HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-08 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing th e N ewport-Mesa com munity since 1907 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2003 ACLU sues city .on behalf of march Restrictions set by Costa Mesa City Council on Dyke March taking place later this month are 'uncon stitutiona l,' civil liberties gro up says. the conditions. The ciry dropped one condition and changed another one to give the group more privacy. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot the ciry "unreasonable" and "unconsti- tutional" and criticizing the entire per- mit process. But that wasn't enough to appease the organizers. who say they have rut sig- nificant roadblocks in the discussions. With the march a little more than a week away. they felt their civil rights and right to march unencumbered were at stake, they said. down to 2 I conditions now, and we consider that to be burdensome and oppressive,· said Tlicia Aynes, director of communications for the Gay and Les- bian Center of Orange Counry. which funds the march. Acting Ci ry Arry. Tom Wood said he hadn't received a copy of the lawsuit yet. but had tallced to an attorney re- presenting the organizers. COSTA MESA -The American Civil Ubenies Union fil ed suit against the ciry on Thursday on behalf of organfaers of the Orange Counry Dyke March, calling demonstration requirements set up by . The march is slated to take place Aug. 16, with a rally at noon before the march at 5 p.m. Organizers have been negotiating with ciry officials for two months to ease "!The ciry) just kept wanting more time and they'll make tiny conc~ions. but the overall tenor of it i.s that il's ·rm disappointed they felt the need to '>Ue the ciry." Wood said. ·1 kn ow ~taff was working very consc1entiousJy to try KENT TREPTOW I OAll.Y PlOT M1m1 Sharon Stem 1s one senior who has decided to cycle her way around her neighborhood rather than drive. Putting it to the pedal Lolita Harper Daily Pilot M irni Sharon Stem is blazing her own uail on an electric blue tricycle with a large white basket on the back. Her small frame sits delicately on the extra large seat and she smiles as she pedals through Newport-Mesa. Westcliff resident Mimi Sharon Stein had neve r driven a car a nd needed a way to get about town whe n her husband died She has a set routine. Tuesday and Thursday, she rides the trike around her Westcllff ndgh.borhood, and on Saturday, she ventures farther for her weekly trip to Mother's Market. HI Like to eat healthy, you know," Stein said. Her healthy lifestyle accounts for her amazing energy considering her age -wruch is. what? ·1 am a senior," Stein said. "I never tell anyone how old I am because they won't believe what I am doing." Her neighbor. Marie Romano, gave her up, though. THINKING ALLOWED "She is the cutest Little old lady," Romano said. "I know she must be in her 80s and she can't ........ uiave. Instead of maneuvering two tons of steel on four wheels around her hometown of 32 years. Stein prefers to feel the breeze hit her face and the sun shine on her shoulders. Unlike other seniors who have difficulty admitting when they Marines daughter won't see that 0. C. L lttle Michaela Spence ls an angd. A chubby Unle blbf wtth the pinkelt c;heeb you have ever seen. o.ddy~ little girt. Marine Staff Sgt. Cass Spence, who bas been the topic or MYet'll Daily Pilot .... Md columns, aaJd Im~ tittle daughter wm newr be 01voJved in that kind of stuff. ·Not just no. but hell no," Cass said about the po91ibWty of his daughter Fut forward 16 years to the night after a charity fuhJon ehow, when ehe and her friends steal alcohol from their parents and throw a wUd. ~party at • friend~ beech ho~. Sound famfUm1 1 'OIJt'A getting half naked at some "' " beldt party, down1ng more "'1/tlcome to che O.C. HARPER than• r.w vodka coc:b.a. and hlvtna. dveetome In the badwom-... IOlne of the .._. ~ Belc:b leerll were lapillh91" -a line from the ina'9ftl epl9ode of Iba Pa& necwolk abow "The o.c •• whkb .. ..:r-1 ID tab pllce In~ I ~ID die newlV drama. C-.•~ sttaight-talklog. don't-tab-no-bull-from-nobody kind of guy. said S.tan wiD be having a soowb&O a.tit before Mkbaela gm caught up lo dULt. Old I mention CUI WU a Marine, trained in combet and MlpOIJI tK:ticl? Yeah. You think be fcqbt bard during b1s tour In tr.qr Jult wait until aome poor tebmuck a1ee to drop Mid\ae.la off on the doorstep, Plleed oul (Yes, anodw m hm "-ep.ode ol "1.beO.C.., But~Wbioikl .. Wrlhll't~ ~ .......... ,...1n ~ ............. Piel old can no longer drive. the Newpon Beach resident said it wasn·t hard to give up her car keys. "My husband never let me drive," she said. Stein is a walker. she saJd, and has always had her husband and great friends to get her around town. A!. time wore on and her husband's health failed. Stein turned to wallcing. Her husband was hospitalized with pneumonia and died in March. Stein said. Not long after, Stein had hip surgery. Although she recovered beautifully, she See PEDAL, Pase M Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ONlltEWEB: -.w.daiM>iJt.com WEATHER Ah, the werm'lh of the IW\.. ""-''•Whet the IMdt .. must,,..,. been aoonl"9 about. S.PlpA2. SPORTS and resolve the dlfferencf'S that became apparent during the penrut proce~s I thought we'd done that.· The goaJ of the march is to promote visibiliry, empowem1ent and equa.llry for lesb ian, b1.,exual and transgender women in the county, according tu the lawsuit. The law~ull claim'> that lhe ciry's per mit proce~ gives officials too much d1'>- cretion to determine lhe penrut cond1 See MARCH, Pa&e M Vendors v ow t o fi gh t longer fair Market Place regulars say selling at the Orange Co unty Fa ir didn't make up for a missed weekend . Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot FAIRGROU"\O~ -~me OrclilF(t: Counry Market Plale vendors \\ho optt-d to sell thetr wares at the fair to compen sate for a lost weekend or lhe swap meet say they lo!>t money in the endeavor "It W1i!I a complete Oop. '><lid Rick Horn. whose company. ~uthwest Design -.ell'> furniture. "We even lowered our pnce<. 20% on th~ last weekend to try to generatt' some busmes.s. Hon~tly. I didn't wlJ c.1.m fumi ture at alJ." The fair board offered spots to vt'ndor. at the fau after ll decided to expand tht' fair an extra weekend to accommodJtt' crowded cond1uons. OnJv 85 of tht• 900 vendors. less than 10%. took them up on the offer. ~d Tom A.'>kt'\o\. pre.,1den1 or tht vendors· assoc1auon The dismal financial rerum has prompt ed some of the vendor.. to say lhe\ \'.1U lobby even harder to get lhe fair back IO 1l'> 17-day schedule next year "I think we'U put up more of a fight for See FAIR. Paee A<4 THE RECALL Two locals could be on the ballot Newport-Mesa reside n ts are considering entering the crowded race to re place California's governor. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MF.SA -1Wo local k>ng- sbots are among the growing list of Cali- fornians who are considering running in the race to replace Gav. Gray Davis. C.Orona del Mar surgeon Don Udall and Costa Mesa eledridan Joel Wirth have taken out pepers In anticipation of Satur- day's 6llng deadline for the Oct. 7 recall elec1ioo. In contrul. Rep. Dwrdl lSla (R-V~. who p.mped $1.S mlllion oC bis own mooey Into b teal e«ort. puDed out of the race on 1bunday. 1lu bad ~ up a '*"P""' ollce bl Cotta Mela. ..... mt from the na came a day after actor Arnold ~announced on Jay tenoi "The TuNgbt Show" that be woWd Rift. The funnel" Mr. Unlftne -dle1tarol1Uthftllm•1be~" ...... Min" and ·PnldMoro" In the ... two. ... 111111111 ...., foriDtt ~--­Guw. ,_. " .. lhllL Olla'° a.a Mlpolt dllllia ollce ... WM.Un,,_M ' A2 Friday, August 8, 2003 STEVE McCRANK/OAlLY PILOT Orange County sheriff's deputy Brad Lofland with some of the abandoned boats the Harbor Patrol is holding. , F loating hassles Tom Forquer Daily Pilot T he majority of Newport Harbor's 12,000 boats are owned and moored responsibly by I.heir owners. The few 1.hat aren't can create hassles and headache:-. fo r I.he Orclllge Counry I !arbor Patrol in Newport Beach. As of Wednesday. the I !arbor Patrol d ock had a colJeclion of 19 kayak._,, ,. m otorboats. dinghies and one windsurfe r.One of Brad Lofland's duties as a Harbor Patrol deputy is to collect, store. process and get rid of I.his unclaimed flotsam, something he described as "a real h assle." Some boats may be there fro m owner carelessness, accide ntaUy set adrift after not be ing properly secured after doclcing or towing. Most. however, are being held because I.h eir owners abandoned I.hem , unwilling lo properly sell or discard them, he said. Using CF -fo r California -and hull WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHArS AflOAT is published periodically. If you are planning a na\JUcal event, submit the informatio n to the Daily Pilot, 330 W-Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast College is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes a re five weeks in length, and boats range from Udo 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The ace Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. Sailing Fascination offers classes in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employers an bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offer$ a chance for groups to work with the on-board The county Harbor Patrol not only has to keep the harbor safe. it has to keep it free of abandoned boats \ identifk<llion numbers, I.he maritime equivalents of a car's license plate and vehicle identification number, Lofland can in some cases contact I.he vessel's owner by mail o r phone and serve them with their $1,500 abandonment fine and get them to claim their boat However, many small boats do not have such numbers, and the dWners can rarely' be found or enticed to clai.rp•their boats. At that point the boats are put up for auction. But before a boat can be sold, it must go throJJgh a OMV-required h olding period -60 days for one with CF numbers, 90 without. &!en if the boat sells, it must be held for another 10 days. instructor on different sailin: techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina WaterSporu at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercra~. jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, pU1 you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, o r soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals a n put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt padcages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and Olris Miller of the d epartment of Harbor Resources. a co-organizer of the auctions, said. "It's mainly a vehicle to dispose of the boats." At $800, last April's auction sum was considered incredibly successful by Miller. He was than.k.ful for July's sum of about $150, an auction at which a 25-foot Macgregor sailboat sold for $1 . "We never cover our cost, we always lose,· said Lofland, who has been a Harbor Patrol deputy for 2!h years. So what is the outcome of months of storage and hours of office wod to sell a mossy kayak.? Space for another abandoned vessel. "I could probably go out and bring in four or five more boats. but I don't have room for them,· Lofland said. As a la&t resort, boats that cannot be sold are'taken to the dump by the city. Though Lofland has distaste for the actions of the owners who abandon these boats. he admits that "it's lcind of the nature of the beast, with 12,000 boats in · the harbor." catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Elec:tric: t>o.t rentals are available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. P9dat bom, electric boats, boogie boards. kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours are ohred by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese. salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventures/Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one~hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour wtth dinner and champagne is $180. Pidcup Is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. DailyAPilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No news stories, Sean Hiller, Dori Leoch, illustrations, editorial matter or Kant Treptow advertisements herein can be READE.RS HOTUNE reproduced without wrftt8f"I (949) 642-6086 permission of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 220 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US Daily Pilot or news tips. Clmti.tion THOMAS H. JOHNSON News Ecfftora AddNM The Times Orange County Publisher Gina Alexander, Lor1 Anderton, Our address is 330 W. Bay St., Costa TONYDOOERO (800) 252-9141 Editor Daniel Hunt. Paul Seltowltz. Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are ~ JUDY OETTING Daniel Stevena Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. NEWS ~ a1 uffl..t (9491 642-5678 Advertls~ector Crime~co~rrter, ~ Dllpllly (949) 642-4321 LANA . ON It 11 the Pilot's policy to promptly Promotions Director e.bMlll (949) 574-42.2 correct all errors of substance. News <IHpa,bharathlllatlnH#.oom Pleese call (9491 764-4324. (949} 642·5680 EDITING STAFF June=•• lpott9 (949) 574-4223 S.J. Cahn Newport reporter, FYI News,.... (949) ~ rto Ma~lng Editor, (949} 57U232 The Newport 8eedVCost.a Mese ---.... (Ml) 8&0-0170 (949 674-4.233 l""-·~•i.tlnw.com Deny Pilot (lJSPS-144-800) le 1./.cahntl latimes.com l1llal; dllHypilofOt.tlmacom JamesM.W ,...Cllmt publi9hed daily. In N.wpoft Beedl M91110.. C!.t)' Editor, Politicl. bu91,,... and MYlfonment and eo... Meta,~ are l•tlnaa O...UM8} ~21 (949J 7&M324 l'epOl18r, , .. , 7&M3aO IYlilabtt only by Wbect'lbing to The ...... ,.. , ... , 831-7129 janl#.melf/JrO/Mim#.com p1111l.clltff00•,.,,,,,_com Tlmee Ontnoe County (8001 RJahard Dunn Lolla ..... 25241.t 1. In 11'"9 outaide of -Spotia Edh<H: Columnlet, culture ftPOf*, Newpon BMdl and Co.ti Mela, (9'9157""'223 rit:hMd.dufln "1d1Ma.oom (IMIJ5'14-C79 wbec:rlpdone to the O.lty Plfot are ............. lollta.,,.,,_.,.,,,,_,oom ~ only by fl'9t c:ta.a melt for Alt Director I Newe o.t Chief, .,..,..,....,_. ao per month. tPtlctm lndude e11 Publilhed by Tl ..... Communltv {"'8)PM22A Cotta Mele ,...W. UMI) 57<M221 llPPlk:et* ..... and loC9I tllda.) ~tofl'~.com dltltdr&,..,,,.,,.llldmt111.oom flOSTMASTEA: Send..,... Hewe.• dhllllon or ... 1.oe ~ ... MICt .. c.m-... -.. to The N9wpoft ,...... Photo Yleor, , .. ,,,..... Newt 1'11~1Mll7~ ~ M9ee Delly l'ltol.11!0. Caol l"""' CN. All ,...... ~•--.awn OOtel. .............. OPm b 1NO. COllll Maea. C.A ma ~. I THE HARBOR COLUMN The finials are back in town Ahoy. get to their destination by boat. that would decease a car trip. Let's make Newport known for boater-friendly atmosphere and facilities. The finials areback- or. as I remember a harbOr commissioner calling them, the "Melum Fi.niaJs, ~ as a final legacy when Tony Melum retired as Harbor Resources manageL TIP OF THE WEEK Don't say you MIKE didn't know. because WHITEHEAD you are reading it here. C.Oming up What is a finial? Webster defines finials as l) foliated ornament forming an upper extreniity esp. in Gothic architecture: 2) a crowning ornament or detail. OK. what d oes this have to do with the boating and the harbor'? an:a 1935, a colorful circuJar ornament was placed on top or the posts at every public dock in Newport Harbor. The idea was to make the public docb ea&Jy distinguishable from the private docks for boaters and visitors. nme has taken its toll on the o.dginal oak finials that have either rotted off their posts or the decorations were removed before falling on an unsuspecting dock visitor. Upon the recommendation of the Harbor C.Ommission, the city of Newport Beach ls replacing the finials designed like the originals that look like chess pawns on steroids. About 4 feet in height and painted blue and white. the new finials are constructed of fiberglass with a gel coat finish that should last for years and years. Glad to see that a little character and maritime history is being added back to Newport Harbor. Additionally. I think all the public doclcs can be further improved with location signage for boaters and by increasing the docking time limit from 20 minutes to a few hours.. lbere are not any public doclcs in Newport Harbor where a visiting boater can tie up for a few hours to go grocery shopping or dine at a restaurant Long Beach's Rainbow Harbor is a great example with their public docking, and even Morro Bay has installed a large public dock. Presendy. I am very limited in where I can temporary dock a 53-foot yacht in our harbor. I can go to I.he Cannery, Woody's, Villa Nova or the Nautical Museum, but only if I am using their services. It would be great if I could dock for a couple of hours. I would not mind pa.d::ing meters similar to what is available for cais. However. we now have the public docb and thousands of boaters looking for somewhere to go. I think that the public docks could actually fit into traffic models used for the roadways. If someone could this month are three important meetings that di.rectty affect boating, harbor usages. marine industry and water quality. ln the middle of next week. I.here are two city of Newport Beach mee~ and the fourth Tuesday of the month is the Newport Beach Ownber of C.Ommeroe Marine Committee meeting. The first meeting is the Newport Beach Harbor C.OmmWlon, scheduled at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Oty C.OWldl chambers. Unfortunately. I will ~ this meeting, as I will be serving as captain aboard a new yacht bound for the isthmus on Catalina Island. 11m eomn. is the chabman of the Harbor C.Ommission. You can read the agendas and minutes at www.cil)( newport-beach.ca. uslhbrl Agendo.sandminuta.hlm. The city of Newport Beach Coastal/Bay Water Quality Otiz.ens AdWory C.Om:rn.ittee chaired by C.OWlcilman Tud Rklg Ml)'. will meet in the Fire C.Onference Room from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday. I find the water quality meetinp very informative, and this volunteer group deserves a lot of the credJt for the drastic improvements 1n our baibor's CMrall water quality. hence the committee's name. Surf on over to www.city. newport-beadu:a. uslhbrl ~Ul4 htmfor~aod minutes. Mmk Sllwy is chairing the very active Marine C.Ommittee at 7:30 a.rn. Aug. 26 in the Newport Beach O:wnber of C.Ommerce's conference room. Silvey has on his radar land use development as it affects the marine economy, fire codes for docks. charter boat is.sues. harbor visitor facilities. beach restoration, dredging and eel grass regulations. This meeting is a must for marine busin~ and those people interested in our marine commWlity. Call the chamber at (949) 729-4400 or surf to ~newportbeach.com Safe voyages.. • MICE WKmEAD is the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him yoor harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions by &-mail to mike§boathouMtV.com or visit boathousetv.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF tt'tt be another beautiful day If you're looki~ for waves today, with highs In the larger than waist igh, take the mld-«>e In eo.ta Meu and In dry road becaUM you won't lne.nct N.wport Beedl. find eny todey. The coat wtll tddc to the Saiurday wtll be much the mld-10I. Overnight tows wtll Mme. atev warm -the mld-eOI. The letest IOUthwett ewell Setuf'dey loob to be 9Y9f\ WU e>epeeted to arriw Sunday, wemw, end Sunday wtM tec1c but loob till• tt'1I be late, ao on another degf'M. Highs wtf' -· . . expect an tncreeee on Mondey top out at ebotM 88 or ao. At that point, we'll ... ~ to : ............... WWW..IMll.no.9.gov ~but notuntll 1hen. ... .-Illy:. BOATING FORECAST www.tutfrtdw.atg The .... will blow 10111'°'9 TIDES In the Inner W9Mrl, with 2..foot n.. W9we Md a nonh\:eelt IWell of ltZla.m. 3 to I fMit. THa damoon, the ..,... wll become MMMy 1~p.m. and. blow 10 to 11 .,,., '1:Glp.m. Out ....... ¥J 111My 2:*4a.m.. wkMll•btowMronget'M15 ID 21llnc*,wlll J.to4.foot WATER ............. , ..... °' TEmuATUIE Ito?..._ The_..wll be ........... ------.,...------------- County health care agency report for 2002 finds improve m ent in the citis water quality and fewe r clos ures. Cove Sratc Park. The repon. in contrd.St to Heal the Bay' annual survey. doesn't offer letter grades for points aJong the beach. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bt-ACI I County W-dler quality regulators have given Newpon Beach high mark.s in a shoreli11e stlfVl'Y of beach poslini;s and closurc.'S during 2002. "Newport !Beach) comes out smeUing lik.e a roi.e," 'laid Mpnica Mwur. i.pokeswoman for the Orani.:e Coun1y I lealth Can: Agency. "We don't give Emulex has good news from its quarter profit~ A 16% revenue: mcrc:a<:.e from sale~ of 11\ hnst bu' adapter<; drow a !>Ohdly profitable 4uaner. [· muJex Corp. ;mnoum ed fhur<. day. I he C "''a Mc·...a tel hnolnh'Y comp.iny, wluch providt·' ndapr er-. U'>t·d in data '>IOragt'. rl'poned a !.lrong n•vt•r..,al from the 'iame quarter a yt•ar ugo. hnult·x reported 1w1 111r11111c• of S 111.4 millm11 , or .!.2 cen1~. rr1111pared to a lo'' of S 11.-1 rrnl ho11, or 14 rent\, <• year agu. We lwht•Vl' l:mukx i' 111 it newly 'trenJ.'1.hened po-.111nr1 111 exp.md our pn.''><:nn· 111 upc111n inK quarter .. :· '>auJ Paul l·ohno. tlw tornpany\ 1 hann1.111 .ind lhlfd t.'X('( UllVC. I hr frame e nd111g luly 2111-. lhl' 1ompdm \ fhu1I founh quant•r \l1<1re'> of I mult·x m't' 97 1 t•11t\, or 4 7'"· tu 1 lo,(• al S2 I 42 1111 rlw ~t·w York 'lrnd .. I ~dlJngt• Lihraf) \ author \Cric"' take\ on cats un<l dog~ \, ,1 1 om lu<,11111 to till' "M t't'I 1lw Author" '>t'rit''>, t lw hhrary "'II pre.,ent "( .ih I'-Dog<," from i to ~I p 111 Wrdnt .. ,d.1y. I lie prugram will fl·a1111t• Pa· trn 1a ( .uiwr, author of the lll'li tah l>ooli1tlt• a111m.il my ... u•ry '>l' m·' anti "ia ndy Hoh1m. a 1ourn.1li'>t for c at Fancy who 5prnal11t'' 111 nonf11·111111al arll· cit-' about l al lwhaVIor I he '''rlt'' givt'' 1wopk ,, thJllll' llll'l'l ;\nil "Pl".lk \\llh Orange c otJrll\ .tlllhor-.. t•n1oy rl.'lre,hmt•n" .ind gt·I rhe1r boob t.ih'llrJ f-or m on· mlorm,111011. call (1M4) 717 11116 Ill Vl'>ll u•11•w 11t'1111>or thl'fl< /1/1/lmn "'>! Actress and ~ingcr will present show al OCC Attre....,, '>tnger and dm•ctor Heth l lan'l'l1 will bt' pre,t•nting hc:r one woman 'how · An Eve- nin~ With Heth I laml•n" on AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to milce.swsnson aJ/atimes com; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4298 Include the tr me. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www da1/yp1/ot com TODAY Hombk>wer Cruises and Events offers a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor, a gourmet ..... -'c:upunclur~ W'orl..w "f • I• I' ' ' •I ' •) I" ' ' I I I 11 'I h , I , • I \ grades, we just put ou1 the dala. • The agency released its 2002 Annual Ocean and Bay Water Quality Repor1 a week ago. It sho~ that al two of the three Sllt!tch es of Newpor1 Beach shoreline, the number of posl- ingi. and closures during the high beach-use period from April to October dropped in 2002 from 2001 . Water quality also improvt.>d in the waters off the slate's Cry>tal While the number of sewage spills increased during the year, I~ sewage Wab spilled because city crew' quickly cleaned them up, Mazur said. "Being the preeminent coastal cily in Southern California, we've got to -.cl ao example." Mayor Steve Bromberg said. "We prac- tice what we preach." Along the 39!1, miles of New- port I larhor. postings dropped to 4J from B8. Ille number of days BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Sept n and 7 to rai'ie money for Orange Coast <...ollege'i. 5pnng mui.1eaJ "Pippin," which she will direct. I lan.,on .• accompanied by le rrance AUarac and Mrk. furn· hull, will pre'>ent a collage of popular show tune!>. I lanwn. who ha.., directed produclions 'iUCh a' "Little 'ihop of llorrnr">" an d "42nd Strt·<•I,.. has been performtnK "An l:vening" '>Ince 199B. I ickch are avuilablc al OCC.\ l>tir-.ar's office. rfo: l11">l I'> $l0 for adUll'> dllll 'f, 10 tor -.tudent-. and ">l'l11tH\ 111 .11h .1nn" I 1ckei... at the door c o...r $5 more. I or more: 1nforma1ion, c.:all f7I I 143Z 5880 Community center lo hold benefit concert Cuartelo ·Tri:''> S1gJu ... de \lu '>tea " -fhree C.enruril.''> < lf Mu "c C)uanet -will play al tht• Jew1'ih Commumry Center al L p.m. Aug. 24 10 ra1c;e monev fur I hl' roml rn1 I ion of I he kr l'mtah Hou'>!.'. an 1r1tlept'11dt'nt living enVJronment for devt'lop mentally d1..,abled adult-. .tnd teen<,. I he quarll'I ol Hu.,..,ian tr;1111 cd mu-.idan'> are dll memlwr-. of the Queretaro flhilharmo111c Orrhe-.tra of :\1l'x1co .ind h.iVl' played for \'iccnll' I ox and tht· king and queen of~pain. l 1dce1'> arc $15 for gl'lleral atlmi.,~ion dnd $I 00 tor p.1 rronc;, who gl•I re<;erved ~ea11ng and ran alll.'nd a ..,penal patmn rN eplion. The centc·r '' al :!'HI l· Haker SI 111 Co.,ta Me'oa I or more mformation, t:.111 Marlisc;e Marcu-; at !7141 7'>'>· 0140 or '>end e ·ma1I 10 marh' wm(a ft c 11c org Hearing for Cistaway\ Park set for Tuesday fhe Newport Reach C.11y Counnl will rake publll tc.,11 mony on and di-,cui.-; dlterna · 11vt·~ to 1 he propo-;rd $14!Uill0 three-course meal. live entertainment and award-winning service from 8 to 11 p.m . Boarding starts at 7:30 p.m. at 2431 W Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations, call (949) 631·2469. lnventon Forum, the Orange County-based nonprofit inventors' support gro up. presents a seminar on •High Technology Patenting· by patent attorney Curtis L Harrington. Registration and networtung begin at 7 p.m . for the 7:30 p.m seminar at Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall. The cost is $5 for members. $15 ALDEN'S na11ve plan11ng., grant for Ca\t.tway'> Park at 4 p.m. Tues- day. One allerna11ve is to reject the grant and plant nonnative gra'>!> 1n the park for acuvities -.uch a-. -.unba1hing, picnics and k.ne Oy111g. I he rncetang will take place an tht' c.ary Council Chambers at C11y I tall at :uoo Newport Blvd. Coastal Clean up D:.ly wi II he held Sept. 20 < 11.i,1.11 < ll•anup Day. a day f11r 1 ahlorn1a11'> to help clean up 1lw1r lwadle!>, shorelines Jnd w,1,1.il waterways. will take plat l' 111 .... vt·a r from 9 a.m. to 1111011 \t'pt .!O. I a'>I } l'.H. < .ahforn1dns col- lt•t It'd Hh I ,084 wn' of debn-;. t '""'al <Jean up Day 1.., a pan ut l111l•111,1111111dl C oa-.1al Oean- up. d gloh.il dlorr IO keep he.it hl·, I r<'t· of dehrr' I or mort• anlormdllOn, visit 11114111' t l)(Ht/oryou orl{ or call (HOO i C C>A\ I 411 'Sound Of Music' welcome\ singing < c1111111g 111 1he Orange C.ounry l'crlorn11ng Art s Center A11g .!.! 111 l4 " the "S1ng-A- l oi1g ~c111nd Of Mu~ic," a "Hot ~Y I lcirror Picture Show" - li~t· t·~ t•nt 111 wh1Lh the audi- l'lll 1· ..., t·nrournged 10 -.how up 111 ltt'>lumt• and 1111erac1 with thl' film .1 ... it '"played. I .it h pt•rv111 ha-; a chdnce at w1n111ng .1 u1".>lurne LOntest, and t•\eryonl· v.111 receive a compli· mentan 1 un Pack. I ht• tonrepr for rhc event "''" '>f)J\\-ned at a reurement honw 111 Inverness. ScotJand, "here rht· nur'>C'> wan red 10 cre- Jl<' an mteractive form of group tlwrap)'· ~how 11mt''> are ar I p.m . Fri- day and Saturday and I p.m. 'iunda\' I irketc; of S 12 10 $22 Lan ht· ohr.ianed through the c .entcr box offi ce. on the web at r1•11•11w1 1uw org or through for nonmembers. For more information, call (714) 540-2491. The Regency Udo Theater wffl host the exclusive Orange County engagement of Dana Brown's surf documentary •step Into L1qu1dH today and Aug. 9. Attendees will get a chance to nde the ·Aobo Surf; a mechanical surfboard. ·step Into Liquid· show times will be 11 :30 a.m .. 1 :30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7·45 p.m. and 9:50 p.m. daily. The Aobo Surf will be available from 5 to 10 p.m. today and 2 to 8 p.m. Aug. 9. For more information, call (949) 673-8351. r oN-!ilTE , -------------- DRAPERY CLEANll\I& AND MORE I NO TA.KE DOWN OR REMDVIN6 NECEHAllY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Daugla• Fabric Window Caw!rlng• Including: • l.&lninette Privacy Shtm" • Silhouette' wftlow ... • Vtpttt window shDtgs • Ouettt' hc>Mycomb lhades • Mlhn& Coltctioft • JubUM:t111 ronm Ihm • ~honeycomb shades • S«!Mttt111 SGftfoWnt shadings World'• Best ON41TE"' Drape17 Clun•q Sptem A ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 94~ 4838. 714-968-8180 ftldd) AliRuSt 8 (()()) A3 t posted fell to 905 from 931. At the 0.1 ·mile stretch of New· port Slough. the number of posl- in~ dropped to five from six. ~. the number of days posted fell to 181 from 324. ~.A u-'THhll .,. Frank Sinatra &,ry M•,..,_, d-n.nM ~ . Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails I VI' u~,., .. , l"rJltUIU '.,lJ ('J49) 61(,. 7 ?·l 4 Slightly more alarmingly. post- ings rose a tad along the seven miles of city shoreline. Ten post· ings resulted in I 7 days of warn- ing signs. In 200 I, eight postings resulted in 13 days of warnings. I(,.,.._ It\ ia.ar :\,·r •• f CJ\ot4t \tr~J 11,,. ... , • ,.,. .~\I•• ".1 I ., ,It••, .. •o•• .. e . At Crystal Cove. postings also dropped. lbal 3.2-mile stretch of beach was posted for only one day in 2002. Th~ 'year before, three postings cauM:d five da~ of warnings. Ticketmaster by caJlmg (7 14) 740-7878. Ollcago drop~ by the Center on Aug. 26 Oiicago wtll kick. off !he LOOJ 04 Bank Of America Broddway Series Aug. 26 to J I at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Sliak.f speare 6y the Sea 2003 The show will u:.e the '>ame set, costumes. lighting. d arec tion and choreography that were seen on Broadway when 11 received a l ony Award in 1997 Tickets CO'>l $28.75 IO $65.75 and can be purcha~ed through the Center box officl', on the web at wu1wocpm org, or through Tilk.etma<.ter by caJhnK (714)740-7878. I-or more 1nfor mat1on, call I 141 556-AHTS FOR THE RECORD finjoy outdoor sliows! Pre-shows at 5:30pm Shows at 6:00pm Grant Howold Pork 5th & Iris Avenues in CdM Sor..,rdcv AL'JJs · 9 ..J er we (ft fz J{ig fz t For centur·es, 1h1s popular romp hos delighted cud ences w••h IS •ale of on.stoken ·del'll1ty ove os• and won and lam• es reJn ted S.,rco J-.... ~~~· ~ CJ?..pmeo e1 J u[ret Shakespeare s oror"lo 'lbr u' stor<rossed lovers lea • ,rp~ the "·"~' famous love oHoor 1r '''?'0' r•· complete w lh w'1"•ng ta,.. •f'\ • •• , ,... f1gh1s, a sec•e• l"'"O"'Oge ord "' •dr· More1nlo .vwwc.ty '""'"Y''bt <;. • ,, ~lec1 C ~ Web!.1te /...rt~ ~ 1 ''! or coif Art\ 5pt-• J Ev•" d·' • I 949-644 321 1 e1 : 5< An article on Thunlday, "Bonita Gi.n}ul Sports Paik near delayed oompe- tion.,, reported the wrong time for a oonc.ert thal wm be part of the gnmd-open- ~ celebration for the Bon· ita Canyon Sports Palk. The free concert by the RoOOt Scientisas ~ sched- uled to be liun 5 to &30 p.m. Aug. 24. or N"WPO" Seoc." -1• 1 /, 1 ... , Q49 7 7 3870 fl r.t111 S~nsored by CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ARTS COMM ISSION 11.m.W ond by o donation from •he NEWPORT BEACH ARTS FOUNDATION OU R CUSTOMERS SAY SO UT H COAST PLA Z A IS DIFFERENT EXPER I F::NCF THF DIFFERENCE r, t Jr J I u l JI ( , (J I I I ( ; I I ( H'J u f s T u RE s f· 0 n c H IL () r H N s f A~-lHl(J~J~~ l\CCf s~,()Hlr s Ar.JD Glf rs INCL UDIN(j SANRIO • POTTERY BARN KIDS • TALBOTS KIDS BEACH ACCESS • ROXY • OILILY • LIMITED TOO BURBERRY • KIEHL'S SINCE 1851 • BOOK SOUP BABYGAP • FRIENDS • GYMBOREE • BORDERS BOOKS CLAIRE'S ACCESSORIES • GAPKIDS • DISNEY STORE CHRISTIAN DIOR • TIFFANY & CO. • PUZZLE ZOO JACADI • BEACH ACCESS GIRLS • DAVID YURMAN PARTlAL LISTING I I -' r~ '! --+--=~--~..,,...~.-----~-----. ....... --~-==,;o..-------~~o:=-=--=-==~~-··~--e=--s-_-~,.,,-~ r""" r-~ M Fnday, August 8, 2003 POLICE FILE S OOSTAIESA • Adema Awnw •nd Harf)or Boulevllrd: A 29-year-old male was arrested on suspicion of posaesslng drug paraphernalia at 11 a.m. Wednesday. • AzalM r>rtw: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 900 block at 6:33 p.m. Wednesday. • Fair Driw: A residential burglary was reported at 6 p.m. Wednesday. • Harbor Boulevard: A robbery was reported in the 2900 block at 9:31 a.m. Wednesday. •Petersen Place: A vehicle FAIR Continued from Al Lhem nor to stretch it our so long,· Hom said. "We'll stand to- gether and unite and prevent that from happening again." Fair President Becky Bailey- Findley said the feedback she got from customers about the vendors was positive. u (Customers) appreciated the new vendors and the variety." Bailey-Findley said. •And be- cause we were able to rotate vendors three different times, customers noticed that" In April, Askew accused the fair board of not doing enough to alleviate the loss of another weekend of the swap meet. which he pegged at about $2 million. Vendors had asked for rent relief to compensate for the missed weekend. Board m embers said they were sympathetic to the ven· dors' concerns, but it would have been inappropriate and il- legal to interfere with the rela- tionship with Tel Phil Enter- prises. which contracts with the vendors. Instead, it invited the vendors 10 seU at the fair, -offering two runs of six days and one run of nine days. Officials set up a new selling area and named it "Kids' Alleyn to give it a catchy moniker like the "Crafters' Village." Bailey- Findley said. They also added BALLOT Continued from Al not returned on Thursday. Udall, 65, was one of a handful of candidates to pick up papers in late July. The Corona del Mar doctor, who bas bad an office in New- port Center for more than 30 years, said he hoped to bring medical issues to the forefront "The main reason t want to do this is to call attention to the ai- si.'i in California medicine," Udall said. Udall. a urologist who special- iz.es in vasectomy reversals. ran against Issa in 2000 for the 48th District seat in the House of Rep- resentatives. Udall said he sup- poned Issa fo r governor. bur"Qtary WU reported in the 2700 bfock lt'9:12 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • 8elM>e Boulevard: Burglary was reported in the 300 block at 8:06 a.m. Thursday. • Eut Cout Hlgt.w.y and lrvfne -r.n.c.: Road rage WH reported in the intersection at8:35 a.m. Thursday. • Oc:Mn Ftont w..t Vandalism was reported in the 2300 block at 2:38 a.m. Thursday. • Pine Valley Lane: Grand theft was reported in the 100 block at 3:16 p.m. Wednesday. some colored lights lo liven the area up at night. she added. But the vendors weren't en· thusiastic about the area. "The location they gave us wasn't really desirable," Hom said. "You couldn't really see it. It was just like a bunch of white tents." Others said the dip in fair at- tendance from last year also dampened their sales. "Everyone involved with the fair knew it was a terrible deal as soo.n as no one showed up," said Adam Pitale of Adam's Polishes. who sold at the fair for the sec- ond year in a row. ''We Jost $8,000 this year." Askew said that 80% of the swap meet vendors who partici- pated in the fair were disap- pointed with their revenue. "I don't think too many of them wouJd want to come back and do it next year, or they would want to be in a better place," Askew said. Bailey· Findley acknowledged that exhibiting at the fair has its ups and downs. "For some vendors, il was a new experience, and like any- thing, some are going to have a better reaction to it than others." Bailey-Findley said. "Some did very well-, and some o~ our other long-term vendors did not do as well." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 5744221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmanl@latimes.com. Wuth, 40, couJd not be reached for comment Udall and Wtrth join an in- creasingly oddball ooUectioa of candidates hoping to topple Caliiomia's governor. lf the rec:alJ effort succeeds, Davis would be only the second governor In the country's history to be removed from office by vote:rs. Actor Gary Coleman, who star· red on the sitcom "Di.fferent Strokes." commentator Arianna Huflington and Hollywood "bill- board bimbo" Angelyne could appear on the ballot. as might adult magazine publisher Larry Aynt • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, busln8S$ and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.c/inton@latimes.com. Obituaey Gloria A. Melancon nm: and three grandchildren. A gr:aweside service fur • The Dlity Plot Welcomes Costa Mesa mddeot Gloria obltuariee fof' !ea:idents ()( A. M&ncon wiD be held at fonner nl8idenca of Costa Mesa 11:15 a..m. today at Pacific endNewponBeactl.lfvou Vtew Mortuary"' CorcJoa cW "'9f1l to,.. In~ Mar. Mrs. Melancon <tied J)rinMd in tn. Pilot. •your ~She wm 79. She (nOl'WrY to fax ua ~ is survlYed by her hu9bancl ~. {949) 848-4170 ~ aon Joeepll Jt; oulllhnewwroomac{949) dauihrer Chert brocber War-7BM.12A. J{El\1PI III.LS --IH ( I" ,'\. ( \ IU Ii I ..., . - KENNY ·,. . . . ··· ....... :-.-_PRINTER ........ l ·~ ... • • SOLIS ff NVESTMENTS & REALTY \ MARCH Continued from Al tions for who can speak in the public streets and parlcs, Mthus a.I.lowing the city to favor speech they support and disfavor speech they oppose." The committee's first staging of the lesbian pride march last year was controversiaJ, as well. but organizers were able to re- solve their issues with the city when they got their desired route, which they intend to repli- cate thi§.,, year. The scheduled route~ from 18th Street near Lions Park to Pomona Avenue to West 19th Street.. east to Harbor Bouleyard south and ending be- fore the Newport Boulevard intersection. PEDAL Continued from Al wanted Cl{lOther way to get around town. She just felt a n increasing need for independence and, two weeks ago. bought her three-wheeler. "It's just amazing h ow I have adjusted to it in just two weeks," Stein said . "I learned to hold on to the brakes a1J the time because you never Jcnow when you'll need to pump ALLOWED Continued from A 1 days were innocent. He tried to get his wife Carrie on the phone, who also grew up in the Newport Beach scene. but she was Jess than thrilled. "She wouJd be a good person to talk to," Cass said. "Oh, no, no comment," she said. Oooh, must have been good Oh well, back to Cass. "I just stuck with beer,· h e said. "It was nothing like what I saw I on the 1V show I." On the Fox network, Orange County teens were sniffing c:ocaine. smoking marijuana SENIOR CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa 92627; by e-ma11 to mike.swansof]@latlmes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A compl~te listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. SUNDAY To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "The African Queen; the seoond of five free screenings in Augul1. at 1 p.m. All a re invited to enjoy the movies and free popoom at the center's Hepburn Alm Fut, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. AUG.17 To honor Katherine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present "Pat and Mike.H the third of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. AUG.18 Mature driven can sharpen their driving skills in two four·hour AARP driver 6afety classes held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced reg istration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. AUG.24 To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center wlll present "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. ~II are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepbum Film Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call 1949) 644-3244. AUG.31 TO honor t<ath.m. Hepbum, Oeaia Senior Center will preMflt "On Golden Pond:' the last of five free ecreenlnga In Auguet. It 1 p.m. All a,. lmlted to 1t1JOV the mcMll and free popcorn at the ctnttt'• Hepburn Fiim Felt. at 800 Marguerita Ave. in Corona del Mar. For rnont infomlatlon, e.all (949) 644-3244. ONQOIC Olall ....... C......holda. pet .... .....,... frotn 7:30 to 10 a.m.on .. wandl11 dtf"* ~~.-..... ....... Daily Pilot 'Ibis year, things went sour •1'he ¥ that they want us to Roeder said. "Bur we have not when the city appToved a nnJt gather personal informadon -had a mquest for a march where Many of those conditions ate dif· ferent than the eight conditions imposed on thll 2002 event. or- ganizers said. When ~mbers of the organizing committee met with city officials to negotiate the condidons, they received an- other permit. this time with 22 conditions. One of them required aJJ motorcycle riders to provide their names, addresses and other personal information to the po- Uce in advance of the event When the conunittee protested this requirement. the city de- cided to let the committee make the list and keep it, instead of giving it to the city. Organize.rs claim it still in- fringes on their civil liberties. them. An~ I stay off of I 7th Street because it is just too busy and I don't do hills. This bike is not really equipped for hills. n Although Mother's Market is a must for Stein, she takes a route that avoids 17th Street. She heads west on 16th Street, through the residential areas. to the backside of the shopping center. The employees allow her to park her bike in the back. while she shops for her goods. Romano.has given Stein rides to the market and to the hospital to visit her then-sick husband. Stein is a "go-getter," and drinking hard liquor while their parents were having affairs and stealing millions. Back in the good old days, it was just a bunch of punk rockers with green m ohawk.s pounding some beers at the beach, Cass said. They were pretty wild in their own right, he said. "I hung out with some of the pretty social people at INewponl Harbor !High Schooit," Cass said. "All different people from jocks to some hard-core partyer!>, and it was pretty much the same, but without the drugs and alcohol. Just not on the same scale as what they do now." His sister, Coleue. didn't have the same high school pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The e,.lffe Institute offws"" computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Ma rguerite Ave., Corona def Mar, offers si)( sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-6000. The Cost. Mna Senior C.nt.r has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family SeMce o1 o,.nve County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to pro'lide part.icipants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4960. The Coln Mid 8t8mp Chlb mMb from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in tredlng, buying and telllng stamps and coins are being sought to join these lnfonnal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 844-3244. J9wW\ Femily a.me. offw'I ongoing bereavement support groupe for edutts at all lt&ges of Ion. Group members share experiences, hear how others deel wf1h gn.t, reoeiw support and leam ways to cope with Ndnete end Iott. One group meett It 7 p.m. Tueedeya at Beth Jacob In lrvlne. The second group meeb at 10 a.m. TlJetdays at Temple Judea In l.agun• Hiiia. The ttllrd ~meets at 1 p.rn. 'Thurtdeyt It the Ezra Center In Anehtlm, Tiwn no C09t to attend. but ldvlncl regttb•don le required, (71•} .. 48&0. a.. ...... c.... .... 111 l1tanoe. counlllllng and ,.,.,,.. ..w. for ...... (Met .... n.c.-......... a... Aynes said. •The was very peaceful last ytiu. [lbe require- ment) bas a very chilling effect on our freedom of speech. and we feel it's just plain wrong. re- gardless of how they phrase it" City Manager Allan Roeder said city officials, including him· self, have been wortcing dill· gently to resolve differences with the organizers. He said he couJdn't think of a ·gro4p in re- cent m emory that has sued the city over its permit requirements. He acknowledged that the city was not used to getting requests for street closures during a march. "On one hand, you can say the requirements are t)ie same as anyone else, like the Fish Fry," a woman who is full of life and "full of everything," Romano said. Stein is also an art lover. She teaches painting and piano lessons. She and her husband performed around the country when they were younger. she s aid. Stein first played the piano at 10, started voice lessons at 16 and was a professional singer by 18. she said. "My husband and I played with a guitar. and before that, I had an accordion,· Stein said . "I love .the piano. but you can't experience. he said. "Let's put it this way: My sister did not wear shorts in high school." he said. Michaela will have some pre tty warm summers to dea1 with, if Cass has his way. bur Carrie is the final say so. "But if it gets too risqu~. hell no," he said. "I can't believe som e of the stuff young girb arc wearing these days." Well, what would he d o if Michaela did get involved in any of that stuff? "Oh man, do you really want to know?" Cass said chuckling. "But really. the thing is, all you can do is your best as a parent. and if your lcids are getting out of line. you reel them back in. Ir gets lo the point where a 'time Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a .m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation inlt?U~ Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center. 250 E. Baker St .. Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. Oasis Senior Center °"9n 1 daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Quldcen, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The O.sls Senior c.nt.r ofhtra e shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oasis Senior c.nt.f offws mual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative. by appointment (949) 644-3244. Oasis Senior Center has a walking group called Walkers Not Roehrs, which meets once a week to enjoy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644-3244. The AtzMimer'• Aun. and Grief Support Group of Newport Villa WestNilla Rosa co·sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted Ulling. 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631·3555. Th• Alzheimer'• Aaan. Mid .... Terrace, a residential community for peop4e with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, offers a he aupport group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of etch month at Mesa Terrace, 360 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. (714) 283-1111. Oeala Senlorc.ntar ~ bfood pteUUre acntenlngs from 9 to 11 a.m. ihe first end third Tueadtly of eed't month Jn Room 3 at 800 MlfVl.MN'ita Ave •• Corona del Mer. (949) 8"-32'4. The a.a..., C....c6tt a 8ralle ... to help with light -"'°'" 10a.m. '° "°°" Thuredeyt"' Room 4 It 800 M~-.. Coronadel Mer. CM>~aitl n. .............. e...r ... card ....... from 10 a.m. lo 2 p.~ fNel'flNrd~. A--.r um II oe.r.t .t noon'°' S3 '* ~· (7Mt &1Me41. • f streeLS. We have ·not had any- thing of that nature going way back to the days of the Fish Fry parade. That's how far back it goes.~ Even with the submission of the lawsuJt. the committee Is sdll interested in negotiating with the city, Aynes said. Wood said both sides will probably end up in federal court sometime in the next weelc.. · • • "I don't thlnJc the parade ls ·g;,. Ing to be canceled, so we'll just have to !lei! bow it moves forward from here." Wood said. • OBRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. carry a piano around with you." What she does carry with her is a smile, a wave and a basket full of organic groceries. Romano said Stein has become quite a.sight around their Westcliff neighborhood. "She is so cute," Romano said. "Cars jui.t stop and let her roll on by." •LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (9491 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper/1f /atimes.com. out' ain't gonna cut it.· Side note; Did I mention how Cass got hill start in the military? Uh huh. I fo. dad was reeling him in. So. don'r look for little Michaela SpenC'e to he gallivanting around in the mansions of Newport Beach in her bikini top and mini skirt. Old ma n Spence won't hear of it. "That i~ not how we do it in the O.C." he said. • LOLITA HARPER writeG columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the ans. She may be reacned at 1949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lo/its.harper a./at1mes com. Revise your lif9t.ime documentl for advance health care directive& at the Oasis Senior Center for S3 each. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oasis Senior Cent8r offws preventive healthcare services for seniors on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the center's Room HS-3, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Seniors end low-income famlllet in the Costa Mesa-Newport Beacti area can obtain free U.S Department of Agriculture surplus food from 11 a .m. to 3 p.m. the second Friday of each month in the rear parlling lot at the Church of Christ. 740 W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa. Picture identification is required. (949) 650-8236. Oasis Senior Center °"9n e counselor to assist with questions about Medicare, HM Os and supplemental and long·term care insurance. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oasis Senior Center on.. a meal program for members. Lunch is served daily from 11 :45 a.m . to 12:15 p.m. in the multipurpose room at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. Home-delivered meals are available for homebound seniors. Reservations are required. (949) 644-3244. The Alliance for the Mentdy • of Orange County provides education and emotional support for families with loved ones who are mentally ill. A free tupport group meet.a from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. every other Saturday at the Orange County Mental Health Clinic, 3115 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 850-8463. o.• Senior CenW offw'I,.,.., of medic.al equipment - wheelchairs, walkers and mo,... (949) 644-3244.. Theeo.ta ..... Seniorc.Mr - offera preventlv. health care seMc9s for Mnion from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. VYedneedeya end hom 8 e.m. to 2 p.m. fNfJfV otNir l'U41sday, at 696 W. 19d'I St., Coell Meu. Call to m.ke an appointment. (949) MS--2366.. Theeo.taMe,. .... C.. ott.tl countellng.~ and "'*""...W. _....,..,_ w. 1tdt St., Colt.t Mete. (Ml) ... 28. Daily Ptlot '• --·--,------------------- f riday. August 8. 2003 A5 .. HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -t..tter.: Mail to Editorial Page Edito r S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa CA 97627 • Readers 11otline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-m•ll:Send to dsilypilot@lstimes.com •All corr9spondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for venf1u111on µurµosesl. The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length . . MAILBAG ·'The O.J .' would be better than 'The O.C' Ah, the blinder8 of the mayor and assorted parents in Newport Beach (ak.a. HThe O.C. ") who don't know about their ldddjes' nocturnal activities. Sure, Newport kids don't normally drive their big trucks around at night with surfboards strapped to the top (It's nlghnime, and the boards usuaUy go in the truck bed}, and you can't drink legally on any of the beache~ (even if over 21), but other than that, it seemed pretty accurate. I remember more than one instance of multiple "tough-guyH Newpon jocks ganging up to pick on the weak, but that's another story entirely. While ri~ted to the TV the other rught, my wife said lo me, "We didn't ~d to go to parties in our bathing snits.· But other than that, we thought it was fairly accurate. Sure, we went to high school way hack in a c;impler time -the early 1980s -but thmg'> haven't changed that much. And other than being born in Newport. I wru. actually ralsed in a totally difft'ren1 world - Costa Mesa. I think that\ where the Sl:C-evading next-door neighhor JU'>t might be banished 10 in future episodes if he doe-.n't strnighten out his business affa.irc;. Hut if Corona del Mar\ own McG and the show\ other creators are looking for any spinofT ~hows, I have a great idea -it'!". called "The O.J." - a Li~htheaned look at a bunch uf wacky teenagers from both side:. of the tracks (throughout Newport-Me'>a) who work at Orange Julius down by the Balhoa Pier. If those walls could talk .... MIKE MCNIFF Costa Mesa Condolerrces, and understanding, to Bell Joe BeU's article Thursday about the loss of Coco, his long-hajred dachshund that died two weeks ago. spoke for anyone that has lost a wonderful companion. My condolences to the BelJ family for their lo!>s. I cried when I read his comments. Samantha, my 140-pound German shepherd, was my constant beloved companion, always at my side. She accompanied me everywhere, filled my life with love, encourngement, laughter and tolerance for others. Samantha's giving encouraged me to want IQ help others. She was there for me, always. ·Samantha, Secret, Hobie Cat and others have given me the privilege of their companionship and love over the years. I stiU miss them. They have helped me with a 13-year medical challenge. I have always enjoyed, loved and valued animals my entire life. rhey have enriched my life and given it meaning. I cannot believe how fortunate I am to have fo rmed a close, loving bontl with our wonderful kitty. Precious. Again, I am very sorry for your luc;c;, a!> Loco seemed an important part of your family. l imc doe'> heaJ somewhat. PEGGY CALHOUN Newporl Reach ' Costa Mesa part of development problem rh.., lcllN i!> wriiten in respon'>e tn Eleanor Egan's ·1u1:--;ddy leltt·1 concerning the hridge' 111 tlw county's master plan for (<Ith 'ilrt·• 1 and Gisler Avenue ("Wliu ~1.01111 ' 111 buy a bridge?"). While ,I am 11111 convinced that the'e bntlge' .111· necessarily a bad thing. tltal •'.(> 11111 . the gist ofthil. leuer. What I d11 \\,1111 to do is point out the flawed reasoning used in l:gan\ l1·1t.or It is ironic that ~h(' l'ltt", 1111· bridge plan:. a~ Hllow1ng overdeveloprnent 111 N1·" p1111 Beach and Fountc1in Vallt·\ \,Ji, 1 in turn creall'S furlhl'r rrl0''-ll1• 1 th.ese bridge'i. l·or you w•· < '' -.t , Mesa's political mach1111•r \ '' r • entirely blamele~-. in 1111., ,,.,,,, • Egan. as plannrng c1imn11•.-,1"11 voted for and ha<., p11hl1t h ~upported '>illlt· leaving 1r 11 planning comm 1.,'>1tlfl 1lw h1 .'• de n1>ity 1901 Newpur1 l'l.11.11 1111• deve lopment at tlw 1 onll111·1 • 1 1 Newport Roulevard. J l<1rh111 Boulevard ,lfl<l lllth '>tn·1·1 \.., ,, further tr<ifl1l· drc1v. lor lht· "' city approvl'<l, Jga111 \\ltl Ir the Plan111ng l.•11nt11f'>'do11 .t 1 ~ profile nightclub yet 111 np• 11 •' -.ame location. rht• t fl\' l,,il. hy1herrown al11on.,,,,;111r ·,,. the ti own to"" 11 Ml·.1 J'htr ci1y, in ii., nwn '>hort-.1gh.1etlm·.,.,, luc, 1 11111 r ii the cau<;e lor the bmlg1·-,, p. 1111 19th ~t reet. I low <'hl' d11 r Ill'\ ' the urndn ll\\JH:r ... 10 gl'l lit• :1 t clw do lhl'Y 1:xpt·t 11lw d•J\\11· '" palron' IO .irrivp'I II i' 1111 !It•..,, rea ... r111-. tht11 her arg1111w11 h r 1 hollow. With or w11ho11 1 1 J11 I 111. l· we won'1 hear an\ lt'J\t'' rihl • j11'1 1 ar'> idling. TERRY SHAW HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE S NEWPORT-MESA UNIAED SCHOOL DISTRICT DistriC1 Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blade. Clerk Serene Stokes. David Brooks, Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa. CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parker. member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa. Newport Beach PRESIDENT George W. Bush (Rl. White House, 1600 Pennsylva111a Ave W<lo;hu it• · D.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 pm ) 1202) ·hfi '111 E-mail: president a wh1teh011s(' Qtl• Fax: (202) 456-2461 DEAR STEVE LEITERS Readers say Smith's column a slam dunk I \\.tlll to <'Ongratulate Skvc· '>1111111 on lw. art1c..l1· in 1he p.qlt'r rn1 Jul} 2n r·· Kobt· rnddt· r1111 re llh111 a rnl\lake"). It "a" JU'>l 1 l)~h1 I IH'\l'f -.aw anyont• <,o 11111li ft1l rind alive. II IS about llllll' ,1111lf't1fll' °'..tld ii IU lhe'>e 1111tlr11111llron dollar athlete ... "llh , • 1r1· 111•Hlt'V than bra1m. Don I lei 1 I u· l \ l 111it•.., aml the I .aker... n r ro11 1 .im 1lung you '>did I •'f\ ll1111g \'OU '>clld wa., tOrrl0l I. BIU HOPKINS ( fJ'>til \1t'>J I 1 , .• d\,:JV'> llet-n a ... 111111g. .. 11111).' l.111 111 l\11lw l\rv.1111 I agn·e \1111...,,,.,l.1ltr11th1-.1.., 11111 a ,.,1.1kt• II \\;1" LI \('r\ ,,,d 11o111"n o111d d1·l1n11dv rw1 ,1 ,1,1J..r· It Wih \l'f\' tldilkralt' tor :i I• .dl111\ 111111.,df 111 h1 n 1ugh1 ,, 1111 11111·111 ol p<i'>..,U1tl or 1\11.111 \l'I \Olt wam IO tall 11 Hui 111, p11µ1ilo1ri1~ \\Ill rH'\t·r b1· 1111· ·q1111· I o1grl'l' \\llh ~11•\r lrund a1 le.1'>l. get'> thl'> '>tra1~h1. , BARBARA MACADAM Newport Beach I couldn't agree more with ~teve '->rnllh on Kobe Hryanl. l:v1dently. h1'> wife\ pnce 1'> an eight-karat ring. \\'hat doe<. 1ha1 ... ay about bo1h of them? LYNN MERLES (,oMa Me'>a I \\uuld lilw to umgratulate \11111h on h1'> column on l\obt Krv<tnl. I w1~h there wa-. -.ome f1l( 0 lft' \traigh1 talk. rhere need lo bl' more pt:upll· who do nut t·xt U'>l' .1duhery. and hi'> column rn.1tl e me appreuate my hu'>bdnd t'wn more bt:cau-.e I have a real man who mt·ei... c1ll 1he 4ualiliciJl1on... thc1 1 ~lt'\I' '->11111h ha-, 1l-.1ed. I hdnk you "'' much NORMA WINTON l orona del !I.tar ill 111. '>11·\e, vour .ir11< It· on luh .!o NORMAN BATCHELDER 1111 i..ohe Brya n1 wa ... .,upcr 're' 'lil'" pmt Bec1t h ~11 ... prt·...., conlerenn' wa ... p111lt1l I 11.111~ \fill for VO\H ll111111H'lll\ 111 t>..otht· 111.1de ni11w ti 1.111 ,, .,,,1.il 1 .. 111 the luh .!h '"'""l,·lJWr \h hu'>haml c1nJ I '1,t\ ,. I 11·1·11 111arr1Pd fur '">~ ~ t·t1r .... I\ 1·11 1lio11gh \\l' might h,l\·e •101111•tl lhl' oppet'>lll' '>t:'X lrorn 11 ir \\ ,. \l' Ill'\ er Lilied out \\ liat , 1111 .... 11J in \tJUr Lolumn ..,latl'd "'' t.-..J111g' L'>.auly abou1 Kobe 11, 1-. 11111 .1 hero now antl neH·r " 1, Int 11 I le,.., fU'>I a ver~ g110J I 1,j,.,1·tl1.1JI pl<t\Cr I vt, liopl' "'"nt' of the puhhc. In e\e~ wa\. you rnven·tl all MARGE BUTLER Nt"wpurt Reach l h.i1 \\a'> Jn 111rretl!hll· amcle I hc1l wa ... awe\ome ~uml'Ollt' llnully nailed 11. I drn -,o ttrl'd of pt'ople '>tandrng beh111d ll:obe and ....ivmg. · I ... tand behind l11m I()()%. It wa-. a m1.,1ake." ;-.;o, 1 don'1 think ... o. and I thmk Stl'\t: <\mith nailed 11 hea1111full\ SHELLY READ :"l:ewpon Reach 12· ~IDAY Tab In poetry. The Gypsy Den at 2930 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa will offer performance poetry and live music at 8 p.m. Top poet Steve Ramirez will be featured with Midlael Paul, Jeremy Stephens and Carrie Seitzinger. Informat ion: (714) 549-7012. SATURDAY Oh, Memma. "Mamma Mia I" the smash hit.musical based on the songs of ABBA, will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at B p.m. through Sunday. Tidcets cost $44 to $68.50 and can be purdlased at the Center's box office or online at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: '714) 556-ARTS. SUNDAY BNdl and music. Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beadl presents Jesse on the sax for brundl. The program feawres all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. HOURS A6 Friday, August 8. 2003 ~tching waves The surf documentary 'S tep Into Liquid' premieres at the Regency Lido Theater tonight Lolita Harper Daily Pilot N u actor~. Nu stunLmen. No stereotypes. Just wrndulterated love for surfing played out on the big screen, beautifully illustrating the passion t.hat entices people around the world to step inlO Liquid. "Step lnto Liquid," a swf documentary by Oana Brown, prernjeres tonight at the Regency Lido Theater in Newport Beach and is expected lo draw quite a crowd in thjs coastal community. The Dick follows surfers around the world, capturing their grace and form on the water and delving deeper inro what drives them 10 paddle out time and time agajn. FYI •WHAT: NStep Into Liquid" premiere • WHEN: 7:45 p.m. today •WHERE: The Regency Lido Theater, at 3459 Via lido in Newport Beach • COST: Tickets are available for $1 5 for the screening only and $25 for the screening and the after-party. • INFORMATION: (949) 253-2880 or log on to www. NewportBeach FilmFest.com. said. "Step Into Uquid" i5 featured by the Newport Beach Film restival as part of the ongoing Spotlight Series, which offers year-round screenings of the best contemporary films, mm festiv-cll spokesman Todd Quartararo said. Keiko Beatie, the festival's director of programming. said the film is a photographic marvel that shatters all stereotypes of the average surfer. •·It is absolutely phenomenal," Beatie Brown's documentary shows that "the stoke" -the passion and election that keeps surfers paddling back for more -can be found in some pretty unlikely places, Quartararo said. Brown's perspective on surfing is a new and refreshing perspective on surfing, showing the sport as it moved from beaches of sunny Southern California across the globe. enticing people from all walks of Life to step into the liquid. Brown travels to some of the hottest surfing spots in the world, not on a quest for the "biggest tube," but in search of the passion that connects people to the sport. He examines what ii is about surfing that hooks people's souls and malces the sport an integral part of their lives, Quartararo said. The surf documentary *Step Into Liquidw premieres tonight at the Regency lido Theater. Newport Beach resident Jim Knost, 53, is one of the swfers featured in "Step Into liquid." He and his son Alex return to Vietnam, where Knost spent time as a draftee in the war doing salvage work and pier, pipe and dock construction. While traveling up and down the coast of the South China Sea. Knost's mind Boated to surfing -a passion he took with him to war. "I had seen swells in the ocean, wondering where they might be landing." Knost said. "I was an avid surfer before being drafted, and my thoughts always turned to surfing." Knost surfed once on an In-country rest and relaxation trip during his lour, balancing the turmoil of war with the serenity and power of the ocean under his board. Hls work with "Step Into Uquid" allowed him to return to that beautiful coast and share with hjs son a part of his youth. "Tt was kind of an emotional trip to return BEST BITES there, especially because I took my son with me, "Knost sald. • It was quite an experience for him. I le had heard about Vietnam, but traveling there aJJowed him to see it first hand. To see the results of the war, which in some cases were stlll • evident. The whole trip was like a trip of a Lifetime. I never would have returned had it not been for surfing." Dana Brown follows in the footsteps of his father, Bruce Brown, who brought the world the wildly popuJar surf Oicb "The Endles.5 Summer~ and its sequel. Spaghetti Bender provides great portions By Greer Wylder ... ~r he~ Bender is a childhood nickname of its fun-loving founder, Lorenzo Eugenio Paslni from RJomaggiore, Italy. The restaurant Is one of Newport's oJdest In 1969, lbe late Lorenzo Pasinl and AW.e Marta Puinl (fondly remembered as Papa and Mama) opened the casual halian restaurant on Coat Highway In West Newport. Joyce's Restaurant. It later became the concert hot spot, the Golden Bear. The 39er Caf6 was on Beach Boulevard, and Joyce's Pantry became the Sugar Shack on Main Street. Yet none could match the success of the Spaghetti Bender. Now the Pasinis' daughter, Joyce Hosklnson, and grandson Mike run the restaurant. Slnce the early 19805, the .-ne chef, AJloNo Gomez, and manapr. Janie Whorton. have worked tbete. 1be buOdhlg was rebuilt in 1976. MCKe roomt ~added to accorntnodate the popular restaurant. and gnocchJ are made here daily. Traditional pasta choices offered dally include manlcolti, lasagna. spaghetti, £ettucdnl Alfredo, gnocchi and angel hair tomato basil. NOTEBOOK A visit from pop royalty S ay "pop artist." a11d irnage5 of Justin limberlake anti Christina Aguilera dann• in most people\ heads. In the '60~. it wa . ._n't like that. Tiie King of Pop wasn't Michael Jadcson, it was Andy Warhol. If Andy was kjng. Peter Max W<l!> JOSE J. SANTOS pop art'!. royal amha.,...adur. Max will be in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach on Saturday. I It's signing i:opie!. of the cuffee·tahle book "llw Art of Peter Max" al Border5 Hook. ... Music & Cafe in South Coast Plaza from IO a.m. lo noon. Then he·s off to the Wentworth Gallery in Pashion Island, where a 11umhe r of Max\ works are on display. lne gallery will host a reception for the artist from noon to 3 p.rn . Pop art was arguably the last great American visual art movement. A method that toyed with the n otion of war, death and the rest of life's great archetypes was the basis for important works of art. Cans of Campbell's soup could be as compelling as the carnage ar Guemica. Pulp heroines were just ao; wonhy of a portrait as the Mona Lisa. One of the many results of the movement in mainstream culture was an inOux of pop artists into the commercial arts. Pop art was for everybody, accessible to everybody and mass-produced for everybody. Max was at the forefront of that aspeC1 of the pop aesthetic. Max is best known for his ·cosmic art" era, wheri1lyirtg heralds. ringed planets and bright red tips dominated his canvases. Flurries of color and thick brush strokes defined his method. The saturated primary colors were vibrant, buoyant and jarring. There seems to be a sense of wonder associated with his choice of subject, evident in the tender lines of the woman's profile in his "Love" series and the bouncy sun rays in "Different Drumrner.tt The artist's images were everywhere in the summer of Jove. Coffee mugs, waJJpaper, umbrellas. dresses, jigsaw puzzles and electric guitars carried Max images. Max's work has evolved in 35 years. Though the repetition of image and aggressive color scheme developed in his "cosmic era" ls stlll prevalent, Max has experimented with the weight of his brush stroke. His series of work See NOTEBOOK, P .. e A8 1be couple started out • a butler and cook wodciog for wealthy famllies. Before by opened a ltring of ~II. they ever'I worked at the ErldlMa llmcb houle of ClAut Gable and C.-IAJmberd In the early 1940L orra, by owned reburantl in tu•trQ "I 8-n The fttst WU caDed If you're looting fur fine Italian food aerved ln • chic tetdng. deftnJtely 80 ellewbere. The~ Bender can't ~ ctoem't need to. lt'a a ne rtlood 6IVorite for home-style northern ltden ooob1g. Pnllh ~ Vegetarian choices include pasta prlmavera and eggplant parmigiana. TtadidonaJ chicken and veal dinners prepared in pannigiana. pJcx:ata or scaDoplnl stytes. Seafood choi<les always offered Include linp1ini with clams (red or white sauce) and calamart steak UghtJy breaded and fried. ShrWnp and scallop speciala dlange rnooth)y. They easily accommodate special request• for different sauces or comblnations. The Splgbetd Bender~ known for ha IC[HJTR[mJW/OM.YPl.OT I The~ Bender, one d Newport Bwtr's oldest restaurants is on Wtst Coast HIPwlY in Newport Beach. ' ... lllT,,_M ' \" f ( ' H A I' I' I N I "J <i \ THEATER REVIEW ·'Pied Piper' charms kids and parents By Tom Titus Rats! The Newport Theater Artl'> Center is infested with Lhcm big. furry creatures with large rodent tails. Fortunately, behind Lhose beady eyc!l are a· group of grade school (and below) kids having a terrific swnml'r and entertaining their parents and friend'> in the proc~. The occasion for thi' inOux uf p<''>I'> .., NThe Magical Pied Piper," a new. murl' upbeat take on Hobert Brown111g'c; children's clai.sic "l11e Pied P1pN of I lamelin." the annual summer children's show at the an~ l'f'l llt'r. 1111-. time arou11d. the yoUJIK!\leri.' 111volvemen1 1s more prominent 1ha11 t•ver. Not only are there rat!> I lU 11f 1h1·111 1, tht•rt• are alw cat .. !fivt>I. all play1·d h, t l11ldrl'll. lo acrompany a 1·a'>t ol 111 grnwn up'> m thi!. ambillflU'> prC!Jt'l t .ill clahornlely l O'>lumed and ha1 ked h} .111 l'lahor..ill> '>el. All thi-. and mu .. 11 . ltH 1 t'rddicates the town's rat problem mw.ically -is weU played by Andrew VonderM:hmitt, a stalwart in many Orange Coast College productions. 1 lis '>wcclhcart, cutely played by I lcatht!r IA"anna, just happens to be the daughter of the town's mayor. who wanh to keep his little girl at home Walter Lonsdale plays the 'elf-11nportant mayor 111 a style rermniM:ent of Don Knolls on -lhree\ Company," only without his r.iYor-.,harp comic timing. Ayal Willner. a' hi., loyal deputy, provide., 1110-.1 of the lm1111~ of the offirc. nw tree fairy who bestows the 1rn•'>i'>tihlc talent on Peter is ~loriou~ly played hy Patty Zantoo;, who make!> the mo'>t of her two brief i.cenei.. ·n1e pu.,hy 111wn~reople who force lhe mayor 11110 a11io11 arc enthu!>iastically inlerpretc·u h} I >iane Cullen-Huck. Joy NU'>'>l'll, \lane Nu~le and Gail O'l lea. abetted h} < .ary Lohcn and Jo'>hua Wa.,b111. FYI •WHAT: "The Magical Pied Piper" •WHERE: Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Clift Drrve, Newport Beach •WHEN: 8 p m. Friday and Saturday; 2:30 p.m. Sunday; ends Sunday •COST: $8 •INFORMATION: (949) 631-0299 the fl'11n1· -.c1uadmn nunpu<,ed of Yad Willm•r. Mallhl'w lirmit, Dvorah l·.l'>tl'r and Alexa Bame'>. llu·y rnay he Jlhl along for lllC' ride, but they're an a11ract1Vl' addi11011 to the 'how. Schmuh ra11'1 resi~t add111g a fe"' of lwr own to11dw.-. lo lhe production, horrow111g <Hit' of the bit'> from till' t•ver popular movie ··n1e \.Y-v.ard of 0 1," whtt h "tall ulall•d lo induce chUl kJr·' Imm lht' )'Oung audience. MU'>ll al d1rel tor Vern Ncbon ilntl t hort'owaphrr lk·th,111y Reid kel'p tlw patt· h111111111ng, and thl' )'111mg'>lt'f., "-.ell'' their .1111111al d1arnlll'~ quilt· 111tely M11th A1k1n.,· hghtrng i'> fim" t''>JWt 1ally tht· 'l'gflll'lll'> 1molv111g tl11· glow111g trl'l' r •ld&J) Au~u'>I !S. 2()( 3 A7 Hc1urning for her regulrLr '>U1111111•r direuonal tum, lerri Milkr :-,d111mh ha'> nl'alt'd a1101hcr winning pruduc111111 out ol ,,•1·m1111-:ly 1111m• 111gn•dil'tlh 1ha11 '>he·!\ had lo work \'Illa 111 the p.1 .. 1. l'or a 1 h1ldrl'll'> 'how, tlw .. "l'wd Piper"'' un\J'iUillly dl't.ukd. dram.i11rally ;md tt·rh1mall~ I hl' '>llll:{ing and dancing rat'> arc the 'Polhght grahher-.. particularly lhl' yo11nK1·..i rodent, adurahk 3 year old lkl>el'l'a Yl'l'. Matthew Yc•t' play'> tlw lt•.1dl'r of the pack, called Ju hu.., ( ,m•,ar. ''till .ippropriate authority. The h,tlanrP ol thl' u1111i11~t·111 i-. pl.iyed S1gal Willrtl'r, f.. 11·1f•r l 11lwn. Julie Hut k, Mar« C.olwn. l.H hary Yl'l'. Ja.,mim• C)'I lea. 1.tkt• l1.1xtn ,111d Hrook.c, l >'I It'd -I hl' Maw1.el l'icd l'ipl'r" ,., <111 u1 ... i1 '<hm.,. lor yo11ngl'1 thildren. and llll'ir pan•nt' -.hould ht• 11111roughlv 1·11tt·rt•11m·d. •" wl'll •TOM TITUS 1Pv1 .. ws local thPalPr fr,, If • O..ioly p,,,,, H1<, lf'Vll'W<, ap1 ear r 11(1.Jy\ l he mayor (Walter Lonsdale) I'~ and hrs aide (Ayal Willner) listen as tlw Pied Piper (Andrew Vonderschrrntl) 1 If Prs to rrd the town, f rats 1 the sumn • r llw llllt' role of l'l'tt·r -v.ho Jo ... hua wa .. hm, a ... lhoma-. ~ll/, drill<. < hrldren's production at the Newp< r' Theater Arts CtntPr REEL CRITICS 'Wedding' complements 'Pies'; 'Bad Boy s' just bad ·w edding· u nice piece of the pie D l'filt•d and n·-.1le<l, tlw "A111t•nca11 l'w" trilogy.., allc•gt•dly cominh' 1t1 an end in lhl'> d1apll'r. lltlcd "Anwrira11 Wt•dd111g " 111 "Wctld111g," the relati1m.,h1 p hl'twt·cn <,elf-prodaimed hand grd . M1dwlle .. laherty CAly-.011 I f.1111~..i11J ..ind uher-gei>k hm ROB OROZCO I ..e-.en-.tcrn ( Ja<.on H1g).,r<;) 1hat '>lartt'd qui11· n111 "' innoct'ntly enough 111 "American Pie" a11d blo.-.somed 111 the <,equel. now cul111111alt'\ in their nupridls Joining in the fnvohty are '>t'ric'> rt.•gularc; 5ti0cr ISeann Wilham ~rntt). i(('vin !Thoma'> Ian Nicholas) and Finch (b.ld1e K:tyl' Thoma!>I. ·nit' rail thin plot involve!\ Jim\ auempt to learn how to dance before the wedding. MiOer'!. t·rush on MicheUe's virginal c;rstcr Cadence (January Jo ne'\), S1i0er'!. noble attempt to coord111ate the bachelor party and a gay bar dance contest featunnK StiOer and 'icene-o;tealer Bear (Eric Allen Kramer). 11w movie should not be viewed as a series of possibly dl'>lurbing scenes, but should he viewcc.l and even appreciated on a d11Terence plane. Whlle the movie contains the usual depravity one comes to expect. the movie does not betray the nature of its 1 h.ir.11 lt'r' 111 .1 tlr,ptr llt•d .1111·mp1 tot n·.1li> J 11dy t•nd111g 1111h1• 1111.,,1dvt>nl11re' of the-.t· poor '11111'> lllt' weal '>l't rl'I to 1h1· -.11t 1t'"111 thew film-." 1ha1 th1· v.ntt•r..,, dm.'t'lur.., and at tor.. gt·111111wly '>how Jfkt ti on for 1lw1r 1 H'al11J11-.. 11wre i-. m'H'r a11 .111t•111p1 111 l'Xpldin lht'-.e 1 h.er.11 ll'r'< 111 -.omc rancid d1.1l11i.,•u1· .111d 1he audiem c·-. an· t'llt 011r.1gl·tl 111 hk1· or <lt'>hk(• t',11 h Oil thl'lf 0 \\'11 ITil'rll'>. "' 1 on1111ualh demtm'>trnted 111 .111 tlw fi1111,, ;1ml c·.,pt•nall y 111 t hi'> 111-.1,11l111e111. • Anwril'an \\'1•dchn>:" only want~ happinl'.,.. !111 )101, Mi chelle ,rnd the rt•<,t of rlw new. In '>hurt .• ill of the d1.iracll'I'> \\ho have 111hah11ed tlw 'l'rll''> -.hart· the commo11 g11.1I of bt•111g loved; '>Orne find tt, Olhl'r.' Qlll">t'> ClllltlllUC\. J1idt Jun ,111d Michdlt' get married 11111) '>peakc; to the resilience ctnd t'tl'rnal oplmw;m the character-. po., ..... ..,,, 111 finding love. Joining Jim and Michelle 111 Lh1<, latl''>I e .. capade i'> the great I-red Willard. most recently of "llt•'t in Show" and "A Mighty Wind." Willard play~ Michelle'<; dad, I larold. who with the great and returning Eugene Levy (as J11n\ long·•mffenng dad) t:elebrate the union of their rt.><;pective Irish and lewic;h famihe .... llle parents are not rortrayed as hapless yuks, but ill> 1<em11ne people who onty want 1 he be-<>1 for the ofTspring despite various degrading episodes-each t•ndures. "American Wedding" wa.'I directed by Jesse Dylan (son of Bob and brother of Jakob) and wrinen by series creator Adam I le17_ The trilogy as envisioned by I le17 and Dylan's predece<;sors (including Lhe Weitz brothers) is proof of lhe NOW PLAYING TY OF Ohv1er Martinez plays drug lord Alex Montel in Columbia Pictures' action thriller. ·s.w.A. T." ,111.t I hr \ , ,111111lol li.l\1' 'I ol\ 1•d ,1\\ ,f\ llllttl 1'11•\ ti.111 •• d1•1 1•11t " rip I \\ill \m11h .111d \I.tr 1111 I ,I\\ I t'fll ,. 11•111111 In MELISSA RICHARDSON I h ...... '1 p.11Ill'111 d rug lord .11111111d \1 1.11111. 1 .111,111g 1 .rr'>. h111111·-. ;111 I hotl1e' 111 1•xpl11d1• '-ou11d l1 li.1• f1111' \1 .1,ht· \\,111t t11 'l'I' 11 for '"llr"l'lf7 \011 pr11h.ehl\ .tlrl:'ad\ h,1\t I 111· h1•,1 p.1 11 -. .111• 111 tht• t r.11lt·r \1 ,t\ lw I l1111~1·d 1111 \\,ird 111 11.1111111\, II 11111 111111 h \11 ,di 11111 .II f111ll 111111 ,II f)ll' lw1ght ul .. 111111111•1 "1h1• p1•rl1•11 .11111d11t1 111 rt"' hli,11·rrng \\t·.1tlwr 1111l111t1111.111·h. \\l11le• 1111 .111 l ll11d1t11111111g \\,I' g11111g 11111 hl.l'-I till' ,fc 1111/I \\,I' l>1g ,111d l>o ri 11g I .l\\ll'tll ,.-., .\l.1111i.. 1\111111 ·1 1 .., dro\\ 11111g 111 '"'It., ,..., .elv.ay,, hu1 ·11.1111111\' II \\Jllll\\<' Ill lht'l.ljl\ 111\.t·.., th.el drl' .in110, 111g l'\ t'll llJ '-.11111'1' ... ii •. ' t '" \.111 ''" p1 "1111•1\ lr•I II \\I 11Jol 1.1~1· 111• 11111•!111•1•111 r' 111 l'""d '' '"" 11111 '""Ii.id 1 ... , .. 1111· 11 tlll' ld'I' ,1~1,1111'1 111(• h.111 J!ll\ l\lior I' "I l1,1d ii' ,1111111.,I 1111111\. 11 Ji,. l\l'l•'ll I"' .1111111\ 1111:1\ ... 111p1d .11111 Hiii. 1111)' 11111\ ltl 11 t\1 11111\ 11111\ 111111~1\ '.tpi lllt' 11111111·11 .. ,...,,,.,'-\cl olll 1111.Jr I\ U\r I .1g• "' 1111 1111 111 \ 1111 11111\ It flll ~' llp !lit p.H' .111111't11111111 lllt r••" Ill' \.101 •''-•I• ti\ 1h11lh11)' h111 II l'- ,,l\\.1\ .... ,,,,, ,,, .... t t 1\( f \ttflt' jlJlfi f11/1''" I .tlho• 11.l\tll ''II.id 1111\ ... 11 ... 1i111eld II.I\ I h1•1•11 11111111 It 11.1, '""'' ~·1vgl1, It Ji,..,"' !1tr11 11111 1111· ltlr11 '' ,j,,\, .111tl 1t'f" t1l1\" I 1111111111 .. 111.111, 1.1\t" 1111111111• I /1·d11-'""' 1! h• Piii 111.11 tl11 111111 ' \\ 111ld 11q1r"'' I lw l.1'1' t'l11 lllllr11I<, I II• .11111 ,l,111 \1111 II \1,1•1 l ro ell\ ,tll Iii.it 1111111\ 111 1•1·~111\\1!11 \lh11 l11 .. '"' '1111\ 111 111.t J\111' II 11.1\1 \lllj "'•'II lht1" fl 11lt'f' 1111•111111111·111•,11111•1·' ,,.,, 1111•11 I 011g1o111il.111· \1111/'I II 1111 h.e\ 111v "'1'11 II.id Hm' II .111d '~'I' 1111• lull Ii rtl-!lll \t 1,11111 theory that no genre i'> beyond redemption or regeneration. A'> demons1ra1ed 111 the prcviou!. episodes and readily visualized in Lins installment, 1he 'lerie<1 knows no bound in trying 10 bring a smlle to the audience\ faces. ham.I Kt:'l'I•.'> .11 llt'a n . ~ .\Ith· I nv.rn 1h.11.,1lw 111.1111 pruh11'111 Bad llo\.., 11 pu,h1•, e\er) 1h111g too l.11 .111tl H gt'I' II tlw .tn''"''I '' 1111 th1·11 .J1111 I \\Ill!\ .1ho11t If 11111 111\ll h l I I l.llrtf\ d1111 I J.:11 .t11d \\.I'll \ 11111 llllH Ill tht thl'cJll'f \\ ht•n the• I l\ I l 1111111'' out vou 11111d11 "\\1'Jl ,f..1p 1h.1t ·""' As with all movie'>. 'i<lme 1ok.<•., hit and others mi..s. Yet we laugh because each of us sec the frivolity and possibly lhe reality of the shared human experience. and maybe some of U'i are really •ROB OROZCO 1s an anwnpy with Moms, Polich & Purdv He hvPs 1n Newpor1 Beach with his wife and two cats 'Bad Boys' lack:-. adrenaline rush ''We ride to~C'lher We dtt> logetht•r fidd boy<, for hk - l ho!>e bat.I hoy., Ml' h.1t l - Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGORIE 'S tL7. t"-~5~ fl-·· .. _/ t trl'd and old \t'r\ qu11 ~I\ U1a'>e aftl'r l h.1-.. 1t-.1d' 111 tnn'> of cxplo,11111' b111 1111 ddrenaline rll'ht•, r .11J.1H·r.., break Jpart. di..1111·111lw11•d limb'\ grt '<hm\l ,...,C'cl, ,111d 11111• per<,on hur .. i.. 1nt111 h1111~' I ot., of 'h0tk v.ilut'. hut 1111 impall. I awrenn• .111d \11111h obviously c;tru1u~lt• ''1th lht' l'omedy a<.pect Im \\hat thl' Sl'rtpt called cornedy1 anti onlv '>lleteed rn ont> amu,111g l''-Jll'I 1,tll\ I( \ llll fl• •I f;tn Ill '-.1111th 111 I ,l\'\rt'lll t I ht•\ h,1\t' 111111 h ht·ttl·r lilm' .1ln·ad\ out .. II.id h11v ... bad ho\" what \1111 g111111,1 d11 \'\hl'n lht•\ lllnll' 1111 '"''' llun ,1\\,1\ 1 .. ,, • MELISSA RICHARDSON os a r ~Iii MPsa ff'S1dent and a iumor <ti UC tr1.oorw of L1gun.i l\e.ach OUTLET Sak Items e!r New Markdowns ~ek9' Also Salt of &contis & Dam11ttd lttms NOW OPEN · Fridays & Saturdays lOam Our Warehouse ls located In Pacific Paft( Ptaza on Aliso Creek Road between Pldfic Pn Drive and Journey. 73 Toi Road: Aliso CtMk exit, go IOUth lbout 1 mite. 405 FrMWay: Exit El TOf'O Rd. Or Alida Pkwy. take ... to A1ito Creek Rd. 27101 Ali. C.-liiii 1146, Ali. Vi . • "Homage to PiCl.580" and .. Dream 1: The 8&o8som.1ng" finds the a.rtiat replacing thick paint with soft line work. Pastels replace prtmaries, beaury replaces boldness. The results are d.Ufenmt textures not normally associated with Max's more famous works. Max ls still In demand. In recent years. his work has been featured on postage stamps. graced the slde of a C.Ontlnental Airlines Boeing 777 Super Jet and anchored promotional posters for the Grammy awards and the two Woodstock festivals in the '90s. He's eveo painted pol'traits of slx U.S. presidents. The Wentworth Gallery has a large variety of anwork from diffe{mlt periods in Max's career. Gdlly dlnuor Renee Seeley said the Wentworth galleries nationwide own about 300 Max work& Although it would be imposatble to display ~piece in one gallery. interested buyer& will be able to purchale any Max wortc. even lf lt is in a Wentworth gallery in a different dry. The gaDery is expecting between 200 and 300 visitors Saturday. Max will be dedicating BEST Continued from A6 generous portions. All dinners are served with soup, salad and garlic bread. The minestrone soup is set on the table in a large tureen. The thin broth soup with celery, garbanzo beans and beans is heavy on lhe cabbage. A large table-tossed green saJad, I common iceberg and romaine lettuce with chopped tomato, avocado, sliced scallions and a few capers homemade tossed with their Italian saJad dressing has a ·secret ingredient." Favorite combination dinners ($16.25 for dinner, $10.25 A la carte) include Papa's, a huge oval-shaped planer of lasagna, spaghetti with meatballs, and veal and peppers; Mama's, a planer of eggplant parmigiana. spaghetti marinara and fettuccini Alfredo; Familia includes chicken cacciatore. rerruccini alfredo and gnocchi. Most guests don't have room for dessen. but choices include spumoni or cappuccino ice cream, tiramisu and New Yorlc cheesecake ($3 to $4). Prices are fair: appetizers pnces range from $2. 75 for garlic bread 10 S7 for insalata caprese; soup and salad prices range from S3 for a bowl of minescrone soup to SI I for a combination or soup cureen. dinner salad and garlic bread. Complete dinners stan at $1 2.50, for spaghetti with meat sauce, and are as much as $17.75, for veal parmigiana or veal scallopini. A la carte plates, which come with garlic bread. are priced $6 less than dinners. The Spaghetti Bender is open from 5 to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday; and from 5 to 11 p.m. Friday through Saturday. 6204 W. C.Oast H.i,ghway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-065 I. For take home dinners, call (949} 63 1-TOGO. www.spaghettibemkr.com. ... Red Robin Gourmet Burgers has opened at Fashion Island in the Island Terrace. next 10 Wahoo's Fish Tacos and lhe Edwards Theater. It's a casual dining chain specializing in gourmet burgers and spirits. The buyers, Seeley Mo's presence b enduring and illustrates why bis art WU such a force lo ii$ time. Wilhln the wortc. there are iconographJc images that everyone can relate to: Hearts, angels. nUnbows and the wont "love.· There is a visceral connection between the viewer and themes, and whether you like the execution or not. there is no denying that Max's message is still simple and direct. There is no pretense. The work can be studJed, pondered and dissected, but ultimately. the power of Max's work is felt upon first viewing. The explosion of colors, the vibrancy of his execution and a sincere love of life is all there at first glance. Different from the c.alculated nonchalance of Warhol, Max's art Is meant 10 elicit joy from the viewer, an emotion that will forever be popular. •JOSE J. SANTOS is the art director and news desk chief. He can be readled at (949) 574-4224 or bye-mall at jo66.sanros@latimes.com. For more on Peter Max's work at the Wentwol'1h Gallery and the thoughts behind his creations, see Sunday's Insight in the Daily Pilot. 6,350-square-foot restaurant seats 202. The menu focuses on its signature gourmet burger, known as "anything that can go in, on or between two buns: First. choose from beef, chicken, veggie, fish, pol roast or turkey burgers; then !here are toppings. such as grilled pineapple. guacamole. green chilies. honey mustard sauce, barbecue &auce. fried onion straws and saut~d mushrooms. And Try the bottomless fries, soups, appetizers, entrees. desserts and signature Mad Mixology specialty beverages. Call (949) 759-0227. ••• The Red Rock OUU Co. wtll be the guest restaurant al Bloomingdale's Home Store at I p.m . Saturday. Carol and Paul C.Ollis, the restaurant's creators and owners. will demonstrate how they make delicious chili. It's a free event in the main course kitch en. And don't miss next week's guest. Roy's Restaurant's executive chef Olris Gamier. At this informative and fun cooking demonstration, Caphalon cookware will be used. II s1aru at I p.m. Aug. I 6. BloomingdaJe's Home Store is a1 Fashion Island in Newport Beach . (949) 729-6600. • •• South Coast Plaza just opened a new Oal:m Jumper Restaurant. Family and professionals favor this popular restaurant chain for its generous portions and good values. The restaurant features a rustic lodge decor with stone fireplaces, overstuffed leather chairs and warm woods. Oaim Jumper offers a menu with nearly 150 items and features signature coclctails, specialty nonalcoholic beverages. an extensive wine list and more than 75 imported and do mestic beers. It's open daily for lunch. dinner and late-night dining. It's on Level TWo, across from Sears. (714) 434-8479. • BEST BITES runs every Fnday. Greer Wylder can be reached at greerwylder@yahoo.com; at 330 W, Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627: or by fax at (949) 646--4170. Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. F1t m ily Owned Since 18 79 JOHN BLOESER CARPET fd. ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairbome And Much More HAPPENINGS AFTER HOURS • Submit N'T!R HOURS items to the 09ity Pilot. 330 W. Bey St, Costa Meu, CA 92627; by fax to (M9) 846-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is avallable at www.daitypilot.com. MUSIC 'fTAUAN FIREWORKS' The Pacific Symphony's Cart St. Clair will conduct a program of -Italian Areworks," a concert filled with the romance and . excitement of Italy featuring violinist Philip Quint and soprano Dominique Labelle. The ooncert la at 8 p.m. Saturday at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets cost $75 to $375. Information: (714) 75!>-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. LEON FlEtSHER IN CONCERT The Orange County Performing Arts Center 2003-04 Concert Series will open with a special celebration -a 15th birthday celebration for the pianist and composer Leon Reisher at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Founders Hall. Fleisher will be joined by violinists Cho-Liang Un and Gil Shaham, violist Paul Neubauer and cellists Carter Brey and Gary Hoffman. Tickets cost $76 and can be purchased at lhe center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For Information, call (714) 556-AATS. The Center Is at 600 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa. NEW WORLD FLAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New Wortd Flamenco Festival will be two full weeks. through Aug. 17, offering performances, workshops and outreadl activities. From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the best of flamenco music, dance and song. For more information, tidcet prices and dates, call (949) 854-4646 or visit www.rheb8rclsy.org. 'A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct -A Night at the Osears" at B p.m. Aug. 23. It's an evening of legendary film dassics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtrack live. The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert Is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets cost $75 to $375. For information. call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out audiences around the wortd, ·sing-a-long Sound of Music" is coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Aug. 22 and 23 and at 1 p.m. Aug. 24. Tickets cost $12 to $22 end can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (71 4) 556-AATS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. t<.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. lang will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m, SepL 6. Tickets cost $46 to $70. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpac.org. CHRISISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Sept. 14. Tickets oost $46 to $82. The oenter is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tic:keta are available at the center'& box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS f or onllne at www.ocpac.0111- tfTS Conductor Cert St Clalr loadt the Pacific Symphony In "T dlalkovsky's Greatest Hits:" an all Tdlaikovsky program. at 8 p.m._Sept. 13. Special guest pianist Vardan Mamlkonlan will perform "Piano COMerto No. t. The evening starts with the Polonaise from Eugene Onegin and the Suite from -swan Lake:" and ends with the rousing -1e12 Overture-with cannons and fireworks. Tickets cost $75 to $375. The concert is at the Verizon Wlrele88 Am~hitheater In Irvine. Information: (714) 755-5799, www.pacifi<(Symuhony.org. JAZZ. TRIO Gulfstream Res1aurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 AllOC3do Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m . every week. "Wanted" musicians Include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-n60. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yor1c Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Oitri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free Information: (949) 673-9600. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offer& live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rock, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform dassic rode. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Udo Par1c Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474 MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p .m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St , Costa Mesa. No COiier charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the saJ< on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. 1949) 673-~25. POP-ROCK AND FUMENCO Tate 5, a funk, roc:k and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Soto gui1arist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes st 7:30 p.m. Tueedeys and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001 STAGE '"Mamma Mia;" the smash hit muak:al bued on the I00"9 of ABBA. will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center'• Segeratrom Hall et 8 p.m. through Suhdey. Tlc:kets coat $44 to $68.50 and can be pllrdlued at the center's box office of onllne at www.ocpac.otp. The Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 656-ARTS. 1liE SNOW QUEEN' South Coast Repertory is featuring -The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen Aug. 23 and 24 With performances at 1 and 4 p.m. both days in the Nldlolas Studio. Tickets are $5. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. For tickets or information, call (714) 708-5555. 'CHICAGO' Kander and Ebb'a hugely popular -chicago• will be performed at 8 p.m. Aug. 26 through 29, at 2 and 8 p.m. Aug. 30. and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Aug. 31 at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tic:kets cost $28.75 to $65.75. They can be purchased at the Center box office or at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. 'THE LAST NIGHT OF BALLYHOO' South Coast Repertory will present "The Last Night of Ballyhoo" at Segeratrom Stage Aug. 29 through Oct. 5 The performance is set in 1939 in Atlanta, \Nhen the war on the mmds of the locals is the Civil War. as depicted in -Gone with the Wind" But for Lala and her family, nothing could be more important than her debut at Ballyhoo. a dance thrown by the ehte Jewish Society. Tic:kets are $19 to $55. Call for curtain times South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Or. in Costa Mesa. lnformauon or tickets: (7141 708-5555. DENNIS MIUER LIVE Comedian, author and five-time Emmy Award winner Dennis Miller will make his enter debut in Segerstrom Hall et 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Tlchts cost $36 to $06. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive m Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. 'SOME MEN NEED HELP' Orange Coast College's Theatre department opens with John Ford Noonan's two-person play ·Some Men Need Help.· The play, about a young alcoholic, will be produced and directed by the college's Repertory Theatre Company. The production will run SepL 13 and 14 and 20 and 21 1n the Drama Lab Studio. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Show times and lidtets: (714) 432-5640. 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR' "Jesus Christ Superstar• is coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall Sept. 16 through Sept. 21. It was the first masterpiece from the legendary team of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. This landmar1c show, which premiered In 1971 , chronicles the last seven days in the lite of Jesus of Nazareth as seen through the eyes of his disciple, Judas Iscariot, who has become disillusioned with the movement. Tic:keta are from $27.75 to $64. 75. Tidtets can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. 1he Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. 'ANNA IN THE TROPICS' South CoaS1 Repertory will present -Anna In the Tropics" Sept. 18 through Oct. 19 on the Julianne Argyros stage. The Pulltzer Pri~winning play is about the last of the Cuban American cigar makers clinging to their way of life In the midst of the Oepreuk>n. Most performaooes are at 7:45 p.m., except for Saturday and Sunday matl"'81 at 2 p.m. TI«eta are $19 to $55. South Coast Repertory Is tt 655 Town Center Drive In Coat.a Mesa. 1,,fonnetlon or tldtetr. (714) 708-6565. ~ OR LQS FEmYAL' Ontngt COMt Coflege~ Repertory will ohr ltt "'Ttn or lMa Festtvt1• on Oct. 4, 5, 11 Ind 12 In the Orama Lib Studio. Thi '991ival wiH fellure • plays thM ate 10 rnlnut• long or ahotter. The ptays wffl be ..... cted. dlrec:bld Ind~~ bv ltUdentl. Orange Coaet Coftege It It 2701 FelrJW Roed In Cott• MMe. T1cbtl end lnformadon: (714) 412 ..... ART f'ITDIMX ~,.,_..MIX ... mat.. penonel ~ lie the W.lfwcwth GeletV In ~l....nto ..... hla .Cobs of. lealr'"'4tMtcf .... from noon IO 3 1 .m. Sllurdey. Merwtlbe ..... end Daily Pilot personallzlng all worlca bought •t the reception. Max't ·co1orw of• more than 100 origln.t pllntlnga. drewlngt and NmltlcHdltk>o printa. The ertlat reception la •t the Wentwotth Gallery In Fuhion Island at 271 Newport Center Drive. For reaervetiona. eaH (M9) 376-9554. Max will also aJgn his book "The Art of Peter Max" at Borders Boob and Music In South Coast Plaza from 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 9. The booka1or• 11 at 3333 Bear St. In Costa Mesa. ANDRE MIRIPOLSKY Bayside Gallery Restaurant, at 900 Bayside Drive in Newport Beach, Is Q.ffering a solo exhibition sh()W(;aaing the works of artist Andre Mlripolsky now through September. Information; (949) 851-9181. DANCE OCC SUMMER JAZ1. DANCE CLASS Orange Coast College is offering a six-part, noncredit dance class for high beginner and intermediate dancers. Designed for daMers 16 years old and older, the class will focus on tedmique, progressions, turns, • jumps and 11 repertoire of combinations. To register, go to the bursar's office, next to the Student Center Building. The fee is $75. Class meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays through next week in OCC's Dance Studio C. 'SUPPER AT TlfFANY' GALA South Coast Repertory's •supper at Tiffany' Gala is from 6:30 p.m. to midnight Sept. 20 at the Tiffany & Co. at South Coast Plaza. The gala will celebrate the landmark 40th season and the 15th anniversary of Tiffany's South Coast Plaza store. The evening will begin w11h a reception inside the newly refurbished store and continue with dinner and dancing in an ad1oining tent Information: (714) 7()8.5504. SWING Lessons are given from 2 10 6 p.m. every Sunda·y al the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beadl by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages arc welcome. and no partners ere needed. Information: ocswing.com, (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing 1s offered from 8 p.m to 12:30 a.m . the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McChntodt Way. Costa Mesa (714) 641-8688. PO ETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY AND UVEMUSIC The Gypsy Den at 2930 BriS1ol St. in Costa Mesa will offer performance poetry and live music at 8 p.m. today. Top poet Steve Ramirez will be featured with Michael Paul, Jeremy Stephens and Carrie Seitzinger. Information: (714) 549-7012. OPEN POETRY READING AND LIVE MUSIC Alta Coffee House at 506 31st St. in Newport Beach will have an open poetry reading and music by Ryan Strassburg at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Information: (949) 675-0233. KI DS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years ofd are Invited to participete in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays a1 the Cotta Mesa Library, 1855 Par1c Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A dllldren's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEWR A dllldren't story time la hefd at 10:45 a.m. Wednadays •t e.,.,,.. & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coaat Drive, Cotta Mesa. (714) 444-0228. STOR'VTlME A ctlfldntn'a llory time Is hekt et 10 Lm. w.dnwiayund 10:15 a.m. Fridava 1t 8ofdN'I Boob a Mu* .. Sou1h CoMt fteu. 3333 BeetSt.. eo.ta Mele. fT'ee. f7t4) 432-78M. DINING/TASTING StWT CMNNERI The fUltv Nc:.t otr.t.. au.... Dlnnen from 4 to15:15 p.m. Mondr/ through F.idey It 2736 • W. COMI H~, Newpon Beech. •1o.s11. (M) M2·3'3l lWIUQHTD...a Atwllght~~~ ... Mdt •cHdler'I permlglene endoellrl'Wt ...,., .. reduCllld ....... .,... hm• I to I p.nv n ' I .. end ft'Om 4 : '°'~·~•V..Ncwl ' ~ '"' w. COlll ·~· Nlwpoft ..... &12·7*. QUOTE OF THE DAY "In all good fam ilies there . is leadership and th e ability en d ' cu · Bob Wiiton, Vaneuard Universrty Athletic Director Daily Piiot Men's teams have dealt with coaching changes, particularly in basketball Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot T he low point for the Vanh'\Jard Univers11y mens team' came when the M:hool fired ba.'>ketball coach Stephen French during the season. But. Lhe hiring of a toach that fits Vanguard·~ needs has led to the Lions' newfound optimism for the basketba.IJ program. which mirron. their feelings for all their programs .. Today's Dlecking Out series hi~tlights the past. pl"(.'<.Cnt and furore of the Van- guard men'!> teams. The Uons havt' high expectauon!> for the upcoming '>Chool year and Lhey are excited about the rebuilding proc~ Lalc- ing place with the ba.<.ketba.IJ program. RegardJes..s of how the men's ba<>ketba.IJ team perfonm on the court, Athletic Di· rector Bob Wil'>'>n already seems pleased with the hiring of Jim Degroot. In addi- tion, Wilson is prepared to be patien1. ~ Degroot contin· "I think many MEN I ues to build. ....__ _____ __, people relate athletics just to winning and lo<>ing and that's not the case: said Wilson, who was the basket· ball team's interim coach. "I lere at Van· guard theres a much greater mes.~ge to be senL One of the mo!.1 difficuJt thing!> ~ went through thi.-. year was the dis- missal of our men's basketball coach Any time you have to make a dec!!>ion like that it'!> difficult because it effects lh~ lives of a lot of people. The positive thing from that is that we replaced !French) with a real, strong i,piritual leader. 1 thinlc that will be reflective for years to come." Last season, the Vanguard mens basketball team. which had ~mmgty experienced a rolJer-coaster nde of promise. losses, momenrum and defec- tions, ran into a dt-ad end, as French struggled to develop team chemistry. However, just as in every of the olher sports teams' off-seasons, hope has been brewed. Save from the baskelball team, wilh the way the Vanguard men'!> teams fin- ished last season, lhere is not only hope, but lofty expectations for the Lions. For the men's soccer team. Coach Randy Dodge will be entering his second year with the progrcUTl and plans to build off a season that ended on a high note. The Lions. playing with a relatively young roster, finished their season with a four-game winning streak. They battled bade. from an 0·4 start in December and ended their season with an 8-12 record. Led by Man HCM. Vanguard is expect- ing Lo take its game to the next level and to a new ~home." The athletic depart· ment has been reconstructing new turf for the men's and women's soccer teams' 6elds that should be ready for the up- coming season. There-are several developments OCCUI· See MEN, Pa1e AlO • ----------------------------!!Im Sports Edttor Rlchar~ Ditnn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: t949l 6500170 CHECKING OUT EYE OPENER • l}dily~Pilot • Spotu I Id of flame f H 4,. •i~tJI' •• l!tl 1 .. I " Aug 11 honoree JEFF CLARK Friday, August 8. 2003 A9 an va ues Lions' women 's teams have been example of small-town feel the athletic ~epartment promotes Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot M ost athletic departments in- still a family-type atmos- phere within their pro~ ~ That can assuredly be said about Vanguard University ath- letics.. AQd, because the school Is a &mall, private university, and one based on Ouistianlty. the family concept ts all the more .___W_O_M_E_N_I ~~ Hes there Is leadership and the ability to ~ open discussions,• Vanguard AthJetic Olrec· tor Bob Wilson said "Not aD £amWea haw everything and Vanguard ceNinly doeln't have ~ But ttudent ... try 10 mab me belC o1 w1.c Ibey have lo lennl ol their ... and lbeir abOkMI and the flM::tlidet we do haw." 'nMlay'I Oteckir'I Ouc tertea ....... lf.ahta the Vlnguud women~ tfllml, • which includes the basketball squad that perhaps is the best example of the school's family mentality. The Uons' women's basketball team made school history this past season and Its team chemistry was a big reason the squad was able to defy the odds. The Lions were picked to finish ninth in the Golden Stale Athletic Conference by the circuJL's coaches. But they used that as motivation to capture the GSAC champlon$hlp and then they went on to earn their first NAJA Final Four berth. In the NA.IA national tournament. Vanguanf completed a thrilling come- back victory O\'er Oklahoma Clui5tian in the quarterfinals. The Lions out- ICOftd Oklahoma Clvildan. 17·2, In the ftna1 S;S& to pin a 6 t -60 win. "I ~ newr ~ anything 11.ke that in my •• Vanau-d ,Coach Russ Davis Mid at che time. Wllaon ~ ..... OIYil and Ibo Aid the Uonia Mre unique b«:awe o( lheir~ '° foail on twn bW-eebd. "1bey wewe noc the ~ taaen1ect team on the OOor eftrY ·~t. • WU.On • 'iald. ~Rut because of the leader..tup they had and the camaradene lhey had they were able to win. They did have talent. And, lhey were just fun to watch bernuse they never gave up. ln the na- tional tournament they were down by 11 with two minutes left against OkJa· homa Olristian. but they came back and won. It was just fun to watch. Russ did a great job. A lot of lhe credit has to go to hLm because he has developed thaL" The Lions will attempt to repeat last year' courageous run. but they will have to do so without the 2003 senior class that included Jessica Lendennan. Laura Lee. Paulette Seaman. Courtney McKinney. Deborah Candelaria and Robbin Dittenbir. However. Davis has produced one of his best recruiting classes and the Uons were fortunate enough to gain transfer Usa Faullcn c. a starting point g\Wd from UC Irvine. Davis will continue to educate bis players about his system. but his tu.ch· ings also go beyond the re1t-pen marb oo a clipboard. Vanguard buketbell team not only tel a b'&her lfandud on the bL\ked:)all court. the Uona were llto recognittd. nationally, for ddlttmt qualida That beCame etident when ~ Nrmd the rectplmt or ~ or. LeRor Walbr ~ ........ .,,. tM NA1A. ·~·who earned. 4.0 ...... The hon statue on campus depicts the Vanguard Un1vers1ty nickname; at left . Vanguard Unrvers1ty Athletic Director Bob Wilson wrth his staff, from left to right. Kerry Crooks, Beth Renkosk1. Enkka Gulbranson. Terry Zeigler. Juleen Lak. Kevin Kasper. Chns Conner. Joak1m Ulfvebrand. Bryan Wilkins. Rob Pegg. Mattias Johansson . Russ Davis and Jim DeGroot. A.• ?!tOT EDITOR 'S NOTE The Daily Pilot sports staff today 1s launching a special senes entitled Checking Out. h is scheduled to appear most days for the ne>Ct two weeks, with an in-depth report on the high school and college athletic departments in the New port-Mesa community point average m Vanguard\ exercise spons program. was selected from a group of 306 and received the awaid that recognt7.es the athlete who demon- strates the qualities of scholarship. character a nd sportsmanship. ·Probably the greatest thing that hap- pened for us this past year and what I think was the real reftecilon of the [am. ily atmosphere of our program was the fact that Jessica Lenderman ~ se- lected lfor the sportsmanship award!," Wllson said. ·That's a significant achievement for her and reftects what our en~ athletic program ts all about.· ln 1ddJdon to the basketball squad. the Uons are anticipating breakout· type seasons from the rest of their women' teams. Wilson said the volleyball team ls ca- pable of making the jump to ·&he upper half of the GSAC. "If you're ln the upper half. you 're one of the top 20 te.11M in the country.· Wil- son Aki. '"You might go to the national tournlmeOt. ·iVo1eyW1 bu really ~ ery >-r lblCe 1-w been here." wu.oo condnued. '"But IColdl P.rtia Gul-bramool ttaned • .,.. two J9rl • The~arenow,......SbelilO bad .,.... aood rec:n.dbnc.. btut6e~-....che~ l\llld IS\nis IMID M ...,,... a w.;: ... WCllEN. ..... AlO "' - AlO Fr~. 14.tgust 8, 2003 S P O R TS Oai!y Pilot I ~. '/lbU -"I think many people relate athletics just to winning and losing and that's not the case. Here at Vanguard there's a much greater message to be sent. '' Bob Wiison, Vanguard athletic director =o~ MEN Continued from A9 ring at Vanguard, including a new basketball gym. which is pro- jected to also have a weight room: The gym is in its prelimi- nary stages and is part of the uni- versity's strategic plan of adding new facilities. Vanguard will seek financial backing before finalizing plans for the new gym. Just as the soccer team, the men's cross country and track YOUTH FOOTBALL Football players and field teams are .also looking forward to the 2003--04 year as a time to establish them.selves as one of the best programs in the Golde9 Stat~ Athletic Conference. Tony Magana. Mikael Larsson and Matt Meyer headline a strong cast of distance runners, Wilson said. The Vanguard men's tennis team finished the season ranked No. 10 In the NAlA. Coach Mat- tias Johannson returns for his e(ghth season. The fonner Lions' standout has directed Var\bruard to an 103-54 record the past seven seasons. Wllson 'expects the lions to be in serious contention once again for the NAIA Region D title: Van- guard lost in th.e title match last season. Wllson said the Vanguard base- ball team will be in rebuilding mode. The Lions Onished 24-26, 13-15 in the GSAC last year. As for the future of the Van- guard athletic department, Wil- son wants all of the coaches to be full-time employees. The softball, volleyball, baseball and basket- ball coaching positions are full time. STEVE McCRANK/OAJLY P1LOT ~, } needed Vanguard University Athletic Director Bob Wilson tries to emphasize faith in the h·earts of all his coaches and athletes. . ~ ' WOMEN Continued from A9 did not lose any one to graduation and added two new players. Jenny Thune and Liz Huipe, the Lions are expected to contend for high individual honors in both sports. cer team will use the upcoming', " season 10 rebuild, but the Uons might have a chance to show qt.>lck results this year. Coach The Newport-Mesa Sea· hawks are in need of play- ers, ages 12-14, to join the Junior All-American foot- ball program. For more in· formation: (949) 640-2524. ning season. The Lions (l 5-13) finished ninth in the 24-team NAIA tennis championships. They The women's cross country team, coached by Bryan Wil- kins, is a bit similar to the men's program, in that its runners also strengthen the track and field squad. With Sarah Hall. Beth Renkosli. who i<; also Vanguard's sports information director, will enter her seventh season as head coach of the softball team. The Lions fin - ished 27-26-1, 10-18 in the com- p titive GSAC. but Wilson said th e hoping for a pitcher tu burst o the scene and that couJd push the bio into the conference's elite. Wtlso11 said the Vanguard soc- rry Crooks will hope her · oung players learn fast and im· ' prove last season·s record, 8-7-J, 5-4· I in the GSAC Selling Price .............. $21 , 980 Factory Rebate ............ ·$3,000 5 TO IET COST TO YOU C:$18,980 VIN. I 'S 3A93083, 3811138; ac1775l,X17•.•1s111 Selling Prtce .............. $17 ,980 Factory Rebate ............ -$2,500 Ford Crdtt Rebate ......... ·$1000 • l8 IET COST TO YOU •s14,480 Wt t 'I 3233277. 3233296, 32'4621, 3250l59 Discount OFF MSRP ....... $3.000 Factory Rebate ............ -$3.000 'TO IET SAVlllGS •$&~000 VIN. t 'S 3F375983, 376105,3F435707,3F4357DI 2640 J legal Nollc:es 2640 I Legal llatlces 2640 legal Notices ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... ~~Wl~l~~~l8fTiiiiiiiiiifOl~ll>Siiiiiiiii.l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 2640 j Legal llalices 2640 I Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal N~ces • Lepl Notices 2141: Sublect to 'ond1t1ons prescnbed by the University of Cahforn1a. Irvine •ealed bid' 101 a lump-sum contract are invited lor the lollowine IN01k· SURfACl PARKING 2003 (Re-blcf) PROJECT NO. 996518 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE IRVtN[. CALIFORNIA DlSCJtlPTION Of WORK: Surface Parking 2003 prorect will include the opans1on of two eu\t<ng par kine lots with an alternate for a new temporary park1n11 lot · The parking lots to be e•panded include the Anteater Recreation Center Parking l of and the Hewitt Hall Parking Lot. providing 390 new parkine stalls and 130 new parkme stalls at each of the lots. respectlvely. The scope of work at both parking lob will include but 1s not lnrnted to. demolition, site ullhlles, protection of e11stin11 improvements, new asphalt pa1kmg surfaces. concrete curbs. eutters. swain and walkw•ys. st11pm11. hghtrng and landscape and 11ngallon The alternatt tor a tempora1y parkm& lot will provide appro~•mately 930 parking stalls at the Arroyo Vista Housmg area The temporary fol will be fm1shed with 6" ol compacted base over compacted natrve soil w1U1 add1t1ona1 work 1nctud111g but not l1mrled to. clearing and grubbmg, compaction. striping. and landscaping and rrrrgalion, w•th a phased projec:t 1>St1mated completion d<tles of September 21, 2003 and October 30. 2003 Estimated Con~truclum Cost $800,000.00 llDOER QUAllflCATIONS: Prime 81.Uen wt.o do ,.., m"t tt... quoJlfl<qtlon• In the llddl11111 00<-111ts "'°Y ... , be eligible f or aw ard. Prime lldden must submit their qvollfl<otfona on the f-provided by the University os °"' ottac.hment to the llcl f orm. P9tOCIOUR£S: Bldd1n& documents will be available at 9:00 A.M .. Frldoy, AU1Just 1, 2003, and will be issued only at: Consolldotecl •~ot••fu, In<. 3182 Pullman Street. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone No (714) 751 2680. Attention Rick Beilotli and Robert Solano NOT£: It •s the sole respons1b1hty of prime contractors and subrontrac tors to register with Consolidated Reprographocs. Inc or Des12n & Construction Services. Un1ve1s1ty of California. Irvine. to acknowledae receipt of the B1dd1ng Documents fo1 the Pro1ecL One M,onclcttwy Pre-llcl COflferen<• oncl Protect Site Vltlt will be conducted on Mondoy, A"9'11t 11, 2003 be1tinn1n11 promptly at 12:00 P.M. Part1c1pants shall meet at Design & Construction Services. University of Calrforn1a. lrvme. 5201 Cahlorn1a Avenue, Suite 250, Sullivan & W11ght Conlerence Rooms, l1vrne, CA 92697·2450 (949) !124 66.10, (Corner of Cal1forn1a Avenue and Bison Avenue) Only Bidder\ wh o pafl1t1pate 1n the Pre·B1d Conference and Proiect Site Vml, In the11 eoluety, will be allowed to bid on the f'roiect Participates mu~t arrive at or belo1 e 12:00 P .M. Persons arriving later than 12:05 P.M. will not be allowed lo bid as pnme contractors on the Pro~t t For further rnformallon. <:onbct Lynn Javle1 al (949) 8?4·7009, at Des•en & Conshuchon Services. Un1vers1ty of California. Irvine lld1 wlll be r1<1lv1cl only ot: Btd Box, Front Counter DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES University of California, Irvine 5701 California Avenue, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92697-2450, Phone No (!M9) 824-6630 Ilda muat be received on w ltofere 2.00 P.M'., M ondoy, 18, 2003. 114s wll Ito .,. .... d o1 2:05 P.M., MOftdrt, ..,.,_, 11, 2003 oft DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. University of California. Irvine 5201 Calitornia Avenue, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92697~2450 A....,., Bid S.cu11ty ln the •mount of 10~ of the lump sum base bid, uclud1n1 alternates, sh•ll accompany uch bid. The surety lssuin1 the Bid Bond shall be. on the bid du dhne. an edmitt•d surety Insure. (u defined 1n tht Celifornl1 Code of Civil Proc:tdure Section 995.120). All Insurance policies required to be obtained by Contractor s1J1ll be sublect to approval b~ Urw ersity lot form ind substance. All pollcles required by University for Commerc:i1I Form Gener1I Ueb1hty. Business Automnblle liability, E~cen l11bility. and Profeu1on1I liability shall be Issued by companiH with • Best Retina of A· or better. and a f1nanci1I cl11slf1cahon of VIII or betlet (or en aq111nlant ratlna by Stend•rd and Poor's or Moody's) All pohcles requlfed by University for Workers· Compens11t1011 ind Employers' Llab11ity shall be issued by complnles (I) that have 1 Best Retina of B+ or bett.er, and • lln1ncl1f cf1ss1flcatlon of VIII nr belltr (or an equ1v1llnt rallfll by St1nd1rd and Poor's or Moody•s): or (II) that are accec>table to the University .. All such polfclt!! shall bt written for not less then the amounts specified 1n the Bidd•na Documents.. TIM! Jutc"slul Bidder and its 1ubcontr1ct0fs will be required to follow th• nondl\c:rlmfn11t1on rtqulrements set forth In the Blddina Documents and lo pay pren lli111 waa• rat• at tht loe1tloft of tltt Work. Th• sucuntul Blddtf will be r•quired to have the followina Calif Of ni. contrec:tor'a licenu cuHent at the time of the Bid ()penl111: UCINSI WSWKAnotlc UCtNSI cooa. Gentt•l 81111dl11C Co11tr.ct0r 8, Of General En11-lfl,Contrtet0f A, Of h tthw0tll 1nd Pt11lnl Coflttect0r C·l 2 ' THt RCGCHTS Of THE UHMRSfTY Of CM.lfO..NIA Unl~•n•lr of C11llf«nl11, lrvlnt • Au1111t 2003 P\lblN!ed Newoott 8tKh·C~t1 M-sa Oallv Piiot Au1111t l A.. 2003 F502 . ' ( ADWITISIMIJfT fOl ll>S Sub1ect to conditions presc11bed by the Unrvers1ty ol Califoin1a. Irvine, sealed b•d• lnr A lump sum contract dre 1nv1ted fm thP tollowrn& Work MlSA COURT ACCESS ROAD PROJECT NO. 996313 UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA, IRVINE tRVIN[. CALIFORNIA DlSCltfPTION OF WOIUl: Proiect includes dtmohhon of u1stin11 .sphalt pavement, sile clearmg including removal of four u1st1na trees; removal and disposal of updns1v~ soil, import and compaction of non expansive $Ubbase material mstallahon of a d'a1nage system, placement of bne material. placement of plain eray, r111nforced. medium b1oom finished concrete 1n all areas. installation of a new 1rr1aat1on system to support the new trees. plantina ol new trees, ad1ustment of u1stina ground cover . 1rr1aat1on and dram age and installatlon of site h&hlm& Estimated Construction Cost. $120,000.00 PROClDURlS: B1ddrn& documents will be available al 9:00 AM, frldoy, Auguat 1, 2003, and will be 15'ued only at Conaolhfoted 9topr09"ophfn, Inc., 3182 Pullman Street, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone No (714) 751·2680 Attent1on Moham1T1ed Rehman or SoH1a Accdl NOTlt It " the sole rftsponsib1hty ot prime contractor~ and subcontractors to 1e1t1ste1 with Con'.>Ol1dated Repro1r.1ph1cs, Inc. 01 Desian & Construction Services, Un1vers1ty of California Irvine, to acknowledge receipt of the B1dd1ng Do,uments tor the Proiect Ono M-dotory Pro-lld c-foronce -d Profoct Site Vlsltwllf be cnnducted on Monday, Auguat 11, 2003, begmnma promptly at l :30 PM. Parllupanh shall meet at Des1an & Construchon Services. Un1vers11y of Cahf0fn1a. Irvine 5201 Cahforma Avenue. Suite ?50, Sullivan & W11aht Conference Rooms Irvine, CA 92697 2450. (949) 824 6630 (Corner of California Avenue and Bison Avenue) Only Prequahf1ed Bidder\ who part1llpate 1n the Pre·81d Conference and Pro1ecl Site V1s1t, m the11 e11t11ety, will be allowed to bid on the Project . Par fic1pates must a111ve at or before 1:30 PM. Persons ar11vln11 later than 1135 PM will not be allowed to bid as p11me contractOfs on the Pro1ect For furthe1 mformation, contact Se-011 Moulton al (949) 824·1577. al fleslan & Construction Services. University of Cahforn1a. Irvine lld• wilt l.e rocolvod -ty oh Bid Boa. Front Counter DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICE.S, Urnvers1ty of California. 11 vme 5201 California Avenue, Suite l.'50, lrnne. CA 9?691 2450 Phone No <949) 824·6630 Ilda must be rocelvecl on or l>efOfo 4:00 PM, Moftdoy. Au9u1t 18, 2003. lids wlll h opened ot 4:05 PM. Monday. August 18, 2003, oh OESICN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. University of California, Irvine 5201 Cahlorma Avenue, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92697 2450 Bid Security in the amount of 10"-of the lump sum base bid. e.cludina altern3tes. shall accompany uch bid The surety 1nuin11 the 81d Bond shill be. on the bid deadl!ne. an admitted 'urety insurer (as defined in the Cahforma Code of Civil Procedu1e Section 995.120). All Insurance pohc1es 1equ1ted to be obt11ned by Contrector shall be sub1ect lo approval by Un1vers1ty for form and sub1tanc:e. All pohc1ea requlied by Un1vers1ty tor Comme1c1al rorm Gene11l Lieb1llty, Busmeu Automobile Ll1b1llty, (•cess l1eb1hty, and Professional Llablllty shall be Issued by companies with a Besl R1trna of A· or better. eod 1 flnanclal classlfic1hon of VIII or better (w an equivalent ,,lin1 by Standard and Poor's or Moody'S). All poHclu required by Uni1111rslly f(I( WOfkers' Compensation and Employers' llabllity shall be issued by companies (I) that have a Best Retma of B.. or better, 1nd a flnancl1I ctassiffcetion of VIII Of better (or an equivalent ratlna by St1ndard and l'oor's or Moody"s), or (h) that are •cceptable to the Univenfty. All such policies shall be written for not less than the amounts specified In the Biddina Documents The succ1tssful Bidder Jnd its subcontrecton wlll be required to follow the nondiscrimination requirements set forth In tht 8iddin1 Documents ind to pay prevelllna weae 11tes •t the loc1tlon of the Work. The successful Bidder will be required to hive the followln1 C1l1f11rnl1 contractor's license curr•nt at the time of th• Bid Openlnr: UClNH ClASStfKATIOfh U<I NSI CODlt Central Buikfina Cofltractor 8 114der Q .... fkati.... ,..,,, ... fl M ............... 114 Doe411M fMtu4., wltt...t U...ltotl .. 1 me REGENTS or THE UNIVERSITY OF CAltfOttNIA Ul'lhretalty of Cahfornla, Irvin• Aueust, 1003 Published Ntwi>Oft BHc:ti·Cost1 Mesa O•llY Pilot A111111t l 8 2003 r 501 SELL SELL SELL your stuff .. your stuff throueh your stuff through I throoah classified! classified! , classifiedl ~CM' -,. .,..,, ~ .... . . --- ' fiditious lusNss N...Stat...., The followin~ pe1 sons are domg busrne~~ •~ I ) Yellow Cab ol N"w port Bulh, ?> Yellow Cab ol Santa Ana 3) hllow Cab of Tustin. 4J Y•llow Cab of West minster, 51 Yellow Cab of Cos ta Mesa 6) Yellow C6b ot r vunta•n Valley. 7) Yeli11w C.~h of ll Toro 8) ~llow CAb nf Hun t1ngton [:!,.,,ch 91 Yetlnw Cab uf livme. 101 Y•llow Cab of M1~~1on V1e1<r 11) Yelh1w r Ab "' I ~g11na Hill\ I/> l•eun• Silver Cab Co111pa11y I l) fa•t Cump~ny. 14> l.ui•Ab Company 15> 1 ''" Company I 6J S•rntlr County Yellow Cdb I/ 1 South 01an11e County Yellow Cab, 18) All County Yellow Cab 19) All Oran1rt• County Yellow Cab, 20) [ ·Z Yellow Cah 21) [asy Yellnw C4b. 1619 E. Lincoln Ave , An•he1m. CA 92~ Yellow Cab ot (;realer Or•nee County lnl (CA). 1619 £ l 1ncoln Ave . Anaheim. CA 9?805 Tlus busmess 1s con ducted by a corporat1nn Havf' you started dome busmtS\ ytt1 'Vn Dec 16. 1945 Yellow Cab of Greater Oran11e County. Inc .• Diane Slaele, Sec./ Viet Pre~1dent This shtPmenl wn hied with the C111111ly Cle1k ill 01 anll• rnu11ty nn 08/tr> 03 20036951869 Daily Pilot Aue 8, 15. 22 29,2003 f512 fidltiM ..-U ,....s .... l he tollowmg '""son~ Mp OOIOi bU\lnt\\ as All Se•son Pr opei ty MM•agemenl 816 Ala bama St . Huntm11ton Buen. California 92648 Mary Ran11el . 816 Alabama St . Huntineton Bea,h, Cal1forn1a 92648 Eddie J. Ranae•. 816 Alabama St .• Huntmaton Bt!ach Cahforma 92648 I his business •S con dulled by hu11band and ,.,,., liave you started dome b1"mess yet? No Mery Ran&el This statement wu hied w•th th" County !'le1k ol Orange County 'ln 07/16/03 200369S1141 Daily Pilot July 18. 25. Aug I 8. 200J f 492 AclttlMt.silleu "-S....... The followm& penons are dom11 busmeu u The Catalyst, 1300 Ad ams Avenue 2A, Co\ta M~a. Cilhforma 92676 NMtcy M Anderwn, 1300 Adams Avenue, 2A. Costa Mesa. Ca1ilorn11 92626 Thli busmen ts con· ducted by an lnd1v1dual Have you started dorn1t busmen yet? Yes 03/01/03 Nancy M Anderson Hus stafement wn fried w1lh the Cnunty Clerk of Oranee County on 01/30/03 2003HS3222 Daily Pilot Aue. I, 8, 15. 22, 2003 F507 < l'llUCATQ The Costa Mesa lonmg Admin1str ~tor will render a dec1\IOO on Thursday, Au9"•f 21, 2003 or n soon "' poss1bl• there afte1. 1111 the tollowmg items I Minor Des1en Rev•ew ZA 03 47 for rom Con zelman duthot11ed ~eent for M .. muno and laura Comez. for a 4'6 "t It St'I nnd llnor addition to " s111i:1e family 1es1denle .tnd an e • .,mptton from 1nte1 nir 11a1 age depth requ1temenls (20 re quued. 19· 7· u1stin1() located di 3069 Coolidge Avrnue •n •n RI tone I nv1ronmrntal deternu n•tlon e>empt 7 M1no1 Cond1honal Use Per m•t l A 03 49 101 Shaheen S1deeh1. to allow redud1on '" th• requ11ed number of p11kmg spates. locoted at ?937 Bristol Sh~"' ( lhr Lampi and an adjacent p1operty t 1981 B11stol St1eet). with shared dr 1veway a1:ress b•lween the two prop er lies. '" a CI zone [nv11on111entat determ1 nation ueml)t • Publ1s'1td Newport Buch Costa Me~a Daily P1lut Au11usl 8. 2003f5l0 Th~ lnllow1n11 persons·• art doin& bu\ines~ •"·· 1 Reha bl~ r 1~h1ng ,,, od I u< ts ?8071 Calflna • -• M1s~1on V1t"10 Cal1fornut • '·' 9?69? -• Paul Robbins ?807l • 1 Gallina M1n•on Vieto• • 1 Lahlorn1a 9?692 • ' R1Jbeit P1t k~11na .... ~; ?6?41 hrr asa M1ulon V1e1c. <-1hfo111111 9269 l lh1\ business 1s ron du~ted t>y a &eMral''' ' ' par Iner \hip i o<!Ai llavt you \larttod dom11 bu\1no~ yet' No • ~ • Robert P"ker11111 I his sl atement was filed with the Count~ Cleik ol Oranee County nn 07/0l•OJ 20036950368 D11ly Pilot Aug I 8 I!>. n. 2003 r !>08 Clasi{ldir CONVENIENT wltt1/ttr JOU 'rt buying, ttUinf, or just lookiltf, c#mifW has wltat JOfl nmJ ! CUSSIFIF.D (949) 642-5678 , I 'ftl I • lt..i .. • 115) Notice II htttby &Inn Jhat en •PPllc•Uon hu bMn wbmlttad by GrHt Clrci. F•lftll~ FOOds. LLC to .. tablltll an Nllnc and drlnlllna faclllty (Krlapy Krem. Oonut Sl\Olt) within th• Bluffs COllVlltrclal Shoppln1 C.nlitr, spedallllnc In donuts, t.0ft drinks and coff~ prod41cts, etc. The shopplnc canter I s currantlJ under con •tr uctlon at the corner of MacArthur Boulevud and Bison Avenue. Adequate parklnc for th• ruteutant ls Pl•nned. ~ establishment will occupy 1,614 squ•re fHt of the 19,964 s4u•• feet previou,ty authorized by UP2002 • 020 )ind Its emllndment. The fecillty wlll pro'V1d• 28 iaterlor setts •nd no ucluslve outdoor sut· Inc or dlnlna. The property 1$ located in the PC (Sub·aru ~ of the Bon lh Canyon Pl•nned Community) District. Pr~rty located at 1316 Bison Avenue, Sulla ¥>3 ·F Thia project hn been revltWed and determined to be ctteaorically eumpt under the re· qulrtments ol the Call· fornia Environmenltl Quality Act under Cius l (Ellstln& F1c1htHtS) Plannln1 Director's Uu Permit UP2003·029 1~ scheduled for review by the Pi.nnina Oep11tment of the City of Newport Beach on or •lier Tuuday, Aucust 19 2003 Written comme11b or input related to the pcoiect should be sub m1tted to the Pl1nn1r1a Oep•rtment by Monday, Aucust 18. 2003. 1n ordar to be consickred 1n the Plannina Direc· tor's decision. If ap pcoved •t the hme of rev11w. the appeal periOd of 14 days will be110 from ll11t date. durn11 ;tthleh t1m1 any 1ntereslld party or their eulhorized •aent •c aneved of that decmon mey tile • notice of appeet to the Pfannin& ComlUM>n w1lh a hhna fee of $875 00 to defray the 'ost of the appeal proc..:lurt. The application and development pt•n• of Buch 3 Newport Boulevard, Newport Buch, C.llforni1. 92659- 1768. for lurther lnfor· rn1tlon conhot the Nawport Be1ch Plannin& ~tnMnt at (949) 644 3200. NOTl1 The upense of this notke " p1ld f1C)nt 1 ftllnc fee collected from the epph~nt. P ublls he d Newport 8each·Cost1 Meu Daily Pilot Auaust 8, 2003 f 510 P..wlc ..._....,.will be held by the Cost• Mesa Plannln1 Comm1'510n at City Hall, 77 Fair Dnve. Costa Mu a, C1hfornia. at 6:30 p.m .. or as soon as ponibt• thereafter on M-4.y, ~'' 2S, 2001. recardin& the lollowine apphcat1on\ 1. Pfannina Apphcal1on PA·Ol-Jl for Kim Berry, authorized aaent for Cameo HomH, 10< 1 ma~ter plan amendment and a var1<1nce ltom perimetet open space requ1rement (ZO fl required. 6 It proposed) for the cons II u~llon ot aar•aes along a stde property hne. louted at 550 P•ufarlno Avenue 1n a POR·HD t0ne Env1 ronmentat deter m1na lion: exempt 2 Plannmg Appl1t.tt1on PA·OJ-27 for John De F renLa, authoriled d£enl for Denni' Oale\S10, for a vanance to t!nuo4Lh into the llont \elback (70' requ11ert O' r"o posed) for a sec und floor deck. localed at 1777 Newport 81Julevard 1n 4 C2 Jone lnvu un menhl delernnnat1011 eumpt 3 Prehm1nary Masler Plan Amendmenl PA·03 16 lot Paul rreeman authottted aeenl fut South Cont Plata. for an amendment to South Cout Plata I own Cenler preliminary master plan to allow mod1f1cahon of the prev1ou~y approved loc•tiun of a propo$ed hotel •nd ofhce bu1ldm11. located •I 3300 3420 811\tol Street 1n a IC tone [nvironment•I dele•n11114tion rinal (IR #1047 If 4ny of the preced1na actions '"" challeneed m courl, the challenee may be hmtted to only tho\" iss.ues someone 1 a1w• at the publ•C hea11ng , or pnor o, hearina For fur lhet Inf or ma lion on the above appllcellons. telephone (714) 7S-4·524!>. or vi\ll the office of !he Plan nloe 01v1s1on. Room 200. 77 Fair Drive, Cosla Mesa, California Publ1Shed Ne wport Beach·Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Aueust 8. 2003F!il9 SUPlllOI COllT Of WOlllA, COlllT't Of OIAMGf 34111. City Driwe, ,, fleer, ar.p, CA t2W PfmaOf WY D. fOWUI Me VIC· TOllA A.._ OM If. llAllOf~­ JOWIB,AlllOIJOI OWIGIOflWll OID8 TO SHOW ClllSl JOI OWIGI Of llllll WI •ua 1%20621 10 All INllRl S flD PlRSONS I Pellll<>ner GARY 0 FOWLER & VICIORIA A RUBINO ON BEHALF OF SARAH ANNE FOWLER A MINOR filed a petition with lhl\ t.OUI t for a decree chan111ng name' a\ follow• Sar~h Ann• I owl~r In Sa1 ah t\nnP. Rubmo 2 TH£ COURI ORDERS that all pe,.on\ 111ter ested 111 '~" matter 'hall appeM before lh1\ <11ur t al 11\e heanng md•ldl~11 brlow to 'J.ht1w LdU\t· it •ny why the µel1 l1u11 for thrlnge ol ndr•o. \h•iuld nut lie i:r an led NU I IC[ Ill Ill l\l{IN!; O•te q.16 01 lm1e '/ prn CJepl L / J The dddre\\ nl the "'llrl 1\ ume a• nuled dbove 3 A • opy nf lh" Ord,., to Show i.:.u\e •hall llP. p11bl1\he!I at least one,. e•rh "'"~~ Int l1J1rr \Ut.f4''\'\1Vt' Wf'ttk' •hUH to tht c11•l11 ~··• tor hearu1g on the 1-1«11111111 Ill lht followmw, nrw' paper ol l"Mt ~I '"' 11 lahnn, print~(! 111 ""' 'uunty lH( OAIL Y PlllJ I O•t•• AUG OS, 200l M AIJOUl l AlltO CAlllll, JUDGE or THl SU,llltol COURT Publl~hed N~"'P"' t Beach co,t.t Me~• Oaily Pilot Au&u\t 8. I S. 22. 29 2003 F517 34111. <If..._, PO IOI 1417t, an.. um 1s. lS7t, WICllMX M1ICI arra Pl11llDll Of IAlll.B 51-a.. IOUIAI FCll<llmOfllAll .GD8 TO SIOW UISI fCll OWMOfUlf Wl-122060t lO All INTCR£SICD PERSONS· I. Pet11ioner· KAIHLHN SHANNON MOLNAR filed a petil ion with this court for a decree chan\l111g na111e~ a\ lollo w~ KA IHl [[ N SHANNON MOL NAR ahA KATHI l l N S HANNO N MORGAN DAVIES to KATHLEEN SHANTY MOLNAR 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all per soM mt,,· e\ted m lh1s matter ~hall ••11pear belor e this wur I di the hearing md1utcd below to show <duse 11 4ny, why the pellt1011 101 change ot n.rne should not be gr anlec1 NOTIC[ Of M[ARING Date· Sept 16, 03 lime 9AM.Dept L7 3 lhe 1ddress of lh" c<iurt 1s same ai nult:id 4buve 3 A topy of this Otder to Show Cause shAll be published al h,;t\I one• e.,1.h wee~ 1111 10111 ~ucte!t!.IY~ wtid1,•. ,,,.°' to lhe dale "'I lor hear1n11 un the pel1lwn 111 the followinR Mw' paper of gef!et ,.1 • "' 1J l.thon pr1nlert in """ t 11u111y D.tily P111.1 no W Bdy Slr~et l•"l,1 M•sd CA 9l b27 Dale : AUG 0'4, 2003 MARJORtl lAIRO <ARTEll. JUDGE OF TH£ SUPllttOR COUllT f'ubltshed Newpur I e~.ilh ~OSl.t Me'd 0011~ f'•lnl 4 &u\I g IS ll ?9 ('003 I ~lk RditlM lusiMu .._.s..._., r h• fnllow1ng ll""'"'" dr~ d'llll~ bU'tllPS\ ~\ I 1 A C.sb 2 I A & A CJh J1 Ame,.tan h"ld~. "' Arn~rH.an Yf.lluw C..ctb '>1 Any C"b 6) Any IA" I J Authentic y .. uow r,at. 8) Aulhonatl VelluN C4b 9 J I ir~t Y rllow l.~ti 10) Genuine Yellow C:ah 11 1 Of11c1al Y~llow C.ib 12 I Ottiirn•I Yellow (db 13) Re~I Yellow Cab. 14) Ytl!ow Cab of Ameoca I Im I 5, UI Sl1nd, 19) I Yellow Ceb, 20) fl Yellow Cab. 21) • l YelfowCab. 22) ! Yellow Cab, 1619 f lmcol11 Ave . 'ln•hllm. CA9280S ' Yellow Cab of Creetle• On1n1e County. Inc . (CA), 1619 [ Lincoln A~• • Anaheim. CA 9280!> lhis busmeu 1s con· ducted by a co1parat1on li•ve you started domg busmeu yet? y.,,, Dec 16.1945 Yellow Cab of Gr eater Orange County, Inc . 01ane Slagle. VP/Set T111s ~l•tement was filed with the Counly Clerk of o,.nae County un 08/05/()3 20036953167 0~1ty Pilot Aug II. I!>. 22.19.2003 rs11 SCJUAIY ll011C1 Of~ rosm smuaoo Of ·cws1cmt1 T01 All PlltSONS WHO, WITHIN THE LAST FOUi YlARS, ,UllCHASlD M ER · C HANDISE raoM SOUTH COAST AUC· TION WITH A CHDIT CARO If YOU ARE A MEM8llt Of THIS CLASS Of PlltSONS, YOU SHOUlD READ THIS NOTICE CAREFUL· l Y 81CAUSI IT MAY 'AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS lhNe 1~ now 1w11d111g 111 llw 01dngr ruunlv Supt11ur C:uu1 l cl IAw~u1I H1hlled Ounwou<Jy v 'l•itlth r.oa'\t Aiu. t11111 ~t ~I f'11Jtl t ~'t: No 07f'C007f,6 Plarnt1ll h11\ t1l••d A ft1w~u1t dV.d•w~t \uuth Cuct\f Au1 t111n 11n tu lo,111 .,f the Cid\\ ul Of'Ol>le r1~~· t1bt'd db11ve I h~ ldW•Ull alleR•\ !h•l Suuth l.."'tJ1t'd Aut.t1on 1r111H1\..-d d two µnr ~nt ··l" ( hdr g~ on 1t\ ( u~ tumer\ who µaid fut mtrth.11111\< 1J\1r1g d 1 r~d1I ~Md and !hat this P••• fir~ v1nl•led C•h fhf01,1 r on\umrr law\ Jt11, Summ•1 y 1~ to ,1(1v1•.t! y11U th11l y11u will aulo111Al11 dlly !Jetome • 111enl!ll'I ul lt1• Cl•'' unle'' yuu ~lttt. t to he ~•tlull•d l)y f1lmg lhe dJ'IPI .ic;r l1tt~ e ,I c.IU~•On '"4"~'1 w•lh lht Cour I dlld w1lh C14" Cuun,el A" • C:ld" Member yuu will be bvund by lh• Settlement Agreement YOU ~IAVl A RIG Ill I 0 I U OU lion at 2202 South Main Stree t. Santa An•, Callfo1n1• and request a complete No tice of Proposed Settlement of Cius Action upfa1n1nc !he 11alure of the lawsuit and your 11ehts and dul1e& to be u cluded fr om the settlement 01 to ob11ct to lhe settle ment THI PIOPOSlD SEnUMlNT THE PARTIES HAVE AGRlfO ro IH[ ro1 LOWING SC f Ill Mr NI South Coasl Auclton '"" .. &reed to p1ov1de a ten dollar (SIO) d1Stuu11t 'ouprm good fur .iny purchase At South Cunt Auction to dass mem bers who present •de· quate proof that he u1 'he ,. a member of lhe d<»ss d"'c 11bed above Ctn~ memb~t' will lie eltt1lled lu 011e tvupon for each time the 'la\•, member paid !ht tre<111 ~&•d su•~haree South Coast Auc t ion ha' •greed 11> "sue ~ rotal of $132.000 00 1n d1' c,ount c.oupon\ tor tht rlass Sc.ulh l.ro.tsl Auction ha\ ~l'o dg1eed to pay class c.ounsel s .illorneys· 1~~s. '1,ur t to\h dnd l111gdl1on e ... peos.t:'. Pdymtiut of atturney~· fe.:"\ t ,,.,,,_, and e•pensl!\ will 11n1 a lled lfl• u•n•l1I" provided to lhc pr o1.1uwd Cla•~ unde1 Iii< St'llle mPnt Agreemenl flNAl fAlaNISS HEARING 011 luly 10 i>OO i .• 1 ~ 10 d rn • h~:u111v w111 b< held on lhf' ''""'•'·' of ll1t' µ1 oµo\ttl •,ell It' m'nl The t1e.,rine wlll loke µla1 e h•lor• lu<IR~ lnnat hAn t-t f.."IHl'1n m Department ex IOl "' the Or itnge t ouu1v Supettor Co11r1 l'1v1I Complei. Cenle1 lu1 dltd al 751 W S•11I.• A11., Boulevard Sot11., All•. California 1r YOU W!\11 IO er [ XCl UOI 0 I ROM IHE CLASS ACllON OR WISH TO DBJCCT 10 Iii[ SETTlfM£Nl YlltJ MU!> I COMPl Y WITlt IHE REOUIRf MlNI', ANO l)f AOl INf " ~.f r fORIH IN lilt I l1 M f'l l I l NO llCI (Jf 'ii I ll(M[NI or (I A:.\ ACTION Y•>u ITl•Y ••bt .. 111 a copy of lhe • 11m11l•I,. Noltlt' nf Setlle"'~nl nf Cla" At11on by v1\lting South Coot Auet1on at 2202 South M11n Street. Santa Atta, C•hfornl1t You may •IM> w11te lot sendma • sell addr eued \limped envelope to c rass Counsel. Nell B Fineman. bq FINEMAN& ASSOCI A TES. 501 C1v1c Cen\'1 D11ve West. Santa Ana. CA 92701 Publ1$hed Ne wport Beach·Co~ta Meu U11fy Pilot July ?5 Augud I, 8. 2003 f !">()() IMSID ll011C1 Of MUCllAm& NOl lCE IS HEREBY GIV£ N that ~ continued hear 111g "'111 be held by the Costa Meu City Cooncrl on August 18. 2003. •I 6 30 p m . m (he Council Ch1mbe" uf City Hall II f •ir Ot1vb on th• followina item A l'HOl'OSI 0 RI SO I llTION nf th• City Gourrcil "' the City of Cost• M~H .tmend1ne lite City of Cr>~I• Meso Rt\1d•nt•al D•s1gn Cu1d~l1ne' 1ntlud1ng. but not lrrn1ted to, v1etH pr e.e1 v•lton guideline' £11vttonmental Delerm1 n•l11.111 E •empt If Hf( AF ORE MEN I IO Nl I> AC fl ON IS r:HAl l f NGl D IN COUR 1 !he Lhall•nie may lie ltnHlt-d tu only lllO'le 1s\11e• r•l\td al the µubltl lie<lt1t1i' d••U 1bed 1n Ott' not1c+! or 1n WFIHPll {OH "\pondente delivered to the Cit v C.11um_1, at or pno, to lh~ pvbhL heannl( NOTICE IS f URTHER CIVlN lhdl di lhe above l1mr .nd plat• dll 1ntt"rfl"\f..-d per\on\ may ~PP•M •ntl h• h•ar d by Ille ( •IY Counr 11 un th• .-tbovti 1t~rn JULI£ fOLCIK. D•pvty City Cl•rk l'ubl1~h•d Newµorl B~"' h c"~ta Me\a Daily l'ilot Augu.t 8 200Jf ~14 N011C1 Of PllUC lf(Allt6 N<lllCf IS HEREBY C.IVI N fhal a publ1t hedttllR will be held by the Cu,ld Mesa C.:11y luunul "" August 18 /fJOl .ii b .lO p m . 1n the l.1111nt1I t hamlH!I\ of Co!y llall II fair 014v• on lhe loll11wrn2 •lem A PROPOSfD ORDI NANCE ul the City Counul ol the City of GlJ\t.t Mud ame11d1n1t l1lle l l of lhe Co•la M••• Mun1upal Code relalln& le. Re•1dent1al Index ~ How to Place A CLASSIFIE AD ,.,., ... ~ lllMSIO By Fax B}' Phont• By Mail/In Person: •1 Sill&~ 111·"1 I I\ 11-t.59-J 1'4 111 rw2.~n711 no WC'.1 8J1 s1r~1 (thW "1L"'1. CA 92627 ....,,it f\c..c ft w "'"' IWh: ... 18 .. ,,......, .. ~ SERVICE DIRECTORY -,\ffi -For All Your Home and Business Needs -. ~/T ••II aJl~"l~\•it.'14 pr .. .,., .. I , .. :•,.., 1\lcl l>11nr11n lt11111n llcma PAch Weelt Por Only SJ2 per wttk 14 ... eek minimumt • c..I &.* 11 !"fl S74-424S 1'86 Fwnlturt Amertcen Motorc yc;le s..... (Olldend ~) Lallt «1s. 6 ~ °' o•tibeSil> pn.. Ot.-. C. ~ tor.. W/IJh*v-'1 of member wearin& ..... ~mo .. $25(1) 714'5.ll ·lD> TOP SS 4 UCCMIOS nc .Im. Cllltic. Or. 'Sh ' tos Ill Mite. sp.,' .... M1JI' Mike 949 645 ·75D5 All 'leaf est1te •dver- tlsinc in lhll 111wspaper Is subject to the r eden I Fair Hovslnc Act of 1968 11 emended which m•lln It lllec•t to ldvertlse • 1ny prefer· enc •. llmllet1on or d'rsu llnlnatlon based on '-· co'ar. retision, sea, h•nd~. f1mi1J.I status Of neUonal otlcln, or en Intention lo mah eny sudl pteference, limit•· lion ~ dlscrlmln•tlon: Tiiis newsoaper Will not llnowln&fy Kc:elll llftJ edvattbement for rul ftt:ete wtlk h is in H SO, S Weterf,.,.t "-e to be leveled L111hts h•rdware. \S counter toca . copper. F p. hearth, \love • +! AU to 110 l day only, Sat Au&. 9, 9a Ip USO W. ley Awe., Newpert let. c ... -4el Mw Movmg Sale Sal. 8am F urn1ture. washw a. dryer hou5rlllold itllms 56 Drakes Bay Dr 1419 .COSTA MISA • SAT •• ,, 2024 AJl.e Awe .tf 20tli St. fled.-,• V«, ..... .-If c:h.k, ........ 1c-. ..... ......... ...... w. s.t t -2. some furniture, rm A/C, &. many mnc item' ~ Ceylon Rd. ~ta Mes.. s.t7-J ............ ldi S212 PHrce Or corner of Botsa Chlca/W11rner Electronics, household. bikes, bedroom set, •rmoHe, nlet cloth1n1. f•bric, •nd morel Ylo&etlon of t11t l•w. our lAll 1• re•d•n ere hereby ---------lftforMad tll•t ... dWell· illp eftertlMtl In this M.,..._,., .... •vei!Able on M equel o,portunlty Nik. To c~ of dd· cr.....uon, c .. HUO toll- ft• • l·IOCMZ•·IHO. a..t•7/M• ..... 9:30 blut a. red Ro•~ suilcaw at the vicinity of Irvine Av.. belw"n Santlato & Unlv41fsity. F .. Otlt of hdl of lrudl. f'leaM call ~l!J89 .._ 1&1 :-::'11r 111t1 1111 .=&."'9~. ......... ~ ....... ·-·omito~ .. CAme!Mm .. ... ,,,,.., __ •811'•1Ata ........ .....,_ ETHAN MUN lllTISH CLASSICS tll•l"I table w/6 c hairs (Nf WI $1950 949 760 9713 JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C..-t Ceh1 NMth Old Com\! Gold s ilver. l"W""'Y walch6 •nt~ collcct1ble$ 949 642 9448 3610 ~ IOTTIN5, CATS, OOGS -.-11Mlftwotll O'l r Ww.vt ~ S4ie<: INTI !-£Al.TH GUMANlfI ~7l.J9 Spay momna cat. hunt-i. tor kAhm !M!Mfl7 66.l'l Pel~ -G-~th all colors. all ~lln lor edoplton to qu•hlled honM!'l www &srescue.ore or cell 714-173-!>915 PHOTOGRAPHY/ Of'Tr.Al. .......... ---3735 ,. ca~ms 71~1* ..... ._ ~ .......... 1 .... . lJOl ,,...., .. c.... ........ .w ., 1 IOMES F-OR SAU ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Aliso Viejo a 0 ... 1.-5br Jbd homr w \pac •OU\ b•l k yard and \pa S!>29 900 949 922 8490 H1llar y Bafbol Island U&.aA l5lAM> DW\IX Bay -11!> lmerald last wflef oH Pwl<. '~' 2b' 2be down l br I b.l Owner 9& 500 1245 Mission Viejo ' 3br .lb~ dPl••h hnmP Appt II• 1 t;()O \Qtl N1~P. pvl bnt k~~rd S4/9 000 Agt Cl.ti a Ju RemA• 949 295 "19811 Newport Bead! ll'CRl«D lt«lM lHTh 'i;!O W IW.BOll 81. VO I Corre of 8alboil Bllld & 6111 St) LWer b """ Ip. ocn vu ~ 2lir 2bo IK.h vu ~um ....,rn. Ip. -' ba ,_~ SI 225.<m Poet C'.Mne fllert Coldwel Sida 949-71~7378 Dono! dtstrub 1-*s Ol'f.N SAT-SUN 2-S l!i~ln Be <'..ao)'Ofl ~ t.wway ~ 4b& fan'wm, den, p;nl<ilffi -. S2.,89S,OOO. BIG~.bhome e) pQ11(1edhemOd, crty -. "41" $1,27S)JOO ~ p.,_.. <:.ondo\ O.Y2UJTI S..ttOc.&S~ °'9 SAT-SUI I~ 211"21~ 28lli ST • Carol AhJr1 9$-71~ 1526 The Saywtb Co 949-9.J).7)28 Hmoa VliW HILU South ESTAlt on one of the laritsl lots Of'IN SAT-SUN l ·S 1S20K ... Or. !lbr 3ba. Mediltrr a· nun p.aradist. Gre clan shaped pool C. Spa fountains a. P1lm Trff$. By Own~ A«tpllnt Bid' Ba· twun Sl,499,000· Sl..515.<m 9& 78>0162 7201 Vista H-rt• N•wtMrt le•ch lkiffs £ uc townhm Jbr end u111t, pvt patio. 2 c 1ar. .. 111urle,v tobrobr~ $!>49,888 By Owner 714 299 7373 SAT-SUM f.s Ht TUSTMI A VI Spectacular v1etH. ntr.a ta lol &. room for 1 • pansron. Joan Afhso" B~r 949·646-2011 or 949·683·8911 OPHtSUN 1-4 llG CMtYOM ISTATI 8uu bia c11nyon &off coune ove.lookinc 18th hole. !>br 6. 5b• $4,950,000 Oln• Gribben ~~ ... ... ,,. .. 1 2br ?bt w/llbr •ry. New w'indows, dooft. MW tppl$, tea \lfed w11b/c11ls.. crown lnOIJklint. deslc.ners Ute, parquet floorn11 and -·· act 949-584-~l l ... SUll ..... ltlOYedit-le Le• 3'1femnom. . pte P•ded upr.ull COMM. C.1l•1••1*1~ Sl.1901000 M-711·9'57 \t \e"pon Rlvd & Ba~ S1 llour!'l: relephNIC f< 1'lJm 'i-C()pm Mo11JJ1·Fnda) '.\JI~ In K "l{ldfl1 ~ OOpm \londa) ·l·n<lJ) HARIOll WOODS 7br 2b.t l 1 !:'' aee b~dr oom office Agl S 1900 94 9 ;>9 J.46 3 I HARBOI VIEW HOMES 4br 2 bd La•&• lul near school 1949> 640 5664 HTISTS llTllAT ON THl WATER LOW PRtCl. CAU NOW AGT.949·219·2SS9 MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING MobllelManufadured Homa 5993 lM OM lll IAllU •lOIGIUOI OPEN HOUSE last TWO luaury manu facluted t'oml5 lNaA 11 ~!i<t.Y~«<>n mob* horn! l)iWfl Only ~~rf!rll.NP..ar Que..-. Miry. Lore 8ead1 ~"""' ~Beach.~ tor Vdorlil 562 1.2S-Om MISCEWNEOUS RENTALS Rlnlll To hi a .... X-49 _,.,,~ S880m I or 2 • utu ' C. dl!p. pool. l!lpt, w/d, cwpat. cattl ce1I no/srtttv'pel and9/I 949-548-7818 ........... ,.. ......... C-.CDll .... , C-rno'::=""-. ._ .... L.-, I .-,. a.~ ...... ..,; . •• •l\ltdl 2 c.-.., • c-tJ•' • .,.,. w..-=-.:-::.IC!. o• ..,.,..._._. Ou,..., lotde .lbr 2ba. tJpl'fl floor plan. Ill yd, 2 ( p f I acceis ID Bab» I\. sl"q"-. r esl;u Mt\ & bctr.. SJ!f().. ioo 949 759-0715 l raftcl New Ma clel H-•· 01 un uly ltght Vl•W' iOt ?ht 7 5ba + 2 otl1<ts tµ. al atl<tch 2 <•• ~·r furn/unfurn S3950 l\l~•n Me.mt 877 704 8649 ' 9237 3br 3 I '4ba de1.>r'1 house. 0.:111'b~ v~ 3 !> C4I Pl "' 2 partu .$4500 ~ Sat Sun I~ 401 8qionta Ail 949-?ll-6867 CostaMesa ~ Afit~ fumd, 1Y In Sq, cool. CN'f qMt. rd dlldl. '*nw. IJI!. "'*. l\lpet SMro ~ 2818 EASTSIOf Sludlo · Ulll paid avail now. fenced yard, pet oil. coin op lau"dry $795 1 S250 dep 714 -SU-0442 lMv.ty G.t.tl Gone wwwolty llr f .. -... w/pvt pr. frlfl. wa• to Tri Square S895t mo Water /tr n h p•KI Klem Manaeement 87 I 104-8649 E •I 9200 --~-·1-l4lfll!I' int mdt sbdl wld. 2< ~ new/crpVpatrtt S II !iOm '«! 949-19!i-4038 fnday, August 8, 2003 All ------- -Upl---Oevetopment Stanclard1 and revtew procedures [nvlronmental Determ1 nation bempt TIOHED ACTION IS CHAllfNCEO IN COUJH the chaUen1• may be hmtted lo only th~ 1uues raised at the public hnr one clesc11bed in the notice, or In written tor respondence delivered to lhe City Council at, or prior to, the publk h•••ina NOTIC( IS fURTHfR GI\/( N tl\at at lh• above time •nd place, all 1r1terested penon~ mioy appea1 and be h•ard by the City Council on the above item JUUi FOLCtlC, Oepvty City C1...t. Publi5hed Ne w1>v• I Beach Co~ld M••.t D••ly Pilot Au&usl 8, 200H51S Fiditlm llflileu --.s....... lhe followm¥ lltt\Ulf~ are dom& busrn••• '" Chaya. 2072 OtLh•"I Dr1ve. Newporl 8t!al 11 Cahforn1a 9?660 lnlerProeress t,orpo ration <C.tlll1 l /00 C.tla•y Dr1vP. N~wµorl Beach. Cal1fo1111a 92660 This bu\11\it~\ 1\ l or' dur.ted by a corporal1u11 Have you •lart~d doing busmeu yet' Nr• int~rPro&re" C:Ol lll• ration. Sh1geru 1.,~~1J,, President Thi~ st~ltmt-11t ""'A' tried tHlth lh• I """'Y Clerk of Oran~• r """'' on 01110/03 200S69S 1110 Dd1ly P1101 A11i: ! )I l'> 22 Z003 1 <,iy, RditiM IWness .... Sttt .... lhP toltr,w1111rrt ,,.., \'ttl' drf! doing hu'\m .. •,• o Skylynn lrut~1n~ 1114 S Syc.amcH~ ~.t c:.,u1I.; Ana. Ca hf or n1d 'H /IJI Albert« l MPtd' ll 14 S SyLaniutt '>! .al41A Ana C.ilrfu•n•a '1?701 lr1na Ht••~ Jll~ S S'f' amn1 f< ',t \~nt~ An11 C~l1lot111• 97101 lh1\ bu-,.in;o,•, '' t ''" ducl~d by tll•\b.111d ind w1f., H4Ye you ",\<', t,.d dr.m~ bU'\IOt!'!t~ yt!t' N h f nna t-h~tit"• rhrco. ~tat~m .... nl ,..a ... lt!ed with the 1.01111ty Cink ul 0 1 a nee COJUlll y on 06 2S/03 20036949434 D111l~ P1lol July 7S Aug I 8 I'> 2003 f 499 , a) 4 lmpacl Marlle11n& In' . b 1 lmp•c I M1<ke I ma C) c M CONSULT INC 1263 S W1111ht St Sant• An•. C•hforn1a 927~ 4 lrupad Ma1k•t1nit. Inc (CAJ 1263 S Wnahl SI Sant. A11a Cahforn1~ 92705 Th.-bus1nt\\ 1' LOn duded by a torpor•lion Hen you sl.t<ted do111e bU'4nflS\ ytt1 Ytt 07 / 01/?001 4 Impart Morket1n11. Int Cynd•a Morr"' S"urldly Trt• 1111' 'l•tement wo ltl•d with 1he l.uu1111 C.lerh of Ur a net t.ounly on 0/ 'Jtl •03 200J6952167 Q41ly P1lul July 25. Au1 l 8 I'> ?OOl F497 RctltiM l4'lillu ..... s ....... U11 thtluwme pet'\UO\ l'ftt rJv1rt~ bll\Ult\\ ct\ li~~"u" 1· I ~111t.tl 1952 Port .,,,,~.-11<.~ f'IAtf' N~wµn11 UOdch 1,dl1 ''" r"d 'j'/f,J,lj lu''"IH• C,t,u1on Mt.Gh1p- lY~I Pu1t PrYv~nl ~ N•WIJ•JI I B••t h ( ~" lnr111d '1/fJ60 J h1' hU'1lllfo''\. I\ U lll dw t~d nv ar1 mt11v1duAt lt.w• Y•'U .1.rted dC"ll£ tJu\Olf'\' yl!t' Nu lto\•l1h C MtC.l11c Hw. '>ldtemt•11t w4~ l1le<l w1lh tht Cwrnl y 1 lerf\ ~I Orane~ 'ounty OJ00/1~01 200l69Sl64S D•1ly Pilot July 18 7~ ""~ 1 B lOOJ r 41,j(l f h• fuHQwtng pef \1.HI\ '" •· du111• t>0\1n~s\ '1'> I ;'I) I I II I llfll 2 Ju Rt1\tril SI• •IOI H'> 1.., .. ,. M~\d I A 9767f> 1r111uar ta lnl I S·CA 1 70!! I fi1J'"'"'' Ctnt., Or ~.uilt ?&l lrv1M I /I 'Ji:'bl? Thi., t>u,.u1t:'\\ 1\ '-''n duct,.d by .. 1 rirpm 1tf1nu II.we you stdlt•d ckul'~ hu\111e\s yet"> N11 lnflurtr f d ln l'nn U·.twrne Prt:"\uJt1lt fh1-, \ldft'rnt:r1t Wd'5 1tl•11 with tho r,ounty Cl••~ ol Oran~•· C111111ly lln 0/ I'; 03 200l69S1678 0•1ly P•lol July 18 l5 Aug 1 8 zocn f 491 Advanc ed Vl\1b1llty Concepts. 916 W ()(,,,.n ftont NetHport Beach. CA92661 l•nce V•llery 916 W Oce.n f runt Nt wporl Buch, CA 92661 I hi\ bus1nes$ " c.on ducted by an 1nch•1dual H•~e you , .. , led 00.n& bu>onei\ vet' No Lance Vallery lh1$ sl•h•mt1nl w•~ filed with the County l..lerk of Or an&e County Oil 08/01/03 tOOS695lSI l Dd1ly P1101 Aug 8. IS 'a 29. 2003 f 513 fidiM ...... --.s....... lh• tollow1n11 per!>OM •• • do1na bu~mess ai l oh ta~ Silver Jewelry Z'l37 Mopl.: SI Co\la Meu CA 9'l62/ Dolore~ Perel Pelayo ?'131 M;opl" St Gou Me~a. CA q;>62/ I his bu~mes\ " tun d11r t~d by an 1ndlvidudl Hav• yuu \l~•t•d dome bu\1n~" y~t' No Dolo•e' P Pel•v11 I his slatement wa• tiled with tht Lo11nl1 Clerk of Or~nge <.nurlly Uri 07t lSI03 200J69S1U& Oa11y Pilot Aug I 8 I'> n ?003 • r~J RdiliM ...... --.s...... The following p~•~c.n~ die do1nc bu~in ... \s .... lllClll Ill£ IN DI SIC.N I Weyb11dat Ct N~w11urt Beach CA 97660 V1t k1 l ou1'\~ K11-m W•ybridg• Cl N~wput! Beach (.A 'JlfHJ f ht~ t.11J\IO.-\'\ I 1 Of due t~d Dy an t1101~uJu•t 1-iit\lf you ~tarhtd dMn~ tw•.1n.-".>\ y~tl NJ1 "" k1 Klem Th1\ \t<tl,..mtont Wi\"I i.ted w•lt• tt1• ( .. urll; C.ltot!o. ol \Ir dll~o C.uu111 v on0810I O'J 200l69S3644 Daily P1M Au~ 8 15 22 2'3 2003 FS21 SELL your stuff through cl assi fied! Policy -----... R atei; and dead line' are l>UbJCCl 10 change \\ 1thuu1 notice The pubh~her rci;erve~ the nght to cen'-Or. redic.\lfy. rev1...: or rc,1ec1 any cla.~\lfied adven ... emcn1 Plc:a~e report any error that may be in your clic.s1fied ad 1mmed1a1ely The Daily PL.lot accepts no liabihty for any error tn an advenr-.ement for whic h 11 ma) bo: n.''l>Onsiblc except for the co't of lhe space auu.Uly oc:cup1ed by the error. Credll can only bo: allowed for the fin1 tn)ert1on ----DeadJin es---~ M11nd.i1 fU<.'....!J\ WcJ:nc-<la v niuN.ta) h1da;. ~ l'W)pm h1da' \1untl.1~ ~:OOpm \,uurdJ\ Tu.-..Jo~ ~ IXJpm '\unJ..1 WL"1m-...Ja~ ~ <Mlpm Lu• apt bldg 2br ?b& "tPan v•ew S1200 mo ••II '""d~nt mgr 9-49 494 8083 UQun3 Niguel ._...,. ...... io<.;ited 111 (a pte$SlllflS I owe< unrt 2br 2ba, lrplc: "' ? • allac:h 1ar. Sl4~0n1n ~-949-7/0·947? )(.'l(X) UOO YlAlllY UASf & UDO SUMMEa HOM(S BU GRUNDY RCAI TOl'lS 949-675-6161 OltGS llD, ....._ W"'9 of tarae home. 7 spac rms. Iba. k1tch@lte pvt nance. '9lf> ~ ._,. llr l la unil on quiet Peninsula point Sinrte person. Nolsmk1 pets $1390 9&9 293 4631 si e 2!11 1.tN1 l'Mftn attachfJd ..... ~ ,.., wMll!Jd. fp, -SIJf1dltd<. fJl!I ok. Wiik to GdMR 1-41~1177 .......... NlWPOllT HEIGHTS lbr townhou'>e Ip ~·n~ gai n~w carp~t pa tin v~r y nicr St'>9'> 949 617 6004 ------- lbr ?bar ent•I Ne-w1•<irl llucfl Ptmn•ula nea1 Newport P•"' $1800 Agt 949-673-1100 Uls• N•w Vttt y dun ?br 1bJ 2 , •r i•• age SI 8!>0m walk 1n !TIM'li•t & I ~.,._, tsJ 949-/"/3..lfJfB N•wporl Cr••t, i'bt 7ba 7 < gar wallo to be h ten 1pooflspa S 1900 Avi1tl now 949 707 4408 ~HDGHTS l'IOt.lloe 2bt lb.l .,.., p • )Ill. p.;00, ,_ !o.!lcheri .w.1111 s..>t l Sl'D'.l 949642 ~ O<ean Fr-•. Winter renl•I 7b• l '>ba. 1 !>Xt'!>f1 \Under~ dw 111& laund I~< $7100 949 'ii~ )636 l••.,.ly 21r...i-2' /.ta l!)wnhou~ l860sl 2 c "" ..,., ~. pooV~,,tnn r• r a:stioon k.I S21~ no llt't y.-~ 96m«>ll. STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • Thur.J.r~ .'l.CWlpm ~nda' l:IM lpm l·nc.iJ~ ~ mprn ~ 2BA 1 /2 m.OOI TO ll'ST llAd4 ncdy ""' lpwd Jc ·~ -Bllt~ ~ IASTIWFJ<; )Br 28r aar aer w d hoohup S2JOO, mo Aat 949 293 4630 2br 21>a OClANFIONl . Nur Balbo.t pier S23001MO ~at 949-673 7800 7br 7ba , ontl<> tp 2 c gar 'lnglt l~vel Gated rnmm w d refri& nail now S2300 949 7!i9 3758 Ne_.,ort ......... 38r. 28a large lam1ty room 2 cu g.tr•ae avail 811 S?t001 mo 949 759 3771 ........ , ....... ( ..... •Br . ?' 1'81. family rrn. courly•rd bakony no peb $2lknn 714-J2:8..8ll.l lbr 2'ba on Bilbo• Pen1n hdwd llr~. Ip, patio ? c pr. natl 8·1 act S2800 949-293-4631 Nfw Condo 2 '"'5S Ulll:t+ bi'""" 2..5bol ~ sw>d. Ol:JI "" ""' ~ S2«l> ')..6 " 714-8J8.Ull \ IM GfMnll*\ OI L.lda 65 8Nie 8ail-v'• 17=-rult 88 -monsler 89 0 11tden IDOi 70 ... In Madlld 71 Gaaellt n wren lbodee 73 Vlei! ttle mal DOWN I On the IUll1tnil 2 8alclflll • ingredient 3 OUe OfClnl • Removes paint 5 Catching 0 Mh!lrl T Tel -8 Majof elle 'g need 9 Sld raoe 10 Complelllly 11 Coemetics 29 Pine product 31 Haiic-Jllnl • 32FatWI 33 Epics 56 Romlnds too often fiT NoOelist brWlO 12 "Solt Walcfiee" pa#llet 38 Canoonill -Wiesel 58 WindelOml 13 Baldwin OI -Keene 59 Jo.lie ,, llClloo.~ 61 Too hasty Guwiness 21 Habhweerers 23 Cott>. biggies 25 Takeoll 37 Feint aroma 41 Badpune 44 Beach huts 45 Se\«e hal«lo 47 Faewal 62 ADtoc -Kruger 63 Kind ol tide 86 Eam 'l7 Chandelier pefldOl\I 28 HeaJt OUl!et ~ Outot bed 52 Oozes 54 Sidestep ··£ L " mp o_yee. "'Empleado. ·· "Arbeitnehmer." "Employe. ·• Service Directory Accounting "NOTICE ro RC AOERS· California law re qu11es that conlrac tors l1kmg 1obs lhat total $500 or more (labor or materials) be licensed by the Conhactors State License Board Stale law also requires that contractor'> include their hLen'e number on all advertl'>mll You 1.an check the \latu~ ol your licensed Lon trac tor a l WWW cslb Cd cov or 800 J2 I CSL B Unit ~e"sed l.01111 aclot\ taking 1obs t hat tolat less than $~00 mu\I state m their adverlosemenls lh~t they die not licensed by the Conlr•Llors State l teense BoMd .. Ovldii..oll • tr Alnlni & ~UWQft/lrouble shootone ~-~ Of personal 949-!>48·?538 , ....... lfT9IOltS Kllchen I Bdl I Remodel ld:aK~ #S8IP5 ~ 911.6l5$Bl5 Air~ AWNHVAC Air Cond1hon11111 &i lleat inc Service 888 llcJp-OWld L#88'ifiO 949-500-!lm A· Z HANDYMAN Install. relace cabineb lutdw\lbil4IV~ moldre.. ()q 714-546-7'8!, ear,. .... .-. trCARf'lT tl'CAIPlT'Ct Reµa•rs. Patctunii. Install Courteous any size jobs. Wholesale! 949·491·0205 Cleaning Touch of Kl~ F.uropcun Bxpcn in House Cleaning 20 yl'.al'\ in Bu,ine~~ L1ccnM:d & Bunded Prnfc,,i<>nal team' .. ,~igned to Ynur Home (949)548-0097 l·rcc 1;..,tima1e~ Rcfrrcncc' Spring. Cleaning. Special~ QulckKlean Renew, don't replace ~.=ra ~sealing . VSIMC~ed eee-m-8644 www.qkttle.com s~u '°"" Co.r bt Clan(fl#d I ' Computer Services COMPUTER HELP! . ""* Ill Q'OtlP 'MOltllt .,, .......... ll•• ·~ •\\lt)Ptgot~-- ·~~ ·ab~ • Drp'tlll!oo. P11*> ~ •llM'SCot ... ~~ UC ~ o.9due1e, 10 Yre Conipulet E•p. 714-612·2786 IHHOME £ •USIH15S IUl'AIRS Upgrades. R&pa11s uf Computer. Networks [ venmgs/Weekends Gompcltt1ve pr Iles for quality \P.rYIL 949·136-1175 7 I 4·926-4 22B Concrete & Masonry trick l leck Stone Tiie COlte1ele, Patio, 011veway fuepk.. BBQ. Refs 25Yrs I •P Terry 114·5!>7 /594 The Cement 0M- Cementwotk. 811ck, TIIP. & More. Relrable. No 1ob loo small 714 615 9062 SELL your stuff through classified! Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wtth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WHAT'S lUGHTI Hnlh vulnerable. Soulh iltul, WEST •6 i; 10 32 NORTH •32 t1 K 8 74 "Al •9 7 632 o QJ IU 6S •0854 t:AS'f • QJ 7 4 ~· QJ 9 o K 9 11 7 • J IO SOUTH •AK 10 9 8 S A6S ' 4 3 •AK The hiJ<li11g: SOUTii WE.'11 ,. ......... 4• .... ~ NORTH f.AST IN'f f'll,..,. .._ ... ~ Opening lead: Quee11 of Show an cxpcn Lhc Nonh-Soulh oplidc combinauon and ill h.im the correct woy th ploy lhi~ combination and thl-nn,,wer you ~ill receive i': "I don't know!" Why not'? BecauM: 11 dcp.:nd~ on how many tricl.s you need and how many cntnc' you have to the shon-,ui1 hunJ. The: au1:tion wa~ unremarl..ahlc. With M:Vcn point~. Nonh dearly owed panner a hid. hut the: only rc~pon-.e ava1luhlt: wa' on~ no trump. and Sooth wu~ prcpan:d to play 1r1 Hmbar View ....... 3br 2ba hou!.e, 2 car p aee. wd li<...,s. Ir~ yard. ~ pet ok 9'&6~5122 leoutlful Home gated lnlfl\ b 'l'f;ba. ~ & w/d n:1. 4 &l'Jl~ •-ITdwd Its UlOTI ~ 9&!m-51fi5 MonUlly Rental Avd4 Sqll · .lft 4hr 2ba h5.e on Penon Point Vet y ruce 11.r 11'd lief SJ500 949-61!>-46:1) Clan WHt O<eonfront duplex na 4b<, 4b.i. 2 W1lf gar, $J600Jt1 yrly no/smk dVa~ 9/15 A11t 949 400 9656 BAYfRONT WINTER RlNTAl 41r, 21 /tlo, 2-<or gor, 1u1y fuml.._. S4000nw Auo<loted Reohy 949-673-3663 prne ~iie 1he ~mcll' Qf an oil ~. allhollgll we lifC not suro that the lc'P to four spades w~ the beM oction. (ll\reo spade/I might be moo: DNdcnc but. with two prime catd~ and a cciu pie of 11\llllpi>, North would probably h11vl! 1111:.ed.) Wc.'t IOI.I the 11ueco of diamorld' and dedan:r paused to tllke sloe.It. With a sure loser In c:uch red suit, South could affottl to lose one trump trick_ bot not two. If ~podes w~ 3-2, there w~ oo wning wuy to play the holding; 1f the ~uit broke 5-0, there w tl) prububly no wuy to avoid losini two trump tn.:~. Tilt key rl!11uirp ment, t.hercfore, wa.' to prevent tWo loi.en. if the ouit split 4-1. Oust could he handled If the h:ngth Wll\ in the Easl hnnd. I • IJl!clarer woo~ opening lead in dummy with the oce and led a trump to the king. to cmcr to the po~'ibility 1\f a 'Ingleton honor with Wc\I When both dcfcndcn; followoo low. South returned 10 the table with the king or hean~ 10 lcoo the n:muinmg trump :llld. when i.:a~t lolk1wed with tht- 'ievcn, South ('OVcred with the dght. If i1 ""' tu an honor wit.h Wc,t, Ill<: au~ ""uld rcmm~ the rcmai11111i; trump and all W()llld he well. A' the curJ, lay. the eight won u.' We,t di'· <·ur·J...d. IA-claret ca.,hcd tlll.' ltl'c of 'padc' and l'{•occxkJ a trid : in cadl major. alung with a doanwnd. to duun the wntract. 8500 Pubhshone PROMOTIONS DlPARTMlNT Communrty •teWSl)ave<'> on Orange County St!eks f ull rmie person fo •lletVll!W and write sto11t,.,., pdl hc1 pale in comnoumty evc11b, create al!d 1><1g1nali: p.ig.,,; and se<.tions I •• efltmt commurocatoun .i.rfls. woe k welt with tilt' public. Know AP Style. Qu<1rkXP1ess. PhOLoshop. Multi Ad Cte olur. Proh<.oent on MN:. and PC. CCI design e~peroent.e preferred Proofre.1dlng f~t Drue ..U""1 IM~tJhy5'Cdl I l;!QU1f00. EOE [ icellenl benehl pacll age C rnaol r esurr"'. wrrlM1& ..an~ .tnd s.ilary requtrtment !. t u ialld jOIW1'iOfl@lator~ Vl!ll Re.eptl04'lst Port-time early morning'> & •••· non~!. lor NB Heath Club --~-..._ ........ ca1~. lakes. etc Recom mended fresh water u~ae •Int cood, 3 to choose from. Start dl $45,())) NIWPOltT AllfC)?OltT 949-S74-S600 • ....,~'02 Less than 000 m1, bl\/bll. reat tab~. chrome whls (X~/61) $224.500 NEWPORT AUTOSPOllT 949-574-5600 IMW '97 3281 Conv metall1t dark blue/i:r~y It hr . s uj.oer b con<! throughout $14.995 vll6rl42 I Bkr 949 58> UJl8 www.o<pobl.<om BMW 3231 '99 Convt f ully luaded, upl(r •de•. I car ow11e1 Low m1. n11nt t.nnd 9o&~I0-41JtJ '#1 ?!b-4.346 BMW '86 3 181 'I dr hl~•k ~ 'P \Ull ruut. tull IJWI $2?!>0 714-914-8166 -----BMW '98 74011 (3) Blk1t1tn. \,c1\.hnttlt t.: 1t~1n ~H!t:O/ldn, tint t untl S20.9'.>0949 500 RMI BMW '90 31Sl lok~ n•w Hlk1ta11 4 dr auto dL 'um t full ~>wr · flnt, Ca ~noog $4000 OBO 7111 4'>4 1698 BMW '98 Z3 Conv. •ulu wh1I~ 1•11 11111 CO bcdul1lul l•kt: n~w umd. Sll.4% v!>'J/'/4 1111 & Wltl t dV<itl I.JI.,, <)l<j 'll£, 11§!8 w ww.ocpaL com ~ fum 3&• 6en home. ok, hlfll11y upgi ad;,d. d/c, gdltd comm w/pool & ~ $4CXXNno agt 949-887 8603 Employment 8ookkHper PT, 70 7~ hr'> per wk lrvori• form, e~p'd Qu1dd.1uok~. l&<el Weird. Pffl fa• r~sumc to 9 49 -757-1931 Co'1l11<.t MMe 949 642 3215 Buid1 '69 Electro goud Newport Coast TROV~Rl 2br 2ba 2 L gar. gdted. communoly pool, agl $2400 949.293 4631 PTtVlte Tutorfng 7990 TtACIB tf N*> Miwy de Pa~. m rn. Now Ac""l)llog SW<lenb. fOf fal t.1volment 949-673-2174 949813 22116 DeUtop Publishing TIMI OllGIN YOUR HOMl IMPROVlMl ... T PROJlCT? Call a plumber painter. handyman, ur any of the great ~ervKe-hst~d het e 111 0111 ~ervoce directory! lttCSf LOCAL SVC PfOPll CAN lt(lP YOU TODAY! Drywall Services WITTHOln DRYWAU. All phases '>f!1/lrg jo~ CllANI lOy". fair. free t'$t I 400'.l.'JJ 114-639-1441 Electrical Services DUNCAN llfCTllC l O<al. Quick Response lion>e. Var d & Dock Elel.t 20 Y1 s l ~p l oc/fnsured l #2/!>870 949·650-1042 DUTCHMAN lllCTRIC Cnmmerr1al, Indus trial, ~l c,tls ~ """" 'tf(l'mJ1 9$248-0IZl llCINSlD t ONTIACTOlt No~ loo \ITI, M ~I Rl'paor. rumodel, Ian~. sp.t. llC!W SVC 949-645 3656 Floarinwme CUSTOM <MAIM lU lnW&ltJon. Sllte. eertmlc, lllllbia. $lone, ,..... 1t1S U6121M4 Jeff 714-612 9961 LIMY a.-n ~ed Rtaroutln I lnst.11.tkln Ill[ OE.AH 94!J.673-llOM 114~ 114•2031 BOOKKUPlR Port-time 5 d~ys p~ week 11 · 3·00 Call 949 331 4100 DlllVUS PART-TIME Mon-fri 011ve nice ca" and 11el paid for 11 Call Dan 949·862 7474. ~~Tebll;lg e•p. ~ of Acll & MS office. orpllled. P /f r n re~ to 949-4 77 ·SO!>J Mortgage ........... IS boo<1~ need tq, Cwd nlOf-.y potent.di Tr;J111 Pit.Ill f /Pl •••res 114-216·1~ Gardening/ landscaplng ~Wc.19Yn up. Lawn work. yatd ~ n,.,.,.__ llee tnm 19Yllls Comm/Res 714 436 l'.!18 l ... TonH lMClu .,. Wed<.ty m;wrt.. Ir el! ""'lllW11 & 111slallahon 25 Yr~ op lie/insured 949 548 4363 Su..,,..., S • -Up Oel your yard lookina its best fu the SlllllRllll Y•d cle.#1 iv.. SjJI n.kf lt.fle'llPS itl'ld ~ wee1<1111d & ev11 QUOtt!S lttre Hencf Servi<•• 714-427-0040 Tree S.rvlce, Y~rd Cleanup, Maintenance, Sp11nkler Repair. Heullna (t49) uo..a1a 1 RESlOR! • REPAIR .~ RE MUDU 11\jf, CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yrs &p•Gra Alf~ M Phases of Constnici!Qn ~ RemOOel bpel1s l.15n 982 949· 7()9..5842 Restouront, Bu•••• Oayltnie &. wkcnd \htlh avdol Call tor appt dSk 11.11 Addm NtWIJvrt Be.i1.h I en°"' CkJb 94S644-0'.1.iO SECRETARY lmmed open m NB Our CHI " semi rel1<ed We are lookon11 to hire • personal ust for l11m nie f')ll req e<ten'>IVC tr dVdl, par ht 1po1t1on 111 meeting conven.. etc Presentable <tWe<tr ~ & vooce Conip hi, Xl Nl lnetrsh ~' . auth(lll'llo.. 51\ilb. logUJ & docrwu rnak.s 20y., up. Reo.utne lo Kl..0711 @ yd/IOO LOOI IA ta. 949 !)~ 8JJ4 SELL your stuff through classified! Handyman/ Home Repair Christian Handymen f1ntsn~er llince!;,d!')""a• 511.lCCCI SIJl> lloors w"1lo#SlllOOri, -· fasoca boirds & painting Ser1oor cl~ Free es1tmdle call John 714-636-8235 GENERAL REPAll &MAINTF.NANCE • ~ual * C.~cial No Job Tho Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 c-·t Do It? Don't w-t t• do It? We can & we wrfl "/4// 4 .ill home your repair\ 714 348 8AJO Jtlt UP SPlC.IAUST. f\11 typl!S of repa11~ llec trlcal. plumbtnit. lk>or\. water huten. tiPs & nlCU 24h1//d~ys 114 366 181!1 Joney AbroM'• N-• .. ,.., Sft•<loll1t lnt~rtO< &. l~tenOI H11p11rs /14-501 6466 THE HANDYMAN Afl wurk wua1<111leed ~ flir;trf(:.111. Doors, F•lall carp lie.~ IUNl fO THI OUMPlll 714.968 l882 AVAllABlE TOOAYI 949 6/ J.!1!)66 Hcne ....... .... ,.. ........ S(JIC~ln Additions & Quality R~llng S111C1 mo 714-Ul-8711 ____ ._ mec..ha111c. di c. f1ud1t1ou luw mol•c~ 4 JI) VB SJOOO ulm 'HIJ 494 0148 Codlllo< '90 Fleetwood -.11v~r/gr,;v 4111 . \11111001. llhr ~utn itlk nu S4800 new'""' 949 /&O 0144 Comery '98 U 4 cyl, 68 4k m1. bo:tlur U1o111 new no llrre> t• :.aolthe> $9500 obu \M9 640 SO l7 -------CHlVY SOBUltlAN '02 wtw1e. u ""· b.lc1ed n• warr Pvt PNlY Mu\I \el m (0) 9<1'f-'X14 14fi1 OwyAet '94 H.w Yott<., ),5 Yb I l)WOlll 4:Jk actual "'' buuk,, rclutd' u11.dtillu. tut \jUUl~t! lrtn llhr. lully IOdtl•tl ··~ .. llt'W S49':1!1 vofA'in 11:1 fj!..r '~'llfJ 111811 _ w~!'.·o<po_b~'!..!!!_ Corve tte '89 Coupe ~utu 60k • "" mel•lllo 1ed/ta11 1111r "'"~r b cond th1 uuelu•ul. i9 99'> Bk• \14'1 '.>86 I 88M ::!!_WW..:.O.!f"bl,<~ Moving & Storage ---~,,: , BROTHnis J.•1:1, 1r .,-1 \ : T r;q;.. 1E Open 7 Daya Low RatK Stordge Specials Since 1981 949-645-4545 H ST MOVERS SSS/Hr . Se1 vmg All Crlttt~ lhsured 116384-1 HOO 246 2378 J:tJ 6JO W/ I ••II PUBLIC NOTICE lhe Calrl Publlt Uttltt•r\ Co111rn1n1011 rcquu e• lhdl all u'ed huu•t.hu l<I 11ood• movers j.or In t lhtll I' u (, c.1 " 11un>b~r. ftmn~ and <hauffeun print their I C P 11u111b~r 1u <111 8dvtr· lt~ement• II you have 8ny qu11\t1on~ about lh H leg,.lily of & mov~r limo ur chaulfeur , call· PU1uc unums COMMISSION aoo a11-au1 ,_ .. r lk, ACR coupe, r•• muscle, hard top (101065) . $$69,900 NlWPOH AUTOSl'Olll . 949-574-HOO Jenwf '00 45611 GTA 31< mt. sttvw ,lbordeaux 1nt Fully auto trans, 4 sealet, (119638) $133,!nl NlWPOn AUTOSPOU 949-S74-S600 fetnrl '87 ..... 4 seater. blacl\lt&o fttw. alloy wneas. JOI. mi $#068391 $39,!n> HfWPOltT AUTOSPO«f 949-574-5600 '87 Ferrcwl M-dlol 4 Sealer bl~/tan lea I her . alloy wheef.s. JOI\ mi .. (068391) $39,900 NIWPORT AUTOSPORT 949-574-$600 fe,.,-orl'• finest Spider '03 360 (Oftvertlble 133 nu. 6wd. red/tan r c<I l.ilif'"" must >ee! (1 30896 $231.!>00 NEWPORT AUTOSPORT 949-574-5600 ferrorl '98 3SS Spider 81< "''· • ! . blue/blu llhr, pwr •cat.. great cond 11 263!>()) $113.900 NlWPORY AUTOSPORT 949 -574-5600 ford '6 S Mu~tong l'unver toblP oro111nal uwn~r ~olod < ar $19.995 utiu 949 / 19 2943 Mo1do '9 9 M lato Lonv 4!>k mt autu "lv~r 1•11 lup µw, µI, A C. CO, \IJµerb hk~ 11cw • nnd v# l 19/43 $9,99!> l111aru "'" & w.irr1U1ly dVd1l llk1 949 586 1888 www.ocpa bl.<om Moi do '00 Miata !>'P 14k m1 "rec11ildn llhr tonnntidU, dlttr m. f'f' SIJ.500 <'.MY> 675 8753 Mer....i.. a.a '02 Cl500 I 4k mo hlk/blk lo•ded nav ~unruot. full J•Wf ~07481 J) S89.~ NEWPORT AUTOSPORT 949-574-5600 MERClDfS BNZ '02 S4 JO l>lk 71 k mt Spurt~ pkg phnnt Nav CO AMC whls. IOOll WdH. mini •Ond. PP S6 l.!>OO 949 6 ii t)/Jf MlRCl DlS MIZ 2000 S4 iO I/ 100 mo, l<l~d~d dll u~l1u11> showroorro new $49,500 Pvt PJrty 949 /59 9088 ow.....Wi. '96 ......... 60k ml. blai:Vcrey fthr. tnnrf, co, f1bulous c111MI thr ouchout $5995 vrnt457219 • Bkr 949-SH-1111 '!#Ww.Mf"IAtl.c- PHILUPS AUTO 0' Au.II 44 o-tfro Blue w/Bloe, only I~ m1, 5'l0f'ls plla ,(19478C) $24:980 OO•MW31N Silvet w/b!M:k lthl' ,' Sltl)lrOnic • (193871 ) .. $21.980 H U20 ~ White \Iv/saddle leath , Cf. nll)OnrOOf <19443> m .980. ·01~s 1..,.. Se<! Gr<!erl w/~ llhr. 28K rm, mnontoof (191121 $29.9fll 99 M.,...-. sue 230 Blue w/bliM.k, ll"'Y sport~ pkg (19416) $27,98). 991MW 3131S R...:t w/bla<.k 11111 .'Sspd I 19470) $18,98'.> 0 I f'ondte Tur#lo T !ptMnK. l}nly 181< mile-. navagatt0n (19.1941 ,INQUIRf 93 L••&H GS .JOO Gnld w '..addl .. le.athN LhromP wheel' 09418) ~21.980 02 Pondt.G12 8LtLk W lilo<k orl)y }()() rrnl~ O'JSWC) INQOIR[ 0 I M•rc•tlH CLSOO Solver w g11·y n•v1 11,at1011 only f '>K n11 (1%4«;r,J INQIJll{I 00 Porscl>• lo••t•r S1lv~r w /bl;ltk. premium '\Ound <194i6J) S78 9RO 949-574-7777 PHUSAUTO ~-<111 Poruhe '99 Correro ~6• nu I.ii• 1111. ltht GO , t·u umt' wttl\ hit. ... n~w S4? OOU V•r,/?O'l/ fo n.-111 1n.-' & Wdf, 1Vd1f Ak, 949-$86 -1888 ~.o<pot>J.com P-'-'01 C4 /()i ma ...,," .Jkf .o t!'e1' tan lthrclltl••• fll"" k1I M-<11 ktl ttwume wheo!b. t(62Q342) S68.250 NfWPO«T AUTOSPCMIT 949·S74-S600 Daily~t .. 1 • new co , $18,995 fin • warr.-ly avail 8kr 949-586-t• www • .cpeW.c...,. VOL VO 2400l 'I&. While, statlonw1a01tr eood for beach cat:' $3800. 760·902·8Q3f AUTOMmlESr MISCEll.NEOUS • Wanted -, .. ~...­ Owl an yein e!IPI wlfl #o'Vf a w.ry f• price fot )Ill<• car. Villl 01 lrudl ~ Of not Cal Didi 7 lOfllillD Auto S.S. Ul 1931 or 1 J.4.32:8. MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes lt50 DOOG( 7 1 )unmo ~. home 21" 00. mi, autu . Sl4M urnc1 w~ '5iUl n~ $ZJ(X) 714-~ Motor Homes · Rent - BOATS Power Boats 9515 OUfFY l UCTRIC '8 6 l'I JISSIL 181 I fu lly ,~,i.ired $14 000 R1t • 'W.1 348 9424 ----- Of fJUI I Y 71' ~\WO!m I( """" .,_ $73.COO WPt.1lly ,,., aV'llllabllt S4'>.00J !H!}-644 7341 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVJCES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9880 SUPS AVAUll.f. Fr-3S-9Sft 111 Newport leoch, l-• 949-SOO·IOOS 6Sh ...... ~ h OOdf IGTy " • dlili. rd ·-8ft ~ l ?b ~00 310-446 8.489 Best place in the world to advertise! Call today t o place your ad: 'le"'1rt IJJtU, e.. ~Professional Painting lit .. ~350 Rob lsbeU -Owne r Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646·3006 Cell 949-887-1 480 C'-t'• ....... 271'1> ti!> Grtat f rkittl Gu11r1nlffd work f ree u t U37~7 / l 4-!138 1:-il4 7. 390. 294 !) 1111"5 CUSTOM PAINTING Prof'I. clean, quahlt w0<I< lnlenor/t~I and dCKI<\ l.•703468 949.-631 4610 ~··P ........ Top Q\l~li!Y. Co""'41t1tlve hlterlof/Eltt l•648228 C .. I 14t 949 650,5066 ~OW mal MMrf Pttttttne ~11/txt. Hi>u5elf<c>I Qual1t1 Jobi Free ll$lJf11<1le Lll691197 714 636 8888 ~·-Se.cc • ....., fHtc.ter .... r f 4t ..... t-ttH h...._U1SOS62S ,.., -·-a.-....... u Classified 642·5678- Plumb Ing •LK ... ~~\:!%~ Sf W[R Jf ntNG El£CrRONIC SLAB LEAK 0£TECTtON r Jl~ndly Ser Y•<• 949 -6 7 5 -930 4 -com L • 15.2•9 ll~IH'80 NOlllST ' ....... ' PLUM8ER L#506586. fret! Est! Sin 1~ ocn cu Disc. 714-~t!iO PllCISI P\UMllNG Repairs & Remodelinc FREE ESTIMATE l #687398 714 969-1090 CAUGHT IN THE ACT Great Famil'f Memories! Candid Portrllls or Plople •Pets At Play 0 beaclVpool/park. etc. Call Now For Appt: .......... 1·51• Rooft~uaars J.C.TU T'rlM•lltf, ~· &Y•Neko ... 714.435.17 St•t~ Uc. 624 S-T.._~~ r nallsh tu cher. iwo fess•onal writer . I apecl•llze In procrn t1 nalina le.en$. Su11U11cr readmc Coach E•,'d composllton Tetdltr. lnd1vldual/Group '11t s, references . avall~e Sut Clarll 949 27&·~ - .. Friday, August 8, 2003 AU I ' _,_., chqtl. my ...., .._ paµ...,. d\arsc. Wld 111y embslon tat1n1 c:twae. SJOOO REBATE IN LIEU OF <>'*> ANANCINO UP TO 60 MOS. SllXX> FMCC BONUS CASH IS APPLICA BLE WITII FMCC ANANCINO ONLY. 1 At T his Savings (3ZJ32J96) Plu' govtmmcnl fet\ and Wtts, any firwx:c t hilfJIC\, any dealer document prepani11on chllflt. and any t1TUu 100 lt>linl charge. REBATE IN LIEU OF <>% FINANCINCJ UPTO 60 MOS. 1 At This Savings (3U07807) f~ ctwscs. any deala ~nc prcpara11011 chatg<'. lltld any cm""un lt51ing charllc S '\000 REBATE IN LlH' OF ~ fl ANCINU LP ro flO \1!)'1 1 At This Net Cost (Jl92021 Plus &O\'emmenl ftt~ and tut'. any financr dlaraci. any dealer doo. urMnl preparation chafsc, and Jll} cmM1tlf1 1CS1in1 charge. REBATE IN l.IE l! OF ,SPECIAL WW RATE FINANCING. _._._J\.t-This.-lSd-Cost ,.....ion • 1llY ..... IHlinl clwac. Rl!BATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE ANANCING, 1 At This Savings (642704) ~;!~P;;>;~ ~~~.~~~ ~Lther, Full Power, Must See ................................................................................................... .° ...... _ ... , ..................... --.. ~··· ......... -....... -......... •a I a 7 8 ~~L~~~~~~~e !:~ .. :.~.~ ............................................................................................................................................................................. -:-.. ·--.................... --···--• t 4, a a e ~~,t;~;K~~e~L~~~!~~oof, CO, Xlnt Buy ................................................................................................................................................ -.... ..,. ......................... • t r I a 8 8 i ' 00 LINCOLN LS . I (4PFC107) Sharp, One Owner, V8, Moon Roof, OD, Chrome•, Under FllCtory Werranty ......................................... h ................................................................. _ ................ _.......... t T , 9a11 ~~~s~.~~! ~~!.~: !e~:!: Seat, R..,·Alr, CO, ChromM ......................................................................................................................................... -.. ~-··-·'"-It e I a 8 0 02 LINCOlN TOWN CAR · 1 (854909) 18K Mite, Affordeble Luxury, Champagne with l.Mthef, Under fUtl f8ctory ..... enty ................................................................................ -............................................... a a I a a 8 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 (J42352) Lincoln Cet11fled, Blade Beauty, Full Power + Entet1atnment Centw, Chromee, .............. _ .................. _ ................. -............ '" ....... _.. .. _ ................... -......... -.. .. ._ 4 I ea II 00 LINCOLN CARTIER TOWN CAR (857009) 35K Mlle, One Owner, Ivory,.._,, Mint Condttton & Uncoln ~ ........... --··---··-.... ·---· .. ·-·-·..._,.-..--..........,...._. •