HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-05 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,AUGUSTS,2003 Developer· sues Costa Mesa, residents group Rutter Development claims the City Council sho.uldn 't have allowed a rehearing of the 190 l Newport condo project. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot for Responsible Growth late Friday afternoon, mainly cJajmjng the rehear· ing was granted illegally without the re- qltlred presentation of new evidence. The project calls for Runer to build four four-story buildings in the parking lot of the propeny that now hosts the Spanish mission-style 1901 Newport building. The request for the rehearing from the citizens' group and C.Ouncilman Al- COSTA MESA -lWo months after Ian Mansoor took the council three the City C.Ouncil approved a rehearing meetings to reach a decision on. The re- for a con troversial downtown condo-hearing was approved June 2. The issue minium project, the developer has sued was delayed again when it was contin- the city and the citizens' group that ued from the July 2 1 council meeting to fought for the rehearing. allow staff and the environ mental con- Runer Development filed the lawsuit . sultants more time to prepare the final against the city and C.Osta Mesa Citizens environmental report to reflect Rutter's QUESTIOH Did the Qty Council m•lce the right ct.dllon to rehMr the 1901 Newport condo project? Cell our Readers Hotline et (949) 642~ or , -------? Rehearing pushed back • send e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. Ptease spell your name end include your hometown end pflone number, for verification purposes only. revisions to the site plan. On Monday, ttie council wru. set to re- hear the issue. C.Ouncilwoman Libby Cowan said she empathizes with Ru ner becaw.e of how long the process h as dragged on, but See DEVELOPER, Pa1e A4 On city attorney's advice, council continues item on condos at 1901 Ne wport, citin g uncertainty about a lawsuit fil ed by the developer. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The City Council. acting as the Redevelopment Agency, on Monday continued the ..cheduled rehearing on a condominium project at 1901 Newport because of uncertainty about a lawsuit filed by Hutter Develop· ment. lhc council aJso opted not to take public comment because of the emo· uon'> of the people of the room. "It\ not prudent for the city to tale dCUon because emouons are runmng very high becal!M' of the lawswt, • Councilwoman IJhby Cowan said. ·1 don't think tt\ good to take public corn See REHEARING, PaKe A4 A bit short A CLOSER LOOK Tough act to follow Attendance dips 2% at the fair, which was four days longer this year. Officials still expect to break even. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot FAIRGROUNDS-Tiie "Red, Ripe and Rock· in" Orange C.Ounty Fair came in like a spicy salsa, but couldn't quite rival the robust results of last year's fair, experiencing a d ecrease in at- tendance and revenue and a sour aftertaste fro m faulty rides. The fair was extended from 17 to 21 days this year to provide patrons a less crowded setting. but the longer run did not translate into more profit. President Bee~ Bailey-Findley said. FYI Fair attendance dropped 2% -o r 16,601 patrons. The fair rested 21 days this year end brought in 881,596 visitors. La st year, 898, 197 attended a 17-day fair. Tile financial picture hasn't completely geUed yet, but officials are ho p· ing to reach their goal or breaking even, she said . Last year, the fair made about $3 million in profit, Bailey-Findley said. One indication shows they might not make that projection , she said. The final fair attend- ance slid 2% from last year's record-breaking numbers. The fairs at· tendance suffered be- cause of competition from the World ~ries Champion Anaheim An- gels and the U.S. Open of Surfing in Hunting- ton Beach, as weU as generaJ trends In outdoor venues, Bailey-Findley said. · "l also th.ink that fair attendance and amuse- m ent pad attendance. in tent\S of industry trends, is down right now," Bailey· Ftndley said. "So it may just be a factor of a larger trend.· The fair hoped to seU 85% of the tickets to the concerts at the newly opened Pacific Am· phltheatre, but they only sold 64%, Bailey-Fin- dley said Monday. In May, Bailey-FtndJey said the fair planned to sell out the amphitheater every night However, that doesn't take into ac- count all the extra revenue souroes at the amphitheater like food. beverage and mer· chandise. she said. Ticke t sales fo r reopened Pacific Amphitheatre don't quite cover $5 million Orange Co unty Fair paid to book high-profil e acts. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA ME~ -1-.mertamment di the Orange C.Ounty Fair this year wlb npe, rockin' and in the red. Big-name concerts in the newly reno· vated Pacific Amphitheatre at the 2003 fair failed to pay fur themselves, showing a prelimmary paper loss of about $565.000. srud Becky Bailey-FindJey, the fa.i.r'c; gen- eral manager. Ticket sales broughr in S4.2 million of the $5 million paid to book the acts. Revenues from merchand!Se and food have not been counted in to the total and the fair's totaJ expenses at the amphithea- ter have not been tabulated. either Fa.ir officials coUected onJy 64% of potential ucket revenue, falling short of thetr goal of 85%. Some people criticu.ed the fair for get· ling in over iti. head in the entertainment mdw.try and paying way too much for headJining bands. Steve BeazJey. the fair's deputy general manager. said official did a lot of research to know how much to pay. but could not -conlr'OI every vanable in the equation. Fair officials increased their entertain- ment budget by S4.8 million , or 551 %, th~ year, to take advantage of the newty reno· vated Pacific Amphitheatre. The total was a dramatic increase from last year's SI 05· million budget. Last year. the fair pent $715,000 to acquire talent and about $300,000 for production, compared to this year's budget of SS million for talent and $800,000 for production. Opening act Di· ana Krall alone cost $450,000. One positive financial note Is that fairgoers spent more per capita through Saturday on food, beverages and camlval rides than last KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT A wort<er performs a kind of hipwire act as he walks across ttle track of the Wilde Maus s.. SHORT, P .. e M roller coaster during dismantting operations at the Orange County Fairgrounds on Monday. The fair had a "break-even " plan de- signed to balance the amount pa.ad to book the talent and production costs against ticket prices. Fair officials were trying to keep ticket prices as low as pos- sible, while trying to make sure the con - THE VERDICT .Flag inflation at the beaches Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlHEWEB: www.dllk*Jt,com WEAntER ~ 11'11 .._....,,..one., the"'°"*" doudl llDecl9ddla. S.PlllA2 IPOITI c....a... O.MdCaUl*y Qub ....... ea. .... ~~ ... -) a ' ........ A7 Newport Beach gets another 15 minutes Fox debuts 'The O.C.,' a teen drama that takes place in the city. Mayor Steve Bromberg says he'll watch it. L ... H.,,.r ~Plot NEWPORT 8fACH -New- ~.._.. ............. c:blDce •-tiowltaridj .... IDIMQCee•WP ...._,__.an. ........... 111...., .. -.-. ilV ..._ -:ii.. oc..· ....................... .... ... .. ...._ lillld· ' AZ Tuesdly, Aulust 5, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Catching a wave and meetings friends The Daily Pilot caught up with children in Newport Beach's surfing school at the Newport Pier and asked them, 'What do you enjoy the most about surfing?' ·ruding waves and hanging out with friends." ELIZABETH MCNICHOLAS, 12 Laguna Niguel "Riding a wave." ANDREW CLARY,9 Newport Beach ·eomlng with my friends and hanging out." ERIN HAUG, 13 Laguna Niguel "Riding the waves and getting to talk out there with your friends." ANNIE RAFFERTY, 11 Newport Beach ·0ropping in on my board." BRENDAN RAFFERTY,6 Newport Beach~ -O>mpiled by Deirdre Newman SUMMERTIME . SUMMER LEARNING Gltchiii_g on Beginning surf students in Newport Beach ride some waves while learning a little about each other and the environment Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot S cott Morlan has had the same summer job every year since 1973. "Every morning, I have to go to the beach." he joked. Morlan has been teaching kids and adults how to surf for the past three decades for the city of Newport Beach. His passion for teaching the sport never wanes. "We have a great time together." said Morlan, the head instructor. "This is a great job." On Friday morning. 20 kids with bright-colored surfboards dotted the ocean around the Newport Pier, bobbing and weaving their way through the waves. When they caught one, their grins were practically as long as their surfboards. "This particular class happens to be really good," Morlan said. "They're particularly agile. There are some veterans. They're an attentive, sharp group of kids." The beginners class also contained the youngest kid Morlan has ever taught -6-year-old Brendan Rafferty, whose board was more than twice his siz.e. Even though the waves were fairly flat Friday, Brendan managed to catch a few. Morlan cheered him on. Brendan's sister, Annie, said she took the class after hearing about how much fun surfing was from other kids at school "l think the class is really good; I'm enjoying it a lot." Annie, 11, said. •The teachers are really cool. They make sure you understand the concept if you're just not getting iL" After students pass a swimming test, the goal for the first day of surfing is to get the students into the water and have them ride a wave to the beach. Almost all of them succeeded independently, Morlan said. Then the ocean went flat. Morlan said, leaving surfing contests as the only option. *The whole point is just to make them have fun and, in the process, they were catching wave after wave and not thinking about it," he said. Andrew Oary, 9, said he learned cool surfing techniques like the coffin, when you lay down on your board after catching a wave, and surfing backward. "l like surfing." Andrew said. "I want to be better at iL" · SEAN DUFRENE /DAILY PILOT Dylan Camey, 10, fr<:>m Pennsylvania, learns how to surf at the Newport Beach Pier. In addition to learning surfing, the class also fosters a sense of spirit among the surfers as they patiently wait for the waves to come in. Many said they enjoyed hanging out with their friends as they waited while others enjoyed malcing new friends. Morlan said be has had a lot of return students, such as a family from Fresno that comes back practically every year. Infusing his students with a sense of love for the ocean comes naturally to Morlan, who surfs as often as he can. He also imbues his students with respect for the ocean and a disdain for pollution. ·1 talk to the kids about It.· Morlan said. "When they find plastic bags in the ocean, I tell them, 'Go take it to the trash, and you'll be my environmental hero for a day.'" "The kids will gravitate toward each other even not knowing them before," Morlan said. ln the 30 years he has been teaching surfing. SUMMER CAMPS COSTA MESA • A $6 fee will be added to each program for nonresidents. KIDS IN THE KITCHEN Children ages 5 to 11 will have a chanoe to prepare foods and learn the basics in cooking so they can help mom and dad in the kitchen. The five-week dass will teach students how to measure, mix, spread, cut, stir and, moat importantly, taste. The class is $30 for five weeks. A $10 material -.... fee will also apply. Classes will begin June 26 or July 30. For more information, call (714) 327-7525. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB Boys and gir1a ages 6 to 18 can head over to Eaatside Costa Mesa for the club's summer program. The program runs Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m . to 6 p.m. Aside from being able to participate In a variety of the activities at the club, participants aJao have the option of going on two field trips a week. Participants need to be members of the organization, a $50 annual fee. The summer program la $75 per week and • SUMMER LEARNING is a weekly feature in whidi the Daily Pilot visits a summer camp in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about it. additional fees may apply for field trips. For more Information, call (949) 642-9372. GIRLS INC. Gir1s ages 6 through 12 can participate In a summer program that Incorporates fun and learning. The program will include workshops and activities such as photography, cooking and nutrition, economic literacy, sports and various field trips. The program will begin June 23 and end Aug. 29. It will run from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. Registration la $40, and weekly fees are $90 to $100. For more information, call (949) 646-7181. NEWPORT BEACH • A $10 fee will be added per class $75 and over and S6 per claaa $74 and under for non·residents. SAILING CAMP Children ages 8 through 12 can participate In an eight-day sailing camp that will give them experience sailing In eight·foot sabots. Participants must bring a Coast Guard-approved life jadtet Heh day. A $10 material fee will be due on the first day. The camp, which costs $186 per session, runs from 9 a.m . to noon or from 1to4 p.m. Call (949) 644-3151. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHER8 Sean Hiller. Don Leectt, Kent Trepcow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Copyright: No news stories. illustrations, editorial matter or advertlaementt herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF VOL 97, NO. 217 Record your comments about the Delly Pilot or newt tfps. HOW TO REACH US Clrcui.tton The clouds end fog will greet US, but it should eventually be a beautiful afternoon, with sunny ski" end highs In the lower 80a In Cocta Mesa end Inland Newpon 8eac:ti and lower 70e elqng the coest Lowa will be In the mkJ.80a. The southwest swell conttnues to loee energy, though W9'11 still ... some waist· to chest-highs and the occnional shou~lgh todey. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publleher TONY DOOERC> Editor AJrN OETT1NQ ~~or Promotlone Director Newt EdltDr9 Gina Alex11ldef1 Lori Anderton, Daniel Hunt, Paul Seitowttz, Daniel St8Yen1 NIWISTAFF Crime~ c!:~r. (949)57~ d#pe.bhar•tti•l«l,,,...c:om June=·· Newpon repottw, (IM8) 574-4232 /UM.CMllQ,.,,..IM/,,,_com PllUICllMft Polltlc9, bu9ine11 and environment ,..,,_,, (fMI) 7'4-4330 ,,.ul.dmton•,.,,,,,_com Lolt8 ..... Columnist, oulture reporter, , ... , 574-427& lollttt.,,.,,_.,..._com Dllll'M ....... Colt.I Ml9e ,..,...., , .. , 574-4221 .,,.._,...,..,,.,,,,,,,,,,..com Cenll ...... Newt ••• , ... <• Pt-4291 oonJI ....... ~ Addr9M Our eddreu 11 330 W. Bey St., Coste Mesa. CA 92627. Office houl'9 ere Monday· Friday, 8:30 e.m. · 5 p.m. Conec.*M• It It the Pilot's polk:y to promptly OC>n'9Ct 111 em>l'9 of 1ui..noe. PlelM cell (949) 7&M32l. FYI The Newport~ Meta Delly Pilot (USPS-1""800) It pubtlshld dally. In NMpon 8Mch and ea.ta Mela, IUl:lecriptk>ne 11"1 eveli.t>le only by eubecribing to The TimM Or9nge County (IOO) 252.91,t lne,...~of Newport~ •nd ea.ta Mele, eubecripdons to the o.lly Pttot ere IYlilebll only by ftrlt cteee meil for ao,,., month. 1~ Include.,. ..,Plc:.ttN .... end loe.ll tuel.) POSTMASTER: &.nd 9ddr'lll cNf9le to The~ a..cM:olt.I Mela D1ttv Ptloc. P.O. Boll 1llO, ~ Meee, CA l2.e2t. The Times Orange County (800) 252•9141 ~ a..IRed (949) 842-5678 Diepeey (949) 642-4321 EdltofW Newt (949) 842-6680 8pcNt9 (949) 574-4223 Newt ..... (949) 846-4170 8pcMts ..... (949) 650-0170 l-mel: <Ull'(pllot•latlma.com MelnOMoe ....... OMoe (949) 842-4321 ......... ,.. (949) 831-7128 PubUshld by Tlmet Community Newt,• dMelon of tht Loe Angetee Tl.,._, C2003 Tlmee CN. All f'i9htlt ,..wet, 'Nedne9day wilt repeat. ~ www.nws.nou.guv BOATING FORECAST The w1-.rty .... wit blow a'° 1a "'°" 1n 1he 1nner wet918 IOCl9y, ..... 2.foot Mwe Ind I mblldWllllllW!lll of 3 .... '°""'Mel of 3 Mt. Wlnde wll pkt up to 10 to 20 "'°" .. eYenlng. Out ..... .. ~ ..... Jtt wlndl wll blow 90fll". 11'°21 linoel, wttt. 2-to 4.foot W9WI Ind Im-.. .... .... of .... Ind 1 IOUlh -..o1 ...... n.. .... w11 betaund ...... ... On Wedneldey, the south-feeing brHb will ... mCH9 weilt-to chest-Nghl. w.llt-higtla will be the be9t bet on Thur9dey. More IOUthwelt Mell should lhow up eome dme on Sund9y. .... .-v: www.wrl'rlcMr.OtJ1 TIDES ,,_ 1:511.m. 4.'03p.m. n:Jep.rn. 5.'IOLm. WATER nMPERATUIE : ' Dally Pilot Tue~ay August 5 2003 A3 Getting to center of community Town hall-style meeting is set for Santa Ana Heights residents to talk about what they want from their planned community center. have a m ore trad11ionaJ commu- nity center with I~ of a health club feel, the YMCA property may not be an option. WThe meeting is to find out what wouJd the community like to see in the way of programs, actiV1ties and opponunities at their community center,· said Hoger Summers, pre!>ident of the committee that represents resi- dent'> to the area's redevelop- ment agency. "We want to know what would make them leave the comfon ol their house and get involved in community center." June Casa1rande Daily Pilot SANTA ANA HEIGi ITS -A town hall meeting for Santa Ana Heights will try to get to the heart of the question of how to create a community center that people will use. In advance of the Aug. 19 meeting. resident leaders are sending out a questionnaire to their neighbors ru.king what amenities they want in thelf new communjty center. Their an- swers could help determine where the center is built. A favored site for the center is at 2300 Uruversity Drive, where the YMc.A now stand!>. Noting OCC students will pay 60% more for classes Now that Gov. Gray Davb has signed the state'i. 2003-04 bud· get, the Coast Community Col- lege District can '>ay for certain that enrollment fee!> are rb ing 60%. The fee increase takes place immediately, di~t nct offi cials said m a press releru.e late Mon- da y afternoon. Students regi'>ter· ing for the faJJ semester that be- gins Aug. 25 will pay $1 8 per unit. an mcrease of S7 per unit. A fuJl -ume Orange Coast Col- lege student Lahng 15 units will pay $105 more per seme'>ter. of- ficials pomted out. The state Leg1sla1ure set'> all enrollment fees at the '>lat6 108 community collegec;. The addi- tional revenue will return Lo the state's General Fund to assist with the S38-bdhon budge r defi - cit. official'> said. Those students \'vho have al- ready registered for classes at $11 per unit will be billed to make up the new difference. Meanwhile, 'itate community college funding was cul !:1.4%. or about $254 m1Jlio n. officials said. OCC Foundation raises $5. l million in 2002-03 Surpassing last year total by 8.3%. the Orange Coast Coll ege Foundation raised SS. I million in cash and in-Jund gifts for the 2002-03 academic year. At about Sl.6 million. cash do na- tions were down 17.3% from the preV1ous year. However, m·ktnd gifts were up 26% from last year's total of S2.75 million. In-kind gifts in· eluded 1he 88-foot luxury yacht WBella" from Orange County entrepreneur Milan Panic and 36-acre Rabbit Island in British Columbia, donated by Southern California yachrsmen Henry Wheeler of Downey. ' } ! FOR THE RECORD In a Monday story. '"That's fa.Ir enough.• the amount of money the Orange County Fair apmt on entertalnmeot for the Pld.6c Ampbtth- ~ WU misreported. lt WU SS.8 miDkm. In The Crowd OD tbunday, •A charity WMttl awarding points to."' the name of the ac- a.. who plays Sophie in the Orange County Per· fDnninl AJ1I Qmter'a producdoo of ·Mmvna MW* WU mlalpeled. ............ Krilde...,... ... •99~5 &UP they have other offers to buy the property, YMc.A executives have said they might sell the property to the redevelopment agency on the condition that the YMc.A gets the contract to manage the new facility. The result would be a re· furbished cenier with e:ctensivc health and fitness services as welJ a5 amenities such as meet· ing space. But city officials aren't sure whether they want to sup pon something quite so a.kin to a health club. "We're cautious a bout this concept because it may be s1m1· lar to something that's proV1ded by the pnvate sector," Assistant O ry Manager Dave Kilf said But if residents would rather The survey that Lhe committee i:. preparing to send out to resi- dents of ea!>t and west Santa Afia l le1ghts hsts a range of options for the ne\\ i;enter -SWlITUTlirlg. day care. t·durnuonaJ services - and ask.'> re'>1dents to list the ones they would be moc;t likely to ta.Ice advantage ol BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Since II'> e<,tablishment 111 I 9A6, the foundation ha'> re ceived m ore than $35 m 1lho n in gift<;. Wine tasting will benefit foundation The Earth Resource 1-ounda 11on and the Newpo rt Head1 Bacchu!. Society will h ost an or· ganic wine tasung event from 6:30 to 10 p.m . today. The CUSI IS $30 for member'> and S50 for nonmembers Pro ceed~ go 10 the founda11on\ you th programs The event will take place <11 C.apn Blu Re'>taurant a t 161 7 Wes1chff Drive. :\ewport Beach. For m ore mformauon. call 194~ 645-5163. Surf film will debut at Regency Lid o Theater Director Dan a Bro\,11·~ -.urf documentary ··~1ep lntu IJ qu1d" will p remiere 1-m lay ill the Regency l 1do rl1eatt>r ·1 he film . made by the -.on uf leg endary su rf fil m mal-er Brun• Brown. bnngs footage fro111 'iu ch di~parate place ... a'> \o\I'>· consin to Vietnam and tne' to explain why people get huokt'd on surfing a nd why 11 I'> more than iust a pa.some The pre miere, fcarun ng the dtrecto r. wl.11 be held at 7.45 p m. Friday. w11h addt110nal sh owmgs that day at 11 : iO a.m and at I :30. 3.30. 5:30 a nd 9·50 p.m. Aher the premiere. there \.\Ill be a UQ&A" session and aft er· party a t the ;"\e.,,.'Port Beach Tennis Q ub. For detail'> about the premiere. call Lyndon Gohn at (8 18) 224 -3825. In addition to the f'ilm. there will be the Hobo ~urf mechan1- caJ <;urfboard spon1'ored by Fos- ter's I.ager. The machine will be in op eration from 5 10 10 p.m . Friday and 2 to 8 p.m . Saturday. 1 he ride will cost SI. which will go to the nonprofit Boarding for Hrea .. r < ,uH er All invited to pray at Wcdnc~day meeting All <HL' tnv11ed to attend an hour ut pt.1yl'r and te'iltmo niaJ <11 noon Wl·dne'>day a t the Sec- ond <Jwrd1 of <Jm'>I, ~c1ent1st. I he thurt h ., ill 3 100 Pacific \'1ew Dnvl' 111 l orona del Mar. Four will recei ve the UCI Medal I he ll< I \ledal. lJ( lm ne's h1ghe,1 h11nur will be given 10 ~IJn.rn Bl'rgt'.,011 Phthp D1Sa.ia Jilt.I I htahl·lh Jnd John Stahr m un al<\urd u:•rt•mon~ 1n :'l:ovem- hl'r · fhL' dt'dllJt1on Jnd ~uppon lrom lhl">l' 11u1 .. 1,mdmg 1nd1· \ 1JuJ.ls ad\ anu.>'> the m 1ss1on. 'p1rn .rnd v1 .. 1on of the u mver · -.11} 111 my11at.I way.,,·· Oiancel· lor H.ilph J C 11.:erone '>aid m a pre-., rell'a,C'. Ht'r~e'>on , lormer '>l'Cn:tary ul t'dlll <1t11rn fur L,tl1fn rnia. ha'> been an advotJlt' for UU ut the lm·.11. 'Ii.Ile, reg111n.tl and federal l1:vel'>. l h1: :'\ewport Beat h re'>•· Skosh Monahan's Steakboase & l~i sb Pab SPECIALTIES: 6oz. Bacon Wrapped Petite Filet onty S 17.95 • 8oL Top Siriofn • 16oL Ribeye • :.tzJ;<,,: Wropped • 12oz. N. Y. Steak 1& ~ • Uoi. P~se • 1 Ooz. lamb Culotte Steak • Rock of lamb • Pork Rock Chop All Entrees lndude Potatoes & Veggies 4TIAE8 Of91e'wMOfl ...... 1"'71R11 111no1ua 1W?Olt14 - Motorcraft9 011 •ncl Finer Ch•ng• FYI •WHAT: San1a Ana Heights ~own hall meeting to discuss the new proposed regional recrealional communily center •WHEN: Aug. 19; tours of the YMCA site will be conducted from 6:30 to 7 p m : the forum will be from 7 to 9 p.m. • WHERE: YMCA, 2300 University Drive. •INFORMATION: Visit www.sohpac.com or call the .city at (949) 644-3000. The community t enter U, c~n­ ual to the goal of the redevelop- ment agency, which has '>el ru.ide residents' tax money to malce im- provements. The city might take over the redevelopment agency if and when 11 annexe'> the western pan of Santa Ana I le1ghl!> rhe east side became pan of New- port Beach la. ... 1 month dent al'>o helpt:<..I e'>tabho;h the neonatal unit di the UC I Med i· cal Center dlld wrvt>d on rhe College Of ~kdtlllll"' DeJn\ Community Ad\l..,ory Board DiS<11a ,., c1 prnft·..,,or ol r..id 1u- logicaJ '>C1ence'> .ind obo;ietric!i and gyn ecology 111 1he < ollcge of Med innC' I le· I'> al'o chief of gynecology and g) necolog1t oncology at UC I \led1ral Center and • ., ret0Kn11ed d" "rhe ulr 1 mate authont) on gynecolog1 cal onrolog) I le ha., been at UU since I 977 Stahr wa-. J IJU found ation trustee from 19tt7 tu .2001 and t.h1.abeth hd'> been a IJ( I loun- da11on dmba'>'>ddor 'tnce I 9Y9 The couple ha.., .tbo '>upported the O'IJnt dlo r '> Uub. I !Umdn iric'> .\>'>ouatt '> men\ tre\' Art.,Bndge the UU ltbrJrll''> and much mort· '>IOU~ they got involved ¥.1th UU in I %4 The UCI Founda11011 ho~h the UU ~ledal Ceremom Proceed, go to th t: llU Ill' gents' ~cholar.. program and grad uate felluw ... h1p~. l·nr mort: information. tall t944) 8:!4 !BIO -lom rOr</ll('f Fu11·11r/n8 A J.j,,, T..ilntu To Frank Sinatra &"7 Morul.y d-T1U1""1y 6-9p"' Steaks • Seafood •Cocktails l·ur u,,,.r1•111irnu 'MU (949) <>46-7944 ALDEN'S 16"-JI\ lr"'inr Av~.,< ...... , ... f\·h·'"' 1-.. ... ..9'~ w..,._.,.JO • ., ••• ~ •"' l•l~~··· DRAPERY CLEAJ\llN6 AND MORE I No TAKE DOWl\I OR REMOVll\16 l\IECE§SAR'V I Certified To Clean All Hunt:er Dougla!i Fabric Window Covering!i Including: • Luminette Pri\a n Sheer • Silhouette windo\\ shadin~s • Vignette window shadings • Duette hone~comb shades • Millenia \~Collection • Jubilancer" roman shades • Applause honeHomb shades • Serenette .,, Soft fold·" hadin~ World's Best ON-SITE"" Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET ANO DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 Pitch In! 11111 ~ Help keep our city c l ean! REGISTER EARLY! Before Classes Become Full or Canceled Due to Low Enrollment Fall Classes Begin August 25 AdmlHlona & RecOt"da Office• 714.895.8306 ~·olden wesf LJl!ege www.gwc.info p~ ·a...wtl{~"- FREE' too POINT SAFETY INSPECTION H JOU would f'Mlr HU to know wtwt rour W fteldl COIN ¥lelt .. tor thla prof• ......... -m1Mtloft. loetn1I valued et •·•· a.. o.araNp for~ Off9t velld wtth ooupon. 0cpN 1131/03. M ~sday. Aoiust 5, 2003 REHEARING PUBLIC SAFETY Continued from Al BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Boy, 3, injured after climbing off ride In another ride-related injury, a J·year•old boy climbed out p( a moving r1de at the Orange County Fair on Saturday, sustaining mino r t;)ruises. the fair re- ported.· The boy and his sister were seated in the Up, Up & Away ride when, at about 4:15 p.m., the ride began to move and the boy slipped out of the rlde's restraining harness, climbing out of it and falling 3 feet to the grass below. The ride operator hit the stop button. but the next car "clipped" the boy be- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anton Boulevard: An assault was reported in the 600 blod( at 3:35 a.m. Sunday, • Herbor Boulevard: Arson was reported In the 2200 blod( at 3:37 p.m. Sunday. • M~ Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1900 blodc at 11:32 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: A 48-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of Impersonation, conspiracy and burglary in the 2300 blod( at 4:13 p.m. Saturday. • PrinC9tOn Drive: A residential burglary was reported in the 400 blodc at 5:36 p.m. Sunday. •Victoria StTeet: A residential burglary was DEVELOPER Continued from Al she doesn·1 totally ..,uppurt the claims in the lawsuit. "I think. it's their attempt tu move their project forward." Co· wan said. "I ccrtamly under· stand from their perc;pective what they're saying. I don't know that I fully agree w11h their claim." David l:.ad1e, pre.,idcnt uf Rut- ter Development. did not return calls for comment. Robin Leffler. who has been representing the citizens' group at the hearingc;, said she con!.id- ered the lawsuit a scare tactic. "We're not scared anymore," Leffler said. ''Thar lasted for about a minute. My husband and I talked about i1 and said, 'We do not know what's going on here, bu t we will not be bullled."' She said the group presented myriad new infonnation to ju.<;- tify the rehearing. The council voted 3 to 2 to approve the re- hearing in June based on new in· OBITUARY James Patrick Ready Services for six year Newport Beach resident James Patrick Ready will be held at 11 am. Thursday at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Olurch in New- port Beach. Mr. Ready died Wednesday of natural causes. He was 89. He is survived by wife fore it came to a stop, fair officials said. On-site emergency medl· cal technicians responded minutes after the incident aJld treated the boy for mi- nor bruises. Tilrough inspection, It was found that the child's belt restraint was still buck- led and the ride's door was still latched. Because the in- jury did not require treat· ment beyond first aid and was not caused by ride or operator eiror, it was not re- quired to be reported to the state's Division of Safety and Health. ln all, fair spokeswoman Pam Highwart, said, "there were 14 first aid repon.s" as of Friday. She said some of the reports were as minor as dispensing bandages, as- pirin or antacids. reported in the 500 blod( at 8:34 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • 38th Street and River Avenue: A hit-and-run of a parked vehicle was reported at 11:40 p.m. Sunday. • 44th Stl"fft: Burglary was reported in the 100 blod( at 3:31 p.m. Sunday. • Campus Drive: A hit-and-run of a parked vehicle was reported in the 4700 bl ode at 11 :24 a.m. Monday. • Dover Drive: Battery was reported in the 700 blodc at 9:32 p.m. Sunday. • bst Coast Highway: Vandalism was reported in the 300 blodc al 9:01 a.m. Monday. • Paloma Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 1700 blodc at 3:37 p.m. Sunday fonnauon and lack of clarifica- tion on 1ohade and shadow issues. Monahan and Council- man Mike Scheafer dissented. The council had planned to vote on five aspects of the proj- ect on Monday. including a final environmental report and a finaJ master plan. Instead, after a closed session with acting City Atty. Tom Wood, the council voted to continue the rehearing without taking any public com· rnent The final environmental re- port is evidence of new informa· lion, Mansoor said. "I find it ironic 1ha1 !Eadie's) asking for our approvaJ of the project and then he turns around and sues us:· Mansoor said. The lawsuit also claims that the first time the request for re- hearing was heard, it should have been considered a "failed" motion when the vote resulted in a 2-2 deadlock. Rutter is asking the court 10 void the council's granting of the rehearing and to reinstate the council's previous approval. ment in that envlronmenL • Rutter Development filed the suit against the city and Costa Mesa Citizens for Responsible Growth on Friday afternoon, claiming the reh earing that was on today's council ·agenda bad been granted Illegally. Robin Leffier, spokeswoman for the citizens' group, said she was disappolnted that oppo- SHORT Continued from Al swruner, she said. Bailey-Findley said the key lo planning next year's fair will be refinemenL She will recommend going for 21 days again next sum- mer to continue alleviating the negative effect the fair has had on the neighborhood In previous years with thin~ like traffic. Offi- cials will also examine the use of the amphitheater, the Citizens Business Bank Arena and other exhibits and attractions. One reason officials expected to break even th1s year was be· ACT Continued from Al cens didn't lose money, Beazley said. The average cost. depend- ing on location, for a show this year was between $20 and $90 - compared 10 S 10 last year. This year. concert tickets included fair admission: last year, they did not. UNHAPPY W1TH CHANGE The change left many com- plaining about the high prices. saying what used to be a quaint county fair has turned into an expensive outing. With over- priced food. rides and now con- certs, many people simply could not afford 10 go to the fair more than once -or at all. Costa Mesa resident Patty Van Pelt said she was disappointed with the entenainment at this year's fair. She and a group of her VERDICT Continued from Al what you were doing. Red Oag meant ii was a huge day and nobody but the best surfers were allowed in the water, and sometimes not even them. The beach -meaning the water - could be closed at the discretion of the lifeguard. Of course, the lifeguard who did this had to listen to all the regulars whining for him to open the place up. I, being a lofty jurist, felt it was beneath my dignity to whine, so I would send my daughter or one of the other beach urchins 10 do the whining. They would stand under the tower and NEWPORT Continued from Al Margherita Ready; son Stephen Ready; daughter Paula Ready-El- liott; and two grandchildren. • The Daily Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. If you want to hav an obituary printed in the Pilot, aak your mortuary to fax us the information at 1949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 7644324. Gallagher -is assigned to de- fend Atwood in a car theft case and winds up adopting him. At- wood is thrust into a culture of luxury where he must learn to relate to filthy rich people he has nothing in common with. "'fht-O.C • stands for Orange eou.oly, described on the show's Web site as "an idyllic paradise -a harbor-front community where everything and everyone appears to be perfece But the show focuses on the underbelly of the town.. depicting teenagers with dangerous drug habits, 6ip- SENIOR CALENDAR • Send CALEM>AR hems to the Deity Pilot. 330 w. Bay St., Costa MeM 92627; by e-mail to mlke . .wenaon•t11timN.com; by fax to (Mt) ~ 170; or by celllng (IM9) 67~. lndude the dme, date and locatJon of 1he event, a W911 M a contact phone numbet. A oomplete llatlng Is avalleble 11 www.t:»ifypilote-om. SUNMY ---~.......,_, Ouie Senior C..... wtll ~ •The Africen Queen," 1he l9COnd of five he ecnenlng1 In Augutt, 11 ' p.m. AH.,.. ,'1Yft9d to enfoy tht mcwtM and frM pc>peom 11 the oent.r'I Hepbum Afm foMt. 11 IOO ~lwe. In Carone dal Mer. For mont lnformdon, cah (948) M4-31.._ AUQ.17 _...._..._.."*' ... a.tie~ C..wtl Pf9lll'IC ..... Md-.: the ..... of flyt free ea"99tlno91n AUOUll. M 1 nents were denied public corn· ment for the second meeting in a row. David 2adie, president of Rutter Development, said h e thought the council made a wise decision to take more time to evaluate the lawsuit. The council decided to con- tinue the issue bued on advice acting City Atty. Tom Wood gave d uring a closed session. While that session was going on, conversations laced with disbelief about the lawsuit spread through the aisles of the cause they spent a lot of money enhancing and repairing the amphitheater and even more on the sound system and hiring a sound engineer, she Sltld. The venue hosted concens every night of the fair and lured big names like Bob Dylan and Duran Duran. "That was an Investment that was worth the price because of the end result: Bailey-Findley -said. Bailey-Findley anticipares the amphitheater being an integral part of the fair next summer, but its use at other times of the year is still being worked out through the master plan pro~. she said. "We knew that we would gel girlfriends make ii a point to at- tend the fair every year, usually about seven or eight times in the two weeks ii is here. "The girls" make it a poiht to hit up opening night. check out the digs and see what kind of free concerts they can score. With the opening of the Pacific Amphitheatre, and ticket prices quadrupling. Van Pelt could only find free entertainment in Ar- lington Theater. main chambers. outside and even into the reatroom. Project opponents railed ~st Eadie for trying lo cur- tail the citizens' group's right to free speech. •1t sounds like he's poisoned the well: resident David Stiller said . ·Now he's created an lm· age that's negative, counterpro- ductive and hardly sympa- thedc. I thlnJc lt will be a long time before anyone forgets .t..: " uus. The lawsuit had nothing to do wtth freedom of speech, Ba- some real-time data. especially related to the sound; and that's being folded Into the process," Bailey-Findley said Overall, Bailey-Findley said she enjoyed the Oavor of this year's fair. "I thought it was a great fair,• Bailey-Findley said. "'Very enjoy· able. aside from our accidents, which nobody would ever like those to happen. i th.ink the fair- going experience was very pleas· ant and enjoyable -lots of dif- ferent attractions and entertain- ment and fun for a huge variety of people from our perspective." 1\vo accidents, injuring one person each, occurred at the fair on the same day. July 13, the OfficiaJs tried to give their cus- tomers the best names in enter- tainment, without having 10 sub- sidize those A·list acts with revenues from the rest of the fair, Bailey-Findley said. Tick.el prices were set not to make a profit, but to make sure the concerts paid for themselves, she said. "It was a significant departure to how we have presented things in the past." Bailey· Findley said. "It was the pits.~ he said. "A WAITING FOR THE really big disappointmenr. I am REFRESHMENTS happy to see the Pacific Am· For the break-even plan to phitheatre open, but I didn't reaJ-'work. fair officials needed to sell ize there would be no other quaJ-85% of the seats at 21 concens. ity entertainment. We went once They ended up selling 64%, com- and had no desire 10 go back." ing up about $565,000 shorter Others, such as Costa Mesa than expected. resident Quislopher Spence, did Bailey· Findley said the finaJ not mind paying full concert numbers for expenses and rev- price for a full concert experi-enue have not been caJculated, ence. Spence saw 3 Doors Down but acknowletjged that ticket on Thursday and said it was sales alone did not cover the cost great to have real entertainment of A·list bands. Revenue from in his baclcyard. merchandL'le, food and drink badger the guard unmercifully until he finally realized that not only was be outnumbered, they were determined to outlast him. and he'd give in. I remember once I was so excited when the water opened that I ran in the water wearing a new pair of sunglasses that promptly disappeared. Because the categories were so clear, there was a real thrill when you saw a yellow or red flag. You knew it was going to be a good day. Well, just like grades, something's happened to the flags. From what I can gather, a green Dag today means that there Is absolutely no surf and your Aunt Fanny from Dubuque can splash around in there as pant sexuaJ morals and too much money. Atwood is an outcast. A brood- ing bad boy who apparently catches the interest of his beauti- ful next door neighbor and the wrath of the "Newpon crew." "Throughout the series, Ryan's outsider status will continue to set him apart from the O.C elite, but his continued presence in their community ultimately shines like a bright light on the fact that everyone. no maner how rich or powerful, feels like an outsider al heart,· the Web site reads. Although the show is said to take place in the b reezy, beach town of Newport. it was shot on Los Angeles County beaches and p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Alm Fest, at 800 Merguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more lnform.iion, call (949) 644-324'. AUG.24 To honor~ Hepbum, 0.sls Senior Center will preMnt •Gueu Who's Coming to Dinner:' the fourth of flw frM 1CtMnl099 In August, at 1 p.m. All are lnvfted to ~the~ end''" popc:om 11 in. cent4"''• ~m Alm Fett. 11800 MarguelM Ave. In Corona def Mer. For more lnformetion, cell (Mt) 844-324'. much as she wants and her only nsk is a sunburn. lf a wave that's more than knee high comes in. the guard puts up the yellow !Jag. and if there's actually surf. the red Oag screams danger. I guess it's understandable. In the old days, the water wasn't so crowded, and the ratio of slcilled to nonslcilled in the water was probably 7 to 3. That meant the guard didn't have 10 watch the bulk of the people, and the numbers of the others were small enough so he could keep an eye on them pretty easily. Now there are a lot more people in the water, and that ratio is reversed. Most of the people coming to our beaches know nothing about the surf. and if you don't know anything. then a in LA. County l:ities. The show's director. McG. director of music videos and "Olartie's Angels: Full Throttle,· Is from Newport Beach and was known to his teachers at Corona del Mar High School as Joseph McGinty. Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg said he heard about the show, but only third-hand Bromberg said he understands it to be a "soap opera-type" show that wii1 fit the stereotype of the city fonned by those who are not familiar with iL "I guess it's what they think Newport Beach might be if you lived ln New Yorlc or something,~ Bromberg said. "I heard that it's no t going to be very comp limen- tary." pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 1.m. on the aecond Saturday of every month. Breekfast Includes pancakes, sausage, coffee end orenge juice fOf S3, S1 for children. The canter It at 800 Merguerite, Coron• def Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644-3244. Women IO end okMr '*" fc*t • dlecuttion group coordl~ by Jewish Flmity S.rvfces to edd,.... lssuee euch .. eruriety, depreeak>n, retedonlhlpe, lonellneu end femfly. The group mMtl from 10 to 11 :30 e.m. Mondlyt 11 in. eo-ncv offtces. 250 E. Beker St., Sutt. G, Cotta Meu. Preregistr8tion required. (71•) ..a a50. The ................... compuw cletMI IO people "'4th t.dlng vilkM\ who Nw dffftculty .-Ing the compul9r~. The 0..C..lflOO~ Nt.,CotonedllMer.~• 111 llOI-. Cll IO elgn .. fof ....... C1Ml 121-IOOO. TMClllllllll...._C.-.,......,"°"'Clli ...... hit Daily Pilot dlesald. ·We·~ just pre ervtng our le-, gal rightt, • P..adJe said. "We can't seem to get closure. Even lt the council were to approve the project, who knows what chaJ- lenges wW occur.• The motion to continue the rehearing was approved 3 to 2, with Councilmen Allan Man· soor and Cluis Steel dJssenting. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa · Mesa and mey be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e·m•ll at delrdre.newmen@lstlmes.com. third day of the fair. , ln the first accident, on the Adrenaline Drop, a woman suf- fered injuries when she fell 110 feet toward a net that didn't pre- vent her from landing on the ground. In the second incident, a 23· year-old woman was hurt riding the Booster when a 5-lnch metal pin came loose and struck her In the face. The state investigated both ac- cidents. The Booster investiga- tion has not concluded. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at 1949) 5744221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmsn@lstimes.com. have not been fact0red in. "We still think ii was successful in terms of the investment that we made in remodeling. H she said. ~And we spent quality dol· tars on production 10 make sure we had a quality sound system and did not cut any comers." Fair officials also learned wha1 can be changed for the future. "We do have things we want to refine." Bailey-Findley said. She wants 10 be responsive to fairgoers such as Van Pelt who don't want to pay high prices. Bailey-Findley suggested having a few A-list entertainers with pricey tickets available and still showcasing some "that are just fun and more typical of a fair ex- perience." • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bye-mail at lolhs.hsrper@farimes.com knee·high wave can be a problem. Still, it's a disappointment to get down to the beach, see the yellow Oag Dying. have that moment of excitement and then see the actual non·surf condition. I don't mean to imply that I am still surfing in yeUow and red flag conditions. I am afraid at 91. I am a 101 like Aunt Fanny, more of a splasher than anythlng else, so green flag is just fine for me. If I go to the beach today, my big feat is not going in the water. It's getting back up the hill so I can go home. • ROBERT GARONER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. But that won't keep Brombe~ away. The mayor said he will tune in tonight out of curiosity. "I'm sure I'll have a reaction after I see it,· Bromberg said. "The last hot thing that hap- pened was 'fllleJ West Wing,' so we'll see what these guys do.· Newpon Beach was high- Ughted on several episodes of "The West Wing" last season as one of the regular characters un· successfully vied for a congres- sional seat in the city. • LOUTA HAAP£A writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays end Frldeys and covers cuhure end the arts. She may be reactted 11 (949) 5744275 or bye-mall at lollts.hsrper@latime1,com music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 lo 10:30 p.m. every Tuesdey night at 695 W. 19th St., Coste Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewilh foamlty ...... of Orange County epoNOra en ongoing heeling supp<Ht group for the ctironlcelly Ill. The purpoee II to provide partidpent9 with emotional end eplrftual tuppOtt to maoage lllne1t end"* oe>neequenoee.. The group me.ta at 7 p.m. Thund9ys 81 !he .Mwtsh Famltv Setvlce otl'lce, 2'0 E. Beker St.. COiia MMe. Attendance II he, but reglstr•tion le r.qulr.ct. (714) 4'M950. Dady Pilot AROUND TOWN call (949) 644-3244. ruerv1tlon1, call (800) 696-MOMS. • Send AROUND TOWN items to MONDAY Aeg'-1ntion for the Orange AUG.21 the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, County Bualneaa Council's ninth A free bone density ~ Costa M esa, CA 92627; by &-mail annu•I Corporate Executive Gott will be held by appointment only to mike.SW11nson@l•times.com; Tournament begins at 9 a.m. at ~ from 11 1.m. to 3 p.m. at Mother'• byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by Mesa Verde Country Club In Marttet, 226 E. 17th St. Costa calling (949) 674-4299. Include the Costa Mesa, w!th the shot gun Me ... For reservations, call (800) time, date and location of the start at U a.m. The cost 11 $300 696-MOM S. event, as well as a contact phone for a single player padcage or number. A complete listing is S1 ,600 for a corporate players The Newport Buch Chamber of available at www.dsilypltot.com. pachge. Proceeds benefit the Commerce la hosting a Retail TODAY Orange County Rescue Mission's Merdiants Sales Seminar Strong Beginnings program, sponsored by the Bayside brandi The Earth RHOurce Foundation whidi provides workforce of Union Bank of Cahfomia from and Newport Beadi Bacchus development fot those who have 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Society will hold an organic lost hope and need help. For Beadi Yadit Club. The cost to wine-tasting event from 6:30 to 10 more information, call (943) attend is $16, whldi Includes a p.m. at Capri Blu Restaurant in 476-2242, ext. 216. continental breakfast. For Newport Beadi. The cost is $30 reservations, call (949) 729-4400. for members and $50 for AUG.12 nonmembers. Information: (949) ·rum Back th• aodc on AQing,. • AUG.23 645-5163. free seminar and book signing, Triangle Square In Costa M ... WEDNESDAY will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at invites the community to attend Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., _.A Fair at the Square" for the Children entering first through Costa Mesa. For reservations, call -•sight$rsounds and great deals in sixth grades are invited to ·A (800) 595-MOM S. ~ life outdoor m arketplace while Jungle CrulseH at 3 p.m. at taking advantage of storefront Newport Beadi Central library's Adutt readers are Invited to a specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mariners brandi. Troubadours grand finale celebration marking Ken and John Frawley will the conclusion of ·Brandi The Newport Harbor High School present the interactive program. Out-Read" at 3 p.m . at the Corona dieer squad will host Junior Information: (9491717-3816. del Mar Brandi Library. The Cheer Camp from 1 to 3 p.m . TMURSDAY festivities will brihg the 2003 Aug. 23, 26 and 27 in front of the summer reading program for high school's andior. The cost is Children entering first through book lovers 18 and older to a $95, whidi covers a T-shirt. sixth grades are invited to "A close. For more information, call snacks, pom-poms, photo, extra Jungle Cruise· at 10:30 a.m. at 1949) 644-3075. fall practice and performance at a Newport Beadi Central Library's high school football game on Balboa Branen. Troubadours Ken AUG.13 Aug 28. Students in grades K and John Frawley will present the Adutt readers, writers and animal through eight are welcome. For interactive program. Information: lovers are invited to "Cats and more information, call 1949) (949) 717-3816 Dogs" from 7 to 9 p.m . in the 673-1989 A free seminar. ·Fearless Fats; Vincent Jorgensen Center next to the Mariners Brandi Library in The New port Harbor CRA will will be held 6:30 to 7·30 p.m at Newport Beach. The free have its annual wine and dieese Mother's Marttet, 225 E 17th St.. program will feature Patricia recept10n with Congressman Costa Mesa For reservations. call Guiver, author of the mystery Chris Cox from 2 to 4·30 p m. at 1800) 595--M OM S series starring fictional pet the home of Debbie Allen, 1021 detective Delilah Doolittle. and White Sails Way, Corona del M ar. FRIDAY Cat Fancy 1oumalist Sandy For information and reservations, Hornblower Cruises and Events Robins. For more information. call (9491 645·9127. offers a three-hour cruise of call (949) 717-3816. Newport Harbor, a gourmet The Newport Beach Sunrise three-course meal. live The Newport Beach Chamber of Rotary Club will hold its annual entertainment and Commerce will hold its monthly fund-raiser. ·As Time Goes By; at award-winning service from 8 10 Newport Networking luncheon the Village Crean. The event will 11 p.m . Boarding starts at 7:30 from noon to 2 p.m. at the include dinner, music, silent and p.m. at 2431 W Pacific Coast Radisson Hotel, 4545 Macarthur hve auctions and the diance to Highway For reservations, call Blvd. Attendees are invited to win a diamond and emerald (949) 631·2469 display their brcx:hures and bracelet For more information, business cards •mini-expo style" call 1949) 644-2943. Inventors Forum, the Orange to better connect with attending County-based nonprofit businesspeople. The cost 1s S20 AUG. 24 inventors' support group. for chamber members wrth A cefebnrtion to maril the presents a seminar on "High reservations and S25 at the door. opening of the firS1 phase of Technology Patenting" by parent For reservations, call (9491 Bonita Canyon Sports Park in attorney Curtis L Harrington. 729-4400 Newport Beadi will begin with a Registration and networking dedication of the sports fields at 3 begin at 7 p.m for the 7:30 p.m Speak Up Newport will hokHts p.m . Sports clinics. contests and seminar at Orange Coast monthly general membership door prizes will run throughout College's Science Lecture Hall meeting at 6 p.m at the Newport the day. The first 1,000 di•ldren to The cost is SS for members. S 15 Beach Tennis Club. 2601 Eastbluff amve will receive a tree opening for nonmembers For more Dnve Refreshments will be day souvenir. lnformatton (9491 information, call 17141 540-2491 served starting at 5:30 p m. This 644-3151. month's topic is Newport Beadi ' The Regency Lido Theater will Lifeguards. For more information, The Orange County Marile1 P1ace host the exclusive Orange County call (949) 729-4404. in Costa Mesa will host the fourth engagement of Dana Brown's annual Endless Summer Class surf documentary •step Into AUG.16 Car Show and Elvis Fest. Liquid" today and Aug. 9. The Friends of the Newport celebraung the life and music of Attendees will get a diance to Beadi Library will hold a used Elvis Presley, from 9 a.m to 3 ride the "Robo Surf; a book sale in the Friends Meeting p m General admission 1s S2. and mechanical surfboard. •step Into Room at the Central Library, 1000 parking is free. For more Liquid" show times will be 11:30 Avocado Ave., from 9 a.m. to 4 mformation, call (949) 723 6663 a.m ., 1:30 p.m .. 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. with books priced at ·a buck p m., 7:45 p.m and 9:50 p.m. a bag.· A members-only preview To honor Katharine Hepbum, daily. The Robo Surf will be will be held Aug. 15 with Oasis Senior Center will present available from 5 to 10 p.m. today hardcover books pnced at two for ·Guess Who's Coming to Dmner,· and 2 to 8 p m. Aug 9. For more Sl and paperbacks at six for $1. the fourth of five free screenings information, call 1949) 673-8351 All proceeds are donated to the in August, at 1 p.m All are invited library system. For more to en1oy the movies and free SATURDAY information. call 1949) 759-9667. popcorn at the center's Hepburn Triangle Square in Costa Mesa Film Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave. invites the community to attend •orvorce: A New Beginning; is a in Corona del Mar. For more •A Fair at the Square" for the workshop for men and women information. call (949) 644~3244. sights, sounds and great deals in divorced or getting divorced. The the outdoor marketplace while cost is $40. It will be held 10 a.m. The MCOnd W.lk for Leilani will taking advantage of storefront to 12 p.m. at 180 Newport Center ,Jake place from noon to 4 p.m at specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Drive. For more information, call Fairview Partt in Costa Mesa. 1949) 644-6435. Donations will go toward an The Regency Lido Theet.er will electric wheeldiair that Leilani host the exclusive Orange County AUG.17 Gutierrez, a 5-year-old who was engagement of Dana Brown's To honor Katharine Hepburn, paralyzed from the chin down in a surf documentary •step Into Oasis Senior Center will present car accident a little more than a Liquid ... Attendees will get a ·Pat and Mike." the third o f five year ago, can control with her diance to ride the ·Robo Surf; a free screenings in August, at 1 mouth. Information: mechanical surfboard. ·step Into p.m. All are invited to en1oy the www ourleilani.com. Liquid .. show times will be 11 :30 movies and free popcorn at the am. and 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:45 and center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 AUG.28 9:50 p.m. The Robo Surf will be Marguerite Ave. in Corona del A free seminar, Petionnance available from 2 to 8 p.m. For Mar. For more information. call Nutrition for Strength and more information, call (949) (949) 644-3244. Longevity, will be held from 6:30 673,.,s:J51. to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's M arttet, A IUl\Mt CNIM in Newport 225 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa. For The Newport BHc:h Arts Harbor including a gourmet reservations, call 18001 Commission will sponsor a free dinner, live music and dancing, 595-MOMS. outdoor production of Arthur Murray dancers and a live Shakespeare's comedy .. Twelfth auction will be held by The Newport Beach Chamber of Night" at 6 p.m. at Grant Howald Adventures at Sea to benefit Commerce will host its Newport Part in Corona del Mar. Pre-show Parent Help, U.S.A. Reservations Sunset Networking M ixer from 5 events begin at 5:30 p.m . are required. Tldcets ere $75 per to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican, Information: (949) 717-3870. person or two for $125. For m ore 2735 W. Coast Highway. information, call (949) 650-2412. Attendance is free for chamber SUNOAY members. $10 for potential Hombloww'• two-hour AUG.18 members. Reservations aren't diampagne brundi cruise ~ drfwrs can thatpen their required. For more information, features a lavish brunch buffet. driving akllls in two four-hour call (949) 729-4400. free.flowing di1mpagne and AARP driver safety claUe. held AUG.31 juioe service end great views from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and while you cruise Newport Harbor. Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian To honor~~. Boarding begins at 11 :30 a.m. at Churdi of the Covenant in Costa Oasis Senior Center wiH present 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway tor Meu. Oasaea ire limhed to 30 ·0n Golden Pond:' the tut of five the noon cruise. for reservations, 1tudenta. The coat la S10. free acneninga in August, at 1 c.11 (949) 631·2469. Advanced registration•• p.m. AH •re Invited to enjoy the required. For more lnform1tlon, movt.. and free popcorn at the The Newport 8Mdt Ma call (714) 657-3340. center'I ~m Rim Feet, at 800 Comml~tora free Merguertte Ave. In Corona del outdoor · • of AUQ.19 Mer. For more lnfonnatk>n. call ShaJceapea,... tragedy ·Romeo The o...n.,. County ...... ol (M9) 544-32.44. tnd Juti9t• at e p.m. at Gl"lnt Wine er.ta. 1 nat'°'* nonptofit SEPT.20 Howlld Plrt In Corona def Mir. 0tV9nation, 1a holding 1t1 Pre-show b49gln1at6:30 p.m. monthly wfne tfftlng ..-.nt at ·catal ..... -. ....... ..ct Information: (949) 717-3870. GUltif Ande('l Re9\lu,..m In f'ebulldlno for the Future ..... South Coest Vltt.ge from 7 to 9 two-dev fund.f8IMt '° beneftt 'lb honof ~ .... , lllrf\. p.m. The Wint Brets wftt be dlcetlon.~end 0.. $enk)f' Center • .,......,,. tMdng lftW9' ~from r9ltortltlon...,..... the ov-i rrhe Nrtcen Queen;" the ..oond AuMnlL lnfonndon end ~ s.... ...-''** Dlllrtc:t. oftM he ....... In AugulC. ,..,edon: OC:.Mneinel.Ot'O The~ from 4 to. ~Sip. M 1 p.m. Al are~ to er*1Y 20 end from 10 '""'" '° p.m. the~ end ... popcorn .. Ahe._.ln ............ ._. s.pt. 21,. ~ '°"' yw"ll theCllntw't ~Alm ...... " HMllng Home,·. be Mid--of PHHNlllioh....,. ri tNt I00 ~""9.ln Cotona 10 7:30 p.m. •Mother ...... ~·19of~ .............. ~. m E. 11th St., come. M.a. "°' llNdul'1d tor Claober undW lhe .. ... part<'s direction. For more information, cell 1949) 64().,5220. SEPT. 25 The Otange County ..... of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation will pay tribute to the sponsors of Its 12th annual Kom en Orange County Race for the Cure on Sept. 28 in Fashion Island with'a VIP sponsors reception from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Turnip Roae in Costa Mesa For more information. call (714) 957-9167 ONGOfNG Th• Newport <Ant.er Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members oome from a variety of professional disciplines and bad<grounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more informatton. call 1949) 721-5732. Jewish Family Service is off9ring a support and discussion group for women 50 and older the second and fourth Monday of every month from 10 to 11:30 am at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G m Costa Mesa Pre-registration is required For information or to register, ca ll (714) 445-4950 Jewith f9mlty Service ia of'Jwin9 a women's divorce end separation support group at 7 p.m. Wedneadeys at the Jewu;h Federation Campus In Costa M eu, 260 E. Baker St For more information. cell 1714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universallst Churdi, 1259 Victoria St in Costa Mesa. Eadi month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information· (714) 957-6107. ·eeach Landscapes; an exhibit featuring digitally manipulated aenal photographs of the Hawaiian islande by Donna Ruzidca, umbrella beadi scenes by Carole Boller and Bade Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept 30 at Newport Beacn City Hall Information. 19491 717 3870 ·rennla in Art; an exhlbtt of paintings by longtime tennis instructor and coadi Jose Mendoza. will be on display in the Newport Beadi Central Library foyer through Aug 30 Mendoza's woric 1s known for rts manipulation of color and form as well as its conc.eni rat1 on on tennis Information· 19491 717 3870. "Ol'cr 50 Yt'ars of I me Q11r1/it1/ HEMPHILL'S --All Types of Window Treatments Rl 'CS & CARPETS • VaJantc:~ & (.omit~ Boxe' • Koman )h.1d~, • BlinJ, • VcrriL.ih • \huu cr~ • Bcd~pn;.1d~ Complimnitary Comultation in Your Hom~ 2o<X> * 1 .. bor &. \c:htc:d bbrit' C=> FF \\Ith tl11' .id iii .\ugu'I 12 . 200.l ~L~ DESI GN CE NT ER l-.11 t11n. &. O..,h11\' r111.lm J~h I l.1rt11 1r Bh d { "''•' \l,·-..1 "Ol ,& If' w·"~ 'Jl'1(P If 'l'"'~ (949)642-8400 A ...... ..., \ •t-... Cos An11elcs ['imrs Summer Camp Campaign Brightening the Lives of Children Give to the Los Ange les Tim es Summer C a mp Campaign . Camp offers a he.ll!hy ;tlternauve for m.lny low t><orne ch11dren wt'! May be struggling with ch.Jllenges It 1s .1 pl.lte whe1e the ir.ty lou<l of poverty 1s replaced by sunny skies :snd the sound of laughter .and where a postttvf' penpecuve can fi~lly be d•scovered You can brtghten the Uf e of a chUd this summer. The Times Summer Camp Campaign provides d1saMntaged chlldr.n throuih<>ut Southern Cahforma a one-week CMnp experience. For every dollar you contribute. the McCormick Tnbune Fou~oon will add SO cenu• The Loi Af1rles nmes ~ the Mc Corm1dt Tnbune Foundation ab$0rb all admlnmratl,... cosu. so I~ of your donation and entire matt.hi"& funds go drrectty to ampenhlpsl Give the g i ft of FUNI Mak• your donation toclayt Be wre to t-.d penenal ~ cl U.. dlltctr9n at>d orpnl:iaclona dw< tw\111 ~ '"-" Ole ~ f'l"Ol"I" ~ U.. fl!IC9I cl tM Los~ Tim.« -riti& our'<Mlib lea at -..iau-COmftuft'lllWC.,. Yes! I want to heJpl -........ ~ .. ....., .a...,._ l .. C &aM1 AU• - Om OM O mo Omt o.o OOlilr t :::;.:...,::.:.,._ 0 I ......... ..,~....... n-.--ci..,~ O ,_,.._. ...... __. • .., O• o.....a.. O...._ .- c..•per , .. .................... la ........... -..... .._. ... .._ -....,.__....,._.._ _ _.._._ ... ____ -·-... ..--....... .._ ____ ......,. _____ ·-·--·---·---··-·---·--·--........... ,_ ... Wilnr 111 n. ... ,._LA TW, .... l"ln1. 'fal • . -------------------------------·--- FORUM ·. ,, HOW10.0ET PUBUSHED -tea.rs: Mell to Edltoriel Page EdltorS.J. Cahn et the.Delly Piiot. 330W. Bey St., CoN M ... , CA &2627• RH!ler9 Hotlne! Calf (949) 642-«>88 Fa: Send to (949) 84M170 E-m.U:S.nd to da1lypllotfllatlmu.com •All correspondence muat lncfude full name, hometown end phOM number (for verfflcatlon purpo ... ). The Pilot reMN81 the right to edit 1ll aubmlulon1 for clarity end length . COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Figuring out the future of Castaways Park I f long-Jenn recent problems maintenance of besetting the city, native plant Including the communities "Mexicans on the scheduled to be beach" matter, the restored in senior affordable Castaways Park is housing project at an issue, volunteers Bayview Landing are ready to step up and now tie to the plate to help . Castaways the city of Newport JAN restoration project. Beach with the which may cause effort. VANDERSLOO"( problems forever in Representatives from at least the future with receiving four citizen's groups-state grant money for Newport Bay Naturalists and Newport Beach. Friends, the Environmental Why turf grass? Turf grass Nature Center, Earth is present in nearly all other Resource Foundation and parks in the city, and is Stop Polluting Our Newport present on everybody's lawn. -bave all offered to help It requires far more with the maintenance of the maintenance than a natural park. meadow, requires far more In fact. volunteerism has water, mowing. fertilizer and always been a strong pesticides. and Is not component of the ecologically friendly to the development of Castaways natural resource of the Upper Park as a natural park. In Newport Bay. It will create 1999, students from Newport runoff problems with Harbor High School planted fertilizers and pesticides into some 84 trees in the slope Newpon Harbor. Turf grass above the willow grove and on the meadow area at above the cattails on Dover Castaways will also be an Drive and planted more open invitation for soccer bushes and plants ln clubs from outside the city to succeeding years. Stop come and set up their goal Polluting Our Newpon posts. I invite you to go see members helped water and thJs phenomenon at Fairview weed the area over the past Park In Costa Mesa, wht!n four years, and if you walk up people from all over Orange to the parlc from the parking County come to play soccer lot today and look down to on the turf grass. the right, you will see the Castaways Parle is currently fruits of our efforts. a quiet, serene, natural area. In four short years, the where many people simply area has almost complete walk. run, bicycle, walk their ground cover and the oak dogs, bird watch and trees, sycamore trees. willows generally enjoy the and elderberries are doing spectacular views and great. Maintenance by fragrance of nadve volunteers, with intennlttent California. The Coastal help from city crews. has Conservancy was looking been shown to be a viable forward to upholding and valuable synergy Newport Beach as a shining between the community and example and trendsetter for the government There won't other coastal cities and be a problem with ongoing towns for developing natural maintenance of the restored parks. To lose the grants native communities. The city because of nuf grass will be maintains the natural areas more than a disappointment. of the park even today. With it will tarnish the city's ability addition of the proffered to secure grant money in the volunteer help, maintenance future, money which is in will be a snap, as well as short supply, and which will being an enjoyable and go to other communities that educaoonal experience for are modem and progressive. the volunteers and students. As stated in the Castaways ln addition, in the past Park Restoration Plan, page 4: four years (except for the "Once the restoration is most recent meeting of the complete. Castaways Park Parks, Beaches and will be a self-sustaining Recreation Commission, two ecological site. Local fauna weeks ago), the City Council including insects. birds, and the commission have mammals. reptlles and been solid supporters of the amphibians will be provided restoration of the Castaways with natural habitat to Parlc with native vegetation. ensure their continued The city established the survival. ln adclidon, the City Castaways Committee of Newport Beach will have Advisory Committee in April the unique opportunity to 1999 led by Environmental provide a hands-on Nature Center Director Bo experience with nature for Glover and composed of city our citizens of every age. As ...,.. parb commissioner more and more natural ~unity volunteers. habitats vanlsh in order to c:omm1ttee met several make room for growth In llmeS on a regular basis and Newport Beach and developed the current surrounding communities. It restoration plan that won becomes increasingly approval for a grant of nearly lmponant to preserve what $100,000 from the State we have for future Coastal Conservancy and generations. Al Castaways . . Pla:k.1111 ltUdente and the general publJc will e:xperlence nature firsthand and better understand our responsibfilty to the environment ln which we live." Al the Newport Beach Oty CouncO study aession on August 12, I hope the Oty Council will look carefully at the altemadvel and vote to uphold the current plan. for preeent and current generadom and for the future of Newport Beach'• ebWty to eecure grant !Unding. If the dty doel decide to reject the plan and annu for rettoradon and deddet to lmdtute twf ... ln the meldow ..... would 1U111* chi new turf plan 10 beck to the C.-aJ Commlllion for l'l¥tew ft I lllOdifk:ldon to lhek c.ouaJ Oewlopment Pwmlt for Clltawmyt Put. • IDl'l'Olrl NOrl: Jen V..ldellloot ... H9wpoft leedt rwldent. • MAILBAG Ellen Harvey, Monique Lund and Robin Baxter in "Mamma Mia!~ which is at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. 'Mamma mia !' that's quite a show Regarding Tom Titus's Review of "Mamma Mia" at the Orange County Performing Arts Center ("'Mamma Mia!' cooks up spicy show." Friday): Tutus' tribute to "Mam.ma Mia!~ at the Center Is well deserved. This is one of those rare instances where the show lives up to the bravo review. Those who have attended so far would probably agree that thls spectacular performance equals anything seen on the Broadway stage. Combined with the remodeled South Coast Repertory and its now three theaters: the patron gets the feeling of a true "theater district." With "Mamma Mia!" the Orange County theater comes of age. Take that New York. New York. Is this show worth seeing'? Mamma rnia! MICHAEL ARNOLD GLUECK Newport Beach One injury should not quench Fourth of July fireworks I am truJy sorry that Costa Mesa City Councilman Mike Scheafer's neighbor was badly burned on the Fourth of July. And I am truJy saddened because it has inspired Scheafer to try to ban fireworks from our city. I spend a lot of tlme on Southern California freeways, whe re the potential for tragedy is worse than alr travel, and I was wondering if Scheafer and his neighbor will stop driving their cars to avoid potential accidents? I agree completely with Olarlie Massingill's response ln the Daily Pilot's ~Readers Respond" on Friday pointing out that we aren't closing bars that sell alcohol (that may contribute to drunk drivers} or beaches where people drown. r agree with Taylor Lobdell's response last week in the Pilot that the Founh of July is a favorite day in Costa Mesa. My family and I have looked forward to the Fourth every year sin ce moving here 15 years ago. We buy legal fireworks and work with our children to set them off responsibly, as do our neighbors. I urge the City Council not to support the ban of fireworks. KAREN DONOVAN Costa Mesa Geometry measures up better than Smith thinks Steve SmitP, who is, I'm sure, valued by most Daily Pilot readers as a most intelligent individual. loses 1his qualification in denigrating the value of geometry in the high school curriculum. Smith claims that he has not had occasion "to use geometry .. ~and has not done so since Mrs. Patterson's !geometry) class.· This claim of the non use of geometry by Smith would probably be true were he leading the Life of a hermit. Having read his articles all these years. however. I'm sure that he takes the time to look at his globe, which shows the geometric angles formed by the lines of latitude and longitude. Also, if perchance writer Smith steps out of his writer's ken to view the sun's rising.and setting. he must be aware of the sun's geometric rhythms that. in its annual movements, embrace the equlnoxes and the solstices in addition to the glories of sunrise and sunset. Certalnly, Sm ith must know that our time LEITER TO THE EDITOR has its basis and is measured by the earth's longitude. I'm afraid that Smith has struck out in his attempt to devalue geometry. LEITTRIS LAVRAKAS Costa Mesa What's the difference between these two sites? . '· • ....,, In response to "A lot for developers: : • ·•· Wednesday. ... Tale of Two Clues: · · .. It was the Westside. it was the Eastsid~ ~~; Why. one wonders. has the Planning Commission approved a violation of the , 9 city plan allowing the congested ' • ·- five-story 1901 Newport condos to be approved (noncomplying} but restricted the Eastside development at 2441 Elden Ave.? • Why did the City Council refuse to -..,. permit comment on the appeal and .l... reschedule the hearing knowing that , many of the homeowners had arrived just ,: to comment on that subject? '. '..,, Is this a case of "Let them eat cake?" MIKE BERRY Costa Mes,. ·~ . .. , .... When it comes to KOC E she wants her publ ic 1V .. ' Regarding the possible sale of KOCE. With so much bad lV available on the · '' airwaves, why do we have to lose the one · .. lV station that lets us learn somethlng1 l;, ·. am trying to figure out how to get my gym· to turn on KOCE so I can work one more muscle while I'm there. GAY SANDOVAL Costa Mesa Who wants to buy a bridge? ,'-•,. .,., - ' c.IH . - T o bridge or not to bridge ... Is that> the queationt No. Flrat we need to know where we want to end up. and then we can declde whether bridge• over the Santa Ana River at Gleler Avenue and at Weit 19th Street will take us there or to aome place we definitely don't want to go. What kind of city do we want Coate Mesa to become? Uke Downey, "where the freeways meet?" Uke the cidea you pus throu&h on the freeway on yow way to aomewtu!re elae: Canon. City of Commerce, City of lnduatry, Vernon? Where the grtndln1 of trucb and the din of car and motorcycle tramc awu 1t 5:30 In the morning and roan on until after mJdnJchtf Or would you rather lJYe ln 1 place wtth air you can breathe and bomet you can be 1t eue ln, 1 place where you bear children at play ln the daytime and the ruatUnc of leevee at nilhtf Why are tbeM two brldpt 1ttll on the couniya Muter Plan of Arterial lfllbwaya lone after N.wpon Beach MW to Jt that the propc>Md Cout Pneway and the at9nllon of the Cotta Mltl Pre.way to Cout fflabway wen ct.letedf la lt t..cauM tbe powert who want to bep the bridges-on the county plan are losing sleep over the long-suffering commuters atuck. ln traffic? Hardly. Having those bridges on the county plan allows neighboring cJties, specifically Newport Beach and Fountain Valley, to develop thelJ lands to muimum lntenelty. They can treat those paper brldgea ln their environmental reports u though they wert! real. Thia allows them to approve major. hlgh·lntenalty development projects that they could not otherwise approve because of their traffic impacts. AJ long u the Gl.aler and West 19th Street brldps remain on the county plan, higher-intensity development ln netpbortna cidet will bring more and more re1Ponal commuter and truck trafftc to Cotta M•'• 1treet1, includlnl ret&dentiaJ 1treeu. The lncreued tn.mc wW nentuaJJy force tbt widening of thOM ltl'fftl and lnc:reaM pl'IMU.N to actually CORltrUct the brldpl. .Por example, thoee paper brtdiet wtll allow Newpon leadi to approve major IMW-=t wbdt Uepins I narrow, Wl-frtend)y Collt HJibway corridor throush Martnel"1 Mile . •\. and Corona del Mu. Regional traffic could be diverted away lrom Coast · ""~ Highway to drive through the heart of ...... Costa Mesa's Eastaide and Westside. • .._. (Motorists would avoid Cout Highway tJt: using Dover Drive, then traveling west • along East 19th Street, acro11 Newport · -: Boulevard and then over Weit 19th Strefr ;· and the bridge to Brookhunt Street In ' · Huntington Beach. The return trtp would;'".: of cowae, cover the same route ln · v#• reverse.) ~ • result, residential atreetl ~, Costa Mesa's Eutalde u well u the ' residential ponton of West 19th Street ''"\·"' (Freedom Homei, Newport Terrace and ' ~! Muina View t.racu) from Federal Avenue .... '~ weatward, would carry the 1dd.ttlonal •- regional traftlc. . .. Ra1ae your band lf you think the ·• '~ developers who want the brldget 1t .. · w Giiier and Wett 19th are worrytns their ', beada about the l>lllbt of commuters -., .. r Newport Beach incf Fountain Valley mi1, '' ' ba.ve a bridge to ..U you. • , '! .. ..,..,. ...... ._ ·-Colla • ' • IDfTOR'I NOTI: flMnor l .. n II I fom*' Cotta Mell """'"' °"'"'"lelioNr· "' ., ~ I ... - " ,, • • : It • .. .. .. -• . • • • QUOTE OF THE DAY "I was more nervous than the fighters. It's jusr so exciting and pressure filled." Jeff Byrne, Estancia High grad and ~xing promoter oaliY Pilot Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 5 74-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 GOLF ~["< .R[P-.,,., ~ • l The eighth hole at the Los Lagos course at the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club will be one of the holes facing golfers in the upcoming Costa Mesa Crty Golf Championship, to be played Saturday and Sunday. Costa Mesa has two courses, the shorter, 5, l 03-yard Mesa Linda and the longer. 6.233-yard Los Lagos Seeing green Ideal conditions greet golfers to a Costa Mesa enclave that "has improved" over time. Bryct Aldtrton Daily Pilot A cool ocean bree1,e ' envelops Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub on the fiN Saturday in Augusl. It's just after 12:30 p.m., right when golfers who wrestled lhemselves out of bed at sunrise for that 7 or 8 a.m. tee time are just fu~hing their rounds. and some who ~just entering the confines of not only one of Newport-Mesa's secrets. but all of Southern California. But is 11 really a secret? "We have 400-plus people here before noon everyday between two courses.· said Sean Collins. tournament director and teaching pro(essional at the club that draws golfers from all over Southern California to experience the lush fairways and "much improved· green.; Lhat dot both the Mesa Unda course, which mea.,ures 5, I 03 yards from the men") tees. and Lhe longer Los Lagos course. a 6,233-yard layo ut. The "much improved" part is in large part due to superintendent Jim Fetterly and his staff. CoUins scud. Fetterly was htred in 1998 and previously worked at Tijeras Creek Golf Oub in Rancho Santa Margarita, one of Orange Co unty's most picturesque. challenging and manicured cour..es. "The cour.e 1s in perfect condition,· CoUins said. "Jim Fetterly and his crew do an ama.7.mg job, which keeps people comjng back." Dave Dubke drives 10 minutes from his home in Huntington Beach to play Costa Mesa three times a week. He often plays Sundays wilh the "Splinter Group.· an offshoot of Lhe men's cl ub. "The course is 10 times better lhan it was five or <;ix years ago," said Dubke, 45. ~ he was adding up lhe scores while sitting in the cart after his round. "Six or seven years ago this land was a dust bowl," CoUins sald. "Mesa Verde Partners. the course's operators. have BOXING put time and money into 11 " Reasonable green fees also lure golfers to Costa Mesa, such as Paul Brown, a 38-year-old Aliso Viejo re ident who first Marted playing the cour es in 1990. Brown walked off the 18th hole on the Mesa Linda course JUSt before I p.m. Saturday. as the mjdday.sun '>hone brightly. "That was about a four-and-a-half-hour round, which as average,· Brown sald. with Lhe golf bag secured on his shoulders and back. "The two courses make it easy to get on. The greens are in nice shape and the fees are reasonable." Weekend rates, for Saturdays and Sundays, on I.he Mesa Linda cour<;e are $30 to wallc, while Los Lagos costs $39. Rates fall on Fridays to $25 on Mesa Unda and $29 on Los Lagos while · Mondays through Thun.days are even cheaper. To walk 18 holes on Mesa Linda will lighten the wallet by $20. while Los Lagos coses S27 Mondays lhrough Thursdays. Cart fees are extra and tap out at $24 fo r 18 holes, but twilight. back nine and senior rates bring lhe prices down. ~ Burning desire Jeff Byrne, an Estancia High product, has been promoting boxing, while attempting to break into the NFL as a tight end. StevtVlra•n Daily Pilot H e was a part of the rise qf high school basketball in Costa Mesa in the early I 99Qs. Now he wants to be one of the reasons for aeating more popularity for boxing in Costa Mesa. each other for the past seven years and met while woridng with other boxers. After high school, Byrne's interests evolved toward boxing and he became fascinated with the sport because It oontlnually provides drama and tests the UmJts of human strength, be said. As an athletic ttainer, Byrne met various bolel'I and soon became a promoter. All the work and netwotking eventually produ~ Uppercut Boxing 1111d gave way to its debut, tabbed. "A Black-de aftair." "Battle at Blg Bear," which takes place Aug. 9 at the Big Bear Convention Center. But, boxing isn't the only thing Byrne Is promoting these days. He's also publicizing himself, to the NFL Byrne, who did not play football in high school. bas been playing football and training for the past two years. last year, Byrne played his first season as a tight end· for the Orange County Makos. With a soft pair or hands and a6-foot-7, 255-pound frame. Byrne stood out as one o( the bat tight ends unoog semi-pro teama.KrOIS the nadon. they do "1Lh green fee'> There die also 1unior and super-twilight rates. The club also proVJdes a dnvtng range and two putting greens. where 82-year-old Don Hazen, who reside<; on the Balboa Peninsula, drives once everv two week5 to pracuce · Ha.7en moved from R1vers1d~ to Balboa 13 years ago and warned J place to play once or ~ict> a month. A nationally ranked tennis player when he competed 111 the 65 and 70 age d1vis1ons. Hazen play-. golf ome or l'Wlce a year and eved Lhe hne to the hole as he set up to pull one of four balls on the practice green. "You 1ust see the line and follo" through." Hazen said a.s Lhe ball rolled smoothly wilhin one foot of Lhe cup "This puller doesn't c1llow your \\Tl'>t'> to break. You can't afford to have your wnst break.· · Whether on the practice area or the course, Collins said the greens are the biggest draw. which keeps the golfer. Oocking. "Thjs 1s one of the busiest cour'\e'> around.· Collins said. "The way !the greens) are shaped ... the baU roll., a lot better than it used to." - EYEOPENER l)ajfy~Pilot ~ HaO ol flame August I 0 honoree JEFF CLARK luesC1a1 August 5. 2003 A7 WATER POLO U.S. team overpowers Pan Am Games foes M en'"> national water polo team. which includes five former UC Irvine players, ~eeks automatic berth in 2004 Olympic Games. llk II.., men'> nJt1011JI water polo ll·am 1 or111nut·d to roll OH'r 1t., compel! twn JI tlll' :!fXU P..u1 \111t'ncan Garn~ \londJ\ \\ llh J 14 .: dl'leat of Pueno Bit o JI tlw Ju,111 l'c1blo I >t1Jrte Olympat .\quJtlt' C t·nter 111 'ktnto Domingo. t:lo m1111t<111 lkpubht. an 1h attempt to 4ual11, 1111 the .!004 ( )(v111p1c r .. ame'> 10 Atheai... C 1n·et e \\1th ll\t' former IH In.me player<; on the m\tl'r tht' 11 .., 1'-IHI\\ 3-0 in Pan ·\rnem <lll prt'hm1nan t ompeution and holth d go<1I J1tferent1JI of plu~-48 llw (J .., ha' four pn:hnunal) gamt'., left. indudmg \\edm•.,da' \ match ..igain ... 1 C ,111Jda t.he onh team that PO't'" ,j 'l'rlllU' thn-.11 t ' thl' IJ ~ ., un hlerrn .. llt'd rl'cord nw gold nwdal \\ lllllt'r at Lhe Pan .\n1t'ntan < 111mt'" ,., Jn .wt nm.we qu.i11 tier tor tlw < llymp11., I-or till' third .. 1ra1ght game all fhe former \nh·Jler-. cnntnhutt'd tu Lhe \1C ton It\ illl Ii.ult·\ -.1 irt>d t\\ll t' Jeff Po\\ t'r.., c1ddl'd .i g11t.1i and < 1l'l1ill II.err made ii pair ol ..,,.\l . .., PmH·r-. ..,t orcd 111 thl' -.1·1011d quarter. finng il ... 1101 tr<J..,,·t<1ge 1111<> the lo\o\er nght tOrlll'r l{l 't'lng 1ht' lJ "> c1 ,,. I lead at th<:' llnll' That go;1J g,une m till' middle of a 9-0 run b\ the United ">tau~.., that wa<, capped hv Haile\'\ '>\"wl'ep '>hot from Lhe hole latC' m the third quclrter pustung the lead to 10· I. After l'ueno Rico halted thal run. Bai· ley scored hi'> ~cond goal of the match on the lll'\t po.,.,e.,~ann Kerr ca111t' on m rl'lid of start.mg goalie Rr<mdun Brook,., and made two "3\'t"). On ~unda~ night. al'o 111 relief of Brook!., Kerr camt' up \\1th fhe '>top'> 10 a 11-5 defeat of BraJ:1J Power., <,cored t\..,1ce 111 that game and anOLher lormer lJ( In me player, Dan Klatt, added two goal\ llw U "> opened the tournament with J 2~ 0 defeat of the Dom1111can Repubhc 111 wh1Lh four formt.>r ll( lrvme players. Raile~. Power'>. Klatt and Omar Amr. '>COrel.l Kerr abo cJme on m relief of Hrook..., an the conte'-t. renmting one "<l\e Tht> U "> l'> ... chedule<l to return to the pool tom~ht again'it \\e"<1co. which lS current!~ m .,econd place m the stand mg' with a 1-0-2 record. hut a goal dif· ferenual of 1ust ptu .. -one. Canada had played JU.<;l one match until Monday's late mee11ng with Branl. winning tht' lone conte'>t 11 -2. Pueno Raco dropped to 0-2-1 in Lhe tournament, ahead of only last place Ar· gentina and the Dominican Republic. Jell Byrne. who played on the 1990-91 llstanda High boys buketbalJ atate championship tetm, Is beck in bis home town. ~a bouM of pain made for entenalnment and compeddon. It's called Upperajt eo.:q, which mlde ltl debut July 28 at the Cotta Mesa ftihon. -rhal ._our wry ftnt one and f -.. Into It." mt Byrne, • lk:•..t ballnc promow. ·r w. more MnUlll m.n lbe "We had the No. t amateur in the oadon, Oomlnlc Salcedo." Byrne eaid. "He waa ftabdng decent~. He~· bdlliult knockout and be pw the crowd IOfteddu1 to redy dMlr ...... The whole night WM IPM-We plan on putdng on tbe ...... qudty lhowl dine and .. lllllL. . "When I would watch the NFL. l tboulht I could be • dgbt end.• Byrne ak1. ·1 tbou&ht to myself. 'What's the WOl"lt that can bappenf I can do that.' It's just been really fun. Hen I am ln the mJddle ol my journey and I'm not nm doee to where I .. C DUS~/DM.Yfll.OT Jeff Byrne, a former Estancia Hilh School blsketbll standout. is 1 tea boxq promOllr and tiitt end for the Oranp Ccuwty Makos, 1 seriiJt'o foolbll tum, loolq for a shot It the hfL '*"" ll'I jUlt '° addnl 11\d ...... Ued.. IJrm .... Che badal complftJ wldt pumer Bd ........._ :n. cwo 1wwe mown a;r,.a..,_ .. ..., need to be.. . ~-6dheMdtolMlym NFL rule book to._,,, mon about the ... and becaa.-he 4'd not know the~ NIM. ..,. ... o9--.n bit WOlbd out b....a ...._attn NFL combfne. M hi~ more lD 1112. bl l*yed twtd!el at he lnfured .. bM lrid dlstal rooct.lbe .... IDClft ._. atlail I ~ .......... ,he...,... .. con8dence, bl ll6d. ....... (Jiit State QJllp in lnterelCI iow.d ............ MocMdorl anc1 • ltrOnl.,.., ldllho a c.warr. llpdlc. lntentifted a..,....• 1n his alNedclklla bM ltwljl AftB ~In 1"7, lyme .,.... Hft ~IO..., .. been. put°'~.... beanw • lilblldt---. .. ............. Mei ....... hen...._... CIOlldnuld IO pllr'7 9 ... .. •tome• be~ • • M Tuesday, Auaust 5, 2003 SPORTS SOFTBALL ... Pacific Coast Softball reaches two final fours . ·~ . - Competing in three all -star tournaments, the eight-and-under team from Newport-Mesa wins four games an<f the hearts of many. Padfic Coast Girls Fast pitch Softball CPCGFS). an American Softball Association (ASA) organization that se rves girls 5-15 in 1he Newport-Costa Mesa area, produced its best performance yet during the June-July tournament season. ln just its second official season as an ASA sanctioned league the PCGFS 8-and-under giils All-Star team competed in three area tournaments with promising results. The first tournament was Tustin. The girls made it to the final four of this double elimination tournament by defeating two other area teams. Pitching was strong behind Lotte Martin and Kirtland Gentry. The infield of firi.t baseman Nicole Werline. second baseman Taylor Stefano, i.hortstop Shane4ua Watts, third baseman Nikki Perrier. and catcher Brooke Migliori, was solid. Offensively. the standouts were Stefano. Hattie Marshlill and Perri er. Stefano a nd Marshall shared the best balling average for the team at this tournament, while Perrier Jogged what should have been the only home run, called a ground-rule double due to some outfield obstruction. A solid left field performance by Natalie Barbariese, with three deep catches on the fly and multiple srnps, kept opposing batters from taking any advantage. Ultimately. the tourney was won by Irvine. which defeated Pacific Coast in the first round by two runs. The second tournament was in Vista. Pacific Coast again made it to the final four with impressive wins over Oairmont and La Costa. With one win to go to make it to the Championship game, Pacific Coast ran out of gas against Lake Elsinore. Amazingly, the tournament winner was Santee, who Pacific Coast lost to in third round tournament play by the same rwo-run margin as the prior tournament. The dub' hitting was again led by Stefano who batted .677 for the tournament, with 4 other girls batting over .300. The on-base percentage leader was Werline, wiLh a .714 mark. Barbartese. Allyson Nisbet, Mary Lyon and Kirsten Rohan aJso had on-base percentages worth mentioning, all flntstdng over .500. Paclttc Coast's defense was superior in this tournament, logging only 3 errors that resulted ln runs for the entire tournament. Especially strong play behind the plate from MiglJori kept opposing scoring to a minimum. . Whlle Gentry and Martin carried the bulk of the pitching load, Watts also pitched 4 Innings and recorded 10 strikeouts. Martin, who pitched a t9Jal of 11 innings in this tournament, had 28 strikeouts. In the end, it was a final-laning three-run rally by Santee, ~t kept Pacific Coast out of the championship game. The Orange County ASA tournament, held this year in Coto de Caza. had the girls performing against the best teams in the area. The 17 -team tournament gave the girls a chance to see how the local league could fair against teama that might uhimately qualify for state and national tournaments. The gjrls were assigned a top seed in the flnt round and played Tustin Gold. Pacific Coast led Tustin 3-2 in the fifth inning, but Tustin rallied for three late runs to win the ballgame. Pacific Coast's next game was against West Garden Grove, which prevailed 4· l. "Though the final results of the ASA tournament were somewhat of a disappointment. the girls all bad a great time and proved that Newport-Costa Mesa area girl~ softball has now been ident16ed as a formfdable competitor,~ Pacific Coa'it Manager Brian Marshall said. Until this year no PCGFS all-star team has had more than 1 win in tournament play during a spring season. This year's 8-and-under "Roadrunners," as they call themselves. posted four wins and two final four appearances. ·An encouraging sign of things to come," one league official Mid. lKMllOOO lfJf.Ot-04 1.01 llD TIMI, DATE AND PlACl, N-... ~ H•lthh & Merhtera U..W...wy Sdleeh "" Ny~ettt -ti W•ter l ............. ... A. 114 ~Time •"" lltl D••'""" A..... 2'tll, 11100 ·-/\. PIKe of 81d Rt· celpt: Newport-Men U nlfled School Ob tuct · Purchtsina. 2985 8 Sear Str .. t, Costa Mist, Ca. 92626 8. Pro1ect N1me· Modular 8uikllne Reio· c1tlot1 •nd lnfrastl"ucture Merlners 1nd Newport Helchts £lem1nt11y Schools C. Place Plans are on file: PROJECT MANAG· ER's office. McCarthy Build1n1 Compenlu , 20401 S.W. 8 ircll SllHl. Suite 300. Nlwpor\ 8Hch, CA 92660 McCt r \hy 8ulldln. Comp1niu,1Meesure .,. Office. 2915.c 8Hr SltMI, Coste MeM. Ct. 12626 1.H SUMMMY Of ,._, 'reject DeNtiJt1011: lllll ,rojec;t ~ of ..... ltydr ... •lld neodtt.ed ..... 11111 l"1tell1t1011 et botll lf•wr.ort H1lpt1 ind Mar nett lle111ent11y klloM. f'fttilft\Mr'J c.tlmet•: 1150.00000 \AlllOft<lt NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN lh•l Newpott ..... Unlfld School Dlttrlct .Clint ., •lld ""--" It'• 0-nfnt ltollf d ril receM ... IM Mft tor •••d of 1 contttct for Ult obo¥t· nelftff Project u, to. out not lit• "''" ""' bid ":Ti. ... be, •• etl..,ed In Ille pltco ld•11tlfled ellou ~°'"°'~·· ~ euctiy et lt!o lime 11.ed in th" 11ohct no bod will b11 received at111 the bid deadhnt B Pl ANS ANO SPEC If ICA llONS AR( AVAIL ABLE NOW The docu menh may be reviewed at 111' PROJECT MAN AGER • office Cue addrus item· H below) OR CAN BE PURCHASED fROM IHTlaNfT llUll'alNT1 1•S72 Ce11slr11ctle" Cettte r, f,..i11e, CA. u•o•. (t49) ss2 - 7S61, PAX (949) SS2· 1209 C Each BIDDER mu•I post • bid bond or othe1 security 1n the amount of 1 O'M. of the •mount of the bod wtlh the bod. 0 Cech BIDDER. sf· mull•neously with lht UICUllon ol lht Coo lracl A&feement. will be rtQUlttd lo hirn1sh a L1bor and M1t1111I Performance Bond In 1n •mount 1qu1t to 100 percent of the Contr tel sum and 1 f llthtul Perform1nce Bond in 1n amount equet to lOO PMC•nt of lh• Conlflct Sum Seid Bonds lh•ll be from an 1dmltted C1llforn11 Surety Hlts· fect0<y lo \ht Olatrlc:t end ltsltd in the Ftder•I R'ltaler. lawed by the. Oep1rtm1nt of Tre11111y end licensed in C1htor· nl1. S11d bonds shall remain In full t0<e1 end effec t thr ou1h the l\llr9"tM j)lflod E TM BIOOElt shell bl • llcenM<I conlreetor purauant to the BllllilltA 1nd Prof1ulontl1 Cl>de ind be lk:enMd In IM 'l)pliullle cl1.sslf~•tlom f0t Ult trodea for whkfl Ille eontre<:tor It •vtl· mlttlna • bid. r. This projKt "" IS Dlubltd Vet• 1n Busl· Mii [nl•rPnt• Plfllcl· ,.~loft =!Oft• •Mvt tttt. f>tlO ll CT shovtd Ill *oct.d to tM fl9'0 CT MMACEll. H. Con\.c:t: Elan ALLYSON NISBET &Mi ..... &if ••• Monday-Friday• 6:30AM · 7:~ Satur~ • S:OOAM · 4:00PM CloSed On Sundays W1bhe. Telephone 714/42• 8950 Form McCartlly 8u1ld1na Co fAX 714/424·8951 Address 2985 C Bur St•Ht Cost• Mesa, c. 92626 No 81d may be #Ith· drawn until Solly llaya after the Bod Op1n1na D1te I The 01stroct rtHnH the 111ht lo reiect 111y and •II bids or lo #llVI 1rre1ul111hn 1n any bid J Newport Meu Unt· tied School Olstflct ts an ·equal opportunity• employ•• No telephone or lac s1m1l1 mtchine will bl av1il1ble lo b1dd1u on the DISTRICT pr1m111s at the time of bid. Published Newport Beach Cost• Mese Dally Pilot Ausust 5, 12, 2003 ro95 IS< tSSst IOTICI Of"""'* rou•n mA110ft ~ ..... ... Ulllll .. <M1m.mw1 To 111 hllB, hMfj. cl•rlOt, cre4Uo'I, con• Uncent creditors, 111d person• who m1y oth 11wlM bl Interested In the wlH or estate, or both, of' GIL8£RT M WllSOfll 1111 Cfl.8EltT MAXWCLL WILSON A l'CTfTlj)N FOR l'ltO I A1l hes been fKed lly fL!NtOft f WIUOfll Ml tllt Supttlot C...t ot Cellforn1e, Ct1111ty of OAANGC THC f>ETITION '011 PllOIATE req_uuh EL~t. WUONM ~" .......... '•-tall¥• lo ef• snlftittM the •tote of IN~~. THC f'tm!Off r..-b tllt decedeflt'a Wiii end s••11&"' u •u M tdm1tted to probate The Will and any cod1c1I~ are available lo• eum1na t1on 1n the file hept by the court THE PETITION requests •uthottly lo •dm1ntsler lhr cstalr undrr the Independent Adm1nll ltalion ol (stales Act (This Authority will allow the personal represen- t•t1ve to tahe many KtlOnr. without obtain ln1 court epproval Before tah1n1 cut11n very important actions. however, the personal representative will be required to 1lv1 notice lo 1nt1rnted persons unlns they hn• waived not ice or co11Mnted to the proposed action ) The Independent 1d mfn1str•tlon 1uthorlty wilt be If anted uni.u 111 lnteruted p111on f1tn •11 objKllon to Ille pet1hon and Jllows fOOd uuse why the court ahould nol 1nnt the eulhorlty A HEARING on the petition will bl held on S£PTEM8ER •. 2003 at U S p.m In 0.pt. L73 toc:at.O at 3'1 The City Orlv• South, Ofan11. CA tZ868. If YOO OIJ[CT to Ult 1rentm1 of \he petition, 'I04I $1\outd ..,,.., •t °" hearlnc and al•t• your Objtctlona or file written obiectlo4'• with the court betor• the hNrlna. Yovr 41Pt*tr1net lftly be In person or by yout 1ttorney If YOO All£ A CR[OI· TOii or cont1n11nt creditor of lM dtc.tMd, 1911 MIO I flit your cl111n wttti the coutl •M mt1I I COl>y IO tN perlOMI ,..,.._tattft~\N by the i:owt w'™" tour 1110nth1 from the dtt1 ot the fnt i..ue11<• of _. ... , .. pro-Mad 111 f>rolMtt• Co4'e M<lloft 1100 TN t• I« hllnt c!MM w1" itOt Hllif'e --· ......... "°"' .. __ ..._ .... Mtlced •bo~e YOU MAY EXAMINE the tole htpt by the court If you are a person m· teresled '" the eslate. you m•y Ille with the cour I a Requnl for Spec1•l Notice (lorm 0£ 1!>4 ) ol the lllln1 of an 1nvel'tory and 1ppr11sal of estate uuh or of any pehhon or eccount 11 provided 1n Probate Codi 11cteon I 250 A Request for Spec11I Notice form •• av11lablt from the court clerh Attwn•r fw l'etltl-•rr Mlcll.. V. Vel ... er, 1-.. 1ua1 os•7H) SOM C-..w Or. NewJ>ert 1 .. clt, CA t2H~2\20 Pubhahtd Newport 8t1ch·Cost1 Meu Oally Pilot Auaust 5, 11. 12, 2003 TM096 ._COEOf WC., CMTYOfCllMel .. (o.tl ... com PIOIAllCMT .... M11'1CJ1YMW POST OfflCUOX 1417t, ._CA..,_1571 PnmOf W.M..Ltwla fOIC....OfM ..... UlllfOI C.-OfM WI-Am.I TO ALL IHT£11UTEO ,EllS~S: l . Pttl\IOft tf. Anita Alotnllt l•wll filed • ""''°" wllh 1111• cotlft for • clecrH ch•ncint "'""' H follow•: Mitt Alomllf L•wlt to Anita Alotntt St l1wlt 2 TH£ COURT, Oltot"S ttm 1111 persons iflhl'· •t" Ill ltli. Ntt# ... .,.,_.,before di+. c-t ., .... htllfil!t IMk•ted "'M• tg Mow g•• H . •. -. -.. ·- -·~ any, •hY the pet11to11 I• ch1n111 of name shouW not be 8flnled NOTICC Of HEARING Datt· SEP 02, 2003 Time 2 00 PM Dtl>t. L1J Th• •ddress of th• coUft is ume " nottd •bove 3 A copy of tt11s Ordef to Show t 1u" shall be published 11 IHsl once H Ch wuk for lour sutcns1ve weeki prior to the date set lor hu11nc on the petttion on the follow1r ne~· PAPtl of aener •Cu· l1llon, printed "'- county. 01117 P11 D .. 11JUl II, 2 MAaJOlll • II CMUI, JUHi 01 fl SWll.o. COUIT Publlshtd Newpo1 t Bnch·Cost1 Mesa Daily Pilot July 22, 29, Auaust 5. 12 2003 Tos;J Nolle:• 1s hereby 1h1t11 pursuant lo section• 3071 •nd 3072 ot Ow Civil Code of Ille Siii• of C•llfotnla \ht under· sl1n1d, HUNTINGTON AUTO SlRVICE, w"I ... •I public auc:tlon, 11 l022 E CHESTNUT . S ANTA ANA, CALIF . t270l •t 9.00 '"' -AUC 19, 2003 t~ followln1 4ucrllle property, to wit: I 8MW, LlctnU • 40HV4'0. $t1t1: Clllf •• VINI .USCWJ&Wl.8131153 .. Stlcl .... la fOf .... ~ot .... fvtnl .... Of lhe .und« ...... f«, towln1 111d ator .. • lottttlfr with , ... 4- 1 lnr tlal111 'e11d u• ........... . Deted tMt ~· d•1 o( My,lOOJ • /$/Junfltoutwy f>11lllltlled Newp=rr ltteh-c-tAI ..... ...... Ar s. 2003 .. S8l • " .,....."....... " 11....-ttir; c'"1.. SELL your stuff through classified! SELL your stuff through cJassif ied ! Policv • .. Liiii .... .......... ........ The followlna pe"ona ere dolna bual.neu n : Doll Houu, 401 Newport Center Or.. Newport Btaeh, CA 92660 Mmadall S. Mir udeti. 2 T(lj)eka, Irvine, CA 92604 Clen• A. Ml1udeh. 2 T opella, Irvine, CA 92604 T'hos bualneu 11 con· ducted by: husband and wile Have you started dom1 businen yat1 No Ahmadall Mirzadeh This statement was flied with the County Clerk of 011n1e County on 07/21/03 200JHS21S2 Daily Piiot July 29. Aue" 5, 12, 19, 2003 T086 SUllOllS (OTAOOll JllCIAij NOTICE TO DEHN· DANT (Aviso a Acuse· do) leiu l1u1r Shick Does l to 2 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF (A Ud. le esta demand· ando) James l. Rubel. J1. a law corpo1ation UNDER $10,000 You have 30 CAt.EN· OAR DAYS alter this summons is served on you to file a typewritten r esponu at th1i. court A letter 01 phone call will not protect you; your typewritten re- sponse must be 111 proper leaal form 11 you w1nl the court to hear your cue. II you do not Ille your response on time. you may lose the case, end your wain. money and p1operty may be taken without turthe1 warnina !com tho court T'9*e ate other lea•I 1eq11ife-nts. You may want to e•ll an •ltMney riCht •way. II you do not know •n •ttorney, you m1y call an attor nay r •f•n 11 servit:. °' a leael aid offk• (listed in the phone book). Despues de ciu• le entrquen nte c:1taclon ludlcl•I usted Ilene un plaio de JO DIAS CAI.· ENDARIOS para prtsen- tar una reac>uesta es· crita a maqulna en esta corte. Una c arte o una llam•da telefonica no le ofreoe11 protecclon; "' rupuula ucrita a m•qutna tiene que cumplfr con las formal· ldedes le&ales aprop1a· das st u'ted qulere que la corte 1scuche su ca so. Si usted no p1esenla su respuesta a tlempo, puede perder el cno. y I• pueden qu1tar su ula1Ki. su dinero y otras eousde su prop1edad sin eviso 1dic1onal por parte de la corte E•lsten otros requls1· los le11les Puede que usted quter a illlmar a un abo&ado 1nmediata mente. So no conoce a un tbo11do, puede llamar a un serv1c10 de referenc11 de abo1ado$ o • una Qflcma de ayuda lee al ( vea et dor ec to<10 telefonlco). CASI NUMllR: (..._.. ... _.c ... 1 02Hl0642S The name and address of the court 1s (El nombre y d11 ecc1on de la corte es) SUPERIOR COURT Of CALlfORNIA. COUNTY Of ORANGE. 4601 JAMBORH ROAD. Newport Beac h, Ca 92660. Harbor Justice Center. Newport Beach facility The name, address, and telephone numb« of pl1lnliffi attorney. or plaintiff without an 1tto1ney Is. (El nombre, la dlteceion y el numero de telelono del •boaado del demandente. o del dem1ndanta que no Ilene 1bo1ado, es) JAMES l. RUBEL . J.R .. JAMES l . RUBEL, JR. a law c0tpor1tlon, 2660 EAST COASl HIGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR, CA. 92625 949-720·3810 OAU1 (feci..) DIC 26, 2002 ALAN SlATH, Clerk (A<'Vorle), l.y C. lllft, OepMty co • ..._.) l'ublrshed Newport Be1ach Costa Men Daily Pilot July 29, Au1usl 5. 12, 19, 2003 T093 FktltiM ...... -s ...... The follow1n11 persons •re do1ne bus1neu as· M1llen1um One Services, 1631 N Bristol St. Ste B 10, Santa Ana, Call- forn11 92106 Marco Feliz, 1631 N Bristol St Ste B 10, Santa Ana. Cahlorn1~ 92706 Edflh A1u11re, 1631 N Bristol St Ste B 10. Santa Ana, Cahfornia 92706 This business 1s con· ducted by a 1ener al partnership Have yuu started doin1 business yet? No Marco F ehz lh1s statement wn hied with the County Clerk of Dranae County on 07/03/03 2003'950491 Daily Pilot July 29, Aue. 5. 12, 19.2003 T089 Re-. ...... ...s..... The lollow1n1 penons are do1n1 bu~lness as: Mttalc:rafte" lnl1tlor1, 11161 Slater Ave . fount11n Valley, CA 92708 Gaffo&l10 F•mlly Met 1lcnlters. Inc. (CA). 11161 Slate1 Ave , fountain V•lley. CA 92708 This business Is con· ducted by. a corporation Have you started dolna business yet? Yes 7/1/2003 Galfoatio F amtly Mel· alcrallers, Inc . Mike Aleunder. Chief Opera· tions Officer This slalement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 07/16/03 2001695' 794 Daily Pilot July 29, Aug. 5. 12. 19. 2003 T090 tscl337' le011Cl TO CIBllTOIS Of, T1I wmlA J. SllOll 1"8 llVOCAILI TllST DATED DKl.m1,1"8r ASAIOaD uom,2003 WIU220442 StftmCOW OfWOlllA CGUmOfOWGf Notice os hereby 1iven lo the creditors and contineent cred1ton, .,, the above named dece· dent. thal all per sons havme claims a1a1nst the decedent are r• quited to hie them with the Superior Court. at 341 The City Drove. Orange Cat1lorn1a 92868 and ma1t a copy to HC IOI How to Place A Tuesday, qust 5, 2003 At --------Liiii .... .. l.11111 .... - MltHEllE LOPEl, In ca11 of Westovar & Wntovtr. as trustee of the trust dated OK41m- btr l, 1998, as amended March 13, 2003 whtteln the dee.dent WH the aettiof. at 901 Dover Drive. Sulta 120. Hew· port BHch, CA 92660, within the later ol four months 1fte1 Au1ust 5. 2003 (the dalt ol the first publication o l notice to c1tdllo1i.) or. 11 notice IS m11led or l)trsonally delivered to you. 30 day\ 11te1 th• date this notice 1s mailed or personally dehver ed to you A clelm form may be obtained from a court clerk. For your protection: you ate tncoura1ed lo Ille your claim by certified mall. with return receipt requested HARRY ( WESTOVER, bq . WESTOVE R & WESTOVER. 901 Dover Drove. Suite 170. New port Beach, CA 92660 Published Nowpo1t Bea,h·Costa Me"' Daily Pilot Au1ust !"> 11 . 12, 2003 IM098 Items lo be sold lff• 1•nt11lly described as follows· Clothlna. tools and or other household items 'lored by the lollowma person1. Unrt No Name Bl21 P1 .. t Lekt1 8274 Shasta SllTlmons 8 312 lino S1me B222 Terry Mc&ulfl B24 I Terry Mccu111 Cl32 Cha11ots A. Mulietl B226 M1chHI C. Stanya Dated: July 23. 2003 S11ned· M1nuel S1l1meh This nobc:e 11 11ven In accordance with the provisions of Section 21700 el S.q ol the Busl.nus & P1ofess1ons Code ol ttoe Stale of C11llorn1a Sale Sub1ect to prior cancellallon 1n the oent ol settlement between Owne1 and Obliea\ed P~rty f>ubfoshed Newpor I Boch·Co~t• Mesa Daily Pilot July 29 and Au11u1t 5.2003 T088 ~ ..... ... s..... The followont persons are doona busonen n On Time, 3198-C A11port loop Or , Costa Men , CA 92626 MOTICIOf PUIUCATIOM WI ..... Pr ....... C.4f Ste. 21700-21707 Copy America Inc 3198 C Airport loop Dr .. , Costa Mesa. CA 92626 This busmeu os con· ducted by· a corporation Have you started doina business yet1 Yn 6130/ 03 Notice 1s hereby 11ven by lhe unders111ned that a public sale of the undeo hsted descnbed personal property will be held at the hour ol ( 11) o clock AM. on the ( 12) Twelve Day of AUGUST, 2003 County of Or a nae, State of Cahtornoa The Property 1s Stored By· INSTORAGE COSTA MF SA. located at 2038 NEWPORT Bl•d , COSTA MESA CA 92627 The Copy America, In< Byron R Brooks Voce President This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 07/11/03 20036951191 Daily Pilot July 15 22 29.AUi 5.2003 T075 ......... ........ TM lollowln& pe11e1n1 are dolna butlMn as· Well1ncton Court Apart· menb. 600 teat Well- lnaton Ave.. Santa Ana, C.Ulornia 92701 Harper Realty Group, Inc (sole GP) (CA> 18301 Von K11man Ave. Suite 7!>0. Irvona. C1h- fornl.1 92612 This bu11nes& Is con ducted by a hmoted partnership Have you ttarted doln& business yet? Yn 12/fY.J/97 Harper Really Group, Inc . Ia n Mac:Dou1all Hatper. P1n1denl This statement was hied with th• County Cletk ot Oran1e County on 06/16/03 2003H41376 Daily Pilot July 15. 22. 2'3.Au115.2003 T078 Fldlttea ..... ... s...... Tht followon1 pe1 sons art do1n1 busonus as. S & J Custom Choppers, 28472 Porsena W1y , Trabu'o Canyon CA 9?679 W•lham David lonu 28472 Porten• Way. T1abuto Canyo n. CA 92679 St .. en Wayne Sidwell, 3268 Sagowood l ane Corona CA 91720 This bus1nus is con· dueled by to partners Have you started doon1 business yet? No Wilham O Jones This statement wa. tiled with the County Cleok of Orange County on 06/24/03 20036949276 Daily Po lot July 22. 29, Aua 5. 12. 2003 TOM R&-.11 .... ........ Tile lollowin1 pet M>n' are dolrll busmen .u Turquoise r abf1ut10n An '"'tall1tlon. 1927 Harbor Blvd, Costa Men. California 92627 Phlly C1or11ann1 1927 Ha1bor Blvd. Cost. Mesa, Calrlorn1a 92627 This business os w n ducted by an 1ndlvldual Have you started doll\& bus.,,tss y1t1 No Phlly C101111nn1 This 51alement was liltc:t with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 07/23/03 2003HS24t1 Daily Pilot July 29 Aue 5, 12. 19.2003 r094 ......... •s..... The followona pe"ons .are doon& buwness n F 1shlender. 821 N Ohvt St. Santa Ana, Cahf0tn1a 92703 Richard Charland 821 N Dhn St. Santa An1, Cahfornoa 92703 This business 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1du11 Have you started d04"8 bu"nu\ yet' No Roch Charland lhos statement w.a\ hied with the County Cleo~ of Oranae County on 07 /16/03 20036951753 Oaoly Polol July 22 79 AuJ 5. ll. 2003 108!> SELL your stuff through classified! ..------Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. 1be publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad immediatcJy. The Daily Pilot accepts oo liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASS IFIE AD Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 t Pla.\C include your nam< and phone number and ~'II all you block wuh a pnu qUOlc 1 By Phont .. (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay StJeet Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday S:OOpm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30-.im-5;00pm Monday-Friday Walk·ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday S:OOpm AllNOUIKDAllfTS m & MISC. 1010-1no GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & · FINANCIAL ,...... rt.ts reduced , '"°° eadl P1c1fic .,..._ Memorial P11k ~ Bcfl gfi.~.9792 Ollldllal .,. ..... 11.. 1180 AMeric an Molorcyde ~ (Olldend Olll*r) IMt «7-, 6 ~ of ........... ~, ~eon--~ of 'member wu;:;~ --· Aiirirlilllcl .. em 1i4-S31-lD> TOf' $S 4 UCCMIDS nc -Qmlc. Et fO$ ' (17' Jll Alllc, Splw. tube .,... Mlh 949-645-7505 .. 1311 ··--# OfNlllTf All r .. 1 eit.t• acl'ter• tW1lta In this MW1j>11P9r .. ...iijeet to IM hdefal Ii.it Houlint Act of 1968 at emended which m•llH It lll•aal to 1dlr•tt1M •any prefer· ence, llmltatlon or discrlnllnttloll bHtd 011 rtct, coklf, reNafon, Ma, """die.,, ftllllllel status tit' nttlonal cwltln. 0( en 111,efttloft to ''" .. ' tllY Mfl pnfwtnce, limltt· tfott 0( dttctlMtfuttloft." '.Jllh ~ will not . IUIOWlllCIY ec:cec>t tfty ~flt'°' ... •ttte Wfl~ b In vtotetlon of the lew. Ovt ,,, ... .,. .,. "-:::l ""°'-4 tllat ... • HIP """'"" "' tt111 ,......,..e ........ Oii "' ..... OllfOftwllty ~·c.._.. CJf •· ""'"*--~..., .... fteltl ... -. ~ 2SOS-2490 llALESTAn 9RSALE HOME IMPROVEMOO SERVICES 2600 soos-saso Older Sty4e F~ l'tAHOSl~ MllCilltlMOlll IT.WC AA.UN HITISH llfNa 21G5 CLASSK$ ......... t.w. --------w/6 chairs. (NEW ) .,..,,.._._ ·~· ..... ·a-c.~ .. CAStt PAK> .. ................. -... WIBUYUTATU . .........,..~- .... MY -PAITlll" &.et ... 7/IO•.._, 9;30 blue a red flo11y s111te11e at the vlcilllty $$CASH$$ Immediate Cash fo1 structured settlements; annuitin. real estate, notes, prlY1te mort1a1• not«. eccodent cases, and Insurance payouts (800)194 -7310 . (CAl"SCAN) FREE 2 Room DI· RECT\I System includlna installation! UMd to coat over $1,000 -now yours for fflEE I can 1 ·llOO-M8- 6511, °' visit us onlin• 'at •-.l·Want-My·frH · Dish.com {CAL •sCAN) of Irvine Ave. be._ ..wt m S11nt~o & Unlvttalty. _.,_,_~ ____ _ F .. 04ll of beClk of trudl. Mease ca.11949·650-1989 ..,... -1111 ,. .. ------.. ~ ..... ,_ ..... ,fll•t tOttl St a Oc•nfront c.lf~·g'!'.,_ Cell to Id. D-7I0-2531 _. $1950. 949-760·9713 81EUf(/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METAlS <-•<• ....... Old Coins! Gold. silver. jeWM'y, Witches. antiques collectibles 9'9-642·9448 -AIOUT IU<TltC WNlll.CMMRS Ne•·no OOlt '° )'Oil If ...... Medicue accepted. ~·and "'-· ~(~~)- !nit )llMl tW1'f Cal 1 daya. (lllO) 83S·31S5 (Cti°SCM) ·~ •' Ind ex .. "" I I . •' . 3IS5 ma-..c;s o..p.. ....... _,.m.. Easy OtY installation B11'1dqs ~ nation· Wlde. OelMry 11'1 days. not W981s! Abso1uta Steel l • an 833-'.rl:11 or quotes onllne @www . AbsoluteSleel.Net (CAL "SCNf) 7402·7466 .... ,so LOTS/ACREAGE 4740 COLORADO AT ITS Best. 35 ures only ~9.900 Creel\ lrontaae & Aspen Newly available 35 acres 1n West Central Color ado ad1<1cenl to Grand Mesa N1t1onal Forest Wide c reel\ fronta1e B11 views Road & electric f•· nanc1n1 Call l ·888-638· 3116 (CAL "SCAN) HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 -COUNTY -F-tR-E -Y-0-UR-BO-S-SI lllllOl lstlnd Kwok l(erb Buslnns. l 1y1n11 continuous eon- c1el• curbln1. Equip· menl, tralnlna. market· 1111 with bedi·up and support. Don't wait. some treas still 1Yall- abte. · l ·866-459·•553 www. II. wlltlc er b.com (CAL•SCAN) AISOWT1 80lDM••• 60 v.ndinl tn•chinea with ueetlent locations llb$l(),9ill5D~ Alte11tle1te4 vlntaae Balboa Island Cott•ae $800,000 Much 5ou1ht eltet 0-tk I-ti °""'9• Balbo• P 1nln1ul1 $975.000 ..... ( ............ t4t-617-Ut1 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S e-i 5br lba. Qystal Cove home. sep1r ate llllflt quartl!f"s. eranrte kltch, INr1Y IW"~ ocean view! $1..e.w> Shelby Coldwtll Brie. 96-el~ HOMES AN:> PROPERTIES F-OA SALE OUT OF STA1t5875 LAS VEGAS RELOCATION Center Plennin1 • move to Lu Veaas? Call l 888 586 62S4. Free infor m1t1011 packa11 and video (CAL •SCAN RURAL PROPERlY FOR SALE Rlnclm,ftnnl/ c..,...., 5115 $HS A<ltl/lto ACaH $HS AclC/40 ACMS P1lme ranch acr .. p In NW Arizon1, EZ no qualllyln1. low down te1ms! Adjecent to Coif course community, off historic Route 66. CeU tode1l B<oolls RNlty ._ 300-5263 (CAL •SCAN) a-ety ~ C--"Y lit fla ¥· w/pv\ &al. lr1&, wtl• to Trt·Squ#e $895/mo Water/trash paid. Kle<n Management BT/ 7Q4.B&t9 E•t 9200 Sl57!> 2br lba twmn. lttached p-111. ~ up- &J"ldlld. ~ •• SU1ded<. pet ok. ..... to Gelsor6 1~1~1717 206 ............ ,art St•ffh St r, Jle, Summerset model 1v11table 9/1 $4000/mo yur •use 949 720-1460 ~Colll 29', 21e, upper unrt NfWPOtlT HUGNTS 3bt -">t l·C IU new paint. to¥11nhoUW fp, sin& lllr, SUMMn ·Sf Aniou t11pet. bhnds. linoleum. new carpet. patio. very 2bl 2ba 'l c11 ii<. pool Act, $1200m 949-673 7fJX) "'ce $1595 949-612-6004 &•ltd comm. S2300/mo Act 949 7~9 9341 Neer New,ert Hh, completely remod 2br l.Sbl hwnhm. new wd. ,_ ~~c:arpel Yd W/f1/I,,._ Gar W/OfllJ<'I« No pet. s 1675 949-SOO- m3 562-&-1684 ----•-a ........... .......... .....,..... 2br 2ba rental Newport Buch Penins.ula. neer Newport pier $1800 Act t4t-67J-7IOO New,ert CrHt, 2br 2ba. 2 c ear, w11k to bch, len/pooVsp11. $1950 Avejl now 949·707-4408 ~tty 21 ....... 21/.a. Tow11houst t860sf. 2-c pr, Wlllbll.~ nr F ast.wi Ill S2l!iOtn no pel .,.. lie 95-m-0622. 1)-1.AfnlUff 1)- 38r 2Br. J•rllp, w/d "°°'up· S2300/mo ~ 949-293-4630 HOYA.II 2br 2ba 2 c car. 11ted. community pool, art $2400 949-293-~l AlO Tue~. st ~. 2003 "Employee." "Empleado." .. Bridge ~HARLES GOREN OMAASHAAIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WATCH 1110SE ENTllIES Nc1thtt vulnerable. North deals. value in beasts.. Nor1h h:id a clear raise IO cv.o..,,.tes over South'• ~ spade~ and it would have been 'Jnoos f()f South to~ anything les ll1an four spades. (Three spades would have been Inv i · IAllonal, not fon:ioa.) NOR111 • KQJ 0 91 0 J 61 • AJ 532 WEST • 963 EAST West led the queen of hearts, and declarer's first chore wu to k~ East off play to prevent • lead thou the king of dlamoods. Therefore queen of hearts was allowed IO h01d the first Irick and the heart continua- tion was taken with the ace. ' 0 QJ 105 o AQ7 •42 'V K8643 0 10 94 3 • K94 • 10 7 SOUTH • "10 8 7 5 o A2 o K85 •Q86 The bidding: NORTH EAST .. ,_ SOUTH WEST I•. 1'- Trumps wcrd drawn lo three rounds coding in hand, and lhc time had COfJlC to lllCklc dubs. lf the king was with East gllllnled no more Lhan twice, declarer bad to hope for split diamond booOn and to guas oorrect· ly when East O\lldc the llW'ked dia- mood !ohifl. lf the kin& WllS W[lh West. <b:larcr dcmo1mraled that the cootract could oot be defeated. Z• .._ 4• ...... .._ ,_ Oproing lead: Queen of -:; Somc1imcs more than one approach IS needed 10 land your COii· lnlCt. Here Soulh had to combine a~oidance with entry management to get home The bidding was textbook. With lh.rcc pov.crful trump~ .and a ruffing A low club was led and the jack was fioessed s~i.fully. DeclUtCr now continued with a low club IO the queen 3lld king! Given the 3-2 club divi\ioo, oo matter what We \t returned, the dcfcndcn couJd do no bcncr then score ooc diamood trick Four spades bid and made. CorHr o,,.rt-ltl11t Fl/PT pos avail Loolo.1111 for Individuals who are r ehablt, f11el)dlp and w1111n1 to work C111 us 1t I 866 604 8325 $600 · $1520/WHKLYI Pos tal posll1ons/an nouncement •ND81. Enlr y Profuslonal level No expertence neces· sa1 y Paid tra1n1na/ vacaltons C1ll Monday Sdlurday for app/mlo I 800 620 1401 • 703 (Monday Saturday). (CAL •SCAN) ••ACCEPTING CALLS 7 DAYS•• Postel posi t 1o ns/lederal hire $14.SO.hr /PO tralntnl/ benefits 800 878 548!;. Announcement •CA920 (CAl •SCAN) NOMAmR Pubhsh1n1 raoMOTIONS DlrUTMINT Community newspapers '" Of 81119 County sedls F ul Time person to 111terv- and wrrte storll!S, parbel· pate '" community events. creete and paamate J>11iM and sec:tM>ns C xcellent communication skills, work well with the pubtoc. Know AP Style, Qua<kXPress, Photoshoc>. Mult1·Ad Cre- atm. Proficient on MN:, and PC, CCI desian experierice preferred. Prooheadlo&: test. Drua sa~physlcal required. EOE. Excellent benefit peckaa-Ema4 resume, wrotine $11mples and Slllaty requirements to lanl.jDhnson@lilbmes com a.,.,,1-1at rart-tl- ear ly mornmp & eve· n11111 for NB Heath Club Contlct M*e ~2·3215 r ull hme 1ns1de '>ales repreHnt1t1ve to sell Clus1f1ed Adverhsina at loc1I newspaper aroup Phone sales e•perience preferred Appllc.nt should be a self-~arter. reliable. deadhne and eo•I oriented, possess eacell«nt cushimer servtee 1b1hty Compute•/ typme skills required Company offers e•cel lent benefit packaee. Pre· screening required Equal opportunity em· ployer Send resume with salary requirements .ltdy Oettllll(ci) LA ni-com 01 fax to ~l-«64 Mbnoblles --IMW '97 3211 C-. metalhc dark blue/erey tthr. s uper b cond throuehout Sl5 495 ,,_.;72421 Bkt 949-!>8&-1888 www.o<poltl.com IMW 3231 '99 Cenvt fully loaded uperadu I car owner Low ml. mint cond 949-5 J<MSll) !'!J&.21t>4346 IMW 3231 '99 c-vl r ully loaded, upar adu 1 car owner Low m1, mini cond. 949-510458J 569-211>-046 I MW'tl 74011 (3) BIVlan. cashmere/tan. areen/tan. •lnl cond S20 950 949·500·8641 "Arbeitneh mer. '' "Employe." ~.f.ilot HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. GET rAJD TO SHOr Mystery Shopper need ed Pose as customers & eet paid. Local stores, 1utaur1nts & theaten rluble hours £mail IMW 'ti U c-v. auto whttl!/tan llhr. CO. beaullful hke new cond Sl7,49S v59724 fin ' wan avM 8lv 949-58'> 11118 0 C111fornl1 law re qulrn that cont11c tori tllk1n1 job1 th1t total $500 or more (labor or mtterlals) be licensed by IM Contractors Stale License 8oerd State llw el.so requ11es that contractors include their Uceose number on Ill advertts1nt You cen check the status of your licensed co ntr1ctor at www cslb.c1.1ov or 800·32l·CSLB. Unh· cerised contractors lllllna jobs thet total less thin SSOO must shte In their edvertisements that lhty ere not licensed by the Contractors State Llc1nse Board." Carpenlrf A -Z HANDYMAN Install, relace cabinets. Mdw\lba!IVcbnlwnbws ~ Ooua 71~7Z58 carpet Repair/Sales ~CAarET-QCAarn~ R1p111s, Petch•na. Instill Courteous any size tobs Wholesale• 949-492-0205 Touch of~ European Expert in House Cleaning 20 years in Business Licc115Cd & Booded Profcs,1onal teams as"gncd 10 Your Home (949) 548·0097 Free E.~rimotcs References Spriog Cleaning Specials QulclcKINn Renew, don't,.,.. tllelQroul looi"I, ~. lflowets, ~-== --m www.qlltl9.oom • lllHOME ' IUSl#ISS •El'AJ•S Uparades. Rep11rs of Computer. Networks Evemnes/Weekends Compet1t1ve prlcei for qualtty serv1c 949..aH-1175 7 l4-t26-4221 Concme' Masonry lrldi "°'" s•-· Tile Coocrete, Pello, Orrvew1y Flreplc, BBQ. Rel's 25Yrs Exp Terry 714·557·7594 t YOUaHOMl IMPltOVIMINT raOJECT? Call'il plumber. p11nter handymen, or any ol the arut services hsted here 1n our servica d11ectMyl lHESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI WITIHOEn DaYWAU All ph11es sm/lr' Jobs. CllANI 20yr1, f111, free est L~ 714-fi.39.1447 Eltdrtcll lllVICll DUNCAN EUCTaK local. Quick Response Home, Yard & Dock Elect 20 Yr1 Cap. Uc/Insured lt275870 949·650-7042 DUTCHMAN IUCTalC Comm•clal, lnduatrlal, re.. <••-' •• Allidll'lliil ~ ~ Ctmentwork, Brick, Tiit ff* tff1'S!l -~ & Mort Rtli1blt Ho Job too small 714·615·9062 UCINSID COMTUCTOll Ho jDb loo 1111. ,. ..,_, Rep11r, remodel, f111s, .... -S¥C 96645 36156 required 1·877 366·4441 est 6048 !CAL •SCAN) Gardenlr!W LJndlcaplng ~SK. l9Y,. .. Lawn worll, yard ~. m.1!:aln, tree tnm. spmkts Comm/Rn 714·436·1518 l-Ton11 i..tcfsc_,.. w.Joy mad. tree trrmq & installation 25 Yrs up Lie/insured 949·548-.4363 ... s •-Up Get your yerd lool11n1 its best lar the umw. Y.-d cletn-l.OS. ~ ~and~ weekend a. eve ~tes Xtre H-.t Servi~•• 714-427-t040 Trea Service, Yard Cleanup. M1lnl1nanc:e, Sprinkler Repair, Haultne (t4t) uo..a111 HI'> TORl • RlPAIR //. Ill MOO! I IN<. CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yrs &;I • Grllt !W's Al Pl-. d Construcllon ~ Alrnodll EJiplrll ll577982 948-708-5642 www.e cpal.coM Handyman/ Home Repair GFM:IAl. IEPAll 'MAIN1F.NAN<E • blcotral . Qmmoal No Job Too Smal.I Dawe Hamilton 949·322-1292 RX ur 5'1CIAUST. All types of 1ep1ln. Eltc:· trice!, plornblne. doors, ~ heelers. liD & more 24hr/7days 714·366 1881 JeneyAltr-'• H-ae,.tr S,.Clellst lntertor & EK!erlor Repairs 714-501 ·6466 THI HANDYMAN All Work 1ua11nleed Pll.rnlq, Ellc1ra. Ooor1, Fhsll carp Ilk. 9&~ ""'"" IUNI TO THI DUM"lt 714-968-1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673 55M .... ~ ...... .... Rl•••llll ~f °""ta~ 714-3Gl-07U ............ -......... iii~:i•ii• .......... -hid& ... ...... •oOd mech1nicml condition. low mll•••· UO VI, $3000 obo .... M.0141. c..._ ....... tw-4 sltvlf/SJtY, '*• IUIWOOf, lth1. 1uto. 3811 ml, l4IOO ""' 11<11949-7eo-<1144 ~ ... .._,..._ 3.5 Y6 I ·owner, 4311 1ctu1I ml, booh, rec:orda, metallic tur quolu/un llhr. fullr lo1d1d, 11111 new $5250 ll!ll6672J8 • 965116-lflll ••... ,, ..... , ... 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Servin& All Cdles Insured T163844 800 246-2378 323 630 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE lh1 C1llf PuJilic Utilities Commlu1on requlrn th1t all used houuhold 1ood1 movers r""' their P U.C. Ca T number: limos and ch1uffaur1 prln\ their T .C P. oumber In 111 advlf tlsem1rits. II you have 1ny quesltoos about the leaellty of 1 mover, tlmo or chauffeur, call: f'UIUC UT1UT11S COMMlllMNf 100 177~ ... 7 1 ., ........... 8IUe w,+111ut. orrt; 141( Ml, Sports f'llc. OIMJIC) '24.980 . .... Sliver w/bla~k lthr moonroof (19542) $22,980 ,,,,,os., •• White w/Saddla luther, Moooroof (19443) $29,980. 0 I J•111er S Ty,1 See Grun w/S1ddlt l thr. 28K ml, Moon,oof (19112) $32,980. '' ,..,,., .. sur u o Blue w/bl1ck.1rey • sports pk& ( 19416) $27.980. oo•MWS4ot Bleck w/81eclo. . premium sound s unroof (17607) $29,980. 0, ,..,.,,,. ,.,,,,. T1ptron1c, Only 18k mllu, Nav•aat1on (19394) INQUIRE fl taa111 GS 300 Gold w/S1ddle leather. Chrome Wheel$ (19418) $22,980 02l'e,,clt•G12 Black w/bl1ck only JOOm1lu (l 9597C) INQUIRE 0 I Marc•"-• ClSOO Sliver w/Grey, Navl· &.•lion. Only 151'. m1 ( 195-45C) INQUIRE 00 ,.,.,,,. '•"''•' Sliver w/81ack. Premium Sound ( 194263) S28.980 949-574-7777 PMl1'SAUTO •11•1• PalNlng ~""""~· ~Professional Painting lJC.1494350 lnterior/Elterior Deeclltift P.mtitg Qir llltdriDC Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa. ca (949) 646·3006 Cell 949-887·1480 C"-e'• ..... 'llYts up Gr .. f Pncel Guaranteed work Free nt. L•375602 71 •·538· 1534 7. 39(). 2945 ICl'S CUSTOM rAINTING Pron. cle1n, quality work Interior /u t and docks. L#703468 !J.t9-631 ·4610 J ......... , ......... Top Quality, Competliive lnt1110f/ht L'648228 C1ll Jay 949-650·5066 HINIOW mlQI MMNf Pa111tl111-t!Vut. Hauw/Apt Quality jobf Fr11 nbm1te Ll569897 714-636-88118 <-. Sen4 your best lritnd lo camp wtlil• you 10 on nc1tlon. s.1.. friendly ' tun ~ "'*°"'""" .. Ult Arrowheld for IOdlilttd dop No kenneb. w.Ml!d ... ..W. to 111111 ll'Olll ~,....,..,.u ..... - vw ......... 8l 12'1 ectual.ml, 5spd, alllllf/ black lnl, pw, pl, hh lllW, f1ntattk: HV1np S!MOO d 75t861 8kr. •••-sat-11U -...-.- AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Lon 1225 HOMI MOUGAGl lOAHS Lowat lnl•f't rata. N. credit types_ Ho pr1-91yment ,,.... Best servoce In th• st1t1 c.tifornia DRE Empyr .. n F~ c.11 now llX>-m 6969 (CAI. •SCAN) MCMITGAGI lOAHS To JOOS F1nancin1 zero dowlJ Ho lljlpllcel.-,_, Bad credit no problem! Unlinttad cmh out. ,. ~, Morlpce I·*» ~2626 (CAL •SCAN) PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 DUffY lUCTaK 'ft CLASSIC l8FT fully restored, $14,000 ttlc• 949.341.94z4 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES • .. tJ" sur AVMAIU IN NIWPOltT llACH SUOOLIASI t4t-SOO-l00S • NM.I .t.ck ., tiff tie for 36tt power boat In Newport 8Hdl Pluse cill 714·957·6126 TtHUsAboat YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 PLUG IN Plug into t he Piiot .c lassified section to find services from e lectronics and • p lumbers, to landscapers and painters. NtWPQJ\1 EtlAC t t • <<J'",.fA M l ,.._/\ Daily Pilot ltOMUT&msoMAIU l't.UMBER L'506586. f , .. Est! Sm rtplb. OCTFCU Diie. 714-ZJ5-9150 NIOSI f'W ...... R191if't & ltlmodel1n1 FREE ESTIMATE L'687-714·969 1090 ,. .... C~UGHT IN THE ~CT t .-·~ ..... , .... ~ Enall•h lud111, pn1' tu1lonel writer. ] 1pecl1llze In procrHlli natlna teens Sum111• r11dln1 Co1ch EalJ'f compo1lllo11 Teac!Nr: lndiwldU11/Group i:atu, ref1renc11 anllable. Su• Clerk 949.z75.4905 ... a.Ill .... Wiit -DWlllVICI S.tltftetloll her ..... • 94•131·1112 •