HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-29 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot\ i • Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2003 -I ·Hope remembered fondly ·by seniors Even on e who d id n't like comedy of m ovie star and USO favo rite admits, 'He was a great e ntertainer.' Lolita Harper Da1lyP1lot Treasure Island in San Franci~co. Dorothy Montgomery. !.>erving in the Navy as a Woman Accepted for Volunteer Fmergency Service in 1944, eagerly awaited the show. It was nearly 60 years ago. hut Montgomery recalled Hoh Hope's act clearly. in h1<, Joluca Lake home from pneumonia. The romedian and actor was I 00 .• Montgomery 1>miJed and glanced ulT in the d11>tance as she tole.I her story. "lie wa\ there with his whole l>aJl of wax to entertain the sail- or;," Montgomery said. "Of cour...e, tht• WAVf:.S and the nuf'>e'> got IC> si t in the o.tficers' '>t'l'lion. rhe rei.t of the sailors wen• farthl'r back. Boy, was that cl ... how .. ing the front de'>k at the co .. 1a Mesa Senior Center, remem- bered I lope's remarkable energy level. "He did two and three hour i.hows and newr ured." Mont gomery ~1d. "I don't know how he did it. I le wa'> arnit.lmg " Colleague Dorothy (.oeman agreed. land, I lope won the heans of American~ Wlth lus w11ty humor, '>peedy delivery and poignant comment'> l lo1>e. who famously performed for active military troops from World War II to the Persian Gulf, reLe1ved numerous dccoraoon~ for h1'> role lil mili- tary moraJe The country celebrated his IOOth birthday two months ago, with a huge pan> and various tnhute'> to h1i.. la1.rndry li'ot of ac- Nl:WPOIIT-MI~ -She was dressed !.harply in her navy blue uniform and cap. The air was cool and thl' night was electnc at On Monday, Montgomery and other seniors at the Co!.ta Me!.a Senior Center recalled I lope fondly. I lope. who entertajned on the big and small screen.., for more than 50 years. died Sunday Montgomery. who was work- "There'IJ never be dJlOthe r hlc.e rum, ff (.oeman ~d " lhe world has lost one of the greates"t en- tertainers 11 ever Rad • AJthough he wa., horn 111 Lng See HOPE. Paee A4 Bob Hope FADING LIGHT DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT A tide pool reflects the evening sky as beachgoers watch the sunset in Corona del Mar. .... Newport Beach homeowners feel eel grass' squ eeze Underwater plant, whic h is pro tected by state a nd federal law, is making it costly to dredge in Newport Ha rbor and could cause econo m ic trouble, officiaJs say. June Ca111rande Daily Pilot cause of favorable weather. Though not an endangered plant species. it is protected by NEWPORT BF.ACH -A few state and federaJ governments years ago. a homeowner wouJd because it Is home to many fish pay about $2,000 to dredge un-•and other animals. But the ani- der a private pier. Today, it can mals' gain could be homeown- cosl up to $40,000. ers' loss as the plant threatens The difference Is eelgrass, a to choice local waterways. protected plant species that has wit couJd significantly Impact proliferated in the harbor be-the economy of the harbor if eclgrru.'> become.. ~ prevalent that people can't dredge under tJ1eir shp ,"Assistant City Man- ager Dave Kill' sajd, A big pan of the problem, Kiff said. is that state and fed - eraJ regulations don't specify how much eelgrass throughout the harbor is enough. Instead, the rules err on the side of cau- tion and require all homeown- ers with eelgrass near their sli ps' to replant the eelgrass af- ter dredging -a practice that can be extremely costJy. Wortcers must carefully re- move the eel grass. then dredge out the sediment under it, then THE VERDICT QUESTION What is the best way to balance eelgrass qu.mities and the harbor's economic needs? Call our 7 • Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypilot@lstimes.com. Please spell your name and include your homet own end phone number. for verification purposes only. replant it The homeowner then must pay to monitor the plant for five to seven years to make sure it survives and thrives. lf It dies, the home- Setting the standard in district attorneys I n California. the district attorney ls the single most important officeholder in any county. N the chief law enforcement officer, he sets the atandatds for all Jaw enforcemenf ln the county and, at the same time, creates the climate for all other olltoehoJdet1. Wldt an honett. agresstve district attorney. you twve a ~ (lOUnty, Without an honeec. ~ ctiltrict attorney, conupdon llld favoridlln lneYitably,.. their ..... bcept In d>e .. otlhe ROBERT GARDNER temperance movement, Prohibition was a disaster for our IOciety. Thanbto bootJealng, orpnlT.ed crime became . "1trenched. Pacedwtth . law that the =~~t beaime, .. the ...... lndl&ieut, or, at b wont. \ com.apt After the Volstead Act was repealed, otpniz.ed aime didn't miss a step and simply moved Into other areas of commerdal crime- gambUng, narootlcs, prostitution. loan sharting and other rackets. By md large. law enforcement. tta lax habtta established dwinc Prohibtdon, went along. Pttceful, and at the dme, rural Orange County WM noc apuat. Newport ee.dl and Seel Beech were always wtde open to pmblns. Hun~ a.di bOMted. we1-mown Ind brothel. Even sleepy Santa Ana. which claimed to ba"Ye more churches per capita than any city in the country, did not ~There WU 8 walk-In bookie joint on East 4th Stn!et and U\Otber ln the old Labor ~The PlcP Sela Colnpeoy on South Main Street fumiahed IJot QllChinel to the wtda county.~~ r.r from aquedy deen. Thea. In 1954, Bob koeellnd -elected 6trlct •norne,. ~~~ owner 1s rt"'>pun'i1ble for re- placing II. City offiuals are looking for solutions. K.iff said that the city hopes 10 convince regu- lators to de<;.ide on an amount of eelgrass in the bay that quaJifies as enough. In El Nino years. when the water becomes too murlcy to let in much sunlight. the city's eelgnw supply can get down 10 about three acres. Right now, about 30 or 35 acres underwater are covered in eel- grass. If regulatory agencies de- See EELGRASS, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTMEWEB: ww.~com WEATHER Cloudl ~won't ...., .....,..,,. low. S..'11!A2 SPORTS 90¥d ...... Al'9 eou.y Qub. ,.... ............... IW¥•••fn :r.:za..v. Grants to UCI top $235 million Highest percentage of money went to research in the life sc iences. Educational and engineering programs also benefit. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot UU CAMPtJ~ -1-undmg for re'>l'an.h dlld edLM.<1t1onJI pro grams th.ls !>Chool yedr ..,Urp<L,'>t'd the 'itellar amount IJ( lmne re ce1ved the pre\1ou., \ear and has grown ..!O<\ m tht' pa.,1 three year~. The re ... earcht'r'> rece11,ed $235.6 m1Uwn in :W0:!-03, com pared 10 SL I..! m1ll1on 1n ..!00 I 02 and $192 m1lhon Ill 2000·0 I William Parker. \'lee chamel· lor for research. a11nhu1es the growth 10 the high caliber of profe!>!>ors and other rcc,ed.rrhe,.., on campu'>. ~Anytime you expand thl' w ... 1bilHy and capabilillt''> of rt' search programs, 1t <1llract!. the 111tere<>t of faculty, attract!> the 111 ten.''' of pro..,pcct1vC' grad c,tu· denl'> and potential vis11ors who may cho!>t' to rome to the cam-, See UCI, Paee M A CLOSER LOOK In a park, how natural is natural? Castaways Park plans are returning to public discussion. ·What they will be is still anyone's guess. J .... c ... 1nnct• Oalfy Pilot N!WPCm IP.M:lt -In ciilJ' about 2~ ac:rea. but it could nonethelem become • mator battleground. That piru ol CMt· 1w.y1 Put. 17 eaa ol ~ 'open If*:. Ill tbe comer If COllt ._.., ... Dulrs ... Wfl --amt beet ..... .~ Ailll~ll.na ... ·:~~-:;. .... edlftootbe--•lli'~ bl .. tiult ol .. ,. -• .... l411CR1olll -........ .................. ' Al Tuesday, My 29, 2003 '. Kl>S TALK BACK Summer fun The Daily Pilot caught up with children taking part in Newport Beach's summer camp on the Balboa Peninsula and asked them, 'What are some of the things you like about summer camp?' "I like that we play a lot of games and go to the beach." TAYLOR CONNOR, 11 R~llfldS "I like that we come outside and go to the beach and swim." CAMERON OLIVER BROWN, 11 Houston, Texas "We spend a lot of time on the beach and make a lot of new biends." JESSICA PENUNURJ , 13 Coronadel Mar "The field trips. We just went to Raging Waters and we also wen to an LA. Sparks game and we're going to Disneyland." p I . JENNY PENUNURI , 10 Corona del Mar "My favorite thing was the Angels game. That and Raging Waters." CASEY BUSHONG, 10 Newport Beach "I like going swimming. especially where there's waves." KEVIN NGUYEN, 11 Newport Beach -Photos affll int.erviews compiled l7y Juru Casagrande .. Pure summer camp r Newport Beach Recreation and Parks Department helps children make the most of the season. June CaH1rand1 Dally Pilot There are swnmer camps about aail1ng. summer camps about surf· lng, even summer camps about po· !icing. But some sununer camps are all about summer. Under a blue canopy on the beach at Balboa ieninsula. the Newport Beach Recniadon and Parks Depart· ment has elevated warm-weather fun to a high art with Summer Day Camp2003. "It's a lot of fun. We spend a lot of time on the beach," said Jessica Pe· nunuri, a 13-year-old Niewpon Beach resident who attends Corona del Mar High School. The city runs two of Its own swn· mer camps and plays host to a num· ber of other agencies that hold camps in here. The city has one camp on the Balboa Peninsula and another in Corona del Mar -both of them designed to make the most of out summer. Most days, It's all about the beach, frolicking on the sand and in the wa· ter. Then there are games, games and more games. Monster basketball. a hoop game using a bllartoualy over· siud ball and hoop, was among the favorites listed by campers on Friday. · Silent speedball also earned honor· able mention. Water polo. tunneltag._ steal the bacon and, of course. vol· leyball help round out the week's ac· tlvity lineup. Most Wednesdays bring field trips. On these days, the city camp has hauled kids off to an LA. Sparks game, Raging Waters and Disney· land. MThey do all kinds of stuff. There are a lot of acdvides: said Sean Levin of the Newport Beach Re· creadon and Parks Department wThey have a lot of fun out here." • SUMMER LEARNING r. a wtekly _ . MARK C. DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT feature In which the Dally Piiot vlaite a summer camp In the Newport·Mesa Valentina Cortinvis, 8, right, of Milan, Italy, avoids being tagged by Olivia Brown, 6, left, of Houston, Texas, during a game of Sharks and Minnows on the beach Monday afternoon. The game is one of many activities kids participate in the Newport Beach Summer Camp. area and wri1n about It SUMMER CAMPS COSTA MESA participate In a little mobile to Friday, costs $96 per week. For crafts and even going on organization, a $60 annuel fee. recreation this summer. When more information, call (714) different excuralona. Children In The summer progrem It $76 •A $5 fee will be added to each the trailer rolls Into their 327-7660. the program may come and go per week and addftlonel feel program for nonresidents. neighborhood, they can join in freely, but will be supervised by may apply for field trips. For on arts and crafts and other KIDS IN THE KITCHEN recreational leaders. The free more jnformatlon, cell (949) SUMMER CAMP COSTA MESA organized activities. Younger Children ages 5 to 11 will have a program will n.m from June 23 to 642·9372. 2003 children are welcome when chance to prepare foods and Aug. 22. For more Information The camp, geared toward accompanied by an adult. The learn the basics In cooking so on times and locatlona, call (714) GJRLSINC. children ages1> to 12, Includes service is free. For more they can help mom and dad in 764-5168. Girts ages 5 through 12 can various recreational programs, Information on time and the kitchen. The five-week class participate In a summer program sports, games, arts and crafts locations, call (714) 754-6168. will teach students how to BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB that lncorporatn fun and and excursions. The camp Is measure, mix, spread, cut, stir Boys and girts ages 6 to 18 can learning. The program will held at the Balearic Community SUMMER TEEN CAMP and, most Importantly, tHte. The head over to Eaatslde Coate include worbhope end 1ctMtlN Center. It runs Monday through Students entering grades seven class is $30 for five weeks. A $10 Mesa for the club's summer such 11 photography, coolclng Friday from June 23 through through nine in fall 2003 can material fee will also apply. program. The program runs and nutrition, economic llter8cy, Aug. 22. The 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. participate In a aix·week Classes will begin June 26 or Monday throug,h Friday from aportl end v1rtou1 fteld trips. aeuion com $90, and the 7 a.m. excursion-baaed camp. The dally July 30. For more Information, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aside from The program wlll begin June 23 to 6 p.m. aeuion costs $110. For excursions will Include trips to call (714) 327·7525. being eble to pertlclpate In a and end Aug. 29. It will run from more Information, cell (714) local amusement parb, mafia, variety of the actlvltiH at the 7:30 1.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to 754-6168. movies and museums. The PLAYGROUND PROGRAM club, participants also heve the Friday. Reglstmlon le $40, and MOBILE RECREATION camp begins July 7 and ends Children ages 6 to 13 can spend option of going on two field weekly feee are $90 to S100. For Aug. 16. The camp, which runs their summer daye playing on trips 1 week. Pertlclpants need more Information, call (MS) Children age 6 and older can from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday the playground, participating In to be members of the 646-7181. Daily A Pilot PHOTOORAP,HERS Copyright No news 1tor1 ... SURF AND SUN Merk C. Dua11n, Don 1.Aactl, lllu1tratlon1, editorial matter or i<.nt Treptow 1dvertiaemeni. herein can be READERS HO'TUNf reprOduced without written WEATHER FORECAST thunder1torm1 In the parmlMlon of copyright owner. afternoon. (949) 842-8086 It'll be cloudy todey, with VOL. 97, NO. 210 Record your commanta about the HOW TO REACH US some ellght chence for rein, SURF Dally Piiot or news tlpa. Cln:ulatlon THOMAS H. JOHNSON H9we Edtlof'I ~ The Timet Orange County though It would most likely PIJbtiaher Gina Alexander, Lori Andareon, Our addrea la 330 W. Bay St .. Cotta (8001252-91'1 stay offshore. Th1111rt th• down d1y1 TONY DOOEAO Danial Hunt, Paul S.ltowhz, M .... CA 92827. Office hours are AdvertWnt Temperatures wlll atlll rise before 1 promlHd Editor Daniel Stevena Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Into the low 801 In the early IOUthwHt IWtll thlt 1hould JUf1'( OfTT1NQ Cl11slftecl (949) 842-5678 t Advertl•Jci. Director Nl!WISTAff Con9'11ona Dtspl9y (949) 842-4321 1fternoon. Wedn11d1y la hit Thured1y. I.ANA N80N Crlme~co~rter, It la the Pilot'• pollcy to promptly EdteoNI 1h1plng up to lclcer. Untll then, walet·hlgh Promotlona Director (9411) 5' conect ell anora of 1ublt.ance. H9we Information· dumpy 1urf thet 1hould h1va d#l».bllM'dlel«l,,,_com PIMM call {IM9) 784-4324. {94111 842-5680 www.nwt.no• .flOV the proa over In Huntington EDfTWO ITAff ..... ="" .. lpcMtl (9491574-4223 BOATING FORECAST Btach withing they were l.J. <:.tin Newport reporter, FYI Hewe ,.. (IM9) 846--t 170 b1dt It Super1ubl1. 8ut Ma!~ Editor, (148) 574-4232 The Newpon BeedVCoa.I Meee lpcMtl,.. (IM9) ee<M>170 wilt. Tha 1well l1 1uppoaed (9411 ~ june.~elllt#,,,_com Delly Piiot (USPS-1'4-800) la ~ dallypl1otelat1mM.com Light wind• era 1xpecttd to bl auper fun. 1J,Cllhn l.rime&com ...... ~ publlehed daUy. In Newpon IMct'I MelftOllloe on the Inner watara WetefctU•Hty: ....... ..., PofltJca, bualr,_ end environment and ca.ta Meal, eubacripdona .,. ..... Olloe (9411) 842~1 · throughout the dey, blowtng www.aurlrlder.or(I . ~..='riM ...,..,., (148) 794"'330 9Yallable ontv by eubacriblng eo The ...... ,.. (948) 831-712e from the we1t et 11 knott In ,.,,,...,,,.,_...,,._oom pwf.d1ntoneMJm-.oom Tlmea Orllnge CCMny {IOO) the eftarnoon. WIVM wtH bl TIDES ..... Dunn LAlllia...,. 212-1141. In ... ouealde of 2 feet or 1111. The a.well from =-~ Columnllt. culture reponer, Newport IMclh and Coat. Meta. thl Witt wtll bl I fMt. W1tc:h T1me ........ rldtMd.c»wt•~ (148)~ eublcripdone to 1M Delly l'ttot 8f9 for petc:hy fog In the 4:321.m. -0.77 fMt low .............. lolll&,.,.,,_ewm..oom Miiiabie only by h dMI malt for morning . 11:011.m. l.llfMthlgh M °""*" f Nawt o.t QMef, D.NlllMI.,.._ l30 per mondl. ('"°'8 lndude 10 flublllhed by Thnee Corn.munhy V1rt1bl1 wlnd1 on tht 3:3'p.m. 2.11fMtlow .. PMDC COiie Meai ,..,,..,, ~1 ~ --and looal .,..., ...... a dlvlefon of tht Loe Angelta outer wttert wtet M et 10 t:63p.m. l.41fMth'9fl ,,,...._......_.oom dllnh.,....,,,.,.,.,,,,..oom ~:Send~ ,,,,,_ ltnott Of , .... WIVM wtll bl .... ...., ... c...i .... °*""'°'The Nawpoft WATER~ .... Nawt 1111 • c.C...PMal ~ .._ DlllV flllot. ~o. aoo3 Tlmes CN. All rltMe 2fHtor1 ... on 1 WHt IWlll of ..... There'H be • .._,,.,. ... ...,_,oom _,.,....,,,.,.,,.com .. 1llO,C...Mwe,CA ... ~. ohenot of thowert Ind etcteg,... ' ~ ~ Iii • ~ I Dady Pilot Tuesday JtJy 29, 2003 A3 Residents' question: Is it a dinghy plan? After some question Newport Beach proposal to build storage racks for dinghies, city will hold a meeting on the issue. June Cau1rande Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -A plan to build racks to store dinghies may not be the panacea that city officials had hoped. After some residents registered their objec- \ions to the dty's proposal to build the racks and to change lhe lime periods for doclcing din· ghies at some public piers, Har- bor Department officials have decided to hold a public meeting to gather as much input as pos· sible before deciding whether to proceed with their plan. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Walt l:Mvenport wins leader~hip award f-ormer Costa Mesa Planning Commissioner Wah Davenpon ha~ won the 2003 Distinguished Leadcr<;h1p Award of Merit for a layper .. on from the California chapter of the American Plan· ning As\n. Davenport served on the C.o,t.i Me'>a Planning Comm!!>· <,11111 for 22 years before being replaced through the appoint· ment procec;<, in February. l he honor is one of I 0 Award, of Merit pre\ented to out-.ianding leaders, planners urH.I plunning projects. I >a\.enpurt will receive the Jw.ird on ~ept. 30 at the a'>!IO· l t.l t1un\ \late conference in <.,.i111<1 BarhdTd UC I name s new vice chancellor for hou ing lJC. Irvine has named William Zt•llcr 11', a....,i.,tant vice chancel· lor of 'itudent housing. He will hl·g111 1n the middle of Septem· bl•r. Zeller hnr.gs more than 25 years of experience in student housing and campus life to the univerc,uy. mo!ll recently a .. the director of umversity how.mg at the Umver'>1ty of Michigan. At M1cl11gan. Zeller oversaw an annual budget of $90 million while directing a -eomprehen- '>ivc hou~ing operatton that ac· commodated 12,000 student!> in 13 re.,idence haJls and 1,500 apartment units. lie worked closely with uni- ver'iity leaders 111 long-range planning efforts and making annuaJ recommendations to the Board of Regents. Zeller 1s aho cred ited with strengthen· 111g Michigan's living-learning initiative. which offers various learning programs within the residence halls. "I am looking forward to join- ing one of the nation's premier public in'ititu11ons," Zeller said .. We're pleased that we've been getting public comments,• said Ouis Miller of the city's Harbor Resources Division. "We want to approach this systematically and with pu blic outreach." A handful of residents showed up at the Harbor Commission meeting earlier this month to oppose the city plan. Some said that the storage racks would cre- ate unsightly clutter. Others said they could create safety risks for children who play there. Others, including Central Newpon Beach Community Assn. Presi- dent Tom Hyans, said that the in a press release. "UCl is one of the fastest-growing research universities, attracting highly talented young people. I am ex- cited to work with my new col- leagues to enhance the educa- tional opportunities and student life experiences fo r the campus' diverse population." Hallowee n carni val seeks sponsors Newport Coast Cares is seek· ing !iponsors for its third annual Newport Coast Cares Hallow- een Carnival 10 be held on Oct. 25. {)1fferen1 levels of !iponsor- ship opportunities are avail- able. The deadline is Sept. 20. Proceeds from the carnival will benefit the Corazon de Vida foundation. For more informa- tion, call Laura Giffin at (949) 376-8518 or Brigitte Tehranchi at !949) 464-0443. West Newport Beac h Assn. meeti ng I he West Newport Beach Assn. will have its annual meet- ing on Sep!. 24 at the Lido Peninsula Resort Oubhouse. There will be no meeting in Au· gust. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse at ilO Lido Parle Drive. Hoag Cancer Center urv ival rate climb Hoag Cancer Center's five- year survival rates have climbed to 72%, about 10% over the na- tional average, hospital officials 'iaid. That number is I loag's city's plan Will result in more trash and pollution. .. The city doesn't take respon- sibility for ·the stuff they have now," Hyans said, adding that he personally cleaned up the area around the city's existing dinghy storage facility on the bay at 18th Street City officials say they want to take these and all other concerns into consideration in hopes of making it easier for mooring holders to get to their boats off- shore. The plan now being Ooated to deal with this problem is to build 15 racks at eight public locations to hold up to 76 dinghies. The four-and six-unit racks would be at the Fernando Street beach and pier, the 15th Street beach and best in the last seven year~. Officials sajd the center aJso surpasses national average for each of the five most common types of cancer. Officials attribute the cancer center's success to their .. com- prehensive community cancer program," which manages more than 2.300 new patient!I every year. Parent Help US A to hold fund-raising crui se Parent Help USA, a Costa Mesa organization that works to prevent child abuse, will host a sunset cruise aboard a luxury yacht in Newport I !arbor from 5 10 8 p.m. Aug. 17 The fund· raiser will inclµde a champagne reception, dinner. tropical drinks, entertainment, auction. gondola rides and door prizes. Tickets cost $75 per'>on or $125 for two un tit Aug. I 0. Sponsorship opportun111e' are also available. For reservatiom and mo re information. call (949) 650-3461 or Vl'>ll www.parenlhelpusa.org. Jewi sh organi zation fonns support group Jewish Family ~ervice of Orange County b forming a suppon group for the Jewish parents of children who are gay or lesbian. The agency 1s seelcmg enough people to run a group that will meet monthly. A profes'i1onal facilitator will be provided. To enroll or find out more 111· formation. call (714) 445-4950. The agency is at 250 E. Raker St .. Suite G in Costa Me!>a. ''" 11, .• ,.,' ,,,,,,,,. ( ,,,, ('H'J) (,.1(,. "'H'~ I , •• , ... ,, ',,,, \,l ' ......... ,,, , I " 1 • • ... • ~ • ,. t t WI OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~og on to http://coastliM.~du to find the latest Fall 2003 course information. Check out our new searchable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses a.re open. Coastline's Web site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Look into Coastline's: • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day at the Garden Grove Center. • Distance learning opportunities-fully transferable Internet, Telecourse, cablecast, and independent study classes. • STAR Program and Weekend Collego-two accelerated ways ~ to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and CattJer Education programs offering eertificates in a variety of high-demand occupations. Coastline has conveni~nt locations in Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Oarden Otove, Huntington 8elcb, Ind Wetcmint1er. FYI WHAT: Dinghy Storage for Offshore Mooring Perminees Subcomm ittee meeting WHEN: 4:30 to 6:30 p.m Aug. 4 WHERE: Fire Conference Room, City Hall, 3300 Newpon Blvd. INFORMATION: (949) 644·3044 pier, the 16th Street beach, the 19th street beach and pier and at the Lido Bridge public beach area. The dinghy storage 'pace~ would be available only ru moor- ing permit holder., and the $14· • Dine in, a-month rental would cover the cost of building and mai~ing the stations The plan would also let din· ghi~ re~t di some public docks for up to two houri. tn'>tead of the 20 minute lime hmit e~tab· lbhed in mo'>t plaLe\. I hi'> would give moonng pt>rmu holders more umt to u'e their boal\ and to w~e advdntage of on -short: amenuie' •JUNE CASAGRANQE COllf.trS Newport Beacn and John Wayne take out, !I call for pickup QUESTION 11 Newport's plan to build storage radc• for dlnghi.t a good one7 Call our Readers Hothne at ? f • (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dBJ/yp1lot a lst1mes com . Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for ver1f1catson purposes only Airport She may be readied at 19491 574 4232 o r bye mail at 1unt1 c.asayrande a ta11mes com signature spedalties "HOW GOOD IS MY NEW RESTAURANT? GREAT ENOUGH TO HAVE MY NAME!" Drop by Yan Can for fresh Asian cooking noodles And en1oy Martins unique sauces with the ~alizl'd \tyle of beloved TV chel All prepared frt'sh 1n m1nutt'S-w1th no MSG Martin Yan And tour As.a in t"Yery bite added And all •n a casual t'fl111ron~1 ~re Cholxe the d1sht's you love 1ncluchn9 wok fun and food blend 1n health and harmon)' favontes. gnlled ~taltiM and mouthwalt'flng Come m or call to take ou1 1oday COSTA MESA 1500 Adams at Harbor Blvd 714-438-1115 Open daily at 11 am A2 Tuts<llY, My 29, 2003 a Kl>S TALK BACK Summer fun The Daily Pilot caught up with children ta.king part in Newport Beach's summer camp on the Balboa Peninsula and asked them, 'What are some of the things you like about summer camp?' "I like that we play a lot of games and go to the beach." TAYLOR CONNOR, 11 p Redlands "l lllce that we come outside and go to the beach and swim." CAMERON OLIVER BROWN, 11 Houston, Texas "We spend a lot of time on the beach and make a lot of new friends." JESSICA PENUNURI , 13 Corona del Mar "The field trips. We just went to Raging Waters and we also wen to an L.A. Spam game and we're going to ' ' . --....... •1' Disneyland" JENNY PENUNURI I 10 Corona del Mar "My favorite thing was the Angels game. That and Raging Waters." CASEY BUSHONG, 10 Newport Beach "I like going swimming. especially where theres waves." KEVIN NGUYEN, 11 Newport Beach -, . ,, ' . .. -Photos and interviews compiled by June Casagrande Pure summer camp Newport Beach Recreation and Parks Department helps children make the most of the season. June C1111r1nd1 Daily Pilot There are summer camps about saillng, summer camps about surf- ing, even summer camps about po- licing. But some summer camps are all about summer. Under a blue canopy on the beach at Balboa Peninsula, the Newport Beach Recreation and Parks Depart· ment has elevated warm-weather fun to a high art with Summer Day Camp2003. ult's a lot of fun. We spend a lot of time on the beach," said Jessica Pe· nunuri, a 13-year-old Newport Beach resident who attends Corona del Mar High School. The. city runs two of Its own sum· mer camps and plays host to a num- ber of other agencies that hold camps in here. The city has one camp on the Balboa Peninsula and another in Corona del Mar -both of them designed to make the most of out summer. Most days, it's all about the beach. frolicking on the sand and in the wa- ter. Then there are games. games and more games. Monster basbtball, a hoop game using a bilarlously over· si7.ed ball and hoop, was among the favorites listed by campers on Friday. · Silent speedball also earned honor· able mention. Water polo, tunnel tag, steal the bacon and, of course, vol· leyball help round out the week's ac· tivity lineup. Most Wednesdays bring field trips. On these days. the city camp has hauled kids off to an LA. Sparks game, Raging Waters and Disney· land. •They do all kinds of stuff. There are a lot of activities," said Sean Levin of the Newport Beach Re- aeation and Parks Department "They have a lot of fun out here." l ,., • SUMMER LEARNING i1 a weekly teawre In whlc:ti the Dally Pilot vi1ita a summer camp In the Newport-Mesa area and writn about It. MARK C. DUS~ I DALY PILOT Valentina Cortinvis, 8, ri~ht, of Milan, Italy, avoids being tagged by Olivia Brown, 6, left, of Houston, Texas, during a game of Sharks and Minnows on the beach Monday afternoon. The game is one of many activities kids participate in the Newport Beach Summer Camp. -SUMMER CAMPS COSTA MESA participate In a little mobile to Friday, costs $95 per week. For crafts end even going on organization, 1 $60 annual fH. recreation this summer. Whan more information, call (714) different excurslon1. Children in The aummer program la $76 • A $5 fee will be added to eacti the trailer rolla Into their 327-7560. the program may come and go per week end 1ddltlon1I ffft program for nonresidents. neighborhood, they can join In freety, but will be 1upervlsed by may apply for field tripe. For on arta and cratt. and other KIDS IN THE KJTCHEN recreational leaders. The free more Information, call (949) SUMMER CAMP COSTA MESA organized activities. Younger Children ages 5 to 11 will have a program will run from June 23 to 642·9372. 2003 ctiildren are welcome when ctiance to prepare food• and Aug. 22. For more information The camp, geared toward accompanied by an adult. The leam the basics in cooking so on tfmes and locatlon1, call (714) GaRLS INC. ctiildren ages 6 to 12, includes service ls free. For more they can help mom and dad In 764-5158. Gl r11agea5 through 12 c.n various recreational programs, Information on tlme and the kitctien. The five-week class participate In a aummer program sporta, games, arts and crafta locations, call (71 4) 754-5158. will teacti students how to BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB that lncorporatea fun end and excursions. The camp Is measure, mix, spread, out, stir Boy• end glr1s agea 6 to 18 can teaming. The program will held at the Balearic Community SUMMER TEEN CAMP and, most importantty, taste. The head over to Ealtclde Costa include worbhopa Ind ec:tlvttl• Center. It runs Monday through Student& entering grades seven class is $30 for five week.a. A $10 Meta for tha club'• 1ummer auc::h as photography, cootclng Friday from June 23 through through nine In fall 2003.can material fee will alto apply. program. The program runs and nutrition, economic llterec:y, Aug. 22. The 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. participate In a alx-week Classes will begin June 25 or Monday througltFrlday from sports and var1ou1 fteld tripe. aeuion costs $90, and the 7 a.m. excursion-based camp. The dally July 30. For more inton:nation, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aside from The program will begin June 23 to 6 p.m. session costs $110. For excuralon1 will Include tripe to call (714) 327-7525. being able to participate In a and end Aug. 29. It will run from more information, call (714) local amuaement parb, malls, variety of the actlvltlea at the 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondey to 764-5168. movie• and muaeums. The PLAYGROUND PROGRAM club, participant• alao have the Friday. Reglstrltton la $40, end MOBILE RECREATION camp begin• July 7 and ands Children agea 6 to 13 can apend option of going on two field weekly feet are S90 to $100. For Aug. 16. The camp, whlcti runs their aummer days playing on trips a week. Participants need more Information, c.11 (949) Children age 6 and older can from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday the playground, participating In to be membera of the 646-7181. Dai ly A Pilot PHOTOORAP,HERS Merit C. Duatln, Don Leadl, Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-8088 Copyright: No newa ltorlea, lllu1tration1, editorial matter or 1dvartl11menta herein ~n be reproduced without written perml11lon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be cloudy today, with aome alight chance for rain, though It would moat likely atey off1h or1. thunderatorma In the afternoon. .. VOL. 97, NO. 210 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publlahef TOHYDOOERO Editor Jl/CI( OETT1NO ~~~r Promotlona Of rector New9 Edllot's Gina Alexender, LMI Anderson, Denlel Hunt. Paul Saltowltz. Daniel. Stewns NEWllTAlf Crime '=r ~ reportw, (949) 57oM22e ~.bh«dl•IMlmee.oom June=-• Newpon reporter, (M)57~32 /uM.~•'-""*'com .... ClnlDn Polltloa, bu11"'91 and environment reporter, (948) ~ f»U/.d1Mon•111t1me1.com Loll8....,., Columnlac. culture f'IPO'W, (M )PMZ?& ~.,..,,.,..,.,,,,..com DlllMflltomM Coet.I Meae rapofW; (Mt) 174-4221 delfdfe.'*"'*'•,_,.__com c..e-... ..... 1111•1 ... ., 174-4211 «n1.w11on•.,_,oom R.c:ord your commenu about the Delly Piiot or newt tlpe. Addl'Ma Our eddreae la 330 W. Bay St., Colt8 M ... , CA 92&27. Office houra ere Monday · Friday, 8!30 1.m. · 5 p.m. CorNOtlcM• It la the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all en-ors of aubatlnce. PIMM cell 1948) 7&M324. FYI The N9wpon 8eadVCo9t.a MeN •• Deity Pilot (USPS-14'MOO) la ' publleMd deity. In N9wpof1 a..dl and Coaui MeN, aubec:ripdona are evelleble onlY bv aubecf'lblng to The llmea ~County (IOO) 252·1141. In ..... oul9ldt of N9WpOft leed'I and Coaui MeN. aubecftpdona to the Del4Y Pilot .,. 91111Meble ontit by fine *-melt for ao..., month. ''"°" Include 111 applllllble -and looll W.) l'OITMAITI .. ; lend~ ...,... to The Newport leedveo. .... D9lv "°" '-0. b 1lllO, C-. MIM, CA ma HOW TO REACH US ~latJon The Tlma Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwet1lell 19 Chu lled 1949) 642-5678 °"'*' (949) 642-4321 YelMtel New9 (941) 842-5680 "*'-(949) 57 .... 223 News,.. (949) ~170 "*'-Fu (949) 815().()170 1.....,.: dailypllot•l«l,,,...com .. ()Moe ...... OMae (948) 842-4321 ...... ,.. (Ml) 831-1128 PublleMd by Tlmee Community Hewe. e dMtlon of tM Loe~ ,,,,,.., mom Timea CH. All i1tMI ...... , TemperaturH will atill rise Into the low 801 In the early afternoon. Wedneaday la aheplng up to be nicer. Information: www.nw..noH .gov BOATING FORECAST Light wind• ue expected on the Inner w1tera throughout the dey, blowing from th• wHt at 1 I knot• In t he afternoon. WIVff wm be 2 fMt or 1111. The awell from the wt1t wlll be S fMt. Watch for petchy fog In ttl• mom Ing. Vtri•bl• wind• on the outer wetere wfH be 1t 10 knot• or 1 .... WlvN wtll be 2 fHt or 1 ... on 1 wtet twtll of 4 fMt. Thefe'lf be I oftance of 1hower1 and ·- SURF ThH• are the down d•v• before a promlHd aouthweat awell that ahould hit Thuradey. Untll then, welat·hlgh dumpy aurf th1t ehould hive , the pro1 over In Huntington BHch withing they were beck et Supertube1. lut wait. T~• 1well l11uppo1ed to be auper fun. w__..,.11ty": www.eurfrlder.org TIDES Time 4:32a.m. 11 :01 a.m. 3:31p.m. t :53p.m. ~ ·O. 77 fMt low 3.MfMthleh 2.11fMtlow 8.41 fMthlt" WATER TEllPEMTURI 8tdegr1t1 . . .... . •..., • • • • .... . :· Dally Piiot ques ion: After some question Newport Beach proposal to build storage racks for dinghies, city will hold a meeting on the issue. city's plan will result ln more crash and pollution. "The city doesn't take respon- sibility for the stuff they have now." Hyans said, adding that he personally cleaned up the area around the city's existing dinghy storage facility on the bay at 18th Street June Casa1r.nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A plan to build racks to store dinghies may not be the panacea that city officials had hoped. After some residents registered their objec- llons to the city's proposal to build the racks and to change the lime periods for dockin g din- ghies at some public piers, Har- bor Department officials have decided to hold a public meeting to gather as much in put as pos- sible before deciding whether to proceed with their plan. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Walt ~venport win leadership award l·ormer Costa Mesa Planning Commissioner Walt Davenport has won the 2003 Distinguished I t>adcr'ih1p Award of Merit for a layperson from the California chapter of the American Plan- n111K A'>'>n. Davenport served on the <.o-.1a Me'>a Planning CommJS· '>Hiil for 22 years before being n•placcd through the appomt- 111e111 proce.,., in February. I he honor is one of I 0 Award' of Merit presented to out'>tanding leaders, planners and planning projects. Davenport will receive the award on Sept. 30 at the 3<,~o l i.tllon\ -.tale conference 111 \.int,1 Rarbara UC I name new vice chancellor for hou ing UL lrvrne has named William Zl'ller 11'. assi~tant vice chancel- lor of ... 1udent hou!>ing. He will ht•g111 111 the middle of Scptem- bt•r i't'ller bnr.gs more than 25 year-. ol experience in student hou'>ing and campu!i life to the un1ver-.ity, most recently a!> the d1rrl tor of umversiry housing at the Un1ver.;,11y of Michigan. At M1 ch1gan. Zeller oversaw an annual budget of $90 m1lhon while directing a comprehen- .,ivc hou!iing operation that ac- commodated 12.000 students in 13 residence halls and 1.500 apartment units. I le worked closely with un1 - ver<;ity leaders in long-range planning efforts and makmg annual recommendations to the Board of Regents. Zeller 1s al-.o cred11ed with strengthen- ing Michigan's living-learning initiative. which offers variou~ learning programs within the re'lidence halls. "I am looking forward to join- 111g one of the nation's premier public institutions." Zeller said "We're pleased that we've been getting public comments.· said Ouis Miller of the city's Harbor Resources Division. "We want to approach this systematically and with public outreach.~ A handful of residents showed up at the Harbor Commission meeting earver this month to oppose the city plan. Some said that the storage racks would cre- ate unsightly clutter. Others said they could create safety risks for children who play there. Others. including Central Newport Beach Community Assn. Presi- dent Tom Hyans. said that the in a press release. "UCI is one of the fastest-growing research universities, attracting highly talented young people. I am ex- cited to work with my new col- leagues to enhance the equca- tional op portunities ' a nd student life exp eriences for the campus' djverse population." Hal loween carnival seeks sponsors Newport Coast Cares is seek- ing sponsors for its third annual Newport Coast Cares Hallow- een Carnival to be held on Oct. 25. Different levels of sponsor- ship opportunities are avail - able. The deadline is Sept. 20. Proceeds from the carnival will benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation. For more informa- tion, call Laura Giffin at (949) 376-8518 or Brigitte Tehranchi at (949) 464 -0443. We t Ne wport Beac h A~sn. meeting The West Newpon Beach Assn wiJI have its annual meet- ing on Sept. 24 at the Udo Penin!iula Resort Oubhouse. rhere will be no meeting in Au- gu111. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse at 710 Udo Park Drive. Hoag Omcer Center surv ival rate climb Hoag Cancer Center's five- year survival rates have climbed to 72%, about 10% over the na- tional average, hospital officials said. ·niat number is Hoag's City officials say they want to take these and ail other concerns into consideration in hopes of making it easier for mooring holders to get to their boats off- shore. · The plan now being floated to deal with this problem is to build 15 racks at eight public locations to hold up to 76 dinghies. The four· and six-unit racks would be at the Fernando Street beach and pier. the 15th Street beach and best in the last seven years. Officials said the center also surpasses national ~erage for each of the five most common rypes of cancer. • Officials attribute the cancer center's success to their "com- prehensive community cancer p rogram." which manage~ more than 2.300 new patients every year. Parent Help USA to hold fund -rai sing crui se Parent Help USA. a Costa Mesa organization that works to prevent child abuse, will host a sunset cruise aboard a luxury yacht in Newport I !arbor from 5 to 8 p.m. Aug 17 The fund- raiser will include a champagne receptfon, dinner, tropical d rinks. entertainment. auction. gondola rides and door prizes. Tickets cost $75 per.,on or $125 for two un11l Aug 10. Sponsorsh.ip opporturnlle'> are also available. For reservations and more informauon, call (9491 650-3461 or Vl'>lt www.parentl1elpusa.org. Jewish organi zation forms support gro up Jewish Family Service of Orange County i'> forming a suppon group for the Jewish parents of children who are gay or lesbian. The agency is eekmg enough people to run a group that will meet monthly. A profe s1onaJ facilitator will be provided. To enroll or find out more in- formation. call (7 14) 445-4950. The agency is at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G in Costa Mesa. IV•twri"I A LiH Tribwu To Frank Sinatra Ewry M•ruU,y d-T--'6y 6-9pta Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails I 01 U,·,r• 1·11111111, < *'// (l)~<)) (,4 (,. 7').~4 , ,,,,..., I 1, 111. \, l • .,,,,, \It,, ' I to \o •"'• 1 •I IU '--"' -OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~g on to ltttp:llcoastlint .tdu to find the latest Fall 2003 course infonnation. Check out our new searchable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses are open. Coastline's Web ~ite is available.24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Look into Coastline's: • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day at the Garden Grove Center. • Distance learning oppommities-fully transferable Internet, Telecourse, cablecast, and independent study classes. • STAR Program and Weekend Collcg~ accelented ways to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and Career EducatiQn programs offering certificates in a variety of high-de~ occupations. Coasdinc has convenient locations in Costa Mesa. Fountain Valley. Garden OllOve, Huotinpm Bucb. and WClbninlcer. 4 .. Tuesday. July 29 2003 A3 a yp FYI WHAT: Dinghy Storage for Offshore Mooring Permittees Subcommittee meeting WHEN: 4:30 to 6:30 p.m Aug. 4 WHERE: Fire Conference Room. City Hall, 3300 Newpon Blvd. INFORMATION: (949) 644-3044 pier. the 16th Suec1 heach, the 19th street beach and pier and at the Udo Bridge puhlic beach area. The dinghy ~torage !>paces would be av-dilable only to moor- in g permit holder'> and tlw $14- Dine in, a-month rental would cover the cost of building and maintaining the stations. The plan would also let din· ghies rest at -;ome public docks for up to two hours instead uf the 20-minute ome hm11 estab- lhhed in mo'>t place., I h1., would give moonnK pcmut holder!> more Umt' to UM' tht'1t boaL'>• and to tah ddV-dntage of on-shore amenille!>. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers NewportBeach and John Wayne take out, • coll for pickup QUESTION Is N9WJ>Ort't plan to build storage ,.c:ks for dinghies • good one7 Call our Readers Hotline at ?. • 1949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to datlyp1/01 a /at1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. Airport She may be reached at 19491574 4232 or bye mail at 1une casagrande o /at1mes com Martin's signature spedalties "HOW GOOD IS MY NEW RESTAURANT? GREAT ENOUGH TO HAVE MY NAME!" Drop by Yan Can for lrtsh As1,10 coolung noodles And en1oy Manin s unique saucts with the penonal1Ztd sryk> or belovtd TV chef All prep.irtd fresh 1n m1nut~-W1th no MSG Marttn Yan And tour Asia 1n NtfY btte addf'd And all in a casu•I environmenl where Choose 1he dishes you love including wolt tun and lood blend 1n health and h.lrmony ravontts, gnlled spec1alt~ and mouthwatenng Comt 1n or call ro take out today COSTA MESA 1500 Adams at Harbor Blvd 714-438-1115 Open daily at 11 am .. ' • •J. M Tuesday, July 29, 2003 Continued from Al complishments. Even a day after his passlng, people were still thanking him for the memories and remembering his role in the country's history. Montgomery said Monday that she always knew the day would come that Hope would pass. but she was still not pre- pared for it. "I was shocked," Montgomery said. "I knew he was bound to go, but it was still ... just shock- ing." While Hope was always on the • cutting edge. he never resorted to "dirty" talk to make thlngs funny. That is what made him even better, the two Dorothys aid. ~He was funny as can be and never had to be dirty." Goeman said. "Yeah, I don't know why it can't be. like that anymore," Montgomery ad'ded. "Young people don't need all this vulgar- ity nowadays." A quick survey of the senior center lobby named Hope's "road series" of movies, with co· stars Bing Crosby and Dorothy UCI Continued from Al pus for a year," Parker said. The highest percentage of funding went to the life sciences, where rest:archers were awarded $154 million. This year's total also includes a record 27 grants of more than $1 miUion, sup- porring diverse programs from undergraduate student research to the development of potential cures for Alzheimer's disease and spinal cord injury. One of the major recipients was Ronald Stern, dean of the School of Physical Sciences, who received $5.4 million in initial funding from the National Sci- ence Foundation to develop FO· CUS, an innovative math and science education program that will serve more than I 00,000 Southern California high school students. The funding is part of a five-year. $14.2-million grant - the largest National Science Foundation grant ever received byUCl. One of the programs the fund· ing will be spent on is the Teach· er Leadership Cadre, where GOlDf N orro~TUNflY .... ,.s-EHllll • VOWME SELECTION •OUTSTANDING f gornery, Goeman and Paul Mot· lenskl recalled thelr favodte mo- ments from the comedy. "Remember when he was in bed. with that horse and the horse kept stealing ajl the covers from him?" MotlensJd said. "What was the name of that movie?" Goeman asked. "I know the one you are talk- ing about, I liked that one, too, H Montgomery said. They never did remember the name. "I never, ever, heard a bad word about rum, and to me, that's pretty good,~ Goeman said. Goeman was not in the sun room, down the hall, where other members were more tight· lipped about Hope. "When I was a kid, I laughed at him," said Rich Reiser, who was more concerned with the 1V remote than Hope's death. ~1 t.hinlc this should be a positive community story, so I should not comment." Senior center member Gary Roseberry also didn't have any- thing nice to say, and so said nothing at all. UHe was a great entertainer. though, you've got to give him math and science teachers from more than 100 schools in Santa Ana, Compton and the Westside of Costa Mesa will be brought up to date in their respective sub- jects. "Our hope is the.se leaders will go in (to the program] and for the next four years, if you spend almost an hour a week, you can cover a lot of things in coopera- tion and in partnership with the principals and the teachers and the university faculty to really bring them up to a higher level of content and pedagogy," said Everly Fleischer, FOCUS direc- tor. The Reeve-Irvine Research Center. which .works on treat- ments and cures for those af- flicted with spinal cord injuries, received two contracts for a total of $2.6 milUon. The funding will enable the center to help the field as a whole expedite the time it takes to get treatments to clinical trial. By replicating st:Udies done by other researchers, the center will make the discoveries more con- vincing, which is imperative for the Food and Drug Administra- tion approval process and for getting to cllnlcal trial. said Maura Hofstadter, director of education. The center will also work to develop more measures of a treatment's success aside from regaining locomotion, which is the primary one stud· " Senior center directOr, Aviva Goelman, said she could not clla- agree mon. Goelman. who used to draw caricatures of Hope ln art claaa. called him a wildly tal· ented eotertaJner whom she re- member$ as a generous penon. "I think he 1s a legend and It 1s a shame he la 119ne, • Goelman said. "More seii.iora can learn from him how to have a totally positive attitude." Hope's connection to the Newport-Mesa area is stronger than just memories. The co- medJan performed in front of a crowd of 6,000 at an Orange Coast ·College fund-raiser at Labard Stadium in 1980 and was honored at a Marine G:orps. regalia in Newport Beach in 1985. • He also is among the famous people who were guesu at the Balboa Bay Oub, along with John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall and movie partner Crosby. • l.OUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bye-mail at loHts.hsrper@lstimes.com. ied, Hofstadter said. Other major funding benefi· ciaries are: • Dr. Steven Potkin, professor of psychiatry, who received $4.3 million in National Institute of Health funding to establish the Biomedical Informatics Re- search Network. a nationwide network for sharing vast amounts of computerized brain imaging data about schi7.ophre- nia. This project is part' of a three-year, $10.9-million pra- grarn funded by the federal gov- ernment to speed development of new treatments for this dis· abling illness. • Henry Sobel, professor of physics and astronomy, who re · ceived $3.4 million ln Depart- ment of Energy funding to study neutrinos and other elementary particles. •Dr. Frank Meyskens Jr .. di· rector of the Otao Family Com- prehensive Cancer Center. who received $2.2 million from the NIH to run a clinical trial on anti-cancer drugs. • Satya Atluri, the Samuell/ Von Karman Professor of Aero- space Engineering, who received $1.7 million from the Federal Aviation Administration to de- velop a wireless screening sys- tem to improve airport security. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@lstlmes.com. VERDICT · Continued from Al unit aimed at stemming the inroads organized crime was making into the county. He closed down the open gambling operation of a retired LA. cop in Seal Beach in a long and hard-fought case. About that time, Ken Wtlliams, then a deputy district attorney, conducted the first successful prosecution of a big-time bookie operation in the county. After that case, it was said that if you stood on the county line, you would have been trampled to death by the bookies fleeing to the more friendly environment of Los Angeles County. In 1957, Bob Kneeland was appointed to the Superior Court, and Ken Williams was appointed district attorney. Ken kept the pressure on the gamblers and successfully prosecuted several city officials in western Orange County who had succumbed to easy money ln the form of bribes offered by overeager land developers. Upon William's appointment to the Superior Court in 1966, Cecil Hieb WU appointed district attorney. Het too. kept the lid on organized crime and successfully proeecuted several county omce holden and political string-pullers who, in the 19709, were seduced by their own th1rat for power. Among their number WU the mott powedtal member of the county Boald of Supervllors of that era. 1be board approved the bud8et for the dMuict attomeY• oftlce and don't think e«orta weren't rmde. throulh the ~ proc., to atpple the dilCrict a~ imwdpdoN ol ahenanlpm In county pemment. Fonunately, ~ pn!Vliled. OnnlB Comlly bll been tbrlunate ID haw bid tbt Mltm of Bob~ JmJW9imlimd CAdl Hieb In ........ ==-=== p ! Mii.,. ....... •Cofw .. Mir .......... ..... fUdle. Hll......., NM 1' II If .. I POLICE FILES COITAllEIA ......... 8tN9t Grind tl:Mtft WU report9d in the 3300 blodt at 12:21 p.m. Sundly. • ............ N9wpolt ~A traffic accident Involving lnjuriee waa reported at 11:46 e.m. Sunday. • ~Lw: All aaaautt WP reported In the 3100 blodc at 2:32 p.m. Suoday. • Mlple Alw9nue: Greffttl was reported In the 1900 t?lodc at 9:0S a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulewrd: A vehicle ·PUBLIC SAFETY burglery WH reported In the 2000 blodc at 8:49 a . .m. Sunday. •. w.t Wllon 8trNt: Poneulon of drug paraphernalia was reported in the 500 blodc at 1 :36 p.m. Sunday • • Weat 11th 8trMt and Pomona Awnuei PoMesslon of drugs was reported at 2:02 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eut ~_Boue.wrd and 20th 8trMt: ~It-and-run was reported at 12:18 a.m. Sunday. • 8aytkte Drive: A vehicle· Daily Pilot borglary was reported in the 1800 blodt at 12:36 p.m. Sunday. • Hoeg o.tw: Battery was reported In the 100 blodc at 6:26 a.m. Sunday. • JemborM Aoed: Grand theft . was reported In the 1100 blodc a~ 4:43 p.m. Sunday . • MarfM Awnue: Petty theft wa, reported In the 200 blodc at 2:12 p.m. Sunday. • Neplune Avenw: Illegal fireworb were reported In the 5000 blodc at 4:14 a.m. Sunday • • Or9nge StNet: An auto theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. KENT TREPTOW I OAIL v PILOT Paramedics evacuate the driver of a Ford Explorer that flipped on the southbound Corona del Mar Freeway at Irvine Avenue. The two passengers were also taken to the hospital. 'BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS , Rollover causes hourlong SigAlert 'Three women escaped with minor injuries after the sport utility vehicle they were in rolled over and landed upside NATURAL Continued from Al disagree about what's unaturaJ" and, even more passionately, they disagree about what should be done with the remaining 2~ acres. Some say that the uppermost portion of the park should be covered with turf grass where families can picnic and children can play. Others say that under· mines a process beguh nearly four years ago to restore the en· tire area to its natural condition, and that the turf plan could even threaten the citYs eligibility for grant money. The Parks, Beaches and Re- creation Commission has ruled that turf grass should be part of the plan there. A City Council study session scheduled for Aug. 12 could reaffirm that decision or tum it on its head "I think there are going to be at least three different factions,· Qty Manager Homer Bludau said. "It's not going to be an easy issue." The original restoration plan is estimated to cost about $230,000. A $99,600 grant from the CalifomJa Coastal Conser- vancy and a $50,000 grant from the Nature Conservancy would EELGRASS Continued from Al cided that, for example, 30 acres was enough, then homeowners would be allowed to dredge in eelgrass in boon . times without replacing the plant. Mayor Steve Bromberg said he hopes to arrange a meeting among local, state and federal representatives, including U.S. Rep. Ouis Cox. to talk about set· ting guidelines to correct a prob· lem he calls a "sleeping giant" "We don't dispute that eelgrus la good for the fish and the bay," Bromberg said. "What we dis· pute is the fact that even though we have ao much of It, people are sdll in thla situation." AROUND TOWN • s.rxt ~'TOWN ftema to the Deity "'°" 330 w. Bev. St.. COlt8 ~CA t2827; bv e-meil ID mlh......,,, • ....,....~ by fax to <• MM170; or by cellng <• l?M291 Include the time .... end~ of the tWnt,. Wll •. oon'8Clt phone numblr.Aoom.-.llMlntll ......... •wt 'dll)tpUatocwn. down on the southbound Co- rona del Mar Freeway on Mon· day afternoon, snarling traffic for more than an hour. officials said. The incident happened -at about 5:55 p.m. on the freeway at Irvine Avenue when the driver of the Ford Explore r Jost control of the vehicle while trying to avoid something on fund most of the project, with city capital improvement funds covering the roughly $75,000 dif· ference. But there's a catch that City Councilman Don Webb said might not be the best deal for the city. ·Tue Coastal Conservancy's grant says that the city has to maintain it in that natural state for 20 years or give them their money baclc." he said. "But they don't provide the money for that maintenance. . . . The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- mission pointed out that that ties up the land for 20 years. and who knows what the city might want five or 10 years from now." Environmentalist activist Allan Beek said he 'hopes the conser- vancy can be persuaded to cut that 20 years down to five or 10. but so far. there'& no indication they will budge. Beek has sug- gested developing a much small- er portion of the park with turf grass and leaving the highest ar· eas covered with meadow gras- ses and wildflowers. Newport Height resident Mar- git Motta supports using only native plants there. but said she would support a compromise such as Beek's. "I would like to have the natu- ral California Rora and fauna In the meantime, the citYs Harbor Commission is consider- ing whether the city should set up underwater eelgrass nurseries where residents can pay the city to regrow eelgrass to make up for quantiti~ lost to dredging. "A lot of people around the harbor think that the city Is will- ingly and aggressively enforcing this eel 8JaM policy. but we didn't want thJs provision in there," Kilf said. "We want a sensible eel· grass policy and we don't think what's in place is all that sen· sJbl~" · •JUNE CASAGRANO£ covers Newport Be.ch end John Wayne Airport. She may be readied at (949) 574-4.232 or by &-mall et june.~ugr•ndeOl•timn.com. J1)(1tl gradet IN Invited to "A Aadlcal Science Show" at a p.m. at the Mlrt'*8 brtnc:ti of the NelJlport e..ct. Public Ubrary. The ..... progrem wffl be ,...,...., at 10'-.30 a.m. July 31 at the lllboe ~.For mC>'9 ~. oeea 1948) 111-3811. A,,_ .. ._.,_..,. .... ,.. .. ~ ... !' wll be ollr9d by Cooo'I c.M'9 a.. from e:ao •1:10p.m. • ...,........, 18E.11'hlL.C..Mlle. ft1111 .... Iii* IOOt • MOMS. the road. Costa Mesa Fire Bat.- talion Olief Keith Fujimoto said. The women suffered neck and back pain and minor cuts. fire officials said. Two were taken to Hoag Hospital and one to Western Medical Center in Santa Ana, Fujimoto said. A SigA.lert was issued for about an hour. that would bring butterflies and other native things." MC88 :.aid. UThe problem with turf gra.s.:, plan is that there isn't much Oat area up there and the area they're talking about is quite large and smack in the middle of the park." City staffers had offered an· other compromise: using species of grass native to California. but that could be maintctlned as short grass amenable to picnkk· ing and other activities. This would have added another $25.000 10 the cost. Commis- sioners unanimously shot down this idea in favor of the kinds of turf grass found at other city parks. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airpart. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e·mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. DU BOIS, Eiieen K. (88) of Newp ort Beach and recently Encinitas, California passed away July 27, 2003 from a stroke. She was the wife of the late Paul Du Bois. In her youth she was an avid athlete and president of the women students at use. In Arcadia, she was a parent IOhool leader. In Newport she was a well known, active, community leader Involved In the Assistance League Of Newport Mesa. st. Andrew's Church , and tennis 9!'0!JP8· She wu a woftd trev9l9r from 1979 until 1999. • She It survived by eon, Phlf Ou Bolt of · Colo rado; daughtet8, JMMe Ou Boll of Botton Barb.,. Du Bolt of San Diego: grandehlldren1 Phlllp Ou Bolt·Coyne ana Sareh Ou Boia-OoyM. -.isem_,...~ 10:00 Lm., W 29, 2003 •• ~ PrHbyter1an Church, eoo . Anchw's Ad. Newport llwf\. CA12183., • I ' ) ) ' I Dally Pilot BEST BET TUESDAY, JULY 29 NOON • Beach Cities Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Building - • Beach Cities Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building •Scale Squadron (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building • Calif. China Painters Art Assn. (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building •Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • "Discover the FairH Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • . •Tasty Tomato Contest -Youth Building • Sock Hop -Kids Stage • Farm & Garden Contest Display Round 4 -Centennial Farm 1 P.M. • Maureen W. Puppet (until 6 p.m.) -Around the grounds • Mission Viejo Dance & Performing Arts -Heritage Stage · • Beach Cities Stars -Sun Stage • China Painting -Heirlooms of the Future -Home & Hobbles Stage • Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Grafters Village • Miss Debbe Lynn -Vocalist - Celebration Stage -Youth Building , •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Oxen Team Presentation - Livestock Arena • Travellng Game Show ( 1 :30 p.m .. 6 p.m.) -Around the grounds • RusseU Brothers Circus (1 :30 p.m,) -Green Gate Area •Ceramics Demonstration 11:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 2 P.M. • Show Kidz USA -Heritage Stage • Huntington Westminster Adult School Line Dancers -Sun Stage • Cooking with El Torito Chef Pepe Lopez -Home & Hobbies Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage Count star Alan Jackson headlines tonight's Summer Concert Series along with special guest Joe Nichols. The Pacific Amphitheatre opens its gates at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. • Recycled Percussion -Linle Theater • Circus Fun Review Auditions (2:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage Skosh Monahan's Sl:eakboase & l~isb Pab SPECIALTIES: . . 6oz. Bacon Wrapped Petite Filet only S 17. 95 • 8oL Top Sirloin • 1 Ooz. Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon • 24oz. Por1erhouse • J 6oL Ribeye • 12oz. N.Y. Steak" SMnpl • 1 Ooz. Lamb Culotte Steak • Rock of l.Qmb • Port Rock Chop All Entrees Include Potatoes & Veggies ~~ "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Types of Window Treatmef!ts • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimenlllry Co1Uul111tion in Your Home 2()'~,·· I .1h111 l'\ \l-lllll'll l .il111,, <:::>1 -:1-; 111:l1tl11,,1dtil \11:.:11\(:, ~1111 ' ?/1/k44~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 642 8400 •WITH "VllO<ASC CW ~Ji~ (949) -IOTHrAlllllC 6 i...t- ALDEN'S --~-~ \ : DN-!ilTE I DRAPERY CLEANll\I& AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIMi NECEHAllY I Certlfted Ta ae1111 All Hunter Dougie• Fabric: Window Coverlngm lnc:ludlng: • Lllninette Privacy Sheen' • Sillouette' window ~ • Vllftdte' wiM1ow shadings • Duettet honeycomb shadeS • Mleftiant Collection • JubUnctn& roman thades • Applause' honeycolnb _.. • Smnettent SoftfoldN--.., World'• Bed ON41t&• Dra ..... , a ...... ~ A· ALDEN'S CARPET. AND DRAPERIES . 1663 Placentia, Com~ 949-646 4831 • 714-96N1 IO 3P.M. • Mission Viejo Dance & Performing Arts -Heritage Stage • Beach Cities Stars -Sun Stage • Miss Debbe Lynn -Vocalist - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Oxen Team Presentation - Livestock Arena • Scale Squadron with Gliders & Electric Power (3:30 p.m.) - Home & Hobbles Stage · • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 4P.M . • Royalty Kids -Heritage Stage • Huntington Westminster Adult School Line Dancers -Sun Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Catch-up Contest ..: Kids Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Port City Washboard Wizards - Around the grounds 4:30 P.M. •Russell Brothers Circus (4·30 p.m.) -Green Ga'.t:l Area • Napkin Folding with Jan Mongell (4:30 p m ) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p m.) -Crafters Village SP.M. •Crafts funttl 8 p.m .) -Youth Building • Fly By Night -Swing Dancing -Heritage Stage •The Spank Band -An All-Girl Band -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Linle Theater •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Junior Dairy Goat Showmanship Judging - Livestock Arena •Circus Fun Review Auditions (5:30 p.m.l -Kids Stage Tuesday, July 29, 2003 A5 6P.M. •Beading with Gayle Ness.- Home & Hobbies Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids. Stage • Red, Ripe.& Karaokin' Contest (6:30 p.m.)1 -Heritage Stage 7P.M. • Summer Concert Series: (Gates open 6 p.m.) Alan Jackson with special guest Joe Nichols,(7:30 p.m.) -Pacific Amphitheatre • The Mountain Top with Dr. Ralph Stanley, featuring Rhonda Vincent and special guest Clark - Cilizens Business Bank Arena • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village •Tomato Walk Contest -Kids Stage • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Bu1ld1ng •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock . • Russell Brothers Circus 17 30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m ) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m ) -Kids Stage •Ceramics Demonstration <7 .30 p.m .) -Grafters Village • Milking Demonstration l7 30 p.m .) -M1llenn1um Barn 8P.M. • Kelly Rae Band -Sun Stage • Target: Tomato Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Linle Theater • Big Band 2000 is 30 p.m Hentage Stage 9f>.M . • The Mountain Top with Dr Ralph Stanley. featuring Rhonda Vincent and special guest Clark - Ci tizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Brothers Circus - Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Oxen Team Presentation - Livestock Arena • Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (9 30 p.m .) -Crafters Village l OP.M. • Kelly Rae Band -Sun Stage • Big Band 2000 I 10:30 p.m ) - Heritage Stage ~!a:1!'!f!'son/ ~ * 7:30 pm For ticket lnforma.tlon log onto www.oc:fair.oom The Mountain Top * 7 & 9 W1Tll Dr. Ralph 81aDJieJ P'UTVllll'O B.booda VIDlm& &Jll) anew. GuaT Outl aly 30 • The Fab Four OU'DIAft ftil1JTS TO TD n.&n.D y 31 • 3 Doers Dowa'om-..,,._ Celebrit7 Cbef Seriea M Tuesday, ~ 29, 2003 , HOW 10 GET "*.ISHED -t....-.: Mail to Editorial Pege Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Co.ta Meal, CA 92627 •Rn llrr Hotlne: Call (949) 642~ Fu: Send to (949) 64&-1170 E-mlll:S.nd to dailypilot#llatirnea.oom • AJI COfT9IPOOdence must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (foryerification pul'J>OM9). 'The ~lot retefVet the right to edit alJ submlnlons for dartty end length. ~ . COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Quality of life the issue with Santa Ana River bridges I t is interesting to note that "preserving the quality of life of residential areas, schools and parks" is one of City H.all's stated major goals in removing the Gisler Avenue and 19th Street bridges from the County Master Plan of Highways {uFew steps have been taken in bridge battle," Saturday). Sounds good. ERIC BEVER One aspec1 of this is more ironic than interesting, as Victoria Street, which would undoubtedly be part of the "solution" to eliminating the bridges, • is in fact more than 90% residential. Victoria also hosts no fewer than two parks with tot l<:tts , four or five places of worship and two elementary schools. ~arks. make best holiday of year better l read the responses to the fireworks issue and would like to put my opinion in. I have lived in Costa Mesa my entire life, and fireworks have been part or every Fourth of July in our family. We grew up doing them at our house and my grandfather's house with my cousins. There were always adults a.round when we were doing them, and we were taught bow to be careful with them. Not until we were in high school were we allowed to light any ourselves. Now, our chiJdren have grown up with fireworks and know how to act a.round .them and be safe. We have always had other families join in with us, and each Fourth of July has been a great time. The kids anticipate the day and can't wait for it to get dark enough so the fun can begin. MAILBAG flL( PHOTO /tJNlY PILOT Readers are still debating whether fireworks sales should remain legal in Costa Mesa. programs get their whole senior citizens, the noise, has put Costa Mesa on the character may be yea.r's budgeLfrom them smoke and all-around map as perhaps the most questioned, but if we were to wiCh a few hard days' work. disturbance has a gullible and foolish city in recall all poliricians I would hope that the city detrimental affect on our America. The.fact that so possessing such a dubious of Costa Mesa will be able Lives. We have called the many Costa Mesans 1rack record, then most of In contrast, 19th Street has one church , no sdrouls, one park and is more than 50% commercial. On 19th Street, I would like to see Costa Mesa keep a tradition that has been around for decades and makes the holiday special. Illegal fireworks will always be a.round whether a city has legal fireworks. People will find a way to bring them in and set them off. If fireworks a.re banned, thousands of people will not be able to participate in the few shows that ~re arountt. There are not enough of them to accommodate everyon . to keep Firew<>t'lts-ti a ---&1Hiee--eaeh-y.ear4-0 C(}mplai .. n___.m ....... in .... d"'le.-.s~s.&.Jly._...s,..ig.,..o ... e .... du.h ... is.._' ___ _..1.._bet.....LI.tlo.u~ and Senate w-"'-o-"--ul_c_d __ .~ tradition for many more about the noise from the million-doUar recall effort be empty. the distance from the Costa Mesa city limits to the Costa Mesa Freeway is roughly one mile, whereas the distance from the city Limits to the Costa Mesa Freeway on Victoria is roughly two miles. Do the math: Using the 19th Street alignment will result in '50% fewer sudace street miles driven by our neighbors who access the freeway by crossing through our city. That, coupled with the fact that the Victoria alignment bisects a significantly greater number of "quality of life" uses, makes the current story coming out of Costa Mesa City Hall quite suspect, to say the least. While I do not advocate for or against either bridge, I find it particularly galling that our leadership seUs "no bridges" with a quality of life argument when the deletion of the 19th Street bridge would certainly exacerbate quality of life impacts for those residents, schools, parks, and places of worship on Victoria, Adams Avenue and Coast Highway to a great degree. Just whose quality of life are we out to protect? The out-of-town merchants who operate on 19th Street? Nlnety-six Victoria homeowners have already paid the ultimate price, eminent domain having been employed, and their houses bulldozed to make way for traffic. Those who reside along Victoria must deal with the Impacts dally and do not complain too loudly, as they lcnow they are dolng their part to keep things moving. To the folks who th.inlc that bridges will Impact their lives: Yes, they will, to some degree or another. Does this reality make it OK to penalize those of who currently shoulder their share of the burden? Does it aeem fair to dump ever more tralllc Into the residential netghborboods to keep other areu free of impact? We all benefit from the roads and highways. and we aU need to do ouopart to accommodate free IDOYeDleDt of ttaftic. Ory Hall, pleue don't tell ua JOU .,.. pmervlng quality or Ute, when your plans actually muldpty the impact on the .,,..~a1 ..... you claim to baW ........... In~ Member, Welcllde ll:nptovement AIM. 9tMrtnl Coiwntu.e COltaMeie As for accidents happening on the Fourth, they are few and fai- between. ln all the years I have been around fireworks, we haven't personally seen any or heard of anyone we know who had trouble. years to come. They would fireworks, but to no effecl. should attest to how easy it If our city's residents are be greatly missed and We think it is about time the is to subvert democracy with intenl on not paying any change the whole Qty Council steps up to the money and propaganda. truces for thi'l deficit, then atmosphere of the bei.t plate and bans the sale and Let me set things straighl they better nol complain holiday this nation has. use of fireWorts in our dty. for our city's most when our children get stutl JEANINE BASS JEWEL, MARY AND conservative and ignorant with lhe bill (i n higher Costa Mesa ELLEN MCQWUD residents: Gov. Gray Davis tuition costs), or when our As for the eyesores that the stands make, it is only for a few weeks, and seeing them up makes the anticipation more exciting. They are a good fund-raiser, and some Cosra Mesa did not create the recession, city lac~ the necessary did not aid F.nron in police. fire, health, and manipulating the energy sociaJ services for its markets, nor did he crash a residenls. plane into the World Trade Frreworl<s a cdetrimental piere of Costa Mesa life Issa confums Costa We live in the Mesa Del Mesa as gullible town BOB ZUCKERMAN Mar tract and, as we are Oh wow, Rep. Darrell Issa Center. His competence and Costa Mesa DEAR STEVE LETTERS Readers find different answers to 'What makes a superhero"?' Thank you, Steve Smith, for your version of Kobe Bryant ("Kobe made more than a mistake,• Saturday). It is exactly as mine. What could J tell my grandsons who look up to Bryant as a role model? There is absolutely no excuse for what he has done. I don't think I can ever watch him play basketbaU again. A $4-million diamond ring? Think what that could do for the homeless in Orange f::ounty. GWEN JOHNSON Corona del Mar I praise the article ·Kobe made {DO re than ·a mistake," in which Steve Smith took a bold look at the morality of Kobe Bryant's hotel room behavior. The image .of the press conference -Bryant gripping bis wife's hand u he plead innocence of sexual assault while asking us to eicuse his infidelity -left me with a sow feeling. I'm a Lakers fan and I admired and respected Bryant. Now what? Is his wife's forgiveness all I am expected to need before I excuse him? Does Bryan! expect us all to shrug our shoulders and accept, as he does, that immorality is inevitable, that humans will be humans, men will be men, and basketball players will·be basketball players? On the other h and, why shouldn't he ask that of us? Am erica virtually ignored how Magic Johnson got HIV and welcomed him right back Into the mainstream, as a victim and a hero. We excuse the chronically misbehaving Dennis Rodman time and again for his misbehavior. The message we give kids who look up to these men is that there are n o apparent consequences for breaking laws, whether moraJ or clviJ. Yes, eventually Bryant should be forgiven. But first he should perform some sort of public penance. Something that pinches more than potentially losing a multimillion-dollar endorsement contract ; he already bu more millions than a man can spend in a lifetime -unless $4 -miUion apologies are on the bu~get. Maybe Bryant would have gained some sympa1hy if he'd donated $4 miJlion to women's causes, too. LaSWIERTZ Corona del Mar Lalely, Steve Smith has taken on the task of being the campus moraJlst. When Smith was talking about education, water quality and bureaucratic bungling -we were right there with him. Recently, he has been airing a series of guilt-ridden, self-indulgent articles. Those regarding Newport Beach City CounclJman Dick Nichols and Kobe Bryant have stirred our concern that Smith Is no longer In the "reporting the facts" business. His latest Issue: Shame on Kobe! First of all, Bryant la a handsome, black 24-year-old, an International superstar with more popularity, skill and money than TigerWoods. So, who Is beat qualified to write a cogent article about Bryant's moral propriety- Harry Potter, maybe? Smith is quick to poinl out that Bryant is a publicly confessed "adulterer.· We know Bryant recently paid, his perfunctory penance with a small token of contrition to his wife, Vanessa, worth a few pence, for this wrongdoing. We might explain to Bryant and aJI others of his age or disposition that this still doesn't mean much; once a man fails his moral duty he will be reminded "by his spouse· on a daily basis, not Steve Smith, for the rest of his Life! Elvis and PrlsciJla, Richard and Elizabeth ... to name a rew. Brea.king a "commitment" mlgbt have gone further to explain the wrong, if It were to be addressed at all. CertaJnly, we are all only as good u o ur word and personal commitments to others. The Smith personal editorial on the other hand, discusses moraJ equlvalency, respect for children and what a •real man" ls. Let's hope LE 11 ER TO THE EDITOR that Smith Is not preaching here and not suggesting that Bryant steps down from the Lakers for moral ineptitude or turpitude. Smith appears entirely too hung up and jealous -that Bryant made a magnanimous and honest attempt at atonement. We kept waiting for Smith to break Into song: "Mom ma's don't let yow babies grow up to be ... Basketball players." Bryant's public apology to his wife was gutsy, unnecessary and very caring. Much more of Bryant's judgment and character will be revealed to all of us In the days ahead. Perhaps we should wait until the jury Is In before the hanging. "If only Jim Ferryman had shown such an act of contrition ... our kids might have gotten a better me11age." Ob, forget It. Smith, you be the real man. Stick to the facts; not self-purging, preaching, moralizing oelruonal RONM«J ANNA .... ' Newport Beach ......._,.. A painful ·end'~o a long relationship wi_th What's .Cooking j . ,• j .' ... " . ·- QUOTE OF THE DAY "Hopefully the greens are fast . . when the greens are fast." l;oyd Mrin, on playing in the Jones Cup Daily Piot -, Spof1I EdMor Rk:twd Dunn: 1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 JONES CUP IV Martin driving hard Six-time Santa AnaC.C. champion gets tips from business partner prior to competing in his first Jones Cup. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot T he love of golf prompted a vislon for Boyd Martin and Tom Shauppner. Martin, who claimed his sixth Santa Ana Country Oub's men's golf championship late last month, and Shauppner met in the mid 1990s and a short time later, a facility for driving golf balls was built The two own the Long Beach Golf Leaming C.enter, which opened in 1997, near where the 710 and San Diego Freeways meet ·Just the love of golf: Martin said when asked what sparked him and Shauppner to build the center. "Tom was interested in getting into the golf ownership busineM. so we found the land and built the range from scratch.~ Shauppner, who Martin said haridles the day-to-day operations of the practice center, also gives short-game advice to the Santa Ana SM DRIVING, Pa1e A8 YOUTH SWIMMING AfJove . Boyd Martin works on his sand shots. Martin 1s the club champion at Santa Ana Country Club and will be representing the club in the Jones Cup on August 1. Left.Boyd Martin 1s a six-time club champion at Santa Ana Country Club. but will be playing m his first Jones Cup on August 1. PHOTOS BY STEVC: McCRANK I DAILY PILOT EYE OPENER Aug 3 llOoot ff TY HARPER Tuesday July 29 2003 A7 JUNIOR TENNIS J uniors busy on the court The Custa Mc!->a Summer Junior Classic hegan Mo nday, just three days after the cone I u.,ion o f the Wa r by the <)ho re. C 0., IA \tl.5A I ro111 om· tll\-to II'> ne1ghlx1r. tht· bus) '>t'<L'>'lll f1Jr 1urnor ten Ill'> LOllllllllC-d tn the \ol'\\f')On ~le-.a dfCJ 111rt't' <.lJy.. dfte1 the wn• lu!>ton of uw War by Ult' ')horc dt till' l~hoJ Ba> Club Racquet < Juh. tht 1 .C>'>IJ \lt·-.cJ '>umm<•r Junior C l'"'u ikgJ1 \ lcmd.t~ at the C AJ'>lJ ~11'l>d ll'lllll'> Lt:-ntL·r and Orc1ngt-<.oc.1.'>t Collt-ge Play got u11<.leffi<1y 111 Jll I 0 ... mglc•' dlVl smni. and double-. pla) will ht'gll1 todJy Mo.,1 of the top '*'ed ... hJd fir>t -round bye. Mundc1). but tht>n· \\l'l"l' plent) of other-. m acuon. mtlud111g .i '>It'\\ of com pet II Or'> from the :"-.l'v. pon :-..1t...a area In girl<. llh. lot.<11-. prodm t'd a pair of fir'>t -round vwtom.., l\;t"V.pon Beach\ Ja rni'>On ~tct'le "'a" <i h I b-0 "'1nner <N<'r Michell<· Van Oppt:n <111d 1>1anJ f..:hour. aic;o of :\ewpon BeJdl. \'<L' \ ll11mou' 11\ the -.amc ">C.orc aga111-.1 I m.t !Jn !:>tcCll· .idv-.mrt..., to tht '>l'I. ond rouJ1d ·to lake on No '.! ~'ti i\my lk't k today wink· Khoury \\Ill f.tle '.'\Jtul1t· ~l'lll'\ .\ho 111 Ull' drc1~ c1r<· '-o I ~>ed \am-..'>J Dunlap JJlJ her :\l·wr)l)n I fd/'h(ir I hgh tt>'dllll l1dtl Bonnu.• Adam'>. Botl1 ha<.l lir.1 round h\t"'> Thert• w..u. one all lcl(~tl m.uchup ~ton day 111 girl~ I fl,,. Jill C A!>.'4.'rl\ Jnd Ml-Wiil McKay, both uf :-,;pwpon lk·aLh. rwL-dl-<l three ..et-. to detcnnmc· J \1Ctor 111 tht-1r first· round lllJtth < ...t.'>'t'rh ewntualh prevaik"'C.1. "> ; I h, b i Other \'\ 11111t'r. Monday 111 thl' H-,.., hmt ket mdudt-d siXth <,(~"<.Jt-d hlh,111 lllJ\l'rrtldll tb I h Ul. Kalie ML"111l'nt~ o 1. h 1 JJ1d cc.1. ... ..,.dy Grdflcbtdll tldJultl ttrlltdJl\ "'l(~l..,., ant.I :'-iu I. '>t.'t-<l hll DJJ111t111 hJd fiN round bye.. In girl' 14.,, tht're W<L'> another ull lex.JI 111txu11g. with l\l'wpw l Hc:Jlh!> <Jm-.llnJ Schwaro defeaung C.o-.tJ "-lt...a\ Nl:'xan dra Mcintosh. b-1. 6-4 \c.hw.ut7 wtll f.itt> Newpon Beach·c; l·Jv..alx•th \ant Hof m the second round. KeUy McKinenck al-,(1 .1d\'anced m girb 14~. defoaung MacKcrvje Ogle. 6-1. 6 0 Van't I lof. Michelle Alhn-.. Alex.andn<1 WaJtel".. Wlutnev Gnllith anJ ~ha I >un lap all had fif'il·round ~ .md will tom mence at1mn today m the 'RC.ond round Only three local playen. J.re entered m the girl<. I 2s divi.<>1on. <.1erra Gaytan Leach. a finaJL'il lac;t wed. m the War bv the Shor{'. I!> the fifth ~--eel and had a fir.t round bye Newpon Beach'-. Natalie Small also had a first-round hyt.> and wiU faet> Hailey I fogan of Balboa 1oday in the sec ond round. I logan defeated Candace Wu. 6-2. 6-4. Monday. Spenct'r Rett7~ the boy<. I & ~n~ champion at last weel..., War bv the Shore. ts the only local entered llu.<> \o\.'eek m the boys IA-. bracket lie had a fiN-round bye and wiU battle Geoffn·y I lsu today. In b<))" 166. seconJ-..eeded Fabtan See TENNIS, Pace A8 Harbor View Dolphins win in record-breaking fashion Five meet records are broken at swim meet on Saturday Yiat featured rival teams, Newport Hills 'and Harbor View. lteHYlraen OailyPilot Cx:>Row. DBL MAR -Maybe some· day Che yotmg atan of the Hubor View and NewpcWt HWa IWlm teu111 wtD fol· low the a..d ol swtmmm In the put. Harbor View hu included ()Jympt· w Aaron PWlol, • Ntrwport Hubor ~ p9d wbo lpllJl one •ammer wtch the..-. anct an~ me waaer polo llmdout out ol Colona del Mar Httb-Por now, lbe .......... limply bnMlas l9COldl In ... iiip6Cd .. ... ·=-Lanoe • .......... ... lbe bop •10 ............... ..... .._ Nmldl ID ... lleil die IfMtJOr Yl9w°'lf+4"~.t..lwlboill~ '°" ............ .,. ' Larson broke meet recorda and col· lected victories in the SO-yard breast· stroke (38.16), SO-yard bacbtroke (35.98) and 100-yard individual medley (1:18.05). Harbor View's Ricky 1.ak ako broke a meet record when be won the 2S·yard breuutrob (22.78) in the boys 5-6 di· vision. Also for Harbor View, <l1rllt1na Hew· ko. who reached stardom in water polo at CdM and ii now haded to Stanford. broke l meet record In the Ilda 1$-18 dMIAon. winning the 100-yud IM In 1:06.75. . 1be meet featured nearly 500 youna IWlmmen tom the two prognma. 1be two JllOllUDI an coaeklered dvala In a c:umpedd... --. yet may ol Che IWlmmer'I an fdmdly wtcb one ID· odm llnc9 IOllM al tbem lllCbadJ ...., da ...... -.. or ..... ..ch ocber In •'S • lpaltl In lbe awwnur*J. Wblllllllll-awmn..lbe-. lorlbe malt=..--•• pNlude ID :-....-:: ...... ~= .. DCJUSI ... "". Cbmmunity displayed at 'rival' swim meet Many families come together for competition, yet celebration appeared to be the theme of the day. I Steve Vlrsen OliyPllot CX>RONA DEL MAR -When •· yw-old F.m8y Meddlt' ..... ---11*'1 Che 25-ytird bialbOU • au.d Ol ..... c:.Mlled. P.mily .... ....... Durtns the ..... tilldy ...... out of blillne. • -Whet\ ........... lbe ...... w.hedlah.tolthapdlnbei''- :/ ............. . . I .. Al Tuet$y1 M 29, 2003 Continued ftom A7 and continued to show her Im· provement in the backstroke. She was also one of several fascinat· ing facets that came about at the youth swim meet that brought to· gether the athletes and families of the Newport Hills and Harbor View swim teams Saturday. 1bward the end of the meet, four-year-olds Jennifer Franklin and Haley Giddings completed the--is-~ backstroke much to the deught of the majority of the crowd. With music playing in the background, Jennifer and Haley slowly covered the 25 yards. yet they were strong t;nough to fin-. ish. While they swam. several chil- dren played in a small pool, while other older children relaxed in the sun. Some parents found shade and read a book or caught up with a neighbor. Many chil- dren from the Newpon Hills and Harbor View swim teams play with or against each other in other spons. "These are rival teams and the kids all know each other." said Pam Caskey. whose 12-year-old daughter McKenna swims for --..........l:larbor View. "This meet is like a social gathering for the parents. And aside from this meet, the parents will sometimes get to- DRIVING Continued from A 7 club champion, who will malce his first appearance in Jones Cup rv, a becter-ball of partners format featuring an amateur and golf professional from each of the private courses in Newpon-Mesa. Friday at Mesa Verde Counay Oub. Martin, a Corona del Mar resident who works in the real estate industry, has been specifically focusing on approach shots from inside 100 yards. 'Tm working on the TENNIS Continued from A7 Matthews and No. 3 seed Ryan Caughren, be.th from Newport Beach, had first-round byes. as did Corona del Mar's Jon Kroopf. Co- dent tn the two IWim programs. fundamentals of the sport and standard discipline are important for the childfen. Brendan Inglis. who swam for Harbor Vlew u a child. is a coach for the Oolphiru and be suesses the same lessons he learned from COach led Bandarulc. MI want them to just get the feeling of camaraderie," 1ngUs said. ·1 want them to learn lead- ership skills because some of them might grow up and become coaches. It's also just a great way for kids to get in shape and have a good time. And, in a meet like this, It brings the who!~ conµnu- n.icy together." Susan Barden, the president of the meet's host, the Newport Hills swim team, has illustrated that sense of community while raising her children. Barden lives but two houses away from the pool that Newport Hills uses. Her son Jack. 6, swam the backstroke. It was bis first of what figures to be many official competitive races. MJack is oblivious to the fact that the race was official," Barden said. "In his mind be wins the race and it doesn't matter if it's of· ficial." Jack's older sister. Hollace, 9. and brother Richie, 8, are also on the swim team and younger brother, four-year-old Rex. has 50-to-80-yard shots, learning to control them." said Martin, who defeated Bill Welch, 4 and 3, in the final 36 holes of match play for the club championship. "At the end of 181was1 up, then I shot about three-under lparJ the last 18 holes," Martin said. "I made a few putts down the stretch against a good player." Martin expects the Jones Cup. which begins at 1:30 p.m. Friday, to come down to who can manage themselves around the greens. "I've played [Mesa Verde) a Jot rona del Mar's Lance Ning ad- vanced by default A pair of local players had first- round matches in the boys 16s singles. but neither could make it to the second round. Corona del Mar's John Leonard fell in straight sets to Gorefysher Sergy and Costa SPORTS Melissa Hohl of the Newport Hills swim team notched a victory in the 11-and 12-year-old girls 1 Q(}yard individual medley Saturday. ....... ~·---- day at Corona del Mar High. Overall, Harbor View. coach- ed by Ted Bandaruk. won 35 lndlvidual events and 1 O re- lays. There were several winneIJ who won two or more events ln each age group. In the boys 15-18 age group. Harbor View's Bryan Buhagiar won the 50-yard backstroke (28.29). 50-yard bunerfly (27.63) and 100-yard lM (l :03.06), while teammate Sean McGhie won the 50-yard freestyle (23.24) and the SO· yard breaststroke (32.04). just started out in the program's pollywog program. When Ouisdna Hewko was four, she began to Learn about aquatics with the Harbor View swim team. Hewko. a recent graduate of Corona del Mar High and a former Sea King standout In water polo. competed Satur· day. In September, she will leave for Stanford where she will play for the water polo team. on their way. Ouistina is just a great person. That's what comes before her athleticism. She never complains and sbe just always worlcs hard. It's just been great watching her grow up.• In the boys 13-14 division, Newport Hills' Patrick White won the SO-yard freestyle (24.39) and the 50-yard back- stroke (28.38). David Linden of the New- pon Hills Killer Whales domi- nated In the boys 11-12 age group. Linden won four events, including the 50-yard free freestyle (27.31), the 50- yard backstroke (33.91), the SO-yard butterfly (30.52) and 100-yard IM (1:12.53). "These kids need heroes and she's one of them." Bandaruk said. "That the beauty of coach· ing the kids. We get them started For all the little ones who go through the Newpon Hills and Harbor View programs, many goals will be placed before them. The coaches and parents believe swimming is an lmponant tool to reach those heights and other levels outside of the pool While they are young. though. this is the time for their fun. In the boys 9-10, Matt Berry of Harbor View won the SO- yard freestyle (31.30) and the 25-yard butterfly (16.25). Harbor View's Jake Wyatt and it Is a very good test of golf," he said. "It will always come down to putting. Hopefully the greens are fast and smooth. I like to play in townarnents when the greens are fast." Not to say that keeping the ball straight won't also be a key to success Friday. Ml think you will have to drive the ball well," Martin said. "Everybody is a good player and hopefully everyone's puner doesn't get hot at the same time." Beginning Last Thursday. Martin and Geoff Cochrane. Santa Ana's head golf professional and Jones Cup Mesa's Bradley Fisher lost in three sets to Rishi Jhunjhnuwala Henri Olomeau of Newpon Beach and Will Wtlkerson of Newport Beach had first-round byes. In the boys 12s division, three local players were victorious. Otneed Ghas.semi defeated Steve partner, competed on their home course with six other amateurs and professionals in a Southern California PGA summer scratch league tournament, an 18·hole medalist event that ~otates between eight Southern California clubs. The format is similar tQ team play. Martin, who won the Orange County amateur title in 2000. when the event was held at Strawberry Farms Golf Oub in Irvine, and Shauppner finished seventh in a pro scratch event in Fresno. Galleries don't bother this husband and father of twO grown Hwan. 6-1 . 6-l. Ouis Damion was a 6-2, 6-4 winner against Eugene Kang. Mact Wtlkerson also sur- vived, prevailing over Blake Eg- gleston, 6-3, 0-'6. 6-4. Charlie Corum, CJ. Olomeau and Erik Heimstaeclt had first· round byes and will begin play In children, but rather encourage him. "I love playing in front of people, they spur me on." Martin said. . HP was in the Jones Cup gallery two years ago at Santa Ana when Big Canyon Country Oub's pro-am team of Bob Lovejoy and Ron Maggard defeated the host team of Mike Reehl and Gregg Hemphill in a three-hole playoff. "It's always fun to test yourself ~d see how weU your game is ... Manin said of the Jones Cup. "We all know each other. so it should be good fun." the l 2s today. The only two Newport-Mesa players entered in the boys 10s bracket both fell ou1 of the com- petition. Corona del Mar's Hayden Tremper lost by default, while Newport Beach's Brecht Van't Hof lost in straight sets to Tevin Smith. Oy (18.01) ln sion. In addition to her victory In the 100 IM, Hewko also won the SO-yard back.stroke ln 31.19. In the girls 13-14 age group. Newport Hills' Katherine ICacz· mar won the SO-yard freestyle (28.41) and the SO-yard bade· stroke (32.78), while teammate Mary Flynn won the SO-yard butterfly (32.22) and the 100· yard IM (1:06.19). Heather Van Kiel of Harbor View won three events ln the girls 11·12 division, collecting vlctories in the. 50-yard free- style (27.92), the 50·yard back· stroke (34.73) and the SO-yard breaststroke (38.35). In the girls 9-10 age group, Harbor View's Margot Money also won three events, claim· ing victory ln the SO-yard free· style (3 1.18), the 25-yard butterfly (14.91) and 100-yard IM (1:21.50). Harbor View's Delaney Pouch won the SO-yard free- style (35.15) and the 25-yard butterflyfly (18.16) in the girls 7-8 age group. In the girls 6-and-under di· vision. Brynn Mota! of New- port Hills won the 25-yard freestyle (18.29) and the 25- yard butterfly (21.99). HAPPY BIRTHDAY .... Celebrating. the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 2 1 -Thomas T1ylo1 Ill Orange Co11t College Mtn't bosketball, 2002 DEEP SEA Mondry'• counta Newport landing -6 boats, 130 anglers. 2 yellowtail, 7 barracuda, 80 ~lico ba11. 763 sand baas, 2 halibut, 8 aheepahead, 2 wtiiteflah, 3 blue percti. " ... . . Tire Rotation and Brake Inspection s34ss fr.'l'n'r:~anc~ Value ,...,,...,,.,-,,.....1 ...... Package Includes: • Full Brake inspectJOO • Rotate tires • Reset tire pressure • Visual check of chassle & suspension • Record brake readings. • Road test for performance . ' Test bettel'Y and Inspect termiMb & conoec11ons; up to five quarta ol Motororatr' Oil and new Motorcnitr' Oil Alter. inspect air and cabin elr filttfS; top off lntffreeze and other fluids under the hood. nre rotation; ChtCt treld depth on all four tires; check & adjust tire preuure to rT1111ufaoturtr'11 specifications; check bl'al<es; check btlts & holes for etaoks and proper tension. Dltsel vehlcl" may be higher. Includes hazardous waste disposal. 5" aetvlce a<MsO< for details. Expires 8131/03. a.n.nts: This service ensures that the engine & U50Cfated components run cool. Old coolant may contribute to rneol'lanical bteakdown from heat stress. .. .. IENITmn-Monday-Friday • 6:30AM · 7:00fM Saturday • 8:00AM · 4:00PM Closed On Sundays 2640 Lepl Nallces 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Nallces 2640 Legal Nadca SUllOlfS IOTA<DI MKWj NOTICE TO DEFEN DANT (Avrso a Acusa do} LelH Lauer Shae~ Does I to 2 YOU ARE BE.ING SUED BY PLAINTIFF (A Ud le esla demand 1ndo). J1mas L Aubel, Jr a In• corporation UNDER SI0.000 You have 30 CALEN- DAR DAYS 1fter th15 summon1 is served on you to Ille • typewritten response at this court A letter or phone call will not protect you; your typewritten re· sponn must be 1n proper lea•I form 1f you want the court to hear your cue. If you do not file your response on tirM. you m•y lose Iha use, •nd your w11n. money ind property m•y b• t-.en without further wwnrna trom u,. court. Theft 1re other ltt•I reqllKtmenla. You may went to call •n •ttorney rlll!t 1w1y If you do not know en atl0tney. you m.1y CltU 1n attorney ttf•ttl HfVlct OI a ltpl aid of&• (listed in IN ptlollt ~). ~ cle qlM " 1ntrecu•n ttl.I clt1clol\ judieltl uslwd l•ne 1111 ol1to cte 30 DIAS CM.• l:NDAAIOS p1n prtsen· ltt 11111 ,..,.,..le " crlta 1 m1qulne "' nt• cortt. Uni eerie o un• f11m11d• telelontc• no It ofrtetfl protecclon: su r11pu11t1 11crlt1 • ""quln~ t11n1 qu1 cumpllr con I•• form•I· ld•dta '''''" •Pfot>lt• du II 111ttd QUWI qut It ¢0rt1 ucucht au cuo. SI uttlCI no Pf-nu au~1t•111PO. ~ perdlr " cuo. ' le pMdtll qultet Ill ..-1o. 1141 ... ' °'"' COMt'8MI~ ...... ... ..... WldoMt "°' parle de ta corte To all heirs beneh [listen olro!. requm c1.rru. creditors. con tos ltaalu Puede Que ltnaant cr1d1tors and usted qu•e• a llamar a un persons who ma~ oth 1boaado 1nmed1a l1· erw1se be 1nleresl•d 1n mente S1 no conoce a the will 01 ntate or un a boa a do puede both of JAMES DONALD llamar a un HIYICIO de rERGUSON •ha J referenc11 de aboaados DONALD FERGUSON aha o a una ofmna de ayuda JAMCS D FCAGUSON leaal (vu el Oirectorto A PE TlllON fOR PRO· telelomco) BATC hu been hied by CASI NUMHa1 MARIA YALC fERGUSON (Numeredel C.,..) and JANE ABI GAIL 02HL0642S GIULIANI 1n the Superror The name and address Courl of Calllornla of the court is (El County of ORANG£ nombrt y direcc1on dt THE PETITION ~OR la corte es) SUPERIOR PROBATE requesfs COURT or CALIFORNIA, MARIA YALE FERGUSON COUNTY OF ORANGE. and JANE ABI GAIL 4601 JAMBOREE ROAD. GIULIANI be appointed Newport Beach, C1 n peisonal represent• 92660, H1rbo1 Justice tivn to 1dm1n1ster the Center, Newport Buch aal•I• of th• dt<1d1nt F 1clhty THE PETITION 11qunts The name. add1au. the decedent'• Will ind ind telephone numti.r of cod1c11,, II •ny be plaintrff's 11to1nay, or admitted to p1ob1t1 Tiit pl1lnt1ff without an Will end eny cod1clls ere •ttornty is· ((I nombra, evallablt tor uam1na la d1<1c.c1on y el numero t<0n In the hie kept by de telefono del 1boa1do the court del dam1ndante, o del THE P£TITIOH requnts demandante que no 1utllof1ty to 1dmmister t11ne 1bo1ado , u ) the nl•I• under the JAMlS L RUBEL. JR • lndtptndant Admin1s· JA"4f.S l RUBEL, JR .i !ration of Est1tu Act l•w corpoutlon. 2660 (This Authof1ty will allow EAST COAST HIGHWAY, lht peuonal repfasen CORONA DEL MAii, CA l11tves to lllM meny 92625 ntlon1 without obtain 9'9-720-3810 1111 COUI l •PP• oul •AT11 (Jectoe) DIC H , 81fora ta111n1 certeln to02 VtfY lmpotltllt 8'11ont, AUN SlA n•, Cl.r4t howevet, the peraontl o). '""'"ntellvta wHt IHI bee, Oepwty required to live notke ) to l11l11tttti 1>11aon.t d H1wport un1t11 th4y hevt w11vtd locfl•Cost1 Mesa D•lly notice or conaentlCI to Piiot July 29. Auau~.t the propoMHI action.) 12, t9. 2003 1w.s lht lnd1J1111d1nt •d· -------1 mlnlatr1tion 1uthMlty IK lUU wlll bt 1tant1d u11I•• IS1llCl"11a 111 lnt1r1st1d 1>er1on tilts an ollltctloft to tllt lO IJ f M petltJon and sllows aood Ital• C•UM Wiiy Ille eowt ~--:i=ltJ not crant the .1--A ~NO Oii ttle petlt .. 11 .... " llthl Oii ·-l-~ 11, ftlOJ at l:.a ....... p,,. I• Dept 1.73 IKetH .t :Ml nM C1t1 Drrve South, Or111ae CA 92868 Ir YOU OBJECT lo lhe aran1<n11 of the petition you 5hould 1ppea1 al lhe hurrna and stale your obiechons 01 hie wrolten ob1ecttons with the cour I before the hur1na Your appurance m~y be 1n penon or by your attorney tr VOU ARE A CACOI· TOR or conllntent l!ed1tor of lhe deceased you must file your tlaom with the court and mail • copy to the personal 11presenlat1ves ap · pointed by the cour I within lour months from the date of the first lssu1nce of letters H provided 1n Probate Code 11ct1on 9100 Tht lime !Of flltn~ claim1 will not eap11e befo1e four months hom the hearlna data noticed above YOU MAY ()(AMINE the Ille kept by the court If you art a l)trson 1n· tnnted 1n the estate. you m•y file w1tll the court • Request for Specl•I Notice (lorcm Of· t~> of the h1tn1 of 1n inventory end apprllsal of Hl•I• nseta 0< of any petition or account n p1ovkltd In Probete Code HCtlon 1250. A Requtlt 101 $ptcltl Nolle:• f0tm Is ev1il1blt fr 0111 the court cfttll A.......,fwPet"'-'1 • .....,a...,....._, AK. 4140 c...,.. Dr .. Ste. 100, •••p•,.t 8-tl,<AtH .. Pullll1ll1d Nt•port lltteh·COat• Men Dt_lly ~t My U , 21, 29, 1 ....,., IKIUll ......... •• • 1n&11• ... 1.- CA1aU11177 To •• "*t. MMfl CIWln. <rt41tori. COft l!l!pl Cftdlt«!t .. per 'ons who m1y oth erw1se bt mtcrnted m the will or estate. or both ol MARTIN J MANNING A PE nTION FOR PRO BAT£ hu be..n hied by CAROL A. DUNlE/\ in the Supertor Court ol C•h for n1a County of OR ANGE THr Pl TrTION FOR PA08A 1£ requuts CAROL A DUNLEA be 1ppo1nled u pusonal repreunl•llve lo ad m1m~ter lhe eil•le of the decedent THE PETITION requnh author ily lo admml,ler the estate unde1 the Independent Admln1s lrat1on of E 1tales Act ( fh1!. Authonty will allow the person•I raprastn· telin to taht m111y actions without obt1ln- ina court approul Before taluna certain very 1mport1nt acUona. hOWtVlr, lht l)efSOfl81 rapruentatlva will be requrred to 11va not1<e to lnlertsled peuon.s unlus they hn• waived nohca or conwnted to the propowd ection.) l h• Independent ad m1ni.tretlon 1uthonty will be 11•nlad unleu 1n lnleruted panon hits en obltctlof'I to the pelitlof'I ind allows aood ceus.e why tlle CCH.111 allOuld not er•nt the authority. A HEAAINO 011 tllt petition will be htld on AUGUST 14, 2003 ti l 4S pm. In Oepf. l13 localed •t 341 Tiit Clly Orivt South, p.1n11. CA 92MI. tr vou OIJlCT to the 111nun1 of lht Jltlltlon, you ahould appeer .t tM llurlnt 1114' •tttt ~ olle~t/Ona 0( fllt written oll tloM •1ttl ttM ctutt •• °'' .,.. ......... v-...... tnc• mtt k Jft .,., aon or lty ro11r 11torne1. If \'OU AM A CMOt· fOlt or unt1111ut Cfeclltof ol ttie .-...... you mu't file 1our clelm w1lh tht tour! and m11I 1 copy lo the per MIMI repusenlahva 1ppc11nt1d by the cour I w1lh1n fou1 monlhs from the d1te of the fir st Issuance of • ltlleri n J>IO\lldad 111 Prob•te Code H chon - 9100 The time for filial - cl11m5 will not '"Piil before lour months from lhe hearina date noticed above · YOU MAY EltAMINE lhe Me kept by the court II vou .,. • PllfSOn In· lercsttd In the ast1te. you m1y We with th• court • Requnt for Speciel Notlc;e (fllfm DE 154) ol the llllna of '" Inventory and app,.1111 of estate useh 01 of any petition or 1ccount as provkled In Probate Code section 12SO A Raqunt for Special Notice l0tm '' •va;l1ble from tti. court clerk A~fw Pettt'-tfa ,.,.... .... ·~· , ... ....... ,. .... ., .... ....," & ._..,P.O. ........ s.....a... CAt27.._.... Publlthtd Hewporl Beuh·Co11t Men 01lly Pltol July Z2. 21. 211. 2003 TMOeO • ' 1 ~ ., .. , •. CMIA-"'"7 .... Of --comY•-Notice I• lllr••Y 1lven to tti. credltort end cCH1tlllttnt creclltofa ot Ult eliov1·n1med dice· detft ttl•t •It 1Nrton1 ll1vl111 cltlm1 111ln1t tlle. dludent "' re-quire-to tit• them with Ult 'Su.,.,lor Court et tllt tetty Lou LemOf'• 11u1 feclllty, Prob1t1 Cl1tll'1 Offlct\ 7th Floor, Ul Tbt City OtlYt S011tll.r. Onn11, Ctlttornlt 12H•. end mell or ci.lhlel' • cory of th• clllm io flrt Amerlcen Tr11.1t Compeny, Co· Truatae of lht Vi n That Toll Tt1~at 11t1bll1h1d Ftbruery 13, 1998, Attention: Myron Scll11ttr, 2181 Stn Jo1quln Hiiia Rotd, Newport Stach, Ctll· tornlt 112MO. whtrtln tht dtctdtnt WH the truator, within tht later of four month• tfttr July 22, 2003. th• dtta of tint publlct llon of Nollet to Credlton, or, If 11otlct la mtlltd or jNrtonally dellvtrtd to you, 30 d1y1 after tht dttt thla notlc t la mtllt d or p1r1on1lly dtOvtrtd to you. A Creditor'• Cltlm form, Judicial Counatl Form 0£ · 172. mty bt obttlntd from tht Superior Court clttk. For your prottc· Uon. you •rt tncourertd to flit yout cltlm by ctrtlfltd mtll, with ..., ... ,. ,,, .... '""'" ~ ~ylw1 Wle. ll!W, w.... • W•• ...... LLI', , ...... w111111 .. , .. ,. ~!: ... ., .. ,. ... . ltrttt, ..... I lot lrwlM CAtHIWHt Pubftahed Newport 811ch·Coete Mtia Delly Pilot July 22, 21, 29. 2003 Ta umcounor <--. COllTYOfOU. OUllelCOllTY umcoun PIOIATICOUIT OPllADS MJ111cmwn POS1 OfRCUOX )4171, ._CAftlU.1571 PmnOllOf W..Ai..Lewte FOi cu. Of Mii 098 TO SHOW CA11S1 fOI OWMIOflWll Wl .. il20IOI TO ALL INTERESTEO PERSONS: 1. Pt tit Ion t r: Anita Alomtr Ltwlt filed t pttltlon with thla court lor • dt crtt chtn11n1 n1mu ll followa: Anltt Alomtt Ltwla to Anltt Alomar St Ltwla 2. THE COURT ORDERS thtt 111 persona Inter. 11t1d in this mttttr ahtll tppttr b1fort tllla court ti tht hu rlnr ln dlctltd below to thow ctuH It anx. whx tht pttltlon for Policy 1141 .,... -Liiii*'-.. 1.11111... .. 1.1111*'-.. Lapl.... -Liiii ..... IOICIOf ...._..._ ...._..._ ,.._..... ,..._ ..._ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii.l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Otte: SEP 02, 2003 ...... Pttl11d1• Tl111t: 2:00 PM Dept.: L7J i.....t.. L.11_11101 Thi 1ddrH1 of t!M court ~-,_ la Hmt H nottd tbove. Notlct I• ller••Y aJv•n 3. A CoPY of tllla Order by tht undtralantd that to Show 011111 111111 bt • public t•I• of Ult publltlltd et l111t once u"d" l(atecl deterlbtd u ch wttk .101 four peraonal property will be aucoeulvt wtlkl Pflor lltld 1t the hour of ~11) to tll• dett 11t for ·o'clock AM,. on the 12) h11rln1 pn the petition TwtJv&, Oef of AUO ST, In tlll followlna new•· 20031 County of Ot1n11. r.tptf of a•ntrel clrou· St.le of C1lffornl1. 1tlon, printed In thlt Tht Property l• Stored county: Delly Piiot By: INSTORAOE COST A D ... 1 JUI. 11 tool MESA, locet1d tt 2038 MAIJOlli LAlllD NEWPORT Blvd .. COSTA WTIR. JUMI Of THI MESA. CA 92827. Tll1 llWllllOI C®IT lttm• to be aotd ert Publlt llt d Newport 1•n1relly dttcrlbt d· 11 811ch·Co1ta Mt11 Delly followa: Clothlnr. tool• Pilot July 22. 29, Au1u1t i nd or ot/ltr llousehold 15, 12, 2003 TOl3 111m1 1fortd by th• tollowtn1 per1on1. ........... ........ Tiie tollowlnr p1r1on1 "' dolnr bualntu 11: Turquo111 Ft brlc1t1on An ln1t1ll1tlon, 11127 Htrbor Blvd, Co ate Mt11, C1llfornlt 92627 Phlly Olor1l1nnl, 1927 Htrboor Blvd, Co t ti M111, C1llfornl1 92627 This bu1ln1u 11 con· ducted by: an lndlvlduel Htvt you 1tarttd doln1 bu1int11 y1t? No · Phlly Glor1ltMI This 1t1t1ml nt w11 tlltd with tht County Clerk of Oran1t County on 07/23/03 200HtS24t7 Dally Piiot July 29. AUJ . !i, 12. 19, 2003 T094 Unit No. N1mt 8121 Paul l•ktr 8274 Sllnt• Simmon• 8328 R1ymond C1otnu 8312 Lint Simi 8222 Terry Mc1ulra 8241 Terry Mc1ulre Cl32 Chtrlts A. Mulltrl 8228 Mlch11I C. St1nyt D1ted: July 23, 2003 Sl,ned: Manuel Stlt mtl! hit not1c1 It 11v1n In accordance with th• provision• of Section 21700 et. S1q. of the 8u1ln1u & Profu1lon1 Codt of th• State ol Ctllfornlt . Stlt Subt•ct to prior c1nc1i11tlon In the event of 11ttlem1nt bttwun Owner and Obll11t1d Ptrty. Published Newport 811ch·Co1t1 Mn• Delly Piiot July 29 and Au1ust 5.2003 T088 Tiit followln1 peraona '" dotnr bualnua H: S I J Custom Choppwa, 21472 Por11n1 Way, Trabuco C1nyon, CA 9M79 Wllll1m David Jon11, 21472 PorHn1 Wey Tr1buco C1nyon, CA 92879 Steven Weyn• Sidwell. 3261 S111wood Ltne, Coron1, C~ 111720 Thlt butln111 I• con· ducted by: co·partner1 Htve you ttertt d doln1 butlneu ytt? No Wlilltm D. Jonta Thia 1t1t1m1nt w11 flltd with !ht County Clerk of Oran11 County on De/24/03 200Ht4H7t Delly Pilot July 22. 29, Au1.5. 12.2003 T084 ...... ..... •S......-Th• followlna p1raon1 111 doina bu1lnu1 11: Hulth ln1urenc1 Con· c1era1. 3 Somm1t, Newport Cotsl, CA 92657 f'trlal 8thremt nd. 3 Somm1t. Newport Co11t, CA 92657 Cynthie Lynn N1tall1, 3961 Colint Cour t , Ocu n1ld1. CA 92054 Thia bu1ln1ts Is con· ducted by· 1 11,ener1I partnership Hive you •tarted do1na buslnn t yet? No f' erlal 81hremt nd This st1t1m1nt wu filed with th• County Clerk ol Or1 nae County on 06/24/03 200HUt240 Otlly Piiot July 8, 15, 22, 29.2003 T068 Thi followln1 p1raon1 ,,. dotna bualneM H: E11yLlnk Communlt•· tlont, 31202 Via Colln11, Coto Dt Ctr•. CA 1128711 Rtlt f Merkttln1. llC (CA), 31202 Vie Collnat, Coto 01 Ca&e, CA 92679 Thlt bu1inn1 la con· ducted by: llmlhd Ll1blllty Co. H1v1 you ttarttd doln1 bu1tnu1 yet7 No Rtl1y M1rkttJn1. LLC, Anthony Ptlianta, ti, M1n111r Thi• 1t1ttm1nt WH flltd with the County Clerk of Or1n11 County on lle/Oll/03 IOOltt471tJ , Dally Piiot July 8. l!i. 22. 29,2003 T074 flcMM ..... •s..e..t The followln1 ptr1on1 are dolna bualn11s ... ~1t1lcrtfttr1 lnt1rlor1. 11161 Slater Au .. f'ountaln Vt lley. CA 92708 Gtffoallo f'1mlty Met· t lcr1ft1r1. Inc (C A). 11161 Sla ter Av e .. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Thia bu1ln1n 11 con· duct1d by: a corpor1tlon H1v1 you stert1d 001na bu1ln1u yt t? Yu 7/1/2003 Gtffo11lo F1mlly Mtt· 1lcrtlters, Inc.. Mike Al1nndtr. Ch11t Dptr1· t1on1 Officer This statement wn tll1d wlth tl11 County Clerk of Orena• County on 07/16/03 200Hts17t4 Dally Piiot July 29. Aue. 5. 12. 19. 2003 T090 How to Place A /' Tht followlnr peuona •" dol111 bu1lr1H• n : Doll Houu . 401 N1wport Ce nter Dr., Newport Bttch, CA 92660 Ahm1dall S.. Mluadth, 2 Toptkt, Irvine. CA 92604 Elene A. Mlrudeh, 2 Toptkt, lrvlnt, CA 92804 Thia bu1ln11s 11 con· ducttd by: huabt nd end wife Ht v• you attrltd doln1 bualnttt yet? No Ahmedtll Mlritdt h TM• sttt1ment wn filed with lht County Cltrl\ of Oren11 County on 07/21/03 200HH21S2 Dally Pilat July 29, Au1. 5, 12, 19.2003 1086 ffdllM ..... -~ Tht followlnr ptraon1 "' dolna buslnn • H Mlll1nlum One Services. 1631 N. 8ri1tol St. Ste 810. S1ni1 Ana. Ct ll· fornl• 92706 Marco r tllz, 1631 N Bristol St Ste 810. S1nt1 Ant, Ct llforn11 92706 Edith Aauirre. 1631 N. Bristol St Ste BIO St nla Ana. C1hforn11 92706 This bu11neu tS con· ducttd by. a a•n•r 11 part nu ship H1111 you started do1na bu11ness yet• No Merco F 111z This stetement wn hltd with the Coun1y Clerk ot Ort nae County on 07/03/03 200H9S04t1 Diiiy Pilot July 29, Aua. 5. 12. 19. 2003 T089 Tht followlna ptrtona are doln1 bu1ln111 n : On Time. 311ll·C Airport Loop Dr.. Coat• Mt11, CA92828 Copy Am11to1. Inc .. 3191·C Airport Loop Or .. Coate Mtll, CA 92626 •This bualn"' la con ducted by • co'tpou tlon Htvt you 1t1rt1d dotnr bu1ln111 yttf Ytt &/'!O/ 03 Copy Amer I~•. Inc .. Byron A. 81ook1, Vice Prt1ld1nt This st1t1mt nt wu flltd with tht County Clerk of Orana• County on 01 /11/0J 200H9SllH Dilly Pilot July l&. 22. 29, Aua. !i 2003 T07~ fktltlM ...... MmeU..... The follow1n1 persons trt do1n1 bu1in1n n Wtlllnaton Court Aper t · m1nh , 600 East Well· 1naton Av• . S1nt1 Ant. C1llforn11 92701 Htrptr Rutty Group Inc (solt GP) (CAI 18301 Von Kuman A111 Suitt 750. Irvine, Cth torn1192612 This bu11nus " con· ductt d by a hm1t1d pu tntrshlp Heve you startad doina business yet? Ves 12/05197 Harper Rulty Group Inc . Ian M1tDouaa11 Htrpt r, Pru 1d1nt Thtt' sttllmtnt wu llltd with the County 1 Clerk of Or a nae County on 06/16/03 200HUU76 Delly Pilot July 29.Aua 5.2003 --Deadline Rates and d~lincs arc subject to change without notice. 1be publisher reserves the riSht to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified idvertiscment. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad ilnmcdiately. The Daily Pilot accepts oo liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be rcspoa.siblc except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEIAD -ii Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday ):OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. m 1010-1770 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANOAL BmRTAllMENT C**af &11111 1310 .... ~ All rtal tttett •dvtr· tlsln1 In ttlls newapaper Is aubjtct to th• F1~11 Ftif Houalnr Act of 1968 u amended which mt kta It 1111111 to td¥trtl1t 'any prtftr· tnct, llmltetlon or dltetlmln1tlon btttd on ""· col0f1 reu.lon. Ma, htlldlc:tp, Tlmttlal •t-'u• or n1tlon1I ori,fil, or In lnttntlotl to m• 1ny alldl Pf tfltf1nc1, tlfllltt• tlon df dltcrlmlnatlon." Thia .,.wapeper 111111 not llnowlnlfy eccept any 8d'fertlal1Mnt for rul 11t1ta which It Jn 1419 2305-2490 Older Style FumlWI PIANOS 6 Cotledlbltt ·~-·-....... ,,.... ....... ~~ .. CAMMID .. .................. W.9UYUTATU ·~m..dyMMat .. COtJSIGUMErJTS: I 1111 POUMO J.tr H , Mtll Bautt Hound In Dover ShOf'ts ., ... Pt.lt1 cell (M9) 722·1939 ¥tolttion of t!M ltw. our -------· readera .,, hereby lfttof1ntcl tlltt ell dwtH• lnp ldwrti.td In tlllt ne..,,.., tft ew111tblt on llft 1qu1I OtiPOtlUlll\Y ...... To complalft of dit· etlmlMtlofi, cell HOO tall· ""at 1.-0·'24-IHO. ..... YOll UIAISAlll II USSlll 142-5671 ...... A nt mu• • By Fax (949) 631-6594 IPlu.w 111Clude your name and pllont nu.miler and -.e·n call you bflCk V.'lth I pn~ qUOle I By Phone (949) 642-5678 Wednesday .............. Tue~day 5 :OOpm Thursday ............ Wedne~day S·OOpm By :\'tail/In Person: ... , .. llALESTATE llR SALE HOME IMPROVEMENT SEIMCfS 2600 ,..., .... ..... f'REE 2 Room DI· RECTV Sy1t1m lntludln1 lnst1ll1Uonl Ultd to coat ovtr Sl .000 • now yours for FREE I Call 1-800-848-6511, or vlalt us onllnt 1t www.l·Want·My·f'rt1· Dish.com (CAL •SCAN) IM ........ VonHtm•rt tofu, lft. aott •hilt, 11111 111w. 1750 11c:h. both fOI $1400, 7ft lfl!n print toft $150, o•k table I Chllrt 1150. ...... , .. ",, Hours 330 Wes1 Bay Stree1 Cosia Mesa, CA 92627 Ar Newpon Blvd. & Bay St Fnday .................... Thur~day 5:00pm Sarurday ..................... Fnd~) 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday·Fnday Walk-In 8:30am-5·00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Index soos-saso 3615 Checelate p11r1llr114 lab named "Moou· recoV1rinc from aun shot wound, tn danau of be1na put to sl11p. Needs aood hom• nap Ctll Lynn 714-658-4623 -o.-si..,..r4• 111 colors, all sliu tor adoption to quallfled homes w-.prtseu1.ora or cen 714-n l-5915. MISCEU.MEOUS MERCHANDISE -MEDICAL ALERT! DIABETICS who took Rnulin. Cholesterol HOME INSPECTION lR~INING, Home Study and Cl1uroom t1uaht by 19 year veteran. In- cludes American lnst1· lute of Inspectors~ profen1on1I credentttls lr11n1na & Complete bus1ntss S2.500 1-800- 347·2455 (CAL •SCAN) AM V1NOING llCMIT1. Ill sellln1 units. Prime locatiom $!l6!iO Invest. 25'°' down WK.. a-396-9311. (~•SCAN) AISOLUTI GOlDMINll 60 vendlna macl)l11n with H etllent loc:etions .. for SlD.Sll& lm-234-8182 Ola.trU.4640 Offlc•f•"-• Aprro~imatety lOOOst 70 E 17th Strttt Co1ta Mtaa 94!M66-6623 p •ti• n ts who u 11 d lftft 111•eu."E hycol. ALL Liv tr, VUl!f""'1U'U Kidney, Hurt ind Rh1bdomyolysl1 Pa· tltnhl fru Report "Posalblt CASH 1ward11• •740 Ctn 1·88&-7S5·1032, Toti· • NE w ME x I c 0 frtt 24 hours, Prt· MOUNTA11'4S ltO AC • Recorded Mtu111. Dtan Only $49,900. Gor11ou1 Sputlocil • •ttorn.y ... wt crusl1nds, meture trH u t 11 1 t t o u ti Id• cover, 6,300 ft. tltvt· counMl ... not tv1llebtt In tlo!I. Mount tln vltwa, all •tl~s. fort Worth, Y•tr·rouncl rotds. f'tr· TX (CAI. SCAN) feet f0t llorat lovtrt. FLOORING DIRECT AdJt ctnt to natlontl from distributor. Htrd· forut. Excellent fl· wood, Ltmlnatt. Bam· nancln1. Cell today! This boo, Car\ and mtny won't lull SW l'l'optr· lllOfe 1t •muln1 prku . tlu of NM. Inc. 1..-. For mot'• lntorm.tlon 292•11711. (CAI. •sCAN) ctH Vktor at 177-576· 3034, (CAI. •SCAH) 7412-7466 .... ,so c.,.,_ Cer•-,,.I Mar c--i-11.i-. aoor met l11tchen. wroui!ll Iron, custom tile and cab- 1rietry Front IS 1 3br 2b1 home & rttr IS a 2llf 2ba COASTUNI llWTY t4t-7St-0177 HAJllOll WOODS 2br 2bt, 2 c I" •a•. bed1oom/otflct . Art $1900 949-293-4631 ~Coat PlllMllSTATIS PATlltCI TINOll NA TIONWIDI USA t4t-H6-t70S •-·P•trlc.lltenort .com .......... c...t CUilom .... with &-views.~ S&.soo.ooo. c-tt•-~ Mf..7ff-4177 RURAL PROPfRTY FOR SALE LI mkr the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por Only $32 per week ( 4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 • ~ 0.-. """" sr9-sty home. ~ C0"1l'll CllarmH1& cr tyrd entry WO• 1700 sf, Zbr..-V 2ba f p. fOfm Oft att 2c aar w/storaa1. Mster W/W ... Wl cisl Comm pool, spa, cllhse. Sm pet Oil Gr dnr S3450/mo Klem "'41rnt 887 ~ • 9204 lewt¥ Gate4 c-.-.lty llr 11o ¥· w/pvt aar ft11, walk to Tri-Square $895/mo Wiier /tr nil paid. Kltln Manap "*1t 877 • 704-8649 E • t 9200 21r, 21•, upper uni t Apt l ·c I". new paint ctrpet, blinds, Hnoleum. Art-Sl21Xlm 9'9-67J..7SX) S-·spedel Duel Mlstw 2+2.l"El Oil 811-41 R•np/0-Vdw, llpstah °"" pttlc. wets~ peld. Sl295m. ~dlp-$500.pet HAl9Cllt'll&MI Harbor Blvd @ Mln'lmtc Way. (Tf4) 545-0442 21r 1 h (ett9ft llatit 6 brlaht. w/cl hllup1, cerport. Lr1 tncloStd y.,d, no petl S1295/mo 2625 Elcltn IF Ctll daytim. 949-514--0362. Newport Bnctl I Gated, bdwlw ~ Home 28' 2Ba 2-ar i• LIDO YIAal Y LIASI ~n.~ll58~l~ ~Sl!J & UOO SUMMDl HOMU =o-~ BILL GRUl'«>Y REAi. TORS 949-475-4161 hyfnint W""9r ~ 48r '! i6a 2 cat p lully Lor91 llr Ila unit on lur<Mhed S4CXXlrno ~ quiet Pen1n•ul1 point t111e<1 llutty 94~73-3663 Srn&lt per\on No '•m~ pets Sl4SO 949 293·4631 Newport Coast NIWPOllT HEIGHTS 3br SUMMIT -59 An1ou townhou•t Ip sine a•r 2br 2ba 2 car ill pool new urptl. patio. very 11ated comm, $2300 mo noce $1595 949-612·6004 "at 949 759 9341 2br 2ba rental Newport Beach Peninsula. near Newport pier $1800 Art 949-673-7100 w ... NB llk ~It& 2 Sb'y T wrM'1 ~-remodlej p . arport, pttlO. w/d ~ 51950 .... &11 714-322-8343 Levtfy 21r+4e• 21 /ti• Townhou" 1860lf. 2.-c p.wttbrl.~ ,., f' 8lhlon Iii S215om no pet. ,... Ill 96-72J..ai2'2. ~IAJT~U,,~ 3Br 28r. 111119, w/d hookup. S2375/mo Art 949-293·4630 2~ 21M OCIANfllOM'T. NHr 8albo• plt1 12375/MO •rt 949-67 3. 7800 TltOVAltl 2br 2ba 2 c a••. &•ltd ,ommun1ty pool. •at $2400 949· 293"16J I VACATION RENTAl.S Btacllf#ltlrfnlnt Renllls -c.IM,_......._.,. CoClaill on ai-i 8lod. ~ & _, llWw .... ID bd'I Stpt l 13. 928-525-1950. .. Drivers SWIFT TR•NSPORTAT 0'1 ,, f'\Htn& e •Ptf1tnc.eo & inf •oerienc11d dr 1vers •nd 0 0 COL Tratnint av11lablt W@ pay tor t•peritn~t i•UI bene tits •nd ron•1stent milt\ I 866 333 8801 1CAL ·scANt DtlrvlJt~ ,_ p1r1-le•m• Te~m• T-~ ,_, teams for lllf loni.: haul Own"' oper•tO" uperienced Oo-1\/tn sOIOS tMms ano ereduatt UU<len~ ~ l -~PAY (I 888.fi6] 37291 <CAL~) GOVHNMINT JOH· W~'l'ostal $13 21 to $48 per hour Paid Ir 1m111i F ua t>enef1b ""° uoenence nee ~tion & 1 •am l<lformattor1 Tott tree 1-888-778_.266 1850 (CAl~l c-°"'"'-'"'•1 FT/Pl poa ntil l04Wtlnl for lndlv1du1fs wl\o 1r t 11l1tbl1, friendly tnd wlUlna to wotlo C•ll u• 1t 1 866~·&32!> ... « ............ _ Ol>lllll\I for PT rectp· tloltitt H911f\ Sat-Sun 3p111·9pm. Apply In ptrWI' ~-frl t.m-- 1600 l . Cont "wy "' • AlO Tuesday, ,Jutt 29, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge "t;mplo_)ee. ·• ''Empleado." ''Arbeitnehmer. ·• ~-~ •uno llDW YIU SAY rr. CWSlllCAll •rt and TANNAH HIRSCH SPIDER-MAN Neither vulnertil*. South deals. r~ Declarer can tale the b'Ump rtneAC and. i r d\lt lodla. auess wflieh bl.cl-ali1 f1nesi.e to tu.e fOf 12 tricU. Akemlti\"tly. after the '-" finesse f.U.. dtdam call cash tbe ace-kina or one or the blact 'uilJ (•!*le• is pn:fenible bccallie or the Jmttu combined lcn1tb In lhe two hands) and, it the queen does not drop. take the finesse lo tho other blacl: uil NORnt • KJ It ~ QJ 117 o A 1014 •Kl lWFSr I • 76J I?" 9 EAST • Q952 I? 4 08'' • 865• o K95J2 .. 1097 Declarer obosc nooe or the above. SOllTH •Al• I? Al'5J2 0 6 4AJ 3 The bidding:. ' sounr WFST NORTI1 ~T The opening lelld of the queen of dia- rllONb was woo with the ace and a diamond was ruffed In lbe c~ h;lnd. Mer cW\lng the ace of beans. both dcfendcn folfowing low. declat· er crossed 10' the king of clubs and ruffed another.dianlOIMl The ace of clubs was cashed. 1 club was ruffed in dummy and cbc tab\c's last dta· mood was rulfed lo hand. Whichever defender held lhc king or uumps w~ now lnlpt>ed in declarer's web. I Q hm JO ,._ 6<:J ............ Opcninii lead: Queen of o How many reasonable line~ are there IO make 12 lflds 81 ~IX beartA? Wtucb houkl dcciaru choose'! 1bc auctioo was simple and logi cal. North's jump IO lhrcc heans wa.' forcing but hmhed 10 ~ 16 poin~. and South decided thtu any re&.'iOO· able holding by Nofth would offer play for 12 Irick.~. and got to the slam V1a lhc ~1 rooie JlOS-'iblc. lllc band is a vittual maze of Since 11 would 1I04 help Wot to OVt'fTUIT. the defender d1'ICllJ'ded a club. Declarer countered by exiting with a trump. West. the victJm 111 this ca~. was son.red in 11J1 clldplay. A club ~um would pennit a rufl'·~lulT anti a spade would climiru1tc declar· er·~ potential lo.~r in thu.1 ~uil. Eilhcr way. 12 trick~ wen: guaranteed. All !111~ lme needed 10 ll)SUfC lhc sllllll wa~ hnle more than lhc 7K ~I chance lh.a1 uumps would spli1 2· I full lime 1ns1de sales repreuntattve to sell Cl1n1f1ed Advert1S1na 11 local newspaper aroup Phone sales eapet1ence preferred. Appl1c1nt should be a sell·slar ter. reliable, deadline •nd aoel ot1ented, po:.stss txcellenl c1al omer service ability. Computer/ typln& skill~ required. Comp1ny otters o cel· lent benefit padtap Pre- s c re en 1n1 required [qu1I opportunity em· ployer Send resume with uluy requirements Aldy.Oett*c@LAlinw.com Cit iax to ~l-6i94. JC)9f OW TEAM and nlllke a difference In !he Caltfotma ~my Nal!ONI Guaid you ~ get money for coltege and cllfeer tra1n1na Cab I IQ).GO· GUAR9 (CAI. •SCAN) CllANOUT YOllHOUSE WITHA GWGESAll! CAll (949) 642-5678 Automobiles - Albnotlw 9004 ~i.:99~ SIZ9,<XX> •X02990 Dir NfWPOltT AllT<>SrottT 949-S74·S600 IMW '12 633 csl 2 Or, erey/tan, 5 Sp 'unroof lull pwr S2000 714 878 9455 IMW '97 3211 Co"v metallic dark bluc/erey lthr , <,upe•b cond lhrouahout SJ5,495 ""672421 Bkt 949. 5a>-I 8811 www.oc'o~l.<om IMW '90 '251 hlo.e new Blk/lan. 4 dr auto. 106ll m1 a~ 5Unrl. lull pwr, ltnl, Ca smo1 S3850 714 651 4661 luldi '69 lloctro aood mech1n1cal cond1t1on. low m1l11e. 430 VS. SJ000 oOO 949-494 0148 Cocllh< '94 SlS Sovllfo 87.5k mi. aood cond. bl1ck cheuy, Jthr . new tires $4500 714 745 7794 <-ory '98 LI 4 ~ 68.411 mi. lldter 1twl ,_, no ~ or saatcties. S9998 obo 949-640·5037 o.ry.ler-'94 Now Y..tlw 3.5 IJ6 I owner, 43k ectual m1, books. records, met1lhc tur- quoise/tan l\hr. fully loaded, like new S5250 "67218 l!6ol 949-~ UBI www.oc,o~l.<om Corvetto '19 Coupo ~uto 60k • m1, melafhc red/Ian Ith•. superb cond throuehout, S9.995 Bkr 949 S86 1888 -.oqoeltl.c.- fonwi '91 3SS FT Sc>tder blue/blue Iii( ,,.,. Sll4.500 •II~ Dir NfWf'OWJ AllTOSl'ORT •4t-574-S600 femiri 'a& l2a GTS Red/Ctum low m'6es tuN -.ice S49.500 11()79039 Dir NEWf'OltT AllTOSl'OIO 949-574-5600 F .... '00 4S6M GTA Silvl'f /Sor deau. ~ n*1. eacepbor\al Sl34.500 •119638 Dir NIWPOltl AllTOSl'OIO 949-574-5600 ,.,....'00360 ...... ~21("'*" $1~500 ,., ... ,, ....... . Convertlbl1, o rl1tn1l own«. solid cer $19,995 obo !M9-719·~3 INPNTI X4 100 I ~ loedld. ~. B 111. ~lltwr'lter.IJMd wwld, wnroaf, ..... rDI I.Ill bilr. S3i.W) Wiii! es. i.ldld MllT· ~ 11111 ..... '99 ••••• • Conv, 45k ml, auto, silvfi, ten top. pw. pl. A/C, CO. superb like new cond. vll19174J $9,995 tlnanclna &. warr i nly n •il Bkr. 949 586 1888 -.ocpoltl.<- Mil SlSOO '03 bfac:lv'blldl delrvwy mtles. al options! Sl 17 .500 ~ Olr Ml'M'OR"f AllTowoal 949-574-S600 Mor<odos Ml 320 '91 whlte/a•ey llhr. ~lnl cond. loaded. S8K m1. $18.525949-394 2626 Morco'-·a1 S60 Sl white/tin. 1mm1c ~ 1\1& ~ -.. ~ ctrcn111. ~ n4-.-:>l·i!E4 Merocdo• '91 420 SU wh1te/arey lthr ch1ome whls low m1 superb cond S6995 V•56728l 8kr 949 586 1888 -.oc.,.a.1.<- Olchmobll. '96 A1H"0<• 60k m1, black/arey llhr. mmf. CO. fabulous cond l hr ouahout $5995 v1nt4S72 I~ Bkr 949-516-IHI -w.ocpeltl.<- ., ............ 8bt w./'81u9, onty 14K Ml, 8'lorts l't\c. (l!N71C) $25,9111 or..wu.-... Whitt w/&rey 2fli MllH, Spor h Pk& (19542) S25,980 ,, 16'10 s., •• Whllt w/S•ddle lnther. M'bonroof (19443) '29,980. 0 I, ..... , s ,.,,.. Su Green w/S1ddle L thr. 28K ml, Moonroof (19112) $32,980. , .. MoroJos S600 Ch1rcoal w/Black Leather . 18" Chrome Wheels, Moonrool (195t2C) 129,980 01111/fW7401 Blad w/8J1elt, only 31K Miles (1948SC) S39,980. 01 ,.orulto Tt1r60 T 1plron1c Only 1811 miles. Nav1111allon ( 19394) INQUIRE ,. to•t1• GS 300 Cold w/Saddle Loi her, Chrome Wheel~ (19418) $22,980 ff '•rrorl 3J5 '1 Silver w/Black Leather. only l h miles ( 114235) INQUIRE. 01 Morr.._• asoo Silver w/Crey. Navi· aation. Only 151< m1 (19!>4!>C) INQUIRE 00 f'ondto ...... ,.,. Silver w/Bl•ck, Premium So•md (194263) S28.980 tct-574-7177 PHl1l'S AUTO ;lll,111t1cm roruloo '99 Conere * ml. blll/blk lthe, CD, chrome wlll&. Ilk• new $42,000 V16220!'>7 Ii n1ncln1 ' wan aY11I 8kr 949-S .. -1 ... -.MpOlll.c- , .... lt.50'03 blacll/bladl lk milft $139.500 ~ Olr ~ AllTOV'CMtl 949-574-5600 l0ft90 loYO< • '96 4.0 St l l!k 1ctual m1, books, record,, I-owner while/ tan llhr . CO, runnlna boards/brush eaurds, like new cond. v272848 $18.995 fin ' w1rran1, 1v11J Bkr 949·586·1888 www.~l.c- TOYOTA CAMRY U ' 94 4 doo1 . 53k mile>. auto, PW, PS. $5500 Pm1te pa•ly 114 847-8288 Tro4o lot 1n Auowbu•/ B•& Our by the lake for late mo~I car such .u Mercedes. M1.,mi1. lnu~ 909 544 7133 VW lootfe '91 GL l?k "'lu,;I m1 5spd silver/ black int pw pf hke new li1ntnllc sav1nes $9400 vl752861 Bkr 949-516-1111 www.ocpol.c- VW JlnA '99 Ol Older model du~ blue. aulo c.al. nn1 ti $lloC rmirdl. U. u:n1 64li reduced $9000 obo 949-533 3349 STARTING ANEW BUSINESSff. • • • • • • • • • • • ~lmy'Mehc' ...... ...... l'io lncoml vt1ifi. cetlon. P11tdleM, reh N11Ce, cash out. $100,(Q) to $4J#Jl»J & from ~ OoWn'. 866-Ja..32"19 OI w w w s e I I · omployedlo1n1.c om (California Me• 8135902) (CAl-sc:AN) BOATS Power Boats 1515 Dwffy llodrl< 1811 1991 new b1tlenes, p11nt a. cover stO.!Dl in Noewpor1 Howbor 71~ BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Side T 1e 60' • main channel Newpor I 8e<1ch Brand new dod• Waler & power 949 675 3122 93 fT SU. AVAll.Alll IN NlW,C>al llACH $2500 U.ASl 949-S00· 1005 SEll your stuff through classified! FJ,., I 't,al D<'p'1rtmenr "r 1J,,. I J,11/y f>.J,111 11 f'kt'>nl 10 ""'"'""',.,, 111'U• ""'",. nou• a1wtlablr w nru• b1<J1tl<'llt'1 we u11// now .">EAHC'H rl1t' ,,,,,,,,. Jor _yo11 di"""""" '""rxr. and Sttl't'".Y<Jll I/Jr ""''and th<' mp to th, Coun lluuu "' ''"''" 1111" /"hat. u{, ouru. 11/i<'r ,J,,. uarrh 1s compkr,d Wt' u111/ jilr y(J11r Jic1111vm b11J1nru namr J111tt'ff1't1l u•11h 1/,r Co11nry C:lt'rlt, puli/uh onu" u•rt'lt far four uv,.Jti m rrqunrd by IAu• 1tnd tJ,,.,, /if,. your proofof pub'1a111ort u11tl1 ,;,,. ( oumy (/,,fr J'lrasr rtop by to filr _yaur fi1 rrnow busmns 11a1rn1'nl '11 rh, L>",Jy /'1/01. J~ ~· Hay St. <:Vsta Afnu. ljyou 1J1111111 srop by. p/,.llfrttJll w .it (919)(,42-43.!I .uul uv u111/ malu ,,,.,.,u1ge.nnu1 for .~011 to h1111d/,. r/,,. pnwrdun! lry m111I if you sho11/d h1n 't' any jurthrr qu,.111om. pf,,,,, rall u1 tJnd wr .,,,{f b, mnry r/,,,,. !(fad IO 11.Jll.ll you. (1ood /udt If/ J"'llr nru• hul/'11'"1Jt --£mplo1e. ·· t '"'·'U i1·il • 11 J:!-.11, -::: IMW '91 Z3 c-v. auto whtle/lan llh•. CO beauhlul hke new cond. $17,995 v59724 hn & ....,. ;wai 8lit 949 5116. Ul88 •121~1 °" N~ AllTOSl'Oltl 949-574-5600 Daily A Pilot "NOTIC( TO RlAIX.RS Cahlo1n1a law re qu11~' that contrat tors laking JOb\ 1h1I lolal S!>OO or more (labor or malerials) be hren,ed by lhe ConlrJtlors Stale license Board. Stale law also requ11es that conlr•ctors include lht11 l1et•nse number on •II .tdvttl1S1nii. You .. an .. he1.~ lhe slalu~ of your ltcen\~d tun l1•t lor al WWW l)lb Ca ROY Or 800 J?l est B Unit· cens,d con tr actors ••~1n11 1obs lh•I lol•I Ins lhan $500 must stale 1n their adverl1'>emenh lh•I llll'y d•e not licensed by lhe Cont• actors St.lie l1<.ense Board" fMMNG 1N1U10m l\llxttn I Bath I Rl'fnorJl!I ~ ht•w•oMOT1 ll58Jil5 ~ 91Ui45!m'j Alt~ AUIMHVAC Alf co .. dltlo111na & HHI inc Serv1ee 888 Wowd l'8*6>~~ A · Z HANDYMAN Install. reface c1b1nets ~doors/Mldows moklrc. Dou& 714-S46-ns8 Carpet Re,alr,11111 ..... C.,.. SIM S$ on ITTllP tnnd rwne C<l'pet e\\Qlrt ~. cp:k -IJQll9t5 n4.!l!>-1J(lj CAll"Ti)C.\A,O~ Repaws. Patch1nc. Install Courteous any size 1obs Wholesale! 949 492 0205 Ceramic Tiit Cleaning Touch of~ European ~pert tn House Oeanlog 20 yean in Bu~ine-\s Licensed & Bonded ProfcS5ional 1cam11 ...,signed to Your Home (949) 548..oo97 Free &t.lmales Refen:nces Sprina Cleanina Speciab & IUSINESS •t,.AJltS Uparadu, Repairs of Computer, Nelw0<ks. E vemncs/Weekends Compe~prices for qua vrc. 949-U 175 714-92 -Ull lrldl alodi s--. Tllo I 0 YOUltHOMI IM,•OVlMINT ,.OJI CTI Cilll a plumber, palnltt. handyman. or any of the 11,•t service,, hsted here In our service directory! THCSE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! WITTHOln DIYWAU All ph11es am/Ira 1obs. CWNI 20yr1. f1lr. free est. l 400m 714-639-1447 Calerete, PetJo, Orrww•y DUTCHMAN IUCTaK Foreplc. BBQ Rers. 25y,. Comm«c11J. lnduslrtal, E•p T.,.ry 114·557·759' ....... lilhs ~ Tito c-.... ... Riiis W1"RSil 9&2'8Qrll Ci!mentwork, Brick, Tiie & More. Rehable. No Job loo sm1ll 714..615-9062 vunuu MASOMIY Res16enllal Con«el• I Masorwy Service. Stone. Bridl. 8lodl 714-9fi6..2.112A UCINSID CONTUCTOll "° )ob too sm. Al .-Wies! Rep11f. remodel, rans, .. -~~ ' ... www.oc,ol.com L-torros l-clsccapo w.J/IJy nuS1I. tree nmwc &,nst:allahon 25Yt~np Licfinsured 949 !>48 4363 Tr-Sonlco, Yefd CIHnup, Mamlenance. Sprinkler Repair. H1uline (949) UG-1111 RES TORE • REPAIR & RglQOf I ING CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18Yrs£Jq>•Grul IW\ M Phal d Conslruction ~Rnodir.ts l.15n9112 949-709-5842 IGDllf.ULID'lll 611.UrmXVD •• laalm1ial • Olmaledi o '"" 10o s....a .............. M9-S2M292 J••••v•i.r-·. H-o ltopolr S,.dellst tntu t0r ' l 1 le110< Repair~ /14 501 6466 THI HAl'tDYMAN All wor k auaranleed Plumbq, Uectral. Doors. f ristl C-p de. 9&~ tt.llng JUNK TO THE DUM,.11 714 9611-1882 AVAfLA8Lf TOOAYI 949 673 5566 House Cleaning ~IC.. A"'91 114orty lot H-• ....... c..o Wa ,,_..., B<IU... meds. ~ nlllh. I> ~ ell: .w rel'l. cerbfied n 4-l?Hi733 12/Hrht-lt-• Nunl"9 Cero !>days/wit MI , 7a-7p Have nlen sive Med1ul 8ak(tnd u well as beina licensed a~ L VN I W Will commit lo other resp as well S1lary neeohable l\ev1n Hm 949-559-02 70 Par 949·559·2246 DMM'S HOUst OlMNG ~ & ..... ,.._, C~ ~ b 15 Custom Hand f>1lnled ~r._l.ic.md ~·' Fati, ,......._ 714.a.41~ MS lor hH ~-«;64 Open7Dlly8 l.owA-... StCW11gt 8pec:6ele Since 1981 949-845--4545 111r •ovras SSS/Hr. SerYlll& All Clbel Insured 1163144 80().246-2378 J23.630.9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE Tht C1lil. Public Utlllll11 Commission requlrn lh1l en u.Md h ouuhold 1ood1 mov1n rr•nt their P.U C C1 T numbof, hmos and chauffeur• print their T.C.P. numbtf In •If 1d¥tt• tlMIMlltl If you hlVt any qul\tlont •bout lht ft&elity o f I MOY tr. 111110 •r chevff-. "": ....cwnunn c ....... .,, 7 &I# 'JJdt (!.. ~Professional Painting IA;~ llltedar/F.ltedar Dau • ..., C*llm"ll Rob Isbell · Ow1* Costa Mesa, Ca (949) 646-3006 c.11949-687-1480 ICI~ OISTOM 'AINTING Pron, (lean, qu1hty worlt l"teroo1/eal •nd docks l n o3'68 949 631 4610 Joy·-·· , .... o ... Top Quahty Cumpehllve lnte1101 /( 1 I t •648228 Call Jay 949 6!10 ~ aAJHIOW C91<1.1 IUINT Painhna Wnl Houw/~ Qu1hty jObl Free estimate Lf569897 714 636·8888 ·c-. Send your best fnend to ump while you 10 on vac1hon. Sele. f•lendly & fun mooolaltl enwonmeirt 11 Lake Arrowhead lot soci:.lhl.ed dop. "° llennets W.._llfld IHno swvlc;e to lftd ffom c1mp tot-~S615 ...... __.. ......... St.cco •~ TOllt( ... ,...,, 949·••s-2t12 Do,.__ LISOS'25 ""*" SIWll ... a..- {t4t)•O·JH2 Plumbing o loco or a alvl>!On Of Ml!fJ llangrrt SEWER JE TTINC ELECTRONIC SLAB I£ AK Ot TCCTION friendly S.v1ce 949-675 -9 3 04 -~mm V 7S2A9huurl!d MOMIU & .._M*MU PlUM8£R L'506586 Fr•Estl Smf1Plh OClfCU One. 714-tJ!>-9150 rttl<nl PWMllNO R1i1ev1 ' Remodelln& f"RCE ESTIMATE L'687398 714-969 1090 s-, ... CAdlntllled (n&lish tuchtr. pro· l1ss1onal writer I 1pecl1lize In procr11s1t· n1Un1 letns. Sun\lller rndlna Coach Elo'd ~omposlllon T eecfler. lnd1v1dual/Group rales, reterencu aollable. Sue Clark 949-275-4905 TiflST-.01 Specl1htin1 In •-k rHf & S.-Svc. Wallp•pl" R1mov1I Weekly Servic1, Equip· L11588241 949 360 12'1 ment Repeirs. Insured C-'94f-H2-711J ... a..111 80l.OIMWIST WIMOOW mMCI S1tlsf1ctloft Qu,,1ntted •949-831-1~.