HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-11-22 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• A B KENT TREPTOW /DAILY Pll01 Pastor Mike Erre jokes with the congregation at Rock Harbor Church during the first Sunday of services at the church's new sanctuary. Rock Harbor of ages Andrew Edw.rdt Daily Pilot A fter spending seven yean looking fo r a home. the congregation at Rock Harbor Olurch finally has a place to call ilS own. After seven years and 36 part-time hones, the church known to many for its love of song moves into its fir st permanent residence, in Costa Mesa. architectural transformation. The ongoing worlc on the building i!; hlce the congregation\ '>ptrituaJ growth. Erre ~id. "We kind of see 1hii. a., a great melaphor for our fruth," he said. "You don't have to be a finished project coming 10 God " Unlike the biblicaJ tale of a seven-year journey in ancient Israel's wilderness, Rock Harbor's congregants confined their travels to Newport-Mesa before finally settling down in a fonner warehouse. "We've been loolclng for seven years, (with) 36 different addresses we've been loolclng at." teaching pastor Mike Erre said. ·God just kept saying not yet. not yet, not yet." The church held its first services in ats new home Sarurday night and Sunday morning. ·it's overwhelming. in a good sense." church elder Greg Rieke, srud. ·we're just grateful for what God's done and what he's provided." The 7-year-old church had held services at the Costa Mesa Senior Center and Vineyard Newport. The new digs are nestled inside an f-..astside business district just a !>hort drive from John Wayne Airport. One of their neighbors is a plastics company. On the inside, the building still shows signs of its transition from a warehouse into a sanctuary. Gray, industrial-looking ducts hang over worshipers' heads. and unfinished woodwort around doors and on walls show the church is still puning the finishmg 1ouches on it~ Though a lot of the heavy-dut\ work wa~ done by hired professional'>. Rock I !arbor volunteers donated many hour., over the pa-;t 'ilX month.'> to help ready the building for '>ervtce~. "There's been a whole lot of people that put in a 101 of effort," volunteer supervisor ~ See ROCK, Pace A4 Treasurer considering supervisor run John Moorlach, who has lived in Costa Mesa for 20 years, is eyeing a 2nd District seat opening in 2006. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot to bankruptcy, is exploring a 2006 nm for the 2nd District seat now held by Jim Silva. Silva will be tenned out at that time. Moodach has been the county treasurer/tax collector since 1995, when he replaced the re- placement for Bob Citron. who engineered the doomed invest- ment strategy. Moorlach ta.Id he la thtnking leadership skills to be a supervi· sor, Norby saJd. he ran for county treasurer in 1994 before he can open an- other account to run for super- visor. "At this point, I'm getting enough encouragement and fi- nancial commiunent to be mov- ing along." he saJd. One likely opponent in the race Is Huntington Beach As- semblyman Tom Hannan. He will be termed out of his Sacra- mento seat that year. ,.... ! • )• .... jJ 0 .j()}.. 1 -.o ·,;:i, ta:"o, ··~ IN BUSINESS Office space a hit to hospital t .. ·.i . Hoag officials anxiously await the arrival of a 75,000-square-foot plaza, giving doctors more room to see patients Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA "1ed1caJ otrit t' space near I loag Ho'>pllal 1s al a pre mium. bu1 upcoming faciJ11y '>Urgerv is expected to e~e the '>hortage One building that wont be up until early next year 1s drawing pro .. pe<11ve tenanl'> of all \17.es The Pacific Medi 1 di Plaza ,1 7·,.000 'lJUJre foot, four- '>!Ory ml•d1l,1I uffin• building. will fill lhe <:.pact• on :".ewport Houle,drd that wa!> 01H·l' lhe f-1 \;1do .ind <;nu~ llar bur mohlll' home p.trk\ an C o-.1a \1e-.a The pl.ua I'> a hol pro'>perl hetdll'>l' It offer-. -.o much spall', and w11h J ,.a l ancy ratt• or IC'>'> 1han ~'li. IJl the medical offile marl..t•I around I luag I lo~p11al. big -.pan•-. are '>carce . ...aid John Wadsworth. vile pre'\1dc111 of Collier<. ~ecle). the real e ... tate broker for the medicaJ plaza "We've had mtere'>l lrom tenant-. intere'>ll'd tn the whole hu1ldm~. Wadsworth <,a1d ·I here<:. 'ery lmle -.pace available ngh1 now fht• build- ing wa., horn ou1 of d<'m,tnd for more '>pace llown al I loag I lo-.p11al Tht' pl.v.1 ma\ havl' \Orne lOmJWll lion for lt'f1Jl11'> rl'q111nng le,., -.pare Two smaller mt·d1c .11 offile proJ<'cl.., a re tn 1lw worb 011 Old Newport Boulevard 111 Newport Beach Mt·c.J1lal office'> are \lalt•d for lhe OranKt' County Hoard of llee11tor.. buildtnK and a building at 1lw rnrnl'r of "Jew port Boulevard and Orange Avenue. Hoag offiuah are pll'ased about 1he additaon of med tr al offire '>pale he tause the ho'>pllaJ 1-. l''(panding, and 11 1uc,1 celt>bra1cd adding 11., l,U001h ph~~ See BUSINESS, Paae A4 COSTA MESA -The Costa about runnJng for the board at Mesa accountant who ln 1994 the suggesdon of another super- prophesiud the havoc the visor, Cluis Norby. He had previ- county's investment policies ously been toying with running would wreak Is now considering for atate treasurer. Moorlach running for county supervilor. sought the chief eRCUti'Ye poat John Moorlach. who predicted of the county In 2003, also at the fall of the bigh·rilk ar.ip . Notby'a recommendation. C.Ounty investment fund that led Moorlach hu the requisite "I think he'd make a great su- pervisor," Norby said. •John's an independent thinker. He's got a lot of credibility. I think he will not just take recommendations from staff at face value but actu- ally look at them. He was the one person who was question - ing Bob Citron when the entire board of auperviaora waa going along with what Citron wanted to do. Our job ls to supervise, and I think John would take that job wry S(!rloualy." The 48-year~ baa not offi- cially announced Illa lntendon to run. He bu to dole the cam- paign account he opened when After restoring the county's fi- nancial stability from the morass of the bankruptcy, Moodadl laid he is rudy to apply the same technJques to the county SMRUN,P•M MARK C DUSTIN I DM.Y PLOT A fan " historical sites, Oraoge Coooty treasurer and Costa Mesa resident John Moortech stands in front" the steps that lead to the Old Courthouse in Santa Ana. Moor1ach is considering nmin& for ccurty supeMsor in 2006, a seat currenttJ held by Jm Siva. THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE Sometimes one has to beg to differ with oneself • Dail~ Pilot . AT A GLANCE Sunflower Ave., CoMa Meee, CA 92826. E-m1fl 11 preferred. The PYot wtff ""' • • 1el1cdon of reepon111 on ~MngOey . WEATHER - • • I I u ~ ....... Z2. 20CM .,.. ..... YOUR _..EK ' BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT KENT nvrow/Dlll.YP'lOT From left, Eric Hatfacre and master diamond cuttl!r Gabi Tolcowsky assist Ray Piantanida and tis wife, Shit1ey, as they look closety at Unonds at the 25th annrversary celebration for Traditional Jewek!rs at Fashion Island. lhe Thtnday event showcased~ of dolars in <lamonds: owner L• Halfacre said. Tradition thrown in the window Popular vendor of fine diamonds celebrates its 25th anniversary at an annuaJ showcase of the most p_recious jewels. Dane Grace Special to the Piiot T radiuonal Jewelers owners Marion and Lula Halfacre held their annual diamond showcaseThursday while celebrating the store's 25th anniversary. To celebrate, they hosted 35 representatives from such diamond and watch heavy hi1ters as Rolex, Omega, Quadrillion, Beaudry and Nova at their Fashion Island showroom in Newpon Beach. The designers used the night to showcase new styles. •The representativea are here bringing their latest creations,· Lula Halfacre said. She also said it gave their clients an opponunity to fill holiday wish lists and to ·help and give direction· to Santa Oaua.. A lot of diamondt were in one place lbunday-but the Halfacres couldn't put an exact dollar amount on the value. •Whatever I could aay would not be enough.· Lula Halfacre aaid. ·under th.la roof, there are millions of dollars in diamondt. • Marton Halfacre explained that Traditional Jewelen is centered on ·romance,· and that be loved seeing his customers enjoying themselves. ·0ur busin~ is aU about passion.• Marion Halfacre said. ·You can see they are genuinely having fun.. Renowned Belgian diamond cutter Gabl Tolkowsky shared his passion with diamondt by presenting his ·o.c. • diamond -a cut inspired by the two fountains at Fashion Island in Newport -that took two years to perfect. He said the •joy" of the fountains and the way the water sprouted from the center inspired the 121 facets of the cut. Tol.kowsky said the diamond is representative of the •joy· in Orange County. ·vou meet people here and they are aJJ joyful,· To~ aaJd. The Halfacrea a1'o 1howcued their new, signature line: the Natalie Tara collection, which is named after the owners' daughter. •it seemed appropriate that we launch her collection with our 25th anniversary,· Lula Halfacre said. Natalie Halfacre, 20, modela the diamondt and will have a portion of creative control with the cuts and styles. She aayr the pink and yellow diamonds are aimed more at her peer group. ·They're Inspired for our generation: Natalie Halfacre aaid. This son of family participation isn't a departure for the buaineu.. Eric Halfacre, 25, bu been working with the buaineu for more than a year. Marion H.aJfacre aaid be couldn't be more pleated about the family'• involvement. ·1 love it; it's so much fun,· be said. BUSINESS from 11 :46 a.m. to 1 p.m. lit 1he ~li'a Piml Store, SE Bristol, ~~·Coco'I to lt30 a.m. .. Mimi's c.M. Co.ta Meu Coootry Club. The cost Newport Bwft. lnbmetion and 161 N .. '1)Qtt C... R 111 lfmliollC Iv.,,;. sa.fbd. (948) CALENDAR ii $U. The dub ia .. 1701 Golf reeerv.cionl: (949) 646-1274. Oriw, ,_'1)Qtt 8-d\. 474-2225. eou .... Drive, eo... ,..._ C714l lrdomwdon: (310) fiG-1982. 886-9090. The.._M1111 .. 1 n.....-. .... _x.._.. ... •Send BUSINESS CALEM1M ~Club891 In Cocta Thal ....... lfc 111 ..... a. bl..,_ malllnga It 7 am. items to 1he DMy Plot. 1375 n..c.... ..... ~ Mau meets et 7 p.m. T~ at ,..... .. 7 a.m. Thurad-va .. T~ Ith PldlcQub,4110 Sunflower Ave., Cocta Meea, CA 1'oellrNlltn Cub'""" from Mau \ferda Unltitd Mechodiac Coco'I Blbfy ~ 3448E. ~BMt..NwJportBwh. 92626; by Hnail tD noon to 1 p.m. Wadi~ It the ~. 1701 w. Babr St., Cocta Coelt~, Corofw dal .... ~forthehm1UI io.~ ,.,,.,,.,.,,,81atimaa.>m; by fax Or.nga County°"*""*" of Mesa. (714) 64CM446. C.29:M830. -940«iR to (714) 988-41679; or by calling ~-~DriYe, (714) 966-481 l lndude the time, Calta,...... ........... open to The N1upo1t o.wtrr lfc..eu 11 t 1 ......... ~ .,, I a.-t.n 1MN91•ott ............. olAI date and location of the 9Wlf1t • anyof'le who w.'111 to lmprow hll Qub 231 meets from 7 to lt30 a.m. 9:30to 8 p.m. MoncMya .. ~ La ... n'a Ludl Oub, an Mill•. contact phone nwnbs. or hs pubic ip9111f111g ...._ (714) Mondlya .. the lrW'8 Co., 810 Jorm Mobc:. .. 3300~ lntef'Mtlonal group for ~ ~C..DriYe, Newport ADed. NwJport 8-d\. (7'14) bualneN ret.n.la and ONGOWG 8-d\. <• 76&-1025. ~ networking, m"'8 et 11:46 a.m. The COllla ..... et.a11ber ol n.. ........... Dla ........ Tueadaya at Coco'a, 151 Commeroe ham netwoftif ig Toetlmatlln Cub 1300'""" ........ ..,,.,I ...... •• 1.-....iM: ..... Newport Center Drive, lundleon meedliga Wedrl88daya from 7to 9p.m. ~ .. Sgt. Toem1 1 •1 ra Qub meeta from 8 to n.-.,.y~from7:15 lhform8tfon. (800) m -7337, BRiEFLYIN BUSINESS aittau attracting 1aClic nets vilit«a 1be COiia ..... Catt .. 16.» md Vllltor Bunma a1tnlcted a'OID olw._ tD m. dlJtbll ................... c.ua-..... ..._ ..... ..cau- ........ epedll llouil .... and aaoll a,;.....,. c6rL PmiDAPIJI tD ~ the "Dlhe Cll' Hy -Dane 00 u.• .. opm nMalllid ID 2.270 ==:n-=~ tu.a ... o.11111 Wll!llt o«ered lpeClal bocel ndel ~ at $99. IDd they -could be re-tmburlld $30 for tnrftll apemes and receM • $30 ~ c:ertltl- cate for loc:.91 J91btnnll. 1be bwe.u l&ld 1,803 rellaJl'aDt oer- dflcatea were ftJdeemed. The vWt.on came from .nRmd Cali- fornia. with 3a from Loa An- ... ~ but Ibey allo trav- eled from Nevllda and Amona. Barnes & Noble holding book drive Bamel • Noble Boobellers at 'Dtangle Square II boldlng a boUday boot drt.e to help needy cbfJdrtn from now until Dec. 22. To putldpate In the drtve, cmtomea pun:bue a boot for a preKbool tbrougb 12th...,ade chDd. 1be boob will be dilUtbuted by the local nonproftt .,ency Shue Our Seha. Locally based attorney joins L.A law fitm Costa Mesa mddent Mut M. Gnesin recendy joined Los An- geles law firm Skousen & Skou- sen. Goeain bu a bachelor'• de- gree from Rutgen University in New Jersey and a doctorate from Southwest.em Univeraity School of law In Los Angela He bu worked in ctvil litiga- tion for more than 23 yean and bu represented tmwance companies. including All-State and Adandc Mutual, and be represented Sav-On DruP for lOyean.. Irvine C.O. executive earns realty award The Orange County Building Owner and Managers Alan. bas named Danielle Shn of the Ir- vine Co. the 2004 real estate ex- ecutive of the year. Sim I.a aenior vice praident of operationa for the Irvine Co. ofllce propertiea. Shn managea operationa for the company's hilh-rise omcea. multi-building ofllce campuses. and resa.n:h and development and industrial buildings. hcrp:I~ '-dtldul*.oom. TheCollll .._ a...,olAI I I~ Lwflt Qub holdl a W98ldv meedlig for~ pot111I01•to~tt9 MIWOl'ldng ... ..s lwn how to obtlilrt !WW oontactll. The m I .... .. held"" .... from 7:15to 8::30 a.m.. .. Mmi\ Cd In Co.a "'-. Thecdialt1835M .. uport 8Mt. (800) 181-7331 ........ O....,.ol .. An.a. • ..._~ .. Am\. meta It I p.m. .. bdl Tu.:llv of Md\ monlh .. the ecu.y 1nn•s..1n 0-.. Meaa. lnbn11tlon: (714> liliH1'00. WE'VE .MOVED! l111ll111l111l111111ll111ll111l111l11111I Daily Pilot Reader 123 Any Street AAytQwn, CA USA ' COSTA MESA PLANNING co•ISSION PREVIEW • tbeM cha,.. would require a FYI Hm o.r. • fow o/ lht """" IM conunlalon will coruut..r Monday. . PHARMACY APPLICATION provide a p\lhUc beering. 'JO nduce the oolte from the dnaptore, Ital memben 1uge.t 8-to lO·foot h1ab aound wa1ll. Umlted IJ'Ub collecdoo and delivery boun and algnl tel.Una truck driven to tum off their=• mobile-home pelt owner who wantt to dole • put to get dty approval to doao. WHAT: Next Pfenning Commlaalon mMtlng The Planning Corn.mlalion will coNlder an application from Tait & Auociates -representing property owner C..J. Segentrom ac Sons -for a Sav-On Drugs with a drlve-tbru at 1150 and 1170 Bak.er St. The nearly 15,000-aquare-foot project would require demollshing the Wendy's restaurant and the closed Farr'1 Stationers on the site ln the Mesa North Shopping Center. The application also includes a requeat to sell alcoholic bevef83es that would typically be sold in a drugstore. when they are loading or unl . Before submitting ltt application. C.J. Segentrom & Sona held three neighborhood meetings to ditcuJS. the proposal with lntereated realdenta. Another cbmp would ettabliah a muimwn beilht of 8 feet for walls ln commerdll and Industrial zones, unleN an environmental study requires them to be higher. WHl!N: 8:30 p.m .• Mondey WH!M.: City Hett, n Fair Drtve INf0:(714)764-6246 A large percentage of development projects ln the city require permits or some sort of review. WHAT TO EXP£CT Staff members don't antk:tpate any major adverH effects from the project u long as meuwa are tabn to compensate fot the nolte. They recommend approving the project. WHAT TO EXPECT The commtMk>n will glve ataff mernben ~.n on the chanse they want to tee ln the zonJng code. PERMIT STREAMLINING This type of project usually doesn't come before the commiasion, but since the site Ls close to residences and has a potentlal to create noise. it will consider the application to ZONING STANDARDS The commission will consider some changes to the zoning code to clarify definitions and standards. One of The commillion will consider ways to stteamllne the rules governing the pennlt and review process. The City Council, at its June 21 meeting, dlscussed a host of ways city programs and services could be streamlined to save lhe city money. Some of the staff membera' recommendaliom are to delegate all review and approval of prQjecU in public pub to the Parb and Recreation Comm.l.ssion and to reduce public-notice requlrementa from 500 to 300feet, wblch is all that is required by the state. WHAT TO EXPECT Commission members will look for ways to simplify the permit and review process. GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOlYED runs periodically in the Dally Pilot on a rotating basis. For information about adding your organization to this list, call (714) 966-4600. NEWPORT BEACH 1/1 ADOPT A MARJNE BATTALION FUND The 1/1 Adopt A Marine Battalion Fund was created to accept donations and to provide financial support for ongoing programs and events planned to show appreciation to the 1st Battalion 1st Marines, based at Camp Pendleton. Information: (949) 644-3124. NEWPORT BAY NAT\JRAUST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to aaaist with naturalist-led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center is at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. lnforma1ion: (949) 923-2296. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCEAND~SITORS BUREAU The bureau is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential visitors. Volunteera whh extensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. Information: (949) 719-6100. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers will be certified during training workshops in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Newport Beach. Information (949) 717-3874 or literacy@city.newport- budl.ca.us. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Bead\ Premiere Cinema Guild. which supports the Newport Beach Rim Festival, is looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic and cuhural heritage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival. Information: (949) 253-2880. NEWPORT BEACH, GENERAL Pl.AN ADVISORY COfMJU 11 EE The Newport Beadl City Council i1 seeking application• from r"ldentl or bu1lneu owner• to fill vecenclea on the General Plan Advlaory Committee. The committee meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondaya in the Newport Beach Police Department auditorium, 870 Santa Barbara. Information: (949) 644-3005. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perform clerical duties. such as filing. organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Information: (949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design, sewing, make-up application, set construction, technical help, publicity, stage management and backstage supervision. Information: (949) 759-1046 or LKSaf@aol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers a number of volunteer opportunities in the gift shop, as docents or receptionists, with clerical wort end with fundraising events. Training is provided. Information· (949) 675-8915,Ext 107 NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of general volunteer help. Information: (949) 642-9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation 1s looking for volunteers to help with fundraising efforts, speaking opportunities, pubhc events and occasional office wort. Information: (949) 6314143 NEWPORT THEA11t£ ARTS CENTER A variety of jobs need to be ladded, including set construction, ushering, malling• and asaorted tectink:al dutJe1. Sdleduling 11 flexible, wtth a two- to 20-hour commitment per month. The Newport Theatre Arts Center ia at 2601 Cliff Drive. lnfonnation: (949) 631-0288. OASIS SENIOR CENTIR Meals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared dishes to homebound seniors in the Newport Beach area. The delivery time is between 11 :30 a.m. and 1 p.m. dally. The center also needs volunteer nurses for its aemi-monthly blood pressure acreenings. The center offers this service between 9 and 11 a.m. the firS1 and third Tuesdays of the month. Volunteers should commh two hours once a month or volunteer on a substitute basis. The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. OPERA PACIFIC The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, a support group for Opera Pacific, has activities for volunteers Information: (714) 546-fj()OO. OPERATION CLEAN SLATE Operation Clean Slate. a Costa Mesa-based organization for graffiti prevention, needs volunteers to paint over graffiti and other duties Information: Michael Howard, (714) 435-0745. OCC NAUTICAL LIBRARY Orange Coa61 College's School of Sailing and Seamanship needs book donations for its Nautical Library Thousands of volumes of 50th Anniversary CHRISTMAS TREE }AMBOREE at the NEWPORT DUNES Open Nov. 26, 2004 STANDMD NOIU F• 6' -7' = S«.95 7' -8' = $56.95 8' -9' = S79.95 ,,..., ........... ,,..,.,,. ,,,,,,, -Gn9' "' MllltMe ., ... ""'"' l'rfcnl boating-related titles are needed. The School of Sailing and Seamanship 11 at 1801 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Information: (949) 645-9412. ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL RESCUE COALITION The nonprofit Orange County Animal Rescue Coalition needs wlunteers to help maintain cats' and kitten•' cagea at Petsmart's Luv-a-Pet center at 17th Street and Superior Avenue, Costa Mesa. Volunteers for all shifts are needed. Information: (949) 451-3272. ORANGE COAST INTERFNTH SHEl1ER The largest family shelter in the county needs volunteers tor its • children's programs. It especially desires tutors and those who can take part in act1v1t1es after 6 p.m Tutors will worl< with groups of children or individually, helping children in their academic problem areas. Volunteers will also act as a big brother or big sister during the summer Information· Ja11ne Mayo, (9491 631-7213. ORANGE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY A volunteer group serving the communities of Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Huntington Beach needs animal-loving volunteers for two-hour shifts on weekdays to walk dogs and help aociallze them to help them get adopted. Before purchasing a pet. please visit the shelter at 2163 Newland, Huntington Beach between Pacrfic Coast Highway and Atlanta. Information: (714) 540-2288. ORANGE COUNTY CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER The center needs volunteers to wort with high-risk families and children, providing weekly emotional support to families. infants and first-time mothers in their homes. The center 1s asking for a three-hour weekly comm1tment. lnformat1on (714) 5434333 ORANGE COUNTY COASTKEEPER Newport Beach-based Orange County Coastkeeper is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help monitor water quality. Training sessions for volunteers are available Information-(949) 723-5424 or See INVOLVED, Paee A4 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Menorah-lighting ceremony upcoming Fuh.lon llland'1 annual me- norah-Ugbtlns ceremony will be at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 7 at the BloomingdaJea courtyard. at Newport Center Drive and . Coast Highway. The event will be hosted by • Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Clla- bad Jewish Center of Newpon Beach. For more Information, call (949) 72 1-2000 or visit hrrp:ll www.ShopFashlonlsland.com. Volunteer board being organized The Cosla Mesa City t.ounc.11 i& 1n need of interested volun teer!> from the commumty to !>erve on the Acee&!>, BuLldtng, I lou:.ing and Fire Code Board of Appeal'> The board meets only when a decision is needed or when de terminauons are made by the fire marshal or building offic1ah about the tnterpreta11on ur ap· plication of tht.' codes The board\ '>tructure has re c.ently been revised by the City Council and will be compn&ed of live reK'Jlar memhl'r., and two alll•rnate-. A-. rt.'4u1red by '>tall.' law, two of lhl· regular rnemtwrs rnu'>t bt' phy-.itally hand1t appt'd and 1v. o mu.,t have l un.,trut I HHl expt•rtence Applicant., mu.,t co111plett' a "Com11111tet• lnrere'>I f-orm," availitble at the ury clt•rl.., officl' or at the nt}., web:-.11l', littfJ./I Wll111 (I '05/(I trl('W Cll II.\, and mail II w tht• ( O'>ta "1t•'>a < 1tv C.uu11<1I b\ Dl'1 111 I ht• fnrn1 '>hould bl' mailed 111 I '"'" \1t''>J C II} l 111mul PO Box I .!00 C O\ld \lt•\,1, C •\ '12bLH. or h.111d lfrh\ t•rnJ tu I ht• 1 It) 111anaKtr' ollll l' at l 11v 11.tll ;; 1-<111 I lrt\ 1· C 11\la \1e'" \ppo1111me111 ... \,tlJ ht· 111.tdl' 111 JarHJJr\ by th1· < ll\ < oundl ~or mun· 1nforma111111 um ldl t Bun ~lorg.in. thll'f plarh l''<dlllllll'f, .ii 17141 :'')~ ).!7J CHRIST-MAS WALK .. • • .._ .Jlappy STEAKS • SEAFOOD • COCKTAILS .Jlolidays Pini~ ~ Mllll """"""SJJ..I ~ Nif/11111!l'.J()1'"" IN,.,...,,. ..tt Ma•#r JO. Da • 1.tw 21 -' ~2& 8Aa Ofmll 1(1 ..,. ... Dooola IS a.Ii> MDMD.v~ ..... ,.,. ... December 5, 2004 11 :00 A.M. -4:00 P.M. 1 l ))' <.., for l l) l \ l ) r 1 'J t • • I, r i .. t '' • t r ll t.' r\. i 111 1n e1 ll d" OPEN TO THE PUIUC -FIEE OF CHARGEI d" LOCATED IN THE CORONA DEL MAR BUSINESS DISTRla -----------SPONSORED BY -----------11 Beverley •a~ Johnson ta PrndentM .,. , .... ..... .. _ ~ca.······ 91:::::.. ~ ... I •• ~ .. t I • • M Monday, Nowmbei' 22, 2004 POLICE FILES ~MESA • Herbof 8oWNlnt: Poffcie mede en atreet on IUapk:ion of 1 controlled aubctlnoe In the 2160 blodc et 11 :A6 p.m. Friday. •Mis*.,.._ Burglary was reported In the 1900 blodt et 2:30 PUBLIC SAFETY p.m. Friday. • South Collllt ~ Embezzlement wa1 reported In the 900 blodc et 1 :14 a.m. Friday . • Vletoftl Str'Nt A fight waa reported In the 600 blodt at 11 :08 a.m. Friday. • w.t 181h 8treM: Police arrested someone on a wemint In ......... nlllPOft(lng ID t NPOft at• dllMtlenilil 1n.,. eoo btodi It 1$ e.m. lundiv· • MliiMll,,..... ....... '°' hlMnckun .. nlPOftlld In ... 3600bkdIt1:21 a.m. Sundly. •Vl9UdtendNlll•mt .....-A ftghtWll rtpof19d It 1~p.m. &ltufdly. KENT TREPTOW /ONLY Pl.OT Members of Rock Harbor Church watch the band play in their new sanctuary in Costa Mesa on Sunday. ROCK Continued from Al lloblnson saJd Members of the church said lhcy are connected by more than just bricks and mortar "Our church has never been defined by a building," church elder Brady Schmidt said. "Nothing can contain what God wants to do ln people's hearts." Rock Harbor Olllrch may not Luxury Performance Value , Perfection Never Looked So Good ... 200S's Now Available! always call their new building home, lead pastor Tudd Proctor said. "We anticipate growing out of this building," Proctor said. calling the former warehouse "just a step aJong the way." Proctor ls also a keyboardist for the church band, which, like many contemporary churches, 1s based on the sounds of drums and electric guJtars Instead of traditional organ music. The church has scheduled special Don't Sli~! Install Grab Bars • Professional Installation of Grab Bars And Accessories In Your Home • Accessibility Remodeling Ltcensed and Insured Uc. B-#456742 Beachwood Can•tructlan (949>·230· 11548 Serving OC for 25 Years DailyA Pilot VOL 98, NO. 327 ntOMA8 H. JOHNSON Publl1h1r TONYOOOERO Editor USA COSENZA Advertl1lng Director LANA JOHNSON PromotlOM Director music services tonight and Tuesday, where members will record a live album to commemorate thelr new home. "We're not doing it to make money,· Erre said. "It re~ it a way for people who atten Rock Harbor to worship beyond Sunday." • ANDREW EDWARDS la the n8W9 asalatant. He can be reedled at (714) 966-4824 or by e-mell et andrew.edwards@latlme1.com. INVOLVED Continued from A3 http:llwww.cos8tkeeper.org. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNfTY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a variety of function1. Information: (714) 839-6199. ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The talk force ia recruiting volunteers for the Interfaith Council Networ1c to wor1c one-on-one with homeless adults In a program on basic life 1kllls. Information: (949) 263-1774. ORANGE COUNlY MUSEUM OF ART l..eam ITl0'9 about art and &hare with your community by becoming a docent at the Orange County Museum of Art. A \/Olunteer docent guides adults and school groups through the galleriM and teaches about the museum'• collections and exhibitions. Information· (949) 7~1122, Ext 204. ORANGE-COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Docent.a are needed to lead tours of the Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Learn about the history end the development of the Center and the wor1dngs of 'We kind of see this as a great metaphor for our faith. You don't have to be a finished project comi ng to God.' Mike Erre Pastor at Rock Harbor Church the bade stage areaa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS, Ext 833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate In life management and employment training workshops as a 1ucce11 coach to foster teens 16 to 18 years old. Information: (949) 509-1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for stray and lost animal• in the Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar areas. Information: (949) 722-1357. PACIAC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Pacific Symphgny Orchestra's Vol•nteers In Education Opportunities program needs volunteer• to aaaist d\ildren in a variety of handa-on musical activities. Volunteers spend a total of 1ix Saturday mornings with the children. Information: (714)766-6788,Ext.244. PARENT HELP USA Founded by Mothers and Others Against Child Abuae, Parent Help alkl the public for help and volunt~rs to Inform the community on vttal laue1 affecting d\ildren and the family. Information: (949) 650-3481 or (949) 676-6271. RUN Cantlllild from Al le'cdom CW9' ~ whboUl m- a 1 td,.. tbe rat1.• Hll~t-..aMtodo dlii by .a.mHnlftl the ta coJ. 11 a wbole. let1ioD pocw wltb ID8llUl9 "l Md a cbance 10 yean qo IUdl u ~w"nc more people to tum around a c1epartment.• to pay elecaonk:dy and WO!t- Moodlcb ~ .. Now I have a 1nc with tide ce>mpanill to make cbance to tum uound the their paymllltl morw dclent oouncy. 1 ddnt [the .upervilon) dudnl Che dole of llUOWI, he m.de tome dec:Mlorii IDaeub>8 ,Mid. our loa«·tmn Uabdltiel that --'re ttytna •to wort dllJ- need to 6e lddreeled. lib pen· pndyWtth tbe.t.DdUlaf and tu- llon and redree riledlcal hen· peyen to mab awe the pay- eftta. Both have UabWdes of Sl ment proce11 It u llmple and bmlon or more.• efllC:ient u poafble, • Moortach MOortacti wu born In the Mid. •1 know how to run a de- Nftbedalidl. and bit family lm· ~t. wbk:h would be real milfated to SoUtbem Callfomla beJpf\.11 for • tuperVllor. • ln 1980. He mCMld to the Mela Alter the bankruptcy oc- Vetde oelghbotbood of c.o.ta curred. county offtdala did not M... In 1984 at the urg1ng of .call Moodach for NYera1 days. IOIM ofblt friends. Oesplte bla offer to letW u trea- "1 went backpacldng with two IUler, diey commtutc>ned BW buddlee of m1ne on Mount San Popejoy to right the county'• ft- Gorgonio -the highest moun-n.Ddal ab.Ip. Popejoy left three ta1n 1n Southern CaJJfomta." be months later, and Moorlacb was Kid. "We were chatttng away. llnally asked lo Mardl 1995 to just enjoying sort of a rainy fall step In. He wu reelected In 1998 day, and they both lived ln Mesa after running unopposed. Verde, and they were both ell-The eecond supervisorlal dls- enta, and they said, 'We want trlct includes Newport Beach, our CPA to live ln Mesa Verde."" C.OSta Meta and Huntington One of those frlenda was a Re-Beach. Moortacb'1 apertence altor and bought the house for with many of the cities In the Moorlach, putting $1,000 down. dlstrtct bu made him aware of "He said, "If you don't llke it. their dlstinct needs. he said. we'll just rent it out.'" Moorlach "I certainly enjoyed Hunting- aaid. ton Beach. bodysurftng off of He and his family liked it so 13th Street and eating my chips much that they raised their ldda off the pier," he said. "I a1ao lived ln Mesa Verde, although they for a wHlle in Cypress back ln now live ln a dilferent house. the 19608. I'm just really aware Moorlacb la a certified flnan-of these communities. I've got 44 dal planner as well u a certified years of history with this area. of public accountant He baa kept relationablps with locations and his county sta1f lean and effi-people. You're just going to get dent, he said. someone who's a blg believer In •After population growth of that part of the county." 25cifi, my department ia two em- ployees leas,~ Moorlach said. "It probably should be 25 more. We've got a great website. We've also been able to increase col- LANGUAGE Continued from Al that I could care any less. That's why the correct expression la •1 couldn't care less." I wish I could say I couldn't care I~ that three people caught me making an embanasslng miatake, but that too would be wrong. Unlike the time when a reader corrected me for using "shoe-in" lnstead of "shoo-in," tbls time I care. The reader wu right that the expression is "shoo-In," but the context would have made it clear to anyone that I wu making a dellberal'e, albeit bad, pun about a man who made horseshoes for a living. 'fyping ft misused expressions" into Yahoo, I come across one I never noticed before. "To beg the question," I read, is commonly used to mean "to pose the question" or to "bring up the question." Here's the website's example of such misuse. • DBAORE NEWMAN oovera government. She may be r9adled et (714) ~23 or by •mall at delrdre.newm•ntll•tlmH.com. "Guevara's book contruta strongly with the results of his life'• iftorta. So that begs the question, bow true are the prescriptions he advocates ln his writinga7" No, it brlnga up the question. It doesn't beg it. "Begging the question" ia a term I remember from logic claaa that refers to a spedftc type of logical error in argument If I say that the reason George Bush pardoned the turkey wu because the turkey wu to be pardoned, that would be begging the question. As the website puts it. begging the question, •consists of taking the premise of an argument, that ia, the 'question' at hand, as evidence for itself." The reason, aa we all know, that George Bush pardoned the turkey ls because Karl Rove told him that to shoot it dead on national television might not poU well in the blue states. • JUNE CASAGRANDE It 1 freelance writer. She can be reac:.t\ed at JuneTCN@aol.com. nology Center from tech space BUSINESS · to medical offices, but that h8$ Continued from Al slclan. said hospital marketing vice president Debra Legan. ft All of them. except for the hospital-baaed physicians like the radiologilta, have offices outside of the hoapital," lhe said. "They primarlJy aee their patients in thelr own omcea." Medical offices may be needed, but they aren't always welcomed. Coata Mesa plan- ning department staff memben recommended that the Plan- ning Commtuton reject plana for Paci.Ac Medical Plaza be- cause they feared the buildlng'1 helgbt and size weren't compat- ible with the neighborhood. Nearby ln Newport Beacb, some have hoped to convert the largely vacant Newport Tech- never come to fruition. There's been some debate over whether the building's zonlng would al· low medical uses, Newport Beach City Councilman Steve Rosanaky said. Traffic ls one of the main drawback.a of medical officea because they generate more of it than other office uses. The dty will likety have to address traffic problems as more medi- cal omces move in, Roaansky said. "Newport Boulevard ls al- ready bursting at the seams," he aaid. •ALICIA no..&oN cover1 bualn .... polltlca end th• envlronrMnt. Sh• may be reached at (714) ~8 or by e-mail at •llcl•.roblMOn •t•tlm ... com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Expect. partly doudv momlng to b9oeme moldy tunny wtth htghe trOm 11 to el ft lhould--mody.., et n'9ht ~ lowl from.., to Q E>epeet ..... of frOlt ~' ""'1:nadon; WWW.IM&noM.QOV BOATING FORECAST fMt or .... on• WMt ewell of a to 7 fMC et 11 eecondL At night,~ vtlDtfy Wtnde It 10 krMJll to meke wawe of 2 fNt or .... on wett IW'etl of 5 to 7 fMt et 1& MCOndl. SURF l.oob ... a emaff dey It Miii-ind~ ........ 1#eill Net• .. '*"l•IMd•ll-. .... ...-.: ~..OfV ... ..... .. Mn; tM-. ...... • • e It e j l 1 ................ ---=· (7141~16 • .,.,..,u: (714)966-4668 Newport Hai>orHigh senior middle lnebacker Thomas Martin (33) knocks the ball loose from El Dorado quarterback Shaun lane, who Is also in the clutches of the Sailors' Sean Rowe, bottom. Officiaf s ruled lane was down before he fumbled in the second quarter of the Sailors' 35-10 CIF Southern Section Division VI first-<ound iMayoff victory Friday night at Newport Harbor. The No. 2-seeded Sailors (10-0-1) play host to Charter Oak (8-3)Friday in the quarterfinals. MARI< C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Tars thankful for success Newport Harbor moves on to CIF Division VI quarterfinals while CdM, Sage Hill fall with valor. Rick Devereux Daily Pilot The Fl Dorado High football team ac- complished one of its goals against New- pon Harbor in the first round of the QF Southern Sedion DMsion VI playoffs Fri· day. "We want to neutralize No. 44," El Do· rado Coach Jeff Bailey said before the game. Thevor Theriot. who wears No. 44 for the SalJore, gained 34 nMing yards in Newport's 35-10 victory over the Golden Hawb. 1bedot. who averaged more than 11 yards per carry, sprained his ankJe when he wu tackled from behind follow- ing a 27-yard burst to open Newport's second ~ Eviell though Theriot was running on the sideline without a limp. he did not return to the game. "He was moving around fine at half· time," Coach Jeff Brinkley said. "It wasn't necessary for us to use him in the second half." It wasn\ neceMary because Newport Harbor (I 0-0· I) had a 28-3 lead ar inter- mission and junior Ryan Rippon was fill. ing in nicely with 85 rushing yards and one toudldown on JS cames. Rippon fin. ished with a game-high 163 rushing yards on 26 attempts. Brinkley expects Theriot back tn the lineup this week. Even though the Golden Hawks rou- tinely stacked seven and eight players near the line of scrimmage to try to stop the run. Newport Harbor averaged more than 6 yards per nMing attempt Th.ddes Steve Joslin and Ow'les Schultz guarm Efrain Castro and Joseph Aores and center Olrls Thylor opened holes for the runners. They also gave quarterbaa Kasey Peters, who finished with a game-high rn passing yards and two touchdowns. time to find open re- ceivers. Newport Harbor plays host to Olarter Oak (8-3) Friday. The Owgers were lri· champions of the Miramonte league and beat Kennedy, 37 -22, last week to ad- vance to the quanerfinals. That means the Sailors will have their traditional Thanksgiving morning prac" nee open to alumni. The practice IS '!Chedulecl to start at 9 a m. "ln high school football. you know you're having a good year if you have to pracnce on Thanksgivmg. just Ltke m col- lege football if you have to practice on Olristmas" Brinkley said "It's a near day to be with your family and this is son of ijk.e an extended family." • OORONA DEL MAR: Losing is never enjoyable, bur CdM Coach Dick Freeman can take positives our of his team's per- formance in the 34-31 overtime loss to La Habra in the first rowid of the Division IX playoffs. "We out-played them," Freeman said "lhat was the best all-around effon we have had all year." The Sea~ (6-5) took leads of 14-0, 21 ·14 and 28-2 1 in regulation and scored on a 26-yard field goal to go up, 31 ·28. in oYertime. CdM reached overtime when senior .Kevin Welch and junior Shaun Mohler See FOOTBAU, P•1e A6 BASKETBALL Jam spoils Crush debut MONDAY MORNING UARTERBACKS ~. ~ 22. 2004 A5 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL 'Eaters hope to • surpnse UC Irvi ne women mu st receive prod uction fro m severaJ un knowns to disprove naysayers. B•rry F•ulkner Daily Pilot Depend mg on one's pomt of vtew. UC Irvine women's basketball coach Mark Adams could have either a long bench or a shon leash when it come!> to as- signing playing time this sea'>on "We have 13 lads practicing and I don't think there's any- one I wouJd he'>1tate to put in a game right now." said Adam'>. whose Ant· eaters come off an miury-nddled 6-20 season UU lost 12 of 1ts first 13 IJ\ 2003-04. then won five of Its next nine, before finishing on a four-game losU'lg streak. The Anteater<> lo<;t their hest two play- ers from last sea..cm -second-team Al.1- Big \\est Conference guard Kmren Green and post Christina Calloway -to graduauon, creaung a vru.t opportunity for a mix of eight returne~ and seven newcomers Thar mlX mcludes 6 foot-4 senior center N.hley Biggins and '>enior guard Courtney Fergu'>on. who combU'led for 38 starts last season, seven more than the other rut returners combined Ferguson averaged 7 9 points. third best behtnd C,reen 13 6 and Callowav (12.4) Green d11d CalloWay led rhe Anl eater., in scoring in 20 of 26 games. while I erguson managed the feat four um es Ferguson. who had 43 three-poin1ers a year ago. ha., overcome a quadnceps <;train and a comw.-.um in 1he pre'>ea son and had nuw point., 111 l9 mmure., in Saturdays 65 'l5 cxh1b111on lo"-'> 10 Love and Basketball B1ggms, who averaged ') h rebound'> (second to CaJJoway 1 and l 4 poml\ la'>t sea~n. 1<> ready for a breakout wa'><m. according to her roach "ihe averaged 7 7 point<; and 7 7 rebound'> her final .,1x game-. la'>t se~on "She ha., made a 101 of progre'>S '>luU wise. Mrength wi.,e and confidenle wise," '>Clld Adam'>. who named B1ggim tus ream capt.un "\he ha'> rnme a long way since last ve.ir and I think '>he's on a mission. That ml.SSion. 10 get closer to the 17 WlilS UU actueved in 2002-03, will begm with the Anreater. flying below the Bag Wesr radar They wt-re p1dc.ed 10 lirush eighth by the coathes and nmth by the media m pre.t>a-.c>n ronferenC"t' polls. ·Nobody 1s going to exp<'t t us 10 be See ANTEATERS, Pa1e A6 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Sea Kings No. 4 seed ' > I • M Monday, NcMlmer 22, 2004 SPORTS COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL ANTEATERS THE ANTEATERS Davis, Padilla lauded Pirates place 10 on All-Mission Conference American Division football squads. Orange ~t C.Ollege sopho- more defensive tackle Ryan Davis and freshman tailback Matt Padil- la have been named first-• team All-Mission Conference American Divi- MOn by the d.Jvi Mon's six football coaches. Conhld from AS pd.. BflP1I eakl. -rbat jUlt ~ ua IWID more lnc:endve to come out e'Ylll harder.• 1he Anteaten haw lbown that lbBlty In p1'!llRIOn workouta. llCCOrd.tn( to Adams, Clllerlna his elahth aeuon at the ua helm. "It's a completely dilferent en- vtrorunent than last year," Ad - ams 18.id. "When everybody started getting hurt. ft just af- fected us mentally. This year, there'• a Jot moni enlhualaun and enero. Our ~ are • lot more tun. bec:aUle wi1r:e a runnJn& team oow. l..&tt )11!1. we felt lib we bad to control way poesesaion." 'Adams sak16-3 junior LaW'en Yadon would join 8.iggf.nl in a starting lineup that also 6gwee to include Ferguaon, 10pbomore Angie Ned. and either walk-on Katie Davis or junior transfer Melissa Jacob at point guard. Kristee Davidson, a 5-10 fresh- man out of Fort Worth Ouistian High in Texaa. was projected to start. But she had knee surgery Thursday and is out indefinitely. 3 Athley Blggfnt M Sf. • ~ StUrg90n $-2 Sf. 10 St9phenle Duda &-10 So. 11 Annte Mal &-10 Fr. 13 CourtMV Fetgu90n M Sr. 16 Mlntndl ForTy &-10 Fr. 20Ht~1\.tll &.o Fr. 21 Angle Ned &-10 So. 22 MellU8 Jecob &-8 Jr. 23 Kelee D9V'ldlon &.o Fr. a.ii L8'nn ~ WJr. 21 Ktfltet Dlvtd9on &-10 Fr. 33 K8tie Urt.n &-1 So. • Kde CUfda 6-8 Fr. 42~ Ueher 8-6 Jr. Colds: MalttAd•ma (eighth .,..,, ..... I . ,. . .. llze a polltion that was a large : put ol the team's struglea last : year. Jacob la nursing a shoulder : injury that could slow her emer- : gence as rhe starter, Adams said · She dJd not play in the exblbf· don. Ferguson and sophomore : In addition. etght Pirates earned !>eCond-tearn laurels. Da~. a 6-foot-1. 270-pounder, had 53 tackles and 416 sacks for the Pirates. He was a second-team honoree as a freshman. MARI< C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Matt Padilla, left, earned first-team All-Mission Conference American Division honors for the Pirates. Yadon, who made the Big West All-Freshman team two seasona ago, averaged 6.1 polntt and 3.2 rebounds as a sophomore. Ad- ams believes she can be much more productive this year. She had a team-high 19 point.a ln the exhibition. Stephanie Duda, who in addJtfon , to off-season knee surgery has · battled mononucleosis, are ex-: pected to provide scoring punch. : Duda could return in January. :· Kade Urban, a 6-1 sophomore, · and Joanna Usher, a 6-5 junior, : are expected to provide depth In : the frontcourt. after averaging : three and 2.7 points. respectively, : last sea.son. P'adilla. who missed nearly three games wilh an ankle injury, collected 560 of his 761 rushing yards 111 five American Division games. He had at least 100 yards m his final lhree games, including a 155-yard. four-touchdown per- formance in a 33-32 wm ove r Gol- den West Nov. 13. Padilla, who sprinted 70 yards to paydirt the first time he touched the ball chis season (in a ~pt 11 loss at Lo!> Angeles South- west), i.cored six of hlS seven touchdowns m the final two FOOTBALL Continued from A5 block.eel La Habra's would-be game·winning field goal at the end of regulation. "!The ball! hit Mohler's hand before 11 hit mine," Welch said. "It was more of his block. than it was mine but we both hit the ball· The season was filled with highs and lows. but Freeman was pleased with the intensity the. year. "lrus was the first team in my coaching career that was not out- hit in any of the games it played." he said "We earned a lot of re- '>pect from other teams. Schools know going into a game again.st CdM they are gomg to get lut We are not a little beach school any· more." Freeman SaJd the 27 seruors games. He had 143 carri~ this fall The second-team offense in· eludes OCC sophomores Kyle Ba- sanez. Jimmy Niutapua.a and Kyle C.Ollins, as well as freshman Ryan Lauderdale. Sophomore Rlcky Miller, as well a.., freshmen Mordy Omguze, Aaron Miller and Dave Ronning. represent the Pirates on the sec- ond-team defeme. Basanez. a traru.fer quarterback from Ford.ham. completed 120 of 246 passes for 1,530 yards and eight touchdowns. He threw seven interceptions. tie also rushed for 360 y-cll'ds and one m and he lhrew a 21-ydrd touch were mstrumental in instilling a \Ohd wort ethic. "We're going to lose a lot of sen 10rs," he said "I think the way our seruor'S played, 1t showed the underclassmen what it takes to play the game of football." Freeman said the loss to la Ha· bra was an example of what the senior leaderslup meant to the team. "We answered everything they did," Freeman said. "There is no doubt that was our ~t game of the year. In no way am I disap- pointed m how we played." •SAGE IIlLL: The Ughming made one of the most remarkable turnarounds in Orange County football by following up last year\ I -8 campaign with a 7 -4 seru.on and the program\ first mp to the 01\1\Sion X111 playoffs. Even though Sage lost, 32-8, in lhe opening round to No. 3-see<l down paM with 18 seconds left to key the dramtic win in the season finale. Niutapua.i. a 6-1, 260-pound fullback. was a devastating lead blocker for the 8ucs, who also re- lied on Collins, a 6-3, 290-pound guard, to create holes. . LauderdaJe, a receiver, led the team with 31 catches for 300 yards and one ID. Ricley Miller, a ttansfer from Fresno State, used his strength and quickn~ to produce four sacks and 29 tackles, despite mis&- ing significant time with injuries. Ronning, a middle linebacker (92 tackles), and Aaron M.iJler. an QUOTE OF THE DAY "We oµt-played them. That was the best all-around effort we have had all year." otck Freeman, Corona del Mar football coach ed Unfield Christian, the team did not give up hope. !he No I thing I liked about the game was we played a quality opponent in Unfield Olristian and we hung in there," c.oach Tom Monarch said "There were times we could have fallen apart. but our inspirational level was high throughout lhe game." lhe biggest ditference from pre- vious yean. to this fall was the outside 'backer (72), were the leading tacklers for the Pirates. Omguz.e. a safety out of C.Orona del Mar High. proved he could both COYer and provide run sup- port (63 tadies). Orange Coast finished 2-8, 2-3 in the division. Golden West sophomore re- ceiver Steve Yaden was named Of. fensive Player of the Year. while Fi- lisonuu Tufisi (Mt San Antonio) and Josh Gomez {Palomar) were Co-Defemiw Players of the Year. Bill Fl.sk (Mt SAC) and Jerry Ja- so (Long Beach Oty) shared C.oach of the Year honors. -Barry Rwlkner ability to keep opponents out of the end zone. "Our defense is OW' bisgest im- provement." Monard:i said Opponents avecaged more than 32 points In 2003 and more than 28 points in 2'XYl. the first year Sage Hill fielded a varsity football team. Dunng the 2004 regular season. the defense held opponents to 15.8 points per game. Before the season started. Mon- arch and his staff had a goal to fin- ish 5-5, a win tot.al eclipsed by the 8eW!llth game of the season. "Our goal was to get together as a coaching staff after every game and see if our kids played to their fullest potential," Monarch said. "I don't think there i.s a coaching staff in Orange C.Ounty that wouldn't be happy if they had their kids play as hard as ours did" Ned, who started six games and scored 64 points last season, has made tremendous strides, her coach said. "It's unbelievable how much she has improved," Adams said "She's not even the same player. We're just in awe of some of the stuff she's been doing in practice. She's qulck, fast, her ball-han- dling has really improved and she's shooting the ball really well." Ned missed the exhibition game with a slight knee problem, but is expected to be OK. Jacob, out of Midland (Tex.as) Commun!ty College, and Davis, whom Adams saJd has exceeded expectations. should help stabi- The Anteaters will need to im- ' prove upon the 57 points-per- ; game average that ranked last In · the Big West a year ago. UCI. however, ranked second in scor-'. lng defense, surrendering 62.8 per contest. ..1 "We need to stay healthy, play ~ good derense and have good in- side-outside scoring balance. , which we didn't have last year,• • Adams said. • 1 think on any given night, we can have a differ- ent leading scorer, because that's just the kind of team we are." The Anteaters open the regu- lar season Tuesday at home again.st San Jose State. MEN'S BASKETBALL UCI plays at USC topight The UC Irvine men's basket- ball team will get its first real test of the season tonight, when the Anteaters meet host USC for a nonconference game sched- uled for 7:30 at the Sports Arena. The game will be televised live on Fox Sports Net 2. The Anteaters Cl -0) opened with a I 06-69 romp over visiting CaJ State Donunguez Hills Sat· urday. USC will open its regular sea- son, commg off a 13-15 cam· paign in 2003-04. Senior Greg Ethington scored a team-high 22 points for UCI Saturday. while junior point guard Aaron Fitzgerald added 20 points and nine assists. USC defeated UCI, 107·45, in the schools' last meeting in 1997. .. The Trojans, coached by_ Henry Bibby. feature seniors Er- rick Craven and Jeff McMillan, : who both averaged 11. l points . last season. Legal Notlc:a 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notlca 2640 Legal Notlca 2MO Legat Naaca 2640 FkffM~ ... s ...... Ille follow•na person\ are doine bus1ne~' as KN M~asurement Solu Irons 108 Wonduesl l ant Ah~u V1e10 CA ':17656 N1tho1n f 010\l"r 108 Woodl •nl Lani" Altso '/1t10 CA 97656 K!t\ltn M 810\~r I08 Woodcre\t l anr Ahso \111"10 C.A 926'>6 Tiits 1111\iness " con dutted bv husband And #1fe Ha•• yC111 slarted dorne 1>us1nes~ yrl' Yu 11, 10/?004 Nathan E Bloser This statement was hied with lhe County t.lerk ot Oranae County on 11/17!0' 700460071$2 D11ly Pilot Nov 22 Nov 19 Ort 6 IJ, 2004 M099 -----*"-'" ll I refUsuf Ad!llM ........ The followina puson has abandoned the use of the r 1ct1tious Bus• ness Name The 01s1s Croup J06 Monte Y1sla Unit C Coste Mesa. 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Or an11e Cahforn1a 91865 l!>A7 This bus.inns " lnn dueled by an 1nd1•1dudl Hen you \larled doing busonen yet1 No Nicole L Beck This slattment was filed with lhe County Clerk ot 01 dn&e Cllunly on 11/10/04 200.4600729 I 011ly Pilot NO• 15 '12, 29, Dec 6. 7004 M096 "E l " mp oyee. "'Empleado." "A rbeitnehrner. ,, "Employe. " llOlllnEI llOWYMllYR CLllllBCii Fl9n. • • • .. .. • " " ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~? STARTING A NEW BUSINESS?? i I I I I I , , ~ • . • • The tllng of your FlctltkJu8 Buelnet8 Name Statsment • .. .,, lmpoftMC ftrat ... We Oln ..,,. you valulbll time : ' by nWdnO,..,., to the Onlnge COunty Clefk.Recotdef ' 1rt sa,,.. Ana to tie your •t.etement (often ~ 11 • : " OBA-"Doing Bualnett Al"). 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SELL YOUR PROPERTY OUR HOMES OF THE WEEK PAGE ON SATURDAYS CAN HELP CAU Alm&mlOl.IS Mt-S74-C24t l.OllMI 010ml Mf.S74-C245 Cell to~:.r.••c• ro•r ad c .... 1'2·1178 Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi Al I for just $20 .. . Mmlicla.y •..••.........•......• Friday 5:ClCJs>ll:i Tuelday ................... Monday .5:00pm 1 •• Wednesday .............. Tuesday .5:00pm " Thursday ............ Wednelday .5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday .5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :()()pm Sunday ....................... Friday S :()()pm D YEI, SEU. MY CAR I --0 IC 0 VISA 0 ... D•c,.-o-o--..__ Ov-t o-0 1-C-nll.iC----1 o-w.. 0 --.....a-c.-. o • .._. o"--.oi...-,,., Os..,_ o--o--0,,.~ oo...o... o....,_ ~.ior2•~ o..--oc-cc---~-•:-. a,,.-o,,_,.._ a-.---... , ... ,. ... 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Celt 1 plumber. p11nter. handyman. or any of t:llt 1reat Hrvica llsted here in our servtet directory! THESE lOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI lllAll JOI Unll Local, Qulcll Rnponse Home, Yer• & Doell Elect 2D Yrs E11p Ol.rlcln Ellet-ic ll715870 948«i0-10Cl 1.1.c. ~ 1.aw orw locll contr ICtOr, no ~ too Miii. no loll too ti& Wa 1CJ011 r~ UIC1Gtl01W (714)142-1410 Place your ad today! C949) &C2-~678 Q J · Ndthcr Vllbnhle. you hold: • J9 54 o 11 U K J .l • Q 51 Pannet opcm die bidding with ooe heir\. wtw do you !e$pond'! A • 1bh is one ol tllnse hands where the amwer is the 5ame whether you play fOUt· ot ftV&<atd majors. A n1ile IJO twO tie.is sounds too for-~ Oft di» JUDky 7•poinc boldina. and we would noc dream of introdDcin& this QCUJe for I pede sulL 1bll leave1 only one no uump. Q ..... ,, ...... ,. lilld: •AO O AS•U t •U •At ~ ' Wiiii do )QI Wd .,..7 A· YClll • oo ct. brink ol ar•110 ... ., ~ 111tdiJQUr ...... •• poia!I,: ... bew .. mi.I tbllJ*t· -....... ~ .... 6 poi.u;,,,. wtlsooune II ea llwi. pm by niiltlttottllODO~ Q 5 • VUlmnble. you bold: •S o U o QJU'2 •·UU ,.._ ... da biddlli, • Gae bc1n. WM do ,_ lap!Dd? A• lt ii DOU &ood Idea to retpOnd at die two-Jevd lit a Wilby mJnOr IUll lad ll&mbdmwn vtlua. Since you IDUA bid IOmdbaoa. lbe ~t bid Is ooe oo uump, ~you play rim fon:iq or ooc. Q ' • Nddlet vuJncnble. as South you bold: • A Q IU 4 Q A J 7 .l o K J • 14 'Jbe bWiD.I bas~ 80UTR 1rr.\"f NOll11l FAST •• ... 1• ... 1 WNl do you bid now? A • You have 1 MICIDablr, IO(ld hind. and dltte could usdy be 10 lricb II pal1Der bu help In tarts. To find out. mUe • pme try of three hearU, but rapcct pertnc.r'1 decision should be sJsn otr • lhree spedes. Smd~ IO~aol.com. Pilot Beat place In tit• world to advertl•I Call today to pl•c• rour ad Claslfled 842·5878 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Clas.sif ied section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot "Employee." "Empkado. " "Arbeitnehmer. " "Employe. " Ill<. ''lllf • fll l'AI •. , .. •,11Hlll INI. llSTMOVllS AlM THI HANDY MU $55/Hr. Servln~ttlt1 1n-ec1n All wor11111er1nt1td 323-W7·lli3 ~l l'Uribinl. Eltc1rlcal. Ooorl, Firlilllarp&9&~ JUlffC TO TMl IUMPlll 714-968-1182 AVAILABLE lOOAY! 949-673-5568 QUKtl&CUAN H14111f1111)umplftc Svc. &Mcwt ... Nf..fH-1116 DIUVDY PICK Movlna • StM1C1 I Oetlverllt (t4t)Mf ... 261 a....'• ....... 2'1tt• Graat Pral OuwantMcl worll. F r1t nt. L"375802 714-538-1534 7.3111).2945 lrl'IGSTOMPMIWM Pron. clHn, ctUM1tJ wort! lnterlOr/Hl lllWI Mb. lf7034ll ~·054 NOUMR HOW YOU SAY II, CWSllED CAii Fl911.