HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-07 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2003 hireS more help ·to find $50 miliion A financial consultant joins two lawyers in inquiry into what happened to Newport Coast tax money. l une C1H1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -Nearly a year after the city retained two lawyers to ftnd out what happened to up to $50 million in Newport Coast tax money, of- ,'ficials have hired a financial consultant to Join the team. With the hiring of financial consult- ant Jennifer Branin, officials and resi- :i EDUCATION ~;Parents .. • : \vent about :· j~sc4ool delays { Missing windows and a leaky library roof at Harbor View Elementary are sources of frustration. dents hope they can finally get solid an- swers to some puz.zllng questions by early next year. "W~re finally moving Into the next phase of this Investigation,• said Gerry Ross. a Newport Coast resident who serves on the advisory committee look- ing Into the question of how millions of dollars of tax money assessed In the 14te 1980s and early 1990s was spent In 2000, the city posed .a series of CORONA Dl!.l. MAR -Angry parents met ThurSday afternoon to vent their frus- .. tratlon over construction delays at Harbor : View Elementary School and their confu- • ,.-slon about whom to go to with their con-: ... cems. Representatives from project manager McQµthy . Con- QUESTION WMt other quationa ahould dty....,. Mk about N9wpOlt Coast'• tu money? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send &-mall ? • to dallypil(lt•tatimes.oom. Please spell your name and Include your hometown and phone number, for verification porposea only. questions to county officials to find out what happened to some of the resi- dents' tax dollars set aside to build roads, a library and provide police and other services. Oty officials and com- munity leaders are also looking into why residents who paid a.bout $13 mil- lion to build a stretch of Newport Coast Drive were only compensated about $3.5 million when the transponation corridor agency took possession of that , stretch of road. Items such as these could add up to about $50 miWon. But the answers city officials got left them even more confused. For more than a year, officials have been working on a list of questions to pose to the county and other agencies that they hope will nail down precise answen. to there questions about where the money went The financial consultant, wbo spe- dalius in municipal finance, will help finalJze this list of questions before sub- mitting them to the county and other agencies. Preliminary questions include: How much money did the Irvine Co. pay in the 1980s and 1990s to provide a library and law enfoocement for homes to be developed .in Newport Coast? Did as- sessment district funds also go toward See HELP, P11e A4 QUESTION How '•ppyare Jouwfth tfi"e ? struction and the Newport Mesa Unified School PHOTOS BV MARK C DUSTIN I DAIL V PILOT First-graders -and at least one parent -compete m a tug-of-war against second-graders during the triathlon at St. Joachim School. -,Pf091'99S being mad• on • MeasureA • " .. conmuctlon? Call our ,Aetders Hotline at (94!J) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypllot@ ... lllllmes.com. Please ·~your name and •· ~udeyour 1'ometown and phone number. for YOl'fflcation purpoaes .... rv. . District heard concerns from about 30 parents and teachers about coostruc- tJon nofse, board- ed-up windows in classrooms and leaks in the U- brary roof. Many parents complained that they felt problems were slipping through the craclcs because of a lack of commu- nication, so Bon- •.~ Martin. director for McCarthy, prom-!~ to put a representative on campus ·~ry day as a point of contact for the ~ p"1Ject. ,,.,..., :--r think we made Inroads today," parent ~ "Meg Harrison said after the meeting. "Maybe we got their attention. I think the district ls surprised at our level of frustra- tion." Construction funded by the Measure A 1 lchool improvement bond, passed by ., ters in 2000, hJt a series of delays over "' summer, ultimately pos~nlng the liiGdrf of school at ~r View by one week. Unforeseen termite and dry rot SH SCHOOL, Pqe M Sweating for schoolbooks Students at St. Joachim participate in an annual triathlon that raises money for the library and media center M1rl11 O'Nell Daily Pilot T he third-grade clas.5 boisterously chanted, "Let's go, third-grade." loud enough to rival the heartiest sports fans. The first-and second-graders used their budding brawn ln a tug-of-war on the athletic Oeld. And pre-kindergartenen battled It out In the eternal quest for the last seat tn musical chain. day-long event included skits. games, a raffle and athledc endeavors. Last year, it raised $38,000 for the school. Out on the field Thursday morning. kindergarteners scurried over hay bales and under low hurdles in the obstacle course competition. Other students shot hoops on the basketball court. More got medals in an awards ceremony on a three-tiered, Olympic-style platform. "I won for basketball," 5-year-old Matthew Moline said, showing off his gold medal, strung on a red, white and blue Eighth-grader Adrian Buonanoce, left, places a medal on Students at St. Joachim School experienced the thrlD of victory and the agony of def eat on Thursday In their M:h annual triathlon fund-raiser. The see SWEATING, P•a• M kmdergartner Audrey Van Every during the medal presentation. THINKING ALLOWED The importance of safety in fun Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TlfE WEB: ~.~com ' ~G lamls. The word alone Ughta a apait In motocro enthusiasca' eyes. •tk<:k ya. I ride at Glamlf;'° llld 33·year-old Alex Chavez u he loaded hJa _ dusty dirt bike Into the bed of hit Ford F25o truck outalde a C.otta Mesa • • 1nOton:ycle ahop. ·1 Just got baclc from "~ this wtekend. Chavez la luted by the~. tuaed t~ the feeling or wtnd · ru.tUnl throlilh h1I helmet, and tho Mrenlllne rush he gets from rtding and tlta MraU .mhlty of camping under J Che awa at the GWrils Ounet camPIJl'OWld. • It II GIUnil NUOn. The ICorthing LOLITA HARPER aimplefun. heat typical or the Imperial Valley hu aubstded. and It's a comfortable 73 degrees at the popular motocross venue. The put weekendwua popu1lr one, ~r1denfrom aDowrthe Southweet for a day or two of greet ridln& ClllW"lderie and Corona del Mir Htah School eenlor Ml~ Ramire& Mimed to mare . Chavez's enthusiasm for the sport. according to the atatements from his mourning rrtends ln the walce of his untimely death Friday 1t Glamls. Ramiret, who reportedly loved dirt blldng u much u anything, was on an off·l'Old trlp wtth hit father on Halloween when his A1V was struclc from behind by a dune buay. throwtng the 17-)'Nl'-old from his vehicle. Ramlm broke hi.a neck He died In h1a father'a arma tn the middle of the deeert. Ramln!z~ death brought back queetiont of aafety ln the open desert and on heart·p\Dnphla maclllnea auch .. 'IJVa. motor btkel and dune~ which are popular at Glamh and similar riding venues. Lee Fleming, owner of Ownplon Motorcycles on old Newpon Boulevard in Costa Mesa. said safety measures have come a long way since he ltArted riding. "I think that safety ls probably something that ls more In people'• minds today than 20 yean ago,• the · 57-year-old Lake Forest resident tald. Ills ahop carrles an l.mpresstve arrangement of st:ttet and dirt bikes and ATVa. The four-wheel vehicles are dlapJayed on the ahQWl'OQJ1\ floor, each SM ALLOWED, P .. e M WEATHER - Partly sunny today wfth high• reaching Into the lower70.. SeePaaeA2. SPORTS UCl'a mef''t blakttball tNm faces Cal Sttte l.oe Angeles. SeePqeM t ---111!9'--'-"!-'!"""!"""'-----~~~......,....,_....___,.----,_,,__,_--,------ --- --- - ---- - ------ ---- - - ---- - ., ON THE • KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Sarah Wild, a charter consultant with Adventures At Sea Yacht Charters, stands among some of the gondolas and yachts. Charged with. fun June CH•1rande Daffy Pilot F or a lucky few, going to · wort every morning ls the next beat thing to going to a paity. Recent Vanguard University grad Sarah Wild walked into Adventures at Sea cold and became its newest charter consultant when one day, she "just walked ln" to Adventures at Sea's Coast Highway offices. Looking (or a chance to trade in her button-down lifestyle and the heavy burden or bad financial tim~ for something more fun, Wild convinced the charter boat company operators to give her a job even though she ha'd no experience working with boats or even wodcing in event pla.Qning. for them," she ta.Id. for parties, wedd.l.oga and other events. It they want a live band, casino games, spedalty cuiaine -you name It -it's Wlld't job to make sure they get lL And it wW be fun for her, too. Sarah Wild, the newest charter consultant at Adventures at Sea. ia thrilled to count herself among the lucky ones. •tt's fun to come to work In the rooming,• the Costa Mesa te$ldent and recient Vanguard Unlvmfty graduate said. Wild Ja part of a team charged wfth auuring total sadalaction for the people who charter the company's yachts For example, on 1\tesday. she was busy planning a 30th birthday party for a local resident and ~ut 100 guests aboard the lOS·foot "Dream On. .. The multilevel party wW lndude mualc, Cood and a "casino" at which partygoera can play table games for fun. Put of the job for the company's five charter consultants ls to go along on the party cru1ses to make sure everyone's h.avf.ng a good time and that they have everything they need. Wild arrived at her new job, whlch lhe began In early September, through an unusual route. She wu wortcing at a bank as a ftnanctal conauJtant associate '"This job takes a person who can be personable and work with many different parties to bring together one solid event," Wild said. •r guess they saw that in me." "It's going to be a lot of fun WHATS AFLOAT weekdaya to enjoy a day of aaillng courtesy of Orange Cont College. The School of Salling and Seamenahlp now offera a dlance for groupa to wort with the on-board Instructor on different aalling ttdlnlquea whlle they get advice on how to perfonn w.11 In butlnea. No ealllng experlence •WHATS AR.OAT la publlahtd periodically. If you are planning a neutlcal event, aubmit the Information to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bey St, Costa Meaa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dal/ypilottllatimn.com. • neceasery. One-day c1a .... cost from $100 to $126. (949) 646-9412. SPECIAL EVENT The Newport tterbor Neutlcel ......... wll have an exhlbff opening for •Hootctd: The Lure end Lore of Sport Rahing:' It the Grand Selon from 10 ai.m. to 6 P..m. through Feb. 29. The muaeum ls It 161 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beac::h. lnformatfon: (949) 873-7863, http://www.nhnm.Ol'Q. The Newport tterbor Nmtlcll Museum presents Fun It Plretea Cove from 10:30 1.m. to 11:30 p.m. fNery other w.dnadey at 151 E. Coat Highway. The next event wlll be on Nov. 19. RMtfVatlons are required. Information: (949) 873-7883, http://www.nhnm.org. WJNGCLUSES 8llllng FelOIMdon ....... In boding ufaty end NINng yeeHOUnd for Pl'80M with dlaablllt!M. Free. (949) 640-1678. OrangeCounty~--bftngth41lr employ ... out to Newport Beactt on Oninge Cout Colege .. c6rtng e noncndJt Intermediate Lidos t1Ulng da .. In November. The ct ... ahould be taken after completion of e beginning ealllng eta•. The d ... wtll meet from 1:46 to 6:30 p.m. Su-ndey eftemooM In November et the OCC Selling Center. et 1801 w. Pacific Coeat Highway In Newport a..cti. Registration la $116. lnformetlon: (949) 846-9412 Orange Cout Colege'a lcihool of .... end Seemanahlp wUI offer kMlbolt · certJtlcatlon on Sundlyt, beginning thlt week. The Miilon• wtff oontlnut through Oec.21. Thef9wUlbenoclessonNov.30. _ The clae wtll meet from 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. et OCC. Salling c.nter In Newport Btac:h. Regflntion ls $415. Information: (949) ~12.. Onnge Cout Colege'e 8cihool "'Seling and Stemanshlp wUf offer e noncredit keetboat da9s from 1 :46 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday end for the next two Sunday. et OCC. Salling Center In Newport Beach. The cost is , $199. Information: (949) 645-9412. Orange C:O.st College'a School of SaWng and Seamanship will offer a three-week advanced coastal navigation course from 7 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays beginning this week. The daaa will contil'lue Nov. 18 and 25 at OCC's Sailing Center in Newport Beach. Registration la $66. lnfonnation: (949) 645-9412. OtMot Coat College's School of Selling and Seamanship will offer a Radar for Yachtsmen worlcahop from 7 to 10 p.m. Thuradaya beginning this week. The wortclhop wlll continue Nov. 20 and Dec. 4 and 11 at OCC'a S1iling Center In N9'M>0rt Beach. The COit la $126. lnfonnation: (949) 645-9412. Orange Coat Colltot'• School of Selling and Seamanahip will offer a marine radio operator'• permit class from 1 to 6 p.m. Thursdev et OCC'a Salling Center in Newport • Btadl. Coat la $66 for the class and S60 for the exam. Information: (949) 645-9412. 0tMot Coat Coffetlt'• School of S.Alng and Seamanahip will offer a three-week advanced coaat.al navtgation class from 7 to 10 p.m., Tuesdaya l:)eglnnlng this week. The clua wlll continue Nov. 18 and 26 at OCC~ Salling Center In Newport Beed\. The cost la $66. lnformetlon: (949) 646--9412. Daily.li>ilot PHOTOORAPHERS Copyr1ght: No newt stories, -MMC. Ouldn. Don l.Mdl, lltustr1tlon1, editorial matter or KMtt Thlptow edvertlsemenu herein can be • rel)foduced wlthout written READEM HOfUHE permlhlon of copyright owner. (IM8) 842..eoel VOL 11. NO. au Record your commenu 1bout the HOW TO REACH US Deity Piiot or news tlpe. Cln:ullldon TI40MAI H. JOHfdON NewteAws ~ The Timet o.-.no• County Publi.her Gina~. Lori Anderlon, Our llddreu 11 330 W. Bay St.1 Cotta ~252·9141 TONY DOOi.RO Dena.I Hunt P.ul S.ltowttz. Mele, CA 9m7. Office houra ire Editor ~ = · Fftdty, 8:301.m. • 5 p.m. ........ .Nf1( OIT11HQ . a "*' 1949> ~-H?a ~~':' -Dllplly llMQ) 642:.-321 .,..,. ...... It la the Piion policy to promptly &tleofW Promottor. Dlrtetor Cltme end COU111,.,,_, correct ell tn'Of9 of aublttnce. Newt (Ml 574-4221 ,,.__ OllH (IM8) 7&M324. (IM8) 642·6680 B>fT1NCI SW. dtlltf»,,,,,.,_,,.,.,,,,__oom m "'°"' (949) 674-4223 t.J.C.... JuMc .. ,. .. ,. Newt,_ (SMI) ~170 Meneging Editor, Newport...,, 111POrtw. TM Newport 8eedVC09t.I M..a ..... ,_ (IM8) fll50.0170 (948)51~ (Ml 574-4232 Deify Pilot (USPS-144-8001 It ....,..: dtl/'(pllot•kltf"*-oom eJaM• ,.,,,,.,.oom /1Jn..Of/Nl1f9MM•~ publlehld deity. In Newport BMdl MlllnOllM .,...... ...... ...... OMle (9'9) 842"4321 ~Edllor. LAiia ..... end c.-. Meta,"'~ 11'9 .....,..(IM&l 831-7128 -~ ~ oufture rtl)OfW, ~orly by eubec:rlbfng to Ttl4I ~::-oom CM)l-..m Tl,,_ Orenge Courtly (IOO) IP.a 8poltl Edleoi. 1o111a.,,.,,_•,.,,,,._oom 212 ... 141. In ... oue.ide of ........ "_ ~...,..end CO.. Meal • (141)174-4UJ C.-.~rtpOMr.(MIJ~1 . 1Ubtolipdol• to the Delly Piiot .,. ~dl#Wl ........ «>m ..... ,,,, ..... ~,,....,..,. . ........,,, .-... onty by tint ... """ for M 04r9dot I NIWI o..t Qllf, MllllilO'Mll ao '* "'°""'· cNoea k1oludl 111 Publlthed by Tl"* Community Ml fM.."22t4 E~,.,._.C .. 11~ IS!lllolble .... end locel ~, ~·~ ,,,.._..,•ltidltw.oom l'OITMASTIR! Send ....... Newt,. dlvilion of the Loi~ ............ w. ..... _,...to TM~ ™*· flttOeO Eclllw, ..... ~'::" ~ Melll DelfV Piiot. P!O. Cl1003 TI1n111 CN All rlghtl ,..,,.,...... ,,.,,.,,.. ........... ...,,."°'" .. '"°· C..--., CA 92t2e. ~ THE fiARBOR COLUMN A little fan on the rG,diO A ~ preparing for the Wbatm ~~!~can you doing begin p..... ... "6 at 8:30 this your vessel's morning? Sipping decorations. In an your coft'ee while upcoming ooJumn. re-adlng the Dally I will gtve you Pilot? Driving to . safety tips for work1 Sitting In decorating your your cubicle? wen. boat I have something . The O:wnber's to bright.en up your MIKE Commodores Club. morning. WHITEHEAD ofwhichlbaveto This morning, declare that I am a Owndler W. my show proud member, mganl7.es managet, and I will be the parade. The theme this in-studio guests on the radio year Is "A Holiday Beach show "Mark Larson Uve." c.elebradon." lb me, this which is a very popular theme~ an enonnous weekday morning radio • room for aeativity for you to program on KCBQ AM decorate your boat and for (J 170). Mlllk lanon ~ the homes around the chosen as San Diego's "Best harbor to decorate for the Tulk Show" host by the Ring of Ugbts. Adllevement Jn Radio Both the boats and the Awards, and additionally, he homes are·judged for the Is in his sixth term as numerous awards to be president of the San Diego given out Jan. 16 during the Radio Broadcasters Mm. Boat Parade Awards Dinner I feel honored to be on bis and Auction The dinner is showwi.th the opportunity to open to everyone and will be promote the wonderful held at the Four Seasons wodd of boating and all Hotel in Newport Center. tbU9 nautical I call on all the boaters to • · Immediately after Larson sign up for the boat parade, Uve, Cllandler and I will start whether your boat Is actually an adYentUre: We'll ~ to In the parade. The nominal &aenada using only public $25 fee helps to pay the transportation. We are expenses or hosting an event be.adlng down to the Hotel or this caliber and gives us a Coml and Macina to take more aocurate count oC command of a Carver 444 boats on the water. • for a delivery of the ves.W Businesses and the public back to Newport Harbor. alike can help the parade I've checked the sea continue year after year by conditions. and the seas are sponsoring either the parade rdatively Oat with little wind. or the awards dinner. 1boee conditions are You can contact the expected to change. and Newport Beach Clwnber of estimates show the sea . Commerce for any of your conditions will deteriorate quesdons about the parade Saturday, either that day or at (949) 7294400 and online night ath~1/www. Met preparing and Newportlleoch.corn fueling the vessel Friday, we l.asdy, I cannot overlook · are planning to cast off the this opportunity to gtve a big dock lines just before sunrlse thanks to all the volunteers on Saturday morning with who make this event as our first stcip at U.S. wonderful as it to the Cllstoms checlc in San Diego community. Bay. I was hoping to have a live If you read my colwnn last broadcast on my Boathouse week, I mentioned. that I Radio Show during the delivered a yacht to parade. but my show Ensenada, but I did not tell finishes just before the you about the wait lime at parade begins. the U.S. bolder when I Also, lie a string around walked aaoss after a wild your finger so you will Mexican taxi ride: no wait. remember to tune-In to my none. However, I think the show this and every Sunday low pedestrian traffic~ from 4 to 5 p.m. on KCBQ because of the horrific ft.res AM. Also, you can call-In In San Diego. which most during the show to (888) likely dlanged people's 344-ll 70 and join In minds about traveling to that SOutbem c.al.iforniO only region. boating 1alk radio show, but Up OW' way, the Newport first, your call bas•t0 get past Beach Ownber or my call screenei; John Commerce ls antldpating HmuDood. nearly 1 million visitors to Safe voyages. this year's 95th annual Olristmas Boat Parade, as reported in the chamber's monthly Lookout magazine. ls it too soon for you to be thlnklng about the boat parade, scheduled this year from Dec. 17 to 211 No, and now Is f,he time to start •MICE WtlTEHEAD i81he Pilot's boating Ind harbor ooltJmnitt Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story auggeetlons bve-mallto mlkeObosthocl#tV.oom or vi9lt http.;l!Www.~.oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Today, expect partly cloudy The wett.northwelt winds .in with highs In the mld-60a are on the iocrMM, but tome et the beach to the low 70. localized wind swell• are Inland. making things Interesting. Ovemlght, cloud• ahould fill Wett·t.dng breab lhould In late, end a 20% chi~ of do bMt, with mest· to rain la pf'9dicted after midnight. thouldfr.hlgh Mt.a - lowl wlll be In the low to · heed-high end 8'lghtty better It mlc:HOe. the ltlndoutl, moatty IOI.Ith of ""°"'1ildon. · N9wpoft. The WIWS wlll be www.nws.no..~ running cne.t-Ngh It tQUth-fldng brealca. BOATING FORECAST WIW.-lltY: In the Inner_., wlnda Www.f41rlrldei.OfrJ wtffbt~••llnocsor lighter, ............ 10 TIDES lcnottln .. ~ The 11rM ....... WllWI Wll be It 2 .... °''"' on• eoulh\1J 1111mllWlllOf3 to 1:Ma.m. 1.20feetlow 4,..., The.._ will ihlft to 7~a.m. 5.7tfe9thigh .,,. "°"" ......... 2".30p.m. 0.21feettow Out flwthilr, ... wktda wtll 1:37p.m. 4.271-thigh be .. 10 lirtCMa wltt\ 2.;foot W9Yl8 on• 3-to 5-fool weetem ..... Wit* etlOUed lleV tM .... ... ofthedly but bloame ......... on. ftldegr..a . l .. Mayor.takes Edison up on energy audit The company is offering to find ways to save power for small restaurants in Newport-Mesa. Deirdre Newm1n Daily Pilot COOTA MF.SA -Running a restaurant takes a lot of energy. Just ask Mayor Gary Monahan, tbe ownef of tbe popular Skosh Monahan's. Refrigerators, fans and light bulbs all take their toll on Mona- han's energy bill. So Monahan jumped at the op· portunity to have Southern Cali· fomia Edison conduct an energy audit of his restaurant on New- port Boulevard. F.dison has joined with the chambers of commerce of C:OSta Mesa and Newport Beach to pro- vide free energy audits to ~tau­ rants in the two cides. The audits show owners how they can save energy and money. "We want the(ll tO conserve en- ergy. and we want to help them do that,• Edison spokeswoman Jane Brown said •Another impor· tant goal is to save our companies money because we want them to stay In business." Monahan Is the first restaurant owner to volunteer. "It's a good service, and if they can help me save money, it's a fantastic idea/ he said. Edison is offering the free au- dits to small chain or independ- ent restaurants that are chamber members. The audits include en- ergy efficiency recommendations that provide estimated savings, costs. potential rebates and pay- back periods for restaurant in· vestments. Monahan led auditor Dean Homstad on a tour of his restau· rant. which began with crawling under an outside area to check out the coils in the back of a re- frigerator compressor. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Gary Monahan, left, points out light bulbs in his bar, Skosh Monahan's, to Dean Horr;istad of Edison. Hit's pretty dirty,• Monahan ac- knowledged, prompting Homstad to let him know he could increase his energy efficiency by 15% by Jceepin~ the coils clean. Next was a survey of the hall· way/security lighting. Homstad suggested replacing incandescent lights with more efficient com- pact Ouorescent Ughts. "You can save 70% of the en- ergy and they last twice as long." Homstad said. He also examined Monahan's computer, ice machine and walk:· in cooler. In the cooler. Bomstad checked out the lighting and the insulation and ran his hands across the coils to check for fro. zen chunks of ice. He didn't find any. Homstad was especially enam· ored of Monahan's use of night curtains, which provide a mov- able barrier between the cooler and the rest of the kitchen. "I love to see these thin~• Homstad said. Hit's an Edison sickness. I love night curtains. They can reduce cost dramati- cally." One of the challenges in audit- ing a restaurant is to remain aware of the atmosphere the owner is trying to create, Hom- stad said. "When it comes to energy effi- ciency, you need to have a lot of common se~." he said. "Obvi- ously, (ownefSJ have certain light· ing to create a certain ambience. So I will just make a recommen- dation like 'switch to compact fluorescent fbulbsJ.'" Out of respect for the colorful environment resulting from the lighting Monahan uses above his tables, Homstad didn't make any suggestions for those lights or for the halogen lights in the bar area. B~IEFLY IN THE NEWS "[The halogen lights! a.re effi- cieQt in getting the truest colors, even for alcohol, which Is impor· tant. • Hornstad said. After the walk-through. Hom- stad did some quick calculations and is.rued his report showing that Monahan could save $1 , 703 per year with an investment of $1,085 If he follows up on the rec- ommendations: With rebates, Monahan could save an extra $429. "Wow'." Monahan exclaimed upon hearing the news, like a light bulb had juSt appeared over his head. &1.lson is conducting these free restaurant audits through the first quarter of 2004. For more information, contact the Costa Mesa Chamber of Com- merce at (714) 885-9090 or the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce at (949) 673-5245. Teddy bears being prepared for children victims of wildfires People who want to help brighten the holidays for children who lost their homes in the Southern California wllclfires can talc.e part in lhe BuiJd•A-Bear Workshop's "Stuffed with Hugs" program this week- end. The program will provide unstuffed bears and stuffing. Residents can stuff the bears, which will be sent to relief centers in areas hit by the Southland wildfires. The event wiU take place at 10 a.m. Sat- urday and Sunday while quantities last at Build-a -Bear at Fashion Island, between Macy's and Edwards Theaters. For infor- mation, call (949) 640-0865. Friday, November 7, 2003 A3 I Featuring A Lipe Tribute To Frank Sinatra · Every MonJay Cr. Tu_est!ay 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktllls -Q.u•.l.lty Scmu-- I"' 11,, ,,,,.,.,1111110 t 111/ (949) (,4(,.":"l)/1.f lf,•tC, lr\'inl." "'''·•' ''"·' ~J,,,, I -"Nipdy &tnWnmenr--lJ1.,,. I•• ....... \\4" \.u IH,.. \ '41 • t\•1 ,_ h,_.., 11 • WI BANQUET ROOMS I fu ..... : # .,, Available for festive P<Arties ! . . . . . . . MEXICAN BUFFETS • F-.Jlt•• • C.mltaa • Guacamole • Enchllad•• •nd much morel Cervezas • Margaritas ~ Live Mexican Music ~ . B¢¢~ ~~~r H¢ti~<A~ fies t<A N~w! CoetalleM (949)642-1142 Hwitlngton Beach (714 )960-9696 Newport llMch (949)675-6855 DlMNC~ lMNC~ So~m·~ lA"'1'S & M1W LOUIS VUITTON • GIANNI VERSACE CHANEL • GUCCI • ESCADA • CELINE SALVATORE FERRAGAMO • C HRISTIAN DIOR YVES SAINT LAURENT • GIORGIO ARMANI ST. JOHN BOU+tQUE • FENDI BURBERRY • ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA DONNA KARAN NEW YORK PARTIAL LISTING I I .~Ol'TH ('()\~!' 11 I \ / \ SAN DIEGO FW Y (405) AT BRISTOL ST., COSTA MESA 800.782.8888 WWW.SOUTHCOASTPLAZA.COM M rrid!W. ~7, 200l • . Righteous Brother Hatfield dies " Bobby H~tfield, a longtime Newport Beach resident, is found in a hotel room In Michigan. Deepa 8harath Dail)' Pilot Bobby Hatlleld wu every tncb a local boy. He and partnCr ew M~ made their debut u the JU&ht· eoue Brothen In l962 t the Ren· dezvous Ballroom on the Balboa Pm1nsu1a; There wu no looking back. 'the dynamic duo -who pUt only brieOy lince then -ltUCk together like glue and gained world fame with th& brand of IOulful m~lc and blg·tlme hJts IUCb u ·vou've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" and ·unchained Melo· dy: Tuday, the band la without one .brother." Hatfleld was found dead Wednesday ln h1s hoteJ room at K.aJamawo, Mlch., half an hour before be and Medley were to "Perfonn at MlDer Audltorlwn on the Western Mlc:blpn UnMrt.lty ~ HeW9163.1bt '*'*'or bis delah hU not yet been deter· mined. Hadldd arid Medley Wl!fe an lnirgr.I part of Newport Beach. uSd Anlhooy Pt.eel. owner oC ~ tbony'a Riverboat ~t In the Newport Harbor NautlcaJ Museum. -VOu eee them around all tho time," be said. "And they're both real friendJy. .. Medley and HatfieJd ca.me to- gether &st as part of a ftve- member band called the Para- moun. for wbk:b they tang du- ets. But they split Crom the quintet and became the R.lgbt· eous Brothen to 1962. Both were lnwlved with the local oommu· nity. They pacbd the Balboa Pa· villon ln 1998 to taise money for the Balboa Theater renovation project. Hadield organlz.ed sev· era.I dwity golf tournament& ~ said be met Hadleld throlJ8tl Medley, whose daughter Mcknna used to sing at the Riverboat Thursday night& They had their pt~ taken at the restaunmt when they were ln· HELP Continued from Al the same facillties and services? Did the lnine Co. receive any re- imbursements for these lnJtial costs? Who arrived at the $3.5 million figure for reimbursing residents for Newport Coast Drive coosuuctlon. and how was that 0gure amved at1 Did the Orange County banbuptcy af. feet the Newport Coast assess- ment districts? A rough draft or question.a, wb1ch may or may not be revised by the consultant and attomeya, ub for a copies of agreements. environmental reports and basic lntormatJon on the asaessment ducted ln1D ... Rock 'N' Roll Hall ol Aune ...... tbla,... he .ad: fled Jlld Hadleld WU full ol Ute; • .He ... alwsyl upbem1 and bappy, ·.he eald.. · Haifteld WU Uo ·~ertca11y tunny.• Mid bJI da~ter-ln·la~ Xdlten Hadlekl, 1M1 ln Newport Beed\ wtth her bu. bend. Bobby Jr .. and ton. •He WU one of thole people who WU born f\.lnny, • lhe said. "He didn't havt to~• The family Is lo &bock. • aald. •1f'a CMT, and we dJdn't even tel lO l&y good-~" Kdsteo HatfteJd said. Qet t'ather-ln-law was close lo bk 'family despite his constant uawllog. abe aakl •He Wlg at our wedding,· she said. •And be was there when our ton was born." Al leut twtce a month be wrote them letten. Kristen Hat· lldd uJd. •He used to cut out attk1es and tend them with bis letters.· she aak1. "1bat was so sweet Who writes Jett.era anymore?" Bill Medley's wife, Paula, said dJstrlcts' formadon. Asaessrnent dJat.rlcts are formed to finance Improvements wlthi.Q a designated area. Bonds are Issued to pay for wort. and then the property owners in the assessment districts are taed for years ln the future to pay off the bonds. In Newpon Coast, the districts were funned when the area was almost completely undeveloped. The sole pro~ny owner. the Jr. vine C.O., created the district ln anticipation or homes to be built on the site. Homeowners lo the area will continue to pay off the auessment d1strlct bonds for about 20 years. The dty is obligated by i.ts Pre· Annexation Agreement with Newport Coast reslden"' to help them find out what happened to their tax money. The consultant will be paid up to $30,000 by the dty. In January, the city commit- SWEATING Continued from Al . ribbon. •1 made a ball in the hoop. And then, ln muslcaJ dWr1, all the boys won.· Caty Valdez 5. wore a medaJ of her own and told a d.l.1ferent side of the atoty. ·1 got thJa medal." she said. ·1 even got another prize. I won a cupcaJce (or mwdcal chairs." Bbewhere on the field. a best-or-three tug·of·wu lhowdown eh.aped up between the firlt and 1eCOnd grades. Aa they took their places along the rope. lint-graders Oeed their bkeps menadngty. Second-gradera countered with some gentle playground smack talking ln an attempt to dJatract their compedtora. In the flrat round. the eec:ond-graden euOy won, pulllng a couple Ont-graders over the orange cones. The second dme, elgbth-graden Cora Busby and Marla Laris stepped ln and lent a hand to the younger children, thwarting a second, seemlngty inevitable, 1ou. Dolly MclGnney A fuDeraJ Ml'Vlc. fcir lonl- dme Newoon 8eecb rMdeat Ma. OoOy McKinney .. Kbeduled for 2:30 p.m. a1 Che Pldllc View CMptl Jn Corona del Mar. The Righteous Brothen: Bobby Hatfield, left. and Bil Me<ley. Hatfteld'a death ls a blg Joea to het~ "We all love him dearly and will rnial him.. ebe u1d, declln· lngto com.meat further. Costa Meu relident Joan Perry said she had known Hat- field when be waa a t.eenqer. Hadldd and Medley, abe aaid, came to her modeling agency to get photographs liken. "He was a gorgeous reeo.ager,• she said. Hatfield's death Is a tragic event, Perry said. "He's still so young.• she said. "It's like the end or an era." ted up to $93,750 to hire attor· neys Robert Messinger and WU· Ham Mitchell to work on the matter. Assistant Oty Manager Dave lC.ifl' said that part or the reason the process has been so slow Is because the city wants to main· taln good working relations with county offic:iaJs. "This somewhat puts the dty in a difficult relationship with the county, with whom we work dD a variety of different things.• ICiff said. ·So part or my pacing on this hes been to work with them r:atber than be more ag- gressive and confrontational." Kiff saJd he expects that the questions will be completed and submitted to the COWlty in Janu· ary. Sometime afterward. there will be a meeting at which mem- bers of the public can pose their questions directJy to county and transportation corridor officials. The first-graders screamed triumphantly, jumping up and down and shaking their fists ln the air. "I stopped 'em." 6-year-old lhM>r Banca boaated confidently. On the third and deciding tug. the litde kids dug in their heels and held on for dear life.' Hannah Joyce. 6, refused to give up, clutching the rope even as it dragged her through the grus- but it wasn't enough to stop the bigger kids from winning. ·1 was pulling It so hard,,. 6-year-old Kaylene Guerrero said. "I just wanted someone to P8S§ the line. .. Besides the fun and games, atudents pl'esented skits and made signs to decorate the playground. This year's theme was ·once Upon a Time,• so students in each grade picked a book to present Money raised through rame tales and spon5ors will go toward the school's library and media center, parent Marlana Donahue said. Neat1y 300 studeot4 took place lo the e"W!Ot, with the help of parents and teachers, wbo beJped organize the activities. PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN · THE NEWS Two arrested in bwglaty case Newpott Beach police detec:dYa armJted rwo Alf· 10 \'Jefo realdenta OD Tues-- day on autp.lcSon of bur· pry and auto theft. police Mid 1bunday. ,Julio B. Blanco. 3.3, and 28-year-old Malin M.arp· rt.ta Lamon are auepect.ed of bwglartdng a home to the Paik Newport Apart- ments oo Jamboree Road arld. four day.~ atea1ing a car from the llble apart· meat complex. Sgt. Steve Shulman aa1d.. . He saJd the victiml had talked to Blanco and I.ar. IOD before the b~ The rwo bad aa.td they were looking for an apartment. Shulman said. •eut wheo the residents returned to tbelr home, they found their home bad been b\l.l'Blarized and they Mte missing Jewelry, car bys, a cell p})one, their credit cards and personal Identification,• he said. Four days later, a 2002 gold 'lbyota Camfy was stolen Crom the complex. Shulman said. Investigators tracked down Larsson through a call made on the victim'• cell phone, he said. Detectives also located Laruon's home and found a POLICE FI LES COSTA MESA • Eut ..... StrMt: A vehicfe borglary'Waa reported In the 100 bl<><* at 11:16 a.m. Tuelday. • • 8'oedwlly. Annoying phone calls were reported in the 400 blodl at 6:06 p.m. Tuelday. • Elden Awnue: A hit·anckun WH reported In the 2400 block at 9:29 p.m. Tunday. • felMew Roed: Petty theft WM reported In the 2700 bl<><* at 1:38 p.m. Tue.day. • Nlpol Wily: A home burglary wu reported In the 2.00blodt.i11:08 p.m. TUMday. • '9111•itno Awnue: Grand theft WH reported In the 600 bl<><* at 2'47 p.m. Tuesday. ........ -..-... and Wed WllcM\ 8tlwt: Indecent •XJ>C*lre was reported at SCHOOL Contiooed from Al ~modeJ gold Tuyota Camry In the drtYeway with paper lic:enMt plates. l>etectMs atUed out the home on 'l\Jelday o1gbt and arrested u.n.oo oullide the home. Shulman aald. Minutes later. Blanco was also cU.en into custody. lmesdgaton found tden- ti.fialtion. credit cards and jewelry belonging to the Newport Beaoh victims at the home, SbuJman tald. 1bey alaO found counterfeit currency. a matter that will be invesdgated by federal authorities, be aald. Blanco and La.moo are being held in Orange Cmmty Jail ln lieu of a $25,000 bail Gas line ruptures, closes Quail Street Officials closed off Quall Street for more than two hours oo Thwaday after- noon after a gas line rup· tured when a construction backhoe hJt It. said Donna Boston, apolceswoman for the Newport Beach Fire Department. The call came in at about 2:30 p.m. from the 1200 block or Quall Street, she said. No one was evacuated, and there we~ no fires or incidents a.a a result or the lealc, Boston saJd. The Gas Co. will work to repair the line, she said. 5:59 p.m. Tueeday. • Sen a.men .. o.tw: Petty theft from a vehlde was reported In the 2600 block at 4:14 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • fUlerton -.nu.: Annoying phone calls were reported In the 600 block at 7:04 p.m. Wednesday. • fMwpoft Boulevard and 29lh StrMt: Petty theft waa reported at 12:36 a.m. Wednesday. • Orchid StrMt: Vandalism was reported In the 20300 blade at 6:20 a.m . Wednesday. ·~~An assault was reported In the 1600 block et 8:14 a.m. 'Nedneldwf. • fUvw ~ Gr8nd theft waa reported In the 5100 bl<><* at 2:13 a.m. Wednesdey. at a later phase al construction. 1eacbers with da.wooms scheduled for completlon this week are due to move from port· able dasarooms into their newly refwblshed ones this week.end. 1-fowevet that Is now up ln the air after parents implored Martin to let their children stay In the port· ables mtil the rooms have win· dows. She promised to discuss the Is- sue with Asst SUpt. Paul Reed. who ~ the Md:.arthy contract. Pmnts ablo raised concerns that teachers who spoke out about the lenglby a>mU\.ICtioo and probem on campus wm: being pmished. Asst. &.ipl of FJemen. taly Pshacation hen De&pena denied that was the C89e but saJd that any Issues must be dealt with through the proper chain of com- mand, IWtmg wttb Principal Mel· .. ~ •MelJissiQ done ml m:ellent job. but dtele comes a point when abe needs 11upport." parent c.a- mille Hostetler aald. "The parenm just have the perception that the district Isn't hearing them. .. • &.aua .......... ..,,..,,. MDI---.~ 1111,._.,,_.. .. ~ .. ~·­• fnday, November 7, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW~ PUii mt4ED -~ Mall to Edltottal Plge Editor S.J. C.hn It 1h4I Dally Pilo1. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mela. CA 92627 •Ru lleft HodM: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) ~ 170 e-m.11:.s.nd to da/lypllorOMti"*'oom •All corT91pOfldence muat lndude fun Mme, hometown end phone number (for veriftc:atlon purpoeee). The Piiot reMNes the right to edit all submlulons for clarity and length. • LETTER TO THE EDITOR Criticism of Westside schools unfair T he Daily Pilot baa fielded many headlines, articles. cotumns and commentarles In the last couple of weeks regarding Whfttter, Wilson and Pomona elementary schools not making the federally mandated goals for Eogl1sb pro6ciency. Such commentaries suggest many targets for blame, Including parents. Yet, It was only In the editorial. •Answers Ii~ ln the schools,• that the reality in which these three schools perform at was stated: "compared to simlliq schools with similar demographics, they iise to the top.· Too bad that didn't get blg billing In your paper. Resean:h provides that It takes five to seven years to learn a language Ouendy. Do your readers realize that Whittler EJementary School is a kindergarten through second-grade-school and Poll)ona teaches kindergarten through third grade? (WIJson Is a kindergarten through fifth-grade school.) And we give these standardized tests to the second-graders with only two yea.rs of school and two years of English learning? Wh/ are we giving these tests to children even before they learn Engllsh Ouently? Imagine taking a national test In Spanish after a couple of years of high school Spanish Instruction and trying to compete with native speakers. Th judge these schools on the outcome of this type of test doesn't make any sense. If we are going to continue to judge the schools on these standardized tests. however, then we should at least compare them with similar schools. Comparing apples to oranges doesn't help. It Ls too bad the statewide comparison of schools with "like demographics," based on both economic background and ethnicity, as well as other factors -which was released this week -has been delayed for Newport Mesa. That should be the real index all parents and the Interested public should look at for all o ur schools In the district. I.t.hinlc. It Is also important to emphasize the real Involvement of the Latino parents in these three schools and the concern that they have about their children's education and their own education as adult learners. Steve Smith and Joel Paris were so disrespectful to Latino parents In their commentaries. They both gloated the the Reading By 9 progrcun. There are •talk nights" and community forum5 and Parent ~cher AMn. meetings that have more than 100 parents in attendance. The hard-wortdng principals-Sharon Blakley ofWblttier, Julie McConnick of Pomona and Candy Sperling of Wilson - their teachers and their community workers (which the schools now fund on their own because the district no longer does) a.re all extremely dedicated to the success or their students and know the parents are. too. To suggest, as Smith did, that we a.re throwing away money for these schools and nothing will change Is ludicrous. I lcnow they would appreciate - and put to good use -and more monetary help they could get. Lastly, there are many Uitlno success stories, which need to be m entioned. It is too bad that Smith did not do his homework. How about the two Uitlno girls featured In the Pilot for their work at Save Our Youth -Katrina Soriano and Oaudla Flores, who are from the Westside and are the first to go to college In their families? They now attend UC lrvirle. Or how about the three Flores brothers, also from the Fil[ PHOTO I DAILY PllOT • West~Jde, who were featured In the another publication? Second-grad~r Karen ~astaneda bu1l<7! a Alex Flores, who will be graduating from snowman during the winter wonderland at UCI plans to attend medical school. Jose Whittier Elementary School. Ao~ Is at Cal State Fullerton, and attitude of, "Gee, if they onty cared about their children as much as we do.· and "Gee. if they would only learn P.nglish." Do they know that all three elementary schools in question have SO td 100 parents a week that volunteer in the classrooms? Do they realize lhar they have more than 100 parents taking English as a second language classes at two of the schools and many parents Involved In the Uitino Literacy program at the other? Do they know that all three schools provide ongoing parenting classes for their parents on all types or topics and many are taught by the school's teachers? Do they know that they have family programs provided by the organization Communities in the Schools of Orange County1 There are also numerous volunteers, including the Rotary Oub participating in Alejandro Flores Is a suaight·A student ln high school Their father works long hours as a custodian but Is willing to do so because he knO)YS his children will have better opportwflties here than he did as a child In rural Jalisco, Mexico. There are many more wonderful success stories of all the Uitino children who make It through our school system and go to college against all odds. It would sure be nice lf the Pilot featured more of the J¥>Sltive things that the children, teachers, parents, community members and schools staffers are doing at these predominantly Uitlno schools full of English language learners. MARY CAPPEWNNI Newport Beach • EDfTOR'S NOTE: Mary Cappelllnni worltl as en educetional consultant. MAILBAG Ollie in favor of a skate park, say aye I am the owner local specialty k.ateboard shop called the Attic Skate Shop, and I want to help bring more community support on the skate park issue in Costa Mesa. As a local retailer, I think the city needs a public skate park in the area to hele chum business and generate new city and state taxes.. I low can a city support a $2-miUion renovation for softball fields when the city's own Recreation Department statistics show that 11.9% of the local population in favor of skateboarding and a sad 3% for the old sport of softball. The city of Costa Mesa is the mecca of the board sports. It's time the city gives fair attention to it~ real L<>sut•s and need!. of the youth and the future. BRETT HAMILTON CostaM~ Winnett has a winning statement Give the. writer a pnze. Tom Wlnnett's statement that at the Mesa Verde Center property "we have land that is currentJy empty, centmlly located and historically 'ppropnate for ... a recreation facilily including a ~kate park. bark park, movie complex and library" is more than accurate. It's a proposal that sh ould he seriously explored. Winnett asks to hear from other citizens. I'm one who wonderc; why the ell)' does not utili7.e previously developed areas wltlltn the city for muCh needed recre'atlonaJ facilities? These areas have already been cemented over. What "greater good" for the community will be gained by the loss of open space at Tewinkle Park in favor of a skate park7 Also, ovenures to the Segerstroms should be made immediately. MAUREEN DI DOMENICO Costa Mesa Southland transit is behind the curve Unlike the populaces of metropoli~es worldwide, the people of Orange and Los Angeles counties opt for the self-defeating freeway and automobile system rather than mass transit to get about. Yet this destructive. environpientally disastrous automobile clouds our rea!>on. We allow oun.elv<'S to remain in the thrall of un!>crupulous, greedy. oil baron!>, who manipulate the prices of gasoline whimsically, and we blindly cause our rur to become poisonous. but refuse to tax the monster'> of our own creation. It is a good tax: Drive a gas-guzzling Hummer and pay a lot. Drive a '>mall, less harmful car and' pay less. Your choice. But no. It will be interesting to see how all of the pro-Arnold Schwarzenegge r folks feel this time next year. I cannot wall. WALLACE WOOD Costa Mesa NICK'S Spa Gregorie's A. 1 RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA Celebrating 3 7 ~ars · Catering for the Holidays Party Trays • Baked Rigatoni • Salads Chicken & Veal Dishes • Cold Cut Trays 9th Str11ipt Year/ Be1t PU:u ;,. Orange Cormtyl -OC Weeily IA&nch Sened ,_, From I lam Until 4pm OlITDOOR PATIO Mon-Thurs. 11 am-9:30pm Fri.-S2t 11 am-I O:OOpm CLOSFD SUNDAYS • 011« 80 Pitt11 of Ef•I • Prlr11111 Piuw Sttulio IN ffAR.BoR CEN1'P.R 2300 Hasbor Blvd., Suite K-1 C.0.U Mesa 949 722-7566 • SPINNING Tb1111" .,;,. N• S1111,.1ftlH-Ar1 C,c/11. • 16 F11U-tiwu p,,.,,,,111 »11lt1wr • C/Ji/J c.,... 811"'-"''" M -Silt. • c,,,,,,,.;,,,, p.,..,,,, • r.1 •• r.1 Chi; Srmt/I Cw111 • S111, p,.,,,. ,,.,,,,,,, C11rtli1 • Sb''""'· s''""' 6 To1111u • D111 S111 • A"'l""'"'"'/MtU11111/CJJl,..1rMW. I AND SALON GREGORIE'S u~7 t:-7: ?~·, .. if- . - &Ip w c.wwm 5 YNrl ol~ll Soedll E11911tt Wiii! of Nowmbef 10: ~,,.,,,,...,.,.. o.y ~ ~ ,._ °"'"""""' ... •""-'~0...0., ",.............,." MD .._.E _ _. .. ,.,.,,,,_,, -' . ,...,.. ""'*' ~ °"' ________ __, ......,..,/Ffw,,., • .........., ~ .... --,,,,.. ''"~ Spa Grtgorit~ Hours ' Monday 11am-9pm, Tuesday-Sunday 9am-9pm 200 Newport Center Onve, Suite 100 Newport Beach. California 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM (949) 644-6672 ......... ~ ..... .,..,.. ... hit...,. on& $ ----88 Avm1able tfllhtfy in the Sushi Bar On~ llJBIH•. www.benlhana.com Newport Beach 4250 Birch Street (949) 955.0822 THANKSGIVING Award Winning PREMIERE seafood Restaurant in orange County at Our extended m enu will includ a naditlonal Roast lbm nJrkcy Oinnert 12 Noon, Thursday November 27th 2100 w. o eanfront, Newport Bea h , CA Reserve Now (949) 673·2 1 oo www.2 1 oceanfront.com zagat rated "the best CRAB LEGS' and ·ev r-etustve ABAL NE. with a GORGEOUS OCEAN V IEW BACKDROP. Uve Entertalnmcnr • Monday Nlghr FoorbaU • volc t Parking Wino CCllar For Private Parties Now BOokJ.ng Hollday Banquets And 21 occanfrunrs Annual New Ycafs Ball ~ I 72 HOURS M Friday, NcNember 7. 2003 THEATER REVIEW 'Ten Little . Indians' offers cinematic climax ByTomTltua Dally Piiot A gatha Ouistle gave new meaning to ,the phrase ·process or eUmJnatJon· when she wrote the novel that ewntually became the stage play len Uttle lnilians. back in the 1930s. She elimlnated her characters one by one until -as s1.1ggested by the title or the 1 !MOs movie venilon -and then there were none. 0111.stle's originaJ plot (which cdntalned a decidedly un·PC litle that FYI •WHAT: "Ten Little lndlana" • WHERE: Coate MeuClvic Playhooae, 611 Hamilton Ave .. Co.ta Mesa •WHEN:Atl p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays; and at 2 p.m. Sundays; until Nov. 23 •COST:S15 • CAU: (949) 650-6269 can't be repeated here) ca.lied for the gradual demise of aU involved. but she conjured up a more pleasing. romantic ending for the stage version and the movie. 'nle latter wort maintains a great l.nfluence over the production of "'Jen Uttle Indians" now on stage at the Costa Mesa CMc Playhouse. Director David Colwell bas borrowed liberally from the movie script for his Costa Mesa production. resulting In a climactic ~uence markedly different (except for the Identity of the guilty party) from the more traditional version simultaneously being offered a. few miles away at the Huntington Beach l>tayhouse. The core of the story remains: Ten people are summoned to a remote lsland off the coast of Pngtand for an ostensibly festive occasion only to learn (Via a pre-recorded message) that they're aU guilty of assorted crimes and have been sentenced lo death. With no available transportation or telephone communication avallable. they're picked ofT like ftsh In a barrel Getting Into the splrit or the show takes some adjustment.. since designer Julia Moreno4 black and white letting more raembles a Cole Porter muslca.I or a Noel Coward drawing room comedy than a Ouisde my&tery. Beyond that. however. the Ughdng design of Ryan Hood and Jessica 'Dan's omlnot.1.1 sound effects contribute In large measure to the eerie occurrences on stage. This being an ensemble produclion. S.. lltEATER, P .. e A7 SATURDAY a.n1ber ......_ The COOC9f't •Protofiw. A Remembflnce 50 V..... Afttf' Hl9 DNth" will be pelfonned et 8 p.m. et Wlnifr.d Smith Hell in UC Irvine. Tkbts c:mt S '2, $10 and $8. lnformetlon: (9491 ~. SUNDAY ~ eoundl. Thi Helmut Stein ~ will bring lta b4uee and )tu eounda to tM Oetrok Bar ll8Qe. The 1t10W will begin et 9 p.m. Thet'l ia no t:#</fK. Oetrok It It 843 W. 19th St. For Information, ceH (9491642-0600. Daily Pilot Director Robert Rodriguez helps artist George Yepes hold up his •Sacred lady of the Butterflies" at Studio 35 7 in San Antonio. From street to gall.ery George Yepes has hfs art on display at Urban Earth Gallery in Co rona del Mar Lult Paf\a , Dally Pilot The responsibility or a gallery Joining a gang was dangerous FYI T he anwork of fonner f.ast Lot Angeles gang member George Yepes is malcing an impression on visitors to the Chicano Visions display at Urban Earth Gallery in Corona del Mar. ' Yepes' wort has been so weU received at the gall~ry that gallery owner RJco Gare.la said he has seen awe on people's races. Garcia considers Yepes the most important Chica.no painter today . "They don't have lo venture into the F.aatside of LA. to see this artwork. to walk up·cJose and see the brush work," Yepes said. .. owner is to promote the progress enough without ii being a rival or art. not baby the stagnadon of it, gang. Ge?cla said. But while a feared gang member Garcia wanted to do something on the streets, he was aJso the that~ out of the •conservative good Catholic school student and comfort-box" that Orange County even sbldent body president in has created for Itself. For that hJgh school reason. he chose to have Yepes. He has outlived all or bis who has been able to capture the enemies and now concentrates on OlJcano experience in hls art. the gifts that his private school •So bringing in a radical, visually education gave him He sleeps all Intense OlJcano artist into the day and creates hls masterpieces at community like Geo'§e -I dJdn't night know what to expect, Garcia said. Ganp have spread throughout Yepes grew up In the "hood" of American culture, with people East L.A and lived an almost Dr. shaving their heads and wearing Jekyll and Mr. Hyde experience. A gang attire. These people wet"e rival gang that was five blocks never In ganp and are just away heavlJy recruited Yepea. following the m usital and dress BEST BITES •WHO: Artist George Yepes •WHAT: Art N America: George Yepq Chicano Vision • WHEN: From noon to 6 p.m. Saturday through Monday and from 2 to 7 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday •WHERE: Urban Earth Gallery, 2721 E. Coast Highway •INFORMATION: (949) 666-9002. http://www.urban-earth.com, http:ltwww.o-orgeyepn.com trends of today. Yepes said. I le has actually beeo abJe to Incorporate h1s former life in the fast lane into the brushworks of bis SH STREET, P .. e A7 fwata brings authentic Japanese taste 1trlp mall space (a former unmemorable sushi ratauranO into an improved, contemporary IUlb.I bar/Japanese restaurant. Renovadona lndude an attractlw llllhi btr (or 18 people and tables that 1e81 about 30. A large tablo accommodates pertlea of eight. Iwata carefully hand Mlectt all 6-h &h and preparea oi1glMI Japu'H!le·iNplred dW.. Both location• serve the aame double:..lded mtnu; one-s1de featwee tndklonll cu.tlei. Ind dlf Olp·lkle felturM ...... cradont. And of coune. thtre'l 111 a la carte menu for cut or hind rolli, IPhimJ and dally~ The lt..urd c:ombln&d6n plMcil are an Meocbnent ()( IUehl. ~ c:hkken and beef terfylld and~ ouae.n .. buL 'l1wy .... ~ in"'*'°"' pci1tOna Wktl n.o ~ .-n11c1 nee anc1 '*" Md.Aamo.t..,., ri>mbmldon ~ mn be ordered. Jwata's best dishes focus on the lel!ood. Inventive plates Include ballbut carpacdo with dellcatety lticed haUbut tprinkJed wlth lemon o~ oil and ptrik peppm:oms ($8.75); Almon dtrUI pepper. wf th thinly eliced ealmon lerved with~ a Japanese dtrus and pink peppercorn aauce ($8.95); and tho jUapeoo ahcore, a aplcy rriJx of JWpeno, c:ilaaiuo and pof1llU sauce ($8.75). tU. apedaJ Japanese entrea lriclude a Cllileall eea biA giibed wlth a sweet bllllridc vtnepr. «>he oll, .., and IOf Auat ($8. 75); .aeemi!id beby clama In • "'7f ind prl'c &Iced aoup wlth olive oU ($8.75); and ddl ICaOope . ·~"a comt>Ndonor~ mulbroOint and onion wkh cr.uy mleo lioll tlUCe ($5). Pl1Cel: wuma ClOlll from .. 75 to $9.50; IUlbl from s l tO le.50: Ind combinadorit dtnnin flam Sl2.50 to Sl9.95, Prom lhe NIU tir. OW. COit FYI •WHAT: Iwata Sushi & Seafood • WHERE: 379 e. 17th St. In Costa M ... • WHEH: Open for lunch from 11 :30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; end for dlnMr from 5:3010 10 p.m. Mond1y throueh S1turd1v •INFORMATION: (M9) ~1980 . Crom $8.75 to $9.50; and 1apane1e entrees range fi'om $4.75 to $8.75. Iwata Sultll •Seafood " open Monday~~ for Jundl from 11:30.a.m. to 2:30 p.m. .net diftDer Monday through Se~ from 5:30 to 10 p.m. 379 P. 17th St. lo Cotta Meta. (949) 648-1980. • laf 1119 rune~ FridfiV. Oreiif • Wvtdlt°"' ... ~. Qt'Nl~e.-oo.com: • 330W. ley St,, co.taaw., CAaer7;or ~ •• ~ MM170. ' •JiU"" • 0 so ON VACATION Tom an.d Linda Norton of Corona del Mar prepare to snorkel with dive master Bert Yates in Palau, Micronesia. John and Jackie Rettberg of Newport Beach, While on vacation in Europe, stand inside the Roman Coliseum. FOR THE RECORD TM On \-.c.dona Chet 111n In Thurad9y'1 Dally Pilot cont-'Md lncomct cePdofl lnfo""8tlon. The conec:t ~run eboYe; • The Salam family of Newport Beach enjoys sundown in Maui. Eleanor Todd from Newport Beach visits the original Boeing plant in Seattte. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS item• to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cotta Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 6744295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HrTCHCOCK Orange Coast College ia offering a nine-part film history on Alfred Hitchcock. The seriet will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Tau11ig. Each aeatlon will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be held et OCC't Fine Arte Hall 116. Admi11ion It S6 for adults and $5 for seniort and OCC students. For more Information, call (714) 432-5880. Eight of the -ren Little Indians~: Seated are Abigail Kinnahdn, ..._'• David Van Patten and Trish Mastro. Standing, from left, are Wes C. Martin, Tony Grande, Robin Field, Joe Schulein and Roger Mandel. .... 'A CHOCOLATE AFFNff The Young Profesalonala Against Cancer and the Orange County Foundation for Oncotogy Children & Families will host a THEATER Continued from A6 there are naturally performances that stand out and others that tend to fade into the ebadowa. Among the ftnat lnterpretatfons are Robln Field'• 1.lver·haired judge, who tries to bring order ou t of the unexpected chaa.. and Wes C Manin'• easygoing. plstol-pacldng soldier of fortune. the epftome of a 1930s movie hero. Abigail KlonahAn comes aaou much too softly to flnn)y establish her character, a secretary summoned by the prospect of employment Tony Grande enlivens the proceedings as a pushy police officer, briefly working under cover, who grills the unusual suspects. The doddering retired general pining for bis late wife is gtveo an unusua.lty robust performance by Joe Schwein. Trish Mastro could do more with her clfched role of a ferventJy religious aplnster, while Marc Davila ls properly callow as a young playboy. Roger Mandel and Ann Ross play the just·hlred eervanta with the proper deference lo company and defiance in private. David Van Patten ls fine, Ila trifle ltlff; &J a consdence-strlcken doctor and PauJ L. Arnold adds some c.ockney coJor u a transport boat operator who doesn't stick around for the carnage. For theater historians, the playhouse offers a lobby placard detallin.g the life or Agatha Ouistie (on whJch you'll discover her original, now-offensive title for the novel that became the play and movie}. The CMc Playhouse production ls a Uvely dismantling of this old F.ngllsh museum piece. • TOM TITUS reviews local thuter for the O.lly Piiot. Hit reviews appear Frtday1. STREET Continued from A6 paintings. which isn't something that someone simply weartos a certain bed look couJd do. He bas lived the life that they are try1ng to portray through what they wear and In what they are Usten1ng to on thenidlo. Yepes said. Yepes uses h1s experience to create rather than being a sodal outcast with no respect. Some or . - ~J - -• --.. . r,.. ~ •r..-,., I .. I ', .. I .\ ·:;. '~---J _• -• _I, -·"•1 ,. ........................ 111.,... •• 1•• 200 W. C'A>8lt Hwy & Dover • ~Beach , CA 848.850.2222 www.Qtoeare.com • Friday, No't'embef 7, 2003 A7 THEATER SCR Youth Theater dresses 'Emperor s N ew Clothes' By Tom Titua Dally Pilot When South Cout Repertory elected to Include a Theater for Youns Audl.ences series In its latest season. the oom{>GllY went 8nt cabm ..... a classic fairy tale from Hans Ouistian Andersen set to ml.We by a 1bny Award·wlnnlng team and a dltector who routinely turns youthful playgoers on to tbe magic of theater. The result Is "The Emperor's New Clothes.• a ltvely and colorful treat featuring a quintet of professional perfonnen that imparts a familiar memge-it's not what's on the outside but what's on the inside that counts. It's on stage at the Julienne Argyros Theater througtl Nov. 16 and lndudes two~ of free afternoon performances for ldds. Director John-David Keller - who's helmed SCR's annual production of• A Olrlstmas Carol" since the project was begun In 1960 and who stages the theater's youth touring production each year -tw embellished this time-honored tale with some eye-<:atchlng accouterments. There are Ju8gl.ing. tumbling and (perilous} stilt walking to keep the youngmrs amused between the enlightening moments. The youthful cast exudes oomedk: energy. Nanthanael Johnson portrays the 14-year-old dueJess new ruler -who's onty fln1shed Olapt.er 1 of •How to Be an F1fective Emperor" and is hardly ready to take on ~ trapping9 of royalty . .Johnson's Marcus is a likable snob, eager to befriend a palace scrub boy but m1ndCu1 of his position and outward appearanoes. It's thJs latter element that lands him in the dutdles of a character billed only as •Swindler," a diabolical con artist gjeef\illy Interpreted by Louis Lotorto. representing the negative tenets of prtvilege -greed. pride and surface attraction. Lotorto manaees to convince the emperor and his attendant.a that those who can't see his transparent new robes are fools and liars. The real larceny, however. is perpetrated by P.ric Newton. who steals vtrtually all bis !la!fles as the fund-ralelng event from 7 p.m. to midnight Nov. 16 at Newport Ounea Waterfront Retort. Tic:bts oott $75 In advance and $85 at the door. Information (949) 440-9873. RING OF LIGHTS The Commodorea Club If the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will hOtt the Ring of Llghta home decorating competition In December. All home, bu1lnet1, and yacht clubs lining the harbor are Invited to participate. Decoration• must be In place by Dec. 8. Information (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PMADE Beautifully decorated yactitt, boats, kayak.I and canoe• will sail along the harbor in the 95th annual Newport Harbor Chrlatmaa Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the parede will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Cotllna laland and latt two and a half houra. The parade It hosted by the Commodorea Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of his collectors are Cheech Marin, Sean Perm, Patricia Arquette and Robert Rodrlqoez, director of ·Spy Kids• and MOnce Upon a Tune 1n Mexico." Ml waa born a painter,• Yepes said. "When I Orst started drawing at 3 years old. I never 1 FYI •WHAT: "The Emperor's New Clothes• •WHERE: South Coast Repertory, Julianne Argyrot Stage •WHEN: Weekday performancea at varioua tlmea; at 7 p.m. Fridays and Saturday• and at 2 and 4:30 p.m . Sunday1; through Nov. 16 •COST: $10 to $21 • CALL: (714) 708-5556 pa1ace aaub boy. A trained aerialist. Newton Injects an infectious physlall presence Into the show as well as interacting splendidly with Johnsons emperor in seveml of the dozen so~ by 4'rul Ahrem and Stephen Aaherty which keep the show bouncy and a lot of fun to watch for young and old audience members. Joseph Alanes and Carla fun~~ suppot1 the young ruler as his obsequious palace functionaries. Their task is to keep the emperor In a heightened mood. and they perform it )Yi.th gusto. · Donna 'Ma:rquets lavish set design. with decorative coat hanger banners, slyly sugge.t the show's theme. while the colorful costumes of Angela Bal~ Qilln are particularly eye-catching under Ouisti.na L Munich's lighting designs. Musical director Tun HOlTlf.iUl has orchestrated a richly modulated score from the Ahrem-Aaherty team. which has created award-wtnrung shows sudl as ~Ragtime" and "Seus.sical" and the animated movie •Anascasia." The "Emperor" project Is actually one of their first. aeated some two decades ago. SCRs 'Theater for Young Audiences project Includes two upcoming productions ~ "Sideways Stories Prom Waytilde School.• opening Feb. 6, and "The Wand in the WIUows," adapted by the company's own Richard Hellesen and Michael Silversher, which debuts June 4. .. Judging by "The Emperor's New Oothes," the young audiences' season is off to a running start • TOM lTT\JS reviewt local theater for the Daily Pilot. Hit r9V1eW1 •ppear Fridays. Commerce. Information: (949) 729-4400, http:llwww.chrl$tm1J$ boatparade.com. MUSIC UCI CHAMBER SERIES The concert •Prokofiev: A Remembrance 50 Yeara After Hi1 Death" will be performed at 8 p.m. Saturday at Winifred Smith Hall in UC Irvine. Tlctceta cost $12, $10 and $8. Information: (949) 8244~59. GUrTAR ENSEMBLE Orange Coam College'• Guitar Ensemble, a chamber group of more than 20 playera, will offer Its annual fall concert at 8 p.m. Saturday In OCC'a Fine Arlt Recital Hall. SALUTE TO AMERICAN COMPOSERS Orange Coast College's Wind Ensemble will offer a salute to American composers at 3 p.m. Nov. 16 In the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tick.a oott $7. Information: (714) 432-5880. did stick figures. I went right for drawing riders on horseback and Roman chariots." • • LUIS PERA Is the news assl1tanl end may be reached at (9491 574-4298 or by e-mall tt luls.pens tllatlm#.com. ~---------------~ •••E&'S I QUOTE OF THE DAY "This whole Wt't'k wtt'vt just bttn really on." Shlroe Wolf9, Newport Harbor tleld hockey coach M fndly, NoYeni1er 7, 2003 Stiort1 ~ NcMrd Dint: <949' 574-4223 • Spof1I Fax; (949) 6500170 HIGH SCHOOL FIELD HOCKEY • EYE OPENER • IRily.tlPib. Sporil Hal olfame ~'W.td!ll Ila Nov. lOllOllOfM JOE URBAN Newport Harbor reaches championship match -Sailors hope a title will be in the cards for their fourth straight finals appearance. Patrick Laverty Daily Piiot the Los Angeles Field Hockey A$- sociation lbwnament of Cham· pions, reached the dwnpionlblp game for the fourth straJght year by scoring two goals within the first four minutes for a 2-0 victory over host HWltington Beach Thureday. championship gamea. • are the only teams to will play Harvard-West-acore against the Sailors lake. whlc:h defeated P.dl-this season. Edison ban· son, 1-0, ThUJ'lday. The ded Newport Harbor Its game Is echedul.ed for only loss, but the Sailors 11:30 a.m., but is ex-came back to defeat the HUNTINGTON BEAOi - Nothing quite takes the ~ off a fnYOred team like an early 100re. Newport Hamor H.lgh's field hockey terun got two of them. The Sailors. the No. I seed in Newport Harbor (19-1), which tw lost each of the past three pected to be 010Ved to 8:30 a.m. l! It is raining. The Sail- ors. champions of the SUnset League, lost last year's final to Harvard-West.lake in the rain. "We'm due.• SaiJon Coach Sharon Wolfe said. Harvard-Westlake and Edison COLLEGE BASKETBALL 'Eaters ·fOrge ahead UC Irvine trounces Division I I foe in final tuneup for regular season. B.,ry flulkner Dally Pilot BREN EVENTS CENTER -Other than some sterling first-half defense and a three-point, final-minute swish by senior walk-on Ryan Snook. there wasn't much that was memorable about UC lrvlne's 75-49 exhlbltJon victory ~r visiting Cal State Los Angeles Thursday ntght. But that uJts Anteater men's buketball coach Pat Doug!~ just fine. "We have a tough tour- nament coming up (the season-opening Dell Bladt Coaches As· sociaUon Oasslc in Qnclnnati, Nov. 15- 17), with three games In three days,· Douglass said after his team disposed of the Division II Golden Hawks with Uttle trouble. •That's what I just ~I.done tell- ing the guys In our locker room.· 0:wgers Monday. start- ing a stretch of four games in stx days that. so far, has coincided with exceDent play on the part of H.atboL . .,ctec a seven-day break be- cause or the smoke from the fires in Southern California. the Sailors -...___ Douglass' pregame oratory must have encouraged defensive Intensity, as the hosts shuffled and swarmed In their man-to-man, holding the visitors to just 21.4% shooting from the fleld (6 of 28), before lnterrnlss.lon. Cal State L.A., making Its season debut. hit 12 of 24 field-goal trlea in the second half to finish at 34.6%. But after UCI built a 39-20 halftime edge, holding the Hawks to ingle·dlglts the first 14:21 or the con- L~t. the 1,-420 in attendance hardly seemed to notice. STEVE McCRN« I OM.Y Pll.6T UC Irvine's Stanislav Zuzak (12) tries to score underneath the basket Thursday night in the Anteaters' exhibition game against Cal State L.A. at the Bren Center. ·1 thought we had much better defen- lve lntenslty." said Do~. who was less than pleased about giving up 91 points In Saturday's three-point exhibi- tion win over the EA Sports Southwest All-Stars. "We dldn't give up u many easy buckets.· Instead, UCI gave the visitors consis· tent grief, often limiting them to perim- eter passing that rendered the experi- mental trapezoid three-second lane a no-Hawkmne. "I thought our post guys dld a better job of being more assertive,• Douglass continued. -iliac was also much im- proved from our previous ballgnme. • Keyed by lts defense, wblch wound up forcing 21 turnovers. six of wblcb came during a first-half span of 9:02 ln whk:h Cal Slate LA did not have a field goal, the Anteaters remained in command, af- ter quickly building an 11-2 lead The advantage grew to 29-7, before the Hawks found some offensive succes.s. GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Sea Kings swept aw~y· in championship match Northwood, overcoming a 5-1 deficit in the first game, powers ahead to win its first volleyball title Thursday. fanWtic," CdM Coach Bill O:uisttansm laid. -ibey pla~ A-plus defense. They are a ltable team and they can go very far in I the OF playoffs).• Ouisdanlen WU stumped when lrying to fl8\ue out whY his team didn't play to lts potentlal. "'We ~very pumped up tor th.ls game," OUis· tiansen taJd. "We looked IO good ln practice. I don't know. We liave the talent. ~ lhould go to 8Ye CORON~ DEL MAR -~ In tbt ftrlt pme of pmea with them and wln. We beat them in I.be a match that would deltnnlnt tbe PldftC Coat ~Mohl tournament<• 25·13, 25-28, 15·13 win leapt title bdllii ehared or won OutJtah.t, the C.O· Sept. 20). lt'I dllappoJntJng. We haw eo n.wch w- tona del Mar Hlah glrte= teem pabbed the enc. We're j\»t not pl.tyins together." momentum. But. ln and ..,.., other · NorthWood (19-4, 10-0), on the contrary, came .,n. lt'I not how~ *"' but bow )'OU ftntlh. togiethei ap1nlt t.ht Sea Klnp. The 11mbetwolvet. 'Ib8 Sea Ki,.a found tNt out the herd !!')', u iUlked No. 1 li1 OP Southern Section DM1ion W· Nonhwood won it.a flnc PCL dtle, coUec:tb_ig a 25· M. broke away from a 9-9 de with an 11-3 run .net 19, zs.; 12. 25-19 victory owr holt CdM Th~ went on to win the ftrtt pme. They deuty bad the CdM (18-3, 8·2 ln league), the ~ lllgu8 momentum, arid they malntllned tt. See 'EATERS, Paa• AlO won the league championship by defeating F.dison. toppled Glen- dora tn the first round of the 'Ibumament of O:wnplons 8.nd blanbd Huntington Beach in the aemlfinaJs. -ibis whole week we've just been really on.· Wolfe said. ~'ve pla~ better team ball. We've had better intensity and everybody's been contributing on the field.. Those cootrlbutJons began early against Huntington Beach, with the Sailors scoring on their first eomer, two minutes into the game. Senior Kerrie Gates put the ball Into play. Kristen Jen<!nmna stopped it at the lop or the cirde and Jillianne Whitfield struck a perfect ball past the Huntington Beach goalkeeper for 11 1-0 lead. "We like to score esuty because it does take the proessure off,· Wolfe said "We figw-e If we get See 11TLE, Pqe A9 HIGH -SCHOOL CROSS-COUNTRY Artz, St. Geme win PCL titles CdM girls win league finale, while boys are edged out and finish second. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot ORANGE -Senior Kevin Artz and sophomore Annie St. Geme showed what cross country should be all about at the Pacific Coast League finals at lrvine Re- glonaJ Park Thursday. Artz and St. Geme ran their best races of the season to earn PCL individual titles. St. Geme, along with freshman Hillary May's second-place finish and senior Turyn Kawata's eigbth- place contribution. led the Sea JGnp to the PCL team champion- ship. CdM has won stx league titles in a row, in eluding five straight in the PCL The Sea Klng boys finished second to Ui- guna Beach. which scored 35 points to CdMs 46. CdM Coach em Sumner's girls team earned 32 points, while Te· soro finished second with 51 . There were five or the seven gjrb who completed personal-best performances, includin~ May, Ka- wata. Devon Ahearn and Arinies younger sister, Quisdne St. Geme. After overcoming a groin injury early in the season, which caused her to miss the first month of training. Annie St. Geme finished in 17:47 to win her first league d- de in aoss country. Last year, she See CdM, Paa• A9 MEN'S BASKETBALL Vanguard playin g one day at a time Wilson back at the helm after three coaching changes in 11 months. Barry Faulkner Daily Piln• Playing in transition has taken on a double meaning for the Van- guard University men's basketball team. The Uons have endured a re- voMng door at head c:oech with- in the last 11 months. af- ter Stephen French was fired 20 games into last season and was replaced on an interim basis by VU Athletic Direc:tor Bob Wil- son. Walson, a collegiate coach for 20 seasons at the Un.tversity of Hawaii. Hilo and Phillips Univer- sity, relinquished the reins to Jim Degroot In April. only to be called upon once again when Degroot resigned in April for personal rea- sons. Wilson. committed to restoring SM UONS, Paa• AlO ~ lprtnttd out to • 5-1 lead In the Int "The tlrit few playt ol Che prne we ~t we • pme. but that ended up belnc tea larPlt leed ot JJU&tic be tn for• banJe.• Nunbwood Coici John DON~/DM.Jlll.O lbe nf&tlt. Corona dll Mir filh's Litdsey En•• rilN. Diits 1 bis block an NcdMools Lin Bliek IS Celt's ~ ~ ~ hcrtitie Ind ~ p111yect ... vou.mw.&.. hlil M Linn Snel, left, comes in on the.-. n.-T..-..S IWIPttlat Sil~ dllrn .. PCL crown. , • ..... ......r. • • -•' • 4 .. SPORTS fnday, November 7, 2003 At . VOLt EYBALL Continued from A8 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL GaJdo said. "We stepped up our serving, We mew we had to dig and tip o.nd sell out on defense. getting the bruises and scrapes." 8.1 ck led the llmberwolves with l4 kD1t and two aces, while Susson added 16 assists. IJndsay Maclu was also eft'ecti:ve for Northwood. '1anlmtng 11 kills. CdM WM led by junior Jordan Smith, who recorded 10,ldlls. and one block. while jWlloi Undsey had nine ldUs and senior Ashley Bill amMSed 24 as&su. Estaiicia takes On potent Panthers GakJO WU also impret.'led with the way his team put aside off- court issues. as most or the play- ers were involved with bome- oomlng festivities after the match. Sarah Susson, laura mack and Danielle QJangala were on the bom.ecominfcourt. 'TllLE Continued from A8 one goal early. the other team will oome back stronger. A second goal really takes a lot out of other team." Harbor got itS second goal two minutes Jater after a strong re- start by Whitfield found 11ffany Vandersloot in front of the cage and she scored. increasing the SailoJS' advantage to 2-0. From there, Harl>or let Its de- fense maintain the advantage. The Sailors have allowed just two goals in 20 games this season. While the Sailors controUed ~on. getting off 25 shots in the game, Huntington Beach at- CDM Continued from AS Northwood had also swept CdM Oct 20, ending the Sea Kings' 15-match winning streak In the PCI.. The Sea Kings will face Back Bay rival Newport Harbor today at 5:15 p.m. at Newport. tempted to retaliate with counter attacks. . But Sailors defenders Lauren Curtis and IY.mielle Pf'aff were there to halt the attacks more often than not Curtis didn't allow the Oilers to mount an attack down the left side of the field, while Pfaff stopped Hwitington Beach's best opportunity late in the first half along the right side· line. "We were staying so com- posed,• Wolfe said. "Everybody was so spread out and if some- body got beat, somebody else was right there to make the play." When the Oilers did maintain possession Inside the circle. New- port Harbor goalie Amanda Witt- man served as the last line of de- fense, malcing a save in each half. with Laguna Beach and North- wood, heading into Thursday's 6- nals. Orange brings solid offensive attack into Eagles' final league game tonight. 11EEMIES Patrick L•verty Daily Pilot For the third straight yeaf and the seventh time in eight seasons, F.stancia High's foot- Of FEMI ball team will not make the CIF with the use of the double-wing Southern Section playoffs. offense. But no one expected a dra-Fertig has played and matk one-year turnaround coached against the double when Craig Fe~ took over the wing for many years and he program a year ago and a win knows on e way to stop it. ln one of the F.agles' finaJ two ·Make them throw the foot- games would give F.stancia (3-5, ball,~ Fertig said. 1--4 in Golden West League Once again, easier said than play) four victories for only the • done. The Panthers have third time in the last six sea· thrown just 46 passes all sea- sons. Easler said when done. though, when F.stancia's final two opponents are Orange (7-1, 4-0) and nonJeague foe Pacifica (5-3). The Eagles play the Prut· thers to close out their league schedule Friday at 7 p.m. at El Modena High Orange, tied for first place with Westminster and ranked second in Division Vll, has built it.self into one of the top rush· ing teams in Orange County son. Estancia will be without of- fensive and defensive lineman Gary Strawn, .who is out for the season with a separated shoul- der. Without one of their pri- mary run stuffers, the Eagles will attempt to put as many men near the line of scrimmage as possible to slow down Orange running backs Justin Jones (l ,455 yards and 14 touchdowns) and Daniel Chai- rez (823 yards an IO touch- downs). 'Ille two backs consistently take pitches and run off-tackle with a number of blockers lead- ing the play. "They get a bw1ch of people in front of the football and they roll over everybody,• Fertig said. ~we're going lo try to disrupt It a little bit, throw some things at them they haven't seen." Changes on the Eagles de- fense include moving sopho- more Kalani Teo, who played well last week against Costa Mesa, to weakside linebacker and playing senior Chad Sher· rell at inside linebacker. "We want our best speed and instinct guys In there.· Fertig said. Fertig also wan~ to get leo and Geo Macias more opportu- nities to carry the ball. I le may be forced 10 do so because of DIRECTIONS TONIGHT'S GAMES Newport Hubor va. Legune HHla at Mission Viejo High, 25025 Chrisanta Drive Take the San Diego Freeway (Interstate 405, which tuma into the 6) aOUlh to Ui Paz Rotd ex.it and tum left;iiead east to Chrlsanta Drive and tum right; school ls 011 the right. Coron. del ~r et Tesoro High 1 Te$0ro Creek Road, Las Flores Take the San Diego Freeway south to Oso Parkway; east to Tesoro Creek Road; right to school. Esuinde va. Orange at El Modena High, 3920 Spring Street, Orange Take the Costa Mesa Freeway (551 north to Chapman Ave. exit east tum left on Prospect; right on Spring. an ankle injury that may limit senior Mike c.ahill. Teo and Ma· cias would line up behind 225- pound fullback Bubba Kapk.o and provide the Eagles with some speed on offense. TI1cy'll need it to keep up with an Omnge offense that is averaging 385.6 yards per game and 37.6 points per game. was plagued by a hip injury throughout the season and never gained her true form. But. St. Geme has avoided inju- ries as of late and quiddy turned around her season. Artz won, while Jack Turner, who finished sixth (16:13). and sophomore Ryan Guthrie, who finished 10th (16:15), also fmished with all-league honors, but the Breakers placed four runners in 'the top nine and gained the nar- row victory over the Sea Kin~ Attitude is everything for Lightni ng "Last year was a whole different ballgame," she said. "l injured my hip last year: but with this injury this year I learned how to trdd it a lot better. I knew how to wodc through it I don't feel !the pain] at all anymore.• St Geme maintained a steady \ pace through the first mile, then IJ>iclced up speed to overtalce the .~ead and hold it over the final two 1'niles. May. who finished in 18:20, also ran a smart race. and was one of seven CdM nmners who flt ilshed in the top 16. Kawata finlshed in 18:50, while Jw\tlor Melissa Swigert (19:04), Ah~ (19:11), junJor Ahlia Kat- talll (19:15) and Ouistine St Geme (19: 25) ronowro, finishing. u th. Utt t. 13th and 16th, respectively. ~ lhile the CdM girls were Wlde· feate d in the PC1.. the Sea King boys ceam were in a three-way tie "You have to hand it to Laguna Beach," Sumner said. "They ran well." Corona's bright spot turned our to be Artz. who pumped his fist and shouted, "Yes,· as he crossed the finish W,e in I 5:26. "It felt incredlble," Artz said ln addition to Artz. CdM also received solid performances from senior Brandon Borcoman (14th in 16:31), sophomore Kenneth Wong (15th in 16:31), sophomore Garrett Prechel (19th in 16:43) and junJor Jeritt Thayer (21st in 16:52), who was a bit under the weather. Guthrie, Wong and Pre- chel earned personal records. Both CdM teams advance lo the OF Southern Section Division UJ preliminarles Nov. 15 at Mt. San Antonio College. The CdM girls are ranked No. 2 in the CIF Division m poll Sage Hill continues league play with Saturday game ag\.inst Capistrano Valley Christian. Patrick Laverty THE LIGHTNING Daily Pilot Sage Hill School football coach Tom Monarch doesn~ need to teU his players how diffi- cult the final two games of the regular season are going to be. If they d.idn'1 know already. the lightning are weU aware of whai type of opponents they face in the Academy League after last week's 53-0 loss to St Margaret's. ·The coaches and the kids have prepped themselves for this all season," Monarch said OFFENSE Ht.W\ y~ ..... H1111S Fr. OB M18' St. TB '"'° 180 St. F9 N 170 So. WR 5-lO 110 Jr. WR &-lO 175 ff. TE •1215 Jr. LT •2190 Sf, lG ., 230 So. c a. 7 170 So. AO WllO So. RT "The kids are weU aware of the talent that they face." Because of that preparation, Monarci1 said the Lightning (1-6, O· l in league) continue to take great attitudes into Saturday's l p.m. home game against Capis - trano Valley Christian (4·3-1. l-0). The l!agles are coming off a 40-16 victory over Brethren BRIEFLY DEFENSE Ht. Wt. v~ ,_, f.3 Z20 So. OE a. 7 170 So. OT &o lO 170 So. OT 9-1 215 Jr DE &-2 190 Sr. OLB IMI 1915 St. ML8 MO 171 Fr. Ol8 M 185 So. C8 M 1&0 ff, C8 M UIS 6'. S M 170 So. S Christian and present another daunting task for the youthful Lightning. · Capistrano Valley Christian has a balanced attack that aver- ages 143 yards per game rush- ing. led by Peter SL John (322 y-.utlsl. and 129 yards per game passing with Jeremy Ward lined up under center. Sage Hill will cowtler with a freshman quarterback. Braden Ross, and the speedy backfield duo of sophomore Keya Man- shadi and Eddie Huang. ·The lat- ter leadR the team with 256 yards mshing and will also line up quarterback at times, run- ning the option. "We just want to keep it sim- ple, do some clock manage- ment," Monarch said. "We'U try to establish our running game, maybe with counters, using Keya and Eddie in the badc- field.'' The key for Monarch these ncx1 two weeks is maintaining the enjoyment of the game for hilt young players despite the difficult schedule ahead "Our goal is to keep it positive at practice these next two weeks and make It as enjoyable as pos- sible,· Monarch said. W.lth rtitle in hand, Newport Harbor prepares to take on Sea Kings The , "lewport Harbor High feated Annie Lu of Whitney, fellow Sailors Brittany Sturgess girls voU eyball team, champion 6-0, 6 -3 to reach the title match. COMMUNITY COLLEGE and Megan McKay, 6-1, 6-0, in of the Se. a View League, finished Sage Hill freshman Stephanie the round of 16, then earned a the seaso n undefeated in league Langer reached the semifinals. FOOTBALL 6-4, 5-7, 6-2 quarterfinal win pjay after a 25· 14, 25-20, 25-16 losing to Aboubakare, 6-l , 6-2. over a team from Woodbridge. victory rn 1er host Woodbridge In doubles, Tsoong and Aynn In singles, Newport's Chrissy Thursday. defeated Oxford Academy's p • t b ttl Ce • t Schwatz and Carolyn Hustedt Senior l tluren Miller led the Kim Perez and Angela Kim, 6·1, 1ra es a e IT1 OS were each defeated in the Sailors (20-! i, 10-0 in league) with 6-3, to reach the final, but then quarterfinals. 14 kills, ' ivhile senior Emily lost to the St. Margaret's tan-The Orange Coast College 21-3 halftime deficit to defeat Schwartz. defeated an AJiso Turner am i Alyson Jennings dem of Debbie Mcintyre and football team plays Its second-Mount SAC las! week, 28·21. Niguel foe, 6-0, 6·4, in the added IO an 1d nine lcills, respec-Pam Jacobsen, 7·6, 6·2. to-last regular season game Orange Coast, which is round of 16, before falling to tively. Turne1 ·also had two aces, OCC to play 'or thl"d tonight when it plays host to coming off a 21-3 loss to Palo-Woodbridge's Natalie Call, 6-2. and Jenningi i also provided ·18 1' ' Cerritos al 7 p.m. mar, is one game behind Cer-6-2. assists. Junio r Turyn Tumutzer •WATER POLO: Orange The Pirates (4-4, l -2 in the ritos. P·c.llomar and Mount Hustedt beat Connie Pham cdllected six k ills and senior Kel· Coast College advanced to the Mission Conference American SAC lf Cerrilos wins Its final from Aliso, 6-2, 7-5. before be· lie King amas sed 20 assists and third-place game at the Orange Division) will anempt to spoil two games, it wiU be the ing bested by Woodbridge's had one ace. lfhe Warriors fin-Empire Conference women's Cerritos' visions of a division American Division champion. Ashley Williams. 6-0, 6·0. Sage Hill loses in four • VOLLHYBAll: Cat D'diley and Sophia HiJJgren recorded 11 kills each. but the Sage Hill School girls volleyball team lost to Academy League host Breth- ren Christian, 25-10, 25-23, 24- 26, 25-13, Thursday. Sage Hill (9· 7, 6-4 in league) finished third In the Academy League. automati- cally qualifying for the CIF Southern Section Division IV-A playoffs, which s tart next week. St. Margaret's won the league title and Brethren Ouislian came in second. ished 6-4 in lea gue. tournament Thursday, defeat-championship. The Eagles The Pimtes close the regular T h The Sailors v fill face Back Bay lng Cypress in the first round, (5-3, 2-l) control their own season nex:t week. at Golden 1 ars end as CO-C amps d rlwJ Corona d el Mar today at 8-4, but falling to top-seeded destiny after overcoming a West • •TENNIS: The Newport Har-Nell or places secon 5;15 p.m. at Ne\\ rport. Golden West. 9-3. bor High girls defeated visiting •TENNIS: Estancia High sen- The Pirates (14-13) will pl~y Laguna HUis, 14·4, to win a ior Stacie Nellor finished sec-Geocaris tak :es second in the third-place game Satur-Newport Harbor High doubles a team from Aliso Niguel. 6-1. share of the Sea View League ti -ond In !he Golden West League •TENNIS: Sa ge HlD School day at Golden West College at tandem of A.J. Olson and Diana 6-l , in the round of 16, then lie with Woodbridge Wednes-finals Wednesday at Ocean &eshman Sarah ( ieocaris and the 11 :30 a.m. Khoury, as well as the unseeded swept a ream from Laguna day. View. doubles team of Jesska 1Sooog Courtney Robertson led Sailor duo of Vanessa Dunlap Hills, 6-0, 6-0 , in a quarter-Vanessa DunJap, Bonnie Ad· Nellor lost in the champion- and Serab F1ynr 1 reached the Coast with three goals in Its vie-and Bonnie Adams, won two final. ams and Oulssy Schwartz ship singles match, 0--6. 2-6, to Academy League finals and fin-tory over Cypress. Sara Natali-matches Thursday to advance The Sailor duo will. meet a swept in singles for the Sailors Saddleback's Molly Banos. ished as runners-up Thursday at zio came up with six steals and to the semifinals of the Sea team from Foothill In the 12:30 (13-4, 9-l in league). The fl.stancia doubles team of the 8aJboa BayOuh l Racquet Oub. Mary Stashak made three '!8ves. View League individual girls p.m. semifinal, with the winner Newport Harbor's junior var-seniors Huong Thal and Klttiya In singles, Geo earls lost to • . tennis championships at Herlt-advancing to the 2:15 p.m. title slty team won the Sea View Sudhlkrun finished third, defeat- Falrmont Prep's e '~anca Abou-Tars tandems tn semis age Parle In Irvine. match. League title outright. going \In· ing a Sanui Ana tandem, l--6, 6-2, b>kare, &-1. 6-4. <~~e-o-carl~s~de--~~·-TBNNJ~~-s·_·_Th~e~t-o-p--s-e-ed_e_d~~O-l-so_n~an~d-Kh~o-u_r_y_d_e_re_a_•_ed~~D~un-J_a_p_a_n_d_A_d_a_m_s~de-f-ea_t_e_d~d-e_fe_a_te_d_in~l-ea-gu~e-p-la_y_·~~~-6_·_3.~~~~~~~~~--: .. ··-··-· ft ft ftp AlO F' rte11y, NoYtmbtt 7, 2003 COEl:EGE BASKETBALL U<l:I men third .. i~ Big West poll The UC lrY'lne mem buketball team has been picked to ftnlsb third In 1he Bia West C.On!erence In eeparale preseason polls voted upon by coa<:hes and media. The ~teaters; who won or shared the regulat·aeason con- ference dtJe in 2001 and '02 and wete ~nd in last year'• regular· season race. ftnlahed behind de· fending regular-season cham· pion UC Santa Barbara and Utah State, which won the conference tournament last season, In both polls. ua senJor Adam Parada. a 7. foot center who has twice earned second-team aD·confmmce hon- ors. was named to the six-mem- ber preseason all-conference team. He averaged 12.2 points, 6.2 rebounds and shot a confer· ence-leading 54.5% from the field last season. He Is also UO's career leader In blocked shots with 111. The all-conference team was rounded out by senJor Vamie Dennis Cc.al Poly San Luis Obispo), senior Brandulnn Ful· love (UCSB), junior VUi Morton CUC Rivers.Ide), sophomore Nate Carter (UCR) and junior I.an Boy- lan (c.al State Nonhrtdge}. UCI received one first-place vote In the 10 cast by coaches CU~B had six and Utah State three), while the Anteaters re· ceived three first-place votes among media members (to 22 for UCSB and four for Utah CONFERENCE PICKS R•IH#dW~ay MEN Coechee' pol UC Senta Barbera (78 pointt); 2. Utah State (74); I. UC ll'Vt!M (17); 4. Cal Poly 150); 5. Idaho (40); 8. Unlvenlty of the Pacific (38): 7. UC Rlveraide (37); 8. Cal State Northrldg• 1281: 9. Cel Stat• Fullerton (24); 10. Long Beach State (14). MedlepoH UCSB (271 ); 2. Utah State (248); J. UC1(Z2A);4. Cal Poly 1192) 5. UCR (1321: 6. ld1ho (118); 7. Cel State Nonhrldge (108); 8. UOP (102); 9. Cal State Fullenon (84); 10. Long Beech StateU53l. WOMEN ColCMs' " UCSB (81ri. UOP (721: 3.1.0ng Belch St1te (61 l; 4. UCt (M); 5. Idaho t4el; 6. UCR (431: 7. Cel State Northrldge (28); 8. Cal Poly (25); 9. Cel St1te Fullerton (23); 10. Utah State (15). Mecflli pofl 1. ucse 1180); 2. uoP f1481i ~-Long Belch'SUte fT37l: 4. UCt (124); 5. UCR (94); 8. C1I Poly (87); 7. ld1ho (81); 8. Cel St1te Northrldge (8,,; 9. C1I State Fullerton (51); 10. Utah St1ta 127). State). The UCI women's team was picked to finish fourth in the me- dia and coaches' polls, with UCSB, University of the Pacific and Long Beach State, respec- tively, holding the top three spots In each. SCHEDULE Cont. 7p.m. ._ Community colt.gt "*' -Rlvertlde IC Orenge Cont. 3 p.m. Community college women -Golden WNt It Orenge Cont, 3 p.m. College womef'I -Cal Pl>tv Sen Lult Oblapo at UC Irvine In Big Well Confwence tournament •mlfin•I. 6 p.m. YoleyW High adlool glt1t-Coron1 dll Mer It Newpon Harbor. 5:16 p.m.; Santa Ana et Coetl Meu. 4:16 p.m. Community colt.gt women -Orange Coett It Golden """" 7 p.m. W.Wpolo Community college women -Oreng. Colet In thlfd..pl-llllfM of Or1nge Emplr9Confefence10umement et Goldeo w.. 11 :30 e.m. STtVE McCAANK I OM. Y PILOT UC Irvine's Aras Baskauskas (22) guards against Cal State L.A.'s David Conte, a former Costa Mesa High standout;-in Thursday's exhibition game at the Bren Center. UCI won easily, 7549. 'EATERS Continued from ~ paring the deficit to 35-20 with two minutes left in the half. But a 9·0 lrvine run spanning the end of the first half and the start of the second, including three-pointers by Ross Schraed- er and Stanislaus Zuzak. virtu· ally rendered the 6nal 18 min· utes a, well, exhibition. "Once we got the big lead, it was a little difficult to maintain our intensity," saJd Douglass, who saw h1s team hold an op· poneot under 50 points just twice during last year's 20·9 campaign ln which It set a sin- gle-season record for fewest. points allowed per game (64). Sophomore guard Mike Efev- berha, who scored 28 ln the first exhibition, led three Anteaters ln double figures with 13 points. 1Wo came on a breakaway slam dunk after a steal that was part of a six-point spurt that pushed the lead to 55-28 with 13:17 re- maining. UCI led by as many as 29, be- fore emptying the bench, much to the delight of the student rootera. Schrader had 12 points and Jeff Gloger 11, while senior for· ward Matt Okoro had ir team- high eight rebounds. David Conte, a redshlrt freshman out of Costa Mesa High, scored two polnts In his collegiate debut for the Golden Hawks. EIChlbldon UC IMM 71. CIUl.A 48 Cal 9art9 Loi AnaelM ·Ruffin 14, Smhh 5, N1ughton 15, Conti 2, Gr1VSOn II, Oiiton 4, Vaquez 3. 3-pt. goelt • Smith 1. Fouled out • Nona. TIChnlc:ell • None. UC IMne • Zulek 9, P1rld1 8, Efevbetm 13, Sdlt'Md« 12, Gloger 11, Okoro 8, EthlngtOn 6, Snoolt 3, Hill 3, Bnkluakut 2. Stephent O. e.pt. goela • Sdlreeder 2, Efevbethe 1, Zuuk 1, Snook 1. Fouled out • None. T9ChnlC1lt • None. H11ftlme • UCI, 39-20. . MEN'S BASKE I BA£ . Vanguard o:Pens l. • • • • season with win · Vanguard Unlvenlty'a men'a bubtbaD team opened Its lea· aon and the Wesbnlnster towna· ment with an 82-64 victory awr ~n lbunda.y 1n Salt Lake aty. The Uona, who built an eight· point halftime lead by shooting 609(, In the &st bal£ bad four ~ In double figures In tear· Ing, led by Bdan Kim's 20 point& Horace ~nnely added 19 poin~ Xevin Dalafu added 14 points and Leon Rosborough bad 10 points and 10 rebowlda. Vanguard (I-0) continues tour· oament play today against tour· LIONS Continued from M stability, begins his first full sea- son at the helm with a youthful col.lectlon of talent that faces an uphill battle in the ultra-comped· dve Golden State Athletic C.Onfer· ence. V&ng\Wd was 7-24 last year, 3-17 In conference. "Wf!re just very, very yowig," said Wilson, whose season-open· Ing starting lineup in Thursday's Westminster townament In· eluded two freshmen, two sopho· mores and a junior. "Our guys all have a passion to play the game, which is good. We shoot the ball fairly well and we have good quickness. But, on the other side, we're not very big." The quickness and lack of height have prompted Wilson to Intensify an up-tempo approach. Starting point guard Horace Wormely, a 5-foot-6 junior trans· fer from Pasadena Community College, Is the tr4!ger man ln the lloo.s' nmnlng game. Wilson be· Ueve8 he'll bring scoring punch, as well as playmaklng skills to the backcourt. Kevin Dalafu, a 6-1 freshman out of 1ioy High, joins ~rmely at guard, replacing senior Josh Pierson, who will have surgery for a dislocated shoulder sustained In preseason practice. Pierson, the leading scorer among return- ers (10.l points per game a.s a junior), la out for the season. Leon Rosborough. a 6-5 sophomore who averaged 7.5 ppg last season, sta.ru up front. where he Is joined by 6-5 sopho- more Brian Kim, a transfer from llllUONS · . • Portland, and Brett McGee. a f>-6 : freshman center from Oklahoma. a~ : nm Buptette, a 6· 7 forward· center who averaged 7 .5 points : and 4.1 rebounds as a starter last season, will come off the bench, Wilson termed Ro,,borough a . Wilson said. . I gifted athlete and strong re· • bounder. Wilson considers scor· • Ing the strength of Kim's game,• j and Wilson praises McGee's shooting touch and abOJty to~ bang inside. • •!McGee) has a lot of poteo· • t:iaL" Wilson said. Levi Seeklns. a 6-6 sophomore. who played sparingly last year, has the potential to contribute much moIJ! off the bench. Wilson will also COWlt upon re • lief help from 6-5 freshman Qu/t Watson, out of Savanna Higb, 6-l senJor Jesse c:arlaon, a tran.sfi er from Siena College. and Brendl ui C.Otter, a 6-3 junior. J : The Uons flrlt home game ft Nov. 15 again.st c.aJ State Los J'\n! geles. for which Costa Mesa H ilgli product David C.Onte Is .the st :art· lng freshman point guard. BOYS WATER POLO Sea King s gain share of title The C.Orona de! Mar High boys water polo team became co- champion of the Pacific Coast League by virtue of Laguna Beach's 10·9 victory aver Univer- sity Thursday and the Sea Kings' 11-10 win over host University Wednesday. CdM overcame an 8·5, third- quarter detldt and pulled out a Pad.ftc Coast League victory over UnJ. Junior Bryan Buhagiar scored the game-winning goal with 57 seconds left. Thomas Pearson led the Sea Kings (6· 18, . 3· l ln league) with four goals, while Tum Money MOred three, Spencer Plrdy added two and Daniel Niehenke chlpped In one. Gaston Sanford recorded 11 saves for CdM. Peclftc eo..t ......... Coron. del Mir 11, UnMwelty 10 ICON bY Ou"1llrl CdM ' 2 a a -11 Uni 4 2 2 2 • 10 CdlM -Peeraon 4, Money 3, Pirdy 2, 8uhaglar 1, Nlehenk• 1. Slves- Slnford 11. Mesa dominates Li6bs •Costa Mesa HJgh flttlshed second In the Golden Wut League, defeating,.Westmlnster, 16-6, Thursday at Loa AlamJtos. Sophomore J<yle Thorsnea led the Mustangs (14·6, 5·1 in league) with ftve goalt. while junior 6van Spencer added four goals. Senior Brian Knox acored three JOalt, and Junior Anthony A.demowlcz and senior Brian Tipton contributed two each. JunloT 1oaUe Matt JaroslaWlki recorded eeven saves. Mell WOl pay In the C'JP Soucbern SectSon OlvWorl a pJay· om.. moet 1'bly In.. tint-round pme 'lhUrldaY aft« eeedingiJ -announced Monda)4 ~ droppec:t to 9·7, 3-3. ........ LMllle c.-'t:'"=' .... M ... "''''·" W'ml'*-2 ' 2 t -• Colta ..... _ Thortnee. a, Spe~ '· Knoxa, ~ 2, Tipton 2. laV9e·J~7. .... ,...., _~Ide :t, lhOlt '· c~ 1.Hetton 1.S.W.-Zamoteno e. Eagles finish with win • Senior Paul Collier scored eight goals to lead Estancia to a 13·3 win over Golden West Leag\ae visitor Orange Thurs- da~ Junior Richard McElveny added three goals and senJor Nathan Marsteller made nine saves to help the Eagles (9· ll, 2-4 in league) conclude their season on a wtnnJng note. Golden w.tt L.equ. Estanct. 13L. Orange 3 8c:oN by uuarw. Orange o o 1 2 · 3 Eltlncla 4 4 2 3 . ,, Orange • 81yati 2, Joah Wooden 1. s.v .. · JoMph Wooden 4. &tancl1 ·Collier 8, McElvenv 3, Metltovlcti 1, Sean 1. Slvu . Marateller 9. Sailors down Warriors •Newport Harbor HJgb wrapped up the regular season with a 15·5 Sea View League victory over Woodbridge Wednesday it Corona del Mar Hlgh. Senior Michael Bury led the Sailort (16·10, •·l In league) with six goals wblle sophomore Cay J..orth added four goals. Bryan Auer, iuid younger broth- er Brett Auer, along with Trevor Gregory, Telford Cottam and Griffin 'Gentry scored one goal each. Newport goalie Michael Roblnaon recorded MVen save& The Sa.Uora flnithed 1eeood ln the Sea View League, behind Foothill. The CIP Southern Sec· don DMsion I playoff aeedlnp wUl be released Monday. Newport Had>or'• tunJor YU· 1lty team won the Sea View League championship, u they were undefeated. 'Ibey Iott only one pme dur· Ing the aeuon In the tide match of lbe San Otmente tourN· ment. \ 1be Slilon won the Ima. toumuntnt and the N~n Hait>or tourney, u weD. Kenny MOid, Pubr Giegory, Bric euleon, ~ ShermUi, Hunter AJvuado, Jamee Jlck· eon. DanJel PunnaD, and the goalie Evan McLain help ed lead the Sailors to the Se a View League junior varsity tlt le. te. View L•ll»I Newport Herbor 11, w~a . 8cON bY Quirte n Woodbridge · ' o : l 2 -6 Newport 2 I 3 8 • ,. Woodbtldoe -Pfoteneu1 1r 2, Gr1y 2, Moody 1. S.vff -l.eurT 11n 10. Newport -Bury 6, Jortl' , 4, Gentry 11 Bry. Auer 1, Gregory 1, Cottlm 1, Bre. Auer 1. Slvff -Ro blnaon 7. Eagles edge M .onarchs • Estancia senJo• ' Paul Collier scored five goals a od aenJor An" thony Hermann t ,tdded four te key a 12· ll non! league victory over visiting Matf ir Del Wednes· day. Senior goalie Nathan Mar .. steller made 11 saves to help the Eagles impr1 JVe to 8· 10. • Mater Del feU . to 12·6. The Eagles 1 conclude thek season today at 3:15 p.m. against Goldt >in West Leagu._ visitor Orange ,, Noeieque : Estancia-; 12. Mlwr Del 11 • Mater o.r-'" bJ 01"r9 a ' Eltancl1 * 2 a • • ,. M..., De& • 81 leer 5, Ollttnelov 2, • O'Hara 1, ICJln> It 1, Ceulum 1, l1tano 1. Slwe • Vldl ti 7. htencle ·Col ~ler 5, Hermenn 4, Kunert 1, Mor slv•nv 2. s.vet · • Mam.lier 11 . Llghtnir lg drub Aztecs •Senior 1 Anthony Milotant.tev and Junie )r John Neff eco-9 th.t'ee goa· "apiece to lead Segt Hill Sebo ol to a 9·3 nonleque win ow 1r host La ~ti Wednlld ay. Senior goalie 'Iaylor Gran..: had n1ni e aaves for tbt up.er Ding, wb 10 wnp up tbe1r aeuop with a n• onleagu_e due Priday f Orup. fl !!I ------------.-~~~~~.-~~---~-~·--------------------------------------~ -- -~ -_._ - . '• M • I• Friday, November 7, 2003 All -------t.1111 ..... -1u1.i---1• ..... -1-...... -.. -... --...... ··-Ulll-----··--~-----LeplNaa. 2l40 UgllNollcea pi;;iiiiiii~ .iiiii~,~.:iii.l.iiii!ii~:iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;;.J.i~iiiiii~~.~i;;;;i;;i;J.~5;.;i~;i;-iiiiiiiiiiiii lS( IJWO you .iiould 1ptie1r et tllt Drlv1, Sutll 2ti0·2e0 -~MoClcel -..., .... 2l40 ~' NaOcls - ---hHrlna 111d •t•t• your All•r revi.w1111 thlt -1TOnacuafW058S llO'l'ICl•""'*9 0$ctfonaorfll1"'rltl1n proltct. it h .. bH11 SvbiKt lo condltlona ptHCrlbff by tlM U...venlty .. <.Uf..-.. .,.,.., 111114 pr09oa1la for • TOAt•l8 ob tlons with 1111 cowl dellrmln•d tfilt II I• lltlllll•l um centrtet It• lt!vll.cl for th1 followhlt WOl'll: maJlltL b Ort 1111 ht1rln1. Your cat11orlt1lly Htmpt • COMPV1b SCMNUS UNIT I • • " vn 1ppelf1nct m•v bt In under tilt 11qu1t1m1nt1 ,.,....,..._..,ffltlO ... Lw.118 ptt1on or by your of the Ctlll0<nl1 Ertvl UMfYIMfn OI <AUfOllNIA, •VtMI • 8 ,_ 1tt0tnty. r011111t11l1I Qu1Mty Act elNUAlMKltPTIOMOIWORlt .. _ tr VOU Aft( A CAtDI· under Clau l (Cxlstlna 1" PfllPd"d Compultr Scl.nct Un1t 3 l)fojt(t will construct 17.400 ASF tor the School of --fOlt or eont1n11nt Feclllti.s). lnloone\lon tnd Compullr k~. '''*'' u•1&1111ient cl1Utoo1N, end U!!1e11t•lundtd '411'1• '4)1et. uH _ , ... 1... qtdltor ol th• d4e1111d, Pl•1111r11.1 Ohctor'a u" f11t School of lnfor101tlo11 enf Computer Sei.nc1 (ICS) will occue>r 48.0CIO ASf conai.ti111 of cl•tt --"" "" you muit Ill• yout cl•frn P•rmit UP2003·0'1 la l1bor1torles, r•HlfCh •P•C.. acacltmlc Office apace, •11cl ldrnlnlllretlv• office and 1upport apace. lo •II hetn, bfflfl· with the co11rt tncl 111111 uhaduled I« rtvltw by A tot•I of 13,340 A.Sf wm bt provlcltd for 1•nar1I 1t11111ment ctusrooma, hOllstnr m total i..111 cllr "· crec11tors, con• • copy to tll• penonal the Pl1nnl1110.partmtnt In 13 room• of various slue. An ackNtlon11 ff.000 AS, of llH lbll •aura•• 191c1 wllt •Ito bt tlna•nt credllon, end rePfn•nlatlve 1ppo1nt1d of tilt City of Newport provkled, Out to •II• conttttlnu In the ~n&Jnttflnl/Computar Sclt11c• Q111dt1natt. thl propo11d ptrton• who m1y oth by the court within tour 811ch •• "' afttt pro)Mt conslsb of contt1ucllon of two itPN•l• atructuru: 1 am.It "4:ture 11111 bulldfn1 ol 13,340 trwl" bt lntttuted In montha from thl dttt of Tw .. ctar, Nev••"'' ASl,1nd1m1lnbuildl11C.tol•lln114,060ASf.l111twlU llou .. IC:S1ctMtltund1ur1up1c1. thl Wiit or 111•1•. or the first Issuance of 11, 2001. Wrllt111 •• ............ Within tht marn bulldlna. thla ptOltc:t will provide a totel of 27,710 ASF of both, of· HCLEN E, l11te11 n provided In comment• or Input flMMch apace for th• Sc:hool of tnform1tlon tlld Cornputtr Science, lncludl"C 26,llO ASf of WlCINOLINC 1k1 HEUN Probele Cod• section ret1ttd to th• PfOltct flealble r1S111ch l1boutory/offlc1 space. Thia •P•et will bl confl1urtd In sever•l '"" of 1oom1 U.AINE WEINOLING 9100 The tlfTll for flllna ahoufd bt aubmltt•d to from 2tO AS' llP to 600 ASf. Th• room• wlll bl outfitted wft!I rtc1w11 11ound th• J*'f!Mlll !or A PETITI~ fOR PRO· cl1lms will not uplfe the l'lannlna Otptttmtnt ttlecormnu11lctUons t1blln1 and 11tctrlc1I wlrlna. Thue •P•cet wllf Kcommodalt a wide 11nat of 8AT£ hJS bee" tiled by btfor• tour rnontl!i from by Mond1y, Nev.-.r 1ollvltlt1. lncludlna 1mon1 othere, ftbrlcatlon of new computw hardware 1ystems, develoflment ol MORISE WEINOLING In the hHrrn1 date noticed 17, 2001, In 0tder to toftw1r1 ~lotions end n1twOl'k erchltectures, conatruct1on of IMC!llnea with lf\llUlatnl systems, the Super10t Court o ebov1 be considered In th• encl dlvelof)ment of 1dv•nc.O t1chnotoali1 thet make cllaian and m1nut1ctu•• ot computlf tysttmt C•llfornla,• County ot YOU MAY EXAMINE th• Pl1nn1na Director's ftittt end chHper. Other ruurch ~en to be drovldld (2,600 A$f) Include rwierch '""' ORANGE 1111 kepi by the court. If dedtion. 11 epprovtd et w«llrOOn'I• and m .. tJna rooms, •od • 1.,,, conference room. THE PETITION f OR you are ~ person In thi Um• ol rev!I.,, th• In 1ddltlon to Ul• reuerch space,• tot1I of 1,900 ASF ot class ltbortlOI')' sp1c1 will elso bt PROBATE requnh lerested 1n th• estate. appul period of I• dt ys provided to 1ccommod•I• two computer l1bor 1torles for ICS, Each l1bor1tory wlll house 30 computer MORIS£ WEINDLING be you m1y Ille with the will btaln from that 1t1tlon1, and will b• equipped with white boards, projection acrtenl, and computer PfOfactlon appointed It personal court 1 Requeil for d1le, du1ln1 which time •Cllliom•nt. 11p1111nt11iv1 to •d· Sped1I Notice (form OE any b1l1rul1d perty or Office •PK• for th• School of hlformallOn and Computer Sclln'ce includes faculty office• (10,l~ mln1~t11 the 11lttt o IM) of the htlna of an their authorized •&•"' ASf) end 1dmlnl1trativ1 offices 1nd related supPort spaces (8.325 ASr). lncludina 1ccommod1tlons the decedent inventory and 1ppral11I aur11ved of that dect· for ICS'1 Ot1n'1olfic1111d Oeptrtment·wlde functions. THE PETITION requesb of n t•I• 111tls or of aion may Ill• a nollu of Sura• spac1 provided by lh1 proposed proJect wilt consist of office a"d dry l1bo11lory •P•ct. the d1ced1nl'1 Will i nd any petition Of •ccount appeal to th• Pl1nnin1 and wlll ti. conl(l_ured in • flexible m1nntr to meet the needs of a v1rl1ty of potential occupants codicils. if any, be u provided on Probate Commission with a fllln1 <le.-lvlMllftt. Three lera• clu srooms wlll bt PfOvlded In this atructure, lncludlns a 250-nat admitted to probate The Cod• sectJon 12~ '-fee of $915 00 to defray lecture hall, • 125-wet lecture hall, and • 65·•111 cue·study room. All three tecilltles will be Will and any codicils ere Req uest for Special the cost ol the appHI flud-seat rooms with sloped or at1pped floors. ut1nalv1 1cou1tlc1I tre1tm1nt, and slecltad mov1bl1 1vall1blt for 1um1na· Notice rorm 1s 1vallabl6 procedure. chalkboards . The l•cture halls will also i11clud1 projtcllon booths. All rooms will be wired for d1t1 lion In tht flle kept by from th• court clerk. The appllclllon and and 1qulPP1d to 1ccomrnodall h11vy 1udio·visu1l requirements. lncludlna duel projection screens, the court. Attotney for Petitt-en d1velopm41nt plans of video and d1ta projection. hl1h quality sound system, etc. TH£ PETITION rtquesb A"'y c. Anclaro.o11, 1.41., th• prop~Hd pro11ct are Generel 1ul1nment clusrooms to bt provided Include 1 65·snt cltssroom, a 50-seat case·sludy authority to adminis ter A1tclerMtt a A""9no11, a vailable for publlc room, and elchl 30·111t clu uooms. The SO·se•l room wlli be • llxld-1eat facility with 1 stepped th• est•t• under the 2070 N. Tu•fln Ave., revlt"' end Inspection al floor similar to th• cn1·sludy room descrlbtd •bovt; the remalnln& rooms wlll h .. e flat floor' Independent Admtn1s S-to Arte, CA 92705 the Pla11n1n1 Oeparl· end 10011 Httln1. Tht 65·aeat clau room Wiii be u11d prlmerlly for cl11ses employ1n1 a verl1ly lrtlion of Estetu Act Published Newport ment, Coty of Newport of seetln1 conli1uratlons. All rooms will be wired tor data and equipped with chal).boerds end (This Authortty "'IU allow Beach· osta Mesa Oally Buch, 3300 Newport projection scr .. ns. Two classroom support spacn wlll also be provided Th111 rooms wlll provide th• personal reprH en Pilot No ember l 7, 10. Boulevard. Newport space to store overhead projectors, shde projeclo". VCRs. and other equipment and supplles letlve lo take many 2003 M834 8t1ch, Calrforn11, 91659· needed for the cla urooms. actions without obleln 1768 For further lnlor PIOCIDUl1$ • ina court opro v1I IS66f mation contact the Propos.I documents will bt evallable lo Prequallfled Propose<s at 10:00 AM. F11day. Octobt • 31. Before takln& cert11n Ne.,porl Beech Pl•nnona 2003. Prequ1llfitd Propoltrs m1y pick up free of c.htr&• a mo imum of f1v1 (6) sets of Proposal very 1mporl•nt actions MO Ofrrnnotl Department at (949) 644· documenb et Ottian & Construction Servicu . University of California, Irvin•. 5201 California how1ver. the persona TO ADMllSTtl 3200 Avenue, Suite 250. Irvin•. C1llforni1 92697·2Mi0. Additional ub mey be purchtsed at prequalifled representative wtll be NOTl1 Thi u penst of proposer's cost from Consolidated R1pro1nphics. " 11qulred to clvt notice UTAlt Ofi this notice 1s p1id from PropoHI documents will be ava(lable lo subcontractors end dnlan c:onsulllnh et 10;00 AM. to interested persons l!Vlll IOlllSON a 1111!'1& fee corlected Friday, October 31, 2003, and wlll be Issued 011ly et: unless they h•v• w11ve<1 trom tht appllcanl . <OMIU4at"'ltpf'OIJf'..ttlc•,lrK. notice or conaent1d lo ••MnYIUM.loalSOM Publlshod Ne wport 3182 Pullman Strttt, CMta Mt ... CA mu. Phont. (714) 7Sl-2680 the proposed action) CASIMO.A222010 Btach·Costa Mtu 011ly Atlentlon:Mohmm1dRllhma11orSottle ~ccel The Independent ad Polot Novamber 7, NOTlt IT IS THE SUl<ONTIACTOfllS' AND DlstGN COMSULTANTS' HSPONSlllUTY fO llGISflfll mlnistretlon authority To all heir$, benefo 2003 r !IO' WITH THI UNIVllSITY Ol CONSOUOATIO llD'IOGaAIMKS TO ACXNOWUOGI ll<flf'T Of THI wlll be &rented unless m roes, creditors. con COMPUTll SCllNCI UNIT J PfllOf'OW DOCUMlNTS. UNfYllSITT WIU NOTIFY SUICONTIA<TOllS an Interested person llnsinl creditors, and AlfD DISION CONSUlfANTS, WHO HAVI llGtsTllllO WITH DESIGN AND COHSTIUCTION Illes en ob1eetlon to the persons who may oth· SllVIClS 01 CONSOUOATID lllPlOGll.APHICS, Of ADDINOA, WHICH All AVAllAIU AT OISIGN petition and ,howl eood er win be interested 111 AND CONSTIUCTION SllVICIS. ceuse why the court the woll or estate, or should not arant the both, of. MELVILLE authority. M 0 RR i S 0 N a k • A HE.ARING on the MEI VILLE M MORRISON THI fOLLOWING DISIGN IUllOlRS HAVI IHN PlllQU~mD TO SUIMn PllOPOSAlS ON THts PllOJICT1 Hetltef Pit.Ip. Cot11trvctl011 Ce. 2415Campus Drive. Suitt JOO Irvine, CA 926 I 2 Tel: (949) 852·011 1 Fu· (949) 852-0218 PCl (eftttrvdl.., S.Nlcot , 11.c. 200 Burchett Street Glendale. CA 91203 Tel: (818) 246·3481 Fu: (818) 2AJ.57S5 PllQUAUfllD SUICONYUCTOIS McCarthy lullcllng Cem..-111, lftc. Southern California Oov,.lon 20401 S W Birch Street, Suole 300 Newporl Buch, CA 92660 Tel. (949) 85! ·8383 Fu. (949) 756 6846 ,..,., Tli• ••Md"' DHllft lulldet wlll lte rlfllllrecl to 1111 only thoH llectrlcol, Ma1011ry, Glutne. HVAC (Wet ... ct Ory), Dftd Plulftlttn1 tu.,contradon wit. hove i. .. n pro-...llflecl lty Tit. U1tlvoralty at Collfor11le, rrvl11e , • ...,.. •. Preqvallflocl llt<trlcal Sultcofltra<tor• Arao AndenOll & Hew .. cl llettrlc, Inc. 1791 Ray11olds Ave. Irvine. CA 92614 KDC Inc . .a.. Oynoloctrlc 4462 Corporate Center Drove Los Alamitos. C.A 90720 - l•rtoltttrfc Corporation 5650 W. Cenlonela Ave. Los Anaeles. CA 90045 HeUa. llectr le, Inc. 8260 Camono Santa Fe, Suite A San D1110. CA 92121 Pr•4t~•llfl1d 111 .. -ry S.luontrocfor1 orao · M..-y Ceitcept1, IM. I & II Ma .. 1try, l1tc. !31 E. Arrow Hianway S337 Cahuen1a Blvd . Sutt~ A E Sin 01m11. CA 91773 North Hollywood, CA 91601 Wlnop ..... Maa ... ry,ltlc. 32 147 Ounlep Blvd Yuc:elpt, CA 92399 ''°""ellflttl Glo•lng Svltc011troct1n .,., Af<hllactvral Glo11 & Alvml"""' Ce., IM. Glreu• Glau, Inc. 850 W Washincton Blvd Los Anaetes, CA 9001S 1911 Union Street Oakland, CA 94607 "91n-Comroct Gloll119, l11t . 26981 Vista Terrece Dr , Suite E l ake For est, CA 92630 WooArl .... GloH, lftC. 16661 Noyes Ave Irvine. CA 92606 Tewor Glau, l11c. 'Y.170 Pathway St .• Suitt A Santee, CA 92011 '•ottVDllflacl HVAC (Wet & Dry) Sultcentroefou Areo A.O.ltettl & Ca. 4777 Ruffner St San Oieao. CA 92111 c ... tral Air COll4lltlonln9 c ... ,..rotlOll 2301 N. Glassel! St Ora nae. CA 92865 Unlvortlty Mo,.lfdt M•chonlcel 1000 N. Kraemer Pl. An1hefm, CA 92806 ACCO ln.lneered Sytt•"'• 6265 San Fernando Rd Glend1le. CA 91201 Crltdofltlcl Medl011lcol, lnc. 4-085 Campbell Ave Menlo P•rk. CA 94025 Wo1tor11 Afr & Rafrtrrotlon Co., LP 1591 ~ S. Anion Blvd Compton. CA 90220 Pre.,.ttfled PIUfl'lltfn1 hltcontrocton or11 A.o .1 .. c1&c •• 4777 Ruffner Street Sin Dieao. CA 92111 P•..f'odflc Plut11ltfn9 Compony 179ll Mitchell South Irvine, CA 92614 U1tlnnlty Mer•llch Mathooolcal 1000 N. Kr11m11 Pl An1heim, CA 92808 Murrey Corl'lf>ClftY 2919 l. V1ctofla St. Rancho Oomlneuez, CA 90221 Plvm1t1 .. 9, Pt,1.., & (lft1trwtl111, l1tc. 59SO lekuhore Or Cypress, CA 90630 llP SUIMllTAI. llQUlllMINU SHAU HAS fOUOWS1 .,, alllltitlttol ahol lte tlllltitlttecl '" ttir .. ,.,.,,_ ...... , Flot Component Submltt1I will not b• reet lved 1ft1r 2.00 PM, Wedneeday, J ... u...,. 14, 2004 S.cond Componerit Submltlll will not bt received after: 2.00 PM, flwrt4ey JIJftllery t !t ~004 Third Component Submlttel wlfl nol be received alter· 2100 PM, frlct-r; J-.ry 16, 2004 First Component Submlll•I. Second Compen¥11 Submittal end Third Compontnl Submittal will b1 received only '' .; OESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES UNIVERSITY Of CAllFORNIA, IRVINE 5201 C'-LIFORNIA AVENUE, SUITE 2~ tflVINC, CA 92697·2450 (949) 824·6630 Throe Mandotery p,..p,epflof (.,.f,,..,c .. _, Manclcrt..-, Pre-'r•fl'8Hf PrelHf Sit• Vltlt• wlll be conducted on: M"'49y Ne,,.lft!Mtr 10 2001 t rJO AM, University of California, Irvine, D•ll&n & Construction Strvlces, S201 Callfornl• Av11n111.' Suite 250. Sulllv1n & Wri&ht Conference Room•. lrvma. CA 92697· 2•50 M"'""-Y, Nev_lt., 24, 2001, t tlO AllJI, U11lv1nllr of C1llfornla, Irvin•. 01111n & Conllruct1011 Senlcu. ll251 Cilltfornl• Aonut, Suitt 105, lrvint, CA 92697·2450 and M~ Dec-w t 2001, t ilO AM, University ol California. Irvine, Ottlan & ConstrueUon service•. ~201 Celllornla' Avenue, Suit• 250. Sullivan & Wrr111t COnfertnce Rooms, lrvln•. CA 92697 2450 . (Located et corftlf of Cahtornl• Av1nu1 end Bison Av.nu•) Only ProPoHfl, who ptrtfcl~l• in 11141 thrtt Pf••propoui conter1nc11 •nd Pf•·Propoul pro1tct Ille vi.Ila, In tlltlr enllttty, wlll b1 1llow1d to propo11 011 th• project. Persons •rrMn1 later th•n t 1H AM win not b• 1llowtd to tubmlt propoaal1110.1lan 8ulld•r oo the project, 'or further tnlormellon. c.o11t1ct the Unlvtrs lty's R•PftHntetlve. Lorrefn1 Medina ti (949) 824 7':r~ul Security In· th• 1mount of 10!. of the lump 1um bu• bid, u ctudln1 ellernat ... shill 9'comp1ny 11c:h 81<1 Thi turaty in u1n1 tilt Bid Bond •h•ll b•, on the bod dttlllint. en tdrnilttd 111rety lnturer (H defined hi the Celllornla Codi of J:IYll Procedure ~c:tlon 9'J!i 120) All ln&urtnc• pollcln required to bt obt•fned by Oeal1n Builder and Outa:n Con1u1t1nts shall be aub)lct to app(ovtl by U11lv1nlly for form and 111b1ttntt. All auch pollclta requltfd by U11lvtr•llY for Commerclat '°'m Oen1tt l Llablllty end 8u1lnu1 Automobile llablllb •h•ll l>t ln~d by companlu with • Beat R1tln1 of A· or btller and • l1n1nc1,tl clU"ltflc:1tlon of VltJ or better. « with an 1qulvalent relln1 b)' Stlnd•d and PO(lf'a or ~ooclV'•· All POllcl1a requlltd by Un1v.ralty for W«ktr't. Compen11tlon •nd Etnploy1r'1 l labtilty shall bt lttued by comp•"'" wtth • (I) 6 nf R1t1n1 of 8+ ot bttt., and 1 f1n1ncl1I c11,.111ut1on of VIII or bltttt, « wltll 111 equlvel111t ratina by Sland11d I.Ind f'oot'a or Moody'•: or (II) lhtl .,, 1cctpl1bll to th• un1v1n1ty. Such ln1uranc1 shall be written to bl not i.t• lh•n (at r1qulftd fly f•dttll 111d $tel• of Ctlllornla l•w). The Ctt'tllicete of ltt•uranct 111111bl1 .. u.o on Ill• Unlverllty'• form. l"-l11CC•1&ful Propow al!d II• Subcontrector1 wUI bt required lo lollow lh• nondlurlmlnatlon requlrementt Ml forth In ttlt PropoHI Oocum1nt1 111d to P•Y 1nv1llln1 w11• ratn •I Ill• lont1or1 of 1111 Work A celfY ot tilt pnenl pr1v1lll111 Pl' dkm ••Ill raltt wlll IMlt on hit al Unlller•1ty'1 "41nc"1•1 f eelltty offlc• end wllt bt rn•dt av1ll111k to 1ny lntlfuled P•b upon requttl~ hr. th11 project t~ U111vtn ltt hH lnltlaltd 111d •fl•fl enforce • ltbor compll1nc1 Pfotr•m ( LCP ) In conforrMnH with Lt bof Codi n<tlon. tnl .S(b) •lld 1771.1. A t>t•·constructton conJarence wlll be f\tfd with 01.1 1uctt .. ful Bidder and Ill Subc0111t1ct«• to diecuu fedtftl •nd •t•il lt bor l•'tl! rtQUlrtrMl'llt to this proJtct. TIM tUCCfttful PropOMr will bt required lo hav• thl followfria C1lllorn~ c:ontrector'1llC1ttM1t 1111 time of tht ptOpo .. I Ofllllln1. Ctnti•I Builctln1 Co11tr1ct0f 8 (llctllM Cl1t1lflnlloll) (ltUnM Code) • I ''~ c-tr!K,... C..n $,..,A00,000 THr R(GlNTS Of THE UMVlJISITY Of C~lfOltNIA U1t1Wrtlt., of Caflfornla, lrvlnt '"llllalltd Newnn1t •••eh Cetlt Meal Oall~ f'ilol Oc;to~ 31 Ho¥1ff1t/lf 7 2003 October 2003 fill 581 .. Sill n A PC TITION rDR PRO· petition will be held o BATf has been llled by O£C£MB(R 4· 2003 '1 l YNN ANN ASH on the I 4!> pm on Dept L73 localed at 341 1 he Coty Supe11or Court of Call Orove South, Oo .inae. CA lornoa, County of OR 92868. • ANG[ IF YOU OBJECl lo the lHE PE llTION roR aranlln& of the petlhon PROBAT( requesb LYNN you should appur at lhe ANN ASll tie appointed llett1na and state your u per\onal repreunta· oblec:loons or tole written love to id1T1ln1Ster the objections with the court e>t•te of the decedent b I h Y THE PETITION request' e 0'' the Hlln& 0" the decedent'~ Wiii and appearante may be on b r codlcllf, 1f any be penon °' y you admolled to probate The attorney ff YOU AR[ A CRC 01 Woll •nd any codocols are TOR 01 contonaent av•llable for eumona· creditor ol the decened loon In the lilt kepi by fl · tho court. you must le your lla1m Tll[ Pt TlllON reQuesls with the court and maol 1 copy to the personal authority to admlnllter reprnenlitove appointed !he estate under !he b I 1 t f lndeptnd&<1I Admlnis )' 1 11 ceur wo hon our Ir a loon of Est1les Act months fro1T1 the date of the first 1uuance of (Th" Authority will allow letter\ n provided on the pe1~0111t repiesen· Probate Code uctoon tallve to tah many 9100 The tome tor hlin& actions without oblain· cl11m~ will not upire ina court approval before lour months from Before takin& certaon the heanna dale nohced very Important actions. above. however. the per,onal YOU MAY EXAMINE ttie rel)feHnlallve woli be flle kept by the cour 1. II requored to aove notice you are 1 person tn· to interested persons teruted In the estate, unless they have w•ived y11u may file wilt> the notice or consented lo court a Request for lhe propoud action) S · (I 0£ The rndependenl ad pecitl Notice orm m1111tl,.llon 1ul ho1ity 15-4) of the lohna of an Inventory and ,>ppraouf will bt &•anted unlen of estate aneb or of an lnternltd person any pellllnn or tccount foln an ob,ectlon to the as provided in Probate pelol1on and shows aooo Code section 1250 A cauu why the court Request for Special should 1101 llflnt tfle Notice form os ... Hable authority from the court clerk A HEARING on the Attw ney for '•tlll_,, petition woll be held on I ,. DECEMBER 4, 200J at hlllderl, Ty"· WI I 4S p,m, tn Dept L73 ""· Wiiheim & Wot-located 11 341 Tile Coly clronUP JomH (. Wl~h•I..,, '-;'3 Or~ South Oranee. CA (CSI# 4ST8S), 260 9~r YOU OBJECl to the Moln St., Sta. UOO, I th t t lrvt111, CA 926 1' &Unt1na o e pe • 1un. Publlslled Newport yuu •hould •PPUr al the Beach Co•la Mesa Ootly hearona and llate your Pilot November 3, 7, 10, Objection~ 01 lilt w11Uen 2003 M835 ob1ectlon\ with the 'ourt before tho hearona Your •ppu rance may be on person or by your ~13661 llOOO Of mmoM TOADIMSTB ESTAnOfl QWllS l IU liklJOtllllU tb JOtlAMlS l PYU Wlll0.A2ll016 To •II ht11\, hero9f1 c1111n. ered1fo!l. con tlneent creditors, 1nd persons whn m•y oth erw1se h1 1nl~rw\ted on the will or est1te or both, ol JOHANNES E PIJL aka JOHN l Pill •k• JOHANNES E PYLE A PCTITION f OR PRO· BATt hll bHn lfled by MARIAN Pill on lh• Superoor Court of C•h fornla, Countv ot Olt ANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROB A TE requuts MARl'-N Pill be ap• pointed 11 P•t~On•I repreatnlallve lo ao mln11ter the n late of the decedent THE. PETITION requesls the dtc1d11nt'1 Wiii and codlclls, If •ny, be •dmlttad lo probate Th• Will 1nd t ny cod1c1li ~r~ 1vell1blt for ou mtna llon In the Ille kept by Iha coutt. TH£ PfTITION requnh authority to 1dmln111er the 11t111 under th• lnd•p•ndttlt Adrnltlll lt•llon of l!ltatu Act. (This Authority wlfl 11tow 1111 ptltlOJ\11 1tpt111n t1Uv1 Ill tall• ma11y 1cUon1 without obt11n· Ina court 1pprool 8eto" ttkln1 "''•In very lmPorl•nt attlon•, how11/ar, th• penon1l rtpr111ntahn wllt be requited to 11111 notlu to lnterlll1d pertons unless they hn• w1lv1d notice ot com11t•d to tile ptopostd action.) l h1 lnd1p1nd1nt 1d· mlnl1t11t1on euthorlly w111 bl t1tnttd unteu •n J11terut•d ptraon fll• an oltltdlOll to th• peltllon tnd 1hows 111od ttu.. why lht co11rt .tiould not arant the IUlllorlly A HC "'"'N<l on 11111 petll101t wlll b• held ~ otCIM9UI 4, 2003 et l.4S p m 111 O.ol 1.13 loc:ioited 11 341 l'~t C1ly Oflye So\itll, Or•nt•. CA 92111 attorney If YOU ARE A CREOI TOR nr cont1n11enl ottlolor of the deceased you must hi~ your dtom woth Iha t.aurl 1nd mail ' rnpy to the peo sonal reprHenlahve appomled by the t'ourt wllhlfl lour months from the dale of the lorst onu~n•e of lette" a• provided In Prof>•tt Cnd~ •ect1on 9100 Th• tom• lor Min& cleirn• will not eaplr e before lour months from the hearina dale noticed above YOU MAY f XAMINI lh• Ille k~pt by the rnvrl II you are 1 pr,.on In lerested 1n the utete, you may fole with the court ' Request for Sp1c11I Notoce (forlT1 OE · I !>4) of 1111 flllna of an Inventory and appraisal of estate nseh or of anv l)lllltlon or account as provided In Ptobalt Code section 17'>0 A Requut for Sp1ci1I Notice form is 1vtll1ble from th• cou(t ~ltrk. Atter111y for Petltlallw1 ,...,,, A. S<h111lttltt1, h'I· SIN SH40 Sch"'l .. l11t lllocl St"'lert & Mechy, 1t7 l2 MacAt th11r llvcl .. St1. 2t01 ''"''"'·CA t26 I 2 Publ1tl11d Newport 8t11eh Costa Mua Dally Pilot Novwmber 3, 9. 10, 2003 M336 MllCltOTICI "-...,.,•Utt , ... "100J..041 ,A!OOS-242) Notice It hereby &JV•n lh•t en •PPlletllon hH bun •ubmltl1d by l u • ur ypr i111 c om to 1llow the use ot prop ., ty for • lrmlltd vthtclt H ltJ f•clflly HJOClal1d with 1n lntOH net Hitt tlusint'•· Sine • tht OfllllliOt'I lnclud11 th• 1111 of aulomobll .. , the CtlltOf"la Qepu tmenl of Motor Vth1Cl•• ttqulrH • vllhlcle d1tpl1y aru f0t al Just on• cer II .tlould bt niit•d tll•t thl\ bus1n111 I• retoceunc from 290 Ht1wp«t Can ter Otlre lo thlt new loc1Uot! TM prOflltly 19 louted In th• APr 01\ltkt YOlll lolflWlftl•cl ti-1 lllfoulft ,,.._.fief yCKlf 1111w111lf4 I~ tltr°'*1 clulMfJK --~~~~~~~- tr YOU 081CCT to the ,_________ aranltn1 ol the petition PflJl*ty lootM at• 260 N1wport Canter UGAl llOOO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th•t the Bo•rd of Educ.otion of the New port-Mesa Un11ied School 01stroct of Otanae County wlll receove •ealed bids up lo a.oo o.m. en th• 19th doy of Novemltar, 2003. •I the Purchaslna Office of uod School 01str1r.t, IQcated al ?98!>·B Bear Street. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. al which 11"1• said bods will be publlcly opened .ind read 101 AUDIO /VISUAL, TV /VCll lQUIPMINT ANO fUllNITUlll All bid• are to be on •ccordance woth Condo lions. lnslr uc\oons, and Specofic.toons which are on Ille in the office of the Purchasing Oorector of uod School Oostrocl, 2985 B Bur Slreel. Costa Men, CA 92626 E •th boddtr must submit wolh eoch bid a Certoloec or Cashier's Chee~ payable to tile Oritroct or a bod bond In the form 511 forth in the conlract documents on •n amount not len than $10,000 n a eu1Jr1nlu lhll the bidder will enter into lh• proposed con tr u l 11 the sa1T1e 1s aw1tded to such bidder In the event of failure to enter into uod Contract, such security will be lorfeoted lo nod School Oostoct of Or a nae County Only contractor~ h censed '" both cotes of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach woll •helblt for 1w1td of tht& contract II Perform•nce Bond will be requored prior lo lhe oeculoon of the Conlratl 111 the amounl t>I Sl00,000 00 No bidder may woth draw hos llort loo a perood ol fORTV-H\1£ (4S) days alter the date set for th~ openina thereof The Board of Educe loon of tho Newport Ml\a Un1 l1ed School D11trocl reser Ve\ lht roaht lo r•11Cl •ny or all bids and not necessarily aLcept the lowut bod, and to waive 1ny in l01mallty or orregularlly In any bid recel~td NfWPORT MlSA Ul'l'flO SCHOOt DISTRICT of Or •nae County /s/ Sharon Iv Chon& Director ol Purchasona and Warehous1111 (714) 424·5077 Publi.hed Newpor I Beach Colla Mesa OeHy Piiot 0Ltober 31. No vembtr 7 2003 2003 f886 flctltlMIUm Mc. Sfltlllllllt lh• followonc penoM .re c:toonc buslnn s n Park Avenue Clunina S11v10, 31~7 Yukon '-vo . Cosl3 Mna. CA 92626 Aydee Paredes, 3157 Yukon Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 flu Paredn, 3157 Yukon, Costa Miu, CA 92626 Th" bu•tness Is con ducted by. co partne1' Have you tl•rt•d dtlina bv"M" ytt1 No Aydn r ar•dtt Thi• sht1m1nt wH llltd wolh lh• County Clt1 k of Ot11111 County on 10/14/03 200J696US t Oaoly Pilot Ot t l 7. 2•, 31. Nov. 7, 2003 rMa SUUMY Of PIOPOSa OIDIWkl cm°' COSTAIUA A PltOl'OSf.0 OROI· NANCE " tchtdultd fot •doplton at the rtaular City Council mttllna ol November 17. 2003. btlnt 01dln1nc1 03 13. re111din1 the n latlna Redtv1lopm1nt Pl1n (SS llMS). TH( MOTION to 11v1 Drdlnut 1 03 13 tint r .. dlnl c•Hled by 1111 followih, roll I vot11 COUNC L M II llR1M ........ St I ,...... .. ...... '. Sclletlfw. MOISt ,._, A1Slln1.._. Ttf{ FU"'-TtXT of lht ordlntnce may bt rt1d In th• City tllr'k's Office • 11 F llr 011v1, Co•t• ,,.. .. IUUltOl°'-•.,.ey Qty dett. P11llll1ll1d . lhweor• 811ch Coste Miu O!lftr Pilot Nowembaf 1, '°°) '"' NUCAD Thi Co•tt M•u Zonln1 Administrator wlll render 1 dt<ls'4n Of1 T~. .......... 20, 200J Of " .oon H poo"'' therHfttr. on th• fol· lowlna Items: l. lltlnor Dtiolcn Rtvltw ~'IXt-76 tor 8rtd Smith, et.tthorlttd 111nt for Wllt1rd Chilcott. to construct • two.story. 2,376 sq. ft. ru ldence. foclltd It 2160 M~,.n Oriv1 In Ill R2·MO 1on1 Cnvlronmanlll determl netlon: u empt. 2. Minor Conditlon1I u .. Permit .zA.OJ.85 for Mlch1tl So111s. autho· rl11d 1a1111 for KWI 1901 Newport PltH, lP, to ellow • d1vl1tlon tro1T1 1h1rt d parklna requlre- m1nla to 1llow • dinner· only restaurent. located •t 190\ Newport Bou· l1v1trd. Suite •180 in 1 POC z.on. Environmental delermln1llon. uempl. 3. Minor Des1an Revle"' V. 03·95 for Harblnaer Hom11, Inc., authorized •a•nt for Victor Barton, to construct two, two· story residences, louted at 120 Monte Vlsh Avenue In an R2 MO zone Envlronment1I determ1n1t1on u en1pl. Publnlted Newport Beach·Co5ta Mesa 0111y Piiot November 7, 2003 f 899 UGAl. llOTICl UQWT fOI COMTTTM llS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho Board of [duulion of the New· port Mesa Umloed School D1S lroct of Oran&• County woll receive 5Hled bods up to tOtOO o ..... °" Nave..,lter 20, 2003, et the Purchuina Olfoce of seod School Oistroct. localed et 2985 B Beu Street, Cost• Meu, CA 92626, at which time u1d bids w11i be publicly opened and read for Pref111tonol Mlua•t•I (molcl} Akr•mlflt s,,.,,,, .. _ Time & Materlol- Olotrlct Wida 110 #107-04 All bod!. are to be in u cordance wolh Condo loons, lndrucllons, and Specifocatton~ wtuch are on file m the ofl"e of the Purchu1na Dorector ol uod School Olslr let 298!>·B Bear Street, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 A Perlor m.rnce Bond may be requ11ed ill the doscreloon ot the 011trod. No bidder may with· draw his bod for • perrod ot fOR TY nvc c 4!> > day a alter the date ~et tor the open1n11 thereot H1w Board ol Edu ta toon of the Newpnt t · Meu Un1f11d School Oislrocl r•~ervn the roahl to re1ect any or •,II bod\ and not uocnsaroly accept tho lowHt bid. and lo waive 1ny on lormahty or 11re11ularoly on any bod received NEWPORT ·MESA UNIFIE 0 SCHOOL DISTRICT of Or •nae Counly /1/ Sharon l Chon11, Oorector of Pu1chason11 and Warehouson11 (714) 424·5077 l'ubllshed Ne wport Buch-Costa Mesa Oaoly Piiot October 31. No vember 7. <!003 2003 F887 Public heartn&l will bo held by the Costa Mesa Pl1nninr Comm1n1on at City Hall 77 Fair Orive Coll& Mese, Cahlornoa. at 6 30 p m , or a• soon a~ pautble therealt1r on M111cloy, Nav emlter 24, 2003, reaardina the lollowone apphcatfons I ll1111nee PA 03 43/ Parcel M•p PM 03 224 for T aol & Auocialn/ Mok• Simon aulhorozed aaenl for Joseph Bower, for a n11•nt e from m1nlmu1T1 lot w1dlh r~qulremenh ( 100' required, 51' propra•d) •nd from m1n1muni tot area requirement\ ( 12,000 \Q It requored. 5 34~ •q fl •nd 6,084 sq. ft proposed) lo lac11it1le the subdlv1Slon of an uittlna lot 101<1 'l p"cels, located •I lOOO and 3002 Fiiimore Way In •n 112·MO ront Environmental delermt nation uempl 2 Tentelove Percol Map PM 03 234 lor 01v1d Bosman, Autho· rited Aaent for Werdtn· Creak&1d1. lLC .• to subdivide 3 exist111a p1rcels a l Cr11ksidt Commerc11I Oevelop men! onto 6 parcel• (5 for u1slina bulldln1•. I for parkina and common 'rn) with " Condlt1onal Use Permit to allow sh•red p11klna and a Minor Condltlonal Use Permit for shared ac ctn, located at 2900 B111tol Street In • C2 zone. En1111onmental determ•nat1011. exempt. FOf further inform& lion on lht a bove appllcellons. tetephon1 (714) 7!>4·5245. or v111t th• office of the Pl1n- nln1 01vitl0n, Room 200, 77 f 11t Or ive, Co1ta Mn •, C1lllornl1. Published Newport 8 .. Ch·Costa Mesa Oally Pilot November 7. 2003 rf 198 S.......tf M 11 at.tU..tf flcffM ........... Th• forio111rlns pe,,on hH 1b•ndon1d the utt of the Fictitious Busl nus N•m• H1111na Hands Therapeutic Bodywork, 120 Ent 18th Str11t, Cot ta Moe, CA 92627 TM ,letltlOUJ l!utlne" n11ne rtfllfld to 1bov1 wu llltd In Oranr• County_ ~!1 4 n-03, FILE NO. 2003'938«9 Crl1ll Suaan Given. 119~ 81nn1r Ot. "3· Gerdln Grove. CA 9HA3 Cerlt S.monset, 129 Unlvenlty Dr. Aot. H, Co1tt Mt,., CA tm7 This buslMas i. COii· due.ltd by. • 11ntr1f ptrtntrtlllJ Crlatl Glvln Tiii• 1llttme11t wu hltd ll!filh Ille Coun\y Ctert. of Or1np Count; on 10/l•/03 IOOHH11tt 0111y 'tlot Ott. 11. t t.i 31, No¥ I, 2003 F84v fkllllM..... ...... ... ... s..... "-S..... Th• fottowlnt ptt sons Thi followln1 pw1ons ,,. dOl11& bu1ln1n 11· •rt do•na bu11"'" n : Unlver1lty Wir1lt». 9046 l ido Wl!oltstlt. 3412 Yi• 0 1Ftleld Ave 'Ill, Oporto, Nt"'port Bt.•th. founteln V1lley, Call CA 92643 fornl• 92708 l ido Flnencl•J Strvlc • Tim HUt•d...i.. 6762 ... Inc .• (CAL). J41i vi. W1rner Ave •Tl. Hun· Oporto. HtwpOrl e .. ~11. ti111ton 1!11ch. C1klornl1 CA 92063 92147 · lhls business 11 oon· This bu•lnt•a 1a con due: ltd by~• corl)Orallon d11cled by "' lndlvldu1I Htvt you •I•• hrd dol11c H1v1 you stat ltd dolna bu•lnen yet7 Y11, 9/10/ busln1H yet? 03 No lido f ln•nc111 Servlc· Tom Hunct u. In~. Cu1ld M ThiJ statement Wt' W.rkaman, Prealdlnt filed with tht County Thi• •t•l•m•nt wH Clerk of Orana• County flltd with th• County on 10/15/03 Clerk of 0111111 County tOOHt6, ... S Oil 10/14/03 O"ly Piiot Oct 11. 24 200Ht61S2t 31. Nov 7. 2003 F85ii Daliy P\lol Oct 17. 2•. 31. Nov. 7, 2003 FM.2 RdltlM..... .._._..._. "-Sw-t "'"- The follow1n1 persons --~ 11• dolna business u The followina persons a) FIOELITY fUNOING are do1na business as GROUP. b) FIDCLITY Newport £ucu11ve REAL TY GROUP. 241 W. Travel, 280 Caane~ Lena Wibon SI. #A, Costa #310, Newport Buch, Mesa, CA 92627 CA 92663 The f idelity Group, Shorboro. tnc.. (CA), Inc .. (CM, 9550 Bolu 280 Caaney l•ne '310. Ave #222, Westm1ntter. Newport Buch , CA CA 92683 92663 Thos business is con Thos business Is con· dueled by:• corporation ducted by e corporal1on Have you started dou•K H•ve you \tlorted do1na busineu yet? No buslnus yet' Yu, The F1del1ty Group 1/82 l"c , Ne• Huyen, General Shorboro. Inc , Bar· M1na1er bara A Sc11boro/Pres1· lhls statement wn dent tiled with the County Thi. statement was Clerk of Oranae County llled with th• County on 10/22/03 Clerk ol 01•111e County 20036962716 on 10/14/03 Oafly Pilot Oct 24. 31. 20036961'22 Nov. 7, 14, 2003 F879 Daily Pilot Oct 17. 2~ -------,.,:z:1J.ll!I, Nov. 7, 2003 f85l Rdttlout....., ie..s....., fhe lollowinc persona are doin11 bu11nen 11 Ztnlth Astro Products. 2077 Walltce Ave #3, Cost" Meu, Calofornla 92627 Brandon Power. 2077 Wallace Ave •3. Costa Mesa Callfornoa 92627 Tr ace Korkpatrlc. 227 Rose Lene, Costa Mosa, C•llforn11 92627 Ju•ton Coou. @43 Avenoda Granada Apt C San Clemente, Calofoo noa 92672 Thi• businen " ~on dueled by. a aener al ptrlnershop Have you ~tarted dn1n1 busmen yet? No Brandon Powat · This statement was liled woth the County Cler~ of OranK• Counly on 10/21/03 200J6962SIS Oaoly Piiot Oct 74, 31 Nov 7, 14, 2003 I 87~ flctltlM~ ,...Slit .... The followona per\ons are doinc bus1nus as a) Houu Beautolul Re•lty, b) Hous• Beau llful Real Est•!•. t) Houu Buullful Re mod1lln11 d) Houu Beautolul Staaone, e) House Buutlfvl Home Staaln&. 30011 Ivy Glenn Or •121, L•cun• Nlauel, California 92677 Kto 8ruun Andtr5en, 30011 Ivy Glerin Dr •121, Laeuna N1euel Cahlornoa 92677 Thos business 11 con ducted by an indovodual Have you st.rteel doone bus1nen vet? No Kao Bruun·Andersen This statement wl\ toled woth the County Clerk ot Oranite County on 10/14/03 20036961645 Daily Polot Oct 17. 24. 31. Nov 7. 200l F860 flditlM lvsMs Mc.S,._ The tolluwona persons ~•e doona buS1nus as· lhe Smotl> Guode. 18430 Ward SI Founl•ln Valley, CA 92708 The S1T1lth Guide. Int !CA>. !8430 W~rd St rounta1n Valley. CA 92708 lh1s bu"1ne\s is con· ducted by a corporation Have you started doina busoneu yen Yes Jan 1. 2003 lf)e Smoth Gu•d• Int . Jamn I Smith/Pr OSI dent Tt1•• statemtnl wH loled with ll>e County Clerk of Orance County on 09/29/03 200S6960021 Oaoly Piiot Od 14 31. Nov.7 14.2003 f87\ flctltlM ltninKJ ,._. s111....i The lollowona per son• are do1nc buso~ess u Alllopp f. Myers. 3730 E Euchd Ave . o,.n110. CA92864 Stephen Mv•rs 3730 L E uelld Ave . Or •nae. Ca 92869 Mau AJl\Ol)p, l AG•n thus, l., floru , CA 92688 This busmen ., r.ot'I· ducted by • I'"" 11 p~rln•rahip llavt you 't•rt•d dofna buslne11 yet? No Stephen Myu s Thi• t l•lenltnl was foled wolh the County Cter k ol Oranc• County on 10/21/03 200S6t62471 Delly P1lol Oct 31, Nuv 7, 1421, 2003 F884 fldtlM ..... •s...... Th• lollowlna ptrao1•• •re doin1 business u fdc11tlv• p,.u nce, 620 N1wport Ctnttr Oil••· 11th f toot. "'"'port B1•ch,CA9~ P•tlCt/h lbot l.LC (CA). 620 Newport C1nt11 Ortv1, 1 llh Floor. ~ort B11ch, CA Thi• bu11lnen it con· ducted by. l lmlled l ltblhty Co H•ve you 1t1t ltd doln1 b1t1ln111 yal7 Yn 09/0l /?OOJ f'lere1/h lbol llC, Cher II"• Olrnon, Man•(tr Tiil• tbl11111nt Will filed with the County Cltt II of Ounp Co1111tv on 10129/03 IOOUtHSl1 O•tl1 _ Piiot "<>v 21, 211. 20!)3 FldltlM ...... "-S....... I ha followona per,on• •re doin& bu,in1u ••· Studio 3 Architects. 23187 L•Cadena Or St 101. l•auna Holl•. CA 92653 Steven Ph1H1p\, 26· Wtndsona. l1111n• CA 92614 Michael hk•trw. JI Ectio Run, Ir vone, CA 92614 R<>,btrl Coyle 29 Sweet k11n Ir vine t.A 92614 T h15 bu\111eu " con ducted by ~ 1ener 11 partnership Steven Phollops !hos statement w8' toled with the County Clerk of Oranse County '"' 10/14/03 2003696166' Oaoly Pilot Oct 17. 24. 31. Nov 7, 2003 r8!>6 fidlllM lvsiiess tcar.S.... l tie follow one person' ue do1ne bu•onen as Bluewater Mer1111 and Shops . 630·670 L ldo Park Or '. Newport Beach, CA 92627 Francis A Ursino, Z~ Cambria Or . Coron• D~I Mar CA 9262!> loane Chrostoan, 10329 Pounds Ave Wh1ll111 CA92603 Thi~ bu~oneu °' con dueled by 1 11.tnor•I p1rtne1ihlp Have you slarltrl <101n1 business yet? Yn 10 1·03 Foancls A Urs1111 Thi• statemenl wl\ flied with llu• County Clerk of Oranee County on 11/04/03 200S696ll042 Oaolr Potot Nov 1 14 2 L 28. 2003 F 896 llOOO Of AmlCA 110lt TO S81 Al.COHOUC llVWGlS Dtlttfflnt~ Odeber 9, 2003 To Whom It M•V Cuntern Th• N1me(•) of the Apphtant( \) II/ Mt WONEtl AMERICA INC Ille applocanh ll'ltcl •bove are epplyma to the Oep;irtment of Alcoholoc Bevt1ra~t Cootrol to sell alcoholic bevenan •I 21115 N(WPORT COAST ORIVE NfWPORT BEACH, CA '1?657 lype ol liCOllH(JI) Applied lo• 41 ON · SALE BEER ANO WINE l A llNG PL AC£ Publo\hed Newport Beach-Cost• M&•• Oall.Y Pilot October 24. 31 November 7, 2003 F 877 SUMMARY Of NOPOSl.D 01D1A1K1 cm Of COSTAMEU A PROPOSED OROI NANCE I\ sctieduled for adoption •t the reeutar r.otv Count.ii mttllna ol Nnvemb11 17, 2003 betn1 Ordlnence 03 12. r e111 din& the Downtown Redevelopment Pro1ect '-re• (SB 2l I ) THE MOTIOO to l lVI Ordinance 03 12 llral ru dona carried by the follow1n, roll c•ll vote COUNC l MfMIHS1 AYIS: M-hen. Steel, Cow•n# Men•••r. Scheefer. NOHr N-. AlstNTt Nette. IHL ruu tEX t of tho 01din1nct 1uy I>• rH d 111 the City Cl111<'' Olflc:e 77 r air Drive. Cost.I Meu Juut row•, D.,.,ty City <1'"11 P ublis hed Newpo Buell C:O.ta Met.• 0 P'llo t Novtrt1h t 2003 I -.... --~·--:,.___:. __ ~~-------",.-..=-~~-,..--~~·..._,_~_,_.-=='·:C.-.~-=~-<=-=~---~~--==-~~~---·--.~-~ ........ ..;._--~-----~-----~-~ ............. ~=--~~-----""i•• ' .. .. Al2 Friday, NMmbet 1, 2003 _ _ ....... __ ...................... Llfll .... -........ Llllf ..... ii Gillilliiili .. Ulll.... -Liiii...... .. Upl..... .. --·--...,.,.., • .......... -ll01ll .... ... c.llKl<JtYOf ..wlCIClffOf •S..... At t9q\llf.. b .. Ille .. ..... COSTAllSA COSYAllSA n .. lollo•lllj( Pfft<lnl Intern .. Rnt1tllt Code, Tiit foU.•11'11 l*tOnl .,, d• in~ .. va.,..n ,,. Ult 1n11uel r1port of Tile ··• ""•"• ....... , ••• ,.~ OROINANCr 0110 it ORDINANCE OJ U ta •-• ina' ,0" l • St ""'" fou11d.lho11 lo. c'"ai1""10', .. 11,.""-v"e-httl"t vhtdulttcl t4 ... 111 l11tl ~h .......... to H Ill tu" ""'' ' "" own "n .... f 1 •·• .,. ~ ..--" t1-·•· ...... ~ "··c···r .... ~• ...... t11 ..... ,. Tr•••""'t, ..... '"I ... ., fOfet end tffMt !IO d111 foru 111d effect JO cltyt ..,.. ~ ""'-...., -O~lolltf 31. 2003 wlll IN .... .,...... ..., ..,. "' lrom It& ldophon 011 llom lh •doclbon on Rotd, l ... t fOf•"· CA enllable for 111spedion Av •A. Coit• Miu, CA Hovt111bt1 3, 2003, lll!d l/joYttnbtr 3, 2003. end t1830 at St. Jolln Knth, 9~!1 ••• 1clo1t1cl b1 lht wu tclopted b.. Ille Jo"nn Allee Behr, Accounttn• O.p•rtmtnl, T•d Vt~ C.elll10ti. 289 loffuw1n1 10U t•ll •01• toltowlnf 1oll ceU vott. 31t39 V•• S.n Vlunlt, 1711 Mlehtlto", trvlnt, Ott Mat AY .... C.O•l• (OUN CU ........ (OUN( l .... , .. as. :M,:1111 C11>\st,.no, CA CtltfOf"'' P2604 clvtlna ._ .. ,CA 92627 AYIS1 ....... Stffl, AYIS1 ........ St.... Ott•ld ltt Saker rq11l1t 1tu1111na lloura Jo Ann C.tMi1orl, 289 t ewea, ••••••r, Cewal'I, Me l'ltter, 31138 Vi• Stn Vletlltt ll'r In)' peraon upon 0.1 ,.._r Av •A. C.0111 S41ifff•r. NOii• ....... SdllHt.r. NOIS1 ,._, Sen ... 11 Ct"' 1' 0 ,.i r1quut m1dt wlthln 180 Meu,CAt~U AISUffr NM•· UHNT1 ....... '"1 ,, •• ' 11 • ,... day• from tile dltt of Thi$ butlntn '-con• OROIHANC[ 03 10 ORDINANCE 03 11 92fl75 thii notkt ducltd by• hu,b111d end rtialu to Ill• offl<t ol rtltt" to "'' City of Tiii• builntu 1• COii• fl1t n1111e of th wllt Mayor Pro ftl'llllOf• Cutt Men Vt!ldor eluded by. 1tusb1nd e11d prlnclpal mill..., ot t!M Hnt you 1t1rttd dol~ lHf fUU lUT ol tlM rrtftrtnct wife roundtllOfl IJ Ropr O buslntU yet? Yts ll• «d1111r1et m•y bt ttld THI. FUl.l ru r ol the b Htv• )'OIJ tflitld dotn& Ruppett. ltvhlt, CthlOI TTh~.v"!c,,• E'.!1,"n°'t I •• 111 lh1CltyCi.t~'10ff1C1 01dlunc• m1y bt rud uttnntytt?Ho nl1,Hoven1blll!l,200J fl d' •h ..... ., • 77 r11r Dflv• Coal• 111 th• C•I.>' C1t1k't Ollie•. =n :~·:~ent w•s l'ubllahtd Ht •porl ·" ••1 the County Mtst. 71 hit Orkle. Coat• I ._.. with th Cou I B"ch Cotti Meu Dilly Cltfk of ~~•na• County JUUi *Cll. Mtu "•v ' n y Pll t Ho bt 1 2003. on Ul/l4,.,,, o..,..,c1tyO.A JU&JUOLCIC Clttk of Or•lll• Count, 0 vem r • · 200Hf6U2t f'ubllthtd Htwpo,\ Oejllllty(lty Cl~ ~~r.:::04'f F902 O•il~ Pilot Ott 17, !4i Buc:h Co••• Mtat O•lly Publftlltd. Newport 01Uh.Ptlot Ho ' l• FttMewtw.hm 31, ov. 7.2003 F~ Pilot Hovtmb., 1 2003 BHc:h Co,lt Mt•• Ho 21 2003 v 'r.....1. -.. ~ Fl92 nmbtr 7. 2003 f89J ' '""' --flc:llllM ..... --------lll..&tt...........__ The IOllO¥rln1 PtflOlll 111.-~ fldftlM...._. ~..... ,___ •t• dot111 bu1l11e" u --•si...t "-s...-.t ... s......t P•o Atmor, 715 East The follo•lnc per5on• Tlot lollow1nc petlon1 Thi followln1 p1JM1n1 The lotlowlnl Ptr.c>ns 0.bra line, An1htlm, lrl clol~ bu\lntn 11· 111 dotnl bu1if1tu u •rt do1n1 bu1lntu ts 111 doinl bu1lneu es; CA 92805 CASE BA UStERS. 100 Po••r Re1llo1,, UO!I IA 4ultl 01<dt11er, 2183 Wlnttr Proe>tttles. 1905 Mthlf1b, llC (CA), Pitero De Oro, S1n E. St Gertrude Pl . f111vl•• Rd #102. Cost• f ull11ton Ave.. 'Y!.i 715 E Otllre lent, cr.m1ntt, CA 92672 Sant• An• CA 92705 Mesa, CA 926?1 Co1t1 Meu, C1hl. 926u Anahtlm, CA 92805 Rob1r t Wenk. 100 tor• A Beraer tlOf>· cerild Orecory Ste· Wllllem Joseph Wlntar, This busit1t1s 11 con "c .. •ttro •-0CeA 9026r0 7•2 San •A l SI Cettrude Pl mon, 942 Concord Cl , I~ Fulltr1on Ave •W, dueled by. limited """ .. , S1nt1 Ana. CA 92705 V1tl1, CA 92081 . Cost• ~•se. C111t 92627 llablllty Co. this bualnus Is con· ThtJ bu1lnen ll con ThtJ builnus ts c:on Thi• business Is con· H.v• you 1tarl1d clolnt ducted by; '" lflcllvldual du1 ltd by 111 1nd1vldu1J dueled by •n tndMdu•f due ltd by: en tndlvidu1I bustnen ytt? v,.s, Oct. Hen you 1t1rted doln1 ttave you started dolna Hive you 1ltrlld doln& Hot ~ou 11 ... ted dolfll 1, 2003 buslntu yet? Yu, bu•mn• yel1 No bustneu yeH Ho buslnMs yet? No Mel1IFab, lLC, Alex September 1, 2003 loll A B•r~er Gerald Gre10<y Siemon Wt1h1m Joqph Winter Oantt. CEO 'i.iobtf'I wr .. thts •l•tam111t wn Tiits •l•l•ment wH lhla 1tettmtnt wH This st1tement wn is 111 emant •H ltl«d with the County ltled with tile County ltled wtth Ill• County hied wflh the Count.. flltd with lht County Cl11 k ul Orantt Couuty Clark ol Onni• County Clerk ot 011111• County Clerk of Onna• County Cllf'k of Or1n11 County on U/05/03 41n J 1/04/03 on 11/04/03 on 11/0JIOJ on 10/10/03 tOO t'-4252 20036964041 200369640 55 200S6t 63t S4 10016961•71 Piiot Nov 7 14 Oatly Piiot Nov 1. 14. Dilly Piiot Nov 7. 14, Daily Pilot Nov. 7, 14. ~iUJ8 P~3 Nov. \J:s , ,2003 f903 21.28,2003 Fl!M 21,28,2003 F897 21,28.2003 f906 -·-·----- ......... ........... ~-................ ' ...... ..... .......... ........ ........ ........ ·: .... ...... 'flit lolloWin& I*'°"' The follow1111 .,., M>na The folhlwtn• 11• so11a The to11ow1n1 peuon• The roffowln& l>f' son• •fl do "/ b11tlnt•• H: .,, dcMn& 1>ua1nen ... art Cloln1 IHI !flat n . •1• dol111 bullnns u . "' do+llf butlnns a1. SMPPIN CtllroprteUc, COASfAI. OfSIOHS IN .;17 lncort, 17 £ncort Clvtn MtUlltt, 120 RX Of C1tiad1. 1!99 IOI . Dover Ortn, • Su~t TtlllOllS. 6201 Ctlftjlllot Ct., Ntoirport Sch. CA h1I ll'h Str"t, Coit• SU11t1lot Av .. , SJ1. B-8. U 4, Newport 8Heh, CA Awtnu•, Wntminater. 92663 MMa,CAt2t27 Co1t1Mft1,C"92627 92660 Ctlllornlt92683 Watrtot L ROM, 17 C.rl1t1 Given, ll930 John R. MdtalC, 1599 Otnlel S $heff11d, Allee McCre~. $201 (nc0tt Covrt. HeWllOll 8tn1ter Or .. '63. Cttdtn Sllptrlor AU., Cottt 0 C., !O ra1tU11t · 1140, Ct mph or Avtn1tt. lttCh, CA9ml Crove, CA9™J M .. , CA926V Irvine, CA 92tl2 Wutmllltl•r, C.hlornl• Tiil• bll\lneu It con Th1t buslMH II con fflll bu1lntt• It con Thlt bu11ntu k con• t26IJ d11cttc1 bY' en 1ndMduel dueled by: an lndividll•I due.ltd lty; an lndlvldu•I dllCl•d lly •n lndMclutl L•ur• Murrey, 402 He.e 10\I •tttted do!nl ttav• you atlfttd ~ Hava you 1terltd doinl HtYt you •IM1td c10111a Col<ltnroo. Coron• Del bu1fnu1 yett Yu S/03 buslntt• ytt7 Ho bu1lntt• ~1t7 111111~.., t? M11.C1llforn1192t25 W•renl Roa Cllltl01v1n Yt•~·ll·03 Y11 Ott 2. 2003 Thia bvallle" • 11 con• Tlllt lflltement wu Thtt st1tem1t1t •H John R Mtl .. ac 01 S. Sl\tf)p1rd, duettd by 11111rel flltd wltll tlM County tiled with lht County Thi• statement was O.C. perlflitttll p Cltrt. ti Ot11111 Co1111l1 Cltrll of Ottn1t County ltttd witll th• County T1111 1tet1m1nt iwn Hive you 1t1rt1d dOlnl on 10/2ll03 on 10/14/03 Clerk of 011111• County llltd with ttlt County bu•lneH yet1 Ne>. IOOMtU 714 tOOH .. U21 on 10/10/03 Clerk of Onnp Count.. Allc:t Mc.Clay Oally Piiot Oct Jl, Nov 01111 Pilot Oct. 17, 24, 200J6961U7 on 11/0t'Ol Tflk aletttnetll WU 7, 16, 2l, 2003 F88S 31. Hov.1. 2003 FSSS 0•11~ Piiot Ott. 17. 24, 20016Hatt• filed with Ull County ~. a......L...-~ L...&...-31. Nov. 7, 2003 f857 Olily_ Piiot Hov. 1. t•. Clerk of Onnp Count.. ,__ .--- 21. za. 2003 FIOl on 10l06/03 -~ -~ ~ ..... ... s..... Th• followlna ptttons .,, dolnt bus111ess u : 811konProcH1ln1, 179 E. 17111 St. #140, Coile Mau,CA9262'1 Jt11tn• Ro1en>ery Bllfkon, 179 EHt lJtlt St. '140, Co111 Mt'8, CA 92627 This business i. co11· ducted tiy: '" lndlvldu•I Heve you 1t1rted c1o1na busl111u ytt7 Yt1 4-2003 J"nn• R Btrkon This Sl•l•l!l•nl WU filtd with the County Clerk of 0r,np County on 10/14/0J 20036961517 Dally Piiot Ott. 17. 2•. 31, Nov 7, 20()J F848 Sdl yo11r Car In C/411(/1.•d I 200JM6HOI -OeMy Piiot Oct. 24. 31, Tiit follo•ln1.11enon• The follow1n1 persons Nov 7. t•, 2003 reM •r• dol111 buslntt1 u : •rt dol111 buslnen as· SH Country Hom••· Tfllt Buds, Ml l11un1 30011 Ivy Clonn Or. C1nyon Rd.. L•cuna 1121, L1111n1 Nl1u1I. Bitch, CA 92651 Ac-. ..... ... s...... The followln& persons .,, dolnr busfaH• 11: Sta Ruf Alt, 1621 MIH Or, 145, Sent• An• Htlfhh, CA 92707 Ptrty Lee Jafluuew~i. 1621 MtH Or 145, Senti An1 Htl&Jill, CA 92707 Th11 buslneu Is co11 ducted by; en Individual Hevt you 1tar ltd c10ln1 buslntas yet? No Perr~ J111usztwtkl TIJl1 stalHttnl WU hltd with ti,. County Cltlk of Oren&• County on 10/29/0J 2001696S47f Oetly Pilot Ot:1. 31. Nov. 7, 14, 21. 2003 F888 Cahlorntt 92677 Ann L. M1kHn1·Mot· K•I Bruun·Anderun, 11n, 123 VI• Koron. 30011 Ivy Glenn Or, 9 Hewport Buch, CA fl 21. L11un1 Hiauel. 2663 Ctlitornl1 92677 This buslnus Is con· This buslnHs is con· ducted b1: en Individual ducted by: en lndMdu1t Hav. you atwttd dolna Havt you slvted do1rt1 bu11ntn yel? No bu•in•~ y1l? Arin L. M1kM1t1·Mor· Yn 04/09/1998 11n Kai Bruun Andonen This sl1t1m1nt wh This st•l•~nl wu flied with llM County hied .wllll the County Cletk ol Oran&• County Cltrk of Oran11 County on 10/14/0J 01110/14/03 200'6f61530 200Ht6164• 011ly Ptlot Ott. 17, 2•. 01tly Piiot Oct 17, 24. Jl. Nov. 7, 2003 FSS. 31, Nov. 7, 2003 f859 SEU your unw1nted Item• throufll clHsllled ICtl'll (94!) 642·H 71 I , .. , .......... . ····•f•YOll. ClASSlfllD It's the s~ution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home, apartment pet or new occupation! <. Policy How to Place A --Deadlines --- Ratei. and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the righl to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be m your classified ad immcdiatfty. The Duily Pilot accept~ no liability for any error in an advcrtli.cment for which It may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit cwi only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASS IFIE AD •• [ii] Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ,J By 11 .. ax (949) 631-6594 CPkale 111.iu& ~llllr name lllld rf'°"" number IUtd -·11 c:all t t>U block with a Pf.Cc quOlc ) Telephone 8:30am-~:00pm Monday-Friday By Phon e (949) 642-5678 Hours Index By Ma il/In Per son: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay SI. Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday , Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Priday 5:00pm ANNOUNaMEHTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ENTERTAINMENT 1419 2305·2490 Ganioe/ Yard Sala Gtnlral 1489 Annovnctmtnts 1810 f!l!l!t[I liiil soos-saso -· ' , I I : ~ • / fllt.'. ~ -.~-..... I ' I JEWWrf/ 3460 Balnea calendar of a.-w. d .. Crirl" &Intl 1310 5"t. ~ 4i. lat8 'Ail pt An lNTIOH MANUfAC· TUaro HOME Buyers! II vou .,. pl•nn1ns to purc:hn• • new mantl ltcltlrtd tlome cell today for free comprehtnatvt lnlorm1Uon pick Cell 800 242 0060 This tould uu you SlOOO'sll CCAL•SCAN) DIAMONDS/ Oppottunltlea PRECIOUSMETALS :i:•nd 3905 0,... Sat l:z-4 lncredrble vii'# on Bluth. 2Br t ~ pvt 9'111 ' ttrrurn Pool, --------CM !*n. IV•. rttTo flKn. pt.4 oipml $379,900 Ron Vouna Gold Crovm Alt te~Ytrllt· Ina In lhlt naw1p1pcr " •ubjecl lo 111• ftde11f rel• Hou•l111 A't 111 1968 " amended wh1~h m•kn ti tll•a•l to 1dv1<llst 1ny prefer· enc• llmihlinn nr dtscrlm1na11on bts•d on r•et, color, rel1a1on '" h1nd1C1p, l1m1Ual ll•lu\ or n1Uonel 011c1n. or 4n Intention to mekl any sue• praftrtnct, llmll• lion or cl1acrlmln111011 • Thi• ntwsoeper wtll not ~nowlntl)' eccepl any •dnrtlHment for rt1I ullt• wlllth 11 1n 111olat1M of u.. ''"' Our 1Udtn tr• htrtb .. lnlor med that •II dwelt ln1a •dvfrtlHd In lhl• MWll)aptt Art tVltllble nn en ~quel opp0<lttnlly bHtl lo c:ompl1111 ol d1t crlmln1tt0n. etN HUO toll· fret 11 I I00-424 1590 -Itch. clothes ' more lr 1,..,.,. • .,, Multl •-11v h tete s.M• Sat Ila lp Ant111uu, turnttur1, collet.tlhlts ' much morel. 2748 Hill view Or Newport Be.ch. X Stretll. Sen M11uel & Bonll• C•nvon Lost 1505 LOST ._. MAC ..-11, P alln pllOt Ml 00 a di& C•ITWt llf';Jl8. Ho m .._.. l·flOOG.'321 <-••<•"'" .. '• Old Cn1nsl Gold, 11fvtr, te"""Y. Wllchtt, llltiQUll collecllblts 949-642·11448 OfflCE HOME FURNJTURf/ IMPROVEMENT BUSINESS SERVICES nOo EQUIPMENT Medlca"1>ental Equlpmed ' 2805 OOUf ILICUIC WANT YOUR OtPLAY 1d placed sl1tew1dt1 118 Communlt .. newspapers R11ch1n1 over 3 mlfllon C1llfornlan1. Add value to your advtrhtln1 Cell now for • FREE lnfo1 m1tlon 1>1ckaa1. 866-800 2672 ww•.c•I scan com (CAL •SCAN) Tr•le 1•ttl11t your bu11nn1 1t1rl1d or n ltndtd1 Alttrnellvt 8u1lntss " the aokltlon Call 866 273·7210, -IM_M_E_O_IA_Tf_C-AS_H_ll_l_U_S WHHlCHAlaS Ntw·no '*-'-•--P f di COit to you II ..._., __ .._ - ens10n Un n1 P•Y• Medicare eccepttd cnh 110• for 8 yHrJ of ~' and "-· your future pension chth (acootlrttytt) W. paymtnlt C•ll llOO 58&-.._. ...,., ......., c.11 7 tm for • FRCE no •-•-•••v_ obll11tlon utlm•t• d~ (800) 835·315S '•'-'• Ofc Svlte Appro1 681•f & t21.M at Sl 81). ll.98fsc -HtwPOrt c.nt.r. AYN 213-746-6.300 I 71 .... H-717' Huntington Hattlolr ntllOC* Of 11f IB1AGIO llOta OPEN SUH I 5 3792 Humboldt 4br .5 SBA 4000Sr .with bo•t dock $2,999,000 Jim Kidder 714·454 5459 °' 1111 Oenyy Oona Huynh 714-878·2916 TUULI aocK (AM,US VllW HOAOMOal 3 llomtt 3 ' 41tr $549.000 $615.000 $624,000 Owner/Aaent 800.64() &66 l www.u1penslo11fundln1 ( -sc.AH) com (CAL •SCAN) HOMESFOASAl.E Ntwportllac:h ..... lJclln [btl Goldl SllYS wlldl In eo.t.. -. or Hlwl>ort Btldi ara. Rt...d9C9S.-TilAV[l USA fun trevtl ·.:....-..... -----1-.1-0.11obl Grut Hr111nas/ nlWlU 11 bo11u1H, trtn'PQrt•tlon _Clll ____ ._1_0 ORANGE 5400 OPIN SUH 1-4 ~ '°=' un.. COUNTY ~INCOMI www .. ••w..tworll.«a no w Ml.IOI\ aw I~~--CGftlMdlfMlf' cecm.ate-. IM nm ~TH OOMAHTU & 6111 St.) t.w.r 3br 2bt ~Zl79 NIW lftTlltOI fp, ocn W i.-2lir 2bt Unc1e r the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 leatalcl. newly rftlrtlalhtd ~~:ai.. fp, clil ... p•IJO. w/o hkups. $1800/mo IYall 11/15 949-642 7'°4 Don't fell to be,nef1t lot rem11nln11 opportunity Beach Coll11u 949 637 2397 llACM ffXla l lO 2 STOaY $775,000 AOT f4f-219·2S5f Newport Coat ONHHMlllT <ONDO 31tr Jb1 1eted comm, new ctrp.l/palnt Owner /Aaent 800-640.6661 RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Ptnlnsula Dupl.a tlw, 1i..+.fc, new ef)Cll/crpVpnt, dtck w/b1v vflw, quiet, bri111V alrl, alreet prkJ, Crl loc, SI 50 M·M/yrlr._ lh•rtd ulll/fndry !149-933-6916. Corona del Mar IACOAY TOWHHOMI lbr 2.5ba yard. Ip, clll p. $2SllVmo Crait11 """' •'Y Nov 714-6l4&'117 0-W-. E'.W. 4br 2bt llomt •-' l;amily orlent.td =':ct-":~ let HaUll 9$12.1-5016 Laguna Bath CKIAHAIONT 3tw Jbt hornt. ~ ~ *Ill 2 c "'. p:ilil, dldt-, lfliO)no Allrltli~ Newport Beath . c-piet••Y ,~ YIAal Y llAHS lbf lba unlt avall now ANl NIWPOltl HOMH SI_,,_ 609 H •-· Ill CMIUNOY llWTOlS f'llf.949 7'/!J ~'.('MUI f4f .. 7S .. 161 Cny c.n ... 21.r 1 lie UDO ISU STUDIO LP Lril 2lir Iba. OQI w. ~ cxr;x,·;:. ":: llm1W. 9'M81.sJOI 11.r llH1 h-H, quiet ., .. , 111wly relurblahed 2 car pr. wd hkups. $2500/lllO 949. 759.0974 THI l lUFFS .fbr 2b• townlwn, 2 sty, 2 ...... ~~c~ Cute 3br 2b• 1rn1 lam rHldence, pello, steps to bey 1 c; 1ar, •1t ~ 949-293-4831 3br 2bt .. to bdl. wd. 1111 tin, Ip, 2 pr ""'*' .. 12'2 '4111 SI tcisan. 2 cltc*I, podlet oc:n WM, Whrttr S2200/m Yrly mxvm 94&6.XJ.2353 STIIADA 21 C'ASTEJ..LHA OR 3br d•n mslr, 3.Sba 3500tf, Ftyw·V-trtu•I Tour rplot.com 11,670,000 Act/OWllN !149-637-0JOO wd, Av•ll Dec 1 utll Incl Ltr1• clo"t & beth. S1300+ dep 949-!58· 1ur111y npo1urt, SIOOOm 3br 2b• upper Intl 1254 949·2311.,.152 Aat 949·615.()161 beylront unit. period stylt, art vu, 1 c .&ar, •at SZ800 949 293-4831 2lw,lle ~t. So or liwy 2111 21A CONOO, fp, 01ttr 111et J ear 1.,, •d frl&, dw, no pets. pool, hkllp1, dishwr, no pets. &rt lot. $1500/mo Avail •1750'mo 94g,•.o.3.1;""" Now 949·650-6730 Open HoOn 11t·aun 12·5, • ,. '""' ~;n1 33 Renell 4br. 2'/ibe, OcHl'I vlewl Sunny PMIM!lfo lbf lb1 patio, 2,784sf. fp, Otn Vu, ~ ..... ScltC 1 -.... flreplace, shared w/d 1,569,000 949 .. 97-2969 -.. dtn -. .. _, hkups, 1 ctr 111•1• All llff4'tll 2400.f lira• E Pltn, upar1dtd, up11161d S2895 OwMt 949·632·&489 TICKET CENTER 1475 MIGHTY ouac' ftcKns 'lAlA uvn moit aam .. 1v111 l•co1lue 949 713 7841 DlANIGUlHHO Dad Jolt c. Cu ""O ll>INtn 2l y.,n W nttd to 11t 1 hold of rou. StbhllS' lool\1111 for OU ~2·711 97"1 1u111nteed, 2 ••tit 111 upen'u p1ld No eaptrltnee necuury. CtN t66 673 0149 01 877· 837.oJOl(CAL•SCAN) Scity n'IOmlnl ell. ~ CONOO 3br • dtn lo 3.5 bdl VII from t.lrm. ~. b 1111:W119tllM97.e&l' b1 front brand.,.., So ~~~.._Sl.2:15.<XJ> M•OM:I 1 HlfOUS 01 tlM hwy. 11.4!!0,ooo eri. .... lli-n'i"'mCotclw.I R~ 3050 Oop 3115 OU,LIX3br 3be '2br Oonot dj!!le '-'Is m uu.o 2c ~ ~·=' = $1500/MO 949·293-4630 :;1 34~6:9 •= ~ 2ft. ~ 2/c pr, 1w 111. .._Nth,.. wwwkltlApro.com =~~"'.:..: =·..:=-~ ••, ... Lt~ Woods SlfOl 1l4-39319Z5 11U2'J»M-2SMm 1413 corJS1GrJrn rns --------2111 Cor111r Ho. of h•1 llNMOfll WASHll LAB .-..rllMn ~ Sl,450,000 HUt1 dut .. l11&t MIX. hncty fwn. bll A Owner/Aatnt '-'JleCtty 3/Hll okl llltlt,. IP¥d. !J )'fa .de!, Ja 800 640·6661 SI 25 CtH 7J • 161 4UO °""* moved 7~ :/....., "'-"..,,.. HOME or e:,: TL= FUR11H1G1 r~ce1a.~ 8-11 = ..... e a:: mc&JJEUI .,_..... 1110 M-..rt Ida. 'ranch a:IWIJIE cOildlt, lilllllllttell '"'""· IUCU~ love ttltt, It br a dr IJlllllQllB ~Mitehdl"-"-t Tomtny ll•h•m• fllfnl ... I ,_ lj)pt'ox l/11r from lure, •11c1tn, bronib,• I l'Mwportlucll f •ul· ~-......,,...., ltnt hunt1111 a41acent lo 'JI o1 . ,...., • w a.ti t• w•terfowl rtlup, _.., · : O•lltl'tlltp lnt11111t & lf'fl'O• 31& KfU of ••nd a lmprovelfttfth • yow O¥rn tll'llP COflllOUllCI w/atruc ture 111c1 1 tr alltt\. Wundttlul '" n11111 HQ'' • wt11• l11tln1 durlna cluck •toll • "'Ill, ... , .. 1 ldlM for t ,,_. • f ... & 1011 C811 lllllie •t'I tO !14 l ~ -.NClD A MW COWUT· r R? lut 110 Cu ll7 f.Wov .. • Guto111tttf!• N1w -r 11t r tmo•• ltand. No Credit Cl\edi, Old crtdit, 111"""-lcy OK. I tOO O ••&HO •Qleclt,fftl •<tOllftl ,. qvll'td (CAI. •SCAN) 2 ILO<IS YO llACHI 329 PolnNttil Vlnt11t COM 2bt • din, owntf botllht •nolher 11,399,000 Tiit SanlMd Croup 714·412-1165 llC.lUSNI USTIM9 CDMDW\O 41>t 2'>• l'lollM • 1"' lb• unit Sl .27&,000 l'rlllc only Tiit StllfOfd Group 714 412·M5 SAf·SUN t-4 .,__,_.AW ..... ~ Rt mod 2br I bt houH, on 11 lot w/l br Iba HP 1u11t hOllH fp, I& ytrdt. C1rst09.000 ......... 0111 a""'"""ITo•i...-_ 1112 blk1 to b .. ct1, no/ !WINI oi•• uwv 1mk/pth $2500/mo + Ml/OcHfll View•- Oceanfront/22nd, Prl ••tt rm, Ul\fUfll, allere ba, ulih peld. n/1111k, •1tc11entltt, l11dry, lbt• to HtWl)Ott Jltff, 1730m Cell Slltll .. 9·271-7905 (bttiwMn hm·&pm) .. (!;: n!U quiet Jbf 2'1 prof fem. N,IS 1 ml to btlldl. ltund, .,.,..... A1ttll 12 I SIQO. l/2 utll "9 -131 lJll Ht dtp 949 675·]591. I 1bt 2b1 nt NP plet doH lo 1h091 6 re1tu1rentt Ip, I c 1•1 wd hku9i 11800/mo tU-293-4630 Hr bt11chlll•Y 2br l.5b1 uppw vnil, l car p1rkl111 lllK•, yrl1. ltt SlllSCJm Avail How 909-793-GOU' ------~---:...--..:-...-----.. ---------...-. ... .-. _____ ._.._ ... _____ -.; __ .__ __ .___~'""-~-~-~-....;-...:.a:.--,---.--------~-~~--'-' ..... '-~--~ ------ STARTING ANEW BUSINESS!! • • • • • • • • • • • Daily.A Pilot C•llfornl• l1w r•· qulr11 lh•t contrK· tors t= Job• tl\lt lolll or more (l•bOf Of materllls) On Al Cerptt, AINlln be llc:lnMll by tlll '"'~ Contrecton Stet• license 8oard. Siii• ...... ~ lew ellO requlfn that s,,,_,_ contractors Include their llc9rlM numb« .......... ,, .. on 111 ldvertllll!a. You s=.== can cfll(k the 1t8tua of your llc111Hd con tr1c tor •t ftle~ ww.-.calb.c•.,ov or 800-321 ·CSL • Unll· c•naed contrectora ttlllns Job• tllet #CMrlf'A'CAIHTv tol•I leu lh•tt SS00 m111t stat• In tfltlt Rep1ln, f'•tchlnti ln•t•ll edvertlaemenu th•t Courteous. •ni_ 1 ,. .= they tre not llcanud WllolHlle! 94 492 bf. the Contflctora I ta Lic8M 8oafd," ~ ltklllNtiS...TI .. Collet•. f'ltio, Orfvewey flreplc, 8~. Refs. 25Yn Al•a•I hp. Twry 14-557·7594 ....... ,, ..._,. .. 1.~114 . •Ml'iii.......,. Mlti•RI•~ ~~= YOla**I ~ .. , PIOJl(Tt ...., Cell 1 ~11mber, paint«, andymt"· Of •fir of the c•t A·llWIH..,. HfvKft llltH 1 ln =~...!!. ow WYIC. dlrtctortl MS( LOCM. SVC ...... O..CJl4.S49.?2!1 rtCM"U CM HILf' y YI lo CHA. Ref. COM, HP .. Ha Bc:lt .... In home care. Dey shift prefened Cont.act 811 949-646-2318 fmplormett -............. Anktwd Mackl11tosh computer akllla, Medlcal Office Newport Buch. Sl2/hr leoe mq 949-280-~2. IOlll a n 2.a 1n w .... ~ llll, .--. IJl¥'l'Wlk ()'* badla Ill>. 1*'t ... 1 nut Fu ,_ ID Pit 99642-8m " llTWI p1t@C•lorlekln1.com CASHIDl f /PT flu Ina, G11ys Mens clcilhln1 store In Fehlon l1l1nd NPB. To 111 up an Interview call Rob Clalrbo<ne. 949-759-1622 ..... "'..., ........ DID ny <l!I> l'e Im ofc. Sl~~lS'~tu add. u 00111> 1111. ICT, ~ llodl, Up+.. ,..,...._. 9&1l8G.n3 " ~ DATA umrt FT Collet & CQ!1Jlt nudianal food dllla b orAw ' twd ~ food ~ur-.melDPlt 949-642·8900 Of email p1t@C1lorl1kln1 com DRIVHS PAIT-TIMI Mon·Frl. Drive nice c:ara and &•t paid for It. Call Din 949·862·7474. wtnHOUl DIYWAU All phens sm/ltftJobs. ~ll,f8 ,frH est. nUJ9.1441 SMA.L& JOI IXPm Looi, Quick R•ICIOhH HorM, Ytrd & Dock Eitel :iD~~EJOfc 98«1().7042 1.1.C. lledrtt Low prlCM local ccntrlCtor, llO )Ob too tnWI, no Joi.Hoo ~~ ICIOfl ,.,..... l.ICl (714)aU-1410 UQMSIO <OtmtACTott No )Ob too 11n. NA ..w.i Rap.tr, r•moclelt•• tpe,..,tveM 411 AH•· IMAT IWWOOO Ttrtlk -~ml~ Fr• dtrlwty 1/2 cord. Sl&ofullM9·431·M6l. flDortllt'Jllt a.19' ·~ T-Ind 51*9 ~ cU ow ,_ 119'1 plier\ OMw Operators. hp«lenc:ed ~ ...... miw.. Ind ....... tludlr1ls. Cel l· S»Mft-IAY Cl~· m!1) (CAL~ ISTHUICIAN uperl· enced, Hcellent Newport Beach location, cllenb w11tln1 94?-!Ml·5818 flOIAl DISIOND 25 llra 1 weelt. Must be fully uperlenc:ld. COM. 949·644-1413 ,,.... 4etti rtceptlonisV Admln. $9hr PT phone, computer input. e.dlbey fltnau, Co1t8 MIN. 949-631 ·5588 EOE ,~ "1ldlco ...... 11111.s part time R/N. LVN. or MA. Fu resume to 949-644-5904 •••ANNOUNCE:MEl'fr•• Hlrln1 for 2003/Post•I positions. Federal hire, Sl4.80·S38.00+/hr. No uperlence n1c1111ry. Entry Level with Full B1nefrt1 ?1141 t11inln1. Call 7 days for Info toll frH (888)826·2513 Ed. 707 (CAl SCAN) JOIN OUR TEAM and m•k• 1 difference. In the C111fornl1 Army N1tlon1I Guard you un 1e1 money for eolle&• and c11t1r tralnlna. call l · 800·GO ·CUARD . (CAl•SCAN) SELL your stuff through classi fied! UMY._.,..~ R~outln fo lnsll tion Tl DUH 949-673-8065 ?~ 714-&21XJ1 ::::. '""T: ........... c-~··~~ ~ Tt• SIMca, 7::1 s.vbil & mot.C l))\tu::HW 71.w'l~ =::'::'::'!.: Ill/lit '"° .. .. lll1C, nw~~ ,,... S-lff, Y1td Clt1n11p, M1lnt1nenc1, Sprln-llr R:t'• H•uHn1 , ... ,. •1•1 Ctwtailmnl .. .., =-=· .... loort. .......... ...... ,~ --~ --m-=~ CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 11Yrlbp•11* IWI ,. ,,_ °' ConlCndan -..-..... _. um. la IMWU2002 Sport P1ckl11. 21,000milu 949-760·9351 Ce4111oc 'tJ DoVtlle whlll/Oltmul 1t1w: low ml, bllutlful orfllnel c:ond Inside & out1 -~m whls, $3495 Bkr. -.,.5116-)888 -~- Cottvtnl 'a6 CPI Auto, ac, 111 power, while/rid Inter, bHu, runs 1tron1. $8600 obo 94g.244.3324 •• ,4 .,, ........ . Convertible, orlaln•l ownw, solid c.t!,i_ n..- 111 $18,!ll) cbo 9&11»490. J..,_'OOXH c-bl•ck/lln 33k ml, new 18" factory chrome/ tires. alnt c:ond. $41,000 obo 562·412·8801 LAND IOVH 2000 Dl.tcOVlfy II $07. dual moonrfa, reer Jump SHll, heeled SHI fee: werr 36,000 ml, S21.900 V289S39f Performance L TO 949-650-5860 llXUS $(400 'ts Traction control, heeled seats. overdrive, rnnrf. chrome wllls, new Urn. N1k1mlch1 sound sy&, 12 ch1n1• cd, spoiler, blue/ ten hl&h ml, very ct11n $9750 949.244.3324 .......... HamlRlpllr GFJa'.IAL If.PAii 61WN111WD .. Rtsldmtlal * Commc:rtial No Job 1bo Sm.all DaYe Bamiltoa 949-UJ-1292 MAN THI HANDYMAN All work 1u1r1ntHd ~ Eladrtall, 0ocn. Fw.tiarptllc.-~ c...111 c.rp.ne; t ·~~ Dryw• • Stucco PalntlflC, Tilt 6 ·more 21)+. Y11n Exr.;1enct1 ,. 71 • ·1776 lw•ulflatlily .... y•11r ••••• Sc11g: celllnp. Texlul'1 wa • C.rpt11tty, Tiii fo rr.;11 Floor's. Jay 948-41 • I .,..... . .,.,.... ............... 1atr1odl111l11. l.ocelly Owned ' ~ Siftcl 1913 5975. ..... JUMI TO fMI ._,Ill 11 ...... 1112 AYM.AILI TOOAYI MM7J.9MI JAOUAl I TYPE ' 74 yellow PC>aSCHl 9t6 '99 Must Sell Bur1undy, tan Inter JAOUU S-TYPI '00 GrHn, l•n Inter IV1783 Greet Buy JAOUAI XJ6 '97 Black, tan Inter IV3548 Discounted JAOUU XJI '00 Green, tan inter 11280 GrHI Buy JAOUU lUI '99 Red, tin inter IV0859 Olscounled JAOUU XJI 'tt Blue, tan Inter t V7947 • Gre1t8uy •V2592 Must Sell rOISHICAllllA 'tt Blue. trey Inter •V6049 Discounted PORSCHICAARlaA 'tt Black. black tnlar #Vl068 OIM:Ounltd QUALi MANGUST '01 Sliver. bl1ck lntlr •VOl39 Musi Sell VW PASSAT'02 Sllv11, crey Inter •V3655 Must Sell t4t-4~ms LAND IOVH '0 1 MllClDIS 400l 't2 6 8 vs. poww, dun, well 4. ronti, tan Inter rnalr1tlhd. dllllic. 11!1l "' IV8822 Must Sell ~abo949-67J.Ul6 MllCIDIS CUO '02 NIH-'9 I <..no XI Blac:k, black Inter 2dr, Sspd, aold. A.IC. am· IV92n Grtal Buy fm ens. or11 lady owner MllUDIS (240 ,02 books, records, superb Bur~andw, ••ew Inter cond lhrouaht, Sl900 , .. , ""9l557Z1 11111 -~ 1888 IV036 Discounted -.Hpoltl.c- MllCIDH CUl-SOO UNOI IOVll '2000 '03 4.0 SE Ilka new, 17,000 White, black Inter ml. cd chena•r. n1vl11· •V6783 Discounted tlon 1y1lem. full factory MUCIDIS U20 '01 Wirf, bleek/len, $31,500 Black, bl1ck Inter V443121 Performance 1'15458 Must Sell p;;;;;L T;;;;0;94;;;;9·;;;650;;;·5860;;;;;;;;;;;;; MllCIDIS 1120 WA l"t...IA,.,/1. '01 "'-'1-u GrHn, tan lnllf· CONVBNIENT lllV4581 Must Sell lllldMrJOll'rt MHC,DIS Ml120 '01 btqbt1,111lin1, Black IV9118 Discounted OI' }lut loolblt, dlulJW""' MllCIDH MlJ20 '01 Blac:ll, black Inter t V3467 Olacounttd MllCIDIS SSS '02 Sllvlf, black lnllr l'f3411 Gmt Byy ....... c....1u...._ ~.C.fot~ r ::z.k,r1111t ~ -4113 "-• a.-=r;'4 Wkly/Bl·Wkly o~ Reta. Greet ret"I I 94MtM2ll5 •278-08J7 IHT MOVUUSJ/Hr. S.~ All Cltiel 111141fed Tl 323-987-1193 323-U>-"71 "" P BLIC NOTIC The C•llf. l'ubllc Utlllti.. CommlUlon requlr11 thet 111 111'4 ltouuhold s oode mov•r• rtlllt tll1lr l'.U.C. Ct T numb«; lfmo1 111d cll1uff1un rlnt tllllt T.c.I'. number kl 111 adlrw • t1MtMftt1. tt you li•n ..... 1:'tlon• •IH>Ut the ... 11tr of • lll0¥tr, limo or c111uff9ur. er.a• ~U'11mD c -- """' '°" ""'' CWSIFIED "949 642-5118 ..., QISTM ,_,.. Protl. c:l11n, qulllty wOl'k lnterlor/nt 1nd clocka, l•703468 94M00-10&4 ~ .... , .. '"~ T°" Qu11~, C~• lnt1tlor at L Cell Jar. 14g..'50 5064, IAIN90WmalMMff l'•lntlnc~t. ':::t: Quelitlet"I frH Ll56 7 714436·-,... •dMllonof ,.ITJ~ S£W£R ~ NG ELECTRONIC SC.Al LEAK OEltCTIOfll rrltnd~ ll+'vlc• ••••• •••••• .com ---~ (94!)'4S·2Ht 'fS MW Jll CO#-Vf WlllltlT "'· Al/to, co. Ha (008194) Sl7,900 '91 M"'""8t CUii AMO 811VUlll, 0111y !Sit miles (18000) "9,toO ''U .,,,_,.. suoo (Mfff Raft Red. 9ose, Low Mile1l Must Sall (107291) $26,900 'DO.__.. llM .. Loedad, Hlv1, Low Miies (07323!> $41,900 'O I MltNllHMI '""'" Auto, AC, Low Ml, UkeNtw (221430) $13,900 '02M,,..,.., MM#we s,..,.t Srlver, Aulo, l'ower Everylhln& (013108) Sl7 ,900 '01 lll•Hrt Altlmo st Auto, CD, Alloy. ltllr (202551) S18.900 .,,._ .. ,110 Whlte/T a.n. CO. S1111p (684789) $19,900 .,, ,.,.,. .. ,,_ '-'" Loaded, Must S.crl· he:• (094773) $16,900 '99 l'enclte loJtslH '"'"" Sliver, 5-19. CO. low mlle1. 11111 price (623482) $23,900 'O, '-"..,.,...., '"' !Ok Ml. Llkt New, Loaded (Al8204) S23,900 Mt450-2222 •.. ..,.. ..... COVI IOTOlltG IMW 74011 '01 Blue. eroy Inter #V28A3 Must Sell IMW 74011 '01 White, cray Inter •V3951 Must Sell IMW 74011 '01 Silver, 1rey inter 1\19942 Must Sell IMWMl 'ta Stiver, black inter •V2897 Discounted IM'ftM3 '02 Silver. 1rey Inter IV3962 011counted IMWllUO'OJ 414 Red, V'7649 Must Sell IMWU'H Black. Ian inter #Vl309 Greet Buy JAGUU I TYPI ' 74 yellow #V4024 Gr11t Buy JAOUAI s. TYPI '00 Gree". Ian Inter •V77SJ Must Sell JAOUARX.16 '97 Black, Ian Inter •V3S'S Great Buy JAGUAI XJa ·oo Green, tan Inter 11280 Discounted JAOUAI XJI '99 Red, ten inter IV0859 Must Sell JAOUAI XJI '99 Blue, tin inter IN7947 Discounted 949-651)..S915 .. IOllPUIMIJNO Repeh Ir R1modtMna FREE ESTIMAlt Lf6873M 7l4-t69· 1090 ~ Al~ ..... • •C..-.ic:W (949) 548-0769 SELL your stuff through clas slfledl Wanted AUTOS WANT£0 TREPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ I.AU NC HING/ STORAGE 9045 9680 lo.t Sllp 12' beam 40+' leneth Bay Island Cove 1111, wa~r/power In eluded 949·922·7777. UDO ISll DOCK for up to 60ft boat El access, water & elect Included. 949 500·6714 SOft l'rlwt• .,.. In Rhine Channel, evall ll/15 wal• & eltc. on site $900/mo Tod 949-nt-98> ,....,_ 11'-'I ollp tor up lo 50ft boil, u1I or lower profile powerboat preferred. 9'9·675·4847 ClASSlflfD It's the solution you're searching for·whether you' re seeking a home, apartmen~ pet or new occupation! TrwServlce Big Mike's Trff Servk• =i.~=. =a.= hlC.... . c,.4,,.,, ... 4 '••Jo., IV•ll for tutorln1 In 111 aubricta K·I Referencu •v• I Oline 949 689-7194 ... & .......... Custom H111d P1lntad ~&Feu11,= Atlill for ... D68l THI ITIWPUI !f:ec11hilna In Wa Plllf R1mov1I " U58824l 949·360 1211 Window a.Ing Oot.IPI WlrT WIMDOW lllYICI SetlsftctlOfl Outte"ta•ti •949UH5'Z* SE L your stuff through classified I . TAKE A TEST-DRIVE TODAY. l- 48 month lease. baseet on $399 per mo +.w ·w/$500 cuatomer .cash down.12K miles peryear.15¢ per mile ex~ ~.&---.;_:on~ credit, Exclt.1des_govemment fees a~d .. taxes any d8aler0cl0cum8ntilllon prep~rjtion charge and a!'Y emlssJo~·te~ljig ·ch.a~i;· TUSTl -N CALL _1· a~aa •-9· · •-~·;·s· -o~•-• . . . : . :;:~~ ~ . . • _.._ ,I ".•_· . . :1 :9f9 MAZDA • • • i ~ - NEW200• ·.1ETTA Automatic . . NEW200! PASSIT •• .... '°' .. lontlll PlllTal·IPeel t It lls ... 1,,. cMlt. (19277V/3P384180) 4klo. closed end lease. Total drive off $3000 includes $1769 cap cost reduction. F'nt payment, tax, lioeose and fees m SO secuity deposit and $575 bank fee. 1 Ok miles per yea. 1 SC per mile excess. Cha'ges for excess wea and teat may apply Next payment due 30 days after inception. NEW200! EUIOVAN •• La1fofUllOllt111 . Piii Tai I '811 t It Ill ..... ntt.(19166V~1) emo. cloMd end-.. Total cttve off $3000 includei $1945 cap cost reduction. Flf'lt payment. • tax. bnll am r. am so llCtlity deposit and $575 bank tee. 10k milll per v-. 1sc per m1e ""*"· Ctllrgll tor~.,,.. m w may app1y Next payment dUe 30 diyl lftir lnceptiQn. NEW200• BEETLE Automatic •• .... '°' u IOntlll Piii Tai I Peel s ti ca111 It 111 flfltlt 111''""-cn-tt. 48-mo. closed end lease. Total drive off $3000 Includes $2034 cap cost reduction. Frst payment. tax. license and fees and SO security deposit and $575 bank fee. 10k miles per yea. 154 per mile excess. Charges for excess ww and tea may apply Next payment due 30 days after Inception. NEWIOO• BEETLE conveftible ••... "'11 IOntlll Piii Tai I Mel s ti catlt 1t lls '11111t • 1,,,. cntll . 48-mo. closed end lease. Total aive off $3000 includes $1978 cap cost reduction. Fnt payment. tax, license and fees and $0 secOOty deposit and $575 bank fee. 10k miles per year. 15¢ per mile excess. ChatgeS for excess wea and tetv may apply Next payment due 30 days after inception. NEw·200• TOUAIEG Automatic . •• Leale lorU IOntlll Piii Tai I '911 s ·tt ca1111t 111 "• • .-ntt. 48-mo. cloled end lease. Total <*tve off $3000 Includes $2209 cap cost redUction. FiSt payment. tax, license and fees and $0 lectrtty ~and $575 bank fee. 1Qk miles per yw. 15$ per mil excess: Ch.-ges tw exceea ww and tw may apply Next payment due 30 dlya llft« Inception. .. Pl• '°"~ -Ind w ... ..,. nr-ctW.-, any dCal« doalmlnl .,,..,.,.ion chup. ud Illy .u.ioo ~ cti...re REBATE IN U EU OP SPllCJAL LOW RATE FlNANCINO 1 'At This Net Cost (J02140) "'" So"-r ... illd caxca. flll'/ rlll&ftC)C ~. any dcakr 00cwnc111 ptqm'lllJOn dNirae. and lily Cnll»IOll ldllll& ~ REBAl'E IN UEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATtl flNANCINO 1 At This Net Cost (.I04190) Plus IO''"' I lea nS aa... ..,, '"*-durp&. .,, • _ .... docurnml PftPllRUOO chatp. 11111 any emiuK>n wtins du1rse REBATE IN UEU OP SPP.CIAL LOW RATE flNANCINO. MUST FINANCE TlfRU FMCC FOR $2000 BONUS CASlt. 1 At This Net Cost (668929) 02 FORD TAURUS SES (197488) 27K Mlle, Under ,.ectory Wetn1nty, ffull POW9r, In Xlnt CondltJon ............................................................................................................... . .......... •41 ••••• ~~:!;'!~~ :.!;?a!!i,~~ull Power, Under ,.eotory Werr11nty, Xlnt Yeh ............................................................................................................................................................. • 41 8 I 01 FORD EXPLORER SPORT e • (~) L.Mthef', Moon fltoof, ~ .......................... ::.................................................................................................................................................................................................. -. • •• ~· ~~~~~~~ ':~!~v~!~t.~.~ .. ~~~ ...................................................................................................................... -..................................................... • t • t 8. 0 ~f .. <?!'ut~, ~~~~='~Power ... ,,~. 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