst wrth the city's recreation d1V1s1on ·ri he 'k.ateboardcr-. pl' rt e 1H· that if we do put ,, dog p.irk 111, there will rwver lw .1 ,~.1ll•hoard park, and that ,., t.11'1111111·1~ 11111 the ca .. e,'" Tavlor -.J1t.l • I hc~ '>eem to be p1t1t·t.l .1g.11n-.1 t'illh other. and that'> 1lt'w 1 111..-n till' t:a'>e. AnCJchcr 1d1·a. \\Iii< ta ,11if.u t•d two tu thrl't' 1111111111, .1w1. \\ ·" 111 put the fl.i rk ill ( 1"1.1 \1t--..1 I llgh School. although 1h.11 would 110 1 he part ol tht· I 1•\\ 111~ll· l'ark Ma-.ter Plan. I l;l\ rn.111 -.;ud 111 lune. I he '>dHJol . t.lt'>tflt I w.1111-. to l·on-.u.le r thl· pl,111 111 mort· d1· tail beforl' a 'l1t•uli1 -..11· .11 till' '>Chool "JJ1rH>t111u •d '>ht· .,,,id , •DEIRDRE NEWMAN uivror<; Costa MPsa and m ay be rea<Jied ..ii \9491 574 4221 or by E' mail .ti derrdre newman "latmw~ com Patio SeadnJ,f Cold Bre\\·t--d lee Coffe_. FREE refills on Dt•i<lrit·h Cofl.•4• :!."'l 1•1 F .. ,1l1l111l l•r.l'· ,11.,1: .• 1"1, .• "1 .•. 11.1 .. 11 ,,11..:, •·••I·•• .. L II ' n [ L M R R p l R I I On Saturday, from I I am to 3 pm, brinl( the kids for '' 1c>.h 10.0,,:io FACE PAINTING ·CRAFTS· MUSIC BY THE ROCKIT SC IENTISTS Bring the dogs/or Thru Dog Bakery's 5th Annual Summer Pool Party. And bring your appetite for Bristol Fann 's BBQ! RESTAURANTS SPECIALTY AND CASUAL DINING AMADEUS SrA 718 ?588 BRISTOt IARMS 7b0-6514 BRIGHTON GClAfO PARADISO ().4 ()-9 256 COLLECTIBLLS 467·0473 GULISTRlAM JEWELS BY JOSI I'll "40-6788 RHlAURANT .718·0187 MOTTINI .721-0t IJ rfl rs COFFEL & TEA .640-6Jn THREE DOG BAKFRY .7!>0-3647 TOMMY BAllAMA . 760-8636 'ZANY BRAINY C>40-.St3t APPAREL "11 rtt~INI pojU~aU.\ "kl tN 94• AIUA l'UOl ARMO IRF 64•-9888 CHICO" 219-9960 OtAt'H"S SWIMWEAR 759-6380 MARMI 72 1·1)25 Ml rlACE .2t9-9919 NEW IW.ANCE .720·1602 ROMANO'S 6'40-9900 SOLE COMFOICT • • . 644,5939 SUBTLE TONES ~2781 TOMMY BAHAMA .. 7«i0-8686 HOME FURNISHINGS BABY UNIQYE •........ 7S~422l ITALIANO HOME STORE .~2'4.S8 SUBTLE TONES . . . . . .6-40-2781 SUR LA TAIU . . . . . • . 6-4-0-0200 WATERWORKS ..•.... 717-6.SlS COROIR DEL "HR PLIZR hclfl' CHU H11llw11 e "uArcltwr l•wlenr4 ' SHOPTIUlllVINICOMPANY'COM • lhursday July 24, 2003 A7 Page Private School JJC.*'6'•/908 . 1-iun~ C.llob Award W"'-r '"' Bert f'rlnlU EktMatary .to;chool! •f'(. & M1K0 ( 'umpultt" l..ati. ·~t.tr·-of·lhr-ar1 l.lt>Ary ~n l.ab 9'mall < a.,, M~ •f'n .. te 'wlmmh1« l't>OI •\crooic ( urrk ulum •lndhlduat Anmtlon • o\ fttt \<'hoc>! Prognm~ ••1tld TriP" 0 t'flrt'1&n t anitu• •Ph> "'1aJ •A.I ucatJoo •M&Nc. OAl\Cl', Arts It Cniftl ..... llllll!l ........................ 191!1 .. llW'l .................. ~ .......... ~--~~._..--"""""." _____________ -'.""'-:-0 ..... ------..... ----...... "!"""'9---~ .w1U ,_._... ........ ._. ............... ----~ 'I Al Tluldey, .My 24, 2003 SOCIETY Dally Pilot . A rite of passage for the debutantes W hen I arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel, Newport Beach. on Saturday evening, the valet took my car, offering her warm greeting. •Hello Mr. Cook. nke to see you again," she saJd. "Wl.11 we be seeing coverage of the Debutante Ball In the paper on Thursday?" . On the way to the e\tent, I qad been questioning the validity and importance of covering a debutan~e ball. ,Does It have meaning iil modem socl!!ty'l After all, It Is my job to cover such events. Perhaps I was questioning my own worth? We won't go there. Leave those questions to Dr. Phil. On another level I asked myself, what Is the story? What will the reader at large want to know about? The deb ball is all about a small segment of society. What Is the broader ,-------,::~---. strolce? More unportantly. who cares and why do they care? I found it interesting that the valet cared enough to ask me about coverage upon my arrival. She Is a young and attractive B.W. COOK woman with a winning personality. Perhaps she had made her debut and was now working as a Four Season's valet. There's a story. Better yet, it's the basis of a premise for a new reality 1V series: •After the Debut" The presentation had just begun when I dashed into the ballroom. It hit me like a falling brick wall as I watched the lovely young ladies enter. The 2003 Medallion Debutantes representing the Assistance League of Newport Mesa offered a remark.able "life lesson." So simple, so pure, so fundamental to every wonderful positive human experience, this debutante presentation was about the moment. In a short time, the culmination of year:s of volunteer work by the girls., their mothers, friends and family would be acknowledged. Thousands of dollars donated to causes, more spent on ball preparations. would be evanescent in an instant The anguish of the event, stress over hair, makeup, flowers, the menu, seating, entertainment, escorts and family involvement would be distant memories in a maner of hours. Life, like this deb ball, is made up of exceptional moments. Some are tragic. Hopefully. most are joyous and cherished. Th.i.s was such a moment. The excitement waa contagious. The 12 debutantes smiled from ear to ear. 'Ibey made their formal bow. Mothers and dads wiped away tears. Applause filled the ballroom u the fonnal proc~on introduced each young ch11d to society. The big question remains, what kind of world are these young women entering? They have been raised in a privileged cocoon. How will they affect their planet with their own ideas, dreams and plus? WW they take what they have learned and what they have been given and traJUfonn the benefits of pn\1.lege into acdon that benefits themselves and society? The Assistance League model Is community service. The deb program revolves around volunteeri&m, active participation in many endeavors such as the Dental Center, the Assistance League Thrift Shop, and Operation School Bell, which clothes needy kids. The girls learn that with privilege comes responsibility. In addition, they are encowaged to further their education. Most will attend challenging universities in the fall. Perhaps most imponantly, this moment is about family. Not all of the presented debs had the same last names as the father on their arms. Deb families, without the flowing gowns and g~lden medallions, are real people with real-life situations. Despite generalizations made by outsiders, not all come from wealth, not all live happy. unified home lives. Just like the rest of American society. there is divorce. business tension. substance abuse and the multitude of other challenges facing all of us today. But in this one brief shining moment, there was joy and celebration. Oearly. it was indeed worth the anguish, the cost, and the years of showing up for community service on a Saturday morning or after school. "On a scale of one to 10, this is a nine point nine. nine event,• said one deb. Sarah VeJtch, daughter of Laurie Veitch and Chrtatopher and h'ene Veitch. WI could not have imagined a more wonderful time." Like the other girls, Sarah was surrounded by family. Her grandmother Nancy Veitch of Athenon, Calif. and her grandmother RJta Gunkel of Dover Shores were on hand to share the moment Across the Four Season's ballroom. lavishly adorned In pinlc lilies. Randy and Stephanie Parole of Newport · Beach watched as their daughter A.sbley made her debut, also supported by The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Balboa's Kat and Jay Meehan, parents of debutante Karlin Meehan, on the dance floor at the Four Seasons. grandparents and close friends. Kart.In Meehan, daughter of Jay and Kat Meehan of Balboa Island, was joined by her impressive crew of brothers as she made her bow. Karlin's grandmother beamed with pride as she danced the first dance with her son Jay (a.k.a. Big Daddy) to the sounds of Barry Cole and his Sounds of Music Orchestra. Cole made the party swing with his Motown singers. Jim Dale did an outstanding job as master of ceremonies. One guest even wore a gown formally owned by Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis. Assistance League party organiz.er/volunteer Mary 4'nn Bergman-Ralll.I dazzled the crowd in her strapless. Ooor length pleated sil,k organza Valentine red gown created by Valentino for the late First Lady. Bergman-Rallis confided that she had purchased the gown at a charity auction some years ago and did not know the gown's origin until a reponer from the New Yorlt Times tracked her down to do a story. "AU I knew is that it's a perfect size 6. and I love the dress." she said. The 2003 Medallion Debutante<, of the Assistance League of Newpon Mesa are Angela Ouistlne AnJdo, Cara Ann Oilld.ress, Oteryl Ouistlna Hall, KeW Diane Kline, Karlin Andrea Meehan, Danielle Marie Murphy, Ashley Krtat.en-1..oulse Parole. Anne Louise Sewell. Sarah Elizabeth VeJtch. Heather Renee Wade. £rlca Katherine Widmer and Katherine lorin3 Younglow!. It was a night to remember. It was an Three generations of Newport women ... from left, Rita Gunkel with daughter Carrie Young, granddaughter and debutante Sarah Veitch, and daughter Laurie Veitch at the 2003 Assistanc~ League Ball. Assistance League President Jean Loomis dances with husband William Loomis. important rite of passage. It was one special, brief moment in life. The culmination of a thousand days of preparation to reach one shining plateau. We strive for excellence. It may be short ·lived and fleeting. Ultimately. the reward is in the pursuit And, lf we are fortunate enough to celebrate that pursuit. as did the Assistance League debs. all the bener. • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Assistance League member Mary L\lfln Bergman-Rallis wearing a Jacquehne Kennedy gown at the ball. Wllllller You Burorllue .. You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! -~-Mom pn1111b .•. Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Embassy Suites Hotel 11767 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove . Registration Is at 10:30 AM• Auction Begins at 11 :30 AM ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls• Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/o off ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 The Orange County Museum of Art is delighted to offer a series of jazz concerts this summer. Participants are invited to enjoy live jazz, the beautiful art on exhibition. and fine food and drink. Come join us in our relaxing sculpture garden for some hot jazz and cool art. Tom Hynes, jau musician and educator, is coordinating the artists and music that will be presented on each evening. Tom ts an accomplished jazz guitarist who has a Master of Arts in music from California State University, Los Angeles. DESIGN CENTER July 25 Cathy Seg1l-G1rd1 One of the smoothest ind most sophisticated vocalists in today's jazz scene, Boston-bred Cathy Stg1l-Garda hes moved to Los Angeles, where she works with some of tht ff nest jut musicians from both coasts. ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOIJFTl!IY • Custom-Made furniture • Slip C-evers • Patlo furniture • Draperies. Shades, • &edspreadl Aug 2 2 Tht Tom Hynes Qutnt•t Of rector of the OCMA Summer Jau Series, Tom Hynes brings his own hot quintet to the museum, ft1turing 1 sax and trombone front Unt performing his delightful edtctfc compositions. • • Admlufon to tht f ndfvfdual jut perform•nces is S15 for tht general public and S 10 for museum mtmbtrs, students, and seniors. S.ritS ticklts art IV•fllblt 1t S40 for tht general public ind $25 for mtmbtrs, students, and stnfors:PrictS fncludt admfmon to tht exhfbftions on view 1t the museum. Jiu tventng1 at the museum are from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. For more fnform1tton and to rtstrvt tklcets, plffse e1U Tfm Tompkins at (949) 759-1122, ext. 206. The museum-fa locatld 1t 150 Sin Clemente Drive fn Newport 811ch. Daily Piiot L I F E & L E I U R E Fashion Island will unmask its carousel F lllhlon l.aland • celebrates the grand opening of its spectacular ¥editerranean-theme CaroUlel Camlvale, With Venetian scenes on the carousel rounding board, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Free rides and fun will help celebrate the new carousel. GREER WYLDER for reliable, confident photographers, florists, ca1erers and more. In-house services to enhance events and social affairs Include custom chocolates, boxes. napkins and ribbons. The store is open from 10 a.n'i. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday at 34 11 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. (949) 673· 1974. • The Carousel toun, next lo Robinsons May, will look like an Italian marketplace. There will be street performers, face painting. gelato, l1alian goods, fresh fruit, Oowers and more. Retailers will offer discoun1s and promotions throughou1 the weeken d. The carousel measures 38 feel in diameter and features fiberglass animals created from antique molds. There are leaping horses. a zebra, a cat. deer, tigers, a rabbit. bt>ar'> and a seahorse. Nearly 1,200 white lights will ilJuminate the c:arouse at night. It will play about 80 melodies recorded from ..ui original band. After thl' weekend, the rides will be SI as a grand opening speda.I. ·1 he carousel is wheelchair accessible. GOT PAPER? LOOK NO FURTHER Inkwells Paperfe, a new boutique stationery '>tore 111 Corona del Mar. offers fashionable and soph1s11ca1ed correspondences for all occasions. It's ideal for tho'>e wanting exclusive lirfes. A few caveted lines include West f'Jollywood primer Soolip, Ar.ll Kanofslcy Studios from the fa~l Coast. Grosvenor of London and British textile designer Ne1sha Crosland. Inkwells specialit.es in artistically detailed invi1ations, handmade no1e cards and stationery. Owner Jessica Carter selects wonderful gifts. home accessories and collecubles. She has a backgro und in special events and can provide referrals NO PLACE LIKE HOME Karen Wight has the day off. Her column will return n ext week. AFTER HOURS •Submit ~ HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. MUSIC JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in PREPARE TO DO CARTWHEELS ~lop by Macy's in South Coast Plan at noon Friday to m eet 1984 Olympic gymnastic champion Mary Lou Retton and le~endary coach Bela Karolyi. lktton was the United States' firi.t all-around Olympic gold medalist Longines presents "An aJtemoon with Mary Lou & Bela'' a1 Macy's in the Fine Watc:h Depanment on Level 'l\vo. rhe two will sign autographs and visit with c11.,1omers to promote the upcoming World Gymnastics C.l1amp1onships. from Aug. 16 10 LI a1 the ArrO\vhead Pond of Anaheim. and d1scu'>'> the "fongines Perfec1 10 Moments 111 I ime" campaign. The Ciimpa1gn allow'> gymnastics ldfl'> 10 vote onhne for the most memorahle moments in U.S. gymna..,11cs hisiory. More than 121.000 votes haw been cas1 10 dale. fhe 2003 World < .ymna'>lics CJ1ampionships will J\\.trd mdiv1duaJ eveni gold medals. as \\ell a5 learn titles in men\ and womens an1stic h'Y111na .. 1ic-. d1":>c1plines. The World Olamp1on.,h1ps also serve a' the qual1ficauon even1 for the LOCH Olympic (,ames. (714J 556-0611. ext. 4231 DON'T HAVE TO DIG DEEP HERE Treasures on Consignmen t is the A'>stsiance I ea~,rue of ;\;e\\port -~le""'" nonprofi1 shop tha1 henefi1s local children and fam1he'> in need. c;ood price., on high-quality home furn1~hing•,. acce~ories and jewelry. A beveled glas'i·IOp dining room table with 10 uphol.,1ered chJ.m I'> cu-.tom de~igned and m good cond111on. Othl'r ~Tfeal values are a French Lou1i. XV!-o;tyle desk with gold hardware; a French ovaJ mirror \'anity wnh ma1thmg !>tngle bed. a V1c1onan walnut parlor 1able -the white marble top !>ii., on a heavily carved and s1u nni11g base: a dark woodman's desk.; anuque cradle and oak roll-top desk. Decora1or pieces and china mcludt" an Onen1aJ '>IX-panel screen with a border of mo1her Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. "Wanted~ musicians include of pearl inlaid flowers; a 20-plece set of Bemardaud Limoges china in a dainty floral panem ; and gold-banded Lenox informal china. The shop is open fro m JO a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday; and from JO a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday al 2220 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. STAY SHARP AT PLAZA CllTLERY One of the oldest independent stores at South Coast Phl7.a, Plaza Cutlery may have the largest selection of cutlery on the West Coast. Specialties include high-quality kitchen lcnives, even 1he hard-10-find Kyocera cerdm1c knives favored by celebrity chef Ming Tsai. Other knives include collec1or's favori te handmade knives, multi-1ool kn1ve., and sponing knives. Firemen and policemen purchase kn1ve-. that can be opened with one hand for cu1ting '>Cal bells and ropes. Other i1em<, are wall clock!>, barometer'>, manicure sel'> and Anheu!>er-Hu.,c.h s1eins. Same-da}' '>harpemng servite I'> offered for 50 ce111s per inch £:.xpen servite I'> offered hy 1hi'> family-ownt·d bu.,iness. l'he store i!> open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m . Monda\ through Friday; from 10 a.111. w 8 p.111. Sa1urda}'. and from 11 a 111 to 6:30 p.m . Sunday. Level lwo, Sears Wing (714) 549-39:1:! WWU\pfllUIClllfl'fV.COfll. FORE HIM AND HER Ash worth StudJo 1s the only showcase '>tore for Ash\o\orth\ siylish golf apparel for men and women. It carnE.'s the entire collec1ion of Jackets. pan1s, \fSts, hat'> and '>ock.s. It 's even mtroduced a ne\" lme for children. A few '>h1rts are available. PGA Tour pro ... wear Ashwonh. including Fred Couples. Stuart Appleby. RJCh Beem and Oms D1Marco Uassic and comfortable '>tyle'> have made ii o ne of the top brands in golf. It\ always 1rying innovauve fabric~ that ab'>orb persp1ra11on and can be \'\-Orn on and off 1he golf course. The '>IOre is open from 10 a.m Ill 9 p m . Monday through Fnday: from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a m to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level lwo. Robinson' ~lay wing al Sou1h Coast Plan. !il4l 668-8575. wwuwshu1ortl11nc com. •BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send information to Greer Wytder a1 greerwy/der a yahoo com. at 330 W Bay 51. Costa Mesa. CA 92627, or by fax at t9491646-4170 guitar and bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. REGISTER EARLYI ••tore Cla-llecome Full Of' C.nceled Due to Low .,.rollment F•ll Claues Begin August 25 olden West-01/e.ge www.gvvc.ln'- ANTIQUE ROW & G ARDEN C AFE ;.,,,, H,,,., 1,,,.,,,./,,,,11. ~"'"f"' c f .,//, 1rl1il• /1.u/111.,,,,,/ ,,. ( Oll41Xf (,tjt• 4't1d {,'11((111 /)c,ior ",,/, / 1 t .mi/ /Jr/n 11 ... (.;ardt11 ( afr (,.Ju/111 /\1//v I i111m; ''" 1•11 /1,,,,l•/u t I""' h ( ''" "'"' "" '•r•r ,, ''"' < II f l/Ol Ii\ \f,,,, ''"' J.1111 ~,.,,, ( "'.J/;, lfJ ( hJ1µJr/u1 I 1111 H1.t't JI,,,,~. I u /,,,,, /''•"'"' /(()~ //()/ /(\ I ur \.Jr /fJ.1•11 Sp111 130 FAST ·1.,-S'I • COSTA MESA At rt tf £ut 17' Smn I • Stm1-/'ri11att fqr ,\101 6-\t'.'omtn • 01•n 8() P1tets <J[ I 'lu1pmr11r • f>rrv.itt f>tfatt> \tudtt1 • Sf>I NN/J\'(, fhr1ur1 • / 6 Full 71111t' f'n w nal Tr.i111trs • C/u/d Carr H 11111 llQ(Jll ,\! ~at • C o11i•n1tt'11t /1111'n111, • >axa. fi11 ( /11, \rrrtrh classes • \rrp. />11wtr Pump. Cardw • l11111•t n !:itr11m .:..~ l oll'th • {),,~ \pa • 1lt up1111rturel 'Ht1 H Uf.t 949760-5054 www shope·up com • www htnessconcepts com 210 I Eo~t Poc1l1c Coo~1 Hwy CO!'ono Del M.or CA 92625 • AJ PCH & A~ AYe (949) 722-1177 Multiple Choice. Orange Coast College offers you ... Countless Possibilities! No matter what your goal is, 1t's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We offer more than 200 different transfer and career options. We'll get you to a university! -We rank second out of California's 108 commu nity colleges in transferring stude nts to four- year universities. We'll prepare you fo r an exciting career! -Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. Call now for fall registration information. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. . To SOYf valuable lf$0Urrt5. Oro• Coast Colltgt haJ not mailtd its doss schtdult this foll. You COii pie* up o copy In tht Admimons Offia. or oaus tN fo111Chtdut. online ot: orangecoastcollege.com We'll help you get there. 0 714-432-5072 ---1 . .. now two locations free drink 427 E. l 7TH STREET COSTA MESA, CA 949.646.1440 MON -FRI 7 :00 -6:00 SATURDAY 7:00 -5:00 Closed Sunday Buy any sandwich or salad and receive a free drink. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Limit one per customer Hurry Expires 7 /3 1/03 2950 GRACE LANE COSTA MESA, CA 714.424 .0176 TUE -SAl 9:00 -5:00. Closed Sunday & Monday SL'>:FL OLR NATLJRAL BAKERY L I FE & LE I SU R E TRAVEL TALES PHOTOS COURTtSY Of PAr NEISSER A reindeer safari. .... Reindeer trekking in Finland's Lapland By Pat Neisser l11e LinkJe of !>leigh belJs echoes far across 1he miles of white expanse as 20 reindeer breathe heavily in the crisp winter air. Bnghlly dressed Laplanders guide these gentJe creatures through knee-deep snow. as lowlanders giggle while trying to stay in their canoe-like sled!>. or pulkka.s. · Then there's a mo ment of silence as everyone absorbs ll1e brilliant panorama. The snow-covered land stre1ches as-1M-;ilS-- the eye can see. the fells, or hills, rising 1oward 1he sun. Trees edge the tundra, each draped in its own frozen shroud. Rivers glow with an eerie green , as ice and water fight for dominance. This ii. Finnish Lapland. the land of the Sarni, who have been here forever, tending their reindeer herd!>. farming and trying to keep old 1radilions aJive. ln ll1e dis1ance, ll1e sound of laughler suddenJ y rings out. A few minutes more and we arrive at a Sarni camp. A blazing fire welcome' our snow-covered group. We unceremoniously piJe ou1 of our individuaJ sleighs. while our reindeer eagerly wait to be unhitched from each other. We have chosen the easiest way 10 trek by reindeer. F.ach reindeer pulls a sled, bu1 all see TRAVEL, Paie A12 Skiers in Lapland, Finland. Experience our summer art classes and camps! July-August SP~CIAI Sf'l l f Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD STAOOIASTER XTRA UFE s1989 :9:.~ delue pad ... ,.. ~ ........ 1r • ••"---............... 'tll .. .. C..-1& •--··· .. ·• _........... .. .. \prhp ...... _'""""'"""'" .......... • • .... ,.,,,,_Mt/ tMls lw IM "a.11 ._ ... .r A6~ lw•"""'-'tbw ............ . Join us for Happy Hour on the Water Villa Nova Morrdll} • f rlday Ed Waters Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Mike McKenna Tuesday & Friday JJJI Wat Coast Hlgltwq Newport Beaclt For Reservations: 9491642-7880 24, 2003 All l GAP, BABY GAP, GAP KIDS , TILLY'S, STYLES TRADER JOE'S, LOEHMANN 'S, OMAHA STEAKS CALICO CORNERS, HONG KONG EXPRESS JACK 'S JEWELERS, BANK OF AMERICA MARIO'S MEXfCAN & SEAFOOD RESTAURANT . CALIFORNIA SEASHELL CO MPANY BED , BATH & BEYOND , MIKASA FIVE POINTS CLEANERS, JESSICA MCCLINTOCK E.J. 30 MINUTE PHOTO , VANS DR. JITOSHO OPTOMETRIST , ATHLETIC ZONE DELL 'S BOUTIQUE , PISR 1 IMPORTS ACCESSORY PLUS, JAVA CITY BAKERY CAF.E MAIN STAGE SALON, FARM BOY, PARTY AMERICA QUALITY BEAUTY CARE , SIDEKIK TITANIUM TICKETS, EAST COAST BAGEL PETS PETS PETS, UPS STORE , OLD NAVY Iii J I : ! i ' ! . ~ ---....,..._.~ .... I v' ~~~-.-.LE IS U R E .. Dail'/ Pilot r PHOTO COURTESY or PAT NEISSER Feet Hurt? Laplanders and reindeer in Finland. We have the Solution! ll Arthritis ll Diabcces ll Gcria cric Condicions ll Hammercocs ll Bunions ~ - FREE FOOT SCAN $75 VALUE -. - We ca ··~ Foor'I· SOLUTl9NS 11 Congenital Deformities il Arch Problems 11 Prolonged Scandjng ll Narrow/Wide Feec ll Fooc Trauma 1835 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa (conter ef tMrW & 19tll, ... tlie Mrftot StOft) (949) 734-2020 o,.. Moll-Sat. 10am·6pm Jtlow Serving 'Br e ak.fast , Luncfi & '1J1nner ---!Locals Favorite! Smee 1995 pecials 3 EGGS SCRAMBLE TRAVEL Continued from Al 0 are roped together and led by an expert Sarni herder. This age-old Lapp way to carry people and goods in the wilderness is called Pororaito. Sarni reindeer herders dressed in colorful blue felt tunics and trousers embroidered in bright colors hand us carved wooden bowls filled to the brim with steaming reindeer stew. Mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam accompany the stew. ls it the reindeer trek that has made us so ravenous? Or maybe it's the combination of altitude, 'brilliant blue skies, whipped-cream snow and the exhilaration of being so far above the Arctic Circle that has given us so much energy. Fresh-baked cookies and hot coffee cap our first Sarni feast No one notices the cold, as we are layered in heavy pants and park.as with blue Lapp capes covering everything. Our · · includes warm boots, as well. We pass cross-country skiers skilng from hut to hut, as we careen over the snow, baclc In our sleighs. Eventually, we return to Reindeer Vtllage (Vuitso Porkyia),where we greet more reindeer and buy our way through a Lapp shop. This is just one way to enjoy a Lapland c.111'-,.,. °"* u.•Y..11~~ Rabbitt Insurance Agency Al1TO • HOMEOWNERS • HEALTH S111J11/11y S111u 195- ~ Id ~S r"JJ r , 949-631-77 40 441 Old Nnrpon Bhd. • Ntwpon Bach (Near Ho.g Hosphal) An American nm business since 1953. our family serving your family for 50 years -~""'""'."-~ Momma John lfe belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -c<>-6p. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers lndfvldually owned and operated. Jennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $1'' Lifetime Warranty I.amiaate Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $1'' Lifetime Warranty Wood Brenda MOM·fll t-s MOM-fltl I0·6 • SATUUAV t0--4 SATUltAYI & IUlltAYI tt·4 C&.Otlt tulltAY EYHlllS IY AHOlllTIHfT winter, but you have many options. Snow-golf tournaments, icebreaker cruises and downhill siding are just a few of the many winter and spring activities offered. Somehow. we all think of Scandinavia as a summer destination. since rumors of dark days discourage visitors from enjoying the many winter activities. Actually, our trek began the first of March, and days with 13 hours of sun were many. ln the dark of winter. lighted ski trails, Northern Lights and a lively spirit keep the citizens up and at it, but since most of us prefer sun, by March. it's perfect up here. Sunscreen and dark glasses are a must In Lapland, you can ski untiJ May. but March temperatures are mild, action never ceases and the Finns are lively companions. There's nothing somber about these folk. up from HelsinJci for some winter fun. Lapland has been designated as Santa Oaus Land, and you must visit his year-round village in Lapland's capital. RovaniemiThis stunning city was bombed to ashes in World War II, but designer Alvar Aalto completely redesigned the city Into the shape of reindeer horns, and the city is a masterpiece. Santa's Village is astir all year with elves busily answering letters. while tame reindeer await petting. Santa drives his reindeer, but also has a bright red snowmobile. You'll wander through rooms filled with toys and brilliant Finnish glass. Everything is for · sale and can be mailed. There'll'& post office to mail cards and : leners stamped Santa Oaus : • Village. If you come In the winter, ice carvings dot the cit)\ If you are energetic, join the Arctic Circle snowmobile safari that begins in Rovaniemi and • ends at the Arctic Sea in Norway. You'll do 300 of the 550 miles by snowmobile. You can also join a winter Olympics excursion. wich tandem siding, mini-scooter driving, four-wheel ice races, snowmobile "slalom race" and ice-drive testing in jeeps. IF YOU GO Finnair's dome.,uc air ~emce<i \vill Oy you to Lapland from Helsinki. You can Oy directJy 10 lvalo in Northern Lapland or stop off at Rovaruerni to say helJo 10 Santa No skepucs allowed, because this is the reaJ th.Uig. Finnair mes fro m U.S. Gateways nonstop to I lelslnlo. offering a rare kind of wonderful service in all classes. Finnair also offers many winter tours to Lapland and other areas of Finland, as welJ as to Sweden by lovely ferries. Call Finnalr at {800) 950-5000 for air information, and for tours, call (800) 950-4768. • PAT NEJSSER is a Newport Beach resident Celebrity Chef Curtis Aikens 1ilJ 15 • The Fabulom Th ------....---·--,------~---· ---- . ' LI FE & L E I SU R E r ON VACATION . Thorsday, July 24, 2003 AU ALDEN'S -- DN-!ilTE DRAPERY CLEANIN& AND MORE ·I NO TAKE DOWN< ... llEMllVINli IW:CEHAllY I Cert:lfted To Clean All Hunter Dougla!I Fabric Window Covering• Including: • luminette Privacy Shee~ . • Silhooette• window shadinp •Vignette• window shading.s • Duette honeycomb shaclfs • Millenia™ Collection • Jubilance™ rOl'IWt shades •Applause' honeycomb shades • Serenette™ Softfold'"' ~~ Danielle and Larson Harley of Newport Beach with their friend Alie Sandra Kaplan from Newport Beach visits the town of Falmouth "(urner snowboarding at Aspen, Colo. on Cape Cod, Mass. World's Best ON·SITE- Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERJF.S 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 1111111111111 \ 111•11111.1111111 f ur fJ11.1l1t11 .11111'71•1'11 1• "'"' 11 l'/1,/ Forrest and Jane Werner of Costa Mesa celebrate their 51 st wedding anniversary in London with famdy from Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. Thirty members of the Balboa Ski and Sports Club tr ave led to Anchorage, Alaska. From left, Diane Christie. Joyce Jack, Carrie MacM1lhn , Nancy Slusher and Pat Watcher leave Anchorage airport. OU/ :;LNZ'R4.W..~ ._... I Summer Clearance : Up to 70°/o Off . Mike Blauer of Newport Beach celebrates his birthday with his family tn Barra de Nav1dad. Mexico. ---Sale Starts Now--- 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642-5459 (comer of Tustin & 17th · bfhind l~d-in-the-80\) -.... ~~Dunn-Well Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place ~our home financing needs in the hand't of Pri' aft.• \Jort1!a~t! Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providin g ound solution for up scale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophi ticated leve l of needs and preferences, and our un surpassed se rvic e ensure the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Branch Maqger complete satisfaction yo u ex pec t and deserve. •Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages fr9m $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-:-only loans o..w Kn.ta 949--251 ... 902 ""-Mona. Binker Gary Parker 949-253-4221 c~· M....,er . ..I , -Jaguar's #1. Retailer In Customer Satisfaction (CSI) In California - A Pride of Jaguar Excellence Award Winner For Guest Satisfaction And Operational Excellence (Only 1 In Southern California) -Complimentary Flat Bed Pick-Up And Delivery by Appointment -Cotnplitnentary Jaguar Loaner Vehicles With Service by Appointment -Complimentary Car Wash With Service UNLEASH A JAGUAR · The all-new 2004 XJ. Stronger. Faster. Safer. Smarter. From first-to-second-to-third-to-fourth-to-fifth-to -sixth, with a new ~tate-of-the-art, six-speed ZF elec_tronic automatic transmission,. your body won't feel the gears change. Your ears won't hear the gears change. But your soul will certainly notice a change. To discover the silky wonders of th~ XJB's six-speed ZF automatic transmission, visit Penske Jaguar today. n . .. ., ... • • • " ' ·ii I QUOTE OF 11E DAY "I wish I would have saved /the hole in one] for the Tea Cup." lll8ltMne Toweney, Santa Nia Coootry Club women's champion • GOLF The edge .comes from • experience 0 K. here goes nothing . .I'm not nonnally one to make predictions.. especially since Friday's Tea Cup Oassic Vil at Mesa Verde Country Oub will rnarlc the first time I've covered the event -or any golf tournament - stnce I've been working in sports for the Daily Pilot fo r a little more than a year now. But the field has been set for '>Orne time and after speaking to each of the four women's dub champions, the 1ime has come to look into the future, even if that is onJy one day. Marianne Towersey. Santa Ana Country Oub's champion and Debbie Albrigtu. Newpon Beach Country Club's citJe holder, are the most experienced Tea Cup ~---~ participants, winning a combined five of the firs1 six tournaments. Towersey won las1 year's event on her home course with a dramatic I I-foot birdie pull on the ~..._....,.,. final hole, finishing BRYCE ALDERTON by one shot. wi1h a iwo-over-par 74 to edge Big C,anyon Country Oub's Olivia Slutzlcy Albright won in 2001. Will there be a home-course ad van tage with Mesa Verde's Alc.emi Khaiat. who will make her second '>traight Tea Cup appearance? Khaiar doesn'I think so. She has said she feels more pressure than a MreguJar toumamenl, H because the hop~ of an entire club rest with her. K.md or like a Ryder Cup feel. There L'> some truth to that taiement, but don't look for the former captain and player on the Japanese na1ionaJ learn 10 be distracted from the perceptions or the gallery or the media. This is one focused woman who has i.pent much time with a personal teamer and added IO-to-15 yards on ~r drives. Bur as all golfeN know, drivmg is jus1 one in a i.eries of s1eps to success. The shon game holds paramount 1mponance. "Putting will be lhe challenge." Albright said. Sally Holslein, the champion from ~g Canyon Country Oub, makes her s~ond Tea Cup appearance. She compeled in 1999, also at Mesa Verde. . AU four golfers have trekked the fairways of Mesa Verde. a venerable venue since its inception in 1959, and look forward 10 the challenge it provides. Towersey and Khaiat are most likely to not get caught up in the galleries ~use of their experience playing in front of spectators during national tournaments. but all four have had to SH GOLF, Pa1e 82 Spotts Editor Richard 0......: 1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: 19491650-0170 TEA CUP CLASSIC VII ----·---------·----------.,-.,~ .. EYEOPENER I C>.ilJy~ Piki SporU Hal "'Pule ....... 4 !MW Jvly 28 tioncYee MATT JAMESON Thursdc1y, Jtiy 24, 2003 81 .· STATE OF THE ART The new, 40,000-square foot clubhouse at Mesa Verde Country Club, which provides dramatic views of the golf course, will be on display Friday in Tea Cup Classic VII. The $8 . l million clubhouse renovation was completed in March. The club opened in 1959. _J Four-time champ clicking her heels Marianne Towersey, th e a rea's all-time leader in club titles, is aiming for her fifth Tea Cup crown. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot S o how does a four-time champion or a 1oumamen1 that will be played for the seven1h time Fnday explain her success? Simple. It's the people. "The great thing about the Tea Cup ii. that it is fun to have friends foUowmg you, H Marianne Towersey said about the annual event that pits the four women'c; club champions of Ncwpon-Mcsa\ four private golf courses against one another for a one-day. 18-hole stroke play event. ·11 kind of spruces me up in suppon EA CUP unlike any toumamenl I play in. "I generaJly don'r have a lot or friends watching and rooting for me. so tha1 is a fun aspect 10 it I think tha1 hai. helped me succeed. The mental CLASSIC edge has been lhe difference." Towe™'}'. who won her unprecedented 19th Santa Ana Country Oub championship in May, has claimed Tea Cup titJ~ in 1998. '99, 2000 and again las1 year. when she needed to sink an I I ·fool birdie pun o n the par-five 18th hole 10 erase Olivia.Slutzky's (Big Canyon) chances of winnil'lg. Towersey fired a lwo-over-par 74 tha1 Septem ber day on her home course to beat Slut7.ky by one See TOWERSEY, Page 82 Marianne Towersey of Santa Ana Country Club. the def end mg Tea Cup Classic champion. lines up a short putt in preparation for Friday's Tea Cup Classic VII at Mesa Verde Country Club. T owersey 1s the Newport-Mesa community's alH1me leader in club titles wrtti 19. 1i£ NT TR( PTOW I DAA. V PILOT JUNIOR TENNIS Kaiden, Slater red hot ' SWIMMING Peirsol add silver I at BBC Racquet Club 1'hey fight off two match points in a comeback Y,ictory, while top-seeded Hayley and Miranda ~oung advance in girls 'Gs doubles ·Wednesday. duo a dramatic come-from-behind, 7-5, 1-6, 7-5 victory over Carly Adams and Sbasha Dunlap in the quarterfinals o( girls 16s doubles at the War by the Shore junior tennis townament 1be comeback was made simple by the point-by-point attitude held by Ka.I· den and Slater. "We were not going to just let them take us.· Slater said. "We believed ln ouraelves. We played It point by point.• That started after they had fallen be- hind kJVe.oo and then lS.-.0 on Kaf· den'a aene in the ~th pme of the tb1rd set. Adams and Dunlap. who at- tend Newport HaJbor High. bad two cbancea to dole out the match. but were unsucce8tl(u) in tbetr attempts. When Kaiden. 15. who attmdl Co- rona del Mar. 'JNlled OUI the ..... to dole lbe 111P to S..3 in the dunt -. II WM dw Int dme ICalden or Slim Md held lllW In the lblrcl ... Siiier," It md a 1Mm11118111 of Admw IDd ~ • NeWpol1 tfllt)or, hed f.tiftk:ully ......... to metal collection Sailors grad adds a medal at World Championships as part of the U.S. men's"600-meter free relay team. Newport Harbor High graduate Aaron ~ Cllpbnd his second medal at the 2003 ~ Ownpb ..... Iii 8aroek>na. Spain on ~ ~ up a lhlr medal with a second-place finish as put ol &be 800-- freeslyle 1'Jay team Pm1ol. who w0o a gold medal in &be l(JO. • ..-ba'- SO'Ob ~ sw.m the third leg oltbe ~tar lhit U.S. 1bougb hh time was the skJwesl 1mCJ111 tis four~ can M11mer$. the U.S. held the lead dniu&b ..... three .. of the race. lb Auak the~ bokisa ID ....... ... lln 1baqJe • m mda and m II* ol 1*.41 ... .. AUllfea., the Pl ..... delpile. ·~ -.. ..... tan a.~ 1he ... .., ... bf •At••··--. n...., ..... Wllkil., ln'*md... • ...... Ind Nile~ .... led ........ cl 7! .... ·-Aaatcm .............. ....s ...... .. aillld~U.11.Ai l l'wb .. *Df-~ •lll*-111 •ircllPilllcll*A ............................ Gmlllll ............... , .... . .. ........ Ht .. ••,, .... .. .......... 12 Tiusday, >Jy 24, 2003 SPORTS WORLD TEAM TENNIS Smash hammer Breakers Newport Beach plays without Maria Sharapova f<;>r second straight night and can't overcome Eas·tern Conference- leading Delaware. . Playirtg for the • second straight day without Maria Sha- rapova, the Breakers lost for the second straight time Wednes- day, dropping a lopsided 24-10 m atch to the Delaware Smash at DuPont Country Oub in WLl - mington, Del. The consecutive losses come after the Breakers had strung together a five-match winning streak to move into first place l~ ~ .~ I , ~ ~~·\ ' ' ·~ Ii • 1•111·t. uoac,, l •_ . 1•Ul · . . , "'-• • u . ·.11.. .. ~ 'lit. . l. ~ ~ could handle against the Bast- em Conference-leading Smash (10-1}. • ., Newport Beachs only set win came in m en's doubles, where Brian MacPhie and J9sh Bagle combined to defeat Paul Gold· stein and Scott Humphries in a tiebreaker, 5-<4. ln t.Qe.other four sets, the Breakers won just five ganies combined. in the Westerd Conference. Jewel Peterson. who replaced With just two matches remain-Sharapova for the second nlght lng, Newport· Beach (6·6) is a in a row, played women's dou- half-match behind Springfield 'b les with Eva Dyrberg and was (6·5). The Breakers close the shut ou t, 5·0. Wom en's singles. season with home matches Fri· usually an asset for the Break- day and Saturday against Kan· ers with Sharapova. was lost by sas City (4·7) and Philadelphia Dyrberg, 5-2. (4·8). Brian MacPhie lost, 5-2, in Those two opppnents should men's singles and Eagle and make things easier for Newport Dyrberg feU, 5-1, in mixed dou - Beach , which had more than it b les. BRIEFLY Newport Harbor Baseball Association camp starts next week for players 5-14 John Altobelli. Lhe Orange Coast College baseball coach. and Joel Desguin, Lhe Newport I !arbor High baseball head man. will be Lhe directors of the Newport Harbor Baseball Ms<>· ciation Summer Baseball Camp Monday through Friday at New- port Harbor High. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to noon each day., Assistant coaches and players from AltobeUi's program and Desguin's staff will also be at the camp that includes players ages 5-14 years old. Throwing, catching and hit· ting with the addition of st:rate· gies of the game will be stressed throughout the week. The camp will also feature contests with awards given each day. NI IBA will serve snacks, but advi$es parents to provide players with ample water. The campers will receive a T-shirt and prizes. For more information. includ- ing prices for the camp call. (949) 451 -2228. or on Lhe Inter- net go to hnp://www.newport- baseball.org/ and cliclc. on the "Summer Camp Info 2003" link. Applications for the baseball camp can also be found at Sportsworld on 17th Street in Costa Mesa. CdM knocks off Irvine •WATER POW: Coming off a fifth-place finish last week- end at the Villa Park tourna- ment, Corona del Mar High's girls water polo team hanqed Irvine a 6-5 defeat in its Mon- day night league. The Sea Kings scored three limes in the finaJ period and outscored Irvine. 5-2. after halftime to capture the victory. .Katie Kubas scored both of her goals in the fourth quarter and Katya Eadington added a fourth-quarter goaJ to"go aJong with one she scored in the first quarter. Amy Strack and AshJey Aytar also scored for CdM. Goalie Brittany Fullen made five saves and had two steaJs for the Sea Kings. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Piot's Athlete of the Weel( series -i ii j , i i TODAY 20 -Andy Romo Estancia Football. ·oo 17 -Jillianne Whitfield Newport Harbor Girts basketball. '02 DEEP SEA Wednesday' counts Newport Landing -5 boats. 160 anglers. 1.152 sand bass, 235 barracuda. TEA CUP CLASSIC VII Tom Sargent, left, is the head golf professional at Mesa Verde Country Club and John McGovern is the pre sident of the board of directors. Mesa Verde will host Tea Cup Classic VII on Friday. GOLF Continued from B 1 endure ~e grueling golf that can come with a club championship. Towersey has hardly lightened her scheduleload.which included a fifth-place finish at the California Women's Ownplonship last week. The frequency of play. along with a keen knowledge of what it takes to win a Tea Cup. should prevail again Friday. ••• First-time winners resounded at Newport Beach Country Oub last weekend for the facili ty's annual "Regana. • or member-guest tournament. The field of 185 golfers included NBCCs Gary Paoli and guest Peter Ells claiming the championship in the low-gross flight with a 291 over three days (July 17 · 19). Overall net winners were Olarles Van Qeve and Dick K!Jmutt (266.5) while Jack McMackin and brother Ron shot 273 to place first in the cutter flight. Joe Jenova and Joe Pemcone shot 274.5 to win the frigate flight while John French and guest Oluck Schreiber shot 270.5 10 win the schooner flight The cuner flight included golfers with the lowest handicap of either the schooner or the frigate divisions. The frigate flight featured golfers with the highest handicaps of the three categories. All winners' scores included handicaps. ••• Newport Beach'<> Justin Morehead. 14 , 'lhot 184 over cwo days (95-89) of play in SCPGA Foundation Junior Tour Toyota Tour Cup Series action Jul y 14 -15 at Tijeras Creek Golf Oub rn Rancho Santa Margarita. Derek Sipe. a 17-year-old from Yorba Linda shot 139 (70-691 on the par· 72 course to win by three shots over 16-year-old Bob Whitney { 142) of La Quinta. Price made life enjoyable at NBCC Longtime member and vo lunteer kept sco re at Tea Cup a nd Jones Cup to urnam en ts. . . The Daily Pilot is sad th re- port that Bob Price. a longtime member and volunteer al New- port Beach Country Oub. will not be keeping score at this year's Tea Cup Cassie and Jones Cup golf tournaments. The Newport Beach resident passed away on May 20 after a long bout with an illness. He was 75. He is survived by his widow. Marge. who is also a clf'.lb mem- ber. Jerry Anderson. NBCCs presi- dent and chief operating officer. often golfed with Price, who was honored with the club's Distin- guished Service Award. "Bob probably had the most interest In the club than any other member I can think of." said Anderson. who h as been at the facility for 18 years. Price sat an many commit· tees and served a term as presi- dent of the club's Board of Gov- ernors. Price was a member at the club when Anderson arrived in the early 1980s, but then moved to.Memphis. Tenn .. be- fore returning to Newpon Beach in 1987. ·He always had time for o ther people and did thing.s with a smile on his face.· An· derso n said. "He was always willing to help a worker take on any task. Bob was there to help lug bags from the parking lot. "He would do anything to make 11 better and more enjoy- able for everyone. I mjss him." TOWER SEY Continued from Bl Another ace for SACC star stroke and Mesa Verde's Akemi Kha.lat by two shots. Heading into the J p.m. start Friday at Mesa Verde in Tea Cup W , Toweney said Khaiat has the home COUlle advantage. •Mesa Verde ts a great venue and Akemi la the one to beat." lbweney sad. •She is a great golfer. lAkemll de6nttely has the COll\~dve edge with the nadona.I tournaments she has pllyed in." Tuweney ia getting h er share ol nationll·toWnament experience this year. She recently competed ln the 103rd \\bmea~ ~Amateur Golf ClMunploOlblp In Urbana. ru .. June 16-20 followed by ihe North and South Amateur at Pinehurst ·1 didn't do we11: 10weney Mid of her performance In the two ewntJ.. "I shot 154 (lMr two days! In each. tournament dwtng quaUfJtng. 1 lolt In tbe ftnt nxnl kl the VA! Jlll u and didn't malle lhe cut (31 ..,.. ~outolllllll ........... cld blat • third ID bllof lbl llld of collep ldda. ..... +Ar#I bow IU'Onl ........... bow dedklled die)' n to the pine. I oudUt tome of them. but a few bock k 30 to 40,... ... me.,, w::.~~"'°' c..llDIDiia ~In..., Marianne 1bweney played tupt aolf at hi ultimate pre- dlioo l\aelday on the 11th bole ar s.nca Ana Country Qub. Pot the ftftb time In her ca- reer and dmd on the ame hole, Tuweney catded • bole lnone. A 19-dme S.. Ana CC women's dub cbampon , lbMn9y &Mal -elaht·bon on the 125-ywd s-·cbree lltb .... •1t bomCld once In hm of tbe ...... --In." Mid lbs I'"" = ID I llldlet .,.... ..-o.- .... Am lllldmwi.. TIKy at Coto de Cat.a, Golf & Racquet Oub, defeetlna Q>rey Weworsld, 2 up. The five-day tournament \>ftt~ women'• dub champions lmm lhe Northern and Soudlem Cali!onUa Golf Allociationa tgainlt one mother In match play. ~ l1to ~the eYellt In 1981 and ... four yean ago. •11 WM a 8"Mt win wttb lhe compeddon hm the Nonh and the Soulb. ... ..a.I. ~belt the Ncri'I .. a a.n, IO ft.a WU ar.iatmlnourcap.• 1n Slpcllnber ••• ., wm pa.y In lbt U.S. Smlor' WJmen'e Arnillur ..... Calek AelOft IDd <Jub In Auldn. ..-. -in October will tee it up in the Women'a Mid-Amateur at Long Cove Golf Oub ln Hilton lbd, S.C She got to the round of 16 In each event last year. She la considering lddlna another wedae and Is eJPedmendpg wfth a 7-wood for . added diatanoe. Accuracy ia where Thwerley. who bepn playing golf at • 4. Mid ahe pull a pnmium when It eometlOgol( "It ta me Mme old swtns. Ind UIUllly WOlb well, \..ay ~the opemlheterm. ... llkt. At far 11 the,-. Olp .-11 hit pten the job dam. ~--'ll----..~--......... ~--,,..__ __ _ . Daily Pilot S PORT S ThurSdc1y. July 24. 2003 83 JUNIOR TENNIS Top seeds still alive . . I at BBC Racquet Club STEVE McCRANK /DAILY PILOT Jess Slater of Newport Beach returns a serve m girls doubles quarterfinal action m the War by the Shore Wednesday. TENNIS Continued from B 1 IL wa., tht• tompletiun ol a hu'>~ day tor lht· Young'>. who h<ld 10 be thankful llll'y were able to rnrne back Imm t1 "i 4 deficit in tht> tie· breaker to do-.e out tJic mdtth Three N~. 1 seeded players from Newport-Mesa and trio of No. 2 seeds will continue play today in War by the Shore. Nl·WPORT Bl.ACll -Three lm:aJ play· er'> entered lhi ... week's War by tJ1e Shore 1umor tennis tournament wtt11 Lhe top '>cl'd 111 t1le1r re<;pecttve divistons and after three days of play at tJie Balboa Bay Oub Harquet Oub, all three are still gunning for 11tlt''>. C.orona del Mar·~ Cierra C..c1ytan ·Leach prt•\atled 111 the quanerfinals of tJie glfls I l' '>lllgles Wedne<,day w1th a 6·:1, 6·4 win owr I layley Miller. Gaytan-Leach, tJie top '>l't'd, \\11l face fourth-... eeded Sarah l.ee in thl' ,t•n11finals at 12:30 p.m. today In hoy'> 12 ... top ... eed Joc;hua l..oremzen of '\l·wpon Beach wa., a 7 ·5. b· I wmner aga111' .. t :'\:kola ... C .arnllo. I le advanced to till' ..,t·m1fin<il.., where he will play No. J 'l't'd lunya Yo-,hida at 12:30 p.rn. today. fo..,h1dJ defeated Corona del 'vlar\ ( )11\l'l'd C1hd'>'>C'ITII \\.'etlne .. da}. 6-U, () I '>t'rve throughout the match. "I thm~ I 011ly held ~en e om t· or l\vitc the whole match ... ~l<1ltr ,,ud 'Tve never playetl -,o \\l'll .m<l lldd ~o muth trouble wnh my "l'l"\l' I layle} had played a thrt't'-' .. et mdtch earht>r 111 tJie morning. IJll· ing 10 1op·\t:eded Kendra h1» tn 1he '>ingle' compe11L1on. h 4, ~ (1, 6· I. :\lirandd had played d lldlr ol -.111gle' matt he'> alread~. ddt>a1111g (,rand ... talt Ill three 'l'I'. hdow falltng to "l'torid-,ee<led Jilli.in Bravermai1 111 two '>t'h In thl' bottom hall of-tJie 1 l!> bracket. Daron Arnold of :-.:ewpon Beach, a 6·3. 7 h CH hJ winner over Nalhanat'I Bun \\l'dne.,day. will play C.lmstopher Naama· 111, .tl ... o JI I 2·JO pm. today. Newport Beach's Haley Young, above. returns a voll ey m girls daub es ac 1ori r 1..,e War by the Shore on Wednesday at the Balboa Bay Club Racquet Club f iet,;pr;r s Miranda Young, Haley's twin sister. returns a serve Hut aftt:r "-.JJtlt•11 and \IJler brn~e Dunlap to tlo.,t' to \\ 1th1n I •I. 'ildter made her '>en•e '>land up, tying the third wt 5·5. After .1 hre<lk of Adam ... K<1iden held '>en·e .ind the memont'., of d puor '>l'l ond wt. whtth the} lu't 1-6. ,md a d1 .. a .. 1rou~ '>tan 10 lhl· tJ11rd 'i:I \H're t:ra'>ed ··1 tlunk our angt•1 gut m the '' ,t)' J lot." Ka1den \a.Jd of thl' tt·c.1n.i., .. 1ruggle., in t11e m1dtlle ut tht· 11i.11th "We JU\t wanted to win II '>IJ bt1d, \\t' \\l'fl'll't l'Ofltt'lllrill 111~ on earh po1111 "iu that\ whl·rt \\t' ,,ud Wl'.rl' takmg it poi11t hy point .mu wt•'rc: go111g 10 win " "-'"<ll'n and ':ilJtcr Jdvance to thl' wm1finab at l:JO pm toda} aga1m1 Kelly C.urttU'> and Rachd \lan.1..,,e. who were 6·0, 6·2 win m:r' over the Newport Reach duu of Brittany Uuck clnd Gabrielle ..._l',tJndt· \\e<lne ... day < )11 the other '>Ilk of the brac~el • m· the 1op-'>ecded Young rwin\, I I.I\ le\ .illLI Miranda Slated 10 .,1.ir1 l11gh ~dwol JI Lorona dd \lur 111 ~ptt'mbt•r. the 14-yr<tr of<l, tlt'ft'ated ( d"1dy Grand.,t.UT Jll<l "-.111e :\k "-tttt•m:k. 6·4. ; ·b 17 'i IUt''>dJy to .i<l,a11ce tu the 'l'llltrinah I layley .u1d ~11randd won thl' fir'> I '>Cl 111 double' agaJn'>t C .r .111d ... 1aft. "ho h\ t:\ 111 CoronJ 1.kl \ lar .mtl attend' ~later l>t•t and ~lt"-1ttl'rtt ~. who Jlll'lld' \.tgt' 11111. but trailed "i·4 111 Lh1· w1 ond I hl'y camt· l>.ttk 10 ,..,111 till' 11t:x1 l\\O gan1e\ hl'lore \It fl..111t•rtd. ht'l<l sent• to wnd 11 tlllO tht· Ill' hre.1ker Young and 'loung lwld ,1 I .!. Jd \'Hrllage 111 tlw t1el>n-.1~1·1. h111 :\llKim·nck ,1ml c .ra11d,1.itf then rolled off thrt•e '>lra1gh1 p11111i... thl' IJ'>I ol "h1d1 lame 011 .i \\ 1fllll'r down the ltnt• lrom \11 Rlltl'rtl ~ Hut beli1t111g ,1 top '>l'l'<l, lht· Young~ came h.it ~ w11b I\\ o 11111 'ecult\t' poinh of 1ht•1r m\11, tlw '>etond on c.1 \\ 1n11t'r tlm' 11 t Ill' .11 ley by ~llranda rhe fin.11 Jlllllll came when C1r.!l1d~t.ill hu .1 ... 1ro11g voUey that caught tht· 1ap1· Jlld bounced hat k on 111 lwr '>Ide ol tht· coun 1 layle\ Jml ;\l1rand.i "ill fJt l' Hrooke l'll'll he1 Jnd H11\.i11111 1 lh 'Ull Jt J· iO fl ITI toda~ Ill till' 'l'IHI li11al'>. \\Ith till all ~e\\porl Bl,11 h linal a d1'1tr11 1 po ...... 1b1ht) I lw otht:r '\t.>\\port-;\1esa player \\1th a top '>t0l'd '' 111 hoy-. I 6s, \\here Hyan < .1ughrl'n ha, bcUt'I}' broken J .,,\eat 111 111 ... lir-.. t two ma1d1e'>. Laughren ha., yet to h>.,l' t1 gJme. defc:atmg Andrev.. Ung. 6·0, h 0 \\edne'>dJy I le wtll play in tJie ljllJrll•rli11.th aga111't ( ory I lam., at II d m 111dJ\ and i.I 'tltory would ad\Jnt e htm Lo till' '>t:ll111i11al'>, '>lhetlult'd for.! pm today. I hough they tlun·1 have No. I \ecd' at· tJd1t•d to their name .... other local player-. Jrt· ... 1111 \Vi11g for a uue ru. well. In hoy., 18!>. \pent er Re1u and lyler l>e1.k ha\e both Jtl\'am:ed to tJie '>em1fin- ..il<.. lle111 . a 6· \, 6-4 w111ner over Ryan ~la· I.iv..)· \.\11J pla} top '>l:'eded Jo.,h Lederman 111 P.tl tfir Pal1'J<lt·' at l 2:JO pm. today. I lt:1. l ,1 fi-1. 6 1 \.1c1<>r aga1m1 Da\id < .r.ver \\'edm·.,<la\ ..., .,lated for a matl'hup \\Ith ..,h1rnpc1 \u111k.1 al'o at I.! 10 p.m. todd\ I ht· g1rlo; 18., hraLket wlll '>t:t' Jn alJ- :'\(•\\ port I !arbor 1 ligh ~emifin • .1.I when llo11111e Adam' anti \'ant:~ Dunldp battle JI .!. pm lo<la~ Adam~ delec.1tl'tl Diana HJmball, h-1, 6·.!, 111 tJie quJrtertinals . \\hill' the '>t'tond·.,eeded Dunlap wa!> a b I. h J ''1nner agam..,t Ny~.,a fonellt. l'ltt· bottom quarter of the girli, 16~ brat~et had four local players in anion \\'t•dne-.dav and :"\o .! seed Jillian Br.iver· m.111 emerged \\lth ti -.errufinal bt:nh b) "••) of \'ICtone.., O\l'r (arty Adam' lb U, b 11 aml r-.1tra11da 'roung 16 I. 6·2). Hr.1\ erman fatt''> fourt11-~eedl'd l.orren Ruttern1tl.11f l.aJ.,'\.ln,1 Be.1ch di 12.:10 p.m 111<la) .'\1!:l·10 a.m. toda\-. i\t•\\purt He..idi\ :\It t lll'lll' Atlm'> 1\111 battle ~<>-I. ,t•ed \tan "-aulmJn "ith a \t'mtlinal berth 111 tJie girl' 14., 1)11 the hnl· \lkln~ defeated tel Im' :'l:t>\\f>Orter l-l11abeth \'an1 llot \\t•tlfll'')dJy, h 2 f, 4 llw l.t'>t l0t:al '"" remammg 111 thl 'lfl gle' to111pet111on 1' 111 till' bo~' Iii-l>r.11 l t'l. Al-.o a '\o .! '>etc! '-t'\\ port K1 11 h' )1 ~eph [)I( otuho \\a ..... \\lllller •1!·1111'! ()a111d bpc.1r;a \\edn1· ... d.1\ dltl r ''fl.!r/J rellrt'd 111 tJle 't'l1111d ...i't I >1< 11tJlto h.1d \\Oil 1he fir.,1 ""' h I lit· \\Ill I.ill Jin :\l~er~ 111 thl' '>t'llltfin,tl' Jt 11 a m tod.1\ WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS 1 • d 1 ) ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your t~ewpor. 11 Mesa Community For Dea er Motorcratr Oil and Filter Change Up to five quarts of Motorcraft 011 Taxes and d1sgosal fees extra. See Dealership for details ffer valid with coupon. Expires 7/31/03. Motorcraft8 Brake Service Motorcraft Preferred Value pads. front or rear on most cars or hght trucks Excludes machining rotors or drums. Inspect and rotate four tires. Taxes extra. Sel2., O~alerahl.P.J9r details. Offer valid with coupon. Expires 7/31/03. THEODORE ROBINS FORD wm MEET or BEAT Your Best Deal on . NAME BRANDTIRES Front End & Brake Inspection Check CV onve ax1e boots for tears sol ts a d cracks Road test vehicle to check for chc1w1; noises shudder or v•brat1on nspect brake fr1ct o• matenal, caliper operation rotors d•ums "Oses and connections Taxes extra See Oeale,...hm for c111t111I<; Offer vahd with coupon Expires 7/31 '03 ltgll lollces 2640 Lepl Notices 2l40 Legal Notica 2640 lepl Notices 2640 Lepl Hallces 2640 Legal Notlcn 2640 Legal Notices 2640 lepl Nollca 2l40 Legal Notices 2640 Leg1I Notices 2640 ts( 1"1S llOTIQ Of PmT10ll TO ..-slB lSlATt Of: flAIKIS C1AIA Df POU Wl llO. A2202St fo 111 hells, be"91i· c1a1ln. creditors co11· t1nct11l creditors. and persons who may oth t1 wost bt 1ntt1nted 111 the w1ff or tslalt. Of both, of FRANCES CLARA Dr POU A PE 1 ITION FOR PRO BA TE has b .. n hltd by JOHN S WILLIAMS, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR 1n the Supeoor Cour I of C1hfo11111, County ol ORANG(. THE PC flTION FOR ~OBA TE requests JOHN S. WILLIAMS, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR bt 'klooml•d H w~el 1•P,esent11fve to •d ml114'tt1 tllt u tete of l11tdKIOtnt lH.E ~ Tll IOH rtq41tt ts ~e dtetdent't Will ind 'codlclb, II tn)', bt edtnllltd to piobete l ht Wilt end '"' codkllll Me 1vell.tl>N l0t 1umlna· tlofl In tht .... k•t ,, 1llM (.OUft THE l'£TIT10N reciuetb evthollty to 1dfnltl1ster fl• ut1tt undtf llM tndtPtl'ldtnl Admtnla· lrth n of hl11lt1 4'.t (fllt\ Aultlol lt1 .... 11loW ''"' PtfWtlll ,...,_.. t•ll-• lo 11111• inany • .-..... 9'ftlll laa CAM'' •1 •1•»a1, B1fo1• t1k1n1 Ce<la1n very important actions however the personal rop<tsentatove will be 11qu11ed lo cove noltce lo mleresttd perso11s unless lhey have waived notice or consented lo the proposed action ) Tht 1ndep1ndenl ' ed min11tra1ton autho11ty will bt 1J anted unless an 1ntertst1d penon lilts an ob~llon to lht ~tlhon end shows 1ooc1 ctust why th• court 'hould not 11111t the 1uth0f1ty A HEARING on lht petition will bt htfd on AUGUST 27, 2003 at I 45 pm In Dept L7J located et 341 Tht City Drive South, Oran11, CA 92868. IF YOU OBJECT to lht panbna of tile-petition, )'OU should IOjleM It lhe MMllll Incl Slflt )'OUf ®"'tlolll or fife Wfltllfl oOiectlells With lti. lOUI t ti.Iott tht it.111111. YOUf 1~w1nce mty be In pt11on or bJ your attorney. ' 1r YOU NIE A ~DI· rOR or cont1111111t crtdrt0t of IN -....... you mvst fill row cllllll wttll tllit court· "'4 111111 t copr to ... Pf'IOllll ,.,.. ... 11t1tl'lt ""'"ttf ~, tllt ,_, "'""" ''*' "*""' "-u. 4tte of "" ,.,., ~· •f i.tt1n H pro.WM ill ,., ...... c.. ~ tJ• nie-. ....... claims w11f not upire before four month~ from the hur1n1 dete noticed above YOU MAY EXAMIN£ the hie t.epl by lhe court II you <11 e • per son en teresled In the estate. you may file with the court a Request for Special Nollet (form OE 154) of the hfm1 of an inventory and 1ppulsal of estalt useb or of 1ny ~1111011 or euount as provided 111 P1obate Code stclion 1250 A R•~uul tor Spuoel Notice fOfm is 1v11lable from the court cltr~ .,..._, .. , .. " ...... ......... '· 4e M.ye c-~ c ...... 1 _., ~r, ... "'l,,:~,.o. ....... ~.<AH .. J fl'ullllslltd Newport S..Ch·Co1l1 M.u Dally f'1lot Jiiiy ,. 30 l l, 2003 Tl1W6 I 2 s........e .. , ....... ............. Tiit tollow!nt ~s.oci II.ti 1blfl6oflff !ht UM of lllit ,ldt!MHIS l uM MU ... "" •> T Slt .. l Sufi b) T StrMI Surf Shop ~) T Strut Sur i tom 4) T·Strut &wt Cent., t) Mlll"-1 11tfNt1d'I I) l·StlMI swr.o.c11. ~.... • Melfi, lot Ce!M C>.i PM,•Dge e$M Ctewe•• CA916n lht I 1Ll1llous 8us1nen n•""' r ef•rred to abo.e wil\ loltd in Or •ll&f County on 8 19 2002 Fil[ NO 20016913932 Norman Dayle E1v1n J1 . 108 Calle Del Paci lico, San Clemente, CA 9?6n W1ll1•m J Lukasik h 108 Calle Del Pacifico. Sin Clemente. CA 92672 Tllk busrness 1s con ducted by a 1e11e,.1 partnership Norm111 Otylt I rv1n Ir lh1s st1temfl11t wu filed with the Cou11ty Clerk ot Diana• County on 07/08/0J 200JHJ07J6 011fy Pilot July 10, 17 24,31,2003 Ttt585 ,.... ..... ... s..... 1 lie followtnt p•nons lfl d<ltnl buslMU H 1) T· tr"t Sutt b) T Slraet Stiff Shop c) I Sheet Surf com d) T Str11t Sur I Ctnltt t) T Slrttl Surl!M>trdt I) 1 Slffft ~fboafft, "'1 !* .. & ~. IOI Cth Def P'adfKo S.11 CllM· antt.CAmn T Str"t Inc. (CA), lot Ctflt Ott fi'K•l"'o• $111 Clemtnla, CA 92127 Tllrt &u•lllt'' ., n• du• t•J by a11 lll~ldo,. "'"" '""'™'" dolftt ktiNia 19U Y•, 06_1 osnooo T Stt•t Ille ltof- 0 Ervin Jr CE 0 I Pr111dent This U1l1ment wn hied with the County Clerk of Ounce County on 07/08/0J 200J69S0720 Daily Pilot July 10, 17 24 31. 2003 lhS81 ,..... ...... ... --.. The lollow1n1 p111on1 are doln1 busineu u e) Cehtornla Mortaa11 Acceplanct Corporatlon b) C•fmac c) C1lm1C Ot<tcl d) Ctlmac llttl Estate 4695 MacArthur Court. Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 9M60 C1llfo1nl1 Mort1111 Acc11>t•rt« Corpoullon, (CA), 4695 MuArthur Court, Suite 1100, ~ort 8e1th, CA Thia ~u IS cOl'I· MIN b)' t Corpottllon Have yov sl•tM dOinl IHl\lf\ess yttf Y11, Aor• 21,2003 Ctllfor nit Mort1•1• Acupt4M!Ct COlllOftltoft. Chrl1to1111er t •er h1rt, VieeP'r...-1 ThlS st1t-t Wit filt4 wlttl llW C~ty Clef-t f 0r.,... Cevntr °" 08/1311>3 .......... 0"1 , ... , ""' 10. 11, 14,)l,200i , ... s .......... ij .. 11 • ttflkuf ~...-.Ullmt lh• followina por\on ha• 1b1ndnned the u•t of the F 1Cflt1ous 8uso ness N1me 0 Beetle Oes1an,, 240 Hano•er 01 Costa MeH CA 92626 The F ict1tiou' Businns name 11ferred to aboYf was hied 1n Oranat Cou111y on I I 10 2000 FILE NO 20006846365 N11v1n1 Jananeir Alonso 240 Hano-Or Costa Mesa CA 92626 Mark Edward Alo•so 240 Hanover Of . Costa Mtse, CA 92626 Tlus business II con ducted by husb1nd Ind •. ,. Nhv1n1 l tll1n11r Alonso • This llllttnent WIS 11*1 Wltll tht Cqunt, a.• ol °''"P Count; on 01/lli'Ol ... ,. .. ,ti, Oejfy Piiot lvly ll. ,4, 31, Allf 7, 20031 200.l '111!.95 ............ ......... Tiit lo4lo .... ,._ ., • .,... W.lftn• .. J A. ""'' • .baoc11t • t)t ltn4Uttlt Or • CO.Mt "4 Mer. CA ~ Jt"r A Riftt t7t .......... Ol' •. c. ... ••,uen s1,.1 11n J Kon& 'l/9 Sc\lld<•,llt Or fornne 11,I M"' CA 9262~ lalln L 1<111~ 919 S•nd• nll~ 01 Cortina d~I Mar CA 9262'> I his busmus " uon ducted by 1n unincur porahd anoL1iot1on ot~• than a p1rln!!oh1p Have you star led do1na busineu ,.,, Y'u 01 01 1917 Jtrry A Kine This ~l•l•flll'nl wn hltd •Ith lht County l.le• k "' Or •nae CtJunty un 01 08/0J 200J HS0711 D••I)' Pilot Jiiiy 10 17 14,31 2003 lh'>79 *-"'" .. I , ...... .............. Melody M.tuh Mel'" lhos statement was filed with the County Clerk ol 01 an1e Counh u" 07 oi OJ 200JHS0216 Oaoly Pilot lufy 24 JI Aue 7.14 2003 Th617 S......tf ,. I ..... .. Ac-.. ..... ... lhe loltowffll person hu abandoned the use uf tn1 r1ct1tious Busi nus N1mt MIONICH1 DOC LEASH CO 1760 Monrow11 Ave A 10 Co1ta Meta C1hf0tnt1 91627 The FIClrtlOVS luW!us 111me rwftfrtd to •M-• wu ltltd In Onnc• County on 09{22/00 . f ILC NO f474711 Ult1t l1tld l11c (Cthfom11 Corp) 11'0 Mo111 uv11 Avt A lO, C••ta ltlitw, C.ltt4lflht ml1 Ht ~ '' COft ;u.,tld "~ • C.ofl)<lfltiCMI Ultra Braid, In ,, MtriOll S ""•11, ) . ,,_.,t This •t•t-t "" ....... ttll ~ty ~ •f o...,. CMtJ OA07~ .._ ..... °"''' !'lot u. AMI 1, 14 JOoJ FktitlM lllilKs llmtS...... Tht tolk·w•nc P~" "' •rt dr-·~ hU\lrtf:\~ 4t\ '1 futnMltd h (uon Handyman 114 l 10th SI •17 C<l\I~ Mesa CA 92627 P>t11t Slt11n••~ 114 [ 20th St •I l C.o\la Mn• CA92677 M•lh Step111at. 114 £ 20th St • 12 Co"• Mna CA91627 Thi\ bu1io1n is lOn dueled by hutband and wllt Hllwe you \llfttd dolnjl bus1nus y~P "" P111tr St*Pll""' Tiits slaltftltnl •H ftltd with the County Ct.fk of Ot aftte County 6fl 01/tS OJ IMIHJl6t 4 0..ty l"llot NI 17. 24 31. Aue 1. ?003 T"606 .......... ........... Rn•• Mertria l U n\ lhl\ stat•m,nl ••• l1IK ,.,th II>• Cl'tunty i.r~ ot Or•11et Co1111h 01107 08 OJ • 200J6tJ0742 0 •1ly Pilot July 10 11 24 JI 2003 lt1~7ll- Mllels ...... ... s....... ll'le follow1na ~"""' •r~ dOlftl bU\IM\\ I\ o Se• Breeze Marktton b) M1• A<.tion Wholewlt Oist11bu1to11. 142• N 91taV11 011111• C•h lorn1a 92167 Gt•ll••I Mart.1!1111 G10.ip ICA I ll'>6 Av•11 1d• Ob•• 11111 Ct11\t11•. C•lol111n11 92009 Thrs busffttl I\ 'Oft dlKl•d by I COfl)OllllOll tuv1 you ''•ltd llotflt 1>11\1-t pt? Yu l'Olll• C •lhr1,. Mtrht1111 Cre•p, Mtchtel C ....... ,,Va l"f ideftt flltt l1ltl'fll!ll WH ..... "'"" ttlt Covtlty Ci.t11 itf °'•• ~tJ Ofl 0~1 14.-'03 ........... ~~~·~ CA $ 14 Thursday, lit 24. 2003 -------Llpl... M Ulll.._ .......................... ............ ............... .. l.llllMlll .. ~~~~~~~~ ........... ... s..... Tiit to1tow1111 p"aona at• doin1 bn ln•n es •) R1• ChoWti1. b) rortlronl Mott1a1• Capi ta l, c) Ret1n1nc1clty com, d) Refrn•n'9c1ty. t) Fort fro nt Capl t1 I, I ) H•vaclliOll COIU, _1> Forefront C1pltel, 1041 W 18th St A·107, Colta Mn •. Callforni. 92627 David Gotdon HOWH, &12 12th St Hunt1111ton Beach. Cahlouue 92648 Tiits bu11neu 1, con duded by• •n 1ndtv1du1I Heve you started do1n1 busmui yet? No David Howes Thi) st1ttm•nt WIS flled• with the County Clll{ll of Or11nce County on 06/03/03 tOOS6t4H17 Daily Pilot Joly 3 10. 17, 2&.2003 Th556 fktfflM ...... "-ts......, The followln& persons • ,. dOlni bustn&H H EAJ Enterprtses. 903 W 17th St. Sp1ct 81, Costa Mtu CA926:U Edward Anthony Jen ecell. 903 W 17th St Sp•C«' 81. Cost• Mesa CA 92627 Jewel Dean Janecek 903 W 17th SI .. Space 81, Costa Me~n. CA 92627 This bustneu 1s ~on ducted by husb.ind •nd wife Have tou >Urted dOlhi: bu~mns yet> Nu Ed•urd Anthony l4n ltlek lh1s sl•lenienl wds hied with th~ County Cle• k ol 01 anite Co111lly un 07108103 20036950743 Daily Pilot luly 10, 17 24.31 2003 Th577 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SAlE T S No 1053472-08 APN 412-052 16 TRA 15034 Loan No 101051324 REF Pelge, J1ttrev IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOO AAE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED April 11, 2002. UNLESS YOO TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOOR PROPERTY, IT MAV SE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF TliE NATURE OF THE PROC£EDING AGAINST YOO, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On August 06. 2003. at 1000am, Cal-Weslem Recolllleyance Corporation, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Tl\ISI reconled Apol 25. 2002, as inst No 2002034 7003. ol Otfoal RecordS in the office al tile Coonly Ree()(der of Orange County, State ol Gal110mta, elUICuted by Jeffrey c PaJQe. An Unmarried Man, v.111 sell at public au<:tJon to F'llgllest bidder tor cash. cashle(s check drawn on a Slate oc naJJonal bank, a check drawn by a state or tederal credit UnlOO, or a Chee.I\ drawn by a state OI 19deral saviOQS and loan assoaabOn. H\llrlQS a.ssooation. or 11v1ngs bani( specified '" Section 5102 of lhe F1naroal Code and autllonzed to do buSll'le$S 1n rhls state In Ille front ot the flagpoles at the main entranoe area to The Ptacenlia CIVlc Center, 401 -411 E Chapman Avenue Piaoentla, Calltomla. all ngl'll, title and interest conveyed to and now held by 11 under said Deed of Trust In Ille property silualltd In u.id Countv and State ........ "-S..... Th• follow1111 jlti'Uns 11 a doin1 buiinen u . Huntinston BHCh S.nd Cestlt l"estlval, 301 M1111 St., Ste 208. Hun1t1t1tott BHCh, CA 92648·5171 Huolinalo n Buch Conler•nc• and Visitors Bureau (CA), 301 Main St. Ste. 208. Hu11t1naton Stach, CA 92648·fH 71 nus bus1neu Is coll· ducted by· 1 corporation Have you slttted dolnl business yet? No Hunllnaton Beach Confennc• and V111tors Bureau. Ooual•s C Tr1ub/Prtsldent & CEO This statement wu IUed with tflt Co11nty Clerk ol Orenc• County on 07 /7.2/0J 200H9S2J25 Daily Ptlbl July 24, 31, Aua 7. 14. ro<>J TH625 flctlllM ..... "-ts....., The follow"'& persons. are do101 business as: 1) AXION, b) llXION ENTERPRISES c) AXION VENTURES. d) AXION COMPANY, e) AXION CONSUL TING 19682 Surlbreaker lane Hun· ttn1ton Buch Calllorn1a 92648 Lazaros Bountour, 19682 Surlbruker Lane Hunt1n11to11 Buch. Cali lornla 92648 Th•~ bus1nus 1s con· ducted by ao md1v1dual Have you •Ill led doln& busineH ye! 1 No luarus Bountour This statement was filed with the County Cieri. of Oran&e County ori 06126103 2003694952S Daily P1lol July 24 31 Aug. 7 14, 200J Th6JO described as COmpletetv deSCnbed in said deed of trvst Tile street address and otner common designation. rt any. of the real properly c»scribed abovt ls purpor1ed to bt 1068 Vallejo Clrde Costa Meu CA 92626 The u11de11ig11ed T ruslee disdaims any liabllity IOf any tncorrectnesa of tne streec address and Oiiier common destgnabon, if any, shOwn llerell'I Said sale wrH be made. eut wrthout covenant oc warranty. elq)fess or implied, regarding trtle, poS5eS$0n, oondll>on or encumbrances. tndudtng tees, Charges and expenses of !he Trustee and ol the 1rus11 creeled bv said Deed of Trust. to pay the remaining poncipat sums ol Ille note(s) secured bv said Deed o1 Trust to W'lt $259,021 74 Wl1I\ ltllerest ltle<eoo trom J anuary 01. 2003 11 1 O 490% pe< annum as provided 111 said note(a) plus 00511 and anv advances wiUl lnte<est ESTIMATED TOT AL DEBT S2n.532 26 The benett0ary under Slid ~ ol Tiust l'leretofof'e ell8CU1ed and delivered 10 lhe undefSlgned a wntten Dedarabon ol Detautt and Demand lor Sale, and • wrmeo Noltce ol Oef au/I 'nd Electlon 10 Sell The undersigned caused said Notice Of Default and Election to Sell to be lllOOl'ded 1t1 tne oourttv wtiere ttie real property is located For &ales tnformabOll Morl-Fn 9 ooam to 4 OOpm (619) 590.1221 CaJ.w .. i.m Rec:onveya nee Corporanon. 525 East Main Street, P 0 Box 22004, El Cejon, ca 92022·9004 Oated July 1 7, 2003 T ruatee Sale Olfioer Rhonda L Rorie (R-97351 07/17/03. 0712.IAXJ. 07131/03) NOTICE OF TRUS-otMt common ~ TEE'S SALE TS No.~ netlon, " any, lhown 02021 Doc ID herein. Thi ~ I00014Sll6S4200SN .mount of the unpeld Tltll Ordtr No. ~ with lm.reet an031351 lnv.s-thel'90fl of the ~ tofllnlUl'lf No. tlon Mand by ill 2500013989 APN No. property to bt IOld 137·21.crll VOO ARE IN plua ~ Mti- OEFAULT UNDER A m.eed coets, txpeneee DEED Of TRUST, 1.nd ~ at lhl DA TEO 01117/2002. tllTll of lhe lnlUll publi• UNLESS VOO TAKE cation of lhe Nocfce of ACTION TO PROTECT Sall II $3901948.08. It II YOUR PROPERTY L. rT poulbll tMt It lhl MAY BE SOlD At A time of Ull lhl ~ PUBLIC SALE. IF YOO Ing bid mey bt .... NEED AN EXPLANA· thin the to«a1 I~ T10N OF TliE NATURE net1 dul. In edclltton to OF THE PROCEEDING ceefl, tht TMtle wlll AGAINST YOO, YOU eccecit CMtlllf'a SHOUlD COHTACT A chicks drawn on I LAWYER." NoUct II 1t11t1 or nMJonlt b1nk. iw.by gMn UltC CTC I chick dr9Wfl by I ,.... EatMI S.rY!cel, •IN or tldltal credit 11 duty 1ppolnted union, or 1 chlctt t""'89 pursu9nt to lhl drewn by a l1atl or Deed of TNll •~ f9dlfll artlnga Ind by LAUREL FENNERTY loen INGti.doir, M¥o :..~1~:i =·-=ttt~ reoordld 01'1Ml2, u In Sec1lon 5102 °' .,. lne1run'ltm No. Rnenclal Code -20020Cm01~ .~ • euflotllM lo do .... Peg1 , Of QITIClll R• ,.._In .,._ llMI. llld COl'de In the office of .... Will be !Mdt, "' .,, the County ~ of "Al 18" condllon, but Onnoa County, ...._ wtttlolA eownn or of Cellfomla. Wiii ... Mrranty, ..... OI on OM>7'2003 et lmplled. , ... .,. • 2!00PU, AT THE ~ ~ entw!t-~ "'~ ~ ~·r::: COUNTY COUAT • 11¥ Mid o.d of r,_, HOOSE. 700 CMC .,.,.,_ ..........,, CENTER DANE WEIT1 wtct1 .,..,... • pto- SAHTA AHA, CA • =--of-1'11 ur:': =-==torlou': ~ by ..... Died • dlldr • ....... Of T,,.. ... ...._. ..... I ..... In.... 1'llr9or! • ,,.,..... In ..... °' ..... ,..,... ................ ... .. ........ °""" cNl9le """ .. -._.tonnawhl6d Ol .. T ........ " bf lt....., ..... a.II°' .. --Cf.-d 111¥ T1ul&. '" ... ~ ..... a.II °' nu.( ......, In llld aiuMr OATID: OMDlllD _. ._ ... • ,_.. crrc ...., E.-. ..,. ...,,,._..._ .... -~ .... , .... ..,Died DfWI. ........ ti TML 1191 .._ '""11(. CA ... .... .... ....... ..::!. !'.! !!! ~-~·=t ::.r.:~ .., 8 ... .... lllt ca. CTC Riii mf"·---,_ ........ II I cosr:o"!!.~ ::.:-:=-:-= .... ............................. ..... •s...... ... s...... •s...... ... ........ Tiie follow n1 ~ona Tiit follollilfl& p«lOns The f0Howln1 l)tfaons The followl111 pwaon1 are dol111 buslnus 11: ere doln1 b11u11tu 11: .,, doln& bulllntu as: we doifll butlneu as: Bill & Ctc:lly [nt«prit., a) Newport Office So· Coltquest Ttlteom UC, LA Group l'f~l~ 1240 North Vin lunn lutiona. b) Market1111 439 l/2 hsoft'-Ave.. Inc.. 240 Nice L•n• St 1105, An•lltlin, CA Ma,1ter1 Croup, 537 Coron• 0.1 M8t, CA ~!l2. Newport 8ttcfl, 92807 N.wport CenlM Drlv• 92626 ..... ~ Wllll•m Wuton, 1240 •381. Nawpott Beech, Conqu-.t Teltcom LLC ~ CrOllp l11c. (NV), North Ven Buren SL. CA 92660 (CA). 439 1/2 Bt1onla 1306 Wast Cf1l1 Road Anaheim. CA 92807 Thomu Lo•y, 537 A~•. Corona Dal Mer, CA Sultt,[·106, LH Veaas. Ceclly Ceder, 1240 Nawporl C11nltr Olive 92625 NVll9032 North Ven Buren St . •367, NtWJIO(t B11ch, Thlt buslnns Is con-This butlnus Is con· Anehellfl. CA 92807 CA 92660 ducl•d by: 1 liinlttd duct.cl tty: 1 c0tporatlon Th s bus iness Is con· This bu1lnen Is c:on· Lltblltty Co. Have you 1tartecl doin& ductad by • 1•n•r•I ducted by· an lnclivldu1I Have you 1tartecl clo•ns buslneu yatl Ho partnership Have you started doina b111iness yen No LA Croup Inc • L .. Hav• you stlflld dol111 business yet1 Ves Conquest Telecom LLC Ambrosino /CFO business yet? No 1 ·I ·03 Alex Vorobltff, owner Tiiis statem•nt wu C.Clly Cecl•r Thomes Lowy This st1tetnent was filed with the County This 1t1ttment w11 Thts 1t1tement was llled with the County Cte1k of Or1n11 County filed with the County fifed' wltll th• County Clerk of Orena• County on 07 /11/03 Clerk of Ortnae County Clerk ol o,.n11e County on07/15/03 200SHS1214 on07/0l/03 onO&m/03 200UtSUH Delly Piiot July 17, 24, 200S6'Soott 200S6'4f7lt Dilly Piiot July 2&, 31. 31. Aua. 7, 2003 T11593 Daily Pilot July 3. 10, 17. Daily Piiot July 3, 10. 17. Au1. 7, 111. 2003 Th614 2&, 2003 lh55l 24, 2003 Tll566 ~...... • :-.::::: , fldll6M...... ~..... ...se....... lht lollow1n1 persons ... s..i.... ... se....... The tollowln1 p11 sons art dolna buslntu u : The followlne persons Th• followlna perlOns are dolna business n : 1) Aroma Eapreu b) ere doina business as· are dolna buslntu u : Jj Concepts, Inc .. 13800 KITIMA c) Mick's, 2010 Haven's Ooor. 1760 Delao P1opertle1. 2950 Park Center Line, Stt. Main Street Suite 165, Pomone Avenu•. Coste Randolph Ave.. Coste l&O, Tustin, Callfornla Irvine. CA 92614 Men, CA 92627 "'•st. C11llornl192626 92782 "'•ll Mobil•, Inc. Huven's Sash & Door, Delao Properliu (CA). Jj Concepll, Inc. (CA). (Deltwtrt). 2010 M11n Inc. (CA). 1760 Pomona 2950 Randolph Ave, 13800 Perk Centtt Lant , Strttt Suite 165. Irvine. Avenue, Costa Mt n . Coste Mtsa, Callfornla Ste. 140. Tusltn. Cali CA 92614 Calllornlt 92627 92626 fornla 92782 This business 1$ con This busineu is con· ThlS business 1s con· Thts business •S con-ducted by • c0tporallon ducted by:• corporation ducted by 1 Limited ducted by· a corporation Have you started dolnc Have you sterted doina hablltty Co Have you started dotne business yet? No business yet? YtS 09/01/ Have you mrted dolna business yet? Vts, 6/18/ Mau Mobil•, tnc .. 2002 business yet? No 2003 Pr es1 dent M 1c h ee I Heaven's Sash & Door, Delao Proper tits, Jer· J; Concepts, Inc .. Joyce Schepers Inc Scott Dunn, Prut emy M1rsh1ll Tuppina. Smith, CEO This statement was dent President This statement was filed with the County This statement was This statement was filed with lhe County Clerk of Ounae County Med with the County filed with the County Clerk ol Ore nae County on 07 /22JP3 Clerk of Oranae County Clerk of Oranae County on 07/21/03 200HU2SIO on 07/08/03 on 06/30/03 200S695225t Dally Pilot July 24. 31 . 2003'9507JJ 2003'950045 Dally Pilot July 24, 31. Aue 7, I&. 2003 Th619 Diuly Pilot July 10. 17. Daily Pilot July 3, 10, 17 Au& 7. 14, 2003 Th615 IUIM-~ 24.31,2003 Th583 24.2003 Th554 ~..... m--,__ •s........ flditllus ~ Rdtlil....... "-s....... The lollowtn& persons "-eSw-it ... Stllmelt The followina persons are do1na business as. The followina persons The followlna persons ere dome buslneu as a) Christopher Mercus are doina business as are dotna business as· Copie rs World, 537 b) Bluefl1me produc· Raae ChoP1>ers 6U Body Renaissance . Newport Center Dr lions. 2307 Santa Ana Terminal W•y. Costa 24701 Rtymond. #252. Suite 525 Newport Ave, -Cost• Meu , Cali· Mesa. CA 92627 -Lake forest. Calllornta Buch, C1hforn1a 92660 forn11 92627 Steven Lucis Br0$tlow 92630 Ammar Al Ibrahim Chr1Stopher Marcus 644 lerminal Way, Cosr8 Beverly J Wtlltams, Pasha. 5319 University Butt, 2307 S•nta An• Mesa. CA 92627 24701 Raymond, lf252, Dr. #21 I. Irvine. C1h Ave, Costa Meu. Call Thts. bus1neu 1s con Lake for est. Callforn1a fornia 92612 lorn11 92627 ducted by· an lndtvidual 92630 Thts business is con· This business is con Have you started doine This buslneu Is con ducted by· an 1nd1v1dual ducted by. •n 1nd1v1dual busmen yet? Yu, 7.9. ducted by an individual Have you started doln& Have you stuled do1n11 03 Have you st•rted dome busmen yet' Yes. Jan bus1nn s yet' No Steven Lucu Brosllow bus1neu yet' No 2003 Chris Butt This statement was Beverly J Williams Amm1r Al lbr ah1m This statement wn filed with the County This stalement was Puha flied 10ith the County Clerk of Oranae County tlled with the County This statement wu Clerk of Oranae County on 07 /11/03 Clerk of or anee County flled with the County on 07 /21/03 2003695 1242 on 0711103 Clerk ol Oranee County 200369522" Daily Piiot Jul 17. 24. 200369S0090 on07/l/03 011ly Pilot July 24. 31. 31. Aui 7. ?003 Tti604 Daily Pilot July 3 10 17 200)6950100 Au1 7. 14. 2003 Th628 24 2003 rtissO-Daily Pilot July 3. 10. n ... _ fidlfiM ltailtts ' 2&. 2003 Th546 ... s..... fldltlM..... fidttlM .... The follow1ne persons ._s..i..t ... s..i... are doina busmen as The follow1ne persons a) Patton Eoterprtses, trt dom1 business u · b) Say Media M1rket1n11 lr111ne F1n1nc11I Services c) Softntl Solutions. Company. 1391 Brass 13922 Tu\hn Cut Dr Lantern Dr l• H1br1, •39d, Tustin, Cal1forn11 CA 90631 92780 Elizabeth Gllkman. !lobed Pat'<Jn, 13922 1391 Brass lantern Dr., Tusltn East Or #39d. La Habra. CA 90631 Tustm. Cahlorn1a 92780 This buslneu ts con Thts bus1neu 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual ducted by an tnd1v1du1I Have you started do•n& Ha11e you started doona business yet' No business yet' No Ellz1btlh Gltkman Rober IM Patton This statement wu Ttus statemefll was filed with the County hied with the County Clerk of Oran1e County Clerk of Orenee County on 07/15/03 on 06/17 /03 200'6951611 2003694153' Daily Pilot Jul 17. 24. Oaily Pilot Jul 17. 24. 31 , Aua 7, 2003 Th610 31 Aue 7. 2003 Th60S AdltlM ..... "-eS......, The follo\Otnl persons are dome business as Kerr Co . 1760 Monrov1n Ave •A 9, A 10 Costa Mua. CA 92627 Kem Harstad 1760 Monrovta Ave Costa Mesa CA 9?627 ThtS bus1nns 1s con ducted by 1n 1nd1v1dual Have you started doma business yet' No Kem Harstad This statement wu filed with tht County Clerk of Orenae County on 07/08/03 2003695074& Daily Pilot July IO. 17 24 31. 2003 Th576 RdltlMa..m ... s..i... The follow1ne persons are do•ne bus1neu •s Dilullo lnduur1al 217 1/2 S1pph11e Ave Newport Buch CA 97661 Sean Dilullo. 217 112 Sapphlfe Ave , Newport Beach. CA 92661 This buSlness ts ton· ducted by an 1nd•••du1I Have you started do1n1 business yet' No Sun Dilullo This statement wu !tied with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 07/08/03 2003'95071' Daily Piiot July 10. 17, 24, 31.2003 Th580 The followm1 persons are dOtnl bu11neu as Alleood Appu1n l Ser vtces 1361 Cl Camino Rut, •173 Tustin. CA 92780 Judith Ann Schoeliler. 1361 El Camino Ru l. t 173, Tustin. CA 92780 Thts busmess 11 cnn dutted by an ind1v1du•I Have you star led do<ne business yet' No Judith Schoefflet Thts statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oraniie County on 06126/03 200J6949679 Dally Pilot July 10. I 7. 24.31.2003 Th572 FktltlM ..... ... s..... The follow1n1 persons are do1na busintu as· May Photo and Des•an. 300 Broadway, Costa Mesa. Cahfornta 92627 M.etlh Tem ll M1y. 300 Broadway, Coste Mesa. C1hforn11 92627 This busineu ts con ducted by 1n 1nd1v1dual Have you started do!n& buStness yet' Ves. 11/1/ 1997 Keith Ml y This statement wes flled with the County Cler~ of Oranee Counly on 07/1/03 20036950102 D11ly Pilot July 3. 10. 17. 24, 2003 Th!>&ll llOWTFOI AIOITKTWl/ Bt&llW DlSl&ll saYICES FOi Til .vasrTY Of CA&IOmA, IVll Quahf1ca11on proposals are be1n1 eccepted to provide prof'"1on1I d111an services lot the lollowina project. PaOJICl NAMl1 HOUSING flal At.UM UPGUDl/aEPLAClMlNT The propoHd protect will involve lnd1v1dual desicn solutions to be determined by the s.elected lifm, for each hou11na complH thel 11n111 from complete fire 1l11m system reptac1ment to simple device chan1e·out 1nd horn 1dd11tons Value en11neer1n1 i nd lona·tetm malntaln1b1My of the fire alarm system IS of critical 1mport1nce to this pro11ct The primary intent of lht wotk is to achieve code required hre alarm horn volumes m each sleep1ne area or each complu 11 minimum conUructlon cost The estlmat1d des111n cost is SJ00,000.00. The follow1na is 1 roueh scope of work of lhe servtces that will be required f urther cl1rtflcat1on of scope will be preunled fn the <-•wlt- Pre-Pr..-aal Meetl"t which is mandatory for all to attend to be 1llowed to submit • proponl on lhts protect The prt·proponl mHtlna win be held on f,,ldtry, Ayt41at 1, 200S t1 t.00 •·"'· el f•cilities M1n11ement. conference room 128 I 0 B . 19172 J1mboree Blvd lfVlne, CA 92672·5444. S.rvlcesi • Complete and thorou111 f,,e 1l1rm sur11ey of 111 e u st1n1 housln1 untb on the ltst undtr schedultna • Coordln111on with UCI Facil1t1es Man111menl personnel to a111ss current situation • Value Enalneerlne anel~sls for Heh housma complex to dato1mlne the most cost elfect1ve solullon based on u lstlna conditions. The lollowtnr persons are doina bu11ness as a) Della Motorspor ts. b) m1n1motoaa1 com 25&61 Altc11 Parkway .. L11un1 Hills, CA 92651 DU Intl Corp, (CA) 2973 Harbor Blvd •347, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This bustnen 1s con dueled by 1 corporat1011 Have you star ltd do•n& bustneu yet> Yes 3-03 DLJ lntern.i1onal Corp Jose Oe l • Ju ll Ptestdent This st•lement wu hied with the County Clerk of Or 1nae County on 06/27/03 200)694'721 011ly Ptlol July 3 10. 17. 2• 2003 Th559 fic1111M ..... ... s..i..t The follow1n1 persons are do1ne business u mtchu lm Art1St/Ph1loi opher. 230 E 17th St. #203, Costa Mesa CA 92627 Michael Doneld Mey· u i.. 230 C I 7th St •203 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Th1$ buslneu '' con ducted by an 1ndlvtdu1I Have you started clolna business yet? Yes Jan. 1981 Mochul Donald Meyers Thli 'tatement wn Med with the County Clerk of Or1n1e County on 07/11/03 20016'512'1 Oatly Ptlot July 17. 24, 31. Aue 7. 2003 Th600 Rd!IM ..... ... s...... The follow1n11 per sons are doine business AS New Dawn of 011n1e County House Church, 1626 M111uer1te Ave .. Corona Del Mer, CA 92625 Henry A Johnson 1626 M1r1utr1I•. Corone Oel Mar. CA 9262& This business is con ducted by: 1n tndlllldual Have you .iuted dolna buslntu yet? Yes May 3, 2003 Pastor Henry A. Johnson This statement was llled with tll• County Clefk ol Of 1n11 Co11nty on06/27/03 200S6'4'711 Datly Piiot July 3, 10. 17, 2&. 2003 Th562 • Prellmlnar y desians for 1ny solullon which may bt required to be used as a lt1t study (for eumple, for housin& compleau where a velue ffdlllM ..... enginMJed solution cannot be 0.1ermlntd dlracUy and thet a test study ... h...t.--A ta required J - • Mulltplt pro;ect desians (m1n1mum one pet complH ) i nd phasln1 The followln1 petsons plans w1lh.n the lnd1vldu1I 1><01ect des11ns u requited (lhll II, 11ch are dolnl buslnus 11 houslna co1n9I•• will have stparalt PfOltCt plans, pouibly 1nclodm1 El Matedor Mulcan phn •na n well) Rutaurent Costa Mas.. • F11ld vertltcellon of the •nllrt u11t1n1 spa« 111ctudin1 ell n socle'tecl 1768 Newport Blvd , ut/IUy tnf111ttucture srstems. (Tll•t is, telephone lines to fire el1tm Costa Mne, CA 92627 control panels, elec:trlce power point of connection. ttc:.) G1ll11do food Services • Acoustical 1n1lnterln1 and c1lcul1tiont shill b• provided to tnsutt Inc. (CA), 1768 Newport code compliance for horn sound ltvtls In eec:h complu lllvd., Co1t1 Mue, CA • C0otdln1le document 1ppro1111 with UCI Facillti.t Mln11eme11t 1nd 92627 Campus r in M1t s111rs off Kt up to and 1nc;ludi"I Fina! Stamp. Thlt bualn111 Is con • Develop ptellm1nary contttuctlOn cost Htl1natas for Heh deslJn ducted by. a C0tp0tetlon option for UCI rev11w end Nl9ctlon Pro•id• frnal conaltuctlon coat Havt you started dcMf11 eth1n1te fOt Heh co1n91 .. upon complttlon bui:hllt• )'tl1 Yn s~. 111nooo f'!nttl Conslruclton Documents (Pl1n1 and Specillutlons) sh1H bt G1U1tdo food Sttvlce at1mped, completed and r11dy for bid (lncludirtl C.mpua Ftrt Mttthtra Inc , Merc:111 01ll11do flied with lh1 County Cleft of Ora111e County on 07 /22/03 tooMHtHt Dally Pilot Jvty 24, 31, Au1.7, l4,20Q3 TH62l ........... Th1~5!e;, p:r•ona ere dOllll bUIMHI U : Howwd ProdllCllons. 928 Emareld S.y, L11un1 Btec:h, Callfornlt 92651 M1tthew Howard Pro· ductlon, 921 Emettld Bey, L•1u111 Buch, C1lllOfnl1 92651 Judith B. Shuster. 928 Emer1fd Bay, lacuna BHch, Calllornl• 92651 Tllit buslnus ls clln· ducl•d by: 1n Individual Hive you started dolna buslneu yet? Ves, 6/10/ 03 Mitt Shustef This st•t•inenl wu filed with the County Clerk of Oran1• County on 07/1/03 tooS6950101 Oelly Pilot July 3. 10. 17. 2&. 2003 Th5&7 ~ ..... ... s..i... The follow ma per sons 11e do1n1 bu1ln1n u Hacienda Oe Mesa Apt, 160 W w111on. Costa Mesa, CA 926&8 Ina Wen Hwane. 5712 Hiah11te Terrace, Irvine, CA 92612 Lin& Lona Hwan&. 5712 H1tlh1ate Terrace. Irvine CA9261~ Wilson Y1n1 1502 Weymount Senta Ana CA 92705 This business ts con· ducted by a eener •I pertnership Have you started dotnl[ buStnen yet? Yu 1985 In& Wtn Hw•n& lh1s statement was ftled with lht County Clerk of Oranat County on 07/01/03 20036950014 D11ly P1lol July 3 10. 17 24, 2003 Th553 Rdlt6M ..... ... s..i... Th~ follow1nc persons are doinr business as Cdae Crut1ons 218 V1ll•noo Rd Costa Mesll CA92626 Aleunder J Vinson. 218 V1ll1no111 Rd Costa Mesi CA92626 Andrew Ar thur Barnes JOOO U>ps1de Ln ~ New oort Buch, CA 92626 Th11 bus1nen is ton dueled bj co partners Have 1ou started dom1 business yet' No Ale•andet J V1n\On This statement wu filed with the County Cieri. of Oranee County on 07/22/03 200S6952J24 Daily Ptlol July 24 31 . Aua 7 14 ?003 lh6?4 FldttlM .... ... s..i... The follow1na persons are do1n1 busmen u [ncore Cruises 3424 Via Oporto Sltp n 09 New port Buch CA 92663 Crut All1n1tc & Pa c1lk Y•cht Corp <CA) 3253 8ro1d SlrHt Newport Buch, CA 92663 This busineu •s 'on du"td b.y 1 corporation Hive you st•uted lklme business yet1 No Creal Atlanltc. & P• c1f1c Yacht Corp Hatr y Schuit Secret1ry Thtl statentent wu filed with the County Cler II of Ora nee County on 07/01/03 200J69500U ' Datly Pilot luly 3 10 17 24 2003 Th552 nc... ..... ... s..... The followtn& ptrsons are do1n1 business ,. · Del Sol, 200 Mein. Suite •113 Hunltn&1on Buch. Caltforn11 92648 Surf City Parlntts. LLC (CA), 200 M11n Suite •113. Hunltneton Buell Caltfornta 926&8 This business ia <on ducted by • 11m1ttd h1b11tty Co Have yo11 st.,ted doma business yet? Yn 05/01/2003 Sutf City Pai tners LLC. Amy J P•nsey, Own11r/Mn11 Thts statement wu filed wllh the Count~ Cieri! of Ortl}J• County on 06/04/03 200JH4'990 Dilly Pilot July 3, 10, 17. 24, 2003 Th569 fkllM ..... ... se....... Tht follow1n1 person• If• do1n1 b11s1nHs H Bunt.house Apu tments. 1939 Wallace Ave, Cosll MeH. CA 92627 Rudy A Mertman, Trustee · Rudy M111men Tru't. 3&1 Bayside Drive, Suite 3. Newport Buch CA92660 Thrs busrnen rs con ducted by • Trust Have you started c1o<111 business yet? Yu 1991, Acq_ulred 8 unt.ho11ae 6/18/03 lludy A. Merlrun. Trut.IH, Audy M1rlm1n Tru1t Thlt stete"'ent wu filed with tllt County Cltfk of Ora111e County Oii 07 /22/03 tooMtSlllO Deily '1lot _July 24, 3l. Aus, 7, 14, 2003 TH622 approval) accOfdlnt to thb ac!Mdvft CEO • MeU Court Complu DeCtmbtT 19. 2003 This 1t1tement was Notice le l\tttby flv•n • Middle hrth Comple • 0.cr4"!1ber 19, 2003 flied wltll the County that th• undtnlpd will • Vereno Complu Dtctmbef 19, 2003 Cieri! of °''"'' County be sold at publlc AllCtlon • Alro110 Viste Co.......,.1 "--."-· tt . .-.. on 07/1' '""3 Ofl ""' 31, 100! Sbfw· , .. .,.-.,.....,._ ........ v v 1111 Scllti.r•e 111111111 • Pelo Vtfdt Comptita DtctlftMt 19, 2003 ~--....... ltll~ 51« ... , 1157 "---l This UCI ptojtd wlll be 1 ttedltlofll4 comttlldioft contr9Ct. flit MIKtld NIJ 17 2A """w""' ltCM~t/t.llCJM« I.Men Olt\ll pteptt• Compliftt dttlen ~llltttta llloe"...... Jl 7 ZOOJ rlM7 ll'td' Colt• ...... e •. OrlWlnp •nd lpe<lflcaUoM to bt bl4 ulldw 1 tr1ditlon1I constr'.;t;;;:' ' *21 • <•> ..,1·337'. ~tlttKl Ofewlftp tn4 S9tclflcttoOM ''""t be J)'tptrtd In COMCltlenct ........ 140 /U 004 Leurel #Ith est1blWltd UCI C1mpus $t111d1nls end Oesian Cflterli end 111 ......... :-.:;:41ulat, Houuhold ~•bit codte. Tiit tUCCtstM l>lddtf Wiii tl\ttl bt r~MIW. '°' The f0Howln1 ""°"' ·~ c.r-1 H.dle, construcltnJ the ptoltct. fhe Unlvanlt1 will m•n•p the Pfolttt dUfln& •e do~ butlneu 11• ~ol4 lla1M UM ~on•ttuctlon pllHe The Dttfcn Alcfllttet/[n&Jnttt wlll lit lnwolvtd In PCl'lofltlo fnttflofa, l7 128 Ja"'H Trapp, 1e•1tw of the Cottttecton 1"°9 •ewlttp end otMr c-tt11c:tloil dKu!Mflt A..,,.....__ .... -..... MllM!litttla tM H¥1t1111 tlltt IJftlw.ttlty Ofl ttlt adte!Wq of tMlr c:ontm. wn -9* .-w,....' f~""'811t Only firms-""' '--tratef .. ,.,~hi u......,, 1f ..,._..of =·C::.... 727 C..· ,..-.. .:.~&::'~ .W.lypeeM~--k~M .... flt 0 .. -· Seliectlon"' die wcMctwel/....,.._lftt-.. '-" Wll ... ......,41 ~·CA .. ,..,_,.,, :,::-._•.,.•=-.!.!: U!ritw9itf ~-,,...,._. wM ltt .,.-lo •dltlUcW.V' ..... lrlllfll ~ V. ...... 'D et ...u..wt Mt-~ ..................... offica le Cellfot!Me ,. _____ Or --T .. •o,oufa -1 lie ~ ...__ Wiii! r-..1ttt ~,..----.. -.. .,......_, ....._. lft4 ..._1" ,... -• • ....., -eo.t. CA-1 pwty llhntretlw IMttfWI r•n.11t111C •lllllt1 ltO "'"'"' IN WOfl! ,....,.-™' ......_ It c•• ICM*& kM&tt'a MW-leftd flfOf'OUll lo If .. "9dlllll!ul, ColltrMb Mllllft ~ ,ICMlel lllK'-4 llJ; ......... .... ~ WI. llll ...,_ _, 111-.u I n • ...... T,.._ ._..._. ....... .., ....... -..... ,..... _, I I e at ti AIAPM19 '"71 __ .. ______ ;. n•. c..Mornie N44 Pteipoula m•I IM ,..._ '1 ,.. •.&. Hew,.. .un.-... hedl Colt• .._. MR•Mfft. ""'r;;:I ot Clll9tflll. ltW'M, 201 lntlrlin Otftce ......... de 'ulllhlltf Nu5rt 1•:1111'111''1.::....,_1'm~"~!ll .• ll .. ~!•IJ .... lmiin...llll.,....tl~w.i..Ai.a·iluMill1111111111L.il'n.ullllll---~"' ,,... ""'11' 24' ="st 'w ., ~ nMt t ---1 i ( ,- .......... butl111u ytt? Yn. Jiii, ....... ... ... tr.a...t..-.... 1.02 ... -----Deirdre J. lrt1m -Tht tollowlnc P911on1 Thi• 1t1te111tnt wu The lollowl111 p«e0n1 •rt doln1 bnlness n flied wittl lllt County are dolnt buslne" u : l11te1rated Ttell11lc11 Cltrll ol Or1nse County ""' Poop "•ltol, 131 Sollltlon1, 230 f . 17th on 07 !2Vl)1 "'M Plec.e, Cott. Maa, St, Sta. 217. Costa IOOHtHHT CAm27 MtM, CA 92627 Deify Piiot July 24, 31. Jtnlce Sue $9rlk, Ill Stephen S.un4Nfa. 2.30 Aua. 7, l4, 2003 Th629 Pint P'lect, Colll Mase. f . l7th St. Ste. 217, CA 92&27 Coal• MtM, CA 92627 ,..._..... Thie business 11 co" Tiii• b11llne" IJ COii dllCted tty: Ill lndlvldu•I ducted by~ 1n Individual .. S...... Havt you 1tlf'ltd dol111 Have )'bu sttrtecl doilll Tiie lollowin1 persona buslntN J t t? Ho businK1 y-.? Vu. June .,. dol111 buslntu 11: J1nlce Sprlll 2003 [lite P1omoltonal Prod· Thia 1t1te111tnt wu Stephan S1undtt1 ucu , 1 Mole> Ct . New· filed with tM County Thi• ttatemtnt wn port Beech, CA 92663 Clttll of Of•nc• County filed with the County Cini Stttn, 7 MoJo Ct.,. on 07/08/03 Cltrk of Oran1e County Newpo rt Buch. CA 200MHt74t on 07/15/03 92663 Deity Piiot July 10, 17. tooS69S1607 This bu1l11tn I• con· 2&. 31. 2003 fh673 Oally Pilot Joi. 17. 24 ducted by· 1n lndlvidu1I 31, Aua. 7, 2003 Th605 Hive you atertAld dolna ~ 11......L...... tiu11n111 yet? No ,__ Qln1 Stern "-S..... ThtJ stattmenl wH The followln1 person filed with the County 5 Clerk of Oran~ County are do1n1 buslntu as 01107115;o3 Pencil Company, 970 2003H5161S Grov• Pl., Costa Mase Dally Ptlot Jul 11. 2&. c~:~~~ R. Tomasek 31, Au1. 7, 2003 Th610 970 Crove Pl . Costa fkllM ..... Mesa. CA 92627 This business " con ... S....... ducted by an Individual The followlna persons Hatt you started dotnll •r• d01n1 business 11: business ytt1 No Newport Cutt., Co .. 952 Edwtrd R. Tom1Hll Post Rd .. Co1ll MtM, Thrs statement was CA 92626 filed with th• County Qreeory Scott M1Sner. Clerk of Or •nae County 952 Post Rd • Coste on 07/15/03 Meu. CA 92626 200S6951612 This business is con- Dally Pjlot Jul. 17. 24 ducted by. 1n ind1v1du1I 31. Au5 7. 2003 Th609 Have you started doine business yet7 Yes 1994 Scolf Misner The follow1n1 per sons are do1n1 bus1neu u LAI Appl1.inc es 24 Southbrook Irvine, CA 92604 Aleksandr Lutunko. 24 Southbrook, h vine. CA 92604 This business 1s ton ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Have you 11ar1ed do1na busrnen yet> Yes 6 09 03 Aleksand• lutsenko Thi\ statement was hied with the County Clerk ol Or an11e County on 06127 ;03 20036949711 D11ly Pilot July 3 10 17 24, 2003 lh5&8 Re-.. """"' "-S...... lht tollow1na persons ate do1ne bui1nftss n Gr evy Garece 643 B West 17th St Cost• Meu CA'12627 Steven P Van W•1 uner I 009 Cr O•t Pl Cost• MeH CA 926?l This bu\lnes1 ts <On dueled by •n 1nd1v1du•I Have you slat led doin11 bus1noss ytl >Yo July 04 Ol Ste~on P V•n W•aontr fh" s tatement w•s riled with tht County Cletk ut Or•nee County on 07111 03 200'69Sl2'2 D••ly P1l!ll July I I ?4 31 Aua 7 2003 Th!i96 RdtllM--.U ie-s...... The tollow1n1 perwns aro do1n11 b1mnns es Cirque C1terin11. non Cocobana In Hunt1n1 Ion Buch, CA 92646 Kevin Deemer 21022 Cocob1n1 l n Hunl1n1 ton Hut h CA 91646 lh11 busonns ts con· ducted by '" ind1v1<tuat Have you shrltd dOln& business yet> Nu Kevin Deemtt Th11 stalemtnl wu ftltd wtlh the County Clerk of Ounce County on 07122/0J 200'6952309 D11ly Ptlol July 24 31. Aua 7 14 2003 lh620 Rd!IM .... ... s..i... The follow1ne per sons are doin1 business as. Sp 1 r1lvflly Connected Com 2239 Pac1f1r Ave •f Costa Mesa CA 926/7 li mo Edmund Tutrell. 7239 Pac1f1c Ave •r Coste Mesa CA 92627 '"" bus1n1ss 1i. con· ducttd by an 1nd1v1dual 14.ve you started do1ne bui1ness yet? No James Edmund Tu11ell Th11 statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ot1n1e County on07/08/03 200S695074' Daily Pilot July 10 17 2•. 31. 2003 Th514 ~ ..... ... s...... The lollowlna ptrsons •re dolna busmen as. THltmes247 com 4570 Campus 011vt •38. ~ort Bu ch CA Stephen Schulzt, &570 Campus Dflvt •31, ;~or f Bu ch. CA This bu,ineu " con· ducted by· •II Individual Have you started dotnR butlnns yet? No Stephen Schulze Th11 statement wH filed with the Co11nty Clttk of Otane• County on 06/27/03 200S6'49712 Delly Piiot JvlY 3. 10. 17. 2&. 2003 Th561 ........... .. s..... Tiit lollowl111 persons •t• doln& bu.ineu as: D ll•llt 0.llJpS, 240 H1nov11 Or . Cos te Mate.CA~ H Ir VI 111 Je h. n 1 Ir Aloflao. 240 Hanovtt Or .. Coste Mtu. CA 92626 Thi• b11ttnu1 It ton· ducted by: •11 Individual H•v• 1ou 1tlrted doln1 bull!lneA rel? Yu 1/1/2003 Nlrune l1hl11tlr AIMN OW. ttlttflltflt WU filtcl Witt! the Co1111ty Ct.II of Oren1• County Oii 07 /1l /03 200Mtlt21t 0.111'ilol .1111, l !i ..!.4: ll,~ 7,2003 '""' Thts &11t1ment was hied with the County Cletk of D11n1t County on 07/11/03 20036951231 D11ty Piiot Jul 17, 24 31 Au& 7 2003 Th602 fidltlM....., ... s...... The lollowln& persons ., e do•na business as REL Ou1ens 305 E. Bay A11e •3 Newport Buch. CA92661 Mon1c1 Berm, JOS E Bay Ave •3. Newport Buch CA 92661 Th11 bu~1nos ts con· ducted by en 1ndlv1dual H•v• you 51ar led do1n1 business yet1 No Monica 81r111 Tll11 stlltment wH !tied wtlh the County Cieri. of Or1n1t Countv on 07/11/03 200J695 I 243 011ly Pllol Jul 17. 24, -lL Ava. J. 2003 fb60l fidltlM ..... "-s..i..t The lollo .. 1n1 persons art doon1 bu11ness as Sin tor Sile 268 C1b<1llo St •A Coste Mtsa CA 92627 lom K11chl 268 Ca brilto St •A, Costa Me\d CA 926? 1 This bus1neu i. con Ou<led by an 1nd1v1dual Hav1 you ''"ltd d0tn1 business yet? No Tom Kr.tht This \letemenl was hied .. 11h th~ County Ctrr~ of Orance County on 06127103 200369&9723 D11ly Pilot luly 3. I 0. 17. 24 2003 Th565 fldlllals ..... ... s...... The lollow1n1 peaons •re do1n1 buStness as. Petal Pu she•~ 33207 Pneo Ctrv111 Si n Juan C•p1str ano CA 92675 Ann• Katherine Zoe barth, 230 Ent 18th St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Th1t business ts con· ducted by an lndtvlduel Have 1ou sl11 ltd dome business yet• No Ann• K•lllertne lie b11th This st1temt nl WIS llled with the County Clerk of Oren1e County on 06/23/03 2003'9&9031 D<11ly Pilo t Juty 10. 17. 24, 31, 2003 Th57 l Rdllila ...... ... s....... The lollow1n1 persons 11e do1na bus1neu n T Street Sp0tts. 1001 S El C1m1no Rtat, San Clemente. CA 92672 Wlllt•m J Luk111k ", 2102 Via Helecho, San Clemente CA 92673 lhti. busmtu Is con ducted by 1n 1ndivldual Hive you slttltd dotnR busmen yt 17 Yes 7 ·I · 03 W1llt1m J. Lukuok Jt This statement wu !tied with th• County Clerk of 011n1e County on 07/08/0l 200369'0721 D1 ily Pilot July 10. 17. 24. J l. 200.J Th582 ........... ... s..... The lollowln1 persons •re doina bu~lneu ts. Miiier Ktnntla, 7171 Kermort L•n•. St•ntoo, CA90680 Klmberlt Miiiet, 7171 Kermore 1ne, Stanton, CA90680 Th s business Is con" duct1d by tn 1ndMdu1I Hev• you started doina bUllMU r•t7 Yes, 01/ 10/2002 Klmberly Miiier Thi• aleltn\ent w11 filed with the County Clttk of Oran1e County on 07122/0J 200S6'HS11 Dally Piiot July 2&, 31, Au1. 7, 14, 2003 Tl\611 .,. =. ......... -= Tht lollowin1 persons are doln1 busln•ss n Kfr1 Woodruff • KW Communlc:etlons. 31811 VI• Peto, Coto dt t.?•. CA92679 Klre Woodruff £nqu1· 111. 318U Via Peto. Coto de Cale. CA 92679 This buslneu is con· dueled by. en lndfvklual Hawe you 111ftecl dotna business yet? Yes, 5 · 2003 K1r1 W Enqu1111 Thts s tatement wH hied with the County Clerk ol Or 1111• County on 07/11/03 200J69S1217 011ly Piiot Jul 17. 24 31. Aua 7 2003 Th60J The lollowtn& persons are do1n1 bu11neu 11 D S Builders, 317 Ma· rtnt Avt .. Balboa Island. Calllor n11 92662 01~id Roy Seeber. 317 M11 tne Ave · Balboa li.l1nd. C1llforn11 92662 Th" buuneu is con· ducted by an tndlw1du1I Hevt you started dolOC businen yet? Yes 6/"YJ/ 03 D1v1d R Seeber Thtt st1t1ment WIS filed •Ith the County Clerk of Oranae County on 0711103 20036HOIOJ 011ly Ptlot July 3 10. I 7 24 :1003 lhS.9 ~ .... •s....... The followtn1 person' are dolna bu"nau " Quellty Worils f loortn1 555 P•ulertno Ave S• 104. Costa Meu CA 92626 Vl1d1m11 Pota•I 11436 L 1mestone Of A111ent<le CA92504 1111, b111meu rs con due led by •n 1nd1111du11 Hive you slMled dome buStnus yet• No Vladimir Pot1•1 Tiits statement w .. filed with the County Clerll of Oranae County on 07115/03 200S69S161• O•oly Pilot .lul 17 24. 31.Aue 7 2003 Th607 flttlllll ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 perso~ 11t do•na bu"neu H Martrn lnv11onment•I 231 P1nev1tw Irvine CA 92620 T11 [hzabetll M1rl1n 231 Pineview Irvine CA 92620 This business " con ducted by 1n 1nd1111dual HIV• you stifled do10& bustnen yel1 Yes, 1/1/ OJ Tia EhLabeth Marlin This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Oranc• Co11nty on 07122/0l t00M95U2' 011ly ,,lot Jol1 24, 31 Aua 7 14. 2003 Th627 ~ ..... ... s...... The follow1n11 persons art do1n1 buslneu n Ace Frel1ht Servtct 19487 Surfset Or Hunllnston Bu ch CA 926U Elayne Poy, 19487 Surfset Drive, Hunllna· ton Buch. CA 926&8 Th11 butlnus ls con· ducted by 1n lndtvtdual Have you st.1tttd dolnt bustnen yet? Ho Efaynt Poy Tiiis statement •n flltd with the County Cieri. ol Or a nc• County on0&/27/03 200M'4t720 Dally Pilot July 3, 10, 11, 24. 2003 Th560 flclltm .... •s...... The toflowlnt pttsons 11 e doilll bUSlntss II Wlreleu How, 30 Mofena, lrnne. CA 926L2 DMC Companlu (CA), 30 Moftn1, lrvlne, CA 92612 Tiiis b111lnt1.1 Is ,on. ducted lly a COIPOfltlon Have you started dolns bu''-'411? No OMC Companies. Onld M. Carlson, Prtsldtnt Thlt 1tate-11t wH filed wltll tllt County Cltrll ol Or •ntt County on07/0el03 ........ , .. D•ltr Piiot July 10, l1, 2&. 3l. 2000 Th$84 I Daily Piiot :. 1.1111 llalcel 2141 l.1111 Nallcel ~ ..... ......... The fottowln1 persons • are dol1t1 business u C1ul 0n11n ' Anocl • 1tu, 35 S.11c1pe Drive. :2"fo rt Buch CA Mat1111I A-nn C1n1. 35 St11c1p1 Drive, :.J:r'' ~Heh, CA Tl1i• bu1ln111 K con • ducted by-1n 1ndlvldu1I Hnt you started doina business yet? No • M.r11r1t Cenl · This 1t1t1ment was filed with the County Clerk of Oren&• County on06/27/03 200Ht4t724 011ly Pilot July 3. 10, 17, 24,2003 Th563 The lotlow1n1 persons are doin& bu••neu as· Cellmu Commun1t1hon. 820 Center St •14. Costa Mua, CA 92627 [sp111nta Balder11m1 Codmez. 820 Center St • 14. Costa Meu, CA 92627 This buuneu 1s con· ducted by 1n 1nd1v1du11 Have you started dotn& bu1lness yet? No Poli cy Escietann 81ldtrr1m1 c This statement w11 filed with the County CIMk ol Ofan1• County on07/08/03 200JHSOU2 Daily PllOI July 24. 31, Au1.7, 14,2003 Th616 fidlllM .... "-S....... The tollow1n1 persorn •r• do na buslnus u . KHARRI{ Conault1n1 Ena ineers. 229 Wut Wilson H , Costa Men, CA 92627 Ji1mu P Evans, 229 West Wiison St., Coste I Mell, CA 92627 This bu1ln1u 11 con· ducted by· 1n Individual H•~• you sli1rt1d doln& busmus yeU No Jam11P Evans This sllltement 11111 hied with the County Clark of Or1n1• County on07/22/03 IOOHHUU 0.My Pilot July 24. 31. Au1 7,14,2003 Th623 Re-.. ..... •s...... The lollowln1 parsons lfe do1n1 busln11s H 1) Oeco·Crtl• b) Deco· r1tlve Concrete coil 1np. 236S Coll«p Or , Costa Meu, CA 92626 Tre~y Ma11e BartQn. 2365 Coll•&• Or • Cost1 Meu, CA 92626 ThtS bualflns is con ducted by •n 1nd1vldu..I Have ,ou 1ti11ted dolna blmnus yet? No lracey M111e Birton This statement wH filed with the County Clerk of Orence County on 07/1 1/03 200Utst US Oatly Pilot July 17, 24. 31.Auc 7 2003 Th598 Rt-..W-...s...... The lollow1n1 per ions are doina buslneu aa J&R Motone>Ofllt 1160 Monrovia Ave •A 9 A 10. Cosl~ Meu C.A 92627 Raymond Hustad 1760 Monrovt• Ave Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This l>u11ness " lon ducted by an 1nd1v1dua1 Have you Slilrl td d0m1 busmen yet? No Raymond Husl•d This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Or1na• County On 07/08/03 How to Place A Thurlday. July 24. 2003 85 ----------------l.epl Moticll 2MI llpl MCltica -llpl Notices 2MO -200~,-,~,-,-0-1-.-s~~~ Ottly Pilot July 10 II lh!>/!> 74 31 2003 ~lllllltu ...s ....... fhe lollowm1 i.erson\ are d•un& bu"n~~s •s Cu lit f 1n•nt1•I Cun \ul1tn1 4000 Ch•nnel Pl Newonrl 8~eth C.A 92663 O•nttl C.•sltllu 210 Lille Ln • 117. Nlwpurl Bulh CA '.12663 Tho\ bus1nr" 1s ton dulled by •n md1v1du•I tlave you st•rled do1n1 bu\tnf" yrP Ve\ 6/1/02 01n1et CHhllo lhis st1t1menl wn tried with the Counly Cltrk of Ounee County un 06 27 03 200JU4t122 O••lf Ptlol Jult j JO 17 14 200J l h5~7 lhe followtn& persQns •• • do1n1 bus on en •s 01.;n11e Cc.nl Roolu1e duclld by an 1ndtvtdu1I Have you started do•nc 1>us111eu yet' Yn 198'> David I( Moller Tht\ sl•temenl #1\ hied with the Cuunt, Clef11 ot Or1n1e Cuunt, on 06 '27 03 2003'90 110 Oally Ptlot July 3 I 0 l / 24 2003 ln'>1>4 C.u 2810 Chiu• Ru• fhe fvllowrn& persuro\ r U\I• Me,. CA 92626 .. , e clorn& bustn"\ •• On1d K Mttlu 2870 I f llnn O•••Rns 26l6 Cu•• Ch1us Rd C.o\14 Mts• SI. Coron• del M•r CA CA 9?6?6 <J?6?!> E11n [lose F ltnn lf>t6 Cuvs St C•><•.na <!el M1t CA 9762'.> lt11t l>U\•n•'' I\ {\'t> du<.l~d b1 •o 1nd1vuh.1i1' Ha•t t <>U •I•• loll c!<m•o: bu\1n•'' yell v .. ~ J•n l'M<l (11n ( ftm1 lht\ !.'•tr.tt•,.t t jllfA\ M .. d' >NIU u,,. 1"1nty Ur•~ I 11 " hulll1 ·~~71l0 20030 s 1234 O••I, "" ·I t • , I/ }4 11 A111 I IO• I I h~99 Dc'adli ne~ Rates and deadhnei. are !.ubject to change without noti ce. The publisher reserves the nght 10 cen,or. recla5s1fy, revise or re1ec1 any cl~~ified advertisement. Please report any error' that may be 1n your cla!.stfied ad immediately. The Datl) Pilot accepb no liabthty tor any error in an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the 1..0~1 of lhe space actually occupied hy the error. Credit can only be aJlc1\\ed for lhe first insertion. CLASSIFIE AD ~onda) Tue'dd~ ··••• h1d.1\ .:;; oorm \1ond.t\ " (1(1prn By Fax (949) 63 I ·6594 I Pkt."' 10..luJe )nur nJme Ml<I pl~~ number M<l 11oc 11 •.• 11 \Ot,.I hocl With .t rm.( 'IUltft I Bv Phone 19~91 ~2·567X Hours lh "ai I/In Pe r!"lon: \ \fJ V..c,1 B.i) ~tr<:<'I ( '"lJ ~\:\J C.:/\ lJ;:h~1 At '<'"'P"rl Bhd & AJ\ 'it . .. V..c:dne,da ~ 1 Ul.',d I\ "' 011rm ThuNia: .... ~ .. :dnt•,11.1: c; lll>pm h1<fa~ .. ............ Thu1,dJ\ c; t10p111 SJturd..i~ ht<L1\ '·nor111 Telephone X '0am·5 OOpm Monda) ·Fnda~ Witl~ In \ lOJIO "i IW tp111 \lund.1} I rtd.I\ SundJ~ r nd..i\ '-1111prn I • I __ , ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ ~ & MISC. 1010-1770 E. ~ 3010-3940 GARAGE SALE 1419 m [I] AL ESTATE I BUSINESS & IOR SALE soos-sa5o FINANCIAL 2305-2490 Colltctibla/ Mlmcnbllll General Busi nm CH9U COVI b 2bA N'AM Wit. V-Li lot Aib Wekor'ne lll!I SMdy 71'-596'16 714-974 C)e9ol 1160 Announcements 1610 Opportunities -TM--S$_4_1_(_(0_1_D_S_l_T_C '•lvote D11clt. """""' 8111inesses and .Ian. Cllmilt (le '1>s & fl1' CM• appro• I hr from franchises 3905 Costa Mesa .el. MM. Splu 100.-·~ ~rwpotrt Buen E •eel Mtke 949 645 750!> lenl huntrnc ad1acenl to BITTRTAINMENT Clllndarof Evwa 1310 fOUAl llOUSll6 OPPOmllTY All 1u l estate advt• ltSln& 1n tn1s new\p•per rs sub1ect to the Ftder•I F llf Housrn1 Atl ol 1968 11 a me nded "'ho<h makes 1t 11tea.111 lo adver tiu any pr tfe1 enc•. l1m1l1t 1on or dtsc11rn1n1tt0n bnecl on race color relta•on. se• handicap, lam11t1I \ltlus or naltonal 011111n or 1n onlenlton lo m•"• any such preferenu. 1tm1t• Iron 01 dl\c1tmm11ton • Thts newspapei wtll not know1n1IY ICltpl any adverltsemenl 101 real estate which " '" v1oli1hon of lht IAw Our readers are hereby lnfo1med that all dwell 1n1s adverhud '" this new\paper are ••••l1ble on •n equal oppo1 I unity basts To complatn of di\ crnn1nahon can HUD toll free al I 800 424 8!>90 14&3 state watedowl rtlu&e 11wners'11p 1nleiest & •Pl>ll>• !7!> 1cres of land & •lflprovemtn~ • your own c1mp •nmpound .. \lruct u•e a nd '1 tratlel\ Wonderlu F11 n1thl BBQ s & '"ne 1011nc durtna du•• \11\0n _.. m•ny r1tr•i1 ldu l f0t 1 lrttnd\ or f~fher & \On C 111 Mooe •1310 ~· 08~ BUSINESS SERVICES Ptnonnal Services 2360 'e• u nol/Hou .. helcl Aultt Prof I CdM Res< dtnl .. •refs un manaae ~~t &staff. party plannint t>oolll<NP· '"I travel plam., 11rport hvery rnn et•3~ consl pr C)flllCt ~ pet/ choldt eldet tMI & more 949 760-843> HOME FURNISHINGS ·furniture HIGH I OY CHIST 7 d"wers •nllque blue while oulhne o cellent cond SA95 949 720 1565 -BUSH--SS--Dl-Vf-LOPM:--Nl S(RVIC£ Nt~ •uPIK><l ~ 0t e•PiW'dtr11 .11 vnal bu5n:'i.\ > Cal IOI ltl!lt I 86&a9'l $:Jl 0'9I SAT-SUM 1--4 I 9'JO MomN~ 31>! Iba ~~yon P~ S'ZS.IXXl M¥-, f tlltl Business Opportunity Re Mu Services 3910 9'9 6'&~70 A ~display Id in 1--------118 particopaht>a new.p.a OPEN SAT ·SUN I -4 pin I!> M11io1>-CMlfll<lllll 43 IJ W. I AY ST ~ <:Mt SI 150 Sine l•m Jbr 2 5b1 for 4-,z !>" ad Free nouse Nrw <ummunoly 1 n Io r ma 11 on c 9 I 6 1 ? Y" new S42!> 000 Bv 28S6010. 19t6> 288 6019 Uwn@I 949 640 6446 or www ,..i.~iin com wolf to 949 '180 86!>0 •ltfotnoa l'UllOnwtde d15c>by OPEN SUN 12-S (CAI. *SCAN) 2010 Swan Dr. HOMES FOR SAl.E ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Island Al>ontlenecl vrnll&e Balboa Island Cottaae S800000 Much souaht after Cloul< leoch O"Plea 8.11 lbo ~ Pen1n\ul1 S97!> 000 A9ent Coltlwell l '"""er 94t-437-2Jt7 OPEN SUN 1_. 3121 .... y Buu Bilbo• Is lb1 or could be 4br home 111sp1red by the style ol Nantuct.el 8u11l 1n 2001 Sl.799.500 Aat Linda t4t-71'-2Ht N1 1olf cour~e 4br lb• \rn& lam hOu\e l a12e yd S689.000 Aat Paul P.11vilton Rut (state 949 290 8128 INSTANT NOTlrtCATION SllVICl1 Are you look tnl to purch1u a nome 1n Newport Buch or the su11 oundtn& a1u1 Io receive tn~tant noltfte • lton• .,, e mail u soon u new hst1n1s hit the market. simply hit out our onltne form by vtS11tn1 our webstle •t =-~F~rn ...,,...,~ OPEN SAT 12-S 3460 Balboa PerUnsull JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 2201 Vine "'-•rt• Newpor I Beach Stutts Cuc townhm J br end unit pvt patto 2 c 1•• S~9S88 Older SM-Fumlt\Ke l'IANOS • eon.ctlbln ·~·~ ,....._.-.....•O'u,..,.W• MCMH~AJOU __ ,... ............. Wft llUY dTATtS • lrl'wnoidlN M.ndl1 - c-•<elllNM4• Old Coins! Cold, 11lv11. 11welry. wale~. antiques collecllblu 949-642·9448 200+ ICnTIN5. CA TS, ooos Nt!wport PetW1SUlll Candos OllY2LlfT1 s..1e0c.&sm Of8I SAT-M 1 ... 213."21~ 28Tlt ST. The 6aywrtz Co 949-91).7528 ~ ~ l blodl to bellch, lbr 2bl LIA*. 1 bl Iba lower, 3ca1 a•r, ~JIXJ .... 9'9-574-.BB By Owner 714 299 7373 ........... Crt --""'"' property Of'IN SAT 2-S 32\2 ~ St 3br 2.Sb9 & 2br Iba R2 COfMl1Dd lo oandDI. Sl.110.IXXl ~pllOtm­ •• MU! "4ies conVhouw/ ratMI UTATIS rATitKll TINOtll NA TIONWIOI USA t4t-85'-t70S www.patrlcklenOfe.com HAnoawooos Index ~ 7402-7466 ~ Under the Se;-vice Directory Banner IOOS-IS10 ~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 900()-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE 1 7•r. 280• upper on•• Laguna Beach Apt I l ia< n•w p~;rtt 1 ---- C}HOet bltnd\ llnoltu'l• IJ , ,,~,bid• Agt SI ?IXlrTt 94~ f.,/ J l flO) ll•r 'I I o • .,n • '"' $?~)(> '" c • I • •• 'l• n• Summer Spe<IDI Du• m~• ~'':I 4<44 )I• "< Master 'l•? pt ' ~ Ii~. Rane~ o.en dw uv· 1 ... " M ntal GCY pn.g. ware< 111"1' 1»"' ou n s 12'hn $5((1 ~ SYJ ""1 I Ptoper1y 5965 I HM~~., MONTANA LAND IU-Way t7T4 '>4~ tld4 GAINS P11<t d for om mtd•ale s alt trom 29< 2.Slo T""'h<A1se SA9 990 P11mt ll~t vttw blufk nt bch ln«l td I~ 1>••Cel lo 1 H•ts dblp• t •IJa i..rti. SM<f.> P•mot1m1< YJtw\ ove• ""' a~I ~ ,qq 1c.ok1n1 Canv •·n f e11 y l ll ~t AC<•\\ I n I 000 000 at••~ of Htltna N1t1on•I f ores! 30 m1nul~ to Helena Pavtc! 1oad undtr 111ound ut11tt1es Call for mfo1m•lton & brochure _.. ncni-ICMl!Md oorn Owne1 I 866 !>26 3420 1CAL0 SCAN 1 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS RmlToShare 6030 Chot'ml"I Sir Ho1ne .1n Newpofl He•&hh. clost' lo beach pion '"* pref l\.'ileb. S7llm 9&887.ll6Q2 Neor Newpttt H11. compltltly r•m id lL• I !Iba lwnhm n•" .. ~ new Hie h & •PPI & carpet & m~••' G•• w opentr No ~ Sl8l'l C)t9.29}-6lll ~fA&«ib l'1ltle 21r 1 lo (~Mm•• Intel yd 2 c all l!M wd fir< Sl9'>0 mo mcl tit! wll no \mk ~I 949 642 4940 CM Li 5tnete C.~ 24hr o.:-.11 lbr ltw woo ,,..,, Kceu ~or ll!e only no fe p., conwn "°"' •.p.i vehtcles S l 75mo 1Vai1 now w d ., ITlll \.l10i'f 1!1 d "a ~I 8216 714-731 2047 /'el Sl8Xl 9'9 67 J 7!m AESIOENTtAl RENTALS Laguna Niguel Newp0f1 Beach ocu1m10Nr WINlllt ltlNTALS I 2-3 & 481" Avoll. AuoclDtecl lteolty U9 673 l6U llOO YlARl Y LIAS( & UOO SUMMllt HOMlS fill I GRUNO• fl! Al I URS 941141S41&1 A SJUI. lla SI09S/Mo '/• Off .... ht .... -- I·• !><· O.,•· • N .... 11 ,,,.. .... , ,.,_ ~ capo-I & CW•••• 1* W 0 """°" '1 ..,.., 0 'W ' "~ C.• I ru 'lll~J,46 m1. "' 114 f.11 r-A.' ,.,., c>.11r> ltn't It t11nt .. --* R ......... W. 11'111'9T Now,,_, ta11 clo jlllt N . Wt olftt •Ctf'llt• •I.,_,,_._, ...... 111 QHlftl!itnt °'*"' County leCllliftT • Clow II>....,...,., ........... ~-,.,ts . • V.0,.-d'lllca ti# Mal e II_..... Ilka rwert~ """m"-1 ,..is Mii.,.. _.....,.. '""-~ 5-sts CIM'b, toe Cont.ct r.-.1 lMftt .,.ttmtftt lldomw .. Jiit center Todly 17'15·8 Harwerd, cw,_ of...,...... 1M Meift, lntne, ~ t2'14 1 "' .... ,, ,.....~ ORANGE 7400 COUNTY S TARTING unu l5lAND lbr stucio ,_ c:speV ..,i $9!'4'rno ild uU Lou 0t .101ene A>nl now~l * .. yfr-t 114t * !JnUn'd ~ refur· bished lbr, lbl, f'p. mint cond, V~ly 949-9?2 7777 ANEW BUSINESS?fi C O NSIGN~.ENTS l I I -• .,,....ietwarluir. feshlon~-Spec­ Vum laL TM ClJNW(TEI ~2'2}9 eor..llltflllf lbr 2b1, 2 c lllr, bedrm/ 1-'ft.i Hr 21e/2~ ottlc111Ul900 1811 " ...... aAe ~ ::.•,do::: •. "~~~ ' fuf flitwt , ator• dtsfll•J/ 1 Hi,Ufft, kllktl·l111tcb, • won petlO Mt, collKU· bits, aom• antiqu11, ., doff out pr~et I llm 1 ;".Sat.. 500ro111 .. tt11 CdM .~Mnl., Sele Wiiton .. Wlr• Oliww s.t. Tr.-.nll + motel Fri-lit. .... .et!I w.,,.. ltd. C.one dill Mir ·--11111!!1~!!1111-· " SELL yow stuff ~ clasittitdl si.,. ,,,_,_ Cit. home tor kftn 96&.$)]2 Odc.t llH-. Leopi11d ioc*·•·•••s. rare n otte sold/dloCOUte scion. real scflmooren 909-681-6664 3115 Cltecelet• ,.w•~t-4 l•b 111r111d ·Moou· recovar1n1 lrorn &Un shot wound. In dlnpr of bell!I put to ~ Netft pod home UICI· Call lynll 7'~4623 -~,. ........ colon. ell a1111 for 1dopt1011 to quellfled l\ofntS ~.prttCW.Ol'I or c .. 1l'-713·ff1S. R IL 11 I •r a -na-11111 90.~ Olr, 401.0. IOalO, ... lat ""-' ""' .. ~~- •uca .. ...,.-. .,,.. ....... ,,.,, .. ,, ,,, If! ,........ c.... ,,.. =:.-J. .... 949-293·4631 ttrd ~. 'lfl'd ~ ... ~111Xl 9&29.l-4630 0-... Hl(tlu l potnl w 1S4>ect.culas ocun yiews On• of the hnnl comm ol luaury homes !lbJ • !lb• $2,695,000 I•_. Europun atyle llYiflt, Hltfl In Ille Mb oftflootiifll the oc .. n 3W • office Sl.695.000 Of'UI WM t-s St1tllflilll f'llNI, 1111• llome w/\llews of Seddltbeck ._.., M!Mrtd1 of 119 lfNUl l l.139.000 ..... , ... s S...tal1K'l9 Feb•• lelltfrOllt loc. 3bt Ube Over!oc*lftt C11t1yo11 & oe.4141 111119.000 NW "°"'"'' ........... ... 711-JtM X'. .... a. ...... .. ~ .... ,_._ ....... ... "9.M C1 •• ..., .....,....,n ·~O...Vlliw ... ~ ._.. !§6. comm. Clllr~ c:rtyrd entry •o• l7'1Jl II. 7.tlt...V 2111~ r p. b'ln OR. ett 2t 1ar w/1tor11•. Mster • ,,.. In dll. Comm pool. .. c:tit-. Sm '* OK. "*"· ~. Ktlin ........ .,_J'CM.IM9 •l'ltM cm ... ..... "'""~· -~ tit, ...... petlo 2116 'edftc A ... 714-.231-4315 ..... ..,. il'I Mobile ttcMM ,.,,, llltc N , utlf IMI '80Q./ino offlce M-~ 15t 7l• 40t IOll ...... ., ...... ....... 11w.-r9dont • YK "'t Ill•• 1115/-. ... ., ......... • • • • • • • • • • • Tht Legal Departmtnr at the Darly Pilot is pkaud to announet a new servtu now aW1ilabk to new buJinmes . Wt wiU now SF:ARCH the namt fo r you at no extra cha"[t, and savt you the timt and the trip to the Court Ho14M in Santa Ana. Thni. of ctn1ru, aftn tht starrh is compkud i« wiU fik your fictitious businas ~ statmtmt with tht CttUnty C/nlt, publish onct a u.wlt for four wttlts as rtquirrd by Uiw 11ntl tk11 fik your proof of puh/k4tion with the Olunty C/nlt. Pktm 1t0p by to jik_J<lur fotitioi.u husinas Stlltnnnll Ill tlN !Mily Pi/o1, 330 W. &y St., Cottll Mtsa. lfyou cannot aqp by. plaw CJliJ us 111 (949) 642-4321 11"'1 wt wiJJ mllke IUTtl"fr1"tntJ for you to htmJk thiJ prom/Mrt by "'411 If 1"" sltnlJ b.w 1119.forthtr qlllttiott.S, pl.ttm "/J 11S •* rw will ~ ""'" tl1llil """ to a ist JO"-GooJ "'"It in J'"" MW bwiilmJ Daily. Pilot ' . 24, 2003 TODAY'S CRQSSWORD PUZZLE lewport Bead! WoterfrOftl Offl<• w/2 parking spacn app•o• SOOsf Sl lOOmo av111I oow AssoLraled Rulty 949-673 -3663 1 llOCK FIOM OCEAN 2bt 2b.i , emod. Pll1 ~·· QW'POl'I 'ltorill'! Slll50. mo Av~ 8 1 9$!>1!>4m Hewperl Cre•I, 2br 2ba ? ' ea•. walk lo b~h ten1poot1spa, S?OOO lMg• llr 110 unit on Avail 8 I 949 7.07 4408 quiet Pemnsul~ point Single perwn No/~m pets $1450 949 ?9J 4631 49 GenullecteO 50 W-ng 62' Pedro's hotJlle 53 Shoe bonom' 55 F!Qun<klp goill 56 VlgocJa Wld FOflu 5 7 Legal WIDng 58 LGA po61Jogs 61 Character -*lf -a.any II 12 13 (o•lblufl, 31r 21 r. earage wtd hkup Aiit S?ll~ mo 949 :?93 4630 1Al80 A PENINSULA tii ~ 3br ?IM vaull ~ei4 Ip w ·d 2c. g;v $7400 rm ~ Clwmy 949 500 3648 2 H YEARLY RlNTAlS Newport Bd1 Ptnonwl• $1400 $2400 mu Agt 949-673-7800 .....,.., sa-.. lmmac 2bt 2ba, ') !*!. to bell, lt'i.VX pool tMM au, r1/'ilri\g $?100m G973-8l.J9 38r 2.Sl o, NPCreot, IJcili1 aded & 1mnac m;irble Bridge 8Y CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANffAH HIRSCH HERB'S TOMMY 8'llh "ulnmible. North deal). NORTH • ~~09 AJ64 •A K7J F.ASI' • A.7 t:i J852 o K92 •11654 SOl!fH • K J 6 q AQ 10643 v 8 _. . •QJ9 The bidding: NORTH F.A!>T tvr l'a'll JNT IW S• ~ .._ ~ SOUTH W.:.'IT .) ,_ 4 7 ,_ 6 ,_ Opening lead. J1lfCC of • h v.a-. umc foe the annual intcr- dub team c.:h.tmpiomh1p and, since Tommy hJ<l been a member of lu.st }C:ar\ "mnm~ '>C.!UOO, the com1nittn: felt II ltx.'Umbcnt 00 them tu in\ 111! him alon~ with the other team ll'll!OI bl'.r. to lkfcnc.I the uric, ~p1tt the f<Kl th.ii the)' lnc"' th.ii Trump C1JUp Ton11t1) "'".' a hubihty on hruxh v. here trum(l\ drd noc brea}( l\adly l'hcor l<o)'•tlly wu.' "1CJl1 rewarded. ............-er...•12·1 ... end ul'll1 Pl"' 'oP(: Mtry, yara·noN lW ade counlry kit marble """ tie ~n.> Yr bl ~73 RENTALS Al bolh tabla, Sill hearts ~Bil iuchcd In 9ulck time. 1bc scquc:llcc of fim fore1ng wilb three be.u then removing lb('CC oo uump to rour hearts promised a six-card wit and slam upinllons. With so many orlrnc cards In illpport of hcalu, Noith was happy IO cue-bid the cheapest f1A1- round control and South proceeded to the heart slam. At boc.h tab~ a spade was led to the k't and a spade was returned. 1bc uppo~inll' dcx:lar1:r won In h11111.I. ca~hed lhe king and ace of ll\lmps but wL~ ruined by the 4-l ~liL BMt eveotuaUy ~ a trump Irick lor down one. Toinmy. however. cashed the ooc of diamonds at oid.: three and ruffed a diamond in hand. The ucc of !nlDl~ was followed by a llllmp to the king . Tommy began to feel ple<bood wilh him~lf when West diScuded a ,p;idc. Another diamond ruff ~uced l'ommy 10 the same ll\lmp length lb F.a.\L and the rest was routine. TilC queen Wld jack or clubs w~ cashed. MU ICHlllll) UO&.liCd to dummy v.1th the king of clubs and led the ace. H:id Ea~tbcCn able 10 ruff. Tommy would have O\CrnJffcd. drawn the OOL\tand· '"Ji wmp and ~ the last tnck with a ,pade, When E.asl foUowcd, though. t ommy di:.cnrdetl I.be ,pac.1c and any phun ~ui1 lead fnim the I.Ible pcrmirll'tl Tommy to '14.'00! the linal '"u tnd., b) u11erruffing f.&1 b chcapl) 1i. p~1blc. • Emptaymenl l500 Gated, ,,. Hoag. ~ Desert Rentals Jb.i lourn<l. 2•c:M e .... prov pallu wmm pool Yr lse W75 .Ndi row 9e&t6&173 7915 DllMR/CDl (A) tta:uftat_ $10,CXX> after 5 ye;or~• SOI.OS to J9 cents T e.1111 Lo 41 cenb. CuntJac.turs to 87 cents fueJ WI charges CDl G,.d~ welc.ome l OI: 8)).9?.> SSS6 or KLL M com (CAL •SCAN) Bluff'• Popular ( Pion 461 2'/>Ba, family rm cuurlyard. bakony. no peb $?8.l)rTI / 14 'l28 8J3J n.. Bluffs '>jMCIOO~ ~nd urnt. UPeJ ao.-d ma~lL~ Jbr 'l Sbd 11reenbell toe S2.~n a&I 949 /19 1444 For Leo .. 31r 2'/rla H ...... po 1vale url de sac 111re yard grrat l11<al1on $29'>0 mu 949 47'> 0027 laclilMoy H .. Huce yd•d fruol h~~s 41!r 21:1• ~ •i*'•b~ s&l)n I\/~ 9'19 ~1-01~ HARBOit VIEW HOMlS 3Br 2Ba ¥<e.tt loL.thon neilr \chool & e•eenbell NPw car pel/paonl a.111 8/?J UXXlm 949 M l/11 WALK TO HACH, pool, t~nnos, 4br 7 I ba 11'c, gat ~ w/d ,..._., f£1S (t( mr>n I yr 949 260 9578 VACAllOH IDfTAlS SWSUOOALS ePalm Spri-alm Desert Contact Mtehael Anter 36(}. 259-l 450fl9J. 333-7ll7 iolf destrtvacaboM.com DRIVERS WANTED Newport & Hunllngtoo Bd1 Set your own ~hedule! Part or lull lime avaol11ble $75+/day full hme Call 888 DOI WORK ot dllliY @ wwwD 0 lwn Mortgage '""""• rs boonw'e. need ~ Good rnonry polenCJal 1 r., pr av F/F'T fd• res 714 Z76-IG YACHT llOKUAGl seek~ ~elf st••lme off•« mar. G-Ompuler Iller ate MS Wo<d & C acel a must Fl satary <om men~uratr w1eaperrwce f .i • '"~ ume lo 949 650 2408 " s.....-1 °"""""< public 'fleilken w/f'-""-' seMe needed to inter.st students on h'flhet l!duca lion llwoueh cllt~oom presental1ons r ashoun ~" l>a<'.kgJound a PM> C.... reqwed C.11 M<. Summer tnl 'J6') 3436 WlA IA.l.IOA 7 Masten/ 2ba. fp. tndry 1111, lg IMIMl, comm pooV\erui/"4)d 2c ~e. W'dll lo lx.h, ea!JwtJ ,cl Sl850/mo /f/J l'l9 810/ 949 "174 9243 Lovely 21r+den 21/180 townhnu\P 1860~f. 7 t "'v. wet b.w, pool/~eon nr f aslllOfl Isl S2350ln no pet. yc.;1 l5e 949 72.3 ai22. wt\ to bc.:h ~ pr•#ll'l'lll S25!ni1 vac ~923 <HJ] * Super Shorplll • Newport Heights 381 Jllr in~ Condo ~te11s lo 2Ba. large family 1 oom lx.h. AallOO P!fYl. ~ ')'(. 2 car eara11e. av•1I 8/1 ~ W ..On lt<t tm@Ol71 JOBS WANTED Co,.•r Opportunltle•I FTt PT po~ a11.11I Luuk111e for 1nd1vlduals who are rehabfe lnendly and wolhne lo work Call u' at I 866 604 8325 ~Pilot $2700/mo 949 7!>9·3111 Best place in the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classified 642·5&78 "NO 0 REAOfRS Cahlornll l•w re Qu•es that conh•c ton takma tobs lh1t tot1I $500 or more (labo< or materials) be hcensed by t~ Contractor\ State LKense Board State law also requues that con tr actors oncfudo therr hcen~e number on all 3dvertos1n1 You un check the stai.s of your locen5ed contra c tor 11 www.cslb ca gov or 800 321 CSLB Unli· 1nsed contractors lakrna lob• that tot•I leas th~n S500 IJIUSt state t'n their 1dverll1ements that lh•y are not licensed h the Contlfclo" SW• Ltcens. BoMd " lis111i IJmt• I I Carpet Repair/Sales ..... ~S-SS m ITl!P' bW1d nime capd aptt1 ~. CJ.di -UI02l9l5 n~llb <t CAU'IT(>CAJl,0(> Rep1ws P1tchme Install Court1ous any sin tobs Wholesale' 949 49?·0?05 Touch of Klass l:.uropcwi l:.~pcn m House Cleaning 20 year. in Bus1nc'~ L1<.cn<ied & FJondt.'d l'rofe'"""al team~ a\\11.mcd to Your Home (949) 548-0097 Free F.~tun11tcs Reference.~ Spring Clcanmg Sp«1al1 l#HOME & IUSJ#ESS UPAIRS Uperades. Rep.w5 of Computer Network5 E venm1s/W~ekend\ Compehhn p11c11~ tor quahty se•v" 949436-117 s 714-92.6-4228 Concrete & Masorry lrld1 II.ck St-• Tile Concrete. Patio. D11veway r rreplc, BBQ Ref's 25Yr\ Cxp. Terry 714 S57 7!>94 The Ce..,et1tMe Cementwnrk. Bnck, lole & More Reliable No iob too small 71 4·615 9062 VlNTURA MASOHltY Resrdentlaf Concrete & Masonry Ser~lce Stone. B<-d. Block 714·965-2.8?4 ~ ~ 18 Yrs fxp • Great Rtr, Al Phases of Cor>strucbo<I ~ Rlmldll E-15 Ll577982 949 7'19 564 your stuff through classified! r.b11Jify l!t11ldl Av.M So.pl hie 4br 2La tr..e on Per.1 PO«ll Vfrt nQ lur n d ~ SliOO ~~ ci.w~ Newport Coast TROVAltf 2br l ba 2 l K•r &al~d community pool •at $2400949 ?93 4631 Destlop Publishing TIM( TOH IN YOURHOMl IMrROVlMlNT 'IOJlCT? tall a plumber paonle• h•ndym•n or any uf the 11r~dt services ltsted here •n our ""vou dorectOfy' fill SI t OCAl SVC ProPlf CAN HI LP YOU TOOAYr Dfywall Services WITIHOEn DIYWAU 1111 phues sm/lr11ob~ CllANI 20yrs. la11, tre11 esl. L400l.J) 714 639 1447 Electrical SeMces S-.11 J.a. hpertl Duncan Electtoc roY1s [ap l oc:al/Qud Resc>0nw S«voc9/Renl<><kls L#V5870 949 650 7cM2 DUTCHMAN IUCTRIC Commtrctal. lnduslnal, ~Urms !A.. ........ RM Wf1':lml 96 2'4&QIZl U<lNSIO COHTUCTotl No pi too sm M wirvus1 Rep11r. r•model. l.i11 fClll, new SVC 9&64().Jfll6 Employment Wanted 8200 Worltlftt •Ingle -\eek' room & bath (J>art!M) UCl\ani'I! for lldrt ho!Mkf'elllll£ & ~IM1CI! No CM1<111i: or ~ R~1_,...,...,, 949 673 5192. s.I JM ....tM lttm tM •esy '"'' Pleet. CltssifiM ~ t.,I ('49)642-SUI Clossifittl is CONVENIENT Wltedttr 'JOll I ft b11Jin1, stllUtf, or jruJ lootini . cltusijia lt4f 11/wt JOll nttd ! CLASSIFIED (U9) 642-5678 Low TOfTH Lontlu.... THl HANDYMAN Wedlly "~ lrl' ll'lrlYnll! All WOfk euarantt.t'd & installation ?~ Yr\ u p ~ lledra Door~ Loe 1n"tred 949-~ 4363 fnsh c.wp &. 962IM-lllb Tr-Senol<•, Yard Cleanup, Maonlen•n'e Sprinkler Rt911f. li1uhng ('49) '504711 Rf<, TOR£ • llf P41R /I. RlMODEl l>-IC Q'J4EUI. D1JUI 'IWNll&N(E *R&tmall *~ No Joh 1bo SlftllD ................ 9ff..J2W292 Hauling JUNlt TO TH( DUM,111 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TODAY' 949-673·5566 OMA" NOUS( QlAHltG u.oi-i Service 1or 1s yiean, r•tr11a l an5lld 714-S42-0656 Open? o.ye LowRetM Storage Specials SW:.1981 949-645-4545 IHTMOVIRS $SS/~. Sen11t11 Alt Cities lnsu,.d n63844 800-246-2378 323--630-9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Cs lit Public UUhtles Commlulo11 rtQUir'H tllat ltl 111td llouuhold aood• movers print their PU C C•I T number. limos 1nd ch1ufftu11 print 11\tlr T C.,. nurnbtf In ell •dvtr llMITlefll• II you h•v• eny quution• 'bout lllt lt &tllty o f t mover. llmo "' elltllllM.tt, call. PUllK Ul1UTl~S COM..SUC* 177-U.7 Publ~OTIOMS -:\IJlmllw -.......... - DIPAllTMINT • .-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiji ------.-- Community ~1 In *"'MTI X4 tool ................. sr 21111 actual ml, books. rKOfds. I-owner wtitt•/ Ian lltv, CO, runnln1 boards/brush 1aurd1. hh naw cond. v272848 $18,995 ltn & wttrranty •011 B~r 949 586 1888 ClrMft ec..ity !1i11111s ful rtl&W'S AUTO Uy loeded. StN, :a nw, r-I*''°" to tnttrww ·~ ~ .-. tn1r1 and wnt8 st0fle$. Pll'titl-01.,_..U0...-. wind, UYOOt, ...... rltdA/ p.te In ainvnunlly .-Ks. BU w/BIUe, only t4K lol blr, $26.<XX) wilh H · ~~~ -!,..~[le PlfjlS Mi. Spoth ~ ....., -· 949 463 4118 .... sec""""" aceleflt (l !M 78C) S2S.980 c:ornmunabon P*. _. wel With the pubk Know OI MW #fir .... N' Style, Qu.wUPreu, Whitt w/1r•"J 2fli l'hoColhcip. Mu"' Ad Cl• MllH, Sports Pkt alOf. PfoflOllll on f'MC (19542) $25,980 and PC, CCI des11n uptrrence preferred •• 1$10 s.r1 •• Ptoqlrea~ test Drua Whit e w/Saddfe ICl'~phyaul r~td luther, Moonroof lOE hcellenl beneht (1940 ) $29,980. pack._ Cnwl rewme wul•I& ~"!pies ..,id sal.wy 0 I Je111•r S Tyf'• requlr ernenh l o Se.Green lana johrlSllO@~llime!i I.Olli w/Saddlt lthr, 28K rm , Moonroof ltt<.efttlo.tltl PerMhtl• ( 19112) S32 • 980. nrly mornlni\ & eve· 94 MerHrlH S•OO nrne1 IOf NB Healh Club Charcoal w/81BCk Contact Mike 949-642 3215 l u ther, 18" !lHf_r_t rood Ronne• s. Cntuers. Kitchen Slatt &. K1h.hen ~ PO'lrboM Appli catioos omrte @ 'l9JJ Bristol Parl.wiiy, Costa Mew on Mon July 28 & Tue July 29. I ()pm ont; SAi.iS Full tnne ""'de \.iln repre,enlallve t.> ~II Cln\1hcd Ad~tr ll&one at local newsp.ive• eroup Phone ules upt11,nct preferred Apphl int should be • \elf starter rehablc deadline ind iio1I ouenkd pO\\l!U eacellenl lll\lome• ~ervoce 1b1hty Computl!I 1 typone •11111\ 1equ11rd Conopany ofle" o < el lent benefit palkaae Pre screen1n11 1equ11ed Equ~I oppor !unity t·m 1>luy1•1 s~nd ·•~un1r with salM v rtquor ement' A.ody Oell~-.t@l Illa,.,.. rcon or la• lo ~l a.9il THlMARUTIRS r 'Pl fur software w "' Nf'8 "' n\iltl to pbs@obprnp tom orcnl~ Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 BMW '12 633 col l dr ercy t.111 '> ·II 'unroof. lull 1•wr S/000 714 8711 .... .,., IMW '9 7 3281 c-v met1lh1 ti-"~ n111~ ~r,.y lth1 •.uv-. tt r lltld thtt>U1thou t $1'.I •9'> vllfin4ll ~ 'l'l'J <if> I~ w ww.e<p obl.<o m 'WMW '90 32SI hilt lltW fllh l~n 4 cJ1 AUto lf')f,lio. flH .ff IJF\lf full pwt !Int I.A \mop SJS'i-0 /14 6'.11 41)61 Nu~rson! Care A"": ll ... rly e.. H-• H.aMoC...M.~ Ballq. ~ ~ ,,.... Ot ~ !!It •"" ref,._ arhfw'Cl 114-:PI 6133 12/Hr In-Ho"'• Nunl"11 Cere '>day' wh M f 71 7p Hav!' t 1len s••e Medrc4f Bak~r nd •• well •• bem2 hcen\~d d\ l VN •w Wolf cummol lu other resp n well Salary ne1ot111bl1t KM1n llm 949 ~S9 0770 P~r 949 559 2246 Painting Slrlp & ._ ........... Custom Hand p_,nted ~ & fiMll, p~ M.151 for hre ~1.6fi64 ~'JJdl,e.. ~Professional Painting lit:~ lntab/Eltedar l>eallltiftNltile CAiiar '*'*C Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 Chrome Wheels, Moonroof (19!>12C) $29.980 OllMWT401 Black w/Black. only JIK Miln (I 9485C) S39.980 0 I f'ertclte Turf,e l 1p1ron.c.Only 18k miles. N1va11t1on (19394) INQUIR( 91te•uGS$00 Cold w/Seddte Luther. Chrome Wheels ( 1908) $22.980 99 lerr.,I $SS II Stiver w/Bluk Luther.only 14k mote& ( 114?35) INQUIRI 01 M#t..ht CtSOO Solver w/Grey, Navo &Allon. Only I !>II "" (19!>45CJ INQUIRE 00 l'orttlt. lo••ter Solver w/Black, • Pt ~moum Sound ( 194763) $78,980 949-574-7177 PMl1.s AUTO ,,._I ... <• IMW ''8 Z3 c-v. .rnto whol, tan ltl'lr CO lll'anl tful hhf n•w •ond S l / 99'> v~9/?4 fin & ..,., avail Blu 9'9 <s; UBI www.ocpol.um lulck '84 l lvero new tote• b•t'•k\ & sh1Khs lo1dtd •lecl mnr f make oiler 1 71•1 848 J/O. Codmac '94 SLS S.vl•• 81 ~ rn1 &ood cond black chero 1 llht. new IN~\ S,4'>0() 114 745 7794 0wyJer ''4 New Yer\er ! 'i 116 I uwnrr ~J~ o< tUt•I m1 . boo"s r~«•td' m•tall1t lu1 111w1v t.\11 Ith• fully lnad~d l1kt ntw S'>7~0 v.oti>1718 Bt.t 9'19 'XI; 1888 www.o<pobl.<o"' Corv ette '89 Cowp• "utu 6IJI.. • nu me! dll1< rrd1 t•11 lthr \uperb 1 nn~ thrnugh11ut. S9.99'.> Hkr 949 !>86 1888 ~ www.0<p0bl.<- Rel 7 9 ~ 2000 18'1 ,. ...... Ulllll l:B. "' ,_ rrnv t~l!il1JrtJM$ • •T• t~ SJ500 oOO ~-0-1914 Rm> DCP\OMI ..., ( ddl' e......-Illy biJc.M,ln .. ra tJ .rs &. p;trf1ll!J I'd I Gre.:ll ~lr~Cl'PI ·-"" c:.all 949lfD.f./16 fortl '6 S Mwoton9 Conv er loble 01110011 uwne1 wttd c•• $19,995 tobO 949 719 1943 Painltng la'S CUSTOM 'AINTING Prorl clean qualrty .work lnll!ll()f/eAI and docks I •103468 949-631·4610 Je-r-..·., ......... Top Qu•hly. Compet1l1ve lnteroOf /h i L 1648228 Call \IY 949~!>066 IA.INIOW OIQI MMff P11n1tne ~nt. ._._,~ Quahl)' tobl Fr~ esllmlte L 1569897 714 636 8888 M.-t• !>_, D"Y C-., Send your bes t triend to camp whole vou eo on vacetlon S1f1, friendly &. fun mount•ln envwonmenl at Lllke Arrowheld for SOClllllted clop. No kennels Wedlend limo sen•iee lo and from camp tot"'"6-S62S ....... __.._ SIWll AlllUll0..- (94t) MS·HS2 CAUGHT IN THE ACT ,...,_ '94 XJS C-. 6 c-;r. 2+2. ft.minao red/ tin lthr, CO, beautiful orl~ cond. Sl3.995 ¥1942641 fln1ncln1 & w1rr1nty 1v1il Bllr 94t-H6-IH• -.ec.,.w.- Moitle '99 Mlet• Conv. 4Sk ml, auto, silver, tan lop, pw, pl, A/C, CO. superb like new cond v#l 19743 SI0,99!> flnancine & w1rr inly avtll Bkr. 949 586-1888 -.ec,.i.1.c- M•rHdH '96 CHO buuliful black/crum fully loaded. showroom. rv'OIA. SIOZ:IO 714-751·2«i4 Mwc.4ff UOSl '71 Ceevertlble low 93k '"*5 -y eooc:t c;ondlll(ll1 only $6200 94~93 0379 Merec:tlH ''I 420 SU whote/&•ey llhr c.hrome whls. low mo. superb cond. S699S V•567281 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.o<pot.l.c- 014.-blle '96 A11roro 60li mo black/er ey Ith• mnrf. CD. f~buluus tond lhrouehout $~995 von#457219 Bk• 949-586-1888 w-.o<pobl.<•m Poruh• ''' Correro 46k mo, blk/blk llhe. CD chrome whl,, hkt" new S42.995 V•6Z20!>7 11 Mnt ong & warr ava•t Bllr 949-S86-t888 w-.e<pobl.<- ...-.~.<- TOYOTA CAMH LI' 94 4 doOI. 5311 mites, auto. 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