HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-27 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot·-·-·--· -4 • -...... ...... --· ..... ·-·-_,. _ .. --....... ~ . ,.. ... -.... --· ----· ------.. -- • 10 Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2003 Lines being .drawn .off Arlington Drive FYI QUESTION Parks commissione rs will discuss a vacant piece of la nd that looks like mea t to both dog park fans and skate park supporters. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA ~H:.SA -The battle fur turf al TeWinkle Park conunue" tonight as advocate'> for a ~ka1e park face off against fan~ of a bark park expansion. Avenue. rhe baule h~ been rngmg since Lhe CoMa Mesa Bark ?ark ~oundation expressed in1eres1 in 1.he site in June. The area was earmarked as an aJ1emative 'kale pC:Uk site for feWinkle Park when the cornmi.s.\ion fir~1 con- ~idered the master plan in No - vember 2002. One bark park al- ready exisli. a1 Arlinwon Drive and Newport Boulevard. scheduled for late July, but was postponed 10 include the land's use a'> part of the remaining el- emeni'> of the TeWmk.le ?ark Master Plan. That discussion takes place 1on1gh1. While skate park aficionados ..ay they are in the familiar posi- tion of rallymg the troops for the meeting. they accuse the bark park fans of being underhanded in trying to recruit skate park op- ponents to come 10 tonight's meeting The foundation's Web site invite~ people who support 1he Bark P-ark. a~ well as people who oppose a skate park. 10 come 10 the meeting. The Parlcs and Recreation Commission meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. today at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive The Web s11e for skate parlc proponents is www.skstepsrkcoallt1on.org The Bark Park Foundation's Web site is www.cmbarkpark.org Un June 9, the Plan111ng Lim1· mi-.s1on approved part" ol Lhe leWinkJe Parle Ma:.1er Pla11. J road map for the futurt' of tht city''> rno5t heavil}-U'-t'd pdf~ But the commission tonunutd a d1scu~1on on tht' .,k,11ehodn.J park for a vanery of rea,om. 111 dudmg giving Cam 111 tht: B.1tk Park a chance to weigh 111 on !Ill d1scu~1on What type of partc should be buih on the vacant land? Call our Readers Hotline ? • at 19491 642-6086 or send e marl to da1/ypllot a lat1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number for vertf1cat1on purposes only Both will try to convince the P-Mks and Recreation Commi~­ '>ion why they are more de'>erv- ing of a •.wath of land eru,1 of Ju- nipero Drive along Arlingwn n1e .. howdown wa .. originally ~We're not really anti-bark park." said Jim Gray, a longume advocate for a skate park. "We're saying. 'They already have a bark park. They don't need another one. We need a i.kate park.' Dog'> aren't more imponant than kid!>." fhe m~ter plan ungma.11\ propo!>ed a 20.000--.q uc1.n.·-fu111 <.,kateboard park al Da\ rs I.I ernentary School. Hut m-.1..JJ111g 11 Lhere ral!>ed red !lag~ among '>Orne commi-.<,1oner'>, '>tatf al DJ vh and Nl'wport -~1e'a Un1fit'd 'rhr 11 ii l>1J.t1d llll'l llhl·r~ lt:<u.Jrng l ll~ 'IJll 10 , 1111"tl1•r ..Ull/ther op tron ,,11d '>le\ l' I ld\-mdn, the See LINES, Pa&e A4 Newport takes on a tall order City Council visits an updatt'd tree policy in a s tudy ~e sion that leaves some questioning the city's authority. June Casagrande Daily Pilot NF\\ POfH Bl-A< I I "xHllt" rt•u1111rr11•r1d1·d changec; to the lll\., trl'l' puhn on I ut•,d.i\ drew a ml\ed rt:.,pon-.t' lru111 l 11111111t1111t\ member., tl)rn~ tu bJl,111u· th1· h1-.1ut\ nl uu.·an \It'\\'> \\Ith tht• h1·c:1ut\ 111 tlw tn·t" themc,elwc, I he Cit) < .ounul dt'l ldl'd JI 11' 'tlllh "'' '>•on Tue'>da\ IO n.·n,11 th "'w· al 11'> nt•\I '1ud\ '>t'~'-IOn 111 on.11."r w l!l\l' 11111rt r1•,1d1·111' a chfilice 10 -.pe~ on 1h1 propo,1·d hJr ~l"' Id hkt' 10 '>t'l' 1h1' < om1· h,1d. 1 • )..'l\ 1 •mm· people an opponunll\ 111 ,,w.1l < 111111 ii man l odr\ \dJm' 'u~w,11·d e<ir11111g till' 'up pun ol l ollt:dgti~·, PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW DAILY PILOT Friends and family gather around Susan Arakeltan. center. during her birthday party on Lido Isle on Sunday. See NEWPORT. Pa&e A4 Pulling together Frie nds and family join forces to celebrate a woman 's 48th birthday premature ly because she might not Jive to see it. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot LIDO ISLE -You could hear the music from four blocks away. The party was rockin'. The atmosphere was fun-loving. The occasion was heart-wrenching. Sunday evening marked the FYI Miller will continue accepting donations for Susan Arakehan at 361 Forest Ave .. Suite 202. Laguna Beach 92651 . hundreds of her close friends and family members gathered al a private beach on Udo lsle 10 celebrate her life before her rapidly deteriorating body EDUCATION UCI scientists join fight against terror Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot UCI (A~f PU\ -r\'\O I Jl In.me "'lt'nn.,~ have rt'Cel\'t'd a SJ.2 -rru.lhon want to re-;<.'aTCh vacanec; to tomba1 deadly bactena that tl'l'Tl)r isu. could use as b1ologJcal wt•aix>ns. .. Endless Summer" bash for Susan Arakellan's 48th birthday. which she wlJI probably never see because of cancer. I ler actual birthday is not until Sept. 6, but Sandy Giff en shows her affection for friend Susan Arakelian by See TOGETHER, Paee A4 sporting a henna tattoo. The money was awarded b\• the Naoonal ln soru1e of Health to Phil Feigner. a resean'her with UOs Center for \rlJU..~ ~ and Lws Villareal, the center''> director The sciennsts. over four years. will study Fran- ciseUa tularensi.s. a lcind of bactena that causes a A U right. there Is no need to be alarmed. It' going to be OK. Just put the dams down. There Is no need to slave for hours In your kitchen trying to replicate the creamy New F.ngland clam chowder et Scott's Seafood restaurant because It is going to be around for a long time to oome. Stop shucking those clMD5 and m1ndng onions. your cravtng for peamy chowder will be feet Scott~ has got it aMred. I blow mete hu been talk for cbe pal three,.... thal THINKING ALLOWED No need to shut your clam Soott'swas going LO be demolished to make way foTa hotel, but the plans have changed. The Costa Mesa ftannlng Commission oftldaDy LOLITA HARPER ~ changes to ~ Seemtrom's Tuwn Center project~ whAcb inc:hJlk tpaq the popuW dkq spot and ...... down the VllCll'll I • f.dward's theater instead. Mark Kuehn. Scott's general managing partner. said he is thrilled by the outcome but Is still reeling from the need for damage control. "I still have people who come in here saying, 'l gotta have that clam chowder just one more time.' becawe they think we are doslng." Kuehn said. tn Demnber 2000 CJ. Segt11t1um 8t Sohl development announCed llS plant for che 1Wo 1bwn Center proJed. whicb induded • botrJ on the comer~ BriMol Street Ind Anton loulMlld -rWM where Scott's is -but the restaurant tw a 35-year lease with the Segmtroms. wh.lch could not be Ignored. Segeratrom oftidals always dalmed the restawant would be aaYl!d but that didn't do mudl for public opinjon. •People read.there Is going to be a hotel on top of us and they usume we are aotng away," Kuehn Aid. "The employees were acared. my wndor1a wet'e teared. 8ultneel condldom were vert d..t beck then." ~*'he 8nt belrd lbcMll me cblqee rrom nporaaa llld C'llltWwe ~trom officials did not consult with him be!ore presenting the plans to the ftanning Cornmi.Won. "They never ~ asked us.· Kuehn said. ·1 went to rSegentrom oftida.lsl and said. 'Hey loot. guys. you ~ makin8 twd for me to do busineel here.'" Oty omdalt aald ~ 2000 p&a.ns weft! jubmitted w'lder deldllne~ The S4~aae ploject -• c:ulabOilllioil mDOlll Saudi COlllC Pim. cbe ~ ~fWbtnlntMIQ!ncs 19eM.L.a.D ...... M • See UCI, Pase M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONMWEB: ~.datMJllot,cc:m WEATHER It's a perf9c.1 day to play hooky and Clltdl some waves. Luc:tity, echool hnn't sianed~ yet. S.hpAJ. SPORTS AZ Wednesdey, Au&ust 27, 2003 DUI ARRESTS Th••• people have been 11rreated recently on suspicion of driving under the Influence of an intoxicant. They have only been arreated on suapicion of s crime and, as with all su6pects, are conaidered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday • Robert Brady Hogan. 35. Balboa Island Saturday • Mary Christine Made. 28. Costa Mesa •Mark Justin Klepper. 19. Newport Beach Friday •Adam Arthur Anderson. 20. Costa Mesa • Scott David Berry. 38. Costa Mesa Thursday • Sean Robert Woolard, 28, Irvine • Daniel Christopher Julson, 28. lake Forest • Ronnie Magallanez-Ramos, 19, Santa Ana Wednesday • Jerry Leon Whitney. 38, Huntington Beach NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • Roberto Ceferino Fernandez; 45. Santa Ana Saturday •Jeffrey Lynn Martin, 33, Costa M esa •Brandy Randy Ziegler. 18, Newport Beach • Joshua Allen Royce. 20, Rancho Santa margarita • Pierrot Jane Reynoso, 39, Newport Beac:h Friday •Thomas Gregory Shields. 48. Newport Beac:h •Adrienne Doylebrennan. 48. Newport Beach 'Vincent Paul Hoeffler. 44, Newport Beac:h • Kevin Christopher Wic:ken. Newport Beach PET OF THE WEEK Mom and kittens This mother ca1 and her 7-day-old babies were brought tu a Community Animal Network event just as closing time arrived , said DiAnna Pfaff-Martin. the Newport Beach group's founder. The Costa Mesa woman who brought them had too many animals. she ~d. and there are more. "We are told there are momma cat.s with multiple litters of alJ differeni ages from newborns to a year old," Pfaff-Manin said. "We would love 10 become involved in this locaJ rescue but (wel need 1emporary homes to be provided by the pet-loving communi1y untiJ they are of age for a permanen t home." Spaying and neutering are a lot cheaper than CUUi<ITSY uf ANIMAL NElWORi< raising such cats and their off~pring. she said. "A lypicaJ network caller's problem is that their free kinen keeps getting herself pregnant," ~he said. "From my experience on the network phones, many free kittens live turbulent lives because people have no investment to vaJue.~ Spay and neuter clinics should charge only $25 for their services, though c1 petition has circulated to support free clinic., she said. See other animals available for adoption at www.animnlnetwork.org. or stop by Russo's pet store at Fashlon Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekend~. lnformation: (949) 759-3646, or write to the Community Animal Network at P.O. Box 8662. Newpon Beach. CA 92658. Dail y A Pilot VOL. 97, NO. 239 THOMAS H. JOHNSON P\Jbll1h8' TONYOOOERO Editor JUOV OETTING Advertillng Director • LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director fMws E.diton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson. Daniel Hunt. Paul Saltowitz. Daniel Stevena NEWS STAFF Crime ~co~rtef. (949) 574-026 deepa.bhaf'llthlllatl,,.,..com JuneC..Uwle Newport Beech reporter. 1949) 57oM232 /unt1.caS11Qrt1nc»lll•tlmn.com ...... ~ Polltlcs. bullnesa end environment reportef, (9491 764-4330 paul.clintontll•tf,,,.,.com . LoltaMMp. Columnlat. culture reporter, 1949157-Mm lollta.hllf'P'N•l~.com DeilMNe- Colte M..-repo"9r, (9'1) 51.M221 o.lrdre.MWJNn•IMJ"*'oom c.n1-.. . New...._,.,, (Ml 57<M298 oor9'.....,,,...,.,..aom Datly Pilot FOR A GOOD CAUSE Alex Crawford, 12, has been volunteering his time archiving photos at the Costa Mesa Historical Society. A younger archive N ot content just to run and play during hlssummer vacation, Alex Crawford of Newport Beach has mtlended a h elping-hand to the Cos1a Mesa HistoricaJ Society as a part-time volun1eer. archlval ma1erial they had. I asked them if they needed any help.ft For the past month, Alex has volunteered his time at the hi'lloricaJ society, at 1870 Anaheim Ave .. sorting archival photos a couple time~ a week. "Though we get many volunteers, Alex is the youngest we've ever had," said Mary Ellen Goddard, h ead archivist a t the h istoricaJ society. "He does a reaJly good job. He appear; 10 be a deep thinker and L'> ..,incert'ly interested m thing'> that are "I read a book from my school library about the history of Costa Mesa and got hooked," the 12-year-old said. "Wltlle surfing the net, I found that the Cos1a Mesa Historiral Society w.1s holding an open house. After seeing aU the NEIGHBORS U.S. Air Force Airman Justin M. Perkins. grandson of Donald and Marlene LaMaster of Costa Mesa. has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. Texas ... Timothy Wells was unanimously Justin M. Per- kins reelected to a second term by the South Coast Repenory's Board oflh.lstees for the 2003·04 season In Costa Mesa. The new board includes: Mary E. Adderley. Southern California community leader; Dori c.anJouette, Newport Beach community leader: Mk:had Davis, regionaJ marketing leader; Gall Doe. Newport Beach CQmrnunity leader: FJllot PHOTOGRAPHERS M&r11. C. Dustin, Don Leach, Kent Troptow READERS HOTUNE 19491 642·6096 Reoord your comments about the Dally Pilot or news ttpa. Addf'Me Dor addreu is 330 W. Bay St., Com Mese. CA 92627. Off"Kle hourw ere Monday -Midly, 8:30 11.m. • 5 p.m. Con"ectlone h la the Pllora Polley to promptly corTeCt 111 errore of au ti.ta nee. Pleaae call (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport Beedl/Costa Meu Dally Piiot (USPS-14'-800) It publlthed dlily. In NewPort Beach end Coate Meea, eubecrlptiona ere evellable only by eubec:tfblng to The Tlmee Orenge County (800) 252•9141. In,,... oui.ide of Newpon 8eedl and Cotta Meea, aubecrlptlone to th4t o.lly Piiot ere evelleble onty by fl1'8t claM mell for $30 per month. (Prlcee lndude ell ~Mate and local UIX..} POSTMASTER: Send eddreM dtengee to The N4twpott ~ Meee ~ PMoc. '-0. b 1MO, COllll Mee&, CA 92928. lchlnose, senior vice p resident of Wells fargo Private Oient Services; PauJ Ma.karedtlan, president of Makar Properties; F.llen Olivier, community leader and longtime SCR supponer; and Thomas PheJps, managing panner of Manatt-Phelps-Phillips. The 40th season will include the Gala BaJI on Saturday. ~pl 20, Firsl NighL'> on the Segers1rom Stage on Friday, Sept. 5 and Julianne Argyros Stage on Friday, Ckt. 3. For more information, please go to www.scr.org ... Jessica Mlreles of Costa Mesa. was appointed associate vice president of enrollment management at Vanguard University in an artempt to meet the demands of its record panem of growth. She wiJJ take over several senior-level administrative responsibilities for enrollment management at the school ... Kathryn Bartlau, daughter of PauJ and Cynthia Bartlau of Corona del Mar, was named to the dean's honor Ust for academic achievement in the college of liberal arts at CaJ Poly Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Timea Orange County (8001252·9141 ~ a...ffied (949) 642-5678 Dieplay (949) 642-4321 Ecltortef News (949) 642-5680 Spot1S (949) 57oM223 News Fu (949) 646-4170 Spot1S Fu (9491650-0170 E-mllll: d•llypllor•1ar1mn.com Malft()Mc. ........ <>Moe (949) 642-4321 ...... ,.. (949) 831-7126 Publllhed by Tlmee Community Newt, • divltlon of the Lot Ange ... Times. C2003 Tim. CN. All ri9t* reeet¥ed. going on. Hes an atypicaJ 12-year-old." ~11·s realJy been a privilege to work here," Alex said. "I'd like to get a real job. but everyone says I'm too young.· Alex said. "But I have sold lemonade and Kri~py Kreme doughnuts at garage sales." J lis good-will seems unlimited. At least. ii isn't limited 10 the historical society. "I le house sits for neighbors who go on vacation." 'laid hls mother, Paula Crawford. "He waters their indoor plant.s. feeds their animaJs and pie~ up their mail · "I once had a dog-walking job by putting up 'lign1> on 1elephonc poles in our neighborhood I'd hlw lo tlu some volunlt't'r worl.. wilh animals in the fu1url'. It's J ta:.te ol what hl can'1 quite get. Alex wiJI be d MNenth-grJlfol JI I n'ign lntermedicllt' ~hoof Lhi'> fall -~tory by Kri.' < )'f >01111p/I /llWlfJ ITy Kl'lll I rr•1111111 San Luis Obispo. She is a 2002 graduate of Corona del Mar J figh School ... Madeline Levy, a Newport Beach residenl and student of Orange Coast College. was elected to serve as the 2003·04 Coast Community CoUege Oisltict student representative on the Boartl of Trustet.>S at OCC Levy Is an in1ema1ionaJ relations major ... Petty Officer 2nd Oass 11m J. Felter. aboard the USS McCampbeU, assisted in the seizure of 1.36 meltic tons of cocajne from a sailing vessel off the coast of Central America during a recent counter-drug o perations deployment He is a 1988 graduate of Costa Mesa High School ... Olristopber Shepherdson. of Newport Beach and a student at USC. interned this swnmer at Fidelity Investments' in Sm ithfield. R.I. • NEJGHBORS spotlights adlievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy informalion to Coral Wilson by fax at 1949) 646-4170. or send e-mail to coral. wllson@latimes.com. Christopher Shepherdson SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Following some morning fog and clouds. it should be a beautifully sunny day with highs In the lower 80s in Costa Mesa and Inland Newport Beactl .net In the lower to mld-70l along the coast. lows will be In the mld-60t. Thurldtry through earty next weet will be similar. Hee*. the rest of August loob the same. Nothing like consittency. ~a: www.nwa.nOM.gov BOATING FORECAST The wetterty winds wUI blow 10 to 16 lolOtS In the Inner w.tetl, with 2-foot Wawt and • mhced wett M'lll of 3 f9et end 9CMlth Mel of 2 tMt. Out t.rther, the ~·~wlndswtll blow etronger M 10 to 20 llnoel, wtlh 1-to Moot W1W1 end e rnt..d noi1ht::awlt8Will of ..... end eoudt11W91of2fllt. SURF The next 80Ulhwest sWell arrives todav. vM1 waist-to chest-highs and the oocasional ~The beaerlPC)tl stnAd eee mora lhouldePhighs. · On Thurldey, the swells peak earty and will begin weatienlng by afternoon. Expect fewer ~-highs at that point. Friday will be somewhat weak, wfth mo.tty knee-to waist-hight. Soundl like I perfect time to May dfY. --~ www.wrfrfdtlr.orr1 TIDES Time 4:061.m. 10:29 a.m. 3:31p.m. 9:48p.m. ........ .o.eo te.t 1ow 4.64 f9et high 1.84f1Mtlow 8..tO'-Ngh WATER TEMPERATURE a..,.. • .. , Dally Pilot Wednesday. Auaust 27. 2003 Al COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP 9'9-6 7 3-6083 \..~~ Q'i:,_~ • INSIDE CITY HALL Here are a few of the itemi. the commission discussed Monday: CHANGE TO TOWN CENTER PLAN The commission ~ considered changes !:.Q to che South Coast ...,."""""' Plaut Town Center preliminary master plan. The 24.59-acre project was approved in February 200 I for 1.5-million square feet of office space, 5.145 square feet of retail space, 516.000 square feel of hotel space -which includes the existing Westin -and 43.090 square feet of restaurants, a health club and plaza tower. city planning officials said. Becau~ of the bankruptcy of Edward!> Cinemas. CJ. ~ Segerstrom official!; looked to reconfigure the project, noting that it made more sense 10 demolu.h an empry buiJding than an eslab!Wled restaurant. "'l. ~ons Seafood stays. the propoSCt.I hotel move!> to J400 Bristol St .. and the exi.,ung office buiJdin~ get revamped. 111-.mg 3.000 Mlllilll.' feet. Seger.tram official' are t·u11mg back 011 offire '>pace 10 add .i ll'\\ BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Part~ of Sun Diego Freeway will clo~c The nonhhoumJ \Jn I >1~0 I rl't'\\'a' ht~r\\t'Cn ~f.tc:Anhur .md the C..<l~lci \ lt"><l f-ret'\\"J' will ht· do'>t'<l from JO p.m. to 'i J 111. to- day .mtl ll1ur.da} lCl 1mt.1U ,, rr.tf · fiL murntonng 'iV"lCm 'lhe ahemauve mute \\fluid bt: the opp<Nlt' ol the dlorenwn uoned I.xii ~1acAnhur. m.tke d ngtu and get on the 'outhbound ( O'>ta Mt..~ l-rt'1."way to gt·I to the nonhbound \J.n I >1ego 1 rt'<'W'il\' i::or mort• 111forma11011 1.tll the 1r.tmponauon I lelpluw ,11 HUU1 724.03·;~ Maddox ho~ts worker~· compen~ati on forum A~semblyman Ken ~laddo>., d Hepubhcan who repre'>enl'> more rooms -from 186 to 200 to the new hotel. WHAl'HAPPENED The changes were cipprovtd unanimously. Comm~1unt:r . Dennis DeMaio ab~nt. WHAT IT MEANS "!here wiJJ be rnort' 'ipedfic plan.'> that will come forward lor • the office buiJdmg • .Uld the hotel. • said Owrman Brule < :arl1c.h. OCC SWAP MEET lrus ,,a., a delayed '>tx·montb review of the perm11 appmval fur tht' Orange Cua-.1 C olll-ge Swap Meet to operate !:><1turday-, .ind 'iuntla~-... n1e C ll} c ouncil apprmctl tJw penn11 li1\t Decernlwr lo datl', no '>tgrnliL.int p.lflting or tr.iffic probll'm'> l1.1vt· lwl'n obwrved. all tJle t:on<litiom. of approml have ht'en t0mpl11:d \\llh. anti nu tumpl.uru-. ha\t' lx't'n ren·1wd. WHAT HAPPENED nw ( (Hllml~SHlll \(Jlt•d IC! n·u•1w .111d file lhl' n·port WHAT IT MEANS llu:n· \\Ill he nu 11111rL· 1111!0\\ ( O'>ld ~ll',J, \\IJI 1111~1 il tlJ\\11 hall llonun .tl 9 W ,1 111 \\'l'dlll'' d;I\ 111lil'>l11" < <dllurni. .... \\orl.. l'f'> l lllllpt'n .... 111011 l ri...1' .llld l'>..i111111e 1lw 1·llt·l t 111 \\ork.t•r-, l OlllJWll..,,111011 on 111111prol11 01 g.1111/JIHlll'> Jlld 1·JJ011 ... Ill rt• lie\ t' 1h<11 burdl·n I hl' l'\ t'lll \\ill 1.1~t· pl.tl l' ••• lhl' C CJ't" \It '>.t '\\•1ghhorlw11cl < 11111111l11111\ { t·ntl'r' I l.1m1h1111 Hoom at llfi"'i Pai~ ''' r '"'·1 ~,t'.,11 I or more 111t1ir111.11111n , .ill \lar I.. Ht·edrr ;11 I'll h 11'1 .'.Of .11 State f-arm gl\ 1: .... Ghla Mc .... a a S..+.000 grant I ht· ul' ol r 0,1,1 \ll-..,,1 h.1, It' n:I\ 1 J <1 54 .000 gr Jilt fm111 '>t.1tt· I-arm 111 ... ur.tntt' r 11 I ht nHHll'\ ,,,II lw uwd lfJ hu~ 'uppht•, nt'l'df'tl 101 the I 1 rt· I )t'Jlitrlllll'll I' nt'\\.' pubhL edm.i11011 1ra1h-r I hl' tlepartnll'nt ho11ght tilt' trJtlt·r with grant t111 •1h lro111 lht' I t•dt•r.il r nlt'rgl'llL \ \lcHI dgeme111 \genq • Stmi-Privatt for Mtn cf Wo1nt# • Ovtr 80 Piut1 of Equipmt"I • Pr111atr P1/att1 Studio • •SPINNING Tl1tatrr 11111'1 Ntw Statt-oftht-Art C:1rlt1. • 16 Full-11mt Ptrsonal Tra//ltr1 • Child Carr 811m-noo11 M · Sat. • Convrnirnt P11rlting • Yo:a. Tai Chi, Strttch C'4ssts • Sup. Powtr Pump, CarJio • Showtrs, Sttam cf TowtLs •Day Spa • A<upunrturt/M1111111tlChiroprartor 949760-5054 www.shope·up.com • www.fitnessconcepts.com 2101 East Pacific Coast Hwy, Corona Del Mor, CA up mandatory feedback reqwrement!> plciced on tht' roUege. WHAT WAS SAJD FYI WtiAT: Next Planning Commission meeting WHEN: 6'30 p m . Sept 8 WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive INFO: (714) 754-5245 .Al.\)~'? . \' -We Come To You "The uaffic manageme11t plan and the &laff repon!> were convincing that thi>'>c thmg Wt.'re working. there were no complaim~. nont' ol u_., whu dm,l' that df'l'a regular(\ 'l't' aJ1y problem'> \\ttJ1 trJtlil "(,arhd1 '><lid PLANNING . APPLICATl~N gray '>tucco acct:nb 1111 lht· bwldmg'" fa\'Jdt' '>lllll' thl• pnmary hu1ld111~ mJt1 11.tl 111 1ht· ctrca L\ '>IUllO WHAT HAPPENED lne item wa.., cu1111111wd 1u ~pl 2£ innovative, informative and exciting programs in a warm, friendly setting, where you will feel at home." Ille sJte '" .m t'\l,tmg c1m111lt'rt:1tll build mg cnn,trutwd m I %1 I ht: prop<>rtv '' \\llhm 1lw nty\ J)own1uv.11 Ht·cll'\t'lopnwnt Pro1ec1 Art.>c1, JJtd thl' .1pplil.tnt " pruµo-.mg to n•1111\ .11t• the l'\J'>tlllg hutlding. '' h1d1 \\"" tornwrl) uwd .L, d lun111ur1• ... torl' Jnd " 110\\-ocn1p1t·d h\ .111 au10 re1a11!•1 i\.' pan ol 1lw ll'llO\'lltio11. d nt'\' I 10 '>qUJrl' tool halt 1m' tied .. \\1111ld be n111,1n11 tl'd on tlw ...i·t ontl floor ol lhl· hrnldmg Bt·u1t1'>t' tht• 'l'th.u ~of 1lw propcN·d bi1J1 <111~ det ~ dol'., 1101 wrnply '' 1111 rnd1" thl' ,1ppl1t .u11 l!,1-. rt'tllll''led .111 l'\l l'pll1>11 to tlu fl'( 11 llfl llll'llh I ht• .1pplit .1111 pn·flor.., lo u-.t .1J11m111um parn·I, '' 1111 p.1111u·tl I 00% Nylon 60 O&. Thick Texture Plush I 00~ ~Ion 4H oi:. Cut Herber I 00% Contlnuou• Fiiament Nylon Plush Berber Loop Freiza WHAT fT MEANS ll1e Jppht.inl "'g11111i.; 111 lm11g haLI.. rew.ed pl.u 1 ... WHAT WAS SAID "~Jmt: ol 1tll n \1w111' ,11.1\1· 10 do \\1th the '-<~ 11111J ..,,, '" h.111 011\ and conn•m'> tlhll "'1111• cornmJ\.'101 ll'r' IJ,1J .1h11U1 ti II' JL1.,U1it:at1011 lor thl' ';111.1111 t' Jor that," <1<trlit h .,.ll(J c >thu tOlll'l'nl'> had lo d11 \\llh t!h' Jrchtteuun· .incl 111·111).' 411111· d1ftere111 them th" 11\1·r.ill ,1>h· of the ... 111rl'lrt111h 111 th.11 ,111 .1 .md m 1ha1 unmcd1all· 't11111u1Hl111g .iw,1. bemg 1101 a11 unplt-.1,,.1111 ht11ld111g, but 1mt' l11c11 ''"utu 1,.. qu111 differt·nt 1111 1h1111~'111 1' ,,, 111.a\ Ill' thtj '>hould ht· .a h11l1· 111.,n· re-.pnn,1H· 111 tlw ,;1ll(lt·l1111•.., 100% Wool ......................... $13.99 ... 14. Dtco-graP.hlc ...................... $ 12.99 ·~ 14 Commtrdal Carptt ............... $3.95 "" ~ Vinyl ........................................ 89C ... n Ct ramie Tilt ..................... J. ....... 99c •q n Carpe: Remnanu ...• From ~2.00 •q. 111 • "' ,.._~~~~~~ \fu/erwl.1 011/11 • ll'hile 'iupp/1~.1 /,01/ ~ . Ff/day. August 29. 8:00 p m, MShobbat AJlveM our JOZZ and pop style seNice Pobb1 Pochils .. 1111 focus on spirituality and Cantor Breier 1J1ll be oc..componled by a combo of musicians Ftidoy, Septembe1 5. A series or services and programs for oil ages 5:30 p.m . Tot Shobbot ser 11ces with puppets 6:00 p.m . Shobbot Dinner PSVP to the otf1c..e 7:00 p.m . Family Ser J1ce~ .. 11tr1 a rrog1c1or' 8: 15 p.m. An Evening w1tt-P.CIOI Martir Landau ffldoy. Septembe1 12. 8:00 p ,m, N Ask The Robbi" wtll be Robbi Rochlls topic at seNlces He will answer your questions on any aspec t of Jew1sr b>?het history practice or culture Sunday, Septembet 14. 10:00 o,m 81unch Introduction To Reconstructlonlsm and University Synagogue with Robbi Rochlis is or opportunity for prospective members ono or yl)r,e to le-arr about RPconstruct1on1srr Reser .101 er s real.J ·e'.:J P1eose cot t>-e oft1ce Ftidoy, Septembe1 19, 8:00 p ,m , "Hos1dlsm In Music and Story:· Thi'-Cor.certmosf&r ot rr0e P'1 t1 ,.r,...pl"IOny 11ot1r1st ?ay '°'C·Cler Jr.J ~Cl' • m Mc~orlor.'1 Niii pFor•0·,..... ,,.,<:: ·Sao .. ~ €:'"' .... If t , •·· '='s' 810.:.r on J ";occ, ~r;~r 11s "''' si::.'::'a~ Juvut ~.. ~, f • '. hmih ~rvic~ ' ~.. ' • d .i ,,. '' Our R..tbb1 is c1trnth imoht'd in our \chool ''• '· f I • ~ 1 I ... ,.. ~ Aduh ~.duuuon • .'.\ ·c Spcucil Oulrtllh \Xi: 1nv11c vou to our creative, dynamic md spirirualh alive High lfol1day Krvim a1 lJnivmity Synagogue. For service schedule md inform.won, plca.sc call our office, 19.\91 SH-3535. UNIVERSITY SYNAGOGUE www. univers1tysynagogue. org We are Inclusive, Participatory, Egalitarian, Spiritual, Innovative and Family Friendly • . 1374 Logan Ave., Su ite F I ;. rJ. ,.. ._. COSTA MESA ~ ~ Rabbi Arnold Rachlis Cantor Ruti Bra.icr -(888) MESA-777 t ' -r -.. -UH li9 Mon-Fri. JO to 5 ·Sat 10 to 3 I 49 l 5 Alton Pwy. lrnnc (9491 SH-3535 "S''LICHOT SERVICES Beginlng 8 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 20th, Rabbi Miiter's Lect\.lre 8:45 pm., 9:30 p.m. Service · 8 p.m. Friday, SepWtnb« nth ..., Hahanah • Sat., Sept. 27th · 9 a.m. • Service • Free wfll doMtlcMt '"" clllild • Main Service 10:45 a.r1t. $300 per,.,_. Kol Nkln • Sunday, October 5 · Tashllch S.rvtce 1:30 P·•· .t...,. _ ._. · 8 p.m. Servtee • "°'"'*""" _. ..... purchned S300 tickets In 8dwwe YoM KJppqr ·Monet.,, October e · 9 a.m. S.rvk:e • FrH wlJI dot...._"""' '• • • Main Servtce 10:45 •·"'··i ant.tud1 1ri0,..... • Rabbi's Lectute; 4:30 p.& Aftlnl HA .. ltHS • 5:30 p.m. Yllkor.....,. .cl 7=*>,.... ll9lik t1i1 fllll *$300 Ucket purchase allows each nor.........,. ntendance to all High Holy D-Servlo•• WHY NOT JOIN AND BECOME A MEMBER • FIRST YEAR DUES ARE ONLY $1,200 IF YOU BECOME A MEMBER BEFORE SEPT. 15"'1 COME JOIN OUR FAMILY, WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU. TEMPLE BAT YAHM 1O11 C•••adi Strttt, Newpen .... CA 92660 (949) 644-1999 www ... , ... - lettl"t ftrlff .............. 111,411 f•ctory "•lll•t• .............. a.-"°"' Cl'Nft ftelll•ta .•..•.•• •l1.-· "' IE CllT 11 Yll •'l,995 ...... ,,_., 11,JIMI. I ' M ~~. Auaust 27, 2003 Continued from Al pneumonia-like disease called tu· l.arensis.. lt Potentially could make people sick for months. '1b.is organism ls probably the most lnfectious lfgent known.~ FeJgner said. "People can come down with symptoms by being ex- posed to just 10 organisms." The bacteria. however, has only half the number of genes as other commonly known bacteria such as anthrax or 'E. Coli It could be futal tn some cases. but the more dis- turbing aSpecl is that ruJarensi.s can last for so long. Feigner said ''When you're In the business of bioterrorism there are l\Vo thing. ·First. scare people with rata1 ~­ eases. Seoond. you tty to put a bur· den on the economy." · Tularensis could wreak havoc on the economy by beplng people away from wock for days. omcials fear its use as a weapon by tert'ONts beca~ it can be spread eesQy \lSing something as simple as a crop duster. Researchei's will either have to come up with \1lcdnes or antibod· ies to combat tu1arensis, Felgner said He saJd the center will also apply for other grants to research vaccines for small pox and· plague. Sud1 diseases. including tularemis, are "high priority." Feigner said He said. as a scientist. it is dis- n.ubing to him about how badly ALLOWED Continued from Al and Commonwealth Partners U.C -calls for a pedestrian-oriented cultural ans Skosh Monahan's S~eakboase & IRisb PCJb Skosh 's Daily Specials (only S6. 99) Monday Tuesday 'Bangers & Mash Lamb s~ Wednesday Thursday 8-1 Stroganoff Corned 8-1 & Cabbage Happy Hour Specials (Mon-Sat: 4-6pm /Sun: 10am-5pm) Fish N' Chips $7.50 Piz:zas $2.00 Off Th e Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of faith formation through which interested persons are helped to dec ide if God is ca lling them to become members of the Cath olic Church. The process includes becoming aware of how God works in our lives, discussi ng Scripture, studying church history, experiencing liturgies and other Catholic practices, and becoming a part of a loving, committed community. The process culminates in the reception of . th e sacraments of initiati o n. If you are interested in knowing more, please ca ll Margaret Scannell at (949) 719-0750, John Marzolino at (7 14) 557-1574, or Victoria Dendinger at (949) 219-1408. + A Our Lady Queen of Angels Church 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach ALDEN'S . DN .. !ilTE ~] ------------------ --- DRAPERY CLEANll\I& AND MilRE I NO TAKE DOWN DR R.EMOVIN& NECEIHIARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglam Fabric Window Cow!rlng• lncludlng: • l11ninette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette' window shadings • Viptte• window shadings • Oueftet honeycomb shades • Millenia 111 Collection • Jubilance TM roman shades • ApplMt hontyromb shades • Ser~eTM SoftfolP shadings World'• Beat ON41TE;. Drapery Cleanlas ~ ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949M6 4838 e 714-968-8180 f . ..,,,,_ blote{TOrlsm. ·11 you look at a list of dJseues we're Jooklng at. you cani say~ ptepared at all." be aid. "We don't seem to have the ~ klea what to do about any of them." But woBing on llndb18 solu- dons is the most positive and pos- sibly. the only step to take, Pel8ner' said "In five or 10 years if someone attacks ~ with these diseases and we~ done nothing about it be- tween now and then,· he said. "we would look awfully stupid,· • DEEM BHARATH C011ert public safety and ooul18. She may be re&dled et (949) 574-026 or bv e-mell et dttepa.bharsth@/atitn6$.com. disoict bordered by Bristol Street. Sunflower Avenue, Avenue of the Ans and the San Diegh Freeway. It also indudes the new symphony hall, expansion of South Coast Repertory Theater, an art museum or academy, restaurants, an improved parlcing area and office space. Now that Edwards Cinemas have gone bankrupt, it allows Segerstrom officials to reconfigure the project and save Sco"'s Seafood's comer locadon. I repeat, will save Scott's Seafood's comer locadon. "I'm not trying to bad mouth the Segerstroms or anything. I just want to clear this cloud that has been hanging over our head,· Kuehn. "We still have 21 years left on our 35-year lease." Oh, there will still be a 200-room hotel but now at least the gues!S will have the opportunity to try some Jambalaya style fisherman's stew at Sco"'s before heading to the evening's performance at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. "We love to be here, love to suppon the center and the plai.a and everything around us,-: Kuehn said. So please, leave the chowder to the expens. Don't try to scald your own milk and chop your own potatoes and celery or find the nght pod: salt If you are anything like me, all you'll get is a first -degree burn and a big mess. For the money it costs to buy all the ingredients -plus gauz.e and heavy-dury cleaning supplies - you could enjoy a nice bowl in an elegant setting. delivered right tD your table by the courteous wait st~ at Sean's Seafood -they aren't going anywhere. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fndays and covers cuhure and the arts. She may be readied at (949) 574-4275 or bye·me1lat lollta.harper ~ tarimss.com LINES ) Conbnued from Al city's director of administrative services. said. As thjs location loses its ap- peal, the skateboarders have shifted their focus to TeWlnkle. So have the bade parlc fans. The foundation settled on the area after a Fairview Park site they wanted was rejected. The group would like to expand in or- der to rotate between the current parlc and the new site to al10w the grass in both parks to re- cover. Foundation officials say they do not oppose a slcate park. They just don't want it at this particu- lar location, said Terry 'fyson, foundatioo vice-chairman, be- cause they don't think combining dogs and skateboarders is a good idea. "Eventually, no ma"er haw good the intentions are, one of these days, some young m~ or woman will be on a skateboard going through that parking lot and someone will not be caring for their dog the way they should be and whether the dog bites somebody or just scares the slcateboarder:, they're going to go ·down and we'll probably end up losing our bade park.• 'fyson said. The foundation bas collected about 660 signatures on a peti- tion ii has circulated in support of using the area as another bart park. The curnmt park boasts about l.000 users a week. 'fyson said. 'fyson said he would support a skate park at Costa Mesa Hlgb SchQol, a she the city and school district are considering. O ty Councilmarr Mike Schear- er declared earlier this month that he wanted to identify a site for a sbte park bv Labor Day. Tunight'• lewinkJe Pa.rt dit- cusslon will abo include a pe- destrian bridge cr.'er Junlpero Drtw. a community center at DaW. a tot Jot nm to the~ eastedy ball Jleld and hllf-cowt buUtbt.11 courts next to the a · fs1lng tot lot and pim1c lhttter. • DBmM~QMrleo.t. Mlle tnd mey.,.,...... 1948) 17<Mnt Of' bV MNll It ~•,.,_,ciom. . Dndd W. Shaw ,_, memodal ..... one In ....... v.Dlrud one tn Narwpo.rt Beeeb. wQI beblldfor...a.wa dewloper Danald~w. a 'N9wport 8eecb raldent for more tblD 40 years. Mr. Shaw died Aug. 18. He wui9. HI WU a principal in Shaw Properdel, a mmmerdll uad induatrlal development and consulting ftnn. Mt. Shaw maintained homes both in Newport Beach and P&wna Va1l8y ln rural Sen Diego County. Mr. Shaw moved from Los Angele• to Newport In 1961. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Elden Avenue: Grand theft was reported In the 2600 blodc at 5:46 p.m. Sunday. • FalnMw Roed: Annoying phone calls was reported in the 2800 blodc at 11 :05 p.m. Sunday. • Hmbor Bou'9vard: Possession of drugs was reported in the 2200 blodc at 7:12 p.m. Sunday. TOGETHER Continued from A 1 surrendered to the disease. "We are all just people from different wallcs of life. pulling together from all over to celebrate her life because this is the la'it time many of us are going to see her again." close friend Julie Mamales said. Arakelian, a Laguna Hills resident. sat in the middle of her party. her slight frame pt>rched on a padded lounge chair, while her guests milled about Family members came from her native New Jersey and employees from Federal Express -where Arakelian worked for 21 years - joined the fun as did friends from her personal life. She was frail, with rubes in her nose and a pink bandana on her head. Friends sat at her side and helped her unwrap dozens of gifts, while others ordered drinks, played games and mingled. About 5:30 p.rn.. everyone's attention turned toward the sky. A small plane flew overhead He .... la the NJvy dudna Wbdd Ww u. He., IUppOlt..tMWal ,,..mfzadona. lndudtnc the Llpla BellCb~ MUNUJD. PllnnM Janmthood, the OlmlP Councy Nrfonning Ana Center, the United Way and Hoaa HoapltaJ. Mt. Shaw wu a graduate ol Glendale High School. and held two bachelon degrees from use -one ln naval ecience and an.other ln buaineuadmln11tratloa He is survived by wife of 22 years akudette; daughter Joanne Reynold&; three stepchildren Eric and Tom Wlttenberg and Carla Wtlson; three grandchildren; and three step-grandchildren. A memorial will be held at • N9wpOf1 Boulewrd: Petty theft was reported in the 1700 blodc at 6:39 p.m. Sunday. • Sen Diego FrMwrt and Bristol Street: A fraffic accident involving injuries was reported at 10:19 a.m. Sunday. •West 19th Strwt: Graffiti was reporte<Hn the 600 blodc at 10:39 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Campus Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3800 blodc at 8:35 a.m. Monday. • Marigotd Avenue: A burglary was reported in the 700 blodc at 7:36 p.m. Monday Dally Pilot 4 p.m. Thutsday ar the Pluma Valley C:Ountry Cub at 15835 Pauma Valley Drtve. A aeoond memorial Ml"Vice · will be beld a,t 3 p.m. Sept. 4 at Btg c.anyon Country Oub ln Newport Beach. ln Heu of Oowen. the family tuggeJts memorial donadons in Mr. Shawl name be made to the Hoag Cancer Center, P.O. Box 6100, Newport.Beach, CA 92658. • The Daily POot welcomes obituarles!or midents or former Jesidents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. it you want to have an • obituary ptinled in the Pilot. ask your mortuary to fax us the infonnadon at (94~J 646·4 l 70 or call the newsroom at (949) 642-432). • N9wport Cent1lr onv. West: Battery was reported in the 900 block at 10:17 p.m. Monday. • w..t <>c.an F1ont: A home burglary was reported in the 7400 blodc at 12:30 p.m. Monday. • Sonctanc:e Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 100 blodc at 9:22 a.m. Monday. • Tustin Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 500 blodc at n ·06 a.m. Monday. • West 15th Street A vehicle burglary was reported in the 800 blodc at 7:31 a.m. Monday. • 32nd Street and the beech: Petty theft was reported at 2:50 p.m. Monday Susan Arakehan poses for a photo with her brother. Barry, during he~ birthday party on Lido Isle on Sunday. K(Nl TREP TOW DAie r PILOT with a special message: "Happy described AraJtelian, friends said. auction. All proceeds Wlll be used Birthday Susan, We lave you," it "She is very prideful and is fo r in-home medical care, so read The guest of honor lifted re<¥1y hanging on,· Mamal~ said. . Arakelian can be comfonable in her head and smiled, throwing a Adults and children alike her final days. Sunday rught's loving nod at her friends but played softball, soccer and event raised $15,000. Miller said. stayed quiet. The plane circled football at specially designated Dozens of mends have been the beachside bash a handful of booths. Others ate platefuls ot working around the clock in times and, on the final lap, the delicious food , including eight-hour shifts to care for party burst out with a happy chopped salad, pasta. humus, Arakellan, Mamales said. As the birthday song. vegetables, chicken and steak cancer spreads, she needs more Kathy Miller. who hosted the kebobs and hot dogs. ueaunent and more adVanced party in her beachside It was a celebration and the medical expenise. The kind of community, toolc the party guests were going to rejoice experuse lhat is very expensive . microphone and paid special in knowing Ara.kelian -not "It is kind of weird because shf' tribute to her dear friend. mourn her looming death. They 1~ only a year older than me, - "We will always love you. were also there to raise $30,000 said Mamales, who has Susan," she sald. for in-home care for the final volunteered for many of the Guest after guest grabbed the · days of her life, party organizer hifts. "To watch someone my microphone and paid homage to Angie Miller said. own age go through this is 5Car)'. their dear friend A few minutes Miller, a prominent graphic It is just so sad and so later, it was announced that designer in Laguna Beach. unexpeded. I mean. what do you Arakelian had to go inside to rest printed "Endless Summer. say? What is incredible is all these but the party should continue. Susans Birthday Bash" T-shirts people pulling together." The music kept pwnping. and an and sold them for S20. The Miller original rendition of uProud team also gathered dozens of Mary" filled the air -a song thal prizes for a raffie and silent • NEWPORT Continued from Al At issue is what council mem- beTS should do with a series of changes recommended to the city's tree policy. known as the G-1 policy. Local environmentaJ group Stop Polluting Our Newport has joined the Balboa Arbor Society in opposl.rig the changes. even though the review was initiated at the society's request as par1 of a laWIUit between the society and the dty regarding the MaJn Street 6cus tree dispute wt fall. Some feared that the changes would gtw city staff too much power to rule on questions of when to remove, trim and re- place rrees. Others said that the current policy ls a good one and thettfore should not be changed. But eome dltl.greed ' "ln my opinion, the G-1 policy has not bff.tl woltiQg very weU," aoc.J eoVl.ronmentallst Allan Beelt Nkl. "There's nothinC in here to pR>tect the gmml ~ when their ~ an beCrlg threetened.. For tome. howewr. the trees are the vlewl. "'Mve t.rd • lot from the view QOmlllUnlcy tantahl. b\a a Jot al people • me Ihe In lhe Oadand where the view is the trees," Councilman Don Webb sald. ·1 think we need to look at ways we m.ighl be a lirtle more proactive in protecting problem trees in areas where there aren't aoy views. In those areas. we need to make an effort to keep them." The policy changes were draft. ed by an ad hoc commlnee made up of mem~rs of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- mission, which had input from city staff, and from public com- ments at five durerenl meetings. When councU members revisit · the iMue, likely ln two weeb. they will be anned with a UttJe more information that council membe'rs requested. ~ng the new information they wtlJ review is a list of all the legal claims made against the clty rot damage done by dty·awned trees over the last 10 yurs. Council ~mbtrs are ex- pected to decide e..1 the.Ir next ltUdy aeaiQn whether to take any actk>n on the prop<Mlled ~ or to leaYe fhe runmt policy ln place. •JUNECAMGMNDI~ Ntwt)Of1 8-dl and Joftn w.yne Airport. She m9Y.,. ~ .. (Ml> PM232 0# bV ..,,,.., .. }u!M.• .... ,.,,.. • ..,..com. NORKAITIS, Suzanne Suzanne Norkaltla, 60, of Laguna Beach, former1y of Newport Beach died Auguat 21, 2003 after a year fong courageous battle wltfl ~ancer. Her memor1al ~ wlll be Sunday, August 311t at 6 pm et Mariner1 Church In lrvtM. (In lieu of ftow.,., donation• may be made to Marinen Global ~h.) Suzanne, beloved w(fe, mother, mentor and frfend, 11 turvlved by husband Br1an, ion Matt and wife Belle, daughter Krayten, mother VMan GrochoW .net broth« 9"d ll1ter-ln-law Steve end SNMy'Orochow. L Daily Pilot Wednesday, August 27. 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Leu.rs: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •Readers Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 640-4170 E~:Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for venf1cat1on purposes I The P1lo1 reserves the right to edit all subm1ss1ons for clarity and length Moving students is a bad u e of money I don't think the students at Harbor View Elementary should be moved. I thinks that's a silly thing to do with monies in short supply in the schools and in the ciry -to go such added expense for some inconvenience on the part of the parents is poor use of taxpayer money. As to a letter writer's comments that we're not willing to expose our children to the possibilities of safety and securities such as dust, dirt and noise -does he ever take them to playgrounds? Seems like they get plenty of dust, dirt and noise. If they can't handle that, maybe it's poor parenting. And tools and equipment -gees there's construction aJI around us. We're not In the process of removing kids from the reaJ world. This is a ridiculous concern. STAN WINTER Corona del Mar Forget about those bridges. once and for all Am I having deja vu? Every time the bridge is mentioned. Robert Graham gets another 12 inch es in the Daily Pilot. This has been going on for years. MAILBAG I thought the bridge was gone. h's. been gone about four times. It keeps corning back. I think you people give him far too much coverage. far too much space, to be the only person or one or the few people speaking for this bridge that's supposed to go away. Parents gather for a meeting at Harbor View Elementary to discuss whethi:.r classes should bi: r;i;:ld tlurir g u Vi:r uc. t1on When is it going to go away? We don't want no stlnkin' bridges. Let's move on with issues that really do affect this city. "industrialists" to take a hike. and the other camp would prefer the stafu ., quo. thank you very much. Every. decade or so. the cffon to improve the SHARON BOUDREAU Westside has become shipwrecked Costa Mesa upon these very '>ame rocks. I am a A familiar feel to the Westside debate Here we go a.gain. A5 aJways. we have two camps digging in their heels and going nowhere. One camp would like aJJ Westside Costa Mesa homeowner. "Improver" and "lnduMrialist" who believe!> that both sides are going to have to glVe a • hule to get anywhere. Now, for a little history: Up until the very recent past. the Westside bluffs were down-wind of a workmg 24 -hour-a-day oil field operauon CDN6RE6ATIDN ...--.... B 'NAI ISRAEL...-...... located in the count} 1t•rr1111n between tht: bluffs and tht· ..... 1111,1 \11.1 nver. This operation wai. no1,\, and \1 I\ noxious. and ai. such. noh<Hh 1111111·11 nght mind' would want 111lt\t'111 1hose bluffs or m the 1mmed1J1t· .11 •• 1 !>o. what to do with th1c; '' onhJc>,, property? Smelly, noi\}' tonm11·n i.d uses were a perfec1 !>olu111111 .ind I '>tress "were." Now that the offendmg c11l lll'ld '' cloc;ed down. the ad1acen1 land,., 11t1 longer worthle-.s from a rt•.,1d en11JI L:Shana Tova from your family at Congregation B'nai Isr3.el Join us for services! We offer a 5: 1 Spm Pre-Servi ce O neg 6:00 pm Service 8:15 pm Service A Monthly Young Family Shabbat Service & Dinner *Preschool * Religious School *Family~friencily Shabbat programs *Singles groups *Speaker S~ries *Youth Activities Collgr.tion B'nai Israel 2111 Bryan Avenue Tustin, california 92782 Tel: (714) 730-9693 www.cbi18.org ,1 111dp1Ji1ll 1111) htll 1 I b \t•n dL'\ll<thh· ft'.l 1•,1.1• I h1-.. l htllll-;1' • .11111 .. 1 lw r,:1111r• d 11111 :•u -•H•w 11" --1·1·n1111vh "''P""11,,i-1 .. 11111,1d1·r 1h,11 lht 11• I 1-.. If Ir.ill• I 1111 ,lfld tJi,11 1111\\ 1111 I l'I l11g1< ,11 h" I' l'lf Ill'\'. )11~h 1 • • 1 r(.,, h :111.11 \\ ' 11.:g.11 1 1111111111• t'd'I• 11\ !'"1111111 1it 1111 111" , o1-..111t l1l.1l1·1111.i \\1 1H1• .. 111111· '" 'lw l,1·,1n 111cJ11,1n,d .~, ... 11 11 tla• 111l 11p1•r.1•111n-.. 111.1bll'LI .tr• I \\ lit I' l''"'"~ II t .. d,.11 t Ill ft 'illt I ti.ti .trt'.t' '\oh1111\ J<, ).\lltllg llJ fl\ llfl lfl1• ,q.:111~ (I 'ldl'llli,tJ llfltll thl·~ L Jll ht: d'>:.urtd that tht" art'd ,.., lre1· of wx1t, and n u1"1rH:e oduf\ l't:rh<Jp'> . .i rt:d'>Onahle )(O.J woull.I l'w lO lrt!alt' tn(t'lllJ\e) lhcit \<\OU.Id effl'L ll\t'ly upgnidl' area mdu'>trial U\l'' IO 0 dcan" operdtton'> and frt:l· up prune real t''>late for rl'\1den11al U'>t' Wbolt:'>alt: ellm111..i11on ol lndu'>tnaJl',l'> 1-. un\o\arranted, <lIHJ fatlun: to mdkt' 1he bt:'>I ll'>t:' of •JUr prune real t''>ta1e 1' JU!>t plain 'illy. Perhap., 11 bruh ,1de'> "'111 n·L ogrn1t· lhl· walll'> and nt·eds ol the other \\t 1 an 1mprmt: 1he \\e\l'>tdt w11how \\ holt',alt· upht:d\ al dJld tl1,plc1tcn11:nt H.irrtng tooptrdt1011 11 iippt:Jr'> thal tht· rt:'>ldt:nl' 111 LO'>t.i \ll·\a ha\'!· a prt·ll' good ..irguml·n1 1111 outright re mo' al ol thl· 1ndustndl uc,1·, I heir health and tht' health !Jf tht•ir c hlldrt:n \-.one Ill 1ht marl\ 1•\1,11ng dl"lll 111du.,lrtt1I 1JPl'I .il•ir' (JI lllt"l rcat1\ •· ,111d 11)\t'llll\t' tlk f 1 ertL11111\ hop.-Ii 11 1lw 1>1g pullu1t•r, Jre 0111 ullov.t'd 1 drag 1h1· rt•\I ol u-. 111111· gu\' tlo'' n \\Ith tht:m. 1111 ''' l.lo ,,, \\rtllld ht1 1· tkgrJdrng t'tft u 011 lht· l•ing .,,.,, .t l h.ir.11 lt'f ol C IJ'lcJ \fto-..i ERIC BEVER I 11u11<l111~ nwn I·• \\t.,1.,1d1· lmprr1\ t 111• 111 .'.t•,; •EDITOR'S NOTE E•'c. 6h• • wt1"' o f•nCJl•SI for r1:1plt1 c.1nq fo rm•·• JSta M .. • Mt1vGr Karen Re t, ri~v' .. .,, I"' tn1<. , • Harbor Vic~ ''not th1: m1h -..chool or concern \\ h\ drt' \ IJll " Ill!( t'I rlt'lf jll I ,1h11u1 I l.ub11r \It>\\ I h·11H·1 .1n ah11u1 the 11111 r ,1 l11ml-.. 11 '\1•\\port \It·'·' "1 h11,,l I l1~·:111 r 1 111 ht 1ng rep.11 n·d;· I 1111k ..it '\1·wp•1rr I It 1g!ll' 1 n ·11 "'ll't t I hJt, 1111.ilh 1 rn ·II> 11· \a ,1udenh "' u th• 1t-.1d11 '' i!ttt:ti.: 1• h.1\1· !II g11 h.11 k lo lltal llot'" I 11 IH 1h.111he 01lt1·r ft\t' -.lh 1111, th.1• .ir• la•mg d1-..n 11Hlt d .,h.,uht j ' l •1 lo11ked lnl• tlOI f 1'1 11 ,r • \ FLORENCE JOHNSON f . 'h1d1 1 QUOTE OF THE DAY " cooperation from the people in the administration." Dave Perkins, Costa Mesa boys athletic director $ 2W WWW---•••- EYEOPENER Slpt. I honoree JUNIOR TAGALOA A6 Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Sports E.dbr Rlctwd Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Sc>ottl Fax: (9491 650-0170 Dally Piiot Mustangs kiekingup high ·spirits Costa Mesa High's athletic directors work to·gether to improve facilities, create traditions. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot W hile the girls alhletic teams at Costa Mesa High were reeling off one league Litle after another, and seven in alJ, last season, the succe~ or the boys programs in the !>Chool'!> first year in the Golden West League was much more marginal. League championships in football and swi~ming were offset by struggling seasons in soccer, volleyball and tennis and a lack of playoff participation in basketball and basebaJI. But despite the lack of . across-the-board success, the move from the more competitive Pacific Coast I .eague to the Golden West League, where Costa Mesa is competing with schools closer to its enrollment range, was still beneficial. .. We competed much bener in a lot of <iports, panicularly track and boys water polo," first-year boys athletic director Dave Perkins said "OveraJI, we finished much be tter." As football coach, in addition to his athJetic director dudes, Perkins was responsible for one of the two league championships, and only the second outright league champio nship in football in the Mustangs' 43-year history, in boys athletics last year. He has also built a strong foundation in football, going 15-7 in his first two seasons since arriviog from F.stancia High. Perkins became the boys athJetic director in December, replacing Kine Bauermeister, who became an assistant principal at the school. Serving as an athletic director for the first time since 1980, his second of · two years as AD at Imperial High, Perkins' transition was eased by Bauermeister's continued presence on campus. "ll's huge.~ Perkins said. "Kirk knows the problems that arise. It's always nice to have a positive wind blowing in the administrdtion when there are needs in the athletic department." The baJance between football coach and athletic ctirector is also aided by the girls athJetic director, a position lha.L now belongs to Sharon UbJ after Pat Leahy retired. "You just try to do the best you can," Perkins said. "I'm Juclcy 10 have Sharon VhJ, who was just hired as girls athJetic director. Sharon has a 101 of energy. Sh e can help me a lot at certain times during the football season and then when that's over, she can concentrate on her softball coaching duties and r can help out There's aJso a lot of cooperation from the people in the administration." One of Perkins' primary goals upon talcing over the athletic director position was improving the Mustangs' facilities. Costa Mesa added a second softbalJ field last season and the city and school continue to look at the possibilities of adding a l)ew pool and a possible on-campus football stactium. The Mustangs currentJy share Orange Coast CoUege with a handfuJ of teams and at times, are forced to play their home games at Newport Harbor Wgh, which requires a bus ride that makathe games feel much like an away game. While Orange Coast sits across the street from the high school, it doesn't provide the revenue that Costa Mesa wouJd bring in with an or1-campus stactiurn. Orange Coast controls the CHECKING OUT KENT TREPTOW I D-'ILY Pll01 Costa.Mesa High football coach Dave Perkins, overlooking a practice last season, took over as boys athletic director last December, replacing Kirk Bauermeister, who became an 'assistant principal at the school. as contributing to the improved facilities as Costa Mesa. in return for using the fields. The soccer organization is considering adding lights to the utility field at the high school, while Pop Warner is looking al malcing significant upgrades to the footbalJ field. Lest anyone think that Perkins favors his team, he has actualJy gone out of the his way during his first year conccs5ions, further limiting the Mui.tangs' monetary intake on the sc hool's biggest revenue provider. Improvemen ts to the facilities arc reliant upon lha.1 money and those • that are taking place on the Costa Mesa campus are a resuJ1 or outside organizations coming in and paying for renovations. AYSO and Pop Warner were two such organizations Perkins m entioned on the 1ob to malce !>Ure 1ha1 Ii> not the case. "I think I actually go the other direction to make sure that perception is not out there," Perkin\ said. "Last year my biggest goal was IO get two softbalJ field!> on campu' and now our varsity softball field is top notch." As for the Maff of coaches al Costa See MUSTANGS, Pace A7 The Costa Mesa High boys athletic coaching staff includes, from left, Bob Serven (basketball), Dave Sorrells (volleyball), Joe Busi (cross country), Glenn MitcheN (track and field), Dave Pet1tins (football), Eugene Day (soccer), former wrestling coach Brett Shainfeld, Tim Postiff (water polo and swimming), Tom Baldwin (golf}, Doug Oe.ats (basebal) and Bob Shupp (water polo~ swimming). ~Hl.LER/ OM.YPll.OT - - Daily Piiot Mesa, it ls a mix of young and old, experience and newcomers. Joe Busl has re1urned to the staff to coach cross country. He guJded the girls team from 1993 to 1998 and the boys from 1994 to 1998. Water polo and swimming coach Bob Shupp enters his final season with the Mustangs in his.second stin1 with the school. He is planning to retire after this season. Another coach that returned to Costa Mesa is baseball coach Doug Deals, a Costa Mesa alum who first coached 1he baseball team from 1994-1997. Basketball coach Bob Serven ls entering his fifth season at the helm of the boys hoops squad and guided the Mustangs 10 three consecutive playoff appearances before finishing I 0· 16 last year. Soccer coach Eugene Day eniers his fourth '>eal>on with th e Mustangs. Tom Baldwin will be serving as Costa Mesa\ golf coach for the eighth straight season. Tennis coach BiU Harader. who still plays un the senior c1rcui1. enters hie, third year at the helm. In trat k. Glenn Mitchell wtll begin hi ... second year a.s head coach ar1er assis ting with the dbtance SEAN HILLER Costa Mesa High football coach Dave Perkins 1s also the school's boys athletic director. runner<;. VolleybalJ's Dave \orrelh. who in 2002 led the Mui.tango; to their lin.t playoff game c,ince 1999. rounds out l O'>la Mec,a's coach ing staff. I he one question mark is in wn•,tling. l.ast year'!. coach, Brett Shainfeld resigned to pursue his teaching degree Perkins said the Mustang'> should hire a new coach within the coming weeks. His task, along with that or the other boys coaches at Co'>ta Wholesale pricing and Mesa High, 1s to build upon la'>t year's 1mpro\ement~ and attempt to dCh1e\e the same type of succe'>'i 1hat the girl., team':> a'> Cu-.ta ~1e'>a I ligh produced in the: (,olden Wl'-.t League. 3 year/36,000 mile nationwide factory warranty 3.0 Semi Complete Drop-in ........ ..$1ririg rt '2181 on all gas powered engines and transmissions! Call Our Wholesale Hotllne Todayl 3.1811111 Complete Drop-in .... _ .. .strilg at .... 5A Semi Complete Drop-ln .... m ••• stwtfng It '2998 7.3 Power ... Semi Complete Drop-in Two )Wdntld ITilelge•A•--••-··-••••••--•~ at *5830 ·'iedne!>day, Au&uS1 27, 2003 A1 BRIEFLY Vanguard restocks its baseball roster Lions announce l O new players to join Coach Kasper's squad in the sprin g. rhe Vanguard ba'>eball te.i.n1 will have a different loo k 111 2004 as head coach Ke \•in Kasper ret e1ved tomm1tmeni.. from JO new player'> for tht spring season Included in the group .src· Joe Candelaria , Nilculau<, C rouch and Blake Ro.,.,1 , all ot whom have ties to Vanguard Candelaria becomes lhe third member or 1he family to pld\ intercollegiate a1hlt'tlC'> a1 Vanguard Crouch, a Junior tran:.ft-r who can play f'ir\I ba<,e. t att h, and may see time ar the de.,1g nated hitter, 1oim hh li!ther, Bruce, the Director of Facility ~erv1ces at the < '"td \le'J campus. Rossi, a freshman 11utfielll1·r from Big Pine. 1 . ., .1 tou .. 111 o( former VU c;oftbdll pttt lwr c 11 na Liebengood fht' other new players are three transfer!>. Brent Erick \on Mike Guern!>ey and Mike "ip.trl'>. \'\.h1le frei.hmtn Adam Yoder, Jo,h Reed. Mall Voor· hu~-. and Oav1d Hudgins join tht' I llin' frnrn the high school r.tnk'> Lion~ ink pair of pitchers • ~OFTMU..: Vanguard com· plt>led m uff-.,eason recruiting \\Ith 1he recent !>l~nings of two pile ht'r'> Jenna wi11i .. and Jenni· ler Hynda, both nght·hander Willi-. tramferred 10 Van- guard from An10na Western C ollegt-after playing ont-sea- '>On for the \latddor'> 1n '\ uma. .\ni'ona. The :--;onhern (.al1for 111a nauve graduated from ~oot 11111 I llgh in Palo C..edro prior to allendmg AWL. Rynda, of ~loreno Valley. en ter., VU from ~otre Oamt-High in R1,.,er'>1d e, where ">he played ,,iftbaJI dlld tt·nr11., In 'ollbaJI -.he "'a' a thret' 11m .. .ill leagut' plJ\:er and wa-.. htllHHt-d to plJ} Ill the .!OU j lJe \111.1 l 1·ague >\.11·\IJT game a'> a 'lnJOr mm DEPllTIEfl' 110111S Monday -Friday• 6:30AM · 7:00PM Saturday • 8:00AM · 4:00PM Closed On Sundays 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notlcn lnMISnY Of~ llVll CAMPUS NOlKI IMftM&: G8llAl COllTIACTGa rttotWIKA no#OWl10MMAllS fOI COltSTIUCTIOM Of IOWW. HAU S8SIK IMOVllOOS & D&UB MAIOUWKl, '"fed lie: 990120 U'ftUSITY Of CAUf ~IM'( NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN !nd l 1..encra1 Cunl••clo• P•tquahhuhun Queshunna1to will be 1eteoved by lht Umwersily ul Caltlornra ltvmt Campu\ f0t quahf1u hon lo bod on ROWLAHD HAU SUSMIC IM,ROVUIUMTS & DlflUID MAINTIMANCI, 'ROJICT NO. 990120. All Cenoral Conlr•ctn1s who art onte•nttd m P••Quallfyrni lor lh1\ Pro1er l and wish lo Qbh1n lhe Prequ•l1ftc•lron (Jue\t1<1nn~11• Puk•I n>Ay <•II .,11,., 19491 824 8014 o• the Hof l int 11 (9491 82~ 8117 Prequahfied General Cnnt<i1.lo" will tie 1equ11ed lo have the followmoi Cal1lorn,. ~ct<>t s l"ense al the trme of the Std Deadline "8 1,ENCRAL BUILDING '""' lSCRlt'TION Of THl 'AOJfCT: .... The Rowland H•ll Stl\m1< lmpt<>••ment pro1r<I will bl' • l,.<hlton•I dt\1~n bod build pro1ecl lhal will \lruclur•lly upiirade lhf: bu1ld1n11 by «u1'n11 bullrt\\O on the l n l and Wul elevallon\ of the bu1ld1na The bullren e\ will b~ u ul•O b y new pile fQund•to11n\ •nd lhe add1t1on of tofhl 26 6• b•Y\ of new cuncrelP moment h•me\ .. •lh ,oncrelt \lab d1aphra1m\ between lloor\ 2 and 6 nclosure of lhe flame' and \l•b\ .. 111 be by• <••nn nhonal cu•laon w•ll \y\lem Other d1sconllnu1hes on eatsl1ne d1•Phldam\ .. ,11 be con et I rd '" med14n1c.tl 'hoe~ by mu n\ of cul m place concrete slabs There .re •lso .. 1\ll<1jl •leel moment Ir amu 1n lhe merhan1c11 penlhouus that w111 be independently •trenathened with tube \feel \upport' The new atta 138.000 ASf ) cruled by the butlrenn will be trn1\hed n dry labo•ato•y '1•tl ~enerat offlC t \pare u part ol this pro1ecl In add•lron lo the St1\m1t lmpro•em~nh Deferred M1t<ntenance wor~ will be completed The mechanical sy\tem 1n the 0 1\11ne bu1101n2 will und'•iO an 1nttn\1Vt •tnovahon 1nclud1na but not llmlled lo (I ) 1epl•ccmenl of 12 41< H•ndhna Un1h lhroui;houl lhe bu1ldm& w1lh tile 1n,lall•l1on ol lour new un1h on the u r••<t lt•el c21 m•n•loldona ol •PPro••m•ltly 160 rool uh1u\t l•ns, (3) m\tallahon of Phot n11 V1lvH at fume hOoos In add1tron lhe u rs trnit ealet1or of the bu•ld•na will be elnlom~"cally ualod the 111• •larm pull clev1rn on the e•l\l•nit bu1ld1na will be lowered to mHt current cod• and the rool ol lhe ~t1\t1ne bu•ld1n11 will be repl•c.ed on ti\ enl1tely Con5Jru,11on CO\I nllmale S 1T,T11,000 'RIQUAUflCATION 'ROCl SS: Tht prequal1f1t•tron proteu will be tonducled 1n lwo pa1h and will roult 1n the selection of prequahfoed Cene111 Con tr at lo" who will be 1nued b1ddme doc umenh for th1\ Pro1etl '•" 1 will be tht \ubm11tal of a P•equahlltalton Quesl1onn•11e Aller 1ece1pl ol the Prequahf1c111on Questronna1re the Un1ver\1ty will review and deter mine a oo•nl \core for each subm1tt•I Scorma of General Conlraclol\ for this Pa•t I w•ll be dete<m1ned by the 1pphca1ton of an esl•bhshed ratrna system Cener•I Contractors who mtel the requ11emenh rn P1tl l will be interviewed 1n P .. t 2 of this Prequ1hl1utron procu \ ,.,. 2 will be lh1 Interview Cene•al Conlr•ctors will be nolthed whether 01 not they have been selected f0t the P1rt 2 lnlerYltw The lnter••ew will add1us the 1lem' ducttbtd in the Prequahflcal1on Queslionnalfe The •Hults of the 1nlerv1ew will bl 11par1tely "ored baud on an utabhshtd retina system n11 Gent1al Contractors who ... "l•clld by lhe Un1vers1t1 In Part 2 Wiii be prequ•l1f1ed to submit 81d1 for thll Protect 'llQUAUffCA TION SCHIDUllr On W•••s4ey, Avev•t 27, 200J, ''•tiV•llflcetl•n 011Hlllft-1r .. will be 1nued lo 1ntt1esled Gene11I Contraclo11 at. Dula n & Conslluction Servlcn. Un1ver1ity of Cali fornia, Irvine. 5201 C•l1forn11 Av•nue Suite 2SO Irvine, CA 92697·2450 (Corner of 81ton end C1llforn11 Avenue ) F Of lnform8tlon call the holhnt (949) 824·8117 Or (949) 824·803' On ""'"414ry, S•t-tl.r 4, 200J, e M-4etwy 0-.-el CMtYect~ ,,...,lflc .. i-C~e will be conducted beaonnina promptly 11 liJO ,.M. Only Gtner•I Contr•ctors who p1rtielp1te In lht Confer1nc• 1n 111 entorely will b1 allowtd to 1ubm1t P1tqua1tflcatlon Qutsllonn1lru P1non1 arrMn1 after 11IS ,.M. will not be 1llowtd to 'ubm11 Prequ11rt1ollon Quut10nn1irts. Ptrhclp1nl &hall mett 11 Dn 11n & Con1truct1on Services University ol C1hforn11, Irvine. 5201 Cellfo1nl1 Avenue, Sult• 250 Sultlv1n & Wrl&ht Confer1nc• Rooms, Irvin•. CA 92697 2450. (Corner of Calltornl1 Avenue 1nd Sison Avenu1) For further 1nlormet1on, con11ct Lynn Javier 1t (949) 824·7009. Tht 4ee411M te rectln •-ttf•tt4 ,,..,.tlflcetlen Q11Htl-lre1 wlll k frl4.y, httt•~ 12, 2001 et 4100 ,,M. 1t; Dulan & Construction Sttvlcu, Attention; Lynn Jevltr, University of C1llfornl1, lrvlne, 5201 C1lllornla AV1nue, Su1t1 250, Irvine. CA 92697·2'50 Gtn1t1t Contrector Prequ1llficatlon Qutttlonn1lrts, lncludlna anr 1tQulred etttCtl!Mnb, shill bt 1ubmhttd In 1t1ltd tnvtlopu m1rll1d with the not1tlon on th1 outside. "elNlaAl CCMITUClOI PtllQUA.UfKATION QUHTM>NfWll ftf' IOW\AND MAU SIKMIC tMNOVIMlllTI & Dlfl•ID MAINTINANCl.1..~0JICT MO. ttO 1 to" 1nd 1ddruud to th• office dtaltnattd 1bovt. NKLUM ONI vt11 ... NAl AND TN .. I CcwtlS Of THI ,.IQUAl .. KATkHt QUllTIOMWU (WfTM AnACMMUtn~ 01ntrtl Contr1ctor 1hall 1uum1 Mt r1990n1tbllit1 for timely ~Uv•y 1t the toutlon dttl1n1ted for rtctlpt of ,,.qualtflntlon Quutlonn1tru . Oul. tt~honlc, f1c1lmllt, or tel•lf•Phle l"requallflutlon Quut1onn1l1t1 111 lnv•lld end wlll not b• 1cetpttd. No l)fequellflcetlon document• wlll bt 1cc1pted 1ft1r 4.00 ,.M., frl4ey, 1.,t••tf' U, 1001. Howtvtt, the Unlv1111t1 r1Mrves the rtsht to requ11t, rtct lvt, i nd 1v11u1t1 supplt mtnltl lnform1tlon tlttr the tbovt time and dett. Succ111ful 01ntrtl Contrectort wtll be notified of th• d1t1, ttm1 and loutlon of thtlr lntervltwa. CCMITIAClOl ,.IQUAUflCATION 'IOCIDUlll1 Th• tnlvt tlon Ir. 1oltly for th• pur9011 of det11mln1n1 wlllcll l lddtta lrt HttMd q111llfltd fof 1uccts1h.1I ptrfOl'llllllCI ot tht type of worll l11Ch1dd In lht• ''olte1 wlttlln tht Contrect Time. Tht Unlvtulty 111111 determine Utt low bidder from tht pool of pr1qutllfltd bidder• wllo 1ubmlt bide on tht bnl1 of the L11mp Sum 811• 81~ plut tht 1mounl1 of l llJ •CCt Pttd t ltlfMtll ltd Stcurtty In tllt 1mount of Iv' of th• Lump Sum l tH 8lcl, n cludlfll 1lttrnttt1, tlltll 1ccompa11y 11cll l ld. The Surety t11ulnc bOfldt fOf th• l"toltct lll•M bt, on tht l ld DHdllnt, en •dmllltd 111rely ln1urer 11 defined In the C1llfornl1 Codt of Clvlfl"roudure lectlon 1118.120. All ln1ur111c1 pollclt• required to be obt1tnt d by tilt Otntrtl COfltrtctOf' 111111 bt aullltct to IPPfOYll by Unl•tt•lly for rorm end 1ub1t1nc1. All pollcl .. ftt CommtJclt l '°'m 0111•11 Lr11t1Mty1 h ceu Ll1blllty, lu1lnt11 AutomobUt Llablllty 1nd 'rofH1lon11 Lltbltlty IMurt net w N M IMllM lty co1ft9tnlt1 wltll • lttt retina of A· or btlltt. t11cl • flntncltl cl111lflcttlo4' irf VIII Of lletW (or 111 equlveltnt rttln1 lly St1nderd a l"OOf or MoffYt) All "'IC'" rtCUlftd fOf WWW.' Compent1tlon end l'.mploytrt' Lltblllty IMIHl llCt Ill.it bt lllutd by cw::le• (I) thtt llewe • '"' retltl1 or I• Of' llttt•. 11141 • fll'l•nclaJ cle11lf1Cttlofl of WI or bttw « 111 14111¥tltllt rlttlll 1i.11w• a l"OOf or Moodt•> or (II) thtt •• tceeptablt to tM U wtlty. The Ctrtlftceta IMurenc. tll•ll bt IMuecl on tllt Unlnraltr:• rorm l"roe,te11•• GtMftl Contrectoo lnt•ndlfte tt ff 11t-.ieliflt4 •• lntwlftM tll•t thtJ will M Mjltt to 1114 m111t M ly c..,.ply with 111 of ti.. pro,oul condltlOllt lnc\u•lfle 100'1 P•Yfl*ll 1114 lOIK P«fof m1nc1 bonclt. . . · All lnfOl'IHtlon eubmftttd lot ptfllu•llflcetlon tvtl111t10n wm tt conllwtd oftlcllf tftforlMtltfl te..Wtd In COflftdtnct, •H Ult UnlvtnllY itlll m•lftt.ln lte confldtntltNt1 to tlll uteftt ,. lly_llw, T1lf Ut11¥1rtlty ,_. ... tM rl&tlt to rt ltcl tftY or t ll ,..,_... tt "•llHlc•tllft Qv.e1tto1-n111 M4 te wetwt tnf M11•1Mt1tlol 1tr11vl11ltlts In 1ny '""'"' rtetlwtd. lllKNTI Of M UNMllllTY OF CAllfCHINIA IUllMirWllY ef c.tlfwfttl, JrYIM t llllm!!l!!llllll \ • SUPlllOI COOll Of WOINIA. COUNTY Of OWIGE SUP9IOI COUil -l'IOIA Tt J.41 THE cm DIM P.0. IOX 14171,0WG(, UlJOlllA 9UIJ..1S71, Legal Notices 1t> t .,u pf"r\·,,,... "'"' .. \h:d •" th•\ m•tT,., \h•\ dVPe'r t.u•fntt 1n'"' ~\Ht ,ti ltlt tH ilftlni 1!1d1t d't"d f ,.1 ,., t ~h• "" •u\~ tt ,., , ..,..,.. ; •nt (lttil•C•' lvt t .j, '-'" ' ""',,,. V1ou•O f:l•I' b• ._,~, t,.O ~ ·1 I 111 "[A;.1~G '••• <;rF ~ )Qj -,,,,. l )() P"" 0~1'1 ~j r ht •Jdrtn t lh• u• I \4m,. •\ n1 .. tt·o tttw '" l A , opy ol lh•\ O•d~r t ~hnW\ I IU'\r \hall bf' O•Jbli'\hf'd •' ,,,.~, onu• ,.., h ,t;f"" ' , •r.1,,r ,, (. .. '""''" ............ f'll}l tr.. •4111,. ,, .. , 'o' ,,~•'•"£ ..... t..11"• '•'l'"' ,, ,,,~ ,. n, ,....,._ t,>ilt.. ._.,.l"'l .. f:l I U LHti'\n llt 1ntf'd 1t th•• •uf"!l'( ~--wp111t a ..... \.,, D••I~ r ,1,,1 Dote: AUG 04, 2003 MAAJORll l AIAD CUTfR. JUDGI Of THI SUrlRIOR couar fub \l'tt d -..wr r• e ... " ,,. '• ,,.t~ • o •. ,, "•lul Au.U\I b I j ?O 21 l00$ wl.19 Al Wednesday, August _21 ... .,.2.,.00 .. J ___ ------ Malcll 2141 l IModctt 2MI ltplModctt M Llpl..... 2MI l Rc-.11 ....... •s....... The followlna pe"oni are dolna business as: Bob [nltfprlsH, Inc , 25 V11 Baccllus, Aliso Viejo, Cahlorn1a 92Qi6 Bob Ent .. prisn, Inc. (CA), 25 V11 8 1cchus. AhsO Vre)O, Cahl0t nia 92926 This bu$lnt1s Is con- duc:ted"by ·a corporation Havt you sta•ted dotn& buslnen yet' Yes, 081 01/03 Bob Enterp.,~es Inc .. Robert l lember1er, Owner l hts statemenl wu ht.cs with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/20/03 200SHSS6'1 Dally P1101 Aue 27, Sept. 3. 10. 17, 2003 Wl61 RdttlM ..... N-.S ...... The followlne per sons are doina bus1neu u · Coast Melro Realty & lnvestmenl, 4340 Cam· pus Of. •210, Newport Buch. CA 92660 Pell Corp., (NV), 43AO Campus Or . '210 , Hewpo•I Buc h. CA 92660 This business Is con ducted by a corporetion Have you stuttd do1na busmen yet? YH , 7 ·I· 98 Pett Corp Alu Choh, P1t11defll . This ~tatement wu hied with the County Clerk ot Oran11• County on 08/06/03 200St954071 Daily P1101 Aue 27, Sept 3.10.17, 2003 Wl60 FidlliM~ ... s......- The lollowmc persons are do1n1 business as Croup Vertical S\rate&•C Advertrs1ni/ Marketina 3187 Red Holl Ste rt5, Costa Mesi, CA 92626 May l l ee (Sofe General Parlne1 ). 3187 Red !-1111, Ste 115. Coste Mesa, CA 92626 Poli cy . Thi' buslM" Is con ducted by. a limited par Iner ship Have you started dolna business yet? No May l . l ee This statement wu hied with th• County Cltfk of Oft na• County on 08/06/03 200SHSS4U Dflly Pilot Aua 6, 13, 20, 27. 2003 Wl41 Ad!llM ..... .... s...... The follow me per sons .re dome business u 1Mat11• Softw1re, 2973 HarbOf Blvd, 1314, Costa Men , Cahforn11 92626 lmatm , U C (Nevada), NCH, lOl Convention Center Dme. Suite 700, l as Veeas. NV 89109 fhl~ business Is con· due ed by· l rm11td l11b1llty Co Have you started dome bus1neH yeP Vu, Auaus I 1. 2003 lmatn a, LlC. Thomn letfler. Manacer fhts statement wu flttd wltl\ the County Clerk ol 0Hn&• County on 08/15/03 I OOSHSStH Da•lr. Pilot Aue. 20, 27. Sep . 3, 10. 2003 W154 AttllM .... ----The lollowh,e persons ar• dolne bus1nus u Sweet ChffU Baby, 191 Buoy Strut, Cosll Mtu . CA 92627 llH McCoy, 191 Buoy St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 lhts bullness 11 con· dueled by: an Individual Have you s hirted doln11 business yet? No Lisa McCoy This s t1le,n•nl was llled with the County Clei~ ot Orana• County on 08/21/03 200S69SS107 D11ty Pilot Aua 27. Sept 3 lO. 17 2003 W162 ........... .... s...... The followfna penons 11e doln& business H : Outside lhe Boa; Pro- motlon1, 24552 Saturn• Dr., Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Chr1ttin1 Otwl' Cou111. 24552 S1turn1 Drive, Mission Viejo, CA 92&91 This buslMU Is COi'· dueled by: 1n ind1vulu1f Have you 5tttled dolna buslneu yelf Yes. 5/23/ 2003 Christina Coueh This statement wes Wed will• the County Cler~ of 011n11 County on07/2M>J 200H9SS0'2 Daily P1tol Aua. 27. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 2003 Wl60 fktlliM ...... ... s....... The fotlow1n1 perso11s are dolne business n . Oiai Ser vice Cteanina. 1982 Maple Ave. t A201, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 J Guadalupe 01ai, I 982 Mep .. AH . #A20l, Cosll Mesa. CA 92627 This bu$1!1est Is con· ducted by: •n lndfvldu11 ltne you st1rted Ooina buslnen yet? Ho J Cu1d1lup• Diaz This s t1l1menl wu fii.d with the County Cr.rk of On ne• County on 08/18/03 t00SHSSS21 D•ily Prlol Aua . 27, Sept 3, 10, 17. 2003 Wl56 .......... .... se...a lhe folto•1n1 persons are docna bullnu s u · H11d l uck Ctothina. 2292 Ort hlfd Drive, Newport Bucfl. Cahforn11 ?2660 Oan Patrick Ehu , 2292 Orchard Orlve. N1wp0<t Buch. C1f1fornl1 92660 This business ia con- ducted by: an 1nd1~1dual "Have you started dolna bus1neu yet7 No Di n Patrick Ellls Thi" sletement was fifed with the County Clerk of Or ana• County on 08/04/03 How to Place A 200J6HH74 Dail1 Pilot Aua. 6, 13, 20. 27, 2003 W142 ............ .......... Tha followlnk persons are doin1 business as: SALON l , l~ Bayside Or., Newport Buch, Callfornle 926e0 Terry Ross landeta. 1040 B1ysldt Dr .. H•w· port Buch, Californl1 92660 This business 1s con• ducted by: an indiv1du1t Have you s tarted dolna business yet7 Yes, Oii/ 05/03 · Terry Ro$S l ande15 This statement wu h'-d with the County Clerk of Oraoae County on 08/11/03 200S .. S4Ut , D11ly Pilot Au11 13, 20. 21, Sept. 3, 2003 Wl52 Re*-..... ... s...... tlon, 521 W. Wiison IC103, Costa Mua. CA 92627 P1trlc:k [dward Grindstaff, 521 W. Wiison • IClOJ, Costa Mest, CA 92627 This bualness Is con- ducted by· 1n lnd1vidu1\ Have you star ted dolfll business yet7 Ho Patrick Grindstafi fh1s alatemenl was Meet wrth the County Clerk of 011niie County on 08/21/03 200SHSst95 011ly Ptlot Aua. 27, Sept 3, 10. 17, 2003 Wl59 At*'-..... .... s....... The tollowlna persons are dolna buslnns as. Reel Vision f ilms. 3067 Trinity Or , Costa Mesa, California 92626 Vince Mascia!•. 3067 Trinity Dr , Costa Mesa C1hfocnla 92626 This business " con· dueled by an 1ndlv1du•I Have you started do1n11. buS1ness yell No Vinet Masclelt This alaltm•nl 111111 lited with th• County Clerk of Oun1• County on 08/04/03 200>6951711 Dilly Ptlol Aua. 6. 13, 20, 27, 2003 Wl4e .......... ... s....... The lollowlne persons are doln1 bu.sinus u . 1uro51>0rl, 143£ 16th St .. Costa Mesa, Calllornlt 92627 Lyle Doualas Weedon, 1537 B S11nt1 Ana Ave .. Costa Meu. California 92626 Thi1 business is con· ducted by' an individual H•~• you started dome business yet? No l yle Oou11as Weedon This statement wH hied . with th• County Cler~ ol Ou nee County on 08/04/03 2003HS314t Oa1ly Pilot Aue 6. 13, 20, 27. 2003 Wl40 ...... ..... ......... fhe foHowlllC pertona ere dolna business 11: MWSPEEDSHOP, 2134 2134 Newpo rt Bl•d, Costa "'9u, CA 92tV frm1 Molltr, 17171 Grand A••·· lallt £1$1· nore, CA 92530 This business i1 con· ducted by: an lndM dol Hnt you s!Mted doinc bu1lnts1 yel7 No Irma Moller . Thi• •ltltmenl wet fifed with lh• County Clerk ot Oranee County on Oll/1 l/03 200HfS4H9 Dally Pilot AUJ. 13, 20, 27, Sept. 3. 2003 Wl51 SELL your stuff through classified! -----Dead lines --- Rates and deadlines an~ subject to change 1.1.1thout nouce. The publisher reserve~ the right to cen:.or, reclassify. revise or re1ec1 any cla..'>s1fied advertisement. Please report an y error that may be m your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error m an advertisement for which it may be responsible except fo r the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. CredH can only be allowed for the first in!tertion. CLASS IFIE AD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631 -6594 I Pfra"°' mcluJc >""' IWll• an.I ph<•ne numhct wld ,.. 'II call )llU N<l \\1Ch J pnr• <jUnCC' I By Phone (949) 642-5678 II ours By Mail/In Person: .~ 30 We~t Bay Strec:t Co~la Mei,a. CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thur~day ............ Wednesday S:OOpm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Tdephone 8:30am-5 OOpm Monday-Fnday Walk-In 8. ~Oam-4':00pm Monda)-Fnd.ty Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Ind ex ANNOUNUMINTS N m ~ & MISC. 1010.1110 mcHAllDISE 7402·7466 ~ •WE 3010.3940 ~ GARAGE SALE 1489 ~ IOOS·ISIO LIJ AL ESTATE ~ BUSINESS & r.R SALE soos-saso FINANCIAL 2305·2490 9000-9750 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 1483 _Fou_n_d ___ 1s_10 APPLIANCES =============== FOUND AOUlT CAT AuctiOM 3050 cm ____ 36_1_0 MISCELWEOUS TOP SS .. RECORDS nc .0a. ems..-.. [II. ~s & EDs Bl Allee Spl<r tube ·~ Mille 949 645 7505 WANTED GARY S M[N SfOR( MJYtJll w.mwfr,e ~ ANTIQUES FASHION IS Call Animal ID) Gan~ 11.11Jo F°lqiein!' Network 949 697 6632 4 ira., v.iO f>arYll(Y1C 7 .,... ta. l!lO <)&~!fill General ENTERTAINMENT C31endarot Older Sryfe Furniture PIANOS & Collectibles ·~ ................ , , .c, ... ~.,.J,.,...,.,-..... -. Annooncements 161° COMPUTERS FOR Events 1310 f OUAl HotlSlfG OPPOITIMITY Alf redl f'tale adver t1\in~ in thl\ new\paper 1\ sub1ec t lei the r eder al Fair Huus1nii Act of 1968 .is .ameoded which malie., •I 11te2al to adverl1\~ ~"Y preler •ore flm1 l•t1on or d1scrim1nahon based on rate < 0111< '""&•On '"' ha11d1tdp fdm1hal sldlus or national 1111111n 01 dn intention to mak• Any \uch p• eferfln1 e hm1ta lion or d1-.rrtm1nat1on Th1\ newspdptr w11f not knowingly accept aoy ddvertrscmenl lor •e.il nl•te wh1d1 I\ m v1olat111n of the law Our reader\ a re hereby informed lhal .,11 dwell· inc-> adver trs~d m I hos newspaper •re available 011 "" eQual <1pportunoly bas" To cnmpla1n of dis cr1mmat1on, <all HUD toll· tree Al I 800 424 8590 $$ CASH PAID $$ W£ BUY ESTATES • l""~·•tt tr.-nd y \9!'\' ,.. ~649-4922~ SOUTH COAST AUCTION ~So.lllalft91.. S.11111 AN. ~ 12707 Ji ,i,. 1 'l ...... r A •Jtw Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 hlol• Mo,,ln9 Sole Sol 7-4, Sun 7-12. 1120 Coaatllne Drl,,o, Sool l.acJor 90140 ••rnor of PCH on<I Main, follow 1l9n1. SEU your unwanll!d 1lems throueh cln~1htd Prl11ot• Ouck Hunting Club appro1 ltflr from Newpo1r t Be"h C•cet lenl hun11na ad1acen1 to state wal~r lowl refuae. owner ship 1nleresl & app101 J75 acr n oi land & improvements + your own cdmp compou11d w sl1 ucl ur t .tlld 2 "a1le1 ~ Wondtrlut r II n1ehl BBQ'' & ''""' 1,n11ng du11ng duck '\.~<t\On .. mAny e1tr a'' Ideal lo• 7 h 1end\ or falhe1 & son Call Mike at 310 ~41 0854 KARN£ ASAOA 11 Time Lookoll Champions www K•nnerly\Kao nt com p~y and ord~• on hnP 01 <.all 866 JJKARNE WE SHIP NA TtONWIOE -s 1N C E 1 9 68 - <CAL·scANJ ANTIQUES Antiques Wanted 3025 CASH FOR Ponrav Bauer Catat1n1, Rook wood, Lukens etc 949 6736223~1313 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • • HOME USE Computer Hardware 3260 llM lop top inlernet ready motem bdtt1AC adaptor SI 19 obo Call 714 744 3724 pp HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture N•w Sofa 90 Otf white w blue stripes r I e• lhrnw 11•llOW\ Only S?~ Call 949-61~ OSOi JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coo•t Coln Net'• Old Coins! Gold, \1lver iewee.-y wi tches antique' collecllbles 9'9-64? 9448 Thr U,JDrpamnmt 111 tht Daily Pi/.o1 is pkaml rq 11nnounrr a mw wvirr now 1tlidi'4bk to MW burinr:ssrs. ~ wiU tww SEARCH tht Mmt for you 111 no atrt1 rhargt. 11nJ 141Jt you tht ti mt 11nJ tht trip IQ tht Coun HoU1t in Santa Ana. Thm, of cou~. lfrn-lhr ~arch is rompkttd wt will fi/,/ 1"'" fotitio"I busint11 1111.mt stalmfmt with tht uunlJ C/nlt, pMblish otm a ~tit for Jrw..r wultt as rrquirtd by '4w """ thtn fik l"'" proof of public.11Jion wM tht Count] ~. PkASt mp II] t1fill1""' fictit~ busi11m 11'lttmntt 111 1/H Daily PilDt, 330 W. &J St. u su Mtv. If l"" e11rnot stfJp by. plase caJJ 14 at (949) 6'2432 I 11Ni wt tuiU m#111m1npmts fat J"" "' IMJUik IJJiJ pro«li.rr V, m11il . If!"" shlf,.14 IMw ""J fa~ 1111mions. pktm r11.U"' 11"4 wt wi/J ~ "'4rt th4n """"' IUSUI JO"-G«>J I.It;,,"''"'""" M"'11' Daily4Pilot ' 200+ IC1TTtHS,. CA n, DOCS W'WW~Oli r ashiurl lslaod 1rvw>e Spec: trum ~TH CtJ.tAAHTEE ~ZJ19 Spay fllll<Tlffia ...at hooe. lor lutt.tfls 94!M191 .Qi3? 3660 G•rmon Sh•ph•r<lo dll tolo" all <.1/•s !01 "dopl1on lo ruiallf1pd home\ WWW il\lt\<.Ut Uli or call 714 771 5915 PetSupplln/ Services 3665 FMll.OUS l'fT l'OlmWT'S " E •Pe11enced Arlo\I " Photo reahs111 or whim •cal arl 949-7S9-772 I MERCHANDISE Mlscellaneous Merchandise 3355 sTm 11ADtHGs Ger .............. _,...,,., !ny OIY lnSIAlt•l•on B1111d•n11' V\ippe<t n ... lloO wide Oell'let y 111 day' not Wt..i<S1 Ab~e SI~ 1 877 833 3131 O< QUQI(.._ on 11 n t @w ww Ab•• lul~Sltd Ne e 1CA1.~1 SELL your stuff through classi fied! Our Wedding Showcase _ Publlcatlon Date: Sept. 24 r 2003 Space Deadlln1: ' Sept. 17 1 2003 Advertorial Dndll11. Sepl 17, 200 Copy D11dlln Sept. 18, 2003 Under the Sl'rvicc Direc tory B lt1111cr Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Business Oppoftunities Businesses Ind Frindlises 3905 CAPPUCCINO 11 At IAN COFHC C1>m11any u pandon~ 01\t11llul•J1• wanlttl H11i1h µ111lit polenltdl Anyunt con du lh1~I ( lpl fl\\I• lldll .. tall 800 813 667'> lnve\t m • n t ' r: r~ u t 1 t-d (C.lll •SCAN! ABSOLUH COLO MIN! 60 V•ndin~ M• t.hinn w eH loc•hon' All tor SIO 99'> All ma101 cred1I l4•<k .. uepted I 8 00 23 4 6982 <CAL •SCAN > AAA V(HOING aoun IJ) ~ IJnrh Ptmt to clhlm $9550 ln'i\l!.I 25 -W.K !O). J96.9JJ I AAA Vl"DING ROUTI Ill ~ Un& Pmie In u!J'on\ ~ ~ 2!)· -........ 8XJ s; 9311 AISOlUTl GOlOMINll f.O vend1nc machines ""'lh t>tellenl lo<.at10n\ #I tu $10.91.6 !lO 23' f1Bl AISOlUTl GOLDMINlt 60 vend1ne m•thtnn wolh P • cell~nl lo<.•linn\ .w 1 .... $10,9'b 8'.»7.14 (Bf/ A SlSOI.• flral y•or pol~nl1al Nol MLM Thm~ ti\ 100 iood tn be !rut 1 [)oo l ulll 10} DJ.9731 H0ME5FOA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Costa Mesa 3 477 V•n•llon Dr ~bl )bl J02Qsl PUC tu>m~ By Owner Cru t Buy S699 900 C•ll W 71~ 850 1680 116 H 71• 850 10~2 '116 s-.... , l- Pnce re due hon SI 9!¥.1,000 7br dru m home 18,()()(hl pool/ spa on nea1ly 112 .cre ~ba J Ip s Shown by Appl St11ve P.ttlm•on 949 466 '>688 Ila Gor9...,.1 lbr 2b1 w library New window\ door• n~ appl\ tu ured walls ce1ls crown mould•ni des1anen tile. pMQuet hoorine and more •&l 949 584..5811 )br 7ba P1rk l id o lownhou1e nr Ho1a palo 2 l t•r i t pool $1995 949 293 46)() ]br ?b. Park I 1do lowntlouH nr Hoaa paio 2 c t•r ac pool $1995949 293 4630 tttMl ISTATU PATRKICTINOU NATIOtfWtDI USA 949-156-9705 www Pllflcktenor t com RURAL PROPBITT FORSAlf ~ C°"*Y "°""' 5115 AMZOMA IUT loUIGMt, 36 au u S2,,900 Sor de ri Sli t• Land 8uubllA r ltich l"I wtmlrnll fla111Att ttea, per1ect 6.lOO elm.lie SpectacuW mountal"I vtews Alfordlllll '-nconc All.R l-t37·2112· 5263 (CM. •SCAN) . ~ ............. $85 t advertorial ailablltty ot -• fl• ;al nc ., 111 111 ~. SI ] m •m m m m m m m OadyP110t 'f••rly 21tr, l lte, rooftop deck w/360. vi.wt W/D, $1500/mo aull 9/15, 949 673 3023 ,._, ......... ~ A/C, w/d. A mtao, d/IO, RI ~ dia.11, rapu1 Sl 1'!f:Vmo v'1y 94&QJ :lfil ~ llMD 2b a.. ....,. 11u llld WX¥no ~'e­ Ml! roorn wA& ~ 1~9&~12«1 Balboa Peninsula ~WtNTla aENTAl.S , deluu 2 & 1b1'~ lurn Incl ,., 10/d, Av111 now No peh 949 64'> 488!> .... ,., ll:J ~.lffl ().llt bn1 ~ I !*A.ii ,, i-11 & t.y. A.Ill Sr{A IOI\ YlU lYllASU nHI NIWP<>Q ltOMU t&l CMl\JtlOY llWTOti 949-475-6161 lt• llr Ila unit on quiet P~n111~ul1 Point Nu ~m~ p~t $1510 ind ut1194'J ?'JI ~631 I 200tf, 21r Ua m llt:<1<.••• lia;. IUI llrt. LR. """ 'liv> to Ix.I\ 'p.ell/lro. Sl9',0.,1 1"11 949 Yi> !888 .lbr 2t" 011 lhlboa P~11111 hdwd llt•,. fp. paloo 2 l ~•r, ••••I 8 I .;~1116~ •WJ 7'H 4631 ~ 9&029B fot lea .. Sir 2' />ta ,.._......, ~ Hoon• Pl•Y•te u1I d~ '>a• D.· ..._ .. 1 ,,1 .. ydr d er ~al .. t ."., .. 2 lra "'!>, 1u• ' P•t S/<)',O n ·~·1 ~I'> 0077 pithOS, 2 &W~, lh.wn1ine .... °'*' ~ to bmr11 ~ fbO)n ~;91& Hurt.or View Ho111 .. ~--IS $PAQOUS. !Hr .'fl., 1.Jrmd Mod~I . ., I s 11100 ""' A •••l.•hlt-91 I Baylt Ont C<>ndu lbr • b• "~' '14'l /','~ H7t, 2 c~r vur t P••h1r tn1 . bdy & ocean •I~" l"l I 9m S!f.biro fl3 17'1& l'fil llM.80o\ ~ 1"1»41' Corona del Mar ' * teoutlful lbl /11" rent•I 1 UIP 1.f)M <l•1ph, ear aa•. w J h1111~up ~t $2b!>O 94\l /q I 411 10 * leoutlful lb• II. • lfntal tut~ I UM <1111•1•' 1t11ra1e w1d h1111kuµ /\at $lb'..O 94•1 I'll 4h 111 t)c tdH vu~"' \ """''' 1 '\tn1 y l H1 ttt 1 • ,It 11 '" 11•, h .. , , fOUrf '''' r l1t' j I •Ulf • poot '\n11tll 1••·t •1k S H1.l1 mo Klt>1n M.1mt : 881 104 l!b4 •• '1!"'1 4br 'lht ¥.IJr•'tllil 'Hit' '~ t' •a•J I I 11/Uf I' \ l1U1U •I I 11uo.I I ll ·.~ S lrMMI mu •a. I J...\1.J M'il }M,U Costa Mesa l\)Vt' th· j 11111 • 'f Ifft I • l\fJI "J··.t • ,, ft1i: 1 ~ t , , , •• lfi $39f:l •t1u W ,, .. , It •~I p•ld r h11• M• 11;·11..,11t 8/7 /114 11111'1 f If 'l.'1~1 . /fjr Hiii •( tf'• ,Jt ..... hurn,.• I fu ._ti hf' ti f1 '1t1f ibd $i'ol~llllo•lol'l .. 14 l4~\ UYIROHJ WIHHR RIHUl 41r, 2'/110, 2 <or gar, fvfty fun.l"-1 S4000.- A uodate cl Realty 949 1>13.Jt.t.3 Newport Coast TllOVARI 11 l tf.cl I, .... , i t 11~1 1•1 I JllOVAll r I l \f"i1 I I • t I ·j~· \.1 HNt ,,,., ,"; ~ i\tt ~J ~p•c ocn/ha•b0< vlew• ~1.1 1.t • '~ ... 1o·v.i " tl ff,, s '~" llM r, 1v.ur If •t I II I 141, F'/N JJ <Ii I apar tmenl through c.ld~sif1ed 1tACl8 .. NllO M;.,y 119 Piiscalt. m.m. How~Sl~ tur r al [r•olrr...-.t loot clod• crew wanted I I f' I "i>l>l• n p~• ·"" I I 1JU l fl<iy\rrlt IJt C w fH!d •l•I M,,, Wed Sdl JU" /fl DRIVERS WANTED N1 Wjl<A' & ~""'""~0111.1• ,, ·t'I Y'C•IH OWfl '.t ht'dt11~1 f .tit Hf lu,tl ti ht' d\tdtlttbft"" S/'l • dny lull ""'e r All~ 0111 WOkl' • «"1 ''-"'°#WOOlu•u AT-IASI Wum .. n, ._ tnr .. t t\ f 4 ., •lO I •!hf '~ O•lN .• ~''-' d I , J1)1I f' I 1lt t '" ....... , ••lf•I·" t I t" "'"' Jt 'W') l'f< r<l'fi four PT po• d<"~" t•.•..,.nbly .,1 l•oltiMy .111t t d •"trt .. tw.:r. '•lft\J (_Ji ..... ""'''.,..//I ',/Ii OH ICl MAH/\Gllt f f1 f Jlf'l~.u ti h 111111, _.ut .. , tOMf 11 I 1 ''l~'t ,,,., 17111 • 'ANNOUHCf/ltHHT• • tlilt t I ' \h \ #\rU t ".ih wr 1 .... u,.11 ••,. ll't1fl h I I t~-.l'•I If .a.-, IC. .J,...AJ•r ,... LJt• Nu I "'11 V'><lt! '8311 I '"''~"'•"! SlRVIRS I HllDlO I •du !111 .. 1 ! yt• ••1Jt1 A111 Iv .11 14h l V • l d' N1 ..-.ti'J'' f~, • n b er1•tlc. lft•tlvetetl: t .. 111 pl•r••~ netd to help cleim newly built home•. Ho up•r .. nu reqwed 20 40/l1r~ per .,,. 9'9·515 47$8. Wedneseidy, Aueust 27, 2003 A9 By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS THAT F.XTKI\ Clf ANCf-t Ot-drCJPel.a $ f.111•. a.nem 10 ~ \\ t..•il NO~fH • J911 K J 19J J I\ Q • 011 2 •.AS I • l • IObJ 98 () J 7 5 4J 4 10 11K 7 QS KIOYK2 .. \ 4 ·' SCll'rtl • \KQ75J .\ 7 l " • ~J 5 lh·· h11t1t111r "Ol t II \\,__,I I• P-., '• ~ " ~' '•• ..... ,, Ml..Rl ll 2 • 4 ... ,,_ I c ,",~'""~ "'·"" 1.:n ,,, .. .. ,,-, Pa'-' ......... r-.,,. ... '<Cl lh.i11C ~UllUllu flJll ,..,If....._ lccd, hJll .... u ''"'· hol .. 11 "'111 lw•l l..ll.cn Ille "'111n11 lrnc:1 . Tbc llU\.Ul-'11 V.il.\ Clef.JOI ~th 1umpeJ tu ,IJ<,,. JO ._.\l~llcnt "' cJt<l \Ull n u, llllflfmci.J l\ol'lh ·, holt.frny ~r>tl J lour..11.,niund l Ul' h1J 'Ujl!IC'I etl 111t<·•«'I in 1rl\ll\. 11\.11 yaru .. °'"'"" \OOWcJ lwan ~l'f'U'I .u1<l. 1111 l'C:tlln~· 11 'P••!k prt'lcr.:n•c: h11111 'l.11nh ~ .. p.=J to th.; ,11a.JI .f.1111 the: .iu. uon h.i<l m.111-cd the ,.,._. 111 , lu,.,._ ., :;~~'~' 16 \.qlQ QrltU t 7 NO-"'61nyw.d<t JI) 11! Piw"'l""""a¥ t 9 l.utlflCat~ 20 Mcore~y "2 lJt>op1• ;;>4 !'.l\J\1911• .... ~ 25 Momoy·s dog ~ ~" ~"""'!l·r .... C<i • ocv:i """'"~ 32 Wato<V\Q pi~ces "'c'I ftJ th,• rt•p 111 ti" c luh II; Sii.WM ~ ~ ..C<.fUl'llll' L.J\I "'''" V.tlh UlC' ... c .in.I . ..it~ rcturrtc.t th« li.ur h> ':.llUth , lJn11 l7 t 91l•ndarv '°'"l • 19 Ja~ p.i I runlf)\ 11..-r ... Jrdv.n 111 lhn-.-ruun.l w Socu 'OU<tWt· JJlC..1 lfl\h .• uJ \11 l..ti..1111 J ht:Jfl fll~'"l4 .,.,_, ~ ._,.'1 I dcd .. r. 1 ''"l1<'1l 1hc ~'"~ .11111 ""'' i •·3 Sh,,.J<, 11~., Wht·n Ill<: tlU•'Cn Jrupp.:d J..d.•fll 44 (,omSIOCi! Lode '1 .. ,, ..... .i th<· "''' "'" '' (J..11. """J H "°" ""uth .,.. .. , 1H1t 111._.,.,,,.1 v.1th 46 Hl.'t~ov• '<'•""'' ''J1ht 1u,1 .. "ru111.I l!'"'f' 111 .a He-.itam SC>v<'ds ll.'t..hn14u~ HJtl t1-.·r fllJJ'"'''~ 11t1I i1 ~'l•P8$ JflJ• u1 .1 •k l.ttt·r \i\.nold h~•\~ IJlh ,, ~ v ... ,. .. ~ ,_,... ti..t~ "" th« d1.11m1111.J hn.:'" 11~.1 52 Hl'lltt DOWN ' Arao-.set 7 C,;n.r V& I Pla.,g11All'rrl $1'\()C~ 4 IMX••"9 ., <..cir •• h I <Jf\i iN1t,111nq 1 s.•ooar~ · 8 ~--·· -I A"P't& 't:r~ 11' 10 On@ (, .... ..,, atWn• ll 6-JI•, .... V'lltlJV" ( J~ l ~; Ctrn~1 1 "1 of t;HI 1 21 r~.4 ~ covv· 2'J P4.,. ,,., ;.ik Bftu ,.., }•~·it ,, r-,. "'' an :..11 .,l;J~ 2t' .,J·•1 .. 11 ?; V&iktl I PAtVIOUS PUZZLE IOl VED 3 • '>JI' •at> ]I ,..flVtY' J1.1 ''6~ c.4H1 4 '111t t f'lJ(1f.llf.,..W \A ~'\ -t u•fr1 1' 11 i..i.l"J ... 41 uu·;t.W' -'I r 1 H~ -1~ ::4 !:-.I r·,.. t r .. m:.J I t•flr1 .. ,. ~ .... t. S" •11r--.. e· ~~ !>"Wh' !"'I] u v •r ~ .... z ..... ,,.. ... v, r,r , • t r r .. 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Turbo I q,1, ., ,, •Hly llOo "~ 'l'f(j>I "'f.,"dl J"l•JlJlttJ 911 L••on GS 300 otJ~ N 4~11 .. ,.,,, ..... ~hf 01• ... 1~1 ( l':l4lll1 S!I •Ql.IJ 0 1 l'ONcJ.. G11 111,11 ~ I bl"'~ '>Illy J()') r I ' ' 0 I Ahrc•J., CUOO "' t1, .,. tt 1.1~"'1! Ila· n!'.hl I'"'''""' "'hen '"""''"~· •11 It<• '"' "lll•l' tht" fine,.,... I '"'' t-..· 1.1~.-11 1·11h.:r ''"" '"'nt.' \\ 111 111\>I\ th.11 "41 J~llCol W\111 It~" ~·••I 11l'.1l 111 U\ • 1 Automotive • 1.ml.y Arnos1-'00 0wyJer '94 N-Yori<w k~ .. I • IJ''· i.,.., ""'" Z,4<X> 15 V6 I own•• 4 l~ , Automotive 1rn t>h~11 uh~ tt.hl ct.• tu d I m 1 b o" k •_. $146,60lXOtl821 1e<111 d~ m•l•ll•• t" NEWPORT AUTOSl'Ot!T QUOI~~. t .. n Ith• I 11lly 949-S74-SM>O luadtd, lit.~ new $4/9'. IMW '90 l251 llk1 !tt'W HI,., tdll 4 <Jr ti t' "'f '.Urtr t tuU p "'' 'r1tr A '.lfjo~ $ 36')/j /1 4 4'>4 ll1''1~ BMW 5281 '99 ""'' WJr'un ''''' 'cu111 w~u' rnty loddt·J S ••, r I' 14'! kl\/ 41>44 ~nJ8 Btu 949 SW, l~ I www.ocpabl.<om Co•v•ll• ·99 Coup• dOl<J 60k • ill'! m rl.tlf Ir td l•n llhr .1,11.-rt. cond lh1ou2h"ul, S'J.'J'l'l Bk1 949 ':i&f> l~ I w-.ocpol>l.com Corvette '89 Coupe d Jin 60k • m1 m~•d• lr•d t.tn lthr •.H''""'b IMW '98 Zl Conv. <CJ11d t11111u~t1oul S'J 'J9'1 " •,. "'' I• '"' llhr 0 B~r '~-49 '>at. 18& b..-.1u11t...1 l"-..-hrw '-'1 1d ww w .ocpottl.com SI b 4'1'> ,S'l/I~ 111 ~ W.11 ., .. til<I 'WI 'Hi I~ I J ....... , '90 f40 ww w .ocpo6 lem U••t" uf d "'"d lf>'J.lr. n' I J4 'J(J, ()()() •OXhlS4{) ' •MW '99 Z3 Conv, 2 S HlWPORT AUTOSPORT 1 '' l'» '" "pd •II , 949.S74 Sl>OO , '~ ~ '"'" tflf ,, H·,1.il.f1H llP't. •• f; I ltlld fWTWi ~., 328 GTS Automotive 9004 Mo1da ·o I Tril>vte (S '''"t!' ~, .. , lthr llh. m~. Vb 4wd b •O w•rranly w s 14 4'1• ;4 ,,,., 81~ ! MB2 CUOO '02 ~ ••Jit •J N<!i" ,., t $111,IJ.() ~41!1 , H (Wf'041 t AIJl O'il'Oftt 949 S74-S600 .. 1fl I t " ~ .. , t lft"it"f" • '• / tdt'ft •IM80'lf, SI t '> '•IHI NlWPORl AUtOSPOltT 949 574 S600 MllCIDIS BHZ SUO Oi f ull1 •d<it",1 t • • "" bldl.. ~·er rr-1 t ' nJ !l)ll(trr .. SM '>t.ICI "'"'~'iJ,1 ' /Hl~f> ffi MERCURY TOPAZ '89 ,,_,,,,,,.., ¥ A' 1 ilr ,,,~ tt •'• '' \t~M Mr'""V /14 )!/~ 'J.1'>', $11' 4'1', v'>'>'>l~I 1, I <6 nt ~•n 1.,~ -e> "" •n & "arrdnl1 d•~•t S4/ '>00 •07'KH9 H~r 949 '.>AA llW! I NEWPORT AUTOSPORl M~ D&AMAHJl '97 www.o<pabl.com 949-S74-S600 I l'J. m1 '11.e 17ey •,on! -A I fj •'II ~.o)'(jl I d • .,.~ (AO AlllAHTl '1991 I fenwi '00 S4«1 114 9141!1(1, I '""'~' "'"'' hi, k 456M GT.A 3>I rm, Stlvtt r 1 ""I~ 1.tud; (,I,, 11! fkw~u• aUlo "' 4 Porte .. • qq Correro .,,.,1, ,, drt' \1 .. '>v.J ._..4fflf ~e4t tor rhr tarrw11 4t>., 11 , t ., 1 .. 'l4'l 1)44 1949 I SI l4 'JOO •I 1'1638 hr nm• "hi HfWPClal AllTOSl'Oltt S l'l q•10, V •h.' •11'11 ... 949-S14 5600 l'\.Jn 1n, t ""' .,. ' f'!• 949 S86 1818 www.ocpabl.<om IJ h1 .. Automotive 9004 MOTOR HOMES .. ... 'Nd)... f-1 l t l1l d, r1.tt h r1 ,,.. .. •, .t.Jd t,Omp~ 1.,t 1'01J' likt r:,."" •1 t •1;t•t Jfft•f l.j· ~ H ll ·~ S8'J':-t"J 1>!ll''' I Hl<.t ;l'l c,.w, I'®' WWW .......... cam AUTOMOBILES, MISCEUANEOUS Wanted 9045 ' '""" I •f ,.. f' • # r •I .4 1';tfl I 'J • j,, ~ f I ff nnt l:....11 CAiA R,..v ('1. , , ... 1. ""'~ -14 1•1 ~II J1 114 !'8 L''l\ CASH fOR CARS Wf NHO YOUa CU PAID FOR OR HOT PHIWPS AUTO ASl fOlt MAlCOlM 949.5,. 1117 Motor Homes • Rent 9355 MOTOR HOMI fOR RlNl /CK(I i•ll• & I ' ·r· . ,,.t ~ ii->. ' I'' "t ' 1..-r1~ 11111 1t1 tot , l t .,, ,.., x. ,,. .. , !tct rt t4--t 't' H'·h "' 'l4'J '>VO IJt>t, Power Boats 951 5 OUff'f WClllC !(lrl I 1>11 .... • s•u•,r 14 64J\ v.• 2000 17" "',, ,,. 1••·, "'' .. ,, I ·~I ,, . BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING' STORAGE • I 'I 9680 SUI'S AVAllAIOll from J S 9!>Jr '" Nwwpor-• l•oc.h Leo,• 949 SOO IOC.S ••• .. /I\ HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS "NOflCC TO R£AOCRS C•llfrJrn1a ldw re quw ._ that tunll •· IOI~ , ... '"ll ~·b' th~I total S'>OO or mor~ (labtl m 1td••t'1 be l J ltf II'~ Cont• · t , lolAI• lKen<e 11 .... ,.J ~tat .. t1w at'<' '"•~lOffl"\ that tOnlr•t lor' "" ludr their li<en"' 1111mb~1 on •" M!Vl!<h"nt You on t h,.<h 111• ,,.,., of ytour 111 •nHd cont 1 1 a I 'f//W'lit \fb " .. .iov ur 800 J21 <'SlH Unl1 ten\ed <01111 or lor ~ ta~1n11 1oh' lh•I 10111 le~s th•n $'>00 must 1t•tr 111 lhe11 ad"''! "•mPnh that I hey '' • n• ' IK ennd by th,. Con tr .oc tot\ State L1ttn~· tJ.,Ard ·· ov1...... 1r •'"'"' & wppcw\/troubl4 ~001tn1 ~-blS-. °' 1>«sonal 949 548 ?5J8 , A -I HANDfMM •=~cabinet .. . . .,....._ : ,..,. ~71~1258 : ......... ,..... , .... C.,. SIM W 111 ,,. Im -mptl ~ ~. ... --~~ ----- --- I \irnpc:-.10 I. •Ill II tn ltou~ ( ·1eaning ~!l ~wll\ 111 liU\1111'." I 11.~n..c1I &. UunJ<d P1nh·,,o,u.1l lt>aim' '"'11.l•<'tl to• )11uc 111101<: • 949 l 548.0097 1 r« I 'hm<ltC\ Rckn:occ' '>1t11n11 ( 'k.utlllll .... , .. , '"'' ' •llSl#fff 1'U AMS Upcrades, Repein ol Conlputtr, Nt twotb . E vem111VWtel.o. •ds Competitln Jlfl<.U IOf qu11tty Hl'VI~. 94t·IH-117S 714-t2'~221 QulclcKJean ~'treptace ~.~ ~..-no VSIMC~ .... m-1544 www.qktlle.com ERVICE Concrete & Mnoniy l rl<k ll•di St..,• fll• tc.oc•••~ P.itio. Otivew•v f • epk. l'.IBQ Ref, l!>Yr' C.p fmy !_1~'>'>~594 the CeMe.,tM- 1.~me11twor~. 811<11, ltl• & More Heflable No 1ob too small 714 615 9062 ...... .._. Do•lr & Const JOOS ~ I lflb Ill a m. Stew Mlrm l '8Z22.14 949 582 En Oesillap Pllblllhlng YC>UaHOMI IMl1tOVIMlNT NOJECTl Cell • plumber, p•lnl1r, h1ndym1n, Of •ny ol the arut set•kH listed here In OUf ser vtc• dif ec toryl THESE LOCAL SVC f>E.Of'LC CAN HELP YOO TOOAYI Drywall Services I GardeninQ/ wlTl'HOln ORYWAU Landscaplng All ph•,~< \m lrit 1111>~ OlrtyW~ .... c- CLfANI 20yr\ '"" Ire~ Si:r in"••• upcrad~\ I"'' l40JOX) /14 t>l'J 144/ RtpM"•. lrO\Jblrostlootir«. Electrical Services I rtoean...,.. . free S«'vrf.~ f>!Mlt'"i ~ic;c,., & mote• l DUNCAN (LfCTRIC Tt4-TtS-nn l .... vuu "' R,. l-10,,,,. I ll11n1. (.;rd & [), lo ll., I .. ~--'!P-lmi!~· I ZO Yr •. l•P lot tnwrrd s...,.,..., 5 •-Up L•.U'>8/0 949 650 /042 Cet your t.irtl loolunci I UCIHSlO CONJUCJOR ~~.:. = No lib loo..,,, AJ -~~· b.n' ~ .rld ~ RPpair, rtmo<kt, '""' wttt.end & P•~ ~te-\ ~ •-S"'-949-64') 4£66 Xtro He11tl Servlc .. Aooring/Tile Hardwood & linoleum. Sub Floor Repair. Molding 949-582-8866 714-925-3249 CUSTOM mAYM TU ~mt& OlfJlllK, nwble. st.one. ..... 1975 U6 l3* Jeff 714-612 9961 HHDWOOD flOOH Repaln lnalell•tlon & Relinlsh (949) 351 2646 UMY ~ Rlpitred Repoulin ~ lnsl•ll•hon Tll[ ()[AH 949 673 8065 71~ 714-8)2031 L.-Ter.,..1t-4.~ w.Ny ....... _.lrmq & lnsl.tll•lton. 25 Yn. op LIC/lnwo 1d 949 !>48 ~ ~.&ft/E ~,.... lfl'n Uv· l\ollScrriui.~ y.,,, o.-,. ,.,.. ~w c....iw--- 7 14.436.J S l 8 SEU 714-4V-0040 Tr•• \•rvlc•, Varel t...lunup Mamtenanct. Sp11nhl~1 R~pa11. Hauhne (94') 6S0-17• t HanctymaW Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & RCMODELINC CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 11 V11 Elf • <nit Rift ,, PlllM et ec-.. ldln ~~ .. llS77tl2 948-3Q6. 7988 HanclyrnalV Home Re.,alr Will it_,~ do.d! Sot...,..Ptiet! Doe't ..._die riglit toot.! 1111lart to•-Y..la. Y.da. Yw XmHud~ 714.427.0040 Mab dot. tt.,,. GENEIALIUAll Ii MAINTENANCE • Restdmml . (~ Nu Job Too Small Dave BamJ.1100 949-322-8292 c-·t 0. "l Oo.,'t w-t te 4. hl We un & we will 2~ 4 •" )'OlA' ._ repa11~ 714 348 8430 nx UP Sf'lOAUST. ~II ty-pe' of cepa11s l ie<· t11ea1. plumbln&. door'I. -,_,_ tll!IS & more z4~n11av" 714<J66 1es1 -....c.-... ,..., Cvp. 11tly • Pklmblf\I 0. y-.ull • SlllCCO P"nt\fle, Tiie & mof• 21>• Yun [Jperlencel JI 714•9'9-5116 J..My~'• .._.~Spec ..... t lnt.riof & Eaterlo< "•''"' 714 501 6466 YMINMDYMAM All WOtt. CV••nteecl ~~Docn.. FlnWI~--~ 91r1,C......&T .... ~el~. l rector s.tvlce Anlee~ Call An~llne 714 5IO ...,, ... '°'"' ..... ''' 7l4 tflA..llll AYM.Alll l~Yl MJ.t7JS. I House Cleaning Howe ci-1..,-bp'tl Wkly 81 wk.t1 M11nlhly Rl't'\. Cr~•I ralt•\1 lm~td.o 949 ~ 94'1 Z18 am Interior Oeslgn lft H-• Cotuulrlng I Mlurd•ble Style 949 t;,44 4640 A·Hom• 114 962 1817 lnt•rlort Moving & Storage -"" :J BR:r ... u::.; ,,,ov1NG .', 5 TORAGE Open 1 D•ys Low Rat" ~~s 5'nce 1981 949-645-4545 I Moving & 5toraoe PUBLIC NOTICE Tht C a l1I Pub lot V!.l•ltf~ t ,nim1'\"un f PQUtf,._'\ thdl atl U .. t"d hou~thold "or>d' m1Jwf'r \ print thtclf r l ! C4t I "umbr limo• .on<! th&ufteu1' pront the11 TC f' nu"1b~r tn •ff adv~• t•\'m•nh ft yuu I\•~~ •"V qu~\t•on' aboul tht tec•ltly ul .o mov•r lt mo or t haulteur. ~all PUIUC UTIUTIU COMMISOON soo 111 ... , Painting S4trilt & ............. H ST MOVlaS SSS/Hr. Custom Hi1nd Painted SefVIOI ""Cit~-ln~ured t.\.n•s & r .... p ....... 1163844 323 997 1191 "1nt tor ,_,~I f,(,61 3.?3 6.JO 9971 cell Home lmpflMfl\ent AvalOft Remo••lillf Specializing in Additions & OuaNty Remodeling Si11C11970 714-309-0783 ..... Allstll Jolel SELL your stuff tkoudl classi fied! ~"""'~· ~Professional Paint111g le;~ Rob l&b&ll -Owner Cotta Mela. Ca (949) &46·3008 Cell 9'9-887·1•80 Pool Service I Painting •E'S CUSTOM PAINTlNG MoH '< , ... & Spo Sv<. I Prnn [•~in Qtttt••t.,. ,.. • .,"' tntet•Of' fl•I an<J ,~,." L.,03468~'!flll 4t>ln I Joy•..,'• Paln11nt l•'f> Qu•lltv f uo1r .. t•t•"t htlet tof f ••I •h4}/ll'4 ( dll ,~, 14 • 6'> ':>Ob'> RAINBOW <JR(U MA.NT "'"'"'"'•rot.,, ~hN' Art Quality.·~· r ... ,.. tllfldl• l *"698':1 / 11 4 6 J6 ~ Plumbing SlWB All OWi C1.W9'6 ~4!) ~S_:!lS.!._ T JU ~ ,., f ""ftt!tW";'' or scwrR ICTTING HCCTRONIC \l 48 l [/\K OH£C ltON r rol'ndl1 Sc>rvo • t 4 t -67S tJ0 4 w .. r:~•t ., w, r J 1ut rt1f'ln1 H,.P4"' lo ,,, .. .., cott •49 1n Tt Tl RoofiO!VGutters •Jn,, ... •"'·••" &: • lla.clni ual • C -m<Kial (949) 54&-0769 ~""'"' ... tutl'r ,.,,.,, ,, Tree Service J.C. TREES Trl-bef, Rt1flf•r•I 6 Ycnl Ckc11.,. 714.435.17 ~·101 T'Ml ~I $9Klellzlnc rn wa-.lt•-~114 l 1S81241 M9 l50 1211 [· FIND THESE WORDS IN THE PUZZLE BELOW. BROOD COLONY DROVE FLOCK GAGGLE HERD LITI'ER PACK POD PRIDE SCHOOL SWARM THE ~08 l<EAO UP. OOWN ANO ACROSS. COSWARMLON P A C KL I T E .R S . QKHERDHWRC PICTURE W C 0 L 0 N Y E E .H TOOBROOD RO Y L L I T .T E R W L U F I P 0 J D 0 H G Col o r in each space tha t contains a le tte r. • F L 0 A K L I V D F G A .G G LE R EG F S W A R T Y P 0 D D -Start I Here ' ' /. ~ Why di.d the cat go bowling? l21 l24l22l2ol14l12 l24I I 1 l24I l16l2ol12I l2o l 1 I l20 l s Is l24l10I l22 l2o l 13I '/ PRINCE OF PEACE Christian School .. Home, Church & School, Developing The Whole Child" 15 16 18 • • 17 • •19 14 • 12 • 11• •2 9 • .10 ~-~--J• •4 ··~uuO OUOdlA JM~ 'II\ :l m{ i 1 'l ~ '! 'I i ll ,\ I I 11 ~ IJ I I 'lHOOIOdl:l1 1 v.'11W111)1 \ I) 11 t<J. 0 0 II 8JIJ'O t tt 1 1 ~ " o i ol';.,.. llllt\HOM3H}i0 ~ II l l I T"iCJ ~ .1 ' IJ I I\! V v.JJU ) ' -'-"---t . . ·~ ;; ST. JOACHIM CATHOLIC SCHOOL ' Preschool Elementary Kid's Club (AM & PM) .. • Pre-Kindergarten to gm grade OPEN 7am -6pm • Qualified , credentialed teachers • Christ Centered • Enrichment Program @5-;tvee @5-poon • School accredited by WASC • ACSI Sponsored • Tutoring Available • On-site ex tended day care avai lable • Sports Leagues • Drama/Performing Arts 2987 Mesa Verde Dr. East, Costa Mesa Nanna Agenca 1964 ORANGE A VENUE, COSTA MESA (949) 574-7411 Website: www.kidspop.com (714) 549-0562 Fax: (714) 434-3845 , (714) 469 -3087 Contact: Cathy Dressler PIAYMATES PRESCHOOL Since 1964 • Developmental and Early Childhood Education Programs For 2 Yrs. thru Pre-K • Special Emphasis on Kindergarten Readiness at the Pre-K Level • Potty Training Available Full D~ & Morning Half-Day Sessions Monday thru Friday 6:30om-6:00pm Director: Arlene Shapiro (714) 540-1919 State Ucense # 300600796 795 Paularino Ave. • Costa Mesa Located Between Bristol & Bear St. Affiliated with Park Private School •A Perfect Match For Your Family • Classical Dance Center rgo~~ ~ .C\~ 26 Quall Street \ ~ Newpon Beach 949.752.9400 CaU /or Class Scbedt1"1 2026 Quail St., Newport Beach Eliza heth Huebner, Artistic Director . -YJ,,//,.l'llta rj lhr• r;f//"",'I . .J/1ff//r! r~P<'trtlixiJ~'f fJ1 Yf /ulrlre 11 j ~ laJ.u-~J Ballet ,.._ Tap ,.._jazz Ages 2 Thru Adults Enroll Now for Fall Visit us :ll. class1caldancecenter.com NOW OFFERING y t.1N( ti tP t+oP TAUGHT BY ~~· ~uuGGr FORD ELEMENTARY • MIDDLE SCHOOL PARK PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL 51Na1966 l<lndergart9n through Ith Grade l':ttabllNd In 1'66 • Prtndpal Sumnne Lamond, M.A. Ed. READING/LAHGUAGE ARTS PROGRAM EMPHASIZING PHONICS STRUCTURED FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS ONE & TWO-YEAR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM. Limited Openings EXTINDED CURRICULUM TEAOaS FOR: • Computer Education • ~ish • Swimming (pool on premises) • P.E. • Ai1 •Music • Internet ConMdion in~ lob and Closarooms. Clasaroom ~ & ~lab on premiMt. Reader, ........ & Audio VISUClt ~ r=' .... c..a...w.ct .......... Smal single grade t1oa .... SiYrtg ~. .... ' .... School. 6:30 ~ • Non-Acclden* 5UfNw camp 261 MOlde *a A1we.. COiia Milla, CA 91617 ............. :: ..........