HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-29 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. ., Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2003 S.hoppers flock early South Coast Plaza and Fashion Island expect big numbers this holiday season. A.tlcla Robinson Daily Pilot Local retail giants Fashion ls1and and South Coast Plaza are expecting big sales this year, and they kicked off a holiday shopping frenzy in the wee hours on Friday. At South Coast Pla7.a, some stores openec..I at 6 a.m., an hour earlier than last year, and cmtomers began arriv- ing at 4:30 a.m .. said Debra Gunn Downing. I.he shopping ccnter'1> executive director of markt>ting. It was a similar scenario at Fashion Island, where i.ome 200 customers awa11ed the 6 a m opemng of the Robin- son's May department store, Fashion Island Marketing Di- rector Shayne Voorheis said. "'Tllis is probably going to be one of the strongest holi- day 1>easons we've had in wv- eral years,· \he sa.id. While officials at neither shoppmg center could pro- VJde figures, Downing pre- dicted South Coast Plaza would see the best holiday sales It has seen in the past five years. "We've seen a lot of indica- tors that it'll be a really strong holiday season: Downing saJd. "We've seen double- diglt gains In our monthly !tales figures for several months running." Boasting a low unemploy·. ment rate and a hJgh median income, Orange County has been largely Insulated from the economic woes of the re<>t of California and the country. MARK C DUSTIN I DAJLY PILOT Shoppers pack South Coast Plaz-a the l. 3y after Thanksgiving. The mall opened at 6 a.m., but some shoppers were wartmg outside at 4:30 a.m., a spokeswoman said. Fashion Island and SoutJ1 Coast Pla7..a are near full oc· cupancy and each have had several new stores open this year. "If there is a vacancy, 11's actually under coni.truction." Voorheis <iaid of fashion Ii;- land, where new stores ln· elude Pampdlina, I.he only U.S. store for this European children's appa.rel retailer; Forever 2 1. a trendy boutique for young women; and Indigo Palms. U1e Or!.t casual cloth- ing ~concept store• opened by men's and women's cloth- ier Tommy Rahama. Sales levels at many of I.he lhain storei. at South Coast Pla7.a, such as Crate & Banet and Banana Republic. malce the top five within their chains, Downing said. Among the newesr stores ar South Coast Plaza are de- siE,'Tler apparel store Roberto OIV'.tlli. fine jewelry retailer Temple St. Oair. and elec- tronics outlet Sony Style. Vanous store managers at each shopping cen1er !>aid shoppers aren't afraid to buy this year and they're drop- ping serio\J.\ cai.h for luxury items. At Venlgo. a French women's clot.hing store m Sout11 Coa.\t Pla7.a, customcrc; are snapping up leather and fur jackets, such~ one with a fox fur coUa.r and rabbit fur Lining for $2,800. store man ager Jessica rebles said Vertigo opened three See SHOPPERS, Pa&e A4 All but o ne Goetz home will stand Th e Newport City Council creates a 5% rule that exempts n early three dozen hom es that exceed zoning heigh t limits. June CaH&r•nde DailyPrlot NEWPORT BEACH -Nearly three dozen homes 1.hat 'lllghtly exceed zoning height limits be- cause architect Andrew Goetz submitted incorrect plans will be allowed to stand as is, But builders of one home won't be as lucky. The City Council on Tuesday approved a wspecial circum- stances variance" for most ell· ents of I.he archi1ect who was arrested In October on forgery and fraud charges. City officials charge t.ha r Goetz submitted wrong survey data I.hat allowed him to design homes sJightJy taller t.han zoning codes allow. After the arrest,· the city is- sued an emergency stop-work order on six Goetz-designed homes under construction. In the Interim, they considered what could be done to help the homeowners and also surveyed about 26 other Goetz-designed homes that were already com- pleted. The solution city officials came up with was a 5% rule: al· lowing Goetz's clients to com· plete work on their hom es as long as they are no more than 5% higher than zon ing codes would normally allow. Of the six houses u nder con- struction, five m et the 5% crlte· ria. A home now under con- struction at 202 Fernleaf Ave. does not An an omey for homeowners Susan and James I tart said that the family was willing to redes\gn the three- story the home to within 5% of the 1onlng guidelines, but ar gued that to comply with the stricter 1onlng guidelines would mean a ubstanttal and expensive redesign of the home. •All we're asking is to be in- cluded in the 5% de minlmls rule,• said Biil llart, an attorney representing his brother and sister-In-law. Neighbors of the Fernleaf Av- enue property pleaded wtth city officlaJs to enforce the stricter design guidelines. wit's wrong for the city to al- low someone to Illegally profit SM HOMES, Pa1e M Pastor at St. Joachim to be reassigned After a six-m onth sabba tical, the Rev. Joseph Robillard will serve at another O.C. Catho lic church . Marisa O'Neil and Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSlA MJ:SA -The Rev Jo seph Robillard. who came un der fire from :.ome parishioner-. al St. Joachim Catholic Olurch, will be reassi~ned 10 anot.her pamh after a six·mont.h sab baticaJ. Robillard, pastor at 51. Joa· chim for <:.ix years, firM an nounced the change to parish toners dunng Mass and m the church buUetm earlier t.hh mont.h, saying he wiU leave Dec. 31. The re~1gnment was a "mutual decision" by RobUlard and Bishop Tod Brown and wilJ come when he returns from his sabbaucaJ in Rome. Robillard told the Dally Piiot this week. "It's kind of Like a divorce you don't want. separaung from a lot of people you care about," Robillard said of the decision. "I laughed with them. cried wnh I.hem, baptl1ed their babies. buried I.heir loved ones. I asked for time off to go to on sabbati- caJ before, I.hen the bIShop said he would move me.· In Rome, Robillard said, he PUBLIC SAFETY will :.tudy Liturgy and Scripture. I le c;aid he will remain in Orange County. but does not know 111 what parish "I have every expectation that the sabbatical wtU be a very fruitful and beneficial time for Father Joe, and we look forward to having him back in the Dio· cese of Orange after he finishes tu" sabbatical," said Jaime Soto, Aux1hary Bishop for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. About 80 Launa parishioners -.1.1ged a protest against Robil- 1.ud in September. claiming rhat he was dl1.criminating Jg<llmt rhem and that he was 1101 available lo di'lcuss their toncern'> Rob11Jard called their accu..auons .. a bunch oflies." "We never asked to move him,· '>rud Lucidia Rosalei., who helped organize the protest. "The only thing we were trying to do was have communica- tio n." St Joachim, one of two Catholic churches m Costa Me-;a, serves a large number of Latinos in the community Soto attended a mt'eling St. loal'him lasr month to hear concerns from the dil.grunlled pari&hioner& and try to resolve the conflict at the chun:h. Other member'> of the church held a prayer V1g1I I.he next week 10 show their support for Robil- lard. Pansh1oner Heg111J Lu11.,w1 See PASTOR, Pa&e A4 Shooting stuns a neighborhood Police are lookin g fo r two men who shot and injured two others in an alley on Wednesday night. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COS'IA MESA -Police are stUI looking for the men re- sponsible for \hooung two oth- ers in a dark aUey after an argu· ment the day before Thanksgivmg. But even as ofnc1als are on the hunt for the gunmen. and as the two victims are receiving treatment for gunshot wounds, neighbors on the north side of Costa Mesa said I.hey are sur- prised by the Incident. Police do not have a descrip· lion of the suspects. Officials declined to release any further Information about the Incident because of the ongoing investl- galion. Detective-. arl' still un- certain whether the 1-hooling was gang-related. Hut police said I hursday I.hat the 'hooting wa'> the result of an argument that escalated. Several rounds were Ored, offi- c1al-; said. lhe JOOO blor k ol Coolidge Avenue. where I.he incident re- por1cdly took place, is a crowd- ed <,treet where It would be dif- ficult 10 even find a parking spot On any given evening. children play on the s1dewallc.s and n~1ghbors stand by watch- ing their kid'> and talking to each other. Mom\ and dad~ push their babies m strollen.. Teenagers hang out at street comers in groups. "It's hlce any other street.· said F.rin Gordon, who doesn't live In the neighborhood but often visits friends here. "l've walked down this street alone Ste SHOOTING, Pa&• A4 FAMILY TIME Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER Today, expect cloudy a!Ue1 and temperetures In the 70.. There should bt a alight breeze, too. SeeP•1•A2 CENTERLINE PROTEST Realdeni. protest• propoul to run a pert of the Centerline light rail underground. See Pa1eA3 FORUM Newport-Meu rnldent1 have 1 little more to uy on Newport BelCh's lntarest In John Wayne Alrpon. Sff Pa1eA6 SPORTS Newport Harbof Hlgh't girt•' volleyball te1m wtll lqUI,. off •O ln1t hOtt Meter Del et 7 tonight In th• Southem C.llfomla regton11 .. mlfln1t1. S..P•&•BX When teachers get bullied, too I n the five years and four months I've been writing thJ column. I've had teachers disagree with me In a blg wny only two tlme One tJme was when t wrote about the deterioration o( th 1eachel"I' dl'e$S code. The other time was when J wroco that I supponed a state or federal school vouch« program. Herc, I'm of the opWon that we need to look at uch a program from a broader perspecd~. that ls. from the eyot of 1tudcnta in areas of the llate whtre achoo are f aillna miserably and give them aome altematt some way out of the trap ~~n!ln. vouch era. there ts some room to negotiate. but I'm holding ~...:_..;.....;,z;...~~ tirm on the STEVE SMITH dmscode. This column Is not about vouchtr1 or th d codo. About a week ago, the Dally Pilot publisbed a \ener written by aomeona who da1mcd to bo an ·educator for 20 years." (I'm not quite sure If weducator" is a synonym for "teacher,· and lf so, why she doesn't just call herself 1 teacher.) The writer wus upset about a column I wrote about te.aslng and bullying. In a nutshelJ, I wrote that teasing is just that and should be \gno~ but that kids who bully &hould have the book thrown at them. I wrote that the use or profanJry and the threat of physical violence are bullying. Carrying out the threats ts also bullylng. and I'm a Uctle conomied that l have to spell out chat last one to the author of the letter. The author wrote that I "bragged abou1 how he urvlved the jeers of his peers." She also wrote, "Smith obviou ly has not read the documentation on 'threat assessment' done by lhe Secret Servtoe, that studies teenagetS who have brought weapons to school . . : A bit lat r, there ls some cfucussion of" everyday hwnillation" o.nd "con$tl\nt teMlng" a.nd the effect on lcJds otthl.8 relentl behavior. At the od, there' that "braf' word SM FNlll.Y, P111 M I BOOMERS & BEYOND A tough choice Loneliness and safety are two reasons that an aging parent may move to a retlrement or nursing home. Lula Ptftl Daily Piiot One or the most dttlicult dedslons a child can make II deddlng on a change in his or her partnta' living aftuation. Orange (.ounty bu more than Jn,ooo people who are 60 or older. That population is estimated to reach 695.000 by 2020, said Mary Paul, Interim dJrector of the Orange County Office on Aging. Many seniors decide on their own that they no longer want to handle houtehold dudes auch as cooking or clean.Ing, so they chooae to mow Into a f'adllty such u a retirement community, which has apartment-style living. said Vicki OUn. sodaJ services coordinator at Oasis Senior Center In Corona del Mar. But often, that decision must come from their loved ones. And there are sev~raJ reasons ror children to con.sider suggesting BOOMER CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR Item• to the auch a change. Chin 18id. The main reason adult ch.lldre:n dedde to place their -alna pattnt:a into a fncWty Is that thetr parents can no longer take ca.ce of them.seMs. Often. the issue a.r1'et when parents have a medJcal eoncmi that would require constant care. such u breaking. hJp. OUn said. Salety often becomes an Issue. If. parent living alone has • ran and no one knows about lt, It could make a aJmple injury more Rrlous. lithe pe.rent were In a fadlity, however. his or her absence at meal dme would alert staff or fellow residents that there could be a problem. Another muon an adult child places a parent In a facility ls that l{ a ~nt Loses his or her driver's license, she said. The patent becomes more reliant on the adult child. who bas a family and work responsibillti~ to deal with. -Sometimes, I lhlnk the lcids go. 'You know, lhls just bn't worid.ng out. We just can't afford the time to keep dolng this Cor you, so we want you to go to a facility where they will take ca.re of their needs.'-Olin safd. Adult children 'ihould also J.wllh Femlly Service of Ot11nge County 1ponsor1 an ongoing h .. llng support group for the chronk:ally ill. The pllrpoae ls to provide partlclpanu with emotional and Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Co.ta aplrttual support to manage illneaa and lta oon1equence1. Meu 92627; by e-mail to /u/1,pen• l•tlmn.com; by fax The group meeta at 7 p.m. to (9491 846-4170; or by calling Thuradaya at the Jewish Family (949) 674-4298. Include the time, Service offtce, 260 E. Baker St., date ind location of the even1, Cotta Mesa. Attendance la frM, •• well 11 a contact phone but reglstretlon Is required. number. (714) 445-4960. ONGOtNG Jewish Femly Service ofhf'I O.• Senior Centw hotda a ongoing bereavement support pancake brulcfalt fTOm 7:30 to groupa for edulta at all Nget of 10 a.m. on th• MCOnd S.turdsy lou. Group member1 share of every month. Bre•kf•lt experience•. hear how others Induct.. pancak .. , aauuge, dNI With grief, receive support coffee and orange juice for $3, and leam ways to cope With $1 for children. The center la at aadneu and lou. One group 800 Marguerita, Corona del ~at 7 p.m. Tuetdays at Mir. Information: (949) Beth Jacob In Irvine. The 644-3244. second group m..u at 10 a.m. Tuesdays It Temple Judea In Paaaagee &O-P1u1 fUPPOft group Laguna Hiiia. Th• third group for women 60 and older la a meeu et 1 p.m . Thursday• at dlecuulon group coordinated the Ezra Center In Anaheim. by Jewlah Famlly Service• to There'• no coat to attend, but eddresa l1sue1 IUd'l u anxiety, advance ragiltrstlon la depressfon. relatlonahls-. required. (714) 44M950. lonellneu ind family. The group meeta at 7 p.m. a.. Senior Center ofhf'I W9dneadaya at the agency aaalttance, counaellng and oftloea, 260 E. Baker Sl, Suhe G, referral aervicea for aenlora. Cotta M .... Preregistration (949) 644-32A4. required. (714) 446-4950. Arthrtda Foundatton lnstrudOr TM Bnllte &Ntttute ..,_,,.. Hillary Stone luda an exerciae computer cla .... to peopte claM at 11 a.m. Thursdaya at the with fading vision who have Jewish Senior Center, 260 E. difficulty aeelng the computer Baker St. Costa M .... (714) ec:reen. The Oaaia Center at 800 613-6641. Marguerita Ave .. Corona del Mar. off era aJx Mulona. Call to Oul9 Seniof Center offw'l a sign up for clauea. (714) dally telephone contact 82Hi000. program for aenlora who have a limited locel support system. The ColUI M ... Senior C.O. They alto offer computer hu ballroom dancing With live ct111e1 that teed\ the ba1k:9 of music from the Betty's Trio from Word, Quldten. Prin1 Shop end 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . .very lntemet uaage. (949) 644-3244. Tuesday night at 895 W. 19th St., Cotta M .... $4. (949) The 0.-. a.nlor Centw ofhf'l a ~3884. s huttle to take membera to DailyAPilot VO\-. 97, NO. 333 THOMAI H. JOttNSON News Edleorl fll.lbllthlf Gina Ai.xander, Lori Andefwon. TOHYDOOIAO O.nlel Hunt. P9ul Saltowltl. Editor Daniel SteYent JUOV OIT11NO NIWllTAA' ~.a=fr 0..-lthefwth Promotlonl Olf'tlCtOr Crime and couna ,.porter, (148)f1~ IDf11NO ITAIP -,,.,tm.,..ttt•t«J,,,.oom L.Lc.t.t .iu...c ... ,,.. Maneglng Editor, Newport leacn ~er. (94811574-42S3 t ... I 1514-4232 1./.c.1in• llt11M1.com /l/M.~·t.tfnw com .,..,....GcMM Lott.Hlirper Oty Editor. (848)7'84-4324 Cotumni.t. culture NIPOrte<, ...,. 00""1tfl,,,.,_,oom tlMI)~ .......... °""" 1o11ra.,..,.,,.,•1Mt,,..com Spont Editor, fM)~ DMM,......_ rldl«d.dunn•~com Costa Mell ,..,,..,.1 ... 1 1'74-4221 ..... "' ..... i*lrdrt.MMl'nWl•latf,,,...com M Olf9CfOf I H9wl Deall ChlieC. MMieO"Nll -·~· EducedOn ~. IMl 1'7....._ • ...,.,..,.,,,,.com """*·OMll•,,,..,__corn ..._MIC_. ........ ,..,..d!W. NllM ut' -~!Ml PMM ('411 ,....... lukpt11tae,.,,,_.com ~•...,_com ~ ' take loneliness Into consldttatfon. Senion need support. and one way to get it ls by having people their own age to Interact wtth. Senior W:illdes offer them the opportlmlty to 90dalfz.e with people they will haw things In common with. said Olaru Mody, sod.al aervicies coordinator at Costa Meaa Senior Center. Parenti who are 1tlll llvlng In their own house can be a problem for adult children, Chin said. There ls a lot or maintenance tnvoMng oldtt homes. Having to deal wtth contnu:tora to do repain on a home can be frustrating at any age, but ror an adult chlld who bas a home or hJs or her O\YD and who may live a considerable distance away from a parent. It can become a problem. ahe aald. Money ts also an II.sue when Lt come time to dedde on a fadllty, experta say. Retirement homes can be expenslve and are paid by the lndMdual or their family. unlike a owslng home, whJch medical Insurance can help pay for. "You tty Lo make these decisions whUe the senlor ls still coherent, while they still can thin.le for themselves," wd Aviva appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle alto tak .. membera to the center. Cell to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. o..i. Senior Centw offwt visual aid ICfMnlngs with a Braille lrmltute ~ve. by appointment. (949) 6"-3244. Ouia Senior Centw hae I walking group called Walkers Not Rodcera, which meeta once a week to enjoy acenlc walks in end around the Newport Bead\ area. (949) 644-3244. The Atzhelmer'I A.an. end GMf Support Group of Newport Villa WeatMll1 Rosa co-sponaora a frM support group meeting for caregiver• at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Alslated Living, 393 Hoapltal Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631-3566. The Atzhefm«'1 Aan. and Meu Terrace, 1 realdentlal oommunlty for people With Alzheimer'• dlaeaae and related dementia, offera a free support group for caregiver• at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at MUI TerT'808, 350 W. Bay St.. Cotta Mesa. (714) 283-1111. Quit Senior c.n. eonducta blood preuure acreenlngt from 9 to 11 1.m. th• flrat and third Tuesday of each month In Room 3 at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Oasla Senior Cenur °"91'9 • Braille clau to help with tight lou from 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays In Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The .Mwlah Senior c.ni.r °"9r'I c.rd games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every third Tuesday. A PHOTOGRAPHERS Martt c. "'-"n. Don lMdl, Kent Treptow AEAOEM HOTUNE (IM8) 84.2-eoee Record y<>ur oommenta about the 0.ily Pilot or newt tlpe MdrMe Our addr .. 11 330 W. Gay St., Cotta M .... CA 92827 Office h<>Yra are Monday • Friday. 8:30 a.m. • 15 p.m. Conectlont It la the Pilo(1 policy lO promptly correct 1H lfT'Of'I of subltanol "-aM call (948) '1&4-4324. fYI The N.wpo11 ha<:fVCoN M..a Deity Pilot IUSPS-144«)0) 19 publlthed dally, In N9wpon leacn end Cotta M..., aubecrtptlona ere 11Yailable only by aublcrtblng '° TM TllMI <>r.nge County (IOO) 262·11'1. In,,.... owldt of N9wpoft hedl and Cott. Meee, IUbecrtptionlt to the o.lly Pilot Ire available onty by "-1111 cl• mell for l30 per momh. (flricta lnctUde all 8PPllcebte Mt9 Ind local taltet. I flOl'TMASTElt lend lddrell dlangel to TM Newpott ~ Meee o.irv "tot. l'!o. lclir 1llO, C-. Mele. CA t2t2t. ~ MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Bob WasNxm, fetti shares a laugh v.;tti entertailer ~ C<:IJ, ~ cUllg 1iappy Heu" on Friday at the AwJai at Newport East. a retiement center ii Newport Beach. Every Friday, residents are treated to filger foods, <*ilks, and cifferent types of entertaiYnent Goelman, executive director or the Costa Mesa Senfo1 Center. That ls Important, Goelman said, becaUJe It helps to prevent problems In the future. such as guilt for having placed one's parenta in a nursing home and koahet lunch 11 offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 613-6641. A.v1M your llf9drne documents for edvance health c.re dinlCtivea at the Oul1 Senior C.nter for $3 each. Call to make an eppolntment. (949) 644-3244. a.. Senior Centw ofhf'I preventive healthcare services for tenlors on the fourth Wednesd1y of eactt month In the centM'I Room HS-3, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Cell to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. SenJor9 and low-Income famlllea In the Cotta Meta-Newport Beach erea can obtlln free U.S. Department of Agriculture surplua food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the second Friday of each month In the rear parting lot at the Church of Chriat, 740 W. Wiiton St, Cotta Mesa. Picture Identification Is required. (949) 650-8236. Oula Senior Center offw'l a counselor to 1ui1t with questions about Medicare, HMO. Ind supplemental and long-term care lnaurance. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. a.. s.ntot c.m.r.,. a meal program for members. Lunch 11 served dally from 11 :46 1.m. to 12:16 p.m. In the multlpllrpote room at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Home-dellver9d meals are available for homebound senlora. Reaervatlona are requlr9d. (949) 644-3244 The Ania~ for the Mentally Ill of Orange County provide• education 1nd emotional support for famllle1 with loved ones who a,. mentally ill. A free support group meeta from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. every other Saturday Copynght No newt atoriel, llluatratlona, editorial matter or advertlHmenta herein can be ~without written permlaalon or copyright owner. HOW lO REACH UI ~ The Tlmee Oranga County (80012'2-9141 M4•1Wl11 Clwlfted (949) "'2-&878 ~ 19491842-4321 Edteofllf New. (9491842-&eeo ~( ... 1174-W3 ..._.,_ llMll MM170 ~,.. (148) e&o-o170 l<f'MI: i»ilypll«•latltn#t:Om MllftOMoa ...... ()Moe (949) 1142-4321 ....... ,.. 19481831-7126 fll.lbUthtd by T1mea COmmuntty News,. dlvi910n of the Lot~· Times • C2003 T1mee CN All rigl'IU ,......... neveT having disa.wed that sfruatfon with them. l.ong-tenn care Insurance is an option that adult children should cons.I~ before they need to place their parents in a facility, she said. The Insurance et the Orange County Mental Health Cllnlc, 3115 Red Hiii Ave .. Cocta M .... (714) 850-8463. 0.. Senior Centllt offw'I rental of medical equipment - wheektlalra. walkers and more. (949) 644-3244. The CoSb MMe Senior c.n. offer• preventive health c.re eervicea for Mnlors from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday• and from 9 a.m, to 2 p.m. every other Tueaday, at 696 W. 19th St., Cotta Mna. Call to make an appointment. (949) 646-2366. The CoSb M... Senior CenW offers oounaellng, 1a1lstance and referral Mrvicel for seniors, 695 W. 19th St., Cotta Mesa. (949) 646-2366. The Coate M... Hlatoric:al Society ~ds • free open house from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday• at 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Meta. The event featurea memorabilia from the city of Costa Mesa and the Santa Ana Army Air Base. (949) 631-5918. ()ult SenJor C«1ter offw'I • Pertlnaon's dlaease aupP<>rt group from 7 to 9 p.m. the second Thureday of each month at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Senior Centllt offers trensport.atlon aervioes for medical-related appolntmenta. Call at leaat one week In advance. All other transportation needa -sud\ 11 grocery shopping, library vlalta and rides to and from the center -may be reserved between 8 and 8:30 a.m. the same day service 11 needed. (949) 646-2356. Dial ext. 19 for medical-related appointments. The Co.ta Mesa s.n1or Center offers a Wldow.-Wldowera helps cover costs related to seniors who can no longer care for themselves. • EDITOR'S NOTE: Next week, Luis Pena will look It the facilities available In the area. Support Group from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays at 695 W. 19th St., Cotta Mesa. (949) 646-2356. Oasis Senior C.ntw hat an Adventuroua Walkers Group, which travels to polnta of Interest locally ind around the county. The group meets at 9 a.m. Fridays at the center and walks at a leisurely pace. The center 11at1800 Marguerite Ave .. Newport Beach. (949) 644-3244. The Jewish Community Center Senior Servtcea Department of the Ruth M. Kahn Center offers opportunities for game players. A poker group meeta 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mondays, and a mah-jongg group meets from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. MondaY1 and Thuraday1. Bingo, pan and chesa players are also needed for game days to be fonned soon. (7141755-0340, ext. 260. The Ouls Senior Centw provides blood pressure acreenlnga twice a month, between 9 and 11 e.m. the firlt and third Tuesday. Volunteer nur ... are needed. The center la at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, (949) 644-3244. R9vwM Mortgage Netwotic 1pon1oraa quettlon-and-answer seuion for seniors 62 and older at 3 p.m. Wednesdays at Bayside Village. 300 e. Co1st Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 723-0233. The Seniors Wheels USA Program makea Power Wheelchaira available to senior citizens 66 and older. The wheelchairs are provided to those who cannot walk and cannot propel a manual wheelchair and who meet the additional guidelines of the program. No deposit for a chair 11 required. lnfonnatlon: (800) 876-6005. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST ~angle from a variety of activity In the Gutf of Alaata Today, expect P9rttv cloudy and north of Hawaii. lklea with light Wlnda from the Thia energy Wiii aito bring IOUthwelt at 10 mph. High With It tome Wfnd swell• and temperatul"M ahould be In the an eccompenylng trough. low 70. to low 808. '"'etroughls notexpected lOnlght Wiii be much of the to brfnQ rain, but 1 dlumel ... aame In the wty of douda. breeze onehore pen.m la Lowa are forec:uted to be In expected. the mid-tO upper-A.a for aln, WMt•faclng w.n .... .: bfMb ~re looldng at chect· to WWW.fM't.nOH.QOV ~ghMtl bymlddev. end eel1y momlng aeeak>n• BOATING FORECAST •re k>oldng at welat· and On the Inner wetel'I, the chat·hlghMtl . w.w~ wlndt ahould be out of the WWW.IClrfrldw.OIQ nofth at •bout 10 knott. t>ecotnlno~by TIDES .tiemoon. The~ "1IMI be 2 Mt or •mahr on a weee.m 11rM ......... .... of3to8f1Mt. 3:CMa.m. 3.•fMth.igh Thi outer~ loolt to be 7:23a.m. 3.17fMtlow theeeme. 1:07 p.m. 4.t2fMthlgh SURF t;.tep.m . ~fMtlow Thl~"*VV WATER TEii RATURE lnor • • • • llodlY from. mew. 12dlgr'lee ,. SfttNday, NcNernber 29, 2003 A3 I cen~erline protest held at South Coast Plaza Opponents say a light rail system underground would mean a longer walk to work. The council will vote on the issue on Monday. D .. P• 8harath ~ally Piiot . ' COSTA MESA -A handful of J>eOple protested ~ a street cor- ·ner outside South Coast Plaza :On Friday aftemooa against a 'Proposed underground section 'Of the CenterUne Ught rail sys- 1em. The Costa Meaa City CouncU ls poised to vote on the issue on }donday. : A ftnal public bearing on the environmental report for Cen- lerUne was held Monday. The prange County Transportation Authority has been gathering teedback on the report, whlch Jlellneates the four main rou1es lor CenterUne as well as an op- 1ion not to build a light rail sys- tem. On Friday, the busiest abop· plng day of the year, the protest· ers stood at the comer of Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard holding signs that said •Seger· trom. don't bury CenterUne" and "Ugbt rail to the Plaza." . Roy Sbahbazian, who Jed Fri· day's protFSt• said he was op· posing the underground project on behalf of the pedestrians, who will have to walk a longer distance to get to their jobs. "lt's a tough and triclcy road to walk." he said. "lt's a street where traffic ls heavy and there are no sidewalks." light rail buzz through South C.oast Plue. wowd interfere with existing developments. Shahbuian, a teacher at Santa Ana College, said thJs was one of the roost traVeled routes ln Orange County. 8ury1ng the rail system will also cost more money, be said. The underground route WOWd disrupt trafllc OD Sun· Oower, said Chris Kroells. a New· port Beach resident who said he rides the bus and ls a potential user of the light rail system. "And Avenue of the Arts ls go- ing to be insane,• he said. Councilman Gary Monahan said a light rail system going down Bristol "just doesn't work." "We can't shut down the street," he said. "We've looked at this a lot and this ls the best route we've come up with." LIGHT RAIL ThTuc. PLAZA • The authority will vote on the !>referred route on Dec. 6. The Jight rail ls de~gned to go from &nta Ana through Costa Mesa lo John Wayne Airpon. The city originally approved a resolution supporting a route that would elevate the light rail along Bristol Street But the ma- jor property owners in the area worked intensively with the city to hammer out another route that would divert Centerline away from South Coast Plaza onto Avenue of the Arts. They were concerned that having the Monahan saJd he cannot imagine that shoppers who take the light rail would have to walk with heavy shopping bags to the train station. "The Segerstroms are aware of what It's going to take to get customers to the plaza," he said. MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Roy Shahbazian of Orange, left, and Chris Kroells of Newport Beach, right, discuss the Centerline project while holding signs protesting the proposed underground portion of the project on the corner of Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard on Thursday afternoon. • • KLEIN-BECKER STRl\1ECl1N SD Sldn Flnnbw~ ElastJcUes & Sldn ~. Raluta Sbd1::h Mtri:J, FYtw Urw, lff6aila and OowFW $~ EG .... 35.00 ....,..., eaz. .. Scents Bain De-luxe IAmny Bath and Bocb' ProductB • Foaming Bodg Saub : ::.,was1r S 99 REG. '7.59 FARM FRF.SH PRODUCE ,.... INSTANT ROI' OATMFAL • Apple Cinnemon •Fla·~ •MllpleNut $4SQO ·~ REG.'3.49..a.-.;_ the Pulp ol 0...-Oliva Wll fltltl IM .Hect ol lrw rodJools• SS"~ 211. su007 :..:... SUGG. 517.95 oz. '20.49 80 * HEMP PR01EIN . ~·..,_Adil l"rolU. • IA* c.'6 • Hltlh Flhr • Cbdnt Ptw • l'ttrfcl ll.llllo ol ~ 3 + , ,.,,..... sz2 99 REG. '29.99 ~ 1.• ... ..... .......... . ... &.IWo;u..## RE0.'3.. ...-"'· Raw Almnnde .... .................. j&.'3.• .,-n.. . ·~49 RE0."4.18 lb. Organic Soups • a.""1 'TbmalD 81$(/w • Alpltab« • /!ltl!;lt /.¥an • Pasl1l & &an • Spilt htl • Lmlil ~ • ....,&rit¥ • Billtitlmlllr Squos/t REG. '1.79 Continental NON-FAT "::; YOGURT AcidophiJis 16 Flavon lo °""* •Regular ~ • Uctose Free REG. 99' 1 m. "Smart~ Cookbook" 0.-180....,..,... ....................... .... ..,1ne lo low r.a &j:Jane ~Z9S ~ REG.516.95 •· Grllled Veggie Wrap d..eest Muffed into l . StMd Ughtly grilled seasonaJ~ies & Feta with a side o( roasted bell sauce & a non-dairy Waldon salad. M SIU'dly, ~ 29, 2003 1Wo anested ... robbery wilb bell. fmt ~NeealdCe ....... two men ...,. ,,..._, _.... in& on tuapidon ol ..,_ eo rob a man UtiaW •.belt Md a '°3~ 21. and f.Jciiy aomcro~ Imo, 22, ~ecic1111ll tht victim In the 500 b1oct GI Joann Sln!iof ac abioUt 12!51 Lm. IU\d tried to tab llMIDfJ r-rom him. he MJd. ·nut the man~ lbeal off. ud these cwo men W. • CIJUk _J. Police omcen amtted both nur the 'lnlenectlon ol Harl>or BouJeVa.rd and WU· .on Street at about I :30 un., heufd. Tbt '1Jetim auft'en!d CUI.I to h1s bud. Clsuk uld. Both men ate bftna held In Co ta Meca aty jail In UeU of sso,ooo ban etch. 1bcty POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Elm Altenu« P.ity theft wea reported In IM 1500 bk>dc -' 3:45 p.m. w.dnNday. • Etther lw.t: A hli,..nd·run WH 'eporttd In the 400 bfcX* llt 1:18 p.m. Wednudey. • Hart»oi IOUt.vald: An ....uh Wit reported in the 2200 blodt Ol 1 :03 p.m. Wednetdav. • Memmac Way: Annoy1ng phone cell1 were reported In tho 400 blodt at 8.'05 p.m. Wednesday. • Metro o.tve: Ve~llam waa reported ln the 1500 btodt at 8:4' 1.m Wtdnnday. • Pit-. om.: A v1hld1 burglary waa reported In tho 3100 ble><* at 7:08 1.m. Wtdneec:tav. • l'ltnfty OtM: A whlcle burglary wu ,..ported In the 3100 blodt at 2:66 p.m PASTOR Continued from A 1 said that only a small number of lhe church's many members had Issues with Robillard. ·To lhe city and to everyone on the outside. ii looked like a hlg cOAtr~rsy within the par- ish, but It wusn't, • ConsoU said. No announcement has been made about who wtll take over as pastor at St. Joachim when Robillard l~ve ConsoU and Rosales each said that they were told the Rev. Jerome Karcher £rom St. Vlncent De Paul Olurc.b in Huntlngton Beach will sup- SHOOTING Continued from Al at l In the morning and haven't thought twice about ll I'm never doing that again.~ TI1e street Is a mix of homes and opartment bulldlngs. Police said the shooting happenlng in one of the alleywnys that crlss- cro among the apartment hu1ldlng<>. The neighborhood ha,, been safe over the years. sa.id a netgb- bor who lives right aero the street from where the shooting happened. •rve lived here for seven years and never heard of anytb.lng like thJs. • said the man. who wi&hed to remain anonymous because be fears for h1s safety. Wednetdey. • Wll II Awnue: Polelinion of nercotict wu ~In the 1900 ~It 10:28 Lm. Wednelday. NEWPORI' IEACH ..... 't• DIM: Gnftd d*l wu reported in ttt. 800 blodc • et 2:20 p.m. Thurtdey. • cm DIM! v.nde11em _. ~Id Jn the 2900 blodt at 9:61 .. m. ThuNday. • .......,,.....,.. Md....._, ~ Ahi1-and-n.ln waa reported et 5:01 p.m Thur.dtly. • Mevftow.. An euto theft waa f9P()rted in the 300 blodt • et 10:., p.m. Thursday. ....... .,..~ Vandaflam weer.ported In the 400blodtet12:15 p.m. ~y. •11th 9trNt: A burglery waa reported hi the 300 btOdc et 1 :01 a.m. Thur-.dly. pon St. Joachim temporarily. but no new pastor will be ap- pointed until Robillard returns In June. •rm very sad: ConsoU said. •tt's definitely a loss to the church. He's been there for a long time and brought some positive change. I'm very sad to see him go.· • MARISA O'Nfll covert education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by •·mall at marlu oneil latimes.com. DEIRDRE NEWMAN covera Costa Meu and may be reached at (949) 57U221 or bye mail at dflirdre.newman lat/mes com He said he and his family were getting ready to go to bed Wednesday nlght when they heard the gunshots. ·it's scary for us and our neighbors.· he said. •My clill- dren play out here all the Lime. It's like a family block around here: Jeff Selft who recently moved to the neighborhood, said the Incident caught him by surprise. ·1 would not be surprised lf there was a big fight In the alley or something." he said. •eut I wouldn't have expected some- one to get shot" • DEEM BHARATH covert pyblic ufety and oourte. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mell 11 dHpa.bh•r•th •t•timn.com. RosEYs AuloBODY You have the qght to chooae your repair facllity lntl1t on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Call NOW for a PREE trial ofl•rl '""' a,~ Am7 SlmlDON 71~1M77 FAMILY Contiriled from Al apJn and a "Slwne on you. Stew Smith.• Al. that polnl, J WU..,. with her ~ tbJa evil Sieve Smith pcnoo Is. he lhould bo tarred and f..ihered for writing that kids who cnpp ln ·~ryc1ay buinJIWjon" abould be let off the hoot. P.Dlept that I ncNer wrote that I allO never-•IJraaed.• about IUMving the jeers of my peer&. What J wrote WU thaC the best offense tp1nat teulng la to lgnOtt IL lt'1 what I teach my own kkls. evtn though J have a feeling that they may have trouble getting uted to the concept. as most kids wUl ac Ont. Thac ·everyday humillat.lon • la not teasing. It II bu1lytng. And my •bnsalnlf' I wrote that I was not tfiSed vety much and when J was, I Ignored IL And that part about the Secret Service and weapons. wdJ. I'm atiU tryiQg to figure out wbmi that came from. Since I wrote that column. I've heard direc:tJy from four SHOPPERS Continued from Al months ago. Febles said she doesn't get as many customers as the company's Aorida stores, but •ttie people that are shop- ping are spending more." Between the Sheets, a fine bed<llilg and housewares store in Fashion Island, listed one of Its hottest items this season as couon sheets with a l ,020 thread count that retail at $1.299 for a four-piece set. ·we're seeing a lot of resur· gence in the [housewares) in- dustry." store manager Nicole WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT Is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submli the Information to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay SL, Costa Meta, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by•mailto d•llypilottllatlmn.com. SPEC&AL EVENT The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will have an exhibit opening for •Hooked: The Lure and Lore of Sport Ashing." at the Grand Salon from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through F-eb. 29. The mueeum la at 161 E. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach. Information.: (949) 673-7863, http://www.nhnm.orp. The Dtllr\M of Ft'Mdom Foundation will ho.i an •Honor our Veterans s.11· aboard the 122-foot. American topsail schooner the Lynx at 1 p.m . Dec. 1 The Lynx will set sail from Its sea base at 1931 W. Coalt Highway. There will be a apeech by the captain and a broadalde cannon salute, and a flowered wreath will be placed Into the sea to honor the survlvora. Information: (949)723-7814, http://www.d#lfenMOf frHdom.orp. SAILING CLASSES Sdlng F.dnadon ........ In boating safety and sailing vear-round for persona with dlsabllitlff. Free. (949) 840-1678. OrangeCounty~ an bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdaya to enjoy a day of .. mng cot.ut-v of Orange Coast College. The School of Salling and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board lnltructor on dm.r.nt aalllng tachnlques while thev get advice on how to perlorm well In bu1lneu. No .. mng e>epeMnoe neceaaary. Ono-<tev da .... cost from $100 to $126. (949) Mf>.9412. BOAT RENTALS With Mama W.llW8pott9 9t the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical 1xperiencea from mild to wild. Tab 1 aetf.gulded tour of the bay In your choa of power and ull w.ten:raft, jump the OQNn l'Mlflt In 1 Sea-<k>o jetboat. put you lpof1.ftahlng ekllls to the tnt In 1 fully equipped eo.ton wt\alef, or soar ebove it all on a pequll ftlghl along the N.wport ooall. Complim.ntaty let Ind ~•relndudldwtth an Mctl'ic bolt rentale. ........................... ,.., on the__.., In many wtY"! whh tingle and doUbll kayab, Nctric bolt9, ,~...,. '*"' bofU and~ forOllhore UM CM' CNlalng the i:.v. a.Jboa 8oet Aent* *> holdl~r ICIYlnQlr huntl aboaf'd Che elldltc btY boet8, provlclng group ICUYtty foi oorpomione, bk1hdevl, nonp oftt ~lindgroup OUdnga. The hUnt pedt1119 lnduda bOlll, trht9qi ••owllf,....,~okl cam.. ........... Thi OOltOf a hUntbitlllrllMtl2iperlboel ind C11"1rt119 II r daMI *'en teKhen. AD or dilm haw t1k1 or written that I WM fiaht oo dw monq with my commeota. But d-.ey c:alled tMnscMa teacherl. not educators. to~ tbdr opinion la not u lnlormed. 1 mo beetd eome Ceedblct from teacben OD Jut week'I c:olwnn about having to leech too much i.Q too UnJe dme. What they wanted me to understand WU that the nf&lltmate didn't end there. For tead\en and ~tors,~ are aliO mount.ains of paperwork to complete. It'• the usual stutr. a ronn for tbJa and a certfficadon · for that. except that it's out of control. 1ben there wu the chance encounter whh a teacher last SUnday during wblch the picture that wu painted of life as a teacher In 2003 was not wry pretty. This teacher asked me not to use his or her name, a common request from teachers. When I asked why teachers wanted to remain anonymous. this one told me they were a.fra.ld of~n. So U seems u though we're all in the aame boat Someone bullies me ln a letter about Serpico sald. •Ever since (Sept 11, 20011. people have had that nesting thing/ Even at South Coast Plaza's Papyrus. a specialty cant and pa· per store, customers have been spending more. The Cluistmas rush "started a.round the end of October for us,· Papyrus manager Traci Rhodes said. She's seen people buying more extravagant gifts -the store does gift wrapping -and holiday cards to match. Customers will buy a box of cards that costs $30. and ·they won't even bat an eyelash at It.• Rhodes said additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electrk bollt ...m.11 ... ~ by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO plavera. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $76. (949) 645-Ql12. PMal bonl, electrlc boats, boogie board$, kayab. inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetauits ere available for rent at Retort Water Sportl at Newport Dunes. (949) 72S-1150. Gondola toun .,. °"9f'ed by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost lncludee a basket of bread, c:nee.e. salaml, ice, glaaHS, a blanket. mvslc and a Polaroid picture. Wine i• also avallable. (949) 67~1212. ~Adwnturea/~ 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers On&-and two-hour gondola cruise•. A one-hour tour with d}ampagne la $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne le $180. Pl<*up 11 available at w&terfront restaurants. (949) 676-4984. Irvine Cout awt.n In Lido Marina Village of'fera two-hour etectric boat CnJIMI with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two perlOna. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance ofJw'I daRy toura of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 875-4730. The toura go out of Udo Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newpof'I Beadl. CRUISES Join Caipt. Don Mo11I~ on the beautiful .. mng yadlt Dulcinea for 1 narrated Newport Harbor CNIM of the fabulous wllterfront home8 and boata of the rich and famoua, 1ee the ... lion CQfonv, end all the apecDc:ular c:ookummer. warm-fall Southem Callfomia coatllne to Laguna Beach or O.ne Pofnt. Aa 1 private birthday, anniWtUry or apedal event? Sell, twfm, ~.kayak, eunbetM, Wlltch dolphins, end dine llt •ndlor for the tim.ot-youll4lf1 vecatlon at Catalina llland on thla wet.._ppoim.d, U.S. eo..t Guard lnepected ..,....,. ASA Nlllng lnetructJoo and otrtlftclltlon. Buatnw c:onfMtncl 1-dllty. Information: hftP.;l~att.11~.oom, ~·~(M) 8324738. ................. two-hour CNIMa of Newport Harbor ($76 per CNIM). Round-U1p hotel or off~ l'MtM.nnt ... llMoe It available.. Pick-up from ~Wlthdocb ltallo IYllable. ~and cetenKt IOUrL , .. , 291·1853CM' ~.~ """'°"com. ~Ind ceacher1 don't ll*k up beawle tMYN ifraid ot .mns bullJed, I'm not ~my bullyi1'g lnddent becaUM there 14 a W.r Issue here. one thal lnvoMs itudmts and tachett and lndud the rnalJl polntt of the column on bullying and cwrlculum. 'Jbe Issue ia the 6Chool mcperlence. School was flever designed to be all tun and gatnfll. but It eeems now to have detttlorated to the polnt where ltUdenta aod teacben under way too much atreU. much of it caused by external fo.n:es. The letter writer and I agree on at least one point "'leasing wW probably never go away,• she wrote. But the insane rules and regu.latlons with which teachers ~ now burdened can be changed. Not owmJght. perhaps, but they can be changed. So, do we have to start bullying our school board to try? • STEVE SPMTH Is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readeni may leave a message for him on the Dally Pilot hotline at (949) 642-«>86. Kendra Wells of Huntington Beach, shopping at South Coast Plaz..a on Friday. said she doesn't expect to spend more on the holidays this year, but she prob- ably won't spend less, either. Instead of shopping for every- one in her big family. sh e only has to buy a gift for the family m ember whose name sh e drew this year. But she added, ·ru probably make up for it on my son.· •t•m probably going to spend a little bit more this year." said Rid Gascon of Long Beach.. He stopped at Fashion Island on Friday to visit the Sharper Image store. Enjoy a nD-'host lunch at the Fish Marital The cost Is $20 per person. Information: info@nbnm.org. The Ntlwport landing Befle ls available for weddings and receptions, codctall and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 45-minute aulse (adults, $6; children, $1) and a 90-minute cruise (8dultl, $8; ctllJdren, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone f1V9fY 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-mlnute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. c.t.llna Pauenger Serva runs 46-mlnute harbor cruises (adults. $6; children, $1 ) and 90-mlnute crulseg (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. Cntlae the harbor atMHlrd the Electra, a 100-foot Classic Fantail veatel. Charters with catering are availeble for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A th~,.. dinner and dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Homblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The fee Is $59.95 per person on Fridays and $84 on Saturdava. Bruncn cruises also are available. (949) 631-2469. The c.t.Hna Ryer depafb from Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily and retuma from Catalina laland at 4;30 p.m. $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round-trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 873-5245. Homblow9r ..... WMllMMI dinner dance end Sunday champagne bruncn cndaea on N.wport Harbor thllt celebrate HOMES Conbnoed from Al from something detuucuw to othen. • Corona del Mat rcaldent Robea Watley aaJd. •Please do the right thing ro, the real victims or 202 Fem- leaf." The council agJeed, unani, mously approving the plan that would except aD the homes except the Hart11'. Th~ council also added a provi- sion that the exception ap- plies only to homeown~ willing to sign an aJlidavit swearing that they had np knowledge that their vchj, tect wu breaking the rulea. ·This really was a question of where to draw the line,~ Mayor Steve Bromberg said, •Tuey were asking to be a/l exception to the exception, and we had to draw the Une: •JUNE CASAGRANDE covert , N ... 1 .. port Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactted at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mall at june.casagrande@ lanmes.com. . . . The day after Thanksgiving is only the fourth busiest shopping day of the year -first place h8$ been held by the Saturday befoce Ol.ristmas since 1997 -but ·11·s really the day that son of sets lhe tone for the season.· Downing said. And with good repons already coming in for November sale,<>, Voorheis said. "to m e that indl· cates that it's only going to gel better.· • ALICtA ROBINSON covers business, Politics and the environment. She can be reached at (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail at aticia.robinson@tatimes.com. imaginative cuisine and • pampered service. 2431 W. Coast' Highway, Suite 101, Newport 1 Beach. (949) 631-2469. The Adventures et Sea Yacht Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. $20, includes cruise, pariting. cookles and sodas. Reservations required. (949) 660-2412. Orange Coast College's School of salting is offering a ftve-day • cruise to the northern Channel Islands. The cruise will aboard OCC's Cal 48, Glin de Mar. The cruise will last Oct. 8 to the 12. The fee for the trip is $625 and includes all meals and permits tot the trip. For more information can (949) 645-9412. Orange Coast College's school of sailing and seamanship has adleduled a three-day cruise to Catalina aboard the Alaska Eagle. II 66-foot vessel that has retumed from a 13-month trip from Newport Beach to Antarctica. The cost for the thre&-day trip is $430 per person. Information: (949) 645-9412. Th• Dulcinea ea11lng boat wm be decorated and available during the Holidav Parade of Lights from Dec. 17 through 21 Information: (949) 632-3738, http://www.shellbackdon.com. ASHING Ashing c:ta.... luve Balboa Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondava and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 873-2810. Get to the Newport Pier .. rty to watch the dory fishing fleet retum with the fresh catch of the dav. Ash are prepared for sale at Mcfadden Square, an open-air marital. Rlhlng eupplee and boat • charters (open party and private)' are avallable at Oavey'a Locter. 400 Main St., Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing . Sportflshlng, 309 Palm1, Suite F. • Newport Beach (949) 875-0550. e I L • n e e ' ll ;) :1 . l, " City seeks source of spills ~ewport has asked a firm to map out sewer spills and figure out where grease clogging ~e system is coming from. June Caa11rande Daily Pilot r. L NEWPORT B.EACH -When It ~mes to pinpointing a culprit in ltewer spills, grease ls the word. -· Somewhere, somehow, grease, 6ils and fats l1nl getting into the lilewer system, no doubt much of 1t from restaurant&. Fats in Wastewater pipes ad similarly to rats in the human blood ·~am. ~tant City M~r Dave Klff said. It clumps up, clogging ar- terials and creating the danger that something could burst. ·" wPat's bad for the heart, and it's bad for the arterials ln the sewer plant/ City Councilman Tud Ridgeway said. When this happens in the AFTER HOURS ~Submit AFTER HOURS items to Wle Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Oosta Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to $49) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4295. '·• SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HrTCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offering a nin&-part film history on Alfred Hitchcodc.. The series will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. Eac:h session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be held at OCC's Ane Arts Hall 116. Admission is $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and OCC students. For more Information, call (714) 432-5880. llAW FOOD GOURMET HOLIDAY BAU • Celebrate the holidays with an elegant evening from 7 to 11 p.m . Saturday, Dec. 6. at the Halecrest Pavilion. 3107 Killybfoolt Lane. There will be five raw gourmet appetizers, delectable desserts, live music, dancing all night, roaring fire, candlelight setting and a cash bar. The cost is S55 to $60. Information and reservations: (949) 650-0672. RING Of LIGHTS The Commodores CJub if the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Ring of Lights home decorating competition In December. All ~ome, business, 1nd yacht clubs tlning the harbor are invited to Participate. Decorations must be in place by Dec. 8. Information ($49) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yachts, boats, kayaks and canoet will sall along the h1rbor in the 95th annual Newport Harbor Christmaa Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Collins Island and last two and a half hours. The parade is hosted by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Information: (949) 729-4400, http:l!Www.chri$fJTl11sboat parade.com. Ml)SIC ARTURO SANDOVAL Grammy and Emmy Award winner Arturo Sandoval will ~rform at 7:30 and 9 p.m. today at the Orange County Performing Arts Center'• Jazz Club. Tldcet1 cost $49 end $66. Information: (714) 556-ARTS, http:/JWww.OCpllC.Or(/. BASH2003 The 33rd annual Orange County Live Music Festival will be from noon to midnight Nov. 30 at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club at Fashion Island, 900 Newport Center Drive. Tldceta will cost from $14 to $28. Information: (949) 640-4000. ·~ ttp:l!Www.ocmuliclans.org. sewer system. spills occur, tend· log bacteda lrito the ocean and bay and at times. causing beach closures. In keeping with the regional Water Quality Control Board's rules, the city bas taken a first step toward flxlng the problem by pinpointing exactly where It's taking place. City omdals have agreed to award a $47,000 con· tract to Environmental Engineer- ing & Contracting Inc. to con- duct a study to locate the sources of the grease. Jt's a move that wa- ter-quality enthustast.s say could give a big boost ln the city's f'ar. reachirig efforts to keep pollu- tants out of the bay and ocean. "We can't wash our cars in our driveways. but we've got restau· VIVALDI'S FOUR SEASONS The Pacific Symphony will perform Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons;" Boccherinl'1 Sinfonia in D minor No. 4, and Corelli's Concerto Grosso In F major at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tlchts oost $20 to $65. Information: (714) 755-6799, http:/!Www.paclficsymphony.org. 'A JOURNEY TO JOY' St Andrew's Presbyterian Church will host Santiago Canyon College's music departments annual winter festival concert "A Journey to Joy" at 8 p.m. Friday at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. There will ~a 100-member chorale badced by a professional orchestra. Tidtets cost $15 per person and $12 for seniors, students and children younger'than 12. Information: (714) 6284828. KINGS SINGERS The King's Singers, England's premier vocal ensemble, will perform at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. The cost will be from $30 to $35 per person and full-time student are half price. Information: (714) 740-7878, http:/Miww.thebarcl11y.org. AESTA NAVIDAD CONCERT Jose Feliciano will join mariachi bandleader Nati Cano es part of the 10th annual Aesta Navidad concert at 8 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tidteta coat $20 to $69. Information: (949) 553-2422, http://www.phiharmonic society.org. ORANGE COUNTY WOMEN'S The Orange County Women's Chorus will perform its 2003 holiday program, "I Sing of a Maiden," at 7 p.m. Dec. 14 at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The choru1 will perform worb about the Virgin Mary and many more. Tldceu cost $10 to $16. Information: (949) 451-8590, http:/Miww.ocwomens chorus.org. JAZ1. TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach preaents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beadl. Hours ere 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday end 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jama from 7 to 11 p.m . every week. -Wanted" musicians lnclu<N guitlr playera, bau pleyera, singers, drummera, keyboardists end othere at 100 Main St, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 67&-nso. DUKE'S PLACE Jazz and codttal11 flow dally from noon to midnight Sundays through lhursdaya end from noon to 2 a.m. Fridaya ind Saturdeya et the Balboa Bey Club 8t Resort, at 1221 W. Coeat Highway, Newport e.ach. lnfonnltlon: (949) 646-6000 Did You Knowl -That we are a full service nursery with qualified -California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come fn today to ';ll.Jlle Nurseries and let us show you ha.v." y~~ NUll8mH•8, INC. __ _ . nnts ftusbing grease mto our ie'Wef system. .. Cowidlman John Heffernan said The arudy will have three goals: map out "hot spots" whete sewer overflows ~ common, aeate a map of restawants lo the city, and inspect sewer Unes with closed·drcuit television technology to find grease backup in the system. Many restaurants in the dty use grease traps -devices de- stgned to keep oils and grease out of the wastewater system. But It's possible that some are obsolete or not property main- tained . For those restaurants that don't have grease traps. the dty may use the information from the study to educate restaurant owners about water quality and technology available to heJp keep grease out of the sewer sys- tem. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ1. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar. the New Voit Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina et 251 E. Coast Highway In Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays end Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Oltri joins the duo on vocals on Mondaya. It'• free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Blueweter Grill offers live mull<: Fridey end Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nk:k Peper and Kally Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Udo Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. 1949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT TME PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The bend performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beac:h. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight tNery Fridey and Saturday. Players is at 612 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. 1949) 646-6615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evening• and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorite• on the saxophone. Anthony's ls at 161 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3426. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 6. a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs cla11lcal flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sunday1. Free. (949) 675-1922. STAGE 'THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST' Oscer Wilde's comedy of mannera will be performed through Dec. 14. Performances will be at 8 p.m . Thursday1, Friday• and Saturday• and Sundays at 2:30 p.m . Tldtets coat $17 opening night, otherwise $13. Information: (949) 631-0288. I THE MIRACl£ WORKER Eatancla High School'• drama department wlll pre1ent "The Miracle Worlter" at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. Dec. 6, and Dec. 12 and 13 at the Barbara Van Holt Theatre et Estancia High School, 2323 Placentia Ave .• Costa Meaa. Tidtets cost $8. Information: (949) 615-6537. COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2700 Bristol St. 2800 N. Tuttln Ave. TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PIO (714) 754-6661 (714) 633-9200 O)Mft.[Tt lANOSC»ING • 45 WAIS Dl'PllNCE UCENK•_,, M1ns1 I Ao-. .... NurlllY···O. Mlliil Muter NUN!SY Professional Satu<day. November 29. 2003 A5 140 Newport Center Drive, Suite l 10, Newport Beach 949.644.6933 -.Asgestudjo.com ·J M ~. NMtnber 29, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUIUIHED -L.-.: Mail 10 Editorial P9ge Ecltot $.J. Cahn at the 0..tv PUot. 330 W. Bay SL, Cotta Mesa, CA 92827 • .....,_ Hodne: Cati (949) &42..$l88 Fu: Send to (949) 64&4170 E"""91:s.nct to dllllypilot•latlnw.oom •An c:omllP<>ndenc: must lndude full name, homet'QWn and phone number (for~ purpoeee). The PHot,....,.,,.. the light to edit .it aubmlalona for d•rttv end length. AWG, back off before city claims JWA Call off the dogs. The Newport Beach-based Airport Working Group recently settled their El Thro-related lawsuit against the Department of oerense. whlctt co t taxpayers hundreds or thousands or dollars. The AWG Is suing the city of lrvine and Is threatening to sue the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission, also known u LAFCO. over Irvine's annexarlon or the former E.I Toro Marine base. MAILBAG The working group has yet to give up Its lawsuit agafnsr the county over Measure W. The group's money cOmt$ prlncipaJJy from the city of Newport Beach. In recent years. the CJty Council has handed the group nearly $4 million or taxpayer money. The Airport Workmg Group 1s Newport Beach's hired surrogate In the alrport battle. Its leaders and consultants are the attack dogs that do the city's political and legal dirty work. F1.£ PHOTO /ONlY Pl.OT One aspect of a Newport Beach plan would have the city taking a hand in county.run JNA. On Tuesday, the Newport Beach City Council voted 10 ask Tom Wilson, the chairman or the Orange County Board of Supervisors. lo dialogue with them about the city raking control of John Wayne Airport.. We have a suggestion before supervisors begin considering whether Newport Beach's claims to John Wayne are any greater than those of Co ta Mesa or Irvine. which aJso border the airport, or the severaJ other cities in the flight pallu, or the county that buUt the wrport. We urge Wilson and the other supervisors to file away the proposal until the Airport Working Group ends every one or lu El Toro related lawsuJts. If Newport Beach wants to talk, a precondition should be to caJJ off the dogs.. LEONARD KRANSER Dana Point Great park pJan is a great waste of assets My gratJrude to D.L. Warwick for an articulate 5antaia Getting His Game in Shape for: lener ("Great Part plan scammlng taxpayers out of real estate" Mailbag). stating the facts about the Great Part plan scamm1ng taxpayers out of the reaJ estate that ran Nov. 20. I truly believe south Orange County has outspent, outsmarted and manipulated our side of the Issue with the help of developers who want to develop this property. Recently, I attended the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission meeting where 28 Individuals voiced their concerns about Irvine's annexation of the former El Toro Marine base. Saturday, December &th, 1·oam-4pm tr11:unt21ij SAVINGS 20%·60% Irons· Drivers· Fairway Woods· Wedges· Putters Bags • Men's & Ladies Golf Apparel • Shoes ~ roc:t;Joy ORUMAR ~tt' PINS COSTA MESA COUNTRY CLUB 1701 Golf Course Drive • Costa Mesa 714·540· 7500 Five members of the commission. who represen1 only 3oci., of the county population, voted for the lrvine annexation. while the other two felt their were many unanswered questions and said they needed more time to gather information. Those two members represent the remainJng 70% of the county. yet have a minority on the commission. They voted "no." At this meeting. we were advised It would cost Orange County taxpayers 2'1fi on their taxes for thls new plan for South Counry. RACMEL PEREZ-HAMILTON Costa Mesa LE 11 ER TO THE EDITOR Would Newport's airport plan benefit Santa Ana Heights? ·~ •• '• •• By Rusaell Nlewlarowskl S hould the Oty of Newport Beach seek to control John Wdyne Airport? That ls a good question and one that cannot be easily answered until the city of Newport Beach first reveals their intentions, motives and reasons behind the sudden interest. II is interesting that such a notion comes at the same time the city is ft.nalizlng their plans to annex the remaining portion of Santa Ana Heights and possibly the Santa Ana Couniry Oub. Is there a connection between the Santa Ana Heights annexation and controlling the airport? As a resident or Santa Ana Heights, who lives less than a haJf mile from the end of the runway, I see the airport and my community of 84 homes. known as the Pegasus tract. (Sherwood Country Oub Estates) as being very closely connected to the airport. No other community in Orange C.Ounty is more negatively Impacted or effected by the airport as my community. The Santa Ana Heights Redevelopment Area funds come dim:tly from the airport-generated revenues, so in that sense we are very much connected. The future of Santa Ana Heights Is also dependent on the airport. specifically, controlling its growth and negative Impacts. lf the city of Newport Beach is interested in maintaining the THE :: •• survival of Santa Ana Heights by . controlling the negative lmpacta le generated by the airport. then I would support the city ~ negotiating for a stake In the ~~ control of the airport.. J have approached the Orange · County Boaid ofSupervlsors. our= county-appointed Santa Ana • Heights Project Advisory Committee and the cides of Newport Beach and Costa MCSl regarding master plan improvements for Santa Ana Heights and the Bristol Street slope on the John Wayne Airport ; property. : While the Boaid of Supervisors • -under the cbairma.n.shlp of • Cynlhia <:oad -supported the : plans presented to them, ii was : the city of Newport Beach that • showed the greatest interest in such improvements. I believe it is in Santa Ana ~ Heights best interests to jointly I participate with the city or : Newport Beach in a "visfoning" - process to determine what : improvements should be made • to our commwtlty and to insure • the long·tenn survival and ~= bettennent of our commwtlty. :• And that can only be achieved by ·~ controlling the negative Impacts ·~ generated by the John Wayne ·~ Airport. ~ • Without a tight control on •: future airport growth, all other • plans and expenditures : pertaining ro Santa Ana Heights :: would be frivolous. :• • RUSSB.1. NIEWIAROWSKI is a Sant8 Ana Heights resident. .: • • : :1 • •l ••• .... • •• . :· ••• •• ~ ~ : :j . ·~ . . • • . . • • • • • • .. 2925 Harbor Blvd. • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 979-2500 ACURA (800) 96AC RA• Fax (714) 435·1521 . . -.. ~ .~ ~u1m0r t Our Schools -. -. PAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY Try to spend more time laughing Tea & Sympathy u{t &l. T uroom Lunch • Parties • Gifu Christmas Parties and Gifts! 569 P.uc l1ch St., c.or-t orTu.ttla A.._, <Mu M.. 9'49.6"SM60 -.cnplah._m.eom Open For Lunch 7 Days A Wedd "}bur lillO may""' btl wliat )OU wotdd Jiu d11m to bl. You '"">' not ha&le all that you would Ilka 10 havs, but God will rrvU:il mff you wtU haw what you n«d to do HIJ work." -JOSEPH GIRZONE "O"r sot. purpo.stt, our basic m:ason for exlsunct. /.J to bring nuutmum 1tory to our God -to magnifY. aa/t and ~~1JtJt1 die Lord our God." -CHARLES R. SWINDOLL G od has a creative aense of humor !Uld be often uses hwnorous sJtuadon.s to get my attention. A few weeb ago, we had to empty our ante to remove old ducting and asbestos. I was repeatedly told that asbestos isn't o problem unless It's disturbed. "ls It disturbed, Cindyt• my father asked. ·1 don't know, dad, 1 'll ask It.· 1 answered teasingly. "But I get dlsturt>ed just looking at ii.· Aher analysis, we were told that It was disturbed and should be rem~. Several men In masks and special suits spent CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON most of a day deaning OUlOut attic and .removing the asbestos. Several da}'I later. wehad new ducting installed and a more functional attic Dooring bullt. During that time, I spent several days going through boxes. throwing away and gfving away what we didn't need. I found some treasures and had fun seeing our daughters' childhood dolls. stuffed animals. artwork. school papers and more. I smiled and thanked God for all the happy memories.. It was noisy and dusty whJJe we all worked. The men worked long and hard on the removal, as did those who worked on rebuilding the attic. They were all kind and courteous. apologized when things took lo~ than we'd been told and offered to help when I brought btgs home from the market. t tried to writ;, but bad 10 top Ctequently to answer question or let peopJe in the house to do their work. I had to nop writing several other limes when our electrldty needed to be turned off brtelly for the electrician to replace old swilches. Sometimes r had a good attitude, but other times I was frustrated by one more problem with an aging bouse. Then a friend told me that she prays everyday that everythlng she does would glorify God. Even when she dJdn't know if her home would burn in the fires. she kept that same attitude. 1 also thought of friends who maintained that attitude during cancer treatment. My anitude improved. Then J thought back to before any of these conveniences, which can easily become nuisances, were imagined or invented. Back when Jesus lived, many people worried about the most basic needs of Ufe, as they IN THEORY nUJ do around the wodd today. f was bumbled by the thought and thanked God for the reminders. Are inconveniences bow God gets our attention back to him and back to what really matterst He did with my latest ones, which went on to Include a major plumbing problem for . several days. I also thanked God. for generous neighbors, family and mends. Ufe isn't always what I'd Uke it. 10 be, but God has provided again and again in creadve ways to meet my needs. I'm trying to hold on to things less, laugh more. and will pray to glorify God better, whether I'm writing, spealdng or working with plumbers and electricians. And you can quote me on that. • CINOY TRANE CHRISTESON is 11 Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at cindy@onth-arow.com or through the mall at 537 NewPort Center Drive, Suite 505, NewPort Beach. CA 92660. A good time for.gratitude QUESTION: What are you thankful for? over the Pacific and a sunrise over the Atlantic; the majesry of a mountain or the ribboned beauty of a Grand Canyon carved by the millennial slice of the winding river; the tart taste of a crisp. fall apple; the ... ,. .. ..,...,,. Fri:,_ "1• .fltl: Io..,_ 1,_ (949)646-6789 370 8 E. 17th St. In !he '8ig R~·,• Shoppi <Anlw 17STREET B EAUTY CENTER '71it Large.st, !fintst, r rittuftust '&auty Supply & 1uU Servict.Salon In Orange County ~n 7 0.11 • (949} 6'2-1717 NEW ARRIYALS OF ~P~Brmlns ~~ ·-Your ~ Chef Your Peri re C hef is a uniguc service:! We'll prepare ddkiow and healthy cuisine in chc comfort of your own home! Who Need. Your Petite CheR • 1im,·srresutl funds • Nnu Parma • Anmwruries • New homnwnen • WorA-mt Fa1mlu1 • Boatm ... G ive a ddiciou.s holiday gift!~ I Thu Sllh, ~ d-Cl!;!/ " H!J.6".8764 -1itM1Coolt/,.,.,,._cOM ., . .,~- When we suffer tragic circurnsrances or when we are sad over a misfortune, we give vent to our grief. We are all aware of what we lade or what we have Josi. Are we grateful. appreciative and thankful, though, In times of joy lllld blessing, prosperity and well-being? A survivor of a Oood was asked lfhe prayed during the crisis. He replied, "For that lcind of thing, you should be prayed-up in advance.• It ls one thing to pray during times of crisis, but a greater thing Is to cultivate a lifelong daily relation blp with God th.rough an outp0uring of thanksgiving, We are blessed with lhe ability to love, work, lhJnk. create, hope and to be alive each day. I am grateful lo live In a land of freedom, to enjoy a faith that inspires me, for all who bequeathed a legacy of mearung and purpo e to me. for the promise of the future. I believe FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS CAPPEUA CAHTORUM C.ppella Centorum,the young ldult dlolr of St. John Vlanney Chapel, It beginning lta fifth year. The d\oir It open to students In gredes abt to 12. It provides ectlve fafth participation for teena during their high achoo! years. P11tlclpadon Includes singing It m ... regular1y and .i special eventa. Rehearsal• a,.. from 11 1.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays In the Chapel et 314 Marine Ave., 81lbo1 lsl1nd. Youngerd\ildren ere lmfrted to join. For more Information, contact N1ncy Kelly, director et (949) 673-4696. H.J. Garrett Fur~iture Full Design Con1ulting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Famil] Tradition of Providing Service and Valu6 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. th tu Sat. I 0 to 6, un 12 to ' Quality Service Value that man will not perish for a want of Information but for lack of appreciation. So, I am thankful for what 1 have received and for wha1 J have escaped. A man said to journalist Horace Greely, "I am a self-made man!" Greely responded, ·1 am glad you have absolved God of any responsibility for you!" No one is "self-made.· We are all indebted 10 God for making us who we are and for placing within us, around us and above us gifts that are al all times and in all ways claims on ow appreciation. II was reported thar Rudyard Kipling received 10 hillings for every word he wrote. Students at Oxford University sent Kipling 10 shillings with the request that be send them ·one of your very best words.• He called back, "Thanks." RABBI MARK MIU£R Temple Bal Yahm Newport Beach I am thanrauJ for an opportumty to counl ow blessings: the glory of a sunset ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOl.ARSHfP St. Merit Ptetbyterien Church in Newport la offering an environmental ICholarship fund for two atudents. The ldlolarahips will only be offered through Chapman University and UC Irvine. Interested students should contact their financial aid office. The ldlolarthlpa will be awarded in the spring of 2004. Information: (949) &44-1341, http://stm11rlcprnbyt•rl11n.orp. CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP SERVICES There wUI be four Christmas Eve worship servlc:ea at 5, 7, 9 and 11 p.m. 91 St. Andrew's Pre.byterian Church. The 100.vok:e St. Andrew'• Presbyterian Churcn S8nctuary Choir and Orchestr1 will be conducted by Leny IC. Ball. Senior Pastor John A Huffman Jr. wUI deliver the Chrf1tm11 Meuege. lnform9tlon: (9491 831·2880. HANUKKAH CELEBRATION Hanukkah wlll be C91ebmed Dec. delicate beauty of a red. red rose; the cool texture of a smooth, round stone; the smell of fresh-baked bread or fredl-mown grass or fresh-turned soil; the surprise of a gift. Nothing on earth can be bought that Is better than the touch of a friend or father or mother or husband or wife: the giggle of a chUd; "I love you." The unullerable joy of a relationship reconciled after much hurt. The goodness of a community become a famUy who will not give up on you. May I hold up a face 1ha1 becomes radiant within your sight; a marhemalical equarion beautiful In its perfeclion: lhe feel of a cross-court. 19 at Temple Bat Yahm. Dinner will be served after the lighting of the candles at 6 p.m., end a service will be held at 7:30 p.m. There will also be a children's menorah lighting. Information and reservations: (949) 644-1999. ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIRE St. Michael 8t All Angels Episcopal Churcti will have an Alternative Gift Faire from 8 a.m. to noon Dec. 7. Sales of the gifts wlll help support the needy around the world. St. Michael & All Angela la at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Information (949) 644-0463 WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange Count'( Is forming a parenting groop to help parents to understand and deal with the fMllnga and behavior of their ctilldren. The group meet1 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the ftnrt and third Mondayt of the month et the ceoter, 250 E. Baker St, Surt. G in "/Jttter ~ TlmJutJt Sdma. • ----~~..-.... "• Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT two-handed backhand thac leaves your racket certain co carei.s both sideline and baseline; a perfectly hit drive splitting the fairway long and high; a swished jump-shot or line-drive home run. Personally, I am still celebrating the Angels' 2002 World Series! As a Golden Bear. I rejoice that Cal footballers will go 10 a bowl game as I wish a national championship for that team the Bears beat 34-31 this fall . As a Olristian, I am moved to gratitude by rock 'n' roll rhythms like the Birds' "Jesus ic, JU~l all righr wilh me ,· and/or an anthem sung by willing voices, lovingly led, in joyous praise of God: a Bach fugue on rhe St. Anne theme, ·o God, our help In ages pasl, our hope for years to come," ln whlch nores run on and on in intricate harmony and in the same Godlike excess to be found in nature. Above all, lam thanJcful for lhe grace of God. THE VERY REV. CANON PETER 0. HAYNES St. Michael & All Angeb Episcopal Olurcb Corona del Mar Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service Is offering a support and dlscuulon group for adulta whose d\lldren or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group meel6 • from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration Is required. BAHM RRESIOES Members of the Behal feith hold Informal public dlscusalons on splrttual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and •t 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talk.a Include brunch or dinner. Also. Interfaith devotlonal meetlng• will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for ft1day meeting, (949) 760-6360 for S.. FAITH, P•&• A9 FAITH Continued from M Sunday meeting, and (9491 64$-8328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN101 1he Zen Center of Orenge County offers en Introduction to Zen Worbhop froM 3 to 6 p.m. the fir9t Sunday of every month et 120 E. 18th St., Costa Meaa. $50. (949) 722-7818. A SPtRfTUAL JOURNEY A 26-fNSOO S1udy on the life of Jesu• Christ titled •Journey to the Cross" la taught at 9:46 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder'• Bible C1au at Liberty Baptist Churctl. The study parallel• the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The dlurch 11 at 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 760-6444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Churdl in Newport Beadl holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m . Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free •1ectio dlvina" meditation groop meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesday• at Our Lady Queen of Angela, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that Includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m . on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some Instruction on how to meditate. a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. TALMUDIC ETHICS The Jewish Leaming Institute will present "Talmudic Ethics: Timeless Wisdom for Timely Dilemmas" from 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. through Dec. 18 at the Hyatt Newporter. 1107 Jamboree Road. Information: (949) 721-9800. HANDEL'S 'MESSIAH' "Hallelu1ah: The Bible and Handel's 'Messiah'" will be the topic for an adult forum at St. Maril Presbyterian Churdl at 11 a.m . for four Sundays beginning this week. Information: (949) 644-1341. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety and depression at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G In Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groops meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Palilway. The serW:e is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 4454950. Beacti. $2.60 .t the door. UM9) 631-2880. SEPMA110'4 SUPPORT Jewtsh femlly Service of~ County holdt a women's dlvorc. end separation 1uppo1t group at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Jewish Family Service'• ofnce at the Jewfah Fedel'ltion Campus, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. For dates and fees, call (714) 445-4950. ext. 114. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Serva of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with l1&ue1 sudl as life pauages and dlanges, body images. family, relationships and loneflneu at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) ~.ext. 114. HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the Issues and concerns faced by adult dlildren taking care of their elderly parents. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety and or depression from 10 a.m. to noon on Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G in Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950 INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service is forming a discussion group for interfaith couples where one partner 1s Jewish to speak about issues affecting an interfaith relationship. Jewish Family Service is at 250 E. Baker SI • Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m . Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beadl holds weekly Friday night services at 8 p .m. with a fellowship hour and refreshments afterward et 2401 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beadl. (949) 548-6900. DWORCESUPPORTGROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults dealing with the aftermath of divorce at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Call for prices. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. PASSAGES SUPPORTGROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a support and discussion group for people dealing with the issue1 of anxiety, depression, relationships, communication, life dlanges, loneliness and family at 10 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. $15. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. PASSAGES 50-PLUS SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a support group for women 50 and older dealing 'Do11't & Gob/JIM/ Up Hi I11n1'*"" Rilln Rabbin Insurance A.s!ency AlTT'O • HOMEO\VNDtS • Hiu.ni SiatihtJ S111t't 195" ~ Id ~S r)__, ,. , 949-631-7740 4-tl Old Nrwpott Bhd. • Nt. nol1 .l\sti (Near ffoet HelpiwJ .. FA l TH with the Issues of anxiety, depreulon, relatlon1hlP1, communication, life changM. tone!lnen end family et 7 p.m. Wedneedays •t 250 e. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Me ... Reglltratlon la required. Information: (714) 44M960. MEN'S FELLOWSHtP GROUP Presbyterian Churcti of the Covenant's men'a fallowahlp group meets from 8 to 9 e.m. Wednesdays at the Village Farmer restaurant, across from Sooth Coast P1aza In Costa Meu. (714) 567-3340. ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people experiencing chronic illness. The group meets at 7 p.m . Thursdays at Jewish Femlty Service, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Meaa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. AT A CROSSROADS Presbyterian Churdl of the Covenant tlosts "Crossroads" for sixth-. seventh· end eighth-graders from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. The program. includes dinner, games and Bible study. $2 donation is suggested. (714) 557-3340. HELP WITH HEALING Jewish Family Services of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group at 7 p.m. Thursdays for people who suffer from dlronic Illness. The group's purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to help manage the effects Illnesses have on people's lives. Meetings are at 250 E. Baker St • Suite G .. Costa Mesa. Free Preregis1rat1on required (714) 445-4950. TEEN SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Services of Orange County sponsors an ongoing support grOtJp for high school students that w;tt addreM such topJca H oopfng, with stren, aetf esttem, resolving confllcu. with others, body Jm-o• and other lllUeL Th• group will beet from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Mondays at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School. Information end registration: (714) 445-4950. WEEKLY KIDS PROGRAM Preabyterian Church of the Covenant presents "Children of Our Lord;' a weekly Thursday evening program. for first· throUijh fifth.graders. Games, a speaker and dinner are Included for a $2 donation. The dlurdl Is at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. (714)557~. TORAH Sl\JOY AND MtNYAN Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz and rabbinic intern Gen1h Zylberman lead a Saturday morning Torah study and mlnyan at 9 a.m. at Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelbadt St., Newport Beadl. Information: (949) 644. 1999. SHABBAT SERVICES Temple Bat Vahm in Newport Beedl hes a new schedule for weekly Shabbat services. The first and third Fridays of the month services will begin at 6 p.m. The third Friday is a catered Shabbat dinner of chidten. baked potato, salad, challah and wine after services. The cost will be $12 for adults end $5 for dlildren. Paid reservations ere required by the Wednesday before the dinner. For the second, fourth and fifth Fridays, services begin at 8 p.m. All services are conducted by Rabbi Mark Miller, Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz and Cantor Jonathan Grant. • Is your church or pl&ee of worstiip planning a special event? If so, send ttie typed informauon a1 least two weeks before Iha event to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bev St , Costa Mesa. CA 92627. anenuon. Paul Sa1tow11z. religion editor .. fax to 1949) 646 4170; or send e-mail lo da11.,,p1/ot a Jat1mos.com saturday, November 29. 2003 Al • 1(';,,, KVla/lr/,.£/.~~,,~n­ • GIA & EGL Certified Diamonds ~.-~•Customi!edOrders • Engagement 11 Wedding Rings •Repairs While You Wait • 18 Independent Merchants Our gift to 1"" SAVINGS OF $1000FF \ '-nth~tt' de Clftitr Wtt(h TRADiTijfittli f'••hlon latand·Hewport •••oh •••n:a1-eo10 The LOdO• al Aancno Mirage a "'lta·Cat1ton •I UIQ1m• Nlguet l Come Follow Me I For The Best Deals In Town! ~c~dtcl nass /s Having Tittlr LDst Sunda~ Of Tht Month Salt. Fina Just About AfU1thlf18 From Tht Cl~ts Of The ~rids Btst Drtnta Ptoplt' Sunda~ No~tmbtr 30, 2003 9 00 am-4·00 pm Bt thtrt tori it for prst pld.I Rlfrtshmtnts will bt strvtd. Alons with tht famous 2: 30 prn Dral.IX"S Bt iltut or Be $quart. ~"tclid R.tlas 2731 EOJt Pacl~c COast HWff Cotona <ill Mar, CA 92625 (949) 675-5.SS.3 • J • COMMUNITY & CLUBS Afew turkeys and an eagle F or the eeeood Cina salsa with his row, I ~e m the twbyth!s traditional Q>mmunity ynr. and Cube format to pretent the •Browne 1\&rkey Awa.rdl for Cotta Mesa and and Newport Beach. Last year'& Auodates. second runner-up 1n the Turkey Their =titlon, Gn.y Devlf, WU handling of ed e.riler this tall as the closure of governor of the atate or Ill Nido and California. Flrst runner-up, JIM Snug Harbor Irvine Mayor Lury Agran. mobllebome continues with the Great Park DE BOOM pub bas the Hou. while 1\trby of the Year Costa Mesa for 2002 0... fJbe jumped to Oty Council worklns on a new the Daily Pilot's top 103 Ust of policy dealing with mobOe infJuentlaJ people In the home park clos~ They Newpon·Mesa communities In missed lnvttatlons for posldon No. 13. lbanbgivlng dinner from For a week now, the former m Nldo and Snug Harbor nominating committee, resident.a. con.lfsdng of envirorunentallsts, • PhD Ant, Greenllght leader business and community whose communJty leaders, clergy, eleeted officials, commentaries In the Dally Pilot redrfts, and college students, all urlJize hot-button phases such residents of the Newport-Mesa communities, have been u ·turning the dty Into another M1aml Beach" when the facts reviewing the~ of the Dally don't support the statements. Pilot for 2003 to nd people who Ant's Thanksgiving recipe for have had an aft'ect on our Newport Beach is suspect as a communities, to be nominated result for 1\.u:bydom. • Heather Sommers, former We have a Oock of nominees Costa Mesa city councilwoman, th.is year. whose e-mail to friends urgjng a • Denim Rodman. simply boycott of a U.S. Postal Service because he continues to aet I.Ike stamp honoring the Muslim Dennis Rodman. holidal, of E.ld, demonstrated a • The Newport Beach Parks lack o understanding of not and Recreadon Commission, only Islam but her fellow human which recommended a policy to beings. Because one person the Newport Beach City Council Crom a faith community ls a to not name any park or field terrorist, lt doesn't mean all after any deservinJt resldeni from the same faith community because there nU t be too are terrorists. I am talldng abour many people ln Newport Beach the "Christian" who shot the to recognize. Newport Beach abortion clJnjc doctor ln New should look at Newport-Mesa York and the fellow "Ou'istian • Unified School District Policy bomber of abortion clinics. 751 o for a reasonable example And now for the 2003 Grand of how to name facilldes after Turkey-the grocery store employees and residents. strikers, jolned earlier this week • The Costa Mesa City by the Teamsters, who spent Council, which developed a Thanksgiving Day on the cold policy to hold the grocery stores picket lines Instead of earning responsible when customers steal grocery carts. Now If the council will change the auto double or triple time serving their customers. I really don't fault pickets, but I do fault the theft rules, we all could have union leadership for tbe new cars. hardships they have created • Jan VandenJoot. wetlands without adequately informing discoverer. always trying to save the union members on the a bird or a plant, always fighting proposals oftered by against any development. management. Stater Bros., Vandersloot had a range-fed Gel.son's, Mother's and Trader turkey this year. Joe's have been the beneficiaries •Dick Nlcholl, Newport of the strike, awely not the Beach city councilman. said strikers. It will take a long time enough, enough said, and for the strikers to make up lost enough reported, no need to wages and benefits when a repeat here. I understand he had contract Is finally settled. GETTING In e vetiety of areea. (949) 64&-8060. INVOLVED FRIENDS OF THE BALLET MONTMARTRE • OETTING INVOLVED runa The Frienda nMd volunteera who periodically In the Dally Pilot on a want to help talented local ~nceft routing batla. For Information on perfonn In profeeaional theatera. eddlng your organization to thl• For 30 years, the organization has lltt, call (949) 674-4298. provided the commt.inlty with quality Russian bellet training, helping youth d9Wlop strong FAMILIES-COSTA MESA Thl1 team of community-baled dltdpflne lkllla. build high organlzatlont, which worb to eett•eem and ecnleve dreama of provide vouth and femlllu with being a profealonal ~ncer. (7141 counnllng, family support, 241·742'. health educetlon, mentorlng, FRIENDS OF TH£ COSTA tutoring, efter-sc:hool activities and klnlhlp aervlcea, needa MESA UBRAR1£S voluntMra In •II arNa. (949) The Friendt Is a aupport group for 674-3978. the thrff llbrarta In Cotta M .... Help wfttt funcf.r•lalng evtnta and FlSH-MOBILE MEALS help promote library programs C.11 (949) &42-6080 to help and eeMc:ee In our community. Friendl In Servloe to Humanity (714)~. with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency fltfEHOS OF THE aulttance to thoN In need. Both NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY always Mele voluntMr utlttanc. The boobtot9 nMClt dormlons Jn contrut to the 1\ntey Oub. The special guat wUl be nomln , the committee none other than Santa. a.k.L decided to give tbe flnt EaaJe of member John Stambury. who the Vear Award to Bl1c 8eYlp', wt1J C out gilts for the whose exemplary aet of aeUlea chi1 A collection of dtizensbip by withdrawing his unwrarc tO)'I will be taken name for consideration for for chil ln ~te, Mexico. appointment to the Costa Mesa TUE.m\Y CJty Council got the council past a series of 2·2 votes over several 7: 30 un.: The 40-member weeks to name a replacement Newport Beach SUruise Rotary for JCuen Jtobi1*>D, who WU Oub will meet at Five Crowns to appointed as a Judge to the hear <lluck Hinch on ·Greece" Superior Court. If Bever hadn't (http:llMWpOrtbeoch done bis selfless act, the council sunrl.s.rof4ry.org/lnda.htm). m!ght still be voting on the 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa replacement on Thanksgiving Newport Harbor Uons Oub wt1J 1 meet at the Costa Mesa Country Day. What Eric Bever did was for the good of the public, not Qub. necessarily himself. How refreshing. Eric soars as an WBDNESDU' Eagle! 7:15 a.rn.: The lO~member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub • NEWPORT COAST CARES will meet at the Center Oub Shar.ky's Woodftred Mexican (http://www.southaxutmetro Grill Is holding its grand rotary.org); and the Newport opening celebradon in Newport Harbor Kiwanla Qub will meet Coast to benefit Newport Coast at the Universlty Athletic Oub. Cares, a dedicated group of Noon: The Exchange Oub of families that supports Mexican the Orange Coast meets at the · Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for ; orphan.ages ln Baja California This event It will be for the a business meeting. benefit of Hacienda de la 6 p.m.: The Rotary Oub of lnmacuJada ln Tijuana. The Newport-Balboa will meet at the · Bahia CorinthJan Yacht Oub to grand opening ls from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday. hear Joe Brown discuss "Budget The cost Is $10 for adults and Battles: Federal, State and $5 for children. Sharlcy's is ar Local" 21119 Newport Coast Drive in the Newport Coasr Shopping THURSJlU Center. For Information, call 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member (949) 433· 7879 . Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Lions Oub will meet at HOLIDAY BRUNCH FOR FOCIS Mimi's Caf~. The focus Is on ralslng funds Noon: The SO-member Costa to aid the homeless, said G1lle Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at Edelberg, event chalr for !he the Holiday Inn 10th annual holiday brunch to ( http://wwwJdwanis. benefit the Orange Coast orglclublcosramesa); the Interfaith Shelter. 50-member Kiwanis Qub of I The brunch will be held from Newport Beach·Corona del Mar 11 a.m. to l p.m. Wednesday. will meet at the Bahia Dec. 10, at a home ln Newport Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear " , Coast. Admission is $45 plus an Margaret McBride, a book agenf unwrapped gift for families at turned author; the Exchange the shelter. The deadline for Qub of Newport Harbor wt1J reservations Is Friday. They can meet at the Nautical Museum be made by calling Samantha for a business meeting; the Olenik at (949) 9991. Rotary Oub of Newport Irvine will meet at the Atrium Hotel for SERVICE CLUB the Newport Beach Fire MEETINGS THIS WEEK DeparttnentAwards MONIW' (http://www.nirocary.org,. 6:30 p.m.: The Harbor Mesa • COMMUNITY It Ct.UBS i1 Uons Qub will meet at the publlahed Saturdeya In the Dally Costa Mesa Golf and Country Piiot. Send your aervlce club'• 1 Qub for Its family Ouistmas meeting Information by fax to (714) : party joined by the Costa 921-8665 or by &-mail to • Mesa-Newport Harbor Uons 1deboom@aol.com. • ~ ~ for book sales. Good quality opponunitlea for glr1s and boys. children'• end nonflctlon book• (949) 846-7181. are especially needed. They may . be left at any of the branch HUMAN OPTIONS . llbrar1ea -Balboa, Mariner• or The organization 1helter1, Corona del Mar -or In the counsels and educates abueed apedal book closet next to the women end ctlildren. It 11 looklng •· Friends Book Store, at 1000 for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, • Avocado Ave. Volunteers are ext 24. • needed to staff the u1ed book "¥ •tore, which 11 Inside the entrance JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE .• of the Central Library. Volunteer• OF ORANGE COUNTY ' •• must be members of the Friends Volunteers are needed for ~ of the Library and are aaked to Project Carlog, whlctl provldee ., work one three-hour ehlft per soclallzatlon and cultural •• • month. (949) 759-9667. experlencea to the Jewish GIRL SCOUTS realdent1 and othera at Fairview Developmental Center In Costa Girl Scouts of Orange County Mesa. Volunteera "edopt" a • needs volunteera who wlll be facility to provide programming • • trained ea troop leader&, serve on of Jewish content to the • epecial committees and give residents on a monthly bHla. lectura1, demon1tratlon1 or The group sponeore an ongoing clauea. (7141979-7900. Jewish healing 1upport group for people with chronic lllnna at GIRLSINC. 7 p.m. Thur'ld1ya at the Jewlah • OF ORANGE COUNTY Family Service, 260 E. Baker St., •, Volunteera are needed to offer educational and enrichment Suitt G, Coate Me&a. Free. (714) 44~960. Our authentic yoga exercises strengthen your body and our unique Life Mastery-techniques calm your mind, uplift your spirit and feed your soul. * Classes every day * Prenatal yoga *Retreats * S20 off with this ad * The premier Orange County Yoga Center since 1970 FREE D£MONSTRAT10NS Wed., December J• lO:OO•m & 7:00pm Stllrt Classa Any ThM (949) 646-1211 www.~center.org ._.S E. 17th St., Costa Mesa /.O(OfWd"' Utf AdMtt S-.0 Ptalo, ~ TIOM oild Nrlf ~ J ~ fin( ol Modir) MorMf aQdNrl .. SOC I ETY THE CROWD A Gindlelight evening of music T he fashionable local steakhouse Morton's at South Coast Plaza Vlllage opened Its doors 0in a Monday evening to welcome the most generous patrons of the Candlelight Concert. 1be Morton~ dinner reception celebrated 30 years of the annuaJ candleligtlt event, which generates a major charitable contribution to theOrangoe County Perfonning Arts Center. In recent years, the c.andlelight event. which is 8. W. COOK comprised of two major nights at the Center, the Candlelight Concert and the Candlelight Encore Concert. has raised seven-figure dona.dons for the Center. This holiday season, the elegant affair chaired by EUz.abeth Tiemey and co-chaired by Carol Wllken and Pat Ryplnsld will take place Dec. 5. It will star entertainer Johnny Mathia. Morton's Steakhouse generously welcomed patrons of the event including Barbara Bowle, Carole and Robert Pollman, Patrlda Ann Marahall. Jlm and Catherine Emmi, Pat and Dick Allen, Patti and Jim Edwards, Irene and WWlam Mathews, Suki and Randall MGCard.le, Dee and Larry Higby, Maralou and Jerry Hanington, and Lido lsle'11 handsome couple Joan and Tom Riach. The lavish underwriter's reception featured a flowing martini bar graciously hosted by Cynthia Nolet and an impressive auction that was concluded with bidding for a private exclusive musical concert starring opera diva Robin Pollman and Center President Jerry Mandel on the saxophone. The private dinner concert was sold for $15,000. and actually went to two bidders who each paid S 15,000 for the experience. BALBOA THEATER TheB~boaPeriormingAtts Theater welcomed supporters at the Corona de Mar residence of Enjoying MMemories in the Making" evening in support of the Alzheimer's Assn. are Pat Lane, event chair Joyce Weiss and Donna Anderson. Catherine and Delane Thyen to share in a presentation of future plans by Mary Lonicb, executive director of the theater. The morning reception also welcomed incoming board chair Nancy Gardner and recognized the founder of the Balboa Performing Arts Theater Foundation, Dayna Pettit. Newport Mayor Steft Bromberg was on hand representing the city and sharing the municipal view on historic preservation. The Balboa !'heater. built by J.P. Greeley. first opened its doors in 1913. The first theater operated for approximately 15 years at its original Main SLreet location until ii was transformed into an amusement arcade. Jn 1928, Greeley built his second theater on &Jboa Boulevard and called it "the RHz. • ft became a stage for vaudeville and during prohibition housed a speak-easy that was wcU known to local society and I lollywood personalities. In 1939, the Rltz was renamed the BaJboa Theater and turned into a movie house. The Balboa Performing Arts Foundation seeks donors to the preservation efTort. To date, generous participants include John and Donna Crean, who led the financial campaign with a SI -million gift, the Sam Parker Family, the city of Newport Beach, the Pacific I jfe Foundation. the Segerstrom Foundation. City National Bank. Olris Plache:r, Ken and Wendy Ruby, Robert Volt, Tudd and Unda White. Steft and Jule Gainey. and Robert and LaDorna FJchenberg. To get involved. please contact Mary LonJch at (949) 673 0895. MAKING MEMORIES They called it "Memorie~ in the Making.· llte 2003 an colJection by local A11.heimer artists was presented to the public by the Orange County Alzheimer'~ Assn. at a cocktail reception al tht: Park fower Alrium in Costa Me11a. The colJection featured 40 original paintings selected from more than 400 submissions. The nrt was then auctioned off as some 200 guests enjoyed the champagne reception fronted by TV celebrity Stephanie Edwards. Auctioneer Otuck Dreyer helped to raise more than S47 ,000 10 support Alzheimer's treatment and.educational programs in this community. The evening was chaired by the beautiful Joyce Weiss with suppon from a comminee of dedicated volunteers. •THE cm>WD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. WEDDINGS& ENGAGEMENTS &mney-Meyer Diana Meledlth Bun.neY of Cotta Meta and Jonathan Allen Meyer of Springtleld, Mo. acbanged vows at Walnut Spttnp Fannin Mmhfteld, Mo. on Sept. 14. The bdde ts the daughter of Paul and Donna Bunney of Costa Mesa. The bride wore a wbitesatln strapless top, Door-length fulJ skirt with train, her Johnathan Allen Meyer and mother's wedding Diana Meredith Bunney veil and her gJeat·grandmother's pearls. The maid of honor was Sayorl Tsu). llie brtdesmaJda were Jenny Hartman and Misay Meyer. The bridegroom ls the son or James Meyer of Long Beach and Marcia Meyer of Ava. Mo. The best man was Jeff Wade. The usher was Tune Meyer. The reception was held at the Balboa Yacht Oub with 65 guests. The couple spent it.a honeymoon in Callf omia. The couple plan to li~ In Springfield, Mo. The bride is empl~ at Subway. 'nle groom works at H & H Oeaning Q>. Mather-Bartow Richard and Pamela Mather of Newport Beach announce the engagement of their daughter Jill Mather of Newport Beach.to Stuart Bartow of Annapolis, Md The bride-elect Stuart Bartow and graduated from Jill Mather Corona del Mar High School and ls attending Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, O.C. The future bridegroom, aon of Ms. Elaine Bartow of Annapolis, ls also attending Georgetown UnJverslty Law Center. An Aug. 21, 2004, wedding la planned at Congregational Community Olurch in Corona del Mar. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdeya. For 1 form, please call Lula Pen1 at (949) 57~298. LIM ITE D TIME O NLY Saturday, November 29, 2003 AU TLPS ON SHOWING YOUR HOME fa mlllt ~ lher'e urc rwo ~ u(lutit:ktqlilc Iha& apply: ~y Mcnkly .-d ~y belt." Wh.:il )'OU ft piqllWing ywt home 11() ~u oo lhe nute&. ko:pins ywr l¥lUllC ~ycanamot ~ ~ In lddiciorl IO dcoolina..-,, ~IR simple ~)'OU QWl make thal will ~ ywt ixupcrty gives u ~fnl~ Fll'Sl.ertSllre ch:ll yn.-home~ t.ub ~ by tnikJng lhc Cr<n rA )'Ol6house~y~ ~all fcalUres o( yn.-ywd: rrow lhc lawn. lrim the l1'C5 aJld Wiled lhc prdm. ~lhll fnt ~ll'Clhc moa ~ Ob,jecUvdy !l.'rUllfll1J: the "*"'-a( ywt fQne, removing ch.aer in! IUldling muu ~ mclWlllp6e, }UU haYc lr:'amtld 10 li\lt' Wlch yuur 'llX.'big ~011 wmcbw, tu II• :1 ~1lve hu)'lf d L' a stgn ol fUJf mam1m.1n'C. l~g i' me ol thc fiN f~ pcxiplc 1lUIJCX. '41 ha"~ )'Ol6 atrpel\ ,., le..~ly ~ le;roJ RemiM.' ptllcr1llal 11111~ \IJL'h ~ rolling ru Lil)"> ;rd bnng II) !I lhu'd JX111Y ''ln;e" 1.o "11ff CJUI oll"cn-.1w odcn. A1r <U )'U ton: ~fen )'OU \hlJw II. rd l'IJUl lhe runan. "'' bu)'211 m" w-ek:umcd no " b[lhl. fresh CllV11Um1Cfll All dlC!lC ~M.'lllall'i v.1U ~ )'(U lure'-.~ ard ~._The nuc )'(U lufe ~ ~ b.i)U\ IR ~rr.-.~~·v.'111-dl Lylecn int Jeff have l 1 <,U\'C.\.'UIJvc )'CJ!' o( n:al es&alc ~ Ill Newport Rc:a:tl. Fer proft..,.\JCWlal ~ <T adva W1tll all )'\V real ~ rlCJl.ld.. uill lhc Ev.ml.I;' I.II Clu-;t Newport.Coklv.\:IJ Blllker 111 (949) 759-.'17% The Ewlnga Al9 Coast Newpon Property'• •1 Tum For 2001 ~I ONE-HOUR SPA TREATMENT S PECIAL $6Q on $85 'l'Olue MASSAGE SPORTS/D EEP THERAPUETIC MASSAGE • HOT STONE THERAPY MASSAGE SWEDISH RELAXATION MASSAGE • MATERNITY MASSAGE • REFLEXOLOGY • FACIALS GAYLEE SIGNATURE fACIAl. • C OU>.GEN N OURISHING f.tiCIAL Hor STONE THEMPY FACW. • GENT1.B1EN'S fACW. TREAJ"MENTS RAviEAAY PAIWAN Boor W~ • ~TEA DEroxlFYING Boor WR» MAAGAArTA SALT GLOW • M~ fAC£ TREATMENTS GLYCOUC TUATMENTS. ~PEELS at the Hyatt Newporter Newport Beach, California ........ o ..... (. FREE V>dl!T PARKING I I 07 jamboree Aoad, Suite #2, Newport hach, CA t2660 (949) 6*-4093 WW .,eilaMll t4oftday • Saturday • 9am to 9pm • M'iday .. I 01m to ..,.,, • 1 Al2 S*day, November 29, 2003 1 stwin ows.com llUli.r.Mlf Brands • lowtst Price Up Front No Gamti ~~WS • le~acement I New Construction me Pricing I Purchasing .• _. ..... 2-494-9069 Fu: 562-494-2069 ~Rtt• Rtftmh • All MaJot Credit Cants Starting at $5.95 7 Days a Week 11-4 Includes soup, ~ appetizer & rice , 1 / \ • I 1 1 I 1,,' , , ' , ~· Startino at $7.95 FREE DESSERT HONEY WALNUT SHRIMP $7.99 • CAHTCNSE QJIS1N£ • S.-ffM,n /I-· 10,. HIGHIN I LO'I IN PR/CF, BIG IN POKIION, GOOD IN SERVICE H~akh Conscious Menu Avai'4ble !/ • ' '' 1, /) '\ , I " '•!I , , , , (949)759-3388 l'l\I \In 111\I \"- Sr. MARK PRF.sBYTElIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 ~t Midiad ~ AI1¥ r.aaJlc View ti Muauenrr Corona dd Mar • 6'4-<>463 A c;,,.l"f,IHll •/ tJit Allfl1w1 c;,,,,,,,,,,,,.,. l/UIWl"IG ou• FAITH WVING CHJll\T A.\'D SUVl!t'G OC:.W CO.lolMU\711' Th< ~ii Petet 0. H.iyncs. R«t01 SUNDAY SCHEDULE. I am Holy Wdwui ')am !>4inday Scbool/Aduh Bible ScuJy I 0 Am • Cioni EucNrast Vtns!RY~~AVAll.AIU 11 \\ l\l I - •,JmJS CHUSTl SU9 STAA OR allVANt" l.EADEU" W1lidl W. He> Whit An YCIW (John 13:1·7, PM l.-6-111 A + •A God-centered pariah coaimunicy. W<ructcJ ht the Word of God and rtncwcd by the 5.lc:rt.m<nts Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beath, California 92660 • (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Mon.signor William P. McLaughlin l\stor LITURGIES: SatWday, S p.m. [C.nror). Sunchy, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:~ (Contcmp<>fl!Y) 10:00 (Choir), l lJO a.m (Cantor) and S:OO p.m. (Conttmporary) AROUND TOWN • s.nd AROUND TOWN Items 10 the Deily Piiot, 330 W. B-v St., ~ M ... , CA 92627; by .-mall to luI..,,.n••lltilrHIUJOm'i by fax to (IM9) 848-4170; or by c.tlllng (948) 157~98. Include tht t me, dMe and location of the event. aa well .. e contact phone number. TODAY The~~ Colony of Mlyftower o.tc.ndanta will have lta 1nnuel Compec:t O.y l..und'90f'I at 10:30 e.m. et the Holiday Inn 3131 South Bristol, Costa M .... Ar/vOM Who I• dMcended from one of the 26 known heed• of femlllet can join. lnfonmtlon: (949) 648-6871. hitp.:l/Www.oc:m.y170W1Jr.org. Al pert of 8pe Greoc>M'• customer eppr.c:ietion month, tt win have• ~omer comp day In Which two cllenta will get their MtVicea fOf free et 200 Newport Center Orlv.. Information end ,.aervetlont: (949) 844-6872. SUNDAY The Orange County Chepe.r of the Swedish Women's Educltlonel Aan. witl ~ tta ennuel SWectilh ChrlttmM 9\/90t, Whld\ promot• Sw.dllh traditions et 11 e.m. In the Cocta Mtu Neighborhood communhy center, 1845 Park AVfl. The cost will be S2 for c:hlldten younger than 15 and $5 for ldutta and older teentgera. lnfotmatlon: (949) 786-2734, hap:/~.~Off¥ 01911g«l!OUO~, ""'*' ollpll ~ .. customer tppredttlon mof'lth. It wtll have. r..,,. end rw.en. o.v tt 200 N.wport Centw Driw. ~will be free akin ca,. ell nice •nd do-it..youreetf foot treetm«lta. mMQUM end hair malQUM, each for $6. lnform•tion end reaetVltlons; (949) 6'4-6672. MONDAY South Coeet Plua wtll hwe lta 21st annual T.....Ughtfng Ceremony It 6 p.m. et Town Center Pa~ adjacent to the Watln South Coast Pfau. The 90-foot white fir w«t be edomed by 15,000 lights. The c:eremony will feature the All American Boys Chorua and an appearance by honorary emcee, Jennifer York from KTlA· lV. WORSHIP DIRECTORY \11111(11>1'-.I Newport Caiter United Methodist Church ~. Ca1hlccn Coots. Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (9'69) 644-0745 811m Quin Worship Smnct JOam Wonhip •ml Ch1/4reni SunJay School Youth muting weelt/y 11 1111 I{\'\ Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (LJ..C.A.I ., .. .,__ °"· "-Port a-ch TtadltlonalLutb•111n Putor Charin Endter Worehtp .. rvla. with Holy Communion Sunday 9: 1 e am (Ne)e48 aea1 MIUAVllRD• UNrTED METHOOtST CHURCH 1701 Beker, C.M. WOC"9hfp & Church School 8;30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 9T9-823o4 Of RICl\anl ~OI RtY SMl>hlllle Toon SenlOf Minister Yocitll MtnlS1tr Cluirt Chu.rcb By the Sea Unucd Methodm 1400 w Balboa Bl~.~ Bach • ~ s ~-M.lt Swod.,, Sdiool aJO ac 1h... ,. ..t c:::wJm. s...i., !dool The Rn. l>f. Georp R Criap, Pulor (C)ot,)67J-3IOS -- ( 111< I\ I I \ \. ·-, ..,._:r::E: .... -,·. ~ -, ··-'=" ... -··~ Come Reignite I Wol"ll'IJp 10:00 A.M. HARIOR CHRllTIAN CHURCH (Dlsclplt1 of Cl\rtst) 1401 lrvlM Ave. Newpoft laactl, CA (948) 145·5781 lllitlllW: Dr 0.-..... -=-"" ......... ( I 11: f '-. I I \ "--< 11 .1 I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido NeWJX)rt Becr.h 673-1340 or 673-6150 Church 10am&5pm, ~ Sd'XlOl 10 am ~ Mllerlgl 7 30 i:rn ~ -SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Pcr;;11lc view Dr. Newpcrt Becx:h 644-2617 or 675-4661 Chwch lOam ~ Sc.tiool 10 am ~~730p!\ • t•Wedre:tlt 11noan Be not atr.kl ot tMfr '9cM: ................ ,..., hc:la all'lc Witt a.itdl • Tiie Fi1I ~(I Or-. Sdadt • .._ Mmtdillds WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publishe.. Ewry Saturday in the Daily A Pilot CALL 949.574.4249 A mMdrle In llUPPOft ol Democtatlc ~·· cand~• Wesley K. Clerk wlll be '*d at 7 p.m. et the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St, Cotta M .... Volunteers will ahere lnfonnatlon and a.ric•• po.ltlon. on key luuet. Information: tnro•~rt.~. hnp;l~.mHtup.com . TUESDAY A town hall m.-ae on homeland MCUrity will be from e to 8 p.m. tt Vanguard Unlverthv'• Smith Hall Room 101. 65 Fair Drive, AIMmbfyrnan Ken Middox, Cotta M• .. Councilmen Alan MenlOOf end Mfc:N .. Sc:heater, Callfoml• Natlonal Guard Mal. Gen. Paul 0. Monroe Jr., Cotta Are Chi.f Jamn M. eni. and repretentetlves from the o~ County Sherifr• Department, C.llfomla Office of Emergency Set'vlc:et and the FBI will be on hind. WEDNESDAY The AntJ..SAT movement wlll hold e meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. in the ASS room at Corona del Mar High School. There will be guest apeakert. an open forum for comments and questions, end an outline for Implementing educatlonalreform.Studentt, parentt, and teachers are welcome to attend. Information: Amanda Rubenstein, (949) 719-1756. THURSDAY TM Orenge County Ch8PW of Childhelp USA will have a holiday boutique and luncheon at 10 a.m. In the Hyatt Regency, 17900 Jamboree Blvd .• Irvine. For reservations contact Nancy Whitlock at (949) 548-4228. Th• Chudt Jone• Geli.ty In the Atrium Court of Fashion Island will present an exhibition of art of the animated film ·or. Seu88' How the Grinch Stole Christmas• with voice actress June Foray and animation producer and director Phll Roman. The exhibition will be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery Is at 401 Newport Center Drive. lnfonnatlon: (949) 759-0758, http.:11\Nww.chud<jones.com. The Orange County Coalition for Youth will host "1..8t Your Voice Be Heard• from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at the Costa Meta Neighborhood Community Center. 1845 Park. Costa Mesa. The event is to let youth voice their concerns. talk about issues and to influence policy decisions. Information: rle @edd.ca.gov. Al part of Spa Gregorie'a customer appreciation month, it will have a representative from B. Kamin• on hand to perlonn mini-facials end akin analysis from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The mlnl·fadela cost $50 with a $20 coupon toward B. Kamin• products purchase on the same day. Information and rnervetlon1: (9491644-6672. Harbor Dey School'• Student Enrichment and Parent Education Committee will present parenting expert William Sears from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Harbor Day School. Seare will lecture on 10 t1P8 tor successful pacentlng and on improving a child's IQ through nutmion. Information end reservations: 1949) 64S-8004. FRIDAY Shuky's Woodfired MUic:an Grill will have a grand opening benefiting a small La Hacienda de la lnmaculada In Tijuana through Newport Coast Ceres from 5 to 9 p.m. at 21119 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coast Shopping Center. (949)433-7879. OEC.6 The Co.ui MeM Men'• Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Toumament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Meta Golf & Country Club. The entrance fH will be $70 today and $136 for both days. lnfonn•tlon: (949) MS-2886, 0(949) 903-9090 w.lcbf School wtll praMnt 11* Winter Fatival from 3 to 6 p.m. at 2350 Cahyon Drive. There will be Masonal craft making, muelc, theater •nd lntem•tional food. There wlll be a nominal c:Nrge at the gete. lnfonnatlon: (949) 674-n34. The.,.....,...,....,_ wtll be •tt. the 8:30 a.m. malt at Our Lady Queen of AngelM, 204G Mar Vista Oriv8. The prtyer btukflat will feeture guett tpeaktr Madeline Tucci T1nnehlll, founder of •Gary'a Piaoe for Kldt. Theta will be • pofnMCde pltnt .. ie ttt.r the bteakfalt. Th• breakfast ,, aponaored by the Cesa Teresa Founden Guild. ThZ coat 11 e $16 donation. lnfonnatlon: (949) M0-0886. )J The c.t Nnden Aitn. wt1 H have e c:Nmpionlhlp •nd '!' househokf pet cat •how from 10 • 1.m. to 6 p.m. tt the Onlnge County Fair & &poaltlon Center. 0 The ewnt will feature up to 226 or the WOftd'• ftnMt pedigreed Cits "' Will be there along with retCU• "" cats end klUena looklng for e A home. lnformttlon: (868) 8 .466-9390. tn l:l NatioMI UnMntty'I c.ntw 1:,1 for Cutturel end Ethnic S1udiea ,,, will preMnt "The Allure end Significance of Body Art from '= ,, 10:30 e.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Natlonel University, 3390 Harbol0 Blvd. Information: (714) 42~ lzuka10nu.edu. ~· ~annual '6 Christmas Fair will be from 9 a.m.c to 4 p.m. There will be over 176 JM booth• of top artist• with unique L handcrafted Items lnduding llve .., music, food and entertainment. " Information: (714) 641-3112, · http.:11\Nww.piecemakers.com. 10 DEC.7 ;1 The Cat Fenden Asln. wlJI •Q have a championship and household pet cat show from 9 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Expoeltlon Center: '1 The event will feature up to 226 cm the wortd'1 finest pedigreed cats " will be there along with rescue cats and kittens looking for a 'T home. Information: (8581 455-9390. /\ •• :> Plecemabn' annual rl Christmas Fair will be from 9 a.m..l to 4 p.m. Dec. 8 and 7. There will be over 175 booths of top artists - with unique handcrafted items " including live music, food and N entertainment. Information: (7141 ·' 641·3112, http.:ll\Nww.p1«:emakers.com. •0 .T Th• Cotta M ... Men'• Club N will sponsor the Fairview w Developmental Tournament ..:.i benefiting Fairview ·rt Developmental Center at the r Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club.11 The entrance fee will be $75. lnfonnation: (949) 845-2886,(949) r 903-9090 The NVanth annual Blllbo• Island Walking Holiday Home : Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.f at Balboa Island. Tidcets oost $20,,,, Information: (949) 6734280. The city of Newport S.ec:h'1 14th annual Winter Wonderland will take piece from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m .• at Grent Howland Park, 6th Avenue and Iris Avenue. There ,, will be more th•n 30 tons of snaw. dumped onto the grounds for the.• enjoyment of the community. There will be activiti., such 11 ,C wintercamival gamea along with1 Santa. Information: (949) '• 644-3161. DEC.10 Body Oetign wiU o«.r • frM seminar and demonstration on the latelt technology on cellulite , treatmentt from 7 to 8 p.m. at 10Q; Newport C.Oter Drive. The event . is presented by Mary Dellene. a 11 massage therapist Information and registration: (949) 722·3555, Qfltfit@bodydesign.tv. r Ho-., Hospital wlll have an .vening lung cancer support • group discuulon about "Coplng,J with the Holiday& .. from 8:30 to&• p.m. et the Hoeg Cancer Center, 1 Conference Room A. lnfonnatlon' (949) 76().6542. i ~ DEC.11 ~~ The C.mpua CoHeaguea ol • Orange Cont College will hold .-: luncheon io raise funds for the ;t OCC Oltabled Students Center ~ from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. tt OCC. l There will be 'ntertalnmont provided by Tyler Hoff and Klro t., Kiro, who will be pleylng with~~ HarTY and Grae. Steele Children ; Center. The edit la $9.60 per person. lnfonnation: ttandardrlnt•horm•ll.oom. ,1 DEC.12 ~ ~ lttend Md Star&7 ~· Radio will host • holiday toy dri from 10 t.m. to 4 p.m. In Bloomlngd1le't Courtyard. st Customers era ancou(aged to ., drop oft en unwrapped new toy to be placed under the Fashion I.tend CM11m1t tree. lnfonn•tion: (IM9) 721-2000. http://Www.lhopfaltlon s.l•nd.com. n..w..~ Dystrophy frtenda aupport grouP. wtll meet at 7 p.m. et Cocoa, 27 ... BANQUET ROOMS ......... ,., f\;;,; festive P tirties ! ) 1 TOWN ContinUed from Al2 ~Blvd., eo.ta Mesa. tnfonnedon: (949)660-1212, (714) 491-M>O. HOME WALK OEC.11 ~ .... E.-cutMe of Am..tca wtll ~ P.ul A Motenlto, c:hllirman of the board end co-CEO of Chicago Pizza & 8rewetY Inc., during lb breekfut mHtlng et 7:30 e.m. et the Plclflc Ctub, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. The coct Is $16 for membere end $2S for nonmembera. Information: (949) 721-8686. OEC.21 ~ w.nd wil hcMt Its annual menoreh lighting ceremony et 3 p.m. et Bloomlngdele'I Courtyard. The event wfll be hotted by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Chabad Jewiah Center In Newport Bead\. lnfonnetlon: (949) 721-2000, http://www.6hopfashion island.com. ALE PHOTO I M.V PILOT The seventh annual Balboa Island Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 7 at Balboa Island. Tickets cost $20. Information: (949) 673-4280. DEC.22 The Orenge County Melbt Place will hold its Holiday Maricet Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artiun1' and crafters' comer, ptiotoa with Santa aaus and seasonal entertainment The Environmental Neture c.ni.r will present a holiday craft work.shop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family Md friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m . The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.23 The Environmental Neture c.ni.r will present a holiday craft woric.shop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489 DEC.24 The EnvltOnmental Nature Center wUI present a holiday craft work.shop ln which participants can Cf'eate their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There Will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.26 The Environmental Nature c.ni.r will present a holiday craft wortcshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost Is $140 per student with a ~discount for members. There wm be a $26 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. ONGOING The N.wpott Center Toastmaster's Club can help you Improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badtgrounds. The group meets every M onday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive: Newport Beach. Validated parking is available In the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721-5732. soi. Comfort and Lau,.'1 House have teamed up to help those in need by collecting shoes from Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfort, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. Laura's House 11 committed to ending the cycle of domestic violence and strengthening families. Information: (949) 644-5939. Th• N.wpott e.acti Public Library is holding ita holiday food drive through Dec. 12. There will be Share Our Setves bins at the hbrary for donations of canned goods and non-perishables. Donations can be dropped off during regular library hours: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Information: (949) 717-3801. South Coast Plaza will hew Its Santa's Village through Dec. 24 at Carousel Court. Shoppers can make crafts at the Alpine Wood Shop, Holiday Trimmings Shop and the Village Bake Shop. The cost varies per craft. lnfonnation: (714) 435-2083, http:J/www.southcoastplaza.com. South Coast Plue will ~eve its famous carousel transformed from horses to Santa's reindeer until Dec. 28. The cost for a ride 1s $1. Information (714) 435-2083, http://www.southcosstplaza.com. South Coen Plaza wfl have Santa's Express Train running through Jan. 4 at the Crate 8t Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing on level 2. Information: (714) 435-2083, http://www.southcoastplaza.com. The Newport-Mesa cribb9ge dub meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. The cost is $2. Information: (949) 648-5293. Pastor Hein Austin 1Nd1 a Bible study on "How to Become a Contagious Christian" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 377 W. Wilson St.. No. 15 in Costa Mesa. All are welcome to come and meet new friends. Information: (949) 722·7498. The AClU of Ontnge County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. Me<:y's In Costa M ... invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. Yoga de .... will be ofhred Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m . for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class eadl week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beacti residents. Others pay an additional SS. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. See TOWN, P11e Al4 F-~~-~~·~~~~~-~~~ (.\~~~ MIKE'I ~~CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Flooring Featuring ALLO No G lue Installation Wood Flooring Refinishing & N e w Texture-Plush ~arpet f\\-0 •20 aq ft Ins talled Berber Carpet f\\-0~ $169 Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic f\\-0~ s 1 so s Vlnyl Flooring ft 0~•1n f\l.! 9e1ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ·s~ ~ESIGN CENTER ;;For All Your Decorating Needs!" ·fURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture •Slip Covers • Patio Fumltur Draperies. Shades, & Bedspreads .. Sab.rday, November 29, 2003 ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE Fiw H-~Alt/if-0-~ TrrJin..l • CMUlfl Gifo aJ G.rilnt "-r. W.,. Un aJ Dtliwry. Gm/in Otfa C.""'1t p.,;. Di'""t .m,,, Brr.kf• Uiid. r. aJ.,. es,,,_ &n: C4FEHOURS: M.,...sa 9..,,..,j,_ CmJ/n 14 CHllM/ins, Um/ tf ilAJT Boo/ts, Clllt4m Pirt11re Frnii11i. Frmrit11n ~ratio11 11"'1 mwh ~I ROW HOURS: Tw-Stu 10.m-5!!" ~ll • Company lnstallera • No ltucco or lntencw DM\898 • l'*VJ lfftclent • No hlntlnt • Cust.om-"1 to Your Home • NofM.Aeelst8nt • ln"8nced hcurttr • Mekrtenenc•frH• Easy Cleaning f dea1 HOM( IMNOVlMfNT Uc No. 8790880 Quality Craftsm•n•lllp Guaranteed ~ (I) 714-985·1876 • 800·433·2588 19142 ~ 8MI. • Huntington Beach CBeach & Owfteld) lbn: Mon.. w.s. a M. M • n.. a Thurs. w • s.t. ,_. • SIA 12-4 ~ eo.i Hwv rJ1s-fracfe:rt11rso%-OFr1rrroo-fra~e~n1 I For each old window fl On low-E glass f f ,or each patio door I 1 that we replace windows only that we replace I New Cuatomers Only 11 New C uatomers On1y 11 New Cus tomers Only I I 1 Coupon per cuslomer 11 l C oupon per customer 11 1 Coupon per cualomer I L. P..e:;••l,UJl~J .JL E•nlrea 12/Jl /03 .JL L•D"•• 12/Jl/O°l .J ---- ------~~-~--------~-~----- WE REALIZE YOU WANT TO BE PREPARED IF AN EARTHQUAKE HITS. \XI E 1 I \ · tr I · P YO I. J V E • .. As you neighborhood Sme PUm ag.cnt, l know the impom.nct of being pttpared. Dnelop a family emergency plan. learn bow to shut off utilities and pack an emergency kit with flashlights. first aid itmu and non-perUhablc food. If an earthquake hits, you an count on me. your State Farm Agenr. robe thca for you. Seven Hill, Agent Llc.I OC80618 350 East 17"' StJ'CCt, Swee 211 Cosca Mesa, CA 949-646-9393 UXE A GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM IS lllERf. lM MAI.BOX RENTAL Bl'N & COLOR COPIES FAX SERVICES NOTARY PUBUC 3 lb. Beef Sti& Sale 51099 Rtg. tl-4.99 Now throU&h DeCembCt 21 ------Cun Ml.IA 17nlSfllur.11MrJWll 1 a1• l11lfA\~~A'"1 'rurnN MAU&ll'LAC..1' 2'11 P.I CA~ aw 11'ilAI. Klhl It Ust t."aOllJlloAD CDtJD .. VIJG: ON~ •-<•> 5'1.:617, TOWN CC>fltiMd from Al3 c.... ....... RecrMckMI DfvWoft wtll ptOYlde t three-hour theme bft1hdlty P9ltY fot up to 20 guests It tht 8elNriC Community Ctf'lter Vtl 1tc~ys from 6 to 8 p.m., s.turdeys from 11 1.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. tnd Suodaya from 4 to 7 p.m. Pllf'tiel fot cntldren 6 to 12 wlll oontltt of lund\/dlnnet', gamee, cnb, prtzu, cakt with Ice cntm tnd aup&Msk>n by ltaff. Partiel cost S2SO or $300. For mo,. lnfonnetlon, cell (71.C) 754-6168. ""-MW wll'9f wlf M MMd on Bayside Restaurant'• ten'llCe overlooldng Newport Hatbor every Thul'9dty from 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. The COit I• $16 per pereon. For more lnformt'don, call (949) 721-1222. LIGHT IT UP A VllMty of P.fMta, ...,,....,.._ and group awfm lfftona wlft be offwed tNa aumm.r tt the Mtritn Bergeaon AquatJc Center tt Corona del Mar High School. Optlona Include one-on.one lnatrucdon on Saturdty9 and t Monday through Thursday program for all egea and levels. For ....ion datea, tlmea and costs, call (949) 644-3161, or reglater In person at Newport 8eec:h Recreation and Senior SeMc:ea tt.3300 Newport Blvd. KE.NT TREPTOW I OAll..Y PllOT South Coast Plaza will have its 21st annual tree-lighting ceremony at 6 p.m. Monday at Town Center Park, adjacent to the Westin South Coast Plaza. The 90-foot white fir will be adorned by 15,000 lights. The ceremony win feature the Al~erican Boys Chorus and an appearance by honorary emcee Jennifer York from KTLA-TV. Children, tMna end edutta can now reglater for summer recreational boating c:IUSM offwed through Newport Beach Rec:tatlon Sal'VlcM. Cla,... begin July 12. F-ees vary. C.11 (949) 644-3161, orvlatt the Newport Betdl Recreation ind Senior Servlcea a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more Information. Profualon•l •nd llcenMd socar trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, amall group and large group training. For more Information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewlah f11mlty Servlc. la 1ponaorlng a teen aupport group for high achoo! students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper Scf'lool In Costa Mesa.For Information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-reglatratlon Is 1'9QUlred. The Ant Page -Ane Chllchn'• Boob, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Coata Mesa, offers free atory time Mondaya,\Vedneaday.Frid1ys and Stturdlya from 9:30to10:30 a.m., Tunday1 and Thursdeys from 4 to 6 p,m. Foor more lnform1tlon, call (949) 645-6437. ~Restaurant In Newport Betdl offers wine tasting every Thuradlly from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $16 per peraon, featuring five new wines ead'I weetf.. For more information, call (949) n1-1222. Green Syst9ma lnttmadomll shows vou everything that you wanted to know about orchid• tnd repotting during a free aemlnar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. An orchid and tropical plant sale Is hefd from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Information: (949) 756-1211. Df9cowf the MCrWta of Cafbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through grove• of beautiful Cotstal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking i1 $4. Call (714) 996-6252 for more Information. TNm Survivor, •nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer tl9atment to exerciae, hoata "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the aecond and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodea store In Fashion laland. Membera meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It Is free, and all fltneaa levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 276-3888. Newport Community CounMllng Center ofter• a way to stop the cycle of domestic vi~ence through the support group In SAF.E. Handa. SAF.E. atanda for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Ffee. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teena In MV9l11h throU11h ninth gradea are invited te>drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for sports and other activities. The center i1 at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport BMd'I Walking Ctub meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beactl at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. Th• Newport BMd'I Cab Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (9491650-1332. Th• Sp.nlatl Spqklng Club meeta to learn Spanish quidt and easy. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Assn. of Buaines• Servbt hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Hollday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805--0011. "Dtvorc.: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, 11 held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newpoit Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Coat la $40. For more information, call 644-6435. ft'M toun of the Onnge County Performing Art• Center take gueata to the dreulng rooms, performer'• lounge, bedcltaoe and on stage at 10-.30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 800 Town Center Drive, Coata Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more Information, call (714) 656-ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beach Newcornen Club holdt a general meeting on 'E verything :Must 9 01 JV o 'R.easonable Offer 'R.efused ! Last day of Sale is 'Tfiursday, 'December I 8, 200 3 '1Ve're open tacfi <Tu!sday, 'lVednesday, <Tliursd~, and Saturday, 'Dectm btr 6tli. .Jlours: 10:00 a.m. to 3 :00 p.m. :How to _9tt '7'6trt: 17 · • Strttt 'lf'tst past • /rodtr Jot> to nut traffe. hg~t. ·Tim ~~~t. onJ tfittt •Trm 1R1.91it a9mn at tftt)rst a&y mtry anti Jollow t6t M,qns to Unit 1T-~. I ' \, , r ' ! I I () 1, l l : •; l 2 ·2 'I l 0 o the third Wednesday of every monlh. The organization Is open to all women resident• In Newport Betctl who have lived In the erea fewer than five years. For more Information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit http:/!Www.nt1WCOmers- newportbuch.org. Ouia Senior c.nt.r' holda 1 pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the aecond Saturday of every month. Breakfaat lncludea pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for ctllldren. The center i1 at 800 Marguerite, Corona.de! Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Yoga Ind lhythm, "Yog.arhythmlcs" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesday• at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite m, Coata Meaa. For more Information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Muaeum offer• the exhibit "Joe Duncan Gleuon: Rediacovering Califomia'1 Marine Art Master;' through Sept 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newpon Beach. Free admission. For more Information, call (949) 673-7863. lntemith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate In a discussion group at the Jewiah Family Sarvic::e of Orange County office. Cell to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older C9n join • discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address isaue1 1uctl ea anxiety, depression, relatlonahlpa, loneliness and family. The group meeta from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Frleflda of the Newport BMd'I Public Library Used Book Stor9 are asking for patron• to donate booka to replenish the dwindling 1todt. Booka may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or In the book closet next ro the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbadt donatlona, with the ~ception of magazlnea tnd law boob, will be aaiepted and are ta>C deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Br8ffJe lnttttut. otrw.. free computer olasaes to people with fading vision who have dlfftcu aeelng the computer acreen. Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. (714) 821·5000. A epirftual cate daaa mMb at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beactl. (949) 263-1462. The Coat. Mesa Ch1mber of Commerce hosts networking lunctleon meetings WednesdaV.: from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The coat 11 $14. The club is at 1701 Goff Course Drive, Cotta Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A bnln tumor aupport group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 1 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer : Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag •• Drive, Newport Beach. Free. • Reglatration not required. The group Is designed to help patients end their famllles understand and cope with the illness. (949) 674-6232. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chu« hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. • Sundays fn Dierenfleld HaJI Cat 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The~ flmlty s.rva of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult ctlildren and their parents from S..: to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays• month • at the Jewish Famity Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Prereglatratlon required (714) 445-4950. The J9wiah f11mlly s.rva of Orange County has a weelcfy parenting support group. Paren learn strategies for !>uocessful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of thelt' children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays ar the Jewish Famlty Sarvice office at • 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa .. Mett. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure ctllldren experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The CoN M.t Senior c.nt.r' has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Mualc Makera from 7:30 t.o 10:30 p.m. every TuMday night at 695 w. 19th St., Coata Meta. $4. ( 548-3884. Pe gasu~~chool ~ A National Blue Ribbon ~ ~ School of Excellence ~ e A rigorous academic: curriculum for bright and gtfted students preparing for success in secondary school • Science, Technology, Spanish, Musk:, Art and Drama e Outstanding School, o.c. Science and Engineering Fair • Award·wlnning Art Students e Competitive Athletk Program Now Accepting Applications for Preschool~µa grade {Or 2004-2005 Campus tours are now being scheduled. P1eaae c:all to reserve your personal tour time. n.~ H~692 ~ l..Me, Beach CA 92646 (7 14f964~122t • r: Jrt714) 962.'6047 WWW,P9M11•1Cftool.Mt MSRP ............................................... $18,592 HB DISCOUNT ................................. -$2000 FACTORY REBATE ........................... -$2000 • Save $4000 • Rugged • Reliable • Reallly Good Price MSRP ....................................... : ....... $23, 467 HB DISCOUNT .................................. $44 25 FACTORY REBATE ............................ $2500 $ Save $6925 Full Sized 7 Pass MSRP ............................................... $38, 4 22 HB DISCOUNT .................................. $4444 FACTORY REBATE ............................. $4000 • Save $8444 All New For 2004 MSRP ............................................... $26,192 HB DISCOUNT .................................. $3000 FACTORY REBATE ............................ $2000 Save $5000 pt I QU01I OF 1111 DAY u It's kind of Uk• Jaitting the I~: OJI of the numbtrs ~t at th~ right time." Eitc ,_., Newport Harbor elrfs cross country coach MARK C. DUSTIN I OM.\' PILOT Newport Harbor High's girls volleyball team. Sitting, left to right: Megan Toman, Hannah LindQulst, Kel.lie King and Holland Osadche. Middle row, left to right: Kellie Lawler, Coco Yokoyama, Elizabeth Clayton, Alexis Kerns and Kiley Hall. Back rrM, left to right: Coach Dan Glenn, Stephanie Trinen, Alyson Jennings, Lauren Miller, Taryn Tamutzer, Hadley Burnham, Emily Turner and assistant coach Brian Cottriel. The Tars ptay Mater Dei tonight in regionals. GIRLS VOLLEYBALL ·sailors bid for Upset in showdown Newport Harbor visits top-seeded Mater Dei in Southern California Division II semifinal. Barry Feulkner OailyPtlot Circumstances have changed since Mater Del High defeated visiting Newport Harbor, 25-18, 19-25, 25-16, 25-21. in an early season nonJeague girls volleyball match Sept. 24. But when the two teams recon- nect at 7 tonight In the semJfinals of the CIF State Division IT re- gional championships in the Monarchs' gym, Sailors Coach Qan Glenn ts hoping for a differ- ent outcome. "One of their top klda (Brynn Maurer, senior Newpon Beach resident who has signed with the University of San Fran- cisco) barely played with a bad ankle (Sept. 24J," Glenn said. "They're a lot different than when we saw them, but I think both teams have a whole different look.• FU PHOTO I DAILY Pl.OT SH SAILORS, Pase 84 Mater Dei's Kelty Klein and Newport's Taryn Tamutzer wiH settle the score at 7 tonight. The Sailors (26-6) are paced by Division I college signees Alyson Jennings (Thxaa) and Lauren Miller (Baylor), whJle fellow sen- iors Emily Turner, Holland Osandche and Kellle King also join junior Kiley Hall In Glenn's starting unit. Jennings, a 5-foot-9 setter and outside hitter, had a team-high 14 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES OF THE WEEK • Dtc. l honoftt llLLWETZEL SIVdly, November 29, 2003 11 HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY Time to state a case Costa Mesa's Jasmin Day, Newport Harbor and CdM girls to compete at CIF State championships. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Piiot FRBSNO -When the girls cross country season started, Corona del Mar High was ranked No. 8 in the OF Southern Section Division n poll. CdM was known as a young team that would gain experience this year. But then la&t week the Sea Kings milt bard after the CIF tide and ftnJahed second Now they are ranked No. 8 in Divtsion U In today's CIF State championships, and the Sea Kings are hoping to dupli- cate la.st week's dorta. The CdM girls, Jed by sophomore An- nJe St. Geme, will compete at 10:40 un., when Costa Mesa sophomore Jasmin Day, who ftn1shed fifth In the OF Southern Section ftnals last week. will also race at Woodward Park in Fresno. The Newport Harbor girls, which 6.n- lshed third last week in Division n, will be runnJng at 9:05 a.m. Sumner's squad will be making Its SH STATE, Paa• 84 BOYS BASKETBALL Eagles in transition There's a new, yet old, King in town as Estancia looks to break into league's upper class. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot RUMeU King has been a basketball player and a coach at F.stancia High, but now he has taken on an entirely new role. The 1992 Estancia graduate is now the leader of the Eagles' basketball pro- gram, hired to take over for oms Sorce. this fall after Sorce built F.stancia into a 17-game winner last season. Out of coaching for the last two years SM EAGLES, Paa• 84 Bonnie Adams and Vanessa Dunlap The Newport Harbor senior tandem waited patiently to team up and have since gone 5-0 in the postseason. Steve Vlr1en OallyPUot W Inning the Sea Vlew League gl.rls tennis team champlooshlp proved to be apedal tor NeWport Harbor Hlah aenion Vaneua Dunlap and Bonnie Adami. But they wanted more. At the beginning of the MMOI'l they Md plannid to play doubWil toiether. but not until the i'eg!Jlar 1e110n endid Mer Dunlap and Adam.a helped lead the SaDOn to the Sea • DOH LEACH /DM.Y Pl.OT Vlew l.alUe tide; by playtng ln ~t .... BodNI Adltns, left, and Vanessa Dunlap didn't~, doubles t~ ;~ dur'tfti lhe ~ season, bUt they're dominatilg ih the post.season. I .. Corona del Mar H.igb'1 gtris bqbtbaJJ team bas been ~ll tbe ~n light by sec- 01\d-'year coach Jim Batkalow. Forced to fl)ow ihtngs down tast seuon because of li.mJted time to Qut tn his pref en.d syst~m. Bar- .,.kafow plans on Jetting the Sea Kings Oy this seeM>n. •This year, we have • lot of speed but not too riwdl size. to we're really pfiig to tty to push the tempo,• &utalow said. That's bis preference'1ls a -coach and Corona del Mar. . coming off a sec011d1)1ace. tie Jn the P.adftc O>ast League last~ can be expected «tfue a lot offu.U-coun man- ja·man pressure and let the jutnp shots Oy on offense. "l plan on improving {on last season's 12-13) fmtsh: Barb.Jaw aa.ld. "It's going to be an l.Ptere,dng year. We have ftv,e 5eniors and five 10phofhores, '° our expert- ~ ts mixed. Of the five sen- iors, three really played last ~n and two played more apartngJy." The three who played ex- tensively provide the Sea Kings with the majority or their experience. Lauren Snell. a 5.foot-8 senior for- ward, is CdM'a leading re- tumlng scorer, having aver- aged 5.2 points last season. Kate Heescben, a 5-5 senior, Is a returning starter at point guard who averaged 3.1 points in 2002-03. Collen Marb, a 5-2 guard, averaged 3 points per game last sea- son. Those seniors, along with projected starter Sarah Stem, a 5·3 guard and a strong shooter, as well as the club's fifth senior, Collen Skalla, a 5-1 forward, will learn just how well they mix with the five sophomores and one junior on the roi>ter dwing the opening week of the sea- son. The Sea Kings are sched- uled to play four games in five days that firs! week. be- ginning Monday at home against c:o&ta Mesa. •We're going to learn a lot about the kids.· Barkalow said. "We're going to learn about their mentaJ tough- ness, how they bounce back from a loss and If they can come back down after a win.· Maldng things more diffi- cult for the Sea Kings in the early going will be the im· rners.lon of Snell into the ream. A member of the Sea YOUTH SOCCER 10.ngs' CIF Southern Section Oivlston 01-.A runner-up vol· eyball team, Soell didn't Join the basketball team until al· ter Cd.M was eliminated from the tate volleyball playoffs Tuesday. Barkalow 11 hopeful to get her some minutes in the first few games of the season, but she likely won't be in the starting lineup. Others e~ed to be in the starting lineup include sophomores Megan Benbow, a ·ughmlng quick" 5-6 guard. and Allison Long, a 5-7 for- ward. But starting or not, all 11 of the Sea Kings are expected to play as Barkalow uses depth to his advantage in an at- tempt to push ttre basketball up the court for four quarters. "They Ulce the fact that we're golng to press and run- and-jump because It gives them an opportuniry for lay- ups and they like that." Bar- kalow said. When the layups aren't .there, Barkalow isn't going to prevent any of his players frQm taking a good, open jump shot. "AlJ my kids can hJt a shot, even my center and my for- wards can shoot fiom 15 feet,• Barb.low said. "My phi- losophy Is, if they"re open, shoot it." After the opening week of !he season, the Sea Kings will play ln a pair of tournaments, one in Catall.na and the other at Santiago Hjgh, wheTe the Sea Kings were the runners- up In the Cavalier Oas.~lc last season. Barkalow i.s hopefuJ those games will prepare the Sea Kings for Paci.fie Coast League play, where he be- lieves Northwood and Uni- versity will enter the season as the favorites. Breakers reach championship irls under-10 team defeats Goblins to each AYSO Region 97 t,itle game. ' The Breakers shut out the Goblins, 2-0, under the lights al • Uons Parle to advance to the : ftnaJ in girls under -10 A YSO Region 97 soccer playoff action Monday. In the middle of the first half, goalkeeper Cluisdna Yowag i>unted the ball to forward Cuey Dudcwortb. who worted the ball down.field to score, giving the Breakers a t -0 halftime lead. The Breakers stacked defenden on the center line in the second half to keep ball on the Goblins' side. F.arly in the second half, ~reakers goalkeeper Meaatian Kay punted over the defenders. rward All9on Haya received ball and worked around three def enders lo kick the ball Into the net from 18 yards. • Breakers 3, Blue Crush 1 : The Breakers beat the Blue 3·1, ln the girls under· IO Ml\rt.sJon of AYSO Region 97 ......, • ..,_ playot& on Nov. 22. r Xay "°red early in the '!Int ball on a pass from forward ~for the Breaker lead. The Blue Crush came back to de the game later lo the first half. Early in the second half, Breaker forward Samantha Small pasaed lO forward Robin Young, who SCOreG OD a strong llhol Late in the second hall, forwards <JuUdna Young and Robin Young used the give-and-go to their advantage. Christina pounded !he ball into the back of the net to secure the victory. The Breakers qualified for the quarterfinals against a wild card team. •Breakers 3, Green Anoles 2: On Sunday, !he Brealcers met the Gn:en Anol~ in a quarterfinal match. Kay scored early in the first haJf the give the Breakers a I -0 lead. In the sec.and half, the Anoles came alive and~ Blaine scored to tie the game. In the fourth quarter, an Anoles defender touched !he ball with her band, causlng a direct kick on goal. Breakers sweeperbaclc Alytlon Delbrook took !he kick from the J 8 yards out and pounded the ball into the back or the net. The Anoles came baclc and scored with two minutes remalning, tying the game at the end or reguladon The flrst sudden death overtime ended in a tie so a second overtime was needed. A few minutes Into the eecond cmrtirne, Haya was knoc;ked down, had her band stepped on and was hurting. She regained her composure and scored the gnme-wtnning goal after receMng a tomer klclc from Robln Young. In boys under-12 play: • Pireballs 4, Raiders 2: ~·10975 The Fireballs prevailed in an overtime shootout after a scoreless de following 70 minutes of regulation. Jacob McOmn, Shane Rocco, Jusdn <:emato and Craig McK.ennon led the Fireballs' offense whUe 'laylor Kus, Cody ~ra, Logan Heath and B.J. Kehoe anchored the defense. Gavin Arbluter, 7.8dl BuJe, Jake Caugh.UJ and goalkeeper Simon Hedrldt provided support. AJf!X Authur provided encouragement from the sideline after sustaining a ' midseason injury. ln g1rls under-11 action; • Newpon o, Yorba Unda 0: Newport outahot Yorba Unda, 16-5. but could not get one In the net. Amy Kano1z Cound the back of the net with a J 5·yard shot In the fourth quarter, but the referee didn't allow the goal because the Yorba Unda goalkeeper was lying on the ground with a possibJe injury. IAwen Grupe. Blakeley Ficenec, Tort Surt., Claire SUv.. Beth Barnard and Mary Yeager tired shots foe three quartera. k1ana Wh1pple and QielMa Barth were strong in the midfield. Natalie Swift made • 1trong defensJve play when she chased dawn and cleared a Yorba Unda shot headed toward theogoal. Veronica McLean and fWlnab Mcl.eocl played well In goal with Gwen Gaylord and s.d)'9 BUlby leading the defense. .. ~. Ncwnbet 29. 2003 STATE ~fromBl J 7th straicht ppea.rance at tho Of State chainpl0Nhlp1. whUe \.. It wm be the 61'11 for the Sailors ' llnce 2000. and Dey wW be mak· Ing her debut. It her ftnc ~ In crou country. •one more It on the medal and, that' what wm Wioottn (or,· CdM Coach Bill St.unntt uJd. • 1 think lhcy can do It. lt won't be wy but I l.h1nk ~ can dolt.• SUmner aa.ld be hopes to aee h1s aquad ftnlsh unona th top thn!e In lhc state foe DMslon 11. Mtramonte, Marla CarrtUo and C'.ampollndo. t.htM Northern 1' callfomla IChoob. are ranked 1·3, tttpecdvdy and SanlA Mar· gariua. the Soulhttn Secdon champion. the h!&hest ran.Iced 1Choo1 from 114 sect.loo at No. 6. QJM~ top ftve runnetl Ml'e &head of Santa MargarllA for most ol die r1ee, a little more than twO mile$. l&st week at ML San Anton.lo College. but the Eagles gained the aldvantage. es- pecia.Uy in the ftnal 400 meteni, Sumner said. St Geme, the Pa· ct.Oc Coast League lndMdual champion, led the Sea Kings with a second-place finish In 18:15, a personal record. She has gained a penonal·best dme In competltion In each or the pa.st siJr weeb. "Annie has come a long way,• Sumner said ·1 thlnlt she has a shot to be ln the lop I 0 in the state.• Hilary May. a freshman, ls also a lop runner for the Sea Kings. who also lndude junJors Devon Ahearn and Ahlla Kattan, as well as freshman Outsde St Geme and senior Taryn Kawata. Senior Sara Caster also competes for CdM, and junior Mell.ssa Swigert, who ran at the state meet lase year. was bothered by pain in her knee and dJd not compete at the OF Southern Section finals last week. Aside from soren~. Day is ready to perform at her best In her 6rs1 state appearance. Day. coached by Joe Busl. has been a -bit aore because she has been : juggUng training for cross coun- : try and playlng soccer. She plays ror the Newport Beach Slammers under-17 club. and next week &he will get bade with the Co ta Mesa squad, which won a share • i • • • • • •• • • • • EAGLES Continued from B 1 after rising through the ranb as • o freshman and junior varsity • coach and then a varsity assist· : ant at &tancla. King knows there : will be some bumps in the road. : But he hopes to mature al the • llallle rate o.s his young, but tal· : en1ed team, which also returns the leading scorer from last year's squad. ·11·s going to be quite a jump,· • King saJd. ••Jlaere's a big learning curve for me, especially being OUI or coaching the last two years." • • • • • • • • : • Bui lhe best cure for lnexperl· ence Is expertence and King and 1he Eagles will gel a lot of that prior lo the opening of Golden West ~e play, beginning Dec. 3 with a home game against La Quinta and continuing through the toumllrtlent season. King will hone hJ game man- agement skills in those early- • season games and work on h1s balftlme apeechet, while a strong gJOup of sophomores. in· eluding Mike McDaniefs. Shaun Markley and Dallas Kopp gain • experience through playing time 1; on the court. & Those younpters wW be bal- t anced by junior Carlos Pinto, a varsJty starter since he was a freshman and the team's le ding scorer last sea.son (13.9 polnts per game), 6-foot-S senior Scott Sankey (5 ppg} and guards Hugo F3cobedo. 1 Junior, and Jose Vi- ramonte4, a ~n1or. The combination of youth and experience ts one King hopes to SPORTS fl.£ PHOTO I DM.Y Pl.OT Costa Mesa H1gh's Jasmin Day, a sophomore, win compete today as an Individual at the CIF State cross country championships. of the ClF Southern Section Divl· ik>n m title last year. Last week at Mt SAC Day fin· tshed 6ftb in 18:26, a penonal re- cord. After the meet she played In a soccer game and played in two more games Sunday, helping lead the Slammers to a tltJe In the Premier League CUp In San Juan Capistrano. Howewr, today, all of Day's at· tendon will be on running. ·r just want to run my best.· said Day, who bas shown re· markable Improvement in her first eeason in aoss country. "I have gotten a lot better since the beglnning of the aea.son. fl cred · Ill just doing all the workouts, working hard and Just wanting to win. I wanted to make it fat." The Newport Harbor girls have made it far. to the aeason-ending CIF State championships. and In thrilling Cashion. Last week. the Sailors surprised many with a third-place finish tn Division n. finishing one spot ahead or Woodbridge, the Sea View League champion. Woodbridge Is ranked No. 5 in THEEAGIES ,_,._.. ttt.Vr. 1 Cel1o8 Pineo N Jr. 2 Mb McOenielt &.-2 So . 3 Shlun ~ H So. 4 ~Argumedo M Jr. 6 Aly~ 5-1 Jr. 15 J09t Ylnlmo11tee M Sr. 21 ...,EICOt*lo f.1 Jr. 22 ~Mal•• M Sr. 23 Trtnt Young 5-11 Sr. 25 Dallaa Kopp M So. 33 Scoa s.nt-v 1-6 Sr. c... AulMll IOnQ(h yeet) blend into a unh that can cha). lenge league favorites Ocean View. •After Ocean View lt's wide open," King said. "We've got a good nonleague IChedule and if we get tome good competition and we can ma1ce tome progress. we can give Ocean Vlew a good game. Maybe we can even beat them." Before the eagtes gel ahead 0£ themsetvee. they have lo adjust to King's coaching style and his game plan. In eady practices, King has empbamed the transl· lion break in an attempt to gel easy baskets. So rar. King said, the adju..bnem has been a smooth one. "There's obviously aome changes u fat u putting in IOfl\e new material;" King saJd. -'fhey've done a good job adapt· lng. They're aU good Jcids and they're worldng their IA1I off.• While King ls conftdent any coUectJon or players he put.a on the coun can all score, there is UttJe doubt Pinto will be the No. Division U of the state poll wblle Newport Is not slated in the top 10. Are the Sailors expecting to shock the skepdcs again? "Our goal is Just to do the best we can,• Newport Coach Eric '!Welt said. "We're excited to be going." lWeit said the Sailors' per· formance last week was the best· ever as each runner fulfilled their potendal. "It's kind of like hitting the lot· rery; an of the numbers hit at the right dine," 1\veit said Senior Lauren Paul, who has been battling a foot injury, leads Newport. She finished 12th In 18:26 last week. Junior Courtney Marshall. who will be competing in her fourth meet of the season since coming bade from hip inju- ries earlier in the sea.son, also contributes for the Sailors. as does sophomore Whitney Blue. who ls in her ftrst varsity season. Freshmen Lauren Maddox. Tay· lor Bryson and UJy Dierkes. along with junior Caitlin Mal will also be competing for the ftrst time at the state meet in Fremo. I option. "He can score inside and he can score out.side,• King said. "We're going to run the motion offense so we'll have multiple opdqns, but he's the go-to guy.• Pinto scored in double figures in 23 of F.stancla's 27 games last season, including a season-high 35 early In the year against Whit - ney, a game In which he made five three-pointers. McOaniels and Markley will also provide some marksman- ship from beyond the arc, while Sankey and Kopp. 6-.f, will man the lane. Escobedo ls a returner at point guard and also has a good jump sho1, while Vira- montes and Ray Verene can be a defensive stoppers. Defense may just be the key for the Eagles this season. With Sankey, Kopp and the 6-4 Pinto, F.standa has lanky players that should help in Its pressure de· rense. "We want to be able to mix lt up,• King aald. "We want to be able to throw dlft'erent looks at team& We have tall. lanky kids with long arms, we can use that to pressure the ball and set Lraps. .. But King also expects aome mi takes. particularty early, be- cause or the youth and the tran· sition between coaches. He is hopeful that once F.standa gets through Oec:ember, operience will be able to ellmlnate those rnlstakea. "That's the best way to learn is to get that experience." King said. •tt doesn't help to sit on the bench. .. The only person who wW learn that way ii King hl.riuelf. BRIEFLY Sister act in doubles 1Win ten H~ Vbung Ind Miranda Young of Newport Beach advanced to today\ dou- bles quarterfinals with an 8-3 victory over Nicole Adams (Los Altos) and Dpnna MGO.allougtl (Fremont) on Friday ln the Bouod of 16 iri the United Sta.lea nnnts Association nadoMI girls 16s open c.bampioNhlps at Costa Mesa 'nmnis Center. The Young sisters. who are frestunen at Corona del Mar High. are unseeded ln the tour· nament and will square oft' against fourth-seeded Emily As- ton and Megan Kiser, both 0£ Rancho Palos Verdes, at 2 p.m. today ln the quarters. In singles action involving lo- cal girls. QJM's Jill Damion de- Ceated Kimberly Haynes or San Diego, M, 6-2, In the 8.rst round, then lost to lleCOnd·seeded Stephanie Davison of Port Or- chard. wash.. 7-6, retired (ill). Hayley Young lost In the first round to San Jose's Jovana Pa.vi.s- ic, 6-1, 6-3. Anteaters win again • VOLLHYBA.LL: Coach Otar· Ile Brande's UC lrvlne women's volleyball team defeated San Jose State, 30-26, 30-19, 26-30, 30-21, at the Baden Thanksgjv- ing tournament Saturday al Long Beach State. Outside bitter KeU~~g led all players with 31 , while opposite Dana Kurzbatd (13 kills) and mlddJe blocker Sarni Ca h ( 11) played well. Terbrie Thylor had JO kills for UCI. The Antea1ers (22·9). who set a school record for wins in a sea- son, will cap their regular season at 3:30 p.m. today against Texas· Ouistlan al the Pyramid. Stanford tops UC Irvine • WATBR POW: Junior Tony Auvedo scored four goals to lead second-seeded Stanford past No. 7 UC Irvine, 9-5, In the first round of the Mountain Pa· cifk Sports FederatJon men's water polo tournament at Bel- mont Plaza Friday night. After a 4-3 halftime lead, Stanford opened the third quar· ter with consecutive goals by Peter Vardlu. Sun 1)re and 'IY· ler Drake to build a 7.3 mli.rgin befott UCl clc>aed to Within 7-5 on goals by Phil Garcia and Dan Noon. Stanford recetvf'd a pair of unanswered g<>als in the fourth quarter by Thomas Hop- kins and Tony Azevedo to pro- vide tbe final score. Sophomore goalie Olad Tay- lor had 16 saves for the Cardi- nal, which has won l2 tralght games en route to a 20·3 record. Sophomore Joe Wynne had eight stops for the Anteaters (12-15). UCI faces Pepperdine In a consolation semifinal at 4:30 p.m. Saturday. VU pulls out thriller • BASICBTBAU.: The host Vanguard University men's basketball team held on for a 61-60 noncooference victory over the University of Mary (North Dakota) Saturday night. The Uons. who let a 17-point halftime lead slip away after the Marauders pulled to within 47· 46 with 8:45 left, sealed the win with 11 seconds to play on Hor- ace Wormely's layup, which gave VU a 61 -57 edge. Mary's Jamaal Smith, who scored a team-bJgh 19 points. convened a three-point play with three seconds on the clock. Brian Kim paced Vanguard with 21 points and two steals, while Breu McGee (12 points). Kevin Dalafu (10) and Wormely (10) also reached double dJglts In scoring for the Lions. McGee had seven rebounds. Vanguard (4·3) will play at La Verne on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. In nonconference action. Mary fell to 4-2. Noncont. eoc• Vanguard 11, Miry (N.D.) 60 Miry (NDJ -Archambault 10, Sh1rda 14, Barton 10, Smith 19. Doppler 3, Montee 2, Cadwallader 2. 3-pt. goals -Archambault 2. Sharda 2. Doppler 1. Vangu1rd -Wormely 10. Burnette o, 01l1fu 10, McGee 12, Kim 21, Pierson 6, W1taon 3. 3-pt. go1l1 -Kim 3, Wormely 2, 01lafu 2, McGee , Pierson 1. Halftime -Vanguerd, ~21. FU PHOTO /DM..Y PILOT Estancia junior Carlos Pinto (44), the team's leading scorer last season, wifl be relied upon for offensive production this year. OCC men, women split • MSDTMLL: The Oranil Coa t College men's baslcetbal aeam lost to L.A. City, 5944, Lt the first round of the Clt.ru: tournament Saturday, while th• occ women dereated Taft. n 68, ln the opening round or the Ventura tournament. UCI's Won earns honor •GOLF: UC lrvine sopho- more Angela Won has been named Big West Conference Golf Female Athlete or the Month. Won finished tblrd at the Kent Youel Invitational, ber sec- ond top-10 fumh of the season. Won shot a 221 in three rounds, Including a 72 in the final round. Sailors defeat Gtlvary •SURFING: The Newport Harbor HJgh sur( team closed out the Sea View League regular season with a 98· 70 victory over Calvary Cllapel Tuesday at Sun- set Beach to remain undefeated in league. Newpon (8-1, 8-0 In league) won four of the five events and took first place in seven of the eight heats. Joey Head, Rob De- lorme, Reagan Ritchie and Otristlan Morabito collected first-place finishes in their re- spective heals in the boys shon board competldon. The Sailors were 8·0 in the short boaJ'd event this season. as they also received contributions from Lu1ce Sequeira, Steve Far- mer and Cllarlie Buckingham. The boys long boarders were also 8·0 on the season. They were led by Tanner Pralre and Cllase Smith. Matt Kretschmar guided the bodyboard team to victory with a first-place finish. while JUI Austin and Lisa Turk gave Newport the boost it needed to win the long board competition. Amie Benjamin futlshed sec- ond In the girls shon board evenL The Sailors will compete in the league finals Tuesday at 56th Streel in Newport Beach . SAILORS Continued from B 1 ldlls and added 19 assists in the Tars' 22-25, 25-22. 25-21, 25· I 5 regional quarterfinal win over Scripps Ranch Tuesday in San Diego. Miller, a 5-10 senior outside hitter, had seven kills and seven aces Tuesday. The Sailors, seeded No. 5 in the eight-learn regional 6eld, lost to Mira Costa in the CIF Southern Section Division ll·M dtJe match Nov. 22. Maler Del (32·3), the No. I SoCal seed In Division U, han· dJed Mount Whitney, 25·6, 25· 12, 25-17, in Tuesday's quarter· final . The Monarchs won their third straight Southern Section ll·A crown and are, Glenn said, ranked No. 5 nationally and No. 1 in California. "To get a state title. we knew we'd have to go through Maler Del," Glenn said. "fl'he Mon· an:hsJ have a lot of weapons, but I feel really good abou1 my team. We're senior dominated and I think our kids are pre· pared 10 play a match like this. H DEEP SEA Friday's counts Newport landfnt -2 boat1, 43 anglera. 9 calico base. 4 aand ba11, 184 aculpln, 31 blacksmith perch. s plit ~ge et ball l4, ln :lrIUJ .e the l. n. >f the nor >Pho· been rence · the the r sec- ason. unds, flnaJ over Sun- •ated guel and the De- and cred re - hort the 'w. ions Far- it ard ec· ard , .. • • AlliLElES ContnJed from Bl they were exd.ted to teem up and ldd more memoru. for tbdr~year. ~had played on the wne doublet team olt and on for the put four~ Th.ls past mmmer the tandem won the gids 181 doubles title In the War by the Shore tournament. When the~ season ended for Newport Harbor they reintroduced themselves, Apparently the dee.ls.Lon to team up at the end of the seuon pl"OY'ed to be the conect choice for Dunlap and Adams. That's what seems to happen when there la trust ln a frlend.ship. Having laJeor doesn't hwt, too. Adams' strength is her knowledge of doubles compettdon. She has a knack for finding the opponents' weakn~ and exploiting it DunJap has had consistency on her side throughout the season and she also lends strong ground strokes and ~ve serving to complement Adams' game. -They're both really strong singles players, too," Newport C.Oacb Fletcher Olson said. "They're good friends.• The friendship chenUstty was in effect for Adams and Dunlap earlier this month when the duo won three matches to capture the Sea View League doubles championship. They entered cs the league's doubles tournament unseeded, and in the final they defeated their teammates Diana Khoury and A.J. Olson, the top-seeded doubles squad. Dunlap and Adams won, 6-0. 6· l. 0 UNU PYO c s Pt w + ..,.p SPORTS Dunlap and AdMls Wfll compete ln the Round or 16 1buredly •t ~ C<>wicry Oub ln tfunttAgton a.ch. "We uaual)y p&ay ·~ but we thought II woWd be fun to play doubl this year,· Adami Mid. "We knew we would have a good chance at winning and playf tlg longer. We just wanted to play because It was our last year together We knew we would bave fun together.• Jt seem u II Dunlap And Adams have alwa)S had fun when spend.Ing time with each other. TI-.ey met at 1 tennis cllnJc at the Balboa Bay Oub the swnmer before they would become freahmen e.t Newpon Haibot. They knew o( each other, but that was just ln name, because they had played in the same toumamenr.s while growing up. But meeting at the clinic and sharing basically the same goal -they both wanted to make the Newport Harl>or varsity team -they became friends quickly. "When we tried out dwing the summer we just clicked,· Dunlap said. "I'm not much of a doubles player, bur she's one of my best friends and I get along with her so well. She'& so supportive and that helps me in doubles." While Dunlap and Adams have enjoyed success and thrills on the court In their five matches this year, they also ftnd excitement in the preparation for competition. The training throughout this past swnmer and into the season built up adrenaline and emotion for the girls ln their senor year. They want to conlt.nue to play in college. They have }'1!t to finalize their respective college of choice, but for now they are taking advantage of the moment. S8Mday, November 29, 2003 at ROLL:ER HOCKEY Letts' hat trick leads CdM team to victory Ryan lcttll IA.IUed a luu trlclt to lead the Corona del Mar roller hockey team to a 5-0 victory over Santa Margarita on N~ 20 at lhe W:>rtdwide Hockey Center in lrvine. CdM's defense was led by goalkeeper Ertc Mlrowttz. who stopped all 20 Santa Marganta shots. Lens scored the first goal ot the game on a power play In the first period when he steered Jaftd Mortemoo'a centering pass past the Santa Margarita goalkeeper. Lens struck again with 10 minutes, 13 seconds remaining ln the third period wen he OJpped a rebound from Mike Bolton'a slap shot over the 20(Jc!J Santa Margarita neunJndcr tor the score. Letts' finaJ goal came late ln the period when he lntercepled a pass and fired a slap shot inro the comer of the net. Jeff Bye and captain Matt Ben\.U'lud also scored goals ror C.dM, which fired 40 shots. Benvenuti assisted on Bye's first-period goal and Bolton ser up Benvenull's third-period goal. No manf?f what you're doing, your hometown ~per ~ Daily Pilot <ffJmw/up Last week, Dunlap and Adams, the Daily Pilot Athletes of the Week. recorded two victories in the ClF Southern Section doubles tournament They opened the tournament with a first-round bye and then defeated Amy and Stacy Kaufman of Huntington Beach, 6-1. 6-0. To advance to the Round of 16, Dunlap and Adams then took out the Sunny Hills ream of Michelle Wong and Michelle P.squivel, 6·2, 6-4, Nov. 22. ·Before a lot of our matches we get really pumped up and we just let It cil.I go during the match," Adams sald. "We've been wanting to play good for so long. We are completely ready and we get excited for each match because we wan1 to win so badly .• !/J16/isheN ,CJ'111/Wtftf9 (/)e-C0en1ber // <V/lf ,::jJ,ttfl>Ykf!J• VJ~ctw1/Jer /(\1 Dunlap and Adams plan to share lhar same attitude Thursday. ANN GENOROUS (941) 57'""249 Fax:(941)631-t594 Daily Pilot _llp_l_Nollca ___ 2640_ l.lgal llaUces 2640 Legal Motlces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Not!ces 2640 legal Notica 2640 LevaJ Notices MAIN Sf BAI BOA CA RdltiM..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!iii~imJ.;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ,;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia IOlKIOf Ptll.K- '-'-ft .... th1t all per wns Inter nted In ttld matter wU a~M betoit tlltt court •I tht heMkll l"docated below lo show nus• If any, why the petrtlon for ch•nee of name should not b• ar•nltct Ht£h••Y •IOI, Hunhn1 ton Buch, CA 92649 Costa Mna CalifCl'nta 92627 9?661 llSOW1Qlll0.1003-S9 .~!~ 1~1, 1~7•mJ~> llle~o=sons UfSOWJIOll Of l1I OTT COUltC1 Of l1I OTT Ol llWPOIJ IUOI Dl<WMG ITS lffiJflQUO 1D1W Tll IPllOn-212) fottchHI W £vdoktmo tf, 169<12 P1c1loc CoHI Hl&hway '101. Hu11ltn1 Ion Beach, CA 91649 0.1 Staudtn111 216 Tu1t1n Ave . Newpor I Be1cll. C1hforn11 92663 lhls bua.lneu ~ con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started dolna bustneu yel' Ho SAU GENERAL EA TING are dotn& busonm a. llSTAlllAllT ASSOCIAlQI IUSllSS llrtOVEIU(T DISTllCT fOI TII R5CAl YUi Of 2004,. RX ntn11u• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Coty Council of lh• City of Newport Beach will hOld 1 publlc h .. nna on ptopostd General Plan Amendment Ho 2003 003 and Local Cout1t Proer1m Amendment Ho 2003-00S for property localed 11 101 Cul B1lbo1 Boulevard, and Code Amendment Ho 2003 009 Stacee C l E vdokt PLACE Idle lndustnn. 2381 P\A((OflP\IUCllUIMG. Pubhshed Newporl Colaate Ot Co\I• Meu moll, 16942 P<1c1ltc CoHI H11hw1y •101. Hunlinrrton Buch, CA 92649 Beach Cost• Meu Oaily CA 9?626 WHlalAS, the R11111u11nt Anoet1llon 8uioneu lrnp1ovtmtnl 01strn 1 ... , ••l•bh'"•d 1n 1996 Pilot November 19 Justin Robert T•ylOt. pursuant to the Par~1n1 •nd Su\lllt\S lmpoonmenl Atn law ol l'l8'1 C•hlo1m• Sit""" and NOTICE or HEARING Dete· 12/30/03 Time 2 00 pm O.pt L73 Oel Staud1naer ?003 Sa!>l3 2381 Cola•t• Or .. Costa H•ahwa~ Code. StttK>n 36500 el \eq (he1tin•tl•r ll"' "Act•) wtuch 1tqu110 4n ~"'"'"'report tu Meu. CA 92626 be hied and approved by the City Cou11~1l lo1 each l!iul yur •nd The 1ddreu ot tile court "' umc H noted above 3 A COl>Y of th!S Ckder lo Show Cauu shill bt published at least once each week for four successive weekl prf()r to the dale set for huuna on the petotoon on the lollowlna news- paper o1 aeneral cl1cu lahon. printed 1n this county. The Delly Ptk>l Octe1 NOV 14, 200S MAIJOall lAlaD <AltTH. JUDGl or THI SUf'IRIOtt COUllT Th~ busln•u '~ con ducted by husband and .. ,,e This 1t1ten1ent wn tlt.d with the County Clerli; of Ounae County 01111/21/0l IOOSH6H71 Rdl"--...U -~ Thts busmns Is con WMlltlAS, the Advlt.01y Boa1d hu piepared an An11u1I Report lor F1" •I Vu1 700J wlu~h "on dueled by an tndivoduel fit. In Ill• Otflce of the City Clerk; 111d 1 ht follow1n1 penon\ Ila•• you started doona WHIRi.AS, the Act requlf!'S the Coty Council I<> dtttare th trtltnhon lo levy •nrt cnll•l t •"~'~'"" b 7 wtlh•n the Busmeu lmptOVtmcnt O"'"'' fut the not 11.,...,t yu• Have you slerted dolfll business yet' No Dally Pilot Nov 22. 29, Otc. 6, 13, 2003 Sa~ •" dotnl business n Really G1>od Ideas Co . 12630 8• ookh111 s t Sheet Suite II, Ga1den C•o•e C1~fo1nl1 92~ u~~~~sl~~~O•No NOW, THlaUOltl, the Cot; Co1mc•I ol the Coty of Newi>orl Be•<h 1o<>olvn .. lollu•os Thi\ \latemenl wu Sectt.. I fhe Annu1I Report hied by the 1'dvosory Bo•rd " htreby app•oved Hoe Annu•I RfPll•I Mic/lael W f vdok1molf Stacee C l Evdollimolf fhts illlemcnt was hied with the County ~ontal111 • description ot tntprovomenh •nd ~clt•1lon to be p10Y1dtd too 2004 lhP are• buundatw~. Cletk of o. 1011 County anJ the 1nnu1I assessment within t'1e Ooshoct flled With the County C>erlt of Orana• County on 10/11/03 200Ut62U6 IOl1a Of APPUUTIOll fOI CKM&I • OWlllS1I' Of Al.COMOUC on t0/24/03 S4'Ctt.ft 21 lhe City Council hereby lleclarM 11 1ntenltun In renew the llu""'" lmp•oven .. 111 200Stt62'2T Onhtcl fot tile 1DOol pu1\uent to ti.. Act Request tOt a Gener al Pl1n 1'mendmenl 1mendmenl to the land Un Element ot the General Plan and local Cout1I Procram to chance th• mtens1ty lomol for 707 East 81lbo1 Boulevard fr om a floor .,., r alto to nne based on the number of seats and 1 code .1mendment to l otle 70 ot th1 M11n1c1pal Code lo add a 'f>'Colic htt&ht ltmit1Uo11 for landmarl bu1ld1n~ 54!•110 l ni1nutl Sall nu. SS raor Or. 11061, Co\la Meu. C1hfornl1 926?6 0 1 p lol N .,., .,..,. S4'Ctt-S1 the locahon of the D11lr1ct w~I "main Ille ume •11y rul~u••nl clomp '"'""~'' w1lh1n •• Y 1 0" u · u, the bounda11es ol the Coty ol Newpor I Beach 11 par I ol tht-Ooslrn I Dally Piiot Nov 15. 22. a9. 0.c. 6, 2003 S.503 llwaA&l UCDeSI Dec 6• 13· 200J S•509 Sectl.., 4r The Ctty Councll tnlrnth lo t .. y And 1111po~t dnd order llov ~nlle<lluto ul ~ b"nel1I This proiecl hH been revtewed. 1nd ol hH bean determ1ntd that 11 is cateaorlcally uempt under the requirements ot the C1lltorn11 E.n"' roomental Ou11tty Act uncler Cl.is !I {M1no1 Alterljlons 1n L1111d Use I lmllatlon1) NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVCH lh1t .,1d pubhc: hearina w1N IHI held on D<M_._ t , 200J, It llft llOUI of 1 rOO ,.111. In the Council Chambe,. of the Ntw llOfl Beach City H1». 3300 Nn•port Soult vard, Hewpotl Buch, CahlCl'nl•. at •h•dl llmt and place •nv and ~II persons interested may ape>ear and be hell d thtreon II rou ch1l>en1• this PfOjeCI In court, you may be limlled to rai$in1 only those lsaues you or someone else r1lsed 1t lhe public hurlna ~obed 111 th" "oho or 1n wrllltn co11e sponden<:e deh~ered to the City el, or p!10< lo. tht pubUc llt111n1 for 1nfoim1hon i:ell (949) 6"·3200 l•V-Herta.ea City~ City et "· .......... ··-Publlshtd Newport Buch-Costa Met.a Oelly Polot Honmbtr Z9, 2003 Sa5t4 Published Newpor I 8uch·Costa Meu Daily Pilot Noveml>tt 22 29, December 6 13 2003 Sa"i07 llOOOOf PUIJCllAlllG c...si,.,. fldlM ..... ... s ..... Th• lollowin1 per sons are dolR& bu\lne\.S a\ a) Elltt RHI Est1te ' ~I.ell• Se<VKH, b) C ltte Rul r i i ate ' Mor I 1a1e Broker •a• C0<p c) Eltte Morta••• ' Real Estate Stt""es, Ill W Wh SI H·Z °"'" ........... ...... ,1,2003 To Whom II May Con om lht Nemt(s) of th~ Applicant(\) os /are CASO CANTINA I l C fhe applic•nh listed 11>->ve are •pply1n1 lo !lie Department of Alcohnllc BevPrat• Control lo Jell alcoholtc b1vuuu ti. JOO S Tho~ bu1111eu 11 con dulled by •n mdovodu•I H•O you ~tMted Oo1n1 busonen yell Ho S1111'° Salon es Thts sl4lemenl w•• hied with the County Cle-Ii of O"'"l' County on IO/t6/01 200S69'1H2 Daily Pilot Nov I!>. 'l.'l. 79. Del 6. 2003 Sal>03 SELL your stuff through classified! NO r~~Rr BY llSOWnOll IO. 200J..SI GIVEN lhlt the City A llSOUIT10tl Of TII CJll Cotlkl Of 111 OTT Of llWPOll llAOI DK1ADIG m llT8mOlt 10lllllW1111 ~~t ~ •• ':: ;;,'~JJ tWlllAVBUMllSStlPIOVllOOllSTIKTFOllllRSCM. YUIOf JAlllAIT I, 2004 lODKIMUI, a public heettn' on th• 2004, AllD fll 111 MU• NG Of A PUIJC llAlllG. 1ppl1e1toon of Conuanl WHlHAS, lh• M1r1n1 Ave"ue Buslneu Improvement Otstrocl wH est1bllshtd 1n 1996 pursuant Systems, Inc. ptopeity to the Parh_ln11 and Business lmprovemenl Area Law ot 1989, C1htorn1a Strenh and Hlghw1y\ Cod•. own••. for Modtltcallon Stdlon 36500 el seq . (heretn1tter tho •A«.t"), whk.h 1equlre~ 1n annual rePQrt lo bt tn~d and Peuntt No 2003 097 on •PPfOVtd by the Crty Council fCI' each ltscal year. and ptopetty located 114000 WMllUS, lilt Adv1'0l'1 Bo11rd hn p<fl)ared 1n Annual Rtpcul IOI f 1scal and C•l~ndar Ye11 200J MacArthur Boulevard. which" on hit 1n the Off1t• of the City Cler~. end The prOf>erty " localed WHEalAS, the Act requires the City Council to declare 1ls Intention lo levy •lld ~ollecl annsmenh In the PC Ottlrlcl (Koll wllhln the Business Improvement Ofshlcl for the not hsc•I yu1 Canter Na'#port Ptann•d NOW, THHIJOll(, tho Ctty Counetl of the City ol Newport Beach resolves as follows· Comftlun1ty) S.Cfl.., 11 The Annual Report ftled by the Advr\O<y Board 11 hereby •PPfoved The Annual Repott Req11esl to permit the conl1111s • dtKttplton of lmptovements and •cl1v11tn to be provuled for 1004 the ., .. bound11111s. 1nstall1lt0n of a ltlth and the annu1I HMssm•nl within the Drllncl. tenant ldantllic~tioo w•" Sedlott 2• fhe Clly Council hereby declares II tnlent1on to renew the Bu~mer.~ tm1lfovemenl s11n thet la 1pprolt 01\trlct tor the l1scel ye11 January I, ?004 to Oecembe1 31 , 1004 pursuant to the Art m1tely 387 square feet s .. t1.,. 31 The location of the Oh.l11ct will rem•ln the ume aenerally tilt 200 and 300 blockl In aru The llon Ctnlar of ,.,,,ne Avenue n \et fotlh w1lh peate1 'l>ICllKtly tn the mep alt••hed " E 1h1bll A and Planned Community lntorpontaGherem Olstrict Re111lallons hm1t Sedl.., •• flle Coty Council lntenm to lt•y end Impose And order the tolleclf()n ol a benefit will~ sl1n1 lo 200 nsessmenl upon peraons conduct1n1 buslnl\\ 111 the O•<htll Suth beneltl &uessnienl shall be square f"t In ate• per H lollowt \Ian. •nd to two facadH A.. Banks end llnancl1I lnstllult0nt thel ue uampt troni City bu~•nen lo~ense rt1ulAlhins shall l>tf bu11d1nc be usesstd S500 IHI' yur fhoi ptOll(I has bten I . lnsuranca •1•nc1U that are eatmpt trom City bustness l>c;ense r .. ulatK>ns sh1l1 bt 1uused reviewed, and fl hu S250 par year been determined lllat It <. Persons oper11tn1 one of the lollowl"I lyp11\ of bu,.n1un 1s 1n mdeptndenl tonlrec:tor tn ts calt10<lcally uampt 111 esttbl"hment owned by another perM>n ~hall be exempt hnm th•~ HHt'!n1ent· I It•" stylist• under the req11tttmenta Z Nall technicians ot the Caltforn11 Env1 3. RHI nlll• .. •nb r0t1mental Qu1hty Act O. Tiit benefit assusmenl shall be fHIUll lo one hundred percent ( 100~) of the Ctly'< 1nnu1I u n d • r CI ass I l business lictnse fee u •slabltshed f)Ufsuanl to Chapter 5 Oii of the Munrctp•I C'od" II lhr business (Accessory Stauclures) Is loceltd In• downsttlrs spttce: II up•l•nt, 1 fllt sl!> 00 will be usessed NOTICE IS HERE9V SHtleA S1 Tile benefit auessmenl1 &hell he tOlll>tltd by lht Clly In one 1nnu1I tn1talln11nt, with FURTHER GIVEN lhal coltectoon• for new bu\Jnesse1 In the Otttrlct on the day of the 1nu1nce ol • busintt.S ltctnH by said publtc llear1nc will lite City lhe 1SMHm111I foi new butinesses •hill be pro-ret•d 1ccotd1n1 to tl>e number of full be held on D<M....., t , months rtmalftlnf >n the 01tlttcl's hKal 1H• 200J, at th" hour of Secti.tl •• Tht pc1111ty fOt tkllnqoenl paymtnla ah1ll be twenty ltve percent per month. provldint "-courTOf 7.00 , ••• In th• Council th•I tile pen11ty to be •ddtd 'hall In no event ucud one hund1td p.rcent of the useument -Cllambe<s of the l'ttw lll'Ollnt t1ua ~ Wt ee.ch Cltf Hall. ~ 7. M owner of !'llOf• than one business within lht Otstriel shall only be r1q11l1td to (Olf'ITCI"--)JOO Ht'#f>Oll 80111t plY the u ... atnMlll IOI the latltst bll\lneu. and •ll•ll bl eumpt from •l\IHftlenla on 1d<l1tlo"at -...-vlfel. He;orport 6..ch, b11\1Mue1 w1th111 the O"hiCt Ml 11it°'JlltfttP.0.la C11lf0<nlt, 11 which tllM Se(tMoi I r Th• lmprov1mtnl1 encl 1cllvill11 to be funded by Ille bentht u1nsrMnl1 all•ll onclude 14171 ,.__ CA.., 1nd plKe 1111 •ncl 111 only the foltow111a: r"'....., l*M>fl' lnttt .. lfd 1111y I. Mw~1tl11t, idvtrlbl"''"dpublkl rtlalions flllll*CI •PflN' and be ""'d l. lfoc:llur•clnelof'"'9111 end dbtrttwtl6n: ...~...... tlleleon H YOll cll.tlltnp 3 f"rOftlQllOft ot 1H1bl1C events ti.t .,, to tlkt place on°' In •ny pulllle pi.Ltt In ti.. •r••. tllls profile!'" court, you 4 Dec:oullOll ol a"' pubt1e. pl1C1 I" the•••. ....... m11b•11m1IM lo flllln1 ~.Public lfH lmt>tO•t~b tnd m•lntenanct 1chv1tltt.; ,.,... .... ,..,.. only thoae Issues )'Oil or 6 lhe 11.ner1l ptomotlot> ofrtt1ll tr1<1e ~tlvillt1. ~ IOINOnt el,. re>aed 11 8l IT FURTHlR A(SOlVCO, tllal the City Council of lhe <:ity of Newport lltach ~haH COllduct 1 ....,.._ lhe pulltlc hurl111 !)Ubllc h111kl1 on ~•111kr t. 2003 1t 7 00 pm , Of u ae>on 1"41turter H tllls malllf n1a1 be ...... ,..,.......,, 11tKY1bed 111 1!111 11ollc• llNtd, In tilt CollMll CllalttWt loc.ated at 3300 NewpOl't Boulevard. Ne""'*I 8tKll, Cattforni. 11 _ ___. ....... _ Of 111 wtllt•n coue .tllell t11111 lhe CouMll will lletr •" 111t•ttitad penon• fOf Of •piMt the t1l1bl1sllrnent ot the rw-vr-spondlnct ~l..,•d to Pi'trk:t, tilt ottnt of th• Otslrlct '"cl tht tptclllc IYPH of lmp<ovements Of ttt,.ltlte to be .. lOSIOIQISlfGI Ill• City at, « PflOt lo, h1nd6d lly tt11 btntlil •'*•Nm•nl Prot••b m1y be mtdt 0t1tty or In wrltln11. but If written, ati•ll --·-tfl• public 11 .. rtnc fOI M f11td •ltlt the Clty Cletk at Of btl0<e the t11M hxtd 101 tt11 Htarlns end ~ont1!11 111ftkltnt '--lrlfot1111tkln ttl (949) doculllellt•llOll to ,,.,.~ bu~• twlltt&llrp tllf vtlffltt• the pttllc:lllll JlfOlut If wtltlflll ptOt It QS(-AttnfS 144·S200 .,, tecetwM br IN ownen of blililla w1th•n the O.Strld Ulat pay hlty P«ttnt ot M«• of ui. JO Ml IHTf.RCSTCO /S/ '-V-M. Her· tl)tll HMU-n to "tewi.d, no tlffthtt Pfot•MlllP tor-• tM ~ hKt 11\tU lie ltklft tOf 1 KRSONS· ~ ..... (tty a..tl perlOcl ol 11111 YHr ff om the 6-11 111 IM llndlnt of 1 111110flt1 prot t br t!W! CtlJ Cntincll ti Ille I Petttto111r· Dora <tty .t M--.wt leedl majority p•Ott\t I' only •ttint.t t"4 f11tnlthl111 of 1 tparlftc t11>t or typ" of lnlC)fOvtll'Wlntt or Cttlll• htord, 011 Pullllahtd "'",.°'' "llvity '#1th'41 llle OMtjtl, lhOM tyPM of im1H'Ol/\tft1lfl11t10t 1c:t1v1u .. 9'111bt1ltmlllei.cl. 11,11,11 of rerntnd• ltec" Co•U Meu O•r r111thtf 1n1or .. atlofl rtt1t411t1111e fltOfOIH lu-ltnPft .. ment 0111t1et ''""'~ t11•1 be olltlllntd .Aut1tlo ,.,.1 ,1ne Pitel Non111t.•r HJ at the Ht.,...t hkll Cltr HfN, JOO '""pert 81111•ev•d. Newpof1 81acll, C.hf0t111t, 9*8 Oo!ftl a/14 11 111 ~ $.Sil ,...,._. ( .. ,, 144·Jle , ... ;f:-MIM4• ::4 1 1 :;:::::~:....--..._-....;;.;:;;.;.=1 • llMt City Cl«ll wit ttutt tM rtaoltttton of lntentt'lfl 10 b• 11t1blttll•d ontt Ht 1 n .. 1111...-r llf ,.elttlOll with lhll Cb\lft ,_ ..-•I clrcul'laon In 1111 City ct ltttt ••••n dtJI lltfore lht pubtlc h11t1111 '°' , ~·· dilfll\nt ... .._.. fN9 1NOleitlon tt111 t•• •Hett l~t.11 11pe1n llkoptton r.~ ud 14optt4 br ll'lt City ,..... ., felt,,.; 1, Tiii '°''°'""" '*'°"' COUfk.il el tti. Cltr ot """'°'' tekll •l 11 rttullt -tilll ntt UwltMn litW Oii the IZth day of F•11tMt "'8felt0 P•t ........_ No1relftMt 2UO.S ,w11 Oom1111uu to ~·c=• l"t~. rri.~'81 ...,. ... ,,..,0I ttMMo ltolMtl ••· 11) ( .... aw lt1Mff, t) ,J••-a .. ..._...,. ..,._ ftMll, II KM-,.... Cdlfw1l1t HotllM, d) ff~h~.::~M;- ,i.. te ~tt.-i Waliiu (Aplt.tei' l•,,...llMllh l.Cllil:=l:lll:t'~lll~Cft~~~ ..... ==::.li==~~======~~~ilili .. l!li .......... ~~ ---~ •I ( ..... Ml Gtt.,. J, M COUllt Of!OIG lJffZ ru1«1c Cee•t usessmenl upon per'""' condutlona llusonen "' the Oostrod Such b~oo"lol as•e.,m•nl •h411 b" H follow• A for nl•bhshniMh ,.tlh les\ lh•n eleven (I I 1 fmploytes the •\\~um•fll \h~ll b" a 1111 '5000 B I ni Hl•bhshmPnh with ar•~lei tha11 ten 110) eniplnyen, th~ b•n,.ltt •">.,n'lllt1ll 'h•ll be equal to the Ctly's uw•I annual Lu,lnn!ls hc~l\U la• n tsl•blt•hlld pu1w1flll to Cho111lr1 5 08 ul thu Mun" 1p1I Codi! C fhe U">M\ment ID< •II ulher bu\tnO'M!\ w1lh1n lhr O•sl,.1 I sh•ll b~ 100 perc~nl ul the ~nnu1I busmen hunse ta. u nlabhshed pur\Uanl In th•ple1 '> 08 of lht Mun1C1p1I Colle Sect•-S1 the benelot •nessm .. nts •h•ll b~ coll•<l•d by th• Coty m ont 1nn11•I on•l•ltm•nt '"''" tollect1ons IOI new bonlnessn In the o .. 1r1tl on lh@ d•V ol lhe onuAnrt ol 1 bu\m"' lo<ense by the City lhe "nenmnnt lor new busln~s">"' •h•ll b• pru tdlell •«Ord11111 lu lh• n111nbe1 ol lull months rem11nona 1n the Doslrtcl • ""'I Y•M Sec11eft 6r The ptn~lly tor delon1111•nl 111ym•nh shall be tw .. nly lov• pelt onl per month p10~1d1n1 lh•I the pen•lly lu bt ld!led sh•ll 111 110 •vent ••teed con• honored j)t'fl•nl ot lht •'\enmenl 1moun1 dut Sectloft 7 1 !ht •m1unv•m11nl• ~nd II hv•h~' In be lunded by lh• b•nehl •"""m•nl\ 1h•ll '"tlude only Ille fo1low1n1 I M11hl1n,, adverh~1n11 and pubht relahon> 2 8fOlhurt dotl"'1mtnt end dlslt1bullon 1 P1omohon ol pubtoc: evenb 4 lh• 11ner•I promotion of restaur1nl h•d' ~clov111,., 5 C dut3l•onal and lt1lnm1 cl•ste< for memb•" 6 Membership\ on V8rtOU& orcant1d!I0"5 deemed lo 111omol• d•nmg "' N"wpn1I Beath 6( II fllRlllfR RlSOI VlO. that the City Counttl ol !hf' r.oty ol Ntwport l:luch 'h•ll conduct 1 pubhc hHrona on Oecember 9 ?OOJ •t 1 00 p m m •• \Onn the• l!afle1 a• th1• mat111 n1ay be heard. 1n lht Council Chambers loc1ted •I 3300 Newpo11 Buul•~••d New1><Ml Buch. C1hlurn1a et whoch tome lhe Council w11I heat all Inter nted pel\ons Im 0< •1atn\I Ille est..bh~hme•1t of the Orstncl, 1118 et lenl of lhe O°'h let ~nd lilt \flt,1l1t IYP"' 111 omprovem~nt' 01 •< llvoll•• to b• funded by lh~ heneht nse~~menl P1otests may be mad~ oretlv or m w11t1n1. but ti wnllen shall ~ hied w•lh the Ctly Cl1trk al o• bel!Me the lonot fi.ed lnr lloe Hra11na •nd rnnt.un •ufflctenl documentation In vr11ly busmen ownetshtp 1nd v1ltd•te thft 11arlteul•r ptolesl II w"lkn protesh ate reuovtd by lhf' ownt" ol bustntnes wolhon the Otslrtc.I lltitl pay hlly percent 111 more ol lht total H\enlflenl' lo bt levied. no lurlller proceed1ncs II.I renew lht-Ot>llltl •hill be tali.en l!M a pe11od of one yeat from the dale of the f111d1n11 of a matorlly prole$I by the City CounCll II the m•jo11ty prolul " only •ir.amsl the furnishing ol a •pecoloc type 01 lyp,.~ ol lmprovem~nh or 1Cl1v1ty w1t'11n the O"troct. those lypea of unprovtmenh N 1ctov111 .. shall bft ehm•n•led f urthef 1nll)• matoon ••1 .. rdln& the proposed Bu .. nen lmp1 ov.m!!nl 01 ... 1111 I r ~new al mAy IHI obtained 1t the Newport Beath C1ly Hall. 3300 fllfwpotl 8011ltv•rd Newpotl Buth C.1111111111. 92658 Telephone (949) 644 322') The City Cle1 .. sll~ll ~•UH lh!S resoluhon ul tnlenllon lo h~ published 111110 >n a ooewspapet of 1•n•r1I c11cul1llon 1n the City at leul uven ll•Y• bftlort lh• p11bll1 hearon" Thtt resolultOll '"~" l1ke effect 1mmedtal~ly upon ado11toon Pas,•d at•d adopted by the City Council of Ille City of Newpo•I Buch 11 • •tcut~r mert1111 .1nd lhr1~no held on lht l?th day nf November 2003 /S/ STIVIN HOMHH, MAYOR ATl'ISfr /S/ LAVONNE M. HAHllSS, ctTY CUltK PubH&l!ad Ne I e .. ch Cost1 Meu 0111 Pttol Hovembei 19, 2003 Se!ll t STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • TJN VrJ ~"'' 111 tlN Daily Pi~I u p/,auJ t~ uno1mrr R nnu lntJi« now 1111ttl"IAb/, to "6W bHJiflf'llfl. W} will "~ S liARCH tlN """"for r_u 111 no nrl,._ t'N'I'• 11,,,,/ uvr 14'" 1~ tiWN 11"6 UN mp I# ii~ <A11r1 HJ## in S.nltl AM. Tbnt, of~"""' 11.fkr t~ Utlrm u c."'*ld"" wi1J fi/, 7f111r fa111~ b1Uinm U"llV 1141nnntJ u./1h tht u11n1J Clnit. 111'1/Jsli '""' 11 -~for four 1A1ttb"' ,.,.,,Urn/ '1J ''"" 11Ni thm fik JO"' 1roofofp11'1ila11""' with i~ c.-'1 Ckrl. P/Nu ,,_, '1] •fill :l""''.fin11l•N1 '111Jil'tf1J ru,,., 1t11tnr11•nt 111 llH O..il] Pi/,pr. J,JO W. &r, St. C.JU M11& If I'"'-"",.., "°1 h. pk4N oiJJ 11.t tTI (949) 6.f1-4U J •u -""-" """~ """"""'"'"'far "°" " IM°Jk 111/J prtX'l'ti111r "' rtfll.il . //rw 1hovU h111• ""lfo'thn 9tum•1U. piNH rc/J NI """WI' flll// IH "'~ U•n JW I# lfllist )#11.. GHJ ~ ,,, r11r ,,rtQ ""'html Pilot ! How to Place A tc and deadlines are ubjcct <o W\gc wnhoot noti c. The publisher serves the nght 10 censor, recl~sify. kvi~ or reject any cla sifted lll.lvcrt11,emem. J'lc~ rq>Ort any cm>r dlat may be IO )'OUT cllbMfted ad immcd1 tcly fllc DaJly Pilot al·cepts no htibillly for any error an an Jdvcrt1\Cmcnt for which 11 may be rc'ponsiblc except for lhc cost of the CLASS IFIE AD -Monday ...................... Priday S:OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm By Fax (949) 63 t .(1594 tl'k.w-wdudr ~wr _..., lll1tl phont number lllCI -'II ~•II )'Oii hkk •1!111 pnce 11-I By Phone (949) 642·5678 flour By Mail/Jn Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. .t Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday S:OOpm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm pa(.e 11Ctunlty occupied by the error Cn.'<.11t can only ht· aJlo~cd for the first ,,tlM'rtiOn. Telephone 8· JOam-S:OOpm Monday-Friday Walk-ln 8.30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday S:OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1710 ~ r GARAGE ' : SALE ' • • "- BUSINESS & FINAHOAL cli1ect1bles/ ~Ilia TM SS 4 Rf(()jt0S ITC 1.,L n ...... ,, 11r. !O• a. Uh It """' ScJlw toA .. MllP' '1h 949 64!> 7!>0!> EHTERTAJHMEHT ·~ltndarof £ttntl 1310 ~r fotW. llOUSllG ,.ir.~ ..... , ' 111 tlm ne1op.t114'r " .,,,,.., 1 lo IN r e<kfol ( •• lluu\lnl At I ul l '168 • J an14'nd~Cf wn11 h ""'"u II 111•1•1 lu n4•1111\o •11y 11rol~r t••• hm•••••on o• d1_~11min•I"'" b""d "" I '1' • < 1111:_, t f"lll:K'ft '-• , ll~"'lk •P l•1t.,l1al \1•111\ u-. n.thon.-1 nt1£tn ,.,, •t• •t t1111 .. 11 tu m~h ony \ " µrot•r~m• '""'"' 1 n u1 ""' nman•t.011 • I I\ nttW\IUSWt wHI "''' ~ •11nsty A>ttitpl •nv • •tlllM'n•~nl l..r •••' • t•I• which '' 111 •.f•IAllon ol the l.t• Ou1 •i••1•'' are hf<•br '' urn1vd th•I 111 dwell 11 ~ adv••ll,,d •n thl\ f #'-&l•f.H't iltf,. llY,.tiAhl• ti ~n ••llt•t opporll11uly ~,,,, , , ~U"'Vl•HI ul t11 1m111•l•"1 c.1• ttU<J toll t r~ •I I 11()(1 4?4 11~9() 00 I 2305-2490 <.moter C Qll'P bl<\/1lvs, fin n, tria. n•w •nta• krh •n•ake1\ or()f1 ""' 7'19) I e•w•y drv CM S.18 I.? Pm Of Fii VKTlllS tm lOUI llBll 400 AN1MA1 S RE M:Ut 0 WllH NO 0"1NlRS MON( Y OONA I IONS HUMAMI SO(llTI C/O PAW~ 140 £ HICHI. ANO SAN er RNAROINO CA. 92404 JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECtOUS METALS c-1ce1 .. Nee.b Old Coin•' Gold, ~•Iv~, ,.._.y Wllrhes ..... iqun h~< flbln 949 642 9448 3610 .aa .,,_ ,_ S.• Gor&f!OUI, ~ t.ldn Pel\11n l.1lltn\ Red Tori~ t '11ob $GlMt 2'a-sa IS -------USCUI t 11 Lile s Unctr l1111lon Hep pent r.1 Owllfl" Need lletp Well Mann .. ed Adu II t •h & Oldtr Ooa~ need n~,. ""'""' Adopt Adult A1um1I~ lh" Xmu! .JO d1y r•lurn Pl'hty -• anm>al.,.lwori. 011 Mmll tcrnN & CATS 8otllt ' td .. , ..., ,.., ., an-e llO.. ~ ... l*xld ... ,......,_ --~ ... ~ N'M.,,_ IL W-0 ~ r. "" t>~ --Z'/9 Genenl www •11lmalnetw0f~ ore Announcemera 1610 Real &1a1e DUCIC HASON SeMca Prlv.,• Duclo """'"" <lv.,app1n1 I hr I• ·m ;;;;;iiiiiiii;;iiii;iiiiiiiit N•wPo.-tllurh I •ul R Estate i.n1 hunl1n£ .td,.anl lo ,, • ., w41n tow1 rel111to lnv•storsl '""'"er'l>h1p 1nt~re'l &. 11>11ru• J7~ ~Cit' ol hnoJ & •mJHoYrmenh • your o>Hn ' Am.p t ompound w ,truo lur• .tnd ? II A•lr1.. Wunr!trlul I 11 111cht 81<0 ' C. wine Smart Mnnftr M•11 line R1nk~d f.u\lln, lelH H lhe •I Pl•ce '" lhe u s lu lllVMI on rut nt•l• rind oul why •osil t~illnc du11n11 dUl~ DI IVAI IC"TIU N'All -.r•\t1n • Olttll'f ct•tr•\f DUl~tl1..\AAl'I soos-saso lASfSIOI (Hie Mu• Dllpka •• , ..... , c-4, to.th s~ -.. w1th ........ , ...... ..., $705,000 A9ent714-9St-21t4 ~Ouy.,fSidtCMq llm I snocl 2!lr home., IWW Ud'4fl .. ... 1449.ro> hc:b ~ Uri ' Wy lM1b 95 574-.BIS 0.-He•H S-. 12·4 Newp«I lsl1nd 81yhonl w/p11va11 boat doctr. Un•urpustd qu1hlyl fotal ftnlOdel 111 99/00 ?br ?'/-'b• .. ncephonal den 3812 ClwtnMI Pie S2.07S.OOO Act David 714 812 5668 llCITINO WATO VllW 60 I Lu.,_. Dr •SI Cr1c UV W/24ttR 5( C ?BA 2 ~A SI .250.000 l odo Park Aully Mary lo,. Kie~ 949 675 2700 STUDA 11 ~UM M .lbr dwn rm.Ir J ~· ld~•I tor ? Ir .. nd\ nr lither C. •on Call M••• Ktlln R•nn., 1500sl flyM V'•tiqf fou. .. _.!>iilil'llli4ii21iiiii56ii26.__.11,pluc com Sl,670.000 at JIO '>41 Oll'>4 A(Vowner 949 637 OJOO APPUAHCES 3050 HOMESFOASM.£ MISCB..lMEOUS ORANGE 5400 RENTALS = .:.,:-=. COUNTY heolnt nit. ca RV Bred! tftlli • .... /l4' ~I ~n Corona dtf Mar HOME RJRNISHINGS OPlN SAT SUN 1-5 3I10 <-trv 0t.a. Nl'W ON THI alAUlll Meo\• v... ~ 'I ~b• ••mod hOu\t n•w Iii•/ Clf P•llw•ndOVlt 1pph p11nt '"'ldt &. out, 2 Ip lfl lam fir pl1n Ovar llted b1t t. yd $689.000 hm t. l Hiit f w't lum ""'"""' a.di 114-312 ICDi Rtral To Sim &030 l s1,.. c.,,. •••• ~h111 lownhouse, mstf su1I• •lb• Comm ~oV ~. 11ted C~np S7SOI mo 949 6t2 !1620 NI/Ck-VI-a- Oct1nfr nnt/22nd, P11 vile rm, unfurn, shirt b• uhls paid ntsmk, lult henette. lndt y lbti. lo NtwpcHI Pt1f S7JOm C•ll ~'"" 949 .?78 7~ (!Mlw"n 91m-!iom1 Hewpurt Buch ronrn 11011. close tn ~•th l'e1fecl fm surf«r /1(11111 Sll'>O/mo 949 548 6J53 Index t---- . . . ' = ~•..:&..~ ... l.l ~ .• NPI 24 hf •l(lr•a•. 400 600sf un1h M~y dor• vechtcles. lows ralu c.t C...ol)ol ~ID> s.._,. ... 1 ... 1...-.1.&e secure, eHy 1ccen, would stut boil RV 1uto, n11<1AH y or other business (949) !>!>3 8!>!>3 RESIDENTIAi. RtW Al S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY J~, n.., Unlur11n./1ed W/d, \IOllt fr1& Avail/ un I Te1fly IH'• 9626 7CJJ l6 A ..... ltlr I .. hi eel ~ w/d "c. rnoc:r1>. cVw. nu crpVpwtt. diet.. c.sport SI~ yrly 9&67J..Dl9 COrona Oel Mar <1.... & .... , 406 Heloottope (front Col· tap) COM 1bd, Iba. new krtcr-' b1th tp. hrdwd fir In LR l/c aar, Slwed W/O 949 633 0400 c-.aetety ,._ ... ._,. lb< lb• unit 1v••I now Sil S01r1 609 H1tc1nu' C1ft Phrl 949 7'/"J &sl!I ..._... "'!* dun furn 2br 2IJ9 (2 mW ib •'tM d!tclls) T ownhous.e 4blo.s from bch nn Pft/sM<, I c ... SV9!im Ql3 NaCIUIJS .. vi 1•~1-46n M.,1. Al't•I lovely G1led Comm ne11 h,.nal• Squ.,e, 2bf lb• W/llf ..... ,. SI09'J. lbf lb• w/p1too carporl, 't°' •a• IP!I Mtllt n.. p11d. Klein ._ ... ,.,. 817~ lrtWO> I SfOI .... , i......, Ibo , 111ul1td ce1ls, skyll1hts. new ''n~•. f11e. sl1le shol'ltr car~t Pvt P•lio '""•d J•d. vacant SlJOO 1!147 Or•nce 714 624 7'65 I StOI CHAaMING, tot.e new 2br I Sba lown ltuuse ,lyle ~22 [Iden $1375/mo 949 642 5488 ......... ~ ....... llMdwood tloon, .,.. IWICIOwslqpC.. ...... •Id. pwt Y•d. Sl«Dn Sl«XMc ....... Dec 949 442 7350 3llr I.SB• tHlslde house ¥1/d in ht.e. d/w, hi&, r p. I c 111. bedlyera. SlllOOm. ~Is VS t1lt1 mo (949> J78 ll506 9000-'750 YIAti Y UAHS f'INI NIWPOltl ttOMlS tti GaUNOY lUlTO.S 949--675--6161 .._,_, si-... 2br 21>1 newt'f c11pel, P••I &. hi• 2 c llndc!m 1ar, wdhl. ups, •al 949 293 '630 lll>O tsu STUDK> L1r11 closet & b1UI. \Unny upo,ure SlOOOm All 949 675 6161 llr Apt. I .,_ OW, uhfs &. 11tell1t1 TV paid, W/D, near Hoa1 Ho$p, $1300/mo 949 631·4984 WMtdlff: l rc 2bd 21>• condo Up•l•ors, c.arport. 1256 Rutl1nd S USO/mo •714 &32 1766• -2M ~wiltd. ~ new~ \J, t& dw. m Ptf. PoCt 91 be JJmn IWHow~ P ... IMwh tbr Iba p1loo, hteplace. lhered w/d hkups. I cir 1ar1p Act Sl500/MO 949 293 4630 2lr 1 ... -,_it/arplt. 2 c:. pr • bedl~d. vz bloc* ID ..-... must -~ 949 m.r.ni al ~ 9lni 5p1I only $500 .. , .. -2br 2ba .. ,. ,,.. du lo diopa ' .U.lllb Ip I c p ...i sum~~ ----•, 21/-... Ip l CafllOl1. 1400+51. MW 4IR>f a apl ) .. ~ crt SIMrno 114 J'J0.5810 ........ 3a l'Mfn\ ?"Yov~2 PIP.wdNt.4)2c p <Dll pod S?4D> !M9&1342ll2 Jlw 3"'9 ltewe, qu,.t lfH, newly relurb1!.hed 2 car 111. wd hkups S2JOO/mo 949 1!>9 0874 Urn.k·r the Scr\'icc Directory Ba nner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 Newp«t w-4 191· frent rusl complelely r emoc:leled' 2b< 11 I Iba Hur So I.cane jMlhO '1500/mo w/dock av.t~ for Mid fee 6 mo w...,., 0.ve!Aat 714-812 !16611 lbr 2b1 upper lev•I b1yt.onl unit pc11od tlyle. .,.. YU I c '"'. •at S2800 949.293 40JI UCI Alhlelics seek& Oir~lor for Communll1/ Youth Proa V~ll hit /WWW atfllptJc:s UCI tc*i llW~JDI>~ ,_., "" s .-a ~. ctrve lo F uli:rton m I, ~ cNld flam YJlOol, u... pr..-• ...... Mist haw own ca-949-422 19fi8 SELL your stuff through classified! lAJIN $2SOI( IN-- lW lSTAll The II selhn1 lndepen denlly o wned Reil I slate comp1ny In C3ltfo.n1a, '' 111nounconc a un1qu•. hiahty re· w•rd1n11 oppotlun1ly tor 1 Hasoned Hies pro ltt~•I We 11• seek one • lac> qu1hly sales person with a p<o•tn lr1cll record You must ~ nlrt!MIY t·uslomer Oflen\ed 1tlalt lo a bro1d ranee of cllenl ftthnp ind needs •nd cornmunllale,. w ith ptef'ClllC ~$UH"'tnns If you hav• 1 1tron1 dts11e lo >IKCffd. Is a superstar who lots lhe 11111, and enioy wlhna screenma and dosina. Give us a cell @> 888· 454-0!>93 ut 94~ (Over 30 sales HM><lalH have earned 1n eaceu of $250,000 in 2002) IMW '01 U ,.,._, l 0 Sspd 23'. ml. lull fatt l'llfrllll'J. SlfVtr/bll llhr. CO mnrl 191n V1hl1, b .. ullful ht.• MVI cond. fin •ve•I v995621 S2A.9!JIS fJlr.r 949-1888 ...... 4 ··~ ~ '9t c.. ••• SOit m1. 11111/blll llh1 , blk c•rrllae 1oof 80~ CD. 1m·fm, chrm whls, &old 1*1. boob/records, like new S899S v~S7281 8kr t49·Sd·IUt --~l.<- Ce411tec •9s o.vm. wtllWoetmHI IUw. low mi, buuhful orll\lfl.tl cond Inside a. OUI, chrm Vlflh. $2995 8"' 949 516 1188 -. ..-.- Chev,.let '99 ,...,,, Carlo 2dr coupe, V6, JOt( aclu11 m1. 11lver/c11•n melalhc, CO. beaullful like new cond, $6995 vsn491 Btu 9t9-58S-1888 __ ....,<-. Owy~ '96 s.lwMt lXI Con~ 1811 atlual m1, mel1lhc creen ten lthr bl1ck lac>. bHuhlul llke new cond. S7995 hrm v 156nl 8111 949 586 1888 wwweqMIM- co.vrn1 "' err Aulo. •c. 111 power. while red 1nt... beau. funs 1tron1 $7500 obo 949 244 3324 COSJAMISA UMCOlN MllCUlY ,,, u...... ,,_.,.,., ZWP Certified 6yn. 7!lll ""· -ranty. moonroof, fuHPO-. bladl &. sharp (ll79J9) $26,975 ,,, "'-" JS Top of the lone scior! '*&, moonrool, ctw-. showfoom trm (li07364) $23. 995 w u..c.6t "-""*" lop of the hne w/Naw111hon s~em. dual Krffll Ml«< t11nmenl. 101ded (M2024) 24,985 '01 UncolnU Sport Ptr.1 w/mo<>orool CO lolded (60!>391) $17,8.50 ·01~v.1-c. C.t1fied, 6 ~.,.,,,, ""· w11rllllly. moonrool, co (671059) $19.985 "O I U..C• C.,,,_ _,. MoonRool. co. SNrp (6179n) Sl9,77"i wu-6t....-.,,. Top al the n . IJltl. mlltt 1111&. O\IO, N.v Sys Mocwool. L09dlcl a lftXlln C.t.llled (.QBJ) $41Jl85 71~540-SUO COSTAllSA .Ulacm AND ' e -COVEIOTOllG AUDIA4 '00 Blick. w/&rt'/ onl•r •Y0802 Ooscounted IMWS21ie'9t Blick, tan 1nltr •V9978 Musi Siii IMW S211 '91 Bronl1. Ian inter 1V!>497 Must S•H IMWS2119'00 Cuen. tin lnlH •V0567 01sc011nled IMWSSDl'OI Whole, tin n466 Musi Set 8MW540!'99 Blue a•o 1nler •V21 II Musi Sell BMW 740!1 ·oo BronLe/l1n •91 !>8 D1scounled IMW 740f•'OO Bllcll. tan 1nle1 IV9435 01scounled BMW 7'40IL 01 Blue/cr•y 128AJ Musi S.. IMW1401l 'OI Solver if•'/ IV860'.) Grut Buy BMW 740ol '01 White 1,rey •3951 Greil Buy Chevl..,..'02 Black. cr•r IV4361 Creal Buy Hwley Dov,.., •n Red. lllecll •V8109 01SCounltd t4MS6-St15 CWNOUT YOUR HOUSE wmtA GWGIWEI CAil {949) 642-5671 Call (949) 642-5678 ,~•!!•!2!!''!"!.....~•!!!• it iii' iiiii11iii .. r-1.;;, , t ... COW•N•ll 'T.:~~~7 •l!MI CrMl 0Ht 1...-x11·•• aiu..t.n IVTM' OilaMlnted ~~111-• IZll> Mllst Sd ....-~··" Red, tan '°85! Crnt o .. t •lll<DIS CH O '02 Btadl, b&l<ll ~n OtScounttd t«RCEDES EllO'Ol Btaell,BIKll ~ Olscou11ted MERCU>ES E320wa '99 <l<Mfl,IJln IV4581 Creeto..t MERCEDES MISS '00 S.MI', blecll 13859 Cr .. t 0.111 MERCEDES SSOO '95 While, ltn 13650 OiKOUnted '--' 'Ot U Ht _,, MT IKt°'y wNr, blk/blll llhr, n1vl1atlon, cllrm wt.ts, loolla ntw. smellt new, ltntutk nlu., SJ7.995 v~7129 Bllr MOODISSISOO 'OO t4t..Jl6-llH Whlte. ltn -...... ..._ IOS80 Must Sell ,,..,., •tc JrM V...._ MINI COOf'H '02 Blue. aray I0962 Must Sell POllSCHlc..r..-•'t t Bled, black , Plu mtltlllc red tan llhr, bHutllul Ofiain•I c:ond. must ,.. to appreclltt. s11a1tc1. non smlcr, $6995 v702S71 Bkr 949-586-1888 •VI 068 Discounted --. .,.-..- ,OllSCHI C9YH• 'H UM.a.. '00 U SIO V6, Blue, rr•t l lk 1ctu11 ml, ch•m· IV6°'9 Must Sell P•tn•/IJ•Y llhr. mnrf, CO. chrome whls, superb Q\lale Mlnaust '01 as ne111 cond lhrouaht. SllY•. black boolls, rtCOfds, $19,995 •VOl39 Discounted "°"51129 8111 9&516-18118 --·~·-MMSt-stlS MERct0£S Bl'll '01 Sl!IOO loaded sllnr. h r4 '6S M1111t••1 Sc>o<ls '*'· AMC 111111s. Convertible. orl1il1•l 9K ml, sholWm cond, 302 0111nt1, solid car, nut hp. $52,750 714 969-1187 ""'Sl&!10 dJo 9'971!).29(1 ....... ... (210 Beautiful balck/cr11m f ORD TEMPO '90 fully loaded, showroom Wout '9Z5() 714-751 ·2'464 $750 714-!1~7 0705 Merce4•• 'ts U20 Black/blll be•ut, an opt, non1 nicer. new major SVC, $10.25() 714 751-2464 .,.,...,,.. -"" (lM70) 111.910 '",,,,.,., " ... IUI Jllml U•l2> W .MO ..... a.-t .. ASte.i (19I09l) S9.9IO "'-U409 s.IYer. low ""' (l!Ms.ll) 117.lllO .., ,,__.. ClHll 4•1111. (19751) 149,980. .,, • ._...,#0 o.IMI, Pf-to Ml (19142) ~·­.,J..,... U# Wlltt•. 6411 1111 (191136) 25, 980 "fTM...,..•SLHO . ..,,.,., Gt111 ( l 9159) $21.9IO HM ........ SUOO ....,., Whit• (19020) S21,980 ... SU. fOOS c...,, 67\mi (19852) SJ2.9IO "",:::..wz- ( 19728) S9,9IO ttt-S7'-7177 NUSAllTO ,,.., 11 - SELL . your stuff through classified! - "H v.a:::z-,,,_ (lt7Zll) ••• wa...,~ WM., low mi (lt'ml) .,.,.., .,,.,,,...,, c-SilWlf. 3511 1111 (1944 l) ~­ 'H ~ S$IO LOftC WhMI 11 ... (197890) $21,9'0 ..,..,_..nto Wiii\•, Vt1y NIU (lt123J) $23.180. '01'-""~ ., et.Q, rtkll\I. (ltNJ) . ..,. • .,...,u.c- 81Hll,1a m1 (l!Ml8) 43,980 "OZ ~f.S Red 2211 mt (19869) $25,980 •tMWIZSO Red,Onf1a1t11. (l sei6) 129.980 "01 MWT404 Spot t Sllvtr (19849) S37,9llO .,,~a..,w .. AJtlll (198081) S9,9'0 Mf.574-7777 NUSAllTO ;'!'; 11.- ,_... 'Ot <-··4 Biii/tan "11. Aero kit pile, every opt p0ulble, 411 ml, never sp;int • nlcht oubiclt or rained on $62.500 obo !M9-32H248 ................. HSE "811 ml. tun tact .... ,, ' b"'1blk lthf. 18" dlrm whls, IUJ*b cond llwoua111. $23.ll!JJ vi 1/201 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ec,oltl.ee111 ' Bridge Av CHARLES GOREN ;ftt, OMAR SHARIF MCI TANNAH HIR&CH WEE.ICLV llUOOJ: QCJIZ Q I • Not vvlaaablc. 11 Soudl you bold. Wbll do )'Oii bid now? ••\I OQ o J U •AQJltUl The blddhla hu lltOCIOdei.I: Q 4 • Bodi w1-lble. u SolQ you hail •. ou o KJ6 o k2 •0.I U 80tmt ~ NORm ll'.AST l• '-l• ... ~~wrsr ' Wh:it w )1lU bid now? lNT .... 1• ... Q 2 • Neither V\ll~. IS Souch )'OU bold· 10 ,._ T Wbac tl> 1illl bid llOW? •1t4 O J OQJ5 •KQ IU5J Q 5 -Nellh« vulnenble. yuu holtl. •AK54 o Ql7U1 o ~ •K.Ql Yout ri&bHllnd opponm opens cbe biddil\I ~llh OllC DO INmp (l.S.17) Wlllt ICdon do )'Oii late? The biddlnt bas 1llOCOCdcd: 1'fOllTU tAS1" SOVll1 WlST •• 2c:i ' Whal do )'Oii bid DOW? Q J -Ntidlet V11lnerable, .. ~ South )'OU bold; Q 6 -Neither vulnerable, ts South you hold: • 1 0 741 o J7 U l • 11916 •AICQJ U1 o l OU •'85 1-.. lever '00 4.0 SE 19. 11etu1I mt. full feet w•rr, bll\/cermal lthr. beautiful hke ne.11• cond Must set to ...... s:1A9!ll \017896 Bllt 9'9-586-1888 ....... ,_ ..... ·-'ts 4.0 SE 80k+mt, black/lift lthr. supub con cl thro111ht, boob, recorcts $10,995 ~ llllr 949- 586 1888 w-.•~.c- T _,,. 't S Cl wWte, loacl•d. •II options. lmmacula11 $2500 714-75 t -24'4 ~~~·WFSf to l o T What do you bltJ l\OW? lotJlc for un.s .. ~r.r "" M1Jfllk1v. ,,. ..... Auto. ltalher, CO, Plemwtlk (fi9Rr,,) $12.900 "Ot~W SIVGrey. CustOl!'I Whls, CO. 26K ml (11~27) $13,900 "'9 Sl.-SOO Sport ~AMC. Bose, Mulb CO. 2 T09t (107291) $.19,900 "'a"'° Whl/tan, Auto, moon, Hice Cer (099216) $14.900 "Ot Or--' .A.t SI Auto. A/C, CO, R- Splr (263427) $10,900 .... _._ llfnlted,loaded,S•le Pr~ (094773) $16,900 '000$.JOO Whl/Tan Pi.llflum Serlft, low Mi, CO (099216) $25,900 '99GUOO BllVT1n. CO, H•ka AudlO, Loaded (046903) $21.900 '9Tl-f<>~ lop of tht lm., Bow. co. V842l (444967) $19.900 ., •• _,,.._«..o HSI Auto. 4WO. Multi CO, Lolded (3?6806) Sl4.900 AU1'1*Ca.ES, llSCB.lAEJUS W11'llld BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES IOATSSUPS/ MOORINGS/ WINCHING/ STORAGE 9680 7Sft IOAT SUI', Sublet fer Dec ' Jin $23 per ft.. on XMAS IOAT ,MADI llOUlt 949~ ~ * IOAT SUP B•lboa Pinn up to 13' bum Bey IM.nd Con 110 secure, 949·927 1111 WAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GWGfWI! -.- Sa1wday. NoYembet 29, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE PLUG IN Plug into the Pi lot Classified section to find services from e lectronics and p lumbers, to landscapers and painters. NEWPORT BfAC.H • C:OSlA MESA "Employee." "Empleado. " "A rbeitnehmer. " "Employe. " ~.r;Iot NOMAnER HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN FIND IT. h ye .. 't7 c....-. DX 60fl • m1, 1ulo, pw, pl, crmse, wh1t1/1rey Int, superb $4995 vl!l7829 Bkt 949 S86 1888 ·-·~··'- W1 (949) 642-5678 Daily Pilot HOT C1liforn11 11111 re· quires that contrac '°'' llllllnt jobs that tot•I $500 or more (labor or mal•lll•) be liceltMd by "" Contractors Sl•I• llct11M Bolfd State ltw Ibo feqlltrH that conbactors lncluM tMir bnw nul!lber on .. lldwrtlMn&. YCMI can checll lhe 1tetus ot your llunucl co11lractor et www cslb ee1ov or 800 321-CSL U11ll censtd contractors hklnc jobs lh•t total leas than $500 must state In thth' adverllument• that tltey are not IA;tnttd by the Con tree ton Sltlt l~" 8oefd."' A -I HANDYMAN tnslell. rtlece cabinets ~~ ....... Dole 714-646-7'h8 C.,..a.lnl -- 11H :.. I 1 ' ,., r •· ·1"1 (I I" '')I , I ~ ... 3rooma•~•·• lneblll ,,.colllllliOl•'ll tM.L. TOUY • Q.fAll TOUY ~.,,~ Office 11.......,111 Clr'8t"-lr/&lla COMPUTER HELP! ............. .......... •IC•• ·~ .... a-v ... ·~ll\:Olll Olb~ .. ~ ...... .... t;t:,l'IR.-"-~., .. c...:.;..;. 714~12-2786 YC>ua__.I tMPIOVU.INT ptOJl(ft C•ll • plumbtf, pain IN, h1ndymen, Of 1n1 of tile ar••t Mf•ICH llfte4 hele In -MfVICI dlfttlOf')'I fHESC LOCM SVC l'f Of>lf. CAH Hll ft YOO H>OAYI Elldrtcals.vtca SMAl.l JOI IXPDT Loc:el, Quick R•~onse Home, Yard & Dock Elect 21) "" [J4I ~ Ellch: lll'05f1'0 9&fm}OC' ~"· OISTQM CMATM 1U ~ .... Oll'llllllL. llllRle, ...... "" U813M4 Mt 7lU 12 Q96.I a.lcll ...... ... '1 ,, •••• '.". I f I I ''" Swvlce, 'hid Cleanup, M1lnten1nce, Si>flnkt.r Repelt. Haulina (t4t) 6504711 111 \ Tllll! • 1'11'~111 1'. H ~1111111 l'j(, I 'I I\ I ' ' H j I I ~ '·' I l, • • • • ,. . TOYOU MA2 '9 1 whtl•. owner ltnt• 92. rec m11ntenanc1. musl "' to 1pprec1ata S3800 obo 949 3l2·!1292 • C l<tssifie d Connnuni ty M a rke tpl.:lc.e CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN ISY11Ellp•Gl1llllWI Al Plw.teS Of Construction ~~~ lJST7982 949-305-7899 Hewe tte-lnge(., ... Wkly/Bi wkly/t..onlhly Refs Creal ralesl Imelda ~9&1714137 Vetttvr• Ce1u ret1 a M.-y 8rlcll. Blodl, Slone, ConaN Rw'Coom1 lt7417WI 714·96!1·2824 MllcSIMCll DUa 1'S'l'IG/Ml'lt1'0M lttlfHt Drv1 '"''"t ~. rMN, "'-··~ ;i:,~ Mowtfig&ltorlgt PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Public Ullllltts Comm1sst0n req111ru lhal •II uud hou~ehold eoods mov1n rrmt their PUC Ca T num~r. llmos and chauffeurs pr Int their T .C.P. numbt• In 111 1dve<· llserntnls If you !lave any ,u .. tlons •bout lht •1•hl1 ol a mo vu. llmo or cheufleur. tell 'UIUC UTIUTln COMMISSION 100 177-&H7 HOUOAY Hll.P Ho1M & Pttty Decor TrN Trim· rnlflC, R-M.tllto~ll. ,... _____ .. ~ 949~9 $270 GfJDALlf.ftll ........ 'IWNl'f.NANa • ltJliblitl• ~ 0 Job 1bo S,,../J o.Ye ...... t .. MM22-8292 JUMt TO nll OUWlll 714 M-1112 AVAllA8LE TOOAYI Ml l73 S511 t;:f;,=~~ .. ~= work. Free esL Lil~ 114 538-1 &34 J.990· it4$ IHY MOVUUSS/Hr •. ~iiiii;m~;;_;;;~iiii;;iii S.~ AM C.llu lrls4Kt4 Booe& llSl'Alln'IM> Tl.... 32.).997·\ltl • W'OODWJtO ~~~ * your stuff ... ••• oee? • ttrough 71 ... ..,....wf classified! SBl Pllndng .i-s CUSTOM ,AINTING Prof'I, clean, quaMly 11111rk lllltrlOr/ul and docb l I 7ro..68 949-Q I Ob4 WNIOW aKll MAlfT 1'1111ltn1 W/ea~ ~~ Ouaftly jobl free Hlimata l l!i69897 714-636 8888 Ptumblng lee •• ldM"°'10f M9TJ__, SCWER J[lTINC CLECTRONIC SLAB LCAK DETECTION Fnondly Servk• t4t-6 7S -tS04 -~.oam ll 7~.ttt ""'"""' 'RlCISl l'lUMllffO Repairs ' Remodelln1 , FREE ESTIMATE l l687398 71• 969 1090 ,.. Tr.-" ... * ·~·C-ml (949) 548-0769 _... I m<>I corn Performance Parts Available SUBARU ~-:· tanaoe. ... .~ --, j LNR Enterprises ecodr-1ue 2003 LEGACY OUTBACKS "#1 SELLING WAGON IN AMERICA" Based on RL Polk Co. Retail Registration statistics as of Year End 2002. $8580:. (Includes Factory Rebate) On Models (3BU, 3BT, 3BP, 3BQ) NEW 2004 FORESTER XS "AN ALTERNATIVE TO YOUR AVERA~E MINI SUV" ··EDMUNDS.COM "A CONSUMER DIGEST BEST BUY" ~ PREMIUM PKG= ~ ' . ' Call Ferdie v~'Qr: Performance Parts· S ecialist at 714-689-2103 2003 BAJA THE WORLD'S FIRST MULTICHOICE VEHICLE AUTOMATIC! . SALE •••••••••••••••••• $21,995 •19 995 FACTORY Rebato ... $2000 NET COST •••••••••• $19,995 ' Model #3PB . ALL REMAINING INVENTORY . PRE-OWNED SUBARU THANKSGIVING SPECIALS ~!.~~~~r!~si~ .. ~.~!~! .. ~!~~~.~.~~ ......................... $ 9, &SO ~.~.~~ !!. ~~~~rulse Control (210860) ............. $10 t &QO ~!.~~~ !t,~~11~!0!~ru~!1~!! (~!~:.~ .......... $11, SQQ ~!.~'~!~9)~.~~.~!..~~~~ .. ~.~ .................... $12' &00 !!.~~.~?L.~~~~~~~).!~.~ .. ~.~ .................... $14,&00 ~~~~t~~~.~~.~ .. ~!.~.! ...................... $t8,SOO ~~~~~~.~.~ ..................................... $19,100 • ·---0 ...... .... w l ( • Rigorous 140-point i~spection • • Comprehensive 12-month/12,000-mile limited warranty • 24-hours Roadside A11i1tance Emergency Service -• • I • I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I .. l=)ONTIAC. · GMC:. ·BUICK.· •fuel For The Soul• -We Are Professional Grade• WJhe Spirit Of American Style" HAPPY SGIVING~~~ TODAY ONLY FROM 10-SPM. EVERY 2004 ESCALADE $3000 OFF MSRP WllYWAJT:? LOWER STATE LI£. FEES NOW IN EFFE£T% PLIJS 7 50 LIC. ATE! SEE OIJR 2003 DIS~ouns ON ••••••• TONEBIJTAU EVERY NEW 200I SAFARI VAN DllocMlt t. Mm. SC Real Price •• $3200 6 F'~~ ll~tt .•••••••••••.•••... $3315()~1 NET SAVINGS BF IDl IS JllS1 11E IElllllllllll • UnnMI WIE, OIL a FILTER CHANGES (nDf ...... 1 llOlmll) • UFmllE CARWASHES • SHumE SERVICE PROVIDED FOR SERVICE DEPAllTllENT • CHILDREN'S PUYROOM • CAPPUCCINO,· COFFEE, SODA A SNACKS • REGULADON PUITING GREEN AVAILABLE FOR YOUR USE 'It:~./ D11vt: (J111 I 11/I L 1111 : o/ l'tt: Ow11t:<I Vt.'/11clt.·~. ()11l1111: <1~' NabersAutoMall .. com MJO.t CAOILI.AO •l.OOllADO •.c tc-ttfledJ FIA,..__, OnStw. L.•lhw. Ctvolne WheM,,.,,.., ,,,6SN,06960) '2a, 780 MJO.t CAOILI.AC ..WU.. •ns MUltJ CD. Premium Sound. NIN/t1flt/ot1 S}l9i.m. Moot! Roof,..,,., 11'23CM44) •.•• •24,no MIO.I .,_, YUKON •1.r Auto, Allow At; co. L.-~ :Jl'd S.t. Moon fllfoof • ~ (4"3tl./1"4lUOJ • 924~0 MIOO CAOIUAO IHlVIU.a OHIJ (c.rt ') /f.111 ~ CD SlacftW; o-.stM, 1*v Sys ~ Mrltf,, .._Mil f"7Al31'"5) .......... ... JIOOO CAOI& I •c •llCAJ.AOll ,,..~,Oitlc.~"tv. Plwnl.m ~SS.at Mi1le (4W/Pf211tfl1) •27 ,880 _,.. OIMVY rAHOa ... Auto, ,._,Air, 3"tl S..I. CD, AHoys • Show'°°'" FrNlll <4&3e11a:1SI04) .... •27 ,••o ..., _ _. _, ,...,_eawCAl"'°"'- va e.& 1llOo "*"1/, 4 WPIHI om., BL 1; &....-.-...~l.717YIN~~ '40,UO llOOa OMHUAO .-DAI.AIM AUIO. ,._, M l'UI ~.CD._.. Moon"°"'" Tow ""'1· ,, .. 7/IOllOC$) ..... '4t., ... - THIS WEEK'S HOT PROPERTIES • NOVEMBER 29-DECEMBER 5, 2003 I' I\ !l I' I H l \ <I I l II I \\ I I " BEST OF CASSIS . PRESENTED BY LEE ANN CANADAY OF PRUDENTIAL CALIFORNIA REAl.lY COVER STORY ON PAGE 2 2 ' ' . • • • • • • t ..... ' • • • •• . . . ' ' ... CA.Lt FOR ADDITIONAL INFOllMATION Ol fOR A PRIVATE SUOWINC. LEE ANN CANADAY (949) 249-2424 PRUDENTIAL CALIFORNIA Rf.ALTY Only built in 200 l chis home lies within Ncwpon Coasts most fubulous homes. Located in che exclusive guard gated community of Ocean Heights. this home offers dose ace~ to fine dining, shopping and minutes 10 the beaLh, FWY. and Toll Road. Breathtaking Ocean, Catalina, Harbor and city light views. A European designed home with gorgeous landscape .rnd hardM:ape. Beautiful fo untains, and two courtya rds surrounded by white flowers and olive crees. Bade courc- yard has a center fire pie and a wrought iron gated gar- den with lemon and lime trees. OdWnscairs master suite ha~ fabulous ocean views. Travercine flooring through- out downstairs. extends into large master bathroom with JJllll.Ll cub and cwo oversized walk in closets. His and her sin~ with separate vanity area. Three bedrooms, and an entert.unment room. Large enterca.ining backyard , flagscone ~tacked pool and spa with a pebbled-tee boc- com, built in BBQ, and large patio. Can't miss che cocy logia off the kitchen with outdoor fireplace. This home I\ approx 4,600 Ml feet Wlth a three car garage. OFFERED AT $2,950,000 COVER ••• PRUDENnAL CAI1FORNIA IlEAITY 2. 3.-28. 29.-33. 35.-50. 51. 52.-65. 67. 68. 69. Map/Index 70. Countrywide Mortg2ge Strada Properties 71. Wells Fargo Bank First Team Estates 72. Coastline Realty 73. Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Prudential California Realty 74.-75. Remax Real Estate Services Bosa Development 76. Homes of the Week Coldwell Banker/ 77. Homes of the Week Coast Newport Properties Open Home Guide Abrams Coastal Properties 78. Mortgage Rates 79. John Dundee Island Real Estate Portfolio Financial Bank of America 80. Coldwell Banker/ Laguna Seaside Realty Coast Newport Properties Proudly serving Newport Beach. Cosca Mcs.1, Coron.a dcl Mar. Ncwpon Coast, Shtdy Canyon, Laguna B~ch, Liguna Niguel, Dana Poinr, Monarch Beach, Capmrano Beach, Sotn Juan Capistra.no and Sotn Clemente ~Ji"'116~ ~~IS 2642 Vista om. $2.095,000 QJff~WN 306 5'q Harbor koad $2.250.000 COM>NA oa. MAA 755 A'IOCado A~ $569,000 -$589,000 33582 Del OOspo. Unit 138 $329.000 2683 Santa Ana Avenue $595,000 324'2 Via Hemen. ' $1,179,000 HAAIO~ VtlW HOMES I 842 Pon Wheeler Place $1 .195,000 l.AGUNA Vtl\.AGI 994 8Mblrd Canyon $1.()99.000 28851 Top ol che Worid $89?.000 NEWPOkT HltGHlS 1500 Olff Drive 228 Ocean View $999,000 KUCANCAEST 17 Avalon Vista $2,995,000 • $12,500,000 lot 13A P8JCAN POtNT 2 P9kan Point. Lot I $2.295,000 SHAD't CAN'tON 59 copper Creek. Loa 46 • 47 $2.295,000 Sat , .... Sun,...,. Sat , .... Sun,...,. Sat , .... Sun, .... Sat , .... Sun I .... Sun I .... Sat , .... Sun 12-3 Set 12-3 Sat I .... Sun I .... Sat , .... Sun 1-4 Sat 1-4 Sat 1-4 Sun 1-4 Grant Bixby Jim a Catherine Turco DouleAutWO Marlene Hassel Suel'hOinu Donna~ April Oswald Klmberiy HUtchlnp BIU Hiii Amanda Horton April Oswald Bill Gefeney Mary Citrano Marltyn Wllllams Marltyn Wllllanu John McHonl&Je Mlch:MI Mact<.flar · J i ~ ~ < ~ "' ~ "' 8 w ::c ~ ~ ,.., "' Dr ;;- 0 QI ~ ::P 9: ' ~· )Jp!f},, M!HM · /J,SOO/!J.Q,.{j,, Ora 1930 ~ • &.apn COUllt N ~ N 8 w • Rar-. ~co buld drilm home wld'I Hllrt a.ct. .. fNfl' ~ ... c:cut. ~ OC..ftlt. ~ lflPf 0¥.d peir'I ~,..,.., foundadon In pllce. Located at the top of the hillside. Panoramic views of coastline and Catalina. Rare one level with private pool In Interior courtyard. Great opportUnlty with large lot and 3 car garage. Remodeled family home on comer lot. Formal dining room, office, remodeled kitchen with grantee and stainless appliances. Large entertaining brick patio. Short term lease available. Lovely Pasadena style home. Dark hardwood floors and crown mouldlng. l.arie formal IMna and dining rooms, cozy family and sun room with fireplace. Enjoy ocean and sunset views. 8 w • M 8 N }Je1VfDrC ~k · fl,b99t000 One-of4-«incf Newport Beach Oceanalre duplex. Completety remodeled inside and out. Beaudful owner's unit with master retreat. One house from the sand. Wonderful -4 bedroom._. bath home. Front brick patio surrounded by pfants and flowers. Umestone and wood flooring. 2 fireplaces, farie sun deck accessible from Inside or outside. }Jt!V?rC J-l~ftb . SM9tOOO Tum-by 3 bedroom, l bach remodel9d home wtd\ room to expand. Extra larce yard plus dinln& room and laundry . .,·. .... . ' • I ~ I •• . . .. t I • Spectacular views of harbor. Catalina and city lights. Fabulous soft contemporary home rebuilt with mahogany cablnetS, granite counters and Chinese quaralte flooring. One floor living with high celllngs.Views from llving room. kitchen and master suite. A secluded estate with harbor, lights and Catalina views. Located on a 16,000 plus square foot lot.An inner courtyard with treeS and lush foliage enhance this contemporary home of approximately S,800 plus square feet. Floor-to- celllng glass windows, rich polished wood floors. 7::73 ~ ;§ 3 ¥ N l.O N 8 w 10 ! f s~ · f1J.,goo,ooo S'ltMy CAXY11" • tt,295,000 u 'l!A/.bu;. /;/AM · lt,.299,000 12 AYAiW~ M~Jiu lot I IA I I Avalon Vista $4.675.000 3l171 sq. ft. •Lot 12A& llA. I 5 & 17 Avalon Vista $12.500.000 56.031 sq. ft. •lot 15A 21 Avalon Vista $2.995,000 17,981 sq. ft. In titJ.oN •lot 2A 7 Pelicans Dnve $3.595.000 23.335 sq. ft. •Lot 19A 29 Avalon Vista $"1,350.000 26,323 sq. ft. svu •Lot 18A 27 Avalon Vasta $3.960.000 19,745 sq. ft. •Lot IOA 9 Avalon Vista $4.290.000 27.908 sq. ft. •Lot 1"4A 19 Avalon Vista $2900.000 24.250 sq. ft. •Lot IC-2E• I E'ehcan Hill Road North $5.100,000 12.47 acres •Lot 5A I PellC.ilOS Drive $2.650,000 21.566 sq. ft. • Lot4A 3 Pelicans Drive $2.750.000 23,747 sq.ft. •Lot IA 9 Pelicans Dnve $5.000.000 2"4,932 sq. ft. •Lot 46 3 Pelican Crest Drive $5.000,000 19.645 sq. ft. •Lot 12 l I Pelian ~ Dnve $3,680,000 19.962 sq.ft. aL.ot-.r IS Pelican Crest Drive $3,495,000 17.534 sq. ft. •lot 8A S AValon Vista $3.520.000 35.250 sq. ft. a Lot 16A 23 Avalon Vista $2.900.000 17,135 a Lot 17A 25 Avak:Jri V&Sta $2.995,000 19,279 au,.-to~ lot aqun ~ 01.ot IC l£ • not a p.rt ol Mun Cwt. •• • I t N ~ N 8 w l lots With approved ptans. Located within the prd-pted. pt course community of Shady ~ Fleur de France Is lnspfred by the timeless countryside homes of Provence. This spacious family home boasts an open, casual floorplan with large master suite, His and Hers walk-in c.losetS, 2 downstairs bedrooms and study. Great room and dining room open ontO an out.door courtyard. I '· . --- 14 l ./! 19 Mi>J • f;.,94g,ooo e.pwt 4 bedroom. 4.5 bldt ~ c:.n,on * D ..... ted wound In *Y cilncrW ~ wtdt ....... Pl co.ne oMws. One d the last opportUlides to buUd a amom home In Pelican Point. /1.,t.95'000 11 J I ~ N 8 w Lot sizes ,..,.. from 13,000 to 16,000 tquare feet; ~ TI I H RH Sr f > l . 1': Ci:. S ,\ f M4'N l'A<•I 17 N ~ N 8 w .. __....._r=J!".!IJD ___ , - . -- . .. , u ,..., ~ ~ ·j I i w ! . i ! CorTJM Ad~ · f J'.99,(){){) Fabulous conw townhouse In Olde Corona dif Mar. G,_t outdoor .,.. wttti brick ~ - N 8 w 105 !hliM Cwe Cir& Contemporary Mediterranean style design blends form and fuoctlon. Emlnendy liVable. s bedrooms. s.s baths and l master suites. Grand IMngldfnlna salons, f.amlly room. l!fe alfresco. Pool/spa. private access to world-dass beach. . ~ -. . . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ··=·· 3 :;- ~ I r fJtMJt ~ • 13/495,000 Gradous Souchem style manor has MY'lf" been on the marbt. lvl exquisite S bedroom ndldoriil home wtth a library. e>eerdse room. bonus room and an ocean vt.w. I .· .·. ·----'------- Mo /JI£, • J~7J.5,ooo Fabulous, remodeled home. Shows llke a model. S0"4lda courtyard entry. Recent a4<f"rtions lndude formal dining room. breakfast nook and JMn& room. Mo /Ju · ~,t91000 Exquisite custom bayfront home wld'l boat moor'tna on large lot. Spacious master suite, basement. eleontor. office and family room. Mo /Ju · /j,291000 8eiudful ~ custom home complead In 1996. Spectacubr t,. and dty ~ vi.ws. . , , 22 ~ J.li{f, · 15'350,000 Nesded Into the hillside of Newport Coast Is mis charml"J Frwlc:h nyt. .state that Is secluded behind privat.a pt.es. J-lv./Jv~ J.lili · f)yJ.00,000 ~ custom home ofl'en cne finest deWJs throtJ&hout wtth volume cefliots, hardwood floors, crown mouldlni and an excepdonaJ ftoorpGn. 1i~ J-li/LJ . /2,J.95,000 Completely remodeled 3 Bd. 2.S Ba. contemporary ocean view home. CotoM Jd ~ · /4,495,000 Enjoy lncredlble v;.ws oJ ocean and city A&tits- lrviM efmAU • 3,J'95,ooo Spectawlar vi.ws d Catalina Ind city ..,.,. A;e/,, ~ J./~ · lt,J.95,000 3 Bd. 2.S a.. charriq ......... a.ch home. fJeJV?JtC~ Clwk: traditional Style home reminiscent of Old Pasadena. Grand proportioned rooms with l~lble attention to detail throughout. 6 Bd. S Ba. and wood paneled study. Expansive ocean and dty «ghts views. Great cul-de-sac location (n a private p~ community. ~595,000 • J i 8 w ' ,,. ..... -.. . \ Seier 10795 Wllltw. ~ #SOJ ~ Seller Seier 206 East IWba. ao.uwd w.- +46 a MOder1a ~ 1913 Alnqo ~ Seier~ 1-41 KncDl fllK.e Wiii-542 """'°,.,..,. w.r is-...~ .... .... 11a..c • ..-flt .,,., 3'90,.s.Mt .... t SOI I Clll'tt orct. .... IU7~DrW we.- 1615~DrM Wli' 2525~,,,_.. .... lei ........ Scr'9ll ...... • .... ~ •• s s .. ' SIU.c.d on a very lwp birffront.1hls haM commands some d d'9 &Wt vt.ws In dM t.W. )a one 'fW' new, cNs model o home Is truly 1 ;It. co "'°"' who WlftU co he on dM waw. The homi con.Ila al 5 bedrooms; 5.5 bMhs. a tMcW rnuc.r-bedroom • delW!C-The hamt hu wond9rful druic wood flOOr'I .... and .,.,. ftOot'I downsa*1. The property II akO equipped wed\ a 'hnarll tnWt hcue tlK1ricll ~ ~ dM hon..awner U> fulty prosram 1he hoUM+ Thll ~ llio has. *ldlal ~It pldo wlltt an inftniq ··pool and spa. Cal Ctwi1 ~for a P.fM1i1 ~ ... .... ....... . 11 ·· .. 31 J I "' ~ "' 8 w • I ! . ' . . --------- .. N !D N 8 w ... , .. ,, M First Team Ral Estate, Southem California's largest independent tta.1 estate company, Is heJptng to support the United States Marine Corpt Reserve's 2003 Toys for Tau c.ampatgn by donating new toy• for children in need at select Southern c.li.fomla locations. There wt1l be toy colleaion bo1cs at: First Team Esutet, 17 CorpotatePlua, Ste. 210111 Newport Buch; Pim Team ~Niguel, 32451 Golden Lan rem. Ste. 21 O In Laguna NigUd; Pint T~ Nolan. 900 G1enneyre Street In Laguna Beach; and Pim Team San Clemente tn 407 N. El Camlrio RW from December 1 through 22. AD new toys collecud chu.ill3 that ttme will be dclJvered to needy chtldren through(>ut Southem CaltfomJa on December 23 and24. -Fim Team Real Estate takes pride in the communities we serve,• said Pounding President and CEO Cameron Merage. "We hope that the communJties wt1J join us in our effoiu 10 help those in ru!ed durtns the ho1Jday season.• lbe U .s. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program ts the Marl.ne Corps' premier com.munJty action program md the only chadt&bJe mduvor wtthin the ~ent of Defense that racha outslde the ll1il1Wy elt&blldunent to give so~ baclt to the commuil.itiet from 1'blch the natiOn draws the young men and women Who WCM the u.nifolms of the armed MrVices Of the United States. Since the pl'Ogralll't ~ In 1947, the U'.S. Marinef have dJstribtited more dMlla 272,000,000 t.,,.i to l 33 ,000,000 ~ chUdml thlouif1cNt the llitiOi1. In 2001 alone, more thin 6.9 md1km toya valued at $36.9 million ~ colled.ed and dllirtbuted. ~all or e>ran&e Couiity and beyond with 24 ofBces and more than 1,200 iales lllOdates mid suppon staff, Pint Team Real Esta1e it die la:rgat tn~dmtly owned home teller tn Orange County. FOunded in 1976, FUst Team Real Eawe bu grown to bttome 19th in the MtkJn Iii llJd voau. mDOag ilidepmdmt ~ .ftrini, and 40rh naUonwtde bY Jlelhoi . ......,. Golfing for Habitat for Humanity Magnificent canyon and city fights views To}i#l411M,,__,PUstr,...._,,._.,.._ ~ Wlt~.!!~J•••.M!WWIJ'J• m~a~!!!'lt!":!:!Jll~1~·1!_1t!!~!JI!!!!!!!!! I•~ • J f f N !'° N 8 w ;:o .,. !!!. ..., bl .,. j ~ ••• ~ ~ j f • i ~ I • ~ ! ,, J I ~ N 8 w •• • ~ PS j f • N !D 8 w ----~ --,_ , -- ~--. -.. • tr) ~ 1S j f • ~ ! i ( ! _.,,.. _ _...._. - ~ N 8 w ·' "'9,876 ·' .• 1 t ....... ' \ f .. • ... .. •' I .... __ ........ He ranks No. 1 1n his office for the Ladera Ranch area • member, too. In addition, this Certified Reloation Spedalist (CRS) is sped&lb:a1ion . .Aside froin knowing serving on the Grievance Committee his community, he is also lcnown for for the board of Realtors and ls a past his integrity, expertise and honesty. recipient of the Community Service Believing he Award from the should give back to Don DeThomas, board of Realtors. the comm~ in manager of Prudentiil Known for being which he Uves and califom.ta Realty's cartn& friendly, works, McGutgm iS Newport Beach good at negotiating, working to raise branch, has and knowledgeable funds for Voice of 1 congratUlated saJ.es about the market, Virtue International, usodate LoUJ.a>f>1 Jacobs makes use of a morality education for her recent Prudential's program for young achievement. Jacobi acellent marketing adults. He is also on was beitowed the plans tn order to the board of Commwlity benefit her clientele. directou for his local Ownplon ShinJn8 "Finding the right homeowners Star Award from the property, for my association. Orange Coast clients has always Bob McGU/&lln f.s IntcdlJth Shelter been a highlight of •°"""'1k for~r (oa.5), wliich is a Illy career,• she said. 1f"'1U ~"' """ refuge for homeless Aside &om tennis, s~ ._-.;a ca11 &mlltes. Lois Jacobs travel and art, Jacobs be~ ;dJ!'9) JKobii, wtiO puts her cherlshes the time 533::Si97j I a lsbrl .. CHmts ftrit, is a .. she spends with her 11t bobirelanJ~.txmJ •;.l Wit Ttll 23-year (ea! est.ate veteran whO ls three children and m grandchildml. Wtb nu M heaVily involved Jn her community. Loll /«Obs Is a11t14tlblt foryqur 1w1M l1,l50;cJOO illle .ad bM IMt blr ialei ....,.lloblrdmul.~l.com Hu Asfde Irotn ~a seaeury on the lluyl~tUUl st1lin& needs anJ can be 1hMiaWLa.lilll .-.. &xdldr ~fl l«illM Ill 23811 Aliso Out boaro of OOS,:-.& ii alJo ~t of rtAC#letliil (949) 219-2430. Her oifice U.. '"II""" N'i}ld. Prwln#M FOOS, and a docent• the~ u ~Ill 23 O>rporllte J'Lwl, Ste. Odft""'....., {s~ lo bt • County Art MUleWD. A 01.mrmm's 190, N""flO"I BMdi. Vis#PrWlent#al ...... ,.,...,,.,~, a Gtrcl•wtJmcforthepMl1Neeyan, OIJlfov""~'sW#...U.M~ •• I /M., •Bmul#reHlllllMMy Affil"*. she hu been a President's Circle • • • tfltlW.~.eom. • • 41 J I N ~ 8 w . ~ l ,.., ~ • j i """'( - • ,--1 .... ' < • .. l 1 ~ ~ • • 1 • f I I .. u ~- ~ -. I f , ... • ~ J • I ( ! -:-r • 11 I • f J ( 1 I·-- ~ "' 8 w • ::0 m. -· ~ ~ j l SQ .. ... .. .. ,a: --_...,_ 47 i ~ ,,.. "' ~ "' 8 w .. ~ m. I ,..,, ! 0 l ~ .. . .. .. ... • . I i J ---~. ,,. 4t f ~ I "' ~ "' 8 w ::0 ;_ ,., ~ 0 ~ l • " I -.. 1 1 j 1 . , 1 ~· - ( ~ ., / I • ~ ?S I f • i '"' ! • i ! coleenbrennonOprucdm.com www.cOIMnbrennan.com 8Prudentw c ....... .. • P~ew .the 1tunniag two bedroom + deo mOdel home at the deaigncr 11lcs gallcfY. {)iaeoftr 1paciou1, elegant antcrior1, wall-to-wall viewa and eaay acceH to the emeruinmeat, fun, fitneaa, dUU.1 and MeCatial acmcca of Park P.lid. 11 i ~ I ~ N 8 w . '° 111 91.. ,..., ~ 0 ~ l ~ .. • • ' ' < Ol DUll'll lll\~l',<'f~ •• 11 I I r& "' 8 w ~ i!. ,,., i • l i ··-. ::r-• - ,,. . . . ' 1 I • I ' • DEBBIE' ~ & RON-MILLAR 949.933.7393 . ~' 949.718.1741 "·, WI COlDWlil tANKH. l'EAM IN OMH<li COUNTY fOk 2000 • :Joti SOCll'TY Of UCUUNCl TIM SMITH 9-49.718.1735 CHPJS11 BELL 949.718.1734 fli ~ llJJ t' l l I'". N l\l •, , • .. . DEBBIE SCLAFANI &RON MILLAR 949.933.7393 ) II i ~ I \ N !D N 8 w ;:r;, ~ ,.., ~ j ~ 949.718.1741 .•1 #I COLDWELL &ANKER TEAM IN OMNGE COUNTY FOR 2000 & 2002 SOCIETY Of-EXCEi LEN CE - IN ASSOCIATION WITH TIM SM ITH 949.718.1735 9-49.718.1734 \ . ' • • cbsocal.com SHADY CANYON I< CUSTOM HOME _ ........... ,_ ..................... .-. .... ~·-·-----~·---- C HRIS VALLI 949.759.3738 714.883.4397 \llAD'r CAN'rL)N BROtdR Of Tlil HAR 100.! RICK LANGEVIN 949.759 .3759 - 57 (./) °" c a. °" -:c z 0 ~ 3 ~ N ~ "' 8 w ;:{) "' !!!.. (T'I !!! "' '° 0 w -< 3' § - - • ,. ' c; . ,, .. . .. . I ( ·-. ~ I l ... l. I l I \ • ~lisocal.com RICK LANGEVIN 949.759.3759 #I LISTING AGENT #I SAUS TRANSACTIONS #2 COLDWELL BANKER AGENT IN ORANGE COUNTY FOR. 1002 IN ASSOCIAI ION WITH JARROD FREY 949.759.3760 MICHAELA MCCLOSKEY < •H {)UH'l l Uf\N9'f'H . , r re· ee:e:..r:..-..-.....;i. n rrzn ... ' ~ c&1oce l.co m MARILYN READ 949.718.2733 www.lldolsle.net 2003 SALES 110 VIA CORDOVA 21'4 VIA GRAZIANA I tS VIA CORDOVA l 16 VIA ITHACA 110 VIA GENOA llS VIA JUCAR 116 VIA lORCA 12'4 VIA fRI EST E .530 VIA UDO NORD Sl7 VIA LIDO SOUO 336 VIA LIDO NORD 125 VIA ORVIETO 1'40 VIA WAZIER.S 212 VIA EIOLI '426 ALISO 11121 W &AY Ill VIA RAVENNA 10'4 VIA ITHACA 30 RUE FONTAINEBLEAU 3916 CHANNEL PLACE .. st ~ ~ Q. ~ ~ < «> ~ "" ~ "" 8 ..., :%J «> , • ~ ,.., "' ... ... n; 0 2! ..:c-.,, g . ... - • M ~ ?S \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ...., ~ ... Q: l ~ IQ 0 ( .. -· I • • l • SARA HINMAN 949.759.3705 BRAD HINMAN 949.759.3732 #2 fEAM ORANGE COUN rv SOCIETY Of fXCEtl£NCE www.hlnmanrealestate.com <. Ol OWt!Ll Ul\Nt\C H ,' , , . WPORT HACH $I ,lU,000 ...... bd. l ba. Gourmet lcitchen. :.lfllllllec:IUI yard.CUIU>fn Spl wldl waterfal. Gall GNbner and Joy Curdn Nl!WPOKT HACH $1,7ft,OOO Speaacutar oc.111 Ind dcy '"'° views. Mod.I pen.a famll)' me home. Maxine and Georp McGafflpn CORONA OIL HAlll SfH,000 u. rtflW l bd. l.S ba. cusiom condo. WAldn& dlslanc• to shops and l'ISQl.ll"llttS. TomThorMon NIWPORT HACH U4',000 LM-. Ill.do In Newpoti 9'lidl wtdl u ~ ~ I mle IX> blldt. a...tot' ~ "'-"...,.., COLDWeLI. BAN~eR (] LIDO ISLE S4,l9S,OOO Spacious home wfd, open floor plan to be completed by mid 2~. ANAHEIM $2,400,000 New Eniflsh Manor escate. I Acre. Peralta Hills. S bedroom, 5.S bath, media room, library and much more. Chuck AJlen and Ben Caal• NEWPORT llACH t2,499,000 Oceanfront, newer luxury home. Panoramic ocean. Catalina views. Walk to pier, restaurants, shops. 8111 Schonlau _'--'..__.._..., ____ ......... ' ._ ... ____ ...._._,.. ______ ..,_ __ ..., ___ ,._._.., __________ .................... ., ___ ....,.,.... ___ .... __ ......... I'' • '1 ~ c ..., g- ';< f ~ '·~ N ."' N 8 w ::0 (1) , ~ , • rn "' c;; ;; 0 QI -< :s> §: . 'I r I I . .j 1 -r-• • ... " ...... • a M ~ ?S I j ~ ...., ~ ~ t 0 ROBERT TAYLOR 949 .338.8885 ENOO"-StO &Y FORMER COMMISS IOl!JER OF REAL ESTATE OF CALIFORNIA _ .............................. _ .. .., ................. ...,_ .. __ .-.... .._.. ........ -...-._,. .. _.,....,.,,_._.,...... ...................... ....._ .......................... ..._ .. ...._ . .. _.. ... .__ ......... _....,., ................. ___. .. ___________ ............................ -..-. ................ _...,_.. ........ .._._. .............. - LYNNE VALENTINE 949.877.1200 CELL 949.718.2371 OFFICE PRESIDENT'S PREMIER lynnv@coldwellbanker.com HAPPY BIRTHDAY ro LALIQ..UE. SHE'S 10 YEARS YOUNG TODAY. _ _, • N !'° N 8 w .-.. ( ( { r J f j t • . _, .. t"I ~ PS J ' ~ • i u..t 1111 ~ • ~ ~ M 0 . CHERIE HARTMAN &Jill HANNA 949.606.1770 Harina-Hanman.com SUlltlliUI flltlil 1)llt&ltltt • • " . ~ ~ a. "' ~ 2 0 < .,, ~ '-- N _ID N 8 w :0 .,, ~ ,.., I" ~ ~ n; 0 "' .z ~ !a. 4 . .. ... . --• tl"I ~ Ri -~ j f • I .,,,.. w J ~ ! ( ....... I I f - .. Wonderful Corona del Mar condo Walk to~ and town from this condo situated In Corona del Mar. in three lt01')' buiJdin& there ts an elevator and subterranean partdn&. The ldtchm has been upgraded with granite counters, staJnlest rteel sink, new appll.ances and dle noors. Additional features include a ~lice in the living room, hl,gb cet1tnp and loft for storage. 1bJI home ls offered at $549,000. For more 1,,.fo""4t"m, C41l Be#y Ci11MIJIS or Nttnty Pde!Wtl of CDast Newport Properlks-C.Oldtotll Banker 11t (949) 6"-1600. Coast Newporl Propmles is locatd 1114 ct11k Plll;u, Ste. 26(), NtM!p<>rl &Adi. OJldtotll B4111cer ResUlmtUll Broltmt&t is 4 marsber of du NRT faMfly of """f'"la. NRT I~, tlu 1111/Um's lelulilf& rrsldmH4J tUl esWe bro~ etmffNl1"1, is• S1'bsldU.ry of CenU"t Qwpot'attbn (NYSB:aJ). V1ew, view, view Channing Nantucket-style cottage Situated on a comer jn Udo Penfn•ula Resort ia tbU rwo bedroom plus a COtllputer loft and two bath immaculate home. Futures lnclude planution abutten, hardwood floors and volume ceilings in most rooms. There ia a community pool, spa and club house. Premier location -walk to all shopping and the beat rcstauranta. Luge upper deck. Leasehold land. Tb.it home iJ offered at $179,000. For1'ftm ,,,fomu#ltm, CAil Ekllne QmJon of Coast Newport Pruperl{es-Coldwell Banlter at (949) 123-8800. Coast Newport Properties is lot:Ated 413317 VU. Lido, Newporl Bt4ds. Coldwell Banleer Residnsttal BroUrwu is 11 ~of t1te NRT f"""'1y of companies. NRT lnct1rp<>rated, the """"1i's kddbf& rt.nden&l reAl tSt4U brolterage company, is a sulmdtary of CeNM1't °""'""""" (NYSB:CD). Light and bright unit In Newport Coast Panoramic ocean, hubor, C..taltna Islmd and dty lighu views! 1'b1s beaUtifu1 'Ibis is a fantastic rental With new paint, new carpet and granite kitchen. The four bedroom, four and one-half bathroom home has a master sillte and guest new ownen have iedririe this unit with designer touches. room/oftlce on 1he ftnt 6oor. 11\eJ'e are two bedrooms md two bathrooml plus a Within this light and lily home II two bedrooms and two bathrooms with bonus room on the IC!Q)J1d level Upgraded RldWd MmhaD peg hardwood lots of windows. There are new linb and ftxtures, granite and mosaic tile in floors, windows and doors throughout the home. the muter bath. The backyard ts an.entertama'• drmm with covered Joggta. tlreplace, Located In the Newpon Coast gated community of The Summit. fountlfnl, built-«i bazbea.ae, large pool and spa. lbete is al.to a four c.ar page. This home ts for lease at $2,400 per month. 'Ibis bo.nie ls offered at $3, 195 ,000. For more hl.{tmutkm, "'1l Das{tst knu of CoMt Newport Properlles-C.Oldwell For ""1rt hf,/imlfll#oit, "'8 l.A#nl RIXN of OMst Nl#flOrl ~ &ln1cer Ill (949) 64+ 1600. Co4SI Newport Propmtes is lot:Atd 4t 4 C1vk PLl:za, BtMJt.er Ill (949) 644-16()(). awt Newpon Proptrlia ls ~ td 4 Orie PkrA, ~. Sk. 26(), NtfllfJ'Jrl Bud. Coltlwll Btftflter Resldentl41 Brolerage ts a member of 26(), Newport Beads. Coldwill BIVWr ~Bro~ ts a ~of tlle the NRT family of eompanta. NRT l~orp<Wated, tie Mffon's leading resllknttal NRT flllldly of~· NRT Inawporrtted. tM wtkm's ~ ~ IUl rtAl estate llrolterage «mtpany, is" sulmdU.ry of Cal/4nt Qnporatttm tst4k broltmige t:tm1pt1ny, is" subsld"'1y of Cmd41'1101rporllJ1on (NYSE:CD). (NYSE.a:J). :o e II Don Abnml, Broker ABRAMS COASTAL PROPERTIES 315 Matfne Av.nue Balbot Island, CA Ofc. (949) 175-4822 Cell (714) 325-9055 112 Onyx Avenue, Balboa Island, NB · New Orleans Style Home Neering Completlont Great 100 block view location, 3 doors from the South Bayfront. Two bedrooms and den plus tflree baths in main home. Rear guest unit with separate entrance plus attachment to main home by second story bridge. Entire first level has pegged walnut hardwood floors. Chet's kitchen with granite oounters plus KltchenAid and Vlldno appliances. Flreplaces In living room, master bedroom, gues1 unit and patio. Vlfffl roof deck & master bedroom balcony. Oversized two-car garage, plus parl<lng pad. Three zone AC & much morel Call Don Abrams at (714) 325·9055 Offered at $2.225,000 15 Encore Court, Newport Crest, NB Renovated 3 Bedroom, 2112 Beth Townhome Just renovated 3 bedroom, 2 112 bath townhome In ocean-close Newport Cl'8$t. Granite counter tops, new kitchen, smooth ceilings, hatdwood floors, and more. Three ooean view decks, fireplace and large garage. Community pool nearby. See the ocean and feel the ocean breezesl Call Gwenn Abrams at (949) 697-07&4 Pr1ce Reduced to $589,0001 Happy Thanksg1v1ng from ABRAMS COASTAL PROPERTIES AJ of us at ABRAMS ~TAL PROPERTIES wish you and your families the best Thanksgiving everl .2l.n ~ 4"" 'WdgAt, s.u ~. <Jwcnn. ~. ~ Waltna, .NAltOj !.Deac., Salhj ~""" !/AlM:il/,a !IAlmA ·- • 11 ~ ~ ~ z 0 ~ 3 ~ .... N !'° N 8 w :::0 II> !!!. L' '.'\ ,.., VI iii ti" 0 I!! .::<" 3' !:l -... _.,,, ., -r ... • rt) ~ ~ _;... j f • ,,... i w & . I t 0 _ .. · .... ..._ ' I \ ... .. r Listed By Bing Girling (949) 67 5-0582 (949) 887-7733 So, if you'd like more information, call today. Betsy Banker Account Executive ---·--·· . 229 Opal Avenue Balboa Island Be home for the Holidays and enjoy the warmth and charm of this lovely Cape Cod sty le home. 3 bedrooms and 3 baths, front and side patios, large master suite with private office and dramatic family and kitchen area with vaulted ceiling. Offered at $1,895,000 949.347.1729 949.212.4744 cell BankofAmerica. ~. embracing ingenuity ~ ..... Not all applicants will qualify for ttduced paperwork bemfi.u. All credit is subject to approval, normal credit stand.uda apply. B.U of Aaierica, N .A. Mmitt FDIC Equal Housing Lmdtt ti>C2003 Bank of America Corporation BOAA-1102 John Stanaland Direct: 949.494.2804 Cell: 949.689.9047 John @LagunaSeaside.com EASICE FtEAL TV Fedured Laguna ~each Properlies easuna Rotak -Ocean front condomuuum beaullfully f('n\OflPlt•ll rrnm lop lo bottom 2 bedroom.<; I 2 bath condo Please cont.an ACiENT, h.EITH FERENCE 949.637.5236 .)1.295.000 Af.a Vi~a -Ef\JOY Catalina sunsets from Uus lovely custom homf' Waler up 111 the morrung to ocean vtews m almost every room Honl<' rN\l1m•s :i hdm1s I :l f1 two car garage and panoranuc ocean Views' .)1.L.85.000 l°'dto -CurrenUy under construrllon and soon lob{· complE'lt'<I custom bulll Mark S~er 3 bed/3 bath home· 3,000 sq rt l'asmr.uTUC' VJPW .)2,550.000 Patl:: -Soon to be under construr Uon <k<•1U1 View Custom Mark SUV(N dC's1gn 4 twcV! bath home :J,800 sq fl .)2.500.000 Perm.It ready for a 4149 sq. ft. home Beach home. Home is situated on a cul-de-sac with very little traffic and no1s<' Permit rl'ady plans for 11 4049 sq n homP &:IJ.000 3 bdrms I 2 5 bath and 2 car garage )115.000 Perm.It ready plans for a 3500 sq fl home .)765.CXXJ For oddilional inf ormalion, please call or visil our websile al lagunaseaside.com 1045 South Cos.st Highway, ~agupa Beach, Califorpja . ~ ·Office: 949.494.2124 • LagunaS~aside.com • a ~ <! a. ... "':"- z 0 < •°'O ~ . .., ~ "' 8 w ;:o '· rt> ~ "' !:!l ... ;;- 0 2! -< :y !I ., .. .>. ' I I ' - ,, • ~ An exceptional neighborhood deserves exceptional service. As a seasoned home loan consultant serving Orange County for over 28 years, I'm proud to bring my considerable experience to you r neighborhood . I also have the technology, resources and innovative loan products from one of America's leading lenders to make your next home buying experience fast, convenient and virtually hassle-free. A vast selection of home financing options, including: 'll ~ ~ 'll 'll ~ 'll ~ PayOption ARMS Ftxed Period ARMs 3/1, 5/1, 7/1, 10/1 Interest Only Loan Programs Home Equity Loan Programs Fast & Easy"" Loans Purchase & Refinance Stated Income Available Primary Residence, Second Homes, High Rise Condominiums ~ New Construction (Rate Cap Proeram offers interest rate protection fOf up to 14 months) Kevin Budde Branch Man.- Cell 949 422-2075 kev1n buddeOcoontrywlde com M1ss1on V1e10 Branch 27101 Puerta Real, Suite 100 MISSIOO YieJO, CA 92691 Toll F,_ 86&-551-2008 lrvtne Branch 18044 CulYef Orrve lrvtne, CA 92612 Phone 949-552 2777 ext 224 Fax 949-552 2770 HOME LOANS ': Eaty.-·~· .. . Private setting with canyon hills and ocean views This unique wood and glass custom home designed by renowned local architect, Greg Abel, bas extraordinary panoramic views. Located at the end of a cukle-sac, this pdvate setting provides vistas of the canyon hills and ocean. In the true style of an Abel design, the three bedroom, three ihd one-half bath home utilizes a mix of natural materials such as concrete, slate and wood which gives the home a contemporary look with Craftsman-style details. The Ooortng consists of wood and slate, the kitchen combines cherry-stained wood cal>tnets with stainless appliances and granite and conaete counters. Deep cherrywood-Uke finish details are abundant throughout the home including the deck. interior beams and garage door front. The master bedroom opens to its own deck for panoramic viewing. Additional home features include: cathedral ceilings, F~nch doors, six ceiling fans, skylights audio speakers throughout, a lower level game room with bath, and Viking appliances in the kitchen. The home is offered at S 1,975,000. For more tnformatWn, caU Sine Searby and PK]enlun of Coldewll Banleer at (949) 499-1320. Ocean views In Tue Estates at Monarch Beach ......... ..-::....... '\ • 71 ~ ~ Q. ~ :z 0 < ... ... i ~ "' ~ "' 8 w ;s;i ~ ",, r"'I ~ QI ;;- 0 ~ -< 1dof ~ ~- H rood Ille Yood :> ng 1 .. ling :>ath, ~at & d -· { ,,, • COASTUNE REALTY MAGNIFICENT PELICAN CREST ESTATE This premier custom home of over approximately 12.000 sq ft.:+/· is liluated on an 18,000 sq. If\. lot-+/-i.n the prestigious enclave of Pelicu Crest. Canyon and OCeaat Vaews compliment thls mapificent reaidencc. ~Je 1wtury awaits inside : 6 bedrooms, 8 full and 2 half bathrooms, a fully appointed theater room, library, a pmnet kite~ wine castinc room, maids ~. and extmsivc subterranean area with pitlcing. MUler craftsJtlanship arid qua)ity maleriaJs ls evidenced in each Ind every room. lnlriCMe iron work. granite, matbJe and mosaics are bf'oupt together with Cfl!llity technology. This catatc is fully landJcaped with pool. spa. a ~ babec:uc area llld fircptaoe. HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM OUR FAMILY To YOURS! For an,{:urther information on any of these homes, please contact: MICHAEL BRINKMAN, BROKER Your full service local brokerage 949/759-0177 • E. Pacific Coast H Corona del Mar: C 92'25': .' / -------~--. t •. -t, • 73 ~ g. ~ ~ ~ ~ "' !;D "' 8 w ::0 ~ 9!. ... 4 ,.., i ~ i J' a • '· ...... >' 74 t'l'l ~ ~ .. I I ~ti. i w ! • l ! ·" ' l • t •• • 71 ~ ~ I N ~ N 8 w ::0 ·~ ~ (T1 lit ... ~ 0 ~ J> ~ , .. ( I I • .. ..... ~ MAIN FL.OC>lt MAsTU ~ COAIT .... 000 ALTEZZA 6-IQITll'Ullly ~ °""'411on dl:lk~ ~ QUll"1 .,., "Y'l In .. .., l.nl. 3 ~ 25 blllS Of 2 plus dlrl ~Ct. 2 400 IQl V.SolUtt ......... .__locn..,~~ c.1111 Wood ClbNS nl tiu.l· In...,...,... C1111e1 i..oe q •OltlCI ~o ~ ~ 111 ~ MM lr*»lld _,., llcllll LAKI FoMST ..... Tug Wooos ltlJI loC.., lrgt '°" airOSI u:m IQ. rdld ~ h lllOOds In Ulle Fnt 11lalllQ.enl ... 9' 4 llltlXlnl nl 2 5 bih. 3 car OS30! ang.w 1oor plill tlll*1ild i,, hiiB ~ kltt8l ~deck"'°' ms o1 1rai1 n• ~iddls9ldln1-"5W>on t.L*.-... .. ..... .. ... Q 0 .._, ......... t.ans!Hn 1• ..... SPEcTACUUlt 0CEAH VIEWS ~ COAIT $2,185.000 GAT1D C<WINTY Cum Onllllh ... CDW!utll•'-'Y,.,,. ...... ~ _, rlll lllJll'lltif ti;l*.._.._.,_ .. S<#s0dall'911'114S• •a~~ HllTONC SANTA l.Of'TI A"11ll1 W~ lOm Moon· PuH 3 LAIT ~ 0 $57!,990 FMWM~~ •l..AUMIM·"11,GOO Thi~~ ---3~ ltdSlldll ltd w••• DIDt11t • 1110llllllZI02cs..,._One ci a._.,,_., CDllll Mi!lllll .... .,..,.,1rcm .. oi9w1m. ~ ~ ................. nnl ...... Woodlridge t. wou~ !Opoo9 _,'*"'Ind llW'Y..,. CIOIJ1tb • *' .-• 1'1111Mae•loc3b dyes PlunialsS!IXXhl._.W* °"' AlmST9 WAU< LOFTS Mooa Pl.AH 4 • $489,900 8NfrA WCM t1,71t.ODO MIWPalT FllbulcM ~ aod 11n11-. m '* ont IMI home.-' bectoon, 3 blltll ..SI 3 CS gno1. Q-.n .. locq. lMge ap111 lllll:l-. l.niy IOCMI ... i. ....... ol .. hlltxw ltd~ lg!& Mcl¥I ~"*' ..... "°""' .. ................ I .._,._ ........ ,a:Mnlort Vt1 ARnsT l.OfT PLAN 4 • $41 9,000 pall9._ \2' -Md tlf Gllry« Hn ():ct lbldlr wlfttnllrUin...a l)'llrs b ckmlgl)flOI IOeM olyea. Pim Main fDhcs 111m, l'M )QI Oft:z 11 glllery dcMnsl3lrs in Ills IM wall lei. W4h AJlrTWT9WALJ( Lon PLAN3 Moon FOf' S~ • S519,990 Sftllkabla c1y-. Ptan:tas~.I0>11tuldlr~wlll Uirwl...,. ~ ollrs b dosq lllOl IOR cl )a.~"'-' 3 Ojl'll pecsull ._ 1'Z rl/!llYJ '*'/G. find b Gallery or tb'ne ~ *"'*' lwsnls 11 \WDs Ptalddlll85.lU>•prdmcrlllwm.11UnUtGdld. 452...... .. ............ . IMll*fldbG*yorHonaOb.1.7MIQl"*111q .. a111Wd M ..... .._,..., .... , •1 ___ ,. •• ._ __ _...,....,., •L"lniiiu"'""',. .. _..., ~l'llliwt,.• Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 ........... Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 PACK.AGE DEALS l-l<>IVIES <>F Tl-IE VVEEI< HOWIES OF THE WEE I< DISPLAY AD -LISTING IN OPEN HOltllE GUIDE -4-DAV 4-LINE FULl:.-RUN CLASS AD FOR ONE LOW PRICEI CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TODAV..I LORRAINE O'DONNELL 9~9.".!;74.4245 ANNIE WIL;LEV 9 4 9. 5 74. 4 ·:::z J¥,'~ ... ii I•• tUUllUIUI I illll llUllll•U •UUU 111111111 •l eft-* - OPEN SAT/SUN 1-S 3110 Country Club New on the Market! Ready to Move in! Pool sized yard. Remodeled home with 3BR, 2.SBA, + family room. New tile, carpet, windows, appliances, paint inside & out. 2 fireplaces. Great family floor plan. $689,000 Jim & Leslie First Team 714.342.1066 COSTA MESA 3110 Country Club 3Br 2.5Ba Sat Sun 1 ·5 Jlm&l.Hlle Flm Team Real Estate 714-751-2181 CORONA DEL MAR 756Avocado 2Br28a SueThomaa Stntda 949-736-2294 \' . . . . . . . . . . Sat-Sun 1-4 . 424 RSTMINSTER AYE Charming, classic home on large lot with lots of room for expansion. Light & bright 2 BA, 1 BA remodeled main house with FP. AC. newer kitchen & Hardwood floors. Cute and updated separate 1BR, 1BAguest house/gymlolflce with private aJley entry & hidden patio Large Grassy Landscaped yards with huge patio, garage. gated parl<Jng (boat/RV) Move in ready! #HtOOO Owner/Agent (949) 650-0713 G rear View OfTurninf Basin And City Lights. Gracious iving With 24/hour Security And Doorman. 2 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath 60 I Lido Park Dr. Unic 5 B $1.250,000 Lido ParK_~ty M~ Lou Kiebler c 9) 675-2700 21 C•atellln• Drive $1,670,000 STRADA·OCEAN HTS· 3BR. 3 112BA. Master Down. 3.500 SF. Roman!IC Tuscany. 3 Travertine Ct Yds. designer landscape. upgraded. Vlr1ual Tour, Flyer and Brochure -At: WWW.RPIOC.COM AgentlOwnlr George Vietze 94M37-o300 NEWPORT BEACH $889,000 Call for gate accees 58r6Ba Patrick Tenore Nationwide USA 949-866-9705 200 McNell #110 Sat-Sun 1-5 28r 28a Sun 1-4 Cathi Denton-Jonu F1rst Team Real &t8te 949-422-9484 for gate code $3,995,000 $439,000 • Tl •• ~ r ~ ~ i N ~ 8 w ::0 !;, ,.., ti ' "' § .,. 0 $- ~ ... ' .... f ' 71 ( • I KEY LENDERS AND RATES _,_, ..... lniMSI ,. fllOICT'I LOCK· !!?! rHC*f Mft DWM t'!I .. A.P.fl Mp!x Olecounl Mtg. K (800) 344·2739 5. 125% 5 2.500 30 5.450 A __ &lp!ftot~.___Mottgege_....._..__ ____ R_<~eoo~>-69_1_~ ____ s_.600%~~-s~_1_.000 ___ 30 __ 5_._890_ N::tlon LMdnp R (888) 841-6900 5.750% 5 0.000 30 5.930 Almloen.com R (888) 411-4246 5.625% 5 0.000 30 5.728 ~ Fltll C.U. B (800) 4~617 5.375% 20 2.000 45 5.968 American First Rar. Mlg. A (800) 887-9106 5.625% 5 0.000 30 51J o ~~ Mortgaot Group ~ (800) 478-~ 5.375% 5 1.513 30 5.532 01Vetatl9d Funclt~ A (877) 84±_9920_ 5._500% ___ 1_0 _1_.3_75_ 30 5.673 ~Savings s (800) 348-_59_3_1 __ 5_.3_7_5_% __ 20 1.750 60 5.570 Emery Flnanclal A (949) 729-9200 5.260% 10 2.260 30 5.450 E•Trade Anancial K (800) 969-5626 5.125% 10 2.750 40 5.610 lmortq_~.oom A (800) 40()..181 t 5.750% 10 0.000 30 5.787 IndyMac Bank ----s (866) 2.36-0646 5.500% 20 _1_.500 ___ 4_5 __ 5._764_ PFF ea,. I Trust S (800) 7~ 5 825% 20 2.000 30 5.871 ~--''--..:..-------------P ro-Adent e.rlk Mortg11Q8 S (800) 250-1713 5.375% 20 2.000 45 5.583 Union Santi. of CA 8 (800) 828·2000 5.875% 20 1.500 60 6.050 Unlv9rAI American Mtg. K (800) e11_·™5 ____ s_. 7_50'% ___ 5 __ o_._ooo __ 30 __ s_.7_8_7 U.S.Mortgao!Center A (800)867·9813 5375% 10 1.000 30 5.531 Wella Fetpo ~Mtg. _S _ _..(866_)._7_1_3-438 __ 7 ___ 5_500% ___ 20 __ 2_.000 ___ 30 __ 5_.683_ Wotld&avlnQ& S (800)91~8166 5.760% 20 1.000 30 5.890 ,. ~ MAX. ~ ,.,,.,. OWN m> U .fl LOAN c+l IHOO P'REQ. 5 1.000 4.022 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.950% 10 0.000 5.440 500,000 2.950 1 t D 1 M NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.375% 20 0.500 4.182 322.100 2.750 1TS 1V 3.875% 5 0.000 3.930 322.700 2.750 ITS 1Y -------------~ 1.250% 20 1 000 3.540 800,000 2.150 1 TS 1 M ------_1_.2_50_% __ 20 __ 0_.000 ___ 3_.94_7 __ 800_~·000 ___ 2._soo __ 1_T_A __ 1_M_ 1.250% 1.250% NA 1.250'% 1.250% 2.875% 2.950% 3.125% 3.250% NA 3.500% NA 20 1.000 4.613 322,7'00 2.600 110 1M 20 0.750 3.512 650,000 2.150 6lB 1Y NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20 0.000 3.831 1~000.000 2.750 HA 1M 20 2.125 3.733 322.700 2.225 1TA 1M 20 0.000 3.759 322,700 2.450 HA 1M 20 1.000 6.471 322,700 2.350 1TA 1M 20 1.000 4.160 322,700 2.750 1TS 1V 20 0.000 3.399 322,700 2.000 6LB 6M NA NA NA NA NA NA. NA 20 2.000 4.152 322,700 2.750 1TS 1V NA NA NA 600,000 2.900 11 0 1 M lall'I ~I ..... ~ -»30--illOt"" ~ T\'119 al Lendw 9 8• 1111*. I<•_,.,.~ R • ~ brClk8r. S • ...... ._. Mor1gmOe..,..,. mnd broMN-bnMcl~ fie Cellono ~"' f'-1Emit•.._ebrdllr01 ~ Fot ~ OllJ c.11. DAE• CtUI) 227~1 ......... -. ior ........... la M ~.-lot fie .... ...._,. PlflDd. 0-.. ~ 19 -OI e911 (% ol ........ ) p!llO ID ..... II"°'•.,_.~ COl'ftd. ,..._,,.~al mn blilo'l'» p!llO ID llldlt • llrne cl ta.I~ l.eall4t .. "-~al dlya....,., ~,_prior ID calrlQ A.PA II "--W ,,.._._.,_Wllldl .. _,_.,.., ..... ODii ol "-IDM ID,_ bono.-AIA.P f\A-llWIS on aS300.100 tow\__,.,,_ llC** ._llndl700 IOllll .... The A.PR.a-~In .... d*l IOr-1'*'90tl otf1y wi.., ~ IOr • loen, Fedwlil Trut> ~ a ,_... _.... ID c:mlQMlil an A.PR .. ID -.d\ lolln ollw ~ laen II fie maximum llllder .... loan undlt gl\lell ..,_ Al filled Nie~ '-a 1NX1mum o4 $300,700. Mar'Qllrl jln~)lf ..._,. profll, margin•~•_.....,... ....,flrll ...,_. lnOR la Iha~ lot~.,..,..,..,_ (Mllrgln • lndell • N.w Rale) 110. 11111 Ollll COS! olfunda. ITS• 1·Y-T-v 11111. LIM -°""'°""' iJ80ft. era. 9-mor1'11 T~ N . 1TA. l·Y-T-.,y A"V Aodfu:•-,...-., .... period'-'-'..,..._ IM -1-Manth, eM -•Monll1a. 1Y· 1 y-Al~ ID~ Verily,. Md """"Pf'°' 10 ~lot a IOW\. Al_...,,_-.._. _,dllWwll ,_ mnd -lot dillerM tow\ -The~~ II not M oltw ID !MMe loan •you 1-. _,~ .... fie.,._...._,. cell. (100) ~ °'** ~.., __ ...._ COPYl'llGKT02003 The...,,,.. ANnc:lal ...... s-- Get yoUr Dew& puhUahed in the Daily ~Pilot Advertising Supplement Advertisers are encouraged to submit press releases, keeping in mind that date of .. ,., publication is per space and copy may be edited. -.;,.!:;:~~~~Ill Here are several guldehnes that may assist you 1n getting your information published in our Real Estate Section: -rhe Dally Pilot is a community newspaper, therefore, it is important that your news or properties also be in the circulation area. Well-written press releases are comprehensive, concise and current. Content may cover agent profiles, personnel promotions, company events, awards ceremonjes, brokers previews, community involvement, property profiles, and Industry news and trends. · Materials should be submitted by 5 p.m., Monday. · Press releases and photographs, with good contrast, may either be given to your real estate advertising representative or mailed to: Jill Ulriksen, promotions, Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. You can fax information to: (949) 650-4802. If you would like to e-mail advertorial and or photos, direct them to: jlll.ulrlksenOlatimes.com. If you have any questions or ideas about material you would like to see In our real estate section, call Lana Johnson, promotions director at (949) 574-4239, ore-mall her at lanajohnson@latlmes.com. Stunning five bedroom craftsman~style home Situated on a quiet woodsy cul-de--sac tn pristine Blue}.nrd Canyon, this is a rare 6nd. Totally remodeled about four yean ago, this gorgeous family home also had additional mgtneerlng and construction that exceeds building codes It boasts a superb tloorpJan with a grand master sutte and custom bath of imported Italian ~e, steam shower and Jacuzzi tub. The kitchen ts a chers dream with custom cherry cabinets, granite counters, tumbled marble, Sub-Zero and dual Sinks. The ftve bedroom& are all oversized and bright. Additional amenJtfes: dual zone heater and water heaters, inlaid wood floors, custom IJgh~g and buJ.lt--tn speakers. To top it off, there is a three car garage. This home is offered at $1 ,349 ,000. Formomnform4tion. C4U Robin Tends and Miduul Gosfelln at (94.9) 49'!-S599. S"""" 'Propertks. 1088 Norlli Co4st Hlglu'1dY, UfgulUI Buds. .1 I.I. ~ y IA M IA y y M M M y IA ----~- THE PORTFOLIO DIFFERENCE •Over 50 banks and lending institutions to choose trom • Loans to $10 million; all credit profiles, including eas!J-doc and interest-onl:i • Our goal 1s to provide the best rates and lo west cost -all with our best price g uarantee Oscar r>ust:amante President TRY FIXED 5·YEAR TO $1 .5 MILLION • 4 .95% • ZERO POINTS • INTEREST-ONLY OPTION • NO PREPAYMENT PENALTYlll PORTFOLIO FINANCIAL GROUP 9,9.376.3153 Beautiful canyon views This four bedroom, two and one-half bath home fearores red oak floors and solid oak doors. There are gorgeous stained glass windows and doors and granite and rock slate throughout. There are skylights in most rooms. You will also enjoy a spa, lush landscaping, greenhouse, fruit trees and sprinkler system. This home is offered at $875,000. Former~ fnf~n, call April Oswald at (949) 491-5599. straJ11 PropertUs, 1088 North Coast Highway, Laguna Beadl. Large ocean and bay view lot It ls very rare to find a vacant bwldable lot Jn Newport Beach. nus large lot is 6,400 square feet and captures 180 degrees of ocean, Newport Bay, Catalina Island and city lights views. The property is located in the heart of Newport Beach. This land/lot is offered at $999,000. For more tnfomratWn, call Marilyn Wtlltams (949) 640 -3600. Strada Properties, 140 Newport Center Drive, Ste. I 00, Newport Beach. Premier location Enjoy Catalina and sunset views from this beautiful four bedroom, five bath custom home In Newport Heights. The home is on a large comi;r lot with a private pool and spa. Features include a huge upst.aiis game room, three car garage, two wet bars, private teak paneled den, slate roof, two air conditioning units, three fireplaces and a gowmet kitchen. This home is offered at $2,195,000. For tn()f't information, calJ Tim Carr at (949) 640-3600. Strada Propttffes, 140 Newport Center Drive. Sle. 100, Newport Beach. ---.. • 7t V> QI f.' 0. QI ':"' z 0 ;6 3 ~ - l\J ~ rv 8 w ::0 "-~ ~ ,.., "' ~ ti 0 ~ -< 3l a • •· ,. -------- YOU NEED A COMPANY WITH connections everywhere.