HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot,. • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2003 IN BUSINESS . A united frbnt against ocean pollution Several businessmen from Newport Beach and other county cities have created an environmental group to keep the ocean clean. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -Several maverick Orange County businessmen have formed a nonprofit environmental advo- cacy group to help clean up the county's beaches. Four of the 11 board mem- bers of the group. known as the MiOcean Foundation, live in Newport Beach. fellow surfers, wbo also work in the private sector, founded the group about two years ago after a day of surfing in front of At- ldns' West Newport home. Atkins remembers heading back to the shoreline, with board in hand, after riding one last wave. He had an epiphany. "I just finished surfing and had three plastic bags wrapped around my foot," said Atkins. a principal with O'Donnell At- ldns, California's largest land broker. That same day. John Moody. who lives in Dana Point, devel- oped a staph infection that landed him in the hospital. At- kins says the group has slaned to clean up the trash from the c6unty's beaches, as well as re- ducing bacteria in the surf zone. Paul Malc.arechian. the pre!>i- dent and chief exelullve of Newport Beach-based real es- tate firm Makar Properties. also co-founded the organization. Makar is a diverc;ified commer cial real estate firm with about $700 million in assets under management and nearly $2 biJ - lion in development. $300,000. The group has targeted sev- eral Newport Beach locations for cleanup. Those include a storm drain Lhat runs along Seashore Drive that has been pinpointed as a potential con- tributor of bacteria in the Santa Ana River mouth. More ambitiously, the group Craig Atkins and three other Since its founding, the mem~ bers have raised more than See POllllTION. Pace A4 MARK C DUSTIN /DAJLYP1LOT David Bruno, 7, left, and Stooor Boise, 6, of~ Beach have some fun on the slide at the eod of an inflatable obstacle course at Bonita Canyon Sports Part< Sunday afternoon. The obstacle course was one of many attractions at the apeoing ceremonies of the par1< Let the gallles begin Mike Swanson Daily Pilot Packs of clinic soccer players will soon be roaming one of the five new soccer fields at Bonita Canyon Spons Paric. perhaps waiting to hit one of two playgrounds during their siblings' afternoon games. Little Leaguers playing lO a.m. games on one of four diamonds can stick around to watch their Pony League elders, who are finally allowed to lead off and steal second before the ball reaches the catcher's mitt. City officials. youth-league organiurs, parents and children Mayor Steve Bromberg throws out the ceremonial first pitch at the opening of Bonita Canyon Sports Park gathered Sunday for the long-awaited ribbon-cutting celebration of Bon;ta Canyon Sports Park's public opening. The 33.5-acre park has been contracted since May 2000. said Marie Knight, Newport Beach director of recreation and senior services. "I can't wait to get out here to hear the crack of the bat, the celebration of a great goal, and just the laughter of our city's kids enjoying their sports," Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg said. Bromberg threw out the ceremonial first pitch, which catcher Eric Hallett of Newport Beach Little League caught and delivered to Newport Harbor Baseball Assn.'s Austin Wobrock at first, who met AYSO's Erin Almaraz at second, who dribbled a soccer ball to third and higb-fived Pacific Coast Girls Fast THINKING ALLOWED Pitch's Cassidy McCuJJough. McCullough then sprinted from third and oaturaJJy cut the ceremonial ribbon at home plate with her stomach. "[BonHa Canyon Sports Park[ will have such a great impact on the city," said Maree Almaraz. regional commissioner for AYSO. "We desperately need fields. We couJd have used it last year, but I'm just glad it's here now.· The fields have already been assigned for fall sports, and practices on the fieJd are already in session, Knight said Almaraz spent the afternoon See GAMES, Pqe M See the Web site, go to the real site S bop. Dine. Enjoy. 1bose are the words that greet you at the top of the new, chic 1lianflle Square Web site. J just imqlne some dart·eyed woman, cuuaDy perdM!d outside the Yard Houle. Je.nlng one arm over the rUI of the outdoor peak>. ..,... thole worda In • low, rupy voice. "Shop. Dine. F.njoy.. lhe lays and then Wei • tip fJom bet trendy..,.. martini. Pnnkly, I don't lb1nk 1\ientte Sqlml 1111n••-DMtimt cmw wbal ~do• the troubled cenm,u long as lt is IOIDelb.lng, Reed.Get loa. Play on the elCBllitora. ~brtnaln IOIDlnew blood. ....... lbenew LOLITA HMPER Wlb•ll ~•llllplllcbe,.... clr-*albeNdecnai ...... ....-.; Ind Ill Changes planned at Town Center Shuttered movie theater would be demoli shed and Scott's Seafood saved in a proposal going before the Planning Commission. Lolita Harper Dally Pilot CO:,TA ME~A -Segerstrom officials. who compare their shift in plans for the Town Center Projecl with musicaJ chairs. hope to have all the component'> in the right place when the mu~it '>lops tonight at City Hall. Shght tweak.s to 1he already approved plans for the 3300 and 3400 block!> of Bristol ~treet call 10 move the propo'>ed hotel and office building to different cor- ners of the project area, which saves the popular Scott's Seafood restaurant from demolition. qid PauJ Freeman. spokes- man for C.J. Segerstrom & Sons develop- ment company. "There are realJy no substantive changes. other than the precise locauons on the same quadrant. -Freeman said. "We got plans approved and a develop- ment agreement for a new office building and a new hotel and we are domg the ex- act !>allle thing, in terms of use and proj- ect.·· Because of the bankruptcy of Edwards Cinema'>, Segerslrom officials looked to reconfigure the project, noting that it made more sense to demolish an empty building than an established restaurant. !)o, Scott's stays. the proposed hotel moves to 3400 Bristol St., and the existing office buildings get revamped. losing 3,000 square feet. "When Edwards went away, we had the chance for optimal configuration.· Free- man said ... Plus. [we) like Scott's.· The 24.59-acre project was approved in February 2001 for 1,522.815 square feet of office space. 5, 145 square feet of retail space. 516,000 square feet of hotel space -which includes the existing Westin - and 43.090 square feet of restaurants, a health club and plaza tower, dty planning Daily Pilot AT AGl.ANC£ ON TIE WEB: www.~oom WEATHER ~ IAbepenty ~ doudy toct.y, ......... but ... ~W9ftft; .. ,.A2 IPOl11 .... Hllh .... '., l:a ......... _..yaer .... Galllilt Wiil 1 I I ... ... ,.. • r A2 Monday, Auaust 25, 2003 .. YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT DON LEACH I OM..Y PtlOT Vance Valdes with a picture of Columbia Yachts' new model. To the left is a picture of a model built by Valdes' father. A nod to the past Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot A fier a 24-year absence from the sailing world. Columbia Yachts, under the guidance of Vmce Valdes, son of the origjnal founder Dick Valdes, is being reborn. Co lumbia Yachts will make a comeback after a 24-year hiatus from Newport Beach with its new 30-footer 30 around the first of the year with our biggest show to be in Chicago in February 2004," Valdes said Valdes projects between 24 to 36 boats per year when they reach full production. Columbia Yachts made its splash in Newport Beach in the 1960s, and it caused a ripple effect in the boat-building world as the premiere builder of sailboats in the '60s and '70s and as an innovator in the indusoy. "It's going to happen," Valdes said. ·1 tracked down 1he brand-name license owner and bought back the name -Columbia Yachts has now come full circle. When I was a kid, my summer jobs were in my dad's boat yards. .. With young Valdes at the helm, Columbia's newest child, the Columbia 30 Spon Saller, is nearly out of the mold and set for assembly. HBased on the guiding principles conceived by my father. in creating th.is boat. Columbia Yachts' objective is to give a lot of boat for not a lot of money," Valdes said. Valdes hired Gino Morrelli of Morelli & Melvin Design and Engjneering -the same team that designed the world-record breaking "PlayStation," a 125·-fo6t Racing Catamaran and one of the only super-cats that haven't broken up -to design the new 30-footer and h.ired a seasoned crew to begjn production. "We are happy to be a part of Columbia's rebirth," Morrelli said. Many people on the new crew look familiar. "My dad comes in two or BUSINESS CALENDAR THURSDAY • Send BUSINESS CAl!NlAR items to the Deily Pilot. :m w. Bay St, Colt.a Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mb.swenson@latimos.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 6744298. lndode the time, d8te and location of the event. 8S wel as a contact phone number. A ~fisting is available at www.dai~oom. The Nllwport Beectl QUllnber of Commeroe will host its Newport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican, 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members. $10 for potential members. Resef'vat:ions aren't required. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. ONGOING The Costa M"a Ch•mber of Commerce hosts networtlng luncheon meetings Wednesdays DailYAPilot VOL 97, NO. 237 ntoMAS H. JOHNSON News Edltofs P\iblishef Gina Alexander, Lori Anderaon, TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul S.nowitt, Editor J4Jlt1'( OETTING Daniel Stevena ~r NEWSSTAff Crime°:r~. PromodoN Director (949) 5' dflel».bharMti•l«i,,,...oom EDrTWQ ITAf'F June=•• Ll.CeM Newport repoftef', W,ng Editor, CINI ) 574-4232 57~ jU,,..C#tNgrendfl .llltJ,,,_com a.J.oMtr1• 111t1mM.com ..... ~ ....... ~ Polltlca, buslneee end 9"Vironment • C!'Y ~ctitrJ2.t , .. , ,..,,_, (MS) 1"M330 ~~~ piHJ/.cllnton•""""-oom ......,.,... LGllm ..... ~EcMot, Columni.t, cu!M'e ~· (..,PM:m (M)PMm rldWd.cAnt•...,,.,_oom ..... ,, ....... ~·,.,.,,_"°'" M OlreiaeDr', ,.._Diet CNef. .,..... .......... IMtlM-4224 Coeta .... ""*"'·(Ml 174-C21 ..... ...,,,...,,, .,,..._,,.,,.. .. .,_,oom .... -=-,,..ldllor, c..1-... ..... I a .. CMll.,..._ !Mt .... ~ ....... .,., tJtnl. ..... ..........,, ' three times a wee.It and once said, 'This Is like old home week.' referring to the setting and familiar faces,• Valdes said •Nearty half my current crew worked for the original Columbia Yachts." Valdes said he's brining Columbia bade because people support the boats. "There is so much goodwill out there that CCM?fS a wide spectrum: those who still own a Columbia. those who once owned a Columbia. and those who have put SS,000 down for this next generation -sight unseen." A blend of racing boat and cruising boat, the 30·footer can be pulled with a trailer and has a retractable le.eel, thereby forgoing the need to crane it out of the water. "We plan to Introduce the from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 88&-9090. "What's in store for Columbia Yachts?" Valdes asked ·1 think that within a couple of years. we'll be ready for our first S<HfooterJ. • In the '60s. a Columbia SO won the Newport to Ensenada. the world's largest international yacht race. Valdes brings a wealth of real and practical experience to the new Columbia Yachts. In 200 I, he sailed aboard the racing yacht Bull in the funs Pacific Yacht Race from Los Angeles to Honolulu. winning first In class and first overall. For more information, e-mail Vince Valdes at lllJtlldes@columbiayachts.com or go online to www.oolumbiayachts.rom The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Platt College, 3901 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Call to make The Costa Mesa Communicaton Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Oepa11ment of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. reservations. (9491646-1274. TheM ... ~ Toastmasters Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St .• Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news stories, Matti C. Dustin, Don l.each, Illustrations, editorial matter or Kent Trept0w adveltlsemenu hef'eln can be READERS HOTUNE reproduced without written permiuion of copyright owner. (949) 642-6086 Record your comments about the HOW TO REM:H US Daily Pilot or news tipt. Chuledon ~ The Tlme9 Orange County Our eddr .. 11 330 W. Bay St., Costa MeN, CA 92627. Office hours are (8001252-9141 Adww"8k .. Monc»y-Friday, lklO a.m. • 5 p_m. Qr I Elfled (9491642-5879 Conedb• Dilt*Y(949)M2-4321 It le tM Piiot's policy to promptJy EdtbW COIT9d all errors of eubltance. News ,,,..._call (949) 7&M324.. (M9l 64Ni680 ....... (949) 574-4223 FYI Newt,.. (948) 146-4170 The N9wport 8MchlCoN.MeN .,... ,.. , ... , 8450-0170 Deity Pilot (USPS· 1.......00) le E-Mal: thlllypllof•""""-oom publllhed deUy. In Newport a..ctl MllllOllee end ea.ta Mesa, eubec:rlpdone .,. ..... Olloe (Mt) M2...:J21 evalllbte only by tubecriblng to lh4t ....... ,.. , .... , 83t.7ut Times~ .. County (800) 21a.f141. In ""' out.ide of 11m · Newpoft IMdt end Colts Meet, 9Ube0r'tptione to the De6ly Piiot .... ~otff¥ by ..... """'°' ao"' mondt. lftrioee lndude a11 l'ubletled ~ Cotnmunhy llPJ.Clble ..... end loo.t .... , Newt,. . of the l.oe ~ fl'OSTMA8Tl.": ..._ ...... ,,.... '°The Mrwpoft Tim-. ~ ..... ~ ..... I':(), Cl200I Timea CH. NA rtgMr b111Q.C......_,CAma ~ THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE Some -words and phrases don't really say anything I fyo~ are so passionate about your company's new product that you want to say "it underscores OUJ" commjtment"; if you wholeheartedly believe a new service is a *win-win"; if you're sure that a company merger will "create synergies" -please, for the love of Pete, don't say so. During the busiest times at Business Wire, I read about 20 press releases a day. That meant that, during any given week. I came across these excruciatingly hackneyed expressions about 1.4 million times. (Blame the accounting error on wordsmith's math disabWty: just believe me when I teU you that's what it felt like.) Writing marketing materials is a different process than creative writing or even journalism -a different mind-set. Creativity tends to go down the commode, and that's understandable. Nobody expects a press reh;ase about a new llP router to read like Hemingway. But the writer often can't know that the words he is choosing are also being chosen by a jillion other people in what. to the reader, feels li.ke a barrage of meaningless expressions. As I recall, the expressions above were the big three that annoyed me. As such. they are the ones I recommend you avoid. Instead, try to get out of business writer's rut by talc.ing a step back and ask.Ing yourself what you mean to say. Let's say you're John Frederiksen, general manager of Windows at Microsoft, and you're really tem pted to give this quote for a 200 l press release: *This enhancement to Windows Messenger, which incorporates customer feedback and underscores our commitment to continue to innovate and to , ensure that Windows XP enables the best, easiest, most exciting computing experience for consumers. It also underscores our commitment to work with the industry to make Windows XP a great platform for third-party solutions." (By the way, I found this by typing "underscores our commJtment" into Yahoo!) Now let's say that you actually want people to understand what you're saying. Ta.lc.e a ~tep back.. Think short sentences. Think substance. *This enhancement to Windows Messenger was designed with the customer in mind -rcaJ customer feedback guided ils creation. Our ongoing innovation allows Windows XP users to enjoy the best. easiest, most exciting computing experience available." Twas actually look.lng for some altemaUve to "underscores our commitment• when I realized that nixing tha1 thought gets the main poin1 across even better. Other alternatives to this phrclbe might be "demonstrates our commJtment," "delivers on our promise," "exhibits our dedication." "proves our belief in,• and so on. Of course, Frederlksen'i. q_uote Is even more powe rful at underscoring one's commitment to avoiding run-on sentences. But that '~ the subject of another column. The quote also contains an error. Ta.lc.e out the word "which" and the comma before it and you gel a complete sentence. ll's easy to take swipes al the people who. day in and day out, must find words to seU products. I know their job isn't easy. So, f'U end With a compliment to these unsung literary laborers. In all the years I've been reading press releases. I have been consistently amazed at how often the writers know the difference between "compliment" and "complement.· The first one, of course, ii. li.lc.e saying. *What a beautiful home you have.· The seco nd means tha1 rwo or more things go well together. as seen in this excerpt from a recent press release about a new computer chip: "The MC44C401 complements Motorola's industry-leading family of RF modulator (MC44C37x family) integrated circuits." Along those lines, ·complimentary• means free and "complementary" means that things go well together. My complimen ts to all of you who knew this already. • Have a question about business writing or grammar 1 Write June Casagrande at june.cassgrande@latimes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be pertty cloudy today, The combined IOUthwest with a 20% chance of showers swetl from eeveral system• will and thundemorm9 Into the offer waist-to dlelt-highs night. Highs will be between 78 today, about • 10% drop from end. degrMe. Sunday. Lowa 11t night will be In the The weYM won't degr1lde eo... much on Tuetday. end may ·~ ...,.,.. '** 'M> towwd the end of www.1MS.nou.gov the day, In encidpedof'1 of the next aou1hwwt 8well. whktl BOATING FORECAST amw. Yledlieect.y • --.-.= Wiit Midi on the Inner ~.alrl'rld-.OtV ....... ~be llt 6 '° 11 kncM. The wewe wMI be 2 t.t on• TIDES w..a..elof2t1ol4tlltend1 eoulh1W'91of1toltllt.At ,.... ........ night. the winds .... 3:07 a.m. -0.3'fMtlow ~-10b1CllL 1'.lla.m. U&Mhlgh ,...., out. thl Wiit wfnd 2:21 p.m. 2.30'-'low wll bt ... ttrongef. 10 '° 16 llnoCI. The....,.. wll be 2 - 8:2tp.m. U.Mithlgtt on• nol1tluu• tMll of I to I WATER tlllend•IOUlhlMllof3fMI. TE..-uAlURE There wll be nod*'Ot at hlghC. Md19www .I I Daily Piiot ON THE AGENDA J lere are a few of the items the commission will consider today. OCC SWAP MEET This is a delayed six-month review of the permit approval for the Orange Coast ColJege Swap Meet to opernle Saturdays and Sundays. The City (',ouncil approved the pennit las1 December. To date, no signlficant parking or traffic problems have been observed, all the-conditions of approval have been complied with, and no complaints have been received. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends that Lhe commission receive and file the FUN STUFF COSTA MESA TRAINS ON THE TRACKS Orr the third weekend of each month, engineers climb aboard their trains and travel on three miles of tra<* at Fairview Park to display their steam and diesel engines. The public is welcome to join them at the park at Placentia Avenue and Estancia North. The Orange County Model Engineer program started in 1989 when engineers wanted to display their engines and educate and entertain the community about the past. (949) 548-7240 MOBILE SKATE PARK The Recreation Division's Mobile Skate Parit travels to various parl<s throughout the city three days a week to provide skateboarders and in-line skaters a state-of-the-art skate park. The mobile par1c consists of two quarter-pipes, three wedges, two spines, a fun box and a rail. Participants are required to have a signed waiver and release form to use the park. Appropnate safety equipment, including a helmet, elbow and kneepads, are required at all times. Visit the city's Web site at www.a.costa--mesa.ca.usto get a form. Call (714) 327-7560 for a sdledule of days, times and locations of the skate park. NEWPORT BEA CH BALBOA FUN ZONE Children can ride the Fems .. - ' repon. The application will not be brought back. to the commission unless there are violations of the conditions of approval that cannot be resolved at the staff levet: "All appears to be going welJ there," Chairman Bru<..-e Garlich said. "I don't think there will be any controversy about what they're doing." PLANNING APPLICATION The site i!> an existing commercial building constructed in 1963. The property is within the city's Downtown Redevelopment Project Al"l'a. The applican1 is proposing to renovdte the existing building, which was furmerty used a-. a furniture :.tore and is now wheel, the merry-go-round and the bumper cars, as well as play video games. pose for a portrait and browse through souvenir shops along the boardwalk at the Balboa Fun Zone, which has been attracting businesses since 1936. The fun zone offers many eating choices, including Balboa Bars - chocolate-covered ice cream bars sprinkled with toppings. The Fun Zone 1s open daily from 10 a m to 10 p.m. 400 E Bay St , Balboa Peninsula (949) 673-0408. www.BalboaNewportBeach.com. UPPER NEWPORT BAY ECOLOGICAL PRESERVE AND NATURE PRESERVE Canoe and kayak tours are available to experience six diverse habitats for more than 200 bird species that either live there or visit during the birds' Pacific flyway migration. Campfire programs are also offered, as are free two-hour walking nature tours departtng from Shellmaker Island every first and third Saturday at 9 a.m Call the Department of Fish and Game at (-949) 640-6746, or the Friends of the Newport Bay at (949) 646·8009. UPPER NEWPORT BAY PETER AND MARY MUTH INTERPRETIVE CENTER Adults and children can explore 15 hands-on interactive exhibits and communicate with the Newport Bay Naturahsts and Friends through interpretive -educational opportunities or watch a #visual poem· of Upper FYI WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting WHEN: 6:~0 p.m. today WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa INFORMATION: (714) 764-5245 occupied by an auto retailer. As part of the renovation, a new 150-square-foot haJcony/deck. would be constructed on the second floor of the building. Because the setback of the proposed balcony/deck does not comply with code, t}\e appUcaot has reques1ed an exception to the requiremenLS. The applicant prefers to use aluminum panels wim painted gray stucco accenLS for the building's fa~de, when Lhe Newport Bay presented on five monitors, showing sut;ti acts as birds in flight and the flow of running water in an estuary. The 10,000-square-foot interpretive center offers hands-on opportunities to experience the inner workings of an estuary. 2301 University Drive. Newport Beach. The center is open daily, except Mondays and major holidays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (714) 973 6820 SHERMAN LIBRARY & GARDENS More than 2,000 plant species, from desert cactus to tropical flowers, can be found tn the gardens at this educational and cultural resource center dedicated to the study of the Pacific Southwest. The conservatory on the two-acre parcel has tropical plants and a koi pond, and the D1scOVP,ry Garden, specifically designed for those with impaired v1s1on. appeals to the sense of touch and 1s accessible to wheelchmrs. Docent tours are available. The gardens are open daily and the library 1s open on Wt!t>kclays 2647 E. Coast Highway. r, ron.1 d-='I Mar (949) 673-2261 LIDO MARINA VILLAGE boutiques. gift shops, custom 1r!welry stores. art gallenes, boardwalk cafes and restaurants featunng continental. Mexican, ltaltan. Greek and California cuisine can be found on the tree-lined cobblestones paths of Via Oporto tn Newport Beach. 3400 Via Oporto. Newport Beach. (949) 675-8662 primary building material in ""e area is stucco. The applicant also submitted an alternative design that incorporates stucco as the primary building material. WHAT TO EXPECT StaJJ says the exception will provi<J.e an amenity that is . encouraged within the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area and will provide a substantial improvement for the existing site. ''I'm a little concerned that . using glass and metal frames for the windows. then putting stucco on the front of building. might not look. thaJ good." GaAid1 ~d of the alternative design. "I don't know how it will tum out We'll have to wait and see." -Compil.ed by Deirdre Newman CANNERY VILLAGE A historic village tu<*ed away on the upper Balboa Peninsula, Cannery ViUage offers an enclave of shops containing anything from French provincial furniture to sand sculptures and sterling silver items. The village is bounded by Newport Boulevard, 31st Street, Lafayette Avenue and 29th Street. Parking is available on 30th Street between Villa and Newport Boulevard. SUMMER CONCERTS AT FASHION ISLAND The summer concert series at Fashion Island will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday and continue each week through August, offering a variety of music, including jazz, ro<* 'n' roll and country. Seating for the free concerts is available on a first-come, first-served basis, but preferred seating can be purchased from the concierge. (949) 721-2000. DAVEY'S LOCKER SPORTFISHING In the Balboa Pavilion, Davey's Lo<*er Sportfishing in Newport Beach provides full-day, half-day and +'•·day outings. as well as twilight fishing, private charters and 14-inch boat rentals to satisfy the fisherman. Visitors can go on fishing trips to Catalina Island and San Clemente Island or fish the waters of Newport Harbor for tuna, rode cod, bass, barracuda. sheephead, sculpin, bonit.a and marlin. Monday, August 25. 2003 A3 t Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ...Quality Suviu' •• Ft11' Rnr,.._ti-1 (";,// (949) 646-7944 16'15 1 ..... i11c A,c., Co.i .. Mc~:.1 • • "Nigbdy Entertainment'•• 01n ... ~r n """'•d Mo• • .S.. 1.._ 4-Je • .. i. "r,. ., ii."9 J 00% ~lon 48 oz. Cut Herber 100,. C...tba-Ftlament Nylon Pluah Berber Loop HARD SURFACE FLOORING SPECIALS Laminate Flooring Ceramlcnle Hardwood ~~~n.w. 100~ Wool ......................... $13.99 .... 14. l>eco-~Dhlc ...................... $12.99 .... ,;. eo.uBerclaJ Cupet ............... $3.9 5 ... -"-Vln.1'1 .... ~ .. _. ............................... 89C .... n. Cm.mlc 1ue ..................... l. ....... 99C .... rt. Carpet Remnanb .... From ~2.00 .... ,.i .• u, Materials Only • While Supplies LJ.Jst L-~~~~::.....~~~....:....:.~~~~~~~~· ~ C.A uc '820050 1374 Lo«ian A\le., Suite F :~. 1 ~~( J .., COSTA MESA ~ ~ _ :IC (888) MESA-777 4. ----.JA-. -. : • .. Mon-Fri. 10 to 5 -Sat 10 to 3 ~------ fake the kids to South Coast Plaza and let them have everything they want. M Monday, August 25, 2003 officials said. Segerstrom officials are cul· ting bade on office space to add a few more rooms -from 186 lo ZOO -to the new hotel With the demolition of the movie theate r, which w.is to stay origi- nally. the project d ensity re- m ains within dty guidelines, ac- cording to a staff report. Consultants from Linscott, Law & Greenspan -rured to evaluate th~ difference in traffic regurding the new 'plans -said trips to the reconfigured Town Center proiect woyJd decrease 466 rer d~y. The difference is • largely in the anlidpated night traffic. which consultants pre- dict 10 thin out without the movie theater. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts She may be reached at (949) 574 4275 or by e-mail at lo/1/8 harpefla latimes.com. POLLUTION Continued from Al 11.1-. kicked around the idea of 111»talling a network of naturaJ wetland~ that couJd filler pol- lt11t'd runoff heading into Southern California's largest ur- han channel. MiOcean members also have tht"ir eye on Upper Newport Buy and the Greenville Banning Chi.tnnel, which runs alongside the ~anta Ana River in Costa Mesa. I hey have also pledged to rnntrihute $100,000 to the res- turn11on and diversion of North <:reek at Doheny State Beach. fhey al~o want to pitch in for the $J.5-million cleanup of Salt Creek in Dana Point. What ~el::. MiOcean apart from mo<,I environmental activ- 1'>1 groups is their business· minded approach, leaders said. ··we definitely are going to go 111 01her businesses to garner -.upport," Atkins said. "Rather 1han to take an antagonistic ap- proach. we'll look for a positive ... olutinn." Aftl'r 1hev lc.ick·'\tarted MiO- cean. group founders recruited seven uther environmentally con-.i:ious bu'>iness leader~. rh<Jt group includes Wat:ioo"s 1'1sh laco<, founder Wing Lam and 1111111 K1ule-.on. an auorney \\.Ith Allen ~1atkim, Lt!ck Gam- ble & Mallory . .Kittleson lives in Newport Reach. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and poli11cs He may be reached at !9491 764-4330 or by e-mail al paul clinton a lat1mes.com. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and loca1ion of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. WEDNESDAY The UC Irvine Observatory will host Visitor Night from 9 to 11 p.m., offering views of Mars, which will be at its closest point to Earth in 60,000 years. Amateur astronomers are encouraged to bring their own telescopes. The event, which may be canceled if it rains, is free. Info rmation: (949) 824-6455. THURSDAY A free seminar, "Perfonnance Nutrition for Strength and longevity;' will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport e..c:h Ctyimber of Commerce will host its ~ewport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican, • MARK C DUS TIN I DAILY PIL 0 T Rafi Balikchioglu. 10, of Huntington Beach kicks a soccer ball while Erin Almaraz, 10, of Newport Beach, left, awaits her turn. The kicks were clocked, and prizes were given out for the fastest kicks. GAMES Continued from Al af1er the ceremony in front of a soccer goal, encouraging kids 10 kick the ball as hard as they could into the back of the net. Their shot speed was being recorded by a radar gun. MThe girls are handling the boys so rar, .. Almaraz said. About 50 feet away, meanwhile, UC Irvine's Joe DeMarco helped 12-year-old pitcher. catcher and first baseman Spencer Venega'li fine-tune his swing. Steve Rautus, part of the Newport Harbor Baseball N.sn. and father of another local baseball player named Spencer, '>aid !he association hopes players and coaches at UCI rnnlinue Lheir in volvem ent with the kids. "They're just right up the road from here, so the location's perfect, and they have so much to teach these kids.'' Rautus said. "I wish we could have had something like this in Costa Mesa" Venegas' pntise for the fields was not quite as enthusiaslic as the adults', but h e had a h ard lime keeping from smiling after finishing his mini-lesson and listening to Hautus talk about baseball. 'These are pretty nice fields," Venegas said. still '>miling. lWo bounce houses, an 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. Reservations aren't required. for more information, call (949) 729-4400. FRIDAY Teddy Bears and Tee Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave .. will host NPajama Night# from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. SUNDAY To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present Non Golden Pond; the last of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and tree popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. SEPT. 2 Vaslona and Dreama in Costa Mesa will host a free feng shui seminar at 7 p.m. P.K. Odle. a worldwide instructor for the American Feng Shui Institute, will explain how elemental remedies are Implemented as e legant accessories that complement d6cor to improve health, relationships and prosperity. Visions and Dreams is at 2482 Newport Blvd. Reservations are required: (626) 288-1669. SEPT.11 • Four of C.lifomia'• ~·nent Sp<>rtt authors will make up a panel that will discuss "Sports Literature: Bringing the Game to Life" at 7 p.m. at Borders South Coast Plaza. Los Angeles Tl mes .. obstacle course and a mega-slide also occupied a couple of fields. They won't be perman ent perks of park, however. The first 1,000 children in a ttendance at the Sunday celebration received a prize of their ch oice. The soft. virtually harmless fri sbee appeared the lop choice. Even with the high turnout for the event, there was ample open space for children to try their hand at tossing the disc. The Rock.it Sciemisls wrapped up the even! playing popular cla~sic rode tunes few kids likely recognized. Newport Beach City Councilman John Heffernan said the park cost $32 million, $22 million of which went toward the land alone. "This is the largest active park in the city," Heffernan said. "This is aJI first class." More than I ,000 trees have been planted at the park, and every blade of me ticulously manicured grass is treated with reclaimed waler. Knight said the opening is about a year behind the date she and others thought the park would be ready for the public. but she"s done dwelling o n that now. MARK C DUS TIN DAil Y PIL CT Michael Jian, 2, plays with one of the frisbees given away during the opening ceremonies of the Bonita Canyon Sports Park on Sunday afternoon. "It's here now, and that's what's important." Knighl said. MEverything's ready to be used, so let"s start using it." columnist Bill Plaschke, Orange County Register columnist Steve Bis heff, and authors David Ferrell and Don Wallace will make up the panel. Information: (714) 279-8933. SEPT.12 The Costa Mesa Senior Cent-. In celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary, presents the CostAmazing Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Travis Parker Band, dancing and barbecue, from 4 to 7 p.m. The Costa Mesa Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. The cost is $5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Tickets go on sale Aug. 15 at the center's front desk and at Costa Mesa City Hall. on the third floor in the Recreation department Information: (949) 645-2356. SEPT.16 G'en 1<91aang Tubpa of the Vajrarupini Buddhist Center in San Diego Will give a free talk, "Guide to the Bodhisattva,# at 7 p.m. at Borders South Coast Plaza. The talk will be based on "The New Meditation Handbook; the latest book by Buddhist sdlolar, teacher and author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Information: (714) 279-8933. SEPT.19 The 15th T .. w of Newport. featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment. more than 15 wineries, codttalls and beers, will run today to Sept. 21 at Fashion Island. Today's hours are 6 to 11 p.m. lnformatton: (949) 729-4400. SEPT.20 Every section of the park. which has five soccer fields, fuw baseball fields, 1wo playgroundi., two tenni" court.; and a basketball coun, 1~ open to the public starting today. "It's no secret: It's been a long featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment, more than 15 wineries, cocktails and beers, will continue today at Fashion Island. Today's hours 4 to 11 p.m. a nd noon to 8 p.m. Sept. 21. Information: (949) 729-4400. SEPT. 21 The 15th Taste of Newport, featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment, more than 15 wineries, cocktails and beers, will conclude today at Fashion Island. Today's hours noon to 8 p.m . Information: (949) 729-4400. Ch.t Sumiko Matsumoto will discuss and sign her book, "Japanese Healthy, High-Style Cooking; at noon at Borders South Coast Plaza. Matsumoto's approach to cooking has brought her an exclusive clientele in select settings such as Lake Forest, Illinois, La J olla, Palm Springs and Boca Raton, Fla. Information: (714) 279-8933. SEPT. 22 Dr. Khoarow Mahd.vi wtl .,.....nt •Chemotherapy of Gastrointestinal Canoera .. as part of Hoag Hospital's Gastrointestinal Cancer Patient Education Serles from 6:30 to 9 p.m . in the Hoag Cancer Center. Admission la free, but registration is required by Sept. 15. Information: (949) 7.cANCER. SEPT.25 The ONnge County ..... of the Suaan G. ~men Breast Cancer Foundation will pay tribute to the sponsors of its 12th annual IComen Orange County Race for • the Cure Ofl Sept. 28 In Fashion ltland with a VlP sponsors reception from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Turnip RoM in Costa M .... ·~ (71.() 967-9167. ·c.e1tnti119 the,._ ... ~ Rebuilding tor the Future" is a two-day func:k81Mr to benefit education, interpretation end l'eltOOltlon efforts at the Crystel Cow St.ne Part Hittoric Oiltrict. The~ from.( to 9 p.m. Sept. 20 end from 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. ~ 21 , wtA celebr•• four YMtl of pnlMt'\'Mn .non. end.,,. . beglr'9 ling of ,...,.,., edtedul9d fof Oclob9' under the ~direction. For more ~--(148)"°"6220. time corning. and he re WC' art· ... It's been contentiou.,, somewhat, and difficult, bu1 wt· got through 1t," Bromb('rg -.aid. For more information about Bonita Canyon Sports Park. rail (949) 644-3151. 645-9412. The Oasis Senior Center will hold a preview rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admiss ion costs $3. The center. at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar, will be accepting donations from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays from Sept. 8 to 23. Information: (949) 646-4131. SEPT. 27 The Oasis Senior Center will hold a rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Attendance is free. The center, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar, will be accepting donations from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays from Sept. 8 to 23. lnforma14on: (949) 646-4131. SEPT. 29 Mesa Vente Country C.ub in Costa Mesa will host the second Bayside/Bistango Charity Golf Toumament starting at 10 a.m. Registration and a putting contest will run from 8:30 to 10 a.m. The $170 fee includes registration, the golf tournament, wine tasting, box lunch, a catered dinner and live entertainment All proceeds will_benefrt a local charity. Information: (949) 752-5222. OCT.4 C1l1btetlw19 tile '9Raisunce of the streets of Balboa Village and talents oflnore than 100 artists, "La Strada Dell' Arte: An Italian Street Painting Festival and.Taste of ttaty; will be presented Oct. 4 and 5 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The two-day event la free and open to the pubflc. Information: (714) 557-5100, ext. 13. OCT.e TIM iia.ctflc: Community of S-=ular Humaniltic Jews presents a Yorn Kippur observance at 1 p.m. at the Unitarian Church of Costa Mesa. Th8 event will consist of a Yorn Klppur program, dilCU&Sion. on medical ethics, JewWt hi8t()tY through music: end the roedmap to peece, and then. tutt-cou ... clMer. lnfonntdon! (..,,) 282..5860. OCT.I .... eo... ...... Mllcy .. Home S'°'9 wM host the 19th 8"0U8f Food, Wine end ' Dalty Pilot POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •West Bay Street and Thurtn Avenue: A m an was arrested on su spicion of robbery at 11 :45 p.m. Saturday. • Flower Street and Newport Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of d ri ving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs at 1 :11 a.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of grand theft auto in the 3100 block at 1 :20 p.m . Saturday. • Harbor Boulevard and Gisler Avenue: A m an was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and on suspicion of child endangerment a t 3:12 a.m . S unday. • Santa Ana Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk m public in the 1600 block a l 2:44 a .m. Sunday. •West 20th Street: A man was arrested o n suspicion of possessing drug paraphernalia in the 700 block at 1 :45 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Ceda r Street and Seashore Drive: A suspicious unoccupied vehicle was reported at 11 :38 p.m . Saturday. •West Ocean Front: A vandalism in progress was reported in the 3100 block at 4:44 a .m. Suhday. • Santa Ana Avenue: Prowler noises were reported tn the 200 block at 2:28 a.m. Sunday. • Walnut Street and West Coast Highway: A v1c1ous animal was reported at 9:07 a .m. Sunday. • Westcliff Drive: Road rage was reported in the 1500 block at 9:15 am. Sunday. • 32nd Street and Newport Boulevard: A structure fir e was reported at 6.03 a.m Sunday. ALLOWED Continued from Al an enJ tu your every wl11rn . Your .. enses will come aliw with 1ht· highe!>t lcvd of nilinal) ec ... ta'iy ·· Urn. is ii hnt 111 here, or 1., ll 1ust m e? Give me a -.l'cond \'Vhat \'ert· wt• talking about? Oh yeah, yeah , Triangle 'xjuarc, the Wr·b -.111· - gotcha. ~t·t>, I'm already in'>p1red tu -.1ep foot in the oddly <,haped redeveloprnenl project. I think I can brave the concrete 111a1.t· thal i'> their parkmg lot lo have every whim of mine attended do. Whal ebc can they do for me? I'll click on the retail hullon. The Oo'>t'l. It 1s a small dothing store on the I farbor Boulevard ~ide, next lo Lhe Gap and under the old Sflu21 ... pot. Ilic Web site i.ays it speriah;-.el't in couture clothing and offers a link to 1he company''.'> uflicial '.'>lie. Wow. They offer a wide variety of ladies wear including Seven. Paper Denim, Mi~ Sixty, Paul Frank. Hurly, Diesel and Volcom. aU under one roof. Sure, ifs much belier exercise to walk alJ over South Coast Pla7.a lo each of the de;igners stores, but how great is it to have a slice of each in one place. Note to self: Check out the Ooset the next lime you have $110 to blow on a pair of jeans. OK. so I won't actually pafroni7,e the store, but it would be fun to look at all the pretty things I can't afford. The Web site also Includes a direct contact, for people to e-mail officials with any questions, con cerns, etc. This is designed to enhance their relationship with the community, officials said. Cool. I'm more interested In establishing a relationship with those Fugu people but, bey, community relations are good too. Clleck it out Tor younietr at www.trl.anglesquare.com and see what you ream. • lDUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covera culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bv•mailat lolit1.harper@l1times.com. • Daily Pilot Continued from A4 M icro-Brew Fest. featuring hve music with dancing and drawmgs for prizes. Tickets are $45 1n advance, $35 for groups of 10 or more and $55 at the door Proceed$ will benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County and KTLA charities Information-(714) 771 1343 OCT.18 fund-raiser. This year's event will application to partldpate, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. Yoga dHses will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newpon Beach residents Others pay an add111onal $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Costa Mesa's Recreation Division will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m., hwish Family Setvlce is for high scnool students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Toreh Upper Sc:hool in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950 Pre·reg1stratton is required The Rrst Pege -Fine Children's Books, at 270 E. 17th St .. No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fndays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m For more information, call (949) 645 5437 The Jr. l eague of Orange County's Christmas Company Shopping Exiravagan1a at the Orange County Fair and Exposition Center wHI begin with an opening night gala from 7 to 11 p.m. Shopping dates will be Oct. 19 to 22 General adm1ss1on is $7. Information-www 1/occ org ONGOING , Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m . Parlies for children 5 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, games, crafts, prizes, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff Panies cost S250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 754 5158. The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or pohsh your business presentations Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and backgrounds The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8.30 a.m at 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach Vat.dated parking is available in the pdrkmy structure next to 24 Hour Fitness Guests are welcome For more information, call (949) 721 5732 Bayside Restaurant in New port Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m for $15 per person, featunny five new wines each week. For more enformauon, call (949) 721 -1222. ff your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant dunng their free orchld·pott1ng seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday A plant sale is hJ!ld from 9 a.m to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Jewish Family Service is offering a support and discussion group for women 50 and older the second and fourth Monday of every month frnm 10 to 11 JO d n1 at 250 E Bailor St Su1w G 111 Costa M esa Pre rn41strn1mn 1s required For 111fom1<1t1on or to register c.all I 7141 445 4951) Jew ish Family Service is offenng a w omen's d1vor1 P :ind separation support group dt 7 p m Wednesdays di the· J1 wish Federation Campus 1n Costd M esa. 250 E Bdkcr St For more informa11on c<1ll 714) 445 49SO exi 114 The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p m the third TuPsd<.1y of every month at the Unitari;m Universahst Church, 1259 V1r111r1,1 St. m Costa Mesa Each months meeting will feature a d1ffen•nt speaker on issues relating to tlw Bill of Rights Info rmation ( 7141 957-6107 ·Beach Landscapes; an exhibit featuring d1g1tally rnan1puliJtPd aerial photographs of the Hawa11an islands by Donnd Ruzicka. umbrella be.1ch sn·m·s by Carole Boller dnd Bae* B.iy landscal)CS l>y Luke Sp1•ncPr will be on display through S1•pt 30 at Newport Beddl City Hdll Information (9491 717 1870 ·Tennis in Art; an exhibrt of paintings by lonq11me 1enn1c; instructor and coach Josr' Mendoza. will br on d1sptav 1n thP Newpon Beach Central Library foyer through Aug 30 MendOld s wo rk 1s known for its manipulation of color and form as well as 1t!> concentr.it1on on tennis. Information 1949) 717-3870 • Volunteer drivers are needed to help dehver nutnt1ously prf!µared meals to homebound. frail or elderly clients inca pable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mob1lp Meals.· sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc and Hoag Hospital Call 19491 645 8050 fo r more information Sw im lessons .,. evali.ble Juty 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halectti1 Part. 3107 Killybrook lane in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 567-7234. Project Cuddle, 1 nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal eltematives to gir1s who are considering abandoning their bab189, ls In need of ongoing volunteers. For more infonnation, visit www.pro/«tcuddl~.org o r call (714) 432;9681. Macy's in Com M ... imtt. Orange County nonprofrt organizations that provide servioet end programs to the HIV/AIDS community to eJ'>pty for participetlon In M ICY'• South Coast fltaze's Pusport In Store Five new wines will be S8fV9d on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 pm The cost 1s $15 per person. For more information. call (949) 721 -1222. Newport Dunes Resort's *Movies on the Beach" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are 1nv1ted to bnng thetr favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rf''\t for $795 per person The films will lie shown on a large srrµ,cn m the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening 1n JunP and July except July 4 P;irkmg •S S8 µer car For more 1nformat1on call (949) 729 DUNE A va"ety of private. semi-pnvate dnd group swim lessons will l>f' ottered this summer at the Manan Bergeson Aquatic Center di Corona del Mar High School Options include one-<Jn one mstruct1on on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels For session dates, times and costs call 1949) 644 3151 . or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Serveces at 3300 Newport Blvd Children, teens and adults can now register for summer recrea11onal boating classes o ffered through Newport Beach Recreatron Services Classes lil'qtn July 12 Fees vary Call 19491 &44·3151 or v1s1t the Newport Bedch Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd for more 1nformat1on Professional and licensed soccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one on one small group and ldrge group trammg For more mformat1on call (949) 395 5103 Discover the secrets of Carbon Canyon Regional Parle as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8·30 a.m. Parkmg 1s $4. Call (714) 996 5252 for more enformatton Team Survivor. a nonprofit organ11c11ton r:nc.ouragmg women who havr-brorm throu4t1 cancer treatment to ~xurc1se. hosts "Walk anrl Tdlk" at 10 & m the second and fourth Friday of the month m lront of NIKEgodess sto re m Fd~h1on lsl;md Members meet for lunc.h dtter di Atuum court It 1s Ire.-dnd c1ll fitness levels arr• welcomr For more information. Cdll 9491 275 3888 Newport Communrty Counseling Center otters <J Wd'f to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the supporl group In S A FE H<1nd!> SA FE stands for safety dwan•n,.ss faith and empowPrnwnt The group meets Mondays fmrn 6 30 to 8 p.m Frt!r• For rnorr-mlormi.Jt1on, call (949) 721 8079 Teens are invited to drop by the city of Costa M esa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p m Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and act1v1t1es. The center 1s at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more tnformatlon, call (714) 327 7560 The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at the corner of Supcuor and Hospttal Rodd in Newport Bead1 at 9 15 iJ m and 7 p m everyday For more' informatton. Cdll 1949) 650 1332 The Newport Beach C<fke Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 pm ThursdiJy nights at Supcmor and Hospital Road m 949-673-6083 .r:-· \,/• ~~~& \)'v&~ ? 'PJ° We Come To You Skosh Monahan's St:eakboase & IRisb Pab 8 Different Steaks Plu• Our '°'"°"' 16 OL '9rtit Chop ladt for only $ 15. 95 Entrees Seared Ahi Sleoks • Allontic Solmon f1len • New Zeolood Seo Bou foh 'n Chipt • MofwMoh1 ~di Appetizers CoJomori • Ctobc:okes •Grilled or Beer-8ottefed SMmp Pepper-Seared Ahi Soup/Salad fl'tlh Clam Chowder • ~ 611qoe & Ooppino Plus Gn1ed ~"" 6locbned Ahi • Smobd SalmOn Salads The Spanish Speaking Club meets to leam Spamsh quick Jr1d easy. For more information c.all (949) 650-1332 The Assn. of Business Services hosts a networking ni~tllllllJ th.it deals with education c.onncc11ons from 6 to 8·30 p m <JO the ~cc.m11l Tuesday of every month di 1111· Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol 51 Costa Mesa. For niori· information. call t949J !!OS 0011 "Divorce: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced or gcttmg d1vorC.t!d, 1<, held from 10 a.rn to 12<30 p m 11 180 Newpon Ce:ritf'r Drivf• on tltr· third Saturday ol 1•v1:rv mcmth Cost IS $40 For rruJ1•• 111formc1t1on call 644-6435 frH tou~ of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge, backstage and on stage at 10 30 a m every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Duve Costa M esa Group tours can be held by special arrangemPnt For more information call 17 14! 55(, ARTS e><l . 833 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a gcner<JI r111·•·tm1~ "'' the third Wednesddy of 1·v• ry month The organ11atton 1s opr•n to all women n,.,1rlents in Newport Bc<Jch who hdvf' hved 1n the area fewer Tt1 •• r f ,,. yr·.rr'> Fur more mforrndt1c,11 •.ell '94'J) 645·9922. or v1-.,11 newcomers nt•w11r rTI • 1~/I •Jr</ Oasis Senior Center holdc; a pancake brP.J~ f, • fr 111 1 IJ to 10 am. on thf! se:1.r,nrl 1••1111 '°' ot every monlt Brc •• ~1.,.,1 111 111 I•· µancakes Sdu -..iqi: off ,. ''" 1 orange 1u1cr· for $3, St for children The Cf'oler is :ii 800 MarguPr11t· C •Jrr)na df"I M.1• r 11r more mformot•'"'• call t':l-l 1 644·3244 Macy's South CoaSl Pla1c1 presents 'Workshop Wedncsda'r'> A H..incts, ,, Cooking Cl.iss Prtt<.JrJn lt11•,tl J by chf'f Ale"~ (]c11 "11 1 fl • , 1 .. s ts held from 6 tn 7 j(I p 111 Wednesdays at 3333 Brest• ' 1 Costa Mesa The cost, 1nclud111•1 materials, is $30 To re!>erv•· , spot, call (81 8) 994-5075 Yoga and rhythm, *Yogarhythm1cs" combines yucJd dance and fun The class 1s held from 4:30 to 5 45 p m Tuesddys ill 2850 Mesa Vcrcll D11 ;.,. F ••"! Suite 111. CoStd Me!...i f ,, 11101c information call 17141 7r"1 71'• 1 The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers ti 1 • ~t"I 11 J• • Duncan Gleason R1•1lt'>c o\ie1111q Caltforn1a·s Martrr• An 1\.1 tst"r through Sept 30 n.,. lllttSi'Urn ... at 151 E Pdc1f11 Ct ,1<;1 H1~hWd\ Newport Beach Fre•• 1t1•nhs1on For more 1nforrndt1on ' 111 11 '191 673 7863 Mo11d<1y ~u<,f i' 7003 A5 Krus1 I!\ M. Srn 1~ • Licensed Real Esuu~ Ntcm • Spn ializmg m Newport Mesa Rrsuinma7 Rm/ I 1ftlf1 Lim A. 5< >tJ<i, Cf P • I'"' >hm f.xperin1cr • ~iorki & H<mdJ • .H1,11u1! 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T11i Chi. ,,,,,, /, c /,,, ,,.1 • Sttp, Powtr Pump. ( ,,,,/,,, • Sbowtn, Stt•m & I 011•rl• •Day Spa • Arupunn11rtl /.1aSJtt/t.r!Chi ropr11r1or 949760-5054 www.shope-up.com • www fitnes~oncepti.oom 2101 Emt Pacific Cocu1 Hwy (Ol'ooo Dol Mex CA QUOTE OF THE DAY " he's going to be a happy man." Pu Brta•. OCC assistant footban coach EYEOPENER • Daity~PikJt • Spor1:I Hal ti Fame 1,.lolJl' .. nict.llton1'lul'O....,. Sept. l honoree JUNIOR TAGALOA M Monday, August 25, 2003 Sports Editor Rldwd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • $ports Fu: (949) 650-0170 Daily Pilot " CHECKING OUT .. . .. • Eagles soaring to higQer· ground ~ Estancia's girls athletic program plans to enjoy competitive success in the Golden West League. P1trlck Laverty Daily Pilot W hether it's the boys or the girls athletic program, the biggest, and possibly the best, thing to happen to Estancia High in recent years was the move from the Pacific Coast League to the Golden West League prior to the 2002-03 school year. •Across the board in most sports it was a strong boost," Estancia Girls Athletic Director Nancy Ferda said. "We just can't compete with, for example, Corona del Mar in tennis and voUeyball when they're ranked No. I in Clf: ESTANCIA GIRLS COACHES Tami Rappa - basketball Charfie Apell - cross country Art Peny -golf • Nadine Rajabi - soccer MarcRodig - softball Bob Bandaruk - swimming Rachel de los Santos - tennis All of our teams saw some success in the Golden West League." That success, whether it be the Charfie Apell - trade and field Jim Huffman - volleyball Bob S.nderudl - OONLEACH/OAllY PILOT • Nancy Ferda, entering her 12th year as Estancia High girls athletic director, looks forward to continued success from the Eagles in the upcoming school year. water polo undefeated Golden West League champion girls basketball team or the marginal improvement in some other sports, has provided Ferda and the, entire Eagles family hope for not only the coming school year, but for the future as well. her tenure, the return of a second-year soccer coach and the hiring of a volleyball coach who she hopes can provide that program with the continuity that others, like Otarlie Apell and Art Perry, have brought to their sports. In her 12th year as athletic director for girls sports at Estancia after guiding three daughters through the school in the 1980s, Ferda's excitement is noticeable as she tallcs about Estancia's hopes and expectations in 2003-04. She's encouraged by the addition of a third tennis team for the first time in Apell, the cross country and track and field coach, and Perry. the golf coach , head a roster of coaches that is both experienced and weU-qualified. Only volleyball coach Jim Huffman is new to the school this year and he joins soccer coach Nadine Rajabi as the only walk-on coaches among the JO girls sports offered at the school. Paul Briggs After 55 years in his' dream job as a football coach, OCC assistant still loves the game, as well as his life. SteveVlr1en Daily Pilot S ince· age 8, Paul Briggs knew what he wanted to do in life. When he first saw the game of football, he dJdn't want to take his eyes off it He told bis mother, •1•m going to play that game and I'm going to coach it" After coundess awards. thousands of players. and 55 years of canytng the Clipboard, B~ is secure in the fact that he found bis destiny. He has always followed one motto that remains true. •If a man loves his work, he's going to be a happy man," said 8rigp, who, thJs Call, will enter his 19th seuon with Orange Coast CoUege as the special teams coach. At age 83, Briggs still gets after It. stW loves his woct and is st.Ill a happy man. 'There Is much wisdom and a refreshinl u:st for life that has resulted from playing lo the NFL. fighting in World War a. falling in love with hJs wile, ~ and ltaylog in low with her. The~ of his day bldude, tellinl Sdy .. kMI her and then ~ hbn.eltin bis odw lowr. footml. JUlt 11 he doee hit wt{e. be cherllhet flllt about every element of football. "When r walk to practice and the players are out there doing their thing." Briggs said. ~The doggone hair on the back of my neclc rises. My head starts to twitch ... I see what is in store for me for the rest of the afternoon and I'm truly walking in heaven."· For the past 18 years, Briggs has worked as a position coach for the Pirates, mainly wherever he was needed. He was the defensive line coach for 15 years. and for the past three years, he has been the special teams coordinator. Football's scenery spurs excitement in Briggs, yet it is the everyday challenge of coaching players that brlngs a.bout bis sense of heaven. He said be always aims to teach his players to become better Americans, better husbands, better Cal.hen, better people and. lastly. better football players. 1n bis home ln Senta Ana. Briggs has his own office. wbJdt he c.lls; •t11e Pit.· It ii there when! be will compOe atatWtb, map out projections and formulate atrategles. Al6de f.rom &be lntrlcadet of Che pme, BrW • enJoys bmlnc ~and ps1s1.,.11o11g his knowledfe. • ., you let your heart 11\Ue hands wt(h another penon'• beut and "We've worked hard to (have on-campus coaches!." Ferda said. "That's one of our biggest things is finding quaJified coaches." At F.stancia, those coaches find just about every facility they need. The school has an expansive field area and according to Ferda. is one of just a few schools to have two different gyms used for competition throughout the year. with the girls basketball team playing its games in the smaller of the two. • "It's unique because no one plays in that kind of gym, so it gives the kids a littJe bit of an advantage." Ferda S<tid. SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Not that the girls basketball team, led by second-year coacfi Tami Rappa, has needed much of an advantage. BasketbaJJ has been F.stancia's marquee girls program since Ferda arrived on campus and has reached the CIF Southern Section playoffs In I 0 of Ferda's 11 years as athJetic director. "Rasketball has always been very rompe111ive. even in the Pacific Coast League.· Ferda said. "Last year, we won the Golden West League and two years ago. we were co-champions in the PCL" JlasketbaJJ has also served as the only revenue sport among the girls programs. Though F.stancia has avoided any cutbacks necessitated at other schools because of state budget cuts, raising money is still Ferda's No. I priority. Some of that money comes from hosting tournaments, which the girls basketball team did this urnmer. But from the moment they are hired, coaches must be part of the fund-raising process as weU. "We're still look.ing to see how we can pay our trainer," Ferda said. ·w e hire coaches and the next thing we ask is, See EAGLES, Pa1e A7 STM Meat.WC /OM_Y PLOT Orange Coast College assistant football coach Paul Briggs has·coached the game he loves now few 55 seasons. you're wiJllog to pay the same price u that person. he'll abab bands with you." Brtgs llkl. "Tbata Ill 1 modwldonal c:hdenF for me." Tbe man,~ and me diftinnt tescl provides leads 8c1aa to cal the~ hll .sdkdon anCr one o/Cour ~ tb8t rule hll Ufe. ·I'm a great believer ln commitment." Brial llJd. •1n my w., rm commAttedio my country, my 6unly-1..,..1brw women who ruled my .. my rnotbe(, wtfe and dautbter -third I ha~ my ..sdk:1ion. wbkb la fooCbaJ1 and then • there ia UC> the Lord, becau.e, let~ face It, none ol ta would be llartlfng here If u ... ~ for hkn.. ....... few ne."·dealh apedmces In w.td Wu 0. He earned the Pl.mple Heart whOe ... ~.,...,., J . - ---- .. ~PORT~ OONLEACH/DAILYP~OT Estancia High girls varsity coaches are gearing up for a 2003-04 school year that holds increased promise for several Eagle teams. EAGLES Continued from A6 'Can you fundraise?' • seeing a lot of growth with the freshmen. Thar's real encouraging.· Huffman. the new volleyball coach. has experience with a freshman team, having helped coach the f.stancia freshmen la.st season. But he alw has experience at a much higher level. can add to the continui1y of thl' entire athletic program. WI see him working 10 carry this through and develop <1 program." Ferda ~d. For most girls sport~. the fund-raisers support two levels of play. varsity and Junior varsity. Volleyball has been•the only sport to traditionally field three teams. For the first time since Ferda was hired as athletic director, girls tennis will have a freshman team this year. a testament to Coach Rachel de los Santos, who doubles as the boys coach in the spring. A former coach at Cal State Fullerton. Huffman was hired by Ferda to help stabilize a • program that has seen coaches come and go throughout her tenure. That is also what FerdJ .,l'l'., from Rajabi, who wiJI enter her second year as soccer coach. assisted by Sabrina Witt, whom Ferda called a world-cla!>,., player. "(Rajabil can do all the '>kill'>." Ferda said. "She\ a little bity. feisty go-getter. The kilh low her.· The girls athleuc coaching staff is rounded out by '>OftbaJJ coach Marc Rodig and swimming and water polo coach Bob Bandaruk. wwe just don't have the munbers-in most-sports.• fcTda said. WWe're small. But I'm Huffman lives near the school. has kjds who attend f.stancia and has been involved with the-program-preYiousJy, which leads ~rda to believe he Ferda looks for big 1l11ng'> SPOTLIGHT still remembers what she wore Lions as an offensive tack.le and outside linebacker. I !is contrat·t was for $6,500. He endured a serious lcnee injury. yet the experience helped lead him to the coaching prof~1on he had always longed for. on their first date. , WShe wore an orange &ess that had big buttons on it.· Briggs said with a smile. as Sally nodded in agreement, sitting across from her husband of 57 years. "My hobby is basicalJy telling SaUy that I lo~ her. Sometimes, in the morning. I will sing her a littJe song. I give her a kiss. We hold hands. We thank the Lord for getting us through the night ... and, at night. we thank him for gerting us through the day: Continued from Ah ighting in the Navy. He wanred to fight After he heard his brother Harold was injured in the war. he wanted to get in the actio~ That's the mentality forged by spending most of his life in the trenches. Briggs was a standout offensive tackle and defensive end for the University of • Colorado before and after fighting in the war. ln 1943. when he had a short leave. he met the love of his life. Sally. He After college. Briggs spent a year and a half with the Detroit After his NFL stinr. Bngg'> went on to become one of the best high school coaches in Bakersfield. He started his cart>er in Casper. Wyo .. spent two year' there and then another 1wn years at Rocky Fork I ligh 111 Colorado. before moving on to his distinguished career in Bakersfield. Briggs coached at Ba1cef'>field IS( 1Jat ve1y lmpqrt1nt 1ctlons. -llA avar. ttlt personal .... ""'-rfP'tMnlatlw will be 10 "' ra raqulttd to 11ve notice .,,A.AL. to intert1l1d parsons "' 'Ir. unless they llava waived Wiiii C. • U I &, nota or t-ntld to ... -•-(. Ula PfoCMIMCI action.) -Tiit 1ndepa1tdent •d· rm H 11 • W. (. 111inl1trttio11 'uthoflty - 11 .. wll bt IJMtlld unless ,_ • •• 111 lnlwuled parson CAKaamn fill• an oblecllon to the To .. htlr1, btMfl· Pttltlon tnd lhowi IOOd cilrltl. crtclltora, con· ~uu wt11 the coutt tlilp11I CftditOfS, tnd should not crant tht Pl'IOlll wtlo m11 olll· tuttlOJity. wwlM bt lntwut.cl In A HENl!fffl on Iha Ula wtll or eslalt, or palltiofl wlU be htld on boll!, ot: WILLIAM C. S£1>T'Eteal II, 2003 ti FUM>£teERC, JR. 8b l;.S P 111. ill o.pt L7J WILLIAM C. FONOEN-louted et >ti The City 8UtC •• W, C. FUN-0rWa Souttl, 0rtllfl'8, CA O(A~~-: .. FO.. ""°' ~YOU OIICT to tht BATE 11H 11etn Ned by crt11tinc of t11t pttlllofl, LOUIS£ FUM)(NHllC Iii 1CMI l'-N ....... tt tN .... 541perlor Cowl of ............... ~ Cttlfortl• Covnty of Me• Ne written OUNCE. • o4> Wtlll tlll cowt THE ;ETlllON FOR k • tM hNrilll. Ytut PROBATE requull • .,,.., ... -1 Illa 111 ~ FUNO£NIEllC be 111rso11 tr h 10111 .... tH " f*tOl\tl •tlflortltf • ._ • ,,._04 :.:r=•.etwt to IHI· F YOU ..,. .. ,. .,._ • 1114 •tale of TOii II 11111t1111111t ......... ~ .... ....... TMr """'°" ,....... ,. ......... ,_ ~ ..._lty .. 1f1t I a ... llie -t .... !NII ........ _.., ... ·~ .... ....... IHIJUh .... ~ ~.:: c:.::~'::: ........ [ ..... Ad. -(ftll~ ............ ~ ..... el .. ,......,,..,... ..... ~., ............. _, .............. .. ......................... 0... ...... :s .... """.. ... ,.. .... ... _, ............... ..... Wholesale prtclng and 3 year/38,000 mlle nationwide factory wamlnty OI') all gas powered engines and transmissions! Call Our Wholesale Holllne IOUJI befOfe lour montlls from tM huf1n1 date noticed 1bove. YOU MAY EXAMINE tlMI file i._.,1 by the covrt. If )'Oil .,. • pefSOn 1n- latnled In the ttt•I•. yov ma)' liM w1tll the court • Rtc1111st IOf Sptclal Not-(for"m Of.. l S4) ol the flfln1 of an inventory tnd apprlbal of estate tsS&ts Of of 1ny petition Of tceount es PfOvldad In Prob•l• Coda aactlon 1250. A Request for Spacl•I Notice form Is 1ve11tble Jrom l11t COllfl cla.-11 ........ ,.t.r P•tht a n n..... ....... tt, .... (._.., 9tlnett & Meet-, UP, 4e41 ..., ............ .... :-~· ..... (A Publl1ll1d Newport 81tdl.C:0ttt flha1 Otity Piiot Aup,1t 25, 29, S.,ltlllblt '· 2003 W715 ... -·.-•• a -· --..... lo el Mh,-... ............... .............. """ "" -r= . IL -IM be lfttatested in cause why the covrt Ula will or est.le, Of should not 1rant Iha botll, of: JANICE Gl8SOH 1uth0f1ty A 1"£TIT10N FOR PRO· A HEARING on the SATE lies bean hied b)' pehhon w1N be Mkl on LINDA &MIER in the S(PTEMBER II, 2003 11 Supairklf Court of Cali· 1.45 p.m. 1n Daot l73 fOfnia, County of OR· located •I 341 fh1 City AHGI: Drive Sotlttl, Orensw. CA THE PETITION FOR 9Z868 PR08ATE r.qunts LIN-IF YOU 08JECT to the DA BAKER be ~tad sr•nhn& of tf)a P4!1ilion, H panclftal •llflt•MAlAI· 10ll should ICICllW 1t t.IMt liv• to IMlmlnlst« tht helll'lnc end state r.our est1tt of tht Mudtnl objKtlons °' file writttn THE P£TITION requutt oblections with the COllft Ille 6ac1dant'1 Wiii end batOft th• hellflnl Your codlclls. If any. be tppa.,anca m1y bt lft edmitttd to prolleta. Thi ptrson or by 1011r Will tnd 1ny codicils •• allOfnlY ev .... IMe f« 1ull'llna· • If YOO AR( A CRCOl- tlon lft tht fllt llfl)t b)' TOii or c:o11tl111111t tfla cow1 «editor of tht dtcutecl. TI«~ r~ you mll&t 116t ~ tlelm eutfwlllty lo Nmillisltt will 1111 cCMt 1114 mtll tht Hl .. • Mflder tflt • co,y to Ult ,., IOflll l11depHd111t Ad111lnb •ttlfttenlabve llPPOinttcl tr'"°"' of b tates Act lly ttM cCM I wlllllfl f-(llllt AllttlcWity d allow ll'Ollttl1 f1om the dtt. of Ille pertOfltl rftlft\ttl tht fnt iuUMK• of ttlh1t lo tab "'"'" lelt•n " 0t01tldtcl 111 te:llon• wltllout obltl11 Probet• Coda M<tlOn 1111 court epproul. 9100. Thi tlfM toe fllirle lefcwt t•lftt c:trt•lfl dalme wlll Mt uplra ._, ~l•11t action•, Mf«t tow _....._ "- '"'-• tM ,.,...., tM ............ •tktd r~ will llt *"8 t ... elll '9 1M1 ._.. YOU MAY CllMMC 11t ... ....... ,.,_ , .. llepc 111 die CMr1 " ...... .., ............ ,.. ... ,. .. •· ...... tr Cl 11nts• .. ..,_... M tM ...... . .. .,...... .... , ,.. _, ...... .. ni. ........... • •• ,..,, • ....... .. ...... ..... ....,.., ~---( ... Cl(-,.. ........ -, .. , .......... . .................................... .. .............................. .. ........... P'! .,,..... ......... • "t again this year from the ba:.ketbaJJ program. which lost two seniors from last year's league championship team. but returns league MVP Trisha Wase. The expectations are also rising for de los Santos' tennis team. which. according to Ferda, lost only one or two M!niors from last -">Cason. But then again, the exQcctations arc rising for all of the programs at f.stancia. After a solid first year in the Golden West League. it is only natural to expect a llrtle more. "Our whole program has gone from the second half of the league to moderately movmg up.-" Ferda ~d. "It's really exciting." I ligh for 33 years. He guided four undefeated teams to CIF titJes and compiled a 244-99-12 record. including a 27-game winning streak. He was named the National High School Coach of the Year in 1972. After finishmg in Bakersfield and retiring in 1986. he continued his career at Orange Coast. How much longer wiJJ he coach? "Jr I can get two more years at CX:C I'll have 20, • Briggs said. "That would be 57 years as a coach. Then we'll see what else I can do. maybe more.· as provided "' Probeta Code section 1250 A Request for Spte1al Notice form Is avtilable lrom the COUfl clafll. AttOf nef for PalltloMt •r•rry M. s ... 111, ::t-&PAUl ~.,,,.... .......... s .. tol, lr¥tlle, CA 91610-l .. Putthshad Ntwport 8uch·Cosl• Mesa o.~ Pilot Au1 19, 2S. 2'. 2003 TMlll Monday. Aueust 2s. 2003 A1 1111 Daily A Pilot 1111111 Sports Hall of Fame Ct>lPbraling U1P nillJPtUtiwu JOHN GOLDMAN Orange Coast College In seven-season tenure, Goldman forged plenty of memories, success with Pirates. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot W hen John Goldman was hired at Orange Loa.st College as head coach of the cross country program in 1996, he reaJJy did not le.now what to expect. He was just eager to start and anxious to show the difference he could malce. track and field team. He took on the !.ame positions at OCC in 1996. Goldman r~1gned from CX:C in the spnng of 2002, to spend more urne with wife, Sw.an. who gave birth to their son Seth. Nov. 5. 200 I. He aJ!>O assists m a racing busm~ m Long Beac:h. But. M><>n. he missed the pleasure~ of coaching and begiru. hi!. first ..e a.'>O n with the cross country te31Tl3 at Cemtos College this fall. "ln community college. you find the purest form of recruiung. • Goldman ~d. "You r can'1 offer It sure did not tale long for Goldman to '>how results. In 1997, he guided the OCC women's cro~ country team to a state title. which began a nm of three consecutive state championship'>. The Pirates abo -.chol~h1ps. People are not 1oming your John Goldman program for won a state title m 200 I. In 1999, both the men's and women's teams won the state championship for the first time in school history. ~When I got the job at OCC it was thrilling and intimidating at the same time.· said Goldman, who now coaches at Cerritos College. ·I was only 29 when I got the OCC head coaching job. • Goldman was born and raised in Long Beach and graduated from Millikan High, where he competed in cross country and track and field. I fe earned a history degree at USC then became a teacher. ln 1992, he was hired as cross country coach at El Dorado I ligh. where he aJ!>O was an assistant with the financial aid. They are JOllllng because of the program • Goldman ~d there were several h1ghligh15 he enjoyed while at CX.C mcluding. "the big one." when the women's cro~s country team won the ~late championship in 1997. which ~ tw. first title. "That one really sticks out in my mind.· he said. "The other memorable year was in 1999, when the men and women won state utJes • "There were a lot of good memones." Goldman said. • 1 enjoyed working with everyone there." Goldman, 36, the latest Daily Pilot Sporu Hall of Fame honoree. live5 m Long Beach with his wife and ctuJdren. Cole. Ty and Seth. Russell. Prts*nt Thrs statement wes hied wittl the County Clefk ot Orance Countt onOl/19/03 JMMHMSS D ... y P*>t Aile. ZS, Sept I, I. lS, 2003 llt71I M Monday, higust 25, 2003 ·-------.. l.llllNalCll 2M1 llplMca 2MO llplllakll 2MI lepf Mcll !Ml L111l Nallcll 2MO '5<11392 ll01ICI Of Pm1IDI to .... mAttOf: AGllSIAllCAMWIO, .U AGtlS I. CAUWIO Wl IO. A220664 To all htlra, btntfl· clarles, crtdltCHs, con· t1na1nt credltCHs, and 1>«sons who m1y oth erwlse be lnlttesttd 1n the will or est•I•. or both, of: ACNES MARIE CABALLERO, ak1 AGNES M. CABALLERO A PETITION FOR PRO· BA TE hu b .. n fifed by SINON r . FALVEY In the Superior Court of C1l1· fornl•. County of OR· ANGE. , THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests SI· NON f . FALVEY be 1ppolnted u p1rson11 representative lo 1d· min1$ler the estate of the decedent THE PETITION requests the decedent's Will •nd cod1c1ls, 11 any, be 1dm1tted to probate The Will •nd any cod1c1ls are •va1l1ble fo1 1um1na lion m the file k1pt by the court. THE PETITION requests authonty to adm1mster the estate under the Independent Admmis lr•t10n of ulltts Act. (This Authority will allow the personal represen tahve to take m•nY actions without obtain 1n11 court approval Before takma cerl•m very 1mport•nt 1ct1ons. however, tht personal representative will be required to a•ve noltce to interested per sons unless they have waived notice or con~ented to the proposed action.) The independent ad m1nistrat1on authority Wiii be &ranted unless an interested per son files an objection to the pehlton and show\ auod cause why lhe court should not ar anl lht authonty A HEARING on Ille peltlton writ be held on SEPTEMBER 11. 2003 at I ·45 pm. on Dept L73 located at 341 The Coty Dr1ve South Or a nae. CA 92868. If YOU OBJECl to the gr an I in& ol the pehlton. you •houl<I appear at the hearlna and s tate your obiechons or ltle w11tten obiect1ons wrth the court before the hearina Your appearance may bt 1n person or by your ettCHney. Ir YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or cont1n11nt cradltor of the dKHMd, you m111t file your cllllm with the court end mall • copy to tht perional repru1ot1tlve eppolottd by tll• court within four months from the date of th• first Issuance of letteu es provided In Probate Code section 9100. The time for flllna claims w1U not uplre ~fort tour months ff om th• htarlne date noticed 1bov1. YOU MAY EXAMINE the lilt kept by the court. If you art a person in· teruted In the ut1tt, you m•y file with the court a Request for Special Nl>tice (form DE· 154) of the filin11 of an Inventory •nd appraisal of estate assets or of tny petttlon or 1ccount as provided in Prob•lt Code sechon 1250. A Requut for Specia l Notice form Is available from the court clerk. Allor ney for Petitioner: DAVID J. GAIUIAl.01, ISO. (CSI # 12070) ltUTAN & TUCKllt, UI' 611 ANTON ll VD., 14th flOOlt, COSTA MISA, CA 92626 Published Newport Buch·Cosh Mesa Dally Ptlot Auaust 18, 22, ·25, 2003 Mf783 FldftiM IMess N..S...... The followon11 persons 11 e dome business n r antasy Kids, 401 Newp0< I Center Drive 1150, Newport Buch. California 92660 Ronen Gabay, 1280 Bison A~e Ste •B9·249, Newport Beach, Calo torma 92660 This business is con dueled by· an ind1v1dual Have you star led doona business yet! Yes 7 28/03 Ronen Gabay This statement w•s filed with the County Cler~ of Orange County on 07/29103 200369S3136 Daily Pilot Auaust 4, 11, 18, 25. 2003 M779 AdllM ... ... i...... 1 ht followlna ptrsons •rt dolnt buslons n : llmmy1 Cullom Hand Cerwtsh I Oetalllna, 1619 Superior Ave .. Costa MHa, CA 92627 f'X Pro Inc.. (CA)_, 27882 Murlield, Mission V11Jo, CA 92692 Thia b~lness Is con· ducted by: • corporatton Have you started doina business yet? No FX Pro Inc., James J. Simon, CEO This statement was llltd with the County Clerk of 011n11e County on 08/19/03 200S69SS44' Dally Pilot Aue 25. Sept. l, 8, 15, 2003 M787 FictltlM htinefs ·•s.....- Th• tollow1na persons lrt do1n11 business u : R.B COM Groomon11. 436 1/2 E. 17th, Costa Mna. CA92627 R•lph A. B•uhsta, Z20 Ah Crt, T11cy, CA 95376 Estee G Beut1st1, Z20 Ali Crt .. Tracy, CA 95376 This bul!ness is con· ducted by: husband and Wife Hive you stir ltd dom11 busmen yet? No R•lph A. B1utlsa This statement was filed with the County Cler i.. of Ore nae County on 08/19/03 200S69SS429 Datly Pilot Au1. 2~. Sept. I. 8, 15. 2003 M790 Fldltt. t.lntn N..S.......,, The follow1na per sons a1 e do ma business as. Your Petite Chet, 540 Vista Grande, Newport Be<1ch, CA 92660 Tina Sills, !>40 Vista Grande. Newport Buch, CA 92660 Thi\ bu\mtss is con ducted by an 1nd1v1dua1 H•vt you sl•rted dome bu"nns yet1 ~o Tma Sills lhts sl•tement wu hied with lht County Clerk of Or an11e County on 07128103 200'69S2179 D•lly Ptlot Aua 11, 18, 25, Sept. I. 2003 M782 DM.L&AiOlr--PilOt .Best place in the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classified 642-5678 lPJeddin!A c5.ho Our Wedding Showcase Publlcatlon Date: Sept. 24, 2003 Space Deadline: Sept. 17, 2003 Adv1r1orl1l D11dllne Sept. 17, 2003 Full Page ............ $700 * Half Page ........... $375 * Quarter Page ...... $250 * ighth Pag e .......... $135 1/2" ............... $8 5 ~ut advertorial vailability rt Beach, Newport Coast, d, and Costa Mesa. Call Ann Gendrolls 949.574.4249 Daily~) Pilot Poli cy llo\v to Place A .----Deadline . l<.ttc~ and deadline' are '>UhJeCI to d1J11gc wilhou1 notice. The publt!thcr 1 t'..,Ct ves lhe righ1 to ccn~or. rcda~~1f y. 1cv1!>c or reject any <.:Ja,,ificd .1dvcrt1sement. Plca'>e report any error thJt may be in your cla'"ficd ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accept5 110 liability for an) l'rTOr tn an .tdvert1semcnt for Yo ht<.h 11 ma) be 1c,po11'>i ble except for the cmt of the -.pace actually occupied hy the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first in senion. CLASSIFIE AD Monday ..................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm AHHOUllCIMENTS <::JJ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectlbles/ Memorabilia 1160 Anie11can Motorcycle !.-.ller 1°'*"11nd Clilpt•) t Jill 4CJ\. 6 years of 11 ll11 ~ IU'.illlP p<m.. () ~ &, ....,.,. Wml!s w/~ '' m~mber w~arln11 ""' .mr ~_.ct um .. .JS("IJ) 714~1 lm ~ 1489 r~ 230S·2490 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS i Collec1lblts •Air'fl!l ..... , ......... ·~·._...·O"lf•'·.....,,.. $$ CASH PAID $$ to, SS 4 ltlCotDS nc W£ euv £8TAnS hu °"·". Ek !lk & OO's • ........o.ro ,...,.,,., ...w• Ill Alt,.. ~. h.i>e ~ Moh" 949 645-7505 "Wl Al11Jr CONSIGN MEN, IOU.U ltOUSlfG OfPOIMITY 1111 ,..1 estate advei • II 11111 In this neW'P•Pll 1• \llb"'d lo the r.deul fall HOU\tn1 Act of 1968 I\ amended which m•~~' II llte1aJ to Adv"' II"' ·any preftf tn<~ 1tm1 t1tton or J1" 11n11111tion b•Md on I.,., Coklf, relil10fl, Sta, lw1dl(.Atl familial status ~' 1 ! ' , .. , J ... . I '.'.:' .. '.: "· ... : I , 't• 11 lf , ~ _ r11~.:'..__ 1 By Fax (C)~9·J 6) 1 -659~ BY Phone 19~91 6-t:!-567R ll)· '.\lail/1 n Pe r~on: .BO We,1 B.iy S1r1.~ct Co,la Me,a. CA 926:!7 Al "lewpon Rh d & Ba) St Wednesda) .............. Tue day 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00prn 1 l'I •\C 1ro. lutk wur n .. mc "°'t f'IMor 11umhrr JltJ "'C II ,.11 \ol•U h.K ~ \Ltlh iii rn\.( 4U•\if(" I Fnday .................... Thun.day 5:00pm I lours Saturday .................... , Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am·5:00pm ' Monday.Friday m<HAIDISE ~ .. WI Al ESTATE R SALE A statewide dlspl•y 1d in 118 part1clpatin11 newspapers; 1.5 mllllon+ Callfornl• houuholds. Cost Sl,350 for 4·x2.5" ad. Free Information (916)288·6010, (916)288 6019 www cal sc1n com scroll to C1lllornla/ l'ht1onw1de displ1y (CAl "SCAN) 5 MILLION+ CALI rORNIAHS SH Cal SCAN ads in 200 newsp•Plf shttwldel 25 worda 1450/slltewldt, 1300 Northern or Southern C11ilor1a. F re• inform• lion (916)288·6010; (916)288·6019, www.cal seen.com (CAI. •SCAN) us.e fott ,onru 8autf', Ctllllna, Rooll 3010-3940 m soos-saso 3610 Dices b Lim Ml --------~ IGTTINS, UTS, DOGS -·~°'i Fmtmn ~ Si>lc:· lrum 1-EJLTH GUARNfill ')ot9.Q4.12J9 Spry momma C.111, honws lo lllCtal1$ ~~ Office fer u•H Approxrmatety 40Cbl 170 E 17th StrHl eo,ta Mua 949~·6523 LOTS/ACRf.AGE Pet Adoptions 3660 lots/Aaugt Wned 4740 o--Shptter4s 111 colors, 111 Sties for COlORAOO AT IT'S adoption to qu1flf1ed But. 35 •cres only homn w-.pasc111.or1 $.59,900 Creek lronta11e or call 714-773·5915. & Aspen. Newly 1valtable MISCEU.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE 35 acres In West C1ntr1I Color1do 1d(1cant to Grand Miu National Forni Wide cree~ fronta11. Bit views. Road S. electric. FI· Mllcllllneon nanclna. Cati 1-888-638· MlrcMnlllle 3155 3116 (CAL •scAN) 2201 Vitt•.._,. Walk· In 8:30-.i.m-S:OOpm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm IOOS·IS10 ~ 9000-t7SO Newport Coat PltlMI ESTATES 'ATltJCIC TINottl NATIONWIDI USA 949-IS6-f70S www.p1tricktenore.com RURAL PROPERTY FORSAlf Rlndla,flnnl/ Cony"°""' 5915 20 ACll IANCHIS Qoseout s. S9996 Hur 8oominc Ct Peso, Tt111•. '95 doW!1/S99 monthly (lK/216 months) ROllCl!l surveyed. FrH m•C( pict1ns GtNt lottt • Hc:etlent I~ SonMC Rtnehes. I 34J..!M44 (CAL•SCAN) MISCEl.lMEOUS RBfTALS Undl'r till' Sl'rvicc Directory Bannl'r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S A -Uor I .. hi <-«. Alt, w/d, tr., micro, d/W, nu ~ dldl. mport SI 1'lVrno yi1y 9'19-6n:ml Balboa Peninsula -OWINTll llNTA1S~ deluxe 2 & 3br'i furn, Incl aar w/d, Av11I now Ho pets 949·645·4885 * IAYrtlONT ILDG * lWlrn ~ rflfll· bl!htd lbr. lbe. vihf, Fp, mn1 ans. 'll1y 9'&-'ll2· rm ConndelMer Lovely Gated Community I Br I Ba Apt w/pvt 1111, Irle. welk to Tri Squue $895/mo. Water/lrHh peld, Klein M1n•111ment 877·704·8649 [Jt 9200 2Br. 2Ba. lower unit, p1ho, laundl'y, I car 111•&• Aaent Sll75/mo. 949 293 4630 Trl,t•• 2~r I~•. qu••t loc, laundry room, S1n&le far•ae, Sl200/mo 376 E. 6th St. 949 548· 1511 ISl4t•Mw•t...._, 3br 2.5ba custom 11- mod, llvrm. Ip, sunroom, pool, apa, tennis, ault 9·1 12195/mo act .. Donald Pfaff, Coldwell 81nlltr 949·733-6074 ...... ,,.,.. ••. a.. Fp, d,/w, laundry room, fenced )'lfd. no pets. $2200/mo 949 646-7363 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to n•tt0n11 or1111n. Of an 11t•11hcin to mlllle 1ny "Ith prefennce. limtt1 l1•1n M '"" rlmlnatlon.• ,,__. wG_!d~ens etc .. ""'llStln ~'~ ~1313 OPIN MT 2-6 Nlwpt1tt 8tteh Bluffs C.n townttm. 3bf end unit, pvt patio, 2 c ,., , fllllll!To SIM a ....... ., ........ dlnl"POOf!'J!Mtd ,.,.d, 2 c ~ S~/mo <949) 548 lWI landscapers and painters. I hi. new\p199r will ""' ~nowlnely accept u1y 1dvertlsement fCH •• 11 ol•lt wl\lch ta In ''"'~ll<>n of the l1w. Out r P .. dtr\ Ire fltrtb)' 1nf·ot~d that aH dwelt n1.., advtrUMcl In this IW>w ~ an t"tll•blt '" en aqvel ooo«tunlt)' 1!4 )' I" colllPfalri of dis (•,.,•n111tlon, , .. HUD loft ft••., I •llOO 424 1590, Al•IOll--1611 Prfvtrte hdt .._...., °"61 1pprok I/hr from Ntwp0itt Ot1cfl. Cxctl· lent hunt1n1 adj.cent to Stilt Wll9ffowl rtfUJt, owrittthlJl lnleoat I IP!JrO • 375 ecre of i.nd • 1tnj)Ulvl"'4tfttl + )'OllC' own camp coll'ljl011nd w/stn1cture end Z tr tlltri Wondtrtul 'rt, nt1ht HQ's I wlnt tnt1n1 d11rtn1 dut11 MllOl'I • many 11tr .. 1 16111 for Z fl'leflft tf f•tlltf a t0n. C•• •• at 310 541 OIS4. -. ALL CASH CANOY Routt. Oo you Htfl AOO In a d•ft YoUf own lout cendy route. lnchlde• JO lfltehlf'IH tlld candy A" for l.!&_t95. Mult1Vend, UC wu Glllf!4 llvd., ~/-;'t =~ ~':Z:·o'· (CM.•SCAN) coUJtts)' to bro..,.n '549.118 By Owntr 714·299-7373 lbr 2be Perk lido tow"houu. nr Ho.a pato, 2 c aer tc pool 11995 949 293.4630 Jbr Zh '"" Lido townhouse, nr Hoac ptto. z c •• te PoOI SltM ... 293 •JO . MMIOll VllW MOMIS 441f. ~/,_a, Lat19 lot MM Klloef (Mt)M0,*4 .... ·~-,_~ M20m • I 3 uur. + -. jlO(ll, llP9-wld. cwport. Cllfl cell, no/smk/r•• •v•ll 9/1 949 548·7 JI A£SIOCNTI~RCNT AlS OIWIGE 1• ccum. .......... ...... ._..,. -..,. .. tOOttf Qul9t. lllr ""' •1r,r..-... ~--1191 -- YUafUAHS ..... ,..., ... -.-nm ....., ....... DallyPilot I Da' PtlOt ·tee 11r II• unit on ~let Ptnlnauta Potnt. So/smlv'pet 11510 incl wtil 949·293·4631 4-wtlftl 21r 11• Avail Now. Pvt Bell, 200ft to »•ttf ...... ,.,. Hiiila .. ~15rom Lse 949-718·1400 MIWPOU HEIGHTS cottaee 2bf 2be Ip. llctwd 1!fs, fir. &JUI pl1Ct ll900/mo. 9'9-6-42·5488 :l JOhf, 21r 21• In .a-;on Bly, ful kit. LR. 'llllc, steps to bctt/f)illrlv'ten. ]~9150m yrly. 949-566-9'388 J lr 21a Sln9le level ..,.o, 11ted comni. pool. .a c e•r I aUAched, w1d, ""'""·' llaht & b11aht JiOOOtmo 949 689-7078 Jbiwpttrt Hel9hta 381 . '2ea, Ja1ee fem11y room. . 2 ~·r llM•ee. av311 8 11 S2400/mo 94ll 759 3771 NP Ht 3br 'l 5b11 1.'ustom home, new carpet. ? stry. 2 c alt 1111. tr1'1 •a•rdener/water S?49!> 9'9·631 -2612 OCIAH VIEWI 2tlr 2 ~ townhome tn-leltel. 'l '"" . .udl pr. wd til14JS.. $bn' KJA'IM9-l 8!18-414-Vn 8001 dodo crew wonted 111~•1 Apply in p~r\un l~l B~y~1d" Or (.utOCld del MJr Wed Sat 10.. 2p l.)dld t111111t:, t'•.,ir.'llt-f\t.cd drive" N•r <'td1t •tier.ks No letu11\ l •lnl( Haul Driv1nii 1 800 781 ? I I A ...... ..w rwnod } hY w ~, t', n ta) • 1 t to bch 2br Iba k•we< ullll t Cl\l "Si AN 1 ~· @ 47tti st k•" I -- w/sblonless "ll\)f'' r a<p<lfl OPIVI fl', l}V/l\jl ti ~ smil/pet Ava~ 9 1 I OPlHAfOll< "·"' ,, 111 $26))/mo 714 335299/ o wn lru•~' lov~11•.: Im NlWl'OllT HUGHTS 111dP.11end1·n1 • 1 I 11•Ll .tJ1 T Ii 3b 2 Sb l 11~' 11'" 1""1" 1' ""·ltl It 2 own ome s'i&fXJ d ' frtd~ •. VHU .. tH I •• ..,,ful' c~J:'.~\e9-4'l00 m" 1 l•t " ''"~ '"" ~CJU S600 SIS20/WEEKL YI Po•l•I posit101u/an· n ouncement IND81 [ntry·Profenlonal level. No u ptfltnCt 111CU · ury, Peid tralnlna/ vacations. C1ll Mond•V· Saturd•J for 1111r /info l · 800· 620· 140. •703 (Mond1y· Sa turd1y)' (CAL •SCAN) ....... w. SlllCa ... _. lor PT HU Or-& ~&t. Call fc>f details 949·63 t 1194 ht JOyrs G£ I PAID ro SHOP Secret 'hoppers needed Pose n cu~tomer~ and get paid I 0,111 \lores resL•u•enls & tlleater~ Floible hours. Emailed reqwfed I 877 366·'AA I u l 6048. (CAl •SCAN) _________ l'}Cjill'I"' IA"lll IM! 3br 2b• on Balllud •(Al •\[hN• Automobiles 9000 Penin, hdwd llr s. Ip --- patio. 2 ~ &di •'olail 8 I DlllVIRS WAN H D Jaguar aiit S2650 949-?93 41>J I N•'w~·"I t flv11lm.t ,,, Iii It I ------ 'for Leo .. J8r 2'/>Bo ,''•t your'"''"• h•" ''" JAGUAR 'I S ,_., s.,,.~, J House pr1vatf' t ul de •H11 I 'di I ' 11111 filt1• '". l.Jt1/,. ;l1rr n .. 11 h~ ... vty fll•-"HH me" yard ~·eal IOl~f1011 S/',. •I,,'"'' lo"1e I lo a .... Al. cu •II llf'W S29'>0;mr• 9'49 4/', 001/ 1 '11 RM lJ[•i ~/IJI<~ 111 V:ll..U 'J4;! t,/ i 81')'> 1 •lf1Jfit;'• wvv'"r [J ,.,, '---------Harbor View Hom .. 1 Automotive 9004 J8r ?Ba (.•11nel Mo<1~1 Al-l AS( V(' •11., "'"' S3000/mtJ Ava1f.-Jbf~ 9 I ' at t Jf: nmt• 1• ,11,~ ,, .y, Ail 'l4<l 7'19 l72h 111111,, , ,1 1 t I , I l'I On The River I· I /', Condo Ouvl• • S 11 ~Omr l·Jvl Up~I d 1111 flldl ll '• tl1• I',. llt-1.-011!t11f l•• l\s11 •' '71" 7'1-J I tt. lilt,&•• J91 2 Rover Av• I HORAL DISIGNER /' Cti;td 714 7">1 2787 • 28> h" , .. ~~~ Mu· I t" full 1 JO Proporty Mnet Inc u pe1i.<1<• • IAYfllONT c.OM G4'11,44 l t BMW '90 32Si •lo .. ' Yw ~IS. l '11 d dr '"'' o ... 11ru t hJll V""' I ,,, r -3 \'rh'I! '5.Jf,'111 /14 4•,4 I l·"lH BMW 5281 '99 'P"'t Wdgun -""' 1 11t..1 warr"nry 1, 1•tt-'1 S.'5 'l9'> '149 >;1-;, Jo,44 ---~---~-·--- _A1to1_m_1Gtt1_ve __ 9004_ Bridge PHllllf'S AUTO 01 .... V~OJ'J Aal led on bl~k. low ,...... p pous! (l!M051) $57,ga) OO•MWU" S.lver w/blacJ\ Ith•. st~pllonK (193871) $21,9111 99 EUO Sedan Whole w/saddle leath ef, nlOOlltOOf (19443) $27 9EK) or~srw­ Se• Cr"n w/,ilddle lthr, 281( m1. m!>Otlfoof (19112) S29,98l ff ,..,_,.. SI.I( 2JO 81"" w/black. gol'y ~wrt~ 1114: (19411>) S27 900 99BMW 321/S Red w/bla<k lthr S~1>d 09470) SIFI 'JatJ 01 l'onch• Twbo T1ptron1c rinly IHI< m1~s navai(llttOn ( 19394) IN()IJIR[ 91 LH&n GS 300 G• old w 'M!ddle IP~fh>'< thr•ime wl"le. .. lt-- (19418> S21 '0J 02 l'onche G T2 Bia< k w1llld• k unly 100 m1lt-S ( l'fi'l7(.1 INtJIJIR[ 0 I M•rceJ•o CLSOO S1tvet w gJ ey n .. v, i.,a!111n only I 'l~ "" ( I 'J'>4'>L I INIJUl~I 00 l'oroclt• Bou let Stlv,•r w tJl.11 k h~.p11 fr·w mil~' (1%1J/J l JS,'l>llJ 949.574.7777 PHIU.IPS AUTO phil~o.com C0f7'0f'O '94 Z28 c...,..,. I Wht tji'k nu Ht-H tir~ & int'"''''>' 1u, rt111.,~ t!O''XI ~., b-1') 'H<l'> <1ftt1 '~'"' Corvette '89 JUI ..1 hfJ\o .. n 1 11"\t 1.tn IJttt t.U$ ,., h By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE (.)UIZ Q J • Uotb vulnerable. you llold: • K 10 6 2 S J 9 8 6 4 .! • 7 Z •J? t.94 AKQ76 •AQ8 WtuH 1~ ynuf opening bid ! A • l<t,i:ardlr~ of wht-thtr you u-c " IS-17 or 16-111 range for your one' no trump open in~ &ids. thb hand with II> •lrung li•c cartl \U1l 1~ tu ~'"~I tu op.:n Uflt' diamonJ uo<l rdiod 11<11 nu vump •>"Cl J unc·lc:\cl l'l'.'JX>n..e. 8ec11U'oC ul the bal~W n.11ure o( the holdlni:. we would upto two oo trump 1i..•,p11e tlx' weak- nt~s in spades. O 2 · HU4h \Ulnerdhlc. you hoJJ · •II .I P11111K<r 1111l'n, the h1dd1~ "'th th,,_,., n11tru1Hpl~~-:1 1•1111"1 \\'h~1doy .. u '"'l"'"J. , A· \\ 1111 ,ud1 " ,11hJ '"Ur•• 111 tn.:t..' 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Jh+l ''"Jlh \'f1••11i.'h tn podu .. ,· nine: tn 1-. f\h' 0 .t · I ·''' \\ ·,t '•1111, r.1lok. ,,, '>1•11th \1111 1111l1 Tiir b1ddinlt' h .. , pcu'Ccded NORTH J.A, I' SOl.'111 l•• ··-....... " What llLlh)fl \lo you mk•"' A · lllc hand ~u~I) l>cloni;' to 1ht- uppvoent\, pertwp' e'"" 111 ,faru lu mJlc till' J1tlio.:11h J-' fli •"1t>k fnr the: encm\ l" ~x11ht-111cdhge111I~ rn..~~ the preempt h) n"'mg 111 four \p11Jc, You1 fl.ii pruhll'111 will oc whut 10 do ,11 .. otJ !I'll.! •lppuncnl• contr11e1 101 'lam .., 1 ~ ,p..,Je, ,11ou Id· n'1 pro'.: c:l\'.pen\I'' hut ~ou n11i;l11 bt'. at>le to c.kkJI ''"' -1l\'. fc~el urnkr !JI.in~ h~ 1h..-"f'f~'"""" 0 5 '"" ..\_\ \1HJ~k .,,Ulll\,'f•ltt.I\.' \HU h11ltl The l-1dtlt11f h,i. prt 1<. c.:drd 'Ol011 f\"I "'ti Ill 1.. 1• ..... , 2 2• l' .• Jll,., \\.h,1\ "'f \•H tlid li\\'w\ 1 \\I ' I ,, ........ , A · c 1JJh e11111i).'h. the ,,,, "'"' " ti,,· 'Jfllt' ,.,1..,1hc1 \1111 I''"' lllJt '" 1 ht.tf1"-'"·'' 111\iwuuuJf ·•r \!,,m(' "''"' ong II 11.e lorn1t'r ,; rJ"" 1<1 rh•« \Pdl.1L V\11uld he tl1\ 1L.J1tnr1.1 ·ul 'uu aa ''"' -.trPn~ lor 'h.iL II 11!" l.11 t~r \OH h.I\\' .1 mJOIOJlllll t••I ·''HI 1111"1 tdf l'·tnll\'I \"II I I\ :• l .. 11 HHt"rt,;•1oo1 Jn h1.11h l o1"t• r Hd "'P•1\-lt0 .. 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Corvette Fatrr'fi>y Opo<at&d ~ "'~ 41 {' ,, ...... ~ '111 {wt( ' 1"'1 i 'u• V' ,.. '" f•otn (~ ... 1.1 , tJ-"" .._ \"1 f " , ' t ,J .. ~ ;.,., J T1JthAl At1lt1 • ...,..... 14 -lill~~ ~711\i.'>'''~r CASH FOR CARS WE NEED YOUR CAR PAID FOR OR NOT PHILLIPS AU T 0 ASK fOR MALCOLM 949.574.7777 Motor Homes • Rent 9355 l oyolo Tercel DX '9 1> 1 .. M•OllllTllllOllllR-H•o-M•E-FO-R• " d .. , .tll qpl111fl~ RENT 'IJ(l 1 ~'I• & lfll••'._ <. 0"'rf~4.. tly ~6r< ml ?U<l ( Jift .. ,,, t rdr:•I ~ 1•j 2 1. Jlld~t ""' SJ90f 94q 64'> 1418 HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS --- ERVICE ;;;Strvl=ce;;;;D;;;;l;;;;recto=ry=;;;; I Carpet Repair~ales Accounting CARl'll CARP(l "NOTICE TO READE.RS C1hfor noa law re QUll8$ I hat con tr ~c tors taktn& tOb\ that tolal $!>()() or more (labor or material\) be hcensed by the Conine tor\ Shfe l lC'enu Board State law al$0 requ11e. thal ton tree tors 1ntfud• lhe11 h~ense number on all adverlt~na You can che~k the status ot your llcensed , cont ra c lor at www C\lb ca 11nv or R~patr\ Patl111ng ln·.t•lf (.ouo teou\ any \llt 1nb\ WhnlP\ 11•' G49 4'!:' Q?O'i Cleaning Touch of Klass L:urupcun l·\pcn 111 House Cleaning 20 ~ t.•ilf, m Bu1oomt.·,, l.1lcn...:J .'It B11nd.:J J'r,>lt'\\IOllJ} ll'Jffi' s"1gncd to Y(IUr llnmc I . Computer Services COMPUT ER HELP! • "1ml OI ~ fllUll1nt • At JN llolltt OI Ollkl •PC Ol llD< ..... ...avvt;..nn;. >\'"'l:i>q~ .. SSfl . .-m.ca.. .......... ·l~,,,.,..,-:~ • °'lM ,\21> "-'Aw • ~Qrro-rv.:-~ ~~· 714-612-1786 Concrete & Masonry Drywall Services I Gardening/ WITIHOHT DRYWALL landscaping All phases \m1lr2 out.\ DlrtyWOi'kt.and-~apa.Com CllANI ?Oyr\ fa11 flee I Spo rnkler> UPll' ade\ e\l l~ 114-639 1447 ~~att' lro11~t1n1t El ctri IS • (.lo>.,notfl' I'"" S<!<'vor~. 8 ta 8MCeS Pt.int,,1g $etv11.l!S & m0<e1 DUNCAN UECTRIC lo<.dl. Qu•<.k RH!><•"'" Home Yard & Dock (1•1 I lOYrsl•p Loe ln,u<ed L n1sa10 949·6~0 704? llClNSID CONTllACTOR No p1b loo vn All S4'Vr1:~1 Repa11 1 emod•I. l~ns ~ ,_ SY( 949-645 J6!i6 Flooring/Tilt 714-71S-2828 S.ummtt S ope -Up G~t your ya• d lnokma 11.s bt:st kw the surnml!< Y.lfd ,_.,;in 14'\. "IJ<ll1kier fltne •'ll" dl1d ~ w"ei.end & eve quotes Xtro Hond Servi<•• 714-427-0040 HandymaiV Home Repair I House Cleaning Hou•• Cleonlng•h p d ;;::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::;; Wh l~ B• whl, M,,1 !htv Will i1 rwr ~ do~?! Sot mough omt! Doo'1 lu ... lb< n~I 1001>! I'll sure 1omom1". Vada. Yoda, Vada Xtn llud Semu.t 714.427.0040 M.k< *"' Kapp) GENF.llAL Rf.PAIR & MAOOINANCE • R...'lidcnual ... ~ Hff s br• ti r ,,.,..,, 1,,,..1r,t11 949-'>48 47ff: ~ ... ""' <:J',j/ Interior Design In Hom• CoMultlng Alford•bfP 'I, • 949 644 4"40 A Hom• 714-96? lel7 lnteroo11 Moving & Storage TWO BROTHERS ~·"'V"~G & STORAGE Open 7 Days low Rates Storage Specials Since 1981 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Vite 5 So 10 Fellows 14 Happen 8Qilln 1~ 9'g hut•y 1e 0tchNIVB member I 7 Agu11 oc 19'\nfl t 6 T •CIVIHll"lg lhe deep 111 Person plae• ()! ll•Htg :ao ..... ~ .. 22 Real bargains 24 -spumante i5 POM l""'""I 2" Ptior>y d\l~'S 10 Hu11e1s· llalll 1:> :>ay lrtiAA•y 1~ Nootrat colOf Vi PuMS 10 ')0.,... ..... 1 DOWN I Grum«H 2 A.ctress Ol•n 3 Heavy mt!UI• b¥'WJ 4 D&'~rttt .. 5 Not ouy C 0 0 6 P•ooe 'l klrd 1 u, • ., •ulwtl 8 Fir.cl a /00 fOf ~' Oug91fl •1001 ' 44 lylf1Q down 1 15 r~s 41 SnUI Sl•iger . Jamt'li D l..3SCllCO R at1Qt o/<N.11'1<1 IOH~~- 11 •~'YI•~ cnase-- '' Yfl I 1; • A.¥ 'f>' f r y Me I) ·~~ 'l.l 1Jl'Onl<!f'! ,. ~·· (, llf f!'.ntj 23 E.co'" an',,,.,,,- :;>& r. am~·, l8 ut;il'l"'e ~11: l< I 1{f: rJ1l~ " Po'\f''·~ ., hltndv oo~a'""' ,,,_y, 6 • Elem '~uoc; t.rQ 62 HW>le< S Oft!",' ~Mrt•t<,., s1a1esmar 43 C...v 48 R'1f'tf' .,,.~er ;iJ 0·fl•flt8f I 5~ Go ~ 7 hoof,tt-~1y -~~ ... , /M 11..f-:-.f"' •.' .1tf•'11' 29 P<.<;I 1'.1'tr<'d '6 Pr(<M orwa•'i 49·~~ a fav~ pas ['6 '.J&·.,...an !.rt.e ')ltf.r1 9l "lvnn•nQ ,..., 31c -.ij r .1''14hJto witf/11,Ji.'. 1 ;9 Pilot ' r:r,,,oern :n fi •"I .. $? 5, P•ayWfaiJ...._,t> .;? ! Mtff •tt<-H J.3 Vat G~n s SIM•cl I t;4 {MfJ ·~If? ,;~ M1ijay "c ~ .. , ~-1 Fib?, r1tJ'1CS ·w A·,,, I r y ~~t 3& re~~~ Qlfe 'J,. '''"lS t>aci' )4 P1~Cl1 "-1 ~t1 55 Vl.f1Cj ',,7 Delg.,. •.Jt BOATS Power Boats BOAT REPAIRS/ 9515 SERVICES DUFFY £UORIC '86 f. 1 "fl t 0 1 '78 COBALT 18n ' I J' '~ r (., '{'f t,1', f I •• > f't •t H' ... , _) i)• t11~ f 4f-I ! f. 2000 171! I o '°" " h I, 111 !' t 1, f> it ti I , •• 1} ,,, 1 tr•• t ~· f I ii,_ ~ t I .. , ShOt ~ ~P ... d•. ''' ,r T1 I fiut r•ll'l .~ .. "'' f.t4l~ 'Jf (.1l;.(1 SELL your stutt thr ough class1f1ed! Moving & Storage PUBLIC NOTICE rt··, c ''" Pub IH llt+t '1~<.i Comm1\~1on I ~·J111r,. •, th~t ,,II U!)l!(.1 • •tl\t•lt Jld iUIJd\ 't'I• -.1vr ,,,,r1\ theu P U L t .11 T numb., llnh,, lnd rhi'ufft~ur!. 1111nt the tr 1 I" P n11mtwr in all advef tl'\~n,,•nt\ 1f ynu h"ve "'i ~,,,. • .,.,,.,._\ ,;bnut lht IP~al1lv ol a rn l1 v t> • I 1 mo nr , h£1u1f11ur call PUBLIC UTIUTllS COMMISSION 800 877-8867 BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SLIPS AVAllABU From 3S-95Ft in Newport Beoch, Leo .. 949-SOO-l OOS Can't seem to get to al/ 1ho1t repair jobs around the hou11 ' Lei tht Classifitd Sen-ice Diru111n helnoufind · rtliable htlp. Painting llU~ CUSTOM PAIHTIHG p,, 'I c..-.Jn Quciltly ""'o'"' I fnr ... r111f ,..t otnd dC'IC.it.\ l •/0~41\894q 6"ll 461'• Joyson'• Pointing I lvp Ou.ihty (olf1'Jel1tov• t"•~rtN f ·q l •648??~ c l 11 '• v 9<19 f1~0 Yl66 I RAINBOW (JltCU MAINT Pa 1nhng Int •• t i-1,1115"' ~ Ou.tl1ty 11'b' f t~e '\hmatt I •'.>1>9119/ /14 616-8AA8 Plumbing SEWll CLEAN OUT YOURHOUS( WITHA GARAG( SAU! CALL (949)642-5678 Pool Service Mosaic Poot & Spa Svc. Wr .... 1'9 5Pr "I' ,. ~ Q\H5J mtl'nt RepJlllt 1 ... ut .. ti Cati 949-'2'12 717 l Roofl~utteB Tree Servtce • 800·321-CSLB Unh- cansed con tr •c tors laking 1obs that total ten than $!>00 must \late 1n theor 1dve1Usemenls that they art nol l1ctnsed by the Contractors State l icense Board " (949) 548.()()97 I r~e L:,11malc• Rdcrcm ... , Spnng Ckan11111 Speci:1l' lrlck 81ock Stone Tll• Loncnte P~ho Or1vew11y f 1replc, BBQ Ref s l!>Yrs l •P Terry 714 5~7 7!194 The C•m•nt Mon Cemenfwork Brtrk. life & M!>I~ Reliable No JOb toosmall 714 615906;> Hardwoo & Linoleum, Sub Floor Repair. Tree Service, Yard Clean1tp, Maintenanle. Sp11nkler Repa11. Hauhng (949) 650-8781 o Job Tho Small Dave B.amtlton 949-322-8292 949-645-4545 Painting lJID DUii ClW9tG (9'9) 64 S-US 'l J.C. TREES Qvl~• t111nmg & ~~ouble shO<llJni -~ ·°' perM>nal 949 !>48·2538 Mdltlolll& Rlmodtllng ' FMTllNG DIVIUIPMINT ~ • lwthin1c1tvelopmtnt.tom ' 1511815 ~ 91QM5qps Alf Caldltlonl4telt AU.INHVAC Air Condilion1n1 ' HH I· Ina Service 888 ~ L~!M9-~ A-IMANOYMAN ln1t1ll, f1fac1 cabineti leldWvWV~ molJlrw, Dq 7U •1Z8 £ IUSl#ESS l«ErA•I Uflar a des, Rtpeirs of Computer. Network•. E venlng•/Wetkftnds Competitive prices for quallty servlc:. Ut·IM·117S 71'-'26-4221 eer._tnlc Tiie QulckKINn Renew, don~ ~ahow.i.. dNnll10 8Nling. VS/MC~ eu.m-8544 www.qkttle.com Molding 949-582·8866 714·926-3249 lteflCllHace Detlll" & CUSTOM OIEATM TU ~I 100'\. .,MeMion I lnst8llabon, $!ale a umc:, Jnb at a hnw Steve M.wm nwble. stone &tall 197S I 11671214 9'9-!>82·3912 U6 l 2044 Jeff 714-61? ·9961 lGIN YOUftHOME IMl'ftOVlMINT l'ltOJICT? Call •plumber. pttnltr. handyman, or any of lhe areal Stf'Vl'u listed here 1n Ollf MfVICI directory! THCSE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! HAftDWOOD flOOltS Rtpe1ts tnslallahon & Refinish (949) 351 2646 LIMY sa.-.. Rt!PMl'd Regroutln & lnst•ll•l10n TILE DEAN 9'9 673 8065 71 '-846 8526 714.saJ. 2031 Handyman/ Home Repair RESTORl • REPAIR & REMOOHING c..,•, Do It? Don't w-t to do It? We can & we Wiii 'l4. 7 4 .,. your home repa11s 714-348-8430 FIX UP SPfCIAllST. All type\ of rep•ors flel t11ul plumbon&, dc>or\ W3ter '-tfn, Illes & more 24h1/7da~ 714 366-1881 <-... ,..,., Carpentry e Ptumb1ng O.ywall • Stucco Paonltfll, nte & "10f• 20• Years hperotneel ,. 714 .. •t-sn• J...eyAlww(• M-e ltepel~ Spacl ..... lntettor & f.J t11 l0< Repairs 714 501 ·6466 TMIHANDYMAN An work JUlf11ttHd f'lumbrc. ~Doon. Fflilll CS11 *-9&3M-8m Olft, <_,.... & ,,_.._ G-11 Clunup, lrec.tor S.t•lc• Av•ilable Call Anyttm. 7l• SIO~t. .. TO THI ...,Ill 7l' tel 18112 ~VM.Mll TOOAV1 Mt67lS5'6 1-s,....--,-..._.--,...-. 1£Sl MOVERS SSS/Hr. < 0,1,,~1 H~nd Painted Serv1t11? M Colle\ lnsurf'd i "'-11\ & '"'" ~ Tl63844 ROO 246 2378 llrtt<t tr. ho ~-€E6t 32J·6l0 9971 <~II I Home Improvement Avalon Remodeling Specfallzf ng in Additions & Quality Remodeling St11ce 1970 714-309-0783 James R1111ll Jonta SELL your stuff throueh classified! ~JN 'lJtli ~. ~Professional Pa1nttng l" "'"'150 Rob Isbell · Ownef Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 Teo<al' er ad \•\•ono• MST J aa,,y.-rt SEW£ R J£ TllNG ELECTRONlf St.AB LEAK OlfE!'TION r 11endly S~r VICP 9'9 -675 -9 304 _ th!loc........,.,. mm l•1S2•9'j tn,urNS Tri••l•f. Rt'MmtJ & Yar4 Ck.a11.,. 714.435.17 St4te l K 62f11!f o..itty w .. i. ... -•t.•p ~f\mU'e~ *'Y R@uon•b~ Puett free (st ,,, • ._.,_...O WlllCMftngs fHt STfttf'PllU $peco1k1int 1n W•lli>ellf "emoval l•~AI 949.lfiO 121 1 .· . 11'11 ·1111 TD llY Yll LABOR Dl\Y SELLATHON •aooo Ford Rebate t;m 0·1·A.P..R.* F~rBO Mns. onapprovedcrediton 2003 1#£4:,J:oJOl•UI, Explorer 4-Dr, F150 Reg . Cab I Supercab (excluding SVT), Ranger, Windstar, E-Van 1Vewl(1Al Rangerr#1Ina '·"' 0 4 "tll '' m~c cv Net Cost Od W,Z,1'1 Ford Rebatt Afro urmm Bonus ~ from Ford Motor Credit on AU rm 'OJ Rangtts !Yew1"1A1Focus ZTS: 4-Door AllTO/tlA TIC TKAIVS In Da11h (6) D/$C CD.rear spoiler, remote entry,pwr windows/door l oclUJog lamp!l,illr cond.lllumlnum whet:l5 fHZllW. () •11SS51•i:J •1rlOS7rfHZISS1.C fl '11 SOJOor> 11J1Sl5 !) •l.11~ 'O o/ ~t 0% AFR· for rmJ Mm. Oii ~ aedJt A/w Ql,Z,m Bon.a ~ from ford Motor Credit !Yew 1(1A] Ranger XLT Supercab 4l TO'IA UC TH 4 "IS Alr cond,.J.Ol. V6.remote entry.power wlnd/dr loclu.rear 5t:al.ABS brahff. power 5let:rlng.5tereo CD 1!1 •!nlll •:D 186!0'3 tJ'4/ZIJ/tlD l87117S ,11}•!78101 Sales Price: Ford Rebate: Bonus Cash": 111375 .li1Z,Z,J Dl1[1[1J 'I~ Gd 0% APR •• for FE Mm. oa appro.-etl aedJt MD f :Umm Bonus r..stl" from Ford Motor Credit 1Vewl(1AJ Taurus SE : Plus Power drlver'5 Kiii and adju5table pedil/5.(6) Dix CD.rear 5poller.alum wh«l!J,rt:mote entry.power wlndow!J/ door loclu.tlll.cru~ 0 •1•JJ81·0 IZJJIS8 0 •113'16•() •lJl15 "•140IJ1 Sales Price: • $f 8~475 Ford Rebate: •;.r1[1J Bonus Cash": · . . Dl1Z1l1J g~it$14475 'I~ Get 0% AFR·· for fErt11.5. on appro•'ed credit A1Jn (Jlmm Bonus Cutt from ford Motor Credit * * * BONUS BUYS * * * !Vew ill] Pocus 3·Door : Auto Trans Six (6) D/$c CD,power windows/door loc.lu. • Ult.crul~.alr cond.alumlnum whet:l5 :J • CBJS O• l~O • '51iJS Ill ISO/ O• ¥ Sales Prfc8: Ford Rebate: Bonus Cas,,.: MbWd g~~t' lQ!YA> !Vew ill] Explorer Sport : 2-Door ~~~~s,:;;:,~~~.. S1f.if.~ Premium 5letta CD.automatic trans.air contt. • ..,1~liSO power windows/door locll.5.alumlnum wh~ls Net ~ __ _ ~·s . ..,t ~·511"' • ~. ,. •. Cost .,.......,~~~ !Vew ill] Explorer XLT Clearance ~~~~s,::~~~e s2:.~r~ Rear .Jrd aeat.power drller'5 Sf!at ,5lereo CD •• Bonus Cas,,.. mi1J1j1] remote entry.pott<er windotu/door locks. N l '2l1975 Ult.crulse.aulom.atlc tr.ans ' e ="i: .. ~·:~"'1; •·.··:· ••• •• • Cost 'II !Vew ~ f250 XLT Supercab ~~~~s,::~~~~. s2~~ Super Duty.8' bed.5.4L VB.tow plcg, • Bonus CashA: dl'1'1'J (6) Disc CD.chrome wheels Net I f">f'>h~ .w,iy; '• .... ••,ll Cost ~M,~14.J New '03 EXPEDITIOIV XLT Sates Price. $26 975 Ford R ebate. dYdlld • NBCo~n~uts'22· 9:14d5l@ Tow plcg.air cond.st ereo CD.fold flal Jrd row -------=--nat.power wlndow5/door /oclc!J,1111.crulSf! ;i ·~ ):'S 'Ji\i4J1.. '"" ' :>-CS.'S !Vew (1JJ EXCURSIOIV : Eddie Bauer ~~~s:;:,c:,s $3:.:X,~ V 10,l ott plcg.le.atber.(6) Dl!K CD.potter drl.,er s • Bonus CashA. M"11J1] !lt:ill ... Re.ady 4 You N t f ~9: £ ;)•~ c~st ~~ Iv !Vew ~ F250 XLT Supercab 4x4 ~~~~s;;,~~~e: S3MI,~ FX4 pkg.5kld plalt:5.aulo tran!J.6.0L DleKJ.alr • Bonus CashA · MJijl]I] cab slep.p;us air b.ag.aultf toc.lu/auto lamp!J e r ~ cond.pwr~tJ.7JL511il~.(6)DhKCD.lubutar N t -~g ~ .:i·L~· Cost , I 4. /Yew i?Al Thunderbird : Sum me. ':,ff;:;,~""' $3i.1l.£ Lealher.(6) Disc CD.aluminum wh~~IJ,$ ,pttd, N t '33400 automatic tr.ans ... lh~ tour Dre;inu e :i• '· •• :. .• , .. ..,, Cost ., ·vou MUST qualify with and finance with ford Motor Credn to get Bonus Cash. *0°/o APR financhig for 60 months~ 60 p~men~ of ~16.6i per ~1000 borrowed. **0°/o APR financing for 7 2 months ~ 12 paymen~ of~ 13.89 per ~I 000 borrowed. Down payment, cash, or trade, ranges from I 0% lo 35~, depending on your own creditworthiness as determined by ford Motor Credit. lndi~dual circumstances may allow for a higher or lower down payment. Some customers may not qualify. Applies to new vehicles only. Residency restrictions apply. Expires close of business 8/26/03. 1Vew(1AJF150 XLT Supercab STX EDITIOr¥ I> • ~n56•1' IAB.J1S1 I> MB 7511 I> IAllJJf><I) IATZJI~ ll)IA1u.&Af> l vz.150 lfll l>A.t;ll l• ,,,..,, (" /0 IAll.Jll> •O IATS97J1 •ID IAJS911J • Power driver's !H:llt.Telll' :Jrd seat. :J, 1:J LS a.de.remote entry,power wlndow!J/d r locb,Ult.avhe,prlr.cy 9 l11SS.•utom•Uc tran.,IDdependent Rear Su11penMon I> IA1115SZJI) IA/'941111() IA\l!IOl I~~ IA9Jt5n 41>1A9llOOlll)I~ jl) IAWIQSW lltl1m "' lltmlXA /ID '"'fS"' "''"1J961 "''-11S'9J "' #IOIJ193i llHfOTJl'I 1tott oa Dirr;m ra ldri* ,w,mmm,_ ~._"",..,.~.Al IBI ·oJ £xp1orer .,Door I !Yew[{1~F150 XLT SUPERCREW tD>! J:111CJl t14tC:ill Tow plcg,.J.!J!J L5 aJtle. I r -10 !ipolce aluminum wh~l~.P77!J/60R· I 7 OWL tlres.alr cond.remote entry.power wlndow§/dr /CK~.Ull.crul~.4-Doors Sales Price: • '24,J75 Ford Rebate: • ;f11IJ Bonus Cash": ~ illi11ld New '03 EXPEDITIOIV XLT :LccJL/Jcr HI -1H U\ HI 'II Hl-11'1,ll "'1 ~l \II 'I rwr fold .Jrd row Kat.In CMMJ (6) DI« CD. rear air cond/heat..tow plcg..J.7.J LS Dk. pwr driver'• ffill llJJd IHfjHIJlble pedals. running boMd.t.fOIJ IMnp!l.nmote entry. pwr wlnd/locb.Ult.crvlH II> 1/191()86~1) 1'9l.JU 11> l/19l tJt•" 1'9lJIS JI) 1'91141> Sales Price: Ford Rebate: Bonus Caslr: On Approved Credit. financing rates vary depending on credit worthlnt>M of customer as determined by Ford Credit. Some customers will not qualify. P1us government fees and taxes, any nnance charges, any dealer document preparaUon charge, and any emission testing charge. This ad excludes all leaw3, retail purchase only, subject to prior sale. expires close of buslnt>M 8/26/0J. . .... : l1•r ; ·' . . .. •• . •• • ... .. ~1 ·: •• . •• .• •: .. .. ·. .. •• =· •• ... ... .· ... .. • . ·. .. .. '• *• , . . · ... . · .. . -..