HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-13 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY,AUGUST13,2003 Costa Mesa drops restrictions on march Organizers of Lesbian pride parade say they are pleased with the decision, but lawsuit wiJJ go on to prevent future problems. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -As an olive branch to org-.utizeis of the sec- ond Orange County Dyke March, city leaders have backed away from the bullc of a 21-point rule Cash is book imposed on organ.it.ers of the Saturday parade. After a series of meetings with attorneys from the group on Fri- day, city officials elected to drop restrictions on the use of the motorcycles and a requirement that riders submit copies of their driver's licenses, said Tom Wood, Amendment rights to gather the acting city attorney. publicly and express their views. "We were trying to reach an The Gay & Lesbian Commu- accommodation to ensure the nity Services Center of Orange public is protected in their safety, County is staging the rally and b ut still allow the panicipants to march beginnjng at noon on Sat- have their free expression,". urday at Uons Parle. Wood said. A spokeswoman with the last week, lawyers with the group lauded the city's decbion American Civil Ubenies Union to drop restrictions. challenged the city's operating "We're really pleased," sajd Tri- permit on the grounds that ii cia Aynes. "It 's going to allow us hampered the group's First to go forward with the march as planned." 'Ille group applied for a city pennh to hold the event for a second consecutive year June 18. Shortly after that, the city issued a permit with 18 restriction~. At an Aug. 4 meeting, the City Council broadened lb restric- tions to 21. Twelve condition!> have been retained, Wood said. See MARCH, Paee A4 QUESTION Did the city make tt.. right decision In dropping restrictions on this Saturday's march? Call our 7 • Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dai/ypilot@latimes.com . Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for verification purposes only. greener on the other side A new chapter begins Native grass necessary for Castaways Park grant, but some say plan would be more expensive in long run. June Casa·erande Daily Pilot NF.WPORT BF.AC! I -·111e money was the least of their worries. n1e strings altached to the money, the pos.sibility of ofJendillg the groups offering the money and a wide spectrum of envi- ronmental and community issues, on the other hand, were serious worries of some of the people who took part in a discus- sion on Castaways Parle on Tuesday. See CASTAWAYS, Paee A4 COSTA MESA. Westside plan lists 28 goals Supermarket just one idea in the redevelopment committee's delayed report to the City Council. Lollt• H•rper Daily Pilot The 37th annual Governor's Cup at the Balboa Yacht Club will f eature a boat designed spec ifica lly for the race. Tom Forquer Daily Pilot T hough it lacks the number of celebrities. the race for the Governor's Cup thh week could be just as exciting a!> the race for the governor's office. Fo r starters, the 37th annual Governor\ Cup U.S. Junior Match Racing 0'1arnpionsh.ip that begins Thursday will have 11 team!> from three countries and U.S. states competing for their name on a trophy that then-Gov. Ronald Reagan gave the Balboa Yacht Oub m 1967 This year, the teams will use a new boal - the Governor's Cup 21. Previously, the three-person teams raced in Santana 20s on loan from Balboa Yacht Oub members. The club maintained the boats so that all were equal in rigging and sail quality -extremely important for match racing. "The older the boats got. the tougher that became.· said Larry Law. dub member and president of the Newport Balboa Sailing and Seamanship Assn.. a nonprofit organ.izauon that started in I 997 to promote youth sailing. To solve that problem. the association, funded by generous donations from Balboa Yacht Oub members, employed Alan Andrews and Bravura Yachts to design and build 11 boats for the Governor's Cup and future sailing events. Ir's "what we call a level playing field," said Bruce Hebbert, the chief umpire for the event. who also noted that "ll'll be quite interesting to see how the different teams overcome different chalJenges." With the exception of a test sail done by the Balboa team. the sailors have no knowledge of or experience with the new 21-foot boats leaving a lot to be learned before Thursday, when the racing begins. Match racing could be likened to the game of chess or the act of sparring. 1Wo boats vie for control over each other during two-lap races that last about 20 minutes. While blanketing the other boat's sails with the shadow of your own is a unNersal tactic in yacht racing. the k.ey aspect of match racing ib the use of right-of-way rules to control the other boaL A group of IS umpires observes the racers from chase boats. The judges notify a boat if ii commits a foul. or make judgments if one of the boat calls a foul on the other. COSTA MESA -Members of an embat- tled and seasoned committee designed to forge a future for the Westside of the city, presented a list of formal recommenda- tions Monday but reserved the right to build on those suggestions. Members of the Community Redevel- KENT TREPTOW /DAILYPll.OT A Governor's Cup 21 sailboat glides past the harbor entrance as it returns from its maiden voyage on Tuesday. The annual event begins on Thursday, north of the Newport Jetty. When a team is found guilty of fouling, a See CHAPTER , he• M See WESTSIDE, P•1e M Death in Mesa Verde shocks neighborhood Police find body of woman who moved into home recently; cause of her death not yet released. L.0HtaH1~r ~Pilot -- Sunday in her borne in the 3000 block of Samoa Place 1n Mesa Verde. olldals said. Costa Mesa police oftken rapooded to a caD at 9:42 Lm. and found the 32-yeer-okl woman uncon-- ackMll. c.o.ta Mesa Police Lt. Dale Blmey l8icl Oftlcen cmled for puamedics. who reported .. deeth .. lbe IC«M. Birney did not ,.... • a&M• peclmd cm. al demlh and said the.,..,._. II wMlnl ban ....., ..., fn:m lhe coro- ... -... No ........ been ... In Col•l8t1ioll to her ...... NllllD>n delcrl>ed ftodlftam llelmlH. ..... M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.dliM*.com WEATHER ~ tt'l sdl pNllly hot In.._ pertll. A.cl .... SMPlleA2. SPORTS UC Irvine AINtdc Derdor Bob0ddl1111r._~ onb)altlDr,_.,_ y.-lndlll .... to ficMtlfV ... Ar 11 I a ~T'9" . THINKING ALLOWED Adults need a Night Out, too \ -----------------..---....,....,.--=----~--~------,------------------------------ A2 Wednesday, August 13, 2003 ·. NEIGHBORS Brittney Bunnell, left, and Priscilla Scaff, right, of Costa Mesa and Andrea Hughes of Newport Beach were honored during Las Campanas' 40th Anniversary Debutante Ball. Andrew Hurwitz, son of Robert Hurwitz of Newport Beach, was recently inducted into the Sigma Alpha Lambda Honors Society at Northern Arizona University ... Navy Petty Officer 3rd Oass Jeremiah Oeveland, a 1998 graduate of Costa Mesa High School, recently returned from the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Gulf while assigned to the guided missile destroyer Porter ... Navy Midshipman John Money, son of Ouistopher and Jill Money of Newport Beach. was recently inducted into the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Md., and will begin six weeks of Plebe Summer at the academy ••. Vlvlan Uu, daughter of Jason and OianeJ..iu_oLNewport Beach, recently won the Rensselaer Medal offered by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the nation's oldest technological university. The medal, the oldest prize of its kind in the United States. is given to students who distinguish themselves in mathematics and science. Each medalist also receives a $60,000 scholarship upon enrollment ... Brittney Bunnell and Prlacl.lla Scaff of Costa Mesa and Andrea Hughes of Newport Beach were honored during Las Campanas' 40th Anniversary Debutante Ball that was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Irvine ... Troy Treaccar. a 1999 graduate of Newport Harbor High School and son of Tom and Karen Treaccar of Newport Beach, graduated from the United States Naval Academy with Troy Treaccar a degree in political science ... Kade Buskirk and Rebecca Sweet, both from Newport Beach. attended the 3-day National Teen Leadership Program at Cllapman University in Orange. More than 6,000 teens have attended the program's camps in the last 11 years _ •Disses Ayala of Costa Mesa won second place honors in the unusually shaped item division in the farm garden category competition at the Orange County Fair ..• Gt1aelda Ayala of Costa Mesa won second place honors in the individual Dower blooms division in the Doral/horticulture category competition at the Orange County Fair. • NEIGHBORS sPotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax a1(949)64&-4170, or send e-mail 10 corsl.wilson@latimes.com. DUI ARRESTS n... ptlOpl• h•ve ""'1 ~rw:enttyon •,.,,;don of driving undM ""' lntlwnce of.,, lnfoldcant rt..y ,,_,,.only bHtl MrnttKI on wapidon of• crime Md, • with all wepecfa, ... ~ inttot»nl until prov-1 gullry. NEWPORT BEACH • Ellihle Monique Elplt ioee. 31, L8giun8 leedl ..... • ~Jeremy Bright. 33, l.olAngelee • Rendell Lee Gnaber, 42. Elldwt. Ind. • c.n Lyn Stone, 36, t....,. Niguel MND\Y • lawrela Ruben Barbe, 57, l.olMgefei ntlMIDllY • Stl.lelt Leng Smith, 26, NewpoctBwh ...... 8rown90n Burtle, ., I Hundnglon 8-dt • 0.0,... Wlllam C.,..• ... **- Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 225 nt0MAS H. JOHNSON News&ltor9 Pubfithef Gina Alexender, Lori Anderton, TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt. Peul S.ltowitz, Editor Daniel Stevens ./U/fl'( OfTT1NO ~iai.a=,or NEWS STAFF cnme'::r~er. PromotJonl Director , .. ,57 dNl».~•IMl,,,...com EDfT1NO STAR --=·· l.J.Cee.. N9WllOft 1"8p011ef, ~Edttof, ... PM232 IM.'233 ~--•s •••1at1nw.com a./ .. t:Mtn• lllflme&com fllilllllCIMDft ---~ ~~Md environment ~~ repc>nllr, (Mt) 194-4330 ~Wlnw&oom piWl.dlnton•t«Jm-.c:om ..... °""" Ltlmtll...,_ =-~ Cofumnlle. cullLt,. ~. ~·~ (MIPM211 .-.J.a-lollfa.,,.,,,.,..'*"'"-.c:om M Olrtctor I New9 o.t a.f, O...Nswnm: (MllJMDt c:o.r. Meee ,.,...., , .. , PM221 .... ,.,. .... , oom ....,,_,....,.., • ...,..com ..... ., 2 c..1-.. ,...,...,, ..... ....,._ CMIPM.m IM)MM91 .-...mccnnt•...._.oom core1.wr11on•,..,,.,..,com ' Daily Piiot FOR A GOOD CAUSE PHOTO COURTESY Of KATE CANINO Kathy Forde. right, with her friend Nanette, is a volunteer mentor for the Best Buddies International. Kathy Forde Corona del Mar resident enjoys volunteering with the Best Buddies program is Costa Mesa. E very other week Kathy Forde ha& a date with.aspecial friend. The Corona del Mar resident is a volunteer mentor for the Best Buddies International, a nonprofit organization that coordinates one-on-one friendships to enhance the lives of mentally disabled people and help them be a part of mainstteam society. Nanette is a 46-year-old Costa Mesa woman with Down's syndrome who works at a mailing center and lives in an apartment complex that speciaJ.iz.es in accommodating disabled people. Forde. who worked as an executive assistant to the Newport Beach city manager for 12 years until May 2001, met Nanette through Best Buddies in September. she said. "If I've helped Nanene at alJ, it's that she's very comfortable in any circumstance.'' Forde said. ·Now she can walk into any place and feel comfortable.· New experiences through biweekly outings have helped cultivate this confidence. Forde characterized their excursions as "anything you would do with your best friend· Holidays have been a major source of activity for the two. To celebrate Halloween. they visited a pumpkin patch and attended a canine costume shgw at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. ·And of course. you get into tJ1e fall. fall c61ors, • Forde said. The two also go on shopping outings at places Forde described ~ • AJI the way from Fashion Island to K-Mart." PETS OF TH E WEEK Kittens Newborn kittens found in bushes and abandoned boxes need adopting, said OiAnna Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Newport Beach-based Community Animal NetwocX. "Most shelters euthanize the pregnant momma cats and bottle-feeders because of the time and money needed to keep them all." Pfaff-Martin said. Kittens are a lot of work for volunteen and new foster parents, she said. Justk:e F1ennikeo. 4, reecued two hungry kittens from a box left outside a pet store when store pen;onnel refused to take them. Pfa.IJ-Martin said The kittens are now being safeguarded through the network's "Good Otben Rescue Program,· which trains rescuers with the infonnation. tools and supplies they need to care Cor young, bottle-feeding animals. she sakl The network bas 23 new 8-week-old kittens arriving for adoption and there are more than 200 kittens in its foster program, PfalJ-Martin said "People just loYe the quality of kittens because they are healthy and live in prtvate homes with people who IOlle them,,. she said. See other animals available for adopdon at www.anima.lnetwork.org or Jb.ao's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (949) 759-3646 or Community Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach. CA 92658. PttOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news stories, Seen Hiller, Don Leecti, illustrations, editorial matter or l<ent Treptow advertisement. herein can be FY1 Best Buddies International has been helping people like Nanette since 1989. It has programs In all 50 states and in nine different countries. For more information, visit www.bestbuddies.org. Overall, Forde has provided Nanette with an experience of the world that others haven't in her last 45 years. "It's a win-win friendship." Forde said, adding that they are "sharing from both sides of the table. We're both learning, we're both growing,· One of the most valuable lessons Forde has learned from Nanette is to be honest and open about how you feel. "There's no filter for her feelings.· Forde said, explaining thal with Nane11e, "If she loves someone. she'll tell them.· -Story by Tom Forquer SURF AND SUN READERS H<1TUNE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST SURF permission of copyright owner. (949)642~ Under partly sunny aides, The southwest swell will Record your comment. ebout the HOW TO REACH US Costa Mesa and Inland continue to produce today, Deity Pilot or news tips. CftuletJon Newport Bead't will hover in leaving us with chest• to ~ The Timea Orange County Our eddreu is 330 W. Bay St, Cotta (800) 252-9141 the mld-809 today, with coastal •houlde,...,lgh Mta. Newport Mttllng in the The swell will lose some MeN, CA 92627. Office hour• are Adwttlelng Mondey -Friday, 8:30 e.m. • 5 p.m. mld-70.. Lows will be In the energy on Thur~. resulting c .......... (949) 642·6fl78 ~ (949) 642-4321 mld-«>a. In 1 drop to waist-to It Is the Pilot's policy to promptly EdlClcMW Thuradey will be very similar chelt-Ngh&. COfT'ect eU em>B of euti.tence. ..... •• the helt WllVe continues to A 1Hght lnc:tea1e in size will PIMM call {!Mi) 794-4324. UM9) M2.6fl80 mete it fMI Hh mid-August occur on ffid9v, wherl we ..... {!M9) 574-4223 lnbnDlldae: ahoukt ... the occaionel FYI ..... ,..(M9)~170 www.nws.noM.flOV ~· The Newpoft ~ Meee tporta ,._ IMll 8&0-0170 Another decent l!Well •rrl\'99 • Deity Piiot (lJSPS.144-IOO) le l......it: dallypltot•6-t/fn#.com BOATI~G FORECAST Seturdey. pubtilhed d911y. In Newpoft 8eectl Meln<>lfloe ..... ~ end Cota Mele,~.,.. ...... Olfloe (Ml) 842-4321 Thewlrdawll blow10to,16 www . .urlrlder.org Mlllab6e onty by eub9crlblng to The ...... ,.. (Me) 631·7128 lu'°'9 In the Inner W9l9rl, with Tl,,,_ °'8nD8 Cou"'V {IOO) 2.foot W8VW end. w.t IW9tl TIDES 252.J141. In.,.... outlllde of liu of 3 .... end eouth IW'll of 2 Newport IMct'I and Coeta Meee, ..... .,.... ........ .ub9crtpdone to the Deify Piiot •re Out,.,.._,• tmell ad 5."0e•.m. -0.e&t.ltlow MliW:lle only by flnt cta. mell lot tCtll1loty ... be In .ttec:t .. the 11:281.m. 4..51f9'thief' S30 per month. (flriC* lndude .. 4:.eGp.m. u ..... ..,. Pu~ byTlmee Communtty not1hte 1111ri\'wlfMilblow20 -.ipleebte -end local ..... , ...... dlvlelon of the Loe~ ID 30 llnoel. wMt ._ID MocM 1Ck•p.m. 8.02 ... hlgh l'OS'TMASTEJt 9llnd ..... l1fMe. WW.and. me.dWMt ...-1 ~to,,. NMpcwt ~ M.e ~ P'loc. P.O. C2003 Tlmee CN. All riGM1J ofl ............... ofl -The .... thoutd .... b 1NO. Cota Me-. CA t:lt2t. t'tMl'Wd. ...... ._, ..... •d••·- J • Dai!Y Pilot an to a A video game developer moves into former Aysia 101 site, but Tony Roma's and Bennigan's a re out. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot MARlNER'S MILE -Owners of a commercial building have pulled the plug on a plan to re- place the former Aysia I 0 l res- taurant with two family-style dining eateries. Waterfront Newport Beach Ll.C no longer plans to bring in a Tony Roma's or an Irish-themed Bennigan's to the three-story, eatenes to anner s 52,000-square-foot building at were scheduled to open in June. 2901 W. Coast Highway. But after the group secured "We've had to withdraw our Newport Beach Planning Com · permit," said Robert Lounsbury, mission appreval for the dual a WaterfronL member. "There is use of the building's top rwo no plan at this time." floors, a city inspection revealed Instead, the company has the building was not up to code. leased a large chunk of the space "There are potential major to a video game developer. structural problems." Olief On Saturday, a division of Atari Building instructor Steve Hook Entertainment finished moving said. "We're definitely going to into space in the building, be-force the issue before the build- coming the leading tenant. Shiny mg b allowed to corrode to the Entertainment, which developed point of strucn.mi.l failure." the video game "Enter the Ma-Saltwater from the harbor has trilc." has lease<;! 13,000 square leaked into the building's three- feet, Lounsbury !XI.id. , stor:y subterranean parkirig ga- in february. the group an-rage anc.J h;:u, nJ'>ted the steel nounced that it had !>igned foundation, I louk .,,aid. leases for a Tony Roma's aJld Bu1ldi11g owners have agreed Benmgan's for the property. They to return. in two months. with recommendations for repairs. The saltwater woei. weren't the reason the company pulled the new restaurants off the table, Lounsbury said It was because the building didn't offer enough parking. . Cicy officials, however. aren't giving up hope that the restau- rants may be put 1n at i.ome point. "We would love to '>ee them implement their project," New- port Beach Planning Direcwr Pa- tricia Temple -.aid. Earlier this year, Waterfront Newport Reach aho t>0ught in Newport OfficP Ct:nter Lo :,ub· lease add1l10nal -.pace for execu· · tive suite!> aml other office '>lip- port UM~!>. Newport library receives $144,000 in funding The library's foundation announces the donation at Tuesday's City Council meeting. Kris O'Donn ell Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -rhe Newport Beach Library Founda· Lion donated S 144.507 to the Newport Beach Public Library .,ystem for future upgrades. pro- grams and events on Tuesday. The foundation's President. Tom Edwardi., pre:.ented the check to the Nev<port Heach City BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Costa Mesa Fire receives $4.000 grant !he city of Coc;ta Me~a an· nounced Tue-.day that ~tal e farrn lni.urnnce Co. gave it a $4,000 grant for the Fire Department. fhe department will use it to buy c;upphe!. for a recently pur· cha<;ed puhHc education trailer. Funding from the l·ederal Emergency Management Agen· cy':. A..:.i'>tance to fire Fighter~ WOt grant program allowed the department to buy the trailer. ·fhe department will ho'>t a check pre.,emauon at 10 a.m ~pl. 4 at Vire Stauon No. 4. ' \ Council on Tue1>day night The foundaLion hoaM!> more than ~.000 member!> who tlnan· c1ally contribute to the . "Through fw1d -raising event~ like the 'l>ibtini.,'1.ti!>hed Speaker' Serie-.,' our members enable u~ to '>Upport cl vanety of pro- gram ... " '>Liie.i Tracy Key:.. the foundatmn'-. t'Xecu1ivc director. l lw prog1ams -.upported 111 - t'lude two 1wrforma llLl''> ot the Joh n Wayne Airport receive. A+ rating John \\'aynl' Airport offiu.ih leamet.l l!Jt•,(fa) that htch H..11· lllg'> ha'> gt\'l'll tht' airport a11 '\~ rattng on 11\ Sl•ll rn1llu1111n out '-tJnc1111g gener<tl revt'nue bond-. and upgradl'd 11-. outlook trom "stable" to "po'>llive." rhe A ... rnttng !>hOI\'-lht' dll · port ha~ a '>trong tinannal po-.1 lion market! b) gooJ h4u1d11y, a lcl\\ debt burden. ">trong dl'ht '>erv1ce roveragt' . .t.nd a heahhv J1il''>l'ngl·r demanJ No trash collection on Labor Day in Newport Area., uf '.\:ewport Heach regu ~ larly '>Lhedulcd lur 1 ra'>h cnllec· 11on on Sept. l will have w wait l'anli1 )\ 111plwny. 11\lmh ,., Lele· braung 11' .!·1th drllll\l'r'>ary, at the C L't 11r,tl I 1lrnlfy at IOOO Avo· cado ,\\ e l t1n<.h11g \~111 al-.o hdp the li- brary p.irt1up.1te 111 the county· wtdl' fmag111Jt1nn (.debra1io11 of Orn11gt' 1 oun1y that promote~ and p1ewnh qualll} vhual and perfornur1g drl'> program'>. J he fundtng will aho '>Upport the Corona dd ~1ar <.lm~tma'> 'v\'alk. program'> that bring.:, teen and adult-. 1og1·1he r a'> readmg part- ner-. and tht l11Nacy pn1grnm thttl cl~'>l ... h adult'> .. 1ruggh11g ,, d.t' bet.Hl"•t rit I ;1bor D<1) I he re ,tl.,o \\Ill nnt he <.trt•et "' t:c:prng 11n '>t•pt. I I rJJ nrn1t• 1nlurrn..it1011. call with bac,;ic cornmumcauon skills. Renov<lttun ell on" lur fir-.t. 11oor public re'>t room remodel· mg and the lt'Cll <enter rt·luca· tion at the {_(•n1r,tl l.1hr;irv .Hl' al~o targeted lor fundmg. · Pre\iiuU!> g1 f1' pw\ 1dt:d I und · ing fur IUll'fJlllt: dlld h11•1JCV program~. d., well cl:-> a 'ollt·t uon., enhanl c:111e11t In total. loundJ11u11 rncmhcr., have ra1.,ed m orr• tha11 ':>.! rn1l - ho11 -fir ... 1 t<1 hwld tlw C1·ntral I Jbrary and then to -.urport all tour <11 :--:cwpon lkaclt.., hlirar· I(' .... the gcnc:ral -.en 1n .. ., depar1 - 11wn1 at •cq <i h 11-m;> from I a.m to I. 10 rm \1 nndJ\ through I riJa\ ---------- Grand Opening Sale 50°/o-75°/o Off Featuring ... Brandee Danielle Signature Bedding s.,..,.,, '·"··· The Baby Bedding Outlet 767 W. 19th Street, # 107, Costa Mesa 10% OFF <949> 650-4907 With Ad Wednesoay August 13, 2003 Al No non1ense fitneu Y-11~-:r--and weight lou is ot: ~~~~ ~~ ~ Free ~btlot/ -<._ ~ f f (80'NJ o/I ~'f't-tJP f'ee tAluJ, I ( -,--~!~~200~/_) I - /370 B E. 1 7tti St. Costa Mesa • In the Ralph's Shoppi09 Center 949.646.6789 M-Th: 8am-8pm Frl: Bam-Opm Sat:10am-1pm www .simplyshapelyfitneH com Baby Backs '"And lots of other Good Stuff' DINNER • BANQUETS • CATERING TAKE-OUT • DELIVERY • A..s.o f"'°t...sJ~ Blot._ w..;..,.> ::..!~ c~1Cli.en "''me Pr f·.,,t is· >andwlches ond '..Oto.:~ • Crx\>to1' J ,. t"] .... • Banquets lJD IC Ju • lobtestde Mag.-c;.Jnda ~ <?ve • Worm & ccmfonat>le Buorl's • Reserv01ion~ accepted •Kids Menu~ • -~ .:.. ,,~ ... ....... ~.r ..1~~ fit:.±'-t.:' ... _ •le··· i • J1J. Jt 'J.,°" :r .,,. (949) 631·2110 "We have a lot of competition ... But our Ribs Don't" \ M Wednesday, AIJ&ust 13. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Charle Snwt: A man was arrested on suspicion of hit and run property damage and resisting an officer at In the 2000 block at 11 :30 am Monday. • nlrvlew Ro.d: One man was arrested on suspicion of violation of p&role In the 2700 block at 1 :60 p.m. Monday. • Harbor Boulevard: Two men were arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public in the 2300 block at 4:30 p.m. Monday. • Gltler Av•nu•: A man and one woman were arrested for loitering and intent to commit prostitution in the 1600 block at 1 :39 p.m. Monday. • Hanover Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence and for an out of area warTant in the 300 block at 1 :10 p.m. Monday. •West 18th StreetJPlacentia Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of driving under OBITUARY Frie Garcia Visitation for Costa Mesa resi- dent Eric Garcia will be held from 11 :30 a.m. to I p.m. 1oday at Rose Hill Mortuary in Costa Mesa. Services will take place at 1 p.m. Mr. Garcia died Friday. He was 31. He is survived by son Ja- cob Garcia; parents Merced es the Influence and driving with a su•pended license In the 14000 block at 2:50 a.m. Tuelday. • 42nd Street and &.ashore: A man was arTetted on suspicion of grand theft auto and driving under the Influence at 4:40 p.m. ,Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bleon Av.nu• and Mac:Althur Boulewld: A racing vehicle was repprted at 4:24 p.m. Tuesday. • ~rt'Boulevard: Grand theft was reported in 'the 3400 block at 2:12 p.m. Tuesday. •~rt c.nt. Drive East A commercial burglary was reported in the 200 blodc at 2:16 p.m. Tuesday. • N•wport Coast Driv•: An arrest was made following the report of a vehicle burglary in the 22800 block at 1 :41 p.m. Tuesday. • <>c:.an Boulevard: Petty theft wasreportedln the1500 btodc at 3:54 p.m. Tuesday. and Raul Ayala; brothe rs Ray- mond Quinonez and Danny Ayala; and sister Veronica Gar· cia. • The Daily Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or for- mer residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. lf you want to have an obituary printed in the Pilot, ask your mortuary to fax us the information at (949) 646- 4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. GOLDEN 0PPORTUNITY Madel Year-End Sale Skosh Monahan's S~eakboase & IRisb Pab Skosh's Daily Specials (only $6.99) Monday Tuesday Songers & Ma.sh Lamb Sliew Wednesday Thursday Beel Strogonoff Corned s..I & Cabbage Happy Hour Specials tMan·Sat: 4-6pm I Sun: rOom-5pmJ Fish N' Chips $7.50 Piuas $2.00 Off ALDEN'S -·--------, DN-!ilTE , ---- DRAPERY Cl.EANll\I& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN DR REMDVIN& NECEHARY I Certlfted Ta Clean AD Hunter Daugla• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • lwninette PrMcy Sheen-• Silhouette' window shadinp • Viptte• window Wdinp • Ouette' honeycomb shades ' MleniaTM Collection 1 Jubilancf'N roman shadfs • Applaust hontycomb shades • SmrlttttlK SoftfoldlN shadings World'• a.t ON4i'i'&"' .,... .... ~Ciani ... ~ .A ALD•rs ALDEN'S CAilPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 ~um Mesa 949:646 4838. 7~4-968-8180 ' ' Continued from Al The hard-line stance, officials said, came about after a rider in last year's event popped a wheelie on her bike after a po· lloe officer asked her not to. Despite the city's conces- sions, Dyke March organizers said they would continue to pursue the lawsuit against CASTAWAYS Continued from Al The city is considering how to renovate the 17 -acre parcel that is the poly open space in town offering views of the Back Bay, the harbor and the ocean. l.4st year. the city entered into an agreement with the Calif omia Coastal Conservancy to accept a nearly SJ 00,000 grant to develop the park with native vegetation. But earlier this year, City Council members and parlcs commis- sioners questioned whether the plan might include about 2~ acres of turf grass where people could lay out a picnic blanket, tl}r a lcite or kick around a soccer ball. The Planning Commission eventually voted to support the turf grass idea, even though it would ~ean giving up the Coast· al Conservancy grant Environ- mentalists protested, saying the area should be l 00% natural .. Costa Mesa to stave off any s .res c ons ne year. "We will still have our day 1n coun, • Aynes said. "The lawsuit is designed to settle this matter once and for all.• Councilman Mike Scheafer, an insurance agent himself, said the restrictions were de· signed to protect the city from legal risk. He said the group ls still required to present "finan· cial responsibility" 1n the form of insurance coverage. And as both sides prepared to square off, city staff members were busy digging up a compro· mise later dubbed Option 5 - creating turf grass-like condi· dons using a fonn of native grass called California Meadow Sedge. And though that's the most ex- pensive option, adding up to $124,000 on top of the plan al- ready estimated to cost more than $230,000, it could be the one that prevails. "l like the sedge grass," Coun· cilman Tod Ridgeway said. "I plan on supporting Option 5." Council members agreed to bring back. the issue on a regular council agenda for a vote, but it's sure to be a difficult decision. A dozen people spoke at the meet· ing and though more than half supported using only native plants there, their reasons were as diverse as the speakers. "We signed an agreement on this grant with the Coastal Con- servancy." Dennis Baker said. MNow, basically, we're pulling on their chain again.·· somebody," Scheafer said. "ls the city responsible? We owe it to the citizens of Costa Mesa [to make sure) that we don't fall ·into a litigation or liabillty trap." Scheafer said he hoped to avoid an incident slmUar to the one that derailed the· Fish Fry. That long-running community event was held at Orange Coast College in 2000. At the event, a Lllce city staff, Baker was con- cerned that the city could alien· ate the granting ~ency with ex· cessive requests for changes to the tenns of the agreement. But others were more concerned with those terms. The money comes with the condition thal the city properly maintain the native plant habitat for 20 years. Ml fear that by giving power over this park to an agency in Sacramento for 20 years that we're doing ourselves a b ig dis- service," said Debra Allen, a parks commissioner who sup- ports the rurf grass option. On her side were fo rmer Mayor Jan DeBay. Parks Com - missioner Val Skoro, Council· man Don Webb and others. Op· posing the turf grass option were a who's who of local environ- mentalists including Allan Beek. Jan Vandersloot and Stephanie Barger. But in both camps, it seemed there were plenty of people who might consider the .compromise to be worth the cost. WESTSIDE Continued from Al 'I am extremely upset. I have been here 17 years and put my heart and soul and money into this house.' opment Action Committee un- veiled its Jong-awaited report for the Westside, portions of which Joyce Thomas, Center Street resident are marked for redevelopment. have been talked about for years The action plan highlighted 28 -such as a shopping center at goals; a t the top of the list was 19th Street -now that a formal attracting a national-chrun recommendation from a city· supermarket so it could be sur-sanctioned committet; is on the rounded with a commercial cen -. record. ter. "Maybe now they can develop On Monday, after months of a specific site." Robinson saicl deliberation. consensus-build-The rest of the action plan will iog, protesting and compromis-fall in place in time. All those in· ing, a gtoup of seasoned resi· valved know the process - dents' presented a vision for the whichever tum it may take - Westside that emphasized a bus-will be long and complex. tling downtown along 19th Oaange will no t come easily. street. Mayor Gary Monahan said. and While the report was highly Councilwoman Libby Cowan anticipated by the City Council, warned of very difficult deci- acting as the Redevelopment sions ahead. Agency, city leaders said they ex-Very strong emotions · are on pected more details and Strate-both sides of the debate. gies. The agency continued the Those who favor redevelop- resident committee for another ment -a formal process that year in hopes of narrowing the eannarlcs .qualifying properties focus. said Mike Robinson, the and siphons associated taxes city's director of redevelopment into a fund for area improve· "I think we were looking for a meats -argue the area needs little more description, or maybe drastic changes to reverse a some baclc:ground from the trend of blight and sluggish committee on how they came property values. Various mem- up with the recommendations, bers of the group, many of or how they saw it being imple-whom are associated with a mented," he said. group loosely known as the ''im- Robinson said the agency provers,• believe the largely in· does not have to wrut another dustrial and low-to middle-in· year to take action on portions come area couJd be better used of the report. Leaders could be· for single-family homes. ' gin implementing ideas that The committee as a whole DEATH Continued from Al as a sweet girl and a smiling young wife. who was anxious to settle into her new home. The yowig couple moved into the Sa· moa Place home about two months ago and quicldy made friends in the neighborhood. bethany and Michael Herms. ,..no sold the quaint. one-story home to the Rothfusses, said they hand-picked the young couple from a list of three possible buy· ers. Bethany Herms said she could tell Jessica Rothfus.s loved the house the moment she walked in and nudged her husband to buy CHAPTER Continued from Al fact of life in match racing. the sailors must pedorm a penalty maneuver, a 270..degree rotation that slows their forwan:I progress. The new boats, owned by the association, wef9 detigned specifically for thla type of raclng. "'You want a boat th.at will ICClelerate fairly well ao lhe best performance encourt111 lbe UM of tactb. • eaJd AndreW9, who daicDed tti. 00..... He .a.a noted Ibid dlily ... bull to that dWJ .. d"'kull to .... and...,.., Npllr. lm,.a,Mit in a nice ........... , eo 20 wll c:ompete ID doel ...... t.wwhMMd the 21-foot tx.aa' l8Clld ¥MM to be about S2l,OOOeedlwllbcMa- "'**••Mdldapm11ot ................... Muldply tbll ttaure"' ll ind it The Rothfusses even sent flow- ers to the real estate agent after the transaction was complete. ·She really pushed for it. she was so thr:illed." Herms said Ibey were a yowig couple like us. They were the best choice." The Herms had already d eco- rated one room as a nursery for their child. which was another 84illing point for the Rothfuss fam. ily. "She mentioned starting a fam- ily," Herms said It is hard to imagine a handful of police cam, paramedics and a coroner's van outside their old house, Herms said It is hard to envision anything bad happening in the house they started a family In. she added. the yacht club's tremendous financial commitment becomes evident Dave Ullman, the designer and supplier of the salls, and Andtews. are both club members. The rac.es, which will take place north of the Newport Jetty, begin Thursday and end Sunday, when the Governor'• Q.ap award will be presented by the mnt's most famous celebrity, America's Cup ~per Dennis CoMer. •TOM l'OftOUIR la a Dally Piiot intern. Heoen be~ et 10m.fo~e1ettmtt.com . suggested a fo rmal study regard· ing the possibility of rezoning the bluffs from industrial to resi- dential to build high-priced· homes with ocean views. The Cicy Council somewha1 supports the study, bur the actual deci- sion will be much more compli· cat ed. On the other side of the re- development coin are the ind us- trial business owners and resi- dents of the low-to middle-income homes on the Westside. Most do pot want to see their property turned over to the city and strongly disagree U1at thei1 neighborhood is be- yond repair. Dan Gribble. president of the Westside Revitalizatio n Assn. that formed to work with the city to improve the Westside pri- vately. said there is no need to take property from burgeoning businesses because of political pressure. Others still, with no fo rmal af- filiation to any group. spoke out in sheer frustration and fear of losing their pro perty. "I am extrem ely upset." srud Center Street resident Joyce Thomas. whose home falls in the preliminary redevelopment area. "I have been here 17 years and pu1 my heart and soul · and Ml wdS so shocked to team that, I me.an gosh. that is where I brought my baby home from the hospital.· Henns said The Hemis family was dose to their Samoa Place neighbors and were sad to leave but needed a bigger house. Samoa Place residents, who were just as sad to say good-bye to the Hemis but welcomed the Rothfusses, said they were griev- ing their shodring loss. Robin Leftler. a frequent voice City Council meetingl; who is three doors down from Rothfuss. said she was stunned · "It is just really. really sad." Lef- fler said. "It shook aD of us up a whole lot" Ro~ is survived by her hus- Oalty Pilot woman claimed she hurt her and sued. Her civil lawsuit was settled out of court for $30,000. The event was halted for rwo years UlltU this June, when a scaled-back version was put on at Uons Park.. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clfnton@latimas.com. 'I fear that by giving power over this park to an agency in Sacramento for 20 years that we're doing ourselves a big disservice: Debra Allen, a parks commissioner "I'm not sure what my per- sonal preference is going to be when this comes back to coun- cil," Mayor Steve Bromberg srud. Officials don't know when the rnaner will come back before them. but because they're facing a March deadline to spend the grant money or lose it, it is likely to be soon. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagranda g larimes.com money into this bouse." The Planning Commission ap- proved the preliminary bounda· ries for the potemial added area of about 400 acres -runnin~ roughly along 15th Street. Whit- tier Avenue. West 19th Street anti Pomona Avenue -in January. The Community Redevelop- ment Aclion Committee. a city- sanctioned group. was fo rmed m June 2002 by the Redevelop· me nt Agency to inform ci1y leaders what the goal was for the city's We&tside. The group. bur- dened with hurdles from the very beginning. forged through the opinions of its original 70 members. worked with hired consultants to "find consensus" and uJ1imately presented its re- port to the city Monday. In the process. about 40 peo- ple quit the comminee. indus- lrial property owners formed their own alliance to counter the surge toward redevelopment and the Redevelopment Agency granted an economic study of the commercial area along 19th Street. which largely hosts small businesses. Plans to bring in boutiques and higher-end shops along the 19th Street stretch of the ci cy was also outlined in the report, as well as adding more play space fo r the children. • LOLITA HARPER w rites columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harpar ·q la times.com. band, John; parents. Bill and Con· rue Owen; and sister, Kendall P'arlcs. She w~ born in Aspen. Colo. and had lived in Costa Mesa eight years. The cause of her death has yet to be determined. Rod Thomas. deputy coroner for the coun1y. said his office is waiting for the results of toxicol- ogy and micro-study reports. both of which are commonly per- fonned when such a yotlllg per· son dies. He expects the results in six to eigh1 weeks. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and cover• culture and the arts. She may be reac:h«t at 1949) 574-4275 or bye-mail at lolita.hsrper@larimes.com. - ----.--------··-----------~ Daily Pilot • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mllce.swanson@latimes.com; byfax to(949)6464170;or by calling (949l 574-4298. Include the lime,.date and location of the event, as well as a oontact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY Adult readers, writers and animal lovers are invited to •cats and Dogs" from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent J~rgensen Center next to the Mariners Branen Library in Newpo rt Besen. The free progr&IT} w ill feature Patricia Guiver, author of t.he mystery series starring fictional pet detective Delilah Doolittle, and Cat Fancy journalist Sandy Robins. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. The Newport Beach Chamber of Com merce will hold its monthly Newport Networking luneneon from noon to 2 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 Macarthur Blvd. Attendees are inv ited to display their brochures and business cards "mini-expo style" to better connect with attending businesspeople. The cost is $20 for chamber members with reservations and $25 at the door. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400. Speak Up Newport will hold its monthly general membership meeting at 6 p.m. at the Newport Beacn Tennis Club, 2601 Eastbluff Drive. Refreshments will be served starting at 5:30 p.m. This month's topic is Newport Beach lifeguards. Information: (949) 729-4404. FRIDAY Teddy BHrs and Tea Cups on Balboa Island. 225 Marine Ave., will host a Doll Trunk Show. For times: (949) 673-7204. SATURDAY The Friends of the Newport Beach Library will hold a used book sale in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with books priced a1 "a bud< a bag:' A members-only preview will be held Aug. 15 with hardcover books priced at two for $1 and paperbad<s at six for $1. All proceeds are donated to the library system. Information: (949) 759-9667. ·01von:e: A New Beginning," is a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced. The cost is $40. It will be held 10 a.m . to 12 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 644-6435. MONDAY To honor Ka1harine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center wlll present "Pat and M ike,· the third of five free screenings in AuguS1, at 1 p.m . All are invited to enjoy the movies and tree popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Margwerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. A sunset cruise In Newport Harbor including a gourmet dinner, five music and dancing. ALLOWED Continued from Al enforcers. A time 10 talk to Sgt. So-and-so about bass fishing and Lt Hey-you about martial arts. To trade baking secrets with Det. X and plan play dates for the kids with Officer Doe. I asked Costa Mesa Police Lt. Dale Birney about the idea and he laughed. "What do you thinlc"f' I asked. "Got any ideas of how 10 malc:e it fun?" Because he was spealc:ing in his official capacity as the public lnfonnatio n officer for the department, he said it would not be appropriate to disa.JM such an off-the-wall proposal. Arthur M urra dancer• and a llv auction will be held by Adventures at Sea to benefit Parent Help, U.S.A. Reservations are required. Tid<ets are $75 per person or two for $125. For more information, call (949) 650-2412. AUG.18 Mature driven can aha.,,.n tMir driving skllls in two four·hour MRP driver safety classes held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are lim ited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. AUG.19 The Orange County c:hapt« of Wine Brats, a national nonprofit organization, is holding its monthly wine tasting event at Gustaf Anders Restaurant in South Coast Village from 7 to 9 p.m. The Wine Brats will be tasting several wines from Australia. Information and registration: oc.winebrats.org A free seminar, "Feng Shul tor a Healing Home~ will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-M OMS. AUG.20 The N ewport Beach Newcomers Club general meet ing w ill begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Oasis Senior Center parking lot in Corona del Mar Attendees will then carpool to Crystal Cove State Pa!1< for a hike and lunch. Information: (949) 645-9922 or newcomers-newportbeach.org AUG.21 A free bone density SCf'ffnlng will be held by appointment only from 11 a.m . to 3 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Retail M erenants Sales Seminar sponsored by the Bayside branen of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Beaen Yacht Club. The cost to attend is $15, which includes a continental breakfast. For reservations. call (949) 729-4400. Teddy Bears and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave., will host "Spa Day for Girls" at 2:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673·7204. AUG.22 The Costa Mesa Senior Center presents a Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian food. entertainment and more from 4 to 7 p.m . T1d<ets are on sale at the center's fronl desk. Reservations are a must. Admission lor members is $5, $11 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 645-2366. AUG.23 The UCI Arboretum is hosting its annual Summer Bulb Sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gardeners will have the chance to buy winter species as dormant bulbs and select summer and evergreen species in containers. Expert Sigh. ~ee wha1 I'm saying? Why is ii so crazy? Would it be that bad 10 see police officers in a light other than their notorious straigh1 -laced . hard -nosed. let's-just-stick-to-the-facts· ma'am persona? My friend Cin dy Guillen is a Burbank police officer and she is a great dancer, a great boxer and one of the funniest people I know. She is in large part the reason I have great respect for police. despite most of my generation's distrust for authority figures. And if you look closely enough be avallab'-. The Arboretum 11 located )ult south of the corner of Cempus Or. and Jambore& Rd. on tile north campus. Admission la $2 and enildren under 12 are free. For m ore information, em ail ldlyons@uci.edu Tn.ngle Squire In Coste MeN Invites the com munity to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace w hile taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m . The Newport Harbor High School eneer squad w ill host Junior Cheer Camp from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 23, 26 and 27 in front of the high school's anchor. The cost is $95, whien covers a T-shirt, snadts, pom-poms, photo, extra fall p ractice and performance at a high senool football game on Aug. 28. Students in gradet> K through eight are welcome. For more information, call (949) 673-1989. The Newport Harbor CAA will have its annual wine and eneese reception with Congressman Chris Cox from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the home of Debbie Allen, 1021 White Sails Way, Corona del Mar. For information and reservations, call (949) 645-9127. The Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club w ill hold its annual fund-raiser, "As Time Goes By;' at the Village Crean. The event will include dinner, music, silent and hve auctions and the chance to win a diamond and emerald bracelet. For more information, call (562) 743-4906. The Costa Mesa Senior Center w ill be dipptng ice cream at an ice cream social at 1he marketplace from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . Everyone is welcome. All proceeds will benefit the center. Information: (949) 645-2356. AUG.24 A celebration to mari< the opening of the first phase of Bonita Canyon Sports Park in Newport Beach will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 p.m. Sports clinics, contests and door prizes will run throughout the day. The first 1,000 children to arrive will receive a free opening day souvenir. Information: (949) 644-3151. The Orange County M arbt Place in Costa Mesa will host the fourth annual Endless Summer Class Car Show and Elvis Fest, celebrating the life and music of Elvis Presley, from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m. General admission is $2, and parking is free. For more information, call (949) 723-6663. To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner;· the fourth of five tree screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del M ar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. The Jewish Community Center of Orange County will host the "Three Centuries ol Music'' concert at 2 p.m . The Three at the walls in various offices of the Co.sta Mesa Pobce Department. you can see pictures of officers on their off time with their friends, at birthday parties. in Las Vegas. e1c. What is that one their face - just below the thick mustache? A smile. Yeah. they actually look as though they would be fun to party with. Al least you know it won't get out of hand. So what do you say'? There's nothing better than a good party to bring people together. Why do • Semi-Privau for M111 d-Wo•n • 0111r 80 Pieu1 of Efuipm111t • Privatt Pi/•111 S111Jio •SPINNING Th1•t1r with N1• S111te-ofthN 4rl c,tL,,. • 16 Ft1Q-1;,,,, Ptrto,,,./ Tr•I•,,. • c.,...,,,,;,,,, p.,.;,., • Y•t•• 'UJ Chi. Str,,d CLusn • Su1, PotHr Pt1Mp. Cttrtll• • SlJ•tHrs, Stt•• 6 Towu •D., s,. • An11,,_,,.,~/MtW•plClll ent uries of Music Quartet Includes Ruu ian-trained musicians Sergei Kossiak, Tatiana Kosslak, Arsl\ak Hayrikyan, and louri Adichtenev, all members of the Oueretaro Pl\llharmonic Orenestra of Mexico. The ensemble has played for President Fox of 'f exico and for the king and queen of Spain. Proceeds will beiieflt construction of the Jeremiah House. Tid<et s are $15 general admission or $100 for patrons. Information and reservations: (714) 755-0340, ext. 134. The NCond Walk for Leilani w ill take place from noon to 4 p.m . at Fairview Park In Costa Mesa Donations w ill go toward an electric wheelchair that Leilani GutierTez, a 5-year-old who was paralyzed fro m the diin down in a car accident a little more than a year ago, can control with her mouth. Information; www.ourleilani.com. AUG.28 A frM seminar, ~ Perfonnance Nutrition for Strength and Longevity;' will be held from 6:30 to 7;30 p.m. at M other's Market. 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host its Newport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican, 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members. $10 for potential members. Reservations aren't required. For more mformation, call (949) 729-4400. AUG. 29 Teddy Bears and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave .. will host #Pa1ama Night" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. AUG.31 To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center w ill present "On Golden Pond; the last of five free screemngs in August, at 1 p.m . All are invited to en1oy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. SEPT. 12 The Costa Mesa Senior Center, in celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary, presents the CoslAmazing Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Travis Parker Band, dancing and barbecue. frorn 4 to 7 p.m. The Costa Mesa Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. The cost is $5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Tid<ets go on sale Aug. 15 at the center's front desk and at Costa Mesa City Hall, on the third floor in the Recreation department. Information: (949) 645-2356. SEPT. 19 The 15th Tam of Newport, featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment, more than 15 wineries, cocktails and beers, w ill run today to Sept 21 at Fashion Island. Today's hours are 6 to 11 p.m. Information: (949) 729-4400 you think all the chanty • organizations are aJwa~ throwing shm-digs? I think it a good bash would really drnm up support for locaJ law enforcement and build respecl on both side'>. And. hey. if it's really that important. you can still bring McGruff the Cnme Dog. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be readied al (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper,!J!lat1mes.com. -~ ~~~--------------..... ----- Wednesday. August 13. ?003 A! DANSK ;, ENTERT AJ N IN G Yo u're I nvited.' DANSK Y Make it easy. Cty>Ul CAM Promcnadt • -.,-6 r. .. ·afic Coan Hwv. •~~.<..A • 9-191 ~er 2011 lllP.Hft 111 llt I U~ Ill I IV Otru'-. M<tor1 Curi" ,... • ..,.t-~!"C ,.. IC -At\ \K ¥ .,,, ;.., .. ,, •\.•• :t'\i P'l fo•t'trf"'' 11 -:: ...-c ~(,O'll C~~"'•C.~•• .. 'tf"!••~."" 'i;;i .. •••u1 ._n• • .. « 1·~ • "' , • p"Odv<a OI'? •'ilf)t .rad, _.i .,.nr,, . .,,. .,, .. ,,-1 ,,,., :;))•"\• "'• ~~ ·-J .. ~• ••·• ;,,,,f"- p~t\ila ~ CtO\•"I >QUt,.()r\\. ~•e1 8 J (i) #l8fi\8ot ~PARTY CRUISE ~ l TO CATALINA l IV!TI4 TMll AD All/I) WITH ~ -l9WUlml •• -too .,. Oil CMPEf Of! aoo St, ... TWOllOUTS,_~ .ell~ TICUTI""' -... .,.. .., -.... &.MTID CllWtl'ITY DENSE PLUSH CARPET Long Plank Wood Flooring • lnot&ll<rd with Pad $1 69 OU• TEAK • AOUWOOO • ~lnlmum 60 yanh • "' ft. haftrtint 18" I 18"-•4,2904-1\. Cera.mk nlt -luuJW ,_, •4,9904-1'\. l.utlnate Woo4.IMC&IW r.... 14.9904-1'\. Suppllu and Tool.J for "'' . " ~ ... ~~·. $549, r ""l· , "' ·, . . •Do ft Youn1•ll"8!" .411 prfrulproducf$ for u limitrd t/m,, bond on 111,.111/uhil/41. 1· --. ~ .. 1'"" "l· ft. ,,. ' ,, -..... :.... :-:~ I I I IMJEIA ;~ET I 1374 Lo•an Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA I CA UC #820350 (888) MESA-777 I · :IC Moa-Fri. 10 to 5 -Sat 10 to 3 1:13 ... L-------------------------J innovative, informative and exciting programs in a warm, friendly setting, where you will feel at home" Frtday. August 15. 5 30 p.m and 6:30 p .m. 5:30 p .m. Shabbat Pic nic Dinner and 6:30 p m services In Laguna Beoch. Bring o dairy dinner and o blonlret or choirs to Crescent Boy Pork overlooking the ocean Jo1r Robbi Rochhs and Cantor Bro1er for on unforge"'obfe evening of nature. singing and JOY Coll our office for directions Friday August 22. 6 30 p m Introduction To Reconstructtonlsm ond University Synogooue with Robbi Rochll1 is on opportunity tor prospective members and anyone to learn about Reconstructionism (before services.) Please PSVP to the office. 8:00 p.m. "Nurturing the Religious lmoglnotton of C hildren and A d utts" will be Robbi Sandy SOSSO's t opic at service s led by Rabbi Rochlis. Robbi Sosso. o prolttlc author ond storyteller was the first female Reconstruc tionlst Robbi f11day August 29 8 00 p m "Sho bbot All\te" -our )OZ'Z and pop style seNlce. Robbi Rochlis focuses on splrttuollty end ContOf Broie1 Is accompanied bv o combo of musicians. M Wednesday, August l 3. 2003 Dally Pilot CH Costa Mesa to stave off any "What If they lose control of woman claimed she hurt her similar restrictions next year. the bike and lhey run over ankle when she fell off a curb li~~:---t-~~~~~-i,.-tt:tt11~~:1l~~~~~~~~~-r~C~~.::ed:;.rr=::~A~l~~~~~_!!~Pee~~ailiiirliia~v~e;o~uriflrna~y1l'r-11iHrnli~v..~~iialfur:..sakd~.~·~1s5-ana11d-$ued.ller eivi:J.htwtl,tttt--wt1~---< ontinu om court/ Aynes said. "The lawsuit the city respo111ible? We owe lt settled out of court for $'30,000. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Ch1fte 5trMt: A man was arTeSted on suspicion of hit and nm property damage and resisting an officer at In the 2000 blodt at 11 :30 am Monday. • F91rvi.w Road: One man · was arTested on suspicion of violation of parole In the 2700 blodc at 1 :50 p.m. Monday. • Hati>or Boulevard: Two men were arre.sted on suspicion of being drunk in publlc in ttie 2300 blodc Qt 4:30 p.m. Monday. •Gisler Avenue: A man and one woman were arTested for loitering and intent to commit prostitution In the 1500 block at 1 :39 p.m. Monday. • Hanover Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence and for an out of area warrant in the 300 block at 1;10 p.m. Monday. •West 18th Street/Placentia Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of driving under OB ITUARY . Frie Garcia Visitation for Costa Mesa resi- dent Eric Garcia will be held from 11 :30 a.m. to l p.m. today at Rose Hill Mortuary in Costa Mesa. Services will take place at I p.m. Mr. Garcia died Friday. He was 31. He is survived by son Ja- cob Garcia; parents Mercedes the Influence and driving with a suape~ license In the 14000 blodc at 2:50 a.m . Tuesday. •and Street end Seashore: A man was arrested on auapiolon of grand theft auto and driving under the influence at 4:40 p.m. .Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • 8i8on Avenue end MacArthur Boulewrd: A raofng vehicle wes repprted at 4:24 p .m . Tuesday. • ~rt'Boulewrd: Grand theft was reported in the $400 · blodc at 2:12 p.m, Tuesday. • Newport <:.mer Ortw Eut: A commercial burglary was reported in the 200 blodc at 2:16 p.m. Tuesday. • New port Cout Drive: An arrest was made following the report of a vehicle burglary in the 22800 blodc at 1:41 p.m. Tuesday. • Ocean Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 1500 block at 3:54 p.m. Tuesday. and Raul Ayala: brothers Ray- mond Quinonez and Danny Ayala: and sister Veronica Gar- cia. • The Daily Pilot welcomes obituaries for residents or for- mer residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. Jf you want to have an obituary printed in the Pilot, ask your mortuary to fax us the information at {949) 646- 41 70 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. GOLDEN 0PPORTUNITY Model Year-End Sale Skosh Monahan's 5-teakboase & IR.isb Pab Skosh's Daily Specials (only $6.99) Monday Tuesday IJangers & Mash Lomb 5'9w Wednesday Thursday Beel Strogonoll ComeJ 8..1 & CobbOge Happy Hour Specials (Mon-Sat: 4-6pm I Sun: 10am-5pmJ Fish N' Chips $7.50 Pinas $2.00 Off ALDEN'S --~--------- : DN-!ilTE ~ ---- DRAPERY Cl.EANll\I& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NHEHARY I Certlfted Ta Clean AD Hunter Dougie• Fabric Window Caw!rlng• lncludlng: • luminettt PrivKy Sheers' • Silhouette' window shadinp • Vptte• window shadings • Ouette' honeycomb shades t Mllenia TM Collection t fubilancenl rontan shades I Applanw' liooeycomb shades I §emetteDl SoftfoldtX slaadings World'a llat ON ... 1e• 0ra.,..., a....._., ..... .A ALD ... ALDENS ' CARPET AND DRAPERIF.S 1663 Placentia, Com Meu 949-646 4838. 7~4-968-8180 I The hard-line stance, officials said, came about after a rider in last year's event popped a wheelie on her bike after a po- lice officer asked her not to. ls designed to settle this matter to the citizens or Costa Mesa (to The event was halted for two once and for all.• make sure) that we don't ran years untU this June, when a Councilman Mike Scheafer, into a litigation or liabUlty scaled-back version was put on an inauranoe agent himself. trap." at Uons Park. said the restrictions were de-Sch eafer said be hoped to signed to protect the city from, avoid an incident similar to the legal iisk. He said the group is one that derailed the· Fish Fry. still required to present "finan-That Jong-running c-0mmunlty cial responsibility• in the form event was held at Orange Coast of insurance coverage. College in 2000. At the event, a Despite the city's conces- sions, Dyke March organizers said they would continue to pursue the lawsuit against CASTAWAYS Continued rrom Al The city is considering how to renovate the 17 -acre parcel that . is the only open space in town offering views of the Back Bay. the harbor and the ocean. ~t year, the city entered into an agreement with the California Coastal Conservancy to accept a nearly $100,000 grant to develop the park with native vegetation. But earlier this year, City Council members and parks commis- sioners questioned whether the plan might include about 21-i acres of turf grass where people could lay out a picnic blanket, fly a kite or kick around a soccer ball. The Planning Commission eventually voted to support the turf grass idea, even though it would ~ean giving up the Coast- al Conservancy grant Environ- mentalists protested, saying the area should be 100% natural And as both sides prepared to square off. city staff members were busy dtgging up a compro· mise later dubbed Opdon 5 - creating turf grass-like condi- tions using a Torm of native grass called California Meadow Sedge. And though that's the most ex- pensive option. adding up to $124,000 on top of the plan al- ready estimated to cost more than $230,000, it could be the one that prevails. "I like the sedge grass," Coun- cilman Tod Ridgeway said. "I plan on supporting Option 5." Council members agreed to bring baclc. the issue on a regular council agenda for a vote, but it's sure to be a difficult decision. A doz.en people spoke at the meet- ing and though more than half supported using only native plants there, their reasons were as diverse as the speakers. "We signed an agreement on this grant with the Coastal Con- servancy.~ Dennis Baker said. "Now, basically, we're pulling on their chain again." Uke city staff. Baker was con- cerned that the city could alien- ate the granting agency with ex- cessive requests for changes to the terms of the agreement But others were more concerned with those terms. The money comes with the condition that the city properly maintain the native plant habitat for 20 years. "I fear that by giving power over this park to an agency in Sacramento for 20 years tha1 we're doing ourselves a big dis- service,.. said Debra Allen, a parks commissioner who sup- ports the turf grass option. On her side were former Mayor Jan DeBay, Parks Com- missioner Val Skoro. Council- man Don Webb and others. Op- posing the turf grass option were a who's who of local environ- mentalists including Allan Beek. Jan Vandersloot and Stephanie Barger. But in both camps. it seemed there were plenty of people who might consider the .compromise ro be worth the cost. WESTSIDE Continued from Al 'I am extremely upset. I have been here 17 years and put my heart and soul and money into this house.' opment Action Comminee un- veiled its Jong-awaited report for the Westside, portions of which Joyce Thomas. Center Street resident a.re marked for redevelopment. have been talked about for years The action plan highlighted 28 -such as a shopping center at goals; at the top of the list was 19th Street -now that a formal attracting a national-chain recommendation from a city· supermarket so it could be sur-sanctioned com.mine~ is on the rounded with a commercial cen-. record. ter. "Maybe now they can develop On Monday. after months of a specific site."' Robinson said. deliberation, consensus-build-The rest of the action plan will ing. protesting and comproin.is-fall in place in time. All those in- ing. a gtoup of seasoned resi-volved know the process - dents presented a vision for the whichever tum it may take - Westside that emphasized a bus-will be Jong and complex. tling downtown along 19th Olange will not come easily. street. Mayor Gary Monahan said. and While the report was highly Councilwoman Libby Cowan anticipated by the Ciry Council, warned of very difficult deci- acting as the Redevelopment sions ahead. Agency. city leaders said they ex-Very strong emotions are on pected more details and strate· both sides of the debate. gies. The agency continued the Those who favor redevelop- resident committee for another ment -a formal process that year in hopes of narrowing the earmarks .qualifying properties focus. said Mike Robinson, the and siphons associated taxes city's director of redevelopment into a fund for area improve- " I think we were looking for a ments -argue the area needs little more description, or maybe drastic changes to reverse a some baclc.ground from the trend of blight and sluggish comminee on bow they came property values. Various mem- up .with the recommendations, bers of the group. many of or how they saw it being imple-~horn are associated with a mented," he said. group loosely known as the "im· Robinson said the agency provers." believe the largely In- does not have to wait another dustrial and low-to midclle-in- year to take action on portions come area could be better used of the report. Leaders could be-for single-family homes. gin implementing ideas that The comminee as a whole DEATH Continued from Al as a sweet girl and a smiling young wife, who was anxious to settle into her new home. The young couple moved into the Sa- moa Place home about two months ago and quickly made friends in the neighborhood. 13ethany and Micbae.I Herms, who sold the quaint. one-story homt! to the Rothfu.sses. said they hand-piclc.ed the young couple from a list of three possible buy- ers. Bethany HentlS said she could tell Jessica Rothftw loved the house the moment she walked in and nudged her husband to buy CHAPTER Continued from Al fact of life in match racing, the sailors must perform a penalty maneuver, a 270-<legree rotadon that slows their fotward progress. The new boat.a, owned by the associadon, were destgned specifically for this type of racing. "You want a boat that wtD ~lerate falrtywell eo the bat pelformance eocour.-me me of tactb," Mid AndnM,, who deligned the bolU. He Ille> noc.d cMl they well b&ill IO tbal ~ -cf'MllcWI to ...... • ..,.,.,.._....,.._In amcewlma .... ~l4 b> 20 wtl compeM In ... quaa1ln. ""...unated the 21 ·foot ax.a.' ,... --to be about 121,000 .m wllbout..., ... uem eddllll ..,.._of .................. ~chll~bflllnd l iL The Rothfus.ses even sent Dow- ers to the real estate agent after the transaction was complete. ~She really pushed for it. she was so thrilled," Herms said "'They were a young couple like us. They were the best choice." The Hemis had already deco- rated one room as a nursery for their child, which was another selling point for the Rothfuss fam - ily. "She mentioned starting a fam- ily.~ HemlS said It is hard to imagine a handful of police cars. paramedics and a coroner's van outside their old house, Henns said It is hard to envision anything bad happening in the house they started a family in, she added. the yacht club's tremendous financial commitment becomes evident Dave Ullman. the designer and supplier of the sails. and Andrews, are both club members. The races, which will take place north of the Newport jetty, begin Thursday and end Sunday, when the Governor's CUp award wW be presented by the ~nt's most famous celebrity, America's Olp ~pper Denn1a Conner. • 10M fOAQUIR la 1 Diiiy Pilot lnwn. He an be ruc:hed at tom.forquer•lattrMS.oom. suggested a formal study regard· ing the possibility of rezoning the bluffs from industrial 10 resi- dential to build high-priced homes with ocean views. TI1e City Council somewhat supports the study, but the actual deci- sion will be much more compli- cated, On the other side of tJ1e re- development coin are the indus- trial bu!>iness owners and resi dents of the low-!() middle-income homes on the Westside. Most do not want to see their property turned over to the ciry and '\trongly disagree that their neighborhood is be- yond repau. Dan Gribble. president of the Westside Revitalization Assn. that formed to work with the city to improve the Westside pri- vately, said there is no need to take property from burgeoning businesses because of political pressure. Others still. with no formal af. filiation to any group. spoke out in sheer frustration and fear of losing their property. "I am extremely upset." said Center Street resident Joyce Thomas, whose home falls in the preliminary redevelopment area. '·1 have been here 17 years and put my heart and soul· and ~,was so shocked to learn that. I mean gosh. that is where 1 brought my baby home from the hospital.'' Herms said. The HemlS family was dose to their Samoa Place neighbors and were sad to leave but needed a bigger house. Samoa Place residents, who were just as sad to say good-bye to the Herms but welcomed the Rotbfusses. said they were griev- ing their shoclc.ing lOS& Robin Leftler, a frequent voice City Council meetings who is three doors down from Rothfuss. said she was stunned. · ~It is just really, really sad." Lef- Oer said. "It shook all of us up a whole lot " Rothfuss is survived by her hus- •PAUL CLINTON cover, the environment. business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at psul..cllnton@lstimes,com . 'I fear that by giving power over this park to an agency in Sacramento for 20 years that we're doing ourselves a big disservice.' Debra Allen, a parks commissioner 'Tm not sure what my per- sonal preference is going to be when this comes back to coun· cil." Mayor Steve Bromberg said. Officials don't know when the maner will come back before them. but because they're facing a March deadline to spend tht' grant money or lose it, it is likely to be soon. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport, She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at JUnB.CBSBgrande a /atimeS.COm money into thi~ house ... The Planning Commjssion ap· proved the preliminary bounda- ries for the potential added area of about 400 acres -running roughly along 15th Street, Whir· tier Avenut', West 19th Street and Pomona Avenue -in January. The Community Redevelop· men! Action Committee, a city· sanctioned group. was fom1ed in June 2002 by the Redevelop- ment Agency to inform city leaders what the goal was for I.he city's Westside. The group. bur- dened with hurdles fro m the very beginning, forged through the opinions of its original 70 members. worked with hired consultants to "find consensus" and ultimately presented its re· pon to Lhe city Monday. In the process. about 40 peo- ple quit Lhe committee. indus- trial property owners formed their own alliance to counter Lhe surge toward redevelopment and the Redevelopment Agency grdllted an economic study of the commercial area along 19th Street, which largely hosts small businesses. Plans to bring in boutiques and higher-end shops along the 19th Street Mretch of the city was also outlined in the report. a.., well as adding more play i.pace for the children. • LOUTA HARPER w rites columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4275 or by e·ma1I at lolita.harper<S latimes,com band, John; parents. Bill and Con· rue Owen; and sister, Kendall Park& She was born in Aspen. Colo. and had lived in Costa Mesa eight years. The cause of her death has yet to be determined. Rod Thomas. deputy coroner for I.he county. said his office is waiting for the results of toxicol- ogy and micro-study reports. both of which are commonly per- formed when such a young per· son dies. He expects the results in six to eight weeks. • l.OUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4275 or bye-mail at lollta,harper@latimes.com. Daily Piiot AROUNDT • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa M esa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mlke.swanson@latimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time .. date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dallypllotcom. TODAY Adult l'Mders, writers and animal lovers are Invited to "Cats and Dogs" from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Center neX1 to the M ariners Branch Library Jn Newport Beach. The free program will feature Patricia Guiver, author of the mystery series starting fictional pet detective Delilah Doolittle, and Cat Fancy journalist Sandy Robins. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly Newport Networking luncheon from noon to 2 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 Macarthur Blvd. Attendees are invited to display their brochures and business cards Mmini-expo style" to better connect with attending businesspeople. The cost is $20 for chamber members with reservations and $25 at the door. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400. Speak Up Newport will hold its monthly general membership meeting at 6 p.m . at the Newport Beach Tennis Club, 2601 Eastbluff Drive. Refreshments will be served starting at 5:30 p.m. This month's topic is Newport Beach lifeguards. Information: (949) 729-4404 FRIDAY Teddy Bears and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave . will host a Doll Trunk Show. For times: (949) 673-7204 SATURDAY The Friends of the Newport Beach Library will hold a used book sale in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with books priced at u a buck a bag:· A members-only preview will be held Aug. 15 with hardcover books pnced at two for $1 and paperbacks at six for $1. All proceeds are donated to the library system Information: (949) 759-9667 "Divorce: A New Beginning," is a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced. The cost is $40. It will be held 10 a.m . to 12 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 644-6435. MONDAY To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present "Pat and Mike:· the third of five free screenings in August. at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest. at 800 Margwerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. Information-(949) 644-3244. A sunset cruise In Newport Harbor including a gourmet dinner, live music and dancing, ALLOWED Continued from Al fnforcers. A time to talk to Sgt. So-and-so ahout bass fishing and Lt. Hey-you about martial arts. To trade baking secrets with Det. X and plan play dates for the kids with Officer Doe. l asked Costa Mesa Police Lt. 0-cile Birney about the idea and he laughed. "What do you think?'" I asked. MGot any ideas of how to make it fun?" Because he was speaking in his official capacity as the public lnfonnation officer for the department, he said it would not be appropriate to discuss such an off-the-wall proposal. I fl \tl•f Ill I\ ---: I ' ' ~ I \ I~ l . I : ' . . . . . . . . Adventures at Sea to benefit Parent Help, U.S.A. Reservations are required. Tlckets are $75 per person or two for $125. For more Information, call (949) 650·2412. AUG.18 Matu,. drtvera can ahafl*' their driving skills tn two four-hour AARP driver safety classes held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. AUG.19 The.Drano• County chapt9r of Wine Brats, a national nonprofit organization, is holding its monthly wine tasting event at Gustaf Anders Restaurant in South Coast Village from 7 to 9 p.m. The Wine Brats will be tasting several wines from Australia. Information and registration: oc. winebrats.org A free seminar, "F.ng Shul for a Healing Home; will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market. 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595·MOMS. AUG.20 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club general meeting w ill begin at 9:30 a.m . at the Oasis Senior Center parking lot ln Corona del Mar. Attendees will then carpool to Crystal Cove State Parle for a hike and luncti. Information: (949) 645-9922 or newcomers·newponbeach.org AUG.21 A free bone density screening will be held by appointment only from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595·MOM S. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Retail Merchants Sales Seminar sponsored by the Bayside branch of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. The cost to attend 1s $15, which includes a continental breakfast. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400. Teddy Bears and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave .. will host "Spa Day for Girls" at 2·30 p.m Information: (949) 673-7204. AUG.22 The Costa Mesa Senior Center presents a Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian, food, entertainment and more from 4 to 7 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the center's front desk. Reservations are a must. Admission for members is $5, $11 for nonmembers Information: (949) 645-2356 AUG.23 The UCl Art>oretum is hosting its annual Summer Bulb Sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gardeners will have the chance to buy winter species as dormant bulbs and select summer and evergreen species in containers. Expert Sigh. See what I'm )<lying? Why•~ it w crazy? Would 11 be that bad to see police officers in a light other than their notorious straight-laced, hard·nosed, let's-just-stick-to-the-facts· ma'am persona? My friend Cindy Guillen is a Burbank police officer and she is a great dancer, a great bruter and one of the funniest people I know. She is in latge part the reason l have great respect for police, despite most of my generation's distrust for authority figures. And if you look closely enough ava a e. e retum a located just south of the corner of Campus Dr. and Jamboree Rd. on the north campus. Admission Is $2 and cnlldren under 12 are free. For more information, email ldlyons@ucl.edu Triangle Square In Costa M ... invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marbtplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Newport Harbor High School cheer squad will host Junior Cheer Camp from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 23, 26 and 27 in front of the high school's anchor. The cost is $95, which covers a T-shirt, snacks, pom-poms, photo, extra fall practice and performance at a high school football game on Aug. 28. Students in grades K through eight are welcome. For more information, call (949) 673-1989. The Newport Harbor CRA wlll have its annual wine and cheese reception with Congressman Chris Cox from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the home of Debbie Allen. 1021 White Sails Way, Corona del Mar. For information and reservations, call (949) 645-9127. The Newport Beach SunriH Rotary Club will hold its annual fund-raiser, "As Time Goes By;• at the Village Crean. Jhe event will include dinner, music, silent and live auctions and the chance to win a diamond and emerald bracelet. For more information. call (562) 743-4906. The Costa Mesa Senior Center will be dipping ice cream at an ice cream social at the marketplace from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. All proceeds will benefit the center. Information: (949) 645-2356. AUG. 24 A cetebration to merit the opening of the first phase of Bonita Canyon Sports Park in Newport Beach will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 p.m. Sports clinics, contests and door prizes will run throughout the day. The first 1,000 children to arrive will receive a free opening day souvenir Information: (949) 644-3151. The Orange County Market Place 1n Costa Mesa will host the fourth annual Endless Summer Class Car Show and Elvis Fest, celebrating the life and music of Elvis Presley, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. General admission 1s $2, and parlcing is free. For more information, call (949) 723-6663. To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. The Jewish Community Center of Orange County will host the "Three Centuries of Music~ concert at 2 p.m. The Three at the walls in various offices of the Costa Mesa Police Department, you can see pictures of officers on their off time with their friends, at birthday parties. in Las Vegas, etc. What is that one their face - just below the thick mustache? A smile. Yeah, they actually look as though they would be fun to party with. At least you know it won't get out of hand. So what do you say? There's nothing better than a good party to bring people together. Why do • S1mi-Pri1111t1 for Mui & Wo•"' • Ov•r 80 Piun of E11uipme11t • Priv11u Pi'4t'1 Shltlio •SPINNING Th••ter with N"" S11111-of-1h1-Art Cytln. • 16 Fwl/-ti1'u />1r101111/ Trlli•n'I • Co11111tfi1111 P11rlti•t • Y•r•• r.; Chi, Str1tch C/Jmn • Sl#J• PotHr "*"'~· ur'1• • s••rHn, su.,,. d-TttHb •!My s,. • An1~nc1*n!Mius•11/Clli It Centu Includes Ru .. ian-trained muslclens Sergei Kosslek. Tatiana Kosslek, Arshak Hayrikyan, and louri Adlchtcnev, all members of the Queretaro Philharmonic Orchestra of Mexico. The ensemble has played for President Fox of Mexico and for the king and queen of Spain. Prooeeds will benefit construction of the Jeremiah House. Tickets are $15 general admission or $100 for patrons. Information and reservations: (714) 755-0340, ext. 134. The NCOnd Walk for Leilani will take place from noon to 4 p.m. at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa. Donations will go toward an electric wheelchair that Leilani Gutierrez. a 5·year-old who was paralyzed from the chin down in a car accident a little more than a year ago, can control with her mouth. Information: www.ourleilani.com. AUG.28 A free seminar, "Perfonnance Nutrition for Strength and Longevity;• will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host its Newport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican, 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. Reservations aren't required. For more information. call (949) 729-4400. AUG. 29 Teddy Bears and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave .. will host "Pajama Night" from 6 to 8:30 p.m . Information: (949) 673-7204. AUG.31 To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present "On Golden Pond;' the last of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. SEPT. 12 The Costa Mesa Senior Center, in celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary, presents the CostAmazing Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Travis Parker Band, dancing and barbecue, from 4 to 7 p.m. The Costa Mesa Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. The cost is $5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Tickets go on sale Aug. 15 at the center's front desk and at Costa Mesa City Hall, on the third floor in the Recreation department. Information: (949) 645-2356. SEPT. 19 The 15th Taste of Newport, featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment, more than 15 wineries, cocktails and beers, will run today to Sept. 21 at Fashion Island. Today's hours are 6 to 11 p.m . Information-(949) 729-4400. vou think. all the chanty organi1ations are alway-; throwing shin-digs? I think. it a good bash would really drum up support for local law enforcement and b uild respect on both sides. And. hey. if it\ really that in1port:ant, you can still bring McGruff the Crime Dog. •LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4275 or by e·mail at lo/its.harper a latimes.com Wedrlesday, August 13, 2003 A5 DANSK j_, ENTERTAINING You 're Invited.' DANSK~ Make it easy. Vyml C-Pn>mc:nadt •Tb ~die Cout Hw• •-.....pun !le.JI U. • ~91 ~'f".JOI• 11 1111 lllU ltl ll I 111 ~PARTY CRUISE~ l TO CATALINA l --~OF A-100 ._ OI tAllN'f Oii lllO ,., -. lWO 1'ICMYI,.. CUITOM8I, 1111 rM&Y. ncura,,. --·-.. ----.~OUMTm' _, l .... ...,.,_.,CllMll --~ DENSE PLUSH CARPET Long Plank Wood Flooring • lnol&llcd with Pod $1 69 OU• TEAK• ROSEWOOO • ~humum 60 yanS. • 14. ft. f'nft'T'llnt J 8" I 18"--'4,29,.1\. Ceramic 11.le _lut&IW i.... 14.99,..1\. Lam.lnalt "'oo4 • .....U..: ,,_ 14,99-.. II. Suppli#s and Tools for the ·0o It Yourull#Nt• ltll pricu/'produru for a limiti'ti titm. IHlsed on aHililbi/141. l I I I I IMEH ! SUET ! 1374 Loian Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA I CA LIC •s2ro50 (888) MESA-777 I L.---~ _.!'!!'~ !_0..!~.:. ~!.!!. !!. !, _ --·~ J "Experience creative, innovative, informative and exciting programs in a warm, friendly setting, where you will feel at home" Friday. August 15. 5 30 pm and 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Shobbot Picnic Dinner and 6:30 p.m services In Laguna Beoch. Bring o dairy dinner and a blorwet or c hoirs i, Crescent Boy Porl< over1001<1ng the ocean Jo•r Robb• Rachlis and Cont or Bro1er ror on untorg1-=-tt Joie evening ot nature. S1ng1ng and JOY Call our office tor directions Frrday August 22. 6 30 p.m Introduction To RecONtruettonism and University Synagogue with Robbi Rochlis is on opportunity tor prospective members and anyone to learn about Reconstructlonlsm (before seNlces ) Please RSVP •o the office 8:00 p.m. "Nurturing th• Religious lmoglnatton of Children and Adults" will be Robbi Sandy Sosso'• toplc at services led by Robbi Rachtts. Rabbi Sosso. a prolific: author and storyteller was the first female Reconstructlonlst Robbi fttdoy Augusl 29 8 OD pm "Shobbat Alive" -our Jazz and pop style service. Rabbi Rochlis focuses on splrttuality and Cantor Braaer Is occomponied bv o combo of muslclons. f11dn\' Seplembt=>r .'i j I Dally Pilot FORUM HOW 10 GET PUIUIHED -L.9allnJ Mell to Edltorl1I Page Editor S.J. C.hn tt the Delly ptlot, 330 W. Bey St., Coltl M..,, CA 92e27 •RH{'.,.. Hollne: Call (IMI) 842-eo8e l'u: Send to (&49} 84&-4170 E-mll:s.nd to <J./lypllotfllatfm•.com •All correspondence must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for vertflcatlon purpoMI). The ptlot 1'9Mf'V• the right to edit 111 aubml .. lont for clerlty end length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Condo proje.ct is about wha.t residents want what the people have put together. I think everyone knows my thoughts on the condos proposed for 1901 Newport Boulevard by now, so l won't drag this whole thing out with too many comments on the technicalities of shade and shadow. I do believe, though, that our whole reliance on what is considered Do we follow what the people have come up wtth in terms of maximum allowable" density through the general plan process or do we Ignore it? We have an opportunity to support what the ALLAN people have told us MANSOOR they want through numerous meetings in creating our general plan, and that is less density. a threshold of significance has been subjectiv~ from the beginning. Even with the new environmental report and the revised development plan, I believe there will be a significant negative impact on the city and the surrounding neighborhood in terms of shade and shadow, traffic and density. That being said, I think we need to look at this whole project from the beginning in terms of what our general plan states. This plan before us is double the density allowed by our general plan. Some have likened our general plan to our constitution. It is a document put together by the people with great community input. Whether the issue of shade and sha(low hjlS been resolved is not the point. The point is that this is twice the allowed density and we are not required to approve it. That is what is before us. It is interesting that on the agenda later last week, we were looking at a similar size piece of property on Bay Street where the Daily Pilot now sits. That property owner is looking at the idea of single-family detached residences there and possibly on some of the surrounding properties. It is far less dense than what is proposed before us now. MAILBAG Newport needs to promote dinghy business, not stifle it I am calling to comment on the article In the July 29 iaaue "Relident1' queltlon: 18 lt a dinghy plan?" The article referred to the dinghy atorage that they are proposing In Newport Beach for the harbor and also for the extended time limit on the dinghy dock. Even though th1a refers mostly to people on moorings, this whole Idea needs to be Implemented to beneftt all boaters in the harbor. We have a boat that Is moored at a marina and we have the same problem. We cannot take out dinghies and go out in the harbor and go anywhere for lunch or to do a little shopping or whatever because you have a 20-minute limit on these places for pulling up. We feel that this definitely needs to be addressed; we'd like to see it happen. Apparently. the city feels that they want to promote business. but somehow they always manage to stifie iL And by putting limits on these boaters and not letting us come ashore, that is not helping their economy any, and we feel it Is a necessary thing. BARBARA HUBER Irvine Steve Smith should have run in the recall election writer here in New Jeney and I could read him more often. · CATHYNATOU New Jersey Column on Kobe Bryant's 'mistake' apt.in Cleveland ' Someone juat forwarded to me from California to Ceveland, Ohio, here, a copy of Steve Smith's piece on the Kobe Bryant atory ("Kobe made more than a mistake," July 26) and I am calling simply to acknowledge It and to say that I think It was succinctly and bravely written and I am than.kfu.1 for the perspecdve that he conveyed and I want to commend him for lL ALISTAIR BEGG Oeveland, Ohio Forget about OU.no, 'O.C' gives Newport bad name Well, even little Olino rebelled at the depiction of their town In that trashy 1V show "the O.C." Not a word from the citizens of our fair city. But, I guess having Rodman as our leading citizen (as it seems from the constant coverage by this very paper), l guess O.C. says it all. God help us! JERRI MIMMS Newport Beach Use the amphitheater all the time, except during fair tribute was there, Latino music and just different people who were there, you could bear them every night because it was a lot closer to our neighborhood. Anyway, I would use the Paclftc Amphitheatre year-round. The noise doesn't seem tD be any problem at all and there ls enough going on at the fair. TEOANORJNI • Costa· Mesa Civil liberties group should step up for Lions Club, too Could someone tell me when the pejorative term "dyke" became acceptable to use in polite society? Not just among friends sitting around drinking a beer, but on the front page of a newspaper? Or is It OK for lesbians to use such a term, but not the rest of us? I find it fascinating that those who practice an alternative lifestyle such as this would decide against quietly assimilating. keeping their sexual preferences and practices to them.selves. where, dare I say, they belong. ls their lot In life improved by mounting a noisy parade, replete with rolling street closures and motorcycles? J 'd like to learn how. And why should a "dyke march" be exempt from meeting certain requirements, Including those reasonably necessitated by past experience, prior to permit approval ("ACLU sues city on behalf of march.· Friday)? The Costa Mesa-Newpon Harbor Lions Oub has to meet certain requirements prior to gaining permit approval from the ciry for the Fish Fry. Should the Lions contact the ACLU and solicit their help as well? And would the ACLU be willing to help a mainstream, charitable, community-service organization like the Lions Oub fight Some people have advocated changing our general plan and have said it is a living, breathing docwnent. Although I do not a~e with that. if it is a living, breathing document tllails subject to change, then let changes live and breathe through the normal process of public comment and involvement, and not a simple council decision that undoes My point with this Is that less density is completely possible. The only reason a tall parking structure is being proposed at 1901 is because of the density. Take away the density, and you nave no needTOrllle parHiig structure. If it can be done on Bay Street, it can be done at 1901 Newport I read Steve Smith's colwnn on Kobe Bryant and I want to say I wish he'd run for governor in California because I'd move back there and vote for him. I thought that was the best written, best piece of journalism, the getting back to basics and what life i.s really about. It's not about· superstar athletes who get paid exorbitant amounts of money to do the menial task. It is about remembering what is important in.life. and that is our firefighters and our police and our teachers who go underpaid and undervalued. Regarding use of the Pacific Amphitheatre, I think you should use if year-round and not even get It going when the Orange County Fair is on. You should use the Pacific Amphitheatre year-round because there are plenty of things going on at the time of the fair. You shouldn't connect the two together. That 8,500 people booking concerts would be great, year round. And speaking of the noise, the noise at the Citizens_Busioess Bank Arena seems to be just as loud as the noise at the Pacific AmphJtheatre because I've lived here for 22 years. Not that I really didn't think It was really that bad, but I could hear that just as loud when the Beatles off those nasty, mean-spirited. onerous city-imposed restrictions with the same zealous. suit-filing fervor they dJsplay in tUJWQ.rtlng the {pardon me) dyke§lJ __ think not. What do you think? You know. it just gets weirder and weirder. • EDrTOR'S NOTE: Allan Mansoor is a Costa Mesa city councilman. And I just appreciated hJs column very much and only wish he was a CHUCK CASSITY Costa Mesa The 37th Annua I Governor's Cup U.S. Junior Match Racing Championship Wiii be held August 14 -17 At Balboa Yacht Club Corona de I Mar The Daily Pil ot Is pleased to again be a Co-Sponsor of this Internationally recognized yachting event fa-the workj's best competitive sailors under the age of 20. For the past 36 yea-s, this event has been held right here In local waters. Again this year, the Dally Piiot will be b"lnglng It to your breakfast table every morning from August 14 thrrugh the 17th. Coverage wll I Include dally results and stories on the racers coming from Australle, New Zealand 8"1d from eaoss the Lhlted States. A feature of this yea-'s ccmpetltlM Is e ffeet of newly deslQ"led end bullt boets, nemed the Governa's Cup 21 Class, which wlll be used for the first time. Both hulls end sells were desl'1'ed by BYC meTtbers, end the hulls were prod.teed In tne locel a-ee. You s-e Invited to come out on the weter Md enjoy watching these fine young sellas become fl.tture AmErlce's Cup skippers 8"ld Q"ew. 'The 2003 Govwnor's Cup is c:o-sponsCl'ed by BOATSWAIN •a LOCKER 'W• m-.. boiltin9 mo,. p/9a1unlbl• tx' you"'/ YANMAR "Y>it#el f'(JW9r fa' your ••ill:x)«" I a THE DAILY PILOT "'91Hving tt. Nw/portMll•• ocmrra;rH'ti•t tine. l'iJ07". Supparted by Quiksilver and W•st Marine. For more information, call Balboa Ya(tt 0 ub (949) 673-3515 Brightening the Uves of Children Give to the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Campaign. Camp ofirw'I a heahhy altemaM "" rnany low-Income chlldrwt who may be struafl,. with challerc-It la a place where the iraY cloud of poverty la ~ by sunny ddes and the aound of lauJhter- and wher9 a posltM penpec~ c.an flnally be dlac~. You can brlpten the ltfe of a chlld this summer. The Tlmu Summer Camp Campalan pnmdu dtadvanaipd dwldren ~ Souchem c..llfomla 1 ~ C8l'np e>epet"lence. For ~ doMar you comrltM., d'9 McCormick Tttbune FoundedOf'I wlll add SO ~. The Loe~ Tlmee 11'4 ct.. HcCormkk lHbune Foundldon libeorl) Ill admlniler'aM cota, to I~ of 10"" donaPon end _... mnchl,. fundl ao dlrecdy io ~t Give the 11tt of FUNI Make yeur denatlen tellayt .. .,,. '°,.... ,.,...,., ,,.... ot 1M c:HWrM llld wp11Ddont cNie hlM MrllllMd hM the camp ,...,..,.., ~ ... ,..... q/ tfle ~~ fim. ot ~ CM'Wilb llte It~.~ ---------------------------------~ • v.esl .... LATllMl ....... 0..~ : I• I WMt ID helpt ,....._ L.e~~ ..,,.._.. 1 -' ' • • ' .c-. . ...... a I ..... _, I .. I .............. a• C• Ott• O• O_, 0'*91•·---__,_,.,.._ o ............... _. ... v. "-........... I a ..... o .... -.. -I ' ' ' -----_,=.....;..;..;;..;....;____ -~---~----'------"-:...-"--"------.......;.---------~---'"--- • t QUOTE OF THE DAY to this point to sort of get a sense of what all our programs are like." Bob Chkhest.r, UC Irvine athletic drrector Dally Pilot WOMEN 'S BASKETBALL Davis ' • • 1ncom1ng class is complete Vanguard women's basketbaJI has finaJized ics recruiting with six playe rs. Steve Viraen Da1lyP1lot OOSD\ Mf-.\A -The Van>,'llard women's ba.-.ketball 1eam, whid1 bid fare well to six 'ienJOI"> last seai;on and will have no seruors lhil. year. ha!. w mplc1ed its recruiting with the addition . ., of Rachel Besse and Jt.-"'>it.:a Pa..'-quale. lne duo 1rnns a group of newcomcn. who commuted earlier. includmg UC Irvine trcll1~fer I .L..a Faulkner and fre!Jlmen l.acy Uums, I md- say McOellan and Kelly Sch01JdL Coach Rus . ., Daw. i<. plea.'>t>d and l'X cited about the six new player.. and -.aid team chemistry will be important if the lions are to follow in the fool.,te~ of lao;t year's team. la<il <,t>a!>On, the I iom. won the Golden State Alhletic Conference and for the 6n;i time in 'i<:hool hi!.tory. thl'Y reached the final four in the NA.IA na- tional roumament. "TTeeffiie we re gomg to a... goou a.s we ever have Ix-en. as long as we have good chemi!-.try and no injuri~." Davi.., said "\4k will be young. but Um, will be one of the m~t talented team.s ~·ve l'Ver had. athletically ~peaking." Davb wiU look 10 klulkner 10 pM1de leaderahip. ~e wa., a two-year <>tarter al point guard JI UCI. She enter. VanguanJ as a junior. The 5-foot -5 Faulkner has a.bove-avt'r · age ball-handling .. kills and earned all Big West ConferenlC honorahle mention rec ogriition last year. fin~g No 14 m lhe nation with 6.5 assists per game. She uansferred bec.ause she wanted to strengthen her fairh in her beliefi, at V'cll1· guard, a university of Christian liberal an.-:. and sciences. Davb said. ln addition, Faulkner will be joining her friend. Lacey Mills. who helped k>ad the Lions to the NAfA final four last year. Faulkner and Mills also played together at Oregon City fiigh. Besse is a 6-3 center from Soldotna. Alaska She earned all-state laurelc; and was the runner-up for the Alaska High School Player of the Year honor as a '>E!n· ior. Besse averaged double figureft in poincs and rebounds at Soldotna I ligh and was the team's MVP. She also played volleyball and recorded a 3.0 grade point average. academically. Pasquale attained a 4.0 GPA at Walled · Lake Center HJgh in Commerce. Mich. The 2003 graduate wiU play ~etball and compete in track and field for the I j . on.s, while p~lng a degree tn math· ematics. Davis attracted McOellan and Schmidt from Ariwna. where both were two-time all-state players. McOellan. a guard from Tern~ graduated this spring from Co- rona del Sol High with a 3.36 GPA and was a McDonald's AD-American nominee. She averaged 19.5 points and 5.3 assists per game. Schmidt. a 6-foot guard/forward, soored over 2,000 points and coUected over l.500 rebound<i in her career at lron- wood High. where she holds several indi- vidual career records. She carried a 3.87 GPA and plans to major in educatJon at Vanguard. Burm graduated in June from San Oe- ment.e and will study to be a teamer ar ~ She maintained a 3.1 GPA while eemfng aD-OF second team honors as a senior guani/~ She also rea!iwd the Coedts Awmd at 8'asortl; end. Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports fax: (949) 650-0170 CHECKING OUT f I f PHC, T 0 DAil ( Pfl T UC Irvine's Chrrstma Callaway 1s the top returner for UC Irvine's women's basketball team. which fm1shed fourth. Chichester is . now in control Athletic Director's focus on student athletes has been stressed in the department, including the women's teams. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot S 111ce Oct l 4. 2002 Bob Chichester has been finding hJs way and making a name for himself at UC Irvine. This fall. Olichester will complete his first year as athletic director of the Anteaters. and needless to say, the first 10 months have been a learning experience. He has spent most of his time famWarlzing himself with his staff, the university and the surrounding communJty. On top of that, he has had to deaJ with the state's budget cuts and going one-on-one with every detail of UO's budget Amid ~ number-crunching and fact-6,gurlng, Chichester has kept in mind one of the maJn reasons he wanted to become an AD. He has always been fascinated by student UC IRVINE WOMEN COACHES Martt Adams, basketball Carrie Chamberlain-Parsons. sailing/rowing Kelly Crawford, golf Marine Cano, aoccer Brian Pajer, swimming and diving Mike Edles, tennis Charlie Brande, volleyball Vince O'Boyle, cross coontry and tredc and field TBD, women's water polo athletes and the many personalities that are presented throughout the athletic department. Tuday's Oiecking Out series features the UO women's teams and Cll.lchester's first year. Before the summer began, WATER POLO ()1khe,ll·r wok llme out tll l'XJHt·" hi'> vit'w:-. of whJI he has ~t't.'n thruughoul hi'> fir'>I month' on lhl• )Oh. "I've been pretty aruoou!> to get tu Uu!> point to -.ort of get a ~n<>e of what all our programs are ltke." ()licheo;ter ~id. "I think we're really fortunate here wirh the type of people we have involved in our program. I have a real positive feeling about M> many people. From that standpoint. u's been a good ex:penencc. We're excited about the near-term fu ture for 5everal of o u r programc;." Olichec;ter and his staff, which also includes senior associa te alhletic d irector Petrina Long among others. have been working diligently to meet the challenges that will b<' produced by UCl's budget for the upcoming year. Olichester said he has tried to find methods to reduce expenses. Long-1cm1 contracts wilJ not be the nonn for coaches at UCI. Last year. Mark Adams, the women's basketball coach, signed a one-year deal After a successful season that has breathed life into Adams' program. he will have to sign See CHECKING, Paa• AB EYEOPENER Aug I 7 hooof tt DON BEATTY Wednesday, August I j, 2003 A7 WATER SKIING Sailors go water skiing Ne wport Harbo r's Raine and Sciarra will compete in world c ha mpionships in Long Beach . Hrad H.une dfld Marlo x1arra. ~tu dent\ JI '\ewpon I !arbor l lrgh. will l0mpc1e for Team USA at the World Waler \kl Hac1ng 01amptumh1ps. Oct. 11 I Ii in Long Beach. !lit' duo lrnm '\,ev.'Pon Harbor Wt'ft' -.elelted to the 1eam b) the :'\auonaJ Wa1er Ski Racing Aswu.itw11 which govern., competiuve '>kl rncm~ 111 I.he U.S. Haine will race ll1 tht: iunior boy~ d1v11'ion and ~ciarra will 1 ompete in the jumor girl'>. Raine anti ~1d.1Ta v.en· 11 \ nauonaJ champ11m'> in their re~j>f>l llvt' Jge cl~­ e., rhe l hamp1omh1ps. ht'ltl c•very two yeolf'), will bring together 60 athlete~ from 11 < <Juntnt"> ba1thng lor rhe spon·s highe .. 1 pru.t-, a world tjtlc The U.S. team will compete aga1mt other na- tional team~. mcludmg Au'>tntha. Bel· gium. C..anada Oenmdrl... I-ranee. Great Britain ltd.I\ ...;£'\, i'.ealand \<iulh Africa and \pain WOMEN 'S VOLLEYBALL UCI tabbed fourth Anteaters gaining ground in Big West Conference. CRAWFORD 1-WJ -The UC Irvine women·~ volleyball program. which re- corded the second-highest number of wim. an school history last season, was picked to finish fourth. tied with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. in this year's pre- season Big West Conference coaches' poll. UC Sant a Barbara was voted first with six first-place and four second-place vott'l> while Long Beach State was se- lected to fin ish second with one first. place vote. Pacific. earning three first· place votes. was a third-place choice by the coaches. Last yea r, UCI. which had a 19·11 overall record and finished l 0-8 in Big West play. had o ne of its most successful seasons in rece nt history. ending the season wtth its first winning conference record in 19 years of Big West affiliation. Five of six starters return for the Ant- eaters. led by junior outside hitter Kelly Wmg, a 2002 American Volleyball Coaches Association all-West Region honorable mention and Big West all- Conference first-team selection. Also~ tuming are setter Ashlie Hain and mid- dle blocker Dana Kur7bard. both of whom ftnished among the Ne.M's top 30 ln setting and hitting peroentage. re· S..UCl,hceM U.S. men's national team wins gold, qualifies for 2004 Olympics With five former UC Irvine players on the roster, U.S. wins gold medal at Pan Am Games. &ible u Ryan Bailey, Omar Amr, Jeff Powers, Oen Klatt and Genai Kerr earned gold meda.11 and an automadc benh In the 2004 Olympic Gamet u the U.S. men's nadonal water polo teun defeated 8ruil 13-7 ln the cham· plonlbJp match o( the 2003 Pan American Gamet at the Juan Plblo o.n. Olympkl Aquedc:a C.enter in Suto~ Dominican Republk:. Alt.r lnMhlna llllb at the Wod4 Qwrnp""'4h4pa in SplJn ln .... JUI;. cbl U.S. rolled duough the Pu Am Ge.ma. knowing that a gold m~aJ meant automadc quallftcatloo for the Otymplc Gama next IWDOler ln Ath- ena, Greece. The U.S. outscored fta Pam Am Gun• foes l.w.33. The +111 goal dll· Cerential Wll D!ne more aoah than aecqnd·p18ce 8n.dl ecored ln the en· dre toumament. Amr. Powetl and llatt all ...,.....nt "*9 tn the kid. s:.r MJwd •the btdup goalie, wNcb tncluded ~ rwo aawt lo the gold-medal game. Powen scored three goals in the de- feat o( Bru.1.1, Bailey added two .corn and Amr contributed wtth one. ~ra· ftrat goal came on a crou- cage lklp ln the ft.rat quarter that pve the U.S. a 4·2 lead, Amr pulhed that ldvlncage to 7 .. z wfth 4:47 mnalnir'I In lbe teCOQd quanet with bll on)y pl o1 1be match. • 8eOey and PVwen bo4b tCOftd In the c.b1rd quarter, pine the U.S. a t . \ n ~ I ----. -----o·~ ~~-- Al Wednesda'J, qust 13. 2003 SPORTS Dally PilOI ATER POLO . Pacifi~ Soccer Club wins tourney Sage Hill seeks assistant coach Girls under-12 team talces the South Coast InvitatibnaJ title by allowing just three goals in four games. The Corona del Mar-ba,5ed Pacific Soccer O ub girls un- der-12 team won the gold medal Sunday by capturing first place at the South Coast Invitational soccer tournament in Huntington Beach. The club was led by a sLrong defensive unit, that allowed jus t three goals in four games. The defense was Jed by Brynn Johnson. Rrooke Nelson and Azadeh Nazemi. Pacific ppened the tourna- me nt with a I -0 vic1ory against Santa Anita Soci:er Oub. Me- lissa Hancock scored the lone goal off an a~.,i~l from Maiquel Mcleish. ln its second gam e. Paciftc blanked the niverside Fury 3-0, launching I J shots on goal. Alexandra Reinai:h scored on two of those '>hots and Mcl eish added a goal in the victory. Sage Hill Htgh School is look- ing for an assistant varsity coach for the upcoming boys water polo season. Interested candidates ne$l.,d lo be available for evening practices. which are regularly scheduled from 6-8 p.m. Applicants should call Sage Hill AthJetic Director Nate Miller at 949-219-1365. DEEP SEA Tuesct.y's Counu , NEWPORT LANDING -6 boats. 140 anglers, 2 yetlowtail, 37 albacore, 3 calico bass, 182 sand bass, 3 sculpin. 11 sole, 7 perch, 15 skipjaclt UCI Continued from A 7 spectively. The Anteate rs open the sea- son hosting the UCl Tourna- ment. August 30-J I. 2003 BIG WEST WOMEN'S WUEYBALL PRESEASON POU School 1. UC Sam. Barbara HThis team is very difficult lo defend because virtuaJly every player is a real scoring threat," Pacific Coach George Eading- lon said. In its first game Sunday. Pa- cific encountered a physical matchup against the San Ber- nardino Rlast. But Pacific's The Pacific Soccer Club girls under-12 team captured the South Coast lnv1tat1onal last weekendin Huntington Beach with two victories and two ties. It was their second tournament victory thi s summer as they prepare for the Coast Soccer League, beginning next month. 2. Long Beach Stat. 3.hdfic 4.CatPofy UCtrvlne Pts. (6)96 (1)86 (3)82 64 64 46 43 midfielders Paige Sigband, Oaire Eadington, Amand~ Johnson and Sarah Kcddington managed to control the realm of play. After a scoreless first half. the CHECKING Continued from A 7 another one-year deal in the coming months. Some administrative decisions are not based on finances. and that was seen when UCI fired Julie Swail. the former women's water polo coach. ucr has not filled the position yet. Water polo is·one of 11 women's spans fielded a t UU, where the Anteaters appear eager for tJ1e upcoming school year. C .oach Marine Can o's '>Occer Rlast was awarded a penalty ki ck late in the second half. But Pacific goalie Corey Cano n1ade a diving '.>lop of the-low kick to keep the game scoreless. "rhat was an all-world ... ave by Corey," F.adington said. San Hernardino came hack team ha~ the potential to produce a special season that could fan the flames of soccer popularity in Irvine and improve the already heated rivalry with Cal State Fullerton. Last year. the Anteaters finfahed with a record of8-10-I. 5-3-1 in the Big West. However. Cano has been trying to keep his cool with the belief his team will be much improved Lhis season. "I've enjoyed the opportunity to work with Coach Cano," Olichester <,aid. "I've had the opportunity to meet the women on his team. I think he ha:. really neat yo ung ladies. athlt'lically and academirnlly. I am with a late-goal. but Pacific came back to equalize with sec- o nds remaining. Jackie Dion and I lancock i.hredded the San Bernardino defense. then found Reinach who '\Cored the tyi ng goal with a la~er s hot from outside the penally area. personally excited about the team. I have an exp ectation that they will do quite well. I know how competitive Coach Cano is and so J can tell you I'm anxious for women's soccer to start." AJso this fall, Coach Olarlie Brande's volleyball team will have similar expectations. Last year the Anteaters showed signs that they were moving in the right direction as they finished with a 19-1 l overall record, I 0-8 111 the Big West for a fifth -place finish. UCl's 19 wins marked the '>econd-highest victory totaJ in !>t:hool history. The '1-..aters abn put together a winning conference record (I 0-8J for the Wholesale pricing and 3 year/36,000 mile nationwide factory warranty on all gas powered engines and transmissions! Call Our Wholesale Hotline Today! Pacific dosed out 1h1· tourna ment with a 2-2 lit' aguiust Whittier Soccer Uuh. t.:hnl'hi11g the championship. N<.11alie Ar- gut>ta and Mcl eish each scored for Pacifi c. It was the club's -.econd tour- nament title this year a<; it gl'IS time in 19 years of Big Wc-.t action. The UC! volleyball team will play its home games in Crawford 1 lall. which will have new seating after rcnova1ion was completetl recently. The Anteaterl>' hac;kethall team has been recon.,trun ing itself as well. UCI had to act fa<.t after its l>tarting point gu.m.l I jsa Faulkner transferred to Vanguard. Incoming freshman Shayna Stanll'y, out of We1>tdwl>ter High, r111p.h1 h,1\'t' to -.tep up quickly. ·1 he Antea1rrc, firmlwd r11m· g<Ullt'S bett t!r than their 11-.:!U st>ason the prcviou., year Uc I ready for its Coast Soccer League, Silver Division season, which begins Sept. 6. The team still ha:. two roster spots avail- able and any Interes ted players can contact Coach Eading1on at eadington@aol.com or 949- 795-4000. earned a 17-12 record. which was the most wins since I 994 ·95 when the team finished 19-I I . 'lllis fall, in cross country. Coach Vince O'Boyle will definitely have his team in contention for the Big West championship. ln golf. it was dHficult for Coach Kelly Crawford to duplicate what took plaec• in the Anteater!>' inaugural year in 200 I ·02, when UCI won the Big We ... 1 championship. However. lJCI wtll have thi~ year to try to matt·h that finish again. Loach Mike Edel:.' tenni-. tt'am lo:.t its firs t three gamel> l>u1 ended the c;eason winning SElllCE IEPllllEIT ••• Monday-Friday• 6:30AM · 7:00tM Saturday • 8:00AM -4:()()pM Closed On Sundays s. Cat Stm Not1hridge 7. Utah Sbrte 8.ldeho 9. Cal State Fullef'ton 10. UC Rlvenide First place votes in parentheses 39 18 14 nine in a row before lo'>ing ili. final match to finish 17-7. With 10 returnee:. for the upco ming season, the Anteater:. have lhe opportuniry to actually improve from last :.ea:.on. Brian P'Jjl'r. who was an ALI -American at UCI 111 1989 and 1990. coachc~ the swimming and diving tt'am. which includel> sophomore 1oeni.at11m Lara B1argardo tur. who broke several •;chool records last seill>on. 01ic.:he.,ter said UU met Tille IX requiremt'nt:. 111 the 2002-03 l>Chuol yt•ar. yet the final breakdown of gender equity wilJ be submitted to tlw NCAA in October. -------------· legal Noticei 2640 Legal Notif.1s 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 t.eaa1 Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Lepl Notices ---SUU--OICS---~u re~puestJ a llempo, (OT.,_ llNnlll pue<M! perdCf el ~ .. ,o. v """'"IV~ le pueden qu1\ar su NOTICE TO DEHN ~at1mo su d*ro y olras DANT. (Avoso J llcuu cosasde •u opoedad do) DO NNA PC NN Y son avtSo 1onal por YOLLES. and CIOES I par le de la corl e lhroueh !iO 411clus1ve, EAl~len otros requ1~1 YOU ARf BflNG SUfO los te11ales Puede qu~ BY PLAINTIFF usted qulera llamar ~ un (A Ud le esl~ d~mand abogado onmedoa ta · andn} CINDY BRYANT. mente S1 no tonoce a You have .30 CALEN un abogado. puede OAR DAYS after \hos Ila mar a un ser v1c10 de ~ummons rs served on you lo file a typewrtt1en response at this cou1 t A letter or phone call will not protect you: your \ypewri\len re· sponse must be In proper leeat form 11 you want the cour I In hear your c•se II you do not tole your response on time. you may lose the case, and your w•ee5. rfloney and properly may bf! tak11n without lurlher w~rn1n2 from lhe court There are othor teeat requirements. You may want to caH an attorney rollflt 1w1y If y1111 do 11111 know an 1ttotnty. you may cell 11n Allor•,.., referral stf vice or a lqal 11d oHlce (hsled on the phone boolt) Oe1puu de que le entr•a~11 ••t• clt.acton 1udlclal usted t1ent 1111 pie.to de JO DIAS CAL [NOAAIOS pan l>f•"n ttK UM ttaput•t.I H crite a m1quln1 en est• corte. Unt cart• o un• t11m1cla telefonlM no It olr~• l)fottc:clon; Ml rupuuta tScllt• • mtqulnt ll•nt que cumptir con In toun1I• tdldts ltc•lt• •09!• 110 ti 11 ted qllMrrt qM II cort• HCllCht II cno SI n ted no prntnlt relerencia de aboeados o a un& ohc•na de ayuda leeat ( vea el d1reclorio telelon1co) CASl NUMIElt: (N'""'.ro4o1 Co•o) 0 2CCUll I JUDGE THOMAS N. THaASHElt, Sit. DEPT.Cl I l he name and addre\s ol the court 1' (El nombr e y dir eccton de la curie es) SUPERIOR COURT, 700 CIVIC CEN TCR ORIY£ WEST. P 0 BOX 838. SANTA ANll, CAllf ORNIA 9?70? 08311 The name, 1dd1en. tnd ltll!pllone numb~• ol plalntllf's ettorney, or plaintiff without •n attc>r11ey ": (Et nombre la direccion y el 111111111r11 de telefono del aboaado del demandante, o del dem•ndante que no tlene a1>o1ado, o) lAW OFFICES or NICK O'MAll EY . NICK O'MALLEY SBf-06.4441. 1505 EAST SEVEN ffCNlH SlfttET. SUITE 108. SANTA AfltA. CA 92105, 714 541·2S54 DAYh <F.._, oa "· toot MA• JLATll. (lefll ....... ,. ., OlOA •OHNO, ~<e·•·•••ll nAnMun °' ••'l'~ MIU (P•u1.t ...,_~ w Wr ...... D .... CASI •••ti 02CCIS811 Judge: Thomo1 H. Thr!'1her To Ounnd Penny Yollt~ Plaonl11f L111dv Brvant VPk\ d•mAY.P\ on thP above rmlolh•d ar lion. as follow\ I General d•mage'. Pa111 '"''""n~ and int onven1enr~ $10,000 00 2 Special damage'. Med or al u pen.e' (to date) SJ,500.00 Fulure medical upensr~ (pre~tn l value ) $2,!iOO ()() Prope1tv damaee $2.500 00 Other. Toi al SIS.500 00 Dale. 7/2t/OJ /SJ NICK O'MALLEY. bq. Publis hed N1twporl Beach CMla Mna Darty Pilot July 73, 30, August 6. 13. 2003 WI JO ban Mt.: 034684-I NOT1CI TO CIDITOIS OfWSAIUllOf lfT8fTIOlt TO TIAMSffl Al.CotalC IMlAGI UCBlSI iucc S.C.6to1 ... ~­ '" 24073 .. ~I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th•t • bull! "It of uuh ind a transfer nl 1lcohollc bever•a• ltc:•n••<') 11 about to be made. The neme(s), Scxi1I S.ciurlty Of ftd· eral Tu Numben 1nd bullne$S •ddreu ot th• Seller(s)/lkt-(i) 111e. MISl<INYAA, INC,, 6710 Wut Cont lh&hw1y, Nt •P.llr t Buch. CA 92683, 33 0821322 Ootna 811111110 ~" rRAO(WINOS LIQUOR AKA lA/\0£WlllfOS MAlllUl All other b1nlneu namu(•} •l)d 1d dre\S( n 1 u~ed by lhe Seller(s) l1<r.nsee(sJ within th~ pa~I three years, as ~ta led by lhe Srller(,)/l•tPnseel'-1 I\/ are s.ame The 11ame<sJ Sot1dl Secu11ly 01 ~ederal Tax Number •nd ~lldre's nl the l.luyerls)/ apphcants(s} is/are YUNG WOONO SHIN and OK JA S~llN 'll 7'l CAP[ R TRlC.. TUSJIN. CA 92780 The asseh be1n11 \Old are gen er ally deuribed as I ur nltur e I .. tur es, r qu1pment. Goodwtll. Trad• Name, Stock '" Trade and is/are located al 67t0 West Coast Hiehway. Newporl 9e8rh. CA 91663 The type of license and license no to be transferred rs/are Off SALL GE NERAL 21 361533 11ow •ssued for the premises located •I. SA Ml fhe bulk sale and t1 ans fer of the atcoholtc beverece 1tcen11.e(s) 1M "e 1ntend«1d to be consumm1\cd •t lhe olflct ol r \Crow Net work Group, Inc , 18200 Yorba Londa Blvd S11il11 308, Yorb1 Linda, CA 92886 and the •nl•C1 p1ted Slit d1te II AuJust 29. 2003. t!M purchau l>fice or consideration In con· ntctton with the Ult• of t h• bu1l11ess and trensttt of tho lictnsa, 11 th • s um of S43S.000.00 lncludlnt lnvulory ntlmated •t SGS,000.00, which con· slsts of the tollowtn.a· 0£SC!llPTION AMOUN1, <>'CHOro DEPOSIT OE MANO HOT( l)t,MAHO N()T{ s 10,000.00 '201.500 00 lll7.500.00 11 has been 41lr eed be I ween the seller UJ/ htel1'ee( 1o) and !ht intended buyef(51/ tr ansler~e(5/ "' re qu11ed by Sec 2407 J "' the 8u1otr1e~s arHl Pio tenions cocfe. thal lhe co11s1der •4•on for turns fer of the bu~meu and htense rs to be paid only after Ute tr an,fer h"~ been approved by rhe Ocpar lment of Alcoholic Bevera&e Control Dated 8/3/03 (S1g1tAl111e of SelllH(\)/ l llOn"IPe( .. ) MISKINYAR. INC.. BY IS! ABDULLAH MIS~IN VAR (S1enillure ol 8uyer(5)/ Apphcanls( s) /SI YUNG WOONG SHIN. IS/ OK JA StllN Published Newport Beach Cosb Mesa Dally Pilot Auaust 13, 2003 CNS 571779 Wl48 bnw .. 00025440TT llOT1CI TO CllDfTOIS Of WWI Nollet Is hereby a>van to crtdltOf' of the within n•m•d seller \hat e bulk nle Is about to bl! made ot the anets descr1bed below. The names ind busl nesa addreuu of Ille Sell•r ere: FLOWERS BY MORRI CORP , «8 l 11fH STREET. COSTA MU/\. CA 92627 Tiie touli1>11 ill Cali tornie of the chl1f 11ecullve olllct of tl\4 ulle1 r• Sll~U AS ABOVl" As tist•d by Hlltf, •11 othtf bu,IM'\t Mmt1 and •~" .. uu d by tilt \tlltr wtltllr'I thrM YlllU befOft the d1t. lllCh lhl 'W9' •111 <I' dtll_llefff to tht bU)'9' 111tNOfft 1 hr n1me\ and bus• neu addreue~ of th~ buyer are KATHLHN A llBA 111\N UR CORPORA II ASSIGNH . 1004 ff RRA BULA, IRVINE , CA 9/f>OZ Th~ a1o>el\ to be suit! 'II C descnbPd f0 aen~r •I u A BUSINESS IN Cl UOING I URNI I URI r IX ruRr AND f QUIP Mr Nl . GOOOWll I I RllOI NAMf , ll ASl ANO LCASEHOLO IM PROV(MENTS and are located at 4.48 l t 71H SIRl£T, cosr11 MF SA CA 9?621 The busonu\ 111111l•' used by the sellrr nl that fll(;ahun rs FLOWERS BY MORRI fhe dnl1c1pa\ed dale ul the •ale/Ir ans IN I\ 8/29n OO.l at the otloce of Apo E\crow, 15576 Brookhu1 st Sit eel Ho 8 Westm1nstrr, CA 9268.J This bulk sale IS $ub1ecl to C11tlorn1a lln1lor m Commr1 eta I Codi S&chon 6106 2 II ~o sub19cl, lhe nam11 dnd address of Ille Ptl\Oll wotlt whom cl1ttns may b• flied rs ltHJ lr•11 Apo r\t111w 15576 Brookhurr.t Street No B. Wtttmonster, CA 92683 •nd the Int date 101 llhn1 clllms ihall be 8128/03 which l.s the budneu; day bef0<• th• n le dote 1pec.ilflt d •bov• 01ted. 8/07 /03 !SI l<AlHWN A. AIAAAN OR CORPORA TL AS-$10NEE Publt1hed N•wport 81ach..CO'tl Mt•• 011111 Pilot Auau1t 13, .2003 Cft$· S7tt11 W147 lc:a~at~I .. SUPBIOI COURT Of CAl.JOltllA, COUNTY Of OIAMGl 341 City Drive, Orwtp, CA 92861 mmoNOf: DtWt Alex.-UM, 8IDll TO SHOW CAUSE fOI OWIGl Of MAil CASE lllllll: mo60 I TO Al I INT(RLSTEO PERSONS t P~t1\11rn~r toled a pel1t1on w1tll lhl\ court for a decree chan11na n•mc\ dS follows. Devin Alo~ndl'r Usbu& lo Devin Tyl•r Aleundtr ? THf COURT OROCRS tr1At All pe"""' on1e1 ested on lhr5 noatler shall appear llelore this court At the heBrone 1nd1cated below lo show c•uH If dllY why lhe pehtoon for chana• of name ~hould 1101 b~ Ill 3nled NO llCI or HC ARING 0 .. 1~ Sl P t6, 1003 l1m1 2.00 pm Ocpt. l 7J Thi• 11ddress ol the court ts ~11me n noted above 1 A CUP1 of this Ord~ to Show C11u\11 ~h~tl ti. puhlith11d 11t leHt once uch wet!\ for lovr 'lUCCtUIVt weeh prl01 lo the d1tle HI IOt ht•r 1na on the petition rn tha followrna "'""8 ,.,,., of aeneral ctrcu l11Uon. print•d In thl~ county· Newport 911c:h O•lly Pilot SWmol COUil Of CA&IOlllA, ccum Of OIMGl SUPOa COUil -PIOIATI 341 lll CITY DIM P.O.IOX 14t7t,OIAMGf., CAllOml t26IS-1571, PmllOIOf: NIE PAm:I P9lOZA JOI OIAIQ Of llAll OIDll TO StlOW <AUSl JOI OIMGI Of llAll Wlllll&A220S97 TO All INTERESTED Pf RSONS: 1 Pel1\1oner· Daniel P11tr1Ck PedrOH filed 8 pelihon with this court for 1 decree chanerna namei as follows DA NI EL PATRICK PEDROZA t o DAN PA TRICK ELIAS 2 IHE COURT OROlRS lh•t all persons rnle1 e1ted In lhf$ matter shall appe~1 belou• this court 11 the hearina indicated below to !lhoW c.euse. If any, why th• ~tltion for chanae ol n1me should not be c1 anted. NOTICE OF HCARING O•t• 9 16 03 time: 2.00 pm Dept.: L73 "'e addfHS Of tht COUit '' 11rn. n noted 9bon 3 A c-opy of tllls Ordlr lo Silo" CeUM &NII bt publlshtd at ltHt once each wtttl. lor four SUCCllUIVt Wlllltl l)ftO< to the dalt Ml for .,_.., AUG CM, tOol MAU 0 •fl LA I It D ht•rl!l1 on Ill• 941ttt1on ....... In the fo4'owln1 newt <MTR.,__ Of, .. , r."f." ot ~Ml'tl chu SW'llUOll (OUlT Publl•h•d .... 80 t at on. Pfl t9d In this •• r cou"~ 0.lly Pilot 8t~·CO\t• Me • 111) ..... AH 6' tots f'llOt /\UfUJt s. 13, '°· ••110111' Utt• 'l1, ZOOJ Wl39 CMnl. JllMI Of fMI S--.w.T Pd!lthtd !11weort • Beach·Cosla Mesa Daily Pilot Aueu1t 6. 13. 20. 27, 2003 Wl43 RdlllM t.illlSs ... se..-t The lollowme person$ are dotne busoriess a' Boomtown Amer lean Sticker Company. 1788 Monrovia. Cost.t Mu•. CA 92627 Brad Thomp'lon. 22t Diamond Ave . Newport Beach, CA 92662 Johll McCr1y, Jr , Ot E. 20th. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Thrs bustnH$ 1s con ducted by a aener al partners hip Have you st&rted dolne bu5tness yet1 Yes July 13, 2003 Br ad Thompson This statement was filed wrth lb• County Clerk of Orana• County on 07/28/03 2001695292' O.tly Pilot July JO. Au11 6, 13,20,2003 Wl37 ............ ...s....... The fotlowln& ~sons 11r1 dolna buslnus 1.s: Ancient Weyi.. 440 F•lr Drive Suite C, Costa Men. CA 92626 Ronald 81111r , 61 A101tlno. Irvin•. CA 91614 This business b con duettd by. en lndlvldu•I Have you st•ltd 6olfll buMtlttt 1•tl Yea O&i1J9 Ron•ld 81ettf lllit •llttmtnt WH f»ld with the Count.y Cltftl of Ol'•n•• County on 7/10/03 ...,..,..,, Otlty Plfc>t Jiiiy ll, 30, Aus. I. IS. 2001 W12$ d fktliM ..... .... s...... The lollowon& personJ> are doma b1n1neu n . Contr ut Delivery Repa" Service toe 2504 Ma1k ln , Costa Me~•. CA 92626 Wutern Medoc•I Re· sources, Int . (CA), 2504 Mar k ln .. Co~ta Mesa, CA 92626 This business t~ con· dueled by a corpofllton Have you ,t1rt&d doonr buslneu yet' Yn 07/01/2003 Wnter Medical Re sources, Inc, Robert J Monette Proldent This statement wes fried with the County Clerk ot 0r8flie County on 07125/03 20036952110 Daily Pilot July 30, Aua. 6, 13, 20. 2003 Will At-.. ..... ... s........ Th11 lollow1n1 persons are dolna business ••· Group Vertlcll Str1te1k Adnrttslna/ M11kelln1. 3187 Fled Hill Sit 115. Coste MeM, CA 92626 Mty l. Ltt (Solt Gellt• •I P•tntt). 3187 lltd Hill, St1 I lS. Coste Meu, CA 92926 This business Is con duded bf • llmitt4 pllftnetJl\lp Hlvt JCKI t lNltd dolnt busl.neu yet? Ho M1y L.Lff l hls staltment ••• filff Wllb tl\4 Count, Cltfll of Ouno Coutlty 1>nOl/Oll03 too~ .. SMM Olffr Pilot Aue 20,27, 2003 • • f --------~----- Tit• lollowlne 1>9• sons ere do1n1 bu$1ness u An1•l's Auto Spa, 22~ Newport Blvd • Costa Mna, CA 92627 K1mal and Simo, Inc; (CA), 2285 Newpor I Blvd t Costa Meu, CA 92621 !his bus1neu 1i con dueled by a corpontion Have you sta1 led do1na bUJlnen yell January I. 2003 Kamal •nd S4m1, Inc Surat Sonah. Pru This slalemenl wn hied with the Couoty Clerk of Ounae C11unly on 07/21/03 20036952169 Oally Piiot July 30, Au11 6, 13, 20, ?003 Wl32 llOllCI Of APPUC.AOOll TO S8l Al.COHOUC IMlAGES ...... ,.,.[ ..... . Alpd 4, 2003 To Whom II MAy Concern The ltalTlt'(\) ol the Apphc.anl!'il r. "" Kill l R f UOIJ CONC£PIS ILI C The •pphc•nh l•\led •bove are apply1n¥ lo the Department of Alcuhol1r B~v~r ••K• Conl1 ol tu s~ll Alc.oholot beveraen a t 71119 N( WPOR I LOAS I OR NfWPORl BEACH CA 9?657 I ype ol 11<1'11~~1\ 1 Applied loo 41 ON SAi I Bl I R ANO WINI ( Ill ING Pl ALI Publo\hed Nt wl"" t llrach C•"'~ M~\~ OJ1ly Point Aueu\I I l 200J Wl'jlJ The lollow1na perwns •• • Ooma bu sinus n Nn tande ( nterpt1sn 949 South Cout Ot ' Cost1 Mtu, CA 91626 .• Nn tande, Bruce, 949 S11ulh COHI Or , Cost• Meu, CA 92626 This busrn ... s 1s con· lluc. led by an mdMdual H••• you ~tar led cloonc bu\lnen yet? Yes 7 I 03 Br u'e Ne~tande Th" \hltment was fol~d w11to lh• County Clerk of 011na• County nn 0/ ?I/OJ 200U9 52198 O,uly Polul July 13, JO. Au&~ IJ, 2003 W1 28 Actitlws llnMss "-es..._. I ht lollow1n~ i;e1 \on• are doinQ ho\m~~~. •~ •I fto\lln I uyota b / I'""" s, ""' « Auro Cenl•r Oro•• lu\lon CA 9?18? IJoemur ol fu\lln llG <CA I. 114 Auto Center Ouve fu,1111 CA 92782 rt11' t111\1nf!I\• " <.on dUt ltd by l 1m1ltd t ••t11hly (" Ott·mur vi I U\1111, Lt C \lcvrro I f lt•ur ~nt C.horl I llloHl(ldl Of11ter Uu~ "lt1lt•mpnl Wd\ tol•rt wolh lhr t.uuntv t Irr~ uf l/td11~r I uunty •Ill 0/ l / 10 I 20036951841 11,.,fy 1'111.11 luly 13 JO. Au, f, IJ /001 Wl29 rtn l•illlJ'WIU~ Vt'f\lJU\ .tr,. tJ11in~· hu,rnt'~ .u I & f h1vr•tni,,.nt C1t1)u't Fl 1l ~ H~~• h l!lv~ 1111 •• 11 •• ,,, ( "'11'1!().4 l'1 Yu l\d1 llH $ fi, .u II tilv.t An.1ht'1nt lhe follnwmv I'•"'"" I fl '11'1«14 '"' dnintt bu'''"'*• .1 • ltu•. ti~,,.,,,.., ,. , 00 Ra•nbo~ luo K 1 t \11utt1 1111, h•tl IJy .~11 mtt1111nu.tl 8t!Ath 81 Ao4tt1e1r11 f A t~AVfl vuu ,t.ttf,.t1 ,Jwn2 92804 r111• .. ,.. 1 .. ,' Pt Yu r~., IHI "'""' 1, 111 ul 1u11 Beal h Rt "ntttlf'tn ' A f•, (o f u 9?11()4 I (tu· ....... " .. "' ..... , ltu~ bu'\mt"''-• ..,. • "" 111 .. d ¥W1fh H"u C 1J11ty dot lf'd b' .)fl 1nd1Wouto~I lr 1.,, 1 t (h ui-:• l.ounty HAVf you '\14rt .. tt du1uy 1111 ff/ lf1 fl i bU\lne\\ yet' 20036951819 Y" 07 01 0 l II 11ly f'olo I holy 10 Au~ P1Yul\lt1 tilJ.'OtoOJ WIJ.4 lhl\ -.tafprurnt c1111.1•, hlf'O w1U1 111~ 1 uwH1 C.lt•~ "' 1)1.u1~t· t 1111111y u11 07 ;>4 OJ 20036952619 O•oly Pilot luly JO Au.: 6 H ?0 700J Wiii lho lrollroWlllV v1·1Wn\ .H ,. d•1111~ bu~lnt"\.\ d\ liM rl I '" k t Int hon~. 719? Ir,. to.1111 l>tov• Ntwpur I 8ULh t:1hfiun11 92660 Pol i<·y . Beach. C11tior~11 t Thts business I• con ducted by. an lndlvtclual Have you start.cl do111& busintu yet? No Dan Patric-Ehn Thts alatement wes llltd with the County Clerk ol Ortn1e County on08J04/03 200HtsH74 Dart)' Pilot AUi 6, 13, 20.11, 2003 Wl42 ......... ... *'-" The lollow1na perw ns •re doin& busineH H SALON l , 1040 B1y11cle Or . Newport Buch, Callfornoa 92660 Terry Ron Linders. 1040 Bay\1de Or., New port Beach, C1hh:irni1 92660 I his bul!ness rs con· ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you started dotn& busmen yet' Yes, 08/ 0'>/03 Terry Rou l•ndeu lhts statement wn fried with lhl' County Clerk ol Onn11e County on 08/11/03 2003HS4419 Daily P1lol Au& 13, 20, 27 Sepl 3, 2003 Wl52 fiditiM IUeu --.s....... lhe lollowona persons ••e doma busonen "' l<tel V1s1on I rim\ 3067 lruuty Do Costa Me~ Callforn1a 916?6 Vonc.e M•sc1ale 3067 l11n1ly 01 Cost• Mes., t •hl11rnra 92626 lh" bu51nns rs con duo led by an md1v1du•I ll•ve you started rto1n11 bU\lnf'">' yef' Nfl V1nc.e M•\C1al1· lh" slalemenl wn toled wolh the County Clerk of Or anR11 Counl y un08,04 03 2003695)778 0Aoly PrlOI Au& b I 1 7Q 71 7003 Wl46 Fidilimllsilen ie..s...... r he 1n110 .. 1na pe,.ons tU t dUHll bU\Ult\) d\ eurusputl 14.ll 16th SI C.o\la M~,. t.•hloon1• 9?67/ t yl'! Dnu~ln Wtedon l'>ll B Sanla An• Av~ Cu~I• Me\a, Cahtorn1d 92621> lhi~ bU1olflt'~\ I\ (OU dueled by an 1nd1v1dual ~lave you \lar lf'd doing bus1"e's yet> No l yle Douglu Weedon Clttll of Orenae County on 09,/'04/0J 200M9SS749 OaHy Pilot Au11. 6, 13. 20, 27. 2003 Wl40 .......... ... s...... The followln11 persons 111• dotn& buslneu H . MWSPHOSHOP, 2134 2 134 Newport Blvd, CoJl,a Mui CA 92§27 lrm1 Moller 17176 nort. CA 92!)Jo This busonn.s ~ Lon dueled by '" 1nd1v1dv*1 Hoe you 'tart.cl doma bullnen y•l7 No lrrn• Moller Thtl \ttlemenl WU tiled with the County Clerk ol Or•n&• County on 0&/11/03 2003'ts4S4t Darty Pilot Aua 13, 20 27 Sept 3 200J Wt!ll ..,..,..., per.at! .... an otljedlol'I lo the pellliorl end ltlOW9 good '*-why Iha court ltnJld nol grant the ~ING on the petJtSon wit be held on 0911 1.00 at 1·45PM in D101 L-73 located at 34 I THE crrv DRIVE. ORANGE, CA 92613 IF YOU 08JECT lo the ~ ol the pell\iol1. ~ lhOt*I appear at the "9at1ng end •ta• 'Pl' ~ or file wMell oOjecllor1' With the court beior'9 the 1-ll'ig Your llPPNf'llOll may be rn peraon or by )OIJr ~F~OU ARE A CREDITOR or a oontil1genl credi1o< of Ille deceaaed. you muet file ~ clalln wilh the court and ma~ a OOVf lo lhe pereonal representative appolf'1ted by the court Wllhn lour monlhl from the date ol int tSSUanCe ol lellert as provided rn Probale Code 5edion 9100 The twne tor fifing d.alml Wiii not 8Xl>l'8 beior'9 lour niontflS trom the tteanng date not>e:ed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kepi by the court If you are a peraon tntareslllld 1n the estate, you may Ille Wl1tl the court a Request klf Special NoOce (lorm DE· 1S4) of h filing al a/'I """"'*"Y and appraisal ol estate aSleta Of ol at'f pettior'I or account as provided rn Probate Code Sectior'I 1250 A Rano oact tor Special NOike-iorm IS avaJ1ab1e trom the court cleR A1lomey tor PelrtJOnef MCINTOSH, KIRK 628W 19TH ST COSTA MESA, CA 92827 08/l:w:I, ot.'1<4/03, 08/2003 ~57121 .. HEWPOfff 8EACt4-COST A lllEIA DAILY PtLOT Wednesddy, August 13 2003 Ml -Upt...... •lllplllalces 2141 ••HO-OJ 1.01 IN> llMl, DAJI AND "LUE, COSTA MlSA H10H SCltOOl A. 114 <>..-"'t llMe -4 114 D-"1••• T~4ey. s-.1 ...... SOftl, 200S1 2.00 , .•. B Place ol Bid Rtcerpl Newµor t M~n Unoloed SchCHJI Oo~hotl Purch•sln1. "911!> II eear Street. Co~t~ Meu C• 926?6 C P101ecl Name Musu1e "A" Modernllaloon Co•t• Men ll11h Sthool 0 Pt"• Ptan• ,,. or\ Irle PRo.-cr MANACLR ' oll•l• MtC.erlhy llu•ldma Compll\lH, .lOfOI S W Brrth Srr~et, Suole :tOO Newport Beac.h CA 92660 McCotrlhy Bu1ld1n1 Comi;<1n!l"/MH•u1e "A' Ollou 298'l C Bur Slreet, Colli M•H Ca 9?f.26 1.02 SUMMUY Of WOH1 Projecl Ouc.rophon lho\ l>'OfUI ~onsl\h of !he phaHd mc.Oetnu•IM>n ol Cost• Meu H1K1i 'lhoot on the Ne,.p0<t Me"• Unrloed S<.huol 01'1.h1t I Specoloc.ally health & '•ttty 1 flllrph•lllf' !WA lf1mph•nr • lr111kl1n1 \htll 111tear1ty uPc••d~' tlJ\\ruum rnte11u1\ lt<h11ul•1n .,,a rntrottu<lurt uperaelo Prellmm•ry f \llm.;lt' l'I '>(J(J 000 I/ti 1.03 NOTICl1 A NOllCI I\ 111 ~I HY l,tVI N lh,;t Newp101I M• .A Un1t1•d \c.hool Ut\1111 t 1Cltn11 by •nd lhruuwl'l 11' l.uv•rnrng Hu•rd will rtteovt \ul•d bid tni •ward vi • o.urrl1Jt l l1o1 lhc •tlo~e 11•n1•ll 1'1111•« I up lo bur nut 1.,r. r ll1•n the b1d de•dl1nc B Bods shall be 1en1vrd 111 the pl•< o; 1denlrlteol •b11n Whellte• vi ll•JI bids a1e oporroeoJ oattly di lhe lune h•cd rn th" 11ul1u 1111 11111 will ti~ rtcetYtd after lh• bod dudhnr c PLANS ANO '\Pt r 1111 AlllJNS Aki AVAii ABI r AUt.11'.I l/lh /001 lhe docume11t• may h• •><ttwed •I the Pf<OJ( t I MANA(,I k •, utfu • ., •• address 1ltrn H IJ•luw I OR CAN BC l'URCHA~EU rROM tNTllNlT llut,llNT: 16372 Condru<flon Center, lrvlno, CA 92606, (949)SS2-7S68.fAX (949)SS2-1209 0 fhe Df\>ltf<.I will tu· m1llit1t1n1t .mo _.nf,,, int a l .tD,•t t vmvl1.Jnt,. l't ''•" 1n at<.ordant.r w1lh lh .. tHO\ifl\H•n•. Mtrl Jt'~u1rrm,.nt.:.. r1I A'\t-1111.Jlt fi1ll 1506 and pur· u.1nt '" I .thf,,,n,,, I .1b•1t 1dt-("'hone. I //O et " 1 Al tonlr•ctOf' .uHI t hrtr •vuti1 .JIJI,.. 'ub1outr.u111•'· µPrformtni.; oh tht '''l'I'"' t $1tt w1tl bti rtuu1re-'1 fti c nm'-111 with fht ff"ijUlft"mttnl•. ''' ft1t t ,.r,or Comphanrt.-Pro~r ,,n1 1nr lu· 1vt> ut lml 11ut l1n11h.:•I h• J>fo"'1d1u1 lht I •• t,or Compt1anct (Jft1t t•1 m hi• .. ht'r de\t~rtated rl'pt e\t:ntdhvr fttli' , 1,-r.t tu <..ondutt ·audit mt"''"1rw•. 11t th,. lrdd,.~fl'"" t•~rfurmmv on th~ "'''It'' t !>ll~ on an d" ct ..... m .. tt ,. .. , .. .,,...,v h.,1 1< dmnitt t-01pl••'ft't''\ 11111111~1 ""'"''-111w hour' "' fll• u1r1itu1111tl 1 o't to th.-""''" 1 "' ,,nv nt th..-'J••,h1<t •, rrprf~t:ntativt"\ .,, rt~•·r1h E [dth BJO(Jf k mw t ''''':.t .t frnJ h•HH.I .., 11lt1t·1 ••t.'\.\H1ty 111 the 1m11unt nf 10% nt lh~ .irr1o11rnl orl Ht~ llld .. 1111 llor hod f Ca ... h ~10(Jf k 111111ltd11t>i,w ly with ltw t •r• ut111n •>I th"' '"''"I A.gt~tmfnt will t,r ,.,.,1uu,.t1 to turru .. tt d I at .. r ••Ht M.Jt~•t•I p,.,f,.1 f11 u•t r Bond m '" •• n11mnt "•fUdl I•• 100 V.-Hrnt •• t lhf' ~onh.11• t ,.,.t """ ' I a1lhfof Pr1t1~r111.uu ... Ht nd m '" dmounl f"'llMI 111 Hl(J "1t"'' "'"' .-t tht Contrdtl c;.,m 1 4'••1 ~l•ttd• .. ·~h.,,11 bt: hum..,,. 4dm1llf"d f 1l1f111uu ,,,,,, ~dt1\fAc.tc,,., ••· U11 (h,lr•tl .tnd h·.tf"d in lhe ft:dt-r-tl k·r•''"' 11'1 '1 lh~ Oepdftmtnl 1 I lr .. ·1\ut1 ttruJ lil.t.'O~t"d u1 C.t~1luff11 t .,.ut t,. '''J\. ''" ft:ffidHI in tvll f.,,,,.. tlhf 111 ... t thr(Ht~h th• g_\Mr.tnl,., 1Jtf1rnJ G fh~ lill•Ol k ti tll ~ ... ,,. It• •·n>;t1c-•HI''11 '"' J>W '•Mnt t tti.-1111\ r"' and Prolr.-.,11111 .. 1 t ~ 11t uu1 Of"' ht"'"°'"() 1n tt1.,. ·•JJ~lu JtJlf' 1 •1•'\" t•t ,,1 1 tor thP ''""" tot wn1. h th• 'unh-i1 t••' 1• '-Ohm1ttm., .1 IJH1 H Thi\ JH"Pft:I t 'M' t ()1• 4hlrtl Vt't•~f ,,.,. Bu' Hh"'··· r Hl•·f P' I I LI•" fH Ill 1tu1n guJI\ I Qu('\.tn111•, 1l t111I Uw l1klJ 1( t I ... ti ulrl fJ,. 1J1t1•1 11·11 111 tl1• t'f<C II ( MANl\l,f H I unt.•• t U11flllle M...rt1u r .. tt:phmu• /14 4''4 ,., ••• ,,) ~ IH~I MtCarthy H111lol111, r , 1 llf 11 4 414 >l'J',l J No Hui m., ( 11• wifllf1t .1Wll 1111t1t N111rt t d1t'( rttrr ttu H+t1 1111•1111 ~ o~tt K fht (J1,h11 t fl Pv•·• lt11 • ft;!fll I 1 tf't•' t 1ny 1tf11t •II tuJ 1 ' ""'11. ltrf"i,Ul,,tr1l1t '.If Hi t' IHd l N..-~l-1 •ft M ln•fo j ·,. ho11I 01 h t tll cu t '1 1 I aft I ( timpluyrt M. The bidde,. will bo ••q.,hed to p••quohfy ' 1 •• 111• 1 t '' pac~ttf't'.,, pl1td"" ''' t t th~ f-'rtttf!• t M-toa~ .. , .ti ''' ,..,., 1 M1 ... N NtJ lt·h ph , .. ur I• Htttlt' niac..hm .. " will tH .t t 11 1hh t ~ I .,1 f!·f " lheOISTRll T 1•r•n• • 1• lho-totrteof bJ Publl\he<I Nr"' "'' B~.11 h r.u,1• Me\" O•oly Pd"' A''•" I I 11 .•1w11 Wl~'. FIND .. :;-~ Sd your 1111wantt4l lt111s Ifie toty way! Pl0<t o Cleuiflt41 od 1°'4y ! (90)642-5678 flND ~ I0001ll007tm>SH Tiiie Ordlt No 077°'3950 im.. ~ No 001930079 APN No. 425-452·15 NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SAU YOU ARE IN 0£FAUl l lJH.. DEA A DEED OF TRUST. DATED '1:Jll1 f'lOO'l UHL.ESS YOU TAl(f ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, rT MAY BE S0t.D AT A PUBLIC SAL£. IF YOU HEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NA TVRE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD COHTACT A LAWYER.° NoOoe le heflby glwn that CTC Real e.1111e SeMce•. M duly appoini.cl lruslM puflUMl lo the Deed of Trutt euculed by HEATHER D WAT· rERS. AN UN"4ARRIED WOMAN, dAld '13127 /'200'1 find ,.. corded 04IO!llt'02. N lrwtrument No I 20020297631. In 8ooll , Paga , o1 Otflcllll ~ cords In the oMce ol I Iha County Recorder of Orange County, State ol California, Wiii MH I Ot\ 0&'27/2003 II I 2:00PM, AT THE NORTH FRONT EN- I TR~CE TO THE COUt(TY COURT HOUSE, fOO CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST, SAHTA ANA, CA 11 public IUCtlon IO the highest bklder '°' casn ()( CMck IS OHcrll»cl below. peyable In lull 11 llme a4 &ale, Ill right, llU., and lnterut con- Yeyecl to and now held by rt under uld Deed ol Trust. In the Pfoperty situated in said County and Statt and u ~• fully dHcrlbed In the aboYe rtfetane9d DMd o1 Trust The 11.'"1 addreu and OChaf common designauon. rt eny, of the ,..al ~ erty oe.cnbecl above •• purponed to be 119 FLOWER STREET COSTA MESA. CA. 92627 TIM under llgOed Tru11M d4• claims any ltablllty tor any lnc<>rnlClneu ol the attMt lddreu af'ld SEU "'°"" .... ernount of the unpmid bel.nce wltll .,.,... ow.on of the ~ liotl MCur9d by ihe ptoperty IO be I06d plUI ~ .. tJ IMM coats, ·~ Wld ~.the !MN of the lnltlal publi- cation of ... Nodcie of Sele la 1392,842.55 h .. poealble thel ll VII ttme of .... the~ tng b9d !'MY be .... than Iha totlll lnclt!IC9CI- ,... due. In lddlUotl IO cul\, the TrvslM wlN Keept caaNer'• checks drewn on a 11a11t or netional llM4t, 1 en.ck drawn by a 11111e or ledliral c~ union, or a en.ck drawn by • stale or r.def1I aavl1'gl and '°"1 naocla1ion, NV· Inga MSOCIWon, or NV1f9 bltlll spacm.d In Secuon 5102 of Iha Flnand8I Code _, authorized to do bu91 neu In this mw Said iall will be m*'I, M'I 1n ··As IS' conditJOn b\11 without CO\l'ltl\ant or werranty HJ>"9U or Implied, regarding Utlt, possesst0n or encum brlncel, 10 sat1sty the lndebtedneu Neul'9d by said Deed ol Trust 9dYancH thereunder Wlth inteffft " P<O- otlded tnd Iha unpeld pri11C1!)91 of the NOiie MCuntd by N rd 0.-d of Tru11 with 111terest thereon as ptovioed 1n &aid Noce. plus ''" cn.rgn llld npenees of lhl T ruslee 1nd of the llu$ts created by aald 0-2 of Trust DA TEO 08ro6n003 CTC Real Estate Slr- VICH 5898 CONDOR DRIVE MP.M MOOfl· PARK. CA 93021 PllOne (800) 281 8219 S.le 1n1onnauon t90S) s1~1a Br Trus!M • S.k! Officer CTC Real Utate !ieN1CH II I dltlC collector 1ttemp1 · Ing to collecl I debt Any 1nfonn1t1on ot>- lllned will be UMd lor !NI pul'J)OA ASAPS48055 M , 8113. 8/20 SELL '' lo ffo,v to Plaee A Rat.:' and deadlro...·, Jrc 'ub1ect tu change without n0t11.c 1llc pubh!-hcr reM:rvc~ the nght to cen">r. reclru.s1fy. rev11'e or reject any cla!>~tfied advert1~mcnt. Plca'c n:pon an) error that ·may Ix m your l la"1ticd ad 1mmcd1at1.-I). 1k Dmly Pilot accept.-. no ltah1ltl) for aJl) error m an advert1!-ement for "'hteh II ma} Ix rc~pon"hle C\l.cp1 tor the w't of the 'poce actually 1>uuptl'd b) the error. Credit can only he allo"-cd tor the first 1nscn1on CLASSIFIEJAD Ill [d Mon<l.l) I rtd.1' .:; ll(1p111 \1ond.1\ ' I H IJHll ANNOUNCEMINTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ''"'_ • ...., ...... Lo .. PACtrlC VIC W (Ocun View) S6,500/u obo 949-67l -t 20 I CoUecdlNI/ Mlmorabllla 1160 Amenc1n Motorcycle ~ (a.i.nd °"'*9') l.1111 «Js. 6 years ol ~pn.() .... ~Conw~llJll of tnembu we~~~~ ....... "w-' ,. em n4-631-DJ> TOP" 4 IKOltDS ETC .litrz. Cllllllc. Ek. !Os .. Sh a Mee. 5p11t, t10t ~ Mlha 949 6.45·7505 l' 230S-2490 EIITTRTAllllNT Cltendatof EWftll 1310 EGUM llOU5ll5 OffOIWJT All IHI tsl1te adver 11s1111 In this ntW1ol)aper " subjKt to the r •def al r air Housln1 Act ol 1969 a1 amended which makes 1t •11•&•1 to 1dVert1u •any prefH· tnce. llmll1t1on or d11erlmin1hon baMd on f-. c.olor, rtll&ton, SU, handttap. l•m•k•I statu• or nellonat «telft. Ot 1n rnttnlion to mah any s uch prelennce, limit• lion or dlscrlmin1tlon." l hi• n••JP•P'f win not llnowlna.lr acupt any advertistm.nt tor ,.... e\late which Is In wtOl•llon ol 1119 I••· Dur 1ndtr' tr• htr•b7 inl«IM4 11111 al ,..,.. "'*' edvlftlM4 "' ttll3 ~ .,., •vehllte on •n equal 1141f)Oftllfllt) INIMI r o coinpteln or •· Cflmlnatlon, c.a Ill) tol· lrtt et l IOO 424 1510. By Fax (9491 6' I 659.$ By Phont.• By J\1ail/ln Pt·r~on : Thur,J.1\ Wcdnc,J.t) 'i (Hlpm 11'lc ...... 11 .. luJ.o HlUI IWTl<' ..n.f f'll!>O<' numt..r "°" "'~ It <411 ""' Nilk "'olh a pn.c 41>t~c I (Q~QI 64:!·5671< II ours l 11\IJ \.1.:,,1, ( >\ Q ;:o;:7 At 'It<'" pon Bh d C.. B.i, \t f-nd.t) lnur,dJ\ ~i'llOpm S.ltUTUJ) f·nJ.i\ ' I H lpm Telephone 8 JOam-5.00pnt Monday-Fnda} \\JI~ In X lt1.u11 'i llOpm M ondJ) +mia> Sunda\ FnJ.1~ 5 OOpm Ind ex 7402-7466 JOl0-3940 v ' 7 " , ' 11 :. .. soos-saso ... & - .,._. GeMrll HOME Amo11am1n11 1&10 Al......a 1610 RJRNISHINGS l"rf.,,.te he.Ii .._,.... 5 Mlllf0fµ CALI a.Ii approx I/hr from rORNIANS see Cal·SCAN Newpotrl Beech £a eel ad" on 200 newspaper lent huntina adtAc•nl to statewide! 25·words state waterfowl re luee, $450/stalewlde, $300 ownership 1nlttesl & Nllflhcrn °' Southetn approa 375 11Crts of land Cthforta. Free inform• ' tmpt'oveme"ls • yOUf hon (916)288-6010, own camp compound (916)288~19: •-c:al· w/structu•• and 2 tc.enCOfll (CAl•SCAN) tretl«s Wof!CHrful r rl n11ht BBQ's & win• tut1n1 durtn1 duel! season + many utru! ldt1I tor 2 friends 0< lath« ' son C1H Miii• el 310·!>41 ·0854 A SIJlttwkM display ad In 118 partlc(Clatl!l1 ntwtf)apers: 1.5 minion• C11iforn1a hou11hold1 Cost 11.350 for 4"•2.5· ad. f11t inlormatlon (911)29 6010: (9Ul)2a «119 ·-eel 1can."'"' scroll to C1lifo• nla/ N1hor1wfd• d l1pl•J (CM..•SCAH) • tfAl.Tff SBMB l'I IIIH9' .... ~·Ill••• CUft8SIDEA LIFT FOR VAie, S£T UP FOR A PACf'SCmAJ~EL SCOOltR Llf1:$1200 SCOOTHS400 90lltl1500 ,_ ....... ................. Hl ... -ll•o hteto W. ........ l di. r1ench coudie, wlnablck cha;rs, Ve1u 1amt bar. love SHI& " br & dr Tomtny B•hama lu1n1lure, drnden, bronres. TAlnlr ........... ~~ol ..... * 98filB6.Bl .,..._~..,.. sofa & ioo.. .... CDdrbl. 2 "1d ..... -s-1 SI\ ..... ~ 918723.1111> Eflfll'(/ DIWOllJS/. L PRECIOUS METALS <>-Sh~ti'<h all colors all Srle\ 101 adoplto" to q11ahl1ert homes #WW &-.it'k.tle Ollt OI C•ll 71 4 771 591S .._., must wll f °'"' hr•.-t:aet~ ~'Stove la• .. unll reteif ilt>A h•lurn -dottllnc. arnt prices! M1uie 949 433 8423 - Under th e ScrYicc Directory Ban ner Reach 80,000 Hqmcs Each Week For Only $32 per week (4wcek minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Office f ... looso Appro•1matrly IOOOst 110 f I Ith Str,el r.n\ I a Meu 9'19 ·466 6!>l'l I iOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY MMIOll V1IW fM.U Sooth ESTATE on OM of the lat psl lots Of'IN SAT -SU" 1-S Utol ... Oor. 5br 3ba. Medrtwra· nun paradise Cit C11n shaped pool J Spe fountain' a Palm T1fts. By OwlMll Accec>ttfl( Bid's 8t tween Sl.4!!,i~ ~-IWQIGil ... Kl HDUClD TO $710,000 Jt12 1r...tSt NEW,.OIT HEIGHTS ~br 'l '>b~ pvt b~fkyrl S110 000 949 ~ 04!>4 O'lN HOUSI SAT l-SSUN9-12 'l'X)l Annovet!>atY lane, 1~1 homot on h111e lot MV\I ~ee S779,000 Bv Own~ 9'19 &16 0912 HAllOll WOOOS 2b• 2ba 2 c IM•&• bedtoom1off1u Aal Sl875 9'9 2'3 4631 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORWf ..... MJRT ...... C) IC S1lr> llllf C. • """" ._ a -. .... a* ... ,. ~---.., lASTSIDl Stud1n Ul1I paid .1va1f nu• fpnl t'd am teGHn conllG(. l<l:ru ~ Ibo ,_.,., .. \ \fCI 1""• Ip ~ •Watlr!d SllMt.t.t~ ~ y~rd pet r>I\ <non of1 c l laundry S/9!> INI dt fl .... ,.,, •••I, b• 714-S4S 0442 lb• ;• ' ~~· walk 1" b1 rt I eon IJ(Ytl ~a Sl'J(() ~ o...I c. """ II• Ila ..... w1pvt ttat frtg. ..... lo '"Squat~ $89S 'mo Waler t11•h p.tid Kleon ~I an 104 ~ c.1 9200 lSU.IMoNT ........ , Jbf 2 Sba CUllom r• MOC! lo1ttm Ip """'°"' PoOI '9• ttnnr~ •n•I 9 1 sn9s in11 •1t Donald Pfaff Coldwell B•nhr 949 /JJ 60,. l.lllllllldl \ Av~ol now 949 101 UOll NlW,.Oll HllGHTS Coll•&t' e lb< i'h• la'"'m h<lwd fl" Ip 1•1 yard snr,o • 'll>I ?ba Ip hO•#d fir\ ,.., '•b Sl900 949 641 S48B -~ lt!t Sl"ffl il*.rn •ID' llm 08> rd '* eb :a. roi ., OQI ~ 916642 1121 WU) ~T&.2"9 Nea• Ba.tboapw SU75'MO •11 949 &73 7tnl -....n .......... l'B• ... ,.. • r-. r c• flf •· am 1"1 RtOOI-Mt r..t n I ...... ~ -----~­....,_.,., ....... --••~••rm AlO Wealesday, August 13, 2003 Newport Beach FANTASTIC Vil Wit 3hr ?b~ for the fuulHt & petlHs. fur te.ise I year ur more $J995 open lo ollers SAT SUN 1 ·S 208 TUSTIN AVE Joon Aiiis-lkr 9'19-M6 IOI I ~I I IAYfRONT WINTER RfNTAl 4lr, 2' /1la, 2 -<ar gar, Wv fvnMdoed S4000mo Auoclated Realty 949-673-3663 Newport Coast TROVAJtl :>br :>ba 7 c a•r. gated, community pool. agt $2400949 293 4631 Service Dlr?Ctory NOHCC 10 RCADfRS· C.tf1lurnra l•w re quires that conlt.tc ton lakm& 1nbs that total $.'lOO 0< more (lab0< or matern1ls) be hlrn,ed by the Contractor\ Slate License BoArd Stale law als.i requtres that ton Ir ddll" include lhf'tr he ~n~ number on nil artvl'flt<>rng Ynu can chl'<k th .. \lalus ol yuur ltc ensed cunlr.Hlur at www cslb ~a .iov or 800 321 CSLB Unt1 cenud con It art on t akrna 1obs that total ten than $500 mu\I state 111 lhe11 adverll\emenh that they .,e not hlenHd by thl! Contractors SI.tit l 1cense Board" Chldl"°'*• Ir a1mn11 & SUWofVl10l1bte i.hoolin& ~ !ll'W2\ burnm or personal 949 ~ 2538 Alf~lt AUHfHVAC Alf Cond1tloni111 & Heat ln1$ervlet1188 ~ UlllM> 9'19-m'91X!1 A ·lHMOYMAM Install, refit• cablneb ~-~ .... DOlll 71"1&-7Zi8 C.,.. .... 1'1111 •<MPITi:t~ilr R...,.1n. Pat,111t11. In tall Courtltoos 1111 II.rt tollt. Mottst .. 1949 492 Q20S 1 TODAY'S 11 12 13 AN'm.:uwrK nu-: WOKST Both vulnerable. Nonh dcah ly 6it!CC tbc ~Ill?, uf he.art~ Wlb Of tk>Ublfu l value. However. t.hc finul contruct wu_, not wnhout ii\ dl:Jll('\:\ NORTH • K J 109 . J62 K7 S4 32 •Void WF..\T EAST The dtlcnder. <.tar1cd v. uh L~ Len o( hr:uts 18 w1's ace. imd the <.h1f1 WI\ to the QUC\!O o( du~ The l'\10 ltllCt now hmged oo an c•en dmmooc.I 'Phi. d1ar11:ci. of v.hteh are 'h~hO) abo• e 40 perecnL II seem' rouuoc 10 win wit.h the Ill.'\.' of clu~. w'4'.ud1n~ a he:in fn1m dummy. lllld 1n<k.'«11ha1 woold he good enough 11 trunlP,' :I.fl' 3-1. but what if trump' an: 4-0 > Ille d1alll(nh are blockl'd • .in•J dcda1er n1o,'e\lli LO get LO c.lumn1y llftc1 \lll\hlng the thll'll d1J1rt1ond but 1rum1>' are the 11111) entry and the)' h.ivc 1" Ix· ex t.r.icteJ bcfott JilllTlOOds nm Ix: run •Vold • 7532 10 9 8 H , A Q S J J 6 . Q 10 •K 986S4 •QJHI SOUTH • AQ864 ., K A98 ,. A 7 J 2 Optmn~ l~d: Teo of h " all too .:asy 10 pluy autom.iu ~'ally when there llpl>Cat'\ 10 oc nu prubkm. Bui the "'1oab of d1)tnhu tinn c11n pm' e lrellchcroo,. lllc\olulion j, 1110 ... 1 ck•g.1111 On the occ of dub\ dceldfl'r mu't d1"'an1 a d1111111111d fn•m dummy' l\ov. •• ,!).Ilk I~ kJ lO the ntrlC .inJ. ,. ht:n \l.c,1 di"4'.ani' a ht:un. dl.-cl.in:r\ lore "ght ., rcw:inlcd A hc~m ., rull,'tJ 111 11\.: cl<»ed hand dccl.uw ( l"O\\C\ '" tlx: l!lhle »1th .tOtlf!it:r 11u111p and trull1Jl' the la\I hean "'1th the Jt:<' TllC lxillfd°N ma.,ter trump' JH' tll'>hed. dcdarer d1..canhng a d1a mond from hand, and 1he Xl' and lin~ ol the: -011 arc pl~ycd l,n When the hreJl " fncndly. dununy·~ ~ood diwnonili laAc the l:bt three tnel,. /\hhour,h North'~ pa~~ed hand mi-.e 111 g.mx: WU) on the liltht )ide, l\oulh \ leap to )i\ 'puJC) wa' uggn:~m: by wiy )1.1.Uldard. C)pl.'Clal •• ANNOUNCIMINT•• 111°111l ror 200ll Postal POSlbons r eder a1 Hre. SL>S36•/tw ru1 Bcnfit:5H.i lr,.q IRI V-=abons. No C-i> t8:e> say I 'i'JT1 329 5268 ext 8200 .. ACCLPllNG CMlS 7 DAYS•• Postal posi lton~/leder •I h11e $14 801hr/PO lra1ning/ benelils 800 878 5485 Announcement •CA9?0 (CAL •SCAN) Rentals Wanted 7880 Private Tutoring 7990 Employment 8500 Pubhshtn11 PROMOTIONS DlPARTMfNT Community Ill'~\ Ill Orill'i" Cotmly ~~ F ul· Time pen.on to rnlt'fV- and W<rte \1or,...,. parlJc• pall' rn lCimrnunrty ev..nbo. create Jnd P.llt•lal~ pal(eS ~rid ""''"'n~ I" I 11•·111 rornmun11.<1l1on .J\11h wto<k weM w1lh ltM' pulilM. tlttllw Af' Style, Ouor kXf'1 t·"· Phul<>"llJll. Mulll Arf I r • alO< ProfM.il'fll '"' Miil and PC Cl I dP\1~11 l!•Pt!IWlll~ pnl~rrt·d Prouhe.tdrnti! lei.I Orn~ ~~~requscd EOC E•cellenl bt'neltl Pildill!lf' [m11• rf'C.Ufn•: Automobiles 9000 Wiii be Q <omponlon, d11ver p11vale vuelarr~I w0<k. uchanef' for room/ bath 909 791 193? VACATION RENTALS Desert Rentals 7915 VACAllOlt IOOALS SALES & IOOALS IPalm Spt1nisePalm Desert Contact Mteflaej Anter Jil).259-t ~noo. m 1E golfdtsertvaabons.com Vacation Rentals Exchange 7930 moo tf PIANO M:vy ~ P'1!.Call!. mm Now Acceplw\l Studen~ for f .. Emilmeol 9'$Ql2174 949.al3 Z246 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOU! (949)642-5678 Or .. er COVCNANl I Rl\NSPOR I fedm\ Tl!dms. Team~ We need learn\ tur the lun~ haul OwMr operatnrs. ope rienced drovers. solo\. te1ms and graduate sludenh Call I 888 MOR( PAY (I 888-667· 3729) (CAl •scAN) flORA DESIGNER 25 hrs a w'ek Mu\I be fully e•P<!rtented ClJM 949 644 1413 NUllSfS IMMIDIATflYI C>+iA\. ~s & ~ needed for l rve-m/lfourly Actl ... H.afth C•• o...,..c_.., (714) SS7-2273 r.fltmebl!M ........ S l2 hr Lt slor.a11e 1.,~1ltly Mon limn. Ir 1 • Off1te and hie ma1ntPn.1nle f 1.p a• lt'llrt /14 43/ 9?00 Wfrbng ~ Mid ~liwy requ11Prnen" to lana p:Jhn<..-•1@~..,,... lDm Re1tourant, l u;;;; Oayltmt & wkend \h1fl\ avail r all for appt d!>k lor Ada1T1 Newpocl Be<Kh TfJl1M ~ 949-644-0:W Al r T sate.. 1n UP'' alt baby I ch1tderns store 1n NB T ean1 player who 11~~' l•1 dt\111!11 & .... 11 !.di .. , y bunu~ • mf'dll411 949·496 4S41 ...._ VaW C.JllA.;;1 CrWT~ 11 LM forl"il r.i.i m 1or "'""'lllu p!nOl'IKT7-81f.Oo\.\J Autamotive 9004 .....,...._ ....... ,_ ... c,,,ncb, """'-'\ dA. RA..-"'" mended hesh walet ~oe 1 lrll cnnd J l'l c hnt>Y hom SIMI .ti $4', tU) NIWPORT AUTOSPO«T 949-574-S600 ...... .,..,......·02 Les' l.h.dn l,(X) rm bl~ 1>11- r eat l..t>~.., clv om•· whl<> (XCS761) $.';14 5(.() N£WPOflT IWlOSPO«T 949 S74-S600 BMW '97 3281 Conv meulhc dark blue. g.-y lthr \u11er b cond 1111 ., ,, e 1 ... "' u 4 •i'I'> v'*>l/421 61-1 ~ ~. II<»! www.e<poltl.tom IMW 3231 ·99 Convt f ull1 h1_,<11•d UPIC' •dt" ) (.,tf OWftt'f l uw "'' m1rit 111rut 9't9-~ 1().;t'ffl 'tA M~4 w. HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ~ ..... Cleaning Touch of Klass F.uroJllo:.Ul F.xpcn in House Cleaning 20 )'c.u'\ 1n Bu"ne" LKcn-.cd & Bonded ProfC:\\1onal lCalll~ 11$\lgm.·d 10 Yout Home (949) 548-0097 1-rc.-c l•\111no1c' lfr I nen<.:<'' Spnng C'k.i111n11 Spe1.111h QulckKINn Renew, don't rep6ece tllelgrout floors. oounteta. lhoweB . ~~-e.m www.qkttle.com ' Computer Services I# HOME & •USl#ESS •E,AJU UP&f a des Rep a"\ of Computer. Nrtwork\ E venmestWf'ekends Comptltltn Pf ices IO< quahly serv1c 949-836-117S 714-926-4229 Drywall Services WITlHO£n DRYWAll All phues sm/lr& tobs CUANI 20yrs fa11 trtt al l~ /14-6.»1447 Eledricat Services DUNC.AN IUCllK Local, Qutek Response ltome. Yard & Dock Elect ?O Yrs [ ~p lie/Insured l #275870 949 650 7042 SvfttMer ·Up Get your ya1d looktn& 11!.bestb tilt~ Y•d cleMl l4l'\. sprrile b.lle ups Md ~ weellend & eve qooltt Xtro Mend Service• 714-427 -4040 Concrete&Mascny lrl<k llock St-• Tiie Concrete. Patio Orrveway rwepk. BBQ Ref'\ ~Y1s lap Terry 714 557 7594 DUTCHMAN U ICTlllC Handymln/ Commerctal. lnduslrntl. Home Repair lbdinrli lx.-h; ~ Rates W1'HlIT 96~ The Cem•"t 1111... UCINSID CONTUClOlt Cementwo1k Br1ck lrle No JOb 100 sm /II-' & More Relrable No fOb RepeH. remodel, fans. loo sm•ll 714·615 906? ~.MW svc 94'.Mi45-36!i6 TIMI OllGM YOU.NOMI IMHO VIM INT f'IOJICT? C.11 • plvmbef. painter, h1ndymen or any of the arnt serYJC:tS hslN htte in our i«v!Ct drrec:lor yl THESE lOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAH HCl.P YOU lOOAYI QISTOM CIU1M 1U lmtllltlDn, s&lta. ceramic. ~$lone. .... tf75 L'6l2Q4.C Jiff 714-612-9961 LIMY.._. Repwed Re1roultn & ln$l1ll1t10n TILE. DEAN 949 673-8065 714 846 a>26 714-8113-2001 = a.-...-'"" ... I a-WOrtl. Y"d d11n4>, nm-.. -"'"'._... ComnV'R., n.....-.1518 RES TORF • REPAIR & REll100lll'<G CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 V11 Exp • Gf'lll ~ All Phases OI Construction ~ Rllnodll fJcplllS ll5n982 949-709-5642 { Handyman/ Home Repair GINEW. IEPAIR It MAINTENANCE • ~Jal • (t'!1l.'T'l1t"..l o Job Too S"raU Dave Bamllton 949-322·8292 FIX UP SPlCIAUSl. All lypf'' uf repau' (IN lrtC.iil. plumbtn&. tkkJI \ w;iter heiJlln. tte. & rrue 24/wfid.t~ 714 366 18111 .... ( ...... ,..,., CMpenhy • Plumb1111 0.yw~ll • Stucco l'aNlllflg I 1kl & more IO• Years l tpettl'netl JI 714-969 S776 l••••'f AbraM'• H-• Re,.lr s,...ralltt lnteunr & fa tenor Rep,ws 714 !>Cl Mb6 THf HANDYMAN All work auar1nteed ~ flec:tlcal. Door' f tmll c.rp IL -~ Hlullng JUN• TO THI DUMP111 714 968 188? AVAllABl E TOOAY• 949 673 5566 ............. Anlot """"''"' Special/zing In Additions & Oualitv R1modellng tlnc:t 1970 714--301-0783 .......... , ..... .. .-. ..... .......... .......... 2 dt. bladl, 5 sp, sun IMW'91740d(J ) Blk/lan, CHhmere/tan. ai een/tan, •lnL i;o"d $20,9!>0 949--f>.00.11641 IMW'toHSI hk• new Blk/tan, 4 dr, •ulo. ac, $unr I, full pwr. tint, Ca snioa. S3650 714 454·16gs IMW '91 ZS c-v. .. uto wh1te/t1n llhr CD. btaulrlul ltli.e new cond $17.495 v59724 fin & w.. ov;llll Biii -~ UHi www.ocpal.cem IMW '9 9 Z3 c-v. 2.3 V6, 3511 m1. 5spd, CD. 2 tone blk & Lan, ltht mt. beautrlul. hke new cond. $19,99!> v!>!>5721 ft nancina & warranty avail Bhr 949·586· l888 w-.oc ltl.c- C•dlllac '9D FIHtwood s1t~111/&rty, 4dr .unrool, llhr .auto 3811 m1, $4800 n~w hlf'S 949 /6()..0144 Codilla< '90 n .. twoo4 •llvertarey 4dc sunroof lthr •ulo. J8I. m1 $4800 new Irr r\ 949 760 0144 CHlVY SUIURIAN '02 wl1'tr 25K tlll. lo.oded, hJI w<111 Pvt i>MIY Mu~t \L .. .$.ll.Clll 949 ~ 146:l OwyJer •94 ...... vcwt. ... 3 !> V6 I uwrrer 431< .itludl m1 t.oohs. lf~Ord\ melalltt lur Quo1~e/1<1n lthr lully tnadtd lrke ""'" $499!> vltf.61?18 81.t ~~lllllll www.o<pGbl.<oM Corvette '89 Coupe aulo SOii • 1111 mtl•ll'l red t.rn 11111 suii!'rlJ l nnd 1hfllUi!hOUt S9 99'> Rkr 949 ~ 11181l www.ot b l.tom Dodge '98 ~ •llllu fw;yl, NI. IUw lull i>OWt't ltm Im c.t,;, '• lllll •lluy whf $6499 114 'f.ll lU79 Dodge '02 Viper 3k ml, rl'di blil ALR rnupe "al 111u,rlt hard tni:i Cl 0 I Uf\!> I U69 900 NlWPORT AllTOSl'O•T 949-S74-S600 fenwi "02 S7S Mormtolo Cid tnyMt' viy bnr. flortd' I. c VI b nu1 <''It r I'd Llf1 "'°'' Uwoi ;>I. ffll (17 /141! I $7J9 'OJ NfWPORT AUTOSP091'T 949-S74-S600 f..-rari '00 4S6M GTA i6\ flll '.1hif1 })()fditilUlt Kil t ully ..tU1h b rtfl~. 4 )!Po4ff'f 1 I l9bJ81 Sill !0.1 NfWPORl AUTOSl'O«T 949-S74-S600 , .......... 87~ 4 \r<llt:r blacll l.iln llhr "''Y wlod->. JUI mt Jl(.68.J'.l I S3'J <.m NEWPORT IWlOSl'OllT 949 S74-S600 '17 ferrorl Mondial 4 1r~I• 1 blk ldtl l~4fher 1llov wheels l()k m1 <068J<ll i SJCl.900 NlWPORT AUTOSPOllT 949-574 -5600 Ferrari'> flne•t Spider '03 360 c-v•rtlble l 3J m1 6spd red Ian r fl'd r a.lip,.,' mu'il ~,.,, I I lllll'l61 S?l/ '>1)1) NlWl'ORT AUTOSPORT 4149 574 5600 MovillG & Storage TV.r: s~:rH:PS Mr:'\ ~t) •. ST :,~AGE Open70ays LowRa1ee Stontge Specials Since 1981 949-645-4545 llST MOVllS SSS/Hr. Ser vmg All Clhn ln,ur ed T 16J84.4 800 246 2378 J23 630 997 I cell PUBLIC NOTICE The C•lll Public Ultl1lt~\ Comn11ssron rt'qu11e\ lh;ol 4111 used household 11oods mover~ p11nl then PU C Cat I number, limo~ and chauffeun print lhr11 f C P number 1n all advet 11\emenls II you hive any QUH lt(>n• about lhe le&~l1ty ol • mover . Irmo or chauffeur. <.•II· PUIUC UTIUTIES COMMISSION aoo 111 .... ., ~c.. Atfttl ll4ert., .. .._ ....... c...sw..,_..... 8altq. llllds, deanq. ~ Dt llAlb. etc aH rcl1, r.o11fiod 714-l21 ~ Painting P..U.SAUTO 0 I .,. M Owiffr-. 811 ... w/8tu.. only 14K ml, tp«lS fll\11> ( 19478C) $t4,tal OOMWU .. Sllvw w/blxk lllv, Stepttonlc: (193811) $21,980 "Eno~ Whrtaw/~-~ •. ._-woof (19443) $28.980. 01...:.-sr~ Su Cteen w/saddle lthr. 28K n1', nt00nrool (191J2) S29,980. ffMwc ... SUC no Blue w/black. if ey Sj)O(l\ pk.a (19416) $27,980. ,, •• w '2/llS Red w/black tttw. Sspd' ( 194/0) SIS 980 0 I f ondt. ,..,._ Tll)lruoc, only 1811 mrles. n4v~all0fl ( 19394) INQOIRE 9• t.xw GS 300 Cold w/\Oitddle leather, cht omt wheels (19418) $21 ,980 0 2 'ondte G T2 Bl.1ck w/bl<lck only 100 rn1le~ ( l'b9/C) INQUIR( o 1 MH••"•• asoo Srlver w/Rr ey nav1 - galt0n u11ly 1 '.>I\ mi ( 1954'lC) INQUIRE 00 '"'""-.0 .. ,., Silver w bl.tck, piem1um :wund (194161) $18 989 949. S14-777 7 l'ttl1'S AUTO ~(- Fe rrari '98 3 SS Spider R~ 1111 f I bluelblu 11111 vwr '•tdl\ It• edl ~und 1 l?6JS01 $111.900 NlWl'ORT AUTOSPORT 949.s74.s600 For d '6 5 Mo,.teng t nnvpr hhlf"' or 1p1nAI rtWMI 'tllld l di $19 99'> uhu '14'1 119 /<14 l ford '86 Mw t .... c_,,, I• vi ""'" f\ ( 1>h pw !)\, .. m '"' 'I whl CUVM" SUKI "IJ1• 114 'lb;> 144/ lGnd Rover '96 Rang• Rover Whtie fully lud•frd 411 m41nlen•n<e , ... s 16 900 949 887 072!1 MHde ·oo Mlota 5sp 141< mt ll94'nlf•n llhr tonnntau, •l•rm, PP llJ r;oo (9491675 87!>3 Moada 'O 1 Trflwte lS ~•lvtr i:rey llhr. ?lk m1. Vb ~wd & CO W•r"nty, IJll s 14,999 949 67'> 8753 ~lona'02CUOO ldk m1 btl\t blk loaded. "'"· sunruuf, tutt pwr <0?481 )) $89.~ NIWl'OU AUTOWORT 949-574-S600 Mercedu '0 3 '20( x -. mt p~rf~• I r nnd ~·•~n1i.-d w.lrrAnty Why buy new "'"t mnn~y '46 ~ ')49 644 7J42 MlU l.DlS 5•ost '86 Slue e,rt~n Mw lnll and uphOl\ler v Pvt Party $9850 94!1 f)/ J llff.. Painting ~'JJdi(!... ~Professional Painting LC M!M350 Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887·1480 c-.·. ,_...... 'llYrs..., Creaf f>frctl Cuaunteed ""°'" ft" est l•375802 714-538-I~ 7.39().2945 lll"S QISTOM ,..,.,... Ptofl clun, qualrty WOf1' lnleitOf/u l and dodts. l'703468949 631 4610 hly_.,,.....,.. 1011 Qu1llty, Coml"'tiiivt Inter ror /[a 1 L '648228 • Call Jar 949 650 5066 HINIOW C9IQ.I MMfT Palnll111.w/ext. ..._.,,_,. Qm1llty Job! F rH estlfnltt L•56!1897 714 631"8188 CAUGHT IN THE ACT ow. ............. . SOii ml, blatll/&l•Y llhr, m11rf, CO,-f•l!ulout cond throuehout S 5995 vin•457219 Bkt. 949-SH-1 .. I -·ecr-M·- Pw.dM 'tt Cerr- 4611 ml, blll/blll lllM, CO, chrome wllb , tillt new $42.000 Vt622057 It nanc1111 a wart evalt Bkr 949-516-1111 -• .cpeM.c- ..... ••v•r '96 4 .0 SE 2811 actual m1. boolls. 1ec0<ds, I ·own•r white/ Ian lthr CO. 1unnln1 boa1ds/b1ush 1eu1ds, hke new cond, v272848 $18,995 frn & wairanly avail Bk1. 949-586 1888 ___ ,,_..,,,_ .......... .. ttu .. , 11n c,- country RV, 2 ac units, 429 Chev1 VS, 251( Ofl.ill ml, Sll,500 BEST OfFtR 714·840·7919 llNT 2000 30ft., & 2003 22ft., lmmac:, , .. .,,, 6 & 8 optional lt11t, pinic tbL, bbq Toy L1-.iler & tent t11ilet 949-295·0356 01 949-500-1266 BOATS Power BOiis 9515 OUffY IUCTlllC 'H Cl ASSIC 18FT lully resli>ted, lint offer RKtr. 949-348 9424 SlfllOlb 9520 CAl 20 SMIOAT,., Ml $1495 pp 949.541.3024 ,.., ...... lacoma 4•4 BOATREPAIRS/ New olf 1d tires, 3 I/?" srDUll'~ 1111 li.11. pl w/alarrn mmt. t::n•~ cond $7900 949 675 5744 VOLVO 2400l '92 White. sl;1tlonwaaon, good for beach car SJ8l()O 76() 907 8038 Wanted 9045 ,......, Oper-.d Dedet- 0-40 ye;ln tApl wl f>itY a -Y lw pcce tor your c.ar. van or lludl paetJ fur or nol C... 00 Rey ~ tomato Auto ~ /14. 43/ 19Jl,nr /14-J;/8.J2/B BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Wanled 4~ft Moor1n11 around Balbo<1 Island lop S 760 723 9444 Cell 114-412-7068 SUPS AVAIUlll fr-SS-9Sft In Ne.,..,, leoc:h, leose 9'9-SOO-IOOS PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classif 1ed section to f tnd services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Comrm mtty M arketplace s ............ r T .. ,, ••• , ....... 949-64 S-2t l2 De H--lU05625 SlWll AleDUll<UmlG (949) 64S-2JS2 ' PltOSI PW•-Repalfs 6 RMIOdt•IC FR£E ESTIMATE l'687391 714-96g.. t090 ,.__. ,...., Credlrltliillld Enehsh tucher. pro· h uionef writer I sp•cttllze in procruli nat1n1 teens Summer rHdln1 Coach Eap'd compo11llon T .. t htt lndMd11aVGroup reles. reftttncu •nllabl• Sue Clarll 949·275-49<1.I THISTWPDI Sp.c:ltllzfn1 111 Wallpapt Removal L#588241949-360·1211 .... WUf Wl•OWllftlet S.lbfectlcMI c-tnlMd * M9-63I·1!e2 •