HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-22 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. "' Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2003 City mulls running J Council will look at recommendations that could lead to the airport, the Harbor Patrol and other county services being put in city hands. June C11a1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT B~CH -In what could become the city's biggest undertaking ever. local officials on Friday said they will consider whether the city should play a role In a host of county services. which could result In John Wayne Afr. port's being moved from county to city control. The City Council on Tuesday will consider a list of rec- ommenda· tlons from the city's Air· ~ew Policy Committee, Including creating a uSphere Is- sues Com- mittee" to QUESTION ? What do you think of Newport Beach'• p1an to • wottt with th• county on adopting a 1hott of county HNlcel 7 Call our Reader's Hotline at (949) 642-«>86 or send an e-mail to daflypifottfllatlmes.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. examine a four-part plan. 'That committee would try to open talks with county leaders on roles the dty could play In matters city leaders say d1rect1y touch Newport Beach's bor· ders -including Back Bay tidelands, the Coyote Canyon Landfill and the sheriff's Harl>or Pa1rol But one item on their list -John Wayne Airport-could prove to have the most significant lmpU· cations for the city and the region for decades to come. •"We don't want to control John Wayne Airport.• Mayor Steve Bromberg said. ·But we definitely want to have a say in it." Bromberg. Oty Atty. Bob Bwnham and City Manager Homer Bludau all conceded the proposal could pave the way Cor the city to talce over airport op- erations. The John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement limits flights and growth at the airport through 2015, but a direct han<J in managing the airport could protect the city's interests for years to come. they said. Qty officials emphaslzed, however, that at this point all they would do was ask county leaders to sit down and talk. County Board of Supervisors Chair- man Tum Wilson. who represents part of Newport Coast, said that he would be will.Ing to hear what the city has to say. "It's not bad to sit down and start tallc:- lng now, because 2015 will be here be· fore you know it.• Wilson said. Supervisor fun Silva. who represents Newport Beach. also said he~ willing to talk with city leaders, but stopped short or saying whether he felt It was appro· prlate for a city to play a role in the air- port. "When you come to the airport. I have some major reservations and con· cems: Silva said "Orange County's air· SH JWA, Pa11 AlO Fll£ PHOTO /DAILY PILOT 'We don't want to control John Wayne Airport," Mayor Steve Bromberg said. •But we definitely want to have a say in it." From the air to the sea The Newport Beach fire chief says the city could take over the Harbor Patrol from the Orange County sheriff and rpake it 'efficient and cost-effecuve.' Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEAClf -As city officials consider playing a bigger role in running the Harbor Patrol division tha1 is now op· erated by the Orange County sheriff, the city's fire chief said Friday that he thought ii could be both "efficient and cost-effec- tive. • As of now, the city's police and tire de· partmenrs work with Harbor Patrol. Sher· ilf's deputies Lake care of law enforce· ment and emergency situations in the water, while firefighters and police offi- cers handle-situations on land. But they also collaborare with Newport Beach police and fire officials. For exam· pie, if deputJes make an arrest on the wa- ter, they hand over the arrestee to police on the dock. Again, II a boat ca1ches fire on the water, Harbor Patrol officials get to it first. but if a boat docked in a slip catch- es on tire, city firefighters handle that call. But the council wW begin talking about what would be the best way to manage the harbor. ·we may want to replace the sherllf's deputies with ow own officers down the line,• Mayor Steve Bromberg said. "We don't know yet.• Ci.!v officials stressed that the proposed !deaf are Just that -prellmlnary, and have a long way to go before they become a reality. The Fire Department considers the FU POOTO I OM.V Pl.OT "We may want to replace the sheriff's deputies with oor own officers down the rine, • Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg said. 'We don't know yet.• sheriff's deputies thelr "legs on the wa- ter,• OiiefTim Riley said. "We work pretty weU together,· he said. Bui that saJd, Riley said he believe3 services would improve if the city took over. "It would be one agency coordinating everything.• he said. ·There would be better coordination In terms of fire pro· tectlon because we'U do it Instead of hav· lng someone else do It for us." The scenario will be excltlng to him as a "professional challenge," Riley said. "It's definitely a lot of work.• he said, •And H will be costly to provide these services. But that's something the city will have to look into: If It's feaslble and If we can get the same kind of revenues the sheriff's departmenl gets 10 offset the co ts: But overall, It could prove to be both "efficient and cost-effective" lf the city took over, Riley said. Harbor Patrol Lt, Greg Russell said It's an Issue that has been discussed on and off during hJs 30 years in the department. "Right now, all it is, ls a big hypotheti· cal." he said. ·we work very closely with the city's hatbor resources division and the Fire Department. We go to commlrtee Set SEA, PapAlO AFOUR·PART Pl.AN On Tuetdey, the Newport Beed\ City Council will consider a propoul that oould alter dramatically What telVk:iet City Hall provides •nd what.,.... the city governa, • The plan, If approved, would crMte • •sphenl lnues CommlttW to dlscu11 with the County Board of Supervlaon whether there are c;ounty seNlce. or areas In and around Newport Betc:h where the dty ahould play a larger, more su~lned role. The four main ereaa the committee would look at are: 1. s.nta Ana H91ghb. The city already ennexed East Santa Ana Heights earlier thla year and 11 l0oklng Into bringing tht rest of the area inside city limits. Diacuulon1 between the commfttte and county offtclals would focu1 on how best to proceed with the anne)(ation 11 well aa other management Issues nifated to the area. 2. Coyow C.nyon landM. The closed lendflll *tme pert of Newport Beach at the ~Inning of 2002 wt.en th• city Incorporated Newport Co.at. luues thet C01Jld be diecuued Include ensuring the lendflll does not c:euse •nv health~ In nearby residents or ufaty probfem1 In the environment, partlcolerly the Upper Newport Bay. t. County tidelands. Ofacuulon h.,. would cover obviou1 amt such as the tidelands In the Bade Bay and around Harbor llltnd but alao program1 In county tideland• such •• the Sea Scout ea •• anti the Newport Aquatic Center. It would elso f6ct.le on how the county end city provide fire and police aervloe In the harbor. 4.JohnW9YM Allport_ It could be the bfg on.. Anv dJacualone of the airport's Mure oomt In •climate almost aasuredly ladtlng El Toro ea a aecondary option. City lffder1 edmlt that taking over edmlnlstrttlon of the airport la a long·t•rm pouibOlty, althc>ugh the cleerest goal la to havW mort control over the ,_Jrtround of~ egrtemeot Ullb, "'foi 2016. .. FAMILY TIME A thanks to teachers Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE Costa Mesa park dedicated to officers A couple of weeb ago. ln anticipation of a Thanbgtvtng column, I started developing a list or people to thank publicly for mrlching my life or the lives of my wife and chJJdttn, 0 ne of my friends ii apllotwho told me many yean ago that on the way out of a commercial alrplane, It's always nlce to adck your bead ln the cockpit and say "thank you" ro the crew on the flightdttk. ..__ ...... _ ___, or for keeping ua aa!e. I thought about borrowing an fdea from fonner Pilot Editor BW Lobdell, 1 don't fty much anymore, although d~. teMlt 30-day STEVE SMITH stretch. I flew beck and fOnh to Oriando to attend a convention and to St. LOW. and Phoenix to ~ ~ Sacb time, I la.Id "thank you• to the aew on my way out. and Mch time, t • feceMd I Jook of IUJ'jJflae and I ~ WVou'sw WllcolMI'" who used run a list of tuch PfO~each~ -Myll$t lndudid friends and family, ftreftahten and poJke, bUt the more J tho\18ht about It, UM IY\Ol'e J wanted to thank Juat ... ,,._Y,hpM ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER The momlng rain cloud• might convince you to head bade to bed, but th• aftilmoon will cell you out. SMP11eA2 SING·ALONG SOY New Sa~ Our Youth dlrectof Trevor Murphy elngt ·~and JuNo Oowl'I By~~ Verd* byw.y of lntroduct.lon. S.Pll•A3 Corona del Mer High'• glr11 volleyball t11m Iott In three gem" to top.a-.dtd Bishop MontoomtrV In the OF otvlalon "1-A c:h•mplon1hlp match et Cypress Coll• S..P11eBl Helicopter pilots Dave Ketchum and Mike Libolt died in the line of duty on March 10, 1987. Deirdre Ntwman OaUyPilot COSTA MESA -Jlmmy Brown was one of the first to tty out the new IWln~ at the dedl· cation of Ketchum·Ubolt Park Frlday. •Hlgher1 ~en A! hlgb as the U:y. • the S·year-old yelled excitedly to his dad, Jlrn. lt wat a fttdng tribUte u a aowd honored beKc:oPt• pUoti FYI l<etchum·Llbolt Parle 11 et 2160 Maplt St., off Victoria Street. Dave Ketchum and Mike Ubolt, the only Costa Mesa police om- cen ever to die on duty. Ketchum and Ubolt were killed March 10, 1987, ln a hell· copter crash ~e chasing a stolen vehJcle. On Friday, clty oftktals dedl· cated a Wesuide park on Maple Stieet lil tbelr honor. The event allowed those who bad mourned the lo'5 of the two oftkera 16 yean a.go to celebrate their life ln the joyfUl ... PMK,P ... M • BOOMERS & BEYOND KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Attorney Kirk Mcintosh assists seniors in mal<lng ~s. One of life's displea~ures One attorney calls making a will or living trust 'vital.' Lula Pefta OailyP1lot Y ou could call It one of life's necessary evil& Drawing up wills or trusts makes logical sense. It just isn' something that makes everyone reel good since it'• hard-copy proof of the lnevitable. Uke It or not. however, preparlni such legal documents Is vftal, Costa Mesa attorney Kirk Mclntoah aid. •tt'a more than just thinking about getting a wm •• he Aid. There are two ways to proceed. "There's two gene~ roads that they can travel: Mclntolh Aid. ·0ne ls a "4D. the other Is a living oust:" The path that ls taken by a person or a family depends on how they want their eatate treated after death. Both • will and a living trust will transfer assets to a beneficiary uch as children. The main difference between the two ls that wtder a living ttust. the person does not own the uaeca at the tlrne or death. lrutead, they are owned by the lMng ttmt. • Stnd CALENDAR ltemt to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, CO$ Mesa 92627; by e-mail to 1u11.,,.naOlatlmn.oom; by fax to (9491646-4170; or by celll"9 (9491674-4298. Include the time, date end location of the event ••wen •• • contact phone number. ONGOING Wom.n &O end olcW can Joln e dilcullion group coordinated bv Jewish FamUy SeMcee to addf'lll *'* tuc:h. anxiety,~.~.~ end family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 e.m. Mondayt Ill the agency ofl'al. 2SO E. Baker St, Sotte G, Com MeN. Prwegfattedon r.quil9d. (71•) ~ The BrdSe lns'dtu19..,.,... computer cl•IUI to people with bdlng vlalon who have difficulty ... Ing the computer ectetn. The Otal• Center at 800 Marguerft• Ave., Coron• del Mar, off9re 1lx eeulone. Call to 1lgn up for cle ..... (714) 821-6000. Mclntosh aid. and can avoid a long and costly probate that would establish the legtdmacy of a tradttlonal will •11m of all, they bave to detennine i! they have an estate ln exi:ess of $100,000, because under current law tn California. if your estate Is under $100,000, It doesn't have to go through probate administration,• Mclntosh said.Joint tenancies -such as ownership of a home -do not reqube a will or trust because ownership goes to the surviving partner, Mcintosh said. Another legal document people should consider drawing up ls a durable power of attorney for healthcare declsJonJ and financial matters. It allows a chosen person to make medk:al decisions for someone who 11 lncapadtated or to pay bllls. buy. or sell useta ln that person's name, Mcintosh J4kl Havtna dUt type ol lepl document awkls needJ.n& a coun-appolnted conservator and saws famlJy members time and money by avoid.Ing court. Macintosh said Glenn Zqoren. the chief executive of the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, said that be and 41.s wife bad a will drawn up when their 2-yev-old daughter was born. They previously bad no wtD ~use if either spouse dJed, the surviving one BOOMER CALENDAR TIM Co.ta Mtee 8tn1or t.rw hu ballroom denclng with nvt mulic from the Betty'1 Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night et 695 W. 19th St, Cotta Met•. $4. (949) 648-3884. Jewish F9mltv Service "'Ontnge County apontora an 0"90lng hHling support group for tht dlronlcJlly Ill. The purpose Is to provide pertlclpenta wfth emotional and 1phttual aupport to manage Ulneaa end its con~ The group m..u et 7 p.m. Thuradsys at the Jewish Family Service omc., 260 E. Baur St., Costa M .... Attendance la free, but registration la required. C71') 44M960. ........ Famtys.mc.c6rs ongoing Mf"Hvement aupport groupe for edultl at all st.gM of loa Group membert &hare experiencM, hMr how othere deal with grief, rec.Ive support and 1 .. m ways to cope with sadnel8 end loaa. One group meeta at 7 p.m. Tu81days at Bath Jacob In would have received an of the assets. "Ooce there's more planning In your life. once there's more assets. once you have family. I think that's the boomer transition that you're now grown up. even though we bate to admit it,• Zagoren said. Zagoren said be doesn't want to leave the decision to the court about who getS his thinga He also sleeps better at night because he reels that it's a type of Insurance policy, which makes sure that things will be taken care of if something happens. Bob Hamilton, 44, and his wife. Karina, 42, of Corona del Mar do not have a will because they have no children. They said they don't need one at the moment ~use if either one of them were to dle, the 1wvtvtn1 member would get the assets. "When you haw a child. It's real important. but for ~ I don't feel as 5trongly about It." Bob Hamilton said. "But the issue where it comes up Is what happens if we both die at the same time." He said that be and his wile will probably draw up a will or a trust within the next couple of years to avoid anarchy with their assets. "In today's wodd, a simple will is ihex:pensWe. easy to produce." Mcintosh &a.Id. •There's no reason not to have one.~ Irvine. The aecond group meeu at 10 a.m. Tuetdaya at Temple Judea In Laguna Hiila. The third group meeta at 1 p.m. Thursday• et the Eua Center in Anaheim. There'& no coat to attend, but advanoe registration la required. (714) 446-4S50. Althrtda Foundation lnatNdOf' Hlllaty Stone IHds an exercise cla11 et 11 a.m. Thuradays a1 the Jewish Senior Center. 260 E. Baker St, Cost.a Meu. (714) 513-5641. Otaia Senter c.rw 6"1 e daily telephone contact program for aenlora who have a limited local IU'pport tyStem. They eleo of'f9r computer c1 ..... that tudl the baaica of Word, Ouk:*en, Print Shop end Internet uaage. (949) ~3244 • The 0..-Senior~°"'"". ehuUle to take membert to appolntmenta end grocery shopping. The shuttle alto takea members to the center. Call to make an appointment. (949) 844-3244. Daily~Pilot PHOTOGRAJIHERS Mart C. Duttln, Don l.eec:li. Kant Tr9pCOW READERI HONNE (IMi) 842.ao&e Copyright No lleWI 1torlet, 1Uu1tr1tlol'll. .:lltorlal matter or ldvertlaementa hefeln cen be reproduced without wrltt9n permlMlon of copyright own.r. VOL.17, NO. 32e ,....Edlton Gina Alexander, l.otf Andet'lon. Daniel Hul'lt. hul Saitowftr. Dam.I St9Wnl NEWllTAff 0...,. .... c:nm. end COUl1a repon.er, (9'9)~ ,.,,..,,,,.,.,,..""'~ JIMlltC ••••• Newport 8eadl repotter, (!Ml)~ Ji,H».*9Qranc»e1-t1nw.com ~ ..... Columnltt. culture~«. (9481~16 Tolha.hlirpet•IMlme&oom Delrdi't Nrllwmen Cotta M ... repo1191', (9'8) 574-4221 .. deirdN.nMTNn•l«imtt.oom --()"NII fctucttlOh repot'lilt, (IMi) 574-4281 ,.,,,,,.,..ontJlt•t.rlm#com "* ...... NeWI.....,., ., ,.,..... ,...Pf#fW."""'*-OMI Record your oommente about the Daily Pilot or news tJpe. Addrwe Our~ ls330 W. Bay St. Com Melt, CA t28:l7. Oft'b houre are ~~ Fridly, t30 1.m. • 5 p,m ~M It .. the PUot'I policy to prompdy ~ill lm>fl of wbatance. ...... Cllll (Mii ""432• FY1 The Newport a..dvColt1 Miu . Dtltv Pilot (USPS-14WOO) le publlahed dally. In~ 8eadl end Coilta Meet, eublcr1ptione .,. avellabte onlY by eublc:riblng to The :nrnee OninQe Coun«v (IOOI 2S2 91' 1 In af'MI ou'lllde of Ntwpott 8eedl and Colt.a Meel, IUbactiptlol\I tO the 0.~ "'°«.,.. evallable only by fht ct.-mall tor ao '* ~. CPrtcee tnctUcte e11 IJIP!ice .. ll*'9 and lOcel .... , PIOSTMASTEA: Send addr'IM "'-"991 to Thi~ INchlCo.ta Mela Delly 1'11ot4 P.O 8olC tMO. Costa Me.. CA 82Gt. HOW TO REACH US ClmMdon The r"'* °'8nQe Countv (800) 252-91'1 ~ Ctml'led (9'9) MHC78 °"'*"' (9'9) M2..:U1 EdMIMW ..... 49'9) 8'1.MllO lpofa (9'9) 67+w3 ....... (9'9)84M170 ..... ,.. (941) eeo-o1?0 • ~ t#Jtyp;1«•1Mt,.,,.com Mellt OlllDI .,. ...... Ollol (Ml) 8'2..:121 .,,.._ha(IMlll3M128 llt.e . Publlehed Uy Timee ~ fWww, I dtvlafon of~ Loi AnDelel Tlrnel. C2003 Til'I* CN AM rf9Ma "9llMd. THE OLDER CROWD Settling in for the season • WGOILMAN le the •ecutlw dlNCIOr of llM Cotta M-. Senler ~end wtU wi1te OCICMionel Ootumna .-,. llMcenter. Ill mtmbetl end eeniorl ..... , • • • .. • • • t t ~ t . t " • • .. ~~-,_,._,..__._ .... ~~~t • • • SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Moatty cloudy lklea wfth e alight dlance of lhowera In the morning should give way to a mottfy eunny efbtmoon today. Alto, expect. northweit wtnd between 10 and 20 mph. High temperllt\l1'91 lhould be ln the mld-608 to mkMIOa. tt'U be deer tonight wtth .... wind. Lows wlM be ln tM ~reerenge. lnfomllllloll! WM>w.IMla.ftON.(JOV BOATING FORECAST In the Inner w.ten and In tht Bedt Bly, the wtnde wttl be 10 to 20 knott. becoming ltrong and from b ncH1h\wlt In the abmoon. The W8Y9I wm be at 3 r.. on• wtstern twele of 3 to 5 fML In open_.., CCplCt nonhMM .... between 20 end ., bM:M wtd\ ,. to IS-foot Mwelnd• U¥1•1m_.. blhuMn I Ind 10 fMl. ' SURF TIDES The Nationel w.ather StMce llVI 1het high ddM In -.. of 7 fMI end mlnortldel overfloWln ~ _..._. poll6bl9 thf'OUGh Wldneedey. T1Me ........ 12.-581.m. 1.10 tl«Neh 7:17 a.m. U7 fMt Ngt; 2:11 p.m. ;.o.a 1-t high 8:23p.m. ...... ~ WATER TEMPERATURE .1 ..... -SOY dire~tor sings hello After-school program Save Our Youth holds an open house and talent show to introduce its new director, Trevor Mu,rphy. Deirdre Newm1n Daily Pilot Boxer," Mid be was thrUled to see SO'l IJ\embera display thelr t.ients. board. cepted by the kid& and loves them,• Forl>atb said. •He has a great mthuslur:n, and I hope the community wW ge\ to kn him as they dld Santoyo." COSTA MP.SA -When 'Ikewr Murphy was In the Peace Corps in 1inzan.la. be bad a side gig leading tours up Mt. Xilimanjaro. "lt's~ry ~-just ifv· lng them space and eocou.rage- ment," MUrphy aa1d. "l think It\ a wonderfUl opportunity for them." Cal State FUDenon ttudetits Who "°'unteer at SOY·~ the open house aDd bileot lhow aa an entertaining way to Intro· duce Murphy. Th1a la the first event of tbla magnitude, awdent Cut Flood ealcf. • The students also soUctted dOnationa from nearby bualneaes for ...nle prliet and for the ~ents after the show. The open bouao also (eatured the dedlcadon of one of SOY'• rooms u the Nora Maher room. Maher, who was killed in a car crub in July, wu the co-founder _______ ....___. ________ _ His gig Friday night -playing the guitar and . singing on stage at Rea Elementary School - was just as nei'Ve-wracldng, he said. Murphy is the new director of Save Our Youth, an after-school program that offers recreational, social, academic and health and fimess activities for youth ages 11 to 17. The open house and talent showcase on Friday was de- slgned to introduce him to the community and give SOY mem- bers a chance to show off their performing arts and music skills. Murphy. who sang a vari- ation of "Me and Julio Down by the School Yard" and "The Murphy replaced Oscar Santoyo, the only director SC1i bas had aJnce it started 10 ~ ago, at the end or August. Murphy went to UC Berkeley tor college and Georgetown for graduate school. He taught eco- nomics lo the Peace Corps and has been a political risk a.natyat for overseas corporations, among other Jobs. He is fluent In SwahUl and knows some Span- ish. as well. "All this put together makes him highly qualified to work with the youth of our commu· nity, • said Ken Killian, principal of Rea Elementary School and the vice-chairman of the SOY The talent show included a skit. dancing and musical per- formances. The ftnale was a per- formance by •rnct Th.a Supah Latin,· a profe.sionaJ buroan beat box who has appeared 1n movies such u "8 Miles." Lucia Martin, 16, sald putting on a talent abow was challeng- ing, yet rewardlng. She praised Murphy for his dedication to SOY. •He's always here for us; Lu· cia sald. ·He's our motivadon to come.• Jean Forbatb, the founder of Share Our Selves, saJd she was impressed with Murphy's con- nection with the kids. . "He see01s lo have been ac- of SC1i and a tireless volunteer, her husband, Don, said. "She would come here and just lit, and the kids· would come and pour out their prob- letna, and she would give them suidance, • Don sald. When Nora realized that some of the mothers of the SOY youth were having problems as well. she hdped form Madres Costa Mesa, a support group for them. After the show, SOY members and their families dined on ta· males and tomatillo salsa from Taco Mesa. Ivan Calderon. the CEO and founder of the chain, has been supporting SOY since it started. "This is close to my heart; Calderon said. "Whenever I can, I support it• .Htritagc Food ~Sauce •WldeBeny ·~s REG. '3.59 WESTBRAE NATURAL· Canned Vegetables PACIFIC FOODS Otgonk Broths ·~tC~Beans • Fmx:h CUt Ciun Beans •CoJdenCom ·~t~­•WhiteCom REO. '1.49 1U Ill. • Free RmJge OUdcen • Low Salt CNdcm ·Mushroom SI" • \\!getable Rm. 'ZAI J2 .. ORAL HEALlli PERIORUB SOOTHING PERIOCLEANSE ORAL GEL~-~-· SZ?! ~10:'! 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'"'~ AppnwM Shop 949 642-4522 Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. 50-75% OFF •we've Raided the Best Closets In Orange County.• Quality Consignment Apparel ~ ·C~~ ~the style; 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M-F 10-6. Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12--4 949 642-1844 WHY PAY RETAIL? WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC . 1,.;~. g>~~ 51fca-~ • GIA • EGL CArtitJed Diamond.I ·~Orden • Engagement 6 WeddiDg Rings • Repairs While You Wait • 18 lDdependent Merohantl ·-Your~ Cbef Your Petite Chef i.s a unique scrviccl We'll prepare ddicious and hc:althy cuisine in the conuon of your own home! Who Needs YoW' Petite Chdl • 1ime·stmwl fti.mtl.s • New Pdrmts • Anmwrutnn • New homeownm • WOrhnt Fmnilin • 8oAkrs .. Give a delicious holiday gifd 1!f.. 'n1111 SIJU. 0.....-fl.~ f\ ~9.6..U.8764 -1itu11~eotll nm TaSdlw Are you a futures trader? For qu_otea, ~.and tndln1 cUtdpHne cam 19800 MacMhur 8fvd. Sul 1400 l~CA92&12 ........ ~ ............................................ ..... ...... ,,.,... ....... * ................. .-- ..... '1( .. ,.., ...... .....,..,,_,.....,.,._,.......,. ................ I -- MARK C. DUSTIN /DAii. 'i Pl.OT Ketchumli>olt Park was dedicated Friday morning to two police officers who died in the line of duty. PARK Contiriued from Al setting or a pait with a play- ground "The part retlects life. and it's a place people can come. a place of excitement and energy,• Po- lice Chief John Hemley aaid. Both officers were Costa Mesa residents and Vietnam veterans. · KA!tchum left behind bis wile. Meg, and two daughten. Uboh wu engaged at the time of hla death and also had two children. A plaque honoring the two of- ficers is at the entrance to the part. which boasts a huge euca· lyptus tree that provides some shade for a pJcnlc area. And Henry's Market donated $10,000 to the Costa Mesa Community foundation' for playground equipment More than 150 people at- tended the dedication, Includ- ing police omcers. residents and FAMILY Continued from Al one special group of~ who, lilce the airline pilots. d9 not hear "thank you" often enough. This time around. It's time to thank teachers. but with a twist. (You knew th~ had to be a twist. d.idn' youl) Betng a teacher In 2003 ls not the same as being a teacher was many yea.rs ago. JCld9 today are not raised with the same respect for tcbools and teachers u they wmi a generation ago. I still believe many teacherl could help their cause by consistently wearing bumness·style dothea. but that's a small point here. The larger point ls that the teaching Is becoming less attractive lo both the veterans and to anyone considerUig the profession. One of the main reasons is the amount of lnfonnation they are~ by the state to teach to children. There ts too much knowledge to bnpart in too li.ttle time, and there are too many IIWldated tests and too much bureaucratic nonsense. Kids learn bat when Information Is gfven to them In ways that are fun and lntensting. That kiealil.ed version or educadoo is not always possJble even in the best oC time& lti not atways going to be fun and SAFETY TIPS ·Pwtaad.~whld11 contalnlng one or mor. people .,. espedaNy slgniftcent If obeef'ved et an unuaiat hour. They could be lootouts for• burgl&ry In prog,..., ~If the occupants 'PPM' to be lawn. • AflP• ••• bulllw ttuwado.• conducflld from a whide, elpedally around IChoola or pel'b and If Juwni* are lrlYl)fved, could mMn drug..._ • ,...belt'llot...t ...... vehlclea -~If at., .... Juvenlt• orf9m"9e -may metf'I • kidnapping. Aeoord the nc.n.. pa.. end calt pollcit. ............................. wf*'9 you•,. concem«t ~ provMre.. The holae of aomeone lt9pplng'"' h \o1lt'tll eerve to*' you. memben of KA!tcbum and U-another example or the city's boJt'a familJee.. Ket:cbum's oommJtment to improving daughter. Hilary, 29, said she ap-oe.lgbborhoods. predated the dty'I commitment •tt's a wonderful addition to to aeatiag a part honoring hec the dty.• Poley saJd. Ml love that father and Ubolt. they preserved (the eucalyptus "lt'a a great tde.1 to have a tree). We need more pocket park.• Ketchum said •it's a patb like this.· place where we can joyfuUy cele· Steve Honer and his wife, wbo bnte O\U' Cather and our father's live on Victoria Street, were so life.• anxious for the park. to open that Sgt. Oay Epperson brought Ibey brought their three clill- hls two sons -Jan and Alex -dren to the dedication. tQ the dedlcatlon. Epperson, "We've been waiting so long who atarted u a cadet with the and watchJng them build it,• department In l978, reminisced Honer sald. "I would drive out of about the two oalce:ra. my way every day and see what's "'Ibey were wonderful guys -going on. I finally saw (people salt·of the earth.• Epperson aaid. there) today and sa.Jd, 'Hooey, "Both or their daughters asked get dressed. They're opening the for us to mnember them tellmg park today."' jokes. Dave . was• a family man. Honer sald his family will He loved ftytng and loved the . probably visit the park three outdoors. Mike was a funny guy. times a week. He could take a police briefing "We have a big area in back, and have you In tears laughing." but we can bring them here," Planning Commlssioner Ka-Honer wd "This Is much better trio.a Foley aaid the part was yet and safer." games. But t~ there ls little hope of ever prae11ting the cwricuhun In that fa.sh.loo becauae there ls simply not enough dme to slow down and digest it aJl 'IMChers whip through wars and dynasties and spend reladve moments on the Great Depression -a dme in our nation's hlstocy that should serve, In my opinion. as one of the great lessons for our children. And then therei math, sdenoa and Bngllsh. Aa a result. kids get nuned otf and they don't learn bow to learn. That Is, they are not given enough time to understand how all of the parts or a lesson fit together wtth other parts because teachers don't have enough dme to help tbem connect the dot& So, they are sent home with too much bomewolk becauae there was jtJSt oot enough time in class to cover all they need to learn. The ldcb who do the bomewod are sitting at a desk or table a.ft« echool Instead of playing outside. That's no way to spend what should be a carefree childhood. When I was in the ftfth grade lo the Loi Angeles Unlfted School District In 1965. there were 35 kids lo my dass. lbday, that c1u1 m.e would raise ~but the diffen!nce is that my teachers bad more time to move more aJowty through the •Astaa ...... w •• your neighbor .. hou99wMn It 18 Uf'IOCQ !pied msy be a burglar. •Awnhwd~m.y mean robbery or nipe. e. obMtvant and notify police. ·~~'IMCllll)I. ...... liceMe platM or gaeollne from• car lhould be reported. • .,....,..,... ............. c:e ... may be looking for• car to stlNI or fof valuables left chplayed In the cat. ................... ..,., ~ eedcided.,... or fn the . ~couldbeau oftel ...... • ....... klQhw••- curriculwn, more time to make it matter. So to thank teachers, it's time to do more than talk. Calif omia has a new governor and a new secretary for educadon, both of whom need to be told that the curriculum mandated by the Slate is out of control, that it's burning out teachers, students and parent& I don't know of any movement to carry this message to Sacnuneoco. even though the new administration needs to hear it and is more likely to do something about It than the last one. The time to do this is now, while the new administration still has that rookie glow and believes It can accomplish anything. It would be particularly nlce If this action began with our own school board. Maybe It's too much to ask of the new secretary, maybe not. But there really is only one way to find out. and that's to try. l think our teachers and our kids are worth It. don't you, school board members? Thank you. teachers, for all you do. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. • STn'E SMTI4 is a ea.ta Meu resident and fr..tanoe writer. Readers m-v leeve a meuege for him on the Dally Piiot hotline et (94.9) 642-eoe6. to your door, don't admit you are alone. Don't let any stranger Into your home -no matter what the reason or how dire the ~It IUppoMd to be. M.kethe~ phone call while they wait outside. • Whef.ewryou mow to a MW home, haw the kda d\enged. •lyoullWlnan~ avokf being In the laundry room or garage t)y yourtelf, especially ltnlght. • lnsbl. PMPtlOle W.W. In your door. Never open your door without blowing who Is on the othef akfe. Also oonaider cafllng SAPETY POUCEFIL£S COllAmM .a.. ......... Ckend11.a- repolted In the 3000 bb* tt 1:23 p.m. T...-V . ... ,,,.._Awhlde buf1llwY .. ,.,,.. In tt.1800 blodl M 1:38 p.tn.~ • • ..... _ Dlhe: My • .... from •whlctew.e r~ lo the 2G bled• 4.'42 p.m. TuMdty. •GWerAai1n .... Ahome burgl•rv WM NPOitecf In the ,. blodl at 9:48 p.m.~ • • He1W llo11ll'll'MI: 'An .u10 theft WH reported Jn the 3200 blodt It 12:22 p.m. Tue.day. ..... HoOdl.IM: Vehlde ._mpertng waa reponed In the 300 bloc* at 2:12 p.m. ~y. • ThUftri AINnue: ~ th.t\ was reported in the 2100blockat12:34 p.m. Tuelday. • Town Centwo.tw; Grand theft from a vehlcfe w• reported In th• 800 lodt .. 1 :02 p:m. Tue.day. NEWPORT BEACH •AMlolw~A hlt-lnd·run wu reported In the 1600 bloct •t 7:17 e.m. ~y. ·~Court:A burglary w .. reported In the 100 bfodc at 4:27 · a.m. Wedneeday. • • &It CoMt tlghwey: A • COOUNf'ciel burglary waa~lnthe 2700 block It 11:08 a.m . Wednadlly • • Nawport cen.... Dtfw w.t: A vehicle burglary wu reported In the 900 blodc at 9:38 p.m. Wednffday. • S.. Wandl>ttM: A home burglary was reported ln the 100 blodc • at3:61 p.m. Wednesday. OBITUARY William Rogers Millar 'A memorial service is : scheduled for Mr. Wll· : liam Rogers Millar, a 44 · • year Costa Mesa resi· • dent, fo r 3 p.m. Monday : at the Presbyterian • Oiurch or the Covenant. • Mr. Millar died Tues- day of an unknown cause. He was 85. • Mr. Millar Is survived : by his wife, Violet; • daughters Carol Van : Houten and Marcia Mil-: lar. son Mark Millar. and • one grandchlld. The church ls at 2850 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. the vtaitor'a bualneu ofRce to :! confirm the appointment. :; .,, • WMnever poesible, trawl. • f11end. keep your car in good : WOftdng order, especially befof'e•: long tripe. and keep the gas unac;: 9t least half full ;• ·: • 8t9y In~ llgttW........ ~ much aa poaibl• when waiting•. at night. Avoid walking alone or ~ with your hand• full. • , ~ • Wiie eotlfldtntty, clr-.etty .net~ • •adv pace on the ticM of the :• street feeing tremc. Criminal• •! look for eomeone who appearw :· vulnerable. ~ s . 2925 Harbor Blvd. • Costa ·Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 979-2500 ACURA (800) 96ACURA •Fax (714) 435-1521 ·--------~-------~--------------·---------------·---·---------------~----~ Suppcirt Our Schnols Auto7htder-. . .. . .... UI ........... M s.udly, NcNember 22, 2003 IE N T IE R T A I N M IC N T . HAVE YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY .AT ~ THE B .LUE BEET WE CAN ACCOMMODATE s TO '501 WHl!THIUI IT'S JUST COCKTAILS AND APPETIZERS OR STEAKS AND SEAFOOD; WE CAN FIT ALL YOUR NEEDS! IT'S YOUR PARTY •TELL US WHAT YOU WANT! H.J. Garrett Furniture Full Design Consulting Service Fine Fwniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing Snvict and ~lut' 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. duu Sat. l 0 to 6, Sun. 12 to 5 __ ___,,..___ Quality Service Value THANKSGIVING Award Wmnlng PREMIERE seafood Restaurant In ornn~e County at Our extended menu will include a Traditional Roast Tom ntrkey Dinner! Thursday November 27th From 2pm Until spm 21 oo w. oceanfront, Newport Beach, CA Reserve Now (949) 673-2100 www.21oceaofront.com Zagat rated •the best CRAB LEGS" and "ever-elusive ABALONE' with a GORGEOUS OCEAN VIEW BACKDROP. Live Entertainment • Monday Night Football • Valet Parking Wine ceuar For Private Parties Now Booklng Holiday Banquets And 2 J Oceanfronrs Annual New Year's Ball .... 1 /)fl~'fj/1/(,'// I PUMPl<lfil CRtfieE LATTE • FROSTY MINT MOCHA • EGGNOG LATTE BCJt.One .~et" co ....... ~.f.B.CC: 474 IAIT t'mt ........,, (Ht) Ml--Ollt •Ofi HllCT llVf."AGI IAllll( ltn ()jll IMM.1111 l'HAM ~HAllO llllAH MOHM 11'°"1 OlebMll 14, _, Af COITA _.. .-.ctt COflNI LOCAncHI OM.'I' HOf VAUD WI™ AlfT 01'11111 ~I QA °'"'"' lMT C*1 ,_ C\ll'TI)IKlll l'tlll VlllT Will! TMll COUl'Ofl HO CAIH \11\LIM _...,... ___ ..,. ... I PHOTOS BY DON lE.ACH I DM.Y Pl; J Kindergartners Lauren Stevens, left, and Dillon Davis adjust their head dresses during a pow W<:YN .., : for Lincoln Elementary School's Native American Day. • • , Kids brown-bag it for;~~: ... Native American Day> .···· Lincoln Elementary kindergartners have a powwow. MarlH O'N•ll Daily Pilot JCindergartners at Uncoln El· ementary School in Corona del Mar prepared for Thanksgiving early. Dressed ln Native American· styled vests made from paper grocery hap and construction paper head~. they planted com. gathered benies and even bunted a buffalo on Friday as part of the school's annual les- son. The buffalo, made from chick- en wire and fleecy, brown cloth, stood patiently In the school's field while the children prepared for the hunt. Following direc- tions from a volunteer parent, 5· year-old Ryan ~Ile picked up a Jong stick from the ground, care· fully selected a feather from a basket hanging in a nearby tree and tied it to his stick to make a spear. A student hangs paper fish he caught on a fence. Students could·," also try to spear buffalo made from chicken wire and cloth. • '' Ryan carefully approached the buffalo and waited for further di· rection. •Uh. do you know what to do?" he slceptJcalty asked parent volunteer Robert Gonz.ales. After a quick lesson. Ryan planted his feet a few ya.rda away from the buffaJo, brought the spear back and chucked Lt at the wire beast It didn't even OJnch as the spear whizzed by. Ryan's second throw faltered, too, landing abort of the buffalo, but his third shot hit it square ln the Dank. The young hunter spun around and smiled widely. a.EMENTMY SCHOOLS UncolnK-8 3101 Pedflc view Drtve, Corone delMar Principel; Barbera Rothman-Hlddcxt Main phone: (949) 61~ Attendance: (949) 616-aOB MattnenK-8 2100 Marinets Drive, Newport Beech Principal: Ptm Coughlin Main s>hon« (949) 616-8980 Newport CONt K-8 elated from his solid shot From there, his group went to catch some colored-paper fish in a tin·tub "stream.· Acroa the field, other students sat around a tepee. crafting noise makers from toilet rolls filled with macaroni. They drew tnbal designs on the shakers. Semi· tr1bal des!gns. ·1 drew a rock.et with fire com- ing out of the back.• 5-year-old Karim Elkotn declared. Elsewhere, students lined up at a long table, making clay pots to be fired in a kiln later. And other children planted a seed of com in a cup full of dirt, with a bit of ftsh and homemade prayer stick "just UJce Squanto taught the pllgrlms,,. teacher Jeanette Dreyer said. Most of the boys and some of the girls. such as 6-year-old Anna Hurray, claimed the hWlting sta· lion as their favorite -even those who dJdn't fare so well. YOUR SCHOOLS 6666 Ridge Plrtc Road, Newport Coast Principal: Monique VenZeeBroedt Mei n phone: (949) 616-8975 N9wpott Elemeitta y K-8 14th Street end Belboe Boulevard, Newport Beach Prlndpal: DenlM KnU1Nn Main phone: (949) 616-8966 Newport Helghtll K-8 300 E. 16th St., Newpptt 8Mch Principal: Judith Chambers Main phon« (949) 516-6970 Attendance: (949) 616-8872 -Did You Know? ---NUlllWllQl lllC. __ _ COSTA MESA SANTA ~ 2100 lkfatol St. 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 754-6661 (714) 633-9200 "You throw the arrows and Ill. the bull." 5-year-old Alex Gonza· les explained. •1 missed him twtr timeS." The annual pow wow ls Lincoln's aeries of simulalions each grade. Earlier this fifth-graders had an BW.s re-aeatioo. The aim. Prln Barbara Rothman said, is to the students learn by doing. ;•• But sometimes. for li~ kiodergartners, the doing Is so much fun the learning doesn't al- ways stick. As one group sat busily ma.Ic- ing Kachina dolls, which were used by some Native American tribes to bring good luck. some· one asked if they knew what the dolls were £or. The students gave the matter some thought, but only one spoke up. • • •1 don't know," 5-year-old .. son Lee admitted matter-of- ly as he continued to hap color his project. •,. ~K-3 1060 Peultrino Ava .• Coate Ma .. Principal: John S.ndel'9 Main phon•: (714) 424-7950 Attendanc.: (714) 424--t742 PomonaK~3 2051 Pomofle Ave •• Coatt Meaa Prfnclpel: Julle M cCorml<* Mein phone: (949) 515--6980 AH4-8 601 Hamilton St., Cotta Mff8 •• ~ Pr1nclpal: Ken Kllllen t : M•ln phon•: (949) 616-6906 • Attendance: (948) 61~ • Satwday, November 22. 2003 M l he generous can eat for two Local restaurants are ~elling special dishes to raise money for ~e Orange Coast \nterfaith Shelter. Allcla Robln1on Gaily Pilot ' ; A handful of local restaurants '!-l'e hoping their patrons wiD think &bout the 1 fortunate when lttey make their menu choices. I Several local restaurants Bl'e taking part in the donate-a-dish Program. in wbJch partldpadng eateries pick an entree and give t0% or the proceeds from the sale ~that dish to the Orange C.oast Interfairh Shelter. ' The program was created by E shelter's fundraising group. Friends of Orange Coast lnter- th Shelter. and Is sponsored by '" Newport Beach Restaurant ~ ,The idea came from a similar Progl'lllll ln San Diego, said Judy C.00~ board president of Frlen<b of Orange C.oast Interfaith Shelter. Participating restaurants get one free ad a month in OC Metro magazine in exchange for donat- ing money from sales of their se- lected dishes. and rhey in retwn agree to give at Jeast S 100 a month to the shelter, even if their donate-a-dish sales don't gener- ate that much. The free publicity is a perk for restaurants. Cooper said, but that's not why they've joined the I?~ 'I've been here for about two W a half years, and I think it's <t69ut rime for me to give back to qi community," Bamboo Bistro ~ Oiau Dang said . ·~chose one the most popu-l'f dishes at her Corona def Mar ~want. the house special rice ~oodle dish, and she said she's ~en a good response. , .. Customers are very support- ~~ said "I think It's a good ~ 1bny Hibbard. general manager c){ Newport Beach's Marco Polo ~ F.atery. has tried using sea- food, pasta and steak dishes for the program., but he said not many of his cmtomers have been biting. "Every little bit counts (how- ever! I" he said "We live in a very aflluent area. It's a good chance DOUGlAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY Pt.OT From left, Matt Dix of Costa Mesa volunteers at the Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter, cooking food for the donate-a-dish program with Mark Childerhore of Costa Mesa. •AtsO, RF.ADY TO JNSTAll• GRANITE COUNTERfOPS Decorative Backsplashsfor Kitchm r!r Bathroom Tops for people to give back to home- less people." Programs such as this are cru- daJ, said Michael Amot. executive di.rector of the shelter. "We rely very heavily on private donadons," he said "It's one of our largest funding sources." With the money generated by fundraisers such as the donate--a- dish program, the shelter helps homeless families in Orange C,,ounty become self-sufficient. of- fering emergency shelter, coun- seling, job training and other services. The shelter is the oldest and largest shelter for homeless families in Orange C.Ounty, Coop- er said The donate-a-dish program was launched in August and will continue "for as long as we can get people to participate," Cooper said Eight restaurants are now in- volved, and others have promised to join ln 2004, C.OOper said. The participating restaurants are the Bamboo Bistro and the Bungal<7>Y in Corona del Mar; the Cannery. Marco Polo Italian F.at • ery. the Newport Beach Brewing Co., Sapori Italian Ristorante and Sol Grill ln Newport Beach; and the Village Inn on Ba1boa Island. For Wonnation on the pro- gram, call Judy Cooper at (949) 64()..8828. Lapna Beach 3.f5 North PCH (949) 494-6551 Mon-Sat, 1 Oa-6p Sunda)', 12-Sp (~~Ci) R ESTAURANT Call Today For Reservations! 949-6 75-23 73 Waterfront Seating AvaJlablc Enjoy our Beautiful Outside Patio 503 E. Edgewater, Balboa Newport· Landing.com 11 :OOam -8:00pm Adulls $24.95. Chlldr.-r1 $5.95 ( 12 and undt•rJ *Plus Tax nnd Gratuity :~r-==$695 • 96"&26"al'I,- • Double e..nc-Edp Call Today For Reservations! 949-673-4633 The Balboa Pavilion 400 Main Stroot. Balboa Harborsldo·Pavilion.com Large PartJ03 Welcome! Three Waterl'ront Seatings Available ll:OOam -1:30pm. 2:00pm -4 30pm. 5:00pm -7 :30pm AdulL'I $24. 95, Childrl'n SI 0. 95 (1 2 1rnd und1•rl •Plus 1iu a11d Gratuity Treat your entire family to our traditional gourmet Thanksgiving Dinner including: • Frl'sh S<tup and ~alads • Baron of Bt!t'r or Poached Salmon • !land Carved 1-"rash Turkey • Traulltlonal Thanksl(ivlng Trimmlnl(S and Side Disht>s • Hand Carved llonoy Glazed !lam • Gourmet Seasonal D!'sscrLc; Soutli Bay 23649 Hawthorne B!Vd. (310) 3 73-0442 Mon-Sat, 9a-5:30p Sunday, t 2-5p • --vo~merr-: !l.nteriarf\ Wntt 1,20 r M S.ct.y, NMmber 22, 2003 M i c h a t• I I h e y ART GALLERY INTERNATIONAL 30thsa1 Annivers~ e FREE LithogrlljJh with every purchase 1500 Adami Avenue, 1~ Costa Mesa CA 92626 (Pout Mllchell Tiit Sdlooll Haut ot Pizzo Ctntel) 714-444-4427 .m•ll: plctu,..this4uflsbcglob•l.net I • Special ed ~ommitted works in obscUrity It's chaired by Mayor Gary Monahan, but not many parents of special needs kids know about it. MartsaO'NeH Oai1yPttot COSTA MESA -Parents or apedaJ education atudents In lo· caJ IChoola have a committee that wants to wpport them. even though most of them don't know Lt. The Special Bducadon Com· munlty Advisory Committee for the Newport-Mesa UnJfied School District. which meets nearly every month of the school )'ea(. aims to Wonn parents a.bout programs and resourca for their children. Few parents, however, realize it exist& "When your child is diqnosed with a developmental disorder. it's pretty devastating" said Costa Mesa Mayor Guy Monahan. who chairs the committee. "The doctor doesn't know where to tell you to go, no one knows where to go. Relources are eo lmpor· tant to parent&• Monahan. whose son bis audstic, joined the committee Wt year. Although it bas been around for nearly 20 yea.rs, that was the ftrst he'd heard a.bout it Greta Anderson-Davis, who has worbd with special needs AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS ltema to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cotta Meaa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 6744295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY Of HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College ia offering a nine-part film hlatory on Alfred Hltchcodt. The 1eriea will be moderated by retired OCC profeaor H. Arthur Tauuig. Each aeaalon will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be held at OCC'a Ane Atta Hall 116. Admlaalon 11 S6 for edulta and $6 for aenlora and OCC atudenta. For more Information, call (714) 432-6880. THANKSGIVING-EVE BASH Big Brothers-Big Slstera of Orange County will have lta Thank.aglvlng Eve Bash from 7 p.m. Wednesday to 2 a.m. Thurtday at the Hard Rode Caffl in faahlon Island, 461 Newport Center Drive. Tlc:bta will cost $26, $20 ~ance. Information: (714) 644-' http:l..WWW.blgbrooc.org, http:l..WWW.redwagon foundatlon.org. RAW FOOD GOURMET HOLIDAY BALL Celebrete the holidays with en elegant evening from 7 to 11 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Halecrest Pevlllon, 3107 Klllybrook Lane. There will be five raw gourmet aPP91lzer1, delectable deueftl, live mualc, dancing all night, roaring fire, c.ndlellght letting and a cash bar. The coat 11 $66 to $60. chJJdren for 30 yean and cares for 10 herself, only heard about the committee In September. Now, &he's a member. "'Ibere'a a wealth of Inform&· don for parentl (at the meet· inp], but only a very small por· tlon of pa.rents of special needs c:hOdml In the dlstrict know about It." Andenon·D«vls said. In a district in whJch about 119'> of students are In special education programs. parents need all the support they can get, she said. The committee ~them another avenue to get :ct. done besides the school The committee hopes to serve as a liaison between pattnts and the district and let them know where they can ftnd help. •What I like a.bout this group ls it feels like family,• said school board member Unda Sneen, who attends every meeting on behalf of the district. "Everyone is there to support each other. If you have a special needs child, that's a lot of wort. [The commit· tee) ls trying to ftnd out what they can do for them." At Wednesday nJght's meeting, reptesentatfves from local or· ganizations like Special Olym· pies, Comfort Connection Pam· Uy Resource Center and the Orange County Leaming Dis· abilities Assn. met and spoke with parents about programs they have available. Last month, the comminee held a workshop Information and reservations: (949) 650-0672. RING Of LIGHTS The Commodorea Club If the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Ring of Lights home decorating competltlon In December. All home, buaineu, and yacht clubs lining the harbor are Invited to participate. Decorations must be in piece by Dec. 8. Information (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yachts, boats, kayak.a and canoes will sail along the harbor In the 95th annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. ~ach night, the parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Colline laland and fut two and a half houra. The parade la hosted by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Information: (949) 729-4400, http:l..WWW.chrlstmasboat parade.com. MUSIC RITA COOLIDGE The Orange County Performing Arts Center will preaent Grammy Award-winning vocalist Rita Coolidge at 7:30 p.m. today at Foundera Hall. Tldcets cost $56. Information: (714) 656-ARTS, http:l..WWW.ocpac.org. DAVID CASSIDY David Cauidy will be performing aome of hla greateat hlta, aucti aa ·1 Think I Love you• and •0oesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted,• at 8 p.m. today at the Orange :!.r: Special Ed~ , 1 1 Community AcM.ory Committee m..ing 1 WHERE: Newport·Meae I Education Center, 2985-A Beer St., Cotta Meu 1 WHEN: 7 p.m. Jan. 21 INFORMATION: Contlict Gary I Monahan at (714) 764-6192 or I omon•hantlcl.com-mna.C11.uf ' about ways parents can e~ their children's Individual Bduca- don Programs, a vital part of special education classes, are ~ l.ngmet The committee Is abo lo~­ ing the district to provide ~ pamtt with a handbook that outlifles programs and parerit and district responsibilities f<* student& Right now, only ~ ents who spedfically requdt them from the district get ~ handbooks.. I With the number of childreb with special needs rising every year, Monahan said that children need care and extra attention as early as possible. The longer they miss out on services and educa- tion, the more of them they wi1J need when they are older. : "If they're not provided these services now, when they are young, they beoome more needy and more expensive," Monahan said "It's only golng to get worse if you ignore the problem." The comminee will hold its next meeting in January. ' ~-' County Performing Arts Center. Tic:bts coat $26 to $105. Information: (714) 7~6799, ' http:l..WWW.paclficsymphony.ord, VERMEER STRING QUARTET . The Orange County Phllharmoni¢ Society will pruent the Vermeer String Quartet at 8 p.m. Monday at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. Th• cost will be from $26 to 32. Information: (949) 663-2422, http:/..WWW.phl/harrnonic society.org. ST. LAWRENCE STRING QUARTET The St Lawrence String Quartet will perform at 7:30 p.m. Tuesda~ In Foundera Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. , Tickets coat $42. Information: (71 4) 656-ARTS, http:l..WWW.ocpac.org. ARTURO SANDOVAL Grammy and Emmy Award winner Arturo Sandoval will perform at 7:30 and 9 p.m. FridaY. and Saturday, Nov. 29, at the Orange County Performing Arts Center'• Jazz Club. Tickets cost $49 and $56. Information: (714) 556-ARTS, http://www.ocpac.org. 'A JOURNEY TO JOY' St. Andrew'• Preabyterian Church will host Santiago Canyon' College's music departments annual winter festival concert •A Joumev to Joy• at 8 p.m. Dec. 6 at 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. There will be a 100-member Malter chorale bac:ked by a profeuional orctieatra. Tickets coat $16 per peraon and $12 for aeniora, students and children younger than 12. Information: (714) 628-4828. . ' '· ; I ' , : I Saturday, ~ 22, 2003 At Your Choice! a Or 2 WEEKS FREE! Must submit this ad at time of purchase. L A I F I T N E s S QI ;. 0 PRE-FEAST FITNESS FEST! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2STH I OAM TO 8PM special offers including, family add-on specials and gift with membership purchase (whll• aupp11 .. 1u i) FOUNTAIN VALLEY Io 11 s Talbert Ave. (7 t-t) 962-13 7 4 also in: Garden Grove• Huntington Beach• Irvine ) EJec:trk: boats, kayaks, whalers, surfboards •.• lf it floats, we'll trade ft towards a new Duffy. We have ~ great sdecUon of new and certJBed Prc- Owned Duffy's in stock. Thett's no better time to trade up. Stop by this wecundl Our friendly talf needs an excuse to take a baycrulsc. 1bc new 2004 models boast a wonderful array of features and comforts. Entcrtaln in style during the most festive time of the year. Slips available, ask for details. Theft's no beuu way to enjoy the bay ... Tbe First & Finest In Electric Boats Since 1970 2001 W. COIUt Hwy • Nwport Beach • (949) 645-6812 Fn.£ PtiOTO I DAILY Pit.OT Boyd Martin works on his sand shots at Santa Ana Country Club, which may be annexed by Newport.' . JWA Continued from Al pon is probably one of the best· managed airports in the nation, and we need lo ensure that quali- ty." Airport W>ddng Group mem- ber Rick Taylor said the possJbillty raised several concerns. He said he worried that the city might have to compromise some limits on future alrpon growth in exchange for control. "It could be a bad thing. It could be a good thing.· Taylor said. "We'll t~ have to wait and see.· Taytor, also a member of the city's Greenligllt Committee, said he worried how much such mea- sures might ~L John Wayne Airpon opera1es solidly in the blaclc. ln 2002, the airport COS1 S59 million to run but brougtu in $76 million in revenue, for a roughly $17 milllon operating income. ac- cording to the county's financial statements. When asked about the feasibil- ity of the city running the airport, Burnham pointed lo Long Beach Ai.rpon as an example of a city- managed operation. SEA Continued from Al meetings. We even have our deputies go for ride-alongs with Newpon Beach police officers so we have a bener understand- ing." Newpon I !arbor Is a "complex area.· Russell said. "It's the largest smaJJ-craft harbor in the United States,• be said. "There are areas in the har- bor that are county tidelands. Some of it belongs to the city, and there's even parts of ii that are privately owned.· The Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol is headquartered at Newport Halt>or and oversees Sunset Beach. Huntington Beach and Dana Point as weU. Russell said he believes the Harbor Patrol has a "pretty effec- tive relatJonshlp with the city.· "We're as concerned aboul harbor Issues,• he said Police Olief Bob McOoneU said "It's a policy call.• WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If yoo are planning a nautical event, submit the Information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meu, CA 92627;byfexto(949)~170; or by e-mell to d.tllypllot l1tlmes.com. SPECIAi. EVENT The fffwport Harbor Nautlcal Museum will heve en exhibit opening for •Hooked: The Lun1 end Lora of Sport Ashing,• et the Grtnd Salon from 10 a.m. to 5 Other aspectS of the city's four- prooged plan paint a l~ dear picture. both financially and prac- tically. For example, one of the items city leaders want to ta.Uc to the county about is the closed <:oyote Canyon Landfill, which was an- nexed 10 the city along with New- port Coast The county now pends about S l.l million each year maintaining the landfill, in part because it's a source of meth- ane gas. uThe operation and use of the Coyote Canyon is extremely im- ponant to Newport Beach." the committee report states. Besides ensuring the health and safety of Newport Beach residents, city control of the landfill could help assure that redevelopment there fits in well with the neruby neigh- borhoods as well as help protect natural habitats. Burnham and Bludau said that many of the city's possible roles in county functions could be self- funding. but that until specific proposals are on the table, it's un- clear what the costs could be. Tidelan.ds in the Upper New- port Bay could also provide the city a chance to lake more control while taking advantage of cost ef- ficiencies. Now. tidelands in this ' area are managed by the county while other tidelands inside d~ borders are managed by Newport.. 'ihe unification of some or ~ of the tidelands under a singltt agency may reduce expend1tures while maintaining or enhancin~ service to the public," the report. stales. The fourth pillar of the com- minee repon focuses on West Santa Ana Heights annexation~ which may indude the Santa Ana Country Oub. City officials llopeo that Newport Coasr can serve as a modeJ for a good partnership be- cween the city and county wheni and if we5tem Sant.a Ana heights is annexed. If the council on Tuesday de-. ddes to create the Sphere Issues; Committee. that committee- would have six months to reporti back to the council with a more! specific strategy. "This could be the biggest• project the city's ever been in-. volved in since the incorporation of the city," Mayor Steve Brom- berg said. • JVf'4E CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead'I and John Wayne Airport. She may be re«hed et (949) 574-4232 Of by e-mail et /Uf16.CllSllfJfBndtJ@/llfimtJS.com. FILE PHOTO I OM V PILOT For now, Newport Beach firefighters handle fires on docked boats and the sheriff's Harbor Patrol handles fires on the water. "It's up to the policy makers denr we'U do it and do ii well.· 10 decide what is best for the city,· he saJd. "We have an ex-•DEEM BHARATH covers public ceUent working relationship safety end courts. She may be with th,. Harbor Patrol. But If reached at (949) 574-4226 or by Ol•· Jitic:m tell us It's some-e mall at thing we have to do, I'm confi-dettpa.bharalhtllatim#.com. p.m. through Feb. 29. The museum la at 151 E. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach. Information: (949) 67J.7863, http:llwww.nhnm.org. SAILING CWSES 0NnQe County employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekday• to enjoy a day of aalllng courteay of Orange Coast College. The School of Salllng and Seamanship now offers a chance for grotJpa to work with the on· board instructor on dlnerent selling technlquea while they get edvlce on how to perform well in bualneu. No ulllng experience neceuary. One-day cleaaes coat from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. 0Nnge Cout College ft offering a noncredit Intermediate Udo• ulllng class In November. The clH• ahould be taken after completion of a beginning aalllng c:;l111. The cla11 will meet from 1 :45 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday afternoons In November at the OCC Salling Center, at 1801 W. Peclflc Coast Highway In Newport Beech. Reglatration i• $115. Information: (949) 645-9412. Saturday, Noven1>« 22, 2003 All " FORUM II!"~ TO .GET PUBUSHED -ldltt: Mall \o Editorial "-9e Editor S.J. Cehn at the Delly Piiot 330 W . .Sey St, ea.ta Mesa, CA 92827 • ...... Hodn« Cell (949) 842-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 ~~1111 to ct.i'lypi/ot9 1atlmes.com •All ~must Include full Mme, hometown end phone number (for veriflcetfon purpoee1). The Pilot rMervet the right to edit all aubmissiona for clarify end length. Tranquillity, better than all the ·family of Fame A house on th& beach: $2 million. MAILBAG here u I have. I don't understand how my future famlly, or anyone, will Qnd LETTER TO THE EDITOR Mobile home park resident reeling from 'the spin' A 47·foot power boat: $500,000. tho e qualitles with 23 vehicles racing in and out of our little closed-end lane. That would be the number or cars after a developer finishes a proposed project on this street. maybe I can get an answer: My grandma says I'll team, and my dad says, "Thls is the way people are," but Does everybody love money more 1han God's gifts? JASON LEE HYDER , ly Dick Matherly I am a bome'owOer in FJ Nido Mobile Home Palk. I am at1ll hw1ing from the Cosaa Mesa City CoWldl dedlioo on Monday night I admire Councilwoman Libby Cowan'• "guts" -as Councilman Mike Scheafer puts It -to stand up to Joe Browu. 1 have been doing it '1Vef'J Monday night at council and Plannin.gCommJssion meed.np. Cowan would ha~ ebown more •guts" if she would not have been so quick to reject dle lnterlm ordinance, which wu the only protection we have ap1nst Brown. I have great pride in my honesty and integrity. Guess I couJd never be a politician or a reporter. Some of it I got from my mom when I wu young .but me rest I learned in the aervice of my country-from the ap ofl5 in ~dd Wat U to 37 in Vietnam. Now that I am 75, I still have it Not so sure that ls good In this age, but it's In me. So, when I speak on Monday nights, I do not slander Brown. I speak from my heart. and anything I say. I can back up. On the other hand. since Brown:, attorney and representatives have started speaking. ) have 1lewr beard 10 much "aptn• and '"hype" in all my life. But when 1 rebut it. J'm a trouble maker. Monday night. when Mayor Guy Monahan started the public comment ponioo of the meeting, be began by saying that neither · Brown, nor anyone else, was 1l'ying to tab away our dignlty aod Integrity. I had intended to mab my presentation about the conversion ordinance but I had to conect Monahan, since taking our djgnlty is what the mobile.home padt. manager bas been trying to do since Cluistmas. I got one aentence out when the mayor admonished me as ifl were a little kid but. as people commented later, he let everyone else say whatever they wanted. The council members and your reporter never question anything Brown or~ attotiley say. Instead they act like we, who have been livlng in this misery. are the bad people, even though Brown bas m.Js.stated various facts that are generally blown. Though Brown's attorney always say they are moving people with their homes to other paB:s, only one lady and her trailer have been rnaYed to RJvers!de. The attorney also commented at a City Council study session that "these people live in~. dilapidated trailers that will !all apart if moved" Brown is quoted by your reporter that everyone is being relocated and ~of the people have been relocated. In truth. five people have relocated to the cemetery. One died (Jom cancer. One homeowner of 28 years aid she would rather die than move, and she dld, a cotiple of weeks later. The l'e6t of the people that left took the money and Mill somewhere else. Where are these other patb that Brown's people are talking about?~ do know that the Thwn & Country Pait in Santa Ana had nine open spaces. Brown allegedly rented them and moved nine of his modules in lhoee spaces. He'll give us $3.000 In moving expenses, and we can move in one or his modules fur an even larger amounL When we take the check for the $3,000, we gtve h1m our pink slip, and they sell our homes. Not a bad day's profit. Of course. I tell this aD the Ume, but I am always Ignored. Everything I ever ta1Jc about I can back up, but to the Qty Council and youc reporter. I don't enst. It ts frustratJng because they sure listen to Brown's group. The mayor kept saying Monday nlgbt that we residents are being relocated. He either doesn't lcnow or doesn't care. I heard utterances from council members, hoping these allegadons were not true. ~uld it be that much effort to chedc it out. or are you all afraid to face the truth? • 0tCK MATHERLY is a Coate Mesa realdent. All ln·Stock Items And Special Orders The entire Tommy Bahama Collection Is Included -all Jiving rooms. bedrooms . dining rooms. entertainment centers, desks. chairs. tables- EVERY1111NG! Costa Mesa • A newspaper without any mention of the exploits of Dennis Rodman: Priceless RALPHROWNS Costa Mesa Forseeing the end of a quiet street My name is Jason Hyder. 1 live In the 2100 block of Myran Drive in Costa Mesa. This place has been my home for 16 years. In Caci, I am the sixth generation to live here. I live here with my grandma (she is the fourth generarion 10 live here) and my dad (the fifth generation). Others in our family have lived here. too, but they choose 10 can somewhere else their homes now. I have always hoped to have my wife and children find the same peace, quiet and privacy GIVING THANKS Whet ere you thankful for this year7 Good health? Family end friends? Whatever it is, let us know by calling (949) 642-6086 or sending us en e·meil at dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and Include your hometown and phone number. The Pilot will run a selection of the responses on Thanksgiving Day. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday. I also don't understand why the old trees hove to be cut out in part of his proposed project. Why do the oldest trees and most massive bushes have to die? So his utilities can go underground? For 14 years, my dad and l have climbed our old Ponderosa pine lree 10 decorate for Ouistmas and to get plnecones with their delicious nuts to share with the birds and squirrels and Grear Grand Ma. This doesn'I ~ound real, does ii? Bui ii is. And this is only a drop of the beauty that we have kept alive for us, the rest of our fami ly and our special friends. I have one more question (actually. I have many more quesrions but Grandma say~ my lerrer is gelling long). City's debt to surfing should be memorialized Ibis is the 15th anniversary of the First World Surfing (hampionship, which was held at the Corona de) Mar main beach and hosted by surfing legend Dulce Kahanarnoku. Since 1928, the sport of surfing has grown to become not only a part of our culture but also a major industry. It wouJd be nice if the city of Newport Beach recognized this -,om eh ow. I suggesl a starue of "the Dulce." similar to the one In Waikild, Hawaii, to be placed on lhe beach at Big Corona i.rate beach, with a commemorative plaque. MICHAEL LAWLER JR. Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mese City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Gary Monahan Coundl: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sctleafer and Chr11 Steel CfTY Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Meyor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Steven Rosansky, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb ORANGE COUNTY BOARD Of EDUCATlON 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa. CA 92628-9050, (714) ~ Elizabeth D. Parter, member, Trustee Area 6, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach ORANGE COUNTY BOARD Of SUPERVISORS Hall of Admlnlatratioh, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach), (7141 ~3220 • Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast), (714) ~3560 WE HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION IN CALIFORNIA I Casual, romantic and alluring ... this Is the essence of .. • ' I l l Tummy Bahama. Discover It for yourself at Treasures Furniture . ..... INGMtDCIMI ) 727·1212•101Tech.~0""9 (o.ldl-60trAllo"1,_11cw«YJ MN DeOO ~ (8M) -.1i.>0•1480 ....,_Rd. IAl:lo9t.11..._P,,.clll11W __ ......, """1\JM OU'IUT: (861) M8-1800 •1480 ..._Rd (5foolrdfW~MM ...... ~ ~ .it.i•Rf.. 10.ut•IW.• 104'al.fl'U,~ ll1Uf .. l'M vi.r"' ON 1)ff MJJ WWW ''"""'"tu1Mur. Mt ' ........ ,_, . - AlJ SIUday, ~ 22, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD Bergeson,. $tahrs and DiSaia honored I t one of the tqbeat bonora . t bestowed In Oranae Coun~ I The 2003 UCI ~ ·.Ceremony took place at the Hyatt Ri'gency Hotel lrvtne, •ttract:lnt more dwl 750 community and campus leaden. 1beblack·Ueceremony bettowed the UCI Med.ala upon • Marian a.iii IDI\, l!llubetb IDd JohD Stabr, and Pbllltp DLWa. The honoreea are chosen each year for their dedication and B.W. COOK =~ wttb the ·m1ss1on, aplrtt and vision of ua: Sick ..... ..=-· Da* JltRUllf '111 ....... ....... == =~ ~m. :::•me ~ ....,.Sect of ArltnpM). Va.to Robert Memlllutm of~ The bride--.ct cuated ~ ~in Susan Eizabeth Sack Boone and and Robert Merril Sutter frOm Che Uniwnlty of PitUburgh. The certmony WU hosted by ua O\anOOJor Rllpb Ckerooe and apon~red by the UCI Foundation. The very dynamic couple Dmd B.L Pfott, chalrman and CEO of Allerpn Inc., and bis wtft, Julianna. cbalredtheeventnsandhdped to attra.ct a broad base of support and contributions exceedln3 $800,000. 1be futUre brtdep'OOm.10n of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C Sutter Jr. of Coiona del Mar, graduated from Corona det Mar High School and Colby College ln Maine. An April 24, 2004, weddlilg ii pWmed in Mount Olivet United .tU Methodiat Olwcb in Arlington. lbe evening's donadona aet a record for the UCI Med6.l Ceremony, amounting to a 26'11 gain over last rear'• hJgh water mark. The proceedl benelJt undergraduate scholarships and graduate {ellowah.lps at UCI. Ted Smith. clWr oft.he UCI Foundation. was on t\and to thank the many generous supportm, eapeda.lly the evenini• chain for their commitment •The leaderahlp of the pt'otta helped guide the success of th.JI year'• event.• Smith Aid. "We are extremely grateful to them for theil aupport, and 1 would lib to congratulate all membera of the UCI Foundation for their efforu to rai. money to support the atudenta at the unfvel'llty.• John and Elizabeth Stahr of Newport Beach receive the UCI Medal at a recent fundraising dinner. member of the Center for the Study of Democracy's LtadeTShlp Councll. Fellow honorees Ell.zabeth and John Stahr. also of Newpon Beach. are community activists who have supponed UCI dating back to 1964. Elizabeth is a UCI Foundation ambassador and was recognized as Woman of the Year by the C&lltornla Slate Legislature in 1992. John Stahr ls a retired partner in the law ft.rm of Latham and Watkins and has been an actiw leader for many UCI efforts. Phillp DtSala Is dllef of gynecologic oncology at UCI Medical Center. OiSaia ls also a professor whoae atudiN ln the area of women's ovarian, uterine and cervical cancers have been recognized nationally. Phillip OiSala ls honored as a 2003 UCI Medal recipient Marian Beriesen of Newport Beach accepts the UCI Medal for 2003 for seM:e to the university. Wtlcox-Parsons Jdf and · Wendy Wilcox of Cotta Mesa aD.Q._ounce the engagement ofthelr daughter KellY Wllcoxof CottaMeaato Matt Panolll of Coit.a Meaa. 1be brlde·elect ll'duated" from Colt.a MeMWcb School. ThefUtwe brtdesroom. ton of Pie Panoru and BW McVlcar of Cotta Mesa u d Ralph t.nd Lori Panone of C01t& Meta, ~from Newport Harbor Hlsli School and ii attend.lnt Cll State Long Beach: An AUgult 2004 wedding ta planned at the Newport Oun .. in N~ Beach. Bergaon of Newport Beach ls a former Callfomia aeaetary of Education, a state legtal&tor and a member of the Orange County Board of Superviaon. In add1t1on. Bergwon la a UCI Foundation ambuaador and a With more than 24,000 graduate and undergraduate students and more than 1,300 faclllry members, UCI ls ranked the third largest employer ln Orange County. A& a top-ranking dl.adpllnes. public unfvertlty, UCI continues • WIDOtNOI AlllJ IHGAGIMENTI run S.turdey•. For a form, pt .... cell Lula fteft1 at (8481574"'288. 1;\ . \ to attract the bat and the • TME CROWD eppeere Thursdey1 brlghteat in a dlverse range of end S.turdaye. LIMIT£0 TIME ONLY ONE-HOUR SPA TREATMENT SPECIAL $60 on SIS Wll\ll MASSAGE ' S'o"rs/O EE, THEAAPUETIC MASSAGE • Hor STONE THEAA,Y MASSAGE SWEDISH fULAXATION MASSAGE • MATE"NITY MASSAGE • klflEXOLOGY F~CIALS GAYW SIGNATUM fM:W. • COUAGEN NO~ISHING fACw.. Hor STQHIT~ PAcw. • G~'s FACIAL TRI T M I N TI . . . 5antaie Getting Hie Game in 5hape for: Irons • Drivers • Fairway Woods,· Wedges • Putters Bags • Man's & Ladles Golf Apparel • Shoes <fol~ fOcX;by ORUMAR .7a6~t' PINCS 9!_. O ooY•••r .... , '" Satutday, November 22, 2003 All FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY IN THEORY Giving thanks to Godforlife Protest good for the soul QUESTION: In light of the many protests ta.king place against the United States• actions in Iraq, how does your faith regard peaceful behavior that is subversive to the policy of the government? Egyptian overseer whipping a Hebrew slave, he did not _ hesitate to slay the Egyptian. Many were the Hebrew prophet& who rebuked the kings of Israel when they abused their offices and engaged In unjust acts. A principled stand must be "Better to lose count wh/14 namlrag your blaslngs than to lose )'OUT blessing.s by counting your troubl.es." -MALJ'8IE D. BABCOCK "No duty l.s more urgent than th.al of rwming thanks.· -AMBROSE OF MtLAN T Ws column appears the week before Thanbgiving. I've realized lately how many thinp I take for granted in my life and In our county, and bow I need to thank God more for all he provides. We have so much to be thankfuJ for in tbJs country, and many of us will talk about that on Thursday with friends and family. Some will enjoy festivities around tables overflowing with food. but others mJght n<>t feel so grateful Even If some aren't happy about bis or her current situation in llfe. I pray that everyone can find one thing to thank God for, perhaps the gift of life. I wanted to include the following; perhaps some of us could read it again on Thursday, and be reminded of what the day is all about A TMANKSGMNG DAY PROC&.AMATION "11ie year thal Ls drawing toward its close hm been filled with the bkssings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. 1b these bounties. which are so constantly enjoyed thal we an proM to forget tlie source from w'1lclr they COrr!L, OtMrs htwt bttn added, which are of so l!XtmDrdinary a nature, that they cannot fail to pemtraU and sofren even thl h«irt whicla is habitually insenslb/.e to tlie ever waJchful providence of Almighty <:.od. ~Jn the mid.st of a civil war of unequal«J magnitude andsevmry, whl.ch has sotmtimes SttmedlO foreign ~IO lnvtteand toprovo~ their CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON aggression. ~ hm been presawd tvith aU nations, order hm been maintained. tlu! laws ha1.1e been resp«tM and obeyed. and harmony has pmalled everyw~ uapt in the th.eater of mlUtary conflict; whi~ thal theater has been greatly contmcUd by the aduandng armies and navies of tlu! Unkm. "Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the /kids of peacefu_I industry to the national defensi. have not arresttld the plough, thc-shuttle, or the ship; the~ had enlarged the borders of our senlemmts. a1Jd the mines, as well of iron and coal as of w precious merals, 114ve yielded even more abundantly than herewfore. Populalion hm st«ldi ly I ncrea.sed. norwithsranding ti~ u.wu that has been made in the c:amp, the siege and the battlefield; and tlie rountry. rejoicing in the consdousriess of ausmenttld strength and vigor. ts permitted co upect continuance of years with large increase of freedcm. No human counsel haJh devised nor hath any mortal hand wo~ out tlwe great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High <Jod. wlw. while dealing with· us in anger for our sins, halh neumlieless mnembered mercy. ~S 'EL:&M!CHITO BANQUET ROOMS Avallabl• for £\,ti, festive P <Arties f ' Featuring ALLO No Glue Installation Wood Flooring Refinishing & New Texture-Pluah ~·rpet ~~o •2u aq ft Installed Berber Carpet ~otA s1u Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates '1t has seetmd to me flt and pro~ lhal they should be solmlnly. ~tly and gratefully acknowled8fld as with oM M.art and IJOia by the who/.e Amnimn People. I do therefore inviu my fellow citU.ens in every part of tlie Unital $la#S, and also tho# who are at SM and those who an sojoumita& In foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of Nowmb«r nt!Xt, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our ben.ejlant Rlthc who dwel14th in the Heavens. •And I reco~nd to them thal while offering up rl1e ascriptions justly d~ w Him for rud1 singular dellueranca and blessings. they dh also, with humb/4 penilma for our national perversenas and disobedience, commend to his tender cart all those who ha~ become widows, orphans. mourners or sufferers in the IarMntabl.e dvil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged. and fervently Implore tlie interposition of tile AlmighJy Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with ti~ Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of J1'!'I", hannony, tranquillity and Union. M -ABRAHAMUNCOlN, 1863 Whether on Thanlcsgivlng or not. as much as is possible. let us tty to count our bl~ more than our troubles; to remember God; and to give him the thanks he deserves. • QNDV TRANE CHRISTESON it e Newport Beach resident who speelul frequently to parenting groups. She can be readied via e-mail at cmdy@onthegrow.com or by mail at 637 Newport Center Drive, No. 505, Newport Beach. CA 92860. One of the rights that Islam aclcnowledges and upholds for the citizens is the right of protest and opposition to the policies of government. This right has been aclcnowiedged by Imam Ali, the successor to the prophet, and other successors: that people are free to voice thelr opposition and disagreement with the government and the government should respect this right. The value of the human belng lies in having the right of disagreement and the diversity of oplolons. As long as the protest ls peaceful and does not amount to agitation and violence, then the government should appreclale and accept it. IMAM MOSTAFA AL-QAZW1NI Islamic Educational Center of Orange County Costa Mesa Protest ls tradJtionaJ in our heritage. Hebrew prophets' questions ltept Icings of Israel more honest than they would b.ave been otherwise. Jesus protested the religious authorities who governed In his time and place. Contemporary Christians have learned from Mahatma Gandhi, Oscar Romero, Martin Luther King Jr. and many others how to protest honorably against unjust and/or dishonest authority as responsible people of faith. ~~.1 stwindows.com :aloJ:.,.Mftl'*I Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games • Replacement & New Construction me Pricing & Purchasing 2-494-9069 Fax: 562-494-2069 tofl~ftor ReferraJs • All Major Credit Cards tstwtndows .co Ceramic ~~otA s1 so • ft CALL NOW 642-8400 When policies of government atand opposed to primary, pivotal prj.nciples of Ouisdao faith llke juatice and peace and -of course -love for all human beings a.s beloveds of God. It ls not only permluible to protest peacefully, It I• Oirlsdan reaponsibllity. lnour Baptismal Covenant (Book of Common Prayer, page 305) we promise to •strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human belng, with God's help.• Olrlstlans in this most wonderful "one nation under God, lndMslble, with liberty and justice for all" should be proud and ever-vigilant of the blessings we enjoy. THE VEltt' REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Olurch Corona del Mar A third-century rabbi ruled that the "law of the kingdom is the law.~ This command taught Jewish citizens to be faithful to the laws or the lands ln which they resided, as Judaism considers loyalty to be a significant religious responsibility. Still, it is recognized that where the laws of the government are Iniquitous they should be resisted. When Moses wicnessed an taken against tyranny. Several of the Pounding Fathers proposed that the Seal of the United States feature the newly liberated Hebrew slaves marching through the sea to freedom and that the caption should read, •Resistance to fyrants Is Obedience to God.~ They modeled their battle against the onerous laws of England on the ancient confrontation against Pharaoh. Certainly, though, lo a gJ"eat democracy such as ours. tyranny is not ar Issue. If one's conscience, though. persuades him that the law 1s so evil that it cannot be tolerated, then civil · disobedience is called for. In our very complex society, this should be seen a.s the last resort. Peaceful protests of public policy are, of course. warranted as Individuals and constituencies approach Issues from dJfferent vantages and with different understandings. ThJs Is the glory of the democratic process and distinguishes our way of life from that of totalitarianism. The right of free speech and the ability to appeal to the government is one of our greatest b=s. MARKMlLLER Temple Bat Yahm Newport Beach Tea &Sympathy wfe &l. T uroom Lunch • Partiea • Gifts Christmas Parties and Gifts! 369 Eut 17th St., Comer ofl'l&.td.a AYC., Co.ta M- 949.64S.486o -.&Olf.l.abtcaroom.com Open For Lunch 7 Days A Wedd F o u n d a t i o n a n d l i f o r n i a P r e s e n t o f S o u t h t r n C a l I f o r n I a • 1 An Evening of Celebration and Joy fT Featuring selected elastics. c:ootemporary carols.. spirituals. and songs of the holiday season. 'S?Htu ~ESIGN CENTER Nfor All Your Decorating Needs!" SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6. 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Shoreline Baptist Church Performed by the Vanguard University Departmtnt of Music including the Univmity Concert Choir i Orchestra, Women's Chorus. Unlvmity Jan Band, and the Vanguard Singers i Band. I 03 50 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA Tickets: S I 0 OCMElRO MAGAZINE THf PatVATI 8ANIC .. _,.• ... :z! .. 2. For rnott lnlormltij)n Of to purchate tlcMt1. pUH all 714.662 527 l or t-ma~ ~rd.edu Al4 $atirday, ~ 22, 2003 IUbbin Insurance Ast.ency Al1J'O • HOMIOWl'lW • HW:nf .-u,,, ''" 19' .. -~). 949-631-7140' 441 OW Nc"P*f H •,.,._a.ii (Nc.t ..... Ho.pltal) lNTERNET HOMEBUYERS ARE ON THE MOVE The"*"~ llUd>' by the NlQMll) ~ rlRaillon ~ lh;il 71 pr.rm-. rl aD .... ~ UlllCd th: bemet ., iCll'dl IUr 111 lu~ Ill Dl-'. Ii'• lhe fltll cme WI al <'Sollle hMary N mere ~ n:pJMd llUl& lbe 1tmTa dwnlhc~. FA 1 TH FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS CAPP£UA CAHTORUM Ceppell• Cantorum, th• young •dult ~Ir of St. John Vlanney Ch•pel, 11 beginning It• fifth year. Th9choir11 ~n to students In gradea six to 12. It provldM K\IVt fahh ~rtldpetton for_,,, durtng their high ec:hool yeara. P•rtleipatlon lnc:ludet •lnglng et mau regularly and at ~al evtnta. Rth .. rsalaertfrom 11 e.m. to 1 p.m. Slturdaya In the Ch•pel et 314 Merine Ave., Balboa llland. Younger chlld,.n are Invited to Join. For more Information, cont~ N1n<:y Kelly, director at (949) 873-4595. DMROMENTAL ~ St Mart ~rtan Chutdl In ~ 11 offering en environmental ac:.holarshlp fund for twO ltUdentL The ~~ wtff only bt ofltted thtough~~tnd UC 1Mne. lnwtlt9d etudtnla thould contact thelt ftnandef aid oflb, The ~pewtll be twtrded In the tptlng of 20CM.. lnformetion: (948) &4'-13' 1, http;lfftm•~rt.n.orp. HANUl(J(AH 8AUMt Temp&e8atY1hm ~\ 28th ennual Hanukbh Bazaar will bt from 9 e.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday at 1011 Camelbac* St, Newport Buch. There will be more than 20 vendors •nd lrtltta Mlllng • variety of lttma, auc:.h .. heodbaga, jewelry, crystal end other ltemt. Information: (949) 644-1999. CHRIST THE KftG SUNDAY Newport Harbot Lutheran Church will celebrate Chriat the King Sunday with hymoi end anthem• of the cteurch featuring cMfr, Otl)8n, brass and percuulon 9:15 a.m. this Sunday et Dover Drive end 16th Stnlel lnformatJon: (9491648-3831. ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE n. n-Nm.UJN""' htifwn tf c.IJ«tii/4 T~ » c:.,,. Giftt aJ ~ Cltt.r. N List oil f>,liwry. c-Jn up Gtlrrlnt !.n. Dmhlf """1tf Bruit/-. Umcb. Tu-' n &,,_ &u. CME HOURS: Mo11..S1111 90t-4pm Cvulks ~ CJM!Uklins, Uml d-/lJm &olu, CMJtom Pimtrr Frmninf, AmliNltT Ratort1IUJn ouJ md rMrt ! ROW HOURS: Tw-Siu IOnt-5/"' • 7D.! ---. -- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE 1ln.c v.111> p-ethi.'lled ru lhc ~ ~Id chmmale the RL'llllor't rule ~ WltX1I-N"tne1y pi:7tCl1ll t;/ lhe hlmtbu)'m "'ho u'<ld lhr: t'*'M to ...... ,.,. lhcir homr: ..ai also cr1PICd chi: 'O'VlCe\ ol 1 real CWIC pn.-.C~ard.$1 ~ V.(fC fnt !JitMll lhc hmlC they bwaht by a He.ihi... IJlll!m:l barnchl)G\ • ~~.,Id •u-nplcte lherr lune~ (J\a'~ 8 ~ ~ s v.uks for IUI liv..'fM uscn.) lnckNJ} rRll)'!ib ltll.~ '11/C lh:ll IJ'llmlCt bu)'l"lll 'IJUld nrm umc bnJ\\"111& the v.\lb f<Y 11u1.-n...,ung ~ before lllklll& llLtJOO. fl1o: lypiCnl lnlenltC ~ L~wll.lol.i.' mon: cun.ive ~ ...aal)ing 11 hlmc-. before mibla a cb.1,11n. ..x·~ .... llh In IMlll8C 7 Jn111 .... undertd I') ncn-u.m.s t-.l)a-. Homcbuycn ur doe ir.:nict to otull .u-~ lbw palcllCll P"iratJl"llld~ Ill (lf\."\~ ~ol'll.111Cdhomes 11\J I& 1 n:aJ ibJlll pqxny dd.ilb. 11&ttn Sleep Through Sdmu. ,., --~--"-:""" 455 ~ ..... 111)'-'!C\m ~cl lnlemel .J11lf'Pl'.I" ~for r:UJng a wtWl klll' of 11 f"\l!"') hef\~ !hey c8J) lhcu' Re.ilk.-. pnp 11 lhc a11 n:I dnvc by to ...xr.hchume l.) lcm .... Jc(f hive 31 ~ )~ ,,. Mil CSUlie cxpcncncc ll 1'.:wpwt 8adt. For prol'eaiorwl ~ IL1! la' aJvwcc "'-.Jl a0 )'CU rQI ""'* fCll'd\ caD lhe Ev.~• 0.. ~.~pm-C'.old-..dl 8.w*cr• C9491 7W..l796. The Ewings Are Cont Newport Prol*'tY'• 11 TNm For 2001 llM<T-1 Get the Best for Less/ BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Mo mma John Jennifer Mo btlont to the workli largest fooring ft'/ail iroup -to-op. We arr the bitttst jloorint ~akn indi11idU4//y own<d and optraJtd. ,,000 TORE BUYING 'POWb~R NOBODY 1111JWhtrt ("" beat our st!Ntion, prket or . SUVIU. ~uir p"Jint I# mwh if JO""-M l buJ}nt.f!!.m,..,._..iu ...... ___ ~....., Lifetime Warr~nty Carpet s 1•? · llfetl111e Warranty L••l•ate s2•• lifetime Warranty Ceramic ~ 1'' lifetime Warranty WoOcl $2'' ( ~-. .... Brenda 100% FREE No Que1tloll1 Asked ._____FREE WORKSHOPS TALMUOtC ETHIC$ The Jewish lMmlng Institute will presem "Talmudic Ethb: Tim.lela Wladom for Timefy Diiemma•" from 7~16 to 8:46 p.m. through Dec:.. 18 at the Hyatt Newporter, 1107 Jamboree Road. lnfonn4tlon: (94917~1·9800. HAI l fl II wt 1ltE -..e AHO HANDEL'S MES~.H" "Hallelujah: The Bible end Hendel'• Mealah: will be the topic for en ~ult forum at St. Marte Presbyterian Chutdl at 11 a.m. for fOtlr Sundaya beginning Nov. 30. lnfonnatlon: (9491 644-13'1. PMENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County 11 forming a parenting group to help parenta to understand end deal with the feeling• and behavior of lt*r children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the flrat and third Mond•VI of the month at the center, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration la required . THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Femlly Service is offering a support and dl1CUS1ion group for edulta whose children or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays a1 ~ E. Beker St., Suite G In Costa Mesa. lnfonnatlon: (7141 445-4960. Pre-registration la rerqulred. BAHAI F1RESIOES Members of the Bahai faith hold Informal public di1CUISiona on splrftu•I topi<:a et 7:30 p.m. every Friday and et 11:30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks Include brundi or dinner. Aleo, Interfaith devotional meetings will be held the lest Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (9491760-5360 for Sunday meeting. end (9491 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. Z£N 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers en Introduction to Zen Worbhop from 3 to 6 p.m. the fl rat Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818. A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-leuon study on the life of Jeaua Christ titled "'Journey to the Cross .. la taught et 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebullder'a Bible Oass at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallel• the four Gospels to present the atory of Christ. The church 11 at 1000 Blaon Ave .• Newport Be.cte. Free. (9491 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angeli Church In Newport Beadl holda a dream anetysla group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundeya et 2046 Mer Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free .. lec:do divine• meditation group meeting 11 held et 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angela, 2046 Mer Vlate Drive, Newport Beech. Lectlo i1 • stYle of meditation that Include• using Scripture or a lpeeiel reading 11 a ltlmulut. The Chrlltlen Meditation Group mMts from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on tha flrat and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format Includes two periods of meditation with aome lnatru<:tlon on how to meditate, •'talk end a discussion. (949) 219-1408. SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewiah F1mily Se~ of'fera a aupport group for women okler than 60 to lddr111 lau. auc:.h ea J7STREET BEAUTY CENTER .'lfu .lilrfit.St, !f"tlllSt, 1rietulllut '.Btavty Supply & 1ulIStNiaSafon 11'~~ ' /, , INlitltf end depreNion at 10 •.m. on the aecond and four1h MOndev of etdt month at 260 E. Beker St., Suite G In~ Mete. Prer9glttnUon requl'*1 (714) 44M96C). NEWGRcx.s Jewish ftmlly S.fYice of Orange County has form9d a berNWment auppoit group that mMtl at 10 a.m. ~and• Chlllengt of Chlngt IUppott group that meets at 10 1.m. 1 Thul'9dav*, Both groupt meet at 1 Temp. Judea In Laguna Hilla, ~ 2'612 Moulton Partwty. The aervt~ 11 1l10 fonnlng • o ptntntlng support group to meet the flrat I nd third Mondaya Of ' "ch month ac 10 a.m. et the Jewlah Federation C.mpU., 250 t( E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Meee. l Prereglatnrtlon required. 171') 44M950. GAYj\.E$8&AN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewlah F1m ltv Service of Orange County plane to present • dilcunlon group for parents of Jewish gaya end lesblena If enough people are interested. (71') 44M95(). MYST1CAL AND SPIRfTUAL The Myatlcal Splrttuellat Chutdl of South Orange County hold• Sunday 1eMc:es every week et 10 e.m. at 2A82 Newport Btvd., Costa' Meaa, Suite 3. A apirituel heeling' aervfoe ltlrta et 9:30 e.m. (9491 ' 581-2290. RE·MEMBERING GROUP : Our lady Queen of Angels holds 1 a re-memberlng group et 6:16 , p.m. evary other Sunday et 2046 'l Mer Vlata Drive, Newport Beadl. The pariah center 11 at 2046 Mer , : Viste Drive. Newport Beadl. (949) 648-3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St Michael end All Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's ' ~!'=~~.~~~~::n~ ~~~~m. on, Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mer. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men'• Fellowship Breakfast of St Andrew'• Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesd•VI In Dierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beecte. All men of the church end community ere welcome to attend. $2.60 at the door. (949) 631·2880. SEPARATION SUPPORT ' ' Jewiah Family Service of Orange, County holds a women's divorce•1 and separation support group at 1i p.m. WedneadaVI at the Jewish Family Service's office at the :. Jewish Nlderetlon Campus, 260 ' E. Beker St., Suite G, Coate Mesa.' For date .. net fees, call (714) ~ .U5-4950, ext. i14. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such u life passages and • changes. body Images. family, relatlonahlpt end lonetineu at 7 p.m. Tu~ at the agency office, 260 E. Beker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration ~ required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114.t HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services la apoMOrlng a dlscuaaion group • focusing on the lnuet and cona.me faced by adult children taking care of their elderly perenta. The group will be offtrecf' Tuesday. The offices are at 260 E. ' Beker St.. Suite G, Costa MMa. ' Preregittntlon 11 required. $10. • (7141445-4950. ANXIETY AND ., DEPRESSION SUPPORT :> The Jewish Family Service of '' Orange County offers a support end dlactJlllon group for adults experiencing anxiety end or •' depression from 10 e.m. to noon on Mondays at the agen<:y otfk:ea,260E.BakerSt,Costa Meu. Free. (714) 445-4960. • 11 your church or piece of worship plannlng •special event? If so, send the typed Information at leaJt two weekl ~fore the event to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mela, CA 92827. attention: Paul Saitowltt, • religion editor.; fax to (949) 646-4170; or aend •mall to dailypltot•t•tlma.com. ~ ~ " -; ~ " I I r~ COMMUNITY & CLUBS Cool nights, hot jazz I f you are looking for a plaoe BUnltt proclamadon from Fluor were SERYIC£ CLUB to entertain family e.nd ~. lid Rennie, president of the MEETINGS 'MS WEEK friends aver the holidays, Klwania Rotary Cub of Newport-Balboa. mab a vlsft to Ou.ke'a Place at coordinator. and Ropl' McGonepl. Reading 1UBmi\Y the Balboa Bay Oub to hear the by 9 coordinator for Rotary 7: 30 un.: The 4-0·member ~ LeBnm Trlo on a Tuesday. READING District 5320. Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Thund4y. Friday or Saturday BYI Oub will meet at Five Crowns to n.lghl Newport· WELCOME TO THE WORLD hear John Goodllld d.isaw the LeBrun, 42, ls a gifted jazz Mesa sc:bool OF SERVICE CLUBS Rotary Foundadon pianist and sin.rer who board Arthur Stefnbeoos. sponaored (hltp:/lrwwportbeach accompanied e llkea of Tum President by 1ary Rouadot, who joined sunrlmotal')'.OrWlnda.htm). Jones. Olivia Newton John. Martha Flour the Rotary Cub of Newport 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Dime Schuur, Larry Gatlin. wutheflrst Balboa. JJm Hantlon and Newport Harbor Uons Cub will Maween McGovern. Roberta to donate to Rodney 'lfamm, who joined the meet at the Costa Mesa Country P1aclc and Nell Carter. this year's Reading by 9 Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Cub. Beglnnlng at 7:30 p.m. matching challenge from the Kiwanis Oub. Tuesdays and Thursday and at 8 Rotary Cube of Newport-Balboa. WEDNSD\Y p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, Newport lrvtne and Newport WOR1ff REPEATING 7:15 a.m.: The 10-member LeBrun, accompanied by Beach Sunrise. She was quickly Things to be thankful for: The South Coast Metro Rotary Oub Gordon a.k on the drums and joined by former Costa Mesa mess we need to clean up after a will meet at the Center Oub John Plntotr on bass, will warm mayor and preschool director party ... because It means we (htrp:llwww.southcoastmtrro the eve~ atmosphere with Mary Hornbuckle, l!l.tr.abeth have been surrounded by rotar}<otW; and the Newpon Interpretations of the great Stahr, George and Natlle Fox, friends. The cloth~ that fit a Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet sounds of Frank Sinatra. Nat and Betta Harley as we begin to little too snug ... because It at the University Athletic Qub. •King-Cole, Sarah Vaughan, Ella match the $6,800 provided by means we have enough to eat. Noon: The Rx.change Qub of Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. the clubs. O.eclt the Daily Pilot The windows that need cleaning the Orange Coast will meet at LeBrun has some 5,000 songs pages for the quarter-page . . . because lt means we have a the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub . cpmmitted to memory, responds display ad to use to send In your home. The huge heating bill ... W most any requested and contribution to buy reading because it means we are warm. TURKEY OF THE YEAR music and dancing Is books for Pomona. Whittier and The spot we 6nd at the far end The second Turkey of the encouraged. Duke's Place is Wilson Elementary Schools. of the parking lot ... because it Year Awards will be handed out open to the public and valet The Rotary Oubs of means we are capable of next Saturday in the parling Is validated with a Newpon -Balboa, Newport Irvine walldng. The weariness and Community & Oubs column. purchase or drink or food. On a and Newport Beach Sunrise. aching muscles at the end of the There are a lot of candidates. cool night, enjoy hot jazz in the along with the Dally Pilot and. day ... because it means we've but onJy a couple of winners. warm atmosphere of Duke's the FashJon Island Fountain for been productive. The dog that Until then, have a Happy Place. Youth, were honored by the lives behind us that won't stop Thanksgiving. enjoy the family, Newport-Mesa Board of barking ... because we can friends and shopping this HELPING HANDS Bducation at a recent meeting hear. The complalnlng we hear coming weekend. ' Members of the Newport for their support of the Reading about our government ... Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis by 9 program. which has because It means we have • COMMUNITY a ClUBS la Qub had 10 volunteers on provided more than 16,500 freedom of speech. The alann publlahed Saturday• In the Dally Friday night at the Orange books for Pomona, Whittier and that goes off in the early Pilot. Send your service ctub'a County Rescue Mission in Santa Wilson elementary schools in morning hours ... because ii meeting Information by fax to Ana. providing food and coolclng the past four years. means we are alive to be wolcen. (714) 921 -8655 or by e-mail to dinner for 50 needy people. said At the meeting to receive the Happy Thanksgiving! jdeboom@aol.com GETTING month. Volunteers should ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY foster teens 18 to 18 years old. commit two hours once a month DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (949) 609-1451. INVOLVED or volunteer on a substitute basis. Volunteers are needed for a The center ls at 800 Marguerite variety of functions. (714) ORGANIZATION FOR llfE Ave .. Corona del Mar. (949) 839-6199. HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS • GETilNG INVOLVED runs 644-3244. Volunteers are needed to care for periodically In the Dally Pilot on a ORANGE COUNTY stnry end lost animals In the rotating basis. For lnformatlon on OPERA PACIFIC HOMELESS TASK FORCE Newport Beach. Costa Mesa and adding your organization to this The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance. The task force ls recruiting Corona del Mar areas. (949) list, call (949) 574-4298. a support group for Opera Pacific, volunteers for the Interfaith 722-1357. has activities for volunteers. (714) Council Networt to wort one on NEWPORT-MESA YMCA 546-6000. one with homeless adulta in a PACIFlC SYMPHONY Th8 YMCA needs e variety of program on basic life skills. (949) ORCHESTRA general volunteer help. (949) OPERATION CLEAN SLATE 263-1774. The Orange County Pacific 642-9990. Operation Clean Slate, a Costa Symphony Orcheetra's Meu·based organization for ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers In Education NEWPORT-MESA IRVINE graffiti prevention, needs MUSEUM OF ART Opportunities program needs INTERFAmt COUNCIL volunteers to paint out graffiti Leam more about art and share volunteers to assist children in a The Newport-Meu Interfaith and other duties. Michael with your community by variety of hands-on musical Council I• now taking Howard, (714) 435-0745. becoming a docent at the Orange activities. Volunteers spend a registrations for tervlce OCC NAUTICAL LIBRARY County Munum of Art A total of six Saturday mornings organizations. projects and Orange Coast College's School of volunteer docent guides adults with the children. (714) 75&-6788, volunteers on a first come, first Salling end Seamanship needs and school groopa through the ext. 244. served basis. for lta "Healtl and • book donations for Its Nautical galleries and teaches about the Hands" multi-faith family service Library. Thousands of volumes of museum's collections and PARENT HELP USA day. The event will take place boating-related titles ere needed. exhibitions. (9491769-1122, ext. Founded by mothers and others from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 22 The School of Selling and 204. against child abuse, Parent Help The location will be st 801 Dover Seamanship la at 1801 W. Coast asb the public for help and Drive, Newport Beach. Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) ORANGE COUNTY volunteers to Inform the Information: Jaimie Day, (949) 64&-9412. PERFORMING ARTS CENTER community on vital Issues 642-9460, Docents are needed to lead tours affecting children and the family. jaimieday(Jyahoo.com; or Jim de ORANGE COAST of the Center, 600 Town Center Information: (949) 650-3461 or Boom, (949) 660-8665, INTERFAITH SHELTER Drive, Costa Mesa. Leam about 1949) 67&-5271. nmiinterfaith t!J aol.com. The lergest family shelter In the the history and the development PARTNERS ALWAYS CARING county needs volunteers for lta of the Center and the wortclngs of NEWPORT-MESA children's programs. It eapecially the badt stage areas. For mo,. SERVICES SCHOOL FOUNDATION dealm Mora and those who can Information, cell (7141 656-ARTS, Volunteers are needed for a Crisis The foundation I• looking for take part In activities after 8 p.m. ext. 833 Assistance Program, assisting the volunteers to help with Tutors will wort with groups of emergency responders by fund-raising efforts, speaking children or Individually, helping ORANGE COUNTY RONALD providing emotional first aid at opportunities. public events and children In their academic MCDONALD HOUSE the eoene of a critical Incident No oocaaional office work (949) problem areas. Volunteera will Sponsorship opportunities ere previous experience ne<le ... ry. 6314143. also act as a big brother or big still avellable for the Orange Information: (949) 724-7199, slater during the summer. Jelme County Ronald McDoneld House paf1nttrulwayscarlng@cox.nttt QASIS SENIOR CENTER Mayo, (949) 631-7213. High Tea benefit to be held on Meele on Wheels volunteere are Oct. 30, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The PROJECT ACCESS needed to dis1rlbute prepared ORANGE COUNTY CHn.D benefit will be held at the Turnip Projec1 Access Is a nonprofit dishes to homebound eenlora In ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER Rose at the Grand Newport Plaza, organization that llnks resident of the Newport Beach area. The The center needs volunteert to 1901 Newport Blvd. In Costa low-Income housing delll/9f'Y lime la between 11 :30 worlt with high-risk famllles and MeH. For more Information call developments with beneficial a.m. and 1 p.m. daily. The center children, providing weekly (714) 639-3600 social servicet usually through also need• volunteer nurses for emollonal 1upport to famlllea, resource centers. Volunteers are Its eeml-monthty blood preuure Infants and first-time mothers In ORANGE COUNTY WORKS needed to tutor children, teach tcnH1nlnga. The center offere this their homes. The center 11 alldng Participate In life ma~ent crafts and computer skills at the service between 9 and 11 a.m. the for a three.hour weejdy and emptoyment training first and third Tuesdays of the commitment. (714) 543-4333. worbhopa as• succeu coach to S.. INVOLVED, P11e A16 'r -- Saturday, November 22, 2003 Al& MAGIC FOREST CHRISTMAS TREES Back for the 19th Straight year! dh HUGEST •SELECTION dhBEST •SERVICE dh EASIEST •PARKING OPEN Sam · 9pm Dec. 3 till Christmas dh FLOCKING •AND FLAME PROOFING -NO LIMITS Celebrate Thanksgiving at the Hyatt Regency Irvine Champagne Brunch Thursday, November 27th 11 :00 am -3:00 pm Traditional Breakfast Favorites Belgium Waffles • Omelets Made to Order Fresh Seafood Bar Carved Roasted Tom Turkey Country Glazed Ham • Prime Rib of Beef Assorted Desserts & Pastries Children's Buffet and Much Morel Live Entertainment Complimentary Self Parking Adults $39 Children 12 & under $ 18 Children Under 5 eat for Free For Reservations, Please Call: 949-975-1234 Special Holiday Rate $89 + tax per night 11/27 /03 through 1/4/04 (Basu/ on availability) Ask ttbout °"' spu:iAJ pacluigcs • 17900 amboree Road -Irvine Alt ~. NcMnUt 22. 2003 Wonderful French r>istro Cuisine Prix Fixe Menu ~ Courses for $18 & A La Carte Menu "2' Newport ~I Newport &ach (1+9) 67'-6990 e 6:-iopm Tue.-Sun Villt Ow Open Houeee: Satufday, December 13. 2003 Sunday, January 11, 2004 Call for men lnbmation. INVOLVED Continued from Al 5 v8riou1 oent.ra. Ptul Shapiro, (948) 253-3120 ext 229. PROJECT CUDDLE Protect Cuddle II 1 COltl MeN-baaed nonprofit orgll'Nutlon ht tnMta the needa of gh1a and women fldng unplanned pregoanciet. In addition to offfct help and 12-hour hotllM thiftt once• month. volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group and fund-ntlslng commltteel and to help distribute lddcers to etop bablM from being abandoned In trash bln1. Service groupe of all kinds -momta groups. c:hurd\et, students, men and women'• clubl, and compel"IY"lpONOred sport's teams -are wanted for creative fund-raising projects. The organization alto need9 donated gift Items for mothers end babl ... lnform.Uon: (714) 432-9681, http;/lwww.pro}ectcuddle.orp. PROJECT TOGETlfER Project Together seeka adult volunteers to establish a trusting, one-to-one reletlonshlp wtth c:hlldren stressed from femlly problems 1nd abu ... This component of the Orange County Helhh Clre Agenoy'• Children'• Mental Health Servlc:ea offers training ind supervl1ion for the program. Many of the c:hlldren ire economically deprived, victims of neglect or both. (714) 850-8444. READ/ORANGE COUNTY Volunteer literacy tutora are needed to help CIUtl a more literate community with n<H:Ost tutoring for adulta In reeding and writing, one-on~ne or In small groopa. The adult literacy program .. rves the Orange County Public Ubrary system. lessons are Individualized and confidential. Training la provided and required. Information: (714) !5e&0070, ~.tNdoc.QIV. READINGBYt The mentor l'Mding program ... votuntMra to read to students In ~rten th~ the third grlde. eo.tll MIN lc:hoola f'*9d Mlp for students In reading, writing and Englllh. Mentor..-Ons may be ICh«tuled from 8:30 to 11~ 1.m. and ~I from 3 to 8p.m., Mondr( through~. Pomona El«n.m.ry School, (949) 515-e980: Whlttt.r Elementary 'School, (Me) 61M898;Wileon Elementary Sc:hool, (949) 615-6996; end New Shalimar Leaming c.nter, (949} 846-0396. SALVATION AIW'f Of ORANGE COUNTY Group or famlly volunteers are need*' to edopt a family, apon90r an angel tree, hold • e1nned food Of toy drfve, or mah 1 special gift or donation direc:dy to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Individual, buelnea end service club'volunteers are needed for the holiday Maaon In the • dlatributlon of food and toys at the Christmas Warehouse and Red Kettle. Information: (714) 832-7100. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Coate Mesa vouth organization 11 looldng for volunteer• to hetp create a positive alternative for people 12 to 23. Volunteers are needed to help In area such 11 boxing, sports, health, fltneu, aerobics and academic tutoring. (949) 548-3265. SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTMS Join other buslneu professionals to help small bualnessea succeed by leading semlnara end coaching entrepreneurs online. 'The corpa 11 a nonprofit c:hantable organization composed of 11 ,600 volunteer buslnesa mentors, both working and retired, who counsel buslnes1N from nearly 400 offices throughout the country. C.11 (714) 650-7369, and ask for membership. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve 11 a guide for homeless families by helping them set goal• and maintain a basic budget Bilingual 11dlls needed. Orientation and training provided. Theresa Rowe, (949) 767-1456. SENOlt MEALS N«J SEMCES INC. Volun1Mrl .,. needed to dell mMla to homebound senior cftlzens rMldlng In Coate Meta , who are not able to prepere their 1 own meela end do not have .... anyone to prepare meal1 for : them. Volunteers are aeked to 1 donate at least one hour per~ for • six-month period. Subctttuii, drivers are alao needed to flll In for regular drivert. (714) 84<MMS1f or(714)891~ ' rt:' SENIOR MEALS AHO Ilb SERYICES INC. . ~ . Senior Meals and Services Inc. , ~ will holt lt1 annual h~llday •. , , celebretlon, which bnngs holld•Y, festMtlea to its homebound 1''1 seniors, on Dec. 6. The ewnt .,a lncludfl a complete holiday dinner, Christmas carols, gift ._ giveaways end a visit from Senta Claut. Gift donations are being ,. .. requested to make this day a ; successful adond apecial one. , , Suggested nations are • stationery, cosmetics, toiletries, _ sllppera and gift certificates. Information: (714) 891-0804. ,. ' SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serving People In Need, also know 11 SPIN, 11 looklng for .._ voluntffrl to help prepare 18dt meals for the homeless, .... assemble hygiene kits, distrlbu(• •; meal• end pict up food for preparation. SPIN provides • move-In coats for housing, case ~ management and support services to famllies leaving shelters. SPIN woriters also serve as family advlaora or mentors 1 and conductl workshops on · , budgeting and more. Visit SPIN'• 2900 Bristol St., Suite H-106, Costa Mesa. (714) 751-1101. ., SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The clinic, which provides emergency services to the needy In Orange County, Is looking for volunteer• to deliver and pictt up food from local restauranta and ' grocery ltores, help with medlca:J, and dental staff, data entry, assl't , with food sorting and ' distribution, to help at the front desk and aome other duties. Tut. group alao need1 translators. : ; (949) 642-3451, ext 257. ; ; SHERMAN LIBRARY Ii GARDENS You could auist wtth the garden, work in the gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for children and adults at Corona de~ Mar'• botanical garden and historical research library. Stefanie Kristiansen, (9491 673-2261. ... ,,,, . . i.J•ll AROUND TOWN •Send ~TOWN ltem1 to the Dally Piiot. 330 w. Bay St, Cotta Meu, CA 92627; by e-m•ll to 1u1a.,,.,,a•Jatima.corn; by tu C,2 (949164&-4170; or by ~lllng ~) 67<M298. lndude the time, d'4te end loc.tlon of the event. 11 ~I 11 • cont9Ct phone number. I TOOAY Chltl ttent.'910n. owner and c:hW •rtist et Herrington Teddy S..ra, will Reed from hl1 ftret published d\ildren'I bootc. •Hany and Hannah: An American A'.ttventure;" et 2 p.m. et the Metro Pointe Bamee & Noble Boobellera. lnformetlon: (714) 540-MS7, http://www.herrington teddybears.com. ~ Fuhlon lll•nd wtU ha.t rta ennual tree fighting ceremony et 6 p.m. The tree will be lighted at the end of •celebrate the Season," a eong and dance spectacular by students from the Orange County High Sd\ool for the Arte.. lnfoimetlon: (949) 721-2000, http:ltWww.•hopfll•hionis/11nd. com. MONDAY ~Orange County Chept9r of Chlldhelp USA will have a fundraiser from 4 to 9:30 p.m. for dine In and from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. for take out at the Newport Rib Company, 2196 Harbor Blvd .• c&ta Mesa. The Newport Rib Company will donate 20% of ead'l bill to Chlldhelp USA. Atservations: Nancy Whitlodc, (9491548-4228. WEDNESDAY Th• CotU Mesa s.n1or Center will be celebrating Thanksgiving Wfth a home--cooked meal. The event is sponsored by Surat Singh of Angel'• Auto Spa. The C?st for the event 11 $2 per ~n. The cost to become a ~ember of the center Is $18. lnfonnatlon: (949) 645-2356. FltlOAV There will be• d~­ Thanksglving sale at the Orange County Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be tree. There will be an artisans' and crafter•' comer, photos with $41nta Claus and seasonal ehtenalnmant. NOV.29 The Orange County Colony of Mayflower Descendants will have Its annual Compact Day luncheon at 10:30 e.m. at the l;ioliday Inn 3131 South Brirtol, ~Mesa. Anyone who ia fMc;ended from one of the 26 Gown heada of families can join. la:formation: (949) 548-6871, ~..WWW.ocmayflower.org. MOV.30 U.. Orange County Ch.pt9r of ~Swedish Women'• ~cational Asen.will have its .nnual Swadi1h Christmas event. wbld'l promotee Swedish JJfditions at 11 a.m. in the Co~ ~Neighborhood community o.nter, 1845 Park Ave. The cost I be $2 for d'lildran younger ttten 15 and $5 for adults and ci1der teenagers. lnfonnation: (f'9) 786-2734, ~:l..WWW.chaptars­ ..-ea.org/orangacounty. ft.lei a;.;tt. eo..t Plaza wm h11Ve tts 21 It 1nnual Tree-llghtlog Cerwnonv ate p.m. et TOWl'I Center Plrtc. ediecent to the w..tin South Coat Pfeza. The 90-foot whit. fir wfll be adorned by 16,000 llvhts. The cetwnony wfll fNture the AJI Ameriean 8oV1 Chorus and en eppe1r11nce by honot1ry emcee. Jennifer Voit from KT\.A-lV. A i'M9dnt fn 1UPPOt1 of Democnitic pretldentfal cendldete Wetley K. Cleft wut be held et 1 p.m. et the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St, Com M .... Volunteere will 1h1,. lnfonn.tion end Ctart't po&ltione on key 1 .. uee. Information: Info OvoluntHrtdorclarlc.com, http:l..WWW.mHtup.com. OEC.3 The AntJ.SAT movement will hold• meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. In the ASB room at Corona del Mar High School. There will be guest 1peaker1, en open forum for comments and questions, and an outline for implementing educational refonn. Studentl, parents, and taad\el"I are welcome to attend. Information: Amanda Rubenstein, (949) 719-1756. DEC.4 The Onnge County Chept9r of ChUdhelp USA will have a holiday boutique and luncheon et 10 a.m. In the Hyatt Regency, 17900 Jamboree Blvd., Irvine. For reservations contact Nancy Whltlodc at (949) 548-4228. The Chudr Jones Oelt.ry In the Atrium Court of Fashion Island will present an exhibition of art of the animated film "Or. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with voice actress June Foray and animation producer and director Phil Roman. The exhibition will be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery la at 401 Newpor1 Center Drive. lnfonnation: (949) 759-0758, http:l..WWW.chuckfonea.com. The Orange County Coelltlon for Youth will host •Lat Your Voice Be Heard" from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at the Co~ Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park, Costa Mesa. The event 11 to let youth voice their concem1, talk ebout issues and to influence policy ded5ions. Information: rle@edd.ca.gov. OEC.6 The Cotta M ... Men'• ctub will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Oevelopmenul Center et the Costa Mesa Golf & CountJY Club. The entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both days. Information: (9491845-2886,(949) 903-9090 Waldorf School win preeent lb Winter Festival from 3 to 6 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Drive. There will be 1aasonal craft making, music, theater and intematlonal food. There will be a nominal charge at the gate. Information: (949) 674-7734. Th• AnsiMta• Preyer BtNldalt will be after the 8:30 a.m. mass at Our Lady Queen of Angeles, 2046 Mar Vi1ta Drive. The prayer breakfast will feature guest 1peakar Madeline Tucci Tannehill, founder of •Garv'• Place for Kids. There will be a poinsettia plant aale after the breakfast. The breakfast la apon10red by the Cau Teresa Founders Guild. The c:oct la 1 $16 donation. Information: 1949) 64()..0888. n.. Cat hncMn "'-'·wit h.w. d'lamplonshlp end hoosehotd pet C8t lhow from 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. et the Orange County Fair• Expoettlon Center. The event will feeture ltl) to 225 of the world's ftnect pedigreed eat• wtll bt there along with rescue cats end kitten• looking for• home. lnform1tlon: (858) 466-9390. Netlonel Unf\Wltt'(a c.nw tor Cultural and Ethnic Studies will pretent "The Allure and SlgnlflC6hce of Body Art from 10:30 e.m. to 12:30 p.m, et National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd. lnformetlon: (714) 42~, Jzukn nu.«lu. OEC.7 The Cat Fenden Aun. wlll h.w. cnamplonlhip and houNhold pet cat 1how from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Expoaltion Canter. The event will feature up to 225 of the world'• fineet pedigreed cats will be there along with reacue cats and kittan1 looking for a home. Information: (858) 465-9390. The Cotta M ... Men'1 ctub SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL ., c-ltf "**',, Urllf .... ctrfll ........ in .. ,..,. The R..,. Pr~ Sunyon, Reclor 3209 V IO lido =~ 7 30 om Trod1h0nol 9omCo111w1~ 9om Churcn 5dlOOI I lam Chorismolic and Wednosday Noon l'HI \In 11 HI\'- ST. MARK PmBmRIAN CHURCH "Optn Arms and Optn Minds" Worship 9:30 spon1orthe Fairview . Oevetopmental Tournament benefiting Nllrvlew Oevefopm9ntel c.nter et the Cotta M ... Golf at Country Club. The entrance fee wm be $75. Information: (949) 846-2888,(949) 903-9090 The MWnth tnnual ~ lllend Walking Holiday Home Tour wtll be from 11 e.m. to 4 p.m. et Balboa l1tand. Tk*ete COit $20. lnformatJon: (949) ~. City of Newport Bw:h 11th annuel Winter Wonderland will happen from 10 •.m. to 1 p.m. at Grant Howland Park. 6th Avenue and Ina Av1nue. There will be over 30 tone of 1now dumped onto the ground• for the enfoyrMnt of the community. There will be actlvtti81 aud'l 11 winter camlvel games along with Santa. lnformetlon: (949) 644-3151. DEC.10 Body DMlgn will otr. •free 18minar •nd demonstration on the lateet technology on cellulite treatments from 7 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Drive. The event s •• TOWN, Pase Al8 A unt"K11t1011 of thr An1liw1 u 111m1mron IJtllLDINC DUR FAITH WV/NC CHRIST AND SERVING Ol}/f COMMUNm· fhc RcvJ ~r [) Hmia Rtcmr Sl'SDAY KHE.bl.:U 8 ~m · Holy fudu.m1 9 ;.m Sund.ay \chooU Adult B1bk S1uJ) 10 ~m · Choral Eucharist NUR.~FRY CARE A\'AILABLE 11 \\ I\ 11 TEMPLE ISAIAH OF NEWPORT BEACH .._ rt.-.4 tlMlr NE1REW SCHOOL lttff•1dMtfMst..,_ ..... .,...., ....... .., ..... ....................... ,,.,. " .. Hety .,.,.. .. ,,.., ........... llUIJ MMC llllm"IUI, dlNcW '""" "*6le t• w....-Cll: , .. ,, S4Wto0.., ..... 2401tm.An. (W c.,.. Ste.I,..,_ ICJfOUI W .. 1 YOOI BJitW-• terln on The Apostks: Creed •THE HOLY CATIIOUC CHURCH• ~ tii&HYTUIAll ~ + •A CoJ-c.t.nttttd ~ comm\Ulity, irurructcid bt the Wotd of God A Ind ttncwcd bj the Saoimmta Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Stach, Ciliforrua 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rn. Monsignor William P. Md..aughlin ~or UTURGIF.S: S.nuday, 5 p.m.{Clntor), ' Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Contemporary) 10:00 (Choir), 11 :30 a.m. (Cant0<) and 5:00 p.m. (Conremporaiy) ~day, ~ 22, 2003 A17 ~mi Cntnpuen ... Stmbtf "''22" ... • JIM# .f 1/1..,...,. "'"""'1i "°"' """" .. &umlorUin Roses ............ ~ ef25s2499 DAY Lily ;,, Oraft/YtlWIWltitf .............. s 1 2s • 1tn11 Sunffewn1 ................................. 75 • • ltnlf Tuberos• ..................................... 8 5 ' ... HytlrangeM ................................. s399 •,,... WORSHIP DIRECTORY \ll lll(ll>l\I Newport uoter U,iited Methodist Cbwdi Rev. Carhleen Coots, Pa.nor I GO I Marguerite Ave. corner of M;irguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 6#-0745 Sam Qutrt Worship &n11a /Oam Worship and Ch1/Jrmi Sunday School Youth murint ux,/tly I l I I 11 f{ \ '\ Newport Harbor Luther11n Church (LL.C.A.) 7N Dovet' ~. NeW1)0f't lhech TraclltlonalLutb•ran Putor Ch1rtn Endter Worwhlp a.Mee with Holy Communion Sund~ 9:18 am (M9) Ma-sea1 MllSA VERDE UNrTED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Bekef', C.M. Wo111hlp & Church School 8:30 •nd 10:00 e.m. (714) 979-8234 Or ll•cllard beoroe lltv StePlllntt Toon SefilOr Mln1S11r VOi/in M1n1Ster Chritt Chutth By the Sea l.inncd M<'thodin 1~00 \1(' &I~ Rlvd .. 1'cwpon ~ach • 4) • ... Adllk ~y !>diool • .lO II Ill."' 'J'"""p ""'ClwldicN....., Sdieal The llcv. Dr. Geo~ R Critp, Panor (949J67~380S 9 WeWelcome .l, Folks One By One Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dl1clpl•• of Christ) 2401 Irvin• AVI. Newport IHCll, CA (849) 645-5781 Mlllisttr. Of. Owta Sllort --.,·r;.~~~ <I IHI\ 11 \'-.\<II'-.( I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 VKJ Udo Newport Becx:ll 673-1340 or 673-6150 Church 10 am & 5 ?fl Sunday School I 0 am ~ Mllllngl 1 30 pn --SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Pmtic VVN Dr Newixrt Becx:h 644-2617 or 675-4661 Church lOam Sunday Scbool 10 am WetMdoV ~., 30J111 t ls~ 12nocn ••• glortty God In your body, and In your epktt, which ,,. Oocf 1 1 Cortnthl8lw eaao slOtf& BnndtsdTI& M*t~. nie m. ~<ta... Scimlsl • noa. WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publishct Every Saturday in the DailyAPilot CALL 949.57 4.4249 erntiorui Prinat • Room & \\'ntt·rfrunt Bur Book for Bout Parude Corporate & Prirn1r. 'J1u:uik giving <..:hri ttnu Eve Chrisou Du) cw Yeur's Eve ~ew Yeur\ Do) i004 I Ill \1111 t ' l 1dt1i lll.1lin11 I .ill q •q -..• ., ..• . 1•11\,,•1, .. ,.,.. -t ·'' '· '-·'" , ..... 1 .... 1. • FINE JEWELRY • PENDANTS • PEARL S • EARRINGS • WATCHF. • RING S r·-Bl-'>l\I '' tl<>l ~' ,, • fl f I I I I, I) I ' " ' f I II I d ·' \ ,, : II ' II I) I 204.3 Westcliff Drive Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET~ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairborne And Much More TOWN Contilued from Al 7 la preeented by M•ry o.llene, • ~ thel'IPfat. lnformltlon tnd reg stm!OC\: (9491722-3556, QftfitObodydeiiQn.tv. DEC.12 Feahlon ltland Md hit 11. 7 R.cjjo will hoet • holiday toy drive from 10 •.m. to 4 p.m. In Bloomlngdt19'a Coortyud. Custom..-. are encouraged to drop off an unwrapped ntW toy to be pltced under IN Fashion ltl•nd Chr1ttmn tree. lnformatJon: (949) 721·2.000. http:lloNww.M>opf#hlonl$14ttd. com. TheR.na~ ()ys1rophy fMnda tupport group 'Niii mMt at 7 p.m. •t Cocoa. 2760 Htrt>or Blvd., Cost. Mea lnform•tion: (94S) 650-1212, (714) 491-MOO. DEC.21 fahlon .... nd wtll host fta ..,,....... Menorah Lighting Ceremony at 3 p.m. at Bloomingdale'• Courty•rd. The event wlll be hosted by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Chabad Jewtah Center In Newport Beach. Information: (94S) 721·2000, '1ttp:llwww.1hopfalhlonlsland com. DEC.22 The Ontnge County Mtlbt Place will hold its Holiday Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Or•nge County Fairgrounds. Admlnlon will be free. There will be artisans' •nd crafter1' comer, photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. ONGOING The Newport c.nt.r Toastmaster's Club can help you improve yoor public speaking sklll• or polish your business presentations. Memt>era come from a variety of prof ... lonal dltclpllnes and backgroun<h. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 810 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking Is avall•bla In the parking structure next to 24 Hour Atneu. Guests are welcome. For more Information. call (9491721-5732. The Newport Betch Pubfic Ubnry Is holding it.I holiday food drlvethrough Dec. 12. There will be Share Our Selvet bins at the library for donations of canned goods and non-perlthablea. Donations can be dropped off during regular library hours: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mond•y through Thursday; from 9 1.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday. Information: (949) 717-3801. The Newport-M ... cribbtge dub meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. The cost is $2. Information: (949) 846-5293. Pbtor Hein A&mfn leed• a Bible study on •How to Become a Contagious Christian" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednetdays at 3n W. Wilson St. No. 15 in Costa Meta. All are welcome to come and meet new friends. Information: (949) 722-7498. The ACLU of Orange County meeta at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian UnlverNllst Church, 1259 Victoria St in Cocta Mesa. Eedi month's meeting will feature a different speaker on tuuea relating to the Bill of Right.. Information: (714) 957-6107. M8cy•1 Jn eo. MMa lnvhM Orange County nonprofit organLtatlons thtt provide teNlcet •nd programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation In Macy's South Cotst P1au'a Passport In Store fun<kllaer. Thia veer'• event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an appllcatlon to partldpai., call (714) 656-0611, •xt. 4231. ~ct. .... will be ofJw'9d Tuetdlya end Thurtdeya from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nlri. Wetaca tt West Newport Community c.niw. ReglttMJon •SM for one el•• uc::h wetlc or $100 for two dtys • WMk over nine~ for Newport Beach realdents. Others PIY an ldditlonal SS. For more lnformttlon, call (949) &64-3161. Coetll Meea'• ~ DMalon wlll e>rcvtdt • three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests tt the Baleeric Community Centar WMkdays from 6 to 8 p.m., Saturday• from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. PllrtlN for children.f to 12 wllt consist of lundVdlnner, games, craftl, prizes. cake with Ice ctHm and supervi91on by st•ft. Pllttlff cost S260 or $300. For more Information; call (714) 764-5158. Ave new wt,._ wfll be MfVed on Btvside Restaurant's tefTIC8 overlooking Newport Harbor every Thurlday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The colt is $15 per person. For m0t'9 lnformatlon, call (949) 721·1222. A V9Mty of pttww, Nm~ •nd group swim lesson• will be offered this summer at the Marian BerQ9$0n Aquatic Center at Corona def Mar High Sc::hool. Options Include one-on-one lnttructlon on Satur~ and a Monday through Thurtday program for all ages and levels. For .... ion dates, tJmea end costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register In person at Newport Beach Recreation •nd Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Chlld...n, t.ena and adufta can now register for summer recreational boating claues offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Ctauea begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3161, or vis.it the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. ~.,and Dc:enMd locc.r trainers with the All-England Soocer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group •nd large group training. For more Information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewlah f1tmity S.-vlce is aponsorlng a teen supPOrt group for high school students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah U~per School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (7141445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The Arlt Pasi--Ane ChlldnN'l"I Book.a, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 In Cotta Mesa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuetdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Beyalde Aestaurent In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information. call (9491721-1222. Green Systems lntematlonal shows yoo everything that you wanted to know about ordllda and repottlng during a free seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. An orchid and tropical plant sale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Blrd'I St. facility. Information: (949) 766-1211. Dlacowr the MCreta of Cetbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through grov .. of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at S.30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Teem Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exen:i,e. hosts , "Walk Ind Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month In front of Nlt<Egodfta store In Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch •ft•r at Atrium court. It la free, and •II fitness ~I•.,. welcome. For more Information, call (949)'lt76-3888. Newpott Community CounMlng Tilo's European AutohaUS and Robin Hood Auto Brokers Hat1e Teamed Up To Offer You The But Senicel Cenier~a~tolCopN cyde (JI domeltic vlolence throuQh the support group In $.AF.£. Henda. S.A.f.E. ltlndt for Miety, ~ f.ith ~ ~ Thegroop~ Mondays from e:so to 8 p.m. Frw. FOf more lntorm.tion, c.11 (94S) 721-8079. ...... lneewnth~ nlntft grades are Invited to drop by the city of Cocta M ... Aecrea1ion c.ni. from 2 to 6 p.m. Mondty through Fridty for tportt and othet 9CtMtlea. The center la tt 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more Information, call (714) 327· 7560. The Newport Beech YMdnt Club meets tt the corMr of Superior •nd Hoapit•I Road In Newport e.ec::h at 9:16 a.m. end 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 660-1332. TM Newport 8w:t'I cab Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thul"lday nights at Superior tnd Hospital Road In Newport Beech. For more Information, ctll (949) 650-1332. The Spenilti SpelklnQ Club meett to team Spanish quldt and easy. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Aun. of Buslnw SerlricM hosts • networking meeting that deals with education connections from 610 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. ·01vorce: A New Beglnn1"9," a wortc.hop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, la held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6436. Ft'M tows of the Onrnge County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, bacbtage and on stage at 10'.30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ART'S. ext. 833. The Newport S.ach Newcom..-. Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization Is open to all women resident.a in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit http.:llwww. newcomer•newportbeach.orp. Oaala Senior c.nt9r holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Bntekfast incfudes pancakea, sauNge, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for d'lildren. The center is at 800 Merguerlte, Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644-3244. Yoga and lhythm, ·vogarflythmics" combine. yoga. dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Meaa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offara the exhibit •Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine Art Master; through Sept 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more Information, call (94S) 673·7863. llrt*faftti couplee with one Jewish partner are invited to participate In a dlscuaslon group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. Call to lchedule date and time. The office la at 260 E. S.ker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 446-4950. Women 50 and older C9n join • diacuulon group coordinated by Jewish Family S,rvices to t;ddresa luuea auc::h aa anxiety, depreulon, relationships, lo'l91inea •nd ftmlly. The group meeta from 10to 11:30 •.m. The .... lnttlM9~he computer claqes to people wfft fading vision who hevt di see1ng the computer sc:reen. Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar, otfert abt ....ions. Call to algn up for clasae•. (714) 82Hi000. A apWtual catw C-. meet9 et 7:16 p.m. Wedneadays tt 3400 • lrvlne Ave., Suite 114, Newpor1 Betdi. C.11 to reserve a seat. (se> 263-1462. The Coatt Meaa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednea from 11 :46 1.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost Is $14. The club ls et 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group • meet. the flm and third Thursdays of each month from 1 to 8:30 p.m. at tha Hoag Cance Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. me. Registration not required. The ... group Is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St. Anchw'a Presbyterhln Chu hosts a mental Illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dlerenfield Hall Ca 600 St Andrews Road, Newpo Beach. (949) 574-2236. · The Jewish f1tmlty Sel'vlce of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from e to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month- at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite <i Costa Mesa. $10 per person. pet' seulon. Preregistration required.. (714) 445-4950. The Jewlah f1tmlly Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and • behavior of their children. The • group meets from 10to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Meaa The group will cover managlnt anger, anxiety and peer pressure children e>eperience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Coate MeN Senior Centw has ballroom dancing with live • music from the Costa Meaa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:39 p.m. every Tu~ay night at 896: W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. t94J) 548-3884. Jewish F9mlty Setvlce of n....-. ...,.. County sponsors an ongoing hNllng support group for the chronically Ill. The purpose la tq provide participant. with emotlon1I and spiritual support to manage lllnen and Its .. consequenoea. The group meetr:;: at 7 p.m . Thursdays at the~ Family Service office et 260 E. Beker St., Costa MNa. Attendance It free, but registration It required. (714) 446-4960. The Coin and si.mp C1ub ~ from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at th Oatla 5enlor Center. New membert lnteresttd In tred buying and telling stamps end coins are being sought to join theM lnform•I meetings. The are no feee required. (949) 644-3244. --------... ~~·•-•-•--·-~~~---~--w W'W'--W-~~---·---. .... ---.~--~._·~--·--­f HB DISCOUNT ................................. -$2000 FACTORY REBATE ........................... -$2000 Save $4000 HB DISCOUNT .................................. $44 25 FACTORY REBATE ............................ $2500 • Rugged • Reliable • Reallly Good Price 'MSRP ..................... : ......................... $23,467 $ Save $6925 Fu~l Sized 7 Pass MSRP .................................... ~ .......... $38, 4 22 HB DISCOUNT .................................. $4444 FACTORY REBATE ............................ $4000 • Save $8444 • MSRP ............................................... $26, 192 HB DISCOUNT ..................... : ............ $3000 FACTORY REBATE ............................ $2000 Save $5000 • JA&UARXKB COUPE 5 •· LEXUSE!i3DD . [•Above rates based on 30 day rental. Add $20 per day for weekly.] * Exot.lc & Luxury Cars Available * Dally. Weekly. Monthly Rentals * Short Term Leases * lilft. Cettlflcates * We Pick Up & Deliver * Corporate .Accounts QUOTE Of 11E DAY ,, 1·,,. """' "'*""' us to qull/y /for th1 ,,.,. mMI} ... .... ,..., Nlwport Hlrbor Pts. Ct'OSI counlry c:oec:h CdM swept in final Sea Kings are no match fot top-seeded Bishop Montgomery in CIF Division III-A ln a ~21, 25-!17, 28·26 win ln the DMalon W·A ftnal Friday nlgbt at Cy· pell CoUege. The top-teeded Xnighi. (24·8) capital· !zed on tbeii thW match • rage: CdM bu ft.ve playm &- foot or taller wblle the Knights' tallest two mesn· hen are both 5-11. "We aren't a sttont and championship. Bryce Alderton DaitjPilot ~ -In thil seuon'a CIF Southern Section Dlvislon m-A glrU voDeyball playof!'I. Co- rona dd Mai' High has known nothing other than two words: three games. The Sea IClngt were the victors the ant three times but Bishop Mon&womery ~ the roles poJ.nt Jn a bd·and·forth third game to wJn their second con· leCUtive Dtvtlion m-A crown. CdM (21 ·9), the No. 2 seed. hid one pine point at 25-24 In Game 3 and bad ita blgest lead at 18-14 befoni the Knights came back. "We played a C·plus game: CdM Coach em Q>dsdansen aaid. "We came out timid and didn't swing hant.. We didn't tab advantage of our height advan· HAClBNO\ HBIGffl'S -With the No. l seed gomg 8p1nst an at-latge team. it wu expected co be one-ikled. But Newport Harbor Hlgb dldn't enter the OF Southern Sec:tton Divlllon VI play- offs expecting to be one-sided themleJves. The SaJJon ttMlelved an outstanding perfotm· ance from their defense, but the offense dJdn't support the effort as visiting Newport Harbor'& bld to upset top-ranked Los AltOI wmt down, 28-0, in the first round. The Conquerors (11-0) took 8D early lead with SCOREBOARD two touchdowns in the flnt three minutes and won their 17th straight game by preventing any hope ot a comeback on the part of Harbor; which 6nlahes the aea· CIF Dlv,./on VI son 7-4. First round The Sailors were trying Newport o to upstage 'tbe defending Los Altos 28 Division VI champions, who had appeared ln OF dtle games In each of the last four seasons, winning three times. But Randall Brown mumed the opening kickoff 89 yards for a touchdown and then added a second score, on a 24-yard pass Crom Daniel Sandello, gtvlng the Conquerors a 14-0 lead wfth 9:11 re-. malning in the first quarter. overpowering team th1i year.• Bishop Mo~mery Coach Khn Wllleman. In her 15tb year at the program; heb:n. said. •aut this wu not our best match tonight." senJor Mackenzie Conover, one of CdM'1 captalns, tallied two kills and concumd wtth Ouistlansen's assessment "We were all m:fted to play the match. I didn't feel any prellSW'e," Sitwdly, ""*""" 22, 2003 11 Corona del Mar's Lauren Snell (2) and Lindsey Smith (6) go up tor a block ~ a soft return~ Bishop Montgomery's Brown's kickoff return came alter the Initial. kick went out of bounds. Los Altos. which could have taU11 the ball at the 35-yard line forced the Sailors to kick agaJn and the reason was eYident a few seconds later. •We were supposed to kick ft to the left and we kicked it down the middle,• Newport Harbor Coach Jeff Brinkley said. "We had everyone going down the left and then returned it Id\. We mJsaed some tackles and then he ahowed great speed and he wu gone.• Mer the SailOrs failed to pick up a flrlt down on their inldal ~on, MAAt( C. DUSTIN I DAILY Pl.OT Newport Harbor's Spencer link (3) eludes the diving tackle attempt of Los Altos' Daniel Drayton in Friday niatifs CIF Division VI first-round game. 'Iiu Alo returned a pWlt 24 yards, giving Los Al- tos prime fteld position. whJch Brown cashed in on a acreen pass. • Loa Altos upped tta lead early ln the second quarter after an Alo interception. whJch be re- turned 55 ~to the Sallors' 4-yard line. Brown scored on the ensuing play. nmnJng off tackle. "We pme them the touclldown on the Jcick off mum and then they basically got a touchdown on the Interception. We buically pve them 14 points. We should have gone into halftime 0-0 or 7-0," Brinlcley said. Th,e Sailors' atrong defensive etf ort was led by senior tackle Austin Nieto and junior end Saa.ml Khallftan. Nieto wu in on a number of plays, in· dudJng blocking a pair of covmion klc.b. t:ha.U· ' SM NEWPORT, Paa• M uren Miller Despite tendinitis in her khee. Newport Harbor senior outside hitter has responded in h\lle way for the Sailors . ...-Mira co«a tOcilY at 4:SO p.m. 'II Onlilli Colete-·1m at about~ t iidl ~ but lt'I not lib 1 can't play ...... cl It. lt't IOtenelt, but lt'a nOt ... to biotber me." BICkln ~the .a-fn her knee Mnn\ the oilly p.m she wa ~ Whlle lm tnendf end tellnlnlm pllyid In a tournament In HaWd. Mlllr Wliidwd. 1he Wein'~ .. a.le up al...,....._.,.._ allblai. wbi> IDlilell a ---=tMl-.1Dbelbllrbml. .. .. ... . .. tD bl ..... ~ but thi plln blldbirbd. ............ ..., In your..-.,.· Miiii' llld. "But I bad to lit out for two 1111 .27,888 Low Hll.fsl $up£R CLEAN! 170061 ~ l463ll .. ~n opener prowd, well, polntlea But the ab- sence of sopho- more c.a1 trans- fer J;idde Lord, ~ed by a strained quadri- muscle that Coach Mark termed a complication m b>ee surgery she wtder- while at Brea Olinda High. be too shnple a scapegoat e ..Ahteaters' disappointing Among Coach Mark Adama' concerns: "We d.ld.n't get our offense. go- " evidenced by ill-advised t lelectfoo that produced Just ~ fteld-goal shooting (23 of 59) .and left the hosts (0-1) with 22 ~t pounded on the 't>oar<b, • said Adams, who saw ~e taDeat team In hJs sewn-sea- n tenure lose the rebounding ttle.,46--33, including 18 offen- ve bQa.rds for the Big Sky Con- ml<:e's F.agles (1..0). •fl1le Eagles'} offense was l<:liddng lprimarfly in the second I halt! ,,but we weaboUldn' ~Ulill added. • The Eatlee. pauing WlNMl!ibly ma expeditioUJv. produced i• ottheir 17 second-half field goals tns1de • feet. lncludfn& ~lgbt layups, to sbopt '56.7'fi me flna1 20 minutes IU)d ~ away ln a pme that feapeo five ties and 13 lead cban8!i& H ~~on. which matched uo~ 11-12 record last leUOl'l but spl(t hs two exhlbidon games. 91 a loss to DM-&lon II Cen Wuh.lngton Nov. 14, bad 10 t-break points to the Eaters' nq.r_ie. had twice as many secood-dianc::e points (18) and 21 points off turnovers, to UCI's 13. Kathleen Nygaard, a 6-2 senior center, paced (he visltors with 22 points and 14 rebounds. lnclud· log seven o1fdnsive, while three other EagSes scored in double fig- ures. This despite Coach Wendy Schuller m'ttling after the game they played without thm pro- jected starting point guard, fresh- man Emily BQscacd, who has a fractured fool 1 •Kat NyWd is, l believe, the best post p}a~r in the Big Sky CA>nferen~ aqd one of the best on the ~t Cbast." Schuller said of the retw'nlng first-team all- conference performer. "She had just three shots land six points! &t hairume. I told our kids we had to go inside to our bread and butter:" .~ UO's lea~ reTUii"ler, 6..0 sen- ior forward 9Jrisd.na CalJaway, helped the h~ts stay within 36- 35 with 10 fitst-half polnts. But she played only nine seoond-half minutes, foul~ out with 6:02 left. and finished with just two re- ticMiDdl to BO wt th .bcir 14. polnta. fAulen \'adOn. & 8-3 IO~ JDOl9 who hid been beaten out • of bet ~ poe.lilon during the p~. scond 14 points to match eau.way for team·hlsh bonori. Yadon, who made 7 ot 10 fteld·goal tries (the remaining Anteaters made just 16 of 49 for 32.7'fi) abo bad a team-high &eVen reboun~ In 23 minutes. She even lm~ her coach with some Improved defeostve footWort. "Lauren gave us a spade. o11'en· s:lvely, and she dJd a little better on defense, which bu been her Achilles' bed, .. Adams said. Junior guard Courtney Fergu- son had both UCI three--pointm and sank aD four foul lhots for her 10 points, while aenJor team-m&\e Kristen Green had sfx points, seven assl.st.s and three steals. Ferguson, who Inherited much of the ball-handling chores, bad six tumCM!l"L . ua freahman Shayna Stanley. who started at the point in place of Lord (as well as frabman Megan Aller who susta.i.ned her second tom AO. the flrst week of practice) bad six points, but was l of 8 from the 8eJd and had four turnovers in her collegiate debut. ~ e. w.tdl1gton 11. ua.., e.-.n ~. NygMrd n P9g9 2. Moore a. Boundl 13, J•mteon 6, Ulmer 14, Chedd 10, CNllrM 7. 3-p. QOall • UlrMr 3, Boundl 1, Chadd 1. Fouled out • Moore. Technical• • Nooe. UC 1Mne • Callaway 14, Blggina 4, Ferguaon 10, Green e. St.tnley e. ~don 14, Urtien 6, U1her 4, Ned 2, Ouda2. ~ goele -fefuueon 2 Fouled out -Caffaw1y. Tec:hricale • None. f MEN'S BASKETBALL !Anteaters sign two big men tf C Irvine, with three ~eniors on front line, begin replenishing for 2004-05 season. Barry Faulkner Darty Pilot UC Irvine men's basketball, with three seniors among Its top four big men this season, solidi- fied plans to restock its front line as two ptayers signed nadonaJ leoers of intent to join the pro- gram next sea- son, the school announced Fri- day. Darren Fells, a 6-foot-7, 240- pound senior forward at Fuller· ton High, and Adam Metelsld, a 6-10, 270-pound center in his sophomore season at Grayson County College in Denison, Thxas. took advantage or the early signing period to commit to c.oach P'at Dou~· Ant- eaters. Fells averaged 13.l points and 7. I rebounds for the lndians as a junior, helping them finish 22-6 and advan~ to the second gap in our program next season, round of the OP Southern Sec-considering three of our four don DM.ston ll-A playoffs. seniors this year are front-line He earned second·team All-players: Douglass said. "Adam, ClF Division 11-A recognition and being a third-year player next was firsHeam All-Freeway season, will have more game ex- League. He was also the MVP or perlence coming lo, but Darren tournaments In HawaJj and FuJ-will also get consideration for lerton. playlng time. A highly regarded tight end, "Both are mature kids and Fells leads the Fullerton football wtde-bodJed players who can team with 26 catches for 483 help us inside. Adam is a true yards (an 18.6-yard average) and post player and Darren ls an in- elght touchdowns thls {all. head-side-out player. We felt an im· ing into Friday's first-round CIF mediate need to recruit inside Dtyision IX playoff contest with players and I am excited to sign Pomona. Pelis helped the lndi-these two players who can male ans forge a 9-1 regular-season re-an instant Impact next season." cord and earn a share of the Fells and Metetskl wtD try to Freeway League trl-champlon-lessen the impact of the loss of ship. seniors Adam Parada, a 7-0, two- Metelski, a native of Poland, time second-team All-Big Weat reportedly averaged 18 points Conference performer, Stanlslav and eight rebounds last season. , Zuz.ak, a 6-1 J senior forward, and ln six games through Thursday, Man Okoro, a 6-7 senJor forward, he was averaging 13. l points and in addition to the newcomers. 6.7 rebound thJs season. Greg Ethington, a 6-8 junior this As a freshman out of lgnacy season, and Jim Paullin, a 7 -1 Jan PademYSki High ln Poland, freshman from Washington ~ he was first-team AD-North Texas Ing redshirted th.ls season, will Junior College Athletic Confer-be counted on 10 complement ence. He was also named the the solid backcourt trio of Jeff best center in the 2002 and 2003 Gloger, Mike fievberha and Ross Polish Shootouts. Schraeder. who are all sopbo- "Both of these players will fill a mores this season. Cool second half dooms Vanguard After bittlng half of its 10 'first-half three·pofnt anempts and 14 of its 15 free throws to Forge a 39.39 In- termission tie, visiting Van guard Univer- sity cooled off ln the second half of a 78-73 nonconference men's basketball loss at Po· mona-Pitur Friday nlghl. The Uona were just 3 of l"f from beyond the arc •(l 7 .64J(i) NotlCClflfwefice and 8 of 27 from the field PomON-Phnr n Vangu•rd n (29.64Jlt) after halftJme, while the V.ngullrd ·Kim 1&, ~rmely 19, hosts netted 13 of 29 Oeld -goal • D•tafu 12. McGee 9, Watton a. tri aft ,.,. b .... Incl din 5 Pierson 7. Ra.borough 7, 8urneu 1. es er 41e re-. u g 3-pt. goalt -Kim 3, Wormely 2, pf9 from three-point range. Ple110n 1,.McGH l , W1taon 1. Brian Kim paced Vanguard Fo\llect out · None. with 15 points whUe Horact Technlcel1 ·None. ' Pomona-Pltnr ·Erler t•. Wormely (13), and Kevin Dalafu Norman-Ten11noe 13, LloVd 10, (12) also scored ln double 6g-Wezler·Beron 11, Tumer8, KnowlM ures for the vlsllors, who fell to 8, Hollo 7, Fehey 5, Fftedman 2. 3-2. 3-pt. goal• ·Turner 2, KnoWI• 2, M-..a. B I led , h •· l Norman·Ttm~ 2, Erler 2, Lloyd 1. tu-. r er aour os... n Fout.ct out -None. doubJe ~with 14 point.I. Technlcel•. None. .. s.tl.wdaY. NoYembet 22, 2003. GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Sailors meet longti~e .rival for CIF title Newport Harbor and Manhattan Beach-based Mira Costa play for sixth time in CIF finals. 8?,ce Alderton OaUyPilot "She is tbdr heartbeat. but there ate • Joe of tall, talented Wt around her.• · The SaOors took the Mustanp to the maximum three games be- fore lo&lng twtce during last sum- mer's Ann JCa.ng lnvfWional. Newport tenfor letter and out· side hitter Alyson Jennings bad 13 kills In each of the two match- es apinst Mira C.osta ln the tour- ~ 1Wo girls volleyball power-nament. But Glenn aa.ld much houses will be on display when has changed since then. Mira C.osta HJgh and Newport 'We've got some dUfereot ~ Harbor battle for the OP pie at outslde hitter like Lauren Southem Section DMslon U·M Miller, who~ afantaStic match cl:wnplonshlp at 4:30 p.m. today (Tuesday night),· Glenn said. at Cypress CoDege. Miller, a leD.lor, taD.led a team- Thp·seeded high 16 k1lll and added four llel'V- Mlra Costa Ice aces ln the Sallorl' f!\ie-game (30-3) and New-victory over F.dison ln tbe letlli- port Halbor tlna.la. fi4·5), the No. 2 •Emily Turner (IJ .kills agaJnst seed, meet for P.dison) played in the back row the stxlh time ln Lin the Ann Kang lnvttationaJJ, a section final, but we have moved her up further1.ng a long-standing rt· front: Glerul said. •JCDey Hall valry. The Sailora haw won three has improved ln the rnJddle and or the five previous tlnals. our setting bas Improved. Our "(Mira Costa) has been a long-ball control has gotten a lot bet- distance rival for many years and ter. • is a good t~ to measure your The Sailors have seasoned team against." said Newport them.s.ca1119 with a schedule this Coach Dan Glenn, In hts 18th year th'lnias Included Mater De~ season guiding the Sailors. "The going for its third straight OF Of. kids are exdted and know lt Is a vision ll·A title, Arch Bishop Mit· real good opponent." • ty and St. Prands of Mountain Oppoted to prevtous years, View, the three-time defending Glenn saJd this year's Must:anp state champion. a.re taller, but might not be as "There are g1a.ring things you sbatp with ball control, an area see when an opponent ls better he said the Sailors have lm· than you that you can fix and the proved ln. kids Wlderscand that.• Glenn "They have one fantasdc saJd. "We'll see what happens. three-year starter (outside bitter There are two really good t.eama Sydney Donahue)," Glenn said, with great traditions." fl.E PHOTO I DM.Y PILOT Newport Harbor's Alyson Jennings wiU lead the Sailors a~ainst Mira Costa today tn the CIF OMslon UM finals at Cypress College. · WOMEN'S VOLL.EYBALL 'Eaters sweep Highlanders Wing's hitting, blocking lead UC Irvine to victory; Big West finale is tonight against Fullerton. The UC Irvine wo~en·a volley- ball team, led by outside hitter Kelly Wing's 16 k1lla and c.a.reer- ,blgh .394 bitting pertentage, ~ Vilttlng UC Rivenide, 30-1 s. » 23, 30·24, Friday r\Jght lri BJg Welt Confer- ence action at Crawford Court. The Anteaters lmpnmd to 20·9, 11·6 In the ~ WeSt and WW conclude their rell,&lat tea· eon at 7 )>Jn. tonight igalnst Visldna Cal State Fullerton. Bloddng WU the Uy for Coach Charlie Brande~ aquad. which to~ 11 whfle ur: .,.... aide had only two. Opposite Dana Kunbard, middle blocker Sarni Ca.sh and Wmg each had four block &sslsts and a solo block to lead the Ant- eaters.. 1Curzbard · and outsfde hitter Ttrbrie Tlylor added 10 kills apf~ for UCI, Whlle libero Brenda Watennan led aJJ players with 15 dJgs. Asblle Hain bad 43 set assJsta for the UO. UC RMralde (9-19, 4-12) wu led .,., mkSdle blocker Rosanna Parizek and outside hlttec Jamie OeKJewfet, both or wtiom regis- tered 14 kWI. SPOR'l'S P.HOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Corona ael Mar's Lauren Snell (2) and Lindsey Ensign prepare to return a Bishop Montgomery serve in the CIF Division 11~ finals. · CdM Continued from B 1 Conover said. •it took awhile for us to show up. We needed to swing harder.• CdM, playing Its ftrst aection final since 1997, twice led by one point in the first game. The Sea Kings' next lead came at 6-5 In the third game after aenJor mid- dle blocker Victoria Rice tallied two blocks in succession. the lat- ter counting for the point. Junior middle blocker Undsey Ensign and outside bitter Jordan SmJth then began to heat up. En- sign slammed eight ofber 10 kills in the third .game. while Smith amassed six of her ll tµl1 in that aamespan. CdM~ aowd, which matched and occaslonally bested Bishop Montgomery'a followlng in cheering volume, erupted after an F.osign kill gave the Sea Kings a 14-11 lead. Junior Breanne Og- den sprawted on the Ooor for the dig to keep possession prior to f.nsign'a kill "1bat was · cool because our school has strugled with spirit. ao lt was ·good to haw a big aowd cheer for us,• Conover said. The Knlgtu:s, though. kept Cd.M's fans subdued for much of the first two games, riding the shoulders of sophomore outside bitter Ashley Ferrell, who talUed a pme-blgb 17 kills. Ferrell was aided in the middle by four stuff blocb from fresh- man setter Kelly Ouisdan. two on consecut:lw points to glw the Knights a 24-17 advantage ln the eecond game. "We had a scouting report on (Ferrell), but she had an awe- some game off the b1ocb." Co- nover said. SmJth tallied 16 dip while En-slsn bad 10 di&9 and three blocb to go with 31 aWt.s t'rom senior setter Ashley Qill. Rice and Lau- nm Snell (two kllls and one serv- ice ace} each had one block. Jun· lor outside hitter Britta Nlelsen bad three lcflls while senior out- side hitter Valery Westhart added one kill "'The match could haw gone either way in that third gatne, • Nielsen said. "I was surprised it went three games. We were equally u good as them, we just Corona del Mar's Jordan Smith attempts a kill past Bishop Montgomery's Angela Anderson in Clf Division II~ finals Friday night at Cypress College. The t~seeded Knights won in three games. dldn't step up when we should Pairings are expected to be an- have." nounced Sunday. Both the Sea IClnp .and ·The next lime we play them Knights will compete In the and I hope lt is soon. we will beat Southern California Division m them,. Cluisdansen said. .'Ibo regf onah of the CIF state cham-. bad the final Isn't like the World plo~hJps beginning Tuesday. Series ~ it Is the best-or- GIRLS TENNIS • seven." Bishop Montgomery. the de- fending Division m champion, has defeated CdM four of the last five years in the CIF section play- offs, but Friday was the first time in a final. )l SPORTS Sat\l'day, NoYemOer 22, 2003 19 HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY FU PHOTO I OM.Y Pl.OT Corona def Mar High's Kevin Artz, left, will lead Coach Bill Sumner's boys in today's CIF finals. Fresno on their minds Newport-Mesa runners will compete today in CIF finals with state meet on horizon. Steve Vlr1en Oatly Pilot The CIF Southern Section cross country finals seem to bring out the best in its com- petitors and the meet is cer- tainJy gaining some great en- ergy from Newport Harbor High girls coach Lric 'JWeir. The Sailors are one of four Newport-Mesa area teams that will be competing at the meet that wiJJ also include Costa Mesa sophomore Jas- min Day and Estancia junior Alex Cahuanll.I today at Mt San Antonio College. Day. Ca- huantzl, Newport, the Sage HllJ boys and the Corona del Mar boys and girls squads are one step away from the state meet, and TWell is not shy about hls team's chances for advancing. The first seven teams in each division will qualify for the state meet al Woodward Park in Fresno Nov.30. TOOAY Crou country High school boys and girts - Newport Harbor girls, Corona del Mar boys and girls, Sage Hiii boys, Estancia'• Alex Cahuantzl end Coate Mesa's Jasmin Dey in CIF finals at Mt. San Antonio College, 8 a.m . ·rm really expecting us to qualify (for the state meetl, • 'JWelt said ·1 usually don't make statements like that. I'm usually more cautious. But I've seen the kids. They seem pumped up. I th.ink we're ready.· 1\veit's runners are about as healthy as they have been all season, as senior Lauren Paul has been learning lo deal with pain in her foot. tbe Newport coach said. ln addition, junior Courtney Marshall, who was lnjured earlier in the season, has been improving each week. The Sailors also feature sophomore Whitney Blue, and three freshmen, Taylor Bry· son, Uly Dierkes and Lauren Maddox, who are very extjted to compete in the CrF finals, 'JWelt said. The Newport girls will com- pete at 8:05 a.m. in Dtvislon II. Corona d~ Mar Coach Bill Sumner has also been confi· dent about his teams. Before the season began he booked hotel rooms in Fresno because he wanted to be prepared and send a message to his runners. There has been a bigh stand- ard at CdM, and this years Sea Kings plan to follow suit. SCHEDULE Community coll,ge men and women -Orange Coast at state championship at Woodward Park In Fresno, 8 a.m . Tenn ls High school girls -Brittany Holland (Corone def Marl in CIF individual singles The CdM girls team. cham- pion of the Pacific Coast League. will race at 9:05 a.m. In Division Ill, which will also Include Day, the Golden West League individual champion. The Sea Kings are led by sophomore Annie St. Geme, the Paclfic Coast League indi- vidual champion, and also re- ceive solld contributions from freshmen Hilary May and Outstle St. Geme, and senlors Taryn Kawata and Sara Oaster, along with juniors Ahlla Kat- tan and Melissa Swigert. Sumner's boys team will compete al 10:05 a.m. in Divi- sion Ill. which will also feature Cahuantzl. Senlor Kevin Artz, the PCL lndlvidual champion, leads the Sea Kings. who also include sophomores KeMy Wong and Jack Turner and senJol"8 J.C Turner and Bran- don Borcoman. The Sage HllJ boys will close out the day's action in the DI· vision V race at 10:45 a.m. Last week. the Ughtnlng. cham- pion of the Academy League, qualified for the finals by grabbing the 13th and final spot. Junior MlJce Voge, sopho- more Zach Olandy and senlor Ouis Oliboucas are among Sage Hill's top runners. chemplonahlpa at Coate Mesa Tennis Center, 11 a.m . Volleyball College woman -Cel State Fulltrton at UC Irvine, 7 p.m. High achool g1'1• -Newport Harbor et Mira Coata In CIF Division ll·AA flnela at Cypreat College, 4:30 p.m. COMMUNITY COLLEGE CROSS COUNTRY OCC ready for state Coast men and women's teams enter today's race after winning Southern California crowns. Bryce Alderton Dady Pilot Both the Orange Coast CoUege men~ and women's cro&s country teams will be vying for st.ate championships when runners take to the Woodward Parle course In Fresno against the best California has (0 offer today. The C..oast women and men eac.h won the Southern c.alifomia f'e8ional and Orange P.mpire C.Onference champion- ships behind Art Diaz on the men's &ide and fellow sophomore Ava Jones for the women. Diaz won the individual title at the Southern California regionals in MILLER Continued from Bl months and I knew It would be for the best It definitely wasn~ fun I guess J did team about the game from a different view. I'm just glad that 1 had to sll for two months and I dldn~ have 10 sh out the whole year. In Hawaii, I really wanted to play, but al least I could sd.D be there.. As the season progressed and as the Sailors won the Sea View League championship. Miller's knee gained more strength. She began to rediscover her comfort woe. Last year, Miller played as a middle blocker mostly. yet she has practiced and compe1ed more as an outside runer. 'Rlis season she was eased into the action as she wen1 back to outside hitter. Also. twice a week. she goes to work away from the Sailors. That's when she is in physical therapy. Miller's comeback has also been aided by the OF playoffs. It's time for her to step up. She doesn't want her season to end. last week. Miller delivered key contributions in three Newport victories. 1be Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week produced eight kills, two aces and two blocks in a three-game win over Villa Park an the OF Division 11-M first round ~13. She also helped lead the 20:50 while Jones took second (17:53) ln the women'$ race. OW.. along with freshman Humberto Roju <Estancia High), }Ole CasUia.s. David Ojeda. !twin SaW. Kobyar Naderi and Vidal Bartagon, helped the Coast men set a schooJ ~rd with a team time -0r 1:45:53 at the Southern Calif omia regionals. ·We did a real good job having five kids in the top 14,• John Kool(. in his third year coaching the OCC men and women, said. "Art Diaz was good to begin with. He was the state champion in the 10,000 meters and ca.nied lt over to this year. He is really consis- tem and steps up for big races." 'Ille men finished second at last year'• state championship. The ~ women are gwining ror their thln1 state title in a row and seventh in the last eight years. Sophomores Jones and Sandra Montoya lead a pack that in- cludes Annie Garton, Ludl Valdez (Estancia), Jennifer Sliwa and Jane Alder. ·0ur of se\l'f'n women, three ran the (Woodward Pad course! Sailors to a three-game victory over KateUa in the second round Nov. 13 and capped the week with lo kills and two aces as Newport defeated host EJ Dorado i.11 four games in the quarterfinals Nov. 15. Off the court, Miller also gained success as she finalized her decision to commJt to Baylor University. "The best thmg about her has been that her best volleyball has been at the end of the season.· Newport Coach Dan GJenn said. ·Shes one of those that plays great at the end of the year and hopefully she continues to do that. She was our high for lcills and aces and she had a huge match (Tuei.day) night: Miller conunued to show her determination and taJent against Edison in the semifinals Tuesday night. She recorded a team-hlgh 16 kills and four aces, including two which came when she served for nine straight points In the fourth game of a five-game lhrllllng victory for the Sailors. "My whole thing is that I'm a senior and I have nothing to lose," Milla-said. •All of us (5enlorsl. we're giving it all we have Md we don\ want our season to end. We have been woddng for four years for this so we mJgh1 ~well give it our all" •The main dung is tha1 we are all friends and most of us are all last year,. Knox Aki. "We Mre fortunate with the women we got this year. Ludl Valdez and Annie Garton have stepped up as new- comen. ludJ Valdez what we are all about. She Is our fourth runner now and our bJgest sur- prise.. Knox saJd the key to the suc- cess of both teams has hinged on ~pack running.. "Ava and Sandra a.re the front- runners on the women's side and there is a pact or four of ftve girls that wort well together right be- hind them," Knox saJd. "It ls the same thing on the guys side. Anyone could step up on a gtveo day.• Knox i&ld teams lo beat on the men's side include San Bemar- cllno Valley and Glendale from Southern California and Ameri- can River. El c.amtno and River- side, along with Hartnell, figure to vie for the state title In the women's race, which covers 3.1 miles. The men run four miles. "The ldds are healthy, vecy ex- cited and anxious at the same lime," Knox said. seniors; It's our last chance to do what we want to do: Miller continued. •tt makes us work: hard. We all want it. There's not one person who wants It more than the other. We all want It just as bad." While Miller has had the desire, she has been able to forget about the pain in her Jenee. It's there but when Mira c:osta comes to play, Miller will too. •it's hard for her to go fuD-tbrottle all the time. bur she ldnd of saves it for those matches.· Glenn saJd. ·u·s Just 1ough for her. She was able to do ir (Tuesday! night She really stepped it up." CARMACK TIN§U~ANCIB ~'dAl3ll~Hl-ll IY!S Insuring California's Finest Homes Since 1925 PER SONAL INSURANCE DEPARTME'NT Now localed in Newport Bcdch lo serve Newport Be.ich, Corona del Mar, Newport Co.isl and all of Orange County. 1000 Quall Slrul, Suite 100, N'wport lle.ich, CA '*2"1\0 949.851.3836 l~.c IOS58467 Pi'non.M lmut.uwr A~ lind.I Htd""1n l1ntW! .wmKl•mu<~nct' <om Pledst> call Ltnda for a complele review of your pcrwnal insurance -=-~~ ....•........ , ... ''". SPORTS PHOTOS BY MARK C. DUSTIN I OAA.Y PILOT Newport Harbor's Matt Encinias, left, appears to be looking for a place to h1de as Thomas Pearson (9) and Randall Brown (22) of top-seeded Los Altos close in on him Friday in the CIF Division V1 playoffs. Above, Newport Harbor's Tom Jackson (16) gets a pass off on the run in Fnday rughrs CIF DIVISIOO V1 first-round game against Los Altos in Hacienda Heights. At nght, Newport Harbor's James Coder (82) takes to the air in an attempt to block the pont of Los Altos' Troy Milano (10). NEWPORT Conbnued from Bl tlan was a part of four Sailors sacks, which resulted in a loss or J6 yards, and consistently pres· sured the quarterback through- out the night. In fact, Khallftan was a better defensive end on the night tlw\ Los Altos' Bri3ham Harwell, who has committed to UCLA and ls approaching Los Altos' school s...a record. held by USC• Shawl Cody. Harwell was held sackless by the Newport Harbor offensive Une. Kballfian and the defense Um· lted the C.Onquerors to four t1nt downs in the first hall and mJ. nus-11 yards rushing. Los Altos had just 78 yards of offense at halftfme. but a 20·0 lead. Newport Harbor was able to move the ball throughout the night, galnlng 15 fint dOWN, but couldn't string togett'!er a long scoring drtve. Mer falling behind 14-0, the Sailors c1row to the C.Ooquerors' 31-yard line. but aucx:eaalve pen· Altf pushed them back and eventually (orc:e(f therri to punt. "We're not the type or offense that capable of~ tint· and-25," Brinkley MJd. And the Sailors' big plnera, jlintor ~Iver Spencer Unk and eenior tailback Matt EnctnJas; were ahut down by the C.Ooquer· o Endniu wu held to 21 yards before leavtJ:aa the ~ with an lil.jtµ"y late in the thUd quarter and UnJt wu bdd Wfth- 1 ' out a catch for the first time thla eeason. Alo played man-to-man oovierage on Link throughout the nlghL ·tA1o1 Is a good athlete that can run.• Brinkley aald. •n.en they played a guy over the top a lot or tlrnel. They knew Who they wanted to take away. ~t wu evident• Without big nlghta from their go-to players, other SUlon picked ~ the iJadc; but it wun't enough. Junior 'n'm>r Theriot led the Si.IJOtl With 58 ~ ruah.lng on 10 cam-. Wblle jun· lor recetver 'lllytor Yo~ caujlt four Pl'* roe .e ~ Brown began to wear down the Se.Uol'1' defet1M in the Mcond half, coUectlnc four doUble-<U&k Plnl. lni:IUdlnl a 20-yaid.toUc:h· doWn run wtth 4:08 ~In me th.lid quaner. SCORE BY QUARTERS Newport Harbof 0 0 0 0 • 0 Loi Alto• 14 6 8 0 · 28 FltST QUARTER LA -R. Brown 89 kickoff return (kick bloctedl. 11 :"'3 LA -R. Brown 24 pa11 from S.ndello (Dreyton pa" from S.ndello), 9:11. SECOND QUARTER LA -R Brown 4 run (kick bloctedl. 10;35. THIRD QUARTER LA -R. Brown 20 run (E1tred1 run), 4'08. A~ 1,200 (Mtimatedl IHDMOUAL RUstlNG NH-Theriot. 10-68; Enclnle1, 13-21; Rippon, J.7; Uni!, 2-1; JICbon, 2-mlnu•3. LA-R. Brown. 18-122, 2 TOI, GonzalM, 4-29; Dreyton, 3-7; Alo, 2-mlnu•2; l:.itr.:>da, 1·mlnu1-3; S.ndello, 4-mlnu1-33. INDMDUAL PASSl«i NH -J8dtlon, 1!>-29-3, 104. LA -Sendello, 6-10-0, 89, 1 TD; &tredl. 3-8-0, 32. H>MDUAL RECEIVING NH-Young,~; Enclnles, 2· 17; Erldclon, 1-23; Miner, 1-16; Theriot, 1·6; CocMr, 1·mlnu1-2. LA -R Brown, 2·37. 1 TD; Dfayton, 2-34; Gonzelez, 1·23; Nauroff, 1·22; t Brown, 1-12; Alo, 1-3. Newport Harbor's Trevor Theriot (44) leaps over the tackle of Los AltoS' Randal Brown (22) in a rushing attempt I • FridaY ni&ht in the Tars' firsti'ound Clf Division VI game against host Los Altos. ' WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Pirates lose in home opener Falcons rally from 9-point deficit. The Orange Coast Col· lege women's basketball team lost Its home opener as It could not hold Its nine- point halftime lead and suf- fered a n -72 nonconfer- ence loss to Cerritos Friday night. OCC the defending state cham· pion, fell to 2-2 on the season. The Pirates led, 37-28, at halftime after shooting 534lft (15 of 28) from the field, but they went down to 354lft (12 of 34) in the second half, while Cerritos shot 514lft (16 of 31) and drained 6 of 15 shots from behind the three-point Une. Sophomore All5a Carrillo · led the Pirates with 23 polnta, netting IO of 16 from the field. The Falcons (5·2) were led by Brittney Thomas and her game-high 29 points. OCC sophomore Kirsten Von 1\lngeln grabbed l 0 re· bounda and ICOred elght pointl, while Biava Arganda scored 11 polnts Cor the Pi· rates. and Rhondl Naff had nine. ' T ........... • Liii'--...... an•_,Ull ai,c.m.ecw..t1 .. Cir ........... ............ .......... ..._ eon •aaa ~~· ......,.,. ....... I. SU8JfC((,lto C11· ,.-i.r1 c.nt•. too 1000 W c..tt Hliflw1y SOMMAllY. Aeqv•t lo 1•deHkl• an H1Sl1n1 con1111•1cl1I property H lW"" Newpott Au tosport and Wht M• ""'· fhrH eal1tln1 b11ildh111 tot1lln1 •P prul"'tlel{ 17,000 ,quire '" will be cMlftOllWcl 1r1d ttplKICI woltl tot ll ,300 •q111111 loot 111tomo0lle wles bllikfm, ind two "'"V olllc• bulldlnp totahns 11>9ro1t1111111r 12.soo souar• fMl. Tltl 1tquest etso HKlucles • Pff~ona modification to 1Uow the PfOiecl to b• developed without provlclin1 the minimum number ot patlllna IPKH r•QUlred by the Zonln1 Code APPLICATION· Use Petmlt Ho 2003 026 Ind Oevelopmer1t Plar1 No. 2003 002 (l'A2003 174) CEQA COMPLIANCE. ~t 1111 City to 1wi.c1 the tlfOfdlbll units lost APPi ICAT~· Cot tel lt~nllal Oevelo(Mnlnl l'ermit No 2003 002 (I' A2003 18 l) CEQA COllU"l.IAHCC , Thlt ~ .... ._. •e•-'4. iJM It llu Mtll 4-twm!Md tt111 11 II cat .. Ol'il' :tll)' tltlllpl 1111dtr Ille reQll!femenb ol the C.lltorni. tnvl ronl!llfltll OU•hly Act under Cit~• ) (1'11w Con1huc.Uor1 or Con· vwaion uf Slfttll $ttuc \IMU) l'ubllshed Newport IJ11ch Cotta lh$a 01tly Piiot No1re~ 21, 2003 S.507 ..... ~a:. lwOlyef...,.. .... ,..~ .. 1 The City ol Newpotl Buell cletltes lo con· sbuct an 8,000 squa1e loot lore sUlllon at 1 yet to be acqutrlld site In lht Santi An• Htlahls ., .. of the City O.sl1n stiould conllt\loce lo the sprlna ol 2004, " t.00n IS the ltnd 1111 bfffl !Klfctlasld Ind I desi(rl contred has b .. n Ut· cuted betw11n the Coty and a dt~l" consultant lnternttd du11n consull•nts should subm•t th•lf Ihm'• qu11!hcallon1 to p!ovocle 111it pl•11n111a dHJp •n4 'llntlf llCtlOll •Ul)f!Ofl 11«vlce.• tllat "1111 be -!Nd fOf 1111 f11dllly Cit, st1tt wll re~w \II• ~u•lll~tiOnt ol Nell lw11. rm the lotms k.Md u119• lhtll ll'Uli ttut11ns •nd lhelt c1111pl 1nc1 with this ftfQ, •ttd req1111t • '"•"' ffom Ult. '°" 11nktd firm St•ll wlll tlltn 1111otl1t1 'lllf vlcH •nd '"' wltfl tM top• rflllitll l•m In ttM event 11111 lh1 lltlOOllklllt lfl llllSUC:«SSflll, •lttl Will tlletl rtqll4tll t PfopllMI Ir-tile nH I renbd t. m, oweoll•l•, ttc. The City 11C0&tlllH tlltl Ille C0$1 of pit p11ln1 qu1tlflcallo1n •llttls the project cost, Tllo City dltcouraata the uM of 1apenalv• •nd tlaborate pre11nl1tlo11 m1terl1l1 end 1r111h1ca, 1114 1.i.s lll•t con~utt anb k1tp lllelr re 1f0n•es concise a11d umple. The Rf Q 60e• not commit the City to PO the con1ull1nl's coit1 nl pr1p11 Ina Its Q4.l.tllflc1ti0f!S, nor lor lntorvlew1n1 and ne10 llalllt8 Ille l1tms ol en a11eemenl with 1111 City 01111n consultants shall dellvv f1v1 cop111 ot thttr hrm'• qu1111i c.hom 10 Lloyd Delton. Pl. l'ro,ect Admln1slr1 tllf, 011 or btlOft Dt camber 15, 2003 Qu11tlon1 colftunl"I 11"1 R• Q may be di· r9't•4 to Ml Oaltoft at ,,..,) 644 3Jl& l'ubli1h1d M1wpo1 t hec.11 Dally l'llot Mo· Ve.Mtltf U, 2003 $15CJ5 ... <MTOf cuo.. ca.n Clf 0..-. S4\ ftit<»,Mw.,P.O.._ 14111=~ mu ... c..s...-.w.. .. ............. ......... '--,..,.., .... fCla OWi&( Of llAll 099 to wow CAll$l JOI QUM( Of llAll wa .... mms TO All INTERCSTED PERSONS l. l'etlllon11 01111 Ceclll• Bern•td, on b•ll•lf or rer111ndo Aurallo Pe11111n• Oomlnauu end Kar .. m Petearln•. Minon lll•d • petition with this courl '°' • decfee than1h11 n•mh n follow1 • fetnanclo Aurelio Pert lflna Oo1n1n1uec lo fern1nd0 A<>l>e•t Ber· nard, b K11Hm l'•rea rlna lo KerHm W1llitee e .. nard 2 TH£ COOlfT OllOl RS lhet eH 1)4WIO'lt In\• ••t•4' In this rNlt• llllall .., .. , 114110(• llllt l:Otll I 11 1111 ltt111 l dtt1tl4 Mio• to i.how uu.. 11 enr. wit)' tilt peloli.>fl toi Cbltll• of natl\e shou" llOt be er anted .. 01 IC! 01 lt(ARING Ott• 12/30/03 Time 2.00 pm Oeol. l 13 fllt eddttM of tit• C0\11 I '' tame u noted ebove 3, A COflY of tllla <kdlr to Show C•u .. 1h1ll ff publi lted at IHtl once nch •••• 101 four SUCCIHIVI Wftllt Pl IQf to Ille nte ffl tor f\41trll\t Oft th4 ptllU011 In tht fonow1111 Mws p~ ol ,.ner•I e1rc.u l•llon, printed 111 l111s county. The 01ily 1'1lol l>et•o NOV 14, 200J MAaJOltl lAllO CAITflt, JUl>OI Of TMI Sbl'fttOl COUIT Publlalltll Newport Beeclt Costa MclH Oa~y Pilot November 22, 29 Decembet 6, 13. 2003 S.507 AdlllM ...... •s..... Th• tollowlna penon' art doln1 buslne" ts •> Cdc .. 111« Propttlits, b) lclaewal•r Really ~) fditwater llon\41.S d) F d11water tnv11lmtlftls. e) Ed1111uler Cruup, l6942 Pacthc Coast Hl&hw•r 1101, Hunton& How to Place A IOfl 8141 It, CA 92fl49 MlthHI W hclol!lll'IO• If, 16!M2 ~lhc Cout li11flw1~ 1101, Hunllnc lO!t 8fftll CA 92649 StKff CL [v~I moff. liM2 l'acillt Coat\ Hlltlway 1101, l41.1nt111tto11 B .. cll CA t2649 This bu1lll"~• 1, con dlKlld lly husb1nd •nd "'"' Heve 'l'O.. tllfttcl l\01111 bualno a yell No Mlc:h••I W ( vdO!lhoolt &tecM C l C vc!Ollltnoff lht. 1t1.l11Mnt wu l!Md wuti th• County Clerll ol Or1111• County on l0/17/03 20036tnti. Oatly Pilot Hov 15, 22, ZCJ, O.C 6. 2003 S1503 ~ ...... •S....-. lhe loltowlna penons tr• dotn' busk\111 u •) Ehle At1I Esl1te & Moflall' S.,vtca, b) Elite Aul hlat1 lo Mort1•1• 8roller11• COfp. c) Cltte M0<t1111 & Real htate Se<vltH, 711W.171h SI H7, Cos I• Mesa. C1lllo11111 92627 Del Staudtnett, 216 tusltn Ave , Newpo.t Beach. CalofOf n11 91663 This busonl\\ os con· ducted by· an Uldtvldual Han you sl11led clolo& business yet? l'lo Del Staudon1tf CLASSIFIEAD SaUday. November 22, 2003 87 -----llplllallcla 2141 fhls 111t11Mflt '"'' hied \lltlh the County Clttll ot Or•llJ• Count~ on 11/ZllOJ t.OoaltlHJ7 D11ty Pilot Nov U. it. Ott. 6, u. 20()J ~'5()1 CAAU Tl WfSt LV w:c.111 The tPl>lic:anl• Ntted •bo" .,, awtvtn1 lo Iha Otpattme11t or Akoholtc llt¥tf .ct Conb ol to Miii ekotlolfe btlllllttl at 19St l'LMX.HTIA AV( .......... sn 105. COSIA WSA. • CA92621 ... S...... ~ 111 hc•nu(s) The lollowona peru11s for 20 otr ,,. dolnc llullfl•n 11. EA NfO wtl'IC Mortland Mtdl~•• lntiw· Publlsllad N•wpor\ n1t1on1t, inn i.wttop• Bncll·Cod• M .. 1 D•ilt SI .. Fountain Valley, CA Pilot ~11.inbor 7'1, :!003 91708 9;A)6 Atitor Pll~•l•al Tllef n..w-..... epy, 1127l H.wtl4>P* SI ~ r 011ntaln V1ll91, CA ... s..i..t 92108 Th• lollo•1111 pe1wn1 lhls buslnen II con .it doln1 bustl*s " ch.lcted by a cOfponUon lte1Jty Cood lde"11 Co , tt .. eyou1t11toddoln1 12630 8roo-ltu"I business yet? No Street, Sult• It. Garden Reslor Plly1lt1I lh11 Grove, C1hlorn11 92840 apy, 11\.C , John R Ser1lo [ma11uel Sill Horsely, Prtslclent nas, 55 r11r Di , #1067, This 1t1ltm•nl w111 Costa Mn•. C1hlo1nla f11ff wolh the County 92626 Clerh ol Ofan,. Counly Thts bu11neu " con on 10/28/03 ducted by an 1nd1v1du11 200SltlJJ JI Have you \111114 door>& 011ly Piiot Nov I II I !I busoneu yot' Nu 22. 2003 s.49!> Seo &Ml S•hnn To Whom It May Contttrl The N11M(s) of Ute Appllcant(s) bl lh1s •l•l•menl w"' filed with lh~ County Cler~ of Or ""le r.ounty on 10/16/03 200JIH1fl2 Oaoly Pilot Nuv 1:. 22. 29. Dec 6 200J S1SOJ ldlt l11011$lllH, 2lll I Collet. Ot , Co5t1 Mtt•, CA92'2G Jui tin Robert T 1ylor, 2.lll Col(lt• Of., cost• Mtaa, CA 91629 This bu•IMU b tOtl duct.4 "' "' "dlwlduat Haft yov ''"'" dolt'I -.,,1n..1 yetl No Ju~tlO 'ftyl<lf fhl1 atel1m111t w•• llltd with the C1111111y Cltrll ut 0111111 County on 10/24/03 too~ttHH7 0111v r11o1 No~ n. n. Oec.6. 13,2003 S.!!09 Re-.. ..... ... ~ Th4 tollowmc per~ons '" do1n1 buslllfls .,. t08 INSPECllON, 161 Broadwey. Co•t• Meu, C"92627 , Cdwatd David Blanco. 161 8foadw1y, Costa Mesa, C1' 92627 This bustn•"' Is ~°'' ciu<ttd by an 1ndtvld11AI , Have you itertld dolnt b1Nness yet? Yn9/16103 [dwllfd David 81;onco Th11 statement was hied wolh tllt County Cle1k ol Oranee Couo1ly on 10/06/03 2003'96017' O•ilr Polol Nov I. 8. 15, 22.2003 Se497 SEU ..-----Policy ----- UtH4'1 SERVICE DIRECTORY By Fax (1}49) 631 651~ IPlmr•W.11•- ~~~..S Ofltll)W••h1h By Phone l'l49) 114! ~li78 By Mail/In Pertmn: ''ll Wc,1 Ba~ Sllt(I (\l\tu M~a.. CA 92627 Al \cv.pc.111 Bl\d & Bay St Hours: Raies and deadline arc ~ubject tu change without notice. The publi5her re~rve) the nght 10 cen..or. n•cla.uify. revise or reJCCI any cla\\1fied 1d11er1N!ment Ph:a.'c report .any error 1ha1 may be tn your clus!lrfied ad immed101t"ly 111e Daily P1IOl accept' no liab1l11y for any error m 11n udvcrc"ement for which 11 may bt: responMblc cJtcepl for the co~t of the ~pace actunlly occupied by the error. CrcJJI can only be allowed for the fiN m~ertmn. ----Deadlines-------. ""'"'*' -for All Your Home and Business Needs - VISA ....... H<llMI fAch Weft For Only SJ2 per week (4-..k minimum) •<.Ii....• 1'4" SJ Mm ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of &era 1310 lOUAl llOUSIMG OPPOl1'\M1'Y All real estlte edverl•s· In& on this newspaper Is sub,ecl lo the r ede111 Fair Housma Act ol 1968 as amtndtd which mallu 11 1111111 lo edve<tou 'any prelu ence hmllel1nn or d1scr1m1nat1on based on race. tolot, relf11on. su, llandlcap, f1mlh1I status or natlon•I oroe•n. or en intention lo make any such preftrtnct, llm1t1 tlon or dlscr1m1n1toon • Th•s newspaper wit' not llnowonely acnpl any adverloumenl lor rul est.le which I\ In iroolallOfl ol the law Our read•rs 110 hereby mform~d 11111 111 dwell In&' 1dverto5ed in this newspaper 11e •vailable on an equal oppor I unity basis to complain of d11 crlmlnallon, ceU UUO toll lree al 1·800 474 ~90 Old ... Style F11mltw1 l'IANOS i Col.lectlb6et ·-·-•S-..· ... ·~··~ EmtlSales 1486 General Fumtture -N-ewpert---.. -e<-._-fr-1,-Set-Announcements 1610 ...... dtl\ffl& lal>lt. Glu9 & Chre•• dne tbl• w/ctlls . ...._ Wlt1te IYt1 21cub fl 949 675 66Jo4 t -2 IOO's of AnhqUH •nd collecltbtes Cltin• Phppon Bna1ia A11\h,. Germany, l1mo1es. Dresden. Occupotd Je pin· Cius 111 &l~u. CarnbrldC•, Duncan Moll~r. Oepru11011. hau rinu, dresur boos. mon1lures. arl poll1try, Cloisonne sold end solver iewelry slt1lon1, silver plate paper aoods. Vicloroen chaor wood b1rr els Also prlnh lamps. patio l11rn1lurt 1424 Ltncoln. PCH/Oovu /Wntcl1fl/ Htahland/Me<1en/l lncotn follow lhe s11n,1 Gnge/ Yard Sales • 1489 •c ... -o.tM«• 444 Beaonle lo 2nd fwa 7-12 Saturday Only Found 1510 JOUND Blue eyed youna edult cal al r a\ltoon ht1nd park1n1 c•rese t4f-'44-22tl fOUND tel Newp<1rt Beach Pen1n J8111 St & W Balbo1 Call to dew ob• !M9 W 2228 Nt1•erev1 tr•••l•rt ct..di•· found in Al)fol 2003 any Info< m1llon IHd•na lo owlllf contact lnvest•c•tor Cennan CMl'D 714 7!>4 5294 Pm Of Ill YICTllS lllD TOii H8lt 400 ANIMALS RESCUED WITH NO OWHERS MON£ Y OONA llONS HUMANI SOCll" C/OPAWS 240 E HIGHLAND SAN 8£RNAROINO CA 92404 DUQl SEASON ,,.._,. Ovdi " .... " ... Cltllo apprO• I/hr lrom Newpo<l Buell l&ul tenl hun1tn1 •dlectnl lo stale w1terlowl refuae. owner\lllp 1nte1t\I C. app<oa 375 1cres of l1nd & rmPfoveonenh • you• own ump compound w/slructure ind 2 tr atleu Wonder lul Fri n11hl BBQ·\ .. wine 1u11n1 dunna duck season + m111y ntrul Ideal tor 2 h 1tnd\ or father lo 'lOn Cell Mike at 310 541 OBs. HOME FURNISHINGS Hlflt..fl-lttwte W. Newpert l ih. rrtncll COi/Che w1n1bac~ chawt love sHIS. Ir br & cl< Tomm1 B•h•m• furn1 lure, clrudan, bronzes, nrt.nr ........... ~ 11 o1 pei'llql. * n .. 75\-8)() ltt.e. A'-G-t'- Courl 1/2 Pf Ice, almost -· qi_, tllWI ...... & bell chesb, bbtro tlblt. • dlen. cHrll t-.i. Ind blbtaa -.6r...w.6 OUUN MATI•ISS sn Or1hopedc, brlnd ,_ .. 11 p9stJt w""6T Sec Sllli 1:#1 ddlver 949-~ I ' lledt lellth<tr <_.. 11cellenl condition $4SO Call day 714 848 1200 even1na '.M9 642 4281 IAMIS~BY RctMrDom Wll!lul & biKi. leether. IOOd condltlorl $125 114 567 0218 3460 JEWS.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 3610 .aa o... ,_ W.• Ga...., ~ tlllCler Persian kllltM Red T ottOISeShtll 111 shots $400M9-21._SllS H SCUI t I 1 l tie's Uncert.lnt111 H1ppenl Pel Owner11 Need Help. Well M1nntred Adult Cah & Older Oo1s need new homu Adopt Adult Animals this Xmu! 30 dey return Polley ·-anlmalnetwOfk O<I 3&15 Melt... l"'PPY ltmale 9 weeks all shots 0$700 ('4t) '7S·I S7f MISCEWNEOUS MERCHANDISE J~Sflll IUtlDlftOS CHHlY SUIGH 110 Up to 70" olll 30150, Soldwoocl.lnndMWln 40160. 801100 Can llOK "'* lll(M. Worth Otllvtrl Roy 800·$2760 lllOO "' 0) •3!'6Gl The Classified Advertising Department will be dosed on Thursday, November 27th & Friday, November 28th, 2003. We will re-open on Monday, December 1st ar 8:30 a.m. If you'd like an ad to appear in the newspaper from Thursday. November 27th thru Monday, December lSt, you must call by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26th , 2003. HA VE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING/ 949.642.5678 Daily A Pilot -.... ----...----..--------- I °""9 ~ 11-MJnwl 1111. fti Lacty ID --klcJ!l ~ t-is~mV ba/ear•c• Leh t1111, Cllto!Rie 961'7.3-!>Ui 11'111111 R Estate Investors I Smart Money M•R• zlM Ra11hd 1'11Slin, Tues es Che #I pl•c• In Ille U S lo mvHI inrulnl•t• Find out wh1 v11il ltlephonr 8: 'lOam· HXlpm Monday·Fnd.iy \\>.tll-ln 8:30am-S~ Mooday Fnday Mondl) Tue-.day WC"dM\day Thursda). ... .l nday ~ OO(lm Moodli) ~ OOpm fuc"1ay ~ Otlpm Wrdoc-ilay 5:00pm Fntlay Saturd:i) suoo.ry I houu l1om und 2b< 3ba uoper 2b• lb• IQw er. 2 car a•r .. l•unclry wunderlul condohon Sl.49S.OOO All Bob '.M9 631 1131 Open Hev•• Svn. I 2-4 Newport lsl1nd B1ytront w/p11val• bo•t docli Unsurpused qu1lllrt Total rtmodtl on '99/00 2b1 2' /.Oa • 1 tte1>llon1I den 38 I 2 C h1nnel Pk: S2.075.000 "'' David 949 718 1510 Open.._.Sal & s..t I~ ~05 Bay Hill Pl IC Id lo Hll 11 $639,000 2 t111e bdrlTf•. ;> !J b1ths ltm H11dkt A• mstrona P1operllo 949·718 4600 a 11' '--* Vu e.lcolwt Hill Ocn/C~t11in1/C1ty/ Sunset Vu :lor 3 5tl9 ~ SUn IS ZJ rw..~ Mex ~sroaro llG ISLAND r Aa&OISI AT tHl llACH UNOE• $900,000 RESIDENTIAL RENI AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island Balboa Penlnsula J lr 21• + Office 'l'uoly avail lZ/15 upstairs unit. a•r. f p $2000111 • ulfls 949 m 81118 949 5.lJ 71165 Coninl dtl Mar Cl••" & Mewl 406 Yl.Ul Y l lASIS JM NIWPO«T HOMES llU GIWHOY aWTOltS 949-175-4111 ... ...,..., Slown 2tor 211• nflWtf Cll pel pell lo lilt 2 c tandem 111 wdh- upi •at 949 293 4630 UDO ISU SlUOIO larp cloHt lo b1th, suMy txposure, SIOOOm Alt 949-67!1 6161 CANNUY VIHAGI Studio with 1er $900 181 wolh 111 SI 100/mo No smoke/pet 949 673 0346 CANNUY VIU AOI Studio 111/1a1 $900 lBf w/aar SI 100/mo No smoke/pet 949 673 0346 Ur Ar•· 1 Year Of4, ulot's lo nlelhte TV p&ld, W/O, near Ho•& Hosp, S 1300/mo '.M9 631 4984 WHtdlffr Lr1 :>bd 1t>a condo. Upst1ifs carport. 12S6 Rut11nd Sl3~/mo •714 8J2 1766 .. Heliotroi>e <Front Cot· ,. 2llA ~ callb. lace>. COM, 2bd, Iba, ~ ~. t dw new ~llchen C. balh, Ip, ,_ "' " ' hrdwd fir 1n tR l/c car. no Pl!I. st b: S1!a>n Shered W/O 949 6 33.<*KJ Aval Now ~ 3bo 2b• UPPll lt1••I b1yhont u"'' perood s tyle, ert vu I c 1•• 111 $7800 949 793 '631 H~ s-lst..4 C_ ... Gd aiuw -IJI "'"""-l'Blliot. ru .at ac.. 11 anm s:JD)otro, -~ Bln«Pl C"fflol Co"" nurly new 'Subourne' !>br. 6be luaury homt w/voew' & huae b.tl lt.yard Yearly lie. S9000m Open Sal & Sun 12 4 18 S.tndy Con Dav1/Aat 114 81? 5668 Rerats Wanted 7880 Retired man oo !IOdel MCUl'lly sett.I room ., ~ Beedl on Penn ~ ~ '.M'l fJr1 .(1;12 VM:ATION RENTALS Deurt Rtntall 7'15 V MA TIOM llN'I AlS WIS & llN'IAlS tNn Sfn1stPalr!t!nr1 t.ontad ~Anis 761> 3J3. 7ll7 tolfdeserMcabons..com AGT. 94'-21'-U St c-i.t.ty r~ DI iv11.1 tc"11a.ll'VV.a 21r, 21 •, Un r-4•4 lbr lba unit 1v11I now our~1n.vuY1 Condo, fp. com1T1unoty SllSOm 609 N11c1"us l'_l,,svle lbt Iba peloo. foteplact 1h11ed W/d hlrups. I car 111 •1~ Alt S1500/MO 9'9-293 4630 Ktnn Renna1 512 423 5626 pool, rr••1 louloon Act Call Phll 949 725 SS35 S375k '.M9 887 197!! 2.., 1.._ •'· upper. 1 2201 Wln4wer4 l-• car 111•1•. dm• by only Cbt, lbt 3' &ar w/pool 517.l/2 M111uerllt Dices b lime 4540 " • ~ 111Vs1 1Jt. rn. Sl!R> • uti 949!>1!>.au> 17!bl $8681 ~ 48S-76b3 Oc-flfrMt y..ty I br I b a , wood/1lu1 apt, views, ptr1\in&. no/tn* s 11!00 • '"* 949 6SO-J823 Star• I• .,each 2t r I 5Ba, f p, g1ra1e, p1t10, Sl600/mo yHrly '.M9 673 2507 S1111ll Ollke •P.CI, will rent Of wblene l ooll "''for e Sood Mluellon • 714-751 44!)3 • IOAESFOOSAU ORANGE 6400 COUNTY IXCWSIVI USTING CDlllDUNX 4b< 2bl hoU'4 + 2llf Iba unit $1,275,000 Prine only The Stnlllld Group 714·411·8955 <WIN SAT-SUN 1-S s' '° (-tfy (~ NIW OM fHt MAallTI Mesi v ... cto 3br 2.Sb• 1ernod llouH, new 111<1/ c1r~l/wlndows, appl's, pelnt fnaldl ' out. 2 Ip, 1rt faM llr plan Over alttd tieclltd $619,000 Jim & Leslie Flul THiii """"'°' 8-11 714-151 2181 AlTlllA G•ltd cnmon 11T1on1s1 mulll million dollar n••&hbo" lbr 2 Sb• appro• 2400 ti StH,000 CASSIS luaury home, hf&ll•'I pOl!ll W/ljl8fl v11w ol bay llo city llahh $2,H S,000 Slel1noe Meurer Pl1tl num Prop 949 715 3156 RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FORSALf OkRaofWICdon Property 5970 IWlSTATI tNVISTMINT ..... ~i>" 7 Cal>tns on 3 K, pool, ""6 vlorws, clow to VIII• fallb Income Mort unrb Clio.. RemH 888-356 O'l9 l MtSCflJ.ANEOUS RBfTALS RllDITollarl a I Sl'9 <•••• MH• hat• townhouie. mstr suit• W/bl Comm poof/ IPI, l tltd G111p •?M/ 1110 !M9-M2·5610 lorp llltr 2.Sloo lronl unit 1ar11e • tarpoll, areal loutoon $3300/mo 94f.J71-I OH M ._ c..-'/Jc pr, outsldl petb. pool, """' ... SNtlle A,t., lurn'd, nr w/~ Incl 103 Hwbor Tri Sq, COly, quiet, rd Woods $18l> 714 l!G-1925 did\, *Ill' . .... .... 5500 • , .. -air 2bt tv'pet V75mo 96642'2118 ,., N' pe do:. '° hcla llr $170... I m"4t to & r-.antl "· 1 c I" beach, vaul cells. •lovt, wd. SllD>9&293..t&ll UCI AlhlttlCI sHlr\ Oiteclor lllf Community/ Youth Proe Vtsll hit:/~ •lhltbc:u.a.eclu b r.on'4> lo*>~ Iris. cell l1n & mote IJ1 I , .. St .......,._2421 Me11I• A1111I lovely Cat.cl Comm, n111 Tllancte Squ•re. 2br lb• w/1•r • lrl1, $1095, lbr lb1 w/petlo, carport, SlOf•I• SIS ..... Riii peld. Kleln Mill..,m.11 Ul~ h19'.m Jlw, 21/ ... I l'f, I Clrport, l400+sl, MW 8"11 DllVllS l'AU·TIMI lo crpt. 3 wlncN>n& a'! Mon·frl. l>tlve nice cars $1950/mo 714-390 5870 and 1•t paid lor II Cell ,.... "'-ti...•, qui•t Dan 949-862 7474 E Slclt 2br lbt ltlplH, I er'· 1ood 1111 fenced ytf , 371 Woodland #8 $1225/mo 714·•23·4666 .......... , ....... t aundry, pet lo, q111'.et $1100 '1200 $1300/lno <•t4•44S·H44 I SIDI CHAR••o, lllte "•w 2bl' l 511• to•n houte 1tylt 2522 Elden SU75/mo 949 '42·5488 °'""' I S. ,...,.._ Jbr UtJti cllltom remod, fM'1'I. fp, NYOOll\ ~ '111111. vKlllt WT Nlld JZUXJmo Id •51S-2!il> aru, n1wly 11furb11hld 2 car lff, wd hkups, $2300/mo 949-1S9 0874 ntl '"""' 4b< ?be bw'ltrn. 2 lty. 21 peitm. wd ~ 2 c ... CIOl'ltf) pool~~ now lllrlna. ttle/ c1t111t11 11rve11, berltnder /bellale, host/CIM\1411, flPPIY In person M F, 24 pm 369 E 17th llltHI C~ . . ThUNl.ly '.'i OOpm l·ndol) 3 OOpm ..... 1-nd.sy S OOpm •PUKING• Cuhler1/Lol "Hend•nb, p/1, 1/1 949 223 8110 LOAM omc1u NHOIO Me lap Of I icenstf>C Req d Will Ir atn ()pi)ly M1el1n1 II /ZS www,mynlc com C1tl Today to RSVP l 866 784·2620 ..... ,__..(JllJJl'eud f()f busy r ndou1nolocv olhce 1n Ne•port Ourh Contact 949 645 88SS l.AaN S2SOft IN aW U lAU I he f I ull1n1 lndep'n dently o wned Ae•I l •l•te company Ir• Cal1IOfn11 ts •nnuunl lrti • unique, h11hly re ward1n1 opporlu111ty '"' a se11oned salo 11111 lessoonal We 1r1t ste~ 1n11 a loO quahty ••l.s person wolh a prnvM track record Yuu mu\t be utrem1ly c.ustomeo or11nted ·~••le lo a broad ranee ol cltenl leel1n1s and nel'ds end commun1c1I• with p1ercon1 per1un1v1n1n If you hev1 • strona de$ore to 11ucceed, I& • supertlar who fits the boll. and enjoy selllna. icnenin1 and tlos1n1. Ct•• u5 • call ~ 888 4S4 0'>9J ul 94'5 (Ovrr 30 $lies assocoatn hnt urned on t1ctn ol $250,000'" 1002) .... ,t1•11ht ef ilte '"_,...,, Irvine udol leclural office, benetoh • 40111.. e·meol r•,um• with salary requl•ements ocarcll@coa nel SAUS1 Ovtgottg '""-w/pllone safH 11p. brn U* & up phOfll 949 862 7474 In 9491162 7475 T eochl"I pet ••ell, O.,,Md & C.tdenbalfd w/m1ddlt •chool op Social Studies & lafl IUaae Aris • pit" Awfy •I Gr1ee Cllurcn & Sdloots, 6931 Edlll(ter Hll ...._v .. ~ ()--In Laa fciral Ct..i ss:s tor --,,.,._, m~ CLASSIFIED It's tht solu· tionyou'n searching/ or· whtthtr HIW '01 U ,...,.., J 0, 'npd. 23" ml, lull fact warr•nly "tver/blk llh1 CO. mnrf t91n whls bHultlul hka new cond fin •""11 ot91l15621 124,995 Btu 949 5116 18118 -·"·- SeMce OlrldDly AccOlle. ·NO Celllor nl• law 1 a qulra that COflll ac: tors t.i.1111 1Q111 Uttl total S500 Ill mott (labor Clf mat1rt.h) .,. hcenMd b, Ula C11ntractors State lk.en.a Board Sl•I• l•w •lt.0 requires that contracto1t lnclud• their ~ numbtr on aM adv«t.....,a. You ctn c~ tilt \talus o l your llcanud contrac:l or •I www c\ll>.o 1ov or IOO 321 CSl8. Unll ctnHcl contracton u-tn1 joh lllal total Ian than $500 nill'lt stala In thtlt ad~trtlstmtnlJ lh•I the~ art nol IH!•nHd by lh• Cfftracton St.ta I ICtMa Bo«d • PMMNG~ ~ taru...p~.COfll MJlrj '4'M: ~ Clr"'*1 A 1..,,_.0YMAM lnsttll, 1afece ubtneta ~ .... ~ n4-~ra Allllwvtca -,.,.,, ·•s ........ , Connrllbla, 0111lnal owner, sollct car. flUlll .. Sl&5X> cCx> 9&7192!Kl (..tllec .... c..-SOlr m1. blk/b111 llhf, bl\ carrla&e 1001. 8oM CO. Mn fm, tlvm whls. 1old jlll1. boolls/rteotds, like ntw S8995 "'5!17211 Blu ferfl ••1 , __ Ol low t4t·S6a-18H ml boob/r-ds. 2 ..... ..-,.c._ owners, melellJc b111 1undy. fully loaded Ce4111ac 'ti OeVllle 1ar•1ed/non smkr mu&t wl11le 'o•trMal ltlv low '" lo app<eclal• S3995 m1. buuhtul or111nal v'46nl i.t 949-sa&-t• c:ond, lnaldt a out. clllm -.ecft.ri"c- whls, 10 disc C, '3295 Bkr 949 ~86 1188 FORD TEMPO '9() _.....,Le- CdlU.C 'tJ DeVIHa Whtll/Nltneal I low ml buulitul OI cond ""* a C>Ut, ctvm whls. S29'J!> ""'. 949 5116 11118 ___ _,.._ OwyaJer ... s.twi., lXI Conv. llk actual m1, m•l•llic Cf een tan Ith• bl.Kil toe> beautiful Ilk• new cond S79'Y.> 1 .. m v l!l6171 8IW 9&6116-IB ..... ,,.,... coav1n1 •••CH Auto ac. 111 power, white/rid lnl11, beau, run• 1tron1 f7500 obo 949 244 3324 ---------ttH Ii r 'l ' ,!. r .1• 1i~ l (''I 1\1• 1• SELL your stuff tm>ugh classifleM Gr•1. auto 714 9!>1·010S Or-" '00 ..... lS 33" metalhc: stlV8f blue arey llhr luHy to.did, Ilk• new c:e>nd 110.999 "'95572l ..., ••1• -w.ec,.t.l.c- M-49 't7 A.ct..-4 2dt <.oupe EX. V tee: en1lne. 6911 ~rre1 lthr. &Ml. buutlful unmarked cond. 1•111tc1. non tmllr $1495 vt01267!11 Bkr 98Sllll!8~ JAGUAl I tt• VDP lO•ftd. 17K ml, olnV 11111eous, SI 3,7!>0 Pvt l'arty, 949 494-0011 c.,,.. Cllllllng On Al ClrpeC. FunM &~~ ~~ s.. .... ........... "" • ?.$ ... &perina ~a.n.s F.E6-. C.,.C ..... /11111 ~CMPn•<.MPn• lteoa,,.a, PatcllinJi '"'tall eout•-· •nu • ~ WllolHltal 94 92· c..., ..... inh -~YM '-• '\t~~~~ C..-lllplltf. 1s,_.. ... ,._ WyMotr. •IS i:1 KQIS o Q UJ •KCU Tbt bldJiila ha oroteeded; ~~~pl~\\'ln HOa'Rt P.Asl' soaru •• .... 1 3• 4o ' What do you bid now? Whill ction do you llU? Q J • Ylllncrlble. you hoW: Q' • e.t·Wctt ~ 16 Soucb you bold· •A Q S l;'A K 6 0 A .. J•AKJ6 Wlia& is )Ul.I' opaUftl bidt Q 4 . 2-l·WC*l YU.lomablie, u Soudl you hold: ----<OSTAMISA l9KOlM MU<UIY ~I LIM96t S1-r-e., c.11(.S, 6 ~ 7'5k ml, wsr.nty. -.oof, ro (67lOS9) fl9.915 'Ol~C-*­_,., MoooRool,CO.Shwll (611972) 119,115 Wu...61,....,...._ ....... Top of thelllw. ulfi.. --plla. ow. Nev Sys, Moonrool. Lo.diMI ' llrlCOln Cwtlfi9d (mll63) 141.1e 114-S&SUO COSTAllSA tsOUI lllQIY .....-... ,,..,.,... st 2dt c0U9t, auto l11N1 loaded, white, mnrf, alloy whls, bttutlful cond $599!> v89724 I Bkr t4t-H6-18N -...-..-J....-'94 IU• V-4- Plall rMl•lllc red tan ttllr, ~aultlul otllin•I cond, must tea to eppredatt, saraaed. non 1ml11, $6995 v702S71 8k1 949 586-1888 --.-qMllW.- Concnlll......, 8ricl 8&.di Se-Tiie Cclnc7e P.UO, 0r_, Flreplc:, BBQ. ltef's. 25Yra he Terry 7l4-567·7S94 C.0..-._., w.\ CMWll. hA. a... 111. ~--~ jllb '°° .... 714-61$< .,.. Nllllll 11 YGUaMOtal ....OVUl•t "°'"" C1ll a ~kunber, ptlnter, endym1n, Of any e>I the r;•t wvlces ltslacl • Ill 0111 wvka dwtclC>fyl THtSC LOCAL SVC f't:Of'l.C CAif HUP YOUTOOA't't ~ ..... wrmtOlfl Dtr'fWAU. All pl\Hff arnllrJ..fob• CUM~ra f , frM • l 71~1447 BlclltCll ..... IAAU. IOI DH•t locll. Qlitd Response Ho"le, Yard f. Ol)ck Elect 3)~~~ ..... 70Cl ALL """ <:# W.CTM'Jll.. f'IKl'WJ NfMW> .. AEPMlfD lDl571lm ...... 1 ... "' , U I ~ I ------- COYl IOTOllG AUOtM'OO llecll, w/1111 lnltr IJVOI02 Olscounltd IMWHlle'ff llllcll. tan Inter 11'19971 Must Stll · IMWSUl 'tl lronll. In lfll• r/$491 M11st Sall IMWS281e'OO "'""· tanlllt11 ~7 Otscovnted 8MWSICM'01 Whit•, tan 12"'6 Must Set B hfN !l40I '99 Blue, sr•Y lfftat tV2\ 11 Must S.U BMW T.oia '00 Bronie/tan '9158 Discounted 8MW740le'OO ISIKt., tan Inter 'V943S Discounted BMW 740ll '01 Blue/1tty •2843 Mull See tMW 1con ·o1 Sltvw. 11ey •VlliO!> Grul Buy BMW 740il '01 Wlllte. crey '39!11 Gr•t Buy <MvT ..... '02 Bleek. lfey fV4367 C<aatBuy ........,hw, .. ''2 !fed. black t V8109 Discounted MM~sttS LAND lOVll 2000 Oitcovery h SD7, dual moonrls, rtar jump sub, Mated net fac werr 36,000 ml, $21,900 ~khl714-212~1fil UllUS SUOO 'U Traction conllol, heated ~Hts, ovtrdflve, mnrl, clvoma whl&. new twes Naumlch1 sound sys. 12 dlan1e cd, spoiler, blue/ tan, very clean $9750 949 244 3324 MHce4ea 't• C210 BHutllul balck/crum fully loaded, showroom Wout '9251> 714-751·2464 BakalllMca A<nOUI W<1IK W.W. ... .... W.&~ ..... --........... 714'-146-6130 lUSl .... y,_~,Ywd ci. ... up. MaHlttntnea, $tlfllltli. Re,•lr, Ha11Nnc (!!t)6.llM711 s.,,... $46 't7 lleck. ltn 13548 Gtht Deal ~Xl•'ff Blue. fin fV7947 Dllcounled -....,.'00 ~Mn.tan fl280 Muat SaH ,.......,. ... Red, Ian 101159 Crttl Deel MD«DU CUO '02 -Blact., bleck IV9Z11 Discounted MERCEDES El20 '01 Blecll, lllacll fVS458 Obcountad MERCEDES E320w1 '99 Gree11. !Jn IV4581 Grett Dul MERCUXS Ml!l!I 00 Stlvtt. bl.U 13859 Creal OHi MERCCOES S500 '9!1 Wll•t•. tan 136!!0 Dlsc:o11nlecl MD<IDIS SISOO '00 White. ten ll0580 Must Seti MINI coona 'OI Bki<.,lflY I0962 Mvst Sell POltSOfl <-'rw• ••• Black, black 1Vl06I l);scounled ~(sreN 'ft Blu.. uay t V6CM9 M111I Sell Qvala M•n1usl '01 Sliver. blacll IVOl39 Oisc:ounled ftt..6SO..St1S U-.-'00 lS '10 V•, Ilk actual ml, cham Paa.na/IJay lthr, mrwf. co. dw-Miis. r.uper• as new cond tllf oullht. ~~recotds, SI0,995 ~BktfM9.516-18M -·~-MHce4M •ts 1120 81Kk/bltl beaut, t ll opt, none nicer. MW mejor ~. Sl0.250 714-751 2464 'tl ..... ~31.k rri.~Orn.W--. thMruam mid ~ $2'2.500 714577.(W) .....wt.MllO WMWUIS 5a ml. (l .. 10) ···-w~ v--IUI """ U•t2) W.• ..,,~~ AStul (198081) ••• ., ....... u..o Siver. lowl'lll (194631) 117.980 .,,._ .. a.. 4tklN (117!11) 149.910 .,,._.u.-.. 1~ OUMI. ptlolld to ... 0•2> w.w 'fSM~U.00 Wtllta,Mkml 091136) 25.910 .. ,~SU.JO ...... Gmf (19159) 128,!llO ,., ,..,.,... SI.HO .... ,.,. Whit• (19020) 121.980 '9•~fOOSC-6711 mi (191152) fl2.!llO -..v ...... ,___, .. ,,. (19128) $9,!llO Mf..574-7177 Pll1l'S 111'0 ;'CJ 'r• ~ .. tuoo s.o orte o-tull boob a rteOfdl, blll ltlw, chrome will, beautiful otiC cond, must SM to •PPfacbla $4995 v968734 ~, .... s ........ -·~·- ..,._ Auto ....... a>. ,, ... ... <-~) SU.tm:> -~ .. ~,.c.,.tom w..a>.21Kml (l1N7) llU OO WSl·JOf S.-t ""'1AMG, BoM. lllultl C0, 2 Tops (101291) PUOO 'HCHO Wht/tlln, Auto, 111QOt1, Nlc•Car (09921') $14,900 tf~AmtSI Auto, A/C, CO. It-~ (M3U7) f l0.900 "....._ lkllitld. LoeOld. Saa. "'"'" (O!M773) $16,900 -~QOO WhVTan P&.llftlHll S.1a, Low Ml, CO (0992111) $25.900 ..,~ llll/Tet1,a>,HMa Alldio, LoedM (046903) S2l.900 ,,,1-#S.... Top of the Una. eo... a>, Y84.2l ('44967) f l9,900 ..,. • ..,.._.,.o HSI Aute>. 4WO, Miltl CO, Loaded (326Di) $1000 Merce4ee 'U HO Sl Wl\ita/len, immK 111/lMll rvns peat, new soft top, cmm.. $ll!D> 714151.ali4 S....'01SW2W .... 5spd, slick, s llvw, 1ray Int.pram IOUfld, bull\lful 1111• new cc>n<I $6995 4J5711., 9&511-.18 -···-t~• •ts Gl wt.It•, lotded, 111 options. lm1MC11lala $2500 714-751·2••• a sss s I IOA11USI llOORIQI lAUNCIM' : STORAGE u : -------· ............ 2 slips 01ll up le> 65ft. W1ttf, & power Incl 1lso C-wy VI .... 11.p 11P 14 55ft. ind emu. Or sltp up le> !IOft. @ vaunt IOt wf11ectaculir 1 views 949-675-4847 JShMoo.tNGwlt .. , bo1t for .... In Newport I Beach Cell Chuck 94964!10334 Teyet• 't7 <w• OX 60k + im. eule>. pw, pl, cruise, wtiit1/cr•1 lnl. 1upwb '5295 vl57829 7Sft 80AT SUP, Sublet Bkr 949-!186 1888 b Dec & Jin $23 per fl, -.-.....-on XMAS IOAT PMIM v ........ 'OJ ...... M>UTt 9&640«62 Conv. TUl'bo blvblk. ll'OO 1111, 1mm1culitt cond, * 80AT Stw Balboa .... 500 ~ Pll'ln up to 13' betm, • ....,, lty Island Colle tiat, AUTOS WANTED secura, 949-922·7777 I I Ne~ .... 50 ft I Shp avellable SlOOO/mo • cell •949·72.3·3143• : SELL your stuff through classified! STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • TIN lefal Deµrtmmt at the DaJy Pilot is pkaml ro announce a new service now awtiillbk to nrw bwinnsn. ~Will"""' SEARCH the Mmr for you at no extra rha~. and saw you tk time and tht rrip to tht Court Houu in Santa AM .. Thm, of <0uru, after tht surrh u compkttti wr wiU fik your fictitious businm name JUlnMnt with Jl1t Counl] Ckrlt, publish Olf« a Wt'tlt for four Wt'tks llJ rcqu1rrd by law and then fik your proof of pubucation with the County Ckrlt. Pfau stop by to flit JO'" firtitiou.s busiMss na~ Jtatmltnt at tht Dasly Pilot, 330 W. Bay Si. Costa Mna. If JO" cttnnot stop by. pl.tau raU"' 111 (9'/9) 612-4321 anJ Wt' wiU make aminrmts for you to halllik this pro<edurt by mail. If you shou14 httw •"]farther qwstions, p~ raU us and Wt wrU IN morr than tfa4 to IU:fist you. G«NI /tUlt in your MW bwsinm! JUMIC YO THI DUMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAILA8lf. TOOAYI 949-6J3.556e .......... PUBLIC NOTICE The Cellf. Publlc Ultlltlel CommtsalOfl requires ltl•l all uS6d ho1.1sthold 1oods movers punt their P.U C. Cal T number. llmn tnd chaulleurs p1l11t their T .C.P number lfl an •civet· llwmenlll If you have any quutiona about tlla l•1allty ol 1 mover , llmo or Ch•Ulltur. Ctll: PUIUC un.mn COMMISSIOM .... ,, ..... , Palndng ,..._.., ......... Top Quahty, Competillve lnlatl1>1/Eal l1&48228 Call Jay 949-650·5066 U.INIOW OtQI IUINT Peiflttn1 Wut. HcuWA&it Qu~I frM •llrnlll l 7 714-636 1111811 •llMSIOnor MITJ laftllert SEWER JETTING EL£CTIWMC SLA8 LEAK DET£CTION f rltndl~ Service •••-•1s-taoc -~.awn •79'•'1'1 ....,_ I t I I ' I 1 , I ' ·' . I 1 . I t I I SUBARU ·· -.. ~ . . ....... ..,., ~~ ..... a....;.y '"'""C.VAToC."'a tanaoe. 2003 LEGACY OUTBACKS "#1 SELLING WAGON IN AMERICA" $ Based on RL Polk Co. Retail Registration statistics a of Year End 2002. (Includes Factory Rebate) On Models (3BU, a..-r, 3BP, 3BQ) NEW 2004 FORESTER XS . "AN ALTERNATIVE TO YOUR AVERAGE MINI SUV -EDMUNDS.COM . "A CONSUMER DIGEST BEST BUY" Call Ferdie For info at 714-689-2103 2003 BAm THE WORLD'S RRST MULTICHOICE VEHICLE AUTOMATIC! • SALE •••••••••••••••••• $21,99& $19 995 FACTORY Robat8 ... S2QOO NET COST •••••••••• $19,995 ' Model #3PB . ALL REMAINING INVENTORY NEW 2004 WRX WAGON "10 BEST" · CarAndDrtver.com "AUTOMOBILE OF THE YEAR" Automotive Magazine (Includes Factory Rebate) • On Moclela 4LC I .: I . I • I I • I I 2000 BMW 3231 ..,...,mtn ....... :.............................. 23,900 1988 FERRARI MONDIAL (Wlmll'7917················· 36,900 1995 BMW 323CIC CONVT.~o., .............. 17,900 2002 FORD T·91RD ., .... .a),ttnt .................................. 29,900 1997 BMW 5281 ~.,.,........................................ 19,900 1999 MERCEDES SLSOO is-t • ...,,... •••••••••••••••••• 39,900 · 1997 BMW 7401 ~wnai ......... .,.............................. 19,900 1999 MERCEDES CLK-320 ~ ... u ............. 23,900 2000 BMW Z3 .. " .. ~ .. ~n ............................................. 23,900 i999 PORSCHE BOXSTER (SIMnlM)wm ................ 23,900 1 111ar 101 IS IUS1 111 .,,,,,,,,,,, • UFEIJllE W8E, OIL a "UD CIWMD ,..., ........ ,,,,,,,., • ur11wr CARWAIHE'I • IHUm.E IEIMCI l'llOVIDID FOR IDVICE OIPAllDIENT • ClaDllDI l'U'1IOOM • CAPPUCCINO, corru, SODA a SNACKS • llllUUJ'ION Pll1TllM MEIN AVAIUBLE FOR YOUR,,.. Te~t Drive Our Full L111e of Pre-Owned Vehicles On Line <9} NabersAutoMall.com .IOo.t Ol9VY MIAO UI Auto. Ar. AMIRA~ ,,2SBP1101_, .................................... _ ..... o HOO Cl9VY NO U Air. ABS, Tow Pec"""9 A Low ""'-! (4tS181105555). ......................... _ .............. '8970 co. U.rhtr, Power s.t, Moon Roof, Alloys (47M/131879) .. , ............................. •1tao ... ~ .. ,..,., ... ,_ .. Auto, nwd Door. LS, CD, 30,371 Mtei (4'12'~·-·-·""-................... '10,MO .... flOllW W. IWIX M . Power ......... ~ OOOr L.oc:Q, 11t. en. ,...1111oaa1). ................. •10,MO ............ ,... POllliw ~ ....., Coi'lfroi I AWSpolw(4efllPl11SaeJ ............. '!0,170 ... ..wy ..... ... POl#fi~. CD,~ I Low~ (4707t:Nl&f15) .................................... '10,llO --~ ... --., ~Moon Roof, CD,~ I t.oW ~ (470712~15) .................. •10,990 II PWY. SOUTH TO PAIR • GO RIGHT • THaN IUOHT ON 11£MOR www.nabenautomall.com .... H, ... Mon. • Sat. 9lim to ts-• Sun. 10.... to dplD .......... ,.. .. " ... Mon. • PrL 7• to•• Slit. -to~ ..... 111H1 .. Moa. -Fri. ?am to._ •Sat. 9iila to 12plla .... 860°~!/IM ~1i, @(fa#, ?da~11/and~ , ~y vlews that tnsplttd the pleln alr painters of old C..Ufomia from every single room of this private Perarul estate within the guard-gated enclave of Newport Coast Exemplifying attention to detail and the use of only the highest quality materials, the home strikes the perfect balance between dnmi and under- stateC:l elegance. Kent McNaughton 0£ flrst Team Estates markets the home for $3,2.50,000. Tht 4,400 square foot floor plan offers four bedrooms upstairs and one bedroom on the main level, four and one·half baths, a formal Uvtrig room, formal dining room, farnlly room and dm. The redestgned cbef'S kitchen with stainless steel Viking and professional appliances, Subzero rdrig~ with imported granite countertops and dark frultwood cabinets. The overSi.ud parcel creates a sense that you Uve on your own private 'island In the sky.• ~ For cu.fdiilonal Information or to schedule a privllle wwfng of dds distfnctfve midoKe ~contact Ktnt McN¥on 4L (949) 719-2050 or (9i9) 612~. Also, ~ die M..v aialtne 4L WWlltnewporfftMionla.com. 2. Map/Inda 3.-S. Remu Real Eltate Services 6.-34. Coldwell Banbr/ 49. Cout Newpon Propertiea 50. 35. The Irvine Company 36.-37. Coudine Ra.I~ 38. Abranu COutal Properties 39. Bosa Development 4-0. Wc.IU Fargo Private Mortgage 41. J.aguDa Seuide Realty 43. Metro Realq • 44. Bank of Aiiimca 45. Co~ IUalty Group 46. Counuywide Mortgage 47. Kolar 8c Co Wddiab 8c Nialis Proudly serving Ncwpon Beach, Cosaa Mesa, Corona dd Mar, ~n·Cout, Shady wyon, bgUna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Dana Polru, MotWdi Btach, Capistrano Bach, Saii Juan c&p1dnno and San Ckmaltc. ------.------.. ,.:--,....: •.&.» a J I N .!'> N 8 w 2' ;. ,.,, ~ j i 1 •• 'I • I 4 ---~ -~ .. ,.,. ··~···· I N ·"' N 8 w . "' I I' r I ~ I . ALISO VIEJO Ill HM;llle $535,000 ••N.---SJ.525.000 IALIOA PENINSULA 2172 E. 0.:.11 C:Wlt DOW.Mm llG CANYON J Ru. Sc. Cloud $6,500,000 $2;'"9,000 $2.500.000 M101 Y1a c:.-. • m $422.500 COllONA DEL MAil Sii~.~ $s.9,000 COSTA MESA 211J Caine Vilca $689.000 2554EldlllAIOl tJtS.000 •. ,.,.. ...... 117 ....... ttJS.000 "19.000 M1'.000 CUSTALCOVE 211MdyCM "'9.000 Sun 1-4 SMJSur. 1-4 Set I 1·2 Set 11-J S.IM Sun 1-4 SlrlSuft 1-4 Sun, ... S..1-4 ...... Sun 1-4 ~ .... s.nu... .... fldSult ..... ........ aeuyc:o.;,.. 'tHDw'li .......... AltbAIUdt._, Shrift Grtmil ~ 0.WMa Nlnq~ IAGUNA BEACH 21542Anni Ln $799.000 $3.500.000 l»CMDr#IOf 9"5.000 _,...... $1,400,000 $1,795.000 ... Popllr $1,650.000 JI 562 Scenic Dr $1.019.000 ' Sl.Olt.000 LAGUNA NIGUEL Jl5'JllllNne $44$.000 32473 Oucrfaw ~ $549.000 2.B2P..,cW~ $1,639.000 25151 lbanW, ..., LIDO ISLE lllVll Udo Nord $4,995,000 UDQ PENINSULA »Cillr9o $179.000 Sit/Sunl~ SCS..1-4 9'1rMc.t6 w s.6in 1-5 llddDllort s. ..... H .... Rodt SUn .... Jll Ur. S.1-4 ~~ Sunl~ ConNe MlxMncl s.tSc.n 1-4:)0 .. ~ s.. ..... &,...Vall ........ .....Plil ~1-s JlnlrrM SM./Sun. 1-4:30 Tom 8eriMk S.1-5 SW\ l..S SllllDM ll..tinWldwii• W..M f-btaNIMlwl 5'.111-4 Bobellrt. SirlSlllt t-5 Sunl~ ~ ..... $@£. SllAillil.DllMw 1219 Llino 31 GoWilt ..... 7 J i "' !" "' 8 w ANAHllM $2,IM,MI New Freid CCMIPID 1 -· I KN ......... Hllli 5 bedroom. s.s blth home with ...... '°°"' and llbruy. QuckMer. Md .... Casie N N 8 w .. .. ... • ,,,, ....... _ .. Nlw .....,._. ... .,~._ .... or,.... MU#Ll2277 . _ _...._.,....., __ ......,................ . _._.... ....... ._ ...... _ ..... ,......,_ ................. ._. .................... ___ ....... '• LMIUllatu.cH .,,, ... 4 .......................... ... ............................. MLS# LI 1616 MlS# LI0319 .. _ .... .._.__ ................ .., ............. --------..-----~------·._.....-. ............................. _ .... ____ .._.. r -------- u 8 w .. -. ••• . , .. ... . u ,.,, ~ ~ I f • I J • I t fNDOllSED IY FOJ.MEJ. COMMISSIONtl. OF lEAl lSlATE OF CALlfOUillA PR.ESIOENr's rRfMftll 2002 TOP 1~ WOMDWIOE LOCAL EXPERTS INTtRNATl('NAl REACH 64 SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTAH YFAllS •rnu.f IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPCRI ENCE• COMPllMENTAP.Y u j I N N 8 w • -- LAURA GALE 949.500.6418 949.673.8700 YEARLY LEASE AVAILABLE NORTH IAYFRONT S3S00P£R MONTH 2 IEOR.OOM/DEN. 2 BATH -··-· .... •; 4 JENNIFER PRITCHETT 949.212.5279 l'll.!VIEWS Pll.OPUtv UTATE DIVISION TOP !t. NATIONWIDE • ... 949 .499 .8957 www.mcafooH.com -· --· 41 JULIE STEVENS 949.499.8957 www.mcafoose.com 17 J I N !" N 8 w .. I I BEV PAVLOVICH 949.499.8923 INGE BUNN 949.499.8763 ~ -----.__._. __ ·--- .. _,._,..,t lNLY 949.500.3250 LINDA TAG LIAN ETTI 949.718.2369 OFFICE 949:-422.6478 MOBILE u N N N 8 w • • J I • "' I I ;:;ii .. r I 8 w ... TUllTLI ROCK 1414,111 Grw) bedloom. 2.5 bad\~ ..... ...,, 2cw,.,.. NORTHMltll New dttNii'k ..,._ 2 bedloom. 2...., a • .,. it'ald'9d condo. 'I "I l 1 'I l I• "\ ""'""' . I,· • . ........... ""' LIDO ISLE OFFICE 949.72 3.8800 ~ ... --........... -.... ., ... ... .......... ._ .......... _.,._....., .................................... _.... .................. _. ...................... _..._.._. 4 NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 949.644.1600 _.... ----·-- "'4 • «: ...... G•rdon ' 'JllHIH'l l lll\Nl\t'fl .• u j J N N N 8 w :0 .. 9t. ,.,, "' 6i ti j ~ -... M ~ ~ j f I .J • ~ ! l, I ',I I • .,,. I • :...:_,~... .. 1•'r_. . . . .._...., __ .__. MARILYN READ 949. 718.2733 . www.lidOlsle.net SJO VIA LIDO NOl'.0 si7 VIA LIDO SOUO 336 VIA LIDO NOW 125 VIA OR.VI ETO 140 VIA WAZIER.S 212 VIA UOll -426 ALISO 1121 W. IAY 111 VIA RAVENNA 104 VIA ITHACA 30 ~UE fONTAINULEAU 3'16 CHANNEL PLACE I \ I flll I• 'l l """""'' '". 21 J I 8 w I I ... • ~ rj j f • I J • l ! ...... "" ROD DALEY 949.494.6208 • ,, J I N ·"' 8 w ;c ~ ,.., I j l ... • 949.718.1734 j JI , l I ·, .,. ~, '' •• • ! J • I ! CHRIS VAL ti 949.759.3738 714.883.-4397 SHADY CANYON llODl o• Tftl YIM 2002 RICK LANGEVIN 949.759.3759 -----. • *c::::::::::::: ---- SHADY CANYON BROKER Of THE YEAR 2002 11 J J 8 w SARA HINMAN 949.759.3705 BRAD HINMAN 949.759.3732 #2 HAM ORANG~ COUNfY SOCIEIY or EXCELLENCE www.h~c..com JEFF EWING 949.759.3796 LYLE EN EWING 949.759.3786 HALL OF FAM£ IN ASSOCIATION WITH ANNE TURNER N !" N 8 w CONNIE MAXSENTI 949.718.t730 714.745.0027 • I I I•• I \ .... "'' '. CAN SIMPLY COMING HOME TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY ? . @ CRYS .TAL COVE Every time you look around, you catch yourself in owe of your surroundings . Just coming home provides o dHper satisfaction . Crystal Cove ia more than 1imply a coastal address. It is one of the final opportunities of its kind. It is o lifestyle where walka on the beach and strolling to Crystal Cove Promenade1• for coffee or shopping come naturally. Where home is a breathtaking Invitation you share and enjoy. NAUTILUS ' by Leing luxury Homes NOWSEWNG From Over S2 Milnon 949.715.2020 __i NEWPORT COAS,.. ~ CUMM\INITIU THE STRAND by Brookfield Hornet NOWSEWNG From Over $2 Minion 800.610.8858 OCEANA by Standard Plldfic Homes NOWSEWNG From Over S2 Million 949.679,6528 WHITE SAILS b-j Ttylor Woockow Homes, Inc. NOWSEWNG From the High $2 Millions 949.494.0001 i rvi neranch. com/ crystalcove THE HOMEFINDING CENTERTM . 1.888.860.5 157 • J I N !" N 8 w ... • M ~ ~ COASTUNE REALTE j f i J • l ! For any further ~omudlon on any of these homes, please contact.· MICHAEL BRINKMAN, BROKER Your fWI 1emce IOcal m,,9'e.-qe 949nS9-0l 77 2744 E. Pacific Coaat B #8 Corona ttel CA 92625 • 37 ~ c a. ~ ~ ~ N "' N 8 w . ... • I f • Don Abtlml, lrolcer ABfWll COASTAL PMHHIEI 315.....,.A--- BllbcaelllMd,CA .. Ole....., 111-4122 Cell (114) -.., 112 Onyx Avf:nut:. Balboa Island. tJB 15 Encore Court. tJewport Crr:st. tJB Rlnov•IM i lldroom, 2 112 _,Town......_ Juet renowated 3 bec*oom, 2 112 beth~ i1 OCMM'.:loM N9~ C*t. ~ oounl9r tape, new ldechen, ltnOOth cellngl, hardwood ftoonl, and more. 1lne OCMf"I view dicks, llep19oe end latge ~· Community pool nMrby. SM the OCMti Md fMI the ocean brvezell Cell °"'1n Mnml at (EM9) 897-0784 ............ to '511,ooot ~ 1,' ; J; , • . . • ' , . j r ' :. ; : ~ / ~. • ' , ' : • • ,'. ~, r ~ , ,) ~ ~ : ~. , t '.I Md UI •MRI.MS CQUrAL PROPERIESwlltl )'OU and your f1mlllea the best Thanklgivlng evert ._ -.... • .t,. ~ • ••••· 0--aw ... £fllil1 .. vw... x.., ..... ~..we .... -' ,,_..!I.,.. .. MARQUEE STEALS THE SHOW AT PARK: PLJ\CE Gel ready for &he eetoad act u .. w.,.... .... the cartaia OD ill 'Wee& T°"9d ~a 'Jock ud lo' eoadomiinhua li&aayle that deliwfi. IDOl9: dme ror aw~"".,..,. do bf....,,.,. ha dae c~AIM .. ,_,...... ownenlaip. PreYiew the~ two bedroom+ den mOdel home at the daiper .U.. pllcry. DiNotcr'P'ciout, elepnt ia&erion, tra1-....an riewa and eaay 1ccc11 to the ... ,., ment, fun, fitw, dining, aDd •sntill Mniw of Puk'Plke. . LiYe. work and play al lhe MuqMe in Park ................. Wad in <>nap County. ''°''° ~-.......... J i 8 w ..... -· John Stanaland Direct: 949.494.2804 Cell : 949.689.9047 Jonn@LagunaSeaside.com F ealured Laguna ~each P roperlies ~ ~ • Ocean front condominium beautifully remodeled from top to bottom. 2 bedroOms / 2 bath condo. Please contact AGENT, KEITH FERENCE 6da · Currently under construction and soon to be completed custom built Mark Singer 3 be<VJ bath home 3,000 sq. ft. Panorarnlc view. !>2.550.CXX> 949.637.6236 !>t295.CXX> ~ VtiD. · Enjoy catalinwwlleta from this lovtly custom home. Wake up in the morning to ocean views in almost every room. Home features 3 bdrms / 3.5 two car garage and panoramic ocean vtewa! !>1J.85.CXX> • Beaut1tul ocean and coast.line views trom this 1.quna PM · Currehtly under construction and soon to be completed custom built Mark Singer designed. 4 be<VJ bath home. 3,800 sq. tt.!>2.500.CXX> Pennlt ready for a 4149 sq. It. home. 875.CXIJ Permit ready plans for a 4049 sq. tt. home. 6UJ.CXJJ Beach home Home is situated on a cul-de-sac with very little t.ramc and noise. 3 bdrms / 2.5 bath and 2 car garage. !>715.CXXJ Pennlt ready plans for a 3500 sq. ft. home .!i/65.CXJJ For oddilional informaHon, please call or visil our websile al lagunas~ick.com 1045 South Coast Highway, L~Ql!na Beach, California,·.'. Office: ~9.494.2124 * LagunaSeaslde.oom I ' 8 w •• .. ... Oceanfront Three Arch Bay Newport Coast In Laguna Located lri the ~v1te area of Three Arch Bay in Laguna Beach II this Located behind a gated entry in~ Beach ii a new estate Wtth fabulous meticulOualy maintained four bedioi>m ocan.front masterpiece. The view of nOrth cout and Main Beach views. the bt.adt it what ICU thit home~ &om the otbas. The~ hori:ie featwes tlve bedrOol:ils, 8-tt bGN, two balf batbl, a fonna1 There are four c.uca<ttng Jevela, aCcaled ~ IWn or an elevator. Spetj.tl dining room, a gounnet's kitchen, family IOOD1, livtng room and media roo01. features include fonDal dinJ.n& a libruj, den, saun.a and marble bath.a. 1bere ii a four car gua&e with pnite floon. Large pu.Ce1 with room for a pool nu. home ii offered at S3;995,000. nu. home Ls o.ffered at $3,500,000. For lllOre ""°"""""' aell Rd)'~ if CoWwll BaUr Ill (~9) Ftw MOrt ~, aell ~ McAfoose of OJldwdi S."1ter Ill (949) 4H-l 320, Cold-11 &Mltn' Rtslllal&J B,,,.1r9 ts IM,..... raidtrdMl Nlil 499-1320. ~ &mUr ts loiAleJ 111,31582 S. Cotat Hfll.Y., lA&1fM BtACh .• estm """fM#Y lie Orrul&t Cotmly, Ii"* 15 oj/laf llif4 tlOO Mia llliodlllG. Jlorr c.oldwll &miter ResiJnUW BroJttrd&e Is Ille IMd"'& res"""""1 ful eslllk lrrfo'JNIHIM "'1oMI 01ldtotll lfnJrer 0,,,,. ~ Is "'1t111Ablt """-Ill C0111fJ1111Y '" Ortua&e em.~, tfttll 15 offeas """800 sala llSIOdMn. Morr www.cbsoCAl.anrr. WUlll11 CAlifomU.., OJldweD &IMer sells tllrre of em;yfour I~ llbout OJldwell &miter Dnl• OJtudy Is aMIWlk °"1hu at - "'°""1f""'1114,_,,,IMS ~· Coldt0ell BilNtir RtsUlnll"'1 Bro~ is a """"1.clisoedl.com. OJldweD &mker ResUlntlal Bro~ is"~ of du 1'tn1'1M' of du NRT ftmllly of CtJM1"'1'ks. NRT I~, ~ 11MUM's ludl"& NRT f11111fly of CO#lptl#ies. NRT I~, du """"11's IMdtft& ~ ~NIU rul tstdte b1olftN&t CO"'P""Y, is• subsldlllry of Cnul4"t rul est4te b1oltmig compa"JI, is a 114bstdl4ry of Ce1fda"t OJrporatiml Cotport11Um (NYSB:CD). • (NYSJ!:aJ). Tropical paradise In Victoria Beach Th.is custom home in Lquna Bach ii~ to mow in, offeriJl& panormmc views of the coastlirie 111d C.Wfna J.sland. The ~ty ii located whhm walking dlstance to VlctOria Be.ldl and the new Moot.age iaon. · With two bedrooms, a bonus room and two !Mdhi, the rmdence feanua many upgradet, includtn81Wnlea steel applimcel m4f maple tlooil. There it men.Ive Ule of .We both inllde and~ and a bNuUlul ~ letf:ilJg j\Jlt • ofr the master bedroom. /:<Jr MOrt 11'jo""41Um, aall S.rton Rolltrl of Coldt«ll &1Mer'1 SoNlli Llf&N"" &«Ii oj/kt at(949) 499-1320. ColdwellS.nhr R~Brolt,,. fr llu lud/1f& ra/MNH.z rul at.k ~,,, "' °'*"" ~-"""' 15 uJfteG""" 8001111# llSS«ilda. WllllJ" CAU/o!ftill, c.olllt«ll &ltilMr sells tllru of ewry fow """'°"~ 1"f'Ptrlla. More I~ Mo.I CoWwll Bam°""'f; Couly ts~ tmll11e al www.cbs«.M.cowe. COl"*1I BllliMr ~ B,.,,.,,. •• ,,,.,.,ofduNRTfio#llyof a: 111 s ... NRT !"""""""*',die illdltM's """"""~I rul alt*~ ai1191MJ, Ii• ftllid:IMtry of ~~(NYSB:OJ). 8 w ... So, if you'd like more information, call today. Betsy Banker Account Executive . 949.347.1 729 949.212.4744 cell BankofAmerica. ~ . embracing ingenuity ~41$f 1"- Not all applicantt will qualify for redu~ paperwork bmdiu. All crecllt is subject to approval. normal credit standards apply. Bank of America. N.A. Maner FDIC Equal Housing Lender ti>C2003 Bank of America C.Orporation BOAA-1102 Amberhill has luxurious homes in great locations at The Summit New home community set In the hlllslde ~lllage of Turtle Ridge In Irvine enhance dramatic cncrton, while stet! flnlshes, Sub--Zero built-in Prlces and product availability are outdoor Jivtng rooms, cowty&rds, re&:igerator and slab granite subject to change; see a sales tttllis<Overed balconies, decks and cowitertops in the gourmet kitchens. counselor for detalls. No guarantee ls Jogglas per residence offer intimate Prom the t.eJraeed niches of 1be mad~ of existing views which may be arcu to enjoy Jetsure time outside.• Summit at Turtle Ridge, Amberhill's altered by subsequent development, Homebuyen are encouraged to tour aceptional access to Summit Park construction, tree growth and Southlmd homebuyers who want to AmberlUll's richly appointed model benefits residents who want to spend landscaping. be inspired by their rurroundtngs are homes and to ~ence the their leisure ttme outdoors. The For more information on Family discovering Amberhtll by Standard neighborhOOd's breathtaking Otlnge reaeational facility offers amenities Lending Services, a full-service Pad8c Homes. Set high in a hillside County loation. Homes are currently a.rld the ambiance of a private club, mortgage banking company, call (800) village, wtthln the pt:9 of The available for occupancy before the with pools, a fitness center, ganlens, 325-5363. Additional homebuilder Summit at Turtle Ridge tn lrvtne, thiJ end of the year, a great opportunity play areas and ptauc groves In a services include the Standard Padfk ncighbotbood off en a lifestyle of for people who want to move paik-eivironmcnt Design Studio, where Amberhill aqillsitc proportiona. Showcasing lmmedYtely. Additional new home The vtllage of Twtlc Ridge ls a gated homebuyers can vtsualize the perfect rare panoramas, a location within choices are cwrently slated for residentW enclave envisioned to be home With the guidance of a walldng distance to exc;tustvc Sutnmit mo~J.ru ranging from urly 2004 developed bi. around and atop some professionally trained loterlor design Park and authentic Tuscan Farmhouse throuab next summer. of the highest hlllt within the city of staff. and Fmicb Provcnal an:hitecture, Designed by the award-wtnniJl8 Irvine. Encompassing 1,570 acres that To visit Ambahill, take the 405 Amberhlll Js a must-see for architectural fum of Um Owl& border the scenic Bommer Canyon Freeway north, aft Culver and head homebuym who want to heighten Rohling & Assod&tet, ftve exqu.tsttely Open Space Reie.rvc and overlooking south. Culver rums into Bonita their perspectives. detailed 0.oor plans encompaa the established community of Turtle Canyon. Prom Bonita Canyon, turn "Location ts always a major approximately 3,038 to 4,487 squue Rock, Turtle Ridge ii situated amid left onto Twtle Ridge Drive. Tum left comideration to Bnding the perfect feet of space. Interiors feature three to undulating te.mJn that soars to 700 onto Summit Parle Drlve and go to the new residence, espedally for ftve bedrooms, two and one--balf' to feet in height with orientations toward top of the hill. Tum dght onto Crest bomebuyers who want an elegant five and one-half baths and two car Newport Coast and the inland dty Terrace, then left onto High Point. netghborhood wt th high-end guages, with an additional compact lights. Models and Sales Galleey are open amenities ltke Amberhlll," explained parking or storage area as wCD as a The ~e of Turtle Ridge has been daily from 1 o a.m. to s p.m , acept Bobf Roper, IClior sales counselor for dedicated 220 volt Outlet for an shaped by the natural terrain of the Mondays, when hours arc noon to S Ambedilll. "'Ibese gated estates have electric car Prices start from the high land. Approximately 1,600 homes are p.m. the~ dty Ughu panoramas, $ J ,000,000's. planned to include apartments homes, For det.lls on .AMberlsal, t:4ll (949) as well u ocean visw and ~-end interior appointments attached residences and elegmt 679·1207. For '".fonutiinc °" olMr architecture homebtiycrs expect from tnclu~ convenient laundry rooms, hillside aecutive homes. For new lfOIM dew~ by SIMulllrrl such an aclusift HtUng. Masonry tradiUonAJ Wood-burning fireplaces lofonoation on commt.in.tty amenities, Plid}k HOMeS, f1isU vencm, textured woods and ironwork and Vildng appliances With stainless visit www.Jrvtneranch.com. tVWW.st/111'4...,__.R~-.tt>M. •I. \ r-~'J.~~ ' "t' .. 8 w I H " ~ An exceptional neighborhOod deser.ves exceptional service. As I seasoned home loan consultant serving OtitnP County for over 28 years, I'm proud to bring my considerable experience to your neighborhood. I also have the technology, resources and Innovative loan products from one of America's leading lenders to make your next home buying ~fast, convenient and virtually hassle-free. ' A vast selectlOn of home financina options, inchJding: ~ PayOption ARMs :!II Fixed Period ARMs 311, 511, 711, 10/1 ~ Interest Only Loan ~ ~ Home Equity l.oah PrOerams ~ Fast & Easy'-l.Olns ~ Puretia. & Refinance ~ Stllted Income Avail1ble ~ Prim.y Residence, Second Homes, Hlah Rise Condominiums ~ New Construction (Rate Clp PrO(Vlm offers Interest rate protection for up to 14 mooths) Kfttn Budde Bnnch Mlftllll' c.11 94M22·2075 klYin_buddeOCountrywide.com Mmion VllJO Bf.nch 27101 Puett. Rul, Suite 100 Mission VtejO, CA 92691 Toll F,_ ~551·2008 IMne Brlnch 18044 Culver DriYe Irvine, CA 92612 PhOne 949-552·2777 ed.224 · Fu 949-552·2770 -~ HOMI LOANS Easy. Real~· .......... ·-0..,..-'-.k ............................ ...... ............. u... ........... c...-..... c:.... ........................ .. ........................ ftrc;..,..--· November Classes & Events Tuesday, November 4 8:45 a.m., Affiliates meeting Wednesday, November 5 9 a.m., "Trust Fund" CE class 1 -4 p.m., "Fair Housing• CE class 2 -4 p.m., "Valet MLS" class Thursday, November 6 9 a.m., GPA Committee meeting 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, November 7 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Monday, November 10 8:30 a.m., New Member Orientation Wednesday, November 12 9 a.m., MLS Committee meeting 9 a.m. -noon, HEthics" CE class 1 -4 p.m., "Agency" CE class 2 -4 p.m., "Valet Ml.Si' class Thursday, November 13 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, November 14 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Wednesday, November 19 9 a.m. -noon, "California Paper Trail" CE class 1 -4 p.m., "Foreclosure" CE class 2 -4 p.m., '!Valet MLS" class Thursday, November 20 9 a.m., Board of Directors meeting 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27 Frfday, November, 21 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Thursday, November Z1 Thanksgiving Day -Association office closed Friday, November 28 Association office closed Orange Coast Association of Realtors «>1 Ned Newport BM:I . N9wport 880c:h, CA 92663 (949) 722-2300 • (9A9) 642-4105, fax REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS LAW ALL MAJOR &MINOR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS LITIGATION • BUSINESS UTIGAOON • BUSINESS FORMAOON ~TOIS. PARTNERSHIPS, ETC.) • EMPLOYMENT lJ.W & UTIGAOON • !QtES SAl.Esn>URCHASES L>.W & UTIGA~ • t()ME/CONSTRUCOON DEFECT DISPUTES • ~ING. VARIANCE & PERMIT PROBLEMS • FORECLOSURE PA06LEMS • CC&R INTtRPRETAOON & ENFORCEMENT • ENVIRCHfENTAI. L>.W "Let Us Put Our &perience To WOrk For !Ou" Law Offices Of WILDISH & NIALIS I 111 I{ I \ I I ..., I \ I I ,\ I\ I " I 'I. I "..., I \ \ \ I 11< \ I (714) 834-8001 Visit Our Web Site: www.wlldishandnialis.com Centrally Located To All Of Orange County 500 N. State College Blvd., Ste 1200 • 500 Orange Tower, Orange, CA Oran~e Coast Association of Realtors 2004 Installation Breallf ast \Vednesday,Decernber3,2003 8:30 -1 o a.rn. at the The Pacific Club 411 o MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach Cost ls $20 per person or $200 per table of Jo. • tndudes fuJJ brealzfast. valet or self partri~ and door prizes. ~ Reservations required. Call Jan at OCAR for more information and on reservation form at (949) 7512-2300. 47 J i N !'.J N 8 w . ... • i J f • .. Fire prewention and clean up recommendations friom C3REIA A few preventative measures can help save your home from the threat of fire ~ Wtth a wiatberCapped IOOt that may caUIC 70Uf ~to publlc. Jntpectors must~ to spark matol'. You may a1IO coo.tMtef work inef6deotly and to a'°"1 a CRP.IA "I O>de Of !!thlcs ind follow ieplidni that old Wood ablb or pot¢tii1 ieipiratory h'rilmt. Soot the StADdards of PraCtlce developed shiagle roof With Oa. A roOftng and dust build-up m f~ air by the assodatton. imcer11J1such11 cement lbile or ~.ung ducts is a rommon aource of Thete Standards of Practice have cuamJc tile. However, make sure indoor air pollution and is known to been recognJzed by the State of that yt>ur roof framing support cause adverse health effects in some Califomia, and are considered the The Callfomf.a Real Estate system wdl beit the ema wefgbt of a individuals, espedally those who are source for home inspector Standard ~ AllOdation (CREIA) tile sntem· prone to allergies. To have your of Care by the real estate and legal tecominenda the followln& : .. arid afttt7 ducts cleaned, cont.act a llcensed commUnlties. prevenwtve meASUl'CS, along with Clean up u best you can bj heating contractor or a certlfted CREIA iequ.ttes its members to recommendations to wiSely clean up swffpb>a and bOstn& oft' the Uha. chimney sweep. To prevt"Dt future successfully pass a comprehensive your hom.e ff you live with the smoke However, do not hole large amouau dust problems in your heating wtttten examination of propeny and soot range of the recent fires of ashes down the atorm <lrains u an ~. be sure to maintain a clean systems and complete 30 hours of threatening the It.ate. When you accumuWion of this could easily air filter at all times. continuing education each year. have • dry winter with below a~e pllJ8 up the 11ftem. kinembet, uh A ~feuional home fllspector can Members can accumulate aedits ri.lilf.all, coupled 1rith low hWnJdity maket a:C81ent help you access through, various sources of education and high winds, tt ts tm~tive to ioi1 ccmpo1t ibd any damage to including monthly chapter meetings, nerdle ~ aut.ton both to prevent mats>& tt JntO your home's conferences, and othtt approved . Ott damage arid to avoid hutlier ~ .. ~ .mt TI hMn OJrb the spread offtre smems And actiVities. CREIA keeps records to com~ to your home's woulclbe tar O '..._,, component. Since CDIUn! that memben are complying systems aitd components after the better than to your hbme) strtJctUre, make 1976, the With the~. E.ducatioDal soot settles. simply adding it Califoma Real topla cover a~ of iedmical Before . . • to your normal sure to k~ jollage growth Est.ue Impectioli mbjedl Jndud.tng updates and To help cwt> the spread of ftre to ~ Atlodatlon advaru:a affecting the profeSsion of your honie's structure, make sure to coUeCtioo. And away frOir1 'f'!Uf_ home. (CIWA), a rul estate~· CllP.1A ts keep~ groWth away frOm yow dOo'l bpi to non-proftt dedicated to consumer protection hOIDe. ~•peen belt ww prcMCdft voluntary and eduatjoo. wherner po,lllhle; iUe and remove ma.k ,... ... ,.,..~up. iDmlbenhip or~ bu been To 1oCi*" ~ife.d CREIA aJl drf pamt ~ tbllmay MIOnNlf; .... MftlD~ ~education,~ md I~,,_,.,_, "'1l aBIAlll ~ oa ~·~·Alto, the lllllil• ,_. .. ODWMN""c support .mtca to the rul estate (IJOOJ J# 844J, "'""' ,,_,..,... make wre your ~.c:hbnne, II ~to notd the~ al inspec:tiop industry and to the 111....,.ateA.org. -• J I 8 w - • --@] ~ I i ~ IJ§j J ~ ~ I ·i f I :i • :~ i I ·~ w J I • 3 Bedrooms, 2 1 /2 Baths + ·~ • l I Office &a Loft ·~ ~ • 2,995 SF (A) of Living ·~ i Space on a 4,500 SF (A) Lot •Travertine Aooring, i I Carpet, Maple Cabinets, Double Oven, Recessed .fl I D\Jrt.D, Cl.on TO BIACK • llialt in J 973 • 2 twft>on. 2 J/4 Bllht Lighting, Dual Paned • Us-i••n UnJc 3 l!eclroollla. • U..,. ~. l.650g: (A) i 2 a.tlvoolN • Downlcw. Unit. . ""'QUI Ba w ~. Be. Slip WindowsTwo Car Garage A......._• ~lndudr:o..lila i I e.lroo., I e.tv-• 2 C. 0...., c-~ Wll;w.Ye • Back Yard is Perfect for Entertaining • Association: $95 •fl Un. Sp.c-. Tool ol 4 Car ~ Swnoand c.-1 s-ilea i • Fnplec.~ In 9oi:h Urua • ~ An Low ~OdlrlJNd~~ Mr. Hansen/Ml. Foster • 949. 722.24 00 I ·~0-..$410 I I fl I ·~ I i I ·i ·i i 38 C..yoo Wucl Drh•e • 1599,000 24971 Sapte Driw • 1635.000 I~ • R.-w.de.-ti> wtdi Otir~ ~ • J ~(Al Oownajn) 2.S a.hi • s..ar Sulry Hai.-• 4 8dool-. I 314 • s..le F.ally Home Wllh .) bedroon end I iom un.. 0.-.. ..._& llldmal1' • l.818Sf (A)UvqAnll •~ W--• 1.741 SP (A) dl..1¥q Ss-0111 2 "4 W.OC-tn 2l1l9 Sf (A) cl~ i •.u ..... ui.n-• 1637-.,i <A> T-......a T~ wtth SiuMlac~ 8.n7 g: (A) Lot •~Include s,.. • v.&lced Ccllu. • Hmm Office "-uyq Ss-•!Mk In 1976 . ~ Vinos froia Almmt Evay "-I~ 8rid< Dri--n AMnlrun lllC ~ • EnGlo.ed Patio all !ht Malter I mew. Moc*n f!iit.imiiltK Klld-. Pa., • Doubled l'lrlCd WlnJoM Thtouthout ~ J6 ~ (wide) Dtdt In R.. ti Howe Bedroom with 0.-Vlewa • }llC.Um Tub In i Rt-. C.,..M.ca iw-(l~ • Ccnftl\lendy LocttAld Ne. 8-:h, M.ter Bath • Prtva~. Set\n, Ind Cletid U.~9-)• 2C.M.,.ln0.. ~ Oolf Coun. ... Hot~ls • lraliln 1l'-I Aaon • 2 c. Atlldwd a.. c.omm..uc., Wllh Pool. Sp., Ind Tav:i. Court I Mt. H--.'Ma. ,.... • 9-49. 722.2'400 i I i ij i I i ij i I 1657-t m. CVde • $579,900 415T~St.1307 • $479~ fi • a...tiNI H<W Sltwaid an a Hup Lot • S l!ledroolllit, J &throom • 1M Ea.. R.modeled Two~ Home • I Bedroom Pt .. 0.., 2 9atbrooml ~ -~a.nyon v-. • 1850 SP (A) • Complml' RttllOCMled • 4 8edrooml. 3 Bllht • 2057 (A) • l'lanlett Location In TOWNQUUe I • 4 s.iro-., J lleclvOcim • U04 SP (A) • 2 Matter Sultu All Ne• APt1llU1ett ol Liv-. ;c:n a 7,200 SP (A) Lor • lrd Floor. Comer Uni! • Ucht end !rilbt "LlYlnl Spet. • Built lft 1919 •nd fbtllR• • lleutMd u,htlna • 2 Mm. (I~ I Down) • BaJconr 06" u...q ~and Dai • 'ar!s.:!' "-or W-= I • ) c. a.. . Kept In'*--Ccwdtion • Onrute Cown1en In ICi«.hetl • Lomdan • DouW. ..... • Alaoclldon Ola. PoOl • .:c..., s-. • ().-... 5.cJudid ~la''* • Two C.r lloll-1o111 0anCe ~ •c-WltlUeRod • On Mllra s.i-In HB. 110 Shope.. I ~ ~Pler-tMorell M-lnw!lhq:ieend ~ • N-lloo( and Nnr Wlftdowa ..........-~ 8-d ~· Mr.~ Me;.. • 714.59).)J>f ... ~ ~. 714.59).)))9 ... ...,.....,..., • ...,.... • 71 4.J9).)))9 I ~ I ~ (!) @) -- ---=--- - -~- ---.---............ - "' !" N 8 w Rlvmfdt a 3oth Annual Corona de/ Mar Home Tour raises more than $100,000 for academic programs and services H appy Anniversary to the Corona del Mar High School PTA Home Tour, which turned 30 on Tuesday, Oct. 281 For the prlce of a $50 ticket, the public was invited to view six beautiful homes, share a delicious breakfast and lunch, enjoy outsta.ndJng entertainment and culminate the day at a festive reception. The residences reflected the diversity of architecture and Interior design that makes the Newport Beach area such a wonderful place in which to reside. lbe Home Tour raised mote than $100,000, with the proceeds earmadc:ed for support programs at Coron.a del Mar High School and Middle School to include instructional equipment, computer software, library books, campus environment enhancement, student counseUng, health services, and music and arts en.tichment. The hard work and tireless efiom that made this day such a success start with this year's Home Tour chairs, Delphine Lee and Melanie Pritt. They, along with the unwavering dedication of committee memben, the generous support of merchants, sponsors md underwriters, the gracious homeowners who opened their lovely residences to the public and mote than 400 PTA volunteers, make this event an annual sell out! -ibis is truly a great way to have the community involved for our (from left:) JanJce NBwfJelct Horne Tour pub/lefty kids and education,' said Janice Newfield, Home Tour publicity chair, Delphine Lee and Melonle Pl1ff, Homs Tour chair. co-cholts; Sharon Fry, COM H!Qh School prlnclpoJ A special thanks to the following businesses and individuals: Fashion Island for its generous donations for the homeowners' gifts and Its merchants -Bloomingdale's Home Store, Neiman Marcus and Anthropologte; South Coast Plaza for its generous donations for the homeowners' gifts and Its merchants -O!Tefors Kosta Boda, ChrtstoOe, Frette, Baccarat, La Table Hermes, Cristal Saint-Louis and Puiforcat; John L Blom Custom Photography; Andrew Gromek Couture Flowers, Floral Creations by Enzo, Oiseaux Flowen, Padflc Coast Floral, Urban Gardener and Fiore-Elegance l.D Bloom for the floral arraogements In each of the homes; Waterworks in Corona del Plaza for host:iJ18 the Continental 1;>reakfast; lbe Sherman library and Gardens for the use of their beautiful grounds for the luncheon and where guests enjoyed Informal modeling; Pascal of Caf~ Jardin in Sherman Gardens for the delicious bo:z: lunches and for hosUng the homeowners' luncheon; Betti Blis9 at Blossoms Fine Floral Design for the luncheon centerpieces; Barclay Butera for hosting the after Home Tour reception and for his ongoing support; Bristol Parms, Niagara Waters and Hi-Time Wine CelJ&rs for beverages; faculty members Val Jamora, John Gunntn and Teri Brudnak for their assiltance wtth the student artists; Holly Lambert and Parle Petty of Western Utliographlcs for production of the Home Tour book; Mark Lokovic at Kirk Paper, Packaging .t Graphics for donating paper for the Home Tour's printed materials; and the community at large for supponin8 this event. . Edllors 1JOU: Bo#QMfo'4rplwlos ~the ditJmUy o/OIM slwlkrdtm, ~~dae Ho#u Tour lludemr. ' N !'J N 8 w ... ... M Coastal luxury meets technology: The Strand at Crystal Cove CouUl hlX\lry mtttS 21.lt oentwy technology at lbe Strand, Brookfield Homca' exquisite new neighborhood Joated wtth.ln the gated resort encl.ave of Qysta1 eove. The Strand ts one of four~ ne18hboJboods a.urcntly oft'eztng residences at Crystal C.Ove, a de NSkkn&l anctwuy that tilCS above Pad.8c Coast Highway Ul the pi~e ooutal hills between Corona dcl Mar and ~Beach. Crystal Cove reskitntl"are oilly steps from the and vii a private pedeStrtari ~re that aooeaes the Loi Trana>1 underpus to Qystal Cove State Paik. Al The strand, residents can Wte advantage of a fully bltegrattd system that controls thdr ~e's Ji&hting, ~audio, video, lntm::oms, lecurtty systant and other oonwmenca IUCh as oenu.l vacuum systems. Buym can apan4 upon the standard~ .netwolk that comes Jnduded with~~ l;7y RE AL REAL THE PORTFOLIO DIFFERENCE -------•Over ~O banb and lending institutions to choose from • Loans to $10 million; all credit profiles, including eas9-doc and 1nterest-onl9 • Our goal •~ to provide the best rates and lowe&t cost -all with our bt price guarantee TAY FIXED 5·YEAR TO $1 .5 MILLION • 4.95" •ZERO POINTS • INTEREST-ONLY OPTION • NO PREPAYMENT PENALTYlll nte Strand by Brookftetd Homes at Crystal COVe features fully automated hOmes See ......... wc1, pog• 54 Indoor Lap Pool, Flevator, 3 Bedrooms, utalina Swueu, Tons of Stonge, BeaUtiful Oceanfront Garden, Security Sbada, Rady fur Move-In $3,992,999 II j I "' "' "' 8 w .. , •• • ~ ~ I f • ~ J • f ~ First Team to feature top new agent at career seminar December 4th Frances Caldwell will discuss her success In real estate Pint Tum Rtal EIWe wtll be holding a~ catter d.tnner on Dec. 4 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Success Aademy located at 3785 Pl,au Ddn in Slnta Ana. ftnt Tmn will future top new agent Prances Caldwell. She will lhart ha' tUCCal llOry with thoee comtda:fng a areer tl'l leal awe. Protpecttve agents wtD 1eam how Caldwell 10ld more than $4.2 mJWon tn reaJ estate tn her ftntyar. Every year thousands of people in Orange County decide to punue a c:arttr in real estate. A real estate career Ql1l be very luawttve, however ft is not for everyone. The.re are Only a few other ween in which there ii a large gap betwftn thote ~ts that are eztmnely suca:uful md those who do not suCcttd. The semtnar wtD educate new aaerm on What ft takes to become successful tn the bulfneai. -Jiere at Plat Team, ttt are dedicated to~ new agents lbout the truth on a c.areer in R.eal Eltate, • said career Dtrector Enn OuM. lbe lelDbm wtll amwer questiOJU ruch aa: what doel Jt take to get ltalted, how iou can ensure your suecat and how much money you can make. Ftnt Teun Ital Estate ii dediated to the ruccea of their new qenu. No other ttal est.ate company ofras a~ propm wtth the Academf 1 success rate, and no other tul estate company offers a 5,00()..square-foot trainlJl& fadlity admtvely for 1ra1n1n& new and eJ:lldng IFJU. •()Ur .admty II dediated to provtding the~ quality of~ tn the Beld of rUJ est.ate ialet," FOundin& Praiderit &Dd CEO Cameron Mmge Uid. ·~the beit eavtce to the clients ii Pim Te&m'• No. 1 prlorttJ atMi we are abk to do that throUgh our unlUrpUled training program.• "1'bU ii not the eastest trainiiJ3 nor the llhOrtelt. ID llct, It II the molt tntente and comprehemtve ttal ettate tramJng in the btiahlea. We owe our dleilti and madmti all the toOll they need to be succalfW; the NU demonttrate that it Ls the mo.t .uoce.ful. ID fact, in the 15 yeaa I've ipent a a naUoDal lpeGer IDd tDllDer I've nner Worbd for a company wtth thit type of~• Pint Te&m 5'aa:.etl Academy Dtrector Dale Lawmnc.:e Mid. Ttort ..W ""'smo.s Mo#t SllCC~"'. ctlrm'"' ,_ ... .,,, tlltlO#l"'llf!tl lo"*"""""''"'""'*"· ~" """"".,. wni.,.""' ~·For.,,. blj1f ''""""'.,. ~ CfttMI Pmt TMM'I Cmier DerAlltJ,, •• ~"' (800) 128~1217, al. 850. LoCated on a large comer lot wttb CatalinA and nOrth coast White water views, th1I Moulton Meadows home withbi Llguna Beach has been upgraded with hlrdWood floors, new tile tn the kitchen and muter bath, new carpeting and new atexior paint. The home 1.5 within wallc:iJl8 distance to the tennis COWtl and~ trails at Aliso/Woods canyon Regtoo.ll Patk . 1be home's lush landscapirig and in-growid pool-Ged spa, and bad>ecue on the ocean view deck provide a private yet beautiful setting for entertalning as well as relaution . Offering three bedrooms and tw0 baths, the spacious floor plan also includes a living room and a unique indoor solarlum that could be used as a family room or library. The hOme 1.5 offered at $925,000. For ""'1t 1-ftmMtk>n, ull Sllllrrm McCrlt)il with First Ttdlfl NoZ." "' (949) 28();4865 or (949} 793-1()()9. • White water luxury Ratdy doe. IUCh an~ boole with unobltnK.1led Whilt w.tter, San Clemente PJer and coUtllne views come available tn the~ BoWI. 1tiis three bedrooound two bath condo ts cum:ntly being milodded. ~a living space with 1bomalYfDe chmy cabtnetty ~. importedpntte oounters, Vft'dles aate1d11e ftooa, Jenn-Air &pplilncet, ~ marl>Je llabs tn the bitJilOOIDI and ajacuzzl wbidpool tub tn the tDlller lldte. Loared in a pt.ed community on the blut&, enjoy stt down*"" &mn the floor 10 cdllng wtndowl in the~ and dtntng rooms, or open the door to the 3~ deck for a wndlt entatllning ipl(le. AddiUona1 amtllitb tndude an indoor laundry room Wtdl the wuba-and dl,et tndllded, commtinitY pool and~. two covered padciJl8 tJ*a and outdoci atio.r. A Jocal a1iAn ha ~ted the view from the home of the San Oanmte Pier on stooe in the ~ldlcben. 111il home tt O&rtd at s 1,350,000. For ""1fT ~ clfll ICMm ad Mllte Liddy o/Flrsl Tttl#I F.slllles Ill (949) 3 I0-6928. "fhe View from Spyglass Hiii . - 57 J i "' ·"' 8 w "' !'-' "' 8 w ... ,.., ~ ~ j f • ~ J • ~ ~ ( . i" 'i ' ·- " 11 J I "' !" N 8 w • . l ,.., I • j l I ' ., -. I ' I , ' j I j l I J I ... ... a , ~ ~ J f • ! J • l ! ( l. Spectacular golf course views nu. two bedroom (plut den), two bath With ofBce lJ In a f.ibulout Jocation In Gmnvtl1e, a gual:d pied community look1Jl8 acroa three fairways. It IJ &n upper level With large cov~ JanaJ entry and 1p&dous living room With flteplace . Dramatic wall of windows inake this beautiful home bright. Com.muruty amenitiet include pool, ~ md club house. Close to PashJon Island and grat dining. Th.ls home lJ ofl'erecf at $900,000. For 1""rt! ,,,~, ull CMdl Zellner 1111J Geofg/M SMUlt (94J) 640-3600. Slr""4t ~, 140 Nt#1p(Jrl en.Jer Drlw, Ste. 100, NtwpO# Budl. Remodeled town home Enjoy serene· canyon views 11111 Poruflila home huasoft contemporary style. Enjoy canyon and some ocem vjews from this four bedroom, two and three-quarters bath home. Features include an open floor plan as well as spacious dcclcs for indoor/outdoor entertaining There Is a formal living room with custom fireplace, a fonnal dinins room and an tnforinal dfnlllg mu off the spado~kitchen, which ls open to the family room. The home hu Wood tloon, spema1 ~ features and a three car garage. Th.ls home ii offered at $1,329,000. For JtUm 1".for'mMlon, uU Traudl liJlnsnt Ill (949) 491-5599. Sl'rJld4 Properties, 1088 North Cod.st Hlf>""'Y, LAf;MM Buda Single story custom home Situated In the This fantastic prettlgk>UI guard gate<! three-yeal'-Old home is comnu.mity of BJg on a secluded <:anyoo is this spacious approximately one-half Oeauvtlle Ooor plan aae lot. with appronmatCly The open Ooor plan 4,000 square feet. includes four Features include four bedrooms, three and bedroOms, three batbS, one-half baths, a vaulted ceilings, gourmet kitchen, a beautiful remodeled formal dining room kitchen with granite and four fireplaces. and stainJea steel The huge family appliances. Designer entertainment room ,, 1*hrooms, downStafrs bedroom, large side yard with pool, SJMl ind three car opens onto a lushly landscaped private yarit with rock pool, •av~ spa and a page. und volleyball court. A unique opportunity in Newport Bach. This home is offered at $1,575,000. 'lb.ls home ts offered at $3,085,000. For #tOrt lef<mNllWn, t41l CiNIJ ZellMr mJd GeorfjNI Smllla Ill (949) For ""'1't '"fo""4tkm, C4ll Kdth Llndslly •I (949) 640-3600. Slri 640-3600. SlrtlJA Proptrtla, 140 N~ CeNler DrltJt, Sk. 100, Newporl Bltd. Properlla, 140 Newport Center DrltJe, Ste. 100, Newport &«1'. ocean View lot In Bear Brand nm la an m::epdonil 26 aae ocan *"lot tn .. Brand: EnJOY unobtttucted ocan, mountain and San Juan~ Views. Build a mep estate or plan parcel. Two approztiDately 13 aae p.rcell. Build one, aeI1 one. 11'11Aladeal. nm JOt 11 o&rec1 at s2,1so,ooo. Pol'"'°" #ljinl ,.,._, Cllll lCdlA RlfUk Ill (9!'9J 640-J600. S"*"' ~- 140 Nnffl0'1 CndirDrltlt, ~. 100, N_,,orl Bltldi. Remodeled Oceana Ire duplex The Upsta4'1 unJtllathree bedroom, two bath with~ IOOID Off of the IDllter bedroom; 1bere are two Jarge b.ic:omet and I partial ' oceanW!W'&om the~room. The JOwa-unit, never lived in, 'I.. a two bedroom, one beth. Featum tnc:bJde CUJtom cabtnetry, stainlea a~, travattne and tatured Berber~· There is a~ slate pat!o, custom fmdng and,,_, piden. 'Ihil home la offered at $1,699 ,000. For Mtm '1i}OnMtlott, C4ll 1Cevht .KNIMJe M (949) 640-3600. str""4 Properlla, 140 Nt#1pflrl enter DrltJe, ~. 100, Na.porl &a. CoroM Jd ~ · 16Js,ooo UWaded '4 8d. 3 Ba. coildomlnk.wn on wide lot &IJ;b CDJ6l ~ • Jtgg,ooo ~home. .... lllldlcaped ,-rd 1"~ 1 fM 'IVoHi • /939,000 Wood,1nd &tass home. Pviorlmlc 1eo• views W&ihJ-1~ · l;so,ooo l.ara-R-2 lot wtdl or..,.i 2 8d. I Ba.~ CutfA ~ • Jsto,ooo ) Id. 2 IL, W!1IY ~2 at' ..... I' I u 'I *"'lt't 8 w , .... • I l 1 .. ~ ~ ~ J-bJffe ?»edP!y .. J I -.. f • 1410 West Oceanfront $2.499,000 Sat I .... Cammy lAslle ! Sun I""' Cammy Leslie .. &! I IAYSHOUS ! 2642 Vilca Drive $2.095,000 Sat I .... Bii Hll " Sun I .... . William Gelfeney ( IONITA CANYON ' Marble Sands $2.099,000 Sun I .... Tennille Rattier CUFF HAVEN 306 SMJa Harbor $2,250,000 Sat I .... MaiieM Hassel Sun 1-4 Oocde.Aust.ro C~DElHAA 755 AYOC:ado Awnu. $569,000 • $589,000 Sat I .... Sue Thomas • Sun I .... Donna Pffbles COSTA MESA 309l Warren l.arM $510,000 Sun '""" Gl"IYc• TallaferTo EASTSIDE COSTA MESA • 2348 C)SlthG Court $588.SOO Sat , ... LouAnne RJtt.ey Sun 1-4 l.ouAnne Rltt.ey , t ... 9BALDAJOGE ' \ 32.ffl VII Heucooe $1,17'.000 Set 1..-. KAmberty~ I K..QIOA YEW HUS 1417 tcMI OrM ....... 000 Sit , .... Gnnt lbcby Sun, ... Grwnt lbcby • . . ~· ---- Sun 1-4 Robert Pftlf 14l7 Ootpttln Ternu $3,895,000 Sun 1-4 $1.800/month Sit 11:)():2:30 Amlnda Honan 4110 Smhor"e DrM $1.69',QOO Sun 1-4 NIWPOAT HllGHTS $1.195,000 Sat 1-4 Mika l<AMedy Sun 1-4 Cory Christle $999.000 Sat 1-4 Marityn Wiiiiams Sun 1-4 Marityn WltUvns $8419.000 Sun 1-4 Evan Coriilct $2,995,000 . $12.500,000 Sat 1-4 NOMONTOAY IAY $2JS0,000 Sun 1-4 St~ o.k. Loll 4' 6 47 $2.295,000 Sun , ... • J I 8 w • • ., .,, r l • I I I , • ~ ~ J f • ~ I • I ! --.-r .. c • 11 ~:. j I N !'-> ~ ..... 8 w • :;o ll i • i l ( .... a.com~ In PWk:an Crest wilt~ _., .......... *~In SoUhrn Clllfornll Ind 1he wortd. .......... • J I 8 w • • ,.., f . .. • -.. J " I I ( Ir l ' - .. r. 71 M ~ N N j f • i 141 i • ~ ! ~ ~ • /5,995,CJ()O One d die molt ~ CDHC.lf)Orlf'Y bwtltcWlt homes bult In 0r.,.. ~Ed Lot.ttiich ~.~ ... ,~ 6.500 squire foOt home wlch 53' d beach ta .... • T l I H R 1· S I I"> H N (,. \':. s /\ I Mc> N 'I ,A f, t I 11 J I N !"' N 8 w :IC 111 ~ m ~ • E ~ • (, . • •••• '~ n i ~ -J f • I J • ~ ! ( I - . I Speaaailir .W. d tWi>oc'; ~Ind city~ flbub.-soft C01ic.1iporary home ,.."wtlh ,,...,. CabNts. annlta A sedlided escaca Wldt t.W, JWa Ind ~ -Mws. Loaaid on a 16.000 Pb ....,.. fOot lot.~ Inner courtprd wtd'i ti'.-Ind lulh n • • ti\ > ) ~-• tfj,J.95,000 5 Id. 5.5 IL C. Cod .. ~~ fNln dwwwl viMs. Loaad IUOG che so.t hftt tt. nilf1nl.. ill I dwry tW'Clwood tloon, bl likflst nook. ..... df ol rnuw. ¥. J.li/JJ • /2,J.95,000 J Id; 2.S IL """'COil __ ._,_.,.._,__., OC9\ vt.w home can....., rwnocWed Wilt*' the pil!t J,.,... ~ ~· Wld\ .... OC9\ .. 191TIC& V\Q ...... •11111'111rq home. a..."'~. ,A995,()()0 ..., ... M't c.h.-....._ .. .............................. Aidt, ~ J.leif/di · ft,J.95,000 Spec:aialllr OC9r1 ~ from d1k remodeled 3 8d. 2.5 8L chllri11 Ll&ln lw:h home. "-nodll• d ldtd*\ and ...... w.. vtew dedca. _..,. blidtylrd. . ~~--.. ... . 'I ,c. ,.,., Tl i I ~ § ::0 Lt i . i l -~ • 1 -• "' , .... ... , ' I l ... . ~ CoifA ~ • tt7g,goo ..... ~ ~.qe.c:ompon~ lotwleh ..., ICC9IS. Hlrdwood "°°"' Fnnch doors ind charm. ¥Mf . /j;J.gS,(){){) ..,.,,.. ~ COd ... beMlty '#Id\ ... d mlln ct.iNI. Locmd .aa. ---from chi ............ c;t..,y hlrdwOod tloon: M /J& • IJ,;.95,000 8-dul ~ custOm home compi.c.d In 1996. Spec:Qoilar bly Ind city iW'U vt.ws. SkytW1ts malal this home IWlt and sunny. _ _._..,.._... _____ ... . 11 ~ J i N N 8 w .. ' ....... I 1 • It •• • • ... -------- • " J i • r leK1Un11tciam1r--..•MM .... rW-tanltwmnd Wldt~Ciali9-........... .- t I \ ----· -.•. .! ..... ~ ~ • lt~fXJO A.f'*-el~end_..., •• ~ _ __., .. lic.01# IQOOD ..-. fllL &WiM CllfA vt14'C • 11/5,0()0 Grw~·..---111 ........ ... .. , .. ic. tnd = ... ..,., ...... ~,. • Js,&Jolllt#,.& N.w-..,..., .W 1n. FOrmw Sco.•• lim modll ....... _,,... ••• ~ ~ ~ · /1.,75aooo f'1llKN" pr'.tc:e redUcdon. ~ lpptadl1llilty 26 1(1' ~ CM be dMded Into l bUlklina .,.. Ocean 'Mws. Jailt» WN J./""° • lt,g95'()()0 ~ 1\w lqle han1e on lft OMllllCI ClOmlf loL 5 ~ 4.S bMhooma. .... dti•' ~wtdl. ~ a J I \ .. ~ I f • It ... ocmt WMI ... 1hk .-1111ndll bwh COC1111 toc:wd rWWt on IM mtd.AAaem1.-,. lJ#J plus lq&*'9 foOt tot. IMp tont ftn. ~ f I 4 I l f . t ~ J • 1 f ! I ( t I " ..... dn'!(/ioia wld'I valurne ~ . 1 ~~ ._._..traaft.a'OWft ~Ind an ./ ~J-/ili · Js,350,000 Sin__. on a.,..,..,... t.ponc. this home Commiindl tome d the finest~ In the twtiaf: ).mt OM ,.,. MW, dm modem home Ii tri!fy a ~CO M)'OM whO 'MIG ;:;-=-w ~ :!J • J I N !'.J 8 w ::0 ;. ,.., ~ • 0 ~ ~ -' • " JJN/Jo1-~ J./011t11 • f/,!JS,(}d() ~ '4 bectiroom..,... _., Ma.-.r> madll . •••• rwnocWed ldcr:h.ln.badw. doors Ind men; • 0 I -: ... ·.? • ] 17 J i ) N !'> 8 w ::0 Ll ,.., ~ ~ • j l .. <: ••• • ~ ~ I I • J J • ~ ! ( ... • Rare double lot on the sana h's rueto ftnd a doublt Jot available within thl! stttp of homes on .Buch Raid,~ Buch. o&red are nvo lou toWing mott than 10,200 square feet wtth 74 feit of cx:e111 fronU&e. Cwm:lt Jtnacturet cOnsist of 1. '50s vintage home, pelt home ad tp0t1 cowt. Pmgng at this ~t .location ICXXM!Jmod«tcl t .. ftblda. Beach ltold, • ~ ~-colninunlty on the aand, nest.Jed between Dana Point Harbor and SM CleaMmte I.I often rdemd to 1.1 •Southem CIJlbmi'• bai ltept teaet.• Sftene OC9Dfront P.fvacy Is enjoyed wtth1n the ptet of this giwd, ~community yet thopptng, mten.linment and fieewa,. al"e eulJy aa:eillble. Vintage beach cottagel &tt gr.adUally being ~by mOdeDi h.murious lttUCt\lttt In a ihow of &tdutectural design; homes priced tn Che iiillllona. Bdch Road ii an unparalleled environment wtiett one cm enjoy nature'• medley of sand, ae.a life, spect&cular sunsets and the ever<twtgtn.s surf. A great opportunity to build an Ocea.n.&ont dream homr. Tbll home ii offered at $5,995,000 . Fi>f'MtWS I~, WlMtm111Rlttm'llt(949) 661-5748. Strada ~. IOU Norllt Clwt Hl{)#JllY, ~ &AclJ. Panoramic ocean and canyon views With stum,Ung ocean views md dram.iltic &ichitectwe, intmor .aientties of this four bedroom, three bath home include a lonnal living room wtth hf&h ~and ftrepllce. The large dinillg GU opeDI to the kitchen with~ tteeJ 1ppltance1 and ample gtmtte counter space. Two bedrooma on the matn level provide aliding p. doon to outside patiot mid yard; 'nJe mater IUlte hat tncredOft ocean vkwl &om its many windows. The maw bath VlftlrJ tndudes IDUe-up area wiili 1ettee, tkylighu and walk-tn doMt. There ii a MicOndaly mMer lldte with m.lnOred wardrobes and a ~died lhowm'tub Q:Jmbtna.don. • Addtdooal amentdei tridudt three ocean view d«:b, ~and lea&d glass cuanent wtndowl, decoador 8xtures throughout, made 1aundrY room, boou.t Workout room or oftkz and a two ca attAChed aar. with~ stonge JOft. Theft ii dole pruDnitJ to the t>e.ches, Ml.IUrantl and town of I.agun&. 1bi1 home Al c6nd at SI ,199,000. · I«_,,., ........ *w Ille .....Z '°"1' 111...,J\Md.cH"'*"t.a. or c"1l ,,,,,_,. H°'*"' ill (949) 4s+5aJ. sm.M ~. l 088 N<1rlli eo.st H""""1, LM~.lleld, ;1 'I I I f I' 1 I '1 ' 11 1, I' I ' I I I C alendar of Events November-------~-- Nmmbtr 4 -Tand1y Nmmber 5 -Wednesday November 8 -Tbursd1y November 7 -Friday November I -Sunday Nmmbtr 10-Monday Nmmbtr 11 -Tunday Nmmbtr 12-W1dntday November 14 -Friday Government Affairs Committee - 4 p.m. Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. Community Events Committee -4 p.m . Deadline for Thursday LN Preview -5 p.m. · Mar1cettng Meeting.Wells Fargo Bank -8:15 a.m. Board Guest Speaker LB Broker Preview-9 a.m. -1 p.m. Marketing Meeting/Ball Part< Pizza -8:15 a.m. LH Broker Preview-9 a.m. -1 p.m. New Member Orientation -9 a.m. -1 p.m. C.E.: Ethics -9 a.m. -Noon C.E.: Agency -1 -4 p.m. Happy Birthday President Dave Schaar! Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview - 5 p.m. MLS Committee -1 p.m. Deadline for Thu~ LN Preview -5 p.m. Mar1tetlng Meeting.Wells Fargo Bank-8:15 a.m. Affiliate Guest Speaker LB Broker Preview -9 a.m. -1 p.m. C.E.: Trust Fund Handling -9 a.m. -Noon C.E.: Fair Houslng-1 -4 p.m. Realtor of the Year Nominations Deadline Nmmlttr 17 -Mon~ay Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. Nonmlttr 11-Tuesday Nmmlttr 11-Wtdnnday NovemHr 20 -Thursday N0vtmHr 21 -Friday . Ntwtmffl' 24-Monday NMm-tr 25-TI_, Deadline for Thursday LN PrevieW - 5 p.m. Marketing Meeting/Wells Fargo Bank-8:15 a.m. Government Affairs Guest Speaker LB Broker Preview - 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Mar1tetlng Meetln~ll Park Plzza-8:15 a.m. LB Broker Preview - 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Board of Directors meeting -8:30 a.m. Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview-5 p.m. Deadline for Thursday LN Preview-5 p.m. Non111•1r 21 -Wtdntlhy Mar1tetlng MeetlngfNells Fargo Bank -8:15 a.m. Education Guest Speaker ...,...,27 LB Brof(~r Preview-9 a.m. ~ 1 p.m. ThanksgMng Day BOARD OFFICE CLOSED Thanksgtving Day HoHday BOARD OFFICE CLOSED t..aguna Board of Realtors, 939 Glenne~ Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949) 497-247 4 • Fax (949) 494-3887 www.lagunabOardofreattors.com • 11. ia.m. m. I. a.m. .. m. m. Ratee u of November 18, 2003 KEY LENDERS AND RATES 30.Y99' fixed _A_,ape'--x _D_l9cou_n_t_M-'tg._. ____ K___,_(800) 344-2739 INTUIQ'T RAT£ 5.250% 5 1 .750 LOCK· IH A.P.R. 30 5.384 A Sup!!IOr Mortgage R_i800) 591-4446 5.500% 5 1 000 30 5.890 ------Action Lending A (888) 641-6900 5875% 5 0 000 30 5.920 Almloan.com A (888) "11-4246 __ 5.SOO'Y. __ 5 __ 0 1 ~ 30 5.614 American Flrst C.U. B (800) 458-4617 5.375% 20 2.000 4'5 5.650 ---American Arst Rate Mtg. R t800) 887·9106 __ 5.500% 5 o 000 30 5.610 Amenstar Lending A (888) 518·3883 _5.375%_5 1.000 30 5.52'4 Oetttok Mongage Group A (800) 4 78-5995 5 250% 5 1.866 30 _5_'439_ _OMlrsl_. __ fed_Fu_nd_lng=-~-OU_,P:__ __ R_::..;.(8_n...:.)...:..~-·99...;...:..20.:..__ 5.500% 10 1.500 30 5.881 Downey Savings 5 (800) 348-5931 5 250% 20:.-....;2;:.;..2;;.:50...:.._~60.;;..__..:.;5·...:..490;;..;...;... Emery Fll\anclal A (949) 729-9200 5.125% _ 1 ~-~ _30.:...;;____:_c5.350 3 750"4 NA 2 950"<. NA 3.375% 3 750". NA 1.250% 1 250". 1250% 1.250% 30.Y .. lldjuatable ,. POINTS MAX. M.utOIN ADJ. FR!O OWN QI:) A.l'.R. LOAN QI:) IHOEX 5 1.000 4.022 322,700 2.750 1TS --__ ..;..__ __ 1V NA NA NA NA NA NA NA -------- 10 0 000 5 «O 500.000 2 950 110 1M NA NA 20 0.500 5 0000 NA NA 20 1 000 20 0.000 20 1.000 20 0 750 NA NA NA NA NA ---'4.182 322,700 2 750 1TS 1Y 3 980 322,700 2 750 1TS 1Y NA 322,700 2.500 110 1Y 35"0 800,000 2.160 1TS 1M 3.947 4613 3.512 ----- 800,000 2.500 1TA __ 1...:..M_ 322,700 2.600 11 _D _ __..1M 650.000 2.150 6_LB ___ 1 Y_ A (800) 4'00-1611_ 5.750% 10 0.000 30 5.787 1 250"4 20 0.000 3.831 1.000,000 2.750 1_T_A ___ 1M_ _lndYM_,__a_o_Bank _______ S_(~866--.:.)_236_..Q5.46 ____ 5 _250% __ 20 __ 2_2_50 __ 45 __ 5 . ...:..58_7_ 1.250% 20 3 125 3.818 322,700 2.225 1T~ _1_M Pff Bank & Trust S (800) 733-4636 5.500% 20 2.000 30 5.743 ----------~--.:.-----------------2.875% 20 0.000 3.759 322,700 2.450 1TA 1M Provtdent BankMongage s (800)2so-1113 5.250% 20 __ 2_.soo __ 45 __ 5_.502_ _2_.95<>%;..._ __ 20 __ 1_000 ___ 8._47_1 __ 3_22...;.'...:..700;.,;..__2_._.350---!_~ ~ K (800) 871-7345 5.750% 5 0.000 30 5.787 _3_.250% ___ 20 __ 0_000 ___ 3._399 __ 3_22..:.,_700 __ 2_.ooo_ 6LB SM Center A (800) 867-9813 5 250% 10 1.000 30 5.405 NA NA NA NA NA· NA NA NA _e1...:..i._F_a_,.rgo'--Home'--_M_1g...._. __ ...;.S_(::..;.866..;..;.<.J_7...:..13_-438...;...:..7 __ 6 625% 2:.;;.o_...:..2 . ...:..ooo;:..;;.__....;30...;._--'-'s • ...:..a1_;0_ 3 .500% 20 2.000 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y 1M Wot1d Savings S (800) 914·8166 5.650% 20 1.000 30 5.769 NA NA NA NA 600,000 110 lofl 111eC1I ....... ~ .. 30130 C01N•1110riill ~ "T)pe al Lendet 111· B • e... K • ~ bwMr: R • ITIOl1glge brc*ef: S • MWlgll & loetl. ,.,,.. b9rMta llld ~ -bnled by lhe Celitomlll °"*"'*1tol RMI e..t•lllfllr•bloller oroorpot911on F°' lnlor..-c811 Celif. ORE 111 (918)227-0831 In ..... "91e tor .. ..,.._ .. .,, lnltocM:tory ..... lprN ,,,...........,patlod. Oown,..._.lt lllllOUnl al caal1 ("4 ..... prloa) Plld 10 llltldl< pilot IO llgrllng ~ conlrllCI. Polnt8.,. "4 al loan ll9llnca Paid IO ltrclat M time al IOltl doMlg Lodr"4n It .. ,_..,.,of ...... ~ tlM prior IO d&m'O A.P .... II Ille _... ·-119t1Mw1.:ti11 an-*' _,..,COM al h loan IO Ille._ NA A.P A I ... ~on a 9300. 700 IOltl -""-Ille~ llhOwn llld l7'00 IDllll '-The A P,A I ... lndudad In 11111 clWI lot OGn'f*llOh only. wt.. tor a to.rt, Fadnl TnMHn-Lendlng llrw ~ i.tldM IO c:mM,. an AP A IP8dfio IO MCtl loan all« ~ IMfl II lhe muJmum landlH wtll IOM ~ glWft -Al fqd ..... pniorama '-a maDnum of ,700J .._..,,(In ""111,.,.,. prol"it; margin+ Index. 11C11191 ,.._all« fhl ~ lnda1I II Iha ba11ie lat -.g 11n ....... ,_ CMatoln •....,...•New,._, 110 • 111\ Dia Coll ol Fundl. H'S • 1·Y-T-.y M . LIM• l-ll'IOnfl U80R. ST8. '""'°""' T~ 8111 1TA • 1 v-T~ A"V ~~It ... period '*-1 .......,_,.._ 1M • 1 <Morllh. llM • .......... 1Y• 1 Y-Mo,_ Nljacl IO dwlOt V.,., rai. Ind ""'9 prier IO~ lat a IOltl Mo...,.... prO¥llia io.. ....., di'*9nl ,., .. llllO -tor dlll9rM loan _,,,.. The lnlomlelion pt9Ml'lted II no1 an ollar IO lllllka a loetl If~ haw etl'f ~ Wllh lie aboYe..,.,.. Qll· (8001 1138-M'NS. Chedl lolofmllllon dllly 81 www nine com COf>YAKJHT o 2003 Thi .._.,. Flrl9dll ~ s.r.... Exquisite contemporary-style home With dramatic architecture and ocean vtewt, this home it located in the prestigious guard·g1ted community of Mon.arch Bay. The three bedroom, three and one-half bath, single level home featutea • areat room with OGOr·to-cciling gl.aN doors chat open to the courtyards and ocean vtew patios. Orher luxuries include a medii room, spacious master retreat and a gourmet kitchen wttb din.in& patio and ocean views. 'I1lis home it offefeCl at $3,000,000. For more infonDatkm, all The Blossom Team of Prudential Califoinia Reallys Three Arch Bay branch st (949) 79J .. S068. You can also viltt their Web lite at '""'.Jarchbayhomes.com. Their offtce ts located at 32356 South Co.st Highway, South Laguna. Prudential California Realty ts proud to be a member of HomeServlca of America, Inc., a Berlcsh1re Hathaway Aftllla.te. Prudential CaltfomJa Realty is ranked among the top 8ve real estate companies ill the nation. with more than $17 billion in sales volume In 2002 according to National Relocation and Real Estate Magazine, Aprtl 2003 . Prudential c.alilomia Realty has more than 4000 sales associates in nearly 80 offices In San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barl>ara and San Luis ObispO coundes. Vilit Prudential c.I.lfomia Realty's Web a at: -~cal.com. Cyprus Cove beach home Pride of ownership ts evident In this ftve bedroom, four and one-half bath custom residence, nestled in the private beach community of Cyprus Cove. Located on a cul-de--sac, the property is set upon a larger than normal Jot. Featuring a long driveway, the tiouse fratmet a rear three car overst.zed garage and~room. ,.11le am.eniUel are n\JIMl'OU.I Wtiti SUdi luxuries aa oak coffettd ceilings, solid oak doon, AJ?ple 11~ apaoe. security system and two forced air units. In addiUOrl to a lm'gt! cl6Minatn ~bedroom with accompanying full bath, the home aJa'O bu a bttakfalt room and foan.al dining room. Plus, theie ts also a Cam.Uy room with an oak bar, refrigei'ator and adjacent deck. Cyprus Cove ls a 24 hour ~d community with a pool, tennis courts, a clubhouse and private park. Thete 11 beach access to one of the best surfing spou in South Orange C.Ounty. Low property tax, no Mello Roos a.nd a low assodatfon fee of S 165. Th.ls home is offered at St ,450,000. 1'1r WtOre tn.formM'qn, C4tll Lf""4 Slonnnst of PrwkntW Califom"' Realty's 5"" /""" Olplstr""" brdwli At (949) 683· l 983. PrMllntW Oll'fomla Rully ts proud to be" ~of H~ of A!Mrlca, Inc., 4 Berlulclrt H11thaW4y ~· . - J f -· "' "' "' 8 w "' . • • ......... HomeAid 's.P.roject Playhouse 2003 raises more than $3 ZO,OOO ·Home Tweet Home/ ·aalbome· and lhe Wiid Bunch Hideout• take top honors HomeAJd,a non-profit organ.tzatlon that builds and and talent to help raise funds for the temporarily bomele$S populations served by HomeAid, • said P.conomakos. HomeAJd, the largest provider of shefter for the temporarily homeless, is the charitable outreach for the Building Industry Association. In addition to the monies made from the playhouse auction, Project Playhouse collected cash and in-kind donations from sponsorships, including media contributors. lhe top level in-kind media sponsors for Project Playhouse 2003 were KOCE·'IV, RA VO Media, Builder & Developer Magazine, Daily Pilot, OC Metro/OC Family (Chunn Publishing Co.), Orange Coast Magazine, Riviera Magazine, and the =~~ Industry Association's publication, Southern Callfomia 1 Additional top sponsors tnduded BO Framing & Drywall; Bragg Companies; Experian; O'Connell Landscape Maintenance; HomeBuyers Guide; Valley Building Materials; Orange County Association of Realtors; Shea Homes; 1be Irvine Company; • I CountryWtde Home Loans; Regal Rents; P~hion Island; Coldwell Banker; Shuster Financial Group, ILC; Manatt/Phelps/PbiDips and OWens Coming HomeP.xperts that wt1J be providing ftve years annual maintenance for each of the playhouses purchased at this year's auction. Proceeds from Project Playhouse are earmarked for the HomeAJd shelter development program. The temporarily homeless served by HomeAJd include women in aisis pregnancy, victims of domestic violence, the mentally challenged, adults living with HIV/AIDS, homeless youths and those who find themselves homeless as a result of job loss or catastrophic illness. For more infomtlllion on lwte you rAn help; ~ c"1I H<»MAld OmffU C.OUnty at (949) 553-9510orf!iritwwtt1.lwmuidoc.org111&4 www.proftctplaylwu.se.~ 11 J t 8 w -· • I lll .I " J ' ~ !" 8 w ~ l ,.,., ,. I . E l l • I .. .. • t ' I 2S MWno $559..., RIJ;Jt t Dt1titt KMJms ~.9600 ~im U·S -.. --** ii--- SAii JUAll CAPISTRAllO Iii f1 ~ J I "' !" 8 w ::0 .... e!. ,.., i i i • - ~ -,/J · -- I -' f I • ••• -~' 0 .. • •• " i , i~ .... N !" 8 w '° l i • j ~ "' .~. -~] " ---• m~ J L "' !" 8 w • :::0 ~ Ill. l'T'I 1~, • j l __ , , ... • ,. I It • ~ UI I I 11" N !-> 8 w ;o l l'T1 ·-I . j l . :{ .... • I • I ----• lM ' ~ J f i N .!" .8 w ::0 ~ ,., Ea fii j ~ . . . • I 1 • 117 j J .,- , -.. 107 J I N !V N 8 w '° ~ ,., ~ . g l , •• .. • I -f , ... -I -'l fl • 1tt J I ~ N 8 w '° ~ IT'I ~ 0 " l ... I .·• - lR'VINll Tl.'.RRACO . CORONA Dl.L MAR . $1,700,000 C.--~ In.I 3 BR. 25 BA home. funniJ din. E.mll;. mis. -.. -_) " -- I' • w ~ ft ':< I - N !" N 8 w ~ ,.., ~ a it 0 "' l ... --.. -. fO . ·= . - . . . . 7-. .. ... . ii~.!it[a I~· a:-J"fi ~ lklti~ lirfil~ f l .. J. ~1J!f1 i IJ!ltsri ·f ri•g ta.w1 1~~ ri.t•:i:f "· 1•1u.~~ . r ~" s l ff Fl!f. ~~·~1 · .rr r11 p~ r.•·~1 i~~,r~ J1~f rrs-1 ··~ jrrJ.·s .-1-H)j lirfJ iH J ~; !. ll 1-~ftl r~ia:I ftlrff ~Jriri !l.§ t[i8 l.r~ rs·tl I\&"~ .. tf r1·nr .. [tatt I ~~ tifliC I ;;.~ 3 ~ "' a. st B • l!~•s::i. 5..'l'.§"-•s-~~~ ll ii J li t~a ~·~~Rl~l ! f' l fr ·~· ~fp§. ... ... "' 1:~ill~l a:J.1111, i; IJE · . Jfrii!;: fi~fit! l.itf iJr~ f. ~ .. 1.·.~0.1:.I; =·1r-ri1··· in g .;r ·~ !. a:h'l ·1 .rI{ iirll&: 1 1:a1~ lt:l~ . H 1tl 1gr Jf.g ~ a_t~ Ef rli~f~ ~1f1 lr Cl 11 rtl ~ ;;!i~~ if1f·~ rat°'[ 1J,rt, ll r!t tfiRl 1.'a.l~ '. tit •tjf ~ I i =i= ~ Ef r~-~o lflJf~ ~~lli~ .t1r ~5 h{if i ;.r1J . 2 1·1 ~l ~ -. -. "" I I ... • f _..__......_ __ oiJ t ! ;.~ Daily Pilot • Real Estate • s.mday. NcMnUr 22. 2003 :e OQ r,lJ ·iJJii[ ~1ll.t!I,~ ... 1J .r a:~ . ilil.J lft:I·.· ; §tl~HIJ'"1 .~ 1~Jitlf[e! tf.s ~ l·lf ~ I ' ~ 6.5 Ulli. -"* -iLut· oco 2ins, tlmr d le • u J •• -----... BFSf OF CASSIS Brcaduaking Ocean, Catalina. Haibor .md ciry light views. A European designed home with beautiful landscaping. foun- rtins, and rwo counyaida. Down.stain rnasttr suite with ocean vkws, durie l>Cd.roonu, and an cntcm.i.nmenr room. Lat1te entertaining blckyvd with pebbled-tee pool and spa. built in BBQ, and latgc patio. Can't mils the cozy nook off tf\c kitchen with oucdoor fireplacc. Olfered at: $2,9SO,OOO. Direaioui Teb POI ..di CIUll ritlit .. te Ncwpllfl C.. Drift, t11111 •-aw.......,_,.... .. v--aw.." ... 0-. ......... po panW. LAND FOR SALE • FABULOUS PRIVATE OCEAN VIEW LOT The ultimate in privacy, this estate lot is Approx. 6 acres with beau- tiful ocean and mountain views, Loated in the exclusive guard gated community of Bear Brand Ranch. This custom multi million dollar estate community offers spacious, private livinf,' fahcastic equestrian trails along the mountain side and just minutes from the beach. One of the few lots available!.! Seller will entertain offers between $1,095,000 and $1,294,876 • BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME Spacious lot located against the Saddleback mountains, Coto de Caza in a guard- gaccd, golf course and equestrian community. Featuring two 18-holc golf courses, world-class tennis .ind cqucscrian facilities, plus sport and recreation parks. 6 plus acres, 3 acres flat, horse property situated within the "Enclave" at the end of a cul-de-sac. One of the best lots with views of Coto Valley, die golf course and hillside views. Offered at $2,4S9,000 • CUS10M ESTATE SITEi Fantastic 20 acre home site in the gated community of Juliana Farms. Equestrian zone submit. Views of the entire valley of San Juan Capistrano. Approved site plans arc available for home. Owner is moti- vated and will trade or exchange. Offered at $2,200,000 • HUGE LOT, HUGE VIEW: Btiild your dream home, one of the few lots available in diis beautiful exclusive guard gated custom estate community with multi-million dollar homes. Prestigious community with large estate lots and ocean and mountain views. The ultimate in privacy. Offered at $2,000,000 " _I • w . J f i N _N N 8 w ::0 ~ ,., i i' '<' ~ .. ,, EXTRAORDINARY BAY OCEAN & CATALINA VIEWS 21 RIDGELINE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH REDUCED TO $5,899,000 COLEEN BRENNAN 949.275 .2775 coleenbrennati@prucdm.com www.coleenbrennan.com :. w J I .... -· t ... • ,Prudential • I c.titentl• 1..ttr 11 .............................. , ....... .., ___ _ ~ ...... ,.., .. - ••• I ~ ! fi --1 f i • J J i • f ! I • l . ,. \ ' j •• MOST IAJIOUS NW101T ESTATE! 6,000 it.,..,"" --1.ll -· ......... c.!t:: -CDW1. llO'-..._ .. _....._HASrrALU A._..i-.'"_ •""1 S"'5.000 TM •1a1 om'! ~ V'..., ___ . Newport BeJch Duplex. Large upper ...,.. untt 3br, 2ba, fp. Ocean vtews. Lower unit -2br, 2ba, beach vtew from llvrm, fp $1,225,000 Agent Carrie Allen Coldwell Banker 949. 718.2378 Cell 714.423.1652 OPEN HOUSE SAT 1 ·4 11 l < ; L PI~ I< . I· RLl>l <'TH>\ CORONA DEL MAR 2 BLOCKS TO BEACH!! 329 PolnsettJa Vanaap COM cottaae w/ hardwood Ooon, brick fireplace, larae muter suite. REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATe SALB. OWNER BOUOHT ANO'lllER. Lowest price South of Hwy. &paraded. uPIJ1ldcd cl remodeled I! 2bd plus den. l-3/4ba. grassy backyard $1,399,000 THE SANFORD GROUP Real Estate Brokerage Suvlca (714) 412-8955 EASTSIOE COST A MESA CUPLEX Excellent Condition Both 3 Bedl""Oom Units With Garages Principals Only S7DE5,0DD Agent 714·S3S·R 184 OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 3110 Country Club New on the Market! Pool sized yard. JBR, 2.5BA + family room house, remodeled. New tile, carpet; windows, appliances, paint inside & out 2 fireplaces. Great f.amily floor plan. OveniJ.ed backyard. $689,000 Jim• Leille Flntleam 714.751.2181 ..... MAIN FLOOR lilAsTa NEWllOAT CoAST .. ,000 Al.TEZZA G.-1 COlmUllly ..... llllllHnllllon ~ ~ fJalJCjonal ~ 8f'd ll)te in lhls RI ri wfttl 3llDOOl'llL2.S11111$ Cll 2 pq dlln ~oa 2.400 Ill II."'-' cl lush lnllClpng lillltl tlMlllnt llocn nj IW1dld ~ Clrpll WOod IDllll nl bult-1'1 ..... , •• '**' l.Mgt Wiii> lfMd Ylfd wrtll built in bst11Cu1 MM Ir*> flls i.JlU 1101111 LAKE FOMST $819,990 THE Wooos live ki.., lrgt llJme ~ 3$1) sq I neslled l'lm,l5t lhe YIOOC!s Ill 1..1118 Fcnst 111 tis lrilP ll'd ltqlil • 4 b.tocm nl 2.5 bah. 3 er ll1Qe ~ noc. -~by tu* f9Tmled W8I. luJedeci . -.Sd ~ nl-. lalcillloll lncidls a.tin! Tms <U on h L*.DI* .. ............ t 9 ...... ~ ............ . SPECTACULAR 0cEAN VIEWS NEWPOftT COAsT ~95,000 GAm> COliNJNITY CASSIS Cftd ..... Clll"llUlilm. llluy llcrre. ........ ~ .. d .. a.,na,1411.,..1ocr1119w11sc11r~n4.SblhWfla3G Ol'IGl HllllOftiC SANTA LOf'TS AlnSTS WM.K la<Ts llooE1. • PlM 3 l.AsT PHASE· $575,990 fAIWQ LAlclAloNT l..ocmaN • l.Alcmtall 9 "11.000 llWIR Tlil cumimd ~ honw .. 3 bedroonll nl 3...,,..., ~ 2000eqlwilfl111-.nd 2 C:WOSl!gt Onl ol 1 ..__IO CD1111 ........ *" upltlClld tram ... origNI ti& Wondlr1IA ~ .. ""' .... ~ llOlnl"' ~ Woodbndgt '* IPPIQXiN2lly 50 ~ nl perb nl lfW'l lnil ODUll lof I..., 111111 tee PlaMatlShlllb::lllonwlldyllel1 PrantdesS35.llXl111ajjs1WDS AlfnSTa WAU< l.Of"TS Moo£L PLAN 4·1489,900 _...,11Cllq&-Pnlb6*yrxtlo1'Qb U.Wlll9*1'*1...iiiedlarsb~ pier lo end d}'S ~Main AlmlTS WALK Lon P'LAH 3 Moon FOft SAU · $599,990 sn.loc*ioftdclyYirld Pri::eirmles$35axlilllllcllriwmwt1 ~ "'nrflln tmORiJll din b dosftJ inar t>.., d,... Spmla PW! l °""pm ... ,'l aiif PJ ~ find b Gal*Y CJ~ <la Pra iramS85,llll in pnEmil 1WDs. II lmUe IWlln ~ IJB'iet IDMr °'*.., .. ..., ... • IMllBiclbGalllryorlbll<Jlll.1,784sqlll1illlllrq .. ootwdlMl.a...• -t I .._, ........ -.i ..... i.t.t•' olll'IHUM116MMo_ ... ._ ... ,_. ..... . ........... _, I LWS/ 414 WUTlllNSTKR AVE Channing, classic home on large lot with lots of room fof expansion. Light & bright 2 BR, 1 BA remodeled main house with FP, AC. newer kitchen & Hardwood floors. Cute and updated - &Mt\ LuaA tt ;m.ooo N1wa1T eo..r Fa...~ n1 ..... ~tram .. one llwel homit. 3 bedroome. 3 bl'1I nl I 3 CW glllgl. Clam*"'~ Llrge Cl*l ldlcNll. *'litt IOClll flll 1111 **'cl fie llllbCll end~ -Mo¥t '911lntD11111 ~ homl1 ai.. ................. A I w.•• _......,, __ d Mat ARmT LOf'T PLAN 4 • $419,000 FDAous ma. hM ycu ara or ga11r1y downslan 111 lhls IM llO'ic ~ Wllll elelmnls in1.C9Ds Stc&nic Meurer (949) 715-3156 PALM SPIUNGS·PALM DBSBRT VACATION PlOPBltTIBS Offering both Sales and Seasonal or Annual Rmtals ANNUAL RENTALS: Furn. or Unf. from. $1,200/Mo. VACATION RENTALS $2,000/MO and up Hip Season $1,100/MO and up Off Season GREAT INVBSTMENT PROPBRTIBS PROM $200,0001 separate 1BR, 18Aguest house/gymtolfloe with private alley entry & hidden patio. LatOe Grassy Landscaped yards with hUge patio, garage, gat.ed pat1dng (boat/RV). Move ln=I .... 0wner1Agent , .... , eeo.o113 Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 Contact MICHAEL ANTER 760-333-7307 golfdc.scrtvacations.com c·mail Vacationwatch4991a.com 2 Large bedrooms, z, 1/2 baths, wood floors, newer carpet, and GOLF COURSE VIEW! I! 405 Bay Hill. be~en Jamboree & MacArthur, off of Ford Road Iii ARMSTRONG •-·PROPERTIES CH.AMBER OP COMMERCE BUlWING H70 JAMBOREE SUIT'B 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Priced to sell at $639,000 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 TERI ARMSTRONG HARDKE 949.718.4600 Xll4 "' N 8 w • ... ' " •I • •• ... .. ,UI ~ ~ J f • ~ ;; • I ~ . ' • CORONA DEL MAR 29308•-: 48r4 Sun 1-4 ' Mlcheel BrtnkrMn CoMtllne Reatty 948-758-0177 COSTA MESA 3110 Country Club $3,100,000 38r 2.58a Sat Sun 1..S $889,000 Jlm&Lealle F1nt T .. m Real Estate 714-751-2181 NEWPORT BEACH 520 W Balboa Blvd 38r 2Ba Sat-1-4 $1,225,000 Cante Allen ColdweU Banker 949-718-2378 c.11714-423-1852 NEWPORT BEACH 200McNeil1110 28r 2Ba Sat-Sun 1-4 Cathi Denton-Jones First Team Real Estate 949 422-9484 for gate code 1518 Cumberland Westcflff $439,000 38r Open Sun 12-4 $849,000 Agt. Monica Ruggieri 949-300-8600 405 Bay Hiii Big Canyon VIiias 2Br21/2Ba Sun 1-4 $839,000 Teri Hardke Armstrong Properties 949-718 4800 NEWPORT COAST Call for gate access 8 Castelllna 58r 6Ba Sat-Sun 1-5 $3,996,000 Patrick Tenore Nationwide USA • 949-856-9705 38r 3.588 Open Sat 1-5 $1 ,825,000 Agt. Laurie Leggio Coat Properties Of Caltf. 949-509-8923 HONIES OF THE 11VEEK DISPLAY AD LISTING • . IN "114-DAV • 4-L·INE FULL-RUN CLASS AD OPEN HOME GUIDE FOR ONE LOW .PRICEI CALL YOUR RE.PRESENTATIVE TODAYI LORRAINE O'DONNELL 949.574.4245 ANNIE WILLEY 949.574.4249 ·····························································································~······················· Exquisite custom masterpiece 'Ibis home features panoramic octan, harbor and dty lights views. Private pool and spa with water feature. Extensive use of marble flooring and granite counters throughout. Impressive rorunda entry with curved stalrcase and custom garute inlaid floor design. Five bedrooms, Bve baths, eight car subterranean garage. 'lbtshome is offered at $3,999,000. For mtm hljomldtllm, call Riek IAngmn of C.oast Newport Proptrlies-COldtoell Banker at (949) 644-1600. Coast Newport Propertks Is loc4Jd at 4 Cltlfc Plaza, Ste. 260, Newport Beach. Coldwell IJ4nleer ResUle#JWl Brokerage f.s • member of the NRT family of cqmpanles. NRT 1~, the Nllton's ludln& ~l rtal estate brolterage """P""Y· is a subsldlllry of CnulAnt Corporalion (NYSE:CD). Pristine luxury home Highly upgraded throughout, this home offers sweeping hills, ocean and dty U&bta views. Travertine flooring throughout the lower level. CUstom built wine cellar off of the dining room. Three bedrooms, four and one·balf baths, kitchen with granite counters and stainless steel appllancea. Custom office buJlt-ins. Professionally landscaped rear yard. Th.ls home ts offered at $1,895,000. For more ,,,.{omt4ttqn, call Rid IAngevln of Coast Newport Proptrlies-COldwll BMlker at (949) 644-1600. Cmut Newport Propmtes Is 1""'teJ Ill 4 Clflle P'Lizll, Sh. 260, Newporl Bud. Coldwll &111/ur R~ B"'ktr~ Is 11 ~of t/Je NRT fadly of COWfT"'.nks. NRT I~ Mi ~·s kMUti~ rt"1 ett4k btoluroge """"""'' ii t1 J#JJstll~ of Ct""411t °""""/'km (NYSB:aJ). Top Newport Beach agent Carol Berg wraps up record year with new partnership Ginny Sd:lm~Berg brings a unique combination of experience to Coast Newport Properties-COidweii Banker C.UOI Berg, one of the Newport Beach area's most experienced and respected real estate brokers, has announced the formation of a partnership with her daughter-in-law, former national retail executive Ginny Schmitt-Berg at Coast Newport Properties-O>ldwell Banker. 1be news comes as Berg completes the most successful year in her 18 year career, selling high end properties in some of Orange County's most exclusive communities. Ranked among the top two percent of 105,000 Coldwell Banker agents worldwide, Berg has earned a superb reputation for her adept negotiating skills, depth of ex:perlence and intimate fam!l!arity wtth the Newport Beach market. A majority of her clients have worked with her for yea.rs, entrusting multlpJe'home transactions to her apentse. Much of her business comes from repeat clients and referrals. With a certiAcate from the New York School of Interior Design and a degree from Boston University, Berg combines a soph.lstlcated eye for aesthetics wtth her businea acumen. Guy.Legrand, manager of the Coast Newport office, is among Berg's many admirers. "Over the years, Carol has received an array of professional honors, from Top Producer to International President's Elite,• he notes. Her professionalism and expertise have earned her the respect of peers and clients allke. • Ginny brings a unique combination of skills to the partnership. Prior to joining Coast Newport Propcrties-COldwell Banker, she spent 10 yea.rs as a retail executive with Ports International, lnc., serving as a key advisor and facilitator for stores nationwide. She opened the company's Newport Beach and South Coast Plaza locations, later heading and serving as merchandise manager for two New York City stores. •Ginny's extensive business, organizational and management experience is invaluable In ensuring outstanding service,• Berg said. "She loves working with people, is ab.Uarated by the real estate business and has a lifelong fascination with houses. She approaches every engagement with tremendous energy, enthusiasm, imagination and curiosity • Ginny is pleased to extend the pair's rewarding personal relationship to the business arena. •earoJ is highly respected throughout our market and I've always been proud to be Unked with her,• she says. "She's been a wonderful personal mentor to me, and I look forward to benefiting from her professional experience as well.• Both agents share one area of expertise in common: the an of moving. "Before settling in Ntwpon Beach, I lived in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, New York and Atlanta,• says Carol. '"I feel tremendous empathy for sellers and buyers on this issue, and I do eveiything in my power to make their moves easy and pleasant: Ginny, another veteran movt!r, has the dubious distinction of actually relishing the relocation process. She's even perf~ed a streamlined moving system. Peter Hernandez, president of Coldwell Banker Orange County, says he's looking forward to watching the partners meld and enhance their skills. "l'ogether, Carol and Ginny will offer a unique and powerful synergy to their clients,• he said. "I'm proud to .lcnow they're part of our company.• Coldwell Banker Orange County is Orange County's leading residential real estate company, with 17 locations and more than 800 sales associates. More tnformatlon about Coldwell Banker Orange County ts available on the Internet at www cbsocaJ.com. Co4st Ntu1p0rl Propertles-C.aldwell&tnlcer Is locakd tit 4 CMc P14:A, Ste. 260, Nt'Wf"'rl 1k4cli. Call (949) 644-I 600 /O'I more informat1t>n. ~ . ' • 4'o- UI J I ~ N !" N 8 w l ,.., ~ i • j'. l • -I f YOU NEED A COMPANY WITH connections everywhere.