HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-28 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' I ----:-~~~~---::--~~~------------~------------------...... IN BUSINESS Air Force, Army come here to shop Argo-Tech and Ceradyne are supplying products to the U.S. military, with new contracts signed in the last two months. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Continued military ac- tion abroad, in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been a boon to two local businesses sup- plying hardware to troops. ln the last two months, Argo-Tech Corp. and Ceradyne Inc. have announced new contracts expected to add more heft to their bottom Jines, as weU as the local economy. Argo-Tech Corp., a Costa Mesa division of an Ohio-based manufac- turer, has pinned down a deal with the Boeing Co. to • a .1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JULY 28, 2003 MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Boats competing in the 68th annual "Flight of the Lasers~ take off at the starting line in Newport Harbor on Sunday aftemoon. f ' ·" I INSIDE supply pumps. valves and For more other equipment for the Roll, roll, roll your boat r---1 business new KC-767 tanker. news, see "We are growing and we Page A2 are picking up some jobs here and there." said Terry Walker, a company vice president "It does give us a solid base." Boeing developed the JCC-767 as a re- placement for the KC-135, which the Air Force has used since debuting it in 1956. About one-fifth of that Oeet is now out of service and in need of repairs. Boeing and the Air Force have struck a deal to replace 100 aging JCC-135 tankers with JOO JCC-767s. A plan to lease the planes to the U.S. government has been approved by the White House and Penta- gon and is awaiting approval by Congress. Argo-Tech finaliud a deal with Boeing in March to supply state-of-the-art pumps and other hardware used by the tankers to fuel fighters and other planes in mid-air. The company supplies a patented pump. See ARMY, Pa1e A4 Coral Wiison Daily Pilot A strong breeze added to the challenge on Sunday for the 61 laser-class and 9 byte-class srriaU sailboats competing in the 68th annual Right of the Lasers race. The first boats to return to the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub were not the winners. but those that had capsi7,ed, dunking their skippers. "I fell out of my boat and flipped probably seven times and one death roll," Nicholas Ramming. 10, said. "I'm only 71 pounds, and Wind makes it difficult for laser boats in annual race to stay upright it is reaUy windy out, so I kept flipping." Undiscouraged by his early return to shore. Nicholas said falling in the water is aU part of the fun. - "It's fun to go out there, and it's cool to go fast, and it's fun to flip over and go in the water," he said. Olristopher Segerblom, 11. said the wind was heavy and he and his brother were too light, causing them to capsize multiple times. Eventually, they had to call for assistance. "We sort of just didn't have the best day." he said. Some sailors said they enjoyed the wind, which added to the excitement. "It was really fun," Brooks Oark. 12. said after finishing the race. ·we got a puff going downwind at 20 knots, we started planing and then we shot off like a rocket.· The event, co-hosted by the Commodores Oub of the Newport Beach Olarnber of Comml!rce and the Newport Harbor Yacht See BOAT, Pa1e A4 Elephants don 't work for peanuts Dixie and Kitty, who give rides to fairgoers, take their pay in cinnamon rolls and candy apples, their handlers say. Cor•I Wiison Daily Pilot E lephants Dixie and IClny enjoy visiting the Orange County Fair for two simple reasons - cinnamot:frols a Cindy appJes. "Their life revolves around food, and that's all they care about." said Keith Jones, elephant handler and caretaker. Dixie and Kitty, both even-te~ and gentle. were chosen to come to the Orange County Fair this year. FY1 The Orange County Fair is closed on Monday Johnson and her husband, Gary, started Have Trunk Will Travel. and now elephants are part of the family. ·0nce you start to do it. there's nothing else more interesting,· Kari Johnson said. "They grow on you. They are like f'amily. You get so attached to all oft.hem." For many children at the fair, a short ride on an elephant is more thrilling than a roller coaster. On SUnday. children replaced their worried looks with a smile. once they were safely on the ground. MARK C. DUSTIN /ONLY Pt.OT Brothers Luke Dawson, 10, front, and Jake Dawson, 12, back, take a ride on Dixie the Indian elephant at the Orange County Fair on Sunday morning. Taking fairgoers on rides is one way the elephants earn their living. Jones said. The seven elephants from Have Tumk Wlll Travel, a Perris, Callf.-based ranch. generate their own income by giving rides, doing shows and appearing in movies and commercials.. "They support (the ranch] themseJves," Jones said. "They work like responsible citizens." Jones' stepfather was a well-known elephant tra.lner, so his famDy grew up around elephants. His sister Karl •That was fun," Tiffany Mabes. 5, said after her ride. 'We got to ride the elephant and it was wobbly." Jake Da.WllQP.12. said hewu See ElEPHANTS. hp M THINKING ALLOWED CoSta Mesa gets hip joint 'transplant Daily Pilot ATAGLMCE ONnEWD: www._.,,.com WEATHElt ~ ltoould···· ~-....,~-........ Al IPom • 11 • A2 Monday, My 28, 2003 Dail'J Pilot YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT A step back in time and in~o the ZDne Fun Zone's Ferris wheel a feature of the peninsula coastline since 1936. Kris O'Donnell Daily Piiot 0 n the Balboa Peninsula, the Balboa Fun Zone, with never an[enttance fee, is one of Sou them California's oidest and last great coast.al amusement areas. THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE I No shame in these mistakes .i ,,, , .. ,, _..>1· Since 1936, the Fun Zone's Ferris wheel has been a day and n~dmark on the Newport Harbor scene. In 1986,-the Fun Zone was rebuilt from the ground up. L et's call them "no-shamers" - little language mistakes that are so common, so easy to make that even adept writers make them. For those of you reading between the lines here, you can interpret that as "mistakes June might make and afterward claim that they don't reflect badly on her language abilities." But just so this isn't all about me, l'U use a couple of examples from notable, weU-spoken, but nonetheless unnamed members of Newpon Beach's city government. "We're doing about the same amount of business as we dld last year.~ Arcade Manager Bill Hudson said. "We are definitely busier, however, on overcast days like today. When it's FYl Balboa Fun Zone Is on the Balboa Peninsula at 600 E. Bay Ave. (949) 673-0408. Parking is available in municipal lots next to the Balboa Pier. The hours of operation are 11 a.m. to 10 p.m . Monday through Thursday; 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. sunny, people are generally apt to spend more time wodcing on their tan.· Hudson said that the arcade -and the Fun Zone In general -draws people of all ages and from all over. VtSitors to the arcade are able to win and accrue point tickets.and trade them In for valuable prizes that Include: small toys, air-powered rockets, sailboats and large stuffed animals. "I just won 1,500 ticlc.ets on this 'Speed Demon' game," said 16-year-old Tony Kaai, a vacationer from Las Vegas. The Fun Zone and adjacent structures are more than just fun and games. "I like coming down here because there is so must history In this landmark.· Santa Ana resident Mary Russell said. In 1948, after more than a decade of leasing the property. Al Anderson purchased it from tract owner Fred Lewis. Anderson owned the Fun Zone until 1972, when a lawsuit forced him to sell. The property was then passed from lending institution to lending institution until Jordan Wank purchased the Zone In 19115. Wanting to refurbish the landmark. Wank obtained a pennit from the city to bulldoze it and rebuild. "Area redevelopment has slowed activity here,• said Oiarlie Maas, Harbor Cruises office STEVE McCRANK/OAltY PILOT People take in the view as they ride the Ferris wheel at the Balboa Fun Zone on Friday. manager. "Parlcing has been the major problem, but that wilJ eventually be corrected." Bob Speth and Joe TunstaJJ formed Balboa Fun Zone Rides Inc. and signed a 25-year lease to operate the Ferris wheel and the merry-go-round. In 1994, they became the owners of the entire Fun Zone. Under the guidance of Tunstall and Speth, the Balboa Fun Zone is now visited by more than a million people a year. In a recent e-mail, a cenain ciry official used the word "'tiJ." as in, ·1 didn't get your message 'tiJ thtS morning." Contrary to all things good, JUSt and right in the world, "'til" is Wrong. Though JUNE common sense CASAGRANDE would dictate that that's how you'd shorten "until," i1's simply not true. It should be "till." the same word as the one you use for "to till the soil" or "to have your hand in the till.· According to Webster's New World CoUege Dictionary, "lil, ·minus the apostrophe of course, is a variation on "teel, ·which U. "the oil of sesame .seed." Isn't that a stinker? I learned that one the hard way. After years of wrongly looking down my nose at the people who did it right. I was curtly put in my place. But I feel no shame, In part because I was in good company: I've seen this mistake on ·nie Simpsons. • Yeah. yeah. it's a cartoon. But it's really brainy and an excellent source of all things worth knowing. says me. And if those Harvaid-educated hotshot comedy writers can make that mistake in linle signs in the background at Moe's Bar. I think we can cut me some slack. Another flub once made by someone on the Newport Beach payroll pertained to the word "myriad." I don't remember the exact quote. but it was something like, "We have a myriad of problems to addres.s. • BUSINESS CALENDAR Unieed MedlOdlll Oud't, 1701 w, 8ebr St. Colla M.a. (714) 54CM44&. Though that's not exactly wrong. it's not exactly right, either. Most writing pros agree it's better to drop the ·a· and the ·of' as if they're already incorporated into the word "myriad." The dictionary isn't very helpful on this one, except to people who find it Interesting that the noun is from the Greek and means •ten thousand.· A more useful source on this is the ·Los Angeles Times Style and Usage Guide,· which says of•myriad": •Preferred use is as an adjective: 'Myriad stars filled . the sky.' It is gaining usage as a noun, although It makes careful writers squirm: 'a myriad of stars.'" . Send·--r.A&BCIM llilrns lD 1he DllilV Plot. 330 W. a.v St, Collll Mela. CA92827; b¥ e-mll to ,,... •• ..,~bvflDctoC. ~17Qorbv~Ml 9M298. lnd&lda8" ..... d9end ~ afthtewnl.•Wll •• CDMlllphone number. A~ llflng 11-. 1llble • wudllll'>plotcanL lheC:O-. .... ~ 1«zt1 •lwtaub ,.,,.. tom noon to 1 p.m. Wedi...-.,.. 811he er.. Couriy Dlper""*1t al Edladon, 200 Klllmul DIM, Collll Miia. M111( IQI we oi-1 to MVOM who .,.....,~ .. otherpublc ...... ig ..... (714) ....... n.a.-alll 11 I k aa..IW-tlr bnllllcfall on~ tom 7to •am. •the \1lege r.rm.. Soultl C... .... Wlgl,.1 s. .... St.,No.B11llwn 111111911._b .. •s•villlln For more ilbmllan, Clll ~ Jn.1111. llseNr ,attc..rll a IL ac:lllltlll- from 7t>8:30am. Mal .......... aa.., ... ~O..OIM.;tli ,a,....._ ... ... l11ellk ,, ........ • I u•9'r11 11 a11 aQa 1300 ..... tam 7 lD. p.m. ~ .. Piiia Colege, 3IOI Mlallll•lllld.. ~ 8-1\. Cel to Miike ,_ ........ .._1m No shame there. ' n. ..... 111111 -···-. k ,cw,., ... COlll Mma ,,_Ill 7 p.m. Tu.taya Ill M.-'Jlrde . DailyAPilot VOL 97, NO. 209 r ) . News Editors Gina Alexander, Lori Andereon, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, Denlef Stewnt NEWSSTIU=F Crime~ c:!:'~. (949) 574-<Wt d#Nlpa.bharwth•i.t1,,,...com June:....C•• Newport Beech reporter, (949)57~ iul'Hl.cnsgrande•t«ime..oom ..... CIMon Politlct, bush,.. ind environment reporter, (949) ~ psut.c11mone1ar1,,,...com l.alt8 Herper Columnist, culture ~rter, IMI 574-427& lol/ta.hllrper•IMl,,,...oom 0... ......... eo.t. Meu f'9PC)ftlr, (949) 57oM.221 "-lrdr9..MWmlltl•,.,,,.,._oom CONIWllM N-. ........... , .. ,~ ~~• ..... c:iom PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Doo L.each, Kent Treprow READERS HOTUNE (949) 642-$)86 Record your commenta about the Daily Pilot or new. tips. Add ..... Our address It 330 W. Bay St., Coste Meu, CA 92627. Office hours 1re Monday -Fridly, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. CoMctiofta It it the Pllot'a policy to promptly comtet 1ll 1m>n of aubst.lnoe. PIMM call (949) ~4. FYI The Newport~ Meta \Dally Pilot IUSPS-144-800111 published daily. In Newport Beldl end Cotta Mesi, eublcr1ptlons are 11v1ll1ble only by subecriblng to The Times CX.nge County 18001 252-9141. In arMI outalde of Newport Beach and Costa M .... 1Ublcriptlona to the O.lly Piiot .,. avallable only by fll'llt dlM mall for S30 J*' month. (Pricee Include all applicable etate and local taxee.) POSTMASTER: s.nd ~ ~ lO The N9wport ~Mela Deily Pl~~· 8oJC 1MO, eo.t. MeM. CA.,_'(' Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advenisementa herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Circ:uletion The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwl1'1t119 CtlnlftM (9491642·5678 Dilpl9y (9'9) 642"'432, EdltofW News (949) 842-6680 " lpofta (949) 574-4223 ,.....,.. (949) ~170 Spotta Fu (9491650-0170 E-mlllt d•llypllotet•tifMf.oom Melne>Moe .......... Ollloe (IM9) &42"'4321 ......... ,... (949) 831-7129 Publithed by Tim. Community News. 1 division of the Loe Moelee Tlmee. C2003 n,,._ CN. All rigtttl t'leerwd... • • Want to sugges1 11 no-shamer or ask about some other language iuue7 Send and e-mail to June.Casaorsnde@lstimes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The day starts like eny other -moely doudy with patchy fog -but there's a 20% chance of r.in, poaibly • thunderstorm, In the eftemoon. Highs wMf be bet\••• 76 end 84 degreea. tf 1he 1'81n doeen't come In 1he eftemoon, ft might at night. H thefe la no rain, ft'U atilt be mOlttv doudy Ill night. Lowa wtll be 83 to. degrw. ~ WWW.nwl.nt>N.(JOV BOATING FORECAST The Inn._... Wll ~ WMt winds et 5 tD 15 '"'°"end wwee no lergerdwt 2 ._on • Well ... of 3 .... end. aoult\IWlllof1to3f91t.The SOUit\ ... ·~In 1he ~-· .... n.. wtl bee tmell cnft ... " ... ~ ..... TheWMt .... wll be8118 to 2111nc*. end .. ~wll be I 3 to6 feet on• wat~I of3 to 6 feet end a south ~I of 3 feet. The south ~I also disappears In the evening, and the waves ahrink by 11 foot. SURF A 8'ight burst of southwest energy 11 expected today. but nothing to get the IUrf ebove the waist. A new IOUthwett 8"1 JI due Thuredey. That might give w.dneedey'a IUrf 8 little boolll. Tueedey, though, It loolcing WOf'M then today. --...-.v: www.*'rtrld«'.org TIDES 11Me 4:08e.m. 10'A31.m. 3!07p.m. 9'.21 p.m . HlllM -0.M f9et low U:Zt.ethigh 2A1fMtlaw 8.38fMtNgh WATER TEMPERATURE ...... _.....,_,..s O\lo=..,••-"'••-...,."" - Dally Pilot COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are some of the Items the Planning Com.mission Will consider Monday. · WINEMAKING APPLICATION The applicanc proposes to escablish a winemaki.ng facility in a suite of an existing industrial building at 1954 Placentia Ave. The applicant anticipates producing about 500 cases annually. with the wine sold wholesale from thjs location. The primary use will involve the f~nnenting_and aging of the grapes and wine. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approval because the use will not harm the surrouncling properties since it will primarily involve fermentation and aging of wine and bottl..in_g and shipping the finished product. The business wiJJ be toward the middle of the building and the use will be small in scale. "There's really nothing that's much different about that operation than any other industrial building other than the fa ct that they're going lo be making wine. but it's not going to be impacting residents," Commissioner Katrina Foley saM. "ll will say on the label 'Produced in Costa Mesa:· HOME EXPANSION The applicant p roposes to expand an existing single-story. single-family residence by adding new a rea on the first-iloor and a new second floor. Normally, minor design reviews for second-floor construction are reviewed by the zoning administrator. However, the property at 2034 President Place is in a potential view preservation area. The City Council is considering adoption of view preservation guidel.i{tes for properties in these designated areas. Until it makes a final decision on the guidelines, staff has been directed to forward all applications within these areas 10 lhe Planning Commission. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approval because the proposed ~onstruction satisfies applicable development standards and the city's residential design guideHnes. Construction of the second floor wilJ not interfere with views from the adjoining properties because the view is already obstructed by mature landscaping on this and surrounding properties. "It does demonstrate how lwiLhJ the view protection areas, when taken on a case-by-case 11asis, we can look at whether or not the view should be protected and in this instance. t11ere was no view to. protect," Foley said. DESIGN REVIEW The applicant is requesting approval of a design review lo build a tive·unit.- two-story, comm on interes t devj!lopmenl on a small lot at 11 5 I:. Wilson St. The project complies with the city's residential design !,TUidelinec;. WHAT TO EXPECT ' Staff recommends approval since the project meets or exceeds all applicable code requjrements and is compatible and harmonious with the i.urrounding FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Comml11ion meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Monday •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive. •INFORMATION: (714) 754-6245 properties and uses. "It's great they're able lo come in with a project for h ousing because, for one, we need housing, and two, i!'s a very odd and narrow lot and it's in a location that makes it difficult for many other types of uses," Foley said. "They can talce advantage of the alJey and use it 10 back load the project and create a pretty nice residential development.· PLANNING APPLICATION The applicant requests approval of a design review 10 build a five-unit, two-story development al 2441 Elden Ave. The a pplicant is requesting a exceptions from requirements for thinK~ such as parking and open space. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff says it believes there is no justification to approve the exception'>. It also feels the project would place a burden on the on-street parking in the neighborhpod. · "I will be surprised if that get'> approved because it so far exceed'> all of the residen tial and developmental standards and asking for a variance <ti every turn," Foley said. "lt'i; project.. hke that one that motivated the change to the residential guidelines in rhe fir'>t place:· -Compiled by Deirdre Neu•mw1 WHATS AFLOAT and catering is available at an Gondola Romance offers daily available for weddings and additional rate. For hunt tours of Newport Harbor during reservations, call (949) 673-7200. lunch and dinner. Call (949) • WHArs AFLOAT is published 675-4730. The tours go out of periodically. If you are planning a Elec:tric bo9t rentals are available Lido Marina Village, '34-00 Via nautical event, submit the by the hour at Duffy Electric Oporto, Newport Beach. information to the Daily Pilot, 330 Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA Newport Beach. All boats are CRUISES 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or equipped with window Join Capt. Don Moseley on the by e-mail to enclosures and CD players. Ice beautiful sailing yacht Dulcinea dailypilot@latimes.com. and cups are provided. for a narrated Newport Harbor Reservations a re suggested. An cruise of the fabulous waterfront BOAT RENTALS hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. homes and boats of the rich and With Marina WaterSports at the famous, see the sea lion colony. Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy Pwdal boats, electric boats, and sail the spectacular nautical experiences from mild to boogie boards. kayaks, inflatable cool-summer. warm-fall Southern wild. Take a self-guided tour of rafts, catamarans, beach furniture California coastline to Laguna the bay in your choice of power and wetsuits are available for rent Beach or Dana Point. As a private and sail watercraft, 1ump the at Resort Water Sports at birthday. anniversary or special ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. evenP Sail, swim, snortcle. kayak, put you sport-fishing skills to the sunbathe, watch dolphins, and test in a fully equipped Boston Gondola tours are offered by the dine at anchor for the whaler, or soar above it all on a Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via time-of-your-life vacation at parasail flight along the Newport Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost Catalina Island on this coast Complimentary ice and includes a basket of bread, well-appointed, U.S. Coast Guard beverages are included with all cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a inspected vessel. ASA sailing electric boat rentals. blanket, music and a Polaroid instruction and certification. picture. Wine is also available . Business conference facility. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you (949) 675-, 2l2. Details at www.shellbsckdon.com on the water in many ways: with or contact Don at single and double kayaks, Gondola Adventures/Newport. shellbackdon@yahoo.com or call electric boats, 14-holder · 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers . (949) 632-3736. sailboats, pedal boats and one-and two-hour gondola runabouts for offshore use or cruises. A one-hour tour with Elec:tric Bo9t Toun offers cruising the bay. Balboa Boat champagne is $70. A two-hour two-hour cruises of Newport Rentals also holds two-hour tour with dinner and champagne Harbor ($75 per cruise). scavenger hunts aboard the is $180. Pidcup is available at Round-trip hotel or off-the-water electric bay boats, providing waterfront restaurants. (949) restaurant shuttle service is group activity for corporations, 675-4984. available. Pidt-up from birthdays, nonprofit restaurants with dodts is also organizations and group outings. Irvin. Cout Chart.n In Udo available. Chartered and catered The hunt padcages include boats, Marina Village offers two-hour tours. (949) 291-1953 or trivia questions, maps, Polaroid electric boat cruises with a www.wattsontheharbor.com. cameras and supplies. The cost gourmet dinner. $180 for two of a hunt begins at $225 per boat persons. (949) 6754704. The Newport landing Belle is True or False? True! Orange Coast College The Right Answer! • IS ••• We each have unique skills. With more than 200 transfer and ca reer programs available, OCC can help you package your talents for a career that's right for you . We'll get you to a untverstty! We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. We'll prepare you for an exdttng receptions, codcta1I and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost 1s $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) and a 90-minute cruise (adults, SS; children, $1 ) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults. $6; children, $1 l leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Catalina Passenger Service runs 45-roinute harbor cruises (adults, $6; children, $1 land 9()-minute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. Cruise the harbor aboard the Electra, a 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A three-course dinner and dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The fee is $59.95 per person on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises also are available. (949) 631 -2469. Monday. July 28, 2003 Al 949-673-6083 ~ "' """~~.~· ~\),.¥? We Come To You f irnturifl[. A /.;.,,. lributl' To Frank Sinatra f.very Mo"d"r 0-/1,,sdny 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood •Cocktails •''Quality Service'" ~ 11 .. ,,,,.,;.. Gtfl ' (949)646-7944 I il'JS I~.-;,,.:"'-·· C..•.a M~a ... Ni ti Entertainment .. • .,.., .................. -..... ..,. ..... . r------------------~------, e;~ e~ q.GAM B~~ Certified Farmers' Market COSTA MESA Open During the Fair Mondays 2:00 -6:00 PM ,\ lonJJ:. Julj 1 ~. 21 & 2X Will Return Thursday, August ?1• 9:00 -1:00 PM COSTA MESA FAJRGRO UNDS FreJh Produce lJirect(v to }ou ~ s.~~;;gg~,g~~ L-----------------------~-~ ~PARTY CRUISE~ I TO CATALINA \ WfTll Titl 1iD AND WITH "lllCtlASl llfO MTM.l.ATIOll Of A --'to \'Ill, Of~ Git D FT, Of WOOO Oii TU~::,.• 2IDOI. lWO TICQTI l"IJI c:umMIER. Piii fMar, TICQTt /Ills. llOlllD T1IP CIUS( TO llfO ~ • UIB> IY llCM:MISI JO, 20Cla. IMTID QQUf'mT I "'noun AVM.HILE ,,. w11M. ncuT1 lllllO\lllllll IY C110WW MC9IC C11U11ES. I :111:ea111:rli1Jw1013 ;J; !1Ii 1;t1 :r11~ ~~ n1 ti· DENSE PLusu CARPET Long Plank Wood Flooring • ln•t•lled with f>ad $1 69 OAK . IEU •ROSEWOOD • !'11nlmum 60 ya..it • Ml· fl, Tnittrt1.nt 18~ J 18" ---· '4.29 ... 11. eua..;c n1e_.1ou...ild ,,.. '4.99~ 11. Lam.inatt Woo4.itulali.4 r,... '4.99~ n. Supp/il'JI and Toot. for tJ,, "Oo It Yournllt!n!" All pricv.•lproJuct.< for 11 limilrd timr, b<m•d nn a1'<lilal>ilif// . .&...0;..::;;;;-.;.io.._..llr.l.lo.:i..a..la. MBA :· EA1RPET 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA CA UC ~ (888) MESA-777 ~ .. L----==-~~!~~~'!,_5~~~~~~------~ career! Our career programs are second- to-none! Thousands of our alums wortc for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. REGISTER EARLY! Call now for fall registration information: Before Cl•-.. ~ .... Full or Canceled' Due to Low Enroll~ Fall Cla ... s Begin August 25 AJ9qqfHIH• & 9'ac•• Office• 714'.-"5..8308 • (714) 432-5072. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. ' To S<M ~luoblt llSOUmtt. OrfRtfl Coast coa. hos not maHld its class sch«lulc tlris foll. You ton pld up o aJfl'l In thf Ad~ Of/b, Of OCCfS$ tht""' sdJttlut. onlint at: orangecoastcollege.com 0 We1l help you get there. 1 M Monday, July 28, 2003 us lSJO ' ma am An 18-year-old Costa Mesa Police Explorer responds quickly to help his neighbor, who fell and bro~e her leg. more aware of the public and that, maybe, someone needs my belp. • be said. • Costa Mesa Police Officer Rob Dimel, who supervises the Ex- plorer program. said he is proud of the way Ashton responded to the situation. I • r. Detpa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -At first, Mat- thew Ashton thought he had heard a cat. But the 18-year-old, who just graduated from Calvary Otapel High School, put his dinner on pause and stepped into his backyard to check it out. As it turned out. what be ha'd heard at about dinner time on July l was his 97-year-old neigh- bor's crying out for help. Marie Litehausser had slipped and fallen while feeding the birds in her backyard. ''When I saw her. I knew she had broken her leg,'' Said Ash- ton, who has been in the Costa Mesa Police Department's Ex- plorer Program for four years. He walked barefoot into the backyard and jumped over a fence to get to lltehauser. NI stayed with her and chatted with her," Ashton· said. ·she~ calm herself because she didn't feel the pain.• He waited till paramedics ar- rived and took care of Lltehaus- er. Ashton said Lltehauser told him that she was there for about 40 minutes before he got to her and had let out feeble cries for help every two minutes. Ashton said his training with the Explorers taught him never to take any situation for granted. "J thlnJc being an Explorer made me think more. Made me "I would have expected any of the other Explorers to react the same way.'' be said. "But I am glad that Matthew did the right thing, because a lot of times, people· don't want to help or get involved. The fact tJ:iat he took the time to investigate and took action makes me very happy." The Costa Mesa Police De- partment has 27 young people in its Explorer program. Most of them are in high school and spend about four years in the program like Ashton. Dime) said. Ashton said being in the pro- gram has made him a different MARI< C. DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT Heather Porter maneuvers her laser boat through Newport Harbor during Sunday afternoon's race. BOAT Continued from Al Oub, attracts serious competitors of all ages and many sailors who just wanted to have a good time. Blair BelJing. 14, and Mary Buckingham. 13. said they didn't expect their sailing skills to earn them a trophy. but they hoped to win for their creativity. They have won in the past for Best Decorated Boat, but Mary said "the competition is getting harder and harder every year." Decorating their boat with neon flowers, balloons and peace signs, they also wore neon green and orange wigs and false eyelashes. They had a bag of candy to throw to people and they painted their neon T-shirts with puffy paint that read, "Peace, Love, lasers." "Everyone is out there to have a good time," said 24-year-old Adam Deermount. second place winner. "It's not too serious, but there are some pretty good ARMY Continued from Al coupling equipment j d valve\ The pump cools itself by recircu- lating fluid. The contract should add $200,000 to the company's top- line revenue, President and Otief Executive MichaeJ Lipscomb wrote in a July 15 letter to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. Lipscomb also urged Rohrabacher to sup- port the new tanker. uOur company has made sig- nificant investment in develop- ing these products for the 767 tanker to help preserve our over 200 jobs here in Costa Mesa,• Lipscomb wrote. "I strongly urge your support of this program.· Right now. Argo-Tech supplies four pumps per tanker and could expand that number to 12, said Steve Karrasch. a seriior manager on the KC· 767 project The plane is assembled in Wichita, Kan. Argo-Tuch also supplied pumps for the KC-135. Nits a very reliable pump," Kar- ALLOWED Continued from Al the guest Ust lllat will get you and three friends in for only $5 after I 0:30 p.m . Give them your full name and the number of guesta you are brlngln.g, and you're ln. A hu• group of us {rom t...A Boxing went u the alter-party for co-owner Sean Mc:Cully'a birthday bub. It was great to eee a wide variety of et.bniddes and .styles. with 1e>me men dn!:IMCI in auita and others ln ~ tpOftlWnl. trophies. H Deennount, a program director at the Newport Harbor Yacht Qub, said it was fun to compete with many of his past and present students. Mike Segerblom, 40. said he didn't expect to win the entire race, but' after sailing bow to bow with another boat .for much of the distance, he was disappointed when he finally lost to the competing 18-year-old skipper. "He was young and agile, and I was old and decrepit," he said HSo it was a g~ battle, but I lost it" Cindy and Ja<*. Buffa enjoyed -the sun while they waited for the return ofthei.r 13-year-old daughter, Karafaye Buffa. Karafaye is the fifth generation of competitive sailors in her family. '1t's a passion that's in the blood. it's in the genes," Cindy Buffa said. ult's clean living for the kids, because kids today just need a healthy sport and a healthy environment to live around." Like many others, Karafaye arrived wet after capsizing her WINNERS Laser-class winners: 1 -Chris Raab 2 -Adam Oeermount 3 -Phil Thompson Byte-class winners: 1 -Blake Warner 2 -John Papodapolos 3 -Michael Ramming Youngest girl: Karafaye Buffa, 13 Youngest boy: Chris Barnard, 12 Oldest Skipper: Ray Roolsey Best Decorated Boat Blair Belling and Mary Buckingham Best Costumes: Reid Zitarelli First Married Couple: Dennis and Patty Zitarelli boat But she said sailing has taught her some important life lessons. "If something happens, just keep going." she said •CORAL WILSON is the news assistant and may be readled at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral. wilson@latimes.com. Boeing is using airi'efueling parts from Costa Mesa-based Argo-Tech Corp. for its 767 tanker. shown here. rasch said. "They're making some changes to the KC-135 pump." Boeing has rated Argo· Tech as one of its preferred vendors, meaning the company delivers the highest q~ty of products bn time. Ceramics maker Ceradyne Inc.. also based in Costa Mesa. has been feverishly worting to fill orders for its ballistic body ar· mor. On July 17, Ceradyne an- nounced it bad pinned down a Ladies can normally get away Now, that would just not fly with anything, considering at say, the Newport Beach Brew jeans are still the hot evening Company-known to regu1anl fashion iterq, but many were as Brew Co. -where the moat "actually dressed up," as an crowded spot is the smolcing older columniat who shall &¥tio. remain namelesa (Peter Bu_tfa) All in all, lt'a a cool joint IC once wrote. your Into hlp hop or like to See, we youngsters know how hang out with people who are to roll out ln SC)'le, too. -or lib to point and ~ ar The most glartng dJfterence . people who think they are- between thts club and mosc of check lt out. the local nlghtJlfe tpota II that it does not have a amoking pacto. Smokt-rs oa.n walk out the back door to puff their cancer ldcb, but It'• an llolated area -deftnitely not •the place to be.· . . • LOLITA HARPER write• columns Mondeve. Wt<lnetdeys and Fridays end covert culture and the arta. Sht may be rMChed tt (Ml) 114-427& °'by e-mtll tt 1o11t1.h•f'PM•111t1,,..com. person and has prepared him for a career.in law enfon:ement. · •it's taught me more self-con· troL d.lldpUne. leadership and teamwork," he said. . Ashton said be will attend the U.S. Coast Guard training prQ· gram in New Jersey in about si.ii months. Ounel said he plans to nomJ- nate Ashton for· the Meritorious Action Award handed out by the National Committee of Learning for Life and Exploring of Orange County. • The officer, wfio works fn the department's gang unit, said people lilce Ashton make bis job worthwhile. "l deal with gang members all the time," he said. •But working with Explorers and kids like Matthew, I'm often reminded that there are good kids, too, and that's a good thing for me, personally." ELEPHANTS ContinuedJrom Al expecting the elephant to move faster. while his 10-year-old brother, Luke Dawson; said he thought elephants walked slower. Ml would like one as a pet if I could.~ Luke said. Adults rode the elephants, too. Michael 0 . Smith watched from the ground while his friend, Mayil Valdivia, went for a rid~ . "I'm a tough guy." Smith said. NI don't want to show my littJe kid inside who really clid want 10 go." Valdivia. who is visiting from the Philippines, said it was her first time on an elephant. "I thought it would be rough and it will move up and down and up and down,• she said. "But it wasn't. It was so safe." Caretaker Joanne Smith's obsession with elephants :;tarted at a fair in Pennsylvania when her parents won an elephant stuffed animal and gave it to their 1-year-old daughter. Thirty-five years later. '·that elephant still sits by Joanne Smith's bed She coUected all things elephant and pursued a career working with them. Now she lives with Dixie and IGtty on the ranch. She said the best part about her job is walldng our the door everyday and seeing the elephants. Dixie and Kitty have their own young admirers who come to the fair every year to visit their elephant friends and deliver special treats, Jones said. "It's funny," Joanne Smith said. ~As a child, you don't know what it is that makes you drawn to something. And it makes you wonder." • CORAL Wft.SON is the news assistant and may be reached at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral. wilson @latimes.com. 'Our company has made significant investment in developing these products for the 767 tanker to help preserve our over 200 jobs here in Costa Mesa. I strongly urge your support of this program: MlchHI Upscomb Arg~ Tech president and chief executive, in a letter to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher $7.1-mlllion contract with the Army for another armor order. The company, which also sup· plies plated helicopter sidings, signed several other deals th18 year totaling $17 .5 million. The military has used the body armor In Iraq, Kosovo, Afghani- stan and other areas. · • MUI. C&.WTON oovers the environment. bu•lne.. end Polltic9. He ri\ay ~reamed It (949) 764-4.130 or by e-mail et paul.cllnton tllatimacom. No matter what )'OU'rt doing. 'f04X homftown newspaper ~ DailyPilot Dait'j Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY \, BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Penfusula outage lasts several hours About a mile stretch of the Balboa Peninsula was without power for several hours on· Sunday night, Newport Beach police said. Electricity, including to traffic signals, was affected for varioJlS lengths of time along Balboa . Boulevard roughly between.30th and 15th stieets sometime after 6 p.m., a dispatcher said. The outage included the area of the peninsula around Via Udo and New· POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Del Mer Avenue end Westminster Ptece: A man was arrested on suspicion of sleeping in a vehicle at 8:50 a.m. Saturday. • East 17th Street end Orange Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public at 12:30 a.m. Sunday. • Newpott Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of providing false evidence of registration In the 2100 blodc at 7:25 p.m. Saturday. • Newport Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of burglary in the 1500 bloc* at 11:46 p.m. Friday. • Ptecentie Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of soliciting labor in vehicles in the 1600 blade at 11 :25 a.m. Friday. port Boulevard. Sgt Dennis Bin::h said the power was already down when be started his shift at 6:30 p.m. Power was still down in parts of the af. fected area as of press time. Eight or nine officers · were sent out to direct traf. Be an~ put up signs at the start of the outage, Birch said By 9:30 p.m., three offi- cers were directing traffic at three intersections, Sgt. Mike fames said There had been no accidents by that time, James said. A representative Crom Southern California Eclison was not avaiJabJe for com- ment by press time. • West 19th StrHt A man was arrested on suspicion of removing a shopping cart in the 600 block at 4 a.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bayside Drive: A vehicle b\Jrglary was reported in the 1800 blodc at 12:35 p.m . Sunday. • East Coast Highway: Animal cruelty was reported in the 300 blade at 3:10 p.m. Sunday. • Hoeg Drive: Battery was reported in the 100 blodc at 5:26 a.m. Sunday. • Merine Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 2:12 p.m. Sunday. • Palm Street end East Bay Avenue: Road rage was reported at 2:42 p.m. Suri day. • 26th Street end Balboa Boulevard: Illegal parking was reported at 8:49 a.m. Sunday. Classified ads work for GET THB POINT? .ll ll11••·y2~ THE D~y Pilot VITTRUP, Elizabeth "Betsy" Barr born June 18, 1936 in Leesburg, Virginia to Constance Clalrmonte and William Carlisle Barr, Jr. M.O. Entered eternal life July 21 , 2003 at the age of sixty seven. She was a resident of Newport Beach for thirty-eight years. Through the years s he was an active member of locaJ charities Including Junior League, Assistance League, National Charity League and Harbor Key, (president from 1984 to 1985). Beloved mother, grandmother and friend, she Is survived by her daughter, Franci Vlttrup Callahan (Daniel E.); son Russell L Vittrup (Sherry J .): grandchildren Christy Callahan, Halley V~p! Rusty Vrttrup and Jake Vlttrup; brother, Peter c: Barr (Nancy1 of Or1ando, Florida She was preceded in deatf\ by her ~ts, husband John F. Vittrup, M.O. and grandson, John vtttrup Callahan. Funeral sefVices will be 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at Sl James Episcopal Church, 3209 Via Udo, Newport Beach, CA 92663. In lieu of 'flowers, donations In memory of Betsy may be sent to Hoag Hospital Foundation, One Hoag Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92658 Martha Early Baird Martha Early Baird -Died peacefully at the Residence of Caresource, Hospice Care, in Salt Lake City Utah on July 17, 2003. Born In Akron, Ohio on April 1, 1920, the received her college degree In Sociology from the University of Akron In Ohio. In 1941 Mf'9. Baird received the honor of being the •May Queen• at the Unlverllty of Akron. She WU also a proud member of the Delta Gamma sorority. During · Wortd War II, she served u a ftefd worker for the Ameftcan Red Croaa receMng official recognition In October 1945 for merttonous penonal servk:e to her country. Martha was a leader with the YWC/+., serving with the or'ganlz•tlon In Tarzana and Santa Ana, and eventually becomJng the director of the Notth Orange County YWCA In Fullerton, Callfomla. Under her guidance, program• w.,. offerwd In arts Ind crab, ~ twtmmlng, gamee. lntemdonlll MfVlcee, and community ~. She WM lnttrumentml In Introducing new and Innovative PR>Qramt Naal'dlng •F11m1ty Pllttiema" and "Women and the Stock tMrMt. • She Mio IPl>led for, and received, many of the grants necenary to support tt-.actMtiet. Mra. Baird traveted the wond wtth her hU9band of 58 yMr'I Robeft c. Baird (Bob) who died on Apttl 4, 1888. rooettr..!:l '""eled ttwughollt E~ • .Mpan. Hong Kong~ and to other' exotic locatlo.,.. She encl 8ob · epent time with their Chlchn, ~Md grWllt ~-· In Colonido, uw.. and C.afornle. 8he on bolh c099t8 Md toodcM'9 In~ ttowuer. her fawortlll ~ IHmed to be the...,., home MW fte 00Mt In Corona dll Mir. Oellfomta wt*9 a hed for over20 ~ Mra. a.lrd IMvel behind Jw four ohlldNn, Chert ._.,., Aabeft. 9fndy U.. Ind a-lln; ~ pldcltlldlen ...._ -.W:, Admn, Slemin, ........ AOb, Md Connor; ... b.r.,... grwtdch1dr911-... -..n. ...-.on. Md Coooer. The ~ ~ ... = donllol19 be Mnt In .... .,.,.... ... toe Amlt1oln Dlllw• •'-DC, AlwfJfte & fcnuer Mlmoftll Plogilftl Alln: NlA ~PO .. .a, North c.ntan. OH 44720. .-11www.. 1111 °"' Daily Pitot sixth grades are Invited to "A Jungle CruleeH at 10:30 a.m. at • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Newport Beach Central Library. Troubadours Ken and the Daily Pilot, ·330 W. Bay St., John Frawley will present the Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail Interactive program. Information: to miktuwan1on@latimes.com; (949) 717-3816. byfaxto(949)6464170;orby calling (949) 6744298. Include the AUG.6 time, date and location of the Chlldrwt ent.ring first through event, as well as a contact phone si.xth grades are Invited to "A number. A complete llating is Jungle Cruise" at 3 p.m. at available at www.dsllypilotcom. Newport Beach Central library's Mariners branch. Troubadours MONDAY Ken and John Frawley will Mature driven can sharpen their present the interactive program. driving skills in this eight-hour Information: (949) 717-3816. class held during two sessions, at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m . at AUG.7 Presbyterian Churcn of the Children entering first through Covenant In COsta Mesa July 28 sixth grades are invited to "A and 29. The $10 classes are Jungle Cruise: at 10:30 a.m. at limited to 30 students. Advanced Newport Beach Centraf Library's registration is required. Balboa Branch. Troubadours Ken Information: (714) 557-3340. and John Frawley will present the interactive program. Information: Children entering first through (949) 717-3816. sixth grades are invited to "A Radical Science Show~ at 10:30 AUG.8 a.m. at the Newport Beach Hornblower Cruises and Events Central Library. The free program offers a three-hour cruise of will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 30 Newport Harbor, a gourmet at the M,!l.riners brancn and at three-course meal live 10:30 a.m. July 31 at the Balboa entertainment and brancn. For more information, award-winning service from 8 to call (949) 717-3816. 11 p.m . Boarding starts at 7:30 p.m . at 2431 W. Pacific Coast WEDNESDAY Highway. For reservations, call Children entering first through (949) 631-2469. sixth grades are invited to HA ' Radical Science Show" at 3 p.m. Inventors Forum, the Orange at the Mariners branch of the County-based nonprofit Newport Beach Public Library. inventors' support group, The free program will be presents a seminar on "High repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 31 at Technology Patenting" by patent the Balboa brancn. For more attorney Curtis L. Harrington. information, call (94.9) 717-3816. Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m . for the 7:30 p.m. All who ara in search of a little seminar at Orange Coast romance are invited to "Winners College's Science Lecture Hall. of the Golden Heart Award" from The cost is $5 for members, $15 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent for nonmembers. For more Jorgensen Center next to information, call (714) 540-2491. Mariners Branch Library. The free program will feature local writers AUG.9 Susan Squires. Shannon • Triangle Square in Costa Mesa Donnelly and Debra Holland, invites the community to attend each of whom launched her "A Fair at the Square" for the writing career with a Golden sights, sounds and great deals in Heart Award from the Romance the outdoor marketplace while Writers of America. The annual taking advantage of storefront honor recognizes unpublished specials from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . authors. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. AUG.10 Hornblower's two-hour A free seminar, "Pet Nutrition champagne brunch cruise Pawsibilit1es:' will be offered by features a lavish brunch buffet, Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 free-flowing champagne and to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, juice service and great views 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. while you cruise Newport Harbor. Reservations: (800) 595-MOMS. Boarding begins at 11:30 a.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for Join Corona del Mar in organizing the noon cruise. For reservations. its 2004 Centennial Celebration at a public meeting running from 7 call (949) 631-2469. to 8 p.m. at Sherman library and AUG. 11 Gardens. Attendees are asked to Registnrtion for the Orange enter from the back parking lot at County Business Council's ninth 2647 E. Coast Highway in Corona annual Corporate Executive Golf del Mar. For more information, Tournament begins at 9 a.m. at call (9491422-4210. Mesa Verde Country Club in THURSDAY Costa M esa, with the shot gun start at 11 a.m . The cost is $300 Children entering first through for a single player package or sixth grades are invited to "A $1,500 for a corpcrate players Radical Science Show" at 10:30 package. Proceeds benefit the a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Orange County Rescue Mission's Newport Beach Public Library. For Strong Beginnings program, more information, call (949) which provides workforce 717-3816. development for those who have lost hope and need help. For The monthly career Networi<ing more information, call (949) Resource meeting for the 476-2242, ex1. 216. unemployed, sponsored by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, AUG.23 will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m, in the Triangle Square in Costa Mesa church's chapel. All monthly invites the community to attend meetings are open to all for free, "A Fair at the Square" for the and reservations aren't sights, sounds and great deals in necessary. Information: (949) the outdoor marketplace while 574-2236. taking advantage of storefront SATURDAY specials from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . Hombtower Crulses and Events ONGOING offers a three-hour cruise of The Newport eent.r Newport Harbor, a gourmet Toastmaster's Club can help you three-course meal, live improve your public speaking entertainment and sk.ills or polish your business award-winning service from 7:30 presentations. Members come to 10:30 p.m. Boarding starts at 7 from a variety of professional p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast disciplines and badtgrounds. The Highway. For reservations, call group meets every M onday (949) 631-2469. morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, The annu•I Newport to San Diego Coastal Race will set off. Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parking Sponsored by the Bahia structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Corinthian and San Diego yacht Guests are welcome. For more clubs, It is an enjoyable, information, call (949) 721-5732. challenging race with parties on both ends. The $60 entry fee will The ACLU of Orange County be accepted until Friday at 5 p.m. meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday Entry and Notice of Race forms are available at www.bcyc.org. of every month et the Unitarian For more Information, callj949) Universallat Church, 1259 Victoria 644-9530. St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different AUG.4 speaker on iaauea relating to the Q\Miren ent9ftng first through Biii of Right&. For m0f'9 lnformecion, call (7141 957-6107. "INch ~.·en exhibit featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs of th,e Hawaiian isl'8nda by Dohna Ruzldla, umbrella beach scenes, by Carole Boller and Badt Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer. will be on dJaplay through Sept. 30 at ~ewport Beach City Hall. For · more information, ca ll (949) 717) 3870. "Tennis In Art," an exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis instructor and coach Jose Mendoza, will be on display in the Newport Beach Central Llbrary foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's work is known for its manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration on tennis. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Volunteer driven are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag HospitaL Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Swim lessons are available July 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halecrest Park, 3107 Killybrook Lane in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 557-7234. Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal alternatiyes to girls who are considering abandoning their babies, is in need of ongoing volunteers. For more information, visit www.pro1ectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. Macy's in Costa M esa invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (7 14) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. Yoga classes will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Th• merchants of Balboa Village will hold a seaside Craft Merchant and Farmer's Market at Peninsula Park near the base of the Balboa pier in Newport Beach every Thursday through Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The market will include fresh orga-nic produce, freshly cut flowers and arts and crafts. For more information, call (714) 536-2213. Costa Mesa's A.creation Division will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guest.s at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m ., Saturdays from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m . or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, games, cra~s, prizes, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information. tall (7 14) 754-5158. Five new wines will be served on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost Is $16 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. Newport Dunes Resort's •Movi.. on the Beach" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat The resort wlll provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on f/Very Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parking is $8)>er car. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. A vaMtv of ptfwrtla, ....,,~ and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High ~of. Options Include one-on-one Instruction on Saturdays aind a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. for session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register In person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, tMns and adutt. can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newpcrt Blvd. for more information. Professional and licensed soc:cer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewish F9mlly Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high scno9I students that meets M ondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The Arst Page :... Fine Children's Books, at 270 E. 17th St .. No. 10 in Costa M esa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tue~days and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beacn offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person. featuring five new wines eacn week. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. If your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the secrets of carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking 1s $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fas.,hion Island. Members meet for luncn after at Atrium court. It is tree, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hapds. S.A.F.E. stands for safety. awareness. faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens are lnvtt.d to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. M onday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport S..ch W.lking Club meets 81 the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach 819:15 a.m . and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (9491650-1332. The Newport Beach caa. Decor81ing Oub meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road In Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Spanlah ~ng Club meets to learn Spanish quidt and easy. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Asen. of Businen s.r.ices hosts a networking meeting thet deals with education connections t from 6 to 8:30 p.m . on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011 .. Ohlorce: A New Beginning;• workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a . .+.. to 12:30 p.m at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, backstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by special arrangement, For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club'holds a general mee11ng on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents 1n Newport Beach who have lived 111 the area fewer than five years For more information. call 19491 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach org . Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7.30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday ol every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage coffee and orange juice for $3, $ 1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar For more information, call 1949J 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "W9rkshop Wednesdays: A Hands·on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef Alexx Guevara The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30 To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075 Yoga and rhythm, "Yogarhythmics" combines yoga, Whether You Buy or lease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your F'avorite Lexus! Monday. Juty 28. 2003 A! danoe and fun. The etas' is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p . .m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more info rmation, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautlcal Museum offers the exhibit •Joe Duncan Gleason: Red1scover1ng California's Manne Art Master,• through.Sept. 30 The museum 1s at 151 E Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach Free admission For more information c.all (949) 673-7863. Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group 1s geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children. observing holidays. svmbols in the home and relat1onsh1ps with extended fam1lles. The cost for three sessions 1s $45 per couple Prereg1stratton 1s reQutred Call to schedule date and time. The office is al 250 E. Baker St .. Su11e G, Costa Mesa (714) 445-4950 Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety. depre'ss1on, relationships. loneliness and family The grouµ meets from 10 to 11 30 a m Mondays at the age.,cy offices 250 E Baker St . Suite G Costa Mesa Preregistratio n reQuired (714) 445-4950 Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwinal1ng stock Books may be left 01 anv of the three branch libraries - See TOWN, Page A6 KRISTIN M. Sous• Licensed Real Estate A£ent .. Specializ:ing in Newport Mesa Rmdentia7 Real &tatr Eruc A. Sous, CFP • 17 Yean Experinue • Storks & Bonds • Mutual Funds • Annui~s • Estate & Retirement PlaTJ11i11g • Investment Banking • SnwU Middk Market Companies Skosh Monahan's St:eakhoase & l~ish Pab 8 Different Steaks ·ptua Ow famous 16 oa. Pork Chop Rade few only SlS.95 Enh"ees Seared Ah1 Steolu • Atkmhc Selmon Fileh • New leolonc Seo bcm Fish n Chips • Moh1·Moh1 Sondw1ch Appetizers Colemon • Crobcokes • Grilled or Seer-Battered $1m mp Peppef·Seored Ah1 Soup/Salad Fresh Clam Chowder • lobllef B.tque & Gopptno Plus Gnlled Shnmp Slockened Ah1 • Smolced Salmon Solod1 • ~ TOWN membera lntlf'ffted In trading, buying and Mlllng atampe and Continued from A5 coin• are being sought to join these Informal meetlngL There S.lboe, Mar1nera, or Corona del are no fees required. (949) Mar -or In the book ciotet next 644-3244. to the Friend• Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. · Jewlah Family hNtoe °""9 All hardcover and paperbadt ongoing bereavement support donation•. with the exception of groupa for adults at all ttagea of magazine• and law books, will be lo1t. Group members ahert accepted and are tax deductible. experlencea, hear how othen (949) 759-9667. deal with grief, receive support and team ways to cope with The Bnlllle lnatftuta °"9r'I free udneH and loH. One group oomputer cJa11ea to people with meets at 7 p.m. Tueldays at Beth fading vision who have difficulty Jacob In Irvine. The second group seeing the computer acreen. The meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Oasi1 Center at 800 Marguerite Temple Judea In Laguna Hlll1. Ave., Corona del Mar, offers aix The third gn>Yp meets at 1 p.m. MHions. Call to sign up for Thursdaya at the Ezra Center in cla11es. (714) 821·5000. Anaheim. Free, b1.1t advance regiltratlon is required. (714) A spiritual ca,. dua meeta st 445-4950. 7:16 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport ~ Famffv s.rv1ce o1 <>ranve B .. ch. Call to reserve a aeat. (949) County provldH a support and 263-1462. disc;ussion group for persons recovering from childhood or The Costa Mesa Chamber of teenage sexual abuse. The group Commerce hosts networi<ing meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. luncheon meetings Wednesdays Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa. Advance registration Costa Mesa Country Club. The is required. (714) 445-4950. cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. TWo-hour kay1k tours with • (714) 885-9090. trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from A brain tumor support group the Newport Dunes Waterfront, meets the first and third Resort. The resort is at 1131 Badt Thursdays of each month from 7 Bay Drive, Newport Be~ch. $20, to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer or $10 for California Wildlife Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Campaign and Newport Bay Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Naturalists and Friends Registration not required. The members. (949) 729-1150. group is designed to help patients and their families A VoG• and dance dau t. held understand and cope with the from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays Illness. (949) 574-6232. at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive St. Andrew'• PT.sbyteri1n Churcn East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) hosts a mental illness support 754-7399. group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfield Hall C at Tht Rev. Connie Rydcman leads 1 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport discussion group using the book Beach. (9491574-2236. "Conversations with God" from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the The Jewish Family Service of Center for Spiritual Discovery, Orange County sponsors a 2860 Mesa Verde Drive Ealt, discussion group for adult Suite 111. Costa Meaa. Bring a children and their parents from 6 lunch. (714) 754-7399. to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service Marah1ll'1 T11 Kwon Do In Coltl office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Meas offers free Hff-<Mfense Costa Mesa. $10 ~r person, per classes to airline pilots and flight se11ion. Preregistration required. attendants. Claa1e1 are taught by (714) 445-4950. three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. The Jewish Famlly Servi~ of Marshall's Is at 333 E. 17th St., Orange County has a weekly Suite 13, Costa Meaa. (949) parenting support group. Parents 574-0122. learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with A 0..llng with Divorce support the feel in~ and behavior of their children. e group meets from group is offen.d by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the group is led by an experienced Jewish Family Service office at counselor and meet• at 6 p.m. 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Tuesdays at the Jewl.•h Mesa. The group will cover F-ederation campus, 260 E. Baker managing anger, anxiety and St., Suite G, Coltl Mesa. (714) peer pressure d\ildren 445-4950. experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The 511Scouta'1hlp Del M1r 711 of Orange County offers a The Costa Mna Senior c.nter program for boys and young men has ballroom dancing with live ages 14 to 18 interested in aailing, music from the Costa Mesa seamanship, piloting, navigation Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 and cruising. Meetings are from 6 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) Scouts Sea Base. 1931 W. Coaat 548·3884. Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. Jewish Family s.rvJce of Oran~ County sponsors an ongoing O.lls Senior CenW °"9r'I healing support group for the ongoing assistance, coun1eling chronically Ill. The purpose is to and referral services for seniors. provide participants with (949) 644-3244. emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its The Coltl MtN Senior Citizen consequences. The group meets Square and Round Dance Club at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish seeks experienced dancers to join Famity Service office at 250 E. its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Attendance is free, but Senior Center, 19th Street and registration Is required. (714) Pomona Avenue. Costa Mesa. 445-4950. (714) 545-5669. Scnbt>M Club No. 350 meets Atthrtti1 Founct.tion lnltNctor from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Hillary Stone leads an exercise Borders Books, Music & Cate at class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. in Costa Mesa. $3. New players Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) are welcome. (949) 206-9822. 513·5641. The Coln and Stamp Club meeta The Newport Beach Newcomers from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays af the Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Oa1is Senior Center. New Wednesday of each month. The ALDEN'S ------ ' DN-!ilTE -- DRAPERY Cl.EANIN& AND MORE I NO TAU DOWN OR lllMIMNli NECEHAllY I . Certlfted Ta Clean All Hunter Daugla• Fabric Window Coveting• lncludlng: • IAlninettt Privacy Sheen' • Shuttle* window shadinp . ="window shldings • Ouette' honeycomb .. • n. Collection • Jubffancent roman shades 1 AppiaR' honeycomb shades ' Set'enttttll' SoftfolcfN shadings World'• a..t ON411EYll 0ra.-~ Cl•ala&---- A ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 P~centia, ·cost.a Meta 949146-4838. 714-968-8180 f I, orgentzadon la optn to all women retldan• of Newport hlch who have lived In th6 araa for t.wer than five years. For more Information. call (9'9) ~9922 or vlth 1he Web lite newoomet1·newportbeach.org. The ~Momlng Women'• C1ub, a 40-yNl'Old friendship club, If aeeklng new members. The club, which lncludff golf, bridge, walking end gourmet 11ctlon1, metta at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisaon Hotel in Newport Beech. The luncheon la $23 and Include• entertainment. The hotel 11 at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842·6863. The Newport 8Nch W.lklng Ctub meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walker• should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The AIMrican Legion rneeb et 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal with veteran Issues and community service, will be held · at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard is at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 546-2777; or Bill Mimiaga, (949) 650-0894. Nlghtty mHting1 for tho11 who want to overcome nicot.ine addiction are offen1d in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. (714) 774-9106 or (800) 642--0666. The Newpof't Spol"ta MuNum, a nonp1oflt organization, operates a free museum at 100 Newport Canter Drive, Newport Beach. The mu1eum, which has one of the world's largest collections of 1ports memorabilia, la open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721·9333 or www.newportsports· museum.org. The Estancia High School Plirant Teacher Student Asan. ho1ta a monthly paper drive t111ery Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the school's northwest parking lot, on the comer of Estancia North and Placentia. Newspapers that are bound. loose or bagged are accepted. Cardboard and bound material 1uch aa phone boolca and thldt magazine& are not. Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the month. All'funds raised go to the auociatlon. Free. The achool 11 at 2323 P1acentla Ave., Costa Meta. (949) 515-6500. 0.111 Senior Center offwl 1 dally telephone contact program for senior• who have a llmlted local support system. They alaooffer ongoing computer clas1e1 that teach the ba1ics of Word, Ouidten, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The Coltl MtN Communlcaton Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmu1 Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who want.a to improve his or her public 1pealdng lki111. (714) 444-8783. The Newport Beach Distinguished Toa1tmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays In Sgt. Pepperoni'• meeting room, 2300 Bristol St.. Newport Beach. Cali to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Jewish Family SeMce of Orange County holds group meeting a for younger women to di1CUsa life pasaagH and changes, body images, family, relationships, communication, intimacy and 1exuality, anxiety and lonelineu. The group meet1 at 7 p.m. Tuesday• at the agency office. The office 11 at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregl1tration la required. Marcy Middler, (714) 445-4960, ext. 114. The Mele MUHOllfl Toeetmutert Club 881 In Coet.t Meel mMtt at 7 p.m. TuNdayl st Meel Vwde Unhtd Methodist Churdl, 1701 W. Bektt St, Cotta Mau. (714) 54CM448. The Newport ....... Dlltlngulthed Toaatmastera Club 1300 mNtl from 7 to 9 p.m. TuMdays at Plett CoUege, 3901 Mec:Atthur Blvd., Newport Buch. Call to make reaervatlon1. (949) 846.1274. The Zingers Toeetma...,. aub 616F meets for breakfast on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 1.m. at the VIiiage Farmer, South Coalt Plaza VIiiage, 3851 S. Bea1 1817. The meeting ia free for flrst·tlme vialtora. For more Information: call (714) 241-1109. The Newport c.nw Toa1tmaster1 Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 1.m. Mond1y1 at the Irvine Co., 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 766-1026. The Harboffft9 Toutm....,. Ctub meets at 1 a.m. Thursdays at Cooo'a Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coast t;iighway, Corona del Mar. (949) 293-4630. Udo Isle Toastma.-. meet horn 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. (714) 964-5314. The O.sta Senior CentM offwl. shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center. Call to make an appointment (949) 644-3244. Tutoring Is IMlillb&e for penon1 who could use help reading English. Hourly ratea and times are negotiable. (949) 851-1739. o.• s.n1or c.nw c6ts vt.ual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative, by appointment (949) 644-3244. Easential Weight Manegement offers Interactive and proactive weight lou gl'Ollpt. learn behavior modification and other techniques to control your weight. The coat i. $20. Group$ meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wedneaday1 and Thursdays at--· 369 San Miguel Drive, Suite 360, Newport Beach. (949) 718-9848. The Ho.,. lnltttut., • centat fot recovery and f1mily educetlon, offers a women'• 1upport group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at . 2900 Bristol St, C.206, Costa Me11. (714) 432-0020. °"" ...... Center ha. walking group called Walkers Not Roehrs, which mteta once a week Jo enjoy scenic walks In and around the Newport Bead\ area. (949) 644-3244. Women Helping Women offwl. free peer 1upport group for women in tran1itlon from 3:15 to 4:16 p.m. Alcoholi~ Anonymou1 meets from 6:45 to 7:46 a.m. Monday through Frld1y in Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Hoag C.ncar Center offwl 1 yoga cla11 at 10:46 a.m. Tuesday at 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237. Body Deeign-and Unlt9d Studios of Self·Defen11 offera kldt·boxing clasaea from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Tue1day1,Thuradaysand Saturdays at 1000 W. Coast Highway, Suite C, Newport Beach. S8 per cla1S. (949) 722-0526. The Alrhelmer'1 Aaan. and GMf Support Group of Newport VIiia WeatNilla Roaa co-sponsors a free support group meeting for caregiven at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month through October It Newport Villa Welt ULTMLITE TI1t Professional Wtiglti and Httllda ~ S;ysttm is here~. QJl rodaJ and find Ol4-• owr 350 ,<XX> sucassfvJ. clieaD bow. Orb!! Alaimd Uvtnu, 39S Hoapital Aoed, Newport e.actt. (949) 831-3666. The Allhellnat"I A.Mn. and Meal Ten'9CI, a r'Midenlial community for pef'10flS wfth Alzheimer'• dlNaN and related derrentla, offers a free support group for careglvera at 8:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Mesa Terrace, 360 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. (714) 283-1111. Rebecca Lewis leads an animal bereavement group that 1peolaUze1 In the needs of people Who have aide or dying pets. It meet• at 3 p.m. Tuesdays at 31011 W. Coast H!ghway, Suite 311. Newport Beech. The colt is a donation to an animal cttarity of the attendee's choice. Call to make a re11rvatlon. (949) 721-6750. 0.111 Senior CentM conduct• blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month in Room 3 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Newport Beach Psychological Assn. offers a body image and moderate eating support group at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach. (949) 721-5750. FrM t'al chi claases a,. offer9d every Friday from 10:30to11:30 a.m. and free qi gong classes are offered every Thursday from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (9491 722-6237. A 9bc·week educational NriH for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer or for anyone interested is being offered in two aenlons with various speakers. The first session is underway. The second session will take place April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 and May 6. Se11lons are from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. at the Hoag Cancer Cent.er, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. Pre-registration is required. (949) 722-6237. The Fadng Forw.rd Bereevemtnt Group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Monday at the Hoag Cancer Canter, 4000 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. Free. (9491 722-6237. A aupport group for thoM wtth brain tumors meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. the first and third Thursday1 of each month at the Hoag Cancer Canter, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Free. (949) 722-6231 A taut c:anoar aupport ll!CMIP for young women meets from 6 to • 7:30 p.m. every third Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center Is at 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. An evening breast cane»r support group meet.a from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center ia at 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A support group for fllmlly and friend• of cancer patients meeta from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center is at One Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. 722.Q37. Theo.• Senior c.nw °""' a Brellle clH• to help with •lght lou from 10 1.m. to noon Thur9day• in Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mer. 1949) 644-3244. •' A free cancer eupport group meets from e to 7:30 p.m. the 1eoond Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coalt Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237. The Jewl1h Senior CenW oner. card games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every third Tuesday. A kosher lunch 11 offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 613·5641. The Newport Beach Psyctiologlcal Assn. offers a coed support group at 7 p.m . Thursdays at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach. (949) 722-4688. The HHllng Connection off9rl a coed relationship group at 7 p.m Wednesdays at 4425 Jamboree Road, Suite 180-A. Newport Beach. (949) 261 ·8003. The Consumer BuslnHs Networtc meets at 7 a.m. Fridays in the mezzanine at Newport Gateway, 19800 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Reservations: (7 14) 550-4785. A free l.m.ire about divorce mediation, an alternative to the traditional two-attorney divorce. is offered the third Thursday of each month with attorney Alicia D. Taylor and psychologist Lee H Solow. Space is limited and reservations are required. (949) 955-2575. Revl11 your llf9tim• documents for Advance Health Care Directives at the Oasis Senior Center for $3 each. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244 The N1tlon1I Oytlexl• RHNrd\ Foundation sponsors weekly adult attention deficit disorder support groups at its office, 833 Dover Drive. Suite 27, Newport Beach. $5 per session. (9491 642·7303. O.sls Senior <Anter ott.rs preventive health care aervices for seniors on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the center's Room HS·3, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Facing Forwerd, a .upport group for those people that have lost someone to cancer, meet.a from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at the Hoag Clncer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. Cotta Mesa Fire Department Explorers Post 400 meets at 8 p.m. Tuesdays at varlou1 fire station1. Membership is open to anyone between 16 and 21 years old. (714) 754-5141 or (714) 754-5106. Maxine Cohen, • m1rri99e ind family therapist, sponsors an anonymous help line for persons with relationship problems. She Is available for free consultation from noon to 1 p.m. and from 7 to 8 p.m. Mondays. (949} 759-0357. Seniors and low-income fllmlllea in the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach area can obtain free U.S. Departmenl of Agriculture surplus food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the A free iupport group for women · second Friday of each month in with gynecologic cancer, focusing· the rear parking lot at the Church on providing mutual 1upport and of Christ, 740 W. Wllaon St.. Costa education, is offered at Hoag Mesa. Picture identification is Hospital from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the required. (949) 650-8236. second and fourth Wednesday of each month. (949) 722-6237. A brNlt cancer suppoft group meets from noon to 2 p.m. Tuesdays at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) A 1upport group for women with gynecologic cancer meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. QUOTE OF THE DAY neryousness, something completely_ new to me." Bruce Be1rer, on playing in the Jones Cup Daily Pilot Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sporta Fax: (949) 650-0170 SWIMMING EYEOPENER Ill D-aily~ fib 111 Sporu llal olFMDe .... t.""i'" u ......... u n August 3 honoree TY HARPER . Monday, July 28, 2003 A7 Peirsol brings home three gold medals from Spain Newport Harbor High grad snags his third gold Su nday in the medley relay at 2003 World Championships. Aaron Peirsol added to his medal collection once again Sunday. captur- ing his third gold medal of the 2003 World Otarnpionships as part of the world-record setting United States· • medley relay teadi in · Barcelona, Spain.. . Peirsol, a 2002 graduate of Newport Harbor High, had already won gold medals in the 100 and 200-meter back- stroke and a siJver m edal as pan of the 800-meter freestyle relay team. Swim· ming the first leg of the 4xl00-m eter medley relay Sunday, on the final day of the World Cllamplonships. he snag - ged his 13th medal in international competition. • Peirsol-gave the U.S. a big lead to be· gin with, finishing his 100 meters more than a second faster than his closest competitor. Brendan·· Hansen , Ian Crocker and -Jason Le7..ak maintained that lead throughout the race, finish- ing in a time of 3:31.54, more than three seconds faster than second- place Rus!iia and nearly two seconds faster than the previous world record of 3:33.48, set by the United States in September 2002. II was Peirsol's lone world record of the championships. though he did set .. .. JONES CUP IV two meet record s (I 00 bac~troke and 200 backstroke} and an American re- cord (800-meter freestyle relay). The three gold m edal!> give him four in hb career a1 the World Cllampion- ship~. I le also won the 200-meter backstroke in 200 I. In addition, he wa!> a 'iilver medalist at the 2000 Olympic Game!> 1n the 200-meter backstroke, an event 111 which he owns the world record. Prior 10 the medley relay, Peir5ol swam in the finals of the 50·meter backstroke. He finished eighth with a time of 25. 75. Germany's Thomas Rup· prath set a new world record in win· ning the event, with a time of 24.80. With the conclusion of the event, the U.S. team topped the medal charts with 28 medals. Including the four won by Aaron, there wiU be one m o re medal returning to the Newport-Mesa area. Hi~ younger sister, Hayley. a 2003 Newpon Harbor High gradate won a !>ilver medal in the 1500-meter free- style earlier in the meet. YOUTH SOCCER Slammers kick way to title Newport-Beach-based under-14 girls team wins second consecutive national championship in penalty kicks. It was a perfect ending to a very. long trip. The :-.iewpon Beach-based Slammers Futbol Oub under-I 4 girls team cap- --+-n11'1"1 rt ~ eon~u~national-ti~ tie Sunday. defeating FC Delco Fusion 1 4-2 in penalty kicks after playing 10 a 1-1 tie in regulation at Germantown. Mary- land to capture its age bracket at the 2003 Snickers U.S. Youth Soccer Na- tional Cllampionshi13s. I The victory came after Delco had de· feated the Slammers 2-0 on Friday in a meaningless, round-robin game. Both teams had already qualified for the charnpion~h1p game. rt also came at the end of a journey r that has seen the Slammers capture a tournament title in n.Vo different coun· oies. having gone undefeated in Swe- den at the Gothia Cup. sponsored by Nike, before playing in Maryland. "It's hard, very hard to take girls this STEVE "1cCRANK DAILY PILOT Bruce Bearer 1s the teamm~te of Newport Beac;b Country Club head pro Paul Halin for the 2003 Jones Cup Friday at Mesa Verde Country Club. . .~ ... age ou1 of their element and away from home ... Slammers Coach Ziad Khoury said. "But they focused and accom- plished something that probably won't be done or a very long time.· ' '·' ~ );;'(... . Beaiet Soaking up this orie Delco grabbed an early lead Sunday. when Julie Edwards scored in the l I th minute, using her chest to send home a cross from Justin Woolner. It was the Pennsylvania team's first shot of the game. He fills in for NBCC champion Bloorp. r ~· joining Hahn fof Jones Cup IV Friday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot The first words out of Bruce Bear- er's mouth when asked about his ini- tial appearance in Jones Cup IV. scheduled for I :30 p.m. Friday at Mesa Verde Co untry Qub. were ones filled with appreciation and apology. "First of all, I'm sorry Jeff Bloom couldn't make it," said the 43-year- old B'earer, who finished second by two shots to Bloom for Newport Beach Country Oub's major wumament is in a wugh place . men's championship. Because Bloom will be on vacation in Hawaii, Bearer will join Paul Hahn, NBCCs head pro- fessional in the bener- ball, partner format. . , the pace of Bob Lovejoy ~ and Danny Lane's win· , .. .~,, ~~ ,g':n.~ s~?f~ .after a double uogey. "The third round was my downfall. Then I told myself to hang in there, have fun and don't worry about the score. What happen!> is going to hap· pen." "We came ou1 nervous and didn't play our best in the first couple of minutes. (but) after they scored, we staned pun- . irtg"'tt'·togetlr~t '!!,l_d playing our best," the Slammers Tanya Emerson said. "It's fun to see the pros playing. they all have "It's a shame, but I'm glad to come to the Jones Cup." Bearer said. ·I fol - C great swin~ ... said Bear-up er. who shot 73 in each of the first two rounds of the club championship 10 What happened is that Bearer, 43, leaped into second and now 1s set to play in the Jones Cup. which has been won the past two years by Big Canyon's Director of Golf. Bob Love· joy, and amateur partners Ron Mag- gard and Danny Lane. Emerson tied the score 1-1 in the 63rd minute, following the rebound of her own shot and blasting a JO-yard shot in· side the right posL It was the first goal Delco had allowed in four games in the toumamenL lowed our team last year for the back nine at Big Canyon. It was nice to see all the great golfers, especially guys you know." Jeff Wright and Hahn were right there with the three other .private dub teams from Newport-Mesa heading into the par-five 18th at Big Canyon. but finlshed five shots off ta.Ice the lead halfway through. An 82 in the third round brought him back to the pack before he closed with a 79, actually jumping from fourth place to second after he birdied the par-three 17th. "The lapse between the two week· ends was pretty tough, being in the lead at that point," Bearer said. "Now I see how being the front runner in a Santa Ana Country Qub and NBCC have yet to claim Jones Cup.titles (the Mesa Verde duo of head pro Tom Sar· gent and Pete Daley claimed the in · augural event in 2000). See BEARER, Pa1e A8 Needing penalry kicks to decide the title, the Slammers had the advantage of having practiced them in their Sarurday evening practice session. "We were pretty confident before we took the penalry kicks,· Emerson said. "We stayed (Saturday) until every single person made one. and then we stayed after practice was supposed to be over See SUM/ERS, P .. e Al SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Glenn Turnbull It seems as if no one can stop this dancing -and tennis -machine. Steve Vlrs.n Daily P~ot T he beat goes on. In.side the mind and body of Glenn Turnbull there seems to be a unique tbytbm that keepl this vibrant mm IO refreebed. AJ. 821 l\arnbull. a renowned wp dlncer. c:onttnuee to blend hit lalent tn bla .-me met In bis life. 1\lmbu8 bM been an .wt cennll ..,.~ hitlld\llt Hie. Hll dlydlm ... '*" .... toUrCe tor bl& .... an llMll and bis .... s..wan ..... ·~ .. )\*the .-.uuc thing in the world." said Turnbull. who lives in Corona del Mar. "My whote wodd Is .1 built around rhythm. I ~ tennis wtth a certain rhythm and I dance with my own rhythm.· Rlr 1\JrnbulL bia dancina days SOU'ttd when he WU 11 aM he attended the Fanchon met Marco Dancing School on Sanset Bl¥d ln Loe Anplll. !Yer since, be bu llwayt lrild to become abetair Cllnca And. . When be fouDd hla nlcbe. .. c:anw Nilly look oft'. In the 19SOI. 1\lmbUI ...... • ~'-Ure In...,,,. "'-J.....nl ~·a ilbow biiMiid an ---~---------- I II M Monday, My 28, ~3 lllftll Daily A Pilot lllftll S~ Hall of Fame CC1'1cbrat:ing thP millPnuium MATI JAMESON • Newport ~arbor Former Sailor basketball standout reached his goaJ playing college basketball at Miami of Ohio. Steve Vireen Daily Pilot W hen Matt .James~n was growmg up m Newport Beach he . dreamed about basketball. He e nvisioned himself playing college basketball at an Nc..AA Division I ~hoot. The NRA was not a 6ig deaJ for Jamc~on. He saw what he wanted in coUi;ge basketball. And, he worked toward lhat dream while at Newport 1 larbor High. "Every kid wants to play in the NBA, but for some reason. I wante9 to play coUege basketball and that was aJways a dream of mine." said Jameson. who recently graduated from Miami of figuring out what he wants to do for the future. I le has thought about coaching or going back to school to earn a master's degree. Whatever he decides, he knows that basketball will always be his source of strength. h 's the game that ha:. provided so many lessons. "Hasketball has been a way that I have been able to e)>tablish my life," Jameson said. "It's given me structure and discipline. It's always provided a goal for me because I was striving to get b etter at it. Now the re\ a new chapter in my life. It's not that I'm Ohio and recurncd Matt Jameson to Newport Beach. trying lo step away from bashtball But tho!>e days of competing at the highe~t level aren't there fo r me "It's always been about March Madness. That's what I've been in love with, filling out the brackets. It's awesome 10 look bctck and say U1at I fuJfilfed that goaJ." Jameson, who started four years on lhe varsity team at Newport Harbor, said he learned a lot while at Miami There were some moments that weren't memorable, some that weren't desired. yet, overall, Jameson captured the essence of perseverance. While at 'Newport, Jameson was known for his hard work, dedication and passion toward the game. However, time and time again thoi.e attributes were put to the test in college by Miami Coach Charlie Coles, who is known for-his old-school style and discipline. "We didn't have the best relationship on the court," Jameson said. ·The best thing I can say about him is that he taught me a ton about experience. about character and sacrifice. "College basketball was a huge life experience for me. It taught me a lot about life and discipline. much more than high school." Jameson earned a bachelor of ans degree in Engtish literature. Now he said he is in the process of anymore !'here's still a lot of me that will always be a part of basketball. I don't know if it will be coaching or ju!>t playing recreationaJ balJ. Basketball has alway'> been a po!>itive influence in my life. My family, Coach (Larryl Hirst have always supported me." Hirst, the Newpon Harbor boys basketbaJI coach, anended Jameson's final home game at Miami ofOhfo. "That was really special for me," said Jameson. the late~ honoree of the Daily Pilot Spons I !all of Fame. Jameson's Lime at Newport Harbor provided several highlights. He said defeating Santa Margarita during his junior year was one of the brightest moments. He also talked about beating Compton in the CIF playoffs during his senior year. "That was definitely an eye-opener, ft Jameson said of playing at Compton. "We had police escorts off the freeway. The color issue was there, but it was juc;t great to play against them from that ciry. I think the reason we were able to win that game was because we were. loose. I just thought it was a lot of fun." It's memories like those that keep Jameson involved with the game. he said. DEEP SEA Newport ......... · 7 boatl, ~anglers. 1,620 sand baM. s IC!Jlpin. 4 sole, 1 yeUowtail, 3 white tea bass. so calico ~ 2 halibut, 20 sh~ 20 blue perch ' ' ' , , \ . SPORTS Bronco A aII .:.stars hit end of road Strong run into the regional tournament comes to an end for 11-and 12-year-old all -stars with 12-4 loss to Mira Mesa. CHINO HIUS -Through four innin~, it looked as though Newport Harbor Baseball Asso· ciation's Bronco A all-stars were well on their way to spinning an- other upset and advancing lo the South Regioo toumament Satur· day at Otlno Hills Community Park. But the team, made up of 11 • and l~·year-olds, ran out of gas and the pitching it needed for the victory, falling 12-4 to the tournament's No. 1 seed from San Diego Mira Mesa. The loss 'ended the longest postseason, run by a Bronco A all-star team ln the history of the Newport Harbor Baseball Association. After an opening-round win against Fontana. Newport ~rop­ ped a 3-2 contest Fri~ay to faU BEARER day and Sunday mornmgs. saidBearer, who works for a real Continued from A7 estate development company ln Irvine. "My two young boys play soccer and baseball, so I Bearer, who has been playing . try to get out. before those golf since he was 14, took les-things happen. Sometimes sons from Mike ReehJ, Santa we'U play nine holes late in the Aria's director of golf, 10 years afternoon in the summer ago and has taken a few train-months." ing sessions from Hahn. Playing in front of a gallery He began.,to take golf "seri -that could reach into the hun- ously~ about eight years ago, dreds will be a new experience when he hovered around a 10 fot Bearer. who already felt the handicap. I le is now a 1.7. eyes of the 30 or 40 who came "Gettfog down to 5 wa~ m y to watch the final round of the first goal, then I was at 4.9," men's dub champion!>hip. Bearer recalled. "The next goaJ "J noticed the galleries were was getting down to a 2, which growing in the club chal'rlpion- took about a year-and-a-half. ship," Bearer said. "I was more Now. I'm playing the· best I've comfortable as lhe round went ever done. on.· "I learned to practice my Bearer has played Mel.a Verde putting stroke instead of chang-t\Vice, including last week with ing things and to play smarter Hahn and Debbie Albright. '>hots. Instead of trying to make "It was more of a practice a miraculous shot from lhe round," Bearer said. ·we didn'1 trees, chipping the ball back keep :.core. We got used to the into 1he fairway, getting a bogey fairways and checked the dis· and moving to the next ho le tancei.. The course is in grea1 was the goal. AJso, I've elimi-shape. nated some of the double bo-"The IJkuyu grass is tough for geys, which has erased four to people and that is what Riviera five strokes." has, so I'm used to that. Oiip- • Bearer. who grew up playing ping it close and being able to Riviera Country Oub in Pacific get the ball up and down at PaJisad es, where his family Riviera is import ant." · were members, plays about No doubt the same shots will three times a month. His family, present themselves to aJI eight which includes wife Diane and players in Friday's Jones Cup. '>Ons Bruce and Matt. takes "It's an exciting nervousness. precedence. something completely new 10 "I try 10 get out early Satur-me: Bearer said. TURNBULL Continued from A 7 many of us around. The greatest W"dS Hal Leroy. I patterned myself after him. He was a big. La1J guy and weighed practically nothing. He had that art of the loose limb tap dancing. In other words you· don't direct your feet, but you throw them out there and you make the people go crazy. M into the loser's bracket It needed five st:ral.ght wins to reach the zone tournament, which is the ftnaJ step before the world series. IL looked like the first of those five wins was a possibility when Newport jumped out to a 4-1 lead over Mira Mesa after four innings. But Danny Moskovits had to be removed from the mound because he had reached his innings limit and the flood- gates then opened for Mira Mesa. Moskovits limited Mira Mesa to two hits and struck. out five in his four i.nflln~ of work. He also collected three hJts, including a double. and ~ored a run. But as Mira Mesa began scor- ing runs, and doing so in bunch· es, it became apparent that Mo!>· kovits' strong work wasn't going to be enough. . The end of the road came de· spite a 2-for-3 performance by Ryan Albert, including his sec- ond home run ln as many days. He finished with a pair of RBis. Nick Svt;ndsen added a hit and a run scored. Catcher Adrian Ro- driguez drove in a run. STEVE M(CRANK I DAllY PILOI Bruce Bearer fintshed second m the men's championship at NBCC, but hopes to carry the club torts first Jones Cup title. for his usuaJ morning jog. "Its the first leg injury that I have ever had in my life. but I keep hoofing (dannngJ. ·· Turnbull said ·1 \'\a'> laid up for about IO day., bl'lore I got bad. to teaching 1ap dancmg. But the tennis was a LitUe 100 much." Turnbull ~d he has been enjoying retirement. He has been married to wife, Betty. for 6 1 years and they have one w n. Mark. a muc;ician and writer, and one daughter. Glenda, who works at the HaJboa 13ay Cluh l'urnbulJ took his act to the Jack Benny Show and also made a candid appearance on the Groucho Marx Show. While his dance career was in its prime, TumbuJI jolned the Balboa Bay Oub. He wouJd commute from L.A. to Newport Beach. just to fulfill his love for the game of tennis. PHOTO COURTESY OF GLEN TURNBULL Glen Turnbull.right, tap dancing in the l 960's at the Los Angeles Theater-Mart during the musical "The Wayward Way.~ When TurnbuJJ overcome' h1<, mJury, he plan' to play m at le<L'il three toumamcnh a year. He ha'> been going through rehabilitation for the past four months and has been noticing improvement'>. When he couJdn't mak& it to the club, he would play against HolJywood stars at a nearby tennis court He wouJd usually play with or against Johnny Carson. · "f did the Jack Benny Show for about five years," l'urnbulJ sa.id. SLAMMERS Continued from A7 and took some more. That helped us get it down." Slammers goallceeper saved the first shot by Delco and Del- co missed the goal on its sec- ond shot. Mo Press, Megan Je- solva, Cindy Mendoza and Lauren Hernandez converted Newport Beach's first four Ide.ks to give the Slammers the vic- tory. ·1 danced on all sons of 'ihowi.. I choreographed some shows. It Was a very busy time for me. I was working my fanny off. But it fun .. was . While no stranger to work. TumbulJ evencually became the tennis director at the Balboa Bay Oub Racquet Oub. Bob Ogle The club also swept the three honors handed out in each age division after the tournament. They received the Snickers Fair Play Award, goalie Lauren Greg- ston was named the recipient of the adidas Golden Glove Award and Christen Press received the adidas Golden Boot award. The Slammers reached the championship game with a 3-0 victory over AUanta Tophat on Thursday and a 3-2 win · over Eclipse (Ubertyville, 111.) in their opener Wednesday. The tournament, a year-Jong now hold' that po'>iuon. Next month, T1.1mbu1J will be the chairman of 1he club'l> annuaJ i;enior 1ournamenl. · l·our months ago. f\Jrnbull in1un.'CI Im ngh1 leg. but he says tf he ~et~ the OK from ha~ doctor h<' will play. Turnbull said he injured the leg \-vhcn he wenl out competition beginning on a lo- caJ level. includes champion:. from four regions. The Slam- mers won the California state title and then the Far Wes1 re- gional to quaJify for the na- tional championships. "ll1i'> has been a long year. but this team has done some- thing thal probably no other team has done,· IQ1oury sa'.id. MThey won the (Coast Soccer) League Cup. the Surf Cup, the State Cup, the Nike U.S. finals, the Golhia Cup and now a na - tional championshJp." "I plan on playrng," ..a.id l\JmbulJ, who won many 1ournamen1s in hio; 60s. "1'11 lw back as soon as the doctor givcc, me lhe OK on tJ1c rig.ht li:g. I've played in hundreds of tournaments. even after retinng I wouJd be playing al leru.t Onl' 1oumamen1 a week if the leg was OIC' HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratmg the Daily Pilot's Athlete ofthe Wee« series TODAY ,. -Jenny Sp.lb Costa Mesa Girts 80000f, 2002 ~cu '03 f .\l'fDI f/0., .\I T HIMN$N ,._.,_.. ...... " ... ..,., ,... ............. ~ ~<...,.. r waa. -----•1111119 •JU9•• .C7 ... Qllll C9I -.. - Tiie totlowina persoi" are dokl& buslneu H r I i.nds of L11un1 Beacil Commu111ty Chnic. 362 third StrHI. le1un1 Buch. CA 92651 L .. un1 Beach Com munlty Chnlc, Inc , (CA), 362 Thifd Street. L11eun1 Buch,CA9~1 This bus1neu ts con duded by. • c0lpor11ton Have you slitted do1na busineas yet? Yu. 06/ 08/2003 L11un1 Be1ch Com mumty Clln~. M1delet11• Peterson, Sec11tuy lhl~ sratemftnt wn tiled with the County Clerk of Oranae County e>n 06/23/03 2003tt• .. OH Dally Piiot July ?I, 18, Aufl 4.11 .2003 Miil SELL your unwanted items lhrouah cfassit1ed NOTICE OF mus. TEE'S 8.Al...E T.S. No. 03-20M6-fc-ca Loen No. 4001228621 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UN- DER A OEEO Of' TRUST DATED 1'112/2001. UHUSS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PR~CT YOUR PR<WERTY, rT MAY BE SOlD AT A PUBLIC SALE.. IF YOU NE.ED AH EXPLANATION Of TlE NATIJRE OF ll1E Pf'OCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU 8HOOLD CONTACT A LAWYER. A publk: euc:tJon .... to the ~ bidder '°' c:uh (cuhl9r'a a ) must be mllCle IO Natlonal I: s.Mc:tng Cot· porwtion), dnwn on a .... Of Mtlonel benk, a CMck dt9Wll by I 1'-le or federal c'9dlt ""'°"· Of a check drmwn by a ataW OI federal ..,,,. and loell UIOClallon, AV· lngs Ml()C\aCJon, OI arMga beM epeclftM In 5ecUon 5102 ol the Flnancial Coda and .,.,_~ to do bul~ -In tNa 1t1W; wlll be hekl by the duly aooolm.d tnla... .. ehOwn l*ow, of ... right. tltle, and I,.,... conW1119(1 to and now hetd by Iha lrullae In Iha hweiNfW ct. acribad Pf'Of*1Y unow end purlUM'll to a DMd of Truet dacribad l*ow. The .... wlll be meda In an •u ... condition, bul wlthoul ~ Of waminty, uptMMd Of lmptled, l'9glll'dlng tltie, ~ skin, °' encumbnlnce9, IO pey the '9!Mlnlng prlnclpal l4MTI °' the no4ll(1) eeclnd by the Deed ol Truet. with ,,,....., and late ctwvM thet9on, .. prO¥ldtld In the no4ll( I ), 9Ctvltncae, under the '8mla of the Deed ol Trwt, l'*"MC ~ ...._ ctwv-and Re-. .... ... s...... The lollowma person' ••• dolna busmen as JoNlnnah lee lnlarlOf Des11n 2341 rOldham Or Cosl.t MeH C1lt for m1 92626 Joh1nn1h Ln f' 11ke, 2341 f0ldh1m Or. Costa MeMi, Cahl01n1• 92626 This bu,inen ., con· ducted by 111 tndtvtdual Have you SIM led dotn& businon yet? No Joh11o111h L r •lh This statement was filed with the County Clerk ol Or .tnat County on 0//03/03 200H9S0313 Daily Polo! luly 14, 21. 28.Aua.4.2003 M767 a...,_ ol the True-... '°' the IOCal amount (Ill Iha tllne of lht lnltlal publcadon of Iha No- .. d Sala) wtebly ~IObeeet fof1h betow. The _..,. mey be or..- on !tie drt al ..... TNetor: 0£0RGE M. DUQCtt, A SIHGLE MAN Duly Appotmed Tru.•: HAtlONAI.. DEFAULT SERVICING CORPORATION R.- cont.d 01J04/2002 .. t...m.ment No, 2002000&'235 of Otflc:.laf Records In the omc. of the Recon:tar ol QA. ANGE County, CalltOI'· Illa, On of Sale: 08/18'2003 al 2:00 P.M. Piece of Sale: Al the North front antranc. to the County Court· ~. 700 CIYlc C.nlll!r DriWll WMI, Santa Ana, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other chargu: $730,295.87 Street Addrua ot other common dHlgnatlon of ,... property. 1224 WEST BAI.BOA BOUlEVARD, NEW· POAT BEACH, CA t2M1 A.P N.: 047·234- 15 The~ TrueliM di9d411m• any lllbltlly for any Inc«· 1'9Ctneu of the l1rMt addt'Ma OI other com- mon dMIQnallon, If any, ahown aboWll It no atrMt addtMI Of other common dMIQnatlon Le ahOwn, dl'9C'Uons IO Iha toceUon of the ~ "'llY be <Jb. t.lnad by Mnding • wrinan f'9qUU1 to the banaflclary within I 0 =the.S...offlm lcatlon of Ihle d Sala. Oa•: JUL 23 2003 NATIONAL DEFAULT SERVICIHG CORPORATION 3030 N. CEt<TRAL AVENUE, STE. 250 PHOENIX, AL 85012 s.i.a Line 91tr 387 ·7728 TAMA.LA DAILEY, TRUSTEE SALES ftEPRESE:NTA· TIVE ASAP549272 CTTta. OM>4, Ol/11 Genenil Cof ledibfes/ Memcnbllla 1160 Announcements 1610 TOP SS 4 lllCOAOS nc ka.. ClirM, Ek. ~' & ID\ .et Alla 5'lM luifr .111.,. Mike 949 6"'-7'l0S ENTfRTAINMENT talendarof Ewnb 1310 IGUAl. HOU5116 OPPOIT\llTY All rul l\lat r acJvrr lo\tn& on lht\ ntW\ll•Ptt o~ wbtetl lo th" F tdet •I F • 11 HOU\tnl Ad 111 1968 a\ amended whoch m•ke\ •I tll~e•• to 1dverto~ ·any pr eltt rnt• l1m1Ul111n or dt\Cr 1m111ahut1 b•\td on 'ne colo<. 1 eh11oon. \et, handtcap lamohal slalu\ or natoonal 01111n. or an tnlentoon lo makt .iny such p1ele1ence. hmota hon°' disu1n11n1lton • This new,paper woll not know1n11ty 1ccrpl any edverloiem~rll flll real tshlt whoch 1s 111 v1ol1lton nl the IAw Our readers ere hereby tnlMmed that all dwell· '"II' advc1liMd tn this newspaper ~• e <1v11lable Oft an equal oppOf lu11lty basts To complaon of dts· c:rtm11111ton, c.U HUO loll "" 11 l 800 424 8590 CO,JSIGW.1HJTS I I ' '•lvafe Oucli HunOn9 Clu• ~ppro• I/hr lrc.111 N~wpou I Out.h I AL fl lent hu11t11111 •d1•tenl to \lalt w.tlcrlowl '"lu&" UW'1fl\htµ 111le1HI & •PP'"' ll!. ~.,,~of land & unprovf'nntnh • yuur ow11 4.11111> compou11d w \tr,utu'~ aud '1 lr•1li!r\ Wonderful Fri n•&hl BBQ s & "'"" tast1n11 duron11 dutk \f!a\on • rnany e-.1ra~• ldul lo• ? Ir lf'nd\ °' lather & wn C•ll M1kt 41 JIO !>41 ~ HW. Tit SERVICES Medical SeMca 2515 MSOWl&.Y MO COST .. yw!I ltew Pow... WI-' cllaors Scooters •nd O..toc ~ c..11 lol tu~ I 866-247-4/48 24 hairs .. my t.o see it Y'Xt ~'1 (CAI. •SCAN) HOME RJRNISHINGS 2 ......... vonHlm«t IOIH aft. soft whole. Ith MW, $1!i0 H <h, both IOI S\400, 71t *'"" Pfllll IOI• Sl50, Nil table' ctlalrs $150 Ht-671-ttH s yow stuff hcqft clesstfiidl ............ ... s....... • The l0Uowln1 person:. ••• d04n1 buslnes.s u L•icfulw Sc:IMJltz Attht tech, 410 West Coast Hwy •P. Newport Be.ch, CA. 92663 Scoll l atdl<1w JI . 4719 Rover Ave • Newport Beach, CA 92663 Creoa N Sc:l)ulll. 103 St. Jc>Mph Ave , Lona Buch, CA 90803 Thos bustnen ts c:on d11cted by. • aeneul p.it lnersh1p liave you started dOtnl busmen yet' Yes. M.ty I 1997 Cr ~·a N Schultt Thi~ sl;otemenl wn filed wolh the Cou11ty Cterk of Oranae County on 07/14/03 200369S1HS O~oly Pilot July 21, 28, Aiia.4.11.2003 M771 OFFICE FURNJTURFJ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT AIOUT lllCTlllC WHUlCHAtllS Nrw no c<l\l Lo you If eltelble Medicare auepled ~s and Pows 0--S (scooUr \lyle) We ln!al you , ~tr c.. 7 d•yi (8001 83!> l iSS (CAI. •SCAN> • 3610 200+ llOTTBt5. CAT\. DOCS -~ora fWalr1 ~~ trum ~ 1li GlWWfllI ~W'!I SC>ioy motmlA c.ll homl!5 b lwl""" 96e7.E6J2 Od"" Kitt .... Leop11d looll·a ltlles. 11re uolic aoldfc:hoc:olale spots, , .. , $Cllmc>Olet s 90'J..681-6664 3115 Ch.c•l•t• pwre•rae4 tab name d *Moose" recoverm1 from 1un shot wound, tn dancer ol bem& put lo st.ep. Needs &oocl horM asajl Call Lynn 714•6!il·t623 -s-sa..,ie-• •II colors, all s itu fof adc>Otton to qu1l1fled 11omes www orascue °"1. « ua 11 .. nl-!l91s. R111R1 n• Iii tr Arr -M&SnllWltH ~WI 24A2t was 182.00 Ml S.J9IO 2ta4'i ... ,1 u oo .... $S4IO .._.100wh12$,IOO, Mii JIU50C.a11Nowl ,_""' ",_, ... I I'll II ON1• In I I 1111• A H I -I peq H 1 <.MINa>: ---~·ICM• •• 100 aawapapara •l•tt•lllel H ·•lflla 1Atoht1ea-.... POO ....... ,....,. c:Mhr•. ,,.. ..... ...... (tlt,....lO'. , ... ,....,.. __ ut IUlll co.- • SELL your stuff through classified! 8tJSlPoCSS ~.1.CJ>Kf(l Sf.RVIC£ Need support stY1ll'C c. upanclna ~ ,,,_ bl.t5fts.\, Cil tot .. .,.. Ill> Ill' f8.a 11U ~I "1'. IONG RWTI 20• l0c's Gtl!ill lncomfl ~ J9( """ ,.... by &fl., I 11» 224 CJi 18. 241Y, ACCIPTING CAW 1 DAn •• P~ IK"' bcm/ledenol lwe Sl4 8>•1"11 Pd tr ..,.;benetlh llll 8J8.~ Announc8nMI lfCA920 (CAI. -SCAN I A• MARS IN[SllE IS< 1Sl1S Hot ice b hereby &1011 Notou os hereby 111ven ll)ll(J Of Pl1nlOI that lht Board o f lh•I the lloud ol &a-lJR Truste" of the Coast TruslH\ of lhe Cu.hi TO. Community Collect Cunornunoty Coll•11• lSTAftOf: D1sl1lcl ul Or•nae D••l11cl ol Or<1n&e JAl(StollM)RIQISOI County. C•hfOlllta. woll Count1 Cah101111.t wlll rKtlVI se•i.d blCH up re<.eove Haled bods UP ... J. DOllAlt f.uso. to but no lite• than 2 00 lo but 110 l•let than 2 00 tb JA11S t. faSOI pm Wedne\day, Au&USI pm , Tu~•1 Aucud S 6, 2003, al the Pur-2003. 11 lh• Puich•~tnl CASl IO. A22tlt4 thn1n1 ()ep11tmenl DI Department ol the lo •II hew• llen•lo ti•• D11trtcl louted 11 Didfk.I loe1ltd •l ll/O , ••nes. c•edtlon lCln 1370 Ad~on• Avenue. AdiHns Avanue. Bide 0 ton11ent tredolUf\ •nd Ride D Centi Meu . Co5ta Mew C•hfo<nt• "'""'"' who m•y oth C11tlorn1a 11 whoch tom" at whoCh lime bod• woll ~rwo!.;" bt 1nltte· l•d on bid\ woll be publicly be µubhcly opened .111d the will ul nl•I~. ur opened •nd r e•d fOf read IOl both cof iAMI S OCJNAI 0 BROl\OCAS I VIOF 0 BROl\DCAS I I I KC.. U ')O N 1 k • f SIRV£R.KOCI IV AU10MA110N sYSll M OONl\ll) llRGUSON ak" All -t>td\ are ICI bt 111 KOCC lV JAMI~ 0 f lRCU'>ON atcordancP with lhe Bod All bods are lo be on A l'l llllON FOR PRO Ootumenh whtLh are accordante wolh the Btd BA II 1,., beero l1lt1d by now on file •nd may be Documenh wht<h .ue MARIA 'flll r rt l<CUSON secured on the ollote ol now on Ille a11d may be rlnd 11\NI ABIOAH Ille Dor rd or ol Pur sttcured on the oflou 111 GIUI IANI 111 ttoe Suµ~"'" t'l1n1neollhe01~troc1 the Dtrettor of 1'111 r.111111 "' r~11torn1a. No borldct may woth· chasona of the Ooslru I Lfl•H•ly 01! ORANGI Qoaw ho' bid tor ., pe110Cl No Bidder may W•lh tttl 1•1 llTION r OR ol lotly love 14!>) days draw h" bod tor• Permd PROHA 11 1 ~<IUt\I\ o11ter lh• dale set for ol lorty love (45) d.iy\ MNllA 11\11 11 RC.USON the oµenona th er tot after the d•le sel for • "d JI\ N 1 A (ii C: A 1 l lhc B<.oa1d ul frustee' the openona thereof (;llJI IANI br dl1pu1nted re~e1ve\ tile pro••le&e of The Board of lru,lee' • µt•o·.uro•I oep.-,cnt .. •tltl tong any ~nd all btch re~rvn the priv1le11 .. ul tov• 1 .. 1111111111·.lo r th~ 01 to waive "'IV orre&u re,ectong any and •II hod\ •''"" vi tho \!rt <d<lll latolo•' nr 111lormo11thes °' lo w•••• o1ny 111t1tu 1111 f'I l1l10N rcqu~''' on any bid ur 1n the lauhes or onloronalol•t• th• •I•,• O• 111 Woll .,,.d b1dd1n1 an any bid or m th~ , •uJ ,, d .111)' bt s1,...d1 /S/ aager W. btddtng .. 1111111 .. 1"'1., '""'" I tor Oavh. Olre cte1 of Slpted: /S/ a09er W w.11 ,,, I •"1, "d" ''' df• ''"'ho•l ft9 , C•a•t Devis , Director of .,1v..,114 t..h I ,1 • ,.t1111nd C••Munlly Coll•t• Purchoaln9. Coa•t lo•ooo 111 "'' Iott ~•Ill tiv 0 1.rrlct Co1WMunlty Colleg• thr '''"'' Advertl•e: July 21, Olatrh1 1111 11 l1IU1N •••111~'' 2003 oftd July 21, Adv•rlh•: July 2 I , ~1111o .. 111y 1 "''"""'"'e• 2003 2003 ond July 78, II•• .. I olt "'"'"' !hf' Opon: Wodno1doy. 2003 lr1•1• l *'111tr11I A111tt1t11'\ Aug.nt 6. 2003 • Open: TuHdoy, A .. gu•I Ir .111 11 .,1 I •.1-tr "'I 2 p.m. S, 2001 • 2 p.m. 1 1111 Auotu.1111 woll •llow lld No.: 1159 ltd No: I 158 11,. 1,., ·"" ,1 "'" r en Pubh~h•d N"w11u1 I Publo'.ll"d N• ,.,,. .. I l•li.r 1.. '·'~" 111.Jny lit-dth CO\ld Mt·~ct Odtly Beath r.o~li4 Mt · .. • O.ttl-1 1 ·t• f11111 NIU1oul l1t1t1n Point lutv 7 1 78 Polo l luly 71 111 ,11 ,, , ,,.,1 ·•l•I•' ••di 700 j M//0 2003 M/(•'I uo1.... 1.1kH••' ... r ••• n ------===....!...;,.:...; ____ -____ 1•·t ._ 1111purl,u1I .u 110'1'\ NOTICETOCAEDfTC»'l.S I~ OF A ....... "' 11 .. 1>•l'.t1tldl OFBU.J<SAl..E a:RfAfoj 11·1•••"rt11,1lm" will b1• •UCCSec 6106) DEUCATESSEN " I""' '1 1" 1:"• "''1"' ~NO 15367'~ BlJStlESS ,,, Ulh•I, ,..,, µ•·t ,.,1, NOTICE IS ~y at"d life IOcaled 91 361 ""'' . "" v '"'"' "'·11•-11 GIVEN tlll a bJk sale IS HOSPITAL. ROAD 11(6 ,.,.1, • "' '""', ... ,,ti '" iltnA ., be made ne NEWPORT BEA01 CA I"" '''"l'"'d "''"'' i name(s) lW1d bu9nesS 92633 • 11,. ""'' 1,. "''' 111 Jd ta(tt8e&(es) of 11e 91!1er(s) The bUk sail! IS Aerl:led b "''"'' '' .11 .. 11 .1101h"'11y &'are TAAAS be ~ ar f'e '"" 1, •. '''"''••l uool•'' O«:)Ft(AV'V N<J ~ tn •Oh·ttJ\oft-cl &>t"r\fJn STEPHANE OQ¥.AVY, ~ ESCRJN 1205 1•1• " •·111•• 1""' 1" lh~ 351 HOSPITAL. AOAD E. ~ AVE '" 1'1' '" ·"'" '11""'' ~'"'" 1105, NEWFORT BEACH, QR.INGE. CA 921!66 anl w , .. tov lho <our I CA 921363 hl ~ sale daM IS 11 "'"1 ""1 ~· ~n• 11'" ~ b.8ie960El.J3S L()() &1 .-'>am 11tllor111ly ~ ,..,.,... l.., A 1111\l<ING "" lh~ The bJk sale tS ~ l) 1, • .,,., woll Ii• l'l~l•I "" ~~~~Code= All(.111/l tfl(llotl "'' _,..... ) .......... f1e pes1 .....,.,,,..,..__ " '" ro IJ~1.1t I 1 I t-.e -•s 61062. dh ,1 ,, !"I ri,. Loh ~ =S),as ~ ~ The r1WTle anl ~ d [111,, • ulh Ot.tn~· I A PR:NDE0 TO BUYER hl person ~ ~ >I/ill.Ii darns mil'f be fier:I g 11 fllll I IH II I I I lhr ~=:nCalcrna d ~ A~ .r41tbt•~ 111 ... 110111,.,,, hl ()18f ~ Oflce ~ t:!a) AVE 1•1u •.huuld 111pur JI llu off'eseler«.SANE t1J-.1ru1' •••ci .t~I, 't' u1 Tl"e nwne(S) ard bu!reslS ~ ~ ~ ~ ·l'I"' ''"" "' lolo "ti II•·" a:b't!l69 ci ,.., ~SI ... -· -..., ·"~•It• II '""'II•• "'"' 01! C>1ANGWOOHAN ~arl)' creca:r ~:: t·~'"'' th· '" '""•' v, u• N-K) ~ HA/II. 2146 l2. am.= g ti! ·llllJ• tf 111• o 111.1 I I" '" 8AVYKXX) ~ bAWees <»I I"'",.·"" .,, hv ¥1111, FU.1ERTON.CA92833 ~ sie diJlle oll"'""V The...,~ slid are ~atxM! 1r mu Aki /I l 111 Ill Qel"'er3lv dB9otlecl as .-u. DaMtt KAN ~ 1 11 11 .. , , , , ot "" • " 1 CiO:CfNU. R..ff.KTlff.. C>1ANG WOO 1 . '"'"'"' ,1 111• d••.H .. n Axn.fES. ~ . .JONffHAN.~s) v·•u '"" 1111. ,.,,,, • 1~'"' ~ NOT TO PCTS . lJl(8l7ll:I .. ,111 t11• """' .ont! r11.11I CXM'ETE. lEASEHOl..D NEWPORT 1.ESA I I .. ,., '" 111• LJ••'••ll•I MEREST. TRADE ~A 1 ·•·111• t·•1l.1tlV•'' •'I.I !:NM'E~~-----ANO::::..::::__DAL::.:=Y..:.Pl..OT-=:..:....:..;712JWJ=..;.,:.--111u11lr1I hy lh• I"'"' ,....... .. -.y ... Wlltl p;wn ,.,,.,. YleW'i ol p COIJI...... p;Jrtl;!I Ol.Jl Pvt w.• tvdlpato0. S2(X)I ol LIPilr~ sum.<m Aet O.t1Lore949~ 'lllMl lSTAHS 'ATlltCIC TINOlll NATIO .. WIOl USA 949-156-9705 www patr1c.h.tenore com HAlllOll WOODS 2br lb1. 2 t &•• •ae. bedroomlolhce Aal Sl900 949 29J 46JI MOBIL£ HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mobile/ManUfKIUred Homes 5993 lMOll111MAIMA llll.OllGIUot OPEN HOUSE last TWO h>tur~ manul home\ -... " eatl'Jd s w. ~-motieo"'"" p;ir1l. Or°'Y S625 ~ '""' w1tt11n fuvr munlh\ hum th• ddl• of lh•~ 309 Moo Or, l aide duple• lbr •11 •tdnnt ••<Ml nn peh S8l'>1mo 949.1s1> asse t-aly 6-4 C--'fy llf 180 Apt. Wip\11 iolt fro~ w61k lo 111 '>quMr S89~ mu W•lto tr d\h IM•d K~•111 MAnag~lf'nl 811 /1)1 llf\4'l l •I 9700 21•. 210. UllP"' unot Apt I 1 ~'" nrw P•tnl t ••pet blonth hnalt'um ~Sl,,,.,•':14'J67J 71.U) s--St-e<lol 011•1 Mor.ttt 7•?'1'1 I Ot< Bh on Rdllfl• rovHo OW IJpsl.;s\ Yendone Route Unique w-..t ,....,. mach111e areal OPP<lr ....,_,,.,.,~ tunotyl P1 une lout ton\ available now' l scellitnt prolot potenlo•I on~esl ment requlfed. SIOK •nd under loll free (?4/7> 800 631 1 444 Near ~ "'1ry l tw'4I Beadl -'"'" & SM &lldl A.;. b Vdanl !li2 7l!>01JJ '"" "'~ "'"'" tr"M.h l>llOd s I 295m S!'l(X) ~ S!l(X)~ ~V'l.tAGf HMb.Jt Blvd@ MmtmiOI. W•V (714) S45 0442 (CAI. •SCAN) .....-~~ custom estate With C¥>yo11 & ocean -. Offer-eel a1 S6 $00 000 c ... tlh•• 1t...-y t4t-7St-0177 CllClllarltm RI ~~OPERTY ........, adl W1terlront Office w/2 l*'rc 'PKft, 8'Jllf'O• SOOsl, SI IOOm 0111 now Anoc11ted Rutty 949 673 3663 HOt.ES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY A•••4a1114 vlnt110 8•1bot ts11nd tott•a• $800.000 Much 1ou1ht after 0-ak ._. °""9• 811110• Ptnfnsut1 $975,000 Ae-t~ .... t4t ... 17-tH7 .... , c... ..... 20 AClll llANCHIS ca-it Sltll. Sl9995. New Boomirc El P.no, Texas. SS5 OownJS.99 monthly (1~(116 months) ROllds •lHveylld rr.. m1ps/ plctur-. No quallfyloa, GrMI location, ucelent hnq Suns.t ~ I· ID)..343-9444 (CAL~ $HS ACll/160 A.at.IS SHS ACJtt/.O A<:alS Prime ranch •«Hit In NW Ariz one, EZ no QU1llfyln11, tow down t1<mll AdjKent to iolf cowse COl'llll'IU~t~. off ll11l0ttc: Jlout• 16. Call todllyl B<ooq ......... 300-!im (CM.·~) IBOR1/ VM'.ATDI WIT RMUI! r ,, ... -•CMnAMU. IM- eMIS f'Tad '°' iM· llltcll1t c Ole fto111 ... 9,990. l'tllllt 1• .. pttcal t o 1 aero ,_,._,,, __ . ........ C:allfOll ,.,,, L•ll•. Accasa I• 1.000.000 ecrH ol ...... a ..... , ..... '°,....... .. ........ Paull , ••••••• .,. ........... Cal"' ......... . ., ....... --·I ·10-0...l .. UIMIO (CM. 0SCNll) • .. ·usce-·w· .. -.. EO-us-· I 211 I lo c.n ... h&hl ------""' & bfl~hl ,. d h .. UP\ ROOAI ~ tatl>ufl Lr~ enclo~ed N.AJ yard no Pt'h Sl29!1 mo 26?~ Cltl•n H C•ll ReralTOShare 6030 day1•m"949 ~14 OJ67 _ l sl... t11·plu lb• ~ avail shalt b1 Mu~I lo'' dOC$ S!JOOmo• dep+ ulol 949 293 6052 351 1711 ~IAI. RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY ------1 0 ... ,. ,_. Q I&. 18a. lcht I bfi&ht. no pets, llHo $1295mo avttl now 949 720 I 'i6!> <-, 2'w 1111 cul• duplea. wa"-/6''f'll llool~ ,.c 11800 949-293 4630 ' Meo• New,ert Hh, comµl4'ttlr • cwtod lb< I 5lw twntvn nt'W wd ,_ ~lld\folll!Jh/urpel Yd w1pdMef C..w W/O!Wfllll "° pel $181!> 9t9 ?90 6333 949-64&-8ll!> Jltt J .Sh , ......... l 1/2 "" lo bth 7 mt I<> 5!> lwy GAted, dbl pr ' S2'lOO Avlll now 949-631-06Cl> ,,.., ""' ~ home. Iii y¥d, lir + tam bonA,o alb rm. 2.5ba. .,, brn """"' sm> 9ef/J0.73Zl lllnll-ltadl ......... ea' wt Monday, .JUy 28. 2003 ,. -------........... - ossuanu ol lette<s •s you \llo<lld ltPl>I•• •I the provided tn Prob•l• hear1111 •nd "•l• rour Code ""'°" 9100 lhe 1>b141Ctlllns Of tole wt1tlfn toin• IOI lohna d•oms wtll objectoon\ ••lh the court not t•Plf• be tore lou1 bttf0< e lhe '""""" Yu ... month\ h om the bc .. rona '"PP<'" •n«• m•y II• on d"t" noloced •bove per \on "' by yC111t YOIJ MAY [ll.Ml!Nl 111« •ll<><,,ty Ille hlll bf Ill• LOUI I fl If VOii Aki A CRf Ot you ,.,., • i>e•~" on IUR or contonaenl ttu~ltd m Ille estate, u•d•IUI 111 the ~e1\oed ~i.. n,.y Ille woth thtl yw mu~t hie your Cl•lm 'our t • Reque\I lc.r wtlh lh« luurt •fld rr .. ~ Soect•I Notice (IOfm DI. • lOPY In the IH!'Wn•I 1!>4) of the lohn& "' an •ll!Ht~nlalive 1ppo1nted 1nvenl01y and lpl>fatr..tl by the «>uo t w1th111 lutH of estalt •n•h u• ol murlllo\ h um th• date of ""' pcltl1u11 ur •ctount lhe '"" "W•n< e ol u provided 111 Poobate lttlttl\ •• j.ll uvolhod on Cude H<ltun 12">0 A Prub•t~ 1. .. de ~ctoon Reque•I luo Specoal 'HOO lllt 11m• l<H ltlonr Nohe..• fo.-m 1\ 4V••labte L ltt111\\ w11f 0 01 e•,me trom lht tour! 'ler~ • D•fme 111111 """'"''· ''""' "'"-r tor '•11"-n th• 11car111" tl•I• 11u1" •ti Mldtoe Avey Gertner, @buv• delivered to 1011 A CreclrtOI ' Ct.torn fQlm JudKt•I Counul fl)lm Of. I 72 m•, be obtwid loum the 'Clupe100t Cu111I ci.i. r(/I 10111 p<ohoc ltOfl JOU <llf<e lflt(IU( ~9(1 tu tole yuut ll•11t1 by <.•• t•l••d m••• ••th return ret.e~t r•~l.cf OtttM J1.1ly 11 2003 I•/ ,_.. a .......... Atter••y• fer tlae '~••tel ,.._.._,, Tr*, Wle -. w ....... & w ...... ·-· ~. '-• L Wll•e tM. ..... (CSI MS71S), 2'41J Mei" Street. Sult• 1 SOO, '"''-·CA t2614 '221 l'ubH~h•d N~wµn•I Bt~• h Co\!~ Mno D11I; Polo! lulv 'l? 78 19 /OOJ TM087 ""· 4 340 C~ Or., VOii MAV [ll.1,MINE lht Ste. 100, Newpert lol• ~•Pf by th• t Oull II IKMIOOO 1-h, CA 92•60 yuu ol• • 11•• '"" "' 9Wll Of •-ti rur Published Newp .. rt '"'"ted on "" t\l~f• I01M ~- Beath Cost~ Meu 0doly you mdy folt wolh th• Of WleOllD PIOPflTY Pilot July 22. 28 2<J tourl • Re1111•'' "" Nnttct ,, hereby&, .. ,. ?003 l M081 '•11•< tdl N<tl•'" tl111m D! lhdl lhe uneler\lltled w•ll I '>4 > uf th• loluok ,,f •11 \ell ~• pubht au1 hun 1nwefllm y dnd 4PPf4'1\dl pur•.,.u•nt ti, S~t t1ur1 "' •\l~te .n .. •h u• Of 71100 ul thr Bu"""" '"• ;J'"'''•un or Jc.tuunt •tid Profe~)•Urt•I C.,odf d "'"••dtd '" P111b•lt lht lollCJwll1ft d•\• rtb•d 1 "'l• .t• '"'" li''JO A IHUl)erly to wol Wll I IAM R. •11•~\I lur \1><'< ••I lllOllltitOTT H 14 Tn; ISC 11311 llOOO Of PfTnr* JO~ man Of: aw. J. llAml& WUCU.220177 N"I" t '"'"' ' ••"11•l>fr IV (.ARIS!.A MA I fHl W' trr.m U1~ '•Utt'~'" (J I~ Sot• rt"I , loth• Attorr1•y•for \tiu•h tQu•IJ turn tu •" h•u~ bf"nt>ft '•tftion•f". ~ ,1,"J.'Ultf t'qUtµ mi•,, ltdrtt'\ ued1t0<' un Andreo G•e, hq., SIN AN!llll A Wit I<, I. 41 tingrnl ueditur 4r1d 160910,, As hwotth. 1,,,lf h>b\, b,.d h•m .. 11"''.un\ who m•y th Hoye• & Mor-. p 0 . 111\/11 HI NNAro.111 I Ill ti:FWl\f be mlet~'teft m loa 6066, Sonto A.fte, .ut.• c h•u l UUlf"• th" woll (II t\tftlr nr (A 92106 001>6 . I u I I rd 1., f \ "" both of MARllN I 1•.,1,11 h•'l N•"'ll •" OANtlt . WOMAt.r t /~ MANNINl,, I<,..,. n f ''' t.t Mt ... d U.tilt f.t.,.f J "'m.•tt turn ""'·• APlflllONIURf'Rr1 Ptt•,I Jul; I.! I& I'• Kl ~IN IHAl'l-1/6f 1oon BAT( h•' ""•" hJtd b1 '/1~ I fM®t ' • w.t •P• noAll 'It lh•• CAROL I\ OUNL[A •n lh" ''" , Suprt10t c·o.url of I dlt SSC 13309 • ....... 11 It• "' '"'" fur nod L11u111v "' (Jf( llOOO TO aEDfTOIS 1 t l•I•" 1Jodd1110• 'w1111" ANG£ Tiu ,... ,,,,,, •1 ll•t.h °'" 'f l.,1 l H[ Pf fl I IUN f (ofl, Of VAlf 1MT T""' "'"'""r" on Idun•, PROBAIE '"'"r '·J CASIA-119937 ... 111• 11111 n•y "' CAROL A OU NI ~A f>< "''~'''•' 'llOl •I I I.JO t· M •!IP"'"''"'' d'• P•''•'"'·'' SUPRIOI COlll Of •I ''" IJI •R11V'" ,.,, ... reptt-\tntdt1vt 1•1 .,11 I CAlJOltlA ,,mt vr itJMfy t1ct\ l>••t-ri n11n1•.tt:r thP-P\tdtf' ;f 'h• Cl•t•Clpnl ("""""Of OIAlfGf I 1' '•ti •1111 "'''"lo ,. r • ""'"'' 1., •lttl JI AVk! '.l(l I rn£ PEllTION •~1111e'1'. 1 N ,1, • • li•OPlly ,,., " /fll<At,I 1111 • I •ror•t dUUHJrity tu ddtn1rn·.1e1 I''' tht: , u ,,,,,,, .1111 "'"' H 11110,yt ,, f1,.. uh lht· ~\ldtt-unrJ1•t tht t ""' .,.~,·rtl 1, tM •• f 1 ·• </I 4 1 K4>' / ~ i 4 tntfrpt'Prll"flf Adn11t11•. tht' tth11'1• 11 "''" ! ti• • t '"~u1~111 '• 'idVw\ th1 hat1rrn 1t J ·.t.11,., A, t d~nt th,~t -11 .,.,, un , •·t.i 1, tJ1cJ ,., lh• '\..II• c fht'\ Aott'iurtty w11f ,u,,l"t n ,..,.,,.. I 1·11~· 1, uw' f-ui '• • .t"\ mu·.1 fn "'"'ti• thr-,_.., .,,,Odl r•pr~\fln t.ht 1P .,, .. "' • ,. '' t , 1• r1 <tlld ._,,.. 1 ffn tf 1~t1vt t. t.tk,. '1•dfl1 •JOtr,.11 11, tilt lf•r m w.U lh.-tun• 1t ~·'" h•-.r Alt ... t111H "'lt11,ut 1.bt !10 tr1 ... su,11 tu, LJll I 1111f1. hA\ .. 11 \(•otf\ "'',. 1n ~11 t AlJJ.H ..,al fl,• At>lty Luu l •"• '' .,,,11\J 6 • 1 ..trnJ 1ow 1 tif" ffrfo,,. t ,-..101 l f'tl 110 ""·tV• J 11 hf'f' l-'t 11 tit ft "t vt!d ;t lfft\t ,f \,\Jr °"'"' f f'11 1ft Hll u httll'. (!Pt \' 0111 ~ lt1 t I '' :, t i• \, •,ut l t"\ I t tu w~ .. ,., •n .. iJ'"''.nn.t~ ~41 Int-f'f ll'••• 4lllCf'lfAt ,111 ,, 1f1t-t-._ir11I rt·~ r ,... t>11l.1l1v1 '-'II II• >CJUlt) Ort1••t • Jhl1.1tft1A t.d .. 111 .. m,. 1 ,,,.,.,.,,.,.,.. ft"llUll•tt tu t,'.IYt' fFll(t 'Jlf1t>H .-..1.ci ",11 Of l)f1\tt(Hi] .. ,,() ,f)ll~.Crtl t '''ll'ft·\tt·d U"'l~tJfl'~ tjr·hvr·r ' t •lJ'f .I 1r11 1,_.,1, uh·. ll1ty ....... WfllVt"d ...e .. m. I rir .. t Attit-ri?"lo p 1f•lt t11tt (,1r1 lJI }1' r. "·'• .. ,., , nn,,.nlt-'1 In Ir 11 t mp., • n 111,t c~ f)A O ~ trtr l''•IJ05fP'd t• lt11f I 11 frf" 1f ttl .. .f tr lh 1t All 1 ,,t-•, w •ndi11 flu end-ptndtnf dd J ,,. lru•.t ,.. f-thh~ti .. 11 N .,111, Hvlh' ,. oiOO ~nrfH Ir 1t1vn c.tuthtrrily I . tit 11.11 I I 1 1 '4r4t, lbM .,,"'"'"' , '14 XA~ ...,,11 IH gt .rntt-d uni•·.• A 1 1 1 u t 1 rl M -1 r1 / i 4 u ml~re~ted Of,,.,,, ,Jo .... IH 'I'd ooill A. j f,. .,,,, (.tr t -tit' tilt-tn obtt>1 ttnn to th"' 11,.,,p~111 ••11 1 f.fn HI Rr'\1tluit M"",.l:t'f pf-t1l1nn And •,ho-."•. ~ood N"'wpr.rt tj,.d,h All 1 r•ut..li•hcd Nt•w'"1vr1 1.,., .f-<#h)' ltt_. 'nu't form11 •:f'M-ih whf'rpm Si·,u.h 1 n\.lcf M'"" {)411., •.noule1 ""' li{fdf1I lht-tt1"' c1 ... ~ ..,<1,.n1 w '' lht P1tol 1111; 18 Au.iw.t 4 "'"""''~ 1""'"' ,.,llun lltt l,1te1 70Cli Ml/ I A H(ARING '"' II«· ul 1.,u, tnun1n· ""''' lulv 11~11111111 woll b• hrlrf •>fl // J()'Jj II" d@I~ uf AIJl;ll<:I 14 :-001 ~fl 4', ltr'.I LHotil11 ,ofllofl ot p "' '" IJP(ll I I~ Nnf11 t" 111 f f .. 1111•H\ •If 101 ttft'"f't at i4' I hf" ( •ty if nnfu,. 1·. matl•d rir Orov1• !'>l•lllh Ur dORe CA p1·1 \oto11llv dr·h••• • d 111 97868 yuu JO tidy\ •llro lh• If VOU U81ff I I•' lh~ dall 111•" n•Jlllr •) I!' anion& ol the peloloon. IDilltd or pgr \0041!y Ch .... ml1t9 21r I la Av•~ Now Puvalt Be<ot.11 ~ UJ.rt ,_ Hiwb:t" Isle. Sl':o'>Om I~ 949-118 1400 NlWl'OtlT HEIGHTS lbr IOWOhOU\e Ip Sona gat new • •rpel pa lot;; vei y no<e S1~9') 949·617 6004 New,ert Cr••'· 2b• 2ba 'l c 1ar wall. to bch ten pool Sl>• $2000 Avaol 8 I 949 707·4408 t.vely 21,...... 2' /.ta I ownhouw 1860\f 2-< pt wet bar. ~---~ rw F .won hi S2l50m no ~ Y'llJ lse 9&~ <) lA S QlUff o- JBr 2Br. aaraat w d hookup. $2375/mo, Act 949·293 4630 2k 2\e OCIANf'IONT. Near Balboa pier $237S/MO •at 949'673-7800 ~ bduoM...,...... Home 2Br 2B.i 2 C.41 1a1 !WI lleache!> .... ( s:Mltn /14.99& I r.,8 114 ~'.I 'lll l iUMMn • St An1t>ll ?b1 2b• ;.> '"' C" po .. I gated • omm S?10(). mu A1tl 949 l'.19 'I~ 1 HOV A.al 7b• ?ba ? < ear ~aftd ccommunoty po<>I ~a• $2400949 293 4631 VACATION RBfTALS lecet"f1-l•t hn-ti- ea1 ly morntllC' & ••• nine> fOf N8 H .. 111 Club r-it.ct Mlle 949-6C2·Jll~ .. AlO Monday, Jdy 28, 2003 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ··Employee." .. Empleado. " "A rbe iJ..nehmn " ··Employe. " By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and T~NAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEICLV BRIDGE QUIZ Q I -Both vulllCl'llble, as South you e~u11 bttcnglh or dlS.1ribu1lon. hold~ •KQl1~1 l'J QU <>6 •• uts ~~~ I• 2<> l o ,_ ! Wh:it do you bid oow? A• Should )OU rebid your~ and l111er t8U a prefercoce lO bealU, p.111ner will npert you tO have either bettrr 5pades. or weaker hean supPon. Bencr i~ to raise hcatts lmmediaicly. This docs not preclude a ·'P* ooniract since panocr Mill hru; lime 10 ~how support for yOUI suit. Q 2 -.Ai Soulh. \'ulnc:rable, you hold: • 9 2 7 A J o K Q J 10 9 J • J 7 6 The biddio& iw prococdod· SOUTH WEST "'OR1lt F.MT I I• 2.:> 2• ' What do you bid oow" A -You have a dead minimu111 opening hid, only two earth in part· ncr'~ ~uit and lhe deoth holding (u doubleton) in lhe enemy ~uit. To hid vol untarily now will convince pan ncr that you have o 'ioundcr opening hid thJO thi~. Pa.\S, and await dc\·cl upmenK Q J -A\ South. \Ulnembk, )'OU hold • & 7 J K 10 ll 7 Q J II a 7 4 J The bidding has proceeded NORTH EA~T SOUTH W~-'ff I • Piis.\ I l'llM •• p..,. What a.:11un do you take'' .. .J I A -Yuu ~uuld nol have le'' for Y\?Uf inotiul n-~pc>ni.e. so do nothing to cn.:~o: partnl:r lo thin._ yuu .ire 'll'OOJ:!er thun you are P.t" At lcJ'I )OU ,IJ'C In .t playabk \pol Jic..Jdc\ the oppooeni... might reopen, g1\lng p.inner another ~·h~'e 10 :...1 with Q 4 • Both vulnmtble, you hold: a A J '5 Q 9 U l o l( 114 • IS Panner opens dlC biddin&_wirh ono club. Whal do you respond'! A -When ~ponding with four-aud wits. bid them up dlC line, n:gard- lcss or suit quality. 1r you bypti~ ~ your best conuac1 could go by lhe ~-Bid ooc hean. Q 5 -Boch vulllCfllble, as South you hold: a A K 7 4 ~ 9 5 o K 6 .l •'' 10 7 6 . ., The biddin bill. • :ceded· NORTH ~""'-'~~mt WP.ST I ,._ la ~ 4 ..... '!, Wha1 act100 do you Like? A -Opposite .-P'lf\ncr who tui~ .. vn- tnti:ted for i;llJl1e when yoo C.'OUld hbve linle. thi,. is 11 prcuy good hand 11 pomts. mostly primc. lllld ltde· quatc suppon for heart~. The lu,1 )'UU Cllll du is invite ~lwn by r.tbini; to fi~e hcnns but, since heart~ mu~I he the ngrccd 5Ull on th1~ auctioo, a cuc·b1d of four 'pudcs 1~ the better choice. ,Q 6 • A' South, vulnerohlc. you hold: •A9 4 8 AJ76J •IC952 The bi<Jd.ln}o! h ..... prtK. t1-Jc<l SOL 'TH WEST :\OR'lli t.'.ASI I PW< I • J'llM What do )'UU bid nuw'' A · You ha'c a dead m1111111um. "' you cunnol afford 10 bid two cluh' now tmd then. ~hould pattllc:r btd Uj!ain, ~how your \f):JUe ,uppt.•rt thal !>CC.JUClllX 'u~e''' a far bt'n~r hand ·me solution " tu bid 1v.o 'P.'ldc\ ilTIJTlCJiatl'I} lk'pllc uni) three card ,uppon_ 11.e ruffini: ,111~ In heart' will hell "''Kth"'luk .L"'t:I JI J 'paOe l."Olllr"'-1. STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~- • • • • • • • • • • AllDrnadvl - =i4r.Z $129,CDl IX02994 ~ Nl'Wf'Oa'1' AUTOSPOllT t49-S7'-S600 IMW 'l 2 63Jul 2 dr. r.ey/lan. S sp, sunroo . lull pwr . S2000 714-878·9455 IMW '97 3211 c-w metallic dari. blue/erey ll hr . superb cond lhr ouehout Sl5.495 vllfil2421 Bkr 9"9 586-1.888 www.o<po!.l.coM IMW'90 32SI hhr new Biii/tan, 4 dr, auto, 106k "''· oc. sunrl lull pwr. hnl, Ca smoe S3850714-651 4661 IMW '98 Zl Col'tY. aulo whole/Ian lthr , CD. beaultful hke new cond. $17.995 v59724 fin & WM a'l3ll Bl<t-~$1888 www.o<pol.com Codlllo< '94 Sl S Seville 87 511 mo. good tond blac.., cherry. lthr. new t11es $4500 714 74!> 77'*4 /Ju l~nl /Jepnrtmnll 111 thf' /)a1/y />ilot u plraJed to 1111no11nrr 11 nrw urul<'e 11ou• nuoilable fiJ new bu1inesus \~will now SF.ARr·H the name for you at no n<rro rhaf'gf'. and 1111¥' you 1hr timf' and rhe trip to the Court llowe in Santa A1u1. '/ /,,.,,, nj t'ouru. 11/ier the St'lln·h u romplrted u1f' uni/ jllr your fit'titiou.1 b1"1inns "'""'' srarrmn11 11•11h thf' C'nunty Ckrlt, pubfoh onrr a li'f'f'lr far four U.¥'t'NS a1 f'N/rll:rl'd by krw and thrn Ji/,. your proof of'p11bl1rat1011 wuh the (ounty C'krlr. • Pleau nnp by tu fik Jl'~ur fir11110111 bus inns 11aume111111 tht' I Ja1/y />J/01, 330 W &y .St. Co1U1 Mt'111 if yo11 rannot 1tnp b;i. plrnu rail w at (94'.J) 642 4321 tmd u'f' w1U malre arnmt"""'" for you to handlr this proredurr by marl if you thould haw any farther quNrions, p1'asr c-nU UJ and U'f' u11/I be morr than glad to IUJUt you. Good lurlr rn your Jlt'W b11sineJ11 Pilot HOME, HEALTH AlfJ SIJsMSS ~ ..... NO l ICE l 0 Rf..AD£.RS Cahforn1a law r~· qu11es that conlrac tors taking )obs lllat total $500 or m<><e (labor or malet rals) be ltcensed by the Contractors Sta te Ucense Board State h1w elso requores that conlractors rnclude llletf licenS4! numbef on 11! advertisln&. You can check the slJltus of your . licensed c ontr1c l o r et www cslb.c1.eov or 800 321 CSLB Unlr censed contractors hktna 1obs tha t total less than $500 must state rn their adverllsemenls that they are not licensed by the Contractors State LtcenM Board." fMnlNG ln-.S Klldw1 ( Bath I Remodll ~t.hw•usam ~ ~ 98ft«ioW. »CG0•-11111 MUNNVAC Air Condrlionlna & HU I· Ina Service 988 -owd l.llDl6&l ~!mi A · Z HAHDYMAH Install. reface cabinets ~~ wdcirc. Dol4I 714 ~Ta ti CAaPn '() CAAl'IT-0 Repan, Patchin&. Instill Cour teou~ any s111 robs Whole~I•' 949 492 0205 Ceramic Tiie l#HOM & •USl#ESS •El'ANtS Uptr<1des Repairs of Computer. Nelworks Qu1ckKlean ~. don1 Evenings/Weekends repUc:e l*/arout floors, Compel1trve puces llOd'llln. ~ dMtw1& for quality servte --. vs,.t.e am~. •-9•4•9•-uiii611i-1iii1iii1ii.s_. t__ 7 "-926-4221 Clean I" Touch of Klass European Expen in House Cleaning 20 yean in Busmeu L1<.-enscd &. Bonded Profe.,~1ooal team' assigned to Your f.fome (949) 543-0097 Free P.stimate~ RefcreftCe Sprina Cleanlna Specials Concnlll I Mllcny lrlcli llodl St-Tiie Concrete. Patio, ()iYeway Fifepk, BBQ. Reh 2SYrs hp Terry 714.557 7594 TIME TO llGtN YOU.HOME IMPaOVlMlNT PaOJECT? Call a plumber, painter. handyman, or 1ny of the areal ser vrces hsled here on our service directory! THESE lOCAl SVC PlDPl E CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI WITIHOfn DaYWAU. All phases sm/lra robs. CUANl 20yrs, f11r, free ea L«Xnll 71"6»1447 EleclrtcllServices S...il.i.til...,.I Donun Elect11c: 20Yrs E •P LocaVQu!Cll Response S. vice/Remodels Lffl5870 949-650-7042 lKlNSID CONTUCTOll No Jib too sm. NA serrica! Repe11, remodel. fans, "'9, MW SW: !M9-6«t-lli156 l• T .,.. .. l-th• .. • ~ .-.-it. tree tnmmrc & 1nslltllahon 25 Yn up ltc/ini.ured '*49 548 4363 Tree Se,..,lce, Yard Cleanup. Maon lenance. Sprlnkltr Reparr. Hautona <•49) 650-8711 Rl <,TOR[ • REPAIR !/. RE MOOE l l"IC CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Vri Eiq> • 6'ell Refs Al Plmes of CorUucUon ICitlM1lll1 All'nodll Elcpells ll5T7982 949-709-5642 lfllll. 6MAINIVW«E • lldilaMiil ·~ o Job'1bo s....a ............. M9-J22-8292 fll .. WICIMIST. Ml 1,,_ of ,..,..,, Cite lrkel, '*""'*"' .,_., ............. ,,... 24hr/7*JI 714. 1•1 '· Handymlll/ Home Repair J .... , .... _._ H ....... ,.,, s, ....... , lnleroor & E ate11or Reparrs 71' SOI 6466 THE HANDYMAN All w0tk auaranleed Plunobwla. Electrteltl. Doon. frnrshawp.t 9&~ Halling JUNK TO THI DUM~l ll 71•·968·1882 AVAILABU rooAYI 949 673 5566 12/Hr lft·H-• Nunl"9 Core !>day~/wk M f . la 7p Have eaten slve Medical Bahernd .u well as belna licensed H l VN 1w-W1ll commit to other resp as wttl S1lary nerotiable Kevrn Hm 949·559-0270 Psr 949 ssg.2246 DMA"S ltOUSI ~ ~ & .._. ...... Cw-~ Ssw:e b 15 Custom Hand P11n ted ~ retwences. ~ ~ & Fau, P~ 714-342-41656 A'1ist lor 1-.e !XJ!Milll-6664 IHT MOVERS SSS/Mr. Servlnc AN Crti.. Insured ll63844 800-246·2378 32J..6J0.9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The C1llf P~bllc Ulltlhn Comml1aion requiru lhal •II ~ household 1ood1 movers r11nt lfltll P U.C. C1 T numkf, ltmos end ch1uffeur1 prll'tl their T C ,. numbef In 111 edttt 1'"'"9nb . If rou hne anr questions '•bOUI lhe 11111111 ot • mover. limo or chlUfttur. teft• ~lnl&ftlll ~­,, ..... ~'JJtltf,... ~Professional Painting Uc.~ Rob lsbeH • Owner Costa Mesa, Ca (lM9) 64&-3006 ' Cell lM9-887-1~ N.wY 15 ~ t i>wner. 4311 1c tu1I m l, boo ks, records. metelllc tur· quolse/ten lthr, fully loeded, lib new $5250 vot6672l8 l!llw --..l.8118 www.ecpe~f.c•• Cervetti 'It Coupe auto SOii+ ml, melallic red/tin llhr. superb cond lhrou1hout, $9,995 8kr 949·586 1888 _..,...t... . ,.....-..ush Spldler ~ Q( mies $114.500 '112&:.li Ofr. ~AUTOSl'On t4M74-S600 ,.....'OOMO...._ blldv'btac:k 2K mies SIS9.500 #122451 ~. NlWf'Olrf AUTOSl'O«f 949-574-5600 ... 79 ~ 2000 pert r~ an!, ta "' ,_ aJtN ~ea6<$ + an 1q1 uro otio 562-0-1914 Ke ElCP\.c.81 '92 Eddie Buir. 1111-. blKIV\Jn, al ealrlK .. ~ Creal lll1te tr.-nport, orion -cal ~1QM>776 ford '&S Mu1tow9 Conver lobl~. or •&rnal owner, sohd 'ar Sl9.995 obo 949· 719 2943 INFINlll X4 2001 IUly loaded. ':VV. 39\ mt, t.Ol\lQ/p!. lthr rnter' lwlled wnd. '>I.Roof. ~ raO./ lol lwr. S2!6.CM Wiit! e• tendedW¥r~ leirus '92 SC 300 C...-~ r.-11 5'>c>d. r~ .... lw. ... CCJW'6, .. ~ SJ) 961Zl 'B78 Moa do '99 M lolo Conv 4'.>k mo, auto silver , tan lop, pw pl A/C. CO. 'uper b hke new cond v# 119743 S9.995 frnancm11 & warranty •varl Bkr 949 !>86· 1888 I.<- Mil SlSOO '03 bl.le~ dellvuy "'*5, al oploom1 Sll7.500 I043l!J6 Dir NIWPOll'T AUTOSPOllT t49-S74-S600 Merced.. '96 C210 beautrlul black/crum fully loaded showroom. WOIA. $102:.0 llJ 1'51 2464 MereufH '91 420 SU wh1te/arey llhr. ~hrome whls low m1. superb rnnd 'S699!> v•!.6/?81 Kkr 949·586 1888 www.o<poltl.<..,. Old1Mol.llo '96 Aur.,.a 60k mr. bli1ck/1rey lthr. mnrf CO, fabulous cond t hro uehout S 5995 v1n•4!>7119 Blu t49-5H -1au , .. _ llCl'S CUSTOM PAINTlNG Profl. clean quakty wOlll. lnlrrlOl/eal and docks. L'703'68 949 631 4610 ,.,.-·. , ...... 1.., Top Quahty. Compet11tve lnler10r/h t ll~228 Call Jay 949 650 5066 UINIOW cwtQI MAINf Pa1nhn1-illle•t. HolM/~ QuaUty iobl free estimate LtS69897 714-636 8888 -·· c-. Send your best friend lo camp wt11k you eo on vaation. Salt , friendly ~ fun moontein environment 1t l alle Atrowhelld for M1Ct•lited dop. No keoneb. Weekend lwno servtce lo and fTom C.fl'4).909~~25 ...... _...... Pll d1111t I lllca Stwcnlop* T .. ,, ... , ... t49-64S-2tJ2 De..__ ~SOSHS ,.. ... SlW ...... ~C.,MS·tJSJ 01_.M...,_ 8!1N W/Blut, only 141( Mi, Sporb f'tla, p9478C) S25.91Kl OllMWU..._ White w/1r112fi Miies. Sporle Piii (19542) 'S2S,9 0 ffU,OS•"•• Whit• w/Saddle leether . Moo"roof (19U3) S29,980 0, '••"·' s ,,.,.. 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