HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-11 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing th e N ewp<;Jrt-Mesa commun ity since _1 907 MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2003 IN BUSINESS City going that extra Mariner's Mile Newport Beach offi cials are looking at ways to spruce up and revamp aging harb or fro nt. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot MAJUNER'S MILE -What was once a bustling boater's paradise of yacht shops, parts retailers and other marine businesses has lost ~ome of its luster, civic leaders say. Mariner's Mile now relies more on a handful of lucrative sales true-generating auto dealers and hot-spot restaurant'>. but '>till needs revitali7Jng. city and busi- ness leaders agree. With an eye toward bringing back the hustle and bustle of the Newport I !ar- bor-lining commercial strip, officials and merchants are putting together a ~eries of improvements expected to raise the level of commercial activity. "[Mariner's Mile! is in tram.ition tu something better,~ said Ned McCune, who owns the commercial building that house~ a Starbudcs coffeehouse at :.!700 W. Coast I lighway. "There is a transition away from marine uses with the n ... ing of renLS. A 101 of these busine\'il''> h,l\ e gone to Cmta M~~a" The city'c; public works depannwr11 hao. begun improving !>idewalh and medians. ~ weU a<, imtaJlmg JMlin trees. ta ... t month. the City c ounul hired Cash Lngineenng to 'lll<.h INSIDE For more business news, see Page A'2 '' lwther the city could mstaU a c.:ann lt•vt>red buardwalk m the busine'>'i di!> tm I. rhe lOlUlCiJ handed the CUlllpall} S'lll.000 10 cornple1e an engineering See MARINER'S, Page A4 Scheafer pushes for skate park decision Costa Mesa couDcilman wants to identifv a site to begi n se rious planning by Labor Day. Several options exi st. h e says. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot (C)'>IA \11'>\ -Councdmdn \hkr '>che.ifL·r h.i.., JUrnp--.taned d1 ... cu,-.1on of d '>kate parl.. in the hnpt• nl 1denuf\111g cl 111 able -.11e by I .1hor f la} To al leas1 have d prehmmar. plan h\ that ume. '>cheafer 1m1wd c,kate parl.. <1J 'otJre!> tu pamc.:1pate 111 J d1Scu-.-.uJ11 \\lth cit~ offic1ab on po..,.,1ble park d111wn'>t0n' ill \llflOU'\, vet o,11JI lllldi'>dCl'>t.'d, lo<.J!IOn\. PHOTOS BY KENT TPEPTOW DAILY PILQ. Twins Hayden , left, and William Hurray get a greeting from their grandmother, Pat Hurray. Mother Erin Hurray leans over them . Pl<m'> for a -.kate parl.. haH' dra~t>d" on tor mor<' 1han a Jt>rnde. ~"1th i.l..<ltt' parl.. tan<, ha\ 111g their hope1> rai'>t'd and dashed rnanv urne'>. I he lale'>! frustrauon oc curred 111 JuJ} \\hen LUlllpt'llllllll arose over a '>Ile at le\\'mkle Park. Nearly missed the party But 1he meeting on July 30 reiuvenate<l the _.,katc park .idvocate_.,· outlook and gave them more than a 1,hred of hope that a \lte ..,,11 he found _.,oon "'It wa'> refreshing:· '>l..ate park c,upponer hm Gray .,aid. "It ,.,.a., probabl) 1he fir.r lime when we d1'>CU..,-'>ed that there 1' more than one 'Ile 111 the ntv that could v.ork. m'u:ad uf chasing one ~lit:' and hup111g to (,od they'll work 011 another one tf !the fust oneJ doesn't worl<. Three m onths before they were born, emergency surgery saved twins William and Hayden. Their first b irthday party was Sunday. Coral Wiison Daily Pilot T urning l year old may be small accomplishment for most children, but not for twins William and I layden I lurray. The birthday celebration on Sunday in Bonita Canyon Parle in Newport Beach was a day parents Mark and Erin Hurray thought would never come. twins were within a day of being overwhelmed by a rare fetal condition. "They are very good, very lively, always smiling, n said lune Jones, 92, the twins' great-grandmother on Sunday. ~They are smiling aU the time and laughing. I very seldom hear them cry." Last November. tl1e Costa .Mesa park\ commission endor">ed a recreauon master plan that listed a -;kate parl.. as the No. I recreational need 111 the city. They also created a Skateboard Park Planning learn to conduct more research. A skate park in TeWmk.le Park and an al temative site ..yere included in the TeWtn- lle Park Master Plan. But both have hit ob- _.,tacles. A crowd of about 100 - friends, relatives and their children -gathered to admire William and Hayden's glowing skin and pink cheeks. A year and three months ago, the unborn Erin Hurray's eyes were wet with tears as she thought back to April 2002, when she and her husband boarded an airplane for Wisconsin. Just 22 weeks in to the pregnancy, William and Hayden were slowly dying insjde h er womb. William and Hayden Hurray sit with their birthday cake as family and See PARTY. Paa• A4 friends snap photographs of the twins. The master plan originaUy proposed a 20.000-square-foot skateboard parlt at Da· vis Elementary chool. Installing it there raised red Oags among some commission· ers, staff at the school and Newport-Mesa Unilied school board members, leading city staff to consider removing it as an op· tion, said Steve Hayman, the city's director of adnunistrative services. in June. So skate park fans set their sights o n an· other area east of Junipero Drive along Ar- lington Avenue. But Bark Parle fans are also THINKING ALLOWED Santa Ana Heights' quiet annexation Hester, the veteran or the crew, had been wandering the unincorporated area of Orange C.Ounty for 48 ~ searching for the promised land she had been promised for 10 long. A land where the average home price is about $900,000 a year. Where dordUH housing is let aside for aenior dtizen& Where elemenwy school playgrounds lie right 00 the Mod. Newport 8-h. The land of }>&enl)t Bat. bpt quiet and tlOOd her pound. ~knew what we wanted and they knew why wt~ m.re. 1bBN wet no U9C wutiba their time,. Hestef Aki; ... M.&.OIJJ!llD1 ,._. M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TI£ WEB: www.daipbt.com WEATHER Mo.tty sunny, with the ~ry morning douda end fog. ........ A2 SPORTS Adlln Merihell Cllplur9d the 11• ...... co. Meel Ctly a.r~·· fllNP.. ......... See SKATE, Pqe M • ' \ ' • l Daily Pilot YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE A long time • I 've been waiting a long time 10 wrile about the word longtime. OK. not really. I've been waiting onJy abou1 an hour, ever since I got a press release mentioning a "long-time" employee or a Newport-Mesa business. nus ls a very common and understandable mistake. lf your car is in long-1erm parking and your dad is a long-standing member of the thimble collectors society, and your biller memories of high school include a long-lived rumor about your fear of public showers, it would seem to naturally follow that "long time" is also hyphenated. Not so. When it's an adjective, it's just one word. Ditto for "lifelong.· by the way. Why, you ask? Don't ask. It's just one of tJ1e weird whims of the grammar gods: Time and usage just made it so. ------. The question of whether to hyphenate. leave al!> two words or make into one word usually has to do with the part of speech. "Lineup• ls an example. "I dream that one day I'll . be able to line up my detractors again.st the waJI and give them all a piece JUNE of my mind But, most of KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PtlOT Bill Brown, right, the owner of Rodtech, with his father, Stan Brown, and a pair of classic cars they built at the custom hot rod shop. the bullies happen to be CASAGRANDE part of me starting lineup on the school laaosse team.· In the first case, it's a verb. But when it's a noun. lineup is just one word.. A rod-ical venture Backup ls one word as a noun. as In. ·the bully in the loclcer room whipping me with · toweh had badrup. • It's also one word as an adjective: "backup goons.· But it's two words as a verb: "Back up and put your hands in t~ Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot R odtech Hot Rod Products, a Costa Mesa firm that specializes in the customization of automobiles and auto parts. opened its doors for business at its present location six years ago, but its roots stretch baclc to 1987, when Brown was building his 1934 Ford and couldn't find a gauge panel he liked. His solution was to build his own. "When I was 16, and my friends were washing dishes at restaurants, I was changing oil, doing minor woric on my neighbors cars and building my own cars.· Brown said. "My dad and I built three sand rails while I was still in high school.• Bill Brown started building cars in high school. He took that experience and made it into his own business in Costa Mesa That work expanded into a business. "Bill began building handcrafted custom dashboards and gauge panels for fellow hot rodders.. As demand grew. so did his busines.s, • said his father, Stan Brown. "Today, Bill has expanded his business to include the design, fabrication and repair of complete street rods.· Bill Brown was a member of the Danny Ongais' successful 1984 Indy racing team as a mechanic. ~ orS1,IOOfor • corpcnM ~ ~ PrOCMda blflefttthe Onnge County Rw:ue ••illlon' 8'rong llglnnlnga program, whtd\ PRMdll wmtdorce M'llaprnent for thoee who hew loll hapl and need hllp. For more lnfonMlon. Cll..., .a.2242.-. 218. • Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l..eactl, KentTreptOW READERS HOTUH£ (949) 642-6086 VOL 97, NO. 223 Record your commentl about the Delly Pilot or newt tlpt. THOMAI H. JOHNSON News Edleof'I ~ Publetier Gina AleMnder, Lori Anderlon, Our .cjdreu la 330 W. S.V St, Costa TONYDOll.a Daniel Hunt, Paul Seltowltz. M .... CA 92627. Of'llce hour1 ire Edlcw O.nlel St9Vene Monday · Frldey, 8:30 e.m. • 5 p.m . .JUl'/f Oi I llN NEWllTAff ~-cnme°::r~r, Coneadonl Pl'omodonl ow.-, It II the Pilot'• pollc:y to promptly (9'8)6 oo"9Ct ell enon of 1ubetenoe. ~.t>Mrdt•l«l,,,._com ,..... call (949) ~ .. IDmfllnw r --=--~· Newpon ~. FV1 (9'8) 574-4232 The Newport~ MeM juM.~MK»•IMitN&com O.fly Pi\ot (USPS-144-800) i. a.J.oMtl•~ ,...ca... pubflehed dlllly. In Newpon a.ctt ........... Polltka. bullneea end enVlfonment and Com Mela, eubecrlpdonl ~ ~--,..,,.,, (141) 794-.mo w.ileble ontv by tublcrlbing '° The ,.,,,_,,. .... w.com pt1Ut.dlnfoll•i.t1maoom Timee Of'9nge County (IOO) ..._._ Lolll ...... 212-1141. In .... out9lde Of ~°" CoWmNEc. c:ulltl.n ...,orw, NMpcwt 8eed'I and COllllt Mell, tM l574427S eubeofpdof .. to the Delly Piiot _. IOl1ta,..,,_-•,..__oom ~ oftfy by""" c1 ... mell for A 1949 (]levy half-ton pickup that Stan Brown said took him and Bill more than three years, off and on, to build ls estimated to be worth more than SS0,000. MWhat the truck is worth and what we could realistically sell it for are two different lhings - we could never get out of it what we put Into it. The paint and bodywork alone cost more than S 12,000, • Bill Brown said. MThe only major problem with cars like this is that specialty inswance is required. as the cars cannot be replaced." Pictures of the firm's custom rods adorn the walls of their shop. "All the cars I design require prototype design skills -as each is li1erally one of a kind and can lake up to a year of full-time wort to crea1e, • Brown said. MJQ.21 .,._,,....._..~ofComn...oela holdn8 ........ Men:tl8ntl Se* Seminer eponlONd by .. ~ br8t'ld'I of Union Senk of Celtomla from 7:30 to •.30 a.m. et the Newpoft 8lldt Yldlt Club. The cmt to .a.net .. $115, whldtlnaludll a ~r..ul ~ Fof ,.. •rvllllaall. ... Ml 729-4CM). .... TMNa .. , .. ._.a......,.,c, u 111 .... holl lllN1 , ....... NMwo11c1no..., from 6 to 7 pa; ... RaJllV P911can, 2735 w. ea.. Highw9v ............ forchambef memblla. ... pollndal memben. A111Nllona..,'t requlrad. Fof mort ~oil(M)72M«>O. Copyright No newt 1tori&1, iflultrationa, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be air... . We'll go into this Issue in greater depth once I've exorcised a few more demons of adolescence. In the meantime, I've got !><>me-- more laundry to air. lf you think that most people don't care about perfect grammar, you're probably right. But the ones who do ca.re can be downright scary. lf you don't believe me, get a job at a newspaper. From time to time. we gel letten. from self-righteous language experts so vicious that they're actually funny. Case in point A reporter here received in the mail a copy of one of her own articles with an error circled. The anonymous handwritten commentary on the newsprint read: "Srupid you." Harsh, huh? £.specially when you consider that errors in newspapers are always a collaborative Oub (editors share the responsibility for preventing them), this reader's attack proves that I'd rather pepper my speech with "ain'ts" and "younguns· than use a Utde bit of granunar knowledge as an · excuse to abuse people. One of my favorite reader diatribes came years ago. after I'd wrinen a story about a farrier -a person who puts shoes on ho~ Perhaps it wasn't too clever of me to call him a "shoe-in· In a subheading of the article. but that wasn't the main gripe of the reader who wrote in. I actually got a postcard from a member of some grammar-enforcement society. I think the card was called a "no·no card." The reader lnfonned me that what I had meant to say was "shoo-in.· I wonder if she, no doubt a longtime expea on language. would approve of my use of the word: •duh!" • JUNE CASAGRANDE COVef"I Newport Be&eh IN.I John Wayne Airport. She may be reached et (949J 574-4232 or by e-mail It june.ca1111gr11nde@latlmes.com. SURF AND SUN reproduced without written permlnlon of copyright owner. WEATHER FORECAST stronger a1 night. The weveswill be 3 to 5 feet on e northwest sweU of 8 to 8 feet. HOW TO REACH US Clrwtetlon The Tlmes Orange County (800) 252·91'1 AdwftWl11 C'11 11f\ed (949)642·5678 °"'*Y (949) 642..:J21 EdltofW ..... (MS) 8'2-5680 8poftt (9'9)574-4223 N9wa '-• (MS) 648-<4170 lpof'9,.. (9'8) 8t5().0170 E..,_.. "-1typ11ot•l«lff'lft.COm --°"9e •1IRHI Olfllle (949) M2..:J21 ..... ,. (949) 831-7128 11\u The morning will have patchy low clouds and fog, but the rest of the dey will be mottty aunny. Hight will be t>etw.en 82 and 96 degrees. tt'll be motttv dear until after midnight. l.owt will be ~82and67. ~ www.nM..n<»a.(JtN BOATING FORECAST w.t wtndl wtl be b Ill ••n 6 and 16 mo.on the lnr* weters.,,,. _ .. be 2 feet on a W911 .... fl/ 2 to• . 1"tarda_.IWl8llof3...._ Thewfnda ..... ID 1011n°'8 °'lighter and become vlriatM ...., mklnlghC. and the W9W9 SURF .· TIDES n.e ...... ::=. -~~ ...... ChW, ~"'*"*' ,_~, • .=!.oom eo.. Meee ,.,..., , .. , PM221 *30 per montf\. (Pric91 lndude •ti Pu~ by T1mee Community ~--eftd ioc.t ...... , Ntwt. a di~ of the L09 Angel .. wilf become 1 '° 3 t..t on a wett IWell of• t..t and a eoutt\ Melof2telll ~ •. m. 10:2'a.m. 3:14 p.m. *2'7p.m. ........ ·1.'1 fMtlow UOt..thlgh 2.01 tMtlow ...... high -..... -.c * ~·~ .... Edllot. c..1-.. ~ ..... N9wt ... , ... IC. ..... , f1iM2ll .....,,...,. • ..,,,,_oom oor«.~•......._oom POSTMASTEA: Send~ nm.. cNngee 10 The Newipoft ~ MeM o.IVPllot. P.O. fJ2003 Tlmea CH. All right• lox 1&e01 Coeta ~ CA t2G8. rwer'l/Wd, ~-· -.. _ -••• '!' -... ~ -- ~out, there. be. .,,,... cntt acMeoty. Nofth1itlllt winda .. blow .. 1& to 21 llr'Otl. and _. "' a 11not1 • WATD JEMPERAnltE : \ .. COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON THE AGENDA Here are a few of the Items the commission will consider Monday. THEATER AND ARTS DISTRICT PLAN Staff bas been working with the affected landowners for several months to define and develop the Thearer and Arts District Plan. The involved parties are the Orange County Performing Arts Center, South Coast Repertory, ConunonWealth Partners and South Coast Plaza. The first draft was submitted in January. and the second draft in March. The plan contains elements such as public right-of-way improvements, private improvements and special events. WHAT TO EXPECT The plan has already been continued two times. The applicants have requested another continuance to Sept. 8 to complete the revisions to 1he draft plan. "I'm the one that inMigated the continuance on this in the first place · because I wasn't too happy with what was brought forward,· Olairman Bruce FYI •WHAT: Costa Meaa Planning Commlulon meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE.: Chy Hell, n Fair Drive • l~FORMATION: (714) 754-5245 Garlich said. ·All the parties agreed to go batl and work on this some more. There is no urgency on these two items. I haven't got any problems with them continuing and taking the time to get it done." ORANGE COAST COLLEGE SWAP MEET This is for the six-month review of the conditional use permit approval for OCCs Swap Meet to operate Saturdays and Sundays. WHAT TO EXPECT Applicant Doug Bennett, representing OCC. Is ask.Ing for more time to finalize the status report on the Traffic and Parking Management Plan prepared in conjunction with the project. So ~taff is requesting this item be continued to the Aug. 25 meeting. "I don't have a problem with tha1." Garlich said. "The college ls doing (the plan) themselves. I don't think they have a consultant doing thaL So we want them to be able to get that done as thorougbJy as possible with their own resources." MINOR DESIGN REVIEW The applicants, Brent and Cindy Jones, would like to expand the first story and add a second story to their home on West 19th Street. They are also aslclng for an exemption from parking . requirementA. This request requires commission review because the home is in a potential view preservation area. WHAT TO EXPECT Construction of the second Ooor will not interfere with polential views from the adjoining properties because the neighbors are at substantially the same grade level as the Jones' property, so any view potential is already obstructed. staff says. So staff recommends approval. "It's one of those thal, upon inspection, doesn't appear to be controversial," Garlich said. -Cnmpiled by Deirdre Newman BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS leave people feeling completely moved. spiritually comforted and soulfully renewed, temple officials said. The sessions are designed to be a source of com- fort for those struggJing with pain. illness. broken relation- ships and grief. The class is lis1ed as Digital Media Arts 181 in the fall sched- ule -classes mee1 in the Arts C~nter. rollment fees are $11 per unit. Fall classes begin Monday. Aug. 25. For more information. call (714) 432-5072 or go onJine and view the fall schedule al orangecoa.stcollege.com. Healing of the soul at Temple Bat Yahm Congregants and guesu. of lemple Bat Yahm are inv11ed 10 heal their souls on Friday eve- nmgs during intimale sel>Siorn, of life enrichments, officials said. Led by Rabbi Rayna Gevurt.7.. "llealing the Soul" will focus on issues of iUness, lo~. healing and restoration of inner wholeness through melody, psalms. prayer and meditation. Jewish healing servtces pro V1de a safe and intimate context in which prayer and me<l1tatlon SENIOR CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to m1ke.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. ONGOING Oelis Senior Cent.r holds • pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for c:tiildren. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del M ar. For more infonnation, call (949) 644-3244. Healing sessions will be held in the new Robert T. Morgan Oiapel at Temple Bat Yahm, I 011 Camelback St.. Newport Beach. For information. call (949) 644- 1999. OCC offers computer graphks course thi s fall A three-uni1 introductory course in computer graphics wiJJ be offered this fall by OCCs Digital Media Arts Department. c:tironically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Balcer St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free. but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. The Coin end St.mp Club rneeta from 1 to 3 p.m. M ondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading. buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these infonnal meetings. There are no tees required. (9491 644-3244. Registration 1s underway. Of- fice hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through fhursday. En- No nonsenM fitneu and weight loss is at: 370 8 E. 17th~C.osta Mesa In the Ralph'• ~"B c..nt.- 9A9.6A6. 89 .. na: ,.,,...,, Ftf: ~ SE10etJ>-1pm www .simplyshapelyfitness .com Monday, Auaust 11. 2003 A.a ,,,,,,,1, '. ,., ,. ,,, , ,,,,. \, .. , .. ,1 \I 'J "' .,f,11 \, .. ;" /1',/• / 1, '.,,,,,/ ~22 ~AU-Tri""" r. Frank Sinatra &ny M~ ti-r--., 6- Staks • Seafood • c.oatails ,.,, ff •.• ,,,,,,,,,". ( 1dl ('J't'>) ,,..,, .... ,,.,., , , •• , ..... 'llll ,,.. c .. , .... ,,.,., .. • ' ,. w I " 1111• • II. ·t" .. • "' l<RJSTIN M. Sous • Licensed Rea.I f.succ A2cnt • Speciali.zing in Newport Mesa Rmdmtiil Real Estau ERIC A. Sous, CFP \. ~ • 17 Years Experimcr • Suxks & &nJs • ~llJUai FunJs • Annuirm • &tau & Rnimnmt Planning • lnvatmmt Banking • Small MiJJ.k Market Compani~s • llH r Rn idt·ntial Markt·t Anah ,j, on rnur Home . . • I IU I S1 od,; \1arl,t·t Rnt·ard1 Rt."po rt 949--2.\-1 16 ... --11oo11r-....---·---------- --Baby Backs--- M And Iota of other Good Stu.fr ~ • BANQUETS • CATERING TAKE-OUT • DElNER'I' • Also feolvr!O<J Bk>ck Angus SleOks chlc:ken. P!1me l!lt>. fresh Fist\ soodwlches ood solods • Cocktal Lounge • 8onquets up lo 100 • Tobleside Mot;JIK. Sunday eve • Worm & c:omfOttotile Sooths • ReseNollOOS excepted • l(Jds Met'rus • Open al 4Qm, 12 noon on weeltends • Toke-Ou! 0110•loble ol!1:< 10 om "We have a lot of competition ... But our Ribs Don't" Women 50 Md older can Join • discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety. depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Balcer St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. • Stmi-Pri1111u for Mt,. & Wu1n The Br8ile lnstttut. offww free computer dasses to people with fading vision who have dtfficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mer, offers alx senlons. Call to sign up for cleaes. (714) 821·5000. The~ Meea Senior c.nw has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betly'a Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., eo.te Mesa. $6. (949) 648-3884. Jew6lh f9mly s.vlcie of a... County aponaora en ongoing heeling support group for the I I I 1174 ...... Aft., hlte P •COSTA BM I CA. UC. "20350 ( 888) MESA-777 I • CIC ........ 1 ... 1.1e111 .. 1 .... I L-------------------------~ • Ovu 80 Piuu of Et1'1ipmt111 • Pri1111u Pil111n St1Ulio •SPINNING Tht11ur with Nn11 S111u-oftht·Art Cycu s. • 16 Ft1/l-1;,,., Ptr101l11I Tr11i1tlrl • Chi/ti C11rt 811M-,.0011 M -Su. • Co1111t11inst P11rlti11t • Yot•· T11i Chi, Strttch Cw1n • Sup. Po111tr P""'/" C.rtli• • Showtr1, Su11m & Towels • D11y Sp11 • A"1/•11ctt1r,/M11n•x1!Clll Skesh Monahan's Sceakboase & IRisb Pab 8 Different Steaks fllus Our famout 16 OL ~ Chop lade for only $15.95 lntNe1 S.Or.d Ahi Steaks • Allontic Salmon Filets • New l.ealand Seo Bou Fish 'n Chips • Mahl·Mohi Sandwich · Appetizers . 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VHS TAPE WITII MUSIC AND 1WO COLOR PICIURES OF YOUR BABY other packages available, visit www.yourbabyscan.com 1901 Newport Plaza, Suite 265, Cost.a Mesa (across from Nike Town, corner of Newport Blvd and 19th St.) 949-515-0011 • 866-428-2229 Fax: 949-515-0022 &.mail: Newport@you.rbahyscan.com www.yourbabyscan.com PUBLIC SAFETY Swami of bees beats ·the heat · of bee are adll unknown, be sakl at Corona del Mar State Beach 0~i:!' =. f!i't: .!: ~ = Sgt. Burt Santee said. The 36-year-old man refused to stop and got on the San Diego Freeway heading southbound in- stead, he said. A swami of beet lnvllded Tower Three they left where they were awarmins ~ at Corona deJ Mar State Beach at about cause of the heat and must have just After a IO·minute pursuit over eight miles, the vehicle exited at MacArthur Boulevard and hit a tree, Santee said. The driver was trapped in his vehicle and had to be extracted, he said. 5:30 p.m. SUnday. tboulht It WU cooler by the beach." The bees did not attack or adng any people, but were disturbing enough tor Diver dead after police llfeglW'ds to call animal control, who had • t crash removed the bees by about 6: 15 p.m.. ltfe· pursw.., guard Grant Gold said. 1be bees nwn· A police punuit ended in a fatality bered In the tens of thauaanda, he said when a Coata Mesa.retldent lost control Police confirmed later that the vehi · cle had been reported stolen. he saJd. The man was transported to Western MedJcal Center, where he died &om his Injuries. Police are not releasing the name of the man, and the case is still under investigatJon, Santee said. "They we.re definitely bothersome end of a vehicle lllld struck a tree. scared a lot of people," Gold aafd A Costa Mesa police officer tried to • $ucb.. a situation la unusual. Gold said stop the driver at 12:•5 a.m. Sunday af. The reason for the occurrence and type ter observing several moving violations, 4:22 p.m. Ftidly. POLICE FILES, COSTA MESA • eong,... 8trMt: A man was arrested on suspicion of having a open container In a public park In the 700 blodt at 7:30 p.m. Friday. .. w.t 1teh 8'rMtlnd,,.._Awnu.: A men WM anested on aueplclon of po1111slng a dangerous weapon at 10:65 p.m. Saturday. • N9wport Bout.wrd: A pe\ty theft was reported In the 3300 blodt at 11 :50 p.m . Saturday. • Newport Bout.vard: A physical fight was reported in the 3000 blodc at 1:57 a.m. Sunday. • &at 11th S1rNt: A woman was arrested on suspicion of burglary In the 300 blodt at 3 p.m. Friday. •22nd llrMt Ind N9wpoft loutewrd: A man WM arrested on auaplcion of pretentlng a falte Identification to a police oftk:er at 8:16 p.m. Saturday. • Toptkle lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3900 blodc at 9:48 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • lNmont lane: A vehlcfe burglary was reported in the 4500 blodc at 2:18 p.m. Sunday. • Hllft»or Boulftwd: A woman waa alT8sted on suspicion of petty theft in the 1300 blodt at 11 p.m. Friday. • Joenn and M.p. atrMta: A man waa arrested on suspicion of Illegal vending at • Lalbpur Awnue: A water/sewer problem was reported in the 400 blodc at 6:16 a.m. Sunday. • w..t Coast Highwlly: A commercial burglary was reported in the 6200 blodc at 11 :26 p.m. Saturday. MARINER'S Continued from Al study. ~·re going to have to disa.w and negotiate with the folks down there," Cowicihnan Tud Ridge· way said "Long·term. the No. 1 Wue down there is paddng." Ridgeway has proposed build- ing a public parking suucture be- hind McOme's building. In addition · to the public im· provements, a handful of buSi- PARTY Continued from Al "I was exhausted, delirious,· Erin Hurray said, describing that day more than a year ago. Mark Hurray described his feeling as "controlled panic.• Just a month before. at 18 weeks, the couple bad~ the identical twins bad twin to twin transfusion syndrome, a disease of the placenta that causes a disproportionate transfer of blood. Hayden was getting too much blood, ovedoading his cardiovascular system. and William wasn't getting enough. Both babies were in danger. "The whole problem with the disease was we were not swe what tum it was going to take," Erin Hurray said. "They describe it like a tornado." Mm and Erin Hurray's intense research had already taken them to San Frandaco and 1lunpa, f1a. in search of a solution. On Monday, April 21, doctors said the babies had three da)'S left to live. It was Tuesday, and Wisconsin was their last hope. SKATE Continued from Al eyeing that site for an expansion. Consideration of that area ls ex- pected to come before the Paits and Recreation Commission later th.is month. Scheafer said his discussion 714·8'7·1561 ·-"' ness owners are expanding their busilfesses or fillin8 vacant store- fronts. However, several high-pro· file vacancies still nag. A plan to add two new restau- rants to replace Ayaia 101, which closed in January 2002, bas been shelved after dty inspectors said the building was in deplorable shape. Fonner locations for the Win· dowa on the Bay and Cllill's res- taurants. which are on opposite en<k of the sttip, have been va- cant for several years. Councilman Don Webb. whose At 6:30 a.m. the next day, plaoental laser surgery was performed at St. Joseph Regional Medic.al c.enter in Milwaukee by Julian De Ua. a pioneer in the field. The twins and their mother survived. "When Erin and Malt came to see me. they were suffering, and their babies were sutfering. • De Ua said. "We changed the course of events for them. which was very satisfying." 1Win to twin transfusion syndrome occurs in about one out of 1,000 pregnancies, De Ua said WDliam and Hayden's case was one of the most severe. Not all cases require surgery-if the condition develops lat.e in the pregnancy, for example, they can su.rviYe through to birth. While 1uer surgery ls successful in saving at least one twin 909li of the time, abortion bas become an easy solution in dealing with such complications, De Uasaid. ''Not all couples elect to ftgbt the 8gbt," be said. "So long u the bab6es are still alive. oo matter bow lick, we have a chance of saving them.• The twins were born Aug. 5 in Hoag Hospital. weighing more with the skate park advocates was Independent of this altema· live site. "We're going to look at the parka we looked at years ago and see if any of thoee wort and take a look at aome ocher sites," Scbeafer said. empbwrtng th4t the city is looking for the place where a put would ftt best. Gray aaid they discussed five ALLOWED Continued from Al district incudes Mariner's Mile. isn't aJanned by the vacancies or aging buildings there. "The infrastructure is in pretty good shape," Webb said. "How· eve:r. the appearance of Mariner's Mile could use some sprucing up.~ ~rhaps more promising. two vacancies are in line to be filled. Sterling BMW has purchased two adjacent parcels. one of which was once the home of the gar- ishly designed Auto Bistro, for a used-car center. "\4k don't expect to build be· than five pounds each. William bad a ruptured lung that was unrelated to the clJsease, but he was fine after some time spent In intensive care. Their continual health in the last year means they are probably not at risk for cerebral palsy. The disease bas a higher occurrence in twins, particularly in cases of twin to twin transfusion syndrome. ·1..ooking back at everything you've been through and knowing one or both of them might not make it, it is indescribable bow you feel," Malt Hurray said. The twins' big smiles on Sunday showed no sign of the trauma they had been through. Many of the guests still did not widerstand the disease. ·n was a miracle." is how most people simply descnbed it For many, the story was one of hope and inspiration. Some women in F.iin Hurrays situation would have accepted the doctors' recommendations to terminate the pregnancy, they said "I think it is difficult to act against medical advice," friend Ouista Francis said •it gives you faith In (the Hunays) and falth or six different plots of land, but that officials kept mum on the actual locations, leaving him and fellow skate park enthusiast Paul Scbm1tt in suspense. Gray said he would have liked to know more. "I wish we were a little more lmotved ln where they're work- lngat." Gray said "All we can do .la say, 'Yes, it would flt into a clerk and the council members. Really, it's the best thing for everyone. fore the beginning of next year," said Jolm Belanger, Sterling's gen· eral manager. Mlt's going to be a pre·O\VOed department" lmercontinenral Hotels Group has also annowiced plans to con· vert the former Newport Oasmc Inn into a 54-room Holiday Inn Express. The hotel is expected to o pen later this summer, • MUI. CUNTON covers the environment. business and palitics, He may be readled at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at pau/.clinton@latimes.com. that they knew all along. ... They beat the odds more than winning the $60 million lottery. The couple was an example of strength and courage. said friend Linda Siegel of Costa Mesa. .. , think she opened a lot of doors for a lot of women.• she said "She wasn't afraid to get out there and try new things.. That's impressive." Grandmother Pat Hurray, 60, of Balboa Island. said sbe was proud of Marlc and Erin's determination. "They were going to do everything they possibly couJd. there was no doubt about it.· she said "They were just real strong together and they were going to fight all the way.• Friend Karol Hatch of Newport Beach said she has made it her mission to tell Mark and Erin Hurrays story to anyone who will listen. Many mothers lose their babies, unaware of the po~ibllities that are out there for saving them, she said. With the spread of information, she said she hopes it will reach other couples in need. "It's a good story with a happy ending," she said. Mlt's a good story to tell.• (certain size) Jot,' but wf!re not sure if it will affect the neigh· bors.~ Gray said skate park advocates would continue to fight for the site at TeWtnkle Park, as well. • D£fRDRE NEWMAN covert Costa Mesa end may be readied at (949) 574-4221 or by e-meil at deirdre.newman@latlmes.com. at the council like loose cannons. "We were like little watchdogs." Smith said. The three of them would speak from time to time. # • ... #~ ? We Come To You (Activism everywhere, please take notes. If you miaaed it, here It ta again.) Mayor Steve Bromberg tipped his hat to the attentive trio at the first council meeting after eaatem Santa Ana Heights had omcially become part of the city. lbe three sat in their usual tpot, all Wearing matching blue Newport Beach sweatshirts. Maybe a han~ ln a year and _ a half, but usually about things other than annexation. Now "They knew what we wanted and they knew why we were there. There wu no uae wasting their time," Hester aaid. Abhh ... mualc to fNerf dty ball reporter's ean. And the city H•tet Smith and Helnlng aaid they met with city otficfals on private time, auccinctly outlined their goala and concerna and effecd.ely communicated their requat. Tbe c:omlatent appearancea at City HID wen Juat a aOent nmlnd9r of how aerioua they were. ·11cnow It eeema kind of •illy, but it Mimed. to aerve a purpoee." Smith Mid. •we ce=leuned a lot. n In the 1ut 60 days, with the wbolt Nlchola thing." (Note: Par ... of you who ................... red, a.., ... Diet Nldaoll .... _ ............ .. ......... Corona .. .............. ) ........... tdo-who ......... .,...._. .... ...... ,,. __ ..._ .................. that they are full·Oedged residents, they can saunter up to that podium any time and give their two cents about their falr city. But don't expect them to be at every meeting. "The three of us have talked about It and we are not going to be at every single meeting, • .• • but we will pop in at some times. .. Smith Mid. . ~ ... Heater doubtl ahe'U ewr be · , : at the podium, ahrleking a squeaky tune. •t really love Newport • .. .. ., . • i Beach." Hester aaid . "Jrt a beautilul city, and t lib the way_• ; it la run. I hate to hear lnaulta " , 1 about II became J know (the COUl)dJ IHmbenJ ue lrJlnl_ 1 -• baw t8lbd to diem penonany. · .... ....,...., ...... lotof ! ~· " .•1 • LOU1a llll& ·--oolu~ .... Moncl9rl. Wed• lldlYI end FrtcllYI and.,.,..~ encl ..... ....... ..., .......... ,.., .,....,. •llr.-tMN • ................. Jl\ ' .. .... ~.----....,.._,,..----:"'"'-:-:---=--.,,.---.,.--:--:-....,...,--=---;--:-....,.-,----=--;;---- ------- ---------- · .. QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's about rime I won this thing." AdMI -...... Costa Mesa City Championship winner Daily Pilot Spotts Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 TENNIS EYEOPENER • IAiJy~Piklt • Sporu IW olPUM (~ w. nt(lloou-11 Aujl/St 1 7 hofJO< ee DONBEATIY Monday, August 11 . 2003 M Yelsey qualifies for the U.S. Open doubles draw Recent Corona del Mar High graduate wins the girls 18s national doubles title to qu~ify for the grand slam tournament. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot 1\vo months after graduating from Corona del Mar High, Anne Yelsey has qualified for the U.S. Open doubles competition. Bound for Stanford in September, Yel- sey will first take a trip to New York with ber doubles partner Riza Zalameda of Los Angeles. They received a wild-card entry into the U.S. Open by ~g the girls 18s Super National Hard Courts championships in San Jose on Satw'day. It was the fifth national title for Yelsey and Zalamed a in three years of playing together. In addition 10 the main draw of the doubles competition, Yelsey and Zala- meda will also compete in the singles and doubles in the U.S. Junior Open, which takes place during the second week of the U.S. Open. But the real prize is competing in the main draw. Yelsey's opponent is yet to be determined, but she can breath a sigh of relief that it won't be Serena and Venus Williams, since Serena has pulled out of the tournament because of injury. "Hopefully we get a good first round draw fo r us,H Yelsey said. HWe haven't played anything of su ch importance be- fore." · Yelsey and Zalameda won six matches in San Jose to capture their latest title. They lost just one set overall, a 6-1 de- feat in the second set of the third round, but bounced back with a 6-1 victory in the third set of that match. Yelsey and Zalameda then defeated Preethis Mukundan of Folsom and Monica Wiesener of Calabasas, 6-3, 6-4, in the quarterfinals. ln the semifinals, the eventual champions came up with a 6-1, 6-4 victory over Catrina and Otris- tian Thompson of Las Vegas. The finals were a clash of styles against Lindsey Nelson of Orange and Jessica Nguyen of Chatsworth. GOLF Three's a crowd Adam Marshall, 36, wins three-way, sudden-death playoff to take home Costa Mesa cham- pionship. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -To say Adam Marshall proved to be opportunistic would not completely describe his victory Sunday on the Los Lagos course at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Q ub. Yet. he did come up with a birdie at the right time to win a three-way, sudden-death playoff at the 31st annual Costa Mesa O ty Championsrup. Mike Lavery watches his shot sail to the green on the 16th hole Sunday. Marshall, who did not birdie a par-5 hole in Sunday's final round, did so on the first playoff hole to win the championship over Torey Edwards and Milce Lavery, a former UC Irvine standou t. Marshall also ran into some good fortune in the playoff, which came after the three golfers finished at 7 -under par of the rwo-day, 36-hole tournament.. F.dwards was eliminated from contention when his second shot could not be found He thought the ball got stuck in a tree and was forced to replay the shot and add a penalty stroke. Lavery's third shot on the hole, a chip shot. didn't release upon hitting the green, leaving him with more than a 15-foot pun that missed wide. He finished as the runner-up for the second "My doubles partner and I. we Jove to volley.· Yelsey said. "lbe girls we were playing were ground strokers. My coach always says, two volleyers will always beat two ground strokers.• But it was tight in the first set ~d Yel- sey and Zalameda actually trailed 5-3 before sending it to a tiebreaker. "We just played solidJy," Yelsey said. "We were down 5-3, but just down one break. We held service and then broke to make it 5-5. We played a really solid game." Yelsey and Zalarneda won the t:ie- b~aker, 7-5, then took a big lead in the second set. But the duo had a hard time closing out their opponents. With a 5-2 lead in the set and Yelsey serving, it cook eight straight year. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Marshall completed a ho-hum birdie, driving Adam Marshall raises his fist after winning a sudden-death playoff for the Costa Mesa City SM GOLF, Paie AS Championship at the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club on Sunday with a birdie on the par-5 18th. SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Andrew Dossett Still sailing at 75, the Newport Beach resident ventured to }{Jwail by himself and enjoyed It. lteY•Vlraen DallyPtlot match points to close out the champi- onship. "Cosing out something this big, that has so many rewards. is going to be a lot of p ressure," YeJsey said. ~After missing seven match points our goal was just to keep it in." Yelsey did just that with a deep volley and her opponents returned it into the net to give Yelsey and Zalameda the tide and entrance into one of the four grand slam tournaments. The U.S. open begins Aug. 25 and runs until Sept 7. Yelsey will not begin classes at Stanford until Sept 17. But even if classes started earlier, it wouldn't have caused much of a conflict. "I wouldn't have let it conflict," Yelsey said. ''I'd be in New York." · OUTDOORS Marlin pop up all around Gitalina Island by Jim Niemiec M arlin fishing kicked into high gear over the weekend with many hookups reponed by private yachts fishing mid-channel waters. Even though water temperarures are still a b11 on the cool side and there has been a small craft advisory in effect for most of the week. marlin decided to get into a feeding mood. Rosie Cadman, who operates the cafe/fresh seafood stand and iS weigh master on the end of the Avalon Pier, reported that sniped martin were showing up all around the LSland. "Look:. like the lhh are he~. boats are calling in with lots ol hookupi. and released fu.h," Cadman saJd. "Everythmg just exploded on Saturday to kick off what could end up being a pretty good billfish season. We are looking at 71.1 degree water right outside the harbor and that's probably why the marlin fishing got so good." Rob Stewan of Corona del Mar hooked into a marlin four miles off Pyramid Point, while fishing on board the Acacia with Sean Holden at the helm. It took Steward nearly two hours to bring the fish to the stem of the boat to be gaffed and the marlin weighed 157 pounds when hoisted on the Avalon scale. Bob Siemer of Carlsbad hooked into a 114 pound suiper while fishing on the yacht Reel Crazy with Captain Todd Sherman at the wheel. Siemer's fish was hooked 5 miles off the west end of Catalina lsland Among those 'releasing marlin on Saturday was Balboa Angling Qub member George Rostron on the boat Sea Mistress captained by Cordie Roston. According to Cadman many Ava.Jon Tuna Qub members were out fishing for marlin in hopes of catching their button fish for the season. Conditions continue to improve in.the channel as wanner water is bringing up marlin from off Baja California There appears to be a lot of bait based on information being passed on by boaters trolling over high spots in the channel and all arotmd Catalina and San Qemente Islands. I L .. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAJLY PILOT Spectators line up to watch Adam Marshall compete in a three-way sudden-death playoff during the Costa Mesa City Championship. GOLF Continued from A5 down the middle of the fairway, reaching the greenside in two and then chipping inside of 10 feet on his third shot. When he made the pun. the titJe was his. For the past six years, Marshall has been playing in the tournament. and despite a double-bogey on the 14th, he believed he wouJd not be denied. "It's about time f won this thing." Marshall !Ml.id with a smile shortly after sinking the winning 10-foot putt He then paused and looked at the course. "The course is gecting better every year.· he said. Marshall. who lives in La Quinta near Palm ~prings. worts for outs.ide services at the Desert Fall'> Cowury O ub in Palm Desert, so he shouJd know a thing or two about courses. I le also knows a bit about the Los Lagos course. His grandfather-in-law and caddy, Ted Doria. lives near the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub. Doria, who owns a local piz.za parlor, is also one of the main reasons Marshall plays at the Costa Mesa tournament. "I told him that he couJd win it and I knew he wouJd, • Doria said. Edwards and Lavery each had a chance to win the tournament before the playoff. Edwards, who birdied holes seven through 10. missed a two-foot putt on the 18th that was for birdie and wouJd have given him the victory. But he showed more remorse over his shot that was lost in the playoff. ul got a bad break at the wrong time." said Edwards. who will be a senior at Long Beach State in the fall and has played against Lavery before. "I thought I played well. but I just caught a bad break.." Mike Lavery tries to will his ball to the hole during a sudden-death playoff. Lavery, wbo was the only one of the three to not card a bogey in the final round, just missed an eight-foot putt on the par-5 18th that was also for birdie. "[Marshall) made a good putt (in the playofJl ." Lavery said. "We lcind of left the door open and he stepped up to that last pun and rammed it in the heart.· Marshall blrdied holes three, seven and eight on the front. He stayed at 7-under until the par-5 14th. which he double bogeyed. But he quickly overcame the error with two straight birdies and he shot par on the final LEADER BOARD Championship Flight *Adam Menheat 8&69 ·--·-135 Mike Lavery~ -··········-'"-135 TonsvEdt!Mdl81M57 ---135 WUITipeonM-73 -·----.137 Mike Fox .. 73 ...... -............... _. 139 BniU Lederer .. 73 -----· 139 Rick Noa.\ 83-'11 ----·--· 139 Adam Pwdce•70 •. _ ................ 139 Eric~--73 --··-·-139 J.O. St9emaff1-73 -·-··~---· 140 two holes. setting up the three-way playoff. Will Tipton, who shot an opening-round 64 Saturday, finished fourth after a 6nal-round 73. The Big Canyon Country Oub member and Jones Cup champion missed the playoff by two strokes. ruck Nolan entered Sunday as the leader after shooting a 63 Saturday. but he finished tied for fifth after a final-round 76. Nolan entered the fina1 round with a three~sh.ot lead over Marshall. a four-shot advantage of Lavery and a five-shot head start on Edwards. But the latter three golfers were the only ones to break 70 on the 6.542-yard, par-72 Los Lagos course. Jeff Coburn. a fonner teammate of Lavery at UCI. finished in a tie for 11th with a 74 in tbe final round, while Jake Allanach. who competed for Orange Coast College's golf team, finished 13th after he shot a 70 Sunday. DOSSETT Continued from A5 always wanted to do it," Dossett said. "After I did it, f called him and told hjm." graduating. he started a business and helped introduce inflatable boats ln 1960. trophy as soon as he became 75 in January. After all, he had been thinking about making the trip since he was 35. ·About 40 years ago. my friend who is a mentor for me. Bill L.amberg, sailed to Hawaii and f Dossett was introduced to sailing in his childhood and when he was 16, his uncle, Al Barbee. wouJd take him on trips. Ever since. Dossett has always had a love for the ocean. Dossett. originally from Beverty Hills, went to USC where he studied foreign trade. After Jn 1976, he and his family made their first nip to Hawaii, on the same boat Dossett used this summer. Dossett and his wife, Corinne, saw their children PauJ, Ben, Andrea and John grow up on that boat, the Bonnie Doone, wttich is also considered a member of the t'amlly. Now, Andrew and Corinne have six grandchildren and they travel on the boat. too. ln the winter, Dossett and his wife will sail to Mexico and stay there for a few months. The Dossetts have been married for 33 years and since Andrew's retirement ln 1984 the two have been sailing to various parts of the world, including Japan, the Panama Canal, Scandinavia. lreland and many c.artbbean islands. While Dossett sailed to Hawail, he missed his wife and his family, but for the most part he was at peace. "I never been by myself for more than three days." Dossett said. "I had no Idea what It was going tt> be like. But. It didn't KENT TREPTOW I DAJL Y PILOT Andrew Dossett spends much of his time sailing his boat, the Bonnie Doone. seem to fau m e at all. It wasn't particularly unJque belng by myself. I just felt comfortable. "lbere are people who say, 'don't you get bored?' But there's always something to do whe n you are sailing. I was glad that f did It and I wouJdn't mind doing it again." . ··-----'491'------ llfl1ll Daily~ Pilot Ill SpoN Hall of F~e Celebrating the millennium JEFF CLARK Corona del Mar The former Sea King standout cherished days with CdM and then the UCLA Bruins. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot W hen Jeff Oarlc was a child he wasn't allowed to play football So when he went to high school he was aching to play the game. At Corona del Mar I ligh, Qark discovered the reason why he wanted to play football <>o much. He found his passion and his niche when he became a wide receiver. I le also found motivation. which helped him to become a wallc-on at UCIA "By the time I got to high school I was so breakout-type season for the Pittsburgh Steelers last year. "I was fired up for him,· Oark said. "We used to tease him that he had the golden touch back in college. He was drafted in the first round out of college and here he is back 10 years later in the spotlight. He won the ESPY award for Comeback Player or the Year and he's coming back this year. I !is face seems to be all over thelV." While with the Bruins, Oark took advantage of the college experience. Just as he did at CdM, he cherished each anxious to play." Oarlc said. "That made every game that much more imponant. I really enjoyed football." .-------. and every practice and game he had at UCLA. "At UCLA it was pretty unbelievable." Oark said. "You can't really Oark. who graduated from CdM in 1989, ~id his highlight!> in footbalJ when he was with the Sea Kings include winning the CU· '--"<->------~ appreciate what it's Hice with Jeff Clark l 00,000 people yelJing. It's pretty Southern Section Oiv1<;ion VI title in hi-. junior season. "Ille following year. Oark endured le.nee and ankle injuries. which made hjs quest to play on the NCAA Division I level that more daunting. But Oark seemed destin ed to play college football and he accomplished that goal when he played for UCLA. NI grew up listening to my dad of his days playing at San Diego State and having the rull college experience.N Qark said. NI had offers from smaJJer schools and I considered those but I felt that I wouJd miSil something if I didn't go to a bigger college. Plus. I had a younger brother who was still playing at CdM and I wanted to watch him. Being at UCLA gave me the best all-around package." While Oark played for the Bruins he was a 5-foot-11, 180-pound receiver who couJd run the 40 in 4.5 seconds. I le caught passes from quarterback Tommy Maddox. The two still keep in touch these days. Om said he was deHghted to see his friend's comeback. impressive. It's deafening.· Oarlc also excelled in basketball at CdM. He still plays when he can because he also has a love for that sport as well. Among his highlights as a Sea King were playing m the CIF ftnals at the Los Angeles Sporn. Arena. Oarlc also enjoyed helping the Sea Kings to victory when they defeated host Inglewood in the semifinals. The experience. along with his success ln football, helped him reach his goals while at UCLA His determination also aided him ln becoming a walk-on for the Bruins. "The bottom line was that I lived my entire lite playing spon.s and I wasn't ready to give up," Om said of becoming a part of UCLA football. "Sports were such an lnOuence for me for so long. I didn't think it was done. That coupled with the fact that f believed I could do It. f felt like f couJd compete.• Oarlc. 32, who lives in Costa Mesa and works for a business consuJting firm. is the latest honoree of the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame. r p • .. ( a~:t---,_ AUTHORIZED s 3000 c;fJ .... ., .. FOR &0 __ '!: CLEARANCE . 1Yewl'l>1 Pocus Oearance M.S.R.P.: • .,4.1«1 KGDiloount ·f146 S..Prlot: ........ Ford~ a ............. =: --n, • Y-1'6ou ..... .._ __ -·----._ • /'few 111.l p I ao XLT Slll'MCll£tr A y+MMM ~'18975 Subjeet to condition' PfeKrlbed b)' tn. Unlvenlty of C1llfMn11, Irvine. n•lld bkts lo• • lump wm contrect ,,. Invited for the followlna Work· MISA CCMMT A<CfH aOAD NOJICT NO. ffH 11 UNIV£RStlY Of CALIFORNIA ttMNE lfMNE, CALIFORNIA 0.1tlne11, KIMdUled fM'4.00 PM, MOMOAY, AIMMliT ••• 2001 hu been deteued to t.00 rM, WllNHSOAY, AU.UST 27, 2001 DISCa•TIOM Of Y(OU1 , l'fojtct 111cludH demohllon of ulstln& •'l>ll•lt p1vement; site c1 .. r111a lncludlna remov1t of four u11t111a tfnl, remov1I 111d disposal ot 1 .. p1nsive • soil, •"190't and compacllO<l of non ur•nslv1 subbue imleri1t. lnslall•lton ot 1 drain•&• aystem, placement o base m•l•lll; plac111Mnt of plain ' arty, •einforced. medium broom hn1shed concnt1 m •ti areas: 1nst1tl1lio11 1 of 1 new lrriaatlon system to support th• new trees: pl1nt1na of new ttHs: 1d1ustment of u11hn1 around cover. lrr1aatton end dtalnaae, and lnst1lt1llon ot slit t11htin1. Estimated Conahuchon Cost $120,000.00 PlOCIDUIUS1 81ddin1 documents will be 1v1lt1bte at 9.00 AM, '''"°"' Aottwt I, 1 200S. and will be Ii.sued only at: <-•-"441te4 le,r..,_..ca, lotc. 3182 Pullm1n Strett, Coste Mesa, CA 92626 Phone No (714) 751·2680 Attention: Mohammed Rehm1n or Soffl1 Acut NOTlr It 1~ the sole responslblltty ot Pflml contnctMs and subcont111ctors tu re111ter with Consolld•lld Reproaraphtes, Inc. or Oeslcn ' Conslluchon : Servlcu, Un1vers1ty of C11tfornla, Irvine, to ecknowteda• tec:e1pt of th• , B1ddlna Oocumenb fM thl Pro141ct. 0-Pre-aid c-•.,-• _.. Prefect Site Ytatt w1tt be conducted on • ........,. A..,at 11, 200S, be11nnm1 promptly et trJO PM. A aectftlll Pre-I~ <-•--• _.. Pref-<1 Site Yl•lt will be conducted on T-4ey, A1tp1I "· 200S. be11nnlnc prompUy at 10.lO AM. AOINDANCI AT ONI O' THI TWO Pll-alD CONfHINCIS AND PaOJICT SITI YtilTS 1 IS MAMDATOlY fOl AU NJMI CONTlACTOlS. Partw:.1,,.nts \hell mHt et On11n & Con,ttucllon S.r.,,1ces, Un1vers1ty of Callforn1e. Irvine 5201 Cal1forn11 Avenue, Su1t1 250 Suthv.n & W•1&hl Conference Rooms Irvine, CA 92697·2450 (949) 824 6630 (Coiner of Cehforn1a Avenue and Bison Avenue) Only PreQuehfoed Blddet,, who p11tteipete 1n one of the Pre·Bld • Conferences end Pto11<t Site Visits, 1n the1t entorety, will be allowed to btd on the P•ojecl Perhc op1nts must 11r1ve et or before the des1cneted , hme The ••••"'9 w• k c:teu..i .. l1JS PM .. --...y, ~· 11, 2003, -4 et IOiJS AM -T-.4ey, ._., It, 2001.,..,., C-tredtr'S tHTIVlftl efter ttte.e ••-• wll _, \. ....... t• t.14 .. prt- •-trecten 9ft tlM Pr ... <t. for further tnfofmehon, contect Scott Moulton et (949) 824-1!>21. 11 Oes11n & Con,l•ucl10n S.rvicn. Un1vets1ly of Cal1fornt1. Irvine llde wlN ... received ...ly eh Bid Bo ... front Counlet OESICN & CO NSTRUCTION S[RVICES. University of Cellfo•nt•. lrnne 5201 Cal1lorn1• Avenue, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 9:?697 2450 Ph1m1 No (949) 824·6630 1141 IOUltl ... rt<t1Ye4 -er ltefere 2.00 PM, We ... •Ny, AU9'"f 27, 200S. Ilda wlll lte .,.._4 ot 2rOS PM, W ...... eNy, "-' 27, 2001, ot1 0[ SIGN & CONSTRUC !ION SERVICES. University of Cahfotn11. Ir vone 5201 Cal1lorn1a Avenue, Suite 250, l•vone, CA 92697 2450 Bid Secunty in the 1mount of 10'1. of the lump sum base bid, uclud1nc •lternllt s, shalt .ccompany each bid The \Urety 1ssuin11 the Bid Bond shall b~ on lh• bid deadline an admitted surety insure• (as defined m the Cehlo1111a Code of CIVIi Proudute Sect ton m 120) Alt 1Mur •n•e pohc1es reQu.,ed to be obl•tned by Conlr•ctor sh•lt be sub1ecl to Approval by Untnf\tty tor form and subslance AH policies 1equued by Uni•er\lly lot Commercial form General L1ab1llt1, Busmen Automobile L1ab1hty. [Hen l ieb1l1ty. and Profeuionat L1ab1hty shalt be 1nued by compen1es with a But Ratinc ot A Of better. •nd ' hnanc"I dus1l"•l10n of VIII O• better (or •n eQu1v.lent r•hnc by St•nd11d end Poor \ or Moody \I All pottetes requ1ted by Un1ven1ty I<>< Workers r ompen\AhOn •nd Employers L1ab1hty shall be 1nued by companies (t) thal h .. e " llul Retina ot B• or belltr and 1 f1nancrat clau1hceho11 of VIII or better (or an equ1v•lent •atinc by Sl•ndard •nd Poor s Of Moody \I or (11) lh•I a•e acceptable to the Un1•en1ty All such policies \hall bt • .,,lien lo• not leu than the •mounts spec1hed 1n the B•dd1n1 00(.umenh lhe succeutul Bidder and 1h subcont11ctors will be •eQu1 .. d to follow the nondtscrtmtnalion tequ111menh ul forth 1n the B1ddtnl Oocumenh end to pay preva1hn1 weae tales et the tocatton of the Wot1'. lht sutteulul 81ddu wilt be reQulfed to have I~ follow1nc Celltorn1• <Urlh •Uor 'hun\e CuHent at the time of the Bid ~nine UClNSl CU.SSln<ATION1 (,~,..,•I ( n11n~ttron1 Co111t Kio• Of GPner•I Buoldme Contractor UC(NSI CODL A O• B Ill{ RI er NTS Ot Iii( UNIV( RSll y or CALIFORNIA Un1ve1 \1ty of C1l1lot111a Irvine Aucust 2003 Publtshed New I Beach Custa Mesa Oa~ Pilot Au ust 11. 18. 2003 M780 Jndex SERVICE DIRECTORY -For All Your Home and Business Needs - l 1,L ! 1 ..... I I )1• 11 \ I r 1 I Catt 11stt11t10 ttt too II tlwu rtpairjobs oroMtul tltt ltotJst ~ ut tltt Ct.nifitd Stf'fitt Dirutory ltt/p !OM/ittd rlliablt lttl . ISCJWI •motPmllOI lOMMIUB ISlATIOf: 5IBI .. WI.SOii tbSIBJIWW&l WI.SOii wa•.A.%2047' 1 o alt heirs, benel1 etaroes eteditors. con· tmeenl cred1ton. •nd petsons who mar oth erw1u be inte• osted •n the will or ntllle. or both, of GIL8£RT M WILSON aka GILBERT MAXWfll WILSON A PETITION fOR PRO BATE has been filed by [LEANOR E. WILSON 1n th~ Superoor Court of Cahlorn1a. County of ORANGf llil Pl 11 llON F'OR PR08A IE •equests El[ANOR E WILSON be •PP01nted •s penonal t ~pr tt.ental••e to ad· m1n1ster the estate ot th• decedent THE PE TtrlON requests lhe dtLedenl's Will and codicils 11 any be odm1tted to probllte The Wilt and any 'odic1ls ere av•1lable tor e umtna· llnn m lh~ lole kepi by lht •<>Uri THE PC TlllON tequesh ttulhonty to ttdrn1m~tet lh• est•I~ under the lnd•p1:ndenl Adm1n1s· ha lion ot E sl•les Act r fh1•. Authortly will allow lht pel\onel •epr esen· IAlove lfJ t•~e many •cl1on, w1thoul obl•1n 111g f n url approval H•fn1 • lakint certain Y••r 1mporlanl ~l11011s huw•ver the pet sun•I tej)rl'\l'nlaltvP wtll bt 1 ~quu ed lo il¥t nultt• if, 111lfff·\tf'd ptrisons unit•\\ lhey have wa1•ed uoht "' nr con~ented to th• P"lP11\f'd •<lion) The 11H!tpen<1enl ad min1\hal1on authortly will hr w• .. nled unltss dn in1t'te\led per'\.on 111•• an ob1"r hnn lo the 1.1•lll1n11 and 'how' good • dU\• why Ille court \hr,uld not ltfdnl lhe dulh•n1ty A HEARING un lht 1.1•t111nn will bt htld on 'if PllMBIR 4 ?003 al I 4'; p m on O•pl Lil l•n Aird At 341 lne City Ori•• S•1ulh O• an11e CA '121lb8 If YOU OBJECT tu lh• it,.nt•no\ of th• pt'l1hon you \h<>uld aPVHt <ti the ht'dl 1n~ an.i \I 11< yuu1 Ubtf"t ltOO\ W f1I('. Wfltl!O 1Jbtt'<l10n\ w1tl1 the court b~lore the h••rin2 You1 •CJPf'-tr •rlC r rnd'Y bt' m p e1 '"n c11 b y your .Hf cu H~y II YOU ARI A lRE 01 f()H ur «1nl111g•nl v•d1tm uf lht: det tned y<>u ITIU\I lilt' yOUI tl••m with lh• 'our I 3nd mail a c opx to the per w nal teprnentat1v1 epPOrnted by the court w1th1n four months from the date of the tint issuance ol kilters n PfO•lded In Probate Code H cllon 9100. The ltme for hhn& cle1ms w1tt not uptre before lour months ttorn the he1lrtn1 date notteed 1bove. YOU MAY EXAMINE the flkl ke.pl by the cour I If you 111 • p11wn 1n teruted ht the utate you m•r file with th• cou•I • Requnt lo• Special Nottee (lo•m Ol 15-4) of the flt1nc of an Inventory 111d app1 e1ut ot '''''' nHt.s. or ot any peltho,,. or account :n provided 1n Probate Code uctlon 1250 A Request lo• Special Notice lotm " av•ilable from the court clet 1'. A"-r ..... p ......... ,. Mld11e Y. Volllfter, h._. (CS91 OS47SS) SOJOC-.pvsDr. N••pert leach, CA 92660-2120 Published Newµo, t Beach-Costa Me-.l D•1ly Pilot Aueust ~ 11 l2 1003 1M096 ISC13316 ll011CI TO CIDlfTOIS Of Tll WMA J. SHOil lffl REVOCAIU 11USl DA Tm DKHWll, lffl, rtQUHled HAAMY l wtsrovn. Caq . W(S TOvCR & WlSTOvER. 901 Dovtf Dftve, Suri• 120, New l*t Beach CA 92660 P11blt1h•d Newpott Stach Coste Mesa Oe1t1 Piiot Auau11 !,, 11. 12. 2003 fM098 ........... ... s...... I he followtna ptnonl are dotna bu11neu as r ant1sy Kid\ 401 Newpo• I C111ter 011ve 1150, NewpcHI Beach C;ohlo11114 92660 6onen Ce bay, 1280 B1wn Ave Ste IB9 249, -Newport Beach, C•h fo1n11 9?660 I ht\ bu,1nu' rs con duded by an lndlv1dual fhv~ you \larted do1n11 bu,.neu yeP Yu //'lfi/Ol . W(>1,en Gabay lhl\ \l•l~nitnl was filed with the County l.lerk Of Or•n&e County (>n 07/29 OJ 200S.9SS 13' Oailt Pilot Aueust 4 11 18 ?5 200) Ml79 MOTICI Of APf'W OOll TO SIU AlCOltOUC IMIAGfS Dttttf~ ...... My?J,2003 Iv Who m 11 M•y ASAMDIDO> IAIOl 13, 2003 WUA220442 Sl'9IOI COlll OfWIOlllA I ( ""' "' n I h• Nameht 1f the Apphc •nt(\I t\, ••t lAHGI f CORPORA ll(JN COUMTYOfOWGl I he o1ppht•nl\ hUrd .1bto•e •• • •1.11Jly1ne to lh1 D•IJ•I tmenl u l Al• n hto ltt Bever •e• ' 11ntrn1 lr1 ,,.11 al,ohtlhf Nohce I\ hereloy ~·v•n h••••a&r\ at JOJO to the u ed1f1,1• .1n•I HARBOR Bl 1/0 '>TE A continiient •11•d1l111 \ .. 1 I OS I A ME loA CA 92626 the allu11c n••n•tl ~r11· lyp• nl lit~n\tl\I dent th.11 •II p•1 •.t111" I AIJIJht d lu1 20 OF f havin& t la1m' ·~•1MI Siil ! Bl! H l\Nll WINl the drttd~nt "'" r• Puhl1\h•t1 Newprir I QUlf•d 10 file llwm N1ll1 1 H~~· h r "'I" M~\• Oa1ly the Suptrim l..<1tJ1 t ~I P1lul Au11u•I 4 11 18 34 I fh~ I 1ty U11., 2(J(Jj M777 Or•nee (.ahl11rn1a \I~ ---- •nd mail • U•l'Y lt1 H[ IOI MICHl lt f 1111-'I/ 1n OU~ u f W,.tlt>w ,., & We\lov.r ~\ h u~lt·;o of I the lru\I d•lrd o .. , •"' bet I 1998 d' '"'' ntl•d March I J ll• I .. 11•1ein lht' dtl ~d~n I w • I h• '"ltlu• •I ll I D ,,.1 o ... , ., ... ,.. "ii ...... port Beat!• rA ~?WJ w•lhin tht l.t1f"r 11 fuur mouth!> .tfter Aue.l•'' S ZOOl Ill• d 11• • I lht' fu~t publu.:.sluin ot noh t f lo t.fr411I 1rr..J or 1f nol1 • I\ ·n11t~d ot p~r '\tUi.tll'f "1• 11\1"'"" th '(•JU j() 1 l 1' <111., lh• datr th•'-11ut1c ,.. •·· j ma•lt·d 111 ,,,., ~un•lly deh'lflrt"cf to 'f'hll A t.l61m I form '"~" t1 ... 11bt~1nto l<'>m a tnu11 1lr1~ for yow pto l.-t t1on yt1U 4rt c"4 ou1 age<1 In 111• your d d1m by t tt11l1ed mail, w 1th !!!IM!O tctctDI ClASSlflfD It's the solution you· re searching for·whether you· re seeking a home, apartment. pet or new occupation! I-low to Place A CLASSIFIEAD 8\ Fax 11141111\ll M'l.I ·""··· .... . alfil""" .... .., ..... .., ... "-' •1111 • l'flo•lfl'* fh· Pbonf' Bv ~lail/ln l't>rl'ion: . l lO WN Ba\ S~t CO\t.1 \IC\l. CA 91ti~1 1\1 \r-.Jlllf'1 Bl~d & Bo) '11 I lours: Telephone !UOam ~ OOpm \fondJ) f-ndU) ~.J~ In 8 ~ ~ <1,lpm \londa) 1-nda) Col..., Memonlbllla 1160 Ame,,can MotorLycte ~ (a..lnl 0.-) •• «71, 6 ~ d .. ~ ..... () .... l*d. eon-"~ .. o f member wea11n1 MUSICAL ~~~~1&_10 INSTRUMENTS A-41ti... ler the ~rhe Nazarene". 1 Ch•latmn MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE :IQ• 4740 RURAL PROPERTY ~-N-E_W __ M_[_~_l_C_O FORSALE • ~ AA;ll..ci om : ... 0ll 714-5.ll·DD : TOf' SS • ucons nc .Illa. Clim:. [le. 50s ' II), ·a...,., SC*r.11.t.~ ; Mille 949 645· 7505 BmRTAlllBT C...af hlnll 1310 IQIM-OfNINITT All rul est1te 1dver l11ln1 In thlt newspaper IS subject lo the F1denf hif Houstn1 Act of 1968 u emended which melln II 11111•1 to edvert111 •1oy prefer· enc•. tlmlt1tion or dlacrlmln•tlon bued Oft llCI, Colot, rtli~, Ml, hlftdiee4), flfTlili.t •l•tus Of n1tlonal Mt«in, Of 1n Intention to make tny auch Pflferenu, Umll•· tlOfl or clltcr1mliletloft • Thb new19eper will i ""°" 11111 tecte>l )' IMIYwttu-nt I« .. ttu wtllth It In lion of tM lew Our .... o,. .,. "~:t '*"*' tllet all • ~ 14"fliN4 If! Utll _.....,.,..~ lllDll efll tq11tl .,othrfllty >·· • To cOllllllfellt of dlt• ~lrllflMUOll. Cell Hti:I tol· .... •• •.• u.....,, \ Older Style~ PIANOS&~ ........... t ........ ·-·-·Ol'co-MCASHMIDM ............. ,...... ..... :t num_. 1111 PrtMfe hdi ......... a.., 9"fOI l/lw from Ntwpolrt BeKI\. Elcel• lent hvllttnc ed)lic:ent to atlta w1terfowt refure, owt1t11hlp lnt•Hl I ..,.,roa 3~ ectH of lllnd • )fl'IO'Ovementa + )'OW own c.1119 telfl!llOUnd w/atructvr• efld 2 trtllers Wot..,,... Fri 1111111 HO'• I wine t11tlna d11rln1 duck ~ + !Mii, .. ., .. , ldtet for 2 friM41 Of fetw • IOfl. c.a •• et Jl().'41.olS4. Pil()t Mu~teal 0.c 2003 Wiii be held Auaust 17th 2•th • 3bt. tthe11ut1 bq)n Sept. 24th Contact Moses. 90 583 9908 ernli etoetl@IOC.ll rr com 351 O Milcllllneoul -.,,-.,..-&-P-_..-.. -SS.~--,-Merchlndtle ,._ d.t c--'ltt.. ._.... must wn f u"" S700et.e t•t·t••-••.ci !Ute v1ntaae collecllt>IM wed&ewood slovt i.. wlll APPUAlaS 3050 OfACE -V-..... ---TV-T-~-d RM1lJRE/ .. rra ""'* w.W> _. ••~ "" \.rs, liOt .. dlD ~ ll15 .. ,_ 9&718Gl7 ~ ITIWll AU.Ill Nn'tsH CWSIO .... ..W. w/6 chllra. (NEW) $1950. !M9· 760-9713 AIOUT ILICUIC WHHlCHAtaS New no emf to yo11 ll ....,,._ M1dlcert llCctpled ~end,._ cl*'I (ICOOW"°5tylll) We tr.i ~ rWltf Ctl 7 tCJ:.:.~> 835 3155 3110 unrt rel.ii~ store fi.tures new Clo!Nn&. &r•I prices' Meu1e !M9 0 3 8.423 All CASH CANOY Route Do you earn $800 1n • day? Your own locet c•ndy •out• lnctudtl 30 mechlnes end candy All lot $9,995 Mull/Vend, LLC 880 Grand Blvd., Oeet Plfk. NY 11729. l· 800 998 VE NO (CAl •SCAN) AAA VE NDIN G ROUTE Prime tocatiolls. $9550 Invest. ZS~ dow11 WAC 800·396·9311 (CAL •SCAN) AISOUITI eo&.DM•ll 60 vtndinc machines with eaceltoflt toutlons • b SJO.S ~2lM9112 MOUNTAINS 140 AC Only $49 900 Go•geous crn\lands m•lu•e trtt cover 6 300 ft ele .. lion Mounl11n view\ year round toads Pu feet tor horse lo•to Ad1acent lo nattonal fo•nt [•cell en I 11 nenctna Call today• lhl\ won't Int• SW Prope• ltn ot NM Inc 1 888 292 9711 (CAI. •SCAN) HOMES FOR SAL.£ ORANGE 54GO COUNTY Hotllts PUYMW auY1as wnco•• OPHUUN 12-1 2010S-Dr. NHr Cost• Meu .... ~-. °"'" "''"' Ina lrells 411< 3ba tc yd. p1tio. jacuul Best offer over $666,000 P .... 1-pee ,..,,._Reil Est•I• M9 290-8128 ...... '--Llllllllllldl OOLOMOO AT IT'S ...... JS Hf• ...., ••cna...._ .--. ....... ....... • _ ..... c:.. .. c.-• ...... .. .................. ,.,. ...... c, .. , ..... ~ =~~~~. ---- ........ Cll ....... ··== mt. ctM. -.c:M> Ranchel.flt'ml/ Counlry Pr°""1 591 s Mtl:tONA IUT UAGMt, J6 urn S24 900 Bo• der \ SUie Land ~r#IClttnw...rN f lef1il•H .,.. perfect 6 I 00 climate SpeclKulmr mountwl -Altordlt* ltNnClllfl AAR 1-817 2ff2 ~ cCAL•SCAN) SO COlOlAOO 1tlC cabin wrth Wll 4() K S89,900 Oubblndo1c Rodly Mbl vinn f'rom the dec:ll °' thft beeutrlully ..,. Clbsll. dot5e to l<XX7s of 8lM rec lend Enf01 ,., .. W.,. unblllwlblt pras c.41 RCR tol-fr• l~ ~ (CAL~) RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SAU . .... """" -MOlffAM~tM­ eAml Priced t« ltft· lfttdlet• ule fro"' $49,,990 ,.,,_ laU ... percot to 7 e cru "-•flllk views -· took Ina Ca11y0fl F et ry Lall• Ace••• to 1.000,000 ecru of IWeM ,..tlonal fOfWt. JO -1fS to HMIM. ruo4 roed, •""" .,... ¥Ult• c .. tor ""--tioll & ..,~ ... _,•••1alwao1.Laet OwHr l IM 52t·Ml0 (CA&.•SCAN) ust 11 . 2003 A7 -Llpllllcll 2141 .......... '-*'-' TIM foltowln1 ptfSOflS are dOtn& blHHIHS IS la1dl1w SchulU Atcht tec:ts, 410 West Coast Hwy llf' Newi>«t Beach, CA 92163 Scott Laidlaw Jr • 4719 River Ao Newport Buch. CA 92663 CrtlC N Schultz I 03 St .los.ph Ave . Lona Buch. CA 90803 This busmess ts con ducted by a aenerel partnership Have you started do1n1 bus1n1u yeP Yes, May I. 1997 Cr a11 N Scbulll Th11 statement wn filed with the County Clerk of OrJnae Co11nty on 07/14/03 2003'9SUU 011ty Piiot July 21 28 Aua4.ll,2003 M721 SEU your unwanted 1lems lhtou&h Llau11ied ........... .......... ni. followiq "''°"' •f• doint bus.I-H fuenoh of L-avnt 8Nch Commulllty Clinic, 362 Th11d Street. l •a11ne Beach. CA 92Ml Lecune Buch Co"' munlty Cltnte. Inc: • (CA). 362 Third Sl!Ht, L1aun1 Beach CA92SI Th11 bu11nen 11 ton ducted by 1 t llfl>Of trtlon Ha•t you 1tar led dotnl busineu yet' v ... 06/ 08/2003 Leaune Beach Com munlty Clintc, Medelelne PeltrM>n, S.Ctel1r1 I his 1tel1ment wn fll•d w1tt1 the Count1 Cler It. ol Or a nae County on 06/23/03 2003 .. 4tOSI Dally Pilot )uly 21 28. Au& 4. 1,1. 2003 M771 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • ........... ... s....... Th• follow1nc .-raoM .,e dOlftl bin;ness H Yow "•lite CIMI, ~ Vista Ctande Newpor1 8ucll CA 92660 TIN S!i. ~ Vista Crandt, Newpcwt S..ch CAt2f60 nu~ W,JIMSS IS ton ducted by en 1ndl•rdu•I H•ve yo11 start-4 Ooona buwneu ,el' Ho T1n1 Sith Th11 Jt1tement ... , filed with the CO..flli' Clef It. of Ouna• Co11nt y on07/1N03 2MS .. Hl79 Deily Pilot Aus 11. 18 2!>, Sept. 1, 2003 M782 SELL your stuff ttYough classified! /°h( Lt[,al lkp.irtmt111 JI IN DJ1{1 P1f41upk.t.iid 10 .wuninu a llfll' lfTI 1(( MU! llllrltfiihft ID llttt' ~111/lJtl \l( :11ll /IQlj, 51:.ARLH rlit Mmt for J"k .u llO crrr11 ch.1r all4 wll'< )llU ctv nmt and rlit mp It! dv (qun HoMJl 111 Sa11ra • .W Thm o( reu'll .. w r>v lllllCh u romplrttd n uiL fi1t .'fW fonww inm11llS llDlt rt.lWVll: i. iv rJ.t (Aoo1111) Cltrk f"'bfulr 011a a rm~ for ~' 11.ttt tU rrlf"lrtd bt ..zi. Jnd lll('lt n11 'IOI'' proo(oj pi;b~ u1Ji rJ.t Uit11? Cltrt PILJJt ilOp by "'fot .'IOI'' jimrwMJ bvitntll rlall111l111 .u the o., .• /'1/111 3 JO J B.tJ SI emu ,\few i'.'IDI' Cillllf4/ IUIJ II]. pi.£1/l nzll llJ aJ 94Y 64~-t.d ;r,a ~ ( ~111 d t JTTallft"V"tJ.fur ·""" 1411arJ/t tliu p~ttbur"' 111111. /( JOt1 JllJ7'14 hair "lfJ fiinlir 'fl'lID'llS pltl1S( cab 11: JrJ u~ u~ i1f ,,..,,,. ;r;., g..u1"' tUJ1Jt .JO'J Good &ck 111 pr lllU bwnw' Daily L Pilot -----Poli cy-------. RJlc:) .Uld dcadlmes al'( SUb.JCCI lO change Without OO(Jl(' ~ pubh<.her reserve:. the right to celbOr, rcclas~1fy rc\t\C or reJe•t any classified adven1semenl. Please repon any error 1h .. 1 ma} !><: m your classLfied ad unmed1ately. The OaJI) Pilot accrpc' no habtlny for any error m an adveruscmenl for whtth It m.i' be responsible except for the cosl of the space actually occupied by the error Cred.11 can onJy be allowed for the first m-.cnmn ----Deadlines-----. Munda). l UC'-dJ) Wedne'>d.t ~ ThuNla~ Fnda} 5:<X>pm Monda) 5:00pm Tut';da) HX>pm ~edne-da) HlOpm fnda) Sa1urda) Sunday 111 aeoutlful lbt 2b• •tnl•I. cute COM duple.. e•raae w/d hooilups Ail S26SO 949 293 '630 O•-view lo•elr I \lory 2br 2b~ • den Ip ac •ll•ch 2 car a•• Courtyetd entry comm pool Smalt pe t o • SJ.450mo Ktein Mcmt 887 7<M 11649 •9204 .,. .... New ..... 1 "-'· ocHn/crty ll&hl v11ws. aor ?t>r 2 Sb• • 1 off1ees tp ac attach 2 car 1•1 turn unfurn SJ9SO Klein Maml 877 7<M·86-t9 • 9237 lASTSIOf Sltldro Ulll paid. eve ii now, fenced yerd, pet oil, COlft·l)9 laundfy S795 I S250 0.., 714 -SU-0441 =··---== Sl4S52br U. ""'11wT1. ~ 111'181. trtl"1 14>-Waded. Ip, II aundld, pet ...... lo GllBorrs 1.a1~1m 211» tt.t.r w... NIWPOlrT HMHn 3bt IO•llhouse Ip Stnl Cit new urpet patt0 .,.,, ntee S159!) 9e9 612 600' Ulie New Vety clean 2111 2b1 2 t ., llf•ae Sl850rn _. ID nwVt ' f W..,,, Isl 9&~ Ne•p•rl Creal, 2br 2b1 2 c car welt. to bch ten/pooVspe S19()() A .. 11 now 949 707 4408 ~~ht:ll.- 2br lba ...... II ... pilio, -~ .... s.iit 1. sum ~.2!'BI OCUNnlCNfT • n.. Nu• 8etbol pier $22NMI> •11 !MU73 1P 1111 2h "' l•f••• ........... ""· .. . ~~ ........... 1 act ... m....,1 ....011 ........ ....... 2-.:::. =--~-- Nlftlllft( .... ....... ................. , ............ . .............. ........... --·" ......... ••muiw•mu • Thu"<ht \ ~ llOpm I nt.IJ' ' (}(>pm fntl.i\ ~ OOpm TlOVAJll 1br 2ba 2 c l •f llltd community pool •at S2400 949 ?93 '631 nAOBtlNIO ~di!~ mm Now~~ for f II ( rrofmtlnt Ill II A M Monday, 11, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge 8Y CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HtRSCH .. Ernployee." "Empleado. " "A rbeitneh mer. " "Employe." "NOT!CC 0 RS C1hfot n1• l1w re quires that contrac tors t11k1n& 1obs that tot.I S500 "' more (tabor "' malernals) ~ licen3'ed by the Contractors Stile License Boat d State law also 1 eqult'es that contr8ltors tnclude thew hcenw numb« on all adverttsrna You can check the status o f your lrcensed cont1 a c t o r at WWW CSlb Cl llOV Or 800-32 1 ·CSLB Unlr· cen-.d conlr.c:tors tdin1 loba that total leas than S500 must state In their edvertisemenls that they .re not lic.nstd by the Con tr actors Sbtte l icense Board,H ~. 11t1n1nc & support/ltouble lhoottne buMllicicmtutim Of persoMI 949-SG-ZUI ........ R1111•1A1 I Touch or Klass Eu ropcnn fa pen m House Cleaning 20 yeill" m J!u,mes' Licensed & Bonded Professional 1eam\ a~'•itned co Yuur I lomc (949J 548-0097 l·rue l.:.~11mall!.\ Refcrcri<:c' Sp!"ing C lc.anmtt Specials Truakeol S2 Soldetlng IOOI SS Umcilre's cal 55 Wannlh 56 HHJll. -· (hyph ) 57 VouogtlerS 5Q IRS employee eo eor111 t\81l11a1 ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q l -Both V\lloerable. you bold. •AQI06 1:1 AQJJ o Wll •KQIO~ Your rl&l11-hand oppoocnt opens the bidding with one diamond. What action ilo you take? A • IC yoo phi) an old-Cashioocd style, a cue-bid dc..-.cribl"s this h:ind pcrfcctly -1 puwtfhousc wilh fif'\I or 5t'CO!ld-round control of I.be eocmr I UiL TilCsc day&. bo:-"ever, the cue-hid of rwo di4moods slvlws a major two-Suiter, either ~lalivcly weak or very stroclg. To de.'IC:ri~ your bw1d., you ¥U&.rt with a takoou1 double, then cue-bid oo the DC.Ill round . Q 2 -Ncuhcr .yulneroble, you hold: 4KIH2 \:• 115•965J2 P.an.ner opens the: bidding with ooc he1111. Whm oclion do you take? A · tr yoo n:~pond one spade with ~uch a weak h:wd. you might iurv1ve should pwtner dther ni.be spade~ or rebid in clubs. Unfommately. pattner i~ far more likcly 10 n:bid in a r00 ~u1t. ~rha.P:' with a Jump What then. Avou.l lhest problelll'-by Pfil'· ing nuw. Yoo might be Jblt' tu bacl. in later. Q 3 • Roch vulncrahle. a' South you llQkl: •AK8 J SJ !I J •QJ 762 The bidding h:t..\ proceeded "'ORTll f.AS1' SOlTH W~T ..._"' I• P•"' Z• 2 t>fL,~ ? Whul Jv }VU hiJ now'/ • A • Your c\ccll.:111 MJp()OJ't for pas1 ncr\ fiN -h1J 'uu mi~fn ICmpt y11u w rrldl.t u l\lrl 10~ Jump IO thrtt 'pack' Hr.11 in mind. hnwe\cr. th..11 you hJ'e nolhmg to spare for your 'tandard 11HM'l\Cr~ rc~pon.~ '\11 you cann<~ aJTonJ co do anything more lh.ln '"nrly lllkc a ~tcn:nce 10 l~U ~p.tde\ Q 4 • Ht>lh \Ulncruhle, a_, South you hold •·U Q AQ'U ¢AJll'3 •6 The bidding bas Pl'QCeeded: NORTH EAS'I' sotml wrsr I • ,._ to ,._ .. .... ' What do you bid now? A -A mancr or styk. If you play that I bid of .the fourth JUjt is f&me [MJ- ing, you cao bid two dwnoods now and follow With I chamond rebid II your next rum. But even if those are yoor met.hods, we prefer a Jump 10 three diasnoods now, which has ro show al lea£t fi vc can1s in each red suit and game·going values. Could th.al bid flavc 1111y other meaning? Q S ·Boch vulnerable. It) South you hold, •QU v AK5 ~Al •AQ1097 The bidding has proceeded: SOlfllf WESi' NOlmt EAST I• .._ I• .._ 2N'f Pim J• .... ., What do you bid now'' A • You have a neatly all-prime ma.11imum fix this lluetion (the queen of sl)3dcs m~t bt upgraded) plus a rullinj! ''aluc: in dtamuncb, )() a Mm- pie rwM' lo foor ~padci. doc~ DOI Jo your hand justice. SUIJ1 by cue-bid· ding four club!. (not narunll -you 'till might have only three club'I on lhi' 'lt"(juen<:.~) cu tell )Xll'lllCr about your cxcellen1 hund in wppun of ,pt>Jc,, Q 6 • "lenher \ulncrJhle. ~ Sou1J1 )UU hulJ •KQ~ ~~-' A QJ 7 •K62 l"he b1lldang Ill~ pf'()l..-Cl'dl'tl· NORTH EASI'" SOlrfll WEST I• ~ I l'wJI I Pas~ • Wildt Jo }OU bid oo~ 1 A · lk only .ii:uon th.It t:Jlllk)( be Ctlfl\ldcrt_'CI 1' a JUmp tn 1~0 no trump that rdJ1d by reo.pondcr 1~ mviluliunal. not fon:ing. an<l l'llUld ea\I I)' be P'"--.CJ. Tiie bid that he-.t Uc....cnbe~ your hand I~ a Jump co three no trump. fOf which th" hand " a ma.u mum. M..,..._ lwlnn• rs ooarr.., rl!ltd ~ Good money potffltlal 1 ,., prov UPl r a• re-. 714-17f>. J4Qi Pubhshrn& raoMOTIONS DlrUTMENT Communfly newspapers 1n Ornnge County 'W'eks r UI Tnie pe1wn Co 11Cer111ew and w11te slot oes, partoc1 pale in commur11ty events, oe..te and pagw1ale ~ and wcll()M r ·~t commur\IUbon ~fib won. "' wt1tt the pubk Know N' Style. Qunxl'nlss. PG11 time 11.r..f Manager $1 2/hr I e st orage lac1l1t y Mon lhur~ f ,.·s Offtte and Ille ma1nlen•nLe E ~P a • Leon 714 437 9200 TeHUsAbout YOUR GWGESALE! NOUMll HOW YOU SAY IT, CUISIFIED CAN FIND IT. In ClASSIRED (949)642-5678 Pholoshop, Molt• Ad Cre ator. ProflC'll!fll on MAC and PC. CCI deso&n e xperrence po eferrrd Proolreadtnjl test Drr.c 'SU_.....,,ph~ required EOE E acellent benehl ~ E....a resume, Wf otq S8ll1llleS Md s.ai.y requrr e m en ts t o ..._,atmon@ lltln'le.com ............. ....... 01yt11ne & wlo.end Shifts nail Call for <1ppl. ask toi Mam Newp0tl Beach TWW115 CU> 949~ t#HOME & IUSl#ESS ltEl'At.S Upgr adt'~. R~pan s of Compultr. Networks E venong~/Wtek~nd~ CompPhllv~ prices for QUdhly UI VIC 949-U6-1175 714-926-4221 Concrete & Masonry lrld1 llocli st-• Tiie Conuete. Patio. Driveway F tteplc, BBQ Rtl's 2SYrs £ •p. l e11 y 71 ~ SS7 7594 The e..., ... ,._ Cemenlwork, 811ck, Tiie & Mo111 Rehable No iob loo small 714 SIS 9062 TIMETO HGIN YOU.HOlll IM,aOVIMI NT 'lOJICT? Call 11 plumber, pn1nte1 handyman. "' any of the areal sf!fvtees lrsled here in our servlet d11ecll>fyl TtlCSE LOCAL SVC P£0PL( CAN HCLP YOU TOOAYI DUNCAN lUCTlK local, Quick Response Home. Yard & Dock [Ject 2'0 Yr~ E •P l 1c/lnsured L'27S870 949 650 7042 Tree Service, hrd Cleanup, Maintenance. Sprrnkler Rep Ru, Hauling (949) 650-1711 DUTCHMAN IUCTIUC ffandymar'I/ Commercial. lndust11al. ::::'~.~ HomeRepllr LICENSED CONTltACTotl No ,00 too sm M •-' Repelf, remodel, tans, spa, ,_ IM' ~JllJ6 OISTOM OUlM lU lnsUllbon. l&lle. cs-*, ~. stone ~ 1975 lil6l20M Jtff Tl4-612-9961 UMY .._.. ftei-ed Rerou1111 & 1m1ta111t10n T IL DEAN 949-673·806S 71~ 714418.J..2031 RCS TOR[ • RC l'AIR & RCMOOfl ING CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yri Exp• Great Rers All PNses ~ Construction ~Aemodll~ LJ5n982 949-709-5642 l c-'t 0. It? .,_., w...t to cle II? We <:an & we ""' 24{7 . 4 •• 'I""' '--1 epa tr s 714 348·8430. flX UP SrlCWJST. All types of 1epa1n [lee 1J1cal. plu~ doof'S, wi1lllr tmlfn '*' & more 241v/7days 714·366· 1881 c...te. ,..,., C111pent1y • PlumbmR Ot ywilll • Stucco Pa111lln1. To~ & more 2()... Years [&petoence! JI 714-t6t-S776 Jeuey~-·. "-..... ~ S,.cl.tlat lntedo1 i Ea teroo1 Repatrs 714 501 6466 THI HANDYMAN All work auaranleed ~Electrical. Oocn. f mh carp c. 9&'*81li JUNI fO THI DUM'111 71 • 968 lfl82 AVAILABLE TOOAY! 949 673·5566 ........... Anlll Ra•a•allll ~,"' OUlllty RlmodlllnO SlllOe 1110 714-M1-17U ............. H nlQ In Ul>Ka .. blby / chllderns at0<e In He. TNm pl1yer who ••u to dnian ~ Mil. Seti•) + bon"~ + medical ............ 541 Allbnoblles 9000 Alleomaltw 9004 .......................... ~. lallm, etc Reoom· meoded lres/1 wat« US8&@ lint cond. 3 to choo5e ffom Start at S45.<XX> NIWPOaT Al.IT~ 949-574-stOO 9...tt.y~'02 Less Own 600 ""· bl./bll. 1 ut IJtble$, ctwome win (XCXl/61) $?24,500 NfWPOltT Al.ITOSl'Oll'T 949-574-5600 IMW '9 7 3211 c-v melalhc dark blue/grey lthr •upe1 b co11d thro u&ho uc Sl 4 99'i vll67242J ~ 96 586 1888 www.oc,ot,l.com I MW 3231 't9 Cenvt r ully loaded, up&• ades. I cu owner Low ml, monl cond 949-!> J0-461r:l ~Zif> 4346 IMW '16 3111 'l dr black ~ sp. sun roof lull pw1 S2'~ 714-914-116' IMW 'ti 740!1 (3) 811\/tan. cashme1e can aree11/l411, •Int cond s 20 9!>0 94 9 500 8641 IMW '90 32SI hke new 81kll•n. 4 dr aulo .rL sunrl lull pwr tone Ca smoa $4000 OBO 114 ~ 1698 IMW '91 U c-v. aulo white/tan llhr. CO. be~ut1lul hlo.e new cond $17,495 v'i9724 Ion & W"'1 IJVM 8kt ~$1888 www.ocpal.com l11lcli '69 llectTa 1ood m1ch1noca! cond1hon low m1lil1e. 430 V8. $3000 obo 949 494 0148 Cedl•c 'tO Flee-4 solv111 /arey. 4clr, w nroof. llhr, auto. 31111 mi. $4800 new t11es 949·160·0144 CHIVY SUl ... AM 'OJ .. AUYmal.EI, ~~~~~-l•CEUMFpJI whitit, 21iK ml, kledtd, ful Mwc.4.1 'II HO Sl w•r. Pvt p!l(\y. lilllst white/tan, lmmac ~t ... m,m>94&<5M-l46l 11111 .... ,., .. !q>. ~SW!i)7J4~ a..,.,-...._v..._ 3.5 YS I ·owner. 4311 e e tu•I mi, books. r.c:ord1, metallic tur· QuoiH/t1n lthr, fully Jo1dtd. llh new $'995 \ltfili12l8 Bkr ~ 18118 .,WW •• C,.. .. l.H"' (erv•tt• 'It c • .,,. auto &Oii~ ml, metalhc red/tin lthr. superb eond throuchOul. S9.995 Bllr 949-586-1888 -.,_....,_ h-'p ............... auto. 6cyt. A/C, ltlw, lul ~. am Im cau. cc. lflt. llloy wllls S649'J 714 593-8129 D-49• '02 Viper Jk 1111, red/lilll, ACR coupe, raa! muscle, hard t09 (101065) SS69,900 Nl.,_T AUTOSPOltT 949-574 -StoO ,__. '02 SJS _..... Old ~ say .limes Bond? 12 qt lront ~ rec!/ tan • ._ tNn 2lt ,,.. (lZ1148) $229.!:m Nl'WPOrT AUTOSP'ORT 949-574-5600 ,...... '00 456M GTA :II ""· SllYer /bor deau& 11'11 F uly Milo tJ ans. 4 sea let. (119638) S133.900 NIWf'OaT AllTOSl"<Ml'T t4t-S74-S600 Fenwi '17 Meclal 4 ~'"· bl;id\/tan lthr. alloy whttll5, :o< mt. $#068391 $39.900 NEWPO«T AUTOSPO.-f 949.574.5600 '17 f•H'Hfl M-dlol 4 Suter blktl•n lu the1 alkoy whuls JOI< mo (068391) $39,900 NEW,OU AUTOS,OtlT 949.574.s.oo hrrcarl's flflnt Spider '03 360 c-vertlble I 33 ""· 6\pd. red/Ian ••d uhpel\. must...,., (I 30896) $2 3 I '>00 NfWPOU AUTOS,otlT 94t-S74 -5 600 fen-orl 'ti 3SS Spider 8lo. ml, r I. blu~/blu llhr pwt U•I~ grul cond (1 26J!'i0) SI 13.900 NOV,OlTAUTOSPOaT 949-S74·5600 ferd '6 5 M"•ton9 ConvP1 loblc o r 1ii1no11I OWllU \Ohl! C41 $19 99') obn 949 119 ?94J Moado '00 Mlo1o 'l\p 10 mo g1,.,.n l~n lthr lonnn•au alMm. l'I' S 1 ·1 ~00 <IM9 t 615 R7'>J Morda 'O I Trlb.,te (S \ll•~u Jtt •Y lthr 11 k m1 V6 4wd 6 CO warr anly pp Sl4 999 949 bl':> 87S3 ............ ,,.,o.soo 1 '"-nu blk blk loaded nav \Llnru,.f lull pwr (02481 J) $89.500 N£WPOltl AUTOSl'OttT 949-574-5600 MHCIDU I NZ '02 SOO blli.. 211>. mo. Sporh 1>111. phone. Nav CO. AMC whls. IOOli. w1tr mint cond. PP $61,!iOO 949 631 0771 MElClDU Mil 2000 S4JO 17,100 m• lo.ided . •II opl10ns, \howroom new s.49.500 Pvt Party 949 759 9088 CN•• .. •• 't6 kw• 60ll ml, bl~IHY ltht. mnrl, CO, fabulous cond throuc.llout S5995 vln'457219 Bllr Ht-SH-11U -·~·'- ,.....,,5AUTO OIAll4M~ Blue w,,,,lue, only 1411 '"'· f4)«U I*&. (19478C) $24,980 OOMIWU:J# Stlvet w/black llhr. Steplfonle (193871) S2l.9llO HLUOS.- WMe w/wddle le<llh ", moonrool (19443) $28.9llO. 0 I Jar-S r,,.. Se4 Green w/saddle llhr. 2SK mt, moonroof (19112) $29,98l 99MettodnSUC 1"' Blue w/blKk. ~y 'l>llfb!*i (19416) $27.9110 991MW3:nlS Red w/bl.tdl lthr. !'>spd 0 94701 Sl8.98l 011' ..... T ..... T 11>1/onoc, only Ulk moles. navaaahon ( 19394 ) INQUIR{ flt.xw GS .JOO Gold w/SM1die le~lhef I.Iv ome Wheels (19418) S21.9llO 011'ond..G11 B~ w/black only 100 rntlt's (1Wil7C) INQUIRE 0 I I/Aw-<•"-• Cl.SOO Srlvt!f w/~1 ey n.ivo it•ll!ln only I~ m1 0 9S4!">C ) INQUIRE 00 l'ondoe ••••,.., S1lvei w biac~. pr em1um w und (l 94163) $28.980 '49·574-7777 PMl11'S AUTO /S;_...rm Pendw '01 C4 20k nM. en•dld IU"""''"" Ill•• N b<>t• flbtr k•I ...... II ktl 1 lvllml' wt-. ((6'1(114?) S68.]&j) NfWPOaT AUTOSl'O'fl 949-574-S600 a-,e lover '96 4.0 SI 2'811 a.lual mo book\ rpc ord\ I ownf'I whtl~t I.in lthr CO. 1unnon1 board\lbtu\h gaurds lokt new cond v272848 S!8.99S Ion & w.irr4nl y llVll) 81>.r 949 S86· 1888 -.~.ce. VOlVO 2400\ '12 W111tl' sUU0011r.,on. r 111>d for beKh c•r s ~ /60-902-'3038 ii Lon HOME MOUGAGI LOAHS lowest 11'11-t rates. Al credit lrc>n-No pre r»rnlffrt ~ Best H I vK.• in the s tate Calrfornta ORL Cmpy.An f undrn&. Cati now In} no. 8969 (CAI.~, MOTOR HOMES DODGI 7 1 iurrQI mob homo! Wt W. rn. wto. ~ oond Was Zti(X) rnowc $Zl(l) 714-8'18-~ Motol Homes • Rent MOTOa HOME fOl aENl 2000 JOit • & 2001 7?11 ommac \le"ll' 6 & 8 optional t~nl p1mc tbl bbq I oy Ir at•~• & Cent Ir a1lt1 94!1 29S OJS6 or 949 ')()() 1266 BOATS PowtrBoats 9515 DUffY lUClllC '16 Cl l\SSIC: 18f I f ully 1nlt11Pd. $14 000 Hock 949 348 9474 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SUI'S AVAIU.lll fr..., 3S-9Sft I• Newp.rtle•di, l-• 949-500-1005 Pl•ce your ad tod•yl (949) fM2-6878 <-•ry '9t 11 4 cyC. MllCIDU S60Sl 'H 68 411 mr better than ,_, Blue/creen new t09 and no ~ Of <1qalr9-uphoh lery Pvt P4rly 19500 obo 949 646 5031 $9850 949 67'} 109S Call Class fled Today (949) 642--5678 Mowing& .. HST MOVTIIS SSS/Hr. Sefv1n1t All Cot~ !nsur•d fl63844 AOO 746 2'318 323 6JO 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The C111f Public Ut1llt1es Comm1n 1on requ1111~ that "" used h o useho ld e ood s movers prrnl Chell PU C Cel T number, lunos end chauffeur~ p ront fhf'll T C P number on all adver· tlsemenh II you have any queshon' abo11t lh11 le11Hty ol a m over , limo o r chauffeur. ttll 'uauc un.mn COMMISUON IOO 1 77-NU llllr1lntfnlnl Care Att•u IWwfy ... H-.._. C.-S--,._..,. ~ mfJdl, deri1&. ..... Or appb.. ft:. dit rets, at1lfilld 714-321 ~ s-e, & ............ Custom Hend P•lnted ,..... & flu• . ....._ ~ lgr '*' 9W-al.a164. ~1Jdt(!4. ~Professional Painting Le IM'f4360 Rob Isbell · Owner Cosla Mesa, Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 0.-.'• ...... UM 94> CrHI Price! 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