HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-28 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotf Serving the Newp ort· Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2003 MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PtlOT Former Newport Beach mayor Evelyn Hart, center, looks on as Jennifer Leal, 9, of Costa Mesa, right, peeks over her tray filled with Thanksgiving fixings while Sirpa Lee of Irvine, left, puts some whipped cream on a slice of pie at Someone Cares Soup Kitchen on Thursday. Grateful giving Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Cadillac &ca.lades and rusty ten speeds were parked outside Someone Cares Soup Kltchen on Thanksgiving Day. Gratitude on the minds of all who came to the S eone Cares Soup Kitchen for Thanksgiving was food for about 750 people, cooked by chef Michael Kang. and 125 seats to house a rotating shift of patrons, she said "We've got every thing.· she said. "Light meat, dark meat. mashed potatoes and gravy and Merle's Wisconsln Green beans - made from a secret family recipe. You'd have to ldlJ me to get it. And we've gor rolls and pie. too.• A man with a shiny gold watch put his arm around an elderly man who wore glasses with broken frames, sharing a tale that made both men chuclde. A young woman, dressed ln the latest cargo pants and jean jaclcet, was i.ervlng cold drinks 10 a young teenager wearing dime store threads. Mother Lourlne Oemons. whose skin was a rich shade of mahogany, fixed the bib around the neck of the UnJe girl sitting next to her, whose slcin was as pale as porcelain. Despite stark contrasts between those at the soup kitchen on Thursday. one common theme was plentiful: Gratitude. Gratitude shared for the food on their plate or for the honor of people able to give back 10 the community. One volunteer described it as, "humbling.· The Someone Cares Soup Kitchen planned to serve about 500 people this hoUday, said manqer Shannon Santos, the granddaughter of soup kitchen founder. Merle Hatleberg. There Those armed with gigantic spoons. aprons and plastic gloves were cheerful and laughing. suild.ng up friendly conversation!> See GRATEFUL, Pa1• M Popular after-school progFam. clo sed on Westside On Monday, the school district will open a new program for twice as many students as before. Marlaa O'Neil Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Less than one week after a popular Westside after- school program closed, Newport· Mesa Unified School Dlstrlct will be opening Its own at Wilson Elementary School. News that the WUson Street llUNK lbgether center would close came a couple weeb ago, leaving ltt 60 sru- dents without a place (or after-school activities. Reallzing the need for such a program In that area, the district al- located funds from an existing federal grant to open a new, larger program on Monday. "Instead of serving 60 students, we'll be serving 160. ~ district spokes- person Jane Garland said. "lnstead of just a homework club we will be do- ing literacy. The parents are getting a very good, early Christmas gift. In this case a little extra money really chanatid thinp.. The new program will have enough room (or all the students who were previously enrolled in the Wilson Street program, including students from other schools, she said. New st\I· dents must all attend Wilson Elemen· tarySchool. ln fact, the new school has had so much interest from parents, more than 180 students have enrolled and more names are on a waiting list. Wll· son Elementary School Principal Candy Sperling said. The new pro· gram augments exlsting after-school programs at Wilson and will use cre- dentialed teachers and Instructional assistanrs to teach lessons like the dis· trl reading program. ts are very enthusiastic about gettfn1 the Jeamlng center up and running at the school.· Sperling said. "Students will have extended learning time, we'll be able to address student performance. have homework help and give them suppon for home." Because of budget problems, TiflNI(-whlch 5tands for Teaching. Helping. Inspiring. Nurturing Klds - closed the Wilson Street center and a location in Santa Ana this week. TI-fTN1( Together also owns the Shall· mar Learning Center, which ls not af- fected by the closures. Parents of children at the closed center, many of whom are Engllsh learners and relied on the program for SH PROGRAM , P11• A4 Asbestos removal finished at school Parents still concerned about exposure to the hazardous material at Harbor View Elementary. Marisa O'N•ll Oa1lyPtlot CORONA DEL MAR -Workers com- pleted &bestos removal at I !arbor View El- ementary School last week. but parents re- main anxious about their children's safety. Parents of 52 students pulled their chil- dren out of the school during the removal until district officials agreed to stop work and resume only after school hours. Tuvo parents called the South Coast Air Quality Management Dlstrict to report their con· cems, its spokesperson Tina Oterry said. "We did go out and inspect there.· Oterry said. "We didn't find anything that was unusual or in violation of our rules. The compapy (performing the removal) Is Ucensed and notified us before the work was done." · The Air Quality Management District has Se• ASBESTOS • Pae• M SPORTS Youth ganie now under in vestigation One Newport parent and another spectator were injured after a Saturday football game in Gardena. Bryce Alderton Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT-MFSA -Jr. Ail-American Football leaders are investigating an alter- cation that left at least two people injured following a championship game Saturday INSIDE Newport'• Seahawkl teemwln1 the Jr. All-American title game. P•geA11 night at Gardena High. One Newport parent and another spectator suffered injuries a.r. rans and the 12- and 13-year-old playeIS on the Newport-Mesa Jr. Midget Seahawks and the Norwalk-Santa Fe Springs Saints exited the field, using the one stairway that led to the parking lot. The Seahawks had defeated the Saints, 29-27, lo the Orange County 'champion- ship game to remain undefeated at 10-0 this season. See BRAWL, Pqe M THINKING ALLOWED Time to work .off that turkey Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE Two men wounded in second alley shooting G et up. Get up off the couch end go do something active. (WaiL ••• Wait until you are B.n.Lshed reading th1I. then go.) If you a.re anything 11.ke me, lbanbgivmg Day included at least five hours of football, a wonderful spread of deUciout foo<h and deNerts. concluded wtth the time-honored. c:eremonJaJ act tht un·buttonlna of the pants. Ah. the joys of doing nothing. while your stomach gleefully procetaet OW tlrilee Its noi'mal dally allowance. -. ··t •• Butt~ it bu hJt you. Your wa1tt feelu • ::i-t:J! t thlc:br, your ta UltJuoftet-thed' .. _,,. 1 Dttle more loYe to handle. You might do what too miny people do around tbJt time of year and lhroW lo the pounO.. towel. You could succumb to the seduction or the hollda.y season - with all ha 1Uky eggnog. sweet candy, comforting baked goodies 1111d warm pies-and tack on another 10 pounds to be lost starting Jan. t. Or, you can get a bead start by making • proacttve effort to not pDJy ward off thoae loomJna, ~ holiday pounds but get a j\illp n shed~ the weight that mysteriously reappeated after Lut yeata reaoludon to lose ftve lt'1 not hard. Let'• It.art with today. "" .. a little he •• ,1 SH AU.OWED, Pa .. M ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER - A few doudt, • little breeze, higher then no""'' temperatureL SEEPAGEA2 HAPPENINGS Telented production Ind Its fency dlnctrl flnltlf up et the Orange County Performing At1I Center 1hft WMkend • SU~M f Police are unsure if late-night gunfire on holiday's eve is connected to similar incident in October. Lollt• Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Gunftre ech- oed through a dark alley Wednesday, leaving two ml· dents in the hospital and police wt1h yet another mysterious &hooting to inYeldpte. Three or four unkSentlfted men, eatimated to be ln their 208, approached two other men -also unidentified -who were hanglng out in the alley in the 300 block of Coolidge Avenue at about 10 p.m .. said Costa Mesa Pol.Ice Lt. Tum Winter, who wu reading from a department·ls- suec;t press release. According the release, there was an ll'glltnent between the two groups and teVeral rounds were tired. The two vlctlma were uanaported to Wettem Medical C'.enter in S&nta Ana. Winter said both vlctlma were Cotta Mela residents but could not rtleue thdr namee. apa or medfc&l status. He a1sO refuted to contlrm or deny whdher the See SHOOTlNG, P ... M • i • • a ON -THE 1(£HTTil£PTOW/OAl.YPl.OT Jim Jennings, a longt>me Balboa Island resident and businessman recenttv wrote a book chronicling the island's history. An honor for an islander June C1H1r1ndt Dally P~ot T here wu a tlme when houses were hauled to Balboa ls.land by barge. There was a dme when an ls.land resident built a bridge to the water using an old miut shfpped in from the San Pedro shipyards. And there was a dme when a cluster of young women lined up on the sand in their latest 1922 IWlm Cuhions for the island's Bathing Beauty Contest. Tho e dmes are gone, but thanks to Jim Jennings, they will never be forgotten. Just weeb after his local hl$tory book •old Balboa IJland Stories: From 1907 to the Millennium· waa met w1th huge and WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS~ 11 publilhed periodkally. If you .,.. pl9nnlng • ~utlcel event aubmlt the lnform•tion to the 0.lly Pilot 330 W. B9Y St., Co.t. M ... CA 92627; by fex to (9491 646-4170; or by Hn•ll to t»lfrpllor•1.i1,,,.oom. SPECW. EVENT The Newpol1 H...t>or NMltical MuMUm wfU h•ve an eXhiblt opening tor "Hooked: The Lu,.. and Lore of Sport Fi1hlng," et the Grand Salon from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Feb. 29. The muMUm 11 at 161 e. Coast Highway, N.wport Beach. lnformetlon: (9491673-7863, http:llwww.nhnm.org. The ~of m.dom Foundtrdon wtl ho.i an "Honor our Veteran. SaU-abo•rd the 122-foot American tOS)lall ldlooner the 4'nJic 111 p.m. on O.C.. 7. The L.vrw wlll Mt Nil from its ... beM 111931 W. Coast Highway. There will be• apMdl by the captain and a broadslde c:.nnon aelute. end a flowered wrNth will be placed Into the ... to honor the aurvlvora. Information: (949)723-781•. SAILING Cl.ASSES ...... r..dnatlon oe.. de.Me In bo9tlr'9 Mt.ry and Nlllng y .. M'OUnd for J)9f'IOn$ with di .. tMtrtia m.. (9491640-1678. Orenge Couniy ~ Cll'I ~Chell' employMt out to Newport 8eecti on w.ekd-vs to enJoy a d.y of aamng cout1M'r of Orange Coaat College. The School of Salling and S..menahlp now offere a Author of book about Balboa Island's history is noted for his contribution to the community. unexpected inJtfal success. Jennings received a proclamation from Mayor Steve Bromberg for his contribution to the unJque nautical history of the laland. •Jfs an honor to give a proclamation to this man,• Bromberg announced at Tuesday's City Council meeting. Bromberg al.so lauded the longtime Island resident for hla own role in hlatory. Jennings owned the Balboa Island Union 76 station from 1959 to 1989, where he chance for groupe to wort with the on-bo9rd Instructor on diffwent aelllng ted'lnlquee white they get edvkle on how to peffonn well In businesa. No .. mng experience neceaary. On.d.y ~coat between $100 •nd S125. (949) 646-9'12. Orange Coat Colege Ill °"""'I • nonaedtt Intermediate Udol Nillng cl ... In November. The cla .. lhould be taken after oompletion of a beginning aelllng a.a.. The c:laa will meet from 1 :45 to 5:30 p.m. Sund.y afternoons In November et the OCC Salling Center. et 1801 W. Padflc Cout Highway In Newport Beech. ReglltretJon 11 S 116. lnfomlatlon: (949) 645-9412 ~TRENTALS With Martna W.IWSpotU et the a.lboe Fun Zone, vou cen enjoy nautical tlCJ*iencn from mlld to wild. Tiki a ..af..gukted tcx.ir of the bay In your dM>lce of J>OW9r and Mii watercnft, jump tM oc.an swell. In a SN-doo Jetbot1. put you tpOrt-ftshlng Miii• to the tat In a f\llty equipped Bolton whaler, or soar above tt all on • par ... 11 ftlght along the Newport cout. Complimentary Ice and beverag .. are Included wtth all efec:trtc boat rental a. ..... 8oet....,.. CM put you on the water In many waye: wtth tingk and double kayeb, ~ bOttl, 14-holdef Mllbot11, pedal bo9tl end runat>out. for offshor9 uae or CNitlng Ula bay. Balboa Bott Rent.all alao holda two-hour ecavenger hunts aboard the .. ectrtc bay bot11, providing group activity for COf'PC)f'ltk>na, hirthd-vl, nonproftt organizations and group outings. The hunt wu known aa a scrupulously honest car ~who was also devoted to helping out neighbors any way be could. •Everyt.bing I did to help others I did for myself because I really enjoy it,• Jennings said. thanking the mayor, council members and neighbors for the honor. The many nautical photos and stories Jennings collected over the years have been donated to the Balboa Island HlatortcaJ Society and Museum. And of course many appear ln his book. including images of the Balboa Island Ferry in 1919 before it carried cars, a blplane Oown by Glen Martin lnto Newport Bay, and of course, the well-concealed bathing beauties. pactagea include boats, trivia queltlons. mape, Polaroid camere1 and auppllea. The cost of a hunt begins 11 $225 per boat and cetering Is avellable at an edditional rete. For hunt reservations, cell (949) 673-7200. Electric boa ,..-,c.ta are 8\TPeble by the hour et Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beedl. All boat.I ere equipped wtth window encloaurea and CO players. Ice and cupe are PfQVlded. Rnervatlona ere suggested. An hour rental It S76. (949) ~12. P9del boeta, elec1ltc boats, boogie boarda, kayab, lnftatable rafts, cetamanins. beadl fumlture end wetsuit.I ere available for rent et Ret0tt Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1160. Gondola ....... on.red by the~ Co. of Newport. 3400 Vie Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost Includes a basket of bread, cheete, .. 1eml, Ice, glaaaes, a blanket. music end a Polaroid picture. Wine la ai.o available. (949) 675-1212. Gondote~l101 w. Cont Highway, ofte.._ on.-and two-hour gondola croi.... A one-hour tour with champagne It $70. A two-nour tour with diMef and chempeone la $180. Pidcup Is available 11 wat9rfront resteurenta. (949) 87M9&t. IMnt COlllt CNrtan In Udo MeMa Vllage offer9 two--hour olectric boat cn.iiMI with a gourm9tdlnner. S180fortwo persont. (949) 676-4704.." DailxAEilot PHCJ'rOOtWIHIRS Copyright: No newt IU>rlel, Mart c. Ouldn. Don l.eec:tl, lllultretlon., tdltoriel melter or ~Tf9PtOW edv*11MrTWnta '*-In cen be MADIN ttcm.M ~without Wl1ften permlal'on of ooPVT'lght own«. (t48)842«*S VOl..17,N0.332 A«lord YoYf' commenu •bout the HOW TO REACH US Deity flflot or !WWI• ClrcUedott THOMAI H. Jet ••ON ..._. ..... ~ The Tlmee e>r.,. County "''*'*' Gina~. I.oft A.ncWeon. Our edd"'8 la 330 W. lay St.. Co11.t (8001252·9141 TOHYDOOMO OenlM Hunt. Paul Seliowlt2, Mele, CA~ Oftloe houra •rw Ad\: .... £dltof Oenlt4~ Monc»y • ~. ~ e.m. ·I p.m. CS1111'..t (t48)6'2~ JUfT( Oi' '"'° Nl'WI.,..,, Coll'l"611M ~(M8)6'2~1 ~r.:&r 0...--It .. tM f'llot'IJ pollcy to~ EeofW P'l'omoC6one ~ Crtme Ind courta teportll, conecc a11 ~of Mltieuln.». ..... (94)57~ ,,.... cell(.., 7'4-<U24. (tc9) 6'2-5el0 IDfT1NQ lfAAI dHpl.bNttatlte~,,._oom ....... (9'8) 67""'223 Ll.CeM JuneCn 1 •Min m ,.... ,_ (149) M-4170 Menevlne Editor, NewPOn '-*' ,..,.., The~~Me9a ....... Fu (t48) l60-0170 (t48)174-4m (141)1?~ Deily Not 1usn. 144«>01 ts ~ daltyp11ot•1-tJtn#.oom 1.JMhrl• ~oom /uM.~•"""'*-ciom publlehed dll!Y· In Ntwpon leed'I Mnlft()Mee .......... Lolts ..... and eo.. Mela. .. ~.,.. ..... Olloe(t48)6'2..W1 City ldltor. • ....... FU llW91131·712e Ml*«4 Columnltc, culture~. Mleble only ~ ll.lbeettblng '° The .,._~ ..,,_oom (M9)17~ TlmM Oflnge County (IOO) ........ °""" lo!lt.a.hllr/We,..,_,oom 2ut1•1. In ... oUl!Mde of 5pcM19 Editor, ~---Newpon .... and c-. Mele. (t48)11<Mm fk:hMd wnn•llif/t'tw.com Ootta Mela fWO!W, <• 114-4221 tubeeripdri '°\ti.~ Piiot ... ..... J. .... t#ild,..,,..,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,_oom evalleble ontV bY flrtt deal mell for An OiNctof I NMt Dalt Chltf, ..... O'IW ao '*month. tMoet Include 111 "'bflthed by TllN8 Cc>mmunlty IMll~ Edlicadon NPOft?f', (.., PMall ~ ..... end 1oca1-...1 ...... dlvltlon of tM lo9 ~ ...,...,_,_.ciom ,,.,...°'*"•""'" .. com '°8'TMAS1'a:~~ Timea • .... Msa.lll ........ ..._,'The~ "'°'° ldllor. N.wt .......... , ~ ~ Mnieit Dlltv '"°" P.O.. Cl200:t T\mee CN AH rtghtl (..,.,....... ,.,_,. • .,_,oom ...._,.,..,..,...,_,oom b 1-. COiia ...... CA82m. ,.........., . THE HARBOR COLUMN A chance to really race A b however the group ay. bu noted that I hope ~ ... --t.i bu eveiyone bad .......... ,.~ • great~ developed J>Olltive and 1 just threw away working my bathroom scale relat:lomhlpt with after the d.aylong the boating public re.st. It reminds me throughout tbe of the long distance •tate. yacht delivertea ·1 am penonally where I am known pleased and by my aew for · MIKE honored that we are stocking the vessel's WHITEHEAD recognlzJng Ray bridge with nuneyoab.l for his munchies to help us keep extraordinary effort.a ln alert on watch. J tbl.nk that support of Cellfomla munchies are Coast boaters." aald group President Guard-required while on Russ Robinson."~ director watch duty, at least until the of Cal Boating, be has worked appofnted trip's chef wakes diligently and effectively to up to prepare breakfast. the betterment of boating in While on the subject of California. Mr. Tuuneyoehi eating, OlandJer Bell and r has been an aggressive swung by the San Diego Yacht advocate for the optimal Oub last Sunday after the utilization of boater fees and radio show for hors d'oeuvres. taxes, for enhanced boater We went to the club in search education, for lnaeased of Rags Laragione who called safety on the waterways, and earlier that day to the show for environmental while sailing aboard protection.• Abracadabra. an international The group also ts America's Olp Oass boat. requesting that Gov. Arnold Rap ls the owner of Schwarzenegger reappoint Maritime Institute, which Tsuneyoabi to lhe dlrector's trains boat captains, and he is position, and I have known as one of the top mentioned this e(Jort ln instructors in the nation. previous columns. However, that day he also was The group is the nonprofit racing In the Hot Rum Series governmental advocacy aboard Abracadabra/USA 54 organization that protects and on previous races was on and enhances the interests of the famous Stars and recreational bOaters while Stripes/USA 34. promoting the enjoyment, Abracadabra raced in the protection and responslble 2000 America's Cup in use of our waterways to state Auckland New Zealand, but and local governments. you probably recognize the This Sunday on "Mike Stars and Stripes that won the Whitehead's Boathouse Radio Citizen Cup in I 995. However, Show," I will have two Dennis Conner chose Young prominent guests in studio, America/USA 36 over USA 34 one being Tsuneyoshi who ls to defend the cup during Oying down from Sacramento. which New Zealand rook the You can your opportunity trophy. to call-in during the show and What I found out at the speak with him. (And. don't yacht club is that you can sail forget to congratulate him on aboard these boats and the award.) experience your dreams of Additionally. John Oialfant actually sailing on an is traveling from the San America's Cup boat. Keep in Francisco Bay Area. and we mind that these sailboats are will be honored to have him the fastest mono-hulls in the in studio. Olalfant is the world and their masts are as BoatUS liaison to Northern hlgh as an I I ·story building. California and the Next Level Sailing administrative (http://www.nextleveLsailing. secretary/treasurer for the com or (800) 644·3454) is now Pacific Inter Oub Yacht Assn. offering public sailing Remember to tune in this excursJon sails. and every Sunday to my The crew that I met at the Boathouse Radio Show from 4 yacht club is a group to 5 p.m. on KCBQ·AM {1170) top-notch sailors and if you or listen over the Internet at do take a ride then just be http://www.boathouseradio. careful to not get in the way com. Usteners can call (888) of the crew or they make you 344-I I 70 during the show to be a grinder. I will let you join in on Southern know how our experience California's only boating tallc when we go sailing with Rags. radio show reaching ports up On to state news. the the coast from San Diego to Recreational Boaters of Los Angeles and out to Santa California has awarded the Catalina Island. prestigious •Ed and Donna Safe Voyages. Pede Memorial Award" to Raynor Tuuneyoshi, California's Department of Boating and Waterways director. This is unprecedented for a director of the department to be considered for this award, • MIKE WHITEHEAD la the Pilot's boating and harbor columnlat. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story auggMtlona bv .-mall to mike boathouutv.com or visit http:l..WWW.boathous.tv.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Out In open watera expect an eaatem wind from 10 to 15 Today It~ good d.y to atart knota with wavea end awell that new exet'CIM plan or flnlah Pl1lemt lknlltr to the lnMr ofrthe turt.y ecrape at• picnic wetera. Winds lhould die on the beach. There should be down In the afternoon ••well. pertty ck>udy aklet wfth a modert'9 breeze (becw.en 15 SURF and 25 mph) In the morning. Soutnwett wfnds thould Welt· and aouth-fadng *V •round 10 mph In tQeka thould have wtlst.hlgh eft9moon. .. with ttandout lpota "'9h temperttu,. 'Mtl be ...ing aome c:n..t-hlgh--. wann -75 to •--wtttt The nofthweet 9f*V( owmlght IOws In lhe UOPtr lhould p6c* up s.turday .tOa to low 50a. morning • T~et'°'*lmoYt W...-qualty: bee* to tht ?Ol thla Mebnd. ~IUl'frldfr.OIV '"'°""'8on: WWW./Ml.noH,gov TIDES 1'1ma BOATING FORECAST HlllM t:ASa.m. 3.71 fNt high CIOM to tti. thof'9 or In the IS:«>a.rn. $.06 '-" low 8tdt e.y loOt '°".~wind 11:121.rn ue'"'~ 9t10~1nthe~, 7:.te>p.m. !'0.31 .... low biOomt ve"*t laeeron. Wlwt.i2fMtorleeaone WATER TEMPERATURE Mttern lwal ~. 3~g .... 82 ..... ....-p -• COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are 10me of the items the commlssion considered at lta Monday meeting. MOBIL.E HOME ORDINANCE 1be commission reco&idered an ordinance that replaces and expands the dty'• procedures for mobile home pa.de convenions. The comml.ssion wW dl.scusa whether a town ball J I ill NID meeting is necessaiy before it votes. The Oty C.Ouncil wants new rules to gtve it more authority OYe!' the converston proceu and to delineate the procedure for mobile home pa.rt closures.. WHAT HAPPE.NED The commisslon postponed a decision on the ordinance until Jan. 12. It also decided not to host a town hall meeting or set up an ad hoc commJttee or' working group to conttibute feedback to the ordinance. The latest draft of the ordinance .will be ready for pubUc review around the first week of Dec:em~. WHAT WAS SAID "We felt we would have adequate opportunity (for feedback) through the public hearing and study aession proceas," said Oiairman Bruce Garllcb. •AD the prlndpa.ls have bad the opportunity to' see the earlier draft and make comments. And they will have between now and mJddle or January to • do that (for the latest version): HOUSING SUBDIVISION The commission considered a request from Mike McDaniel and Joseph Bower for an exception to dty requirements for minimum lot width and area so they ,,..,_ can subdMde a lot.into two parcels. The lot Is in the 3000 block of Fillmore Way. The width exception Is necessary because the two parcels are 49 feet narrower than the JOO-foot minimum lot width required by city code. The area exception Is required because dty code requires a minimum 12,000-square-foot lot The first parcel is proposed at 5,345 NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 8:30 p.m., Dec. 8 •WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive •INFO: (714) 754-5245 square feet and the second ls proposed at 6.084 square feet. WHAT HAPPENED The commission approved Lhe request. PERMIT APPLICATION Werdin.Q-eekside LLC requested the Plannlng Commission·~ approval to subdividt:: three parcels at Creekside Commercial Dcvelopmc111 into six. The property 1' near the southeast corner of Bristol Street and Randolph Avt•nue. II 1s requesting a pennit for off-site park.mg and for shared driveway utTC\S 10 j public street. WHAT HAPPENED The cornmi.s.sion approved the pcnnit -OJmpiled 11}' l>e1rrJrr Ni>wnum NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some decisions coming out of Tuesday's Oty Council meeting. TASTE OF NEWPORT GRANTS Once again. this ~ar's annual Taste of Newport Festival was a success and. once again. fesdval organizers are passing on their good fortune. Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce President Richard Luehrs handed out Taste of Newport Grant checks totaling $28,000 to local charities. Recipients were: Balboa Performing Theater Foundation; city of Newport Beach July 4th Fireworks; Girl Scout CoWlcil of Orange C.Ounty; Human Options Inc.; Leadership Tomorrow; Los Angeles Tunes in F.ducation; Newport Beach Film Festival; Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation; and Share Our Selves. BACK BAY SCIENCE CENTER City Council meQ)bers on Tuesday agreed to enter into an agreement with the California Department of Fish and Game and the county of Orange to operate the Back Bay Science Center at Shellmaker CELEBRA TE o~ THE BAY. lsland. Plans call for a multipurpose facilJty centered around water quality and located near the Newport Dunes.. The center will indude a water-quality laboratory; facilities for workers for the Department of Fish and Game to help manage the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve; and space and exhibits for water-quality education and research and a wetland restoration area. WHAT rT MEANS 1bough the contract is just one of many steps required to see the project through to completion, it's an important one. The whole idea of the center is to serve multiple agencies that share the goal of improving and preserving local water quality. WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE The Back Bay Science Center wasn·t the only water-quality-related item before council mem~rs on Tuesday. in what they hope will further boo!~l local water quality. council members agreed to add a third appointee from the THIS HOL IDA Y. NEXT MEETING In observance of the holidays, the council will hold only one meeting in December The last City Council meetmg of the year will take place at 7 p.m. Dec. 9. Agendas and staff reports are available online several days prior to the meeting at hNp· www.city.newport-beach ca.us For information by phone. call (949) 644-3000. council to the city'o; Coa..,tal/Hay Water Quality Citizens Ad viwry < .ommill<'l' WHAT rT MEANS Council member. 'upponed ~foyor ~ceve Bromberg's nomination oft ounnlm<m Steve Rosansky to the committee. I le wiJI join Tod Ridgewc1y and Don Webb: Webb recently took. Bromberg\ <;eat on tlu: committee, which govern' and guide<. water policy. WHAT THEY SAID NI think every council member .~hnulcl serve on that comm111t•e," Bromberg '><ml -Com pi/rd '1y Jurw <:t1Sagrmu1" Come join us this holiday season. Experience th e perfect meal with your fami ly and friends at Thanksgiving and Christm as. Delight in the joyous sounds of the All American Boys Chorus on the nig~t before Christmas Eve and the Gala New Year's Eve Ball in the Grand Ballroom . Only at the Host of the Coast. For information and reservations please call 949 630-4145. '? .JZpj~pgU? ~~ ttPll~ \ . 1221 West Coast Highway I Newport Beach I California 92663 949 645-5000 I Fax: 949 630-4215 I www.balboabayclub.com ' rriday, November 28, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails l· .. r u .. ,,,.,.nlit>••· ( ''" •••Qualjty Service• ... •••Nightly Entertainment••• (?..f9) 6ti(1-794 • t '''''\ lr\ri.uc..-A'C" .. ( ·,"'·' ~\.ft~ I~ htei..d \&.titt. '91•0b1' lU •I•-...,....-4,•1.11 1.igunapnnt .cc easy. com Pick up & Delivery Fbt Quality Service WE>OfHG INVITATIONS and accusorle•, JH'nlOnallud ltOUDAV CAJIDS and PART\' INVITATIONS! select vour Holldav Cards onllne at ... www.holldaycardwebslte.com/lagunaprlnt rr---------------~ ~ft,."f,•J-;: Cl» 2285 Newport Blvd • Costa Mesa Everyday Coupon 100% HAND WASH HU WASH IF IT RAINS WITHIN 24HRS R S7.99 I Goo41"' Nov. 30, 2003 Stliors, Mltary, law Enforcetnent 100% HAND WASH Fill WASH If IT UJNS WITHIN 24HRS I $7.99 / Slilw ID I '-' nn Mn. 30, 20Q3 699 With This Ad 599 With Thi:.Ad M r'*'f, Ncwemblt 28, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COITAMUA •-.....oltheMl:A ~burgllrywe­ '9poftltd In the 3400 btoc* in 11:27 p.m. Tu.t.y. •.....,.._Road: A vehicle burglary WU tepotttd In ~ 2300 ~in 12:38 p.m. rue.day. ...... ICMll.-d:A hlt .. nd-run wa• repof\ed In the 2300 blodt et 5:65 p.m. TUMday. • Joenn ltrMt: A gar.ge burglery WM repori.d In the 200 bloc* et 8:29 .. rn. Tuelday. • 8outt. Cont DIM! All 8U10 theft WM f'9C)Oft9d In the 900 bl<><* in 8:37 p.m. Tuetdey. • St. a.Ir 8trMt: Grand theft WH reported In the 800 bCodt et t1 :28 p.m. Tuaday. • lUldn ~Annoying phone cell1 w.re reported In SHOOTING Continued from Al shootJng wu being investigated as a possible gang crime. "You have to understand that I can't gjve any more than ls on thia reJe..se," Winter said. "Th.ls la trictJy on press release for· mat.: The case b being handled by Det. Sgt. Jack Archer and Is being tre8ted an assault with a deadly weapon. Winter said. Wednesday's &hooting roUows closely 00 the heels or a similar alley shooting Oct. 11. when 20- the 1800 ~ at4:46 pm. Tue9d1V. • w.cw.o..-....: Gttnd theft .. ,.potted In"-300 b&oc&. 4:36 p..m. Tueeday. NEWPORT IEACM • E.Mteo..t~.., ..... ~~lto.cA tf'9fftc Kd<*rt lnvoMng lf\JuriM WM reported at 15:2A p.m. Tu.day . •fasteo..t~.A hft .. nd-tun w .. repotted In the 3500 blodt et 9:54 e.rn. Wednetday. • lllend Awwwe ... West 8elaoa Boul.-d: VendalJsm WU reported at 8'.22 a.m. w.dnesdey. • New1*t C.... DIM w.t: P.ttv thd wn reported In the 1000 btodt et 9:03 p.m. Tueeday. •~Newport DIM: A loud petty WM r.poned In the .eeoc> bl<><* et 10:22 p.m. Tllelday. year-old Ferdinand Eugenio l.a- mudio-Saucedo was killed ~r llJl unJdenti.6ed man wa1kecJ up to him and shot him in the chest following an argument. Last month's shooting was de- termined by police to have no gang aftllladon and the suspect fired a single bullet, compared to the several rounds f1red on the eve of Thanbgivfn8. Police would not say ii the two cases are related. • LOUTA HARPER writ11 column• Mondays. Wedne.daya end Frict.ys. She m.-, be rNdMld at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail et lollta.harper latltnN.com. SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! Whh the Daily Pilot CLASSIAEDS CALL 642-5678 GRATEFUL Contiooed from Al ' ASBESTOS Continued from Al atrict rules about asbestos abatement. including at least a IO-day notificatJon before work begins. Alr·quallty wnples taken by an outsJde qencytndi· cate that the levels or asbestos fibers released during the work were within Environmenw Pro- tection Agency 1tandards. But parents adlJ are question· Ing the procedures and worry that their chlldren'a health may have been put at risk. BRAWL Continued from Al Jlm McGee, president of New- port-Mesa Jr. AU-American Foot- ball, has begun collecting ac- COWlts or the incident to Identify the perpetrators and is working with officials from Norwalk. "We are trying to gather as much Information as posslble from people to present to a de- tective.· said McGee, who did not attend the game. "Hopefully. someone will come forward with a video tape.· Les Ba.rkley, Newport's team administrator who witnessed the incident, sald a Newport player al0118 with his mothec, rather, PROGRAM Continued from Al homework help, came to the district for help. They could not give the program money to keep GIFT GUIDE #1 Wttlnestill], NoPnnher 26 Thuntilfy, No11m1lur 27 Friday, Nowmber 28 O~lJNE.FOll -.PA<. tJAlM.KTURl.M w~ Nowmlin 19, lOOJ s p.m. OEADL INE. fOR CAMJ RA llr.AClY ~ GIFr GUIDE #2 WtJ~1""y, Dtcnnbn-10 Th"Nt!IJ• Dtcmtbtr I J FriJJtJ. Dttnnw i 2 M4~10,..., Nnopoti 8caJI • <-.. .. Mir ~ CC!lll •ilia Mm Ht.nmNCroN 11MCH INDUOIOOIT . niailft NoiiiiiilMr 'D ..in..:....11.lGOJ ~~ ~_lfU.OT ...,. ....... ,. .. n...1i1ru.• L.-... ,_,_ OlaunOlf ,.... Problems began when par- ents uw large openings In a rent meant to aea1 otJ the work area last Monday, parent Mau· reen Armstrong said. Work stopped but resumed once the boles were patched. Air aample data logs Crom Amblent Environmental, Inc. ahow air quality testl done Nov. 17 from 7:30 Lm. to 10-.30 a.m. were within acceptable levels, but Armstrong sald patents are still not sadsfled. She also wor- ries that previous removal at the sfte endangered chlld.ren. "Our btg concern W85 all the breaches l.n the tent (last and 4-year-old brother, became trapped against a fence. The player had to leap over a Cence to get to die car, Baddey, saJd The father was reportedly hit. "There was only one way out becau9e an the other gaces were locked and lt was a poorly lighted area.· 8attley sakl "People were confused and just trying to get to their cars. There was only one se- rurity guard and he was telling kids don't go near a cer1ain group." One woman was reportedly hit in the head with a video camera. said Sgt Jose Rios. or the Los An- geles Unified School District's Police Department. Attempts to contact Norwalk: representatives were unsuccess- ful. 1Wo officeJs from the dOOict it afloat but got approval to move grant money pegged for another school to Wilson Bl- ementary School, Garland said. Wilson, she said, is one of the most in need schools In the dis- trict. More than three-quaners of its students are English learners, a fact that nas contributed to low test scores. Wilson was matbd as a Program Improve- ment ac:hool under the No Oilld Left Behind Act because its La- tino population tested below the proficiency level required for the second year ln a row. The gen- eral population met the require- ments.. "1h1s ls going to be a pilot program." Garland sald. "We ~that if we could put two teachers and an instructJonal ALLOWED Continued from Al Need a boostT 0o IOmethlng. Go walk around the Badt Bay. Play tag with your kid& Walk to the dog. Rab the leaves. Maw the lawn. 1bss the football aroWld. reenacting glorioo,, moments tn the Dettolt-Oreen Baygame. Run. jump, bop. skip. play, lift. leap. Pidt a~ any wrb, and just do it. That's what people lib Alana Stein and her cohorts at the VBR.8 orpnl:nadon sugest. VERB Is a national campaign to get people to mow and la managed the national Centers AROUND TOWN • Send AAOUND 10WN ltemt to the Deily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa M ... , CA 92827; by e-nwll to lui&,,.n••IMltrw.com; by fax to (!MS) ~170: °'by calling (949) &7<M.2:98. ll'dude the time, date and location of the event ... W9118t a contKt phone ntunbw. TODAY ,.... ...... ..,....,..,. ThanbgMng .. ,. at the OrMge County Mat'lcet Piace from 7 a.m. to• p.m. at the Ontnge County Ftllrgrounda. AdmflMon wttl be free. Thete Wfll be en~· and~· oomer, photot wfth Senta 0.-. Ind MQOMI em.t18fnment. SAT\MDAY The OrMee COuncy C°'°"J of M~r0.C..1tawfll "-w ht ennu.c ~Div l..uncfleon at 10'".30 a.m. at the HoNdtv"9n3131 Southlftlto4, Cotti! Mtel. Anvone who ii delCl8nded from one of the 28 ~,..of ...... C9nloin. ~.,....,,, Ae ........... 11\ week)." Armstrong said. "Our other concern is: Did they fol- low protocol the first time and 9e00nd time (wortcers removed asbestos! and how much have our children have been ex- posedl" Last week. Bonnie Martin. di- rector £or Measure A construc- doo project manager McCarthy Construction, u1d that all pro- cedures were followed "by letter o(the law." Asbeatos poses Its greatest riskduringtheremovalprocess. But tf proper procedures are fol- lowed, the procedure is safe, saJd Michael T. Xlelnman, a pro- pollc:e anMd five minutes after receiving a call f.rom Ge.rdena Po- lice at 7:"5 p.m. Garden.a High is not In Getdena Polices jurisdic· lion. The Los Angeles Police De- partment Harbor Division's boundaries include Gardena High. but no report was made about an lnddent at Gardena Hlgh that nlgbt, Sgt Gary Bean said. "The LAPD and [l.AUSD Po· Ucel will work together on an off- duty basis. but there was no staff from our end (at Gardena! that I am aware of," Bean said. No 8.ITeSts have been made and no one was taken to the hos- pital, Rios said. Newport Coach Brent Melbon was speaking with another Jr. AD-American official on the field when the Incident occuned.. aid in alter-school, we could really make a difference. These kids are in school all day with qual18ed teachers and this will give them two to three hours ex- tra a day or Instruction .• A second after-school pro- gram ls a1so in the works. Har- bor Ouistian Fellowship O\Urch, which housed the for- mer 1lfINJC program, Is plan- ning lo open its own after- schoot program in January, tl\e Rev. BUI Gartner said. "After having a learning cen- ter here for over a year, we found that (parentsl have a real loyalty to wanting It to stay open." Gartner said. "We want to stick with the model. We really liked it and don't want to reinvent the wheel." He anticipates 70 spots in the For Disease Control and Prevention. The five-year campaign encourages people to find a verb, or several verbs, that fit tbelr personalities and Interests and to use them as a launching pad to better health. 'sbesaJd. Cool I picked out my top three vert.: shop, shop and shop. I'm feeling healthier already. But aerlousJy. eYa'l shopping is better than sitting around on your tudrus all da.y, VERB ot1Jda1s say. Yeah. and the way we shop at this time of year j\$ adds to the exponential caloric bwn. The long walk from your parking &pa~ Crom whlch you can barely make out the name or the store you are beading foi: The Inherent muscle toning that comes Crom dragging 15 ~ through the customer appreciation month, It will have a customer comp day In whld\ two cflents will get their tervlcee for tree et 200 Newport Center Drive. Information and retelVatiOnt: (949) 844-8872. SUNDAY The 0.-. County a-.,.. of the Swedllh Wom.n• Educedonat Alan. wtll haw fts annual Swedith ChtltttNs event. whlc:f\ ptOm<*I Swtdflh trlldltlont at 11 e.m. In the Costa Meu Neigttbofhood oommunfty cenw, 1846 Part Ave. Theel09t wfll be $2 fot cfllldren vounget than 16 end. fof edutt9 and older~L lnfonnatlon: (949) 789-2734, http:/~ ~-~nty. A/lpeltof .... Gi111.W. euteonW~ month, It will Nrve a Teen. and 'Y'WMna Dey et 200 Newport c.nw DrlYe. There wUI be frw llcin cere dlnlc:t and do-tt-your..et toot tlMtl'nentl, mnquee and hair rnetCIUM. Md1 fof SS. lnfofmatk>n end .....-VIilon&: (Ml) M4-8872. MONMY ...... c.-.............. 21• IMUll T.....ugtidng ' beading home. Tu do~tJ "Serw food to people,• the lhe wtth. beuty laugh. "J have 20 people at my house waiting for me. 1be food lhouJd be about ready to pull out o( tht <Mn.. But during the lunch hour, on wt\11 wOuJd be another on1lrwy Th~ her family could wait. lt was tmpor1ant Cor ber and the 40 or so other volunteers to M!p dlOlle lest fortunate on a day that lhouJd be anything but onilnary. • LDUTA HNW'£R writ• columna Mondeyl, 'NedneedlVt end Frldeya. She mev be reached et (949) 574-4276 or bv •mall et lolit •• ha,.,,.,tllatltn#.com. Cessor or communfty and envi- ronmeolaJ medicine at UC Ir- vine. Fibers from asbestos can cause lung cancer, usually after continual exposure over many years. according to the EPA Web site. Smaller amounts can cause respiratory problems. The asbestos abatement was being done as part or the school's improvement under the $110-millloo Measure A bond. • MARISA O'NEIL covers education end may be rteched at 1949) 574-4268 or by •mell at m11risa.oneilfJl•times.com. MeJbon could sense emotions were rising as the game wore on. "We played (Norwalkl twice and both times they were cheap with the hitting and did some ex- tra grabbing and twisting/ Mel· boo said. About l,000 fans attended Sat· urday's game, BarkJey said. ·11 was a scary situation,· Bar· ldey said. "It detracted Crom an amazing game.· Newport faces the South County Patriots in the Super Bowi at 5:15 p.m. Saturday at Rowland Heights High. • 8A't'CE ALDE.RTON is a 1porta reporter for the Dally Pilot. He can be readled at (9491 574-4222 or by e-mail et blyc6.111derton@latimes.com. ch urch's program but said be is encouraging any parents who want immediate help for thelr children to enroll 11'1 the pro· gram at Wilson. The church will provide a place for the parents who were attached to their for· mer program to send their stu- dents. "I've been a member of this community for 12 years and I re- alize the desperate need for this here,· Gartner said. Harbor Ouisdan Fellowship will hold an informational meet- ing for parents interested in their program at 6 p.m. Dec. 6 at 740 W. Wtlson St. in Costa Mesa. • MARISA O'NEIL covers education and may be reeched at 19491 574-4268 or by e-mail at marisa.onei/@l11times.com. mall. Having that last minute dash for the very last bottle of lavender exfoliating body scrub. And -if you are really trying to bum some calories -the ensuing brawl that could follow. Oh. yeah, um, where was 17 Anyways, the point Is to get up and get a move on. lhlst me, you'll thank me when New Year's Day rolls around and you save your resolutions for more important thinp. mch as finding a good lawyer to defend you against that silly aMault and battery ctwge at Bath & Body Works. •LOLITA~ writes columns Mondeya. 'Nednesdavs end Fridays. ~may be reeched et 19491 57~5 Of by e-mail It loli~.harpertllatimucom. Ceremony at 6 p.m. at Town Center Plt1(, ad)ecent to the Weatln South Coast Plaza. The 90-foot white fir will be edorned by 16,000 llghte. The ceremony will feature the All American Bov• Chorus and an eppearenc:. by honorary emcee. Jennifer Yort from KTLA· TV. A,.,_.. In tuppCMt of Democnltlo ptM6dential ~ta w.&ey K. Clart will be held at 7 p.m. at the Harp Inn, 130 E..17'h St.. Com M .... Volunteen Will ahtre lnformetJon end O.rtc'a potitlona on key ~ lnfonnatlon: info•volun~rlt.com. hlfp;/Mww.mNtUp.com. . A tDwn hell ......... on hom4Und aecurlty wtll bt from s to 8 p.m. It Vanguard Unlvtrafty'a Smith Hen Room 101, 65 Fair Drive. AaemblVfNn ~ Maddox,~ Mell Councilmen Men Maneoor and~ SchMfw, CallforN• NMlonat Guard M41f, ~Paul D. MC>n~ Jr., CON Rre Ct'6ef JemM M. EtNeend~fromthe onnoe eoumv Sheftft"t °"*"'*1t. C.elfomCI OfllCt of E"*Vl'ICY s.NlcM and the FBI Wiii be on hand. lot ut I f • al I. L I· 0 r y ) e s - _,.,.......__ .. Friday, Novembet 28, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHED -Letlln: M.11 to Editorial Page EditOf s.J. C.hn at the Deity Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, ea.ta M ... , CA 92627 • Reeclefs Hodne: C.11 (949) 642-6088 Fu: Send to 19491 646-4170 E-nwlts.nct to dallypilottllatil'IHl&.com •All con.pondence must Include full name, hometown end phone number (for veribtlon purpoaee). The Pilot reMrVes the right to edit all submiak>na for clarity and length. Columnist's defense of journalism rings hollow Joseph Bell. In the article "Accuracy is our rock'" published Nov. 13, uses the occasion of a.ssodate editor Stephen Glass' dishonest reporting In New Republic, buttressed by the lying of Jayson Blalr in the New Yort nmes. to tell us that journalism is an eminently honorable and trustworthy source of Information, in contrast to the stew of ignorance and deceit that is, for example, talk radio. To convince us that Glass and Blair couldn't happen, he assures us that hls own wort is Oawless and that publishers relentlessly check reporters' wort before printing it But he can't think that there are no other examples of dishonest reporting, or that publishers have no Interest other than truth. A less recent example is that of Janet Cooke, who was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her "work" in the Washington Post, a politically correct sob·story of a poor boy's struggles. which happened to be entirety fictitious. Older, but far more significant, is the story of waiter Dwanty, star foreign correspondent for the New York Tunes -and, again. a wirmer of journalism's highest award -who was assigned to Moscow In the 1930s. Duranty, as reporter for the Times, covered up the deliberate, systematic starvation of millions of peasant fanners, their families. and entire villages in the Ukraine under orders of Josef Stalin. He was there. he saw it happen. and he used the New York Tunes to lie about It. and to tell lies that discredited truthful accounts of it, because he did not want the great Communist experiment. as he imagined to be. exposed by the truth as a murderous failure. Are we to Imagine that Dwanty, was also lying to hls publisher, and that no one at New York Times lHAllSGIVllG SALE • VOLUME SRECTION •OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICt • G«EAT PRICES GUARANTEED MAILBAG FILE PHOTO/DAILY PILOT Johnny Sanchez, right, an Albertsons employee for 13 years, cheers with Carolyn Pfeiffer and pickets on Harbor Boulevard and Wilson Street. learned of this calculated slaughter -as hideous and even larger than the Holocaust -until after he retired, with honors, three decades later1 nus was not one man's deception; his publishers were complicit in It, and, considering the pretensions of the New York Times and the significance of the free press in a democratic nation, It comes close to being a crime against civilization. It should befoul the reputation of the entire management of the Times, and of those who, even today, try to use this wretched accessory to n'lMS murder as an example of professional journalism. But Bell still brags about his association with this paper, and it is the reputation of this unapologetic source of tendentious misinfonnation that it is hls self·appointed task to defend. What Bell doesn't recognize is that the real game of much journalism is not news; it is political king ma.Icing. Both Blair and Cooke were black reporters; their success was sought hy their employers In order to make a political point. Duranty would never have been allowed freedom to lie about events in the Soviet Union had not the publishers of New York TlOle~ been sympathetic to the cover·up he was engaged in; and the recent episode of the Los Angeles Tunes' frantic search for anti-Schwanenegger news, both among Hollywood groupies and in highly eccentric pol.Ung data. are evidence -hardly unexpected -of its preference for Democratic political leadership. Bell sees no bias in print journalism not because it isn't there, but because he shares it, and feels that his own source of prideful Identity would suffer should the purity of journalism be questioned. It's nlce to know, at least. that when BANQUET ROOMS Avallabl• for ~,,~ festive P <Arties! BeU gets bought, he stays bought DOUGLAS TOOHEY Tustin Striking worker needs a reality check The Insulting attacks against striking supermarket workers by El11¥Tie Carver cannot be left unanswered. First, the strikers are not ~unskilled workers· but the bedrock of the middle class. which b under siege by corporate executives and upper management as it has never been before. Carver insists they join the "real world,· along with her, and obUglngly shell out hundreds of dollar~ each month for health insurance premiums. Nb, Carver, it is not all of us who need to join the ·real world" that every Industrialized nation prl?sently belongs to, except the United Stales. The "real world" of universal health care for all. II is the supermarket chain store workers who are struggling today. Who will II be tomorrow? KAREN MCKENNA-JUERGENS Cost.1 Me\a Pugilism over publicati on should take back seat It's Thanksgiving time -with plenty of feel·good storie'i out there -and you have to lead your newspaper with an anicle on two homeless people fighting over a "lad mag?" Sure, pictures of half·naked women and s tones about drinking and gadgets are sometimes worth fighting for (I hope my wife isn't reading this today) but couldn't that have been relegated to Page 2 and replaced with some real news? MIKE MCNIFF Co,ta Mei.a READERS RESPOND Newport wants airport under its wing AT ISSUE: The city of Newport Beach's efforts to play a bigge r role in controlling landmarks on and in its borders, possibly by even taking over John Wayne Airport M y opuuon is to retam the county of Orange as the manager and administrator of the John Wayne Airpon. Having the city of Newport Beach "take owr" LheM.' operational and financial obligationi. could burden thl' rei.idenli. with .,omc '>even~ financial obligation' I laving the rnunty continue their managenwnt. the tost-. would be .,h.1red by .ill the re.,id1•1\I!. of Oran~e C 'ounty. Ille ('OUnty orgam/.allon!i runrung the airpon have all the qualified pcrsonnl'I. tlw t•xpericncc of 111.t11agcmc111 and the allocation of fund'> from a1rpon operation~. I read tJ1a1 Newport Reach io; also considering taking over all opcratiorl'., ol the Newport I !arbor. /\gam, th<• Orangc County Shcnffs Department, and fire department .ire prnfe ... ,1onnlly qualified to um1inue "'manager.. of all opl•mt1on' REED SPRINKEL Ncwpon Ht•ach I think the nty could do a good 111h of nin11111g the JJrpon. ROBERT WOLFF Newpon Beach FREE T,-Shirt (value $20.00) with purchase of ay two Reyn Spooner shirts. 72 FRU>AY l'>lnc:M' deys. The ~ County Pwrlo<mlng Alt Center wot preeent Ml<Nel ~tley'• •Lord of the o.~· at 8 p.m. today and Satur~ It the Center. T1c*eta coct from S23 25 to $53.25 For more lnfomllltlon, caH 111•1 566-ARTS or vlllt htrp.l.www~QtV. SATURDAY Ju:r It up. Jazz i• played It 8 p.m. Frid-vt Ind Saturdev-and at 11 a.m. Sund•VI 11 Blttto 201, 3333 W. Cout Hlghwey, Newport BNdl. For mo,. lnformetlon. c.11 (9'9) 531· 1661 SUNDAY Uw lhow. The 33rd 1nnual Orange County Live Music Festive! wlll be from noon to midnight Sunday II the Newport B9ldl Merriott Howt ind Tennie Club It Fuhion lelend, 900 Newport CenWr Drive TlcMtl COit between S14 and $28. For mo,. lnformetlon, call (9'91 640-4000 or vieit http.1~.ocmw1iclan1.org. HOURS Ml Friday, Nowmber 28, 2003 THEATER A Wilde time with 'Earnest' ByTomTltUI Darty Piiot C omedy come~ ln many varieties, from mannered verse to baggy panb slapstick. But few playwrights today elicit laughter with wit or irony or the ~tyle Oscar WLlde pral 11ced over a century ago. Wikle employed words the way D'Anagnan used his blade -a cut here, a c;JMh there and ultimately a rnup de grace to the heart, drawing the apprecrauon of sophisticated pldygoers in Victorian England. This advanced degree of verbal sword.,man\hip is most evident in FYI •WHAT: 'The lmponance of Being Earnest' •WHERE: Newport Theater An1 Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach •WHEN: Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m end Sundays et 2·30 until Dec. 14 •COST:$13 • CALL: (949) 631-0288 Wilde's final work. circa 1895, *The importance of Bemg r:amest. .. Such a play requires the Interpretative kills and scathing delivery or a George Sanders dropping acidic comments ln •All About Eve," and the Newport Theater Arts Center has quite a few of these on display ln Its productJon or "Earnest.· Director Darlene Hunter Chaffee has Instilled her cast with a proper appreclatJon or Wilde's savage wit and the perfonners thrust and parry with gusto. The play, for laclc of a more accurate tenn. Is a romantic comedy mtertwined wnh Intellectual farce, centering on two men about town who profess to cany the name •Earnest" slnce each of their lady loves adores this moniker. When their paths cross on love's battlefield, each bas -as Desi Amaz would put It many years later-a lot of "splalnin" to do. These young men occupy the lion's share of the play, but an actreM who Is present for only two scenes devours the stage. Teri Clranna embodies the authoritarian dowager Lady Bracknell with a verbal vengeance; shaping and forming each lethal dollop of dedaration with superb pace and timing, and earning deserved applause on her lnitfaJ exit. Jack Millis richly enacts the sophtttlcated playboy Algernon Moncrieff with a keen sense of Irony, refusing to take hlmlelf or anyone else very eerlousty. He particularly delights in zapping his &lend John Worthing, imbued with the proper degree of contrasting stiffness by Kevin Deegan. who hews to a mon1 tradidonal line of S.. THEATER, Pace A9 Daily Pilot Michael Flatley's "Lord Of The Dance,· starring Mark O'Donnell, will be at the Orange County Performing Arts Center ttirough Saturday. Lord of the Dance hits town Mark O'Donnell, 22, has had the lead role in the performance for the last two years. Lula Peftl Daily Pilot M mO'Donnellisthe Lord In Michael Flatley's ·1..ord or the Dance.· which Is showing at the Orange County Performing Arts Center through Saturday. O'Donnell comes from Glasgow. Scotland, where be began to perform ln Irish dance as a hobby when he wu only 6. He has competed ln several competitions and has won the all-Scotland and all-Ireland titles for dance. When he was 17, • Lord or the Dance· was showing ln O'DonneU hometown. He went to go see It, and when he saw Aatley's perfonnance It was like nothlng that he had seen before. •its taken lrlsb dance to a whole new level, and no one has ever done this before,• O'DonneU saJd. THEATER REVIEW "Lord of the Dance• la •a visual delight with the flying f"t• second only to creator Michael Flatley, who la one of only three people mentioned in the produc11on's playbill. Pea• Al. and dance and all things good," O'Donnell said. The how consists of vivid costumes, high-tech stage effects, lighting and pyrotechnics with more than 4-0 dancers. More than 50 million people have seen It worldwide. The shOY< Is constantly on the road and plays about eight times per weelc on average. ·For me personally It's got a lot to do with the audJence because every show you do the audience ls different.• O'Donnell said. "You got to treat everyone as If thJ$ ls the first time the have seen the lhow. • O'Donnell says what lnsplret him the most after three yean of perfonnlng with the show-two of those years u the lead -has been trying to make the role his ·1..ord of the Dance• ts astory about good and evil. which ls told through traditional lrlsh dance and music with a modem Oare to them. The evil Da.dt Lord challenges the Lord of the Dance. "lt'a a good mixture of music s.. DANCE, Pqe A9 •Lord Of The Dance" performances feature more than 40 dancers. *II< C. ~/DALY P'l.OT BEST BITES Wine is the word at Flem in g s By GrHr Wylder P nul Aemlng bas a Mldu toucb at developlna prosperous restau.ranta. He'a contributed to Ruth'• Outs Steakhouse, Z~ GrlD and one of the '90l moat PM'.l'WdJ1 dinJ.nc co~ta. P.P. Q\anP Oliria B!atro (lnJdals atand for Paul Flemtng). Fleming's Prime Stetkh<>uae ai Wine 8ar in Newport Is Pauli n.phlp iwtaurant. and reasonably prtced.• Aeminf1 aervea auperior ~eab with quali~ homey comfort food. Yet. there is eomethlng else that must be iald from the outlet. While Paul hu achieved and maintained h1I blab cu1inaiy pis. 1uperb wine ls UndOubtedJy the apeda)ty of this house. Paul's truett paillon la to e«ve outltAndiag wines that everyone - from novtc:ea to connoiueurs-can appiedite. Or th1nk of tt thJs way; what Other Oranp County restaurant offers a FY1 • WHAT: Fleming'• Prime StNkhOUM' Wine Ber •HOURS: Open 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday; 5 to 11 p.m. Saturday end Sunday. CJOMd only Thenlteglvlng end Chrittmee. • WHIRi : 465 Newport Center Drive In Newport Beech. • NORMATION: (9'9) 720-9e33. www.fltmlngeetHkhouH.com. bu received mWtiple recop.ldom. including 18 awards of acelleilce from Wine ~r M.lpdne. - Bl Alen, CEO end co-f of FlefW• Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bir In It opened lri 1996 and bu been 8ourlahlnc eYer aince. It wu the ftnt or what are now numeroua nationally recoFJied F1eming'1 locMiOni; "1ll attributll hit llKUll It~ CO limpty knowing what dlnera want - "qUality products that 1n1 ~ eiddJls tlOO·Winet·by·the llua. more than 100 retme bottlet ancl wine sampUnpT Thert'I tMID aeuoMI wine peiring din.Mn. lt'I all part of fleriiint• e:xtenlM wine Prop'lla If there w1U any doubt left. collllder that F1emll c'• lodmfdated or c6et by overwhelmJng wtne liltT Who hun't J Newport Beach, Is ri the midst of eXPindin1 to 23 locations nationwide. ,. r .. ... lllT,'-119At f I ' ....... __ ....... ·H A P P E N I N G S Friday,~ 28, 2003 A.7 REEL CRITICS 'Master' is masterpiece; 'Gothika' fails Crowe is commanding in Oscar-worthy flick D lrector Peter Weir has made many noteworthy movies including ·nead Poets Society" "Witness• and "The Year of Uving Dangerously.• In "Master And Commander: The Far Side of the World" he bas .-------. created a true seafaring masterpiece that ls sure to receive Oscar nominations on several levels. He brings to life ......... ~""" outstanding JOHN DEPKO characters from the best selling historical novels of Patrick O'Brien that capture the harsh reality of life on the high seas in an English warship at the tum of the 19th Century. RusseU Crowe was bom to play the swashbuckling hero Capt Jack Aubrey. He commands the English ship as It pursues a larger and more dangerous French Privateer into the South Pacific. He brings power and depth to a role that requires life and death decisions on a moment's notice. His intellectual counterpoint is the ship's surgeon, played with verve by Paul Brettany, who presents educated discourse on the current history, science and moraJ state of affairs that conIDct with Captain Aubrey's mission. For a film with such Intelligent dialogue, It never fails to present first-rate action adventure scenes that catapuJt the viewer into the heart of its breathtaking battles. Frigid seas and SO-foot high waves near the Antarctic Circle provide even more harrowing threats to the hardy crew. For all its sweeping scope, this film still provides thoughtful Insight into the daily lives of even the lowest ranking sailors on board the fateful vessel. A modem classic, "M ter and Commander" seu a standard that rivals the best historic war dramas Hollywood has ever made. It's the real deal Don't mlsslt •JOHN DEPKO 11 a Coeta Meea retldent and a senior lnvettlgetor for the Orange County public defender'I office . Schlock therapy to be had in gloomy movie I r you want to see a stylishly scary movie, then I suggest you rent ·Tue Ring." If you want to see ..-----~an incoherent but stylish B-movie, then go right ahead and plunk your $9 down for •Gothib." In thls mess ofa SUSANNE movie, Halle PEREZ Berry plays Miranda Grey, a beautifuJ psychiatrist (is there any other lcind7) in an appropriately gloomy prison hospital where the lights are always flickering. As the film opens we see her listening to the ravings of the beautiful but criminally cuckoo patient O.loe (played by Penelope Cruz). With all these good looking people, it's rather jolting to see the portly, middle-aged 0.arles S. Dutton plant a big wet one on Miranda; a vague feeling of creepiness ensues - shades of things to come1 We then learn heisherhusband,Doug,and also her boss. Miranda's colleague is the twitchy Or. Peter Graham {Robert Downey, Jr.) who seems to have a thing for Miranda as weU. On a dark and stormy night, Miranda leaves for home but has an accident when she swerves to avoid a ghastly young girl in the road. As It turns out, Miranda now has the Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGORIE'S t?~ e:...~ ?~,;!- Help u1 C••at• 5 yuf'I of Su~// Speclel Evtnll WMlt of o.c.mbtt 1 i Thunday,~4: .. ~ ~ ,...,,...,,.. ... .,.... ...... __ .. ~,_.._, Spa Gregorit's Hours ~onday 11am-9pm, Tuesday-Sunday 9am·9pm 200 Newport Center Drive. Suite 100 Newport Beach. Caltlornia 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM (949) 644-6672 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale sl099 Reg, s1'4.99 Now through December 21 COSTA M A 17TH Sl1£1tl Plt()t.CUIADatC'oalt OP 11nt a SAXTo\AHo\) 'j? TuSTIN MU.KITPUCE 291$ EL CAW'«> It•~ IHl'M KIOl It US! Cl 10.\D Cf.!'ffll llVINE ON lo\l,IANCA 1.(800) 541-'176 t • ft. NOW PLAYING Tommy Lee Jones and Cate Blanchett play an estranged father and daughter m "The Missing," which opened Wednesday. power to see dead people. The shock of it all makes her lose consciousness; she awakens only to discover she is under Peter's care as a patient and prisoner in her own hospital. lt seems Doug was brutally hacked to death at their home, and she is the prime suspect. Miranda is noticing strange sounds and lighting effects in her chicly gray prison cell, all nicely calculated to make us jump in our seats. Who ls causing all this? CouJd it be ... Satan? Or perhaps just a muddled screenplay and over-the top direction by Mathieu Kassovitz (you may remember him as Audrey Tatou's boyfriend in ·Amelie.") I lilce a good mystery, but this story line is so implausible and the dialogue Isn't even funny enough to be considered camp -it's just plain dull. Example: Miranda to her doctor -"I'm not deluded, Pete, I'm obsessed!" All·right then. The mystery is what ' poss~ssed Halle Berry to take this role. She is quJte believable as a woman crazed with grief and torment who also looks good in wet clothing. But she's been there, done that in a much better movie that earned her the Oscar ("Monster's Ball"). The big finish to the film defies credibility as well. The sudden disrobing of the bad guy is more disturbing for the sight of his beached-whale body than for what he is about to do to Miranda. In this movie it seems 1hat good is skinny, fat is bad. Dr. Graham shows up for a laughably last-minute rescue of Miranda -It seems he was able to solve the entire mystery by checking things out on the Web (it's always the last place you look). As Miranda says, ~Logic is highly overrated." •SUSANNE PEREZ lives In Costa Mesa and Is an executive assistant for a financial services company. . a • a • •. ·········-·······-· t ea an a o a e ez tie ~-- • ., ' M rridly, NcMrnber 28. 2003 HAPP ENING THEATER REVIEW 'Lord of the Dance' gets its Irish up at the Center ByTomT1tu1 Dady Pilot I rish dandng -as udience-s who wttnused either of the two productfo~ or ·ruverdance· at the Orange County ~onnJng Arts Center have found -Is a diff~rent breed or footwork. ThoM: who missed the aforemennoned aruactions can discover this bullet-paced entertalnment t0night and Saturday In the Center'• producdon of ·Lord of the Dance.· Conceived by the masrtt ol the art fonn, Michael fl1atley. who ovenees the cwrenr touring production. ·Lord of the Dance· preRnt.s two doun hlghly cha1Bed hoofers whose synchrortl7..ed staccato tyle of terpa chott"an leaves the audJeoce wanting more -and the tompany more than willing to give It ro them -until both the d~ and the w.uchers ~ ex:ha~ted. The show's only drawback - and lt''I a big one -is that none of the performing anhts are rec:ogn.iztd by name ln the program. nor even the h.lghly t*nted principals. Only three people are c.:redlte<l In print - AatJey, of course, and hi'> dance director (Marie Duffy) and composer (Ronan Hardunan) The principal dancer. Mrut O'DonneO. bu taken O\'U the title role Flatley created ls CamousJy anonymous. The other featured pedonnen sh.lne ln this rat-a·tat rumble be~ two conftlcting d4nce groups-sort of like the dance in the gym Crom "West Sid Story" each mction shows its hlgh·itepplng stuff. The tory. 5UCh as it is, weaves a "good w. evil" pattem around a sen of trldidonal and modem Celuc dances. 1plced by a lively fiddlers' duet and an enttanclng female soloist known only as Erin I.be Goddess. The titular hero - yo~ duhing and handsome -faces off with an ominous bully ldenQfied only as Don Dorcha, the drut lord, ln a ·------------------·----------------------------------------------------------~ STYLE STARTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER28 lbM4to 121n •l"Ut Mlectlon of wlcltha. • Seato M eucci • FITS SEMl·ANNUAL Terrific savings on fall & winter shoes, boots, handbags, & accessories. Corona Del Mar Plaza 949-721-1325 Nex t to Chicas I ~--------------------------------------------------------·--------------------~ vs. SAN DIE~O STATE 11e1d11y, Ds,. 2, 7 :'fJfJ PM Brsn Ev1nt1 C1nter lri'.dividua\ G.ame. Tlt~e.t&: $5 adult&, $~ lhi\dre.n Women's Basketball Famlly Pass Season Tickets: Season tickets for the whole f are on sale now for just $50111 Good for two adults and two children, plus 2 free memberships in the Junior Anteater Club. A $120 Value! To buy Family Pass Season Tickets, please call (949) 824-6202. lhowdown that ditnaxa the ~ These prtndpats Ml backed by a eensadonal chorus of razor-sharp danc:m. that often mesh a unit tor some fairly complex and splendidly choreographed routines. After all the torrid tapping. the ultimate faceoffbetween the rwo prlndpal antagonlsu becomes somewhat anticlimactic. The Jets and the Shaits - sony. mm that the Warriors and the Warlords -Impress as antagonlsdc ensembles. and the nameless leadm of both fact.Ions show some supetb moves en route to the flnale. But It's Erin the Goddess who'U be retained ln AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. S.y St., Costa Mesa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4USS. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY Of HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offering a nine-part film history on Alfred Hitc:hoodc. The seriea will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday eactl month. The events will be held at OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission is $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and OCC students. For more information, call (714) 432·5880 RAW FOOD GOURMET HOLIDAY BALL Celebrate the holidays with an elegant evening from 7 to 11 p.m. Dec. 6 at the Halecrest Pavilion, 3107 Klllybrook Lane. There will be five raw gourmet appetizers, delectable desserts, live music. dancing all night, roaring fire, candlelight setting and a cash bar The cost Is $55 to $60. Information and reservations: (949) 650--0672. RING OF LIGHTS The Commodores Club if the Newport Beactl Chamber of Commerce will host the Ring of Lights home decorating competition In Deoember. All home: business, and yactlt clubs lining the harbor are invited to participate. Decorations must be in place by Dec. 8. Information (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yachts, boats, kayaks and canoes will sail along the harbor in the 95th annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Eactl night, the parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Colllns Island and last two and a half hours. The parade is hosted by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beadl Chamber of Commerce. Information: (949) 729-4400, hrtp:llwww. chrlstmasboatparade.com. MUSIC ART\JRO SANDOVAL Grammy and Emmy Award winner Arturo Sandoval will perform at 7:30 and 9 p.m. today and Saturday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Jazz Club. Ticlcet1 colt $49 and $56 Information: (714) 556-ARTS, http://www.ocpac. Or(/. BASH2003 The 33rd annual Orange County Uve Mualc Fe11lval will be from noon to midnight Sunday at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club at Faahlon Island, 900 Newport Center Drive. Tldleta will ClOlt from $14 to $28. Information: (949) 64()-41()()(), http:l..WWW.ocmuslclans.org. the memory banJca. at Jew by the male members of the audience. Her stntPng voice is as lovely as herself. The show opts for occasional cutenesii ln the Conn of"the Sprit. • a petite danett with a gold fez who more accurately could be labe!ed the Sprite. Erstwhile rivals Saoirse, I.be Irish colleen, and Morrlghan. the temptress. spice up the proceedings periodically. ff Lord of the DanceH cloclcs ln al under two hours. despite the efforts of the company to elicit enough applause for yet another encore. It's a visual delight with the flying feet or the dancing nw1s approaching F1atley's own Guinness worid record of 35 taps VIVALOrSFOURSEASONS The Pacific Symphony will perform Vivaldi's •The Four Seasons; Boccherinl's Sinfonia In D minor No. 4, and Corelll'1 Concerto Grosso In F major at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tlcbt1 cost $20 to $65. Information: (714) 755-5799, http://www.pacificsymphony.org. 'A JOURNEY TO JOY' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churctl will host Santiago Canyon College's music departments annual winter festival concert •A Joumey to Joy" at 8 p.m. Dec. 5 at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beactl. There will be a 100-member chorale baclced by a professional orctlestra. Ticlcets cost $15 per person and $12 for seniors, students and ctlildren younger than 12. Information. (714) 628-4828. KINGS SINGERS The King's Singers, England's premier llOC81 ensemble, will perform at 3 p.m. Dec. 7 at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. The cost will be from $30 to $35 per person and full·time student are half price. Information: (714) 74-0-7878, http://www. thebarclay. org. FIESTA NAVIDAD CONCERT Jose Feliciano will join mariactl1 bandleader Nati Cano as part of the 10th annual Fiesta Navidad concert at 8 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. nclcets cost $20 to $69. Information: (949) 553-2422. http:l!Www.phiharmonicsociety. org. ORANGE COUNTY WOMEN'S The Orange County Women's Chorus will perform its 2003 holiday program, ·1 Sing of a Maiden; at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Churctl. The ctlorus will perform works about the Virgin Mary and many more. Ticlcets cost $10 to $15. Information: (949) 45l·8590, http:llwww.ocwomenschorus. org JA12TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday 81 regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Caf6 presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beactl. Free. (949) e1s-nso. DUKE'S Pl.ACE Jazz and codcteils flow dally from noon lo midnight Sundays through Thursday• and from noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays at the Btlboa Bay Club & Resort. at 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bead\. Information: (949) 645-6000 2003 FY1 •WHAT~ •Lord of the Dance• • WHERE: Orange County Performing Art• Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Coata Meta • WHEN: Closing performances today at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 and8p.m. • COST: $23.25-$53.25 •CALL: (714) 656-2787 per second Only one thing would make this mow more enjoyable - knowing whom we were applauding. • TOM TTT\JS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. Hl1 reviews appear Fridays. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yorit Jan Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway In Newport at 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sunday• and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Niclc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rock, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaural"t is at 630 Udo Parit Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beactl. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No COiier ctlarge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beactl presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunctl. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673·3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Rlstorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATIJRDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beactl. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST Oscar Wilde's comedy of manners will be performed through Dec. 14. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Tlcbts cost $17 opening night, otherwise $13. Information: (949) 631-0288. THE MtRACLE WORKER Estancia High School's drama department will present "The SH HOURS. Pac• A9 ~w~ Ji'J1/1/iNllea f71uuvtl<w 0et.wn~.r 11 tuul ,o/l11uwtlqy, 0ecunhJO 1,~ ANN GENDROUS (Mt)l7~ Fil: , .. , ltl-taM Daily Pilot ot r, HOURS Continued from AB Mlrtcfe Worker• •t 7:30 p.m. Thul"ldey through Dec. 6 end Dec. 12 end 13 et the S.rt:>ara Ven Holt Theat,.. et Estancia High School, 2323 Placen111 Ave •• Costa MMa. llcbta coat $8. lnformetlon: (949) 515-6537. 1TS A WONDERFUL LIFF The City of Newport Beacn will present the Newport Repertory Theat,..·1 eighth annual production of the play 0 " lt'1 A Wonderful Life• Friday, Dec. 5. through Sunday, Dec. 7, at Corona del Mar High School's Theatre. 2101 Eaatblu1t Drive. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Dec. 5, at 1 :30 and 8 p.m. Dec. 6 and at 1 p.m. Dec. 7. Tickets cost $2 to $11. Information (949) 644-3161. ART S.SAMPARK The artist S. Sam Partt will have an exhibition and book signing from 6 to 8 p.m. Dec. 6 at June's Fine Art Gallery, 326 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. Information and reservation: (949) 673-0939. ART FOR LIFE Artists from lsreel will sell their work to reise money for Israel's BEST Continued from A6 had been1Cantherebe100 many foreign languages. unknown locations and mysterioui. labels? Aeminl('!> ha:. an-ea:.y-to-follow wine ltst Lach selection OOW<.. Wines are categor\7.ed by grape variety; then progressively listed by body and flavor And you don't have to mongage your home 10 purchase an expensive full bo1tlc.r. Enjoy the wonderful-and affordable-experience of wine hy the glru;s pnced from SS to S 15 The hs1 changes frequently for prime selecuon -60% come from well-known vintners. 40% come from lesser-known boutique labels from Qlllfomia, Oregon and WCIMUngton. More selections come from France, ltaJy. Au!>tralia and South Afnca. The reserve lht is compru.ed of highly rcpu1able labels of limited availabiliry In the wine bar. Fleming's offers "wine flights" - a trio of 2-ounce samples served io miniature carafes and pored into Fleming's custom-designed glasses Each one 1s delica1ely hand-blown, intrinsically for color and aroma pleasure Preselected "wine flighl" can:!\ are available. ru. well as blank cards for custom choices. Samples cost a third of the pnre of a fuU gla!>S of wine. allowing guest'> 10 expenmenl before commnung to a wine. Even most of the reMauran1 layoul and decor revolve around highlighting the wi11c\ visual appeal. The inviting wine bar glows from custom amber lighting. and the underground wine cellar fea1ures nine dining tables. Wine coolers supply the walls d~cor. The one exception, not wine-influenced, is the striking open kitchen, with a massive quilted copper oven hood that swarms the expansive dining room. Accent colors for booths. chair~ and carpeting enhance warm woods and echo hues of red wines .. Don't forget that Fleming's is also most famous for its steaks -USQ\ prime beef -on the same par as Ruth's Oiris Steak House and Monon's of Cllicago. It also offers fresh seafood. salads, delicious appetizers and family-style vegetables. Its signature dish includes the large 12-ounce filet mignon ($28.95). Ot out seUs any other steak on DANCE · Conbnued from A6 own. It Is challenging, he says. as a perfonner 10 have to do the same choreography over and over again, and at the same time try to find new moves. At 22, he says he feels that after three years of performing he hasn't reached his creative peak with the role. He said he also doesn't have plans to leave the show anytime soon. "The more excited (the audience gets) the more they give you and the more you want to keep going,· O'Donnell said. •n·· a great reeUng bringing the oudlences to their (eet." ·- Red Crou 1t Art for LIFE from 11 e.m. to 9p.m.Dec18 at the Jewish Fedenltlon of Orange Cot.lnty, 260 E. Beker St. Among the artiste Who will be present are aculpture Frank M.._ler. j9welry deaJgners Amit.al Ktv end Rachef Gera. lnforml11on: (800) 323-2371. http://www.armdi.org. DANCE 'LORD Of THE DANCE' The Orange Coonty Performing Art Center wlll l)fesent Mld\ael Flatley's •lord of the Dance· 'at 8 p.m. today and Saturday at the Center. Tickets coat from $23.26 to $53.25. Information: (714) 556-ARTS, http://www.ocpac.orp. SW1NG lessons are given from 2 to 6 p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. Information: http://ocsw1n9 com. (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO HAPPENINGS Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Dansoene Studio, 2980 McClintoc:k Way. Costa Mesa. Information: (7141641-8688. Jack M1lhs woos Brenda Kenworthy m the Newport Theater Arts see HOURS, P1ae AlO Center producboo of "The Importance of Bemg Earnest." the menu). Fleming's proudly offers com-fed beef, alwa~ aged up lO four wee~. and hand-cut daily before its broiled at 1600 degret!'>. for sealing in flavorful Juices. The wedge salad is merely Iceberg lcuuce, tomatoes. red onions and crumbled Bleu cheese, but <;trangely it's beloved ($6.95). And. 1-leming''l potatoes. a i.p1cy, nch mix of cream. jalapenos and Lheddar chee!>e are craved by so many people; expec1ing mom's !>end their husbands in 10 pick them up -even requesl them delivered to hospitals ($6.50). Of the dessert choices. the chocolate lava cake i!. mo'>t decadent and most requested. The molten chocolate center i-. beyond rich; perfect with vanilla ice cream and chopped · pistachios ($7.95). Each i.eason Fleming's offers a five-course wine dinner that pau1> wine perfectly with foods. lhe memorable dinner.. fill up fast. Early reserva11ons are recommended. Awrage co'>t of a dinner i!> $45 per person. Ille restauranl is open 5 to I 0 p.m. Monday through Friday. 5 tu 11 p.m. Saturday and Swiday -do!.ed only Thanksgivmg and Omstmas Day -and located at 455 Newpon Center Drive in Nl•wport Beach. (949) 720-96.13; llrq1:/lwu1mflemingssteakhou.w. com. • BEST BITES runs every Friday Greer Wylder can be readied at greerwylder a yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St. Costa Mesa. CA 92627, or by lax at (949) 646-4170. Continued from A6 courtship, wooing Algernon's comely ward. The latter role is given a nicely applied touch oC mild rebellion by Dana Osterman - who, in a creative bit of physical castJng. towers over her swain much as MUlis gaze6 down on his newfound love. Cecily. ThJs latter role is ta.ken by Brenda Kenwonhy - beautifully defining what is, a!> written, little more than a decorative character. When th~ ladles meet, the sparlcs that ultimately fly between them are ignited a bit too gradually, and Is one of the play's few weaknesses. Cynthia Jacobs effectively interprets the prim and proper governess to Cecily. Miss Prism. whose long-held secret provides a comical denouement. Rowland Kerr gives her befuddled cleric friend. Rev. Otausible. a likeable. avuncular attitude. Friday, November 28, 2003 Al The play's two servants are employed ln several functions, not the least or which ls shifting the venue ln the three-acene play via a revolving stage. Rldoo Callaway, who doubles as stage manager. and AyaJ Willner 611 these roles quite nJcely. The three Victorian settings, handsomely designed by Eckmann Stage & Technical and dressed sumptuously by Terri Miller Schmidt, reek with period authenticity, as do the costumes created by Donna fritsche. "Earnest" is not an easy vehicle to mount on a l>lage as small as Newport's, but these baclcstage wizards ensure 11s )mooth enactment. "The Importance of Bemg Earnest~ may not seem all that important to 21st century audlencel>. but the well-crafted Newport production demoni.trates how punch lines from the 19th still are capable of paclcing an in1ellcctual wallop. • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot His reviews appear Fridays Free ~~ t rl f ,le: }1171 "'I ~-. olo~'-•• ('or or••hln' From With any purrh~ recehe I rm Tratrtc Jammie !Clothes for Crashin ')Sleep hi rt Offer (;ood through December 31" 2003. 306 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 949-723-1295 E-mail: weekendtraffic@aol.com I Look ror the big red awning on the south side of the 'itreet. ; IN THEIR EYES YOU SEE THE WORK OF THEIR HEARTS. AND IN THEIR CARE, YOU FIND THE STRENGTH TO HEAL. , THE NURSES OF HOAG HOSPITAL. In a nurse's hands, anything is possible. A nurse provides compassion end comfort while making aure patients get the care they need. And it's the nurse who is often the first to recognize signs of potential complications. At Hoag Hospital, we are committed to helping our nursH provide the finest patient care. Like our patients. nurses come to Hoag because we offer innovative techniques, leading-edge technology and an atmosphere that inspires quality. teamwork and high professional standards. We support the personal growth of our staff with paid educational opportunities, flexible schedules and onsite CEs, BSN and MSN programs. And our centers of excellence in cancer, heart and vascular, orthopedics and women'• heaJth services provide unsurpassed career opportunities. For more information on Hoag nursing and oppor- tunities to join our team, call 949/76().-5876, or visit us online at www.HoagHospital.org. Hoeg Hosp/tel -Where excel/enc• I• mor• then e word, It's tradition. ' AlO frjday, NcMfnbet 28, 2003 •Ralph Lauren AcctS\OfltS 25" Off HAPPENINGS • ARTIST RECEPTION , THURSDAY, DEC 4,.6-9 PM 328 NORTH COAST HWY LAQUNA BEACH llCll·37!1·9119C Experience Our Extraordinary Crystal & Glass COiiection This holiday season indulge your home with unusual appointments from our holiday collection. Visit our festive showroom and discover fascinating and rare holiday gifts and decorations. Also see the many exquisite selections in our magnificent Ralph Lauren Gift Shop. HENREDON '·RALPH LAUREN ~o~ furll\,l.s~t~~ ~ vi..ot Lll\,ttrtor G(estgV\. (949) 450-1112 • 81 Technology Drive in Irvine (East of 1-S off Alton />arlcway)· , ' ( HOURS Continued from A9 POETRY PERFORMANCE POE1RY 1Wo Idiots Peddllng Po9try, s-.. Ramlrei •nd Ben Trigg will otm .,.rfonnanc» poetry end Ryan Strasburg wfff ~ nw musical ecc:ompanfment lrt 8 p.m. Tu.day 1rt tM Alta Coffee HOUM, 608 31st St., Newport e..ch. lnfonmtion: (714) 564-6626, (714) ~7012, (949) .. 72-9028. PERFORMANCE POEI RV Courtney Montgomtry and Jaimee Palacio will off9r perfonnanc:. poetry and live mualc at 8 p.IJl. Dec. 10 lrt the Aha CoffM House, 508 31st St., Newport Beach. lnfonnatlon: (714) 6&H626, (949) 875-0233. CHILDREN STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old ere Invited to participate In songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays lrt the Costa Mesa Ubrary, 1855 PartcAvt. (949) 646-8846. PJS AHD BOOKS A children'• story time ls presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10-.30 a.m. Slrturdaya lrt the Newport Beach Centre! Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children mey wear pajamn to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEWR A children'• story time I• held at 10:46 e.m. Wednesdays et Barnes & Noble Booksellers et Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Coste Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A chlldren's ttory time i• held It 10 am. Wednesdays and 10:16 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Beer St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING THE SINGLE GOURMET Single Gounnet members, upscale buain ... and professional alnglee In their 30s to 60a, will be getting together at 7 p.m. Tudday et the Ave Crowns, 3801 E. Coast Highway . and et 7 p.m. Dec. 17 et the Chert Hou'8, 2801 W. Coast Highway. Information end reservations: (949) 864-6552. hap:l!Www. s/ng/egounnetlaoc.oom. SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 6:16 p.m. Monday through Friday et 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beech. Meals typically cost between $10 $16. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beech. Meals typically coat between $8 end $15. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DIMNG A twlllght dining menu, featuring dishes sudl •• chkbn permlglene and calamari pfcante 11 reduced prices, Is offered from 6 to 6 p.m. weekdays end from"' to 8 p.m. Sundays at Ville Nova Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bead\. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine <Atllara offers wine tastings from "':30 to 8 p.m. Fridays end from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 66()..8483. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunet. featuring lntematlonal Mefood end .. lad buffete, roam carved to oro.r end breakfast favortt .. 11 held from 10:30 e.m. to 2 p.m. et Sutton Plac. Hotel, 4600 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beech. Meals typically cost $30 -$40 wfth champagt ... (949) "'~2001. CLUBS AUACOFFEE Muaicel ec:ta perfonn at 8:30 p.m. Thu~ through Saturdays It Atta Coffee HOUM, 608 31 It St., Newport Beecn. (9'9) 676-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of llw muelc I• preMnted deity lrt th4I Atrium's AlrporterOub, 18700Mac.Arthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-mo. 8'STR0201 Jazz le played lrt 8 p.m. ffldaya and Saturdayt and lrt 11 e.m. Sundlya It a.stro 201, 3333 w. • • Coast Highway, Newport BMc:h. • (949) 831-1661. ~ DURTY NEU.Y'S Uve mulic ft performed 1rt 9 p.m. Frideya ~ Seturdeyt It Netly'a, 2915 Red HNI Ave., Ca.ta Meaa. (714) 967-1961. QUOTE OF THE DAY "We play well 1oge1h~r. I think that's the strength of our team." Bob Serven, Costa Mesa boys basketball coach YOUTH FOOTBALL Jr. Midgets feeling 'Super' Barkley's 34-yard field goal with 36 seconds left seals 29-27 comeback win for Seahawks. The Newport-Mesa Jr. Midge1 Seahawb (12-13-year-olds) overcame 27 unanswered points by tlle Norwalk-Santa Fe Springs Saints to earn a 29-27 victory in the Jr. All-American Foo1baJJ championship game Saturday.Matt Bartcley's 34-yard field goal wi1h 36 seconds remaining gave the Seahawks (10-0) the victory. Seahawk ...Uety Carto Valdes made an open-field iaclde of Norwalk running back MeMn Rkha.rdaon at the Newport 15-yard line as t1111e expired. Wilh the win I.he Seahawk.' earned tlle right to play tht' South County Patriots in the Orange County Junior All-American Super Bowl this Saturday at Rowland Heights High A wm Satwday and this year's Jr Midge1 team would be the first Newport-Mesa Jr. Alf-American squad to go undefeated through a season. Newport opened a 20--0 lead in the first half on runs by Jacob GUdart-Mathany, Matthew Gama and fullback Erle Rask. along witll passes from Barkley to wideout Robbie Boyer. On the second play or tlle game Barkley threw for 5 yards to Boyer in the fiat. Boyer then lateraled to GUdart·Mathany. who eluded three Salnts' taclders and ran 45 yards into the end zone. Rask. Patrick Marin-Ann and Brett Hanrahan, along with Valdes. Boyer and Eric Heard. shut down the Saints' attack and forced a fumble, recovered by Marin-Finn Gildart-Matheny rcll1 55 yards for his second touchdO\~m behind blocking by center Justin FJboum. linemen C.Orbln McNutt, Frankie Rusao, James McKennon ll and Kevin Morgenstern, along with lighl See FOOTBALL, Pase Al2 YOUTH FOOTBALL City of champions Two Costa Mesa Pop Warner football teams win league titles and continue their seasons. Thro Costa Mesa Pop Warner football teams were victorious In tlle~respective MOrangeBowl" championship games Saturday and will continue their seasons. The Costa Mesa Jr. Pee Wee Black Mus~ defeated the Yorba Unda Longhorns, 29-0. improving to 11-0. The Mustangs have outscored their opponent'l. JJS-34, this season. Mark Contra"as scored hi~ 19th and 20th touchdowns on runs of 55 and 60 yards, respectively. and Parker Norton also tallied hls 20th TD on a 4-yard run while catching lhree passes for 93 yards. Quarterback Michael l8onn.lna scored on a 6-yard run to cap 1he scoring. Gneme Pralel' went 2 for 3 on h1s two·point conversion lacks and has gone 4-0 for 48 this season while adding tlle first field goal ln Jr. Pee Wee history. Contreras also connected on a 30-yard halfback pass to Rk:h.le Lowery. The offensive line was led by Grant Mc:ICee, T)'ler Henry, Buzzy Yokoyama, Dillon Miller, F1uer and Dakota Giibert. Thormina, Yokoyama. Contreras, Norton, Fraser. Gilbert, 1ACk POrteous, .Lowery. Henry. Jeck Jeftrla. and Bnndon JCdly (12 tackles) led the defense. Kelly was named Defensive Player of the Game. The Mustangs will play the Arizona champion this Saturday and tllen compete in the I.as Vegas Bowl Dec. 13 In Pee Wee action· •Costa Mei<l Mustangs 22, Stanton Raiders 0: Costa Mesa (7-1) ~ced to I.he Wescon regional championship this Saturday in EJ <-entro against a team from the Palomar Conference after the shutout over Stanton (8-1 ). The first score came three ~onds before halftime when Prank~ took a handoff from quanerbad Todd Davis and ran 4 yards into the end zone. OeNoewer started Costa Mesa's drive with a 42 yard run followed by two strong bursts by Ou1s Gute. Danlel Derteg gave tlle Mustangs a first down on the Stanton 4-yard line to set up DeNoewer's score. Davis kicked the two-point conversion. The first halfwn.s dominated by defense. led by Devtn Anthony. Jacob PollOm, Robbie~ and Ben Ward. DeNoewer broke through for a 74-yard m run Ul tlle fourth quarter, gerting a key block from Tyter French. Folsom and Gemayel then teamed to sad the Raiders' quarterback for a safety. Folsom added the final touchdown of the game on a 32-yard run and soon Mustangs clinched the Division lI championship. A win Saturday and the Mustangs will be the first team in Pop Warner history to advance to tlle national championships held Dec. 7-13 ln Orlando, Fla. Qlll (949) 440-9970 to make a donation for the team's travel expenses. .. ~. ~ ... Sports Editor Rlchwd Dunn: 1949) 574-4223 • Sporn Fu: 1949) 650-0170 BOYS BASKETBALL ffLE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor senior Jamie Diefenbach (middle, with ball), a ~foot-8 center rn action 1n the George Yardley Summer Cage Classic, 1s Coach Larry Hrrst's top returning big man. Diefenbach missed all of last basketball season with a torn anterior cruc1ate ligament. More than meets the eye As Newport Harbor enters season, statistics not im portant for returning players. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot Newpon Harbor 1 ligh's boys basketball team has just four points returning from its 74-73 double overtime loss In the first round of the CIF Soutllern Section playoffl> last <>eason. But that could be ~ misleading as any 'ilat all season. because what Is returning will be key to the Sailors' 2003-04 season Newport 1 larbor gets back two players who missed that game because of antenor crudate ligament mjunes. 6-foot-8 senior Jamie Die· fenbach and 6-5 junior Bren Perrine, and an other player who also missed the game with a knee injury and wru. l(01ng to concen- lrate on baseball this season before re- versing cour~. 6-foot point guard An- dre Pinesett. Those retum of those three players. along wilh the arrival of 6-6 New Mexi- co transfer Ricky Green, <>houJd pro- vide 1he groundwork for Coach Larry I lirst's ninth season with the Sailor<>. Diefenbach and Pinesett, in particular, arc being counted on the be t11e leaders of the tearn. HThey'rc senior returners. H Hirst saJd. "We expect senior leadership. We expect them to be at practice early and 10 show tlle other kids: this 1s how we play, thi<> 1s how we practice, this is how we work In the clar;sroom. ~ Diefenbach. who recentJy signed a letter of intent to play volleyball at UCl~. missed all of la'lt season after tearing his ACL In the sum- See NEWPORT, P•&e Al2 BOYS BASKETBALL EYE OPENER mDailyAPilot pores Hall o( fa.aw I ~ l&U••Jf Uttt u1Ul«w1 11t1l OK I hollOfee Bill WETZEL • • I Friday, November 28, 2003 Al 1 BRIEFLY UCI trio named to first team UC lrviue junior KeUy Wmg. a repeat first-team -.elect.ion, high- lights four Anteaters named fin.1- team All Rig Weo;1 Conference by conference women's voUeybaU coach~ Wmg. a 5-foot-10 outside hlller. is joined on the fin.t team by teammate\ Ashlie I lain. a 1u111or sener, and 1unior middle blocker Sarni Ca.sh Wing ha. ... led the Amea1ers lo a 21-9 record, 12-6 in the Big We!>I. l11e latter, good for !>econd place, repre<.ent!t UCI\ best conference finish. Wing wru. named confer- ence l>l.1yer of the Week four ume!> I.hi-. ..ei!Mm and became only the fourth plarer m Big We-;1 history to hold five \UCh awards in a ca!l'Cr I lain ha5 ranked among the na1io1i'' a ..... 1s1 leaders for 12 wee~ and readung a rank.ing a<i high a. ... No. J C ...u.h. UC.ls leader with a .J67 hnung pen:entagl', wa!> No. I among conferente n- wb in hillilll( pcrce111age early 111 the ~ea.'>on ancl i'> currently nmkl:'d No. 2 in that category. Dana Kurt.bard. a 6-5 junior middle blocker. rtte1ved honor- able mention. UCI women sign duo •TENNIS: The UC lmnl' woml'n\ lenm\ team ha<i '>t~ned two top players from Northern California. Ameater'> Coarh Mi~e Edles announct.'d. fll'clcy Bernhard or Oakmon1 I ligh in Rost.>ville, the No. 5- ranked Jlmior m Northern CaJ1- fornia and ranked I 63rd na llonally, wtll 10111 the Antea1er,, a!> wall Inna Agabab1an from George Wa!>hington High 111 San Francisco. Agababian as ranked No 9 in Northern California and No. 148 na1ionally. King is All -American • VOLLEYBALL: Katie King. a former Newpon Harbor I ligh standoul and a '><'lier on 1he Ir vine Valley College women\ volleyball team, has been named !>ernnd-team All-Amen can. as voted by the coaches in tht'1r re<ipcl live regions It 1s the highe'I honor earned by a player 111 IVC women's volley- ball hl'>lory. King. who recorded 750 as· sis1s during the regular season, also received first -learn AJl - Stale. Orsi-team All-Orange Empire Conference and All - Southern Califorma honors UCI adds two recruit •BASKETBALL: The U(, Ir- vine women's ba'>ketball pro- gram added a couple of recruils during the recent early .,1gning period. 1 laJ ey Tull. a 6-foot-l forward from Cleburne I ligh in Cle- burne. Texas, averaged 17. 7 points and 7.7 rebounds as a junior la~t season, earning Dis- 1rict eight 4-A all-region and second team all-state honors Miranda forry. a 5-10 guard from Mann Catholic High in Kentfield, Cahf.. averaged 12 points and 6 9 rebounds as a junior, earning all-league hon- ors. Mustangs are young but seasoned fU PHOTOS/DM.Y PllOT Sophomore i\lat'ds Bnan Moh, left. and Scott Knox, riaht. are returning starters for Costa Mesa High. Mesa will start three sophomores, but all played varsity last year. Patrick Lave rty Daily Pilot • 1Wo of 1hose sophomores, 5-foot-6 polnt guard Brlan Molina and 6-foot guard Scott Knox. were starters on last year's team, which finished 10-16, 5-7 ln Golden West League action. The dUn:I sophomore, 5-7 guard Tuny Krikorian, was the sixth man last season. Costa Mesa High tw ~won n boys basket- bell CIP Southern Section playoff pme. Mer rnfssing the playoffs enttmy last season. tlle Musta.llp will artempt to reverse U\eir fortune apln this sea!OO, But ftrst mmg., first -malclng tho playoffs Cor the fourth dme ln Coach Bob Serven'• ftve aeasons will be priority No. 1. Wltb a lwt1ng lineup that la expected to lnclude three aophomores, that might be CONldered a dlftl· cull expectation, but dlele 11.n! experienced. eopho- mo1111. The three youngsters are Joined by two other re· turning 1tarter1, 6-3 junior forward Jeff Waldron and 6-6 senior center Marko Stankovk:h. Together the projected starting ftve give Serven an ~enced unit despite 1h~ presence of just two seniors on the rosteL "We play well together." Serven said. "I think that's the tn!ngth of our team. They play well to· gelher and they keep each other golns. Jd ls a big part of that." •1 lhtnk we're Cal.rty snsoned. • Set'llell saJd. "ll'a rare to aay that with a ttam that W1t ~ 10pho- moret. but thele IOphomores 1etm llka they have been around tomu • Waldron -"A tmor on the boards,~ Serven &aid -could be! a Ofvtslon I pro~ according to his coach lf he wns five to six lnchet taller. Aa a 10pho· more lut aeason. be avt.titaed better than ftve Costa Mesa's Matko Stankovtc, a &foot-6 senior center who is expected to draw a SM MESA. Pace A12 crowd this season, is a returning starter. t --~~:..:i......._-;,_-..;_~~---------~~-~~~~~~~~---------_I Al2 rncsay, Ho'lln1ler 28. 2003 MESA Continued from A 11 poln and 10 rebounds ~ • while shooting ~ from I.he ftoor. M'Sl aJao d he was lhe most tmpf\'IW'd player (W'eJ the rnmt.t. when \he M ~~tban40 Wlth StankoYtc. Waldron pro.- the M all or thdr hdgt\ Tho6e two pla)19 will be apected to bong hodles ln!ide and Sefvtn ~ hopeful thut Slan- kovlc; will Improve upon his 4.9 potnta per pme 4lld 6.5 ,,,_ bowuh or a Yf'U "Ht! t to tep up hJ.s game for to make aomeo btg slJ'idew." ~aid. The two uppercla~men wW be the ~"' of a rotnlJon I.Ml Is abo expm.ed lo lndude 6-loot Junior Brandon Alelon. the MVP ot the junior varslry team last sea- eon. and 5-10 JunJor Oua1.ne a tough. y prd. ac- co~ to Stnm. Comblnod. ttlt ICYCrl·m&n ro. talion wUl be~ to bdta- la.tt fifth place ln the Colden West l.ague, which ooce ega1n expected to be won by OcanVlew. ·1 think after Oceesl View. sec- ond place Is pretty much up for grabs.. SeM!n aid. The M\~ abUlty to gJ1M1 It for ~will Uk.ely depend on the growth of their aopho- 1nores. Molina. the IJoor leader, averaged nearly W: points. four ass15'S and three 4'eals last aiea· son. Knox (8.8 ppg) will be the prirmiy three-point threat for a team thar likes to launch Crom be· )'Ond the arc. Krikorian ~ another athkte on the Ooor alter aventging just under three points per game last~ But none of those sophomores are taller than 6-foot BRE·ITLING 1884 TRA'Di'T~Ali f'Hhlon lelend·NHtport 8eecn 949'721·9010 www Tredll1onelJeweler1 com WW•·••&ITLIM•.COM llfll NoClcll 2MO llglf ..... _....; _____ _ Rc91111 ..... ... s....... ........ ... s...... "There's a RNll marpi or er-ror: Serven sa1d. ·~·re not going to go out on too many nJghis and out·IJlJent people. We net!d to outwork them and our work elhlc right now b preny good.· The M~ have ac:com· pUshed a lol without much helgllt In the past under Serven. They won w echool'I lone league c:twnpfonshJp three eeuons ago with four stDrtets at 6-foot and under and two yean ago set the school record with 18 wins with a 6-l center. Whether they will be able to do It ap.in wiD be tested Crom the opener, Monday, Dec. l, when they play bast to Sena With three tounwnents sched· uled -the Valley Ou1stian tour· namrfll. the Anaheim Cooven· don Center tournament and the Orange tournament -Setven is confident his squad will be ready when leigue play begins. "Our prese.aaon sdledule will get us ready for league," Serven said. SCHEDULE TODAY ~ Cotieg. men -Unlver11iy of Mary (Not,. Oamel 81 Vanguard, 7·30 pm Community college men - Orange eo.st et C1tru1 toumament. Community college women - Orange Coest et Venture tournament ~ Coll41ge women -UC Irvine .i Long Bueti Slltte roumament. W.Wpok> College men -UC lrv1ne at Mountain Pacific Spotte Federation dlamplonthtpji et Belmont Plaza FOOTBALL Continued from Al 1 ends Morpn 8rombal and Mu Stiegler. Barldey added another PAT for a l4-0 lead. The Seahawks took a 20-0 lead I.ate in the flrsc quarter on a long drive hJghllW1ted by a 28-yard run by Garo! with blocks from Ryan l.awltt and 19ylol' .....,""'. 1.01 llO TIMI, OATI TM followlna ~''°"' ., t d<>t,,. b.ialtlMI H Power RHlloo, IJIY.> IA £ St Otrhudt Pt., S<1nt1 Ant. CA 9Z7~ fht lollowln1 1>«wn' .,, doln1 bu11nen ••: Winter PtoptltlH, I~ f'ullarlon -.v, . •W, Co••• M41H. c.111 92627 The lollowlnc pel\ons trf dolnl bUllMU H hllnd Romance Honey moona. 16212 Roc~away Ot • Pl1tentl• CA 91870 The l0Uowln1 ptrton\ are dolnl b111lnen 11 qultl C•1dtnt1, 21&3 f'alfV .. w Rd 1102. Cuil1 MeH CA92611 ANO PLACI, IUUY- lllOOll ANO SOHOlA nuUNTA.H SCHOOl.S A. 114 o,....i .. ,._ ..... ... o ........ . Tliuro4ey, Dece1tt .. er I ltll, IOo.t I ottOO , ..... lOfl A !Wrtt. 130!> IA l SI Ottlrnd• Pl., S.nl1 An1, CA 927D'S llll• b11tlne11 1, con d1Kltd by· In lndMd111I fiA~I YOU &tllfltd dolflc bu11n•n yelf Nn • lOfl A 8111tf fllla 1t1tttm1nt WH hied with Ille County Clfllt. ol O"nl• Cnunty on ll /05/0J JOOHH4Ut 01111_ Piie)' No~ '· 14. 2t,11 2003 F90l ' W11ll1m lo•tph Wtnltr. 1905 Fullerton Avt IW, Coil• Mei•. C•HI 92627 Thi• b111inea1 11 con dueled by en lnd1wldu1I H•VI you •I., led doln& bu1ln10 ytl1 Ito W1h1tm IOf4f)ll Wlllllf flus tlelemPnl WH ltle4 with UWt County Ct.tit. ol Ounce County on lt~IOJ tOOMtt•OJS Otlty Piiot Nov 7, 14, 21. 211. 2003 fl97 l\ymberl.. loy Aoy. 16ZI 2 Roc~•w•1 Or • Pl1cent11, CA 92810 lllls buttneu 11 con dueled by an 1ndMdual He" you tl1tttd dolna business yen Ito 11.ymlleflM Jay Roy lfl" 1tat•ment w11 filed with Ille County Cle'" ol 011n1e <'.<1unly 01111/21/0J tOOSttHH7 Oa1ty Piiot Nov 18 0.C ~. 12. 19, ~ f9l0 Glftld Gr•IDfY Stt mon 942 Conc<lfd Cl , Vial•, CA 92081 lilts bu1lnea1 11 ton ducted by tn lndlwldu•I H•v• you atartad doln1 b111111tn yel? No G•eld Cr•ro<Y S..mon flllt •l•ltrnent wn ltltld with the Cnunty Clerk ol Ofen .. Caunly on 11/CMIOJ IOOH .. 404J O•llY Piiot Nov I I' 21. n. ZOOJ '* Pl•c• of 81d R1ce1pl• l'fewport Men Unified School Olttrlct Pur chnlna, 2985 8 8111 Stttet. Co1t1 Mese, Ce. 92826 B Pt otect N•m• Me1aute •A• Ktllybtoollt and Sonot1 Elemenllfy School\ BIO t l OJ 04 C Piece P11111 lft on lilt PRO.ICCT MAMG· Elh offkt, McCtttlly 8ulldl111 Comp111tu, 20401 $ W Birch StrHI, Svtte 300. Newport BeKh, CA 92&60 McC1ttlly 8ull4'1"1 Co11111111l9t/Mtuw1 "A" Offret, ?N~·C 8ur Strfft. Co1lll 1 C. t2Sll 1.02 SUMIUaY Of WO... Pro11ct DucrlptlOn flltt iwoie(t cOMltt:a ol Ille oft""' modttnfu t~ of two llfOtotypt 11tment111y 1d1001' In Ille ltewpofl Me.a Uni 11•4 S~hoof Olatrl~t. Specltkelly, 11 .. l\h • .,ftty COflll)lllnet, AOA tompllance ll111ldln1 tll.ll In~ """ "!>If••· cl1n1oom lnterlon, technoioa 1nd klfre 1h11t.lur1 upat•clea Prfllfnlllaty (attrMll' .. ,t00.000 00 t.QllOfKlr A NOTlCC IS HU IY CIVtN thtl Newport M•u Unifi•; $cttoot Ontritt actlll( by 1nd tllroup It'• Oo¥ttnln1 llo•rd llflll rt<.tl•• -..iu •1 fot •WMd Of I I 11EUURI NEWPORT Continued from Al 1 mer. He came back to play with the Sailors this rummer and ls fully healthy. Hirst AlcJ. Pinesett, who ·~raged 5.9 points last season. wasn't ex· pected to return co the ba*et- ball team this season and did not play with the team over the summer, but gives the Sailors ex- perience ayhe guard position. •lt was 9Mne intervention I gueM. •Hirst said. ·1 don't know. He came bac.lc on his own. which is what we wanced. We kind or left h1m on his own and let him decide co come back.• FU PHOTO I OAILV Plt.O T Newport Harbor's Andre Pinesett is a senior who will be counted upon for leadership this season, according to Coach Larry Hirst. Perrine, who lnjured his knee against All.so Niguel ln the sec· ond round of league play last season. provides another offen- sive option after averaging 3.8 polnu as a sophomore last year, while Green, a senlor, provides the Sailors with more size Inside. likely be the s.lxth man. Orth. 5· 10 junior Rafael Mouradyan and 6·3 sophomore Dennis Heenan. Mar on Dec. 5. They also play in the Bill Reynolds Oas.sic, where they are the hosts. the Anaheim Convention C.enter tournament and the Capitol City OassJc in Juno, Alaska. With good siz.e inside. includ- ing four expected starts 6-2 or caller. Hlrst expects a lot of teams to play zone against the Sailors, Hunter and his three· point shooting can put an end to that. Those games will allow Hirst to get a good look at his club. Expected to eventually round oul lhe starting lineup ts 6-2 jun· ior Tuylor Young, who along wilh Alex Onh, joined the team after the football ream was eUmlnated in lhe first round of the playoffs.. Young, who played on the junior varsity team last season. was called up for the playoffs and scored the four poinl8 In the loss to Buena thac are rerunung this season. ·we want him to be our zone buster,• Hlrst said In Sea View League play, Woodbridge, with 6-I 0 center David Burgea;s. who has signed a leller of intent to play ac BYU, is the preseason favorite. But Hirst expectS every league game to be a battJe. "Once we get to league play. aJI lhe teams are so well coached," Hirst said. ~My biggest concern is de- fense, thac we're better than we were in the summer and offense, we get 10 know each ocher and learn how to click with one an- olher on the Oo<>r. • I lirsc ~aid. Because of the injuries to Die- fenbach and Perrine, the ab· sence of J>inesell m lhe summer and the transfer of Green, the Sailors haven't played cogelher all thal much. Bue by the time the Sailors make 11 to Alaska, Hirst expects the players to be used to one another. With what they have returrung. that shouldn't come as too much of a su,rprise. Also expected to contribute heavily this season are 6-1 senior returner Robert Hunter, a strong three-point shooter t})at will Prior to league play, the Sailors open the season on Tues., Dec. 2 at Loma Unda and have a non· league game against Corona del Mc:Sunas. The drive WdS capped by BruX!ey's 17 ·yard TO toss to Boyer. linebackers Kevin Rask. Hunter Alder and James Burger stopped runs up the middle. With two minutes. 15 se<:onds remaining. Valdes executed an onside kick and 1 leard recovered. The Seahawb' defense continued to stifle the Saints with c:omerbacks Auatln Rdger' and 1)'ler Harmon providing support. Defensive linemen Ales VoUalre. Scott Chene, McNutt. · Morgenstern. Ricky lbwnlend. Josh om. IMrl lhadal and n.vls Prk:btt control.led the Saints' running game while But the Saints battled back and took a 27 ·20 lead in the fourth quarter before 8ad:Jey hit Boyer for an l8-yard ID P¥S to cut the lead to one point Barlcley hit Valdes for an 8-yard gain and foUowed with a 30-y.ud strike to Boyer, who cauW1t the ball over two defenders. The Saints stopped the Seabawb on three consecutive downs 10 bring up fourth down on the 20 with 36 seconds remaining. setting up BaJtJeys game-winning field goal The Seahawb wenc for the two-point co~rsion. but the Sames' defense stopped the rushing attempt at the I to maintain a one-point lead. Ill - F1_1H M .. cu ••.• XLT l.AlllAT, 5.4L VI, AUTO. AC, SLIDING -.UV-· ... REARWINOOW, TOPOFUNE MSRP ....................... 137. 1 ao IET COST no CllDOSf ..,. Olacount on MIRP ....... ·M .1a& $27 995 VII f'SS014413 x.713 l•lllng ,rice .............. tao.tats m• 301U1i, SDl1W Factory Rebate ............ ·13.000 , 1111B,30llll4U017m' •n Im IXPLOID 4DI ~~l~~s~WINDOWS, Dl1co11n1 on MBRP •••••••• $3,0DO $ Ford factory Rabat• ....•.. 14.i!~O 8 ODO ford Motor Ctedlt R•bal• .•• ~o .., IAYm t ALL IN STOCK conlrect IOf the lboYt name4 Projtcl up to, but not lat11 than th• bad dudltne 8 Blcb 5'!111 bt 11 c11ved 1n th• piece ldtntlllad ebowt WhttMr Of nol bldt llfl opened t uctly 11 IM time ft~ed tn 'Ills 11otlc•, no bid wlll lie received •lier th• bid detdllnt C. PLAHS ANO Sf>lC IFKlA TIOHS All£ AVAIL ABLE f'tOW. 1M docu "'9nt• may bt reviewed el tM P~OJECT MAit· AG["'• ofllc:t (aH 1ddtnt lltm K below) °" CAN 8£ PURCHASED f'ROM· ,,., .... n tw'"""' ••• ,, c .. 1tnutle11 c ... ,.r, 1r ... 1 .. e, u . 9HOt;Jt4t) Ht· 71U, (Ht) JS2· 12ot 0 Tiit O~trltt Will be lnlh•llll« Ind ellfOIClf1t • lebor Co"1ptl1nu ''oCI''"' In eccordlnu with the PfOVhlOnt end llqll#tmt41tJ •f Autm• 1111, 9111 1506 •n4 purwent to C.llf«nll l 11>or Code ttclion• 1no et Mq All <on· trkton tM tlltlr ., plle•l>N aut>cont1ector1 pttlOIMlllf Oii Ult prof Kl llll Wiii M Ulqulftd 10 co111ply with tht 11Qt.1lttMtnh of 1111 l•bot ~· ,.,,, Sfllll IMl\lalvt of, llllt not llrlllltd t• 111ovidh11 lite l•l>of ~mtlliano Oflk4f Of his/lier dH lln•l•d r-i>••unt•tlte di. 11pt •• conduct 01ud1t• lnlftV~W:;~f the t1adetma11 fN~mln1 Oii Ille fltOltCI tllt Oft an U •IM4 lltCIUtf1 11111 d11tt111 llnflloyttt notlNI WOfll"11 llooiti, •• tlO Mldlt-.1 fAKt to tltt Olsltitt. Of IHl1 Of lite Olllr k t'1 rltlf-• t • """ Of •t•nll, C h eh 8100£R must po1t • b•d bon6 °' otlle1 aec:uflly •n Ille 1mount of 10"" of th• amount ot the bid with Ille bl4' f' Etch 81000. 11 multaneously wit/I tfle IHCllllOll of tilt Con trtcl Aar"mt11l, will bt requwed to fur nlsll • labor and M1lt1lll Ptrf0fm1nct Bond In •n amount equ1I lo 100 ptrcenl ol Ille Contrecl •u"' end • t 11lhful Pt1f0f'manct Bond In en emounl equ11 to too percent of \ht Conl1ect Sum. S•kt Bonds tftlll be ltom tll •d,,,.Hed C1MOl'nl1 S111ety selll fec:lory to Ult O..trtct end 11•114 In the r-..1 R1al\ltf IUutd b7 \l\t ~lment of Tru•wr ind lletn1H In C1hfot nit. Stld l>ondl w• 1e111<1i11 in Ml fttce tfld effect lhreuall the lll'f•lll .. ptrlCMI. g Tiit 8100f'ft U\fll " • loc:tnwd conltactl>' punu1nt lt tllt eut.llltA •1141 PttltuJOl\•la c.dt end bt llCtnHd In 1118 llpplorlble cfHlltKllll'ftt !Of lht tfedH fof wlllc.11 the c.Olltrtctor I\ t1ilt• mlt11n11 llld H. Thia "oie(t II• I• Oittblitd Vettt an 8utl ntU [ftttf PflH ptftl\;1 P*ltonaotlll I QtwnlOfta t""\ llllA PllOJC CT \hOufd bt dlrech•6 lo Ille PROJCCT MANA.OU Cont1ct 8onntt Mtttln, Tele fllOlll 714/•2• 89$0, '"" lil<:C111hy tulldlnl Cn fAX 714/47481 AHi•• ~ e 11., Str11t, Co111 ..... Ca 1161' I No 8141 1111~ IHI w1thdu •n vnht l'MMty Or• .,.., tht tr• ()pemn1 01t1 K. Tiie Dtttrlct ,. ..,vu the 1ilfll to 1tjecl any Ind ell bids Of lo w11vt lt1ecule11Ues In any bid l Ne•potl Meu Unll .. d School Olstr let la en ·ecru•I 09portumty" 1mptoye1. M. Tite •t4'ett •Ill ... , ... ulre4 •• pre4ueJlfy . for preq11allllc1llon p1c.klc· es please conlecl the Project M1n11er et abo~• eddttsl It. No ltltpl\ont or flCJlmlle macll\nt will be Ht1\l1blt lo bidders on lti. OISTIOO'l premises 11 tM llmt ti bid 'u•ll•h•• Htwpofl Buell eon. ~ Otilr PllOI No,,tlllbtr 21, 28, 2003 F919 asc1a• IOllCI Of ftlflllll TOVM 18 BJAJIClfr MIMI T. NSall, I wi•mnn lo •• lien, lltMfl C1011n, ettdtt011, con llnpnt cr-'lton. •"4 ll'f'IOllt who mey olJI• ffWIM bf lnlt1•lt4' ~ lht ... O! •le.l~l Of botll, of Willi-1. PASCOl,111 A PlllflOH rOR l'llO· BATl htt bttn hltd by SARAH ltf MARTtrc PA$COC •nd ROV.MD Sf'£tftS, [SQ. In tllt Suptflur Court of t1U 1.-11111. Co11n1 y 11f °" · ANG( lHf f'EllllON fOR l'ltOIATf llC!lltth ~A «AH LU MARTIN MS· cor "'' ROLAND Sl'llRS, UQ bt • pointed • penonel rlpfnMt•b.,,, to If '"'""'" tllt • tit! "' Utt decedent a copy to the pttson1I THE P£TITION requests r1p1eunl1l1v11 ap the dec1d1nt'1 Wiii tnd pOlnted by lht court codtcils. II any, be w1lf11n fo11< monllls ll'om admlllad to ptob•I•. The Ille dale of the hnt Will ind any cod1e1l1 111 ln111nce of letters as aw11l1bl1 IOf namlna provided In Prob1te llon in the Iii• kept by Code aectlon 9100 The tht court time for ltltnl claims will THC PCTITION requests not t1ptr1 btlore low a11lllOflly to admlnlallr montllt from lh• h"''"I th• .. tale under Ille del• notteed 1t.ov1 Independent Admlnla YOU MAY [XAMlltC Ille l11tion of £1t1t1s Act. Ille kept by the court If (lhlt Authotlly will allow you 111 1 person In lllt penonal 1epns.n· le<Hltd In the 11l1tt, l•tlves to ttlee many you m1y ltlt w1tll the actions without obtain· court 1 Requ11t fOf In& our I 1pp1 oval Special Holle• (fon11 OE· Befor• l&ltln1 certeln IS..) ol lht ffllna of en vwy lmpotllnl actlona, lnvenlOfy and 1pp1'1lsel ho""". the fM!flOlltl of es\111 •sstlJ or of 1.pre1111t11ivts WIN bt •nY pttlllon Of ICCOlllll "QlllfH to 11we noflCt •1 provtdff In Pro1>1tt to Interested Pfl&Oll• Code Mellon 1250 A unln1 they lint w11ved R1q11ul for SJtcl1I nollce Of con~t•d to Nollet form la •vtMtblt the propoMd •cl ton.) lrC>m tM covrl cltfll Th• lndepend111l ed Attwwy fer•~ "1tnlslratlOll eulllortty lb.t• & Ttldier UI' Wfll bt ll'M'*I UllNll ,... fH4ftk .... •n l11tera1ttd per1on '- ritu en ob1Kt1011 to '"' •' l .,..... ...... s ... ptlllton tlld IMwt •* 1400 c~ wlly lht c-t c... .. •-. CA ttH• •llot•ld not 1rent 1111 Publ11lled Hew~rt •ullloflty lutll Coste ~ A KEARl1'tCI on the Piiot No;,tft\lle< i4, , ptUtlott win Ila held on ~1n11>er l, ZOOJ OCCEM8Elt II, 200) ti wa..t US p.111 111 Dept l7S -_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; toe.ltd at 341 l'h• CllY II Dflvt South. Or1n1e. CA 929'1 Ir YOU 08.lCI Ill th• &rtnt 111 of lht pellflon, '°"should llpt)t4111\ lh• hUtlfll end slate row ollE~tlont Of lilt •rilt•n ob . bolls Wllft the collf1 bt "'' the ll•Hrllll. Your ·~·••114• lftl'I IHI 111 Jerton 01 llW your 1ttorntr If YOU ARt A CJtlDt TOii or cont1n11111 c.rMttof ol ~ .... ..., rou 1111111 Mt tcHtt clflm MARW WOIDSTO WOIFOI YOU! (949)642-5671 Willi the ~I end_,. ------- T ............ Mllpl .... ....... ...... ......,, ... ........ , ,_,.21S) Noti<:a II Mire•y l••a.. lllAI •n llfll!llCll-ho Mtfl eubcl\1119' •1 Clwle ,,...... .. ,.rwo1 ..... .......... -··-....... ...,,_ .... , ....... _tnc1, .. ......... _ ...... ..._.,.._....._ wltfli 111tertef 4"l -4 -~ . ...,,,,...,. '",....._.... ..... . _fftKt .... h ., ... ., ._,o-~ti... ..... 1''M> ...... ,,,.. ....., .......... .. '''"'..... .. .... ""' ,..,.,.. ~·-.. ••• pll"llllt .,,, ...... 11, tt.. ,._ ... Dl-rMfer. Tiie ,... ,....,. ................. ,._ .. " ... "" -,... yer4 ••tltetllls. '"• .... act ..... , ....... t ltet ••rr•••ly .,.. cr..O.. lttt• th •Ith ,.,, 1etlteclll •Ill r• .. •I• 1trwcturell' _., . "•·'· ,... ,,,... erty lift • let wl4'ttl ef H feet 9114 th ,.,__ ,.-14....-•lltk 20 feat •hlla. The propllf\J IS loc:altel 1n Iha a-! D11lrlcl P1GPeftY louted al uuw ........... ... Attat rev1aw1n1 lhl\ pro1tcl, 11 hn bHn deltrmllled lh•t ti IS c1t11orlc1lly uampl undel tf\• requirements of the C•hflllnll Env1 ronlMnlal Qu•llly Act under Cl1n J (New Co11attuctM111 or COii • var n •I Small Stnt.. tw•). ~ OlfMtw'1 .... t ...... ..,..,_ 041 .. ~,., ,._ .. w ~1 t"t "'-"'*" Dec>w '"""' ol the C!tr of Newport lu<11 .. er •fter , ••• ,.,. o •• c.-., •. too~. Writ ltll C~ll Of lllp\lt rtlata41 to tlM ,,o~t 1h,)ut0 b. 111bm1t11d to Iha f'tan11 nc Dec>tttrnent br •..-;.. •~..ai-1, tool, In ordef to be considered In the Plan nln1 Dlrec:to1's decbloll II •pProved at U.. l11119 of ft view, the •Pi>a•I patlod ol 14 days wlll t>.aln from that d•I•, durlna whKh lime 1ny lnllfetled p11 ty 01 lhtif 111lhorlied a11nl •1 arle~ld ol th•t decision may Ill• 1 notk:e of IPPHI lo the Pl1nmn1 CommiuH>n with a ltl1na fH ol $915.00 lo defray the coal ol lh• •PPl•I proctdt111 The •PPhcal1on and development plans of Iha prOj)Osed projaet an h11lable lor public review and 1nSj)<t(l10n •I the Pl1nn1nc Depart menl, C•tr ol Newpott Buth 3300 Newport 8oul•ord, Newport 8eadl. Callforn11 ~9- t 768 r Of lurthe< '"'°' matlon conl1cl the Hawpot I Beach Planmna Oepa1tment et (9"9) 644 3200 NOT11 The 11p1nse of this notice Is paid from a hknc te. coli.tied l1om the 1pebcant. Policy .... Of <--. Co.TT Of hp ,.,.°" ...... o..p,umu .... .... '* fl11tlJI Of; .... •• 1¥81 fCI OIM&I Of U ODaTOSIOW CAllSlfCI OWl&IOfM Wl-A2!1M4 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS· l Ptl1tlo™1<. kemMn Mohemm-41 V•k~I fli.d 1 pelitlOn Wllh thll COUft for a decree chanclnt names a, lollow~ fhmeen Mohammad V1lllU chanced lo Chad low•ll Valull 2 THE COURT ORO{RS that en pt(sons lflt., ested In this -tier wN lppe8f bel0<e lhl'5 COUfl at the heerinc md1e1ted below to 5"ow ca11se II any. why Ille petition for ch•nie of name should not be cranteel .. OTICE OF HEARING Date. \2·30 03 l1mt. 200pm0ept l73 lha adclr1$$ ol the court ts ume H noted above 3 A copy of lhts O(der to Show Cauu shall be pubhshed at le1sl once each wulo. for tou1 SU«tSSIVI wa•b prior te the date .. 1 for h ... ltlf tfl Ille pttltlOll lo\ the f~I na-Paflf ol ,_., CllCll l1tlcwt, ~:':! 111 lllls CO\llllY I lk1cll/ Co1t1 ~ 01lly Pilot 0..-t OCl ' •• toOJ MAlJOall lAllO <AlTU. IUOOI Of ntl JUf'UIOll CCMMT P11bll1htd Newport ltoiell Co.ti M4.a Otlt; Pilot Novan111e< 14. n. 21. 01umb1r 6, 2003 f907 (JJT Of nPOlf lfAOI llOllCI IMIM llS SHlld bldl m1; ba 1eca1vad 11 lh• otlic. of the City Cle1i., JJOO N•Wl>Ofl 8oultvard, P 10 Bo• 1768, Newport 8Hch, CA 91658-891!1 unlll 10 00 a 111 on !ht 1 Jth day ot lanu11 y 2004. al which llnMI suc;h bids she" bl opened and rNdlor 810 CANYON RESCRVOIR fLOAllNO COVER AHO OISl .. rCCTION rAClltTICS Coll tr act No 3037 $!1,!>40,000 Enama .. ·1 Estlmtle Approved by Stephen G 8adum Public Worh Oltacto1 Prospective bidden may obla111 one set ol btd doc11menh loo a <.osl of $2S 00 doll•11 at th• oll1ca ol lht Pubhc Works Otparlmenl, 3300 Newport Boulevard, ~ort Buch, CA Contttclor Gtnenl "A" L icens. required for this llfOjKt MANOAtOltY l"RC·8IO MH19"0 HllO At THC SITE (3300 P.c1fw; V11w Dtlv•> on OECEMBlJt 17, 2003, JC);OQ. ~.. Silt Will H ME.. f Oft INsrlClK>" FROM I 00 AM TOHIOP'M r oo IUftt. 1nt0<,..., lion. call Mtcllael J Sl11acat1, l'loject ~ lllf 11 (!Mt) 144 aJ42 l'11bllahed Ntwpo1t lucll·Coatt M111 Dtlly Piiot NOnlllbtf 21. 1003 F929 Re-.. ..... ... s...... Th• tollow1n1 pttsons art dolna busln1u n . Pro A1mor, 115 fest Dtbre Lina. An1ha1m. CA 9280!> M.ltlftb, UC (CA), 715 E Debra Lane. A11ahllm, CA 92805 Thi~ bus1n•" Is con duel ed by· l lmllad ltabillly Co Ha•• you started doinc business yet7 Yes, Ocl 1.2003 Mat11F ab, LLC. All• Danta,ClO rhls statement wu filed with I... County Clatl of Otanc• County on 11/03/03 200UHIH4 Dtily Ptlot Nov 7. 1', 21, 211.2.003 f 906 Rdllmlllilless ... s...... tMlt IJu lttell Tnlllllt"· 1010 W M•cArlhur Blvd , 1791 Sentt Ana, CA92707 Tiii$ 11~ ..... Is con· dueled by' 1111 lndMdwl HIV• J04I 1twttd .inc buliMUJ'lt1 •• , l0-0l..o3 Ina lttOl Ttlhman This 1t1tema11t wn ltlad with the Co11nty Clef\ ot ounce Co..nty Oii 11/l 0/03 200JHt47ot . 01ily 1"1lot .. ov 14, 21. 28, Ole. 5. 2003 F9l0 Mlm ..... "-S...... l ha lollow1n11 p•r•ons .,, dolnc bualneu es: £ocutlve Pru.enc•. 620 Newpott C.nlaf O.ive, I Uh Floor. Newport 8aach, CA 92660 P1e1ce/lalbot l LC (CA), 620 Newport Centtt O.lve, II th f loot. Newport Such CA 9~ This busmeu 1s con duc ted by llm1tae1 Lleb1bty Co Have yo11 sta1ttd dcuna buStneu yet? Yes 09/01/2003 Pierce/hlbol UC Charles Dtmon, M•n•c•• Tlt1S stelemenl wn filed with Iha County Cle•ll of 0flna• County on 10/29/0l 200UtUSS1 Daily Ptlot ~v 7, 14, 21. 28. Z00J F900 Cd~,_ ~Ml·W11 How to Place A Rem. .... ... -.... The followl1•1 P"'°".s .,. ~ "'~ a.s 81\iewattr M1r1n1 lfld Shop•. 130 UO lido Petk Or , "••port S..ch. CA 12'27 rrand1 A.. Ural11I. 2S Ct"'41tt. Or • COfon• Otl MM. CA 12'2!> Joana Ctv1.11111n. 10329 Pounds five . Whittie•, CA9Z603 Thi• lluslnan Is con ducted by • 1ene11I p111tne11hljl ..,ve you &tarted dome b11s1nau yet? Vas 10.l ·03 Francis A Unlnl lhls statement WH hied wllh the County Cle1ll ol 011nce Cou11ty on I l/04/03 200Htt404J Oally Pilot Nov 1. 14, 21 , 28, 2003 F896 Adltllm ..... ... s...... The lollowtnc par sons •re dolna business u .loAnns Hometown All hq11u, 23712 Me1c11ty Road. l•1'• ·rorast CA 92630 JoAnn Allee Bai.er ll 136 V11 Sin Vicanl•. San .lu•n C1p1str ano CA 92675 Ge1 aid LH 8eket 31136 VII Sen V1canta. San luan Capt,trano, Cf. 926/!) This b11s1nass 11 con dueled by. husll1nd and Wife Hive you st11 ltd do1n1 bustntss ret1 No Friday, ~vembef 28, 2003 All --------Uplll«*a -....., ~ - bft111181kar fll1t tllttlfltlll WH hied wilt! t~ Co11nty CWll of 0.tftl• Co11nty on 11/04/03 20016 .. 4041 01llf_ l"llot Nov 1, 14. 21. ZI 2003 F19!1 ........... "-S....... lht foHow1n1 persons art lk)1n1 bullnffs n Sh'4>P•td Chllopte<llc,1 901 Dover Drive. Sulle 234, 1'f1wp0<I 8Hch CA 92660 D1nlel S Shappard. D C . 20 Palelin• 1140, I• vine, CA 92612 This business Is con ducted by '" lod1vlduel lteva y<111 sterted dolne businet' yeH Yea Oct 22. :>003 Oenlel S Shepptrd DC. This st1tenienl wn hltd with the Cou11ly Clerk ol Dune• Couoty on \I/OJ/OJ 200J'9Ut91 D••ly Pilot Nov I. 14. 21,28.2003 F901 At*-...., ... s....... lh• lollowlna persons M• do1n1 bus1nes~ •s Ounce Cont Cep1tal tCY.>22 Shady11d1t 01 S•nla Ana C•lllu• n1• 92705 P•ul V I rwtn, 1~2? Shaelyrida• 01 Sanl• An• Cahlorn11 9?1~ fhli busmen •> too dut led by an 111d .. 1dual Heve you sterled Cloina buS1nass yet1 No Pgyl y Erwm Th11 ataterntnl w11 liltd With 11>1 Cou11ty Cleek ot CIHnse County on 10/29/0J 200S6t6SSSS Dally Pilot Nov 14 2 l. 18. Dae. 5, 2003 F913 ........... ... s..... the f0How1n1 person• are do1na bllsmH~ 11 Wast Cont hnpo• h. 1963 E 81alr Ave .. S1nl1 Ana, CA 9270!t Ali• £nl11pr1>a, In• (CA). 1901 f D••r• Ava . S1nta An.o. CA !12106 lhll bu~lnns " ton dud•d by • CO<pOtaUOll Have you sla1 led do1n11 bu&lneu vet1 No Alla r 11te1p11''· Inc , Nader Noosh• f'resultnt I hi$ statement wu liled with the Cuunly Cieri. ol Or .onae Couflly on 11/03/03 200S6t64017 Daily Pilol Nov 14 ?I 28. Dec !>, 2003 1917 fktltlM hslllss ... s....... lhe loltowlf\c pe•wn~ •t• do•nc bu\1nn• A\ We>tern 8Utldlfli f I h ltun Srr•lte> 18J A Monie V1>t• Coste Mau CA92627 l•mn A W~d<'y 181 A Monte v .. 1a ro~tl Mtte CA 916?7 filed with the Cour1ty Cfefll ol 011n1e County Oll l l/12/0l t OH6H414J O•ily Pilot "'°" 14, 21, 28. O.c: 5,, 2003 F9l l ~....,. ...-.... lht fottow1n1 per1.on are do1nc bus1nns as CASC l!fllSUSlEllS, 100 P•lt10 De 010. San Clam1nla CA 92672 Rub••I weni. \OU l'tlero D1 Cl•o, San Clement• CA 9?6/1 I hi• bullne~s " c (>n duded by 111 111d1v1d111I Have yo11 \ltrled duln& buuneu yel1 Vu. September I. 70C)l Robn11 w -nk 1111. \l>tl•ment wu 111,11 wllh the County Clerk ol Ur11na• County on I0/10/0J 200Ht 61478 Oolly Pilot Nov I, 14, n ?8 ?OOJ r 90b GWGISAl.f SAIUHl>AV 0£CCM8(R b lOO.l 9 00 1 m to I 00 p m 329 UNIVER S il 'I' ORIV( COS 1 A Ml SA i;A GARACC "6. llOUSlttlll 0 GOOOS INCLUOIN<., 8lOS CHC.Sl or DRAwtRS WASHER ORY(R MANY MISC IHMS Pub II\ had Newpu1 I 8••'h Cu•I• Me•• 0•1ly Pilot No vtmbe1 18 llt1 Pmb•• 4 S. :1003 f'.llS __ Dradlinrs-- Rat.cs and dcadltncs are subp:t lo change w 1t.houl nol1ce. Tile publtSher reserves the nght to ce nsor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advert1semen1 Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Dady Pdol accepts no liability for any error in an advertisemenl for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of the space ac1ually occupied by lhe error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFrn AD -Monda}................... hiday 5:00pm Tuesda} .................. Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 c J>k.,.c 1ncluJr )OU< 11.Ul\1' 111tJ pht1nc numha' !Mid w<ll <111 )00 "-k ... llh a JIO'< '1\IOIC I By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Pcr Hon: BO West Ray Street Costa Mcso, CA 92627 Al Ncwpon Blvd & Bay SI Wednesda} .......... Tue,day .5 :00pm Thun-day ........... Wcdnc,day 5'f>Opm Friday .................... Thur~day 5:(X)pm Saturday ..................... Fnduy :\:OOpm Telephone 8:3<r.un-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-ln 8:30am'-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCWNTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 Collectlbltll Memorabllla 1160 =es 1489 TOI'$$ 4 H<OaDS ITC Crnpltr lqu111. bk!<hlvs, .!Rt a-::, f~ 50s lo 81s lurn, Irie. riew vnl&• kds .Ill Mee. Sf*r, lube lfl1B sMehn, 1ron on• ?!192 Mike 949 645 7505 f'alfway div CM Sal 8 12 ESTATE R SALE om FURNrJURE/ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT BrnRTAINMENT Calendlraf 4 ~ "-_._, Medklwetal tblll, ctn. llKt, dtierl'• ~ - &lllts 1310 fQCIAl llOUSll& OfPOl11llTY c:lollll!S. toys. 9632 Olyrrpc ~..;.._.... ___ _ DI H8 Frt' sat 8" .. 0 u T I u ( n I< Pm Of flf VIClllS &YOUlllVt WHfllCHAlllS New·no cost kl yOU ii ...._ Medicare accept ed ~'and p~ ~ (S<XIOts style) w. lr•I 'fOIJ rlltM Cllll J days (800) ~·3155 (CAI. -sc:Jlt) 3010-3940 SOOS·SISO RealEltlte SeMces 4250 R E11at• lnv.stonl S111arl Monty Ma11 une Renked Austin, h• es as the 11 pl1ea In the U S lo lnYtst In rul estate. find out why visit BUY~ Kann !tenner 512 423·5626 LOTS/ACREAGE All 1111 ulale tdYtrlls· inc 1n lhls new1paj>f11 11 IUbjKI to lhl radlral falf Ho11'lna Act of 1968 es amended which maku 11 lllec•I t o 1dvtrllu "tny pr•llf •nee, llm1lellon or d11crtmtnaUon llasad on race, colof, 1111,ion, Mu. handicap, fa11111i1I status or n1llon1I oflcln, 01 1n lolenhon lo mike any such pr1l111nct, limit• lion or dlscr1m1n1llon • Thii newspaper will not i.nowln&IY accept •ny 1dvtrt11emanl tor fHI n lalt which la In violation ol the lew Ou• 111deri era ha11by Informed lhtl all dwell Ines advertised In this 11twspaper ere 1v1ll1blt on an •qu•I Opptlflunily bills 400 ANIMALS RESCUiD WHH HO OWNERS MOHEY OOMTlQNS HUMANfSOCllTY C/OPAWS 240 E HIGHlANO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 _cm ____ 3&_10 Lob/AallGI To compl1ln ol dis crlm1111tlon, eel HOO IOll ~ .. •l 1·800-424 8590 1413 Help W•t8' n-.a- efvlftt Oey Thun Nov 21th, NP8 •ret ]pm to tpptO~ 7 8 ()()pm $50/llf to prepart1 Thankllfvine dlnne1. rn•sh•d pol• tou, swaatpotalou, peas .. or1ons. slufllne In l urhy. Cravy, C11 ve Tu1ll1y I will he~e the lu1hy In the oven 11 10.00.m 9"9 833 ~I. business I . Gtnlflt Afii1GlllCll'Mflll 1110 OUC«HASC* Prht .. e hdt .._, .... O.C. 1C1t>f oa I/hf from Htwporl 8Ndl heel· i...t hurillna 1dfM:tt1t to 1telt •1lw1owf relur, ... ~iplflt.fffl !IPf"O• 37$ ICIH of htfl4 & lll\ClfOftll'lt!llS • YOllf o•ll Clfll4J c0tn90Vnd w/1lr11ct1111 end 2 tttl*a W~tut f!tl rilaht HO'• J wlt11 t11t111a durln1 ~11tll 1 .. IOft • 111tny uttul .... lot 2 tfltftdl Of ltllltf & ton C.11 Mal• •I JlO 541 0854 •CJ• o-,.,. s. .. Warad 4740 c:or..,.,., ~ bnllr --------P1r11an lultens Red, fort-1Mll al 'iflots ~21-.se1s US<Ul t 11 Life's Uncertalntiu Happen• Pet Owners N11ed Help Well M•Mered Adult C1b & Older Dot' need new homes. Adopt Adult Anlrnals this Xmul 30 day return Polley. www.1nln11lnetwork ora -AUOlUH MOMIY • .--,. HMp 1'101111, T uu1kty Vef\dirc lvil nan. ru1111"""wt rime a. r ne 111lo1111atlon f49!IQ. ln"'lmtnt IOO 3Y 3722 (CAL •SCflH) COlORAOO LANO SALL 157 aetu S49,900 Appr elMd a I $64. 900 Rur1I R•nch. private 8tlewty Natl 6000 IUt nc 1111, yr round •Ccass lei/alee C .cal lent Fln1ncin1 Cell loll f1t1 800 696 6263 (CAL •scAN) HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 6400 COUNTY OtlM IAl-SUN 1-S I I 10 <-'ry C1lllt NIW ON THI •AUnl *" V«~ !IOI 2.51>1 ramod hou-.. new Ille/ ctf.,.t/wlndow1, .,pl'a, peint iri ldt J out. Z '•· .,1 f1m flt pun OVlf lllff N..ll1d '6111.000 Jim & l .. ht fnl T .. m ........ e.:11 1J.4J41 JCa IAIH•I c.. .. •-o.t.a e...._, -4, .................. ....... ,,i.e ..... J70S,OOO 714-•H·.llH Index -.-~-"'~ I I' 4 I ;· ~ . ~ l .-lo.. l lmkr 1h c Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck •1 T --.- : I ~; . ~ . , . I & For OnJy $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 «>..-...., .. s-. 12-4 Newport l1lend Saytront w/prlot• boat docli.. Unsurpassed qualHyl Tol1I remodel m '99/00 21H '/4 /rb• • ucepllonal den 3812 Channel Pie $2,07!>.000 Act David 714 812 5668 UtctnNO WATta VllW Ml U4e Peril Dr UI G••C ll\I W/24HR SEC 2BR 2 ~SA$ I .2!>0.000 Lido Parll RHlly Mary Lou Ktehler 949 61!1·2700 ()pen Sal Si1n 11~ 515 W 8'1 A .. Oonl I .. to bene- 0: ~~~7 Ntwpoft Coast STUOA 21 ~ ~ 3bl dwn mstr. 3,!ba l500sf. flytf·Virlutl TOUI rplOc.com $1,670,000 Act/Owner 949-637 ·0JCIO RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE SELL your stuff throueb classified! RESORT/ VAr.ATION PROPERTY FORSAI.£ Maaraln '"""' -1 ·800-Cherllyl Oon1t1 your vehrcle direclly lo the orlcinel, nellonelly acclaimed Charity Cara IOOS ch111ty not a usetf car duler /lund 111ser I 800 cha11ly ( l 800 2 •2 7 489 ) WWW 800char1lyetn Ofl (CAL •SCAN) MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS Rental To Shn 6030 Bii.boa Peninsula 31r 210 +Office Yeetly avail IVI~ ujlilalrJ U111t. 11". f p $?000m • ultls 949-Zh31l8 949 ~ 1866 Corona del Mar Cle11t & Ne•I 408 HeflOlrope (f tonl Cal lace). COM. 2bd. lb1, new 1i.1tchen & bell\. fp. lvd•d ih 1n LR l/t lal, Shated W,l'O 949 633 0400 l SIDI 91111t lt..it•, I br vaulled c t1I•. \kyllahl\, nsw ~lave, Irie. ~lalfl s hoV11er, urpet Pvt pallo. '"•red yard, VIUnl SIJOO IS-47 O.en1e 71• 624 7~ l SIDI CHAaMING, like new 7br I Sha lown houJ>t 'lyle 2!>22 Elden $1375/mo 9"9 642 5488 Mwltl~21tr. llte, ha•dwaod floo•S new WWldowVapl. Pfll&!l w/d, pvt )'lfd. $l400m Sl400riec nail Dec. 949 447 73!!0 Jbf I 58• u shlde houw w/d 1n hMt, d/w, fric. r P. I c car. baclo.y1rd, $1800m. pets $1!) 111111 mo (9"9) 378·3606 llr Af»t. I V.ot Old, utll'~ & \•lellll~ IV 11•1<1. W/O. nel\r Hoa11 llt"P SIJOO/nt0 94~ 6.11 4~ W u 1dlff 1 I rp ?M }IJ• condo Up,1111~. lMl>utl 1256 Rull•nd $lJ'>01mo * 11 • 8.l2 11f.M> • ,.. '"'-new tJJOlt/<•llCI. Ii;;• fliY•'ll• 00dly.1ul. I/? '*"lo, l>1 ••""'" R)ti-.1 911 Sl!Wt11•1 'l4'1118 fn. ..all lJ<olwtow1 1\1111 ... '"' tdy SSOO off let ,,_ lb 11><1 1w NP I*' '~'"' t .. ""111& IC. r.-.tu.•.11•h 111. I < p -2llA q~ .. nb w1I $1Rl}'+\'ll'llll!Jl new~ ~. -lj, ctw no JJM. pM, tJf h. $1'/()n """ Now~() 3br, 21/*, I 8"f, I ""P'•I \4ll 1 ... t ,,..., "11111 ,...,..,,., •• lbr lb1 1111tn IC. opt i wo1<hllnc u l lrrepl•c~ sh1ten w Cl JJ.,;(}1m11 714 AD "illlU hkups I ,., 1a1 aK• A~I SIS00/M0949 29J 4&JO I Sl4e C.•fl Ma .. 'htt• townhouH, mstr sutte w/b1 Comm pooV 51>;a, 11ted Gar•re $750/ mo 949 642 !i620 YlUlY llASU .... NIWPO«'f MOMIS Kl GllUHDY UAl.TOllS Me,.la AP'l•I lovely t4M7W1'1 Gated Comm neer T 111ncle Sc1uara, ?br Iba w/rar & lr11. $1095. lt>r lb• w/p1Uo, C:llj)OI I, slo1110 '81!i walll, hltt paid. Kltln ~'*11 m ~ £~• 9'llX> Mt/O<-View •- Ocnnfronl/2211d. Pr1 Vilt rm, unfu1n, share be, ullls p•ld, n/smk. kitchenette. l11dry, lblk to Hawporl pier. UJOm . "•..,.... st.er .. 2br 2b• newer c:arpel, pail & tile 2 G IUldem Cir, Wdhk· ups. •&f 949·293·4630 C1ll Sam 949 278 7905 ------ UDO ISU STUDIO L"' &•closet a. bath. sunny upo,ure. SIOOOm Aal 949 675·6161 (between 9•m·5pm). Nawpllll 8Hch roorn av1ll, close to be1eh. Perfect IOI surftr/1(11111 $850/mo 9'9·548-6353 ==-N" 24 hr s tor111. 400 •1 GOOst unib Mey store vechicltS, lows rtl• Cll ~ 9&86.).1.JI) • Stw.te ltt.a4ie/-•IH ' ucure. any •teen , WOtlld t.Ult bolt, llV, tulo, m11..-y Of ott.r I kSIMIJ (Mi) m l5SJ t ' I t ~.llici,unrurrillhtd ' w/d, ttOYt, 1t11. Av11i/ Jen l. Y11tly 11•11. 9626 793 36959 t A_.._ 1's 1• N Oii. t ~ w/d, "" mbo, tVw, f f'lll O~dldl,~ $1~~~ ........, c..,.. 2.-8', ·~ .... "*" a Ilda. mslr wnncf fP, Wlft1 .... 'f'ld. .... szm..n M••es1 ' The Classified Advertising Department wi JI be closed on Thursday. November 27rh & Friday, November 28th, 2003. We will re-open on Mo nday, December lsc ar 8:30 a.m. lf you'd like an ad to appear in the newspaper from Thursday, November 27th rhru Monday, December l sc, you musr call by 3 p.rn. on Wcdnc day, November 26ch. 2003 . HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 949.642.5678 Dail' ~ Pilot ' '-------''----"---;:._ ___________ ._. __ '-'-..... ----~.;....-.;....;;,,.-.,._....,. ............. __ ......... ____ .......... '-"~--"~~....:.-~~~---~-----------I I . TODAY'S I Bridge . __ c_R_Q_s_s_w_o_R_o_r_u_z_z_L_E___,. ~~ end TANNAH HIRSCH Jw JIHI ........ 1111 .. 1 area, newly refurbllhtd ~ ~a• I~', wd hilupa, S2300/nio 949 1S9 0814 ... ........, h'-4 .. ,_ fr-• Jual c~lettfy •• ~ ?br l'/..ti. Hice So ,...,.. palJO $?SOD/mo w/dlocA ••• lcr ..clef I• 6 mo i.n... Oav•IAlt /14 St:l!l668 Jbr 7b1 upp1r loel b1yfrunt unit per1od style sit ~u I c. cat ..... lllOO 949 293 4631 TtOUsAbout YOUR GWGESAJ.£1 In CLASSIFIED {949)642-5678 NO Cehlo111l1 lew •• qu••t. that conltec: IOI\ tall111J jObs lhtl total ~ a< mot• (labot or mat•lllls) be lic111"9d by tllt Conlraclors State l icense 8oatd Stal• ... Ibo ••C!Ulr• that cont11ctou Inc~ ,,_ 1oe:-,,.,..,.,_ on •• ~Ulll1c YOll CAii <heck the sletut of 10111 tltennd con tratlo r •t •WW CJlb Cl IO• or 800 321 CSL8. Unit un1t4 conlrtttOf• Id.Ina 1o•s 11111 tol•t I.as then $500 mu,t stilt In lhelf 1dvtfllstmenla lh•t they •re not licensed by IM Contreclor• Stet• I~ 8-d • A-l HANDYMAN lnslall, 111tau cabll\eb -~ ...-q. DDU1 71~7'1!-A Clrplt Claling --- llH .\ r llr 'A ( 1 11rl r 11 tn1110 S1·r" ,, r .. .----.. .,. YOWHOMf IM'90YllllNT PIOJl<T' SOlrrtt •AK 5 AOJ Ai32 • 165 The l>idding wi-.sr ,.:oltTlJ £.~• l ,_ ,_ .... ,_ ..... ()pell.IQ' le.ld. J.1d; ol F.LllnCI. .an: a J'IR-Ciow. ~Ull.lllllxlily. Make <Ult' Jou uo,c lhcm lo heil lllfY11111tc y wmnint• thr Ind 11 lhc npu 11me. Soulh Wil\ .ibk to land the ¥111Tie Tlle'1lw_,.- Avt.i-.. 'H.JOOM Alit.o ...... a>, ,.,_~ ('99:77!>) $12.900 111 A«.,./ "'" SIVCrey, Custom Whb, co. 2.6fl ml <116527) Sil 90C> 'ff Sl-SOO S,,00 t Piii/ AMC Bole. Mull1C0.2Tops <107291) ll9 900 'H C710 Wllt/l•n, Auto, moQn, Nice Car (099216} $14,900 'O:JGr-..IMISI Aul""-'(; CO RMI Spit (?6341/) $10,900 ····-' 1m1ltd. I otdt!d, $Jle P11ud (09417 J) Sl6.'l00 ·ooauoo Witt,, 1 an f>l•llnum s.,,., luw Ml Ct> (099216) S2S 900 'ff OS'°'1 BllVlan, CO Nallt Audio. loaded (046903) $21 900 "''""'°~ loCI of the lone. Bo~ co va • ll (444967) $19.900 "'••-.P ••...,•.o HSI Auto 4WO Multi CO loecled (J?61ll6) $14 900 ~ ... Catwe S06o mt blllf'lk llhr blll u11I••• roof, B11ae CO. '"' fn1 'llun whts aold Piia. booh/record' like n1w $1199!) vSS7281 81ir t49 St1-1aaa www. f.c- ElldncalSeMca SMAU JOI IXPP T local, Qul<ll Rupon\9 tlom.. Yard &. Dock l IKI :.> "" 1., DlnArn CllcW I lfl1':NO 9&«0-10l1 AU. TYftS C. EUC'TRIClt flXl\RS NSl~ &. IE"MIU> LCl511'!18? Mt.-S-7 ... I .I.(. fl.mlc low Pl'l<AI toc.i ~. no ~ IDo lmll. no ~ D> -. lteh 141011 ~ UC.lo.alo;Q (714)142-1410 UCINSID <OMTU<Toa ND ~ too 1111 M _.. "tP•• · ttlllOIW, ''"''· ---IYC~ OIJlOM OIATM TU ~ ....... ,.. ..... __ .......... ,.,, COSTAMUA llNCOUI MllCUaY WU.....~ nn c.rtifild, 6yrs. 79' ml, W.nftty.-ool lulpo-., .,... " dwp (J)7939) $26. 97S 'l>t a.-.u 'Cl\I ol the lllw' f4XW1 ,...,_°°'· dlt0fl1". ~oom frail (ll07lli4) SZ3 ~ ........ .......,..,. 1 oCI of lh• line w/Na¥ipllon 'Y'lttn, dual scretn enter larnmenl. loaded (.142024) 24.98!> 1>r u-•u SpcH(f't.1 W/ITIOOflfOOI, CO lo•deil (60!>391 ) S II 850 'Or u..-t. S's r .- Cer Cartlf.cl. 6 ,r• !';.. "" w ..... ty moontout co (671059) Jl9.985 'O I Utt<e4o Cen.H-~ Moofftool. co ~ p (6119n) $19175 'IUu...llo.......,_ 4Jt4 fop of lhl 111111 ultl mat.I I*&. IM>. Nav s~. Mootvool. loaded " lonc:oln Certilild 1ro663> 541e 714-J.eO. S6» conu.m lllCOUI lllOIY c .... ~, 't• •-•• l arlo 2df coupe. V6, lOll •<lu•I mi. solv.,/1reen n1elalhc CO. b4taut1lul Ith new cond S6995 v8n491 Bllt 949 !1116 11181 -·· .. - l.IMY ........... ld RecrCMrtkl & lnstall•tloft nlC DEAN 949 IS73 8065 11~ 71..al-21XJ1 ---~ -- D 11 ,,1, "· • ' ' I '" rll\llllll • """'"' I\ RI ~IOl>l t INf. PHILW' AUTO 'HMW6nlS !J6ll ml (1M10) Sl6,910 -....,_v...,_ l'CA$ 37k"" (19812) '27.980 ... '""a....\ .. A Slut (198081) $9,990 •ltuw lUOO Slfv• low '"' (ltull} $17,980 'HM--"nCISOO 49" mi (197~1) $49.980 .... ~,,. o.MI, pt1C41d to .... (19842) $23,980 'fS • .,,.._ UOO Wlllle, 644' ml (19836) 2!>.980 "f7 M ... c ... SU10 ........ Gmt (19159) $28.980 N •-;::r;.:uoo Whit• (19020) $21,!lllO '91 SAAi HOS C-- 6~ 1111 (Jt8S2) $12,980 'ffV.a:-,,._ ... ,r. (19728) $9,980 Nt-S74-77n PlllfSAUTO ,, .. dtc• CO.Vm l 'HCPl Auto, IC, ttl power. white/red lnltt, buu, runs •llOflf $7500 obo 949·2'4·332• ,.,., ·•s ••••••• Converltlll•, 01111n1l owner, aolkl '", mllt .. Sl8Sl> cilD •m-29C1 c.11 e 11tumbff. p1lntllf, handyrn1n, Of e111 ol thf p .. t &«VKel htlM W8 Ill --YIC.• tfweclOJtl Tl« SE LOCAL SVC Ullll.20W jaff 114 612 9961 EecMcll ..... MAN Tiii MMeYllMI --------. All"'" '""'"'Md ,..,_, lllldnl:.l4. Ogen, PE<WlC CAH HUP YOU TOOAVI I •I\! \f I '! I HI , ,1f1,",h1 I •tJl' I , T" • t , ·=··• O o 'ft4'itrdedw!e• fNill esp ....... I "I fl I '" ' • ,L' ., ,, 1 ['•,I '. •. rT• " ......... -cow ... ~ ... , lll•d.,u" ·~ Ct••to..I '---Xlt'ff "'ltue, fan IV,..1 Ol'COllllltd ...... lql ... er-. t11t I l 2'0 MDI Sell ,.....,.,. ... fled. tan G(tal O.el MactOIS CH O '02 8txk. lllKlo llVtln Otscountff MERC£0U £320 '01 . ai.c~.81.n IVS451 OtKounted M£RCl0£S E320w• '99 GrHft. Ian IV4Sll CreatO..I MERCEDES MIS5 '00 Siht«. blact. 13869 Gfeal Deal MERCE0£S S500 '95 Wltite, len 13650 Discounted ... CIDU StSOO '00 Wh•te, lln 1C1.110 Must Sell MUtl <OCW0'0 2 Blue, I'•~ #0962 Mutt Sell C Ml Cwrw• 't t lllue, llf•Y t\'6049 Musi SeH Qvale M1nau1I '01 su~ .... bltu •V0139 OoscO\lnllCI FORD TEMPO '90 S750 714-957-0705 OM< S•rMrk" lSI 2500 4wd, 70li + mi. 10lcl/l1n 11111 1tba sael, sup•• b or11 'ond Sl•.99S vSSZ461 Bllr .. t-su.-1au www • .,...1.c- 0,41114 •oo ••..-u 3311 metallic solver blue arey llllr fully loack>d 1111• new cond Sl0.495 ~ Bkr 9$5116-llfti www.Npobl.c•M H-49 ''1 Au..-d ?cir couCHS l X, Y·tec ename. 6911 bl1C11/1re1 llhr •nrl. buut1lul unmarked COfld, 1•• •aed. non smlu $8495 d 0126751 Bk1 95Sltlll -oQJIO.am WV~Mtw ntna.> sueo 'IOO...C-. Lown (111151) a.JUIO .,,....,.,,, ,_ Slln1.~1111 <llQO isu•o .,,j......,,. .... u zo l~WllMl9au (197'90) 111.llO W ....... U# WM•. Vt1"1N1<.t (19713>) W.9'0 ,,,,_,.,.,... or Bladl. 2Jlk ,.,. (19163) "6 9flO "00 ..,_XU C- 81act., 1811 ml 08818) 4J 980 'Ol lAA6f~S Red 22111114 0 9869) $25.980 1>1MWHSO lted. °'11t .. "" (19826) $29.!l80 'Ot•MWl •M Sport S1lvet (19849) $37,!l80 '"'""~ .. Ar.lHI (198081) ~ 9llO ..... 574-7177 Plll1fS AUTO ;trlj1•<9 J...-'00 s ,.,,. s.o v&. 3!* mr, full l•cl ,,..,r( sifver/otlme1l lthr, mnr • to, men•Ot1 Pkl. butlt hk• new unmarked cond $2399!1 vi 762262 8kr 949 !>86-1888 -~··<-J...., 'O I XJI t~ •I, futJ fectory wtrr, blll/bltl Ith<, nav11t1ton chrm whls, loolls new. smalls new. lentutlc v1lue. S37 .995 v4578l9 Bkr 949_5 ... , ... --··~···­J-r-'94 XJ• V--'- Plas metalh< red l•n lthr, buulolul ur 111n•I tond. must ut to appreciate 'dra&rd, non s mkr um v102571 B-· 949 ~ 1888 ..._.eqtoltl.c- "Employee. ,, "Empkado. ,, "Arbeitnehmer. '' "Employe." .._.~., Wkly/Bl-wkty/Monlhty A.r1 ar .. t flltal 1 Ml 9&54M2BS 9&27MllJ'I ........ P. UC NOTICE Th• Cellf f>u•11c Ulolltln C""'"'~" req""" th•t oll Ill.cl htuuhold (OOtfS monn r~tnt lhflt I' U .c. Ca r nvmbet. hm<>' aod ch•uffeura prlllt theli 1.t .1'. numbtf In •II tdYlff• l/~ntll. If 'JOU hwe any ~'Uon• 11boul th lf'&•Uty ot • AUIMM'OO 8111Ck, W/lf•'J lllt., •Y0802 o.~cwn1., lllAW )Hht•tt Black, tan mitt IY9'J71 ..,..., s.a IMWS18''tl ll1011tz. ten 111ttt ~'1 Mvsl Sell IMWJ Hle'OO i C1Mj\, ten 11\ltf IWS61 °'"°""'-' BMW SlOf '01 While, ... n 12466 Mus\S.. BMWS4o.119 Blue, &iey 1n\ec IV1 l 11 Muit Sell BMW 74()11 '00 81onze/t111 '9 l ~ OoscOl&Rtecl IMW 7401e 'OO 8h1ct., tan lnttf IV!Ml!I 01scou11ted BMW 140ll '01 Blut/CftY 12M3 Musts.. IMW740ll'OI S1lvtt &l•Y IV860!> Creal Buy BMW I.oil 'Ol White, if•Y 13951 Creal Buy , .... , ..... ·02 Blatt., Cl•Y t V4367 Creal Bur Herl•y o.., , ... ''2 Red, black IV8109 Discounted MMSO.S'1S ~ '00lS110 V•, l lk actu1I mi, ch•r;n- ~/&llY ltllf, mnrf. CO, chrome wltls. sup«ll u • new CCllld llu0111tit. •ooks. recC>fds, Sl9i995 '°461129 a.;, 9'9·!)86. 888 --~··- MERCEDES BHZ 'Ol SLSOO lo1ded sllv1t, SpcHts i*C NM; •his, 9K ml, 1110w1m cond. 302 hp $52. 750 714 969 1187 Mere•"•• '96 C210 8nuhlul bah;k/crum lull)' lnartlHI,,.. showroom ivoul ~ 114 ?$1"?464 M•rc•dH '95 lS20 ........ ., "00 4.0 Sl l6k 1ctua1 ml, fun fac.I warr, blll/c.,m•I lthr, 11Mut1M I•• new 1 cond Musi ttt to, 41W .... S2l9'l5 -017& BM 949-SIG-l• WWW q,dl- •...-•••"' 'tS •.O SE i!Ok+rnl, bl1cklt111 lthr , sup•rb cond throuclll, boob, rteOf'tb $10,99S "°'5829.., 9& $86 -1811 -.~.<- T_,,.. •ts Gl wtofte, loeded, ell options, immaculal• $2500 714-751-2464 T~ 't 7 <__.. Dll 60t. + m1. auto, pw, pl, Cl UI,.' wlllt•/111'•1 Int. supe<b $4995 vlS7829 Ilk• 949-S86-\181 --. ..-•.c.. fOYOU Ml2 't1 white. ow"er s111t1 '92, r•1 rna1nten111ce, musl '"to ewreciatt $3800 fbo 949 322-5292 '69Veli•...-ltt•, r.n, New molOf, runs 111eaU $3200obo •11• 458-061 2• AUTOMOBUS. MISC81MEOUS Wlllfld IMS AUTOS WANTED BOATS SUPS/ fl100RJHGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Blach/blh beaul. •II opt, rsft IOAT SUP, Sublet ._ nl(l't new ITllfOI" 1 "-· • .._ ....., fl. SVC $10250 714 751 2464 OI .-. •-•.,._,per on XMAS IOAT PMADI llOUTl~ NOllAmR HOW YOU SAY }!1 • CLASSIFIED CM AND IT. PUCfSI f'WMllNO Rtpalrs &. R1modelln& fRLE tSTIMAlt lt611739811•·969·1090 ., 0 .. f. t • 0 '11 &illo:)iliiiiliRt'fi~ HOUDAY Hfl.P Hc>111e lo "•\) 0.C:Of Tt• Tr1111 """" ,._ M.llt0Yt1•. llleppona .... ~, l270 -· , -TAKE A lEST-DRM TODAY. 48 month lease based on $399 per mo + tax w/$500 customer cash • down. 12K miles per year. 15¢ per mile excess wear & tear.; Ori'·8pprc)Yad credit, Excludes govemment fees and taxes any dealer· documentation preparation charge and any emission testing. ch811J•~ ~ ":! ":.' j TUSTIN ~:111 ·888·297·5074· i MAZDA 5 Auto Center Drive • Tustin A~ Cell~r . : www.hlstlnmascla.com • masclau .. .:c•-~ ?: OI ... YEAR LOW Ull FINANCINO. BUSINESS MUST BB IN YELLOW PAOES AND PROVIDE BUSINESS CARD FOR EUOIBIUTY OF S 100 1 At This Savings (J-07444) ·END EVENT .......... •to,a • ••••• ~~!~!!;.~~.~~!. .......................................................................................................................................... -.................................... _ ........ _ ..... -............ • t ••••• ~~~~~~~!';>.!,~~~~!~v~:y~t.~.~ .. ~~.~ ............................................. -.................................. _ ............................................... -..................................... • 8 I •• 0 g~fa.'?~uPo. ~~!~!!:.<!~~~Power a.et, LoecMd, Like New, a.ve ............ _ ............... _ .............................. -.......................... .._ .................. .' ... _ .............................. • f 8 I • 8 ~~f>~2.~~l~<;!,O~~~ LAether, Undw 1'.ctory Werr ........................... -......... , ..... : ..................... --:" ....... : ................................................................................ I ••• ~,..~!i>2~.P.!'..~~:~~~~ Moon .. oof ....................................................... _.._ ......................................................... -..................................................................... ~ ............. • t ••••• ~~~~~!nyi-~!!'~~~!!, '-.!t. With Lumber~ ...................................................................................................................................................... • t 7 I ••• ~~!~~0..!-.. ~ .J:!!~~.!?F~I ~ ............................................................................................................................ : ....................................... -...... -............................... t I. 0 0 ~ao';!~~~~·~~ ~~.~~'!..,Entertainment ayet. ............................... -. .................................................................. -........... _ ............... -................ -............ 4 I• ~.,!-~~~K~L .. ~P~~!!~~:~Chn>me WMe1e. Cllrnete Controt ...... 9f*'P ............................................................................................... '" ............................ • • I. ~~~~L~ ~! ~<!!= ~~Z'J!!!!,~~:. etwomee • Unooen ~ ~•.ooo MMe W.••"'t .................................. -....................... -.................... •• t I• ROGER,S 0FFERS THE FRESHES1i WREATHS Roger\ G.1rdcns offers a wonderful .. elecr1un t>f the freshest wreaths, gar- lanJ., .ind -,wags for all of your holiday deu>r.Hmg needs. Choose from mag· n,1li,1, eucalyptus, laurel, boxw<X'Xi or rraJ1t1onal Wreaths which are rcfriger- '' tcd on site to ensure freshn~ throughout the holiday season. Elegant creations from ou1 11\\·n dt''>ll.!11 te.1m. V1.,1c u.., w ~ee our complete l!clection ol lrt·..,h & ... itk '''fc.nh .... ga rl.m<.i.., nnd more! C ustom J~ign.., .trl· ,,, .ul.1hlc. . . . . R OGER'~ GARDE NS Come uud experience Roger's Gardens, with over 5 acres of holiday enchantment. :\, \1111 h·i.:m 11• J'll'J'•Hl' tor rlw h ol1Jays and relive tr hl111"" \\llh l11t·mh ,'\nJ t.1111tl y. know that Roger\. ( •.ir1lt·11, "lwrt· "' lwl1 ' \1111l1·l1·hrate the :ieason. In tl w 1w .. 1)L'.tr,11ur h11)111i.: tL'.llll h,1.., tr.1vdcd the world to lirmg yrn1 tlw fr m·,t lt1ll,·1111111 111 unique .md t UStom dt·,1g1wd hul1d.1\ 1k·u1r,1t1111h .11111 g1h .... t 'oul'll'd \\ilh ~in t \I rt'llll' h I. 1111wll'dgt'.1hk ''"It .llld ..,tnk mgl) e~qu 1,lt'e d1:i· l'l.1v..,, \ull .in.· ... ltrl' tll ht• lll'l'lrt·\I tll trc,tte thl' m1ht \\on - druu" anJ 1oy1>t1' .Hille i...phcrc for your homl' t 'IH:l k your 1i.,1 .md t hl'l k 11 t \\'ll l" lxx..1usc Santa arrive., t hb \\\'l'l-rnd Rnni.: the kid -. ~.11wd.ty' and Sundays fmm 12 pm rn 5 rm P1t tun.'..., \\ 1 ch S.1111,1 .ire available for e nominal fee. ROGER'S A GARDENS Your Holiday ExPerts For Over 25 Years! .. SCHALLER Thesr hanJm,1Jt' gilt umramt•ri. .irt• .1 unw humm:J tcmlition anJ h<lH' ht:en 1.r.1heJ b)' tlw Sd1:illt·r t.111111 • for over 100 ycarl>. ftt'tn\ flit turd me Roger\ l'\dlNt'C\ From left to nght, Black Belted San ca $ 70, St rip• Santa--$98, Black Buttoned anta $9t\. Vintage scyled ornamen~ in'r1reJ h\ 111rn of the century decor were.-1. rt-.11t·J h " R<>&er's Gnrderu own Cream c P1rn 111r. Erle Cortina. cxdu l\•ety for Ro~er\ Gardens. 'Nutcracker'--$ 3l". Tt1kc OM Santa'-$60 Nwembn 28, 2003 ll:OO pm to 4:00 pm STEINBACH A holiJay tmJ1rrnn, our l ~l rm.m n111, r.1l l..,·r, Ir• •Ill "'' 111l 1.1l Ii 111.11..l' wonderful acct'nt' '-. \1r "1, 111b.1l. h nut, r.1h•r, "·" l I ·l l n I'''' '" 111' )lgrieJ by lh:rr ...,r,·inh.1lh h111N·lt Fl.lfllrl',f IH "hq,h.1r.l.1'17'1 Tr,,11 \Y.'ooJ Cl.lt hcrl'r, $1 I ~, .111ll l~n:\\ 111.1,ll r. 'f. 2 .\.1 I 1 hl''l' h .mJt r.1fi t·d American carolers renew tra- tl 1111 m' ut lwlt"I"', ra ... t. 'Santa w/ Milk & Cookie:-' 1'11 I. 'Cook it' Vt'ndor'-$71, 'Boy \\/ Cookil•' 'i-5'1. 'Girl w/ Cookie'-$55 Byer's Choice Event Mert Kristina Kase Nowmber 28, 2003 11:00 am to 3:00 pm I BARTHELMESS '"PERMANENT TREES 9J:l'lm41~·1n t11in of ~rmanent trees includes the ~~~1~ht·'r qu.tl1ry cree, a \'anarion of sizes and · 11111,t re .1li,tK silht)Uettes. Our trees· r.mg1: 111 ,1:e trom f1vt' w twelve foc t tall. f'..11.h Ranhl'lmci.11 tree has a 25 year war· ~, .. ,._.,,. __ ---nt\ w1d1 ·' rwo season warranty on l1ghr:-. Price' range from $145 to .2 4). -, CHRISTOPHER RADKO 1 l111-111rlw1 l\.i.lk.1\ Ji, ,f,,f.,, 1.1Hl0111p t.!1fm.uc 1s a delightful way to ,,11" 111111lt ,,, 1i, li,l 1\ ,klPl.11111!.! h·aturcJ an~ North Pole Dt·p.1rnm "nll\\l-!lulw. ?> 121.'. 'nowman Tummy Snowglobe, $39; A Chn .. rma' Carol Cookie Jar, i> I ~5 •