HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-31 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot~. • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, JULY 31, 2003 Cities prepare·for tough budget cuts Leaders say they will take whatever steps necessary to deal with money lost as part of the state~eal. managers in C.Osta Mesa and Newport Beach said. As part of the compromise deaJ, the state government is taking away an- other $1.2 billion from cities and coun- ties across California Because of this move, Newport Beach leadel'!l now plan to receive $933,000 less revenue over the next four months. QUESTION Are you ~ed •bout th• e«.c:1a of the stat. ~on Newport-MeN cities and schools? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) ? • 642-6086 or send e-mail to dsilypilot@lstimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, tor verification purposes only. Budget not al l bad news for schools and colleges Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -City leaders are bracing for more fiscal headaches as a result of the state budget compromise now sitting on Gov. Gray Davis' desk. The compfornise plan, City Manager Homer Bludau said, doesn't go far enough in reducing the red ink that has severely damaged the state's credit rat- ing and drained revenue from cities, schools and other groups that rely on state funding. Legislators have promised to return the revenue, derived from car-tax rev- enues between July and November, in 2006. But it's not a guarantee, Bludau said. Newport-Mesa Unified, UCI and community colleges have had months to prepare for deep cuts. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot · into the coffers of education funding. but school officiaJs around the area say they have mostly been expecting the cuts. And the Coast Community College District got a nugge1 of good news: it will only have to deaJ with haJf the cut it expected. The nearly $100-billion plan ap- proved by the Legislature on Tuesday, which closes the bulk of the $38-billion budget gap via heavy borrowing. is ex- pected to drain city coffers without cleaning up the budgetary mess, city "It's just procrastinating the tough deci- sions that will need to be made next year," Bludau said about Tuesday's deal "It's too bad that not.hi.Rg has been solved" Newport Beach had already excluded See cmes, Pace A4 NEWPORT-MESA -The tentacles of the compromise budget eked out by the state Legislature this week will creep The district is now only staring at a deficit of $4 million, as opposed to the $8 millio~ expected in May and the $15 See SCHOOLS. Pa1e A4 Incredible feats The African Acrobats leave their fqir audience in awe as they perform acts probably not meant to be tried at home Tom Forquer Daily Pilot T hough some of them were haJf as tall, the audience participants in the limbo contest were no match for Julius Marumbi, who showed them aJJ up with an astonishing shimmy under a bar hardly higher than a foot. Pe.rforming their first year at the Orange County Fair. the African Acrobats made their audience ooh, ah and. in some case, cringe at their super-human feats of strength. flex:ibil1ty and coordination Wednesday afternoon. Accompanied by high· strung Soukous, a type of African music. the FYI The African Acrobats will perform at 3, 5, 7 and 9 p.m. today and 7 and 9 p.m. Friday through Sunday. If you plan on challenging Marumbi in the limbo, a good stretching and warm-up session is advised. Their Web site can be found at www.africanscrobsts.com. through the swinging rope. Acrobats started off their show with some coordinated dancing. Soon the five men, all in their 20s, executed a barrage of bad. and forward one-handed handsprings and flips. After the opener, they brought out a large jump rope swung by two of the guys. The other three took turns executing more flips, push-ups and other tricks inside of and The performance also included a chair balancing act performed by group member Shauri Kham.isl Balancing them at odd and precarious angles, Khamisi built up a four-chair tower on which he performed bandstands and vertical push-ups. The concluding portion of the act involved several indescribable human sculptures MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PllOT Juma Nzovi, 26, of Kenya, goes head over heels for the crowd at the Orange County Fair s.. FEATS, Paa• A5 during the·African Acrobats performance on Wednesday afternoon. THE BELL CURVE Bob Hope springs eternal I n a business in which age was mostly a guarded aecret. Bob Hope always laid it out straigbt He was born in Bltham, England In 1903, and when he hit 100 a few months ago, the world Jc:new. And when be died this week. the world mourned He wu an Icon to three generadont of Americln IOlctien and Milon. and ahhoulh I nevs a'Olled hia l*h 1n lht Pllcfftc tn ~war U,l wu~co~blma Utde becluee t ~ • lenllhY proftJe of him 30,.... ap lor GoOd' Houlebeplnc -·an.. Hit dellb Mdtme~my •IDdllllredeame JOSEPH N. BELL vtvld memories of those days I spent wlth him at his home in 1bluca Lab. He was 70 then. and didn't look it lberewuan obvtoul paunch and dUruUna hak. but hil llep WU lllht.hfaeyea Wll'Y Md cool. 1Ddtbe"°9e cncb 11 inltMI recd. He wa ldll u ~IO woddai• lbt l'llt olta .. .., ~ IDcl when I lllmd him why. oonslderlng be had about the same ftnancial needs as Howard Hughes, be told me: ·rd have to buy an applauee machine just to get me up In the morning lfl ever stopped wotting.• But he alto bad to underwrite the buaineta of belnc Bob Hope. wb1dl lnvolwd three dUferent ... of pew qena.. bevyof.....n. and ..aoned --~under tbe dde of Hope ....... Inc. In. . IUlte of odlcea ~IO lbe etFt·~Hope--In the wlfuhloMble Sllli Fermndo YllllJ, ._QIM.,_M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ww.~coot WEATHER ~ Thia~fieO.e.tof 1N humidity. S.PlpA2 SPORTS MlllV..men't ................ ...__.. .... ....,lbln ....... an.--euprv. .. ,,....1 City settles recreation worker claim Officials wo n 't release detai ls of agreement with parents of victims of former employee in prison for lewd acts with boys. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -The city has set- tled one of five claims made by parents of boys inappropriately touched by a former recreation coordinator who supervised the city's after-school programs and holi- day camps. Officials declined to say which of the claims has been settled out of court be- cause the agreement is seaJed. Trenton Veches was sentenced 10 life m prison on July 11 for suck.mg the toes of several young boys enrolled in the city''> prograrm. A jury in May found the 32- year-old man guilty of 23 counts of felony lewd act with a child and rwo misde- meanor counts of sexuaJ assault He had also pleaded guilty to one ITl.lsdemeanor count of possessing child pornography. ln December, parents of three young See CLAIM, P•1• M PUBLIC SAFETY Suspec t in Circle K heist caught County sheriffs deputies arrest 32-year-old Anaheim man they say is responsible for more than 15 robberies. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -Orange County Sher- iff's depudes on Tuelday arrested a 32- year-old Anaheim man suspected ol & aime spree OYet the last week. In wbich be robbed IC!'YelW pt ttationa and c:omen· lence 1tores. lnduding one ln Coaa Mela. oftldals sakl. The robber WU pob9biy armed In ellCtl of thele lnddmts. llld Jim Amomdno. apobtman for the Orlnp Cowlty Sher· ur. Deputment. Oater !llrvwn -a 1::: llllll _... inl 250 pounda-il of loUJq I Olde~ ......... blDdl ol lrtlliDI Sll9lt ...... l .... ~ a-*-"*-IJ. Dllt ..., ..... lhedltilr .............. .. ....... -.......... ·, ... .... .. ..... • A2 Tlu1dly, ~ 31, 2003 POLITICS· THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Rep. Dana Rohrabacher fields questions from members of the international press on the east side of the Capitol building after a rally staged by members of the Chinese religious group Falun Gong. Z ippi zipp ing alo ng in fund-raising Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Assembly candidate Marianne llpplhas stepped up her fund-raising pace in the final days before the state deadline for campaign finance reporting. Candidates fur state office must repon all the funds they have raised during the first six months of the year by today. Since kiddng olf her campaign in late June, Zippi has held al least cwo other fund-raisers. After raising $20,000 at her June 24 dinner, Zippi said she has raised several thousand dollars in additional funds. On SUnday. Zippi beld a private dinner in Newport Beach that was attended by former USC Tu>jan running-back Anthony Davis. In a game against Notre Dame in 1972. Davis famously scored six touchdowns to lead his team lo a 45-23 victory. Davis played three seasons in the NFL. from 1977 to 1979, with the Tumpa Bay Buccaneers, Houston Oilers and Los Angeles Rams. The event was held from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Lido Isle home of Willis and Judith Longyear. About 70 guests attended, Zippi said Other fund-raisers are scheduled for today and Aug. 14. Rohrabacher joins Falun Gong demonstration During a moclt-triaJ demonstration at the West Front of the Capitol in Washington, members of the Falun Gong religious group protested what they claim to be brutal repression under the Communist regime in Otina once led by former President Jiang Zemln. The demonstration. held June 23, drew legislators, Including Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. who sides with the group. ·Followers of the Falun Gong just want to peacefully meditate and do their exercises." - Rohrabacher said after the event. ~Why on earth do we grant Most Favored Nations trading status to a country that imprisons, tortures and executes people who only wish to be left alone to practice their faith." During the demonstration, the group criticized China's former leader and showed a videotape calling into question the Otinese government's airing of footage that purponedJy sbowed a group member immolating himself. The ~oup denies the charge, saying the footage either misrepresents their views or is fake. N. Y. representative to stop by Balboa Bay Club Rohrabacher is also co-sponsoring a breakfast for Rep. Tom Reynolch (R-N.Y.) in Newport Beach. Reynolds is scheduled to speak at the Balboa Bay Oub & Resort on Aug, 5. The 7:30 a.m. brealcfasc bas been scheduJed to coincide with Reynolds' appearance. The event is also being sponsored by the National Republican Congressional Committee. For more information, call (202) 479-7071. Costa Mesa pollster checks out supervisor race A Costa Mesa GOP pollster has released a tally showing that Assemblyman Lou Correa (0 -Santa Ana) is the leading candJdate to replace Supervisor ClJudt Smith in March. If the election were held today. which of the four candidates wouJd get your vote? Adam Probolaky asked 300 voters in the dJst.rict. Correa gained 23%; Westminster Councilman Kermit Manh got I 3. 7%; Garden Grove Mayor Bruce Broadwater puJJ ed 11 %; and Santa Ana Councilman Brett franklin secured 9. 7%. Another 42.6% said they were "unsure" about who they would vote for. Probolslcy conducted the poll on July 22 and 23. He reported a 5.77% error either way. Supervisor Jim SOva represents Costa Mesa and most of Newport Beach in the 2nd District. Smith holds the 1st District seat. POLITICAL CALENDAR JU LY Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Rept.1blicans are welcome. (714) 556-8555. 21: Chuck DeVore for State Assembly will have a fund-raising reception from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the home of Tom Phillips In Corona Del Mar. Special guest will be Rep. Dana Aohrabacher. and national radio personality Hugh Hewitt will serve as master of ceremonies. Information: www.chud<devore.com or (949) 472-5414 Special guest will be Bruce Hersc:hensohn. $25 per person and $250 for a table of 10. Reservations are essential. This is not a fund-raising event Information: (714) 656-8555 15: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admluibn Is free. and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 666-8565. Todey: Marianne Zippi for State Assembly will have a fund-raiser from 6 to 8 p.m. at the home of Mildred Murry in Newport Beach. Information: Anita Ferguson (949) 644-7425 AUGUST 14: Marianne Zippi for Assembly will hold a fun6-raising reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at the home of cathy and Tom Kroop in Corona Del Mar. Information: (949)644-7094 18: The Republican Party of Orange County Central ~:~!!J!~~rty of Orange County will hold its Sept. 11th Memorial Prayer Breakfast for the second year at 7:30 a.m. at the Hilton Costa Mesa. OCTOBER 20: The Republ ican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hotd a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd .• Costa Mesa. Adml .. lon 11 free. and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 656-8565. National Guard service means missed budget vote Assemblyman Ken Maddox is on active duty for two weeks, which allows him to avoid a fight in Sacramento. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSIA MESA -Assemblyman Ken Maddox avoided the states budget-cri- sis pressure cooker to honor his com- minnent to the Cali!omia Anny Na- tional Guard. Maddox left his Sacramento office on Friday for Ft Leavenworth, Kan. He is scheduled to spend two weeks there, returning Aug. 5. "On Sept 11 , terrorist$ attacked our country because they hate everything about the American system," Maddox said in a statement •As an elected rep- resentative of that sys- tem, I rejoined the guard to defend our way of life.· Maddox. who re· presents Costa Mesa. Is not on active duty. He will be participa1- ing in training exer- cises. Ken Maddox Last Thursday. Mad- dox sent a letter to As- sembty Speaker Herb Wesson (D -CuJ- ver City) asking to be excused from any Assembty votes during his absence. Maddox will not be paid the $125 "per diem· for Uving expenses. Wesson spokeswoman Patricia Soto said, "It's very rare lfor a legislacor to leave for the National Guard)." Soto said. "It's personal business, and he's waived per diem.· During his time in Kansas, Maddox will participate in military war games and receive military intelligence train- ing. His departure isn't out of the ordJ- nary, even lf the timing is. said Mark Petracca. a political science professor at UC Lrvine. Maddox was not able to vote on Tuesday when the Assembly approved a compromise plan to bal- ance the state's $38-billion shortfall. "It's not U5ual, because you don't have a lot of legislators in the National Guard." Petracca said "It does hap· pen.· Maddox is stationed at the Com- bined Arms Center at Ft Leavenworth. He bas been assigned to the Head- quarters Company's 40th Infantry Divi- sion. He has been assigned to the night shift, from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m .• said Mark Reeder. the assemblyman's chief-of- statf. Maddox was not given a choice about when or where he could serve. His service requires two days a month and two weeks per year. Mad- dox served in the guard between 1981 and 1989, where he served in intelli- gence, armor and Infantry units. He re- newed his term shortly after the Sept 11 attacks. He holds the ranlc of ser- geant DailyAPilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news atoriet. SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don Leech, illuatrationa, editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertltements herein can be READERS HaTUNE reproduced Without written WEATHER FORECAST SURF permluion of copyright owner. (949) 642-eo86 Chancea of lhowef's remain The l8t91t IOuthw9lt swell VOL 17, NO. 212 Record your comment. about the HOW TO REACH US today, but we Qn still expect arriVM, so we Qn expect Daily Pilot or news tlpe. Clrcutetton hight to neer the mld-809 In en.at-to lhouldef-.hlghl eartv TI40MAS K. JOHNSON NewsEdhlon Addrele The Tlmee Orange County Publisher Gina Ale)(lnder, Lori Ander10n, Our edd1"811 l1 330 W. Bey St., Coate Com Meu and the mkf.-70. In on Ind, by late afternoon, TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt, Paul Saltowltz, Meu, CA 92627. Office houri ere (800) 252-9141 coaetll N9wport Betdl. Lowa some head-higha. Editor ~ JUf1'( OETTING Daniel Stevena Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. Ctnrrtn.d (949) 642-8678 wtll be In the ml<MIOs. On Friday, the IMll will ~r NEWS STAFF COfNCdcM• On Fridey, Mtfythlng peak, .0 we'll continue aeelng Crime~co~rter, ~ (949) 642...:!21 It la the Pilot's policy to promptly EdtlotW lhould be bedt to nonnaJ. That shouldefo.to~ The ProfT'otlon9 OlrectOf' (949)57 co!T9Ct 111 8'Tor1 of aubltllnce. ..... la: morning douda and b.a.r lp04a cen ~w.vee ~.""-rlfh•l«tmee.oom PleeM call (949) ~4. (948) 642-6e&O eftemoon aun, with .... to be.,.,... .... ~ IDfT1NO ITAff JuM'i::r_. 8pon9't148l 57<MU3 humidity and higtw about the Seturd9v wNI oondnue to be &.J.C... Newport repoi1er, m ......... (Ml)Me-4170 Mft'M. • decent dly, compleel wtth -~'· (949)~ The Newport BeedVCoet.I Mete .,.. ,.. (148) eec>-o170 .......... 0: heed-Nghe end, .. the june.~•~com Detty Pilot (USPS-1........00) II E>4MI: dllllypllot•IMJme&.com WWW.~ atMdoutloc9tlont.~ •J.oehtl• .,,,,,...com ,....~ pubflehed deily. In NM'pol't hec:h Malnomlee .... .-,: ........... ~Edlot, Polltlca, bush*9 and ..-Mtonm.nt and C°"8 Meeli, MAblcripdone 81'9 •11nw Ollle UMt) 642-4321 BOATING FORECAST www.aNMder.org ( 1&MDI repof't9r, (148) 794-4330 eveflable only by 1111blcrlblng to The ........ ,.. (Ml) 831-712t }MrW&.,,.,.,.WJmaoom ptlUl.dlnfOn•i.tJnw.oom Tlmee Orange County(~) The wlndl. blow about TIDES .......,.,... IAll9 .... 2'2-8141. In ...... outlkte of --10111'°'8 In the Inner .... ... Mor. Cotumnllt. °""",.. l'9p0rtllt, N9wpoft leed'I and Coeta MeM, ... dlmoofi. wWt 2.foot n.. """" ~~ (M)~ IUtlacripdona IO lh8 Deity ftltot 8F9 WIWI and• mixed nol1ttuslet &:Ale.m. -4.tofeltlow lolb_,_,_.lftdmee.oom .......... only by""' ... "*' for 12:1tp.m. .llet'-8-IW9ld1tolfMtend•IOUlh 4.2:tfelthlgh M Dlrwmr I fillwl o.lt QNf, ............ .. per monch. (Prioae lndudl ... ~ ~ 11maa Cotnmunlly IW9ld1tolfMt. l:Wp.m. 2.0lfeltlow ..,17MZ24 c-. ..... reponar, (Ml 874-421 IPl>lctltl6e .... and loCal ..... , ...... • dl*IOft of Iha Loe Mfelee Oul ..... , .... _... .. n :11p.m. 1.11 ..... ,_.,...lil*tJJ ciom ~ . .........,,, l'OITMAIT'Elt: lend~ --=· .... to The Ntwpott T1mee. ...................... c....-.... Moot----•. me.d WATU TE9DATIMI ,... , Newa ............ ~ ~ ..... Deity l'tloc. "°' aoo3 Timel CH. NA ;w-CNlM_. aoni ........ .....,,..,_,,, • loec 11110i COlf8 ~.CA.._ ....-. nont1-M11d••anc1 ....,,,.,..,............, ........ Of2t...: ·-- "; Dally Piiot Bergeson to receive top UCI honor The former state secretary of education is being honored for he.r support for the university in the community. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Former state Secre- tary of Education Marian Bergeson will re- ceive UC Irvine's most distinguii.hed honor, the UC Irvine Medal, for her exceptional support for the campus' mission of teach- ing, research and public service. Bergeson and three other medal winners will be recognized at a dinner ceremony in November. "Th~ dediJ.:ation and support from Lhese outstanding individuals advances the mis- sion, spirit and vision of the university in myriad ways," CllanceUor Ralph Cicerone sajd in a press release. "The medal cer- emony is a wonderful way to thank them for paving the way to a brighter future for UCI's students, faculty, staff and prof(rams." Bergeson said she was honored by her .!>e- lection. son between the interests of the community and the university. "It's been a real privilege to serve in tha1 capacity,~ Bergeson said. She also is a member of the Center for the Study of Democracy's Leade[sh1p Loundl. which offers graduate studenti. the chance to get involved in the srudy of democracy on a worldwide basis. The leaden.hip coum:1I helps provide financial support throui;h fund raisers. Bergeson helped establish the neonaldl unit at UCI Med.jcaJ Center and ~ervecJ on the College df Medicine's Dean's C...ommu · nity Advisory Board. She said she worL.ed a lot with prenatal h'alth care as a Mate h:g1'> lator and was inspired to assist in the !>tart of the center after going to visit it. "I was interested in seeing what we could do to assist mothers and their babies." Ber· geson said. "I've worked with health l'>'>UCb over the years in many ways at UCI Medical Center and through the county. ft\, a ton· tinuing relationship." The former state secretary of education, state legislator and Orange County supervi- sor has been an adamant advocate for UCI at the local, state, regional and federal levels. She has been a UCI l-oundauon amba.!>Sa· dor since 1999, which enta1b amng as a hru- The other three medal recipient'> ..trl' Dr Philip DiSaia, chief of gynecoloK)I ,rnd g} necologic oncology at UCI 1tled1al C...entt:r. and Elizabeth and John Stahr, rumm~ll\ leaders and prominent supporter'> of IJ< I Former state Secretar; of [ducat1or Marian Berge son w>.111 rec-: .i: tne UC Irvine Medal BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Frurview onramp to San Diego Freeway opens Headaches on the nonh· bound San Diego 1-reewa}' are expected 10 ease up a.'> a rei.ult of the late!>l improvement to the l-airview Road onrarnp. wh1l h officially opened Tue'>day. tram. pona1io n official!> said. used to create gridlock for those gemng on the freeway at Fair· view Road and those trying 10 merge right 10 ex.it at Harbor Boulevard. The con~truction now proVJdes conge~tion relief through that area and makes the commute a little le~ hectic. offi· c1als said. The California Departmenl of TransponaLion and Lht' Orange County Transportation Authority announced thjs wt>ek that the newly extended onramp from l-a1rview Road to the north· bound San Diego Free\>\-ay no\\ goe<; over the Harbor Boulevard exu and dumps motomt'> d1 'rectly on the freeway. Caltram. OCTA and Costa Mesa have been working for yeari. to alleviate the traffic on the San Diego Fret:way. H1i'> on- ramp improvement 1s one of many project!> for the 5an Diego and Corona del Mar freeway., designed to \\1den portions. construct ne"' ramps. bndge !>tructure., a11d !>ound walJs and 111~tall dramage and electrical Hems. T HE BOWERS KIDSEUM Explore the world's fascinating cultures! nu .. portion of the frl'l'\\ar Experience our 1iumrner art classe~ and camp\~ July-Augu st 11 --!"" FOR THE RECORD 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana 7 14.480.1520 ln the July 11 •aest Bites" column, the addresses for two restaurants were mixed together. Pinot Provence Is at 686 A.b· ton Blvd. in Costa Mesa. Rabbi rr Insurance Agency Al 'TO• HOMEOWNERS• HEAtTH \J.Jht/11) Stri.t {'}~ ~ ~~ ~Sr)__, r , 949-631-7740 441 Old Newport 8hd • ~n 8-:fi (Near Hoag Hospiw) The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ O VER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN ·-aoo/o off ·~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All You~ Decorating fftt/eeds!'' FURNITURE REUl!BOUTERY • Custom-Made furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture Draperies. Shades. A:Dealll>R*ll Thursday .iuly 31 2003 Al F11•tt1.ci"I A Liw Tribt.111 T• Frank Sinatra &'? Mo..U, 0-Tiuul..y 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality &rviu••• ·-Ni d Entcnainmcot""" I or""''" 1·'6ti•ns (_~11/ (949) 646-7944 H.9~ In;,.., Au· .• c;..,..,., M-a 1.1 • ..., .... ,.... .................. \.If)• IL.. ............ r ~ 3D AND 4D IMAGING HAs COME TO NEWPORT BEACH AND COSTA MEsA!!! .fee o/~ f?Ea 6y FACE To FACE VHS TAPE WITH MUSIC AND lWO COLOR PICTURES OF YO UR BABY other packages 1wailable, visit www.you·rbabyscan.com 190 I Newpon Pla:z.a. Su11e 26'). Cm ta ~1i:~a ~Juo" lrom \.1kc TuY.n ~cirn~r ol \.n ,pnr• H1\J JOl.l 1i•1 '\t 949-515-0011 •!• 866-428-2229 Fax: 949-5 15-00.22 E-majl: Newport@yourbabyscan.com www.yourbabyscan .com .. , . • M ThurSday, July 31. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Coli.g. Ortve: An auto theft was reported in the 2400 block at 8:35 a.m. Tuesday. • Gr8Yllng Bay: Possession of marijuana was reported in the 700 blodc at 8:05 a.m. Tuesday. • Harbor Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2200 blod< at 10:58 a·.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boulevard: Possession of drug paraphernalia was reportett in the 2100 blocl! ar 5:09 a.m. Tuesday • Towne Street: Petty theh was reported in the 800 blodc at 7:19 a.m. Tuesday. • Tulare Drive: Vandalism wasreportedinthe 1000 blocl! at 7:18 a m. Tuesday. • West Wilson Street: Graffiti was reported in the 700 blocl! at 10·07 a m OBITUARIES Jesse Worley Service-. for l ll ye,11 Ne,~purr Beach n: ... id1·111 lc'>'>l' Worley will be held at ll:4~ p.m 1od<1y al Pacif'ic Viev. Mt•morial Park. Mr. \\lorlt·y died Friday of narural tJU\l'' lie wa-. HO tit i'> \Urvrved bv wife Vivian. daughter~ l'crl·~.1 Strornbolne. I 111da Sou1:J and Drnne Worley; brotht:r Jame'> Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • AA>.loM Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported In the 200 blodc at 1: 11 p.m. Tuesday. • Hoag Drive: Battery was reported In the 100 blod< at 2:44 a .m. Tuesday. • Jamboree Road: A commercial burglary was reported in the 4500 blodc at 6:66 a.m. Tuesday. • Ocean Boulevard: 'Petty theft was reported In the 1500 blodc at4:13 p.m. Tuesday. • 16th Street: A loud party wasreportedinthe1800 blocl! at 12:15 a.m. Tuesday. • 36th Street A vehicle burglary was reported in the 500 blocl! at 1 :36 p.m. Tuesday. • 39th Street Petty theh was reported in the 100 blocl! at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Worll'y; and fivt' grandchildren. Laura Lynch !:>ervkes fo r 50-yei.lr Newporr Beach residenl Laura Lynch will be held al 2:30 p.m. Sa1urday at Pat'iliL View Memorial CJ1apel. t\1r'>. 1.ynch died Monday. She was 77. She is survived by son., Danil'l. l'imothy and I larold; daughtl'r Mary Ann Lynch; 'i<.1er., lht'resa Young arid D<'lla Mane Loving: and four grandr hildren. 1 Lal)19 a-~,,. Pia•, -, I to wr.-, · I I Super or Antlpano Salad tor I $15.99 I \•liJ w ''"'r<'n cinh ~ i;ood ,.,.h •n• •>thn I L _ -'~!!Ar<J §:ires~~~ _ _J 1420 Baker Street #B, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (Costa Mesa Square -Target Center) (949) 548-5523 or (714) 545-6328 • Take advantage of the lowest in re rest rates in years! . 7 year CaJI (()day for dc1a1l\1 Ampac Fixed Lending Rate Inc. 4 SQOI (714) 847-3360 • 10 EXT. 29 APR 4.723% aaseo on $100 ooo Mortgaoe ...... ,..-~l ~· • dntJ it! t I 1 Nr11"11 ~ ~ J I •t11t\v~\J()~Mle1'lllf" _,,. Cl' Ot·~',_(A, '"I• f~._ t '~~ Mike Fox ..,.. rm•• A • ..-... o1 .1ea:v, _/oiu us today to begin ... a lifetime of belo11gi11g! Find out why Congregation Shir Ha-Ma'alot is one of the warmeSI, fnendhest. and most innovative Reform congregations m Orange County Get to know us and our dynamic Rabbi Richard Stemberg and feel right at home. fnterfaith families welcome. ~ust Isl 700pm F-arnllU Stlabbat Sr.ioes 8.-00pm IC» CrsiNn Sodal Au~!t 8th: &.30pm Coffff & Convu•satlon with Rabbl Stllnb4irg 7:30prn 5,,.t>Nt SErvlco AuQust 15th: !7.4Spm Pina DlnMr &30pm Tot SMl>bat 7:30pm Shabbat Servlcu CO N GREGATION Slilr HA-MA'..Jot Auoust i!2ncl fiOOpln Olnntr. 60+ Crowd ?:30prn Shabbat SmllcH 949-857-2226 . .. ..... t I I l . •••••••• FotoART . •••••••• .. _._ -- ------·---........ ...-............ .... .......... ............. . ..... ~.._.,,.._.,. •Hl!!!I ... ~ -. www shmtfmplE org · Unique PersonaUzed Gifts for every ocassion Vcsil OIA' Wit> Sill et Choo.• from· W*W rotqtn corn Personaltzed Mugs Laser Engraved Frames Pho1oSculptures Sports Awards and much much morel Bring th,. •d with you for $10.00 off your otiler. • cm Es Continued from Al the cevenue from Its budget plan- ning, allowing city officials to slide to the budget already put tn place. 1n Costa Mesa. budget reduc· Lion measures will need to be considered, City Manager Allan Roeder said. Effective this week. Roeder installed some •interi.rn budget controls." Those Include a freeze on high-dollar equip· ment purchases, a hold on some maintenance projects, a suspen· sion or voluntary trainJng and a curtailing or overtime hours. SCHOOLS Continued from A 1 million anticipated in January, ~id Erin Cohn, district · spokes- woman. "Obviously, It's a bener see· nario than we were looking at earlier tl1is year, but until we see what the governor does, it's not a lJu-.e for celebration," Cohn said. "II\ a cause for lening out a little -.igh of relief knowing that w1"re going to survive it this yeur." ·nu.· A!>.l.embly passed the $I !XI-billion spending plan Tues- day after a marathon session and month., of deadlock. It cuts about $2.3 billion from schools and awairs Gov. Gray Davis' sig- na1ure. '\upNintendent Hobert Barbot uf the Newport -Mesa Unified School District said he didn't k.nm' the exact delails of the pro- poc,ed budget, but that it would probably me'>h with what the dl\lnl'I h.t<, been expecllng ror CLAIM Continued from Al hoy., mole.'>red by Veches sued llw nty for negligence and negli- g('f\I hiring. In their suit, the plaintrO!i allege that the city "breached ti.'> dulies by railing to u-.e l'arc 1n hiring. retaining and 'iupervi~ing Vee hes." Dan Spradlin, an Orange ar- rurrwy who h rcpre1>en1ing 1.he cil} in all the Vechcs-related daims, ">ard the case was settled l~t month . .. I he city deeply regrets the fall that the children were ex - po<;ed tu (Vechcs'I inappropriate arnon.,," he <>aid. ·we hope 10 n·-.olw thew claim'> o;oon 10 HEIST Continued from Al "l le pulled our a handgun, pomll'd rt at the cll'rk and de- m.1ndt•d money," Birney said. I hr robber lhen took the 1111J1wy and lefl in what was de- '>t rihed a1> a dark-colored van, he c,aid, Amormino said deputies caughl up with Brown near his home at about 10;15 p.m. Tuesday afrcr pt.'Ople who c;aw his pictu~ CURVE Continued from Al m1lrc, dr..1an1 from the opulence ol Heverly I lilts, where most of hie, co .. rar~ lived. I h(• c·nrrance 10 rhe I lope c'>tatl' v.a., through an ou1ht11lding that included a walk-in vault housing Hope's rorre-.pondence and comedy file'>, an office for his wife and a 'ipuc1ous. paneled room where I lope could work !>urrounded by the unifacls or his travels and his rnrecr that are mounted in djsplay 1.:ases that take up three walls of the room. Hope's home was open and bright with the entire backside paneled in glass and overlooking the i.'Wimmlng pool and a 200-yard practice golf hole. The art was tasteful and right for the walls it adorned. the dkor understated, the feeling wann. When I suggested It would be tough leaving thl spread for the colossus he was then building In Palm Springs, Hope hntgged and sald he regarded moving there like playing pennanent hooky. I wn armed with dozens of ' 'California's fiscal crisis is not solved. If this is a football game, we're not even at halftime.' John Campbell, Newport Beach assembfymao "Oearly, I'm sure with virtually all the cities, We will have to go bade and amen4, our budget." Roeder said. "There's simply no way anyone could accurately an- ticipate what the state might do In terms of their budget pla n- ning. we will make what~ver ad~ justments are necessary.~ Roeder also said the budget re- visions won't be ready for Mon- day's City Council meeting. Lo~ elected state leaders of- fere' differing views on the bud ' the last six months. The district expects to lose about $250 per student com · pared to last year. Barbor said. But the district has been ag- gressive in exploring alternative funding sources to help compen- sate and expects to .gamer about $8 million to $9 million in !>Up· plemental grants. Barbot added. "For example. we coUaborated with Santa Ana and UCI for a $14-million program." Barbot said. "We're losing staff develop· ment from the st.ale. TI11s will greatly help us get math and sci ence that we desperately need for the students." The proposed budget whittles away $410 million in state fund- ing for the University or Califor- nia system. The effects of this massive cut will affect alJ nonin- structional programs, including administration, research and teacher professional develop· ment. The drastic cut also prompted Richard Atkinson, president of the UC Board of Regents, to an nounce that he will rcili.t-ll11t1on minunize the trauma for thew children." Spradlin declined lo go 111to the details of the settlemenl he cause it b "i.ealed" and not pub- lic information. Sherri I loner, a.11 allomey for the plainurr. aho declined to comment abour the claim or the case. rhe Pilor. which has a policy of nor nam· ing the viclim~ of such <ll>!>aulls. is not n aming the plainriff~ b1: cause their children would be identifiable. Newport Beach City Mang1:r Homer Bludau said Lhe city i'> working to train all its recreation employees "to make 'iure they're aware uf the rules rn term ... or contact with kid<;.~ "The recrealion d<.'partmenl\ also have a lot of rumover, • he on television news broadca!>U. tipped them off. Office!"> arrested him after a brief foot pur.u1t. he said. Sheriff's deputie-. have con· nected Bmwn witl1 14 other rob- beries in Orange County, Amor- mino said. ~Three of those. including the one in Costa Mesa, happened he- tween I and 6:30 a m. nuesdayl," he said. Brown is accused of rob- bing stores in Orange and Huena Park after the Costa Mei.a inci- dent. old photographs supplied by Hope's friends and associate<,, and he responded to them with honest delight -and always a story. There was. for example, his first love and vaudeviUe dance partner. named Mildred Rosequist. When I lope wanted ro talce their act on the road. Mildred's mother said an emphatic "No." Thiny year!> later, Mildred resurfaced in the audience of a Hope 1V show and told him afterward: ''lfmy mother was alive. I'd punch her right in the mouth." And then there was another early member of Hope's vaudeville act who got ptomaine poisoning from a piece of pie in Huntington, W.Va. -Hope was clear on such details -and died. Said Hope. HMaybe you'd better not mention thls because nobody there will ever eat pie again.~ So it went through the recollection of a Ure. Hope had one-liners to capture the essence of almost every memory, and it ls doubtful If Hope, himself, knew if the comments were spontaneous or paiked In the vast warehouse of jokes he carried about In his head for a century. Most of the get. State Sen. Ross Johnson. who represents both clti~ supported the compromise deal a week ago. Newport Beach's assembly· man. John Campbell. who has led the GOP fight against Davis' decision to hike vehicle registra· Oon rees, opposed the deal Tues- day. Costa Mesa Assemblyman Ken Maddox is serving an Army National Guard obligation and did not vote on the plan. CampbeU said he hoped for no new truces, reducllons in spend- an additional 5% on top of the 25% increase adopted earlier this month. For resident undergradu- ates. the increase will be between $1,150 to $4,984 per year. Finan- cial aid will still be available. Sandra Campbell, associate vice chanceUor for the budget at UC Irvine, said the cuts are more bear.tble because of the planning UCI has already done. "We actually have been pre- paring for this for quite some timP," Campbell said. "It's not pleasant, but people are dealing with reductions that are going to be necessary over the next year orrwo." Campbell said the ree in- crca'>c.'S i.1ill keep UC schools competitive. "We compare ourselves to a certain group of public !schools!. and (•vcn with these increases they're planning to im plement, we'll Mill be below the compari- i.ons, .. Campbell said. ·And then we hear the comparison lschool'>I are raising 1rees) even morl' We're all goin~ through the ....imt• thing ar the \ame time " \au.I "~1 trainmg ,.., '>Omething we'n: going to haH' to do on an ongoing ba'>l'i." Rludau '>aid the problem in rht· .. 11ua11on with Veches was th.11 Vechec, wa-. the -.upervisor him,clf. "I le wa\ the person to whom othN n·crearion coordinatori. would go 111 if rhey wanted to re- port '>ornt:thing," he !.aid. A~ a re.,ult. there was probably '>Orne unccnainty about how to report Veclw.,· ac11ons. Bludau \atd "We're Jll'>t working on creat- ing a heightened awareness and a he11t>r undersranding of the city\ polidcc; in thi., regard." he -.aid Uluduu said tht: rny did bad· ground thecL' on Veches, but lhe robber hit gas srations and COllVCllll'llCe \IOCl~ exdw.ively. Amom1ino said. He hir several lo- cations m l~guna I !ill!>. 14!.ke For· est and Seal Beach, he said. A'> of Wednesday afternoon, of· fidals had also linked Brown to five other robberies in Long Beach and one each in Walnut, Corona and Downey, Amormino said. No one wa<; hun in any of the heists. but that is probably be- cau,-.e none of lhe victims dared to re<;i~t the mhber "because of his mac;sivc size.· Amonnino said. comedian., I mterviewed during this period were not funny in convcrc;a1ion. They tended 10 be dour and downbeat. Hope was different. I le was animated and raunchy wtth a remarkably appropriate story for every OCC'asron . Amencan fighting men and women in three wars loved him. and he -in rum -loved them. I firmly believe that Hope was the only civilian in history who wa..c, capable of standing military protocol on its head and gerting away with it. In one of his earty performances for troops In World War JI, h e invited enlisted men confined to the rear of the audience to come forward and fill in empty seats in the officers' section. The response was so wildly enthusiastic that Hope made a regular practice of putting dogfaces Into the prime seats thereafter. ''I've played before millions or Gls in t:Very part of the world and in every theater of three different wars," he Ib id me. "and I could never define any ubstantlal dlff erences between the guys in any or those wars.. We would go on with shows that couldn't even be assembled at the 1 loOywood Bowl. and you could J~t feel the electrlclty. I used lo step back when somebody else was on and just look at the faces ln the audience. What exddng moments thoae were. And the recepdon and the f•ces never chanpd one Iola, from war to wv or place to place." Not all the memorta brought up by the photographs lnapiftd ,.... Hope Wiii Mpeddy . -'**"IO the pnepduiii of him ....... dUrtnl lbe dne ....... en&ertained Amedcan trOGpl. •1 rwmtfr OOI Piece~ lng. ttructural relonn and payoft' part oC the deftdL "We got one out of four," campbell said. mmtng to the absence of bikes in income. uJes or tobacco taxes. And even when Davis signs the new 1>4dget either today or to· morrow; there wtU idll be much won for legislators next year. •California's ftsca1 crisis is not solved," Campbell said. •If this ls a football game. we're not even at halftime." • PAUL aJNTON covera the environment. business and politlca. He may be readied at (949) 764-4330 or by &-mall at paul.clinton@latimo..com. The budget also provides no new state fundJng for salary In· creases for UC faculty and staff for the 2003-4 school year. UC faculty salaries are expected to fall at least 9% behind those or comparable insdtudons, accord- ing to the UC Office of the Presi- dent. To respond to cuts through· out the comrnuruty college sys- tem, the budget also recom- mends raising tuition fro m S 11 to $18 per unit. Coast Commu- nity College District officials fear mid-year budget cuts next January could talce an even big- ger chunk out of their budget. Cohn said. "We don't reel like we're out of the woods," Cohn said. "We're definitely glad that the budget is moving forward so we can begin planning for the year now and open school in the fall, lc:nowing how many classes we can offer." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached al (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail al de1tdre.newman a lat1mes com. did not find anything suspi· cious. The parents' complaint states that Veches' e-mail add~ be- fore being hired fo ur years ago by the city was wildyouth@acl.com. They ar- gued thar should h ave been a tip-off to city officials that they needed 10 look more closely into their hi.re. But Bludau said the city would not normally keep track of their employees' personal e-mail "It's not something the clly couJd've looked at.· he said, • DEEPA BHARATH covers publtc safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-maila1 deeps bharath a lat1me! com "Some or the vicnms were 5- foot-2 or 5-foot-3, ~he said. Brown has ·a long and exten· sive criminal record." he said. "He faces a potential third·sllike con- viction." Brown is being held in Orange C'..ounty Jail in lieu of a $250,000 bail. • DEEPA BHARATM covers public safety and oouita. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail 81 deepa.bharathtgtlat1mes.com. criticism about World War 11: Hope .saJd, "but in Vietnam, we were criticized for going over to entertain when ail we ever wanted to do was make the burden lighter for the guys who were making the reaJ sacrifice. A lot or kids bade home seemed to thinJr. that I was running the war. Well. maybe we didn't demonstrate or join parades, but we were ail antiwar. Whenever people asked me if this was my last trip to entertain Gls, J would tell them that I hoped this would be our last war. •1 once got a letter Crom a woman who said, 'You entertained my husband in Korea and now my son is in Vietnam, and I w1ah you could please go to his camp somehow.' It rn.aJces you feel like going to bed for awhile.~ One thing Ls certain. 1£ Bob Hope could have summoned the energy to go to Iraq, he would be there today. He might not have approved or the war. but It there were Gia far from home l.n sorelleed of the therapy Hope otfe~ be wu on call. Only the p~ytngof~ptforBobHope coUJd fuM Changed lt\at pattern. • JOllPH N. IRU le 1 '911dent of S.nte Ana Heights. Hl1 column eppeers Thur'ld9yl. Daily Piiot . ' THURSDAY, JULY 31 NOON •Orange County Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Building • Orange County Woodworkers Assn. (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Building • Calif. China Painters Art Assn. (until 11 p.m .) -Home & Hobbies Building •Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • "Discover the Fair" Button Program (uptil 8 P·O:·) -Youth Building • Sod< Hop -Kids Stage • Junior Oairy Cattle Judging - Livestock Arena •Senior Record Holders (12:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage lP.M. • Grapefruit Bowling Contest - Heritage Stage • Maureen W. Puppet (until 6 p.m.) -Around the grounds • Huntington Beach Adult School Line Dancers -Sun Stage •China Painting -An Exotic McCaw -Home & Hobbies Stage •Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village •Miss Debbe Lynn -Vocalist - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Traveling Game Show ( 1 :30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m ) -Around the grounds • Russell Bros Circus ( 1 ·30 p m ) -Green Gate Area • Ceramics Demonstration ( 1.30 p.m l -Crafters Village • Milking Demonstration ( 1 30 p.m ) -Millennium Barn 2 P.M. • Red, Ripe & Rodcin' Tomato Toss Contest -Heritage Stage FEATS Continued from A 1 fumwd by tlw live rapidly wrnpping around and balanl mg atop each other. [!]~Dunn-Well t820 ~Ave Colla Mela CA 92627 .Mtl<ltS & . ~ ~~"":::::'" Robert Dunn ~ o.m.pw ~ Tet: 949.548.9373 """""'~ 714.544.3434 -·II Olnl-_, llr 0.. ,,. Put a few words to w.ork for you. Call the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS ------- • Tlusday, )iy 31, 2003 AS ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE .OF EVENTS • Eva Fry's "You Must Have A Dream" -Sun Stage • Drapers & Demons Fashion Show -.Home & Hobbies Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion ..... little Theater • Circus Fun Review Auditions (2:30 p.m .) -Kids Stage 3 P.M. • Spectrum Racquettes - Heritage Stage • Huntington Beach Adult School Line Dancers -Sun Stage • Miss Debbe Lynn -Vocalist - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs -· L1vestodl • Orange County Quilt Guild (3:30 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. •Al Di Mora -Vocalist - Heritage Stage • South Bay Kids Show Singers -Sun Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village •Whip It Up Whip Cream Pie Contest -Kids Stage • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m . unlll 9:30 p.m ) - Around the grounds • Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell (4:30 p.m .) -Home & Hobbies At one point. Stephanie V;mderhnff of Lake 1-or~l -.creamed at an act or hack-1>..'nding contonion. I hough Vanderhoff may have found part.'> of tJie act too extreme to bear, her fellow Lake l·ore:>1 re-.ident and friend Ally ,. BEST BET Stage • Russell Bros. Circus (4:30 p.m .) -Green Gate Area •Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m .) -Crafters Village SP.M. • South Bay Kids House Band - Sun Stage •Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • All-Alaskan Racmg Pigs - Livestodl • Celebrity Chef Series: Aaron Sanchez. Host of Food Networtc's ·Metting Pot• (5:30 p.m I - Heritage Stage • Circus Fun Review Auditions (5:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m .) -Millennium Barn Lozano said, "lhat ~ awesome. I lih>d it." KifaJu Kalama. John Jacob. Juma Ngala. Marumbi and Khamisi. all from Kenya, have been together for more than I 0 years. "What we do is something we .... 6P.M. • Egg Carying with Roger Menlove -Home & Hobbies St.age • Storyteller -You1h Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • Barnyard Fashion Parade Judging -Livestodl Arena • Red. Ripe & Karaokin' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage 7P.M. • Summer Concert Senes: Three Doors Down with special guest Our Lady Peace (7:30 p.m . Gates open 6 p.m.) -Pacific Amphitheatre • Ziggy Martey -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Hypnotist Marie Yuzuik -Sun Stage learned from the Chinese acrobats,· Jacob said. adding that many different acrobatic styies inspire them. "We were all in different schools doing P.E. Every one was the best from each school.· Jacob said. "lhis is something • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kids Karaok~ -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Hangin' Loose Contest -Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Russell Bros. Circus (7:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area • Pacific Coast Horns (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Parie • Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • Milking Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 8P.M. •Taming lngnd -Sun Stage • Rock. Rock Limbo Rodi Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little we do for fun, this isn't something we intended to do as our job.·· The group liv~ in Costa Mesa and perfonns al Disneyland. They have also performed on "The Best Damn Spon.s Show Period,· "TI1e Late Show with Theater Three Doors Down will play the 7:30 p.m. show today at the Pacific Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fatr's Summer Concert Series. The special guest will be Our Lady Peace. Gates open at 6 p.m. Meanwtule, Ziggy Marley will play the free shows at 7 and 9 p.m. today an the Cmzens Business Bank Arena. • Big Band 2000 (8:30 p.m .) - Heritage Stage • Oxen Team Presentation (8:30 p.m.) -Livestock Arena 9P.M. • Ziggy Martey -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Marie Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodl •Pacific Coast Homs 19·30 p m.J -Hentage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration 19 30 p.m .) -Crafters Village lOP.M. •Taming lngnd -Sun Stage •Big Band 2000 (10:30 pm) - Heritage Stage David Letterman· and with groups such as the I lar1em GlobeLrotters. Kalama, though. said, "We're happy here with the fair." • TOM fi<>ROUER 1s a Daily Pilot intern • INNOVATION VHA is p<oud lo honor Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterion, where the apirit al heohtl core lnnoYOtion Is oliw ond well. This outstanding hospital is the winner of two VHA Leodenhip Awards fOf 2003. The winning entries ore titled •Beef Utilization Mooogement r.om· ond ~ Mooogement. • VHA is o "'°'9gic olicmc» ol ~ eofMWnity-owned, ~ heollh core~· ond phyaiciona that co11obotat. 1o i"'f>'0"'9 America'• health. Each year, the VHA leodenhlp Awarda are giwn lo VHA member 0tplmtk>N that demoN91• h11IO¥'Cltion ond dedication in lhe delMry ol heatlh care. Hooe tto.pieaf'• award. ~ Ila continued COMm..,. lo ""PnMne it. ~ al an In o..o.c~. r I /, I I • \' \' ' .. \ M Thorsday, Jdy 31, 2003 Daily Piiot FORUM HOWlOGETP\&llHED -t...u.n; MaU to Editorial~ EdltorS.J. Cahn ttthe Deity Piiot. 330W. Bay St., Cotta MMI, CA 92827 • RHttr.Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 FM: Send to (949) 646-:4170 E-fMll:S.Od to daJlypllotfllllti~oom •All correapondenc:e must lndude full name, hometown end phone number (for verlflcatjon purposea). The Pilot ,....rv .. the right to edit all 1ubmlHlon1 for clartly and length. c EDITORIAL What drives this market · I t may be a familiar story, but it's one that still ls hot. The housing market in Newport-Mesa continues to bum brightly, fueled by a combination of low interest rates and the simple, irrefutable fact that people desperately want to live here. The beach and harbor are nearby. The schools are excellent. The social life can be a dream, with gourmet restaurants and private clubs to get the party started and keep it rolling. ln this environment, it's difficult to blame anyone for wanting a Newport-Mesa address. ln June, that desperation resulted in soaring home prices. According to the California Assn. of Realtors, the median home price in Newport Beach was up 29.9% compared to a year earlier, rising from $663,750 to $862,750. ln Costa Mesa, the median home price was $440,000, up 17.3% from $375,00 the year before. For those interested in how Newport-Mesa fares compared to the county, both cities are above the median county price of $405,000, which was a 15.7% increase from 2002. The signs of this market are hard to miss. Drive down Coast Highway near Crystal Cove and look inland. There is a whole hill of new homes. Tum off Victoria Street on the Westside of Costa Mesa and there are plenty of "For sale" signs. Jog along the Balboa Peninsula and eye-popping price tags hang from beachfront homes. All this makes it a terrific time to be either a homeowner or a Realtor, all of whom are reaping tangible rewards. And, by extension, it sets the stage for a strong local economy, where people have money to spend and have moved to a place where they can spend it. Does it seem like it has been this way forever? Does it seem like it will stay this way forever? This month, finally, there are signs of possible slowing. lnterest rates, which have helped propel home purchases and pricin~ are ticking up ever so slightly. The stock market remains flat. The economy is still waiting for its "Go" button to be pushed. But even in a less robust market, that simple, irrefutable fact will remain: People are going to want to live here. And they will pay for the privilege. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Restrictions on Job Center weren't meant as cure-all grown tremendously, yet we still have solicitation at our street comers. stores and yes, even some in the parks. It has dearly not solved the problem. It has only moved it As Mayor Gary Monahan said at the council meeting, I brought the issue of the Costa Mesa Job Center forward at a recent Oty Council meeting. My reason for doing this was simple. I wanted to reduce solicitation on city streets and at the same time Increase the Likelihood of Costa Mesa residents finding work. ALLAN people have Incentive right now to come to MANSOOR our city to use our job According to staff reports, 37% of the people using the job center come here from other cities. At the same time, 30% to 40% of the total people using the job center are turned away each day. In other words, there are plenty of Costa Mesa residents who are looking for work but are turned away each day. By eliminating use of the center by people from outside of the city, we would probably not have to tum away that 30% to -!()CJf, each day who probably end up on the streets. In other words. the job center would still be at full capacity. As for the Pilot's claim that "those from other cities would congregate in th08e streets and parks and, in tum, defeat the purpose of the job center.~ I lincerely disagree. For one, the job center started small and has center. It is unlikely !hey would come here just to stand on a street comer. And as I already stated, people already do solicit on our street comers. The solution for that Is enfon:ement of our no soliciting ordinance ill' terms of solicitors and employers. Our taxes pay for the job center, therefore It should benefit the people who live here. If people live and work here, they are more likely to spend their money here. 1f people come here to work and live elsewhere. that is where they wW spend their money. Will limiting use of the job center sotve all of the problems? No. ls limiting It a step in the right direction? Absolutely. • AU.AN MANSOOR 11 a Coata Meta city councilman. MAILBAG FrLE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Riders cruise an equestrian trail in eastern Santa Ana Heights, which was annexed ttlis monttl by Newport Beach. Thanks for the welcome, but don't horse around Thank you for your article on July 17, the "New neighbors" regarding the annexed part of Santa Ana Heights. You featured a photo of my daughter, Olivia, on her white pony with some other local kids riding behind her on the Cypress Street bridle trail. 11 is for lhe benefit of all lhe children from this neighborhood that r am writing this lener. The majority of the horses .!hat exist in our area are the beloved pets of young people. Urbanization has closed in around this Newport-Mesa neighborhood. 1bis puts our children and their pets in a constant contact wilh the elements of urbanization. These elements are considered "obstacles" in lhe horse's environment. Due to the horse's instinctive nature, totally acclimating the horse to these fearsome obstacles is often not possible. OK, so they're not the smartest animals. To give some insight to our hwnan neighbors and ease our interactions, it is wilh lhe utmost respect that I malce some requests wilh regard to safe trail and road etiquene when in the presence of a horsy neighbor. First. please understand that one horse on your car's windshield will ruin your whole month. You know how hard it is to get splanered bugs off lhe front of your car. Just add a thousand pounds of s9Ud horse to that, and well, y~et my drift. While it may look to you from your vehicle like that horse is calmJy wallcing along, that can change in lhe flick of a tail. You mJgh1 not see lhe growling loose dog bounding forward or hear lhe unobservant gardener with a leaf blower corning at the horse from lhe other side. Please, heads up, slow down, and give the horse a wide berth. Recognize that you are sharing the same path, for one moment. with another vehicle not made of steel but of flesh, and wilh another human that is not wrapped In a metal cage for protection. Next, remember that saying about "not wallcing behind a horse?" Please don't run. bike or push your baby stroller up right behind or at the head of a horse. This is seen as a personal threat to the horse and equestrians (horseman) see It to be downright dangerous (not to mention rude). ·Again, a wide berth is recommended, as kids riding on anything and horses are both unpredictable creatures. More so the kids In this case. Also, not all horses will love your dog. Dogs are meat eaters. Horses are meat, get It? Lastly, since 1985, a riding arena bas been in the specific plan for this area. The site Is designated, the design is complete, the monies are earmarked, and still we wait Born and raised here, the glrl on lhe white horse ln the photo will leave for college next year. Every year o{her life, "officials" gave her and her horse the promise of that riding arena being built. Other younger riders still have need for that arena. They need it now. It ls with this lener that I encourage lhe new powers that be to pick up lhe reins, mount up and spur this arena project 10 completion. The Back Bay Equestrian Group Is available to aid any way we can. Heclc. we'll even give you a blue ribbon and a silver cup if you can get ii done. Note: Don't panic -it's organic! Nothing new ever sprouted out of a road apple: it dries up and dissolves 100 fast. However, lhe equestrian group, in a community-funded effo'rt, has hired someone 10 pick up droppings along lhe trail. USA CLEMENT Santa Ana Heights Costa Mesa not in touch with quality of life I agree with Eric Bever and his artJcle regarding his interpretation of what we pretend regarding quality of llfe In Costa Mesa ("Quality of life the issue with Santa Ana ruver bridges," Tuesday). The term quality has been selectively used with our city planners. It is like making a planning conclusion first, then later getting lhe data to fit the conclusion. This type of pre-selective planning is quite evident through out the city and resembles the thinking process of the city staff and planning department. Quality of life as a term, I admit, is hard to define and measure. Is it the Increase in traffic? ls it the air we breathe? ls it the noise that we hear7 Or ls it what the city staff think must be good for the citizens? Most of the quality of life issues and findings as defined by lhe city staff folks are subjectively measured, and ii is up to lhe planner to decide the effects. Currently, all the planner has to do ls to mark one column versus another column in his finding report. This finding hardly requires factual data, and even if data ls required, they use assumption versus hard facts. Lets evaluate Harbor Boulevard, for example. Three years ago, the planners claimed there was no potential Increase In traffic due to the Target Center development, no c~ge whatsoever from the old Pedco. And for that, they did not add traffic impact dollar fees to the developer or reduce the slze of the development. Now thereafter, the project Is done, the city claimed otherwise and now the past claim bas been changed. Why? Because now they are asking for Measure M money to fix Harbor and Gisler Avenue and the added associated traffic. So the story goes: You have to follow the money, not the quality of life. It would be interesting to compare notes before and after regarding the Target Center. What did the city planners originally recommend, and what wu thelr data of a.ssumpdon7 The study should address the total LEITER TO THE EDITOR cumulative effect All pasl and present data is a matter of public records. Lei's compare the environmental report as was it was provided three years ago versus and against the true actual as It is now. It would be interesling to compare the assumptions thal were made versus actual as related to the quality of life issues. Then let lhe citizens at large be the judge. The final truth should come out. lronically. the quality of life issues is like having a fox In charge of the chicken. The fox is the money (sales tax revenue) and the chicken is the quality of life. The question is: do we get few million dollars in revenue versus few property tax dollars from residents. What are the choices? It appears tha1 the residents keep blaming our elected City Council members for the bad deed in the city. This was evident by the latest election and the change of the guards. What we need is to reail.ze the symptoms versus the real problem. We need to start to measure and hold the city slaff accountable as weU our elected City Council. We need to measure city staff performance for thelr recommendation and their actions. We need to compare pre-assumptions and recommendation to current actual. The Triangle Square development is a case In point. The city used public domain to acquire the property. What went wrong with thjs development? Mos I of the city staffers who were pan of the Triangle Square development, including our city manager, are still employed with 1he city. QuaJjty of life, what we wanl. We all want the best for us. including the best for our future generation and the best for our children. Look around you. Do you think that the city of Costa Mesa can become better place? I believe there Is a lot of room for improvements. We need to question our local government officials about their actions and review their performance. America Is the land of the free and the home of the brave. ALMOREW Costa Mesa A fine straightening of the record Thanks to our outstanding city manager, Homer Bludau, for setting the facts straight ln his July 19 "Community Commentary" concerning a recent letter from Greenlight spokesman Phil Arst on city budget Lssues. Arst and Greenllgbt seem like Don Quixote thrusting at Lmaginary issues with the motto: "Having lost sight of our objecdves, we re-doubled our efforts.· Too bad, but thanks to the Daily Pilot for helping folla know the real facts. AUN W. SI.COCK President, West Newport Beach Aun. Newport Beach Wheels keep spinning on skate park fature ~ I them to HWldnglon. IM1e or V.. 'Ibey mid me ID~ senne ol thek local lbtebc>Mt pmb ID Diiie. I c:vuld nocdocbe..ne. w.g •Ind .. oil the dime 00 die a.. pmt-.. rt lhcQd noc be an ......,. whole ...... long CMrdue. h It not a naw~ aracmta It ii I pmk .. a llw cancnet fllDPI, " ' Dail'i Pilot SOC I ETY Thul'Sdcly July 31, 2003 A7 THE CROWD A charity worth awarding points to T he Cure Parlcinson's Program has joined force with the World Team Tennis Newport Beach franchise known as rhe Breakers. Al a celebrity match starring John McEnroe held at che P..Uisades Tennis Oub in Newport Beach, a formal announcement of I his united fron1 was made public The program, a national charitable organiz.ation based in Newport Beach. was founded by • sportc; marketin~ guru Jlm Warsaw. who suffers from Parkinson's. and Hal Spielberg. a former execuuve wi1h Gillene and Levi 8. W. COOK Strau-;s. Spielberg. al\o of Newpon Beach, is heading fund-ra1s1ng effort' for the program. Bo th founders addre'i.'>ed rh e tenni" crowd, creating a bu7.z of exdternenr and support that was interrupted hy applause on muJriple occao;ion ... The o rganiwtion has taken on rhc enormous challenge of ra1o;111g an estimated $230 million ro '>Uppon pharmaceutical-and t l'll ha'>ed cure' for Parlcinson's dbea'>e. Warsaw and Spielherg plan to donate the funds to "bnng at le:N three drugs and ceU-ba\ecJ therapie~ through phase rwo clinical trial,," Spielberg said. MCPP knows the Breakef'> will help expose the Parkinson's 'tory to d target audience that will be a \1gnilica111 factor in meeting financial goah ," Spielbe rg said. "We are workmg on innovative promo1ions that will heighten awarene'>s of Parkin'>on\ lhdt will be seen by all attending Hrt•aker'> games throughout the year." Warsaw and Spielberg wme from internationaJ marketing background' They know rhe importance of gl'ttm~ the message aero'"· For Warsaw. it I'> a matter of urg1m cy. Since contracting Parkinson\ in 1993, he has devoted hunself 10 findmg a cure. Ever the opuml\t, Waro;a\\ 111'1't' the answer is juc,1 around tht• corner of the next fund-rruw r that ma}' prcmdt• dollars to fund a 'icienufic breakthrough. Spielberg ic; equaJly bullish, convinced that such a breakthrough wiU change rhe lives of more than 1.5 million Americans suffering from Parkinson's today. Palisades Tennis O ub owner IC.en Stuart was on hand lo support the event, along with a number of locaJ tennis players who had come to see McEnroe play and bid on auction items 10 start the Parkinson's fund-raising program. ••• Local Orange County Special Olympians were welcomed last month at Croke Park Stadium in Dublin, Ireland, fo r the Special Olympics World Games 2003. Newport's Peggy Goldwater Oay, an avid champion of SpeciaJ Olympics Orange County. proudly reported that our own StephanJe Hardy took home three gold medals in equestrian competirion. "following the Orcs...age competition, the Italian team gave Stephanie a standing ovaUon as she left the arena," said Richard Hardy, Stephanie's father. II was also reported that ~e ltaJian coach came up to Stephanie af1er the competition 10 congratuJate her with a k.is.s on both cheeks and to teU her how gracefuJ a rider she is. Born with a mentaJ disability called microcephaJy that limits her to a '>econd-grade reading level, Stephanie may have trouble comprehending concep ts, but has learned to ride a hor'>e with 1he sic.ill of a m<l!iter. Riding for 14 years. Stephanie has won many medal' wllh Spec1aJ Olympics. 1 lowever. the World Games were a unique opportuniry for Stephanie and other local SpeciaJ Olympians to display 1heir skills on the international arena. .. me games proVlded our lo cal athlete'> with a unique opportunity to experience personal accomplishment while interacting with md1viduaJ'i from other countne'>." said Pam Jones. rf•gional director of Special Olympics Orange County. SpeuaJ Olympics Orange County 'ei-es ahout I .200 children and adults. offering sports training and rnmpeti11on in 22 individual and learn sporls on a year-round bru.1s. for more information on SpeciaJ Olymp1co; Orange Cou nty, please call !714) 564-8374. • THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays. Jim Warsaw of Newport Beach 1oins tennis star John McEnroe to kick off the Cure Parkinson's Program fund-raising efforts in association with the Newport Beach Breakers tenrns team Hal Spielberg addresses the tenrns audience on behalf of the Cure Parkinson's Program. Stephanie Hardy. 32 takes home three gold medals rn equestrian competrt1on at the Spe cial Olympics World Garnes 2003 rn Dublin lrPland Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. 50-75°/o OFF "We've Raided the Best Closets in Orange County." Quality Consignment Appare l CE . ~the style~ 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M-F 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 949 642-1844 Beautiful Baby Bedding by House Inc. 1tnd BeU. Notte NOM MATF..RNrrY ~60 E ; '7•n S1•epr :-()sta Mesa CA 9262-:' : ,• ' .. I ,••,I ~~_.,.·\. ~·J,,.,, ::;_;..., ~._:~~ ~~cJ: 1\ 1vv .. oiuesprrnqshome com Multiple Choice. Orange Coast College offers you .•. Countless Possibilities! No matter what your goal is, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We offer more than 200 different transfer and career options. We'll get you to a university! -We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four- year universities. We'll prepare you for an exdttng careei! -Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, Mgh-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. CaU now for fall registration information. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. . To save valuablt resourct.s. Orongt Coast Colltgt hos not moiltld its dew schfdule this fall. You con pie* up a CX1llY m tht Admissions Offict. or accm tht foll Jdl«tult on1int at orangecoastcollege.com We'll help you get there. e 714-432-5072 Dine in, takeout call for pidcup Marlin's signature sp«iolt.ies "HOW GOOD IS MY NEW RESTAURANT? GREAT ENOUGH TO HAVE MY NAME !'' On)p by Yin Can for frtth Aliln cootdng .W. ttw penorwlZl'd saytt d btkMd TV d"4 Mlr1irl Yan. And ..., AMI In Mlf'I bill. a--. difts ~ ... ~.. ftll'ltnd .................. nt hlmlanJ. ~ ... ~-~ Ccmtlnotallill'*U .... COSTAMISA 1500 Adllllil .. HirtMw IMS. 714411-tttS M Tlvsday. July 31, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PU8USHED -L.enlra: Mell to Edltorlal Pege Editor $.J. Cahn et the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bey St.. C<>N M .... CA 92827 • RH Wt Hollne: Call (949) 6'2-6086 FM: Send to (949) 648-4170 E-malt:Send to c/111/ypilotlllatlma.com • AJI cofT'MpOndence must Ind~ full name, hometown and phone number (for verfftcMlon purposee). The Piiot reeervee the right to edit ell aubmlulon• for clarity end length. EDITORIAL What drives this market I t may be a familiar story, b ut it's one that still is hot. The h ousing marke t in Newport-Mesa con tinues to b urn brightJy, fueled by a comb ination of low interest rates and the simple. irrefutable fact that people desperately want to live here. The beach and harbor are nearby. The schools are excellent. The social life can be a dream, with gourmet restaurants and private clubs to get the party started and keep it rolling. In this environmen t, it's difficult to blame anyone for wanting a Newport-Mesa address. In June, that desperation resulted in soaring home prices. According to the California Assn. of Realtors, the median home price in Newport Beach was up 29.9% comp ared to a year earlier, rising from $663,750 to $862,750. In Costa Mesa, the m edian home price was $440,000, up 17.3% from $375,00 the year before. For those inte rested in how Newport-Mesa fares compared to the county, both cities are above the m edian county price of $405,000, which was a 15.7% increase from 2002. The signs of this market are hard to miss. Drive down Coast Highway n ear Crystal Cove and look inland. There is a whole hill of new homes. Tum off Victoria Street on the Westside of Costa Mesa and there are ple nty of "For sale" signs. Jog along the Balboa Peninsula and eye-popping price tags hang from beachfront homes. All this makes it a terrific time to be either a hom eowner or a Realtor, all of whom are reaping tangible rewards. And, by extension, it sets the stage for a strong local econ omy, where people have money to spend and have moved to a place where they can sp end it. Does it seem like it has been this way forever? Does it seem like it will stay this way forever? This month, finaHy, there are signs of possible s lowing. Interest rates, which h ave helped propel home purchases and p ricing. are ticking u p ever so slightly. The stock market remains Oat. The economy is still waiting for its "Go" button to be pushed. But even in a less robust market, that simple, irrefuta ble fact will re m ain: People are going to want to live h ere. And they will pay for the privilege. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Restrictions on Job Center w eren 't meant as cure-all grown tremendously, yet we still have solicitation at our street comers, stores and yes, even some in the parks. It has clearty not solved the problem. it has only moved it As Mayor Gary Monahan said at the council meeting. I brought the issue of the Costa Mesa Job Center forward at a recent City Council meeting. My reason for doing this was simple. I wanted to reduce solicitation on city streets and at the same time increase the likelihood of Costa Mesa residents finding work. ALLAN people have incentive right now to come to MANSOOR our city to use our job According to staff reports, 37% of the people using the job center come here from other cities. At the same time, 30% to 40% of the total people using the job center are turned away each day. In other words, there are plenty of Costa Mesa residents who are looking for work but are turned away each day. By elimJnating use of the center by people from outside of the city, we would probabty not have to tum away that 30% to ~ each day who probably end up on the streets. In other words, the Job center would still be at full capacity. As for the Pilot's claim that •those from other dtles would congregate in those streets and paib and. In tum, d efeat the purpose of the job center," I lincerely disagree. For one, the job center started small and has center. It is unlikely they would come here just to stand on a street comer. And as I already stated, people already do solicit on our street comers. The solution for that ts enforcement of our no soliciting ordinance in terms of solicitors and employers. Our taxes pay for the job center. therefore it should benefit the people who live here. If people live and work here, they are more likely to spend their money here. If people come here to work and live elsewhere, that is where they will spend their money. Will limiting use of the job center solve all of the problems? No. Is limiting It a step in the right direction? Absolutely. • AUAN MANSOOR 11 a Cotta Mna city councilman. MAILBAG FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Riders cruise an equestrian trail in eastern Santa Ana Heights. which was annexed this month by Newport Beach. Thanks for the welcome, but don't horse around Thank you for your article on July 17, the "New neighbors" regarding the annexed part of Santa Ana Heights. You featured a photo of my daughter. Olivia. on her white pony with some other local kids riding behind her on the Cypress Street bridle trail. It is for the benefit of all the children from this neighborhood tha t I am writing this letter. The majority of the horses that exist in our area are the beloved pets of young people. Urbanization has closed in around this Newport-Mesa neighborhood. This puts our children and their pets in a constant contact with the elements of wbanization. These elements are considered Mobstacles" in the horse's environment Due to the horse's instinctive nature, totally acclimating the horse to these fearsome obstacles is often not possible. W'so they're not the smartest animaJs. To give some Insight to our human neighbors and ease our Interactions, it is with the utmost respect that 1 make some requests with regard to safe trail and road etiquette when in the presence of a horsy neighbor. First, please understand that one horse on your car's windshield will ruin your whole month. You know how hard it is to get splattered bugs off the front of your car. Just add a thousand pounds of solid horse to that, and well. you get my drift. While it may look to you from your vehicle llice that horse is calmJy walking aJong. that can change in the flick of~ tail. You might not see the growling loose dog bounding forward or hear the unobservant gardener with a leaf blower corning at the horse from the other side. Please. heads up, slow down, and give the horse a wide berth. Recognize that you are sharing the same path, for one moment, with another vehicle not made of steel but of Oesh, and with another human that is not wrapped in a metal cage for protection. Next. remember that saying about "not walking behind a horse?" Please don't run, bilte or push your baby stroller up right behind or at the head of a horse. This is seen as a personaJ threat to the horse and equestrians (horseman} see it to be downright dangerous {not to mention rude). Again, a wide berth is recommended, as kids riding on anything and horses are both unpredictable creatures. More so the kids in this case. Also, not all horses will love your dog, Dogs are meat eaters. Horses are meat. get it? w tly. since 1985, a riding arena has been ln the specific plan for this area The site ls designated, the design ls complete, the monJes are eannarked, and still we wait Born and raised here, the girl on the whJte horse ln the photo will leave for college next year. Every year of her Uf e, "officials" gave her and her horse the promise of that riding arena being built. Other younger riders still have need for that arena. They need it now. It is with th.is letter that I encourage the new powers that be to piclc up the reins, mount up and spur this arena project to completion. The Back Bay Equestrian Group is available to aid any way we can. Heck. we'll even give you a blue ribbon and a silver cup if you can get it done. Note: Don't panic -it's organic! Nothing new ever sprouted out of a road apple; it dries up and dissolves too fast. However, the equestrian group, in a community· funded effort. has hired someone to pick up droppings aJong the trail. USA CLEMENT Santa Ana Heights Costa Mesa not in touch with quality of life I agree with Eric Bever and his article regarding his interpretation of what we pretend regarding quality of life In Costa Mesa (WQuality of life the Issue with Santa Ana River bridges," Tuesday). The term quality has been selectivety used with our city planners. It is like making a planning conclusion first. then later getting the data to fit the conclusion. This type of pre-selective planning is qulte evident through out the city and resembles the thinking process of the city staff and planning department. Quality of life as a term, I admit, is hard to define and measure. Is it the Increase in traffic? Is it the air we breathe? Is It the noise that we hear? Or is it what the city staff thlnlc must be good for the citizens? Most of the quality of life issues and findings as defined by the city staff folks are subjectively measured, and it is up to the planner to decide the effects. Currently, all the planner has to do is to mark one column versus another column ln hls finding report. This finding hardly requires factual data, and even if data Is required, they use assumption versus hard facts. Lets evaluate Harbor Boulevard, for example. Three years ago, the planners claimed thMe was no po ten tiaJ Increase in traffic due to the Target Center development, no change whatsoever from the old Fedco. And for that, they did not add traffic impact dollar fees to the developer or reduce the slz.e of the development Now thereafter, the project Is done, the city claimed otherwise and now the past claim has been changed. Why? Because now they are asking for Measure M money to fix Harbor and Gisler Avenue and the added associated traffic. So the story goes: You have to follow the money, not the quality of life. It would be interesting to compare notes before and after regarding the Target Center. What did the city planners originally recommend, and what wu their data of assumption? The study should addre58 the to tal LEITER TO THE EDITOR cumulative effect. All past and present data is a matter of public records. Let's compare the environmental report as was it was provided three years ago versus and against the true actual as it Is now. It would be lntert>sting to compare the assumptions that were made versus actuaJ as related 10 the quality of We issues. Then let the citizens at large be the judge. The ftnaJ truth should come o ut. IronicaJJy, the quality of life issues is like having a fox In charge of the chicken. The fox is the money (sales tax revenue) and the chicken Is the quality of life. The question is: do we get few million doUars in revenue versus few property tax dollars from residents. What are the choices? It appears that the residents keep blaming our elected City Council members for the bad deed in the city. This was evident by the latest election and the change of the guards. What we need is to reaJlze the symptoms versus the real problem. We need to start to measure and hold the city staff accountable as well our elected City Council. We need to measure city staff performance for their recommendation and their actions. We need to compare pre-assumptions and recommendation to current acruaJ. The Triangle Square development Is a case in point. The city used public domain to acquire the property. What went wrong with th.is development? Most of the city staffers who were part of the Triangle Square development, Including our city manager. are still employed with the city. Quality of life, what we want. We all want the best for us. including the best for our future generation and the best for our children. Loolc around you. Do you think that the city of Costa Mesa can become better place? I believe there is a lot of room for Improvements. We need to question our local government officials about their action s and review their performance. America Is the land of the free and the home of the brave. ALMOREW Costa Mesa A fine straightening of the record Thanks to our outstandin g city manager, Ho mer Bludau, for setting the facts straight in his July 19 "Community Commentary" concerning a recent letter from Greenlight spokesman Phil Arst o n city budget issues. Arst and Greenllght seem like Don Quixote thrusting at imaginary issues with the motto: "Having lost slght of our objectives. we re-doubled our efforts." Too bad, but thanb to the Daily Pilot for helping folks know the real facts. ALAN W. SI.COCK President. West Newport Beach Assn. Newport Beach Wheels keep spinning on skate park future them co Hundnglon. lrYtne Of Vlnl. 1b9y load me ID~ 1"1111 ~their k>ail .......... s-lb In Ollme.1 could not do Che~ wm ~ IDd .. olf lbe dime oa lhe Ible pmk ...... rt lhCJuld nGC be ID ..,...~ ... •Ions~ It llnaca...wpllhn•ic-~ lt ll .......... iaw,..... ·" Daily Pilot SOC I ETY Thursday, July 31, 2003 A7 THE CROWD A charity worth awarding points to T he Cure Parkinson's Program has joined forces with the World Team Tennis Newport Beach franchise known as the Breakers. At a celebrity match starring John McEnroe held at the Palisades Tennis Qub in Newport Beach, a formal announcement of this united front was m~de public The program, a national charilable organization based in Newport Beach, was founded by sports marketing guru Jlm Warsaw, who suffers from Parkinson's, and Hal Spielberg, a former executive with Gillette and Levi 8. W. COOK Strauss. Spielberg, aJso of Newport Beach, is heading fund-rajsing efforts for the program. Both founders addressed the tennis crowd, creating a buzz of excitement and support that was interrupted by applause on multiple occasions. The organizatfon has taken on the enormous challenge of raising an estimated $230 million to support pharmaceutical-and cell-based cures fo r Parkinson's disease. Warsaw and Spielberg plan 10 donate the funds 10 "bring al lea'>t three drugs and cell-based therapie-. through phase two clinical trials," Spielberg said. "CPP knows the Breakers will help expose the Park.inson's story to a target audfon ce that will be a significant factor in meeting financial goals," Spielberg said. "We are working on innovative promotions that will heighten awareness of Parkin!>on\ that will be seen by all atlending Breakers games throughout the year." Warsaw and Spielberg come from internationaJ marketing background-.. They know the importance of getting the message across. For Warsaw, ii is a malt er of urgency. Since contracting Parkinson's in 1993, he has devoted himself 10 finding a cure. Ever the oplimio;t, War'iaw ins1!>ts the answer is just around the corner of the next fund-raiser 1ha1 may provide dollars to fund a scientific b reakthrough. Spielberg is equally bullish. convinced that such a breakthrough will change the lives of more than 1.5 million Americans sufferln~ from Parkinson's today. Palisades Tennis Oub owner Ken Stuart was on hand to support the event, along with a number of local tennis players who had come to see McEnroe play and l>id on jluction items to start the Parlcinson's fund-raising program. ' ••• Local Orange County Special Olympians were welcomed last month at Croke Park Stadium in Dublin, Ireland, f9r the Special Olympics World Garnes 2003. Newport's Peggy Goldwater Oay, an avid champion of SpeciaJ Olympics Orange County, proudly reported that our own Stephanie Hardy took home three gold medals in equestrian competition. "Following the Dressage competition, the Italian team gave Stephanie a standing ovation as she left the areoa." said Richard Hardy, Stephanie's father. It was also reported that the Italian coach came up 10 Stephanie after the competition 10 congratulate her with a kiss on both cheeks and 10 tell her how graceful a rider she is. Born with a mental disability caJled microcephaly that limits her 10 a second-grade reading level, Stephanie may have trouble comprehending concepts, but has learned 10 ride a horse with the skill of a master. Riding for 14 years, Stephanie has won many medals with Special Olympics. However, the World Games were a unique opportunity for Stephanie and other local Special Olympians to display their skills on the in1ernationaJ arena. _ "The games provided our locaJ athletes with a unique opportunity to experience personaJ accomplishment while interacting with individuaJs from other countries," said Pam Jones. regional director of Special Olympics Orange County. Special Olympics Orange County '>erves about 1,200 children and adults, offering sports training and competition in 22 individual and team sports on a year-round basis. For more information on Special Olympics Orange County, please call (7 14) 564-8374. •THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays. Jim Warsaw of Newport Beach joins tennis star John McEnroe to kick off the Cure Parkinson's Program fund-raising efforts in association with the Newport Beach Breakers tennis team. Hal Spielberg addresses the tennis audience on behalf of the Cure Parkinson's Program. Stephanie Hardy. 32, takes home three gold medals in equestrian competition at the Special Olympics World Games 2003 in Dubhn. Ireland Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. r 50-75o/o OFF "We've Raided the Best Closets in Orange County." Quality Consignm ent Apparel CE _ ~the style~ 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M-F 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 949 642-1 844 Beautiful Baby Bedding by House Inc. and Bel/4 Notte BABY ll£GISTERY NOM MATF.RNrrY 369 E l 'th Streer ·:0sto Mesa CA 92627 :-.., • _;, • ' ' ,:. ' I 1 • 1 ' -;' ': #..~"'~ • ~.. 4.'"\ 4c,.... CJC 2J: 3632 ... ww bluesprinqshome com Multiple Choice. Orange Coast College offers you .•• Countless Possibilities! No matter what yo ur goal is, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We offer more than 200 different transfer.and career options. We'll get you to a university! -We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four- year universities. We'll prepa re you for an exdtf ng career! -Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firm s, hotels, hospitals and medical facilities around the country. CaU now for fall registration information. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. To save votuoblt resourw, Orange Coast CoUfgt hos not mailtd ;u doss schedult this full. You can pidc up a copy in tht Admissions Office, or access tht full sc:hedult onlint at: orangecoastcollege.com We'll help you get there. I) 11~·432-5072 DiM in, take out call for pidcup Drop by Vil\ CM\ for fmh Asilrl toc*ing wi1t1 ll'le penonaittd style of ~ TV d1lf . Mli1in ~ And tour Asil in fWIY ... Mortin~ signoturP specialties ChoOlt ... dlhes you io.t. lftdudin9 .. hln Ind .... ~ In~ and hMmon)I. ~.-..~ •• , •• ~ Conwln«ClllOW.out...,,. . '" ..,----,~~---------...... -~-= --~ -- Dally Pilot l :. Al Thursday, Jdf 31, 2003 ... LIFE & LEISU R E BEST BUYS Mark this weather. with tropical plants 427 E. 17TH STREET COSTA MESA, CA 949.646.1440 MON -f RJ 7 ;()() -6:00 SATURDAY 7:00-5:00 Closed Sunday No purchase necessary. Limit on e cookie per customer. Must present coupon Exp. 8/15/03 2950 GRACE LANE COSTA MESA, CA 714.424.0176 T!JE -SAT 9:00 -5:00 Closed Sunday & Mond~y Green S,.t.eml Nunery celebrates the tropical summer weather with a sale on beau tiful Hawaiian dendroblum ordllds and plumeria& A large selection of tropical plants is also discounted 20%. All plant.a in the nursery are treated wt~ a special blend of Ejax ~agneslum water and Peter's triple 20 fertilizers to give them an extra boost This special p~t-loving mixture is free. Also, bring in your own container for the mixture, Ot buy one here. A free orchid potting workabop is offered at 2 p.m. Saturday. Ask questions and learn potting techniques. The nursery is open from 9 am. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. 20362 Birch St., Newport Beach. (949} 756-1211. PREP FOR THE INFANTS 8ellln1 spedaliz.es in high-end children's designer furniture arid accessories. Exclusive collections of Italian-and Canadian-crafted furniture can be used for infants to teens. Changing tables convert to bookcases or dressers, and cribs-convert to toddler beds. Linens can be custom made, and special orders are available for high chairs and strollers. It's the ultimate in cribs, twin to full beds, bedding, chests, and darling furnishings. A rare 20% to 50% off sale runs through Sunday. Bellini is open from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from noon to 5 p.cn. Sunday. 1822 Newport Btvd., Costa Mesa Call (949) 631-2229 or visit www.bellini.com ADO MORE TO THE HOME RMera Collections just opened at Newport Hills AFtER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Me.sa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dallypilot.com. MUSIC PACIFIC AMPHf'THEATRE CONCERTS The Orange County Fair is presenting Its summer concert series at the Pacific Amphitheatre: today, Thursday, 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace; Friday, Jethro Tull; Saturday, Roxy Music and David Lindley and El Rayo-X; and Sunday, Boston. For concert information, call (714) 708-1870 or visit www.ocfsir.com. To order tickets, Shopping Center. It spectalizes in chic home accessories and gifts for men, women and children. D6corand home accents GREER · . · include 'lamps. Ital.Ian WYLDER Murano g1ass, _ cashmere throws, pillowst $1Ik plants, candles and picture frames. Select furniture comes from Palacek. Entertaining items include ba.rware, crystal by Hoya and specialty foods including Moonstruck chocolate, olive oil and pestos. Gifts include chic purses by Klk.i Pearl and Ouistiana. Bedhead pajamas, golf acceMOries, t1a.s4 books and desk accessories. Baby items include clothes, books, nursery decor and the soft baby blankets. Stationery. greeting, cards and gift wrap are also available. Riviera Collections is open from 10 a.m. lo 6 p.m . Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. ·to 4 p.cn. Saturday at San Miguel Drive and Ford Road in Newport Beach. Call (949) 640-4433. A GOOD TIME FOR STATIONERY Papyrus, an upscale stationery store, offers a wonderful mix of personalized invitations, band.made fine stationery, cards and beautiful gift wrap and trim. It offers the most attractive gift wrapping service in the mall. Unique gift items found here include wedding books, picture frames, photo albums. journals and special baby books. First-year journals and memory books come in artsy styles from call (714) 740-2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange County Fair is presenting many summer events and concerts at its Citizens Business Bank Arena: today, Zlggy Marley; Friday, Ozometli; Saturday, Bull riding, with a musical performance by BR5-49; and Sundsay, the Fiesta Del Charro:The Orange County Fair is on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAIR. LEON FlEISHER IN CONCERT The Orange County Performing Arts Center 2003-04 Concert Series will open with a special celebration -a 75th birthday celebration for the pianist and composer Leon Fleisher at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 11 in Founders Hall. Fleisher will be joined by violinists Cho-Liang Lin and Gil An American run business since 1953. Our family serving your family for 50 years .._._ ... FULL SERVICE C111ter T1p1 • S~wer1 • Cert•I• • St111 • 8r11lt1, W114 R1fi1l1~ ONE STOP SHOP Wldw Ctnri• •• CltHll Ct •t & u .,... • P1l1ti1 ·l•terier & Ext1rier Cot1ta .... lrvln• , ... , .... ,.,. , •. , ..... ,., , •••• 17tll . ''''' ...... . ltOl-FRI 9·S • •H·fRI t0·6 • IATlllAY 1~4 SATUHM & SUMtAYI lt-4 ClOIH llltAY 1n111111 IY Anoumem Marcel Schurman and from Molly West handbound books with. velvet, cotton and sttk fabric covers: The. biggest sales happen in July to August and after Christmas. Papyrus ls open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6~30 p.m . &mday on level · 'IWo of the Robinsons-May wing at South Coast Plaza Call (714) 545-1124 or visit · . wwW.papyrusonllns.com. ONEWORO:CHOCOlATE Family-owned Bodegl\ Clwcolates, Orange County's premier chocolatier, uses third-generation Spanish recipes. All chocolates are hand dipped, cut and wrapped -well known for their rich flavors and creamy textures. Bodega's Fudge 1h.tffle Bars (mentioned in Bon Appetit Magazine's January 2003 issue) and World's Greatest Chocolate Sauce have won awards. Wedding and party favors can be specially ordered with printed labels. A full coffee bar features its coffees and some fresh pastries are available. Its line of low-fat chocolate was endorsed by Shape Magazine. Products from its grocery line, Habana Chocolates. are available here, too. Kosher producrs only. Bodega Chocolates in on Level 1Wo of the Robinsons-May wing at South Coast Plaz.a. Call (714} 429-1057 or visit www.bodegachocolmes.net. WORTH THE TRIP Crane & Co., established in 1801, has supplied the currency paper for U.S. Treasury since 1879. The deal was cemented when Zena Crcille developed an innovative technique embedding Shaham, violist Paul Neubauer and cellists Ca rter Brey and Gary Hoffman. Tickets cost $76 and can be purchased at the center boJ< office or at www.ocpsc.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. NEW WORLD FLAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenco Festival will be two full weeks, from Tuesday through Aug. 17, offering performances, workshops and outreach activities. From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the best of flamenco music, dance and song. For more information, ticket prices and dates, call (949) 854-4646 or visit www.thebarclsy.org. 'fTAUAN FIREWORKS' The Pacific Symphony's Cart St. Clair will conduct a program of "Italian Firewori<s,• a concert filled with the romance and excitement of Italy featuring violinist Philip Quint and soprano Dominique Labelle. The concert is at 8 p.m. Aug. 9 at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets range from $75 to $375. Information: (714) 755-5799 or silk th.reads In its bank note paper. That made counterfeiting difficult: an authentic bill had one thread per dollar, visible when held up to the light CA printed security thread has replaced silk). All Crane papers are made of ·100% cotton fibers in Dalton, Mass. lt has the finest in personal and business correspondence.Collections include greeting cards, chlldren's cards, Christmas cards, entertainntent, wed~g and announcements. Engraved services available. Glft items available include beautiful frames, paperweights, pens, cardholders, books and journals. An after-Ouistmas card sale and anniversary sale in June. discontinued items reduced 50%. Crane & Co. is open from 1 O a m. to 9 p.m . Monday through Friday; from 10 a m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m . to 6:30 p.m . Sunday on Level One at South Coast Plaza. (714} 979-1828. www.crane.com KEEP THAT PfllOW FRESH ScandJa Down offers a cleaning and restoration service for pillows and down comforters. Restoration services include adding or removing down and replacing ticking. Prices vary depending on item. Scandia Down is open fro m I 0 a.m. to 9 p.rn. Monday through Friday; from 10 am. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6:30 p.m . Sunday on Level 1\.vo of South Coast Plaza's Crate and Barrel wing. (714) 549-9046. •BEST BUYS appears Thursdays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder '<•-yahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct •A Night at the Oscars " at 8 p.m. Aug. 23. It's an evening of legendary film classics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtrack live. The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets cost $75 to $375. For information, call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pscificsymphony.org. K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. lang will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept 6. Tickets cost $46 to $70. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpsc.org. CHRISISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Sept. 14. Tickets cost $46 to $82. See HOURS, Paa• A9 White Front Pharmacy )'. ,' • i I ,' t t \' l' L ·J F E & L E J S U R E NO PLACE LIKE HOME Things to do on lazy, hazy, crazy days T omorrow is the first day of August Summers are a whirlwind, at least in our house, but August is different. The thing I love most about AUgust ls that we have m ore unatructured time to hang out. The thing I like least abou t August is that we have more unstructured time to hang out. By the time we hit the last week. and the anticipation of school begins to b uild, the nalives in my house get restJess. I get restless. Years ago, l made a list for Annie tjtled "18 Fun Things to Do When You Don't Know Whal to Do." I presented the page - which I printed on cardstock. to ma.lee It seem more official - and she has kept it on her desk ever since. Four years is an impressive lifespan on a teenager's desk. So if you tire of the "we-don't·k.now-whac- to-dos" that Inevitably sneak HOURS Continued from N!, The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpac.org JAZZTRJO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newpon Beacti presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entenainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newpon Beadl. Hours.are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718--0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. #Wanted " musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newpon Beacti. Free. (949) 67!>-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ1. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mam ma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and M ondays. Diana Oi1ri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673·9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPGI perform classic rodt, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rodt, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Partc Drive, Newport Beacti. Free. (949) KAREN WIGHT into their vocabulary by the end of August. use this as ammunition: I. Ma.lee a picnic, ridt- your bike 10 the !!arbor Oepartment beach.and catch crabs. 2. Walk to the high school football !>ladium '<md run some \lairs. 3. Lall ~even people and have a poker party. Make coupons for lhc winner like cooking a special dinner. or burn mg a peri.onaJ C:D. 4. Plan a Monopoly m arathon. I lave fn en1.J<. bring their '>pinoff mor11Jpolie'> and have J game nif:ht. For tlinner, '>ervt-"Oriental" egg roll'i, "Marvin Card1~11 " mu.,hu and 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.tn. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8·30 p.m. to 12:30 am. Frtday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bead1 Free. (949) 642 3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m to midnight every Friday and Saturday Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa No cover dlarge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newpurt S-eaeh presents Jes.se on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for bruncti The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk. rock and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante. 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949} 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bndge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m Saturdays at Su non Place Horel's Trranon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'MAMAMlA' #M ama Mia';the smash hit ._..... I Summer Clearance : Up to 70°/o Off ---Sale Starts Now i-."!'..- 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 (comtr of Tustin & 17th • behind Jack·in-~Box) WPark Place" pizza. 5. Malce,someone's birthday a big deal. Bake a-ca.lc.e, male a card, and plan a lunch . 6. Work on a scrapbook. 7. Get a big p oster board and some candy to glue on and make a giant greeting (you 're a Lifesaver, or dorr't be a Butlerfingei at practice today) 8. Cleek out the fountctins at Fasbion Island and gel a . favorite snack.. 9. Plan a movir night complete with popcorn and candy. I 0. Get thC' girls together and get a pedicure. 11 . Buy a flat of flowers at the nursery and plan1 ~omc of the "cascaw:iy" pots that inevitably get stackt'd up in the side yard. 12. Bake coukici.. put some in cellophane bag~ and give them away a'i goodie bags -no reason needed. JJ. Plan a free·thmw conce'>t • musical based on the songs of ABBA, w ill be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center 's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. through Aug. 10. Tickets cost $44 to $68.50 and can be purdlased at the center's box office of online at www.ocpac.org. The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (71 4) 556-ARTS. 'THE SNOW QUEEN' South Coast Repertory 1s featuring #The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen Aug 23 and 24 with performances at 1 and 4 p m. both days 1n the Nictiolas Studio. Tickets are $5 South Coast Repertory rs at 655 Town Center Drive 1n Costa Mesa For tickets or mformat1on, call (714) 708-5555 'THE LAST NIGHT OF BALLYHOO' South Coast Repertory is featuring "The Last Night of Ballyhoo" Aug. 29 through Oct. 5. Tickets cost $19 to $55. It will be performed on the Segerstrom Stage. South Coast Repertory 1s at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. For tickets and information, call (714} 708-5555. DENNIS MIUER LIVE Comedian, author and five-ume Emmy Award winner Denis Miller will m ake his center debut in Segerstrom Hall al 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Tickets cost $36 to $66 The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. For information, call (714) 556·ARTS ART PETER MAX World-renowned artist Peter Max will m ake a personal appearance at the Wentworth Gallery in 24oz Drink with the pu.rcha8e of a l!landwich and chips at the neighborhood i.choul. Walk to lunch afterward. 14. Take a waJk around the Back Bay and visit the Narure Cen ter. 15. Ger some takeout and go to the Corona dt:I Mar lldc pooli.. 16. Go to !he dri\ing range at the public gulf rnurse antl hit some balls. 17. Choose a theme: llalian, • 1-'rencl:i, Japa.ne~e. and cook a dinner. 18. Gel your 1enni.., r<.icquet uul and go w thl' court., liy the park. The lbt may look .1 lil1lc girlie. bur rnn-,idcr tlw recipient. I th111(.. thal 111'>'1 item" can bt· tv.1·nk1·d for tlw guy'>. t\11d j{ll~\ ( JJI g1·t pcdil'url'' • KAREN WIGHT 1:, d NP.WJ.mn Beach resident H1·r v,t.,11111 runs Thursdays Newport Bcacn to showcase his "Colors of a Bener World" exh1hi1 from noon IQ 3 pm Auy 9. Max will be !>1gning and personal1Z1ng all wc1rks bought at the reception. M al(s Colors of a Bener World" collectt0n fealures more than 100 onqmal paintings. drawings and l1m1ted ed1t1on prints The artist rer:ep11on 1s at lhe Wentworth Gdllery in Fashion Island at 271 Newport Center Drive. For reservations, call (949) 376-9554 Ma.( will also sign his book "The Art of Peter Max" at Borders Books and M usic 1n South Coast Plaza from 10 a.m to noon Aug 9 The bookslore 1s at 3333 Bed r St in Costa Mesa ANDRE MIRIPOLSKY Bayside Gallery Restaurant. at 900 Bayside Drive in Newport Beadl. is otfenng a solo exh1bit1on showcasing the works of artist Andre M1ripolsky now through September lntormallon. (949) 851 -9181 DANC E PACIFICA CHOREOGRAPHIC PROJECT The Ballet Pacifi ca will present the Pac1fu~a Choreographic Proiect at 8 p.m . Saturday at the Irvine Barclay Theatre The p101ect is designed to support the development of new dance works T 1ckets are $25 and $60. The theater 1s at 4242 Campus Drive Tickets and information: (949) 854-4646. SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p m at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beadl by 1he Orange County Swing Dance Club All ages are welcome. and no partners are needed. lnformalloll' ocsw1ng.com, (909} 656·6119 :!.) l 1J I· a~l l1l11ff ltl'.1\. ,11 .. 1:.11'1' 11.l .1-tl1lulf\1ll 1~· ''"''" •) 1•>.h 10.0,,:~o 'Br t a H.f a s t , L un c fi & 1J nn t r !Locals Favorite! Smee 1995 Thursday, July 31 2003 At ~IOllS·Ulll\·Wl·OC C,hristn1os in Au#,ust! •• Tlw Pap~r House 20% off all (•hri.~hllat\ nrdJs. invitation~. wl'lppin( p•pt>r. ~'"··· for 3 da~~ onl.'· \u(m~t 1" 2no1 end 3"' t'S.o f'etf~ t od .. ., ........ ~ 1•11 t~ 1.4,.., lif~h-· ro~ """ ..... ~11! (~ \lit.tr 117 II' ",....I \nol"~ ""-' •tt Ml ... . ~PARTY CRUISE~ l TO CATALINA l WITH THIS AD AHO WITH NliCMIE Ml> llllT~'llOll Of A _,.. 100 YD&. Of CAlll'ET 0'1 200 n. Of WOOO Oii TILE 8'1' N4:I It, 2100a. TWO TICICtTI P£ll CUSTC*EJI, PIJI J.\MU. T1Cllf1'S lllll llOUHD TillP CSIUtSE TO UTWllA .l)c MUST K UKD 11' llCNIMIEll JO, iooa. LMTtD OIWITITY I Of TICQTS AVAIUBU. l'bll '"9 PllOlillOTlOlll TICUT'l JllllOYIO€D llY CllO'#ll NQFIC CIUSB. I 1c11 ~ma,1 1 :r11110101 ~ i' a !1It1;11:n1; ~a ~,,, t11 DENSE PLvsn CARPET Long -Plank Waoti floortng • lno\•ll•d ""'h l'MI $ 1 69 OU • TEAK• ROSEWOOD • \1m-mum f\O >•f"\J"' • Ml· rt. " Tramtint 18" r 18" -·· s4,29~ n. Ctra.mk Tilt _ Wt&J1.41,... 54,99 .... n Laminatt Wood t.u .. u-4 r .... 54.99 ... n, .\upplir• anti Tr><>ls {Qr t).,, "f.)o // l"our<rllrrs!" ,10 pria>lpmdurl.J for o limi/NI /1mv. l>u.~~d '"' 01·ailobili111. 1-"0...::::...i..:l-.U.lro.-:C...::s:.l~I..: -, . MESA _: EA1RJ'ET 1374 Logan Ave., Su ite F • COSTA MESA CA UC '820350 ( 888) MESA-777 · J!. Mon-Fri. 1 O to 5 . Sat 1 o to 3 i:.c'4 .. L------~------~-----------~ RETIRING SOON? If you ve been offered ea rly retire ment or you re retiring soon. d on t ma ke a ny fi na ncial decisio ns until you read this free book let "ritte n by a r ecognized expert on retirement pla nning ... "What You Ought To Know Before You Receive Yo ur Retiren1ent D istribution" Yo u II find out wha t distributio n or tax option is best for )'OU . so yo u won t get hit w ith p ayi ng excessive ta \eS & penalti es! For Your FREE Copy, Call (888) 264-0138 I ·I I AlO Thursday, Joly 31, 2003 1''vnily Choler Award WJnn,.r fot' Best Prl t'llk Elemntal) School! A brand new campus with 95 years of experience. •PC It MK Compater l,11bs ~blte-or-thWrt Library ~Lab •SmalJ Clul Sba •Prt'1tlt Swtmmlna Pool •srroq Curriculum •lndlmful Aaadtoa •A.Iler SdMMJI Propilms •f'kld Tripi •Fcntp l.utUll' •Pbyacal Eduatdoft •Mllllllc:. o.ce, Ans A Crafts L I FE & L E I SU R E Daily Pilot TRAVEL TALES -. Stately colonial architecture is everywhere in the historic district of San Jose del Cabo . Los Cabos goes all year round By Brian Day S ome 900 milel. down the arid Baja peninsula lies Los Cabos (the capes}, one of Mexico"s most popuJar vacation spots. Many people think. "Caba"~ just Caba San · Lucas, a jazzy late-night town cr-cmuned with partying college kids and luxury yachts, but the area is reaJJy made up of four separate and u111que destmations. Besid<!l> Caba San Lucas, there is San Jose del Cabo. a smaller coloniaJ village 19 miJes up the Sea of Cortes. Then there's the Corridor, a suip of beach connecting both towns. Finally, a few miles up the Pacific ~ide is Todos Sant~. an emerging an:ist's colony that feels like Carmel circa 1962. Lm. Cabos' aJlure lies in a st.ark. beautiful desert landscape twnbling into the flawless blue sea The big news is how this area has emerged as an all-season resort. Just a few yean. ago. many of the best restaurants and shops dosed during summers heat. but now, things hop aJJ year round, delighting locaJs and visitors alike. If you love the loose and lazy ambience of Mexico combined with every resort activity imaginable, Los Cabos i.'> an exotic, close-by escape from the mundane. Opened last year. a fast new tolJ road talces visitors dlrectJy from the airport (some 24 miles from San Lucas) into San Jose. Founded in 1730 and 6Ued with gorgeous coloniaJ buildings. "downtown" San Jose has a compact historic district shaded by taJI palms and casiJy explored on foot It's fuU of intriguing side streets and good shops. boutiques and restaurants such as the lh>picana. Morgan's, Oamiana and Mi Cocina. Out along the malecon (beach road), modem new developments feature more good shops and restaurants. such as Oelito Lindo and Las Jicamas at the Faro del Caba resort. Coming soon to San Jose is Los Cabos' proposed second marina, Puerto Los Cabos. The project includes a· surrounding community of homes, shops and rwo more golf courses. bringing the totaJ number of courses in the immediate area to I 2. Recently upgraded, the modem Corridor road has permanent new bridges (the old ones sometimes washed out during infrequent tropicaJ storms.) Palmilla, one high-end resort, is scheduJed to be renovated by a South African investor. Poolside at the Hacienda Hotel near the entrance to Cabo San Lucas' yacht harbor. Opened la.,t ye-M, the 175 room I hlton Beath & Golf ReM>rt offer. '>weeping hluc•-water vistas and loads of amC'nitie-.. There's excellent 1'norkelm~ at Bahia Otlleno. a wide prott'Cted bay ne>.t to thl' venerable Hotel Caho San ll.IC<l!. m e ocean here is caJm and clear. perfect for familie-.. with chiJdren. Another great Corridor beach is Bahia Santa Mana. but if neither of lhe'>c suit you. the area hru. do1.ens of others for swimming. snorkeling. surfing. fi shmg or fU.'>t plain la?ing around. (.abo San Lucru. 1-; bra.<>h. bu!.lling and colorful. This once-'>leepy fishing town has evolved, too, with new restaurants. Miops. hotels and clubs. The huge new Puerto Paraiso maJJ overlooking the yacht harbor h~ American-style eateries such as Ruth's Olris steakhouse and Johnny Rockets, upscale Italian at Amaronc, "nouvelle Mexican" at Cinemomo and a I laagen-Daal on the waterfront side. Nightlife puJses everywhere. For dinner. a sl}ow and dancing actually on the wat~r. a new catamaran showboat called Caba Rey offers entertainers from Argentina. You can "get hoisted" at the goofy Giggling Marlin on San Lucas' main drag. Sammy Hagar's landmark dub. Caho There's good shQPprng for silver. pottery, textiles and craft s m San Jose del Cabo. Wabo, keeps pack.in' 'em in with li ve rock. tequila ta~tingi. and frequent appear-.mces by the can't-dnve-55 man himself. San I.ucas rock...o; well mto the small hours of the morning, and there\ more to do and see than you could r><>'-'>ibly fi t intu any 24-hour day. Cliilling out after a night of serious induJgence is easy -JUSt drive an hour or so north to the tiny Par1fic-~ide ani'>to;' town of lodo., ~ntos. Many of the grand haciendas have been renovated as galleries, and the creat1ve c,cene keep-; growing. The ~t r~taurant in town i.'> Mill the Santa Fe. with 11!> overgrown, ~hady courtyard and perfectly preM'nted food. On your way out of town. stop by the I lot el California for a drink. This venerable landmark -was it. or was it not the Eagle's famou!> "I lotel California?" -has been bought and redone by Canadian investors. Los Cabos is a uniquely exciting. versatile beach vacation getaway. Its much closer than Hawaii, warm and dry almost year round and constantJy reinventing itself with new attractions for inquisitive and adventurous visitors. There·s lots to do and see or you can stmply unwind at a remote beach and enjoy the Mexican sunshine. • BRIAN DAY 1s a Corona def Mar resident. • TRAVEL TALES runs on Thursdays. Have you, or someone you know, gone on an interesting vacation? Tell us about your adventures in about 400 words, eccompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have the Daily Pilot In them, and send them to Travel Tales, 330 W. Bey St., Coste Mesa, CA 92627; e-mail coral.wilt10n@latimes.com; or fax to (9491 646-4170. m wouut cw to e:;rµrut tFU.s intlita&n to visit" our 1Jtsifiner Ou tut fuituring 7500 square fut of fiM farnJture for your entire limru or effta at 6tfow ~ prias. 'Ifu 'lJesifint,r Outlet is open to tlie pu6fic. '),("""'1y tlurnwfi Saftul(ay • from.10:00 ....... -4:0J p.m. I ' L I FE & LE I SURE ON VACATION Celebrity Chef Aaron Sanchez Tlusday, ).if 31 , 2003 All l 3 Doors Down MlC Our Lady Peace · ··· ..... * 7:30 Janet Ray of Corona del Mar v1s1ts her daughter, Sarah Ray, who Newport Beach residents Barbara and Bill Roberts bring the Daily ugust 1 -Ozomatli is running a hostel for backpackers m Granada, Spain. Pilot to the Shwedagon Pagoda in Rangoon. Myanmar. ugust 2 -Roxy Music' David LlDdley & El Raio ·X ugust 2 -Bullriding with concert by BR5-49 -=f~ MARLIN ===-= BAY .~=-RESORT Watson Lake on the border of the Yukon and British Columbia. Pictured from left are Paul and Audrey Esnard, Ray and Nancy Carpenter, Don and Sally Peck, and Dick and Suzie Vernon. Lew and Muriel Tracy, Jeff, Frank and Pat Hlrfka, Cheryl Pame and Trish Knapp, residents of Balboa Island and Newport Beach vacation at Marfin Bay Resort on Beqa Island, F111. WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHATS AROAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by e-mail to daifypilot@latJmes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orenge Coast C911ege is of'f9ring new credit and noncredit sailing claues this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length. and boats range from lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645·9412 or vi1lt occsailing.com. I Salling Fuc:lnatlon on.rs cla1M1 in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Onnge County etnployen can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to wortc with the on-board in1tructor on different sailing techniques while they get edvice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience MCMNry. On.-day daues cost from $100 to $125. (949) 646-9412. BOAT RENTALS wtet. MMna WI~ 81 the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautlcll exi>eriences from mlld to wlld. Take • Mff-guided tour of the bly In your choke of power end .. 11 wettretaft. jump the OCMl'I awelll in • s..doo Jetboet. put you apolt llhing .... to the -In. fulyeqi--a.on whller, or ac>er ~It al on• ....... tight elof'8 the N9wpott CIOelt. CompHment.ary Ice end ......... lnduded wltt\ .. , ~bolt,.,.. Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place ~·our home financing needs in the hunds of Pri\'ate l\1orlJ!tt~l' Honking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers li ve and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. 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Smarter. · I II I II I fl I I' " H •' ,• '• ~rom first-to-second-to-third-to-fourth-to-fiftli-to-sixth, with a new state-of-the-art, six-speed ZF electronic automatic transmission, your body won't feel the gears change. Your ears won't hear the gears ch~e. But your soul will certainly notice a change. To discover the silky wonders ... of the XJ8's six-speed ZF autd'nl~tic transmission, visit Penske Jaguar today. ~-----. , I QUOTE OF THE DAY 1 "M.y mom kicked mt oat ' of the house to learn to play golf." lteW Rhorer, Mesa Verde Country Club men's champion ·rr·, , ... EYEOPENER Daily~Jfu · Ale 3honorH TY HARPER I • _, lporb Edbr Richard INnn: (949) 574-4223 • Spot1s Fax; (9491650-0170 Thtxsdly. 1AJy 31, 2003 Bl I JONES CUP IV MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY P1LOT Mesa Verde Country Club men's champion Steve Rhorer hopes to stay out of the bunkers Friday when he tees it up with head golf professional Tom Sargent in Jones Cup Nat Mesa Verde. Tee time is 1 :30 p.m. Ready to rip it e t Mesa Verde men's champion Rhorer believes driving accuracy is key to winning Friday's Jones Cup. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot S teve Rhorer was just trying to win the Mesa Verde Cowllry Oub men's champion.ship last Augum. UttJe did he know he would break a streak. The 54-year-old Costa Mesa resident out-dueled the rest of the Mesa Verde field by shooting 70-72-74-216 to unseat Pete Daley (74-74-75-223), who had won four consecutive club championships. Daley teamed with Tom ~t. Mesa Verde's head professional to claim the inaugural Jones Cup in 2000. Rhorer will parmer with Sargent for Jones Cup Iv. scheduled for I :.30 p.m. Friday at Mesa Verde. -we are good friends who enjoy competing against each other," Rhorer said. referring to Daley. "I was gunning to win (the club championship) and felt great about it There were many fine players.· Rhorer had won a dub championship at Vtrginia Country Oub in Long Beach, where he was a member prior to moving to Mesa JUNIOR TENNIS Verde three years ago. He said ~ game was bener at Lhe same time last year. ·1 played very well in the club championship last year and fared bener in tournaments." Rhorer said. This year Rhorer missed qualifying for the Southern c.alifomia Golf Association Mid-Amateur Championship. held at Mesa ~ in August. by one shot and failed to gain entry into the California Amatew Champtonshi.p by three sooka He averaged 78 O\ler three rounds m last year's Southern California Mid-Amateur, held at Big Canyon Country Oub. "I was happy with that. (because! Big Canyon is a difficult golf course.· Rhorer said Beginning when pe was I 0, Rhorer took to the Recreation Pan Golf Course near tm boyhood home SM READY. Paee 82 .JI' Familiar faces looking to · repeat Locals Reitz: Dunlap, Braverman and Gaytan-Leach look to build upon success. COSTA MESA -Early-morning rain delayed the Cotta Mesa Summer Jun· lor Oulic Wednesday, but when thinp finally did get underway, It WU the dtle hopes of many Newppn- Mesa players that were wuhed ouL With two days remalning tn the tournament at Co1ta Mesa Ten.nit Center, just nine p&.yen from the ' NewpOrt·Maa area a.re •till In con· tentiod for 1 •lftllea tllle. Nine others were tkm.lnated Wednetday. :-=. choee remalnlns. there a.re a few~ faCM for tboee that f080w lanlor Mn• After lhoal· ._... a... week at the War ~Shore at dle Balboa ..., Oub a.ab. Spetar Allll. Yuwa ........ ......... Md Oma ~-a.da "" II ............. IUCC-... week.. Reitz, a sophomore-to-be at Coro n a del Mar High, reach ed his se cond consecutive boys 18s singles title match and will be gunning for hls sec- ond championship In a row today. He knocked off top·lffded Whitney Reed, 6·2, 6 ·3, Wednesday and wlU face John CurtJus of Rancho Palos Verdes at 3 p.m . today for the cbampi· onahip. ln aeven matches O'NI' the a..t two weeb. Reitz bu yet to drop a ttt. Dunlap. who will be 1 tenlor at Newpon Harbor fftah In the ran. reached the champlonthlp ma1cb of the girls 18s llogtet Jut week. On Wednesday, 1he advanced to the eemlftnal• 9f tbe Cotta .._. town•· ment with a three·Mt 9'aory O¥er Newpon Beach\ Diana~ 7-5, 14',M . Awaldng Dunlap In tile Mmlllnal• II t.,,.....sec1 Mlpn Doh4rilJ fl LOI M · ...... OailalaJ.a.o .......... -toad._e........,1'911 ''r.91 ........ 1or.,... .... Braverman, a 13-year-old who won the girls 16s singles last week. was off Wednesday. but will need two vic- tories today to advance to Friday's champlonshlp. She faces fourth· seeded Melda Tsong, who has lost Just two games in her first two matches. at Noon today. Braverman, seeded sixth and set to enter Corona del Mar ln the fall, ba lost just three pmea in her Ont two matches. · A1lo 1tll1 alive in the girlt 161 back· et la Newport Beach's JW Dulion. tbe second teed. She will f.ce ftftb. aeeded Kendra Ivey ln the qU&Jter. ftnaJ1 at Noon today. C..ytan-Leach, 1 ftnaliat lllt week. breued throuab the third ~ ta tJw prhl 121 •lnalea w.daelda}l SM dere.ted Ntc:ole n.L 6-0. 6.:1. Nal .. ror GllJtaD·IMdl. lbe Mb -... • top 111.-. Tldea·»q NPfA el tons~ •t 1 a.m. 1oct.y. On .... odleT lldi of ......... .. NeWpon ....,.. Miff-...... lb GOLF Full steam ahead for better-ball Pro-am Jones Cup IV tees off Friday with all four amateurs making their first a ppeara nces. I IL!. partner. Boyd Marun. the s1x-ume club champion at Santa Ana, has played Mesa Verde "many times," givin8 San ta Ana the famillarlty factor edge B ecause it's only faJr, a week after handicapping the fo ur ladies who danJingly displayed l>Ome dynamic golf in last Friday\ BRYCE ALDERTON Don't count out the host duo of Sargent and Rhorer. lney are mo'>t fam1har with MeSd Verde ru. 111.s "now." which 8feen'> are "low and whJch are fa .. t how long tht' rough I'> and where Ult' bail-our place'> Jre. seventh annuaJ Tea Cup aa ... sic, I will now give a prediction on who will claim the trophy in Jonel> Cup IV. '>lated for I :30 p.m . Friday at Me<t<J Verde Country Oub. ·1ne most intriguing ru.pert l!bou1 thi~ yeafs Jones Cup i'> the novelr~· of the tournament for aU four amateur., from the four private dub' 111 Newport·M~ community · Big Canyon C..Ou ntry CJub\ Will ·npton. Steve Rhorer (Me~ Verdel. Royd Maron (Santa Ana Country Oub1 and Bruce Bearer <Newport Bt-ach Gountry Oub) will aU !el' off for Lhe first Lime in the Jonel> Cup, a better baU of partneN format where the aforem entioned amateur<, wiU team with a golf prof~1onal from their respective club. A quartet of amateur<; malcmg their initial tournament appearance hasn't occurred since the initial Jone!-. Cup in 2000. Three of rhe four profe~ionaJs have logged Jone~ Cup rounds. Bob Lovejoy. Big Canyon·~ Director of Golf. has won the last two Jone~ Cups With two different partners (Danny Lane and Bob Maggard), while Tom Sargent (head pro from Me~ Verdel made birdie after a flop ~hot on the l 8tJ1 hole at Newport Beach Country Oub, securing th1: Vlctory with amateur Pete Daley in the inaugural tournament. Newpon Beach head pro Paul Hahn has played in all three so far and will compete with Bearer on Friday. The only newcomer to the Jones Cup will be Santa Ana head pro Geoff Cochrane. but he may be the be'>t bet. Cochrane has spent his share of hours walk.mg the fcurways of Mesa Verde, wh ere he began as a bag attendant in 1993 and learned under the tutelage of Sargen t. who began his stint there in 1995. Cochrane began as an assistant pro at Santa Ana in December 200 I before being promoted to head pro earlier this year. When Cochrane wasn"t worlong, he was playing, Sargent said. I know the allure of working at a golf course. While a bag and cart attendant at Mission Viejo Country Oub in high school. I would regularly be at Lhe · course on my off days. getung in a'> many holes as I could from the lime I teed off -usuaUy around 3 p.m. -to whenever the sun went down.• Golf became an addiction becau!>e I was around the game so much. Even though Cochrane might work at a dilferen t course. he could probabty suU recall which way the wind blo~ on No. 7, how the green at 12 breaks. where a drive needs to be placed on 17. "Santa Ana is the team to beat." Sargent said. "Geoff is the be t player among the golf professionals and is one of the best players in the metro ch apter of the Southern Calllomia PGA. • "We know each other\ ).:amt" weU. ·· Sargent !>did. . Hut as la<,t week's lea (up (Ja'>~ic '>howed, player. mu" expect Lhe unintended Last week the ladie'> were caught off guard by the relative .. ,low·· greens. which made putung .t LClll'ttanr adjusunent. Abo, never undcre<,t1mdtt· .i '>lrt•.U. which Big Canyon • ., on Am.ireur Wall Tipton will team wHh Lme10\ in an anempt to claJm the dub\ rh1rd · con!.eeuuve Jont"t < up lit le I .ow10} ha' been in the">e '>lluatwn'> before ctnd ha'> played Me"><I \'t·rde nwm·ruu'> umes I le waJked rhe wurse l~t week dunng the Tea Cup. getung a '>nealc pedk at courw cond111on'> Hahn mu<.t be gert1ng hungry for t1 Jones Cup l rown. l'ntt-rtng hi'> fourth tournament. I ft'> partner. Rrmt- Bearer, make., h1~ rn111al Jone., Cup appearance <,rncc dub champion JeH Bloom is vacat1on1ng with fa1111ly 1n Hawaii Bearer I'> no stranger to Me'>a Verde. I le played with lea< .up part1c1pa01 Debbie Albright and I lahn in a practice round at the hCJ'tt l·our'tt lal>l week. All ..aid, look for Cothrane and Marun tu be dueling w11h I .oveioy and Tipton 35 the back nine unfo)d'> rriday with the Santa Ana contmgent bringing back a Jone., Cup trophy for the 6nit time Again. I sires.,, tht'> I'> only a predicuon (,ood luck w everyone ... Akem1 Khatat; the Me-.a Verde women's club champion who fim!>hed second by two '>hots to Manannt' Towersey at la'ol week\ Tea Cup Classic offered a suggec;uon after completmg her round. "Could the tournament be held m the monung?" Khaiat 1>Clld "\.\e could play, have the ceremony and eat lunch." The greens would roU truer than they would in the afternoon. when foot traffic causes bumps here and there, 11 wouJd be cooler and the wfnd most Ukety wouldn"t be a factor. What fun 1s that? Then agam, I am not the one playmg ... Gary Newman has !)e.en appomted Director of Golf at Pebcan l ltll Golf Oub m Newport Coast Newman. the club"s head golf professional 'iince 2000, ha." been an employee there for five years. and will report to Hansjoerg Mai..ssen, general manager at both Pelican Hill and Oak Creek Golf Oub in lrvine. He will oversee all Pelican Hill golf operations, induding maintenance of the two courses. group tournaments. golf shop operations. the Pelican Hill Golf Academy and outdoor services. \ a Thursday, J4Xf 3t . 2003 SPORTS 2003· 31st Annual COSTA MESA CIR CHAMPIONSHIP (Will JORDAN ClASSIC) prtst1ted ~ City of Costa Mesa & Mesa Verde Partners (!::\ COSTA MESA' COUNTRY CLUB MESA LIN DA & LOS LAG OS COURSES Four Flights Available and a Senior Division lowest Index For Post 12 Months Will Be Used AUGUST 9TH & 1 OTH (SATURDAY & SUNDAY) $10,000 IN PRIZES* $500 MAXIMUM U.S.G.A. PRIZE FOR EACH FLIGHT WINNER. ENTRY -$175 llKlUDES TEE PttZL 6CEBI fIB FOl BOTH DAYS, WBEotJE Oii SUllOAY, PtlZf~ AllO AWAlDS. Entry form mMle at Costa Mesi c..try 0. (714) S40-7SOO EXT. 3«108 All U.S.G:A. IWIDIC»S ACCEl'TID. ND POST OORIES ACCEl'TID • ARD UMITTD TO ARST 320 PLAYERS._ Mesa Verde Country Club men's champion S ve Rhorer Will y the limelight playing in front of his home crowd Friday in Janes Cup Nat 1:30 p.m. in the better-ball of partners pr<ram with head pro Tom Sargent. MARK C. OUS~/DAll.Y PILOT READY Continued from B 1 in Long Beach. "My mom kicked me out of the house to learn to play golf: he said. "For 25 cents you could get a big bucket of balls and learn the grip and address position from a head pro. J started playing and practicing with friends. You make friendships in golf" In I 968 Rhorer competed in the NCAA golf championships as a member of UC Santa Barbaras golf team. He graduated from UCSB in 1971 and is now in the roofing distribution business. J le is married with three sons and takes the occasional lesson from Sargent "!Sargent! is a student of the game who understands the golf swing." Rhorer said. ''I'm looking forward to playing with him since we don't get a chance to play together very much." Accuracy off the tee and the ability to hit greens a.re two keys Rhorer said the winning team will need to perfonn often in order to win this year's Jones Cup. "IL is hard to run the ball through the kikuyu grass," Rhorer said of Mesa Verdes rough. "The more drives you can put in the f~y and the more ns u can t. the more opporruniries to make birdie. "Mesa Verde is a good driving golf course that has some difficult and easy holes. I think it helps playing on our home course." BRIEFLY Johnson signs with Vikings Former Newport Harbor, OCC punter inks three-year contract with Minnesota. F.ddie Johnson, the former Newport Harbor High and Orange <:Qast College standout. '1gne<} a ~year COQb'aet ~th the Minne&0ta Vildnp last Fri- day, his agent Ken Hanis_ sald. Johnson's.deal was just under $1 million for the three years and included a signing bonus of $75,820. Johnson, an All-Ameri- can punter out of Idaho State, bas been working with kickoffs. holding for field goals and punt- ing with the Vikings, who opened camp Friday and prac- ticed with the Kansas City Clliefs Wednesday. A local Minnesota newspaper reported that Johnson booted an 80-yard punt Saturday. Recendy, Johnson has been taken off kick- offs to concentrate his efforts on punting. Harris said. The VWngs will open their preseason at home against the Jaclcsonville Jaguars Aug. 9 at 5 TENNIS Continued from B 1 She defeated Hayley Miller, 0-6, 6-2. 6-l , to advance to the quarterfinals, where she wi ll face No. 2 seed OlUo Wing She r a t J 0 a.m. today. Other locals still vying for a championship include Corona de! Mar's Alexandria WaJters, Newport Beach's Fabian Mat- thews and Corona del Mar's Om eed G assemi. WaJte rs defeated Taylor French, 6-1, 6-1, to advance to the quarterfinals of the girls l4s division. She will play at ll a.m. today agains t No. 2 seed p.m, local time. Johnson was selected by the VI.kings ln the sixth tound of the 2003 NFL draft. He is the first punter the Vikings have drafted sinee 1978, when the team se- lected Mike Deutsch in the ninth found. • by Steve Virgen Cuillo, Yates win perpetuals at Lido Isle • SAJUNG: Ariana Carillo and Brooke Yates won the Gol- die Joseph and Mary Wagner· perpetuals at the All-Girl Re- gatta hosted by Lido Isle Yacht Qub on Saturday. Carillo, of the Long Beach Yacht Oub, took first in the Sa- bot Cl class series race to earn the Goldie Joseph perpetual, while Yates, of the Lido Isle Yacht Oub, won the Sabot A class series race to collect the Mary Wagner perpetual. ln the Senior A class race, Gale Nye of Newport Harbor Yacht Oub won. NHYCs Suzie Karjala won the Senior B class series race, while her teammate Deon MacDonald finished sec- ond. Samantha Smith. Matthews, a 13-year-old who wiU enter the eighth gra de this faJI. continued his strong run in the boys l6s singles, blank- ing Sean Winbaue r, 6-0, 6-0. Matthews, the No. 2 seed, will face No. 6 Ronald Olow at 11 :30 a.m . today. Ghassemi defeated his dou- bles partner, Olris Damion of Newport Beach, 6-3, 6-3, to ad - vance to the quarterfinals of the bo s J2s sin es. Ghassemi returns to the court at 9 a.m. today to face No. I seed Florante Sarmiento. He will then pa ir up with Damion in a boys 12s doubles semifinal. All do ubles action scheduled Hollie Sutherland, also from the NHYC.. won the Senior C class series· race, while NHYC girls Julie Bissell and ·Katy Scruggs took second and third, respectively. KUd Bailey of the Lido lsle Yach( O ub woo the Sa- bot C2 class series race, and Biz Buckingham o{ NHYC finished second. Udo Isle's laura Bailey llnd Brittany Bule won the CFJ class series race. UCI's.Oloe qualifies for U.S. Amateur •GOLF: UC Irvine sopho- more Jay Clloe (F.sperama HS) bas qualified for the U.S. Arna· teur Golf CllampJonship at Oakmont Country Oub in Oak- mont, Pa. Aug. 18-24. Clloe shot a 36-hole total of two-under par 142 (73-69) ~n the sectional qualifying tourna - ment at Red Hill Country O ub in Ra'ncbo Cucamonga on Mon - day. _.,,,.... Clloe will be among 3 12 play- ers from across the nation who will compete in the U.S. Ama- teur Otampionship. for Wednesday was postponed because of the three-hour morning d elay caused by tJ1e rain. It is scheduled to resume today. DEEP SEA Wednesday's counts Newport landing -6 boats, 152 anglers. 1 yellowtail. 4 • ~rcn-· ..... ---.~~.i-~~-11~ 792 sand bass, 2 halibut, 9 sculpin. 5 sheepshead. 17 whitefish, 5 sole, 10 black croaker. WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS • ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer $1495 Motorcratr Oil and Filter Change Up to five quarts of Motorcraft oil. Taxes and disposal fees ex.tra. See Dealership for details. Offer valid with coupon. Expires 8/31/03. $7995 Motorcraft9 Brake Service Motorcraft Preferred Value pads. front or rear. on most cars or light trucks . Excludes machining rotors or drums. Inspect and rotate four tires. Taxes extra. See_ D~alership for details. Offer valid with coupon. EXprres 8/31/03. THEODORE ROBINS FORD wm MEET or BEAT Your Best Deal on NAME BAANDTIAES Front End & Brake Inspection Check CV drive 8Jlle boots for tears s plits and c racks. Road test vehicle to check for clickin9 noises, shudder or vibration. Inspect brake friction material. caliper operation. rotors. drums. hoses and connections. ...... Taxes eKtra. See Dealershio fe>< dAtails Offer valid with coupon. Expires 8131/03 . legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal NoClces 2640 Legal Nollces 2MO Legal Notices 2MO Legal Notices 2MO cnYOf COSTAllSA OWGI (OOlfTY, WJORNIA MOOO IMTlfG ll>S NOTICL IS HEREBY GIVEN thal sealed pm posals for furnishing 311 labor. material~. eQUtp ment, tr ansportallon and such other fac1ht1es AS may be 1equ11ed for THE fUHAllLITATION OF AWY NO. I 10, CITY PROJECT NO. 03-I 8, will be received by the City of Cosl.t Me5a at the Office of the City Clerk. 77 fair Drive. Costa Me~. California, unlll the hour of 10:00 a.m., Manday, A.,..tt I I, 2003, al wluch time they will be opened pubhcly 3nd read .tloud 1n the Council Chambers. Seated proposals $hall be•r the htle of the work and name of the bidder but no other d1st1Agulsh1na marks Any btd received •fter the scheduled closina ltme for the receipt of bid$ shall be returned to bidder unopened. It sh•lf be ttlt sole tl$ponslblltty of the bidder to 11ee lh1t his bid Is received In proper hme. A set ot Bid Oocu· menh may be obt1lntd at the Offlc. of the City £ nalneer. 71 Fair Oflve, Costa Mn a, C1hf0fnt., upon "•nret .... 4•111• ~· •• 120.00 ... ..,,.._. ~ ......... ss .. oo will be m•de If .h•ndltd by m_.I. Bid Oocumenll •nd otl!M tontttct documtnt• may 1l1e1 be u1mlned 1t the Office of th• City Cllrll of the City of Cost. Mtu. 814 Documents wtn not be milled u....,_ tJi• eddltion•I $5.00 ch111t ts Included with p1yrn.nt h c.h bid lh~I be m .. on llMI PrOj)OHI '°'"'· thttlt. P I 1 thto111f1 P 91 pro vided In the i:onlltd dO<umtnlt, end th•ll b« eccomp1nled tly I Gtthfltd Of ~·1!•'1 .chtll:k or • .bid bond '°' not leu than IO'°' Of thit • 1mo11nt of tlltlf &Id, ""'* pay.Ole tAI the City of Costa Men No pr oposdl shall l)e 1.on \1de1ed unless accont pamPd by ~ut.h 1.ash1er·~ t.heck c.ash or bidder's bond No btd shall be 1. on sldered unless 1t ts made on a blank form fur noshed by lhe Coty of Costa Mesa and 1s made m a ccordance with the provisions of the Pro posal requir~menh Each bidder must have a Class 'A' General E.ngmeermg hcense and also be prequahfted n requ11ed by law. A Con tr aclo• us me a er aft or clnsiflcat1on not show n on t he General Prevalhn& Wage Determ1naltons may be required to pay the wage rate of th•t craft or tluslflcatlon-most closely ret1ted to it 1s shown In the General Dete rmln1t1ons effective •t the time of the Cell for bids.. The Contr•ctor shell comply wtlh the provi· sion1 of Section 1770 to 1780, lnc1u5ive , of the California Labor Code; the prev11hna rate and sule of waees estab· lithed by the City of Coste Me11. which ere on file with the City Cltfk of the City Of Costa Mesa; and 1h1n forfeit pentltles pre· s cribed therein for non<:ompllanct of uld Code. The City Council of the City of· Cos It Mtu reserves th• rlfht to reject "'1 or ell bids. JUUi JOlOI( hMfy(lty(~ Cltj "'(Mitt MM• Publl•htd Newpor t Such Costa Miu DAiiy Pilot July 31. Au1ust 7. 2003 l~ RIHAllLITATION OF CITYWIDE STRUTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 03- 17, will b~ received by the City ot Co~ta Mesa at th~ Offtee ol the City Clerk. 77 Fair D11ve. Costa Men, Caltforn•a until the hour of I 0:00 a.m., Manday, Au9u1t I 1, 2003, at which time they will be opeMd publicly and read aloud m the Council Chambers Sealed proposals sh~ll bear the lltle of the work and name of lhe bidder but no olhe1 disltn&ulshin& marks Any bid 1ece1ved alter the scheduled closing ltrne for the r ece1pl of bids shall be returned to bidder unopened It shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder to see th1t his bid Is received In proper lime. A Ht ol Bid Oocu- menb m1y be obtt iMd at the Offlc:a of the City Enalneet, n r air Drive. Cost• Meu. Callfornl1, upon "•11ref1111llellle ,.,_t ef $20.00. AA ........... ~ .. SS.00 will be m•de If handled by 111•11. Bid Documents end other contrect docvrnents rMy ebo be tHmintcl 1l the Ollie. of the City Clerfl of lh• City of Cost• Min . Bid Documents wlll not b9 ftlt1'-d unless the 1ddltlon1I $5.00 ch11111 Is Included with PIJlllllnl. tact\ bid slutll be ma~ on the Proposal form, allffU P· 1• ttwouati P· 91 jlrovldtd In tll• contreet documtntJ, tnd tfl1fl be 1ccompanltd tty a clftlfted or cttlller't check °' 1 b1d bond fOf not Ifft th11'1 JOS of tlle •mount of ttMlr !Md, mHI P•ytbfe to the CitJ of Coate Miu. No an Of propou1 ~ .. c.ott <0$1lllSA lidertd uMns ICCOftl ptllltd by MICfl casflitt'a -.rTr chtdt, utll, or ~·1 UllJE& ~d. Wc1 .. tit c.11· ....... aldered u~ It .. -- NOTICE II !IFRF8Y °" • llltftll f0trn hlr· C:MN lt!•t ...... PfO n!IW by the City of powts '* -.~ .. , .eow MeM 11141 i. _.. ,..,, ......... ..._, 111 1ecordlnce Wiit! tM ..-\. ~ -Pf0Wit60ftl of tlM "' .. S.U<h o"'9r f.c:tttti. .. l>OMI requtre!MfltS max M ,_, ... I• 1• ~h bldcltt must h•v• ........... _""_ ... _ .... ______ ..... _..,. ....... Ml_~ a r lass "A" General fn~meertng license and al\o be pr equahlted dS requ11ed by l1w A Con tr actor us1n& a craft or dau11il'al1on not s ho wn on lhe General Preva1hng Waee Oeler mmahons may be i.quued to pay the wage r•te of that craft or classlf1ca t1on most L111sely related to 11 as 'hown on the Gener al Oelerrnmat1ons effective al the trme of the Call for bids t he Contractor shall comply with the prov1 s1ons of Sect.on 1770 to 1780. inclusive. of the C1lllornia Labor Code, the prevadina ,rate and scale of wager. estab· hshe4 by the Coty of Coste Mesa, which are on Ille with the City Clerk of the City of Cost• Mesi; and shill forfeit pen11tles pre· •crlbed therein for noncoll\ph1nce of Hid Code. The City Council of the City of Costa Men reserves the ri&hl to reject any or tll bids. JUUIFOl<• DllllffY City Cler\. CttJJC11teM- Pub1ishtd Newport 8t1ch·Cosll Mu1 Deily Pilot lul1 31, Au1u1t 7, 2003 Th641 the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent's Will and <Od1clls, ti any, be admitted to probate The Will and any codicils are aotlable for eum1na lton m the fife kept by the court. THE PETITION requnts autho11t1 to admm1ster the estate under the Independent Admlnl5· tration of Estates Act. (This Authority wilt allow the personal represen· latlve to like many achons without obbm· lne court approval. Before lakme certain very important actions. however. the personal representalrve will be reciulred to arve notice to mterested persons unlns lhey have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The mdependent ad· m1n11t11tlon authority will be &ranted unless •n interested person file' an ob1ection to the petition and shows aood c1use why the court should not arant the 1uthorlty. A HEARING on the petition will be held on AUGUST V , 2003 at 1:45 p,m. In Dept. L73 located et 341 The City Drive South, Dr•l'I&•· CA 92868. IF YOU DBIECT to tha 1renlln1 of the petition, you 'hould ef)t)4llf •t the h .. rin1 · i nd •~e 1ovr objection' or Ille written objections with the COUtt before thl h••lna. YoUf •PP••unc.e mey bt rn peraon or by you r attorney. IF YPU ARE A CRtDI· TOR or OOl'ltl!l1111t crtd1tor of the .S.C.1Mcl, you must Illa your clWll with th• c;ourt and melt • copy to tM l*'IOll•I '""'""''ti" wolnttd by the COllft Wlthlfl f.,_ months from the d1t. of tlll first lttu•ll<• of lettefl II PfOVl4td Iii f'rOOtte Codi MClioll 9100. The ttrne '°' ftlltta dtifM will llOt u,W• lltfOft ,_ """'"" "Ofll tfle Mlf Inc Ate tt0tlctd •IHWe YOO •Y UAMllll tM fill lltpt 11, tflt tewt " po!! Ill I pen!!!' lfl • , terested m the estate. you may ftle with the court a Request for Special Nohce (form OE· J 1)4) of the !time of an inventory and appr;usal of estate a~sels or of 1ny petition or account as provided tn Probate Code section 1250 A Request for Spec11 I Nohce form 1s avttlable from the court clerk. Att-r. fw '•tft'-1 1-f-" '· tie Mcrye Ceuftty CeuftHI ..... Jere• lll•y. D•rty M 1 TIM C'ty Dr., ,,0 . ........ Or ..... ,CA92163 Published Ne wp ort Beach·Cost• Mesa l>a1ly Piiot July 24. 30. 31, 2003 ThW612 llOTICIOf PUUllAm NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN thet pursuant to Califotni1 Health and Safety Code, Section 5473.1. 1 public hea11na will be held on Auaust 14, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Room lA et the Civic Centet , Cost1 Men . C1lllorni•. et which time the Boerd of Directors of the Coste Mesa Senlttry Oisltict wlll h111 1nd determln• protests and objtctlont, •nd requ1$ls fOf I~• emption. if 1ny, h> thit proposed ch9rcet for liquid waste collection tor the 2003-04 fisc1t year n H t forth In 1 report filed with the Cleffl. of the District et the Oi1trlct Office, 77 flif Drive. Cost• Mt 11, C.!4fornta. NOTICE IS HEREBY fUflntU CIVlH thet Mid repcwt °" ftle In the Co1t1 Me11 S1111t11y Dlstrlcl Offlc•. 77 falir Drive, ma~ bl Hitmlfled wMdeyt ltttwetf' "" tiow• of 8;00 a.m. 111141 5:00 •• lft. COllAMISA u.TAllT .. ,..,, ........... a.ti ............ P11-ll•t1t• New,a tt letH:ll..CO.ta Mne OllltJ Plklt My .'U,•A.ptl 1. 2003 TW52 MOTICIOf PllU( ltWllG 108 Calle Del Pacifico. San Clemente. CA 92672 Thts buslnen 1s con NOTICE IS HE REBY ducted by· a &eneral GI\/£ N that pur suanl to partnership Cahlornia Health and Norman Dayle Ervin Jt. Satety Code. Section This statement wn ~73 I. a pubhc. he311n11 ltled w1lh the County will be held on Auaust Clerk of Oranee County 14. 2003 at 6.00 p.rn in on 07/08/03 Conference Room IA al 20036950736 lhe Civic Center. Costa Daily Pilot July 10, 17. Mtsa, Callfornl1. at 24. 31. 2003 1H!>85 which lime the Board of -A------- Oirectors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary D1strtct will hear and determine protests and objections and requests for e• emphon, 1f any, to the proposed char aes for tras h and aarba ae collection for the 2003· 04 fiscal year u sel for th in a repor I fifed with the Clerk of the District al the District Office, 77 F 1i1 Orive, Costa Mesa. Cahfornia NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN th1t sald report on file in the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Office . 77 F1ir Drive, m1y be n amlned weekdays . between the flours of 8:00 a.m. end 5:00 p.m. COSTAMISA SAMTMY DfSfttCT ,.. . .,,... Clerti ...... Dtmfct Published Newport 81ech·Cost1 Mts:1 O•ll)' Piiot July 31. Auaust 7, 2003 Th650 S......tl ftl , , .... .. ~ ...... ... The foltOwlnt l*'SOn hn eblnclontcf tilt UH of t111 Fictitious 81111· nH• Name: 1) T ·StrMt Surl b) l StrMt Surf S h o • C) T·S \r"l Surf.com d) T ·StrHt S..f C~ttr •) T·Strffl SUrfbowdt f) T ·StrHt SWfboll'da. l\Htrtl I More, tOI C:itte 0.1 Peclftco, Stn Cllmente, CAta72 The Flcllllout lutlllns lllfM ,_..,,tel to •bovt w11 flled In Or1_11 .. Covllt1_ ... I-If,~. rll.C NO. 200Mlll!2 Nof IMll 0.rtt Er will It ..•• C.• °" , .. , 11Co.1. Siii ClelMftte, CA 9812 W!l!!tm J. L••• It., The lollowlna persons are dome business as: a) T·Slreet Suri b) T· Street Suri Shop c) T- Street Suri com d) T • Street Suri Center e) T Street Surlboerds f) T Stteel Surfbo1tds , "" parel 6 More, 108 Calle Del P1crf1co. San Clem· ente. t.A 92672 · T -Street Inc. (CA). 108 C11te Del P1cifrco, San Clemente, CA 92627 This buslneu Is c:on· ducted by: 1n lndlvidu11 Hive you alerted doina busln'*s yet? Yu. 05/ 05/2000 T·Slrffl Inc .. Norman D. Ervin It., C.E.O./ President Thts stetement wu flied with the County Cttrtl of Or1na• county on 07/08/03 IOOM950720 Dally Pilot July 10. 17. 24, 31, 2003 Th581 ............ ... s...... Th• lollowln1 persons .,, doln1 bualneu 11: t) C1fll0tnlt Mofts•ll Acc:,1pi.nce Corpor1tlon b) C•lfnte c) Ctl!Nc Direct d) C111Mc lt11I htete, 485 M1cAl'thllf Court . Sult• 1100, Newport '8nc.ll, CA 92960 • C_!!_l1011111 "1ortc•&• AcW1J1•nc• Corporatlotl, (CA), .. M.W-ttlw C011rt, Suite 1100. ~Ott 9eec~. CA Tllill bvllnlll It COii,• dUcted &~: I COflllOfltiotl ... ,,. '"tarted ... ........ ,..,, .... 11 21. 200I C•llfonl• •rt1•1• Ac~eor.-Mloll, Cllrltt°"'9f Derlwt, vurrn't.., • ....... .. ..-.... ~ -.. ·~ Th11 statement was filed with the County Clerk of Or 1n2e County on 06/13/03 20036948050 Daily Pilot July 10, 17. 24.31.2003 Th586 S.......tf 4' 11 t'tfUsuf Re-. ....... The followme peuon has abandoned the use of the r 1ch1tous Busi ness Name: 0. Beetle Des•&ns. 240 Hanover Dr.. Costa Mn a. C" 92626 The f 1ch ttous Bu11ness n1me referred to above wu fried 1n 011n1e County on I l · 10-2000, FILE NO. 20006346365 Nirvana hhanair Alonso. 240 Hanover Dr .. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Mark Edward Alonso. 240 Hanover Or • Costa Men , CA 92626 This business ls con· ducted by: husband and wife Nlrv•n• Jehanalr Alon10 This statement was flied with the County Clerk ol Ouna• County on 07/11/03 200369512:(1 Dilly Pilot July 17. 24, 31, Au1. 7, 2003, 2003 Th59S ............ ... s...... The foliowln& peisons 111 · dolna buainns •t.: J.A. Kin& • Auocl•tes. 979 S1ndc11tl1 Or .. Coron• del Mer. CA 92625 Jerry A. Kln1. 979 Sendc11tte Of., Coron• dtl M1t, CA 92625 SMron J. Kl111. 979 S111*-tUt ~uCorone dtlM•.CA~ Joh11 l . Kina, 979 Stfldc11tle Of., Coron• dtl Mar, CA m25 Thh blniMI• It con- ducted bJ: '" uni-· porated naocl•tlo otMr than 1 pert_.,._ ...,,. ~ •terttd ... ......_ ret? v ... 011 01/1977 '-'rA.Kifts ·Tilll ........... WH ,,... wttfl "" Ceullt' Cletl of 0.111 .. c-ty MOl/JlMl,1 ... 20036950711 Daily Pilot July 10, 17. 24.31.2003 n,579 s......." Al , 11• "Utt" fktillM ....... The followma person has abandoned the use of the F1ctrtlous Busi ne$s Name. Seek-erz. 427 E. 17th St. • 133, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 l he F 1cl1llous Business n1rne referred to above was hied 1n Or a nae County on 7 25-02. FILE NO. 20026911375 Deborah Ann Wiison, 427 E. I 7th St 1133. Coste Mna. CA 92627 Melody Mauh Mclin. 10069 San Pablo. Fountain Valley, CA · 92708 This business is con· ducted by: a aeneral partnerU!lp Debor1h Ann Wiison. Melody Ma uh Mclin This statement w1s tiled with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 07/02/03 20016950216 01ily Pilot . Jul1 24, 31, Aua. 7, 14, 2003 Th617 ......... M I rdlf .. tl .............. The followl.n, '*''°n hu •btndo11ed the us. ol the Fictitious Busl· n111 Name: MIONICHT DOG LEASH co.. mo Monrovia Av•. A·lO. Costa Mesa, Calff«nle 92627 The r 1ct111ow Busineu n1me referred to lllloYI w•• fifed In 0r..-n.1• County on 09/2Z/W, FILE HO. f'4147tl !titre Bra id fftc .. (Cellfornla Cor11.) 1790 Monrovl• Avt, A•tO, Co.Ill Mu., Cltltwnle 92627 T1"1 bueND Is con• ducted tty: • wponttofl Ultra 8n hl, Inc., ' Marloll S Guvety. Jt •• ,., ....... .,... .... .--wflll ..... ...,. ... Ctl\lllty Clllrtl of Dr-. COCll!tY Oft01/nl03 ...... .... . DelJ ..... tlll; M! Sl Alll· 1, l4. lll03 TI.iii . ' I I Deily Piiot Liiii .... Th loNowlfl& jhtlabll~ M • doma busmeu o Cellme• Con1mumu11011 820 Centlf St 114, Costa Meu,CA92627 Espe1 anu Bahktr •me Codtn.1 l20 C111111 ~I I 14 Cust1 Meu CA '12627 I htS bu sine'~ is con dueled by an lnd1v1du~I H•ve YllU ~••tied do•na l>u\11'6\>. yell No fspe1 ~nL• H•ldett A110.1 '· fh., sl•lt!me111 wo hied with lh• tu11nlv t:l~1k of Ordnite C.ounly on 0/ /Ol!/O) 2003HSOl22 D•,tly Pilot July /4, ll. Au& /, 14, 2003 111616 .......... "-es....... lhe follOWll)i Pll\OllS "' doina bu,rnen dS I ono s Y •~ht M&tntr tt4nte, 811 S N Bay h ont. Newp111 I Be•<h C:AY26bl lhomu Cluyle Netwn 1111 ~ N B•vfrnnt Newp11rl Btdch I.A 9766? lhos bu'°ne" " <Un •lulled by All 111d1v1d1MI H.ve you \tdrtcd d•JotlJt llu,tne<\ rel' Nu lhonod\ lloyl<' Nd\ufl lht\ \hltnltOI Wd\ hied with lh• Cuunly I ltr~ vi Utilli~ Luunly un07/~ OJ 2003HS30U Daily Ptlol July Jl Aua I 1' ?I i'OOJ lllf>J/ ... ·~---------·-----·------------·------- I he 1011o ... 1na per 1>ons ~r • llu1111 busmen n Allcood Ai;pu1ul Ser vice' 1361 ll Camino Rut. •173. fusun CA 92180 Judith Ann SctlOf:ttler. 1361 [I CAnltnO Rnl. •17J, Tusho. CA 92780 lht'> busme\s 1s con ducted tit an 1nd1v1dual tlave you stalled ckllni bu\lne\s yell Nu Judith !>'huttflt• th1-. ~•atenu ul wa~ ltl«t.1 wolh the (.01111ly I lrt h nf 01 •"•2• luunly on 06/?b/OJ 20036949679 Daily P1lul luly JO. 17. 24. JI. ?003 lh572 ,.......--.s, ..... s....... I he lollow1n& per i.ons are doina bu,1nes'> u Mor 1t111 P R CPublLt Rtlalt-0n' & M•rkelin111 ?!>04 W Mac At lhur Blvd •B. S.tnl;a An• Caltfornt• 91704 Mutttnn NKuye11 ll'/'>1 I •''"<l&e 01 lake I Ill O\I C•ltloin1• 'J/fi lO lltl\ bu\tnU\ 1s 1 un du• ltd by •n ond1Y1dudl H••t you .,,,., l"d doing bu\tnt\s yet> Nu M11•1tan Ncuy~n lhl\ 'lalemtnl W<J\ lol~d with lh• I ounly Clerk ul 01 •"It" C.uunly uoo 06 I J Ol 20036941157 Daily P1tol July 10. 11 ?• 31 2001 'h'l87 fh• h1llo ... 1n1t pfr •un \ .,. do1n1 busineH n NAI• A Of 1n11• Count 1 11684 Manila Onvt Cypress, CA 90630 Oraoae County Ano c~hon of lnsu••oc• & Fm1nc11t Ad111~01s Inc AKA OCAIFA (CA). 11684 Mantia Duve, Cypi es\ CA 90630 Th1\ bu.\1ness '' cou duclet.1 by • Non 1110111 Otl! ll.u yuu \l4t ltd domy hu"""'' yet' Ye\ Ur4ng• Lnunty A•'>ll t 1•lmu of ln\Uf .,nte Anet J •n•ttttal Adv1~on, Inc Phyll" Brown E u cu lovti D111tclol lh1> statement was hl~d w1tb lhe ,County Clerk ot Oran&oe County on 0//29/03 200369SS072 Oaoty Pilot July 31. Au& 7 14 21. 2003 fh6JS ~MOOO M011CI Of SAU fht lulluw1n11 "~'"°"' .ore dotnl bul!nen ., •I S•• 81et1• M11ke1t1111 b) pqa Action Wllole~lt< DtSlrlbUllOll 1414 N B1tav11 Ofo1nge, Celt '°'"" 92867 Getbera Marke ltni G1oup (CA). 3Hb Aven•d• Obtt I u• • CHl•b•d C..1!1torn1• 92000 lh•• bu""'"'' '' 1 vn duded by .. lOll)VI .. t1o111 Httve: yuu ,,,., lt<d cl11111.: bu\1nn' y~tl y~, '1/01/1'1'.19 Geob~•lt MAr ke t111, GrOUI> Mi t ha~I ( Bentley, Vite Prc\tdoul llus s l•le111cnl "'" tried wtlh lht t;riun1v Clerk of Oraniie t:uu11ly on 01/14/03 200l69S 1 SH Od~Y P1lol July l I 14 3l. Aug 7. 2003 lhS'.IO RdtllM..,..;, "-eS...... lht lollo""'"I per•on• •I• dutnt llu\lne" .s P•'°fot ft •dolwon<h )991 M11 A1thu1 Hlvd • 150 N•wtJO• I 8e•c II CA 92166(1 3049 P•<tl tc Tl•d1w1nds, llC (CA) 1991 M•c Atlhur Qlvd llSO lhwpn rt Bu<h C..A 'Ji'660 l04'l Thi\ bll\IOI")'> ,. lUll 11t11 •• d t.v I 11111f ••d t 1•l11ltty I u tt.tv .. J+•U ... .,., lt·f1 d1m11t hu""' Vt'I t y._ lfl /f,, l'l'IH f'At 1f1t fft1deWlfld\ l I I Andr u N ~ltubtn C.lU Th" 'ldl•mvnl .,.d. fll~d w1llo In, Counly l le1k of 01 ante County ""0117!./03 20036952751 O•ily Pilot luly )I Au(( J 14, 21 200J lh641 ~ ..... .... s...... lloc lulluw1fl& P•" '>Un• are dt>llll bU\tnO\ 0 Huollneton S.Hh l>e11d Culle f n ltval JOI MA111 SI Ste ?08 tfun111111ton Buch CA 9Z648 !'I 171 Hunlinalo n Be•<ll Conle,.nce and V1~t0f~ Buruu (CA). JOI M•1n SI Ste 208 llunltnttton 6uch C.A 91648 !>I 71 f ht~ bu~1nr'~ •~ t. 1,n tluded by it Lor1>aultu11 UdYt'I you \ldr fed '1111Hi' IJU\1nt\' ynl' Nu ttunl1HJ(lu11 H"' tt tt f · onfet 11m '!! Jnc1 Vt\11 c.f K11rr.1u IJuuel•' f "•ub/PI .. s1d.,11I a. I.I ti Tiii• ~ldlClll<nt ... , !tied woth Ille l:utH1l1 c 1.,1k of Oun11e Cu1111ty on 0//22/03 2003695232$ O.foty Ptlol July 74 I I Aug 7. 14. Z003 lHbZ'.I fldttiM lwslms Rdlt6M ~s .... s.... "-*"-" llH! loltowtni IJ•• "'"' lhr loltowm1t per\on' lht loltowtn&: per\un• 41re dame bu'\111~'' '*' ..,_ dnmg bu._1n~..,\ ., Me d''"'t: bu\,11te\\ ·h Nolle" 1~ hereby 11iven Haven, Doo• I It.II l'•ottquP\t lrleLom t lt d) Arum. l•11•~" I» purw~nl lo selloo"' Pomona Av~nu• I ,,.111 4 l'I I 'l l!•~oolla Av• KITIMA •l Mod•'> /Oto JO/I 4nd 3072 ol the Me u lA 9767/ 1 urono U•I MM CA M"'" Strtel '>u•tt" lb~ C1v11 Code of the St•le He•ven , Sa\h & u .. 1,1 'J/61'> Ir vm~ CA 9/b 14 ol Caloforntd lhe und~r Inc (CAI lib() Po11111111 l!1t11JUe\I reltot<•m llC M d• a Moho I.. 1111 signed HARBOR lOW Avenu• to\l a M.-.. H'A/ 419 I 7 tt~1tuni,1 10elaw.ire) /OllJ M.,.,. ING .... 111 '>ell at publtc Cahlornod 9?bl/ "•• "'"''n" Uel M.u LA Street Suite II,'> lo •1111 auclton "' l0/2 C lhl\ bu""" ,. 11111 <1767'> r A 92614 CH(SlNUT SANlA ANA dull~d by ., 01111114111,n llt" 111,. 111•"· " .,111 lho\ bu·.1n~·.c '" 1 u11 CAI If 97701 .ii 9 00 •nt Have yuu "'"' lrd """'K ,,.,, 11 t.I by , 1111111.,d tluded IJy a u1111•11 •'""' on AUG I? 1003 the bu\tne\\ v• p y,., 1,q 01 1 ,.,1,.1111 r.0 llavt you "''"'lf'•l J1.1111 lollowrne d~'I 'tbPd 'lOO/ H ..... 1.,0 •••ltd dui1ti; bu•m,..,, y~t' Nu properly 10 wtl 199'> He4ven' 'id-.h & 0111>1 hu '"" 'ft'i> Nu M"'' Moho!~ '"' OODC( I t~lln\e • Inc Scoll Uunn l'te" c.,nquf'sl lelecem UC f're\tdenl M olh . .-1 5P39'.ll8, Stale C•hl denl Alti l/orobo~ll owMr Sche1m' 1/110 lht' sl~lemrnl W#'· lh•\ ,1.1 .. n1enl '""' Thr> \ldl•·m~nt w" 3B7Kr?JW1tSM140009 tiled .,.,lh lht' fvunly loled wtlh the Counly filed with 11,. ! u11nl f Said sale 1s f0< lhe Clerk of OrMik~ c 11111111 I Ink uf Or•ooge Cuuuty Clerk ol Or•rore l..n1..,1y NOTICE Of TAUS.. odl9t common ~ putpo!>e of satisfying hen on Ol/08/0j un 0711'> IJj on 01 '1710 l TEE'S SALE TS No.~ Nldon, " _,.,, ehown of the undt<rsoenNI 101 20036950 7H 20036 95 IS8S 20036952310 02021 Doc ID t.r.ln. Tiii totlll low1n2 and s lo• di• u,uly f'thil J1tly ICJ J / ll•tly Pilot holy ?4. II D.;lly Ptlol l•Jly l4 ll ~ ..... ... s....... lit• l111luw1111 ,.,,, \Un\ •r• dutnl butinni o C ••UI I' Anltque Sw votn 106/ :l•lvador l:O\I• MU• CA 92626 A.mold r Ctv "len•en 1061 Salod<.1 Co•t• Mn• CA 92626 P •lrn •• l Chtt,ltn' •n 106/ '.l•IVtdOr Co•I• Mes.1 CA 926;/t, fhl\ bU\IOt-\i\ I\. f f;fl •1111 l1•tl by hu'>ll•nd .md "''' •t.•v• you I u lt>J dout" hU\lftf'•.\ ,,.t I y,.\ Jlj/ i A11111l•J t Ltu1\t~u•.t•fl I tw. 'totfi"nll!ltl WA' lllcid wolh the l'<•Ullly C,l.,11\ ul 01 JllW• t.uu11t y Ull 0/ l'J OJ 20036953086 0 .. 11 l'olol July :H Aue I I' 71 ?()Oj lh63' flctltloM IMMs .... s ...... I 11~ lollow111e pre '"n" .th d•Jlll¥: bU'\Ul•"-' d~ ll MJl.•<J111 Me.,< .in kr\ldUt«nt f.u\ld Mt\d 111,!1 Nrwµurt Hlvd I ""'" M .... !.A 9?67/ t_..11 Hdt1 r tlod ~'=IWl(.f'+\ lno If A I I /68 N"'"'"" I fllvtl I et\ld M,.-.. l A 'I/ft// f ht• llU\Ht• \'\ I~ l llfl dUllt'll b"t .t t •1t&J•HOll~l ft.,., 1"" t 1tf4"'d l1tJH'lt tJU\lfl.,.\' yt-1 1 Yt-• I I /IMKI Ctitl 611)11 f UIHJ ~,.,'Ill t' lu1 M~·u 1•1 c.41t.udo ll 11 Htt' '.l•l~mrnl wa\ fit. c1 with tht f uonty 1 fer~ ol '"•nRe r •••onlv unOI II 01 200369S 1236 O•tly J'tlut July I/ l• If lluR I 100 I I ti~?/ I00014598542005N 81nOUnt of ltll llnP'lid lugelher with tosh ut 74 31 /OOI lh')8i Auw / l4 70QJ lhl,l4 Aul: 7 14 /IKH Tl1•.1111 THte Ord9r No. betenc:. with ln.,_t ddverli..tne and e• RditMMlllliieu an031351 lnves-thef90ll of the oblige-penses ohale fic1ltiws ~u flctitie9s lusiiess IOlhuret No. tton MCldd by ihe Dated lhl\ 2151 d.oy of Fiditious lusi!Hs Nne Slattllent 2500013999 APN No. ~ to be IOld luly 200~ "-eStat"""" ..... S""-'1 ..... S~ !111 f1,llu w1111: 11e1wn• 937·21-018 YOU ARE IN plus teelonll>'e Htl-S1 le~n Nvuld•Y floe tull11w111~ I"''"'"'' Jt11 lulluw111~ ""'""" llie lullo"'""' 111.1 ,,,.. ''' tJ"llll' ~.,.,,,,,.. • DEFAULT UNDER A mMed ~II. •xpentet Publo~lttt.1 N~WIJUI I .. ,e tloor•~ 1111'.lll•.' '. • ... J .. 1n1• b11ww" .... ,111· du111g bu""~'' ,,. ,.,,, '"'"'" l11leflf)!\ n DEED OF TRUST, Ind ~ ..... Be.iclo Co\ld Me\d u ... ly Pdllll\ L•1ot•I '"'""'"' J1 C11111•µ1\ Int IJHl)(l d) Ch11·.toµh~1 M.11." I'"''"'"·' U• Newµu•I DATED 01117/2002. Ume of Iha lnltiel publl-P1tol luly 31 .?OOJ lh6~/ 11/b '\•••""(! I"""'·' ll•I Por~ t •nit• I '"" <;1. hl Blu•fl .. nw µr .. ,1., I' .. , 1 t A 'J?I;~/ UHU:SS YOU TAKE cation of 1t11 Notice of Mar I A 'li'b/~ l<\0 lu•olon '.11olt•1fi1• 111111, {]()/ ~•nl.t A1t • 1H11 h"I<' ?I t '" ACTION TO PROTECT Salelll390,M8.08.ltll fidi"-s"'5iltu f'eht4n 1 """ 1 vrnt\ 'i7181 Av• Co\I• Me , , JI 1'11"'' 11' '°'""P"'1 YOUR PROf>ERTY, rT poull>'e lh.c 81 1t11 llC 11 A1 '>lb '>•·•.,.,d l1lotnle1>h 1111 tl Ao 1,,,,11a'l7til/ r 11.1 tAYlb'>/ MAY BE SOLO AT A ttme of .... Iha open-.... ~ Annur l'u11111.t 01•1 M.11 I UIOIJ P•rk renlr• lJn• t h,,,1.,1111,., M.i u I>""' v 6dlt\ 1/ PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Ing bid ~ be leu The lolluw1na per\u11-. CA Y?6l'> \Ir 14ll 1"' 1"' 1 '11 Bull ZJIJl '>dnl 1 .t\11, 1 1 1' 11"'" Or New""" HEED Al4 E..XPLANA· thin' ltll totlll ~ are dom& bu\lne~' "' Hll\ bu""''' " ''"' 11''11'" 97/ll/ Av• 1:u\IJ M~· , l.t•• ' 11 1 I.A 9'6'>/ T10H Of THE NATIJRE ,... due. In eddltlon IO •l lw0Ma1d bl l u"> dutled by ·• 1 '""1"1 lh• t;u "'"' " ""' '"""" 916'1 11"' bu ""'' •' '"" Of TliE .PROCEEDING cul\, ltll Tl"Ultee will Handyman 114 I ?0th l •abolol Y Lt1 du 1"'1 1'1 1 1 .. r11v• '111'"' I ht '"' '"~'' 1 • 1 11 '"" h·tl h1 hu\b.t1td "''' AGAINST YOU, YOU Kcept caahl9(1 St •17 to'>I• M~-.' r A It••• 1"" \lartrcl 11011111· '1•-' Y '' t olt·ll "'""" dud•d tJy ,,, .,,<1,,. . .,.,1 "1t• SHOULD CONTACT A checks~ on . 92617 bU,lfll (~l'Yl'\l/IMlj t ........ "'" t,IRI Hd¥t'yuu .t .. l11l•l1•1t~ 11••'Y'"'1"'1"d"""• LAWYER • ~ I ......... °' nllllonll ._.... Pkltr Sl•11n1al\ 114 l Pr·lt~•n ( v "1 1 •""1' 1 •or 1 bu\111~' 1..-t • N 1 """' "yt 1' 111" . • ---201h !.I •12 c.,.., .. llC Ttlld HU\h 11 ... ,.... 'r ...... 1.1 " ~·Y•f' rr .. ,. ll••" ....... 11.1 .. ~Ef= ~ :...::-: = ~ Me,. CA92bl7 ... , ...... y .1111th 1111 11... ''''"""I ... tht •••• ,, ....... . U d,.;.. ........,nt._. Mtlll.i Slepnoa~ 114 1 1111• ldlrno~nl wt• I ft.,. 1 •t•m~nl WA' lol•d wilt lh• 1 '"'" 1,, d w1lh lh• t "'"''1 -1 _...... .., union. °' I ctltck lOth SI •1., (.n\I • lol•rt with lh~ (n11nl• I lol•<1 "'"' lh• I unty ,,, I• t ,.,~ ul "'"'''" "'' 1, ,__.IO..._ .a.-._. ........... " " c ' ll.-rlo 111 lJt.tft•.• ,. lrul1-purs-.. u,. ..... ,. v1 I •-°' MP\a CA 9l&'l7 1.lt'r k ul Ordnft' Cuu11ly '""~ ot Or•"I!• Cuuntv onO/ .,1 0, •1107 'll Ill OMd of Trull eJlec:ullld tedwal uvlngl 8lld Thi\ bu""'"" ,, tun un 01 /', fH un tJ/ II Qj 20036952266 12003052322 by l.AUREl FENNERTY loan IMOdadon, 11Y-duclrd by hu,b•r>d 411d 20036952752 20036952259 Dally Pilot July 24 ii Cl•oly f'1t. I lulr '4 II A SINGLE WQMAH, lngs ...aclation, °' wofe 0•1lv Polut July st Aup li•1lv P1l111 h1ly /4 II Au~ 7 I~ :<JOI lhl .,, Au~ 1 14 :>flOl THhll ~ 01117/2002 and M'llfl9I bellk tftld llAve ou ,tarted dt11n 1 14 11 /lllli lhbS'I Au1 1 14 NOi fhbt<.i tliCOidlecl 01fttl02,,.....--h~i.t!:tklort-'5-ff~~-tfl~..,,,.u~ .. ~,n~e~,~,~Y~~,;r;~o:.=-=.:.'-"'4-~-~ IMtrumenl No. Flnenclel Code 8lld f'ontr Stepnoak fktttlws...U.U 200200730Ul, In Booll . IUthortad 10 do bull-lh1'> \lalemenl w•' "-S...._., P191 , Of OtTlc:l.i ~ ,,... In lhlt ltate. 5-'d filed wolh lhe I 111111ly corda In the ofTlce of .. '#Ill be "'9dl, In In Clerh o f Or•nge l11u1oly the County Aeconllaf of "AS IS" condition. but on O 7 !l S103 Orange County, SC.II wlttlout ~ °' 200SH51614 I h~ loll11w111~ '""""., dt t: do•rtit hU\Ult:•,• •• -. •I Pdllun ! 11l~r1Hl\e\ b I B"~ Medi.1 Md1k~l11tK , 1 'inllutl Si..Juli11n" of Camomla, will ... wwnonty, HprMI °' Daily Polol 1111 I I 74 on OMJ7/2003 Ill Implied, ...,.ding tlda, 31 AuR I ?OOJ lhW6 2:00PM, AT THE poueulon °' encwn· NOR'Tli FRONT Et+-tnnc:.e, to .... ty the TRANCE TO niE lndll*dl'"' MCUf9d COUNTY COURT· by uld OMd of TNlt. HOUSE, 700 CIVIC ecMnc:ea lherwndlf. CENTER DRIYE WE$T, with .,_,... M ~ SANTA AHA, CA II vtded, 8lld the unpeid pubic euc11on, to ltll pnnctpet of the ~ tMghett btddlf IOt c..tl MCUf9d by uld Deed °' check • dncritled of Tnat with lnlllfMt below,peyM* In lull II thereon .. pnMd9d In time of ........ right. uld Noel, plus ..... tlda. and "*'-' ~ dWgM 8lld ........ ~ to 8lld now he'd of ltll Tl'UIM 8lld of by It undtr Mid OMd of ... trUlta Cl.-..c1 by Truet. In the PfQll9f1Y uld OMd of Tn.wt allullled In M6d C0unty DATED: 05112/2003 8lld SC. 8lld .. l'llOf9 CTC RMI e..... Slf· fUlty dMcntled In 1t11 ._ S.. CONDOR 1bcM ,. ... _.iced OMd DRIVE, MP• MOOR- af Truet. Tiii W..C PAAK. CA t:m1 ~ 8lld OCfl9f Phone: (IOO) 211 8211, conllnOl'I d199111Cio11, II s... lnbmltion ll06) _,.,, of tht IWlf P'OI>' 57Ml11 By. TIUAM'a erty dMcribed .OOW la S... omc. CTC Aell pw'POftld to be: 1IOO &tmM ~ le 1 SEA HORSE ClRClE. debt collldOf ....,._ COST A MESA. CA, Ing to collect a ctebt. 12127. n. undlf. Any lnfonMtlon Cit>- ... TNNe die-lalned wt11 be UMd for dellM ..., llbMy '°' ht purpoee. _,,, lflCOITKtl ... of ASAPS47928 7/17, 7124, the ..,... ~ 8lld 7131 11qn '"''"' '"~i IJr • l9d I u~l•ro I ""'"' n•• fktittlls lll5ilm 97 180 Rubc•rl f'.1lln11 I J':ln "-sw...t luslon l,1\I 01 •l<!-:1 lht lollowonjt persnn\ fu\lon r dlolt)lnld 9/ll'ltl an~ do101 btJ\•n~v. a"' th•·· bu''",.""· ,,, c.fln Quality fre•h Produ{~ ductrtl by ·"' 111tli.11l11•I 30/S lyl~r Way CoJ\I• llave ynu •l~• tPrl l!non~ Mrsa CA 92626 bu"ne" y•I' Nto Ro\a Mdttn• I ,.,u, Robflrt M P.1tl1Ht 301'> lyler Way l n ·'"I ''"~ 'l•t•mpnl w 1 Mesa CA 926i'b ltlPd w1lh th• I •11mly Jose l lllO\ JO/~ t 11rr t •~·~ "' ll• •np• I 1111ntv Woy Co\l.t Mf.\d l A nn 06 11 0 I 92626 2003690S33 lh1\ bu'\1nt'l\ , .• t.vn due led by husband And "'I'• Have you •larl~d doinv business yeP No Rosa Martn" l dlos This s l•l.,mtnl w4 hied wtlh lhe r.uunly Cle1k ot Urdt1£e l.111111lv on 07 08103 20036950 742 D•1ly Pilot July I 0 I J 24 31 2003 lh'J/8 0•1ly 1'1101 Jut JI Aue 1 lOOl I/ ~4 r'"10'> Aditim~s .... s....... I he followonf{ Pf'f '""' Jr,. dorng hu'"'"'\' d\ 1 dee C•~a•"'"' 1111 'ltll•nuo Hd Ln\la MP\d, CA 97676 Al~undrt I l/1t1\ot1 718 Voltanuv.1 Hd l.1"1 J Me'><t CA 'Jlblf, Andrew Ar lhuo Ii"' nP\ 4000 I np"d«' I n N~w port Bu• h C.A 'Ublb Th•' bu~,,.,~ •• ~ 1\ ~ ••n dulll'd by «• P•• I nrl\ H•v~ ynu •ta1 led 11111111: busoneu yrl' N•l l(USTfOI UOITKTUIAl/ 11&w OES1G11 savm fOl l11 ~Of CAIJOlllA, .. Qu.1hf11 ~1t<1n 111np0uls ••~ beone aclepled lo p1ov1de p1ofesStonal de~111n urvt< e'> tor tht tollow1n1 proJCt<I Al~ und~• I Von\1111 Thi\ •l•t~m•nl w a\ ltled w1lh lh,. !'nnnly Cte1k •>I O"n&~ C.nv11ly on OJ l2 Ol 20036952324 ,.OJICT NUU1 HOUStNG ••• A.LA•• urGHOl/al .. lACIMlNT II}• p1090\td protell wlll onvolvt md1v1dual dn1en solullons lo b~ Oaoly Point July 74 31 Aua / 14 7001 th6?4 RditlM lesiltss .... s ...... I tlfl' lollowtng '-'"'\on• '"'" rt111ng bU\lftt-•.\ J'• T tylor f 1ly~r _.Pf''-lttt llll W lfltll SI t.u"I" Mr•\• l A 'lllbV l•ylm fo1y'>!.tfle\ !n1 d /\1 /Ill W /0th \I I '"'" M•··" LA 'J;>6'// Thi~ bu"''''' I'. t '"' du• ftd b"tl d • 11'""'•''''"1 ~.,,.,. you ~l•ded du111~ lill'.1n0<\ ¥•1' Yrs I 9 JI)() I l•ylrot loly\t dpe'. 1111 Huh tt d J .. ylut Pft" d•·nt rt11~ totf·mt.:ot w.t~ ftlt-'I wtlh lht" l nunh ('"'ti. ut U14n.: .. f • rnt1 ton OJ ?'> OJ 20036952765 [July P1ll'tl luly 31 Au1: I 14 21 100.3 11•646 RditlM "'5iltu .... s..... rh• '""o ... ,n, per~on\ Jrt-onma tHi1\1nf's~ "' l fl 1;1n11p Pfl>ducl•on' In< 140 Noce l an~ •II.' N•wport Beach LA 'Jlli(JJ l A Croup Int I NV l I JOb WP\I Cr.,g Ru•d S111lt I I Ob I A\ Vega' NV 8'l0li' Th1\ hu\inf'C.\ t\ cun dut It'd by a torpor 41•on H••" yllu star led do11t~ t111\1rte'>~ vet' No LA Group Inc l Pe Ambt o\1no r1 0 1111• \la l•meol wa•. f1l•d wolh !ht County I l~rk ul O""i" County un 07 II 03 2003695 1224 Dait1 Ptlol July I/ /4 J I Aue 7 7001 lhS93 dele1mrned by lhe selected fHm 101 uch huusmc complea lh•I 1an11e. NOTICE OF de9crt>ed as fr om {Umpltle lire 1larm 'Ysltm replacement lo simple dt<vtce cll•nl" out TRUSTEE'S SALE TS ~y de9cribed in and httfn add1ho ns V•lut en11neet1ni and lone term ma1nta1nab1hty of No 1053472-08 APN uld deed of trust The fhe-fnHUWH\t' PH \ufl' ,u (• ""'"., b1J\tft•"1" ... 1!•1yAI Ao aclo my /RO'> M<f:,,w A.v,. lf-yu1,. t I\ 9~614 I flfHUWl•f.... l\f1('\.tffll1 lnr 1rr..1 /Rll'.1 Mtl;~..­ fl.v" fr VIII• I fl.,,,, ... ~ ffl1t tiu'.trlf"\' I'• I t•f1 dw kd f1v •• { UI J)Uf tl111" '9dV.., 'fHU \IAftfl"t1 tlt1111•' tw 1nr-.· Y' t' y._ '• I ,'()(II l oumw11f ._, AVtJJtrl G••Y H~"U l.hot•I f I fldftl tdl ,,,,,. ', lth't .tttl~,n•·ut w•·· ltlt-tJ Nlth tht" ( 1 ... ri. 1f (Jr AO•'"" ( 1unty "'' 1)/ 'j I_ l 2003695247 9 D•oly p,1, I July II A111 I 14 ?I 1001 lhl·.11 Fidiliols t.silns "-'*"-" !he !ulluwini: P"""" ., ~ doing bu· tnt"\'\ d"· mocha•lm A111· I l'h1lw ophrr / l(} I 11111 · I •?Oi 'IH~t~ M.-" I A 92627 M1<h••I Ou114IJ Mo•y ~''· 2l0 l I/th 't #/j)j Cn~ld M•'•" I A 'Jli>V fh1\ bu ... infl\'\ '' '''" du, ltd by "n 11ti:l1v1tludl t'idVt! yuu 'latff'l1 «Ju1ni1 bu".rne•.,\ VPt1 Yt. \ Jo1n 1981 M1th~tl 011n,lrl Mt yPI\ Th" \l at•m•nt w•' ftled wolh lh• I rtunly Clerk ol Oranl(t l'nunty n11 0/ II OJ 200369S1231 Oaoly Pilot Julv I 7 l 4 JI AUR I ?()()I I t.b(l(I It\ .. l11ll11wlf1•' ppr ".fin'!. ",. 1hun~ bu•.tf'h.1'\• t\ d 1 A110N II) Al(IUN l NI( lll'Rt'>( S t t AXION \'[ N lllkl '.t d 1 A.lllON ( IJ MPANY •I AXION r11 N\llt llNt, 1%117 ·.ut lhc t .. kl'' I ''"' Hun l1l1~'t110 {1r•.t• h C.1llh;Htht 11/!All l •!·•' ,. li•1uult1Uf I '*>Hl '"'lb, •·4-n l dn" tt11nt111Y,tnn H ... tt h t Ah ,,,,,, ... fl,'f)4H ff11• f• l' . .Ot'\\ I' I lfl du• t1•tJ ti"' rn 1nd1111dv•I I( IY< y~U I Hkd t.lulll~ tu1\.1f1,.\• ., ... P Nn l t/.1ro• ttuurtt11ut lh1 t.;t .. rnrot w.•· ttl.-ij .... 1th th,. t t 11nty tlt,lii r.t lh,H1ll,.t-luuttt; fl Ill; /I, 0~ 20036949S2S ll.uty I 11<1! July /\u~ I 14 /001 4 ti lh6 IO I flt tultuw1n.1 pu t.un\ u t dwna bu\1n~~\ d\ ~1J H1 nd .. I 0_.\li'O & t ""'''"' 11nn tl!lH4 Ht,.nkhur't \t f nunt4'tn v,1ll•y r.AY7/0ll ~uncu.t\I Vr 1rlup m•nl In' ILAJ 18.184 Hrnukhul\I $1 r nu11l•1n V.lll~Y t:A 9?108 I ht'. bu\tntl'\'\ 1'\ 1 on '111< tfltf h'( "rnromAt1nn 1!11v .. v"u \ldlltd d'''"K hu\1110\ yrl 1 Nu \untO•'I D~v dop 1111•111 lul lo1me\ l \Id ~h'°'" Pr•••denl fho\ \l,1lem,.nl wn lolf'd wtlh lhr C:nurtly Cletk ul Or•n&r County on 01 29 03 20036953011 Udoly Polul July JI Aue I 14 71 lOOJ lh6JJ lhe ftrt •l••m SY'lem I\ of Cflheil ln\portance lo lhi<; protect Tht Pf•m•ry 412-052·16 TRA 15034 street addrWI and octlllf intent ot the w0<k t\ lo ach .. ve code requ11ed lire ~latm horn votumn Loan No 10105132-4 common ~llon. d NOTICE OF "°*' noc ""11 h 1n urtl \lup1n1area0< u ch comptu a l minimum conslruclion cosl REf Paige, ,,..,,_, any, of f19 !'Ml property p~ TO 1~ '"" ~\ltm11ted dt\t&n CO\I IS $300,000.00. delClt>ed abolle c; '''"""' The folluw•nc is 1 rouah scope of ""°'" of the serv1cu that ""'" be IMPORTANT NOTICE IS ADMINISTER A ING on ll'e rl'QUiltd further clMtliuhon of SCQP4' ""'"be PfeHnled '"the C--tt..t TO PROP£ATY purpoited kl be 1068 E.STATE OF: pelilior1 wtl be hlld on ,.,..,.,.,,_., M••""e which., mandalOfy f0< •II to allend to be allowed OWNER: YOU ARE IN Vallfo Circle Costa DEBBY A. EVANS 0&'2&'03 at 14SPM in lo wb~opoul on lhos proiecl The pre·p•oposal meelma will be DEFAULT UNDER A Mesa CA 92626 The CASE NO. "220366 Deg( L·73 loclllld II held an fr , ~I t , 2003 et t 100 ...... at Fac1l1ties Manaeemenl, DEED Of TRUST, U11def19"1ed Truslell To al hc!Q, 341 THE CrTY DRIVE. conference room 1a I 0 8 , 19172 JambCHee Blvd . l1vme, CA 92672 5444 DATED Apil 11, 2002. dleclain1I..., iabity lor benelidafieS. crecMors. ORANGE, CA 92863 Senl•••• UNLESS YOU TAKE _,,, NICOllec:tl ... ol lhe COlltiligenl credilorS, and IF YOU OBJECT to h • Complete •nd thorou111 ftte alatm SU!Yey of •" e .. shna houstna ACTION TO PROTECT street addrna and octlllf perlOOI wno . may grVtling of .. pellllon. 11nil\ on lhe ltst under \Cheduhn& YOUR PROPERTY, IT oommon delignabon. If oCl'9l'Wlse be ~ )OU~ ICJPMI' 11 h • Cuu1d1nalton wolh UCI r urhltn Man11emenl personnel to assess M.AY BE SOU> AT A any, sllOllln hefein Said in tie will OI estate, or hell1ng and ..... ~ tuu•nl \tlu,.lton PUBUC SAU:. IF YOU .... will be made, bl/I boll of DEBBY A ~·Of .. wrlftlln • Value f n11nee11ng an•IYStS fo1 u ch houstna complu to determine NEED AH Without COll9nlnl OI EVANS otlieciol• wlfl tht CCU1 the mo~t co~I eftechve soluhon btsed on o1$tina conditions DPLANATIOH Of TtE wananty, eJCpt... or A PETmoN FOR beb'9 h ~ VOA/I • Prehmin11y de•~ns 10< •ny M>lut lon whk,h may be reqund to be NAT\ME Of THE Implied, teglrdlfll b , PROBATE has been lflPMrlllCt may be In uud as a test study fill eumple, for ho11sln& compleus where • v1tue PROCEEDINO pc>UeSSlon, oondilion OI Ned bY STEPHEN J pet90f\ OI by ~ engineered 'olultnn cannot be delermmed d11ectly end that • test s tudy AGAINST YOU, YOU encumbrlncea, Inducing SCHUMACHER In lhe atb'My i• 1equMt111d >1 1 d , ( 1 1 ) d h IHOUl.D CONTACT A tees. cha<geS and SuPet10f CoUl1 al IF YOU ARE A • ulllp t ptof6c H•ll"' m n1mum one per comp o •n P Htnl LAWYER. On Augut1 e>cpereea of Iha Trustee Celltomla.. County ol CREDITOR OI a plan' wtthtn the mdmdu1I p1niec1 designs u requtted (lh•I •s. n cll ()8, 2003. at lO'OOetn. Ind ol the trUlll cnated ORANGE OOl•lgllll cndllDr cl .. hou,1na comple. will h•v• HPar•le p1oject plans. pon•bly tnclud1ng c.1-Wesllm ..., uld Deed of Trust. 10 THE PETITION FOR ~ you mtJlt file pt!Htna n well) v 1 ....,._ .. TE _ _.. lhl1 ...- • Fleld v111lfocehon ol lhe enltre •1tslln1 19ac:• lncludina aH usoclaltd ~ pay the remaining r ......,.... ,..__ 'fJAI a.n ..,., h CCU1 uhhty 1nlrutrucl11<t s ystemt (Thal ts. t.._,hone lines to ftr• allrm COrporlClon. II cM'f prindpel eums of 1t11 STEPtlEN J and mll I CCIPY IO .. control panels, ele,ttical power potnl of coMeclton. etc ) ~ tr\Ae under noee(I) MCUl'ld by Mid ~R be perlonll ltpt-..-W. • Acoustical tn&ln*ermt end cakulatt0ns 111111 be llfOV1ded to eMure ltld purwuenl m ONd of Deed ol Trust kl ,... appoinllld ae penonal ~ by .. ~ code compl1o11n<:e ICH horn sound leveta 1n H t h comple.. Trull rec:crdld Apt 25, $258.021 74 will •=DIM .. ...-: W monfll "°"' • Coordm••• doc1.1me11I '9PfOVll with UCt flrilbu Mlln•1Mnl •nd 2002. aa lnll. No ~ l*90I\ florn ~ -the Olll9 d h ..._.. C-.puflfe MKsh.i'ullice11p lo.ll4 lncludln1fillalS°"'P 20020347003,dOflldll Jenuary Ot. 2003 II~~~ oflellrSll~lh • On._ preliminary c0Mlr11tt10n cost es._lu for n cll de~111 Aecordl In .. oMm ol 10 "80tf. ps ann.m • dlcldanr -' n Pl'Oblitl Codi aediarl optlofl fOf llci rnt4W • .,.. "*lioll Provlda 111111 c-b1.1dlotl C0$1 .. County Rlcotdlat d ~ ~ uld "'*(•) .. • 1100 The time lor 9'f H himtt f0t H Cll comptu llPOfl tOntPletlOn OrWllll County, S.... Of plUa CCJ111 and 11Pf codldll, If In/. be dairTW .. nCIC ~ ~· ~ ~ by ldWancee will fnlnll. .,._, to pu.. belorW llM monfll flom final Conslruclk>ft Documents (l'l1ns •nd S.,.C.flc.tl.om) altall IN Je11ter C Pllga. "11 ESTIMATED TOTAL ~""and flfl. ~ .. ~ .._ robd st•m,td, coflll)leltrd ind reldy fCH bid (lncludinl C1mpus FIH Mau.liar• ... DEBT S2T7 53229 The -· ~ abM. 11119'0v11) <t(COfdoftll to this S<hedult. ~ Min. .. ' .. , • ..,., ~ .. .. YOU MAY EXMi9E .. • MesaC-l C~• OKelllM 19. 2003 ~lllddlr au:" ca: ~~,_"'::..: ~~~.~= ... by .. court I • ~[lflll CenlpM, Otclltlbtf 19.2003 .................... --•.c:Mld and~ ::-:..:--,.., .,. ... • .. ~. • v11anoC~lu December 19.2003 --· ---· ., lr...-d..., _ • Atro~Vbt.Co,.._• o.c.-. at.?003 '!-' .~.~ k> .. "'**.:'; .. WdlF .. '°" 1N¥ .. "91 .. • htoV11e1oteo,.,le• ~ 19.2003 _.., .. _ _..., Oeelaf9iot === oowt a ,_..... tDr fMt UCI project will be • tt ........ I conttrk\loll c011tr lid. TIM ttfiKl4Mll a -• ...., DllllAI end °""*"" ltJr Lil d EW 8PICfllt ---~~ Dl· dlltecv_... .......... ,,..,. COfflllla .. .._ ....... m~==:s "'*"" • • ~ *-' .... • • .-.i Id.. "'* ....._.. 1M> o1 .. -. °' "' l'""P 1114 S,.CltkatloM to M llW uMlr 1 lrldltloMI u llJ a 11111 01 tldlllll ,_. of Dlll&fl d llDw .. .,.,..,.. ......, and ......... c.o11t11d Df"illp 9lld ~· ...-t lie&:.:" Ill Ci =:. and ID9n 8lc*lfl ID 811 Tiii N$11MIM,,. ~ .. o1.--•d anr _. ::.-:= ~ c::.::-=::: 8*' lie c:~ fOf -ddn: 01 = =·Of·~= :i...-::.::::. r=.-OI ...--....: COftttl•\tllt tlle PfO•t. TIM U!WWlity .. -.. ttle swojact 4wlfll 11MkaplCJllldln8'ctorl ~ID Ill ID tie ..... -...... ._.. 11111911n , .. A HM c-triicti. .-.... nte ~ AtdlitectA ......... d M ...,_, .. Ill "DI d .. ""*'*' ,..,,.... li'I .. ~ _, ........ ==-,__.. tlf -nttw Of Ute COlltraci..-. ............ °""' CONtfllCttoft ..,_, Cea ... ~ ID ....... -.... ..,..., .. ..... • ... ..,""' .... 1114 edY~ t11e UnMftit, Oft tM ._,te, of ..,.. conttt1t dD ...._In 1111 ~ la ..,_. For ..... ..,. _ _,. a. """ "... flrMI wltll diftloftlhtM ... ..-C. M ttle-... of llfotacb In .. ... • .. .......... ~ = ..... .,.. ........... _.., AilllllliftY,UMuotMIWlllle~M ......... N fNlr\ ----~'.0Qpl!l(t1fl •-' ,.,..., ...., .. ,...., W.CUoft ofthl•dlbctilraV ........ =--•tollo•1tJitltMttf ..... ~ =.., ........ ~. IUl.._w __ ty"c::".::..=-::-.. ~ ... •~all---..... = ~ --='m=lllOI i.-rt 01 &WM It =·~ Oil, T• ,,___. _,., .. m 1.-i ....... ,._.. '*'"'"" 4D'l~U E. a....,;?~, -l9ll ~ ,..,.,' .-:1 NII ..................... ~ .............. ,........ .............. *' .... ,0.. -... Qlln~CI' _ ..... .,.... .......... ,c....,wtaMttim....,..f ~-----. e =Cl •ztMA • -lllli ........... --.. ......,_CtllM'_ ..... 20, ....... 0tla __ ,.. ............ ..... -::·s::-.: I ..... CllMafflle _,MM "' ........... '-,....-i., WP .......... .,... g., ... n..t .. liiiii1·;• i'i''~'ij''i1i1ii1 ~11.mU.mA.ll~lllYllS-~·i: ='::F C:-::~C q[fa-•• ·• ~ ..... ... s....... I ha fullow1n1 P<tt \On' ••~ do1n1 businus •'> Bunkhouu Ap•rlmenh 1939 W•Hau An t.o\I• ~w.CA9?677 Rudy A 1111•• l m•n ltu~I« ltµdy M¥•m•n lru\I 341 B•r'* Ott•• Suite J Nt wpor I Pe•• h CA 92fi60 Tho\ bu\lnen t\ ~u11 dut lPd by • lru\I H•vr you \l•rkd dome l>usor1v" vtl1 Ye l'l'JI Atquut:d fiun~ftou\~ f, Ill 01 Rudr A M•r un•o lru\tet" Hudy Mar1m.-n lru\I 1111\ .. 1.1emtml w"\ loled ""''" U•e Cuunty Clerk o t Oraniie County on<J//'l'l/03 200369$2320 O;i1ly Piiot July 74 JI Au& 7. 14 2003 TH6n 'fktittM ...u.u ·"-S...... lhe following p~r'""" .,., Oomg bu~m1rs•. ~··· lhr w .. , on .. n.: ~· l1uul "///lJO l• PM Ro•d •f M1~\1c.;n Viettt Cdht1111uc1 92692 M•11<el~ Latv1ll• I /'JI I Mot• hell Av• •IY lu ''" C~lot >rnoil 'l?/811 Lf!'''I" l 111•,i.t 1111'! W I h1to1 ""' t Aut C:dltlurn1a '1//IJ.4 ltw bu .• ,..,. ,., ((If dut IPd by .a lmuh•;t pdrlOt'f'\'11" U•v .. 'fCIU \lttr1rtJ 1'1111,; bu'<ne\\ y~l 1 Nr. Geor11e LOY"'• Ttu' \14tem ... rtt "'' ltl~d wtlh lhr C Hll•l1 Clf'r~ ut (Jt ttn~ .. • •1Ut1f, on 01 Oi 03 20036950334 Oooly Polr,1 lulr ti A11~ I 14 ZI /IJO I hob~ I Rditiws IWMts "-S"*'-'t I ht" fullnwm;, fJt-f t1l1 .lf,. rirnn~· hu Hit'" ., I Al I 11t••1iro•r CJ<11 W l Ith <;1 "I'"" Ill I '.t' M•'.• <A 'l.'J,// I dw •Id Anlh '"I l•n .... ~ 90 I w I /111 I SP•lO Ill t l.1 Mr• t C.A':J26i7 ltwt'I O• • l.Jot:'t.t>tt 'IOJ VI I Ill .t Sp•u· Ill "''', M·~·• CA 9761/ ltu tor 111,.. "" ""' f~tJ by ,, j t 0111 .,,,, fttfft- H.ht-ti u t.u frd Jv111~ Lu•,,,. 1• t' ,... ( d'N.tf il AnU1 '°' ldn • •• hH'\ .ldt~mtnt wit•. hlttd w1tn th· (.nunly f tt't._ ol IJf dt1gf (uuoty ttn 07 08 IH ThurSday, Mt 31. 2003 Q -------. ......... - ~ ...... ... s...... fhe lollow1"1 porr\Un\ •rt dolflC b11wneu u Ctbb•e• Cut1\ull1n1 I IOI W flolkhlhur 1111 S•nl• M• CA 97101 Kevm Mtlltor I IOI W McArthur •Ill S•nt• An11 CA 92107 Th" bu~inen ,. ton dulled by .n 1nd1v1du•I H••• yuu ~tatted dolnc l/U\U>t'\\ f"I' No K~v111M1ll"1 ttw. \t•ltt111e11l #4'\ !oled "'''" lh< C.uunl 1 t.ttl~ ut Or .tnt ... t ount~ t>nlJ/ /'l Oj 20036952766 IJ01I~ l'il••I lufy JJ Au& I 14 ~I lOOJ lltb4S .......... ... ...... lhe loHowont P<tUOft\ .i ' ctoina bus-n.' \ n Pel•I Puslwr~ 33201 P•~o Cetvel• ~" Ju•n C•pi'lr •no CA 926/~ Anna K•ll1 .. 1n• lw barth 2JO E.st 18th St Cost• MeM CA 926.ll Tll1>. bu~"'" ·~ tun dudctd by An ltldlVtdU•I lt•v• you •tMt.d llu11111 bU\lnttU ytol? Nu Alll•• K•lh., 1ne lit ll••lh Tiit\ sl•lclflt nf Wd' lol~tl -w111o lt1e r,ountr 1.1.,, ~ ul Or •ncw tount r un 1)6, / l/0 I 200369490J 1 D•oly f'1lul July 10. I/ 24 31 lOOJ lh)/I flclitiMa.iiess "-*"-" AdllM..._s Ille lult•iw•nt pe""'' .... s.....t , .,.. d1>111~ llu\lnn\ A\ Hie lullowm& p\r\un· fJ 6•t ti~ Ot-so~ro~ /4(1 OI t i:l1J1n& bU~tn~)S ... 1 Ho11•.w-. Do I u~I• ,ltt<~l '>1.1uth IOOI !> M•"• t A 'llti/b I I ' r ,11n1111> kral '•all N '' v. '"' Ith ... ~" I trntrftl• I A 1116/~ A.l·m•, '4fJ ~4nu'itsr Ot I W1lllA m J l ukit\ltr. # < '"'• M1 ··• C.A ':Jl(,t'f> /IU/ ~'" Ht'ler hu !.•11 lt11 Lv'.onr\' 1· <urt l;lt'mtnlt tA 'Jjf,/ J tJu led by 11n .nd1vtdu•I ft11\ LU\Ult"-\ '' urn H.,¥• , .,, •,l4tttd duillt IJuded Ltt •O ind1w•du•I hu\•n•·~\ .,,.., Y~· t• .. "" you "'''tt:d do1111 ! I /Q!Jl h11•.it1•" f~t> Y•• I I N rv.in f J.-t1"nf1' Oi Al··" t..i Wtll .-01 J ~ "'._.,._, .. tt Tn1\ ... tttl ... mt'nt ••' fh1 -.1otrn11 nl 1'WA\ hlt-d with lt•t: Cvunt., f1l1 ij wilt lhto: I 11unl r < ,.,.,., of (Jr Anf'r tou11ty I Irr~ t Ur 11n1l• l •.1uut 1 •• I)/ 11 OJ '•"I)/ Oil IJ I 20036951222 200369 50721 IJJoly Pilot July I/ 14 IJ•oly Ptlol lulf 10 I/ 11 Au& I 2003 fll~'+-t l • lt /OCH lh';)8~ lhr lullowonc Pt"""" I hr tollt>wm~ 1••• •.1>n· ,., t duw1 bu\m~--.~ d\ ·" r dv•ne, llu\1111 '• •· ltl•n• Trev~I 2888? ... ,cer l•PI~> 17' W""''""I W•y la~und M-th ~I N~w1>01t 1-'""I' N1~1H I ( A 9'/.677 I A 'Jlf,I, I ll•o•dr• l lrlam 7AA87 I 1•h l<ov• • ""'•'•• Wntporl Way I aeuna M•ll•'•q I:.,, 4bth \I N1~uel rA9?611 N~'"'"" 11 •. ,.n '" fh1'J. bu~ene\\ ''"· '"" 'ilhf, i t1H t,.d tJ~ dO rnd1~1duttt I h1• t11J '" • ll Hdvl' y1Ju '\ldrt.-'J d11111• dUl l._•1 t~ "''' ' 1 •1tlL1it f1w;.1rH~'i.\ 1rt 1 V~·. h t1A'YPI ~ •U •,tu'"''' l'\-11H1jl I 0' lJu•1nr yl>'t ~. Ueud,.,.' hldm ' ti f..· -ii!I t Am• t lh1~ ,latem.-nt "a' I M~IOJ t1tt:d with U1e ( •Junly Jh1\ t•trnirnt 'f'!r.t .. 'ler", t Ort1n;;.t f.funt1 f1ltd "t11 r1i.. -wt., 1>n07 n OJ u ... 'tu" ' I "''• 20036952327 "' 01 • J r flaoly P1tol Jult t4 ll 2003•9SJ07 I Au~ I 14 .700 • I hf, 1f, ll••ly 1 14 lht f,_...tlo Ntn,: Of'f"'C'1f'' or,. d• '"L. bu\tn_.• ' s IJ I , ' l ,, .J I t ' C "*"' r,..d' um I'/ i•~ Pd' 1fl1-Av.. •f 1 • 1111 M• >• l A '116ll '" ... t • , •• f WIH\ L'"f .. (1(•1 • t' ... \ ' 111 Aff I'.,.. ll~tl M41 10 11 1 7739 Pat tfi. Av~ •I l~')ll l'"~laMt~• (A'Vl I --I t11~ bu .... tn~"· • 1 un Fictitious "'5Mtu \1u(_ ltd bf <111 11J1Y'1ductl "-S""-1 H1.-yvu tdlled d1·lf•1 ''" t ,, .. 'l!I , .. " du1 t• J t., J•t 1111J111.Ju•I llo• lullvwong P••WO> u" do111R bu\rnEl'i.\ a' lnt "f'.Jt~d lt-thr11t-'I '-"'"'""" 7 JO I l /tlo "' "'~ )I/ (,"'~ M•~• r A 9/b?J SIPPh•ro :.aun<k" l .SO £ 1111• <;1 Sii' 'ti LO,ld M•'.d I A 9lfi7 / bw.m~·.• v~t 1 N11 ttA\I• 'f JU,, t'f+ t1 111 If!'' J,,m,.•. t dmund t ,,,,,.u •111·.1t1t-•,\ 'f' f 1,-\ ilJO I "If" W • m1w ·~,. lh1•. .,,,,, f'lf•rtf Jilt.t.1 wollt !111 1 h1·~ • tdt ... mrnt wt t•lf'd wtth thro t ... outth l..ltr ~ vi Ordne• '-"""" un07 08 OJ 20036950746 c t1 '~ ,f ,,,~flt I 10 11 "''''I 11 0' lh')l4 1200U9Sl2l7 ( 11ly I ii• t 1111 ii A'• ~JC. l (l.,,ly P1l•.1l July 14 11 :'001 11unl, 4 fh1•. bu•.rnp· • '" tun dutl .. d by dH 1nd1v1du.1I U1tvr f Qu ,,,..,,.,d doutl( t1u~1nt">• .,,.11 Yt-.-lun1 I ."f.JO 4 fh...-fullowm[ Vt',~Ofl• Sttl)ht" s .. undt''' ..Hf' <11..11111i;. bU'-1""' u tt1t1, t4trm .. nt w.)• rJn ' m ~ Mfl'\\"'"P.'"' ftt,. t 1llt w1nai L1 .. ''~un\ lllt"<J with thr 1 nont1 '•'"' -Y1• t .,346 N .. wpot' .,, • '1 ''• t ,.. (ltr~ .ii Orano·• 11unly Blvd ~u•le B l (1>\I• 01lull1 tn•1•1\I• •' ;>17 unO/ I'> Oi Mt\" L•l1l1>rnt•9t6ll I { S•11 t111 • A,,. 2003695 1607 M.in~ Gtklht•n l17'> "'•"I• rl fl•, h I A IJd1ly f'tlllt Jut I] :14 Mt'\.1 VPtd .. Dr l •JlOl <t?bl:>I 11 Aui 7 200J lh~ Cn,1 • M•"a l..ahl ,,,,. !>.-" 011u11 I ~ Tiu lollowonc prcw11 "' f dumg bu\-IOf''\ A\ Penldl rnm1!"n~ '-J70 Gro•• ~I t co• la M• • CA 91b7/ ldwatd H: '''"'•'"1fk 'l/O r.rnv• l'I t n•I• Me\d 1..A'lll,17 Th1\ t'>u"i1nr\"'. 1\ f.On du< led t.v .in 1nd1Y1du•t !lave Y"" \I arled domi: hu._111_.,, yflP No I clward II lcomal"~ lh<' ~l.ll~mrnl w.t~ hlPd wolh lh• C1111nly Clerk ''' Or•n&• C1•u11ly un01 l'>OJ 20036951612 Daily Potnl iul I/ ~4 ll Auv I i'OOl lhhll« Fiditi.s "'5iltu .... s ..... I l}t lollowinit P'"""' •rt dOtnR bU'\lne-.... ~ "' Groy G•••at 64J P Wnt l/lh St Co\la ~u t A92617 Steven P V•n WAe OMr 1009 Gro>< Pl Co,I• Me\a CA 9267 / Thts bus1nos " 111n du,led by •n ondtvodual Havr you slartra do.na busoneu ycl' Yr~ July 04 OJ Steven P Van Waconer Thos statement ... u hied w1lh the Co11nty Clerk ol Orange County on 07/11!03 200SH 5 17'2 Daily Piiot July 17. 24 31,Aug.7 2003 Th596 Cl ·i,;o, S4C'(lh•,. A•• ~. "'" •I lh«. !lw.m~~' "cun H•"'' l.A':176bl t1uj lt'd b'f' ~n 1nd1vuJu.1 l t11\ tio\lf t-\\ I\ n Hdvr yuu \f•n lrd do1Ht 11ul trd ll~ in 1n1J;w1Ju .. hu\IOC'\\ vrt' Nu H ... "W"• yuu • 1,.rl~d J'"oo~ M1.1rta (,tt'tn hydn f,11,u1r1 ,,., ',_., l he~ st•fft'mrnt WA\ '-• 0 1 IJtluU1 t.l,.d With th.-lnunt'( ltl1 \l~ttmr-nt .,. (le•• vi Or•n~· r uu11ly 1,, .. <l .... h lht r •Uni• "" 01 /4 01 I' h1k 11 t)ran~r l 1ur11, 200369S2721 "" O/ OR I)} Oa1ly Pilot tuly JI Aug 20036950719 7 14 11 :?00 I lh638 Od!IY hlo·I 1111v 10 i I )4 ii :>001 lh'>I!( 1 ~t lollowolll P•• 'n" Mt" do•nv bus1n~'' "'" lht k ·H1l1N1rw tJf't~on .. ill I V•"~"' l()<, I fl•v d•t ononr bu'"' .. " •· /.Vt •' Nf"Wl)Oft l~ .. ,lh lhr•)Uih thfl' (,M,,dv111t I A 9/fii I M•~Htn• b' II' I '" on MOO••• B•rr11 10'> E Pe•k An•ll• 1n ~A Bay Avr •I N .. wP·•< I 97!!07 B••<h r A 97661 Vm.enr l•YI" Wtlham-. I h" busone~• is u>n 1 &? l8 I win f'r.t~ I '"Ir ouLl~d by an 1ndtY1dual AnAhetm C.A 'll!IOI Ha•• you •la• l•d dn1n11 I 1 hi\ bu.,,,.\\ " l"" t>ustneS' ytl' No du' lrd by •n 1nd1Y1du•I Mon1<;,a B~orll H•vt '"" \I.tried doon~ Thos ''"'~mrr>I w.n bu\tM\• ytl ~n J•n hied Wtlh IM C.ounly 03 Cl"'" ol Or•n&• Count, Vtnt•nt l n •n Wlllt•m• nn 0/ 11 03 flits \Ulem•nl w•• 200l•tS1243 fottcl wolh lhe Cout\I\ D••ly Ptlol Jul 17 74 C.lcttk ut Orane• tounlv 3 I Aul[ 7 200J TM>OI un 07 '29 OJ 200S6tUott Daily Ptlol July JI Au11 J I• 71 200.3 1"631 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • • .. l!vsd!t· ¥t 31, 200_3 ____ _ ..................................... ............. .. ........... .. ........... .. l.tlll ..... .. l.1111 ..... -.......... ........... ...... ..... ........ ........ ... ...... The followlnc penoos •• doinJ buslneu as: Miller Kennels, 7171 KtrlYIOfe l•ne. S\aolon, CA90680 Klmbe1ly Miller, 7171 Ktt lllOf e l"'9. St11nton, CA90680 This business ~ con· ducted by: 1n indMdu1I Have you started dolnc bu~lriess yet, Yes. 01/ 10/l002 Kimberly Mffler This s tatement was hied with the County Cleft. of Otan1e County on 07/22/03 200HH2J1 t O••ly Pilot Juty 24, 31, Aua. 7, 14,2003 Th618 flctlllM .... ·-s....... The follow1n1 per 50ns •• e cloina but.mess u " PW> Poop Patrol, .831 Pone Place, Costa Mo<1. CA 92627 Janice Sue Spnk. 831 Pine Place, Cost<1 Mesa, CA 92621 This bu~mess 1s con ducted by an 1ndiv1dual Have you started dom& buslneu yet' No Jenice Sprill lhll statement wu toed with the County Clerk of Orang~ County on 07/08/03 ?0036950749 Daily Pilot July 10, 17, 24,31,2003 lh573 UOH4to Th• foMowill~ p.tsons 119 clolfll buStlleU H . KHARRK Conaultlna Enalnurs, 229 West Wilson •4, Costa Mesa, CA91627 James P, EV9n&, 229 West Wilson St.. Costa Mua,CA92627 Thi$ b11tlnus Is eon- duc:tecl by: en mctlv1duel Have you started dolllt bu•iness yet1 Ho JamesP (vans This s11tement wu hied wllh the County Clerk of 01an11e County on 0//22/03 2003H 52J2J Oa1ty Pilot July 24. 31. Aua 7. 14,2003 Th623 flctlllM .... "-*'-' The lollowina person' ue 001111 busmen H : Wirelus No w. 30 MOl'ena Irvine, CA 92612 DMC Companies (CA), JO MOfena Irvine, CA 92612 This bus'"ess 1s con- d11cted by a corpo1allon Have you s tarted do1n1 busonuJ yet? No OMC Companies, David M Carlson. President Th" s tatement was 111.,d with lhe County Cle1 k of Or a nae County on 07/08/03 200369507Jt D11ly Pilot My 10. 17. 24.31. 200J Th!i84 Index Th• followlna persons are doinc business u . Kerr Co .. 1760 Momovl• Ave. IA 9, A·IO, Costa ~.CA92627 Kem Harsted. 1760 "'onrovla Ave., Costa ft'!u. CA 92627 This buslneu Is con ducted by: an Individual Have you started doln& buslnt1s yeU Ho Keru Hersted This statement was hied with the County Clert. ol Onn1e County on07/08/03 20036950744 Darty Pilot July 10, 17, 24,31,200J Th576 flcllM ... "-S..... The follOWNll persons are doln& buslneu u · Vizuoc:om, 1549 Pl•· cenha 1218, N'wporl Beach, CA 9Z663 Todd McMlnlmenl. 1549 Placentia '218, Newport Beach, CA 92663 lh1s business 1s con dueled by an 1nd1vidual Have you star ltd 001n1 business yet? No Todd McM1nrment This statement was flled with the County Clerk of Or a nae County on 07/25/03 20036952753 Oi11ly Pilot July JI. Aua. 7, 14.21.2003 Th640 SERVICE DIRECTORY .. For All Your Home and Business Needs - ........... ......... The followlna pe,-sons tre doinl business as. Unique Trims, 4J41 Birch St, ll201. NewpOl't Beach, CA 92660 Gina Starn, 7 Mojo Ct., :~ort Buch. CA This binlnen Is con clllcled by: 1n individual Have you started doln1 bus nus yet1 No •Gina Stern Th11 st1tement was hied with the Counl1 Clerk of Ounae County on 07/'15/03 20036952761 Deily Pilot July JI. Au1. I. 14.21,2003 Th643 AdltlM .... "-*-' The follow1n1 persons ere dom1 buslnns as: Martin lt1vironment<11I, 2JI Ponev1ew, Irvine, CA 92620 Tia Elnebeth M¥1in, 231 Pineview, lrvme. CA 92620 This business rs con ducted by 11n 1nd1v1du11 Have you slarled doin& buslnen yet? Yes, 1/1/ OJ l rat lltabeth Martin l hos statement wa. filed with the County Clerk of Orange CoiJflly on 01/22/03 20036952326 D11ly Pilot July 24, 31, Au& 7, 14, 2003 Th627 ........ ......... Th• lollowina persons •re dolna business n : Spec111ty Auto S•IH. 1533 Btlltr St 110, Costa Mesi. CA 92626 S1t1m Abouch1kra. 2000 Parson SI 09, Costa Mu•, CA 92627 This butinHs 1, con· ducted by. an Individual Have you started doine bualntss yel1 Ho Salim Aboudl1kr1 This 111tement wu fried with the County Cleik ol Orana• County on 07/29/03 200H9SJ07J 011ly P1lol July 31. Au11 7, 14, 21, 200J Th636 AdlllM .... "-S...... The followina pet,ons are doine busmen as: Qu1hty Works rtoorinit. 555 Paula11n11 Ave.. Sr 10.. Cosl1 Mesa. CA 92626 Vl.1d1m11 Pot1a1. 8436 Limestone Or Riverside. CA9l504 lhlS busmess 1s con· ducted by 1n 1nd1v1du11 Have you started do1n1 busmen yet? No Vl1d1m11 Poz11e1 This statement was flled w1lh the Courity Clerk ol Or nnge County QR 01/l!>/OJ 200369 5 1616 Daily Pilot Jul. 17, 24, JI, Aue 7.2003 111607 .......... ......... Th• lollowh11 .,., 1on1 are doln1 business H . Ra1e Choppera, fiU Terminal Way. Co1ta Meu, CA 92627 Steven Lucas 8rosll6w, 644 Tttm1n1I Way. Costa Meal, CA 92627 This buskleu Is con· docted by: an indlv1dual Have 1ou •wtad dolna btlsiness yet? Yes. 7 .9. 03 Steven Lucas Brosilow Thb staternent wes filed wilh the County Clerk of Oun1e County on 07/11/0J 200H9S 1242 Oo1ly P1lol Ju( 17, 24, 31, Aua. 7, 2003 Th60. fklllM ..... "-S...... lhe followma persons are dorna busrnen n Binoco. ll(M B111bado' Plxe, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 W111lam T Novak, 3104 Barbados Place Costa Mesa, CA 91'6?6 lh1s busmen " con ducted by an 1ndiv1du1I Have you st;ar led OOon& busmess yel1 Nu Wiiham T Novak lh1s stat~ment was tiled with Ille County Cle1k of Orange County on 07/25/03 20036952761 D1uly P1lol July JI, Aua. 1. 14,21,2003 lh642 How to Place A ...... .... ... ...... Th• followln-r>«sons "" doln1 bu11neu as: 1) Deco Crete b) 0.co· 11Uve Concrete Coat h11•. 2365 Collea• Or., Cost• Meu, CA 92626 Trac:•y Marlt B1rton, 2365 Coll91e Or.. Costa Mesa,CA92626 Thts business is con dudad by· an 1nd1v1d'u1t Have you started dolna business yet? No Tracey Mar1e 8trton Th11 st11tement was liled with lhe County Clerk of Oranae County on 01/11/03 20036951233 Darty Pilot July I 7. 24. 31. ~ua. 7, 2003 Th!i98 fklillM ..... "-S....... The follow1n1 perso11s ire do1n1 busmess n Newpor I Culler Co . 952 Pot.I Rd. Cos.t.t Meu, ~A 92626 CreeCKy Scoll Misner. 9!>2 Post Rd Costa Me:Mt. CA 92626 This business IS ~on ducted by .1n 1nd1vldulll Have you star led 001n1 busoneu yet7 Yn. 1994 Scott M1sne1 This statement was flled with the County Clerk ot Orenae County 01107/11/03 20036951238 011ly Pilot Jul JI, Aua 7 2003 CLASSIFIEiAD By Fax (~916) 1-65\l.I By Phon~ (C)-!Clt f>l~-567~ By Mail/In Pert'on: )'1() We,t Ba' Slret'I f'lc""&l..Jt,,.,,,..,,.. Jl-ipt..,.,_..,..., •• ll~l)'li""l •ill>• '·i''-'1"""' CO\IJ Me<..t. CA '1111!7 At ewpon Blvd. & RJ~ 'ii II ours : Tclcphollt' !! .. lOJm 5.1•~1111 "1111ld.1)-l-n<.la~ lllda •.OOO HOlll!t E.adl Weck For Only $}2 per ~cdc (41l'cek mmunumj • ~ &.-. • "4fl S14-4?4S W.il~ In !i· l<>.un 5~•1pm \ioodJ)-F-nd.1~ 3 Sl"tf• Ploh reduced at S4600 nth Pac1l1e View Memorial Park Newport Bch 949 ':/J7 979'1 Podfk View Memoo W- Double Crave. JOnl loc Must seM Worth SI 5K, sell for S71Vobo 949-9JIJ..Xl91 Cof lectiblerl Memorabilia 1160 American Motorcycle SWeilter (Oakland Olapter) l alt! 40s. 6 years al II 1ti1 1 lbtt ""' pw1S. () ilrCl' & black Comes w/~ o l member wear1n1 sWMter ~ um ~ 0Xl 714-0Jl·J:Dl TOP SS 4 RlC<MtOS nc lllL ~ Etc. ~ & QJs .El Met. Spilr. tube~ Mike 949.545. 7505 ENJERTAINMEHT Calendar of Evenll 1310 EQUAL HOU5ltG orPOIT1llll All rut estate adver- trsme '" this newspape1 is sub1ecl to the federal rerr Hou\m& Act of 1968 ~s amended whic h makes It illegal to adver '"" "any prefer· ence, llm1lat1on or d1scr1m1nalion based on race, color. rehc1on. sex. hand1c11p, f•mrhal status Of' nallonal 011a1n, CK an 1nlenlron lo make any such preferenc:e l1m1ta hon or d1Kt1m1n•l10n • This newspaper writ not knowin&IY accept any •dverlrsement tor real estate which 1s rn violation of the law Our readers are hereby rnlo1med that all dwell mas adver hsed rn this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity FOUND July 23. Male Banel ttound 1n Oover Shores ~rta Please call 1949) 722 8939 fOUNO OH 7-24/03 £.SID( COSTA MfSA (A llKI) CALl CM POU(( OlPT , ..... ., .... fou1td Porolieet 1ns at 10th St & Oceanfront Call lo rd 909 180 2!>38 GenenJ Announcements 1610 Private Duell Huntl1t9 Clvt. app10• I/hr lrom Newpo11t 8eatl'I C •eel lent hunllne 1d13cent to slate walerlowl 1efu1e. ownership 1nlerut & appro• J75 aues ol land & rmpruvemenl~ • your own cAmp • ompound w/sl1 ut lu1e and 2 trailers Wonderlul f" n11ht BBQ s & wine tast1ne dur1na duc;k sea,on • m•ny eatras1 Ideal tor 2 lnends or lather & son Call Mike al 310 !141 0854 HOME L-.tr r ~11y wt., W/erOsJ'I C(U1lry pden llor'1I & !Mf pattwn IM MW S31f'1/obo 9661!> jlJ2 Sod Sala, bl."ldl flowered $100 La rTWror w/matdq fabnc $25 7ft IDr-e wtllll! tbl $25 96-nl 0492 JEWB.RY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PREC10US METALS c ... tColft Neoch Old Corns' Gold \1lver. iewelry, walcllfl>., anl>q~ c0Hect1bles 949·642 9448 Cats 3610 200+ ICITltNS, CATS, OOGS WWW~Of'i F Wo:Jn tsl;ni"'-!ipt!C trum I-I.Al TH Gt.lliAANTCf. ~644W9 Spay momma Cill. horrm for U1l!nS ~7~ Pet Adoptions Go..-Sltopl.or.k all colors. all ~11n tor adoption to qualll1ed homes w-151escue Ol'g or Cilll 714 77J 5915 IMPROVEMENT MISCEl.J.ANEOUS SERVICES 2600 MERCHANDISE Mlscelt.ous SeMces • Miscellaneous $600-$1520 /WHKlYI Merdlandise 3855 Posh I pos1l1ons/an· AU STEil IUlrDINGS -.nce"""l lffl81 Entry SUPIR SAU 24•?8 wu Professional level No S8200. sell SJ990 2.S.46 eapniencr ~Y P.iod was SIJ ,600, sell~ Ir a1n1ne1onl10ns Call 48a l00 was S25.800 sell Mond.Jy Sall.wday tor llflP/ $12,850 Call Now• inlo 1 In> 620 14()1 •103 r-(100) 392-7106 (Mnnday S11u1d;ay) (CAI.. •SCAN) APPLIANCES bas" w lo complam ol dis lllNMOR( ......... , Business Oppot111nlties 3050 Buslnmes and ff'lftChisel 3905 9 mo .-, .,._ w/1rer.m c11m1nahon, c.a HUD toH on I.op. aAD lt.e mJkw .".ee-•t_1_soo __ -•_2_•.·85_90_ 'P'JO Cal 9"9-4633i83 1413 Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Collectibltt ·~·~ •k.....,. ........ ~.~ $t CASH PAID $$ .,..P'f(»Ot .... .__ HOME RJRNISHINGS 2 M.t~ Von Hemett •olu, 811, soft wtute, ltlle new. S750 eacll. both IOI' $1400. lit &re•n pont ,ofa S 150. oall table &. chairs S 150. 94947'-1'1S S4111e lty ...,.,, Furniture In cott•e• styi. Incl 11 ••II units. V1nh1e collecllbln, wedaewood stove, eltcb le: p(ltlery Wheel,,_~ pric.I M..- AISOWTI GOLOMINlt 60 vending malh1nu with u cellenl lout10nl al tor Sl0.9"J5 ID).~ ... Lem - Offlco f« loo•e Appro11mately IOOOif 110 £ I /th Street Costa Mesa 949-466-6523 HOMES FOR SAL[ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Alt••"•"•" vlnte1e Balboa lsl•nd Cott•c• $800,000 Much souaht 1f111 Oeni, leedi hpha Balboa Peninsula S915.000 A9"fc.Mwell ... ., 949-617-2197 ,_...,,......._,erreu PfoCll'tJ has 40r. 2 5b1. aournitt 'ltctt.n Off•ecl 11 Sl,345,000 ,.., ...... , ....... H9-71a-1Mt ... SUMMC• SIZZU.S ... °",.. s.wJ 8eaubful .:& J 51:1'1 ~ Wllt1 f!levator. pool, ereat krtdlen LR, beach!o ont prden & wtirtew<lt..-wm "' Cold Coast $4.S00,000 ke f'af»U. Contempor at y home on the t: S1 P..-t.. r rench Beau ~e lineslone floo<s down..,~ ..... ~ p;rtio w/yOOT own tree St..599,000 OWwu,..,,.,.._ Remodl!ted hrdwd floors. lg operi LR wlf p, "'eilt out door pabo, M'1Jle 2t II"' Sl,.599,000 s,-rnli a.-ty Remodeled a1>d expanded, loc:.1ted on rare dbl lol 4& 4& W/OQMI View\ f p, wide halways. vault eek SUS0..000 ...... °'¥-P.itlt 949~7~99 ~ PIR15l&l Concbs OllULEfTl S..teOc.t&~ OP9I SAT· 5Ult 1--4 21lH1~28THST. The Saywrtz Co 949-93). 7528 o,... S-doy l -5 610C~eAve. 2 Master suites. 2 rps, lutchen & baths remOd fhe\h11e Real Estate Inc 949·72J 6037 1 HOUSE TO llACHI I br full ba, sm k1t1:h, Iona lerm $875 met uhl Avail now 949 290·8128 Corona del Mir KIHOi v1iw Hills South ESTA T£ on one ot lhe lar&ul lots. OPEN SAT-SUN 1-S 1520 Keof Dr. 5br Jba. Med1terr:l- nean p1uad1~. Cre c1an shaped pool & Spa founlams & Palm Trees By Ownet Ac<eplln1 Bids Be tween Sl.499,000 $1 !>15fJXJ 9& "lfl>-0162 NIW .W 'l'OWTMCWS St.<m.COO & S825.(U) Roof d!Gs -Cal lodily 949-nl-OllZ BJ llhraon Oe.A COYI 3br 2be haL9. W... View la Lot. "16.s w.tcont ..it Sandy 7fA-2JB.96.e&. 71,4.97 ... 94191 Of'UUAT-SUN 1-5 H77V_.._,~ 5bf lb1 eaecutlve home By t>wner Great Buy 1699,900 Cell W 714·85Q.1680 • 16 .. 71•·850· 1052 OP'IN SAT·SUN 12·4 . 11111AYIT JuJ.t ltSJ•d lb! 2b1 home $579,000 Ac1 Rusty Cuinthef 949-922-0965 ll'f;RAOU) lNCOM: lHT s 5186nl SI c Corner of Ba1>o;i BM! &6th Sl)l..\lpl:r :b21M Ip ncn vu l~ 2lit 2ba bth 11\J horn Wim. Ip, ""!I b.1 sl\~11 Sl.2'25.COO Aet Cir I Ill Alk:tl (.uldwel B.ri.er 949-11g.7.178 Donol drSf1 lrb tlln.int!. OPEN SAT 1-4 14 JUPITla HILlS OR ONIFO•O H 5b1 ' lull ba. vet y I& ull1 •pvt backyd with no h<>uws behind $,11 ah Cold\Chm1dl Bk1 941) 7!>4 JJOO 949 36 l Oi<JI OPCN SAT-SUN 1-S 208 TUSTIN AVI r ab arc hrtetlu•I 3br 7ba houv• "mod•I l & yd ""P' 11urrha1f'd anntl'l•r Sl,J95.000 ur lse S3995 Joan Allison Bh• 949 6A6 2011 ur 949 6&3 8911 ~HllGHTS l:.M l"Nl!Slml!nt pr~ Of'IJt SAT-SllfC 2-5 32 t 2 "°"° St ~ 2-Sba & 2tJr I be R2 C01M111!C1 to condos. r ronl hou<e S/10.<Xl> cw both Sl,C85,W) ~pholo\­ \flllSSOl»~comlhou5e/ It• GorJ-u•I 2br 2ba w/hbrar'f New windows, doCKs. new appls. lea ured wall1/ce1ls. crown mouldrne. dl'•&ner s lrle, pa1 quet fl oorina and more agt 949 !i84 !>Ill I OPEN SUN 1·5 1910 Yochl M.,.lo Le 4b1 Jba f11m home 1ate auardtd up~ale comm Curltsy to bkr~ s 1.190 .000. • 949 171 985/ OPIH SAT 12-S :UO 1 Vista tt.er1o Newpo1I Beach Bluth Exec lownhm. 3br end unrl, pvt pallo, 2 c 11•1 $!149.888 By'owner 71 4·:199-7J7J P•IMI ISlATIS 'ATRJOI TINOttl NATIONWIDI USA 949-U6-970S www patrleklenOl'e.com HA .. Ott WOOOS 2br 2ba, 2 c ear 11e. bedroom/olhct A&1 Sl900949 i<JJ 4631 •<WIN SUN 12-4• 41 ANIOU M11n11icenl townhouse! 2br 2 75ll• with loft Pr em up1r edes 2 ctr 111 (Tite 5-'t) S609.000 8yOwn1tr C•ll 9&09440 tor ..._.. OPOSUN 11_. JU4V1ttelt.Mo Mtdlterrenean Estate, t:;yj)(eas Shores 5br 5.5ba 5,600 s/ . p1noremlc OCHn vtewit S2.095,000 TortJ l1Ruff11 City H.. RHlly effkt 94~491-9800 c.11949"-422-5100 Best place In.the world to advertise!. Call todar io .place_rour ad · Clmlfled &42·5878 ' '~ SanJan Clplshno OPIN SUN 1-4 3Ql56 Hilt.Ida Touo<e 4br 4 !Iba, loh of up er ddrsl Sar ah Culd schn11dl brul\er 949 254 J700 949 J6J 0291 OPIN SUN 1 4 27942 Vlo htonclo 4br 2 ':Iba over s11'd bdrms, P"t yard $660,000 Lon Mt nay 949 2!>4 3100 949 363 0291 Tllltln VllWCHATIAU 10$01 Bria r lano I oc•led 1n N Tuit1n llllls I 5 .. ere hilltop nl•t• 6br 7ba, Call for pr 11,. Agl John l oean 114 131·1808 RFSIO€NT1AL REN'T Al S LA COUNTY-7200 LONG BEACH& VICINJTY ~ L;,,~tj l•:r<J lle.ci Nat'> Lcrq 09' ict $q\'¥1-t11 lllMONT HllGHTS 'br 2 5ba completely remod w/ltah1n Ute, R? 1oned. Walk tu be11ch1 S779.950 949 310 7300 AESlDE.Nl IAI.. RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa lstand 2 SW., .... Wl1I« "'" d. Yearly fml'ctll#'lfwl\ 2Br • dl'rl. 'lhba. Plfll'. w/d. la pabrl pets ok 949-675-297'.> Balboa Peninsula OClANHONT 2b1 2ba, turn, fp, cle•n. winter r en ta I 949 922 7777 * ltryfreftf I Wt * Unfwn'd ~ reflJI blsh@d lbr Iba, rp, mini cond Vrty 949·9?'1 7711 Cery 2br Iba cult duplu, washer /dfyer hookups, art $1800 949-29J 4630 ,. a.,,.., ..... _. eels. brVlt. • lwm. p;tlb. fp, I c ... Sl!l'JO Open Sat· !ill I~ no pet 429 Ira AwAV1!tl.9-I~ •leoutlfwl Jbr 2b• 11ntal. cute COM duple•. carap, w/dhooallups . Aa1 S2800 949 293 ~ • ......,, 0... Vlow .... sty .__ r6+ tomn\. a..-. ertyrd entry. "Poro• 1700 sf. ar....v 2ba. Fp, lorm Off, au '2ic I" w/110111• Mst•t w/'1#1/A r. dll.. Comm poal. ..,., c:lltu. Sm pet (J(. GrdlT. S3450/mo. Kllin Mflrrtl. ., • J04..8649 d2IM t-.1111 ( .. 2lit lbd ~· wd ~l'IP ~yd wjl ~ pet No 11.A _.., -.ec1n l\vllll end 111 Aue SIMn10 949-W '1117 s.......,or Spoclol Ou•I Ma\t4'f 2 + 211'£ 1 OK 811 rn RdRie/ovl'fl/dw. l)!nt,.11, cov IJril&, wiitw lb a~ p;ltd s I "9:int S"iOO ._, $500 pet IWtllOlt VUAGf H<w bot Blvd @> Mef 1 ll1lAl Way c7T'> 545 0442 21r 1 l o Cott.,. ll&hl & brr&hl w d hkups Larport lr& enllosed yard. nu JH!I~ Sl295 mo 261S £Iden •f C.tll d.tyllme 9'9 ~' OJ62 3br 1 1 /2bo houH, ~~· w laund ht.up' very pvt w/huge bac~yard P•I u~ Avdol ond of Aug Sl500 niu 949 6-42 S937 fo•hlde 31r 210 du Pl•• down\Ulr\, ear w Id hkue>. Sl60l)n Open ltouv Sal 12·!> 310 Roc~I.., 210 l 15tfo St .. :b 7hll ~ rur dw Ip rq p . no p!!I SllrlO n: ~ 9&7!£&:ll8 Noor Newport Hh, LOmpletely rtmod 21>< I !iba twnhrn, """' wd MW hrtch/appfs,/catpo,l Yd w/gM""1oef Gar WI~ No ptt $187!> 949 2'XJ 6ll3 949 646 f,(85 .-.,_, New llO'il'l"IUI :lilr ? 58a home I tuGI 1c att pr. 1p PC.. wio. wdnr meld. S205(m; Kleln ~ tm 704 ~ [al 9245 3br 3 .5ba twnt.., I I/'} ITlllDbch2mitoY> lwy Caled. dbl p S217S Ava4 now 9t~l .(X;O!) ac-.ft lbr I ha con'*> nt a I I-ti Pie! wmm pool. IP" w/d l'I i.nt. unOer&Jd ~ f'l(I sum ~lJ..lllXl 0.. TM Sand 1+11/, Oce..n views. patio, bale. new t~. ~. $1950m Intl elec/wlr 562 ·856 1684 Lu• apt bide 2br 2ba, ocean view S2200/mo call resident mar 949 494·8083 .......... ... ....... The t0Uowli1& Pl' •Ona 111 doin11 but.lnen u . J&R Motooporh, 1'&0 Monrovia Avt IA 9, A· 10, Cosll Meu, CA 92627 Raymond Hustad. 1760 Monrovia Ao .. Cost• Mesa, ~ 92627 Th 1 business 11 con· dueled by. an indMdual Have you slatted d01n1 business yetf No Raymond Her1tad This ~l1tement was llled with lh11 County Clerk of Otan1e County on 07/08/03 200'69S074S Daily Pilot July 10. 17. 24.31,2003 Th575 ~ "-S...... The followin1 pefSOns are dornc business as· Ehle Pr omollonaJ Prod· ucb, 1 Mo)o Ct , New porl Beach. CA 92663 Cina Stern. 7 MolO Ct .. Newpo1t Beach CA 92663 This busmes.s " con- ducted by 1n 1nd1vrdual Have you slll1 led doinc busoneu yet~ No Gina Stern This statement was filed with lhe County Clerk of Or enae County on 07/15/0J 200H9S16U Oally Pilot Jul 17. 24. JI.Aue 1,2003 Th610 ..... ..... ... ...... The tollowlna 111nons ere dolna buslMss u Irvine nnanclal StfVicH Company, 1391 llros' l 1ntern Dr , I • lfabu. CA90631 £11ubeth Gllkm1n, 1391 Bren L11ntern Ot , la Hebfe, CA90631 This business Is con ducted by· 1n lndlvldual Have you started dolnt business yet1 No ( lliabattl Ghllm111 This sl1lemenl was hied with lhe County Cle<ll of Otanae County on 07/15/0J 20036951611 D11ty Pilot Jul I/, 24, 31,Aua. 7,2003 Th610 . ,..... ...... "-*'-' lhe foltnwl~ persons are doon1 bus1nes$-OH. Candela S.oles, 117 C Street. Ntwporl Beach, CA92661 Matthew f'tshman, 117 C Street. Newport Beadt. CA 92661 Thll business 1s con dueled by· en md1vrduel Have 1ou ,,., led dome business yet? No Matthew r ishman Thia s tatement wu filtd w1lh Ille County Clerk of Oranae County on 07/25/03 200369S27Sj D"IY Pilot Ju,,. 31, Aua. 7, 14,21,200J 111644 ........ ........ Tiit folfowln& penona •r• dolnf businen H : Flinn Dest&"'· 2626 Cove S!.l Coron1 dtl ~er. CA 9:tTJ25 (rin Elise f hnn, 2626 Cove St., Corona dtl Mar, CA 92625 Thrs buslnnJ I• con d11cted by. an lndlvidu•I Have you stifled doln& business yet1 Yes Jan 1989 Crin ( Flinn This sletement wu llled with lhe County Clerk of Oranp County on 07/11/0J 200369512'4 Dally Pllol July 17. 24, JI. Au4. 7. 2003 Th599 MIM..._ ......... The tollowl111 persons .,. do1n1 buuneu n Cirque Caten111. 21021' Cocobana Lil . Hunt1111 ton If nett, CA 92b46 Kevin Ott!Mr. 21022 Cocoben1 ln, Huntlns· ton Buch, CA '11646 This busmus " con ducted by. an lndrvldual HllVe you 'l.trted doln1 business yet? No Kevon Deemer This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Or ~n11e County on07/22/03 200.t69S2!M Daily Pilot .kil7 24, 31. Au1. 7, 14,2003 Th620 -----Policy----- Ra1c, and deadline' are ,ubJCCt to change w1lhout notice. The puhlt~hcr re,erve~ the right 10 censor. rccl~)tfy. revise or reJCCI Joy cla'"fied advcni,emcnt Plca~e report any error that may be m your cla~\lfied ad tmmed1a1ely The L>a1ly Pilot accept) no liabthty for any error m an adven1-;emen1 for which II may hoe re,pon\lbk eJteo:p1 for the co;;1 of lhC' 'pru.:c actually occupied hy 1hc errur Cred11 ean only be allowC'd for the fiN insC'rtion. ----Deadlines---~ ~1t111d.1\ T U0:'41J~ \\i:,111,· ... 1.1~ n1uNW\ I rul.1)' 'i tl(lpm ~111n1l.1) '\ INlplll ru.·...J;t) '\ flllpm lmliay ..,aturil.;\ ..,Ulld.J) ~.-tli~ ... 1.1) ' '~ """ OClANf•ONT WINT£• •£NTA1S 1-2-3 & 41r'• Avoll. Anocletod Roolty 949 673-36'3 UDO YlARlY UASl & UDO SUMMPI HOMES llll l CRUl'ClY RlAl IORS 949 .. 7 S~6161 Newpe<t Holgltk 38r 2Ba 11111• l•m•ly room 2 Citl ll~••&~ l "°tll 8/1 S?/001mo 949 1!19 3111 lluft'1 ,.,...._ I PS- 41ir ?'/ea hmrly '"' comlyard IJdkuny "" ~~·'''~ Nico 3br ?b• u11 6albo• Pen1n hdwd ""· Ip paho 7 t e•• na11 8 I agt 17800949 ?93 4631 KINGS RO, ~ Wing ol ,,., it home l 'Pll< rm\ Iba ~1lchl'lle pvt for L ..... 31r 2'/• .. ..-rtr~ ~ ~ ....,.. p<lv•tl' cul de SM nice yatd arul ltx.•t1on S19SO mo 9'9 '1~ 0021 lor.. I I r 1 le unrl on 'lU•tl Prnlrl)Ula point Sm21~ per \on No smk """tNy Rmt..I AV~ ~t peh Sl4'JO 949 293 4631 i .. 4tlr 2lw IM "'1 p.,.., CIM,.ml1t9 2'9r I lo Av31t Nuw f'vl Rlh 700ft tr1 wJlt1. ltJrr, rr IVb.r t.11; 11550m I Y' 949 718 1400 SI~~ ;'ltJi lb.. IWl'h'n. a!Uehed 11-" lltlf' hV!IY •c> .,"°'<! Iii le~. pel ... w .. to Gdsorn 1-800-300-7717 206....._~ NfWPottT HllGHTS 3bf townhuu\e fp s•ne 1•i nt'w '"llM'l p1hu, ~ery ll«P $1sqs9496J2fi004 2b1 ?b.; r~nlal Newport Buch l'rn111suld nur N•wport pier Sl800 ~t 949-673·7100 ui.. New Very clean 2b1 7b•. 2 L.u a•• •ae SI l!'l()yi1 w•lt to n\3111et & I ,..,,_, kl 949 r.fl 896'9 Porot Vdy nice furn'd '181 SBXl 'M9 61!> 46.Jl Cliwe ~ W""-~ 6 . 7' !& '} CM pl Mly lur l'll!ohl!d, S«mno Aste> cined R~y 949 67J l663 hey ..... :& • dM home ofc. ~ upoaded, ale, pied comm w/pool & fClil $4CXXlrno act ~ .860J HARIOR COVI Jbr 7 ':Iba P"" \pa, comm poo. eat•d $4800 Prn d•nlial Ca Riiy BJ 949. 121 0132 949 721 OIJ2 OPIN SAT-SUN 1-S 201 TUSTtH AVI fab 1rchllect11al 3b1 2ba houw remodel La yd. ull•r purthased another Sl.395.000 Thur.day :\ IMlpm fnda) l IAlpm .. Fnd.;~ H.11>rm VACATION RENTALS ~ Rentals 7905 c..-.~ ..... ,. ~ on 0.:-. Blvd. rtt'I & ~-........ ltlbd'> S1!r11 I 13 928 S7'> 19'i0 Desert Rlftals 7915 VACATDI IOOAlS SALES & IOOAlS lf>akn Scmr*Ull ~ Contact Midlael A.ritlf JD.259-14W760·33.Hl17 eolf~x.atim.corn lovoly 21r+do1t 2' /.to lownhOU\I' 186<kf 2< pr wt'! ti.-~~ tenn 111 f ....,.,., kl S1 I S()n no pel 'f'tJ/I ts.! 9t9 TZ:HXill.. 01 l\e S3995 Jo.tn AJIJson JOIS n£nDEn Bhr 949 646 2011 wn;nr;u O IASTllUffn 3Br 2Br 1.au1~ w'd hoollup, $2315/mo Aat 949 29J 4630 21tr 21to OCIANflONY. Nor Balboa pier S2J75/MO act 949 67J 7800 IAllOA Pl"tNSUl.A " l.q>er 3br 2b.t, ~ill ce1I Ip w/d. 2c pr. S2400.tmo ... Clw~ty ~ 500-3648 ...... $2'50 plL'll :b+ ht den pat IO comm pool, ~. din. lam. xtnt cood avail now be 9'9 646 847J or 949 683 8911 TROVAal 2br 2ba 2 c aer. l•led, community pool, aa1 $2400 949 293 4631 Rentals Wll'l9ld 7111 W-tdloe ..... -seeks room & bath (piwbal) e•~ fol ll&flt hou:i9'm!C•• £ _....,. No" coo11inc "' ""'V1I Reftr-~7l-Sl!r.> "-A ... i.t; PT I need ~ w/cookm&, eflanlls. walk dop. Voll, flu. cheerlul, self·mili1tor. have • ear. J refs.. PleHI' tu res 949-721·8936 ~-NICC ltes ._ .... openln1s fOf Will Slaff &. Hotllne/Coldline Ban quet Cook Appl'f In ~ 7 ~aim­~ llU> f Comt Hwy NB <•e«~tle•I HJl>T po$ anit. loolllnc for individual\ who ar• relleble. lrlendlY and w11f1n1 to worlr.. tall u! 1t 1 866 6()4 8325 , MIC< Met ,_, ..... . # ()9enlns for PT re<tei llonisl. Hours S.t 54'11 3pm-9pm Apply In person Mon·frl hm-~ \600 E. Coast Hwy NB Fu• time Inside nits rtpresenl1llv1 to sell Claulfitd AdVtrllalnc at tout newaptptr croup. Phone ulH u11t1l1nc1 preftrrtd. Apphc1nt should bt J."'" 1ta11M. rctfable, edllnt and eo.t orltnlad. po1Mi1 eac:tlltnt c ustomtt wvlc• 1.blltty Computw I typtna tklll1 required. Co1111>•n1 oft11 1 u cel· lent btntlit pack111. Pr• scrttnlna required £qu1I opportunlly em ploy tr. Stnd resume WttJI salaty rtqu11eme11t1 ~.0.U..@lATnm.com t:1 fu ID_!MRJt .({64 Al*Jmoblles - AIDnati¥t 9004 ........, ......... ~141.mtln SIZ9.IXX> •X02994 Dir NlWPOttT AUTOSPOllT 949-574-S600 IMW '17 6U c•I 2 dr, 1rey t•n !> 'P sun1oot lull pwr S10()() JI• S78 9C!>S IMW '97 S211 c-v mel•lhc du~ blue 1rey llttr. superb co"o throuat1out SI~ 49S ""672421 8llr 9$581). lllfJ www.oc,oltl.com IMW '91 74011 (3) Bill/tan cashmtre tin areen t1n alnt co"O S20 950 949 ~ 86.t I IMW '90S2SI like new Blklt1n • d1 1uto, I~ me. 1c sunrf lull pwr. tent. c. smoa $3850114 651 •sv IMW '91 U C.-. 1uto wh1t1/t1n lthr CO buutrful hlle new cond Sl7 995 v597Z4 !In ' _. ..... 8lw 9&!18; 1888 www.ocpol.<•M e..rck '69 lle<tro 1ood mech1nlc1I condotton low· mrl11e. 430 VS SJ000 obo 949 494 0148 c_., '91 u 4 cy1.. 6llAI 1111. better INn -no ~ t:1 so~ S9998 obo 949 640 !>OJ7 C1flforn11 law re quires that conlnc t0ts ta111n1 jObs that toll! S500 Of more (~ or m1ttftal1) be ltcenHd by tht Contrac ton State Llctnst 801rd Sl1te law 1lso requlru th1t contnctors include tlltlt license number on all edvvtt11n1 You can cti.dl IM stalus o f your l1c1n11d contraclor at -w.cstb " aov or 800·321 ·CSLB Unit· etnstd contractors hlllna fo bs that tol1I lus than $500 must sttl• In their tdvertlsements th1I they are not llctnstd by tht Contr1ctor1 State LIC!e!IM llowd. - .., •... RllP1t1Dn1 AlrCI I 8 1 .. 11111 M.LDMVA< Air Co1141tioftfnt' Heit· '"t:'.:~=~ ' -Amnalw -------- PHIW'5 AU10 'HIWPSAU10 OIAl#4A4~ 01._.M~ Bridge 8Y CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH a.,.. 'M New Y.tlw 3.5 \16 l ·owner. 43k ectu1I ml, b ooka, records, metathc hit quol5'/t•n lthr, fully la.dtd, hilt ntw $5250 Yllfi67Z1i llkr !M9 586-lllllll Blue w/Blue. only l4K Ml. Sc>orU Pkc Blue W/81Ut, only 141\ Mi,Spcwls ~ PUNISHED FOR DOJNG OTHING WRONG •••••• ,.i.1.c ... Corve tte 'It c.,.,. •ulo 60k+ ml, melllhc red/tan lthr, superb cond throuahoul. $9,m Bllr 949 586 1888 www.oq>Ml.c- fWTOrt .... 355 '1 Spder blue/blue 61'. m4M $114.500 •112635 Dir NEWl'Oal AUTOWOIT 94t-574-S600 ,...,...,U321GTS Rfll4/tteam. tow miles, ful -vice $49 500 1()7'J)39 Dir ~AUTOWOIT '49-574-5600 fonw1 '00 4S•M GTA Sllvtt /Bot <Mau• :)I M4IM H t:epboMI S 134 500 1119638 Ott NlWl'OltT AUTOSPORT 949·S74·5600 forrart '00 360 ~ blacll/bQcJ. 21< molt\ Sl!l9 500 •122451 Dir ~ AllTOSP04tT 949-574-5600 f.,,...,I '87 Modlol T BladVr •n n mt $39 !ni #068391 Dir lffWPO«T AUTOWO!tT 949-S74-S600 ... ...,.,...,2000 1J11-f nnw-c wno I &. m new CClll\I t.op.ttei.'brealls •• 11. ~ SJ500 obo 'Ji.? 4?.:> 1914 ford '6S M111tol\g Conver l1ble ur •a1nal ownt1 •ol1d <d< Sl'J 99S obo 949 /19 ?943 Moado '99 Ml oto Conv •S~ rr11 •ul• silver tau lop P"' p1 A c co 'UPt rb I·~ t "•"' tond v•119/41 S9 m l1nanl•ng & '"dfrdnty dV•ll Bhr 949 ~& 1888 www.ocpobl.com (19478C) 21.980 OIMW#Slr~ Wll1te w/crey 2 k Milo, Sporh"kl (1%42) $25.9 0 99 IJZO S.don Whitt w/S1ddlt leather. Moon1ool (l 9443) S29,9SO 0 , Jo, ... , s ry,,. . Su Creen w/S•dOle llhr. 281\ m1, Moonroof ( 19112) $32,980 94 Me rce d .. SIOO Ch1rcoal w/Bl1ck lulhtr 18' Chrome Wheels. Moonrool 09Sl2C) S29 980 OllllAW1'01 Blad w/Btuh only 31 KMrlu 094S5C) S39 ,9SO 0 I f'orttlt• rwrho T1ptron1c, Only 18k moles Navaaat1011 <19394) INQUIRE 98h•w• GS JOO Colo w S•dOle l eather Chrome Wheels ( 194 IS) sn 980 99 ferrod JSS fl S1lve1 w/81ack Luthe• only 14k m1ln 111 473~, INQUIR( 0 I MNced•• CLSOO ''"' w C<t't Nave aalron Onl1 !SK m1 '19S45C1 INQUIRE 00 Portclte fo.,ter Solver "' Stal .. Premium Sound 119426J) S28 980 949-574-7777 Mil'SAUTO ,,..,_.,(_ Poncho ·1o.-. .. S '00 bl.Kl\. bl<tck 2311 mile\ 137 500 •6612~ Otr HfWP'OtlT AUTOSl'Ottl 949-S74-S600 (l9'78C) S2 ,980 OOMWU31 Stiver w/bl1ck lthr moonroof ( 19542) $22,980 99 IJIO S.rlen Whlle w/Saddlt leather. Moontoot (19443) $29 980 0 I Jo1w•r S fyp• Su Grun w/Saddle Llhr 28K mt, Moonroof (19112) S32.980 ''••"•" .. sue uo Blue w/black. &rey SPOiis l>JI& (19416) $2 7 980 OOlllAW S401 Blat;lt w Olac ~ premium sound sun1oot (17607) $29.980 0 I f'orulte 1urllo Tlptron1t. Only ISk m1lo. Na••&alron (19394) INQUtRf 98 le•u• GS JOO Cc;IO w Saddle l oather Chrome Wheels (19418) S22 9SO 02f'orttlt•G12 Black w/black 1>nly lOOmilo ( l9597C) INQUIRE 0 I Merced•• ClSOO Srlv~r w Crey N••• &ateon Only !!ii< me <1954SC> tNQ!JIR£ 00 f' .... <Jte 80 .. tN Silver w Black Premium Sourid ( 194263) S?S 980 949-574-7717 M.LPSAUTO ,,.,.,..,_ long• Rover '96 4.0 Sl 28h actual m1 books. iecords I owne1 while tan lthr CO runnoni bQard\ b1u\h aau1ds lrke new tond •211848 SIS 99'> lin & Narr•nly NORTH •A KQ 10 . 8 54 AK • QJ85 Wf..',I ··8 62 t:AST A K932 QJ • 953 .., 7 6 10 9 84 2 • K 104 • 93 2 SOUTH •J 74 -OJ 10 . i65J •A 76 Opening lud 'Three of II )Ou mal.e d ml\take. you mu't C\pect to p:i) for It But 10 be pun- 1\hed for talmg a nonnal iil'tton -.ctm' ~1"1) unfair Wc-.t 'opening brd cannoc be f.tuh ed. }Cl tt cost lhc game' After :'ooonh ) ldlc:out double .mt! 'iuuth ·) ooe-m~ BOATS PowerBoats 9515 m ou-rv 21 l'<E~TER s..e _.. SZJ.cxn Wei/Ory ~ av.utile $45 cm !)41).644. l'JA I Duffy lloctrlc 1811 1991 ne w bdtterin paint ' tove1 SIO,!n> 11 Newport Harbor 714-878-9684 BOAT REPAJRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Mil SUOO "03 bLK.k ~k ~h .. t n•"" •I Jill••'"' S111 ~ of)48)56 °' Pouche '99 Correro h•il S~r 949 S86 1888 Srde I 1• 60 main 4~ m1 l>lh Ill~ Ith• 1J w-.ocpobl.cem th.innel Newpu1 1 8e.ith throme whl\ II~• ne"' , B1and new de.ck Watei S42 000 V•62l0'>1 I• TOYOTA CAMRY U 94 1 & power 949 67S J222 HfWPC»T AUTOSl'Ottl 949-S74-S600 4 door Slh m1lr\ •uto S430 blh Z!h me Spu11, 949·Sl6-~IH parly 714 84~ 8288 93 FT SUI' AVAllAll( MlRClDlS IHZ '07 I n•nt•ni & wall •Viii Skr PW PS S'>SOO Prt•AI• pkjt phun~ N<1• CO www.ocpo I.com IH HlWl'ORT HACH AMC whls IQOI. wo11 Po.-.<he 911 •01 C~ Trodo lot en A11owbta1 I S2SOO UAU mini tund PP Sb! ')00 ,.~tan xi. mr~ ,.,,,,,, B•a Bear b~ lh~ l•ilt tor 949-SOO-IOOS 9t,'l l;ll Olli ~ krt ..,_k $64 ',Q) late model ,ar \Uth "' ~ZI Dir l'1 MercedH M• 11ma Morcedo1 Ml 370 '91 HlWPOltTAUTOSP04tT l t•us'l09 '>44 1133 white il"Y llhr •Int 949-S74-S600 VW I I "'I Gl 12L cono loaded ~II me ••1 • .. • SIS sz~ 949 394 161& l'on<he X50 '03 allual me 5wd s•l•tr MorcedH 'II S60 Sl white t•n 1mm•t l\uA. nl IS lJ"'l MY <di Q> ~ Sll.J'j) n4/':JI ~ bl.ttl\,~h)., mrlto<. blat h int p... pl like Sl39 50'.J new lanta\l1t \d•1nas #68S2'J6 [)tr $9400 v•lS2861 B•r HfWl'OltT AUTOSP04tT 949-SU-llH 949-S74-S600 w-.ocpol.com HUD 4S' SUP In Newport leach 'IS beam) w water' power 71 4 865 ~ ttwnp response. show1nai a hc111 l1oppcr and fair value•. t\onh'~ nll)C to pme wa. le.t.tbouk lltld cl<M:d tbe aucllOll. West led the founh-be'>t heart, won in the clo!eed hund Thel\' Wei\' e11Jt!t uicu •~ailable, &nd " mnth coulJ be c~lllbhlohcd to dub-. Howcvcr, the opcrung btd man.cd Wc-i wuh the ling .uld, >.tn<:e Wc,1 ,utel)' held luur ~."habit-hnrt' dt-.:lam .:oukl not afford to '>W"ll'nJcr ,. tnd. 111 club, IL> the king Swth found .i •;,ay uut of the d1lemffill. Al!4'r wrnnmg lhc llN trn.k with lhc ten of helln,. declwu ca.'hcd the ace and king of.anunon<h and dummy·, four spade>. pitching u dub from h:llld Wc,t could not aflord to let ~o of ii heart. "° aho shed a club Nu,. ~IUier nrted "''th,. he.In. and the hand "'*' mer We,1 ~oukl It\ 111 .Uld ca'h out lhc helut' tu cum plctc lhc dcfcrL\IVC book but then 11.>d 10 lead otWU) fmm the lo.mg ol dub' into declarer\ u1mh1nc<l tcrt<1lC M ak.ing three-odd Whue, ... r d.umcJ thJt Ilk ""' fJ1r" !'or pumt' "ho m111h1 .11¥UC lhJI V.c\I \11ouhJ h.i\t: J\H1JcJ tJu, I.Hr h\ Cll~hm~ ~ .t<:f·~lnl! ol flt'..llh fir.i. there ~ di ""'' or holdin~' th.it would tmdhJatc th.ii ddtn..., PLUG IN Plug onto lhl> Prl~ C lass1f1ed <.oec t1on to I ind SC'rv•c c". I r<;rn electror11c'> <1nd plumbe•'>. ,,, landstdPf'r'. '"" • Pd•nt<·rs Daily Pilot UHGl ROVER 2000 Morocdo• '9 I 420 SU B••· k U••m 1•tk\ tO llf'htlf' iffy llf't, Cf\l!Jmf' 11mmat f4Lh>ry w•rr wnl~ ..,., me wpu b 3/k mr SJl 'lOO •418181 <ond S699'J 'l•~/2111 949-6SO·S860 Bhr 949 '>86 1888 www.ocpobl.com Old.,.._.,11• '96 A11roro 60li mo black !llfV llhr mnrl CO f•bulous cand throuahout S!>99S w1n'457219 Bkr ·SELL your stuff through classified! VW JETTA '99 Gl Older model dark l>lut aulo K.al. rrnf aol 9'C lt!(t'fds,. U-C ard 64k reduced S9000 obo 949 53 3 3349 SELL your stuff through classified! Tell Us About YOUR GARAGf SAU! In ClASSlflED (949) 642-5678 •'Employee. H "'Emple ado .. , "A rbe itne hme r. "Employe ... 14 ThurSday. July 31 2003 85 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE DOWN ·~~ 2 ,,,,_. capo:. 3 C.emonon 4 Prei!bt to• -s Wattle,,_,, e Egg. oompenion 7 l<&uaJ least ti Memo llbtlt 9 Thugt I 0 Afftuenoe 11 Bawole Qjal\I 12 1mo 13.WlllOul txceQllOr' 22 -v ..... -. 23 ParrA aeauctu 25 Kt>ee Ofit911bo· 28 w ndmllt bl_, 211 RaN mme<a" 30 -Lanlui 3 1 Corr.pa"'°" 32 Feet bao 3J AdOI Dcu9a~ D~ihi~Pilot ~~~; ..... ~Typo cl ~ lS N~" F fllT "9 36G•aoe~ °'II J8 lolo1< 39 C<;mputer Nf!<l 4tWOf'l.asa "10091 41 Mtldocnal •t>I 43 1'hrea!ls 4' HelDCJ1 4 s COOPllt •lloy 48~• 47 C.OA"'Y r:t •-l~Y!l" I ' 48 P11ewood ltilll;IM 4!1 f..rombe •••v 50 ~·Cfl 51 Played ""111 s.3 u'4teC 5-4 C•ll>edre' pen '>'I P•oe.kly ~·$(' 2 ·1 NO MAlTER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. 949-516-t ... www.ecr*I.<..,. .. A · Z HANDYMAN lnslall. 1eface cabinets ~~ molcq. Oouc 714-546-1258 C.,,.. Repair/Sita ..... c.,.t ~ SS on ..,., Inn! ...... OWPll uprt ~ CJD ...a IJaZl9IS n~!liS4m ~<Alt,01HA•Pn o Reparu, P•tchina. lnst•I• Courteous 1ny slJe fobs Wholesale! 949 492·0205 Touchof Khw European EApen in House Cleanlna 20 years 111 Business l..icerued & Bonded Profwional teams as ianed to Your Home (949) 548-0097 Free Eadmalet Referenca Spdq Oean.in& Spec:iab Compullr Semen COMPUTER HELP! ....... """,.,.. • Ii. '9 liml ... .~ ... ·~ . .,,..,,..,.... .. ·~~ ·Ob~ ·C.,~1'1"*1~ ·~~"'-'-UC......,~. IOY19~1iqa. 71+.612-2786 & •US#llSS .,,~S UPCradts, R~•in of Computer, Network• E n nlncs/Weelltnds Comptltl•vt p<tcH for QU•ltty StfVIC t 4 .... , ... ,,s 714-t H -4221 C.....1-.Y llldi ... ,._ Tllo Conc:rw19. Patio. Of-y firepk, BBQ Rtr& 25Yrs Eap. Ttrry 714.557.7594 Tiit<-'•• Ctmentworti, Brick. Tiit I Mort. Rtlltblt. Ho fob too smell. 714·615-9062 VIHVU MAIO•IY R"'4111till Concttte I MttOll(et.!"llict. StoM, Irick. 714-915-2124 C1 l M r t•r I YOURHOMI IMPlOVIMINT PROJECT? C•lt 1 plumber. p11nter handym•n. or any of lhe areal SffYICU listed htte rn our servrce dluctoryl THESE LOCAL SVC P£0PLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! wmH01n DltYWAU All ph•ws sm/lra robs CUANI 20yrs, 1111, frt1 est L«XllJ) n 4 6» 1447 DUNCAN IUCHIC Locel. Quick Response Hom•. Verd Ir Doell Elect 20 Yrs E •P· llc/l11surtd ll27S870 949-650· 7042 DUTCMMM lUCTMC Commereiel, lndustrlel, ...,... Ur.ft emr..-. R*IWJ'!i¥~ UCIMUD CCMITUCTOI Nojobtoown.M..w.r R..,W. rtmOdtl, fant , ... ,_SW:•• ll5S ~ I Ganlenlr!W Landscaplng Lou TOf'rH l-'-c.,. Wf/My mK1I. frM ~ & rnst1t111ton 25 Yrs up Lic/1nwred !M9-S48·4363 Tr•• Sonrlce, Yard FIX UP SPICIAUS Y. All t~s of ~rep111s fltc trrc1I. pluml>fnC doof s .... r-tin. Illes ' !1'01 24htf7dliys 714 366 1881 Cleanup, llhrntentnce Jeuoy Aaw-'• Sprinkler R81>11t. Hauhna H-• a.,.1, S,.oclollst (949) U0.-1711 lntenor & £.tenor RF\lllHI •Hll'~m I!. RI ~10[11 t l°'L Rep111s 714 501 -6466 THI HANDYMAN Alt work auaranteed PUntq. Eledncal. ~ fnsfl '*'II~~ JUNK TO TMI DUMPlll 714.968. 11182 A't'AILA8LE TODAY! 949-673 5566 a PUBLIC NOTICE The C•ld Public Ut1ht1n Commission requue\ th•t •II u~d hOuHhOld i OO ds moveti print therr P U C C•I T number hmo\ and cnaufleurs prrnt thror I C P numt)er en all ad•er lrsemenh If you have "IY qunteons about the 1eaal1ty of a mo ver Irmo or cll1utteur c1ll f'UIUC UTIUTllS -COMMISSIOtC IOO 177-U'7 ~"'~ ~ Profe11ional Painting I.a ... flllllar/11.t* ......... <*llllD'' R&ta1 -0wfw COMaMM&.ca (949) Mio 3008 Ctl Mf.117· 1480 =:r..::. U.2::-'1 'T'Jrnlll ltma n ISM7-•al& Pairtlng ICl'S CUSTOM 'AINTING Prorr. clun. qualrty WO<k lnleriO</ol end doch\ l •703468 949-631-4610 ..,._ .. ,..,,.,, ... 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