HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-03 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Woes of life with eelgrass Y ou can't see iL You can't hear it. But it's there - just below the surface, lurking, waiting, watching. The Creature from the Black Lagoon? No. The Blob? Nope. The Body Snatchers? Negative. I'll just tell you. Eelgrass. Sorry ... what? "Eelgrass," as in, "eel," followed by .. grass." I had no idea what it was either, until just a few days ago that is, when this very paper ripped the lid off the eelgrass crisis. PETER But you if live BUFFA on the Great Bay of Newport and you have your own pier, I suspect you have seen the enemy, and its name is eelgrass. In case the name escapes you, eelgrass is an underwater plant that produces long. slender leaves 3 feet long or more. I assume the sight of those long. flowing tendrils undulating in the water is what put the ·eer in eelgrass. lf you were a trained marine biologist like myself, you'd know that its Latin name is "Vallisneria Americana." aJthough it's sometimes referred to by its nickname -"VaJerie." Apparently, until recently. the eelgrass kept to itself, and the people above it did the same. But not Jong ago, the regulators showed up. They came from Sacramento and Washington. They looked at the eelgrass and said, "You need protecting." ~we do?" said the eelgrasses. "Yes,· said the regulators. "But this isn't just about you. It's about the little sea creatures that live among those long, slender leaves of yours, 3 feet long or more." "Really?" said the eelgrass. "But we like it here, under the pier, under the pier, as in ... right here. Couldn't you just leave us here, under the pier, alone right here?" "No," said the regulators. "Were here to help." And so, the eelgrass became a 'protected species. Not endangered mind you, but protected which, as it turns out, also means an expensive species. It all has to do with dredging -·from the verb, "to dredge." You know -scooping up the gun)cy stuff on the bottom so boats can move around without a care in the world, or the water. lf you don't dredge now and See COMMENTS, Paa• M ltSl>E 11EPLM ltSIGHr W1hevethe1 thote looking for perfect pet. The lov1bte, cuddly, friendly m 11 Winning its w-v Into femily ltt.. .......... II SUNDAY EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 Al:JGUST 3, 2003 10 years ago Chief Bob McDonell faced the challenge of an emotionally shattered police department, but his success is evident today. SUNDAY STORY Healing the Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot T en years have flown by for Newpon Beach Police 01ief Bob McDonell. He remembers 1993 like yesterday. "I was supposed to meet ciry manager Kevin Murphy for 10 minutes at the Bay Qub," he reminisced . "But that meeting lasted an hour." . It was not just the chemistry between the two that was good. McDonell was at the time police chief for the city of Woodland in Northern California. MI wanted to come back to Orange County," said the 55-year-old chief, who spent seven years as a lieutenant ln the San Oemente Police Department. McOonell said he wanted to come to . Newport Beach became 11.., a .. premier Cit\ .. "It's the k.ind of city policl' chiefc; dream about ... he said. "This comnrnnitv rnlue'> their quality and quantity of servit e and they're not afraid to pay for 1t. .. But conditions were not as baJmv a ... the beach for McDonell. The chief walked in at a ume of turmoil The department was reeling from a frl'~h wound inflicted by the controvers\ surrounding the dismissal of McDnneJI., predecessor Arb Campbell. Both Campbell and Capt. Anthony\ ilia were put on paid administrative leave 111 October 1992 following allegation~ by lour female employees that Villa had c;cxu.illy harassed them and that Campbell had condoned his behavior. A veteran police dispatcher also alleged in a lawsuit that both men had raped her at a ·drunken Police Department party at the Bonita Canyon dump site in July 198 l. The scandal reached a new low when See BLUES, Pace A4 TOP STORY Newport Pohc.e Chief Bob McDonell FU PHOTO I DAILY Pit.OT Arb Campbell speaking at a City Council meeting 1n September 1992 No rOom for bull talkers here : . Flying U Rodeo bull riding has been thrilling Orange County Fair audiences for 46 years, but isn't for the faint of heart. , ... 1c11nton Dlfty Pitot FAIRGllOUNDS -With this ,.n edldon of the <>n.np County Adr winding dawn, buU rtden elec· trlfted a pUed hoUle at CtU.en'a 8uliDel8 Bank Arena on Saturday mw. two lhowa. ... Riden dq IO 1;500"pound bulls. who budllld ............ dww 17 ollbe llltdia• tM2 p.m. lbow. only one n.llr bunl aa .. ... benchmentlltbt wc11. Aadenca l'OU'ld wtlb ...... Md cbe9l1, ewn lot rtden ~ womduplalrltlnbl-..,, Cowboy John Buchert tries to ~onto named freedom c:turqabul riding competition It the Orqe CCU1tYFw . A2 Sooday, Au&ust 3, 2003 NEWPORT BEACH City officials work with government on eelgrass City officials are looking for ways to help residents Who have eelgrass growing underwater near thelr private docks. The city hopes to convince federal and state regulators to set a limit on how much eelgrass is enough in the bay in order to save people the expense of replanting eel grass after they dredge under their docks. • The question of how to develop Castaways Parle is a challenge facing the city. Some residents want only native plants there. Others want a portio n of the park to contain turf grass for picnicking and other activities. •A city plan to create racks to store dinghies has met with some resistance. During a recent Harbor Commission meeting. several residents raised concerns that the city is considering. A meeting is planned this week to gather further input on the question of whether storage racks for dinghies could help boaters access their offshore moorings. • Longtime BaJboa Peninsula postaJ worker Nancy Buck retired after 35 years at the post office. The office held a party for her farewell fill ed with WHappy Retirement• balloons. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may ~ reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagrande(Q latimes.com. COSTA MESA City has prepared for budget cuts City Manager AJJen Roeder couldn't pinpoint an exact number of his city's loss from the state Assembly budget, but he has already implemented a number of cost control measures, which include a freeze on major projects, repairs or purchases of new equipment. The city is aJso working to cut down the number of overtime hours by staff members. • The Parks and Recrea tion Commission has decided to resLrict the use of the Varsity BasebaJl field at Estancia High School to every other Sunday. The cutback is due to a resident's complaints about the adult leagues that use the field on the weekend. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may ~ reactied at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre. newman (QI lat imes. com. EDUCATION School districts, college ready for budget cuts Schools throughout the area are· bracillg for cuts if Gov. Gray Davis signed the budget. The Coast Community College District is looking at a deficit of S4 million and fees will go up to $1 8 per unit. UC Irvine tuition will be 30% higher in the fall and the university wiU share the pain with the other UC campuses in having $410 million pared from its state funding. And the Newport-Mesa Unified School District is expecting to receive about $250 less per student. • In better news, UCI reported that it received more than $235 million in grants and contracts for the 2002-03 school year. That amount has grown 20% in the past three years. EEK IN ·REVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'OUCH' I PUBLIC SAFETY Newport settles claim with Veches victim The city has settled one of five claims made by parents of boys inappro pria1ely touched by a former recreation coordinator who supervised the city·s after-school programs and holiday camps. OfficiaJs declined to sa y which of the claims bas been seuJed out of court because the agreement is seaJed. . Trenton Veches was sen1enced to life in prison on July 11 for sucking the 1oes of severaJ young boys enrolled in the city's programs. A jury in May found the 32-year-old man guilty of 23 coun1s of felony lewd act with a child and two misdemeanor counts of sexuaJ assault. He bad aJso pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of possessing child pornography. • Newport Beach Police are investigating an anonymous letter thal threatens to pay back a former planning commissioner who in the late 1980s helped bring down a successful chain of seafood restaurants. The lene r sent 10 the Daily Pilot. addressed to WMr. Person· typed m all capital letters and written without periods, presumably talks about getting back at former Planning Commissioner James "Buzz" Person was helping police arrest Francis Delaney-then owner of Delaney's Seafood Restaurant in Cannery Village - on bribery charges 13 years ago. Newport Beach Police are loolcing into whether the letter Is reaJ or a hoax. officials said. During an African Acrobats performance 26-year-old Juma Nwvi of Kenya took on a picture-perfect pose complete with a smile. This was the group's first year at the Orange County Fair and the show even lead to outcries from onlookers shocked by some of the contortions. It wasn't hard to figure ou1 the backward handstand would make that day's story on the fair standout. MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT MARK BOSTER /LOS ANGELES TIMES Former basketball star Dennis Rodman testified Thursday that he has "no recollection" of a woman who sued him for allegedly raping her. • Newport Beach Police are looking for a man in connection with a talceover-style armed robbery of a Bank of America branch office in Corona del Mar Monday morning. Police said the man walked into the bank in the 3300 block of East Coast Highway wearing a white surgjcaJ mask and latex carrying an ite m he said was an explosive device. !fe took an undisclosed amount of money from the teUer and then ordered the employees into the bank's vault and custome rs to lay on the floor. •Dennis Rodman on Thursday testified in a civil trial that he has no recollection of meeting a woman who accused the former NM star of drugging her, taking her to his West Newport borne and sexually assaulting her severaJ times. Jo Len McGowen accuses Rodman of sexual battery, negligence and false Imprisonment in March 2001. She said he savagely assaulted her as she slipped in and out of consciousness. Rodman's attorney argued that Mc.Gawen's statements to the police were inconsistent No criminal charges were filed in the case. The triaJ is expected to continue Monday at the Central Justice Center in Santa Ana. • DEEM BHARATH oover1 public safety end courU. Sh e mey be reached at 19491 574-4226 or by e-mell et deepa.bharath§latlme•.com. NOTABLE QUO TABLES -Den.me Jlodnwn. the West Newport resident and former NM star In a dvil trial regarding an alleged sexual assault of a 39-year-old woman. answering the prosecutor's question, ·As the owner of Josh Slocum's, a.re you allowed to go behind the bar and make drinks for people?" "Califomitis jiscaJ crisis is not solved. If this is a football game, we're not even at halftime. • -John Qunpbdl, Newport Beach's assemblyman, on the state's future budget prospects •Obviously. it's a betur scenario rhan we were looking al earl~r this year. but until wt see whal the gouemor does. its net a cause for ~lelmztion. It's a cause for letting out a Uttle sigh of relief knowing that wt'n going to survive it this year.. -ErtnCobn. spokeswoman for the Coast Community College District. on the proposed state budget cutting only $4 million, rather than S8 million the district expected 'We compan ourselves to a t¥TttUn group of public {schools/, and even with these inaM.U!:S they'n planning to implement. we'll still be below the comparisons. And wn wt Mar the comparison {schools/ are raising lfeesJ even more. We're all going through the same thing al IM SQ/TU time.· -s...dra QunpbeD, associate vice chancellor for the budget at UC Irvine, on how the school remains competitive despite the University of California system's fee hikes ·He uw l'M person to whom other recm:ilion coordinaJors would go to if they wanted to report something.· -Homer Blud8u. Newport Beach City Manager. on how the biggest problem with convicted sex offender 'Denton Veches was that he was the actual supervisor DailyAPilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No newt ttoriet, SURF AND SUN 9ean Hiller, Don Leacti, Illustrations, editorial matter or Kent Trept.ow advertisements hef'eln can bl READERS HOTUNE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST northwett 2 fMt 8t 8 MCOnda permission of copyright owner. and south 4 feet 8t 17 (949) 642-6086 Thia morning ahould be MCOnda. There will be anaaa VOL 97, NO. 215 Record your comments about the HOW TO REA04 US motttv cloudy~ Pltdfv fog of fog In the morning. The Dally Pilot or news tfpe. ~ turning to ... ~ ewnlng will bring nofthWMt THOMAS H. JOHNSON New.Editors Addnea The Timee Orange County PubfWler Gine Ale-under, Lori Ander10n, Our lddrea is 330 W. Bly St., Cost. ~llD'llneothe wind et 15 knots or .... end TONYDODIRO Denlel Hunt. hut Seltowltz. Mesa, CA 92827. OfTlce hours 1n1 (800) 252-8141 high ... The......., .... windww. of 2 *'or .._ Editor o...s.w.. ......... reeum In the., .... •the .JUfN OITTWO Monct.y -Frldey, 8:30 a.m. -5.p.m. a 'l"led (948) 642-5878 ~ NEWSITAW Coftoedb• ~(IM9)M2~1 ~-lnl0the809. SURF cnme'=9~ner. h 11 the Pllot'I policy to promptly &llolW 1Nngi lhould ~wry Promodonl DlredOr , ... , comtet •II errOfll of aut»tance, ..... much• ..... 11atldly. · There will continue to be • dNpe.~•t~oom PINM cell (94817'&M324. (949) 642-6680 ......... : eouthweet .well but h wffl be EDnlNGl'Wf --=·· lt*'8 11M9)57~ ~ down. There lhcMlld be I U C.. Newpoft reporter, FYI ..... ,.. (941) &4M170 IOATlli FOIECAIT toUthefty ... of 180. 6-b ~·· .,IJ4..U32 The Newpoft ~Mesi ---,.. 194918&0-0170 should be lhouldef.. to .. ftlt», OW ....... ,.,,..com Deity Pilot (lJSl'S..MiMDO) .. l..fMI: <Mllypllof•111t1,,.,.._oom wei91-Ngh. 1./t»hn·~ ... cai.e... pubflehed defly. In Ntwpoft a.ct\ ..... Ollo9 ................. ~ w.w,:: ........... Pofldca. bu•.-and environment end eo.te MeA, eubecriptlone .. ... ,...._ Ollo9 <Ml &42-4321 wll be 11 Mola Of .... with ~,.,,, WWW.tu .CN'IJ ( .,...... repoltlr, tM) 7'iM330 wettable only by eublcribfng to The ........ ,... llMll 831-7129 wind W9Y9e of 2 .... Of ..... ~ ,.,,,_._..,,.,,__com TlmM 0ntnot County (IOO) SW.ell wll be 2 fwt at I TIDES ............ ~ ..... 252-8141. In lfNI outllc» of In ---~-•17 .. ..l:li Cotumnll&. ....... repoft«, N9wpoft 11.-dl and eo.c. MeN. ....... wllbelf'ell ,..... ........ ~ ... IJMIJI aublc:flpetone to lhe Deity f'lot .. of fDg In the morning. 8undly 12:171.m. .. ..... high M on:A.,~ ::ii eNit tchalu,...•--..oom ewllable ~by ... oe.. mell for night .... be 1011r'°'8 °' 7:2te.m. 0.10 .... low ....... t30 '*month. ,,.._Include .. P'ublleMd by nm.a Community ...wllh wlndWIWI of 2fw.e 2:Wp.m. 4.11 .... hlgh •. ~':.=..,, c.. ..... ......, .• ,~, ~--IOOll--.) Hewe.• dfWlon of me t.oe Mge1ee °' ..... l:J1 p.m. 1.71fNtlow ........,....._ • ...,,,.,.. oom POSTMAl1tt: Send ..... Titnel. ln~ ........ wlnd . Wii . om-. cNngi9 IO The NMpoft w11 be'*"'•• 10 eo 20 ..... . .. .... .,..... e.c:M:CMlta ..... o..v "'°"' ~ ao03 Times CH. All ,.,._ llnoll. M.sww. .. be 1 to --..,,...,.;it ...... .,, .... ...,,.~ loif IMO. C... Meet. CA tme.. ..... 119d. , .............. • • • • • Dally Pilot '1111id.:iy Au~ust J ?003 AJ LOOKING BACK From tumbleweeds to concrete Krla O'Donnell Daily Pilot 0 n Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the United 5'ates became embroiled in a great strugte to keep the shores free from invaders. All plans were. of course. quite inadequate as originally drawn and activities expaoded tremendously. · An Army classification center for aviation cadets moved from Santa Ana proper to rhe Santa Ana Army Air Base that comprised the area between Baker Street on the north, Harbor Boulevard on the west. Wilson Street on the south and Newport Boulevard on the east in of February 1942. '"They raised cattle at Harbor and Adams, in 1950, for students of animal husbandry at the coDege. • recaJJed Gladys Refa.lces of the Costa Mesa Historical Society. .Some buiJ~ were ready for the cadets. 350 of whom arrived FYI For more information about occ: contact the Costa M esa Historical Society at (949) 631-5918. the last wee.le of February and instruction began early In March. she said. WI was there.twice, once in 1943 for clasmfication, then again in '44 for pre--Oight training/ ,said Art . Lambert. who is now in charge of the Santa Ana Anny Air Base wing of the Costa Mesa Historical Society. "There was nothing else around then." Orange C:Oast C:Ollege got its start at the base, which became the pre-flight training center for the Western Ayi.ng Training C:Ommand A faculty of more than 250 well-trained and experienced high school. college and university teachers. many of whom held advanced academic degrees, were recruited to instruct The military base looked more ti.Ice a large civilian university. "I like to think of this as the real beginning of Orange <:oast C:Ollege.. Thelma Harwood, secretary to OCC founding president Basil H. Peterson. later wrote. "ln fact, some of the same individuals who served the air base became members of the staff when Orange C:Oast C:Ollege came into existence. "There was Kenneth Boettd1er, musicicin in the base band. who was the first ch.airman of the fine and applied arts division of CXX: and who wrote the college's Alma Mater." Robert Griesser. member of OCCs social science staff, was on the base as a captain in the student mess section of operation. Squadrons of soldiers camped out in the hills of the Irvine Ranch where. later, students of the surveying classes of OCC perforrned their field-practice surveying. Swimming and lifesaving techniques were practiced in the harbor. OU; offidalJy lx.'CamC a viable entity on Jan. 27, 1947-c.:1~ started Sept. 13, I 94li. and comprised 533 o;tudenLs and 33 faculty members. Unifom1ed young men marching in full military fonnauons have been rcplact'tl by equally yuu11g nwn and women scurrying to and from classes or laking part in o,1udcn1 activities. The duster of drah gnty buildings i,o, gone Uean linec, o~ bright red brick, white Lunnete and glass are the uutc,tanding features of the contempor.:iry a11d functional coUrge buildinw-today. Today's student population i~ arow1d 36,000. • L.OOKJNG BACK runs Sundays Do you know of a person, plate or event that deserves a historical look badc7 Let us know. Contact James M eier by fax at (9491646-4170; e-mail at James.meier a /a/Imes.com; or mail at rJo Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Orange Coast College's quad as 1t looked 1n the early 1950s. F,aturir1xA Li,,, l nbuu 7u Frank Sinatra f:r1,ry MonJ,,ty & 7iusday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Scrvke .. • ... Ni ti f.ntcn.ainment .. • F•r R,snYWtiaw1 c..JI (949) 646-7944 l69S lmne Aw .• CMu M- lliila.i .. ~""" • Siii r..._Mt ..... -..... ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SEG ERSTROM HALL FOUN DERS HALL BOX OFFICE lOAM -6PM WWW.OCPAC.ORG (714 ) 740-7878 tic ketmas t e r (714) 755-0236 GROUP SALES (714) 556·2787 INFORMATION (714) 556·2746 TTY The classic film is now a FUN-fill.ED lfTERACTIYE EVENT where you can cheer for Julie, hiss at the Baroness and, of course, sing along! So dress as one of your favorite things -or come as you are -and enjoy the festivities. free Aucience fun Pack, including Edelweiss and Invitation to the Captain's Ball! AUG 22-24 SEGERSTROM HALL Fri & Sot at 7pm Sun at lpm $22-$12 THE HEAVENLY MUSICAL THEATRE HIT! * ....... ,.sm. Meroedes-Benz M &Rlay, August 3, 2003 POLICE FILES COSTA MESA ......... hMt .... ..... a Dllt Lw:A tr1lffic ICddlnt ifwoMng Injuries \WI reported at 4.'09 p.m. Thundey. • -8INet: Grand theft wu rwpof1ed In the 3300 blodt • 7'HI p.m. Thursday. • ........ 8INK Petty theft Wiie reported in the 3300 blodt at 7:A3 p.m. Thursday. • ,._,..... Hoed: An auto th.a WIM repot18d in the 2300 blodt et 71»4 p.m. Thundfv. • Kint le D d "9ce: Vlndltilm WU reported in the 1700blodtat 12:12 p.m. Thur9day. •Ntwpoft~A commerdat bUrglaf'VWH repolted In 1h9 1900 blodc at 11:14a.m. Thur'9day. NEWPORT BEACH •Mcedcl~A hk~n was reported in the 800 blodt llt 9:18 p.m. Thursday. ·~Boul.-d:A hft-enckun was reported in 1he 2900 bloc* at 5~32 p.m. Thursday. • Nlwport c..r o.tw EeltMd .... portc.nt... Dl'-Alt~waa reported et 11:2' a.m. Fttdmy. • 0-. lolld1-* A tnfl'ic ecddlt 11 lnwMng ifljuriec Wiie rwport.d In 1he 3000 blodtat 10:61 a.m. mct.y. • n111 t...-An auto theft WU reported in the 7400 blodt et 12.'03 p.m. Friday. •l111boNDlfw:Grend ct'9fl _. repOf'9d In the eooo blodt at 8:25 p.m. Thur9day. BLUES Continued from Al rank-and-tile officers lssued a 90% vote of no confidence for Campbell. T};len city manager Kevin Murphy wound up firing Campbell and Villa on Dec. 22 after a three-month lntemaJ investigation. The city was caught in a web of lawsuits. including one from Villa and Campbell stating that the city violated their civil and due process rights by placing the men o o paid admlnlstratlve leave during the investigation into the alleged incidents. Moreover, the total number of women who joined the suit against the chief swelled to 10 and a city investigation dug up even more who said they had been harassed by the rwo men. All women earned cash settlements from the city, but only one still remains as a police officer in Newport Beach. Murphy, faced with a never-ending lawsuit did an about-face and made j..deal with both officers ancftheir attorneys to rehire them back and retire them with benefits intacL The former city manager, who still lives in Newpdrt Beach. couJd not be reached for comment. FACING AN EMOTIONAL CHALLENGE McDonell said be knew he was walking into the eye of a storm. But he says he knew 1hose were the kind of issues he could deal with. "I was not afraid of that," he said. "I knew that what I had to do was to build trust and confidence to make things right." The tumultuous m onths in 1993 stiJJ remain fresh in the minds of several community members. Former Councilwoman Jan Debay walked into the controversial situation herself when she was elected to the City Council. "It was a very unpleasant thing for the city," she said. "It had to be dealt with very carefully. It seemed like it went on forever. It was very painful for a lot of people and very costly for the city." Bill Hamilton, owner of Malarkey's Iris h pub in Balboa PeninsuJa. said as much as he likes and respects McDonell. he sympathized with Campbell. with whom he stiJI keeps in contact. "Looking back I don't think Arb got treated properly by the city," he said. "I think it couJd've been handJed more smoothly. There were a lot of hot heads in the investigation and the whole thing got out of hand.· Campbell. who now lives in Arizona with his wife. declined to comment. Hamilton remembered how emotions ran high during the crisis. It was the onJy year, he §OLIS t ~VEST~1E'" "T S & R EA.LT Y KRISTIN M. Sous • Licensed Real F.statc ~nt • SJWciAlizing in Newport Mesa Residmtiil Real .&tau ERIC A Sous, CFP • 17 ~an Expnimct • Stocks t!r Bo1uls • Mutual Funds •Annuities • Estate Cr Retimnmt Planni11g • lnvatmmt .Banking • Smll1J MU/Jk M1l1'lut Com}'llllies l CtlEF MCOONEU.'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Formellzed problem-oriented pollclng • Created a technologlcal revolution, updating computere end police patrol equipment • Started the Crime Prevention Program •Initiated the Cftlzen1 and Teen academies • Launched • uniformed volunteer program • Created a Chaplin Program through which employfe1 ean get counaellng • Drove ma11age parlor• that were front1 for pro1tltutlon out of the city • Started Airborne Law Enforcement in oollaboration with Costa Meaa said, when the annual Police Appreciation Breakfast hosted by the Cllamber of Commerce was canceled. MThe emotion just tore the community apart," h e said. THE PEACEMAKER But both Debay and Hamilton praised McDonell for the way he handJed the sensitive issue and the way he built the department. Debay said she was impressed that McDonell found the time to spend Fourth of JuJy in West Newport, just observing the goings on. "He had not even taken office at the time," she said . "But he cared enough to come." Dehay said McDonelJ brought with him "a great change" to the department. "He brought community policing to our town,· she said. "He had officers work closely with community members." Pulling everyone together. however, wasn't as easy for McDoneU. He knew there were strong feelings. hun people and loyal factions. "My job was not to judge that: McDonelJ said. "My job was to put it behind us and heal this place." What followed was a lengthy process o f one-on-one meetings through which the then new chief got to know his employees and get hints of what was going on in their minds. ·r spent rwo to three hours with each employee.· he said. "lt was important for m e to establish that personal relationship especialJy at a time like that." The department has healed and come a long, Jong way from those months aJJ employees wish to forget, McDonell said. "We've grown a lot as an organization." he said. "We regard ourselves as a family. Individuals h ere care for one another." McDonell said h e has focused on hiring the best people for the department and for the community. "When r hire someone, I look for a person who would treat COMMENTS Continued from Al then, boats start scraping on t,he bottom. running aground, all of which saddens the owners of the boats. Each of us has our duties to in life, and for people who own a boat slip, part of life's drudgery is dredgery. Uke cleaning out rain gutters, changing filters and recalling governors. It's something you just have to do now and then. In the past. when you needed dredging, you called a dredger (see Yellow Pages under "Dredgers} and said, "Hello? J need to be dredged." The dredger wouJd come out with his little dredger and dredge you, which could cost up to two grand, which is not peanuts. But now, with the highly protected eelgrass floating into the picture, two thousand dollars is a fond memory. What cost about $2,000 not long ago can now top out at $40,000. Gulp. You can buy a lot of eels for $40,000, assuming you AROUND TOWN • Send AROUM> TOWN ltemt to the Deity fltlot. 330 W. Bey St, Coetl Meee, CA 82927: by .-mall tomlt~•~c:iom: by fax to(.,..) 948-4170; or by ~Ing (&48) 574-4298. Include the ttm., det• end tocadon of the tvent. •well •a contec:I phone number. A compMte llltfng I• IV811*-et www.dalfypl/Of.com. FILE PHOTO /DAILY PILOT Arb Campbell's home after he was rehired by the city and allowed to retire; benefits intact. this community like how they want their family to be treated.· he said. Since McDonell took charge. he has hired a totaJ of 182 people. I-le has also promoted aJJ three captains. au nine lieutenants and 18 out of 21 sergeants . "Researchers say it talces five to seven years to feel like you've taken a turn in an organization," McDonell said. "Seven years was about the time when I felt we had talcen the tum. It was when I felt I had an imprint on this organization and it felt good." RESPECTED BY THE RANK AND FILE McDonell's officers say he has been an exemplary leader. He brought professionalism to the department, said Sgt. John Freeman, who has been with the depa nme nr for ab out 29 years. "We've concentrated m o re on personal values. responsibility and integrity," he said. "We do a better job and provide bette r ever buy eels. which I suspect you do not. Here's where the 40 grand goes (other than up tn smoke), prior to being dredged. you need to have someone relocate your eelgrass. unbanned. to a temporary home. (See YeUow Pages -"Eelgrass Relocation Specialists.") After you've been dredged, the eelgrass needs to be replanted exactJy where it was. NeedJess to say, that's a lot of moving. dredging. shucking and jiving -all of which costs money. But waiL That's just the beginning. The waterside dweller then has to foot the bill for monitoring the eelgrass beneath his or h er sUp for five to seven years. lf the eelgrass passes on to that great grass bed in the sky before then, the pier owner gets to pony up even more drachmas for new eelgrass. Some of you might, or might not, ask. "Are we short on eelgrass?" Good question, but no one knows. In classically governmental fashion, the Jaws are silent a.s to how much grass Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. MONDAY a.... ...... " ftrtt ""°""" al>rttt gredee are lnvtted to •A Jungfe CruiM• et 10:30 e.m. tt the Newport PNdl Centrtl Ubnuy. Troubedoura Ken and John Frawley will praent the 1nte'11Ctlv. progr1m. lnform,atlon: (949) 717-3818. TUESOAY The._.. n ...... Founddon and Newport~ Beoc:ftul 9ocMty wtll hotd an Of91nlc ~ fV9nt from 8:30to 10 p.m. et Caoti 8tu Aettaurn In H9wport "-cft. The°'* .. $30 for membera end.,'°' noilfnlfnbei'a. lnfonndcM\; (148) .... , .. service." Mc Don ell's I 0 years as chief have been a •tremendous period of o;ta bihty" for the d epartment. said Lt. Tom Gazs1. "We've had high morale with success in community policing. the school resource officers program, volunteers in policing and in expanding service to the annexation areas.· he said. "He's an exceptional boss that has high expectations and leads by example.· Ga.zsi said he and other officers have put the Campbell controversy behind them. "The re's no question about it.· he said. ·rr~ a memory of long ago and it's behind us.·· Female officers are treated with dignity and respect in the department just as everyone 1s treated, said Officer Kristen Arnold. "I grew up in a law enforcement household.· she said. "So I was ready to address poter:itial situations. But when I got here. ll JU~l wasn't an issue." is enough eelgrass 1f a woodchuck could chuck wood. No wait, that's something else. In reality. there are some 30 to 35 acres of eelgrass on the bonom of Newpon Harbor. That's a lot of grass, even for eels. And in some spots. the eelgrass is spreading so fast that it's clogging up the whole system. "We don't dispute that eelgrass is good for the fish and the bay," says Mayor Steve Bromberg. "What we dispute is the fact that even though we have so much of it. people are stiJJ in this situation." Even as we speak (1 know we're not. It's just an expression) Mayor Bromberg is trying to arrange an eelgrass swnmit with all the agencies involved. and Rep. Chris Cox. to come up with ways to protect eelgrass that might actually work on this planet. According to Newport Beach Assistant City Manager Dave Kiff. "A lot of people around the harbor think that the city is willingly and aggressively enforcing thls eelgrass poUcy. WEDNESDAY Chldren -~·first dwough sixth gredea ire lnvtt.d to •A Jungle CNIM• et 3 p.m. et N.wpor1 Bead\ Centrel Ubrary'a Manners br8nc:h. lnfonnetlon: UM9) 717-3118. TtUtSOAY a....-t111 flntthrou8tt 1txlh gredee .... lrwtted to .,,. Jungle Crul•• tt 10:30 e.m. et Newpott IMct\ Central Ubrlry'a 8alboe lrend\. Troubedoura t<.n end John frewtev will preeent ... h""8dfw program. lnfonnetlon; (M)717-3118. Ahe ..... ..,.,_._,..,. wll be held l'.30 '° 7:JO p.m. llt Mother._~ me. 11'tt St., COllta Mw. For,.....,....,. ... Cll CIOO>-.MOMS. Arnold. who came to the department six years ago. said she only knows a Uttle about the scandal 10 years ago. "I've always felt that the line of communication with the chief are open and be has developed a supportive en vironment for alJ employees including female employees." she said. What does the future hold for McDonell? "I'm trying not to look too far." he said. ·r still feel like I have a contribution to make.· Staff training will be an important part of the future, McDonell said. "We need to help our officers gal n experience and exposure and develop the capabilities to replace alJ of us," he said. The chief says what makes him want to come to work everyday is the fact that he works with some of the best people in the business. • 1 couJd retire today if r wanted to,· he said. "But I enjoy this work. Every day is different and fulfilling." but we didn't want this provision in there. We want a sensible eelgrass policy and we don't think what's in place is all that senslble. • At 40 grand per eelgrass transplant, l would say that's true. The Newport Beach Harbor Commission has come up with a good suggestion if you ask me. which nobody would. The city could set up underwater eeJgrass nurseries. to which people who have to be dredged pay a reasonable fee to make up for any eelgrass lost in the process. I like it. And that is the story. more or I~. of the boats and the piers and the sea creatures and the Vallisneria Americana. By the way, Valerie has a cousln, called Valisnerla Spiralls, which is native to southern Europe and North Africa. Why does that matter'l Beats me. I gotta go. • PET8' 9""" Is a form« Com Mesa meyOf. His cofumn run• Su~. He may be reached by .-meil etl1(tb4•aol.oom. Sunday. August 3. 2003 A5 INSIGHT It th.,.• topic you'd Ub to ... ex_pk>Nd on thle pee97 Contact Jose J. Santo• with que1tion1, c0mment1 or ldeaa. He can be reached at (949) 574-4224 or 1ose.untos@l11t1mu .com. Tiw ._.._,. c.lfomlll ~of ...... _._ a. .. ~-..-...1n 1-.".--.................... .. ...c:A•·~-._,..... ...... ,.. .......... ...... ····-Tiw ........... h9 8bout 100 w....... I • • QI _..,.._eocW911dlw .......... lti ... _....., 0 Sf; -iw1Wl1fof'ltl.For_.._,..,..t1an.~..._.C:.-.. rlt10MIOM11.eom •cell~......_ .e fMlt ..... ,.. ---...... -.~.otV- • M Sunday, August 3, 2003 Daily Pilot CHECK IT OUT Books going to the dogs 370BE. 17th~~ In the,.,,.~ . C....- 949. 646 .6 89 II-Th: &Jm.8prJ Ft1: ~ Slrt'1~1pm www.s implyshapelyfitness .com Aug. l '" thru Aug. 9nt it 's Green & White Tag Sale AT THE ORCHARD All resale clothing wirh a green or white tag /all :.alt1 finu/J 369 E. 17th Street #20, Costa Mesa-, California 92627 Open Monday thru Saturday I 0-6 •Closed Sunday We Pay Cash for Gently Used Kid's Stuff (949)650-2243 I DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 Al\ID MORE I NO TAKE DDWl\I OR REMOVIN6 NECE!l!iARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • luminette Privacy Shee~ • Silhouette" window shadings • Vignette~ window shadings • Ouette• honeycomb shades • Millenia™ Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades • Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenette™ Softfold™ shadings World's Best ON-srn- Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIF.S 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 l/11111111111 '/11•11111.1111111I111 /111o1l1111 ,,,,,, .,,.,,,, , • .,,,,, ,. 1'1'1/ ' 'I f your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise," observed an unknown source. If you want to get more, wallc down to your nearest library for resourees that will help you live in harmony with . manldnd's best friend. If you're serious about caring for the canine in ADOPTABLE DOG your clan, check out uCarlng For Your Dog," new from noted veterinarian Bruce Fogle. Following a section covering the essentials of dog selection, human-canine partnerships and responsible breeding, Fogle describes just about any disorder a dog owner might encounter. From proper nutrition to diagnostic aids and holistic therapies, there's advice on care for every stage of a dog's AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa M esa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. MUSIC PACIFIC AMPHITHEATRE CONCERTS The Orange County Fair's summer concert series at the Pacific Amphitheatre ends today with a performance by Boston. fouoncertiofoimation, caU (714) 708-1870 or visit www.ocfsir.com. To order tidcets, call (714) 740-2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Fiesta Del Charro at 2 and 8 p.m. today is the last event at the Orange County Fair's Citizens Business Bank Arena. The Orange County Fair is on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAIA. MUSIC LEGEND KEIKO MATSUI Music legend Keiko Matsui is playing a benefit concert for Hoag Cancer Center from 7 to 8:30 p.m. today at the Hyatt Newporter Outdoor Amphitheater at 1107 Jamboree Road in Newport Beach. Tidcets are $45 for general admission and VIP tidcets are $125 and includes a VIP reception and reserved seating. Tidcets can be purchased by calling the Hoag Hospital Foundation at (949) 574-7208 or the Hyatt Newporter at (949) 729-1234. 'ITALIAN FIREWORKS' The Pacific Symphony's Cart St. Clair will conduct a program of "Italian Fireworks; a concert filled with the romance and excitement of Italy featuring violinist Philip Quint and soprano Dominique Labelle. The concert is at 8 p.m . Saturday at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets range from $75 to $375. Information: (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pscificsymphony.org. LEON FLEISHER IN CONCERT The Orange County Performing Arts Center 2003--04 Concert Series will open with a special celebration -a 75th birthday celebration for the pianist and composer Leon Fleisher at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 11 in Founders Hall. Se r ving 'BreaP.Ja s t 1 Luncfi 6c 'Dinnt r 11.ocah P!lvoritel SUice I995 life in this definitive medical reference. Also new on the shelves is uA.doptable Dog" by John Ross and Barbara McKinney. Aimed at owners who have adopted "pre.owned" pooches, this training guide from the authors of "Puppy Pft!8Cbool" covers how to determine which dog is right for your home, how to help anew pet get along with family members and how to cure common behavior problems. Have a dog with bad habits? Turn to "Dop Bebavtnl Badly, n available in print and on audiocassette, for clues on how to get inside the mind of pets that may be nipping, chasing or barking excessively. Drawing on research and case studies from his Tufts University practice, Dr. Fleisher will be joined by violinists Cho-Liang Lin and Gil Shaham, violist Paul Neubauer and cellists Carter Brey and Gary Hoffman. Tldcets cost $76 and can be purchased at the center box office o r at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. NEW WORLD FLAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenco Festival will be two full weeks, through Aug. 17, offering performances, wor1cshops and outreach activities. From the traditional to the contemporary. the festival showcases the best of flamenco music, dance and song. For mo.re information, tidcet prices and dates, call (949) 8544646 or visit www.thebarc/ay.org. 'A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct "A Night at the Oscars• at 8 p.m. Aug. 23. It's an evening of legendary film classics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtradc live. The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets cost $75 to $375. For information, call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pscificsymphony.org. 'SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out audiences around the wortd, "Sing-a-long Sound of Music• is coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall Aug. 22 and 23 at 7 p.m . and Aug. 24. at 1 p .m . Tidcets cost $12 to $22 and can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For infoQJlation, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. K.O. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. fang will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept. 6. Tidcets cost $46 to $70. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tidcets are available at the cent er's box office, by calling (7i4) 556-ARTS or onllne at www.ocpac.org. CHRISISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the Nicholas Dodman offers techniques for curing excessive aggression, destructive behavior, digging, hyperactivity and other problems. The secret to alle~ating such behaviors may lie in bridging the language barrier between humans and dogs. Learn h ow to communicate with your pet with Jan Fennell's "1be Dog . Listener," in which the canine trainer. known as "the dog whisperer," describes a humane method for teaching dogs to accept a human as their alpha leader. The way you live may shape the behavior of the dog you love, according to Jodi Andersen, author of "The Latchkey Dog." Even if you must work to earn moriey for dog food, there are ways to keep your pet from having your sofa for lunch while Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m . Sept 14. Tidcets cost $46 to $82. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tidcets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpac.org. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m . every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m . Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perfonn classic rock, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Udo Partc Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. l=ree. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. SUNMI8 T 50% OFF 1st Session $15 Value you're at the office, Sa.ys this professional pet trainer. Using dogs and owners she's wol'ked with as examples, she reveals how to get your house back in order while teachl.ng Fido to be a functional family member. Despite problems they can introduce into a household, pets can be powerful weapons in fighting disease. Read how they've helped people trlwnph over phobias. ~entary Ufestyles and life threatening conditions in "lbe Healing Power of Peta." Blending science with personal stories, Dr. Marty Becker provides guidance for activating a medicine that can't be found in any pharmacy in a work aimed at anyone searching for optimal health. • CHECK rr OUT is written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. Thia week's column ls by Melissa Adams, in collaboration with Soon Jung. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www.newportbeschlibrary.org. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP·ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&S Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'MAMMA MIA!' ·Mamma Mia; the smash hit musical based on the songs of ABBA, will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. through Aug. 10. Tidcets cost $44 to $68.50 and can be purchased at the center's bo)( office of online at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. 'THE SNOW QUEEN' South Coast Repertory is featuring "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen Aug. 23 and 24 with performances at 1 and 4 p.m. both days in the Nicholas Studio. Tidcets are $5. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. For tldcets or information, call (714) 708-5555. 'CHICAGO' Kander and Ebb's hugely popular "Chicago" will be performed at 8 p.m . Aug. 26 through 29, at 2 and 8 p.m. Aug. 30, and at 2 and 7:30 p.m . Aug. 31 at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tidcets cost $28. 75 to $65. 75. They can be purchased at the Center box office or at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. I IEJ\IPI 111.1.'S --f{ l . < • '°I & < \I{ PI I '°I ONGOING EVENTS • Send ONGOING Item• to the Delly Piiot 330 W. Bay St , Costa Men. CA 92627; bye-mall to mJke.~n•on@latimea.oom; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674--4298. Include the time. dlte and location of the event. as well .. a contact phone number. A oompfete fitting ie available at www.dallyplfot.com. n.. Newpof't c.m.r Toaetmaster'a Club can help you Improve your public speaking skiUs or polish your business presentations. M embers come from a variety of professional disciplines and backgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beactl. Validated parking is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 721-5732. Jwllah Famlty Servlc. la offering a suppon and discussion group for women 50 and older the second and founh Monday of every month from 10 to 11:30 a.m at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Pre-registration 1s required. For information or to register, ca ll (714) 445-4950. Jwllah Family Service ia offering a women's divorce and separation support group at 7 p.m . Wednesdays at the Jewish Federation Campus in Costa Mesa. 250 E. Baker St. For more information, call (7141445-4950, ext. 114. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Churd'I, 1259 Victoria St in Costa Mesa. Eactl month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. ·Beach lAndscapes.· an exhibh featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzidla, umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller and Badl Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept. 30 at Newport Beactl City Hall. Information: (949) 717-3870. •Tennis In Art; an exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis instructor and coach Jose Mendoza, will be on display in the Newpon Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's work 1s known for its manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration on tennis. Information: (949) 717-3870. VoluntMr drivers are n~ to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through •Mobile Meals." sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hosprtal. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Swim lessons are available July 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halecrest Park. 3107 Killybrook Lane in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 557-7234. Project Coddle, a nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to girls who are considering abandoning their babies, is in need of ongoing volunteers. For more information. visit www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. days a weett over nine weeks fOf Newport Beactl residents. Others pay an additional $6. For more information, call (949) 844-3161. eo.t. M .... , Rec:tMtJon Otvi.k>n will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 gUMts at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m .. Saturdays from 11 e.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for c:ttlldren 5 to 12 will consist o lundi/dinner, gamea, crafts, prizes, cake with Ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 764-6158. Ave new win•• will be Hrved on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per person. For more information. call (949) 721-1222. Newport Dunn Rffort's "M ovies on the Beactl" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecve before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort w ill provide the rest for $7.95 per person The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parking is $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729·DUNE. A variety of privat e, aemi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a M onday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151 , or register in person at Newpon Beactl Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, tHns and adults can now register for summer recreational boaling classes offered through Newpon Beactl Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary Call (949) 644-3151 . or visit the Newport Beactl Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newpon Blvd. for more information. Prot.sslonal and ll~ensed aoccer trainers with the All·England Soccer Academy are available for one·on-one. small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395·5103. Jewish Family Service is sponsoring a teen suppon group for high sctlool students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m . at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa M esa. For information or to register, call (7141445-4950 Pre-registration is required. The First Page -Fine Children's Books. at 270 E. 17th St.. No 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call 1949) 645-5437. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beactl offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721·1222. If your orchid is too big for tu pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orctlid-potting seminar at 2 p.m . every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . at the 20362 Birctl St. facility. Call (94.9) 756-1211 for information. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgoddess store In Fashion Island. Members meet for lunctl after at Atrium coun. It is free, and all fitneas levels are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 276-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center o ffers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 721 -8079. THns ere invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . Monday through Friday for indoor end outdoor spons and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newpon Beactl at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport BHch Cak• Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Supenor and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Spanish SpHking Club meets to learn.. Spanish quick and easy. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Aun. of Business Services hosts a networking meeting that deals w ith educauon connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. ·oivorce: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced o r getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m at 180 Newpo rt Center Drive on the third Saturday o f every month Cost is $40 For more information. call 644-6435 Free tours of t he Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge, backstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa M esa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement For more information. call (7141556-ARTS. ext. 833. The Newport Beach New comers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents m Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years For more information, call (9491 645-9922. or visit newcomers-newponb._each org Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage, coffee and orange 1u1ce for $3, Sl for ctlildren The center 1s at 800 Marguerite, Corona del M ar For more information, call (949) 644-3244. M.cy's South Coast Plan presents "Work1hop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by ctlef Alexx Guevera. The class ls held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, Including materials, is $30 To reserve a spot. call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and rhythm, "Yogarhythmics" combines yoga. dance and fun. The class 1s held from 4:30 to 5:45 p m Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information. call (71 4) 754-7399 The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit "Joe Duncan Gleason· Rediscovering California's Manne Art Master:· through Sept. 30 The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach Free admission For more information, call (949) 673-7863. Interfaith couplaa wi1h one Jewish panner are invited to panicipate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples. suctl as ra1s1ng children. observing holidays, symbols 1n the home and relationships with extended families The cost for three sessions 1s S45 per couple Preregistration 1s required. Call to schedule date and time The office is at 250 E Baker St , Suite G. Costa Mesa 17141445-4950 Women SO and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues suctl as anxiety. depression, relat1onsh1ps, loneliness and family The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m . Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St . Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950 Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, o r Corona del Mar -o r in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave • Newpon Beactl. All hardcover and paperback donations. with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759·9667 The Braille lnstitu1e offers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center 81 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del M ar, o ffers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (7 14) 821 -5000. A spiritual care class meets at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave . Suite 114, Newpon Beactl-Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263· 1462 The Costa M ase Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wedneadays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The coat is $14. The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course Dnve, Costa Mesa. (71 4) 886-9090. A brain tumor aupport group meets the first and third Thursdays of eactl month from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beactl Free. Reg1S1rat1on not required The group is de11gned to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St . Andrew 's Preabyterien Church hosts a mental illness suppon group from 6·30 to 8 p.m . Sundays in D1erenf1eld Hall C at 600 St Andrews Road Newport Beactl (9491 574-2236 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St . Suite G. Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required (714) 445-4950 The Jewiah Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children The group meets from 10 to 11 30 a.m . Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St • Suite G Costa Mesa The group will cover managing anger. anxiety dnd peer pressure children experience Preregistration required 17141 445-4950 The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom ddncing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10·30 p.m every Tuesday night at 695 W 191h St . Costa Mesa. S4 (949) 548·3884 Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing suppon group for the chronically 111 The purpose is to provide pan1c1pants with emotional and spmtual suppon to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m . Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office a1 250 E Baker St .. Costa Mesa Attendance 1s free. but registration is required (71 41 445-4950. Sonday Auaust 3 2003 A7 ANOTHER BENEFIT OF THE HOME OFFICE Hy Dav~ Wonx \' 111 ..in'>t~o<r , lum1 "'r rr I "-'~111)1 hcri: ..11 .m Jll'"' er I•> Ilk >ltrn .i.\l.c.'ol 4uc.',t1nn 1, rt.rre "'1\tli111¥ I '.111 l1111 • "" h11mc lhJI "'Ill ln•rc.',l\C' II \.ilut in J l•J't dlnt1,l· "JI• Anc.l .1~J111 rrm ... mti.:r lhcil 1111.1 •.111ll\c111 ..1rk! 11npr11,l· J Iii 1u....-lcir '""' H'"r' 1hcn , ... 11 11 .mil P"' ~c:t .. 11 rhc.' prol1t fJ\ 111:,· undo:r .urrcr1t l.t• ode.' (Ill\' I thi: lllP'l Jnuc:cJ 'Tt<:llJ fc ..iturc: 111 J h1111,. r.od.11 1,., v.11r~..1hk hnmc eltl•l' It (.lf1 ~ 1ri Ml J1l111, 111" ,p .. rc: r ••Ill Cll'I rn..t.~lf1g llJ •I h p~ •I th<.: r•. •OI ~Ill II h.I\ If he; .. Uhllf1d dft'J n· •I • •llt' thJt 1• ...:t up'' r mult1pk u,..., \\ hJI rn"'I 1mrn~.i111 hl·ll'' l 11o1.1h111i: Jh,.-nr.~ ••lt.- 0111 .. · ... 11h 111ul!1ph: •lro1 : cle•trlt n11l1 I• .-111 · ,.ph •ll• )inc 111\ J l II(' llic P·" .. ''"'" Sri I t-.: , •.1 'l~·I lJOll" )1J'I.' r""'I lti1l1lc1._· J I mu,1 111 ,. I ·r 111 ·••' 1 n11 , , '>1::11\lhk \\ 11 ~. l"" '· \I. her 1 ·Ill It• ""' " r 11 m..11~,· 1111, 1, '" .i 111,· tl11r. thJI ... I ;.:o. 11 J ll II~ Iii I \\tr,.._,,\;, •• JJ\ '\\ •t 1.:..; ond r.lr 111 n I J.11, \\ 11•111 l•.1 1,,.,.,: ., 1/1111• ''fJlllf I ll \'rl•'f''"/ j{, 1, I r1.r /11.'i'I 1•1d 1 1. ·rl 1•1.41 ,\,.1,t•1rr /'m/ t'l/:t' I 11ul:c r I fJ.1riJ.t., • Using the Latest Copying Technology • 600dpt Xerox Digital Output • Quality Color Copies .39~ • B&W Coples Small and Large Volume • laminating • Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps ~ BLUEPRINTING Macy's In Costa M..a Invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in M acy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 656-0611, ext. 4231. Olacover the secrets of Cubon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5262 for more Information. THE BOWERS KIDSEUM •large Vellums• Cad Ptotting •Lg. Bond Copies E-mail your plot files to us at lagu naprint@earthlink.net Pick up & DelivetY • Fast Quality Setvice Pro.Idly ~nring You Since 1984 Explore the world s fascinating cultures! Experience our summer art classes and cam ps! Jul y-August 11,:.11,,,1., '.ttvy/f 11;;;~:,,? ,X,,...;t4h~ .Z../ Now Open S.rurdays LagunaPrint 'fop duMS will be c6red Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $64 for one cJau eactl week or $100 for two THm Survivor. a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise. hosts •walk and Talk. at 10 a.m . 1802 N. Main Sc., Santa Ana 714.480.1520 I;.' •...•.. , ""' I ,1•'1111 I H, ' I (9 19) '197 -601(, Fr.ee Battery Test • VlauaJIY Inspect llnd t.t battery Uling Aotunda Mloro-490 te.ter. •14es=: s.vtce lnctudee up to five quarts of Mototctafte oil .-Id new Motoraatte oH fllter. lnctudee haz.aou. waste dtaposal. See SeMce AcM9of' for details. on. "* wttf't coupon. ..,...,,., 1/2003 •2995=AJC Check lnciudes a pertormance test, leek lnspeCtton and a check of befts and hoses. Act now and get • free battery test Refrtgerwrt end taxes extra. See SeMce Advisor for dmii•. Ohr Wild 'Mth coupon. ,......,., 1131/l003 I , "1 111 f II I • 1 I'-• " Al Slftily, A&.tlPist 3, 2003 FOOD OF THE DAY BARGAIN OF THE DAY Where .. cen you pick up I lfnObd 1Ufbv Ilg hunk to..., Into wtltl your~? Juk:Y1 offwol thlt .,.._,,..The leg cen be nebbed for• n end comet wtltl optlonll c:heell, cHM or l'll'IClh. dl"elllng for 1n ldcfftioMI SU0.~11ucelt lllo ~llble. A pllte plled high wtltl curty friee rnMll for 1n eppropriate, Head to Ceramic Art International'• booth at Craftere Wlege for I decorative cenfT\Jc die. Theee tllee, whlc::h meaaure 8-by-8 lnchea, come wlttt en arny of colorful de1lgn1. They • , cost $16 a pllele and can be hung on 1 well, ueed In the kitchen or even Installed In a floor-tiling project at home. 1lbelt aomewhat g...uy, llde dlah. The fries are $5. SEAN our RENE I DAIL v PILOT Gerardo Ramirez, 11 , from San Juan Capistrano, tries out his bowling technique at the Orange County Bowhng Assn.'s free booth. Fair goers are bowled over The Orange County Bowling Assn. gets a strike with participants on its first try. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot F or little Gerardo Ramirez. bowling hasn't lost a bit of its luster. He hasn't dismissed it as the latest in a line of pa.sse entertainments from yesteryear 'such as vaudeville, love-ins or disco. On Saturday, at the Orange C:Ounty Fair, Ramirez was just ha.vlng fun, his face Ughting up as he knocked down the pins at the fair's free bowling trailer. The 11-year-old boy from San Juan Capistrano clapped and threw a high-five al a friend, when he rolled a strike. "I've never bowled, but I like it," Ramire'.l said rather sheepishly. HKnoclcing the pins down is fun." The Orange O>unty Bowling Assn. is sponsoring a trailer at the fair, where boch children and adults can bowl for free. The traile£ has been well attended, said Bill Huntington. the president of the Orange O>unty Bowling Assn. MThe pwpose of this trailer is to get you interested in bowling." Huntington said. "We give them a free game." Bowlers do, in fact, receive a free game at one of seven Orange O>unty bowling centers, including Fountain Bowl, Irvine Lanes and Rossmoor umes. The bowling trailer isn't regulation. The lane is QUOTE OF THE DAY BULL Continued from Al ing exhibition and Old West gun- 6gbt between two rodeo downs and a midget. Tu top off the event. four WW· boys are invited for a game or "Mexican poker," as it is called. Four volunteers sit at a table in the m.lddle of the bull dng. play· Ing card& 1Wo bulls are reJeased into the arena; and the last oow· boy sitting in his chair wins $500. 'The bulls are performers. When they get into the chute, it's show time.' FAIR Al IENDANCE ) ,. of fltylng U Rodeo 0>., stages a string of similar events across the western U.S. He puts on about .60 events a year. In acknowtedglng the event's thrill-a-second appeal. Rosser points to the razor's edge of safety that the riders often walk. "Nobody feels sorry for the bull," Rouer aaid. •it's the most dangerous event in rodeo." Before they're allowed to enter the bull riding contest. partid· pant.a muat provide proof or in· aurance. lbey must a1ao chip $50 in to the purae. ROllJef' pro· vide.$500. Riden are then fudged by two oflldlJe and given potnll fi:>r Ryle. A rider Chit ttayt oo the bul for the eight MCOOdl II Im· medlalely ele¥ated lo the win· oen drde ti no one ... can maU the dme UmJt, I In llddtdon to the bul ridq, the ............. I flwoeher''cf• vetidont bdJdlng • rope·tWtrl· "The only guys that1J do It are Marines Crom Camp Pendleton," Roueraaid. in addJdon to the two Satur- day shows, Rosser is ataglng two shawl at 2 and 8 p.m. today that wU1 have a declded;IY Mexican ftavoL The event. called Fiesta del Qwro, feetures only south· of-the-border riders. Some women wU1 ride bulls aide· udd1e. Oowds ehowed up 5mmMv to ... md feel the lt'tion," J..Ot.· acrom Mlc1 A doter look ~ that eYel\ the bulls enfay lhe thrill o( the lhow, he said. "The buDt lie pertormen." LiAllMn eaJd. ~ they ~ Into the chute, lt'a lhow t:tme:" 25 feet, or more than 1wice a-. small as the usual 60-fOQI lane. "It's been very popular," I luntington sald. "The trailer has been her since the beginning of the [air." f.ach bowler at the trailer, which is located near the Kid's Stage. is given 55 seconds. At that pace, the trailer can accommodate as many as 400 bowlers during a 12-hour day. The poly-urethane balls have been painted 10 resemble billiard balls, giving the exhibition a kitschy, fun flavor. In fact, the bowling trailer has been such a success, I luntington said, that fair officials have asked them back for next year's fair. Tommy Hernandez is thrown from the back of Extremely Rapid dlmt the lftemoon bul ~c~ ~·Ute =•Ccuwty ... -.. -.. .. .. .. • ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SC.HE DU LE SUNDAY, AUG . 3 CLOSING DAY lOA.M. • Aying Geese Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Building • Orange County Woodworitera Aasn. (untll 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building •Cranberry Quilt Worb (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building •Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • •Discover the Fair· Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Sodt Hop -Kids Stage 11 A.M. • Ballet Folklorico San Juan Capistrano -Heritage Stage •American Tiger Karate -Sun Stage • WlndyNites -Music Duo - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Leah Espinoza -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • Oxen Team Presentation - Uvestodt Arena • Circus Fun Review Auditions (11 :30 p.m.) -Kids Stage NOON • Blanca Luz Academy of Dance -Heritage Stage • Church Mice Square Dancers - Sun Stage • RouAnna Makes Doll Clothes -Home & Hobbies Stage • Barbara Sharp -Vocalist - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • Maureen W. Puppet ( 12:30 p.m untll 5:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds 1 P.M. • Cryin' Over Spilt Milk Contest - Kids Stage •Al Di Mora -Voca ltst Heritage Stage • South Coast Gymnastics -Sun Stage •Egg Design with Karen Kettenng -Home & Hobbies Stage •Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 pm.) - Visual Arts Building • WindyNites -Music Duo Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Amencan Tiger Karat Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs L1vestodc area •Oxen Team Presentation Livestock Arena • Traveling Game Show ( 1 :30 p.m. until 6:30 p m ) -Around the grounds •Ceramics Demonstration (1 30 p.m .) -Grafters Village • Milktng Demonstration (1·30 p.m .) -Millennium Barn BEST BET 2P.M. •Fiesta del Charro followed by H1span1c Concert Citizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate area • Newport Dance Cheer All-Stars -Heritage Stage • Catharae and the Mystic Amar Belly Dancers -Sun Stage • Italian Cooking with Chef M1cl1ael Bird -Home & Hobbies Stage • #Introduction to Begonia Propagation For the Backyard Gardener" with Ins Bird -Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Italian Style Wines Semtnar (S20) with Tim Morgan -The Courtyard • Storyteller -Youth Building • Leah Espinoza Youth Vocalist -Celebration Staye -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater 3P.M. • Ballet Folklonco De Mana Luisa -Heritage Stagu • South Coast Gymnastics -Sun Stage • Barbara Shar~ Vocalist - Gras~ Roots Sta~e Floral Building • Marleena Coulston Vocalist -Celebra11on Stage -Youth Bu1ltJing • Juggler Dan W1his -Kids Stage • All-Alc1skdn Rilcing Pigs - Livestock area • Flying Geese Ou1lt Guild (3:30 p m I -Homt: & Hobbies Stage • Round Robin Showmanship Judging 3 30 pm unttl 5 15 p m I -Livestock Arena • Milking Demonstration (3 30 p m -M1ll~nni1Jrn Barn 4P.M. • Glassblowing Df'rnonstra11on - Crafters Village •Russell Bros Ctrcus -Green Gate area •Step 'N Time Cloggers - Heritage Stage • Paradise Junction Band - Bluegrass -Sun Stage • Saya Andtna Andes Music - Grass Roots Stage -Floral ,'\;f~{:r [1" jl]$r,.,ltr ''~;/r fl,,.,. J.;hr/r/11 1-\.) LE \\7. :2 LJ-..:E·f-( f(-•;->••tr ff'(,,.,,.../ 1-J••I' ,h 1/ rry -t:'JJ c;4 c •>-t11 .JJ! Verr tfrirr~ Cf9 ;l'flrrl~v! Buildtng -....-..-....... Boston performs at 7:30 tonight at the Pacific' Amphitheatre to end the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Senes Gates open at 6 pm Meanwhile. Fiesta Del Charro plays the free shows at 2 and 8 p.m today at the C1t1zens Business Bank Arena .. ... ',. •Italian Style Wines Seminar ($20J with Tim Morg,;n -The Courtyard • Storyteller Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Ripe From the Vine -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Port C11y Washboard Wizards 14 30 p m until 6.30 p.m J - Around the grounds • Candy Making -Classic Cake Decorauons 14 30 p.m J -Home & Hobbies Stage • Ceramics Demonstrauon 14 30 pm 1 -Crafters Village S P.M. •Julie Delaney and Band - Heritage Stage •Paradise Junction Band -Sun Stage • Sava Andtna -Andes Music - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Marleena Coulston -Vocalist -Celebration Stage -Youth Sundat August J 2003 A9 Burldtng • Ctrcus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - L1vestodc area • Circus Fun Review Show (5:30 pm.) -Kids Stage • Breeding Awards Ceremony (5·30 p m l -Livestock Arena • Milking Demonstration (5:30 p m ) -Millennium Barn 6P.M. • Red, Ripe & Karaokm' Contest Ftnals -Heritage Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebrauon Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Hangtn Loose Contest 16.30 p m ) -Kids Stage 7P.M. • Summer Concert Senes Boston (7 30 pm Gates open 6 pm - Pac1f1c Amphitheatre • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate area • Hypnotist Mar~ Yuzu1k -Sun Stage •Kids Karaoke -Youth Bu1ld1ng • Glassblowing Demonstrat1C1n - Grafters Village • All Alaskan Ractng Pigs - L1vestod< area • Port City Washboard Wizards 17 30 p m -Hentage Stage • The M agic of Frank ThurstClr"' (7 30 p m 1 -Kids Stage •Ceramics Demons1ra11on 17 30 pm ) Craft ers Village • M 1lktng Demonstration '7 30 p m I M1llenn1um Barn 8P.M. • Fiesta del Charro fol owed bv H1span c; Concert -C t z1::ns Business Bank Arena • Doo Wah Riders -Sur Stage • Hot Tomato Con1es1 -l"1ds Stage • Recycled Percussion -L1n1e Theater •Touch of Class 18 30 pm 1 - Heritage Stage • Oxen Team Presentallor 8 30 p m , L1vestoct Arend 9P.M •Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzu1~ -Sun Stagt. •All Alaskan Racing 0 1gs - Livestod< ared • Port C1tv Washboard Wizards •9:30 pm -Heritage Stage •Ceramics Demonstration 19 30 p m J -Grafters Village lOP.M. • Doo Wah Riders -Sun Stagi> • Touch of Class 10 30 p m - Heritage Stage bella bella SALON it • -w:i:>. 949 723 4048 lake tlie Grade. Orange Coast College will help you •.• Achieve Your Goals! OCC has been an incubator for success for 55 years. More than a million students have advanced their lives on OCC's campus. No matter what your goal might be. it's a good bet we have the program to get you there. W.11 get you to 1 unfwrltty! -We rank second out of Cllifomia's 108 community colltges in transferring students to four-year universities. W.11 prtp1re you for 1n udting ClrHr! - Our career programs ire second-to-none! Thousands of our Rims work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals ind medial facilities around the country. Call now for fall rtgistrltion information: {714) 432-5072 . Czss1s begin Mondly, Aug. 25. To sow vtlufflt resourcws. °""'ft Coast College hos not mafWd Its doss sdtfdfl• this foU. You con pick up a copy In tht Admiulons ()Jib, or OCCJSS tht foll schtdult onlint at: orangecoastcollege.com ~e'll help you get th~re. . OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE e:£og on to http://coastlin~.~du to find the latest Fall 2003 course infonnation. Check out our new searchable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses arc open. Coastline's Web site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Look jnto Coastline· s: • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day at the Ga.n:Jcn Orovc Center. • Distance learning opportunities-fully tran ferable Internet. Telecourse.. cablecast. and independent srudy classes. • STAR Program and Weekend College-(W() accelerated way~ to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and Career Education programs offering certificates in a variety of high-<lemand occupaaions. Coastline has convenient locations in Costa Mesa.. Foumain Valley .. Garden Orove, Huntinaton Beach. and Westminster. . , , AJO ~. Aujust 3. 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -&..a.n: Mail to Editorial Page Edhor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • Reeden Hotline: Cell (949) 642~ Fu! Send to (949) ~170 E-melt:SMd to dai/ypilot@fatimn.com •All eotTeSpOndence mutt lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reservee the right to edit all submlssk>N for darfty and i.ngth. EDITORIALS Fireworks ·are ' . important part of community C ostaMesa Councilman Mike Scheafer has a nice thought in mind when he suggests that the city phase out personal Fourth of July fireworks use. After all, it was his neighbor who suffered severe bums from the explosives. However, as nice as it is, it's not appropriate. The old adage. "One person just has to ruin it for everyone else," comes to mind. As mean as that sounds, it's the truth. When used as intended, safe-and-sane fireworks will perform their tricks without hurting anyone. So the city should continue allowing the sales and use of these legal fireworks·to celebrate Independence Day. Sch eafer, who as a member of the Lions Oub also sells fireworks, knows how important it is for community groups to raise money through fireworks sales. As well intentioned as the councilman is in urging a phasing out, there are many others in Costa Mesa who will be hurt if fireworks are permanentJy extinguished. Community groups raise much more money selling the fireworks than they do with most other fund-raisers. These sales are vital to many groups' survival. For them to find other fund-raisers can be difficult. There were two years in which they missed the Fish Fry. That's not to blast the Lions Oub and those who worked hard to bring the annual tradJtion back to the city, but had they had to depend on the Fish Fry for funds, they would have been out of luck. The Lions Oub, too, must understand this. For many, families and neighbors gather to celebrate tJ1 e holiday with block parties and await nightfall for the finale - the fireworks. They prepare buckets of water, they set the fireworks off safely, they teach their children the responsibilities of matches and fire and they laugh and enjoy themselves. As sad that it is that someone was hurt using fireworks, it seems that accident could have been avoided. Because of that, there's no reason at this point to post the "No Fireworks" signs. City scores with park patrol plan T his fall. Newport Beach parks are set to become just a little bit nicer. a littJe bit more enjoyable. The City Council last month approved a plan, which will cost $48,000 a year, to have two city staff me mbers patrol the 57 parks to keep an eye on who's using them, whether they have permits and if they are doing anything against the rules. The re are two great features to this idea. The first is that the city's parks will be more comfortable places for families, for recreational sports leagues or even just for an evening stroU. The two patrol agents will be on the lookout for alcohol consumption, unauthorized use of fields, disputes over fields and vandalism. They will focus attention on the 22 parks where most problems now occur. The second is that the program is almost completely self-funding, which is not inconsequential during these tough budget times. Increased field reservation fees and event permit costs and picnic space fees will cover the cost. For proo f of the widespread enthusiasm for the plan, one need look no furthe r than that the city's youth sports leagues all agreed to pay the higher costs. 1t also is proof that there are problems that need fixing. The two city workers will be weU trained for their new responsibilities, working with the Newport Beach Police Department and the city's code enforcement workers. Their handling of situations and their ability to work weU with people will be paramount to the success of the program. City leaders -the elected council and the civil staff - deserve praise for reacting to a problem in town with such a quick. comprehensive solution. Is it the biggest problem in town? No. But it is this rype of response to smaller quality-of-life issues that make Newport Beach the wonderful city it is. It also suggests that the bigger problems also can be solved. THE LAST WORD Newport has Cove options T he Newport Beach City Council, at an undetermined meeting this month. will consider whether they wants to be lnvotvedt with three Crystal Cove State Parle projects. M beautifuJ a.' Crystal Cove 15, It's not Newport Beach. In other wonb. chere's no reason for the city to spend any of Its resjdents' taxes on the state petk. The 818te. ln as much a woelul state u It -. must still handle its ~ Newport needs to focus OD lCI ~borders. wNdl now lndudes the eMCrm pen rASanta Ana r Heights, an area that probably could use a few ftx-lt dollars. If the cou.ncU decides that It wants to be a part of the (.ove's future, perhaps It should ask the state to reconsider its ownership. Maybe the state would llk.e to relieve some of Its burden to cut a little more fat off its bleeding budget. Perhaps Newport Beach can annex only part of the scate park. pm1iculmty the .... cm.. to the dty-that wilh lhe llllng COU¥& If not -.full lib the old Cr}'llal Qwe tip reed -"f.eep CM.. BOLTON COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Eelgrass a blessing and a curse By Steve Bromber& S ince our new Harbor Commission fll'SI got rolling more tJ1an a year ago, I have been pleased to see how active the commissioners are ln tackling some of our harbors most difficult policy issues. These include, naming a few. charter boat regulatioru., how to best protect vessels from fires and harbor dredging projects. There is perhaps no other issue as challenging for us as harbor dredging. Many readers know that Newport Harbor and the Back Bay receive sediment from 155 square miles of watershed, including the communities of Irvine. Lake Forest, Costa Mesa, Orange. Tustin. Santa Ana and Laguna Woods. Storm water either carries this sediment out to sea or drops it in the Upper Newport Bay or the harbor. When ii lands in the Back Bay. we work with the U.S. Anny Corps to dredge it out When it lands in the harbor. oftentimes. individual doclc owners have to pay to remove it -usually once f?Very four to five years. The city helps residents do this "maintenance dredging" when we apply for and receive a five-year "regional general permit" from the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers and the California Coastal Commission. Residents can then work with our harbor resources staff to pull a second permit to dredge their specific doclc area In 2000, we renewed our permj1. This time, the corps and the Coastal Commission added some fairly stringent requirements involving a water plant called eelgJa'>S (zostera marina). Eelgrass. while not an endangered species, is a plant that shelters many species of fish and that serves as a foragins area for endangered birds. Ee1graM tends to thrive during periods of low rainfall and low sedimentation With good light penetration and a temperature range of 50 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. eelgrass will grow underwater in areas that are about I to 10 feet deep. lbday, we think there are close to 35 acres of eelgrass ln the Back Bay and harl>or, with more than 20 acres alone near the jetty. Other locations include Balboa Island Ondudlng the Grand Canal), Harbor Island. Unda Isle, Udo Olannel and Carnation Cove. With approximately 750 aaes of water area ln the harbor, there Is CUJTently about 5'f(i eeJgraas ~The lowest recorded eelgrass aJYenl8'e occurred in 1993 with le~ than 3 acres. or about 0.5% of the harbor. The current dredging permit says lhat if you find eelgrass beneath your doclc. you either cannot dredge or must carefully mitigate lost eelgrass Steve Bromberg via planting and monitoring a new supply. This planting and monitoring has multiplied the cost of a dredging project by a factor of seven to I 0. What once cost $2,000 to $3,000 now can run into lhe $30,000 to $40.000 ran8e. Finding eelgrass also means that you're on your own with permining -you cannot use the city's permit and mstead must seek permits from 1hree federal and four state agencies before our I !arbor Resources Department can allow the dredging to proceed. So why is all of this important? Property owners must be able to dredge beneath docks -commercial or residential -for the harbor's economy to remain prosperous. lf our bay silts up. property values and th~ bay's recreational resource value will plummet, and we must do everything we can to prevent that from occurring. I want everyone to know that we at the city did not choose this costly replanting or mitigation requirement, but we are trying our best 10 follow the law and protect property rights at the same time. Our goal -as soon as thls provision was applied to our permit - has been to maintain recreational boating use alongside the environmental protection required by U.S. and caufornia resources agencies. Tu improve the situation, here·s what the O ty Council, the Harbor Commission and city staff members are wortdng on: •Mitigation areas. We need to establish places in the Back Bay and harl>or that eelgrass can grow without impacting commerce or property rights. With the county and the Anny Corps of Engineers. we have a cooperative project underway which creates eight eelgrass planting are.as that may be used for mitigation. We intend to <&tribute eelgrass mitigadon a-edits once the planting areas are successful and onc,e we receive authorization to do so from the resources agencies. • Baseline. ~ridng with Rep. Cub Cox. we want to define e. minimum ballellne for the. disufbudon. density and productivity of the eelgrass in Newport Harbor fo r eMential fish habitat- eelgrass that exists above the baseline may be able to be removed. if needed. withou1 penalty or additional mitigation. l will be meeting with Cox this month. In anendance WIY also be our city manager, assistant city manager, our Harbor Resource manager, a representative from the Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce-Marine Division, a representative from the Orange County Realtors Assn. as well as a few others. • Training. To lower the cost of small dredging projects, we have worked with experts to tra1n and certify more local eelgrass surveyors and mitigation bank monitors. These monitors can also heJp evaluate the success of our eelgrass mitigation projects. • Next Permit We will attempt to include our eelgrass mitigation measures in the upcoming permit renewal p~ Doing so may protect the small gains we mJght make during this pennit term. • Local Coastal Program As many readers are aware, we are well into the development of our Local Coastal Program. The program includes sections on coastal resources protection. We0d li.k.e to memorialiu our mitigation areas and baseline within the program. We fully recognize that maintenance dredging in Newport Harbor Is essential for the continued use of the harbor's recreational and commercial boa.ting interests. Other benefits of dredging include sand for harbor beach replenishment But in order to accomplish the dredglng. we have to meet the environmental requirements of the state and federal regulators. These laws and regulations have become exceedingly more complex over time. Simple dredging projects are a thing of the past But we th.Ink we can develop and implement an eelgrass management strategy to provide for environmental enhancement while balancing the needs of harbor residents and visjtors. This will be accomplished over the next year with the input and guidance from the Harbor Commission and interested dtl.1.en& I encourage you to monitor the city's Web site ( wwiudl)( newport-beach.cnus), especially the Harbor Comrn.mion agenda and minutes, for updates. I will keep you posted as to future developments. • B>fTOR'S NOTE: Steve Bromberg ie the m8YOr of Newport Beectt. LE 11 ER TO THE EDITOR Woodwork just as bad as leaf blowers I am rndlllJ an ardcle from the May 22 Dally Pilot.about how we a.re aolnc to tet a new cl\Jef of poUoe hen tn eo.ta Mela. Actually, It loolcl like be ac.rted bll Job June 16. And he WIDtl to be tbl people'• cbltf and bear ~ our concierm. And I taW here that dwe • a hodlOe I can caJJ wfth sruff that CORCll IW me. I ftnCI It dilturtJlng that in t.hil dl}i me,~ a ooiN ordinance that doeln' allow, (Or inst.an~ fbr I.ea( blowert 10 go longer than a certain amount of tlme. or car alarms can't go off for e. oertaln amount of time. However. k allows peop&e to lit In their pl'llpS and run power tools for countlets hours on eod. I hm! I neighbor who hu I suppol«I hobby of woodworking, and be fu In hJa prqe day in and di}' OU\ NMlna poMr tools tbld 111'11 f\111 IO milerabfy krud. The poUce won't do anyth1og lboul ~ cbe dfY won'\ do BIO Age: 52 Relidence: Balboa Peninsula Educatk>n: Corona del Mar High before majoring in political science at Stanford University; law degree from UC Davis ~Investment banter; former attorney Femlty: Mother is a 53-year resident of Corona del Mar; sister lives in Costa Mesa Hobbies: Sailboat racing GIVING BACK 'Sailing has just been wonderful to m e and to be able to do something like this so all those kids can have at least half the opportunities and fun I've had, they will have done really well.' SURPRISE! 'The kids are going to see those and I can hardly wait to see their eyes.' .,... .............. 0 4 ' $ ;:=; . ' ........ -... -..,,,. . , .. .. 0 R U M Svnd.it. August 3. 2003 All Reinventing the cup Andy Rose and company at the Balboa Yacht Club are markinfthis year's Governor's Cup with some new boats. T he Balboa Yadlt Oub will ',host the Govanor's Cup - the U.S. Junior Match Racing Championship -from Aug. l2 througll 16. A new addition this year anives on Aug, J 0, when the dub unveils the Governor's Cup 2ls, a new~ of boats specially designed ror the race. It's out with the old and in wim the new as me race bids adieu to the Santana 20s that have been used throughout the la.st 20 yeais. On Friday, City Editor James Mder drove over to the yacht d ub to find out more about the race and new boat from Andy Roee, who won me race twice in his teens and now helps other aspiring teens~ me race a whirl How did )'OU become lnwlved wtth the Gow:rnor'a Cupf I won it twice -me third and founh editions -back. in 1969 and 1970. From there, the Governor's Cup really helped a lot of us to sort of stan careers in big time yacht raang, ~cally. I ended up in the America's Cup a few years after that as a tactician. I've sailed all over the world -the 'Dansatlantic race. Transpa(:s. Sydney Hobans and all that srutf. And the Governor's Cup had a lot to do with that for me -being able to learn and to win helped a lot I went on to win some Congressional Cups as a tactician. Various yeais srnce then, mey've used various types of boats for it and, for some yeais now. they've used these Santana 20s. They've used them for about 20 years. Unfortunatety, they're getting old and the Irey to me regana L'> that we want to provide the kids with equal boalS because it really should he a Lest of sailing skill and not whemer you luck into getting a better boal So. for some years, I've dreamed of putting together some money and building a new 6eet Finally, about a year and a half ago. I decided the time was now if it was ever going to happen. Fortunately. on my sailboat. we had three or four people, and I wouldn't let them back into the dock until they each committed to donating a full boaL So we started off the campaign with $125,000 or so committed right off me bat. which gave me the confidence that we could raise the rest Our goal. though. was kind of unique and something I'm very proud of and that the club should be very proud of. Our goal from the beginning. and very few dub6 in the wor1d could even aspire LO this. much less do tl. was to have me boat designed by a guy in the dub who happens to be a famous yacht designer. Alan Andrews. I've known Alan since he was a kid and he was in sailing classes down here and I ran the junior program. Alan has designed some of the fastest boats anywhere in me wodd. The sales were to be made by another world-famous sailer and sail.maker. Dave Ullman. whose first ~was here. He's sailed aD aver the world And we wanted to ~ all of' the money from within the dub, so there is no corporate sponsorshjp. There's nothing else. f\lS( dub members. And we met all of those goals. Tu date, we've raised about $350,000 and have built 11 boats -all equal. all statt· of uw Jrt Right now. it's the fastest. be<.t boat ot that t~ anywhere in the world and Wl' can offer mem m two weeks. All of us. once we saw the fir.t hoJt, decided that, for one year only. 11i-.tt>.1d of the age limit for the Govemor\ Cup being 20. that we would maltl· 11 tM·r 50 But one of our member., Hill lay1or, • who ,ulJ races actively and ., Lio\!.' to 80, he ..aid, "I low about over 801' Rut at any rate, everyont>'<; H'r\ t'XClted about the boats. We'vl' .... ult'(I them a little b11 and they're VN) ~pon.-.1vc. I thmk panirulc1rlv '111tl'tl tor the light wmds we get Ll1L' unw of yl'ar So we're pretty excited. We"ll h.iw a good rhm.tenmg event on Aug. I 0 .imJ \<\ 111 Ulen give them to Ll1e kid' two daY°' later and let them have at iL So the boats are caUed Governor's Q.rp 2ls7 Yeah. we namt'd ii after the mp 1t.,df because, after all. that w·.is ml' real purpose for ll and a little bit lx-t'au~ thC' new America\ wp d~ yacht:. aw named the Americas CUp da.\.\. ~1 wt> thought we'd have a C.ovemor's Cup cla...-.. Is this the first or the Governors Cup dim then7 Yeah. the ~tana 20!> were .JI fM'ned by different people. Up unul nO\,. all the G<Nemor's Cup boats were b<1mJ\\,t'tl from mdtvidual owner.. You can 1.magme -they were \Cry .,,nerou-. c1nd wc·re really appreciative and all Ul.11 hut different owner'i do diffen·11t thmg... to their boats. '<>year after yi.v.tr, II became more and more difficuh In ma.k.e the boat.s equal. Some yeais ago. u1e Congre-..,mnal Cup. which the Governor''\ Cup '' modeled after, at Long Beach Yal·ht <lub built a Oeet of37-footers. an adult <;('nt..>'>. And. Lo a certain extent. tJlL, '" modeled after thaL The boats are owned hy a f~tion that wa'I foundl'd by duh members called the ~>rt Halh<Ja Salling and Seaman.5hip ~sn. So the boats will be owned by lllw association! and used for the { rl>vemor's FROM THE NEWSROOM tup under a long tenn dld11er with Ult' yad1t dub. The club abo ha' the nght to use them one other ume and then a third time each year tf they WdJlt. So at thl" point right now, tht' d ub and other club'i and organb.ation" Ill Southem California would he ahlt• to chartl'r the--.e boaL .. and ho<,t nauunal and rn1emat1onaJ event' lake thl' Scar. Cup. wtuch L'> the nauondl 1unmr champ1on.'>lup. I got a call fmm tlle rnach at Stanford, whod like to 1om with IJU and u<,e thl·m for the lnll'n.oUegiate ~oop Championship' ~J nlM we have a purpo'><.' for the Ol't-t of boaL'> lhafll he gre.it for that. We hope that Newport 1 larhor Yacht (]ub will chdrter them. We're goin~ to giw tJwm a charter aWl*ment for once a year at least for their women\ match-racing ~ril"'>. At any rate, It '>Olves a lot of problems. I think. and will be an upponunity to bring more and bener type regattas and trdJJllllg for the kid<,. \Ve're pretty excitl'd. I wish I wa' 19 agam What keeps you Involved? WeU. like anythmg el'>t', the Governor's Cup was very good to me. It really i.tarted me when I used tu really o;a.il actively. It started on a pmh that led me C'Vl'ntualJy to Amenca·~ (.up. So I figured you got to grve back a linle bit I've been fortunate mat the uun~ I learned rn <.ailing have helpe'(f me in my bll'im~ c-dfe('r forever. And n'c; gone well I've bet>n able to be reao;onably '>UCu><;SfuJ. <;cJ I was happy to be able to do Liu.-.. There"5 a whole bunch of hke minded people, about 65 or 90 memhel'-. who h,1ve contributed anywhere fmm $25 to .1 lot of money for a full boat. I thm}. it\ Ix-en great for t11e club and I'm very proud of the club. I think a lot of people feel tlle same way. Sailing's been a great '>port for a lot of us and l>t.<eing the lads be excned about this 'iOrt of thmg. The Governor's Cup -some of the people who have sailed in this haw gone onto the America's Cup. It\ interesting to note that actually me people who satled in and didn't wm the Governor's Cup. for the most port. have become more famous than those who dJd \\·111 the 1tung Paul C..ayard, one ol the great .... ul11r' 111 the world. 'WU.led ..md '>leered in ,1 number of An1enra·, (.UJK Paul "1111 d m dnd d1dnt wm tht: <,ovemor\ I 111• Morgan laN>n. an America<> C .up .... ulnr -.aile<l 111 a11d didn't w111. I belww accordini:: to tht' htemturl". John Kostt'(lo, who l;L'I yl'ar Wd.\ tht• Holt•\ \'dcht'>ITulJI Of fhe 'rt'..lr . ..ailed 111 .1111 I dtd not \\10 Utt• C 1<1\.C'mtJr'" < up ~' th<.·rl'' J lot of 11-. Y.ho ha\t d1111• rea.<,(Jnahl} \Wll hut the peoplt• ''ho d1dm \ .. 111 n•.iJ]\ hJ\1.' Ullt' Wt Jt 'I bt-t>n d hn-<'t.hni.: j.,'Tl>Und fnrewr "''me \l'Jf', .1go. It bt'Gll11e ,m tnll'rna11on.tl n·gatta and. f'\c·r 'm11· tht-re ha1,1• hl'<'n at ll'a.'t thl1:'t' tt>arn ... lhi' year, tht•n: will be four team ... lri m 1 otllt·r coumne<.. In tht'> ca't'. th re,.. tn 1111 ~lra.lia and onc• lrom :-Jew i'.eal<mcl Lately, and unfonunJtetv. tht>Y\t-l~···u do~ bt>1ter t1Mn \'\l' ~-The intemanunaJ team') have done m ill\ well Tht<, Yl'M I h..iw feelin~ th1•r, ' 1 young lad from King I larbur Yat ht 1 luh. who. if you hdd to ptd . .in ~ l.1v11n11 would prubablv be tl. It'd be ruu· to h.t\\ someone from th.L..., counln' \\111 11 lt' also great to h<lvt' mtemau.onal competitul"'>. I think that, to me, the best pan 111 c;ailhoat racing ts I gol to meet and become friend~ with some of tJw greatest people lT1 the world. You do ..ometlung a!> 111te1l.'.C as a sailbo.11 r.11 t' and 11, mm-e m.in Jll"1 J fnend .. htp \ mu pie or war. .1go they had tht' Amenca\ Cup luhtlee m f.ngland 111 celebratt' the 11 <i th annM.•r;an am.I I ~" t'Vl'rvhodv th,u I 1t'>t"d tu kntl\' .ind JI W<L\ th~· rrnN wumlerfuJ t').f>t'nt'th 1• hl'Gtll'>{' l'Wrybody Wal> there. llw 111 11 tllmg ab<1ut Lh,., ~port ~ vou ran pit k up a conveNltlOll you were ha111ng I • \'!'.11" ago and there·~ no awkwardnes!-hl..t when you go to a roUege or h1¢1 " h•" 11 reunion. None of that Its JU"1 wunderful Any OnaJ thoughts? I can hardly wait till the 10th rwo iueat Llun~ -the 10th when we chn.;tl'n 11 and n's the day that the kJ<l, ~ for the first time. Daily Pilot goes international sliders like our cops and courts reporter and our photographer. who spends most of his life surfing in Laguna Beach. going 1.0 make It the Amazoo Jung'e? ·rm not exactly the hiking. adventure kind of penon. • Bharath said. An wbanite all my life quite comfonable with a roncrete jungle. I~ never been to a real Jungle. So this should be fun.~ leach had a dif&!mlt take: 'Tm \.-d to dusty travd. language baniers. and heavy beckpaicb and aunena around my neck wbie on tbe move 10 thil abould be no c1Mftta1t. • be sakl. "But thole wae.aud and e:xporadon a1pl wMb ftiefO who ll'eWl)'I~~~~ ~a picture fl thal1' So it wil be nice to concentn1e on~ 101De reel llMMI It my own pece. ..... ol~6um· ......... ~ Mab <.....-..kll auoatdma~wtl ...,..._. -n.M .. ~ ... .,be.the ...... ~Oll"J ..... . a $1114,-& ..... ... ........ l!llY ..... lllmde tn.., baill\.,. .... TEll rT 10 ™E EDITOR Tony Oodero is the editor He wek:ofnel VoUf commefltS on news eowtage. photography Ot ott'9f ~issues.If you fwve 8 m-.ge Of II lee9r to the editor, cell his clf9Ct ffne llt ,.., PM.251 0tthe9'11 t 1 • ...-...i ..... Mndltby~to ""' ...... oellildlMl.ciam Ot ........ , ..... •u-.or eend ll bv mail 10 330 W. e.y St.. Calta--. CA.12627. ~rm bJb:IC foiward to it ---··lbe~~ too. , 949.717.4711 . IAUtOA Pe•-....A POINT $1,'5t.IOO Charming, spacious home on Balboa Peninsula Kim Bibb 949.711.2747 aAL&OA PININSULA S 1,1IO,t00 Lowly '4 bd. 3 ba. beach home near bay and ocean. Great location.' 949.717..4708 t4t.644.to60 ;, NIWPOAT &IACH tl,MI .... Harbor C0¥9 pted community. J W. U M. plus den. Custom floorin& and m1ft1 ~ tmWPOllT' RACH $2,tM,• Speccacular S bd. ltaliln Vllla style home. Grw bid< ~ for .aru1nirc. t4t.717.4714 CORONA DIL MAR ffll.otO l bd. l.S be. Newer home wtd\ a brW'tt Mure. •949.tll.7ll2 THI aLUPPI S712,HI • Yikllbll OM story model on I prime cul-de- llC In ft Bluffs. 94t.7St.J124 ;, N WPOIT llACH tt4t,tl0 lelcowt Towne Cohcdon, Plan 8. Excepdonal ¥11ue. iow.t priced property In pted ~· t4t.644.to60 . . QUOTE OF THE DAY "l found that when I serve others before my own needs, I am a lot happier." Wllllem Clayton, former Newport standout EYE OPENER Dail~Pib Au& 4 honoree TY HARPER Daily Pilot Sports Edttor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: l949l 650-0170 Sunday AoguSl 3, 2003 Bl Colleen Barney, ~6. works out at Corona del Mar High. She recently won the 1 ()().meter world trtle m the 35-40 women's age group in Puerto Rico. Right, Barney with her two daughters, Juha, 6, and , Rachel, 8. Barney has come back after suffering a broken back 19 years ago in college. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANI< /DAILY PILOT . William Clayton Highly decorated Sailor star returns to Newport after two-year church mjssion; he's loo.king forward to Stanford. B11.c• Alderton Daily Pilot r ' W llllam Oayton saw the banner and imagined sprinting onto the field alongside his teammates before kickoff. The only tb1Qs dl«erent wu the scene played out at John Wayne Airport lut Monday and 1.n.ttead of cbeerieaden holding the algn. It wu Oayton'a family, whom he hadn't seen ln two years. The former Newport Harbor Hlgh standout ln both volleyball and tootbell who earned Sea View Leque Male Athlete of the Year honon in 2000 reaam .. hna Matyland. when he apena two J'Mrl u a ~teer mlMlonary for the On.fth of ... Outlt al Laner °" Sllata. ·~11nmecn.efamb-GMDded-~ --frtiaili flolia the church congregation were there. 30 to 40 In all," O ayton said. "When they saw me they were yelling and cheering and I ran through the banner like I was a champion. We turned some heads. I was just glad to see them.· O\amplonship form is som ething C ayton, who will begin his sophomore year at Stanford this fall. has grown accustomed-to. Desptte missing rour games with a thigh bruise as a Newport Harbor senior, Cayton still caught 19 balls for 232 yards and scored seven touchdowna u a receiver for a team that "MDt undefeated to win the ClP Southern Section Dtvlsion VI champiooah.lp. He alao had a team-leading six interoepUoos, two of which came ln the fourth quarter of the CIF dtle game against lrvtne to help preserve a 19-18 victory. In the spring. Oayton's focus tbift.ed to volleyball. where be helped lead the Sallora to the CIF Otviaion I title game ~Corona del Mar. Newpon lbm9d the ..... dd• wteh trvtne In 2000 and wu the only team to tab "9ftlUal CJP chlmpton CdM to the P.IMf Chat,_,. Clayton alto..,... ... CLWIGfl.,... u CATCHING UP WITH RUNNING Barney. captures world masters championship Newport Beach resident finishes fi rst in 100 m eters at world ch ampionships last mon th in Puerto Rico. Steve Vir1en Daily Pilot W hen CoUeen Barney I!> alone with her thought) a competitive spint builds. Memones of a broken back come up. yet that serves as a remmder of what she has been able to do when challenges and opponunmes are presented to her. Barney, a Newpon Beach re.,1dent who ~uffered a broken back m coUege 19 years ago, became a ~orld champion after winning the 100 meter'> IJ 03 m the 35-39 age group of the \\orld Master. Athletics Oiamp1on-.tup'> m Pueno Rico on July 5 In a ught rnce. c;he fin~hed o;Lightly ahead of lJnda Cart). also of the United tat~ I 13.19) The victory gave Barney peace of mind. relief and vind.Jcaoon She also renewed a sprinter'> mentallly after wmnmg the world championship utle "Not my mo!.t ~tellar performance." Barney '>aid of her 13.03 fini!>h. "I have rctn a 12.8 a couple of um es." Barney hru. main tamed a method of outdmng herself ever since her fast times at Oxford High in Michigan. Before graduating in 1984, she ~t school records in the I 00. 200 and 400. And, in her senfor year. he recorded the fastest umes in the state in the 100 (12.1) and 200 (24.91 the only thmg I wantt"d to do. But. it's all about what you makl' out of thing'> I took the opponumry and earned my degree " Barney moved back to Mu.;h1gan and lo!>t her scholarship I lowever. '>he regained her c,trength and went back ICJ school. She eventually earned a bachelor of science degree m histol) and philosophy at Central M11.:h1gan in 1990. Then, she went to law school at Ult' University of Mktugan. Dunng the summer of 1992. she wac, a law clerl for Leigh Stemberg in '.\lewpon Beach And in 1993 she worl ed \'I.1th the then Loe, Angeles Rams. After acqumng her la" degree. she became Colleen Barnt>) m August of 1993 when she mamed Jonathan She was pos1uorung her c.areer to\'l.ard '>pons la~'· but became mvolved \'I.1th tax law after earrung her ma'>ter'> dt-gree m law and taxauon at the Uruver.i" of San Diego m 1994 Two years ago. after havi.ng two children, her compeom-e charalter began to come ahve a!(am in runmn~ She •.vas searrhmg on the lnteml't lnr J track club that her daughter. Racht>I. couJd joU1 Wlule looking "he found a Web '>lie that d1splawd the nauonal championship time'> 111 the ma'>tl'r'> division for the spnnt'>. "I saw the umes for my a~e group,' Barney said. "And, I said. ·1 couJd do that.' So. I !>tarted tr.umng .. In April of last year, Barney completed her comeback and competed 111 the John Ward Games m Santa Ana ·it was great." she said. "I loved dlt: rraming. l loved everything about 11 There's nervousne'>.'> to get back mto raong and seeing_ how sl<M you have gonen. But 11 was fun " Barney ended her first year of her comeback as a naoonaJ champion m Her speed and compeuuve character resuJted m various !>cholarstup offers., and she chose the place where she couJd face o;ome of the best competition tn the country: The Pac-10. Barney earned ii full-nde scholarship to compete for Ari7.ona State. However. dunng her first semester she broke one of the bones on her back. also known as a compreso;1on fracture. She suffered the injury after falling while training in the weight room. ._'}re 200 and 400. wiruung both titles in the 35-39 age group m Mame. She continued to work out and gam confidence, while prepanng for the "I wac, doing step-ups on and off the bench and I misplanted," she ~id. "I feU and when I landed lthe 1mpactl smashed one of the bones on m y back. .. She actually appeared to be fine after the fall and continued to run and lift. But that only worsened the injury. She had to wear a brace for three years and she had to leave her dreams at Arizona State. She developed patience and discipline throughout the rehabilnaoon. But the pam m her back seemed to never go away It lingered for nine yea.rs. "It was hard." Barney said of her coUege track career ending. "nack was world champ1o~h1ps m Pueno Rico where the settmg wa'> !>IJTUJar to the Olympics, she 'ia.ld. Her and her husband spent I 0 day-. at the mee1 Barney was planning to race·in lhl' 200, a!. weU. but after wmrung the JOO she wanted 10 relax. "My under;tandmg wa.<, that 11 w-a<, a good show fo r the spectators." she saJd of the I 00. "But it wasn't so good for the people runrung • Barney is n~ prepanng for the national championships. which start Thursday and conclude Aug I 0, in Eugene. Ore She trams si.x days a week, for about three hours a day Most of the time. she will run at C.Orona del Mar High. he plans to compete Ul the 100 and 200 next week. .. , .. .......... -··· ....... . 82 Sunday, August 3, 2003 SPORTS SOFTBALL The Riptide: Back row left to nght, Coach Abel Griego, Head Coach Barry Grumman, Kelsey Ferguson, Jtllianne Bass, Jenny Thompkins. Ton Hamson, Stephanie Kelly, Coach Jeff Ferguson, Coach Louie Nava. Middle row, Sarah Ziegler, Marilyn Voight, Traci Nava, Grna Catalano. Front row, Traci Quinn, Sasha Grumman, Heather Lohrman, Markie Bingenheimer, Shauna Griego. Riptide takes ninth in national tournament Newport Beach travel team, featuring three local girls, wins four of its firs t fi ve games in 42-team tourney. llll' Newpon !leach Hiptide, a 16-clJ1d undl'r fastpitch softball tcam, fini'>hl'd ninih out of 42 teant.-. in the I riple Crown World Serie'> played 111 Parle Ciry, Utah July 15·20. The Hiptidl· fr•atured Julianne Ba..'>'> and ~1.,ha Grumman, who aJ-;o play for Ne(vport Harbor I ligh. while tc•ammate Heather Lohrman will he a junior this fall for Corona dl'I Mar. Rass, who will be a junior, rs the catcher for the Sailor~. and Grumman, who will bt.> a '>ophomore, also played on the var.ity la.,t sea'ion. ll1c tournament included 42 of the hc-;t team'> in the country. 'fhl' '>quad., qualified in regional tournament~ thmul(t1out the U.S. 111 tht'ir a1tc·mp1 111 <tdvance to the world '>Cnc., "Our girl'> n1mr to thr Triple Crown World Scril"i with a great de.ti of de<>irc and mten'>ity, and it showl.'<1 rn the qualicy of I.heir play." H1p11dd ,oach Harry Grum· man ..aid ~ 111ey were really pump<.-<l up and showed just whal wcat players they are." Riptide canted a team hatting avcrngc of .. i52 in I.he touma· ment. CaH hrr Jenny Thompkins led the way at .438, while ~ /'_.eigler was at .429. fori Harrison at .364, Markie Bingenheimer at .353, and Sasha Grumman and Lohnnan at .333. The teams in the world ..eries were placed in poob of five or six teams and played four pool games which would de1em1ine placement in either a champion· ship or losers' bracket. The Riptide fin ished 6rl>! in its pool with a 3· I record and earned a No. I seed in the cham· pionship bracket after an 11 ·2 victory over I.he Texas Magic Nine. co-champions of I.heir '>late and undefeated in their three pool-play games. "The girls knew that thi~ wa., going to be our tough~! pool game and I told them that we had 10 beat the Texas team hy seven runs in order 10 finish fir'il in our pool," Coach Grumman said. "It seemed like a prelly taJJ order but I could see our girls getting real fired up when the Texas team. its coaches and even the parents came 10 the field with a very cocky and superior alti tude. Instead of being intimi· dated my girls came out sky high and really showed this Texas team what Califorrua softball is all about." Harrison pounded a home run on a first pitch in the bottom of the first inning lo ignite a four- run frame and Riptide was on its way. The Newport Beach travel team later came back with more in the third inning. scoring four runs 10 grab an 8· l lead. ·nuee more runs came in the fourth inning after consecutive hits from Lohrman, Bingenheim· er and Thompkins. Sasha Grum· man ended the gamewi1h a great defensive play. She jumped high in the air 10 grab a line drive then threw 10 first to double up the runner who dived back to the base. Kelsey Ferguson was in the cir- cle the next day and led the Rip- tide 10 a :i-2 win over the Moreno Valley Quicksilver in the second round of the championship hracket. Hiptide had a change to go deeper into the tournament. but it was not meant to be as one player spent time in the emer· gency room with an abscessed ton.,il. MariJyn Voight broke her ankle sliding into second base and I farrison, Riptide's center fielder and best power hiner, had 10 leave to attend her brother's wedding. llte setback was apparently 100 much to overcome for the Riptide which were eliminated and finished ninth after losing to the Colorado Comets. 3· l. and Pueblo Gold, 8-2. Both teams were from Colorado. The Riptide opened pool play wilh a 6-3 win against the Colo- rado Jrus. Ferguson pitched a complete game and received strong offensive support from Lohrmar1 (two hits and an RB[), Thompkins (two doubles and an YOUTH WATER POLO RBI). Zeigler {a double and an RBO and Bass {two hits and an RBO. After Riptide's victory over Colorado, it lost to the Downey Nemesis, 1-0. The game included a thrilling finish as Nemesis scored the winning run in the bonom of the seventh inning. Still. Trad Quinn pitched a gem for the Riptide.However. Riptide came badt the next day to record a 7-2 victory over Diamonds Gold from Thousand Oaks. Ferguson pitched again and combined with Gina CataJano to hold off any rally. Bingenheimer scored on a line-drive single by Thompkins in the top of the first inning. Dia· moods Gold answered with a run and had the bases loaded with one out, but that's when Bass as- sisted on a double play. Bass gloved a Jong fly balJ in right field and then threw to 111ompkins, the catcher, 10 get the runner who was trying to tag up. .Bass' play brought the crowd to its feet and I.he Riptide grabbed momentum. Harrison capitalized for the Riptide when she led off the second inning With a home run over the left field rence. ~ha Grumman then foUowed with a line-drive double that went Lhrough the left field fence. The hitting seemed contagious as 'lhlci Nava, Lohnnan, Bingen· heimer. Thompkins and Z.eigler foUowed with hits, resulting in a five-run second inning. ... W p I Daily Rllot MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCI's Peace and Codi transfer out Codi, a 7-foot -l center, is reportedly headed to Orange Coast Coll~ge. oevaughn Peace and Ryan Codi, two of four redshlrt fresh· men who were projected to pro- vide a boost for the UC Irvine men's basketball team last sea· son, wilt transfer to community coUeges this fall, Anteaten Coach Pat Douglass said on Sat- urday. •niat opens up a couple of scholarships for us," Douglass said. -We're ln the process of filling those out. but we have not done so. I don't know If they will get filled before the season but we will have to wait and see." Codi, a 7-foot·l, 220-pound center, will transfer to Orange Coast CoUege and play for Coach SteVe Spencer, who guld.ed the Pirates to a 20-13 re- cord in his second year. Cod1 av- er;11ged 17.8 points, 9.7 re- bounds and 3.4 blocked shots u ·a seDtor at Pralrte High ln Washington. After redsh.lrting his freshman season, Cod1 played in three games for UCI. Peace, who was a standout at Bishop Montgomery Hlgh. will transfer to a community coUege in Southern California. Peace, whose name was shouted for by UCJ students toward the end of home-games last year, was one of the Anteaters' four red.shirt freshmen, who also included Jeff Gloger and Ross Schraeder. Douglass said UCI has 11 players on scholarship, leaving two available. -by Steve Virgen OUTDOORS Balboa Angling Club member hooks first striped marlin of season T he first sttiped marlin of the season. for a Balboa ~ Oub member. was caught JuJy 25 by Kathy Ecklund while fishing aboan1 the yacht Hooker captained by her husband. Stan. The ti.sh was hooked 1.5 miles ofJ the east end of Catalina Island in the area conunonly called the "Slide." The billfish jumped on a JIM trolled marlin jig and was NIEMIEC released after the catch was tagged and documented. Bill IG.ngsmill of Dana Point hooked and released the first marlin for the Dana Point Madin Oub Wt weekend and then earlier this week caught the first broadbill swordfish of the season while fishing aboard his private sportfisber. Wild Bill, the fish weighed in at 165 pounds. Water condidons in the channel continue to warm up and there have been areas of 72-degree water around traditional marlin fishing grounds. Sources at Angler's Center in Newport feel the outlook for the summer marlin season is very promising. Boats are seeing lots of tai1ers, jumpers. sleepers and feeders, but when it comes to getting a biDfish to take a bait or crash on a ture the catching has not been so good. The commercial swordfish Oeet is enjoying a great season with lots of spi.k.ebills being harvested off the east end of San Oemente Island. The latest won:t on albacore is that they are starting to make a move north. There are some longfins still being caught inside the Cortez Bank and on Friday there were reports of schooled up aJbies southwest of the east end of San Oemente Island. The weather has calmed down and good fishing should be on tap for anglers heading to the outer banks this coming week. Shad fishing is a1so improving with the warming of the sea temp and an abundance of bait. Shane Robertson of Newpon Beach. 6shing on board the six pack charter boat "'Dlil Chaser~ operating out of the Bongos Sport6shing Fleet ln Newport. landed a 125-pouod Mako shait on Sunday. Makos have been sighted by private boaters and the sportftshlng fleet when heading out to the islands. Most of the Makos have been small ~ fish and captains are asking their passengers to release any Mako weighiJig Wlder 75 pounds and also suggesting that all blue sharts be released no matter how big they mJght be in the best interest of conserving the shart fishery off the Southland coast. Albacore ate sdl1 stacked up along the I 000 Fathom curve all the way up the Baja coastline. but they just are not in any huny to get within one day range of over night boats departing from Newport. 1ltls outdoor writer headed to San Diego 10 join up with the Dana Wharf l..ady Anglers on a trip hosted by Daiwa aboard the deluxe mini-long range sportftsher, Firs• String. Captain Bradley Phillips targeted an area about 155 mile-; south of Point Loma where it was limit fishing during wide open stops on albacore weighing in the 25· to JO-pound class. The sonar in the wheelhouse of this sport.fisher was lit up like a Ouistmas tree with all the fish around the boat. ~ far as the eyf' could see there were foaming meatballs of albacore. bluefin tuna on huge schools of anchovies making it a once in a lifetime fishing experience for all anglers on board the limited load three day trip. For booking reservations on a multi-day trip this season caJJ (949) 498-6149. · Sand bass are still being targeted by the sport Oeet running daily trips out of Davey's Locker and Newport Landing Sport.fishing. The bite has been wide open now that the bass have moved into shallower water. 1Wilight trips have been providing anglers with limits of sand bass weighing up to 8 pounds and these evening trips are a good way of getti.n8 out of the heat SAILING UCI sailors on Team USA Fow former UC Irvine saiJon will participate at the Pan Amdt- can Games. which started Friday and run through Aug. 17, in Santo Domingo. Dominican~ Fonner Antaters Lanee Bulter and Peter Wells ~. Uaa GrUllth (snipes) and Geo« Becker (Ulistaot coach} will be repreeenting the U.S. Butler, a 1993 graduate in ftne uu. .. mMing her lourtb appear- ance In the Pan ND Qunea and WIS Mtecf by her f'6Jw lllilon .. the alptain rA the Pin Amert· can team. A dvee-ctme Pan Arn o..n. medlk In 1he women't ~ ,... IMler .. allo I dwee-dme~ . ... ... -pld lo 1991, Ind '99 IPd the brome in '95 in the Pl&I Ama.m.I.. '. , .. r .... ( ,,, . ) ,,. ,. I !.!. , I "'' 'I II •#<• I -qr Daily Pilot • THE BIG EASY S PORT S Roger Carlson returns to earth in a 1977 parachute )Ump, whtCh gave the Daily Pilot sports section a different look back rn the day. f'll T<' (.<1Uld{ SY Qr ROC..l11 < ARL SON Recalling a sportswriter 's memorable day of days (1111111/ rw11 /•r11t1J I ah .. ay ... 1hu11gh1. '~lwrt 111c·.1111lt-1111g dm' 11 \\I 1.1t ""·d 10 lw I fJghw.1\ t<1) 1111 04 I •1'>10 11 ,111d '-t'l'llll( Jr1th• pull\ llf \\hll(' Ill lflt• .,ky, Whrll ,1 J-.'l1·a1ft•,.linK1h.11 """'Ill'"" IMl<H l1111i'I' ll<i.llt•tl ,oft!\ tl1111uglt till' ;111 011 lhl'H way 10 th1· tu1f 11ear l'1•1rr .... 111 lll\f'f\1111· ROGER CARLSON ( lllll 11 y "Uoy, would I hkt• to do that, l"d tl'll .iny111w \\1th1n t'iu ... 1tu1 ii\ we l'lljll)'t•<.J lhL• comfort of tlw highway If I w1•n: to rwr know the true thrill of • 111 atlrt'11aJ111t' ru ... h. I thought, thi'> would be 11. I j tth• did I li10\\ I would 1•w ntually gl'I that < h<uH t• I! wa., thl' '>U1111111·r of '77 wht'n we wen• \i1t111g around lhl' olfic:c. ca<:h uf w; 111ulli11g uw1 opltonl> to help hnng i.orne1h111g 1ntere\ti111:: tu the paKe'> a..,i<.Je Imm the u .. u.11. Som<.'lhing out of lht• uHlinary. With the pa...,i11~ of thl' t.:ra duation r1111a1~ '>till frl''" .111<.l till' football '>L'ason '>till WL0ek... and week.\ away. the frem:lrl l"'t·c ovt>r tlw 1our-.e of till' '>l hool year quKkly cJi~"'flal<'tl 111111 boredom. ~J ii was whl'n ii onurrctl 111 mt· thal a .;cury 0 11 '>kydiv111~ miy,ht be apprupnate. 111.11 I ti sec if I could go w11h tlw 'ikydiver; on llw plane. and gt•t the story '"' a f!N hand ba!\!'>, Hut af1er taUinl{ tit(• l'c•m" Valley Nrport tu '>Cl up ii llml' when I tould get th1., an:ompl~hed, I found my'>t'lf llll't.'tl with the uhimalt' pill ·up ur shut up st·enano. "Why d on't you lake a jump yourself," was the respon\e from the manager. HWe'll supply t•verything, it won't cost you a Lhing. We can do it tomorrow .. for years J had been ranting about how I'd like lo do it. TI1c11. as an oul·of-shape 40-ycar-old. the opportunity was there and I found myself w1able to say. "No, I think I'll just go along for Lhe ride and do my interviews." My wife was horrified when I told her o f my plans. My boss. Glenn White. was astonished at the prospect. But I felt great about It and wasn't aboul to pass up the opportunity. Ag,1in, little did I know. It wa ... caJled .1 "fust 1ump lt·-.~011," a :uuo foot fall with an ,111tr1111a1ic thute relt'a ... e from a ritkl'I~ '>i11gll•-e11gine I ~4'.l I lo\,,11d airplane wluch could <1l1.·11111111odatt• '>ix per .. onl>. It IMd or1e w111g, aum.5 1he lop, with 'lrul\ to lhe fu<;t•h1gc. Bdun· that wuuld happen. hm~t'\l'f, would he 6 hour'> of ··1ra1ning." ofwhith I'd he '>UhJl'lll'd to van uw. 5cenanos, '>Ud1 ii'> real'ling to the chul<.' failing it" atllomdtic '>Y'>lem. ~wi11gwg around in a harne'>S to gt•I tlw feel of it 01ght dlld what rhey ligh1ly desnihed a~ "Pl.fi.: .. hort for practill' landing fall-; By l. p.111. as thl' temperature reached 100, I wa\ ready for 1he'>e "l'J .h." wl11ch were to be dime off a picnk hcnc:h and 1ahlc I hat\ right. A p1rnit lwnd1 and table . h r.1. from 14 llllht''> off terra Iii nrn, then the grJduation to 10 indll''> off 1J1e table. fl lll~IP! lt'o; J '>Ound I Mill carry w11h 1111: rewllec:ung th15 madne.,., as I jumped otf the bench. tried to 111.lke a little roll on the li r!>t 1011d1 of the ground and ... 1;1m111ed by helmeted head on tlw gra-;sy area. I >a1ed, I wen1 for it again. th.i!> lime 1<imming my l'lbuw into my ~•de. I felt and heard three tli5lincl rip'> a11d for !>ome rea.,011 '>tarted tu realize 1h1r1gs 111igh1 ~cl wur;e. White ha'> sinu:-arrived and witne'>'led this scenario. with a giim face. Evc111ually I went to 1he top of the table. and on a backward fall. slammed my head again'il the grass. Da1ed. again. I heard my m!.tructor call for a timeout. It went on for another two hours before the big moment would come, but most of Lhat ume was spent watching others go through Lheir paces. I Lhink. tnis part's a little fu7.zy. The instructors were concerned. So was White. Bui I wasn't aboul to call it off. not after absorbing Lhis m uch physical punishment. I knew this whole thing was fa r from the experiences of true skydjyers, who go much higher. free fall for extended periods of time and hook up during flight in various formations before landing as l! they are prancing aero~ egg shells. Bui I wanted to experience the feel of the flight and I was determined not to walk away Roger Carlson ts all smiles before hts first parachute iump . empty-handed despite some !>eeond -thoughts. White. meanwhile. sped off 10 nearby Homeland where my mother and sister resided, and brought them back to watch Lhe big show. Whatever l>lamina I had was .,penl and as I tried to lift myselr from the ground and into the opening near Lhe wing Lhere wru. nothing. Somebody got behind me and push ed me into Lhe plane. TI1e pilot. jump master. three olher students and ll)yself. sped down the air strip and away we went. Last on. I wouJd be Lhe first one out. They took one pass over the area and the jump mas1er tossed a marker to gauge the wind. The marker streaked across the horizon at 3,300 feet, and according to White, my mother shouted, "Ifs nor opening." We all got a big laugh later at my mom's apprehension as she mistook the marker for me. when recalling this adventure. On the second paM. having gone through the drill earlier, I assumed my position: My right foot outside the door to the second step, my first hand 10 a A first taste of 'airborne· for Roger Carlson, a sportswriter. wing strut. then my left hand to the strut. then my right hand farther out. then my olher foot lo Lhe lower ~tep. I glided my legs out behind me. hanging on to the plane in a horizontal position. looked up to my left and awaited the command to open my hands. (Th be concluded next Sunday) •ROGER CARI.SON la the former sports editor for the Daily Pilot. His column appears on Sundays. He can be readled by e-mail at rogeranddorothea ~msn.com. CLAYTON Continued from 81 one se~on on the l ars' varsity basketball team, when he averaged 3.5 pumti. a game a..., a jun ior. Oayton plC1yed mJddJe blocker IL'> a junior for Coach Dan Glenn'!> Sailo r-.. when they finished ll-1 and daimed a Cit 1>1v1 .. 1un I crown. 5unddy. Augusl .i, 2003 83 athJe11c1'im back in lllne, • Clayton said "If I .. pend ume m the wt-1gh1 room, the skLIJi. will come latn~ Kevin I lam.en, a i.etter un the C:dM team wh.Jt h defeatt.-d Newport in 2000, will entt'r ha~ junior ~ason wilh the (.,ardlnaJ aJong!>ide Clayton. "I got co play with Wm a lot wht-n wt· wt-rt· on the Ralhod Bay Vollt·yhi.111 Uub a11<.I k11ow hi'> playmg ~•ylt-rt-ally wt•ll, • < J.iywn .,aid J'he tlub wu11 The next Yt'cir, <Jayton, who Mands 6 foot 4, shifled to outside hiller and will ttnter hb '>Ophomore o;ea\on on tht' Cardinal men\ vulleybaJI tec.1111 at oppo'>llt' aftN playing hi'> frt•\hman year at rn1llcile hlockt•r 'I didn't touch a volleyball (the past two years) and I lost about tht' 21)()() )UllllH lld ll<Jllctl 1 h,u11p1on'>l11p and I la11!>en wa., named tht- 1ourna111en1\ Mo't Valuabl<· Pld}'er "I went up tht're thinking I would play opposite. bur when I gut Ito Stanford! I found out they needed a muJdle blocker," 40 pounds because I w asn't lifting any weights. I was w alking and ri ding my bike for two years. I have two months of ( J.iy11111 l'i lhl' 11111) hoy Ill d l.inuly of four '>l'li't'> hi'> youngN -.ibltng I l11alw1h ~ 111 be J .,t'1111Jr 1n cht• I.JI <II "1t•wp1Ht). btll ht UHlllOUl'\ ,1 lrl·nd of a1hl1·111 Jll 1/\\ 1 ........ I lual>erh li11ftl , lht· 'dwol rt 1 ord 111 tht 1r1plt:' 1u111p Llayton .. rud I got a lot of good pla.yrnK urm: training before I hit it hard again. I kn ow it will be If\ fl·t·t. -4 1111 ht·' hr1·.1k1ng llr• 111.11~ ot I" H \I l IJ\ I 11 l 11lcJ1·1 "''''r \1,rn<h 111 lo prepart· for next '>t'a.,on. Oaywn will begm h111ing tht' weight room. a rocky first few days, but the I I'll \I I I le didn't Ull any tra1111ng while 111 most important thing is to get the athleticism ( l;r\'11111 th1· '>•'t 1t11ol 11ld1·.,1 111 I 1 .... 1 .urd \\1· 1tht'rlunl.., ft\t• 1 H1ld 11·11. hole!\ tlrt I larbor rt'< <1rd 111 Cir•· 11111 111t'ler hurJlt·., 1-, -, I back in time' Mar) land. wlll'rt· for '>IX Ud>'" .i wed: for I IJ William Clayton hour ... a day, ht• and Ifill other m•'>'>llm<mt'.., \ t'>lll·d ~ 11h f.1111rht''> 111 tllt'tr hollll''> ...,<Hlll' day' <J,1\ tn11 would '>l'r\ t nw.11., JI '>OUp kuthen<, "J"he "Jo I purptl'>e WJ'> 111 Vt\11 with people an(.! '>h..ire ~1th them." <Jayton '><tld "I found that wlwn I '-l'r\ t• other., hl'fore my own llt'l'<I'>, I am a lot happier " fh1s '>pring UJyton . .! I. wilt du another type of ..,1.·r.ing - \\1th d volleyball. Ill' ri. ,ti read> th1nlung about trainm~ ·I d1dn"t touch a vollt'\ h.rll ltht• pa-.1 1wo yt-ar...I and. I lo-.1 ahout 40 pound~ bt•uw't' I wa"1'1 lifting any wc1ghl'>." ht• said "I wa~ walk.mg and riding my bih• fur two years I h.ive t\\O rnolllh'> of 1ra1ning heforl' 11111 1t hard again "I know 11 w1JI be a rod,} lir-.1 few d<tY'" but the mo<,t important thtng b 10 get thl' I ht \<1l111g1·'1 '>l'>lf't I .111ra. \\Ill lwg111 -...eY.p11r1 tn 1h1 tall \V1ll1.1111, I\ ho C'.Jrt1ed .1 I .!. I grJdt p•lllll J\t rd~I Ill h1Kh \dt•IUI .111d ~.t.., <111 I ..rgh· \t11u1. t'lllwr ~Jnh 111 m..r111r 111Ingli...h111 ...,1L111lo~} I or tlw 11e-..1 t~o month' ht• "'Ill hOr~ .11 .1 :'l.t•\\pon ilf'Jt h l..r\' llfnr and lilt \H'1gh1.., I le h·.rrned llltH h from "'' two \'l'JI'> 111 \larylJllll ... Ollll' of \'h1d1 ht· hllflt'' 111 trJ11 ... t1•r 10 the c •• 1rd1ndl I th111k 1"11 he 111 .1 Ot'll• r p11 ... 111on If) '"PPIHl lht• 11·.1111 Jncl he a ht'flt•r l1-..1dt-r <J,1v1011 ..,,uJ I ht· lw't lt·adt'f'> .ire tho..,t' \\ h11 t Jll 'l't.' th1 m·1·1t... of tilt' 11-.1m .rnd hl'lp rater tho'>t' 1hmg~ I hd\ t· a lot more )p,11J1·r..,h1p 'lrt'lll{I h an<l abrl11v " ludK111~ h\ h1.., li.t'>l t fo\ t1111 I'> on tlw right tra1 k 111 1h.11 regard 2003 31st Annual COSTA MESA CITY CHAMPIONSHIP (Will JORDAN Cl.ASSIQ pres.t-4 by City of Costa Mesa & Mesa Verde Partners • COSTA MESA i COUNTRY CLUB MESA LINDA & LOS LAGOS COURSES four Rights Available and a Senior Division Lowest Index for Post 12 Months Will Be Used AUGUST 9TH & 1 OTH (SATURDAY & SUNDAY) $10,000 IN PRIZES* SSOO MAXIMUM U.S.G.A. PRIZE FOi EACH FLIGHT WIHU. ENTRY· S17S llO.llll6 I& 1"t1Z1, fillll RB RJI IOlll DAl\ IAbfOtl Oii 5IJllllAY, rllm AllO •Mm. i.y .._ ........ .,CM .. c..., a. (714) s.1soo ms .1• All U.S G..l IWIDKAPS ACCB'IED. llO POST Bl1E ACCl1IBl · fBJ) l..Wl6llBI TO FISJ l2t PUnlS - Policy How to Place A ..---Deadlines----. Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in. an advcniscmeot for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. • • CLASSIFIE AD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm .. I By Fax (949) 631 ~594 ll'luse include your name llld phone number and ~·11 call you beck Wlth a price quou.J By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours ' By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUIKIMINTS & MISC. 1010-1770 J01t-S940 GARAGE -SALE 1489 BUSINESS & soos-saso FINANCIAL 2305-2490 APPLIANCES 3050 HOMESFOA S>\LE Newpolt Bach ICIMOM ............ ORANGE 5400 ~ ~ IHTS c.....,~ Pedflc View MeiwwwW- Ooul>W Cr ave. X#tt loc. Must sell. Wortn SISK, ~a flK $7K/obo. 949-939-3091 9 mo new, ..twta w/fr-COUNTY (Corner al 8al>oa Blvd on lq>. a.ito Ice mabr. a. 6lh St}~ b 2he Collectlbta/ ~ Cell 9$463.8i83 Balboa Island Ip, ocn ""'· Lower 2br 2he bch vu from IMm. Ip, wet· _Mt_mo1_rmi_11a __ 11_&0 BICYCLES Amertcan Motorcycle $Meter (Oll!Mnd 0-..) ua 4C7s. 6 yess at ....... pm. ~ ' tmdl. Carew~ ol member wearina •' swwts ~ s:JXX> .. S2!iOO 714-531 .3JX) '°' $$ • RECOQS nc ... ForSale 3080 llAOt CIUlSll NEW. $200 Cati 760·902·8038 au Oas*. Etc. ~ ' ins HOME .8l Alt.ec:. Spkr, llA>e •fl'4JS Mike 949·645·7505 FURNISHINGS : EHTERTMNMEHT . 1310 EQUAi. HOUSll6 OPPOlnll1Y All real est•te adver- • hs1na 1n this newspaper • is sub1ect to the Feder al • F Ill Hous1ne Act of 1968 • as amended which -makes 11 1lleaal to -advertise "any prefer· • ence, h m1tat1on or • d1scrlmlnat1on bued on • rice, color. reh1lon. sex. • handic•p. lam1llal status : « national ona1n or an • 1ntent1on lo make any • wch prelerenc.e, llm1ta· • t!On or dl$Crim1nat1on • • This newspaper will • not knowin1ly accept • •ny advettisement for • real estate wh1th Is in • viol1Lt0n of the law. Our • readers are hereby • informed that all dwell· • mp adverhsed in this • n1wsp1per are ava-ilable • on en equal opportunity • buls To complain of dis· crlmlnatt0n. call HUD toll· fret at l ·800·424--8590. .. CASH PAID$$ .................. ~ WR 8UY ISTATIS ............ INtdy ..,.;c. AITBr' CONSIGNMENTS 1 ........ 7/JOet .... 9;30 bllM 6 red lto•J suitcase et the vicinity of trvlne Ave. bct-n Sanlil&o a. Univwsity. F el olrt of bldl of tnd1. Pl .. M cell 949-650-1989 1511 ftlmlbl11 Sek "Y .,...,. Furniture in cottaee style incl ta wall units. V1ntaae collectibles wedaewood stove. electrn: pottery wheel. new doCIW'& !JM pncmlMee~ JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-stCelttNe..._ Old Co1nsl Cold. silver ,ewelry, Witches, entlques cohect1bl11 949 642·9"8 -Get--s ........ 111 colors 111 sires for adoption to qu1lll1ed homes WWW eveSCUI ore or call 714 773 5915. PHOTOGRAPHY/ OPTIOO. MilClllnoa ---3736 fE COI PallROO<S 714-~3944 -~AOll ... l11el fern Sl ,IK>o·S2,SOO a weei. now? Great oppor· tunity. Restocll local BATH 6 800Y route. No seltin1 W0<k 4-tl lloura e wffk SO down 0 A C Call now 1·800·390· 7067. ev11t1ble 24 hours DOUM nou: Own 1 doll11 s1ort. Minimum required $2()1(+ equitJ. 1-800-117-1114 Fr.ncllls.e/MHler fren· cllltt unique repldly 1rowln1 rm• con~pt. 22 'fl hlllory. Trelnl111. ""'"'......, ~ s.. ...,,. """' .., -la> bldile ~ 2IXR .... 1-.-2111 11210 " .... ,. ... ,.... v1n t,ae B•lboa Island Cott11e SB00.000 Much souaht •tier Clo11lc leodt D,.iea Balboa Peninsula $975.000 Ae-t Celdwell l..li•r 949-637-2397 ·--•fvl 1rv1 ... T en'CK• property has 4br. 2 Sb•. aourmet kitchen Offered 11 $1,345.000 Agt Undo TOllll-nl t49-711-2 Ht ~ l5IAND DW'llX Bay view 115 Enwnild llst meet all Park. IQl9'stln 2tr 2ba cbM1 lbr Iba aw.. 919-500-rn5 Balboa Peninsula ••• SUMME• SIZZLUS ... "",,. s.wl 8eautrful 3Br 3.5ba home Wlttl l!ie'lator. pool, 11'111 kitchen. LR. be.adtfront prdeo a. wiwt£watll' v- of Gold Coast $4,500.000 ._ •, '.»Z.s• ~rwy home on the \.'SI Park trench 8-t nuniwe limestone floon down, ararwte kit, beaWful pabO w/'yoll own tree $1,599.000 CM11& .... » ,,__ RemocWed, hrcMj floors. ta Ol*1 l:R w/f p, IJeal Ol/I· door patio, ~ 2c pr $1,599.000 .....,.~ Remodeled end ekPo10(led. locllled on rare dbl lol 48r 481 W/OCMll -· Fp, wide hallwayl. vault ceib $2,U0.000 ac~ ~~Condos OllY2UfT1 s..1eaa.&.- OP81 SAT-5'11 1--4 21JA.21~ 28Tlf ST The Saywitz Co 949-9»7528 Op ... S-4.y 1 -5 61ociuw.-.eAve . 2 Muter suitH, 2 Fps. i.ltchen a. baths remod Ch.shire Reel Est1te Inc 949-723-6037 mwwunt South ESTATE on one of .the l1r1est lob OPEN SAT-SUN 1-S 1S201HfDr. Sbr 3b1, Mediterr 1 nean paredlse. Crt· cian shaped pool 6 Sp1 fountains a. Palm Trees. By Owner Acceptin1 Bids Be· tween Sl,499,000· Sl.57'5.m> 96-:lm-0162 NIW WW TOWMllMIS SUll6.lXXI • aa:a.ax> RrlGI dll:b wilwt. Cll llodtfy 96-721-0132 8J ~ 09ll awl 3br 2119 hol-. WM V.. ~ lat. ~==fJm. c... ... -. Hur Cose.~ .. _ . .,. ..•. lflt tttitt. .... 31>1 It yd, peflO, Jlcuul .... ooo WOWf WT Lo. ''"' LtfllOM rnfAotl it.el Eau•• Mt-1121 Of'ltlUT.S.14 M77Y_,._9r 5br 3b1 llKUIWt llofM By OWn« C01e1t luy lltt.toO C.llW71..._.J6I01l& H71 .. 15C).1~2 ba. •Nil SIZ!S,IXX> Ail c.r. Men CcldMll 8arM 9&na.2378 Oonol fistl'l.tl tenants O'lN SAT 1-4 14 JU,ITH HlllS DR Otll foaD RD 5br 4 full ba. very le ultra pvt backyd with no houses behind S1r ah Goldschmidt Bkr 949·254-3700 949-363·0291 ~HllGHTS Q mt investment property OPIN SAT-$&1112-S '212 MCWI Sf lbr 2.5be &. 2br lba R2 COIMlf1lld ID condCls. Front house $710,lXXI or baltl $1.lm.lXXI ~pholm-. ~ O,IN fltl 11-2 SAT-SUN 1-S 2Ga TUSTINAVI Spectacular vtew, utra ta lot a. room for up1ns1on.Joan Allison Bkr 949·646·2011 or 949·683·8911 It• o~-· 2br 2ba W/llbrary New windows. doors. new appls, lex · ured walls/ce1ls. crown mould1na. dn1anl!rs hie. parquet lloorina and more art 949·58A·581 l O'IN SUN 1-S lt10 Yo<ht Morie Le 4br 3b• lam home, 1•t• auarded upscale comm Curlesy to bkrs Sl.190.000 949 721 9857 O,IN SAT 12-S 2201 Vl1teHuene Newport Beech Bluth Enc townhm, 3br end unit. pvl P•tlO, 2 c a•r. $549.888 By Owner 714·299-7373 'llMI ISTATIS ,ATRKI TIMOll HA TIOMWIOI USA '4t-H6-'70S www patncktenon.com ap... s..... 12~ {«II Vislll Rom.) 8Ufs Qwnq lbr h , Ulllr8ded Ind int. new rod/fr $5491( Barbwa s.r.niwet. Rltr ~195 HAHORWOOOS 2br 2ba. 2 c l•race. bedroom/office. Alt S1900 949·293·4631 HAUC>a Y11W HOMIS 4br. 21 /rb•. lar1e lol nHr sc;hool (949) 640.5664 *°"HSUN 12-4* •1 ANJOU Me&nlfic:ent townhouse! 2br 2.75b1 with Iott. Prem. UPIJ'•des 2 car 11r (1t.. s-.tf) $609,000 e,0w_.ea11 ~for .... .., Sir h. ())SUI C'4W home. sepent1 1uest ~ ·enb~ ~hlly-~ ........... 1845 Index Tustin VllWCHATIAU 1050 I trier L-. loceted In N Tustin Hills 1.5 1cre hilltop estate 6br 7b1. Call for p11ce Aat John Lo11n 714·731·1808 MOBUHOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Ml""1ntldlnd Hames 5993 IMOITlllAmA MLOIGIUOf OPEN HOUSE lest TWO lu•ury m•nu· f1ctur1d homes wllll In pc.d5mr...-- mcbll honw ~ Only S62S IPK-9 ..... ,._ ~ Mlt'y, Lq 8-:11 ~' s.-8-tl. hi!. for VlcV1I 562-2'2S-<9J9 AESIOENTIAI.. RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY OCIANntONT 2br 2b•. furn, Ip, clean winter rental. 949 922 7777 . ,.,.,_, ...... l..lnfl.n'd ~ refur· bished lbr, Iba, Fp. mmt cond. Yrly 949 922 7777 1 HOUSI TO HACHI I br full be, sm 1l1tch. Iona term. $875 incl ut1I Anll now 949 290·8128 ~2\r 1 .... .._..,.~ $1500/mo. I c•r 111•ee. close to •II• oceen All 949-673-4400 •116 Cert 2br !be cute duplex, wnher/dryer hookups, •If S 1750 949·293·4630 .... ,.,...., ....... _. eels. brWtl ' !Mm. pello. fp, 1 c ,,.. St9l50 ~ Set·SUn I~ no pit Cl9 hi Ave A"" ~1 ~ •••••tffwl 3br 2b1 rentel. cute COM dupln. 111•a•. w/d h~ups. Aat $2750 949.293.4630 ·~o-va.w q. sty home. 56+ comm. Chetmlnt crlyf d entry. Awo• 1700 sf, 2hr.0.W 2b.. f p, form OR, •tt 2c 111 w/atorea•. Mster w/MIA WI dsl Comm pool. ... dbhM.. Sm pet ()(. Crdnr. SJ450tmo. Iii.in ,.,... 887·104-8549 d2IM CCllll ... 1• & ., ........ 1 ml .., lllG\ ... aill. ..... ... Cll fin. "'°" llll50rn lbr • s ll 70m 2br l" E 161.tl St. MAI for Spedel 949-~2'21 IASTS91 Studio • Utll p1lct. e111ll now, feneed ~Md, pet all, coin-op l•undf{. 1795 I S250 dep 7 4-J4J-M42 L 11d cr the Sc1Yice Director~· B i lllllL'r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Laguna Niguel l'1l4e 21r I I• Chu mer Hurla_,_ Baell fncd yd, 2-c alt a•r. wd ........ UDO YIAaiY llASI , .... 1 1/:t ... '--••· ear w/l•und hkups. very pvt w/huae b1cky1rd. Pet ok. Av11I end of Aue. $1500/mo. 949·642·5937 firs $1950/mo incl ad/wtr ~ lbr Iba oonO:> next no/srnk/pet 94.9·642 4940 I-ti p11111, comm pool. ICM. 1 .. n14e Sir 210 du Jlw s..51.o .......... ._._ plex downstan, 1er, w/d 1 112 in to bcn N:., w/d w/d 111 unit, undertird pl\&. Ail Slfm ~3-78Xl 1-'IM _,. loc.ated 111 (xpr~ lOwet Unit 2br 2ba. t.plc. llC, 2 c 3tlUh ear. S 14SOmo Joanie 949-120-9422 )(200 & LIDO SUMMER HOMU BU GRUNDY Rf.Al TORS 949-675-4161 'RIVATI COMMUNITY na home. 2bll.s bch. yrty b 2IM. na Y11d. ix pr r\/OJ&s, SZ37S. 9".Hill IO:E hkup, $1 EiOOrn Open Hou5e 1*14> pied. dbl pr. S2075 Nii..e Alb cWlle Senor IPG. S.t 12·5, 370 Rochester Aval now ~1-<Bl> ......... ..... ·-~~ .... lbr's Rl(JJWe 62• .ncome Cl!> $26450 714-37~ Neer New,ert Hts, completely remod 2br l .50a twnhm, new Wd, MW 1u1c1Vwvc..arpe1 Yd w/pdtllw C. w/openw No pet: $1675 9&500- '073 562-856-168' S.,._.. f-lly he...e the besT loc I yr lene. 3br quiet cul·de·uc S2150m 4br La backy•rd A/C S2285m, 4br spacious buullfully appointed $2695m Aar 2ba's, 2 car 11r•aes. w/d hkups. on quiet neiehborhood Robin 714·546·1452 OClANfROHT WINTER HHTAL.S 1-2·J & 41r'1 Av.ii. IONGS ltD, ,......_ Molt of larae home, 2 spic rms. Iba tutchette. pvt ~Rfi~ 21011M!Su• b 21>11 upstss rw. It'll, Ip, ,.._ pr. no pet SIB inc pa/Wfb6 9& 156-wti8 Lua apt bid& 2br 2ba ouan view S2200/mo c•ll resident mar 949 4'94·8083 A.11edete .. R-'ty t4t-67J-J66J lor .. llr I .. unit on quiet Peninsula point S1nale per son. No/sml\/ pets Sl391> 94~293 4631 T O DAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Later 6 The -& the Papas 11 Prefer 16 Spool< 21 Cratchits' dinner 22 Taken -(stunned) 23 Full of zeal 24 Mars neighbor 25 Fourduo5 26 Hancl>ag logo 27 Freeway acoessos 28 Sidecar occupant 29Actress - DewnChong 30 No future - - 32 Otlferent 34 OuHn s quarters 36 Rode muste composer Boan - 37 Poor Richard's book 39 Kin of sitars 40 Sari wear81 41 Develop 42 Funy friend 43 Impede 44 ThlClcly 46 Swimming holes 49 Barge's plaoe 50 Pop-can openers 51 Harangue SSKWh btll 56 Type of printer 57 Joke responM (hyph) 58Summoned 59 Air pump men. 60 Cleat the windshield 61 Select 62 Not at home 63 Here. In Cannes 64 Grapefl\Jlt piecet 66 Ale-folder abbr 67 Theiland, once 68Coupd'- 69Dwefl 70 Slangy ottay 71 Ae91ttanoe untta 72 Fae.to-face •xams 731mportune 74 Horses like Trigger 76 Former space l8b nHemng 80Poet 81 "Garfleld" poodi 82 Plane's wrng flap 86Abound 87 Egot.astical 68 L.umb9f flaw 89Hungroly 90 Police-blouer info 9 1 Droplet 92 Novel16t Jean - 93 Unit of W81ght 94 Sparkler 95Bigwaves 97 Stiff 96Knolls 99 Air show stunt 100 Shark hitchhiker 101 Say good-bye 102 Orchld·IOVing detective 1 03 R uttlle1& 104 Type of investment 106 Peddles 107 Hoosegow 108 Secluded valley 111 Mll<l 81CpietlV9 112 Utters i 13 Prom·n1gn1 item 117 Just bought 118 "Misery" co-star 119 Serenity 120 Potential flower 121 Wtmple wearer 122 Last Gree!( letter 12'4 More pleasant 126 Bactl'a 1n61tument 128 On the up.and-up 130 Dawns. In poecry 131 Seat formally 132 Int.ended 133 AYOid captUl'8 134Aesull 135 Pasture entrance 136 Beets by a N1ir 137 Chorus platform DOWN 1 Soetates forum 2 -point 3 F amity tree, to 90m8 4 Compass d11 5 Image recervers 6 Sorcery 7Touch 8 Rain g&ar 9 Eqv1p 10 Ghde hg hlly 1 1 Tlc:ke< f)(1ces t 2 Nowtiere near 13 Pep 14 Foundlings 15P1oegums 16 ·Runaway Bude· CO-$lar 17 Yes."' YOkonama 18 Gavel-banger's cry 19 Shorthand pro 20 Pitch 31 •Mona Liaa" 6IOg9f 33 Thatg1r1 35 Cambodia neignbor 38 Heavy metal band 390uay 40 McEnllre of oouncry muiic 41 Prta sandWICtl 43 Deeiay I platters 44 Ar1ene -of Old films 45 Roman hlatonan 46Coke nva1 47 FOlger's Mra. - 48 Wlw1ny 49 Singer Bomie - 50 Baby soother 52 Cur1y·tailed dOg 53 Window sticlter 54 Flll8S a manu9Cl1pt 56 Kremlil'l name 57 Btlbe (2 Wds.) sa • - -lUS1 kidding r 60 First 9hoW!ng 61 Lu9's farewel 62 lm.nds 65 Respectfvl t!Ue 66 Blend 67 Moccasin or p..mp 68 Ml9calculated 70 Attventure tale 71 'Don' count --1' 72 Lubnca1ed 74 Rembursed 75 Mat1nee - 76Beanngs n Whitewater prose<:V· tor K410fl8th - 78 Black tea 79K1ngdom 80Meaaow~ 82 As - -(genefally) 83 Seventy 84 Margarlnes 85Dryed 87 Porch 68 Actor -Russefl 89 Makes a hole 111 one 91 Swiss capital 92 Well-ventilated 93 Otsagreeeble P«JP• 96 Bank transaction 97 Llgh1 bulb measure ~Yelled 99 Falls to keep up I 01 Conoer1 per1ooner 102 Kind of mat 103 Trac:M·anc:Hleld compe111or 105 Pl1ne1 next to Sstum 1 oe Bt1ny expanse 107 Sloppy - 108 Fairy-tale sho<ty 109 Bumm« of a. car 110 Washl1and ttems 11 2 -Haute. Ind . 113 Pennies 11 4 Black cettte 115 l.eader 116 Register b 118 Cfate 119 Flake oft. as paint '20 R8lionel 123 Wiidebeest 125 rat -ch'uan 127 One-hner 129 Lilly or Wallllch I• .. I .......... .._,..., ........ 38r, Mr ..._ 38r+ dlll home. 291, lwp lt mlly room, otc. ~ ~ldld. l/c, 2 elf J•rap, avail 8,ft pllld comm w/clool & ..,. WOO/mo 949-759-Jn l $GJOlno Ill M9-887-8603 It.Wt , ......... I ..... Lu. hie, tptc 5br or 48r. 21/181, family rm. 4+ den, 4b1 bnctln, courtytrd, balcony, no tennl1, club houu, pets '2Dn 714-J21.&333 14200/mo. 949 219 2.430 3br 2bt on Btlboa Ptnln, hd•d fir•, fp,. ,HAHO• COVl l br patio. 2 c 1,,, 111111 8· I 2.5b1 SHIV apa, comm It S2100 94g..2CJJ-431 poo. &•led $4800 Pru· NIWfOllT HllOffTS Jbr • denllal Ca Rily BJ 949-tow~ Ip, s111c c•r. <UffHAVIN 3Br 2Ba 721-0132 949·721·0132 M• carpet, paliO, very remod tom remod. Ill' nice. Sl595 949-612 eOCM w~ '-4111 Y'"'' dldl S2lmno ~ 9&&C2-0M 2bt Z!la rental Newport Buch Penrnsule, near Newport pie< $1800 Act t4t ... 7J-7IOO SUMM" -st An'°u Fet ~ H t 2'/th Zbr 2ba 2 car c.ar, pool, "'"-pr1v1te cul·dt·sac pied comm. S2300/mo nice yard. 11111 locaUon A.&1949 759 9341 S1950/mo 949·475-0027 Ulie New Very clean 2br 2bt , 2 cu 1ar ace IAYfllONT SI~ wall to metllet H r 2 .. SUOO/-yrty TlOVAll t'br 2ba 2 c aer, &•Itel, community pool, eat $2400 949 293 4631 & faHon bl ~J59.8969 62'-212-17U '26-197-6262 s-.,... ,,, 21 /ti• Me41cel Bick Ofllc• A.nhtant f0t Nawporl Q9hthalmo101y ottic1, 11dlltll1 to train Mo,,. TIMlr l::JO.S:~. fri 8:»12. fu r•ume 949·644·7029 MI C< KM....._., opemn1 for PT racep· hon11t Hours Sat·Sun 3pm-9pm. Apply In i»rson Mon·Fn 9am-~ 1600 E Cotti Hwy NB. •'/TIMI ... MAH-.... lti storap faclity In C.M.. Monday, Thur$day, Fr id.ty. Office and hie cleafW11, hp ••. CaM f0t 111fonnabon: 714 437 9200. New,ert Creat, 2br Zli•. 2 c ear, well! to bc:tl. hn/pool/191. 11950 Avell now 949-707·4408 ~21 ........ 21/••• Townfiouse lll60sf, 2-< ......... ~. IT f lilhb! 1111 tll S0m no .-. r-lie 98-J'23.Qi22. ,._,.,.,. "-&~ted oonm. h '}ll:e. q ' W/d rd. I ~ ,_ tnlod h s:imn /If#~ S1nal1 lam hm, new ,USONAl TllAINU pamt & carpet, 2< ... [aperteneed. f0t 1 friendly Sl!mn C11kn9'Mf>l.gM5 per-.al tr11tW11 facllily <tlASTIWFf'll' JBr 2Br, 111 •ae, w/d hoollup, S2300/mo Aat 949 293-4630 2~ 2 ... 0CIANflONT. Near B1lbo1 prer S2300/MO •It 949-67 J. 7800 Monltly Renllll A'nA s.pt. .b-4 4br 2bli Ilse on PWW1 POl'lt Very nice flln'd act S3500~~Cliwe 'ANTASTI( VllWll 3br 2bt for the NHl•tf & petlen. r or IHH I yur or more $3995 open to otters SAT-SUN 1-S 201 TUSTIN AVl J-Alll.-lkr ~2Dl~ll ~ww.-.-.. 4& 'r-fl& 2 CM p , f\Ay fwnoshed $4(IDno Asso- cllted Realty 949-673-3663 Nlw S2lldlD 811111 h •lll ,.,., Streets Si r, 310, den. p.atio, comm pool. Summer ~et mode I IN. c!Sl. lam. •Int conc:t available 9/1 $4000/mo avllf now is. 949-646-8473 year leue 949 720 1460 VM:ATION RENTALS 7915 VACA l10ll IDfTAlS SAWUBITAlS IPalm Sp<~alm Desert ConQct Michael Anter :Bl-259-l 450/7&Hll-7ll7 iolf~COOI '" CdM Lisa 94~75-3287 Publos hma ,llOMOTIONS DIPAllTMfNT Communrty ~· 111 Onnae County seells Fun I lme person lo IOlllr'ill!W ;and wrrte stOtles. part1C1· pate '" community evenh., er ute and papiate P8&eS itnd sectlORS h cellent communication sMfls. WOl'k ~ Wfth the public Know AP Styte QuarllXf'reu Photoshoc>. ~AIJ Cre· .tor, P,of\oent on MAC and PC CCI dn ran ••perience preferred Probfr~ test Drue scr..-.fPhyscal r ecµred [()[ Excellent benefit Pldtaae Ematl rnume. WT lttrll Sllrrc>ies And ~ requireme nt ~ t o ~.ioMson@latmes com - I MW 't 7 J211 Cenv metalltc dark blue/1re1 llhr superb cond lhr ou1hou l SIS,495 ~I 811r ~1888 www.ec'•"l.celft IMW J2JI ... c ... vt fully loaded. uparedes. I car owoer l ow m1, mint cond. 9$51().451k) ~2lf>-046 IMW 1231 '99 Convt Fully loaded, up11rades. I ~•r owner Low mi. mint cond. 9'&51().458) 5&-046 IMW 'tl 740ll(J ) Blk/tan, cashmere Ian. arun/tan. xlnt cond $l0 950 949.500 8641 l ulcli '6 9 lle <tr• aood mechanical cond1hon. low m1la1e. 430 V8. $3000 obo 949.494 0148 Codllloc '90 fleetwoocl· s1lver/11rey. 4d'. sunroof. a ... oc4" 't 1 420 SU whlll/ar ty lthr •hrome •his, low m1, sup11b cond, S699S V•567281 Bkr 949 ~ 1888 _ .. ,,-1.c- OU-..lle 't• AweH fiOk ml black/iirey lthr mnrf. CO fabulou' cond throu1ho ut S!l99!i Yln#457119 Bt.r t4t-SH -1111 -........... .... PHll11'1 AUTO OIAM4M~e Blut w/Blue, only 1411 Ml, Sports Plo..1 (l9478C) S24.~ OOMIWnJI Silver w/black llhr moonroof (19S421 sn 980 ff U20 Se.Ion Whit e w Saddlf leather Moonroof <l 944 3, s:>9 980 0 I Jaguar S Typ• Su Gr~@n w/S addle L lhr ?H K m1, Mooor<Jof (19112). SJ2.980 99 Men e tl .. StK 1JO Blue w/bl•t i\ er ey spor I\ pk e C 19416> S?I 980 00 IMW Sf OI Black w Blat• pr emium \Ound \unroot < l 7607 I S29 9110 0 t Po r ocJte Turb o T1ptronu Only lij• mile~ N••ae•t11;11 ( 19394 l IN(JUIR[ •• h11u1 GS JOO Cold w ·S~ddl• Lrath~r l hrttni .. 9004 VW ... 111 'ti Gl Ilk aclual m1 5spd silver I bl1Ck tnl, pw, pl. 1tl1e new. f1nl1&t" uvlnu S9400 v"752861 Bt.r 949-SH -llH .. -.~1.c- MOTOR HOMES MoWHomes · Rent 0 0 HO H NT 1000 30ft & 2003 2?11 , 1mmac. sleeps 6 & 8 optional lent, p1n1c tbl. bbq Toy tr 11ler & lent trailer 949.295 0356 or 949-~ 1266' BOATS Power Boats 9515 00 OUHY 21 ,.._ ~ll H Sallt! ovs $73,()X) We!J1)-y Slip avarlal# $45.<Dl 949 644 rn I BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 93 FT SUP AVAILAIU IN NlWPORT lfACH S2SOO UASl 949-SOO-IOOS Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH 5unoay, August 3. 2003 " OOlJBl.f. TROllBU. 'ORTH • K 6 S J 11 4 A J 5 • 9 8 6 J WF.I\ I •AY87-I K QY76! ' 7 •S ~Ol l'H • \old \2 f, '-'' • () J 10 J l 10 J K ()'J 4 2 •7 10 8 6 .\ •\KQJIO~:! Tho: h1dJ:n~ "'R™ F\.,T f>as, Pa"' 6• Uhl Pll» """ '>l>I TII 5.& Rdbl Opcmng 1..-.wJ \1.1. 111 • \\ h<·n the 11rp .. r1<r\I• "'I ,, ,1,111 "''~unwnl) 1,.ht1n""c' 1! Lt14,."" >tt'"'.k' do ... n nH •r,,. 1h·m 1101' tn•k are '"@hi llwrl"h tr~ .1 iJt·11.J11' It •tjhk n-,,,~c.·, llnlC' ""4!rl'4:" \f11le' 1tt.1ri ~,.,~.Jr .1~· f~M~ort: l ii>!litn.:r fl!"f\o''<.J 'I .11 1 1k>Uhk r.l th< IJr I . ""I ·I J•~ ".JI unu,ual k • ..i u,u.I • JL'1.m' , 111,1 tJ11J 'Ull. >ll<I 11("'1 I " l'lt' <J<l •I f'Jl'flt'f ''UI' ,\•IOI 11~ h.a•~ h1 I .II'~ Bui"' ti.i.1 Jt>.001 "1.-J •IJ•ll ~ .. ii..-..·1 h1J '"nlf>Ct•I , .. \ l hc f1r-J ftl'\JOll 1t !nt.,: .J •\. ltUl ""' unc,entlul J' "J• '"''~ ''' "''h' Hoth the tlo •ut>k JJ'lJ r J .. uh1<· lo\1•r•· n111hu or ''"'">'· and Utt\ {olurnn V.•JIJld rlt'\.cr lw\e >Oen lhc ltJ)le uf CS.)' l\.o&l We..i liW1C<I lhc unJ 111 hem~ 001 chok.c for I.he 111~111nj1 , .. I\. IA.darer v.uulJ ha'' J<,..1 •1 lt'o&.•I Unt' tnd , IP t'J<.h !\'J 'Ull l nf•inuna~I) \l.c•\ thnutothl the J,r1uhl. 1..a.lk:d for 'ooit: •JUter lead, .t11J -cle{ted th< '4t of •pade• I ~ l.ircr rufftJ tugh. c.._,hl-\1 th.-llL.c "' hcJ.11\. enlcred dumm) v.•11h u luv. rnm1p tu lhc r1i;Jit 1'fld d11.e.udcd a r...111 11(') the 1ablr"s l ing of 'P*' l>untrt1) \ "'maimrtl( ~pa..k ,.u rutlC'IJ h1j1h the txwd ,.,., n:~ntercd .., ,lh w nine ol , tub<. .1n<I a hc:an ,.., mfted. rcnv"tnl? f .... ,,·, 1 .. ,1 q/c e•u •• ml R"""1m~ lhc luml ~r1e<.tly b l:an-r r'""' led the thra" ol di" 1nc1oth t" t.hc. 1.-..1.. w1 .. nn .. 1m m... tiu.~n l>ut ""' .:ndpl<l)cd l\ 'f'Jk v.uuld ~II Jcdan:r tu rull 111 hanJ .anJ dt'4.:anl " J1..m.rfkl lr1"1 .furnm' l~re..t1er J J1 .. mund 1, ltv· ,, e (.,11.,wcd t'r• .. IW'..n ruff "'1iulJ ,.1,,,,.. Jumm) I" '4,:0fe th..-la•I 1 ... " tnd '' " 11 h tru1np' II. m\t~ I ,,,1 r~111mt"J J 1.humond <Jtdlir(r 11'~1 r "' ~·~htr wuulJ win and a11.u11 "-11011• 1.•.ulJ d .. 1m the re,1 "' tilt- ''" ~ \\,.l.111~ <I\ 1. luh' n:dnuhl.:J \I, h1.t1 bnnj.'' U\ h:.1.~ l!o 111'. 4UC• lh" f'•'<J IO the Of'<"OIO~ p.!lrt~ \\,,. 1h1r ~ a J.,uhk h• F .,, m th1' \I\ UJI I" ,l1<oul.J 1mpl~ ... jnl p;11Ul(C ,I}! on.I h1 JJin; "' hc..r' -.c t \pe> I tu 1klcJI '" dut>-.\ PJ"' """ul a\'1"' r•nn.-r 11 wlc 'Jrt'ler All•• .mt.I '" o!tlJ; .lfUl('r ~lc:..111• ht.! j~ilJn 1 ur ... 1u:J 1., .,Jtri)! ,1wulJ hi: d I><·~ Ill \~<''! TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS PLUG IN llhr, eulo 3& m1 $4800 lleceptlonlst Port-ll1ne new lun 949-760-0144 W"• •I•. (194181 171 'IAO N•ed dock or 1tde tie I lor 3611 power b<1a t 1n Ne,.porl B•a•h Pi•a\• t all 1J4 9"-'7 61?6 Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find servtees from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and ·painters. Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Co mmunity MJrketplace "'NO 1C£ TO R£A0E S. Ca hfornia law re quiru that contr1c · ton tetune fObs that total S500 0< m0<e (labor 0< inal.er .. ls) be hcen$ed by the Contractors Sllte L1eense Boerd. Stale law also requi<es tllal contractors include their license number on aH advertJSlna, You tan cll«k the status of your licensed c ontrac t o r e t WWW cslb Cl.COY or 800·321 ·CSL8 Unh- censed con tr acto" tek1n1 1obs that total le" than S500 must state In their tdverltuments that they "" not hcensed by tht Contractors State l tetnse Soard." ltd ... , ..... ,"" c.,.e ,..,"'. ...... c..,.t s,,,,. SS m ,,.... tnrd .... arpml fl""1 ~-~ -~ 714!H>Cl<J,; O CA.,lT'll'CAlPlTO Reparo. P 1tch1n1. Install Cour Ito us any Silt tobs WholtHlt! 949-49Z 020!> Clan Ing Touch of Klass EurupcMI Expert in House Clunina 20 )'elll'\ In 8U\IJICS~ Liem~ &. Bondrd Profc,<10flal team' 3<\lgned h> Your 1 lomc (949) 548-0097 Free l::.\timiue~ Reference~ Spring Cleaning Spec11h QulclcKJean Renew. don'I ~ llle/Qn)Ut lloOrl. ooun(ira, lhow«a, ~~= -.m www.qldtle.oom JOBS OFFER6D H-• AH l1t; Pl I need ftelp •·coot.ma en1nch wal~ doe~ Ynu Hu <htetful \elf 1n1lr•lor have a ur J rth Please la> rn 949 721 8936 Employment 8500 NICC hes lmmedlot• openrnes for W•1t Stiff ' Hothne/Coldllnt B•n quel Cont. Apply 1n ~ 7 ~ .... lJ>m- ~ 1600 E Coast Hwy NB Ortver TlAM DlfVHS Drove 200A 780 Volvos al US ltprus1 Open Sunday 100·13 I -H SI •ww •pr en d11v9r s com eon.ar Slrvtca COMPlffER HEL P! . ......... "-.._ .. ,.. .... .. ·~· .. ·~ ·-... ~·­·.....aL<:lllil-·c.i.~ • Dgilll \ldeo. Pl'clt:I, Ma ·-S~PIM1-. .. UC....,~ 10 Yn c_.... [xo. 714-612-2786 l#HOMl ' •USl#lSS •rr~s UPCfadn Repurs ol Computer Network\ E vtnrna\ Weekends Competrt1we pr1ces for qu•hly serv1c t4t-t H -117S 7 14-926-4221 CGnCrltl. Maanry trick lle<k St-Tiie Concrete, P1tlo, Clt1Y1Way fit epic, BBQ Ref\ 2!>YI\ E•p ferry 11 4 5517594 n..<-•M- C.mentwork 8r1Ck T 1le & Mon Rtltable No rob too small 714 615 9062 VINTUU MASOMllY Ruldenltal Concrelt & Masonry s.rwM:t. Stone. lkd. 8lodl 714-966 2824 SELL your stuff through classified! early mornm1s & eve n1n11~ lor NB Heath Club Con1xt w.e 949-642 "J:/15 f ull time 1nsrde sales repruentat1ve to sell Clns1f1ed Adver llsine al loc1I newspaper eroup Phone u les eapertence preferred Applicant should be a 'self·starter reltable. dt1dlloe and eoal onented. posseu e ocellen t customer servtce 1b1llly Computer typ1ne skills requued Company otters .. col lent l>flnef1t paci.ap Pre screen1n1 r equ11ed f qua I opportunity tm player Send resume with ulary requ11emen1~ .bly~@lAT~ 0t la• to 94!J.631 ~ T ele1nork1ter Reh able tr 1ni.portat1o•vflue11t r" &hsh Can lo Ml up mr-a b Wot NJI TUftSa.Le~ ....,_ v• ~ Creana .. UM! F 0tesl Grat SSS for Mlll'li* pinm f!Tl~ YOU•HOMl IM,.OVIMINT ,.0J((T1 Call a plumbe1 p11nter. handyman, or any of the ereat services ltsted here 1n our nrvtce directory• THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! wtntfO(n DIYWAll All phases sm/lr e tobs <tlANI 20yrs. fa1r free al l «XXlJ) 7 l'-639-144 7 ElaicllServtcas DUNCAN IUCTlllC local, Quick Response Home, Yard & Dock Elect 20 Yrs E •P llc/lnsured l '27!1870 949-650-7042 DUTCHMAN I UCT.-C Comm11cial. lnduslrl1I, ~Ll".M~ II*~ 9&2!8<11V UCINSID CONTb CTOI No fDb llDo sm. M 9Wwlcal Rtplllr, remodel. fens, 3'19,MWWC~ Co1nery '99 U 4 cyt. 68 .. "" bettl!lr titan -no ~ OI' scraW-. $9998 obo 949 640 5037 aw.,.-"4 Mew y ...... ) 5 V6 1 owner. 4)h actual m1 books records melalhc tur quo1H Ian llhr, fully lo4ded. llt.e new $5250 W"E67218 Biil 949-5!11>-1888 www.ocpoltl.com ""' 79 ~ 2000 per! r\ftW'C corlC1 l:BI rn. MW canv ~~·xtr.a ~ S'.flOO obo S62~ 19lt 01 P°'ult• GT2 8t•c-w l.llal~ nnl1 I 0 l n•tl •' ( l 9!°>97C I INIJIJIRf 0 I M•rc•tl•• CUOO StlV"' ..-.. (,,,., N..-111 aat ... n llnly I '>I< rno (19">4">C I l'l(JUIRE 00 Poreclt• •o.,ter S1il1.r ,. 81~< • Prf>mium Sound 1194?611 S?tl 980 949.574.7777 NHD 4 S' SLIP In Newpo~t l eoclt ( 15 be~m) w waler & power 714 86'> 79'.19 I u Newport 8-*i Side "" for 38ft Saolb.,~t I p•eferred r.r-;11 lotal1t1n 1 aH 949-61~ 7'>10 IOAT Sl..s NOW AVA/A. M1IS AlfTO CA for SQlS !ot.tOOn and ford ·•s M utton9 Conver l1ble oriarnal owner \Ohd c•r $19 99') obo 949 719 7943 M oada '99 M lot o Conv 4~k m1 auto. \1l•er tan top. pw pl A C CO. superb l1h riew •ond v• 119743 $9 99'> llnancone & warranty avail Bkr 949·~86·1888 phlipl&Wle.COlll ~ Wal.« iW\11 pr-•~who ... ,M·~·1 f·-;.~·f ~~~~ t6« m• bl• bl> ltt>• tlJ ~;+;;:+.=:;::iiiiil-::: chrom4! whl\ I•~• ne., S42 000 V•6?'JIJ'il lo nantine & w ,., "'"'' B• • 949-Sl6 1881 -w.ocpobl.<om www.ocpoltl.com MllCIDfS INZ '0 2 RAHGf ROVIR 2000 Blac• u eam ra1.o\ «l 1mm,.n f ''tor v Wdrt 3/k mt S31 !>()() •t28181 949-6SO-Sl60 S430 blk 21 k m1 Sp or h pka phone Nav CO AMG whls IOOt. warr mini CO!ld, PP S61.s00 949 631 0771 Trade lot •n Arr owbur B•1 Bur br th~ 1ai.e I r MercMff Ml 320 '91 j tale modtl <~• \uc" •• whole arey Hhr alnt M~rcedt• Ma .1m• cood lo1dtd 5811 m• I l ~, u\ 909 !)4t 71 H SIS !>25 949 394·26?6 Mertedet ·11 S60 Sl VOLVO 240Dl '12 white tan immac nB.C. Whtie \ltlto>nwaeon nn W'elf. ,_ ~ ~ aooci lor bu ch •Ar dnma\. S1l}!i) n4-1!>1~ S3800 760 902 8038 = ~-'"'" ... l.-wen.. yard cll'lan&CJ ,,_..., '""' "" ~ Comm Res 714 436 1518 l.., T erru l-'-• .... ~ "-1t, tree ........... ' 1nstallnhon ~ Yrs e&P L1cf1nsured 949 548 4363 ... , •-Uft Gel your yard look11111 its best for .. ~. Yard cll9n <C1S. ipTlklnr ~1411and~ weekend ' ew cp>tes Xtro H-4 ServlcH 114-427..e TrH Service, Y11d CIHnup, M1lnttntnce, Spr1n•1er Rep111. Hauttna (949) U0-171 I Ill\ Tfllll • r'I rl 111 i.. RI ~IOOl l 1 .. , HandymlrV HomeReplr Gf1tF.IAl. IEPJ\ll • IWNl'F1Wll • ~. Un:irmal o Job 1bo Small Dawe Hamilton 949-3224292 RX .. sn<WJST. All typu of r IP•trS £1« l:tic:.al, plu~ doors. wallr i.ltn. ties & men 24hr/7dayi 711·366 1881 JeHeyAliir-'• H-• .,.., S,.ci.ti.t lnterlO< & C.l11lor Rep1ln 714 501 ~ T .. HANDYMAN Aft worll IWlfMllM4 l'b!tlq. Elach:llC. Doors. FWift mp lie. •.am JUMl TO THI DW.,111 714 968 1882 AV'-ll.ABLE TOOAYI 949 673 S566 """'llf;UUUHI Moving & Storage ----,•, ~ c-: -Tl-1 r ,,. . '• (_; •, --. ~· . ()pel'I 7 Oaya Low Rlltn Storage Specials Since 1981 949-645-4545 H ST MOVHS SSS/Hr. ~vine All Cities IMu•ed rt 6J8.44 800 246 ?318 323 630-9971 "" PUBLIC NOTICE The Cahl Public Ullhhe\ Comm1u1on r•qu"es that all u<ed hou5thotd a oods movers p11nl lhtir P UC Cal T number. limos anel ch&ufftu,, prtnl thtH l C P oumber 1n &II sdver · ltsemtnh If you have 1ny questions about lhe le11l1ty ol • mover. limo or cltautteur, ~n. PUIUC UTIUTl(S COMMISSION 177 ..... 7 Best pl ace in the world to advertise! Cal I today to place your ad Classified 642-5678 Rob Isbell · Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646·3006 CeU 949-887-1480 C"-t'• ~ 7lYr\ e.q> Gr11t Prtee' Guaranteed work rru nt l •375602 714 SJ8 I !tJ.4 7 390 Z945 IU'S <VSTOM PAINTIHG Pror1. clean quiollly won. lnletlor/ut and ck>ck~ l•JOJ.468 949·631-4610 Pturnblng SIWEI AWJ DUii a.um& ('49) '4S-23S2 T •lee 10 ¥\\(W'\Of ~ftT J Sltn~~l SE WER 11 lllNC HEClRONIC SLAB LEM DETECTION F ri~ndlv S•rv1ce 949 675 -9 3 04 ,kfCISI P't.INI ... Repan t Rtmodekn& f'RU ESTIMATE L 11687 391 714 969 1090 PIOI..,_ MOMk ,_, & S,. StH. WMkty S«Ylcl, (quip -· • ..,..,... Jftwrtd c.l t4t-2tt-717J Ad1p.,..-rlf I\ I c~~JGH' 'N 7HE :.er . . S-11-.~ £nrtu.h tucher. pro ft11lo111I wrlltr I SPKl•llre In ~KfHI• nttlnl t~t '""'-rud1n1 Coach h,p'd ~Of'llpo,ltlon ftacller lndMduel/Croup 11to rtfer111us n1ll1ble s •• c1.~11 949 ns tto!I I . NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH ' T