HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-26 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. " -• • -.. • ·• • -at Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2003 ·Newport-Mesa home prices stay .hot June, and Costa Mesa and Newport FYI Beach saw an at least 17% rise in tJ1e to $405.000 for thi: 111omh I .xL,tmg 11111111• 'wtlt·' It'll O.Jll{ to i fij nullum umh The June median home prices rose a bout 30% in Newport and 17% in Costa Mesa co mpared to this time la st year. price of a mid-level home, a trade group Median home values in June 2003 and said Friday. June 2002 'The median price of a home 111 ~uthem California continued to po'>t 1mpre<>.'Jve gams in June." said·Tob\ fkJd· ll;. the gruupi. president Dlt' '31J·~t:ar ftxt'<.1 m1,ng.1gt· dunng lht' month ,l\emged 5 :!J~ t.Jun11g tilt 1111mth compc.rl'd to b bS' ii \ 1·a1 .1~r. 11111rtgagl· lende1 rredciJe \l,tl Tl 1~1nt-<l \dlll'>tJhlt· in irs monthly report, the Califonua Assn. of Realtors reported thal median City, 2003. 2002 home prices soared 29.9% in Newport Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Beach and 17.3% in Costa Mesa in June. Costa Mesa, $440,000; $375,000 The group aadcs sales of exisang and Newport Beach, $862.500; $603. 750 new homes. !"he !>lrong local housUlg market re· Oected a broader nauonwide wnunwng 'trcngt.h 1n a housing market !.hat ha'>n t '110\\11 any '>lgn of a slowdown. ~e<. or new homes Ul the u '>. fll'>t' 4 7% m lune to I 16 millton. t.he C om merce Depanment !Mi.id rnddy b:irh rt·· gion ol tht' c:ounuy !>howed dII mut!tl-.e monga~e rntt"'> JH·r.1~·1-<l 1 i ..' tom pared to -1.flS'>.; a \t:ar .i~o In Jul) hoV1.t:\t:r lorw lt"rm r.111" hil'" l'lt"gll11 10 nw '>hJrpl\ I 11m11).' thl' t11ur lr.t:t:k!. t'lldmg \\l'llrn·-.d.1\ 1•11· ol\f'fil~t· ~) NEWPOITT-MFSA -Rode-bottom in· terest rates drove home value:. higher in Co sta Mesa is home to Merrill Ly nch 's oldest client Brokerage fi rm toas·ts In ez Clark on her 106th birthday on Frid ay. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Inez Uark may be I 06, hut .,he ,., Mill the life of the party. On Friday. employet>S at Merrill Lynch. \.\-1wre she has had an account ~mce 1978, celebrated her birthday. While Michael Maher, first vice presi· dent of investments. said he usually sends his clienis flowers on their birth· days. he felt this occasion warranted something more. "flier nephew! w..15 in town, and we fell Like doing sometJung speoaJ this year." Maher wd. ··nm is a big year.· So Maher drove up from his Qirls· bad office to the Costa Mesa office to pre<.t'nt Oarl( with a cake and a few gifts. A handful of other Merrill Lynch employee-. ah.a attended the celebra- oon. Oarlt. w.l.!. drec;sed elegantly m a pur· pie <iilk blouse with a string of pearls and pearl eamng5 surrounded by dia- monds. For someone whose Ufe has spanned three cenruri1..'S, Oark is very alert and still l>harp as a tack. I !er wit was on dis- play when her nephew, Om Johnson, asked her who her favorite president was. After pondering it for a while, building up the suspense, her answer !>hocked everyone in the room ~, like Ointon." Om said noncha· lantJy. The room full of conservatives ex- plooed in laughter and disbelief. Maher gave Gm a copy of the New York ltibune from her real birthday - July 28. 1897 -and a gl&S bull, the symbol of Merrill 4'nch. in Newport Beach, the mid-level home h11 $440,000 from the $.375,000 of a year rose to $862,750 from the $663,750 ti w ld ago. Both were higher than the median for a year ago. Costa Mesa's median home Orange County home, which rose 15. 7% TEA CUP CLASSIC See HOME. Page A4 F ai r finds attendance down 15 % Official~ sa\ that re\ enue ,., strong and a bu'i~ la~1 \\ ePk. co uld gi\'e a boO'il 10 1 he final numbcr1.i. Deepa Bharath Darl1 Pilot I -\IHC ,fl()l J '\I J\ :\ttemlann· 1~ do\\ 11 )"!'{, ..ii the <Jr,11 gt· < .mm t\ htir th 1, \f'tu wh1rh otliu.11' a11rih Ult" tO Ult: 1.'\'t'lll hl'll)J.: 'pread 0\ er mon: dJ\' \:umber.. 'h°'\ 1h.i1 MORE INSIDE & of Da) I.! 111 .!llO.! l=or more f;m more than bO I .!<Xl J1t'WS, loth" Ptt.i .. ~ J>t'Ople had cwm to A6 7 the fair But th1' \t'.u thdt droppt'd 10 about 510.60Cl That'> Y.!.fiOO It"\" r p1·11pl1• '\lot ol pt•oplt" u1uld h,t\l' 1 lot ul •l,rlt:r See FAIR , Page A4 WESTSIDE H ouse bill coul d stump Job Center Deirdre Newman Da111 P1lct ·1 think that's wonderful." Oarl( said about the newspaper. "111 probably run across things I never heai-d o(" After ewryone in the room sang N LEACH I OM. Y PILOT Marianne Towersey cheers after sinking the final putt to win the Tea Cup Classic at Mesa Verde Country Club. For more coverage, see Sports, Page Bl . c 0')1:\ \tr~ -\\n1h.· .-.ome da} la- borer. at the Job Center embraced a bill Ill troduced IIl Con~.-. on Thu1'day that would gJ\ e them a <Jev. of prot~:non'>. ..ome emplover<. '3.ld the bill'o; mandatt" could force tht' do.-.inR of the rnncruwr.tdl center See MERRILL, P11• A5 FAMILY TIME Kobe made more than a mistake F or a few minutes. lets put aside the question of Kobe Bryants guilt or l.nnocence on sexual assault charges and concentrate on the adultery to which be oonfeued on July 18. Adultery Is a major cause of the disintegration of the~ and aD of the noise about Bryant. a Newport Coast l!:Sldent. can be boiled down to one perfect comment by a belbd>aD STEVE fan who WU quoted ln lhe Daily P8ot ·He'a an ld.lot" SMITH That' emctly what every dad in the community la thinking. Some of them in tblnJdng that Bryant ii an idiot for aeatr:w caught. but molt of chem dUnk hri 111 kBot for duowtng away a drett.m lite for one roll In lhe ~ hlld It al: a wll who lovll 1*11. lhe g, ~.~aux 111°11 cm-. men money thin be add tpend !Ind ftl9JODll In pJd belillh. But ll ~'t enOuiil\. 8r)llnl a.I ID pe In to bM · • .m.llld dlkklf b a.._...a. Daily Pilot . AT A GLANCE ONTHEWEB: www.~can WEATHER The sun will shine - ewntually. S.Pll•A2 WATER QUALITY Newport Beach code ~wttt tllk•lt MeV at flnt whtn punllNng w.tet-queltty oftMdln. S."91AS NO CROWD a.w. °'*' ,_ ._ • otf,bulwle ...... WW,; See CENTER. P11e AS Few steps have been taken in bridge battle Costa Mesa officials want to get rid of two Santa Ana River bridg~s ouce other roadwork is ready. O..,..Newman OlilyPilot cmTA MBA -The ~ e«orta to bftilk a~ CM!S' "'° bd:lges It Wllill ewmu.uy naMMd rrom munl)' plluw -not .... the KllY ~ doadly ........ hoped k n. two bddllil .dd con· 1*' Qlllr --ID Gldlld -.~ ...... ~ IJaD ...... Alunlllrl ~ .... Ullh ... to ...... ,.,. m ID••••• lllih. OIMl , .... ~CouD- ag , .. Al Saturclly, "" 26, 2003 Dally Pilot BOOMERS & BEYOND Lots of sup.port The Jewish Family Service of Orange County provides seniors services to deal with tough situations. Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers aid to the community and has many res<'>urces for mental health, stress, bereavement and other issues that seniors face, said Marcy Middler. the facility's clinical supervisor. ln her department, there are four people. all professional social workers and psychologists. Middler specializes in stress management. On Wednesday night, they have a group for women 50 and older. It's a discussion 'In the Jewish tradition, family is group that addresses i&sues such as anxiety, depre~ relationships. loneliness and family. .. most important. Because of that, creating boundaries "Women are always concerned with relationships - male and female, parent and child and interaction between all family members," Middler said. "It's still primarily the woman's role to make relationships function. It creates a lot of anxiety and depression in women when those relationships don't • MARKC. DUSTIN /DMYPtlOT can be difficult.' Marcy Middler, Jewish Center crinical supervisor work." Marcy Middler helps provides a variety of services for Jewish seniors. Individual counseling is available, and the fee is adjustable. Jewish Family Service can also help people who have concerns about aging relatives, their health and planning their care. To give some relief, they offer a caretaker group, which is free. ·eanng for an aging relative can be highly emotional and srressful. • Middler said. Help with other issues, such as marriage counselin.g. separation and divorce. can be found individually or through a group. She said that the women's group offers a lot of support and solutions. For people seeking help for an older relative, there's case management or senior assessment and planning. People want to know where to get care for agh'lg relatives, whether a nursing home or assisted living home is best. They want help discerning their practical needs. "You don't have to be Jewish to come to Jewish Famlly Service," Middler said. "Many aren't, bur they appreciate the family values they offer. Most psychologists tell their clients to call us - it's very difficult to ftnd support groups in the psychological community." There are three categories of seniors. She sees a lot of burn out and anxiety. Many seniors consider themselves to be young and healthy. There are aJso middle seniors and old senjors, Middler said. Stress Is a huge factor for people living in Orange County, she said. Co-dependency is another problem some boomers are contending with. Getting them to create boundaries is often difficult -it's hard to counsel "tough love," she said. "In the Jewish tradition, family is most important,· Middler said. "Because of that, creating boundaries can be difficult." A cooperative progmm of hospice services can provide the terminally ill and their loved ones with in-home hospice care. ·voung seniors are wanting to travel and make frlends: she said. "The majority of the women wan! to tnake women friends,-friends they feel comfortable with, can travel with and talk to." Their bereavement group helps people who have lost a loved one -and they have a group that focuses on change and how to cope. "It's very important.• Middler said. ·people are looking for some place where many needs are m et. In our groups. there's so much help with practical and emotional needs." Jewish Family Service is at the Jewish Federation Campus at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. To find out more about tl\eji.individual and group services. call {714) 445-4950. BOOMER CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; o r by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well es a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. ONGOtNG Senion and tow.mcome famlliM in the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach area can obtain free U.S. Oepartqlent of Agriculture s0rplus food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the second Friday of each month In the rear pandng lot et the Church of Christ, 740 W. Wilson St. Costa Mesa. Picture identification is required. (949) 650-8236. OU. S.,,k>r Center offwl • counselor to assist with questions about Medicare, HMO. and sopplemental and tong-tenn care insurance. Call to make an appointment (949) 644-3244. 0..11 59"k>r Center offwl a meal program for members. Lundl is served daily from 11 :45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the multipurpose room at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def Mar. Home-delivered meals are available for homebound seniors. Reservations are required. (949) 644-3244. The AUt.nc:e for the Mentally Ill of Orange County provides education and emotional support for families with loved ones who are mentally ill. A free support group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. ' DailyAPilot VOL 97, NO. 207 1l«>MAS K. JOHNSON NewsEdlton Publl1her Gina Alexander, Lorl Andereon, TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt, Paul Saltowltz, uo{cfttor 01nlel Stev;,t J OETTING NEWBST. ~~r Crime~ ~11er, Ptomodonl Dil9Ct0f (IM8)57 ~.blwlttll•l«l,,,.,,ciom ...... =-.... • IDfTINQ ~Aff a.J.Cahft Newport repol1ef, M=Edltor, flMI)~ (!Mi S74M233 Jun..~•"""*-com sJ.cahn• ,.,,,_,com ..... ca... .......... Pollta, bu!Mneee end 8'Mronment ~Ed!P. ~. IMll 7M-4330 (IM8 79oM32A ;.,,..,,,.,.,._,_.com ,,.u/.dlrrfOn •'-""*'""" ...._..,_ .......... Spof'9E-... Columnllt cullwfW repot1tf, -1744m (M)DM171 lfdwd. .... ~ ..... "._ ~oom J.itge;..,1-..0..0IW, ....... U_i , .. ,~ C-. MIN,.,,.., Mt 1'7._.221 ...... ~ ..,..,,...,...,, • .,,,._oom llliitlM: •II Clllll ..... ,,_.. lclllw, , ...... N9M111I blC<( .. tPMm ... ,,_., ......... ~ ........................... every other Saturday at the Orange County Mental Health Clinic, 3115 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 860-8463. 0.111 S.,,lor c.rrt.r offera renul of medical equipment - wheelchairs, walkers and more. (949) 644-3244. The Com Mese s.,,1or c.n. offers preventive health care servioes for seniors from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday• and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every other Tuesday, at 695 W. 19th St, Coste Mesa. Call to make an appointment. (949)· 645-2356. Tha Com Mese 59nlor Center offers counseling, assistance and referral services for seniors, 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-2356. PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leecti, Kant Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Record your commenta about the Dally Pilot or news tlpt. Met... Our eddreu 11 330 W. Bay St, Coeta Meea, CA 92627. Otfioe hours are Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. -6 p.m. Comctlonl It le the Pilot'• policy to promptly corrwct 111 8fT'Ort of eubltanc:e. Pliate call ("'9) ~ ... FYI The Newport~ Mtill DeMy Pilot IUSPS-144«>0) ii publlehed dilly, In Newport ~ and ea.ta MeN, eubecriptioc'll are Miiiabie only by .,becribing to The Tlmee Orange Couocy 1800) 252.f1'1, )n .... outlkte of Newpon.., and eo.. Mesa, tubecriptb• '° che Deity Plot .,. 9¥811 ..... ~ ~ .. dwmall for ao sier """""-""* tnok*.. • ...... and locM taxel.) ~Send .... -..ton.~ ~ ""-DeitV"'°"' N) ._ ,..,, Coilll ...... CA mta. -- The Costa MeH Hlstortcal Society holds a free open house from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays at 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Coste Mesa. The event features memorabilia from the city of Costa Mesa and the Santa Ana Amw Air Base. (949) 631-5918. Th• Costa MeN S.,,k>r c.m.r offers a Widows-Widowers Support Group from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays st 695 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 645-2356. 0.sis Senior Center ha1 1n Adventurous Walkers Group, which travels to points of interest locally and around the county. The group meets at 9 e.m. Fridays at the center and walks at a leisurely pace. The center is at 1800 Marguerite Ave., Newport Beach. (9491 644-3244. Copynght. No news stonet. illustrationt, editorial matter or advertisementa herein can be reproduoed without written permission of copyrig ht owner. HOW TO REACH US • CWculatlon The Time1 Orange County (SOO) 262·91'1 ~9 c~ (9'91642-567& 0...-V (949) 642-4321 EdhorW NeWI (IM9) 642-64!&0 ..... (tq) 67<M213 News'-it(IM8)~170 lpofta,.. (!Mi) 86().0170 !1NI: dM/ypllo1•1atlmM.com MaMOlloe .......... <>Moe (MS) 642~21 .... , ..... ,..(!Mi) 631-7128 11\u P\iblilthed by Tl~ CommUnhV N.w.. a dlvlalon of.,_. Loi~ Tl met. C2003 Ttmt11 CN. All r1ghte , ... Wld • THE OlDER CROWD Bringing the library and affection to Newport seniors T he last time Vir- ginia Stocb.&s visited Gene Ma· lone. the 70-year-old gave her a little hug. It was July 2002, and Gin· ny was bringing Gene a summer vacation. FYI For more information about Homebound Delivery Service or to -apply as a customer, call (949) 717-3824. A teacher herself, Gin- ny knew all about ·sum- mer vacations. For her, they required packing, tickets and even jet lag. nun was never a MELISSA ADAMS client is absorbing the books she brings. Kathy is confident she's provid- ing a meaningful con- nection. problem for Gene. His trips had no attendant hassles or costs, yet they transported him everywhere. Best of all for the homebound · diabetic, they could be enjoyed from the comfort of an annchair. They came in a black canvas tote bag wtth a van labeJed Newport Beach Public Library.rolling aero~ its front "Have Books, Will Thlve1." the tote promises. On this summer day. Ginny was fulfilling the promise -a mission carrled out by a corps of volunteers in the Newport Beach Public Library's Homebound De- livery Program. Rather than books. the Avalon resident had specified travel videos on the preferences fonn he completed when registering for the free serv· ice. If frequent ftier miles were awarded for virtual travel. Gene would be entitled to significant gSobetrotting. Every three weeks. librarian June Pilsitt had been se· lecting 10 navel documentaries for him. Before delivering the lat- est installment Giruly wanted June to know how much the sep· tuagenarian appreciated her ef- forts. "He was so bloody happy, his eyes weUed up with tears," she re- ported. "He absolutely loved the New York. series." like tome 30 other home· bound adults served by the pro- gram. Gene can enjoy library re- sources without relying on family or friends for transportation. While his drivins days might be over, his Interest in seeing the world had never dwindled. "Through the program. seniors like Gene, who can't come to the library due to temporary or long- term illness or disability. can be as well-read as their more mobile neighbors," program coordinator . Owtene Ashendorf said. Available to Newport Beach residents lMng independently aod in ~ care facilities. the service provides for the selection and delivery of books, videos. boob-on-cassette and CD, and cassette/CD players. For 70-Wl Bad Hefer, laige print memoirs fit the bill. Now challenged by Alzheimer's dis- ease, Earl can be forgetful: ·Mr. Hefer forgot I was coming today." volunteer Kathy Bambeck said, "so I had to interrupt his ex· erdsec:Ws. .. Mr. Heter didn't mind "He'd asked me to bring Coco, my teacup poodJe," Bambeck · said. "She entertained thesJass as they did their stretches. and he enjoyed that.• For all involved, rewards often extend beyond reading. Although she's skeptical about whether her •If you have an additional cli- ent, I'd be glad to take them on," she suggested. "It means M> much to them, and II feels good to be appreciated -especially when you have a 14-year-old at home." Fonner librarian Jeanne l.Jttle has little doubt homebound cU· ent Elizabeth Brownsberger is reading the books delivered to her Corona del Mar residence. While hubby Kenneth Browm· berger only peruse!. the news· paper, Elizabeth ii. an avid book· worm. Now in her 90s, she still loves a good story with accurate character developmenl. Jeanne reported. Lilc.e any good tale. program connections can have interesting ~.~tovohmteerafrer being homebound for 18 months a disabling accident, 30-ish lJSa Mamo now brin~ books to Av-d· Ion resident Rae Ucay. The 80- plus senior likes mysteries, ro· nWtce sagas -and helping olh· ers. Having befriended a facility employee from Argentina with Limited English language ililb. she now ~utors him daily. "Ms. Licay just finished work- ing with her friend, with 'Sylves- ter and the Magic Pebble.'" Usa reported to Ow1ene. "She wants more books Like this to work with him regularly. What do you think! . "T don't know if we've ever had a homebound customer who has become a tutor." Charlene said. What ~around comes around, it seems. Sometimes, however. the cirde ends. After visiting Malone la.-,t October. Ginny called to report. "Gene almost left us and went Into a coma with his diabete.. Keep him in your prayers ... such a nice guy.· And finally this: "Well, the ne\\'l> on this end isn't very good. Dear Gene passed away after his hos· pita! stay: Recalling her last VlSit. Ginny continued. "You know, Olarlene, I feel pretty blessed because the last time I visited Gene, he gave me a tittle hug. He'd never done that before, so I carry a really lov· ing memory of him.· "Maybe he knew we wouldn't see one another again .... I don't know. Anyhow, I know he's In good hands now. and at peace. When you're ready with a new ell· enr. I'm ready. too. Take good care. Love, Virginia" • MELISSA ADAMS Is the Newpo11 8eadl recreation end senior services coordinator. For more information about the center and rts ectTVities, please call (949) 644-3244. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Aa usual, the cloudl wlll The southwest swell peaks start out the -.,, but they'll today, with waist-highs to bum off for anolh« w.m one, ahouldel'highs and the wfth Costa ~ end Intend oocaslonal head-high. Newport Beach hight topping Standout apou can expect 80. some ovemead8. Coe~ Newport will read't On Sunday, the swell will the mld-70.. lowl wilt drop to begin euing off, providing them6d.eo.. weilt-to dlMt-hlgha at first. Hight will be a tad wtirmer av Monday, w.itt-hia*'-w111 onSund.y • be 1he belt dne can find. ~ Not undl Thul"lday wfll It pidtup .. n •• WWW.tMW..ttON.flOV w....-v: BOATING FORECAST W'4IW..te111Wdet;org The W9lterty wtndt wftl TIDES bkJw 10 lu'°'l In tM lnMr TIMe ........ W9t4n, wld\ 2·foot W9YM on I t'A7a.m. 3.57,...hlgh w.-... of 3 fNt end• IOUlh IMllof!flMt 1:&0p.m. 2.17'-tkiw l:Olp.m. &.Mtelthlgh Out ..... ~ nonftW I •1 ftv wtndl wfll blow 3:38a.m. -0.A.'tfMtlow 10 ll'noll. wfttt 2..foot ww.. on I ncdlt.-IWll of 4 to I telt WATER end1IOUlhIWllof3 .... TIMPERATURE -.w11.up1'8d ...... . ------~ -------• Daily Piiot Water-quality cops·could be coming· to your neighborhood BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS I Health officials fine ·developmental center Newport Beach has its new water-qualicy · enforcement team in place, but the members will be easy on offenders at first. June Casa1r.nde Daily Pilot NEwPORT BEACH -"The city has hired three new staff mem- bers and installed a trailer as temporary headquarters for iti. new water-quality and code en- forcement division. The division is Lhe main tool in an aggressive new program Lhat aims to stop pollutants from en- tering city sto~ drains. But City MariAger Homer Blu- dau said that, despite Lhe divi- sion's hard-line goal, Lhey'll em· phasize a soft touch -especially · at first. "We think it's critical' in early days that we don't be heavy handed in enforcement: Bludau said. ~Our goal will be to educate on an im.n:asing awareness about waler quality and what causes bad water quality and how !e's everyone's responsibility to stop it." The chree new staff members will join a revamped division that iocludei. code enforcemeni offi- cers who are being cross-trained to oversee water quality compli- ance. Togelher, working out of a trailer just landed on City Hall grounds, Lhey will continue to do Lhe work of Lhe former code en- forcemtmt division but Lhey will add Wdter-quaJity enforcement to Lheir repertoire. They will pa· trol locaJ businesses and respond to calls to educate residencs and businesse~ alike about strict new county rules Lhat make it WegaJ to put anythmg but water into a storm drain. For businesses, this means that hosing down sidewalks is now a 110-no unless Lhe water is captured and kept out of Lhe storm drains. Technically, it aJso means that people can't wash their cars in their front yards us- ing soap or do anything ·else Lhat would send pollutants into storm drains. The city doesn't plan to crack down; instead, Lhey're hoping that improved education can do U1e trick. But, whelher business or residef},t. gross abusers will be punished. Fines of up to $300 a day could be levted against repeat offend- ers. Bh1dau said Lhat it will take about six to nine monlhs for the new division to be fully up and running. but Lhat the waler qual- ity rules aJready apply and code enforcement officers are already on Lhe lookout for opponunities to inform and enforce. "It is going to require a mind- set change," Bludau said. "People do have an incentive to do Lhings on Lheir own to protect water quality. People live in Newport Beach because Lhey like to be around water, but on Lhe olher side is Lhe fact Lhat people don't like to be heavily regulated." The Fairview Developmen- tal Center was slapped wilh the most severe a'l:ation it could receive and an $80,000 fine from the California De· partment of Heallh Services. The department made Lhe an- nouncement Wednesday after aJ1 investigation found that poor care of a 30-year-old woman resident led to her , death. The patient was found dead on July 5, 2002, having suffo .. cated after falling between Lhe space between Lhe bed and Lhe side rail. The investigation determined Lhat Lhe facility failed to maintain the side rails in operable condition at all times to ensure Lhe safety of the patients. 'The center was able to pay only 65% of Lhe fine by doing it within 15 days of Lhe lime il was assessed. Ir also came up wilh a plan to prevent future occurrences, which mcludes installing crossbars on each bed. Mail' Older 1.(800) Meets Weight Watdrers· & Hemt AssOciation Critwia Homegrown Macaroni & Cheese • Whole WMit Shells & Ch«idar • Shl!IJs & Whit.e Cheddar ~ 6AJV/ ()IO)fi) :=Slim $..00 LowFat REG. '2.99 .&14;. ~...._-Qa-sbah­ Couscous • ROlllted Gartk & Ollw • Wiid Forat Mallnoom • Nutted Cummt s~.n • Lemoa Spinada .. ..., REG. '1.89 1 az.. • Moc. &Cheddar ~ •AlfndJ 177. 7 n REG. 51 .49-51 .69 6.7 oz. Goodnal &om the Cround Up 1 OIJO/o Certilied Organic Dressings • B•b=k ~ •Italian Hat> • C.-Feta • RoMUcl Red~ REG. '3.99 @*&:;: Meyenberg Goat Milk Burgen Wamin D EmkD:d • Al Aw.limn Clwic ·C..~ ........ c.. ....... Oalaa REG.14.29 ·~ - •LowF.a• S•99 REG. '4.15 & 32oz. LILY OF THE DESERT YOU SAVE $3.66! Certified Organic EVERA Juice or Gel • Aloe Purity and Content Certified ·~ SA29 • 99.5% Whole Leaf SUGG . •7.95 • & FARM FRESH PRODUCE Yogto1: ~ 18 Vari«ies ID Choose •Nonfat s~ •low Fat REG.~ 6oz BioStrath ,_, ............. .., &tlta1cm $ .... , .. ~•--29 SUGG. '11.15 ~ 1.402. Earth Sci£nce "' == Saturday, July 26, 2003 Aa I Glaceau Vitamin Water REG.'1.99 ~ KIKKOMAN Pearl Organic ~ ..... :IL. • Original ~,. •• &I.IA •Green Tua =~~ REG. •1 .69 77'J2 oz. Standtrrdizs!d -26% Ginlcosides Ginkgo Leaf ,,,...... $~9 Bnlbt Flotdlon· SUGG. '13.99 611C. JUST ONCE MUL11\1ITAMIN Food &sed For.ft& Overall V'ztality r77 SUGG. 112.95 311* Popeye's Tacos 2 com tortillas stuffed with scrambled tofu or eggs, spinach. parsley & green onions. Served with a side of salsa and Ma's homesl}lle potatoes or rice ...,..,. Fu c Stu ... q'4',, ~. 7 e (' : 7<~ ~ 1 ( 1/· ~ r .-h M I '"'1 26, 2003 RosEY"sA.uIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY H. J. G~rett . Furniture Full Design Consulting Service Fine Furniture Since 19(1.0 · 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. chru Sat. I 0 to 6, Sun. 12 to 5 . I LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY ' now availabl.t Quality Service Value FAMILY Continued from Al and having to put our family through this. And I'm a hwnan being. I'm a man just like eYel)'bod)' else.. What a bunch of baloney. Bryant is not a man. because real men dodt cheat OD their wives. Real men don't cheat on their wives and then tell them that they are the air that they bteathe or their badd>one or liver or anything else. Real men don't use their wives in front of tfle media in weepy, desperate, pathetic attempts to seem like good guys. Tulk is cheap, action is everything. Real men doni buy their wives $4-million diamond rings days after they've cheated to usuage their guilt. the way Bryant did That's not the kind or action that shows love. Real men show their love by remainJng faithful, by staying true to the vows they took before God. family and frtends. Real men show their love and respect through the kind of action that doesn't ~t any money. Real men know that they'll neverrutthewinninghomerun in the Wodd Series or make the 20-foot jwnper with no time left on the dock. They know they1l never write the great American novel or discover a cure for cancer. But that doesn't bother them. They're like the Energizer bunny-they just keep on going. Real men are happy with their liYes beca•W! they've adUeYed a kind of blill that aipentars can't understand. 'Ibey know that life's jays come from the things that money can't buy and that no parade of other women can provide. Real men know that if there's a chance they're going to be tempted, they're not going to getmanied.. Please don't bore me with the deWls about what a tough life It is as a pro buket.ball player. No pro athlete ever quit beCause he was tired or all the attention and the money. Several people, including Bryant. have called his adultery a "mlstak.e, H That's baloney, too. A mistake is turning left instead of right or . arriving at the movies after the feature has started or wearing a Yankees cap LO an Angels game. Adultery Is a conscious decision to cheat ' Bryant's adultery is magnified because of the nation's investment in the wrong heroes. We don't place enough value on police officers, firefighters and teachers because they can't paclc. a stadiwn full of people buying food and souvenirs. Bui if I had to pick someone to rely on to get the job done day after day. Kobe Bryant would be at or near the bottom of my list • STEVE SMrTH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. BRIDGES need for the bridges and asking the authority to certify the Santa Continued from Al Ana River Crossing environmental repon.. plan provides the authority with It also says the bridges should the n~ ammunition to see be kept on the master plan for things their way. now. but that the participating cit- "We believe we have F)ven [the ies should not assume the two authority! enough information for bridges will be built when ronsid· them to easily make the decision erlng long-tenn planning srudies to delete the bridges." said Bill developments and land-use as- Morris. director of public services. sumpdons. "All of our environmental wodc Fountain Valley officials say they and traffic reports and numbers don't suppon Costa Mesa's com· should make it an easy decision promise at this time because they ..,...,.~-.=-~~~~+-~o~r-n:-:e~m=---~~~--<~~~---:--:wan==~oseeifD NEW SUMMER FUN! COMEDY NIGHT Every Sunday At 8 PM Make Your Reservations And Enjoy The Show Nightly Dinner Specials Beginning at 5pm • .. Qty officials oppose the bridges is possible econo~cally. physi· because they believe they would cally and environmentally, Foun· hann several neruby residential ar· lain Valley City Manager Ray eas. schools and parks. They are Kromer said. also roncemed that the bridges ''Right now, all the alternatives could harm wetlands and biologi· of removing the [Gisler) bridge are cal resources along the Santa Ana widening the streets in Fountain River bed. Valley.# Kromer said "We're saying. The four cities agreed to work 'Let's see if it's feasible to build.' If toward deleting the bridges when not. then we have to go and look they started the Santa Ana River at all the other alternatives be- Oossings Study in 1993. But in cause the east·wesl traffic is in- December. Fowitain Valley re-aeasing trying to get to the free. quested grant funds from the au· way." thority for preliminary and final Newport Beach officials aren't design of the Gisler Avenue bridge. amenable to the plan because In response, the Costa Mesa they also feel they would share in Qty Council passed an emergency the brunt of increased traffic with- resolution to fast-track a solution out the bridges. that would be amenable to all par-"With increased population ties. growth over the next 50 years in The solution passed Monday this area. we feeJ that ultimatety calls for reiterating the city's oppo-there needs to be some bridges sition to the bridges. adopting between the San Diego Freeway measures that could ellminate the and Pacific Coast HJghway to ac- commodate traffic. so it isn't con· centrated through a couple of highways." Newport Beach City Manager Homer Bludau said. Huntington Bead1 has not taken a formal position on Cost.a Mesas proposed solution, said Bob Stachelsld. transportation manager. But the city supports the removal of both bridges. as evinced by two resolutions the Chy Counal passed in February. The first reiterated the city's commitment to pursuing the re- OlOllal of the bridges from the master plan The second declared the city's oppoQtion to the action by Fountain Valley officials in initi· ating a study of the Gisler bridge. HOME Contilu~ from Al year fixed mortgage rose from to 5.99% from 5.28%, Bankrate.com said. At lmpac Morqpige Holdings Inc., a Newport ~ch-based real estate investment trust that ~ daJizes In nonconforming resi- dential mongages. adjustable rates have been more and more popular, President Bill Ashmore said. In the put £ew weeks, the com- pany has seen a shift: Adjustable rate Joans have taken the lead over tiled-rm products. Ashmore said. Aleo. aJmolt ~ ol the company's businaa has been reftnandng. "What ~ have leer\ ls that ln- dMdulll are pavttaaing to adjust- Ible rate mortppr," ~ ..... ~ ldl • lb'Ong de- mmd our mere." Mhmcn forecllta a mere 1 CJfl to 1.5'1' mew 1n ehort-tenn r-. at two years or las. OYer the N:Xt Y9lf. He llid longw-tenn ratel abould rile more~ 1be ~.~ of Ill lm,pac ac.n 18 elWttlY more than S2U#1J, Aabmol9 ml ....,. •• WI)' pJd dme to be. llndil' ln c.dfurNa.. be ldded. PUBLIC SAFETY OailyPlot I POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • ~Place: Petty theft wa1 reported In the 200 blodt at 8:39 a.m. Thursday. • Unc:oln Wey: A vehlote burglary wa1 reported In the 3100 blod< at 6:44 a.m. Thurtday. • l.oNn LAM: Petty theft from a vehicle was reported In the 3000 blod< at 6:24 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Boulewrd; An assault was reported in the 1600 blodt at 10:44 a.m . Thursday. • PacJflc AV9nue: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 2100 blade at 9:15 a.m. Thursday. • PhMcrMk Driv.: An auto theft was reported In the 2800 blodt at 11:58 a.m. Thursday. • Pomona Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 2200 blodt at 6:35 a.m. Thursday. • Tanager Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 1800 blodt at 9:37 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Balboa Boulevard: A hit-and-run was reported in the 200 blodt at 8:53 a.m. Thursday. • Bonita Canyon Road and MacArthur Boulevard: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 9:21 a.m. Thursday. • Eattbluff Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 2500 blade at 9:14 a.m . Thursday. • Jasmine AV9nue: A garage burglary was reported in the 700 block at 12:29 p.m. Thursday. • Newport Canter Drtv. East An auto theft was reported in ·the 600 blade at 9:03 a .m. Thursday. • PaJm Street and East •Ibo• Bouleva=rd=:-'-An"'-'---~ assault was reported at 12:17 a .m. Thursday. • Pat1l Green Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 3900 blade at 10:39 a.m. Thursday. FAIR Conbnued from Al ent reasons for the decrease Ul nwnber... but I believe that the decrease ii because the fair is spread out over more -0wnber of days," said Bedcy Bailey·Ftndley. the fa.it's chief executive officer. There was also an "overaowd· Ing" trend last year. Bailey· Findley said. Jllere was one middle Sawrday ~ ~ when there were about 81,000 people." she said. • But this year. the most a'O'Mied day was July 19. when there were 63,00>. That's still a lot or people. but it's a more comfort.able number." But lower number.i have not af- fected the fa.it's revenue so far. Bal- ley·FUldley said. "Our new attractions. llke the Skyride and the Orange Groove. have received great response.· she said. The faits parldng revenue has burgeoned, with 700 oew parldng spots on the fairgrounds. "It's also convenlent for fair. goers because they haven't had to park off· lte. maybe with the ex· ception of one day this year,• she said. "Last year, we had to use Costa Mesa High School and Orange Coast College parking lots six or seven days." Officials are also pleased with the response to the concerts at the newty reopened Pacific Amphith· eatre. Bailey-Findley said. Only one concert. Dwan Duran. has been sold out so far, but she said that these concerts lnwlve t1cbts, so lower numbers were expected. But, Bailey-Findley said. fair- goers are happy with the concert experience. "They like the fact that they are able to experience It in a venue that la designed for such an evmt in.stead of the Arlington Theater. which WU put together with chairs and bleachers.. lhe said. Also, fair numbers often have a way of going up toward the end. Bailey-Andley sakl "We have a m.u:nber ol IU'Ong eYents this weelcmd and we ex- pect to 1ee the a'OWdl grow• we Deir the md.. she laid. • Dml' IMAM1H CO\l'lfa pubic ...., Md ocutL She""" be reecNd It (M) 574-C29"' trf ~­deeJ».bhwsdt•~ -- Dady Pilot CENTER Continued from Al Rep. Luls Gulierre-L CD-W.) in- troduced the Day labor Fairness and Protection Act that would re-' quire that employers and laborers be covefl'.d under the Occupa - tionaJ Health and Safely Act; ihat verbal contracts be enforced; tha1 laborers be paid at least the same as the prevailing rate paid 10 per- manen t employees; and that em - players cover costs for work-re- lated injuries. ' Day laborers said the bill would. go far in giving them right'> they don't have, such as being com- pensated for work-related injuriei.. "If you have something really serious happen to ybu. Like you break a fool or an ann, you're out of work," said Glenn Wilson, who uses the center to find painting jobs. "And thcrei. no be}lefiL'> in !the current I package." Bui potential employer.. ~id the requiremen~ in the biU may be 100 murh for w me employer., 10 deal witll. "II wiU immediately eliminate all the people who use the Job Center ... like employers who are not business-eiq:>erienced in com· MERRILL Continued from Al "Happy Birthday'' to her, ~he added "And many more," al thl' end She ~id it me<U1l a lot to her that so many people were on hand to celebrate her birthday. "You're like a rock sw," John- M>n said to hlc; aunL Uark wa.\ born on a farm in Kem.en, Iowa. "People around would call Jthe IUwnJ 'Can't Sec tr," \he remi· ni">Ced. She al'>fJ remembered hor~ '>he and her sister had when they were younger -twin colts named l·lora and Oora. Her father bought rhe firc;t car •' pllance with OSHA standards," said Bill Turpit, an attorney and W~tside activist "OSHA is a whole bureaucracy. It sets stand- arcb for ladders, scaffolding and everything under the sw1. And companies that do conslru~tion do a great deal in complying with it" Turpit was also quid to point out the bill's good points like try- ing to treat day laborers fairly and penalties against employer retalia- tion. In his introductory. speech, Gu- tierre1. cited to statistia. thal show 01a! 40% of day laborers in this country are homeless and as- serted that it's time they are treat- ed fairly. "WJ1ile day laborers may face unpredictal:1iliry in a clay's work. one thing is abundandy clear and always constant in their struggles: the fear of workplact1 injwy, the fight for enough money to gel by. and the continuous uphill battle agairn.t exploitation and abuse. H Gutierrez said Thursday. At the Job Center, employers are already requjred 10 pay the mini- mum wage. Bui some employers don't aJ. ways pay the amount they offer when they hire you, said Eddie in the area -an REO. she said. She worked in Washington, D.C as a 5tenogrJpher during World War I and al!><> worked for Good- year lire & Rubber Co. She retired and moved to Leisure World in 196.1. She now live~ in a convale!i· cent home in Los Alan1ito~. ~ht' never mamed, leading John...on to joke that that''> why i.he lived w long. fhe-.e days. <lark enjoy!> watch· mg "Oprah" and game i;how-, and al.<.o likes to '>tay up-10-date with current event'> by reading the nl'w..paper. friend Ania t:kynokb said. "Inez i~ 'iO. '>harp, and we can talk about current events and aU ~rt~ of thin~. and she has ~l comment5," Reynokh c;aid. ' I Major WindoW Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games Vinyl Wi~dqws • Replacement & New Construction Real t;me Pricing & Purchasing I Ph: ~~l-494-9069 Fax: 562-494-2069 Contnctor Referrals • All Maj or Credit Cards w -ww .1 stwindows.co Smith, who comes to the center to find jobs involving moving. ware- house work and construction. "Most of the people here are good. but one guy ripped me oft" Smith said. Turpit is also concerned that the mandate that employers pay the prevailing rate would take away the laborers' ability to nego- t:iat.e. "I think ii establishes a whole different standard," Turplt said. "It t.aJces it away from the market rate. which the day laborer uses to ne- gotiate with an employer, and it mandates a certain level of pay- rn~nt·, which may or may not be acceptable." The bill would require day labor service agencies to post in a pub- lic area a list or all employers seek- ing day laborers, with information such as the hourly w..tge they offer. It would also re<fuire these agen- cies to provide detailed descrip- lion of the work. including dura- tion and overtime rate of pay. If passed, the clay laborers would be notified of their new rights by the myriad advocacy groups that support them, said Scott Frotman, Gutierrez's press secretary. l\lrpit suggested that the city legislate its own standards to keep the Job Center viable. ~My suggestion. is that if the~ are violations of faimes.5, that the city look at that and coru.ider im- plementing some basic standards of fairness and then give the la- borers the right to enfon:e those standards, rather than the need for the federal government to pre- empt the whole area.. of regula-, tion," Turpit sald. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readied at (949) 5744221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmanL'3ilatimes.wm. Bids81and.com presenJs ... Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Embassy Suites Hotel l 176 7 II arbor Blvd .. Garden Grove Registration is at 10:30 AM • Auction Begins at 11 :30 AM FREE ·DOC WASH Ask About OUr Groomina SPecials ( ltlcr tor "~" , U\hllnrr" •11 ii plr ..... • k<1(Ul•r pm.<· Slllf1<h1d1 ""~I d1c•p' DirfY Do!! Wash 714-960-7002 • 504 Main Street. HB • 0Pen Til 7:00PM ~~ ~~~! . H P s t a ur a nt > / Establlsheo 1n 1962 ...__, tr• !Yatvrint A Li,,~ Tribuu To Frank Sinatra E11<rry Momlay 0--Tuutlay 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • • 'Qu.aJiry Scnicc • .. ... Ni t.ly Enlcrtainmcnt .. ' FrJr Rt•J;-1 1•.r11i1111.$ c:,,11 {949) 646-7944 lh~l'i l""i"" ""'"Co''" l\1e<>J Ot~n.i h -.n..J Mc• '-'' fm• \ \Q •a.., '' ~· • 'lt '" Sdturday, July 26, 2003 A5 ALDEN'S I Ii :IJ DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 AND MORE I l\lo TAKE ooWN on REMDVll\l6 l\IECESSARY I Certified To Cle an All Hunt:er Doug las Fabric Window Coverings Including: • luminette Privacy Sheers • Silhouette window shadings · • Vignette window shadings • Ouette honeycomb shades • Millenia ni Collection • Jubilanc~ r'-1 roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette1'1 Soft Fold r'1 shadings World's Best O N-SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERI ES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 H111/rf/11r1 .\ Hc>11ur e1tio11 fur Ut1CJllhJ rrnd '7r•n. it e '>lnr P ttJ•,/ i .. M Saturday, July 26, ·2003 BARGAIN OF THE DAY He brings more than cotor to thelr face., he~ apartle end thin.. K.C. The Fecepalnter -his profeulonal neme - hea been at the fair for years, decorating the faces of fai rgoers with vivid brush strokes and shimmering glitter. Hia designs range in price from ~to $6 for the moat popular, ~ut he will create an extravagant decoration at your request. In the picture: K.C. the Facepainter pai nting a ~sign on the cheek of Tyler Yazzle from Arizona. EVENT OF THE DAY They were clowning around but having some serious fun. On Fridays the clowns from Barnum& Bailey Ringling Bros. Walk the fairgrounds, talking to kids and adults alike, soliciting smiles. At 4 p.m. they gather in the youth exposition for a little performance, fun, games and' giveaways. In the picture are Jimmy and Brenda Graham. FAIR ATTENDANCE As of 6 p.m. 18, 687 this year, down from last year's tally of 29.439. At 3 p.m .. attendance was 11 ,608, down from the same time and day la st year (16,373). Our authentic yoga exercises strengthen your body and our unique Life Mastery-techniques calm your mind, uplift your spirit and feed your soul. * Classes every day * Prenatal yoga *Retreats * S20 off with this ad * The premier Orange County Yoga Center since 1970 FREE DEMONSTRATIONS Wed.,...., JO 10:00 am & ?:00 pm (N9) 64' 1211 www.yogacenter.org -«5 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa LOCllNd ft rtN lltJtllMJe SfftO ,..._ ~ Tust., ond lrvW ~ ,~ .. ,,,~~ . .,.., ~9P'~~~.,.~~·· ---. ---~----.---­• FOOD OF THE DAY Lowc:.rt>.7 High prot8'n 1 Who c:.rea, thla stuff la good. Get. pl1t• full of smoking hot barbecue chicken (Helf e chlcbn) fries end coleslaw for $8 et Andy's Conoenlona. The chic.teen la tender and smothered In delicious barbecue sauce. Watch oui for the smoke from the grlll because this chicken Is S1ralght off the fi re. Don't forgtJt to S1ock up on napkins because It gets messy. It may not be trendy or pretty but it tastes lovely. · The fair's Martha Stewart Longtime fa ir chef Jan Mongell has been entertaining and educating audie nces whil e cooking fo r years Tom Forque r Daily Pilot ··is Martha Stewart just not cut- ting it anymore? lnvest your stock in a new culinary mentor. On Thursday afternoon at the Orange County Fair. chef Jan Mongell taught her audience how to make a simple meaJ of al- bondigas soup and gazpacho salad, giving them the additional treat of helpful tips on cooking preparation and p resentation. ln her 15 years as resident chef at the fair, MongeU has devel- oped a reputatfon for teaching accessible and practicaJ recipes. ~she always does simple things fo r people who aren't great chefs," said Eileen Hoff- mann of Santa Ana Heights, who has been attending the demon- strations since MongeU started at the fair. The lesson on the stage began with the soup. The presentation was aided by a large 1V linked to a camera operated by Mongell's husband. Jim. The soup required meatballs, broth, a smaJJ asson- ment of vegetables. rice, a can of tomatoes, saJt and water -all of which were added to the pot and cooked simultaneously. *The meatballs. I don't care if you buy them or noL Who's go- ing to know?~ MongeU said. The audience seemed particu- larly impressed by Mongell's method of dicing canned toma- toes. using household scissors while the tomatoes were still in the can. Mongell began cooking in her uncle's restaurant at the age of I 8 and has done just abou1 every- thing culinary since then. She has studied food styling and STEVE Mc CRANK I DAILY PILOT Chef Jan Mongell discusses her recipe for albondigas soup, while her image is shown through a video monitor, during her cooking demonstration on the Home and Hobbies stage at the Orange County Fair Thursday. Mong ell has been making her presentations at the fair for 15 years. color coordination, written four cookbooks. done cooking shows for the Trinity p ress. with cucumbers lining the side of the bowl and the rest of the ingredients making a napkin artichoke to complement the stylish salad. Broadcasting Network and has helped de- velop special diets for people with brain can- cer. After the soup was put on the stove. the salad lesson began. Jim had already pre- 'Sh e always does simple things f o r people who aren't great chefs.' meticulously layered. The demon- stration was pe- riodically pep- pered with anecdotes about her dog Peaches raiding her herb garden and some kitchen humor. About 15 years ago. Mongell started KJtchen Talk. a culinary consulting firm based in Orange and on the Web at www.kitchen- llllk.com Lately. she has been doing in-home l>eminars on the art of napkin folding "I like 10 help people. thats where I am coming from," she said. Eileen Hoffmann, tallong about chef Jan Mongen What sh e enjoys more than anything else is the look on someone's face when she has helped them make a dish. she said. pared the ingredients -cucum- bers. mushrooms. red onions. green peppers and tomatoes. ·1 was so happy when he re- tired. l didn't have to hire a sous chef anymore," Mongell said. The salad was dressed to im· One jolce pro- duced quiet a few chuclcJes. ~ll takes a smart man lo let us know we're right. even when we're wrong." she said. The salad lesson ended with instructions on how make a to- mato rose and lechniques for r----- 1 Giant Slice After the demonstration, Ron Soderwall of Santa Ana said that "l loved that they brought the food out for us to taste." "It was the frosting on the cake," his wife, Olristie, added. ------:i 1 Free Large Spaghetti 1 I of Cit HS. PiwJ And Salad I Willt 011:1 Wltok PU:z.a Orthr I I OnlySl.99 I u-,_,,,,_,_,,.,41,,..,.,.. I LMw """'I""'•~,,., n. tn pn ,,_.., Dtw '-" °"'" \a J.at~,...,.."' "'-' "'., 1.AI aw \Of ltl/fllttl •lM ~ ~ '!!!"'..!! '!::. ~=·~ "!'.!' .. :.:'..:!'.+-~"'::"~!... ~'..!~~ -~ 1 Free Mini-Canoli 1 Free Bottomless 1 I Dessert I Soft Drink. I I WWr tmy Order Over $4.95 I Wltlt a11y Ortkr Ovtr $4.95 I U.1_,,,,_,..,,,...,,,,., l'U~ u.i-,..,~,..,,.,.,,,..,.,.., L ~~"'!.!'!!:~.-t.L EJ::.."!..!'!.:.~ ..L !! ~~ '= ~ -'L ~:...! ;_100_!_ _J ... ' . OPEN DAILY 10:30 AM 10:00 PM• WEEKEND:> Till 11 PM I 14 S BAKER ST. COSTA MESA • 714 S4Q 068 S COOKWARE is Cooking! Daily Pilot SATURDAY, JULY 26 101.m. • Rubber Stamping with Rose Ann Strickland (untll 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Building •Scale Squadron (untll 11 p.m.) - Home & Hobbies Building • Egg Carving with Paula Ames (until 11 p.m.)-Home & Hobbies Building • 4-H Dog Show -Davis Scnool, 1050 Arlington Or. • The HP Mobility Tour -A Hewlett Packard Exhibit (until 6 p.m.) -Outside Blue Gate •.Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building , • #Discover the Fair# Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Sock Hop -Kids StagE1 •Open Rabbit Judging - Livestock Area • Guide Dog Puppy Field Day - TeWink.le Memorial Park, 1780 Hummingbird Or. •Rats and Mice Judging (10:30 a.m.) -Livestock -Small Animal Tent •Llama Presentation ( 10:30 a.m.) -livestock Arena 11 a.m. • Ballet Folklorico Amor De Mexico -Heritage Stage • United Studio of Self-defense - Sun Stage •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage •Circus Fun Review Auditions (11:30 a.m ) -Kids S1age Noon • Just Four Tonight -Heritage Stage • Esperanza Ballet Folklorico - Sun $(age • Rubber Stamping with Kris Bowers & Susan Booker -Home & Hobbies Stage •Juggler Dan Wiles -Celebration Stage -Youth Bu1ld1ng • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • Angora Goat Judging - Livestock Arena •Maureen W. Puppet (12·30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m l -Around the grounds 1 p.m . • Sixteen Plus -Heritage Stage • Mission Vieio Teen Stars -Sun Stage •Soap Carving for Kids -Home & Hobbies Stage •Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (unt1l 8 p.m ) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Holly -Children's Songs & Stories -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Rockin" Root Beer Float Contest ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE BEST BET -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Traveling Game Show (1 :30 p.m . until 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds • Ceramics Demonstration ( 1 :30 p m.) -Crafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m ) -Millennium Barn 2p.m. • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area •Westminster Performing Arts - Heritage Stage • Dance Network -Sun Stage •Cafe Hidalgo -Home & Hobbies Stage • "Bromel1ads" with Bob Kopfstein -Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building •Chardonnay Seminar ($20) with Tony Marino -The Counyard • Storyteller -Youth Bu1ld1ng • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater 3 p.m. • Memories Swing Team - Heritage Stage • El Grupo Folklonco de Madres - Sun Stage • Lavain Greene -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage -Youth Bu1ld1ng • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Sheep Dog Trial Demonstration (unlll 5 p m ) -Livestock Arena •Scale Squadron -Electric Park Flyers (3:30 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Stage Alanis Morissette will stop by the Pacific Amphitheatre at 7 p,m. today as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. Jason Mraz will be the special guest. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. Royal Crown Revue will perform the free shows at 7 and 9 p.m. in the Citizens Business Bank Arena. COURTESY OF THE ORANGE COUNTY FAIR • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 4p.m. •Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village •Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area • In Cahoots Fullenon Dance Team -Heritage Stage • Open Wide Band -An All·Dentists Band -Sun Stage •Chardonnay Seminar ($20) with Tony Marino -The Courtyard • Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Pancake Pandemonium Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Linle Theater • Port City Washboard Wizards (4.30 p.m. unt1l 6 30 pm.) - Around the grounds •Desserts with Tina Davidson (4:30 pm.) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (4·30 p.m.l -Crafters Village Sp.m. • Sheep Dog Trial Demonstration -L111estodl Arena • Lokelani's Rhythm of the Islands -Heritage Stage •Open Wide Band -An All-Dentists Band -Sun Stage • Decorated T-Sh1n Contest - Youth Building • Lava1n Greene -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage -Youth Bu1ldtng • Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - livestock • Clrcu1 n.m Review Show (5:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m.) -Millennium Bam 8p.m. SatUf'day, July 26. 2003 A1 • Scrapbooklng with Sherrie Murphy -Home & Hobbles Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building Wlllllllr ,. llr '' 1.1111- • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater You'll Find Incredible • Red, Ripe & Karaokin' Contest (6:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage • Nosy Tomato Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage 7p.m. • Summer Concert Series: Alanis Morissette with special guest Jason Mraz (Gates open 5:30 p.m.) -Pacific Amphitheatre • Royal Crown Revue -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Grafters Village • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Lads and Lassies Judging - Livestock Arena • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m .) -Kids Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • M ilking Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn Bp.m. • Proud Mary -Sun Stage • Rock, Rock Limbo Rock Contest - Kids Stage · • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Moonlight Express (8:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage 9p.m. • Royal Crown Revue -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Ali-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (9:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village 10p.m. • Proud Mary -Sun Stage •Moonlight Express (10:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage Values on Your Favorite Lexus! What Darlin9? Did ~ou sa~. RECYCLED RAGS is havin9 their parkin9 lot part'1? 40% off!. : That's temptin9 BE THERE OR BE SQUAREf "'• WHEN · Sunda'1 Ju/'1 27 2003 9:00 a m to 4·00 pm WHERE: 2731 East Pacific Coast Hw'1 Corona de/ Mar, CA 92625 (949) 675-5553 WHAT TO EXPECT Great dwls on ch1C f a.sh1on and accesories LDts of fn~nd/it peopk wa1t1ne on '1ou hand and foot (lnclud1ne two ons19ht wardrobe coordinators) R.efreshments are ~rved and drawine will ~tJin at 2 30 p m. 0 £ L H R R On Saturday. from I I am to 3 pm, bring the kith for FACE PAINT ING· CRAFTS· MUSIC BY TH E ROCKJT SCIENT ISTS Brit1g the dogs/or Three Dog Bakery's Sth Ant1ual Summer Pool Party. And bring your appetite for Bristol Fann 's BBQ! RESTAURANTS AND CASUAL DINING BRI STOL FARMS ....... 760-b.514 GE LATO PARADISO . . . .640-92.56 GULFSTREAM SPECIALTY AMADEUS SPA BRIGHTON COLLECTIBLES )EWELS BY JOSEPH 718·9S83 RESTAURANT ......... 718·0187 PEETS COFFEE & TEA . M<r63n TOMMY BAHAMA . . . . 760-8686 MOTIINI . 7lt·01t3 THREE DOG BAK£RY .. 760-J6.47 1>.NY BRAJNY 040-5131 APPAREL ARMOIRE ............. 6'M-9888 CHICO"S .... , .......... 219-9960 DIANE'S SWJMWEAJl .... 759-6830 MARMI ..•............•. 721-lJlS Ml Pl.AC£ .•.....•..... .219-9919 NEW IALANCE ......... 720-1602 ROMANO'S ............ ~ SOLE COMFOU •.•..... .6#-5939 SUITU TONES ......•.. M0-2781 TOMMY IAHAMA ...... 760-8686 HOME FURNISHINGS WY UNlQilt •......... 'TSNlll ITAUNIO HOMl S1'0l£ .• ~24SI sv1ru 10Nu ......... ~2111 SUa LA tuu .......... 64CHnOO WATtlWOUS •••••.••• 7t7~6SlS C I R 11 1 I E L. " 11 P L 111 Pulflc C••n Hltll•ar e ~cAnbr ...... ., .. ,., SHOrtHll'-VIHICOMPANYCOM Al Saturday. July 2f>. 2003 •Cribs • Chanatna Tables •Chests •Twin ~ _J •Toy Boxes • Full~ •Accessories and much more . . (M9) .6!1·2229 1822 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Nms fre•Trillllf'! ~-ti ' www.beUJlll.com Mon.-Sal IO:J0.6:00 •Sun. 12:00-5:00 lake the Grade. Orange Coast College will help you ... Achieve Your Goals! OCC hds been dll incubator for success for 55 years. More than d 111illwn students have advanced their lives Oil 0((\ <.d111µu). No matter whdt your godl might be, it's a good bet we hdve the prog1am to get you there. We'll get you to a university! -We rank second out of California\ 108 community colleges in transfernng students to four-year universities. We'll prepare you for an exciting career! - Our career programs dre second-to-none! Thousands ot uur alurns work for large, medium dnd 111odest s1Le businesses, corporations high tec.h firms, hotels, hospitals and medic al tdciht1es around the country. Call no w fo1 fall registrdtion information: (714) 432-5072. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. To save valuable te}ources, Orange Coast College hos not 11101led 1tl closl schedule this fall. Yau can pick up a copy 1n the Ad1111H11ms U/ftctt, vr access the foll schedule online at: orangecoastcollege.com We1ll help you get there. SEMI- TE 'bJNING ROOMS PLMNG ROOMS SOfAS rBEDSPIAMPS &MIRRORS - -----~ r COMMUNITIES & CLUBS A good time to support a good friend Whitford at (949) T he friends of John a.der. a leader in the hospitality industry in Orange County and other locales for decades. will gather today at the Newport Beach Aquatic Center for a Rader Roast and fund-raiser, longtime friend Corld.Rawllngs said. Rader has been · struck with primary I JIM DE BOOM 646-n25. If you can't attend today and still wanttomaba contribution, like Barbara and me and make your check payable to JR lhlst. P.O. Box 808118, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688. MAKING SANocASllES selerosis colingitis, the same rare liver disease that killed famous National Football League star Walter Payton. Rader served as the food and beverage manager al the BaJboa Bay Oub. general manager of the Saddleback Inn and. more recently, general manager of the Outrigger Canoe Oub in Hawaii. Rader was known here for his community involvement, helping to start the Newport Beach Aquatics Center, organizing with the annual outrigger canoe race from Newport to Avalon, and supporting the YMCA, the Sea Base, the Commodores Oub of the Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce, and the list goes on. Last winter, Rader accepted a position at Pebble Beach in Northern California. only to be ta.ken ill with the liver disease and deciding to come home to the Harbor Area. TWo months ago, Radar had double bypass at UCI Medical Center in Orange that he needed to qualify for a liver transplant list "John has always set an example of energy, hard work and generosiry to all those around him, and now hh friends can unselfishly assist by defraying the expected astronomical costs of his illness," Rawlings said. There is no charge to anend today's event, which wiU have live and silent auctions. Food and beverages will be av-..tilablc at 4:30 p.m. The Rader Roast will happen at around 6 p.m. at the Aquatics Center. If you know Rader, you are encouraged to stop by tl1 e center and share part or your day with him. For more information about today's '!ctivities. calJ Billy The Commodores Oub of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is looking Cor teams to participate in 42nd annual Sandcastle Contest on Sunday, Sept. 14, at Corona del Mar State Beach. Each year, thou.sands of sightseers descend on the beach to view the sand sculptures.. Construction of the castles ~sat II a.m. Judging is at 2 p.m .. and the castles can be viewed until 5 p.m. The contest is limited to the first 45 teams of eight people and is open to participants of all ages and skill levels. P.ach team member (up to eight) wiJJ receive a T-shirt, and winning teams wiJI be presented with a commemorative award. Each team wilJ also receive four round-trip tickets to Catalina courtesy of tl1e CataJina Ayer. Teams compete in these categories, which have various registration fees: Masters (architecture firms), $60; Buc;incsses (all other busines.<.es). S40; families, $30; and organizations (civic organi7.ations, youth groups. \Crvice clubs, etc.), $30. For more information or to request an entry form , call the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce at (949) 729-4400. WORTH REPEATING From Thought for the Day provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Cnunc1l: u A happy person is not a perl>on in a special set of circumstances, but a person in a C('rtain set of attitudes." -Author unknown SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK ~D\Y 7: 30 a.m.: The 40-~mber Newport Beach SUnrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns for a program by Lucy Stelly on "Stroke Prevention· (newportbeach sunriserotary.orglindex.htm). 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Uons Oub'will meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. WEDNESDt\Y 7: 15 am.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub ( www.southcoastTTU!tro rotary.org); and the Newport I !arbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Evening; The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will allend the Pageant of the Masters. 6 p.m.: The 00-member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa wiJJ meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a program by Ryan Kusaner on the club's updated Web site. (www.newport-lx1/bol1.0'1(J. THURSDAY 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Llonl> Oub will meet at Mimi's caf~. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at 1he I loliday Inn ( www.kiwanis.org/clubl costamesa): the SO-member Kiwanis Oub of Newport Qeach·Corona del Mar will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub: the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newport I !arbor will meet at the Newport I farbor Nautical Mui.eum for a ladi~' day program with Mary Lynn Gaddis, ~NJ About Adopting"; and the 100-member Newport-Irvine Rotary CJub wilJ meet at the Atrium I lotel for District Governor Allan Stark's official vi\it. (www.11imtary.org). • COMMUNl'TV & CLUBS is published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting information by fax to (949) 660-8667; by e-mail to 1deboom a sol.com or by mail to 2082 S E Bristol, Suite 201, Newport Beach. CA 92660 1740 I Daily Pilot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bey St, eo.te Me ... CA 92627; by e-mail to mlluuwanson@latlmes.com; byfexto(949)646-4170;orby calllng (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contac1 phone number. P.. complete listing Is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY Newport Dunes Resort'• "Movies on the Beach" series offers "Alice In Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. Whet'• Cooking? Bistro & Lounge in Newport Beach will have a farewell party celebrattng Its 27 years and Grandma Vallera's 90th birthday from 5 p.m. to closing This will be patrons' last opportunity to taste Grandma Vallera's famous pasta There will be two "Memory Albums" in which attendees can leave a short note, photo or story of memories at the bistro. The cost will be $28 per person plus tax and gratuity For reservations, call (949) 644-1820. Triengle Square in Coste M esa invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m to 4 p.m SUNDAY The Commodore• Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the .sath annual Flight of the Lasers at 1 p.m . at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 720 West Bay Ave . Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win prizes like best costume. best decorated boat. first parent/child team, and first married couple. Information (949) 673-7730 Homblower'1 two-hour cti1mp1gne brunch cruise features a lavish brunch buffet, free-flowing champagne and 1uice service and great view s while you cruise Newport Harbor. Boarding begins at 11 :30 a m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise For reservations, call (949) 631-2469 MONDAY Mature drivers can 1harpen their driving skills in this eight-hour class held during two sessions. at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa July 28 and 29. The S 10 classes are limited to 30 students Advanced registration Is required. Information: (7 14) 567-3340. Chlldren enter'nig ftm through 11xttt grades are invJted to "A Radical Science Show" at 10:30 a.m. at tile Newport Beach Central Library. The free program will be repeated at 3 p.m . July 30 at the Mariners branch and at 10:30 a.m. July 31 at the Balboa branch. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. WEDNESDAY , Children' entering first through 1ixth grades are invited to "A Radical Science ShowH at 3 p.m. at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Public.library. The free program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m . July 31 at the Balboa branch. For mere information, call (949) 717-3816. All who are in search of 1 lltde romance are invited to "Winners of the Golden Heart Award" from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Center next to Mariners Branch Library. The free program will feature local writers Susan Squires, Shannon Donnelly and Debra Holland, each of whom launched her writing ca reer with a Golden Heart Award from the Romance Writers of America. The annual honor recognizes unpublished authors. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. A free seminar, "Pet Nutrition Pawsibilities," will be offered by Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7;30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 E. 17th St .• Costa Mesa. Reservations; (800) 595-MOMS. Join Corona del Mar in organizing its 2004 Centennial Celebrauon at a public meeting running from 7 to 8 p.m at Sherman Library and HEMPHILL'S --RUCS & CARPLTS 230 Eost 17th 51 • Cosio Meso (949) 722-7224 HWW ru9$ondcorpets com Moo-Fn 10-6. So! 10-5 UJJ Ntn11 for• Qwul Us Be Yoa.r 11 C.hoice Locally1 Rabbirc Insurance Agency -'l 'TO • HOMEOWNERS • HEALTH \1J/>1'1f) \tnd /')~- Gardens. Attendees are asked to enter from the back parking lot at 2647 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 422-4210. THURSDAY Children ent9ring first through tlxth grades are Invited to "A Radical Science Show" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. The monthly C.rNr Networtting A.tour.:. meeting for the unemployed, sponsored by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the church's chapel. ~II moothly meetings are open to all for tree, and reservations aren't necessary. Information: (949) 574-2236 AUG.2 Homblower CNises and Events offers a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor, a gourmet three-course meal, live entertainment and award-winning service from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . Boarding starts at 7 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations. call (949) 631-2469 The annual Newport to San Diego Coastal Race will set off. Sponsored by the Bahia Corinthian and San Diego yacht clubs, it is an en1ovable, challenging race with parties on both ends. The $60 entry fee will be accepted until Friday at 5 p.m. Entry and Notice of Race forms are available at www.bcyc.org. For more information, call (949) 644-9530. Fint Ho,,,, FwnUshinp. Anrifwa cf c.lkmbln. Trtuiitioul UI Cotutt Ci.fa "'"' C.rtln O,rt1r. Wish Lin "'"' O,litttry. Gllrrlm C.fr Gllrrlm P11tio Di";,'K ,,,..,,;,,K Brultf111t, Uut<h. Tt11 """ "" Erprm. &tr. C.AFE HOURS: Mo,,·S11,, 9tmt-4pm c,,,J/n to O,.,uMim, Um/ 6 RArr &olts. Gutolfl Pinwrr Fr11lfli1tf. F11n1it11rr !Uttor11tio1t .,,J "'"'" '""" ! .....,.-.,~ ROW HOURS: Tw-Sttt 10.,,,.5,,,_ Did You Know1 -That we are a full sefVice nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape desipfs. We. can meet all of your gardening needs. C.ofne in today to 16•""" Nurseries and let us show . you how! . TOM TWIA_ C.c.N.PIO Miii I ..... , .... ~~[ MmerNunery SatlKday, My 26. 2003 At Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your scockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage fi rm's scock analyses' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseles~ criteria, and fail to disclose a conflict of interest for rhe analyst and rhe firm? Did you suffer losses ba.se<l upon che recommendations? If so, you may have a c~e for fraud ane breach of fidu ciary dury. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safecy of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your porcfolio in technology stocks? Your losses are ofrc::n recoverable and you may be enutled co puntCt\t' damage:~. We specialize in representing individual investors. !'lease call us for a I-RI-.1- consulrarion. 'No Recovery · No Fee ~arc I. Zus.sman, Acrorm:\' JI 1.J..., USC Law \lhool Gr.1Jua1~ Over 29 y~.m of l..i.,., l'rJUllt Former Los Angdt' I )cpury City Attorney Member of Public ln\t:~tor~ Arbitration Bar A.ssoc1.1t1on • s,.,,,;.p,;.,,,,, for Mni 6 Wo'"'" • Or11r 80 Pitus of Ef#il ''""' • Pri1111u Pit.us Sttulio •SPINNING Tlw11.1r • 16 Ft1ll r;,,,, p,,,0,111/ Tr11ittffl • Cllilt/ C•n 8•"'-,, .. ,. M -S.1. • Co,,,,,,.;,,., P11riittt • Yot•, T•i Clli. StPYttll ewu_s • Stt1. p,,,,,,. Pt""I• Clrtlio • SIJotHr1, Su•,,. 6' TotHll • Dt11 S1• • A~Y•'"'""'M"""I' 949760·SOS• www . .tqi I up.CDm • WWW ....... . 2101 ...... c..t~C.-Dll ToU Free :888-663-5661' 310--2-2250 I JV. l Jffil.c\ uf .\1arl I /us\rtt.ir I() I 00 "ianra .\1onte.i Blvd Stn ~lour I"' :\ngtlc, CA 9006 .. . .. . •· ...... AlO Saturday, July 26. 2003 FAITH .. . THE MORAL OF THE STORY IN THEORY He knows all ahd still loves us Not many shades of gray for adultery "God loved us before we loved, or could love, him. God's loll'(' for w rendered possible and actual our love of God. Hence the most fundamental need, duty. honor and happiness of man is not petition. nor even contrition, nor again even thanksgiving, these three kinds of prayer, which indeed, must never disappear out of our spiritual lives, but adoration." that there are occa.sioris When') am so busy ta.lkipg at God, that there isn't a free moment in my soul to hear from him. It helps when I apologize to God for thinking I know -FRIEDRICH VON HUGEL CINDY what i~ best for me. .· Someumes one S ometimes it seems like I hear God TRANE confession leads to clearly, but there are also stretches CHRISTESON another and the when I can't hear him at all. There cobweb~ of my are different reasons for this, but heart get cleared. Then; if I think to basically I am the problem. thank God for what he has done in my Often, I ask God for guidance in a life, my priorities change, and my dedsfon, but I hope for a specific problems lessen. answer. lf I'm only waiting to hear God A few weeks ago, I was preparing to answer in one particular way, I often drive with our daughter Amy to Northern only sense static. Occasionally, I think of California. I listed all I needed to do marching ahead and doing things my before leaving. but_had a nagging feeling way, but l feel s~ch a lack of peace that I had missed something. I sat on a inside that I stop and start all over. -couch and tried to listen to God or write 4 These times can be humbling, but the in a journal, but I was so preoccupied sooner I take the focus off of me and with details that I couldn't focus. I closed onto him,. the quicker inner peace my eyes, but couldn't shut off my mind. returns. 111en I lay down on the couch, and When I start to love and adore God for . said·, ·rm sorry God, I've rushed who he is, the static subsides·and everywhere but to you. I am awed oy all answers may eome. I've also no~:iced you've done for me and .I do adore You." I sensed God say, ucindy, slow down. Everything you think must be finished before your trip; does not have to be. I love you." I stayed motionless for awhile, then peacefully looked at my list again. I crossed several things off and then felt like I needed to have my tires checked. The service station was busy, and I nearly left, but a nice man came and checked. The first three were fine, but the fourth was almost flat and had a large nail in it. He patched the tire and checked my spare. too. a I thanked the mechanic and thanked God. I don't know if I would have thought of that without pausing with God, but I know I wouldn't have had that lhner peace. When I think of all that God has done in my life. how could I do anything but adore him? The most amazing thing of all is that God knows evecything about my life. and he still seems to love and adore me. And you can quote me on that. •CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON ls a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at cindy@onthegrow.com or through the mail at P.o·. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beach, CA 92658. QUESTION: Inlight of the Kobe Bryant situation, how does your religion view adultery? The seventh commandment of God to us. "You shall not commit adultery," sets forth an ideal: to live a more and more fully human life. Many humorous stories about this commandment circulate within the Episcopal Church. A serious one has God reading the Decalogue to angels before giving it to Moses. About this commandment, the angels say. "Lord. you have made mortals only a little lower than the angels. but you have also made them only a little higher that the beasts. It is too hard to ask them to be sexually faithful." To which God replies, uu they cannot be faithful with one another in sexual matters, how will they be faithful in their spirits and souls with me?" Love for our most beloved is to be as faithful. as enduring, as passionate as God's love for us. Our bodies matter so much to God that God came among us as one of us and lived a fully human life and died a fully human death. Our bodies matter so m uch to God that as God raised Jesus from the dead. so God promises to raise us from death to a life beyond our human imaginations. THE VERY REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church In Islam, adultery is considered one of the cardinal slns. It is a gruesome violation of God's law. Jt See THEORY, Pa1e All White Front Pharmacy Mention thil od and receir>e a FREE 24oz Drink with the purchaBe of a sandwich and chipe Patio Seating Cold Brewed Ice Coffee FBEEremis on Deidricb Coffee 2 .)ICJ L1~1ld111Tl•1·.1\. 11 .. 1:.1,.1. ... 1.11.1.,:11.11. 1.,,i.,, c' 14>.h 10 .tH.:~o t ( Ir: ( )1 f /t ( I, r, ; , , • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence Installations • Chain Link Fence Repairs Cartls • Boo/ts • SamdrU1 All lnnmtn.ee Plmu k&epuJ Sert1in9 Oran9e uunt11 • Beach C11mmunities Sinct 1955 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol 949) 548-4422 949) 548-9662 (714) 540-2882 license #31331 l MDWL\R"' IOLD FOR •199 Bids41and.com presents .... Land Auction Sal.el I Sundav. July 27th, 2003 At'CmbaasySultea Hotel 11767 ~arbol' Blvd Garden Grove. Registration I• at 10:30 AM Auction B•gln• at 1 t:30 AM FREE Land Giveaway every hour, on the hour You MUST be pre•ent to win Go to http://www.bldMland.com fOfP detalle I cmCIJ-#1(,1.fM!jM)OO All-• I Cllc-CllYfCBllNOO.C»jU- 1 ll/IT~Mu. ... co..~u.- • arr '11 IQMIOCll /llllA~ oo. t\Zl...,." I CITY C$ IClMXll ll'tlA IMllMI 00. Ml 1Ull " e UICI~ w.t,._..IBIWDIOOO.. Ct.I'"' ' &ME O'EQOllY 11/0 ..... llMllUIOOO.. ~ •• a arr 1:1IGMOOIWAfMWo,11100.AZI ..... ~ t OIWllUMAft9CU00..._&•- 1t ~llfA!llflllDOCOO.Ollaa- 11 atfrl.-ela.lllllllQUIOO..Olll1•• It OfYCIJ ~Clmlf fM'lmlf 00.. oi.a ..-• •1-0llYflllllllOO..~ ,, .. .. "Wll~--MllLOl ..... 00.0llU - " LAICl-A11111 ..... ...-oo.oi.a111 MUlllCIGllll'tf##. ..... _,00.0lll• 11 Ulll ClllfllOltt ~-----co.. Qlll 1111 .. """""""""'...,_ oo.o.i ...... II CIT\''1ll'CllTCU~CO..Olll-a. • CIT'f ()I l'OlllQAru-oo.. 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"' ----·---...... __ _. .. ,.. .._. ................... . ............ ... .................. _ ...... _ .. ., .... _ -~..----.... ...., -·-........ -·-...... ..... .., .... ............ ..... ~ ..... ..,. ........ .... .., . .... ., . .... .,. .... ., .. ....., .. ....... -·-...... ..... .,. ....... .......... ....., . -·-...... ........ -· ---·--·-.... .... ... .. -·--·-.... ... -...-___ ·-----------.... --·-·-=---·-·---·---. ... RllOM.ntAICl10l~IM&-&M•sm•CAU:-...-.C11.1 .. 1s.m •UM .. fllllllVM U NMIDllllll U ........ • lMI --- m!lllB101HOH••s 111111••·-~•-.uaama.1•• 111 I~·- • Dally Pilot FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS CHALLENGING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE "Challenging 'Under God' in the Pledge of AlleglanceH is being offered at University Synagogue at 8 p.m . Aug. 8. Shabbat services will be led by Rabbi Arnold Rachlis and Cantor Ruti Braier. The guest speaker will be Michael Newdow, who challenged the phrase "Under Godq In the Pledge of Allegiance. Newdow will speak of his decision to challenge the pledge, his education about the legal proCBss and of bringing a case to the Supreme Court. The talk is sponsored by the Metzger Fund for Interfaith Understanding. The public is cordially invited to attend at any time.' Child care will be provided free of charge. For more information, call (949) 553-3535. SHABBAT ALIVE "Shabbat Alive,# a new style of jau and pop servic~s first . created in South America. will be held at 8 p.m. Friday. Aug. 29, at University Synagogue. Rabbi Arnold Rachlis' focus will be on spirituality, and Cantor Braier will be accompanied by a combo of musicians and the University Synagogue choir. The services are sponsored by the Roslyn and Joseph Baim Family Foundation. The public is cordially invited to attend at any time. Child care is provided free of charge. For more information, call (949) 553-3535. 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' #Christian Meditation 101 - learning to Find God in a Busy World# will be offered at 7 p.m . Wednesday at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) 644-0463. WORKSHOP S PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parentrng group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St . Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information. (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration 1s required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Famlly Service Is offering a support and discu88ion group for adults whose chlldren or spouses suffer from alcohol and druq addiction. The group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. BAHAJ FIRESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings vvill be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the firs·t Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818. A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled "Journey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m . Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The See FAITH, Page Al5 THEORY ha., a devastating effect on the perpetrator, his or her family and the soc1ery at large. TI1e Koran descnbes the adulterers as the aggressor<; against themselves and again~t their ~oneties. A healthy family is one wlm:h the husband and wife are deeply rnmmitted and faithful tu each other. IMAM MOUSTAFA AL·QAZWINI Islamic Educational of Orange County Alanis Morissette_ r?i _ * 7 J HOD Mra1 JMf'IC ·-·· , ... , .. 30 • 4B • FFA Da.v Pr11amJ'DUI'4lf•IT&1n1ml•ll .... and ....... ,.. f A ITH r------~----------------~-~ I 13~ve.~~ESA CA LIC '~ (888,ii~i.111 L.---~ -!'~.:..~ .!,0_!'!!.:.!!!.!! ~ ~---·~ .J ' WEDOING8 BM/BAT MITZVAHS CU8TOM EVENT COORDINATION ALL O CCASIONS BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES· SWEET 16 PROMS GRADUATION Saturday. July 26, 2003 All craycraft entertainment 949 .644.1549 WWIN croycrottenterto1nment com of SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 1A c.o.-ity o.bl-' t• L1riig 1114 Sfrrilg Jtws Grist., L#i .J ~ The Rev Proveen Bunyan Rector 3209 V10 Udo N~Beoch 9A9 675·0210 • 7 30 om Trod1tionol 9 om Contem~rorr. 9om Church hoOI 11 om Chommohc and Wednesday Noon 1'10 'l ln 11 HI\'\ ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 ~t~cnael&~¥ PaLifiL \'1t'W JI \!Jrgucritc Corona dd \far • 644-046.~ A (onrf(•Jno11 of th. .~ntlt••n < ornmwnmn Bl'IWl.VG 01 R MITH LOI'/,\'(, CHR/ff .H D 5£R11NG Ol RI f),\f\fC.\/n fh< RC\ J !'cm D H.n nn Re.rm \l ''H' \(mill I~ i. .un H11l1 fulhAm1 <J Am \unJJ, "<.h,,.11 .\Juli B1hlt \1uJ, 111 J m l hur •I hJ<hArnt \ /11} /.-) • ,j/ll f.AILJJJLl \ 11 I H 1 l I '1 l I II \ \ ! 1 l \I\ I I \ I : \ Rtturrection Beach 12S9 Victoria Street Costa Meu, CA 92627 Sunday evening service at 7:00 PM Rev. Bar~tt• Hayntt Telep~°"' (714) S39-n27 E1111il RBMCC@~i9foet.co111 "FOR THOSE WHO SERVE t AND NEID TO BE SERVED" srAN~ (Mark 5:21-43) ii>""""•~ ciiiiiii:ii Sarurday, July M, 1003, S:JO P.M. A + •A God.antmd :t .a::d':;t =:t tht Word olGod Our Lady Queen of Angels 2°"6 Mar V &SU Drive Newpon Bach, c.alifumia 92660 ('49)644--0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Monsigpor W'dliatn P. Mclauahlin Putor UTURGIES: Slauday. 5 p.na. fc.....or), Sur.by. 7:00 (Quiet). 8:30 (<AaRmponly) 10:00 (Goir}, • 11 :JO LID. (Canror) and S.-00 p.m. (~) ai-ch WORSHIP DIRECTORY \11 l'HODIST Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coot~. Pastor 1601 ,\fargumte Ave. corner of M.irguerire and San Joaquin Hills RJ. (949) 644--0745 8am Qum W·'onhrp Servra /Oam Wonhrp and Chrldrms S11nJa.y ~r/100/ Yo11th mertmg weekly 1 l 11 11 I{\\. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church ('£.LC.A.) 798 Dovw Dr. Newport Beach Tr11dtt1onal Lutheran Pastor Chartes Endter Wo,..,,lp Service with Holy Communion Sunday 9:15 am (949) 548-3831 MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 O• P cnaro ~eo·oe 1'1<1 Sie~·a e To • Sen•o• M1nrsw it;,'.r M,n s·e• Christ Church By the Sea l ""' J \ku ,,J, ' l <11111 'IX tt.1t>-., E\h ,j '~'°'l~•P ('\\. ... J- ' " \. . • v ... ·i ... ' ·~ The Rev. Dr. George R C..Up. 1'»1or !94916~3-JSOS < I IRI \ 11 \'.\ Come ta ... ,...., ... Y Faithsa Celebration ! Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRIST1AN CHURCH (Dlsclples of Christ) 2•01 lrvlne Ave. Newport Be1ch. CA (949) 645-5781 llllnisilr: Dr. O..ls SMtt --- ( I I H l "-I I \ '\ \( 11 \. < I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 Olwch 10 am & 5 i:rn ~ Sch:lol 10 am ~~7l0 pn ~ SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3 I 00 PaCltlc V~w Or Newµ:irt Beach 644-2617 or 675-4661 WORSHIP DIRECTORY 1.· I ~· -------------__,---.-______________ • ......_........_..L.. .... •~-.--. .... -~--~-~--____ .............. .._ ...... ·-------~~ AU Saturday. July 26. 2003 • Daily Piiot • • FORUM. ' • • • • • • ' • • . • ' HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -l.dln: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn 8' the Delly Pilot, 330 W. ~V St., COile M..a, CA 92827 • R11d1n Hodlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 848-4170 ; • E~s.ndtot»llyPilot@latimtl6.com •All 0011'espondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for vertflcatlon pUrpOMI). The Pilot re11rvn the right to edit all aubmlsslona for clarity and length~ MAILBAG • • • Job center shou ld be for center should serve our sendlng ow troops to lraq.to employees and our employers. liberate the people and free Costa Mesa If other cities want job centers, them from an evil dictatorship. , I suggest they build one of . The president has no less of Do you believe that Newpon their own. Or, at the very least, an obligation right her~1n Bea~ is somehow deserving of the 49% of the job center's Southern California, the lndi ect welfare payments from out-of-town second most powerful Costa Mesa? How about employer-customers shouJd metropolis in the nation. Huntington Beach? Or Irvine? bear at least 49% of the totaJ in the case of El Toro, the If we are to believe the operating costs (I'm thinldng president must send his . numbers reported In more like 65% or 70%).1 'troops" in to liberate the Thursday's Pilot nob center submit that to do it any other people subjected to'the biased survives another council way Is bad business, is wasteful rule of multiple dictatorships. vote"), 49% of the employers of precious tax dollars, and is On both fronts, ther~are bHnd utiliz.ing the job center are representative of poor leaders refusing to see the from outside Costa Mesa. Of governance. I request that our truth; tell the truth or that percentage, it was council revisit this issue and surrender to the truth. reponed that 31 % hailed from vote the only way that makes In south Orange County, Newport Beach and 6% from any sense. there is the evil trinity Huntington Beach. Correct me By the way. in this, Costa dictatorship of Larry Agran. if I'm wrong, but doesn't this Mesa's SOth year. I make the Don Bren and Christopher Cox, indicate that the residents of formaJ motion that the hell-bent on blocking Costa Mesa are paying all of appellation "Newport-Mesa· interstate commerce by the nearly $100.000 in yearly be officially changed building-out south Orange job center costs, while our henceforth to County with high-density neighboring cities are getting a "'Mesa-Newport." Do I hear a housing and now, free ride? They're paying nada, second? 18-story-high luxury dwelling zip, nothing? Why should we CHUCK CASSITY "towers" In Irvine one-half subsidize Newport Beach or Costa Mesa mile from John Wa~ Airport, Huntington Beach or any other aJI oC which will clog our ciry? And why should we Fl Toro needs a aJready severely congested permit the reported 37% of presidential touch transportation system. All the prospective.employees from while, they are content other areas to use our job Regarding Wednesday's front "shoving" air transportation center and possibly take jobs page question about the El "elsewhere" onto those already from Costa Mesans? And don't Toro airport: carrying an unfair burden at tell me they'll just go The fate of El Toro lies in the their expense. somewhere else. I suggest our hands of the Orange County On the "pro" airport front. law enforcement professionals people and the hands of the you have the now transparent be held responsible to insure president of the United States. majority rule dictatorship that that they do not. As recently demonstrated, in their support for a much ft seems to me that our job our president committed to needed El Toro airport, is stllJ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best tor Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT .. ,~~~MIKE'S ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Lami nate Flooring Featuring A LLOC No G lue Installation Wood Floori ng Refinishing & New Texture-Plush ~arpet ~\l-.o •2u a q ft Installed B e rbe r C a rpet f\l-.0~ s 1 89 Installed S q ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic -r~o~$1H • Vlnyl Flooring ft 0~•1 n f\'! tlCI ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ·s~ ~ESIGN CENTER ;~For All Your Decorating Needs!" fURNITURE REDPHQLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers •Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades, & 8edspreads ',:1 11 'I'\ ,\ 'Ii, I•\ f I 'I 11)). I i.ltt I ')~ 2-i~4( H) hell-bent on supporting the wor.kable but inefficient (and now'dead airport plan that (ailed to consider tb.e recommendations of the PAA. the pilots, and the local residents under the proposed flight paths. The county aJso failed to adequately study or even allow the FAA to study the only logical aJrport plan for Bl Toro: the Olarles Griffin-designed V-Plan, even after a nearly 60,000-pilot member group endorsed the V-Plan and encouraged the county to do so, also. The issue and the reason ·of the never-ending El Toro war has been and aJways will be the proposed flight paths. Yet the dictatorship rule on both fTonts. in their blindness to overcome their opponent, refuse to admit their deceit and pride and work. toward . addresslng a viable solution to the problem and the issue. which is air transportation growth and the need to accommodate future anticipated growth in Orange County as well as the entire Southern california region fairly. and justly by removing all current biased dictatorship rule and bringing in a new leader to address and solve the problem once and for all. The blindly obvious solution is for the president to meet with delegates from Southern California's five counties to address the importance of El Toro in the mix of the futwe anticipated air transportation growth and to declare El Toro a cqmmercial airport and appoint federal leadership to oversee and determine how El Toro can be utilized as a commercial airport while creating the least negative lmpacts as possible. Taking into account the prevailing winds, the over 30,000 acres of permanent Irvine Co. dedicated ,open space reserves, and the flow of current aircraft using our ai.r space, the V-Plan, or a similar airport plan derivative will ultimately prove feasibly and impose virtually no negative noise impacts to existing residents. Please, Mr. President, step up to the plate. RUSSELL NIEWIAROWSKI Santa Ana Heights ~ine Co. not wrong for anting back rent Your article treated the lrvine Co., What's Cooking's landlord. a bit harsh. it seemed to me. If in fact the restaurant was not paying its rent. the landlord has little option when the term of the lease comes due. I rent space for my business, and I understand that if I don't pay my rent, I will not be able 10 keep occupying the space. Nor do I suppose ~e Los Angeles Times would continue to dellver my paper jf I stopped paying my bill JUDY JOHNSON Newport Beach Tune to end fireworks in Costa Mesa I used to live in Newport Beach and was very happy that we had only public fj.reworks to watch at the Newport Dunes. A few years ago, I voted no on fireworks in Costa Mesa and nothing became of It. Every year on the Fourth of July I have to stay home, bring my pets inside and have to close all the windows so my cats are safe, but they can still hear the noise and hide under the bed. I try to open windows at midnight, but firecracker still go off through the night. And there is aJso the smell -stink in the air. Besides, there is always the danger of ftre and illegal fi recrackcrs. I would gladly donate some dollars every year into a fund so that we can stop the sale of fireworks. The fairgrounds is a good place for our city to have a pubhc display. Maybe we can vote on it again and act on it thb time. WAlTRAUO "WALLY" WEAVER Costa Mesa NOTICE OF PUBLIC HFARING AND AV AILA.BILllY OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION CI1Y OF NEWPORT BEACH HOUSING ELEMENT General Plan Amendment No. 2003-04 PA2003-130 and Negative Declaration NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ciry Council of the Cny of Newpon Beach will hold a public hearing to consider adoption of an updated Housing EJcmcnt and a ncgauvc dccl;irauon. Project Dacriptioru Genera.I Plan Amendmcnc 2003-04 (PA2003· l 30). In accord.a.nee with rhc Sta.re of California. General Plan and Zoning Laws. the Ciry of Newport Beach has prepared a Draft Housing Element. The Element is a.n update and reformat of the exisung Housing Element and includes updated Regional Housing Needs Assessment figures as mandated by Sc;ne Law. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN chat a Nega.civc Dcclamaon has been prepared an accordance with the California Environmental Quality 'Act. The Ncgwve Declaration sc.ites chat chc General Plan Amendment will not resuJt in a significant effect on the environment. Ir as the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration. This is not co be construed as either approval or denial by the C ity of the subject .. pplica.tion. The City encourages members of the general public to review a.nd comment on this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration a.nd supporting documents a.re avajlablc for public review and inspection between che hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Planning Depa.nmenc, City of Newport Beach, 3300 Ncwpon Boulcva.rcf. Ncwpon Bea.ch, California. 92658-8915. (949) 644-3200. Copies arc also available at the Newport Beach Central Library located at I 000 Avocado, Newport Be11ch, CA 92660 and the Mariner's Branch Library at 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Bc2ch, CA 92660 . NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that said public hearing will be held on rhe .l2sh day of Aupm. 2003. ac the hour of 7;00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Ncwpon Beach City Ha.II, 3300 Newport BouJeva.rd, Newport Beach, California, at which rime and place a.ny and all persons interested ma.y appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in wrincn correspondence delivered to t~ City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information ca.II Senior Planner Tamara J. Campbell, AlCP at (949) 644-3200. Isl LaVonnc M. Harltleu, City Clerk Gty of Newport Beach . . ·. '1lll New/' 2004 · Subaru WRx STi 3iJiJhp INSTQCKI . . 2003.BA]A ALL SUBARU '03 BAJA'S $ CUSTOMER REBATE MODEL 3PA-3PB 2003 Subaru WRX Sedan I 227hp I 2003 Subaru .Forester I . I only @ this price Model 3LA (715213) Plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. 2003 Subaru Legacy Outback "7tzgon .. • . . . "· Al4 Sabt'day, July 26, 2003 Cllriat.~ in Au~~t! .. Tiie Peper Boote .~off• n.w.il _.,, lm1WJo .... wnpp.•i.grlM" .... . for a de1I ont, . Augalll !"-r .... ~ "-M\Y.,~--v-a..w.~1wne.......,., ~~-.. ~ .................. THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES · ~It's 0. Girl! ~ Kaitljn Micluula ~Morla, 'Born 118103 6 lbs 12 oz 1727 Wtstclff DdVt, Newport ltlClt • 949-642-FEO SPE:.CIALIZING IN NEWPORT'S ARC H ~TEC TURAl LY DISTINCTIVE ESTATES & WATERFRONT HOMES n•1•11. SUTHMLAND CQNSULTING REALTOR -.PrudeDuai ClllnelMlty Rt PIH >t ""111>/t fl/ r I 1'1'i f., /lll•I', /\ ,IJ tfl c.,,,, '")!A , ()/, ,, ~" ( r.t.·H"-1 I I. 'o. l ti.'', N 949-278-3052 The HoneyBaked Cafe is full of surprises, not ham. now ~ou and ~our-\,u:n~ bud d i-es can stbf ~The flone~Baked Ca.f e for a sur-prisl.n~t~ wide arra~ of detW.i.ousJ made from SCPatch, lunch remptatwns. T ~ our-flone~B""a.Ked ehi.cKen C-or<lon Bteu, Beer Wetti.n~n, or fc}orK Fatetii Wt.th Fresh BtaekbeP~ ~f.a~. Or e'?fo~ a fresh, cr:t-sr~ ~r eh~ Sat.ad. Ana, if bFeakfast" is to ~our tt.ki.n8., we seMle it aU dd~ Lon9. With ch.oui.es lilte our-t~t" and fluffl ilone~a.k~d Omelettata wt.th Turke~, Avoca.do and SwisS Cheese or scrumptwu.s Stuffed French. Toast So nerttime ~ou do Lunch, do i.t"i.ri ~Le at"Th.e floneqllalled Cafe ... where ~ou'Ll fi.nd o\ler s~ deli.ci.ous thinss-For Lunch, besides our a.ma.e\-n8 ham. COme see us t;oda~. We're ~ht; next door to that; famous ham store. OpenMonday -w~aa.m.-6:3opm THE HONEYBA Thll'Sday -Saturday 8 a.m. -9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 'i&stirl 13771 ~Aw.# 13 Phone : 714-731.a16 fax :714-731-4907 tU6._ Badl 19022 Beadl Blvd.#( Phone: 714-90-6174 fa.714-378-1216 Momma John We belong to tbe world's largest flooring ref!lll group -co-op. fi are tbe biggest flooring dealers tndlvldually owned ando~ Jennifer Lifetime Warranty · Carpet $199 IJfetime Warranty , ....... ate ' Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 IJfetim' Warranty Wood . .. I Daily Pilot l J\nderson-~brackas Scott and Kay Anderson of Newport Beach annoWlce the engage- ment of their daughter, Andrea Anderson of Newport Beach, to Adam Dambrackas of Miami, A. · The bride-elect graduated from Newport Harbor High School and Cal. State Long ~ch. The future bridegroom, son of William and Joan Oambrackas of Miami, Fl., graduated from Miami Palmetto Senior High School and Olapman University of Califorp.la A spring of 2004 wedding is ~tanned at the Balboa Bay Oub. Roger and Marilyn Meisinger of Corona del Mar celebrated their Golden Anniversary on June 21. · A surprise dinner was held at the Vtlle Nova Restaurant, hosted by their three children Steve Meisinger, Russ Meiiinger and Lori Jelli- son. Most of the wedding party. family members and their six grand· children attended. The Meislngers were married in 1953 and have resided in the Newport Beach ~ since 1955. S OLlS Il. ·v ESTJ\lE~ .. Ts & RE.~LT r KRISTIN M. Sous • Lie.cosed Real Estate ~nt • Specializjng in Newport Maa Rtsidmtia1 &al E.statt ERIC A. Sous, CFP • 17 l'tan Expnimce • 51«/rs & &mJs • Mutual Funds • Annuities • Estat.e 6 &timnmt Plllnning _ • lnvestmmt &mlting • SmAIJ MWJ/.t Mlll'ltet Ulmpania " J0\1119 ,..., ~ Wit the nat ... In 1CUf CllW, ........ U"""'91tr c.eri llllp. OUr SclloOI for Profes.11onal Studies cao lld'ianee you In the l!llriletplace with conwinltnt Ind comprehtnslw d48J'M completion •nd certlflcltlon pr<wllN for cner-mindtd l*>PI• In busmess, ~. tech~. ed~IOn 111d mlniStty. Add1tlon11 educetion peys off, It helps you stay on t0p af the ct111\1l111 m«ket 1'nd enriches you pecsonetty. And at V•ncu•d w. undeJsllnd YQUr ne.da as 1 worldftl profess101111, whlCh ts Why we O.laned our tvenlna end ..._ncl clelMS to ftt Yo11f schedui., · .. Oily Piiot ! FAITH \ Continued from Al 1 ctwn:h I• at 1000 Bison Ave .. Newpolt e..m. Free. (949) 780-5444 . • DMAMOH "{he Adutt Faith Formation at Our ~au.en ot Angela Church In -Newpod ~Ids a.dream analy•i• group from 1 to 4 p.m. $undey1 at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 21g..1408. '8>1'fATION LESSONS A free •lectio divine" m editation group meeting Is held at 7:10 ,;·.m . l'uesdaya at OurJ..ady Ot,teen of Angela, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reeding as a stimulus. The Christian Me,ditatlon Group meet• from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OU>ER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as a~xiety,. 10 a.m. on the second anCffQurth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills.· 24512 Mouhon Par1cway. The service is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of eadl month at 10 a m at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St, Surte G, Costa Mesa. Prereg1Strat1on required. (714) 445-4950. GAY /1.ESBIAN SUppQRT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, Suite 3 A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 581-2290. Jeff EwinR & l yleen Ewing UNDERSTANDING THE PURC HASE AGREEMENT Whether 11 c oni.1sl4' of sever.al pages of brg type or a few of fine pnnl. a reaJ estate purchase agreement'" a ~ous document. In most areas,. there: an: "boiler plate" forms that spell out what each party agree~ 10 do by certain dates and what happens if either -i1dc breaks the contract. The best 11me to fllmiliariu yourself with thc<ie fonns is when you ~ beginning your search.. Ask the Realtor for a copy of the purchase agreement and then review it, keeping in mind thai it w the force of law. 'Tbcre are several crucial points you should be clear about. What are the deadlines for loan application and oblaining financin17 How many days do you have to complete irupec:tiooa7 What happens if the tnspectof '1nds • defect you cmnoc live witb7 How Iona is the acrow period7 Wh8I tiod of seller di1Clo.~ will be pvca to you? Whal items we included .in the sa.ICI price? If you unders~ thae clauta before you find the perfect houte. you will avoid a loc of ll1'eSS and minimbe the likelihood of mi~ Lylerft .... Jelf ba¥e 3 I conteClllM )'WI~ ... .... eapCriimce iD NettpOft ...... . .... 1h11'-*'• .... ... .,.. ............. .... a,.. .. a...· =--= ........ .. FA I TH Sdtu1dav. July .!b t 3 Al 5 t n e w 30th et reet lofts the mid $1,000 ,ooo·a Io ft a mid s2 .ooo.ooo•a The Residential Master-J>l111111t'd Community Of The }t'll 1 A 11 /l 1u11rrl As IJ is ti 11 <-e, u i' /1, · r I As lhe l~,z 11r.I It Ho11ors Shady Canyon wa.1 p1e.1t·ntrd r/1, t, I \ r. t: ': ( 1r1111tl Auwrd for ~&su:Unu.1/ A/111/t' /' 1•1 < 1111i1111111 .it tht' }unt 2003 />an.fie CtJu.ft H111Ur1 < , 1 , ' 11 It toolt top honors in thu p~stigious rt1U,t:.'''l h, 1 ,,, • 111; '• if 1 romm11n11us from the Pacific Rim and I I u •1 •:1 • n :.1tc• An independent panel of architect.• /.wt! pl.11111t rt and <ksrgners nott:d how its homes r\p1t"JJ tl1t '/wrt. expmuive quahty of the l.anfi. forminx a cmmnumty 1/J.11 appears 10 h~ve bem j>'!n of the canytm fi>t gmeratioft• nJerr is nothing Ii/re ltting ;~for ~ouru!f By appoinmvnt only, pkau ail/: 949-823-J!}()O 1001 IMW II St~1KMUtt SI lt.100 . . • .. j I c • . ~ • • • I I QUOTE OF THE DAY • "/My late m other Pat Cox} would be proud. She loved the Tea Cup." Mertanne Tow.,..y, Tea Cup Classic VII champion Daily Pilot ) Sports Ecltor Richard Dwln: 19491574-4223 • Spotts Fu: 19491650-0170 TEA CUP CLASSIC VII EYEOPENER ~ly~ SportlKllo/ ..... ~u • ......._. ~28honoree MATT JAMESON Satwday, July 26. 2003 81 Tow·ersey· takes the ·fifth • DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Santa Ana Country Club women's champion wins the coveted Tea Cup crown again at Mesa Verde. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -It took five over par for a fifth. A fifth Tea Cup Oassic tro· phy. that is, for the most decora1~d women's champion ln Newport-Mesa. Marianne Towersey. who has won Santa Ana Councry Oub's women's club champion· ship 19 times, added her fifth Tea Cup title with a five-over par 76 Friday at Mesa Verde Country Oub 1n CLASSIC the event that brings together the four women ~ club champions from the private cour'>e'> in Newport-Mesa for a one-day. 18-hole stroke-play tournament. She won by rwo c;hot!. over Akem1 Khaiat 178). playing on her home course. four struke!. pa!.t Debbie Al· bright (80). from Newport Beach Country Oub. and six ahead of Sally Holstein (82). representing Big Canyon Country Oub. The win wasn't easy for Towerr.ey. who shot three over during the final cwo holes. Marianne Towersey nps an approach shot on 1 Otti hole Friday in Tea Cup Classic VII at Mesa Verde Country Club. Towersey won by two shots. "lf it was 21 holes. Akem1 wouJd have won,· Towersey said as she stood on the l 8th green. holding the crystal vase awarded 10 the Tea Cup cham- pion, to be placed at the respecuve club throughout the year. "I lost con· centration the last cwo holes. but jusl had to keep it together. I feel very hon· ored to win." EDITOR'S SCORECAR D A bond from the soul Khaiat, who made her second Tea Cup appearance. trailed Towersey by five shots entering lhe par-four 17th, but parred the final cwo holes to short· en the margin. A mother-daughter bond is forever. It runs deep in the soul. On Friday in Tea Cup Oasslc VII, Marianne Towersey of Santa Ana Country Oub hoisted the championship trophy agaln, but this time with a heavy hean. Her loyal supporter, friend and mother, Pal Cox. was missing from the gallery. The former matriarch of Santa Ana Heights passed away last spring at age 8 1. n1e ring attached to Towersey's necklace Friday was her late mother's wedding ring. something she wears only "now and then.· Cox. a four-time Santa Ana Country Oub women's champion who captured titJes ln the Late 1940s through the early '60s (before and after having children). was waichlng her priu daughter somewhere from heavens Friday as the Tea Cup SWIMMING Peirsol nets second gold Aaron Petrsol won his aecond gold medal Friday when be swam the 200- meter bacbtroke ftna1 In 1.55.92 at the 2003 ~rid OlamploNhlpe in Bar- celona. Spain. The Newport Harbor ffA8h graduate, who will enter his sophomore ye.r 111 Thul in the fall, raced to • 1.55.82 dur· lng the aemlflnals of the event ,l'hurldlly and entered Friday's meet • the top ieed: Croada's Gordon l.olUlj lbdlhed second In 1:57.47. Petnol'a time ~ RICHARD DUNN commenced a1 Mesa Verde Country O ub. "She would be proud," Towersey said after firing a five-over-par 76 to win by two 'Shots, claiming her fifth Tea Cup crown in seven years. "She loved the Tea Cup.· Towersey, who shot iwo-over 38 on the front nlne 10 manage a two·shot lead at the turn, increased her lead to five when she birdied the par-four hole No. 14 and Mesa Verde's Akemi Khaiat missed her putt fo r par. "I'm very happy for Marianne,· Khaiat said. ·she just lost her mother.~ Khaial, whose iron shots frbm the fairway on the back nine produced some of the loudest ovations from the gallery of abou1 100, finished as runner· up with seven-over-par 78. "Yeah, but you have to make the pun on the green," Khaiat said, referring to her sho1 al 15 from 140 yards with a seven-iron and excellent approach at 16 from 150 yards with a six-iron. Khalat. however. rrussed birdle atiempts on both holes, including a four-foot downhill putt on 16. • Akemi would have won lf she would have made some putts,· said Towersey, whose supremacy in the Tea Cup Oassic makes the titJes won by Big Canyon Country Oub' Selby Schriber ln 1997 and Newport Beach Country Oub's Debbie Albright ln 2001 seem See SCORECARD, Pa1• 84 "Fifteen. 16. 17 and 18 are the mos! difficult holes on Mesa Verde, so a par or a birdie are not easy: Kha1a1 said. ·1 was short on 15. using a pitching wedge. which was a mistake. I was be· tween a nine iron and pilchmg wedge.· Khaiat left herself a right-to· left eight-foot pun she missed for bird· ie. "The greens were slow." Khaiat said. "I'm not used 10 playing m the after- noon." A soft breeze blew on a few holes during the front nine. but quleted down on the back nlne. alJowing the See TEA CUP, Pqe 84 JUNIOR TENNIS Braverman shines in her 16s debut Newport girl leads a group first BiN t6s singles title. of seven local champions in ~~1':.:':Y = ~: singles and doubles in War na;:,~~~:!.,~~No. by the Shore tournament. 1 aeec1 Km<tra ~ ••. &:2. and me No. 3 • .eed Slephanie ....,..,.., 6-3. 6-2, to mcb Stn• Vlrs•n the ..._ mM t~ .. ~ md ' Is the tourth·futear In ~ . ·1 c:m't aay I'm dlllppoWed noc to pt a WIDdd record,• P.tnol told nipon- ers. ~can pt a wodd record ID)' ct.)< You cua only let a world chlmpkablp medal ftef)' two )'9111'1." ~~ Bmetmln~~.~-~ NEWPORr BEACH -1bt 2003 ~ tent~ Is a bfl ct.I ~ ._.. . ol the War by lbe Sbale e'e .-tow-•awcmm ..sd. •And. I l-1 tbe ...... ......... pa.inly ~ ........... and Ill . nn." P*9Cll wll cumpllt In ... ·-bedmam heell uld llw wwwA• • ~ MldlMl ~ --·· ........ ton IO tnllk wodd ~ ·--1Mwcll!J •Wlllfla41•ill1 flf Ollilr.Hlaadtl ....... ~ .. ._Sl.47, ._.,.,...a I.a.DI to tblm ....... .., ~MIDI. a 20QS l\N ... llllW .. 'pol..._lt fW· d. ~~~ .... -;.. r.:: .:-;: -..---· • •Jli~ ..... ......... , .... ol ....... cbe BU-Spencer Reta. wbo wll be ........... t...,QublilCiqultO..~ 11Cc1Mlnlbelll.•waa1c:b4...,.. -.. •uuw a t3-~ who wm tblp 1n &be w.r e.,-. 9licft ..,..,. , .... heti IND • CGlw ..... HIF ID "' 1 G •• ~ ...... "-*' of~ w.. lbe .... (IJl''fl••d. _.._. di1lbut In ............... lli .... ... ............... 'Wlmt .. Multn .... k ••• , ............ . IMIOar . m ..._._._ ..... W .. 0.11 ctrM 'tllrtm• ,..,... ............................ ~111 ........... _.,.. .................. • ... w.: --= ,,,., ..... ..... dl1a11w .......... u., .. _u -'ilOte 11 .. +&N. -.. ........... a.ac• ks ._..,2il9& 0 & 1-.., 1r1 p•arn «1 r K•L••• ..... ._ .. . . . Luxui;y Imports & Exotic Sp~rts Cars . ""'4•· ,_,.,.~JV- * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included * Consignments Welcome * Cash Paid for Your Car (on Most Vehicles) * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates MERCEDES 98 E320 SON (19'72~w~Silvedllv.Moorvool. $21,980 99 CLK320 (19m>Blk/Dlk. Greor Voluel $26, 980 99 SLK230 (19•16>Dlue w/Groy llhr. Touring Whls ...... $27,980 99 E320 c19.uJJWh1te w/Soddle llhr. Prem Whls ........ $29, 980 00 E320 SON c194&3)thiwflodde11tt ~Vhttls.~ .. $30,980 01 5LK320 (1&9•51)~Stllny26K ~.A8e<Uy . $35,980 01 CLK430 c191•51~ wl!llk. l.lhr. Moooroof, Phone ..... $36, 980 02 E320 c19,~>5llver w/Groy. 28KMiles.Moonroof . $37,980 99 E55 AMG (19530Cih 9hooe 5porn ~ .. Moontoof $38, 980 01 E320 WGN (19~cilllk w/Blkllhr.Moorroof OrobusP!lg $44,980 02 CLK430 (19554C)Stlver wi1lkx~. Moonroof AMG .. $45, 980 00 5430 ( 19'°')lllodl w'Blodt ~Dose >wid Pttm m. $48, 980 00 Sl500 c19so7C,51lver, 5po!TS Pkg Premium Sound .. $49, 980 01 E55 AMG c19552c,IMtlolcxmld.~lovld ()t,19KMl!tl .. $50,980 01 CLK55 c 1951x~er w!Cxoylttv, lbdystem Ovome 'Ws .. $51, 980 01 5430 <19519~er w/Olk l.rtu, Moooroof, Nov.System .. $52, 980 00 5500 (194"6J81o~. lkJny Exrros Fobuloos Cond ... INQU]Rf.'! 01 CL500 (195'5C)lkfwiGloyl.J!v 0ntt1~ Neri. Moon!ool .. INQUIRE! 01 5500 (194o:iih w1llodi, 11ov 0ose Soood. ~ .......... INQUIRE! 03 E55 AMG (1957~~ddtnQYr203111\~lixtdMQOJOdNQUIRE! DMW 97 328i CONV (19..,2)Whlrtw!Ton,5pol!Pkg $19,980 99 3 2 8iS (19470)11.ed w!Bloc11. Sunroot. sn1ney .... $ 20, 980 97 328i CQNV <mm While w!Ton i..om.r. Auto .. $20, 980 00 3 23i (19:>a71)Silvet w/Olk Uhr. Gltof Cond .. Moonroof . $ 22, 980 01 325iT WGN c19542imt~. 21K~ 5por1sA19 .... $25, 980 00 540i (17607)Mel Olk w!Blodl llhr. Spom Pkg. Auto .. $29, 980 01 XS 3.0i SPORT (t~i""~ ~a.on~ . $33, 980 01 740il (t94&5CJOnly31KMI~. Cllk/lllk $44,980 00 MS < 194J10Dlodl w/Dlock. L.rhr, One Owner $ 51, 980 suvs 00 FORD EXPLORER (19~)~. w/Ton, XlT Pkg, 4XA . $14, 980 01 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT .mrlda>Edb\~'°~ .$15,980 00 NISSAN XTERRA (19 ... ~i(ceuories ....... $15,980 00 lANDROVER DISCOVERY (19'19()~ IDW ~.. ... $19, 980 00 FORD EXPEDITION c19.onBkif 'f/f:#Jr. Tow~ P!ti1*ln Ws. $19, 980 99 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR tt9m)Dlodl wK:#oy. Ullo a.an .. $ 23, 980 00 MERCEDES Ml.4JO (19~761)Cntn w/Ton, DVD~ Nov .... $ 26, 980 00 MERCEDES Ml.4JO (19506)Blodl wiUoc;. UA ~ Wnf .. $ 28, 980 01 OIMOlflTAHOE11wi1,lbll11Kn,lit. VO. ~'-»,lll( Tod9 .. $29, 980 00 lANDROVER DISCOVERY (19~o• wm11.1AAi1 /IVlfs. 9K • .. ..INQUIRE! •• PORSCHE 86 9285 c192ea>Blk w!Ton Int, Aulo. Low Miles.. . $10, 980 6 7 SPEEDSTER REPLICA c1~5'Ne1w1'.ed.1.ow MIM!s $15, 980 00 DO XSTER C19•2b.'.llsev., w/lllodl L.rhr, o must SH $ 28, 980 00 911 COUPE (194~)2~ -5tnool" P.tcOlds $49, 980 99 911 CARRERA (19!2.))llitwlTanflALh.Plln'mW!d $49,980 99 911 CARRERA (19~)hwlBlr.Ortymliits Xnoof $49,980 99 911 CONY. CAAAEAA c 19••~ikwmlllJtv.~Wi .. $53,980 00 911 CONV ('9"')~erw!Blk.P!tmVnls . $59,980 01 911 TURBO ,,~,,r~~1u~ YOli~IHTIB~ INQUIRE! 01 911 COUPE (19'24C)8Mon 19Kii11t1. Awtsomt . INQUIRE! 01 911 C4 (19!>67()Altllor.d.~3K• . INQUIRE! 01 911 TURDO (1911oc,wwtxl.~1h1•\°""'"*'\? INQUIRE! EXOTICS 85 FERRARI MONDIAL c 19~1cit.td•ltf ()f11u;•~1¢ ... $28,980 95 DODGE VIPER RT/10 (tll521C)Ovome 1f'httU. ~ rns .... $39, 980 01 DODGE VIPER GTS (t9.0!1)Whw1t1u~$59,980 97 POMCHE 911 TURBO s (19mci~ cwt t2Ult\ !lmd. INQUIRE! I n a 0 • ._, . .,_ ... ft 0 • • . • Daily Pilot WORLD TEAM TENNIS Officiating leaves bitter taste for Breakers coach · Leach speaks his mind after controversial no-call leads Kansas City to 20-19 victory. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -If there was confirmation of Coach Dick Leach's oplnJon that the officiat- ing was poor, it came shortly af- ter his Newport Beach Breakers lost, 20-19, to the Kansas City Ex- plorers at Palisades Tennis Cen- ter Friday. Kansas Oty Coach PauJ Smith actually apologized to Leach about a pivotal no-call. With the Breakers leadlng, 19-18, Maria Sharpova appeared to be rallying from a 2-3 deficit. In the four- point game. Sharapova led Anilco Ka.pros. 3-2, but then came con- troversy. Leach said Kapros' second serve was out. but there was no call and Sharapova returned the serve. Sharapova lost the point and Kapros won the next point to win the game and went up 4-2. Kapros then broke Sharapo- va's serve to win the set and the match. ·Everyone on tthe Explorers) said that the serve was out,• Leach said. ·the offidat41g was just awful. On the road we don't get any brealcs and \hen we come home and really have a tougher job. I don't know where they find these people tofficialsJ who can't see. • 1 guarantee they won't be back next year if I'm back." Leach said Leach also said the match be- tween Sharapova and Kapros was good tennis, and thought Kapros played great. Kapros, who substituted for Anna Kour- nikova, surprised Sharapova by winning the first two games. But Sharapova was able to wow the crowd with her powerful ground strokes and a few shots that hugged the baseline. The Breakers led, 17-15, before BASKETBALL Sharapova's slngles match. Sha- rapova had teamed up with a Eva Oyrberg 10 defeat Kapros and Rachel McQullJan, 5-2. Sharapo- va QJld Oyrberg provided mo- mentum for the Breakers with their victory and it seemed as if Sharapova was poised to seal the victory in the nights final match. Josh Eagle and Brian MacPhie got the Breakers started with a 5-3 victory over David Wheaton and Rick Leach in the first match of the night. Rick Leach is. the son of Dick Leach. "Jr's always fun to watch him play," said Dick Leach, who en- tenained the crowd during a break when he returned his son's serve. "Ir's hard to coach against him because as a Newport Beach Breaker. I want us to win." The Breakers will close our their home schedule tonight in what is expected to be a memo- rable night at Pali5ades Tennis Center, a., Martina Navratilova will lead the Philadelphia Free· doms. Billie Jean King will also he in altendance. CdM alumni tourney held today Teams begin play at 8 a.m . with the finale set for 4:30 p.m. Eighteen teams are con· firmed for the 15th annual Jack Errion Memorial Corona del Mar alumni basketball tourna· ment, scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. today. Tournament Director Robert Hess <>aid the oldest players come from the Oass of 1972. Players l>eeldng to get o n a team may show up this m orn· ing. Each team payl> $200, which pay for T·shins. referee costc; and a silent auction. The money leftover goes to the CdM basketball program. The 1970s team of Mike Flamson. Mike Murphy. Steve Erlinger, Cory Alder, Court Shannon and Casey Jone' are JUNIOR TENNIS the defending champions. Teams are randomly selected and each squad is guaranteed two games. Two wild-card games will begin at noon to de- termine which teams advance to the round of 16. Once the fi. nal 16 reams are set, the tour· nament hifts into single-elirni· nation. The championship game il> tentatively scheduled for 4:30 p.m . Van 't Hof reaches doubles championship Newport Beach resident partne rs with Wong to reach final at Super National Clay Courts. Newport Beach's Kae-; Van't Hof. who will be a l>enior at Ma· ter Dei High In September, reached Lhe doubles final of lhe 18s Super National Qay Courts in Louisville. Ky., with partner TENNIS Continued from B 1 Olong Wong o f Houston. la~t week. The duo, seeded ninth, up'oet three teams. including the sec- ond ·seeded ta11dem in three sets in the semifinals. Van't Hof and Wong lost to Olris tian Hand of Placentia and Ashwat Sarohia of AJtadena. 2·6. 3-6, 1n the final. Van't I lof was unseeded heading into the 256-player sin· gles draw, but advanced to Lh e quarterfinals, where he lost to was a bit of redemption for Dun- lap, who could not find any type of rhythm and lost to Estafania Serrano of Las Vegas. 6· I, 6-0, in the girls 18s singles final. Ser- Leach of Corona del Mar lost to rano. originally from San Fran· April Bisharat of El Cajon, 6-4, cisco and who was in Orange 6-2. In the boys IOs singles final, County practicing with a friend. Newport Beach's Joseph Di Giu· displayed moments of domi· Uo lost to Jonathan Huang. 6-0. nance. yet Dunlap was not her 6-0. typical self. DI Giulio. who is 8 years old, Dunlap commined several er- defeated mainly 10-year-olds to rors and double fauJts to fall readt the final. He said he. deeper in her hole. She said it Jeamed a lot and that the tour-was one of the worst matches nament was challenging. Overall. she had ever played. But, less the experience was important for than two hours later, she teamed his ultimate quest. which is, •to up with Adams to win the girls be a pro,· DI GiuJio said. I 8s doubles title. In doubles action, Newport In the boys 12 doubles final. Harbor High seniors Bonnie Ad-Costa Mesa's Olarlie Corum and ams and Van~ Dunlap de-RomeJ Orpiano won the champi- feated Ariana Fahrney and Laura o nship after defeating Daron Ar- Roblnson ln the longest match of nold of Newport-Beach and Ju- the day, 7-6, 4-6, 7-6. nya Yoshida oflrvine, 6-4, 6-2. Dunlap and Adams won the Gaytan-Leach and April Bisha- first-set tiebreaker, 7·5, but then rat of El Cajon won the girts 12s dropped the second set. How-doubles title. They defeated Jea- ever, in the final set, Dunlap and nette Losaria and Stefanie Vtlla- Adams pulled out the victory in juan of Rancho Santa Margarita. the tiebreaker, 7-4. 6-3, 6-0. The doubles champlonship The. Newport Beach duo of Ned Samuelson -the No. 9 seed -of Belmont, Mass., 5-7. 2-6. I le came back after losing the firc;t set to defeat two seeded players: Sarohia (No. 8), 2-6. 6 I , 6-4, m the third round and 17th-seeded Alexander Oayton of Ft. l..auderdaJe. Fla .. 4-6. 6·4, 7-6 (5). m the round of 16. Van't I lof"s father, Robert. was an All-American at USC and Lindsay Davenport's former coach. Michelle Atltins and Oirislina Schwartz and Michelle Atkins nearly pulled ofT a comeback in the first set. but eventually lost to Brooke Bartleet and Alyssa Na- farrete, 7-5, 6·2. in the girls 14s doubles final. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratxl the Dai'/ Pilot's Athlete ~ Week series TODAY 23 -Ramon Garc11 Emncla Soccer, '98 FRllAV 21 -Joel Guzman Orange Coa11 Crou country, ·01 21 -Greg Stampley eoron. del Mar Vol~ll. '99. '00 • See ~ our 1111prcc;e~1tt.d buyrns: de fl« trcJmlates w the pnce )fltc u.'(Jnl w JXl'Y' I J I. 84 Saturday, July 26, 2003 NEWPORT HARBOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Dana Poin.t denies Newport Bronco A All -S tars face elimination when they take the field a t 5 p.m. The Newport Harbor Baseball Association Bronco A 11 -and 12- year-old All-Stars will attempt to keep their season alive at 5 p.m. to- day in the loser's bracket of the South Region tournament after they feU to Dana Point, 3-2, Friday at Otlno Hills Community Park. Newport must now win five con- secutive games to advance to the wne tournamen t, the final step be- fore the World Series. . The first test will come tonight against either Mesa or North City, two teams from San Diego. If New- port wins its first game tonight, it would play again at 7:30. Ryan Albert hit a solo hom e run to trim the Dana Point lead to 3-2 in the fifth inning Friday. The next batter, Jacob McCann, hit a line drive into right-center field, but the center fielder fully stretched to make the catch. "That stopped our momentum and gave it back to them," Rich Ho- gan, Newport Manager, said. Dana Point led 2-0 after an in- ning and Newport cut it to one with a run on the top of the third. Austin Wobrock. who reached on a fielder's choice, scored on a passed ball after he stole second. McCann and Nick Svendsen added singles to Newport's four-hit attack. Albert also tallied a single. I Adrian Rodriguez pitched the first three innings for Newport while Albert came on for the rest of the game. Jack Grace made two running cacches in center field and Blake Davey played weU at catcher, Ho- gan added. MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Vanguard adds two new f aces · First-year coach Jim Degroot adds to his stable with Curt Watson and Brett. McGee. Vanguard University announced Thursday the addition of two play- ers to its men's basketball team, which will be entering its first sea- son under Coach Jim Degroot. Curt Watson, a small forward from Buena Park, prepped at Sa- vanna High, where he earned Orange League most valuable player honors and was a second- team All-CIF selection. Brett McGee, from Putnam City North High School in Oklahoma, averaged 18.5 points and 10.5 re- bounds per game as a senior. He was a two-time all-conference first- team selection and was an honor- able mention selection to the all- state team. PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from , electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Dail'J Pilot ·TEA CUP ·CLASSIC Vh PHOTOS BY DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Members of the Tea Cup Classic gallery watch as Marianne Towersey's approach shot sails toward the 17th green at Mesa Verde Country Club. Newport Beach Country Club's Debbie Albright hits an approach shot on the 13th hole in Tea Cup Classic VII on Friday at Mesa Verde Country Club. TEACUP Continued from B 1 sun to heat up the course, aJong with the competition. "I was nervous." Hol- stein said. ··1 just tried to play my game and what- ever happened, hap- pened." Holstein birdied the 148-yard par-three third, using a 7-wuod to land the ball three feel from the cup, taking a one- shot lead over Towersey. A bogey on the par-five fourth dropped her back to even and the two stayed that way through six holes. Towersey parred 7 and 9 while Holstein went three over during that stretch to fall into a tie with Albright a t 41. Khaiat shot 40 to trail Towersey by two head-Mesa Verde's Akemi Khaiat rl>s a shot. ing to the 10th, a par four with a slight dog.leg . right measuring 397 yards. Khaiat booked her tee shot just enough as the ball one- hopped into a pond. Her third shot found the fairway and she hit a flop shot, standing just off the front of the green, to within six feet. Bui the par putt missed and she took a double bogey. "J hit (the driver! good ... I guess 1 was just aiming there," Khaiat said. The I 0th aJso proved to be disastrous for Albright, who carded a criple-bogey seven af. ter hitting her second shot into a pond lining the right side of the hole. "I decided to hit a wood, but I would not h ave made the green anyways," AJbright said of her lie in the right rough. "I should have layed up with an. iron and hit a 3-wood into the green. "I made bad decisions on two hofos and that cost me." Albright found the left rough on the par-four ninth, which has a lake that extends into the fairway near the green. Her branch and found the water. leading to a double bogey. AJbright tied Towersey and Holstein for the lead at even par fo llowing her second con- secutive birdie on the par-four fifth. the No. I handicap hole from the yellow tees, where the ladies played from Friday. The 2001 Tea Cup winner stuck a 140-yard approach shot five feet right of the hole and con- verted the birdie pun. 'T m extremely happy with the way I played," Albright said. "I drove the baU well an d putted weU." . Towersey. Horstein and Al- bright each had two birdies. Towersey birdied the par-four 14th after landing her ap- proach shot 10 feet to the left of the hole. Her birdie putt found the heart of the hole. "It was a challenge to make par," Towersey said. '"I hit a couple of good chips and two punch shots. The kikuyu in the rough holds your club tight and takes it for a ride ... "--_......, ____ ,,_......__.,;;:;;..;;.......:.:...a.Ji:.c.:.,;..;..;...;....~o....;;......;_,.~-_.;;....;o....;_,_....._....._--';..-.-__;;......; ____ ·second shot clipped a tree And Towersey rode into the sunset Friday with another Tea Cup title. Sally Holstein hits from the bunker on the 11th hole on Friday in Tea Cup Classic VII at Mesa Verde Country Club. Below, Akemi Khaiat, Debbie Albright, Sally Holstein, and Marianne Towersey, left to right, embrace after completion of the Tea Cup Classic on the 18th hole. SCORECARD Continued from B 1 all the more prominent Albrtght, Who, like Tuwersey, has played in all seven Tua Cup eYents, carded an 80 in thJs one. while Big Canyon's Sally Holstein 8red a mespectable 82 and made two birdies. •1 took that photo of Debbie .Albdght that wU in the Daily Pilot (on Mqndayl and pinned lt up on the will at our dub, becaule of the way lhe'• gripping the dub," -tMc Canyon member and Tea Cup fu GW1y Connolly uld. •1 thought It Ml a :r.!..f'l" lnlUucdonal ••• Newport ae.dl Counary Oub'I Janice Smiter. lhe RlllDll'-up to AbiFt In ... )' club championship, added her thoughts to Tea Cup Classic VD. "Marianne's just better than everybody else ... ••• 1 lt was great to aee Big Cilnyon's Olivia Slutzky, who played in the 2001 and '02 Tea Cup eventa, waDd.ng the coune for 18 holes ~th her three-month-old daughter, Kyra. IMt ymr, Slutzky was Ont~ pa,. ever to play in the 'lee Cup Ouak:. When Siutl'ky Ml o&red • ride Oil • .,,,, can. .... politely dedlned...,... the Wiit an Che .. c::oum Ml ~-u::~. wa. -dllt we were ..,.. aboul molhen and .............. l =""'~ ..... iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimJ.iiiiiiiiiiii---==~~~~~2141~~llpl~lloll~~~·~2MO~l.,Molcll r IO MUCIOOO Mlll.IUIHUllll .200S-3' A usountON °', ... an COUNCH. or THI <•TY Of NIWPOllT llACH STATING ns INTENTION <JflOfllWPOITIUOI YO LIVY ASHSSMINYS fot TH( coaoNA O(l MA• IUSINUS ••••OVfMINY 01natcT ,0. n...c..fa.Mntltlie fNI fts<.M YfAa Of SIPTIMlla I, 200J TO AUGUST a 1 2004 ..,, Wttt".REAS, the Corona del Mar 8u\lneu lrnprovemenl '01slrrci wu eslabll,hed 111 1996 pu11u1nl Cltyef ...... W - to lti. p.,klflCand 8u,lne~\ Improvement Area litw of 1989 C•lifouua Strteh ""d Hl(hways Code, UQO..._.~ Sac:lion 36500 •I seq (heiem•ltl'f lh4' .,.,,.) wllKh 1equ11u •n annil1f report to be hied •nd ;;:::::::: •• ......1.. tl)PfOVad by the Crly Council for tacit llsuf YHr ind ...wr-• - WHERCAS, tn. Adv"o1y Bo••d hu prepared ~n Annual Report for the :>OOl 1003 ltsof year wluch ~ I• on file In the Office of the City Cf••ll: a11d ' HOW. THCREFOfU the City Counl1I ol the Crty of Newport But h resol•e~ n tOltows ,(OlllSSIQll "9A $a(l1011 I The City Council htreby decl6ro the •nlenllon 10 levy asstumenh fur Ill~ Cu1ona ........... A.pd 1, IHI M,, 8usl0tu lmpiovemt:nl Doslnrl fur th~ li\tlf year Sopltmber 1. 2003 111 Auau•I 31, 2004 2003-•.·M.._a. p111suant lo the Act Suth bt11~f11 O\e\•nrnnl \hall be., tullow~ "'r- A 8•n~\ and fmanto~I tn\lllullnn\ tlont •r~ e aernjJI ftom c tly bu\oneu hee~ re&ulalll)O\ \h•ll SURJ{Cf M<Donald \ be UstSHd S500 pet Vedr Re\l•'"' Ml Ret onstruc B. fnsufance •at11111" tn .. 1 ,.,,. ~·Pnopl ''""' 1 •Iv hu\lne\\ lo• ~n·.e •e&Ul•hntl' •h•ll be a .. \n\ed 11011 /OU W Coa\I S~ per yuf H11thw~y C. Persons upe11t111e till< ,,1 Ill•· lull11wt1o~ lyfJe\ ul ""'"'u""' ,,. •"' uorl~pendenl '""""ll"' 111 ::.lJMMARV llw P•1•11ll tn ntabhshment uw11ed by 01111ll1c1 1irl\o11 ,11.11 br •., uoµI huni 1111, "''"'\nl~nt •nd o.,nlop1n~nl Plan lo I H•11 stylos!\ redt•~h>e> 111~ """'"'II 2 ... ,1 lechnrtlilln> Mt Oun aid\ r Ml•ur ant 3 Real ttl•te •tenl\ al 100 W Co.ts! Uo&hway D fhe assessment for all nth~r bu\lne\\•\ wottun 11,~ U"lrllt \half be 1 ~ per~enl of the annual "' Ma11Mr'\ Mil• fhe buslnen lk ense l~u n estabh\llPd pu"uo1111 tu Chap!•• s 08 ul tht' Munr<•P•I Code e11stm11 J 141 sq II ~ctron 2. Tiie peno1fly lu1 dtlt111111enl po1yments \hall be lw•nly love 11.,unl per munlh piu~odin& resldu••nl will be de tll1t the pen1lty lo be •ddrd 'h•ll 111 nu ennl 1 ,. erd ont hundred pe1tl"nl ol lhe """~\menl moh\h•d and • new amount du" 3_.114 '4 II r~\laur .1nl Sectton 3 fhe Col¥ \half 1 ollrit be11tlol '""''""""'' 111 nn• Jnnual ln\lalfmenl with lOffl'Cllons bu1ldinr, wolf hP con IOf new busmesu\ Ill lhe L1i.frtct "n fht d•Y ot th,. f\\uaru• uf a bu"""" flc~n\~ by lhl' <'oty strutl"d with A retun fhe asH\\ment for nrw bU\U1r\<.~~ '"•II bl' µ1., •·•led •• t11tdong 10 lht number of luff m•ll'llh\ l111urrd d11ve lhru lht 1em11mn11 in the 01\h"I \ fl\tdl ycdr ~11pl11 .. hon al'o reque\ts Section 4 The 1mpru•emenl md •• lov1t11, lu b~ t•md• cl by 111,. ben•lil d\Sf•~menh \h•ff 1111 lud• a mudofoca1run ot re only the followine qu11•d 11.,i.,,,v I Ma11<et1111t adv"t"•nv. .u1d 'I'"• 1,11 ••rt11• Af'l'l ILAffllN Uv Per 2 Phy\fcal 1mp•nv•m~111' & m 11111.,.,00,. m11 "''' ?001 07':1 bnd 3 Comniun11 a loons dncl llulru1 t1 l'r ··~· ""' UevelnjJment l'IAn No • Repr e\f"ntahon uf u ht ta.a•.1flt'\' ,,.,,., .... 1 • u1 .·uvt•r umrnl.tl ..rt11,,, 1001 OfJ r 5 Admon1sh•t1•1n LI IJA (.QMPL IANC[ 1 h• Sechun 5 lhr "" "''"" "' '"' 01~1111 I Woll ,,.,,, 1111 lh• ,.,,.. l?•"""tlly lvt..ilctJ un f d>I ( '''" Ptl•ft< I 4udf1f1e\ tor .. 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JMI to 111 H (Jrvtt''t It Wf tU"l'I prot .. \h _.,,. tPf _.IVf"~ 1 Ap(tl tty by thr o wnt!r',, nl l>u-1rn,. ,,. w1lh111 tt1•· fJ1 ht t th,tl p.l)" t1lty ''"''"'"' ,,, mno• ol fht' totol Puhh'h~(• N'wpntt asse~~mtnt .. tu h• 1 .. ~••d 1 J ll1tlto·t J•t 1t1tht1• I 1 ,.,., .. °"" tht 01•.trut .hill b~ l.tkt.•n lot d p,.,1,,,J 9,...,,,, Lu~ta M .. \a [J.,ufy ul one Y•'M f111n1 11 ... if.ti• •I 11 .. 1111·1111~ •I i "'"l·••1ly '""'"I by th• !.11~ f.oun~11 II file ""''''"'Y P1lul July 2b lOIH ~~tl~ orotes( f\ t.1nfy ~'ll-·tlH\t ttu· lw1wtlm\' 1.f 1 1,..11f11 tvvt.1 or typ•·" of 1111,u11vtmt.·•1l. 01 atl1v1ly w beneht w1tn ... '"'" 1J1''''' r th•l ... tv1u • t 11111u,,>w .. mtnt· '>' u t1>w1ti,. ot hPnPl11 11rH •.h.111 t11;1 thnllndl•d F Uf thtr 1oh•r rn.,t. '' '"'•. 11 hr•' Uu \If 1 I• •(I H•1\11 • l1111u llf'f"n1 .. t1t I Ji· tt 11 t I '""~'Ndl m.ty be ut.t 1m,.r1 ~I the Nf*Npott fh •ti t 1fj tltU iit"I ~1·w1;q,t t~11111,...,..,,, Nf"wp•11I B•'Hh ( ,1lit11,mtt 11l••''k lelel)h.:l11t 1949) 644 IU'J The City Clerk \h4U 'Auv fl1t\ tr\ t11ff111• 11 mf• 11f11111 f• f11 putJfi\hl"d 1mtf' m .t ntoW'>i>••J.-''' of aenf'f.tl t..lftUl.thOU In lht l'1ly-ti h .t ,t .f YI II •1.1,-•. l.ltf1ttt' lhf' lJUblll ht:•Ulflf l h•\. ·~~luht>n .h tll lctk .. ,.11 ... t "'"''' t, ,,,..,r uuon ~dr1,tfmn p,.~,,.d ,u1d adr.ptf"<1 t1y ,,, .. C 1tv Council ot lh• Coty nf Ntwµ•11 I tfr.lr h •I • • • ,·111.11 n1etl•111• h•lll "" llo. ?Ind c1.1y ul hilt 700 I /•/ Stev-lromberg, MAYOR ATIUTo I •/ leV-M. Horiilus, CITY CURii Published Nl'W ur I a .... h Co•t4 M~\a 0 •• 1 Pol•JI lul l'i lOOJ Sd4b4 OIDIWKUO. 2003-12 AH OROIHA .. Cl Of THI CllY COUHCll Of THE CITY Of NEWPORT BUCH, CAllfOllHJA, AMINOIHG CHAPlUt 3 . 16 TO NIWPOU 8lACH MUNICIPAL COOi PllllAIHIHG TO UHIFOaM TllAHSllHT OCCUPANCY TAX. r;utJlf'' t or dinanr r w.v 1111oodu~1>d nn th' 81h ~ el July 7003. 11nd wios adopted on tti. ?2nd d.ay of July ?DDl 'AYES, COUNCIL MIM UllS1 HlffUNAN, ADAM S, Wiii , NICHOU, MA YOa HOMllaO HOU, COUNCIL MIMllH1 NONI AIUNY COUNCIL MtM1111is. Paonoa. lllOGIWAY AIS TAIN < OUNCll MIMllRi NONI MAYOa1 Steven ....... r. CITY CUit«: l<1V-•• M. Hot'kle u llu· e111,,.. I•• I • dv••lable lor rcY1rw 111 the City I.fer~' 01111 ~ ol th• Col y ol N~wpni I Heach Pubh~h~d New9ur t Benh co,t~ Me\a Daily Polul July 26 2003 'i•4!i!> At-.. ....... "-S..... fhe h1ffow11111 llt'l~o"' a1 e du11111 hu\ln9'\ d \ We,te1n Stein Pro co\1na C•11te ... 61) s r Ut.hd St•eet Ullll 0 I Santa An•. C•hfornoe 92704 Emma T1ll1Nn 615 S luclld Sir eel Unol 0 l. Santa Ana Cahforn11 92104 lt11~ t.u\fne•\ ,. con dll< l~d by a11 md•••dudl ll••t' yr.u sl•• ltd 00111( t.u·1mt \' 'f~I., Nu f tH1111l I iUOldU 11,,. \1atem~ll .,.., lof,.d '"llh lhf' t.mmly tl~rk ul Oranae I ounty "" ot. ll/OJ 2003'941932 fJd1ly Pilot July 12 19 :>6 Au~ 'l ?003 Si\4~ FlditiM IMlu OIDIWK'l MO. 200l-13 ,._ Si.i-t AN OllOINANCI Of 11ir lollo'jlltttg p@t\ons THI CITY COUHCll Of .. r¥ f1•11n~ bu~on"" 41 THE CITY Of NlWPOltT l\<1n1tr•111 ~ Stull l JOS6 llACH, CAltfOa .. fA, Volldl!• Or •8 l alo.t AMENDING CHAl'HR f 111 .-1 I A 97610 :9.28 TO NEWPORT H•tth 1 l><1•1\ /iOS6 llACH MUNICll'Al V1lllK~ Ur •8 I ake COOi PlltTAINING TO f ,,,,. I I.A 97610 VISITORS s rav1c 1 fU. ,.,,, .. , M 1:!1ook 13006 Snb1•• t 11rdinan1 • w•• 11,11,,1... Or #8 L•l<e 1nlrotlu1 ed 11n th• Xth F u1~,1 CA 97f>j() d ly nf luly 700l <1ntl 1 h•• hu'"'"'' " , on Wd'\ dtfovtrd un tti• Ju 9,.,, t. / ~u~lidrld .u1t1 2?nd d<1y ul lut1 LIMll I wot• A Y l S, C 0 UN CI l If'"" 1uu ;ta1 l~t1 cll•IJlll MlMllllS: HHHRNAN, 1,,, ""' '' i•t' Nu A 0 A M S , W l I I • f:!t·tlh" Oav" NICHOlS , MA YOR 1,mw,M 8111u"' 8110MllRG lho\ ,tJlerm•11t w~·· N 0 IS. C 0 UN C ll I f•l•<I with lh., l'nuotv MlMllRS1 NONI I,,.,~ ,,, l)r .rn~• r uunly AISlN f COUNCIL ''"'" ~Iii I MIMllltS: llllOC TOR, 20036948965 ltlDGIWAY 111 ulv F'rt .. t July 1'1 Iii ABSTAIN COUHCll A .. ,. I •1 i'OIJJ ~.r1'>1 MIMBlR: NONE - MA YOll: ~tev en lromberg CffY CURIC: loVonn• M. Horkleu lh~ t"ttttrr ft>~f 1 dV~1labl,. fut , PVl ... W lfl thf"(1tv'"'"' i.1tt''' ,, tht c tty ul N~.._.~,_,, t lle.1<lo I ut1l1• l1to" N .. -...,. t t Hf-' h Ln•.tJ Me"tt U-t,ly f'1lo-J11l1 7•1 ;1M) i ", 1.t•,1 u •• ~ .. s~'""'' I dr..-d"m~ bu• 1U11;\\ a-. Marbh Mdg11. Prufe~ '"""I M.rble & Slcint: Cdr t' 11 !>9S Az•lea Avenue F 1wnl.i111 V.ilfey o •ltfurn1a 97108 lh~r~..., Morg•n 1159'.> AHie" Ave I ountaon I ""lfcy Calrl-01n1a 92708 Hus busoneu is <on Index a111•mm I" IUlmAn (ttmJ ~ , .. ,., ... I lo\v to Pla<~c A & ... ttl0.177', CLASS IFIE AD IMOYmT ~ '"' l~l ~I •FaMriS IOtWSIO fh Fax By Phoru• lh \fail/In Pt·rson: -..TM& 1¢ 1llN1 (J~ ~I·'\ <1(1 \\ 1 H 1\ 'l1r,<1 Slls-S.~ •• .. ~~~MY-.' ,, -.-:i'71' r'·-.. ·~·J 'if' -· SERVICE DIRECTORY -'' iT; •c 41 , ~ •w.1 •1rt VY -For All Your Home and Business Needs -,f T ;-11...,, lildl I0.000 ~Udi Wtdi F..it OnlySl;> ('r "t't'~ '"'~~ m1mri11111J • Cllll111•u1(Mft f7M?CS C4m*t Lotr.O'nlb _ Garage/ 3 s1,..1e Plei. 1eduud Yard Sales I Cats 3610 1489 ~ IOTTIHS. CATS, ~t SA600 •~th P•<tltt. Vre w Memutr•I P •r ~ Ntwpotl &Ii 949 597 WW 1160 '°" $$ • ltlCOllDS nc Da, ~ (IL ~' 8'1\ Ill Ma. StN lubl' Mt~ Mike 9•9 64'> /~00, OOERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 EQ4WHOUSM6 OfPOITillTY All r uf e\lal~ adver ltiine '" tho\ nl!W\f>•Pet " subieet tu tht! r tdtr •I fa11 Hou\1n1 Act of 1968 a' amtnded whoth make• 1t •llt&41 to Adve• lt~t ·any p1 tltr •nee, l1n11Ulron .,, d1sc11mm•l111n ba\.f!d on ,,.u, cuk>1 uil•fl>On ~· handicap, lam1haf \1atu\ 01 national or 1111n or an 1ntenhon 11'1 makt! .any wch p1ele1ence hmota lion Of d11e11m1n<1hon • Thil newspaper wolf oot knowincfy dfltpl 1ny adnrt1~menl for fUI ulalt which " m .,olatton of lhe law Our 1taders are 11e1eby onlo1 med th•t all dwell 11111s •dvei hw<I rn I hrs neWS41lll)t1 .tr 1 011lable on •n equ11 oppoi tumly bn1s To compt.,n of dot a llTllNbofl. cal HUO toll frtt 111 800 424 ~90 1413 actw Styfit f(f~ l"IAHOS • Cohdib6M ............ -·~· .... ·~'~ .. CMMMID .. ..................... -llUY ISTATD ........... fr~- COtJSIGtir.mHS _ .... NeWJ>Orf Coo•I Gdt A~t Sdl~ In• Pooni• P'*-ri.-. & W~1t, ()' S41 ful~ 26 RMO nuon Ht.h •1u•hh l' ''"' (),,n t m. HfWl'OltT/UY ARIA OlMOCUTS CLUI GAUGE SAll ll'l 1 l \'d St N•••'IH1 &.11 Sun I 71 /4m lpm l vt1ylhing Ir nm A I 111 ooc.s .,_ -•\dff't'M 0.1.1~ 1....iw•1 l<J.illd\.,me ~ .... t111<ri~Oi~U 911'}.644 'l'l I'! \p.lv rnnm.J I.di ..,,,..... k• ~41....,, ~ FR7 E6l7 Oclcot Kitten•. t~oo.r II kflflk ~ f•tt I.lit: ,.u1ti- j;f>lcl • h0<.olat~ ""''' .-~I ... hmoote<\ <ffl 681 666A Found 1510 Dogs 3615 fOUHO July 23, Male IJa\\rt lfounll 111 Ou•er Shor•• .,ea l'fu\t r•fl 19491 /'17 89 •9 Genenrl Amouncements 1610 l'rlvat• Ovc.• Hv"fl"t c...-. appro• I hr from Newptmt Be•lh ( ,ttt ftnl hunlon& •d1.itrnl lo \l41t w.11,tfowl 1rJuee own,r\hop rl'll~rol & approo 17~ at.r ., nf l•nd & 1mp1ovemtnl< • your own lamp ~ompound w/str uc 1111 t and 2 l1.t1len Wonderlul f II no&ht BBQ ~ & wine usl1n& dunng due k seai.on • many e1tra$• Ide.ti for 2 lrttnd~ 01 father & son Cotti Mike atllD ~I 08~ Chocolot• purebreed l•b namrd -Mnn"- r ~' nvrr 1n11 Ir nm ~un 'hul wound in d•nt"r ul lit•nt pul lo ~fet!p N"td\ eood home a\•P C:all I ynn /14 6'>8 467 J 3660 GerMClft Shepherd• •fl c ofnr s all <110 lnr adop1•on to quahlord homt< _ .. avescue °'1 01 tall 714 713 5915 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE STiil IUllOINGS 50 JO'\ Orf 40, 40 !>0A90 601120 Musi Selll Can Oel1ve1• Roy (100) 4tt·2760 23&0 8ainm -,-e-r-• .-,.-.-,-/-H-.-.,-.-.-.. -.-:1:--:4 o,,cn.11t1a Aul•I Prof'I CdM Rest-lailllSllllfld ~tf:u.;; ~ frwldila ~ p&lnrq. bookMeC> q. .,...,.. pa.is. airport ._-,, Nrl emonca, CORSI prQfld .... ~chld/-­ Glt'I & mot9 9& J8).8UI. I ...... I VOtl HttMtl aolas, ltt. soft wfllte. .. """· ·~ Melt, IMltll few fl<IOO. 7ft ·-r.'lllt .... fl&O, ... ... ~--·1150 ..... , ..... u - - ~Id. Watwlront Offlr.e w/l _. .. 51**, _.,OS !>()O,f. SllOOm nlll now Assocr1!1d Aulty !M9 673 3663 ...,, llllDllJ .. • IZ~llDllEULI ........... ...... c...ec-. ..... .................. c-.. .......... ..... , ....... ~=+~•·= .... o.w-- a a ah 7 a s s ,n ss s a a Balboa Peninsula New!at p~ Cc.no'A OMY?lBTI Sttp1 It<><-& ~ °'91SAT-SUll1--4 ZIJA. 21.E t.8TH Sf The SaywrtzCo 94HlJ.7~28 0.--o..p&.a I k In beadi 3bt 7ba Ul'.lll"f. Iba low•r .)( llr RM S9f9 Ill) agt 'MC} '>14 M8 Corona del Mar OPlN HOUSl SAT-SUN 12 ·4 J 16 I /2 Hellelrepe Huff•' ""'Id Mllllon S homnr 2b• Iba bt.u p11~ It ef ltne sh on l uf de .... l $681.000 Jom' Patty Mc.Oonald CXlM Homes 949 ffl <\'.170 •A Cuuae•••• (...,.... ............ sbolf to Boe CO< ona Md loollnut pt1mt '8r '~a brand ntw custom home Offered at S2. 9!>0 IXXl COAS ruN£ R(N rv '}49-7!J9-0l 7 7 (nt-c.,-4.1 M• (_._ ... ,_ .. gourmet krtchen, WIOUfltll ~on. cuslnm lilll ;)tic! cab- rneby I ronl is a 3br 2ba llOme ' fur IS I 2br 1ba COASTUNl IUM.TY t4t-7S9~111 1 llOQ(TO um. c.,-1 .. d.1 SI .595.000 Jl6 l111el O• On l u\h Canyon w/ocean vttwfr M<0.-14 COM IMMH. Ut· 7 St-t070 HOUCIO te $107 ,000 Vary pvt 21>1 • den. sme s lory on le fol 1n Jnmont Creek Prof l•ndsceped. Ael lo•n Burke !M9 7li9·931• .,._,, ... MM.._lr. .......... ............ , ... '"' ..... 000 All l'.ul ....,._ ..... r, .... •no-1111 .. 3 - Newport Beach INSTANT NOTlllCATION SlaVICI: Art you look 1n& lo pu• c hA\P a home "' NflWJl1\rt 9,. H h Of th~ !turruund10¥ ,.,..,,., Tv 1 tlPIV~ m'\tant not1f1<.a f1on" "ht ,. m.itf ""' ~~Jt>n a\ n .. w h'lt•~~' htl th• m .. r~ft \lrnply fill uul our unlin• furm b; vt\1l1nr ou1 w~b\rle ~I ~~ Wflh /tfly q.r;OOt ... Ol'INSAf 12-S 220 I Vltto Huerto N~wµn1l lit!Arh Blult~ I H< lo1'1nhm :lbt rnd 111111 pvl p.al111 'l ear S549888 By Own"' 714 l99 7313 .. IWgl>ob Gr1 IM'St"""' pr~ Of'9f SAT 2-S 3212 IMW> Sot .b 25h.i & 2br Iba R2 cor.-led 10 lc.nt.bl.. SU 10.Wl ~646-0il54 CJhrrl05 -~COl'l\.'n.MI ,....... ... _,., .... 'M4ll pal'ailn-.: ~ at ~ ~ p;w1Jill ocn f'llt c.ow1yd/pabo S2IX)( ol tqJ~ Sl.~,ax> 1ct Oun lurie '}4!M;46 lf'B2 PtUMl ISTATIS PAHIC.ll TINOlll NA TIONWIOI USA t4t ... 5'-t70S www p1tricllteno1e com HAHOll WOODS 7br '/b&, '/ C lat Alt, bed1oom/oflk,e A.at $1900949 293 '631 0..•I• Hl(hHI point w/Spec1aculat oce•n views One of the finest comm of hu u1 y ho~s !>br 4 ~ba $2 695.000 S'"'4e [u1ope<11n stvle hv1nt, H1&11 In the holls OYlffOOklnfl the CKHn 3br • offtce S I ,695,000 Of't• seMt 1·S Stunn•na mod41; hk• hom<t •/•,.-of S1ddleb.tck •br hundrtlh ol up 11tctes1 s1.~.ooo onw RM l1JO-S Sent• l uell fabulous l•lltttOlll loc lilt 3.SO.. 0v .. 1oot1inc Ca11y011 6 OCHll Jl,179,000 PU,_ f'ttOPllrTIU S ........ fltl.Urll' !M9-1l' 31~ ·~ I 1 \I, .J C \ ,,~,.~ \I"' Al~lfl Ul11! .I.. HJ~ 'II I lour~: lcf'h fl(\ ~IJffi )\Jlflm \J,md.1\ I ndJ~ \l.Jll In' \HJm·~ Olpm \I 11~1~1 rnJ.a1 MOBILE HOMES/ I Costa M_esa __ _ UFACTURED 1 • & 2tlr dtot ,__ I MAN j "' ,.. ~Adl •"' let> HOUSING !>l<M' fr\l, c..-'"" mor• S1ff1n1 lilt & i 11 ltJm 2br -Mob-•1.,-.. aa·~-....... -...,-,_..-l !J I IMh St "'" fur IW'"OINICl..Wlt:\I Sl ..... IA1 94~ '>411 ?4?1 Homes 5993 1M ON 114£ IAllNA llLM IUCH OPEN HOUSE l<1'1 TWU lu•ury m.iroul '""""' ..... 11 ~tf.0 5 •.I;• ~ .... ,..,.. ITIL<b* l>otr• p.n ()lly Sf,;>'.) ~ '"" No-211 ()I...., M.irv ,,,,..... Beadi df.l'W~JT• & w 8e«h A·->. ft< Vict<JrlO ':bl l151PJJ MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS RentalT o Share 6030 <"-"''"• :Sir H.., .. on NtwPor I He•Klll\ tln't to> bu<h prol 1 ""* prtf I\/~ Sllm 9'19.IJ!/ 8HJ:/ I dde 111 1>1• a 2br \ •v••I sllart ba Musi fo~t do&\ v.;o()mu • dep • 11111 949 293 60'i2 351 1712 ~ .. s,ace f1>r Red 6060 CM LR Slnglr Gat "Kl' 7411t acct.ss. \lc,,.&e only no vdllcles SI~ a.4111 now 96(;31 8216 71'-731 20"7 AE.SaNl IAl RtNT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY urru 1AN1D 1111 wctoo ,_ ~ P'Wll ml!rm nd utl l'1U or kJlarle Avtll now~9431 * ....,.... ... •Na * Urobn'd ~ tefur bellild llw. life, fp, mint cond, Y1l1949 922 7171 • .. 21< 2s... ., "" • vniple' l'lt'W f,ldllllUIP"l t..erdmK to~ ~··age patlO 7186 t'd tlK A-. 114 ?JI 4)85 ---- 1 Studio Apt "' Mobrlt Hnm,. PM~. k1l< b1 ut1f '"' I St-00 mo nll1r. 949 1)41> 41'11 /14 404 9068 I 309 Meoo Or, ( &Ide dupfp • I br •If 1 tdr>ne "" ~n1 no ptl' $$11') mo 949 1s6 assa . i-.tv G<rt..i C-Wty ltr llo Apt. w pvt gar If..: ..... lo fro Square S~'> mn W•l•r t1ash p•id Klt;n ~n.t~I 871 70I\ 8649 [ 1 I 9200 Soutlt <-• s 11ao1- ZB1 2Ba end un•t New ••rpel p»ol. 111m l'nms (OUft\ 714 J66 4366 21r. 210, U1>1>4'r unrt Apt I c &llT ntw paint c<1rpel bhnd1. f1noltum. "4l1 moom 949 673 zim Neor Hewpert Hh, ~ompff!tety remod 2br 15ba """""' -wd. -ktldv .tpph/c:arpt'I yd w/g..wd!>ntef Car WI~ Ho pet Sl8h 949291). 6313 949 6e6-60.l!> l '•I ... 21r ll• Charmet fncd yd. l c all ear. wd tin $1950/"'o u1cl cd/Wlr no _.,,,pet 949 6l2 ~ .............. .,._3!r :> se. l\ome, tUl{ :k att e;w, Ip N:.. W/O. Sch indd. ~ 11."'1 Mntl. 817 ~ fll~ , ... J.st.. ~ I V1 moto~2mito56 fwy c.ted. dbl ... $2200 Avli -9&&31..oEm ~,, ""!:: = ::a.,2:Mn:3 lb.,, .... dueled by •n 1ndtv1du.if tf.ave vou •tMl•d doonc bu\onn\ yet I ""' 6/!0/03 lh .. t ... Mu111•11 lhos •l•l•n1c11I ••• hied wrth lht County C.ltrk uf Ouuae County 011 0//2•/0J 20036'52'14 D•1ly Pilot July 26 Auti l 9 16 2001 S..•!11 ~ .... , ... s....... ltu' tolk,,wu~ IJt:• \1111• • ~, r d•JtOtt bu\lne~-. t k•lh<M fap11"1 f unt1111~ lbOI? MottKUenlr I'"'~ wav Suite '>40 M1 ... run V1e111 C.o11ttorn•• 926W Je11 'f H J.rvrs Jr ?601? Marriu"ote PM~ way Suolt S40 Mrs\~•11 V1e~fnr111~7 I ht) bu"neu '' co11 dut.l•d by •n 1ndtvldu1tl H .. • you \l.Wted dum11 bll~UlO\ ye!? .. U J,:11y 1 .. r .. \ fl11• \14tth-Wltl ••\ hied wolh the C.uunly Cl~ri. uf 01 anae C.uu11ty on 01/~/03 200'6ts011J CJ•1ly P1fol My 12 19 l6 Aue ? 2003 !>4•"9 fidlt!M...._s ..... s ...... llo-ttJlhiwm~ '1t·t~vtt· _.,, ,11,,,,,, l1u o" "'' .. , Ht1 ... t I ~.1.1t • ,, .. ,v11 ,. •• Ou Pl t f,I '-' ~ l U• hd ~1•~~1 Uml U I >•RI• ~"· ( "'"'"' "•• 'Jl 104 rm111a l111m .. n bl'> s I udod ~1'""' Un11 ll I '•nt.. And f.ahln1n1a 91/04 STARTING ANEW • BUSINESS ff. • • • • • • • • • • 1hte llUS4MSI IS COii dU( ted by an 1ndrv1du•r Ho• you stitrted d<lm1. bu,onof.i. yel1 l'fo ftt1rn• T1flm•11 lh1~ sl•lemtrnl wa• hied wolh 1119 C.ounty Cleft. ul Otant• Cuunly 01106/12/03 200Ut47tJJ Da~y Pilot .luly 12 l'I 26 Aua l ZOOJ '>••Sr SEll your stuff through classified! r, . .,. I"'"' I ''fJ•tu , .. j I ,, , '"''· t /'our, """ '" .... J ·"''""'"'" J 'VU .,~, "' 'lf1I• ,11,u,.,11~ l r:ri. It. II•' t \.lr t1tll'•''"' \/ tJrr1. ,,,:...~,1,,..,_,.,,, t• • .. '"'rr' Jttdw1tpvt11tv t1nuJ~t11"r1 1 1, •, .. 11/f.~-1,. \w'r;~ ~--/,,-,, ,,, "'-">' iJ/r.rlt"I' 'j f ,.. f4 f #z.11•1 II flt.I Ir l4._J,,. LJ1'"1,fJJ fol_ /II ,,,, , ,, ,,,,I,,, /111111 \,,,J .t rr11:. ,, 11') ~·, ""'JtJ,,..n h~ ,, ,,, ,,, ,t, ·"'·''·~,. .. , 1, • ''" )'f•.W •• 11,011/,, ,,.,, r, Ill( trlw ., ,., """''• /1 >' .., / ~w' •, •' t h.r:l•r 1ur.t1"'' f:.IM, .J! ... ,'iiJ Mt ..,,iJ ,_.., ""',, t/'Jn ,x!Jtt I ~ I " 1.t 1"' J , i '· ~z,, t:l'L r .. 'l'it Daily A Pilot K.it1:• .mJ 1.k.it.11111,·, Jrc· ,u1>1n1111 ~h.m¥c: \l.J1h11u1 nnll1.t: 111< puhh,hcr rc,..:r"c' thl' ngh1111 tl'n,<•t rl•1.IJ,,1I\. n.:' 1-...: nr re Jed Jn) l J.t,,1f1ct.I JJ\ 1.·n1,cm1.·n1 Pfc.t'<' r<·pon JO\ crror 1h.i1 ffiJ\ he m }11ur '"'''11.:J JJ 1mm,·J1Jkl\ The: t>.uh P ilot d•1.<'pt nu liah1li!\ lor Jll} crr11r 111 .in JU\crt1,cmcn1 lrtr "'h1th 11 nlJ~ h.,· rc,p.1n,1hk t:\1.cpl for rhc 1.0'1111 th1.· 'Jll11.c J1. lu.a.ll) 1x1. up11.•.J h) the error ( rl'd11 ... in 11nh hc .1l111"' J 1111 tht' '"'' in""niun Dt'adlinr~ ----.. \l11nJ.,1. l•l .. ,~··1·11 l• .. t\ I uc,olJ\ \lwt·dn< -.IJ1 fhur .... l 11 \I .,,1,,, < •~1)"111 'l,1tu1 l.1\ f It• l.11 'IW'f'111 \u1 IJ• \\,·,h .1 .. , < "~"n Laguna Niguel UOO YIAllLY llASl & UDO SUMMOI HOMlS Bill CR\Jt«>Y REAi. H.IR 94947S-6161 CIMonwl1t9 21r I lo A•llfl Now PrtV~t~ ee. ... h -aut -Hl!l1n ISlt $1560m l~ 949 718-1400 NIWT'Oltl HUGHTS ~r townhou!le Ip s.o( 111 ntw C¥pet. P•ho v~r nu SI 59f> 949 612 60)l :Sir 2.Slo, HPCre1t, lW., ' lfTl1UC mart'lle .... In bdl p pcr4. \IM _P'(l)Ti .... 96~/ Maw S2fr5D ..,.i b~:bl den palWJ CC>mft• POOi .... din ,_ •hi cond w~nowtM~ l l1u1-<l.J\ ~I llp11 f-n.l.11. 1 u ~,.,, 1-nJJI < llfi\1111 WAUt TO llACH, ,-1, ttnnf\ 4b1 7 .b• h"4' c•r " "'d ....., l'(lS ,,. nmn i .,. qcg 260 9'>78 , .. Newport Btacfl I Newport Coast ~ ~ ........... SUMMIT · St An1ou Home 2& 28a 7-<M pr, ?bf 2ba 2 car aar pool pvt beaches A/C $l5(X)mo gated comm, S7300 mo 714 9'JB.17'58 714 346 5713 Aat !M9 759 93111 ~-wi.-........ 48r, 'l'~ iQr pt. fully lur nl'.ihfod S4<Xn'f1o As;u cwllld Realty !M9cb7J.366J TIOVAJll ?br 2M 2 c ear. eated LOmmunoty pool dgl S2400 949 293 463 I ' II VACATION RENTALS 12 13 Btadlf#ater1ront Rentals 7905 caw Pitiiiilit lliiniilli 1• Cottaue on Ckeill1 BMI. iettv & ocean -· w:>I< to bd1 Sept 1-13. 928·525 1950 Brldge i -_Au_11_1_• _______ ... _ .... __ .. ____ llA11 By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANN.AH HIRSCH WF.E.KLY JRIDGE QL11; Q 1 • Bath vulntnlblc. ID Sooltl 'j()J hold: • K Q 1751 ~ Q 9 J O 6 •A 10 5 The biddm& lw oroccedcd; SOl!nt Wl'St NORTH •• 2 2 ? Whal cJo you b1J °""' ., Q l -A' Sooth, vul~rublc, yvu hold: Q 4 -Both vu.loerable, yw "'*1. •AJt5 9 9152 o l(ll4 •15 ParolCr opcos the bidding with one club. What do yoo t'C6pOOd? Q S -Ooth \uh1er.1hlc. &.\South you holJ. K63 • J 1076 1aw·11~u..a 2 ell. r.•1/tan, 5 19, SUMOO , full pwr, l200() 714 878-M5S ••w ''7 n., <-me1att1c ci.111 blul/&r•Y 1th 1. superb cond tll1ou1hout Sl5,4t5 vt672C2l ...... •.... ,,.,.,,,_ l•W'toJISI 1111• naw 8Ma.n. 4 d1. auto, 1<1611 ml, ac, aunrf. f~. tint. C• smo1 714 ·651 ·4'16 l IMW 'ti U Co""· auto white/tan tthr. CO. beautiful hke new cond, $17.995 v!i9724 fin & Wllf Miii 8kr 9$58&-1888 www,ecpel.ceM •112 .:i A J KQJ1093 •J76 The bidding has pllA'.eeded. sount Wl'Sf NONTH £A.~,. 1 • •• 2 2• The bitlding tuts proceeded: NOR'Tlf r.AST sourn I Pass I• 4'(1 !'Hi ? What action do you 1akt'I "f_FEr Ce41Mec 't4 SLS Sevllle 87.5k ml, eood cond, bl•c' cherry, lthr, new llrn $4500114 7~ 1794 Wh31 Jo )'lltl hid 11(1\\. '! Q 6 -A' South. \Ulncrablc. you hold a.y.:, 'M New Y...tt. l 5 116 I owner. 4l k Q J -"' 5''ltlth. \ulncrahlc. )t)U hold. • "9 4 8 AJ763 •k952 •clu•I m 1. books records metalhl tur · quoise/tan llhr, lully loaded, like new S5250 ""667218 Bkt 9"9 586 1888 •K7 J K 10117 VJ6 •HJ www.ecpelil.ceM 8200 w~.-...­seek' room & bath (partial) l!•d'lane;' '"' llgllt hous8eetWli & ~' N'1 C.,..111& or nutWR Reltrences 949 673 5192 JOBS OFFERED \\'hat Jo )OU h1J 1111\\. 'I Corve tte '19 Coupe auto 6°" • mt, mtUll1c red/tan llhr. superb cond lhrouehout S9 995 Bkr 9ot9 586 1888 u1'1J. j11r t11Hh et 1 011 Munda\ PT s--..1 Dy-'< puOllt ~•s wifashlOO ..-.se n«ded to 111terest student.. •1 ~ educa hon throoiiti ctawoom pre\entahons ra\hlon DtNen backeioond a plt.r. Cat reqund CaM ~ Sumfl'IH Pl 767 3436 Ca reer OpportuftlllH I f I/PI po5 avail l ookonR lor 1nd1v1dual\ whCJ ar P 1 ~lldble, Ir 1endly •nd w1lhn& tu work Call us al I 866 604 8325 Pubh~h"'I! PROMOTIONS DlPAltTMl NT Community neWSi)-S 1n l)r~n~ County Yd<s ruH ,.,,,. J)e<o;Otl tu lllll!NlrW and WTrt1: st01..s. parllct pale 111 u1mmun<ty eVfllts. eteate <tnd paeinatt! P"flE"> and ~ Eacetlent u1mrnt101Callon ?.tlh. MY!. wdl wtlh Ult' public: Know AP Style Qua-UPress. PllotostlO(l. Multi Ad Ct e •lot P1ol1t 1e11I on MN:. and PC. CCI du1en up~11ente prelerrl!d Prooft Qdina t ... t Drue sa~requwed [0£ E .cellenl b"nelll ~ Ea..;~ wrrtine ~ and 5.atary requlf ement s to Lllll! ~@L.ltmesc:om SAl!S r ull llme IOSldl! UIM repr•senlatove lo sell Class1t1ed Adver llstn& at lo••I newspaper eroup Pho11e s1ln e•perot nce preferred Applicant •hould be a ~ell starter r ehablc. de•dltne and go.ii urieuted possess eHellent cu,t o mer ~rv1ce ab1hty Computer/ lyfltnfl skills r equu •d CClmpdny offe" excel lent b~nellt packa&e Pre \Crettnln& required (qual opportunity em ploy er Send resume with salary requirements i..ody~@LAfme..l.Offl ,_.fa• to ~-{094 TEUMAltKlTHS f /PT lor soltw.e co ., ~ e miMI lo tobS@OOpi"PCOfll Olcal~ www.e<polil.<..,. ,_......, :ISSfl ~ bUl/blUe 61\ ~ Sll4,500 •112635 °" NlWPO«T AUT~T 949-S74-S600 fenwi 'U 328 GTS Red/Cream low mites. full service $49,500 #Ol'lll!I Oli Nl'WPOltT AUTOSPOltl 949-574-$600 femirl '00 4S6M GTA s.tver/[jordeau• lK m1M!s u ceptiooal $134.'iOO .U9638 ow NIWPOltT AUTOSJ'ORT 949-S74-S600 f enwf '00 J60 Modena ~tl\r11ilo Sl!l.l.500 •122451 Otr NIWPOltl MITOSPOltf 949-574-$600 f...-1'17 ...... T 8llldv'T an n n-. s.B.'300 '°68391 Otr MIWPOltT MITOSPOltl 949-S74-S600 .... 79 Spllltor 2000 po:t1 nnq cond. I Bi "' ,_ CDl'N ~~ • •Ira lq>. Sl500 obO 562 42'> 1914 fOltD llO'LOMlt '92 -1-"'-~-. ...... c:_lllal..,,,,..,, el U b M & povrc>er'°(j CrNI little lrMS4JOtl orp1 -C<ll 'M9 18> fJT 16 • .,, ..... 't6 Cito baauhful black/crtun hllly to.dtd, s~wrOOl!l, Milt. Sl~ 71"7'!11-Z!litt ........ UO'U ~alimila $139.SOO '685256 ~ ~ Dir . •-4" '91 420 SU MIWPC!lf MnOSPOn Wlllt.e/pey ltllr, ClvOm&• --~ __ 7_ ... _,... __ _ whi.. low ml, Mlf*b ._ .. .,., 'ff 4.0 c:ond. $6995 Yf567281 SE 2b •c:tu1I ml. boob , Bk1 M9·686·1888 Htcords, I-owner whit•/ •-. .,.-•.c-l•n lthr, CO, runnln1 Ofda ..... 1 .. 't6 Allr<N"• boards/bru•h c1urds. 60ll ml bl11ek/erey lthr ltke new cond, v272848 mnrl, CO, labuk>U\ conci Sl8.995 fin & warranty thr o uehou't $6 9.95 a11111l8kr. 949·586 1888, vml457219 8111. -·.,...1·~-• H t -SH-IHI TOYOTA CAMIY LI' t4 -w.oc,.-1.,_ 4 door, S3k miles, auto, PW, PS, $5500 Private PHILUPS AUTO 01~ .. a-h Blot w/'BltHI, only 14K Mt Sporb I'll& (19478C) $25.980 01 MtW nsn *Pt Wlu te w/grey2 1t. M1tu Sports Pke (I 9S4 2 > S2!'> 980 99 E320 Sell•n Wt11te w/S•ddle leather . Muonr oot (19443> S29980 0 I Jo•'"" S Type Sr• Cr een w Saddle I thr. 28K m1 Moonrool (1911 21 $32 980 , .. Mercell., S600 Ch4rtoal w BIRCk lPdlh•r 18" Chrome Wheeh. M11onroof C19!>17t1 S29 980 01IMW 1 .. 01 E!l dl~ w Bto1ck. only J II\ Mil~\ ( 1948!>CJ SJ9.980 party 714·847-8288 Tre4e Le,t In A11owbtar/ 81& BHr, by the l•lle lor tale model car such H Merc edes, Ma a lma, l u us 909·!>44·1133 VW leotle 'ti Gl 1211 •Ctuat m1, 5spd. Stiver I bl.tck 1nl. pw pl. 111-.e new. lanln toc uvlna' S9400 v•752861 Bkr 949-S16-IHI -.ocpol.•- VW JnTA '99 Gl Older model, ddrk blue auto. ac c:d mnroof al svc records. •Int cond 64k mi s<J800Jobo 949 !J33 3349 Con 't 1ttlft to gtt 1001/ tltou rtpairjobs around tltt lto"u r Ltt tltt Cla.ssifitd Stnict Directory ltt/p JOU find rtliablt htl . ·-'--- BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVUS Sid• Tie 60' • m•ln channel Newport Beach. Brand new dooll Waler lo power 949-615·3222 93 n SUf' AVALUU IH Nl~T HACH $2SOQLlAH t4t-soo-1 oos IAY !$&AMO COVI •-l 31t beam. unhmrted ltncth. quiet & sale 949 m m1 or 949 673 1943 SELL your stuff through classified! 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Mo!laco Mod <I ~t n Mastt:t 1 $4,950/mo Cal Dom!:' 714 772 1811 a231 Rentals Wanted 7880 Desert Rentals 7915 Domestic Rereptlenl1t Part-llM• Employmenl 8400 ••r ly mor n1ngs & eve· ford '65 M ....... 9 Conver ltbl• tH 1g1nAI ownN. \Oltd ,dr $19.99'> obo 949 119 2943 949-574-7777 PHl1fS AllTO ,..,....(_ electronics and plumbers, to 1124 Port wt...i.r, 4br 31/>ba. 3 L~• gar. com p le tely remodeled 3,00011 S4,%0. C~ll Dome 714 772 1811 .211 S..klng 4J. r-. or am apt m CM/l 18 IOI rekable. dun 54/yr employed mdlc ~\. Trn 114-915lll3 <;,.t11011r Car in Clau ifird ! VACATIOl IOOALS SALES & IOOALS ePalm Sjlr111gSlralm llesef1 Contact Mlchael Anter l'l0·2SH450fl00 333-7ll7 golf desertvacallorts.com Best place In the world to advertise! Call today to p_lac~ your ad Classlfled 642--S&Tir \ --------nm&~ tor NB Heath Club CAJtfGNOt/COMPAMON Contact Mllo.e 949 !A2 :ms avaol•ble 101 err anrh ~llRtl!IYJU<A!~"' E •P ri+. 949 '>48 1185 Employment 8500 DRIVlltS WA.NTlD N<-wport & HunlJngton B<h Sf.I your own \t lwdutet Part,,. full """' ava1lablf' SI~ t d•Y lull llm• Call 888 DOI WORK u ~@ -DOlc.um Mw191't" ""'-'• ,.. ~ nerd ,..., r;...oo monry p(lllrrtllli """' Pf"" r Pl t •1 •K 114-?lf> 1~ .... -..... rood Runn~rs. Cashiers Kitchen Stall & Kitchen Ma~ POSlllOllS Appl! < •ll>'oM OIM• @ '1937 llr~tnl Parkw•y Cost• ~ "" Mon .klly 28 & Tue luly 29 I 6on1 only Automobiles -....,.......,...., Whrtettitn 14" 11*5 Sl29,000 11)(02994 0. NrM'OltT AUTOSPCMtf 949-S74-S60D HOME, HEAL TH AND SUSiNESS ~--- -HQ 0 R Callfornta t1w re quwl' that contt •c tors ta~ms iobs th3t total S500 0< more (labor or maleflals) be licensed by the Contractors Sta le I tCent.e Board State law also reQulfn lhJll contnctoo mctud' thew hcense number on 1111 o1dveft~111a. You can check the 1tatus of your l1~ensed co nl rac l o r a t www n ib ca aov or 800 321 CSLB Unh c:ensed contractors taklne 1o b \ that total less then S500 must sta te In the11 1dverttstmenh that they art not llcensed by the Conlfactors State License BOo11d • iY•••• ....... ""' NIC.U.111t4._. M.LINHVAC Alf Condttlonfftl lo Heat 1111 Sentce1188 ~ llll8fl&O~ Cll; 111 f A -Z HANDYMAN ln,tall. rel au cabinets ~~ ~ Ooue 714 546-'T'a carpet Repair/Sales .... c.,.t Saw, U on nyP lnRI rune carl)O eljll!l1 nst.Jf.~~. CJD -I IG'l91!> ~Kli O CAAPITo CARPOP R~p11n. Patcl11n11. Install Cour leous any srzt tobs Wholesale• 949 492 0205 Ceramic Tiie QuickKlean ~. don1 I~ blll/IJoul floors, counltn, 1'llMWS, delltrq _.. ~ &m-8!144 Clnning Touch of Klass European EllP"n m House Cleaning 20 yelr" m Busines' Licen 'iCCl & Bonded Prorc<1siooal team~ us1gncd lo Your Home: (949) 548-0097 nw &c1malc~ Rercrcnce~ pnflt Clcamni Specials Computer SeMces COMPUTER H ELP! • ""-' .r.r., ..... .. ,.. ...... •!It•• ·~ •WtDPlgtt~•G ·~­·Ob~ • Dolf Ibo,~"'* • »""5Ccrrp.9"'-H11t> UC....._,~, 10 y,. c.......-Eap. 7 14-612-2786 l#HOM & IUSl#ESS •EPAl•S Uperades R-epairs of Computer. Networks Even mes/Weekends C-Ompel1tlve pr Ices for quality SMVIC. t494U-11 7S 714-t26--42U • Concrete & Masonry l rl<k lled1 St-Tia. Cone.rm. Ptllo, Orrvew1y Fireplc, BBQ Refs. 2SYn Eap. Terry 714-557 7594 Th•C-tM• CementWO<'k, Brick. Ttle I More Reliable Ho )Ob too small 714-61S·9062 VIMTUltA MASOMltY Resrdent..i Concftla I Masonty StlVICO Stone, Bro. 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Cillllrill oJobJOoS....a 0.fta...lltoa M9-SJJ..8292 HandymarV Home Repair nx "" SPICWIST. All IYP<!' of repairs C tee tr Ka I pluml>lnl. doon. ""'b!r heaB's. ~ & mae 24Nfldl'!'> 714 l66 1881 Hauling JUNK TO THE DUMPlll 114· 968-188? AVAILABLE lOOAYI 949-673·5!.66 UNA'S HOUSI C1IAHltG Ew-opean ~ lcr IS ~'*ences l~ 714-342456 Open7 o.y. LowRat• Ston1ge Spec;Uila Since 1981 94~ Im MOVlt$ $SS/Mr. Servlflt Al Crtin lnsurtlcl TI638'4 800-246-2378 3ZJ..6».9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Cal1I P11bllc utihlles Commlulofl le(IUifH lllat all usff h o usehold 1 000 mo••" rrint lhtif P.U.C. Ca T number; limos •nd ch•uHe11rs print their l .C.P numb« in all adv.,. tlstm.nta " '°" ha'fe any ,..,etllou •bo11t lh• •11t1t, ot a mover , llmo or cllwffeur. ctM: NIU( """"'' (CNUlllllOll .,, ..... , INFINITI X4 200 I 1u1y loaded. sm :a m1, t>rorlll"/&Ud. Ith ll'lle. bnttld Wfld 'ilHoof k~ lad\. IOI boll $26.(XX) Wllt1 e • t.lf1ded Wlffl 949-463--4889 Poncho tox1w S '00 bldd</btKJI l.Ji< "....,. SJ/.~ #6617 r> Dli NfWPOtll AUTOSl'OAT 949-S74-S600 le•on '92 SC JOO C...,. Porllh• '99 Carrera VW'J r.in ~ rf'd/l.an Ill 4611 mo Lit. blk lthP t D '-al ~lltm:\. """"'° chrome whls "'" M W SD9i19m 'll/8 l47 000 V•6'l70':Jl It Me1do '99 Ml•t• Con• 4'>k mt 1uto s1lvf'• tan top f'W pt A C CO \u~rb hb nf'w cond v• I 1914J S9 99'> ltnan'llli ' w.,,.nty av.11 Bkr 949·!>86 1888 w-.oc,.-1.c .... A"'" ll4erly In H-• ....... c...s..a .......... Baltq. ~ ctuneie. mem. [) IPPb. et<. .... r..ts. C«Uled JI 4-321 6733 12/t+ri..-H- Nwtl ... Cwe Sday' wk M r . 7a 7p Have eaten s1v• Medical B1kernd as well u beina hc:en5ed as I YN aw Witt commit lo other •HP as well Satar y neeollablt Kevin Hm 949 !>59 0?70 Per 9ot9 5~9· 2246 S4rtp & ............. Custom Hand Painted ""'• & Fata. P.ntq, Mm lot hh !m-6111 Eli64: """"' "IJtU, ~. ~Professional Painting Le~ latedlr/Eztedm DaMlft...., C.-lllttkJ Rob llbtll -Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (9'49) 646-3008 Cell 9'49-887-1480 n.rn<•ni & W•ll •~A•I ij~r 949 Sl6·11H -.• ....... _i:._com _ sm ,.-. dm6' Palrtlng m'S OISTOM PAINT'ltG Prot't. dun qu~hly worlt tnl'!flOf/e•I M•d docks t n03468 949 631 4610 Jey...,•a Pelfttlftl I°" Quahty Competitive In tef IOI /h I l '648228 C11t Jay 949 ~-5066 ltAJNIOW Cll<U MMff Pamtinc~•t. Houw/-.,. Qt1•hly fOI>! I ree ~e l •569897 714 636-88811 _.., .. C-.p Stnd your bHt fr"'nd to c•mp wlule you ao on vac•tion. Sale, lrlendly & lun rnountelfl environment t l Ltllle Anowtiud lot M>Clahzed dop Ho kMtnels WMtkend limo service lo Mld from camp 909,SJ6-S61S ..... _...... Stwue._,.., TeatC...r..-k t4t-64S-ttH De "-•LI SO SUS CAUGHT IN THE ACT ' I ' landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot ' Classifi ed Community Marketplace T • adf•.slon of ~Ill J llangen S£WE.R JCntNC flfCJROHtC SL AB lf AA 0£ rECllOH r 11eadly Service 949 -675 -9104 -~4lrll l •75249? ln>ur@CI NICJSIPWM ... Reparr1 & Remodelinl f'REE ESTIMATt S-..T ..... ~ En1Ush IHc:hu. pro· hulon1I writer . I speclallie In procr11tl natlna lHns. Summer 111din1 Coach hp'd composition 1 aac:her lnd1vldu•VG1oup rates, relerencn anllabl• Sue Clar• M9 275 4905 L'687398 714·969-1090 WllC&sallp ,...... TMIS,....._I •M.k , ... & Stte he. w=~ .. WMly S¥'f'ice, Equip· 1.11591241 M9·~l211 rntftt R.,.n. tn.ured Cel t4t-2t2-7171 .... 011'1 eo&MllWIJT -OWlllWI Satisfaction ~11111-4 .. ....., •. ,512 .. , . •aOOCJ Ford Rebafe qtJ OY.A.P.R.* For BO Mns . on approved cred1ton 2003 EXPEDITIO":J, Exp lorer 4-Dr. F1 50 Reg. Cab I Supercab (excluding SVT). Ranger, Windstar, E-Van 1Vew1'"1~Pocus ZX.3 ::3-Door lf/I ( ()"IJ# I/()"'"' I Stereo CD,alumlnum wheels,spUt Sales Price: rotd rear-seat.as~ Ford Rebate: Sur( Board t1'lI Included ID 11411))111) 11'3118</D 110115(() 11'9Sl1WJ "~ I> 111SlJ6•f! #11(;J()l1 f) 11'9SOJ f) 11761!6 f), 161J81 Net Cost ~~ Get 0% APR . f« ri!!J flfM. oe lf>IJIOttd credit oa AJJ aBJ 'OJ focUJ (excluding SVTJ /Vewll'f:~j Rangerr#•Illa •w; "' mo 1·1 ., t 1 H • Air cond,.l.OL V6,-' speed.aluminum wh~ls.All·Terraln tfrr:!l.color lfeyed bumpel"!J.r-.ISttt •x• hood I> l!SJ701)1> lll6J11S D lllil4T1D ltSJMOI II> '91WOSI • Net Cost /Vew lll~j P 150 : Long Bed 5ttt'f!O a~tte,4\.5 §~. 8 ' long bed ~.'1118) .0 •5~ r •IWB!T v 11toJZ4F ID •~J.ni !Vew 1C1:J; F 150 XLT Supercab 111:11.plllll•QQll (6) DIM. CD,power wlndows/dOtN loc.b.tlll.crulH.remote eatly,•.lt V6. $speed * * * BONUS BUYS * * * /Yew [WFocus ZTS : 4-Door ~~~':tte~~~~: $1f;.1{~ In Duh (6) D&c CD.remote entry.rev • ¥OUa,pwr wladows/dr loc.kt.Ult,crul~ Net '10975 1om1s10dl1 1~D11~ Cost , . /Yew [W Ranger XLT Supercab saies Pnce $1~ Ford Rebate 1 1 1 Automatlc traru.pwr wind/dr locb,remote • Bonus Cash-MllMIJ entry,alr cond.rear j ump seat,.J.OL V6.AB5 Net $ brakes.stereo CD 1D 1a11JASwtDiai J•o t:M·...,.. :i •sJISJO o m 184 • Cost 12975 /Yew~ Taurus SE . Valu e Pkg sa1es Pnce: $1it!J.l&i ~ • Ford Rebate: 1 1 ,. . • Bonus Cash-Mi1J1JI) near spoilcr,(6) Disc CD.pwr driver's seat/ '*J44.7S ildjustable pedals Net '7 ,,,1,iJB1 •iMsac1. J • • .II Cost !Yew [W Explorer Sport : 2-Door ~~~~s:;:a~e s1:.~r,~ Automatk trans. V6.air cond.ptt-r windows/ • 5975 door /<Kitt.stereo CD Net $1 •Dlf95W'l)I( e ~ Cost , /Yew l'W Escane XLT : Moonroof saies Pries $214!! Y Ford Rebate : ~ AutomaUc trans.(6} Dl.5C CD.fog lamps.power • •19975 windows/door /ocb,air cood,step bars Net ~ 1>1£110/l\llDIU ~1)11 n' . Cost . , /Vew '0.3 fXPEDlTlOIV: Eddie Bauer Sales Pflce $32 4 75 In Duh (6 } DIM. CD.to..-p1'g,leath~.rear air . Ford Rebate iirz,z,z,i con~t.power driver's seat/adjustable • N t $~4.75 ped&l!J.pt1Yr t1Ylndotu/door locb.Ult,crul~ e '1>1Glti!S•OOJ • ~~ ;o;.. Cost 1 /Yew (1JJ Thunderbird Convertible M .s .R .P.: $3:.055 Latther.•uto .U cond.(6) Disc CD.DOttC VB • Ken Grody Dlscounr: _fll:/IJ • •• Lot.9 of l'Un N t 349'75 11!1114/IJ Dlll41!M)I '4l!D ' e Cost !Yew (1AJ EXCURSIOIV Eddie Bauer 4x4 ~~s:::,.~,,.. $4f.:~ DIM. CD,beated 5e41t!J ... Power to Spare Net $ ~ 7.lj~ naf>o D#escl,leather.rear D VD.In Dash (6) • Bonus C ash-. IMillUIJ e>QO;Coi~l\lll'D16':11Jcll) Cost ~~IO ·rou MUST qu~~with and finance with ford M~or Credittoget Bonus Cash.* *0°/o APR financing ror 36 months ~36 paymen~or ~2i.ii per ~1000 borro~td. *0°/o APR financing ror 60 months~ 60pa'fillen~of ~16.67 per~ I 000 OOrrowed. ~ jla',Mt cash, or trade, ~ rrom I~ to 35~, depending on )OUT own credit\\orthin~ as determined br ford Motor Credit. lndi\idu~ circumstances may ~low for a higher or lower down payment. Some customers may not qualify. Applies to new vehicles only. Residency restrictions apply. Expires close of busines.s 7 /29/03. JVew fC1AJ F 150 XLT Supercab Im IWJlili:Ctnl ... 6" V8,.utonU1tlc U..s.ln Dldb (6) D&C co . .J.-'-' LS 11.Ide • .ir cond.pwr wlndows/IO<U. Ult. crulff,4 Doors, remote entry ID 1810.lf;ID '51918tl•ID HJ6S50-fJ 18101JJlllD M95J87 I> HI I IBl•ID lll/161ZJ rJ1a11'88•1D 1117tin I) 1519SJ5 JVew k1~·Explorer XLT: 4-Door n /H °'" !'"' II ·U I " Ill .. < < 0 Sales. Price: '1•,91 S · Ford Rebate: MW !Vew fC1AJ F 150 XLT SUPERCREW lllJllMll.Jifftl 10..polie .ium wheds,P176/60R·l 7 Olt'L tka.•lr cond.n.mote entry. power wlndows/dr loclu,tllt.cru~. •11kHINltlc trans, •.6L VB.stereo CD ""' '1111aus·o. :>f(SJS~ •D ICDZ!• ':> l(llQji1I ;)1(8 (:()(' Sales Price: ford Rebate: BonusCash"~:~=ttiiliill!I:~!!!!!!!!~~~ New '03 EXPEDITION XL T 1m11a11:w1n1 l"Ofl¥'W tll1rcr• H11t.rat1ole entry. po.er ~ws/door lodca.tllt.. ~ cond..teno CD, .., .. pffc ,,... ,, lf1U 1"1 ll!leSOll) fMllllll> fM I JQ5 111 IOllCTlfJ ICW19> llO#fllUI, l!D ICllllJ n Sales Price: Ford Rebate: oa Approwd' Credit. Mnandng rates wry depending on aedl worthtnas of customer m determined by rord Credit. Some customers wtll not qualify. "us go'lel'1UTICftt rees Md tua, my ftmnc:e dlllges, 111J dealer document preparation c~. and any ern19k>n tat1ng C'.M9· Thia Id excludt.s Ill It.lies. ldlll ,_,._only, subject to prior sale. r..xp1res dole of bu.tlneSs 7 /29/03. ' • ! FINANCING .FOR 60 MONTHS In ueu of Factory Rebate on Most New 2oo:s ModelS on Approved credit 0% APR Mancing is $16.67 P8f thousand bom:M«J ptJr month L\:Mn piJfrfT1IJf7t ...-<J.psta,g on ~s ~Not al CUJfOm8n v.fl qualfy. ~----.-.------____ _, ....,,,_...,,._....,,,,,, •11,000 Fllt:ftwy R""""' •3,000 .....,,,.. ..... .,,,,,,,,, •T,000 Fllt:ftwy R""""' •3,000 :i.,,,..•f lllrmJIWW«N:~ ___ .,,,,,,,,, •114, 130 •• ,.,. .,.,,,,,,,,, •7,442 Sale 6 Price .~ ....,,,_ .... _..,,,,,, •7,000 Fllt:ftwy R""""' •3,000 . =....•r Test Drive Our Full Line of Pre-Owned Vehicles On Line@ NabersAutoMall.CORI W1 t:llfff ••• Lii Ault1. Ai: M(lfM Srno 8 Gwt Ga1 S5995 ,,,..., (4258/701485) . . . . ~ 1-l'O#flA& ~SE ~Ai: PrMW~ CDS 11-r Sfim $polierl (4162/812389) .......... . alllf l'O#flA& ~SE AuM. Ai: Tit. CD. R#lf SptJ/llt fJ Mor.t ~so t4122/197096J . . . .............. I I , .. ~~ &tlnded Mrwlrl 2nd Stiig Door, ~ Power. l.lhf. Quad S.ling (4601/33' 185) ' ...,,. . .,,,,,. ~Air. Ful Pow#. CD. Roolrd s10 970 fJ A/loys (4690/138221) . . . . ' aoza.rr•'• . ~Ai:,,_~ CDS Only •10 975 13K MINI (4166/~71080) ... 'tffi ..,.,,,,.,.,.,.,, Ful f'rMw, CD. LMtlw. OnSw 575 8 Alloyt(4604/151976) . . .. ' .., ,,..,,. AZ1f« AulQ. Ai', Ful Pow#. CD ~ •11 975 Moonroo/11~(4277/601692)... ' W l/llB/f 111 ar-. '( (C«tilf«I)~ Ai'. 3ld Doot Fi#~. $1 CD.Mitrl~28KM/{414VJ()897') 1 ,975 MSpecl•I Flnmnclng Av•ll•ble" 1 IRE SOUTH OF 1111 411 FREEWAY · www.nabersautomall.com I \ ....... Ii "Mor,.-SaL 9am to 9pm •Sun. lOam to 6pm ............. Mon.-Fri. ?am to 6pm • Sat Sam to Spm ,. ,.,. ... ,..ft (c.tdied} Auto. ,A,. ,,_ C#'oc.A a:>~ -. $ ii L11athef 8 Low Mt#s! (4627/243003) . . 1• l'O#JIAC .., .. (c.rm.d) 2nd Si*w £bir. ~ Al. <llld $Mong 8 Onty.41K Mllfs! (4179/285360~ f Z003.,.. csm.r Auto, Air. Ful Powa-. CD 8 A-.omtl s13 875 (4621/103867). . . . . . . . . . • . . . ~ ZOOO'*YIUll &a\= LmittJd. Autci Air. ,,_ ~ CO. LMthef 8Sharp/(4643/212163) .... ,., ...... AutD. Ai: Fvl ""'-; CD. Alo,s 8More/(4471/312666). ~ ' , .. t:l#lrRBI ... -.. --~-·i1or10 8 Premun ~ (4593/784174) .• 191.,, EXl'llJS ,., ~ 4.31., ~ M l'fMW ~a I' Pnc«J Right! (4624R/2~) .....• ,., Al'IJM .,.. • ~Au*>. Ai'. £Mflw8 t..cw • ~ (4406/097119) ........• ,,,, aMJM lntil ID 111 Pot.tw. IW ,,,.,,,.,,, ..,,.,.., 8 11 67K Mil#/ (4539/824889) ........ . ,. UlllM lffl.U Fvl ""-: lMth#. Imitation Conv Top s15 -Ptrnilln ..,. 8 48K Mi (46()()/704868} ' , • ._,..a, 111 Pcwet. R#lf At lMtMr, Tow !'to. s1 5 - 8LowMiltlll1'280/91684). . . • . . ' , ........ , .. . Autl IWr At ~ Prlwet. CD. 3rd S.t _ . $ Tow 1'ti> 8 £hY 11/K Mil (4615T/723889J ,. Jml11Jf9m1Jf Bld~~Aln..&rru s11 a & LMtlwf (4602/211893)......... • ,.,,.,, • ...,.ar 111 Pcwet. CD. A1kYts. Tow Pkg. 8 $1 ~ 2eK ~ (46361/240268) .... Jml C'"IM SlllU IU Ful l'oww, S.W, CD. Tldon Control •19 935 & ,.,,.. ('626/2I0261) . . . • . . . . ' Jml UMl# ag ... " Ful A>Mr; lMtlw. PremNnt ..,,.,.., I .,_....,(4W/10til .. J .......• Jml l"'IM llllU 111 MM Mn.. Edi& PremNnt "'-* $~ & Mott/ (4'11/'65123) ....•..... _,UMUlllllU (c.tllet4~JIDltw. CD. QiS1lr. ~ M4 -~8A~(4677/21~87~J ""~f " Exceeding Expectations ~Ince 1967 _,,., .. ar ~ IWrAI. Poww~ CD, LMttw.~$ 3nf S.C. Tow /tfJ Plwll..,,., (4570/192144) .,,,.,. .... 6 ~ ~ 6. 7l. Rllm Ai' Hlndfing PfqJ. LMtlw 8 Mon/ (4542/106676) ,., CUllM lfflU~ ~ Poww. CD. Prwnilln Soc.nt. MootwooC Item ~ 8 Slwpl (4496/203141). . ,835 Jml CWllC llCAl.W$ (CMtlllld)~,,.., Ai:~ 5-n 25 -LMtJw (J ,,.,,., (4463/181063/. . . . ' Wc.Nlt&--.U. Fvl /loww, co. ()ISw. Albtw 8 •21,• Showroom,,..,, (4668/107814) .... ., .,,,,, .. " M1t>. RMt Ar. 3td s.t CD, Albtw 8 •21,• Show1oom ,,.,,, (4638/1831<>4} l#IC'"IM-.U Ful /loww, CD. ()ISw. ,_,., g •33,B Showroom,,..,, (4310/1078'1) •... Wa"''C'~ RMt Ak. M AMew. ct> Sllllatw. ()1$1w 8,.,.,,, .W..('690/10027:~ . '720 191.At .. U Fulf'!Olltlet. ........,~ S45,820 8~ (F41166) ..•............. .... H•bl• l!Spilftol"