HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-12 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotlo Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,AUGUST12,2003 A CLOSER LOOK Vision plan still 20/20, just not 2004 A lack of money will slow completion of Corona d el Mar's $12-million improvement p lan. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -It's not Vision 2004 anymore. The state budget crisis, a drooping econo my 'and the [rustrating \ process of trying to get Caltrans to relin quish a section of Coast Highway aJI contributed 10 the renaming of the Co- rona del Mar beautification p roject 10 just the Corona del Mar VLSion Plan. Corona del Mar business leaders wiJI give a presentation to the City CounciJ t0n ight on their far-reaching plan to beautify Coast Highway. "It'~ a beautification program with a lot of emphasis on pedestrian !.afety," ~d Ed Selich, a planning comm~­ '>ioner helping steer the vision plan of the Corona del Mar Business Improve- ment OiStrict Though the plan won·1 Olt'l'I II'> onw 11aJ goaJ of being mo'>tly complete by 2004, Corona del Mar's cente nnfaJ. Sel- ich said that the impcovements con tinue 10 make steady progr~. "BasicaJJy. it's a beautification .plan with an emphaslS on making the area a'> pedescrian friendly a'> f>O'>'>lhle." Sehch said. But this '>lm ple 'iummary behe<. hu"' ex1em1ve the $1 2-mi111on plan ,., < .fO'>'>Walk improvements are a rnrner'>tone. !lashing lights will be tn· ~railed in the pavement to marlc croSI>· walk.\ arnw, Coasr I lighway at Orchid. Im and Dahlia avenues. Median landM:aping ~ another ma1or fearure of the vtsion plan. The project <.d.lh for rl'placmg pamted median'> m See VISION, Pa1e M Chase ends when tank runs dry Costa Mesa poli ce fo llow van into Huntington and Newpo rt before it runs out of gas on the peninsula. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NFv\l'Ol'rl ML'>A -The empty lank of a ga.'>·gut .. dmg 1999 van ended ..i polen 11ally d1..a.<>1rou\ police cha..e through thret• rnie'> Monday afternoon. ~ the .,11 ver vehicle sputtered 10 a slop at a crowd cd inter..ecuon on the Balboa Penm.,uJa. police '>c:Ud Coc;tJ Me...a l'ohce officers were JU.'>t about to caJJ olT their 30-nunute pur.un to avmd the dangers of a high-'>peed cha.'>t.-' through the popuJar beaLh commurul) when the ">tolen van came 10 a st0p at the comer of 42nd Street and Seash ore Dnve. offic1alr., '><lld "Mo<;t of the chase was pretty well con trolled. bu1 wht•n he got down on the See CHASE, Paee M PHOTOSBYMAAKC. DUST'fi /OM.Y PllOl Tony Colombini, owner of Art Martyr Gallery and the graphic design firm Corner. stands in front of three of his own works on display. PUBLIC SAFETY Baby 's de ath rouses shock, sympathy Providing an outlet The Art Martyr Ga llery in wsta Mesa, which made its debut 2 months ago, showcases local artists Lolita Harper Daily Pilot A mid the boxy, drab industrial buildings on Logan Avenue. a burst of creative color shines through. Brilliant hues -brought 10 life by the creative brush strokes of artist Usa Eddy -make their lively debut on the walls of An Martyr Gallery, housed ln a monotonous rectangular building in Costa Mesa FYI Lisa Eddy's wo r1cs are on display from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and evenings and weekends by appointment only, at 1310 Logan Ave .. suite H. An artist reception will be held 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 23 . Mlltls space brought together many loves,· Colombini said ·1f the art fits with our vision, we make it happen and create value and have fun." The self-proclaJmed MnontraditionaJ. alternative venue" gallery shares a renovated industrial space with the Comer design firm. Amid the working space of graphic designers Tony Colombini and Anne Westin hang rotating exhibits from local artists. Eddy's worb decorate the walls through Sept 30. Fun is the word that best describes the small suite. The ceiling is paJnted blue with the supporting walls in white and black. On the wh1te walls are &!dy's· creations. On the Lisa Eddy's mixed-media piece "Blue" will be on display at the gallery until Sept. 30. See OU'Tl.ET, Pa1e M THE VERDICT Th e investiga tion continues into the d eath of a 10-month-old left in a hot car in a UCI parking lot. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot UC IRVINF -Compassion. shock. sym- pathy and outrage were the dominant feelings Monday 111 I.be aftermath of a tragedy that left a 10-month-old boy dead after being left in a hot car. A shrine to the infant sits in the campus parking lot in the 400 block of Berkeley Court. where a father allegedly left his in- fant son for nearly four hours Friday while he worked. reportedly unaware that bis Middle College High off to an early start Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE Two lessons le_amed from two Charleys June Caaa1rande OaifyPieot CXX: CAMPUS -While Corona del Mar ttigb School atudenca were at the beadl, while Bltanda Hilh IWdentl were ba'Vtng fun at the movt.. Md the IDll. ar,.. CoMt ....... Colep ... SchoOl 11U• deftta .... bUily'...,... the ... .., of tberettofcblli ... The....,.... ..... echool -...... .... bllor9 Nlwpon·Mw uma.t ... ........... M ON THE WEB: ~.~com WEATHER lt'a OOk'9 \0 be ~ hoe. hot. And In "'9t CKG.r. S.PlpA2 SPORTS T1m SIMr'O .. '9iigned •cod of the Coran. .. M9I High tii1¥1' MWpOIO ....... S.flllilA7 ' A2 Tuesdly, A&cust 12, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Still stuff to do The Daily Pilot stopped by Girls Inc. in Costa Mesa on Monday to ask, 'What is one thing you would like to do before summer is over?' "Go to Wild Rivers.• KIMMY MARTIN, 9 Costa Mesa "Goto Hawaii. VANE.SSA STROOEL, 10 Costa Mesa "Go to Wild Rivers.• BRENNA BARRIOS,9 Costa Mesa "Goto Kentucky." EMILY STROOEL, 8 Costa Mesa "Go to Wild Rivera." CtWtl.Y JACKSON,9 Costa Mesa "Go up north to see some friends." LEYLA SZl.AGYl, 8 Costa Mesa -Inurvtews and photos compiled by 1bm Forquer SUMMERTIME SUMMER LEARNING KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Instructor Christina Bowie, 22, practices dance kicks with Jacquelene Obeid, 7, and the rest of her class at Girls Inc. in Costa Mesa. Getting with the business Lolita H1rpef' Daily Pilot W elcome to Hulaville, Costa Mesa. Population: about 20. City motto: Have fun and make some money. Hulaville Is a little society that exists in the confines of Girls Inc. in Costa Mesa It is part of the summer camp program "Youth Empowerment and Self-Sufficiency.· which is designed to teach the girls how to manage their own businesses. Hulaville is the proud home or a nail salon, a jewelry/snow cone store, candy store, a tanoo parlor and a games shop, program counselor Sandra Asencla said. The elementary age girls, in groups of three, have learned how to open bank accounts, pay for a business In a mock town called Hulaville,.the girls of Girls Inc. are getting a lesson in self-sufficiency in the marketplace license, shop for retail space, sign a lease, buy their wares and price them to make a profit. she said. "They know they can't sell just anything," Asencia said. "They need to detail lt for their license and lease agreements and stick to their plan.• Brinany Cook. the proud "co-owner" of BVCs Jewelry and Saved Ice, said their business plan is golden. "It's hot in the summer, so we are going to sell snow cones," she said. And while the girls are cooling down on snow cones, they might find some "ice~ -slang for diamonds -for their wrists. OK, well maybe not diamonds. but some flashy beads, perhaps, the girls said. Jumping on the summer-is-hot bandwagon are Miranda Gomez and her business partners. They have created a Jr. Coldstone's Ice cream shop. "People are really going to like It,• Miranda said. "It's going to be really good." The girls have created their own Hulaville currency in Sl, S2 and SS increments and will distribute It to the rest of the 75 girls signed up for the Girls Inc. summer program. The entrepreneurs will take their wares to the courtyard of the campus and peddle their goods. Each day, they are required to log all their expenses and revenues. The goal, obviously. Is to make more Hulaville dough than you spend. Girls Inc. Executive Director Lucy Santana said she is so proud or all the girls, lo Hulaville and beyond. They have really poured their energy into the summer programs, from starting their own mini-city and creating water fountains to taking self-defense classes and basking in the sun -all without boys. "We just like to create an environment that is not intlmidating, where the girls can be open and be themselves without trying to impress anyone.· Santana said. • SUMMER LEARNING 11 a weekly feature In whlc:ti the Dally Pilot vlelt• a summer camp within the Newport-Mesa area and writes about It. . Mond9y through FricMy from June 23 through Aug. 22. The 81.m. to I p.m. ~ eoltll teO, end the 7 1.m. llO I p.m. lllllon CIOlll '110. For more lnfonNtlon, cell (714> ,...., .. NEWPORT BEACH •A 810 fee wlft be eddld per ct.. S7& and OY9f' Ind '6 per dell SM Ind undetfornor.-f9lldel• •A• fee wtll be 8ddedtD eedl progrem for ~ --.EMCMATIOfl Otlldrer'lege51ndollilrmn .... In• Hate mollll NC11Mllonthll ....... WhlnthehMer,.. ... ~ V;'11tdong IUl'f cemp IHllOM b peopM 8818 Ind ln1lo"'*~~-Jolntnon .. lnd ~Ind odw CNglllilld ... II 'lounger dMM .. ·n 11 ca mewe.. IODOlftPlllilld b'f en eduk The_.. 11-. Forlll0Nlnbm9don on time Ind loomllonl, Clil (7M) 7Ml1M. .... wll begil\ June 30. The ..... wll ...,_ ......... bellc ... of .... and-- ..... .....,..,.P"Mdld.Allm111 lil ... ll peylblltothelnllnaorM .. dw.1M1111ID111f wl*" OOll •run from '7SID ta.m. ortJOin llD 10'.30 Lm. Mor*Y ID Fttdly. Clll ... ....,,I\ • Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiller, Oon Leactt, Kent Treptow MADER& HOTLINE (948) 842.fl086 Copyright No newa 1torlee, llluatrltiona. editorl1I mltter or ldvertl .. menta herein cen be reproduced without written perm!Mlon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The helt wave eontinuee todly, wtth hlgha In the mld-80e In COWi M ... end Intend Newport end In the mjd.70l 1long the coelt. Lowa will hover around 83. SURF VOL 97 I NO. 224 TMOMAI H. JOHNION Publllher TONYDOOIRO Editor J4.ll1'( OIT11NO ~~r l"romotlone Director Newe Edleor9 Qin• Alexender, Lori Andereon, Dlnlel Hunt, Paul S.ltowltz, D1nlel Si.wne NIWISTAFF Crime ~co~ri.r, (IM9) &7<M228 ~.bhamti•llltlrrw.oom JuneC...•• Newpott a..cfl l"lpOftef, (148) 17""232 june.~•llltlmaoom ,....~ l'ofltlce. bue'neee end ln\llronment reponer, (M l 7&M330 ,,.ut.dlnton•l«l,,,.,.oom Lollll ..... Coklmnlec. eullu,. r11PC>fW, , .. , l'Ho427a loMlll.,..,,_.....,...oom ............ ~ --..... ,.., 5'M221 ~·~ c.1111-.. ........... It, IM) DMm oof91.....,,, ....... ~rd your commentl 1bout th• Dilly Pilot or newt tips. Addf9'I Our eddl'MI 11 330 W. Bay St, Com M ... , CA 92827. Office hours i re Mondly • Fridly, 8:30 1.m. • & p.m. Cofteollow• It II the Pllot'a policy to promptly oorTeCt 111 em>t9 of 1ut.t.nce. Pleeeecell (IM9) ~ m The Newpoct leecNCoeta Me9I Delly l'tlot (USPS-144-IOO) II publlhed dlfty, In Newpoct Beedl .net COlt8 Meea. 1Ubecttptlon9 ,,. ~ Ol'lly by eubectlblng to The ,,,,,. Otenge County (800) 212·1141. In.,.... ouialde of Newpoct IMdl end Co.ti! Me91. IUbeoripdonl to the Delly l'ltot .,. ~ ont¥ by""" dw mell for .. per '"°""'· (flrtcee lrM:tude ... ........... .net loOlll· .... ) l'OITMAITlft: lend ....... ....... Thj~ ~Mm Olly P'loc. P!O. ._, .. ~~CA- HOW lO MACH US Clrouledon The TllMI Orenge County (800) 2&2·91'1 Adwltlllnt Clr n'l'led (949) 842·5678 '*Pie¥ (949) 842-4321 lcltottel New9 (M9)842-&e80 ...... (948) &74-4223 New9,.. (M9) 84&-4170 ...... ,.. (948) 860-0170 l....it. dallypllot•l«l"*.oom Mllfte>Mle ....... OMle (Ml) 842-4321 ....... ,.. (IM9) 131-7121 PublleMd by,,,,,. Community NeM. e ~ofdleLMAnge6el Tlmee. oaDOI 1""" CN. AJ ,.,_ , _ _.... It loob .. though thl• heat end MV9l"8i doudt wUI ltay with U1 throughout the week. Expect It to fMI wermer then It .. .....,....,. humidity. .............. ~ WWW.nw&noM.(JOV BOATING FORECAST The 1llJ • ....., wtndt wtll ~ S to 15 knots In the Inner ....... ., 2.foot W9V9I end 1w11tlMllof2to•fMtenct ........... of 2'"" Out ......... ncw1tM u auty-. wtll blow 90llllf M 11to2111nc141. ~ 2-to.,......,.end• nol1ht • IMI flf Ito I fMl. :TM--• bloW ...... ......... ••••llniaal. The latest IOUthWMt swell contlnUM to fill In today end we'll end up Melng ~-to •houldef'hlgha, wtth the occellonel held-high. s..tng that the heat weve contlnu• I nd the ultrlvlolet r1Y9 lf'9 neer their peek. It would wlM to keep eun bloc* In tow. On Wedneedey .... wtll drop • tad, but we c:en ltffl expect wetst-to c:Mlt-Nghl Ind eome lhou~ Expect the Mme Thul'9d9y. Wlllrqullty: www.~OIJ1 TIDES .,,.,.. 4:32 1.m. 10'..&ee.m. 3:Slp.m. 10:07p.m. WATER tlMPUATUIE ., ...... Olil'/ Pilot NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Hele are some Items to be considered tonight by the Newport Bead\ City Council CASTAWAYS PARK Agreement. revegetation .iforts aho uld commence within the next 60 days,• the staff repon readl. Because the maner is only on lta study seulon agenda. the council can't take any formal actlon tonight. It could decide to move the matter forward for by putting it on a council agenda. though. FYI •WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Beech City Council. •WHEN: Study Huion begins at 4 p.m. today; regular meeting 1tart1 at 7 p.m . • WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .. •INFORMATION: Agendas and staff reports are available onllne at www.city.newport-beach.ca.us; for information by phone, call (949) 644-3000. A discussion on C-astaways Park. could top the list of most-watched items at tonight's study session. held before the council meeting. The council will hear a presentation on whJch vegetation might be planted there. Community members are at odds over whether to redevelop the park with 100% native plants or whether to set aside a portion of the park where turf grass creates an open space suitable for picnickJng and other activities. CORONA DEL MAR VISION Also d uring the.11tudy session. the council will bear a presen tation on the Corona del Mar Vision Plan, a revitalization project. 7 p.m., the council will consider, among other things. whether to create a formal agreement with the Friends of the Oasis to help govern the city's relationship with the volunteer body. If the council agrees that formalizing the relationship could better serve the center, it will vote 1onight to create an ad hoc committee that would in tum begin drafting the agreemenL WHAT TO EXPECT WHAT TO EXPECT Planners believe that improvements are dependent on the city talung over a portion of Coast Highway. so it's likely that talk.s will focus on this possibility Urgency. ·staff is at a critical juncture in the project. In order to comply with the (Califomfa Coastal Commission! OASIS AGREEMENT When the fe841ar meeting convenes al -Compi/.ed by June Casagrande BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Meteor shower will become brighter today The annual Perseid meteor shower will reach its zenith across North Amenca today and Wednesday. Llke speedy fireflies in the night. colorful Perseid at- mosphere busters will put on a remarkable show. The Perseid meteor shower occurs every August and appears to emana1e from the constelJa- tion Perseus. At ttu:. time of year, the earth's aXLS 1s ulted into the debris srream of comet Swift- Tuttle -the true source of the Perseid meteors. Steve l.ananz.io. an Orange Coast CoUege astronomy profes- sor. said people in Newport- Mesa should be able 10 spot the meteors from their own back- yards, but suggested that darker areas, such as Onega I lighway, would be ideal. "The hours just before dawn. 2 10 5 a.m . on Wednesday or Thursday. will offer the best viewing possibUiues." L.ananzio saJd. •If you look toward the north, about halfway up in the sky. you will be able to see about one per minute." he said. ·As there will be a full moon. keep 1t at your bad. as the moon will wash out all but the brigh1est meteors and reduce by a factor of two or three the number you can see." Edison will shine at Temple Isaiah Historical 1mpress1omst Peter M. Small will poruay inventor Thomas Alva Edison at Temple Isaiah in Newport Beach at 2 p.m. Aug. 24. Small recreates the life !>tory and inventions of Edison. His interest in Edison stems from his longtime association with the Thomas Edison Workshop in the Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles areas. He has entertained at Michi- gan's Thomas Edison Festival, New Jersey's Edison National Historic Site an d the Edison MemonaJ Site. Los Angeles' Performing Tree and Culver C1ry's Star Education. You can visit Small onJine at www.Justory-aliue.com or caU him at (714) 524·5944. The program is free to the public. Temple Isaiah is at 2401 Ir· vine Ave., Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 548-6900. UCI Observatory offers Mars viewing View the Red Planet, as it reaches perigee. through high· powered telescopes at the UC Irvine Observatory from 9 to 11 p.m. Aug. 27. Mars will achieve it closest point to Eanh in nearly 60,000 years. Observatory staff will present a slide show about Mars. and amateur astronomers are en· couraged 10 bring their own telescopes. The event 1s free. For more information, call Tom Vasich at (949) 824-6455. The observatory is on UCl's campus. From East Peterson Drive. tum south onto Gabriel· "Over 50 Ytars of Fint Quality" All Types of Window Treat.menu • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bed.tpreads Co•pli""""'? Co111.Jt11tioa ia y..,, Ho•t ~() .. , ' •' -t t , "\ I I < >1 .. 1· . ' r~~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harl>or Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~.::: (949)642-8400 ;.:::=:-w:;. lino Road 10 behind University IUlli. housing. At the top of the hill, turn left and foll ow the dirt road. West Newport associati on mee ting set The next meeting of the Wes1 Newport He ach Assn. 1c; sched- uled lo take place at 7 p.m. Seri. 24 al the Lido Peninsula Resort Oubhou!ie. 7 IO Lido Park Drive Among the 1tems on the group'c; agenda are the elecuon of directors and officers and discu!.S1on of the upcoming Oc· rober pubhc forum For more information. call president hm Miller at (949) 650-3425. Roy al Ballet arriv ing ooner than cheduled The Orange County Perform· 1ng Arts Center has announced that the dates for the Royal Bal- let's performances in Seger· strom Hall have changed to July 6 to II, 2004. TI1e ballei was originally c;cheduled to arrive July 13 to 18. 2004. This one-week change wiU accommodate the balle1 com- pany's travel and tour arrange- ments. Single tickets for the ballet "Cinderella.. by Sir l·rederick Ashton will go on sale about !>ix weeks before 1he engagement. The premiere of thb new pro- duc1ion by I.he Royal Ballet will be on Del'. 23. For info rma uon on this or any other Center event, please phone (71 4) 556·AR1 Sor go on- line at www.ocpac.org. Fishing contest takes place through August The Kid~ Fishing Tournament continues through Augu!it at Davey's Locker Sponfish1ng The conte!.t 1s free 10 enier. II has ca1egories for children I 0 and younger and for children l I to 15. Olildren simply have their fish weighed and cerufied by a Davey's Locker crew member Prizes are awarded fo r the three heaviest fish in each of three categories: base;, barra- cuda and other. Davey's Locker is ar 400 ~lain St. in Newport Beach. Phone 1s (949) 673-14 . .H. JU~ A LiH r,.;ivu r. Frank Sinatra EH? Morul.y d-T-uy 6-9/fM Steaks • Seafood• Cod<tails •• •Qualiry Service••• •••N' d Ente.rta.inmcnt ... ALDEN'S ln1 H~s''' '''''-'''' t ull (949) (,.~(,. 7 944 l h«J"9 l1 \1nc..· '"··· C ""•·• f\.1c..·,~• •>-h,.• ,, .. ,,...J \f .. r '-u••·••• • :11•1 .. , ~ ....... ..,,•Wt l DN-!ilTE J ------~-----_, DRAPERY CLEAJ\111\16 AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECESSARY I Certified Ta Clean All Hunter Dougla• Fabric Window Cow!rlng• Including: • L11ninttte Priray Shttfst •Silhouette• window shadings • ~e' window shadings • Duette• honeycomb shades .• Mnlen~TM Collection • Jubibnant roman shades • Applause• hoMycomb shades • Serenette nt SoftfoldN shadings World•• Best ON-SITE"' Drapery Cleanine System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 l '• d I 1•'II 1/ '11 1 i.., 'I ' ., '' l'I • s99es &UP 4TIRll ....... ....... tllnlRU s14ss .. T t•ntrtt1a .... ..-"""" ...,.,. .. ~.I'==~ Skosh Monahan's S~eakboa s e & IRisb Pa b SPECIALTIES: 6oL locon Wrapped Petite Filet only $17. 95 • 8oL Top Sirloin • 16oL Rib.ye • ht~~Wropped • 12oL N.Y. Sieak 1&~ • 2AoL P~se • 1 OoL Lamb Culott. 5-.k • Rode of lamb • P~ Rack Chpp All Entrees Include Potatoes & Veggies --Baby Backs--- M And loll of other Good Stufr DINNER • BANQUETS • CATERtNG TAKE-OVT • DEUVER'Y •A so H!o'"'°"9 fl.ry'.• t.-v; .. s s•eo..s Ch<~t"\ Pn""'° ~:. t---est'-~Si !>OodW'<l'les 'J'lO SOIOOS • Coc~tO' lOV'-9(' • Sonouer; up ti:. 00 • Tobiesoce Moc:I< >."Cloy eve •warm & comfo<-oo.e 6oott-s • llese<vo1ons occep1ea •Kids Menus • /)per :l' 4p,.. 2 "O<,,~ o;r Nee• en<ll • ·,,.e...r>.,' ~n titiP ':?4'e" ·o ~"" (949) 631-2110 .... -...,,.. . ~ - "We have a lot of competition ... But our Ribs Don't" lj} 30 AND 40 IMAGI NG HAsCOMETO NEWPORT BEACH AND COSTA MESA!!! VHS TAPE WITH MUSIC AND lWO COWR PICTURF.S OF YOUR BABY other packages avai/abk, visit www.yourbabyscan.com 1901 Newport Plaza, Suite 265, Costa Mesa (across from Nike Town, corner of Ncwpon Blvd and 19th St.) 949-515-001 1 ·> 866-428-2229 Fax:949-515-0022 E-mail: Newport@yo urbabyscan.com www.yourbabyscan.com M Tuesdly, ~ust 12, 2003 PUBLIC SAFElY BRJEFLY IN THE NEWS Man who died after chase identified Police identified a 36- year·old Costa Mesa man who died early Sunday morning after leading po· lice on a 10-mlle chase that ended tragically on the San Diego Freeway, where his car lost control and skidded off the MacAnhur Boule- vard offramp and into a tree. offjcials said. Ayurelio Leyva died early Sunday at Western Medical Center in Santa Ana as a re- sult of a fracrured skull and severe injuries, county coroner's officials said Mon- day. A Costa Mesa Police offi- cer was on routine patrol in the area of Valencia Avenue and Mendoza Street when he saw Leyva's car driving without headlights and running numerous stop igns, Costa Mesa Police Lt. Dale Birney said. Leyva refused to pull over and instead accelerated, be- ginning the JO-mile chase tluough the streets of northern Costa Mesa and POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Victoria Street: Two men were arrested on suspicion of an open container in a public parlc in the 300 block at 4:48 a.m . Sunday. • Newport Boulewrd: Two men were arrested on suspicion of an open container in a public paric in the 1800 blade at 12 p.m. Sunday. • 17th Street and Santa Ana Avenua: A man and a woman were arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence at 2:27 a.m. Sunday • J.mes Street: Two people were arrested on suspicion of possession of \ paraphernalia In the 700 block at 5:45 a.m. Sunday. • Wilson Street: Two people were arrested on suspicion of being under the influence OBITUARY Edward Lewis Monill Services for funner 68-year Costa Mesa resident F.dward Lewis Morrill will be held at 2:30 p.m Thursday at Pacific View Mortuary Chapel in Corona del Mar. Mr. Morrill died Thursday of natural causes. He was 90. He is survived by wife Frances Morrill; onto the Bristol Street on- ramp of the San Diego Free- way, Birney said. Police continued the chase to MacArthur, where Leyva tried to exit. but lost control and ran off the road ·1 guess he was traveling too fast to make that loop offramp," Birney said. The California Highway Patrol was called to the scene at 12:49 a.m.., Officer Katie Lungren said Monday. The agency. investigation confi.m\ed.tbe driver "failed to negotiate the curve of the offramp," Lungren said, reading from the report. The car hit the raised con- crete curb and then the tree, she sai(I. His car Oew from the off- ramp and was stuck in a tree. The wreckage was un- tangled from the tree, and Leyva was cut from the car. He was taken to Western Medical Center in Santa Ana, where be later died from his injuries. Joseph Lucky, supervising deputy coroner, said Leyva suffered from a fracrured slcull and ultimatety bled to death because of the "blunt force trauma" to the head and body. -Lolita Harper in the 800 block at 11 :29 a.m. Sunday. • Center Street: A woman was arrested on suspicion of showing a false 10 to a peace officer at 3:15 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Baywood Drive: Burglary wasreportedinthe100 block at 1:54 p.m. Sunday. • Bayview Circle: Burglary was reported in the 500 block at 10:30 a.m. Monday. •Channel Place: Vehicle theft was reported in the 4400 block at 1:26 a.m. Monday. • Newport Center Drive East: Vandalism was reported In the 100 block at 9:30 a.m. Monday. • Tremont Ulna: Vehicle burglary was reported in the 450l> block at 2:18 p.m. Sunday. daughter Marlaine Brown; son Michael Morrill; tluee grandchil- dren: and four great-grandchil- dren. • The Daily Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. If you want to have an obituary printed in the Pilot, ask your mortuary to fax us the information at (949) 646-4170 or call the neW$room at (9491764-4324. VISION Continued from Al Coast Hlgbway with raised medi- ans that have decorative land- scaping and light& Medians In the area that are already railed and landscaped with get more extensive landleapl..ng, though the plant types and other details haven't been decided. Sidewalb on either side of Coast Highway are also slated for more decora- tive landscaping. UQHTS ANO DECORATIONS Th.is green emphasis of the vi· sion plan dates back to the mid-1~, after· the -city. re- moved about 80 mature trees ln the area because their roots were doing damage. Since that time, the city has replanted about 100 young trees along Coast Highway in the area, and local business leaders have maintained their hopes of mak- ing the area as green as pos- sible. CHASE Continued from AY peninsula. of course, there was concern because of the conges- tion," Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Burt Santee said. Costa Mesa resident Felipe Ar- ris, 39, was eventually arrested on suspicion of felony evading arrest. auto theft, possession of a controlled substance {cocaine), drunken driving and driving on a suspended license, Santee said. ~There were probably a few misdemeanor charges thrown in there, too, but those are the big ones.~ he said. Arris was allegedty riding his bike along Hamor Boulevard when he saw a silver Cllevy Astro van in an auto lot in the 2400 block with keys left in the igni- tion, Santee said. The man ditched his bicycle, jwnped in the car and drove off, he said. BABY Continued from Al son was in the car. MAn event like this is devastat- ing. as you can imagine,.. uni- versity press director Jim Cohen said Monday, his voice trailing off at the end of his sentence. How many people walked by the car without knowing a child was dying inside? How much did the boy suffer? How does something like this happen? Those were the questions re- verberating tluough the com- munity in the aftermath. Flow- ers, balloons, cards, banners, candJes and stuffed animals adorned the empty parting space where the boy was found, memorializing his short life. Sally Kanarelc.. director and founder of Parent Help USA in Costa Mesa, who has worked for years to help prevent this type of tragedy, described the hot car as a M death chamber for children." "No parents intentionalty harm their children, or kill OUTLET Continued from Al black -and everywhere else - more fun. Just under a drafting table, near the garage entrance to the space sat l I scuffed bowling pins. At 4 p.m. weekdays, the Kona Lanes remnants - Colombini bought them just before the demolition -relive their purpose during •totally ghetto alley bowling," Colombini said. Just before quitting time, HIGH Continued from Al New street Ughta are alao In the worb. P1annen hope to re· place the exildng llaht polet with decorative onee that meet the same highway IWldard& Ukdy the posts wW have ftxturea for at· taching banners u well u plant· era that will be lnigated with wa· ter pumped right through the light post. In addition, planners want to install a series of shorter lamp posu, about l2 or 15 feet tall. to illuminate walkways for pe- destrlans and add to the ambi- ence. Some of the street furniture and other decorative elements of the plan are already in place. A preview of the new look is at the southwest comer of Coast High· way and Marguerite Avenue, where a decorative bus shelter and landscaping have been in- stalled. Water fountains with special sections for dogs, new entryway signs and even a clock tower with a communJty message board are also under considera- tion. Owners of the lot reported the stolen van at 4:10 p.m. A few minutes later, Costa Mesa Police Officer Chris Walle. heard a radio call of a hit-and- run in the 1300 block of Adams Avenue involving a gray or silver van, last seen headed east on Baker Street. Walle. connected the van to both calls and began the chase on Costa Mesa surface streets. Santee said Walk. later joined by two Costa Mesa patrol cars, a canine unit and a traffic sergeant, followed the speeding van into Hunting- ton Beach, back through Costa Mesa and into Newport Beach, finally arresting Arris at 4:40 p.m., Santee said. MWe requested assistance when we went in other cities, but we were in and out so fast it never really made a difference," Santee said. The Anaheim Police Depart- ment helicopter helped the trail- them, but the result is the same," she said. Authorities did not release the name of the infant or the father, but said the father is a UCI fac- ulty member. The JO-month-old was left in a locked car in an outdoor campus parking lot at 40 I Berkeley Court on Friday, Ir- vine Police Lt. Jeff Love said in a press release. All the windows were closed and outside tem- peratures were above 80 de- grees. At about noon. two passersby saw the infant in the car and im· mediately called for help. A nearby UCI employee called campus police, who smashed the rear window to get the boy out. A physician from the stu- dent health center and Orange County Fire Authority paramed- ics tried unsucassfulty to resus- citate the child. •1t was a very disturbing sight." said Love, who responded Friday after the boy was found ... It is a.IW<lys horrible when someone dies, but when it happens in the fashion that we believe this child died. it is even more horrifying.· Colombini and W~tin release some stress by ht'l"'"rllng a bowling ball along the asphalt of the industrial park to shatter a makeshift pyramid or pins. It gives a whole new meaning to the term •gutter ball." There are di.splays of model cars, art on skateboards, hand-painted furniture, coffee tables on shopping cart wheels and a mlni·bar with old matchbooks fixed into the countertop. High above the computer worbtations are more origtnal pieces of art. A rendition of the traditional nde detergent box brightens the south wall and waa to ab'* the new kids aroWld on the first school day. •BuJcally, what we dJd WU give a little bit of inalder ln!or- mation about how lt II here," Britta said. adding that the gxeet· en diacuaeed toplc.1 llMih u e&mpl.11 culture and academic requhementa. "We talked about thlnp Ub the flct that I**• our echool't to am.all,~ lcnowt every- one here," Anlbony Mkl So far du.~. c:lOM to 80 ltU· denta are llU'Oled In the Khool. Nanney lllcL About 20 lplC8I an ldl1 avaGlb&e, and appllc:a- liona Ire being ~ ~~-thlyMrt ..... ..ai.r~ collele ......... tbe ........... al echool ct.ya .. Odm cllaict •' 1 r IL 180. 'lbll ldlool ...... upm. m ,.,...,,.._ • .,_ .......... Of, .. ...._ ........ ,.. ........ 11n1au1-..;.-.-s-• pnalatot••r' ,,.,.... dill. • ... ... aal ...... ft 1111 ................... Owt:MG ntE ROAD The $12-mJllion project hu al· ready earned about $3.S m!Won in the form of a state grant The dty bu not committed any funds. but m.f8ht conlider re- questB in the future. 1be dUfer· ence might come. from other state grants and similar sourcea, Sellchsaid "The beauty of this plan is that. the way we designed it. It can be phased in piecemeal," Sel.ich said. But the question of whether the city will take over Coast Highway continues to be the big- gest stumbling block. If the city takes It over, It would eliminate a lot of red tape for getting per- mits. The city would al.so be more permissive as to the things it would allow there. "The process of getting per- mit& through Caltrans is compli- cated," AMt Qty Manager Sharon Wood said. •1t takes time and they are fairly lnflexible with standards .... People have really run into difficulty with things like getting permits to put up ing patrol cars because the local Airborne Law Enforcement Unit that Costa Mesa and Newport Beach police depanments use was down for refueling. Police were advised by the van's owners that It had very little fuel, so authorities bided their time and patiently pursued the renegade van, Santee said. The chase reached speeds of 60 to 65 mph on surface streets. The driver ran his fair share of red lights and drove into on- coming traffic at times, Santee said. At one point, Arris allegedty drove on the sidewalk. at a snail's pace, to avoid capture. No inju- ries or collisions were reported, Santee said ·we were really fortunate," he said. "Plus, this all happened just before the rush-hour traffic, when traffic really starts to get heavy." When the risk was greatest. the fuel in the van ran out. and the madcap pursuit ended. No arrest has been made, but Irvine Police and campus police have questioned the boy's fa- ther, Love said. The boy's body was taken by the county coro- ner's office and the investigation continues, officials said. Joseph Lucky. supervising deputy coroner, said the cause of death is still pending and· Mwill be for some time." Officials estimate it will take four to six weeks for the coroner's report. Love said authorities must wait for toxicology and tissue results from the coroner's office to conclude the official cause of death. Those results, along with details from police lnvestjga- tions, Interviews and crime scene data. will be given to the district anorney's homJclde panel to decide what charges should be filed, if any. Love said. MWe are continuing the inves- tigation and working with the coro ner and the district attorney to present the facts of the case so a decision can be made as to criminal charges," Love said Kanarek said she is sympa- a series of three desert highway landscapes adorn the northern wall. "Those are mine,· Colombini said quietly. But the focus for th.is exhibition is on Eddy, he quJckty remind& Huntington Beach resident Eddy depicta dreamy imagery and reality through mbred media in the exhibit ·Framing the Unconscious: A Portraiture of Dreama." The ~ries take form on canvu, furniture and small-ICale banners for t.b1np like the aand cut1e COJltett. 111.at more every- day kind of thlng'a euler it it'a under city control" Caltrant bu o«ered to pay the city $3.5 mOUon if it tabt over the ponion of Coast Highway between Jamboree Road and Newport Cout Drive. The money Is to cover the city's coat of maintaining the road. City of· ficials are unawe whether this ls enough. but Sellch said that It's crucial the dty take over Coast Highway. "The businesa commuruty feels that relinquiabment ta ex- tremely important." Selich said, "It's more than just an Issue of how much money comes from <:a1tra.ns. I feel Intuitively that th~ improvements owr the long term will rejuvenate the area and, in the end be ver)I fi - nancially worthwhile." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574--4232 or by e-mall at june.caugr•nde@lstimes.com. MThey chased that guy all over the place," Costa Mesa Police Lt. Dale Birney said. Police chases are not common in the area. officials said, but Monday's was the second in two days. An ear~orning chase on Sunday ended when the driver Jost control on the MacArthur BouJevard offramp of the San Di- ego Freeway and crashed into a tree. The 36-year-old. man 5¢- fered a fractured skull and bled to death. officials said. After the van had run out of gas, Arris was ta.ken into custody without further incident. He was booked at Costa Mesa City Jail and transferred to Orange County Jail, where be is being held on SI0,000 bail, Santee said. • LOUTA HARPEA writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridaya and covert culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bye-mail at lolita.harper latimes.com t:hetk, but not forgiving. She called for an arrest, charges and a sentence of two years proba- tion for the father, whom she believes was criminally negli- gent. The parent's love for the child is not at question, she said. but l~ has nothing to do with this case. The child ls dead be- cause of parental neglect. she said. Kanarek said she hopes crimi- nal charges can be used to bring awareness to the dangers of leaving a child in a bot car and maybe "something good can come out of this." "Of course, I grieve with them, but an· example must be set." Kanarek said. "Someone with his skills and talents shouldn't be put in jail. but should be out. sharing with other parents, per· forming a service to the com- munity." • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 57~276 or by a.-mail at loUt11.h11rper l•times.com. hand-painted prints. using oil paints and mosaic tiles. Westin, the gallery coordinator, said she was enthusiastic about getting the communJty-grown gallery up and running. Eddy is the second artist to showcase at the Art Martyr Gallery, which is barely 2 months old Westin said. ~1 always wanted to be a part of a gallery where I could wo.rk with emerging artist and help them get I foot tn the dooc," Wesdnuki Daily Pilot AROUND TOWN Blvd. Attend'" ere Invited to dl1pl1y their bt°"'uree and bualneu card• "mlnl•xpo style" • Send AROUND 'TOWN Item• to to better connect with attending the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., bu11n ... people. The cost 11 $20 Cotta Meaa, CA 92627; by •·mill for ch1mber membera with to mlke.1wen1on•lat1me1.com; rHervatlona and $26 at the door. by fax to (949) 648-4170; or by For reaerv1tlon1, call (949) "Pat and Mike," the third of five free iereenlng1 In August, et 1 p.m. All are Invited to enjoy the movie• and free popcorn et the center'• Hepburn Fiim Felt, et 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. lnformetl.on: ~949) 844-3244. celling (949) 674-4298. Include the 729-4400, time, d•t• and location of the A auneet crulM In Newport event,-eawellauJ::o~Newportwlll hold lb---·~~erbor Including a gourmet number. A complete listing 11 monthly general memberahlp dinner, live mualo and dancing, available at www.dallypllot.com. meeting at 6 p.m. et the Newport Arthur Murray dancer• and a TODAY "Tum lack th• Clock on Aging; a free aemlnar and book algnlng, will be held 6:30 to 7!30 p.m. at Mother'• Market, 226 E. 17th St., Cotta Meaa. For re1ervatlon1, call (800l 695-MOMS. Adult rMders .,. lnvtt.d to • grand finale celebration for the "Branch Out·ReadN program at 3 p.m. at the Corona del Mar Branch Library. The festivitlea wlll bring the 2003 aummer reading program for book lovers 18 and older to a close. For more information, call (949) 644-3076. WEDNESDAY Adult f'Mders, Witte,. and enlmal lovers are Invited to "Cata and Dogs• from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Center next to the Mariners Brancti Library in Newport Beacti. The free program will feature Patricia Guiver, author of the mystery series starring fictional pet detective Delilah Doolittle, and Cat Fancy journalist Sandy Robins. For more informetion, call (949) 717-3816. The Newport BNc:h Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly Newport Networking lunctieon from noon to 2 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 Macarthur VERDICT Continued from Al violation of some obscure section of the election code that Davis had dug up. I 1.ried the jury trial. Griffen was a very nice guy. While there had been a technical violation of the law, it certainly wasn't very im moral, and what Olarley had done didn't benefit him per~onally. Griffen was doing great before the jury until his anomey overplayed his hand, a congenital weakness of lawyers. He broughl in all the superior AUGUST Beach Tennla Club, 2601 Eattbluff live auction will be held by Drive. Refreahment1 will be Adventures at Sea to benefit aerved starting at 6:30 p.m . .Thl1 Parent Help, U.S.A . month'• topic It Newport Beacti Reservations are required. llfeguarda. Information: (949) Ticket• are $76 per person or 729-4404. two for $126. For more FRIDAY Teddy a .. ,. 11nd TH Cupa on Belboe laland, 226 Marine Ave., will hoat a Doll Trunk Show. For tlmea: (949) 673-7204. SATURDAY The Friends of the Newport Beacti Library will hold a used book sale In the Friend• Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with books priced at "• buck a bag:' A members-only preview will be held Aug. 16 with hardcover books priced at two for $1 and paperbacks at six for St All proceeds are donated to the library system. Information: (949) 759-9667. "Divorce: A New Beginning: i1 • workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced. The cost is $40. It will be held 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at 180 New port Center Drive. Information: (949) 644-6435. SUNDAY To honor Katherine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Cent~r will present court judges then on the bench as character witnesses for Griffen. In they trooped - Frank West. Kenny Morrison, Raymond Thompson and John Shea -all testifying to what a great guy Olarley Griffen was. You could just feel the jury freeze up at this unseemly display of judicial clout. The jury promptly convicted poor Oiarley. Pearson was furious. I felt bad for Griffen. Nevertheless. pursuant to the jury verdict. I ordered that Griffen b e removed from his office of city clerk of the city of Anaheim. To my surprise. despite his earlier outrage, Pearson just sat there in the Information, call (949) 660-2412 .. MONDAY Mature drtwra can 1h1rpen their driving 1klll1 In two four-hour AARP driver safety classes held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m . today and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant In Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The coat is $10. Advanced registration ia required. For more information, call (714) 657-3340. AUG.19 The Or11nge County c:hepter of Wine Brats, a national nonprofit organization, is holding its monthly wine tasting event at Gustaf Anders Restaurant in South Coast Village fro m 7 t o 9 p.m . The W ine Brat s will be tasting s everal w in es from Au stralia. Informati on and registration: oc.winebrats.org A free ••miner, "Feng Shul for• Healing Home; will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For front row and grinned at me. The next Monday, I discovered the reason for the grin. Right after I rem oved Griffen as city clerk of Anaheim. both Olarleys wem back to Anaheim City HaJl, where Pearson hired Griffen a., city treasurer at a substantial increase in salary. I learned rwo lessons from the Olarley Griffen case. First. jurors don't like judges any more than they like lawyers, which is not at all. Second, I learned not to ever tangle with Oiarley Pearson. • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mar res1denl and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. "City of tlv ;t~" reaervetlona, call (800) 696-MOMS. AUG.20 The~rt hech ~m.,. Club general meeting will begin at 9:30 e.m. at the Oeal1 Senior Center parking lot In Corona del. Mar. Attendeea will then carpool to Cryetal Cove State rark for a hike and lunch. Information: (949) 646-9922 or. , ne~erp·o~vtportbeach.org AUG.21 A free bone den1hy 1creenlng will be held by appointment only from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Co ste Meu. For reaervations, call (800) 595·MOMS. The Newport Beech Chamber of Commerce 11 hoatlng e Retell Merdlentt Salea Seminar 1pon1ored by the Bayalde brancti of Union Bank of Cellfornle from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Beacti Yactit Club. The'COlt to ettend 11 $15, whicti lnclOdelT"' ~r.ttlnental breekfaat. For reaervatlon1, call (949) 729-4400. Teddy a..,. and T .. Cupe on Balboa laland, 225 Marine Ave .. will hoat "Spa Day for Girls" at 2:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. • Stmi-Pri11att for Mm & Womt8 • Ovtr 80 Piun of Equipment •Private Pilatn Studio •SPINNIN G Thtattr with New State-of the-Art Cycles. • 16 Full-timt Personal Traint rs • Child Cart Barn -noon M · Sat. • Con11tnitnt Parking • Yoga, Tai Chi. Strttch Cla ssts • Sttp, Power Pump, Cardio •Showers. Steam & rouuls •Day Spa Tuesday, Auaost 12, 2003 AB AUG.22 The Cott. MeN S.nlor c.ni. preaems a Hewalian luau fNturlng euthentic Hewallen food, entertainment end more from 4 to 7 p.m. Tk:keta ere on aele et the center's front dealt Reeervetlona are e mutt Admlesion for membera la $6, $11 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 64f>.2366. ... AUG.23 Triengle Square In Coate M e11 invitee the community to ettend "A Fai r at the Square" for the sights, 1ounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advant11ge of storefront specials from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m. AUGUST CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wednesdays 2003 Tuesday, August 5 Networkers Luncheon Leads Group t 1·45 a.m. -1 pm. Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Drive, CM 17DO Adams Ave., Ste. 101 , Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • (714) 885-9090 ·fax (714) 885-9094 • www.co_§j~IJ!..esachamber.co!f1 Monday, August 11 Tuesday, August 12 Legislative Committee Noon · Chamber office Finance Committee Executive Committee JUNE NEW MEMBERS American Flnanclal Group Bill Schallmo · 297 3 Harbor Blvd., #360 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 800/201-3033, x302 voice 714/546-1308 fax Baldwin Bu•lneu Con•ulting Erin Baldwin P.O. Box 2656, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-2656 949/722-7063 voice 949/722-7064 fax U~rty Financial Richard Juge 30012 Ivy Glenn Drive, #130, Laguna Niquel, CA 92677 949/388·8880 voice 949/388-1478 fax JUNE RENEWALS 49 years/II/I Po nderosa Mo bile Estates Park 21yearslll O range County Fair & ·Expo Center JS years/II College Pharmacy Dyears/// Sandpiper Motel lti yea,.// The Lakes at South t oast IS years/I Scott's Seafood 14YHrsll Senik Paint Compahy ,,,..,..// Rose Hiils Harbor Lawn IJ~nll 81tetA.ee, Inc. ··~-' friar "!\ax Shop • Unk)n IMk·Wllecltff Medltln8nMn Vllllll Mlmf1teiff 8yearsl Mar Vac Electronics National University Pierce Street Annex 1yea,../ Domino's Pizza-17th Street Domino's Pizza-Baker Street 6 yearsl Holiday Inn Express $yea,../ Sign Depot Blue Violet Networks Geomatrix Consultants 4 yea,../ Copies, Etc. Virgin Megtitore Ceoter fof' Better Health Better Home Exteriors lyear91 • 1901 Nftpoft Plau °""'PllM Bakety & Ca~ Turnip Rote Caterina Co. P~ic I~ AT•TW...lela Qr.,_ COlll Mick.II C.- ~ t.Wllllon s.rvtc:. MllUbl BRE AKFAST , LUNCH AND AFTER HOURS ' -June Breakfast Breakfast sponsors Bob Walls (left) and Tim Kalliomaa of National University Networkers President Lisa Tatman, Financial Management Network with neW group members (1-r) Richard Juge, Liberty Financial, Victor Jimenez, American Home loans, and Dan Barrett, Entertainment Pocket Booklet Breakfast Rattle Prize Donations Corner Bakery. Toll Road~. I FIX M Automotive, Catalina Pas~en~er $ef\.1ce. Boys & Girls Club. Costa Mesa Marriott Su ites, A Touch 0 1 Romance Breakfast Raffie Donation opportunities are available by calling Ambassador Sandy Kasler, Kasler Ventures - 949/631-0855 -Networkers Networkers President Lisa Tatman welcomes new member, Erin Baldwin, Baldwin Business . Consulting to the luncheon group. PLEASE M EET •••••••••••••••• .... vvwww --~499 2701 Harbor Blvd. Co5Q Mesa, CA 92626 714/43,..1311 voice PENDRAGON Thursday, August 14 Thursday, August 21 7 a m. ·Chamber office Ambassadors Committee Noon ~ Chamber office Board of Directors Luncheon DARK 90-Minute Breakfast Boost 7 -8.45 a.m Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Gott Course Drive Wednesday, August 27 After Hours Business Mixer 5 30-1·30 pm Holiday Inn, 31 31 Bristol Street ---Ribbon cuttings-- Ambassado rs Rosanna Sumrall of Waddell & R~ and Enc Anderson of A Second Look (far left) join bank manager Casey Mattos and operations manager Pat Stanley (center with scissors) along with staff members Carole, Connie and Kathy, to matic rhe opening d the newly relocated First..,.,_ Trust Mt 3001tufborlhd.81 '*'· ----~- M Tuesday, Auaust 12, 2003 Dally Pilot FORUM ·. I J HOW TO OET PU11U8HED -L9a1ra: Mell to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Delly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meal, CA 92827 • R11 it.rt Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E""'811:Send to d11/lypllotQll11tlmea.oom • All COrT'ffPOndence must lndude full name. hometown and phone number (for veritlcation purpc>Ma). The Pilot reMIVet the right to edit ell aubmleslona for clarity and length. NOTEBOOK Running and swimming on a Gray morning By Wllll•m Lobdell A s annual Newport Beach ttaditions go, the Ouistmas Boat Parade Is spectacular, and the Fourth of July -from the red, white and blue bikinis and surf trunks along the boardwalk to the fireworks show above the Newport Dunes -are pure fun. But neither compares to one of its lesser known cousins, the Gray Lunde lronman Race, an event put on each August by the Newport Beach Junior Lifeguard Program. It's a tough race with about seven miles of running and another mile of swimming, from the Santa Ana River jetty to near the Wedge. Despite its grueling nature, it attracts hundreds of the heartiest junior lifeguards, ages 8 to 15, who want to challenge themselves with a test of endurance. As the lronman started Saturday, the beach was filled with tanned, bleach-blond boys and girls in lifeguard-red swimsuits, nervous about whether they had what it taJces to complete the course. Alongside of them were Newport guil.rds and a dozen or so mom and dads who competed side by side with the lcids, offering encouragement throughout the race. , If that wasn't enough, parents, grandparents. brothers and sisters lined the sand and stood on the Newport and Balboa piers. cheering for every irorunan who passed by. Part of the beauty of the race is that back-of-th~d competitors get louder cheers than the winners. Which puts a bigger lump in your throat A yacht decked on in a bazillion Ouistrnas lights with Santa Oaus waving from its stem? A hometown Fourth of July parade with little kids' bicycles decorated in red, whit and blue bunting? Or a 9-year-old girl smiling as she crosses the finish line of an hour-and-45-minute race that induded four swims a quarter mile out into the chilly Pacific and back. I'll take the girl every time. The lronman is named after Gray Lunde, a popular and humble young man who died eight years ago during a water polo practice at Newport Harbor High School. He was a freshman, all of 14 years old and had heart problems. Gray, a longtime junior lifeguard, excelled at the lronman, and naming the race in his honor is typical of the thoughtfulness and family-first attitude of the Newport Junior Ufeguard Program, under the direction of Reenie Boyer. Under. a rainbow of balloons at the finish line. compedtom and spectators cheer on those still in the race. As the time the last lronman approached the ftnlah Saturday-more than two hours after the start -the clapping and yelling and booting reached Its loudest The Uttie guy, about 10 yean okl. bad a big smile on his race. lib he'd just won the Loe ~Marathon. Afterward. the newly minted tronmeo and their qJparten gathered to the sand outside Junior Ufeguard Headquuten near the Balboa Pier. CBy the w-.y. cm eomeooe in the city find money to Fl them out ol Che lictecy double-wide a.Ila-00 the t.dl end Into & b.Mng worthy rAthl pn+auf) 1be 8wwdi CWem&WIY booorl DO( oa1y Che llOp aw lnMben In .di ..... bUf eldJ pc!llQll In lbe mice. Gray Lunde The day's highlight is always when a member of Gray's family takes the microphone. This year, it was his older brother fy, a former Newport lifeguard who is now a paramedic-firefighter with the city. He competed in the lronman for the first time in years. powering his bulked-up body through the course in about 90 minutes. ·1 won the over 225-pound division," he joked.. With his father, Bob, manning the video camera. Ty told the kids a little bit about his brother. How he always did well in the lro~bragged about it How Gray and the rest of the Lundes saw the race like a concentrated slice of life: It was tough, It was thrilling. and encouragement helped you get through it But when you crossed the finish line -no matter bow many people were in front of you -you were a winner. On a personal note, each year I try to do the lronman with at least one of my boys. I do it because of Gray. I remember, as editor of the Pilot then, how shocking his death was -to his family and friends. the community and to me. Gray's Jronman race reminds me annually to Uve in the moment with my boys, to love them, bug them, encowage them, appreciative them The amount of time we have with each other is unknown. We always say that. don't we. without meaning it Gray allows me, for at least one day each August. to live it This year, my 11 -year-old Tristan competed. It's a thrill to do a difficult race running and swimming alongside your son or daughter and watching them oveICome the obstacles. The annual event also makes for an easy measure of your kids development. The first year Tristan did the race, he was, along with me, an unofficial entry. He managed to keep up with his big brother on the run. but at age 7, he couldn't make the entire swim. So I towed him around the buoys. Saturday, though I could swim faster, he had somewhere owr the years become a better nmoer than me. So as we got out of the waier after our Jut swim. be smiled at me and took off. I oouldn't catch him. . I told the story to Bob Lunde after the race. and be sakt the aame thing happened to him when Gray WU about the aame age. During the mnual Harbor Ha•• Run. Gny IA addm)y tippelled at his &boulder wlth a llDDe on his face, and he WM 8Dfle. It Wiii the moment bl the 900 ~the tamer. and lhl dad kMd fN9IJ minute rA ta. Mdl cs.ad hilt In bAamlnd. lt'ta1-xlb.Uofm panl&. • mm:Jll'S NOl"I: \IMem Lobdall • ..,, of.,. Dlllv ..... tot 10 Y9lf9, .. ,.,,,,. ............ "°'~ Tima ............... ....,,,,.,., ............ MAILBAG , nu PHOlO DA.LY PtlOT : Diamond Vargas leads the way on her motorcycle down 19th Street in Costa Mesa during last year's Orange County Dyke March. : March organizers should think of community I am outraged, but not surprised, that organizers of the Orange County Dyke March a.re complaining about the cit¥'~ requirements for their use of city property and services. These people have an agenda to push and never miss an opportunity to be "ln your face" when maners are not to their liking. It reminds me of a temper tantrum. I have been working with the city for a special event pemtit since February of this year for my own group's event. At no time have I thought their requirements burdensome or prejudicial, and several of them are similar to what is being required of this group. My group is far more interested in being good neighbors to the surrounding community and responsible users of city facilities than shoving our interests down the throats of the public. Please, Costa Mesa -do not back down at this group's threats or posturing. If this group's permit application was made by a Costa Mesa resident, shame on you for not considering the well-being of your community before the needs of your group. If the permit was sought by a nonresident, shame on you for trying to jeopardize Costa Mesa residents by circumventing the safety and courtesy sranda.rds required by our city. SHARON WILLIAMSON Costa Mesa Can't those three learn how to play nice? The current tiff among Phil Arst, Mayor Steve Bromberg and City Manager Homer Bludau is staning to become too boring. Please, can't you guys just get together and have a beer somewhere and work out your personal affronts and problems? Taking up that much newsprint to complain about personal problems with not~so-subtle accusations Is just not productive from our point of view. All of these usual suspects should rather be focused on our city problems. How about water quality; urbanization: traffic concerns; the tooth anniversary; the new City Hall; the effect of the new state budget ... little things like that. One major correction to the mayor's brief, however: GreenJight is not a political party! I( you can call Phil. Evelyn and Jean a political pany. then it's the best kept secret In Newport Beach; other than where and when Warner Bros. will be filming future episodes of "The O.C" , -right here in our town ; RON AND ANNA WINSHIP?= Newport Beach On residents' side aga inst developer I am writing in response to the Thursday Daily Pilot ' "Readcri. Rc,1w11d" section. I wouJd like to complement the residents who responded to the threat of the developer threateninR to hold the residents and the City Council hoi.t..tgc Who do they think they are? Do they think that the council and the re .. adents • of Costa Mesa-ca.rt be forced to have a • • project forced down theLr throat'> that :=· they are having second thought!> about? C My hat is off to the three council ;::; members who showed enough gumption :; to vote against the developer and want to :i look further into the pro,ect, and I for .., one will back the council all the way 1f = they want to call the developer\ bluff andl let him sue the good people of t.o,tJ : Mesa. Who do they think they are. anyway'? Let's show them thaf thcrt• 1' more to life in Costa Mesa rhan the almighty dollar. = MIKE PARKS.. C:oi.iu M_:i: ------------------------------------------------------......---------------------~ .... ~ .. -COMMUNITY COMMENTARY .... If bridge is built, improvement will comel Why the 19th Street bridge will be built Extending 19th Street in Costa Mesa to Broolchurst Street in Huntington Beach via a bridge over the Santa Ana River will benefit Costa Mesa by reducing traffic on Adams Avenue and Victoria Street and will eliminate the need to build Bluff Road south from Victoria Street to Coast Highway. It also will reduce traffic on Newport Boulevard between the end of the Costa Mesa Freeway and Coast Highway by offering a better and shorter route for those drivers going between the Costa Mesa Freeway and Huntington Beach. This will benefit Costa Mesa's F.astside by making Newport Boulevard more desirable for going between the end of the freeway and 17th Street and will reduce the temptation for drivers to cut through residential neighborhoods. The bridge will provide economic advantages to Costa Mesa. Homeowners will see 5\lbstantial increases ln their property values resulting from easier access to the at.ate beach and Coast Highway. New businesses. induding a major market and drug store, will be ROBERT GRAHAM attracted to the commercial district along 19th Street due to the increased traffic and a larger customer base resulting from the road going through. A beach-oriented tourist industry will develop, offering many new employment opportunities. Private developers will see new opportunities ori the Westslde and will bring ideas and money to rebulld what ls old and rundown. Extending 19th Street to the beach ls the key to enticing the private sector into financing the redeveloping of the Westside. Tu date, large amounts of time and money have been spent by the dty of Costa Mesa trying to justify removing the extension of 19th Stteet from the county's highway plan.. The results of the latest Santa Ana River Crossing Study are In and do not justify remoY8I of the bridge from the county pJan. The study shows 11.000 additional vehicles per day using Victoria Street If 19th Street Is not built, but this bas been bidden from LETTER TO THE EDITOR Victoria Street residents by the way th<' repon is structured. AL'iO, no maugaoon ideas were presented to show how problem., related to increased traffic on 19th Stll'('l, resulting from the bridge being built. could be satisfactorily resolved With Jand~apang. sound walls and coordinated traffic signals. Our City Council needs to quit squandering our time, money and resources trying to ap pease a few people who for their own personal reason!> don't want 19th Street to be extended. If the City Council members do not want the bridge. let them justify thelr poslllon based on hard facts and profes5ional opinions. The burden of proof is not on the people 10 justify a bridge. which Is already on the county plan; the burden of proof Is on the Costa Mesa City Council to justify Its removal, and this has not been done. ,, The bridge will be built because It offers • ., the best. most cost-effective solution to traffic and economic problems In Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Huntington Beach. "' • I • EDfTOR'S NOTt: Robert Gniham •• 1 C:O.ta Mesa resident who haa long ldvocet.ed construction of • bridge et 19th Street. II< "' . Charity league serves the community Ao .. ,, ... "/think UC/ already has a good team. Hopefully I can come in and make an immediate impact. " AM'on Bruce, UC Irvine basketball recrurt $9of1s Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 5744223 • S9orta Fax: 19491650-0170 MEN'S BASKETBALL .Daily4'PW . pon. I tall ol Fame . .. lw_Ju~t l 7 nono1 ee DON BEATTY Tuesday, August 12 20C3 A7 __ ruce confirms he's headed to UCI Irvine will have AustraJian freshman guard, pending NCAA clearance, and he is excited to play for UCI. It might as well be October for Aaron Bruce, because the 6-foot-2 guard from Amtralia ls ready and anxious to play Ne.AA Division I college basketball right now. Bruce, who graduated from the Aus· tralian Institute of Sport Monday. will play for UC lrvfne, pending NCAA clear- ance He confirmed such just hours be- fore his graduation ceremony. "Once I'm cleared by the INCAAL I'm definitely looking forward to playing for UO/ said Bruce, who helped lead Aw.· t:rali.a to the World Junior Basketball championship last month. ·rm just look- ing forward to do everything I can to make UC! a great team in the NCAA." Because of NCAA rules, UCJ coaches cannot iliscusi. the recruiting of Bruce. UC! bas~etball offered a scholarship to Bruce in late June, he said. However, UC! wasn't the only school after Bruce. UC1A aJso showed interest in the hot-shooting guard who made a name fo r himself af· ter scoring 25 points in a I 06-85 victory over the U.S. July 17 at the World Junior Basketball Olampionships in Greece. The Bruins were about 10 make a for- mal offer to Bruce. but they did not have a scholarship available. otherwise they would have, Bruce said. RegardJe~'>. Bruce said he would not have went 10 UC1A becau-.e he had already verbally com.mined to UCI. "I didn't want to go back on my word,· said Bruce who is aware UCI has not reached the Big West Conference tourna- ment championshlp game the past three yean.. "That makes me more determined to make sure we make it lh.i.s year. l thmk UCI already has a good team. Hopefully I can come in and make an immediate impact. Hopefully we can win the Big West tournament and go lo the NCAA loumamem and see how far we can go from there." Bruce said he can play either as the point guard or the rwo (the sh ooting guard) and is willing lo play both for the Antea1en.. When asked to describe h.15 game, he said he models himself after Pete Maravich, the throwback point guard known for hii. fancy dribbling and passrng. Bruce can also score when needed. he CHECKING OUT !.aid, which he did when Australia up<,<·1 the Americans last month. Bruce ">Cored on the fast break, from the outside c1J1d on a few mid-range shots. "It was a game where our preparation was very well." !Mild Bruce, who had extra mouvation fo r 1hat game. "I had a strong mmd-set against the USA because I knew I was corning over Ito play for UC!). I was determined to prove m yself" Bruce said he has been foll0W1ng NCM basketball throughout high '>Chool and he set a goal to play for a DtvtS10n I college. Dei.plte never visiting the cam pui.. Bruce chose UCI because he had heard pos1th,e '>lories from ~ fnend and former teammdte. Nie Campbell. who abo plays for the Anteate~. "I IIUSI him," Rruce said. Bruce also !>Cl.Id he wanied to go 10 UC I because he has played Wlth Campb~ll and the cwo are fnencb. Campbell pld}t:'d DON LEACH I DAIL V Pll 0 • UC Irvine Athletic Director Bob Chichester, in his first year after replacing Dan Guerrero. stands in front of trophy case at the UCI athlebcs office. UCI still seeking Madness The Anteaters men's teams want to take the next step and it stans with the basketball squad breaking into the NCAA tournament. StevtVlr1t n Daily Piiot W hen the season's final horn sounded. the UC Irvine meo'a basketball team wa.s Jett. once again, short of lts goal ol reach.tng the Ne.AA tournament For the third stra!ght season. the Anie.tefl failed to reach the Bil West tounwnenn tide pme. 1bla wu not to aay ua did not enjoy a "ICCellM teUOn. but the Anteatefl did not reecb their ultimate IOIL 'Ibe uo atbJedc t.ma. which haw for the mott pert become known for buUtbeD, would have recetwa prlldbly an~ bo09t had the An..,.. rw:hed m.tr ftnt Btg Dulce. 8'lt die '1!aaen were at home ...... the lllUl6c p.,.d. "Wit CU .... I~ MIUOD in .... olwbai .. do wtlblrl die prcllhilQ. but .. w. .. , .. pl .. to .................. tolbe NCM,. ......... ....,-lob ~ ua'IAllllidt Dhc:tutwbo ......... ,...~---b I 1 l,.-cs_.11_,1111mpOa-.. w1m111 ro what we do here. not only within the !athletic] department, but we've seen how a successful basketball team can help a campus. Our hope ls that basketball continues to be one of our main programs.· Tuday's Cllecldng Out series highlights the status of the UCI men's teams and also other developments within the Anteaters' athletic department While the UCI men's basketball team dJd not reach the NCAA tournament, the program solidified Itself as the sport that the 1tudent body clearly Identifies with and suppons the most Coach Pat Ooi.gtaas remains determined to Improve that status and he knows the Ne.AA tournament ls the sure ticket to increase UO's popularity. "We're going to tbe Ne.AA (tournament) at some point," Oouglua said shortly aAer UCl'a ft.na1 pme, a 61·55 lole to Utah State. "It's not aomethi.r\g I'll Jose sleep over." Dou8lua. Instead. bu apent most or hit ntsbta and days rebuilding. pl'Olnlll that had beer\ tn ahamblea before be antwd. In the M110n before DouslMI' urfval the Anteaten posted a 1·25 record. Then In Year'Pou.rof tbe no. ..... fn. the medculoul coac:b E tbe~cer1coa2S·S~• Wilt ~n th.te and an biinb. 1bl ~• aeaon put UCI on the ..... iiid lhlil dw An.-. .... ce.chi14 ... Oldie~ Wiii .. IL llUDD ddi lblllDMnl season. For the second straight year, Douglass was named the Big West Coach of the Year. Last season, Douglass helped produce the Anteaters' third-straight 20-win season, an unprecedented feat, though one of the victories came over Pomona Pitzer. The Anteaters lost two starters, Jordan Harris and Mllce Hood. to graduation. yet they are poised to remain as one of the elite teams In the Big West UCI ls·also maintaining high expectadons for Its men's volleyball team which bunt onto the ~ne with a No. 1 ranking for two weeb early last season under the d1.rectlon of firat-year coach John Speraw. The men's soccer team. coached by George Kuntz, and Coach John Savqe'a buebaD team have re.loaded and are a1ao prepared to add to UCl'a fllCCell. Ollchester aaJd communicating and farnil1arldng himeelf wtth the coaches hu been an lmponant pen ortm dudel dwfna bll ftnt )'WU. The ua Arhledc Dlndor IM.ll'ldJy '°' along weD wttb Speraw. ·1 apptedllrlcl blma able to there = s.::=;e.:~.c::" bMft\ ........ to -i11b up ...... .... lhouldlr .a ........... ... some olbk pad...,._. to nab• on me.· n.ua~mmtilrheddw .-....... la6i1Dllllln.lll ~lml....,.llltA&••n ....... d ................. . UC IRVINE MEN'S COACHES '>pann~~ m only thrl'e game~ la.!>I '>t:a.'>On beLJU'>t: 111 a bad. m1ury but ht-1., ex pt-c1ed !CJ rt'turn ttm '>t'CLSOn Brut(' will be admi11ed 10 UCI ..u1d re· ceive h1" ..,tfo1lar.h1p a" soon d.., he l!> cleart-d h't the 'l(AA mere ,,a.., d ..et bad, tn lh<' prt.1ti'S.'> ~hen one: or Hruce'> cla"""'" wa ... not tonc,1dered a '>tll'ntt', bu1 Hrnu \elll 1he !'JCM hi., cour,e outline as proof the claM rndeed \.\~ d -.c1ence and he t!> expecnng dearance twtore the end ol the month Tlw add1uun ut Brute: ~ould ltJ\t• llU \\1th one 'cholar-.h1p d\wJable I he Ant, eater., had ~o \tholar.hips d\iillable \\1th the graduauon of Jordan I ldJTl"> and \like 1 lood UU gamed the -,1gning-. of renrer Hvan P'dulhn and forward \lark lit!!. 11len. Ryan Codi and Dt-VJughn PeJte lrJrhferred "' commurut} college.. LhJ, -.ummer gmng ''ay tO Bruce and the 'ac.,ant ~pc11 WATER POLO Salvino • resigns atCdM Sea Kings have announced they are seeking new coaches for boys ,,vater polo and softball. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot Tim ~1hino ha' rt·'>1gnPd a ' .oalh ol the Corona del \IJI lltgh hoy" ''a1er polo ream. the .,chool annoum:ed \Ion day Jem Jelnid; the Cd~f bu'" .nhll'lll director. '>aid he \\ <.L~ told h\ tht ,< hool'~ admm1 trauon tha1 \dl\1no re .. 1gned for per-,onaJ rea,1,on" Jelnid. o;a1d he''·'' .. urpn-.ed 111 hear of Sah1no'> re<,lj.,'llat1on ·but I don t JcnO\, the wholt> .,1111a11on he ">Jld. I kne\.\ there wa., .,ornething t ommg down . I didn't kml\'• 11 11 wa ... a d1-.tnC1 thing or if ll wal> Tim-, dec1o;;1on Jelmd. '>aid he ha" he.trd from .11 lell.l>t two pl'ople intere\tl'd in tht' u1al hmg iob and ~,,11 con11nue 10 accepl n,•..,ume~ and 1ntere'>t throu~h()ul 1he wt>ek. Prac· tice5 begin m two week., fo r a tt.>am that hao; won three of the last four Li l-D1\1· 51on I water polo 11tJe., The < dM bO\"> athletic director -.aid he would call Sah1no wHhm thl' next fewdav.., ·1 wan1 lo ,1,ee ho~ ... he ,.., doing." Jel· rud. '><lid Sah1no did not return phone mes- sag~ left Monday Sahino was the as.'i1~tanc coach of the boys water polo team for stx years be· fore becormng the head coach. \fay 6. 2001. He worked under John Vargas. who left to become the head coach at Stanford. Under the duecuon of Vargas. and as- sisted by SaMno. the Sea Kings won the CIF Southern Section Division II titles from 1999-2001. In his only season al the helm. SaJvmo led CdM to a 20-8 re- cord and reached the final of the CIF Di- vision l playoffs. losing in the ttde game to Long Beach Wilson. When Salvino was hired as CdM's coach he was extremely excited to work with the Sea ~ and called the job. "a dream come true." At that time, Salvi.no was teaching fourth grade at Newport Heights EJ. ementary. but bad hopes oC evftltually landing a teaching job at c.dM. The Sea Kings lost their top three playen to graduadon. John Mann. a member of the U.S. jwllor oadon&I team. ta l&ated to play at UC ~ Artie OoCT wW play water polo at UQA • Beau StocbtDl is set to joto his former co.ch. Vupa, at Stanford. CdM i. aleo lleeking a new lfttt VV'liry aoftbaD cOllCh. wbo would be the fourth COldl th • many llUOOI. Bd Ml"9 and Ride Giffen wixbd u ~ for the u.m lalt ,..... ...,. mat ower • COid\ ~ ~ Johmoj\ '' 'red hm her pol( ~ Cbe 2002 ---Jabn· tOtl repa.ced 18ry ~ who .. die ptOtJlln after lbe 2001 ---M1'9 ..S <l9lll p.w ilwS.. Dil9i to a UHi l'9COftt ... -iDd m iia a wld-aird ..-illi die CW: l»ltllrm IV playaA. -=~•"' ... ~---.. --.-.-=.--~-------~ ---. UCI Continued from A7 record 3,235 at the Bren Events • Center. Next year the UCI volleyball team will play its borne matches in Oawford Hall. which received renovation, Including new seating that is now complete. Aside from the new seats in Crawford Hall. Olichester hopes to put his stamp as AD at UCI by battling with the &1ate budget and finding ways to upgrade other facilities. Chichester said he wants to ·refurbish the weight room and provide more office space for his staff. Some coaches at UCJ have to share an office. Chichester is also planning to fine-rune the look of the UCI pool and complete the construction of Anteater Ballpark. which is to include a clubhouse, locker room and expanded seating. The baseball team finished its second year last season after going 10 years without a teem. The Anteaters endured injuries and a tough schedule, but were still considered underachievers. However, Savage i:emains confident that UCI wW contend in the nationally res~ed Big West Conference for years to come. The men's soccer team also had to deal with its share of injuries and ended with a record of 8-8-4, 3-:t-3 in the Big West, which should serve as motivation for next season. Chichester is intrigued by the future of the men's golf team, which won its third straight Big West title last season but lost three key players to graduation. "'Ihe incoming players have big shoes to fill next yea.t" Olichester said. "But Paul has shown he can do this, so 111 sjt back and let him do what he does." Chichester has similar feelings of his approach to the UCJ water polo team, which is coached by Ted Newland. who will enter his 38th season this fall. Newland laid down the foundation for one ot UCJ'a first tndltiona and continues to produce positive results. Brian Pajer directs the swimming and dMng team. . Pajer was an NCAA All· American swimmer for UCI in·l989 and 1990. Coach Steve <)alk's tennis team would not mind reliving memories of days past, but translating that success is difficult these days. The Anteaters have a chance to build off their 12-10 season last year. The 12 wins is the most for UCJ since 2000, when the 'Eaters won 14. Coach Vtnce O'Boyle's cross country team, which showed much promise last season, has been rebuilding in an attempt to become a solid program that extends into track and field competition. The Anteaters also compete in rowing and sailing. Duvall Hecht is the director of men's rowing and Mike Pinkney coaches sailing. Wholesale pricing and 3 year/36,000 mile nationwide factory warranty on all gas powered engines and transmissions! Call Our Wholesale Hotllne Todajl AOVllTISllBn fOl 1151&11 .. PllGllAlllCAD Subject to cond1t1ons prescrtbed by the University ef Ctllft.n.le, nt-, resportSu to the University's Prequ11lfic1tlon Questionnaire for a Design Build contract are sought from Oesian Builders for the followin11 proiect: STUDENT CPfTH DPANSIO• 'HASE 4 ''elect N-"n 9t t HJ UNIVt:RS°ITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVlNE PREQUAUFICATION Of PROSPECTIVE DESIGN lutlDW The Un1vers1ty's primary ob1ett1ve 1n utohzing the design build approach os to bring the best 1vall1ble onteauted design and construction ope11ence to this Pro1ect The University hu determined that Desi11n Builders who wbmll proposab on this Proiect must be prequalihed. Prequahlotd Design Builders will be required lo hoe the followin11 California oonltaclor's license. GlNlltAl IUIU>ING, •a• GENllt.Al DISClllPTION Of WOltK The proposed protect consists of opansoon and renovation of the u1st1ng Student Center Complex on the main campus of the University of Cahlornta, Irvine The scope of work includes: new building additions totalina appro•imalely 168.000 gross square feet, an addition lo the Cross Cultural Center of approximately 5,000 aross square feet, major renovahon to portions of the main complea totaling approximately 25.500 gross square feet; and allow1nces for minor renovation to ea1stone areas totalon11 appro11mately 35,000 gross square feet. In addition, there ts eatensive srle·work included 1n the project scope The structural system for the new 3 story main bu1ldin11 addition will be a structural steel frame with metal decks and hlfhtwe1eht concrete toppm11. Sprayed ltreprooflne to all steelwork will be required for the new Type II FR 1ddl1ton. Also included are reinforced concrete retain1ne walls. reinforced concrete slab on 11rade, mechanical equipment pads, seismic fo1nts and miscellaneous metals and support framin11 E xtertor cladding for this po• hon ol the bu1ld1ne wlll be of concrete mHonry units with metal stud support fu:nln11 Other exterior finishes include pre-cast concrete base and trim, aluminum panels, aluminum fumed insulated 11t1zine. louver panels. glazed entry doors and a continuous metal roof fascia element The buoldine systems lor the Cross Cultural Center Addition are 11enerally the same .n Indicated above, except for It beine a Type V·NR wood framed structure with an ex tenor plaste< finish. Vertical transportation includes steps and short statr ll12hb. metal pan stairs with painted metal railings and (4) hydraulic passenger elevators. Interior components of the etpanded facility wllJ include· meetin11 and conference area (inetuding two lar11e mulb-purpou rooms of approximately 6.000 and 9,000 eross square feet); Food Service Area (approximately 23,900 GSf new/9,900 GSf renovated) lo accommodate food preparation areas. ~1tche11 end servery space. dinin11 facilities. and support facilities; Retail Area (approKomately 6.000 GSF new/4,000 CSF renovated); and Student Act1vity/Adm1nistratlve Office Area (1pproumat1ly 75.000 GSF new/19.000 GSF' renovated} Sitework includes the demohtlon of an uistin& buildin& approaimately 17,000 GSF and the removal of other miscellaneous structures. general site clearing and substanttal cut and fill earthwotk. Also included on sole development is on·grade plaza area with hard'8nd softscape to remaining site areas Desli!n -ct Centtructlon cost HtlM01ei S4S,SOO,OOO.OO l'ROClbUltlS The prequahf1ut1on process will be conducted in two parts and will re:r.ult 1n the selection of prequahfled Design Builders who will be issued proposal documents for this Project. l'art 1 will be the subm11tal or a Prequafificalion Questionnaire. After receipt of the Prequahfication Questionnaire, the Unovenity will review and determine a point score for each submittal. Scorlnc of Oesrgn Builders for Part I wolf be detlfmined by the application of an ssllbhshed rat1n11 system. Oesian Builders who meet the requirement' tn Part I. will be Interviewed In Part 2 of this Prequahltcahon process. Pan 2 will be the lnter.oew Oesoen Builders will be notlfled In wrlhna whether or not they have been selected for the Part 2 Interview. The Interview will address the items described on the Prequallfle1t1on Questionnaire. The rnulh of the 1nterv1ew will be separately scored based on an established ratine system. The Oes1en Builders who are selected by the University on Part 2 will be prequaltfled to submit Proposals for this Project l'ltlQUAUFKATION SCHIDUlf On TuH4oy, A¥ptt 12, 2003, Prequalific:ahon Questionnaires will be Issued to interested Desian Bullders at: Design & Construction Services, University of Callforn11. Irvine ~ZOI Californla Avenue. Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92697·2450 (Corner of Bison and California Avenue) For 1nformat1on call the hotline (949) 824-8117 or (949) 824-11034 On WednHdtrf, AUfUtt 20, 2003, a M-"-twy Detll!" lulW.r Pr...-flflc.tlN C...ter-.e will be conducted beg1nnin11 promptly at SiOO P.M. Only Design Builders who participate in the tonference in its entuely wolf be allowed lo submit Prequahlotalton Qunltonna1res. Persons arriving after J:OS l'.M. will not be allowed to submit Prequalif1cat1on Questionnaires Parltcopants shall meet at Oes111n & Construction Services, University of California. Irvine 5201 Cahlorn1a Avenue. Suite 250, UCI Extension Classroom 200C. Irvine. CA 92697·2450 (Corner of Cafiforni1 Avenue and Bison Avenue) for furlhet information, contact Lynn Javier at (949) 824·7009. The 4eo411tte te recefwe c....,.a.te4 l're...,.il~ceti-Qu..tl-irH wlll lie , _ _,, • ..,.t 26, 200J •4:00 ........ Oesi2n & Construction Services, Attention; Lynn Javier University Of Californ11, Irvine !">201 California Avenue, Suite 250. Irvine. CA 92697·2450 Dn1en Builder Prequahhcat1on Questlonn•lres, includin& any required attachments, shall be submitted 1n sealed envelopes marked with the notation on the outside, •DISIGN IUfl.Dtl l'llQUAUflCATION QUlSTIONNAMl fer STUDINT CINTllt lXl'AJISIOM l'HASl 4, 'ltOJICT NO. 99tJH• and addressed to the otfiee des1&J11ted above ... CLUDI ONt Olt.IGINAl AND THIH COf'llS OF THl PttlQUAUFKATION QUHTIONNAMI (WJTH AnACHMINTS). Design Builder shall assume full respon$1b11ity for hmely "-livery al the location desienated for receipt of Prequaltfication Quasbonn11ifes. Oral. telephonic, faulmile, or telegraphic Prequaliflcation Questionnaires are invalid and will not be accepted. No prequaflfic•lfon documents will be eccepted after 4:00 P.M .. Tuesday. Aueusl 26, 2003, However. the Univen1fy reserves the rifhl to request, receive, and evaluate supplemental lnformetion after the above time end date. Successful Design Builders will be notified of the d1te. time and location of their 1nterv1ews. ltlQUIST fott l'llOPOSAl Otsl&n Builders will be notified whether or not they have been prequ11itled 1fter the University e11aluatn the results of the Interview An "Advertisement To Prequafified Proposers· will follow specifying the exact dates, limn, and focatlon concernin11 the avallabillty of Propose! Documents. Bid (Proposal) Security in the amount of 101. of the lump Sum Bue Price Propo~I. extfudin11 alternates. shall accompany 11ch Proposal. The surety lssuln11 the Bid Bond shall be, on the Proposal Dudflne. an admitted surety Insurer u deflned In the California Co<M of Civil Procedure Section 995.120. All insurence policies required to be obtained by the Dnlan Builder shall be sub,ect to approval by University for form and substance. All policies for Commercial Form General Lltlbillty, Ellen s Liability, Business Automobile Liability and Professional liability lnsurence sl!afl be Issued by comp1nies with 1 Best ratin1 of A· Of better, and • fln1ncl1t elusiflcatlon of VHI or better (or an equivalent rallnll by St1nderd & P00t or Moody's). All polk:ies required for Wotkers' Compensation and Employers' Li1billty Insurance shall be issued by companies (I) th1t h1v1 a Best r1tin11 of B+-or better, and 1 flnancfal clusificatlon of VIII or better (or an equlvaleflt r1tln1 by Standard & Poor or Moody's) or (Ii) that are acceptable to the Unlvanrty. The Certif1c1t1 of Insurance shall be iuued on the Unlvarslty's fMm. Prospecbve DesllJI Bufldt<s lntendina lo be prequ1hfled .,e infotmecl llltt they will be subject to and mu•t fully com,iy with •II of the proposal conditions inctuclin& 100" payme11t ind 100" l)«fOfmtnc:e bondt. All lnlor~t10n submitted for prequafific:atlon evaluaUon will be consldertd official lnform1tlon acquired In confidence tnd the University will m1int1in lit confldentt111ty to the alllftt permitted by law. · flle University rtMrves the ri.dlt to reject 1ny « all nll90f!MS to Prequ11lflcatlon Questlonnalfes and any °' 111 propo~b 1nd to w1iv• any no11-m1t«i•l iuaiutarltles In tny ttl90f'M °' p.-090111 rlClelved. THE REGENTS Of TH£ UNMRSITV Of" CAUf!OltNIA Unlwtlity of CallfOfnla, lrvlne Auaust 2003 PubtlSlled,.,. t e..eh..Cotl•,.... Dell Pilot Ult 12 19 2003 . SWIMMING UCI hires assistant coach Brent Lorent.en has been hired as an assistant swimming coach,., at UC Irvine the university an· · nounced Monday. Lorenzen has served as the senior coach for the Novaquadca · swim club from 1996-1998 and' from 1999-2003. He also served' as the director of m.aSters swim~ ming from 1999-2000. Previously. Lorenien was a vol- unteer assistant coach at Univv· · sjty of eatifomla, Berbley in 1995·96. He received his Master's · degree in exetcise physiology from UC Belt.eley in 1996. He also bolds a bachBlor's degree in biologlcal anthropology from· Harva.Jd, received in 1994. STEVE MCCRANK/OAILY PILOT Men's basketball Coach Pat Douglass, the leader of UCl's marQuee program, is still looking for an NCAA Tournament berth. Lorenzen will serve under - head coach Brian Pajer, who will begin his second year at the helm of the Anteaters. ,.... ..... "-S....... Tlle follow ing persons are doin& business as, S & J Custom Choppers, 28472 Porsena Way. Trabuco C1nyon CA 92679 Wilham David Jones, 28472 Porsena Way, Trabuco Canyon. CA 92679 Steven Wayne Sidwell, 3268 Saeewood lane. Corona. CA 91720 This business Is con· ducted by· co-partners Have you started dome bus1ne» yet? No William 0. Jones Tiits st1teme11t was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 06/24'/03 200S6949276 Dally Pilot July 22. 29. Aue 5, 12, 2003 T084 RdlllM .... ......... The following persons are doin11 busmtl.$$ as: Turquoise f 1brlcation An Installation. 1927 Herbor Blvd, Coste Mesa. C11iforn111 92627 Phlly Gioralanni, 1927 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa. California 92627 This business 1s con- ducted by· an individual Have you ~tarted dolna bu51ness yet? No Ph1ly G1or11i1nn1 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ounge County on 07/23/03 20036952497 Daily Pilot July 29. Aue. 5. 12. 19. 2003 T094 fktfllMhsilns Mmes..... The lollowone per sons are doing busoneH as· Pacific Ros~s. 2524 Westminster Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Daniel Hoffmann 25?4 Westminster Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 I hos business os con- ducted by an ond1v1dua1 Have you started doon11 busoneu yet? Yes. 1/15/ roQ3 Daniel Hoffmann This statement was loled with the County Clerk of Oun2e County on 08/07/QJ 200S69S4157 Dally Pilot Aua. 12, 19. 26, Sep.I 2. 2003 Tl 03 The followon11 persons are dom& business 11s Doll Houu, 401 Newport Center 01 . Newport Bo ch, CA 92660 Ahmadafl S MHzadeh 2 Topelo.d, Irvine CA 92604 Elena A Mu zadeh. 2 Topeka, Irvine, CA 92604 This busmen Is con ducted by husband and wile Have you Uarted dotng busmen yet? No Ahmadall Mirzadeh This statement was !tied with the County Clerk of Orange County on07/71/03 20036952152 0111ly Pilot July 29. Aug 5. 12. 19, ro<JJ T086 LegalNollces llWPOIT IUOI · aTYCOCICI AGUl»A SllllUIY ............ SW, S.W... 4.-00 pa A.pd 12, 2003 CURRENT BUSltf SS DISC USSIO N OF CASTAWA YS P/IRK REVf Gf IATION PLAN Alll~NAltVrs 1410 P M I Ac lonn Provide ~ta ff due1 lonn on onP ol the lour options to PMt eed either wtth improve· menti lo Cutaway~ park or postpon~ de· velnpment of tht park ondtlooilaly Rl CONV[Nl A I 7 00 P M fOR RH~ULAR MEllfNG PUBLIC HEARING CORONA DH MAR BU SINE SS IMPROVE· MENT DISTRICT R(- The following per~ons N(WAl PUBLIC H(AA er e dome busoneu a~ ING FOR RE NEWAL OF BRC ENTERPRISES. 3400 TH£ CORONA DH MAR Ave or lh" Arb •J309 BU SIN[ SS IMPR OVE· Costa Mesa. Callfornoa MENT DISTRICT rtlR TH£ 92626 2003 2004 ffSCAI YEAR Dn1d Jeflrey Kendall ANO ADOPTION OF 3400 Ave of the Aris RESOlUflON OF CON •J309, Cost.a Men, FIRMAllON Cehfornoa 92626 G E NE R Al P l A N ThtS bus1neu Is con AMENDMENl 2003·2004. ducted by an lnd1v1duel PA 200.3-130 N[ GATIVE Have you .tailed doin11 DE Cl ARA TION ANO busmeu yet ? No ADOPTION OF UPDATED Oavtd Jeffrey Kendall HOUSING HEMEN1 This statement was P ubl1shell Newport filed with the County Bear h C:osta Mesa Daily Cler lo. of Orange County p II o t August 12. on 08/08/03 2003 Tl()() 200369542"4 Daily Piiot Aue. 12. 19 26.Sep 2.2003 TIOS Adlt*s twn.u MmeSt.t...t The lollowong per.on\ are doing bu.,mei.\ d~ F 1shlender, 821 N Olive St. Sanl~ Ana Cdl1forn1~ 92703 Richard Charland. 821 N. Olive St, Sanl<> Ana, Cahforma 92703 Thll busmus ·~ cc>n ducted by ~n 1ncltv111u•i Have you stir led do11111 busones~ y~t' No Rich Charland This slltement wn filed w•lh th~ C:ounly Clerk ol 01 angc County on 07/16/03 200369511Sl Daily Poot July '22. 79. Aue !>. 12. 2003 T085 • 1.01 llD TIMl, DATl AND PlACf, New,....t Helghh & Mariners llemetttart SchMI• Fire Hydrant and Water Line IMtatlatlOft A. lld Operthtg Tlnte a ncl lld Deaclllnet Au9u1t 26th, I 1100 ··"'· A Pld•.e c>f Bod Re· Le1pl Nr wport Mtsa Unofi~d School 01St11cl Punha.,ng, 2985 B Bear Str ett Costa Mesa, Ca 92621\ B Pro1ec 1 Na me· Modular Butldmg Relo- r.ahon and lnlr astructure Maronn~ and Newport He1ehh Element11y Schools C Piece Plans are on file PROJECT MANAG· ER's office. McCarthy Bu1fd1ng Comp1nles. 20401 S.W. Btrch Street. Suite 300. Newport Bteth, CA 92660 McCarthy Bulldlnfl Companies/Measuu "A• Offtee, 298S·C Bur Street. Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 1.02 SUMMAltY Of WotlKt Project Dascript1on· This pi'Oject consists of the fire hydrant and associated water fine in1t1llat1on at both Newport Helahts ind Mtriners Elementary Schoob. Pr~llMln8ty fltirnate: tl50,000.00 1..0J NOTKll NOffC£ 1$ HERESY GIVCN th11l Newpqf l Meu Unified School Olltrkt acttna by end U11ouall II'• OOvtfflln• Botrd """ receive weled bid• fOf award of a cont111ct l0t the above· named l'r oltct up to, but not 111.ef then tlle bid c1 .. c111ne. A Bids sttan ba re- ceived in the pie~• ldotlfled abou. Whelhef or not bids 9f• 094t11ed H IC lly •t lllt 111111 flied fft tllb notlu1 no bid "Ill be received tiler IN bid detdln4. a Pl.~! MID me If ICA 1'I0"5 AM AVNI. • All( l'tOW The ••. fl*'I• 1111). bl re~ •• "" P'llOJ( c' *"· , AGE R's o ffice (see addren item H. below) OR C4N BE PURCHASto FROM: INTl ... tT IWENINT1 16J7 2 Ce11strudle11 Center, lrvl11e, CA. 92606, (949) SS2· 75H, FAX (949) SS2- t 209 C. Each BIDDER must post a bid bond or othef security In the amount of 10% of the 1mount of the bid with the bid. 0. Each BIOOER. sl- mult1neousl~ with the uecution of the Con· tract Afreement. will be required lo furntSh 1 labor and Material Pertormanc. Bond tn an amount equal lo 100 percent of the Conb act sum and 1 Faithful Perform1nce Bond In an amount equal to 100 percent of the Co11ttact Sum. Said B011ds Wll be from an 1drnlttecl C.allfornla Surety n ib · factory to the District end listed In the F edef1I Reslsler. issued by !tie Department of T re1s111y and licensed 1n Califot· nla. Said bonds sl\111 remain In full fotce and effect t hrough tlle auar antee ptflod. E The BIOOER shell be a licensed contrectOf pursuant to the But.iness and Profuslon1ls Code and be llcensad in the apphceble ciassiflcations tor the lredes fOf whlcfl the contractor Is sub· m1ttinJ 1 bid. F. Trus project has 3S Disabled Vet.r1n Busl- neu Enterprise partici- pstion goats. G Questions about this PROJCCl should be directed to the PROJECT MANAGER H Conlact· Etan Walshe. Telephone: 714/424·89!>0 Firm· McCarthy Bulld1n1 Co FAX; 714/424-89!>1 Address: 2985·C Bear Street. Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 No Bod may be with· drawn until Soxly days after the Bid Openlna Date L The Otslrlct reservu the riiht to reject any end all bids or to waive orregularitin In any bid. J. Newport Mesa Uni· lied School Distnct Is 1n "equal opportunity" employer No te~one or fee· stmife machine will be av11lable to bidders on the DISrRICl premises al the lime of bid. Published Newport BHch·Costa Mesa Daily Piiot Auaust 5, 12. 2003 T095 Will ind any codk:lls ere available for uam1n1· ' !Ion tn the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under th• Independent Adminis· tration of Estates Ac:t. (This AutN>rity wlll ello,., the parM>ntl reprttMn· tatives to take man~ actions without obtain· ' i1111 court approval. Before taking certain very important actions. however, the penonfl rt91esanlalives will ~ .. required to live notice ., to interested persoM > unless they ba~e w1ived notice Of oonsanted to the proposed action.) The Independent ad· ministration 1uthorlty will be ar1nted unles.s 1n Interested person • files 1n obj4!ctlon to the petition and shows Coad , cause why the court . should not crant the , autllonty. " A HEARING on the '• petition will be held on AUGUST 28, 2003 111:45 p .m. In Oept. L73 ' located 1t 341 The City Orin South. Orance. CA 92868. If YOU 08.IECT to the '· 1ra11Un1 of the petition, '.; you should lllflelf 1t the , • hearin1 and state your • obltcllons Of Re written : oC>jections with the cowt , befOfe the hearJnc, Your appearance m1y be In person or by your •tlotney. -IF YOU ARE A CREDI.,;, TOR or contlnaent c;r editor of the deceaMcti • you must file your elatm with the court ind m11I a c01>y to the person1I representative apoolnted by the court within four • months fr om the d1te of> • the ftnt iuuance of:• letters as provided In Probate Code section .. 9100. The time fOf ftlinc· claims ,.,111 not opife before four months from the hearinc d1te noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court ff you are 1 person in- terested In the estate, you m1y file with the court a Request foC Spectal Notice (fOfm DE· 154) of the filln11 of an Inventory end 1ppr1i~ of N t1t1 1ssats or of.: 1ny petition °' eccount .. n provided In Probate Code MCI.Ion lZSO. 1\....- Requut for Specie!! Notice fotm Is available- from the c-t clerk. AtlOf ney fOf Petltioftw: •-• J. Cat ;wt"' c ......... w. c.,... .. ..... '"' ........... -..;.: '!!.c AHlieh1,. <A tzw1 Published Newport 8Hcll-Coata Mes.a Deb'" Pilot Auavst 12, ll, 1_!i:· 2003 TMluz --------------------~---~.:..... ~ .. • l.1111 .... -~--:::.:::...-------•1• ... •"'°* lOd ,. W110fs ......... .... IAIWll ... · waaA22M71 ifo ell heirs. bentll clerlff. creditors. con 11111ent cndllon, 1nd penons who mey o~· trwis.e bt lftlttnted 111 the writ or 11t1lt, or t>Oth, of. GllBERT M WILSON 1k1 GILBERT ~WELLWIL~ A P£ TITIOH f OR PRO BATE hH been hied by [l[ANOR E. WILSON In lht Superior Court of C1hfor nia, County of OftANCE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests [l.EAHOR E WILSON be appointed es ~son•I represenl1tive to ad· flllnls.ler the estate of the decedent. THE PEmlON requnh th• decedent's wm •nd rodlc1ls, ii any, be 1dmitted to prob1te The Will Ind IA)' codlc1ls .,. Ustl1blt for eumln1 I.On on the file kepi by the court THC PETITION requ.1ts authority to 1dm1n1s.ter the ut1t1 undet the lrwlependenl Admtn1s. tretlon of Est1tu Act (This Authortty will •flow t~e person1I represen tetlve to take m1ny 11lton1 without obt11n 111s court 1pprov1I Btlore t1k1n1 cer t11n vv y Important 1ctoons. hewever, the ~s.onel reprtHnlattve will bt rtqu11ed to 11v1 not1ee to lnteruted perions ualeas they hive w11ved notice °' conunted to lht prOf>Osed action.) The Independent Id· ministration authority w1H bt &ranted unless 1n lnteroted person flits an ob)K hon to the petition •nd shows Sood Uust why the c-t llltould not er ant the 1uthorlty A HEARING on the petition will be held on S[PTtMBER 4. 2003 al 1:'45 p,m m O.pt. l73 louted at 341 The City 011v1 South. Onn11. CA 92868 If YOO OB.l(Cl to the ar1nl1na of the pehlton, you should appe., al the hnr1n1 and slate your Objection$ or lilt written objection\ with the court before the hearonc Your 1pp1111nce may bt In per 1on or by your allorney ff YOU ARE A CAEOt TOR or cortl1n1 enl creditor of the dldased you must hit your claim with the court and m11I 1 copy lo the person1I repusenllllve 1ppolnled b; the court w1th1n four months fr om the d1t1 of the first tuuance ol letlers n provided 1n Prob1l1 Code section 9100 The tune for ftlonc claims will not uprra bel0<1 lour month' from the hu11n1 d1te noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the hie kept by the court If you 11 e a person on teruted in the ulate, you m1y Me with the cour I 1 Requut '°' Spec11I Noloce (form OE I S4) of the ftlmc ol an inventory and 1ppr11s1I of ntate nsets or of any pelllton or account n provided 1n Prob1te Code section 1250 A Requul lor Special Policy Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad unmediatcly. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an 'advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. ANNOUNaMlNTS m & MISC. 10H>-1no GAUGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2,.,l_A ........ Lo .. PACIFIC VIEW (Oce1n View) $6,500/u obo '49-671-9201 CtAlctlblal Mlmcnllllla 1180 BITERTAlmNT C1t1•of e.. 1311 --... ...., Alt real estate 1dvtt· ti1in1 In !Ills MW$pllfl« ~ 1ub)lct to thl f tdltal Fflr Houslna Act of 1918 ·~ amended which makH It llla11t to •~ise ·1n1 ptetef· e11ce, llmltltlon or d!Krlmlnetlon bu*9 CMI rlCI, color. I'~, .... llendic:11t1. ••mllill •t.ltut " 1111~1 Ofitlft, °' Ill '"tentlon to _.,. 1111 well llflf9t•~. limit•· tlon Of 4!1ulnl!Mtlon." Tiiie tit...., wfll not knowtnm ace.tit 1111 ~t .. 1..i 11late wtlicfl It Ill ..,.....,. "' tN .... Ow 1114era are "'1.;:,/. 1Mor1'1M tNt .. ... .... UllM ... .,. ..... ,.,., .,. . .,, ...... "' "" ..... ~Miity ... Te c: ..... 9f 411 a ......._.,etlHUD .... ,,_at l-IOIHM ... ; 2305-2490 Oldet Style Fllf'llltln l'IAHOS ' Collectlb6et . ....,._._ • -... • --• Qllr.,.......... MCMttNJD .. ................. WR8UVDTATD ............ frlel>dly wvlct . corJSIGfJMHJTS ' Notice form b 1vall1.ble from the court cltrll .......,._,......._, ••c....i V. v.-..... 1 .. (CS.I OS47JS) SOMc...,....~. ••wpH1 leec .. , CA '2660-2120 Published fhwpor I 81ach·Cosll Mesa Oally Piiot Aucust S. 11, 12, 2003 TM096 SUllOIS Nb~~~EN OANT (A~t$0 a AcuH do) Leisa Lauer Shack Ooes Ito 2 YOO ARE BEING SUED BY PlAINTIFr (A Ud le nta. demand ando)· James L. Rubel, Jr a law corpor •hon UNOER Sl0,000 You have 30 CALEN OAR DAYS 1fter this summons ts served on you lo ftle a typewrotten responw at this cou1t A leller or phone c1ll will not protect you, your typew11tten re sponse must be In proper l•&•I form If you want the court to h11r your cue If you do not file your response on time, you may lo\e the cue, and your w11es. money and property may be teken without further w1rn1n1 from the court There are other t1e11 requorements You m1y want to call an attorney ri&ht away If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney r1l1rr11 service or 1 la&al aid attic• (hsted 11'1 the phone book) Oupues de que le 1ntr11uen uta c1t1coon 1ud1c111 usled Ilene un plazo de 30 DIAS CAL ENDARIOS para pr111n· tar una respuesta ts· crote • maquln1 tn est• cortt Uni cert• o uni ll1mada tei.tonoca no It olrectra protecclon, su re1pu1sl• •scrota a m1qu1n1 ti1n1 que cumplir con las formal •dades lel•lts 1propla das sl usted qultft que la cort1 escuche su CHO Si usted no pruenll su r1spuest1 a t11mpo, puede Pttdef ti CllO, y le pueden qui111 au salarlO, su dtnero y otrn cousde su PfOPltdad \In IVISO l dlCIOllll PO< part• d• la corte C aosten otros requl" tos l111les Puede que ust1d qulera lt1mar 1 un abo11do lnmed1ata • mente. S1 no conoce 1 un 1bo1ado, puede ll1mer • un servoc10 d• 11ferencl1 de aboaados 0 • uni oloc1na .. lyuda le11I (vea 11 dlrectoroo teleton1eo) CASIMUMlllll (~e4elCeM) 02Hl0642S The name aod address ol the court 1s. (El nombre y dlreceton de 11 corte n) SUPERIOR COURT Of CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE '601 JAMBORE.E ROAD Newpor t Beach C1 92660, Harbor >ustoce Center. Newport Buch F1c11tty The name, 1ddren and telephone number ol plamtitt's 1ttorney. 01 pl1lnt1fl without an 1ttorney 1s. (El nombre la d11ecc1on y el numero di telefono del 1bo11do del demand1nt1 o del demandante que no Ilene aboaado, nJ JAMES L AUBE L. JR . JAMES l RUBEL. JR 1 law corporation, 2660 EAST COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA on MAR. r.A 92625 949-720 3810 0Al11 (Fedie) DIC 26, 2002 ALAN SLATUI, CleA {Mvwle),· ..., (. ...... o.,..,.., (0...,....) l>ublls h•d Newp8rt 8each·Costa Mn• Oally Pilot July 29, Au1ust 5. 12. 19,2003 1093 ISC lutO IOllChfSAU "IUl PlOfllTY If PllYlll SAU C..IA-21SSl6 ...... c-t .. ~-.. C...tytlhft ............. &llN,, DAYI SHAii,--., Not.Ce is hereby 11ven that the undersocned will nh at pnv•te sale to the ht&hesl and best bidder, sub1ect to con llrm1l1on ol said Supe 11or Court. on or afte1 the 22nd day of Auaust 2003 at the office ol E Avery Ct<Hy (i.q Meurve Mumpe1 & Huahes LLP 18881 Yon Karman Ave Suite 1500 Irvine CA all the riaht title and interest <>I u1d deceued at the lime ol death and all 111ht title and 1ntere~t th~ estate has atqu11ed tn add1t1on to tt>al a t u1d del ened m and to all the cerl••n real pr operty \1tuattd 1n tht City of Newport Buch County ol Or aniie State ol Cahlornta partrcularly dnu1bed •s follo,..s LOT 267 or TRACT NO 907 AS PEA MAP R£ CORDlO IN B()()f( 28. PACES 25 ANO 26 Of MISCEllANEOOS MAPS. IN THE OFFICE Of lH( COUNTY RECOROCA or SAii> COUNTY M0te commonly •nown IS 7J7 Via lido Nord NtWPO<I Buch Terms ol the s.ale ere crtsh on lawful money ot the United St.111 on ,onl1rmahon of Hit, or part cnh arid b1l111~e upon such tetms and cond1bons H are ec ceptable to the perwn1I representat1~e S2S 000 to be deposited w1lh bod Bids or offers. to b• 1n wrotone and wtll be received at the 1loreu1d olloce at any lime alter tile first publlc1t1on hereol and belore date olule DO'tecf: • .._.,., 6, 2003 Wllll.o• Scl!lech t ,.,___. R•,.H-to· ""'' •• ti.. htet• I. Avery Crery -A,,.,._., ot Lo• Published Newpor I Bnch·Costa Meu 011ly Pilot Aucust 12, 18, 19, <'003 IMIOI 5'JPmOI COllT Of WOllA, C04MTY Of OWIGE OIM&ICUTY SlJPmOICUT PIOllllCUT OfllATKlllS 341111 OTY DIM POSTOfRCJ IOX 14171, OIM&l, CAtml-1 S7I PmllOllOf AlllteA'-Ltwls fOI OWIGl Of IWU OID8 TO SHOW CAUSI fOI QWIGIOfWU How to Place A WI-Ano.I TO All INTERESTED PERSONS: I Petlttoner Anita Alomar Lewis ftl4d • petition wtth this cour I '°' • dtcrM ch1n11n1 """" as follows An1t1 Aloma• Lew~ to An1t1 Alomar St lewis 2 THC COURT OROCAS that all per$ORs mtlH esled 1n this miller shill •PC>ear before th11 court al lhe he111n1 mdtcated below to show cause of any why the pet1llon f0t Chane• of name should not be vanted NOllC[ or HEARING Date SEP 07, 7003 Tome 2 00 PM Dept L 73 The address of the 'o'"' " ume n l'IOted above 3 A copy ol this Order to Show Caui.e shall be published •I leut on~• each week lor lour sutcess1v11 weeks prior to lhe date set for hu11n1 on the petition "' the lollow1na new$ p.aper ol 1ener1I c11cu l1hon. printed on th" county Daily Pilot DO'ter JUL 11, 2003 MARJORll LAIRD CARTER, JUDGE Of THI SU,WOR COURT Published Newport Buch Costa Mui 011ly P1tol July 22 29 Auaust 5 12 2003 T083 ISCl3376 MOOO TO <IBMTOIS Of TII SllllA 1 SHOil lttl llVOCAIU TllJST DA TED DKUllO I, lttl, ASlla8 IWOl 13, 2003 WlU220442 SWIB>ICUT OfWOIM <MtT•-Notic• IS hereby &1v1n to the cred•lor• 1nd conUnpnt cttditoo ol the 1bove n1med dece dint, tlult all peoon' h1v1n1 cJ111ns .1111n\t the decedent are re quwed to ht. them with the SupetlOf CcMHt at J.41 The Coty Orove, Otance. C11Horn1a 92868. 1nd mail a copy to HEIDI MICHELLE LOPCZ, on c1re of Westover & Westover. u truslH of lht trust dated Oecem btr 1. 1998 n amended March ll 2003 wher11n the decedent was "" Htllor, at 901 Oover Or1ve, Suite 120 New port Beach, CA 92660. within the later of four months after Au11al 5, 2003 (the date of the t1rst publ1cat1on of notice lo cred1l0<s) O< 11 not1ee 1s m11led or personally dlhvertd to you, lO days after the date this notice 1\ malled or per son ally delivered to you A cl11m form may bt obt11ned from .a court clerk for your protection, you are encouraced to Ille your claim by cerhhed m111 with return receipt requested HARRY E WESTOVER. Esq. WESTOVER & WCSTOVEA, 901 Oover Drive, Suite 120 New port Beach, CA 92660 Publ1Shed New po• I Beach·CO$la MtH Daily Pilot Aueust 5. 11 I? 2003 TM098 Tuesday, qust 12, 2003 At Re-.. .... ... s...... lhe follow1n1 peoons are doill& bus.intss H AppllOoSI P .. tner•. l69 San M11uel 0.1v1 ~tit 300, N.wport BHch CA 92660 Bt1kl Be<lu l69 San M11uel 011ve. Suitt 300, Newport Buch. CA 92660 AJuandef Berlea. 369 San M11uel 011 ... Suite 300 Pffwpotl Beech, CA 92660 Bey Bertu )69 S•n M1auet Drove ~u1te lOO Newport Be•ch CA 92660 Hyl~ B•rtu lur the Hy la 8edu ~epar ale Property TruU J69 San M1euel Drove, Su11e 300. Nt wpo1t Beath CA 9?660 Lonnie and P•t11c1a Hood 1•28 Ph1ll~ L•nt Suite 102 San Luo' Obr\pO CA 93'01 landsdale Trust Lon nit Hooo Trustee lt 28 Phtlhp\ l ane Suite I 02 S•n l u" Ob1"'4>0 CA 93401 This bu>1neu '' con ducted by • aenerel pat tne•>htp Hav• 1uu \l1rted Oo1na bu\mt'\\ 1etl Yn 03 11 1998 Alt 1 ander Ber tu lh1\ statemtl\I wu hied "'th the Count1 Clerk ol Or all&• County 01108 08,03 200369SO SS Daily Pilot Au& 12 19. 26 Sept Z 2003 T 107 ........... ... s....... The followln1 pe11on'> .,. dolnC bvltnllS .. M1llentum Oltt S.r voe11 1631 N Bnstol St Ste BIO, Santa An• Cah lor n11 92706 Marco f ehz. 1631 N Brostol St Ste B 10 Santi An1, Cehlorntt 92706 Edith Aau1rr1, 1631 N 8nstol St Ste BIO Sant• Ana Cahfor n11 92706 Th~ busrnen " ~on ducted by a &tntfal partnerS111p Have you •lMttd Oo1n11 bustneu yet> No M11co f eh1 This statement wn filed l!V•lh the County Clerk of Ora nee County on 07/03/03 200Uts04tt 01111 Pilot July 29 Aue 5 12 19 2003 T089 Actlls ...... ... *'-' lhe lollow1na peowM are dome bu11neu o Maple Lurn1n1 Center 1981 Maple Ave Apt A Costa Mesa CA 926:.>7 Calvary Churcll New p0tt lo\eu ICA1 190 £ 23td Street. Costa Me>a CA92627 This bu51nn\ 1\ on dueled by a corparat1on Have you surteo ooina bus.oneu yet' Yu, 09/ 08/1988 Calvtry 01urlh New p0tt Meu Tim Ctlell President Th" statem•nt wn hied with the Cour>ty Cieri! of Orance County on 08 -05 03 2003'9SJl4S 011ly Pilot Aue 1 l l 9 26 Sept 2 2003 Tl 06 __ Deadlines --- CLASSIFIE AD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631 -6594 (PleaK 1ncludt your name lllld phone nwnl:tn and ,.,·u call )'OU beck *Ith I pntt tjualt I By Phone <949) 642-5678 Hour By Mail/In Per son: 330 Wesr Bay Street Costa Me~a. CA 92627 Ar Newport Blvd. & Bay St Wednesday .............. Tuesda) 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :OOpm Telephone 8 ~Oam-5'CX)pm Monday-Fnda) Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm Index .. ESTAn II• SALE HOME MOVBBT SERVICES 2IOO ........ soos-saso Pit~ -8ullnea OppclftUnlty 0..--Slteplter• •II SltvlCll 3910 cotor1, all slzas tor edopt1on to qu1llll1d homes www.prncut ore or e1t1 714-nJ.!1915 _ .... _____ mcB.lNIOUS IMWOIATE CASHllf US ELll HUNTS Colo11do Guaranteed 100.., Estate type Full service All t1as & hcensl$ included Cow Slt95. Bult. SCI 250·299 $3900 Bulls SCI 300· 329 S'900 September & October 2003 970.921 ·323' Pension Fund1n1 pays ...cttAMDISE cath now lot 8 y11ra of your future p1n11on P•rments. Call 80Q.586· 1325 for 1 FREE. no obll11tlon estimate. •-.u191n1lonfundin1 com (CAJ.. •SCAN) .. - ....... Mlrdllrl .. -na~ ........ ~..,...,.. Easy OIY 1nslltl1tlon 8ulclnp ~ Mbon· .. Ollivtry in dllys. not W11111s1 A.bdJte SIMI l · 877.f::n.lZJ7 Of quolla onl1ne @www Absoluttst .. 1 Net (c.M.~) CN'PUCCIHO ITALIAl'4 COff£E Compe111 ea· p1ndl111 Olstrtbllton wanted. Hl&h·proflt pottfttltt An10M can clo ttltsl hllfaso lt.W. etlt IOO·l l3·662S. Inuit ment r1q11 l r1d (CAL •SCAN) (CAL •SCAIO TAI<[ YOUR MANUFAC TURING Pl1n t or T eltmerketlna facility to the Colorado Mountains . 3.200 sq ft. office/ storeae. J,200 sqft 1p•rtrnent; 10 700 1q ft w.,ehouse 800 669 5496 (CAL •SCAN) $495 ACRU'° ACRCS Prime ranch 1crup In NW Arlrona. EZ no qu•lifylna. low dow" terms! Adjacent to 1011 course community. off hl1t0<lc Roule M C1ll today! Brooks Reelty 166- 300-5263. (CAL •SCAN) All YCMI AINOUlAU If you rully truly w1nt to do M11Mtl11n1 ea tr10tdln1ry with your Ille 1lve u1 a call • If not don't. l •800· 788· 1625 °' 1·801·319-7268 (CM. •SCAN) 7412-7466 MOHS10 ,RKI HDUCID YO 5710,000 3212 lr....i St NIWl'ORT HEIGHTS lbr 2 Sbe pvt backyd $710.000 9'9·6'6·0454 O"N HOUSI SAT 1-S SUN 9-12 2207 Ann1verury l ane 2200sf home on l1rce lot Must see. $789,000 Bv Owner 9'9-646 0912 HAa.IOl WOODS 2br 2b1, 2 c 1•re1•. bedroom/ottk:e. Aat $1875 !M9-29H631 ,...llSTATIS 'ATmanMOl1 •ATM>NWIOI USA t4t4S6-t70S www p1trlcktenor1 com RUMl PROPERTY FORSAl.E Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Pc>r Only $32 per week {4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Lwelw G.'94 c.. .. .-.., llr fh ¥· w/pvt P' Irie w1.. to Trt·SQu.e $895/mo Water/trH h paid Kleln Manaawnent 877-704-8649 Eat 9200 lu• 1pt bid& 2br 2b1, ocean ~1ew S2200/mo can rn1dent mrr 9'9·•9'·8083 UOO YUltlY LI.A.SI & ~ SUMMD ttOMIS Bl.L GRUfC)Y REAL TORS '49-675-4161 L.orp llr 11• unit on quiet Peninsula point. Sillelt l)«SOA, 'Ho/sri./ pets Sll90 9&293-4631 SJ& 2lir I-. bwftrn. lttld.t ...... h9"1 llP' IJ'8lflll"-11 ....... ... ...... 1111 Clllarll 1-41"4SS-1m ........... OClllJ ....... .....:~::rr .,.;e:m.11oo lbr 2ba on Balboa P1n1n. hdwd fin Ip p1too. 2 c &tr nail 8 1 •at $2650 9'9·293·'631 ...... ..,... ....... :Ir 2ba houle. 2 121 .... . wd ~ ftonl/tlldl ~ S2950 pet dl ~5122 FANT ASTI< VtlWll 3bt 2bt '°' the ........ & ......... For ltan 1 year or more S.3995 open to otters SAT-SUM 1-S 20I TVS flN AYI ..... All.-.... ~3)1~1 IAYJIOWT wwemUNTAl 41r, 11 / ... , 2~:.c; WZ!::c!j Reefty .. , .. ,,_,.., TIOVAltl 2bf 2ba 2 c aw. &•ltd. community pool, •at S2400 9&29J~l ••DRIVERS•• MAY TllUCtUNC CO •1s your road to success! ·~ans ll Wtstttn 800-5-47 9169 l3217 •fteefen 48 slltet • IOO-S'7 ·9UiS 1321'. Oedcated team tuQ. Owner ot1ent0ts ..-a. www.1111ytrucllln1 com (('JIL~ W1I ... • I .. • ..... P\OIA N-2S"" drlv•. prt.•ll -•tMlal ...... Mint .. flllly won.. uc:t.wi lor r_,,J ••c:t,.:r' llath • .,._791·1932 COM. l4U .............. 'U/fu L1 •t•lllt f1c111tr ••. Tllllf•. ''"'· Otfk e "4 Ille .... i.teu~e E •i>· a • L .... 1H ·4J1·'200 Pubhsh1n1 '110MOYIOMS OfPAlltMllfT Communoty MWIPIC>I'\ .. 0tanea c.ounty ,-.~ F ul rm. l*-1 to interv- and writ. stCYies, pw1JC.1 ~ 11 communlt; ._,ts, a wile and P1PWta Plt'ft and ~ E •ceilen1 c;:omrnunlCltJo --""°" Ml tW111t1 the pubic Kno. AP Style Qw<Uf'reu Photmllap Ml.fb Ad Ct~ •tor Proflcant on ~ end PC CCI ou11n e1p111el'lt1 preferred Pr oofrudlnl test Or14 ~·~ EOE C.eellent beneflt ~ [,,,.. ,_ .... ~ and saMry r eq uirements l o W..,:m.an@lttlm&(.Of!t ••••••••••• lw•••r Oeyt1me & wllend shifts •Vilt C.M lot eppt ,,. tot AcSlm ... wport Buch T ... Cle~ • AlO Tuesday, Aucust 12, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 ntl 7 Amell 10 Con\PlllY etnblieln 1~ V.ro!Mlfkt 1 g Kid °' Joly 18 MIWlle caplain 17 w...,, Slate 18 ·-tllld 11r 19S~ Older 20 THn oetlghl (2 web.) 23 Oumnavor 26 Selneelte 27 Mien Mnl'llQ 28 Theatef trophy 29 Comlc'e Ollsy - 30 llYee, In am:ioe 31 Former NOW CIWM 32 TnlllVIPa 33 Ee.set pol!Nlr 37 Foul-bl!K ca!lor 38 Houte shader 39 L.moln. 40~ 41 Kneecap 43 Fl<rtaliOus 44 "Unl°'981lable. slogef' 45 SomeMDs 48 Personal hlst0ty 47 Yl81d terrltoly 48 PHIOll next IOf'9dMnllk* 51~.~,_.. 52Lffl~ 53 PidNp opdon (2wcH.) 58 Au reeult · 57 PllMt. poetlcelly ~= 83 Moray 64 CIOlhWIQ 85 Form9r JA('41icrs 66 ~-Mllie. Midi 87 G1'1 meels DOWN 1 Oui.::onid 2 Pt1m1te 3 Step on Ille gas 4 Bold 5 S«lp $91Wf 6 A1be4\ah '• aon 7 Sale IO eat 8 Quay 9 U<l*launt blk 10 town In oa~ tl MaurHO ol lhe eaeen 12 Singer -9'ookl 13 Toes the ~ne 21 Swamp gases 22 Conl•ence 23 Finlllhed off (2 wd$.l "Employee." "Emplea.do." ''Arbeitnehmer." "Employe." • 12'0! l» ?OQG l.>)<loO """"'' ~· ""' 24 -Jean Balter students 25 Unsuitable 48 Loci< or curt 211 Shopping 49 Flings yeouee SOGoklbar 30 Major no-no 51 Whlt&-pflMTled 32 Noildo.-adedlll wader 33 "The Godfather" S2 Me.an person actor 54 Rejedlons 34 Plsno lixer &5 ·eonanz.a • 35 Gndiron deal broth6r 36 c~ 59 Fleur.cl&--42 HoMday quails 60 Before 46 Fumble 61 -Plelnea. Ill 47 West Point 11 12 13 NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN ANDIT. Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH GIVE ONE, GET TWO Both vulnt'rllhlc. South deals. WEST •J85J i:1 K S o K4J NOR11f • 94 ..;;97642 o A7 •A864 EAST •Q72 'V J 10 3 o JO 9 8 5 • J 92 • Q 1075 SOUTH +AK 10 6 \I AQ8 o QJ62 • K J T1le bidding: SOUTil WE.~ NORTH F.Mtl I Pas& II;' P1IM 2NT Pa5I JNT Phi Pas.. Pa'ill Opening lead: Five of• This i~ a fa!leina1ing deal. Declarer choM! a reasonahle line, hut wa~ foiled by e;11.cellent defen.~. Tile best ..:ontruc:t, as the cards lie, is not easy to reach. Ho~ver, three no trump could have been made on a slightly heth:r line. The auction was reasonable. Had South elected to bid one spade. North wouW have rebid one no lrump and prot>ably bet:ome c.leclarcr at three no 1rump. North might have rebid lhrec dub\ over two no trump and recci ved u pn:fen:nce to t.h!llC heam. but, had South wen preference on Q ;11. ;11., four he:irH might not have been 11 com- fonablc contract. Oppmite the actual holding. four heatt; would be easy - ~t mo~• the dHender~ could coUect two trump trlc~s and one in B minor. Automotive Agains1 lhree no uump, Wes1 led the five of clubs. Delarcr woo with the~ in dummy and led die deuce of hearts 10 the four, qucco and kina. Had We~I made the neutral return of B club, the contract would have been home. Oeclarcr.wiM, plays ace and allOlbct heart. scttina up two long cards io dummy aod, after the defenders take their two club tricks, gets to h1111d with a ~padt to take the diamond finesse, wbich succ.etds. That will enable declarer, 11si11g the 11ce of diamonds 118 the entry to dummy. to llCO!e three heart tricks and two in each other suit, just epough for the contract. Unfortunutel~ for declarer. West found the devilish shin IO the king of diamo~. effectively removing the entry 10 dummy's long hearts, and three no uump foundered by a trick. Let's suppose declarer wi~ the opening lead in hand with the king of club~. The ace of hearts is ca.~hed. Bast making the mandatory falsecard of the ten, suggesting J 10 doubleton or a ~inglcton ten. When declarer continues with the queen of hearts, as good 11 shot as any, West takes the king but cun remove only one of dummy's two entrie~. The best the defender cnn do is reven lO clubs. Declarer gr.ibs the ace and surrenders another he.art. Later, when tho dia· mood finesse succeeds, Sout.h Joi.es only l"-O clubs and two bean~. Although this line i~ by no ITICllOS foolproof. given dummy's limited entnes. the need to utilize the long bc'.in.~ and the fact thltt a >ucces>ful heart line'se will not nece~~ly deliver the contract (East might hold four hcans). this approach seems to have I.be IT101't going for 1t. 9004 Automotive 9004 IMW '97 3281 Conv metallic dark blue/grey lthr. superb cond th r o u ah out SI 4,995 v#672"21 Bkt g.&si.;.1888 Cocfllta< '90 fleetweod silver/&rey. 4dr. sunioof. llhr. auto. 38k ml. $4800 new tires 949-760·0144 '87 Petterl M-41.t 4 Seiter blk/tan luther, alloy.wheels, 30k ml. (068391) $39, 900 NIWPOaT AUTOSPOlY 94t·S74-S600 f•rr•I'• fl11•1t Spider 'OJ S60 Cenvertlllle 133 ml, 6spd, red/tin red c:allpe,_, m11st see! (130896) $237.,500 NIWrOltl AUTOSPOllT 949-574-S600 ferr•l 'HHS Splder &I ml. FJ . blue/bhJ ltbr. pwr seats, areal cond (126350) $113,900 NEWPORT AUTOSPORT 949-574-5'00 fercf '65 Mu1ton9 Convertible. oriainel owner, solid car $19,995 obo 949.719.2943, lancf Rover '96 llClftl• !lever White , fully loaded. all maintenance rec, Sl6,900 949-887-0729 Mo"&cfo '00 Mlato 5sp 14k •m. 11reen/tan lthr, tonnneau, alarm. PP $1 3,500 (949) 675-8753 Moulo '01 Tribute lS s1lver/arey llhr. 2lk m1. V6, 4wd, 6 CO, warr1nty, pp $14,999 949·675·8753 ~ ._ '02 Q.SOO 1411 ml, blk/blk loaded, nav. sunroof, full pwr (024813) $89,500 NEWPORT AUT05PORT 949-574-5600 MIRCIDIS INZ '02 S430 blk, 2lk mi, Sports pke, phone, Nav. CO'. AMG whls, lOOk wafr, mint cond. PP SGl.500 949·631-0771 www.ocpobl.com IMW 3231 '99 Convt fully loaded, upgrades, I car owner. c-•rv '98 u 4 .,c. 68.411 mt, better than new, MIRCIDlS 560Sl '16 no dtries or scratches. Btue/ereen. new lop and $9500 obo 949·640-5037 upholstery Pvt Party CHIVY SUIURIAN '02 $985() 949'673· 1095 white, 2SK rn, loaded. ful MerucfH 'It 560 SL wan. Pvt party. Mu51 white/Ian, 1mmac l)bA. BU>.ax> 949-584-1463 nns pi1. .-d qi. Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Ampf.1_. -Hove fun in canels. lakes, etc Recom mended fiesh water ~ae dnl cond. 3 to choose horn Start at $45.000 NEWPORT AUTOSl.'Oltl 949-574-5600 Bentley Amoge '02 less than 6CKl m1. b4!v'blll. reat tables, clvome wilts cX08761 > $2.24.500 N£WPOAT AUTOSf'ORT 949-574-5600 Low mo. mint cond 949-51().458'.) S!jg.2!15-4346 IMW '8631tl 2 dr, black, 5 sp, sun· roof. full pwr. S2250 714-914-8166 IMW '98 74011 (3) Blk/tan, cashrnere/ta11. ereen/tan, lint cond $20.950 949.500.864 J IMW '9032SI like new Blk/h1n, 4 dr, auto. ac. sunrf. lull pwr. hnt. Ca smoe $4000 OBO 714·4!14· 1698 BMW '98 23 Conv. auto while/tan lthr, CO, beautiful hke new cond, Sll.495 v59724 fin & warr a'l3i Bkt ~1888 www .ocpal .<om BMW '99 Zl Conv, 2.3 V6. 35k mo. 5spd, CD. 2 lone blk & ll!l. llhr int. beaullful, hke new cond, $19,995 v55572t fi- nancing & w•rr anty avail Bkr 949·586·1888 -w.o<pobl.<om Cacflllac '90 Fle•tw-cf silver/grey, 4dr, sunroof, lthr. auto. 38k mi. S4800 new hres 949·760-0144 ClwyW '94 .._ yon. ... 3 5 V6 J ·owner. 43k actual ml. books, records, metallu; tur quo1se/tan lthr. fully loaded. like new $4995 11#667218 Siu' 94~58).1888 www.ocpobl.com Corvette '89 Coupe auto 60k • mo, met;olhc red/tan lthr. s uperb .cond throuehout, $9,995 Bkr 949 586· 1888 www.ocpabl.com Dacfge '98 ....,..,... auto, 6cyl, A/C. ltlw. tu• power. am-fm cass, cc. lint, alloy Will$ S6499 714-593 8129 Docf9e '02 Viper 311 ml, red/blk, ACR coupe, real muscle, hard lop (101065) $$69.900 NlWPORT AUTOSPORT 949-574-5600 "--f '02 575 .......... Old anyone say .lames Bond? 12 cyt front ~ red/ tan, less than 211 rn. (127148) Sl29,500 NIWPOlfT AllTOSf'Oa'J 949-574-5600 cmrra Stv.D n41!it-• Olcf1mobtle '96 Aurora 6°" mi, black/a• ey lthr . mnrl. CO. fabulous cond throuehoul S5995 v1n#457219 Bkr 949-586-1888 -.ocpobl.com Poru he '99 Carrero 461< mi. blk/blk lthe CO. chrome whls, hke n~w $42.000 V#622057 lo nanc1ne & w•rr avail Bkr 949-586· I 888 w-.e<p0llf.com Ponche 'O I C4 2(). mo, emrakl green/tan lthtcAtbon fiber krt.. aero kit, Chr~ wheels ((62al42) $68.250 NEWPOlt'T AUTOSf'ORT 949-574-5600 Rong• Rev•r '96 4.0 SE 281< actu1I m1. books. records. J ·owner white/ tan lth1. CO. runn1na boards/brush aaurds, like new cond v212848 Sl8.995 fin & w1rranty avail Bhr 949 586· 1888 -w.ocpolll.c- HOME, HEALIH AND SUSINESS ,. ........ Service Directory ''NOTICE 0 READERS: California In• re· quires that contrac- tors takine 1obs that 'total S500 01 more (labor or male11als) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that con tr actors include their hce11se number on all advertlsme. You can check the status o f your Hcen sed contracto r a t www.cslb.ca.aov or 800·321 CSLB. Unh· Lensed contractors taklna jobs that total fen than $500 must state in their •dvert1semenls that they are not licensed by the Contrac tors State Ucenr;e Board." Ovlddtoob tralnlna & support/trouble slloollna ~ snioes taa- Of pessonal 949·548-2538 Mlllonll Remodltlng fM1111tO DIVll.OPM8CT ~ fwthln&demopment.com &IP5VSM:~ Nr Condllont'telt ALLINMVAC Alt Conditionlna & Hut· In& Service 888 /Qlrowd L~~U?i Cleaning Touch or Klass European fapen in House Cleaning 20 years in Bu~ine~s Licensed & Bonded Professional teams a~signcd 10Your Home (949) 548-0097 Free Elitimatcs References SprinJ Oeaning Specials Computer Services INHOMI & BUSINESS Rll'AIRS Upgrades. Repairs of Computer, Networks E venlnas/Weekends Compehhve prices for quahty se• v1c 949-836-1175 714-9 26-4228 Drywall Services WITTHOln DRYWAl.l All phues sm/lra Jobs. CUANI 20yrs. lair. free est L'l<XXm 714-6:39-1447 Electrical Services DUNCAN lUCTRIC Local. Quick Rnponse Home. Yard & Dock Elect 20 Yrs Exp Lie/Insured l #275870 949·650· 7047 Gardenllll' Undlcaplng s,,,,.,..., S ope -Up Get your yard looktnll it:s best for the umier. Yard c:leMo\4lS. ~rtkl!I' lune-'4JS and ~ weekend & eve quotes Xtro Honcf Service• 714-4 27-0040 Concrete & Masonry Irick llock Stone Tiie Concrete, Patio. Omewav ForP.plc, BBQ. Refs. ~Yrs Exp. Terry 714·557·7594 DUTCHMAN EUCTRIC HanclymlfV Commercial, Industrial. Home Repair ~lc.A'ls ~ Rates 'lfr:iml 9&~ The Cement MM llCENSfD CONTRACTOR Cementwork, Brick, Tile No Job too sm. tJ wvicest & More. Rehable. No 1ob Repair. remodel. fans, too small. 714·615-9062 'lj)a, new svc 9'19-645-3666 ~ IN YOUltHOMI IMPltOVIMINT PltOJICTt C•ll a plumber. painter. handyman. or any of the ereat H rvlcu listed here In our urv1ce dlrectoryf THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI olding • m nate oor Installed $3.50 sf Crown Molding, Linoleum & Sub Floor Ref.ir 949·512·8 II 714-9254249 GISTOM CMATM TU lnsta&ttlon. sllte. -llTlic, m1rble, atone. a... 1'75 U612044 Jeff 71~12-9961 LWCYsi.w...Rlplited Rer outln & Installation llL DEAN 949·673·8065 71"'846-8626 714-88.'J.2031 = ._..M. lf'frs ... '--' work. ywd cllllR4>. l1Wlblit\ tree tin. llpltt.llr Comm/Res 714 .. 36·1518 ""Tw,.. i-41Cll!I" ::'{ lfllint, ~-~ aktion. ~Yrs HP lle/lftSUted 94g..~ Trff._..,Yard Ctu111111. 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Elllcttlall, Ooon, Flnistr carp*--~ Hiiiing JUNK TO THI DUMPlll 714·968· 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI !M9'673·5566 HDlll Cllllllng .._ a1u1,:~·4 Wkly/Bl·•ltly on hly. Refa. GtHI r1lesl lme4da ~-278-0837 ....... -.............. ~&In °""-~ 714 .. D7U ........... . -- • ,', I •,,, .. '- 1,1 • •' •• • t \ .r Open 7 Days Low Rates Storage Specials Since 1981 949-645-4545 HST MOVllS $SS/Hr. Sernna An Crt 1es ln$ured Tl6J84.4 800-246-2378 323·630·9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Public Ulllilies Commission requires that all used household &oods movers prinl their P.U C. Cal T number; limos and chauffeurs print their T.C.P. number in all adnr· tiu ments. ti you have any qu9'lions about the leeallly of a mo ver, limo or chauffeur. call: PUIU< UTIUTllS COMMl$StoN too 877-.. 67 ... & ..... ,..,, Custom Hind Peinted fUa & flllX,• p~ Mil tor Ith 91JM181 .... LIAllHllfllll 'MIUN'$ AUTO OIAl#IMo...i.. Blue w/Blue, on1Y 14K ml, tpOrts pq. (19478C) $24,980 OOMWlllf Silller w/bl~ lthr, Sb19tronlc ( 193871) $21,980 "UIOS.-WNte w/llddle IHth· er, moonroof (19443) $28,980. tn ,,.._,. s rw- Sea Green w/seddle ltlv, 281< mi. moonroof (19U2) '2?·980. "M--'-SUC 210 Slue w/black, ff•Y sports Pk& (19416) $27,980. ff•MWUllS Red w/blacic lthr. 5spd (19470) Sl8.9llO 011'.,..J.e , .... Tiptronic, only Jilk miles. navaaation (19394) INQUIRE 9a teinn GS 300 Gold w/saddle leather, chrome wheel$ (19418) S21.9llO 021'ondt.G12 BlilCk w/black only 100 miles (I 9597e) INQUIRE 0 1 M.,.cede• ctSOO Silver w/arey, navt· cation, only 15K m1 (19545C) INQUJRE 00 ,..,..<Ji. loxsf•r Silver w/black, premium sound (194263) S28.980 949-S74-7177 Pttl.llS AUTO ,, .. I __ VOf.VO 2400L 'H White, st1tlonw1111.on, ~--~~ for beach c11. '3800. 760·902-8038 AUT0"10TIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SBMCE$ Loans 9225 AAA Lisy 'Ne Doc' .._. ~I No Income verifi· cation. Purchase. refl· nance, cash oul $100,0XI lo $41000,000 & from 'No Down'. 866· 7()9. 3279 or W W W sel f · employedlo ans.com (Catrfornla MB# 8135902) (CAL •SCAN) MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes 9350 DOOGI 7 1 ~ motor home 2111 ro. ""· auto. •INT 2000 JOft. ' 2003 22ft., lmm1c, slffps 6 & 8 of.tlon•I tent, plnlc tb , bbq. Toy tuller & lent triller 949·295·0356 or !M9·500-1266 BOATS Power Bolll 961, DUffY IUCTltlC 'H CLASSIC 18FT fully restored, bast offer Rid! 949·348·9424 Sallboatl 9521 CAL 20 SAJIOAT, tllp Ml $149S pp 949·548·3024 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9688 SUPS AVAllAIU from 35-9Sft In N•wport leach, l•oH 949-500-1005 S44* cond. Was $5500 6Sft ...... .. Pnq mov~ $2SOO 714-8'J8.9456 loc near kitry & pullll: dodu, "" ne.w 8ft ntli1tablt 1984 GMC 31n Cro .. Country RV. 2 a~ units 429 Chevy V8, 25K ora1n m1. SI l.500 BEST OFFER 714·840·7919 S26.500 310·446·8489 Plac., your ad today! 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