HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-23 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot••
First tip:
Get rid of
the evidence
Y es, It's time for the
holidays. And It's time for
all the traditions that go
with them: the parties. the lights,
the sleigh bells, the shoplifting.
Nov. 11 was an Interesting day
at Bloomingdale's. Not the one on
59th & Lex.
The one In
At first
glance, it was
just one more
sordid little
tale about a
shoplifter who
got caught.
:1~~~ .. P£TER
even have an BUFFA
agent. But it
gets bener. I promise.
Meet KJJn Ann Barro, a 36-year
old massage therapist from
Laguna Niguel. According to
Newport Beach police, on that
bright November morning. Kim
Ann saw a cashmere scarf that
she fancied, and tried to acquire
it using the special Non-Preferred
Customer Five-Finger Discount,
sometimes referred to as the
" l00% Off Sale.· One of Bloomie's
security officers grabbed Barro as
she left the store. explained how
deeply disappointed he was in
her, dragged her and her recent
nonpun:hase back ins.ide and
tried to cuff her. It did not go
weU. Things got physical, oddly
enough, and before you could
say, "Holy Dolce & Gabbana,"
Kim Ann was out the door and
down the road. sans scarf, but
with handcuffs. Actually, one
handcuff, to be exact, the ot11er
dangling free. At that point, the
Newport Beach police were
summoned and the search was
As searches go, it didn't take
long. The cashmere culprit was
done in by th;;t powerful
combl11adon of crime-fighting
tools -technology and stupidity.
Unbeknownst to Ms. Barro,
Wynona Ryder isn't the only star
of the very-small screen.
According 10 Bloomingdale's, the
security peeps were already
watching Barros every move
when she scarfed the scarf, and
the whole episode was caught on
In wasn't quite as Impressive as
the video of Ryder walking out
the door of Saks looking like a
pack. mule in the Donner party -
but It was not bad, and a number
of papers and television stations
carried the images that night.
Apparently, Kim Ann Is very well
liked, because the police got a
number of calls Identifying both
her and her address. Thank you,
very much,
Trevo( Murphy hff some
big shoes to fill •• Save
Our Youth's new leader,
and he aeys he'• ready for
the challenge of helping
local teens find direction.
Coffee lan't Just with
cream or sugar envmore.
F9eling lost1 Don't worry,
we've got 1 step-bv-.t•p
tutorial on why that
alluring .. preno or
cappuccino isn't your
reguler cup of Joe.
Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907
NOVEMBER 23, 2003
Tony Merrill, 9, sits with his parents, Bi» MerriR and Carol Dugan, in front of his favorite tree at his home on Thursday. Bill and Carol are trying to raise money to
send their son to Texas, where he can receive experimental drug therapy to battle an inoperable brain tumor he was diagnosed with in August.
Fighting th.~ odQs
The parents of 9-year-old Tony Merrill hope to raise $20,000
to bring back a life that has been stolen away by cancer
Oa1lyP1lot To make a Summertune 1~ an idyllic ume
for kJds -no ~chool, no home-
work. no worrle~. Tony\ ~ummer
was no exception. He ha<l a lot of
energy and a happy·go-lucky
. . contribution for C arol Dugan 1s in fight Tony Merrill's
mode. treatment, call
The mother of 9-Betty and Bob
year-old Tony Merrill, Dugan at (5621
diagnosed in August 431-1274. But toward the end or the sum-
mer, an mtmder infiltrated his
carefree wa'f'o ll sapped Im energy
and made it an effort for him to Oash his
dimpled grin.
with an inoperable brain tumor,
..aid she is not giving up hope for her son's
"We're trying to keep him alive as long as
we can and pray for a miracle.· said Dugan.
who alternates between tearb and tenacity
when talking about her son.
She has~hanneled her grief Into exploring
alternative treatments and recenlly found a
clinic In Texas that ls using a drug in clinical
trials. So far, the drug has had promising re-
But she and Tuny's father, BUI Merrill.
need to come up with $20,000 in cash just to
start the treatment. Since both of them had
to stop working to take care of Tony, the
West$ide couple is struggling 10 come up
with the large amount
So they are looking to the community for
help to save the light of their life.
-We could sell our house and take the
equity, but where would we live?"
Dugan said.
The symptoms started appearing in Au·
gu~1. Dugan srud. The area around Tony's
eyes got puffy and one of his eye'> wandered
a little bit. Dugan took him to a clinic and
was told it was probably allergies. But the
medication he wac; given didn't hl'lp. And he
got worse, fast.
"He started to stumble a little, he wru. tired
and aggravated." Dugan <,a1cl
So she took hJm 10 Otlldrens lfo<,p1tal of
Orange County In Orange.
They did a er scan and then admined
him, but didn't inform Dugan and Merrill
why right away. Dugan said.
It wasn't unW after doctors performed an
MRJ test that they got the devastating news
from a neurosurgeon: There was little hope
for his recovery.
Tony Merrill,
shown three
weeks before
he was
with cancer,
now needs a
wheelchair to
move around
Hts mother,
Carol Dugan
said the
f amlly's main
goal is "trying
to keep him
alive as long
as we can and
pray for a
miracle .~
Bringing the 'big game' to the beach
In the CIF final•, the
Newport HarMiilad CdM
girts cro .. country ttams,
11 wtll H Costa M .... ,
Jasmin Day, qualified for
the state meet in F .... no.
USC or UCI.A? It's more than just a
question in Newport-Mesa, and the rivaJry
was at full tilt along with Saturday's game.
L0Jlt1 Harper
rose on Newport-Mesa from the
cast the same way It does every
morning. But on Saturday the
day began with an lnexpltcable
energy in the air. Jt was rivalry
time: USC vs. UCLA.
Prom th momtrn peop>e
woke. talk wu about the bis
game. The USC l}'ojans. ranked
No. 3 ln the Bowl OlamplonShip
Serles standings. ~re. meeting
up with cross-town rivals, the
Bruins, who are unranked t.hta
season. Althougtl the game was
60 mUes north, at Memorial
Coliseum ln Los Angeles, the
tension between lhe two fac·
lions was palatable ln this
coastal community.
·People tood in line at Stater
Bros. m.&1*et on Newport Boule·
vard at about 9 a.m. tod.ing up
on meat fot the grill and bever-
ages for tht game. Predlctloru
were dvown arourid and plenty
of good natured ribbing was ex-
On the radio Tv. prepme
hows analyud the two teairu,
played their fi8ht songs and
commentators put tbelr necks
out on a winner.
At half past noon, televisions
all over Newport-Mesa turned
on to watch the twO tea.ms butt
he11ds. Even those who had no
formal affiJlatlon to either
school were expected to pick a
side. Jaime Dexter, 23, of Costa
Mesa said she was not ·die·
hard" either way but was root·
Ing for the TroJnns because they
were the better team.
"UCLA ls getting ruined,"
Dexter said, with an vengeful
Whether It w.a tho h)gh rank·
Ing. or the PbiJulanty or SC
grad ln Newport-Mesa. most of
those around her agreed. As the
Trojans continued to put polnts
on the board. the crowd wen1
wt.Id. Until late In the second
half when UCLA bloclced an ex·
tra·potrit attempt and ran the
ball back for a touchdown. Then
a handful or peopl~ cheeted.
Ben Jacbon. who gathered
with his friends at Newport
Brewing Co., was one of the
brave Bruin fans who wore h1'
afBU&tioS\ o\t his ~
hit hat and aborts.
Jacbon, who was In blue
Crom head to toe, used to play
for UCLA u a. kicker betWetii
1995 and 1999. During his ttn·
ure u a BN.ln. his team bad
posted Ws ln their column. On
Saturday ft was a very dlfrerent
ttory. He f at the ICOte.lftd
took one on the chin. •ttey, SC ls a good tearn. • the
Newport Beach resident said.
"You have to l'l!6pect what they
have done and their talent The
Al ~. ~ 23, 2003
Balboa Theatet raises
curtain with a new plan
The Balboa Theattt took. step
(orWaJ'd U bootten Wlveiled eome MW
1trattgloa ror tumlog the vacant 1928
theater space on Balboa Pmlnsula lnl1>
a desdnadon performJng atta venue.
Foundadoo members unveiled a $2
fulWon by 2005 Cundtalslng goal and
announced that local adMst NanC:y
Gardner bas been~ new
• GreenUght ~are protesd.os the
9ty'a approach to considering whether
a 100-room luxwy re.ort lhouJd be bWJt
on the penlnlula. ln ~ dty
otllc:itJa dedded the matter lhOuld go to
the votm but .id they did !Jot believe
mqu11'!d a vote to tab place.
•A local coas\l.l plan that would~
the dty mon! conttol om: devdopment
neu the water could get tu 6.rst hearing
ln front of the Coutal Commlls1oo ln
the lpri.Q8. 1be city Is paying a
$1,000-a-montb ftne undl lt applies to
the coounlsllon because the deadllne to
make appUcadon has pest.
• Residents uncertain whether water
quality rules allow them to wash tbdr
• cara In their yanis got a little help last
week. Oty oOldals are woddng to get
out the word that residents washing
can should be careful to keep
poJlutantl out or storm drains.
•JUNE CASAGRANDE c:overa New'polt
Beed\ and John W.Vne Airport. She mey be
raedled et (949) 57~ Of' bv HY\811 at
Money race for spring
elections heating up
• Republican candidates vying for the
3SCh Senate district le8l and the 10th
Allembly diltrict seat expect to rUe •
combined tocal of more than $3.5
mlllJon before the primary e!ec:don on
March 2. They've alr'8dy collected ~
baWKles totaling $1.48 million
according to campaign finance ~rta
filed ln October.
The ~rtJ &aid Jtate Senate
candidate John Campbell. who now
hokls the 10th Aslembly Oistrla teat,
bas a 2-to-l lead over competitor Ken
Maddox to dol1m rai5ed as o/Sept. 30.
Maddox II the current 68tb District
A.uemblyman. or the li:x Republic:ans runn.mg (or the
10th Auembty district teat. Cristi
Qisdch c:Ja.lmed the moo cash ln her
~n. fonowect by Olud: De°">re.
Donald P. Wagner and Marianne 7Jppl.
•ALICIA AOlllNSON covers bullMat,
politk:I and the environment. She can be
~et (949) 7M-4330 Of' bv .mall et
•lida.robinMJn e i.timee.com.
C.ouncil says no to measure
to protect mobile home p8'ks
The Oty Council quuhed the
Plannlng Commisston~ elforta to create
an interim measure to protect the
mobile home owners at Bl Nido and
Snug Halbor trailer patb. which are
llated to be doled ln June. The
commislllon will condnue woddog on a
comprehensive mobDe home puk
ordinance that \vil1 apply to put
converalons and closures once the new
rules are eet.
• One Tuesday, • traospe>rtadoo
cornmlnee approved the propoted
wld~ oC Newport Boulevard.
Members of the Downtown and
P.utlkl• Thanlportation Ad Hoc
Committee felt conflicted about the
project. but ended up approYlna IL The
project ls turm\tly being ltUdled for Its
emironmental effects and Is eq>ec:ted
to go the Oty CoundJ for Conskleradon
In Marth.
Police still investigating
C.orona del Mar crash
A 35-year-old Laguna beach man
died Tuesdaynlgbt after the pickup
trudt he wu driving veered off the c:onma del Mar freeway and crashed
ln1o a steel guard rail.
Ruslell Wayne Bridge was trapped
tn the vebk:le and had to be
extrlc:ated by firefighters. The crash
occurred on the 10UthboWld Corona
del Mat freeway near Bison Avenue.
Investigators have not yet
derennioed what caused Bridge to
lose control of h1s vehJcle. The
ovenumed Chevrolet truck blocked
the No. 3 lane and part of the guard ran was prottudJng into the
• Eric Bechler, a 36-year·old
ronner Newport Heights resident
and father of three, fOWld guilty of
murdering h1s wile and dumping
her body tn the ocean, lost his bid
The Newport Harbor-Wood-
brldge football game on Oct. 14
was the first Sa.lion game l
covered this RaSOn, and l wun't
mJly sure what to expect. 1be
weather was cold and the Sailors
needed a win to order to make
the playoffs. Both the offense
and the defense were firing on
all c:ylinders. leavtng the vlsld.ng
Woodbridge team bewildered
and unable to put any plays
The shot oC senior runolng
back Matt Eodnias &tepplng on
the back of a Callen \\OOdbridge
defender on a cany best
symbolfr.ed the Sailors' attitude
that game, and also bow the
team fought bard all season long.
Unfortunately, the Sailors ran
into a very tough Los Altos team
In the first rowid of the ClF
Division VI playoffs Friday night
and lost, ending their season,
and finishing up our football
coverage for the year. I was lucky
enough to see some great
match-ups this season, as well as
plays, and I can't wait for next
season to start.
-Mark c Dwtin.
staff photographer
Police are sb11 investigating the sin~ehicle crash of a blue Chevrolet
truck that kiffed driver RusseU Wayne Bridge and injured a passenger on
the Corona del Mar Freeway near Bison Avenue on Tuesday night.
for a new trlal last week after an
appellate court denied his petition. '
wife. Pegye. during a boating trip off
the Newport Beach coast in July
1997. 8echler was 31 at the time of
the murder.
Prosecutors saJd he killed his wife
to get more than $2 million in llCe
insurance. Her body was never
Kl>peny, said his client will file for a
rehearing at the appellate court
falling whJcb he ..y{IJ appeal to the
state Supreme Court.
8ecbJer wu .entenced to llCe In
prilon without the poufbWty of
parole after he wu convfcted In
March 2001 or ldlllng his 38-year-old
• DER>RE NEWMAN cowt'I Coci. MeN
and 11\rf be r9'dled tt (9491674-4221 or bv
•mall et t»lrdf9.newman0 1atlm#.com.
Parents concerned about
asbestos at Harbor View
Newpott·Meia UnUled School
District offldals dedded 1\tesday to
Bech.let's anomey, William
suspend asbestos removal during
school hours at Harbor View
FJemenuuy School after parentJ raised
safety concerns. The complaints started
Monday after openlnp appeared In the
tent covering the work area. Asbestos
removal was rescheduled during after
school hours.
•Three Corona del Mar students
presented the tehool board wfth a
500-lgnatwe pttf Uon Tuesday to
protest condldons In one of the school'•
• DEEM BHAAATff eo11ers public safety
and courU. She mev be reached at (9491
57~226 or bv •mall at
dHpa blt•r•th•1atima.com. •
pedal education classes.
Tuachers and aides are overworbd
and the room is overcrowded, the
ltUdentJ &aid. They also complained
about rats ln the da.ssroom. District
officials saJd they would look Into the
approach to controlling the rodenta.
• MARISA O'NEIL COY91S educetion and
rNy be reac:Nd et (949) 574-4288 Of bv
.-mall et marlu.OMll•~imM.com.
•r think It's mJlly .
Important for ellf!r)'OM to
lc«p lnvolllttl and follow
thl.s, b«:Jause It will be a
changing line until
SOTMthlng works. And
thar's what we'rt hoping
-rhal oM of the#
altnnattva will be tlwt
allSUJU-and ~body
nttds to lc«p their eyes
open and partidpau In
the open houses and
those kind of things."
-Costa Mesa
Councilwoman Ubby
Cowan about the
Centerline light rail
proposals under
"When I started here.
peopl4 said I couldn't de
anything about some of
the Issues, llu the
shopping carts, the
homeWI people and the
day laborers. But I don't
think that's true. -
-Costa Mesa Police
Olief John Hemley
about new projects to be
implemented under his
"It should have been
caught. But it took
partnts making phone
calls to stop it. So many
things have not goM the
~they said they would.
Ir's a question of
credibility. ..
-Harbor View
Elementary parent Meg
Harrbon about worries
or asbestos during school
hours while the school
was still under
'We want to bring tl1e
kids out of this disgusting
room. Please do
something about thLs.
O>me spend one day in
tl1e classroom to s~ the
disgusting environment •
thq'~ studying in."
-Corona del Mar
High School senior
Brfttany Malone
spea.ldng on the
problems of mu to the
Newport-Mesa Unlfted
School District Board or
"S«lng ls believing,
and rmdlng about rhLs in
a boot and 1ttlng all the
pictures ls nor the same
as experiencing It."
Nature Center founder
Robert Route during a
tour of the nature
preserve that be founded
in 1972.
Daily A Pilot
PM01"00AAPHE.R Copyright: No newt storlet. SURF AND SUN M8lt c. Duldn. Don Lelctl, • lllu1trat)ons, edltorlat matter or
l(Wft~ ~ '*'9in can be
rec>tOdooed without wrlttAln WEATHIR FORECAST The wevea and swell ahould
R£AOERI HOTUM! perrn!Mlon of oopvrlght owner. die down with the wlnck. (Me) 8'2-«188 Wind end Iota of ft will
VOL.17, NO. 327 Record your commentl llbout the HOW lO REAa4 UI domina19 the area today. The SURF Delly Piiot or new. cJps. ~ TMOMAI H. JOHNSON MawsEdleof'a Mdrele The TllY* 0ranQ9 Coumy National WNther Setvlce hu
~ Gina Alwlnder, lorl Anderwn, Our addteaa le 330 W. 8ay St, eo.a (8001 252•9\<'1 post9d an acMeofy untll 2:30 w.t-f.clng breaks lhould
'n>HYDOOaO o.rn.t Hunt. hUI s.ltowitz, Meaa; CA mn Ottloe hou,. are Mw ........ p.m. for high wind In the area. be In the Mist-to ~-Noh Edltot
JUC/'I OIT1INO Denlel~ Monday· Friday, 8;30 •.m. • I p.m Ctn 11fted (IM81 $42·6878 Newport-Mell could ... range. South-f.clng apota will
~.a:=r NEWSSTAff COfl9CltoM DtlplilV 19491642-4321 nofttlNlt wlnck In exc:MI of 25 ........ 0..,. ..... It It the Pl~ Polley to promptly EdltofW mph wfth high« gu-. W.Wqualty: Prornodona Olrectw Crime and courta report9f, cotTeet •II ~,. of .ubltance. ..... Look for moedy .. , .. www . .urfrldtlr.org (M9) 674-4220 Pleal4I call 19'9) 7M-432'-(9'491642..se&o
mmNOITAff dHfM,,,,,.,_,,..,.,,,,..oom .... (M9) 674-'2:Z3 with high *"PeMU ....
Ll.c.hlt JuneC tr••• m MawsfaUM8)~1?0 we"""'9 up Into 1ht mid-to iflbES
~Ed!W, ~ 8eac:tl '9p0ttef, The NewPi:)rt~ ~ "°"' fa (94918&().0170 upper 80L Once the wind chi
PM233 (1Mt)S7~ Delly Pilot (USPS-1""800) II lofNI: t:»ilyplk>t•i.tlrrw.oom down tc>Nght. low9 ehould be ""-Ndonal WMtNr aJt.lttt•~ "'~~·~""'" putMilhed daily. In Newport~ Mlll\0.0. In tM upper «>e. SeMce N'fl thllt mlnot tldll 0-...0.-.. ..... , C.. tMI &&2~1
Cltyf*>t, Lolla ..... and to.ta Miu. eubac:tipdon9 are ...... fa (!Mil 8!1·7121 ~ ~" ~ tht'ougt\
(Ml~ Columnilt. culture repori.r, evailab4e onty bv aubtcriblnQ to The WWW.IM9.1'0M.QOV wadneedly. MOmlng high
~~ (M8)PM271 nm. Orang41 County (IOOI tldel Jn exc:.. of 7 fNt are
$pol1' Edllor, Joltt:I ,.,.,,_."""'*' ciom 252 .. 141. In.,.... out9lda of BOATING FORECAST fot9cMt..
(MIPM223 DlllMNa•W N9wpOtt '-" ~ Coica Mela, Noftheatwlndl ~ 10 me HlliM rldwd.t1Wttt•wn..com Cotia Mtee ~. (M) 574-'221 eubecrit*>nt to IN Deity Piiot .,.
.-..a.e-dWdr9.,,..,.,,,.,,•,...,,,.._com IY ...... only bV ftftt'CI-. mtilf for end 115 knaCa ar. In order for 1:33a.m. t3tfMtlow
MDI,..,, I N9M 0.. Cttlif, ... O'Nall D> per monch. ''"°" lndUde.., ft\lb<hed bv Tinwt Community the Inn« wetef'I. lWo-foot 7:531.m. 7.03fMthtgh
t•PMD4 Educ»dOn rtpOfW, (Ml~ ~.,.. ..... and lcxwl ta.11•1 Ntwt. • dlvleion of the Lot~ wweeand1~.wellof3 2.'57 p.m. ·UOfMttow ,....,,.,..,,,,,,..""'" tnMlaa «*'•"1t#nw com flOSTMASTEA: Stnd iddf9l8 to5Mt .... ~.Out 9:18p.m. U1felthigh llllllliMr!IC's l "* ..... Timee. ~.winds~ about the Pt.-ldllor, ~toTMNMPOn , ... = ,.........,.., ... ,17 ..... ~Meta Delly f'llot. P.O. Cl2003 n,.,_ CN All rights cam., but WllYM wffl be 9t 3 WATER TEMPERATURE ~~
...,.,,..,_,,,__com b 1llO, COtila ~.CA '2129. ~ *t In 1h9 mon*'9 on•
no41t"4ollt ""' .,. a'° 7 1-t;
to host forum
The Newport Beech
Republican Aasealbfy
will host a forum for
RepubJican candjdatet
for the 7oth district
atate Assembty seat
Monday at Coco's
Restaurant at Fashion
IsJand fu Newport
CandJdates were sent
questlonnaires m
advance on issues such
u taxes, workers'
abortion policy and
gun control, Assembly
Pmident Kurt English
· "It's not all that
Interesting to hear
canned speeches," he
said. "It's more
lnteresting to go
through the
questionnaires and ask
clarifying questions.~
Candidates Cristi
Cristicb, Omck DeVore,
Donald P. Wagner and
Marianne Zippl have
said they will attend the
forum, English saJd.
Two other Republicans,
Oioocbol D. Gupta and
Long K. Pham, also
6Jed with the Orange
County Registrar of
Voters to run for the
office. The 70th
Assembly district,
whJch includes
Newport Seacfl, is now
represented by John
CampbeJJ, who is
running for the 35th
district state Senate
English said the focus
of the Corum is from a
Republican perspective
but the general public
ls welcome. Dinner will
be at 6.p.m. and the
forum begins at 6:30
p.m. For more
Information, call Kurt
English at (714)
periodalty In the OaUy Piiot on a
rowting bells. For lnfonnedon on
adding your organtzadon to this
list, call (949) 574-4298.
leam more about art and there
with your community by
beooming a docent at the Ortnge
County Muteum of Art. A
volunteer docent guldea edultt
and~ gl'OtlPI through the
galleries end tead\n about the
museum'& cotkM:tion1 a.nd
exhibltlon1. (949) 759-1122. ext
Docents are needed to lead toul"I
of the Center, 600 Town Center
Drive, Costa Mesa. Leam about
the history and the development
of the Center and the wottlng1 of
the badt stage areas. For mol'9
Information, call (714) 666-ARTS.
Sponsorlhip opportunities al'9
still available for the Orange
County Ronald McDonald House
High Tea benefit to be held on
Oct. 30, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The
benefit will be held at the Tumip
Roso at the Grand Newport Plaza.
1901 Newport Blvd. In Costa
Meta. For more information call
(714) 639-3600.
Participate in life management
and employment training
wortshops as a success coacn to
foster teens 16 to 18 years old.
(949) ~1451.
Volunteers are needed to care for
stray and lost animals In the
Newport Beach. Costa Mesa and
Corona del Mar area1. (949)
The Orange County Pacific
Symphony Ordlestra'•
Volunteers in Education
Opportunities program needs
"olunteers to auist children in a
"ariety of hands-on mu1ical
activities. Volunteer• spend a
total of six Saturday momlng1
with the dlildren. (714) 755-6788,
ext. 244.
Founded by mothera Ind~
lglllnat child abuN, Parent Help
ab the public for hefp end vofunJMn to lnfonn the
community on vttal lnues
af'fectlng chlkken and the family.
Information: (949) 6&0-3461 or
(949) 876-6271.
Vofunteera are needed for a Crisis
Aasiatance Pl'ogfem, aalatlng the
emergency responders by
prov\dlng emotlonll ftnt aid at
the ICllle of a critical Incident. No
previous experience neceuary.
lnfonnatJon: (949) 724-7199,
partnel'Nlwa'ftlCllrlno §cox.not
The foundation, wtlld\ rel ...
money to support pediatric
cancer researcti, needl
volunteers for a variety of duti ...
(949) 859-6312.
The Institute i1 looldng for
volunteel"I to take part In a study
on quitting smoking. To learn
more about the program, call
(8881 n4-4ff13.
Prime Dynamics, a Newport
Beach nonprofit organization for
the 99 and younger set, need•
volunteers for itl program1. (949)
Project Cuddle Is a Costa
organiutJon that meetl the needs
of girt. and women facing
unplanned Pf99t\lnc:Ma. lo
addition to otftce help and
12-hour hotllne lhlfta ~a
month, voluntee,. are needed for
an auxiliary group and
funckalalng commmee. and to
hefp distribute ltlc*et1 to stop
bebiM from being abandoned in
trash blne. SeMoe groupe of all
kinds -mom'• groupe, churches.
students, men end wqmen's
dube, and compeny-tpONOred
sport's teafN -are wented for
creative fund-raising profecta.
The organization ai.o needs
donated gift Items for mothers
end babies. lnfonnatlon: (714)
432·9681, http://www.project
~ mobs COM«llng lost & easy!
FM ernoil boms. Webmotl.
lnsiont Messaging ond lll()(el
l...tiate Amis· Sip Up 0..11 ...
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Offering a new array of fabrkl ancl rolon, we 1tt takfna the bR
orders for Holiday ddm::r. There'• a few clemonsttaton and
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"' country "*"· pli.a c:Mchn'• !Mfet
Wld lnaedlM ci..ns.
It •s Thll1kt1Mr11 mldt..,...
NOVCMaU l7, 2001
12:00 P.M. -5:00 P.M.
1107 Jt11'11>offt Ao.cl
. ......... ..,,,m.., • .__...,.,. ..... .,._ .... ....., .......,. _ _..,.. .. ....,. -•1•-.::.=• _..,.. -~-..................... ----........ "'"' ._._ .. ,._ .. .. ......... _
23. '2003
• ...... 8lilllll: A
..-1111d on*""*"°" of dlllrtbudng pm, ...
hlndblMI In the 400 bk>t* -11:411.m. fficMv, • ...._ .... t1IW!ld:A
28-VN"Oid mtn WM
• the 31000 bfodc at 3: 10 a.m.
• Mlltaot IOl•••d: A
" 27;VMl-Old wom.n on
autpk:lon of PfOSdM'on in
the 3200 bloc* at to:30 p.m.
~..old woman_.
arr-tlld on "'~ of
pro9lhudOn"' the 17800
~--10:15p.~ Frtday.
• .-.u,.wt l oulftenl: A
~f'okt woman "Mt
•nested on~ of
burg&arv and puslno • &tttious dl4ldt It 8 p.m.
Mi<lfY. •,_.port loulfterd: A
22-yuM>ld man was
•rrwned on 1UIPidon of
polNMfng drug
peraJ)Mmall1 In the 2200
baodc at 1!201.m. Saturday.
• W.. 11th 8trMt A
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•11111daru 1•I t1nol
be1r'9 dftdlnSMllll!Dln ..
'JOOWoc* •t::10pm.
NEWORrlUCH ............ ~
WM 1epo"9d Jn b 1000
bb* llt 1:11 am. Fridly •
•Ca dtr.,._A
hit .......... W ""°"9d in she 4000 block Ill 12:91 p,m..
f:ridilv. •la ..... OllflC.....,
... feported ..... 2100
~ .. 3::11 p.ln. frid9Y.
• ...._llllndlllhre:A
burglary Will NPOftl9d In
Che 800 blOc* .. , .... p.m.
......... ---flllay 1h9ft WU tepofted In the
.-00 bk><* et 1 :A3 p.m.
Fridey. . .,...,..... .. °"""
Olhe:A trllffic ~
lnvoMng lnJu'* WM
r11P0'19d Ill 6:19 p.m.
Thul"9dey. • •
V•ndeli.trl WM~ In
the 1500 bloc* et 9:20 a.m.
• 111h hMe Ari futo theft
wa repoft9d In the 1800
blodc at 8.-<>2 p.m. •
By!Mw~ .. ,
The advutisements gmnlly
~US t'* WC will be able lO
deduct die~ paid on our home
cqiity loin ... and all but w-gie us lO
cab: cu a io... to spend on a trip to a
iropal bead!~ A& S&e\'C
Mlrtin lL'led to say. "Whoop! My
tnan jam ~to the Blhamll. ..
You ICC. the maaer is fw more
comp&cx thin lhil. Tu.le, we n
wde 10 look IO tone equity "-:is
for I wide l'lll£C fl necessary
borrowin& llhouah net~ lo
finmoc CU' Wailuki Mai Tais). And
~ 1n ~or mail of
lbc lnlCn:Sl we pay on u:h '°"'5
will be deductible. B~ watlCh out.
Mllke lltx;olutcly cenain you oonsult
w11h )'OOI" tu lldvi..v lO avoid a
swpnse no1e from die lRS IClling
)'OU a OCSUln amoun d chit meartst
wasn ·1 deductible, after all
We can deduct che awi:ns we pay
on che fiNnclll& we lake out to
build. or pwdme. ~
sub;tantially tmp'OYC our homc9-
up to$ I million'swonh. WeC#l
QI s 100.<XX> in home equity
financing IO 1hal lmOlO (90 IOQg IS
d docs1 ., take w ow:r lhc l1lllUc
value o( CU' home). The intens
paid Oil lily bom>Wlll8 OV« and
llbove chit IS NOT decb:tible ... and
chis DOeSN1' ml*! we all
IUtOmllllcally gee a $1.1 nullioo
oeilini-The oeilina dcpcndl on bow
rrudl we bonuwed IO buy, build
ltVJ/« imprcm CU' penonal
rc:sl(lenoe (or finl n1 m:ond
pmmal residcnccs).
Let's say 11 apin. Consult your
w lldvisorl Por real estate
matters. call me at 949-533-1200
or visit my websites al
davewong4.com or
Dttvt W.nt "" Nm Nili"K homn m N~ &tirh sin<"t
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rb.r Waterfl"Onl s.atlnp Ava.I.lab
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' '
Contliued from Al
Whl1e the neurc)lR.ltgeon's
prc>grlOU WU grim. 'Jbny'I pat·
ents ~ bu0)'9d • Uttle by the
oneologlat~ projecdOtl -that
~ couJd etteod
Tun)'\ lite.
'Jbny'I cancer ls so Insidious
because It Is in his braJn stem.
wbk:h controls a lot of tuncdons.
and because or the way It has
penne.ted Into the stem. Dugan
said. ·u .. like ii you tab JeU-0 and
lb.row sand in lt -it's like trying
to take out the sand without
touching the Jell-0. • Dugan said.
Tony stayed in the hospital for
about a month. Then he under·
went chemotherapy and radia-
tion for m weeks -five days a
week for {our to five hours a day.
Dugan said. He flnished the
chemotherapy treatment about a
week and a ba.lC ago. It's too early
to lell how well lt worked. Dugan
The vibrant little boy who used
to ride his bi.Ice and play Is now
in a wbeek:bair. He is losing his
hearing and his speech has be-
come slurred. His face Is puffy
and h1s eyes are droopy. It takes a
good deal of effort to hold his
head upright When he has
enough energy to muster a
smile. he shines.
Thursday, Dugan and Merrill
brought him to the Omelette
ParlO( so he could enjoy a waffie.
but outings like those are rare.
Most of the time, he sleeps, Du·
gan said.
During Tony's chemotherapy
at the hospital, Dugan talk.ed to
other moms about treatments.
Dugan said she heard about the
Burzynslcl Clinic in Houston
from someone at the Wellness
Oinic in Newport Beach.
Continued from A I
On Wednesday, Barro heard an
early-morning mod: on her
door and found a number of
Newport Beach detectives on the
other side o( it
Inside, in no time at all. poUce
found a newspaper clipping
about the robbery, and -believe
it or not -the security guards
handculis. That's not good.
I predict, and you can say you
heard It here first. that Mark
Geragos will oot be taking this
Let's review.
Imagine that you are dumb
enough to try shoplifting some-
thing from a big department
I know, 1 know. Just humor me.
By now, everyone knows about
the video surveillance cameras
and the fact that at least a few of
the ~customers" around you are
security people. and let me re-
peat, ·everyone.·
in fact. lfyou find an extra·ter·
restrlal wandering in the parldng
lot and drag him Inside, he'll
raise his little glowing finger,
point at a grate in the celling and
say, "vee ... dee ... oh.• Be that
as It may. you decide that there is
no way that you can Uve without
that dadlng little wbateveL
You make the stunningly
dumb decision to snatch It and
get busted, all of which takes
about eight seconds. Somehow,
while you're sobbing and crying
and watching your entire lite cir·
de the drain, your brain (and we
use the term loosely here) says.
"Hey, wait, I got an Idea Let's
make a run for it Yeah. that's Ill"
But somehow, for reasons no
one In th.ls world or any other
understands, it does -and you
ftnd yourself back home, lnalde,
with the doors locked, the Ugbts
otr and the shades drawn. This is
a test what ts the first thing you
do? Get the handculfs all, of
Now, pay attention, this part ls
Well, for Kimmie, anyway.
Readyf OK. ...
What is the next thing you do?
Yes. yes, get rid of the hand-
But not Kim Ann. no slr. She
Contiiued from Al
bottom line ia that th.la is a great
dva.l:ry. But ot eoune, I am panJa1
to UCLA."
AM Archie, who WU also at
Newport b.rewing Co. for the tall
md or the pme, ditched famDy
loyah:f and attended "that
other acbiool." But In her cate.
her r'ela.tlW. ans die·hard UCLA
WU. lbe &aid.
•My dad wasn\ a 8ruln but at
least be man1ed wdl -hil lee·
ond wtle ta a 'ftojln." ab• Mid.
·But we ba.e a par timcl wtth
ltbt rMlryf, We 8lwayl fUlt ~ 'ta the belt teeJn win.' and then
we bet dinner."
Wldl lhfl ~ lhowti1a
OoctOll at the din c suggest
Tony 5tart wlth a pill treatment
and then move on to an all-day
JV pwnp. Ougarl uld While he ls
Atj>poled to wall to start this ~nt until eight ween after
his cbemDtheraPY ended. he
migJlt have to awt it sooner. if
be ls oot ln stable condition. Du-
gan WcL 1be IV treatment runs
about $8,000 a month. Dugan
Dupn said she bas talked to
some parents whose cblldren were treated at the clink:. and
those chUdren are still Uvtng. Du-
gan said.
As the hoUdays approach, Du-
gan and Merrill are slngle-
mindedly focused on saving
their son.
"When you have someone
with cancer, the whole world Is
going on around you. but our
wodd has come to a halt: Du-
gan said. "I had one outing with
my friend since this started. I
went shopping at Thrget with my
friend. And I cried all the time."
Priday, the family new lo
Houston to begin treatment, ac-
cording to Tony's grandmother,
Betty Dugan.
She said that that apother MRJ
showed the cancer was moving
outside the brain.
"They were very discouraged
about the MRJ," she said. "But
they're very excited about this
Dugan said that her daughter
and son-in-law were told doctors
would need to perform surgery
in addition to the experimental
medication; however, Tuny's par·
ents are optimistic about the fu.
ture and are not giving up the
fight for his life.
"(Tonyl is their only son. He's
very precious," Dugan said.
Mesa and mey be reached at (9491
574-4221 or by &-mail at
kept 'em. Good idea
Why not leave them out on the
coffee table while you're at it7
They malce a nice souvenir
and who'd ever see them?
The poUce?
That's silly.
Whether It's a Hollywood ac-
tress or a Laguna Niguel massage
therapist, why do people do this
The "professional" thieves are
easy enough to understand.
Some people steal cars, some
people steal computers. some
people steal clothes.
There are all kinds of speclal-
It's the lndivldua.I. compulsive
shoplifter that is so mystifying,
especially when the one lSehav-
ing bad Is rich and famous.
According to Peter Berlin, the
Executive Director of a group
called Shoplifters Alternative, ha·
bitual shoplifting is a response to
emotional problems, which is
why the value of what's taken, or
the finances of the shoplifter are
"(ShopUftlngJ produces a
chemical reaction, le. adrena-
lin,· says Berlin, "resulting in
what shopliftecs describe 93 an
incredible "rush" or "high" feel-
ing, which many shoplifters will
tell you is the "true reward,·
rather than the merchandise it-
·1n addition to feeling good,
shoplifters quldty observe that
this "high" temponui.ly ellrnf·
nates their feelings of angt!r,
frustration, depression or other
unhappiness In their life," he
Yeah, I guess. But I suspect the
jail time makes all those f eellngs
of anger, frustration and depres-
sion coming rushing back In, no?
It's not hard.
Fl.tst cut off the handcuffs.
then get rid of them as soon as
And I don't care if' it's the tur·
by, the Ocean Spray, or the MIS.
Cubbison'& Get whatever you
want. Just malce sure you pay for
Have a wonderful T-Day. I got-
ta go.
• P£T9 BVffA i1 •tonne< eo.t1
Mele m.yor. Hl1 column run1
Sundays .. He m.y be reached bv
e-mall at pffWOaol.com.
USC up, 47-22, Arcble started
planning her victory meal Usu-
ally Archie &Od her father go to
games together but this time she
gaw her father her seuon Uck.ets
because her daughter, Ricld, was
playing her own bt.g game in the
AYSO playoff&
The Atchle's were on the IOC·
cer field rooting ror the Rattlers.
In which RkJd ec:ored the win-
ning g'OIL The family headed di·
reedy to dlniler to celebrate botb
a 100Cer And footbell victory.
Ann~ rather, DaveAldtte, wenr
to the UnlvmSty or WUconaJn
and labelid blmadr an ado~
"My 8lidiefa Iott ~" he iakf. .But a.-Aatden and lbe
Th>janl WWW vtctodoUI; 90 the
~ .
Patty Harvey
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HOW TO GET PU8USfQ -Lt1a1n: Mall to editorial Page Editor S.J. c.M at 010 Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay St, Coltll Meu. CA 92827 •Pu Mt....._ Caft (949) Ml«lll f..x: Send to (949) 646-4170
e.m.ll:Send to IUUypilot 1-til'N&OOm • All ~nee must lndude fuU ~. hometown and phone number (for verification P'll'P<*t). TM Piiot ......-we the right to edit etl eubmtaiona for clarity end length.
Staying on script
will spell success
for Balboa theater
W e can picture it
The floodlights.
the curtain calls,
lhe standing
A vibrant and successful
performing arts theater to
entertain residents or Newport
Beach nnd beyond.
Problem ls. while we are looking
forward to the day In the
hopefully not-so-distant future
that we'll be able to purchase
tickets to a live show at the Balboa
Performing Arts Thea1er, formally
known as the Balboa Cinema, we
are not holding our roUectlve
Although. we are happy 10
report that this w~k that there is
reason 10 breathe juM a bit easier.
In an announcement
Wednesday, the theater's
foundation memben. set their
sights on a $2-million funding
goaJ, Installed Nllllcy Gardner as
new cha.lrwom'Vl and, most
Importantly, unveUed the plans for
how the construction of the
theater would proceed
The consuuctlon was the latest
snag in this noble but drawn-out
$6.S·mllllon project.
Planners have never found
enough space for dltSSlng rooms,
restrooms and office space, which
Wtte origjruilly slated for the
basement area.
Becauae that area was below the
water table, the construction costs
would have been astronomical
o.nd the project stalled. The
sotudon now ls to add a second
story for omces and restrooms
and an entertainment deck on top
to woo prospective donors.
Also key are nrw rules In place
for the foundation that call for
holding board elections every
three years and unde rtaking an
independent audit of the
organization every year.
nu., will go a long way m
improving the foundarion's public
image and could bring in more
fwHiralsing dollars.
·nu., will not only be a proje<.·1
Newport Beach can be proud of,
but It will be an arts venue for aJJ
of Orange County,• Newport
Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg said
al this week's announcement
We agree with his honor. but
unfortunateJy, because of past
fundralsing and planning~·
we feel like we've heard this all
While we remain a bit skeptical,
we are more than hopeful that
we'IJ be buying those tickets very
District's grad rate
needs a closer look
0 veraJI Newport·Mesa
Unified School District
is doing n 1op-notch job
of getting students
through the system in 12 years,
even with the new, more
s tnngent graduation
According 10 the California
Department of Bducnlion, the
dltllrict graduated 93.6% of
seniors la.st year.
JWo schools had I 00%
graduation rate
That's great But 11's not the
whole picture ~ere. The district's
two alternative education hJgh
schools did not have such
impressive graduatJon rates on
the 2003 Adequate Yearly
Progress Phase ll reports. which
chronJcles the graduation success
rate for the class of 2002.
At Monie Vista Alternative only
60.3% of seniors graduated.
That's not a great number, and is
sadly close to neighboring
dlstrlct's alternative education
graduation numbers.
However, the real worry ls at
Back Bay Continuation. There the
percentage of seniors moving on
dropped to an appalling 16.79'>.
·Ncwport·Mesa officials
attributed the low rates to the
•unJque structure" of the school,
but a drop from 76.943{, the year
before still raises a red Oag.
The report uses a formula that
takes Into account the number of
dropouts each year. the number
of students graduating who
began as freshman together and.
while transfers don't hurt a
school's standing. a student
leaving without a forwarding
school transcrlpl does.
Regard.Jess of the possible
loopholes in the formula, or the
Oexible structure at Bade Bay.
accordJng to the report 1 O
srudcnts In the class of 2002
dropped out and rwo graduated.
Any way you cut it. that's not
good. That five dropped out in
the l998-99 school year, plus five
more ln the 1999·00 school year.
does not make It any better. The
numbers indicate that the
program Is not engaging
The other district claim -that
students often enter the school as
seniors but have too few credits
to eraduate -may explain
numbers but does not diminish
concern. We cannot let these
students fall behind and through
the cracks.
This Is without a sentiment the
school district and lts educators
share. But It something they and
the community must be vigilant
As the Worm turns
We're guc Ing more than
a few readers are
avoldlng this apace,
certain they know what's to come
And we don't llkc to dltappolnt.
So ...
lting news last week
Newport soon may~ home to
lhree NBA •tara Instead of Just two; •
~ Denitb Rodman. known
th~ days for having u many
polic:e clratlont u U1ttr
rebounds. ts ~t.hlng up h1a act
and aaye he plans to teturn to
playing professlonally.
Rodman hit bottom last month
in Laa Vegas when h., slammed a
moton:ycle into a pole while
trytng to pop wheeU He ended
up whh a Dlll for that ad~ntu.re.
And that wa the embe.m.ssJns
b dllne tMl atralgbtened the
Worm out, so to speak. Ke'• been
In outpatient creatment for about
n month, his agent tald.
Now, let•a all be dear. While we
have a Uttle Am, we're 1~
behind anyo.M'• att mptt to
lmprow themJelvu and keep
lhemaelves healthy.
Aft.JN ...
• ...
Private enterprise tlie way to go
• • . By Jeffrey L. Jacobs
I n ~ponse to the article In the
Daily PIJoc regardln.g Newport
Beach taking a more active role
In Newpot l Harbor and if it would
be C06l effective: Here is one co t
drecdve Idea.
I am writing this Jetter respecifuUy
requesting the appropriate pany to
explol't' the Orange County hrilrs
Harbor Patrol regarding their
noncmtrgency towfng and
jump·stan mporu.e poUcy with
reaa.Uon.tl boaters In the Orange
County area.
'three established buslneue.s
hcenSed, equipped, and Insured,
prcwide these types of services on
the water In Orange County.
Nonemergency cows, Jump-f>tans,
fuel and part deliveries,
~w1groundJng ," anlvage and more
dtc available from these compani
24 ·hours per day, aeven days a
week, 365 days ~r. year.
Why are Orange Couuty taxpayers
pun:haslog more pacr9l boats. While
caseloads of nonemergency calls fot
the Harbor Patrol decrease and
Strike opponents should get .
the facts before complaining
Your Commumty H>rum section
Wednesday featured a picture of the
United Food and Commercial Workers
union slrikers and a letter from Ann
Merritt of Corona del Mar, who
suggested the plcketb "gel overhand
get baclt to work# on the basis of her
perception that ·e"ery hard-working
person (she mows! has had their
Insurance go up !t<>me:
If Merritt had read the Los Angeles
llmes on Oct. 19, she would have
known that tbe Sfif'cway Co. -parent
company of Voiu -has been dealing
for years with the results of
mismanaged ncqulsltlons It made
across the country and with t.be
aftermath of a L986 leveraged buyout.
which saddkd the company with debt
She would also lcnow that the unJoo
launched the trike to protest the
Safeway odmlnlstradon'a desire to pare
workers' health care and pension
benefits. Creeu existing salaries and
institute a ~r tier of wages for new
hlra. AJl of these eJemmts have been
estabJJ.sbed over the yean through
union and company negotiations.
Men1n should tho.t" •people she
mowa· II they haw unJon
Also, Safeway'• muJd·bllllon doUu.r
debt. which w manqt'&ble during
the 90s. now a hu burden. AnaJysu
complah\ed thar cway paid too
dearly for acquls.ltloru auch u
Domin1ck's marltcc. Rind.all' Pood
Markett Inc. and \.enuardl's Family
Maiket lnc. Also, SaftM<ay CEO Sltw
Burd wu paid S605 per hour In 2002
and tleclloed to bt lntcrvicMd by the nrnes rep,rdlnf tM current strike.
The &.ue b not abuut ,.,aylna for put
of one' he'alth lnliuranco CCJYt't'l8l". fhe
1 Ii lbout a ot_~ company ..
civilian contrac::ton are avail.able?
Certainty. there are more
appropriate allocadona for the
Cunds of a county that was bankrupt
just a few years ago.
• Orange Counly wastes hundn!da
of thousands, lf not millions, of
dollars every year on new patrol
boats, eq>lolting emergency
reM>urces for nonemergency
ltuations. boosting county fuel
bilJJ, maintenance coats. and
drastically Increasing county
liability. 11tese actfotU also directly
take money out of the pockets of at
lea.st nine small bu.<iln~ in their
own county.
lbe United States Coast Guard's
policy on nontmergency cases
diverts the1e calls to private
businesses and good Samaritan&
San Diego County doea not provide
nonemergency 1owtng and
jump-starts in San Diego or Mission
Bay. nor does Octtmide, Avalon,
Lo Angles, Long Beach Port PoUoe
or Ventura C.ounty, etc.
Thete local municlpallttes al.so
dJven such cases to private
contractoca and good Samaritans,
auemptlng lo get well on the backs of
ilS hourly workers
Costa Mesa
We are more than just
someone on a picket line
Please print the following open
letter 10 our customers for all those
ignorant people who think we are on
the picket line for a measly
SS-per-week health care fee. They
need to lcnow the 70.000 employees
are not on the line by cholce-
electlng co loose more than seven
weeks of pay.
Maybe tf they look at us as people,
who have truJy been tbere for them,
they mig;llt see us u more than just
some "unskilled worker," such
Newport Beach resident Elayne ~r
111ated In her letter to the editor.
Please remember that:
I am the one with the picket sign
that was almost hlt lo the parking lot
by someone'• car. I am the one the
grocery Slore chain Jocked out of the
store from my job and told me not to
return u~tfl the contract wu .ettled. J
did not leave on my own accord.
I am the one you come to on
ThanbgMng and~ trnas to ring
up your groceries so you may go home
to enjoy the holidays with your family
and tttk ·go0ct will towards meo. • I
am the one that smiles at you ~
day and list nt to your complain ti
1hout the cost oOlvtng and the hf&b
prtces tllat •they" charge.
I am the one that h~l~ you find
those hem.• you Ju1t can't aeem to
flnd. l un the one that o~n• up an
~irra check 1tand to get you bom
Cuter, ~n thou~ I'm on 1 breU. I
en the one that hUll you when you
come throu,h my lint". becauao you
)uat told me your bMJ1breaklna nlr'WI
reserving our resources for actual
emergencies. Only after all private
contractors are committed or
exhausted will these agencies
launch a government resource.
Orange County must nplo~
portions of these policies and
consider adoption.
Similarly, rtPfdlng the wildftJ1!s
In Southern California. only after, ·an ctvWan contractors ere
commf«td, exhausted, or
unavailable" w1JJ mllitary air
support be actJva1ed. Obviously, thla
ls to prevent the govenuneot from
competingw1th private ent~,
a It is a conflJct of Interest: This aJao
def en; deployment of government
aaency resources, ~owtng private
enterprise to prosper. lt abo saves
taxpayer dollars, as emergency
l'Cti0uroe$ are reserved tor eminent
altuadons, as was ~Ir original
When will Orange Councy follow
uit and stop mlsuslng taxpayers'
•JEFFREY L JACOBS 11 a captain In the
U.S Merehant Marlnh.
of your lost loved one.
• •
I .
I am the one lhat hasn't enjayed a
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter,
Mother's Day, Father's Day or the
Fourth of July with my family in years,
because ·1 am there to serve you." I
am the one that pulls In the grocery
carts in the rain. I am the one that you
come to for the special cuts of meat
you just have to have to make your
meal perfect. l am the one that works
In the middle of the night to fill the
shelves while you sleep.
l am the one that makes those
beautiful Oower arrangements for
your Valentine.
I am the one that arrives very early
to prepare the rolls. the bread, and
meat platten for the funeral or your
family event f am the one that selects'
the right watermelon and ripe
pineapple for you.
I am the one •they" promised If I
give up all my evenings, all my
weekends, and n1l my hoUdays with
my famUy, "they" would reward me
with a decent pension and benefit
plan, so I won't need to go on welfare '
when I am old. I am the one people ·•
yeU at and am told to top whining
and get back to work. I am the one ·•
who continues to cry to lnform the
pubUc of the very, very poor conmtct ••
t em the one who la desperately
trying to raJse my family aod Uve the ''
American Dream. l am the one that It"
tand1l\I on the aldewalk with my atan~
uklng you to ptl'ue mpect my plQ:e~ un . becaute 1 thouaht I earned the • '.
right to ~· my company to ft>Uow ''
through with tta prol'l\ltc8. I am the 1 one that appreciatea all your tupport
th last weeu and need you to tt«y "
•tront 1n 1uppo" li1 the WMb ahead .• Without you, w. loie. "
HMM: Thomas Trevor Murphy
City of ,_...tee: Laguna Beadl
~laliion: Masters of Science in
Fof'9lgn Service, Georgetown
University; Badlelon of Arts in
Economics, UC Berkeley
FORU M Simay, Novemb« 23. 2003 A7
Fresh face for
a youthful group
T he legendary Oece.r
SantO)'O ls no longer at
the helm of Save Our
Youth but the
organization lives on under new
· <lliection. Who has stepped up to
take controJ? 'nftOI' Murphy. a
Golden Bear with a golden heart
and nerves of steel.
C.Olumnist Lollta Harper caught
up with Murphy Friday to ask him
about his new Westside endeavor.
H~'s what he had to say.
If )'OU had to deecrtbe younell
usln8 three worde (yea, JOU have lo)
what would they bet
Fortunate, grateful. opportunistic
Can )'OU tell m a Uttle about )'Our
badqp'ou:nd arid how you landed at
Save Our Youth!
Femly: wife, Sarah ~ Buketball, playing music and
(>can apons
I graduated from c.aI in 1994 with a
degree in economics. While most of
my coUeagues were taking jobs across
the bay In San Francisco, 1 was more
interested in trying to work overseas. I
felt at the time it wouJd be the only
period In my life where I couJd see the
world. I applied to the Peace Corps
th.Inking I wouJd get posted ln Latin
America because I spoke some
Spanish at the time. The next thing I
knew I was speaking Swahili in the
East African country ofTunzania,
where I was sent to teach economics
at an aU·girts government high school.
for the government. Plus, the world
just isn't as safe for U.S. diplomats
The idea of spending the rest of my
life bunkered down in an embas,,y
canceled out aU my exotic aspirations
of living abroad. Upon graduation, I
began to look again at jobs dealing
with teenage youth. I moved back to
Orange Counry right when Save Our
Youth was look.Ing for a new di~or. I
guess you can say the timing was
perfect for my ambitiom and SOY's
need to fill ~tls position.
What are some changes or new
profecta we can look forward to
under )'Our dlrectlonf
talent show Friday. What are eome of
your best talentsf
I have played the piano for years
and also play guitar and sing. I'm not
very good but then again I'm not afraid
to make a fool out of myself, so that
'We cannot deny that
[the county] has
changed so much in
the Last 2~years. We
have to accept that
It was an invaluable experience
where I was able to mature and
develop a set of vaJues that I carry with
me to this day. The school where 1
taught was located in the shadow of
Mt. Kilimanjaro. As a secondary
project, I trained and led these high
school girls on six-day expedJtions up
to the summit of Kilimanjaro.
Interestingly eqough, my written
tales from these expedJtions were
mailed home and distributed to family
and friends. Somehow they landed In
the hands of Petec and Unda Biehl,
who wanted to meet me. After almost
three years in Tanzania. I craveled to
Cape Town, South Africa. where I met
the Biehls and discussed the possibility
of becoming the new program director
of the Amy Biehl Foundation 'IhJsL I
took the position and moved to Cape
Tuwn for two years.
ls lt bard following In the footsteps
of tomeone such as Oscar Santoyo,
who was there "forner" and very weU
It is difficult on some levels.
We are hoping to expand the
scholarsWp program in regards to
recruiting more low· income youths to
our academic center where they can
earn money for good grades. We have
dismantled the boxing program and
have turned that room into more of a
mulU·purpose room where it can be
used by more youth. It almost doubles
our capacity and we use It more for
youth workshops and collaborations
with other agencies.
J am hoping to start a music
program where aspiring yoWlg
musicians can congregate and play
together. We have also have a lot of
dancers using the new room to
practice so I might capltaliz.e on their
enthusiasm. I am also hoping to do
more excursions outside of Costa
Mesa, maybe even International. I
would love to take the SOY Girls up to
Mt. Whitney as an empowerment
project. However, these exa.arsions cost
money and you almost always need to
he pmperty equipped. I guess that Is
where tJ1e community can help us ouL
t undentand )'OU are an <>rmp
c.ounty n.adw. How do you t.blnk th.a
wlO help you In this (Ole!
l guess just being fa.millar with the
demographics and knowing the
history. f have a historical perspective
and have seen O.C grow to what lt Is
today. I remember when there were
still oranges. We cannot deny that It
has changed so much ln the last 20
years. We have to accept thatO.C wiU
continue to evolve and SOY is a big
part of helping a new generation of
Latino youths integrate and become
productive members of our
0. C. will continue to
evolve and SOY is a
big part of helping a
new generation of
Latino youths
integrate and become
productive m.embers
of our community.'
Under the mentoring of Peter and
Unda, I drove everyday into the same
township where Amy was killed to
develop and manage after school
programs for at·rlsk and
dJsadvantaged youth. During this time,
I met with my current wife Sarah. a
beaut1ful South African artist, who also
worked In the after-school program'>
for the Amy Biehl Foundation. O was
actually her bo~l
However, the be<it thing in regards to
"following in the footsteps" that Oscar
left at SOY was that he nurtured
community support for what we are
trying to do. You have a very ic.pedal
community here in Costa Mc..a and at
limes I feel like an adoptc<l wn.
Everyone I have dealt with here has
been like, "Oh, you're the new director
of SOY? What can 1 do to help?"
As anybody ran tell you, thh
-;upport can ht• d1fficuJt to obtain in
the world of nonprofits. I have been
able to feet.I off this support ru. SOY has
made this major tmnsition in Its
history because of the heart and soul
Oscar put into it. The hardrst part has
been the look.' on some of the kid's
faces when thl'Y come into the office
for the first unw and learn that Oscar
has moved on. You ~an tell that
everybody revered him. 1 Juwever, my
staff and the board have stood behind
me and I have not had any trouble
connecting with the yc1111h at SOY.
The dty has Ken an arguable rile
In gang-related crfmee, la th.at a large
concern of yours al SOYT
Of course. We arc always aware of
what gang-related actJvldes arc
happening In the community. The
~nee of SOY Is the d.tvfrslon of
youth away from these activities. We
work everyday to combat the
symptoms that mltJlt lead the youth
toward this lifestyle. That is what we
do and It can be difficuJt at times. We
will never be able to force kids to a
make a decision to '>lay clean, but we
can otrer them support and an
aJtemative if they chose to. I guess the
most difficult pan is knowing a kid Is
oo the fence but you don't have the
resource&'lO retain hlm or her.
Haw do you look with a al:uMd
bead1 Santoyo u9fld to thaw hll bMd
lf the kids made good p.-. Any
ptan. for that, or eometh.lng along
dM>ee H.oetT
I think the shaving of the head was a
special tradition between Oscar and
those he mentored. I would rather
start my own legacy of complete
embarrassment Maybe I wiU promise
to dress up Ii.Ice a woman, malte·up
and all, and go order a Big Mac.
I decided in the fall of 2000 to enter
graduate school at Georgetown
UnJversity in their School of Foreign
Service. I had loved working overseas
and had hoped th.at this degree would
be the stepping stone to joining our
Foreign Service and working the rest
of my career as a dJplomat. I lowever.
while interning at the State
Department, I reali.1..ed how much l
missed the day·to·day interaction
with people -especially
lmpressJonable young people where
you have an opportunity to make a
difference in their lives. There just
wasn't the same fulfillment work.ing
You can never <;<1y that I can
"replace" (hrar. I le\ irreplaceable. I
just need to trust my sldJls ant.I
ex.perience 10 keep SOY c;trong and
hope that thr rommunlty will
continue to .,ee what neces.'>ary service
1t provide., m llw .,OCLal and academic
development of 11., youth.
SOY tao.led an open ho\19e and
On behalf of SOY, I JUSt wanted to
thal\k everyone that has made this
transition possible. The support 1 have
gotten from Costa Mesa has been
increcUble and I hope that SOY will
stay strong. If it does. I guarantee that
everyone in Costa Mesa and Newport
Beach will benefiL I lowcver, we are
dependent on pTlvate donations and
some small grants so please keep us in
mind when you are feeling generous.
Plenty to be thankful for this Week
T hursday Is ThanbgMng doaor, he Marine lance Cpl. Jose Garibay Vanguard Untverslty President House and Maggianos..
TEll fT TO THE EDl10A and Jr's time to reflect on said, is calling of Costa Mesa. the first Orange Murray Dempster I'm than.k:fu.J for Fashion
just how much all of us It nothing County casualty In the Iraq War. I'm tha.nJcful (or BUJ's Bwgers IsJa.nd and South Coast Plaza, TONY DOOEAO la the editor.
have to be thankful for. short of a I am thankful to know city on Brtstol <though I really need the Oaristmas Boat Parade tbe He wefcomea your
I have Iota, both professionally miracle. managers Homer Bludau and to quit eating those Thsre of Newport and the comments on news
and~nally, to be thankful Maybeao. Allan Roeder of Newport Beach cheeseburger specials), Ollpotle, Toshiba Senior Cassie. cowrage, photography or
for year but 1 just learned becauael and Costa Mesa, respectively. Wahoo's, BJ Ollnaco. Taco Mesa. I'm thankful for Hoag other newspaper-related
thla week that 1 have one more sure know 1Wo floe guys who have the Tugo·s and Panda. Express. MemoriaJ Hospital Presbyterian lnuea. tf you have •
extremely big thanb to glve. tberewetea comm:;~;:rrest at heart. I'm thankful that I can still and all the good ii does here. message or a letter to the
editor, call hi• dl1'9Ct line at A cou~ of c:olUlMI qo. I lot of people I'm for school stand up on my sUl1board and I'm thankful for South Coast (•) 51iM2l5I or the AMdlfw wrote t former DaOy Pilot TONY a.Uing the btg turcn.nrendent Rob Barbot, try to work off those fut Repertory, the l'erfonnlng Atta Hodne at ecz.eoll. tend It reporter Robert •Bob" Barter. KUY upstaltl po cc chlefJ John Hensley and lunches. Center, the Orange County Art t>ve-mallto
who had ~learned \hat he DODE RO to Intervene Bob McDoneU. fire chlel'$ Jim I'm thankful foe Newport Museum. the Newport Beach ~ea.tlmee.com or bad deve a brain tumor ln this one. mus and 11m Riley and that Harbor, C<>sta Mesa. Corona del Central Ubrary, the Newport delyplote~ or and WU ftgbdng (or hit life. My mom has~ toJd me not Dave Snowden la having a good Mar and Estancia hJah .moots Beach Film Festlval.. the Barday Nnd It by mail to 330 W. Bay Well, l am "9PPf to rtp<>rt this to undtteatimate e power of relirement. sports tu.ms.. Theater and all or the arts and St., Coaa Mesa. CA. 92827. ~that the most recent new1 prayer. ' I'm tba.nkfuJ for mayors Steve l'm thankful for my culture.
I got from Bob la incrldfble. Tht-Whatever tho reason, I'm )u."t Brom~ant1 Guy Monahan. atill·ln-my·mlnd LosAngel l'm thankful for all my
radladon theftpy he bu happy for Bob and his family end the a.nd chips tho.t Gary Rrum and I.Akers. who are atilt joumaUsm colleagues both tn on a new Job u ports editor undeta'on• trortbe lut month or =~ tl)e news contlnun to aerws up at hill Irish pub and, of on wi.Mlng ways and even the nCWJroom and out and our tJtJa year and also added another '° MeD\I to M¥e done tbe trick. coune. IChool board Prestdent thnnkfuJ for the UCLA Bndtu, Publisher 'Ibm Jo~n. who eon to his famD)t
"'GOOd ..,...... " Bob told me in l'tn tbl.nJduJ for that ...... FIUor. rm thankful for whoarent trusted mo whh 1 promotion And of coune. I have to be
~pbOno caD dMi week. "'1bq Ajj ewr, J am th&nJduJ for the eout eoa.r.mity eoneg .. I'm thankful (or lhe Balboa thla yeat and MW dudea. thanktW for tt\U .. ~ l too
IOobd into "!'/ bnln and found OIUy PUot readen. They newr Olto1ci C'Jw!Celk>r WUllam ~ rry «nd how much fun my I'm thankfW tor all of che blw a new IOI\ to bi tbaNcM
~~~dWJenp C111e to tm111a me eech and ~ aaC1 lhe coUege board daughtt11 havo when we tab Daily Pilot emplO)'Mll. and for, Who jotns Ni two tilters aDd ewty.c .. how much they ,........ .... Berger, and alJ or tr1pt ocroq tho harbor and bade. ~ rhanklu1 tor out mom as the applee of ">Y eye. I
ol a brain tumor, .lob newr lo.t mft .... c:ommunJty and the .... aflk:fal who I'm thankful for bolh pten na Dlrector Jud)' ctoo't know what I'd do WhhOUt
hll aplrlu ot --of bllinor. ,..,. i'iilldlnll. • ~rmthdrc:tays t.nd Ille be.achea. the 8ac:k Bly, ~fol UI oCthe
them and aD my fam\ly and
1b be dear, Bob .W lbit bla Onemaipllw.the a~Job. Qystat eove. me Pun ?.one. the frteoda.
dc:ictor dJd a bnin tc.an .._ lbe outpOmtnc of Pf ind forOCX: ~County r...tJ< Mlril c.dumD1lla and tho repontna. "-PPY~toaD lidiadon trMtment and,._. =that aD lhe readm PWisident Gen Patttll, UO m RanchJto. for tbr Crab edl,!'tfv:'° and tportl atda, and,u~baveaAle
lfp Clllat ceUa tn hi.a bCIJo. The after ti» dtttb of Olancellor Ralph Occronc and Cookelt clam chowder, the Yard a: y Rich Dunn, who took hoJlday.
\ ·~ '• \
M &llday, No'ftmblf 23, 2003
!:.very good lane or cappuccino starts with fresh,
whole rnffoc bearu.. Most coffee bars use gounnet,
high qualiry dark-roasted beans for thelr espresso.
a people tlligrate indoors seeking refuge from the winter cold,
many will find comfort wfth a hot cup of coffee.
Gounnet coffee eeekera 1Q8Y take solace in a latte or cappuccino
lbfla'.~ cqffee1-0Ccast.onally, grumblings can
be~ ilt the counter, as coffee DoVtces complain about the $3 and
$4 they are paying for their beverage. or as they wait several minutes for
their drink to be made. But the seasoned co.free connoisseur knows that
you get what you pay for and wait for. Making a latte or cappuccino isn't a
fast food venture. There are many steps to make a flavorful espresso
creation. Here ls 'Espresso Beverage 10 I, a lesson in what it takes to make
your coffee drink.
The esp~ beans
are ground on the '
premises, UJudy rWtt
·when you orderyot.ar
drink. to ensure~
freshest and most
flavorful espresso.
They are finely ground,
much finer than
normal coffee grounds.
The grounds are
tamped. or packed, into a
Mportafilter" and locked
into the espresso machine.
Espresso is created by
forcing hot water, set at
around 195 degrees,
through the tamped
grounds in the
portafilter at hJgtl
pressure and at a
high rate of speed.
Usually I to 2
ounces of
espresso are
made at a tlrne,
make one
Freshness L'i
the key to a
good tasting
drink. and
espresso should
be served Imme·
diatety after
~~ -.. ---
There an art to lteaming milJc. Owing
dl.b prooesa, c:he milk is heated with a stream
offoroed steam that is attached tp the
espresso machine. The point is to heat the
milk. but also to make the milk galn a foamy
t.extw1'. Tu do this, the drink maker begins
with the steam nozzle at the mil.k's surface,
VmeJc •ya. The ueam b turned on. and as the
Coam begins to dse in the steaming cup, the
002'.Zle la slowly dropped to stay at the swface or the Uquid mllk. W6en the temperature
reaches about 140 degrees, the n<mJe Is com-
ple(dy submerged in the milk and continues
heating until it reaches between 150 and 160
degrees. The milk is then set aside for a
moment so the foam and liquid milk can
separate. "We don't want shampoo-bubble
foam. We want nice, silky foam," Vanek says.
Waiting a few moments for the milk to settle
achieves this desired effect. Surprisingly,
nonfat milk makes the-best roam.
The espresso is brewed. The milk Is
steamed. Time to complete the drink.
The shot of espresso, crema and all, are
poured Into the serving cup. Any
additives. like flavored syrups or chocolate,
are usually added at thls point The steamed
milk is added, but the foam is held back.
Finally, foamed milk is spooned
on the top of the espresso drink. Jf
It 's a latte, the majorlry of the milk
used ls liquid, wt th Just a dollop or roam on top. For cappuccinos,
about two-thirds of the milk ls
liquid, wblle the rest is foam.
•A &lgn of good espresso
is that one thin layer of
crema. • Kenj1 Yanek. owner
of Aromas P.xpresso c.ar~ in
Costa Mesa, says. He's
talking about the golden
froth that ii the byproduct
of a property made shot of
e&prellO, 'lb obtaJ.o a good
aena. be MY'-the
grounds must be packed ln
the portdlter dghtly for an
Mf\ brew. ltthe mma
does not appear on a
brewed lhot. lt ~made
incorrectly and will
probably not tute dght
When It's time to
start working on the
milk part or the
drink. everything
must start out
cold. That
lndudes the
m.Uk Itself, but
also the stainless
steel teaming
cup. Vanek says.
. ..
• Submit AFTER HOURI Items to
the o.ilv Piiot. 330 W. Br( St.,
Com Meu. CA 92627; by fax to
(949) ~170; or by celllng (949)
Orange Coelt College Is offering
e nine-pert film history on Alfred
Hitchcoct. The Mrin Will be
~by retired occ
profeaor H. Arthur TeuaJg. Each
session will be held It 6:30 p.m.
one Friday eech month. The
events will be held et OCC's Fine
Arts Hall 116. Admlasion I.I $6 for
adults and $5 for seniors end
OCC students. For more
information, call (714) 432-6880.
Big Brotherl-81g Sisters of
Orange County wtll have Its
Thanksgiving Eve Bash from 7
p.m. Wednesday to 2 a.m.
Thursday at the Hard Rode Caf6 In
Fashion Island, 451 Newport
Canter Drive. Tickets will cost $25,
$20 in advence. Information: (714)
Celebme the holidays with an
elegant evening from 7 to 11 p.m.
Dec. 6 at the Halecrest Pavilion,
3107 Klllybrook lane. There will
be five raw gourmet appetizers,
delectable deaaert.s, live music,
dancing all night, roaring fire,
candlelight setting and a cash bar.
The cost Is $55 to $60.
Information and reservations:
(949) 650..()672.
The Commodores Cub if the
Newport Beadl Chamber of
Commerce will host the Ring of
lights home decorating
competftloh In December. All
home. boslness, and yadlt clubs
lining the harbor are invited to
participate. Decorations must be
in place by Dec. 8. Information
(949) 729-4400.
Beautifully decorated yadlts.
boats, kayaks and canoes will sail
along the harbor in the 95th
annual Newport Harbor
Christmas Boat Parade Dec. 17
through 21. Eadl night, the
parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at
Collins Island and last two and a
half hours. The parade la hosted
by the Commodores Club of the
NewportBeach Chamber of
Commerce. Information: (949)
729-4400, http://www.dlri$f/nJJS
The Orenge County Philharmonic
Society will present the Vermeer
String Quartet at 8 p.m. Monday
at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. The
cost will be from $26 to 32.
Information: (949) 553-2422,
The St Lawrence String Ouanet
will perform at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
in Founders Hall at the Orange
County P9rlormlng Arts Center.
rickets cost $42. Information:
(714) 556-ARTS,
Grammy and Emmy Award
winner Arturo Sandoval will
perform It 7:30 and 9 p.m . Friday
and Saturday at the Orange
County Performing Alta Center's
Jazz Club. Tldtets COit $49 and
$66. Information: (714) 656-ARTS,
The Christmas Tree at Fashion Island is reflected in the trunk of a vehicle as patrons pause
to snap photos of the tree during the annual tree-lighting ceremony Friday night. The
115-foot-tafl tree has more than 17,000 decorations of lights, ornaments and bows.
The 33td annual Orange County
Live Music Festival wlll be from
noon to midnight Sunday, Nov.
30, at the Newport Beadl Marriott
Hotel and Tennis Cub at Fashion
Island, 900 Newport Center Drive.
Tidtets will cost from $14 to $28.
Information: (949) 640-4000,
The Pedfic Symphony will
perform Vivaldi's •The Four
Seasona: Boccherinl'• Sinfonia In
0 minor No. 4, and Corelli'•
Concerto Grosso In F major at 8
p.m. Dec. 3 and 4 at the Orange
County Performing Alta Center.
Tlckets COit $20 to $66.
Information: (714) 766-6799,
Sl Andrew'• Presbyterian Church
wlll host Santiago Canyon
College'• music departments
annual wlnterfestivel concert •A
Journey to Joy" at 8 p.m. Dec. 6
at 800 St Andmw Road,
N4'Wp0rt Beech. There will be a
10<Hnember chorale bacbd by a
profeulonel Of'cheatre. Tickets
cost $15 per person and $12 for
seniors, studfnta and children
younger than 12. lnformatlon:
(714) 628-4828.
The King's Singers, England's
premier vocal ensemble, will
perform at 3 p.m. Dec. 7 at the
Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242
Campua Drive, Irvine. The cost will
be from $30 to $35 per person and
fulHlme student are half price.
lnfQrmation: C714) 7~7878.
Jose Feliciano will join mariachi
bandleader Natl Cano as part of
the 10th annual Fiest• Navidad
concert at 8 p.m. Dec. 9 at the
Orange County Performing Arts
Center. Tickets colt $20 to $69.
Information: (949) 653-2422,
Gulfstream Restaurant In Newport
Beech preaenta. jazz trio Sunday
through Wedneeday as regular
entertairvnent It 860 Avocado
Ave., Newport Beech. Houra are 6
to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m.
Monday through Wednesday.
(949) 718-0188.
The Studio Ca1' presents
Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11
p.m. every week. "Wanted•
musicians Include guitar
players, baas pl11yers, singers,
drummers, keyboaldists and
others at 100 Mein St., Newport
Beach. Free. (949) 67S-7760.
Jau and cocktails flow dally
from noon to midnight Sundays
through Thursdays and from
noon to 2 e.m. Fridays and
Saturdays at the Balboa Bay
Club & Resort, at 1221 W. Coast
Highway, Newport Beach.
Information: (949) 645--6000
Welter l8kota end o.Ad Alcantar,
the New Yor1t Jazz CoMection
Duo, pt-vet ~mme Gina at 261
E. Coast Highway In Newport at 8
p.m. Frldeys end~ and at
7 p.m. Sundays end Mondays.
Diane Dltrl joins f'9 duo on vocelt
on Mond9ys. lt'r• lnfonnatlon: (949) 673-9600.
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Spldoui hOme with °'*' ftoor plan to be
completed tiy earfy 2004.
i ' /;QuoTE OF TIE DAY
"What do I see in
the future? Today
u the future..,
Bii Sumner, Corona det Mar &lrts
cross cotlltry COICh
Mustangs tower
over Tars in four
Mira Costa
Harbor with its
12th CIF title.
Bryce Alderton
Daily Pilot
the OF Southern Sec-
tion DMlion 0-M
cha.mpiooship match
Saturday al Cypress Col-
The top-seeded Mus-
tangs. behind a matcb-
hlgh 18 kills from 6-foot-3 fresh-
man Allie Kllneman. defeated the
Sailors, 25-18, 22-25, 25-16, 27-
25, to win the school's 12th OF
tide in the sport.
lpof'8 EcllDr Rlctwd Dunn: 1949) 57«223 • Spcwta Fax~ 1949) 6500170
CYPRFSS -They tried to go
around. above and even through.
but the Newport Harbor High
girls volleyball team couldn't top-
ple the waD built by Mirn Costa In
Junior outside bitter KlJey Hall
led second-seeded Newport STEVE McCRN« I DALY PILOT
Newport's Alyson Jennings (7) fires between Mira Costa's Sydney
SM VOUEYBAl.L, Pac• 82 Donahue (5) and Lauren Bledsoe (7) in the Division Ii.AA final.
• Daily~llli •
Sportl Hal"''--~Ill,,.,, ........
Nov. 24 honorH FRED HOKANSON
Sooday' November 23. 2003 81
Twice as good
for Or ange Coast
Men and
women's teams
capture state
titles Saturday
in Fresno.
Orange Coast College freshman
Humberto Rojas and sophomore
Ava Jones each claimed the men
and women's lndividual tides Sat-
un:lay while helping to lead both
OCC CT06S counuy teams to vie-
tory at the Oilifomla
Community College
champjooships at Wood-
ward Parlc In Fresno.
Rojas. the CIF Southern
Section Division m cham-
pion in the 1,600 as a sen-
ior al F..stancia High last spring,
ran the four-mile Woodward Parle
course in 20:18, three seconds
ahead of East Los Angeles' Gerar-
do Rabelo.
See COAST, Pqe 83
Sweet redemption
Corona del Mar High's Anne St. Geme keeps a steady pace in
Saturday's CIF Southern Section Division Ill girls championship
race at Mt. San Antonio College. She finished second overall.
Young Sea Kings
qualify for state
CdM takes
second place in
CIF Southern
Section Division III
finals at Mt. SAC.
Steve Vlr1en
Daily Pilot
WALNUT -They are led by a
sophomore and a 6ahman. and
lhelr coach lnslsts the future la
now. Such la the standard at Co-
rona deJ Mar High. where girls
aosa country bu aeemlngly be-
come-synonymous wtth great ex-
The bar was raised
higher Saturday, when
the Sea Kings finished
second lo Division m of
the OF Southern Section
finals at ML San Antonio
College. Sophomore Annie St.
Geme led the Sea Kings with a
second-place finish In 18:15,
wblle freahman Hilary May came
ln 12th ln 19:09.
The Sea Kings thought they
could defeat Santa Margarita,
which has ftve seniors, three of
whom are the F.agles' top run-
ners. But C<JM's youth proved to
be the difference, safd Sea King
Coach Bill Sumner. The Eagles
WOD with 89 points and CdM MARKC. DUSTIN/DAILY PILOT
Newport Harbor High's Lauren Paul runs down the final hill in Saturday's CIF Division II
SM CdM, Paa• 83 cross country finals at Mt. San Antonio College. The Sailors qualified for the state meet.
Newport Harbor surprises in
third in Division II, one spot
ahead of Sea View League
nemesis Woodbridge.
Steve Vlr1en
WALNUT -After running their best cross
country race of the season, the Newport
Harbor High girls congratulated one an-
other with hugs, but then suddenly paused
when the top seven teams of Division II
were announced at the CIF Southern Sec-
tion finals Saturday al ML San Antonio Col-
The top seven teams ad-
vance to the CIF State
championships Nov. 29 at
VtbodWard Parle ln Fresno.
The first three teams that
were announced were the
seventh-, sixth-and fifth.
place squads, and the Sail-
ors became nervous. They thought they
would just make the cut to go on to the state
meet, ao they were worried.
"In fourth place, Woodbridge." And then
more worry.
"ln third, Newport Harbor." And then
Newport Harbor earned third place in CIF
Division ll and qualified for the CIF State
championships next week. TI1e Sailors sur-
prised themselves and definitely raised the
eyebrows of many. Newport entered the CIF
finals with the seventh-best team time,
98:08, just seven seconds faster than the
"People were probably thinking we were
on the bubble," safd Newport Coach Eric
TWelt who predicted his team would ad-
vance to the state meet. "lb go from being
on the bubble to finishing third and belng
only 11 polnts out of third place is just a
great testament to all these young ladjes. I
can't think of a group that's ever stepped up
and ran that well for us."
The Sallon were also pleased they fin-
ished ahead or Sea View League champion
Woodbridge. lWeit safd it was a matter of re-
spect that they were so excited about finish-
ing ahead of the Warriors, who took fourth.
Sultana won the Division n dtJe with 49
points and Cypress came ln second with
Newport, which finished with 134 points,
last reached the state championships ln
2000 when they were led by Amber Steen.
Lauren Paul was a freshman back then, but
Spyro Kemble
Real estate broker and former CdM
wrestler was state champion in 1976,
still the only one from Newport-Mesa.
8?.ce Alderton
Daily Piiot
I t wasn't oecesaariJy the nwnber of moY'l!ll Spyro JCemble
polWled, but rather the way he uled the (fiw be bad to
become a OP ltate wresdlng champion.
Klmble, DOW 46. de(eated five opponenta in the
175-poUnd wewit dell at a.I Poly IUnom. wrmdlng for
Corona del Mir HJF. to wtn the 1978 CIP ltate meet. He Is
d lhe 0Ny Wlllllel ft:Om a Newport-Meta IChool to
tlCClOCDplllb Iba .....
He loob bid wtcb foodnem OD the~ but eoon nilled• w n:Nc:b more to oft's.
IM If.Em E, hit 82
12 Strldly, No'Milber 23, 2003
Continued from Bl
•Al. that lime, lt WIS the blggesi
acc:ompJishment I ever had.• sa1d
Kemble, who played tullback and
Unebecker for the Sea Klngs' val'Uty
football &earn for three yean.. "Thell I
reallmd that life hadn't begun yet and
IOOll time would be c:haDenges and
more accomplisbmentJ. Wee getting man1ed..
Kemble bu been married to wife
1tac:y for 11 yean. The oouple live in
Newport Beech. where Spyro It a reel
est.ate broker. He ls the clllef flnand&I
olDce:r f'or \\Unell In Need, a nonproftt
outreach orpnlzadon for abused
women and children founded by Thlcy
Kemble, born In Gemwl~ m<Md to
the United States in 1970. Hls mother,
Sybille JCemble, ls German while
stepfather Don Kemble Is of Grttk
descent Sybille and Spyro's birth father
divorced when he was 2.
•(Don Kemble) was at every football
game and every wrestling match. be
~my bJggest Can." Spyro Kemble sak1.
Kemble also feds lucky 10 have won
the state title. He had to defea1 Donald
Brown in the quarterfinals -the last of
three matches for Kemble the Friday
preceding the semlftnah and final held
the next day. Brown entered with a 30--0
reoord and 24 pins.
•tte looked like the 'ln<:ndible Hulk.'
• Kemble &aid. •He should have beaten
me. I wed some upper body moves
and. like anything else. It was effective
Kemble, who stood 5-foot -1 l. scored
• 7 ·2 victory <Mr Brown.
·1 didn't have a thousand mo~:
Kanble laid. ':There were five mcMll I
pedccted. IMryone knew they were
coming and they sdll WO!ted. It was my
day to shine.•
In the dwnpJonshfp match against
Foothill~ Ovls lrwtn. JCtmble dammed
lrwtn to the mat ln 10 tee0ndl and
recorded a 6-4 victory. He beat 801 ~
8-4. In the amUftnab.
NBC televbed the championship
match and about 5,000 sp«tatora
wit.neaed Kemble'• feat
"I was too na1'lle to be nervous, I wu
cocky •• ~ said. •tt probably belpod
me In attitude and perception. 1be
more confident you are. the more you
are prepared to do b«ttle. •
~wrest.led at UO..A. where be
graduated from in 1981 with a
bachdor's degree in finance.
He had Olympic drama. but the
Uhlted States' boycott of the 1980
Games In Moscow put a damper on that
chance. Kemble attended the Olymplic
tra1nJ.ng camp in Colorado p~
the Games and was an alternate to the
U.S. wrestling team. But It was not to be.
·1 was never quite good enough and
dJdn't have the wodt ethic it would have
taken to get to that level,• Kemble sakl
"Wrestling became less and less
tmportant to me.. Sometimes looking
back I think. 'What could have been ifl
had applied myself more?'
MI gained a valuable perspective from
wrestling. I lost more times than I could
count I realized that adversity ls a part
of living and I saw a lot or places I might
not normally see.·
Uke the view from a OF state
wrestling champion's eyes.
o~ THE BAv .
Newport Hart>or lost the CIF Division II-AA title match, but it still made plays to
celebrate. Below, Newport Harbor's Kiley Han ( 11) and Lauren Miller ( 10) dive for a Mira
Costa kill late in the fourth game of the championship match at Cypress College.
Continued from B 1
(25-6) with 13 kills. while senior Alyson Jen-
nlnp. a first-team All-OF selection last year,
slammed 11 10 go with 14 assists and three
blocks. Senior setter Kellie King led Newport
with 16 assists.
The Mustangs (31-3) featured ftve players
6-foot or taller. while Junior 11uyn Th.mutter
was the Sailors' only player at that height
Freshman middle bloclcer Lauren Bledsoe
and Kllneman each t.allied seven blodcs.
while senior Lauren l)'ner sent two Newport
hJts bade over the net to seal the victory in a
seesaw founh game that featured 13 ties and
four lead changes.
"They made some good plays on the other
side of the net with some nice blocks. but we
went down awtnglng. • Newport C.oach Dan
Glenn. ln 415 18th year at the helm. said.
•[Senior outside hitter! Lauren MIDer ran wtth
her serve and gave us momentwn. We like to
score pointa In buncheL I was just waiting for
one more run.
·1 thought we played well on defense, dJd a
good job of competing and Mira Costa gave
Its best. (Senior outside bittttJ Stephanie
Donahue muses to lose. I 10\/8 watching her
play. I won't miss her graduation." Donahue
soared for 16 kills and had 13 •
1Wice in the fourth game Miller served four
consecutive points. tallying two of her four
aces In that span. The Sailors, the 2002 OM·
sJon D·M champions and winners of le\lefl
aecdon titles, l«L 20-18, and 24·23, but a
serve that went long and a Donahue lcill gave
the ~ a brief lead. Hall sent a kill
dawn the line on an as.mt from Miller to tie
the game at 25 before the two aforemen·
tioned blocks aealed the win for Mira Costa.
Miller slammed seven ldlls.
·1 was hoping it didn~ go to a fifth game
because (Glenn) has the advantage with eight
seniors,• Mira CA6ta Coach Dae Lea Aldrich.
in her 21st year at the reins. &aid. "As always,
his tWN are so well coached. They played
strong defense.•
Hall tallied two ~ including one on a
Donahue hit. and Miller blasted a kill to give
Newport an 18-16 lead In Game 2. The Sail·
ortf first lead of the match came at 7--6 In the
second game. A King dig resulted in one of
senior outside hJtter Emily Turner's six lcills.
Newport awaits its seeding In the Southern
California Division D regionals of the CIF
State championships. which begin Tuesday.
Seedings are expected to be announced to·
day. Mater Oei defeated Redondo Union for
the 0-A title Saturday.
Gierut conceded the Monarchs would
probably receive the No. l seed followed by
"We could be a No. 3 or No. 6, • Glenn said
Two Newport
teams advance
Adams and Dunlap,
Khoury and Olson
move on in CIF.
1Wo doubles team from the
Newport Harbor High girls ten-
nis squad advanced to the
Round or 16 after winning
matches In the CIF Southern
Section doubles championships
Saturday at the Costa Mesa Ten·
nis Center.
The Sailors duo of Bonnie Ad-
ams and Vanessa Dunlap, who
had a bye In the first round. de-
feated Amy and Stacy Kaubnan
of Huntington Beach, 6-1, 6-0.
then scored a 6-2, 6·4 win over
Sunny Hills' Michelle Wong and
Michelle f.squivel.
Newport's Diana Khoury and
A.J. Olson defeated Audrey Ja-
cobsen and Kathryn Mcintyre of
St. Margaret's, 6-3, 6-1, In the first
round. And. In the second round
recorded a 6-2, 6-4 win over Ken-
dra Faulkner and Emily Kim of
Martin Luther King.
To advance to the Round of 16.
Khoury and Olson then defeated
Marer Dei's Carolina Velasco and
Andrea Zamucen,, 6-4, 3-6, l0-5.
CdM's Holland falls
•Corona del Mar High senior
Brittany Holland won her first·
round match, 6-1. 6·2, but fell
Los Alamitos' Gia Naferate, 0-6,
7-6 (7-5), 10-8, in the CIF
Southern Section girls singles
championships Saturday at the
Costa Mesa Tennia Center.
Holland, the No. 1 singles
player for the Sea Kings, who
reached the Division I semJfin-
als, and Naferate were tied at 8
In the third-set, whlch is a lO·
point super tiebreaker.
Saturday's counts
Newport Lending -3
boats. 60 anglers. 7 calico
ba•, 62 aand bus, 31
tculpln, S roddiah. 117
bonito, 1 sand dab.
THIS NEW YEAR 'S HOLIDAY. Wi&r gold or yellow to the game and be •
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Day going
to Fresno
Costa Mesa
sophomore places
fifth in Division III.
Steve Vlr11n
WAI..NlIT -Before the soccer
season starts, Jasmin Day of
Costa Mesa High will have some
business to attend to in Fresno.
Day, a sophomore In her first
season in cross country competi-
tion, placed fifth In Division m of
the CIF Southern Section finals
Saturday at Ml San Antonio Col-
lege. With the performance. she
advances to the CIF State cham-
pionships Nov. 29 at Woodward
Park In Fresno.
A soccer standout for the Mus-
tangs, helplng lead Mesa to a
share of the ClF Division m girls
soccer title last year, Day has also
experienced success on the cross
ccilllltry COlJI'HS, namely the
challenging Ml SAC course. She
finished In 18:26, a personal re-
cord, and It was just her third
time running at Ml SAG.
~1 don't know what it was.•
Day said of what made her run
faster Saturday. "It was the finals.
I just wanted to let It all out there
on the course.•
Day. the Golden West League
individual champion, also said
she is excited to compete In Fres-
no next week. With each race she
has been finding out more about
"I really don't know bow fast I
can go yet.· said Day, who has an
ailment, but that does not limJt
her. "I have asthma. But it hasn't
really been a problem. It usually
hurts me when the weather
changes. It was not difficult at all
•• 4 a
S P O RT S Sunday, November 23, 2003 83
CdM's Jack Turner keeps a shght lead over a pack of runners in the final mile of Saturday's CIF DMs1on Ill boys cross country finals
Costa Mesa High
sophomore Jasmin Day
focuses on the path as
she runs up the final hill in
Saturday's CIF Division Ill
girls cross country finals
at Mt. San Antonio
College in Walnut.
Continued from B 1
Three Coast men finished In
the top four, with sophomore Art
Diaz, the Southern California
champion, running to third place
in 20:27 followed by Jose c.asillas
(fourth. 20'27).
Sophomores David Ojeda
( 11 th. 20:50) and Vidal Bamgon
(15th, 21:()3), along with freshman
Francisco Guerra (42nd. 21:31)
and Irwin Salas (54th. 21:42), con-
tnbuted to Coast's 34 points, 59
ahead of second-place American
The Coast men claimed the
third state title ln the sport and
the first since 1999. John Knox
completed his second year coach-
ing OCCs men's and women's
Coast won !ta sixth women's
cross country title In seven years.
third In a row and 11th CMra.11 be-
hind Jones' 17:44 on the 3.J -rnJle
course. The Southern Callfom1a
runner-up outpaced Ml San An-
tonio's Ouistina Lara by 21 sec-
Jones was followed by a I Oth-
plac.e finish by sophomore Annie
Garton (18:54) and sophomGre
Sandra Montoya (llth, 18:55) for
Coast. Freshman Ludi Vaid~ fin-
ished 14th In 19:04 and was fol-
lowed by JeMica Huerta (22nd.
19:16), Sarah Delano (53rd, 20:06)
and Emilie Vo (73rd, 20:35). Coast
finished with 46 points while El
Camino came in second with 95.
Anteaters sweep Fullerton
The UC Irvine
women's voUeyball
team finished In a
three-way tie for sec-
ond place In the Big
West Conference after
defeating visiting Cal
State Fullerton, 32-30. 30-28,
30-20, Saturday night at Craw-
ford Court.
Cal State Northrldge, which
had a two-game lead over ua
and Long Beach State heading
Into the week. dropped both
roads matches at Idaho and
Utah State· to end In a de for
the lleCOlld spot with the afore-
mentioned two schools.
nalled 25 of 46 lc1D at-
tempts to lead all play-
ers. The junior also re-
corded 17 digs for her
20th double-double of
the aeuon. . Thrbne Thylor, ua
outside hitter, added 13 kills.
while Brenda Waterman had 15
digs to lead UCI defensively.
The 'Eaters won the battle of
dig's against Cal State Fullerton.
71-47. Keegan Featherstone (13
dfg.'1) and setter Ashlie Hain
( 11 ) were also solid on the re-
turn end Hain had 47 set as-
Continued from B 1
had 108.
"Santa MargaAta came
through in the last 400 meters.·
Sumner said. "I was really proud
of our girls for going after it. I
thi.nlc they were incredible. My
kids were in the lead with about
2Y. rnJles remaining. But I just
stood there and watched experi-
ence go right past us.·
Sumner was pleased by the
fact that CdM will be making its
17th straight appearance at the
CIF State championships Nov. 29
at Woodward Park in Fresno. The
CdM coach. who is In his 20th
season al the helm, said his team
had every Intention of winning
theJCJF Division U title. The Sea
Kings have not won a CIF title
since 2000.
He bet his girls that if they won
Saturday he would have shaved
off his mustache. They came in
second, but the expectations re-
main high for next week. Shortly
after the Sea Kings were honored
as runners-up, May came lo
Sumner and said, ·Don't put that
razor away yet. We have the state
meet next week."
CdM, which has won the Pa-
cific Coast League title five
straight years. alio received con-
tributions from' juniors Devon
Ahearn (33rd m 19:48) and Ahlia
Kanan (34th in 19:48). Freshman
Otrlstie St. Geme (4lst In 19:55)
and senior Taryn Kawata (43rd In
19:56) also finished under 20
minutes, while senior Sara Oas-
ter suffered scrapes and bruises
after a hard fall. but finished 74th
In 20:45.
"What do I see In the future?
Today Is the future: Sumner
said. "You saw it today. You saw it
last year. It's here. Our rebuilding
year Is fourth in CIF. When you
can go Crom (ranked! No. 8 (In
CIF Division llil to second and
you work your way up. that's the
future right now.·
NEWPORT and Wy Dierk~ (72nd in
20:12) also contributed for
Continued from Bl N= In the Division m
• race, Corona del Mar, which
now $he's leading the Sailors qualified sixth Crom the ClF
as the team's lone senior. prel.lm1narlea, dropped to
Paul, who has been battling 10th and ended Its season.
pain in her root. was the Estancia junior Alex Ca-
Sailors' top runner, finishing buantz.i also dJd not advance
12th lo 18:26. Junior Court-to the state championships,
ney Marshall, who ran In her ftntshlng lo S4th (16:57).
fourth race of the season, Senior Xevtn Artz led the
ftn.lsbed 23rd (18:46), and Sea Kings. finishing 33rd lo
aopbomons Whitney Blue, In 16:31, while Jack Turner
her first varsity aeason, came ce.me In 40tb (16:37). Garrett
lo 29th (19:01). Prechel (60th ln 17:00), Ken-
"We thought we would be neth Wong (6lst lo 17:07),
the seventh team," Mat$ball Ryan Guthrie (64th In 17:14).
said. •When they called Brandon Borcoman (8lst In
teVen, six and ftve we were 17:46) and J.C Turner (85th
th.lnldng we didn't make It. ln 18:01) also competed for
Then ID of a 1udden, tbJ.rd CdM. •
and we just went crazy." · In Division V, the Sage Hill
PNlhman LawWI Maddox boys, the Academy League
~to be the dJJference-champions. finJ bed 13lh.
milter for the SUlors. Last The Ughtnlng hld grabbed
wee)( ihe wu out With bron-the 13th spot in the prellms
chids, but the came th.rough la.st week. and Coach Nate
for Newport San.frday as the Miller said the squad did Its
tea.m's No. 4 gid, finishing best to get the most out of
4lltln 19:22 on her first time the experience.
oo the Mt. SAC course. Sophomore l.ach Cbandy
Newport jwuor • Caitlin led Sage Hill, aa he finished
Mai tome'What typl.6.ed the 42nd (17:24). Mike Voge
Sanon' le8IOn with her per- (48th in 17:27), 'nistan Cor-
formance (Mth ln 20-.52). dler (66th In 18:01), Tun Le-
Sbe fell In the ftnt 400 me-Der (73rd In '18:13), Otris
ten, biut ~ back up and Chibouca.s (84th in 18:38)
continued to run. freshmen and David Packard (93rd In
'Jayior Bryaon (6l•t In 19:58) 19:25) foUowed.
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The runoer-up ftnish for the
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UCI outside hitter Kelly Wing
Coach Ola.rUe Brande's Ant-
eaters will parddpate In the
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Corona del Mar's ·Kenneth Wong, right, maintains a lead over
Estancia's Alex Gahuantu, left, as a pack of runners head up the
final hill in Saturday's CIF Division Ill boys cross country finals.
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14.., ... 't7 A<c~ l d•
C!lupe EK. V tee enatne
69k bl•dllrrey lttw ""' lleaultlul unmtf .. td
cond, l"••111d, non ,mlu
$8495 ~1()1267~1 8~1 9&911!1!8-~
The Cl~ificd Advertising Departmenr
will be dosed on Thursday, November 27th
~ Friday, November 28ch. 2003. We will re-open on
Monday, December I sr at 8:30 a.m.
lf you'd like an aa fO appear in the newspaper from •
Thursday, November 27th thru Monday, December lst,
you must call by 3 p.m. on
Wednesday, November 26th, 2003.
Daily Pilot
i.•ii•ii1 ii11i.ii~-.•iit '*nlllw
4UCHA4 '00
Black. w/cr•Y 1nttr IY0802 0t$COUnleO
Bled!. le.ti Inter IW911 M111t Sell
1lfoi11.&. l1n lnttt
IVS497 Must Sttl
C1ee11, t1n lnttr
IY0567 Oitcounled
lllllWHOl'Ol Wh le, bin
'2466 Must Set
BMW 540l '99
Slue. 1rey inter
IV21 ll Must Sell
BMW740ia ·oo
'9158 Otsco1111t1d
Black, tan 1nt11
IV943S Discounted
BMW 740IL '01
Btuetarey 12843 Must Sft
Sliver, crey
ltV8605 Creal Buy
BMW 740it '01
13951 Great Buy
Black, crey
IV4367 Great Buy
"""•yhvf ... ''92 Red, black
#V8Ul9 Di5Counted
81-cll, ten •
13548 Great Deal
Blue, ten
IV7947 , Discounted
,.._.,x1a ·oo
?:reen, tan
11280 Must Sell
J...-x11 •99
Red, ten
#0859 Great Deal
Black, black
llV9277 Discounted
Black. Black
IVS4S8 Dlscou n led
MERCEDES E320wa ·99
Green, tan
•V4581 Grut Deal
Silver. bla-ck
13859 Gr .. t Deal
White, tan
13650 Discounted
White. tan
I0580 Must Sell
Blue. &ray
'°962 Must Sell
POllKHI c.,...,,.. '99
Black. black
lfV1068 Discounted
"'•W.UIS ~1111.
09470) $lUIO ............... ~ 37>. ml.
(l99l2) $V.911D
..,i..a-. ..
AStttt <l lll081) $9.180
ITC-tuoO Sliver. low 1111
(194531 ) Sl7 ,980 .,.._...asoo
(1975l) f49.9ml
'91 .""' ... f!IOO O.lset, priced to sell
(19842) $23,9m)
(19836) 25,980
'fT Mere ... SLUO .... ,.,.
(19859) $28.980
HM..-..suoo ..... ,.,.
(19020) 121,980
'fa SAAi NOS c..,,,,
67k m1
(19852) $12.980
'flv .... ..,... ,,...,,, .. ,,.
(19728) $9.980
PHIJ1'S AUTO ,,.,....._
H'"'4o '96 Prehl6! SI
2dr coupe, aulo tully
loaded, white, mnrf.
alloy whls, buutlful
cond $5995 v89724 l Bkr
www .. cpee.1.c""
loaded. 87K ml. alnt/
eora•ous. $13,750 Pvt
Party, 949 494 0011
Jogu• •94 lU6 v ... ct..
Plas metalhc red tan
lthr. beautiful orla1nal
(Ond, must see to
appreciate. 1iarapd, non
smlo.r. $6995 v702571
Bkr 949 586 1888
lANO ROVH 2000
Discovery II S07, dual
moonrh. rear jump
seats. he41led seal fie
warr 36,000 m1. $21,900 ~ .blwl 714-'22-5161
llXUS SC400 '9S
Traction control, holed
seats, overdri•e, mnrf,
chrome whls. new tkes.
Nakam1chi sound sys, 12
cha nee ed. spollei, blue/
Ian, very chtan $9750
949 244 3324
Unuln '00 lS 310 V6,
Ilk actual mi, cham
P•ane/eray lthr. mnrf,
CO, chrome whls, superb
as new cond throuaht,
books, rec<Hds, $10,995
"'°45829 Bkr 94g. 581H888 -··Cf_"_ ,OltSCHl C•rv• '99 Merc1clH '96 (280 8tue.111y IV6049 Must Sell Buut1fut balck/cream fully loaded, showroom
Qvele Manaust '01 in/out S9250 7l4-7512464
Sliver, black M1rc•4•• '9S U20
#VOll9 Dl$Counted Black/blk beau!. all opt,
t4t~StlS none mcer, new mall)f
SVC, $10.25(} 714·751·2464
WWWW GU OU • 4 • Q 0 0 zvssu e
The blddinx: soum WESr
ll:I .... 20 ....
NORTR EAST .. ... ........ •o ,_
This deal i~ from 1 team m&ICh in
lhc Datuih Lague, Ocllpite the 1&1
that there wu a difTcrenl conlrlCt at
lhc two tables, the same ploy wu
used to defe.itl bt>th.
Pour beans b an m!erior contnrt, Bild Soulh is r.o be bl:uned for reach·
Tiie'•(..,..,_ Aut.._.
'"~ Auto. leather, CO,
f>fem Wills
(699275) $12.900
SIVCroy. Custom
Whls, CO, 26K ml.
(116527) Sll.900
'ff Sl-SOO
Sport Pkc/AMG, Bose,
Multi CO, 2 Tops
(107291) $39,900
'fl C2$0
WhVtan, Auto, moon,
Nkle Car
(099216) $14.900
'O:l IKUH/ Am Sf
Auto, A/C, CO, Rear
(263427) Sl0.900 ,,,...,,_
limited. Loaded. Sale
(094773) $16,900
Wht/Tan Platinum
Sanes, low Ml, CO
(099216) $25,900
Biii/Tan, CD, Naka
AudJO, loeded
(046903) $21. 900
Top of the L•ne, Bose, co. V8 4.2l
(444967) $19.900 .,,, • ..,..._,..o
Auto, 4WO, Multl CO,
(326806) $14.900
• .._..'II HO SL
White/Un, immac In/out
runs ir11t, new SCltt lotl.
dmna $1.\m 714-75l-31'i4
PendM '01~4
Bf!Vtan Int, wo kit pka,
every opt possible, •k
ml, nev11 spent • nicht
outside or rained on. 162.500 obo 949-322-6248
UNCH aova lffJ
lWB. 11511 ml, blue/tan.
'" suspension, lmmac· ulate throu&hout $6495
f'fll&!B'B) .blwl 714-'22-5161
...... _ ... 4.0SE
Bosch lniec:tlon, 45k m1,
cham1,.ane sllver/tt tan
IUlr, chrm wills. bt1ut
hke new cond. $19.995
¥452.l&l Bkl !M9.586 1888
...... Rw1t '9S4.0 SI
80k+m1, black/tan lthr,
superb cond throu&ht.
books, records SI0.995
v045829 Bkl 96-5116-1888 -•·fCIMI•·<-
Sa-. '01 SWI w...,.
Sspd. stlcll, silver. cr•Y
lnt,p!'em M>Und, beautlh1I
lilt• new cond $6995
d.15719 Biii 94&-5116-11118 __ ..,._
t-.., '9S Gl w1llt1,
loaded. all options,
Immaculate $2500
Teyet• '97 c ..... 01
6(111 + ml, auto. pw, pl,
«uiH, whit•/crey mt,
superb $5295 11157829
~r 949·S86· t888 -.~.<-
V .. aw..-'OJ 1-tt.
Conv Turbo blVbli. 1700
SOOO ,_4 klst/llft
, ..... kl-4 2 slips
avail up lo 55ft Water
& powet Incl also c_., via.,. slip up
to 5511, and leysW. Or
sllp up lo 90!1. @
vacant lot w/specteculir
views. 949 675 4847
SSIJ MOOtllMG with
boal !Of Hie In Newport
Beach C•ll Cl!uclo.
949·645 033C
ml, 1mmecutate cond, 7Sft IOAl SUP, Sublet
S2f>,500 ~ fot o.c a. JMi m tw 11 ..
on XMAS IOAT PARAOI IOUTI~ * IOAI SUI' Balboa Penn. up to 13' bum,
. . -u p ••• 5 5 0 SC &!
Slniay, Noliember 23, 2003 19 I t"<?DAY'S SUNDAY PUZZ[E ~1
1 °'$ IMQUlf9
& ~ ll'OIJOCI
17Thlctc ..
21 Tibet#\ monk
24 Pref!)( tot hOuM
25RIWf in Alla
26 Hang at'Oln:I
28 Name in·~
S 1 In the blln« of --
SS Aowerlng lhrubt
35 Gemstonet
S6 Perjurers
37 Ryan -o1 film•
38 Plead
4 1 Prevloua to
42 Miid ctleeie
4SUPS units
48 Took lodging
50 Rescuea
51 Dessert cart item
53 Peru's mountains
54 Wu a double agent
56 Ancient city
57 G8kJf Bowl st.
69 ........ speechless eo TOftiRa snlcil
61 Blurted O\lt
62 - -disadvantage
83 Crea the goal line
64 Hatalnkl locale
66 Join In (2 wda.J
e&Wlntar mo
70 Contame< weights
71 Change around
72 Shoe wldlh
73 Endea\/Of
74 One omit atoond
1he IUI\
76 Newa eource
79 Hl-11 ttcol'dt
80 Graduate deQll.
81 Mor .. as HotM'• "bra.le• ..
88 EYI apell
89 Stiaiy mee.I
80 a.otogic dlobionl
91 TNC~
92 The uppel' crust
93 Hunger for
94 Cook's vessel
95 Seasonel WOtt<er
97 HUii's boCtom
ge Made up !of
100 Expected eo arrive
t01 ShOuldefed
102 Shrewder
103 Sycophant's
104 Whodunit hemng
105 Actress Anouk -
107 IRA 1nve1tment1
110 l.Jberal
111 Tam
113 Stops tallong
117 Pilgrim's vessel
121 ·sw1111 Laite·
122A gend81'
124 Black Sea city
126 Cleveland's state
127 Leprechaun's land
128 Quake caU886
129 Mol'e aeepy
130 1492 vessel
131 Fr. title
132 Sneakiest
133 Rigorous
134 Sttipped
on the gas
1 Cushy job
3 Sherif ot tllm•
4 Cannon boom
6 Baltllnont hitter
a Sotlware problema
9 Capt. 's hndlng
10 Went oft the track
11 Diner
12 Medical photos
13 Post·wort«lut feeling
14 T'al -ch'uan
16 Take forcibly
17 High. aa a river
18 Behind schedule
19 Tune for a diva
20 "Porvy and -•
30 Thre.1ided sword&
34 Slugger Hank -
36 Cherishes
37 Doing as rofd
38 PLO leader
39 Musical piece
-10 Alashn island
42 • AKle" stat
43 Book source
45 Briet romance
46 Sing9r -Dion
47 Gridlfon deals
49 Sportscaster
50Jel forth
51 Areas for
enlertalnlng guests
52 Dove's soufld
54 AOOf
55 Hamburger need
61 Colony of bees
63 Trains 10< boxlng
64 LAX overseer
12 14 t6 16
66 Pldotl'l'I
87 Levet. oft
68 Creamy bloMom
74 Mongol dwell111g1
76 End a tn0t1gege
early n Make effervescent
78 MUllC makera
79 French pilgl)m&ge
80 Food addrtrve
81 VfMY
82 Slanted pnnt
83 Surrounded
84 U&OS the dOOf
86 The "If' game
87 Hamilton's prov.
88 Gane!IC copy
91 Kept under wraps
93 Disguise Item
95 Geologic formations
96 Beefsteak and
Big Boy
97 Donut-shaped roQ
99 Roman sea god
101 Prol1les, b!leffy
102 Bus ndef's need
104 Abolish
105 Coll111
106 Hot sprlng
110 Takes a powoor
, 11 Bandleader
Count -
112 Kid rare on TV
113 Restrain
114 Fling
115 Elec or gas
116 Hull plan!\
117 Entertainer -Gnffin
118 Bea1 to a froth
119 Onti to Helmut
120 Turnp!ke
123 VfKY, In VeracruL
125 Fiddle-de--
ff ND
Mwc.ci.• '19 ISOO S.O
one owner full books &
r1eords. btk lthr, chromt
whl, beautiful orte cond,
must see to 1ppreci1te
$4995 v968734 Bkr
your stuff
cla ssified!
Bay Island Cove lfH, .,,,,...-+--+---t--
111cure. 949 9'll·m7
California law re·
quires that contrac
tors taklna JObs that
total $500 or more
(labor or materials)
be licensed by tile
Contractors State
License Board Slate
law also require$ that
contractors include
lhek license nuniber
on all adv~Usina. You
can check the 'tat.us
of your licensed
contractor at
www.cslb ca.eov or
800·321-CSLB. Untl
censed contractors
taklnc 1obs that
total less than SSOO
must state In their
advertisement& that
they are not licensed
br the Contnctors
State license Board.~
lnrt•ll. rerace cebtnets. ~ ~ Doic 114-~1258 ......
Operated. Servm1
Some Of OC's Pi nest
Propcnles Since 1983
Wealthcome Mart>~ Granite Inc.
.... S1M lr,
.......... SUllr,
..... SZIMl .. IXIJll
lltcllea CMl8lt -lrMlta C.-lfttp It ................
11211.MllllleW.,, ........
114 ••• 1211 Dlr9ct
ltR f.. I IJ1 I,\ ( trp••I
r ti' 11 '111 ~··I II II I'
t' + I .. ~
3 rooms I hlllwly SH.•
lnclWdel prtc011d!tionll19
1C1wl11 71~3942
your stuff
949-Si&-!HI .__,.....1.c ....
carpet Cltanlng
On Al C#pet, f\l'nlbn
& Rug Cledlg.
~~ S..w"4
1·100-55 .. 7111
25 Yan &perlelice
Setisfaction Gl.n1taed Mee Eati'na1le
Repa11s. Patchlna. Install
Courteous. anl size Jobs.
Wholesale! 94 492 0205
in the~"°"' honieor . "'°""' & """""'~ TmOning lot Al~ ~ltiipolr&
IS,_. •111. l'dlellt. ~Morn. 1
-...-..-------------.,.,. ....•. 2
Coocrett. Patio, Driveway Flreplc, BBQ. Refs. 25Yrs Elf· Terry 714·SS7 7594
C..--..y W..tl
Cement. 8ti*., ~ Tie.
Divtways. Mc. Allilbll. No
job too --7~1S.!Di'Z
DalllDp Ntfllhlng
Call a plumber,
painter, handyman,
or any of the creat
servlce1 listed here in
our aervlce dlr1etoryl
Drywall Strvica
All pheset am/Ira jobr.. CUA~rs, fair, trH
•l l 714.639 1447
Eledltc:lf 8eMcea
locet, Quick Relj)Ons•
Home, Y•rd' Doell Ektct
20 ~ l>ln:n Ellctr1c IM&fi.1042
AU 1'YP'IS Of El.ECTRlCAl nxrue INSTMJ.EO • REP~ LC#577982 Mt..-S-76"
f 111~ i , I H" Ir I
Ht /1',1 l:l11HI f H11l t ', " . Since 18&4 Curtis Crater ApplflnCe
20831 Catamaran HB
Sf\87820 714-194~8050
Clll~r-.. ~--
• ••
Slip av1U1ble $1000/mo
call •949 12.3·3143•
Bedr1cal Services
Trculile shooling speciah.
llllloar&ysd~-. ...... "" ..
1.1.C. ll!cfr'lc Low prices
local Cotllrxtor. no job too
SIMI. no job too ~ Rtrs
ICQl r9(Jll5l L.Cl lO'JOI
No job too "" NA WVlt'8SI Repair. remodel, tans.
tjlf, new f.llC 9<19 ~ E'l6
lnstllstJon. sbte C9ll1llc.
marble. stone bt9 lt7J
U612044 Jdl 714-612-9961
Refroulln & lnstall1tl<Ht
Tll DEAN 94~73-8065 71~ 114-f!83..203t
''" s.,.,.1 ••• Y11rd Cleanup, M1lnt1n1nce.
Sprinkler R~1lr, H1ul111:
(9491• 0-1111
18 Yrs Exp• Grlll IWI ,., Phases of Con$truefloft
Kltthmldl AelllOdll f.llpn
• Wltmbl •c..at
0 Job 1bo SMtlll
o. ............
J t I ( •I
,,, ' ' I
[J"I ·' lJi• ' _.,.
Moving & Storlge Painting
ALAN TKl KANOYMAN 56= All Cities Insured Prorl, clean, quahl\I wOfk II.II work auaranleed Tl 323 997 I 193 Interior/eat and doch
P\lmtllr& a.ctrical. Doors. 323 630 9971 cell l •703468 949 400 l 054
Fllilh esp .. ~
e-.1 c.nctlea
&I~ Carpentry • Plumbinc
Drywelt • St.uc;c:o
P1111tina, Tiie & '"'"' 2G+ Years Etpetlencel
Je 714-969-5776
IUNll 10 TKl DUMPlll
714 968· 1882
it.we O...l.,.elJff1'4
Rtf's. Great rattsl tmekl• 9&54M285 !M!l-VS.CBJJ
l111t••t Dt111 taatl11t Dot.""· ~I, rMi~ 714-117-t74S
The CalU Public;
Utllltles Commission
requires that all used
household roods
movers pnnt their
P U C Cal T number;
tlmos and chauffeurs
print their l .C.P.
number In all adver
t1saments. If you have
any questions about
the te111 llty of 1
mover, llmo 01
chaulleur. cell
100 177-H67
J•y•-· • Palatlng
Top Qualtty, Competitive
tnt~no• /bl l •6482?8
Call Jay 949 6!>0·!>066
Palnt1n1-w/Hl Housl!V.-P
Quahty Jobi Free estimate l t5691J97 7 I 4·636-8888
F rleridly Ser vice
t49 -67S -9J04
-.~mw.ccm l'75~91 IO U(f'O
Plumb Ing
Rep""' & Remodehn1 fRH (STIMATE.
L#687398 714 969 1090
All Trr.' of Rooli II'. ll<paln
• ltnldaialal • r--m.a
(949) 548-0769
WWW whun t "um
Tree Se!Ylce
Big Mike's
Tree Servke
=i_r.-i.• =o.~~ I.IC..,.~
949· 4277
Stwtp & .............
Custom lland P1inltd
llhlh & Feux. ~ ~ for hh !UMiSI~
Spec:11lmn11 In
Wallpapr Removal
l•588'41949 J&0.1211
SerYb. fJ(pa ilnced ' ~ Trarkl, Siils,
Scrttna. 714 957·3301
Sttlsfactlon CuarantHd
• 949-&Jl 11'>6l' *
• ~. ,..,...., 23, 2003