HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-05 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. ' . . ·=- Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2003 . i~~1CdM senior di in dirt bike accident ... . . . . .. :::;.Matthew Ramirez was hit by a dune buggy while h:~nding an all-terrain vehicle in Glatllis on Halloween. : : :. Mmrl11 O'Nell school. he decided to go out there again. : : .. Oally Pilot When friends couldn't make It. his fa· • • -.-ther, Rigo, took the day off wort to go : ::: . NEWPORT Bl!AOI -C.Orona del Mar ridin8 with his son. died tn bis father's arms just before 11 p.m. Halloween nigbt He was 17. "He. was obsessed with riding dirt bikes." C.Orona del Mar senior Melissa Dearen said of her friend Matt. "That's just what he did" the shirts, more students had some made and wore them to school Tuesday. His friends also passed out 650 memo· rial ribbons. Even though he wasn't in school. his spirit was, bringing students togeth~ to remember him. ; '! :· lugb School &en.lor Matthew Ramirez After a day on the trails and dunes of : •: loved dirt bikes. the dirt-bike mecca. the two took off : :: .... He bad pictures of them on bis bind· back to camp tn the dadcness. A day after the accident. a Tucson man turned himself iilto authorities and been charged with felony hit -end· The school will further honor Mat· thew with a memorial service in the campus' UnJe Theater on Monday at 7 p.m. Matthew Ramirez. a senior at Corona del Mar High School, was killed when a dune buggy struck the ATV he was riding from behind on Friday in Imperial County. • : ••'ft& He wore T-shirts with them to Out of nowhere, a dune buggy sped by : : «hool He talked about them with his and struck Matt's ATV from behind, : • Jrlends. telling them Jlbout h1s trips to throwing him off the vehicle. The buggy • • Tide all tenaln vehicles tn the Glam1.s hesitated for a moment. then roared off : • • desert tn Imperial C.Ounty. lnto the desert night. On Monday. friends of Matthew Raml· rez wore T-shirts to school emblaz.oned with a photo of him in his ttademalk backward ball eap and sunglasses, taken by his friend, senior Katie Doran. She origlnally printed up 30, but after seeing Besides his love of dirt bikes, his friends remembered him as a kind and genuine person, always in a good mood and always wUJing to talk . said "He was a real happy-go-lucky guy. He always bad a smile on his face and was never mad.~ Principal Sharon Fry said that the • On Halloween, with the day off from Matthew suffered a broken neck and "He was one of the best people you could meet," friend Cynthia ShenJer See ACCIDENT, Pa1e A4 . ... ~: :~~Mobile ,_..,,.. F:home tenants balk at proposal ~~: Residents of Snug · .: Harbor and El Nido parks don't like the idea to hasten the process of closing the sites. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA-An effort to streamline the conversion of two moblle home parb Into a medical office building 8tirred up already agjtated tenants on Monday. Durlng a Planning C.Ommis· slon study session. Deputy City Atty. Marianne Milligan ~ted the city enter into a '. .... :.tPindlrtg legal agreement with :•:•:loe Brown, owner of Snug Har· ·!•!•l>or and El Nido, instead of :::::pursuing an interim ordinance · • • the commission was already considering. The agreement would serve the same purpose as the in- teriin ordinance -to set a procedure for closing a moblle home park -and define ex· actly what kind of parks Snug Harbor and El Nido are, be It RV parks, trailer parks or mo· ---bile home parks, Mllllgan said .. The agreement would ben· efit both the city and Brown since both would sign on and would protect the dty from any coosdtutlonal challenge that m!ght be launched against an ordinance, Milligan $81d lt would also expedite the dme It takes to approve an in· terim ordinance. Thnanta of El Nido and Snug Harbor, who pushed dty om- clals to aeate an on:linance to protect them, felt snubbed by the suggestion. "W~re full of attorneys here who can see how many ways they can (mess with) us and SH MOBILE, Paa• M IN PARADISE MARI< C. OUST1N I DAILY PK.OT A fisherman gets Into the water and casts his line out Into the mouth and growing swells of the Santa Ana River as the sun sets on a recent afternoon. Legal win for El Toro proponents While victory does not mean an airport will be built at closed base, officials still hope to get planes flying there eventually. June Ca111rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Air· pon Worlcing Group leaders have won their push for more stringent environmental stud· ies of the El Toro site and will continue to have some over· sight of plans to develop the closed Marine air base. The Airport Woricing Group effectively wrapped up Its law- suit against the Navy on Mon· day when representatives from both sides agreed to a laundry list of environmental studies for the she. Most notably, a study must be done on the possible environmental haz· ards of tearing up the runway. The groups also agreed that studies will be done to Identify potential contaminants in the soll at the closed base. Once the site of Newport's best hope for an airport to al· leviate future John Wayne air traffic, the 4,700-acre base was rewned last year by voters as a site for open space, houses and retall buildings. After the vote, the Navy planned to sell See EL TORO, Pa1e A4 NEWPORT BEACH Man enters g uilty plea to c h arges of child pornography 38-year-old was a teacher in Irvine, working with developmentally- disabled children. DH pa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A 38· year-old Newport Beach man pleaded gullty on Monday to one count of attempting to re- ceive a videotape that contain· ed child pornography, officials said. DanleJ T. Flynn worked as a teacher for the Jrvme Unified School District at UC Irvine's Oilld Development Center, which houses the program for children suffering from auen· tion deficit hyperactivity disor· der. Flynn is scheduled to be sentenced on March 15, when he can get as much as 15 years in federal prison, saJd Asst. U.S. Atty. Richard Lee. Possession of child pornog- raphy ls a crime under both state and federal law, he saJd. ~The only difference is It's a felony under federal law and a See CHARGES, Pa1e A4 THINKING ALLOWED • ' I I 4P . • ' I t Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.daf,plot.ccm .WEATHER ~ CIOudtwUI ~ hov9r th'0U9hout the dty, but lhOuld bur no rein. IEIMGIA2 ,.. FORUM SPORTS Aeeder'I remeln egltated Newport H1rbor'1 boy9' over pt1ne to bWld • bridge Wltlr polo t..m awlm1 ecroee the Sent. Ana River. egelnlt capiltrlno Valley. m MGI Al SEE MG1 M Bridgemania showdown brewin ' •"n..J:°'-'°"""" In the blue comer, weighing tn at 16.8 square miles, an estimated popUlation of 110,070 liid a$lll.8 mJWon·budget Is Stone Cold Cotta Maa. In the red comer. weighing ln at 50.5 aquare mAJet, an eidinated population of 75,662 Ind a $156 rilJJlion budget we have The Million Dollar Clty, Newi>ort Beach. Welcome to tbe Orange Coi.Jnty Battle of the Bridges, tn WhlCh four local dtlea will ftght the Ultimate battle to determine whether the 19th ~t and Giller Awnue brtda-will be LOLITA HARPER bullt <mr the Santa Ana Rivet, connecting Costa Meta to Newport Beach. The two IUperltart tn this battle are -suat>ly CottaMe.a and Newport Beach- nelgbboring communldel who play nJce on tM outlide but are ~In. rowcfylnwt when It comes to •me bridges.~ Costa Mesa, often teen as the underdog to Newport. eomes to the battle with strength in terms of diwralty, tolerance and charity. It la able to dance around Brown Act vloladons and 1tudy 1.uues to death. Newport Is known for Its top-of•the-Une Mercedes, bwnera and Land ROYer1 and extremely generous tax-deductible charitable donadona.Jtput theainaclc down on a n1wdy Fourth of July and mowed doWn 23 tall ficus tre. ln one fell~ The battle centers around regjonal transportation plans that call for two bridges over the Santa Ana River; one connecting Banning Avenue ln Huntin1ton to 19th Street in Costa Mesa. The other trom Gisler Avenue In Costa Mell to Garfteld Street. which rum along the Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach border. . Stone C.Old Costa Mesa ls infuriated wtth any plans for tho bddge (lmqlne veto-popping, muscle-bound proteU!onal A2 ~. Nc:Mmbef 5, 2003 LOCALS ONLY· • I NEIGHBORS J.R. Meansm of Say Port Yachts In Newport Beach recently won the lbp S Sales award for 2003 modeJ Carver Yachts ... a:wtee L JC.err, J.R. Means tU 1 the son of David and Mary Ann Ken or Newport Beach, re<:ently gradu ted from the Army Reserve Officers Training Corp1 Nadonal Advanced Leadership Camp at Fort Lewis Tacoma. He Is a 1999 graduate of Newport Harbor l Ugh School ... Wing Lam, PA Lee, Steve Karfvldll and Mingo and Cindy Lee, founders of Wahoo's Fish Theos, were honored recently at the " 11th annuaJ La OoJce Vita for their fight agalnsl cystic fibrosis ... Betty Ruth SteveDI of Corona del Mar was recently awarded first place for her short story" A Most £njoyable C.Ounlry Christmas• .•. 1!11.a. Jordan, a ZS.year resident of Corona del Mar, recently re<ldved the CBTA Medallion, Distlngulshed Service Award during t4e Californla F.ducatlonal Theatre Association's annual convention. The award ls given to the theacer educator who has demoMtnued loyalty, leadership. contribution and support ... Dr. JUdwd P. Mungo of Newport Beach. a ~dentist with a private pracdoeln Huntlngton Beach, was named as one of the pediatric dentists for the Healthy Smiles for Kids of Orange C.Ounty. Wing Lam • NEJ<H10RS spotlights edlievementa In tn. community Please direct noteworthy lnformetH>n to Lui. Pena by fax at (9"49) 646-4170, or send e-mail to lula.pena latimtta.com. PET OF THE WEEK Co11ie-wolfbound Sam I a 6-year·old who was once adopted from the Newport Bench Animal Shelter by two senior citizens. Hls adoption papers de<icribe him as a bearded come mix. bu1 Community Animal Ne1work believes he has &<>me lmh wolfhound in him because or hib look. nnd <1i7,e. A few years after Sam's adoption. the husband became Ill. The last words said to his wire were, "Don't you get rid of my dug!" TI1c senior female's failjng health then forced her into a nursing home. Cosio Mesa resident SwJ Urown is now the caregiver and needs help placing Sam becoau~ Sam Is wanting alJ the allmlion and making their 9-year-old golden retriever miserable. The family finds II endearing that Sam barks when Suzi dnd her husband lriss because he wants to be part of the group • hug. "Sam follows family members from room to room nnd Is practically at our side ll1l the time: Su1.l says. •And Sam loves 10 play ball and is terrific with my 5-year-old.'" Sam ts ho~ed and sleeps with the famDy but he wouldn't mlnd being outside during the day. Adoption highlights: Thirty . animals were placed into new homes the weekend of Oct. 25 and 26. Emily, the 8-year-old ' \,ollle Shepherd. found a home and the two 12-year-old lonlunese cats were place inn home together. fl~e news: The well n."ipected ·no kill• Seal Beach Animal Shelter Is full and over capaciry and will not be accepting any animals for four months. Our successful adoptions have lead them B!I well ns others to refer animals for placement to us. We pince more animals into new homes than any other rescue group without a facillty in Orange County on a single week.end. Please always adopt an anJmal in nee9. •The Community Animal Networll 11 a community-supported 1nlmal organization linking people and pets through community action. See other animals available for &doptlon 1t http://www.animal Mtwork.orp, or atoP by Ruuo's pot store at Fashion Island between noon •Cid 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: 19491759--364&, or write to the Community AnltNI Networll Ill P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beech. CA 92658. Daily A Pilot VOL 17,N0.309 .. THOMAS H. JOHNSON News Edteofa P\lbli.her Gin1 Alexander, Lori Anderlon, lOHYDODEAO Denlel Hum, P.1.11 5-itowlQ. Editor Demel St8Yena JUDY OETTtNO NEWllTAff Advertlsl.K1t Dlreetor O.....lherMh LANA NS0H Promotlona Director Crime end coutta reporter, UM9l 57«228 ED111NO STAFf dHJ».~th•t.,Jmea.com 1..1.c.ewi JUN c •• .,... Me099lng Editor, Newport 8eec:t'I reporw, (948) 57«233 (9'9)57«232 a,Jt»hil. latt"*-COnl }UM QUQrtln<#./atJm.e.oom Daneaa~ LolMHafper Otyfditof, (IM917&M32A Columnist. culture reporter, .... l/IOCJ#t•l«if'N&oom (M9)57~71 ....... Dunn lol1ta.h111J1M flltln-.oom Spoi19 Edhor, Dell*e """'"*' (!Ml) 574-4223 ri<:Nrd dunn•l«imee.oom Cot1.I Meee l'IC)OMf, (Mt) 574-4221 JoeiaJ. ..... dflird,..~fll#tlnw.oom An Dltwetor I Newt 0tMt Ctlltf, ...... O'Neil (Ml57~24 Education reponM, (1481 ~ io-Mnt011tllMltn#com mMw.OMll•tMlffl#.oom ---~ .......... flhoto (dltOf. Newt aaeilt.anc. (M9) 574"<Ull , .. ,~ ...._ ,,_,.,. IMlrtw com ,.._,,.,,.tl~com ' FOR A GOOD CAUSE Kate Eastman is the president of fun<k'aising group Angetitos de Oro. Bringing big brothers and sistefs together Deirdre Newm.n Oatlyf>dot NEWPORT BBAOI -Kate Eastman was Ousb with excitement thanks to someone donating $1.SOO to Angelltos de Oro, the fund-raising organil.adon she is the pn:sldent of. Angelitos de Oro, or Golden Angels, raises funds for Big BrotherslBlg Sisters of Orange County. which brlnS' together adult mentors and disad'.lantaged children. FYI scrutiny of why people are volunteering,· P.asanan said. "We want to make sure kids have a safe, loog·lasting relationship.· Tu help raise money, the group sells Angelitos cards annually that give the pwdwer a 20% discoW'lt at participating stores and restaurants at South Coast Plaza from Nov. 6-10. Proceeds from the auds, which cost $50, go directly to Big BrotherslBlg Sisters. Shoppers w1'o purchase the cards are ah<> eligible for Since it st.apd in l 961, the fund-raising group has donated more than $2. 7 million to the nonproflt.F.a.stman said lhe joined Angelitos de Oro in l 998 becauSe she wants to help ldds in the area where she lives. Topurchate1n Angelltot card, call (949) 642·9883 or viaJt http:ll•no•litOfl deoro.org sweepstakes prizes, including two dckets to New York Oty wtth a four-night hotel stay and getting to drive a Bauer Jaguar for a week. Parddpat:ing ltores include Glannl Versace. Bruno MagU and Borders Boob, Muslc, Movies, Caf~ Restaurants Include Antonello "It's our communJty and the future of Orange County.• Eastman Mid. "It really makes me and all the volunteor1 better people when you think beyond yoursel!. 1beee kids a.re just great people.'" The money raised by Angelitos de Oro helpt support more than 750 matches between mentors and kids. tndud1ng comprebenslve screening of the mentora. . "There'• a Jot of evaluation and auefu1 Rlitorante. Claim Jumper and Wolfgang Puck. P.astma.n said offering shopping d.ila>unt cards ls the perfect incentive for peo$)le to donate 'to a worthy orpntzadoo. She said she appreciates the generoaltf of South Coast P!ua in partnering with Angelitoe de Oro for the fundralier. •tt's a wtn~wtn. • P.astman aid. •1r1 the time of year Whe1l evayone is thiDkirig ibout hoUday lhopj>Jng.. :GEmNG INVOLVED • GETnNO ltNOlYB> Nl\I periodically In the Dally Pilot on • rotating basis. For Information on adding your organization to this list. cell (949) 57oM298. ORGN«ZATION FOR 1lE tMIANE CARE OF .V.W.S Voluntaert are needed to care for stray and Iott anlmeft In the Newport Beac:h, Costa Mesa and Corona det Mar areas. (949) 722-135'7. MRENT HELP USA Founded by mothers and others ag8'Ast child abuse, Parent Help asks the public for help and volunteer• to Inform the community on vital Issues affecting children and the family. Information: (949) 660-3461 or (949) 676-5271. PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF. wtiictl raltet money to support pediatric cancer research, needs volunteers for a variety of duties. (949) 859-6312. "' THE PHARMACOLOGY RESE.AACH INSTIT\JTE The lnstiMe 11 looldng for volunteer• to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn more about the program, call (8881 n4-4613. PRIME DYNMtCS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beach nonprofit organization for the 99 and younger set, needs volunteers for Its programs. (949) 262-7300. DUI ARRESTS n.... ,_,,,,.,,,,.,,.,,..,, ·~ r.c.nt/t/ on lu.p/don of drlvlntl unc»r the lnflllt#'W» of Mt lntoKicant. 11ley lww ottly been.,.,.... on •..piClon of• crlriW and. • with ., SCI~.,._ COlwitlw9d Innocent. undl ptfNfid ;,ullry. COSTAmM ...., • Morda Alanlr-Getde, 34, COSUMe98 . ..., • hnjemlri Peul SOtO, 29, CostaM..a •Eugenio Alv•rw~ 37, Gard«! Grow ......, • Jeeul Antonio Zarete, 77. ChulaVlsta SetUldey • • JofVI ~Smith, 43, eo.t.Meu • Janwct ~ Huntrlla. 34, COSUMeee Helmy • Rodolfo ...... Aloneo, 21, CottaMeea PHOTOGRAPHER8 Copyright No newt atotlM, SURF AND SUN Mart C. Duttln. Don Luctt, llluatretlona, editorial metter or Kent TtepCow adYeftltementl herein can be reprodUc* without wrlttMI WEATHER of 4 to 8 feet. The wav .. wlll READERS HOTLINE permi•lon of copyright owner. (949) 842-eo&e FORECAST be • foot larger at night. RaconS your oommente 1bo\it the HOWlO REACH US Dally Pilot or rwws tips Cln:iullftlon Expect cloudy 8lde9 wtth no SURF ·~ The T1mee Orange CoYnty ,..in. Howwer, It might r11ln Our~ 11330 W. Bay St. Cost.a (800) 252-81'1 again Frldey. The h6gha wffl The eouthw9at l"MMI wilt Meta. CA 92627. otrloe hours .,. ,...., .... betrom11 toeedegt .... dlum out chest-high surf, and Mondey • Friday, 8:30 1.m. • 5 p.m. a111•11119'9) 842-M?I ~ 0....,(94918'2~1 At night, It'll be motdy maybe • little better, to It II the Plloc't pot Icy to promptly clear. Lowe win be 1""" 44 to sooth-facing bt'ffka. The l5cMolW 00"8Ct ell 91T'Ora of tubrtence. N9we 53~ northwest ew.11 wlll continue PleaH call (9'9) 78'-432A. (949) &42-6880 ""°"'...-.: to put welst·hlgh• up onto FV1 ..... (949) 57«223 www.nw..ttOH.(IOV wett-fadng breaks. N9weftlle (948) ~170 Enjoy It white It 1uta. The Newport~ M..e lpoftl ,_(Ml 86().0170 • BOATING ..... ...-: Daily Pilot (USPS-144-800) Iii E-mel: clMIYPitot•tar11r-.oom pubhahed deity. In N9wpOft leedl MmOllae FORECAST www.-irfrlder.org end co.t. Mala, aubacripdone ... ..... _ Ollae (948) 942 ~1 .. .._,_(Mle31·712t Thefe wll be no dlange In TIDES ev1llabM Ontv bv Mllollbllig to The 1he wwt wtncta on the Inner Tlmee OnnQe C041ntv CIOOI ' weten. Th9(1t be at 10 to 16 nm. ....... 252·'141. In 8f911oullidaof rmott throughout the dey. The 12:A3a.m. 0.831-ttow Ntwpon 8Mctl end COit.i Mela, 7:0la.m. 6.44 .... high W9'lfet wlt~be 2 fMt or emehr tubecr1ptl0na IO the Delly Pilot are on• wwt iw.tl of 3 fMt. 1:2Ap.m. O.SllflMttow evtllebte Of"V by flrtt ct .. mell for Farther otrt, th4J wtnd wlll 7:19p.m. 4.83fMthtgh SJO per month. IPricae lncludt ell P\ibllthed by Tlmet Comrmmlty be from me northwwt, appllcabte .-. end loc:el te>e• I Newa, • dMelon of the Lot Ano.IN beginning at 101IO 20 llncM, WATER POSTMASTER: Send lddf ... Tlmea. but~ 5 ""°'*In the TEMPERATURE cflengee lO The NeWport ewning. W9'lfet wtll be 1 ~Mala Delly Pilot. P.O. C2003 T1met CN Al! rightl to 3 tNt on a"°""',,...-.. ....... loll 1~. Cou Mele. CA 92928 r....wd " "J { • - 0 M J ' FILE PHOTO/OAll.YPll.OT The FAA released a report this week that said no air traffic controller mistakes had happened at John Wayne Airport since January 2001. JWA noted for \ safety FAA says airport's traffic controllers handled more than a million takeoffs and landings without an error. June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot IOHN WAYNE AJRPORT-Air traffic con- LroUers at John Wayne Airport have guided more than a million takeoffs and landings without a single error, the Federal Aviation Administration reported. Administration figures show that the air traffic controUers at the airport have not made an error since January 2001. during which time more than a million lights have been handled there. Before that, the airport averaged about two errors a year. "They've not ~de a mistake in the tower in three yea.rs.· said Donn Walker, spokel>- man for the administration's Westem-Pa- cific reglon. "That's very significant." Operating errors occur whenever an air traffic controUer guides a plane to some- place it shouldn't be. For example. there are set distances planes must keep away from each other at different stages of takeoff, landing and flight If two planes that are supposed to be 5.000 feet a pan come within 4,000 feet of each other, It counts as an er- ror. Most air. traffic controUers, including those at John Wayne, work for the Federal Aviation AdmlnJstration and not the airport where they are assigned. Some smaller air- ports use contractors to control air traffic. "There has been a very aggressive safety campaign that the agency has undertaken in the last four or five years and virtually everyone at the FM have been touched and affected by it," Walker said. "They've been very focused on trying to make the airports even safer and they have, and this Is proof of that" The news comes three months after avia- tion authorities reported that John Wayne Airport had significantly reduced the num- ber of runway errors and that it has a low number of misses. ~e're very proud of the work our JWA tower operators have undertaken," said Jus- tin McCusker, spokesman for the airport. "These statistic now prove what we've al- ways lcnown: that we have a top-notch tower crew working at the airport." •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Besen and John Wayne Airport. She may be reecned et (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail et june.cassgrande@lstlmes.com. Wednesday,~ 5, 2003 Al COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP ... _ Hue art a few of the itl!ms tlw coundl const.deml Mon- day: OFFICE OF MAYOR PROTEMPORE The council gave a second reading to an ordinance that changes certain sections of the municipal code deallng with the office of mayor pro tempore, which la filled by Chris Steel. The council had the llrst reading of the ordi- nance on Oct. 20. The proposed ordinance la necessary to remove some left-over wording ln the city's code th.at was inadvertently left ln.1995 when the code was changed to delete the council position of vice mayor, Oty Atty. Tum Wood said. The language ls confusing now, Wood s&id, because the city used to have a mayor, a vice mayor and a mayor pro Jempore. When the code was <changed to eliminate the vice mayor position, the mayor pro tempore position automati- cally moved up a notch. This ordinance would delete all ref- erences to the vice mayor. WHAT HAPPENED The council unanimously approved the ordinance. LOCAL VENDOR PREFERENCES The council gave a second reading to an ordinance that changes a section of the mu- nicipal code that regulates city purchases. The ordinance aJ. lows the city to grant a prefer- ence to Costa Mesa vendors when it purchases supplies, equipment or services. Once the ordinance is in place. it means that. in certain cases, the city would not be purchasing supplies, equip- ment or services at the lowest cost available. But the differ- ence in price will not exceed $5,000 for any single purchase order or contract. WHAT HAPPENED The council unanimously FYI ... •WHAT: next City Council meeting •WHEN: 8:30 p.m., Nov. 17 • •WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive •INFO: (7141764-6221 approved the ordinance. REQUEST FOR TRI· TUNNEL EXPRESS CORRIDOR The council will consider a request from the Orange County Regional Airport Au· thority to adopt a resolution supporting construction of a transportation tunneJ, known as the "ni-Tunnel Express. .. which would have three paral- lel tunnels run from out of Ir- vine, under the Qeveland Na- tional Forest and Santa Ana Mountains to the freeway ln RJverslde County. The tunnels would be built and operated from revenue bonds and fees paid by users, not taxpayers. Since Meuure W elimi- nated the fonner El Toro property from becoming a cl· villan airport, the authority has pursued other Ideas that meet its goals of improving air transportation access and services for the county. The authority adopted a resolution supporting the tun· nel 50ncept in May. Now the audlorlty is asking each mem· her city to adopt a similar resolution. WHAT HAPPENED The council voted unan1- mousJy to approve the resolu- tion ln support of the idea of the corridor. but deleted lan- guage that requested that other cities in Orange and Riverside cour1ties support the "approval and construction" of the corridor. WHAT WAS SAID "We need to avoid the con- gestion along the 91 for peo- ple who want to get ro Ontario Airport, since El Toro is off the table,• said Councilman Oiris Steel. Newport Rib serves up $15,000 in donations The Costa Mesa restaurant's 20-day event supported 20 local charities. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot • c.osTA MESA -Every Tues- day, the Ursinis have their version of a corporate board meeting in a cozy comer of their restaurant Ideas tend to flow freely and in no particular order, saJd John Ur- sini, part of the family that owns the Newport Rib Co. What culminated Tuesday all started at that meeting. "One of us said 'We've been in business 20 years.'" Ursini said ·Another said let's give 20% to charity. And yet another said for 20 days and soon someone else said 20 charities.. So from Oct. 12 to Oct. 31, the Ursinis decided to donate 20% of each dinner receipt to one of the 20 charities, as designated by the customer. The restaurant raised close to $15,000. But that wasn't the hard- est part, Ursini said. Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every MonJay t!r TuestlAy 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cockfafla • • "Qu.aiJcr SerTice· •• ••-ffipdy &tcrtalome.ot**'" / ,,, /It \o"I r .111011' ( ,,// ,,, 'f')) h •h -:''} ., • H,1J.,Ji\111• \" 1 .. ,,,\1,,,, ' ' . ' ~· •The toughest thing was Lo Mesa. pick the charities,· he said "The The group is thrilled with the response was overwhelrnlng." community's contribution, said Almost 80 local charities ap-founder Merle Hatleberg, who plied. So, the Ursinls decided to just won a countywide Red Cros,, let the charities that didn't get award for her work.. The money, picked have one nigtlt each when she said, will be used to feed the they could raise money for their poor who Dock to the soup ldtch· respective organizations. en every day. On Tuesday, the Ursinis pre-''We feed about 250 people ev• sented each of the 20 charities se-ery day." she said. "So whatever lected with their checks. The.. we get goes straight into the pot." amount on the checks \Wied Other popular charities that from a few hundred dollars to a got more than $1,000 were Share check for $1,964 -the highest of Our Selves, also from Costa the lot -that went to Someone Mesa's Westside, and the Surfrid- Cares soup kitchen in Costa er Foundation. TltnTudllet Arey9u a futures trader? For quot-, reteal"d\, and tradln1 dltclpllne call: 1180C)°Mlr.Mhur BM!., Suitt 1"400 IMnt, CA 92812 .... .,. ... 'IOl>A4 ................. _., ·- l'lu9 ...... ...,--........ ........................ .... ·~•liW'IPIMlflrt1119Dr .. ~1W.--.-....f(,.,H9wMllllltt,.....,.fll,.,,._......_ ..... ....... ,.. .............. I "It's always a win-win situation for the community when busi- nesses and charities work to- gether," said Karen Harrington, dlrector of development for Share Our Selves. The group provides about 200 bags of groceries a day and that requirement doubles during the holidays, she said. "Our busiest time of the year is coming up," Harrington said. "So this money will be well used." Ray Halowsld from Surfrider Foundation said he was Mstunned" that his group got Sl,568. "We pay for programs that let students from five higtl schools test the ocean water themselves." he said The money wdl go toward funding such educational pro- grams that attempt to teach young people about the ocean, Halowsld said. The 20 Days of Olarity event was a one-time affair, John Ursini said. "We'll continue with the fund- raising nights which we started doing about a year ago." he said. "But as for something Ii.Ice this, ask me five years from now." MEXICAN BUFFETS • Fa,lftaa • eamtt.a • Guacamole • Enchllaclea and much morel - • --up lO nw ~ per aKlllt of DUdl bud and 20 ~' per OOUDI al money llUDdtrin& COUDI. ht Mid. Odbreak of araffiti hill~ Sti:eet ~ ftlled the ~ tn ihG 500 block Of Joann Sire« db ,pafld late Mon· dlY mol'DJN, Cotta Mela POiice iaJd. 5"9ri lndd*Dta were re· pofted on'Joann bel'Ween 10 a.m. and noon. poUce ftl• thow. • It Ii nat cleet yet tr !M ~.,.sang.related or riot.Mld51t.BobClu.ek. "We've not inade any ll• nllb and ww don't have any &ndl,.heM(d. The pdlcJ wu written With blec.k tpray paint, Cli- zektaic1 ,\n,,,a• wlth lafonnadon ii laked IO call lhe Costa Mesa Poliaa 09partment at (714) 75'·52.el. NEWPORT IEACH • w.t lelitr 8trM: An euto • ll¥tlde OtMt: A boet theft w .. ~rted In 1N 1100 · t>Vrglery w• reporied In tht btodtat 1:27 p.m. ~. 1300 blo<*at12:4h.m. • Weti Bey 81rNI: v.ndlllem Mondty. wa1 ttporttd In~ .eoG bloct • c.dll' ~A vehldt at 7:.tO a.m. Mond.v. burgtery WM reporttd In the • INiof 8trNt A commerdel 200blodcat1l'48 t.m. bttrglory WH reporttd Jn 1he Mondtv. i •· 2700 blod< et 10:101.m. • Wiit Coiiet Hlittwlv. Monday. T~lne Wll rwported In •BudclnghemDmfe:An auto the 1200blodeet6;18p.m. theft wts reparted In th• 1100 Monday. blodc at 7ji9 a.m. Mondty. •.,.,,.,,..Road end •Joann end MJner at\'Mb: CtmellMidc 8t1Ht: A traffic GraffitJ WH reported at 1:28 accident Involving lnjurlae a,m. Monday. wu reported at 11 '.07 a.m. • Yukon AVMU.: Vand•llsm Monday. Wiii reported In th• 3000 • Newport Coalt Ottve: blodc at 10:04 a.m. Monday. Vandalism w111 reported In • &It 11th StrMt A home \he 21000block11 10:08 p.m. burglary WBI reported In the Monday. · 100 blodc et 1 :02 e.m. • h.tt Newport Driw: Monday. i Vandalitm w111 reported In •East 18t.h81Net: Petty theft the 1800blodcat10:27 a.m. wae reported In the 200 bloc:* Monday. Pelflcllan Iner Looked la Goad.. 2004'1 Ara Hlfl • Prlv1111 P1"1111 s'""'" •SPINNING Tlmtll' wl1ll Ntt11 St•,,·,f t/Jt·Art CJtlts. • 16 F111/-1lmt p,,,,,../ T,11;,.,,, • Chi/ti C11rt ,a,,,,,.,,,,,, M • S111. • c.,,,,,,,,,,,, p,,,,,,,,, • r.,... T11I Chi, Strtttlt Cwm • Sup. P•w" Ptt"*I• C11rJI• • Showr1, su.,,, d-T1w1u •D111S1• • Ac11p"""'""IM111111ttlC'1IH/'"tt# .. ACCIDENT Continued from Al could do eo many ~" hfj comes up on c.bem. 1 Jot of thO mother said. •He was deter· titDe they don't see each <Mer. .. iniried to~ What he wanted aod ~ day after the acddent. wu very atrong In his belief and lUclon resident Hany Lane Pos· wbac he wanted to do." • ter, 53, tumeCl hUmelC In to tu· school honored MatthcW wilh a And What he wanted 10 do tborlti«:t at the Clamls Ranger moment of •nee Tuelday more of\m than not. WU ride Station, admlUing to ftrildng momina. 'I'eache11 pob ot hJm din blket at C'.lamla. a love ~ MattheW'a ATV wilh hla' dune u a nice, thougbtfuJ person. by his fdend Mdissa. buay. He w,s booked on charges .omeone good to be around, w But not everyone there Is 84fe. of felony bJt·and·Nn and vehlcu· wet Not everyone there 15 careful. · Jar manslaughter and posted "You'd walk into the c:IAllSroorn And people do ge1 hurt. Even be-. $30,000 bail, accordJng to Davila. and hla amlle and his laugh fore the accident. Me11.6sa'I father Investigators don't know ii he waa would Just ml!.ke you laugh." Ka· taid he dJd.n't want her ~o go driving under lhe lnftueoce. tie wd. ~He tuid such a. grttt there anymore. Servtoes will be beid for Mat· laugh. lt just made your day bet· ' "Accidents are pretty common, thew Raml.lU from 7 to 9 p.m. let fleartng ft." especially during what we call Friday at the Ouiadan ~ Also lmponant to Matthew Glam1s Season, late October until nacle Chwdl at 308 N. Main St. were bit faith and bla &lends about April." Calilomia Hlgbway In Santa Ana. He It sutVlved by from church. aald his mother, Patrol Offtcer. Carlol o.Ml&-tal'd bl.I mother. Genevieve; father, Rl~ Genevieve. of the area. "You get thouaa.nda ot go: brother, Robert; lilter Chrt.s- f.arller this year, he also com· people out !here and 1 Jot of the dne Agu1lar: nlecet MiJc.ayla pleted the Mission Bay Diatblon. time they end up aaabing. JI Ramirez and Adena AgUJ.lar, '1d •rt he set his mind on ft. he you've got one A1V and another nephew Caleb Ramirez. MOBILE Continued from Al we're sick of being ahuftled around," said Nora O'Malley. Milligan said ahe felt residents simply misunderstood what was goJng on, since she dJscussed ber proposal for an agreement with Brown's attorney and representa· tives, but not with the tenants, during a break In the study ses· slon. "They thought It was a back· room deal. when In fact, it's not," Milligan said. "The goal ls to es· tabllsh the same purpose as an interim ordJnance with the least amount of trouble for anyone. H In May 2002, Brown applied for a change to the city's general plan to convert El Nido and Snug Harbor lnto a medical office buUdlng. He has also said that he will cloMi the parks lf the applica- tion is not approved, Milligan said. In July. the City CouncU di· rected planning staff to change the ciry's procedures for mobile home park conversions 10 make rhem more detailed. The city is limited by stale law as to how much authority it has over mo- bUe home park conversions. The PlannJng Commission first considered a broad ordinance that could be applied to Brown's application and would expand the city's authority to also ln· elude mobile home park clo· sures. But at the Oct 13 meeting, planning 5taJf and commlss(on· era realized that If this ordinance was apptoved. Brown would have to complete)¥ redo his ap· plication and relo<:atioq report So an interim ordinance pertain· ing only to Brown was suggested. The commJssion will consider Milllgan's proposal for an agree· ment instead of an Interim ordi· nance during Its meeting Mon· day. If it turns out to be unworkable for any reason. the commission can still consider an Interim ordinance, said Cllair· man Bruce Garllch. Coralee Newman. a consultant for Government Solutions that represents Brown, said she hopes the proposed agreement will aJ. levlate the Issues the tenants are concerned about. wwe believe we'll find resolu· Lion and, as we conth;iue to say. there are many residents ln both paru who have had a very pleas- ant !Mng experience and have been very complimentary of the Browns." Newman said. Monday, the commission will also take another look at the broader ordinance that would apply lo closures and conver· sions after Brown's. Planning staff Is recommending any decision on this be postponed until Janu· ary so It can conduct a towi\ hall meeting for interested park own- ers and resl~ents. The city has 2 I mobUe home parks. Vlclcie Talley, executive director of the Manufactured Housing Educational lhlst, took Issue with the work the planning eta.If bas done so far on this ordi· nance. She suggested the city not hold a lOWll hall meeting until the ordinance has been thor· oughly reviewed by the planning sta1f. Tulley also recommended the city appoint an ad hoc com· mJttee, made up of various inter· ested people, to review It as well. WYou're not letting us thor- oughly discuss this with you," Tulley said. "Don't you want to sit down and talk about what the needs of residents, [mobile borne park) owners and the city are? The ordinance you're going with Is not going in the direction It should." City officials are also in the process of hiring an independent consultant to review 'Brown's re- location package to make sure it l!i fair. That review will go straight to the councU for consideration. Brown has already started the relocation process, even though his project has not been ap- proved yet, to give residents enough Ume to decide where they will relocate. His main offer Is to pay owners up to $3,000 to move 10 another park. Many ten· ants say that offer Is much too low considering the value of their homes. •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covere Cotta Mesa and may be reactied at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at delrdre.nawman@latimes.com. Datt Pilot EL TORO Continued from Al the land at auction, but the working group med suit to stop any tuch a.ale until more strin· gent ~\lftonmental stud.lea can be done. "Whoever will bid on thll land and would like to know more about ft wtll be helped tremen· doualy by th1a decl.sJon. • working (P'Oup President 'lbsn Naughton said. •They will be better equip· ped to ask more questions.• Naughton laid that the Airport Woddng Gro"'P will continue to overeee environmental studies as plans are Implemented to de. velop the land. • "We at AWG a.re still engaged," he said. expla1nlng that Ibey will review the air quality report and other documents to assure they meet the objectives of Monday's agreement. A Navy representadve was not availabJe for comment Tuesday. Hlstotically, the group's goal waa to see a comtnerolal airport built on the site. Though the settlement counts as a success for the Newport Beach-based working group, Monday's agreement in no way increases the chances a com· mercial airport will be built there, Naughton said. The settle· ment deals only with environ· mental studies that must be per- formed on the land. Airport Working Group leaders still hold out hope that an air· port can be built there, albeit not as a result of Monday's settle· ment. In June, Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn asked the federal government to support a com· mercial airport at El Toro. His request was shot down by U.S. Secretary of li'an.sportation Norman Millet.a in July. Naughton cited the Los An· geles request as evidence that there is support throughout re· gion to use El Turo as a site to handle some future commercial air traffic. "I support that proposal and I think they recognize the Impor- tance of this,• Naugtnon said. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactied at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at jun,,.casagrande@latlmes.com. CHARGES minu1e videotape of minors engaging in sexually explicit acts. They said the teacher went AROUND TOWN through fingerprinting and . Continued from Al mii.demeanor under state law,· Lee said. Flynn was charged with a felony by rederal authorities hecaui.e he orde1 ed the video lape from another stal e. Lee 'laitl. Prosecutors said the investi· gallon began in March when Flynn sent an e-mail lo an undercover U.S. postal Inspec- tor seeking to purchase a 30· ALLOWED Continued from Al wrestler tearing apart a transportation map here) and vows to annlhlla1e opposition. ·vou can Ju't say that the mayor of Costa Mesa Is pretty confident that there won't be a bridge anytime-soon." said Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan, a scrappy fighter who doesn't mince words. The MUUon Dollar City, on the other hand, takes a more On May 16, the Postal In· spection Service and other of· ficers delivered the · $30 tape that Flynn had ordered over the Internet. Flynn then took that package and kept it in his car, officials said. Flynn could not be reached for comment. Flyrln had worked one-on· one with children at the UCI program for more than 10 years, Irvine Unified School District officials said. diplomatic approach. (Imagine a suave, cigar smolclng gentleman In ll tux who can tall: Ws way into and out of everything.) Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg said the last thing he wants to do ls pick a flght with Costa Mesa. He would rather see all four cities work together on a compromise and each pitch in to solve the regional traffic woes. Bromberg said his city stayed quiet for a Jong tim~ until It became clear that his small coastal city was getting run over -U1erally. "The traflic that we see going through our city at peak hours is not Newport Beach trafllc, It Ja Laguna (Beach's), Huntington [Beach's) and Costa Mesa's," Bromberg Mid. "We are all part of the problem. Let's everybody just take thetr fair share ol the problem ... We are already dotng our share. We are doJng the &hare for Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach -and you can throw Fou.ntain Valley In !here for good measure.· Speaking of Fountain Valley •.• While Newport maintains Its diplomatic front, lt hu tapped tn tag-team partner in crime, Pountatn "the VIC:lou.• Valley. who tmacked Costa Mesa over tho htad awhile back wtth plant to further ttudy a bridge at Glaler Avenue -a brl<l8e that ta vehemently opposed by Costa Maa. A bridge that la backed by Newport Beach oftklal.I. wfio. While al)l)rOYtna a reaoludon ln fawr of a 19th Stniet bridp, decl\fed to •how some tuppon tor Fountain Vall.y'J e«orta lo background checks that are mandated by state law. •Send AROUND TOWN Items to Flynn was placed on admin· the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., istrative leave in May and de-Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail nied access to the center when· to luls.pena@latimes.com; by the investigation began, UCI fax to (949) 646-4170; or by officials said. calling (949) 674-4298. Include He resigned shortly after· the time, date and location of the ward, officials said. event, as well as a contact phone number. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e·ma ll at deepa.bharath @la· times.com. ease regional traffic woes and formally endorsed plans for a GlsJer Avenue Bridge. Costa Mesa ls still reelJbg from the blow but can look for support from Hard-Hitting Huntington Beach -known for its off-the-hook Fourth of July parties and expansive seaside resorts -which doesn't want to see either bridge dumping thousands of commuters into Its residential areas. A Costa Mesa hand Is outstretched and onlookers expect Surf Oty in the ring shortly. And the ploi thickens. TODAY Fairview Development Center will hold Its 12th annual Ho Ho Ho-llday Boutique from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. etthe.Falrview auditorium, 2601 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa. There will be homemade crafta, jewelry, florals, and 1peclal holiday decor and gift Items. Information: (714) 957-5188. Orange County for 0..n wlll host a Meet-up In support of presidential hopeful Howard Dean at 7 p.m. a1 Karl Strauss Brewery, 901A South Coaet Drive. Information: http://www.ocford•an.org. TI«JRSOAY Anplttos cl9 Oro wlll be Nlllng lta Angelltoa Card through the 10 at South Coast Plaza. The card allowa buyera to save 20 percent at aver 100 South Coast Plaza stores. The card co1t 11 $50. Cards qan be purchased with the conciftge et South Coast Plaza or onOne. Information (949) 642·9883, http://www.blgbrooc. orglfundralHr•.html, http://www.ano•llto•deoro.org. The million-dollar seasJde powerhouses each partner with their rival's alleged underdog to fight for, and again.st. traffic "improvements." And all the while, referees at the Orange County li'an.sportatlon Authortty are •tan.ding by, watching them land varlow FRIDAY shota and 1ayf ng nothing. A woodworking thow wUI be 'ftansportation offtclals wtll not from noon to 7 p.m. et the step in until the four cities come • Orenge County Fairgrounds, In 10 8 Hresolution" -or until bulldlnge No. 10 and No. 12 end somebody ls Jeft standing. elong the Paredt of Productt. Brombeg has already The eott it $9 for adulta. conctded to quasi-defeat saying Information: (310) 4n·a&21. he probably won't ever eee the bridge ln h1a llfetime. "The reality la mat WO wfll probably n8Vel' eee it happen but the tense of It le that we should." Brombeq 1&1d. Hear that? Than che .ound ot FoUPtaln Valley tapplng beck In. • LOUtA HNl'lfll Wrtt.e column1 Mondav-. Wedn..dayt end Frld•Vt Ind OOYtn OUltuN end tht trtt. She rnev be~ at !Mil 57"427& orbyHMlltlt lol,,..h•,,,.r•11r1m.,.oom. The VoluntMr Aaan. of Shwmen Ubrary end Gardena Wiii hew lta tnnu•I Hoflday OS*\ Hoo .. from 10:30 a.m. to' p.m. In the gift 1hop, whlctr II at 28'7 E. Co .. t Hlghwly. Information: UM9) $7S..2281. The,....... flfnt. NNport Bead\ Ulnry wtll have a prwvlew u~ 11lt for m.mbera only from 1 to a p.m. In th• Frttndi MMllng AOom It the Newport hic:lh Ubrary, 1000 AWOldc>Ave., ~ ..__,, lnfoNNtlon: (941).,.......,. • Oail'i Pilot Wednesday, November 5, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -lAnln: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et tM Dally Pilot 330 W. B•y St. eo.ta Me*8, CA 92627 • Reeden Hottlne: Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mMl:S.nd to dallypllottllatlm•com •All correspondence muat Include full name, hometown and phone n}(_m~ (for verification purposea). The Pilot reaervea the right to edit all 1ubmlulon1 for clarity and length Bachelors require stricter standards Re: "Law of SUpply and 'de man,'" on Oct. 29. I knew It, I knew It, I knew ltl All these unshaven om wandering around with their hat.a on ba~kward. muttering barely intelligible grunts that usually stan with "Dude!" are all your fault, Lolita Harper. Yep, Harper's column confirmed my suspicions that young women are responsible for the regression of this generation of young men back to the Neanderthal age. It's not the fault of the poor parenting they received, or the woefully inadequate education they received aa the ·system· pushed them through -not wanting to bruise their fragile self esteem. Nope, It's all the fault of a generation of young women who have enabled thUi boorish behavior. I'm just glad that one of you has finally fessed up for your fellow "chicas" and have taken responsibility for this situation. So, here's the solutton: the next time one of those goom. grunts somethmg about a date, hold your ground. Tell hlm he needs to clean up his act, lean closer to his razor, get a haircut, lose the hat and grab that door handle. Raise your standards. You all deserve better -but you won't get it if you don't demand it. GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa A bridge is simpl y not needed for Costa Mesa A bridge Is not needed. As far as most Costa Mesans are concerned, the bridge can stay on the plan because it's never MAILBAG going to be built. I don'tfeally see that there Is a need for any further expenae to try and remove the bridge from the master plan because It's never going to be built. It can just stay In the planning stages forever. JAMES QUIGG Costa Mesa Bridge is better than widening highway l am writing concerning the building of a bridge over the Santa Ana River. I have read previously that the Orange County l'ransportation Authority master plans require either a bridge be built at Gisler Avenue and/or at 19th Street. or for Coast Highway to be widened -again. My wife and I have lived in this neighborhood for more than 25 years. Years ago, we attended policy meetings concerning the widening of Coast Highway and the need for sound attenuation to keep the traffic noise at a moderate level. Thus, the concrete block and Plexiglas walJ was constructed to meet noise requirements projected to exceed acceptable levels in the year 2000. It b now almost 2004 and the noise has increased considerably and the quality of life here ha~ diminished further. We now live next to an eight lane "freeway,· which transports people from other cities through our neighborhood to businesses and/or freeways in other parts of the area. Now, there is the threat of widening Coast I lighway even further. This is a residential neighborhood. The first widening was damaging to the • area and If the bridges are not built, the county may see flt to widen Cout Highway Into an actuaJ freeway-width "highway." Thls would be unacceptable. We are heartened by the Newport Beach City Council's vote to stand firm in Its support of a 19th Street bridge. In doing so, It has chosen to ensure that the quality of Ufe ln our neighborhood ls not destroyed · by other cities' lntereslS. MICHAEL KIRCHNER Newport Beach South County reader forgot the small print Leonard Kranser writes in our local newspaper, from his home In Monarch Bay. that the Southern California Association of Governments has devised a plan lhat leave& John Wayne Airport capped, eliminates an airport at the former El Toro Marine bJse and relies on the runways that exist in the Inland F.mpire If Kramer would read the fine pnnt m the as~ociat1on·~ "plan· he would see that the'>e are allocations -n ot demands; that Inland Empire sites require a problematical system and that, even then, there 1~ a '>hortfall of 38 million annual pa.,senger~ A 'lhortfall that only Fl loro can meet with its existing runways. This i~ why Los Angeles has moved forward to acquire the planned El Toro International Airpon and operate ii, because Kranser arnl hii. Irvine developer friends won't do it. I love LA. DONALDNYRE Newport Beach 'A special Benefit Performance for "A LAU,H-FILLED EVENIN ClJmNG ACROSS ALL FAfTHS ... FIRST-RATE, A Bl.ENO OF JOHN WAYNE DRILL SERGEANT AND JWE ANDREWS SINGIMI HER WAY THROUGH TtfE ALPS" -Hol)..vodltep)rter -- LETTER TO THE EDITOR Newport Beach activist Jan · Vandersloot stands by the Bayview Landing archeological sites near Jamboree Road and Pacific Coast Highway. Vandersloot, among others, 1s calling for a more ttlorough survey of the two sites. one rn ttle foreground and one on the hill rn the background . FILE PHOTO/ DAILY PILOT Environmentalists have been supportive of Bayview project 'I11is letter is 1r1 re.,ponse to the Daily Pilot ar11rle. "Outlook better for Bayview proJell," written fue.,day by June c..a .. agrande As a result of years of plannmg and 11ego11a11on, the Bayview projet t is poised IO rnove forward. C ontrary to statcmenLS made by some eletted offiuals. 1:.arth Fle<,nurlt' Foundation has been supportive of the contept of combining the Upper Bayview park and the Lower ll.1yview senior holJ'iing from the beginning as evtdent:ed by the following: Two ye<m> of involwmc111 m P".i.rks. Beache5 and Recreation Commission hearings and subcommittee meeting1.; participation in City Council study Se!.sions anti meetings. a letter on file with the tity r,upporting -in concept thi'> project; meeting'> with California C oa~tal ( omm1"'10m'r'> and '>taff on numcruu' occac,1ons. tei.limony hdort• llw comm1'l.<,ion in July ,1ffirmin~ rnntliuonal support for tht• proJt'< t. ,111d t•xten\lve 1111eractiu11 with the Newport Beal h rny ~taff to resolve issue<,. h ,., unfortunate that '>Orne in tht• u11nmu111ty have auacked the "t•nvironmenta1 community" bernuw we pre.,sed for project rnmphance with Utt• C alifornia C:oa'>tal Act. That i!> ont' of our re'lponsihthtic'> as environmentalic,ts. Coastal Comrnisi.1011 Malferi. now recommend approval of the project. Thli. 1s a rei.ult of the tremendous amount of work put forth by city 'italTers and the project planner.. 'I11ey put together a proiect that accompli.,he~ the goah of creating a park and providing additional affordable housing in the city, .. vtule alo;o addressing Coastal Act concerns. Cooperation and consultauon between city staffer<,, official& and the community a'> a whole leads to goo<l projell'> of which all can be proud Earth Re'iource I oundation will be present at the upcoming Coastal Commisc;1on hearing m San Pedco and will provide testimony in support of the comm1c;sion stalTl'r'i' recommendation for approval Thank!> to all for persevering in 1he face of fnistration, animosity and what al time'i seemed impo~ible conflicts. DENNIS BAKER Corona del Mar • EDITOR'S NOTE Oenn11 Baker is the Board President of Earth Resource Foundation QUOTE OF THE DAY "It is all teamwork." AINey Hanteon, Newport Harbor fietd hockey fOfWard M Wecft9day, Nowtrt>er 5, 2003 , - EYEOPENER Nov. 10 honofff JOE URBAN HIGH SCHOOL FIELD HOCKEY Rested· Sailors speed ·past Tartans Newport Harbor opens playoffs with 4·0 victory over Glendora as Harrison scores two goals. Bryce Alderton victory OYer Glendora to open the Lot An· • Glendora. 1-0, In the teamS' prior meeting gdel Fleld Hocby Allodadon lbumammt this eeuon. of Ownplona at Harper Community Ceo· "1be mJdftelden did a pat job hUltlln8 ter. Into the c:i.rde and created more holes and The Sellors (18-1), c:bamplom of the Sun· openings." \\blfe said. 'We pounded It In let League, 1COred three ftnt.bllf goaJ-. two and were not cocky. ~played better than I roaching Monday afternoon. She bad her bands full with Newport. •Newport la such a great ball club," Splcola said. "Girla know where the ball ls going and eveiyth.lng Is organlz.ed and structured. There are not a lot of gape and everyone la quick." Daily Pilot by lelllor forward Aahley Harrlaon. to follow expected.• . \\blfe was concerned with Glendora'a apeed, but the Sailors. who have allowed just two goals this season, consistently puahed the ball upfield using their wings before centerlng passes near the goal COSTA MP.SA -Sometimes a weeklong break can be the Ideal remedy for any poesfb&e late-tea· son fatigue. a 2-0 victory over Edlaon on Monday. Natalie Splcola, Glendora'a junior varsity coach, ·rm ecatadc." Newport Coach Sharon Wolfe filled In for head coech Sandy CWnmlnp, who wu laid. ·1n the preseuon (the 'IUtlnl) cbalJenpd us ·smpended for four days by the achoo~ admln.latra· more than anybody. They were futer. quicker and tion for ~ldlng a practice last SUnday. Splcola. who more aggretltYe." ~forward for Glendora C2·2-4, fourth In the Host Newport Harbor Hlib• fteld hockey team freshened up In a wtnn1ng way Tueeday with a 4-0 The rolee reYa'led Tuesday. Harbor defeated Golden West l.ettgue), found out she would be Newport stuck ft.rat with 12 minutes, 59 seconds elapsed In the ft.rat half when sophomore forward Danica Kalmbach fed Harri.son, who put the ball GIRLS GOLF Draganza repeats as ... Sea View champion Newport Harbor sophomore wins individual title by five strokes at San Juan Hills Country Club. Newport Harbor High sophomore Natalie Draganza repeated as the Sea Vlew League girls individual golf cham· pton with an 80 Tuesday to go with her opening-round 83 on the par·71 San Juan Hills Country Oub course In San Juan C..plstnmo. Orapnza beat Foothllrs Grace Park (83·85-168) by five shots. Newport's Kayleigh Hom shot 89-8&-175 to fln1sh In third place. BOYS WATER POLO Draganza and Parlt advance to the CfP Southern Section lndlvtdual cham· ploruhfps Nov. 20 at Mission Lale.es Country Oub In Desert Hot Springs. but Newport Coach Scott Turnow said he will ftJe a written petition to CIF In an attempt 10 get Hom, who missed the cut by one shot. entered Into the rour- nament CIF allows the Sea View League two entrants Into the indMdual cham· plonships. OOthEACH I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Clay Jorth, right, takes aim as he sets up for a shot on goal as Capistrano Valley's Kyle Sabine tries to defend in Tuesday's action. Newport Harbor (8·9, 4·5 In league) has a makeup match at 2:30 p.m. today against Laguna Hills at Santa Ana Coun· tryOub. Tars comfortable on ~op Mesa's You finishes second •Costa Mesa senJor Jean You shot an 88 to finJsh ln se<:ond place In the Golden West League lndJviduaJ cham· plonshlps Tuesday on the par· 70 Mesa Unda course at Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub. Newport Harbor shows its confidence in 13-5 victory over Capistrano Valley. • parently garnered some comfort to go with lta confidence. After returning from the lhl·West Memorial Q.ap lnvttatlonal. the Sail· ors have a new sense of identity and they appear to be comfo~ as a team. Newport Harl>or (15·10) dJs. •Everyone el!e knew that we can play at a high level but I think we proved to ourselws that we have the capability to be In the top group," Newport Har· bor Coach Jason lynch said ofhls team's fourth-place 6nlsh In the Northern c.aiifomia tournament "There wt!l"e a few bright moments out there (aplnst C.apo). The goal was to get as many players their playing time and to keep our momentum going from what Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot MI5.SION VIEJO -As the boys water polo regular aeason winds down, Newport Harbor High has Ip· played flashes of the new and improved Sailors and coasted to a 13·5 nonleague vk:cory OYef' host Ca.pis· trano Valley~ SH TARS, P•1• A7 SH GOLF, Pqe A7 SURFING New port Harbor stays undefeated Sailors improve • third. 0 aft 1be gida ahort boarders to 5-er awept the top three poet· defeating Santa tlona In their event. u Margarita. ~~~:!!: The Newpon Harbor ond and Amie Benj&mJ.n High surf team began the aecond thlrd. half' or Sea View Leque comped· lbo boya short board team also lion the wne way It completed the Improved to 5-0, wfnnin8 three of flnt half undefeated. the four team heats. J. J. Pm won The Sailon mnained unbeaten the ftrat hut and tub Serquiera by runil.lng lt• perfect record to flniahed MCOnd. Stew Farmer took 5-0, defeating Santa Marpdta at ftnt place In the eecorid heat and the P.lgla' home IWf ma lo Dina Rob Delorme came In eecond. 1be Point at the Strandt Tuelday third bMt MW JOey fte.d p.tnq D10tnJng. Newport won four of the ftnt plilCe for the tounh time this five 4MnCI. wtnnirig boyl short JM(. WbBe ~Lobdell followed board. bOya long boa.rd. ... ahort ln eecond plKe. Andrew Nabln board arid 8lds ~ bolrct j>llced MCC>nd In the founh heat. The boys long boll'den, featur• 1be total mUlmum pOinU WU Ing Qaae Smith and 'IUlnef Pra.l· 120 and Newport ecored' UK. New· rie. remained unbelten for the port took 18 of the 24 top three po· IOUOn. The Pk long boa.rd teem litiont In the etsflt hettl. were Jed by UM 1\1.rtt taldnc eec· Newport wOI rKe 'f.oe AJarnkot ond place and JIU Auadn ~ Tbunday It SUnlet Beech. GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD Clayton commits to BYU Newport Harbor Hf8h senior Eliza. beth Oayton has verbally committed to run for Brigham Young Un1ver1fty'1 track and 6eld team begtnnJng next year. Oayton. Newport\ record bolder in the Pris triple jump with a leap of 38 feet, • Inches -let ln 2002 -will sign I letter of Intent nut Wednelday. •eru bu a great environment with a Division I track team that ts annually In the top Io,• Oayton, a four-year varsity Crack athlete, said. Oayton won the Sea View League title In the 100-meter hurdles In 2002, the aame year lhe took alxth place In the tri- ple jump at the CIF Southern Section MutenMeet. She la In her third leUOD on Newport Harbor's girls varsity volleyball team. SAILING Her other top cholcea were Brown. UCT.A and Stanford. She hasn't received a scholarship yet, but said she has been running thre;e or four times a week after volleyball prac- dce to prepare for the track season. Oayton suffered ah1n splints lut spring and leaped 35-2 to fin.I.sh 11th in the triple jump at the league finals. -Bryce AldertOn. . ' Pirates headed to New York Orange Coast a Cinderella team going into North Amencan cliampionship. The Orm1P Cout ColJep l&U1na team wtll play the role of Cinderella tbla Weebod. OCX: eopbomoret Paylon I~ Na· thuUel CAmpbeD and Canion R.tynOlda wm COIDplt9 1n the rntertollepl8 SlllJ. ... Allod9doo ~NOdh Alnerbn ~ilhtp ~ ChrOUlh SUftdaY at M.lddme. ~ lri 'J1uolp I BRIEFLY Sailors Win • league · title Newport Harbor wrapped up the Sea View League champion- ship with a three-game victory over La&U?a Hills Tuesday, 25· 19. 26-16, 25-17. Alyso'n Jennings led the Sailors (19-5, 9-0) with 12 kills, 12 assists and one ace. Taryn Tumutzer added seven kills and 11 a.ssbts. EmUy Turner contributed sJx kills and Kellie King added 13 assists and two aces. ' Newport Harbor closes out its league schedule at Woodbridge on Thu.rsday and the regular sea- son with a match against Corona del Mar at home on Friday. Westhart leads CdM Big West moves to UCI • SOCCIUl: The Blg West Conference women's soccer tournament has been moved to UC Irvine from tu original site at Cal State Fullerton. The dates and times will remain the same with the 6nt semifinal cue Ir- vine vs. Cal PoJy) starting at 5 p.m. Friday at Anteater Sta- dium. The second semifinal (UC Santa Barbara vs. UC Riverside) will start 30 minutes after the conclusion of the first game. The championship match will be Sunday at 1 p.m. Concerns with field cond1- • VOLLEYMLL: Valery West-tions at Cal State Fullerton's TI- hart of Corona del Mar Hi&.h re-tan Stadium as the result of re- corded eight kills, 10 digl' and cent weather and the volume of four service aces as the host Sea -regular season use prompted Kings swept Calvary Oiapel, 25-the move to Anteater Stadium. 16, 25-20, 26-24 in Pacific Coast Tickets purchased at Cal League girls volleyball action State Fullerton will be honored Tuesday. · at UC Irvine. Tickeu for the Ashley Bill (22 assists), Rylee tournament can now be pur- Dennls and Victoria Rice (three chased at the UC Irvine box of- blocks each) also sparked CdM, flee or by calling• (949) 824- which will host Northwood at 4 6202. p.m. Thursday for a' share of C.o d F lJ nr t place. ast owns u erton Sage sweeps Whitney •VOLLEYBALL: Semor Sam Burns slammed a team-leading 11 kills in her final home game to lead the Sage Hill School girls volleyball team to a 25-18. 25- 14. 25-9 Academy League vic- tory over visiting Whitney lUes- day. Cal Dalley and Sophia Hill gren each tallied c;even k.iJls for the Lightning (8-6, 6-3 in league) while Kelsey Lawler had 25 assists. Sage Hill. which is guaran- teed a berth in the CIF playoffs. closes league play at Brethren Oirlsrian Thursday. DeHaas sparks VU •VOLLEYBALL: Keri DeHaas recorded 17 kills as host Van- guard Universiry defeated Cal Baptist Tuesday in Golden State Athletic Conference women's volleyball action, 30-11, 27-30, 30-28, 30-18. VU improved to 14-9. Awards abound for OCC •CROSS COUNTRY: Orange Coast College sophomores Ava Jones and Art Diaz were named the Orange Empire Conference Women's and Men's Athletes nl the Year. rei;pectively, in t:rOS'> country. Jones, an all-conference hon- oree last year behind eventual tale champion Michelle lcban, led the way for five Coast run- ners on the squad. Joining her among the top 10 finishers at the OEC .championships were Sandra Montoya. l.udi Valdez, Annie Garton and Jane Alder. Diaz was one of seven men's runners named to the OEC team. The Pirates, who earned a perfect ream score ( 15) at last Friday's OEC championship'>. placed Humberto Ro1as. DaVld Ojeda, Jose Casillas and Vidal Barragon in the top five behind Diaz. Irwin Sala'I and Francisco Guerra also joined them on the all-OEC team. OCC men's and women's coach John Knoit earned Coach of the Year honors. Both teams will compete in the Southern CaHfornia re- gional championships begin- ning at 11 a.m. Friday at Mt. San Antonio College. •SOCCER: Playing a man- down. Eli SoUs scored in the 78lh minute to lift Orange Coast College's men's soccer team to a 3-2 victory over Ful- lerton Tuesday. A trio of ejections left the Pi- rates (11 -5-1, 8-3-l ) playfng with nine men to 10 for Fuller- ton (11-5-2. 7·4-1). But Adam Uhl lead a counter- attack, passing off to Jose Ser- pas, who found Solis to procide the game winner. Matt Fennell and Serpas also scored for Orange Coast. which two saves from Mark Lopez in the first half and three from Oiristlan Lopez over the final 45 minutes. Pirates tie l))ns • SOCCER: Orange Coast College's women's soccer team had its chances, but couJd only muster a l -1 tie with host Santa Ana in Orange Empire Confer- ence play Tuesday. Emily Prather scored Coast's lone goal to tie the game in the 23rd minute on an assist from Katie Santora. OCC (5-8-3, 4-6-3 in the OEC) outshot Santa Ana, 27-8. OCC center midfielder Sarah Sanchez covered much of the field Tuesday. OCC Coach Bar- bara Bond. OCC plays its finaJ game against visitfog Golden West Friday at 1 p.m. U CI concludes season •GOLF: The UC lrvine men's golf team finished 12th in The Prestige at PGA West Tuesday al the La Quinta Mountain course. UCl.A won the event with a 54- hole score of 859. UCJ finished with a three-round score of904. UC! senior VInnie Ponclno, who shot a 77 in the last round, finished 16th at118 (71-70-77). Anteater freshman Neno Boonyaplanun finished 49th at 227 (76-76-75), freshman Derek Uyesaka was 66th at 234 (82-79- 73), sophomore Ryne Rind- fleisch was 70th at 235 (77-84- 74) and sophomore WIU Park was 7lst at 236 (79-77-80). This concludes the faJJ for the Anteaters who return to acUon In the Ping Arizona Intercol- legiate tournament Feb. 2-3 at Tucson. P 0 RT S .. DONLEACH/DAILVP1LOT Newport's Brett Auer. nght, looks for a shot while Capistrano Valley's Cody Bra1do applies pressure. TARS Continued from A6 we did up nonh." The C.Ouprs (R-20) had few an- swer.i for Newports senior-sopho- more combination of Michael Bury and Oay Jonh. Bury. the Sailors' senior two-meter man, scored six goals. while Jorth, tht' sophomore driver, added five goals. Griffin Gentry, a senior who Lynch said was instrumental In Newport's 9-8 QWUterfinal win over Foothill Fri'day, contributed one goal. ~ did senior Andrew Belden In addition to Gentry's three- goal performance against Foothill, 4'J1ch said, senior Morgan l.aJ· dlaw also stepped up with a great effort to help the Sallor.. betome complete. Junior goalie Michael Robinson. who stopped a would· be game-tying shot against the ri- val Knights, recorded eight saves Tuesday and led the defense that shut out Capo In the second half. The game had been scheduled to be played at Newport I larbor, but the pool at the school as tn the last stag~ of renovauon. l .ynch said 1.he deck Is complete and he was told the pla~tenng of the pool will take place thh week.. The pool wdS originally set to be completed Nov. I . TI1e pool will be ready In roughly two weeks. Lynch said. "It'!> an outsJde shot that we can get a playoff game u1 there." Lynch said. ~we have to hope.· Pool renovation-; aside, 4'r1ch also remains hopefuJ of his team'!> abiliry 10 fulfill i1-. potential, whkh ii started to do m tht• Thu-West 1oumamenL "We just have to put four quar- ter& together:· Lynch sald "Not some of the Ml h.tlf. or the sec· ond half. but we have 10 put every minute of wt>ry quancr " 111t~ Sailors. ranked No. 5 m UF Southern Secuon D1Vi.'>lon I. looked like the\ put the game aw.iy m the '>t'Co11d quarter after Gentry\ goal put them up 8-3 with I :38 left. Newport scored on the counterattaLk and at two me- ters, with Bury ~conng four goals and Jonh adding three before Gentry found tht> hack of the cage. However, Capo answered with two goals m the final 1 :23 10 cut the deficit to 8-5. But the Cou~ could not hold on to the momen- turn in the second half. mainly because of the Salloni defense, which hardly wavered when they were five against six. Capo went 1 for 6 on the extra-man advantage. Jorth scored cwice early In the third quarter, both outside shots that came on countezanacks. to give Newpon a 10-5 lead In the fourth quarter. Jorth recorded two steals that led to goals. The first. Bury made good on with 5:31 re- maining. The laner. led to another Bury goal that was assisted by senior Sean McGhie. Belden capped the Sailors' scoring, also finishing on a counterattack. Sophomore Car- son Hill recorded a steal and fed Belden on the breakaway. Newport Harbors frosh-soph team also defeated the Cougars, as Blake-Hockenbury's three goals led the Sallor-s 10 an 8-0 victory. NonlN&Ue Newport Harbor 13, Capistrano Scot9~ Newport • • 2 3 Capo 2 3 0 0 N9wpon -Burv 6. Jorth 6. Gentry 1 Belden 1 Savw -RobtnlOll 8 <Apo-Sabtne 2, T Tayeoau 1, Cammell I Corr t S.vw -Nahoul 9 13 5 BOYS WATER POLO Coronadel Mar tops Te soro The Corona del Mar High bo~ water polo team got bad. on the winning track with an 11-7 Pa- cific Coast League victory over host Tesoro Tuesday. Sea Kings Coach M l.ke Evans gave all his players game-time action. as CdM improved to 6-18. 2-1 in the PCL Junior Spencer Pirdy and sophomore fom Money led the Sea l(jngs with three goals each. while junior Thomas Pearson added two and sophomore Kyle 1 lersh. 1umor Walker Russell and <;enior Darnel Niehenk.e scored one goal apiece. CdM junior goalie Olandlcr Anthony recorded IO ... ave'i and junior Gaston Sanford ..,topped three shots. Senior Tmvi'> I lc"h provided two ass1-.t .... Niehenl..e. Plrdy, Pearson and Mom•y rt .. corded two steab eal h Slow start hurts Eagles •Visiting Los Amigo'> I l1Kh\ boys water polo team oul'.cort•d Estancia 9-3 in the fim half llnd was weU on its way 10 a I!; 10 nonleague victory Monday Paul Collier scored five gtial' to lead the Eagles (7-11 , t 4 in the Golden West League) whilt: Anthony Hermann found the back or the cage three tlmel> lo go with single goal from 'ican Goodman Matt Metkovich Na- than Marsteller made a game- high nl.ne saves. GIRLS TENNIS Los Amigos improved 10 8-5. 8.1ancia hoS4~ Mater Dei in a nonleague match Wednei.day before finishing league play fhursday against Orange. Both game~ begin at 3.15 p.m. NonlH&Lle Los Amigos 15. Estancia 10 Score by Quarters Amigos 4 ~ 7 • 15 Est J 1 • 10 Los Am Mus1ara 6 Lnve 2 Torrez 1 Selvan 4 Solorzano 2 Sav111 - Leve 4, Cort'lz 4 Eat -Coll.er S Hurm.Jnn J, Metkov1ch I Goooman I Save~ - Mars1eller 9 Mesa defeat s Santa Ana • Co-.tll Mt.-'>a I lti.:h\ boy!> wa- ter polo tt·am 1umped out to a tour-goal l~·all 111 tht• fir~t quar- ter and turm•tl .. n ... ay .,anla Ana, IJ-3. 111 .. 1 C1olde11 Wt:\t League rnntest Tue ... da~·. ~ophomore Kyle I hor-.ne'>'> '>cored <,1'< ~oal'> 10 lead the \1ustang~ {I I h. I I in league I. who are lif'CI for 'econtl plare 111 lt•ague. Golden W11t L111u• Costa Mesa 136s1nt1 Ana J Mustangs win in Of •Senior Bnan T1p1on scored the game-winning goal with 59 seconds to play in sudden death OT to give the Costa Mesa High boys water polo ·team a 6-5 victory over CaJifornla in t.he first round of the Tustin tournament at l\Jstm High Monday. A steal by Kyle Thorsness and an assist by ~nan Knox keyed Tipton's game-winnmg goaJ, his second of the game. Evan Spencer also scored two goals. the second tying the game with 20 11econds to go in regulation. Anthony Adamowicz and Thorsness each had single goals while Matt Jaroslawski made four saves for Mesa ( 12-6. 3-1 in the Golden West League). the designated visitor Monday. Mesa hosts Santa Ana at 3 p.rn. today in a league match and will conunue tournament play against Tustin at 10 am. Saturday. Tustin to1.1m1m1nt F1rit round Score by uerters CM • 1 s 1 Cost1 Meu I, Callfoml1 5, OT 1 l Seo,. by Petiods J CM 0 2 2 1 1 b SA I 1 I CM -Thorsness 6, Adamow1cz 2 Spencer 2 Kno)( 2 Tipton 1 S1111es • Jaroslawsk1 S SA -Vera 2 Alvarado 1 Sav11• - Castro 8. • Cal 2 1 i 1 o s CM -Ad1mowlcz 1, Spencer 2. Tipton 2, Thoreneu 1 Saves Jaro1lawtkl •. Cel · Delacal 6 Save• Taylor 9 ~. November 5, Z003 A7 YOUTH VOLLEYBALL Ensign sweeps Dwyer The Ensign eighth-grade boys volleyball team remained undefeated with a 25-12, 25-16 victory over Dwyer Oct. 28. Dusty Camp~U and Matk lJbennann !>erved eight and six consecutive points. respet."tively. in the first set while Kyle CaldMU added four kills. R.J. ~ converted several kills orr"'sets from Erik Bonn and Garrett Helser and Andrew Kahan made two diving saves to maintain possession. Jimmy Burger served to put Ensign ahead in the second set with John Puppo adding a few dig.s .. WW Rdcbenstetn ~et Brandon Rawley and Murphy Hitchcock for three kills each. Ensign has one more regular-season match YOUTH ROLLER HOCKEY CdM comes back to beat Es peranza The Corona del Mar roller hockey team era.r,ed a one-goal deficit with rhn::t• unanswered scores of II'> own to earn a 4-2 victory over f.sperar11.a Oc:l. 30 at the Worldwide Roller Hockey Center m lrvme.Oan Preeman scored the find.I two goals for CdM, which trailed. 2 I, early in the second period. Michael Bolton, who lli>'>isted on one of Freeman\ goal'>, took Matt Ben~nutt's croS..'>·ice pass 10 fire a one-timer pru.t Esperanza go.ilt~nder Camden Partridge for CdM's fir'>I score. CdM tied the i.rnre at l. when Benvenuti fed Jeffrey Bye, who poked the puck pa'il Partndge. CdM goaltender Eric Ml.rowltz. stoJ>P.Cd 21 of 2:i shots. wilhstandlng an extra·rnan attack the final l JO when F.speraroa pulled it'> go.llkeeper GOLF Continued from A6 You shut an 86 Monday to fin- ish at 174 for the two days, five shots behind champion Uanne Oioi of Oxford Academy. Oioi and You advance to the CIF Southern Section individual champio nship.:, Nov. 20 at Mis- sion Lakes Country Oub in Des- ert Hot Spnng., You's sister. IJna You. from Es- tancia, took th1rtJ wilh 195. Sage Hill freshman Fmma Koh shot 192 to finish fifth. The Lightning·~ Nat.ihe Kraft placed ninth with a 197 and P.s- rancia's Bridget Gleason took 10th with 197. CdM's McKitterick places fourth in PCL Sage Hill claims its first girls championship in 12-6 win over Oxford Academy •Corona del Mar High's Katie Mc!Uttepck foUowed her 77 Monday with an 82 Tue'iday to finish fourth in the Pacific Coast League individual finals on the par-72 Butterfield course at the El Prado Golf Club in Oiino. McK1tterlck entered Tuesday's round with a one- shot lead. Veronica Friedman carded an 85 Tuesday to fin1o;h eighth (178) while junlor Kalle Albright shot 88 to finish at I 80. good for 10th. Caitlin McDonald shot 101 to finish 13th at 194 The bays cross country team mlghl have got the first t&te of Academy League victory. but the Sage Hill Schools ~ tennis team dalmed the school's second Academy League title In tw0 days with a 12-6 victory CM?r host 0Jt- ford Academy Tuesday. Nate Mll.let'1 boys cross country team won the school1 ftl'$t league title ln My sport Monday before A.G. Longoria'• tennis team won the school'• ftrat league tJlle ln a ghu 5J?<>rl~ Sarnh Geoc:aris and Stephanie Uu\gcr each swept ln aingiea while the No. l doubles tam o( J 1\oong and 5araJl Flynn Clalmed three tell to lead Sage U3·5, IH> In league>. rank!d No. t in aP Southern ~on Dlvf • lion V. GeocaN and I.anger are Mt'd· ed Nol. 2 and 3 when the ~ lridMdUa1 ChalnplorMhlpf beRJn &Oday . wlth jngles --.. 1 p.m a lhe Bllbol ~ OUb. SljD tUD will ht ~ted wtd\ the league championship trophy prior to the stan of singles match- es today. Thoong and Flynn are seeded Om in the doUbles draw, wbJch begins after the 6tst round or sin- gles today. The serond rounds In both categories are also sched- uled for today with the aemlfl.nals and finals set for Thursday. 5.'lge's match aplnst Cspls- 01Ulo Valley O:uisdan thal WIS rained out Monday will not be re- ldteduled. ~lMllll8 lege .. 12. Oldont Aicedll'11Y I ..... -Geoclf1I (SH) diet. Doi. e.o. dlf, IUfn. &-1, cW. M!vmlt. U; UnQlr (SHI won, S.0, 8-2, &-1; Hto (SH) won, M, IOlt. u. 1.e. DouMll Tto0n0·Flvnn (SH) ci.t. Cntn-l(wttt. &-3. def. klm.Jttrw. &-1. diet ~Fan, 7-6; Hultman-Andiwwt (SH) Jo«. M , Iott. 2.f. won. o.o. a.rm.n L.lln (SHI lolt. 44. 1-4. won. •1. CdM routs T-wolves • Rithael Miller and MlcbeU \ Atkins each won three sera to lead the Corona del Mar I Ugh girls tennis team to i 13-3 Pa- clfic Coast league .victory over host Nonhwood ln a match shortened by dodcness with two doubles matches stlll golng. The doubles t~ms of JIJlln.n- Braverman·Courtney Carnahan and Juliette Mut.t.ke-AmMda Rubenstein each won two eta whilo the duo of freshmen • tera Hayley and Miranda Young, alons whb tho Jackie Manning· Ja.mj Stttle comblnatJon each took one set. Mutzke and Braverman an1 undefeat d ln doubles this season. Kelly McJOtter1cll: won one 1lngle1 set for the Sea Kings .CJl-4, 8· J tn le88'JC), which close out te.,ue play when they host Unlvertlty at 3 p.m. today. Lqu.na Beach 07·1, 9·1) d · f eated Unhrtttiry, 12·5, • Tues- day. CdM can earn at le t a hate of tht tiqu tJtl With La· gun.a With a Vfctory today. League smgle' and doubles finals will be held l hur!>day and Friday at lJmverslty. wilh <1eed- lngs to be dettrmmed at a coaches' meeting tonight, CdM Coach Scott Feichter said Pldflc Coast LH(IHI CdM 13, Northwood 3 SlnglH -Miiier (CdM) d11f. Calle, 8-2, def. Yang, 6· l, def Amin, 8-0; Atkin• (CdM) won, 6 0, 8-•. e--0, McKltttrldc lCdMI lost "-8, 1~. won, 8-1 Doutit.. -Menning.Steele (CdMl def. Yoo-RIJtn, 8 1. Iott 10 Plsaly1put-Ntk1no, 8715-71, 8r1verm1n.-Ctrneh11n (CdM) won, 64, (tub) H. Young-M. Young (CdMI won, e-o, Brtvtrm1n-Carnahan ct.f • (lub) Kurtz V.zewe. 6-0; Muulc•Aut>tntteln lCdMI won, 7-e (7 ... ), 8-1. pionships. Nellor faces Santa Ana's Maggie Vela today. Costa Mesa's ~lyn Wallace will play Saddleback's Molly Ba- nos in the other semlfinal. Estancia's doubles duo or Kit- tlya Sudh.lbm and Huong Thai won their match Tue day and will face a team from Westmin- ster at I p.m. today at Ocean View. CdM. which clinched lh first league title Monday, will com· pete In the CJF Southern Sec· tion team divisional champion ships at 8 a.m. Monday on t11e Butterfield course. SCHEDULE l004.Y Qolf High «N>ol gltte-Llguna Hllll at Newport Harbor It Slntt Ant Counuy ctub, 2:30 p.m. Community coli.a. women -Ora~ eo.111 et Ot•noe Emp1 ... Con1-lnoe tournament It El Pnldo. ..... College R*'-c.i flbty Sin Lu Obl9po at UC 11'\'ln., 7 p.m. ... H19h edlOOI 0 rte-UN~ It Corona dtl Mar, 3:19 p.m.; loguna H•llut NewPQf1Htrl>or.3 15 pm \.WllytNil High ec:hool gltla -Cocta Mela 11 w.tmlnstor, 5:19 p.m .; Or1nge .c Eatanc!a. 3 111 p.m Community co4i.Qe women - Otange Coellt 11 Sodd1eb9ci. 7 p.m _..,..., . High edloof bOvl-N"PQrt H rbof 41t WOodbridge at CotoN d6I Mer. 3:'8 p m.: Cotone Oel Mer at ~. l:11 p.m.: Mtttr Del" &taftc:ie, 11 p.m fl .. P"t ·~ Catbedne ~ nDll llom 3 yuck awa)( lluiA ~!IS mlnuc.et &l&er, tenJorJll· Jianne Whftfttld, with DO one wfdUn 5 yaitla ol her. mued blCk and fims a strike Into the dibt Aide cl the 8'* Off ol Newport\ onty c.ll)ft\a In the h .hall The l\all drew MM!fl ln the game. Hairi1on'I SfCOnd ~ came with 1 :44 left In the ftrlt half on an st by 1lftany Vandmloot. Who momenta earUer ftfcked 1 hot topped by ttvanllla. Hant· 110n got her stkk on the rebound 1U\d poktd the ball In. "It Is aU teemwotk.• Hardlon l3Jd Wllttl ubd about her goala. •pe.opJe ln good poelrton. at the rigbl tune.. ·She wu on ~ Jow aide and drilled h. • Wolfe aaJd of Harri· n'i goat "She ts plsylng her and has wted every game for ua." ttiuTlson and Vandenloot were • S rfVE McCIWf(/ DAl.Y PILOT Newport Harbor's Tiffany Vandersloot (9) and Kem~ Gates (3), in earlier acuon, ~ spatt< the Tars in their TOC opener Tuesday. In on aerucx ldstm .Jcodrwina's pl to cap lhe ICOring with 2A:.29 left ln the pine. Vandmloot weavtd toward the middle or the drde befo.re ae:od.lng a badchand to Jendruslna. who Wolfe aald ls playing "lights out on the front line.. • "She ls the key atopper on pen- alty comera and really ~ her&df •• Wolfe !laid or Jendrusina. Wolle went to a zone to coo· taln Glendora with senJora Dana Owad, t:auren OJrtis and Dan- ielle Pfatf, aloog with junior Jenny Thylor, knocking several HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBAt!L YOUTH SOCCER Garbert sparks Raiderettes win She scores both goals in 2-1 victory In girls under-12 AYSO Region 57 play. ' The R.iiderettes earned a 2-1 victory on two goals from 10ry 6-bert to AYSO Region 57 girls under-12 eoccer action Oct. 25. Holly~ Adlna7.epfd and Vldorta ICmt all made saves ln goal with ~yta Wlnlde adding two aasistl.. s.rab Cmwlll, l"8 Haar and Piper 1leclloe played well at midfield with~ Youaeel and &mmoab Perldns provkllng strong <lefense. In girls under-10 action: • Blueberrtes 4, Red Hot O:lili Peppera3: the fourth quarter to keep the Blue Ga1uy undefeated with one game to play in the regular seasoo.1.ach Dntl centered a throw-In Crom ee.y Wonlen to set up the deciding goal. · Colin~ set up the first Galuy goal with a pa.sa to Keedy, who scored from 18 ,yanisout. The Sea Kings ded the game lo the thltd quarter oo a 20-yard strike from W..s.drl, who dribbled from midfield on a Ou1stlan Ball clearing pass. 'Janner Gnmdltalt ,. Janee, Rpn Pierce and Jo~ Han.on each helped aeal the " victory (or the GalUy. In boys under·8 play: Brave hearts The Blueberries soo.red four filst-period goals and held off a second-baJf rally by the Oilll Peppers. Paullna Leech scored twice while Caroline Grant added a single goal on a penalty kick for the Peppers. Rachel Cahlon assisted on ooe or Leach's goals. Leach scored her second goal on a rebound from a shot by Skylar o.pp. •The Red Shockers sco.red three goals to earn the shutout victdty, the team's ftrst of the • A • season. Mu Premer, Ian-Sean • • Hk:by and Ryan Greenwald ··: scored goals with offensive ,.. • support from Blab Hemon. Costa Mesa's secondary doesn't allow Estancia's passing game to get off the ground. Petrick leverty Oa1lyP1lot Knowing Coslll Mesa had a ~tmng run defense and would be Intent on &topping Its power nJnnlng g:unl', P.standa Coach Hell n1ur&day. OuigFerdg wanted to come out and establish a paal.ng game ln the Battle for the TI>e Mwtanp' secondary didn't let that ~ppen. .. 'ot'nlor cornerbad Luis Gonvale-L lnteroeptcd the Eagtes' Or11t or the game and the M w.ngs held &taocla to 30 yurtls puslng ln the game, comm up wi.th two In pdons. · 'the ltu'cc·man triumphant of Legat Nonces 2MO a..J lladcll suuotlS Oii CIOSs.<oMAlrT (OfAOOI MklAQ MOHIAHADH IAGO Yi Rl.C M ASSOCI All.$ l P N(1Ttr.f TO Cron P.le11d•nh CA•1>0 • ~.tu) AC SHEET Ml TAI . Alf HCO or <:All MH1A -. lllWl'.£Y VMIXIW t Ottl'ORAOOH 1111'1 brr •It MlMfl • M.lHCO ~ Of CAl ff OllNIA/OIAMONO WH.11.Ni COAPOAATIOH, ct~ t RAMNI COH90IJ DA l~O Wl Anutl'flOOf lf'fi, dt>1 <.OHSOl.IOATID WA f( Rl'ROOrlNC, lllfltHMAN Pl.ASTE-.C. I AA WEST ROOFINC. AllE ')1~ f~TU.~ I' Slt HING. ClAllWAY LlflYWM l , 1 HE G111EA TUI NMM rull'Ntt. lUCM & W.Ull CXM'N«S. MU. IC.. STON£· r~Tt fUJ.INC, NQ ROES llfw .. D>,WMM ~~~SILO bYO~C/. Ud .. ti ... llllditndo) RGC M AS.SIOallll.S, LP. • t1lllo1111e limited f'•lllllnhlp_,_ ___ _ Gonmlei, eophomore comed>ack Tuny Krikorian and senior safety AJ Rodriguez had a lot LO do with that. play safety nod he has excelled at the position. Olloe Dllpp also played \WJJ or offense with Taylor Ehnajlan protecting the goal for three quarters., CoUn Baker and Kent Ham alternated at goallceeper behind defenders WW Van Dalsem and Andy Paullen. In boys under-14 play: •Corona del Mar's United 1, CdM United I . The Gators took a 1-0 lead in the first half on a goal by Camden Nlcholaon with an assist from Dtllon Nonon. Goma&ezand Rodrlgue7.. both AD-Golden West League Rlect.ions last lle850n ~known , Luis Gonzalez Tony Kr!J<onan f>J Rodriguez "He kM:e It and he's a pat tackler." Pm:b:ll aaJd. "He's come a long Wcll' It's a tough transition because you\oe goc to stay back and you~ got to read wen. If you doo't make the rlgbt reads, you're Jenna Pumten. Jacqueline Adame, Jenna Johnaon and Lale Shaw led the defense. •Queen Bees 6, Hor Shots 0: United then tied the score on a header from Oult VaJwrde off a cdmer kick by Partcer Reed. commodities.. But Krikorian, who came out for football for the first time during spring practkle has been a pleasant addition. "He hadn't played before," Colt.a Mesa Coach Dave Pettins Rid. •But he'a a great athlete and he's very lntelllgent H.e doesn't make the same mistake twice.· n:.>ted early in the tea!JOn, opponenta haven't made the aame mistake recently. But it's not as lf they have an ~ lime of things lf they throw lo GoozaJen direction. He showed why on hia first-quarter lntercepdon. which he returned. to the f.atanda 14-yard line to aet up Mesa's first touchdown. "(Esumdal had stopped us twk.e, first on the three-and-out and then after the fake punt they held us to a field goal,• Perkins said. ·1 fhlnk the interception helped take the wind out of them." Gonzalez also popped up on numerous tackles throughout the game and just missed a second Interception later ln the contest. Providing a safety net for the two comerbacks ~ Rodriguez. a comerbadt last year who has an easy transition with a position change. Needing a replacement for TYfer Waldron. Mesa's free safety last season, the emergence or Krikorian allowed Rodriguez to ai 811 llldMdual Publlthtd Newport Btach-O>sta Meu Dally Prtul Octobfl 22, 29, Noveml>lf S, 12, 2003 W206 lhf' mrnr "0111• lacrhly a«<.ordrna lo the pro••sron• ol Orvr\lon 8 ul the Buslnen end Prohu1on1 Code, Chaplet 10, S1ct1on ?1707 (al heuby &IYn NOl IC( or PUBLIC SAU CXIRA SIORACE NEWPORT MCSA Wiii cond11cl e publtc ule ol th• Lonlenh ol the storaae \PIU(s) 111m1d bek>w with llHI cnntenta be1n1 \Old to the h1ahut bidder IOf lawful money ol the United St•IH of Amertr• (Qsll) TIM .... II bt1nc Mid lo ulitfy a landlord 1 hen end wilt be lleld et. 1250 8rntol SI ~ta Men. CA 92626 on NovemlHff 12, 2003, <f l JO p m Auction-1 Neme Dann11 Avina Phone • 6?6 191 6261, Address PO Boa ~. Paud1n1, CA 911 14 Bond• 146637301335 The publk " Invited to 11tend Terms .,, cHh only Owner llstf'I" tllt riet'l lo bid A pntfal dftcr=· of th. prOpefly sold 1lon1 ""''" tht i4tnht1 ot llM Occup1111t rent1n1 lht 'Pt<• ,,. .. lollo-• SPAC£ HO OCCUl'AlfT PROf>EllTY Ol SCRIP TtoN A272 rn1ah Youna, couch. b kt, boua, auilar 8211 lHtlte Oa•l6-on. bo11s 8231 Kerl McCo1, bona, houHllold •*'· coudl Ct 15 1'1ul Cu.ti•, fttt cab1n11. boua, fan, lnftataale boat, hOllM• hold&ooft 007' Pevl Cllttra, T.Y, l>o. ... ho11Mhol4 a004h 0010 VUlctnl Sufldl Rtlfll, COlidl, WH~l!it m•t"lu, houuhtli 1t11n1 om cht11t()jlfla( l1111· ranct, bo•tt, hOUMhold Im' Derek lHton, tooh, tool <ht.a P11blltll•d Ntw11ort le•'h Costa a.... DlHIY Pdot Cktobtr n. "'°"" •llftblt!I.~ W2ll going to get burned." The three atartera ln the secondary were aJded by the play of backup Jam.lion Morris, a junior who made a touchdown-saving taclde on &tancia'll longest play or the game, maintaioiog the Mustangs' abutqut. Hannah Herold and Megan 7JwertJng each scored two goals while Genevlew and Brtca Weed both added single scores ln the shutout. 1mylol' Upman and Sara Mwfloelde each tallled assists with midfielder IClana Scbwmk-MueJler providing support. United's Kendall Pick made several passes while the Gators' midfield WU led by MlcbMI Mcffugb. Davtd Grant. Jon Kla.nl and Erle WrtghL Sweeper Tummy Bangat led • the United defuse with help Guiding the aecondary ls coach D.J. Jett. a former defensive coordinator at Calvary Otapel, and Perkihs said much of the credit for the strong defensive performance must go to bJm. from Cory DonoYan and~ Broelel8Chen. Goalkeepers Gabriela Lek:hnltz and Paige Burke supplied strong defense In front or goalkeeper OlMa o.jee. Matt flay and Bryce Donovan prevented the Gators f'rom taking the lead. · "O.J. Jett has Just been a godsend for us u a secondary coach.· Perkins said. In boys under-10 play: • Blue Galaxy 2. Sea Kings l: Jcmo Keedy scored the winning goal midway through Danny Baker, Nicholson, ' Paul Blocbe, Kmny Cooper and Jamee PetrtlU led the Gators' defense with goalkeepers Rl.meD Goldberg. Norton and Petrilli providing support. TO All INTERESTED vacuum ct .. ner AcMi. ..... PERSOHS: A·'101 Therron Rlv•a. l Petrtlontf: Ch11tn T. furniture, T.V., bor,t1, •se..... f 1111 and Cyntllle L. Felli auller The foltowlnc penon1 on behatl of Justin E 209 Josi! Whelpley, 2 If• do1n1 business es. MrchMl Ceson, a mlllOf' rt1Yl1erelor1, mattress, •) CR£ A 1 E b) Cre hied a petition with ltlla lwnitwe, blc:yc:lt, plastlc allwe Rnourcn Cn court tor a decrH chtlrs, mkfowave companlnc All Themed ch1n11n1 names u Publl•h•d Newport Entertarnmenl, 345 lollows Justin Mlchttl BtKh Costa Miu Daily Promonlor y Or E Cason lo Just111 MlchMf Piiot Oclo!Mr 29, No Newpor I Buch CA fall vtfl'lbtf S, 2003 W21S 92660 2. THE COURT ~ Htlen McCarthy :W5 111•1 1n penottl lntar· RcllM... Promontory Or E. estH 111 tNs matt« IMH ... ~ Newport 8Hch, CA apj)tar btfcwe this cowl -92660 Garden Grove, Calif 92844 This business I\ con dueled by husband end wife Ha~• you 1tarled doln1 bu~neu yet? No Jamu R. Parsons rh1s Sl•lemenl WIS hied wrth the C<>unl y Cltfk of Oun1• County on 10/29~ 200S .. 6H2' Dally PllOI Nov ~ I?, 19,26,2003 'W7l6 at Ille hlarln1 lndlultd The followlfts '"''°"' This buslneu Is con FidltlllS ...... below to allow cause if art cloffla biniMss n: dueled by 1n indlvlduat any, wf\r the 119tltlon '°' Boomr.onlc Dl1lmed11, H••• you llarled dolnt "-se..... ch1n11 of rurme 1ho4ild 23411 Summerlteld bustnnsyet7 Yt1 The followlna persona riot be anntad. 1168, Aliso Viejo, Cali· 10/15/03 are dolnt business 11. NOTICE: OF HEARING f«nNI 92651 Helen McCarthy l B J. Manacemenl, Date· ll·ll-03 Time 2 David A. Jonfl. 23411 This sletement wes 1650 So Harb« Blvd , PM Dept.: L73 Summtrlleld 1168, Aliso fried with Ille County Anaheim, CA 92802 Tiii tddrns of tllt coutt Viejo, C11ilet1111192656 Clefk of Of1n1• County Carr Assoc: .. tes, Inc is same H noted dove. N1tln Patel, 1074 E. le on 10/20/03 (Oel1ware') W Eut 3 A COf>Y of ttllt Order Habta, la Habte, CeU 200Jtt'2J 11 G1rr, Jr , 1650 So to ~w C.UM tllell lit fOfnla 90631 Dally Piiot Oct 22 29, H11bo< Bl•d • Anahtlm, publllNd et least onc;e o .. n L W1111t1111, J02 Nov. S, 12, 2()03 W208 CA 92802 Heh wettl for four 1/r lllttl St., Shi Buch, .___.._ This bur.lnen ~ con aucCHJlvt weeka prlet Catifcwnla 90740 ._ ducted by •corporation to the dtte Mt IOf Tlril llvUM5S II c:on· ... se..... Have you started lk>tna 1Mafln1 on llM peUUon ducted by: • aeneret bustn9" yel? In tht lollow1n1 newt plftntfahlp The followlns penon• Yn 9/1/03 ot ... u. •~-.... _ 11'1 doln1 buSinns as paper lf11tfal ... c:u· .... v. YOU'"""',_ uvlne Spectre Wood Craft, Garr Assocretes Inc .. latlon, prlnttd Ill thlt bualnul yel1 No lSJS Whittler, Suite f W Earl Garr, Jr , Prt1 county: Thi Delly Piiot Oavkl A JonH 13, Co.rte Meia, Cell! ldtnl l>ete1OCT01 IOOJ This statement wes 92627 Thia 1talemen1 w11 MAIJOall LAlaD f1itd w11tt the County Jame• Robert Person, fried with the County <MTIJ. NOOI Of TMI Cjerll of Or1nae Coltnty 9312 Central Ave., Clerk of Of1n1e County SUPOtlOlt <OCM'T on 1.0115/03 on 10/23/03 Published Newport f0016H 1172 Gerdtn Crove, Ctllf. IOOHtHIU ,... ..... _: .......... ·: The lollo•ln1 per~ ' are do1n1 butinass •> a) Cl ADY BEE, ->, TRASH N TRIHKETSl • IRI 17 lvOfycresl Lene, Hunloncton Beach. CA 9:i.'6'8 Elayn Wtrd. 18112 lworycr tsl Lant, Hun 11n1ton Beach, CA 92648 lhis busonen is con- ducted b)'. an lndi.ldual Ha¥e you started doin1 business yel7 Y n 09/0 I /2003 Etayn Ward Thi' statement wn hied with the Counly Clerk of Ofanae County on 10/31/03 20016tH720 Dally Ptlol Nov s. 12, 19. 26 2003 ~l Beach.COSt1 Mesa D~ Dell)' Pilot Oct. 22, 29, n:4 cluna OllOfll p Daily_ Prlol How S, 12, ~~.:';'.'~22W2oj ;"";;;;;'';1;2.;2003;;;;;;;W209;;;;;.i.::'9:M:y~.9==ll2~Ct:::nl~ra:!~A:y::•·:.1.;'9;';26;.;2003;;;;;;;;W221;;;J;. ............ .ii' I01ll Of NUCWI Tiie 111in1 ttora1e l•dlt~. -•nc to Iha Pf0¥b'oftt of Olrislott I of U. lullnnt 11114 Profeaalon1 Code, Cttept•r JO, Section 21701 (a), hereb~ lfVK NOTICE Of PUiltC SALE. lXTRA SELF STORACE wifl COl!dutt e public .... of the COfl .. 111• of tht ,,.,.,. ~·<•> 11""'4 below, with tbe cOfltanb bt"-sold to tilt ...... ~. I« lawful lllOMJ of tlM U!llttd Sbtn of Mwlca (Ulll) tht ........... lltld to "tltfJ • 111ftdeot11 Utft end wtll IN lltlcl el, 17et2 ~ lef!t1 Hunllf\110!! 8-dl, "" 926ot1 " l"fclve...., lt. 1003, at a o.• b!: tlonelr''• --Av I 11 a lond•~ 1*37J01"81 ........ <m> 111 12111 Tiii "'4lllC .. ...._. te an.;, T.,_ we UM ~~,~ .. , ..... .., fAA ::-:.,.';'= NW, ..... wtttl tlMI *"utyoffllttc~ ,.......~"'­...... •M:C NO • OCCUPANT • f'ltOf'[rnY octcn'· TIOff A·OH Duell ltHll. fw""-• A-:llo ca.1e llWr. 11oa-. ~ar .... ,._.., ~.acor .... ............... A'•UJ Hiit ilteu ... lloH&, delllea1 ,....., STARTING ANEW • BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Daily. Pilot _Liiii~ .... -~---lllll ..... ........... HawPorl lt11<h, ... ~ f0tnla92t&.1 Ctll bi110/3l/OJ -™' buslneu It con· Th• lollow1111 Ptftons ~h1ctad by. e corpo1at10n -dolna ft•Wleu n: tttve , .... d dol rr1n11, tn1.nprlt11. 209 bu11nu!oul,(1.... 111 N. 81yfronl, HaWJ)Oft Yes 01/0 /1995 Bte~h. C1hr 926412 W8 lnvttlrnenls, Wtll Creu G Holden, 209 lam Bamltlll'r""ldanl N. Bayfr~. Ntwport · Thtt tltltment waa Bffcll, CA ~~2 flltd with I~ County Cttuck Covtnlon. 214G Clt1k of Oran&• County Klcla St.. YOfbt Lindt, Oii Ul/31/()J CA &2886 ' 200SHH•co This b111illau b c;on Dilly Piiot Nov. s, 12, d11tltd by • Ctltttll 19. 26, 2003 W229 plftnershlp "'"' yOll startect dolnc buslnua yet7 Yes 12·1·85 Greu G. ttotdtn This statement wea filed with tjlt Cownty Cltrk of Drtnp Coullfy on 10/31/03 200HHS7'2 Oally Pltot Nov. 5, 12. 19, 26, 2003 W22A Re-.. ..... ......... Tit• f0Howln1 p111sons .,, dolna business .,. The Real Estate Net· work, MOO W. Ocean· front, · Newport Beach, Cahfornl• 92663 WB Investments (CA). 6400 W. Ocu11front "'--..... .......... lht followln& P•non1 •r• doina b11s~11asa as: HO·DAOOY SURF COM· PANY, 1680 l61h St. E212, Newport · Beach, CA92661 Jim StHffeos, 1680 16th St. t21Ji Newport Beach,CA9~1 Tracy Lon15t1eth, 2140 B Cost• MeM, Cost• Mt$1, CA 92627 This busln"' Is con ducted by: co-p1rtnen Have you stllfted dolne busln9$S yell No Jim SIHffens This statement wu ftt.d with the County Cle<k ol Orance County Policy 20N6'6S72l Dally. Pilot f"ov. 5. 12, 19. 20. 2003 W2ll ........ ......... Tiie totlowln( persons Mt doint buslfltss ••: PS Ma1tl11 Inc., 9Z6 Az1le1 Dr .. Cost. Mase, CA926~ PS Martin Inc (CA), 926 An .... Dr., COS'la IHN, CA 92626 This bu.slneu 11 con· ducted by: 1 corpofallon HaYt you •tarted do111t biKlness yet? No PS Martin Inc . P•ul J, M1rtln, Prtslclant This statement wu filed with lht County Cltrk ot Or1n1• County on09/30/03 toOS6t601ll Dally Pilot Oct. 22. 29, Nov. 5, 12. 2003 W211 ........... tan .klt11 Capltt,.no, C11if0tni• 92'75 Alma "011 Hlauer1, 2940'.i Smollt Tttt L•n•, Sa11 Juan Capiat~1110, Cafff0tnia 92675 This b11sinns Is con ducted by. husb11ncl and wife Have you tlat ltd doint butlnna ytt7 Ho ltnl~to lll&utfa r1111 1t1t.,nent ... flled with Iha Co11nty Cltrk of Oranee Co11nly on09/30/03 IOOH'602H Daily Pllol ()ct. 14, 21, ~. HoY. 5. 2003 W231 Ac-. .... ......... Tha followln1 person• are dolnt lluslne" u : Altform l11t .. loi1, 11771 Mac SI., Glfdan Grove, CA92841 Katartyna Nowakowsb; 11771 Mac S,I., Gerden Grove, CA 92841 Thlt 1Wtlr1ess b con· ducted by: an lndlvldllel Have you started doln& business yell Yes, 3-27· 03 Katarzyn1 Nowa~owsk• This stelement was ftlecl with the Counly Cltf!! of Or.ante Countx on l0.«I03 IOOMHOtH Dally Pilot Hov 5. 12. 19, 26,2003 W230 ............ ... ...... Tlla lollowlnt p&flOfls are clo1n1 bUtln11s 11. heel In livlna. 2525 Owa11 BIVd. 8·4, Corone d41 Mar, CA 92626 Ja111a Ray Colllslw, 2S2ti Oce•n 81vd, 8·4. Coro111 dtl Mtr. CA 92625 Tllft bllilntst II COii• ducted by: an lndlvidu1I Hive -you stNttd dolna business ytl? Ho James Ray Collttler This tlatemenl WIS flltcl with Iha County Cieri\ of Oran&• County on 10/31/03 200Ut6J71• Otll~ Pi!QI JCow. !i, 12, t9. 26. 2003 wm Rdlllll ..... "-S...... Stnt1 An•, CA 92703 Tiiis bu•IMu II eon d11cted by '" lncl1vlclv•I Have you 1twtld dotnc ltualntu ytt? No Sltve11 C. Bar1111 lhb •l•l•m•nt w•• fltacl w1lh Ille Co11nly Cltrk ot Drane• County ont/23'03 200HtStHS Delly Piiot Ott. 22. 29, Nov. 5, 12, 2003 W2l0 Alm. ..... ........ The followlna parsons a11 dolnc bus.1nau 11: Wlenerachnilul, 2'50 Brlstol SI., Coste M.,1, CA92626 Slrote Tunbutr. 7188 MtlrOM St. fC, Buen• Park, CA 90621 This business Is c;on· ducted by: an lndlvldu1I Heve yOI/ st.rlecl doin& b11slneu yet? No Slrole T unbutt This st1l.iment wes fl~ with tlM County Clerk of Or1n1e County on 10/31/03 200JHH71S Dailt Pilot Nov. 5, 12, 19. 26, 2003 W223 How to Place A ........... .......... Tiit tollowinl pat sons ,,. ctolna bllt\11111 .,. S111t1n• Satllnc, Inc., 24631 Prlscllll Or., Dan• Point, CA 92629 Sadcllt Up, Inc (CA), 24631 Pr lscill1 Or .. Oen• Point,~ 92629 TIJ)s buslneu 1$ con ducttd by: a c0tpo1etlon Have you ilttt.cl dolna bu• !!&Sa yet? No Saddle Up Inc.. Mere Hu1hslon. Prtsldent Thlt •l•lement was filed with llla County Cllflc of Oran11 County on 10/16/03 200S6 .. 20tl Dilly Pilot Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 2003 W212 Re-. ..... "-S...... Th• followlna persons 1r1 dolnc business 11: 1) Eco110 Envelope, b) Econo Envelope.com, 3633 W "'-cArthur Blvd. Suite 406, Santa An•, CA92704 L•wrance Sleael, 22836 Foaborou&h Wey, Lake FOftst. CA 92704 This buslntst Is con· ... WedneSW. November s. 2003 Al Ml.tpl ... MUpl..._ M dueled by: 1n lnd1vld111I HtYt )'Oii stet tld 4o1nt b11slneu ytU No lewrenct Sltpl This ttattme11t wu filed with lh<i County Clerk of Or1n11 County on 10/31/03 200Jtt6S7H Dilly· Ptlol Nov 5, Jl, 19, 26, 2003 W2l9 ......... ......... rht folloWln& pWIOnt are dolna business H : Coe>blutona Travel, 4102 Pl .. 1111t SI., lrvlnt, CA 92604·2121 Cherlu H Gordon, 4102 Pleasent St.. Irvine. CA 92604.-2721 Thts business It con· ducted by: an lndMd11al Have you star led do Ina business yet? No Charlu H. Gordon This 1tatemtnt w11 lllld with th• County Clerk of Or1ne• County on 10/14/03 20036 .. 1571 Dally Pilot Oct. 15. 22. 29, Nov. 5, 2003 W205 .......... ......... Tha foltowlu& perioM •rt cloini business . H : Streamline fabriubon, 2638 Riverside Or., Co.ta Meta. CA 92621, Oenitl Alltn Pin.al, 2638 Rinislde Or .• Cost1 Mell, CA 92627 This bualntu Is con dueled by: 1n mdMd111I Have you 1t1tted clolna buslnn• 1117 Yes9/03 Danltl Allan P11sel Thb •1atem•nl WH filed with tha County Clwk of Or •nee County on 10/3lm 200UttS717 Delly Piiot Hov. 5, 12, 19, 26, 2003 W217 ,... ..... "-S....... The loflowl"I perso"s 11e dolna bu•lness u : lnnoVltlon Salon, 1$48 Adams Ave. Cosla Mesa, CA92626 Tamm11le Oioh, 3126 W Isl Street, 1174. S.nla Ana, CA 92703 This business Is con· dueled by: 1n Individual Hive you star ltd dolna bu~ntss yet? YuOct l 2002 Tamm1rle Dinh This •l•ltmtnl was filtd with ltl• Cou11ty Claftl of Or1n1• Counb on 10/31/03 JOOJttH71S Deily Pilot Nov. 5, 12, 19,26,2003 W222 Re-. ..... .......... 'Tiie f0Howtn1 PlfSOnt art oolna bltllntn u : Viste Colnlass llundry, 839 Wes1 19th Strttt, Coste MtSI. CA 92627 Tha McQ Croup. I~ (CA), 2338 PtllO C11· culo, Tustin, CA 92782 This b11sl11tn Is con· ducted by: • c0tpor1bon H•ve you 1t.rted dohte business yel7 No lhe McQ Group, Inc .• Michael L. McQuaeney, President Tiiis 1t1tement WIS J11td with the County Clerk of Or1n1e County on 09/29/03 2003'960071 Daily Piiot Oct. 14, 21. 28. Nov !i, 2003 W232 --Deadlines __ Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. • • CLASSIFIEJAD -ii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In P e rson: Wed.nesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm (949) 631-6594 (J>leue mrlude your rwne llll(I ~number and we'll <:all Y°" b;ack w11h a price (fUOk I Hours 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pin Telephone 8;30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30'IJTl-5:00prn Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm AHNOUNCOONTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & .. FINANCIAL 2305-2490 SOOS-5150 Index r· .... 1~ . - I . ' . , _ .... ---I • IOOHSlO . .. I ..• #.,,.,,.., . • • _!_, _ -900CH7SO ENTERTAINMENT Auctions 1483 General HOME ==w=A=N=T=E=o=:i Announcements 1610 FURNISHINGS MISCB.LNIEOUS MERCHANDISE LOTS/ACREAGE loll/Aalage Wanted Cltendlraf OUCll SIASON -Mf'lll _____ 1_31_0 ANTll\UES l'rlvote Ducli Hur.tint !t Chilo approa I/hr h om llWW ._.,_ Newport Beech Eacel .-.--Older Style Fumltunt lenl rwnt1n1 adjacent lo , OfPOl1llllY PIANOS & Collectfbles stile walerlowl reluae. All' te\1 estate 1dvertis· • ~: ;:,.;:,:_ ownership Interest & Ina In I his newspaper is approa 37!> 1cres of land subject to the Federal $$CASH PAID$$ & Improvements • your F•lr Houslna Act of 1968 --··--own camp compound iii 1mended which WE BUY ESTATES w/structure and 2 mekes 1t 111ea111 to ·~lrieNly-• trailers Wonderful Fri. advertise ·1ny prefer· "Wl ASTOi"' "lahl BBQ's & wine en~e. llmilallon or tastlna durlna duck di~tlmlnatlon b1sed on seasori + rnany olrast r1ce, colOf, reheion. sex. Ideal for 2 friends or h1ndicap, familial status father & son Call Miiie or national orlaln. or an 11310 541"1854. ln1.1tntlon lo make 1ny suq, preference, hmit.· lion or discrimination." This newspaper 1«111 not lllfOwlntlY accept 1ny •d1tertiffmenl for reel u late which I!~ In vi· latlon ol the l1w. Our r tdtr' ere htreby I rmed lhal 111 dwell· I 1dvtrlised In this ntwspapllf are available 011 •n equal 0j>portun1ty bnn. Tg complaln of dis c(Jlnlnatlon, cen HUD toll· .,.. •11·800·424·8590. 1475 MtoHTYOUCllS nacns PLAZA UVll l!IOSt 11mes •v•il. fka ¥tl11e949 723-7841 Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Clqsslfled acl today I 642-5671 ::64M922g ~=MAL SOUTH cgAST SERVICES AUt'TI N ----------2212 ....... .._AM.CAt270l -·ix-c.4•"'4 1489 Credit SeMca 2A60 I 8·MOR1GAGES loll fro 1·866·784-2437. Home Purchase, Rell nance. Clloou from the most competitive na· honal/loc1I loin pro· 1rem1. H1tion1I NetwOf'll of local Mo1t1a1e Pro f •esslon1 l s . www l8mort1•1es.com (CAL•SCAN) 1505 APPLIANCES 3050 L .. t D .. W. Y.a.w- llee4e4 Amuon in vicinity ol Herbor & Gisler CM, semi tamed & tal ... live. Name Archie PIHi cell 714-434-7500 lvt msa. LOST.,_ MAC_.,., Pllfn pilot MlOO & di& camer• HP3l& Ito m: .__. 1~3321 RND :.:::.. UNMO•I WASMI• Heavy duty 1111• capec1ty_ 3/ears Old SlZ5Calt71 751 43JO lOO OIANI OUIUl•O Dad JoH C. G11enaro. Ila beere 21 years. Wt need to set 1 hold of lou. Sibllnp loolli'l or ou 5"2·771·97 Fumlbn 3435 Miscellaneous -H-lth--. -,,-n-.-h-to-,-.-So-'8 Merdlandlse Newport l ch. French coudle, wine.back chj11t1, love seats. Ir br & dr lommy S.hama lurni· lure, dfesden, bronz.u. flffany ~ lilllOI. dlnllle. 'Jlot~·­flDUD MOVING MUST SIU- ll<EA office set. sof1 bad. bu stools, bookcese1 endtbls, Ille cab, fri&, Balboa Is 949-290-9190. 3·STlll 1UllOIHGS Up lo 70~ off! 30•50, 40160, 80a 100 Can Oehtrl Roy 8»4!&27tl0 -Tr.....,• t•ttlftt your busmen started or u tended? Aller n1tive Business Is lhe solution, can 866-273-7210. fu VIN DING llOUTI 40 Best I Maklne ma· chines. S9.950 25~ down w1c. 800-396·9311 CHIUY SUIOH HD lecel we"4li;evte Sdld wood, lnnd -ill boa must nlCNe. Warth , 60 fl)aCllll)H t~li0(1' S8'.XI se S250 ge.~ 1nc1octild alt for SI0,99!i IOO-Sot-7909 JEWELRY/ DIA¥QNDS/ PREC10U&METALS AISOlUll GOlOMINll 60 v&11dlna machines with Hcellent loc1tlons .. far $10,995 ID).2J4..f912 MA VE~ ROUTE. 4(). 80 $ Malone machines. (-t (ellt Nee4t $9.950. 25S down WIC. 4740 HEW MEXICO MOUNTAINS 140 AC Only $.49,900 Goraeous arasslands. mature tree cover. 6.300 ft elev•· hon Mount11n views. yur round roeds. Per led for hofse lovers. Adjacent to "atlonal forest . Excellent f1· na"clna. Call todayl this won'I IHU NM Land and Ranches. Inc. 1·888 292 9711 (CAL •SCAN) RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE ~ Cony Ptopelty 5915 10 AClll flANCHlS N.- boorlq El PMc>, rexn Roads Sllf\reyed, Pre· ()penina salt! $8,9'3!>, S9l5 down S89 monthly (10''1 216 months) Sunset R1nches. Free maps/ pictures. 1~343.9444 .(CAl•SCAH) Old Coins! Gold, silver. ao.398-9311 (CAL~) MtSCEUANEOUS J1Welry, w1tcllel, 1111tiques co11ac11b1u 949-642·9448 Dlmb"-M RENTALS 3115 ILACI ITANDAID POODf.IS, /111.C °*'1lioll ~ 9wll-. "'*lwn UQ) 714-9'll-9!16l C111 1t1tt•to pt1uU1•011 rt,Cir}HI UO•"'tlldoutt UI ,., C"'•IJW Stnkt DUtctof1 .. ,, 10•/i"' ""'·" ,,, . Nl/Oc-View •-Ocunlronl/22nd, Prl vele rm, unfurn, sllere b•, uUls paid, n/smk, kltchen•lle, lndry, lblk to Newport pl ... S73Dm Cell Sam 949·178-7905 (wtween91m-Spm) N~r1 Sllwff•­ ln .f8r ~ HouH. Share bath, noi~ ... Wiil to baadl. nlca •• $575m + $400 dtp & 1/4 utlb. c.119'9-~ Under the Sc1Yicc Direc to ry Bann er Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Rf.SIOENTIALAENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Corona del Mar 21w Hto Apt, So of Hwy over incl f car aar, wd hkups, d11hw1, no pets Sl7~/mo 949 863 1390 O<eo1t wlewl Sunny cowtyd entry. Spac I stcwy :a. + den 2bl. Ip, attach 2 c pr Comm pool S2A50. Sm pet Oil IUelrl "'4rnl &77-704-8649 i9204 wwwllleinpro com Beau newly remod 3br 2ba, 2 c 1ar, new hdwd firs, ar 1111te ctrs, appl's, Ip, no smk p~tlO S3250/ mo • dep 562·493·6126 Shwt T-remol 3br 2ba house. 2 ur a1r, wd hkups, SJ!iOO/mo t49-715-U4' YIM1YUASIS RMI NIWPCMrt MOMIS 111 _,..Y llMTOllS t4M7Ml61 2111 21A CONDO, Ip fria ,· dw, no pell. pool, art loc. Sl!>OO/mo Avail Now 949 650 6730 P...i11•ulo lbr Iba patio, fireplace, shared w/d hkups, I ur '" a1e Ael SISOO/MO 949 293-4630 2W. ._ ~ 2/c pr, OIGde pttbo, pool. New Ill. w/d/rfw n:I l(XJ Harbor Woods sum nc..m 1\P.i lbr 2ba upper level b1yfront unit pe11od style. art VII, I c aar . •at S2800 949 293 4631 llir Ibo ....... hlt'I ,._ condo. fabUlous ~ -. tasldlAI flnl. ITmK 1181 S2!D> 949 293 46.D H .... S .. ki.t4Cen4e Gell au. \llew, l'lf ..... ZJDd. Cl.I dt sac, ,,. a:mn. Si«DVmo. -.•tr*lc.com 8fB3J3«XZI SUMMn -$1900/- Zbr. 2ba, 2 c•r .1••. PoOI, 2br 2ba nr NP pier close pttd comm. 59 Anjou lo shops & restuar1nts Aft. t49-7St-9M1 Ip, 1 c e•r wd hkups $1800/mo 949 293 4630 ~ Jlto i.-11, qulel aru, newly refurbtShtc1 2 ctr eer. wd hkups. $2500/mo 949·769-0874 Cvft Jbr 2ba sm1 lam ruldtnc:e, patio. 1teps tO' b•r. l c ,., • •et $2500 949 293 4631 ~ 2111 ..., to bdl, wd. tile lb, fp, 2 pt tpKM, 122 *1 SI upsllh, 2 decb, poc:l\et ocn view Winier $2200/m Yrly S2.lmlm 986.JJ.ll>.1 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 JOBSWANTBJ 8200 lap <NA. Ref. a>M. Nf' & HB Bch 1te1, In home cere Day shift Pf•ferrtd Contect 8111949-646-2318 Empio,meat -......'""'" ......... Mact.lntosh computer '~Ills Medical OffiCI Newport Beech, S12/hr leave ms1 949 280·8352. CASHtll F /'1 lie• hrs, Gerys Mens clothlna store '" r ahlon Island NPB. To sel up 1n lnterwltw c1ll Rob Clalrborne. 949 759 1622 ...., p/t ""' ...., SSS? D1t1 ar*Y ~ NI lwn oft, $1!MY 10.15 ~ llell sdlCl u CU1J> ... ICT, Qidl Bodi. Ear. ~ 9&718«J13,. -~ HIVllS PA•T·Tt•I Mon·f rl Drive nlca can tnd .-t paid for It Cd Oan 949 862·747•. AGOODA·D! Call (949) 642-5678 . \ \ I - f Alltomoblles - AutDmollve 9004 IMW XS 2002 Sport Pa•k•11e, 21,000m1les 949 760 9351 Co4111ec 'U OeVlll• wtnt~/oatmul lltv tow ml buullful «oainal cood Inside ' oot, clwm whk, $3495 Siu. 949 S86 1888 _.. . ..,..- COttVITTI '16 C,. Auto, ac all power, white/red jntat. b .. u. runs 1trona. J8600 obo 94'1 244 3324 COVE MOTOllG AUOI AA 'OO Bluk w/rr•Y Inter •V0802 01scounted IMWJ2Jl'OO Bleck, w/tan Inter •V2813 Discounted IMW U lle ''9 Black, lan Inlet -V99/8 Must Sell IMWSHl'tl Brontz, Ian lnte1 1~91 Mtrst SeH IMWSHle'OO Green, tan lnltr •VIY.>67 Dl\counled IMWS401'99 Siu•, 11ey lnt11 t1V2I11 Must Sell IMW7401o 'OO Black, Ian luttr l\194JS O.\<nUnl~d IMW 74010 '00 81ont1. tan 111tt1 M158 Grut Buy IMW 140!1 '01 ""° Cahlornlt law rt QUlrtl thlt COl'ltUIC· to11 t1klnt IOb• lhat tot•• ssoo 0< nwe (l1bol or m.stlfltls) be hcenMd by the Contr1cton Shi• Lleenta lloJWd. l>tat11 lltw tlMI reQIJlfts that cont11ctor1 Include thelt licMla. numbtt oo tU 11dver11t.1n1 You etn chedt llM 1t1tu1 of your llcenud c ontractor at www c~ u 1ov or 800·321 ·CSl& Unit cenHd contractors l•lllnl loba th•t total ltn lh•n S$0() must 1t1to in their td11tttlumtnt1 that .n.y ttt 11ot llctn1td by th• Cot11r1ctora Slate Llc.•nso Bowd • ,.. ... .......... AlrC.••l'llll '''':'"·~ .....,.,,..., •Vl .. 1 ...... .., eMW740lf'tf ~eclt, .,.., •VS06J _, ... ~ 1•w 74H'01 • .. ,.,.yltottw '"-'4' °'"''vr IMW 740A 'Ol wtut.,.,.., ...... •VStSl ....._'94 ( IMW740ll'Ot Slfv.,, l'•f_= •Vtt'2 0 fM IMWMJ'91 ,,.,,,..., ...... .., IV21t7 ~ .. ,."Y IMWMl'OI $"""" ....... late,; IV1962 •••t S.I tMWatUO'OJ 4'l4l..t, Vl7649 MwtW ••wu-.• u.ct.••kttw IVllot Dlsc-r-4 JAOUAI I TYPI ' 7 4 yet.w tV4024 MwtS .. JAOUAa S..TYPI '00 Or_, .... , ...... IVT1U GrMt hy JAOUU XJ6 't7 Ii.di, t• ..,,., •VJSU Dln-te4 JAGUAll lJI '00 ore_,, .. t"ter II JIO Of'~ Ivy JAOUM JUI '99 ............... IVOH9 Dlec-e4 JAGUA.IXJl'tt ..,., .. let., 1Vlt47 0..... Ivy LANO IOV111 '01 ••• '"""· .... fftttw •YUH Mim Sd MlRCIOH USO '02 '"''~ Medt ""., IV9277 Of..rlvy MlaUOIS (240 '02 lw..-fy, l'•Y hlter 1VOJ6S Olt-IM MIR<IOIS CLK-SOO '01 Whtte, ltlodt .,.,., •V•711 Dlt~t-4 MIR<IDIS IJ20 'O1 llocla, Mock lflter #V54SI Mwt s.a MHCIDIS 1120 WA 'Ot <ff•-. ·-"''" 1V4Sll Mv•t s.• MHCIDIS MIUO '0 t It.di •Vtl ti Dlt-t•4 MHCIOIS MIS20 '01 •toc•. ltlocla ....... IVJ46T 0hc-te4 MHCIDfS SSS '02 Sllvtw. w.dl ....... •VU.7 Oreot Ivy MlaCEOH SI SOO '00 Whlte,t•S.t"' •'10SIO Of Mt Ivy POUCHl '96 'tt ~ ......... ., •V2St2 . Grfft Ivy POtt5Hl<AJtalaA'9t Iha., l'ey lfottw •V6049 Dlt-te4 POttSCHICA .. laA'tt • llod, Mecli ....... •Vt .. I MntSel OUAU MANGUST 'O I Sliver,..._... t1tter 1VOU9 MvttSell VW PASSAT'02 Sliver, tr•Y l•t., •VJ65S Oln-t-4 '4t-6SO-S91S COYI IOTOlllG IMW 74011 '0I Blue. 111y inter •V2843 Mu~• s~11 IMW74011 '01 While, arex Inter A -l HANDYMAN ln~l•ll. rel•t:a cabinets ~ moki-& DOU1 714 S.S. 78 ca.,11 Cteanlng WeaJthcome Marble CrMlte Inc • ·-· fl•llJ ............. ............ 1mL ....... ........ n'-•·-..... .... , ........ Sil.,,.,, &rty mtet •""42 fttu& I Sell IMWMJ'9e Stt~.,-1 bltlCll.111tw •V1897 Oluovated IMWMl'02 Solvtr, f!ey lllttr •V~l Ol~ounted IMW al ISO'OJ 414 Rod, V17649 Mu•I S.11 IMWU't• B'-<:k, tan Inter 1Vll09 arut Bu1 JACUAI I TYPI' 74 yellow l\'4014 CrHt !llfY JACUAI S-YYPI '00 Cr•n. tan inter IV1783 Mu1t Sell IAG\141 XJ6 ,,, Blldl. tfn Inter •V3548 -Creal Buy JAGUAI lUI '00 Green.-tan Inter •1280 Discounted JAOUAaXJt •tt Red, Ian Inlet •V0859 Must Sell JAGUAI XJt 't9 Blue, l•n lllter -V7947 DiKounted 949-650-5915 Jer4 '65 Mvtt••t Conver llble, orl1lnal owner. solid Ctf, flUll 111 sui:m 000 9'&7)9 2!ICl Vt• t J,2 ttr, auto, lo1dtd, 2 mnrl, alnt cond S6999 y'Ll)GS40 GMC '9t S-. ..,,.., ¥ Qll !JI at~~ody- 1111. ~ '6W4SB) fer4 '92 Aerett.,, auto. all pwr. must see to bohne S3199 v3BHJOJ6 Mercury '9t w.i. w..., """ ody 681 ml. lint flllNly QI •... cond, l&m v4f<IJ47 0-V ..,I ..... LS Ottt lU. rri. 1(811 .., wiWl wl1* -pa. -price 8119 llf:>lfi .,..... '91 c..., .. LC, V6, J Bltr, auto, 7 PIH, loaded. dnl shape S69!19 •OC12 Mdl'91 ..... GS, w. 3.81tr a4Jll'dwJD. lq> of the h , net -to ~ Sim!! f1CI OllN ._, iOCIZ346 Chevy '99 llner V6 4.3111, h11h output, LS wles. loaded, must He, $8440 f5376 .. cwy '95 w..I Sedlr\ Oil .,..,. 1- owrY, ~ ..... mat -SJ& llCM:l2 ... 'QI t2JOO, red. ~ criy $131 rri. u. wort. In.di « 1Jt '*"' ...... S9199 vt.(1)157 TOMATO A&n'O WIS 11w.,.211s 114-437-1931 COYE IOTOllfG LANO aOVH '01 4 6 Bront1. tin Inter IV8822 C1eat De.I MHCIOIS C2SO '02 Bliek, black Inter •V9277 DIKOUnted MEaCEDIS C240 '02 8ur1andy, ar•y Inter IV0365 Must Sell MlRClDIS CUl-SOO 'OJ While. black lnte1 •V6783 Great Deal MDCIDU U20 '01 8lacl1. black Inlet #~58 Grut 0.al MlRCIOIS 1320 WA '01 Green. tin 1nte1 #V4581 Musi Sell Ml!!CIOI$ MIUO '01 Clrpet,..lr.&lel t)(AaPO~CAaf'lT1) Repalfs. l'•tchln1. Install Courteous. any site lobs. Wholtulel 949 492 0205 .. .... •Vt lie .... ,s.911 M .. CIDH MIJ.IO '01 .......... Ww •VM67 Dht-'..t MllCOIS SSS 'Ot SU..,, w.clt ...... IVS447 .,_'94 MU<lDtS S UOO '00 Wlilt• .... ...... IVOSIO .... 0..- PGaSCHl "6 •" .................. IV2Sf2 . Mwt WI P011$M.I C.Ulll.A,.. ........ y ... ., IV604t ~-4 POUCHI <A.nlM 'tt ..... Wedi .. ,., IY1061 Dl.c-'94 QUAU MAMOUSf '01 sttw+-, M4Jdl ....... IVOUt MwtW VW PASSAY'O' Sfln~, .,.., '"" ... tVHSS M.,.tW LANOaOVR NfWPOltY HACH ..,,~,,.,,,_ ,,,._,,SE7 VI Only 4 Ill mlln, 7 peil, Ml Wllf'oof (~ Sl7/R> 'V11MWUxl Ptemluro spo<t 1)1\L Htvlcallon Syst&111, 2Jlk ml. (~) IO!UIS ............... .... DIO Ei.,Wiw1•t. (C!Olll40«i07) ~ 'Of a...y Sii6w6mt" ... ()ad ll!lllb, IM>. mnrf & mare! (427~19) $29,9115 .,,,...,,,.., ... ._.HSI Lolclld. nnt, ro. 1o nt (41W4137l6) $29,9!fi '01MWS2SI~ f'remurl ~ tpOr1 ...... (42!17,al4073) S1.J,'B:> '07 ............ ..soo Q1fY 181 ml.~ rOll st.er.> ' lllOle (~045) ~ '01 MfWXS ..... Q1fY 32)( nm. rvv_ tpOr1 '*" (42Jn'Hl0453) $11,995 'OJ ...... SUD Q1fY 61( mill. dnme (42!W1U69) ~ '01 ,.,_.,,, V8, Tow~l'll: (2!12259) 121,995 '01 ....... 46, HIV, DI (4484811) 9'9-640-6445 WlllOYll llWPOIT llAOI Jepor '00 XIII Cemrt black/tan Jlk m1, new 18" factory chrome/ hru. dnl cond. $41,000 obo562-412 8801 LANO aovn 2000 Dlscovlfy H S07 duel moonrfs, rear 1ump seats. IHl1ted s .. 1 lac warr 36,000 ml. S21,900 V289539f Perlormanu l TD 949-650·5860 WUS SCAOO '95 Trecllon control, heated s.eab, overdnvo, mnrl. chrome whls, new tires Nabmlclil sound sys, 12 cha nae ed. spollet. blue/ l•n hlah ml. very clean $97!i0 9o4j-244-3324 YOUltMOMl IMPaGVIMINl Paoncn Call a plumber. pamter. handyman, or any of the 1reat 1ervlces l~ted htta In our wvk• difttlOlyl THESE LOCAL SVC Pf;OPLE CAN HELP YOUTDOAYI Bridge ~ .... .... .... An4lyzina lbc openi11g 1ea;.1 can be an ctrective WC1PQO in lhc hands of a ~ltllful dccl!Rr. fl can often mllkc the dilTercnce between suoa:ss or failure o( Che contnlCt. Wot's wcldt twu-bid in hel!IU wu p:issed round to Sooth, who reopened with 1 lilkeout double. In CO! SOulh's bcd1111clng double w~ wb-minimum. North dlQlle a conserv1tlve rcspon!oe ..,, A.ewe ru.z Blacll (19625) $17,980 '911MWSlll Bite~ (19623) Sl7,980 '02 i..-s ,,,.. "" A stull (19614) $27,980 9T ta.in LUOO S~ver w/crey lth1 CD • pwr moonroof, Per-lttl condl (194531) Sl8,980 'OZMM'C_.• CtJC.UO CfHlfH SI,,,., Flawless (19!154) S42Jl8(). ..., MHTIHln StsOO •....Jtt.r Smoke S1lve1 (19717) SlS.980 '01 ,,_,,_ ,,_ Aiot•ed Loaded (19744) 22,980 'JS T~ Celle• CMwwff61. WWN Depend1blt and F uni (194781) $7,980 ,,,v .... _..... #-IH#lellw Auto (19728l) Sll,980 '00 ,._,.. f 1 I c-. Stiver (19441) $54.980 '9f CIHlltloc ,,._,,,,_ Pearl While (19791) $15,980 OZIMWUSO Red (19826) $29,980 '4M74-7777 PMlllSAUTO .. .,, .. ~ MOClOH 4001 '92 V8, .,.,_. Cleen, wel rnw1bhld. da5u:. 17111 rri. ~ obo !M9 013-1665 Aoortnwme LIMY._. Rei-tel Recrouu11 & lnsttllatlon TIU: OEAtf 949-673-8065 714 846-852J6 714-883-2031 = '"" S.Wlte, Yard Cle1n119, Malnltn•nce, Sprinkler Repllr. Hlullna (t4t) 650-171 t 'OOIMWl11t Sh/Black. Auto, Low Mills (823157) $24,900 '00 IMW 740f& White, Sport Wllls, Navl,Loadlld (Pl5454) $36,900 'OOIMWZ-' Blk/Blk, !)sp, a>, Per· feet Car (F91472) $23.900 '02 fen/ .,,,.,,,.,._ "'"" 81~/Blk. Convt, 2 tops, only 8k miles ( IZ2758) $29,900 '00 t.Mw GS-300 Wht/Tan. Platnum ser1n, Loaded (()99216) $25,900 '01 M.rcedH Oil- SS AMO lllk/Blk, Loaded, CO, . Only 1811 miles ( 180066) $49,900 '00 M.rced .. S-4H BllV'Tan,Pnone,CO, Navl, Low miles (073237) $41.900 '117M.r<.-•MZO Smolit Stiver, V8. CO, Loaded (444967) $19,900 '9S ,,.,... '1 1 cu 8111/8111/8111, Tiptron- lc, co (3429116) $36,900 .,.,,.,..~ Silver. S-11>, CO, Low nules. peat prk;e (62.3482) S23,900 MMS0-2222 Tit's..,_ ..... ........ '91 C...tr• n 2dl. 5spd. 1101<1. A/C, am- fll\.CIH, or1a lad~ OWMr bol'>h, rec01ds, suptf'b cond throuahl. Sl!JOO vl'J5672l Bltr 9119 5116-1.8 www.ocpolll.c- CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 VIS £xP • Gl1ll Rel's Al Pliasea ~ ConstndOn ~Remodel 0l!*tS lJ577982 949--305-7699 .... ,,..., ..... '"' ••••· Scrept ttillnp, future Wllll, Cttl)tlllty, Tile Ii AclPo•' rtoort. lay M9 41USI 20,.....,...hllH .. aMIOI aovp •2000 •.O SE Uh 110111, 17,000 ml, cd chanaet navia•· lion system, full f.ct.ciry WIH, bllcW\all1 $3l ,5CJO V44312l ,.,. Ofmanco L TO 949 650-5860 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES loans 9225 MOUGAGI LOANS Best rate& 1v1ll1blel Purchase / Refinance I Debt Consolidallon. Free consul I at Ions/pre-approvels. Get cash full Bad Credll No problem. I 800 -738 LEND www .blsfund.com a national industry le1dor (CAJ.•SCAN) MOTOR HOMES MoeorHomn· Rant - 71 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 leat Sllp 12' bHm 4()+-' len1th 811 Island Cove area. water /powei In· eluded 949-922·7m. UDO ISU OOCK for up to 60ft bo1t EZ 1ccess, water & elect Included. 949-50().6714 SOft Prtvate Oodt In llhlne Channel, avail 11/15 • WBIW .. elec. Oil site $900/mo Tod 949-721-98> 1.U... t..., alt., tor ~ to &oft ~t. lait bf lower profile powerbo1t preferred. 949-675-4847 Bestpllce 1111111..td toadw.U.I can todaJ to place ,_ Id Clllllflff 1'2-5171 Haling JUNIC TO THI DUMPlll 71•·968-1882 .AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673·5566 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Publlc Utilities Commlulon requires tflat ell uucl houseliold aoods movers rnnt their P.u.c. Ca T number; limos ind cheulfeurs print their T .C.P. numlltr In all edwr- tlstmenlt. If you have eny 1uallo11t tboul lh• •1•llty of • 11tover, 111110 or clteutf•ur. call PUIUC UllJJllS <OMMISIN>M 177-n67 PLUG- IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. -•dMttonOf MITJ .. !1119" SEWER JCTTIHG -iLECTRONIC SLAB. LEAK OETECTION fri.ndty S.vlce ••t-675-tJ04 -:=,:•.t:om LUU l!ICure<I ........ & ........... Cu1tom Htnd Paint.ct ,,.... r ... ,.... MW !Ir hft saMn-el&( YMISYWPfal Sptcltllzina In Wallpltw Removal t'58124l ~9.36CM2ll --a--. ._.l .. WHY WWIOOW SllVICI Sat11f1ctlon GuarantHcl •MU,115'2• !HIJ ¥"'" c-bt Clll#•~ I •' • .. .. •• ,. ,. " .. . I • tt '• I •• . • '• .. 4 • •• ~ .. ,.. -----·---~ ------------------------------------..,.--,...--- Build your dream home on this approximately 20.000 square foot lot with absolutely beaullful views of the ocean harbor and city Attords privacy and seclusion OHERF.D AT S2,395,000 Breathtaking ocean. islands, pavilion and city views Close to world renowned beaches Gorgeous grounds with waterfall. fountain and outdoor fireplace Entertainer's paradise "' 01 HRFD Al S2, 50(),()()() PRIME WATERFRONT PROPERTY ApprolClmately 120· front feet on desirable Bayside Drive In Corona del Mar ... Vintage single story Bayfront with preliminary plans for two story home. . Prtvate dock for large Yacht. . 3BR, 48A. OFFER.ED AT $6, 795 ,000 MICKEY HARTLING 949.723.0940 (·· ( \ '-. \.I I~) ;~ \'II I \l .I " l~I . \I I '\ Oceanfront on the sand 3 bedrooms elevator pool Catalina's sunsets and ready for move·m DAYNA Pn111 949.673.3899 CORON A DEL MAR • BREAKERS DRIVE EXTREMELY RARE LOCATION · En1oy the beach lifestyle from this beautiful 580 4BATH home Nestled oh the prestigious private gated street of Breakers Drive features of this beach style home include pergo and mar· ble flooring master suite w/ views 1ened tub and bidet plus side and rear yards & view balcony PRF.~1'i·T11> AT Sl,999,000 M AR' Mc.Cm 949.293.1552 SPYGLASS HILL• CORONA DEL MAR ~ 1M'l'~ck7Ml Ckul. Bitf, ~ & Slllsel wws lnxnhs Sllgle M hoole. remodeled ~wlhirtt.rmlhn. new~ & di wool doors. ~ kik:Jlsl w/ plb amemps all! leooed oms aDnelJy 8iO.y.rtl tans !Bl. rtH- . n1 !Ilk>. ~ green & exQtJsi!e ~ This home is <Ml 2.600sl & so oo cwi ~ 29,(XX)sf ~ (R:bles ~). ·P:R,!SENTED Ar. $2,395,000 ltNOZEE BRACHO 949.500.2340 r ............................................................. ... • .. f En1oy srt down Views of the coast. mountains. and sunsets in this open house with outdoor IMng on a large comer lot with room to expand PR.lau Kl S8<J9,000 T. CoNLE\' & R. BROWN 949.466.93 11 949.497.3331 LAGUNA BEACH Unique oceanfront estate perched on a cliff above the Pacific Ocean. mouth watering views abound fro m this incredible home w/ numerous decks & private salt water pool )l'DY BLOSSOM 949.793.5068 Prudential Hornlall@ty • BEST VIEW LAGUNA SUR Ocean. coastal, and night tight views from main room. Custom glass entry, custom limestone floor· Ing In IMng worn. Gourmet kitchen with 6 Inch cobblestone custom porcelain floors. Master suite with sitting area and fireplace OFFERED AT $999,000 ' LEEANN CANADAY 949.249.2424 Ocean view home with spacious living room & open kitchen. 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths 2 view decks. PAMELA H ORTON 94?.633.6667 AMANDA H ORTON 949.422 .6122 NEWPORT COAST Exq~srte estate IS situated in the prest1g1ous guard-gated community of Pelican Hill in Newport Co~. En1oy panoramic Views of the ocean, harbor and city lights from all levels of this unique pro"'rty OFFERED AT $6,495,000 JIM & JANE 949.677.5263 TEAM HOOVER EXPERIENCE • KNOWLEDGE • RESULTS ANNE & JOHN HOOVER • DEANNE MACINNES 949.219.2560