HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-09 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot•• .. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 2003 A question of too much money Newport Beach officials want the Santa Ana H e ights Redevelopment Agency to u se its funds more aggressively than in the past . June Casaerande Daily Pilot NbWPORT BEACH -As the city begins to take over the lucra· tive Santa Ana Heights Redevel· upmenr Agency, one thing worth considering is whether to pay down any of the agency's debt. The problem is not that the agency is buried in debt. On the cont.rary. it's flush with cash. So using that cash now to forestall more debt in the future may be Nonprofit groups get $1 million in funding United Way spreads money out to several organizations in Newport-Mesa. Kris O'Donnell Daily Ptlot NEWPORT-MESA -Orange County's United Way has fun· neled more than $1 million into the area to help 14 needy non· pro ti is. Each area of need was identi· fied through extensive research and analysis over a five-year pe- riod by a volunteer committee comprised of leading experts from the private, public, aca· ~ nonprofit sectors. Among those receiving money was Costa Mesa-based Girls Inc., which received $89,301. ·we intend to use the funds to bols1er after-school programs in areas like teen pregnancy, self· defense, and science and math." said Lucy Santana, executive dj- rector of Girls Inc. One of the United Way's goals is to encourage the develop· ment of educational programs for young adults that build char- acter. The Costa Mesa-based Boy Scouts of America plan to use some of its $319,294 for just that. "We intend to use the funding to con tinue character develop· ment programs," said Cristin Collings, director of develop· ment for the group. Funding from United Way comes at a time when the de- mand and need for human care services is increasing among nonprofit organizations suffer- ing from budget cuts and a chaJ· lenging economic environment the way to go, city officials say. The Redevelopment Agency, formed in the mid· 1980s, has ac· cumulated about $35 million in its bank account with another $1 million or $2 million adding up each year. That's not how it's supposed to be, said Assistant City Manager Dave Ki.ff. The pur· pose of issuing bonds is to spend the m oney on improvements to the area. Those improvements boost property values. which in tum boost taxes, wruch are used to pay off the bonds. n1e county-run redevelop· ment agency hasn't been as ag· gressive in spending the money as rnany would like, and cer- tainly nut a'l aggressive as the city would be. Set-asides for a community center, a fire station and other improvements sit in a bank account collecting dust and interest. "We believe that the city could s pend that money a lot faster and better than the county," Kiff said. Though the money can only be spent for improving Santa Ana I !eights, the city nonetheless has an interest in getting hold of the money: 1l1e resulting in1· provements would create value for the city by improving the area. Also. it could mean more property taxes coming into city coffers sooner. The bonds are paid off by free7ing the amount of property taxes from the area that go to various government agencies in- cluding school districts, vector control distriL1S and the like. As the residents' home values rise and property truces increase cor- respondingjy. the extra taxes col- lected are used to pay off bond holders. Thus, those government agencies ultimately pay for the redevelopment. A LEAP FROM THE HEAT Since . the redevelopmt•nt QUESTION ? agency formep, property values have jumped even higher than expected. Of the S4 million or S5 million in property taxt!S coming into the redevelopment agency each year, only about $3 mrnion i<i needed tu service debt. lne rest has been piling up in the bank. : How should Newport Beech UM the redevelopment agency's excess cash7 Call our • Readers Hotline a1 (949) 642 6086 or send e-mail to dailyp1lot•@faumes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only The tax rate freeze appliel> un· tiJ 2035. This mearl!> that the city can only collect property taxes from the area at the rate fro1.cn when the agency was formed. Any increases in property lax revenues go to paying off the re· development agency's debt. Hut if that debt were paid down ..,uoner, 11"., pw .... 1bll· that the nty could beiin tu rE'ap the benefit-. ..,ooner. City ulfiual!> have ...aid that See MONEY, Page A4 Rodman wins civil court case Attorney for woman who sued the former NBA star and Newport resident says he will consider an appeal. Deirdre Newman Daily. Pilot SANTA ANA -Denni., Rodman ha. ... been vindicated of all the charge., aRa111s1 him in a sexual a%ault civil lawsu11. On Friday, a 1ury voled 10-2 tha1 Jo Len Md ;owl'n was not ac;c,aulted. Mccowen had claimed that Hudman drugged, rart·d and imprisoned her <II his hou~t· 1n New· pon Beach after nwl"ttng her at Jo'>h '>In cum's restaurant. Marclll> Manciru. McGowen's attorney. said he would cun~1der appt•almg the case. Mancini <>aid he was hindt-red m 111<. ability 10 no~·examme the witnl...,<;ec;, in eluding Rodman. "The -;yo;tem is there tu be fair to every See ROOMAN, Page A4 A s Newport Beach likes it Shakespeare by the Sea theatricaJ group returns to local park after last year's record-setting show. June Casaerande Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Just one year ago, theater lovers were unsure whether the future of Shakespeare by the Sea ln Newport was to be, or not to be. But now ifs obvious that their worries were much ado about nothing. *Donors want to see that their dollars are changing lives,• Orange County United Way President and Chief Executive SEAN Ol.J'RENE I OAll.Y PILOT Taylor Pat1<s, 8, of Costa Mesa iool>s as high as he can off a dock at the Balboa Bay CkJb in Newport Beach. This week, warm weather and hLtmiOty combiled to make tJ1rf place with water a good place to hangout and cool off. Last summer's performance of "Much Ado About Nothing· at Grant Howald Part was so successful that local Bard boosters decided to do anything neces- See NONPROFJl'S, Pace M FAMILY TIME Running Man sets good example I have never met Arnold Schwarzenegger. The closest I've ever come to meeting him was escorting his wife, Marla Shriver, through the halls of a building three years ago eo she could interview Dr. Laura Schlessinger. The walk coot about three or four minutes, during which we talked about an Jalue mat will mnain conftdendal. But the convenadoo led nie to bellew that the WU lbouabd\11. ln~t and Mll·mannered. Now. her bueband .. running for pemor of Callfomla. He, too. seems to be thoughtful. Intelligent and weD-· mannered but uwe know, that's not enough ~......:....-i::;;....--' to make. good pewnor. During an tofonnal prw conftreace lodowtng NI 111nounc•11ent. STEVE SMITH ~· Mkl all of the right things, even if be did so in twisted Bnglish. My' version of all the risht things includes holdingpeople responsible for the mess we're in (by the way, that's a bipartlMn cba.Denp - neither major J>&r'Y hu dean hands), ~ndlng the licbning hold of epecial lnttteta OD the legilletora ln s.a.neot°' endina bu8tne. flWlt la the etate ind uting bis wlle tor permiltMon to run. Arnold Mkl thne ttma m about 10 minutes bow he 1119.-.Y,,_.M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTitEWEB: ww.~com WEATHER tr\ going to be atnnler end Wlfmef -tf any of 1hlir. P*RJle ........ A2 BESTFRENDS S..SHOW,P .. eM A2. Sata"day, August 9, 2003 Cute as a Buttons · The six-month-old dachshund h~s given good health and lots of love to many at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot S he's very friendly and outgoing, loves people and likes to say "hi" lo everyone she meets. She gives hugs and kisses and is happy and social with anyone; she doesn't care who they are -she likes them for being the m. Not only is she man's best friend. she's Costa Mesa Senior Center's best friend, and her name is Buttons. Butto ns is a black and tan miniature dachshund who is 6 months old and has been visiting the senior center with executive director Aviva Goelman. Butto ns weights just about 8 pounds and is almost as big ab she will get. Goelman ~tarted bringing her to the center when she wa~ aU of three pounds and 'lhe made friends quickJy with many of the seniors. Goelm an believes in the medical research done about pets being companions -how jusl spending a linle Lime with an animal can add great health benefit s. such as lowered blood pressure and other cathartic perks. ''Buttons comes in Tuesday afterno ons and sometimes on a Monday." Goelma n said. HShe'IJ greet them a t the bus (in front of the senior center). They love to pet her because she's soft. She gives a lot of love and kisses to the seniors. Some of the <>enior'i come in and ask 'Is BOOMER CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. SUNDAY To honor Kath•rine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "The African Queen; the second of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. AUG.17 To honor Kath•rine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "Pat and Mike,H the third of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644--3244. MAAKC DUSTIN /OAJLVPILOT Avrva Goelman brings Buttons, her six-month-old dachshund, to the Costa Mesa Senior Center to brighten the days of the seniors and the dog has made an impression with many people there. Buttons here to play?'" Volunteers Be tty Jo Le O air, Marje Butler and Maxine Broback are big fans of their friend Burton. When Goelman first brought Buuons in, Le O air instantly fell in love with her. ''I can't have a dog where I live. <>o I love lo play with her,· Le Qair said. "She's so active, 1ust fun lo be around.• 6utJer said that she is thrilled about Buttons' visits. "I love dogs." Butler said. "I'm delighted every tim e she comes. We can't have a dog where we live. so she's a '>Ubstitute -we love her." The four women. s itting in a circle, had Le Qair lay on the noor-like she does 1>ometimes while &he plays wilh the puppy. As 'ioon ru. Le Oair AUG.18 Mature drivers can sharpen their dnving skills in two four-hour AARP driver safety classes held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Churd'I of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced registratlon is required. For more infonnation, call (714) 557-3340. AUG. 24 To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner:' the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the C13nter's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. AUG. 31 To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "On Golden Pond,w the last of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are inv.ited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Alm Fest, 8t 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. ONGOING O.sis Senior Cenw holds• was horizontal, ButtOnl> was rubbing up against her, giving her k1 .,es and wagging her tail profusely. "She's just the sweetest thing." Broback said. ··fhe first time I met ber, I was working on the travel desk, and she came up on my lap and slept for several hours.· Aviva pointed out how at-ho01e Buttons seemed at the center. ln the morning, the building gets packed; more than 200 seniors usually come in the m orning, with about 500 people a day going there. "I try and be outside when the bus comes to greet the seniors," Goelman said. "They'll say. 'Look. she loves me, she's so soft, she's like velveL'" She said that is part of her value. Certain seniors can't have pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breatcfast indudes pancakes, sausage, ooffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for d'lildren. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Women 50 and older cen jofn • discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues sud'l as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Braille lns1itute offws free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. TIM Com Mau Seniof' Centlr has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuetday night at 695 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. $4. (949)548-3884. .l9wish Femity Service of Or-. County sponsors an ongoing a pet in their own home. "There are some people who objec1 to her, H Goelman said. "I choose to ignore them because she brings so much pleasure to everyone (else).· Buttons can be found behind the front desk in the afternoons, when it's usually quiet after lunch, or ln Goelman's office. ·she brings them a few hours of happiness when she's here,• Goelman said. "She gets a lot of fun and love from the m and gives it back to them double. So many love animals but can't have them. Buttons partly belongs to them.· Goelman said she took on ownership of a puppy. knowing she could bring her to the Costa Mesa SenJor Center and make so many people's day. healing support group for the dlrooicalty ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays 8t the Jewish Family SefVioe office, 250 E. Baker St , Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 44&4950. The Coin •nd St.mp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senio r Center. New membe"rs Interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these infonnal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Family Serva otr.rs ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grlef, receive support and leam ways to cope with sadneu and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Tem~e Judea in Laguna Hiils. The third group meets 8t 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center In Anaheim. There's no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Mart C. Dustin, Don Leadl, Kent T reptaw READERS HOTLINE (94SI 642-6086 Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or edvertisementa herein can be reproduced without written pennisslon of copyright owner VOL 97, NO. 221 Newt Edtton Glne Alexander, Lori Ander9on. Deniel Hunt. Psul Seitowitt, o.m.i st.....,. N!WlfffAFf Crime '='8co~rter, ( .. ) 57'-4226 ~.blwnth•tMl,.,,...oom ,,_ca.a, ... Newpon leecil repon.r. (Mt~- ~·....,,_,oom .......... Pohtlcl; ......_ ... erMtor.ment ,.,.,,., • .., 1IMl30 ~• .... com Ltlll...,., Columni.t. C:Ultut9 ~. (941) 574-4275 loln&.,,,,,,,.,e,_,,.._com ~ .......... eo.u MeN "8P()ftler, (Me) 57"'422, delrdt'e.~ l«.lm#.oom COf9I Wllolt Newt~ (Ml) 15""'211 "°"" ..,.,,.,_.,_ com Record your comments about the Dally Pilot or news tips. Addr'9M Our eddr ... It 330 W. Bey St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office houra ere Monday · Friday, 8:30 e.rn. • S p.m. ComK1tone It is the Pllot's policy to promptly correct ell errora of 1ube1A1nce. PleaH cell (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport~ MeN Deity Pltot (USPS-144-800) le publiehed d811y. In N.wpon 8eec:tl end eo.ia MeN, eubecrlpdone .,. waileble ontv by subecriblng to The Tlmet Orenge County (IOO) 252-9141. In •f'MI out8ida of Newpon IMd'I end CoN MeN. aubec:ripdonl to the Dilly l'ftot ere 8V8lleble ontv by fil'lt ct-. mail tor $30 per "'°""" Cf'licM lncklde .. I ~--endlocel ...... ) POSTMASTER: Send 8ddr9ll d'l•ngea to The Neiiwpolt a..ctvco.t• Meaa 0eAv ftffot. P.O. Box 1&80, Co9ca MeN, CA 12e2e. HOW TO REACH US ClrculetJon The Tlm81 Orange County (800) 252·9141 ~19 C'ruw.d (949) 642-6678 Dilpley(94S)642-4321 EdteoNI Newa (949f 642-5880 lpor19(949)57~223 Newa,.. (941) ...... 170 8poft9 fa (M) 850-0170 ~ dellypllot•t.t""-.com MelftC-.. ........... c-.. (949) 642-4321 .... _,.. (941) 831-7128 PubH•hed by TifMe ~unity New9,. dMliOft of the Lot~ Tl!Me. Dally Pilot The restorative power Of pets • NINAOoa.w.N i. n ~ chc:*>r ~the Coeta "-s....c..randwll Wl'tlt ocaeiollll colurM9 lbout the «**r, Ila,,....,,.,.. Md ----- SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Another nice, sunny day with mld-eftemoon temperatures rising near 90 at the hottest spot.a In Mesa Verde and by the airport. The evening should prove nice. Temperatures w1n stay In the 70. until as late as 10 p.m. lntomearees. SURF Arat off, what's with the water temperature 1 Second, what's with the ladt of aurf1 54th Street might get some dlelt-high waves, but elsewhere it's going to be longboerd lfop through the weekend. A poaibfe combo Miil next week offef'9 litlte ~t: www.nws.no.•·90" _hope. BOATING FORECAST A bit of 1 wind on the Inner Wltera, bkJwtng "°"'the WMt It 10 to 15 knots. WIWI will be 2 fMt on •dropping Witt ... of 3 to 5 ..... SorM fog •fiVMd ..... tt wtl be rouoe-our ..... wtlt'I ~-.-'''° 25 llnola. ~ wtl be 2 to 4 ,_.on• buldlng nol1tiw.a IMltof4I07 ..... W...quelty: www . .cJrfridflr.Olfl TIDES 1llM 9:071.m. 1:38p.m. 7:5'p.m . 3:Wa.m. ......,. 3.91 fMt high 2.A3fMtlow 8.MMtNef\ ·1.08fMllow WATER TEMPERATURE M~ Daily Pilot Sdturd.ty August 'J, 2003 A3 t Westside businesses form alliance n us na property owners ave joine together and plan to ask Costa Mesa leaders to remove them from redevelopment area. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Westside in- dustrial property owners who vo- ciferously fought against being included in a proposed addition to the downtown redevelopment area have turned to cooperation to achieve their goal instead . After the addition was shelved for six months, a group of prop- erty owners banded together to join the Westside RevitaJi.7..ation Assn. They want to work in concert with the city's objective 10 eradi- cate blight in the area without the black cloud of eminent do- main hovering over their heads. To that end, they have been working feverishly to improve their properties over the past live months. Proud of their efforts so far. the association m embers will ask the Redevelopment Agency to re- move them from the propos(:d added territory on Monday. "We believe we can accom- plish all this pn'vately," said Dan Gribble, association president "We don't feel ihere's a need to be under the jurisdiction of a re- development area and don't want to be subject to eminent domain and all the polentiaJJy negative a~tention that has for our prop- erty values." TI1e Planning Commission ap- proved the preliminary bounda- ri~ for the potential added area of about 400 acres -running roughly along 15th Street, Whit- tier Avenue, West 19th Street and Pomona Avenue -in January. In March, the Redevelopment Agem:y grnnted a six-month postponement of the issue. pro- viding an opportunity for the in- dependent consultants hired by the city Lo begin an economic study of a commercial area that run~ along 19th Street east of Monrovia Avenue. ·n1e delay also afforded more time for the city's Community Redevelopment Ac- tion Committee to present i!S vi- sion and goals for the Westside. Its report is anticipated al the end of August The Westside Revitalization Assn . has a three-pronged mis- sion: to support revitalization of the Westside through private in- vestment; to coOaborate with the city in programs that resuJt in improv~ments without eminent domain; and to maintain the in- dustrial zoning in the area. . It boasts about 70 businesses large and small, including Oa- Val, MacGregor Yacht and Rail- makers. Gribble ·estimates that the busine!.Ses have invested be- tween $200,000 and $300,000 since March on improvements. Gribble, who owns The Boat· swain'& Locker, h~ spent $25,000 to fix up the property next door Lhat he purchased last year. He rebuilt the roof. repainted the ex- terior and will redo the parking lot !-.oon. I le aJso put in a sprin- lder syi.tem and planted foliage. John I lawley, the owner of Railmak.er~. ha~ also done his part. tl'aring down an older residence on 18th Street Lhat he FYI WHAT: Redevelopment Agency meeting · WHEN: 6:30 p.m .• Monday WH(RE: Neighborhood Community Center. 1845 Park Ave. INFORMATION: (714 ) 754-5635 owns. uwe have many example~ throughout the Westside of busi- nesses taking active participation in revitalizing their propertie&," Hawley said. "They understand the m,agnitude of the !>intation. ft Mayor Gary Monahan '>a.id he thought the as.'>ociation':. rt:>qucst was reasonable. "I was not :.upporuve of In - cluding those areas in the lre- developrnentl area in the first place in light of the budget fia!>- cos that arc going on and the state government taking redevel- opment money away, .. Monaha11 said. "I think it\ a legitimate re- quest, but don't think it":. going to happen Monday. I think we'll bring it back in September when all the area.'> an: up [for consid- eration[." &.r.ri.1 A u.., Trinl# :n Frank Sinat:ra E11n-y MotUIA-y d-TtuulAy 6-9p"" Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails •00Quality Service' .. •••Ni. tJ Enknainmco1"' , ,,,. ll""' v •• ,;,,,,~ r.tlJ (949) 646-7944 lt•<J" In iue A"c .• < ·.,.,,, M...,.,. lJiiwK-r ..... \t..... ~ti fr..n.t ,_ ~ • ~ • ..... 1:1 I to • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence In stallations . • C hain Link Fence Repairs Serllin9 Oran9e CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 license #3 1 33 I I ~ 7~ fk4t . a Sttne... 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If you went to have an obituary printed In the Pilot, ask your mortuary to fa>c us tha Information at (949) fM6..4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. 714-8'7-1551 §OLIS KNVEST1\1E:\'T~ & REAL:TY KRISTIN M. Sous• License.d Real F.state Afent • Sp«ializmg in Newport Mesa R.esUlmtial Real Estate ERIC A. Sous, CFP • I 7 YtarS &perience • Stocks & Bonds • Mutual Funds •Annuities • Estatt e!r &timnmt Planning • Investment Banking • SmaU Middk Marlut Companies • FRIT Re\lcknt1al J\1arket r\11dnw\ ,111 ,uu1 11111nt· . . · I HI I '-ltotk \farkt·t Rt''>e.m·h Report 949--2 .~-I I 6 ... ,____,..._, . ...........,_ .... ......, ·---...... --.... -USll . ..C d eo F>AC>VE r--.I C ANNIVERSARY SALE! Celebrating 4 years on Balboa Island 20°/o OFF our entire stock of Proven~] fabrics, table linens, pottery, fragrance and gifts• · 3 days only Friday thru Sunday • Aug 8, 9 & 10 'Custom ordut arui fomiturr o:c/~'4 2 10 Marine Ave., Balboa Island (949) 673-0719 Open 7 Days I 0:30 am-6:00pm RODMAN Continued from Al FAMILY Continued from Al waited to announce his candidacy until he was certain that he had the support of his wife and that the effect on bis children would be minimal. My guess is that a star of his caliber has already faced and overcome the challenges of keeping his private life private. This is not an endorsement of Schwanenegger. In fact, it would take a lot of persuading for me to cast my vote to such an inexperienced candidate during this time of crisis in the state. Candidate Arianna Huffington rose the subject of her own lade of experience, saying that with all the experience Gov. Gray Davis has, he still made a mess of things. But perhaps you don't believe Davis has made a mess of trungs. I do, and I don't care what the rest of the nation thin1cs of us wacky CaJifomians, I'm glad we've started the recall process. I'm thrilled that we're showing our chlJdren that people in public service have to answer for their mistakes. And if that answering happens not faU during the usual election, so be it. SHOW Continued from Al sary to bring Shakespeare back to the park this year. "We thought we'd have a cou- ple hundred people turn out and we ended up having almost 1,000 people attend,• said Jana Barbier, cultural arts coordina- tor for the city. "So there was a real desire for this kind of pro- duction in the community.• r---~---------------------, And it was that desire that fu- eled the return of Shakespeare by the Sea this year, as the New- port Beach Arts Foundation stepped up to fund the $3,500 cost for bringing back the San Pedro-based traveling troupe Shakespeare by the Sea As a re- sult, residents will have the chance to enjoy two profes- sional productions of Shake- speare that are free: There is no I I NONPROFITS Continued from Al Maria Cllavez Wtlcox said. Mlt is not enough just to donate; do- nors want to see that the pro- grams that they fund ra.lae test scores, reduce drug abUle or In- crease employment" Human Options in Newport Beach received $120,000. "We offer options for abuaect women and chUdren in New- port Beach." aaid Vivian aecu. execudw director of Human Options ln Newport Beach. "The funding will support nonemer- gency bowlng, tranlldonal bouatng and penonaJ empower- ment inltnlcdoo to domeetic vto1ence vktfm& .. 0ranae County'a United Way contlnuee"to WOil • • .... for local t:utne.ee to conlJl)- I ute time and ~ • Wll • llTt l • ..... ..... r • WID DIA I =.::-.: C:::.:: CA.UC. I ) •M-777 --11 olwc.tqitwe~ ............ ~to-_, ----~~------------~------~ , MARK BOSTER /LOS ANGELES TIMES Former NBA player Dennis Rodman was found not guilty in a case against a woman who claimed he drugged and raped her. sexual encounter between McGowen and Rodman was consensual, McKay said Mancini said the two women were swayed in their testimony by their •strang~ fascination" with Rodman. He pointed to Haley's testimony that she had brealr:fast with him two days af- ter the incident, even though they were not personal friends. ~He was showing her a picture of his speedboat; for what pur- pose that could possibly be,· I have no idea," Mancini said. In her testimony, Tekulde ex- pressed surprise that Rodman wasn't hitting on her at the res- taurant, Mancini said. TI1eir testimony also revealed Qilldren don't have a lot of accountability lessons any more. The movies and television programs they watch show the bad guys avoiding caprure and jail). Business leaders cook the books and get away with it on a daily basis (don't let the Enron, HealthSouth and WorldCom investigations lead you to believe that business corruption is over). And in a supreme act of unaccountability, our court system has just let hundreds of convicted child molesters walk out of prison. Exactly how bad does a public servant have to be to be held accountable? Former school board member Jim Ferryman got convicted of drunk driving and retained rus seat with the support of all but one of his colleagues. Former President Ointon committed perjury and obstruction of justice and stayed on as president. And Ne~ort Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols made a series of baseless racial accusations and remains on the panel -credit his colleagues; however, who denounced him. The truth is, our legislators are onJy slightly less responsible for our troubles than Davis. But Davis is governor, our problems occurred on his watch and like admission charge and the shows don't come out of resi- dents' tax dollars, either. Today. the nonprofit production com- pany will put on ·lWelfth Night." Sunday's show is "Ro- meo and Juliet." ~It was very successful last year and we wanted to bring it back.• Newport Beach Arts Commissioner David Colley said. "It's a good fit. And the show wasn't just a success for Newport Beach. It was also momentous for the production company. "The Newport Beach show was our most successful show to date," said Lisa Coffi, who founded Shakespeare by the Sea in 1998 as her master's project at CaJ State Long Beach.· "Our Manhattan Beach show was 700 (people), which was the best until Newport~ Just as Newport is a great that neither women was in the room where the encounter took place and both kn~ on the door for three to five minutes and yelled McGowen's name, without getting a response. Mancini said Tina New, who recently set- tled her own $10 million civil suit with Rodman over a sexual assault, testified for the prosecu- tion. Her testimony violated a confidentiality agreement based on her suit and didn't do much to help Mc.Gowen, McKay said. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached al (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. it or not. he's the guy who mus t be held accountable. In that position, a position of supreme leadership in the state, everything that happens on your watch is your respo~sibility and if you're not ready lo accept that, you have no business running for office. Business leaders. athletic coaches, armed forces officers and celebrities know that they are onJy as good as their current performance and if they fail too often, they are out. Politicians are onJy now beginning to reacquaint themselves with this concept. I could not care less that Davis is a Democrat. I'd be happy about the recall if a Republican had made the same blunders and wound up squandering billions of tax dollars. Yes. sir. I am an equal-opportunity accountability monger. Schwarzenegger may or may not be our next governor. But he's already ahead of the pack in my book -I didn't hear any other candidate say that they asked their spouse for permission to run. • STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a mes.sage for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at 1949) 642-6086. FYI WHAT: Shakespeare by the Sea WHEN: "Twelfth Night" is on Saturday, •Romeo and Juliet" is Sunday; both performances are at 6 p.m. and are preceded by a 5:30 p.m. pre-show. WHERE: Grant Howald Park, located at the intersection of Fifth and Iris avenues in Corona del Mar COST: Free INFORMATION: Visit www.clty.newport-besch.ca.us or call (949) 717-3870. place to find arts lovers, Grant Howald Park is great place to put on a play. A naturaJ depres- sion in the ground forms a per- fect amphitheater. ~This is probably one of our favorite places to come," Coffi said. "It's a naturaJ Greek amphitheater in a really nice park that's really beautiful." Daily Pilot Commtnn Oft tbe Su DlelD "8IWar sot pllDcy of dme Pdday moralq ao aaop and llnell the •- bault ~after. big,.. uuck jlctbUfed tu traOer, blocking two hmes, oftl· cl.Ila aa1cl. 1idlc ... stopped Oil the nOl1bbowld Sa DI· . ego PreewaY at 6:30 a.m. from the .ate of the Kd- den&. jult south of Bdltol Street. to well beyond MacArthur Boulevud. uid CdfomJa HJabway Patrol qftlcer Stacy WUllta. The overturned trailer blocked the three and four Janes for three and a half hours. while crews wotked to pt it back up- right and off the road, she said. A heavy-duty hydraulic tow truck was called to get the ~er back on its feet, clogging up even more of the scare open lanes. 1be rig also spilled diesel fueJ and fire ofti- ~ had to respond with as~ Clean-up uniL That's why it took so long to clean up," WUUts sa1d. Those traveling up the San Diego Freeway to connect with the COata Mesa freeway were a.l8o in a Jam. Because of the proximity of the connec- tor from the San Diego and Costa Mesa freeways to the crash. those beaded toward Orange and beyond were stuck In the morning mess as well, Willits laid. Debris from the earlier crash also caused a blow out later that morning near Bristol street causing even more slowing. -LoUra Harper POLICE FILES COSTA MESA ......... ...._Grand theft was repot1ed In the 3000 blodtlt 8:42 a.m. ~. • c.. StrMt: An MMUft WM reported in the 300 blodt at 2:18 p.m. Thurlday. • Nliwpolt ...,._ent: A mielJng person .. r9pOfted in the 2AOO ~ at 6:12 a.m. Thurad8y. ·""•*°"""'*An 8'lto thel MS 1'9pCNted In the 500 bloc:t et 8:A2 a.m. Thund8y. - • .... s...t:A mi8aing penon wa repc>ft9d in the 200 blodt et 10: 19 a.m. Thuraday. • South Coelt DIM: Prostitution ... ~ in 1he 1 !iOO blodt et 2:09 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH ............... &Ill CDell I ... iWGf ..... pertdng W99 reported• the ~M2:17p.m. Thur9dey. ... .._~A ~d'8dWh reported in h 800 bloct It 7:23 p.m. Thunday. The cHld- .... fowtd. • ........... :~igof a 111911 w NPQltld In 1he 5200 block .. 2 p.m. 'nuldly. ...................... llNlt: ._ .,.tdng w repartld 81 h lrllerwllon .. 2:28 p.m. Th.ndey. MONEY Continued from Al they will consider annexing the western portion of Santa Ana Heights onty if the city can also take over the redewlopmeot agency. County officials and resi- dent leaders of Santa Ana Heights have said they 1Upport the dty taking om' the agency. ........ CAIAQRAHDI CCMW'I Newport Beed1 and John WftvM Airport. She may be r'NCfted .. (948167iM232 or by HNlif 9t /unfl.CMllQrandeOllllltnaoom. -.ML~ ... • ll Dally Pilot Nothing ghoulish about fund-raiser Planning has begun for Newport Coast Cares' second Halloween Carnival and the group is seeking sponsors for its cause . Lolita Harper FYI Daily Pilot Blazing heat, flip-Oops and bathing suits don't usually go well with ghosts, ghouls and gob lins, but in the minds of lead- ers from Newport Coast Cares, summer is the perfect time to start planning for Halloween. The Newport Coast' Cares HaJ- loween Carnival is in its plaruljng stages now and m em bers are on the hunt for comm unity spon- sors interested in donating, time, money or goods for the second- year event. Money raised Crom the haunting happening will benefi t the Corazon de Vida Foun dation, a group dedicated to feeding. clothing and provid- ing for orphans in Baja Mexico. Laura Giffin and her friend Brigitte Tehranchi, both Newport Coast residents. started the non- profit organization Newport Coast Cares three years ago to help share their good fortune with o thers who need a helping hand. Giffin and Tehranc.:hj said AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swsnson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY Triangle Square in Costa Mesa invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace wtiile taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 am. to 4 p.m. The Newport Beach Theater Company will present Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella# at 7:30 p.m. at Lincoln School in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 759-1040. The Regency Lido Theater will Business or Individuals who would like to get involved with the Newport Coast Cares Halloween Carnival can call Jim McAleer at (949) 476-1144 ext. 358; Laura Giffin at (949) 376-8518 or Brigitte Tehranchi at (949) 464-0443. they could not stand by and spend their time and efforts on simple material things. They wan ted to -use their fortw ty in life to make a difference. "We found a common connec- tion in our desire to direct some of our extra time, financial re- sources and care to o thers in need," Giffin srud. That common conn ection has created an association within the hilltop community that has flooded the cause with support. Last year the first Halloween Carnival made iL'> debut and raised an w1preceden ted $25.000 for the cause. It was so success- ful, the group couldn't wait an- other year am.I ho'lted a Spring host the exclusive Orange County engagement of Dana Brown's surf documentary "Step Into liquid:' Attendees will get a chance to ride the "Robo Surf; a mechanical surfboard. "Step Into Liquid" show times will be 11 :30 a.m. and 1 :30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:45 and 9:50 p.m. The Robo Surf will be available from 2 to 8 p.m. R>r more information, call (949) 673-8351. The Newport Beach Arts Commission will sponsor a free outdoor production of Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth Night" at 6 p.m. at Grant Howald Park in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 717-3870. SUNDAY Hombtower's two-hour champagne brunch cruise features a lavish brunch buffet, free-flowing champagne and 1uice service and great views wtiile you cruise Newport Harbor. Boarding begins at 11 :30 a.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reservations. call (949) 631-2469. Fine Quality Antiques & Antique Reproducti.on New Pieces Designer Accessories European Furniture Olti Work/ Style Designs from England, France anJ Italy .1 stwi ndows.com Brands • Lowest Price Up front No G~s FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Laura Giffin, left, and Brigitte Tehranchi, founders of Newport Coast Cares, are already planning for this year's HaUoween Carnival. Fling in May. Despite gloomy weather and occasional sprin- kles, families came out in droves eat, shop. play and support a good cause. 'lltis faJJ it will only get better, officials srud. "Thjg event has gathered m o- mentum and promises to be the biggest and best event we've pro- duced so far." Giffin srud. The carnival will feature food, game and craft booths, a silent The Newport Beach Arts Com mission will sponsor a free outdoor production of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" at 6 p.m. at Grant Howald Park in Corona del Mar. Pre-show begins at 5:30 p.m. Information: (949) 717-3870. To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "The African Queen; the second of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Rim Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. R>r more information, call (949) 644-3244. The Newport Beach Theai.r Company will present Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella" at 2 p.m. at Lincoln School in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 759-1040. MONDAY Registration fof' the Orange County Business Council's ninth a nnual Corporate Executive Golf auction and a bevy of ghastly ac- tivities, she said. Jim McAleer, executive direc- tor of Corazon de Vida, has srud the Newport Beach volunteers are greatly appreciated through- out his organization. Than.Jes to the generosity and unparalleled enthusiasm of Giffin, TehrancW and their restless army. the or- phans of Baja receive more from one carnival than possible in a month. Tournament begins at 9 a.m. at Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa, with the shot gun start at 11 a.m. The cost is $300 for a single player padcage or $1,500 for a corporate playe rs padcage. Proceeds benefit the Orange County Rescue Mission's Strong Beginnings program, which provides workfo rce development for those who have lost hope and need help. For more information, call (949) 476-2242, eXl. 216. Ho.a Hoepibil wil host .... Ml.oak Good ••• Feel Better" dasses, wtiich teach cancer patients makeup, wig and turban tips to help hide the ravages of radiation and chemotherapy treatment. from 10 a.m. to noon. The dasses are sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the National Cosmetology Assn. and the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Assn. Registration is required. lnfonnation: (949) 261-9446. SATURD AY, A UGUST 9, 2 003 FEATURING SOPHISTICATED AND STYLISH HOME FURNISHINGS FROM SOME OF SoUTHERN (JJ.IFORNIA1S FINEST MODEL HOMES AND OTHER UNIQUE SOURCES -AT FANTASTICALLY LOW PRICES YOU WO!\.T Fl~D ANYWHERE ELSE. + Complimentary interior design cons11ltatio11 available to our' customers. III Ylvee'~ Co~~ MODBL FURNISHINGS AND MORB ... 3002 Dow AVENUE, Surrs r38 TusnN, UuPORNlA 9278o 714.665.3322 FAX 714.665.3323 M Saturday, August 9, 2003 Daily Pilot . HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St. CostS Mesa, CA 92627 • Reed«s Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646:4170 E-mal:Send to dai/ypi/ot@latimes.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification porposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Personal attack or constructive criticism? By Steve Bromberg P hil Arst, Lhe Greenlight spokesperson and steering committee member, recently wrote a community commentary, "Seeking sense and civility in Newport," Aug. I. In that article, he attacked a number of individuaJs, most specifically, our city manager, Homer Bludau, for making a "personal attack" on Arst. Bludau had referred to Arst as "disingenuous" relative to a prior Arst commentary. Arst then goes on to talk about civility in government and how we should aJI work together, and in the same breath actually goes on the attack throughout the remaiJ1der of his article. I felt that Arst's article was pretty mean-spirited, which gave me the idea to write this article. A lot of residents wiU watch City Council meetings and read selected articles in the newspapers; however, what I have found is that many people are not sure how our local process of government works when it comes to addressing the Ciry Council or working with ciry staff. I thought this might be a good time to review some of those issues and at the same time, I will refer to some of the examples referenced by Arst. If you have been watching your local government, you may note that within the last 2~ years or so, this City Council and city staff have become extremely responsive to its residents and that we embrace public outreach on major issues that affect the city. Of course, we cannot be everything for everyone, nor do we try and do that and as a result, ... Jf . ' Steve Bromberg there will be people who will disagree and criticize what we do, and that is the American way. There is nothing wrong with that. However, when someone starts taking criticisms as personal attacks, then it is reasonable to question that individ4al's motives. First, ler's take a look at Arst's concern that he and Greenlight were "personally attacked." Let's also look at a few very real and hard facts. Arst is the spokesperson for and a steering committee member of Greenlight, which has become a political party. Greenlight has had its challenges in the last couple of years. In the last election, Alan Beek, the individual who is affectionately referred to as "The Father of Greenlight," ran for Ciry Council against Don Webb, who had been a public servant in the city for 33 years. Webb won the election by a respectable margin. Considering that · Beek is probably one of the most honest and finest people I personally have ever met and worked with, the fact that the people did not vote in "The Father of GreenUght" suggests that the voters in this city are happy with its present local government. Due to a number factors, includiilg that residents in this city are pleased with their local government, people have been leaving GreenJight. This is fact, not fiction, and Arst, who is their political guy so to speak. is doing ~ ... . .. everything he can to try and show we, the city of Newport Beach, are pretty much inept and wastefuJ with taxpayer money. Well, it's not working and I personally believe that Arst is very concerned about this and he is trying everything he can do to try and knock our city government. Arst didn't like it when our city manager suggested that he attempt to understand the issues and facts before attacking those issues. Your Ciry Council members are citizen politicians. We are your neighbors and, technkally, the job is supposed to be part time. Nonetheless. it is stiU politics, and although we probably have a higher level of civility then most oilier cities around, it still can get testy and it does on occasion. When I hear a politician, and Arst is very much a politician, complaining about personal attacks. my onJy reaction is "give me a break." If you are in politics, you know to expect adversity as well as heated discussions: however, to suggest what really is a criticism is a personal attack is truly disingenuous. Come on now. In the last 2~ years, Arst has filed six or so complaints against the City Council with the Dis trict Attorney's office. Each complaint was reviewed and rejected as being unfounded by the District Attorney's office, and it finally got to the point where the Daily Pilot even entered the fray and suggested that this type of conduct could be viewed as "the boy who cried wolf." My first taste of true politics in action was when I was seated as a councilman in 2000. Immediately after that the City Council. under the FNSHES AVAUllE ·~&onzt •BlmCqips .,..., leadership of then Mayor Gary Adams, commenced the process of implementing Measure S -or the Greenlight Law-and, quite frankly, I'm proud to say we did an exemplary job. I know that's a self-serving comment; however. I believe it tb be true. Even Greenlight at that point in time complimented the City Council for the manner in which that implementation was accomplished. It pretty much went through without a hitch and those hearings went on for hours over a six week period. It is.so easy to take criticism as a personal attack and I recognize that there can be a fine line between the two. Being a professional mediator, I learned a long time ago that if you are to be successful in any form of negotiation you need to criticize with well-meaning intent, but you should check the egos and the personal agenda at the door. Take another look at Bludau's article and determine for yourself whether or not this was a personal attack on Arst or whether or not it · was a very constructive criticism that set the record straight factually, without conjecture. It seems so many times iliat those who will stand on that proverbial soap box and demand free speech, are the first ones to try and quell that speech if it opposes their own beliefs. This information might also be helpfuJ to someone who wishes to speak at one of our meetings. Every council meeting has a public comment time. That is the chance where anyone can talk about almost anything they want to for three minutes -and people do this all of -....... 11• • I ", ... , ... the time. This is not a debate nor is it intended to be. Council members will not get into a dialogue with a speaker during public comments. However, if a speaker during public comments states a non-truth, embellishes or is simply incorrect. the council is permitted to. and many times wiJI, clarify that issue for the speaker and the public. If it becomes clear that the speaker is being disingenuous, temperatures may rise. Our policy also reflects that if a council member engages in such clarification, it is to be brief. The goal Is to be sure that the public has accurate information. The next opporrunjty for an individual to spealc would be on an actual agenda item, and each item is opened to the public and anyone can address that issue and only that issue for a period of five minutes. Although there is more room for a dialogue at that time, the procedure is pretty much the same. Our dry is running very well. Out of the 34 cities in Orange County. we have risen to the top on financial issues as weU as service to residents. There Is no loss or degeneration of service to Newport Beach residents and you seem very pleased with this. Why is that? Because you have a City Council made up of your neighbors who care and a ciry staff that is responsive. There will always be those out there who will talce shots, however, it is your responsibility as a citizen to analyze what is going on. and to do so objectively. I'll be in touch. •EDITOR'S NOTE: Steve Bromberg 1s- the mayor of Newport Beach. bed WM: $2220 now: $1332 Daily Pilot COMMUNITY & CLUBS rzp o zna wz oca group a great adventure Y ou are invited to visJt Otlna from Nov. 7 to 15 on a tour sponsored by the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council. Cities to be visited include Beijing. Suzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai. Sites to vtsJt include lhe Great Wall or Otlna, the Forbidden City, Temple or Heaven, Summer Palace, Historic District of Hutong. where you will have lunch at the home of a OUnese family, the Place Museum, Tiananmen Square, Ungering Garden, Tiger Hill, Hanshan Temple, Ungyin Temple. The Bund and Otlna Town, Shanghai, to name a few. On this trip, sponsored by the Interfaith Council, you will have the opportunity to visit a Jewish Synagogue, Catholic and Protestant chwches in addition to a number of Buddhist Temples. There will be time for shopping at silk. jade and pearl factories. The cost of the eight-day trip to OUna, including round-trip airfare from LAX. 5-star or 4-star hotels. deluxe tour buses, English-speaking tour guides, three full meals every day, fees for aJJ attractions. Is just $1 ,350 per person. Call (949) 660-8665 for free brochure or visit lhe council 's Web site at www.nmiinurfaith.org. A valuable tour briefing for aJJ interested people will be held at 5:30 p.m . Aug. 19 at Harbor Cllristian Church, 24-0 1 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. RADER NIGHT AT MALARKY'S MaJarlcy's Irish Pub owner Bill Hamilton is hosting a s peclaJ fund-raising evening Sunday nJght for John Rader, who has been struck with Primary Sclerosis Collngitis, the same rare liver disease that killed famous NatJonaJ FootbaJI League star Walter Payton. Rader served as the food and beverage manager at the Balboa Bay Oub, generaJ manager of the SaddJebaclc lnn and more recently as the general manager of the Out.rigger Canoe O ub in Hawaii. Rader was lcnown here for his community involvement, helping to start the Newport Aquatics Center, leadership with the annuaJ ONGOING • Send ONGOING Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bey St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to milctuwanson§latim66.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date end location of the event, as well es a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotoom. TM Newport CenW Toastmaste11'1 Oub can help you Improve your public speaking akill1 or polish your butlneu preNntetion1. Memben come from a variety of profealonal disclpllnea and badcgrt¥Jnds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beed\. Validated parting is available In the parting outrlgger canoe race from Newport to Avalon, support of the YMCA. the Sea Base. the Commodores JIM ~~rtthe DE BOOM Beach Cllarnber of Commerce and the list goes on. According to Hamilton, half of all proceeds from 5 to 1 O p.m. will be donated to the Rader Fund. ·Food wilJ be served as John taught us long ago and we wilJ be having guest bartenders including Billy WhJtford, Leslle Davis and others,· Hamilton said. ZOOFARl2003 Newport Beach resident Debbie Newmeyer reminds us that the 11th annuaJ black-tie/ safari-attire gaJa Zoofari 2003 wiU be held on from 6 to 11 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Santa Ana Zoo at Prentice Parle This s pectacuJar dinner dance wiJI be held under the stars in the tropicaJ jungles of the zoo, where you can meet some of your favorite animaJs while enjoying Vax.Vodka's jungle juice, dine on food from a variety of restaurants and .dance the night away with music provided by Wayne Poater. Tippl Hedrm will return for her traditionaJ visit to support the efforts of the zoo while Suha Pedortchew of Cirque du SoleU fame will perform verticaJ rope acrobatics. Otarlee Dreyer will serve as master of ceremonies and auctioneer for the evening. Tickets at S 15-0 each can be purchased by calling (7 I 4) 953·8555, ext. 13. WORTH REPEATING From Thought for the Day provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine JnterfaJth Council: •uteis l0%whathappensto you and ninety percent how you respond to it." -Lou Holtz structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are wek:ome. f.or more information, call (949) 721 -5732. J9wilh Family SeMc:e .. offering a support and di1CtJssion group for women 50 and older the second and fourth Monday of every month from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. et 250 E. Beker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Pre-registration is required. f.or information or to register, call (714) 446-4950. J.w'9h Family SeMc:e .. oifering e women's divorce end separation support group at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Jewish Federation Campus in Costa MeN, 250 E. Beker St f.or more information, call (714) 445-$960, ext 114. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian SERVICE CLU8 MEETINGS THIS WE£J( T\JESOAY 7: 30 a.m.: The 4-0-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Qub will meet 8J Five Crowns for a meeting focusing on the u pcoming fund-raiser "Al. Time Goes By.* (newportbeach sunriserotary. orglinde.x. htm). 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Uons Oub wilJ meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. WEDNESDAY 7:15 a.m.: The lO·member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Qub (www.southcoastmetro rotary.orgJ; and the Newport Harbor JGwanis Oub will meet at the University AthJetic Qub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast meets at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Qub. 6 p.m.: The 5-0-member Rotary Oub of Newport-BaJboa will meet lhe Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for an update on Project Deaf India by Raj Desai. (www.newport-balboa.org). THURSDAY 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Lions Oub will meet at Mimi's Caf~. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa J(jwanls Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn (www.kiwanis.org/ clublco.stamaa); the SO-member Kiwanis Oub of Newport Beach-Corona del Mar will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Qub; the 80-member Exchange Qub of Newport Harbor will meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum for a program by Steve Sutherland, developer of the Balboa Peninsula Resort. and the 100-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium Hotel to hear Orange CoWlty 1reasurer John Moortach ( www. ni rotary. or?). •COMMUNITY• ClUBS is published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting information by fax to (949) 660-8667 or by e-mail to 1deboom@aol.com. Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Ead'I month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957~107. .Beech LAllodK1pee:.., uhlbit featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian Islands by Donna Ruzicb, umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller and Bede Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept. 30 at Newport Beach City Hall. Information: (949) 717-3870. "TenM In Alt.• en exhibit oA painting• by longtime tennis instructor and coach Jo1e Mendoza, will be on display in the Newport Beach Central library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's RosEY's AuloBODY You have the right to chooee your ttpair facility lnaut on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY M s..icie c.m11iaft Cenlw ......... Ata,,..--'..., 949 642-4522 -Did You know1 10M WMU, C.CM.NO Mii I ..... j('I --ra;. a.. .... Mllllf ~ 4Jf1111Dftlll CUITOM EVENT · CooflolNATION AU 0cCASION8 81RTHDAY8 ANNIVERSARIES SWEET 18 PROMS GRADUATION craycraft enter tainment 949.644.1549 www croycroffenterro1nment com •tNs .~ I notqld*' 1 ll'flf OChcr °""· I Ellelldll tiM (ft~ '·~~· ·~ I I ..._..,Hlll9 ----------' See Vs foiAll Your Col• Qiiations. jf urniture jf inisbing & 1Reftni1'bing Crackle, Cherrywood Finish &. More • Also Match Existing Furniture Call for I R.C. CALEGARI CO. I Over 25 Years P~!~~= 7 14_.547 .4970 Ex~:j~ce Extra 1328 E. Ed.in er Ave., Santa Ana Cra.fumaiuhi LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY ., ~ DINNER SPECIALS Sunday Prime Rib Monday All You Can Ear Spaghetti Tuelday Grenadine of Beef Wednesday Baby Back Ribs Thunday H omemade Meatloaf Friday & Saturday Chefs Special Sl l S5 SS $8 $10 -- Tentad tabl1s. low~~ painted douds on the c1l199 and lvety bely darK*I wll llnly dllght you and your gu•ll' clnq ~I Nld mos;phctt. Our ~~ 5'dff IO tnaMl )'OW\'~ IO 1--..;.:.....;.....-~....;;=~--==~ MemW'.Stl a t"nMlOfal*: one 1ltibles for ~and lm9e pen s Welcome. ~end t8M)oUI 8\'allObte. 1'76tll ,.,. .... c.... .... 19491 64H3l4 Alio: s..lio a.,. (Ill)""'"' .... Lajll.-""' 4~ . . • M Satur~. August 9, 2003 l ll·\1 P llll I ''\ ---------IU l ,\ ~"-l \IU 'I I " • Jeff Ewing & l yleen Ewing DISCLOSURE In the pa.'t ten years dbclo,ure has become a hot topic m I.he world of real e~w1c. Policy rev1..,100 and legal "-ru11ny h:1ve replaced the ca.,ual "caveat emptor" appro.1eh with clearly defined regula11on,. ~ cum:nr tn::nd 1' Iowan.I greater d1vulgencc llf propcrt} defects, "° 11 " better for you 10 be thomugh. When m douht. !.peal.. up. Any und1\Clo'>l.'t.I cond11.ion ma)' rc \ulr m a law,uil Even 11 you refer to a problem hut do not reveal ~•II the foci:.. you could ),llll find you!'.t:lf m court. Accordmg 10 h:gal M>tm:t:),, mcomplc1c di-.clo,un: n.:pre-.crH' 70'h to HO% of all rcal ci.1a1c bw,uth. Since the rcqu1 rertlCllh vary f mm 'talc lo \tau:. 11 " 1mportan1 IU ~i.. lhc aid o l a real e\t.atc pruk ..,,tclllal 10 help you nav 1gaic thc'>l' pcnlom. lcg.U w aler<. ~ "manda1ory -.cllcr dJ-.clc1\ure form, .. u\CXI h) man) real e ... ra1c brol..cr. can pmv1ck peace ol mmd to both hi.Iyer. and -.cllc-r. ThL\ u-.e ful checL.h~I CO\.Cr. many .i.rea.' you rna) noc thml.. to addre!..' on your own. Wrthout rt. you could unw1tun{!ly byp:L" pcrtmcnt cktalh th.ti mu....1 bi: included m your d1-.cl0\urc LylC\.'n and Je n have 'I l"OO<;CCUllVC )'Cal' of real C'>lalC cxpcm:nce m Ni:wpon Beach For proressional ~rvice or advice with aJI your real estate neflls l-all the F.wlnl(.\ itt Coast Newport-Coldwell Hanker at 1949) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newpor1 Proper1y's #1 Team For 2001 MJ~.-r ONGOING Continued from A7 wortt is known for it• manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration on tennis. Information: (949) 717-3870. \foluntMr driv9r'I ... needed 1o help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "M obile Meals; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. SWim lessons •re 1tv11il8ble July 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halecrest Park, 3107 Killybrook Lane in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 557-7234. Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to girls who are considering abandoning their babies, is in need of ongoing volunteers. For more information, visit www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. Macy's in Costa Mesa invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund· raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 556·0611, ext. 4231. Yoga classes win be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine w eeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class eadi week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beadi resideAts. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Costa Mesa's Recrution Division w ill provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m .. Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m . Parties for diildren 5 to 12 will consist o lundl/dinner, games, crafts, prizes. cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. f"rve new wines will be served on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost la $16 per person. For more Information, call (9!19) 721-1222. Newport Dunes Reeort'a "Movies on the Beach" will n..in every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are Invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen In the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parking Is $8 per car. For more Information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A V11riety of priVllte, seml-prtVl!te and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beadi Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children. teens and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beadi Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (94.9) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beadi Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Professional and licensed soc:c:er trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small-group and large-group training. For more information. call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Family Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high sdlool students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The First Page -Fine Children'• Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa M esa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside Restaurarrt in Newport Beadi offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. PATIO FURNITURE FACTORY OUTLET SAVE 25·50% OFF RETAIL 1741 Newport Blvd. •Costa Mesa• (949) 548-2449 Also in ORANGE (714) 974-9900 and SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO (949) 493-6200 ...., c,.,,.,,..,,.,.,,, 0-1111tc..d 714-915-1878. 80CM33-2188 1t1'21wtt aw.•..,. .... _,..._....,, a-... ..._......, W.S.&'"-M•111a& nwt.M•MM•llA 1l-4 i:S g:s;gg;s !C :mt• ' ;pu o > ¥'ijf O.itt Plot for $16 per per.an, featuring five from e to 8:30 p.m. on the eecond lnWtlith oouplee wtch OM new wines each week. For more Tuetdey of fN•ry month et the Jewish partner ere Invited to Information, call (949) 721-1222. Holiday Inn et 3131 Bristol St., partidpete In • dl9CUMion group Costa Mesa. For m0f9 et the Jewlah Family SerAce of YoW pot. Green Systema International ia geared toward deellng with will show you how to re-pot your •Dfvofoce: A New Beginning: iuuea between lnteffetth plant during their free a worbhop for men and women cooplea. audl H raising c:ftlldren. orc:ftid-potting teminar at 2 p.m. divorced or getting divorced, Is observing holidays, aymbols In every Saturday. A plant aale Is held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. et the home and reletlonshls» wtth held from9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 180 Newport Center Drive on the extended families. The COit for 20362 Bird\ St facility. Call (949) third Saturday of every month. three session• I• $46 per couple. 756-1211 for information. Cost Is $40. R?r m ore Information, Preregistration la required. Call to I call 644-6435. schedule date and time. The DitcOWr the MCrets of Carbon office Is at 260 e. Baker St., Suite Canyon Regional Partt as you frM tourt of th• Orenge County G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. walk through groves of beautiful Performing Atta Center take Coastal Redwood trees every guests to the dressing rooms, Women SO •nd older an Join • Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is performer's lounge, backstage discussion group coordinated by $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Jewish Famlly Services tp informatioA. Wednesday and Saturday at 600 address Issues such as anxiety, Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. depression, relationships, Tum Survivor, • nonprofit Group tours can be held by loneliness and family. The group organization encouraging women special arrangement. For more meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . who have been through cancer information, call (714) 556-ARTS. Mondays at the agency officles, treatment to exercise. hosts ext. 833. 250 E. Baker-St., Suite G, Cost.a "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the Mesa. Preregistration required. second and fourth Friday of the The Newport Beec:ti Newcomers (714) 445-4950. month in front of NIKEgoddess Club holds a general meeting on store in Fashion Island. Members the third Wednesday of every Friends of the Newport Beec:ti meet for lunch after at Atrium month. The organization is open Public Library Used Book Store court. ft is free, and all fitness to all women residents in are asking for patrons to donate levels are welcome. For more Newport Beach who have lived in books to replenish the dwindling information, call (949) 275-3888. the area fewer than five years. For stock. Books may be left at any of more information, call (949) the three branch libraries - Newport Community Counseling 645-9922, or visit Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Center offers a way to stop the newcomers·newportbeadl.org. Mar -or in the book closet next cycle of domestic violence to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 through the support group In Oasis Senior Center holds a Avocado Ave., Newport Beadi. S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 All hardcover and paperback safety. awareness, faith and a.m. on the second Saturday of donations, with the exception of empowerment. The group meets every month. Breakfast includes magazines and law books, will be Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. pancakes, sausage, coffee and accepted and are tax deductible. Free. For m ore information, call orange juice for $3, $1 for (949) 759-9667. (949) 721-8079. children. The center is at 800 M arguerite, Corona del Mar. For The S...llle Institute~ free Teens are Invited to drop by the more information, call (949) computer classes to people with city of Costa M esa Recreation 644-3244. fading vision who have difficulty Center from 2 to 6 p.m . Monday seeing the computer screen. The through Friday for indoor and Macy's South Coast Plaza Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite outdoor sports and activities. The presents ·w orkshop Ave .• Corona del M ar, offers six center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. Wednesdays: A Hands-on sessions. Call to sign up for For more information, call (714) Cooking Class Program" hosted classes. (714) 821-6000. 327-7560. by dief Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. A spiritual care clan mNta at The Newport Beach Walking Qub Wednesdays at 3333 Bnstol St., 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 meets at the comer of Superior Costa M esa. The cost. including Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport and Hospital Road in Newport materials, is $30. To reserve a Beadi. Call to reserve a seat (949) Beadi at 9:15 a.m . and 7 p.m. spot, call (818) 994-5075. 263-1462. everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. Yoga •nd ltwyttim, The Costa M.sa Chamber of ·Yoga rhythmics• combines yoga, Commerce hosts networking The Newport Beach Catc. da'nce and fun. The cfass is held luncheon meetings Wednesdays Decorating Club m eets from 7 to from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the 9 p.m . Thursday nights at at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa Country Oub. The Superior and Hospital Road in Suite 111, Costa M esa. For more cost is $14. The club Is at 1701 Newport Beadi. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. information, call (949) 650-1332. (714) 885-9090. The Newport Harbor Nautical The Spanish Speaking Club Museum offers the exhibit ·Joe A brain tumor support group meets to learn Spanish quick and Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering meets the first and third easy. For more information, call California's Marine Art Master,' Thursdays of eadi month from 7 (949) 650-1332. through Sept. 30. The museum is to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag The Assn. of Business Servtc.s Newpor1 Beadi. Free admission. Drive, Newport Beacti. Free. hosts a networking meeting that For more information, call (949) Registration not required. (949) deals with education connections 673-7863. 574-6232. He Je Garrett Furniture Full Design Consulting SCrvice Fine Furniture Since 1960 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open M on. chru Sac. 10 ro 6, Sun. 12 to 5 Quality Service Value Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's scock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criceria, and fai l to disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker overooeonccntrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses arc often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages . We specialize in representing individual investors. Please call us for a PREE consufr.ation. .. No Rec:v+uj • No Fee • . • • • • • • t ' .. • • • • • " • • : : • • • • • • ,. jJ .. SOC I ET Y .,. THE CROWD I n honor of 20 years or hel.ping children and families suffering with UCe-threatening illness in Orange County. the Make-A-Wish ,RJundation will host its inaugural Luminary Wish Awards. On Sept 7, Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona. along with the mega-popular band No Doub1 led by ~ Stefani, will receive the first ever tri8utes. Mlchelle Wells with the Orange County Make-A-Wash foundadon commented, "We are recogni7lng 20 years of local heroes. These are individuals who have extended their genuine graciousness and touched our kids with the power of fuJfilled dreams." 1h e Sunday event will feature a luncheon held at Rancho Las Lomas in Silverado Canyon. For m ore infonnation, please call Wells at (714) 573-9474. WINE TASTING BENEFTT John and Donna Crean will AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to {949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete lisl 1s available at www.dailypilot.com MUSIC 1TALIAN FlREWORKS' The Pacific Symphony's Carl St. Clair will conduct a program of •italian Arewortts." a concert fllled with the romance and excitement of Italy featunng violinist Philip Quint and soprano Dominique Labelle. The concert 1s at 8 p.m. today at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets cost $75 to $375. lnformatton- (714) 755-5799 o r visit www.pacificsymphony org. LEON FLEISHER IN CONCERT The Orange County Performing Ans Cente r 2003-04 Concert Series will open with a special celebration -a 75th birthday celebration for lhe pianiS1 and composer Leon Fleisher at 7:30 p .m. Mo nday in Founders Hall. Fleisher will be joined by violinists Cho-Liang Lin and Gil Shaham, violist Paul Neubauer and cellists Carter Brey and Gary Hoffman. Tidtets eost $76 and can open their Bad Bay estate, known ~~ra major wine-tasting event to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. B. W. COOK callino~thrs an' • K e Sunday celebration "Savor The Wtne." Ser to take place Sept. 28, wineries including Far Nienle, Nickel & Nickel and Dulce will join forces with Oief David c.opUn. who will prepare a feast 10 complimcn1 the fruit of the vine. Napa Valley artis1 Ira Yeager will d~play his art at the evenL For ticket mfonnation. please call (714) 436-16:.!.3. RACE FOR THE CURE lumip Ruse will ho!>t a be purchased at th e center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Dnve in CoS1a Mesa. NEW WORLD FLAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenco Festival will be two full weeks, through Aug. 17, o ffering performances. workshops and outreadl activities. From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the beS1 of flamenco music, dance and song For more information. ticket pnces and dates. call (949) 854-4646 or v1s1t www thebarclay.org. 'A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct ·A Night at the Oscars· at 8 p .m . Aug. 23. It's an evening of legendary fi lm classics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtradt live. The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets cost $75 to $375. For information, call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org 'SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out 3D AND 4D IMAGING HAs COME TO NEWPORT BEACH .. AND COSTA MEsA!!! VHS TAPE WITH MUSIC AND TWO COWR PICTURF.S OF YOUR BABY other JNUlt.p 11v11illlbk, visit www. yourh•/,;ytt•n. com h • 1901 Newport Plaza, SWtc 265, Cotta Mesa (acrot1 from Nike Town, comcrofNcwpon Blvd u.d 19th St.) 949-515-0011. 866-428--2229 Fu; '49-SIS:..0022 £..mail: N·...,.1MV1r-.11n11JrhalW9ll~n'.com pre-event ~eplion ~pt. 25 to honor the ~poru.or. of the upcoming SlL<:.an G. Komen Hrea.'>t Cancer Foundation Orange Counry Hal!l' For lhl' Cure. lhe 12th annual race wtll be held Sept. 28 in 111 • .Juon bland. 'l\Jmip Hose wdl danJe everyone with a delic1uus meal to celebrate the sponson.' years of l>t'llles.'> volun1ecris111 tha1 has put Lh<" Komen l'allie on lht' map. Call (714) 957 !:1157 lo be indude<l. HARBOR RUN ON Cosra Mt"><.1\ dynamic mom-about town Alesia Erickson announu.., that I.he N('WJXlrt I !arbor 11tw1 'ichool I larbor I lrrililKt' Hun i.., '>t'I for Oct 4 lnr run rat<.£.., both awaren"'-' aml t on1nbu11on.., to ~upport hx:al ed11t.111unal n('(."'<.i'- 1.rkk.-.<m, \VIit• of fomll'r (.o.,la Mt...,.1 M,1yor Joe Erickson, lll't'CJ, plenly of lorn! ..,uppon to make audiences around the world, ·sing-a long Sound of Music" 1s coming to Orange County Periorming Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 7 p m. Aug. 22 and 23 and at 1 p m Aug. 24. nckets cost $12 to $22 and can be purdlased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information. call (714) 556·ART S. The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive 1n Costa Mesa K.O. LANG IN CONCERT Three time Grammy winner K.D. lang will perform a1 the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p m Sept 6 Tickets cost $46 to $70 The center 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calhng (714) 556-ARTS or onhne at www ocpac.org CHRIS ISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p m. Sept. 14. Tickets cost $46 to $82. The center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. T1dtets are available at the center's box office. by calling (714) 556-ARTS or onhne at www.ocpac.org. TCHAJKOVSKY'S GREATEST HITS Conductor Carl St Clair leads the Pacific Symphony in the run them~ succe..,ful to date. To volunteer, call (949} 631-0724. NIGKT UNDER THE STARS Major South Coas1 Hepenory lheat.re donors wUJ lrcJvl'I mland I.his evening lo Modjt...,ka C..anyon for a very Spt.'Cial mghl undl'r Lhc stars at Batesby h1rm. l11l' informal ~ummer al fre'>t·o di1111t·1 is yel another fabulou.., Link in tht· social chain leadinl( tu .. .,upper at liffan y" this fall honoring 'i< .H\ 40th anniver>ary 'l'<L-.<111. 111 conjunction with the grand re-opening ofTiITany 11.i < .<1 .11 South Coast Plaza. I hJ',tl'll by the very civic-min<ll'<l Joann Leatherby and Gregory Bates. the evening in the c.:anyon ., -.urely an A-h...i l'Wport 'u111nwr uwitation. • TliE CROWO apr:>ears Thur'irldys and Saturdays HTchaikovsky's Greatest Hits:· an all Tdlaikovsky program. at 8 p.m. Sept 13. Special guest pianist Vardan Mam1kon1an will perform HPiano Concerto No 1 The concert 1s at the Vemon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine:. Information: (714) 755 5799, www.pac1ficsymphony org JAZ.2. TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beadl presents ii 1aa trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beadl Hours are 5 to 9 p m Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m Monday through Wednesday 19491 718·0188 WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week HWantedH musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St.. Newport Beadl Free (949) 675· 7760 MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ.2. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo. play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free Information: (949) 673-9500 Saturday. August 9, 2003 A9 WEDDINGS AND Kelly-Gurney Ms. Brynn Kelly of Newport Beach announces the engageme n t of her daughter, Colleen Kelly of Newport Beach. to Alexander Gurne~ of Newport Beach. The bride-clecf grad\Jated from Newport I larbor I ligh School and · USC. The future bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gurney of Newport Beach, graduated Colleen Kelly and from Corona del Mar Alexander Gurney I ligh School and the University or Colorado at Bouldt'r. A Nov. 15 wedding'" planned at the< ommumty CongregalionaJ Church of C.orond dt•I Mar Fox-Cicchelli · Tara Kathleen fox of San Diego and Daniel William CiccheUi of San Diego wiU exchange wedding vows on Aug: 23 at the I .a Valencia I lotel in I.a Jo lla, Calif. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph f-ox ol Newport Beach, graduated from Corona del Mar High School and the University of San Diego .. She earned her master'-; from Samuel Merrill College r n Oakland. She is a pediatric occupational therapist for San Darnel C1cchelh Diego County. and Tara Fox The bridegroom. c;on of Mr. and Mri.. William Ucchell1 of Sdundt>rMo.,.,n. R.I., graduated from Nonh KJng-.1own I lt~h '>chool 111 Rhode Island and Nonheastern Unrwr~lly in Hm.ton I le 11> working on a postgradua1e degrt'e in finanu.• and l'i i1 pediatric physical therapist for ~n U1c·go County The couple will live in their new horn!' 111 '>dn Diego after a wedcUng trip to Jamaica. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays For a lorm, please call Coral Wilson at (949) 574-4298. SPECIALIZING IN NEWPORT'S ARCHITECTURALLY DISTINCTIVE ESTATES & WATERFRONT HOMES KtfQ.wlfQ.GE; 43 YEAR NEwf'om Buoi RESVENT EXPfAIENCE: 14 'l'EAAS L.a:NSEC N ~ ESlA'>' CEO GlOOAl ~.JW. ~SGN r ~.4 MANAGING OIAEC T()f1 CAMM s 1;..sF P ROPERTY OIVl<;~ eRQFESSlQNAJ...; CAA..FOFNA Assoc1A1w Of Aw TCJRS AMl::RCAN IN:srm..m: Of AAcHITECTS NACC · CA&..1-0'NA ~Of T>E Yoo STEPHEN R. SUTHERLAND CONSULTING REALTOR (~ Cl' Prudential Cahfomt I "-•lrf RE,.RliS6HTIHC OISCERNIHC IJUYERS & SELLERS C ALL HOW FOR A HO·COST MARllET lillALUATION 949-278-3052 I M Saturday, August 9, 2003 ur \ 1P1111 1, s ------- 1{ l l I\ ,\. ( \I{ I) I I \ J eff Ewi(J.g & Ly/een Ewing DISCLOSURE In the pa.sl ten years disclosure has become a hot topic in the world of real estate. Policy revision and kgal scrutiny hove replaced ihe casual "caveat emptor" approach with clearly defint.'d regulation.._. The current trend i~ towl.U'd greater divulgence of propt:rty defeclS. w i1 is bener for you to be thorough. When in doubt. speak up. Any undisclosed condition may rei.uh in a lawsuit. Even if you refer lo a problem but. do not reveal all the facLs, you could snit find your>elf m court. According to legal soun.:es, incomplete discl°"ure reprei;cnti. 70% LO XO"lo of all real csta1e law .. uit~. Since lhe re4uirernenL-. vary from ~tale to i.latc. 11 •~ importanl to !>eek the aid of a real e~latc profes1'ional to help you naviga1e the~ pcrilou1' legal watt:rs. The "mandatory ~lier di1'C.:lo.-.ure form~" uo;ed by many real estate broken. can provide peace of mind to both buycn; and seller.. Thi~ useful checklisl coveri. m1111y areas you may nol think to address on your own. Wilhout ii, you could unwittingly bypas\ pertinent decail<> lh.al mu~1 be included in your d1sclosun:. Lylcen and Jeff have 31 ~·onsecuti ve ycan. of real estate experience in Newpon Beach. for proressionnl ser vice or advke with all your real e.'ltate needs call the Ewings at Coast Newport-Coldwell Banker at l949) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's #1 Team For 2001 .JdWY[l~llt ONGOING Contihued from A7 8 manipulation of color a"d fonn as well as Its concentration on tennis. Information: (949) 717.-3870. VoluntMr dltwrs ... needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "M obile Meals," sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for m ore information. SWim leuons are available July 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halecrest Park, 3107 Killybrook Lane in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 557-7234. Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to girls who are considering abandoning their babies, is in need of ongoing volunteers. For more infonnation, visit www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. Macy's In Costa Mesa invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS commu nity to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an · application to participate, call (714) 556-0611, eX1. 4231. Yoga classes will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Costa Mesa's Recreation Division will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m . Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, games, crafts, prizes, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. Five new w ines will be served on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost Is $15 per perton. For more information, call (918) 721-1222. Newport Dunes Reaort't "Movies on the Beach# will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, lnc.luding a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are Invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parking is $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A variety of priwite, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Sa1urdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, teens and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beach Recrea tion and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Professional and licensed soccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small-group and large-group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Family Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students tha1 meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The First Page -Fine Children's Books, at 270 E. 17th St, No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside Restaurarrt in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. PATIO FURNITURE FACTORY OUTLET SAVE 25·50% OFF RETAIL 1741 Newport Blvd. •Costa Mesa• (949) 548-2449 Also in ORANGE (714) 974-9900 and SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO (949) 493·6200 0.-llty er.n.m.n.hlp ...,.,,,,,..,, 714-115-1878. 80CM33-2588 1t142 8wh ............. ., 8wh (8MCh & ... Hourl!Mllft..Wlld.&MM•1'm..&,_.,M•IM..M•lilft, tt.4 for $16 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222. pot, Green Systems lntematlonal will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchld-poning aemlnar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . at the 20362 Birch St facility. Call (949) 766-1211 for information. Discover the seems of C.rbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday a18:30 a.m . Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. .,...m Survivor, • nonptoftt organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "W alk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgoddess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens are invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:16 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport Beach C:.ke Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m . Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Spanish Speaking Club meets to learn Spanish quidc and easy. For more information, call (94.9) 650-1332. The Assn. of Business Services hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to a:30 p.m . on the second Tuesday of ffl/ery month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St, Costa Meta. For more "~:A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, la held fr0m 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435.' FrM tours of the 0...nge County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, perlormer~founge,badc.stage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Tow n Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement: For more infonnatlon. call (714) 556-ARTS, eX1. 833. The Newport Beach Newc:omers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior c.nter holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 M arguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "Workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St. Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and rhythm, "Yogarhythmics" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 M esa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Hart>or Nautical M useum offers the exhibit "Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine Art Master;' through Sept. 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more information, call (9491 673-7863. em.wth coupi9e with OM Jewish partner are Invited to participate in a dlecutalon group at the Jewish FamllY Service of la geared toward dealfng with iaauea between Interfaith couples. such as raising children, observing holidayt, aymbola In the home •nd relationahlpc with extended families. The cost for three seulohs Is $46 per coupfe. Preregistration is required. Call to sdledule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 446-4950. Women 50 and older can jotn a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such aa anxiety, depression. relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. ~of th• Newport Bead1 Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons tQ donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Coro na del M ar -or in the book closet neX1 to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbadt donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Bnille Institute ofhn free computer classes to people w ith fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care class mNts et 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 lr:vine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networting luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa M esa Country Club. The cost is $14. The dub is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A bnin tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each m onth from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. (949) 574-6232. H .. J. Garrett Furniture Full Design ConsuJting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing Service and Value 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. chru Sac. 10 co 6, Sun. 12 to 5 Quality Service Value Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brojs.erage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail to disclose a conllict of interest for the analyst and th e firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your lo~ arc often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specialize in representing individual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation. -No ltecu+uj -No Fee .. .. • Ir • • ' i ft • • • • .. • • 1 • • • • • • • : • • , DWIY Pilot SOC I ETY &• THE CROWD I n honor of 20 years of heJping children and families suffering with life-threatening illness in Orange C.Ounty. the Make-A-Wish ~dation will host its inaugural Luminary Wish Awards. On Sept. 7, Orange C.Ounty Sheriff Mike Ouona. along with the mega-popular band No Doubt led by Gwen Sce6ml, will receive the firm ever tributes. Mk:heDe Wells with the Orange C.Ounty Make·A-Wish foundation commented. "We are recognizing 20 years of local heroes. These are individuals who have extended their genuine graciousness and touched our kids with the power of fulfilled dreams.~ The Sunday event will feature a luncheon heJd at Rancho Las Lomas in Silverado Canyon. For more information, please call Wells at (714) 573-9474. WINE TASTING BENEm John and Donna Crean will AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.daifypilot.com. MUSIC 1TAUAN FIR.EWORKS' The Pacific Symphony's Carl St. Clair will conduct a program of "Italian Fireworks; a concert filled with the roma nce and excitement of Italy featuring violinist Philip Quint and soprano Dominique Labelle. The concert is et 8 p.m. today at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. TI<:kets cost $75 to $375. Information: 1714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. LEON FL£1SHER IN CONCERT The Orange County Performing Arts Center 2003-04 Concert Series will open with a special celebration - a 75th birthday celebration for the pianist and composer Leon Fleisher at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Founders Hall. Reisher will be joined by violinists Cho-Liang Lin and Gil Shaham, violist Paul Neubauer and cellists Carter Brey and Gary Hoffman. nctets cost $76 and can open their Back Bay estate, known as Village Crean, for a major wine-tasting event to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. B.W. COOK Oig:-cUlizersare calling.the Sunday celebration "Savor The Wine." Set to ~e place Sept. 28, wineries including Far Niente, Nickel & Nickel and Dulce will join forces with Chef Davkl Coplin, who will prepare a feast lo compliment the fruit of the vine. Napa Valley artist Ira Yeager will ~isplay his art ~t the event. For ucket 1nfonnat1on, please call (714) 436-1623. RACE FOR THE CURE "f\Jmip Ruse will host a be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. NEW WORLD FlAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenco Festival will be two full weeks, through Aug. 17, offering performances, woricshops and outreach activities. From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the best of flamenco music. dance and song. For more information, ticket prices and dates, call (949) 854-4646 or visit www.thebarclay.org. 'A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct "A Night at the Oscars" at 8 p.m. Aug. 23. It's an evening of legendary film classics projected onto a large screen wi1h the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtrack live. The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert 1s at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets cost $75 to $375. For information, call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'SING-A-LONG SOUND Of MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out 3D AND 4D IMAGING ff.As COME TO NEWPORT BEACH AND COSTA MESA!!! VHS TAPE wrm MUSIC AND 1WO COWR PICllJRm OF YOUR BABY other JNKlult;es 11vlliwble, visit 111U1W. yourb•/Jyic•n. com 1901 Newpon Plaza, Suite 265, Cotta Meaa (aaoa from Nike Town, corner of Newport Blvd and l"-h St.) 949-515-0011. 866-428:-2229 Fu! 949-SIS-0022 £..mail: Nin.11Mt11~D11rmtlnam.com • • WWlS pre-event ret:eplion Sept. 25 to honor the sponson; of the upcoming Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fow1dation Orange C.Ounly Race For lhe Cure. lhe 12th aru1ual race will be held Sept. 28 in Fashion Island "fumip Hose will daz7Je everyone with a delicious me-di to celebrate the sponsors' years of selfless volunteerism that has put the Komen cause on the map. Call (714) 957-9157 to ooincluded. HARBOR RUN ON Costa Mesa's dynamic m om -about-town Alesia Erickson announces that the Newport I larbor l ligh School I !arbor I lcritage Hw1 is St>t fo r Oct. 4. ·111e run raises both awarcn~' and contributions to support local e<lucational needs. Erickson, wife of former Co~ta Mesa Mayor k>e Erickson, need~ plenty of loml '>Upport to make audiences around the world , "Sing·a-long Sound of Music" is coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Aug. 22 and 23 and at l p.m. Aug 24. Tickets cost $12 to $22 and can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner K.D. lang will pe rform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall a1 8 p.m. Sept. 6. Tickets cost $46 to $70. The center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or o nline at www.ocpac.org. CHRIS ISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Sept. 14. Tickets cost $46 to $82. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office. by calling (7 14) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpac.org. TCHAJKOVSKY'S GREATEST HrTS Conductor Carl St. Clair leads the Pacific Symphony in the run the mm.t suci:~ful to ~te. To volunteer. ca!J (949) 631-0724. NIGKT UNDER THE STARS Major South < ;oast Hepertory 'll1eatre donors will travel inland this evening to Mo<lje-.ka < .anyon for a very special njght under the stars at Batesby ..-arm. l11e infom1al summer al fresco dinner is yet another fabulo~ link in the sodal chain leading to "Supper at 'liffany" this fall honoring ()CR\ 4-0th anniversary ~eac;on, in conjunction with the gmm.1 re-opening of "lilTany & Co. al South Coast Plaza. I lo~ted hy the very civic-minded Joann leatherby and Gregory Bates, the evening in the canyon i'> surely an A-list Nl-wport '>LUnmer invitation. • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays #Tchaikovsky's Greatest Hits:· an all Tchaikovsky program, at 8 p.m: Sept. 13. Special guest pianist Vardan Mamikonian will perform #Piano Concerto No.1. The concert is at the Venzon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine. Information: (714) 755-5799, www.pacificsymphony.org JAZ.ZTRIO Gulfstream Restaurant 1n Newport Beach presents a iau trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach Hours are 5 to 9 p.m~ Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (9491 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760 MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ.Z Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jau Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway 1n Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. Saturday. August 9. 2003 A9 WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS Kelly-Gurney Ms. Brynn Kelly o( Newport Beach announces the engagem ent of her daughter, Colleen Kelly of Newport Beach, to Alexander Gurney of Newport Beach. The bride-elect graduated from Newport Harbor High School and USC. The fucure bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gurney of Newport Beach, graduated Colleen Kelly and from Corona del Mar Alexander Gurney High School and the University of Colorad o at Boulder. A Nov. 15 wedding is plannetl at the Community Congregational Church of I .orona del Mar. Fox-Cicchel Ii Tara Kathleen fox of San Diego and Daniel William CiccheUi of San Diego will exchange wedding vows on Aug. 23 at 1.he La Valencia Hotel in La JoJJa. Calif. 1 he bride, daughler of Mr. antl Mrs. Joseph Fox of Newport Beach. graduated from Corona del Mar I ligh School and the University of San Diego. She earned her master's from Samuel Merritt College in Oakland. She is a pediatric occupational therapist for San Daniel Cicchelh Diego County. and Tara Fox The bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cicchelli of Saunder!>tow11, R.J., graduated Crom North King'itown I ligh School 111 Rhode Island and Nonheastern Univers11y in Ro'>llln I It' is working on a postgraduate degree in finance and 1s a pediatric physical therapist for San Diego County. The couple will live in their new home in "an Diego after a wedding trip to Jamaica. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays For a forrn. please call Coral Wilson at (949) 574-4298. SPECIALIZING IN NEWPORT'S ARCHITECTURALLY DISTINCTIVE ESTATES & WATERFRONT HOMES KNOWLEDGE: 43 YEAA NEWPOHT 8EAcH AESIO€NT EXPERIENCE; 14 YEAAS LU_NSED N REAl ESTATE CEO GlOOAL AACHrTECT\.A'W. DESY' ./>I f lflM MANAGING OtAECTOA CAPITAL S.11~<.,f PROPERTY DIVISION ffiQFfSSJQ.N_AL; CALFOfNAA.sscx:IATQ.j Of RE.ALTO'\S A>.£fiCJW IN:sTTTUTE Of ARcHITECTS NRCC -CAl.K.fflAA Bl.9EssMAN Or Tl-E YEAA STEPHEN A. SUTHERLAND CONSULTING REALTOR ti::..~ ..,_ PrudentiaJ Celitomia Realty R EPRESENTINC OISCERNINC OUYERS & SELLERS CALL NOW FOR A NO-COST MARliET EYALUATION 949-278-3052 AlO S.Udly, Atcust 9, 2003 ·-~-­• • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~ THE MORAL OF THE STORY He 'll hear your thoughts and concerns ·eertaln thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul i.s on its knees.· -VICTOR HUGO I n last weelc's column, I wrote about my challenges in dealing with changes in life. I'd learned that I needed to revise the address for my post office box (the new address is at the end of the column). I also wrote about other changes in my life, Crom as minor as removing a tree to major issues regarding the health of family and friends. Sometimes things seem to go along fairly consistently in life, but occasionally changes come quickly, and before I've recovered from one, another hits. When that happens, it feels like I'm swimmlng in the ocean and am caught in a large set of waves and can barely keep my head above water before another wave comes. I've experienced that at the beach and I've prayed for God's help. That has happened to me with changes also. When too many happen around me. the stress of them can build up inside me like looming clouds. The sooner I call out to God to help and guide me, the quicker he calms the storms of my soul. Many of you readers have been great reminders to me to stay close to God. I've had encouraging e-mail CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON messages Crom Brian, who is a Newport Beach Fire Depart- ment paramedic. Brian and many other wonderful people helped with 6-year-old Max. who fetl out of a second-story window 10 weeks ago. I had fun swimming with Max and his family the day before writing this, and he wore a life vest to swim and play with us. Max has had phenomenal prayer and moral support. I've enjoyed support from you readers. I recently checked my mailbox and received a copy of a letter from a reader named Glen. Glen wrote to the Daily Pilot about the change of location of this column in the newspaper. He was sorry it was further back in the paper and he said many nice things about the column. Glen bas written to me before and I always appreciate his encouragement. It's wonderful how often I hear from a reader on a day when I'm struggling with writing. Later, a reader from Glendale named Dave sent an e-mail message to me that read, ·1 ---- ----- have learned that to be able to grow, changes have to happen, and with the right attitude, there can be growth with change." Dave is right. A reader named Sally also sent a message that she enjoys the column and especially liked a recent one about talldng to God. She too talks to him daily and he answers in his own very special way. Sally is a great reminder that whenever we talk to God, we know that he hears us. Obviously, I can't name everyone and, if I tried. I would leave someone out by mistake. Thank you for the inspirational stories you've sent. Thank you for reading the column, whether you write me or not. We'U all encounter many changes in life, some positive and others challenging, stretching or just plaln hard. With an attitude of prayer and our souls on our knees, we can grow, change and adapt. Besides, if we just ask him, we'll navigate those times and every time with God as our guide. And you can quote me on that. • CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e·mail at cindy@onthegrow.com or through the mall at 537 Newport Center Drive #505, Newport Beach, CA92660 MATTRESS OUTLET STORE •Better Skep Through Scimce. " ._. _ __.,,,,,.~IW"°"" @5 Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ~-....... REGISTER EARLYI •• ,.,_ Ca.-•eaome Pull °' c .. oelell Due to a..w lllwol ........ P•ll Cl••••• .. gin Auguet 21 Ah'nl1• & ....... Olllee • 714 •1.aw olden West£911ege www.gvvc.lnfo ltt • .,. 't3.aw,,4J.•••~" IN THEORY ..... ., •• .. ,.,,,. Saddam Hussein's transgressions~: were never condoned by religion ~::; .. ""'" QUESTION: Our govemmen! is o~ a manhunt for Iraq's deposed ruler. How does your faith deal with murder in this context? Saddam Hussein is responsible for the lcilllng and the mutilation of millions of innocent people in lcaq, Iran, Kuwait and other countries. Therefore. the Islamic verdict on his case is that be should face the trial of a court established by the Iraqi governing council and, after exposing his criminal record ro the world, he should face the death penalty. In retribution, there is security and stability for the society. IMAM MOSTAFA AL-QAZWINI The Islamic Educational Center of Orange County in Costa Mesa God set a fundamental principle for society. when he said to Noah, "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed. (Genesis 9:6). Saddam Hussein has spilled blood ruthlessly. The Bible does not give this authority to individuals to act impulsively and on their own. In the Ten Commandments, we read ·vou shall not kill. (Exodus 20:13). The word for ~kilr ls the Hebrew word ratsach. This word normally is translated ·murder" in the other places where it is used. It Is not a word for capital punishment, nor a w'ord for " ""' military action, but it :: .. _ describes a personal hostility' .. expressed in k:llling. •; M" In the New Testament, we ~· ·; find the Genesis principle ..,...., speUs out the responsibUity for government. The one who .. ·~ governs is described as God's .~ · minister. ·eut if you do that which is evil, be afraid; for he · bears not the sword in vain: ·~· • for he is the minister of God, a: · revenger to execute wrath upon him that does evil" • ., (Romans 13:3). Government has the responsibility to protect innocent people and .. , to deal decisively with evil men. CARL WESTERLUND·· Assistant pastor at CaJva.rx,.,: Chapel of Costa Mesa ... ...., ----------------------------------·· FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS CANTOR SVETlANA Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach is having "An Afternoon with Cantor Svetlana· from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday There will be singing, food and fun. Reservations are necessary. The temple is located at 2401 Irvine Ave. For information: (949) 548-6900. SHA88AT ALIVE "Shabbat Alive," a new style of jazz and pop services first created in South America, will be held at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29, at University Synagogue. Rabbi Arnold Rachlis' focus will be on spirituality, and Cantor Braier will be accompanied by a combo of musicians and the University Synagogue choir. The services are sponsored by the Roslyn and Joseph Baim Family Foundation. University Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Parttway. The public is cordially invited to attend at any time. Child care is provided free of charge. For more information, cell (949) 653-3535. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP ...... Jewish Family Service of Orange.,, • County is forming a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meet.s from 10 to 11:30 a.m . the first and third Mondays of Jhe month at the center, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: •• , (714) 44~. Pre-registration _ is required. THIRTEEN JEW1SH STEPS TO RECOVERY --Jewish Family Service la offerint;: -- • • • • • Showroom Consultation • New Cabinets -Countcrtop • lnst21.latioo • Kitchen Design • Service Available • In-Home Estimates.• 95 Different Cabinet Styles idea& (714) 965-1876 ~:=-' (800) 433-2588 19142 Bcacb Bhd. (Beach ac G.rfield), Huntington Bcadi Houn: Mon., ~ed., le Fri., 9-S Tua, &Tbun. 9-8 •SM• 9-"' •Sun IM FAITH a support and discussion group tor llduftl whose children or spouses auffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group meets from 7 to 8:Jo p.m . Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G In Cost a Mesa. lnformatlow. (714) 446-4950. Pre-registration is required. &AHAi FIRESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m . every Friday and at 11:30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) ~28 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Z80 Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Wor1c.shop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St, Costa Mesa. S50. (949) 722-7818. A SPtRfT\JAL JOURNEY A 2~esson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled •Journey to the Cross· is taught at 9:45 a.m Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Church. The study pariillels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Aduh Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Bea'1'! holds a d ream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Dnve. Newport Beach. (9491219-1408 ME.OfTATION LESSONS A free •1ectio divma • med1ta11on group meeting is held at 7.10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newpo.rt ~ach. L~o is a ~e Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format Includes two periods of meditation with som e instruction on how to meditate. a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesd ays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parkway. The service is also forming a parenting support gro up to m eet the first and third M ondays of each month at 10 a.m . at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa M esa. Preregistration req uired. (714) 445-4950. GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion g roup for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are intereSled (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL The M ystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a m. at 2482 New port Blvd., Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) \ ~ ~ , . t\9a~ ,.,/KE I r~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA ~ • Now Owned & O perated by Mesa Upho lstery • I Laminate I Texture-Plush I Flooring I ~ f eaturing ALLOC -1'/o G l ue Installatio n Carpet f~o~s2u.q ft Installed Wood Flooring Refinish ing & N ew Berber Carpet o~s1 es f ~ Installed Sq f:t -~arpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates 581-2290. Our lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:16 p.m. every other Sundey at 2046 M ar Viste Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St M ichael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds Its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each m onth at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del M ar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in bierenfield Hall, 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community are welcome to attend. $2.50 at the door (949) 631-2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life passages and changes. body images. family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G. Costa M esa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult child ren taking care of their elderly parents. The group will be offered Tuesday The offices are at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa M esa. Preregistration 1s required. $10. (714) 445-4950 INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service 1s forming a discussion group for anterlaith couples where one partner 1s Jewish to speak about issues affecting an interla1th Ceramic 'f~0~s1 so • ft Vlnyl Flooring 0~•1n f~ aq ft ·CALL NOW 642-8400 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'S1'te44 ~ESIGN CENTER #for All Your Decorating Needs!'! ~ fllRNITURE REUPBOUTERY : • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture • • • Draperies, Shades. & Bedspreads relationship. Call for times and dates. Jewish Family Service la at , , Mesa. Preregistration Is required. (714) 445-4960. NOOETY/OEPRESSK>N SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and diSCU88ion group fcx adults experiencing anxiety and or depression at 9 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m . Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service. 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach holds weelcJy Friday night services at 8 p.m . with a fellowship hour and refreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach (949) 548-6900. DfVORCESUPPORTGROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults dealing with the aftermath of divo rce at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St.. Costa M esa. Call for prices. (7141445-4950, e>rt. 114. ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP St Marie Presbyterian Churd1 hosts a faith-based, nonsectanan abuse support group from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays at the church, 2100 Mar Vista Ave., Newport Beach SS or donations. (949) 721-8079 • Is vour church or place of worship planning a special event? If so. send the typed information at leasr rwo weeks before the event 10 the Oa1lv Pilot, 330 W Bav St Costa Mesa. CA 92627. anenuon Paul Sa1tow1tz. religion editor .. fax to 1949) ~ 170 or send e mail to da1/yp1/ot a lat1mes com Saturday, August 9, 2003 All 20% Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family O wned Since I 87 9 JOHN BLOESER CARPET rd ONE Karastan • Lees • Ma nnington Mohawk • Liz Clairborne And Much More 2927 S. BristO'I Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bl oeserca rperone.co m Also in Long Beach and Los Angeles ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE flflr lfom' funwlunx• 111111111•• ~-( n//,,11/Jf,., fr.uf11111n.1l IQ (orwxr (.,1ju and (,artbn /Jtwr U 11/1 Im and /)f/11.,.,., (,11rtim r11fr (,.,,.Jn, f'.mn /J,,,,,,1, "'''"~ B,,..drf.;.•t I un.lr ha .ind an l:.spl't1Su Bar CAFE HOL'R~· Mon-Sun 9am-4pm ~ ....... ~~ (,.,ndf.r, 10 < h11rub&n l •rd C" Rii" BooltJ < ""o"' !'UT11rr frilmlfl~. h1rn1turt Rt•torlll/OPI ilnd "'"'" morr ' RO\f' HOl 'R5 T~-.'\a1 /Oam-5pm (949) 722-1177 LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT FIT? TEMPLE BAT YAHM IS YOUR ANSWER. We offer spiritual educational and social activities for families, singles, young couples and e mpty nest.ere. C.Ome and worsblp at tbe most beautiful Temple in Orange County with two sanctuaries ftlled with warmth, n ew classrooms and renowned preschool and religious school programs.. ftr-.p1e ._. .F•A-famllles eJU~ ...... A Reform Comgregadon wit.la tradltlonaJ 8m"riees 'IWo full dae Rabbis Pareat-Tocldler cl••es °"= ..... ~la·~ eeca.re • ;&.wt Wilen dalldrela explore leana.bag Acdatwed aeaiato-Sdaool teadaln« ~ valw rm.mled S-• er Camp DpwleYom:h0rGUp8 .. ....... -eSIC' .. a.a.... ~ !:it~ ~'!:'..11-----·_of ________ .. Ill I l'.mlr.t sane& New,lrtW,U• --.. ~~ ........ --..................... ~ ..... A12 Satutday, ALl&ust 9. 2003 DN-!ilTE DRAPERY CLEANIN& AND MORE I NO TAU DOWN -RBLIDVIN& ...... M.RY I Certlfted Ta Clean All Hunter Dougla• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • Lllninette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette' window shad~ • Vignette• window shadings • o\aette• honeycomb shades • MilleniaTM Collection • JubUnceTM roman shades • ~ honeycomb shades • StrenetteTM SoftfoldTM shadings World'• Best ON-s11Eftt Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646~4838 • 714-968-8180 1/111/t/llll/ \ //l'/lllltllllJll l tll LJ111 1/tll/ rl/llJ &,11f\ II I' "1111 t• /l./'1/ antl mudi mQre/ --- COSTA MESA T1tAftS OH THE TRACKS On the tttlrd weekend of each month, engineers dlmb aboard their trains and travel on three m iles of tredt at Fairview Part to display their tteam and diesel engines. The public is welcome to join them et the park at Placentia Avenue and Estancia North. The Orange County Model Engineer program started In 1989, when engineers wanted to display their engines. whlle educating and entertaining the oommunity about the pest. (949) 548-7246. MOBILE SKATE PARK The Recreation Division's Mobile Skate Park travels to various park locations throughout the city three days a week to provide skateboarders and in-line skaters a state-of·the-art skate park. Participants are required to have a signed waiver and release form to use the park. Appropriate safety equipment, including a helmet. elbow and kneepads. are required at all times. Access the city's Web site at www.ci.costa~mesa.cs.us to get a form. Call (714) 327-7560 for schedule of days, times and locations of the skate park. NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA FUN ZONE Children can ride the Ferris wheel, the meny-go-round and the bumper cars, as well as play video games, pose for a portrait or browse through souvenir shops along the boardwalk, at the Balboa Fun Zone. which has been attracting businesses since 1936. The fun zone offers many eating choices. including Balboa Bars, which are chocolate-covered ice cream bars sprinkled with toppings. Open dally from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 400 E. Bay St., Balboa Peninsula. (949) 673-0408. www.BalboaNewportBeach.com. UPPER NEWPORT BAY ECOLOGICAL PRESERVE AND NATURE PRESERVE center offers hands-on ':. opportunlti.ea to experieoce the • 2301 University Drive, Newport • Beach. Open dally, except M ondays and m ajor holidays, from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. (714) 973"6820. SHERMAN LIBRARY ilGARDENS M ore than 2,000 plant species, rehglng from desert cactus to tropical flowers, can be found in the gardens at this educational and cultural resource center dedicated to the study of the Pacific Southwest. The conservatory on the two-acre • parcel bears troplcal plants and a . kol pond, and the Discovery Garden, specifically designed for'· those with Impaired vision, appeals to the sense of touch and is accessible to wheelchairs. "' Docent tours available .. The gardens are open daily. and the library is open on weekdays. 2647 E. Coast Highway. Corona del ' M ar. (949) 673-2261. UDO MARINA VILLAGE Boutiques. gift shops. custom jewelry stores, art galleries, boardwalk cafes and restaurants featuring continental. Mexican. Italian. Greek and California cuisine can be found on the tree-lined cobblestoned paths of Via Oporto in Newport Beach. 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach.' (949) 675-8662. CANNERY VILLAGE A historic village tucked in upper Balboa Peninsula, Cannery Village offers an enclave of shops containing anything from French provincial furniture to sand sc,ulptures and sterling silver items. The village is bounded by Newport Boulevard. 31st Street. Lafayette Avenue an 29th Street. Public parking is available on JOtfl' Street between Villa and Newport Boulevard. SUMMER CONCERTS AT FASHION ISLAND Canoe and kayak tours are available to experii!nce six diverse habitats for more than 200 bird species that either live ~~~g~~~~~C~~~~=-~~~tZ---------~~.:__:___ there or visit during the birds' Pacific flyway migration. The summer concert series at Fashion Island will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday and continue each week through August. offering a vanety of music. including jazz, rodt 'n' roll and country. Seating for the free concerts is available on a first-come. first·served basis. but preferred Seating can be purchased from the concierge. (9491 721-2000. SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A c....tr WaHi,. Urilf-' Strftlr Jn. OrfJt. Lll'l ..J ---The Rev. Pr<M!en Bonyon, Redo( 3209 Vio Udo ~5~ 7:30 om Traditional 9 om Coo1empo<orx 9om ChlJfch SchoOI 1 lom Charismatic ond Wednesday Noon I' IU \ tn I I HI \ '-. ST. MARK ~BYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 A < Onf!rt.illlnn of 1ht AnxJ1t11n Umim1u1wn B'-'IW/VG OCR FAITH. WV/NG CJ/RIST AND 5£Rl'l."IC OUR COMMUNtn' Inc ~Cl Pcm D. Haynes. Ra.1or SUNDAY \CHEOUl r II am • Holy Eucham1 IJ am • 'lunclay 'ichoolJAduh Dible \cudy 10 am -Chor.al ~uchamc N( 'RSERY CARl AVA/U.IJU: R111neeti•• Beaeh 12S9 Victoria Street Cost1 Meu, CA 92627 Sunday evening urvice at 7:00 PM Rt• •• .,.,,. H1y1111 r.1.,~ ... (7t4) s39-n21 E•ail RBMCC@~l9fut.et• "WHAT DO THESE STONES MEAN?" \~ U<llhua 4:19·24; Psalm 78:1-8; ,..,. ....... ~ C111 M.11 I ~2:1-10) SaNrday, Augus1 9, 2003, S:JO P.M. Sunday. Aegun to. 2003. 8130 et llhlS A.M. (llUcm Eron, N~ Ha.rbor fflab School a1 lrriM Md Utl1) 600 St. Aodttwl !load, Newpon !Inch, C.hforn1a 9266J·H2.S 1949) 6l1·2HO f·MAlL 1nfo<t9tanclttw pm.ors WEB www.IUllCIRWlpl'ft.Otl WORSHIP DIRECTC>RY \II 1111>1>1-.I Newport C,eoter United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, P:istor I 60 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Bam Quur Wonhip &rviu JOam Wonhip and Childrm's Sunday School Youth meetint wteltly I l I I 11 I< \ '\. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (LL.C.A.) 7M Dover Dr. Newport Beectt Tradltlonal Lutbentn Pastor Chartee Endler Wonhtp 8enrlce with Holy Communion Sundey 9:15 M\ FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303Vla~ Newport Bea::h 673-1340 or 673-6150 Church 10 am & 5 pm. SUnday School JO am ~ MeeClngl 7 JO pn MllSA WAD• UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Bak«, C.M. WOl'9hip & Church School 8:30 Md 10:00 a.m. (714) 9N-8234 Dr RICNnl lJeorgt Rev Sttpllantt Tooo SenlOr Mlnlster Youth MllllSler Christ c.ba.rcb By dt~ Sea United MCfhodi11 1400 W. Balboa Blvd .• N~n Bc:ach 8:-15 Lift. • Adult SundJy !>chool 1..10 & I 0 a.18. Wonlup wl C:luldmi. Sund.y xhool The Rn. OT. George R CrUp, Putor ('49)67J-JIOS I I I I: I " : I \ '\. ~ .·"' . -.. . ·.:~ ~-·-. . ._ ·--.j ! Really Worship 10:• A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlsclpln ot Chrbt) 2401 lrri• 11/te. MeWIMlf1 ldctl, CA (Ml) 145-5781 llillilw.Dr ...... Sllllt SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3 I 00 Pcx:tfic V'sw Dr. Newport Beach 644-2617 or 675-4661 Onuch IOam Sunday School JO am ~f~7 3()pn • t• ~ 12 noon Henby know w. that w. dwell in him, and he in us, becoute M hath gi-. UI of his Spirit, I John 4:13 .. -···~ A ' l'' , , I •, l -pWh IY• cd ht die Word of God and ttnewtd by chc Sacraments Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 (949)~200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Monsignor W'alliam P. McLaughlin Pasror LITURGIES: s.twmy, S p.m. (Canror), Sunday, 7g, (Quicc), 8:30 (Contemporary) 10:00 (Clloit), 11 :30 un. (Unror) and 5:00 p.m. (c.ontanporvy) WORSHIP DIRECTORY Campfire programs are also offered, as are free two-hour walking nature tours departing from Shellmaker Island every first and third Saturday at 9 a.m . Call the Department of Fish and Game at (949) 640-6746, or the Friends of the Newport Bay at (949) 646-8009. UPPER NEWPORT BAY PETER • AND MARY MUTH INTERPRETM CENTER Adults and children can explore 15 hands-on interactive exhibits and communicate with the Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends through interpretive educational opportunities or watch a •visual poem• of Upper Newport Bay presented on five monitors. showing such acts as birds in flight and the flow of running water in an estuary. The 10,000.square-foot Interpretive DAVEY'S LOCKER SPORmSHJNG In the Balboa Pavilion. Davey's lodter Sportfishing in Newport Beach provides full-day. half-day and Y.-day outings. as well es IWllight fishing, private charters and 14-lnch boat rentals to satisfy the fisherman. Visitors can go on fishing trips to Catalina Island and San Clemente Island, or fish the waters of Newport Harbor for tuna. rodt cod, bass, barracuda, sheephead, sculpin, bonita and mar1ln NEWPORT HARBOR SIGKTSEEJNG CRUISES Mississippi·style riverboats Pavilion Queen and Pavilion Paddy depart the Balboa Pavilion daily for either 45-minute or 9Q.mlnute cruises of Newport Harbor. (949) 67J..5245 or (800) BJO..n44. " ,.,. ............. ..,. ,... ... In ,.. ~. ~ UnMnlty CMI help. 0Ur School fot Ptofessionll Studies can .ivance ~ in the rnatl!etpllCt with COIMl'lltnt Ind ~ehensM dellret comptetcon end ceftlflC.ltlon ptqVlfl1S fQr C1teet-mir1cled people In bosmess. psychola&Y. technolol:Y, edue.thon Ind ministry. Md1hon11 education peys oll. II helps yo11 say on top of the c11ana1na m1111et and enriches ~ penonally And ti Vanpatd we undel'Stand yo11t needs as • MWklna profesalOnll, Whld! is wtiy we deslaM<I our evenlna and weekend classa t.o tit yo11r tchedule. "• to talla }'Oii' CltW .end hf• to tilt next leYel1 C'.ClntlCt us. W.11 l*p YQIJ mlk• it~. I CAMPS COSTA MESA •A t6 fee will be added to each progr11n for nonr'Nidenta. SUl•ERCNMt COSTA MESA 2003 The camp, geared toward dlildren ages &to 12, Includes verloua recreational programs, sports, games, arta and crafts and excursions. The camp la held at the Balearic Community Center. It runa Monday through Friday from June 23 through ,(\ug. 22. The 8 a.m . to 5 p.m. session costs $90, end the 7 a.m . to 6 p.m . ...-00 costs $110. For more information.call (714) 754-5158. MoK.£ RECREATION Children age 5 and older can partidpate In a little mobile rectNtion this summer. When the trailer rolls into their neighborhood, they can jom in on arts and crafts and other organized activities. Younger ctiildren are welcome when accompanied by an adult. The service ts free. For more information on time and locations, call (714) 754-5158 su.tER TEEN CAMP Students entering grades seven through nine In fall 2003 can participate in a six-week excursion-based camp. The daily excursions will include trips to local amusement parks, malls, movies and museums. The camp begins July 7 and ends Aug. 15. l'he camp, whicti runs from 8 a.m . to 5:30 p.m . Monday to Friday, costs S95 per week. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. KIDS IN TME KITCHEN Children ages 5 to 11 will have a ctiance to prepare foods and learn the baslcs in cooking so they can help mom and dad in the kitctien. The five-week class will teach students how to measure, mix, spread, cut, st1r and, most importan11y, taste. The class is S30 for five weeks A 510 material fee will also apply. Classes will begin June 25 or July 30. For m ore information, call (714) 327·7525. PLAYGROUND PROGRAM Children ages 6 to 13 can spend their summer days playing on the playground, participating in crafts and even going on different excursions. Children in the program may come and go freely, but will be 1uperv1sed by recreational leaders The free program will run from June 23 to Aug. 22. For more informatton on times and locations, call (7141 754-5158. BOYS ANO GIRLS CLUB Boys and girts ages 6 to 18 can head over to East.side Costa Mesa for the club's summer program. The program runs Monday through Friday from 7:30 a m. to 6 p.m . Aside from being able to participate in a variety of the actlvftiea at the club, participants also have the option of going on two field trips a week. Participants need to be members of the organization, a S50 annual fee. The summer program is $75 per week and additional fees may apply for field trips. For more information, call (949) 642-9372. GIRLS INC. Girts ages 5 through 12 can participate in a summer progrem that inco'lJ()ratea fun and learning. The program will include workshops and activities sucti aa photography, oooltlng and nutrition, economic llteracy. sports and various field trfpa. The program will begin June 23 and end Aug. 29. h will run from 7:30 a.m . to 6 p.m . Monday to Friday. Registration is $40, and weeldy , fees are $90 to $100. For more information, call (949) 646-7181. NEWPORT BEACH •A S10 fee will be added per class $75 and over and SS per class $74 and under for nonresidents. TEEN POLICE ACADEMY CAMP The Newport Beacti Police Department will offer a Teen Police Academy to local students. Department experts in SWAT. K·9, narcotics. patrol, traffic laws, firearms and driving under the influence will conduct the e1ght·week program Students will participate in practical demonstration~ and will accompany an officer on a ride-along. Students who attend all eight sessions can earn 24 community service hours toward their graduation requirement. To participate, students must be between 14 and 18 years old, be attending high sdlool in Newport Beacti and have consent from a parent or guardian. There is no cost to anend the camp. The camp runs June 26 to Aug. 14. For more information, call the department's Community Relations Office at (949) 644-3662. SUMMER DAY CAMP Children entering kindergarten thro ugh the seventh grade are welcome to attend a Community Youth Center Camp in Corona del Mar or Balboa. A trained recreation staff will provide an environment conducive to individual achievement, self-esteem and sportsmanship. Camp fees from S90 to $110 per week. include a weekly excursion to a local theme park or sporting event and venous beach activities The camp runs from 7 a.m to 6 p.m For more 1nformatton call (949) 644·3151. KIDS PADDLE CAMP Children 8 to 12 can learn the basic kayaking and outrigger canoeing skills as they paddle to destinations around Newport Harbor. life jadcets will be provided. Sessions run from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m M onday to Fnday and begin as earty as June 23 The lee is S155 per week. For more information, call the center at (949) 646-7725. SAILING CAMP Children ages 8 through 12 can participate in an eight-day sailing camp that will give them experience sailing in eight·foot sabots. Participants must bring a Coast Guard·approved life 1adcet each day, as well as a daily snack. A $10 material fee will be due on the first day. The camp, whicti costs S185 per session, runs from 9 a.m. to noon or from 1 to 4 p.m. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. YOU'RE INVITED! Please Join Us for Organic Arts Customer Appreciation Party! Mark your c~lendar ... Call the babysitter .•. .. :Accept Kathy & Gregg's Invitation ... It's your day to be ~ BRIJTeC/Sted/ ~ ' Dave FFQSS of Native Sons will bl.our special speaker on Saturday, August 9th from 1 pm • 2pm. He will be speaking on new plants for this year Md20041 :rhri you for your petronlgl. tt wouldn't be the 11m1 without ~I We hope to -your there! Klthy ' Gregg Dlvllll White Front Pharmacy UnYh • Books • S"nJrin AJJ IW"1111&e Pilnu A.&c711J 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & ~stol (714) 540-2882 Sat!Jrday, Aueust 9, 2003 All t11 A111erfca11 ntn busil1£'" ''"((' /'JS 'i r J10 family ser1•111.~ 1v1111 /wtulr /f/r "irJ If''"' ...,~~- *" ., .. :· Ill Momma John We belong to tbe world's largest flooring retaa group -co-op. We are the biggest flooring dealers individually owned and operated. 4,000STORB Bl/YING POWER NOBODY anywhere can beat our selection, prices or serotce. You 're payltig too much if you're not buying from us. Jennifer r lifetlm~ ~Warranty Carpet $199 lifetime Gus lifetime Warranty ~ Ceramic $199 Lifetime Warranty Wood $299 ~ L r~~ J .. Brenda 100%" FREE No Questions Asked 60 day exchange. I/.you dcn't like it, we will replace tt FREE FULL SERVICE Cou11ter Teps • Shwers • Ceu11ie • SttH • Gruite • Weod Refi11i1h ONE STOP SHOP Wi11d1w Coteri11 s • Cle111i1t Car et & U holste • Pai11ti1 -hterior & Exterior 405 Irvine <M9> 8J8·0,4, Costa Mesa (949) 850-7878 124 E. 17th , 7777 Main •a• Mam st MON-FRI 9-S MON-FRI 10-6 • SATURDAY 10·-4 E SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 10·4 CLOSED SUNDAY i a: E~ENINGS BY APPOINTMENT .. J (12!997) s9799 '00 MITSUBISW MONTERO SPORT (026878) s12,888 (116844) s9s90 '00 MITSUBISm ECLIPSE GS. 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The Forester is the only small SUV in the world to earn the highest possible score s in frontal offset crash tests, side impact crash tests and bumper tests from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It's the SUV that's driven by a highly developed protective instinct. 1-800-WANT-AWD SUBARU ~-·· subaru.com ---DRIVEN BY WHAT'S INSIDE Based on a rating of "Good• in 40 mph frontal offset crash tests (7 /02), low-speed bumper tests (7 /02) and side impact crash tests (6/03) by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ALL SUBARU '03 BAJA'S StnWd All-Wheel Dt'lve. Fuel efficiency of 20 ctty/25 HWY. Standlrd roof rack, moonroof 9l1d remote keylea entry. BEST SELLING ALL WHEEL DRIVE CAR IN AMERICA S...S on Al Poll Co. Retall RICfltr1lklti ltltNtlcs as of 12/31/01. 2003 LEGACY OUTBACK NEW 2004 FORESTER XT 1963 Ampicar Red Full Restoration! $45,000 1999 Bentley Arnage White/Tan 141< Miles $129,000 I "8 Ferrari 355 Spider "-"'-• Miles $107,500 200 I hrnri 360 FI Modena ~ ...... $169,500 • .. QUOTE OF THE DAY "I come here for the friendship, camaraderie, spiritual uplift e on mg. veryt mg else is secondary." Nash River•, Costa Mesa amateur eoifer Det,t Pilot Sporta Editor Rlctwd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 •' Sporta Fax: (949) 650-0170 GOLF Field heats up · in Costa Mesa City championship features over 300 amateur golfers in five flights this weekend. =~rton More than 320 golfen will tee off ln the 31st annual Cotta Mesa City OY.mplonablp, which begins today and runs through Sunday at Costa .._.Golf It Country Cub. Players spread out ln five Olghts, wldc:b tnctudet a ...UOr di.talon, llld wtl1 tH off today and S\anday ,.mmnlDp begtnnlftl .. Nrly u 5:50 OD ettber the aborter MeU Uada _.. (l,551 yudl) or lbl Loe La· "" .... (1,542 Judi> . ,-._.._, wbo be11a iOd.y on M .. ~ wlll play Loi ~ ...... , *'--. Tbi l9jlderl abr to· -='ii ........... ......... ~,... ........... C6 fornia, features Mike Lavery, who graduated from UC Irvine this spring after helping the Anteaters to their third consecutive Big West Conference crown, along with for· mer Estancia High product ~en Cal· verl Lavery finished second while Calvert placed third In last year's championship, won by Taylor Wood of Laguna Niguel with a two-day to· tal of 130, which tied a tourname.,t record. Lavery'• teammate Jeff Coburn, also a UCl grad, is also In the field as ls Jeff and Mike Perry, who both played football and golf at Estancia. Juon Cassidy, the Golden West LMpe's boys lndJvtdual boys Soll champion u a4 Bstancta senior thla 1..m.. wW make bis flrJt appear· ace ID die city cbamplonalatp. Sui ........ Cotta M ... '1 mn'I club ~a. 11 allo ID the hid. u 11 MIU tari)enter, Cb• nent'I 2001 """'mpton. and Danny Lue, tbe .... ~· Jake AUaaach. wbo ............ Newport Beach's Nicolette Keleg1an, 11 , is a young archery standout who competes nationally and 1s shooting for the Olympic Games in the future. Below. she takes aim at the bull's-eye. She practices at H~ Tek Archery in Fullerton. PHOTOS BY MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT EYEOPENER • Oaily~Pib • A_ut. 11 honoree JEFF CLARK Saturday, August 9, 2003 81 Aiming for the heart Nicolette Kelegian has found her niche as an 11-year-old archer capturing top honors in state competitions. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot S he looks like an I I -year-old girl. She dresses like an I 1-year·old girl. She talks like an I I -year-old glrl. But put a bow and arrow in the hands of Nicolette Kelegian and her marksmanship is unlike that of almo ... 1 any other I I-year-old in the country. Kelegian. who has really only been shootjng for a year. ha!> already taken firsl place in C\'110 stale compe1iuon ... and !>he finished eighth nauonaJly at the Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOADI compet111on in Denver. Colorado. Jn one year. Kelegian ha!. gone from a beginnmg archery set to becoming the lop female archer in the '>late in her age diVlsion and despite her young age. she's already thinking about the ultimate goal of all archers. the Olympics. A Newport Reach resident and a student at Mariners Omsuan School in Irvine. Kelegian shows her age when talk rums to the Olympic Games. With six years of singing lessons behind her. Kelegian's ultimate dream is to sing at the Olympics and then compere in the archery competition. But almost embarrassed at such ambitious plan:. at such a young age. Kelegian trails off when talking about them. "I want to really keep on doing this sport." Kelegian said. "I don't want to quit as I gel older. I really want to do ll for a Jong time and get better. .. " She continued to talk as only I I -year-old girls can, squirming about and muttering talk of the Olympics at a speed almost as fast as the arrows thal she shoots. Her archery career began after numerous Lrips 10 Hj-Tech Archery in Fullerton to watch h er father shoot. It wasn't he that put the bow and arrow in her hand though. instead she was pestering him for the chance to shoot ~I'm not good at soccer and I haven't really been in other sports." Kelegian said. "When I saw my dad do it, I thought it was awesome and I thought maybe I had a chance of doing it and being good at it" She struggled at first, but See AIMING. Pae• 84 GOLF Forest blocks view to greens Mesa Linda course at Costa Mesa proves to be a quality challenge at great price. I heard two comments before my first-ever round at Costa Mes:& Golf & Country Oub: the greens are country club quality and the pro shop is outstanding. Since my score isn't worth writing about. I'll start with what WU good on Wednesday at Costa Mesa. The greens are without doubt terrlftc. I ended up pa.ytng the aborter Mesa Linda course. (luckily, because I turned down a c:art ofter and canted my dube) and WU rewarded. with an unexpectedly Wkle ,... ol sreena. Mulli-dered. . ktda.,....,.,....,.. ind c:ompaic:l&; .... UDdll hid d*D .a. t -Cliillll ID "'°" md .... pull ............ ...................... nMt lalJ IO die upblp. IUWj-..... ' ,.__,... _________ _.... _____ ..,_________ ---·--- '• .. Luxucy lmpot~ & ~otic . Spor.ts Cars . + Tax Per Monrh For 51 Months $3999 Drive Off. 11,294 Miles /Yeor (194051 ) +Tax Per Monrh For 51 Months $3499 drive off, 11,294 Ml1es/Yeor. (19112) . "Come visit Phillips Auto ahd experience a level of service and commitment to excellence that has made us the #1 · independent I~ and exotic dealer in Orange County. Since 1984 we have sold over 20,000 of the finest automobiles. I ~vite you to take a test arive today!" · I * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * Consignments Welcome * ASE Certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your Car * Warranty Included * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates {on Most Vehicles) 72 VW BUG c19:>11)fully Restored .................. .. '.$3,980 s116S 6 7 PORSCHE SPEEDSTER c19422qP.epllco, 9K Miies $13,980 + Tax Per Monrh f 0< 51 Months 00 VW CABRIO (194:>4)ConverTible, Olk, Cleon $14,980 $4999 Drive Off. 97 MBZ E320 (1942:>)Low Miles. Chrm Whls, Mint $19;980 11, 294 Miles IYt<lf (19394) 97 BMW· 328i c194.32)Convertfble, White, Cleon . $19,980 98 LEXUS GS 300 c1941&)low Miles, Musr See .$21,980 99 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR (19419) Olk, Loaded, Low Miles $23,980 + Tax Per Molwtl 99 MBZ CLK 320 (19:>02)Blk/Chrm Whls, Beoury $25,980 f Of 51 MonJt\s 53999 Dnve Off. 00 PORSCHE BOXSTER (19426:>)Sllver. Whls, Low Miles $28,980 11,294 Miles /Yeor 01 CHEVROLET TAHOE c1947&1 > Loaded, Olk $29,980 (19513') 01 JAGUARS-TYPE (19112)looded. Low Miles, Mint ......... $29,980 94 LOTUS ESPRIT c 19~&&>Rore, 30K Miles. Must·See ...... '$32,980 03 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY c 19~41 > Olk. 9K Miles, Mint $33,980 + Tax Per Monrh fO< 51 Months 99 911 CARRERA CPE c19~>6 Spd, 24K Miles ........... $47,980 $3999 dtNe off . 11, 294 Miles/Y eor 00 911 CARRERA CONVT. c19u1)low Miles. Slvr, Mint .. $59, 980 (19567C) SPORT S Sport boats run to find albacore H uge schools or albacore are still bung up along the coast of Baja Norte and haven't started a strong push lnto channel waters and it's getting pretty well into what ls traditionally the peak p eriod or the season for normaJ migrations of longfin tuna aJong the south coastline. Davey's Locker has been sending the Cat SpeciaJ on 1.5 day trips to get anglers Into the fishing grounds and will . most likely add another one of its fleet to the overnight trips if tuna don't move into closer waters. The Cat SpeciaJ re turned 10 the docks earl y this week with a catch of 147 albies and Davey's Locker spokesman, Captain Norris Tapp, says the landing is scheduling trips to offer anglers an option to having to drive down to San Diego to gel Into albacore fishing. There will be a full moon this coming Wednesday night and hopefully it will trigger a movement of fi sh into an area that cao be reached by one day overnight sporlflshers and six-pack charter boat& ope rating out of Newport harbor. Seas are being affected by s trong winds still blowing off shore and down off Baja creating cooler water temps along the beach while sea 1emps at the off shore islands are holding in the high 60s. There are pockets of deep blue water off the ea\t end of Catalina where 1he current wa1er temperature is up in the low 70s. Anglers and Newport's two landings have been JIM NIEMIEC fishery. waiting a long time for the summer fishing season to arrive and the odds are pretty good tha1 this coming week shouJd see a change for · the better for our off-shore Marlin fishing picked up a Little mid-week with two striped marlin reported . Bill Swan of Balboa, fishing on his 30-fool Skipjack Swanie, released a marlin he hooked off Catalina's Avalon Bank on Thursday morning. AJso checking in with a marlin al the Balboa Angling Oub was Lynn Jasper of Dana Point. Mrs. Jasper was fishing on the 267 Spot aboard the deluxe 58-foot Offshore yacht Wail N Sea when the billfish got in a biting mood with Captain Tom Shan nan at the helm. There a re just a few private sporrfishers out fishing the marlin grounds in the channel and they report seeing lots of tailers and jumper~. but in typical fashion, the~e early-arriving marlin are jus1 not in an aggressive biling mood. Usually the billfish season k.i cks in to high gear when the water temperature get'> into the mad 70s. There 1s plenty of bait in berween the islands 10 hold marlin around for a couple of months bur everything is poin1ing toward an Indian summer 1ype fall season rather than wade open spikebLU fishing over Labor Day. Cooler water along the beach has chllJed surf and pier fishing big time. LaBt week the water temperature in Newport dropped down to 60 degrees and this cold water, mixed with s trong rip currents and thundering waves hampered surf fi shermen from Tin Can Beach down past Oceanside. A check or a couple of hatdy anglers casting sand crabs into the foaming surf between 14th and 17th streets on the peninsula showed very slow fishing with only one fish caught and a few bites during an outgoing 1ide. Fishing off the Newporl pier is only fair at best with a few legal halibut being caught oo live smelt jus1 outside the surf line, while those fishing off the end of the pier are catching s maJI greenback mackerel, herring a nd c;ome odd ball bollom feeder-.. There as a lot of excitement being created abou1 the i.cheduled opening of Diamo nd Valley Lake near Hemet. The huge fre'>h waler impoundment wa~ constructed hy the Me1ropolitan Wa1er Distncl and is \f'I to open Oc t. 3. Metropol11an i., currently offering complimentary boa I inc;pection'> I his new lake ic; expecit:d 10 be the holle'>t bass fi c;hang lake in the world and there 1., already a 101 of in I crest from angler ... drooling to be one of the fir'>t fic;h ermen on the lah ... or more detail& on the opening of Uiamond Valley 1.akl' v1s1t Metropolitan"; Web '>Ile. W>V\v.mwdh2o.com. FROM THE SIDELINES Class of ' 38 reunion coming soon Some of Newport Harbor's finest will come together for a historic 65th reunion slated for Sept. 19. A nolher ma1or fir'it may be achieved by the 1mpres'i1ve Newport Harbor lligh Oass of 1938 when it stage a first-ever 65th class reunion Sept. 19 a1 4 p.m. at Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant, 15 1 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. For more information on the reunion, interested '38 classmates are encouraged 10 phone UIJian Wllson Means al (949) 646-6893. Old-timers find it difficult to recall any class reunion stretching as far as 65 years. The class or '38 was aJways an active group in athJetks, scholarship and mlUtary service during World War II. One of the longtime track record holders from '38 was Rollo McOelJan, who set the 10.2 100-yaJ"d record and held that mark until 1947. It was broken by Brian Hanz.al al 10. l. The late Glenn 0. Thompson, who served as the student body president his senior year, later en tered the Coast Guard during \YWlland subsequently became a rear admiral, the first from Harbor High. This class was exceptional in another way. It defeated the sophomores as freshmen ln the annual War Whoop contest. The freshmen rarely ever won. The victory was later laced with humor when some upset sophomores grabbed some freshmen, tossed them lo a pickup truck. forced them to eat 1ome F.x-lax and dropped DON CANTRELL them off in Hun1ington Beach. They were told 10 walk home. One of the *victims." McOellan. said the ldte Judd Sutherland. student body president at that llme. joined the ride to make cen ain the sophom ores didn't harm the freshmen. Vice pri ncipal F.verelt Rea found out and had Sutherland removed from office since he should have slopped the incident. Rea charged. McOellan later laughed about the episode, but said he felt sorry, *that Judd was punished for it." McOell an and many of his grid mates puJJed together to win the school's first football championship in 1936 with the Bee team. Coached by Lee Trine, the team was undefeated. Many of the same players linked up again in '37 on the varsity and threatened several times to win the school's first Sunset League grid title, but failed. Four of the top all-leaguers on the team were fulJback McOellan, center George Lumel. the late Ralph Irwin al taclde and the late Glenn 0. Thompson at quarterback. The Tars only lost two games, one to practice foe Laguna Beach, 12-0, and one to league Coe Anaheim, 12-0. The late Coach Ralph Reed said Newport never lost any league game when Thompson played. He missed the Anaheim contest rhe Jar\ also 1m pre&!>ed rival., after \hulling ou1 five opponenl'>. The Sailor!> bear the league l hamp.,, E.xcel'iior, 19 14 . bul the lo\S 10 Anaheim and a 6-6 tie with Ora nge left them in a second-place deadlock wilh Anaheim. It wa'i Reed\ last season as a grad coach, but he finished with a 6·2· l record. ln1ere\t1ng characters and energetic players were found on the '37 squad. including Oiarle& Auckland, Phtl Vaughn, Oifton Brooks. Louis Pulgenc10, Don McOintock, Roland Thompson, Orval IJoyd, Jim Lockwood and Merle Coe. I lonorable mention honors on 1he league team went 10 end Frank Shenin, rackJe Robert Miller. guard Gene Simon and guard Richard Carlson. Glenn Thompson would be named the league's most valuable player while the Orange County Register sports editor Eddie West once claimed McOellan was one of the finest blockers in the county. Thompson, McOellan and Lumel were close paJs alJ through school years. It didn't start that way for Thompson and McOellan. They enduJ'ed a long stretch or physical rough stuff. McOelJan once had a habit of jumplng on Thompson's back when he was carting the ball and ripplng his s hirt. It never made sense until one day Thompson said It alJ s tarted one day when he learned.that McOellan owned a pony and he didn't. Jealous remarks arose. With a laugh, McOellan said thJngs Improved after one day when Thompson found he couJd not run as fast as McOellan. Thi.\ mmt-mnJzt111n ~00) ML350 SlN 1 ha11d 111d<d and wtJJungfrn v•u f)\ lJ, ( hmn~ W1ieet1, Bose. Rtiu.1 1n111 ( C/:-:d~ .) AUTHORIZED s aooo . ¢ .. ~/o FOR &D (....-oJ , CLEARANCE · . . . . . Satu«Uy, Augusl 9, 2003 83 'cu '0 .3 f \Pl DITIO' .\l. l , l . 1,;" : 1 ournameot c amp ons elude Mark O'Meara and Scott Simpson, both major champi- onship winners on the PGA , competed for Orange Coast Tour, College's mep's golf team, has O'Meara, then 'of Mission signed up to play, as has Jlm V(ejo, woo the 1979 Costa George, also a n· Rstancla High Mesa championship a week • graduate, wbo bas competed after winning the U.S. Ama- in every championship since teur championship. in Oeve- the tournament began in land. He won both the Mas- 1973. George shot a two-day ters and the British Open ln total of 138 lo win the inaugu-1998. ral title at the age of 21. Simpson won the '74 title, •Wood, who will begin his in the event's second year. de- sophomore year at USC in the feating hJs Cather, Joe, on the fall, became the tournament's 18th 'hole with a 45-yard 28th different champion in 30 wedge shot to within four feet years (the,event was fonp erly of the flag. Simpson sank the known as the Will Jordan Clas-putt and eventually weht on sic). As of a week ago, Wood to win th·e 1987 U.S. Open .. had not registered, said Sean The late~Joe Costello started Collins, the tournament di-the pop'ular Will Jordan Qas- rector who is also a teaching. sic when he was the president pro at Costa Mesa. of the Costa Mesa men's cub. DEEP SEA Friday's counts Newport Llindlng -6 boats, 166 anglers. 314 barracuda, 100 calico bass, $36 sand bass, 10 sheep6head. 10 whitefish, 8 blue perch. Whether you're putting the ball in the back of the net r preventing it from getting ther e -increased apeed, power ...... ~~an~.d agflity mean that you'll h ave .~ order shots, stronger tackles and improved drfbblfng ability. WlfO WE'ARB At Velocity Sports Performance; our professionally certified coaches deliver scientifically proven trafntng ·"':..J?rogra.ms fn world-class facilities. "'r -~~We wtll improve your athletic ' erformQllce. MOWOPBM . « . - , " I .. . . -'1\,,) ;,,. -J. , 4£octtv-~ SPORTS PERf'ORMANC£ .......... ad tor JO% Gold Padlafe CALL NOW TO ENROLL 1-866-955-0400 SPO R TS STEVE McCRANK/OAJLY PlLOf Big Canyon Country Club's Mike Carpenter, the 2001 Costa Mesa city champion, will tee it up today and Sunday at Costa Mesa. GOLF Continued from B 1 is Jim Fetterly. Though he wasn't around when I was there, Andy Crinella in the pro shop let me in on Fetterly's secrets: time, care and effort. "They're constantly testing the grass and gauging the water levels, H Crinella said. If a night turns out unexpectedly cloudy, Fetterly will cut back on the water. And he male.es sure to water extra around the collars. It's not just about turning on the sprinklers. Fetterly and his team routinely are on the course by 4:30 or S in the morning, Crinella added, "Uterally with lights on their hats. H The secret in the pro shop seems to be knowing what their players need. Crinella said they sell mostly balJs and gloves, plus putters (how many do you own, after aJI?). And they do custom fitting of irons, a service that may be more im portant than most think.. What I noticed was a well-organized shop, which typically has two or th ree workers, that was easy to get in and out of, whether after buying a bucket of balls for one of the two ranges (maybe I should have) or confirming a tee time. Tee time. Right. Enough with the good, I suppose. On second thought. that isn't quite true. The threesome I ended up playing with -Costa AIMING Continued from B 1 maintained the kind of optimism that 11-year-olds can possess. She also began to enter tournaments, the first of those coming in Tulare, where she finished third in the Bowman class, a division made up of 10-12-year-olds. The finish, as impressive as it sounds, came in a field of four. "It was good that I hit the target," Kelegian said. "Then, hitting the target was good." But she showed two traits that lmpressed her father, Mark. She was oblivious to pressure and she was serious about the spon. When Nicolette ~essed the desire to continue, her father showed his faith by upgrading Mesa resident Tom Rosol; his brother, Ken; and Ken's father-in-law, Nash Riverd - was a great bunch of guys. They even held back their questions about who I was and why in the world a photographer was following me. Coming off the first green, I quickly fessed up that I was with the Pilot and writing a story about the course. I even think they bought it. I lappiJy enough, after teeing off on the short par-three second hole, my paparazzi-like follower, Pi lot Photo Editor Steve McCrank, hurried off to do some actual work. And Tom, Ken, Nash and I were able to get down to some serious golf. Or as serious as amateur golf gets. Our round is really better summed up by Nash, who said: "I come here for the friendship. camaraderie. spiritual uplift and the bonding. Everything else is secondary." And it can be best summed up by Tom's response: "That's because he's shooting ISO." Those kind of quips, as any golfer -or any weekend at hJete -knows, are what stand out. What also stands out on Mesa Linda: •The third hole, a serious dogleg right. From the tee box, you can see the sand trap in front of the green. An intimidating hole that teases you with the idea of cutting the corner. The guys teeing off her equipment, from a beginner's set to an Olympic-style setup that can cost up to $1,000. With improved equipment, three-to-five hours of practice a week and lessons from an Olympic-fevel coach at Hi -Tech Archery, Kelegian's fortunes at competitions improved_ She finished first in the second tournament she entered, the LA. City Indoor at UClA. Later in the summer, she won the California State Outdoor Olampionship and the California State Games. "I got a really cool medal when I won state," Kelegian said. "That was awesome." And she continued to exhibit a nerve-free style of shooting. "Surprisingly, sh e just started entering tournaments and winning and she didn't care," ·before us smacked into the trees. leaving them no where to go. •The nicely kept fairways, when I did get a close look at them. •The really nice roughs, especiaJJy behind all those trees. The trees, for my money. are a central to this course's difficulty. A slight hook or slice seems to land near an obstacle. •From the right side of the ninth fairway, seeing two guys searching for a ball on the I I th. II was, literally, in a tree, nestling in a pocket about eye level. •The eighth hole wfth water. It comes out of nowhere and is a shocking change from the previous holes, one that reaUy mixes -and messes -things up. •Nash's comment about his son -in-law "lying two. That's not his score, he's not telling the Lruth." To be fair to Nash and Ken, Nash aJso said that if he could have picked a son -in-law, he couldn't have chosen bener. •My personal favorite. After one of my better drives of the day on the 31 S-yard, par-four 13th, I hit a good second shot a bit short of the green. But then my short game let me down and I was sitting just on the collar. Rather than chip, I pulled out my puner and knocked the balJ way too hard. Fortunately, I knocked it straight at the hole and in stereotypical fashion, the baJJ jammed into the pin an d her father said. "You know the pressure and stress that we feeJ as adults because we're stupid? Nothing. She's got none of it. She gees up there and she's as ~Im and relaxed as a IS-year veteran." Nicolette has gone from watching other kids and exclaiming, "Wow, I'm never going lo be that good,H lo knowing that she can compete at a national level. On her birthday weekend, as she just turned 11, she competed in the JOAD event against 25-30 others in the Bowman division. As customarily happens, the 12-year-olds dominated. Their strength compared to the younger competitors allows them to create stronger tension on their bow. But Kelegian held her own. dropped into the cup. Nash even tossed his hat for me. Overall. Mesa Linda is deceptive. A number of the holes are not very long (the course from the championship tee boxes we used is S,S38 yards) but the layout is tough, with smartly placed trees and sand traps. A l m course, in oLher words. Pltls. Tom pointed out, "It's local, good price." Fees for Mesa Linda are $2:-i during the week. $30 on the weekends. I le also noted, along with Ken and Nash, that the onJy downside to our afternoon was the crowds. As the sun set. the final holes s tilJ were packed. The crowds make the great condWon of the course all that more am azing. Crinella said they send fo ursomes or fivesomes out every seven to eight minutes, which adds up to about 400 rounds each day. easily more than a typical country club. Crowds won't be such a problem for the 320 golfers there this weekend for the Costa Mesa City Olampionship, half of which i'i played on Mesa Linda. the other round on lhe longer Los Lagos. They will have trouble, though, if they don't hit straight, precise tee shots and have their short game smoking. You won't see me out there. I shot bogey golf Wednesday, by the by. In my defense, it was my firs t fuJI round in 10 years. She finished eighth and had moved into seventh place going into the final end, or round, of shooting. After entering this year with little to no expectations, Kelegian is hoping to become a threat for a national title. "I'm excited to go back and see how I progressed," Kelegian said. "This year in nationals I didn't think I was going to do that well. I thought I was going to get last. But this year was kind of more lilce a learning experience. Next year I'm really excited because I have a better chance of getting closer to first." She has two more tournaments this summer to improve, the 8th annual Grapestakes in Tulare on Sept. 6 and 7 and the Pacific Coast Olamplonships in Sacramento on Sept. 20 and 2 l. ' ( l.1111 ..... ... s...... Tht lollowin1 p" \Ons wt dofna busmen o A) loa n Advocate~ HelWOfll, B) lo.n Advoutn . 28241 Crown V1lltr f'•rllwty, 1492, ~~iuna Hi(uel, Caltf0tn • ~77 Wllll•m Ry1n Ash worUI, 610 Wnt M~in StJetf. Tuslltl, Cahf0fn11 92780 &500 t ym1n J Bo•hop ~I El Oe\le l•a1rna H1aue1, C•ltf111111. "11611 !his· bu•one\\ os con ducted by • aener 11 p11lnersh1p Have you sti r ltd do1n& busineu yet? Ytos 08/01/2003 Wiiiiam R A$hwot lh This s t•ltn-ient wn flied with the County Cle•li of o,.n&• County OD 08/()1/QJ 200HtSJS71 Daily Piiot Aua 2. 9, lb, 23, 2003 S•462 n.. ..... llmtS...... The fullowori1 pe1°son\ are do1111 bu5oneu a• Posy Couture, 170 (1st 18th Street •C. Cost• Mesa. Caltf0< no• 91671 l 1u11 le• 01ozco 110 Ent 18th Street •C Costa Mes• C•ltfo1n11 92627 I hos business " t Qn dutled by •n 1nd1•1d111I Have you started (ln1111 busmtH yet1 Ho l aura Orotto Thi\ st.ittmtril w•\ hied woth the Cuunly Cle1k ol OraniiP County on08/06/03 200S69S4016 Daily Pilot Aua 9. 16 23.30.2003 Sa465 Ullll IUSIMISS & fltlMCW ..... "-S....... l ht lollowon~ pe1 sq11, "" doln& business n llunoncs Spon s Bar G1111 1880 Monrova Costa Meu , CA 92627 · Raul Enle!Pftsts Cor pOlllljln. (CA). 1880 MoorfYa. Costa Mui CA 92627 . fhlS bUSHltsS IS COn• ducted by a lorporalJon Hnt you sta•led dotn& bu>incu yet• Ye.. 01/ 0'.>/2003 R.iul l11tr •tJflV\ Co1 por .tl1nn Raul I Mo1eno Owner lho" \l•hm•nl wn filed with the County Clerk ul Oranac County un 07/J0/03 200'69SUl1 Oaoly Pilot Au& 2. 9. 16. ?3.2003 Sa461 ~ ...... llmtS........ l he follow111& pet sons are dome businns ,.5 K•meron's Stull ?3056 V1ll•11e Ot •B l •k• r 01 nt. CA 9lt!JO 811 th• 0<1v1\ 23<'-16 Voll•&t 01 •B L•ke fOfUI CA9?630 lame'I. M B•ook 130'>6 Vtll•&' Ot •B I ake r UI e'l.I CA 9?6 JO This bll'>llle\S I\ CUii dud~d by hu\band •Rd wol< 11/•t yuu \lMled doonr lH1\tnP\\ y~t 1 Nri B"'"• o •• ,. l•ntt\ M Bruok\ lhts statement w•s loled wolh lh• C.ounty l.ll'•I< ol Dr•n~r Cuunty Qn 06120103 200,6948965 Oaoly Pilot July 19 26 Au& 2 9 lOOJ Sa452 •111111 ·- ll011CI Of ..W• YO Sil MCOMOUC llWIMl5 ~ ........ 1•1• •11,i. lo Whom It M•; Conct1n ni. Huie(•) of lhe Appltcant(s) ts/ ate: lf>lllA CC>ftf' l he appllc:anll listed above ere appty1n1 10 the Oe)art ment of Alcoholoc 8 e ver•1• Control to sell 11tcohohc beve• •1es .it 7955 Pl\ClflC COAS J ltWV NI WI Ilk I llf ACtt. CA 92657 T YI'~ ol license(') Apphed 101. 41 ON SALE BEER AHO WINE l ATIHC PLACE Publtshed Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Dally Polo! Aueust 9, 16, 23. 2003 Sa463 ffdlllM ..... Mmts ....... The lollowong pet son~ are doona bus1nen n Marble M•11c Proln \IOnal Marble & Stone Care 11595 Antu A~enue. Fountain Valley. Calotorma 92708 The;-ew Moraan. 11 S95 Ara lea Ave r ounta1n Valley. Ca1tfo1n1a 97708 lh1s busmen 1s con ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Have you s tarted doonc bus1nen yeP Ye>. 6 JO 03 lhe1esa Morgan lhos statement wn filed with the County Clerk of 01 a nae County on 07/24/03 200S69S2614 Daily Pilot July 26 Au& 2,9. 16,2003 Sa457 . . MIK•na an OJ 11WP01T 11A01 ei,C.-CW...ef .. °""..,.. ..... ,...,.."""-4, ...,.. .... ftAlm5 c·=-~ ............ ., .. ttJ, M3-6cJOp.a 1. SUIJICT1 Ttt. l lvfh ••••II Cent.r Sllf"I ,.,.,.._ (f'AZOO' 110 ) I SOO 11 • .,. Avenue SUMMARY1 Rrque\I tu amend llUI S11n Pt oer.•m tor The Btulh Rel<11I Center to In" ene the "'I n 111ea and 11umbe1 of slrns tor ttMnt rndt!n ltloca tlon wall signs Af'f'UCATIONt Site Pl•n Review Ho 2003 003 CIQA COMf'llANCl1 !he •mtndment to th~ <Joan procram •~ uempt from envuonrn•ril•I review pur\uant to Set li on 153 11 (Acces~ory St1uctures) o t the tmplemtnt1na Gu1dehne~ nl rh .. Cato lorn11 l nvirDnmental Quahly At ! lht\ u1 loon ~.empt• the """h ut lton or pl•l~ml:nl ul minor ~hut.tut~'\ 1n dudm& on pr em•\.~ ~'i" .. accen0<y to ~•1\1tn2 com mer< oal d~veh•P men ls Publo\h~d N~wpor l Be•ch Cost• Me\• o .. 11y Pilot Auiusl 9 IOOJ s .. 464 c 949)6,2 -5678 Put e few worcl• •• w ... tii ........... NOTICE Of SALE Of AEAL PROPERTY c.. No. GPOOI038 $upenof Court °' ttw Stile ol Caldornla for ttw Col.ny °' Loe ~ Ill In "' lnlllt °' EVEL Y'N RUTH Z:U.. om. ConMrvllle No4loe .. hef.o, Qlll9ll INl ~ undef • llQned, JIM SCHNIED- ERS, RN. u Coneefva. t<J< of 11 ... Person arr E.st.ite !JI EVEL 1 RUTH ZILLGITT, Wiii Mij at privale Nie. on or •fief August , 2. 2003. at the office of COLDWELL BANKER. 210 Man Avenue, Blilbol Island. CA 92t!62 (949) 673- 6900. to the hlghelt and bMI biddltr, and IUbjec:t IO , cortimlation by aald Supenor Court.. d right. title Ind lntenttt °' said eor.etvatee, in and IO .. the oertain real P'OJ>-eny eitualed rn the Col.wlly of Orange, State of eutornia, dela'Ced as IOlowS 104 Onyx. Balboa Island. CA 92662 APN 050-172·10 ~ deeClt>ecl as IOlows The noonetty 3S feet of Loi 1 • Block 1, Secborl ', Balboa ISiand, as stiown on a Map tnereot reoorded rn Book 7. P1g11 37 of M1909la- llllOIJI Maps. recotdl "' said Orange County Frve pen::eot of llTIOUfll bid to be depos-- illld with bid T arms of sale are al callh rn lawful money of the UMed S1alll on QOf1llf mellol 1 °' Nie. Ot MICh «** ~ as .,. lgtMlble to the penon.i r.-ui- =~ &:•: ... MIO concl- lona, ·~ Ot ln1Jlled Seier .. NOT PfOYldt I P9tl cc:dol ,.,,,.. Seier ... NOT jlftl'lllde Seakw'I 1 Tennill a.r-ence Seier wit NOT PIY lor Natural Haurd Zone Ot&&•.i111" l 1n "'XN!Oi<•AI wilti tilt CMI Cooe o1 rtre Stllw o1 Calllomla. no transter dlldolure llatement ii required In thia tranuc11oo. IOd wlll not be provided by the Seier. 3. Ttia Nie la nol upon Buyer flnlnclng par1y, Buy9r and Seller, are to pay llleir own eacrow teee Biddets .,. adlllaed IO npect the Court's records Ind to a>nCluCt diligent lnYestlgabonS as IO the concitJon of the real property and lefms of sale before present>ng tl'lelr bid Oaled. Jtif 25. 2003 JIM SCHNIEDERS. RN. as eor-vator ol Iha P~ .and Estate ol EVELYN RUTH Zill· GITT USA MKCARLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW ~ N VERDUGO RD STE 100 GLENDALE CA 91208 Newport BNcn-Cosla Meta OaJly CN684723 ZIUGITT Aug 2.4.9. 2003 I low to· Place A SatUfday, Aoaust 9. 2003 • A .NEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Thr &gal Depamnmt at thr LJaily Pi/ct is p/.r111rd to announce a 11rw urVlrr now availab/.r to n~ 'busineJm. ~ will now SF.ARCH_ thr namt for you at no t"Xtra r}wgr. and snur you thr umr and thr trip to thr Coun Howr in 'lama Ana. Thro, of rouru. ajur 1hr srarrh iJ romp/.rud wt will fik your jictft1ous businm namr Jhltrmtlll wuh rhr County C/.rrk. publish onrr a u•rrk for four U'ftkJ flj rrqu1rrd by wu• imd thrn jilt your proof of publwmon wuh thr County ('/nit f>l.raJr stop by 10 fik your firtrtwuJ burmm sratrmrnt tJt tht Va1ly Ptlm. JW U' Bay St, Co1ta Mrsa. If you cannot 1top by. p/.rasr call us at (')19) 642 ·1321 and U'< will makr a"angnnmts for you to handlr rim procrdurr b) mat/ If you should havr any fimhrr qut 11or1,, p!r11Jr call Uj and u•r u•1/I br morr tl•.ir1 ,'I.lad /IJ amu you Good lurk m .rour nru busmm' DailyL Pilot r-------Policy --------. CLASSIFIE AD By Fax B\· Phone BY \Jail/In Pt>rson: ---~ I< ate' .md dt'.sdhnl'' arc 'Ubjt:Cl to ~ han)!e "r1h11ur n1 ''" l' I h~· puhf1,h<'r r<',l'I'\ <'' lh<' nght to c.:n"tr r.:d.s"1h rn '"'" 111 rc.-1.:d an) da"tf 1..-d .sd\ t:'rth..-ml'nt Pl.:a,., n:port all\ t"(Tttr that O\J\ bl' in ~our d a,,1fi.:d ad 1mm.:d1.sld) Th.: Oa1I~ l'tfol a-..:pt' no l1abrlil) for an) e1Tor 1n dll ,1d1erthemen1 for "h1,h 11 mJ~ be n.:,pon..,1hle e\1.ept for the '-'"' ot 1hc 'Pat.: J1.lualh 111.~ up1.:1I hy lhe error Credll tJn onJ) ht' allo11.ed tor tht' hr't '"'tlf1ron ..W.St• 19-N1 Ii II 11~9.l •'IJlll ()J2.'ft7K HO "r't HJ1 'itr«I f'luo< • ...i. ... ( t"Li \k'-1. c. .\ (/~(!:' •• 1,... ... ~ • .i \I '~"port Hiid & RJ1 ..,, ...... ,~ "9M7M -< ' ti ... ~ \ •"". ""'~-JI our~: kkp/11101: X ~Od.rn ~ IXlpm V,-SERVICE DIRECTORY · -''J f Jl' -for All Your Home and Business Needs -~if 1 ----Deadlin<~s ---- '-l11noJ.i1 TLi<'..JJ) Wl·dnc.,.J.i1 Thur...W~ 1-rufa, ~ 1 Opm I 11.ld\ n ... ,,,1,,1 '1w1p111 I "''·" 1 • 'T '" I rHl,t\ '1;1pr11 [ VISA ) iii• \fonJJ) · f·ndJ) \I.JI~ Jn~ \(~Jill S CXlpm \ltllldJ~ l·ndJ) lladt 811.()00 Homes Eich Wedi For Only Sl2 pt:r w~k 14wttk minimwn) • c..I W... 11 (~fl VM24S . \lon1L~ ~ ••~·m '>.1IUhJ.ll T u.: ... fa~ :\.l~>pm "ountlJ\ \\coJnc...Ja~ :\ f (lpm Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 Anif'11can Mo tore yde S-.als (Oaf<idr'id O\dPlff) Ut~ ..,.. 6 yea~ ol n--~ Pft> ()-~ & b6iw;;. C,onies W1~""1 ul munbcr wea11nc '-*' low .w.f'Jd s:xm sdl S2!iOO 714-!UI Dl> TM SS 4 •tcOl.OS ETC .Ila. a.a.c. Ur.. Sh a. Sh a AA«. 5'*I IA.Cle ...,, Mrke 949 64!> 750S ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarof &em 1310 IQUAl llOUSll6 OPPOIMITY All 101 estate 1dve1 lt~ona 1n lh1i new~aptr rs subiect lo the r eder •I fair llou"na Act of 1968 '' amtnd•t1 whic h makes ot 111eca1 lo ad•etltsf' ·any prefer en~c. llm1t11t1on or d1sc11monahon b1ud on race. color. relt21on. na handicap fam1h1I statu' or naltonal 011c1n. 01 an rntenlton to m•h 1ny such prele1ent.e, ltm1la loon °' d1"11min1ho11 • lho~ newsp.;per wrll not ~nowrncJy accept any 1dv~rltsemenl tor rut estate wh•ch is on voolalton of the l1w Our r eeden ate hereby 1nloi med Iha I all dwell tnp advut1sed on tho~ newspape1 are n 11lable on an •qual OC>POf lunoty buts fo compl11n ol d1<J. cr1111tn•lton. nM HUO loll tree at I 800 424 8590 1413 Older s~ Fumltvr9 '-IAHOS ' Colledlblet . ..,.........,._ .51 ...... ,-....~,~ .. CMH~AIO .. .... .-.u ........... we .UY ESTAn9 ·t~lr.-dy- CQrJSIGW.1HJTS I Estate __ Sa_tes __ 1486_ HOME 19SO, S Waterfrenl FURNISHINGS H-• In br IP•Pl~d 1 IOMtS F-OH SAU ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Fumitute I tflhh h<lrdwMe \\ tOUnlet lOjJ\ I opper fp M<lrth •love ••' 1111 to KO I d~y only S•t Au11 9 9d 11.1 1330 W. 8ay Ave ., Newport lch uw.g ,_ ...,.a. ~ Aliso Viejo c .. -clel Mor Movint s.Ja & t.M' ~l. ltd.!M 2 Md ttill.. tt.e rew PMd " Dre SlAD 9617J.16D Salt ~I 8.lm furrnlure. ETHAN AWN l•lltSH w.shef & dltyl'I ~ CLASSICS t1i..1.., leW. 1t.....s!J60.ilkes 8ay0. w 6 c ha11s (H[W) $1950 949 16() 9713 1489 .COSTA MlSA • SAT l ·l, 20 24 Alt,. Ave eff 20th St. li.ctrofu• Yee, lodl•• tolf clulu. cleth••, nl<-noc•, lots •• tlvffl ••• 1.., Soi. Sol 9 -2, some fu1ntlu1e. rm AIC. &. many mo\C olem\ 3065 Ceylorr Rd Costa Meu Soi 7-3 H-11..,f .... let. S21? P~d•<e Or corner ol Bol~• Chica/Warner [let tronon, household. btkt's. bedroom srt. 1rmoore. nice clothing fabrt< and more• JEWB.1'Y/ DIAMONDS/ PREC10US METALS C-•• Celn Need, Old Coins• Cold "Iver ieweiy. watches. anl1QU4!5 collecltble1. 949 642 9448 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pianos 3510 Ive•• a. f'-d Spinet Pl-dnt ..... c11t1- S700 et.o 949-246-6460 /hr 7ba •llath r.,, tur nkty ~nd ur11I a Int .. ppty SllO 000 lbr I '>b~ '/ c fldt µvi yd 11• t fol U6'> 000 A9t Oe•lre• Hort 949.ua.os u I Clorlemeftt '>br Iba homP w •p.;c 1011' b•< k yard dnd 'Pd S'>l'J 900 94~ 912 8"90 H1ll<11 y Balboa Peninsula Nr"'IJQll p~ CwciJ\ OllT2LEFTI StwpsttOc .. &s.I OP9I SAT-SUM 1-4 213A·2138 28Tlf ST The Saywrtz C-0 9499lJ.7528 Corona del Mar Hllioi V11w HILU South ESTATE on onr H~ View H-" Caraae Sale Sat . 8 II Oonona rm tlll & ~. todler toys. dKorator cm 3610 of the larant lols --------Of'fN SAT-SUN 1-S """""' ~ c..anwr.n & more' 1978 Port Lanni re • NIWPOIT llAOt • Slit .Sun ~ '· 2228 Vista Hop. hau!d"*I pea. dldrOt-..~ .... dcJlties. RIC holb5. Ginni ...... 1&10 f'rfutlt• .O.dr "-'""8 a.It approx I/hr from HewpoK-1 Beach. [&eel· i.nt hunt1n1 ad1acent to state w•terfowl reture. ownersllip rnteru t & 119PfO• 375 acres ol land a. Improvement.$ + YOl!J own camp compou~ w/s truc ture and 2 tr ailet s. Wonderful Fri nlaht 88Q's & wine tutln& du1ln& duck aenon • many e •lrasl ldHI for 2 tr iend1 or tether & son Call Mike ti 310·5"41 0854. A-4111-• fer the "Th• H11Ment", a Christmas Music.I Dec. 2003, wltl be Mid Aul\ISI l 7tll, 24th & 3bt, ltMilfUll beCfri S.,l 24tl\ Coritect Moses, 949·513·9908 --eta411<§l-.l.n.COlll Pilot WWW M• r• retworf<.or& FaslU'I ~Spec trum l-Ull lli ~( 949Q4-"0/9 St:My morma at. homes lor kllen5 96.fHl .«iJ2 1S20K .. tOr. Sbr lb•. Medoterr a nun pot11d1se Cre c1an shaped pool & Spa lount11ns & P.ilm lrus Sy Owne1 Accepl1nc Bids Be t ween SI '99 000 s l .575.<XX> 9419-19> 0162 Pit~ -ColtlMesa ~~··" colors. all sun tor adoplton to quahhed h-www &StHCue ora or call 71 4 773·5915 -~must wit hwnl· lure, vlntac• c:ollect1bles. ~stove. La wall tHlit, retail s.tore fixh..es -~ crut prlClCSI Ma~ 949-433-8423 alOllUS f'IEV•W IUYIRS WUCOMI Of'IN SUN 12-S 201osw-or. Hear Costa Meu eetf <_..• & open well\ In& tr a1ts 'br Jba ta yd. patiO, 1acu111 ee~t ofter over $666,000 ,_...___. f'wlli-RHI Estate 949 290 8128 Mission Viejo ' lbr lbd delalh hrimt Appr n 1 I 60()\qft Nice pvt balkyard $479 000 A11t Cl••a Tu Rema• 94 9 2% 9988 ll'GIWlCO N)ltl( UNlS 5iO W BAI BOA Bl VO <Curw ol B.aio.. Bl\ld & 6cl1 St. J l.Wer h 21» Ip UU1 vu L.-2b ~ Ix.Ii vu from IMm Ip ~ bA ""~ SI .lb <XXl Ail Carr• Al!on Cnldwff BarM.- ~ /1~7318 o.nA dr>trub ~ Of'9I SAT-~ 2-S ISll!J ....... Ln BIR CAnytin 8ttl I.way ~ 4ba 1,.,..,m don panor am -$2,.89S,OOO. 8tC ~ :h home, "panded/remod. City ,,..._, !iPi1 $1,VS.000 Carol _,,,,, 9'9-llS. 1526 2201 Vl•lo Huerta Newperl leach lluff• E ~ec townhm. Jb1 end unit pvt palto, 2 c aa1 . cour tesy to brokers S!>49,888 Sy Owner 714 199 7373 SAT -SUN 1-S 208 TUSJIN AVE Spectacular voew. ntr a le lot a. room for e • p1ns1on Joan Alltson Bkr 949 646 2011 01 949 683 8911 MEN SUN 1-4 llG CANYON ESTATf Bou b11 canyon 1011 cou1se overlook1n118th hole 5br 6 5ba S4 950.000 Dina C11bben 9419-375 lJl'Z ~ th Gw...-1 2br 1ba w/ltbuty Hew windows. doors new appls, In· uted walls/ce1ls, crown mouldona. des111ners tile. parquet floo11na and more •at 949·5M·!ISl l OPEN SUN 1-4 1t10YedttM•le Le 4br 3ba fem home, &llt 1ua1ded UP<JCllle comm Curtesy to bkrs Sl .190.000 949 721 9857 Of'HI NOUS( SAT 1-S SUN t -12 2207 Anniversary l ane, 2200sf llome on tarp lot Must '"· $789,000 By Owner 949-646-0912 .._.....,....II 33t Cataltna Of. Ope11 Sun I ·5 ()(Mn/ Caulffl.I Views ~Clerk a-k R .. lty Mt-'36 1995 MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING MoblleMafMlfltdured Homes 5993 IM<*TtllAaU II LOMG IUOt OPEN HOUSE la~t TWO lu•uty manu lat luted home!. llVM., g;&ted 5 ~ ~ SlfllJI' "'°'* home pP_ Only l62S~renl"""" ()ftll Marv Lore 8-1> ~un & Seal S-1' ~ lor Vr::ttina ';£/ ~ i.-.tv Gat..i C---wty llr ilo Apt. w/pvl g.tr l•fll w~• to 111 Square S89~ mo Water /Ir •~'1 p"od • f\lf'on Mana&emf'fll 871 10<1 8b49 [ • l gj)()() ,._v_.,... t""- ._ .... .-~w/d /-c. ~ MW 'upVpaont S 11 SOm Act 949 195 4038 f .W. 2br Iba Ile*• w0 i.l4JS ., p <;p!C ~ ... l.n.odlr pet No tJ •fflt ~ <.au~ Av"' end of Aue s~ mn 9$641 !iOO/ 36.r I 1/2be i..u.e, &•• w l•und hkups vrry pvt w hu11~ buky•rd t'er ok l\v~ol tnd of Au& SI '>00 mn 949 647 5917 Eothlde Si r 21a du 3ea 2SA 1/2 ll.00( TO lllST IEACH 01Ct+t l\Tn Ip wd 3, • l»li!~ -Bkt~ OCEANFRONT 2br 2t.o N~ar Balboa pier S2275 MO •&I 949 673 7800 lASTllUff Jbr 2b• ear aae wd hll up\ Aaent S227!> mo 949 ?93 4630 fAHTASTIC Vl£Wlt 3br 7ba lt•r rh~ ..... 1 •• 1 & , ...... . I ur I~•'~ I yur n• rno• • $399'> open In ufi~" SAT-SUN 1-S 208 TUSTIN AVE '-Aiiis-lltr 9'&646-<!ll I '94900 891 l IAYFRONT WINTO RENlAi 48r, 2'/ .. a, 2~ ~.~ .. ..,,., 949-6 71 -HU 2br 2ba c omdo Ip 2 • i•' ,,ng~ lf'v~I Gated uomm w d 1pf1111 avail f""r...., lB<• """""""" nuw S2JOO 949 7'>9 31S8 olc hc!lly upgJ.-ded • c ll3led aimm w pool & ""' $4(X»m ~ 949 881 ISl3 Newport Height• JBr 28• l•ree l•m•ly room 2 ~~• &4• •ll• oa•I 8 I S2400 mo 949 759 3711 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS plea dowm.ldr' CM w d OCIAH WWI 2br l Sb.t hkLIP Sl600m ~ lbr.e Sal I'> 3/0Roc~I~ ~ In """"' 7 c.ar Sel....., evefl GrOMrllh c ...,clo, goll tour~~ l<Jt 2Br dtcn 28~ S4500 mu t.onlac l • • r lu\t•~ Aat P •ul Ch11~1 94q 6" ll08 RentalToShare 6030 eHI X-U-9 lftotler /bo S880m I 01 2 • utol \ & clop. pool, !i()il, w/d. c.yprrt. calti cerl, nri1\mk,'pel aV~tl 9/l 949 548 7818 RESIDENTIAL RfNT Al S E'tlcle 21r tlo Chilrmer lntd yd 7 c ~II gar wd llr\ Sl950'mo ond edJwlt r!O/\mil/!H!I 949 642 4940 al1cl1 p ""' i'f<l4)" S?5(0 11.«l llw~ 9 I IM-414 l/77 HARIOR COVI ~·~nat b 2 ~ P'"' '4>0 comm pool~~~ 3br 7bd '"' lhlbn" t..I RllVBJ ~l1lOll? Penm hdwd "'' Ip P"llo, 2 t ea• a•••' 8 I u-n.fl'aA ... •&I S26'>1l 'J.\9 l'H 4631 ,..., ....... , \IVOM JOBS WANTED Employment Wanted 8200 Prof1 c_,,le, It< hnnd TltOVARl on'<lr ~d 11> m•na~,. tnu• 2br 2b• 2 c 11ar 1ated Newport Ben hom~ ano tomn1un1ty pool 111 ur bo•I Ca lie d Ctneral $7400 949 293 4631 Conlt •tit>< & terhloed ProP Mni• 949 6'2 3939 ORAN.GE 7 400 COUNTY I SW., teftlb t°""1hm. 4br ~ 2 Wy. Ip llttmdl 'l c p ~ tlTWilbes Avll/A ...,._ Yi-...,_ ))I now S2Zi() 9&650 ~ 2bit hou'll! 2 1,111 ,,.~ PriY* Tldllftng 79 EmpklymeN _, Balboa Peninsula * OCEAN f•ONT * al 19th St lbr ?b1 turn d tp. c~•n. winter rf'nt1I 949 922 1111 * IA'rfltONT IU>O * l.aglltl 9ad1 \Wwnd ~ relur Lu• apt bid& blshed lbr. lbil rp. mini 2br 2b• ucean voew cond Yrly949 922 7777 S2200 mo cah te\tdenl Corona dll Mar Cezy 2br Iba cute duplea. washer /dryer hoollups. act Sl6!i0 949.293 4630 21r, 2le, C0-099, wuhet a. dryet, 2 patios S2100mo. no/smk/pets 949-673 MOO !MS-n' 6410 0.. .. ~ CJJiet 2br 2IM wd. f)9tJoS. no ~ I c pr SZJiO,...... of AiC .... 949-19).gll 7 ml' 949 494 8083 ...., ........... Commute less and tnlOY Ille lllOlt lrve clow to .,,.y11q you wael For convenient apartment choices c1ll 1-166-400·2H1 UOO YI.All Y UASI &UDOSUll-~ Bill GRUfC)Y REAL TOltS 949-4754161 •••-•lfel Jbr 2ba Newper•R••••lt.<•• rental. cult COM ®plea. S..-di he rtlitll ads hrn I~•.-. w/d llootlup<J. Newpor't's lead1n1 rental Alt $2650 949 293.463() a1•nh and fandloards 0-.._Lovely l S10f"y 11)( 2'1• + deft fp, K , attadl 2 cat pt Cowtywd entry, c:- pool Small pet ot. $3450mo Kitto *1n1 887-70. 1649 t'20l .................. (If tarp hofM, 2 spac rms. lk. liitchelle, p.t ........ Mi .. L-p ,. lie .... Oft qu11t '~....,, S"'I" .--. ffo/llflll./ peb Sl3llOMf.~l sieari....._, ....... ~..., ... ......... , ......... ... lllCllillllN ,_. ...... ,m _....., ..... ...... _... ,..,__,,, ..... -urp!lt; .,...., "" liQ.Sl•MMlt .... w0 1"'4'S tr onl; ~ yNd ~ jlO't <». 9'9-61">51'0 8AYfRONT ~ n. ss200/-yrty 62•-212-7733 626-197 .. 262 Wn1 Oc-tr~ clotc>te• nee 4br 4ba 7 ..., pr SJ600m yrly no ....-. w• 9/15 Aat 949 400 9656 TUOll~N*> Marytt.P~ mm Nuw N.c0$>1Jn& Studenb i.. r ,. [rw oln""1 Pli\Y MORI great f<A:llliOOS Wh.,.., PT, 20?!> h<' per wk lrv1~ lorm ••Pd Ouotfl.bt>".,' ( 1'1'4 Word P R fa• rnumf' tu 949-757-ltJl IOOHctf'H ,.,.,., ... 5dly,~r week II 300 Call 9'9 331 4100 OllVHS f'AH-TIMf Mon frt Df1ve ntc• car1 and a•t paMt tor 1t c an o ... 949 862 7474 -•FF......._,. bclonq. ,_, ,.., GolCI ~ p01lotCllll Trm1 prow f Jf't f,. r• 714-lJ'&. I~ ...., ......... ......, S U /hr la \tor•1• t1c:11tty Mon Thu". r 11's 011... tftd lrt• m11nltnanc:e l •p a • l eon 71 4 437 9100 • J 9, 2003 TODAY'S 53 Ootiar tr.aaion1 55 Quite almllar 56 Moll wonderlul S9 Hatdie4 61TV,_. IOUIOI 62 Aaoslall08 63 2001 lllOkSRome 64 Ctu41<H09111IMI< ~8 ~CHARLES GOREN w1th OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEKl,V BRIDGE QU17. Q l -Both vulner.iblc, you hold: The biddin& has ~: NORTH tw,'1' 80tll1f •AQI06 .:i AQJ3 o ~ •KQ¥16J 1• ,_ 117 I• ,_ T Your right-h4nd opponent ope~ the: biddJn& with oae dwnood. What actioll do you ta.Ice'! Whit do you bid now? Q 5 -Bodi vulnmsble, ll.\ South you hold: Q 2 -Ndthef' vulncnihlc, you hold: • l\.ll 7Sl 4 8 5 •96532 Partner opens the bidding w1lh one hcan. Wh.11 JM..1!00 do you take'! • Q U ". A K 5 o Al • A Q 1017 The bidding ha.<. DR>CCCded: SOl.TfH WF...\"f NORTH I• Pll'iS I• lNT ,_ l • Q 3 -Both vulocr.tblc:. ~ So1.1th you hold: 1 Whni do you bid oow7 •AKll . J SJ :>9J •QJ 762 Q 6 -Ncithef' vulncr.iblc. IL\ Sooth yoo hold: Ille bidding ~ orocccded: NORnl ~T SOUTH \\ll'.ST •KOS Q 954 '>AOJ 7 •K62 I• ~ 2• .._ 1 PMs ? Wh.il do )OU btd 00\\ '! The bidding has proceeded: NORTII PAS'T" SOUTH Wt:\'T I • • ,,_ l ,._ Q,. -Bn1h vulr>erdhle. a.' \outh )'llU hold I PHI 1 Wh..it do }OU bid now! • A !I A Q II 8 4 A J 10 ll J • 6 LPl.>J.. for mLffi·us Oii Mondn>: ltetall l • perninced sales per !>On wanted 10< 1mall 1totlomvy slore Cororr.t dl!I M;i, roll/PT 949-075-1010 or In resume !M!M;73.4762 s tcanAJtY ln1med open on NB. Our ClO •~ semi rettrcd We "'t lonkong to hire • per 5onal asst tor tum lhe l{lll req extemNe travel. p•rllcopabon In rntettn~ ronven.. etc. Pr~uble ~~ & v~ eon., Ill. Xl.HT I ~'JIM c~ anthmebc <;I\... loitc<>I & deawn rn3ller 20yfs up. Resume 10 Kl 0711 ~ y.thoo.com 0t tu 949 51:\ 8334 .....,_, v.-Cap(.ali CleMT?> rn L* fore.I c.w m for Mterp ptf-.otl 811 '8lb-0443 w , .. ...-141 item th MIJ WIJl Ploce I Cl1ulflt4l td tM.y! (949) u2-ma Automobiles 9000 Alltomottve 9004 ~-Hair•"'"'" cancl>., lalles. om ltfl(;()m· metl<l4!ll frf"\ll w~ter u~e 1 lnl ~ond J to chcio".e from. Stall at ~.<XXJ Ntwl"OltT AUTOSPOU 949·S14-S600 ......,Amefle"02 l~ lt""1 600 m1 blvblo.. •ear~ chrome wtll5 ( JUll76 I 1 S224 500 Nt'WPOltT AllTOSl'Ol'T 949-S74-S600 IMW '97 3211 Conv metJlll~ darl. blue 2' ey llhr •uo~rb cond I hr ou11 h o u t Sl4 995 ~11672421 81.r 949 511> 18811 www.ocpabl.com IMW 32'1 '99 c-t fully loaded up&• ad~~. I uruw11er low mr mini cond ~ 510 458) S!io9 ;m.-046 -I MW '9032SI lllle new Blk/lan, 4 dr , auto. ac, suntl, lull pwc. hnt. Ca smoc $4000 080 714 454 1698 IMW 'H U C-... auto wh1le/t•n tthr, CO. buut1lul hke new cond, Sl 7 ,495 vS9724 Ito & _, ..,. Blot ~5116-ltel www .ocpel.<•M lukk '•9 Electra aood mechanical cond1toon, low m11aae. 430 V8, $3000 obo 949 494·0148. Codlloc '90 Fleetwood SJlver/guy 4dr , su111ool, lthr. auto, 3&. mo. $4800 new Ines 949 /60 0144 c-..., ..,. u 4 cy1. 68.411 flll. better tn.i ,_ no ~ 0t saW:hes. $9500 obo 949 640 !>037 CHEVY SUIUHAN '0 2 white. 25K nw, loicloed. 1\)1 wwr Pvt party ~I sct.UJ.ro> 949 584 1463 ChryAw '94 "-y ...... 3 5 V6 I ·owner. 43k ~ctual mt bcoo ks records. mel4ll1~ lur quo1~e/tan lthr. fully loaded, l1kt new $499~ ,,..;r,ms ~ 9&!:l86-1888 www.acpobl.ee• Cenette '19 Ceupe auto 6()1,. • m1 mel•llot red Ian lthr ~uper b cond throughout, S9 995 Bhr 949 586·1888 w-.ecpolitl.c- hdge '98....,....... auto lic}1 A/C. ltflr . f ul power • am Im tau. c~. lint. alloy wills .$6499 714 59.I 8129 NO MATIER IMW'163111 Oocliie '02 Viper 3" "''· redlblk ACR COUP' real muscle, hard lop (101065) $$69,900 NlWl'OU AUTOSl'OltT 94'-S74 -S600 ''Employee. "Empleado. ·•Arbeitnehmer. ·· "Emplo) e. ·· ~U""Pil I.!,!:'}!:/ ... _ ot HOW YOU SAY rT, Cl llllFIED CAN Fl•"· l <fr blaLI. !> ~P sun roof lull pwr $2250 714-914-1166 ,__.'02S7S ....... Old~ yY lllfne 8ond1 12 cyt front ... red/ Lan. less """' 21< 11'1, RS C•liforn1• h1w re quwes lhal conlrac Ion tak1na jobs that total S!>OO °' mor@ (ltbof or malenals) be licensed by the Contractor~ Sla t~ l lcense Board Slate l1w alio requ1res lhal conlrat.ton rncfude thew llun-e nu~ on Ill Ml-lts1ng You can clteclt. the 1l•lus of your lic ensed contractor •t www cslb ce aov or 800 321 CSLB Unh· censed conluclors la~ln1 1oh lhal lol1I less than $500 musl s l•te 1n their •dvec llHments lhal they •r• not licensed by the Contraclo1s State license B~rd " ~· ~amme & ~rouble shoobn1 ....... --ca..._ ... pWIOtl .. 949-543-2538 -..... , Carpet Repalr!1aln "C.Alll'tT * C.Alll't To Rep•1<s P1lchm1 lnst•ll Courteous eny srle tobs Wholeulel 949 49? 0?0!> Cleaning Touch of Klas.'l ~uropc1111 l:..11rcn in House Cleaning 20 yt·ar.-m Hu"nc~' L1<:cn ..... t1 & Bon.le.I Profc'""l\JI lcJnh J"lj!llC(I to Yoor I lomc (949) ?48-0097 hcc L.'11m31c1 Rcfcrcn<.c-. Sprmg Cleaning Speciah QulckKlean Renew, don't replace tile/grout !loots, countirl. lhoWefa, ~ -.m www.qktlle.com CompmrSemces COMPUTER HELP! ....... en.,~ •• ,.. ... Of olllcl ·~·­·~ • WID Plgt 91n°'1 •I» ·~­·Oleo~ • Clgl!llW.O. R'*>.i.ts • lMISeo.c-l'la<t-.~ UC llert.oier Ot-rodwete, 10Yn~Eop. 714-612-2786 l#HOM E & IUSl#ESS •Ef>AJ•S Uptndes Rep•ns of Compuler Network\ C vemng~/Weellf'nds Compelttrve prlCts for quahly s11v1c 949~U6-11 75 714-9 26--4221 IM OllGIH YOUIHOME IMHOVl MtNt l'ltOJtCT? Call a plumber, parnler, handym•in. or any of lhe great services hsled here 1n our "irvtce d1nclor y! IH£ SE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY' WITTHOtn DIYWAU All phues $m/ll c tobs CUANI 20yrs, 1<111. free est L4(D)J) 714-63!}.1447 DUNCAN IUCTIUC --------· I Local, Quick Response Home. Yard & Dock Elecl Conaete. Mllonry lrldl II.di St-Tiie Concrete Pllllo. Driveway flreptc, BBQ Rers 2SYrs Exp. Ttfry 714 S57·7594 TIM'-'M• C.mentworll, Bfidl, !tie & More Rel1•ble No iob loo sm•IL 714-615·9062 20 Yrs [ •P Lie/Insured l ll'l 15870 949·650-7042 DUTCHMAN tUCTitlC Commercial, lndu5lrn1I, ...... ~~ IWa rnrm:Il 919-.arzl UClNSID COtflaACTM No~ tao 1111 M .._, R~w, remodel, hlns, ... -M: MMi45-36l'i6 I MW 'H 74011 (3) 81k /lan, ~ashme•e/tan, 11• etn/lan, 1 lnl tond S20.950 949 500 8641 ~S.....19Yn .... I ...., MJr1I. yard c:ie11n14>. mM1brn ...,,. Inn. ~ Comm/Re~ 714 06 1!>18 leu T9fTes laftdscope WtW.t; nwnt. lnle tnrmq & 1nslallahon 25 Yr1 up Uc/lnsured 949-!>48-4363 s-..--Up Gel youc yard looklna lb best tor Ille --Y•d c:lla1 ~ ,.,,.._ ..... ..ct~ weekend & eve quotes JOre H-4 Services 714-421-G040 ( LZl 148) S229.5o(X) NEWPOn AUTOSPOltT 949-S74-S600 GF.NEW. lfnll AllAINll'1tANCE • Rt9daral • f.mxneraal o lob 1bo Small Dave lla.mlltoa 949-322-1292 Tr•• Service, Yard C..'t o. tt? 0..'t ..,,... Clnnup, M•lnlen•nca, t• ... It? We un & we Spt111kler Rep1ir, H1ul1na wil 2417 4 all your home (94t)H0-1711 repairs 714·348·8430. 1!(<,f(Jll! • RlPil~ i;. l!f '.Hll>I I I .. (. CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Ytt &p • Gtlll Alf's M flt-. of Conllndoll ~ Almodll ()Cid 1.1577912 ~n»-5142 nx UP Sl'ICWIST. All types of repairs Clec· IJical, plu~ doors, ..... helllrs. .. & min 24hr/7d8ys 714-366-1881 '"MY..,_,, .._ • .,..st-Wis• Interior & bl• lor RtlMlir'S 714·50Mi466 JUM TO TNI DUMl'lll 714-968-1882 AVAii.ABLE TOOAYI 949 67J.5566 ............. ........... , ... ~l' Oua#ty Rlmodtllng Sita 1970 714409-0713 ............. • . ., ,.,.,.,.. ...... 4 S.1tw blv'bn IHllMf, 1lloy wflMls. n ml. (068391) $39.900 NIWPOln AUTOSl'CMIT t4t-S74-5600 ,..,..1•1 , ...... SplliM 'OS HO c-vert&We 133 ml,6spd, red/t•n red calipers, must seel (130896) $237,bOO NIWPOST AUTOSPOU 949-574-5600 fenwi 'ta SU Sp14er S.. ml, fl. btue/blu tthr, pwr SHh, 1real cond (126350) $113.900 NIWf'OaT AUTOSPOIT 949-574-5•00 fer4 '6S Musta111 Convertible, 01111nal owner, solid car Sl9,99S obo 949 719·2943. Moulo '00 Mlata !isp I 4k mo, green/tan llhr, lonnneau, alum. PP $13,500 (949) 675·81~3 Moz~ '01 Trlltvt• IS sllve1/arey llhr. 21k mo , V6, 4wd, 6 CO, warr4nly, pp $14,999 949-675-8753 l'HIUWSAUTO 0' A""1 '" Ouotfro Blue w/8fue. only 141< me 5flOf h pkii (19478C) $24.980 OOIMWJ"1 Solver w/blao..k Ith<, Sleplrornc (193811) $21 98) HEJ20S.... White W/Yddle if'Jlh er moonroof (19443) S28.!8> Ol~SType Su Green w Sllddle lttv 281< rnc moonc oof (19112) S29,980 H M ....... SUC 2JO BltH> w/blilck. er ey 'l)Orh pi<g (19416) SU 9flO ff lMWUllS Red w/black llhr. !)spd ( 19470) Sl8.98J Olf'..0.-Tur6e loplJonte only 18k rncles navaeabon (193941 INQUIRE n t.lAlf GS .JOO Cold w ~ leather chro""' wt>ttb (19418) $21 980 02 f>ondr. GT2 eia.u. w1blac.k ooly 100 mo~ (l9597C> INQUIR£ 0 I M•rc•d•• ctSOO Srlver w/grey, nav1· ll"llon only l!>K mr (19'>4~1 l~QUIRC 00 f>onclt. lo••t•r S1lv~1 w •blac~ prtm1um sound (194263> $28.980 '49-S74-7177 PHl1fS AllTO ;18;1Mkcm ' . . . . . ' . ' ~ Open7 Deya Low Rates Stonige Sp9ciela Since 1981 949-645-4545 llST MOVllS SSS/Hr. Serv1n1 All Cities Insured Tl63844 800-246 2378 323 630 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The C•lll Public U111tlles Commiut0n requwes that •II used houufto ld tood' movers pront their P U C Cel T number: limos •nd chauffeurs print lheu TCP. number In all edver· llsements If you have any questions 1boul the leaallty of • mover, limo or chauffeur, calf l'UIUC UTIUTIIS COMMISSION 177-U67 ......... c.. .... ....,., .. .._ NelMiC....S-........ Blltq, fllldl, dlolrq. ,,... Dt. ~ etc. I{~ rtla. m1Med 11A-J21.Q33 ..., & ...... ,.., Custom H•nd P1h1t.d ~' flWI, ~ Milt b Ith Dal«IK •• ml. b!Vbll loaded. nlY, IUOfOOf, fuR pwr (02"813) $89,500 MIWPOIT AUJ05'0ltT t4'-SJ4-HOO MlaCIDU 8NZ '02 S430 bl!!. 2lk ml, SllOl'ts !*a. phone, Ptav, CO, AMC wllla, lCX* wlkr, inlnl eond. pp $61,500 949-631·0771 Mlt<IOIS Mil 2000 S430 17,100 ml, lo•dtd, all options, showroom ne'l'I S49,500 Pvt Party 949 159 9088 MHCtOIS 560Sl '16 Blue/araen. new lop and upholstery. Pvl Party S98!i0 949-673-1095 recor~. 1-owne; wfttt.i Ian ltltr, CD, 1 unnina boerds/bruth a•ur!'~..: like new c;ond, v2721MG $18,995 fin & w1rr111ly av1U Bkf IM9·5811· 1888 •--ecp41W.c- DUffY IU<Tat< 'H CLASSIC l8FT fully rest01ed, Sl4.000 Rk:k !M9-348-!M24 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATSUSI MOORllGSI lAUNCHINGI STORAGE - Mene4H 'I I 560 Sl while/Ian. lmmu MU. MOTOR HOMES ,,.. ..,.... ,_ ,. 11¥>. SW'S AVAAAIU fr-JS-tsft i. dtme. $13J'l) 714JSl.. Mc*rttoma 9350 Newpwtleedi,'- 949-S00-1005 OW___.lle '96 Aurere 60k m1, blacll/arey lthr. mnrl. CO. fabulous cond lhr oughout $5995 v1n#4!>1219 81.r 94t-Sl6-IHI www.ocpat.l.cam ........ '01 (4 2QI mi, enw .old areen/lan 111vw11on l1ber kn -o kn chrome wt-is ({620!42) '611.250 NtwPOllT AllT~ 949-S74-S600 DOOG1 78 ~ motor home 2111 00! flll, auto, 65ft ........ ~ SlCIW oond. w... 156(1) toe ,_ fl!rry & ~ -. $2500 714~9'56 ~ rnd ,... .......... Motor Homes· Rent MO H 9355 lttNT 2000 3011 , & 2003 n 11 . 1mmac. 5leeps 6 & 8 oplron•I tent pinoc tbl bl>q Toy lr•1let & lent Ir aoler 949 295 03!;6 01 949 500 1266 $26,500 310-446 8489 SELL your stuff through classified! PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. N[WPORT BLA< H • tO':.TA ME':..I\ Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace ' ~'JJtae.. ~Professional Painting LIC N~ Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa, Ca (949) &46-3006 Cell 949-887·1 "80 0.-.'• ,_... 1l'lis np C1eaf Price! Guw.ntMd WOflt. frM est ll375602 714·~· 1534 7.J90.2945 ICl"S OISTOM I'~ PYon, deen, qu91i1y _.... lntwlor/nt and doclls. L 1703468 949-631~10 Jtrr-'1P•t"'9 Top Qu•llly, Compelil1v• Inter lof lb I L •6482.28 C1ll Jay 949·650 5066 ..... ow c:.aa MMfT P1lnlW11 ........ t. ltou:Wfclt Qualfty loOI F rn al#nate l.156W7 714-6J6 - All llil-...__.,.. Tutc ... ,...., ..... 1-2tH .. ....... uses.is Loe • °''""°"Of l\llll J S.njllrt SEWCR JETTING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK DE rec TION I 11endly Service 949-675 -9 3 04 ,..-.~rbl!room L•152ji9j ll••UN'd **BT & llASOllMU Pl.UMBER L"506586 FreeEst!Sm~ OCTFCU Dae 714-2?>-91!1() ,.ICISIPWMI .... Repairs & R1modeltnt FREE ESTIMATE Lf687398 714-969-1090 Poola.M M-kPMl&SfieSw. Weekly Ser vice, Equip menl R1191ifs, lnsur1d. Cel t4t-ttl.-J 17J ......... ~ CAUGHT IN THE ACT T .... ...... s-... ~ En1Uslt ttecher. pro- ft ss Ion 1 I writer. I specilllz.t lt'I PfOCtHtl• natlna IHn1. Summer r11dln1 Coeclt Eap'd composition T11cller lndlvid111l/Gro11p r1t11, referencea av1l11bl1 Sue CIMll 949·275·4905 WllClu .... T111t1•••1 599clelit.l'\t Ill w...,,a-c,,,11 l'5m41 ... .,.'211 .... a. 'a VALUE. •E MORE THlllB THAT llm.Dll'T BE OPTIONAL. MSRP V6 Engine 4-Specd Au1oma11c 1ramm1ss1on Air Cond1uoner • Power Package 4-Wheel An11 lock Brakes Full·lime all wheel drive 2003 Freelander S S25,600 You got ii standard, they don't! 5-Specd Au1oma11c! Even Beller! You Bel! Safety is never compnm1scd It's a Land Rover, 1sn'1 it? Of course. h's noc 1985 anymore! 2003 Jeep liberty Sport 4WD $20,030 Op11onal • S850 Optional · $825 Optional • S2.325 Optional · S600 Optional • $395 CD Player Traction Control Electronic • we wouldn't go off·road wnhout 11 Optional -$125 OpllonaJ • $765° Veh1cle Secunly System 16" AIJoy Wheels Cruise Control Independent Rear Suspension Basic warranty Rusi Warranty You can count on it. Cool You've got ii for the road tnps! Slanda:rd 4 years/50.000 miles 6 ycars/unJ1rruted miles OprionaJ • $520 OpllonaJ · $310 Optional • $300 Not availible 3 ) earVJ6,000 miles 5 years/100.000 mtJes AdJUSled MSRP s2s,600 $27 ,045 - 2003 Land Rover Freelander S LEASE FOR OR BUY WITH '299;:u 39 months II On Aoe>n>veet er.dlt. Pk.le tax, lie & doc. , ... S2Sl1a.40 Total drtv...off, •nc•ud-tnt APR financing paym..-,t & S350 ..curtty depo81t. 1 OK mHea • per yeer/20e exc-ml. charge. 3 at this parment (1304871262696) (1305331267886) (130488/265032) Thll ~ .. ,,,_,.., Ma guide ID ...... you WI MleCtWlg an SU't NI euct 9QUIYllln1 vtNd9 .. nCll poeelble. NA vtNd9 lnlOrmlition hu ~ dlfMd trom ~~a www.admandll.-. Pncee "-! ... M8AP Wflholl1 dllcount. Whle _., Mb1 hM ~ mede ID -~ -... nCll f'MPOllll* !Dr-. or omllllana. "'ll8Cb om*'OI prvllldld through,,_, •• TNc~ Dlllwenllll Axle. Sunroof, Auto, 6-0lsc CO 4x4, V6, Automatic, Full Power, 41841556594 Harmon Kardon Sound 4163/A376164 •11:,·995 '22,995 '•111.mEROVER '02 DICOVERY SE7 DVD Enllrtainment Ctr. 7 Palenget, Brush Bars, 404507/4208 Running Bollds 4197n45708 4x4, VB, Power Doors , Power Windows, Power Seat. LEASE FOR Per Mo. 60 Mos. On Approved Credit. + tax $709 .34 down + tax + lie. fees. Total drive off required is $1 ,498.00. Includes first payment. 0 security deposit 12K miles/year. 18 Cents/mile over. 5 at this payment, all with M.S.R.P. $35,090. UALITY PRE-0 '97 RANGE ROVER 4 6. HSE. Chrome Wheels. 4 6. V8. ~uxury loaded loaded, Luxury 4205/362566 ERT1FIEO 39761426)94 •25 ,995 s25,995 '03 DISCOVERY V8, Onfy 61( Mites. Ex·RentJI Onty 36K Mies, loaded 41nm5359 1 11 thtS prtc:e 4192/8012288 '26,995 '28,995 Loaded Lllrury '29,995 I '32,995 • •59.995 '02 PtlSCll IOISTEI .. ...... • UJa llVEI. '12 .. 325 COIVT. Only .... Nlv, .,. ..,, ""' .. Ontt 111( Mi Sport. f1JI Ullc. ... 10!( Ml Ulllmllt UDuy 41461431954 42111117394 41811624185 41151117330 *34,996 '38,995 '37.995 '64,995 ' PONTIAC.· ! FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS . . 1n Ueu of Faetorr Rebate on Most New 2oas Models on AppnWed a ec1t 0% APR financing is $16.6 7 fJtlf' thousand lxxrow«J fJtlf' month DolNn paym81'1t V8tW depending on customlJt's Cffldtwot1hintm Not al a.am.n wil quMry. .....,. .......... ,,,,,.. ...... .,.....,., •llLLIN• ~ICE 'IHl6-7 ,..,.. .. ....... c..,. •llO,,... •-.ooo ... .,, .... •3,000 •'#,000 =137,11«1 1 AT,_r.:E f194622J $4.000 dutJ •t ~ 48 month cloNd Md,_.. 12.000 mtf#,,. ~ ExC#S mil# •t 2~,,. ,.,., 1 AT,_-IL I• f tOlJB93J .. 41:11 •• .., CNll9 #EW 2003 SflrC,..,. ....,,. .... w,,,,, •4,000 Fat:tory R""""' •4,000 3AT,__M_ f211t124J2122t17)(21s137J ----------.. --. --~· --_.. --·-- 1t:f:;l IJ1iv1.: (J1~r fnll Llt1v vi Pft:cOw11t:d Vt:hlclcs On Llnofi! Naber5Aut0Mall .. co01 , ........ ~.Alla>. lMfhlr. Moonrool 8 t1:7ao LDwMi/#1(4674T/481310) ......... ""ii anmw•••U1 Autl M. ~Sino 8 Gtwt Git t.1:995 ~ (4268/7014116) . . • . ...... ...., 1 .. ,.,.,,. lafllE IE ~At Power~ aJ8"-~·-Spo/i#f (4.162/812389) ..•........ ..,, .., ,,..,,. .. -· """"Ai, 71t m ,,_ Sfx* 8 Motel s7750 (4122/197096) ............... . .. ,.,,,_,,,,. At~ Tow~8Low $8970 """""('8111'/106666) ..••.•..... ••••••u• su11u.,. &llnd«J A6Mr\ 2ntl SMw £-. M t10 940 AM-. LJhr. (M#J s.c1w '"° 11334115r , .... ~ .. ,,.. . Ai.-M. Ful lb-. m lloohc* s10 970 8 AJlqys ('610/1#221).......... • ..,,_caJmfll I Fu1 lb-. m lMlfta". ()ISlw *11 575 8 .AloyJ ('604/161916). . . . . . . . . ' ...... c .. I FIMnclng Av•l .. ble" 1 ml SOVl1I OF TIE 411 FREEWAY www.nabersautomall.com ........ Mon.-Sat 9am to 9pm •Sun. IOam to 6pm ........ 211111 • Mon.·Fri. 7am to 6pm • Sat 8am to Spm · , • .....,&IJ&Ull ar_,,M 2nd Slidng Door. ,,.., At lMtMt. s11 640 Ful Power £J Low Mil (4601/334116) f ZIOf l'O#J'IAI: AZ'IK Au*7. At Ful lb-. aJ si.:ar. s11 975 Moonrool (J Alk1y# (42 77 /607692).. . !11-1.~~ ,. ,,.,,. _,Mt EXT_,M /C4ttltdl 2JrtJ-. 0oa. Al.c. Ai: QM s1 2 • 5"flrW fi <Wy 4 IK ltlil#/ (4I19/286380) f aaw..,.,r ~Ai; Ful lb-. aJ £J AMWtW7W s13 875 (4621/103867).............. 'l~!~ ,., ,.,.. .._ .IXJ cmr. Lini'1ld. AufQ. Ai; A1tlM Gui.fl CD. ... 3 970 IMther 8 Slwp/ (4643/212163).... 11 ;; ,,..., .. a•••~•• 4-At Fullb-. CD.~ •13 -8,,.,,., ('471/312H6J......... ' , .. ..,,.. .... ~At l'OlltWGtocfl CD. Moontoof ·~-8 Prwnium ....... ('683/114114) .• .. .,, .... ,. ""'"3L. 4-At A1tlM SWing 8 ., 4,970 fllric«J Right/ ('624/f/24063')... . . . . Z.. C..UC CAIJDA BIM:lc. Auto, At LMther £J Law s15 675 Milul (4406/097779). . . . . ' ,. Cl"'# IElll.U Ful Power. L•ther. knluloon Caw Top s1 5 -AwlMI .w. ti '8K ""('500/104868) ' 1•.c,..ar Ful PoM91: ,,_Ai; LMther. Tow Plcg s1 5 -Et Low Mil#/ (4260/91664). . . . .. . ' ww ... mw11.1 Auto, Ai; Ful Power. aJ 8 Alloyll •1 & -('626/367446) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ,,..,.,,,. Bid BNufy Kflh Al,,,. Extru 81 7 • £J LMt1wt1 f4602/2 t1693J . . . . . . . . . '-~ t · -.cmrra'8IUIEXTCMLI Ful lb-. m Alot'J. Tow PlqJ 8 •1 a,• ~ 261< MM/ ('636T/240261) .... ..cwate..uas Ful lb-. SMr, aJ. TlllCtD! Control •11 935 8 ,,.,,., (4626/280261) . . . . . . . . . ~ ..tMll#..Umrl I I Kftll Al n. £.ml l'rwntcJm ~ •21,875 (J Mofll (4497/166823) ........ . Exceeding Expectations Since 1967 PONllAC • GMC • BUICK• CAOILI.AC 21M HAllll ILll., CllTA MEii at•>...-.- -.u-1t11ff1U (Cdl«/J M Power. CD. OnSlir. ~ •23 550 LMtlwfJAWMXM/(4611/211176) f ........ , ~,,..,Ai; ftOlllfl an. co.,,.,.,, s24 450 3tdS.Tt/IWll6JlllwltMllW/41~1nl"/ ~ .. CWIM:lfflUm MAM-. a>. ""'1Un~ ~ s25 835 ~ wtteell 8 SMpl l.ull/103" 1). . ' _,_, .... , "-tr.Ai; LMtlw, Mocnoo< Towl'fW, s25 -8 Mor« (4712P/15'088) ...... , . . ' .. llU'ltl ..... (Cdled}4-"-tr.A.t. Mo~ s25 • IMther 8 Matti ("63/1610IJ). . .. ' .... , . .....,,. ""',_.,,CD.~--· •21,• ~Fr.Ii (4Uf/107174) .... .,,,..,, .. " ...... ,..., At 3td $11( CD. AJlqys 8 •21,• ~ Fr.Ii (4638/113904) ...... u Fullb-.,...,...,~ tJlll 820 8 Mo,.& (F41186) ...........•........ , • ~ I: . . . . .