HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-18 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing th e Newport-Mesa community s in ce 1907 MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2003 IN BUSINESS French eateries moving into Newport-Mesa David Wilhelm is re placing Chimayo a t Newp orc Cente r with the bistro Rouge. The pric ie r Chat Noir wi ll court the theate r c rowd s a t the Center. No1r. <t 'tylized French rc,taurdnt m·ar the l'nformmg An' <.enter 111 < O'>ta Mt:sa that, with ils !>mooth )JI./ 'olHllHh, should he popular with the theatergoing nuwd. \\.ilhclrn '<l)''> .• 1 ri:-.,ult ol tht• ..i111 l''"' of lw, I rl'nd1 i'i, 11,tt'd 111 thl' ~tJll I I ...ig,11 \urvt:y ,,., .i "lively I .<1gl11i.1 ho1 'J>OI with "l<tnt·y I rench fart'." INSIDE For more businei.i. news, see Page A2 Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Co\ta Mc'><I, Newport Beach, meet David Wilhelm. Wilhelm. the noted Laguna Reach rei,tauraleur, is readying lwo Ill'\'\ eatt'r te'> for re!>idems farther nonh who have had to head southward to purtakt• of h1~ food. No lon~er. In Ottuher, Wilhelm will ope11 <l1at ~1>. molllh'> later, 111 l\pnl. W1lhd111 plam IO open tJ1 e t.loor'> ol Ro11g1· .s I rt'nd1 lw.tro geared 10 .1 1 l1t·11tek iii.it enjoy' fine dining but j, 11ut "' fn·1· '>pend mg. Hoth 11ew I rcnch c.1H•nt'' art.• 111 p.111 \'\rule 01at Noir I'> l"<p1·111·d to tw more t11 11111· with hcnd1 7 , l{qugt' 1' be111g p1tt lwd a_, a rnort' .1lllJt<J.ihl1· ,I] ll'ffJatlVl' It\ a11 t'Vl'ryday ver,11m ot th.tt .· \\'11 hd111 .... 11d "It\ the I n·111 ti \l'r,1<111 111 < 11t1·r' It'... bu,tling II' 11111 .1hou 1 \ \ I I \ lll''Y food Jlld fll..,'>}' '><IUCC'> Houge whu h ~ 11J rerlat l' ( lHmJyo <.nil at '\ewpon c .t·nter for f-rt'n1 h cu1· 'me in Ne~ run Beach, dJnt'r' l an hl'ad to Halhoa 1'1•n111'>ula\ Au~rwne. wlm h See FRENCH, Page A4 FOOD FESTIVAL Newport warm s up Tas te buds ·1 he I 5 th an nu al Ta t e o f Newport i" ~et for Sept. 19 to 2 1. The Reach Bo y~ are one of the mu-,ical act<;, June Casagrande Doily Pilot '\I \\ 1'111< I Bl \I 11 It' ht t•11 I) \l'J.r'> 'llll l' H1L11.trd I u1·hr' .i.nd Hi.II lla1111lton ltr ... t u11Jl.t·d up 1tw IUl'd lt1r till' r.1-.u· ul '\1•\,rort l'i Vl'Jr' of ward1ing th" 01·dg 1111~ 1deJ grnw 11110 c1 ... turrning '-UtU:''" >\nd for I uehr\, now " a-. good a t11ne <1" anv 111 'lop and reOe1 t Pl-1 'JS Bv K(Nl TRl I l 1•, Robert Bell, second from left, and Ben Barzach , right, toss coach David Adams rnto Newport Bay to the dehght of teammate Sam Newton . rear. as they celebrate the victory of the Cruising Yacht Club of Au straha in the Governor's Cup on Sunday. I \l'r\ }t'.tr •llH lotu' " ~1 't'I •m tlw 1mmed1<Ht' 1<,<,11t'' of the fc1.,te <>f '\t'\" pon t Im \£',tr I re a.JI) wanted to '' ep bat k ..tnll t.1~1· a 1011~ at wtl\ u\ 'o '>Ullt'..,..,lul," ... aid I 1ll'hr,, pre\IUl'lll Ill the l'~' rort H1•a1 h < l1.1mtwr of< omnwrte ~'h1th \'111 put Jn tht' \e,ir., Jc1,tt' 111 '\e\\port lrom ~:pt IY to.! I In re.,t·archmg h1' article for the lham bt•r new-.letter. 111 which he rt'\ lt'W' tht' h11,tor) of tlle now famou'> e\ent, .1 l ourlt• ot thing' Jllmpt•d out dt him ~ere' s the cup, mate It' perfect for 1.ilmg ad\anldKt' ol the t ornmunm ' 'trt·n.,'th' llwn·., d high numher ol fine thnm~ oppurtuntltl'.., here And we have .i tc·mfit venue." I udu ... ,,mJ of tht• J.a..,h1011 f,l<1nd locat1C111 .. llw ''fl't'h a.re Mdt· there are palm tree'> gen tit.• bree1e~ -all 1hc11goe--.11110 makmg 11 .s tern fie \ rnut• Cruising Yacht Club of Australia wins the Governor's Cup. Teams Like the new boats, not the light winds. Coral Wiison Daily Pilot C ompetitors in the 37th annual Governors Cup Junior Match Racing Olampionship exchanged sinister grins and knowing glances as they awaited the winning sailboat's grand arrival. The team from the Cruising Yacht Oub of Australia was greeted with sirens, horns and loud cheers. And just after setting Three of ttle new Governor's Cup 21 s make ttle1r way around ttle course off Balboa Peninsula during the competition. foot on the docks of the Balboa Yacht Oub. they l"l.'Ceived their final welcome by their fellow sailors -a congratulatory dunk in the harbor. Seve Jarvin and Roben Rell were tack.led and thrown in the water first. Just behind them. Sam THINKING ALLOW~D SAILING RESULTS: Cru1s1ng Yacht Club of Australia U.S Merchant Manne Academy Annapolis Yacht Club Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron Royal New Zealand Ydchl Squadron Newport Harbor Yacht Club Balboa Yacht Club Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club San Francisco Yacht Club King Harbor Yacht Club San Diego Yacht Club Newton initially ei.caped to the edge of rhe boat but gave up with a backward dive. Relaliauon sent otlwr crew member> and even coach DaVld Adams into tJ1e water. Rut all quickly bohbed hack ro the surface with big See CUP. Pa1e M "I tw third 1 omponent hrre 1' a gredt votuntet•r ba ... e." he -.aid "Thl') cnmt oul of the \q1odwnrl to hl'lp u-. do tht'-thing .ind thev're t'nthu.,1a. .. 11r they re CU'>· tomer '>t'n1ce oriented. the\ prm1de a ter nli1 rJrpom1n1t\ for u<i 10 coordinate and 1 h.tnnt'l their t•nergif"> into cl <,ucce'>Sful t'\'l'lll I 111., vt>ar\ Ta\tl' of Newpon 'hould be ,111rrther great one, I uehrs Sd.ld Mon· than JO !oral re<;tauranh will offer ..ampl~ of tlwtr he'>t menu nem'>: 15 winene., will of· lt•r their best: roclta1b and a -.elecuon of lwrr-. wtlt abo now freely. I Im w an live entertainment lineup pmm1c,e~ to outdo yean. pas t (}larHop· per' ~gar Ray wtll headline o n ~turday llw Beach Boys will headline on Sunday. l'hl· Neil Diamond tribute band Super Dwnond will take the main c;tage Fnday. And rhdlllbcr officials say that thetr yet to be finaliu<l Saturday act will be a <;how-stopper. "It's gotng to be a ~at event. as aJ. ways.· Luehrs c;aid My elbow's ready for its close-up, Mr. McG Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com S ee that? Right there? That's my left elbow. The one resting on the table in the badcground of the diner scene lo the racy new television drama "The QC• said so. OK. OK. IO my Jo.int bas not made ita big break lo the buslne11, but h could becau.e, get this: c..meru from the Fox netwoft drama -you know. the one IWMd after our fine county-.,,. .ctua0y 80iDI co \'enture behind tbe onnp CUltll1n to pc eome local 8aYOr. According to a memo from Danner to City Manager Homer Bludau dated Aug. 8. representa~ from "The QC" have pulled permits to ft1m a variety of Newport Beach landmarb this week. such as the Balboa Fun Zone. Pelican Cove. Jact'a Sudboarda, Ruby's on the pier. Stedinc BMw. the Crab Cooker and Pahlon la&and. LOLITA HMPER (Don\ Newpon ee.ch foJb ahop at South eo.t Plua. too'l Cmon. lhrow lbe ~.bone.) No,, l9lll}t DelN o.nner. Newport Bledl'a ~ lerW:el clrector9 For IOIDe ~...an. "1be o.c.. big wigs have gotten the waclcy Idea that a show set in Newport Beach should actually have some shots of the city for good measure. ·Premier ICelles depicting Newport beach and lavtah cribl were actually in Palol Yerdes and Hennoaa Beach locadons. both located within 'the zone,' a 30·mile radius from a comer In Hollywood, ~which production companies are olllilll&ed to P'uridt for crew• IC they were~ to tbe othtt aide o( tbe globe." OMner wn>te ln blsmemo. Noe Verdes? Beetteee.eewww. I wonder What~ to~ m.-..; D6d IOlneone wlee up and ' reali7.e the coasthne in Newport Beach looks nothing like the sea clltJ backdrop ln mudslide central? Was the show getting di~ because It ~n't •keeptn' 11~· Director McG. who wu known to his Corona del Mar High School teacben u ~ McGinty. should know you can't raR the fwlk.. I mean. If the show Is 80"'8 to portray 0.C leen.,s u ~ vtoleot. ··nwliKal ~ h could .. leut p the local busineaa IOIDI propt. ~d); they tried to film b«e before ttie pi&ol ~ but d ty fOm ... AL&.a.D ...... M WEATHER Nod*ig but IUft.,..... .., wiltMlp~ tMd\ 97 ""-'d. ... ,...». SPORTS Fonnlfl'>CC-.... EddleJoh-ln teed ID ~--...... .. ...... A2 Monday, August 18, 2003 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT No dog days -for them Newport Beach company's clients tend to drool when they see what's in store. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot R over is more than welcome to slobber. shed and drool all over these chic chenille couches from Newport Beach·based Dogmopolitan. Lex Gable and Brian Elparin, owners of the upscale furniture company for dogs. ~aid their business was inspired by their bulldog, who "kind of has a slobberin g problem." Guests would visit Lheir Corona d el Mar home. sit on their couch and get a ch eek's worth of what Elparin caJb "splooge" on their pants. "We thought he deserved his own furniture," Gable said. "He can slobbe r all over hb own sofa all he wants." Elpann added. And so Dogmopolitan w::is born. It's luxurious creations. made of velvet, jacquards, brocades and more, cost between $350 and $2,000. Hc ... t described as "mini-couche:.." Lhe furniture can be cu~tom made to match a home'c; interior, a ffording pets a pt'rching point in the hub of MKial activity. This way. people won't a lways have to shoo their dogs away when they have company over. Gable said, or constantly reprimand them for getting on Lhe furnHure. There are more than 80 fabrics for pet owners to choose from. making it hard for these canine couchec; lo d ash with the dec,ign scheme. they said. Each chair and sofa arc made donwstically from a ~turdy hardwood frame and then upholste rccJ with tht' material o f cho ice. Ura\.\'ing on the l.lpann fa1111ly furniture !Jusines.., and Gable's artistic abilities, the duo combined forces to launch Dogmopolilan. Gable has the visions -a nd personally inspects each piece -and Elparin keeps an eye on the bottom line. "I am so picky." Gable said. "They know they better make it just perfect before they show ii to m e because I'll make them do it again. Not that the dogs are going to care. but we seU to people who love to buy beautiful Lhjngs." Dogma, a retail store in Newport Coast, carries the l)ogmopolitan line. Pieces can also be o rdered at (888) 66-DOG MO or at "''''w.dogmopolitan.com. BUSINESS CALENDAR JlOOM FOR EVERYONE • Send BUSINESS CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; bye-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contaC1 phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. THURSDAY The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Retail Merchants Sales Seminar sponsored by the Bayside branch of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. The cost to attend is $15, which includes a continental breakfast. For reservations, call (949) 7294400. AUG.28 The Newport Beach Chambef: of Commerce will host its Newport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p .m. at the Rusty Pelican, 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. Reservations aren't required. For more information, call (949) 7294400. ONGOING The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. The Costa Mesa Communicators Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive. Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastmasters aub 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Plan College. 3901 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. STEVE McCRANK I OAILY PILOT A kayaker makes his way past anchored boats tn the Newport Bay, off of Bayside Drive Beach, as the late afternoon sun ignites the water. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach. Kent Treptow READERS HOTllNE (9491 642..(;()86 Copyright· No news stories. illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 230 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOOERO Editor JUDV 0£T11NG Ad\19f'titing Olrec1or ~NA JOHNSON Promotions Oirec1or NewtEdfton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt, Paul Saitowitz. Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAFf l>MpaBhemh Crime and courts reporter. (949) 574-4226 dee~.bhsrath§latime.s.com Ne~==rter, (949) 574-4232 /uno.ca111grandefllatlm11s.com P9UI Clnton Polltlc:s, bu1lnest end environment "'P()rter, (949) 764--4330 pau/.clintontJlatimei,com Loekl...,._ Columnist. cuhure reporter, (9491 1574-4276 lollta.harp#l(Olati,,,..com .,..,.... Newmen Costa Mae repc>rttr, (M) 574--4221 dfl/rdre.fte'Wl'Nn•~com ~WlllcMt N.w. MMteot. IM) 574-4298 etn1.Wlt.on•1«1,.,.,.com Record your comments about the Deily Pilot or news ti ps Address Our address is 330 W Bay St .. Costa M esa. CA 92627 Office hours are M onday · Friday, 8:30 a.m • 5 p.m. Comictlon:s It is the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of substance Please call (9491 764-4324. FYI ThoNewport8e8dl/CostaMne Daily Piiot (USPS· 144-8001 is publithed daily. In Newpof'\ Beach and Cotta Mesa, 1ubsc'1P1iona are available only by subscribing to Th( Times Orange County (800) 252-91"1. In •rea• outside of NeWJ)Oft 8"ctt Ind Costa Meta, 1ubscril)tt<>M to the Delly Pilot are ev•llable only by firt1 clan mail for S30 per month. (Prices Include •II applicable state and local taxes.) POSTMASTER: &ind tddreta dlangn to The Newport 8oecMiotta M ... Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, COlul MttM, CA 92626. HOW TO REACH US Clrcul•tJ°" The Time1.0range County (800) 252-9141 Advertising C .. lllified (949) 642-5678 D~ (9491642-4321 Edltott.11 News (949) 642·'5680 Spom (9491 574-4223 Newt Fex ('949) 6'&-4170 8pofta ... (949) 650-0170 E·metl: dallypilor•tatfmn.com Meirl<>Mce ..... Olloe (M9) &C2-4321 ...... ,.. (~91 631·7126 Publl1hed by Time• Community Newt. e dlv'ltlon of t~ Loa Angel .. Tlm61. C2003 Times CN. All righl9 ~. Daily Piiot WALL STREET WEST Wall Street trudges through blackout PESTICIDE MAKER STILL GAINING W ithlhe Eas tern seaboard still reeling from Thursday's blackout, Wa!J Street trudged through Friday trading with the major averages struggling to free their wagons from the mud. During what has American Vanguard Corp., a Newport Beach manufacturer of pest control cht!micals, said it reached another high-water mark in its second quarter. PAUL CLINTON The company booked a 31 % increase in net income, $2.37 miUion from $1 .82 million. It was the 17th consecutive quarter of growth, the company said . been deemed the largest outage ever in North America, power had still not been restored in some se<:tions of several cities as of the market's closing bell, at 1 p.m. West Coast time. The three major indexes closed out Lhe week with penciJ-Lhin gains on Lhe ledger. The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average rose 0.12% to close at 9,321.69. The technology-laden Nasdaq gained 0.10% to 1.702. And the Standard & Poor's 500 Index hit 990.68 for a 0.02% gain. AMAZING QUARTER FOR WILUAMLYON Newport Beach's top public homebuilder. William Lyon Homes Inc.. logged a wildly profitable second quarter, the company said Tuesday. William Lyon said it earned $13.79 million. or $1.38 per share. for the quarter as compared to $7.03 milliun, or 66 cents per share, during the same quarter Lhe year before. The company included a $6.2-million windfall from the sale of land in its results. William Lyon, whose shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange, expects to open about I 5 corvmunilies during Lhe remainde r of 2003 and close out 13 communities. TI1at would result in a net of about 48 new ho mes sold for the company. As of June 30. the company and its joint ventures owned or controlled about 14,500 lots. The company. one of the oldest and largest homebuilders in Lhe southwestern U.S., h as built communities in Californfa, Arizona and Nevada. "We are proud of the results." said William L¥on. chairman and chief executive. "The nwnber of new orders during the quarter ~ a record for any quarter in the oompany's ~" Shares ofWLS closed Priday at $36.03, a three-cent increase. Only 6,400 shares changed hands. "We saw continued strength Lhroughout our product portfolio during the quarter, with especia!Jy strong sales from our corn soil insect.icides," said Eric Wintemute, president and chief executive. American Vanguard also cited brisk sales of its mosquito·control line, home pest products and vegetable pesticide Dacthal. Products purchased from Pace lntemadonal earlier in the year also drove sales, Wintemute said. The company also said it received approval from Lhe Environmental Protection Agency to market Lhe technical form of bifenthrin, an insecticide. Marketing of the product will begin in June, Wintemute said. The company estimates Lhe worldwide market for Lhe product is in Lhe $150 million range. Shares of AVD d osed essentia!Jy Oat on Friday at $22.20. Traders exchanged a scant 1,800 shares. TICKETS.COM TO GO ON WJTHTHEA'S Online retailer Tickets.com , based in Costa Mesa, has extended its partnership wilh baseball's Oakland Athletics through the 2009 season, the company announced Aug. 7. The team opted to renew the contr<ft't one year before its expiratio n. said Carl Thomas. the company's marketing vice presiden t. The team has added a feature that would install a coding on the tickets, so they could be easily scanned at the s tadium. Additionally. fans would have the prerogative to print their tickets at home. Shares of the company's stock closed Friday at 55 cents. for no change. Only 800 shares changed hands. The stock was delisted from the Nasdaq Stock Market and t\as yet to b e reinstated. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST • It'll be sunny today. Not partly sunny, not mostly sunny -sunny. Period. Oh, and hot. Highs will go from 82 at the beaches to 97 Inland. At night. It'll be mos1ty clear. The low douds and fog WOf'l't roll In until midnight. Lowa will be between 63 end 69 degrees. lnfonNtlon: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST It'll be mild on the lnntf waters, with verlllble~et 10 knot.a or IMa end 2..foot weves on • WMt IWlll of 2 to .. feet end• 2~foot IOUlhwtll swell. At night. wnt wind9 will pick up to 15 knoll, end the touthwMt swell will dll_..r. There'll be. amatl craft edvieory on the outer w.ten today. Nonhwtlt wtMil et 10 to 20 mots will gtw w.v to W99t wtndl .. 20 to 30 mots"' the eftemoon. The W9WI wlll \I be 3 to 5 feet on a northwest swell of 6 to 8 feet. It'll get a little calmer at night. The northwest winds will be at 15 to 25 knots, and the waves will be a foot smaller, on average. SURF The nonhwest and southwest swells will bedt off a tad today, but it won't be noticeable until the afternoon. Th.-swells will still offer weitt-to ct.t-hlghs, plus a few better wsves. v....-v; www.•urtrldtK.olfJ TIDES T1tM 1:421.m . 7:25e.rn. ,2:17 p.m. 9:36p.m .. ~ 3.48t.thfgh U8f9ellow 4.68f9el high 1.98fMtlow WATER TEMPERATURE ._,_ Dally Pilot ON THE AGENDA Here are some of the Item!> the council will consider tonight. TARGET GREATLANDS LIQUOR LICENSE Target Corp. hcc. petitioned the city to be aJJowed to i.ell beer and wine at its l'arget GreatJands :;tore at 3030 I !arbor Blvd. at the Costa Mesa Square shopping center. 'Ille akoholic beverages would be sold for off-site consumption. Ille council wouJdneed to transfer a licem.e grnntcd to farget by the 1>late\ Akohol Beverage Lontrol, so the retailer could M!ll beer and wine. If the touncil grant~ Target the liceni.e trnnsfor, it woukl result in an ··undue concentrnllon" of alcohol hccn,ees in the immediate area. 1 lenry\ Marketplace, which is in the -.ame center, aJ.,o hold!> d license 10 seJJ beer and w111e. I our other hw,ine .. .,e, tn'>ide thP ten.,11-; tract map al'>o hold .. 1m1lar licen'>e'> target offi c1ah '><IY beer and wine ...Uec; would only atrnunt for bl·tween 3% and 5% of total 'tore '.tie'> WHAT TO EXPECT Ln a report, city planners have advised the council to approve Turget's request without causing any "adverse Impact on the surrounding community.· 'Ille Police Department has 11lso signed off on the ret1uest. RESIDENTIAL REDESIGN GUIDELINES The council is expected to w nside r a revamp of an ordinance that govcrni. residential devclorment 'itandard!> and the procedureS o f how they are reviewed . If app roved, there would be I 0 changes 10 the ordinance that would e'>tabJi.,h new standardc; for one-and two-story development and alter rarlong requirement~. The new restrictions, Mayor C .ary Monahan ~d. could tak~ away tl.., much as 40% of the allowahh.: building 'pace by limiting t.he nour J.rea r.1110 to 0 f)C) WHAT TO EXPECT The council ha' dchawd lh.in~e-; to 1hi'> o rdinance on a nurnhcr of ot«a..,10n'> and loolc.... ready to approVl' the th.tngl'" rhe Planning C.ommi...,ion ha' held three heanng' on lhl' d1d11gt'" '1nu• March. "We haVl' to lappruvl' tht• 1tl0ml, .. f\1onahan .,aid." 11m ,, ,1 In~ potrt of 1h1· FYI •WHAT: City Council meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5221 reason I decided to run again." RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION AROUND FAIRVIEW PARK 1he City Council is 'icht:dult'd to discuss allowing property owm•r., adjacent 10 Fairview Park to l'X'll'ml 1lw1r properry lines. The city i:ouJd sell, lca.'e or auth11111e lhe use of the porliop of hurvit'w Park north of the Fairview ..,1om1 t hanrH'I, west of Placentia Av<:nul' dlld '0111h ol Swan Drive. WHAT TO EXPECT If the council decide' 10 JUthont1· tlw homeowner-." use of th1'> la11d. <I n11111lwr of steps would need to be taken hl'fort· they could extend their prnpl'rl) hne' h~ building concrete wall' or p.1110, l:ncroachments of o lt'l'I or "''' would require a permit F.ncro.1chnwni... of h to ]9 feel would require u h·a ... l' th.it 1 ould gt·nernte funds for the flJr~ llw 111v could order any improv1·nw11i... remoH·d by 1~.,uing a :m day notrll' ---------- FUN STUFF COSTA MESA TRAINS ON THE TRACKS On the third weekend of each month, engineers chmb aboard their trams and travel on three miles of trade at Fa1rv1ew Park to display their steam and diesel engines The public is welcome to 1om them at the park at Placentia Avenue and Estancia North The Orange County Model Engineer program started 1n 1989 when engineers wanted to display their engines and educate and entertain the community about the past. (949) 548-7246. MOBILE SKATE PARK The Recreation Division's Mobile Skate Park travels to various parks throughout the city three days a week to provide skateboarders and in-hne skaters a state-of-the-art skate park. The mobile pane consists of two quarter-pipes, three wedges, two spines, a fun box and a rail. Participants are required to have a signed waiver and release form to use the part. Appropriate safety equipment, including a helmet, elbow and kneepads, are required at all times. Visit the city's Web site at www.ci.costs-mesa cs us to get a form. Call (714) 327·7560 for a schedule of days, times and locations of the skate pane. NEWPORT BEACH BALBOA FUN ZONE Children can ride the Ferris wheel, the meny-go-round and the bumper cars, as well as play video games. pose for a portrait and browse through souvenir shops along the boardwalk at the Balboa Fun Zone, which has been anracting businesses since 1936. The fun zone offers many eating choices, including Balboa Ba rs chocolate-covered ice cream bars sprinkled with toppings The Fun Zone 1s open daily from 10 a m to 10 p.m. 400 E. Bay St., Balboa Peninsula. (949) 673-0408 www BafboaNewportBeach com UPPER NEWPORT BAY ECOLOGICAL PRESERVE AND NATURE PRESERVE Canoe and kayak tours are available to expenence six diverse habitats for more than 200 bird species that ellher ltve there or v1s1t during the birds' Pacific flyway migration Campfire programs are also offered. as are free two-hour walking nature tours departing from Shellmaker Island every first and third Saturday at 9 a.m. Call the Department of Fish and Game at (94.9) ~6746, or the Friends of the Newport Bay at (949) 646-8009. UPPER NEWPORT BAY PmR ANO MARY MllTH INTERPRETIVE CENTER Adults and children can explore 1S hands-on interactive exh1b1ts and communicate with the Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends through interpretive educational opportunities or watch a #visual paem# of Upper Newport Bay presented on five monitors, showing such acts as birds in flight and the flow of running water in an estuary. The 10,000-square-foot interpretive center offers hands-on oppartunities to experience the inner wo rtcings of an estuary. 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. The center is open daily, except Mondays and major holidays, from 10 a.m to 4 p.m Skosh Monahan's St:eakboase & IRisb Pab 8 Different Steaks Plu1 Ow famous 16 ox. Porll Chop Rock few onty $15.95 En trees Seared Ah1 Steak• • Allonhc Salmon foleb • New Zeolond Seo Bou Fish 'n Ch1p$ • Moh1·M.oh1 Sandwich Appetizers Colomori • Crobc:okes •Grilled 0< Beer·Satte<ed Shrimp P.ppe<-Seored Ahi Soup/Salad Fmh Clom Chowder • lobsler Bi~ & Cioppino Plu• Collect Shrimp Blockeoed Ahi •Smoked Salmon Solocb (714) 973 6820. SHERMAN LIBRARY & GARDENS More than 2.000 plant species, from desert cactus to tropical flowers. can be found m the gardens at this educational and cultural resource center dedicated to the study of the Pacific Southwest The conservatory on 1914 "1!'t ~~~ f rhmdly Servkel the two-acre parcel has tmp1cal plants and a ko1 pond, and the Discovery Garden. specific.ally designed for those wtlh impaired vision, ap~als to the sense of touch and 1s accessible to wheelchairs Docem tours are available The gardens are open daily, and the library 1s open on weekdays 2647 E Coast Highway Corona del Mar 19491673 2261 949-673-6083 ~ \,~· Q~\;,. ~\),.J"' !':ome To vou Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood •Cocktails ""Qualiry S<rvi~· .. ""Nigbdy Entertainment ... inr R1<r1 , •• ,;,,.,~ C11// (949) 646-7944 1(,95 lninC' ""'" ('.,.,., r.1 ..... ,.....,., " .... "~ ~...,.. "-" r,..' '°. •~ """"• • •~"' SUMMER f LOO RING SALE 100% Nylon 48 oa. Cut Berber 100~ c-t11u1eu PUa...t Nylon Plush Berber Loop and Pattem l.a•lnate Flooftal 100,_ Wool ......................... $13.99 ...,,,.. Deeo-,n,lllc ....................... $12.99 ... ,.. C.mmerclal Car,et ............... $3.95 ... ,,.. PaN.aet W*··•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 79C ..._ ft. Vllrwl •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ste ... ft. Cm..Jc nJe ............................. 99C .... n.. c...,et Rtana.ab •••• rr.. $2.00 ..,,,.. • ., Materials On/ • While S lies Last Wholeule pricing end 3 .,..,.,000 mile nationwide factory w.-nnty on all gas· powenKf engines and t11anamtaak>n8l c ............. . ............. Mooc:ldy, August 18 200 j A3 • ~ciaiwnx m Nnupon Mesa Rmdmtlil ERIC A. Sous, CFP • J 7 Ytoan Expermiu • !:>tocks & Bonds • Mu1UJJ/ / u11d.J • Allnuitin • Esum & Rrtimnnu J>/mmmg • lnwstmmt &mkmg • SmaU Middk Maritn Compamo • llUT Re~idential Markel Analni\ on rnur Homt' . . · HlFE S1ock Market Rc~c:ard1 llc:pon 9i•9-723-l I 6i -i..-11o ... --... -·S...• ... Ollo ... _ ... ____ lo< -llAJO lwt 'i RO LEX / ~--' yster Perpetual Submarine r Oote .. ,,. .... .. ... BLACKMAN LTD.· cl3 · JEWELERS < ~ 0 0 "' Q. If \'OIJ ·~ 'f'~Y to LIV !tw ..... 1 ~t· ~ 1r •C>ll .1<""1 l/a1111~r· U""'"''•IY car ~ p ... .. 't ._ N,._ I "" VAMOUAID ·········~ • • Contioued from A Liaison Joe Oeary dt\suaded them . For some s trange reason,· Oeary thought h would no1 be a good idea to unleash Hollywood fiJm crews c:turing the Fourth of July weekend. This is a teen drama. right? Not "Cops.· But they are both Fox shows, so It could have b~n a win-win for the network. But it was a 110 go. \ Now they are back. hopi~ to add some credibility to the story or a dirty-blond tlwg frbm the ghetto~ o f Chino who gel~ . \ adopted by a bJeeding heart ublic defender and comes lo ewport ac , on y to tn love with the anorexic. alcoholic girl next door and become the arch enemy of her boyfriend, who can't go five minu1es without picking a figh1 with someone. Sbool, I.brow in a shot of Ruby's on the pier -and my elbow -and you've practically got yourself a documentary. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at Jolila.harper <.@latimes.com No matter what you're doing, your hometown newspaper ~Daily Pilot GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY llladel Yes-Eld Sale ALDEN'S I ·l~!l:9 ii =I DRAPE,RY CLEAl\lll\l6 MID MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers • Silhouette window shadings • Vignette window shadings • Duette honeycomb shades • Millenia nc Collection • Jubilancent roman shades • Applause honeycomb shad~ • Serenette ™ Softfold™ shadings World's Best ON·SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Place ntia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 7 14-968-8180 fl11/lrl11111 ·\ H<'/llll<1t11111 l11r fJ11.rltr1t ""'' .,,.,.,, 1• °'""i' 111'1/ BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Lifeguards rescue stranded fishennen lWo men were rescued by Newport Beach lifeguards af· ter they became trapped by the Incoming tide on the rock point west of Corona del Mar State Beach at 10:52 a.m. on Saturday. •A good size surf was break· ing. • Uf'eguard Lt. Brian O'Rourke said. "It was very dangerous conditions and th ey cottldn'1 get off the rocks." Lifeguards Randy Lempert aod Mlke Ure performed the rescue from the boat Sea Wa1ch. LemP.ert jumped in lhe waler. p uJJed the men from the rocks and swam them to the boat one at a lime, while Ure drove the boat, O'Rourke said. FRENCH Continued from Al has a fixed price menu that usu - a!Jy won't let them off for less than $80 per head. Other notable Gallic eateries are Accents. Ba- :.ilic. Golden lTuflle, Pascal and Pc:.cadou. In Costa Mesa. Cllat Noir joins Cafe Pru.cal, Golden Trufilc and Troque1. Richard Luehrs, president of the Newpon Beach Olamber of Commerce. expects Rouge to be CUP Continued from Al smiles on their facei.. It was the end of a four-day sailing adventure. "I was so proud of you guys," said Elizabeth Barnes, race committee member. "That last race was just fantastic.· Barne' had hosted the three 17-ycar-old boys from Sydney. Australia. in her home during their eight-day stay. She even gave them a lucky plastic lobster which the boys kissed before the big races and later attributed to their '>UCCI.''-"· "11lt'y played it cool. they played by 1he mies. and they pu!>hed 1110 1he nex1 level," Barne'> '><lid . Unafraid of wet, <,lippery hugs. The men had been fishing from the rocks when the s urf came in, he said. The surf was a good size, at about 3 10 5 feet, he said. "There definitely was a po· tentiaJ they could have drowned or been severely In · ju.red," be said. The jagged rocks and ma- rioe growth can cause deep wounds and cuts, O'Rourke said. "Man y people real17.e they are in a' bad situation too late.ff he said. ~The surf· pounds them againsl the rocks. It's a very bad sl1ua1lon lo be in." · Mesa Verde home without power Power was out in a residen · tiaJ portio n of Mesa Verde on Sunday. police and fire offi· cials said. "ll seems to onJy affect the welcomed eagerly. "David Wilhelm over lhe years has brought us many fi ne dining opponunilies," Luehrs said. "I le's one or the icons in the industry ... While lhe average bill at French 75 rings up at just under $70 per person. Wilhelm sayi. eating at Rouge will cost le"'· Lunch should average $20. whiJe dinner will cost between $40 and $45 a head. Wilhelm, a :.elf·l<lught chef and res1aura1eur, has developed and opened more than 14 eatene':i m Southern Califorrua during the past decade. --- residenllaJ area -so tar.• Costa Mesa PoUce Sgt. Burt Santee said . "If it turns into New York, you'll lcnow." Police and fire officials gave different estimates of when the outage began. Santee said It m ight h ave started Saturday n igh t. Fire Department Bat· talio n Oller Gregg Steward said It started late Sunday mo rning. llesponding to residents' Inq uiries, city d is patchers had spoken to Edison representa- tives. Edison told dispatch that power m ight be down until 5 a.m. today. Steward said. The fire department was told the problem W'ds with a trans - former at Tahili Street, a dis· pa1cher said. No traffic signals were af- fected by the outage. Santee said. I le sen1. oul 1wo extra police uni1i. to patrol the af· fected area. Wilhelm held a high-profile poi.ition with WR. Grace llei.tau- rant (;mup. a fom1er division of chemical giant W.H. Gmce & Co., where he designed the concept and menu for tJ1e El 'IOrito (;rill, whkh opened in Fashion l'>land in the m1d-I 980s. I le formed We'>t Coast He:.tau ranLS Vcnlure" Inc. shonJy after 1hat and developed and opened '>everaJ re.,taurant!i. in Or.mgc County and Lo'> AnKele~ County. In the early 1990\. Wilhelm opencd Chimayo (,nJI. Chima~o a t the Beach. which ha<, a ~•milar .,outhwei.lf'm theme, opened m POLICE FILES COSTA MESA Daily Piiot • C.nnel Drive: A men was arrested on suspicion of receiving stolen property tn the 3300 blodt at 10:37 p.m. Saturday. • Ogle Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of threatening with the Intent to terrorize In the 200 blodt at 10:31 a.m. Friday. • West Wiison Street: A woman was arrested on suspicion of forgery in the 700 blodt at 9:40 p.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Coast Highway: Vandalism was reported in the 1600 blodt at 9:52 p.m. Saturday. •19th Street and Balboa Boulevard: Illegal fireworb were reported at 1 :05 a.m. Sunday. • 45th Street: A physical fight was reported in the 100 blodt at 4:17 a.m. Sunday llunhngton Keach in 1999. In 19!*1, Wilhelm and former Taro Hell Corp. ( hicf 1·..xccutivc John Mar11111ointly fornwd IJavid Wilhelm'!> Culinary Advt•nlLirc<, Im:. In addition to the two <lu- mayu cateriL't'> and l·renc:h 75, the company run\ Sorrt.>nlrl ( irillL• in I .aKlJna Hcach and Savannah ~tt>aL. & U1op I lou~· 111 1...iguna Niguel • PAUL CLINTON covers thP environment, business and politics He may be reached at l9491 764 4330 or bye mail at paul clmton "ldt1m1.>s com Ram~ warmly greeted each winner. All 11 1eams were wonderful, but she said her boys were by far her favorites. ·Awesome, stoked" Newton said, describing h1<, feeling with a wide grin. "Just the atmosphere or everything at the moment, the people - winning." K[Nl TREPTOW OAILY PILOT Winning crewman Sam Newton, l 7, gets tossed into Newport Bay by fellow Australian Ben Barzach after the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia won the Governor's Cup on Sunday. The new boats and calming advice from their coaches had made au the difference, Jarvin '>aid. The race marked the inilialion of a Oeet of new 21-foot sailboats, the Governor's Cup 21 s, whk h had been designed specifically for the Governor's Cup by Alan Andrews, a BaJboa Yacht O ub member. The boats were completed jusl one week before the scan of lhe race and are valued al ahoul $24,000 to $27,000, said Larry Law, president of the Newport BaJboa Sailing and Seam anc;hip Assn. "The boats are geared for the lighter wind conditions of Ultra Lite 1'11e l'ro/111ional Weight & HealJh Manageme"' S11um • No starving th& body Southern California, .. he -.aid. " llw new fleet i-. very competitive, very equa.1." The boal5 are the rei.ult of c•fforts by Andy Rose and 01hcr Kalboa Yacht <Jub memhcrs who hcheved in raising the level of the competition, Law said. "It was a very cloi.e rdte." 'i3.id Wayne Hodge~. publicity direc1o r. "I think we've started a new era for the Governor':. Cup." The invitational race has become an in1erna1ional even1. regularly attracting teams from Australia, New 7..ealand and Great Bri1ain and from across the United Slates, he said. Crew members from Australia said they enjoyed the <,un, a nice change from their win ters. But Dan Brandt. coach for lhe San Francisco Yacht O ub. said he is used to sailing in winds off the coast of Northern California whk h average 20 k.no1s. they u.wd lhe mexpcm•net• of uthe,.., to dlC'ir <Jdvan1age. "We like libthl air. We arc ui.cd to ii, .. Phil Siemlcr. 18. "aid. 'itemler offered some advil'C' for 'i<liling 111 light-wmd comiitiom. lc.ccp momentum, steer as lilt.le as po&'>ible and find the brtt1e. lno-.e who came in behind the winning learn <1till raved about tJ1e new hoab and the ex.perienc~ lhey had gained. Sailors represenung lhe 1J S. Merchant Md.rinc Academy said they were very salL'>Oed with second place. ·rm ''olccd." Todd Ku1kicwicz, 18. said. "We couldn't have asked for a be1ter regalia -the weather wa.s perfect. tJ1e level of competition wai. incredible and we made a lot or good friends here." What kept lhe team from winning nr..1 place? ~WI~· No drugs or surgery • No Meal Replacement • No Special Foods To Purchase . MThe light air. J 'm pretty biased on that end." he said •it's bortng as hell· While sailors from out of town repeatedly complained about the light wind off the coast of Newport Beach, Newport Harbor Yacht O ub sailors said "All the hot girls on the motor boats out there," Peet Must, 19, said. "Nah, just kidding." $1 Q95 ~!ration •nd Brak• PJ1tciJ lnapectlon ~ • Fun Bf'lkt lnlpection • Rotate"'" • Reset .. Pf'AUrl • Vl'4.lll chtok of c:hestlt l Mpension • Rtcool bf'lke readings. • Roed tMt for pttformanet 0¥P -CUlc:I THMIUQMOUJ' USA. AUlnW.M MID NlW ZIALAHD Mas .......... Jl'ss ••• • CORAL W'l.50N Is the news assistant and may be readied at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral.wilson latime•·OOf(I• QU01E OF TIE DAY "Our coaches are loyal tu the school an~ they ~o~ 't Ire.at / coaching/ just as out of their way to help st11dents and faculty." · Fred Hokanson, OCC athletic director EYEOPENER l}.Uly~Pik>t SptJttB I lalJ ol f1anw> Ai.lgu,l /4 nonotee JOHN GOLDMAN Daily Piiot Sports EditM Richard Dunn: 194915744223 • Sports Fu : (9491650-0170 Moodd'f August 18 2003 AS CHECKING OUT Of runners and renovations • # .. .. Cross country leads pac k of OCC men's sports as Hokanson eyes future fa cility improveme nts. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Led by the c:ro~ c:ountl) tt•am\ wt· ond-p lace finish 1n C...il1fon11a. men\ .. pons at Orange Coa ... 1 C..ollegl· 111111rnue thelr steady climh lo ma1111.1111 w111111ng Lrndilions while adju'>ling to lilt• 111 till· ... ome1iml.>S d1flk11h Orangl' I mptrl' Conference John Knox led tht' C .oa.'>t men 111 tht> ronfenmce title 111 cro-,,._ cou111ry <111d track and field, ga1111ng 1011h·n·11ce <.oath of the Year honor' ( >< < 'opho· more long-t.lhtanu• 'l>t·ualt't \n I >1a.1 claimed the st.all· LhJ111p1u11,l11p 111 the 10.000 meter!> in Jl.::!1 SH a' <.0 .... 1 fin· 1~hed eighth. Sophm11or1· "t'111.i11 Bngg'>. who fim!>hed founh 111 the tnplt• 1urnp and '>IXlh in the 110 nwtl'r high hurtlJe,, paced Coa~t'~ men\ tra1 k ll'.tm .ind \\J'> voted the con rerenn·\ f\1.ill· /\thl1·tl' ol the Year The Bue~ plan:d '>t'umtl Jt till' .. 1..11e cross country champ1on ... h1p., wuh Joel GU7Jnan and David ( >jeda lt•ading the \\'lly. The noS!t country and tr.irk and field te~ were the onl} nwn .. 'pun'> to claim conferemc uo'''" m the :!00:!- 0J ...chool year. Nut tu say that tk·tourl'd otlwr ... port'> from '>lllning wh t•n ll 111at11•rt•d 111t1'>t · dunng the poslsea.,on Men'!> volJeybaJI rnad1 < l lll1 k I tile ne<ie, who com pleted h1., 1 :!1 h 't'a'>on .11 Coao,t. led tm team to a 1hmJ plan· tin lSh at the ~tale ch.imp10n-;h1p,, riding the con'>t.'>lenl ht111ng of '>Uphomore Poyer Pota and frf:'\hman K.:11m..111a Ka - malam. l n e Pirate!.. who readwd the sta1e-1ille m atch in two of the ta.,1 three sea'>Oru.. fin ished 17 7 Don W..ttwn and Da\e ~o ll'anll'd to lead the men's '>wllll team w ,, third- place fi nt'>h al the '>l<llc charnp1011<,h1p' with a ).,'TOup that ~really progn•o,\ed chroughoul the year Salo and \\.Jt.,un each said the team 11nprmed tlr.1111..tu caJJy from the early '>lage., af the "t'J""" Both the men·., ha<,kcihall tt·.1111 guided by second yt'ar coa1 h \1eve Spencer -and the men\ '>()\ t t•r tc·..1111 -led by Laud I lavl''> -pmted w11111111g -.ea.son-; to each read1 the ~oulllt'rn C.alifornia regional playoff .... Spencer led the But'> to a :W I i 111Jrk, the mo51 wms for the Coast nwn ..,mu• posting 21 in 1995-96. The P1r.tte-. fin~ ished ju ... l 7-21 in Spe ncer'!. fir'>l yt·.ir. ~Thal team is movmg in the nghl di rection," OCC Athletic Din•l tor !"red I lolcanson said. The gUJdance coache!t such ... , Cute nese, Spencer, L>oug ~mith ctnd Mike Taylor, Knox and Marco Ochoa give lo their athletes give I luk.anson rca\Un lo believe Coast's men'<; teams remam in good hands. Och oa . a graduate of Adarm ~Hile 111 Colorado, and Smith both majon.'d in XGAMES De Araujo edged in final Costa Mesa resident denied , while Glitberg fi nishes sixth in event won by Tony Hawk. S f If. M RA!llk DAt • P1L ' Orange Coast College quarterback Derek Aspinwall. shown evading an El Camino defender. was a freshman last season when the Sues fmtshed 4-6. This year Orange Coast's football team. under Coach Mike Taylor. will look for its first bowl game since 2000 and rts first conference ntfe since 1990 k1m· ... iology .111d 'hart' their knowledi-:1· IO help cond11wn athlete., Ill (.0351\ ex l'ffl'>e '>Cl('lll(' lab "N11 one wurb hardt•r than our rnache-.," llok.111!.on ..aid. "Look at the 'w11nming tt'Jlll., with I )on Wat'>on and Daw \alo. \alo h..t' a Ph.D. I le i., the head uf thl' lrvme Novaquauc... clod l .1111e here to work. Our coaches arc loyal lo the ..,d1ool and thtty don't treat lwachingJ 1u..i a., a 1ob. ln1s is their home and they gu out of their way to help ..,tudenl'> Jnd lacuJty. • Ra<ieball hl'.td coach Joh n Allohelh completed h1' 11th !tca-.on w1th Lht• Bue'>. who JU!>l mt.-.sed out on qualifying for the Southl•rn (,alifomia playoff'> af ter a MelJar 2002. But Altobelli gol 10 -;ce lhe emel'}(enu· of .. ophomore left-han d(•d ...ianer Kyle /\lien. selected by tht• Colorado Hockie' 111 the Major League Ra.seball fiN-year player draft June 4. Allen jo111., a long h~t of C.o<l!>t products 10 be drafted by Ml B teams. In all. the J>iralt''i have won 15 conference• titles attd thrl'l' state utt('... though the last came 111 1980. Smcl' opening 11' door; on Sc-pt. 13. 1948, OCCs mens athletic rerun'> have won 16 Male championship~. Volleyball !five) and swimming (three) have cap- tured the most title<, whtle cro.,., mun· try. water polo and soccer have each notched two championships. Coast'" football team finished 4-6 lru.t <,eason. giving I lokanson optim1!.m that Taylor wlll leatf OCC back. to it., first bowl game since 2000 and fir;t confer· ence crown since 1990. "We are gomg tn the ngh t d1rcc11on. • 1 lokanson said of the footh.ill progr.un under head coach Taylor "We haw .in excelJent coach and recnmer in. ~ltkt• faylor .and another good d.'>-'>l'>tant Ill Doug Smith. I feel beuer ctnd lw11er about thi'> team. It wru. a to11gh conln ence last year. but the '>e.ti,on belon· thJt. laylor \\a' the confere11ce <..oath of the Year.· lne Pirates have played their hnnw gaml'c, in LeBard Stadium ..,111cc it "".i' dt•d1tated ">«.•pt 1 b. 1 %5 Dunng the f.ill footbaJJ -;ea..,on. the 7.600 \('di <>tad1u111 often host., high school game!. on I n day.. while ( oa.,t. or other wmmunity rnlkge team' 'uth a., (,olden We<;t, u1.,t• till' field on '-aturdays fhe frequent field use make.., mamtamtng the na1u See occ. Paee A6 OCC MEN'S ATHLETIC STAFF John Altobelh · baseball Steve Spencer basketball Larry Moore · crew John Kno)(fMarco Ochoa cross country Mike Taylor -football Barry Wallace • golf Laird Hayes ·soccer Dave SaloiDon Watson swimming Rodney Gabuya tennis John KnoK1Marco Ochoa -tract and field Chud< Cutenese volleyball Mike Stachowski · water polo Mike Reynolds· cheer1eading (co«il Jeff Mayor lcoordinatOfl ·dance (co-Ml NFL Johnson Vikings ' top punter, so far He had better day than competitor in Minnesota's second preseason game Saturday. StenVlr&en Dady Pilot punter on 1he team\ website. Murphy was first to punt m Mmne- sota's fir-;1 presea'ion game. a 16-14 loss to Jackson ville. Murphy shanked a punt for 20 yards in the fourth quarter. Johnson had three punts for a 40.7 a verage, whiJe Murphy was at 36.7 against the Jaguars. Johnson bad one punl land lmide lhe 20. He llu not been bandling ldck-offs as he did when he first anived lo camp. He will look to solidify himself as the starter before the season atarts ln three weeks • .Johnson. the tinl punter the Vitlnp have drafted since 1978, lgned a thtte-year contract wtth the Vi.kin last month. His deaJ was Ju t under $1 million for the three years and in· duded a gntns bonus of S7S..820. • Johneon. an All·Ameiiean punter out pf ldabo S..te Who wu Mkctecl in the lxtb round or ltW 2003 NFl Draft. will condriUe to beldt ..-Mwpby Prtday •• e p.m. • ....,.. me Wd!llP p111y vlstton to tM OUland IAlderL MID· oaoca ~ wrap up hi ... 111•oa sdWduk~~~··' ,..... ...,... '~ ........... .. ,....._.0....., ..... 1, ........... ...., ... UL , • M Monday, August 18, 2003 SPORTS VU signs six players The Vanguard Uoiwnlty men's $OCcet team will be fully ltOCbd for 2003, thanks to Coach Randy Dodge's re- cruldng effort that bdnp in m new facies to the team. Less than a month from the official season opener. the U· ons ioster is looking solid with 10 retwners and six newwmers lo I.be mix. Mark ' Babel. Jose Hetnandez, ond David McA&day have trans· (erred to Vanguard, while Da· rin DeVore. Quisdan Mar· ston, and AarOn Rossi join the t~am from the high school ranks. and will be a junior on the 2003 IOlter that lncludes only two ee:nion and four fun.ion. The 5·foot·9 mklftelder was an all-conference 9election for the South c.oast Confer- ence champs at LA Harboc. OeVore graduated from Granite Hills High School iQ 2003 where he was named his team's MOit Valuable De- fender and lbe Player of the Yeu for the conference. Dur• btk his high school career, Granite Hills bad a 56-game uodeteau!d streak and three SUQ:eSSfu1 runs In OF com- petition. Babel (O\i.no Hills). Her· nandez (lnglewood). . and McAulay (Tustin), are all Cali· fomia athletes tran&ferring in from various· schools from within the state. Manton joins the Lions from Hanalel, Hawaii. He was the team captain at Kapa'& HJeb School and helped lead bis team to two coaference champioosb.lps. SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Dane Gilliam was part of Orange Coast College's third place finish in the state volleyball tournament as a freshman last year. Babel is a midfielder who will be a sophomore after playing his freshman year at NC.AA Division n c.aJ State San Bemudino, and redahirt- ing for a season. McAulay, a 5-foot-9 for- ward, used his first year or ell· gibillty at NCAA Division I Fresno 'State University and will also be a sophomore for the Lions. Hernandez played two sea· sons at LA Harbor College Rossi. a 5-foot-8 defender:, attended high school at St. Jabn's lntemational School in Waterloo. Belgium. The son of .milSlonary pamita. be has re· tumed to hl!a home state to attend Vanguard. 1be three· sport high ecbool athlete was named the Athlete of tbe Year at st. John's. The Uons kick off the sea- son on the road in Utah on Aug. 28th, after an alumni game. occ Continued from A5 ral-grass surface diflkuh. so Ho · kanson envisions a ~;ynthelic suiface. "The crown in Lhe middle of the field is 28 inches, so we either have to level it off or put in a synthetic field," he sald. "lhe cost of putting in a synthetic field compart.>d to maintaining a natural-grass field i~ aboul 1he same." ito.s Angele.s (Jimtf; Summer Camp Campaign Brightening the Lives of Children Give to the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Campaign. Camp offers a healthy alterna<N. ror many low-income children who may be struggling with challen&es. It Is a place where the gray cloud of p<>Yerty is repbiced by sunny skies and the sound of lauihtel"- and where a positive perspective an finally be discovered. You can brighten the Ufe of a child this summer. The Times Summer Camp Campaign provides d1sad~ged children throughout Southern California a one-~k camp expenence For every dollar you contnbute, the McConn1ck Tribune Foundation will add 50 cents•. The Los Angeles Times and the McConmck Tribune Foundac1on absorb alt administrative costs, so 100% of your donation and entJre matching funds go directly to umperships! Give the gift of FUN! Make your donation today! Be sur. to read pe"°";al profll•s of the c:hildr.n and orpnrDllO<'IJ tNt have benefited from the c:.amp progr.im 1n the ~rs of the Los A"ples Times or visk our Web !lte .at www luimcs com/summ.rump Elsewhere in the stadlum are bleachers and handicap access routes that need to be repaired. Money allotted to OCC through passage of Measure C in last November's state election has been earmarked for the im· provements. which also include resurfacing the tennis courts. Now, the task of planning a bud· get and securing architects and contrc1ctors to perform the work becomes a priori[)'. • Hokanson expects improve- menLS to be made gradually over the next 12 to 15 years. Rounding out Coast's men's squads' performances in 2002-03 were the golf team placing fourth in the OEC while first-year water polo coach Paul Stachowski led a team that had only three sopho- mores to a 14· 18 marlc. First-year crew head coach Larry Moore took over for legendary Coast coach and tni.tructor Dave Grant and led the OCC varsjty eight and novice eight to fifth-place finishes at the Pacific Coast row- ing championships. Second-year coach Rodney Gabuya guided the Bucs through the OEC season whjle watching singles standout Robert Qiu ad- vance to the round of 16 of the Southern California men's re· gional tennis championships. Qiu teamed with Denny Le in double\ to wm a first-round match. Gaining as many full-time coaches ru. possible will be an· other one of Hoka.nson's goals to keep OCC at the forefront of ath- letic success. "We aJi.o want to make sure we have ill> fine of facilities as pos- sible so we are the leader of the OEC in year\ to come." llolcan- son .. aid. "The best thing we have here i!> loyalty and not just loyalty 10 the school. (Coaches and staff] put 111 the time and ef- fort it 1ake'> 10 mainrain the high- class program., we have." XGAMES Continued from AS 001 Incl event, which abo in· cludei. Ghlberg'!> 'ilXth-place fin. 1sh. will air Wednesday from 6·8 p.m. on t:SPN 2. while de Araujo wiJJ be on ·1v Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. on r.SPN2. ------------------------------------- Fabiola da Silva, a Costa Mesa resident who is one of Lhe most recognl1.able X Games athletes, won the aggressive in-line park title Thursday and that will ap· pear on r:SPN Tuesday 2·3 p.m. 1 Yes! I want to help! M .. to: LA. Tlmh S-~ Cempeign i:-11e 118884, ~~.CA 9007.._... sw. ZIP ~ .... "'t Roll u tOlowl OI D Mony- 1 will conlrlbute: I A 11$0 .-1rlht""' """ 0 0 0 ,, .. ,.,,,,,. '""" ""'" 0 ..J S2S S50 $150 (.} $250 0 isoo OIMt I ---l ~ t•"" ~!!I I ('] I NM 11-.cio.td my chK~ P9V101e IO Ille l A Tlmta Summe1 Camp Ca~n ! J PluM <111•111lhtAlme11MUnl IO my 0 Vu 0 MnlerClrd 0 Amt'1can E.xp<'" Cra4~ card nu'!lblr .,...._'-'-·-· ...... __ ._,_ ........ ___ .... _ --.. -.... •1-··--~-,,,-··-----·--·----........... ---..-·--•1111·-.... -._ .... __ .,_ .......... ___ .,, __ ..... __ _ For more lnformetlon, cell 1-800 LA TIMES, ext. 75n1. TCN • , .... "",. 't('f'~r ....... )., ••. ,. "'"If• -'1P'W' • ..,.... 1 al .,... I """"°"'~ Inv.,..,.,... f.,,,.l •I '9J ff/""" • ..,, :JI"., .... ,, bww -~--· DEEP SEA. Dally PltOt. --... llJI Daily .A Pilot lfl Sports Hall of Fame Celebrating the nuJJennjum DON BEXITI'Y Newport Harbor Sailor standout's career went from the track to .cross country courses and to the class room. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot I n the early 1950s, Newport Harbor High ruled the cross cow1try courses and Don Beatty enjoyed every day of the success. It was the type of experience tha1 helped lead Beatty into teaching and coaching. which created more wonderful memories.. When Beatty graduated Crom Newport Harbor, the Sailor; had won 54 straight dual cross country meets. Thanks also to Todd White, they garnered a fifth-place finish in CIF. the highest any Newport sports team had accomplished at that time. was an All-Sunset League fullback at Newport Harbor. After coUege. in 1967. Beatty returned to his local stomping grounds and became a teacher in the Newport-Mesa District. I le was an assistant coach for track and field at TeWinlde Middle School. then the following year he moved over to Estancia, where he informaJly provided his experience and coaching for the cross country and tratl and field teams. I le served as head coach of the Eagles' cros.c; country team for a few years. ·we had a powerhouse going there." said Beatty, who lives in Newport Beach. "My best memories include Todd White and Larry Don Beatty "Coaching with Tom Fish and Don Bums was always a plus,· said Beatty, the latest honoree of the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame. "The 70s were good years for sports with weU-behaved, hard-wonung Castro, who ran barefoot. I le was an inte~ting case. He was offered shoes. but he didn't want them. We also had Auggie OsCrosky and Otis Boling." Beatty also enjoyed success in track and field. I le set three school records in the bee and cee divisions, so, in chat sense, his records remain intact. I le set school records in the 660. 1,320 and the varsi l)' 880 races. In the 880. Beatty completed the schoors first sub-two·minuLe run, finishing in I :59.7. ln the J.320, he broke a 21-year old CIF record by finishing in 3:11.9. Arter high school. Beatty attempted to continue hiJ, nmning in coUege, but he endured severe knee problems. which took away his speed. He suffered from Osgood-Schlatter disease. which causes swelling and pain just below the knee. "When I got to coUege. the knees wouldn't go," he said. "I couldn't even climb stairs." After earning his bachelor's and master's degree at long Beach State, Beatty went into teaching and eventually became a cross country and track and field coach. He said his uncles provided great inspiration for him. His uncles included Melvin, who played baseball at Oregon. Blanchard. who was a backup quarterback at USC and Elwood. who klds. One season I had 44 with no assistant coach. One thing I recall was bemg. perhaps. the first cross country coach in Southern California to allow girls to run. They ran in the bo)'li junior varsity races.. It was my good fortune to work with Natalie FemandC7~ who held the E<itancia two-mile mark for 21 years.· Beatl)' also taught at C,,osta Mesa He eventually left coaching because he said his time commiunents with teaching conflicted with spending time with his teams. However. he influenced many lives by passing on the importance of preparation. "My thought was what was successful was whether an athlete learned how to train and then made improvements," said Beatty, who enjoyed cross country and track and field because of the rare o pponunlties the sports provided. ·Although there was team camaraderie. the fact that it was an lndMdual thing was an attraction ror me because it avoided the team aspect and other pressures that come with all that." Beatty. 65, has had five joint operations and said he, ·survived 34 years of public school teaching.• He is retired and stays active with jogging, rowin.g, swimming and hiking. , , , ' .. . ,. (~~ AUTHORIZED s3000 (~ O .. "·· roR &O ~CLEARANCE 1.11 '''l· ... /few D Pl ~o XLT SllrEllCllBll' NMMI iii ~'ll,975 Subject lo cond11tons p1esc11bed by Ille Umvers1ty of Cehforn11 lr•lne led bid• 101 • '""'P sum contJaet 11e ln•1ted for th• lollow1na Work: MIU COUil ACCISS •ou ,.OJlCf NO. tttS 13 UNl\ll RSITY OF CAL If OR NIA IRVIN( IRVINE CALIFORNIA 0r111n1lly scheduled lot 4.00 ,M, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2003 hu bffn defetted lo 2.00 ,M, WIDNISDAY AUGUST 27 2003 OISC.lf'TION 01 WO .. , ' ' l'ro14t<-l mcludn demo111ton of e11s1tna ••11h111 p1vement, sit• 1..1 .. n na )1Kh1dln1 remonl ol fou1 u1sl1111t tie.,~. 1tn10••I and d1spou1 of upan"n •oll, 1111port and compacllun of nun e•pan>111e subb.ue milcrtel mstallallon I a dr1inaae system, pluemenl ul b~s• mate11al, placelTl~nl of platn 11y, remlo1ced. medium b•oom l1n1shed conc1ete '" all 11eu, msbll1lt0n of 1 new 1rr1111ton \y\lom lo suppurt lh@ new tru~ plenttnc of new rees 1d1ustment ol '"''"'' ~1ounc1 ~n .. , 1111a~11nn and dr~•m•t• and st1llatoon of s1le lt&hlmc sltm1ted Construe hon Cu\l SllO OUO 110 •0<IOUllS1 8'ddlnc docum.:nh will be <1Y4ll•bl" ..t 9:00 AM, Frldoy, &u..,1t 1, J003. and will be l'sued only at c ..... 11c1otecl 11.,ro ... aplolu, ..... .118? Pullman StrMt. Cosl• Mo,~ t A 9~626 Phoue No. (714) 7')1 l 680 Allenlton Moh~111rned Rt hntdn 01 Solft1 Acc•I NOTl1 It ts the sole respons1b1hty ul prime rnnh •l to" •nd subconlracto11 lei 1e111ster wtlh Conw hd1lrd R~prn~taPhll\ "" ,,, Oe\1cn & Con\lluchon ervtee\ Un1•enrly o f C•l1lurr11a lrvtn~ to •t~nowi.-de• reteljll of the B1ddH>i Documents for lh• Piotet.1 0-,, ...... c ... f•r•n<• ...cl l'rojfft Site Viii! Wiii b~ condu<led 0'1 "'-"-']• ....,., 11, 200J beginning prnniplly al 1130 ,M. A Hc-4 re-II C-'••-•• -c1 l'rojfff Site Visit will be conducted on Jv .. 4ey, "91'•1 19, 200J. be1inmn11 promptly •I 10:30 AM. AnlNDANCl AT .. I Of THI JWO 'Ill llD CONFllllNClS AND l'llOJlCT SIU VISITS S MANDATORY fOll AU l'lllMl CONTllACTOllS. f'drltl 1pants \hdll meet at Oe"l(n It. Con,t11rc lion Ser"'"' lln1v•l\1ty nt C:•ltlorn1~ lr•n•r '>:>ot td"101111a Av•nu• •.1111• J'IO SuU1vd11 & Wrtghl Conftf nu r R11111w. tr vtne CA 92697 24'Al 194!1) 8l 4 b6JO \(;urn« 111 Cahlr.rm• Av•rou• •ncl Bown Avenue I Only l'requahlt•d R10drrs who P•• ltC•P•I• 111 one of the Pr~ B•d (l)nfe1rnce\ .tnd Prof"• t '>•1• Vl\11• m the11 •nl11•ly will bf' allowed to bid on th• Pro,.,11 f'•t111111 .. nh must dirt•• •t ur t.rlore the de.,cnated time floe Meeting wlll lie <lo•ed at 1 :3S l'M on Monday, Au9111t 11, 2003, _ .. ot 10:3S AM on T11e1cloy, Au911tt 19, 200S. Any Contra ctors offfvlng •ftor tit••• tlmH wlll not be allowed to bid os prime cMtrector• -tho '•oJe<t. rnr turlh"1 111lo1 m .. t1on, • ronlJ1 t ~·•••It M•1Ultt111 11t l'l49J 1174 1'>7/ Al ""'\'&" & Cons.tr o .. hons~, '/It,., lJlliVt"f'tlty •ll ( •l1fotHl.t Ir 1111\P" lcl• wlll i.. .... 1 ... c1 ... ty at: liuJ e ... 'roftl ( 1unh·f OtSICN & CONS IRUC llllN ~f kllLE '> Uruv., \tly of I ~ht••tntd It v1n•· 5201 Cdltlo11n1A AvrltUt •ll•lo .''>I) lrv111~ (A e1z&9/ 14'>1' l'hoor N1 I ~9 t H14 htl lO l lcl1 "'"''lie received on or liefo1e 2:00 ,M, WeclnHcloy, &"91111 27, 2003. Blcl1 wlll llo .,.,..d ot 2iOS ,M, Woclnetdoy, A119v•I 27, 2003, al: [)[ Slr.N & CONSlRUI Ill IN 'if RVll I '. lt111••r "h of l.dhlu1111a It vinP '>101 c .. 11t111n1" A•~""' \111t1 l '>ll Ir'""' tA eu697 7d~O 6HJ !>elur1ly 1n Utt· ~Ht11,1H't ''' lO u r ltw lum11 \Ufll Ld~t' bul ttH .. ludin1 ;,Uflrn.\lt\ '\h.:.lt At t •1n1p.tuy • ·• ti t 1'1 lh.-urflly 1·.•.1Jin; th .. 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Wo1 -. r h1 'uccn slul l:l1dd1•1 ... 11 tw r•qu111·d '" h ••• the lcillnw1ne c.1lllort11~ ;, c 11tt tt tot, hr "" r c.wr,..nt 1.tl th'-' t1ru .. ,,f thf" H1<1 Or1,ntnl{ llClNSl ClASSlflCA TION: c, ... ,,,., .• 1 f ''&"'•'"' lf•ll' .,,,,, ,, ,, • llUHSl CODlt A "' "' H 1111 kl (;l NI S 01 1141 llNIVI N',ll 1 11 I Al I llNNIA U11 .. •r"IY o f f.alrforno~ It von• Au11usl ?003 l'u!Jl"h•d Ne 11 Bt~d1 \ t•\l• Mo.i IJ•1ly P1lut Au u>t 11 18 2003 M780 Ind ex nes-10• SERVICE DIRECTORY Por AJI Your Home and Business Needs - t ,,1,... Aclieift"'t let• PACIFIC Vl£W • 0.-•4n View) $6,500 •• •\lie• •••·673-•20 1 Collldibletl Memorabilia 1160 Am•rtcan Mo torc yLle ..... ,19 (o..JaM °""""') 1.i~ 4(7\ 6 .,_, ol ~,,,..,pns..()-.& b6D C'.otn!5 w;lplloq,., I'll m1mbe1 wearrn1 -""' w-i um """PSOO 7i4-531·BX> fOf' SS 4 lllCMOS ITC Im. Clll!so:. rt 50s & 01s a AAtK.. 5'Jllr tube ~ "\1ke 949·645 75~ lQllMHOU5M OPPOlnmY All rul est.ale 1dver th.Ina In llus new~per I\ subjecl to lhe ftdefal r air Hous1na Act ol 1968 "• amended whtt h makes 11 rtteaal lo adverltso ·any prefer ence, 1lm1lal1on 01 lion based on , reliclon, sea, t.mlllal 1tat111 I Ofl&tn. or en ~-lo make an1 1ence llm1t1 nmlflall011" .. ,,..,., Wiii ,.I ~nowill&1~ ""'pt ~ 1dvertlMn1tnl for I .If.lit• which 11 in lehen of t~ r1w 0111' r••diah 11e hereb7 Ul•l 111 dw.41 ert!Md In lttls ••nlMl.tbM 111 ... OOl)Ollulllly Is. 0 f ·~ Auctions 1413 WANTED TIQUES Older Style F~miture PIANOS a Colloc1iblo1 . ~--.. ___,,_ •\11 .. ..,,..~·~ot.,-......... S$ CASH PAID S$ WE BUY ESTATES .. .....-.. ... ....., ......... ._MY-·,..,.. ::...ae sotiTHcgAST AUCTI N ,,._..hell ........ a.a. lllJP'O• l/llf ~om Newpowl Buch. C ace! leftt llunltnl ad11<1nt lo stat• waterfoWI ref111t. ownersh111 lnteresl 6 ~u 375 KnS of land & impfo•em.nb • your own ump compound w/alruc ture •nd 2 trelltt• Woncl4irfu1 Fri nl1ht BBQ'• & wine t .. t1111 durlitt ducll .. _ + ,,..,.1 utr.al '"-1 for f ft tends Of ''""' ' -C.11 .... 11310541.QIS4. ' CURBSIOCR lll If UR VAN SCT UP FOR A PACES£ TTER 3 WH(El SCOOTER LIFT $1200 SCOOTER $.400 BOTH $1500 Colden T echnoloa1e\ POWER LIFT & RECUN£ CHAIR $600 IWIN HECfRIC BC D S300 ·B-MOUNT BENT BRAl<C HANO CONTROL WAS USED ON GOH CAlll SZ50 BCST OFFER ON All 949-675-598!> ....... ........... r. .... &.a. ....._, ldi .• french eouc:fle, •lllebKk chah . Vein 11ine ber, love seal.s, Ir br a. dt fomm,. lahema furniture, dtesdtn, bronz ... l1l'llny ..,,.... ......... 'JI ot ...... ~ 2640 lepl Notices -'IVIOf-'"" fl"I e\\'"'"'' ul t}le pro11o~ed •t.11011.) -•N nm-''Itel\ .ts pn..,d~d 11e l he independent ad TO~ 1'1ob1lt Cud<' '~tllun m11111t1 .. 1oon •ulhu11ty mlftftL 9IOO l11~ 11111<' Im ltl1111it will bt• t111nled unless ""un d••ms "''" nut 1 •1111~ •" tnlerot~d per\On .. S.wno<IJ lit'fu1e luw 111011\t" f111111 tti.• •n obioctt0n to lhe Y•"l'IMnU, •thbe 0 .":a''"I O•te nntKed Pf!l•llon and 1how\ 1oo<1 --' (dUU why the COUtl CASllO.AHOSU YOU MAY I XAMfNI th-ihould not v •nt the lo •II htll\, benell l•I• k"pl l>y th~ r nu•t II .tulhor1ly ciuiu, credilon, <Ull yuu dlt' • ~ct'>nn Ill A HEARING un the ttncenl cr•d•to,., •ttd l•rol~d 111 th1· t\t .. tt pt t1t1on will be held on per\On\ who may lltti Y'"' t11Ay hlr w1lh lier \l l'lf MR!H 11 ?OOJ .. t ., w•so be rnlarested en '••ur t " Hequnt for I •'> p m m Oepl I/ J the will or est•le ur '-1tre tdl Not1t ~ I for 111 l>I lut •ted •t 3"' I f he City both of. MIRIAM S l'l•> •1f the lol1111 nf '" IJ11ve Snulh Oran&e (A WYSOCKI VAlQUCZ MO 111•e111t11 v .. nd IPP'•"•' '1)1168 A Pl llllON rOH PHO .,f t\t•lt' <1\\th e•t ul It VIJU OBJ( Cf i., the BA ll has been fMd Oy ·•rtY P•llloun ur .tlf 1111111 Ii""""& ol the P•ltt11111 l out\ Al•n Wy,o<k• & J\ P'u••dtod 1n f'1ubJI" yuu \h•lUld "PPtJ< di lhe Lisa Ann Wy\Olkt in the C lfdt \M hnn 11'>0 A hut"'& and ~l•lf your Supe11o1 Court of C•h H•11u••I fur Sp ... •·It •1bt•c.1•1Jt1\ or f11 .. w11llen lornia, County of OR Nulole lorrn '' ••d•l•bk ubie<11ut1• with lht ~0111t ANr.C lror11 tht l (J11rl d~•k buhtrl' Ifie "'"""1K Your HH PC flllON I (JR At101ney hH Pet1l11111•1 Jp1>e<1•dt1'e ""'Y be 111 PROBA!l reque\I\ I o1111\ ICe .. netlt J. Catanzatlte µrr \Url 01 b y yUUI Al w k g I A (elon1orllo low ~11""''Y 1n ysoL 1 IU nn C f 11 YOU ARI A I HI Ill ::.~':;.~'1~:;~~:~~~~.~~ 2lfi°':i.0~;n~oln Ave I Uk '' e unleoy.,111 to admtnisler the r\l•lt' nve, Anohel,.., CA ''"'''t"' nl lh~ .i .. ,,..,,., ol lhe decedent 92801 '"" mu\1 ltl~ yuur 'loom TH£ PETITION ieque\h Pubh h• •1 Nrw1 "r I "'''"th•'"'"' ~11<1 nt•tf Ille decedent \ Will Mid a.,dlh , .. ,.1 .. M~· e 0d1lv d lUIJY lo th• IJ<IWllJI todocils, 1f Any be l'1lut lluvu" I' IK 19 •~P••-~nlafl•P •l>P"tlll•d •drmtled tu prob•le ThP ~IJOJ IMIO' by lhP wu1I w•lh1n lo111r Will Olnd any cod•i.tl' dll rn<in th\ hum th~ ct~tr nf ava•l•ble tor e u n1111.1 ISC 13397 II•• lir\t 1'•\''"'" • "' f j l,.tltf~ d~ WUYllfrd HI lion m the 1 e k•fll hv ""'OO Of Dn'rTINI TO f' c I 1 th• tour t "" n "'""' I • "'" •t• "' ~ "' 11 t ~•l Pf i1110N ••ll•""·'' ADMllSTOESTAnOf· ooo lh• ""'~ '"' '''"'• autho11ty to Admint'\fM • 'I.um "''It n .. t ,. • ''" ~ tht" estalf" uno,.1 lhf" AGM£SIAllWARl£IO, I tu::lf1tr lwu mflnrt1• .,..,,. Independent Adm1111\ Gto AGNIS I. WAU.EaO th• h•Mlllt ll llr """ • 'I lrt1t1on ot [\tdft• A• t th,,v, (lht\ Authoroly will •llow 1 CASlNO.A220664 Vt1ll MllY l1AM1NI llll I the Pf'f,nnaf 1 .,.,., .. ,,01 111 •II two,, ht•n.-t1 I hie heofil hy tlu· d•Uf t It ldt•Vf''\ to tAkf'r ,,,,.,_1 1i0 •••• 1 ffolfl!lrn •. i utt 1ou ,H,. ,, pn '·"' Ht iltlt)O•, without ohf'1llt ti11"'1·11I 1 l1•1id11( .u11J ,,..,.,. fr'd 111 lhr t-·.lttlt' t n~ t.UUfl dJ)~)llltltl jitt•.iW Nh llltY nth y11ti ffiCJV fdr w_ith th'-" B~lut, ta lung , .. , ,,.10 'r w1 .• h• u1h ,, ·.ft it 111 ~ 1111 l ,. Rt"~Ut .. t lr1r vef 'f 1mp<.u t.-nt .tc.111111 lht' IWlll I •. t .,.. " •• , • .,, N11t1c.t· c l•1lftt rJr however thl' ptr\.,11.,1 I "' I l\e,Nt \ Ml\ktl 1'>4 •I lttt ltlu11 .. 1 .re rtpft\,..Utdtt'il'< will f,,. f ft.111\ki.ff kf1 •lo ' Al.1'--41 n..-1 r1t•1r I d01J JlJIJf .ti t i ff'QUIJ~d lo g1v~ f\l•flt,. M AHA.lrkt• f ... ,,,,,. ., .. , I ., ,t lu trlt~tt!Sled pet\•ifl\ /4 t I llfll)~ r IJf~ J'•"U tll'( 11 ... t hull 0 1 u J.11unt unle"' th~y hdvt """'v .. it ~A fl t· 1 •, •, f1lr· 1 t., •• •'''•Vh1P·1 '' t'tnh.tlf noticf' 01 con·.~ntf'tl tti I INl1N I t 1' \'f 'f 111 ltu l u1 ... • .. , t101t I 1•,n A the ~HuPO?i.~d cHllUll) I .u, ... ,.lj, , •rnr t ,,t '.111 ,,, qut •,t ,,,, \11•., ,, rht" 1nc1~f)tl•f'Ht'"n' 111 I , !I 111 l I. 4j t ' 'f 1).-< Nut.•.~ t11rn1 ,, 1tv.11l 1l1l1 mtn•~tr a t ion aulhni •I y 1 ANt.I I hc1n1 lht' c 11w t 1 In• w•lt ht> &r,lnt,.11 11111.-•.\ THf ti lll1t1N f 11~ h.ft1,rnt-y fn1I11t.t11.11,., •n ont~•t>~te<t W' ''" ''"''~ff ,, l'"'' 1 DAVID J GAIUBAlDI, I I I t 1 11 N•lN l I /I • f > 1 • lSO. (CSI • 8 2070) I I • •• ' ,,.. • I I• " ,, RUTAN & TUCKlll, UP vcd1t1vu ,w1S ,1,.,..., l.'nu•I •tii' "'''' S 1 • '" & I I ANT ON llVO., t•l"'" Nhy fhff h!HI ,,.,,,, ... ,. ,,, ,.. • 1· h fl OOR COSTA '"'Hiid f1ul •-' t .~ thr '' "'. ,,., u • t I,,,. ,.. ... lt' • CA 9 26.26 .u1lhotitv rh• "•.,. ! .. r1t '" >.-. A Ill ARINr. "" flt• rHI 1·1 1111 JN r•·ljtt> t I 1t • lrrr1 Nr "'''"'I Vf'l1l1un will l>• fwlt1 •H tilt h j ,, ,., "" 'Will 11111Iu~11 h I u I I Mr•. I I»•;:~ AlJGUSJlM/OO i 1,1t4•,,1111111il al 1111 t11· ttlutAu,,u .. t IX/,' j, "n1 '"' o,.i,t 1 I. til"Hfh cl ,,, IH ·l1 1f1 111•· .'(Ill( M~ /Ht lot .tit ti ti ~4 l Hu 1 111 VV 11 ' t 111 , I• 11 IH 01t•• > uflfo lit 111,•r I I\ "'I •! I IS( JlJ90 9181.H .. " "'"' If "111 ,., NOTICielSAU If YftlJ ftli 11 1 J 1, tf·• '''' • • ,,, t ,e14ntm; 1 1111 IJ' "''"' I Hf 11 111~1"'" I'"'' ofl1Al."°'9Tf ;ou 'thuuld df'Pf'AI ,., llu• u.1th r I 'f I • tuu 11 1' r It PllVATt SAU hf'drm~ dnd t •I• ""llf Utt ' t ,,.. ,11111•, lh,. A-215516 obtt'< tu,n\ "' tit. wt 1111" 111'1~~ • n 1, · t A 11 111• Cose# obt•• 11 .. n• "'''" "" • "'" t 1"1 '11 "1 1 r "' 11 1 M ltlt ... (Nt of ti.-fOtt' thr-,...., tfHh' '( ,111 1 l IJw A11thmll1 will 1llow (~ for the •tPV•··Httn• .. "'''" lit-111 lht ~''' "'"'' f•·i11, ''" , I 'itf\fJtl "' tiy t ll!I I'''" 1'1 1 •~·· 1'""" (ullytf°""fe ;tttiifflt.''f 11 tu l1 ""''"·iii 111 t.uu L ...__~_.a.a.__ r............ ...J 11111uA111111111111 •t. .. 1 ''"''"~'' 111ms-. .... rrmeonmt't I Ok "' "'''••.'I I,.,, .. l.4 .. 'U .. ,,,1f• DAVl>SH.AJI,~ "'t d1tnr t tt11 1ft ••••I -tr• t 1tu1 ''' ''"' ' Ii n• Nol,..-h,.1rt,, •'" .. ,, you mu\.t f11 .. y Jf ct""' hnw• v•' ltu ,,. '· ''''"' 1lldl "" ,,, jt-r 1.:.11, d Niii 111W1th tn.. '"'' ""' ''' 111 rr1ue-,.,,, ,,,,,. .a.ill ''* .tll "' lH"''''" JI,. ti• d l 0'-'1 t Ou ..,,., 111t '' J ff"•-.lU•r.-11 I· r.1v•· nult ' tht' h+ef\;io• t rnd b"'' rt pr1,t-nfAltv• 1pµ.,mlt·1t tr mf,.,Po,.f,.d prr•,,,n•, 1 h1ddf!f ~ubwLl fo ,,.,, by the tuurt "''"'" luut unlP•., lh•y h lve """''1 ll!1lhl1!!'.!LQJ ~41d Suoc, Ho''' to Place A lhe ?:lnd d•y of Au1u,1. ?003 1t lhe oft1u of I Avery Crary (•Q , Meu1 ve Mumpu ' Hu1hl~ I LP 18881 Von ll•rm•n A•• Surlt 1500. Irvine CA 111 the 111111 l•tle 111d 1nt.,est of U•d decusell •f the lime ol duth 1nd 111 1 •~I lttle and 1nlere1I lhr e•l•le hn "qu11ed in add1t10n to that of H•d d<1cuud 1n and to all lhe t 11t1111 •eat f)IOf)e• tx situated in the l.1ty of Newport Buch (;uunly of 01an1t Sl•lt uf C.tloformil parltcul•tly d•su 1bed n follows l 0 1 ?67 or IRACI NO 90/ AS Pl R MAP Rf CORDED IN BOOI< l8 PACES 2~ ANO 26 Of MISCELL ANEOUS MAPS IN THE orrtCE. or THE t OUNTY RlCOf!Ol R Of SAID COUN 1 Y Mor • commonly kno ... n d\ I jl Vt• l 1do Nurd Nt wpurt Bu lh ltrms ot the ••le .ire <ash 1n l•wful mon•x of the Untied StatH 11n 1 unl11mal1on of sale or upon such lertll\ arid cond1t10na n •rt •t uptable to the per\unal 1eptt1Wntal1•e S2S 000 lo be dopo"led wrth btd 81cb or offeu lo bo m w11tln& and will be IK*IV•d al the •fO<Uild otfice at 1ny time .tier the l11sl pubt1t •l1on hereof and belOfa d•I• of sale. o.te ... A..,.t 6, 2003 Wllll•• Sclieclit ,ers..,.. • .,... •• ..,,. ftv• •f ti.. ht9i• I. Avwy Creory • Att-yetltrw Pubhshed New1101 t Beach Cosll Me~• O••ly P•tol Aueus t 17 18 19 2003 IMIOl 1 hi .. b u"OO\ I\ C 0 11 du<lfld by •II 1fld11tldU41 Hoe yuu ''"'led de11111 bU\llll!U yd' V.• J 28 03 Runen <>•t.•1 rh.. ~t•ttrnt:nt .... lllod with tl\t> t.ouuty Llt!tk of Oran&• t.11un11 on 07/19 Oi 2003HUU4 Daily P~ot Au~u\I ~ 11 18 2'> 200J M//'J MOOO Of AIPW T10ll TO S8.1 Al!OMOUC lrt"EIA66 u b I\ fl t'WlhH H«•t h l.r"ta M~'• IJ•1l1 P1krl Au1u·. I C 11 II! tOOI ~Ill Int-h1flow1nL u,.,,,.,, .. ,.,, n,untt b'\J ... n .. ,\ t i\ YtJU' Pt-llh , ,. .. , 114{ V1-..tt1 Crdndt Nt """'"' t H•at h I.A !17bW 11110 '.)1lh 114'(1 Vt\I• '•t•nt1~ Nt"•V .. tf u,, "' •• I A'Jl fHI ln··~ lH .n .. ' ., ( 1 0.. ..... ft,,I...... '" ti d 1t1 ,., 1111111w1 l•1 • H,.,,,. t •iu 1.4rl•rt ,.,,ll._ Jity ?3, 2003 '"""'r'~ , .. 11 N f o W h• 111 11 M .. , lin ... 111 (..,_.1u .. en1 llu Nf'lt11• 1 I lh1 I''""''"''' ilflt' tJt fhf" ACJµl1t..rnl1 1 '' lth::d N1ll1 Uw I ••• 1, dtP 11\Rt.I f t 11kf'IJkA I 1~1~ , f '"""" '11u1•• 1 llON ''" I)/ .!~ e, I lhr •v1•h• .,111 11\l••I 700349S2879 !he follow1n11 p•l\On\ dlHJV~ "" •111111111~ I• ll••l1 l'·I I A I •rt dotn1 bu''"''\ J~ tht-Ot~ ' t m .. ''' t ~ ' •• ~r,1 Fant;.sy Ktd\ 4 Ul 1A1 .. ,11.1,. llrv•"I' N~wporl C.en ter Oriv~ c..,,,lrr, Iv • U '' hollt .. 1so Newport flu<h t.•vc• ·~·~ 1t ti) II.I (;ahlornia 92660 ltARAll!l Ht vU It I\ llonen Caboty I ?llO I U'> IA Ml '..-' t 11 ;11,;1, 8 1\on Ave Ste •HY 74'J I rP• . .r '" • "'' r Newport Be•Ch C•h A11µht-d I JI /(I Of I "' ' FIND STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • !ht I tgul /Jepamnnrr at rhr /J.t;,) /'z/o: 1 /'/, 1 td rn ,1•11/1111•1. < J 1u :. urt 1, r n(J1; .i1 ai/abu 10 nru• bu.smnm \Ke u•1/I nou St.ARCH rhr rwmr /or you .it •1 • l'\·rr,1, l.,1r'l_1 11ul .JI< )1111 /l•r t1mr and tht tnp to rhr Court Hurot in "4m"1 tl11.1 I hr 11 ''/ • "'"'' .1ft1 r l"r 1earcli 1s computed u•r u11L/ file .i11111r /irt1rwu. IJ/01111" f/111111 umr111, m 1, m• :1°1 ( ounry Ckrk, pub/uh oner a u·rr~ fur (o ur 1cr1 (·. ,/ '''l"mrl Ill ""' .u •• 1:"'1, ''·' )our proof of p11bhration u•rrh rhr f 11111111 l/rrk !'u11Sr 1wp by ro fik your ficrw ou buwim 'tutri>:rm 111 rhr I >.11!1 /';. ,,. J <fl .\ Ba_y ~t Corw .~frsa. ![you ran"ot Jtop Ir, plra,t c.iil " .ir J.1•1 f..1.! , ,_ / ,11,tl u 1 u•zll makt a"an,r,rmmts for you liJ /1,mdk rim pru1td1m 11> ni.ul If you 1hou/J havt any farther qum1om pkaJr call UJ and u•r ''ii! /,r ,,,,1r1 :1 ,/', glad ro tJJJlll _you. Good luck rn .Y"'" ni·11· hum1m! Daily A Pilot CLASSIFrntJlD Rate~ anJ dc:adhne' .m.· 'ul'IJ<'CI 111 ~ hanjll' "11huu1 n1111~(' Th, pubh~her rl''<f'C:' the nghf tn <l'n,<>r re:• la"''' re:'''< •r •t'•• 'I any clai.\tfic:d ad"l'rtt,enwnt Pl..:.i" report .in\ < ""' that "'·' Ix.in your d .1"111.:J iiJ 1mmc:J1..11<:1\ fhc: DJ11\ P1h11 .h.•l'J•I no ltabthl)' fo1 .in~ t•n or tn .u1 .1d,c:n 1wmt:nt f111 \I.hr-h II 111.1, be fC\fXln"blt' l'XCC:pt for the: C:fht llf thl· 'PJl<' .1.tu.11 I\ ''' llf'lt'd by the error C'rl'dll ~an onlir 11<'. .11111-.1.·d fnr lhl' r1r,1 111"·n1••1 By Fax lh Phont• By Mail/In Penmn: . lci.l'lt h l I ti~eq Pia ... ..r .. Al;ftflr,,..,,,,,,. fl1( ~...._,.a, ,~11, ~: ~,,·, no \\l"' Ba~ Suut Co-w \lc"1. CA <i~ti~~ \I 'c"' ~'('! Rh d. 6. e., lit me~• [VISA J II ours: Tdcphtioe Ii !(bm. ~ CX>pm \l11nJ.1~ FmiJ~ V. al~·ln II Vhm· ~ ()Jpm \londa)-Fnda) ........... ! ........... . 3460 I ORAHGE +l .>Au COUNTY JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS RURAL PROPERTY 5400 FOR SAL£ R~OENTIALiittH~ ORANGE 7400 COUNTY c-tc.1 .. No•d• Old Corn~l Cold. ~1l•c1 ~y. watct>.. artl~ collocltblu 949 642 9448 3610 200+ llJITIMS. CA TS, OOG.5 -~Oii? Fdmn~Spe.. Ir Lm ~ Tli Ct.WWffl:[ ~709 ~Y monmt ut. ~ b-lutte"l\ 9'&m7 ~ G-~'-~11 coto" all s11n 101 adoption to quahf1ed homes www SSltSCue °'' or call 714 773 5915 llllnm°"°"'91Y ..... "'' S49S ACltE/40 AC$1ES P11~ <8nch ecreaae tn NW Arllona £1 110 qu1llfy1n1. low down ltrlMI Ad,acont IO &Off course cOfl'lmunlty. olf hislor le Route 66 Catt lodayl Brooll1 R•lty 866 30().!>263 (CAL •SCAN) .......... ..... Balboa Peninsula ---- IUIDB aosroutl P'IK1 llDtlCED FOi CKQ WlotlY IUFT OPf N SAi I 4 41QI'> River Av,. lhr Ill • W~· $81'> 000 N1'w '79'J 000 Th• S.lyw1t1 co '!49 930 l'>l'd Costa Mesa ,._c .. t•M••• ..... -.. &...- welilflt tr•lh. 4i.. 1 i..i.rc1.,.11 •• locuul l .. t effer •YH S665,000 '-'l-..... 1'-lllon loel htet• 94t-2to ... 121 1201 Ykte ..__.,. Of'IN $.AT J-6 Newport Buch lluffs £ o e tow11llm, lbr .,,d un11, pvl patta. 2 c p1, cnvrtu) lo btok•n 1Si9,188 a,. 0wne1 714 M-7J73 MADOlt wooos !bf lh.Zt9•· . ~oo.vomc. .. lllOOMt I . ··-·-· •U.1111111111 ....... ..., Ranc:hesifarms/ Country Propet1y 5915 Balboa~ 20 &CU llANCHlS C~I .,., .. s<f.JC>, '*'M f!oomtnl( ll P •'"' t • • a~ S9'.> down S9'l mo11thly e 10 , 1l6 mvr•ll1'l Rc:wd\ \Ur vryed f r r~ m•P\ ~-h•e< Cr•.1t ~JtlOfl -«('llH>I l'"""K S<Jnyt Rand_, I Ir)} i43 9444 1Clll "SCAN1 RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Daert Property 5960 NIGH DISllT Mrnt C) l1t S1'.l> P8 JtC.. • Wm!. rUdi ' -""*' & -_,. ,. Catnli> !Mr"~ MOftTANA lAND IAA· GAINS Priced IOI rm mediate s•I• ft om $451,990 P11me l•h vtew P•rc el t o 1 acres l'emoumK v11ws owe< looll1n1 Canyo n r '" y l•ke Ace e'' l o \,000,000 ICllS Of Hei.na H11hon1I rorl\I lO minuln lo Helen• Palled road u111h1 '' ound 11hht11s Caw for rnf0tm1tt0n ' broch111e -~ Ow11u l 866·n6 3420 (CAt •SCAN) ............ IASfUMC....a- .tiare 3IM lN IMWM, w/ttfll, ISOO/-llhl6t !Ille Mp.~ 631 ·71• r ront i.-.. 21lr Ibo, new paint/carp ;> bro<k patios wd no $mk/pel s 1850 yrly 949 640 0949 • (as! B•y front 1pt lb• Iba Ip $1800 •1~ 'M> ~ IUll -brllftl SI «Da 2br 2bl loJW yoly $2100 • r C6Til!hed wtntB :.. 2ba s 18Xl 'ct !M9 ~ 7(M ·~2-.-.,..a. We• to mat\"""~ ~ ~I Harbot W~ S 1850/rno 949 8J6 37 JO ~•2.Sle+ .. -0 Wttb•t. wld hook ups, Sl900/mo 949 640 1035 .......... , lb• l b• 1ental, cult! COM duple• 11r1se. w/d hookup• Aet $2650 9'9 293 4630 o.-vi•• l o•efy I ''°'Y lbc Zba • den fp attach 2 car 1er Courtyard enlry. comm pool Sm1ll pet o k S3450mo Ki.in Mam!. 887-704 8649 19204 Lwllf .... C M) 1• ... -•/llwt .,, tr., ... 'to Tr~e $895/mo Wal••/1•••11 p9lid Kllin MllNteen•IC 177·7'06.116419 [It 9200 2101 •••• ~ M liplllbs'I ,_. clw. -., '*" ""· no,.. pa "' """""*' -1!1MR ................ 7W, 3 Ml IN, lloflin r "'• wll•tn cloMb, W/f 1111111> ll*"' Mt-•IS-MJI ........... T_._. Mir 25'e Hfl-re• MM. tw111, t, .... .-i, '"""· .......... ., ... t -1· lUM/ .. •I'. o..e.i,,.., ~ ...... -.:1»401• ~ ....... ,. ..... -... ::.~- DeadlitH':-i ------, l\.l 1>11tl.i\ Tuc ... t.1\ Wcclne..J..1' ThuN!a~ I 11J., ~ 1orm I r l.i' \htt><ll\ <; O!pm "11111 l.1• 1 u,•.,.l.t\ "(Nlpm ""'"''" \l.t'1trw ... 1.i~ '\ IWlpm Lu• apt bide lb• l ba ocun ... "' Sl200 mo ult ••\1<kr t mer 949 494·8081 YlAIU Y UASIS l1NO NIWPOlt'T HOMfS Bill GRUNDY REAi. TOR~ 94t-67S-6161 lp llr I le unit on quiet Pen1nsul• Point No1\mll/pet $1510 inti uftt 949 Z93 '6JI NIW'f'OIT HllGHTS Jb1 townhou~ fp, 11ng aar new carpel patlO ve<Y nice SI~ 949 612 6004 OIT1 teGMn COTTllG(. )(JX)s;f 2br llWI ~ w,._ yd. ....,_ i.i. "" lCllJad!d ~949-642 ~ .... ,." er.... jlbr 2ba. 2 c c••. ••I~ to bch. ten/pool/"'' S 190() Avail now 949 707 '408 NIWPOU HllGHTS Cotuos • 2bt l b• tenwm. hdwd flu. tp I"· yard S2250 e 2bt 2ba Ip, hdwd ffn. 111 l•b. $1900 949 642 5488 ~ ID $1.!l> t.Slllm •11r -.,. Slim ni \Al ... 2ba XDt "9 ocn SlZI> ~)QA. ....,..,, ......... l8t. tea, larf8 fan11l1 rOOfl\, 2 c-. a•ece. nail 8 I 11400/-9'9 ~ J771 .... .... air 2..5bt ......,.......,2cs llllfl .,,. Wiii ...... ~ .., """"9-l ~1W177 IUWPOIT MlleMfS T...._3'rt.5M.2 UYFllOHT WINTlll lllNTAL •••. 2'/110, 2 ... ,... hAy ~ S-4000Me &u .. lote4 ll•olfy 949-673 3463 Newport Coast TllOVAlll 'h• 7h~ 7 i~· e•••d .ommur11ty 11001 •ii St lOO':f4Q 2<ll 4bH SUMMIT -S9 Anrvu lbr 2ba ? "" &•• pont e•tr d cnmm s:noo mo Ai'f 944 /~9 QJ4 I s-... •• 31r 2' /•la \Ingle Ian> hm n•w pamt & carprl 2~ p S2lmn QI ~ 968'>1 8:tE VACATION ROOALS Deseft Rentals 7915 YAU D lllfTMS WISUBfTMS .. Sp aim Oesa-1 Conbct ftldllel Mter »51450wm1JJ1 ~awn VIClllaa Rmls e.•111 7t30 ............ C.,,'IUM -~Oct,,. can you? Oceanfront _.4S31SIW719 ........ ~- -... ~--2JO. Jno Of ..... 68-'ZOO 980 21'4 ~ Ji.r 2'1 011 ltlbe' ·-------• ,.,., M"4t ....... .-ttt. t c ... 1ftf 11 tlllSMO M9 213...Ul ,_ .._ ... , .. ........... alil ... _ *• "' ....... loutiOll ~-Mt-47'-lllV ........... ........ ................ ,., ...... ,_.,_ ~ ..... ...... -1-1 ::.::: -----ml , .. ....... 4 It••• tlHt ... , . .,, ..... . <Wstfte4 .. t1i1JI It ur,•l.1., ' • ': 11 I 11el.1• I '• ~ • I •·! , < I•~ I lel~ea hl••d A•t G......., I' l comput•1 graplltct. & ret11! \llf'" C•ll Strv~ 949 l?l l 100 W.....,i...t4ec.ll u - r I Pl Apf>ly '" 1'4"'<'n 1801 B•"* Or Corima del ..._ Wiid ~l. 10. 2» DfU'VHS WANTlD fWw;port & lllfl1f9"'M ""' Set yOUt own w.lllehlle1 P«t or full Inn. Ho"-bw $ 75+ I day Ml ti"" C.tl 888 OOf WOIHt " ~ @ -D-0-lo'nl <~ ... h•nrt"'• ~ Sett"'°hnt " • itronc .. , .... ,. ho..11 t.llllls .,,... .. nc-• jlfeferable wl Yeuttlttt h owled&• e tld C.m pllter ,. ilb • 11\UQ Moll I ,, 9 3 00 Cell fer •nt•"'-• M 711 ~ Al Monday, August 18, 2003 ACROSS I Dec:ide on 4 l<lder1"1cr\M 8 8ellyeche 12 Tyj)e ot QOllar 13 .Jul'• home 14 Bano rnstru- me<'llt 18 Root·top ll>nure 'f 11 Stan11f• 11YOUt (2wdL) 19 Put ell on 21 Comic -SrOOks 22 Hevetun 23 Wa11y crlltet 25 flctiOnaJ 08j)(l!llO 21 raar-ipro 31 Kind Ill duet 3S By;on woO< 3G Gawked Ill 38 I h.atet part 39 S&L piOleciot 41 Oflnl< nolelly 43 -on (con- vinced) 44 LISI 48 9e merdlul 48 Un~tcrted ltsl'I '19 Oozed !i 1 Many Novemb6r 53=cd :.!> Mayberry luCl 56 Adm118f 59 CoSf)Cf''s st 6 t Alen paS':fV 65 Black hole expe1 TODAY'S 88 ComtCS moppet 69 Havln\)morc 10W~ 71 Pett.cf p aoe 72 Ell·"-'PC'--73 ~ISIO<Jf $ IHpotl 7 4 Deck tho Halls' WO<d DOWN 1 Ken or 1..en11 ol lilm 2 Mexican dollaf 3 PHPl*ll'& 1Slalld 4 Wild horses !> <.:ommon abDf 6 Tepod 7 lull!DI 8 HQl'IPl 9 Distant tom 10 Owu.oo "4lnttri 11 LEM lonocr t:> Mcel waldlOog., I ~ I arm tlf 1<.10tiUU• 18 AC suppty 20 Canooloo, as a launctt (hypft' ;>• Hollows 26 Calo'ldar divs 21 Removes a h.:JJ ?8 Ace -n~ 29 Net PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOlVEO :JO E r1k11UJ 6981JI (hyph) 32 Fierce warrlo1 ()1'11.)6 -:J3 ICR h(Jti.;.e? 34 Yields rerrilorv 37 l:li~ Dipper IMll\11bor 40 Nabs 42 Con~11y •S Naml' IOf ;) I O'\ 4/ -th11 It~ !>Cl El9Ystor bunon 52 Lead shot l>4 Jtij)llf"'"' City Sf! Tote 57 Jacoo s twin .!>(I Calil• !j1Vlt'5 60 F111GA•alC1 s poet 62 Car lmpOfl 6J Henr,.s 1stanos 64 H1tJ11t..tl rl 66 Bohby - ol hockey 61 Arml'• w~ OMAR SHARJF and TANNAH HIRSCH ... ---------· ANSWl!RS '1'0 W£HKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q I • Both vulncniblc, 11.~ South you hoW: •'i54 7 J AKQ1087 •AQJ The toiddin.R has proceeded: SOUTH W~ NORTII EAST t Pass l• .._ ? Whal do you bid now~ A . If you play thut a two.level re~poni.c create~ a game force, you .:an cooviJlcc panncr of good dub support by raising now, plannmg 111 rebid d1amon(b over panner'& fk!Xt bid. If 001., a rai'iC 10 t.hrce clubs would not be fun:.ing, w you buve to jump to three diamooJ.~ lo creatt: a forcr. 11111t could result in mi~ing a ~111111 ifpar1ncr 1~ worried about th<'. cluh \Ult. Q 2 -Ncith.:r vulnerable. a' Suuth yuu huld: •A K J 84 AKJ 7 K 7.\•~ The bidding hu~frocccded: SOlll'JI WI£.-; ORTll •:AST I• ~ 2NT P16S ? Whul do ~ ou hid nuw'1 A · You ar.: m the \lam lt.lnc, anJ the key rn OX' hand 1s partner·, ,,ard, 111 the mujor wi" To find Ulll ll)(}n: about North', holdlo~. hid three hcart.!o now. Should partner 'h"" J" intrn:'t h} n-bidding thrl"r no trump. 11 '' 1111~ tn gL'I oul the auction. but 1f Nort11 00c:,, \Unielhin~ d-.r YllU t'llll 'how your di;unond lr<1g1fk!nt nc\I Q 3 • Umh \'ulncn1hlc. "-'South }OU hold· •l>.1 IJJll2 (,)IU 72 •J9J Tiic bidding hil\ rruccrdcJ. '\ORlll !-.AST so11·111 \H.•.-r I• 1'11.'' I Pll'-' 2• l".b~ ? Wh~t Jn ~ ou hid 11111,1, 1 A • Yuu ha' c a' lirtk <t' Lhc lu1,1, Jlluw' fc1r your ong1nal n:'P' '""' \j"" )OU rlJU\I take l~C not lo dl• anytlung h• rna~c panr1t•r lhink your 'alut'l> an· "(l\lnd Sinn· th<'. JUllll' ,i.ifr '' rordnf.. tilt-wil} "a) 111 J!"" to h1J rwo 110 1rumr now Q 4 • As South. vuJllCfllble, you hold: a A 7 5' J 2 ~A J 10 9 6 2 o 2 • 6 Tbe bid<l.inJ! has proi:.eeded: Wf':sT N<J\n'H 11.AST S()lffH t• t• l v 1 What do you bid oow'! A • 1-'occntially, you have 11 IOl of pluying uic~ while yoor length in panncr's suit dimini~hes your side'' defert>ive capability. Jump to four spades. lf you M: lucky. you will get to play there. Partner should make the contr.ict easily. Reganilcss, do not 10ell out to 11 five.level minor-suit game. Q S • Neither vulnerdble. us South you hold: •7652 Jl09J 7S •KIOS The tndding ha.~ proc.:ee<lt'(j: NORTH EAST" SOt,TU Wt.:SI' I• Pim PtiS I• J)bl I'll.~ ? What at:htin Jn yuu lllkc'! A -P'dltncr \ doublr i~ for takeout. Ml penally and, ron,idaing your I"'"'"'· you have a very u-.cful hand for him -the lung in his )Ull and four dc.:cnl heart' However. 1t 1' enough tu bill lwo hcllll.\ nuw. If there i) game 111 t.hc .:ard\, par1ncr ha\ w havt." ennug.h to act again. Wr will Jl),11 accept a rl'll\'lll lo lwn dubl> '1111:t• partn..-r\ action doc~ not ~ar· ante..: four ht~.irts. () 6 • 1-".u'I Wc\I >itlncrJhlc. ll\ South }OU hu)d. • "(} IU 7C..1 II 5 • Kf.)ll52 l ho: b1JJmg h;~, prurccJcJ: SOLlllt \\·EST 1'0RTll !::.AST I• Obi Rdbl 2 \.\/hJl UCLIOll du ~ llU lll~C r ,\ -lllt'. n-J11uble a,J-, )'"' lu !!"t: p.trtncr rbt'. nghl uf way. hul there " nn "-ay you an: grnng In dclc:nd a lo"' -k,cl h«an contrat'I th.it p;inrn:r ha\ doublrJ To tell pannrr of your Jhtrihuuonal, weak hand. bid lhr.x duh, mm P..-io Kl* Studio in r as11 Island mal. kn<..., tu e•pd ha1styltsls P111ie loc. ta wall m ~212 1629 Perk! 9000 Automotive 9004 Automotive 9004 Automotive 9004 NURSES IMMEDtAU lYI CHIA'"' CNA'~ & ~ needed for Live in/Hourly Action Heoltlt Cote Orange County (714) SS7-2273 PART TIM( I OR t'AClf IC Vl[W MEMORIAL PARK m Cor ""'' del M,11 . CA. l wo pb"'""" •va1lable. funPral Servll~ Diret tors to ove1'ee < hapel and gravn1de serv1c~. needed weekdays & some weekends. SI Ohr . Musi have p1oless1onal appearance. be com passionate and friendly Calf 949 644-2700 and spe.ak w1tl'I Miles Wood Part ..,_ R.ief M....,_ $12/hr Lg ~to1age lac1t.1y Mon, Thu". r ,.·~ Off1cP and file maintenance E •P a Irma 714 841 4466 Service Directory "NOTICE TO READERS. California law re qu1res that tontr at tors taking 1obs thal total $50() or more (labor or materials) Ile licensed by the Contractors State L1cenu Board Slate law also rtqu1re.s thal conlucto1s Include the1t license number on all acfvet11srng. Yoo can check the status of your licensed contrac tor al www.csfb ca gov or 800 321 CSl 8 Unli· cen,ecf contractors laking 1nbs that total Ins than $'i00 must state 1n their advert1~emenh that they are not licensed by the Contractors State LKense Bo;1rd.'' Quldc.booti1 h ammg & support/trouble ,hooting ~w~buslrms °' personal 949-548-2538 Additions& Rtmodellno A-Z HANDYMAN Install, reface cabinets ~ ~ Ool• 114-541'>-72!>8 .. Carpet Repair~les ~CARPET CARPET . Repair•. Palthrng, 111,tall Courteous any s11e 1ob• Wholesale' 949-497 0205 Cleaning Touch of Kla~s hun•pcan 1:,pcn 1n House C leaning 10 year' 111 Hu,inn~ I llcn'><'d & H11111lcd l'rufl'""'"al tc;1111' ~\\lj.?OCd lo Your I lnmc (949) 548-0097 1-r,·c J:,rimalc' Rclcr.:nt ,., Spnng Cle;unn!! Special• & IUSINCSS •ErAl•S Uperades. Rep11rs of Computer. l'tetwClfks Evenlnp/Weekendl Compeh11ve p11<es lat quality Ser vie 949·13•-111s 714-926-4221 QulckKlean Renew, don't replace lile/gtout lloofa .. "2!~ lhoMlia. ~"'-"' ... liog. VSIMC~ 888-T77""':ii44 www.qlctlle.com 9004 Conv mtlallit ddfk blue t~rey 11111 "1p1•1b cond (hrUU((llllU( $14.'f95 v"617471 ~ ')41}.':J«l IRRR _ www.ocpobl.com BMW '86 3181 BMW '98 Zl Conv. auto white/tan llhr r:o bedul1ful like new cond. $17 !195 v59724 Im & w•r dVai Bkt ~511; 1888 w ww.ocpal.com BMW '99 Zl Conv, 2.3 V&, 1!>k ITII. !>~pd, CO '/ tonP lllk & Ian, llhr int beaul1ful. hke n~w cond Corvelte '89 Coupe auto GOii • m1, melalhr 1 cd /tan lthr superb cond throughout, $9 995 Bkr 949 ~ 1888 w-.ocpobl.com MAZDA TRIBUTE 2001 red uter Ian lthr mler am·fm CO, ~unrt, ac.. $13.49!>949 494·46!>2 MERCEDIS INZ '92 I~ 2.6 blacil, al PWI . Dodg9 '98 ~ auto, -;urvoof, 4911 ""· °'"'""' &.yl. A/C. IU11, lull powet owner. tQlCXJ 949644 2341 am·tm c.a~. cc, hnt, alloy wht<. S5999 114·593 8129 ~ d1 , bla<k, 5 w. "J" ruof lull pw1 $l!>lXl 714.9 14 8166 BMW '90 32SI Sl'l 99!> v~')!>/71 11 ford '6 S Mus tang n.rnunw & warrauly dVdll Convt't t1ble. original B~r 949 586 1888 owner ~nhd car $19.99'.> Mercedes '03 320( 20ll m1. p~wter pertetl w nd, fletcher Jones ~vc & e• tended w•rr anty $44 !>()() 949 644 2347 hl\e new Blk ltan, 4 dr auto, ac, ~unrf. full pwr. t1nl, Ca smoi-$3650 714 45<1 1698 www.ocpa bl.tom obo 949·119 ?943 BMW 5281 '99 Sport Wagon •Int cond warranty, loaded $?7.99'.> 949-88/-464.4 . s.I Y"' UllWClltt4 ltttlS tbt easy way! Plo<t a Cleulfitd 14 t*yl (949) 642·5678 Computer Services COMPUTER HELP! • Pm1h flt wt 1lltmtnt • At ,_ hDllle flt °""' •PC or llK ·~~~t.."t*q ·~!'8go~llllQI ·-~­•QlbT""~ • Ll<jlla \/cm Pt'*> ~ • lll,W; CurµAD-1'\JO""" H!iP UC Ben.N)' Gnoduate. 10Yra~_,Er,p. 714-612-2786 Concrete & Masonry CodlUoc '90 r1-1weo4 silver/grey, 4dr. sunroof, Ith•, auto, 38k ml, $4800 new tire.s 949-760-0144 Owysler '94 New Yodter J 5 V6 I owner 43~ nllual ml , books. ret.ord,, melalflc tur qu<11v/la11 llhr fully loaded. lrke new $4995 v"6672 L8 Bkr 949-586-1888 www.ocpabl.co"' Drywall Services WITTHOEFT ORYWAU All phase' sm/lrg 111bs CllANl lOy1 s. fa11 , free e<.t I 400JJO /14 639-1447 Electrical Services DUNCAN UfCTRIC I oral Qu1rll Respon•e Home, Yartf & Ootk fleer 70 Yr> E 'P I IC/Insured l #275870 949 6!>0 7042 DUTCHMAN EUCTRIC Commercial. tndu~t11al. ~~~ Rah$ llf'T:Rn7 9l9 24S{llZ7 Brick Block Stone Tiie LICENSED CONTltACTOR c:onrret~. ratio. 0.1v,.way No tob too sm. Al ser-1 I 1repll BBQ Ref's. 2!:>Yr~ Repair. 1emodel, fans, ! ~P T•rry /14 5!>7 /!:>94 spa, new ,Y<. 949645 3656 The Cement Man Cementwork. Br"k. Tiie & More Reliable No 1ob tun 'mall 714-615·906? Renolno<• Design & Cor!St l 00'#. pefflic.tloo I tnb at 11 time Steve Marhn I #82?214 949-582· 3972 Tl 01 G YOU•HOMl tMPROVlME.NT PltOJlCT? Call a plu1nbe1 . painter. handyman, or any of the are.at ~flfVICU ltsled h•r• 111 1our service d11eet111yl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CA~ HELP YOUTOOAYI Aooring/Tile CUSTOM OIA1M TU lnstallatlon. Slate. cer lllTIIC, matble. stone btoilt 1975 l#612044 -'!!ff 71<Hil2·9'J61 LEMYsa..-nR.-ed Reeroutm & ln&tallahon lll l OEAN 949-673-8065 II 4-346--f626 714-a:l-2031 l .. T ... , •• ~,.,. w.1111) meint. Ir•~ I inst1ll1tion 25 Yrs exp l1c/ill$Ufed 949-s.ta 4363 F«d '86 Mustang c_,,. MERCEDES S60Sl '86 6cyt, auto. A/C. pb, pw. Blue/green new lop and ps. am Im. c.c. wlll cove" uphnl~tery Pvt Party s:lJOO obo 714 962·1447 $9850949 673 1095 LcNt4 •ovet '96 ._.,.9• Menedes '88 S60 Sl Rove r White. full y white/tan. 1mmac w....t. loaded. all maintenance °"' IJUill. ,_ 111'1 qi. rec. Sl6,!m 949-887-07?9 dYtrn!5. $ll1.1J n~/51 Mj4 Moido 'Ot Trfbvte ES MIRCURY TO'Al: '8 9 s1lver/2rey lthr. ?lk m1, Champange/erey. AT . 4 V6, 4wd. 6 CD. warranty, cir. low mi. grl car. Sl!)OO pp $14.999 949 675 8753 Movmg 714·878-9455 Ganlenina/ Landscaplng Su"""er S ape -Up Get your yard looking Its best for h surrrner Y•ddcanl4'.JS.~ tune lV-> and ~ weellend & eve quot~ Xtro Hand Se rvlcH 714-427-0040 Tr-Service, Yard Cleanup. Mamtenance, Sp11nkler Repair Hduhng (949) 650·8781 Handyman/ Home Repair RlSTORE • REPAIR & REMODEL ING CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yrs Exi,. Great~ All P'1ases ol Construction ~ Remodtll Elipllts L1Sn982 949-305-7899 Handyman/ Home Repair GENFJlAL llEPAill "MAINTF.NANCE *'~*~ No Job Tho SmaJJ Dave Hamilton 949·322-8292 Can't Do It? D-'t wont to do It? We can & we w.a 24n 4 aM your home repa11s714-348-8430 FIX UP SPICIAUST. All types of repa11s flee t11tal. plumb1112, door~. water heal8'S. l*5 & mtte 24h,ndays 714·366 1881 &..tic.-..... &a.,.ln Carpentry • Plumbmg 01 ywall • Stucco Pamhng, r.ie & ITIOfe 20+ Ytars E.perlenct!I JI 7t4-969·S776 JeHeyAM'-'• H-e ltepolr $fNn.ffsf Interior & Eatenor Repairs 714 501-6466 THI HANDYMAN All woril guan1hleed PkJrnbin&. Elldrical, Doon. Fnsh carp Ilk:.~ Hallll111 JUNlt TO THI DUM'1 II 714·968· 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 94S.673·b566 AnlHRl .... 1111 SpecializlfJQ Jn Additions & Quality Remodel/no SillCt 1970 714-809•0713 ..... ....... , ...... FIND ~--------~, ... --------~~- PHii.UPS AUTO 01*4A4~ Blue w/Bloe, only I~ mi, lpO(ts 1>111. ( t 9478C) S24.980 OOUIW'111 Sltvel w/blllck lthr, SteptrOllic (193871) $21,980 HIU OS...... White w/saddle lel!lh er, moonroo( ( l 9443) S28.91ll. 0, .Mfl-r s ,,,.. Set Green w/Sllddle lthr, 281< ml, rllOOnf'OOf (19112) $29,980 . HM«ceclnsut 2"1 Blue w/black, aiev 5jl0fls pka (l'J416) $27.980. HIMW'2a#S Red w/black llhr, 5spd (19470) Sl8.91rl Oll'ondNTirio Tlptromc. only I Ilk moles, nava2at1nn (19394) INQUIR( 93 J.e.11us GS 300 Gold w/Slldcfle leather. chrome wheels ( 19418) S21.!8> 0 2 Ponc#N G12 Black w/black ooly 100 m1le1> (19597Cl INQUIRE. 0 r Merced.• CLSOO Sliver w/g1 ey. ndvf eation, only I!>!\ m1 Cl9!>4!>C) INQUIRl 00 Porsche l oJtster Silver w/black, pren11um ~ound (194763) $?8.980 949-S74-7777 PttlLfS AUTO ~(99 01,,......,._.on ACR red on biack, low miles. eor1eousl ( 1940!)1) SS7 .980 OOIMWU• Silver w/black Ith!, Steptromc; (193811) S21.980 HU~S.­ While w/-sdle lealh et. mooorool (19443) $27,!8>. 0, _,,._ s ,~ Se;i Green w/~ddle lttw. 28K m1. r11oonrooJ (19111) $29,!llk). ,,.,_.,., ... sue 230 Blue w/black, &f"Y !.jlOt ts Piii (19416) $Z7,91ll. ffl#W,211$ Red w/black llhr. 5spd ( 19470) s 18.98:1 0 I l'ondN Tlrio Tiptronlc, only 1811 miles. navar.iall(Kl (19394) INQOIRf fl Lex.w GS 300 Gold w/s.oddle lealh"1 chrome wheels (19418) $21,980 02 'ondw GT2 . Black w/blacll only 100 mite' (19597C) INQUIRE 0 r MerceJet ClSOO Solver w/grey. nav1 2at1on, only l~K m1 ( 19'>4'>C! .tNQUIRI 00 'oroc#ie •o.111ter Silver w/bldtll, 6wd. low mile~ ( 1960/) $3!:>,980 949·574-7777 MJ.rSAUTO plilips.it.<• l'oruhe '99 Correra Mlflubkhl DIAMAHTt '92 46k m1 bit. blk Ith• LD 751. m , ch.Jf/ioey 'IUrft, throme whh. Ilk•• fl••W Al. 6 cyl. b.tdod C.. .,,1~ $42.000 V•62'lO'i7 fl $440) 714 914 8166 nanc1ng & wa11 <>va1I Bkr 949·586·1881 -.ocpob l.tom H L"' l " cmp oyee. mnrl. CO. f1bu ut 1:011d throu&houl SS99S vln#4572 I 9 Bkr 949-SH ·lt .. ww..,.eqieitl.c- R-ee lever '9t 4.0 SE 281'. actual mi, books, records. I ·ownet white/ tan lthr, CO. running boards/brush 11urd1, like new cond. v272848 $18,995 fin & warr1nty avail Bkr. 949·!>86· 1888 --•c,....l.c- Toyota '91 hcoma 4x4 New off rd Ines. 3 l/2" hit kit. pl w/alarm mint cond $7900 949 675 5744 AUTOMOBl.ES, MISCS.UNEOUS Warited F-'Y ~.,..... Over 40 YEWS e•pl Wll1 pay a '1ery law pnce for your e11t, van or tr\JCll paid (or oo not Cal Oidl Rey (@ 1 omaw Aull> Sales. 1f4. 437·19.11 or ll4-328-3228 CASH FO• CAIS Wl NIED YOUR CAR 'AID FO• O• NOT PHIUIPS AUTO ASK FOR MAlCOlM 949.574.7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ 1 tl4 GMC JI n Cr.ft Country RV. 2 ae unlt!f 429 Chevy V8. 251( or11111 ml. Sll,500 BEST OFfiR 114 840-7919 HHY 2000 30ft.. & 2003 n u.. lmrNc sleeps 6 & 8 optional tent. pmlc tbl, bbQ, Toy t11ller & lent trailer 949,295 0356 or 949.f>OO, 1266 BOATS 9615 DUffY lUCTRtC 'et Cl ASSIC I 8fl fu lly restored, besl otter Rick 949.343.9414 . 18' a-it Newpcrt Pildld looks lb d Duffy. ~ boat 1-t.s a tPJd s.lip II Nev.p:r1 SJo;B) ~ DUFFY lllCTRIC 199S, rtew balte11~s. aood co11d1t1on $12.000/obo 714 612 4544 Sailboats 9520 CAl 20 SWOAT, sip Ml Sl4'S pp 949-!>48· 3024 SERVICES BOAT REPAIRS/ _Loa_ns ___ ~_.. SERVICES AAA Easy 'No Dae' ...._ t-nt Nu lnlomt' verrf1 r allon l'urrh.•'le. rel1 n,mce, ~ t!UI $100,0CU tn $4 IXXHXXJ & from 'No Down Pi66 7!B-'l? 19 Of WWW ~e lf empto vtctlo3n' rom (C3hlu<rno Me• 81 .f.1902 > ICAl •SCJIN) BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Wdnt'°l 4511 Moo111111. around 831bu• l)land, lnp S /6-0 l'l J 94-44 Cell /144li'/068 ----- .SUPS AVAIL.ABU f rom 3S-9 Sft In Newport l each, l eaH U9-S00· 100S NO MATTER ··Empleado." "'A rbeilneh mf'r. ""Employe. '' ~Pilot HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FINO IT. House Ctnnlng Painting Plumbing HovH Cleantngelxp'd Strfp & llwtal ,..,...., Wlll~/61 wkly/Monthly Cu•tom Hand Painted S(Wll Ref's. Great ratoi Imelda ""-~ & faoi. PIJlrltlne 949-548-421f> 94~m.at37 l\rlJst for lwe ~l .{ifi64 -DUii C1W9IG (949) 645·2352 Moving & S1orage • .". f·P' .... d·~ r '.' . •" , • . .::: ~ r :~' 1E Open7 Days Low Rates Storage Specials Since 1981 949-645-4545 l lST MOVEIS SSS/Hr. Se1v1ng All C.ties ln~ured Tl63844 800-246 2378 323·6J0·9971 ctll PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Public Ut1lit1cs Commission requ11n that all used l'lousehold eoods mover~ print their P U C Cal r number: limos and chautteurs prlnl the11 T .C.P. number in all edver- lisemcmts. If you hne 1ny quut1ons about t he leaalrty ol a mover . l imo or chauffeur. call: PUIUC UTIUlllS COMMISSIOM IOO e77..U67 ...........-c.. Attw1 lWetfy ... .._ .... c.. two,.,..,..... 8altq, medl. deiri-c. ,,... Dr. llA)b. etc. •lrit rtls. oertilllid 71A-lZ1'6733 1.111 •u ., 1111 ~ 'l4'tJt e,.. ~Professional Painhng LfC 1'94350 Rob Isbell · Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949·887·1480 ca-.··,... 'OYrs e.p Great Price! GuAranteed w(lf'll r ree est l'375607 714 5JS. l534 7 39().2945 'HCISI 'LUMllNG Repairs & Remodalma fREE lSTIMAlt lll"S CUSTOM PAIN11MG LM681398 714 969-1090 f'l'ol"l. ctun, QOallty wOl'k lnter!O</ell end dock~. Pool llnlcl L#103468 949-631 4610 Hyffft'• , ..... , ... Top Quaht), Competitive lnlerlOf /lxt L#648228 Call Jar 949 ~-5066 RAMIOW a.GI MMfY Pelnt1n1..w.1t•l lbMl,t.pt Quallty lobl f , .. ntllnlta Ll569897 71• 636·8888 M..-kPMl&S.-Svc. Weekly Service, EQUIP· mint Repairs, lnsur11d. <el 94t-2'2-7 I 7J CAUGHT IN THE ACT All T 11'? of Rao6 tr llqaAo • Raidnttitl. C.0.-W (949) 54W69 wwww-hicn ruot.C'Um Tree Service ,C. TREES Trf1Htl"f, RnwNf & YaN CIH11 ... 714.435.J, State Lk. THI STRWPUll Spec1ahun1111 Wallpapr Remool I #~41 949·360-1211