HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot,.. ~wP_, •• .. : • . ::; .. •• • • ........ ..•. ,,, .. ...... .., .......... .... . . :•:•.•. •••••••• .. -·· ······4 ····-·· .......... ~ ....•. , -··· .. ·:·:·: .. • • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2003 .... ~~;L~. A CLOSER LOOK ·•··•·· ~~~~~oney, control would come via Newport plan ...... ,,.,. .. ':::.The council will discuss a port at the closed FJ Thro Marine Air QUESTION ? •· • Base have gotten pretty bleak. On Nov. Whet wMI the county's •: .proposal to allow the city 12, a county agency agreed that the NePOnMbetoNewport : ... to take over JW.A and •.100-acre site will be annexed to Irvine, a..dfa propou11 c.11 our • virtually assuring that John Wayne will Reader'• Hotline at (949) Other COUilty funCtiOOS continue to be the only commercial air· 642.eoe6 or Mnd an •mall • -" u· •t b d port in the area. to dallypllottllatimn.com. P1eaae spell CUJ.eC ng 1 S Or erS. your name and tall UI your hometown Jun• CHa1rand1 Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -For more than 20 years. the city has based Its airport • policies oo the belief that someday there would be two commercial ,airports Jn.Orange Cowity. That someday may never come. (h the last few years, and especially in the last few months, most people have come to agree that prospects for an air- Newport Beach officials have done what they could to assure that. no mat· and phone numbera for verification ter what happens at FJ Thro, John ~rposea only. Wayne Airport won't expand Into a monstrous operation sending volumi- nous flights over Its residents' heads at all hoW'5 of the day and night. The city's most powerful tool to assure this end bas been the John Wayne Settlement Agreement, a document that puts caps on growth and flight Increases at the air- port. But that doculnent expires in 2015, and afterward, no one knows what might happen. Newport Beach wants to take action now. An Item likely to be approved by the coundl at Its meeting tonight would set in motion a process that could allow the city to take over a number of d.Ufer- ent county functions directly affecting its borders, most notably John Wayne Airport. The city proposal would create a HSpbere Issues Committee" composed of Mayor Steve Bromberg and Council· men Tod Ridgeway and John Heffernan. the same people who as the Airport Pol- icy Review Committee drafted the pro· posal. The new committee will request an audience with county leaders in hopes of sitting down and analydng some county-run properties on and within 'Newport's bordets. The goal will be 10 Identify areas in which transferring con · ttol from the county to the city could actually benefit both entities. "I really look at this as a way of suting down and looking at opportunities for greater efficiencies: City Attorney Bob Burnham said. INSIDE Readers respond to news of Newport Beach'• plans. See Forum, Page A5. The city's plan addresses major areas: county-owned tidelands within New· pon Beach, the Santa Ana Heights Re- development Agency. the Coyote Can· yon Landfill and. or course. John Wayne Airport. CLEAR UP THE COAST The Coyote Canyon Landfill is the most straightforward of all the propos· als. The closed landfill produces poten- tially hazardous methane gas, which the county now maintains to assure the SH PLAN, Pa11 A3 J udge to rule on r~~enhanced rape This old, old house harge for Haidl Newport officials hear testimony on a home that has complaints going back 42 years. enhancement bodily injury is opped, assistant f!llilieriffs son could oid life·in prison. -.· ... • DHpa Bharath Dally Pilot .~ .. SANTA ANA -A Superior ~. Q)Urt Judge said h~ will decide :•• nen week whether to drop an •••• enhanced charge against one • • of the defendants in a gang tape case that could detennine If (he teenager would face life in prison. lf convicted. •• ,Cregory Haidl, the son or Property owners on the underground leg of the Centerline • • project question its ·:· usefulness to riders. ... l>tlrdre Newman Oal)y Pilot Omnge County Assistant Sher- i.ff Don HaJdl; Keith Spann; and Kyle Nachreiner face 24 counts. Haidl and Nachreiner face en- hancements for allegedJy in· Olcting great bodily Injury lo the unconscious victim and us· ing a deadly weapon -in this case a pool cue -to sexually assault her. The three, students at Ran- cho Cucamonga Htgh School. will be trle~ as adults for the July 6, 2001. incident thAt re· portedJy happened In Don Ha!dl's Corona del Mar home. On Monday. anomeys for Haidl and Nachreiner argued See RAPE, Pa11 M ronmental document for Cen· terUne. which was held Monday. The Orange County Ilansportation Authority has been gathering feedback on the report, which delineates the four main routes for Center- Une as well as an option not to build a light rail system. The authority will vote on the preferred route on Dec. 8. The light rail is designed to go from Santa Ana through Costa Mesa to John Wayne Airport. While city leaders prefer a shon underground section along Avenue of the Arts. some whose property will be affected Set RAIL, Pa11 M THE VERDICT DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY P1LOT The house at 1918 Dover Drive is cluttered with brush. trailers and a car. At a public hearing on Monday, one resident called rt •a constant, changing scene of debns." June Cau1rand1 Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -There are tires on the roof. Construc- tion debris liners the lawn, as do lawn cha.In and an office chair. A trailer parUd ln the ga- rage protrudes out toward the street Lumber. cooking pots, buckets and electrical cords have cluttered the lawn at dif. ferent times. A row of old doors lying on their sides creates a makeshift fence And the city can document nuisance complaint~ about 1918 Dover Drive daung back to 1961. In a public hearing on Mon- day, city officials heard testi- mony from neighbors of the home's resident. Elmer Thomassen. And the No. 1 message from the seven neJ,tl· bors who spoke at the hearina was that enough Is enough. -1 think it's gone on way too long." said Laura Perry. a Prta· cilla Avenue resident who de· scribed the propeny as "a con· stant, changing scene of debris." Thomassen. owner of the propeny since 1959. told the gathering in O ty Council chambers that he has had serl· ous health problems in recent months. including lymphoma. He arrived at the hearing in a wheelchair and used crutches to stand at the podium. Some neighbors. however, said they had seen him recently riding a bicycle and engaging In other See HOUSE, Pa11 M An eye for a good line Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com Thanksgiving Day. The deadline for aubmlulons la today. WEATHER ~ Foggy In the morning, but mostly clear later on. SeePqeA2 ROBERT GARDNER even Norman Roclcwell. I'd aettJe ror being one of those people at COWlty fain who, with 8 rew Web of their pencU. create a paaable caricature. I have 80 little talent at drawing that Hangman ii a challenge. Portwl&tely, even It I can't dra~ I haw had the good fortune to In Playboy. It features a group or .nudists; and 1 am among them, hovering in the baclcground. Reall.zl.ng It might be awkward for a judge to have to explain why he was appeartn1 nude in Playboy, Dempsey considerately placed me behind a tree whJch convenlendy abJelds my private parts. lt'a a very funny cartoon, but ol coune. 1 can't repeat the catch line in a family newspaper. b1 another cartoon, I am at the police atadon In my bathrobe and pajama, cJee.dy )laving been draaged out or bed by a phone call. Df'* Shaw, wbo did the cattooo. has drawn h1mMtf aa very muth the wor1e for WMr, He hM bit arm around me and aays. "NI-. hem wb9t. we're Solna ... VERDtCT. , ... A3 GIVING THANKS What are you thankful for this yeer7 Good haalth7 Family and frlendt7 Whatever It la, let ua know by calllng (949) 842-06 or ' aending ua an .-mall at ~.ccm. PfNae spell your name and Include v<>ur hometown Ind phone number. The Piiot will run a Mlecdon of~ rnponMll on WATER SAFETY Warnings are potted on Newport'• beeches. StePqeA3 SPORTS UCl'I women'a l>Mbtball flCN •touch challenge agtlnst P9pperdlne. S..PapM :._ ------= A2 Tundly, ~ 25, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK They'd fly south for the winter The Daily Pilot visited Davis Education Center and asked students Jn Tara Anderson's fifth-grade class, 'What do you thinJc it wouJd feel like to be a turkey right before Thanksgiving?' "l'd reel really scared and probably have bunetfUes in my stomach because people eat rurlcey. I'd probably run ~LMDIS,10 ·rd be really scared, becau~ Farmer McNugge1 Is really creepy. I wouldn't want to be killed. I would want to ltve: LINDSEY LARSON, 11 "It would be very scary. because you might die for a feast. or sad. because your best rurlcey friends might dJe.. MATIHEW MARLOW. 10 ·11 would be scary, because you could be chosen to be packaged and sent 10 the store." CESILEE MAZZA, 10 v! .. :-···'"· ... 1 ,),~ '. 1 i!J. ' riJ "i "I would be scared. because I don't want my head chopped off and don't want to be anyone's dlnner because l think thats wrong.· COOPlR SCOTT, 11 ·11 would be scaty. because I might get eaten .. the next day. I'm not going to ear turkey on ~- WENOEU,10 -lntervinvs and photos compiled by Marisa O'Ndl ON CAMPUS N Wtnl t ' IN THE CLASSROOM KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Teacher Tara Anderson and student Cesilee Mazza. 10, look over a Thanksgiving poem the fifth-grader wrote at Newport Heights Elementary School. Getting .a bird's eye view M1rl11 O'Neil Daily Pilot T =ta good week for Apart from the couple of lucky birds who got a presldentialpardon. most will end up on someone's dinner table. With that in mind. students in Tara Anderson's fifth-grade class at Newport Heights Elementary School took a walk ln the turkeys' shoes - or feet, as the case may be -to get ready for llwlbglvtng. Andef'IOn started off the lesson by reading •"IWu the N'agbt Befo~ · Thanbgivtng" by Dav Pilkey, a Jtory about a group of chJJd.ren who vta!t Students at Newport Heights Elementary take a look at Thanksgiving from the · turkey's point of view · old Fanner McNugget's turkey fann on a school trip and liberate the livestock. After reading the book. Anderson told her students to write a similar poem. patterned after ·~the Night Before Ouistmas," but write It from the turkey's perspective. Students sat at their desks, scrlbblln3 away and trying out rhyme achmlea on each other. "So the farmer comes out, full of surprises; He opens the pen .... • 10-year-old Matthew Marlow started. "He opens the pen, and the turkeys .. ." IO·year-old Ellen Landis offered. "What rhymes with 'eep'?" "Heap?" Matthew said. "In the heap.· Across from Matthew, Anthony Barbosa sighed heavily. twiddling his pencil between his fingers. "This Is so hard," he lamented. MeanwhiJe, 10-year·old Hunter SCHOOL LUNCH MENU Mitchell struggled with his poem. He turned to Anderson for some guidance. "Does this work? 'That day I was shot,' and. like, l don't know,• he said. "Do you want to have a happy endJng?" Anderson asked. "Or are you gomg 10 be the dinner?" Hunter answered without hesitation. 'Tm going 10 be the dinner." he insisted, then turned 10 a classmate. "Are you going to have a happy ending or gel shot7" "Mmmm, • I I ·year-old Cooper Scott pondered, his chin resting m his hand. ·Happy,· he said confidenlly. ... <) " ., ntUltSOAY ~.Noictlool. FRIDAY peachea; and cttcm:. of milk. The Munc:Nbt• Lunch Saled contains toned greent, ctteny tomatoes, crectera and protein IOU"* luch P c:heele, sunflower teed•. fruit yogurt end honey-roasted peanuts. No child I• dlscrimln•t•d •gain•t bee.use of rice, ••"' color, n1tlon1I origin, ~· or } di11blllty. If It I• bell•vMI • Notd\Ool. ~ Mu~ Lund\ Salad; or cttldten nuggeta; oom; child h., be•n di•crimln•tMl ag•ln•t, writ• immMJl•t•IY to th• sec,.t•ry of Agriculture, W•1hlngton, DC 1,; 20260. ... , •u Daily A Pilot PHOTOORAJIHERS Melt C. Duetln, Don LMdl, l<ent Treptow READERS HOTLINE 1949) 6'2-8088 Copyright No newt stories, lllu1tr1tlon•. edltorlel matter or edvertlsemenfj herein ~n be reproduced without written pennl11lon of copyright owner SURF AND SUN , .. WEATHER FORECAST Patchy fog In the morning and evening will reduce vfaibility In places to a querter of a mile. In between, lt11 be moctty ct .. r. The light winds wlll continue today, coming out of tM eouthwfft at 10 mph for a time In the afternoon. northwut of San Nldlolaa Island. The waves will be from 3 to 6 feet on a northwnt swen • of 6 to 7 feet. At night, the wind : wlll sladcen by five knou, but : ~ VOL 97, NO. 32t Newt fdflof'I Glne AllJtlnd«, Lori Ander9on, O.nlel Hunt. Paul Saltowltz, O.Olet Stewot NEWllTAFP 0... ltwattl Crime end ocx.uu niporter. IMS) f74.4U29 "-Pa l>hMlrh•~oom JuneC.1 ... Newport Beed'l l"IPQfWr. (M9)574423l ju,,..CllMIQ,.nde•l•rltnM.com Loltl ...,.,., Columnist, oult\I,. niporwr, (Mi) 57""'275 lol/U.t..rpM•l«l,,._com ' o.e... ........... Costa Mell 1'9P01Wf, (M) 57"'221 delrdl9.,...,,,.,,.,.,,m..com MefW~ Education l"fll)Ol'tlf', (Me} 574-4291 tMrl ... OMll•i.ttmaoom u.,.. New. ...mam. (Ma) 574-4291 IW..1»N•lltkrw.oom R9cofd your comm.nu et>out the 0.lly Piiot or newt ti119. Addrwee Our eddreee le 330 W. Bay St, Cost. Men, CA 92627. Otflc. hourt ere Mo~J: Frldey, 8:30 1.m. • 5 p.m. eon..ouo. .. It I• the Pllot'I policy to promptly correct 111 ln'Ort Of eubltance pt.._ call (949) 7&M324. FYI The Newport~ Mela Delly Piiot IUSPS-14'-800} le publlthed deity. In N.wport Ba.di •nd C:O.U Me.a, aubecrfptlont ere evelllble only by tubecribll'Q to The Tlmee Orange County (IOO) 2'2-8141. In.,...~ of Newport leectl Ind Cotta Mela, .ublcrtptk)M '°the Delly Piiot .,. eval .... ontv by ftret ct .. inall fol' $30 P9' month. <""-Include all appllceb41'ttats end ioc.I taxes.) POSTMASTER: s.nd lilddr.- dlangee to The Newport llMdVCo.c. Mela Diiiy Pilot, P.O. b 1MO, ~ MeM. CA 12921. Published by Time. Community Newt, • dtvl•lon of the l.ot AngelM Tlmee. C2003 Tl met <:t.L M rlghte reeetWd. The hfghl wlll be from 81 to 67. The Iowa et night wlll be from4Cto60. lnbmetlon: WWW.IM'l.nOH.{IOV BOATING FORECAST W... wlndt wttl be from 10 to 16 knots on tM Inner waters. The waVM wm be 2 feet or emarter one weet swell of 3 to 6 feet. At nlghti the wind wlll be out of tM northwnt before becoming llght end v1r1ibte. The cwell pk*a up by-foot. Flrther out. • em•ll creft ectvllory wlll be In effect. ~wlnde wlll be from 26 to 36 knoa. strono-t J th• waves and swell wlll • Increase by a foot. J ( SURF ~ • The wrfwill be waist-high et: IOUth-tadng brtakl .. the • underwhelming .outhwut : aw.II peekl. Ther9'1 nothing to : apeek of It west·feclng brNkal • unUIFridey. 1: W8* qu.aty: I t =~-O<Q ii Time tWght ' 2:52 a.m. 2.06 fMt tow : t 9:14e.m. 7.1 fMttiigh : t 4:38 p.m. -1.43 fMt low : 11:36p.m. 3.891Mthlgh : • WATER TEMPERATUREi flOdeg,.... Swimmers warned of high bacteria level ~o beaches are closed, but the Orange County Healthcare Agency cautions that many Newpo~ beaches may be unsafe. DHpl Bh.,ath spedallat with the Orange Dally Pilot Coow\ty Healthcare Agency. NEWPORT BEACH -The Orange County HeeJthcate Agen· cy posted wam.lng signs at an un- precedented number of local beaches on Sunday to caution the public about hJgh levels of bacteria in the water pos&bly caused by tide patterns. officials said Health oflk:ia.ls Instructed Newport Beach Ufeg\W'd.s co post the aJsns along the coast lace Sonday morning after they got back results of the water quality tests. said Monk:a Mazur, envi- ronmental health supervi.sing "We don~ blow exactly what caused the inaease ln the bacte- ria 1evds In the ocean.· she sakl The extremes in hJgh and low tides this last week oould have caused the pollution. Mazur saJd. ~e low tides ln partlcular pull out waste matter from the 'Dllbert Owmel or the Santa Ana River, .. she sak1. Tue a1gns ha~ been posted an the way from 500 feet north of Magnolia Street ln Huntington Beach through the mouth of the Santa Ana River to 500 feet south or the Balboa Pier. The Orange County Sanitation Dlstrlcl will oontinue to draw wa· ter u.mples from the beaches ftve days ~ for testing. u they normally do, Mazur aaJd. "tUl the level ot bacteria goel down to an acceptable level. the signs will remaJn on the beach- es: she l8ld. The signs warn the public that there could be bacteria ln lbe ocean that could cause ga.stroln- lestinal or captnatory diseases or odier ln!ecdon, Mazur aid. N;;- cept.able leveh of bacteria are de- termined by state standards. "We don't know how danger- ous these hJgb levels couJd be.. she said. "We provide the publJc with the Information. People can make theJr own decisions." Newport Beach Ufegwud Lt Boyd Mld:ley sald be does not believe the water is "dangerously polluted." FYI For more Information about the wernlnga, call the Orange County Heelthcare Agency's hotline et (714) 887-3752 or visit http:/!Www.ocb(lach/nfo.oom. "Before the c:bange ln laws that required these signs to be posted. l grew up swimming ln water wbkb wu probably Worse,· he sak1. Uleguards made and put up almost 200 slgns along the beach on SUnday, Mickley said. Such posttng, a.re qulte com- mon. Mazur said "Whar's uncommon, especially for Newport Beach, is the large number of beaches thal ha~ these posting'j, •she said. •it's un· usual for such a large area to be affected at once.• NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI I lere are some decisions to be oonsid- en.>d by the Oty Coundl tonighL •WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Beach City Council rorunental studies don't take into consid· eration some effects the project will ha~ on traffic along c:out Highway in Newport. Newport leaders also rake issue with the environmental reports as.sumption that a 19th Street bridge will be built. and they want the report to take into consideration what happens if the bridge is nol built. GOETZ ARCHITECT CLIENTS • WHEN: 7 p.m. today; there will be no study session before the meeting An item that roused intense emotions two weeb ago could do the same tonJght as the council lrles to figutt out how to help funner clients of architect Andrew Goetz. The Newport Beach architect was arrested on suspicion of submitting wrong survey information 10 the city, resulting in builc:lingli slightly taller that mnJng codes would normally allow. A number of his projects are under construction, and some ctien~ are shouldering huge eosts as the fate of their homes lies in limbo. • WHERE: City Council chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Agendaa and staff reports are available at PARKS COMMISSION VACANCY http://www.clty. newport-beach. cs. ur. for Information by phone, call (949) 644-3000 PACIFIC CITY PROJECT The meeting will also offer a glimpse into who will replace Steve RosansJcy on the city's Parlcs, Beaches and Recreation Com.mi&lon. Rosanslcy stepped down from the past to fill Gwy Proctor's vacant seat on the City Council WHAT TO EXPECT The council will try lo balance !he ur- gent needs of some of Goetz's clients with the effects his designs could have on sur· rounding neighborhoods. A sprawling development in Huntington Beach could inspire some hollers from Its neighbor to ~ south. The council will consider whether the city wants to put in its two cents on the projects envirorunen· tal report. WHAT TO EXPECT The council will hear the names of the people nominated to fill the job. Then in· terviews will be scheduled The new com· mis.sloner will be named at the neX1 coun· di meeting. WHAT TO EXPECT Newport has some worries that the envi- PLAN Conbnued from A 1 public health and safety. City of- ficials th.ink they might be able to do this more efficiently and with Newport O>ast residents' inter- est.s an even higher priority. County-owned tidelands with- in Newports borders also pro- ' vide a chance for the city to exen greater control on land within its borders. But the real benefits of Increased city control here are a little more subtle. The two main county-con- trolled tidelands within Newport are the Back Bay and Newport Dunes. No development is pos· sible on the Back Bay. The New- port Dunes property is already pre-approved for a 275-room ho- tel -an option Its owners have so Car chosen not to exercise. lf the city took control of this tide· land area. the city would likely have no more power to stop a hotel there. But If the city took over these tidelands, lt would have more power to apply for federal grancs. especially for dredging -grants that the city tends to be Car more aggressive and effective at pro- curing than the county. •There would be fewer agen- cies for us to deal with 10 make VERDICT Continued from Al to do ... : Vll'IPI Partch did a number of cartoons of me over the years, but one of my favorites Is not of me but o( my old friend Oulck Masters. He Is seated at a bar, ' Scowling al the be.rtmder. The liquor being poured from the bottle Is corning out ln a zigmg. applications," City Manager Homer BJudau said. Tuk:ing over the tidelands could also streamlln~ the proc~ for maintaining Back Bay Drive and hillsides ln the area that sometimes slough off and re- quire maintenance. Further, Newport Dunes is required 10 pay into a tidelands trwt fund in return for being allowed to oper- ate In a public tideland area. last year, Dunes operalors paid about $2 millJon into the tidelands fund. Much of that money pays for the county sher- iff's Harbor Patrol, which the city might also want to take over. Therefore. taking over control of the tidelands could help pay the cost of the city's taJdng over !he Harbor Patrol. A LUCRATIVE PIECE OF LAND The Santa Ana Heights aspect of the city plan has Its most Im· portant implications in the fine print The city has said that it Is interested in annexing West Santa Ana Heights and several small parcels nearby only if It can also take over control of the Santa Ana Heights Redevelop- ment Agency. The agency is ex- tremely lucrative. rt brings in about $3.7 million a year over and above what's needed to pay off its own debL Partly as a result, the agency has about $35 million "I said a straight shot." he growls. Not only did I envy their ease with a pen. I marveled at their oftbeat view of life. Who would eves-think of a straight shot of alcohol and come up with such an Image? Only a autoonist My granddaughter Samantha and I bad a game we played when she WU little. She W8S cowgid and I was cowboy. and lt was lib a ser1al. Each week. there was a new llcMnllJJ'e with new bad guys. Tilo's European Autohaus and Robin Hood Auto Brokers Have Teamed Up To Off-a You The Best Service/ 18+ Years EX~rlence Rare, Ba.rd to Flad c.an Is Oar ~tt Call Dave Schneider 949.6S0.2222 sitting in the bank. Though that money 1s ear- marked specifically for Santa Ana HeighlS lrnprovemencs, it could also present some opportunities to spread the wealth citywide. For example, some money set aside to build a fire station 10 serve Santa Ana Heights might also benefit the rest of the city because that fue station would likely also serve a portion or Fashion Island. Qty officials had tried before to get the county to agree to hand over the redevelopment agency along with annexation. But preliminary talks with county staff members left city of- ficials pesslmistic that the county would hand over the entire re- development area THE 8'GGEST GOAL The biggest contributor into the redevelopment funds is John Wayne Airport -the one part that the county seemed least likely 10 hand over. But under the city's new Car-reaching plan. John Wayne Airpon might no longer be a sticking point because it. too, could come under dry con- trol. The main benefits to the city or taking aver the airport is obvious: The city could have control over airport expansion. But a look al the boob provides some inter· Cowglrl (Samantha) always saved the day, while I w.u sort of a Gabby Hayes character. just there to keep the plot movfng. Knowing my fondness for Samantha. Shaw sketched out a book using the cowgirl and cowboy characters. Not to be outdone. Partch did his own book for Samantha. although in his book. she W&Vl't cowvJrl but wotted in the dn;us. He WU SO pleased wfth the book that he sent It to a publisher. The esting insight. Financially, the airpon is an extremely solid operation. 1n 2002. the airport cost $59 million to run and brought m $76 million in revenue, for a roughly $17 million operatiJ'lg income. The income goes into a reserve, which as of June 30 had accumu- lated to nearly $39 million. The federal government is very strict ~n how such money can be spent: Airport revenue can only be spent on aviation-related items and cannot. for example, be put into a county or city gen· eral fund. Whether the city could find ways 10 leverage this aJr- port's financial strength remains unclear. What Is certain Is that the city would use any (><J\Wr ii had at the airport 10 assure that resi · dents suffer as little alrpon noise and pollution as possible. Bul city leaders said that, if they were to take over managing the air· port. they would woric 10 assure the Interests of everyone In the region. "We've got a responsibility to all of Orange C..ounty,H Bromberg said •JUNE CASAGRAND£ covers Newport Beedl end John Wayne Airport. She may be reedled et (949) 674--4232 or by •mall at june.~sagrandtJ@l11tlmtJs.com publisher wrote back that It was very funny but wouldn't woric for the target market. which W8.'l 5-year-olds. 1 guess lbe publisher didn't think children that )'O\Dlg would ~ Vlrgfl's hi.anor. ~ probably righL Hopefully, not too many 5-year-olds know what a straight shot Is. • A08IRT GARDNER is a Corona del Mer l'8lident 1nd a former Judge. His column NM Tueedeya. Are you a futures trad·er? llm,.,..., '°" quotiet, ......-ch, and tndln1 dhdplN calb 18800 MIW1IMM .., • SIJll 1400 1M1t. CA 12812 ..... - 1iT lblHl bu .................................................. .............. -....................... r--...,,1(.,. ........... _ .. ,,.,., __ ........ ...... ,. .. Greg Topper Every Tuesday Night at Ten Orun~c> County \,'Ori~inal Loungt• Enh'1·tai11t-r Pia~ i-Orunj!c' County•s Ori~inal llntlt•rj!rn1111d Loun~t· La Cave Rest<lura11t 1695 lr\in~ AH·., C:o!4IU M.-~u (9 ~9) 6 16-79·1·4 Thanksfiving Cmterpiues .... \1111"(/flK "' s22~ on"" Miuk of lilU1, "°""'' rtJ l'ONrl. '"""'· wmff tff. Ecuadorian Roses H•mdm uf ]~ 52499 Day Lily "' 0r.,,,~,1ttllo11.1w111u .......... s l 1\111m1 Sunflowers ................................ 75c4ltnn Tuberose.. . .. . ............................ 8 S • • 1cmi Hydrangeas ................................. 5399" stnrt We specialize in t f " ""' J • Wtddln J l j ,... i •funer • ,_...,,J • Parti .. ,..., -! J ·-c-..,.._., 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale s 099 Reg. '1499 Now through Dcc~mhcr 2 \ ------ ('O\'lA M~ ... A llmi.1111111'1111\\l".\I 1Cn• ... 11101 I \It .. \\'II~~"" Tl \llN MAlllO lf't ~( t .,... ", .......... \ ~ I >o \IJC \l.llN<IRl\I 'l\1 l..llt\RI 1 jJ ( ltO,\\IU>At> Ct 11 M lRHllif. l-(800) 541-6176 ~----~~~____;.,___- ' ' M Tuesd.1y, Nowmbw 25, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Ademt ~Petty theft Wit reported In the 1200 blodc at 1':25 a.m. Sunday. •Anton loutwwd: Atl uaault wot rtpOrtod In tho 600 blodc at 12:21 1.m. Sunday. • e.m.rd StrMt end~ Awnue: Pouession of marijuana wat reported at 2:26 p.m. Sunday. • ~ Wly: Graffiti Wet reported in the 3000 blodc at 10:01 a.m. Sunday. • Halbor Boulevard: Vandaflam was reported In the 2100 blodl at 12: 12 a.m. Sunday. •......-.on PllM:e: Grand theft was reported In the 2700 blodc at 3:39 a.m. Sunday. • Vlc:toria StrMt: Vandalism was reported in the 600 blodl at 2: 10 p.m. Sunday. •East 17th StN9t An assault WBS reported in the 300 blodc at 1:401.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • w.t....,. Boulevard and Ith ~A hit-and-run wet reported al 10:09 p.m. Sunday. • w.t Co89t Highway: Petty theft WM reported In the 4500 bfodc al 1:30 a.m. Sundey . •Galaxy Ddwt Vandaliam waa reported In the 1400 blodc at 8:56 p.m. Sunday. • Goldeuod~ A home burglary was reported In the 1100 bloc* at 6:32 p.m. Sunday . • ,..oepeu ~Battery wat reported In the 400 blodr at 6:~ p.m. Sunday. • SMthore o.tv. and Onnge Street: A vehlde burglary waa reported at 6:12 p.m. Sunday. • 30th StrMt: A home burglary was reported In the 100 blodc at 10:17 a.m. Sunday. C:Av~S 'EL~CIIlTO BANQUET ROOMS Avallable for f\,,,, Festive P ~rtie~ ! "f,L0VV£~ & PLANT EXCHANGE GIANT IMPORTED ROSES 5 9 ( Mix and Match • ea Your Choice of Color or $9 ~ Per Grower lundle e ~7 of25Stom1 FROM THE DESIGN DEPARTf"ENT CHOOSI FROM THISI CHIC DISIGNS TO INHANCI YOUR ntANKSOMNO CIUUAllON. ~ RO(H)S Of OILCWGS OI MAGHOOA, IAUIS. ~ IO$ES Al«J LUS llQ\4 $3~.00 GWS 80Wl.S Cl F£OHY, KlSES, tVY Ne MAOHOUA flC:w $1'.00 1RJOS • SET'S Of. 3 SMAIL MIAHGEMfMS IH CUSS CUBES OI SI.VO CJtNS RfOM ~$.00 FlOWa MUNGfMEMS ~OUR VM4GE COUECr10H COHTAHIS PRICED FROM$ f •.DO. Ol MHi US YOUR h&LOGW COHTANI IOI A MIULOCJS CVSroM ARIANGEMEHT.. .. HOUDAY "DESIGNER" INGREDIENTS. · PfOM'S • OIRECr FROM HEW 'lZAJAHIJ, MN CAUA ll.Y • IUAOC, OIAHGf Qt IUIQ(.M)Y, FRESH ll11RSWEf1'; MAGHOUA, I.AUE' SCEHrEO 08lAHIUM, NltE WN1£ ~ '1YS~ CYMllOIJM OIOM> RAYS EVERYTHING FOR CHRISTMAS ARRIVES FRESH THIS FRIDAYI 1308 LOGAN AVE. COSTA MB&\ (714) 545-0310 22800 .. A" LAllBERT LADPOREST it' ... 405 .... ..,.., (949) &81·5566 Help keep our city clean! ; RAPE Continued from Al 1ha1 use of the pool cue did not cause ·grea1bodilyln)ury"10 the victim. What la lep.lly cWled "great bodily lnjwy" may be caused by a deadfy weapon such as a gun or a knife or by an in· nocuous object such as the pool cue, which bas the potential to harm a victim lf used danger- oullly. The judge's decision could de- cide whether HaldJ gets a life RAIL Continued from Al by this route have questioned why ii bypasses shopping desti- nation South Coast Plaza, owned by C.J. Sege:rstrom & Soos. "Why would we build a rail system to move people from one are:i to another without going past South Coast Plaza?" asked Tom Smalley, the general man- ager of the Wyndham Garden Hotel on Avenue of the Arts. "This is for the people, not to benefit one specific person.· The city originally approved a resolution supporting a route that wouJd elevate the light rail along Bristol Street But the ma- jor property owners In the area worked intensJvely with the city to hammer out another route that would divert CenterUne away from South Coast Plaza onto Avenue of the Arts. They are concerned that having the light rail buzz through So\tth Coa.'it Plaza would interfere with existing developments. This alternative aUgnmen1. HOUSE Continued from Al strenuous physical activity. Prom the podium. Thoma~en practically took conttol of the proceedings by demanding 10 know hearing officer Richard Mwphy's qualifications and ask- ing questions of audience mern· bers and demanding that people who testified at the podium spell their names slowty and give their addreliSeS. "I have a right to face my ac· cusers, • Thomassen said, d e· AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa MeM, CA 92627; by &-mail to luis.pena@latlmes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. WEDNESDAY The Costa Mfta Senior Centef will be celebrating Thanksgiving with a home-cooked meal. The event la sponsored by Surat Singh o1 Angel's Auto Spa. The cost for the event is $2 per person. The cost to become a member of the center is $16. Information: (949) 645-2356. FRJDAY Thwe wUI be a day .. ftw. Thanksgiving sale at the Orange County Marie et Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m . at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be an artisans' and crafter•' comer. photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. SATURDAY The Orange County Colony of Mayflower Descendants will have its annual Compact Day Luncheon al 10:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn 3131 South Briatol, Costa Mesa. Anyone who is descended from one of the 26 known heads of families can join. Information: (949) 648-6871, sentence or a much lC$5et .en· tence, Deputy Dtstrict Atty. Su· san~rsald. Al o( n HaJdl (ac:es more duw JOO years in prison. but the ju~ could bring It down "by e lot,• llhe so.Id. Schroeder was not ure ex.actJy by bow much that number wouJd be reduced. but she aaJd It would bring It down from a life seotenet:. Prosecutor5 argued that the deftndanlS in thb case bad used the pool cue in such a way that it cause great bodily injury to the girl, who was 16 ~ars old at the time of the incident. which the city now ptefers. would go from Bristol Street to Sunflower Avenue then along Avenue of the Arts for a short underground section before tumJng onto Anton Drive. The closest station to South Coast Plua wouJd be at Bristol and SunOower. Al Monday's meeting, Seger- strom spokesman Paul Freeman expressed concerns about noise, aesthetics. vibration and park- ing If CenterUne comes into South Coast Plaza. "We feel these issues can be substantially mitigated by an opnon that goes down Avenue .of the Arts," Freeman said. But Erle Strauss, property manager of a center at 580 An· ton Blvd., the only Costa Mesa property that the county would acquire through eminent do- main if this route is chosen, railed against this route. "It seems highly discrimina· Lory and unfair and will displace several local 1enants, • Strauss said. "Thls route does not in· elude access to South Coast Plaza, the Orange County Per- forming Arts Center or high-rise towers." manding that everyone in the auclience who had a complaint against him show their hands. Most of the 28 people in the audience d!d. Monday's hearing was neither to condemn nor take control of the property that one neighbor, Daily Pilot Publisher Tom John· son. called "the city dump.· In- stead. the hearing set ln motion a process to declare the property a public nuisance that. in tum, will allow the clty to talce ·llloma.ssen to court to clean up the property. Assistant City Any. Dan Ohl said that Thomassen had eluded http://www.ocmayflower.org. SUNDAY Th• Onlnge County chaptM of the Swedish Women's Educational Assn. will have Its annual Swedish Christmas event, which promotes Swedish traditions at 11 a.m. in the Costa Mesa Neighborhood community center, 1845 Park Ave. The cost will be $2 for children younger then 16 and $5 for adults and older teenagers. Information: (949) 786-2734, http://www. chspters-swea.org/orsngBCOunty. MONDAY South Coast Plaza will hwe lta 21st annual Tree-Lighting Ceremony at 6 p.m. at Town Center Park, adjacent to the Westin South Coast Plaza. The 90-fool white fir will be adorned by 15,000 lights. The ceremony will feature the All American Boys Chorus and an appearance by honorary emcee, Jennifer York from KTLA·TV. A mMtlng In support o1 Oemocnitlc presidential candidate Wesley K. Clark wlll be held at 7 p.m. at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa. Volunteers will share information and Clark's po11tlon1 on key i88ues .. lnfonnation: lnfo@volunt1H1nforcl11rk.com. http://www.meetup.oom. DEC.3 The And-SAT rnowment wlU hold a meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. In the ASB room at Corona del Mar ~Yid Macher. one of Cregocy Haidl's attorney-. told Judge Francl:sco Brlsmo that Haldi did not touch the pool cue. "1b8 prosecudon chem.selves have acknowledged tha~ the pool cue was an innoeuou object and not a deM.ly we•pon," tle said. Armand Arab.Ian. a rape law ~ and former judge, also ar· gued ln HaldJ's defense, con· tending that his client did not in· flict great bodily injury on the victim. Briseno sajd he wouJd make a ruling on the issue. possibly a Straus,, said he is working with representatives In the transportadon industry and try· ing to lobby city officials to change the route. Smalley said the Wyndham Garden Hotel would also suffer from thJs route beCause putting the light rail underground at Av- enue of the Arts would require a 20-foot easement along the en- tire length of the hotel and be· cause the light rail would be a mere three 1eet away from the hotel ballroom. "I find this route totally unac· ceptable.~ Smalley saJd. To protect Ille hotel's ability to provide services if thiB route is selected, Smalley has asked city officials to twea.lc the route so it comes up from the underground portion farther south and moves the tracks farther away from the building. Mayor Gary Monahan said city engineers are amenable to the change. Monahan said he's confident that C.J. Segerstrom & Sons will create an enticing way for light rail users to get to South Coast Plaza once they arrive in Costa Mesa. "l)n sure the owners or South the city's attempts to serve him with papers to clean up the property. City officials 1old Thomassen they wouJd submit in writing a list of things the city wants done at the home, which ls at the comer of Dover Drive and Leila Lane. "J'm willing to comply with reasonable things, not unreason- able ones,• Thomassen said. But, if clty officials disagree with Thomassen's idea of what's reasonable. they plan to take h.im to coun. Murphy and Ohl assured 1homassen that they would pre· fer to resolve the issue peacably, High School. There win be guest speakers. an open forum for comments and questions, and an outline for implementing educational reform. Students. parents, and teachers are welcome to attend. Information: Amanda Rubenstein, (949) 719-1756. DEC.4 The Onlnge County Chapter of Childhelp USA will have a holiday boutique and luncheon at 10 a.m. in the Hyatt Regency, 17900 Jamboree Blvd., Irvine. For reservations contact Nancy Whltlodc at (949) 548-4228. The Chuck Jonea Gallef'y In the Atrium Court of Faahion Island will present an exhibition of art of the animated film •or. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas# with voice actress June Foray and animation producer and director Phil Roman. The exhibition will OBITUARIES Pauline S. Barrett /'. funeral mw is sched- uled ror longtime Newport Beach realdeot Mn. P1nillne S. lSlrrett tlt 10 LR\. Wednelday at St John Vianney O\apel on the Baf. boa ftninlula, Mra. 8-mtt dJed Sundaf of cane.er. She WU 75, Mra. Barmt la tUrVtved ~ her hwit>end, fObo: aons John. Pit.IL Made and revtn; 8bd ..._ Oladotv. Sulff· van. A Rosary 1i acbeduled ~r 7 p.m. today &t Sc. John Vlamwy~ week from now. Hatdl's attomeyg have filed sevemJ. ocher motions to ~ the case based on p~toriaJ misconduct They have also asked that the court not accept a 20-minute videotape of the en· tire incident because they say it was stolen from the defendants. Those motiona are scheduJed LO be heard Dec. 4. •DEEM SHARA.TH covera public safety end courts. She may be reached et (949) 574-4226 or by •mail at deepa.bharathO tatimes.com. Coast Plaza, once the Ugbt raJ1 and stations are up and run- ning, there's going to be a way to get there," Monahan said "I don't know what it will be at this particular point. It's a decent trek as far as a walk. 'Otey know how to make money and know bow to get customers to their place.· On Dec. 1, the City Council will consider approving a reset• lution supporting the under.: ground Avenue of the Arts route~ The county Is loolc:ing for the · route that best unites the pre. • mlere features of tbe cities In-. voJved, authority spokesman. Ted Nguyen said. •1 think It's highly viable for the route to connect the major areas or retail, government, buslness and the airport," Ngui yen said. "That large mix creates· a dynamic nature that would contribute to the success for Ught rail. It Is Important to have the stops as close (to South Coast Plaza} as possible.· • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa. Mese and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com with Thomassen's cooperation. But attempts in 1987 by the city · to get Thomassen to comply. failed, officials said. Attempts in 1995 failed as well. And some 1 residents worry that they may be-, in for more of the same. "I'm absolutely shocked 10 find out thi~ has been going on 40 years." Diana Lane resident Michael Wedemeyer said. "I'm appalled.ff •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactted at (949) 5744232 or by e-mail at 1uns.casagrande@latlmes.com. be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery is at 401 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 759-0758, http://www.chudcjones.com. The Orange County Coeftdon for Youth will host "Let Your Voice Btt . Heard" from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park, Costa Mesa. The event Is to let youth voice their concems, talk about issues and to Influence policy decisions. Information: rle@edd.ca.gov. OEC.6 The Costa M.,. Men's C1ub will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club, ' The entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both days. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949~ 903.9090 ., HAWKINS, Howard Hoyt Howard Hoyt Hawkins, age 91, pasaed away peacefully '. on Tuetday, November 18,' w1th family at his aide. Ho)V8rd Hawkin• waa born In Loa ' Angeles on August 20, 1912. 1 • Howatd wu active In ctty ~ment In Covina aa a· , council member for 12 years. , • and u mayor. He was also active In community affairs Including Covina Host Uona, ' Y'amen, Mount San .Antonio School Board, Covina '· Chamber of Commerce, and • Joe Hum't Barn Soya. ' Ht waa alto a ganerout :· =up rt•r of D•f H•~•n Center, YWCAo and •• 9helW fot Women. Howird't true low WM the I water lnduatry which ha tarvad through Covina 1 lrtfQatlnQ Company, Upper I• Sen Oebrt•I Water Board,· 1• aimm.n of the M9b'opaltwt Wllltr DtllrtOt. Ind Wll clrattd • ........... ~ He WU preceded In death j• by hla wtfa1 DofottML He It IUJ'VIY~ by hit Children. Patricia Aatiton, JecQU.&IM, ,. ~ ...... Hrity, MowMf Hawkin a, fourteen Pldohldten, and abtt .. n QrMl-trWldotllchtl. Tuesday, NcMml>er 25, 2003 A9 f• •' 'I FORUM ,I • HOW TO GET PU8LJSHB) -a...a..: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn •t the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reedert Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) ~170 E~s.nd to dllif'(pllot latimea.com •All c:orrMpC>ndence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reseNes tM right to edil all submissions for clarity and length. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Checkpoints . violate civil rights 0 n Sunday, Nov. 9, my family and I encountered a vehicle irupecdon stop oo Fa.11'1iew Avenue conducted by the Costa Mesa Police Department A sign had been placed at the San Diego Freeway~ telUng motorists that they would need to show dieir driver's licenses and/or vehicle regimration forms for their cars. I was alarmed by this action. 1be stopping or vehicles to seaJ'dt for a driver's license or vehicle registration fonn wlf:hout probable caw;e seems to be a violation of .our dvU rights, pa.rticulady those rights under the 4th Amendment , i called the Costa Mesa Police Department to get an explanation. An omcer Wadkins returned my call and tokl me that the police department bad implemented this action over two years ago and that they had conducted mspections on Victoria Avenue on three previous occasions. READERS RESPOND I asked Wadkins to explain the justification the police were using for such inspections.. He c11ed several court cases, but particulruty referenced Mlchigan vs. Stitz. 1990, where the U.S. Supreme Court ruJed that while this type of action was a search and seizure, It was not invasive enough to violate the 4th Amendment. Wadkins also offered that the police only stopped every 10th or 15th car. depending on lraffic Oow, to circumvem any discrlmlnatory pGACtice. Those stopped who dld not have a valid driver's license or vehicle registration form had their cars impounded and were given a citation. flLE PHOTO/OAlLYPtlOT One aspect of recommendabons by a Newport Beach committee would have the crty taking a hand m county-run John Wayne Airport A city with a plan While I understand the ostensible reMOn foe this action. I must object to it as acceptable police practice and public policy. It is inherendy ctiscrimJnatory and abusive. c:ase in poinl is che placement of the inspection points. The first three inspection points were on Victoria Avenue, which Is a gateway to Costa Mesas Westside, a predominantly Latino neighborhood. The most recent inspection poinl was on Fairview on a Sunday, which is a main artery to lhe Orange Coast College swap meet. Many Latinos parroni.ze this swap meet Even though the inspection stops were standardi7,ed to stop every 10th or 15th car, by its design. it targeted primarily Latinos. AT ISSUE: Plans by the city of Newport Beach to discuss with the county where it could become more involved in county services. Wayne alsn is in the influence of (:Osln Mesa where the tower and other focililit's sll; or why not Irvine. when.• U1e majority of roads have 10 come from 10 get to the airport? Newport Beach ha.., 110 drum on John Wayne and should not be able to manage It. I hope 01t' board of <;uperVl'mrs puts a stop to 1h11o befort' they '>pend millions on i.urvey<; and n.•<;(•a.rrh. where exactly is lht• Coyote Canyon l.andlill and exac1ly where all the locatio111. of the vanow, '>ect1ons of the udeland .. were. Surely, a map would help everyone reading the-;c article!. become more intimately familiar with their 1w1~hhorhood-.. citae!>, etc. After all, what il> thl' point of writing these arllcll'' If they don't rnnwy accumtely what they <tre describing' DAVE KIRKEY Coto de Qua FRANK HANRAHAN C<l'ta Mesa That, in and of ilBelf, is cause for concern. But the greater concern is the slippery slope this action embans upon. In my opinion, the action is invasive because there is no probable cause. While the courts may have sided with the pohce for the moment. ultimately, this must be viewed as indefensible because or Its potential for abuse. The court, as well as we citizens, must recognize the razor thin line between these inspections and the more invasive act of unlawful search and se1ZUre. Indeed, the emotional stale ~ a.re in, as a result of Sept 11, has manifested in irmuonal fear and unreasonable responses (read Patriot Act). Now, local governments are taJdng advantage of this emotional environment. This ~ the question: What other objectives are the police trying to accomplish? And who or what may be targeted next? I think the city of Newpon Beach <ilumld have as least as much mfluence over John Wayne Airport operation!> a~ the city of Irvine has over 1he Great l'ark. and nn less. PAT ORMSBEE Newport Beach From what I see, John Wayne Airport i<; u healthy cash cow for the wunty, ~o why change trungs now? What benefit would the county get out of it? lhc headline ol tht· S.uurday paper suggests that tlw Daily Pilot is strictly a Newport ~ach paper Just giancmg at it leads one to believe chat. Why not have the headline read "NB mull._ nmning JWA"? After re.idmg th<' art1de'i on the front page, I thought ii would be very helpful 1f there wa' a map '>howing exactly where ease and wc'>t Santa Ana I ll·1~ht!. bordt>r' were. Well, I lhinlt it'1. a great idea. I think that the city 'hould take over lhe running or Orunge County Airport or John Wayrw Airport m as much as that wtJI give U\ conrrol of how much 11 grow.. where ii ._,,.<>~ and talte it away from 1he county and K1ve ii to llw t ity where ii really belongs. Furthermore. why Newport lkach7 John BIU THEOBALD Nrwport Bt'ach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Co.ta M ... Qty Htll. n F•Jr Drive. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (71') 764-6223 ~Gary Mona~n Coundt: Gary Adame, John Heffeman, Didc Nichols, Steven Ro .. Mky, Tod Ridgeway and OonWebb ORANGE COUNTY FAIR PRESIOENT George W. Bush (A), White Hou1e, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., WaahingtOn, D.C. 20600 Hotline: (8 a.m. to 2p.m)1202) 456-1111 E-mall: prnldent@whitehouge.gov This ls bad public policy. It will lead to abuse, and ultimately, It will lead to a further Impingement of our civil liberties. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin: One who excha'nges civil liberties for security deserves neither. Coundt Ubbv Cowan, Allan Manaoor, Mike Schufer and Chri• Steel . crrY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport 8each City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport a..dl, CA 92683, (9491644-3309 M9yol: Steve Bromberg 88 Fair Drive, Costa Meta, CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR Bo8'd: President Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patricla Vel .. quei, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haldi, James Barich, Debonlh Carone. 1..et1i. A. Ray and Frank Barbaro Fax: (202) 466-2461 VICE PRESIDENT Dk* Cheney (R), Capltol Bulldlng. Suite 212, Waahlng1on, D.C. 20500 E-mail: vic6.pl'9$idt1nt whlt8hou•t1.gov HOWARD NATiiANSON C..osta Mesa MAILBAG ' IJ>istrict needs to think about benefits of preschool If the Newport-Mesa Unified School District thinks that it "cannot be In tlie private preschool business,• then l(needs to take a very hard look at the ~ope of consequences that this decision brings (•Preschool to close," Monday). ; President Bush, In trying to greatly lrpprove elementary and secondary public education, has established the No Oilld Left Behind Act of2001. This ac:t ensures that all states pursue high atademJc standards for all students, pfOVide extJa support to help student& meet standards, increased Oeldblllty fdr local ~oola to accomplish these g9als, and pater accountability, ~ch ls measured by student ~rfonnance on standardized tests. ; It ls very ~u researched and d~mented that the first ftve years of a§lld'1 llfe ls directly affected by the q Jty aod type or lnteractlon wtlh p nta and c:aregtvers. These c tlcally Important nnt ftve yean alao sP.lfleantly tnnuencet bow a chUd YiiJ function In ach.ool and later Jn life. lt doet not take a rocket adcnt11t tq aee that the more attention and !=f" lderadon public ac.bool dtatricu frivcar In lhe Uva of c.hJJ~n their ftnr ft~ yea_tt. tbe yean be(ore they enrer ~derprtcn, tbt more that the dircet ~ cuccesa of the chlld wtU be For the chool district to eliminate the Newport Harbor High School preschool program seems like it is shoo ling Itself in the foot. Now more than ever. with all the federal and state pressure on school districts to raise the bar on education. It only makes sense to provide high-quality and affordable learning environments as early as possible In a child's life lf children C(lntinue to enter kindergarten wtthout a strong learning ethk and foundation, the problems of children not achieving will continue. I feel that the school district needs to do all that It can to keep the excellent preschool program in place. Here ls a thought: Put the enormollll amount of money and time spent on high school athJetica Into somethJng that will dlrectly educate chlldren, like high scbool·bMed preschool program .. MAXINE MACHA Cotta Mes• More to city's granting variances than meets the eye In response to the Daily Pilot editorf.a.I, •city la right to rcvtew home1" (Nov. 20), I wtU agree that the ownen whose bomet havo violated city cod retuJtJng from Andrew Goet.z't alleged foi:gery are lndecd lucky that t.6ey live In Newport BUai. It II unllkely that the dty hu e\'er acted more apedldou&Jy than In th1a matter. The •spectal clrcumsc.nce varlanco" wu written, ft.rat introduced ' at the Nov. 12 <.ny Council meeting. rulings have been made regarding at least si:x of the affected homes, and there will be a second reading of the ordinance (and presumable approval} at the Nov. 25 meeting. Quite a lot lo be accomplished in 13 day!> Rec.m !>e or the city's fa.cit -track tactic, not only are many resldenls unaware of the issue, but the overall effect of 1hc variance Is unclear. I feel the cditurlaJ missed lhree very important points regarding this ls.'lue. First, the primary purpose of this "'>pecial circumstance variance" is not only to accommodate the innocent employers of Goelz, bul also 10 protect the clly from legaJ repercussions. Secondly, the city Is providing ·aggressive civic service,· bul for potentially 32 homeowners, a very smaJI percentage of the overall city popula1ion. Lastly, for every "devastated homeowner.· there are potentially scores or other homeowners whose properties may be slgnilicantJy imJ)l'.ICted by theae oversized s1ructures. Nowhere in the "special circumstance variance" is this addressed There hM not been sulllclent notice to the residents of Newpon Beach to fully understand the potential Impact of the proposed variance. The realtty9{ atlon I that In Newport , brings a premium ln the real estate matktt, and because of thl • rho cUy or Ntwp0n R ach needs to take " very long. terlow look ot their buUdlng and tonlng approval proudure1. lt ill truly am117mg th.it one 1nd1v1dual could all~gedly 'uhmil falMficd and fraudulent Information owr a three year period Involving .11 ll·a~• ·12 prope rties. The homeowner-,' rN·our<.<' "w11h cheir architect. not the c11y or Newport Bearh or its resident'> JINX HANSEN <.orQna d<'I Mar A thanks to Smith from a former teacher and principal I'm calling to thank Steve Smith abou1 hJs article In the Daily Pilot ("A thanks to teachers," Saturday). I le 1 .. right on everything he said. It's exactly right. I am a former schoolteacher and principal with the Los Angeles Unified School DJstrict, and frankly, this Is 1hc first tltne J have replied to an article or to a letter. I just norrnaJly don't do that. But this one l had 10 becau e I am e~erienced and k:nowtedgeable, and Smith has It exactly right. I went and I was going to start to underline tho Important things, and I found that I was underlying the whole artJcle. So just tell hlm thank you, and partJculatly p.'lren and dtlun!I nffd t9 know today, 1chools are not org 111lud or thinking correctly. They are dumping work: on kids. Tho cn~ronment In ao many places la not adequate.. The children don't have rime to absorb what la given. The t •cb 1'3 IOm times themselves become 10 jaded about lt that their manner of dre 01nd their department 11selr 11> a bad example. leach<'rs should he in busine"-' attire Schools arc hu'>ines. ... I.earning Is business. There 1~ 0 0 1 a more imporlant k.lml of bu\Hll''>'i In lhe world today. Thank you, Sieve Smith, for whal you have done to try to gel the momentum l(Otng bat:lc. in a better dlrl'Cttllll. MILENA THOMPSON West Sa nla Ana Heights Smith column appeared at right time for this teacher I was calling to lhanlt Steve Smilh so much about his article in the paper 1his morning. I leach third grade, and everything he said Is so absolutely true, and last week. I had a reaJly hard week wtth report cards and addressing aJJ the standards and trying 10 make sense or all the Incredible stacks of paperwork that we now have to do. I was prefty burnt OUI. So when I woke up thli. momJng and read what he had to say, lt really hit home and It really mode me feel vnlldated that somebody notices that teaching la a little bit of a tough profi Ion right now. So thank you, Steve. Thank you for noticing. thank. you for bf'lng thankful. I really appred te all of your columns, but today Rally hit my h art. So thank you vrrymuch. Hopefully, our new t<M'rnment will do something about It. ELIZABEm BARNES Cost0Meq QUOTE OF THE DAY "I always tell our girls, defense is what wi1as games and I think they're finally starting to see that." Jen l'bomoton, Newport Hatbot 111s basketbd coach EYEOPENER •DaityAPikX. Sparfa Hal~ Flame ~ .. ~ Die 1 honorM IUWETZE. • • • M Tuesday. Nowni>ef 25, 2003 Spcwta Editor RJcMrd Owln: (949) 5 7 4-4223 • Sports Fax: <949) 650-0170 . . MEN'S BASKETBALL Anteaters hope to break Cardinal rule '. No. 20 Stanford invades Bren Center as UCI bids for seminal upset. a.,ry Faulkner Daily Piiot Blg-tlme men's college basketball comes to the Bren EvenlS Center to· nJght und host UC Irvine hopes to show It belonp on the Door. as well. lbe Anteaters C2·1) play host lo Stan· ford ( 1-0). ranked No. 20 ln the MM>c:l- ated Press poll, In a 7:05 nonconference game that could provide more than just a measuring sdck.. nus, In fact, Is a golden opponunity for UCI, which henlJds the fact that Stanford is the only team in CalifomJa Waves roll over 'Eaters, 71-47 Pepperdine prevails, but Green's leadership a bright spot for UCL a.,ry hulkner Da1lyP1lot BREN EVENTS CP.NTE.R -As the UC lMne women's basketball learn contin- ues to grope for a passageway through the relative darlcness or Its 0-2 Stan, it would do weU to Call In line behind the beam of Ugtu carried Monday night by spirited senior Kristen Green. Green, who averaged 10.8 points nnd 5.7 rebounds as a junior, buc produced just six points ln n season-opening loss to visiting F..ascem Waslungton Friday, led the Anteaters with 15 points and eight rebounds In a 71-47 nonconfer· ence setback to vl'iltlng Pepperdlne ( 1-1 ). ·creenle played an out.sta.ndlng game.· aaid ua Coach Mark Adams. whose postgame praise of his senior leader topped some encoill'lging words about his team's lmprovement from Game 1. ·r commended IGreenl ln the locker room and cold our other players. 'That's how you've got to play,' • Adams said. "We dld some other things bener, we ~t dldn't shoot real well.· to compile more victories the previous three seasons -n to UCJ's 66. More than a handful or those Stan· ford triumphs, however, have come In the Ne.AA Tuurnament. where It has venrured the past nine seasons. ua. on the other hand. has never been lnviced to the Big Dance. a slrua- tion Coach Pat Douglass has toiled me- thodically to correct. A. victory tonight would be the bi8geM tep toward that goal under Douglass since UCJ topped viaJling California. 56-52, In the fourth game or the 2000-01 season. Stanford's rnnklng -It is No. J 7 ln the USA TOl1'Y/ESPN poU -ls the highest for a team entering the Bren Ince No, 8 Utah aune away with a n ·50 triumph In December or 1996. Stanford. which hammered visiting UCI last season, 84-57, could be without preseason All-American Josh OtlJdreM. The 6-foot-7 jwtlor. out of Mayfair ffigh in Lakewood. sat out Saturday's season- opening n-59 win OVtt visiting Sacra· mento State with a s~ react.Ion In his left foot and be was not listed among to· night's projected starters .. Justin Davis. a 6-9 senior forward, had 17 points and 10 rebounds for the Car· dinaJ In the opener. He figures to be joined in the starting lineup by 6-10 jun· lor center Rob Little (12 points and seven rebounds Saturday), 6..t senior guard Man Lottich (13 points, eight re- bounds), 6-6 jwllor forward Ni.ck Robin- son (nine polncs, ix boards) and sopho· more guard Ou1s Hemande-L ( ix points, six assists). Stanford, which shot 67.4% from the WOMEN'S BASKETBALL field lase year against ua. shot 509(, from the field San.uday and outre- bounded Sacramento State, 46-22. ua dropped Its opener, n -65, to Illi· nol.s-OUcago, but defeated the Univer- sity or San Diego and Ohio to claim the consolation champlomhlp of the Dell Blaclc Coaches Assodatlon Oasslc. Nov. 15· l 7 at Xavier Universiry. A dl.ft'erent Anteater led the team in scoring in each tournament c:ontest - senior Stanislav Zuzak with '29 against UIC sophomore point guard Jeff Gloger with 17 again.st USO and sophomore Ross Sduueder with 17 against Ohio. P..ach set or tied his career high. Adam Parada. a 7-0 center who was named a mJd-major preseason All· American by C.OUegelnsider.com. Is av· eraglng 10 points and 5.3 rebounds, • while sophomore Mike Efevberba. who ecored 41 points ln two e:ibibidoo vie> tories, totaled 19 points In the 8CA Clas· sic, where he shot just 26. 7" from the 6eld (8 of 30). Matt Okoro. a 6-7 senior, is scheduled to stan for the Anteaters. along with Parada. Zuzak. Gloger and Schrader. ua avenged 21.3 turnovers in lts three tournament conlesta, an area Douglass said was paramount on h1a ftx·lt list during the week of practice leading to tooigtlt's clash. As of Monday nJght. an estimated 1,000 tickets remained available for to- night's game. which will feature a half- time tribute to Kevin Magee. Magee. the program's onJy rwo-time. first-team An.. American, died In an auto accident Oct. 23 In Louisiana at the age or 44. . GIRLS BASKETBALL Sailors stable at top Coach Jen Thompson enters her third season looking to improve for the third straight year. '•trick L•verty OailyPitot . Building a program requires stabWtf and. entering her third season, Newport Harbor High C.Oach Jen Thompson ha.I provided that for the ~ basketball team. After becoming the sixth coach In 6w seasons when she took over prior to the 2001-02 season, Thompson has stuck around and the effect has been evident,: The Sailors broke a 20·game league losing 6treak two seasons ago and reached the CJF Southern Section playi offs for. the 6nt time since 1999 l8Sf year. Newpon Harbor's win totals have increased from two in 2000-01, the year prior 10 Thompson's arrival. to four In her 6rst season and 13 last year. Attempting to continue that improve- ment will be a cast or six returners and six newcomers who understand the progression or a rebuilding project. t Ml think they do: Thompson saJ<t ·Their goals are not to win the state OF championship. Their goal last year wd to get to cm and we did that." A return to the playoffs Is once again prioriry No. 1, but Newport Harbor also thinb Lt can improve on last year's flfth. ...__.._ . place finish In the Sea View League. Green's determined effort was high- lighted by 10 second·half poln~ lndud· Ing two of the hosts' three three-point· en after lntemli< Jon. She also had two steals and took two charges, contribuc-KENT TREPTOW I DAIL'!' PILOT SH UCI, p ... ,.7 UC Irvine's Knsten Green, who scored 15 pomts Monday, attempts to dribble around Pepperdme's Kerra Wodarski. which ls expected to be led by Wood· bridge and Foothill. See SAILORS , Pap A1 PLAYERS OF THE WEEK NEWPORT HARBOR Austin Nieto 5-9 202 Sr. A d4tfentlve tdle. bloc*ed •pair of convenlon klcb,madel pelr of i.c:ts. for1loa1nd waslnonone Ndt. @ 0 0 AlexOrth &-1180 Jr. ~ming fr'Omtbec* Injury, 1he free Mf9cy hetj>ed llmtt Los All09 to 121 Yerdt ~end lid9dlnNn defwnee. • HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Two-minute drill •Newport Harbor's flrat-round exit from the CIF Southern Section playoffB meana no Newport-Mesa schoql advanced to the quarterftnals for the second con- secutive aeason. •Heavy trllffic on Friday caused the Sallors to arrive just a half-hour prior to the 7:30 p.m. kictotI. Newpon Harbor quickly wenc through Its pregame drills. then huddled In the comer or the atadlum prior to the start or the game. Kickoff was de- layed 10 minutes with the pme beginning at 7:40. • The tramc also affected others Involved with the football program. The band and cheedeadera didn' arrive until the teams were lined up to begin the gume and most of the Sailors' fan hue was late anMng, meaning they missed the opening kickoff. which wu returned 89 )'1lrds ror a touchdown by Lot Altos. • Lot AJtoa proved a physlcal opponenc, knoclcing a number of S&ilon out or the game at varlout point&. Senlor md Peter Hoyt mls3ed time ln the t\m half but recurncd to tho game. MeanwbiJe, eenlor guard Eric Q.u1ia. senJor tailback Matt Encinlu. junior line• backer Thomas Manin and senior lineman Mark ~mple .n exited with injuries. • The lnfuries to £ncinJaa and Martin catUed a few lineup changes in tho Sa.Oort' backfield. When Enctnlas went down. fullback 'Jmior Theriot moved to tailback with Mar· dn becoming the lead blocker. Without Mardn. who su«ered a !es Injury, Theriot ~ to fullback and eophomore Ryan Rippon. a t.&ndOUt ttrong sa.fi ...,, h.lt t work at taiJback. • Los AltOI wasn't the only Mlraroontt' .a S.. V\iW Lcilgue team out of the playoffs. wt.bon, wh~h tlnl t tHe C.On~ d • (i ted FoothllJ In OYtJtime. The See View 1-gue l&W th or Its four teams blNpce.iftom the ~n. with only lMne acMndng to the .econd round. Game stoppers Last week'• bJg defemive plays • NEWPORT HARIOR -Senior tackle Meil nmple and junior endt Sumi IO..aaan and S.S..._ combine to throw the running baclc for a 3-yard loss on a thlrd·and-10 play, forcing Loi Altos to punt •.. khaliftan and aenior tackle A&lldn Nieto stutr an option run by the quarterback for no pin, leading to a three-and-out for the C.Onquerora ... Nleto breab through the line of ecrlm.mqe to block a patr of j>olnt-«fter convaaoo kic:b ... JunSor Unet>.cter 'Dftar n..tot uopa a NflDin8 play for jult a l ·yard pin ... JChaHflan and 'lemple, aided by a oo.t ot. other s.ilora, Adc the quarterback (or an ll·yard loss on second·and-7 at the Newport Hatbor ll·yard line ... IChaUflan. again ted by l\m:\ple. recordt another llct. th1a one coming on fourth down. gfvtng the blD hick to the Sanon ... Junior safety Ala Orth COIN!il up to the line of ICrim.mqlO and haJtl a running pJcy for a I ·yard pin ... Nieto and XhaWlan combine oo the Sallora' third Ade of the game. tblt one forcin8 a io. of 8 yardl wtch just aver two mlnutet rem.aJntna ln the ftnt ball ..• Junior llnehvker °"I Mina' Umita the ball carr1er to • l •yard pin ... ~ ttope a runnlna p1aY for no gain ••• Senior end ...... llDJt puu beevy preseuro on the quaneit>ack. fordnc an lncompledon •.• JCNHllan records another sack. th1a one a IOlo t.t:le on a tNrd·and-l3 play for a 3·yard loss .•. Nieto fore a tbrw-yard bl ..• Khaltftm conttnuee hJs uong play, putting pR1MUre on the quarterback to fora Ul lnoompledon. f . SPO R TS UCI Continued from M lng to 20 turnOYera by the Wa~. rwo more than UCI. Adams a.lao saw Improve· ment ln offensive execudon, -typified by a 9-0 nm eerly ln the 1econd hall ln whJch the Antea.tera scored on four aaalght posseasfons to pull within 37-27. And the season debut or sophomore point guard Jaclde Lord, •till hampered by the strained right quadriceps that forced her to sit out the opener, provided some assurance the Anteaters may have a floor leader who can handle the ball, . distribute, and also pose an outside-shooting threat. Lord, ahuttJlng ln and out and applytna a hot pad to her lhlgh muscle each time she was .. SAILORS tontinued from AfJ .. Leading the charge for the Sailors will be a pair of returning ~arters, S·foot·8 aehior guard/ torward Jllllanne Whitfield and ~9 sen!or guard Victoria Swi· .pn. ., Whitfield ls a two-time All· Sea View League selection and has led lhe Sailors in scoring each of the last two seasons, av· eraglng 10.9 points per game last year. ' SWigart was a second-team all-league aelectlon lut seaaon when she averaged 6.3 points per game and showed a knack for doing all the UttJe things it takes to win games. The biggest problem for the Sailon going into this season ls that Whitfield and Swigart are among the team's biggest play- ers. Everyol)e on the team is 5·9 and under with the 'excepUon of 5· ll freahman Brittany Deyan. Entering the season, 5· 7 junior Kristi Eddlngton is slated to start at center. "We're worldng hard on run· n1ng and condltioning,• Thompson said. "We need to utll.ize our quickness because we're not tall." Without a 6-footer for the first qme In her coaching career, Thompson has been stressing rebounding fundamentals to on the bench, had five points on 2-of-4 shooting and led 1be 'Ea1ers with four ualsts and three steals. This deapJte play· Ing only 18 mJ.nutes. Lauren Yadon. a 6·3 aopb~ more who scored a tea.m-hJgb 14 oft' the bench in the opener, added 10 points and six re- boun& ln a starting role, wh1Je aenJor Clu'lstina Callaway bad alx points and seven boards for UCI. But a dismal shootlog per· formance, in which UCI netted just 6 of 33 Btst·half 6eJd·goal attempts (18.21J1i) and finished 15 of 59 fo r the game (Z5.41J1i), helped the Waves record their ninth straight win over the Ant· eaters. Pepperdlne, which gave No. 6-ranked Stanford a significant challenge before falling. 69-61, at home In Friday's opener, scored the Btst seven points of the game. Theo, after Yadon broke the lee with a lS.foot jumper Utd Green converted a free throw. the Wave• cored alx straight point.I to c:rute a dou· ble-flgure lead. Another 7-0 Pepperdlne run mJdway through the opening half -upped the advantage to 24-8 and the Waves cruised to a 35· 18 lead at the break. After UCI closed to within 37·27 with 16:36 left ln the game, Pepperdlne produced a 16·4 s urge, including 10 atralgbt points In a three-min- ute span, to secure its first of many expected victories. "[The Waves) are tall and physical and they gave us some problems,• Adamli said of Coach Marie Trill's squad, whJch returns nine players from last year's 22·8 campaign. The Waves, however, were without All-American candi- date Shandrtka Lee, thelr point guard and best player, side· OON LU.CH /OM.Y PILOT Newport Harbor's Jilhanne Wtutfield (21). a two-time Al~Sea View League selection, is the Sattors' leading returning scorer. make sure the Sailors don't get ing." muscled around inside. Newpon Harbor. which opens •At any given time, you're go· the season Dec. 5 at home Ing to be blocldng out a 6· against Corona del Mar, will at· footer," Thompson said. "You tempt to lift Its confidence prior couJd be the shortest girl on the to beginning league play by team and you're going to have playing well in tournaments at to know bow to do It." University, Valley Ouistian of Helping in that area will be a Cerritos and Juno, Alaska. The more stringent weightlifting latter will be a trip with the boys program Thompson has In· basJcetball team that should al· stalled. low the squad time to bond to- •1 don't want them to get gether. pushed around down low," "I thJnk we're still jelling,• Thompson said. "They need to Thompson said. "We've got slx be able to play with the big girls, returners and six newcomers. so we've really focused on llft· I've been uying to pair up re· Reatl Newport-Mesa Are you concerned about the low test scores at our schools in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach ? . During the past four years, che efforis of che Daily Pilot and che Rotary Clubs of ' Newpon -Balboa, Newpon Inine and Newpon Beach Sunrise in support of the ' Los Angeles Tunes Reading by 9 program has raised more than $24,000, including $10,000 from Daily Pilot readers to deliver 16,500 books to kindergarten through third grade scudencs at Pomona, Whittier and Wilson Elementary Schools. These schools have the highest percentage of limited-English speaking srudencs a.nd lowesc ' test scores . . The Daily Pilot and the three Rotary Clubs are launching a campaign chis faJI with . $6,800 committed by dubs, to be matched by an equal amount from Daily Pilor readers chat combined, will purchase an acfdjtional 7,800 books for the three elementary schools. .. T he real difference in improving reading skills is you, your employees, or members! • Join the Daily Pilot in a new program, &Ml Nnt!J>ort-Mu11 by giving one hour of your cime, once or twice a month during the school day, reading to studencs at either ' Pomona, Whinier or Walson Elementary Schools. Make a company, dub, community group or congregation commitmenc co lhMI Nntl}>ort-Mu 11 and encourage interested employees and members co take an hour once or twice a month to read to students ar one of the three elementary schools. They can do it on their lunch hour, c.offec break time or during work hours. Companies, clubs, community groups and congregations that make a commitment to &Ml N""Port-Mu a will be recognized in the Dally Pilot during che school year. Students arc available for &Ml Nnvport-MUll beginning at 8: 1 S a.m. until 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. It's easy, it's fun and it's very important if we are to help students master reading by the age of9 and become productive citizens of our community. lr's easy fur you, your employees or members ro panicipate. Jwt call one of the three schools listed below and identify yourself as a R#IUI Nnvport-Muc volunteer, identify the~ and tlme you have available and you will be scheduled with a d:wroom c er at the school you called. The teacher will help you get started and provide Reading by 9 books to use with the nudena. Pomona -(949) 516-6980 Whittier -(949) 51S·6990 Wtlaon - (949) 515-6995 _Yes, count on -----------to support /U.J NttWptwt-MUll. .. Yournamc _·-----------~Phone _________ _ FAX E-mail-------....--- PAX thu form to (714) 921-8655. For more infunnatioh, call Jim de Boom at (714) 921-8665. ReaJinS aa .. __. .... lined by a knee ailment. Junior guard Shanell Law, still recovering from an ankle sptain, came off the bench to prQduce 12 polnu, topped only by '"'° aenior Nicole Funn, who paced the vtsltora with 16. UCl rerums to action Dec. 2 against visiting San Diego State. ~. ~lne 11, UCI 47 Pepp«dlM • Spenctr I , Clarendon 6, GreathOUH e, Funn HS, Wodertkl 3, Law 12, Lacy 9, MayberTY 8, Wenakl 2. 3-pt. goala ·Law 3, Spencer 1, Funn 1 .. Fouled out • MayberT'f. Tedlnla.11 -None, UC lrvlne • Yadon 10, Callaway 6, Blgglna •.Green 15, Stanley 2, Lord 6, Fergu1on 3, Umn 2 . 3-pt. goet1 • GrMn 2, Fergueon 1, Lord 1. Fouled out · Blggln1. Tedlnlcala -None. Halftime · 35-l8, Pepperd1ne 1-6 Jr. IS-11 Fr. 5-7 Jr. 5-5 Sr. H Jr. ~ M.-o 15-5 Fr. V....Mliltr M Jr. =~ M Jr, M Sr. ~ 5-9 Sr. Maelle= W Jr. Jlltlenne d 5-8 Sr.' CoO: Thompton (third YllJff) turners with newcomers., just to get that cohesiveness. Yes, we have new players. but we're i.tlll one team.• The other returners, In addi· tion to Whitfield, Swigart and Eddington, are senior guard Allyson Stoltz, junior Vanessa Miller and senior Kristi Koon. Tbey'U all be playing a free· Oowing system that allows any· one to shoot at any time, a ne· cesstty without a presence in the post. But no matter what they do on offense, Thompson will con· tinue to stress defense and the Sailors will run a little bit of everything: man-to-man, full. court pressure, traps and zone. "I always tell our girls, defense is what wll\s games and I lhlnlc they're finally starting to see that,• Thompson said. And Newport Harbor is begin· nlng to see what stability can do for a program. Tuesday, Novtmbtf. 25, 2003 A7 COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL 10 Pirates earn All-conference Dominelli and Williams earn first-team honors. SoQhomore free safety Nick Oominelli was a unanimous selection to the All-MJsslon Conference American Division defen- sive first team to lead 10 Orange Coast College foot- ball pJayers with postsea· son awards. Oominelli, a two-time honoree, led the Pirates in tackles for the second straight season, posting 110 this fall. He also led Coast with five interceptions to go with eight pass break- ups, a ~ sack, one forced fumble and one fumble re- covery. He aho scored one touchdown J.his season and flnlshed with three in his career. Freshman defensive line- man Justin Williams joined Oominelli on the first learn. Wllliami:. led the team with IOY.. sat:ks dei.pite missing three games with an in· 1ured knee. Williams tallied 54 tackJei.. i.i.x for a loss and forced three fumbles. re· covenngone The Bucs had eighL play· eri. honored wtth second- THAIKSGMIG SALE team recognition. Fresh- man wideout Justin Hwna· Ion, tight end Jon Garcia and left tack.le Emil West were chosen. Humalon led the Pirates with 33 receptions for 528 yards and three touch- downs. scoring twice in the season finale against Gol· den West. Garcia caught 11 passes for 142 yards while West anchored the offensive line. Five Pirate defenders were named to the second team. Unebackers Beau Gertz, Quh. Cassidy and Joe Mitchell were all hon· ored. The trio combmed for 181 tackles, 13 for a loss, six sacks, three forced fum- bles and one recovery. Sophomore strong safety Una Latu and defensive end Ryan Miller round out the squad. Latu finished second on the team with 81 tackles, including seven for a loss, 10 go with one lntercep· tion. three pa~ breakups and two fumble recoverrei. Miller, who mi%ed nearly half the r,ea'lon due to injury. ended w11h 46 tackles (<;even ror d loss), twO sac~ and two fon:ed fumblei.. > , M Tlllldty, HowfnDer 25, 2003 SPORTS YOUTH SOCCER Green Gators in championship game Boys under-14 team comes back for one-goal victory that puts it in title match. lhot on goal for ~ United. but Ri-n Co&dbert C3me up with the b&uck. • Plnk Ughcnlng 2. Th1aJ W.vet 1· Mkhael Mdlup. Duany a.bl' and l'&W Bloc:he helped maintain • ttong mJdtleld while the delen.se of Ertc Wrllbt, Joo l1an1, Scotty 8el'khaulm.. Unny eoopn and s.m N9d:J. mut helped preserve th~ win. The Pink Ushtnlng advan~ to the aemifinah with \he ~ The Corona deJ Mar Green Gtltora edged CdM United. 5...f, Saturday. NaY. \5, to advance to dw dwnpk>nah.lp game ln the buys under· 14 d.Jvislon of A)'S() Region 57. Alllon DewftllD ICOt'Cd m.e first goal In the S«Ond period e>n a»Jsta from Erin Almara and lUfaoy~ Mld6etde.rs Reecle Dahlfon. lo glrll Wlder-12 action: Dina l.awuy. launn fledlmon and Hannah ICubal kept the PttlSU"' on the l1d&I Waves. The Gaton Opt'ned up a 3-0 le d lo the llrat half with ~ by Qunden Nldxi'eclft, DOlon No~ ton and~ Grant. • Sophie Solow passed to Bryn HMdnp for the wtnnlng goal with 10 seconds mn.a.1ning ln the Mint Cl\lpe' 2· l victory over the Sponge Bobs. Muta.a Cwnmtnp tied the game with a breakaway goat ln the second half before Paladin fow.nd the back of the net for the Ugbtnln3- The United, led by Pllrbr Roed, came back to de the game ~ eventually took a 4-3 lead. t lastings added en 1st to Out.le lllndw't for another goal. Sarah Fotb. Kelly O'CoMO.r and Ionian TM.al keyed the de- fense, which heJd the Sponge 8ob5 ICOfebs in the fir&t half. MfPO Rk:hcer and Aaht.y ~ controlled the mid· fifld for the Mint Chips, who lm- provrd to 1-0-1 in the playoff& )8cqudlne UrbanWI. Jaden tkinec:ke, Annie Raffeny, Shel· by Bncho and goalkeeper Made But Nlchollon wqved hl.s way through the Unittd defense 10 llCOre the ryfng goal and ,..._. l\!trfOJ kJck.ed the deciding goal on an us1st by Mu N.wOeld a rew minutes later. Rt= pJayed uwnch de· fm;o;the Ugbtning. ln boys Wlder· 11 play: •CdM Tham Gorab 2. Team ~ttO: Tummy 8anprt had a clear Hector Mutno opened the Quality Care 30,000 • eo1ooo • eo,ooo Mlle' Ma ntenance * 1595ana1ne . Diagnosis "' • Rlfw Chlnfe, nr. Rofdon, '"*' llllJMa • a ,,.,,. """" Point lnlpec1'on ~~="IUMIASt s29995 Tired of that pesky check engine light? See us today for an electronic engine analysis to find the cause! A must to be able to pass the CA smog checkl ineert coupon II time of wrl!Hp. ~ t lr»'2003 Off« valid with coupon Tax. eKtra. Ex t 1 /30l'2003 Sllbjrtcl to condltlonJ Pf'HCftbt>d ,, Ille un .. ftl\ily of C1llforn11, lrvln•. respon•H lo the llnlveri1ly's l'ft<1111lrfbtlcMI ~ulJGnntlt• for e D~i&" flulld contract "" r.ou&hl from O..ua:n BuH<IM\ tur th• lollowtna P'Oiioct SOU1MtaM llAOl4l 1040 ... .....,~ .... ,., UMMU!TY Of <~&A._.,..., rtlOUAUf'KATM* Of l'tlOWICTM OUtoN IUllDIH Th• Unlvwall1'• f)flm•• y ublectl•• In ut11t11n1 the ddlan build i>IHOKh ll In br1n1 II•• bnl •v.1'4111tt klt.cnttd dt•ucn and cnnstrucl-.,.,.,lenc• to th" Prolett fr.e Ul'l1¥Htlly llu 1141\Hmrntd tllat 0.ltl'I Blllldel'I wlto 'ilbmot pt1>pouk on tllr• PrOjltet ''""' t>-ptequahfl40d Prtt(luahh•d O.~•cn Ulktwswll '-:~edtouve tM lo~wll\14.•lth••IA CU11t11d01 'IKtn" •UdaAl UICI• w.·A~ MltlUl Dl'KllPnOM Of WOii • The ptopoeed Solllhef11 ll11h11I l'roject Inc ludll' '"''""°'" roed••Y s torm d••ln, ullkty, I hllnr. •llnallullon •nd lalld~tp. lor 1 new roadw11p 11nd ul•n•IUfll tu ht•lln& roadw1yi at tile llnlvr,.1ty ofC1lllornlll. lrvlne ClttnOl/S Oii Oftl&n Bulldef will l)f<>v•de full it.\11n llflllMotlltll lrld conslr1K'llc•n -w11:11 uH11111td to cortll>lete 1111 111• .. cl tt defined 1r1 petfOfman'• doeunr .. nls to be lsouff by Ille U"'-s:rty «•w •-u of the P'•lKt inrl11de • ~0111Mt1ly 10.000 CY cut 1114 loll to prov1dt • Ml.t~d oto,..:l lit• • ApptolllMltly t .000 l.f of ro•cl••1111tlud111t b1 .... IMl'Htntnt c11•b al\d aullti •ftd 11d-~lll • 2 lane dlvldtd Southern Redial Ro•d (4 total throu&h lanes end turn 1-1111• al tnlH\e<ttuns) with l111dr.c:1ped 1l11dl1n eonnecttna l 111t l'tlla110n Ottv• wtlll the int1rMCllnn nl Culv•r 011we, Shady C1nJCM1 ind ltonlt• Canyon, ln,ludln' lull build oul Ill tlle 11llrn11I• uu.-te<llfln l<>rlud1ne t ur h •nd J'llltt re!M4 median ""41••"'· rtt11t of w1y, ettd NIMlf•tlld bib Ian• • 2·laM roecway eden'ion 111 Cahf0tn,. Av@nve conntKt1n1 lh" •'"'"'' l••ntrrru• of C•hfMnlt A-tnlHI Ml~trnt lo tilt Studef'll lte<rHhonal fac1htp lo the "''""'"'"'n ol C•hlU1n•• •nd Gabnelrnu Orin '•rtlona ot Cahl0tn11 Avenue wtll !>.-ton\11111.l•d ta 1/1 width pavement with full 1udln1 blllld out R11Hc1 med11na and lull lnltrHCllun build out will be 11rov1dtd al Soulhtrn Redt•I Ro-4 • Pot111ll112·1ltnt uttn110n ot 11111011 Av•nuo lo new Southern Radu•I • Potent9-l •ll•netl t1urun1tlon of l'•lo v.,a. lltt•d end Oebrt•lino Ortv"' •• I"'' Palluon Drove • Sl&nallLeO lnt..sechona •I CtllfOfnll tnd Sovthe•n ll•ditl. ( .tlllc>1 rue and Ru• ••II anct n11•dtll1 •lion of utt.t14'1 ~tliie4 lnlet'4tthon of SovU..." ltld I ROid and Culver 011v• • Sir Mt ltcfllillt. ll&lllf>I and ,1rrp1nc IO< aft lmt>f'Owemenb • l tnlbcllP't 1nd la!MbclO' lfr1&•ho<1 of "'"'"" •nd •lahl of way' •dl••tnt lo .,.w 1ntp(ove111 .. nh • Interlace woth ulsllnc c:amput ro•dw1yt and 1111.,lite• wolh City ol lrvon~ •I Cutv14 O.ova •Protection ol !le" MWO w•l.,llne, JO" IRWO 1tl1111Ntd wate•llne, •nri olllflt ullhllH within Ill• l)<01"• I llm1t1 • 0<11na1e aytlem IOt ntw ro•dw•Y• end conn•• lklf1l In oft lllf ·~•l•m• 1111 h1d1n1 •ppro•urrat•I)' ~ LF of Ref and CSP (e(lllfoaltl'lettly tr to 60" 01 • l'oltflllal reconttrvcllon/n!OtalHln ot •n 1111ton1 •tt•nlo0n ll•tln ....,.n11rr1al1r, JOO'I • l!IO'w a I~ II Addollol\tlly, Ille 0 .. lCn Bulldtr Will pr11v1de hydloloty \lud .. , end l•r.<><.talttl llyduuhc 1111u1•erln1 dtsl&n \0 convtp oft altt 4i1tn11e lhr01t&h \ht> prol"(I "'' and no"'' dr1111•l• from "" 101dw1y •nvelope end alope1 o.• and Constru,tle>fl coYl ••lom•I• $5,740,000.00 'ROClouttES flle ptequaf1llcat10n proou Witt II• condudtd on two p11h .urd woll 1t•11lt 1n Ult "'-<'"'" ot pttqutltfred 0.ll&J' lu1l\Mf1 wtwi wlll be tuued IH"V<"••l 4o<u"'4>nh lor thh l'raiec I 1'11t l wo" bt tllt 111blllltul ol a P1•1111•llliu llon Out trolll'l11te Alter rec.1pt of tit• ftftlq.,.hllUtton Que1Monn•ln. the Um'tlWllty Wiii rewltw al'll1 ol"l•ttnlne a poml "01 • for tt<h wbmlll~t ~ 111lnt of 0..1111 Bulldefa fOt ttart I will b4I clettrrntn"<I by '"" eppliullon of an et1ablith1d talln1 1y•lttn o .. i,n 81111d«1 Who ,._, lh<t <a(ftllr•lllenh Ill Plfl I, Wiii bl tnl"fvi.w•d In Part 2 of \hit 1'11q11eklcahon pto«H Pllfl 2 wltl be the lnl••lnr Dt11tn 6u.Jd•,, will .,.. llOltl""' 1n '"'hftl whetMI or no\ tl••r h••• bMll MlectM '°' 111, l'art ? lntefv.... '"" lntt<VtlW WIN tcldfl'I lh• ilenr~ dtK rlbfll In the Prequelfflc1tlOll Quntlonntlte The •Huth n! th• tntror-i.w wtll ba Hl•~raltly """'d b•Ud on an 11t1bllthtd r1t1n1 •Yllt•m. Ille Onl&n t\uold,.,. wlln .,,. '•t.• l•d by tll• U111v• .. ny on P•rl 1 ,.111 be prequ1ldlecl to aubmJI Propot1l1 for tlllt Projtc'I f'UOUM#KATIOM KHIDUU Oii ni.r.-, .... " ... " to, 2001, P11quahl1c allQn Qunl11111nelfea wlN bo 1nutd to tnlH•\ttd Oellp lullcMtt at • .,.. & Conatr11c1-s.rvrvt Un•V9ntly ol C•ltlotni• lfw1nt !.201 C.ht...,nMI A-111. Suitt l50, "--·CA 92'97 24~. {C01nt1 ol B"on •ml C•l<ln<ni. Aw.nue). fot tnf0tm•l10n e•ll tfle hothne ("9) 124 8111 o. (949) 12~ 8034 On Wa .. M..,, ~ U . toOS. • M...-M1wy 0Hlp l1ttl4.# Pt ...... fk .. ._ c.;..1 .. -e wit! bt c;ortdllc:.ted bqlnnlnc pro111plly ti •rJO A.M Only 0.•11n 811tlcltt1 wflo 11art1e1p1l1 In tllt Conlt1ence 11'1 IU e11t11ety wlll bt allowed lo tubmot P1eqv•t1f1ullon Qu•itlf)nntlt.,. Pinon' 111tv1na etter ••IS A.a. wlll llOt bt 11lowed to •ubrroll l'requ1l1liullon C)lltittonnelfn. 1"1ttlc4!)1nls \htU m-.t •t Oet1&11 & '"•ltuctton ~•vices.•Un1onrly ol C••lotntt Irvine, S201 Ce»tor111.t A1ttr1ue Seit• 2!>0. Sulllvtfl •ltd Wl'lcfll Cont..ence Rnnm. Irvine CA 92691 24~ {C.rw of r.e111.,,,.,. Affftut •n4 8ltofl Alllflut) For luJtlltf lnlorm.11ton tontect l ynn .llvl« 1t (!M9) 134 1009 n. ....... " rOMthre ........ te4 Pf'..,.Uflcetl-0-ti-ltff wta .. W..._o4.y, D~ I , IOOI .. 4.00 '·*· •t l>ffl&n £ f.nn~tructtnn '4orwlctt.1...Attentlon lynro Jev..,r Unlwn1ty Of Ctllfofnlt, lrvlne, &201 C.hl0tn11 Awenue. Su•te 1'50, lrvll'lt, CA 911>97 14~ Otalcn ~ ,.,..,_i.11utloll °"91llonn11r.. l!lt tvdlfl1t an, •••1rtd tlle<hmenh, uu111 tit , ... tH Ill lffled 1n~1 m•'td with Ille not•tlon on 1"4t out.Ide, USICN 9UILO(R rtlCQUN.lftCATION ~STIOHIWl!l lor SOUTHERN llAOW. llOAO, PllO.(CT HO 9!11143'" .,.. ....... "'4 lo the effke Ht~bow 9'<WOI OM ... MID , ..... Cortis °' '"' r1tQUAUfKAteott QUISnottNAJll (WITH nA<*MallfTI). 0.stsn lulldtf •lltll fUUmt h•" r~~nllbilll, I~ llm.ly dtll'Vllf1 al lht loctllon deslsn•'-' tot ttc9"1 of Pr1qu11ilic.atton OuHtlonnauts Orel. l•ltt>honte:, facalmlle. °' t•ltlf""'lt ttrequ1l1ric:allOll ~honnattet ''' onvalMf end will not be ICCt91t4 No 1U•C1U•hflt1tlon documents w I i.e KUtiled •ti• 4.00 P.•., ., ... ,..,, Deu hr I, ~. Ito""'• 1119 UlllveA1t1 ,...,. .. tlle rl&M to reqwat, 11u1v1. 1nd enhl•I• IO~enlel inl0tm11ion aft« 1"9 ebow• tome •114 Hte S11tceulul Offlp 8ull61n woll IHI notified of th• ct.le. toine and 10t.etlo1 of tlltot lnlervltwt. HOUISY HMl PtlOrOW , o..llp lw ldtf"S wlll be llO\lfled wl\etlllr 0t no\ \hey ha..,. beet1 Pt•Clll•lltltd ttlef tM Un1v11\lty "''tu.tu the t .. lllt. OI IN llllMvtew All "MwflrHfMnt To PrfiUtlilted Pto001ers• •tll follow ~ die .. Kt del•. II"*' and leullon <OMtt~ lht 1we1'"11lty ol Pre>jleMI Ooc111Mob. lid (,.,_...t) k11ttty ill Ille a"IC>Wnt of 10'1 ol Ille lvftlCI Sum 8•M l'lice f'ropoMI. eaclud11t 1ltw111tes. "'811 l«Ollljltfly •Kh f'topose! lite .ur1t1 1••111111 lht Bid Bolld lllall bt, Ill\ lllt Pt.-! Oudll111, en edftlltted eurety lru.Ufet n defined In the Cellfornla Code of CIVIi l'ro<edur• tlon~ 12.0 Ml lnsvrllflCI pollcln requlrld lo Ill obl.i!Htd by 1111 O.•ltn luldtt lhtill be lljed to t1$19fOv•I by Unlvwalty for kwm •"d IWtlAlllCt At! .,.,,, ... fOf COOM'Wclet '°"" Ctr*•• l .. bollly, ['CHI lMl...,ty, kt.lt•HI AlltomMl'e lldll•ly Md Prtf-IOft•I ll111lftty lnMWanu ~·· be I "" lly c°""'llln wltll • ltffl r•llftl of A· or Mtftt 1"4 e fl111nc1tf d• lhUtlOfl ef ~" 0t _..,_ (tr '" eqi1l11ele'nt retlnj by St.t11dafd & ,_ or Moody"•) Alt l>Olftlet ttqitlttd for Wvt .. ers' Compenttlll>fl an4 t~IOyer•' Uablllty lll~•nce 111•11 lie luutel 111 Compllniu (I) that llo• • 1111 11111,,. ol B• °' btltef, end • llnendal eta lflullott of VIN or !letter (or 1n •qlffvllhmt r•tlna by, Sttn4•rd a ,.., tt MoodY•> ., (ll~tla\ IA ect.19t bit to tl\e lll\llrtflllty The C:efllfute of 14 111 t II bt Uwd .. t ... "'""'" • '"'" frCQjlle(liwe Deeit11 I • lnt111dtllt lo M ,,..,alltled we irtfoflfnid \hit thil1 wlA M Miii~ to 1114 !Ndt·fvtr COlftflf1 wlttl al of Ult pt9"Yf t.Olf~ inck.ldltll 100'& peymtnl ellO IOOS f*fOf~~ Alf ltlfo.M•llM •••mltt'4 f0t 111equahfle1t 1ulllalki1t wtlt fie 'onaldf11d tfhclel 111touMtl011 eclllllred Ill t0ttfWlrtu, enf tlle lhllwerslt)' '"" l'!ltl"l11n la ~<'nfldenll-*tt1 lo tllt ut111t .,.,...II.cl ., ... , f1le ~ ,.. .. Ult rlcftt te rejtet "1 or •fl ""IHlflMI to ~.... •llOll ~·• ert4 MY • al ,, ....... ltltd ti weift MY l!Oll ""'41t1el 111 l\tel .. Hf r"PQn• • II' ...,., . THC MOfHnCW TIC UMVOslfVOf CAtlfOMAA ,..,.., otc.llfor• t1-• ..-.2003 t ,. ........... ... s..... Tht tollowln1 pers0<n "re dolnc bullnes.s H t(enwood Coto1lrudlon & Sil u II• I JOO l Radtull Ava 81d1 '6 Suit. 103. Coste Mn• CA 9262e Kenny P Kuhn~. 3Cl01 Rtdhlll Ave Bide •6. S1111e 103. CoatAI Mn.. CA92626 Th~ bltSIMU II COfl ducted by en ond;vidual Htve you aterWd c1o<n1 buslne'S yell Yfl 1111'1 1982 Kenny P Kuhns This at.etem.nt WI\ tlt9d will'I the CooHtty Cletll of Orence County on 11/21/0l 2001HHtOI Daily ftttot fll<1v 2S Dec 2.9. 16,2003 T8!>1 ,... .... ... s....... The lollowm1 pen0tu are doinl buslnns ti Ch .. h Mettnfl Stf'vl(e. 2020 I ullerton #II Co,\e Mew. CelllornQi 92617 -Christophi!t Alen Bo wen, 2020 fullfl•IOfl 118 Cott• Mftu . Celllornla 926'1/ I ht' bustnns It con ~ted lly an lnd11tldual 11.awt YCHI ll• Itel do<lll hutlnns ytl' Ko Ctw118owe11 11111 statement wn llllld with th~ County Clt•k ol Oonr• County on 11 71!1>3 2001Hestl4 Oatly f'tlol No• ZS. O.C 2. 9. 16. 2003 rl58 ac::ortng wt\cn be put • &hot Jl.1$1 past the outstretched um or ~ P.mery Molna'I, who had just blocked an l\tttmpc by Bren.nan AndenoJL pau to Leadl for the breakaway goal after a atop by goal.keeper c.roun. Gnnt. ~ Smajlan. Skylar o.pp. Lale Shin¥, OiJoe Dlpp and ... qudle Ad.Alm led the OUJJ Pep- per defense. XrfllCDfer Pk:arelb bat trkk propelled the Panlhen to victory aft.er uaWng. 4-2. The Pantben scored two goals 1n lhe flna1 aw minutes. 1QeU Walker capped the 11COr· lng when ho emc:uttd • header off 1 Ma.on C.. pass ln the fourth period. Nick Cllrd. <Mrelt a...m. Jemm Rhinehart. 8mJJ Gray and goalkeeper Oartr CMbloo helped Ttam Gonsb record its lOOuhutout ln ll games. ln boys wtder-10 actJon: •Blue Galaxy 7, Tidal Wave 0: The Btue Galaxy advanced IO the semlflnals of the English DI· \'Won with a balanced effort at both ends of the Oeld. Green Ganga Maamw Pnnd- nl acored the pine.. 6nt pl and Con n.-.. took the en· suing ldcko1f end ~ around four defenders to de the score. Minutes latM, Hastinp c:eo· tered the ball to Picarelli to p the P&nthen a 2· l baWme 1etd. In girls under· l 0 actJon: •Queen Bees 3. Red Hor OillJ Peppen2: The trio of Ryan Plefte; Mat· tbew ICeman and sweeper llm- ner Gnnmtafl' turned back the TidaJ Waw surge with a~ play. Green Gang ecored three con· secuttve goals in the third period by Matt Sberburne. Tommy a. book: and FranclnL With five mJnutes left. 'hlylor P.pp tied the game at • and then centen:d to Picarel.IJ for the game-winning goal with. min· ute remaining. The Red Hot Chill Peppers' playoff run ended ln a close con· test. C.uey Worden. Jonathan Har· mn and Jab Jones scored single goals to U' the offense while Jono and ~ 0.. .R.mef c.hJon scored 6rst on an assist from Jmna Johmon followed by two goals from the Qu~ Bees' Sarah~ Paulina Leech tied the score at 2. Jenna PLamkn cleated a via each added a pair of goals to round out lhe soorlna. • Pwple Panth~ 5, Green Gang4: PJUon Steele. Ala Mmnr and Roberto Wetunmo keyed the defense for the Panthen. who advance to the sem1ftna1s. NEED WHEELS? Compllmentary One Day Rental Car With 301(, BOK or 90K maintenance No cas/'I value. One to a custom«. One per transaction Expires 11 /30l2003 Actll9 ...... ... s...... The lollow1n1 persons M • 6oi111 business IS Dile fr1n .. lln Rufly 26511 8t•dltwod Drive, Lacuna H1H1 CA 9~3 T11ns W11slern Bro l.t1111 (CA) 26511 8rldtewood Drive. l1 IJllOI Htlh, CA 926S3 This .,.,,,"". IS CQll ducl•d by a COfpo<allon ti.ve you started dolllC butlness yet7 No l11ns Wulern Brn lurraee, Kenneth Dale foankhn Poeudanl Th~ 'talemenl wa• roted with the County Clef .. of Ou111e County on llfll/03 200Ht.SHO D•lly Piiot Nov l!>. Dec 2.9. 16,2003 ~ ~ ...... -----!h@ followln1 pe15ons are dolne builnus H >l>hnv.n £ Assa<:lates 19700 Von ll11man A•~nu• lr•Kle CakfO<lllll 91612 lo11en Waler<•n&\ 19200 Vnn Ker m•n Avrn~ Ir .in~, C•lllot n1v 92612 Thi. hu\lna•s ·~ con du<ltd by •n 1nd1vrdu•I li<lve you tl.,led doltll bu\tntu yell Nu k>rren Weltrr1np Thi' 1111tement wn flltd with the County Cltrk nl Ounae r.ounly un 11 05/03 tOOHH42SI 011ly Pilot No• 18 25. Otte 2. 9 2003 Ts.43 1111111. .... r-.•••• Monday-Friday • 6: 30AM • 7 :OC»M Satu~ • 8:00AM • 4:00PM CloSed On Sundays llWPCIT IQOI aTYCOllQ. ARASVllAIY CUCI OIAlmS • UDOllWPOl1 ~-. ..,...,u,ioos PUBLIC H{ARINC COO[ AMENDMENT NO 2003 ·00J AMOIOMCNT 10 ClfAP I{ R 20 C}J TO Rf. VISl I Hl MODlf ICA T ION PERMlt'S STAND~RDS or RE VIEW (PA 2003 080) 34SO VIA OPORlO (PA2003·21.J) G(NERAt PlAN AM(HOM£N1 HO 7003 010 I OCAL COAS"'l PROGRAM AM(NOMENT NO 2003 004. AHO CODE AMUIOMCHT HO 2003 ooa REQUEST TO AMEND IHC GlNCRAL rt ~N AND I OCAL COASlAl PROGRAM LANO USC DC SICNA llOHS rROM COVt:RH WNTAl. £DUCAllONAl ANO INSJITUflONAL r AClllll(S TO R£TAll & SCRV!CC COMMERCIAi ANO 10 CHANG( rnr ZO NING DISTRIC T CLASSlflCAllON FROM C(ll lORSC CONllHU£0 BUSIN£SS ADOPTION or AN OROINAHCC CS TAB llSHINC A PROCEDURE FOR GRANTING A "SPC CIAl CIRCUMSl ANCE VARIAN<:£• P111tt11hed Newport 8HCh·Co$la MHt Dilly Pttol November 2S. 2003 TM4 asc 11112 MOllCIOf rmnol TOADlmTll lSTATIOf: "* lAllM fAIOl ... &lOll lAllM ESTOllS WHO.A222"S To 111 heirs, benefl c1ar1e1 tr td1\on. con lrna•nl credrlou, •nd l)ffM>nl who may oth efWIM b4I tntt<•Sled 10 the woll or estate, or both. of GLOfllA lAUAE FIGUCROA eka GLORIA l AUAE ESlORES A P£TITION FOR PRO BA TE hu bffn lrr.d by Rotend l ftcueroa and Susan n1uero1 Oh Su,an Frnnlh) 1n \ht Superior Court of Call lornoa, County ol OR AHCE THC Pf TITION f OR PROOAll tequuh Ro land l r!111ero1 end Susan F11uero• (•It.• Suun f1nulh) be 1ppoln\1d IS personal repttunl•ll~~ to •d "''""''' the utat• of the decedent Ill( Pf rtrlON •equtsh tl11 deu1d1nt'' Will 1nd cod1clls. II any ba 1dmltled lo pr oba\e The Will and tny todktlt •re 1v1lttble lot 1um1na tH>n 1n tti. fole hot by Ille COUtt fHE PUITION r equtlls authority~ to adm1n1ster the es\1\e unclfl lhe Independent Admtnls 111tron of E atates Act {Tiu• Autho<1ly will 1How 111• pe1M>n1t repr&Sett tallv1 la ltk• m1ny actions without obl1ln in~ lUUr\ epprool Btfou !akin& certaon very lmjlur tent et lions ho•tvet tilt penonel rl!pftstnt1ttv1 woll be requited lo tl~e nottee to lnterHled persona unlns \hay have waived f notice Of conunted to the proposed action ) The Independent ad m1n1streloon euthority Witt be I' anted Ul\IU$ 1 n interuled person tries an otiiectron lo the pelolton tnd lllows sood CIU$41 why th• court should not 1r ant the eutlloflty A HCAAIHG on the 1>4lltloft will be h•ld on D£CEM8£R 11. 2003 el 1.45 p m 1n O.pl. l 73 louted al 341 Th• City Drive South, Clfenee. CA 921168 If YOU 06.IECT lo the 1111nton1 ot the pehllon, you sllould lll>Palt at the hu11n1 and statt your objechon$ or Me written obiectoons wrtli the court bel0te the hearlne. Your 1ppearence m1y be in person o r by your 1\lorney IF YOU ARC A CREDI roR or conl1n11nt CrtdtlOf of lhe deC91Md, you mu1t folt your cl•lm with the court end melt 1 copy lo the O@fsonel rtl)tewntallv• appo>nltd by the court within lo"' months lrom the d•I• ol the ''"' 1ssu1nce of lellen u provided In Prob1tt Code secloon 9100. The Ume for liltnl clalma ,.ui not upt<e btlOte lour month• fr om the h91rlne d1\e notield above YOU MA'r()(AMINC the Ille l<ept by the cour I II you ar • • person on ltfuted In lht estate, you m1y Ille wtlh the court a Requut for Spectal Notice (form 0£ IS4) of tll• UUns of en Inventory ind 1ppr11isal of nt11t• asHb or of any petltoon 0t account u provlCMd In !"rot.ale Code stcllc>n 1250 A R1quut for Specltl Notice fo•m II 1v1ll1bte lrom lht court clerk. . ......, ,_ ,.,....._ Slrtrhy l. ...... l~ .......... s-Ac.. ,,, City ""'-w .... ""' '1Hr ~.CAH .. I Published Newport Buch Coste Mtu OailJ ttilol Now•mbtr 19, ~! 26. 2003 WT'244 IS<IJTU I01D Of Pl'fl1l(I TO•T , .. mAnoti SllB'f UllMA&OfU. cum ·~lltlll Wl•l!Jt756 To •• Mira. i.-11 clttln, ~ed•tet •· con tlll&•nt crl41ton. ~ Plf•Ofl• Who may olh• erwlSI be lnter .. tld In the wlll et Mt1t•, or both, of SHERRY 8Nt IA"A lOl'U CLARKE IQ SHClttt'f I LOPEZ A l'f Tlf '°" f OR l'RO· BA Tt lies llMll flt.d lly A8(1.AAOO lOf'U Ill tM SW*'°' Cout1 ol CtJ. lcw"'9, ~ty of Oft AJllC!. TH[ PtllflON F'O" ttftOBA lf rtq11uta ABUAADO l.OPEl ff •Pl'Olll114 .. pettonll '••Nnt1tlwe lo lHI mlnla\et IN .. 11t• ol llledecffenl Tt4l l'ftlJIOflf fllqlMta llle dKllOelll'a Will tnd udlr.lla, If 1n1. b• •dnwtttd to probat.. The Wiii 1n6 en1 ~ilt are an.._.. for uafflMt ,_Ill .... filll U,t ., tfwl..-t. THE. l'flfnOfif , ...... autfl0fl1y to IMll'Mfll1t. tlle U (ate IHI,_ tlM 111 .. pt11ffnl Ad1t11ftl1 (This Aul:/t(I( Hy woU ellow Ill• personal repre.- l•tlvt to take martr 1ct1oos without obttln· Ina court approval. B•foft tektnl c.,t•lil vet y 1mporl1nl ac\lo'", howavet. the p;tt sontl rep<tMnltllv• will lie ttquored to &Ive notice lo Interested person. unle11 they hevt welved notle:e « 4;0l\Mnltd to the p1oposed action.)' The 1ndcp1nd1nl ad· m1n1st<1tlon aulhortty will be eranled untna 111 lnleruted per1Jo11 ftln •n objection to the petition •nd shows IQOd CIUSI wlly \he tOlltt sl1ould not 11•nt the euthoroty. A HEARING on the petition will bt held Oii 0£CCMBCR ll. 2003 et I 45 p m In Dept L7l localed et 341 The Clt1 Ori•• South Ounce. CA 97868 If YOU OBJECT lo tlle ar an tin a ol the petition, you should mppear ti the ht1<l11J and etete 1.ow objectloos Of file WTittft oblteloons with ltle cowl btlore the "9lfln1 Yow •POHrtnce m•y b4I !fl person or by your 1ttorney 1r YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or cont1nc•11t creditor of Ille decNMd. you must hit 1our clan with the court end mal • copy lo \ht penonal 11pr1stmlallv1 eppolnted by Ille court within low 1n<141tlls from the d•t• of the l1tst ls1111nu of l•ll•rs as provided Ill Probtt• Code H Cllotl 9100. Tiit time tor flllna clelms wlH not nplte befOft lour rnonlllt lrOlll t"9 heeun1 dell notlct4 .... YOU MAY EXAMllE IM ftlt -11>1 by ttM court. If 1011 ere I ptrlOn In• ll1r11t1d In lhe estate, '°" may lllt With U.. COIHt a Request '°' St>eclal Notice (f0tm OE· I~) of the tllinc of .. Inventory and 1ppr1i..I ot ••l•I• •utt• Of of any petition °' 1cc:-t 11 pro•lded In Probtlt Code MdicHI 1250. A R•quHt for Specie ! Notkt form la enll..._ from the court clertl Atserttey fer ,....._,. AITNUI J. ITAlll.I. ISO. IOtfAaJIOllf WAY OUIMM,CAHMt Pvllll•hed Ntwpo•I BHcll·D•lly Piiot No- vember 19, 25, 29, 200l WT249 ~ ...... Mltpl._ ... <OmOf woa (OIM'f Of °'99' 1411\aOlylrM hlp,CAtnu t ........ • (4* '...:-= QOllllT/lf9ART: , ... •U.hllt!l '<' AnUCAMM Ml OIDfl 4• roaBSUMa or oea TO SllOW (AUS( Cl5( llMll t600*01 ·l Apc>liont 11 Mlltk S 1.i. Pettick Applicant requnlt tn. r court to ttluue the h• ();def to Show Cause ,.,orlalnally luued u follows Ot der to Show Cause was issued on I 10/21/03 • Applicant requuts 'Y'telssuance of the otd« 1 beceuH Pet1t1on., / Pltlnllll could not be ·l•serwed IS llQUlfed b ,bel0t• lh• hut1n1 d1te 1, I declare und., p•n•lty of plrfU'Y uodt' !he laws ol t111 Stele of 10 Calilo1nt1 ttut the lore101na Is true and •• co11ec1 Dele. 11/20;03 ~1 I sl Terence W Roberts OH la .n IT IS OROlRED that IN Ofw I• Sllew CauMt il•vt4 H 'ho"'" on Item 2 1b0v1 ia ttl"U<IO and ''"l !Of hM.1111& In thlt COllfl H lollow1 O•tt. 1/05~ 1 lme 8 ·~ AM dept l62 >. ~Y of lhl• °'dlr must be etteched to •11!Tl4nh th•t IC\U't IHI s«ved'on Ille PeUllOllef/ Plell1htl 11 docl1d 1n Ille O•der to Sllow CIUH All olhet otdtra con t•h1•d '" th1 Ot dt1 to Show Caut.e rtm1ln in foll force and 1flect unless modOled by thl• 01d11 THE OROU TO SHOW CAUSE ANO THIS ORDER U.PIRC ON ltil DA TE AHO TIME Of THE HEARING SHOWN IN TH( BOX ABOVE UHlESS EXTENDED BY THE COURT Date1 NOY 20, 200S Ju4ee '--•• '· ,..,,e.,, JUDTC.IAl omcH Published Newport Buch Cost• Mui Dilly Piiot Houmbtr 2S Dec1mbet 2. 9. 16 2003 r860 Policy ftlmDIOfi a. .. fOI 01AMI Of M '*8 TO SllOW <AllSI fOI OU.OfM Wl ... umft TO AU INT(aUT(D PEllSON$ l 1'1htloner, CM men krre110 hied 1 pellUon with this covrt for 1 delrH ch11fltlna n1mtt •• follow• C•rm•n Strtano to Clfmen Shew 2 THE COllln ~tRS th1t tll 1>14'M>n1 1nltf· esled 1" this mallet &hall •PPfM' lltlore lh11 CCHUI al the he11M11 111d1Ctt1d below to Ull)W CIUU If •ny, why the pehlk>n IOt cnan&• ol namt &hould not be r•nled NOTIC or HE~RING Oate· 12 30 03 l1m1: 2:00 pm Dept L 13 The addflu of the tout! " same o noted abov1. 3 A eopy ol this Order to Show Cius. shan be p11bhshtd al lust once uch wHk lot lout aucce111Vt w.,i.s priot lo the dete $It for hutln& on lht pallllon in th• lollow1na new' papet ol a1A11al clrcu latton. pdnltd In tn11 county Ntwpo1t 811eh/ Co,ta MIH D11ly Pilot D•t11 NOV 10 200S MAaJoau lAt•D <.Ulla,. JUDOI Of 'fHt Re-.. .... ........ The follow1n1 ""ona •fl do1nc IHlslntu ea RIV UM!I "ICtillll Ave. lld1. _C-3. Co1ta Mu•, CA82627 8111•1, f &I lher. f ul .,, UC, (C1ltlornl1). '348 Lodi• A~• .. Toluca l111t. CA 11502 Thts bu11nn1 I• con di!Cltd by ltm1l1d li~blltty Co Ha•• you sltfl•d d01n1 bu11nen yel1 Ho 81Qtf. hr\1\11 f Hl·. ''" llC, D11ren Craw ford Man•1tn1 Partner This st1t1m1nl wu flied wtlh the County Cieri. of Or1n11 County on unl/03 200JHUH7 D•tly Pilot HOY 2!I Dec 2. 9 16, 2003 T853 fie*'-..... ie..s ..... The lollowln1 p111ons 111 doln& busln1u n Peclllc Mainland, 1760 Monrovia #A 18. Costa Men. CA 92627 Pacific M11nl1nd Inc (CA), 1760 Monrovia Ave IA 18 Costa Men CA9?§27 1'1111 •utlneu It con• du<.lld by. • t0fpor11ton H1111 )'Oii •IM ltd dOlllf bullneo ye\P N11 l'•tlhc Mt1nl1111I. In~ , trl1n Witts. Vice "'"' !dent Thlt •l•l•mtnt wu hied wilt! Ille Qounty c ... 11 of 0!11111 County on ll/2l/Ol 100HHSMS Daily Pilot Nov 2S. Oec 2. 9 16, 200.l TSSO ~ .... M..S..... 1h• lollowlna P•"o"' are clo1n1 bus1n10 es Town & Counhy Hand C.1 W•MI. 270 £1\I Ch19_m1n Ave , Ot•n&~ CA 97169 Town & Country H•nd Car Wnh Inc (CA) 270 I ut Ch•prnan Av• • Orana•. CA 92869 nus buslneu ,, con ducted by • corpo••tlon Have you started 0..1111 busoneu yet? No Town & Cou11try lf•nd CIM Wnh In" Randall A Gt111~111n. Prn1denl This sl•t•meot W4> hied w1\h lh• Count, Cllfk of Or.n¥• County on 11/21/0J 200S .. U90t Daily Plh>I Noy 2'>. Dec 2,9, 16 2003 T8S7 SEU yoyr un••nt1d items lhrousfl clu11l1ed Th• lollow111• peuons are dolna butin•u ••· •> Portol1 l'lu1, b) Holl Crensll1w, c) 01n111 110111 tlhn•a•mtnt lt1$ulia. 1000 Quail Str .. t •160. Hewpotl e...-:h CA92660 CtMflllOn• M•n• .. rMnl (CA) 1000 Quttl Slr .. t #l&O. Newport 81.ch CA 91660 rhil blltlntU II COii ducted by 1 co1p0falioo H1Yt you st1rled doln1 bus1nus yll7 'In, Auaust 28. 2003 Genlflllona Mtnaae· mtnt Stuatt $ ftye, Pfl11dlnl This slaltmenl was llltd with th• County Clttk of Ortna• County on 11n 1103 200HHSH4 Dally Pilot Nov l5. Dec. 2.9. 16,2003 Ta.6 RdltlM ..... ltmtS....... I h• lollowln& per sons •1• dotn1 bu)lnus n D1V1d and l1net Busky M•l~o Toots 01al11bu tors. 974? Clearbrook Dr . Hu111tn11ton ll11ch. CA92~6 David Brisky 9742 Ctearbr ook Or . Hun t1n1ton Butn CA 926-46 l•net Bmi.y. 9742 Cturbrook Of Hun· 1111glon BHsh, CA 926:4§ I lo\v to Place A flll' bu11n111 rs con· d111;ttd by h111b1nd and wilt HtYt YOll t l,11 tfd dOllll bu1ln1n ytlf Vn. 12/ 99 J111tt Br llky lhl• tlahment wn tiled wttll th• County Clerk of Dflnl• County on 11/21/03 200HtUUS Delly Pilot Nov 26 Dec 2.9. \G.~ ~ ~ ..... ,._,...._. lh• lnllow1n1 p.,sons •r• dome bu11nns as Artistry Dry Cluntn •nd laundty, 106 Tustin Ave. Newpo< t Benh CA 9~ Pick tn, (Ntnd• l, 6327 Ru1denn1 New· port 8H\.h CA 92660 Thts bu,lneu os con ducletJ l>y a curpor•lion Have you st•• led do1111 busino• yet r No Pick Inc Ctn• Ptck atd Pres Thi\ \lete111an1 w•• hied wtlh lhe County Clet~ ol o,.nae County on llrlt ·OJ 200SH6SIH Daily Pilot Nov 2'> Dtc 2.9. 16,?003 T84~ Fictitious a.u ,._.S"'-t Tuesday, Nowmber 25, 2003 M -llplNallca -L'lalMoaca -10..14 l aret Avenue. fount1111 Vell•y C1h • '°'"" 92708 1•lO 1(1thl11n l1nalo1cl, l04S. hrtl Avenue, Foun\1\n V.alley, Call IOtnl1 91708 7•lO Thia bu•lnea~ It coo ducltd lly an 111dlvldu1I Hive yClll atHltd do1111 bual11en yet? 'In IOJOl '2001 K1thlffn l1nal0td This ll•l•tn•nl WO tlled with Ill• County Clerk of Or•n•• County on Novembet 14, 2003 t OOS .. Ul2J 01ily Pilot No• 18 25 Otc 2 9 2003 TMI Fktlll.t..., .... s....... The lollowtna P" son• aro do1n1 busln•" u . Moe lartlc•I. 227 Ma1not1• St • Costa Mesa. C/I 9'/621 Mt'\adyne Cotpo1 atton tCA) 221 Maanolla St Cosu Meu CA 92627 lhl\ bu~1n1n •~ ,on .iucted lly • '"' p1111 hon Ha~• you ''"'t•d do•n1 busmu• ya\? No Me•adyne Corpor a11on M1td1 1l~rr11, Pru1d111I This \latement wn lolod w1lh th• County Clerk of O! •n111 County on I 1121/03 200JtotUltS Daily Pilot Nov ?!>, Dec 2.9 16,:IOOJ T849 ~ ...... "-S..... The lollow1111 ~rao11a 11• doln1 bu11nen u · tout• Ou11n Studio, 4 C1nyo11 ln Coton• d.i Mar CA9262S Gloua J Hid.men, • C1nyon ln . Coron• d•I M1t. CA 92625 Tiits b11.ines1 la con clucl•d by •n lndmdu1I H1v1 you st11t1d doklt bust11en yet? No (ltorl1 J H1ckm111 This at1t1m1nt was h!.d with th• County Cl1rk ol Ot ens• County on 111?1/03 200S .. 6$902 Delly Pilot Nov 25 Dec 2.9 16 200.l T8S5 FktlltM ...... .s ...... Th• lollow1n1 11•,,ons "' dolna buslnua as. White t·bt W~b Du1an 711 W I/th SI •G4 Cost• Meta C/I 9262/ Mttlh1 D Burd 1813 Pentn~ula Piece. Costa Mu" CA92617 This businus 1s con due led by •n 1nd1v1du1I H1¥1 you st11<t1d doina bustnen yet' No M.,th1D B11rd lhts st•t~ment was hied with th• Counly Clerk 111 01•nae County on 11121 03 l OOSt.'651 .. Oatly Pttol Ntlv <".>. Dec i. 9 16 2003 l~ ~ ..... ....s...... Th• l1>ttowln1 j)t(SOM 111 doln1 bu•lnto "· I) C1l11ine rt~", b) N1wpor I 11011. ~ M11ln SI 81lb111, CA 92(111 C1tall111 Puatn111 Service. Inc (CA). ~ Mt1n St . Balboa CA 9Mil HI .. fOll st.tied ijc)lfll but1nen )'ti? v., 1993 C•l•llne PuHnaer Service Inc Rob.,t Blick, Pttaldenl This \tltement wes filed with "" County Cltrk of Ofln&• County on 10/16 'Ol 200UH207S Daily Pilot Nov 11. 18 25. Dec 2. 2003 T8J7 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAUi In ClASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 ..---Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are '>UbJecl to change without no11ce. The pubh,her reserve!> the right to censor, recla:.~ity, revise or reject any class1lied advertist·ment. Please report any error that may be in your clasM f1ed ad CLASS IFIEIAD Monda) ..................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuc~day ................... Monda> 'i:OOpm ,,, immedia1ely The Dady Pllol accepti. , no hab1J11y for any 1:rrnr in an .,. advcn1scmcnt for wh1ch 1l ma) be ,. responsible citcept for the 1.:0\l of the By Fax (~9) 6J I .(><iQ4 1l'k.a."'1nclud< >""'tum< .,.,, rfi.o0< numb<r ond "t 'll .-11 ~outt...:~ "'"h •rt1•~<1"•~t 1 Bv Phone 11i4tJ1 M2-5671! II ours By Mail/In Person: 3 lO Wc,1 Ba) S1ree1 Co,ta Mc,.i. C:A 112617 1\1 Newport Rlvd &. Bd)' ~t Wednc\day .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thuri.day ........... Wedne!>day 5:00pm Fnday .................. Thur'>da) 5.00pm Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm ~ space actually occupied by the error. 1 Credit can only be allowed for the first • • insertion . I elephon~ IUOam-5:00pm Monday-Fridav W11l~-ln 8:~011m 'H>Op111 Monday-Fndd) Sunday ....................... FridJy 5:00pm ~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' " n ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 •• Ir MISC. 10H>-1770 h " ., .. . GARAGE f'9it SALE 1419 .. yl .. ,,. I•· ~· " ~ BUSINESS & FINANCIAL •, All rut tslale ad•11 It\ ,.,ine in lhii newsp6pet 1s 111 sub1ecl to the I ederal , , r a1r Housln& At t of 1968 •• amend•d wlltc h , makes •I •flee•' lo 1.,advetll\t 1ny preler 1,enc1 l1m rt11ton or , d11u 1m1n•hon bued on ... 11ce. color 1tha1on. n• " hend1c1p l1m1t11I sllll" " ot na11on1I ot111n. or •n •. 1ntenlton lo m1kt any 1 .. such prtflftnc1. l1m1la 1,1 tlon ot d1scr1mln•t1011 • n• This newspaper will nol ,, knowinaly 1cupl any •1. 1dnrll11m1nt for rul .,•st•l• which 1\ rn "' vlolalton ol th• t1w Out 1 .• 1e1dets art hereby 1nfotm•d th1I all dwell •· '"IS advathud tn th•\ 11 newspaper are .tvtilable .,on an equ11 nppnt too1ty ,bHIS ~"To complttn of dis ,.,erlm1nat111n. cell HUD loll 1free at I 800 424 8590 Old« Srtt. Futnlture I PIANOS l Collectlblet ,J • ._._.~-•\t.._ • ..,..,.. • .,.....,~ ... CASHPAIDf.$ ....... ., ........ .__ I 1 WI 8UY 18TATl8 tJ ·~ .. -..-,, ; CONSl~~~~~~1 1 ... ,r 11 1.0 A\ •' 1, .. • t '" "'"t' ' " ,. 2305·2490 Heir, Wontotl Tltonlr•· 9lv "I Doy 1 hurs Nov 27th NPB ar11 3pm to apptO• 1 8 ()()pm S!>Othr 10 ptep11e Th•nllsa1.in1 dinner ma~htd pol• tun •weetpol•tou peu & on1nns •lolf1na tn I urk•V GteYY C•r•e Tur key I will h•ve the lurhey 1n lht oven •I IOOOam 94'.l8l38A41 buslntss - General Announcemtnls 1610 DUCIC SlASON 'rlvol• Dud1 Ntmtln9 Ch.It 1ppro1 I/hr from Newport Beach r xcel· lent huntin1 tdf1ce11t lo ,1.1e w.atorlowl 11tu1e. owneoshfl> lnlerHt & •PP'OJ 37!> •CtH of land & 1mptowtmenh • your own ump compound w/stru< lute ind 2 t,.llers Wondetlul f '' nt1ht BBQ s & wine taslln1 durtn1 duck seuon .. many ntrul Idol for 2 trlendt or lather & son Cell Mike 11 310·541 ~4 F1NANCIAl/ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Ftnanclll Al ESTATE R SALE 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS (Mat Celn ""'' Old Co1nsl Cold silver, iewel!y. watti..s. •ntlque$ collecttbl•s 9'9·6'2·9448 U SCUI 91 t Liit s Uncerlllnllts Heppenl Pet Owne" Need Help Well Mannered Adult Cats & Oldtr Doas need new homts Adopt Adult Animals this Xmul 30 day rtlutn Pohcy WWW anlmalMlwOfk Oii 3115 11'eft11e '""fY ftmtll 9 weeh tll thols 1700 ('4t) '7S-t57t Planning 2415 Art {011 In fln1ncl1I MISCEUJHEOUS cti11a NMcl MM•1 rlt!ll MERCHANDISE ""l' 1 Money n•ilaille IOf Debi Contoffdatlon. 8u1lnH1t1 or Home Cqu1ty Mini $SK, Cood Of '"' ert01tt NO rus• Stnkruplcl 1tceptt4I To •PPIJ cell oll Fr" l 177 572 9397 r ______ ..,.,. ~·LOil 1&0& HOME ,LMt ht lt/11 mile FUR..,.,_.,,~ ~wllltt poodle mt•. •rnbtr """"""" IUllD#fO WI. "Flnal C1t11111c1r l'rlcad to Sell No Sll.,m1n Go Otr1cVSnt 20 a 24, suoo. 2' l 30, 13,900 $0 ~ ~ U,200 3~ a 50 U .900 50 I 120 S20 800 Othtn l'loneer IGaSQ:Z (CM. "'SCN() ''"· Poto wlcln1ty ol ~.OCC r-d ~M 8234 vit.49-241 6585 '('------... """! ,.... 1510 _hmllrl _____ -"."" ....... ......... ,.. let ... ,.~ ,...,.,,_. ldi. f11n h '!"n""'- couthe. wlna\t(IC ch1111, lutllllllll lllf lovt 11111, If br l df ft...... 1105 Tomtn1 81h1tn1 h11n1 lure. d1•d•n, bfonitt. M~--.~ 15l«ICI . 3010-3940 lllli I soos-saso RealEltlte Semen R Estate lnve1tor1l S11111 t Mono M•1• rln• R1nhd Austin Tun 11 the II place In th• U S to Invest 1nrttlut1te F md out why visit· BUY~ Kenn Rennti, 512 4Z3·5626 LOTS/ACREAGE DtllD MWA111VIWSI 1 houff from ttrid 211< 3b• UPl'tr, 2br I be low er, 2 c.r 1.•1 & l1undry, woncltrful 'onOtlion tl,495,000 Acttob !Ml Ill 1131 • Index UALESTAn ~ 7402·7466 ~ ~YMENT 8'POl11llJIES aoos-as10 llnOIOTM& ~ - 2201 Wln4wettl lon• 4br 3ba J 1 c•• w pool &~<MY 111'."ll~~ 9000-9750 ltOfl\Ol\llc tettoge 2•8• 1'8n ht l:W'a•m. ,.,_ k1tth & 1>1th' m\lr wn nd r P •unny pallO w d quiet st $2SIDn y<ly 949 llff> 4457 27ll2$t S869I 949-41!S-lfb3 Balboa Peninsula Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S lb<, 2'(. .... • I "'°' l ~.,f)Qft 40:>+st ·~ w J!'fll & crpt l w111iNKl1' crt $l9'JOtn•1 1~ '>8.!£_ Siu Jbo llouH, •1•11•1 •ru n•wly ••furhl\ht'1 l t M 1~1 wn hkur." S2 l00 mo 949 1'>9 0874 lHl llUff~ 4b1 21•• h""'11wn ') ly 1 , .... '· PUT A FEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 PLUG IN Jlr 210 + Office Yurly wd "''4>'1· 7 1 ""' tc•1m ,,.311 12/1!> op•t111s unit, PCd 12cQ),im1 'Jll'lfiTl 4142 Plug into the Pilot Class1f 1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to ¥•1 . f p S7000m • ut1ts i=i:ii;;fiii;;=;;;;:i;i::;;~;;;;;::;====;;;;ii 949-275 8818 949 53.1 7865 Mountain Property -5965 UNClAIMCD S fEEl BUILDINGS F ... tory Direct! Tlnt 40100.14 S7.975 two ~00.16 1'9.~. two 501IOOI16 $14,9'1'>, Ol'IOI OOJ 12!>• \8 $1.3 495 one I001140x20 ~.200 Bund MW ,_ •ected l6nrted kllJPly Cit 80).!l:J&-!IM'O (CAI. •SCNf) OtllerResorWacatlon Property 5970 HAllSTAYI INVfSTMINT .._ a-t..4p plus 7 CalMis on 3 IC pool IMI• l/ltw$, close lo v1N~ . htab tnc.otnt More units ok lll'ITll• -~-0291 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS Corona del Mar Cemplet.lr ,_.,,., ... I b• \ ba untl ••••I now SI l'iOm 60!I N.,rouus c .. 11 Phil 949 /-r, 8SJ5 Mople Al'tal lnvely G•ttd Comm, near lradnet~ Square. 2br lb• w/aar & lria. $1095. lb• l b1 w/pat10 carport. ,,o,.ae ~ ~. n.tt patd Klein~ f!Tl.~ £at 9"ll> l SIDI tHUMING, like new 2br I 5ba town house style 2522 £Iden S 1375/mo 949·642 ·5488 l SW. ...,.. 3bt 2 lul b1 i-. w/~ pc " 8Uftl toom $3250/mo Musi -949 &42 Tl22 Hu~Baclt 2b1 lb• •Pl I Ur llf, 7941 Stark Ave Av11l f Nov 21. $1250 + dip f Call 949 533 8387 f I~ Afit. I ,_ OW, Ntwp01t Buch 100111 utll 1 ' aattn.tt TV p11d, IYlll, cloM lo btttll W/O -Hott Hote. p.,fl(t fO( IUfltt/lleyak $ll00/mo !M9'31·•Ml $850/mo 949 541 ~ w .. tdtff1 Lrt2bd, 2b1 eondo Up•t•lr,!1 u1port, 1256 Rulltnd ~ 3'{)/11\0 •114 ~1-1766'*· ,....,...._ lb1 Iba 1t•llo, f11tpt. ,, hat td w/d ll•ups l ur prep.Alt $1 ~eM1tO 9>\HU4&30 landscapers and painters Daily Pilot Classif ted Community Marketplace T he Classified Advertising Departmem will be do'led on Thursday, November 27ch & Friday. November 28th, 2003. We wiU re-open on Monday, December lsr ar 8:30 a.m. lf you'd like an ad ro appear in the newspaper from Thursday, November 27th thru Monday, December lsc, yo u muse call by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26th, 2003. HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING/ 949.642.5678 Pilot \ CASH ADVAffCU fM C:l•oms \lrurtur•d ut ttement• Annuttle\._.. lnh•rll•ncu, huah . Cut• f undm1 Crout> 800 8J6 0479 !CAL •SCAN) UCI Athlelln suh Otreclor f111 Community/ Y1111tll Pt ot Visll htt I /www •ir.tle& UCI tdo.i tor wrrc> ;Jb drsa1>tloo Celilorn11 law ,.. QUtres 111•1 conb~ tors lafllllJ tobs thet loltl S500 or more (labor or miler 1111) w lkentMHI by the Conlr1clors Stal• I tClnM Board Stilt lew •Ito requlrn lh•I contreclOfs Include their licel1W nUll'dlef Hel....,_1~ You ctn cllKk Ille stat~ ol your llcensed cenlrtcjo1 •I WWW Cllb.ca ry Or too J2l CSl Unll t tnMd conlrKton tlkl111 jollt thet tolel In• th•n S500 111ust •l•t• In lhelr tdnrllstmente lhet lhey ere aot llcenHd b~ the Co11traclofs Sl•I• llc•nM lloafd. • ( ~ .. , .... ~. ctlw to f ullrton m I ~ d*I ~om lldlOCi. ct.I .~..,.. merl h\ISt '-own <Al ~ 19!ill DllVllS ran-TIMI Mon Fri 011111 11lce c111 ancl a•t paid 11>1 II Call 0&11 949 867 7474 ... a.. ... ~ t..,...q "' l'1n ~ r\'Q9K.t Ms ......, DOL ~-llOnl~ f•K ,_.,..., 9&71MDO ..... ,......{~ IC>f busy E.ndocrlnOlocr ottlee In Newport Beach Conl•t l 949 645 88!>!> Clrpfty A-ZHMOYMAM lnsteU re lee• cabinets ~ ~ Dq 71~!)4&.1?.)8 C.,.CQMng 1lf• .. I • •,I , r I .. . ... ' IMW 'l>t U c ....... l 0 Sscd 7311 mo lull !Kt ... ,, enly .. 1 ••• /b~ llhr CO mnrl 19'" whh. beaulllul ll~t nt" cond, fin •v.11 v995621 $2A,9'.l> 8111 949-!a> 1888 _.,.._ Cltplt Rtplr/Slla o uttnTo uarno R991h, f>atch1n1 Install Co1Hleov~ any \lte lob• Wholflalel !M9 491 O~ SELL your stuff througtl classified! Bridge rou.ow TH& •t..UIPIU!fl' c..Mmc ... '--SOil m1 1>i.i~ lthr, II~ rerr .. 1• rool. llOH CO, •m tm chr111 whls, eold P~&. booh /IKO<ch, .... ,....,S199S wS51Zll ~ . ,4,_, ........ _,.....c_ Ce41U.C 'U DeVlh whltt/oetmnl ""'· low ml beautiflll or..,,,_. c:ond Hl\ldt & out, c:Nm '#l>ls. S2995 8"r 94~586-1888 www • .,-.- o.. .. ~ ... , 'tt ·-·· C•rlo 2dt coupe. V6. 30K actuel m1. a1lve•/&reen melalllC CO W•uhful ht.. new cond. $699!> v87749l Bllt ~586 18 www., .... ~ ... SMNtt llU Con• Jilk •ctual mf. metallM. llfHn tan llhr blarM top wauhlul ""' new cond S7m ltrm vl~nt 8llr W5116-Ul88 _,,,,,, .. ,_ ···" .,, ........ . Convtt llbl•. otlaln•I 0'''"~' . IOlld c., . nurl .. n&!a) gb) -~29ll FORD TEMPO '90 $750 11• 957 0705 OMC 5,.,...,, ... ,. lSI 2500. 4wd 7~ • mt, 1old/l•n llhf xlra sut. Sll/tlb 0111 <Ond SI ,99!> v552'61 8"• t4t.SU-llU --~.UM o~-4 '00 M-.. lS 3311 melelhc 111 .. , blue arev 111., fully loaded, lllP.e n•• cond SI0,49'!> 11Citll7l Siu 96-511&-UIB ......... , ... f.c•• .._. 't7 t.c.c-4 2dt <.1>11pe C 1l V lee en11ne 69k bl.cll./rrer ""' 'nrf. be•utolul unmart.ed tond ,., •1e6 non sml&r $8495 vl0126751 B•1 96!ill>18111 -~ RND YCMlllHOal IM,.OVIMOCT NOJKn • Cell a plumbef', pllnllf, h1ndyman 01 eny of the J•HI servlcn hsled hwe In 0111 -111e1 directory! 11-ll S£ l OCAl SVC f>t:Of>lC CAN HHP YOU TOOAYI WtllMOUT Dl'tWALl Alt pl\Hes sm/lrs ~ QIANI 20yrs, tu. llH ..t.l~71~1447 aatcat llntca SMW JOI lXHfl l OC•I. Quiet. Rtlj)OnM Home, Yard&. ~f.Elec.t lD Yri [.op o-:.n Ordri: lr'llW/O MMil!IO lOQ 11\\l .. \ll :1' I( f 1\ ~ r Ir, 1\ !I l I ~' •1 ' I r • • . -AlllDmoCM - .,~,........ .tWD C.llfild, &,ta. 75111 m. w•rlflly, -1rool. fulpow., bloc:ll .. lllwp <m'Q38> m.915 '02"'-"U Top of the llne, fpOf1 pkc. "-ool. dw-."-_,, II.at! (&>7364) $23.~ w ~ ..,,,,,.,_ Top of the lone w/ft1¥111toon \'f'lem .tu.I sc1un •nler t.1nmenl loaded (142024) 74 98!> "01 u.c• u Sc>ort Piia w/moo111ool. CO, loaded (605391) $17,850 111~s,,r.­ <• c.tltied. 6 )'" r;. ml ..... 8flty. ll'CIOIYool a> (6710!'!9) Sl9 985 "Ol~C-"­_,. MoanAooC.a> Sllarp (6179n) Sl977S w """"' ,,.,,..,,., ~ Top of the IN. ultl !Nie pica. OW. Hav s~. Mocwoot, Loeded .. l lrta*t C.blied (n&.1) $41.885 714-S40-~ COSTUISA .UMOl'T H-4e 't6 ,~......_SI 2dt coupe, eulo lully lo.dtd, while . mntl. alloy whl•. bnutlful cond $!>995 v89724 l Bkr t4t-SH-tQI --·~·- I.LC. lt.cfflc 1..-Pl'-* loCll c:ontrodO-no "° too VNI no jotl llOo i., IW1 ICJOll r9CJM(lt UICI041107lm (714)U2-t410 UCINSID CiONTllACTotl No )otl IDo wn. M •*-' Rec>llt. remodel, fin,, .-.--~3666 RoartnWTill • o1 f\11 ¥ 1\lt H 111 H1 p HI' I I ~. ( ' '' I • 1' I • ..... . . 1 COVEIOTom& AUOl.t.4 '00 Bladl, w/crey 1111er •V0802 Odcounttd t•WUlhi'" Black. ten Inlet •V9978 MuslS.N IMW S2tl 'tl B1ontz. tan Inter 1\15497 Musi Sell IMWS211e'OO Green. Ian 1nl11 1\/0567 Otscounled IMW SSOl'OI Whtie Ian 12466 Musi SH BMWs.&Ot 99 Blue. arey •nler 1V2l 11 MU\I Sell BMW 7.0.a 'OO 8ronz1/lan "9158 01uounl1d IMW74CMe'OO Black Ian inter •v-9435 Discounted BMW /'<lll 01 81ue/lf•Y 12843 Musi SM IMW 74011'01 Stint 1111 IV8605 Cteal 8uy 8MW 740tl 01 Whrte. erey 13951 Grut Buy a...,, ..... ·02 Blac~. arey IV4367 C1 .. 1 Buy H_..y o.,, , .. 't2 Red b!Kk IV8109 011<011nttd MHSG-5915 J..-·oo s rw. a.o Y6 3511 mt foll lact wen. Sll-/oelmHl lttw, mnri, CO. memory pk&. be•ut llile new unmatktd cond $2399!> 1117!>7?62 Bt.1 949 ~ 1888 ---~1.ceM Rl S TOR£ • Rf PAIR & RfMOOEl l~f. IUft TO fMl IKNll'lll 114--1"2 AVAllAalE TOOAYI 1Mt-'7J5581 ••n1h1 -A , If I -la ... -..... ------...~ CMMNHll -.. 'Ii 1.1& 1 .. -.. ..._. .._ ,., u t•t.cwr wen',..._,,.. u -.c.+m1 tit.cV\all ltllt, 11........... '"'"' ltllt. ..,,.,. , • .,, ~~~ IV1t41 Ot.Colmled 'Tr::\9"''00 •12IO M11aUtH Ne-'~'" lttd. t.11 IOI$ Caal O.ol aacon cuo '02 Bled! bl•" "'9l11 0.-nted M£RCf0£S E320 '01 •i.e..•~ IVSUI OISCounttd ME ltCEOCS E320w1 '99 o ... n. ten •V4S81 Grett OHi MfltClOES M155 '00 Sllwtr, blacll •.1159 01•at Deal Mf.Mf;OCS S500 '95 Wlllte, tan ·~ 0*°'611led MPKDCS "soo '00 ..,.., ...._ .... .-lh tllfO!llflC, lllc>Ok•. rKorft ..... .. .... t.. ...... $10,9M ~ ...... &n.• ¥417t21 ar. 5 I I · I I I a Mt•SM--1... _,..... .... -·· ··-..... -..x...v .... PIH 1net1lllc red taa 1t1w, wutlM or1t11111 COlld, l'!llllt He to ._.eclatt,prlCllll. non ••• ..,. w102571 av MS.Wt• -··•-''-l4 .. D IOVll toOO OIKOWIJ II S07, dull 111001111, rt•• J•m' ... ts, fltttM ... , '" ""'" '5.000 1111, 12).900 V2.ll61llll th!~ u..a. '00 LS 110 V6, 11._ oct11al ml, clltin i>acn•/&r•r ltlw. mnrf. CO, ~lwOIM wtlla, aupotb 11 new c:ond ttwoupt, boolla, rocOfcb. $19,995 ~·••t• -. ..-.c- Me«e4M 'H CHO BHuUfvl hlc~/ueam fuNr looded. sllowroom 11\/out 9!ilZ!ll) 714-751 24&t 1>.t~W' Sil/Cfiry, C111lom Wiiis, ct>, 2tiK ml (116527) Sll.900 'HSl-SOO Spoi1 Pll&/AMG, Bose, Multi CO, 2 l0{!$ (10729\) $39,900 WCI# wtlt/tan, Auto. moon, NIC• C« (0992l6) Sl4.900 Whit•. left ••u-4•• •ts 1120 1>.t .__,A.I SI Auto, A/C. CO, Re11 $plr .a5IO Musi Sell 8~ 1>11111, •" opt M•COOPU'ot lkM, tr•Y ll0962 Must Sell to«S<HI Cwrwe 'tt Bl1ek. blacil fVI068 Discounted rcMtSCfft c ...... '" Blue. cr•J •veo.t9 Musi s.a Ovate M1naust '01 SllVer, black •V0139 Oiscount.d M9-6~st1S '"It.W'S AUTO .,,.MW6UIS SQ ml, ( l !M70) $ l6,!8> 'HJ.,_,V...,_ l'CAS 3711 ml (1981:>) $27,980 "")Hp a-.tr-A Steal Cl 98081 ) S9.980 91leawlUOO Sllve1 low mo (194~1) $17,980 '"M.,..,,..asoo ·~"" (19751) $49.980. 'tfM~fHO 0.1sel, pt Iced to sell (19842) $23,980 'tSM.c ... UOO White 6'k ml (19836) 25 .980 "' .-• ..-. suio .... ,. 4.'!11 ITll (19859) S28 980 '411/fH~Sl.SOO .... ,... White (19020) $21,980 '9• SAA• fOOS C- 6711 ml ( l9852) Sl2.980 "~.:Z- ( 19728) $9.980 ftf-574-1177 Pll1l'S Al1IO ;'9t ···- ...... d••h~~·4 W•ly/BI wlilJ Miflly Refs C1oat relC$l lmelcll ~~ Mllcny SELL your stuff through classlfledl --·,..major UC, Sl0.250 714-751·24&t Mwcetln 'It uoo a.o Oii& ownet run booll• .. records, blk 11/v, chrome whl, beautiful O•ll concl, must ue to 1pprec:11te S4995 w968734 8kr t4f-JM-llaa -........ -.., ........... 3\k "' ~ Oma Wiii. ~ cond ~ tl2.'Dl 71A-677~ P..-.die 'Ot CerTwe 4 BllV'lan inl, Aero •tt ~. tYW)' Of>I posstble, 4t. ml, never spent • nipt outside Of 111ned on. 162.500 oOo 949--J22.Q48 ..... ·-... 4.6 HSE 48k ml, tull flCI wtrr. blk/blll lthr,' 18'' chtm whls, sup«ll cond lhr01411\.. $23.995 II )172()) Bkr 949 586 l888 --... ,. ..... _ IANGI IOVll l ttJ l WB, 115K ml, blue/tan, •II suspension. Imm~· ul1te tlvouif!OUI $6495 f'lll&!m> .A:nl n .. 222-s161 ._ ...... '00 4.0 SE 1611 aclu•I ml. lull feel watr, blk/c11mal llhr, bHulllul llke new cond Musi see l o llJl)fec:ilte $28,!J!li ..0171196 Bkr. !M9-!>86 1888 --. ..,-i.c- (263427) Sl0,900 .... ........, Lllnll~. loaekd, Sala Priced (09tnJ> s16.900 "OOOUOO Wht/ll11 Plttinum S«les, L-Mi, CD (099216) $25,900 'HOUOO 8IV'h11, CO. Halla Audio.l~ded (CM690J) $21.900 'tll-40~ Top of the L-. Bow, co. V84 2l (~7) $19.900 ......... .,..., •. 0 HSI Auto, 4WO, Mulll CO, loaded (326806) Sl4,000 Teyete '97 c ... .n. OX 60ll + nu. auto. pw, pl cruise. wh1le/11ev int, superb $4995 vl57829 Bkr. 949 586 1888 w-.ecpot.l.cem TOYOTA MR2 '91 while. owne1 since '92. ree ma1nten1nce. mu'I Jee lo 1pp1ecl1tt $3800 obo 949-322·5297 "Ar~iLMh~r. " "Emp/,oye." MMlll .. PUBLIC NOTICE The Ctlll l'ullllc: Wilttle1 Comm11alon reqµlru that ell used houuhold 1ood! movers print their P U.C Ctl l number; ffmos 1nd chauHeurs print their T C.f' n11mbet In all 1d11er llsements If you h111e eny 1111estloll1 •bout ll1t l•&•Uly of • rnover, limo or thtutfeur, ctlt PUl&K UT .. TIIS COMatssM>• IOOl77..aat7 'Q';.=~~= ...... ff• •l U37'54i02 714 ~·~ 7 311).2949 .,., cum. ,...,... "°"· ,...,., 1111...., '#Clfti lnlortiDr /u t MCI dodl1 U70346l 949-400-l054 llOUm asNDITINQ •'WOODtW * ........ 7 ., . ....,~ BOAT PARTS I ACCESSORES BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOAlSSUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 7Jft IOAT S .... , Sublet"" .... -. tor Dec C. Jiii $23 I* ft.. .,.. ' .on XMAS 90.\T 'MADl .oun 949 ~ai52 Newport I-ti SO ft Shp eveilable $1000/mo cell •949-723·3143• PUTAFIW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678