HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-30 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' th~ \ .. . . .. ' I ' · I Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 SATURDAY,AUGUST30,2003 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH / OAJL f PIL 0 ' A 30-by-50-foot American flag 1s carefully hoisted from the back of a pickup to its final destination at the top of 423-foot-tall crane at the Hoag Hospital Women's Pavilion construction site. Flying high Giant Anierican flag spends a day above Hoag Hospital Lolita Harper Daily Pilot 0 ..ay. if you can't -.ee it -by the dawn's early light, or any light -you should forget about the overc;i.7_ed show of patriotism on the campus and walk right into I loag HospitaJ for an eye examination. a !>peUbound audience outside the site, the 42-pound flag was hoisted to the top of the Uebherr er.me. whk h is being used to build the state-of-the-an facility. Members of Celebration USA Inc. teamed up witJ1 hospital officials Friday 10 produce a 30-foot·by·SO·foot clio;play of Old Glory. hanging from the crane used for constniction of Haag's Women's PaviUon. in honor of the I .abor Day holiday. Before The construction workers. du~ty and hot fro m a full day's work on the heavy machinery, surrendered their hefty equipment to accommodate the presentation. Still wearing hard hat!\ and overalls, those who can deeply appreciate the meaning of "labor" day gave a rousing cheer as the enormous flag was hois ted into the air. Others. with fewer smudge-; Brian Paulson, left, and Pat Findley weld a nng onto flag post before hoisting the giant flag onto a crane above the See FLYING, Page A4 construction site of Hoag Hospital's new Women's Pavilion. Lifeguards prepare for busy weekend Warm water and exposure on a Fox TV show could make for crowded beaches during summer's last days. Lolita Harper Dally Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -They come from the Inland Valley, across the street and a bike ride away and they are looking for a great holiday weekend on the lovely shores of Newport Beach. It is Labor Day weekend and labor is the last thing on these beachgoer's minds. It is the last summer hoorah. School is around the corner. but for three more days. nohody has to think abou t it. And Mother Nature has made it even easier to forget about the looming responsibil- ities, offering a blazing sun and warm water. So what does that mean for the fine men and women charged with keeping these La· bor Day v1sitors safe? They need to step it up a notch. It's a challenge for Newport Beach ltfeguardc; who have about a 30% drop in personnel because many lifeguards have started coUege, officials said. But it's a hurdle they can cross -imagine leaping over crash· ing waves. red t1otalion device in hand, o n the way to a rescue -with a little planning a crea-. llvity, lifeguard Jim Turner said. "This is the big crunch, with so many of our employees at college," Turner said. "But we've got reservists and pan-timers corning back for the week and some (of the lifeguards who are leaving) have skipped a workout or two lo fill our complemenl As far as I know. no one•~ actu· ally missing school.·· The area's coastal defender5 have also arranged class sched· ules 10 take early classes and then get back to their towers by noon. to relive the m orning crew, he said. Because of the consistently good surf (usually I to 3 feet) and warm waters nearing or above 70 degrees, record-break· ing crowds are expected on the white sands of Newpon Beach. Throw in a three-day weekend, perfect weather and national See WEEKEND, Paae A4 Authorities will be alert for holiday A lot of people are expected to leave town thi s weekend. lt may mean a quiet Newport-:vl e~a. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NrWPOR I· \II.\-\ many in tJw, nM .... 1al u11n11111n1t\' will be !>I rikmg up 1 hl' b.1rhl'l Ut' and en1oymg th<:' l..i. ... 1 le'' d.i)., •;I the con v1·nt1<>rlJI '>t'J'-un ot rt:'· creation. are.i pubht '>dfl't\ olti uah will do their be-,t to l'll'>Un· that nobod} gl:'t'> '>Ill.I< l..ed 111 thl' fdlt' when re..,tdt<nh exu1edl\ let their prowrb1al h:.ur drn\ n Spoke..,men lrnni '\e\\ pnrl Heach and Lo-.ta ;\le\a poltt l' and fire LlepdJ1me1111, "JH.l thmg.., '>la) pretty normal Jround lhl' '>lat1on-, during holidd) '"el'I.. end~. but puhllL '>dfi:r~ ofliL1JI'> are "ure w ~eep a l..n:u evt· DUI for trouble Co~ta ~h."'>J l'olicl:' I 1 D..ilt< H1r· ney '>aid ~nday tJ1al otfaer' ne\er knm' what to expt•tt lrorn Labor Day weekend betau..,e it dep.cndi. on whetht·r people 'ta) PUBLIC SAFETY QUESTION ? Are public safety officials adequately prepared for • holidays such as Labor Day? Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone num beri; for venf1cation purposes only tln-.e !CJ home or dt:'udt· 111 ..... Jrtlt'lllllt:''" Lall<, do IOLrt'a. ... t· .ind 'OllWll nH~'>. 11 ·., '"I Jb'>(J . lu1e gho-.1 lm'n bet,tU'>t' ever\'· h1;d\ lhl'> dt:t ldt·d tu lake ofl -.111111'\\ ht·re .. Hm1t·\ -.;.11d I Jnp1te a "udden 30 cent n'>t' 111 1lw d\t'rage pnLe ui gd'>. d prt·" reled't' lrom the AAA re· porh hultdct) trn'vel 1 ... '!Ill t:>.· peued to he he.iv\ ;-.;t:',.,..., thJ1 n1J\ tllbl.11 a -.lo\\ \\'t:ekeni.J lor .ircc1 IJ\\ enlort ement offil tdl" I Jnlr,.., thow pt<ople Jre JU JwaLl111g drn~ n the Lo-.td \ le'X! f-ret'\\ ii\ t11r tam1I~ gt.'l ·together'>. llwn n t <:111 gl'I me-.-.\ Hime\ ....uLI. uung .m ,JJ·tou unnmon reup1· lor re\l:'lr. Oftt:n \\llh tel ebr,tl<H\ hol11..l.iv· uiml.., b<1fl1e he ..,,utl .\dd -.<m1i: ruv.ll\ 111 la'>v" See HOLIDAY, Page A4 Boy 's conditi on critical after fall 3-year-o ld fell from a second-story _ a partment balcony. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA ~I F..SA -Police are staying ught lipped on 111fonna· 1ion about tht: fall of a J.year-old Westside boy from a two·-.tory balcony. The child rema111-; in critical condiuon at <J local ho..,- pital. The boy, who-.e name offinah are not relea.r.tng !){'cau'>t' he i'> a minor. feU from an apartment balcony on Thur.,dav afternoon after his mom left hi~n alone on the balcony while ... he qu1ddy r.tn inside 10 grab snmething. police said Friday. Costa Mesa police re'>ponded to a call for medical aide at 3:30 p.m . in the 500 block of Joann Street. Sgt. Frank Rudi,tlJ said. The mother. whose name is not bein g released by police, toll.I the officers she had just stepped m· side for a moment. when her son fell 9 feet to the concrete below. The little boy was transferred 10 \\l'..,ll'rll \lt'd1l ..tl l l'lller 111 '><111ta \J1c1 BPt JU'>t' ol ht.., dgc. ho ... plldl ... pukt''>\\Onldll ...,hellt• B1Jharu tll'chm'd comment about h,., 1n1unec, \.1i arre-.1\ ha'e been mdde 111 connecuon the muden 1. and J!> ot yet. no l nnunal 111\ l''>llgauon ha' begun, Rudisill ...aid I A\\ e11 · forcerne1ll ullinal.., dft' ,1ho Ix-mg ver.· careful ''1th the de1a1J... tht'\ ,,;u release 10 the pubhc · '"( >bvious!\ we JJt' going 10 look mto 11. but nghl no\.\. there I'> an 111fonna11on hold on It ... Ru· d1s11J '>aid. RlH . .lJ;;1JI de-.t nhed an "mfor· ma11011 hold" a.' a routine block on rele<l!>mg dt•tatl'> ahout an 1n- c1tle111 unul funher 111ve.;ugation 1<. completed. Department spok~man U . Dale Birney con· finned the hold C,osll. Mesa Fire Department Bartalidri OUef Oui!> Riley. who was not on the scene at the time of the incident. offered on Fnda)' general safety tips and precau- tions to avoid similar d..t.sasters.. Riley said it is unperauve that parentc; and caretakers never See FALL, Pqe A4 FAMILY TIME Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER Hot with a few cloudl today, but expect a fabulous evening, perfect fof llttJng ouuide with • oool beverage ot wtth a barbecue blntfng. S..P•A2 PRETTY IN PINK Ever think I todc of pink ftemingol coukJ tppMr on your i.wn. If It doee, the folks at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa will be happy to take the birds away for you. SeePa1eA3 COMMUNITY & CLUBS Jim de Boom followa the Hatbor Mesa Lion• Club as they help the Ronald McDonald HouN in Orange and give awey ~ .upPllel. S..P8aeA11 SPORT• Botti of UC IMne\ 10CCer tMml ~ gNM things 1"1.yeer. .. ,,...1 An extra week can't hurt that muc h T he change from summer to fall may still be many weeks off, but for most parents in Newport-Mesa. summer is over on Tuesday. That's when kids in the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dlstrfct go bade to school, unless your child ls scheduled to be returned to Harbor View Elementary School Over there, comttucrlon delays h•ve cau.ed a weekt delayfn their return. l thouaht that lhe delay would be a~ IO &be paren• o1 ctr, a .. die ichool. Mel-a. they pt to epeod lb or MWl'I more d9yt ol qudty dine With cbe6r Male ones before they tum them over to their teachers for most of the day. The delay Isa second '--~----~~ chancetodo STEVE SMITH aU the things they didn't have time for thlt tumO'\tt. Pei1ype they can take one lMt utp IO tbe bmch. or~ a ......., lO a...eum of SderiCe Uid llidU:tiry in toe ~or Dllnejland. rm,.-aOit re111y ... whet the rush is to get their kids back in school. Besides. the district deserves a btealc here, OK? There is construction going on at the school. and h 's not ready for the kids to come back. Stuff ha.ppens. One missed week of school is n ot going to prevent Dick or Jane from getting tb~lr good education. The delay is not going to prevent them from getting Into Stanfonl. and it's not going to cause a loss of ad·tstttm. Tbere is always the potlAMlhf tbaa IOl9e of che parenlt want their' IOds back ln tehool on~ bec:aLm ....,.. bed lt up to theft wtda camps. running around and the inevitable ·rm boredr that kids utter around early August. Ya think? • This um.mer wenr qu ckly. It was made tolerable with the help of some very good people who took ca.re of our kkU at the various day campt ~ datld they attended. 1be first to come to mind are the folks at Soulh <:out Repertory who wocbd with ldds. al'OO"l lhetn our daughter, Bien, IO ... four ~·ptlifonmacel of "'The lncM~· ~the SwmDer ~........ , AJ S3turday, Augu$l 30, 2003 • • • • . • ---- Satisfaction through helping . . Shirley Jenks has enjoyed her years as a v'olunteer, helping !leople get on their feet 0r just get into the Costa ~esa Senior Center. SJJzle Ha rrison Coastline Pilot • I S hirley Jenks has been busy volunteering in Costa Mesa for years. She"s out of the work lctrce now. but she"s still volunteering. "I was a volunteer with the Orange cCast Interfaith Shelt er in Costa r-.1esa in the mid-·sos,·· Jenks said. ·She said she got much satisfaction from helping out at the shelter that vb.s committed to helping homeless f<(!nilies become self-supporting and move into permanent housing. "'I was the 'in-taker' there fora couple of years when the homeless .;helter started,·· Jenks said. "'We would fit in a-. many people as we could. mostl y families with children. a11d they had to look for work." She helped people get into the two-bedroom hou!>e, where they received food and a bed that were paid for with donated funds. "That':. how \\.e ~urv1ved. H Jenks .,ajd "'It wa~ very challeng1ng, but I enjoyed every mmutc of it and got to know some of tho!>r people. who were so wonderful ' She doesn"t hke the ma!>'> perception that homele!>'> people are bums. looking for a hand out. "MoM of them had decided that they wanted to make !iomething of their lives." Jenks saul ··we had all KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PlLOT Shirley Jenks is a volunteer at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. types of people some just got bad luck and there they were." After a couple of years there, they wanted to turn her position into a paid position so she decided to go help somewhere else. Jenks volunteered at Share our Selves, also in Costa Mesa. "It helps the homeless get care from dentists and doctors. It's terrific," Jenks said. There was a lot of need for services hke that, she said. "'It was fantasnc to watch the people who volunteered," Jenks said. "They volunteered aJJ the time, and they are reliable people." When she moved to Costa Mr~a from Huntington Beach, she decided she wanted to volunteer at the Costa Mesa Senior Center to see whar she could do. "That was five years ago that I started as a volunteer at the senior center," Jenks said. "I'm at the front desk answering the phones and signing people up for memberships and classes.~ It's not quite the same as helping the homeless and disadvantaged. she said. "They're not desperate.~ Jenks said. "It's fun. I enjoy meeting people and Jove aJJ the people that come here.H In her spare time. she likes watching movies with her husband, rraveling and going to jaa. festivals. "I hke Costa Mesa," Jenks said. ··1 feel like I've always been a Costa Mesa person sin ce we moved to <.alifomia in 1979." BOOMER CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay SI .. Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mike.Swanson a latimes.com ; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www da1/yp1/ot.com SUNDAY To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present Hon Golden Pond; the last of five free screenings in August, at 1 p m. All are invtted to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. SEPT.12 The Costa Mase Senior Center, in celebration of Costa Mesa's 60th anniversary, presents the CostAmazing Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Travis Parker Band, dancing and barbecue. from 4 to 7 p.m. The Costa Mesa Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. Th e cost is $5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Ticbts go on sale Aug. 15 at the center's front desk and at Costa Mesa City Hall, on the third floor in the Recreation department. Information: (949) 645-2356. SEPT. 26 The O.tit Senior Center will hold a preview rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission costs SJ. The center, at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona det Mar, will be accepting donations from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays from Sept. 8 to 23. Information: (949) 646-4131. SEPT. 27 The Oasis Senior Center will hold a rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Attendance is free. The center, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar, will be accepting donations from 9 a.m to 1 p.m. weekdays from Sept. 8 to 23. Information: (949) 646-4131. ONGOING Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m on the second Saturday of every month Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage. coffee and o range 1uice for SJ. 51 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar For more information, call (949) 644-3244 Women SO and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offi ces, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Braille Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548·3884. Jewish Family Service of Oninge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically Ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 260 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. TM Coin end Stllmp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Family Service offw-1 ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stageS of loss. Group members share e>eperiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There's no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. The Costa M.N Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation Instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. O.tlt Senior Cent9r ofNra • dally telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Quicken, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. Daily A Pilot READERS HOTLINE reproduced without wntten (949) 642-fl086 permission of copyright owner Re<lord your comments about the Deily Pilot or news tlpa HOW TO MACH US Addrea Ctrculadon Our address la 330 W. Bev St, Costa The Timea Orange County VOl. 97, NO. 242 Men, CA 92627 Office hours are (8001 252-9141 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Monday · Friday, 8'.30 e.m · 5 p.m. Advwtillno Comction• a ... .,_. 19491642·567& Publisher News Editors TONYDOOERO Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, It it the Pi10t'1 policy to promptly Dilpltty 1949) 642..&321 Editor colT9Ct 111 errors of eubstance Edltoftel JUOY OETTING D1niel Hunt. Paul Seitowitt, ,.... A~~r Daniel Steven• Pteue cell (949) 764-4324. (949) 642-5680 Promotion• Director NEWSSTAFf FYl lpof'tt (949) 574-4223 o...,.~ The Newpo11 Bead\ICoN M ... ,....,..(949)~170 Crime and 00\lrtl reporter, Dally Pilot (USf>S· 144-«)0) It '""8 ..... (949) 850-0170 (949) 574-422$ published dally. In Newport Be.en ~ dallypllotO~I"* com EDITING STAFf dMpa.blt11mhfll.rfm#.com end Coate Meta, subecriptlon1 are M.iil\Olb 8.J. C.hn June C• 1grMlde avallable only by aubecfiblng to The luelneel OMce (949) 842-4321 Ma::;f'lng Edrtor, Newport Beactt reporter, Tim• Orange County (800) ........ ,.. (949) 831-7128 lt49 674-4233 1949) S7,...232 252-81• 1. In., ... ovttlde of •J calm@ l1tl,.,,..,com Ju,,..uugr•ndeO/atftn#.com Newport 8eadl end Cotta MeN. AldwnlDunn Lollta Helper "ubKrlptlont to th• Deity Piiot are $>oltl Edit~ Columnist, culture reporter, evall.t>i. only by flrtt d ... mall tor (Mil 57<M 1949) 574-4216 S3CI per month. (Jl'rlQae loclude all rid1Md.durtn•11t1rrw.com lolir...hlrpertllat1m#.com applicable It• and Ioctl tax..,) JoeeJ. ...... Delrdr9 Newmtft THE OLDER CROWD How three senior services became one TWO years &gO, as the city began crafttng a theme that W9uld punctuate this year's SOth anniversary celebration of Costa Mesa's incorporation. Councilwoman IJbby Cowan coined the term CostAmazing, and plans were set in motion for three of the Costa Mesa Senior Center had~nce been owned by e city, having formerly u its City Hall. But the city major events to marlt this special time in the cicy's history. There would be a AVIVA GO ELMAN kick-off party at the newly renovated Pacific Amphitheater and then a fun· run In Fairview Parlt. moved to F~ Drive, the older dty h81I propeny was sold to Manfan School Fortunately, Mardan School WU looking to aell the building at the very $ime that the city was l<ddng for a building' foe the Costa The final event would be Dining through the Decades at the Mesa Verde Country Oub. When I learned of these annJversary plans, I wanted the Costa Mesa Senior Center to be a part of the festivities, because, for our communlcy's seniors. the center has been an important part of the cicy's history. After careful thought, we decided that the SenJor Center's contribution would be a special event, the CostAma.zing Senior Hoedown. I'll share more detiils of the event in a moment, but because we're celebrating the cicy's history !his year, it's appropriate, I think. to share the history of one of Costa Mesa's most important community assets. Before the Costa Mesa Senior Center moved into its home at 695 W. 19th St.. seniors throughout the community participated in activities organized by various groups at three different facilities. One group was called TI.C and met at Rea Communlty Center. This group provided an on-site nutrition program for seniors and delivered meals to the homebound. The second group met at the Downtown Neighborhood Community Center. where they played bridge and participated in travel programs. The third group, the Golden Timers - supported by the National Qiarity League -met in a building on 19th Street. They provided seniors a variety of activities and minimal health services. Separately, the three groups were unable to provide seniors with extensive health services, social services, community classes or large meeting spaces. Over lime. it became clear that the three venues where these senior groups met were incapable of supporting any expansion of the senior services provided. Because of this, activities and programs were hampered by space and time limitations. The seniors' groups understood that they would need a new home if they were to adequately serve their members, a growing demographic in Costa Mesa. So they approached the City CoundJ with the idea of finding a large. centralized home. ln 1986, the city of Costa Mesa contracted a private consulting firm to conduct a citywide Senior Citizens Needs Assessment, which determined that there was a greater need for coordination of services in Costa Mesa. It further indlcated that some programs were too llmJted in scope and needed expansion. Understanding this need was one thing. but deciding on where and how this challenge would be met was another matter. since the three groups were so diverse and had different interests. The property that Is now the home Mesa Senior C.enter. ~d. volla! Here we are, blessed in thfS wonderful facility. Members of the Costa Mesa senior citizen community were appointed by the City Council to a senJor citizens' advisory cornminee. Former Mayor Mary Ho~ was instrumental is facilitJting the committee's formatiop and direction. Tugether, tl).e comrnJttee and the city Costa Mesa acrueved a wonderful milestone Jn Costa Mesa's SO-year history: The creation of the invaluable Costa Mt!Sf Senior Center. A$ I have said before. the Costa Mesa Senior Center is really the center of daily life for approximately 500 of our communicy's seniors, people 50 and older. Our senior membership family consists of 2.200 wonderful people who come to !his remarkable place to share and enhance the wonderful golden years of their lives. The senior center provides a wide range of social, recreational and educational programs. physical exercises and computer classes 10 help our members stay healthy and on the leading edge of change. Our services also include hot lunches, home delivered mea.1$, transportation to and from the center, as well as rides to medical appointments. The center also offers more rha.n 30 social support programs. including counseling. housing. tax. legal and Insurance assistance, health examinations and crisis intervention. True to the founding vision of that first advisory committee and the city. the Costa Mesa Senior Center is truly the "seniors' home away from home,· as we like to say. The Costa Mesa Senior Center owes so much to the city of Costa Mesa. and to show our appreciation and to help the city celebrates its SOth anniversary, the Senior Center will be hosting the CostAmaziJlg Senior Hoedown from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 12, at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. The entire community is invited 10 take part in what promises to be a fun· filled, heel-stomping good time. Live western music featuring the Travis Parker Band. dancing and a spectacular barbecue will be the hallmarks of the evening, Tickets are $5 per person for members, S 11 per person for non-members, and SS for children. Tickets are on sale at the Costa Mesa Senior Center's front de$k and in the cicy's Parks and Recreation Department office, on the third floor of City Hall. For more infonnation. please contact us a t (949) 645-2356. • AVIVA GO£l.MAN It the executive director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center and will write occulonal columns about the center, its members and aenior Issues. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be a little more cloudy More dumpy Wives todey today, but tempemures will at the lull befOfe Monday'1 still riM Into the BOI. The swell contlnuee. S4th StlNt It evening, In particular, should deflnn.ty b9tter than down by be nice, wfth tempereturee the Newpo11 Pier. but lt't not holding In the mld-70s u dt«.r.nt .. you might thfnlt. through IUOMt. E~wllt bew.._ high. Sundey might be a lid wtth tome ct.1-hlgh Mtl Ind hotter end. titde .... cloudy. plenty of tltdng. ............. .: Try to medt the tide puah www.nwt.noN.gov mlcknomlng. --~ BOATING FORECAST WWW.alrfrld#.Otg Wlndl on the. Inner Wll.lttt TIDES wtll bt 5elt thin 10 lcnott, ........ pfddng up lliehdv ln'the TlllM lfliemoon. Wind~ wttl be &21_Lm.. 0.17fMt~ 11;•a.m. 1.21,_ hllf\ 2 fMe or"" on a 'Mlat lwel of 3 to51Mt. l:IOp.m. 1.03'-tlow M OirtetOt I NMI Delk Olief. IMll,....224 eo.t1 M ... ~. (9'$1 $1,...221 POSTMASTEA: s.rid ldchM dlang• to Tht Newport PllbUIMO by Tlmee Co"'munlty The outerwMWI. hew n:up..rn. l.OZfMthlgh -~ l-1,,..com cJ.lrdre. MWrN!n•l«f,,,.. com Be~-.. Delly Piiot. P.O. Newt •• dlvltlon of the Loe Aligelel ... wlndl .. 10 to 20 tnaea. ,....Mcler•• "40TOQMllHIM Box tMO, Coetll M .... CA 82124 Times. droppll19 ..... Mtd W8Vea WATER Photo Editor. Mark c. ou.un. Don lAld'I. Copynoht No ntWt atonee, C2003 T1rMI CH. NA ...... .. ... , .... "' .. ~ TEMPDATURE IM l7"'-058 IC.ft TlllplOW llkl11ttatJona. tdiic>ritl m.cs.r °' The"°"""' .......... be. nw.moenW'•~com ~,_...nce11 be l9MIWd. to• ... ~---·--,,,. I ( Daily Piiot Saturday, August 30. 2003 A3 ° t The flock of the town Members of th~ Presbyterian Church of the Coyenant are raising money by removing plastic flamingos from lawns. Lollta Harper Daily Pilot available Friday afternoon. Youth Pastor Bric Harvey. who would know sucb details, was out of the office Friday with members of the youth group and unavailable for comment. BRIEFLY IN Fair board names new president The Orange County Pair Board of Directors this week elected Santa Ana business- woman Patricia Velasquez president. NEWPORT-MESA -A long way f:rom its naturaJ habitat, a flock of pink flamingos has landed on the front lawn of a Newport Beach residence. That's assuming plastic lawn ornaments have a natural habitat. Fairview Road are .. chargjng" about $15 to take the glaring birds from his lawn. They also offer "Flamingo insurance," and other "precautiol1ary" policies, if victims want to foot the bill. Kathleen said it was Harvey who came up with the one- legged idea a nd church offi- cials approved it whole- heartedly. Fittingly, cbe church's top official, Pastor Tim McCalmont, was the first victim. Velasquez, 37, was vice presi- dent of the board for the last year. She is founder and presi- dent of LUPA'f Corp .. a real es- tate and mor.tgage brokerage. 1727 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach • 94&-642-FEET Known for decoraLing the lawns of society's most ma ture members, the birds are far from where they should be, Dover Street resident Ernie Liske said. Liske found the flock on his lawn along with a note that read, "These flamingos have migrated k> your lawn." Then came the pricing scale. Extortion? Not quite. He laughed because it is all for a good cause. "Of course he was." Kalh- leen said. Kathleen le.new her uncle would "get the joke." "It was a goofy idea, and I figured he wouJd be a good person to send it to,· she said. Liske said be has become lhe tallc. of his neighborhood. Funds available in home buying program Funds are available for lhe Costa Me~a Hedevelopmen1 Agency·~ Home Buyer Assist- ance Program. "I am not quite old enough to have flamingos in my yard -but close," 60-year-old Liske said. The bright turf lc.niclc.Jmach come courtesy of Llske's niece. Kathleen Hitt. and the fun-lov- ing folks at Presbyterian OlUrch of the Covenanr in Costa Mesa. Ifill, her father and members of her church on Members of the church have been delivering pink flamingos aJI over the county to raise money for the youth group's camp schola rship fund . Money raised wiU o ffset the costs of Senior Camp, gener- ally held each summer during July and August. Walter Hitt, Kathleen's dad, said they have probably raised enough to cover all the le.ids who want to go, but no offi cial tally was "Lots of people stop by and look," Liske said. "It's a great way for fund-raising in a very nke way .... It brings aware- ness to the cause: The program offers assist- ance with down paymenls of as much as $40.000 in the form of a deferred '>econd mongage to households earning no more than 120 percent of the Orange County median income. The home buyer mu'.>t put down at leas t 5 percent and qualify for a fir'Sl mortgage. Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm /·or R,. .. .,,.,,,j.,,., t'',,11 They are only out for the summer, lhough. Then they retire -maybe back to Flori- da? Information: (7 1 SJ 754-4892. Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Scrvit:c' .. (949) 646-7944 • Ice Cream ZPINl'S POil -IAD_Ftavors_I FRUIT•A•FREEZE Rea/hull FndtBars AO 2 PACKS FOR Flavors~ 611ran A '6.98 VALUE! 2.75aua. DADY ONE CAPS • Higher Potmcy M~ Vitamin + Minerals • Helps PromoCe Healthy Eyes* SS!! • Ema Folic Add for Healthy Heart* . . SUGG. '18.50 60 caps STRESS 8-COMPLEX • High Potency 8-Complex Vrtamins •YeutFne $~ • Wdh Vdamin C SUGG. '18.95 100cap& FARM FRESH PRODUCE ()5ES) o..t.ms 77w Good Deli No Meal Deli Slices =~ s 69 'Hom REG. '2.29 ~ 5.5 m. Natural High Polmcg l400mu I S'.99 SUGG. f14.95 V 200 caps l&.'7..25 • • •NigbtJy Enccna.inmcnc· •• 16<>.S ln·inr An<.. (:.0,u Mau O'at\f'f It,,,,,...., l46• · ~' (,.._ ~ • &.-i• •pc1t • 'fi \0 9 Varieties 'lbehoose REG. '5.49 CY\ES) IACmSE fJlED 77w Good Deli ''Cheese'' Altemative Slices • "Jolapeno Jodr" • "Anaeriazn,, :~ .. $1'49 REG. '1.99 .a. 7az. ~C,E, Plui Carotene Antioxidant ~u:Ecl:!J'.99 SUGG. '14.95 v SOcaps . --AUBREY L£/ ORG ANICS Swimmer's CoNHlioner Rep/mish dwNatural Way! Recharge~ • Lime • Lemon •G,. ·~ SE • Tropical • Peach • OrJl,anic Lemon REG.~ .85 to '1 .99 0uat1 ~~ , \'aJural sourre of Omega 3 Po/gsalurotes Easily Digi!sted. For Cardiowsrular 11eo1th· S§!! • (hrp,.,.,,.. REG. '8.59 2 II. oz. .. -------------.. --·---------.. . . . .... . ..... . M Saturday, Augu~t 30, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY 1\vo arrested in home burglary case Newport Beach Police ar- rested two people Tbursd~y on suspicion of selling stolen property. Jennifer Bell, 19, whom po- lice described as a transient, and Ouistopher Blevins, 23, of Costa Mesa were taken into custody after they tried to sell property that was taken in a residential burglary earlier io the week. said Sgt. Steve Shul·- man of the Newport Beach Police. AJong with personal belong- ings taken from Newport Beach home, Bell and Blevins are accused' of stealing a 1999 Mercedes Benz, Shulman said. In addition, the pair are ac- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol Street A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 3300 blod< at 2:24 p.m. Wednesday. • Europ9 Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2800 blod< at 3-.38 p.m. Wednesday. • fein.iew Road: A vehicle burglary was rttported in the 2700 blod< at 9'.30 p.m. Wednesday. • Monte Vista Avenu.: Petty theft was reported in the 100 blod< at 2:58 p.m. Wednesday. • Pomona Awnue: Vandalism was reported in the 1900 blod< at 4:63 p.m. Wednesday. • Vlc:torill StrMt Annoying phone from the victim's Santa Ana business. · The victim was away for the weekend when the thefts ere suspected lo have ta.ken place, Shulman said. Working with the Santa Ana Police Department, Newport officers determined the two burglaries were related. When police arrested Bell and Blevins. one of the trucks missing from the business was found nearby with much of the stolen properry, Shulman sai,d. All three vehicles have been located and most of the prop· ey-ty recovered, he added. The two suspects were taken to Newport Beach Jail. Bail for each was set at $25,000. calls were reported in the 900 blodc at 1 :64 p.m. Wednesday. • West Wilson Street Petty theft was reported in the 700 blodc at 10:35 p.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Balboa Boul.vard: Petty theft was reported in the 3100 blod< at 5:06 p.m. Wednesday. • Hoag Drive: Battery was reported in the 100 blod< at 11 p.m. Wednesday. •Jamboree Road: Fraud was reported in the 1100 blod< at 10:04 p.m. Wednesday. • Rue Marseille: Grand theft was reported in the 100 block at 4:46 p.m. Wednesday. • 24th Street Petty theft was reported in the 100 blod< at 3:18 p.m. Wednesday. • 32nd Street and Balboa Boulewud: Battery was reported at 2:58 p.m. Wednesday. • 34th Street A burglary was reported in the 200 blod< at 8:32 p.m. Wednesday. flW~l stwindows.com .. "-il!U™-IV Brands • Lowest Price Up Front ~o Games Replacement & New Construction me Pricing & Purchasing 2-494-9069 fax: 562-494-2069 ~~,...itor Referrals • All Major Credit Cards 1 s t w i n d_ o w s . c o m FLYING on their clothes but no less spirit in their voice, yelled, whistled, clapped and hooted at bigb-Oying OJd Cle:>~ Debra Legan. the tfospital's president or marketing. said representatives from Celebration USA approached the hospital with the proposal to display the enormous flag. and Hoag officials jumped at the chance. .. We are just learning about (their organizationJ. but the crane being used to put up the WEEKEND Continued from Al exposure for the city on the new Fox network show. "The O.C.," and you have one busy weekend. And Turner likes it that way. "'We are hoping for a good weekend," he said "'We want a lot of people to have a good holi- day weekend.• Deputies at the Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol are also crossing their fingers for a relaxing Labor Day weekend. Dan Downey, a harbor patrol depury, said the waters were al- ready busy early Friday morning. as many boat owners took off for a trip to Catalina. Those who weren't taking that trek were readying themselves for a week- end on the water -a last chance to take the boat out be- FAMILY Continued from Al SCR youth drama programs are fantastic, and I recommend them to any parent. But don't put your kid in an SCR program hoping for the next Meryl Streep or Harrison Ford. That's not what the acting classes are all about. They are about poise, confidence, creativity and fun. The Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana showed Roy how to make a video game o n a computer, and while I wasn't thrilled about the product, the process was enriching for him. Roy also attended the school district's Science Institute at Costa Mesa High, which he enjoyed very much. f:ramewotk for the women's albter provided the l.deel spot to commemorate Ubor Day. and said. The patriotic organization was founded 1n 199l by Paula Bwkton. also known as "the flag lady." She was living ln war-tom Holland ln 1941, quieting the rumblings in her small belly with food dropped by .American planes. She escaped from a Nazi camp and later came to America to become a citizen and raise a family, officials said. The flag hoisted high on Friday Is set to be unfurled again on fore the unofficial end of sum- mer. Downey said harbor officials will maintain business as usual but keep a more watchful eye on the heavy harbor traffic. His agency does not have to worry about too many cases or boating under the influence because they are unusual in a 5-mpb zone, and Newport Beach resi· dents have very cooperatively abstained from the practice. "We are hoping for a nice peaceful weekend,· Downey said. "We are just going to keep our staffing up because we ex- pect a ton of boats out there." • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reactred at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolira. harper@latimes.com. But his favorite day camp was Camp Costa Mesa. He got to go to Medieval Tunes, Legoland, the beach, bowling (they had to travel out of town, owing to the destruction of Kana Lanes), the Costa Mesa High pool and generally had a fun time. Thanks very much to counselors Rick, E.J .. Mr. Dude. Son, Freddy, Nancy, Mike, Young. Jasmine, Jeremy and Billy. If I've forgotten any counselors, I apologize -you all did a great job. Our vacation this year was at two places we love: Yosemite and Lake Tahoe. We drove first to Yosemite, arriving late at night so we could wake up in the most beautiful place on earth. Both kids managed to complete the spectacular Sept. 17, Con.stttudon Day. On ch.at day. Celebration USA offidals organize "Pledge Aa068 of the Pledge of Allegtanc.e. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin will be leading the West C.oast part of the event. The massive crane used in the construction and the commemoration reaches 414 feet froro ground level to the top. The height is divided into two sections. officials said. the ''main boom" of 184 feet 2 Inches and the ~luffing boom" that adds the other 230 feet The colossal aane weighs 1.4 million pounds and Oail't Pilot ·~· can pick up about 84 .• ooo pounds. Just enough torque to this nation's workenl, oftidals :: .. :: •. saJd. • • Haag's Women's Pavilion ls • scheduled to be completed ln • 2005. More informadon on Celebration USA can be found at : http://www.ceklmllionusa.org. • • LOUTA HAN'£R writee column• Mondaya, Wednesdays and Fridays •. and covers culture and the arts. She • may be readled at (949) 574-4275 or : by e-mail et • lolits.harper@lstimes.com. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE LABOR DAY CLOSURES Monday, S.pt. 1 8MCMe ~ Mott banks branchH Closed OCTA bll-8 a.m. to 5 p,m. Clty offloes Closed County offices Cloeed OMV offices Closed State of'll<* Cloeed Federal offioea Cloaed Pott offtcet Cloeed Superior court Closed Schoolt Cloeed (cl..,.. t.gJn on TW«Uy) Orange Coast College Closed UC Irvine Cloeed (cl..,.. t.g/n on s.,,t 22) TRASH COUECTION Truh services for Costa Mesa t nd Newport Beech be closed on Panorama Trail, which is eight miles of a Yosemite that very few visitors see. For me, this summer will be remembered as Bean·s summer. Without going into detail, this was the summer that she gained a little independence. While some parents are hesitant about letting go, we gave her a little freedom, though always with gJOund rules and check-in points. That she performed with flying colors is an understatement. She exceeded our expectations in terms of her maturity and responsibility. Our little girl is growing up and growing up well. The more I think about it. the more I wish our kids were enrolled at a school that had a week's construction delay. I'd Monday, reopen Tuetday and rvn one day behind for th• wMk. Regular MNice will resume on Monday, Sept. 8. POLICE The C11ifomle Highway Patrol ia in "maximum enforcement• until Tuetdey tt 8 a.m. Officers on pttrol will be looking for 1lgn1 of drunken driving. •• well et Mal-belt viol•· tlont. The CHP wlll el10 hive sobrl· ety checkpoint• throughout the area over the weekend. GAS PRICES f~UIM'1J't>de --• e p.m. Frldllyl C.-.nt 2002 Nanon11 ewr1ge sue sue State average $2.09 $1.43 eo.t. Mell $2.10 NIA Newport Beech S2.18 N/A Sou~: G111&Jddy ·. .. • . . " . 1. DANIEL HUNT I OAlV PtLOT ' play hooky, going back down to the beach with the kids or perhaps hike around the mo\,mtains behind Mission Viejo. The end of sununer means one Jess year of the Yosemite/Tahoe· type trips. The kids are getting older, and before Jong. they won't want to hang with mom and dad as much. l hope al least a few of the parents al Harbor View understand that and make the most of the seven-day gift they have been given. • STEVE SMITH Is a Cotta Mesa resident end freelance writer. Readers may leave a meHega for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642~6. . .. ~-~--~~~----~-~-~--~---~-~---~---~-~~~~~~~~~~:= n.~ FREE Doc WASH ~ About OUr Groomlna SPecials MARBLE&: GRANITE RESTORATION Polishing • Scratch Removal Crack and Joint Repairs. Honing • Resurfacing Floors • Counters • Walls FREE ESTIMATE DC MAIBLE • GRANITE RESTORATION YOUR NATURAL STONE CARE PROFESSIONAL! 800 626 71 ~8 CRAFTSMANSHIP ' • t • AND INTEGRITY AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN ltema to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meaa, CA 92627; by e-mail to miktuwan•on@latlmes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby call1ng (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. ••well 11 a contact phone number. A complete llstlng Is avallable at www.dailypllot.com. SUNDAY To honor Katherine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "On Golden Pond." the last of five free 1creenlng1 In August. et 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcom at the center'• Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644-3244. TUESDAY Vl1lon1 end Dreem1 In Cotta Meta will hoat a free feng ehul temlnar at 7 p.m. P.K. Odle, a worldwide Instructor for the American Feng Shul Institute. will explain how elemental remedlea ere Implemented H elegant eooe11orle1 that complement d6cor to Improve heelth, relatlon1hlp1 end proeperlty. Vision• end Dream• la at 2482 Newport Blvd. Reaerv1tlon1 are required: (J28) 288-1869. THURSDAY lh81ciNpMre flint are lnvteed to Join performing artist Dorene U.dwlg for "Shekeepeare't Ladle•• et 7 p.m. at the Newport Beacti Centrell Library. Co-1pon1ored with the Ctllfomlt Center for the Boo~ the frM program wlll Include dramatic reeding• feeturlng the dltlogue of wltctit1. wt~, VfrgfM end quffnt In Sh1keepure'1 plev-. The llbrlry It It 1000 AYOC9do Ave. Information: (148) 717 .. 11. Communfty c...... ~ lntem1tlonet wlH hold a public planning worbhop on fMtOrfng Big C1nyon from 8 tot p.m. It St. Andrew't ~ri•n Church In Newport a..o,, lnfonnetlon: (310) •7f.071'7. SEPT. I M•cv'• South Coatt Plua. Seventeen magazine and actors from the 1oap opera "Paulont" wlll team up to help girls actileve the perfect look for the new sctiool year at 2 p.m . in the Macy'• Women'• atore. Customert can elso pldc up a apeclal gift with any purctiase of $76 or more, plus a free gift bag compliments of Seventeen magazine. Reaervatlona: (714) 666-0611, ext. 4231. SEPT.9 A frM Nmlnar, "Solution• for Sdatlca; wlll be held from &30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother'• Marttet. 225 E. 17th St, Cocta Meu. For reterVationt, call (800) 695-MOMS. SEPT.10 The N.wport BNCh Chamber of Commerce w ill host a breakfast buffet at the Dally Grlll In Fashion Island from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. 11 lta Newport Networking event for September. The cost la $17 for Chember members with a reservation and $21 atthe door for members and potential members. Information: (949) 729-4400. SEPT.11 Four of Callfomla't ~IMnt 1POf111 authorw will mike up a penel tNt wlll dllCUtl "Sporta Utemu,.: Bt1nglng the Game to Uf9" at 7 p.m. at Bordera South CoelC Pia.I. Loe Angelel Tlmee cofumnllt Bill~. Orange County~ columnllt 5'9Ye BllMff, and althon Oevld Fwrtll and Don WdlCI wMI mab up the penel. lnfonnatlon: {714) 27N833. A fMe Mmlner, •Hol8tlo Orpnle Skin care; will be Mid from 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. et Mother'• Marttat, 225 E. 17th St., Cotta M .... A ... rv1tlon1: (800) 596-MQMS. IEPT.12 TMC-.MIM ..... C.... In oellbf adon "'COiia Me.'1 eoct\ .. ........,,.,._ ... CoetArnedno Senior tto.down, r.nmg llYt~ mullc bV the lhwll,..,.., Bind, dWdng and ~. from•to 7 p.m. lhe COiia Me. Senior C.-51 at• w. -9t. TheOOlt ... for memblll, 111 far notrmembn, • ..... ~'°°"-~ ,, ... --' .... dllklnd• 0.. Mm a.y Hiii, on thtttWG .. ., ......... °" ...... .... lnlDrmllfolc., ... 2318. 9'ttl .......... "tu'' "z•I'•• Colifll•• for --· ""' .... a.m. • ................. lnO..... ,.... ........ '"" ----------------------------''--~~-------""--'-..__ conference will address peraonalfinance,budget planning, investing, retirement, preparing for college expensea, taxes, insurance and more. The colt Is $79 if you register by Aug. 28 and $99 by Sept. 6. Information: (949) 688-2429. WHll1m F. Schulz. executive director of Amnetty lntematlonal USA, wlll be the featured 1peaker at Orange Coaat Unitarian Unlver1ali1t Church, 1269 Victoria St. In Coste Meaa, at 6 p.m . Reaerved tlc:tceta to the lecture and reception are $20 for preferTed aeatlng and $16 otherwise. A few tlc:tceta wlll be sold at the door. Inform ation: (662) 646-4652. SEPT.ts Oen KelNng lllbp• of th• Vajraruplnl Buddhlat Center In San Diego will give a free talk, "Gulde to the Bodhltettva; at 7 p.m. at Bo rders South Coaat Plaza. The talk will be baaed on "Th• New Meditation Handbook," the latest book by Buddhist tcholar, teactier end author Gethe tcelaang Gyatto. Information: (714) 279-8933. SEPT.17 N9wport leech recnetton ••rvlc.1 wlll pre .. nt a new ten" of drewlng end painting worbhope featuring lndlvldual lnttructlon for ttude~ of ell tlclll levele In mixed medl1. The .... 1on1, led by ertfet end lecturer M imi Sheron Stein, will run eight conMCutlve Wedneedeye from 10 a.m. to 12~ p.m. In the Vince Jorgenten Center, 2005 Dover Ortve In Newport BNcf\. The fff for tht .. rt .. le tee. Information: (949) MW1151. AfMe......_ "The Immune SyNm and leyond," wlll be held from 8:30 to I p.m. at M°"'9r11 Mttbt. 225 E. 171h St., eo.ta Meet: Rttefvldont: (IOO) -.MOMS. HOLIDAY Continued from Al and a pinch of un.resotved family issues and you've got a rtslcy cocktail. . MU.ke around Christmas time, when families are often together. you mix that with alcohol and sometimes, you have a potential • problem.· the police spokesman said. Police spokesmen from both cities did not report any known drunken-driving checlcpoints for the holiday weekend Fire officials offered general cautions about baibeculng and the combination of hot. dry weather. lighter ftuJd and a · match. Stations traditionally re· :· ceive a few ca1l.s in the summer • of billowing smoke that turned :. out to be merely backyard cook· :. outs when tlMftghtm arrived on •. scene. But still, people can never ·: be too careful. omdals said. : . Costa Mesa Battalion Otlef ·: Outs Riley reminded resident.a to : allow only adults to light the grill.': always check the propane tank • for leab, follow all appropriate ·. Instructions. So euy on the Ught-:· er fluid and keep the grill away ; from flammable objects. "Basically, just use common :: sense," Riley said. • ·: -----------:-. . . ·. .. ·. FALL Diiiy Piiot .... Lovemeae Satwday, August 30, 2003 A5 I M Saturday, Au&ust 30, 2003 . ... HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -~Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMdet9 Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to 1949) 646-4170 E-mal:Send to dallypilot@latimes.com •All corTespondence muS1 include full name, hometown and phone number (for verif1C8tlon purpo588). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for darity and lenOtti . • ·- MAILBAG HOW TO CONTACT YOUR: Logic remains faulty on Westside bluffs Most of the arguments put fo rth by the industrialists to keep Costa Mesa's Westside bluffs in their lowest and worst state are factually and logically challenged. There are four basic arguments. Argument I: ·1 he area has been industrial for a long tune. Answer I : So what? Times change. Also, just because '>omething ha~ been done doesn't make it the right thing to do. The bluffs once also had herds of goats. In the year 2003, they"re as inappropriate on the bluff., as many of the industrial buildin~'· Argument 2: The indu'>tri.ihw; have property right'>. Answer 2: And '>0 do all the rc'>t of u' in the city. When -;omeone pumps toxic chemicals 111to uur air, .soil and water, those chemicah don't -;tay within the four corners of 1he industrial ist's property hut affert all of us in Costa Mesa. This 1s especially true regarding air pollution. Bet:ause of the unique location of the \\lestside bluffs industrial area -upwind of most of the rest of thl' cit) -and the almost constant ocean bree1e•-. dangerous airborne them1L.s.I' put 111 the river of air nowing from the Olean over the bluffs qu1cldy blow over mo'>t of the re t of 1he city. Maybe 1his I'> why m oM of the indu'>tnah'>h don"t live in Costa Me'>a but prefer to Ii\ e upwind of thr IOXJt cloud in places such as Newport HeaLh Anyone who wants unfettered property righh should move far away from other people. The old c.,aw, MYour ngh1 10 swing your arm stops where my no'>e begins," applies to our situa tion. No one hru, a property riHht tu cau"l' citizens of Costa Mesa to develop cancer or other 1llnesse1> or to cause children to be born wi th birth dl.fectc.,. Argument 3: The industrial area creates jobs. Answer 3: Many of tlw joh'> p.iy little, and many of the pl'Uplt' who fill them have been attractt'd 10 the city by the jobs. They then make ends meet by using the infrastructure that has grown up around the industrial ar~a to help these ·working poor." This includes our ever-expanding charities that provide free food, free medical and dental care. free clothes. money for paying rent and utility bills and day care. The city also provides a Job Center, paid for by residents, to help many workers hook up with many employers from Newport Beach who own factories on the bluffs of Costa Mei.a. All of this is cau:.ing 1he night of citizen!> out of the city. I could go on, but the above pretry much sum<> up most of the arguments being used 10 try to fool Costa Mesa residents 11110 continuing to accept inappropriate uses of our land and which present very real health and safety risks to the resident&, and especially the children, of Costa Mesa. These industrialists would never tolerate these conditions near their own homes. Argument 4: The government is trampling on the rights of the industrialists Answer 4: Actually, Costa Mesa's city government has been protecting the indw;tnal properties by looking the other way and by allowing improper Loning and land-u!ie regulations. The pre'ienl move 10 improve uur l"lty 1s coming from average work111g cla.,., re.,ident'> who are fed up that Co'>ta ~lesa is being treated a., the city dump of Newport Beach. Some "uppity• residenrc; don"1 believe that our city 'hould be -.ent to the b.1ck of the bu ... Where '>Orne arrogant mdu.,tnah<,I<, !>ee and want 10 keep a garbage heap that makes rhem money, these residenti. see and hope to build a shining city on the hill. Part of the c.,1ruggle in co .. ta Mt·'>a I!> about who control., this city. Ir. ii controlled by the voting residents of thl" city, as ic; normal under our form of government, or by rlc:h ou1-of-1own 1ndu.,1rialists who uc.,e their money to keep our city mired m down·<;cale u.,es for their personal profit and who may figure they can buy electt0ns? And, if it is the voting residents of this city who are in control, don't we have a right to fix up our city as we want? Can't we decjde what type of city.we want? Or, are the residents of Costa Mesa something like slaves 10 the rich industrialists from Newport Beach? Are we simply helpless victims of a history that first put goats on our bluffs, then oil wells and now industrial buildings? What must we accept next? Nuclear power plants? Dynamite factories? Massive plating plants? I luge pig farms? Isn't it our right 10 take charge of our own city and make it a better place 10 live and raise our children? Some of us have offered what we believe is a reasonable, free-market compromise to scraping the bluffs of industrial uses. We"ve suggested that a fairly painless and incrementaJ step along the way to deindus1rializing the bluffs would be 10 develop an artists' village within the present industrial area and to encourage artists of aJI types to take up residence in Ji ve/work i.paces. With some help from the city this couJd become a unique alternative to Laguna Beach and could become a touris t attracti on for our city. One can imagine art galleries. small theaters. coffee shop.-; and all the other thmg'> that spring up in an area frequented by artists to develop. The artist\ would coexbt with some clean industrial uses. which would keep the area from becoming 100 antiseptic. and thus, anti·art. I lowever, instead of trying to work with Costa Mesans in creative ways to make a nicer. safer city, many of the'>c out-of-town indus1rialbts are responding with arrogance and are telling the resident<, of Costa Mesa to love it or lump it. Some apparemly figure they can buy off local politicians so they can continue to pollute and drive our city down ever lower. And, what do they care? It's not their kids who are breathing the tox.ic chemicals. lt"s not their ki!ii-who are attending Costa Mesa schools. It"s not their home values that are Iese, than they should be. It\ not the quality of life of their families that is impacted. Watch, as the political season that we are now entering really talces hold, to see which Costa Mesa City Council candidates get the most donations from these out-of-town industrialists. M.H.MIUARO Costa Mesa Don't judge aJJ seniors by one driver I am now 82 years old, and I am afraid to drive my automobiJe on the freewayi; in this state due to the young drivers that cut in and out, changing lanes, talking on phones in large SUVs. With hardly room for a car, over they come. So I drive only where I am comfortable and try 10 avoid the young speeders. I have driven since I was 16, have never been in an accident and had just one ticket in my life. I have driven many miles across the U.S. and in citie:, east and west and also in Canada. My one ticket was in Tennes!lee. where I was caught on radar (with olherlil fo r go~ng 70 in a 65 miles per hour 1one. I paid my find and was surprised when I received and letter from lcnne:,c;ee, thanking a Californian for being honest; this was some years ago. I lowever, not long ago. I took my driver\ test. rhe young man right behind me was 111 a hurry, and when we finished and were turning 111 our tests. I passed. missing only one of the questions. rhe young man failed the test, missing 11 of the questions. My other concern is young people running '>lop sigm in residential area!> at high :,peeds. I have seen this, and if by chance anyone had been in one of the intcr-.ection'> at the time. they would have been killed. Now. my reason for writing is that I hope everyone will take into consideration that we can not be judged by one senior's mi<>takc. and we do not aJl faJI into the same category ao; driver'>. JEAN CARSON Newport Reach REPRESENTATIVES CITY Of COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair • • Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, ,' (714) 764-5223 M.yor: Gary Monahan Coundl: U~y Cowan, Allan .. Mansoor, Mike Sc:heafer and ; Chris Steel CrTY Of NEWPORT BEACH I Newport Beadl City Hall, 3300; Newport Blvd .• Newport Bea~1 CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 ., Meyor. Steve Bromberg Coundl: Gary Adams, John , Heffernan, Di<* Nicnols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COUEGE DISTRICT ,- ' . OiS1rict Office: 1370 Adam s A11~ .• Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) ., 432-5898 Chancetlor: William M . Vega , Board: President Paul Berger. \lice President Armando Ruiz, Georve Brown, Jeny Patterson and . , Walter G. Howald; student tru91ee Madeline Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT DistriC1 Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Sup.,;mencs.nt: Robert Barbot, Board: President Martha Fluor. Vice President Dana Black. Cleek Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and l.4nda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration. 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana. CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd DiatriC1 (Costa Mesa, Newport Beacn). (714) • 834-3220 • Thomas Wilson. 5th DiS1riC1 (Newport Coast), (7141834-3550 s2,ooo,ooo FLOOR SAMPLE SAi~ All Closeouts, Overstocks & Discontinueds From Our Stores & Warehouse Are Now In One Spectacular Sale GreatSa~of Labor Day Weekend Only This sale incl udes our fines t brands: Bernhardt, Century, Drexel Heritage, Lexington, Marge Carson and many more. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES: Bernhardt Slip Cover Sofa With two plush loose-back cushions, all in super- comfortable blue denim. ss.s·w x 3ro x 3s•H. While They Last! $699 0/0 and More Matching Chairs 1 att"!~ns At Similar Savings 7-Piece Grand Casual Dining Set Tri-pillared pedestal bases (46"Wx76"L ext. to 112"). Finely aafted in rich parquet veneers. Includes four side chairs and two arm chairs with leather seats. Was $6,499 ... NOW s3, 999 Hand-Carved Bar w/Marble Top Was $1,999 ... NOW s1,199 Matching Curio Was $2,799 •.. NOW 51,999 .............. , . ...,_.._.,....,.. ... _ ....... ...-'--. ................ u..·-·-Miii••••,,_,..., ..... ~ .......... - Matching Barstool Was $599 ... NOW SJ29 SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ln(lud1nq Ht.1(]'>, L.tr1)p', Wtir k-, (if /\1: M 11 t o r c-,. A ( c f' 'l c, or 1 t ",. r~ M \ ll , • ...... 11.aMUOOllll (19) rrf ·1212 • 101 T~ OwM fElllll ol l.s Off.-,, An-.> SAN 0.00 IHOWROOll: (1158) 588-1800 • 7480 Mnmer Ad. ~ldR'lllll ~Al 1"' ..._.........., HOCM' Moll • If!, 10 .o& ... ll!M, S. 10 AM 4 '*, lilt ,, AM ... ,... VfSfT UJ ON THE WEB www.truaurfffurnltur•.Mt AFTER HOURS otrlee, by calling (714) 666-ARTS oronllne et http:f~.OCJ*:.OllJ. W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach. ftM. (949) 8'2-3431. Saturday, Au&ust 30, 2003 A7 M9-673-6083 NICK,S RISTORANTE & P I7ZERIA --~--iin.i:1o~a~l~~~~lo~t~330~~w~.:e.~y~S~tll,W2..-,,_,i"flrlil,--~~~~~~---!~!even~~ ...... ~~u~~~M~l~•~now=-:-:-~offeri-=~ng-=--.f-~~~~~~b-'~_:_-l-..J_-t1~ .. ~ Coeta M .... CA 92627; by fax to The "Next Upl• conce11 wtll llve mu.ic from 9 p.m. to (949) 648-4170; or by calling (949) kldc-o1fthe Edectic O~nge midnight wery Friday •nd 67~. A complete Utt 11 F-eltlval from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 4 et Saturday. ~•v•r1 l1 •t 612 w. 19th av1llabte et www.~llypllotcom. Town Center Part In Coeta Meu. St, Coeta M911. No cover ch1rge. The 88, Bedroom Wall• and Tom (949) 646-6616. MUSIC SPYRO GVRA CONCERT CoMemporary Jm legend• Spyro 9~~-·-~11 perform at the Hyett rwwporter et 8 p.m. Frld1y. .-Tk:teta coet $32.50 to $67.60 end ,.,. 1v1tleble et eny TI«etm11ter location. The Hyatt Newporter 11 at 1107 Jamboree Road In . Newport Beach. Information: (949) 729-6013 or http://www.1ummer /u:znrle1.com. K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. Ieng will perform et the Orange County P.rformlng Alta Center'• ~erstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept 6. 1\ctceta colt $48 to S70. The c:tnter 11 at 600 Town Center Drive In Coat.a Meaa. Tidcet1 are evalleble et the center'• box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS oronline et http://www.ocpac.org. THE ALLEY CATS Doo-Wap barber1hop quartet the Alley Cata will be perform at the frvlne Barclay Theatre at 4242 Campu1 Drive at 2 end 7:30 p.m. Sept. 6. For tldceta, call (949) ~796. ..... .' ~rcHM<OVSKY'S GREATEST HrTS ·Conductor Carl St. Clair leads the Pacific Symphony In ·rctialkovaky's Greatest Hrt..• an all Tchaikovsky program, at 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Special guett pianil1 Varden Mamikonian will perform the Piano Concerto No. 1. The evening starts with the Pblonai1e from ·eugene Onegin· and the aulte from ·swan Lake; and ends with the rouaing ·191r Overture, with cannons and '-flreworb. Tldceta colt $76 to $376. The concert i1 at the Verizon Wlrele" Amphitheater In Irvine. Information: (714) 755-5799, http://www.paciflcsymphony.org. CHRIS ISAAK Chrl1 laaak will perform at the Ofange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Sept. 14. Tldceta 0011 $48 to $82, The center 11 et 600 Town Center Drive in Colta MeH. Tidceta are available at the center'• box r· IK BroSM1u will perform. "Next Upl;" formerty UnligMd lndl ... 11 WEEK£H0 MUSIC • 1howcaM of Independent local Anthony'• Rlvert>o.t RettaurtM ertlltl pretented by KCRW FM In Newport Beach preaenta J .... (89.9). The free, ell-ages concert 11 on the Hx on Frld•y •nd et Town Center Peri( In Coat.a Saturday evenings •nd Sunday MeN, ecroN the ltreet from for brunch. The progrtm feeturee South Co11t Pleie. Information: •II your fevorttaa on the (949) 653-2422 or Nxophone. Anthony'1l1at161 E. http:llwww.EclectlcOrange.org. Co•lt Hlgh~ay. (949) 673-3426. JAXl. TRIO POP-ROCK ANO F\.AMENCO Gulfstream Reat.eurent In T1te 6, a funk, rode and Motown Newport Beech pr8Mnta • jazz act. perform• et 9 p.m. Seturdaye trio Sunday through Wednesday at Carmelo'• Rllto~nte, 3620 E. H regular entertainment et 860 Coalt Highway, Corona del Mer. Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Solo gultart11 Ken S.ndert Hours ere 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday end perform• claa1lcal flamenco 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tueldeye and Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. Sundeye. Free. (949) 676-1922. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe preeenta Monday Night Jama from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted• mu1iclan1 include guitar players, bau players. singers, drummers, keyboardiltl and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper end Kelly Gordien (known aa MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and awing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform cJaaaic rode, awing and R&S at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Udo Park Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednelday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thurlday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The reltaurant i1 at 2735 SATURDAY NIGHT R&S Gerald lahlbaahi end the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&.B et 9 p.m. Saturdey1 at Sutton Piece Hotel'• Trianon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd .• Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'CHICAGO' Kander and Ebb's hugely popular "Chicago~ will be performed at 2 and 8 p.m. today, and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center'• Segerstrom Hall. Tidceu colt S28. 75 to S65. 75. They can be purchaaed at the Center box office or at http:llwww.ocpac.org. The Center i1 at 600 Town Center Drive in Cotta Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. 'THE lAST NIGHT OfBAUYMOO' South Coal1 Repertory will pre1ent •The Lalt Night of Baltytioo• at Segeratrom Stage from through Oct. 5. The performance is set In 1939 In Atlanta, when the war on the minds of the locals is the Civil Wer, aa depicted in "Gone with the Wind.• But for Lala and her family, nothing could be more important than her debut at Ballyhoo. a dance thrown by the elite Jewl1h Society. Tldcetl are $19 to S65. Call for cu rtain timea. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive In Cotta Mesa. Information or tidcetl: (714) 708-5555. flJ I • Jeff Ewing & Lyleen Ewing YOUR H O M E(S): CASTL~AND INVESTM ENT A reoenr swvey by the Fedcnl Monpae Assodanon (affectionately known as Fanrue Mae) prove11 wlw home owners have known all along-chat your borne and/or second home may be your castle. but 11 1.1 al.Jo among your best 111Vestmenu 1be majority of home-Owners surveyed sa.id they were mocivated to buy their home(s) by the prospect of eva-tncreas111g real eJtlU values. An ovetWhel.rrung SS~ reported they bave ~y rea.lizod an 111crea.se in the value of thel!' home(~). the majoriry of these revealing thaJ the increase iJ '1grtlficant Ovming your own home and even a second home has bt-come a more easily anamable goal lbc seller has been favored 111 real eSlatC uansa.cnons with tax advantages. Now then: is more support for the buyer 111 term$ of financUlg and fau houSllll! njth~ AddJoonally. the low mof1gage rates and tmprovmg consumer .sentiment connnue to dnve the demand for new homes and ma.kc 11 possible for more people 10 own the11 own home. As the survey by Fannie Mae reveals. pnmary among the benefits to the home owner is the increase 111 val uc ol your invesanem over rune Your professional Realtor can -UltJ'Oduce you to the proce"s of fllldmg. financing. and movmg 111to your own castlc-iUld 'iOUnd lnvesanenL Lyleen and Jeff have 31 consccuti vc years of real esuuc expenence 111 Newport Beach for professlonaJ wn•lce or advice wl1h aJI your rtal ~tale nffd5 call tht Ewin&' al C08$1 Stwport·Coldwtll Banker al 19491 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's •1 Team For 2001 _, Lucla .. 1edFrom 11-111111 4pm NICK'S lllTGlllTE 8 PIZZERIA OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR CENTER Mon-Thurs. 11am-9.30pm 2300 Harbor Blvd., Suite K·1 Fn.-Sat 11am-10:00pm Costa Mesa CLOSED SUNDAYS (S4g) 722_ 7566 CIUIUTlll 17 YUll ......_____...._-'--____ __, DRAPERY CLEAJ\111\16 Al\ID MORE I No TAKE DOWN DR REMDVl l\l6 l\IECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers • Silhouette window hadings • Vignette window shadings • Duette hone~comb shades • Millenia ni Collection • Jubilance !"'I roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette:-" Softfold"'\! shadings World's Best ON-SITE"" Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERJES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 11111/1111111 \ H1•1111t.1t11J11 for Uu.111111 1t111I .,,, .. ,, 11 1• '91111 ,. l'l'1 ~ THE IKEA SPARE CHANGE EVENT AUGUST 30 -SEPTEMBER 1 You'll be surprised at what you can get for mere change. Put all that spare change to good use a nd bring it to IKEA. Our machines will count it for you. Plus, once you use the machines you 'll get to save 1 00/0 on your total purchase. IKEA store visitors participating in the spare change e\'ent will be happy to knaN that IKEA will donate $10 ,000 lo Save the Children's reading and literacy programs, which help make a difference in the lives of children living in many of America's poorest communities. I Al Saturday, August 30, 2003 S O C I E TY THE CROWD Shown here from left are: John Daniels, chairman of the Orange County High School of the Arts Board of Directors; Sandra Segerstrom Daniels, vice chair of the Orange County High School of the Arts' Arts and Entertainment Advisory Board; conductor Frederick Fennell; and Ralph Opacic, executive director and president of the Orange County High School of the Arts. Giving the gift of music N e~pon Coa!>t ~idenLs John and Sandra Oaniels have endowed a mu'>1c nrogram at the Orange County I ligh Sthool of the Am named in honor of \\'orld renowned conductor Frederick FenneU. a world rcmJWTH:d conductor. Ille donation from thl' Daniel•.' family will 'uppon the wind en.,emble program at the l0t.:al pnvate high -.t·hool. h·nndl i., rt>garded a' one of the preemment figures of the wind en!.cmblc movement in America. Appropnately. the musical cndowmrnt will be named the Frederick Fennell Winds Studie'> Prowam in Residence at tht: Orangt' < .oun1y 1 ligh School of the Am. A reception wa<; held to commemcmue the Daniels' donauon and the e<,labhshmerll of the program. A diverse contingent of community !.Uppon joined forces with the B. W. COOK Daniels. including Newport\ Donna Phelps, Pat Callahan, Nancy Wilson and Mary Lam and Linda Isle's Jadt Llndqulst, Janice Smith and Craig Furniss. Also at Lhe reception and luncheon were Barbara Powers, John Rau, Russell Stem, Kory Swanson and Ralph Opacic. pr~idcnt of the Orange County High School of the Am. Now in il'> 17th year, the ans high M:hool has an enrollment of 1.200 studenb. J'he ~mall conservdtory departments, induding the newly endowed Wind Studies Program. are essential to the '>peciaJized ans in,truction, which is intrinsic to the overall educationaJ effon. Gu~I!> at the luncheon ceremony at the Green Parrot Cafe after the formal announcement of the Daniels' gift shared thc•ir appreciation of the Importance of an~ education in. Orange County. 1ne Fennell program will aJJow studenLs to participate in mru.1ers classe:. led by accomplished guest artist~. In addition. the program will offer college -.cholarship:. to students wishing to continue their mu.;1c· studies at univer\iti~. "Sandy and I are plea'>t'd 10 suppon thi'> progr.tm," John Daniels said. "Dr. Fennell is one of the world's moM innovmive maestros, and hi:. preM!nce here at the Orange County I ligh School of the Am will be or immeasurable benefit to the local student!'. ... lohn Daniel'> .,ervc.-s a' chairman of the board for the school. He and Sandra I >a111el'> have become major advocate!. of ans education In Oran~c County. The school ;., ranked as the fifth highest of all high '>Chool'>, public and private. in Orange County. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays ::t -.•> ENGAGEMENTS Miller-Alexander Mrs. Jennifer Clucki of Newport Beach and Mr. Joseph Miller or Irvine announce the engagement of their daughter. Alexis Danelle Miller of Balboa Island, to Devin 'Iyler Alexander of Balboa Island. The bride-elect graduat.ed from Irvine High School and Cal State Long Beac;h. The future bridegroom , son of Mrs. Rita Usbug of Dallas, Texas, graduated from th e Jesuit · College Alexis Danelle Miller and Preparatory School or Dallas Devin Tyler Alexander and the University of Texas. Auslin. A Nov. 29 wedding is planned in Our Lady Mount Carm el Catholic Oiurch in Newpon Beach. Lowe-Krueger Lawson and Abigail Lowe of Rjverside, Calif. a nnounce the e ngagem ent of their daughter, Jennifer Lowe of Newpon Beach, to Ernie Krueger of Newport Beach . The bride-elect graduated from Riverside Poly High School and the UC Santa Barbara. The future bridegroom, son of Ernst and Lynn Krueger of Punta Gorda, Fla .. graduated from Ernie Krueger and Jennifer Lowe Corona del Mar I ligh School and the Colorado School of Mines. WA \'.SQ Daily Piiot An Oct. 11 wedding is planned in St. Mark Presbyterian Cllurch in Newport Beach. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. Fo r a form. please call Mike Swanson at (949) 574 4298 BUY FACTORY DIRECT! AIRFLOr ,,, (~\JIB.~ SAVE 25-50°/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory! .. Dally Pilot Saturday. August 30. 2003 U FAI'I'II ------------- THE MORAL OF THE STORY IN THEORY The cycle-of life never stops. Staying true to God and country QUESTION: H ow does your fa ith view patri otism a nd following the law o f th e land? ---- Jud;mm.iffinm a 1111ivero,al lllt'.,.,agt' of peat:P and harmony "You are in tile Beloved -ltis 1iery mm. his member -tlteff'fore injinitPI)' dn1r w the Father. tmspealwbly pwcious tu l1im. You are never. 11ot for one second. 11/cme; then no reason for lonelinl'~S ur depression." -NORMAN F. DOUTY '/\little Swerlisli girl was 11•0/ki11K witll lier father one 11igllt uruin tllr ~tnrry sly. intently mediU1ti11g 011 t/1e g/01ie.\11[ heaven. At liL~t. looking 11µ to tlw sA.)\ ~lte said, 'Father. I /1mlf' been tllinA.i11g 1lt11t 1f tile wrong side of /1ent¥'11 is su hen111i{t1J. what will the rigltt side !Je7"' -UNKNOWN This columJJ began \\Ith two 4uo1e .... and could easily have included more. ll1a1 is hcrnu<;e ..,o 1rn111y different emotion'> and thought<, 'iwirled through my heart and mintl at thP ._,1111e time whiJe I wrote. 11·~ like a tunglf'd tapestry in'>1de, and I've a'>kl·tl Cod to IH'I p me w1wind anti procev, it a' he 'el'" l>e"t. One of lhe emotiom i'> tleep -.<1d111•...,., i\ special friend pa<;M:'d away la'>l \\l't•k al!1·r fighting a courageou!> yearlong hattle with cancer. Whilt· gathering tnforrnat11111 lo help write a Vt.'ry 'ihort obit 11ar y al>o11t ltl'r. I was overwhelmed with what ,, remarkable pt'r'>on '>he wa• .. What I wrote W<Lc; unbfiuahly l>rlt'f compared tu a life that wa ... '>Cl rirh Beside-, being a deditateu and lo' 111g wife and motJ1er. -.he wa'> an incretl1ble fneml. mentor. teacht.'r. volunteer and llllll It more to countle'>!I peoplt.' !',lw hatl ;111 amazing halann• of uepth and w1 ... d11111 ,,., well a<, great wil. I'll alway-. rl·111e111ht•r tlw tiinel> we laugltt.'J, Lrit•d, b1kl'd, at1· plawd and prayetl together. Gotl walked everv step of tltt.' way 1ntlt her, and '>he i., now enjormg the ghme-. of heaven "~th h1111 ant.l all who 1\en1 before she did. Though -,he \\ill be greatly m1 ... .,l'd here, Wt.' are lhankful that '>Ill' • ., out of 130 EAST 17"' ST. • COSTA MESA At • &II J,.. Strrtt CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON pain. I lf\l'>I tltat (,od wiU walk with each of uc; left hrhi11d anti lhat he will wmfort us in our grief. I f1·el deep sadne.,_., about that loc,_.,, but at the '><U11e time I am al..,11 filletl witlt the great gladnc.-.~ of a new life: My brother\ wife gavl' lmth tu a prerimt'>, healthy baby hoy on ~unday 111gh1. We've all been anxiou ... to gr<'et .md mt.'ct tJ1i., child. and I know that my -;i.,ter-111-law IV'd!> more than read~ to deliver thi., baby. I've !>een and held him ' and enjoyed hi-, dimpled y-mrn. bu<>\ mOVl''> wid baby crtt.''>. I le lta<; alreadv brought great joy. '>mile" and laughl'r lo uur extended family. In the !Hime week I had 111 bitl .1 '><td f.trewell to a treac;ured fnend. I 11'a' bli•.,.,ed to bid a big happy hrll11 to .1 11t•11 11q1hcw I here are many thing<. that I don't umler:.tantl about Life. but I Jo k.J1ow that ll goe'> on. Ufe i'> a cycle that '>Ort1t•11111e.., t yrle'i too quit ldy for me. bu1 I tru'>l ( 1od with all of it. We had w let go of a .,penal lowd one on thi-. earth, but we'll lelebra1e her life and think of her t'lljoying lw.thh. JO)'. beauty. love. worship. perlertHHI and mudi more in heaven. \'vht'lher we let gu of one 011 thio, C'arth or ... ay hello to anoilwr. we can be confidt•nt that 011r hl'avenly father \\ill nt.'ve r lt·t go of 11 .... !\nd you can 4ur11e me on 1 lta1. • CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newp(Jr1 Beach resident who speaks frequently 10 parenting groups She may be reached 111a e mail at cmdy a onthegrow i.;um or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive. No 505. Newport Bead1. CA 92660 Uiristiath living in this la11d of liberty rightly have at lite top of our li'>l of tha11k<;givi11g'> ··gtad to be a11 American." At knowledgi ng thi-, ble-;<;ing, IL i-. in gratitude that we arc 111 follow th1· law'> of 011r nation a'> we prar \\it It 1w11pl1·., ol all n;t111>11'>. <J1allt>n~P., 1 1t11tt· lor l 1111,t 1.111 ... when 011r "patrioti<,rn" .111d rf''-POll'>tbilll\' W "tl1t· l.m ol tlu· land" collidt' \\ith our "I.11 th · ;i111I liJ\alty to< ,od-. l.1111. l!el;lf'llliWr l\.fl.11\t.1\11g11q1111• 1...ro 1t • 111 .. 11 It' < .11 y or t '" d · · 1 " ,, < 11 ie-. Ila\ t· lwt·n formt'd I>\ t 1111 lllVI''>: tlt c• l'rtrthly by llll'l' or -..i•ll ('li.'ll'ICI tft1· ttllllC'lllJll of ( 1t>tl. litt' hr·.11 l'1t ly liy th1· love of< ,od, l'V('lt lo 1lw 111ntl·mp1 •>I .,pjf rlit· 1•,11tltf\ l ll\' gli1111·-. 111 ll'>t'll. tlw IH'<t\1•111\ 111~ glor1e., 11 1 tl1t• I ord. . 111 1lw 11 111'. tilt' pr Ill!"" .i1td thl' lldtll•lt' II "1d1d11t'' .ir1· 1ult•d hy tlte 111\1• 111 ruling. 111 tht• citlwr. tltl' pr 111• ,., .111d lht• <.,11h11·l '" ..,,., \t' 11111.· .111other 111 lmt.· · \Ion· th<.111 .i '-t·11t·., 111 d11 ... and d111t '"· \\ 1111 h ltt'lp ll" ~ •••. ,. l11·.d1ll\ FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENl S PRINCE OF PEACE Prince of Peace Christian Church and School at 2987 Mesa Verde Drive East 111 Costa Mesa ha-; ;i special event on Sept. 9 James Dobson will give a talk, ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN C AFE I mt llomr I unwl11ng1, A1111qut1 & ( u/~, 11/i/r•. Tr11d1t1oflal 111 Corr.1gr (11fi• 1J1ul (,.1rdt11 /)nw 1r,,1i ! 1tr 1J11d lh/11 n1 ' Gartf,,. C...4'jr (.,mu11 /1,1110 I J11111tf, un 111g Hrr<1kfll.•t. I 1111. I• Ud 1111d "" ftprrw1 IJ.ir CAFF H<Jl 'HS: Mo11-.\u11 'Jam-4pm C.l!ldlr. to Chandrlurs. I '•rd.:.• Hurt /Jot1ltr. ( 111111111 /111111rr Fram111f,. F11r111111rr Rr.11m1111111 iJl/d m11rh m11rr ' HO~'HOl'Rl\ lut-\111 I 0111n· 5pm (949) 722-1177 Did You Know? "That we are a full service nursery with qualified ' California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to ';~ Nurseries and let us show you how." . f I ' . t . ! ' NURSERIES, INC.---• COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2 700 Bristol St. (714) 754.6661 2800 N_ Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 COMPLETE LANOSCAPINC • 45 YEARS EXPERJENO LICENSE # 308553 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowerdale Nursery • Costa Mesa Master Nursery Professional <'OID\tNa IS9S NPll'W'l Rlv\l. (949'> 6'2·2030 MOC\·S.. 9a ~.;lOp ~.1l·$p leat .,t'll'>ihly. get enoui-:lt '>ll't'p and excrLi,e, don't jump uul of bo.il'> unle<o., ~ ou can '>Wim, etc. I and happy the at peace wi th your neighbor. get rid of hatred and 1·1t\ y. tell the truth. avoid 1emptalttJ11'> 10 t'\'il you're not '>lrong enough 111 re-.1-.1. elt ), t;od\ law makt''> lh lrnman ( .ud'., law is love. THE VERY REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES \t. f\tichael & All ·\11gd.., l'.f11'>t opal ( hurd1 ( !l'>IJ \lp-.a In thl' 1 ... 1a1111c tradttion, Wl' read. "the lm·t· of 1 he lto1 m·land i., part nf Olll'\ lclllh " l lw1dore. palrlOtl\111 I\ Olll' 111 tht' 4ualit1e\ of a f.111lth1I per'>Oll I l11111·1t•r p;11ri11t1...,t1 -.tun1ld 11111 Ill' tra11.,la1rd a'> b1g11111 and d1'< 1 i111111at H>rt It '>lwuld af...o 1101 lw 1 xt•rt r-.t-d .11 the expen'>t' 111 hurting 11thl'r nat 11111'> .111<1 peopll· IMAM MOSTAFA AL-QAZWINI 1-,1a1111t I u111 a11011al < l'llll'r 11 1 < )rJ11gl· < mlllt} < .,,,a \k,a "Bringing Up Boys;· five via satellite. He'll be d1scussmg the important issues of ra1s1ng boys. For mformat1on call (714) 549-0215 SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST The Second Church of Christ. Sc1ent1st. at 3100 Pacific View Drive 111 Corona del Mar. will have a prayer <Hll liurl'd h) tht' ( 11Jd of all hu111<1nk111d Yl't. ludai-.111 111,11nt <1lll\ !hat II I'> through tltt' part1lular 1ha1 wt' .tfft'( t tht" gt'11eral. ,\., 1\merru1n'>. )l-"1.,h l llLZt'll'> work toward the <,trt'1tgthe11rng of our great t11lllllf\ th.it 11 ma) he a11111.,p1ring fqrte and ... 11111111g ilea< on fur other'> t\merrt.i 1~ mo<,1 blt-... ..,ed by 1h patriot'> ~1hen 11 ... t'rVt''> 10 rid thl' 11orlc..I ol t'\'11. lift up lht.' fallen ol Ult' rwt11>11\ and 11tlt>r h<1pe for the <Hhamemen1 of o thtr ., fht'rt' .ire tl111<,t• \\Ito dent.It patrroll'>m a., pa ...... t' <.1nd t'\ en dangl'rt1ll'> I '>t'P a 1111bilt1\ 111 our lr1\!• for th(• United ~tatf'"· I tlrnll 11 fll'n I ht•ar 1he :'\a11011.tl \11tht•111 and '>t't' thl' ~I.tr'> a11d ~lrtp1·' '>rwppmg Ill rlw hret·te I feel pr1\1kgl'd 111 rt'< II•' th1· l'l1·dgt• .,r :\llPgr.1111 e and 11111·11 I tra1·el ht}i>rH.J ht'r '>hon· ... t .1111 g1<11,.ful 111 Jl''''l'" a pa..,.,p11 r1 ... t.u11pPd 1111h rite Prnhk-111 <ii \lilt II< .1 l'dtrlllll'>lll ,., 11111 ltJ l>t· .1p1tl11g11C'd l11r I .11111lt.i11~tui 10 1,11,J for .ill lie hd-. d1111t through \merit" q11 lwh.tll 111 .1 lll'tfl'r ~1orld l1>r u., .uttl our d11ldrl'11 < .od ble'>'> ,\nll'nca' RABBI MARK MILLER 1l'mple Bar \.1hm '\t·1~ P' ir1 Ht•at h meetmg for the protection growth and guidance of area children and grandchildren di noon Sept 3 All are welcome SHABBAT ALIVE "Shabbat Alive ' a new style o( 1azz and pop services first c.reated in Soutt See FAITH, Page AlO -vo~merl !Jnterioa sinct 1920 ....... lktldt ~Nonhl't'H (949) 49' ~~I M<Jn..l . I o...6p Sunday. 12 .. ~ s-t118-7 23649 H.t•ihomt 81\'d. (31°'373-0Ml ~'M..~:30p "'*>'· 12·~ AIO Sat\rday, Auaust 30, 2003 What Darlin9? Did 'l°u sa~. R.ECYCLED RAGS is havin9 their parkin9 lot part~? 40% off! That's temptin9. c ____ _ BE THERE OR BE SQUAR.Ef . WHEN. Sunda'I AuF 31. 2003 9:00 a.m. to 4·00 p.m WHERE: 2731 East Pacific Coast Hw'I Corona del Mar, CA 92625 (949) 675-5553 WHAT TO EXPECT: Great deals on cli!c fashion and accesories lots of friendlq people waitif18 on 11ou hand and foot. (lncludin9 two onsi9ht wardrobe coordinators) rvfreshments are served and drawm9 will betJtn at 2:30 p.m. FAITH Continued from A9 America, will be held at 8 p.m . Friday, et University Synagogue. Rabbi Arnold R1chll1' fOCt.11 will be on 1plrituallty, and Cantor Breier will be accompanied by a combo of mu1lcl1n1 and the University Synagogue choir. The aervlce1 are 1pon1ored by the Ro1lyn and Joaeph Balm Family Foundation. University Synagogue la at 4915 Alton Parkway. The public la cordially. Invited to attend at any time. Child care 11 provided free of charge. For more Information, call (949) 553-3535. AMNESlY LECTURE William F. Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International USA, will be the featured speaker at Orange Coast Un itarian Unlveraalist Church, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa, at 5 p.m. Sept. 13. Reserved tichts to the lecture and reception are $20 for preferred seating and $15 otherwise. A few tickets will be sold at the door. Information: (562) 646-4652. OCT.6 The Pacific Community of Secular Humanistic Jews presents a Yorn Kippur observance at 1 p.m. Oct. 6 at the Unitarian Church of Costa Mesa. The event will consist of a Yorn Klppur program, discussions on medical ethics, Jewish history through music and the roadmap to peace, and then a full-course dinner. Information: (949) 262-5850. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal w ith the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third M ondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St .• Suite G In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration Is required .• THIRTEEN JEWJSH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service is offering a aupport and dlacu11lon group for adult1 Whoae children or apoua .. addiction. The group mHta from 7 to 8:30 p.m . Tueaday1 at 250 E. Beker St., Suite G In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pr•regl1tr1tlon Is required. BAHAI FlRESIOES Members of the Bahe I faith h'Old Informal publlc dl1cu11lon1 on spiritual toplca et 7:30 p.m . every Friday and at 11 :30 the laat Sunday of the month. The talks Include brunch or dinner. Alao, Interfaith devotional meetlnga w ill be held the laat Saturday evening of the month. Call for locatlona. (949) 759-0999 for. Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St .. Coate Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818. A SPIRrTUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled " Journey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave.: Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newpon Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free "lectio divine" meditation group meeting is held at 7: 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT F~ OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. onthesecondandfourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Meaa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdaya and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdaya. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parkway. The service is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. GAY/LESllAN SUPPQRT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of a dlacu11lon group for perenta of Jewl1h gaya and leabl1n1 If enough people ere Interested. (714) 44s-4950. MYSTICAL MO SPtRtTUAL The Myatlcel Spiritualist Church of South'Orange County hold1 Sunday 1ervlcea every week at 10 a.m . et 2482 Newport Blvd .. Costa Meaa, Suite 3. A splrttuel healing aervlce •tarts at 9:30 a.m . (949) 681 -2290. f'E-MEMBERING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 p.m . every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center 11 at 2046 Mar Vlata Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHf P St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's Fellow1hip Breakfasfat 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in Dierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community are welcome to attend. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631-2880 . YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life pas.sages and changes. body images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderly parents. The group w ill be offered Tuesday. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration Is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY /DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety and or depression at 9 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Free. (7141 445-4950. INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service is forming a discussion group for interfaith couples where one partner is Jewish to speak about issues affecting an interfaith relationship. Call for times and dates. Jewish Family Service is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. (714) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all 1tages of loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. (71 4) 445-4950. craycraft entertainment . 949.644.1549 www.croycroftent9f'tOINnent.com .r WZ! 0 Daily Pilot FRIDAY GROUP Temple l11i1h of Newport Beech hold• weekly Friday night fellowahlp hour and refreshment• afterward 1t 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 548-6900. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a 1upport and di1cu11lon group for adult• dealing with the aftermath of divorce at 7 p.m . Wednesday• at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Maaa. Call for prlce1. (714) 446-4950. ext. 114. ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP St. Mark Presbyterian Church ho1ts a faith-baaed, nonaecterian abuae 1upport group from 7 to 6:30 p.m. Mondays at the church, 2100 Mar Vista Ave., Newport Beach. $5 or donations. (949) 721-8079. PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a support and discussion group for people dealing with the l11uea of anxiety, depression, relationships, communication, life changes. loneliness and family at 10 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. $16. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. MEN'S FELLOWSHIP GROUP Presbyterian Church of the Covenant's men's fellowship group meets from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesdays at the Village Farmer restaurant, across from South Coast Plaza In Costa Mesa. (714) 557-3340. ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people e><periencing dlronlc illness. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. AT A CROSSROADS Presbyterian Church of the Covenant hosts "Crossroads" for sixth·, seventh· and eighth-graders from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . Thursdays at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa The program. includes dinner, games and Bible study. $2 donation is suggested. (714) 557·3340. HELP wrTH HEALING Jewish Family Services of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group at 7 p.m. Thuradays for people who suffer from chronic illneu. The group's purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to help manage the effects illnesses have on people's lives. Meetings ere at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G., Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. WEEKLY KIDS PROGRAM. Presbyterian Church of the Covenant presents "Children of Our Lord; a weekly Thursday evening program. for first· through fifth·graders. Games, a speaker and dinner are Included for a $2 donation. The church is at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. (7141 557-3340. • Is your dlurdl or place of worship planning a special event? If so. send the typed information at least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. attention: Paul Saitow1tz, religion editor.; fax to (949) 646-4170 or send e·mall to dai/ypilot@latlmes.com. Rabbitt Insurance Agency AlTfO • HOMEOWNElS • HEAllli Sut.,liry Sin« 1957. Alk G' ~Sr1_, 949-631-7140, '41 ow,...,.. ................ O'lew"-IHe.plllO SSAS Z ' Dady Pilot COMMUNITY & CLUBS T he Harbor Mesa Lions Oub cooked and served , brea.kfasr ar lhe Ronald McDonald House in Orange, which Is lhe "home away from home" for famlUes of children with serious illne~es who are undergoing treatment at a nearby hospital. Oub members also collecr aluminum can rabs for lhis charity. Jennifer Kelder is the chaJrwoman of lhis project. Oub members are eagerly awaiting the srart of school. For the fourth year, members have been preparing covered shoeboxes for filling wilh school supplies needed by first graders at the Whitrier School in Co ra Mesa. Orgamzed by chairwomen Eunice Thomason and Gina Stansbury, the pro1ec1 wiU provide 200 boxes filJed wilh pencils, eraser.. sci~Or'>, rulers, glue. crayom. and orher supplies for the student'>. The boxe., will be handed out on ll1ursday. Because of the Labor Day holiday, 1he I larbor Mesa I.ions will nor meet the fim Monday of the monlh but on Monday, Sep1 8. at lhe Co'>ta Me~ Country O ub. at 6:30 p.m . Ille featured speaker will be ntfany Mejia of the Families of Co-; ta Me<,a organization ANDY MCCARTNEY TO LEAD EXCHANGE CLUB Andy McCartney was m ... taJled as 18th president of the Exchange Oub of Orange Coas1 at a dinner meeting at lhe Bahia Corinth1an Yacht Oub. Semng with McCanney on lhe board of directors are Bob Scott, president elect; Bette Moses. vice president for programs: Shirley Kohlmeier, secretary; Bob Jessen, treasurer; cind Tom Keyes. immediate pa'>t president. UPDATED WEB SITE Thanks to the good work of member Ryan Ku.ssner, the Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa\ Web site has been updated. making 11 easier to explore and for member!> to add information GETTING INVOLVED • GEmNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. PACIFIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orchestra's Volunteers in Education Opportunities program needs volunteers to assist children in a variety of hands-on musical activities. Volunteers spend a total of six Saturday mornings with the cttildren. (714) 755-5788, ext. 244. PARENT HELP USA Founded by mothers and others against cttild abuse, Parent Help ask.a the public for help and JIM DE BOOM about future club meetings and events. "Members can log on to the m ember-only section and update their personal address information," Kussner said. "The program chair can log on and update lhe monthly calendars wilhout having to go through the Webmaster." The sue also has lmlcs to other Hotary sites in Orange County and around the world. Oieck 11 OUt at llftp:llwww newportbalb<x2.org. WORTH REPEATING From "Thought for the Day" provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mel><I Irvine ln1 erfaith Council: "Use lhe talents you possess; for the woods would be very '>ilen1 if no birds sang except for the very best." - Author Unknown THE PITCH Looking to add some fun and meaning ro your life? Want to make a difference in your communlly or the world? Oieck out a service club meeung tlus week. Except when clubs announce a bw.iness meeting, you are welcome to visit as a guest. to meet the members. hear theu program and fmd out what lhey do. Most clubs wilJ buy your first meal for you. Serv1ce club membership is a great way to give back to your communuy, make friends and busine'>i> con tacts. Give a service club a try thi!. week! SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK TUESDAY 7: 30 a.m .: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunnse Rotary Oub v.iJJ meet at Five Crowns for a program by Paula Burto n. volunteers to inform the community on vital issues affecting cttildren and the family. For more information, call (949) 650-3401 or (949) 675-5271. PARTNERS ALWAYS CARING SERVlCES Volunteers are needed for a Crisis Assistance Program. assisting the emergency respo nders by providing emotional first aid at the scene of a critical incident No previous experience necessary. For more information, call (949) 724-7199 or e-mail partnersalwayscsring@cox.ner. PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF. whictt raises money to support pediatric cancer researctt, needs volunteers for a variety of duties. (949) 859-6312. ntE PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCHINST1TUTE The institute is looking for an "Celebrate America" Chttp:llnewportbeach sunri.serotary.orglindex.htm). 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport I larbor Uons Oub will meet at the Costa Mesa Councry Oub. WEDNESM Y 7:15 a.m.: The IQ-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub (http:llwww.soutl1coastmetro rotary.orgt and lhe Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at lhe University Athletic Oub. Noon: the Exchange Oub of lhe Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corintruan Yacht Oub for a business meeung. 6 p.m.: fhe SO-member ROLary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear from John Vogel. director of the Cen1ral Orange Coast YMCA (h11p:ll1i1ww.nPu1port balboa.or1¢. THURSM Y 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member Costa Me'>a-Orange Cmta Breakf~t Lions Oub will meet at M1m1's Cafe. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub wiU meet at the Holiday Inn (http.llwww.k1wani.s orglclublcostamesa). the SO-member Klwams Uub of Nev.i>ort Beach -Corona del Mar wt.II meet at the Bahia Connth1an Yach1 Oub to hear Jeff Scott discus "The Soccer Season"; lhe 80-member Exchange Oub of Newport I !arbor wt.II meet at the ;\;ewpon I !arbor Nautical Museum for a business meeting; and the 100-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium Hotel to hear Martyn Hopper on "California Job-Killer Bills" (htrp:llwww.nirotary.org). • COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot Send your service club's meeting information by fax to 1949) 660-8667 or by e-mail to 1deboom a aolcom volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn more about the program, call (8881 n4-4673. PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beactt nonprofit o rganization for the 99 and younger set, needs volunteers for its programs. (9491 262-7300. PROJECT ACCESS Project Access is a nonprofit organization that links resident of low-income housing developments with beneficial social services usually through resource centers. Volunteers are needed to tutor cttildren, teactt crafts and computer skills at the various centers. Paul Shapiro, (949) 253-3120 ext 229. PROJECT CUDDLE Project Cuddle, a nonprofit SeelNVOLVED,PaeeA12 •01•' ........ ,. ........................................ .. o.11111.,.,.Rte 1lw ,._. • R1l11 R1 I ' a• lrt nrnl 111• .. • M I 111 nu1 ,._, .... GIG1111 .. • ,,.,.,,,, CiwllMIWltlp ............ 714-111-1871 • 80CM33-.. 1t14llelaltllwd.•HWAll1nlelalt ...... I ...... ......... -.aMN•,.__11111ft.N•MM•llllt. ... • Stmi-Pr111atr for Mtn C-Womtlf • 0 11tr 80 Pitas of £quipmt11t • Pnvatr Pilatrs Studio • SPJS,V/SG Thtatrr 11.111h Nt w Sta tr-of the-A rt Cydn. • 16 Full-t1mt Personal Tra iners • Child Cart Bam-110011 ,\I -at. • Convtnitnt Parking • Yoga, Tai Cln, 'irrnrh Claurs •Sup. Powu /'ump. ( a1d1u • Showtrs, Stram d-To111l'ls • Da_Y pa • Acupunrturt/M1magr/Chiroprar1or 949760-5054 www shope·up com • www fitnessconcepts.oom 2101 East Poc1lic Coosl Hwy Corona Del M.or, CA 92625 • bP.d Wd~ $1 635 now· $870 Saturday. August 30, 2003 All l • $1800 now $1620 ,Al2 Saturday, Auaust 30, 2003 EJlzabeth Huebner. Artistic Dirl'C'tor J~,,//,.,.,,,., o/l!tf' J o//o/I . f3t,//rt «Better Sleep Through Science. " Get the Best tor Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ~ FloorCar• Products Sincl 1921 PALS (9'9) 845. 7257 2299 Harbor e!Vd. Costa Mesa . SOLIS INVESTMENTS & REALTY KRJSTIN M. Sous • Lice.rued Real F.statc A2cnt • Spmalizing in Newport Mesa Residmtiil Real £.state Eruc A. Sous, CFP • 17 l'tan F.xpninut • StQc/ts & Bonds • Mutual Funds •Annuities • Estate & &tirnnnit Planning • lnvestmmt Banking • SmalJ MiJJU Market Cmnpanies Can't get to the library due to illness or disability? Apply to have books, books-on<assette and videos delivered to you through the Newport Beach Public Library's Ho••ll•••tl Dellw•rY: lerwlce II le Newpert ••••• •••l••a.tta wrt0 from All organization, serves the needs of abused, abandoned and drug-exposed children. In addition to office help •¢ . once-a-month, 12-hour hotline shifts, volu.nteers are needed for an auxiliary group, fund-raising committees end to help distribute stidcers to stop babies from being abandoned In trash bins. The organization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432-9681. PROJECT TOGETHER Project Together seeks adult volunteers to establish a tnisting, one-to-one relationship with children stressed from family problems and abuse. This component of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the children are economically deprived, victims of neglect or both. (714) 850-8444. READ/ORANGE COUNTY Volunteer literacy tutors are needed to help create a more literate community with no-<::0st tutoring for adults in reading and writing. one-on-one or in small groups. The adult literacy program serves the Orange County Public Library system. Lessons are individualized and confidential. Training is provided and required. For more information, call: (714) 566--3070 or go to www.readoc.org. REAOINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students in kinderganen through the third grade. In Costa Mesa: Pomona Elementary School, (949) 515-6980; Whittier Elementary School, (949) 515-6898; Wilson Elementary School, (949) 51f>.6995; and New Shalimar Learning Center, (94.9) 646-0396, need help for students in reading, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m .. and after school from 3 to 6 p.m .• Monday through Friday. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree, hold a canned food or toy drive, or make a special gift or donation directly to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organization is loolung for volunteers to help create a positive alternative for people 12 lo 23. Volunteers are needed to help in areas such as boxing, sports, health, fitness, aerobics and academic tutoring. (949) 548·3255. SERVlCE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals to help small businesses succeed by leading seminars and coaching entrepreneurs online. The corps is a nonprofil charitable organization composed of 11,500 volunteer business mentors. both wortcing and retired, who counsel businesses from nearly 400 offices throughout the country. Call (714) 550-7369, and ask for membership. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeless families by helping them set goals and maintain a basic budget. Bilingual skills needed. Orientation and training provided. Theresa Rowe. (949) 757-1456. SENIOR MEALS AND SERVICES INC. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound senior citizens residing in Costa Mesa who are not able to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. Volunteers are asked to donate at least one hour per week for a six-month period. Substitute drivers are also needed to fill In for regular drivers. (71 4) 840-6611 or (714) 891-0804. SERVING P£0Pt.E IN NEED Serving Peopte In Need. alto know .. SPIN, la lookJng for meats for the homefesl, ., : assemble hygiene kits, distribute ! meals and pidt up food for • preparation. SPIN provides move-In costs for housing, caM · management and support • • servicles to famlllee leaving shelters. SPIN wortera also serve as family advisors or mentors •• and conducts wortshops on budgeting and more. Visit SPIN af; 2900 Bristol St, Suite H-106, Costa Mesa. (714) 751-1101. •· .. • SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The clinic, which provides • emergency services to the needy • in Orange County, is looking for · volunteers to deliver and pldc up • food from local restaurants and grocery stores, help with medical • and dental staff, data entry, assist • with food sorting and distribution, to help at the front desk and some other duties. The group also needs translators. (949) 642-3451 , ext. 257. SHERMAN LIBRARY I.GARDENS .. .. • You could assist with the garden, • wort in the gift and tea shop or beoome a docent guide for children and adults at Corona del Mar's botanical garden and historical research library. Stefanie Kristiansen, (949) 673-2261. .. .. SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER The Small Business Assistance Center of Orange Coast College needs volunteers to advise small business owners in finance, accounting, law, martceting, sales, human resources and other areas. (714) 432-5916. .. SOMEONE CARES SOUP KITCHEN Someone Cares Soup Kitchen needs food servers and volunteers for kitchen duties. The organization is at 720 W. 19th St.. • Costa Mesa. (949) 548-8861. SOUTH COAST LITERACY COUNCIL Volunteer tutors are needed to meet a greater demand for literacy and English as a second language classes. Students are taught English reading, writing and speaking skills at their own level in small groups or one on one. The.re are centers all over Orange County. Once trained, tutors may choose the center at which they want to teach. Mary Fitzgerald, (949) 458-8664. sountCOAST REPERTORY THEA~R The South Coast Repenory -' .... -.. - ... ..... ., - Theater needs volunteers to help .. with ushering (see plays free) and - other functions. (714) 708~5500. • SPEAK UP NEWPORT A nonprofit organization that promotes the social welfare by educating the public and improving local government in Newpon Beach holds monthly meetings the second Wednesday : of each month at the Newpon Beach Tennis Club. A reception begins at 5:30 p.m ., and meetings begin at 6 p.m. Free. Annual membership dues are $20. Send ched to "Speak Up Newport; P.O. Box 2594, Newpon Beach. 92663. (949) 673--1191. .... smcHES FROM THE HEART Made up of a group of women from Southern California who .... .. .. .. . -. -. . love to knit and crochet, the nonprofit corporation is looking • for volunteers to knit and crochet ~ • hats, booties and blankets for premature babies and babies in need. The items are donated to hospitals across the country. Patterns are available, and ... .. .. donated yam is appreciated. Kathy Silverton, (310) 472~. SUSAN G. K~ BREAST CANCER FOtN>AllON .. •• .. ·-., • • . • Volunteers ere needed for a • variety of positions to help the , Foundation with the 12th annual ~. Komen Orange County Race for ! the Cure. The race la Sept. 28 at • Fashion i.Jend In Newport Beech. ! More than 30,000 pertidpents are •! expected, and 2,000 volunteers ... are needed. For mont • Information, calf (714) 967~9167 or: visit www.ockom«i.oom. • -........... _ ..................... . y AY8 LABOR DAY SELL-A-THON •aooo Ford Rebate c¢l o·/·A.P.R.* For BO Mns. on approved credit on . 2003 1:t;t~:oliit•UI, Explorer 4-Dr, F150 Reg . Cab I Supercab (excluding SVTJ, Ranger, Windstar, E-Van JYewlC1AjFocus SE: 4-Door Power wlndow!!i/dr locl46.remote entry,11/r cond,spllt fold rear !H!at, aluminum wh~ls.stereo CD/MP:J 0 1Jf10J8'1DtJ!OllJ· 011'64 1 iJ•Jl6(iCJ ID 1JlcTS1 Net $n,...,i= Cost ~~10 /'fow Get fmim ford Rebate Ai'o §E'.iI!] floaU5 CS-frota ford Mot« Cid · Ulded Ol'ft:t explm 9/2/0J JVewlC1AJRangerril1Hta Supercab l!V IM~ll (1 msc CIJ Air cond.power windows/door loch.5. remote entry.fog lamptJ.P7:J~ All· TetTa/o tlre!f.color keyed bumpers. ral!fed 4x4 hood JVew IC•~ Mustang Stampede ,u 1 ro•1 ., rK rHAl'¥S M.S.R.P: • '19,135 Air cond.power windows/door loco KG Discount: -3160 :J.BL V6,tJtereo CD :i 14IXJ1s1 Mm1' Sales Price: . . Sf !,!75 ·0 ''5'1 s Ford Rebate: ~011111 g~~t$13 ?i75 Jiut Announc.ed ~ ford Rebate on All fll MA en I aod Cobn . Umltt:d Time Olla uplm 9/2/0J !Yew 1C1~j F 150 XLT Supercab '"' '"' .,,, ,, 111.-.c cu Autom11Uc trllml.alr cond.pwr wind/ door locb.Wt,uvl~.remote entry. Appearance pll.g,alumlnum wheels. P2~~/10R·l6 OWL t1re9 )!) •~1'91Je D,M91.J8 'l)l~,;;9l '"'7'811 ***SELL-A-THON SPECIALS*** /Vew [;JJ Taurus LX : 4-Door ~~~~s::~~~~.. $1 ~f,~ AutomaUc trans. V6,alr cond.power ...... Bonus Cash-': iMldiM windows/door loclu.AM/1'ftf n ereo ~ Net $J -!Z gryz ID•ZJWJ3 Cost ~ I i....7 !Vew [;JJ Explorer Sport : 2-Door ~~~~s::~~~~. $1~1,T.~ Premium sweo CD,automaUc tnuu,alr cond, • power windows/door locb.alu.mlnum wheels ' , Net $11 J:= J:= J:= J:= J~o~'Slri,~1fJ ...;.; Cost O,~ !Vew [;JJ P 150 XLT Supercab ~~~~s:;~~~e. s2~r,~ cond,power wlndows/dr Joclcs,Wt,crvlse _ ~ -,_ Tow pllg,4.6L VB.In Dash (6) DIK CD.alr •.• NBco~n~ut~ c, .. 8975 J •! 'I» !J •!ll'l.J ''!.US'S ::H!3150,.,!il!JIJ 0 !Vew r;.x; Mustang Convertible ~~~~s;:~~~~· S2~1[,~ Leatber,automaUc trana,(6) Dl.K CD.rear • $19~5 spoiler.aluminum wheels -, Net = •45 , J •,s~ D11s1>x • Cost , /Vew [;JJ Explorer XLT : Moonroof ~~~~s::~~~~ $2~ Power moonrooltow pl(Q,.Jrd row !IUt. • Bgo~n~uts•C229B power drivers seat.st~ CD ~ J •!-'.OW 'D •31M· 0 '64J.U' .'!J IW5 .J 15125ll New 03 EXPEDITIOIY XLT !Vew r;.x; P250 XLT Supercab 4x4 ~~~~s;:~~~~.. $3~1?,~ f'n 1"'9-Mld plllta,auto tnms,6.0L D#esd,alr • Bonus Cash'"· Mll1'11J cab step.pua air bag.auto Jocb/auto lamps -e ' ~ cond.pwr seat,.J.7.J L5 ~.(6} DLtc CD.Wbuw · N t $29.9. 5 J '°"4 01C1sm.:o'° ,~ Cost , I 4i !Vew (IJJEXClJRSIOIY ·Eddie Bauer 4x4 saies Price: $41JI,! • Ford Rebate: 1 1 6.0L Tlu'l>o DlaeLrear DYD.(6) DLte CD. • Bonus Cash-'. a.moo towpkg,Jutber · Net $6_%89/5 o1'°°6~01a5dOQI :>l!sc.m ~ Cost J~~ ·rou MUST qualify with and finance with Ford Motor Credit to get Bonus Cash. *0°/o APR financing for 60 months~ 60 payments of ~16.67per~1000 borrowed. Down payment, cash, or trade, ranges from l 0% to 35%, depending on your own creditworthiness as determined by Ford Motor Credit. lndMdual circumstances may allow for a higher or lower down payment. Some customers may no.t qualify. Applies to new vehicles only. Residency restrictions apply. Expires close of busines.s 9/02/03. !Yew k•~ Explorer XLS : 4-Door .4lr cond.power wlndo..-./door locb. prlVIKT 9/•u.premlum •t.erro CD/ auaeff.e D M~166<1D '91l651 ID ,4:1674¥/D t!l17211 !D#ASIC'l?JI () , If 1flOC I Sales Price: • '22,~875 Ford Rebate: ~ •:inzu Bonus Cssh6 : . . · Mt1tdu 1Yewk1A3Explorer XLT: Tow Pkg I '0111 H """ I " .... I l I (ID Kl~ K19J6S~IO K19'UXID IC191174J ll>IClllOIUI) ltJ I.Ml/ (/() K.d09d1XIO "5TJ/lj (J) teS7l5SI 1)"511111 ~:fte'l:~: • 'ti!! Bonus CashA: :ulv llffil1IJ ~t~1375 1Yewk1~JF150 XLT SUPERCREW l/"f IM ... 11 (• ,,, .. , < U ~cw '03 EXPEDITION : [<f<lh · n,1u( ·r I ' 11\ ... 11 "" /1/ ... 1 I /I Sales Price: .'3. Ford Rebate: Bonus CashA: ~ MntmJ Net Cost ;a.c "Air .,.,... • .,...,_.~._o.t ._,.....,o.e.••,._.....,. ,.,a.t.,_ ... , .... o.t .. ,... .. W•Af •Mllt ... ,., •• ,.,awww On Appl"CJWCI Credit. rtnandng rates Vil')' depending on aedlt ..u.tne11 of customer as determined by rord Credit. Some customers wllJ not quallfy. Plu.. government fees and tam, 111)' finance chlrges, any dealer document prepntlon charge, and any emission testing charge. ThJ.t ad excludes all leala, tetlll purchMe only, subject to prior sale. Explru do9e or buslneM 9/02/03. .· - ~ • . ·---.. --·· -...... ~·~--~ ..... .,......", Al4 Saturday, Au ust 30, 2003 RosEY's AtrroBODY LIFETIM E WARRANTY Pull~ Colla&on c.nt... Insurance Approv9cl Shop GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY lallel Y•·E1111'Sale ONGOING EVENTS • Send ONGOWG Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; b'f e-mail to mlke.r.wnson@latlmes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at http://www.dailypilot.com. The Newport c.nter Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skllls or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and backgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fltnees. Gueat8 are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 721-6732. offering a support and dlacuulon group for women 60 ind older the second and fourth Monday of every month from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Pre-registration Is required. For Information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Jewish flmlly Service i. offering a women's d~vorce and separation support group at 7 p.m . Wednesdays at the Jewish Federation Campus in Costa Mesa, 260 E. Baker St. For more infocmation, call (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's The HoneyBaked Cafe is full of surprises, not ham. now ,YOU and ~o.UF lunc.h buddies can stor b,Y The +f one~Ba.Ji:.ed C-af e for a sUFprl.sin~.J,l~ wide arr>a;y of delwL<>us, made from scratch, lunc.h tem_pt;at;\,ons. T ~ oUF +lone;yffa..V{ed ehwlf\en eoraon BLeu, Beef Wellington, or ~orK Fillets W\;th Fresh Bt.acKber~ ~[aie. Or e~O.'J a fresh, cr i:.sp,Y ffiaster eh1 Sal.ad. Ana, f brea..V{/1ast Ls to .'JOUr> l,l,Kl,n8, we serve i.t all da.'J lon8. With ehot.ees ti.lite our ~~t and fluff.'J +lone~Ba.Ked Omelettat;a wt.th TurKe.'J, Avocado and SWt.ss eheese or scrumpt;\,ous Stuffed French Toast. So ne:xttime .'Jou do luneh, do l,tirl s~le atThe +lone;yBa.li:.ed C-afe ... wher•e .'Jou'll fLnd over si.~ delici.ous things-For Lunch, besi.aes our amai'-n8 ham. COm e see us toda9. We're r~ht next door to that famous ham store. OpenMonday -Wednesday8a.m.·6.:30pm THE HONEYBA Thursday-Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin 13771NewportAve.#13 Phone : 714-731~16 Fax :714-731-4907 tbdhrjon Beach 19022 Beach BIYd. #( fJtme: 714-963-6174 Fax 714-37S.1216 Momma John We belong to the world's largest flooring retail gro"p -co-op. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated. 4,000STORE BUYING POWER NOBODY anywbere can beat our selectton, prlas or service. You're paying too mucb If you 're not buying ~m us. Jennifer lifetime Warranty Carpet s 1 •• lifetime Warranty la•lnate s2•• - -, - Gus lifetime Warranty Ceramic s 1 •• lifetime Warranty Wood s2•• Brenda 100% FREE No Questions Al kid 60 day excbange. If you don't like It, we will replace it IFULL SERVICE CtHter Ttpt • Shwtr• • Cera11io • SttH • Gr11ite • Wtt~ Refi1i1~ ONE STOP SHOP Widtw Ct¥1tl1 • • Clea1l1 Car et & U ~eltte • Pai1ti1 -l1terler & Exterler C09ta .... lrvln• , ... , •••·7•7• , ... , •••.• ,., t•• •· t7tll 17777 M•ln ••• •OM·fll t·S •ON.FRI 10·6 • SATURDAY 10·4 MTVllAYI I IUHAYI 10·4 CLOSED SUNDAY EVIMIHS IY APPOINT•ENT ... meeting will feature a different apeelter on lauea relating to the Bill of Rights. lnformatloni (714) 967-6107. •IMch Llndlclpee,• an exhibit featuring digitally manlpul1ted aerial photographs of the Hawaiian lal1nds by Donna Ruzlc*a, umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller and Back Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept. 30 at Newport Beach City Hall. Information: (949) 717-3870. "Tennis In Art." en exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis Instructor and coach Jose Mendoza, will be on display In the Newport Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. M endoza's work is known for its manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration on tennis. Information: (949) 717-3870. Volunteer drivers ere needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals,# sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Project Cuddle, a nonprofrt organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to girls who are considering abandoning their babies, is in need of ongoing volunteers. For more information, visit www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. Macy's in Costa Mesa invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate. call (714) 556-0611. ext. 4231. Yoga classes will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m . for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Costa Mesa's Recreation Division will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m . and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m . Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist of lunch/dinner, games. crafts, prizes. cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. Five new wines will be sen1ed on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newpon Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parking is $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A variety of privete, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian aergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del M ar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, tMns end edulta can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes 'l Daily Pilot begin July 12. Feet very. Ca~I ) (949) 644-3161, orvfaltthe Newport Beach Recreation an' Senior Servloea 1 3300 Newpof! . 'I ,,. ProfMaloMI end lanMd ~ trainers with the All-England ;r Soocer Academy are 1vallable f,or one-on-one, small group and •- large group training. For more., information, call (949) 396-51o:t Jewish flmlty ~la 'I sponsoring a teen oupport group for high tdlool students that , , meets Mondays from 3:30 to !> p.m . at Tarbut V'Torah Upper ,, School in Costa M e.sa. For •. information or to register, call .. (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration,is required. Ttt• Am Plge -An• Children'• Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 1.0Jn Costa Mesa, offers free story th:ne Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10;30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays • from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside Reataurent in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person,, featuring five new wines each, week. For more information, caJI (949) 721 -1222. If your orchid 11 too big for ltl _ pot, Green Systems lnternatio11al will show you how to re-pot yqyr plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at thf 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the secrets of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you • walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking ~ $4. Call (714) 996-5262 for more information. Team Survivor,• nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the , second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess · store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community CounM1if1g Center offers a way to stop the, cycle of domestic violence • through the support group In , S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands (pr safety, awareness, faith and '. empowerment. The group mails Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m . ~ Free. For more information, caM (949) 721-8079. ~ .. Teens In the seventh through •• ninth grades are invited to drOQ by the Costa Mesa Recreation !l Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Mond~ through Friday for indoor and• outdoor sports and activities. ltle center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. .. Information: (714) 327-7560. • The Newport Beach W.lking °"b meets at the corner of Superio( and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. _ everyday. For more informatiorf, call (949) 650-1332. • The Newport Beach Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 t~ 9 p.m. Thursday nights at • Superior and Hospital Road in : Newport Beach. For more • information, call (949) 650-1332; ' • The Spanish Speeking Ctub I meets to learn Spanish quick arld easy. For more information, cal (949) 650-1332. The Ann. of Bulineu Services l hosts a networking meeting th4 deals with education connectiors from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the : Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., • Costa Mesa. For more ~ information, call (949) 805-0o~.; "Olvorc:.: A New Beginning," ·1 a workshop for men and worrl divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m . t 180 Newport Center Drive on t third Saturday of every month.: Cost Is $40. For more informatlen, call 644-6435. ! • Daily Piiot ONGOING Continued from Al4 guesta to the drealng rooms, . end on stage at 10:30 a.m. every VVednesday and Saturday et 600 Town Center Drive, Cost.a Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more infonnation, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport 8Mc:tt Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organi1ation is open to all women residents In Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more Information, call (949) 645-9922. or visit newcomers-newponbeach.org. 0.... Senior Center holds • pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar For more infonnation, call (949) 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents ·workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program· hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7·30 pm. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and rhythm, •vogarhythmics" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5.45 p.m Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Dm1e East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nau1ical Museum offers the exh1btt ~Joe Duncan Gleason. Aechscovering Cahfom1a's Manne An Master; through Sept. 30 The museum 1s at 151 E Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission For more information. call (949) 673-7863. Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to panicipate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group Is geared toward dealing with Issues between interfaith couples, sud\ as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join • discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues sucn as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodc. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa. Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newpon Beach. All hardcover and paperbac* donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Braille Institute often fJ'9e computer classes to people with · fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguente Ave., Corona del Mar. offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care dass meets at 7: 15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport Beacn. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Cosu Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networtung luncneon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the firS1 and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer ,.\~~~MIKE'S ~~e°cARPETI OVER 30 YEARS IN CO STA M ESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• Laminate Flooring Featuring ALLOC No G lue Insta llatio n Wood Flooring Refinishing & N e w Texture-Plush ~arpet f\l-o S20Jlaq ft Installed Berber Carpet f\l-0~ $169 Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Center at Hoeg Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group It designed to help patients and their families St. Andrew's ~n Chun:h hosts a mental Illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfield Hall Cat 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish F11mlly Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950 The Jewish F11mily SeNice of Orange County has a weekly parenting suppon group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their cn1ldren The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children expenence Preregistration required (714) 445-4950. The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makersi rom 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884 Jewish Femlly Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically 111 The purpose is to provide part1c1pants with emotional and sp1rttual support to manage illness and its consequences The group meets at 7 p.m Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance 1s free, but reg1strat1on 1s required. (714) 445-4950. &rabble Club No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p m. Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St. Ceramic f\l-0~ $150 sq ft Vinyl Flooring 0~•1n ~\\! aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ·s11ee4a ~ESIGN CENTER ~~For All Your Deco~ating Needs!" fURNllURE REUPBOLSDRY • Custom-Made furnitu re • Slip Covers • Patio furniture Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads Saturday, August 30, 2003 Al S in Costa Mesa. $3. New player• are welcome. (949) 206 9822 The Com and St.mp CNb m..U from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to 1oin these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Family Servic4t often ongoing bereavement suppon groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadn"5s and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob 1n Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills The third group meets at 1 p m. Thursddys at the Ezra Center in Anaheim Free, but advance reg1stra11011 1s required (714) 445.4950 • Custom Wood Fence In stallatio n • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Lin k Fence Installations • Chain Link Fence Repa irs Serflin9 Oran9e CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 See ONGOING. Paee Al6 (949) 5 48-4422 (949) 548-9662 L1cen~e #31331 I Showroom Consultation • New C.1binc.:l\ -C:ounu.:rcop • ln\tJ ll,n1 on • K11d11.:11 I k-,1~11 • ervin: AvJi!Jbk •In-Ho me hlim arc<,.• 95 D ifkrrnt C.1h11H·1 \rdt-, @ t dea [l (714) 965-1876 HOME IM PROVEMCNl (800) 433-2588 Lie. No 0 790680 - 19 l li2 lkad1 BhJ. (Real h & Larfi cld), Hunrtnt,l<>n Pic.11 .. h -I H o ur': 1on .. WcJ .. &. Fri .. 4)-'5 'Tun. & Thur-.. 9-8 • )Jt • 1) i • \un 12-1 Tal<e an extra 10 °/o off already reduced prices! on Through Tuesday, September 16, 2003 H.J. GARRETI FURNITURE ·A family tradition of providing service and value s!nce 1960. • 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646-0275 ---~ Al6 Saturday, August 30. 2003 BEACH give you the opportunity not only to worship, but to learn, socialize, and to experience RABBI MARC RUBENSTEIN's E~OQUENT STYLE OF DELIVERING HIS SERMONS, to listen to our phenomenal CANTOR SVETLANA PO RTNYANSKA YA and to get that great feeling of belonging, all at the same time and place, all together? WE WISH All OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 5764. OL'R \10ll0 I'-. ·\Ul ·\l<I .\ •.tl<A'-<,rn \\IHI l 'O.'-l) O'< f '.'.' TH E HIGH HOLY DAYS WILL BE CELEBRATED AT OUR PLACE OF WORSHI P: 2401 IRVINE AVE. on the BACK BAY, corner Santa Isabel. FOR RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION CALL (949) 548-6900 • Pastries & Taverna • Free Cooking demonstrations • Free Greek Dance lessons • Live music by l evendla & John BllezklJlan • Specialty Boutiques. Games & Carnival rides •Opportunity Drawing-Trip for two. to Greece :!-I llOtH 1nt11 l111~ '1-IY ~ 11 I 111; • 1/-1'1 711 .!IM -1'1.l'I \h1111 "~" \ II'\ lilt' Ju,1c."11111tw Ill~°'''"'~''" Mkr) .111.l ( uh(•r llpon'4•r.:J h1 'II !'Jul'' lirt-.:~ Orthotl1•\ l'hurlh ,..--------, FREEi ADMISSION' 25th Annual Greek Festi val l'ru.la} 5-1 Opm s . .11urdJ) l\oon· l Opnt Sunday uon-9pm VJhd "'uh 1..oupon uni) 49-l!J Alton Pl." y. lrV IOl' 1 l .J\l 1mt'' L.----------- ef l l'l'i< OPAi SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL I 'A c....fty tWc.leJ 111n"9 ..J°Sfrrilf l ";: ~I ;::n'tu:;:: Recto< 3209 Vio Lido Newpon Bcoch 949/67.5-021 0 • 7 30 om Trod.1110001 9 om Conle!nPO<arx 9om Church SthoOI 1 I om Chori$11lClhC and Wednesday Noon I' I< I 'i tn I I RI ·\ '\. ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 Jambclrtt & t,asiblun In ''"port Rt-ach \l ~tMi~ &All¥ P.1t1f1l \'rcw JI \l.1ri::utr11c l urun.1 Jd \hr • M'l 04(>\ ~ I u~<:":l.Jll"~ u/ 1/, 1,,,,ft1.it1 I 11mm1u11011 HI //llf\1, IJI k HI/II f(J\/\I, I I/HJ\/ ~ \IJ \/RI f \1, IJ( R <rJ~fltl \II I ll1t R,' J I' 11 • 0 l!J, "' R.-.1111 ~l 'll\\ \!HI Ill I I x •Ill I l11h ~u<hJm1 'I •rn \unJ,1 "-h.will o\!luh l\1hlt \tud> Ill '"' l ''"'.ii I u,h,m1 \/ IN JI) I 4111 ~. 1/ l/111 \ 11 l ){ l li '( 1 I I I \ \ ( ( 1 \I \II \ I I ) R1111rrectien Bttch 12S9 Victoria Strut, Costa Mm Retir1111111t 811ffet for H1y11u 1t S:30 PM Special worahi~ service et 7:00 M S1111d1y eve11l119 service If 7:00 PM R•"· B1rr11ra H1yn11 Telephou (7t4I S39-n27 Ea1il RBMCC@~i9ftot.ee1111 "DOES PRAYER REA Ll.Y HELP?" (LUKE 11:1·131 Dr_ Jolu1 A Huffm•n. Jr. p,~.J<hlft, ~.arurda), AUf4ull 10. 100}, ~: 10 P.M Sunday. Au_.." ll. 2001, 8:30 6t 10: I~ A.M. (•Cr!>'ls fTom N~port H•rbof High ~ool ai lrvin~ amt I ~di) 600 ~. AndrtW\ R<>1d. Nrwport 8uth, C.ahfonua 92661 \ 125 (9•91631-2880 E·MAIL tnfo'i'-uJWl~prn.or1 WFB wwwtt11id~WJ~.<>f11 ~ ..... ---~ ................. , -·-~ I WORSHIP DIRECTORY .\11 ·r I H )( >l'i I Newpon Center United Methodist Church Rl'\ ( Jtliln:n Loot\. l'.l\tor l<lOI ,\1.irgucnrt· \H corner 111 ,\ 1.irgul'l Ill' .111J ~Jn Jo.14urn I lilb }{d (949) 644-0745 Ham Q1ur1 V:'iml11p \rri 1u 1011111\\onl11p11111/ ( h1!tlrr11'. \111ul1ry .'ir/100/ }0111'1 mutmg u ultly I l . I 111 H ·\ '\. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (I.LC.A.I 798 Dover Dr. Newport Beech IradlllAn•I Lutheran Pastor Charles Endter Worship Service with Holy Comm&1nlon Sunday 9:15 •m CHILD C...,_ AV.uLAaU (949) 548-3831 MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979~8234 01 R1r,.,.110 Gl'O'IJ• PP, 'Stephane f'l(Jo Sm1°01 M•m~lt'I Vot1lh Mm1~ter Christ Church By the Sea l nuul \I 1t .. .J1" 11110 \\ l\•ll• .. llh.I '""I"'" 11,. • .1, It, t\'" \.JM' \ul iJ I.-• "'I\ ~' 1~J1 •L ,,, In c Hrv. Or. ~rp;t R C...risp. Puior (94'))67 J-3805 < llHl\ll\'-. H's Time y ComeDn Back Worship 10:00 A.M HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Olsc:lplea of Christ) 2401 lrvlne Ave. Newport 811cll, CA (949) 645-5781 Mllllsttr: Of. Otn111$ Sllort ( 111< I\ I I \" \( 11 "I I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST.SCIEN11ST )JOJ VIO Udo N11wport Booch 6 7 3-1340 or 6 7 3-6150 Chwch 10 am b 5 prn Sunday Sc:Mc>l 10 am w~~7Xlpm SECOND CHURCH O F CHRIST. SCIENTIST 31 oo PoctJic v-ew 0r Newport 8'lach 644-2617 or 675-4661 Chu1ch IOam S•mday School 10 am w.~ M<~7 JOpn A I !II W"'1nlwiay 12 noon For Moses truty soid unto the fathers, A prophet Iha• the Lord YG4'f God raise up unto you of your br.thren, like unto me; him lhal ye heat in oll thi"I' wfMmoever he sholl ~ unto you. Actt 3:22 Bm:hcs of The Mocher Chi1t:l1 • The FIN a.ud1 of Cbn-t. Scienl!'i • ll<NOO. M.tlsldllbdts l\tl\l\"..r \;l!<lll< · jl\\l\(J WORSHIP DIRECTORY -~ ~-~ .... .._.._--..-......,.._ ... ~ . --.-..~~ ...... Our Lady Queen of Angels A + •A God-ccnrettd p.uuh comrnuniiy, instructed by the Word of God .ind rcn~-c:ti by the Sacmnmt• 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beach. CaJifomia 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 f Rnt. Monsignor Willi"'1 P. McLaughlin Pasror UTIJRGlES: Suunby, 5 p.m. (Cantor), Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Comemporary) 10:00 (Choir), 11 :30 a.m. (Canror) and 5:00 p.m. (Contemporary) Publiaha Every Saturday in the Pilot CALL 949.S74.4249 ONGOING Continued from Al 5 County provides a support end diacu.,.ion group for persons recovering frqm childhood or , teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m . Tueadays al 250 E. Baker Sl, Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Two-hour uyak tours with • trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive, Newport Beacil. $20, or $10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. A yoga and dance dass is hekl from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 M esa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa M esa. (714) 754--7399. The Rev. Connie Ryckman laed1 a discussion group using the book "Conversations with GodH from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 M esa Verde Drive East, Suite m , Costa M esa. Bring a lundi. (714) 754-7399. Marshall's Tae Kwon Do In Costa M esa offers free self-defense classes to airline pilots and fhght attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S National Champion Tom Marshall. M arshall's is at 333 E. 17th St.. Suite 13. Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122 A Dealing with Divorce support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p. m Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus. 250 E Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. (7141 445-4950 The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at l he Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadi (9491 642 6301or1949) 551-8591 Oasi• Senior Center offers ongoing assistance, counsehng and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244 The Costa Mesa Senior Citizen SQuare and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m Thursdays at the Costa M esa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa M esa. (714) 545-5669 Arthritis Founda1ion inl1Juct.or Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa (714) 513-5641. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of eadi month. The organization 1s open to all women residents of Newport Beadi who have lived rn the area for fewer than five years. For more information, call (9491645-9922 or v1s1t the Web site newcomers-newportbeadi.org. The Thursday Momlng Woman's Club, e 40-year-old friendship club, 1s seeking new members. The cfub, whidi includes golf, • bridge, walking and gourmet sections, m eets at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon is $23 and includes entertainm ent. The hotel is at 4545 M acArthur Blvd. (714) 842-5863. The rffwport Beech W.Ndng Club meets at 9 a.m . and 7 p.m. M onday through Saturday, and at 1 p.m . Sunday. Walkers should meet at the Intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The American t.glon mMtl et 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal with veteran lssuet and community service. wlll be held al the Costa Mesa Air Netio Guard. The national guard la a 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mery Holler, (714) 546-2m; or Biii M lmlaga, (949) 650-0894. Nightly nNMrtlngt for thoN wt.~11 want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in Costs.,a Meaa and Newport Beach. (7 r;; n4-9106 or (800) 642-0666. 1: I The Newport Sports Museom. a ': nonprofit organization, operates •: a free museum at 100 Newport • Center Drive, Newport Beach. The,: museum. whidi has one of the ~. w orld's largest collections of sports memorabilia, is open from 1 9 a.m. to 6 p.m . weekdays and 10 • a.m . to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721·9333 or http:/lwww.Newpon sportsmuseum.org. , I The Estancia High School Pa~ ; Teadier Student Assn. hosts a ; monthly paper drive every 1 Saturday from 9 a m. to noon in : the sdiool's northwest pat1ting lot, on the corner of Estancia North and Placentia. Newspapers that are bound, loose or bagged are accepted. Cardboard and bound material sudi as phone books and thidc magazines are not. Also. bins are available for drop off every day of the mon1h All funds raised go 10 the association. Free The sd1ool 1s at 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. • (949) 515-6500 ; 'I Oasis Senior Center ofters a deffv'. I telephone contact program fo< seniors who have a limited local support system They also offer ongoing computer classes that teadi the basics of Word Ouidcen. Print Shop and Internet '. usage. (9491 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Communicators ' Toas1maS1ers Club meets frolf noon to 1 p m Wednesdays di the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive. Costa Mesa. M eetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking s~ills (714) 444-8783. The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastmastors Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p m Tuesdays in Sgl Pcpperon1's meeting room. 2300 Bristol St Newport Beach Call to make reservations (9491646-t274 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County holds group m eetings for younger wonwri to discuss life passages and dianges, body images, family relationships, communication, rn11macy and se)(uahty, anx1e1y and loneliness. The group meets • at 1 p m Tuesdays at the agency office. The office 1s at 250 E &ker • St., Suite G, Costa Mesa Preregistration is requtred Marry Middler, (714) 445-4950, ext 114. The Mesa MesMngers Toastmasters Club 691 1n Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m Tuesd<1ys at Mesa Verde United M ethodist Churdi, 1701 W Baker St., CoslJ Mesa. (714) 540 4446 The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastmasters Cluh 1 1300 meets from 1to9 p.m Tuesdays at Platt College, 3901 M acArthur Blvd .. Newport Bea"Ch Call to make reservations (949) 646-1274 The Zlngars Toastmasters Club 61 SF m eets for brealcfasl on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 a.m at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear #B17 The meeting is free for first time visitors. For more information, call (714) 241-1109 The Newport C.m.r Toastmasters Club 231 meets , from 1to8:30 a.m. Mondays at , the Irvine Co., 610 Newport , Center Drive, Newport Beadi. : (949) 756-1025. The Harbotitte ToastmHtet'S Cl~b meets at 7 a.m. Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, (949)293"4630. - 1 Udo lale Toastmal19rl meet 6'>m 6:30 to 8 p.m . M ondays at " : Aetd1er Jones Motorcars, 3380 i Jamboree Road, Newport Be&tti (714) 964-5314. •I : r ' The O.tlt Senior <Anter~~ shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. White Front Pharmacy t ' ---.. .... __ VISIT US ONLINE AT www.southcoastsultaru.co111 '~THE · BEST SMALL SUV WE'VE EVER TESTED~" -INSURANCE INSTITUTE FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY 2003 SUBARU FORESTER LANCE ARMSTRONG DIMN BY WHAT'S INSIDE The world's highest scoring small SUV in crash tests. ............. 40 MPH Front.I OffMt SMf>HCrash Avenceo.,...... QmllTeetRMll• C,_,. Teet Rattnc Teat Ratine forSMPHTeet Good Good $364 Good Poor $1,652 . Marginal Acceptable $661 2003 Toyota RAV4 Acceptable Poor $1,995 llHS president Brian O'Neil said, "the Subaru Forester demonstrates what can be accomplished when a manufacturer makes safety a priority.· The Forester is the only small SUV in the world to earn the highest possible scores in frontal offset crash tests, side impact crash tests and bumper tests from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It's the SUV that's driven by a highly developed protective instinct. 1-800.WANT-AWD SU1BARU.1 @ subaru.com ---DRIVEN BY WHAT'S INSIDE Based on a rating of "Good" in 40 mph frontal offset crash tests (7 /02), low-speed bumper tests (7 /02) and side impact crash tests (6/03) by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety THE WORLD'S FIRST MULTICHOICE VEHICLE BEST SELLING ALL WHEEL NEW 2004 FORESTER XT FACTORY Rate ........ $2000 2003 BAJA NET COST ................ $11,991 ~~~·18,995 Plus gcMnment tees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer doctlnent preparation charge, and any emission testirC charge. Prtces &ood thru 8/31/03, not COfMlnable With lease specials. DRIVE CAR IN AMERICA BIMd 911 AL Poll Co. Retail Reclltrltloft mtlstlcs • d 12/31/01. 2003 LEGACY OUTBACKS .. On Modllill · (38U, 3BT, 38P, 3BQ 250~~°Z Ill!;: ~ 210 HP •OWi Sf'OCICI ' r I r J"fJ 1J I 1966 Chevrolet Corwtte lluelllue 11 K Mllet 425HP; 427 Yl,41pd MM. $24,500 2002 lentlq Armp T ~S28Mles frolll $SMiie to $219,500 200 I Fe"arl 360 Spider FI Sltwrlllack SK MllH Pwr Sutt, CD Player Go'l•ou•t $122,500 1999 Ferrari J60 FI Modena ...,, .. Low .... $139,500 ... .. .... ... --... ... ... .. ... .... t: w -• QUOTE OF THE DAY Sept I hoftorM JUNIOR TAGAL.OA Sports Editor Richard Dunn: 1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 SatUfday, August 30 2003 Bl pe~d puts CI on the ast track ano's Anteaters geared up for run at Big West Conference crown in 2003. keeping with two excellent freshmen." Cano said. "Our goalkeeping is the stron- gest it has been in my I 0 years here and we've had some pretty good goalies. We're loaded. We've never had three play· ers [junior returner Olelsea McCarthy, as well as fre!.hmen Marissa Welliver and Katie LorierJ of this caliber at the same lt•rry Faulkner qa1ly Pilot For the fir.t time in his 10 ~a.sons as time. UC Irvine women's M>c:cer coach. Marine _ McCarthy m~ the initial start Fn- Cano's Anteatef'i have an abundance of day due to a sore shoulder. but he will something he can't teach. be counted upon heavily this season. With unprecedented funding. that last year. she made 59 saves in 14 lfUTles aanslated into the m~t !><:holanJup dol-and posted three shutout~ with a 1.38 tars the program has goals-against average ever been afforded, Ca· Cano said Welliver, an Aliso Niguel no and his staff accom-High product. was the best prep goal- plished something he keeper on the West CoaM l~t year. then suspectS few oppo· matched McCarthy'~ ~phenomenal" pre- nenrs will be able to season. •' this fall: reel in a coUec· Speed up front has been added in the lion of speed that Cano person of freshmen forwards Lauryn Bir· believes can help the 'F.aters shift upwru'd kenshaw (Alic,o Niguel High) and Brimey in the Big West Conference standings. Webster (Capistrano Valley I ligh), about "This is our best recruiting class since whom Cano could hardly contain his ex- 1995." said Cano. whose squad opened citement. its seawn Friday with a 1-0 ovenime loss "We really wanted Britney. becaw.e she to Pepperctine. "This was the first time we is big. strong and fast." Cano said. "Bir· went out recruiting. when we didn't have kenshaw !who sat out last year while al- to play Let's MaJce a Deal' • tending Irvine Valley Community College The talented newcomers. combined to bolster her academics! 15 the fastest on with some sol.id veterans. give Cano great •our team and she give:, us something optimism that the Anteaters can improve we've never had at a right wing spot She upon the founh-place finish projected has the speed to get behmd good de· for them by Big West coaches.. fenses and to score goals. "We were picked founh, which I like," MYou need speed to win at this level Cano said of the preseason conference and we've got speed. We've alwar> been roaches' poU thae ranked UC Santa Bar· able to be fit. but. now. we have fim~ bara. Cal Poly San Luh Obispo and CaJ and speed. We're gmng 10 be able eo use Slate Fullerton Nos. 1-3. respectively. an all-out anachng style .. "But I don't thm.k anyone really knows Potential finishers also tnclude senior about us.· Hayley McNallen (SllC goals and three as- Cano knows he needs to improve his si.sts last season. the fonner tops among offense from last year's 8-10· I season. returners) and sophomore Kim Lloyd though he hardly neglected the defense. (three goals last fall). WOMEN'S SOCCER e~~:7~~t :e 1~~~~cr:J ~J: See SPEED, Paee 84 Junior midfielder Juhe Scheppele (22) 1s among several reasons UC lrvme is optim1st1c about its chances m 2003 . . Sage ~expects ~pgrade GIRLS TENNIS Daily Piiot file photo sage Hilt coach A.G. Lon1oria wi• be tutoring nearly a whole new team this faD. Southern California 1tnnls Association Sophomore Elle White will also vie for girls 14 stogies. playing time. -we have the po ibWty to be ranked But It is the freshmen Longoria. Is in the all-Orange County polls with looking to carry the team. much like last some DMsion I and LI schools.· Longo-year, when the trio of Katie MclGtterlck. ria said. Kellie Ammerman and Paige Fullmer s.p will scrimmage Santa Margarita saw s.ge a potent lhlgles lineup. and ~ Laguna Beach In lta leCOOd But aD three 2002 atandouts ttanl· m.acb. two tndldonaiy atrong pro. fared. McDlerk:k. the three-sport aw gr11111. who_... cbe llC'booll Female Aahlete ... ~ lineup wlD lDOlt IUliltly of die ... honon In 200241. wdl play fe8nn GeocarU al No. 1, (olow9d .,, .. .,, Corona cW Mar d1'I r.u.. wbDe Lanpr and dther Hal or 9weeoy. Olm· Ammerman wQl pllsy cem-. Im .....-. mlnat and either Haa or Sweeny wUl 8w:h. Pulbner 1rmlllemd to CIMI')' mott Ubly begin the eeuon al No. 1 Chlpel. doublet. follaMd by the retumlnc Stephanie Olen. who plmyed No. l eopbomore tmdem al a.ace Graham daubl. ... ,... wttb ~ Jc*ll w1 RKbe1 ...,._ ac No. 2. M D•td; • CdM. Aw--. wll IDDlt llblyifi '"8'iii ~IM)'MR our top dne. IDr .. ...... ....... ..... --·. ~---,...... Lon- JeillCa ~ .. ..,... .. -· .. llllll ....... Clld -· ...... ~ ....... i... .................. IGea,mdilll• Mime Lftlaj Mlritdlb Hulanm lad =· 11 _, ..._ 1 I 1 1 m Or' 11~ a 11lca• ..... ID.,.. ....., llllli •a * ,.._ -.a.119'Jlsw"1Mwlil-,.... ,. ........... , ... __ ._..,.... .. ......... MEN'S SOCCER Anteaters shun rebuilding label The future could be now for Kuntz's remodeled UCI roster. Barry Faulkner Daity Pilot out the door. UCI returner; al counted for 20 of lase years 27 goal'> and 11 of the learn's 26 assist'> lnjunes to key players lase year helped foseer some of those num· bers. but Kuntz believes a blend or experience and Incoming taJenl puts the 'Eaters in good hape. With 12 freshmen and two com· "The Strength or this team lS Its munlty college transfers on a 30· diversity. w Kuntz said. ·we have a player roster thae includes just three number of different weapons. we seniors. the future looks bright for have speed. quile a bh of skill and the UC lrvine men's soccer team. we've added a litde size. >.pd, we're But Coach George Kuntz and his deep in several positions, something Anteaters aren't Inclined to shut the we haven't bad in the past.· blind on Immediate success In 2003. Kuntz said be likes the chemistry ·111 tell you what,• Kuntz said of his team, but admits that the true days before to-process of COfD.ioS togoetb« can be night's 7:30 season accomplished only wlth comped· opener against tion. Fresno Slate in the "We need a few pme1 under our UC Irvine College belt.· he said. ·1 think M 're lib a O&Mic christens car thal haln't been telted on the the propam'a road yet. But It's vety. ~ pollible newly politbed b · itl going to be• wel·nm. ~-oaed dtum. -we're going for broke and machine.· you cm print thal. Our l'IY' lic1'le to n.e bopb1I to propel chi Mil plsy and ~ in everytbiag .e 1nlio tbe net .m be t*rlleCI ~ do.. ~ ~ cwnwtrii. o.r- Tbe,,. 1 1 •(..._.. .... ~de-dD Acuna md ...._ 90 rltne. .... tol·l ftlllid r9ClDld) .. i*bd .... junlol' ....... Bfrtln Wcr· tbArd ID IM 111.-n Ill W. Coo· do 9ICIOred a telln·* ltWll ... ...... jA A 111 CC> cioedS poll md In 2002.. ltimll blllH'll lMI dMr9e unit IDlrY Acuna collected foui ...... - hl\lt Wt* It --to ....... UC four ............ .,., I • much Slnta ...... end c.J SS-~ ~ tbe WI wtlh a torn .... lilt· ridlt (NO; l and Na. 2, •..-:•htlyt. -. Gtb r'lll • -... --' . ._ .......... 10 .......... Iii; llillir ....., .... ... ,._ ... ,....-. ....... --.... ._ ---1111 :11 ............... ... ..., . ..., ( ....... lllil ... ........... .,.... ......... ... ............ --...... ..-..... -------~------------~-------·--------~-~·..,___ ·--- .. ~ established 1984 "COme visit Phillips Auto ana experience a· l~el of service and commitinent to acellence that has made us the #1 independent luxuty and exotic dealer ill Orange County. Pilot l Since 1984 we have sold over 20,000 of the fin~t automobiles. I invite you to take a test drive today!" * Consign.:nents Welcome * Cash Paid for Your Car . * Fully Equipped Servi~e Dept. '* ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included· (on Most Vehicles} * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates + Tax Per Monlh For 51 Monrhs S2999Drive0ff, 98 LEXUS GS 300 c19•1a>Low Mll@s. Must See...... .. . . $21 , 980 11. 294 Miles /Year (1 9614) 99 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR (19419) Blk. Looded. L:ow Miies $ 23, 980 02 BMW ROADSTER (19426')5 Speed, 12K Ml, Sltv~r on Dlod<. Oeon $ 26, 980 . s1at1 01 CHEVROLET TAHOE (1947&1) Loaded. Blk $29,980 + TaxPtrMonfh 02 JAGUARS-TYPE 3.0 c1961'lllluetCteom Oeon, 35.000MJes $29, 980 For6.1Monlhs 00 PORSCHE 8QXSTER S (19607)Sltveron61k. 6-Speed, lowMlles1 $35,980 s 15. 000 Drive Off, 11·429 Miles/Yeor 95 DODGE VIPER (19~21qBlack/C09nac. Clean $37,980 (696256) -----11 02 BMW 530i c19o.a~qSilver/Blad< 20" Wheels. Gorgeous $37, 980 ----00 BMW 740i (19616)LowMlles, Nov. Charcoal . $39,989 $ 491 97 PORSCHE" CARRERA CQNVT. (19656) Tnple Olock. 6-Speed & Techor! $42, 980 99 911 CARRERA CPE (1953<))6 Spd, 24KMlles ................ $47,980 03 HUMMER H2 (19636<:) Whtte/Ton, DVO. Nov, Loaded ...... $51,980 <19607> 00 911 CARRERA CONVT. (19'41)Low Miies, Slvr, Mlnt .... $59,980 51165 +·Tax Per Monlh For 51 Monrhs $4999 Drive Off. 11. 294 Miles /Year ( 19394) +Tax Per Monlh For 51 Monrhs S3999 Dnve Off. 11.294 Miles IYeor (19552() 5719 + Tax Per Month For 51 Monrhs S3999 drlve off. 11,294 MileYYeor (19567() A n unseasonal red tide has quickly developed off the south coast and, in some cases. is extending in ribbon fashion as far as two miles off the beach. Red tides might be good for baJtfish and other saltwater organisms that thrive on this nutrient-rich water. But as far as the aesthetics of a beautiful ocean and good coastal fishing. these conditions leave a lot to be desired. The red tide started showing up on Wednesday and, according to a local Oepanment of Fish and Game biologist, could be dlret.1.ly reJated to the strong offshore nonhwesterty wind!. that began blowing las1 weekend The winds dled down a bit earlier in the week, but, as of Thursday, the seas were kicking up again and more strong winds were predicted for Labor Day weekend Davey's Locker spokesman, Captain Norris Tapp. took a walk out on the Balboa Pier and reported the ocean was "blood red " for a.'> far a'> the eye could see. Tapp showed some concern for the local fu.hery. hut added that it's a UnJe too early 10 determine the effect.'> of thu. late-summer red tidt', becau<;e the depth of the tide ha., yet to be conflrmed. It could be even worse if there are more upwelJmgs over the weekend. "If 11\ just a surface ride, fuJiing wiJI be fine, but ii llm oxygen-deprived wa1er \Lretche-. from the surface to the ocean floor, then -;kipper; will haw to look for dean water to provide good fishmg for anglers heading out on half-day and twilight tnps running out of Newport I larbor." Tapp said. So. it ~clearly a wa11 -and·..ee si tuauon. ••• Locally. then: 1!> '>till a preuy ~oo<l sand bas.-. bite off the I luntington Beach flat!> on cut squid and small anchovies. According to Marl: Gru.ich of Newport. who wo~ bctund the tackle counter at Anglers Center, i.and 00.-.s have l>cen hard to come by for any ...... SPO R 'J S OUTDOORS ea ong coast JIM NIEMIEC decent dock counts. See~ once a !>kipper mete,.., a <,<;hoot of sandit.'h, tht'y <.'atch a few keeper.. and the !>Chool m<N~OUI from under the brnll. Ga.-.ich believes that maybe the cold water along the coast i.'> contributing to the "off b11e," or perhaps the <;pawn i'i 1Ner for the !>ummer and the.e fish arl' scauering over a wider area. YeUowtail are c,howing up at Catalina tsland, where the hue perked up thi'> p~I week wtwn the Wdter temperarure came up and the wind!> backed down. YellOW'i were caught hy sportfishers and private yacht'> on both the front and lee sidt". of thl· ll>land, but finding a place 10 anchor in a productive c,pol at thl· L'iland over lhi'> holiday weckt·nd i~ not going to be an e<e>y ta ... lc.. Private boaters might w<ull 10 consider heading out 10 hiw1 '-pol!> in the channel if the wt'ather lay-. down and begin trolling for yelluwfin tuna or c,lopping on floa1ing kelp pattll'' for yeUowtail or p<J\.'>lhf\' a big dorado. There were rl'pon ... ThuNlay 111 kelp, between the ea ... 1 l·nc.J of (:a ta.Ima lsland and ryr.ir111d I lead. holding dorndo Y..e1gh111g up to 25 pound'> ... Marlin fishing wa.<, 1ough tlw. pa!>t week a'> only a fl'\\ fi..,h IH~rt· landed even though lhcre were ,1 lot bilJfish spotted hy yacht.., trolling the lt.>e or "'1n <kmt'll[l' Island. Halboa Angling Cluh o;pokesper..on Dant Stolt'\hury took a day off from U1l' duh ;md he<lded out mar1111 fhhing ahoard thl' Kllwakawa. Captain (;reg Stot(•'>lmry of Balhoa W<L.., di till' helm when a nMrhn JUmpe<l on a purple and black 'x'ven ... 1rand I-AL martin lure. l11l' b11Jfi..,h mi~ the Jig but c,tayed up long t'nough for Dara to drop hJck ,1 WOMEN'S GOLF Uve greenback mackerel, which the marlin ate off the stem. Fishing with only 12-pound line, it look th~ avid angler nearly two houn. to bring the marlin to leader, where it was officially caught and then released to challenge another big game f~hem1an in the future. ... The <lmrch Mouse foumament held earlier this week had 00 boats entered and there were only nine martin caught by the many teams compcung. Ille biggest marlin of the foumament W-d.S 197 pounds when hOL\led on the M:ale at the end of lht• Avalon pier. ••• In olh(•r ..,triped marlin action olT the <;outh Coa.'>t, Lynn Jasper of Dana 1'01nt relea.')(.-d a marlin while fL'>hing aboard the Wail 'N' '>eu and thl·re WC're bunches of marlin and \wordfu.h '>polled tJ1ling on LOLIN°'> ~I to the 289 and :lll!-) '-,pot\ ••• Hlut•fin 1u1ia rnntinue 10 ~how up 111 d.uly dock. totab ll.'> welJ a~ eau .. h~ mud<' hy the fleet of privJll' 'portlhher-. running out In 1ht· fi,hm~ ground'> from Nl'wpon. ... l111mdt>,..,hc1\wr. contmue to hJJ1Hlll'r mountain communili~. bu1 lhlun~ "'llll good m the high 1 oun1ry for m111bow and brown trout I \Jll.'111 the liN half of the week Oy f1..t1111K al Alper>' <Mens River Ham h .th! >Vt' B1.,hop Big r.1111 drop'> pelted down for .i ft•w hour. 111 the afternoon but 11 wa.s prc11y good fhhinK for bmv-, Jlld brown trout in the mrt:r. ••• I or 1ho-.c looking for a closer fr,hinK dt·.,llnation thb weekend, don'• pa....., up on tl1e good daytime and nightume catfbhing rnrrl'lltly taking place at local lake... lrvme !Alec hru. been ~llx:ked heavily for th11> long weekl'nd and offer.. uverrught camping. But hurrv f<1,;l11 1viw the mm.I NOL~ mJ\\~fwm 1na wcLlbular)• Youth movement in effect Five of seven players are freshmen, but experience is not something they lack. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot An infusion of freshmen will dot the landscape when the Orange c:oru.1 C..ollege women's golf team tax~ to the links this fall and that has spurred enthusi· a'>m from Coach Barry Wallaet>. "I thjnk we will be a better team overall than last year,· Wallace said. "We bad eight girts on the team and three were beginners. None are beginners this year. They have all played competitive golf.• Coast finished third in the seven-team Orange P.mpire Con- ference tournament last fall and sent three players to the Southern California Regional Otampion· ships, lnclucling Marilyn Pope, Jo· anne Durocher and Mijanou Pham. Pope shot 173 over the fWt>.day event to qualify for the state championships. but clid nol play in the event because she eel~ brated her 25th wedding annlver- THE PIRATES Joanne Durocher So. Laura Sumpter So. Lorraine Fernando Fr. Ashlee Kendall Fr. Megan Parkovlctl Fr. Nicole Newbrough Fr. Ractlel Kone Fr. Coech: Sany Wallace sary. The loss of Pope will hun Coast Wallace admi11ed, but he remain'i confident in thi.. year\ group. WShe had a grea1 year for us, but has moved on to other en· deavors. ·Wallace said. WI was juM happy to have her for one year.· Durocher placed ninth at the OEC championships and returns as team captain. She shot 196 at the Southern California touma· menL "Joanne is a real leader who wortcs hard in school and on the golf course," Wallace said. ·She is a role model for our terun who has been through the ropes. Thal is why she is the captain.• Joining Durocher will be re- turning sophomore Laura Sump· ter. Five freshmen comprise the rest of the team. Rachel Kone, a Newport Har- bor High graduate. will play alo~e Lonai:ne Fernando IBl\hop Amat I hghl and fonner l·.cJ1son ~olfer. A'hlee Kendall, Meg'clll Parkovich and Nicole Newhrough. Gaming three playe,.., from the -;;-1mc ..chool b a coincidence, Wallace ~id. "ll°i; a mailer of a school haying two, three or four graduating sen· ior. who all decide 10 come to UC<." Wallace said. "That is just the w-.:1y it happened. They are all ~ood player!.. Next year. we may get no one from !Ed ison!. It is a hit-and mi~' thing " Fernando ha:. been the most conststent player in preseason practice rounds. shooting in the low 80<; at C:rn.ta Mesa Golf & C:<1untry Oub's Mesa Linda courw, Wallace said. llw Pirates. now two years re- moved from having to forfeit their entire season because they didn't have enough players 10 field a team, have also been tak· ing advantage of the practice area on campus. "We've been practicing pitch- ing and working on sand shots," Wallace said. Coast lost it!> season opener to Mt. San Antonio Wednesday at Mesa Unda OCC is scheduled to compete in the conference's Tee Off Oassic at the Butterfield Stage Course al El Prado Golf Course Sept 3. The event will feature all seven OEC Saturday August 30, 2003 13 Our 04 ~ arl! arrwmg dtury anJ. u e mu.'1 mak room lmme~/11 l lu1<1\t' Jwm the rlt.Wllrl ) lm},'<!\I '4.'l.!Wul'l, -'I {4 \.1t'rt et.k~ -/kn~ a,'01/uble Thu mclwdn rt.tre nick t-ars )uch OJ '03 SLsoo Roadsr.~n IL'TI m \IJJck - anJ !Yu boJ:v w .. k 1 LK ( 11upes S500\ anJ 1 500 ,, tO<J Wt! cun tml1.1r a let.UC rrr pt4T<~· L<• m<!et '\OUT t'"COC 1 rapm c!TT1t'Tl I T hh ~· 11'>,'t om ioo3 E3w Sedan 1s h..:nJ -JXLkd mJ U<.ll!~ fur 'IOU f km l h.. ~IWl.t /c t.._ \l ( J:el .it•' hu11,·r rh.m 1h1~ e-14 Saturday, Aogust 30, 2003 .. ' -~~~~---=-""'----.~-~~~. ' ....... ~ I a..e.h Dewlon a Al.-H9rNhdel I Alyeort Spencer Jr. • 8rilney Wlb••r Fr • 7 Melody Mengretlo Sr. • Deyne Knowles Fr. 9 Tar11Weldon Jr. 10 Angie Mouw Jr. 11 ICJm Uoyd So. 13 Joanna Irwin So. 14 Hayley McNallan Sr. 16 Lindsay Duke So. 16 Lauryn Birkenshaw Fr. 17 Lac:helle Manzano Jr. 18 Chelsea McCarthy Jr. 19 Lauren Baer So. 20 Caroline Kabe Sr. 22 Julie Scheppele Jr. 23 Jodi Borba Fr. ~6 Jessica Hakim Jr. 26 Kristin Fung Fr. 30 Katie Lorier Fr. 31 Ann Goff Jr. Coech: Marine Cano (10th year) SPEED Continued from Bl "We need 1010 15 goals out ol I layley this year,· Canu said. The midfield, which C<Ulo terms "not up to snuff yet," tea lures junior Lachelle Manzano, whom Cano said was suU two weeks away from a major role af. ter recovering from ACL surgery. Sophomore Joanna Irwin. as well a.s freshmen Jodi Borba and Day· na Knowtes are abo eicpectt-d • contributors in the midfield. Cano has confidence in h" back line, anchored by i.entor captain Caroline KalX'. ·K..iht.• had four goals and four a.'>S1<,ti., ~I among returner.;, la.'>I M:a son and her experienct' on the field should prove invaJuahle. according lo her coach. Junior Allison Spencer joiru Kabe a... the !>tarting center backs and Cano said Spencer'!> ability 10 WUl balb in the air i!. excep- uonal. "Then, I think I haw the two l~• backs anywhert'." Cano ~d of juniors Tarn Weldon and Julie Scheppele. '"Jlley an: fast · and i.lrung and, I bdfovc, can put " stop to anacking wingers." Cano expects a balam:t.'Cl Big Wei.1 field, but ~ big pU!>h i.!> 10 tlnbh in the top four, which would put the Anteater., mw the lour team post~a...on tonfcr- cntt' 1uumamcnL Jhe touma- nicnl, the Big We!>t'!> fir..1 ..,inn:> 1997. will dctenninc whu.:h -.t:hcml get!> the t011ferencc·.., lone .1u1<>matic bcnh into the N( M tournament. "Wt' haven't been to tlw NCAA IOurnamem i.im:e 1~7. when we won the confercnn: touma- meni." Cano said. We con chOJ1ge the way y<1u ploy baal<Dtbo/I by 1 hangu19 your body. By 111c:rt:us111g your qu1c>.nes~ and vertical looping ab1l11y, you'll score more point• a11d pull down more boa1ds WBO WBJIRE Al Velocity Sp<>m. Pcrlormance. our prolu!llonaJly certtl1ed coochu deliver sctennflcally proven tralll111g programs in state-ol-the-art /oclhlics We wlll IDlprove your athl111ic perlonna11ce. •OW OPEii .,,., a. 1111s., ,_ '°"" on• aow ~ CALL NOW TO ENROLL 949-387-7333 ---... __ ----~~-----------.. ---...-----....--·· -. -~ S PORT S KUANG HWANG /DAILY PILOT UC IMne forward Kim Lloyd (11 ), above, and Anteater midfielder Joanna Irwin (2), left, are on board to do battle once again this season for Coach Manne Cano's Big West Conference representabve. FILE PHOTO; DAILY P1L0l THE ANTEATERS 0 Eric Relngen Fr. , Cameron Rossi Jr. 2 Christopher So. Vrt~liano 3 An o~V12carra Sr. 4 David emane Jr. 5 Chris Ruiz Sr. 6 Cameron Dunn Fr. 7 Efrain Salcedo Jr. 8 Lerato Simelane Jr. 9 Sebastian Ga.lmarfni Jr. 10 Josh Murad Sr. 11 Kyte Striddand Jr. 12 Danny Marshall So. 13 Sergio Rivera So. 14 Drew Totman Fr. 15 DardoAcuna Jr. LABEL Continued from Bl out of Arimna, could also con- tribute right away up front. Senior Anthony Vizcarra (two goab and one a.o.:.i'>L last i.eason) cuuJd be an ancho r in the mid- field, where some newcomel'l> may combine with the afore- mentioned Sakedo to add pro- duction. Doug Franco prepped at El Toro I Ligh. while fellow freshman Anthony Hamilton emerges from Colton I Ligh. Kuntz also identi- fi ed sophomore Chris K1ol7. as a potential midfield contributor. Senior Chrib Huiz, freshman Cameron Dunn (Alta Loma HighJ and sophomore Sergio Ri- vera are among tho!>t! who will form the back line, which will support a goalkeeping corps led by juiuur Cameron Hu!..4>1. Sophomore Ryan Mathy is ex- 16 Walter Alvarado Jr. 17 Doup Franco Fr. 18 Ryan= So. 19 Lome ett Fr. 20 Forrest Smith So. 21 Sean Iliff So. 22 Chris Klotz So. 23 Brad Evans Fr. 24 SClOtt Shiraishi Fr. 25 Brandon Tario Fr. 26 Garrett Thrasher Jr. 27 Anthony Hamilton Fr. 28 Brandon Foster Fr. 29 Steven Ruiz for. 30 Rodolfo Mondragon Fr. Co•: George Kuntz (ninth year) ~Led Lo start 1n goal tonight for Ror.s1. who I!> sull recovering Crom a back problem Kunl.7. clas- !>ified ru. minor. "I Rossil might hreak every goalkeeping record before h e's through at lJCI." Kuntz said. Unlike women's soccer, the Big West men will have no postsea- son tournament. But the confer- ence champion, fo r the first time, will receive an automatic NCAA bid, Kunl.7. said. In addition lo the conference grind that begins Oct. 15 at home against Cal State North- ridge, Kuntz believes the Ant· eaters play one of the most ardu- OU.!> M:hedules In the nation. "We play six teams that made the NCAA Tournament last year and we play a couple of those twice." Kuntz said. ~we've incre- memally steppa:I up our sched- ule and, I'd argue. It's as tough as anyone in the counlly. We don't baLk down from anyone." Daily Piiot GIRLS SOCCER ayung Sailors' helm Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot Branwe Hayungs. a Newport Harbor High assistant girls ,soc- cer coach the past three years, has been named varsity head coach. Jason Sorrell, who guided the Sailors for six seasons, re- signed due 10 the time con· su-a.ints of jug- gling work. school and family, said Eric 1\veit, Newport Harbor boys ath- letic director. I layungs, 28, who teaches English at the school, said she was content working with the lower levels. But she became passionate about becoming the varsity head coach after working with Sorrell for three years. "When I first started out, J didn't have my eyes set on coaching varsity," Hayungs said. "Jason expressed that he might be leaving. I had great experi· ence with the varsity and the jwuor varsity teams. so it seemed like a naruraJ transition. When I was a sophomore in high school, I had a new coach and I know that's a difficult transition to make. With me being out there Tor the past few years. that will make it a bit easier." Hayung!> guided the Sailors' fro!>h-soph team 10 the 2000-0 I Sea View League titJe in her first ~ason as coach. The following year, she led the junior varsity to a second-place finish in league. Hayungs also brings experi- ence as a player. She competed at Los Alamitos 1 ligh, then starred on defense at UC San Di- ego. where she helped lead the Tritons 10 two NCAA Division Ill national championships in her SAGE Continued from B 1 ented [re.hmen I've ever had. "Our doubles will be tremen- dousJy belier than last year. The freshmen will be the ones to carry us again. The seniors, which we've never had. are there to give some direction. We m ight have a combination of a senior playing with a freshman, so we'll have a tournament player paired with experience." Longoria is hoping to improve on the quarterfinal appearance and see his team vie for a league titJe. "We !>hould be the favorite to win the Academy League this year." he !>aid. final two seasons. She was team captain and earned All-West Re- gion honors as a senior de , fender, helping UCSD success fully defend its national title. The Tritons reached at least the nat.lonal semifinals in all four of Hayungs' seasons. Last year. Hayungs assisted Sorrell and also began to imple- ment a 111.ness· program shl' plans to intensify this season. "The goal for next year is to be more fit, more in shape," Hay ungs said. ·we had some lnjuri~ .last year. I think with more fit· ness. some of the injuries could have been avoided. We have the talent and the speed ; it's just a matter of bringing it together." Hayungs inherits a team that finished 5-10-7, 3-4-3 in league and missed the CIF Southern Section Division I playoffs. lnc Sailors also lost key players, Arny Burlingham, Taryn Flamson and Kate Younglove to graduation. Burlingham, a two-time Parade All-American, will be playing at Texas, while Flamson continue-. her career at c.aJ Poly San Luis Obispo. Despite those losses, Hayung.., remains confident the Sailor') can get back to their winrung ways. "We have great young player., and I thmJc: we have the potenual 10 take it pretty far," !>he ~d "There is going to be talent everywhere." TI1e Newport girlc; soccer pro gram is seeking coaches for tJw junior varsity and frosh-soph tea.rm, !>aid I layung5, who al!>o wants to bring on a goalie coach I layungs said she learned a great deal from Sorrell, who led the Sailors two the first two play off wins in the program's h151or; m the 2000-0 I seaM>n. In 200 I -02, the Sailors reached the CU· Divi.sion 11.quarterfinah. THE LIGHTNING Serah Geocaris Fr. Stephanie Langer Fr. Alexandra Hsu Fr. Sara Sweeny Fr. Salen Andrews Fr. ~nisa Cummings Fr. Grece Gr1ham So. Redlel Hayter So. ..._..Tsoong Sr. l.alr11 Webb Sr. Annie Levin Sr. Meredith Hultman Sr. Danielle Bennan Sr. Elle White So. eo.ch: A.G. Longoria (fourth year) SCHEDULE TODAY Volleybal College women· UC Irvine Tournament: Hofstra at UCI, 11 a.m.; Rice at UCI, 7 p.m.; Concordia Tournament: Cal Stale Monterey Bay at Vanguard, 12:45 p.m.; Westminster at Vanguard, 5 p.m. 80CC9f College men · UC Irvine College Classic: Fresno State at UCI, 7:30 p.m.; Vanguard vs. Embry Riddle (Arizona) et Utah, noon. College women ·Cal State Fullerton Fila Classic: UCI vs. Far1eigh Otdunson at Cal State Fullerton, 5 p.m.; Westmont Toumament: Vanguard vs. Trinity lntematronal, 1 p.m. Croa country College men and women Vanguard at Cal State Fullerton Invitational at Carbon Canyon Park, Brea, 8:30 a.m. Community college men and women • Orange Coast at Cal State Fullerton Invitational, Carbon Canyon Park. Brea, 8:30 a.m. BRIEFLY Va nguard opens with two victories Lions win two men's soccer games in Utah. Matt I less lallled his third goal or the season and Lt turned lnto the only score or the game as the vanguard University men's soccer team prevailed, J -0, oYer CoJo- rado School or Min In round- robin action of the Westminster Tuwnament at West Jordan, Utah. Jarrett Borrego Ulisted Helt' goal. which came In the 19th minute as the Uons Improved to 2--0. Vanguards staWlch defenae lndUded teVen saves by goal· keeper' Tommaso Bianchi. Hess, a junior f'orwan:I. scored the ftmt two goals and Borrego, a IOphomore nddfleJder, added the clincher u Vanguarit opened Ill leUOl'I 'l1uldly with • 3-2 vie· tosy owr Weltrninlt-. SophcJmoN mldleldef Ol\itd McAully had two ...... and Bar· tt'IO idded one for dW Uom. 8'lndll made dwe .... for ~ whk:h ( teciee Brnbry Riddle University of Arizona today to conclude the toumamenL . VU trounces two foes • VOLLBYllA.U.: The Van- guard University women's vol- leyball team opened 2·0 for the first time ln seven seasons by earning a palr or victories Fri- d ay In the opening round or the Concordia lbwnament The Uons defeated the Uni- versity of ~xaa Pennlan Buln, 30-26, 30·23, 30·24, at the Pit, theJl topped Holy Names Col· lege,27-30.30-20,30-20,30-28. Freshman KeUI WhJtabr, playing In her flnt collegiate match, led the Uons with 12 liiUa, aJ.x In the opening pme ap1ns& the 'lnu achool Sophomore Stepbante Pfau mmmed 11 tma wbUe IOPho· more Miter Mariela Cochran collec1ed 13 ...... and four d.lp in the openlria wtft. Senior UndllJ J.IUer .... cordtd • '""'·hilh • dip. Kerri DeHaas and Pfau bad 21and17 kills, respectively, and Cothran amassed 47 assists In the win over Holy Names. Parada finishes up • MSICl.rl'MU: UC Irvine senior center Adam Parada scored seven points and grabbed aJ.x rebounds in Mexico's 102-92 men's basket- ball vtctory over Brazil lo the Ao:le.ricu Olympic Qual1fytng Tournament Thunday at the Roberto Cemente Coliseum lo San Juan. Puerto Rlco. The win improved Mexico's record to 4 ·4 ln the tourna- ment, but the team did not ad· vance to the ..man.a.. 1'hl 7 ·fooc Panda WU 2 ol 8 from the fteld add 3 or 6 from the he-throw line ln 18 min· ...... ID .._., eournunmt ....,__ ....... P911111d •.• polaU Ind 5.1...,... He aco~ ab pololl wtth .a rebounds in Mexico's 96-69 loss to the United States Wednesday. Anteaters fall in or •SOCCER: The UC Irvine women's soccer team opened its seuon In heartbreaking fuhion Friday, losing at Pep- perdine, 1-0, in a nonconfer- ence game. Ali PavonJ knocked in the game-winner off an assist from Undsey Redlin 1:37 into the first overtime pertod for the Wavee, ranked No. 13 ln a na- donal coaches poll. , UCI freshman toalkeeper Martaaa Welliver made sill saves to hold the Wavee acorelea for more than 90 ml.nut• m her ftntcollealaa•...-The Anlmlen ..... a c::blDCe .... In Cbe liecoDll hllf. ...., .......... u..., Dulin ............ ,,,die .... Anna PkaNll ......... dae .....Wida ......... .... Wawe. Dady Piiot 2l40 Llpl Notica ~~~~~~~~~ llSOUnl* llO ...... A IHOlUTION Of TMI crn COUN<ll Of THI (fTY or NIWPO«T Rei.011tc11 Code. Ille City ts 1uthort11d to enter •nlo non ••clu11ve •Ir anchtst •a• eernenh for commffco I October 8 . 2003 lo January 9 2006 with re n1w1I roahts upon mutual •creemenl of the INTINTIOM TO CON-co tc 100 serv1ee1 wllh t The City shill not Outf A ""UC HU•-prov1t1 soltd wule sel the Fr1nch1Me'1 bon IMO TO CONllOH THI haulers •nd r•tes GIANTIHO Of A NON-WHHfAS, CZ Ots-f fr1nch1su shell llClUSIVI SOllO ponJ Ind Pflvate firm •ndemrufy.and hold Ctty WASH flAN<Htll TO has iubmttltd an •P' h••mless lrom pen11tte\ II Oflf'OlA.I.. i>htilton requuttna • and dam•&H IOf failure WMIHAS, the Ctty Nun •.elusive Solod lo meet current and Council ll11da end de Waste r 11nch1se that future state recyclln& termtnes lhet the col '•luftes the Ctly s requ11emenh wtlh re leclton of soltd wnfe •PPl11 atoo n requore ipect lo the portion of eenerated w1lh1n the Coty menh the c:ommerctal sohd " a vital public urvtce HOW, THlllfO•E. be wnte st1eam collected end th1t thfJ \loraa•. ti rnolved by lhe City by Franch1~ee 1ccumul1toon ,ollecllon Cout1ctl of the Coty ul 11 Ou1gnaled dtspoul and disposal of soltd Newport B~ath that la"hly Coty rnatnta1 wu ta and recycl1bln" I A Puhht hea11ng tho 1111111 to <1n1gnate 1 mailer of wrnt publtt \hall be tonductrd on dospoHI filttl1t1es to be concern because Im Sept•nob•r 9 200.l. •t used by FranchoHe proper control ot iuth 7 00 P m or •• soon h f ""thtsee shall be matters would -subJetl theroafler "' p1ad1ul i11 respoM1ble for all b1ll11111 th• City to potential th• City Countol Ch•m and collecloon lor its 111b1hty, damaao and ber \, 3300 Newport accourtts penalties a nd may BoulevMd Newpor t I rranch1u shall not creete • publ°' nuounce Beath (;alofornoa lo be revoked unlen there .1lr pollution, ftre haurd consod•t lhe erant1n11 ot I\ delaull under the 1nlesl•lton, •nd other a f14nthiu to the •&rtement problems •flec1tn11 the •PPloc•nl\ ll\ted under I Proor to oblatn1n11 a publtc health ufety and ll•m 2 b~tuw pursuant Sul1d Wd•t• franchise welfare and lo lh• foll<1wine terms the applot anh shall WHl•IAS non e H lu •nd •OnOoloOn\ satisfy the C1ly s mtnt s1v1 franth;sn for lht a franthl\t tfttclovt I mum 11ual1f".tl1on• use of publtt \lrf•I\ to d•I• Oll •b•r 8 ?001 r egarOon~ habtltly on provide commercial \nlod b f11n<lt1~e It~ lb \ur<Jnte eQuopmrnt wnle hauhn11 \trvtln uf 11•0» montt.ly re I ~nuwledi:e ol \Ohd V.d\tt wtll promote the publtt I ceopl\ re11ulalo1Jn\ load < h•l ll heelth \•fely u•d t A 11ort1r.n uf 11,. pro2ram\ •It welfare by p•omoton, I 1.1nth•<t ft• '.', I\ han• hl\O \hall perm4nem .. e anO \ldb1hty \hAll ti~ t'ltrffart..,.,d I,, m ... •t City ., lt'Qu1<en1pnh •mun& lhO\e bu•irit\\e\ tht ""'"''' .. 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I~ DWI •1•JMO Feder 11 l1ws 1nd re11u l1t1on\ terms •nd tondtlion• of th• Ir an chtse •a•eement City Buch C1ltf0tn1a, hu prepared t he J!••ft Consolld1ttd lmnual Perf0tm•nce •nd Ev•I OPPOtlunoly to comment on Ille m1nnet 1n fllhtell tilt City u1tlu1d feeler 11 •nd non fedeul lunch Code for the r1scel Yur. th•t erid•d on June lO. 2 The City PfOPO\H be11nn1na July I 2002 2003 to otter a non u clu11ve •nd endona June 30. UVllW Of THI (A- 'ohd waste tollectooro 1003. u required by the rr• OOCUMINT1 Cupoo f,.nehlM to the follow U S Oep1rtment of of the draft CAP(A woll 1na applicants ltsted H11u .. n1 •nd Urb1n be 101lable tor publtt below thet ere 11rnently Development A copy of revttw 1nd comment ltcenstd end permitted the CAP£A rs i1Vi1lable from September 9 200.l lo conduct bu•tn••• on for publtt revoew fr om to ~ptembe1 ? J 200J the Coty Pef\on\ who Sepltnlber 9 2003 10 at the followm& loc;a have en 1ntert\I tn or Sepl~mbei ?3 2003 toons ob1ec1ton lo the pro 'UIUC HU.ING: In City Cler~' Oftou Coty posed frenth"~ rn11y 1dd1t1on the Newport nf NewpOfl 11.ath 3300 f)91df before lhe C.ity Bea•h Coty Council woll Newport Blvd Newport uncol and be heaod on hold a pubht he.mna tO' Beach. Cahfurnoa the dal• •rod !Rn~ 11\led review comments re Plannon~ Oep.v tn1•11I above 1.•1v1d on the draft Coty of Newport ll••lh a £l 01$pO\dl Marty r APrk 11 the followona 3300 "4ewport 111•<1 Stretctl, Ow11er dbl.-lome and toc0tho11 Newport B•<1t h Cdlo 3 H11• Re•ul11t1t111 of Dale September 2J. lorn1a lnterol1011 >hall 111• pub :!OOJ C 0 MM E HT S r' Th t ltshed 1n th• Coty s lml~ 7 00 PM public " 111v1ted Iv offttoal neW\IJdlM wolhon lut.ilorm City of New comment •t lhe S•P l~th day\ of oh adoption pvrt BeM h City Councrl lember 23 7003 he•11na 11nd al IO~I 10 d•y~ r hambel\ 1300 Newport or by subm11t1ng written p11or to S•Pltrnbfl 9 Br.rulevdrd Newport comments un the dr•lt 200J Bud> c.11torn1a CAPER no later llldrt Adopted tho• 2f>lh d•y DfSCRlPTION: The 5.00 PM vro Seplemliet Auiu~t 2003 d••lt CAPER prvv1des a 23 2003 to S Steven llr••mbort1 detaol•<I a• count of how City of Newport lea<h MAYOR th~ < oly 11f Ntwporl rl0ftftl"1J Deportment, A I 1l Sl S I 4Vt1nnt M Bt• h ut1h1td ''' Cum ATTN: Doniel Trimble, Harkle\\ Cll Y Cl I l(K mu no I y D• velupmt'nl Pr09r"'" A4mlnl1trotor Publoshrd N1 w1>< rt I Siu • C.r•nl 1COBG> dfld 3300 Hewporl llvd, Btd(h Co•la M· .... 0~1•1 Olh• r lund> 1n r l\tal Hewporl lead>, CA P1lnt Augu\I JO ~oo I y. H 100? 700 l I ~ 91663 SA4/I\ 1>ur\11• lht \tral•i'"' Publi\htd Nt"I"'' --~" •' ano ub1ectov" B•alh·Co\ta M••a Oa I/ PVllJC llOTK( P'"I' "~'l in tht Coty \ I Pol u I Au & u \I 10 ""OOOf .... .,Hrul!M-" 200"/ 200J Ont tedf 2003 S.i4/8 IN r-~ Ado• r1 Plan .. nd how AND PVIUC lfVIW P£llOO #~II I lo~ c I l f •• •tl Fidfflous lusiiKs ..Aw Of-T H•Of drt" ""~ lht ~·•u"nll anrl ..___ UIT "'"""' 1K11 on1mun1ty one1011ment -SllttllMllt DlAfT COllSOlllATED AN-nH J\ 1d~nt1f1fd 1n the The followona Pt•son• .. ,., MMl\llMUVt u111 Lilt ' {()()() 2004 Con ••• doon~ busones\ a• INM r~""" ,ulld•t•d Pl•n Cloud Ntnt Cunftc louns (VALUATION UP0rT flSCA1 PURPOSl: The pur Inc 927 Spr ma Todt vra.2007 2003 ~u>e of the Publot 011ve Newport Buth IUlll • · llr•rong tor the CAPER Caltforn1a 92660 Notice " hereby atven ,, 1(1 Allow the publot the Clou<! Non~ Confet loons lh•I lh~ Coty uf Nttwµur t Inc (Cal1lorn1a!, 927 Ho'" to Place A Saturday, Auau$t 30, 2003 I! -----------------lepl Nadca 2MO lelll "'*" 2l40 Sp11n1 fide Drove Newport Buch Call f Of n 11 9?66() This busmen " con line you started do1n1 busonH\ ytt' No Cloud Nine ConfedlOfl\ lnr I aur1tt Allen Pres 1denl Th" statement wn foled wtlh th~ County Cler~ of Oun&• Count1 on 08 1!>/03 200S6tS6027 Oetly Pilot Aui JO Sept 6 IJ 10 2003 Sa4// Paeth<. Ave An•llt1n1 CA92804 I hrs bu.,nus os • on ductlHI by co p1rtneu busonen 1•t, No OH11eelun• Thll 1l•lemi:nl wn fol•d wtth the County Cltr• of Or•n21 County on 08/01103 JOOHtSJOI O•tly Ptlot Au1 JO S~pt 6. 13 ?O 2003 s.480 busoneu yet' No Bt1111 I v •• d1m1n Thi\ stetement wu hied wolh the Count r o r•na• oun y on08190l 2003'tSS44 I , O•••t Pilot Aua n JU Sept b 13 IOOl Sa4/4 lh• luttuw111i IJ~l\IHI\ 11rr duan5 bU\tn•\S •~ ECO (dut•l•11n•I Ser · "'" ~11 Art1o•y •10 "-S....... Hurtl•n&li,11 B••th C:A The follow1n11 P•nun' 192649 ••e doon11 bu"n•\\ " { 1n1e I" nn~r J28? VAA llNK INC 1801 IJud1I Ru11 ffo•d L••~ The lollowon& ~el\On\ N•wport c.nl•r Or Al•mtl•» r A'J'J/J(J •re du1111i busmen n •180 Newport budo I Thi\ bu"''•'' '' 1un Ntwpor I Nudlepotnl CA 9?660 <lu• l•lJ h; '" 1rorl•••dudl 1119 Wntchfl Newport Var1olor1.-loot 11 Ai ' H .. • Y"u •l•rl•d •lo1ng Buth CA 92660 180 Newpc,rl f '"''' Or bu\OR•\\ /IJI' Wholesdl~ Pal1y Decor • 180 N•w1>u• 1 tl•" '' Y•·· I I 0 i Int CCA) 10<1.> BrtQ\O CA 976b0 I r ,,,,. l'""""' Drove. Cosl4 Mn• CA lhl\ bu\tn• 1., 1m 1111\ '1.Jl•"•""' "'" 9lb27 dudedb• dti,rµ.r~1 1,11 loft1 ..,1111 lhc Count. fht\ bU\lrlf'\'5, I\ ton Hctve 'fOU '\14rt,.111,. I. ( lf'r"" nf '''""'-,. l ourt1 dul led by a ti>rpor•lton bu\tness y•r ' ~' 1 (Jlo' rJ4 O i Have you \l•r t•d dnrna Varoolon• In< It •·d•~ 200369538 14 bUSIRt\\ yttl No A Finn Vott 1' .... Q•nl ua1ty Polo! 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CLASSIFIE AD Bv Pho1w Bv ~lail/ln Pt'r~on: R.110: .ind J .:.1Jltn<', Jft' 'uh1<'d tr> ~h.m~t .1, 11h1 ut "'''''' I h1 puhlt,ho:r rc,o:f'~-lhi: rtl'.ht It• ,cn~ir rcd .1 '''' ro:' '"' 11r rcJ..-d .in\ d .i,•1f1..-J .uh clll,c:mcnt Pk.1'~ rc:purl JO\ crwr lh.11 ntJ~ 0.: tn ~uur d J"llt<'d Jd 1m111.:J1Jkh The DJtl\ P1l1•I J.<t'Ph nn ltJhtl11~ h •r JO! error 1n Jn Joh .:n 1,i:mcnt '"' v. h1dt I m.1\' Ile! rc,pt1n,1hk Cho:pl Jor the '"'I L•I thl' 'flJ•( JdU.ill~ r ... ,uptt•J O)' the i:m•r Crcdll ,.1n 11nh 0.: Jlll•v.cd f 1r the llr-1 tn'i:n1o1n IJ I r ll '·'·1J SERVICE DIRECTORY -~ i'fi For All Your Home and Business Needs -~f 'T" 1 tHkr 1111: SL·r\fl'I.' OirL'L l11rv B:rnnn \ ' Reich 80,000 H~ F.ach '"etk For Onll $}] prr IH'fk 1N ttk mtntmum). ~i..r.. .. (9491 m-ms PACtflC VllW ? srdt by \Ide &• ut ' O< un ., • ., SIO 000 for both ubo '>70 m 4100 Estate Salei 1486 Co•to Mno htat• Serie, tv•rythrn~ "'"'' il.O" furn1turt 1v•. -h 141 Moc r 1\lllw• l n Sun II l 71• !)4b 314 / Collectlbln/ Memorabilia Garaoe/ 1160 Yard Sales 1489 Tor ss • •l<oaos nc I <••t• M110 su 1-2. ha. O.S:.. E.I< !Os & IDs 3493 SOftto Clora Cir. l!I. Alta Sc*I tube ilfT'C>' 111 Suntto .. ., A•r Ch M ·~~ '1 .. 9 645 7!>0!> I n• toy' baby th1n11\ -Jf"#~lrJ' hOU\t· ,. .. ,,. f"l1 OW TIMI SM.ING 5t9'S H.,.. f..,lly htate Sole •tor 'fUJI '-or otfa Al l •t• ylhon~ must ~n' Sal ·~pro.es c.I only from 7 J0Jm .lom !IJ9.984 0046 l6Z ht""' ~I C1»I• ~ ENTERTAINMENT All real u late idver Itson& Ill tlio\ new1paper " wb~c I t<> the r t<ltr at Faor HouunaAcl ot 1968 a\ 1 no end• d w 11 o c h m••~5 11 1lltRdl to advtrlt\t "any pr -fer tnt t lomotatoon or d1scrom1nat1on bu•d on r •l~ ~ulor r ehatun \ea handicap famoltal \lalln Of 114tonnal ~11a1n or an rnlent1on lo m1he any \ul h pntarenn l1m1ta hon or d1\tttm1nat1on .. Tho\ new~aper woll not li.nowonaly accept •ny •dvert1um1nt for rul ntate which is on v1ol1t1on ol the law Our re•der 1 are hereby. rnformed lh•I all dwell 1n&' advertised on lhrs newsp•per u t 1vetl1ble on •n equ•I opl>()r tunoty !11"' lo complain of d" ctomonatoon. caM HUO toll free at I 800 424 8S90 ,,._O ..... ~•t •~ WE BUY ESTATES • _,,.,..,.t .... ~~<• AITUI" I ------1 CONSIGNMENT : ........ ,.. • , ... ,. .. (4 • :,1-1 ,, '" I o• • ~. ••t•l"f'•I'•, r Lu• ~ , -,r ., ... I I ..... I ' ... ,''' ~649-4922-SOUTH c3ASr AUCTI N 22WS..1Wttk S..AM.CA1210l t .;..1'l•--A t~"'M Our Wedding Showcase ......... .,...: Sept. 24. 2003 Garage/ I HOME !~t~l~~::lng Sol~~~ I FURNISHINGS 7-4,Sun7-12.1120 IF ltu ., ... .,5 Coo•lllne Ori¥•, Seof Um re ~ Btoch 90740 corner of New ~ofa l <j;f Oft PCH ontl Main, follow whol• w blut \llll)•~ •l9ns. r 11, t~r " 1111tow\ Only SlSO C•lt 94 ~ 67'> IY.>01 Found 1510 FOUND ADULT CAT GAR ' ~ M(lll '; 1 tJR[ f ASHii 'I ·S •II Amm•I l<jetw~r~ '1-19 •·'ii b6U General Announcements 1610 AHTIQUES 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Antiques Wanted 3025 Pet Suppllts/ CASH fOR 'OTTERY Services 3665 Nalzte• Pollm Voulkos --------- Mcintosh etc fAIUOUS Pfl f'Ql'TMln I 949-4i7J.6223 ~1313 • C •ptrienced Arlt\I • Photo t u11strc or whim ocal •rt 949-7S9-772 I COMMtRSFOR HOME USE = llM &...,. ,., 10ter net re1dy molem ·b•tl1AC 1d1ptor S179 obo Call 714·74-4·3724 pp. -AISOlUTI GOlDMIHlf 60 vend1n2 m1e hone\ wolh tt•Cttllenl locatoon\ II klr S10.9!l> IKX> Z3H682 AAA VENDING llOUTI 8> ~ Unrt\ Pr"" tn wb0t1" ~ tf1V<">t I!>' 00.... ...... 8X} :ff>.9Jl 1 AISOlUTI GOlDMIHEI 60 Vt'OdlOi m •1..htnP\ with t ',_,.ltent I J\.•lton~ Jt/l ,,,, SW !ff; IO} ZJ4cl.D!2 A S3SOk+ flrot year t•n1Pn t1.1 "C t ~1 llt Tl •r ~ ·t I 1o.Oo.<I t t... IJIJt' t>~·t ...il ~U!WJl Investment Oppor111nities 3925 Secured lnteresl Income: ! ~ ·8 i<P'I' A' Raled ~ "'ga<]e oa• r.es:~ts ., .. ad ill>< 1r•eres• & P' ". r.a ta c ..-c•t111y Co· .e-'ora "•oerwnt "9 "II' '" ~ 0. 8PP'0"131$ ess'"an G· LTVOl'CA ~ Esia1e TeMIS ava1;ai;oe 30da~ 30 yem. 714-967 ·9880 l239 >,i;•y·~,..,c,,. ~.., .JX l'''Xf. EARN 4"o·7"o APY. lnlMHt lnoolne peid monthly 15 to 360 day 1ermis1 ta ooreo 10 yoor spec·f ~ asset loqu<d1ty requ 'emfO!S Salety and secunty cl pnnopai & t11terest v. tn over $800 ITJJllOQn "' IT ar>sac;t1Qf1$ s nee 1993 For lt.fttl« lo'llO Cai1 71'-655·8290 ~ • ~·l' 'C st' WC.1""5 ooc•··m 1-Q.AtS~SA..£ . ORAHGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar ~C--Dtlh 316 Hazel I block to beech loc1t1dn, locatton r .. up 1949 Cotta2e or butld new nome S 1.595 000 A1t 949· 759· 9070 OrEH SUNDAY 1-4 f •bul<>us b1yfr ont c:ondo ~., :lb• La ttrr•c• v"'w' l l2l 81ys1~ Or Ottered •I 1.395 000 Aat L•nda Tlaatianett1 949 718 2369 NIWPOU MllOHTS 3Br 2 58• Coraeous MtdtlfJrr11t1an Stylt Home offered at S679 000 Ctt•l11t HomH Inc Cotlta.:t Ms f osier 94,_ 7Z1·2il00 M77Y_.._9' ~ 3bf '°20lf , Ute llome 8y Ow'"' cr .. t l 11y$699,900 CellW114 ~l&lhll H 114 ·15C} 1051 II 11111 .... , ...... NI lelldl C .... I 0.Nrt J1r u ..... 2lf U!l4's --~,_,I._, CMt)M ·llft 1'111 \\<',I HJ' 'ltrccl ( •"IJ \bJ ( \ 1)1:- \I \c .. pi•rl Hh j ..\. BJ' \, I lour~: · kkrhnnc ~ lll.1111· ~ mrm \l<inJJ\ rndj\ \\di~ In~ 10J!lt· ( U'!'rn \1onJJ~ r ndJ\ Newport Beach Cf'EN ~ SAi ~ 12~ ~bklw~.tt ~ lu EJCB' I G.lli!d c:amrJ ~ F/lff. ZIOltlleln •11'> >/ttwS "' ~' Cat.IWla from~ Patin Gor il!'JO'l\ C...derl I Bt 16.! S4SO!XX> Ail. Owner 949 ~ 6T70 1236 Somerset l-• Prott rellu< 1101> J I 99!1 000 lb• 1,.am home 18 OOOst par.I wa on ntMly l l dttt Sba 3 Ip s Sh•,wn by Appl Sieve P3llon,on 94 9. 466 'J688 Its Gorgeo111I ?br 7b• wd1brary New w111duw,. dOOr\, ntw •PPI\ ·~. wed witll\ <.r1I\ 1,. rvwn mould1n11 dt\IWn•" Irle. I parquet floo11na ind morr aat 949 ~84 ':>811 Newport Coast 'RIMI ISTATIS ,ATRIClt TlNORI HUIONWIDI USA t4t-IS6-9 70S www patocktenore com MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS leoutlful Jbr lld ~1natr 1.,,, 11•• .. a h•up) Slf>OO rr • I ·~·"' 949 ?'fl 4f, lC' 31u 3bo h..,.. '" ,~,u~t tp .. a .. ,, be.med u 1~ 1d S!711. mo lu 949 64-4 166/ 81S Hlbl1<111/ Ja1ml"• ,ark ]br i '>tu gA .. ~ Ip 2 t•• p .. 01 ,,.,. S2 7":/J rno (I,.,.,~ Collr ,r,. A11t 949 fl 16 J7 .IO ---- Ocun vttw l ii.-ly l \I Orv ?Br 7Ba • dtn Ip atlith 2 Lor ll"' rourtyard ~ntry L •mm pool Smnll pet u• S JI'><• mu Klein Mamt 881 704 8649 ,C)204 l ro11 d n ew 11ootlel homt 01 t .ln roly l111M~ view lbr l Stu • 2 ulf•tes IPP''" lOCl0\1 Ip ., 2 alldL h ear r urn unfurn Sl9!>0 mo I( le1n Mn(! 8 II 10& 1!649 4b• 3 !>b• ~~·t11nu\ 51n11 l•m lluu\e •PPIO• 5:lQO\t 4 Ip' pool SP• quirt • ut de H• $7000 m~ il&l 949 8!>/ 1660 Rental To Shart 6030 Costa Mesa .............. -ltw ....... / b.i s82orn • I) ul~) • d!:I:> pOOI. 1Pil w 'd, CMPOrt. ulh ce1I no smk/pet R 10 I 818 tl8 ?°L ooms for Rent ,.. Wt '6n rm own ba. Witt. int <d illMp t'tl m<,,iJlll ad Prtl lim ~ rm"" n4-:m un RESIDENTIAL RENT Al.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Ytorly 21u, lit•! rooftop dtcll w 360 voewt WtO SISOO/mo 1v1119 15 9'9 673 l023 A-llirllleWCllll, A/C. wld fna, moo. dlW ,., ~ dO. mport SlM'lm "~;m •East B1y fr ont apt lb! Iba, tp SllOO •llir v«>, ,,, .... • brWil Sl«Xla 2tir 2tie 1101M yr1y SllOO .r........,...-•211e SlD /let 9&n>1'1i' lttlllClil\ .... 3ir 2bl. Miltm.i~~ ~~ t• & a.-.'--I rn lo tie.ch v.U c.h stO"te. Irie. c:H fan mor~ SlfJOn'> lbr & SI l 70m 21>r 133 E 16th Sf Ask tor Spec111 949 '>48 2•21 l'1l4e Trl"'H JIN, 21t., rp, d w l1undry room ltnced 1•rd no peh 949-646-7363 Lovely Gated Community I Br l B1 Apt w1pvt aer Irle, w•lk to Tri Square S89S1mo Walt<1truh P••d Klein M1n1aement 877 704 8649 ( 1 I 9200 Hewpert H•iwM• area (1637 trv1na) \ludro $850, lbr SllOO l"t- e14e (198 Tulip •C> 2br lb1 Sl250 No pets Call Sten '4t-4J1-2Ht 0......,. 2br Zba cottdo bnck Ip, Jc 2 c 1tlll< aw Sl69S/mo Aasot pooV Sl)a EPM l IOO 7"l 3100 ~-W.-0--31' u.. lnal ,d. 2< Ill ., .... h SlS15m rid ""'" ~M9642~9t0 Sir, t .Sle, Mee• Yarde Cottclo cemm pool & )ac, 2·c faf 1vell lO/I II 900/mo 71 t 751 ·476! llWt...,..,., ........ Jtlr 2.50• c111taM •• mod, 11wm•.,, uitw-. pool, •1. te!IM. ewlll ••• l?h5/11'10 ..... OoMl4 '1•tt . ~II llflk• Mt 7U-I074 II Sft ... ~----Dradline~ ----- \.111nJJ, TUC\U,t\ "'<'dn~-dJ\ Thur .. JJ~ hoJJ\ "IW'!'m \1 111<1.t\ "•••rim Tu~'dJ 1 •N'f'ln• \\~.tlll..JJ\ < !Nrproo I r11tJ' '\Jtur i 1 'o'l.lh1.I\ --..y ID pl aft -roo41 l 1T1mutt It> ano • '°' It m"'e ht t~ It ~-Y'''"'i ynu ...-dflf J ,, "~'" .-nt "'P•rtm_. 1 i..h "'t"~t..al I ·866-400 -2691 YLUl Y UASES FINE HCWPOU HOMlS lll1 GtlUHDY lWTOftS Ut-67S-6l61 He wpor I ltentol1 .tom Y.t!Lh h .... •!'Ot.W ...,_ "'"" ~"'P"rl ~ tud1n;: rent• a~ents and IAndluM d~ LIDO ISLE Q• •t I ~r nl!1e1-. '11-"'" d n • .1t I ~·· • pet ,,.. Sl~'>O A..,;Jj w } •4 I ~ l.f Hf\WORT l&itfTS HOU5I )> :;.., _, \ 1.1~ ~· -...... 4.'li: .,._,,,_ ""' t:.« ~ft}J'>,r .t• P ork lido t ... Ot'IT d" pafu '] "'\I m,,-• p1 11 •t·• 1."i'. •4'< '9i 4f,l(I 1200.f, 28r 210 I f'I>'"'<"' ~~1 lull ·~ I It ti.tk. .-.. fr()' ,, t)ltl p.Mtil '"'" SICf'!Orn 11•1 ~'l 'Hi 9138» NEWPORT HARBOR Community Gorgeous ~BR, 2BA w Parttal Harbor \'1e ... Was $2500 Now $2350 Beautiful I B~ 181' Partial Pool Vlew Was $1550 Now $1400 ~.~lnduded lMfl..._ .... 111td[~. , ... Wood .... ~,,._.IMO& MM'-• Spiltllf S.11n1DllC 1'9111 • IMli l'rvpical LI-=-~ • Secoeds ao 9llboa ~ --ee.r. ~ .... ,(Alfl)l9 .... I nur ~I.I\ < 1 Opm I •tJJ\ ' IJl.lpnl I rnl•• ' 11 >pn Eo•tbluff l "'"" 1• JI :' '>bd •" ,,.,, ..... r •t•1 ... , """" ,,, .. w ~. ' (f' l 71'>rt"' 94• 1.4) Oi' Newport He19hh ~ .... t pl'h '( r 1t' ,. , ,,.~ •••· ts I s !Of • ,. ~q J7'! Ilg Cyn Golf ,..,,.. t-•t '1'-'I ,.. fu • t , .,...1 l' s L,{J ~ •4 • .., ~- lbr 2 Sbo ho"'• 2 c ort 641 .. • .. ,,. ,.. .. f tA • •l' I .. )' 1 .. ..,. n i41L "'J':.t for leo\e 381 2 /•l o Hou•• "' -. "'~ ,,. ,,, n1• yN<J 4••1 " s.:xhl 44~ ii..&, 4>("> 1 .. ~ f"Tl\l Harbor View Hom .. •Br .. '8• f .trttn ' M1 ·11•1 S300J "' "" a~ • 9 I "it <4; , ... Jl?f I lfDO ISll f~• ~•n lb.• huust ftt .. t. .i•r w~ hi.ups ••••• lO l ,, ~ •~· SJ200 ml\ ~9 b7~ ~I«• IAYFRON1 J~,.. 53200/-yriy 626-212 17" 626-2U-6262 Ul90l "9tN5l.lA "°"1 9 [&flUl -f' m~9 ctou tc b••t~ '>b 11>1 $3~mof.19 9)4 14~1 ........ lr .tw V•.llt ~ '° !xi> •7 -.... ~ 2 c .. ""' ... IP' Ail s:JUl 'Wl}'I~ S.W.... evofl Gr-vlffe Ce .. 4e, R•ltd 1 011 rnur,.1 lch 'omm pool ~pe 2Br 2B• dt'n S45CJl mo~ Paut 949 64A 7U lpM .... ,n..ra... view• Jbr 2 5bll !Ille M W W 0 reff1& S2900 mo Troor• Condo 'M9 233 6lt6 CONOO O<l•N VKW, 31lf 2 Sb• 1ppltanc H 7 C ttt.-"'"911~ 1\~-~ • IWa. 46 NS ital* prof. domt1tte ou,.1 l\ltllll'r cllM S....r-'6,1\ , .. Tl4 !)SJ S510 • II Sltufda)', August 30, 2003 14 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 34 Scul~ure p;omaps 3.'i H•r WIOOI 38 fr'a~lng athl•tH ~Baby 1)9.1 43 JaumuSIC •S Young t""10<S '6 Wt lard s pel •7 ReaMl66 50 Bulk S\ Wrll•r -Wiellel 8200 Prof'I toupl•, lot; bond insured 10 m•n•&• four N~wporl fllh home And or bod! t..• ltc'd Cener•I Con Ir actor & cerltf1ed Prop Mnar 949 642 3939 8500 openin[ for bookt~l)tr admm "''·I Quoc"b' ~~< a must S•l•r y TBO Fa• Resomi! 949 645 1145 SELL your ;tuft through classified! 1' 12 13 Auhlte~turol lJShtone products cr1 •eeks Production Workera: Knowledge of handtool'I. ba'" malh \kolls Woll It ••n Mold Mallen• [q1 on cdlpfntry wnodwor k on" sh up h411dlouls b•S•l math skills Woll tr •111 Good pay Pleav Apply In pe"on @ 31?0 B Pullm•n St . Co•I• Me"1 9an 3pm MF f...,r PT po• dnogn ~nbly of ~Y L.Yds and onvitatlOO". wn" <Jo.._ tl°'Q P<Nla <;19 721 ~733 f'T bp'd Core9lnrs & houaekeepera ne"'ed 101 OC aro• fle11ble hrs tar S8hr 310 '>41 9823 Pori Time lte<eptlonl•I, Wed.ends for R~af Utele olTtee Contact Carr ''9-718-2746 Rurulters Wontecl. Bridge WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q I • Neither vuloc!Uhle. a.~ South you hold: •Q76 .J91 AQJ 76 •KJ The b1dd10~ hol\ oroceeded: NOR'Jlf EAST' SOUTH. Wl:;sT Q 4 • Vulnerable, yoo holtl: •AK976J 9 .4 5 <i QJ •KH Partner opens the bidd1111 With one diamond What do you l'C$pond? ' • Pass 1., Pus J . J>1lji 4 PMS 5• Pw 5 ~ 5 PUI ~ Q 5 ·A\ Soulh, vulnerable, you hold \.\<Ml llCllOC\ 00 ) OU laU ' Q 2 • '°''South, \Ulncra.ble, )OU hold. • AQ98H 5 6' • KQTl 1k b1Jdin11 ha.' proc~: SOlmt WF..sT NORTH EAST e A K J 1 J A II 5 10 4 • 118 1 le Pass ?• P.a ? 11~ htddJO)!. ha.\ pn.o..ccdcd What do you bid now'1 SOUTH WF~T l\'ORTII f.AST • • Pa~ 1 """" ? Whllt Jo )OU bu.I now'' Q 6 • Doth vulnerable. ll) South you hold: Q 3 ·A\ South, 'ulncrablc, )Oil hold . • A J 10 4 2 II 4 3 8 • A 9 -I 2 •8 AK!l65 KJ6 •KJ85 The lmJd10j.1 ha.~ proceeded· SOl.'111 WEST NORTH EAST I Pasa 2 h5s 1lie h1J<.hng ha\ pni.:t::eJe<l 3• ~ 3 p-. SOl'Tll WF..'iT 1'0RTH E.\H Pa~, I'll" h,, .. Wh..11 OCIJOO do ~OU take I Whal acuon Jo )llU tal.~ 1 ru t aurant SUVutS NHDID L odf) Diner 2 V" 011er APlllY •I 3461 Voa ltdu Newport Buch LetC>Ot Sabi Sp;ice av» ai>le f0t PT Har Orll$Sef & Mancl.n!t Call for details 949 631 I 194 £st )()yr~ SfClfTARY Im med Open Our CE 0 ,, sem1·rettred We are looluna for a Personal Aul Hvy t/aveltne on US & OVtlUIS Very ora• nrzed al least 20 years ol •dmtn up Computer ht •Int Enah~h tom posot1on & artlhmet1c 'I.lulls I h" pe"n11 woll 101n the CEO 110 r epre- \entrnit the cump.rny tn vartous events and must have a pleaunl voice, appparan.e & PR App should appear 1n pe1 'on 1 ue S. Wed (Srpt 2nd & JrdJ 1101 W Cont lfwy •210. Newport Buch Pltdse brone currtnl re,ume and wor k h1sl()ry Service Wrlt•r /Se rvice Aulalanl needed fur mar mt ene•nr bu wit"> Respons.b1hl1t\ onduded <.U\itomc1 serv1Ct ¥1ttltnt ~ffVll~ worh nrdt't\. stl•~dulong mMone ~ngone knuwl~dlle e•1>t,,e11u prclcr"d Salarv 00£ 8t11efrts Apply ''' prr ~on w ruume S4f•ry history references tu 9uatwain·s I oc ker Inc 9jJ W 18th Slrf't Costa Mesa (fter9•tl<. motivated, ltdm player• ne•d to help clean newlt built homes No e • P•"ente requtred 20·40 hr\ per week 949-~15 41'>8 SELL your stuff through cla ssified! Automobiles 9000 Ford ford '99 Expedition, XL T '"'. auto everylh1n1. CO th~niter 3 '93h Sl4 ~ 949-631 !i027 Jaguar JAGUAll ·as u s.e.ieo. J ~•Ive<. H •I beauty dream to drtvl· N:.. CO al O!'w int s«ilX> 949 073-~ Automotive 9004 eentt.y Amaga ·oo Real <Ian ~' than I 400 mo blue co~wold lllv Sl46.2'JO .IX04821 NEWPO«T AUTOSl'OllT 9'9-S7~S600 IMW9401 '98 I owntr •Int tond onsod~ & out f IC tor y ma1n1 101~ mo S24K 949 712 8966 !I:& 756-044.t BMW 'tt U Cenv, 2.J 116. 3Slc mt Sspd. CO. 2 tone blk & l•n, lthr int. buutiful, Ilk• 11ew cond, $18.995 v55!)721 fl· nanctne & warranty avail Bkr 949·)86-1888 -.K ...... l,,am CAD AU.ANTE '1992 I owner. con vi. black top, white body. 66kml. very clunr $12,SOO 949·6" 7949 Chevy 'ISllenr runs a•nl SISOO 949 294 8229 o.vy c-.. '-'67 ltame up 1et01ed. 350 V·8. lllllo •• rt·done eora ~y $29.500 •164784 NEW9'0!tT AUTOSl'Oln 949-S74-S600 ChryJw '9' Hew Yoriow 35 V6 1 owner 43k act ual mr books 1Hords metalloc tur QUOose Iii~ lthr full~ loaded ltke new $4195 ~nl8 8lu 949-511>-1888 www.ecpabl.tam C-o '9' Z2• C:-. Wilt 621< m(. new tiocn & inter rot no dines SI 0 IXXl 949 645 9345 alter 5pm Corv•ll• '89 Coupe Ju to l°>OI< • mo melllloc red tan llhr superb tond lhrouahuut S9 995 Bkr 949 S86 1888 w-.ocpat.l.<o"' (or"v•tl• '19 Coupe •ulo 60lo,. mo mel•lltc red tan llhr superb cond thro11ahout S9 995 Bkr 949 ~-1888 w-.otpobl.•om fenoti '90 f40 Aac•~"""e mot•••ted I dnd outgu1n1• l'l I l L' I .. ______ _. BMW '98 ZJ Co""· autr.o whole t4n Ith< CD be1u1tful loke new t ond Sl6.995 v'>97:?4 fin & WI/II'( d'llll Bier 919-%1888 One of a k•nd 1651< m1 S4!i0 000 "'°86840 N£WPORT AUTOSf'OU 949°S7'-S600 Slrvtct Directory Accounting ,. • oncE TO EADER<, Ualolor nta law 1 t; quort>• that <unlr.lc tor\ \a~mi 1o>b"> lhAt tot.ll S500 '" rnor• (l1bor or m.tle<1dl\I be hten\rd by th• Contraclors Sl•lt l1cen•e Br.oard Statt law alw requ11es lloal contr1c IClr.., on< tud• lheor 11(.ense no.1mber on •II .adve<l~•n& You cen ehelk the stalus o f your locenud conlrd c lor "' WWW l \lb ~a 20• UI 800 321 CSLB Unit cen"d cont• a< 111r.., 1a~1ne rob• 1h~1 total lu~ lhdll s~oo must 'late on th~oo advertisement• thAI they ar f' not focenHd by the Con tractor\ Stalt locense BoMd .Guld<i...lt• tr amine & .upporVtrouble Vlootme 'tadMll!»c -w.-:or personal 949-5'8 7'>38 Carpet Repalr~les ....,_ C.,.. 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