HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-01 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.... .... ~"· .... . .. ... ... ... ... - --' • • a1 1. 0 Servi!Jg the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2003 · IN BUSINESS Salons brace for holiday hairstyle rush Local hairdressers say this is their busy season, with people wanting to look their best for holiday parties. _ ~ Loltt• Harper Daily Pilot :,.. NEWPORr·MF.SA -Sweep It up, pull " -it back. snip lt, highlight It, blow it out • ~. -just do It. before the company Quist· i•: • mas party, the holiday gala or the New •:"'!Year's Bash. -. . ~ .. The frenzy of the ho4day season, with No clear mayoral favorites It's anyol)e's guess whom the City Cou~il will elect . to lead Cost~ Mesa. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The title of mayor is one that ho1P5 more notoriety than power and ls usually passed from council mem- ber to council member with the quJck searing pain of tearing a bandage from a wound. Tonight, the council will vote in its new leader: Let the ripping begin. aU its tinsel and lights. means more than frantically looking for holiday gifts. ll means looking one's best for many of the season's functions -and that means fincting a. professional in the beauty 'industry to wori. his magic. · Area hairdressers. make up arttsts and skincare specialists are in ·high demand this month, and that means more hectic Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan will relinquish hls seat to the next director in a process that simply requires a majority of. INSIDE the five council mem- bers to vote a colleague to the largely ceremo- nial position. While on paper, the procedure looks black and white, the politics behind the vote are largely gray. For more City Council news, seethe preview on PageA3. Which might explain why nobody can an· swer who will most liJcely be the next mayor. work hours. more clients and bigger paychecks. Those interviewed esti- mated anywhere between a 20 and 25% increase in business during the holiday season. · Julia Hollen, the manager of Robert & Taylor Salon on lrvine Avenue, de- scribed the season as "crazy.• Her hair· dressers are in high demand from everything from colof treatments to up- dos, she said. Everybody wants 10 get in before their winter ball or holiday party. The vacancies in the salon appointment book are hard to come by "On a Saturday, it 1~ nearly 1mpo!>· sible." llollen said. "During the week, you might get an appointment, but you're not going to be able to pick your time. You've got to be a Unle Oex.ible.~ Hairdresser Abby Sarwary at Christo- pher and Co. II in Corona del Mar said he Is booked for the season. While he normally carries a fuU schedule of cli- ents, there is a definite increase in styl· ing services because of all the evenL'i planned for December, he said. He 1ries CONEHEAD INSIDE For more business news, aee Page A2. to accommodate last-minute requests from those looking for that special "party look.· but his reguJars lcnow they musr book their appointments ahead of time to ensure that holiday touch up. Ou'istopher and Co. II colleague Tu· pia -no last name, "just Tapia• - See SALONS, Pase M "I don't know," Monahan said. "(Coun cilmanJ Chris Steel obviously likes sur- prises, so we might have a surprise.· DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Tommy Munro, 2. finds a use for a traffic cone he found at Lincoln Elementary School while his mom watches his brothers and sisters. The mayor was refertll1g to last year's mayoral selection, in which all conven- tional guesses put Mon~n at the helm of the City Council. A s rising move by Steel and Councilwo n Ubby Cowan and Karen Robinson invalidated that no- tion by casting their support for Robinson, and voting Steel as mayor pro tem When Roblnson abandoned her council position for a judgeship. the position was again up for grabs. Monahan regained what was long thought to be rightfully his, putting an end to the dramJl. Local advocate named to parks commission . .. But It Is that time of year again. Steel Is the mayor pro tern, who traditionally steps into the mayor's spot. but neither he nor Mona.hall' see that happening. Steel said he has no idea who will end up in the mayor's seat and said he has made no calls or overtures about it. "Its up to my colleagues to nominate and elect,• Steel said. "If they chose me, I will do a good job t<t improve the schools, lower the crime rate and resolve the grow- ing unabated conditiom in the city. ... But I am only one of four votes. And those See MAYORAL. Pase A4 ·. Costa Mesa business owner and mother Mirna Burciaga will finish out Kelly Feldman's term. Lolita Harper Da1fyP1fot COSTA MF.SA -l ler role in the community has always been influen- tial, but after an appointment to the Parlcs and Recreation Commission last week. Mirna Burciaga wW have a seat on the dais and a corresponding vote to make II official. Councilwoman Ubby Cowan ap· pointed Burciaga -a business owner, a mother and an advocare for educa· llOn -to complete the term of Kelly Feldman, who will resign effc<·tive Dec. 3 l. Burciaga's term will begin Jan. l, of· licials said. Burciaga has been involved in myri· ~d city is.sues, from poUcie<i affecting small businesses such as he'r quaint eatery, El Otlnaco, to bilingual educa- tion. She Is the chairwoman of the city's Human Relation Committee -a role that she wW continue after she of- Ocially takes her position as a parlcs commissioner. officials sald. "Ms. Burciaga will be an excellent commissioner, bringing her unique THINKING ALLOWED perspective and passions to her new role,· Gowan said in a news releac;e n1e councilwoman also touted Bur claga's leadership on the Human Rela- tions Committee, saying she was do- ing a tremendous job as fchalrwomanJ.~ Those familiar with Costa Mesa's Lnner civic woridn~ may remember the highly emotional and controversial meeting of the Human Relations Com- mission in which three of its memberi. were accused of promoting bigoted and Intolerant views. Burciaga was at the forefront of those discussions. Others may recall a fonnal com- plaint against the state Department Of Edupitlon alleging. among other One foot in th e Thanksgiving soup line . . •• lt waa nttt the place I necessarily wanted tObe on Th.anltsgivlng Day. At work and In the middle of a soup kitchen, where the dow1H.rodden would come for a cafeterla·atyle dlnner before go.Ing back to their moteJ, aheJter or • campalte." for lack or a better term. r stood in the comer for a long time, jU3t watchlog the SCletle -the votunteert woddng the soup line, the long "1WI of tables sating various • people of all ages and elhnldtia : ~then. Someone Cam SOup Jatchen ~ manager Shannon Santos introduced rne 10 Lourfrut Oemons. who Oashed me one of th biggest amlles I had ever seen and Invited me to h down nm to her. Cetn<>ns bu betn home l1nc:c August, when she was fol't'ed to leave a condemned apartment she had been renting ln Norwalk. She has been trying 10 find a place ever since. she sald, but with the competitive rental lolrrA cllmate in Southern I 1, Callfomia. ll hU HARPER t>etn tough. •1 have the money for the ren t, you know." ahe said, "but they want three tlmC9 u much when you fb'at move In. I don't haw th t." WcM. ~ tomebodywho had not J . long 080 been shopping around for a bigger place. I knew exactly what she waa talking about l nodded and continued to J.lsten. She had found a place In Fullerton that she was accepted for. Now she l.s woddngwith an orpnJ.zadon to come up with the security deposit. "I need this place,· she said ... , need to get my gtrlJ back in school." Cemons paused and glanced down at her rood. Sh and her daugbterl hove enjoyed meals at the '°UJ> kitchen nearly everyday &Ince they were evacuated from thelt apartment ana moved into an undlacl<>Kd Costa Mesa helter. Sbo liAed her h d and smlled. ·1 am praying.· she said. "God willing .• God willing. God willing. The words continue to ring through my head, even while writing thJ5. For m11ny people who live paycheck to paycheck, it ts as simple as a little event -one thing can go wrong. auch as a condemned apartment bulldlng. a pink sllp from an employer or a eeriol.18 accident or Illness. and the soup kitchen becomes a necessity and not an outlet for charitable glvl.ng. And there l was with new clothes on my baclt and a big. wann house \o go to for Thanksgiving dinner. 1 Immediately felt the meaning ofThanbgM.ng.1 SM AU.OWED, Pas• M things. that many Latino children at· rending Nt.·wport-Mesa schools ·are often placed on a track for frulure. • Burciaga filed that complaint. and the state agreed. The district is now re- quired to create a systematic program to addres..' the needs of English-Ian guage leamers or risk losing federal funding. ' One crittt of Burciaga's anack on the public school system was fonner Pilot columnist Byron de Arakal, who now sits on tJ1e Parks and Recreation Com· mission and will be her colleague. De· spite the tone of the column, which was wnttcn more than three years ago. See PARKS, Pa1e M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.dalM>lot.com WEATHER The clouds will be parted; it'll be pertly cloudy The btMl• oontlnuH. SeePa1eA2. SPORTS UC ltvfne'e beat women'e volleybell ... IOf'I ever got better Sunc:Jav with en NCAA toumament bid SeeP .. tAS , .. • ' A2 Monday, Oecent>er l, 2003 y ·o u .-R BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT KENT TR£PTOW /OAILYPILOT Employee Jazmin Mendoza. 21. hands Birkley S1gband, 6, a doughnut at the new Krispy Kreme store at the Bluffs shopping center. • Beyond ~oughnuts Allcla Roblnaon Daily Pilot T he world could use a ltule .;uga1 coau.ng once an :! whale. Or h-prinkles and cream filling All thoSl" thing-. that make life ..,weeter are now avcll.lable at Newport Beach's first Krispy Kreme doughnut shop. It opened Tuesday in rhe Bluff!> Shopping Center on Bison Avt'nuc. and customen. weren't lacking. When the store opened it~ doors at 6 • a m the first day. there were about 20 people wujung. store manager Laura Cl1ave1 said ' • 1 hey were here nhour 4 30 1n:m.J," she <>nit.I. I he Newpon Reach .. 1ore 1-; one of 2J in Sourlwrn ( ~t1lforn~1. but if., the fin.t "frc!>h '>hop" 'tock<'d \\'Ith doUl(hnut., that are made at <mother .. rore r<llhl'r than on tlw premhe' -m the arc.1 BUSINESS . CALENDAR • Send BUSINESS CALENDAR items to the Daily Pt lot. 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-ma1l 10 lu1s.pen11.a latimtts com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. TUESDAY C.INetworb, th• breakfast business club, will have its weekly meeting at 7 a.m. at Geezer's Garlic Grill, 4200 Scott Drive .. Newpori Beadi. SCORE representative Robin Noah will speak on business and market planning for owners of small . businesses Information Alex Platacis, (9491 , The first Krispy Kreme opens in Newport, but the doughnuts' fans know that already About 15 customers came Into the store in the course of 10 m.Jnutes on Tuesday afternoon. Among them were Guy Reln ru1d Peggy Calhoun of Newport Beach. •They're the best doughnuts on earth.· Hem srud. "They're probably addictive. We try 10 !>tay away becau~ we eat too many.· "They're fresh. they're very 1asty, they're hk.e lhey just made them l 0 minutes ago.• Calhoun agreed. "I don't buy doughnuts that much, but these are a treat." 1 lelen Zwieback of Irvine said her hu.;band, Olarlt>s, runs a tailor shop across the .,treet and they '>Ometimes come to lhe Bluff'> to eat. 830-6476. SCORE, counHlot1 to Americ:.'s small business, will have a business plan workshop from 9 a.m to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is $25, $20 with preregistration. ' Information: (714) 550-7369, http://www. score 114. org. SATURDAY SCORE. counselot1 to Americe's small business. will have a seminar on how to start your own buslrlesa from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University. 3390 Harbor Blvd .• Cotta Mesa. The coat la $40, $35 with preregistration. Information: (714) 650-7369, http:llwww.score114.org. DEC.10 n.e Newport S..ch Chamber of Commerce '"We heard that Krispy KrJ?me doughnuts are really great," she said. "'They are.~ ,The ~oughnut shop will be a nice addition Lo the shopping center. ~id Chris Brown. who works for Oranco Development, the Costa Mesa-based COf'\tractor that built the Krispy Kreme store. Though h1s work thereJs done. he expects to return to the store as a customer "We always su~port lhe StQres that we build," he said. Oiave1 and her customers had different ideas about what makes Krispy Kreme doughnuts so popular. "They're very fluffy. very soft." Oiave1 !'.aid. "lbey melt in your mouth.· Customers also like the coffee shop atmosphere Df the store. she said. The KrlspyKreme Doughnut shop, 1316 Bison Ave .• I~ open frnm 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays; from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m Satwdays; and from 7 a.m 10 8 p.m. Sundays. will have a Newport Networking h,incheon from noon 10 2 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. The event will be expo style. Attendees are invited to display their broc:tiures and business cards. The cost is S2C>to $25. Information: (949) 7.29-4400. ONGOING The Costa M ... Chamber of Commerce hosts networking lundleon meetings W~nesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m . at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost ls $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) ~9090. Th• Costa M ... Commumc.ton Toastmastert Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesda'!'S at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive. Costa Mesa. Meetings •re open to anyone. (714) 444-8783. Daily Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Mark C. Ou1tln. Don LNch, ICAlnt Treptow READERS HaTUNE. 19491642-«>86 Copyright: No news ttorift, flh.11tr1tlon1, editorial m1tter or advertlMment1 herein can be reproduced without written permlulon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 335 THOMAS ti. JOHNSON Publl1hef TONYOOOEAO Ed rt or JUDY10m1NO Aclvertialng DlnlCtor LANA JOHNS~ Promotlone Director New.Edhon Gina Alexander. Lofl Anderaon, Daniel Hunt, P1ul S.ltowttz, Denlel Stevena NEWSSTAFf Deepe Bhanith Crime and courts reporter, (949)574-(228 dHPll bhafltfl latlm•com • June C..Orende ~rt 8Md1 reporter. 1949) 574-4232 /uM.D4UQrwriMtri.t1mH-com Lolfta...,,_ COlumnl1t. culture rft)Orter. 19491 S?.M216 10111a.ha.tpflr4l.rirrw com ~Newman Coltt MHa repotUr, l!Ma) 87""'221 cMlrdre.~n•l.ilmNCOln M..-.O'Nel Education "poner, 19'91 574-4268 m.rl#.ON1l,latJrrw.com LIMe~ NIWI 1Hlt11nt. (M81 &7<M291 lu a,_,_.,.,"'* oom • Record vour commenta about th• Daily Pilot or newt tlPL Addl9N Our eddreu 11 330 W. Bay S1-. eo.ta MMe. CA 92827. Office h0ur1 are Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 6 p.m. Conwctlonl It 11 the Pilot'• Polley to promptly correct an errora ot aot>.tanoe. PINN call (M917M-4324. FYl The N.wport Bea<NCocul Meu Daily Pllo\ IUSPS-144-800) 11 publi.n.d dally. In Newport Beech ind Coate Meta. 1ubaorlptlons are r.i1ll1bl1 only by 1ubtcrlblng to The nmea Orange County (8001 212..9141. In erua ouulde of r N9WPO'\ INch and Coar. ~. aul»criPtlona to the Dally P•lo\ are avallable only by f m CC... m.11 for S30 per month. IPrlcef lncluO. 111 apPllcabl• at.t• 1nd local !al( ... ) POSTMAST'ER.S.ndaddreae diangM to The ~rt , , a..ctVCotc. M ... Dally Pllo\. ~o. lox 1580. Coeta M .... CA 92e2t. Publlthed by TlrTMM Community New1, • dlvl1lon of thil Loe Ang.i.t Tlm1t1. 02002 Tlmte CN. All rlghta rtreerVed - THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE Take out your pencils R emember an s. only add an baclt when apostrophe. you were in regardless of school, there was whether you're always one lcid working with a who would say common noun or stuff like. "Teacher. a proper noun. So, 'you forgot to It's the boss's collect our daughter and the homeworX, • or. boss' son. God forbid, "I JUNE Hmm. let's see thought you were ... what other going to give us a CASAGRANDE nasty blasts from test today"? the past can I hurl You know. the kid with at you from long-forgotten the pererinial bJaclc eye colwnns? Ah, yes. Question who walked as if his 2: Super Duper Mart has ·undergarments had been low prices every day or forcibly lodged someplace everyday? And, as a result, they weren't supposed to does it have everyday low be? prices or every day low Well, you'll be happy to prices? lcnow that that kid is alive The key word here is and well and living in "modifier," which nine Newport Beach. How do I times out of 10 means an know? Because he adjective. "Everyday" is one specifically asked me to word when it's acting as an administer a test. For his adjective and two words own protection, I will otherwise. The store has withhold the identity of this everyday low prices. and it reacher's pet. J'll tell you has them every day. OK? only that he's already in hot Question 3: I can't wait 'til water with some of you. Oiristmas? Or I can't wait Let's call him P. Arst. No, fill Oiristmas? Contrary to wait. That's too obvious. all logic. the second one is We'll call him Phil A. correct. Unlike 'tis and Actually. l should make similarly shonened clear that this eager student expressions and suggested only that I contractions, this one include a little exercise to doesr)t take an apostrophe accompany each week's or econom.lz.e much on the column. But because I number ofletters used. The haven't yet figured out a shonened version of "until" good way to do that. I'm is "till.· admliustering a whole dam Question 4: What Is the cest and blaming it on him. . best television program of So put away your old all time? a) "Good Day newspapers, sit at atte(ltlon L.A."; b) "The Slmpsons"; and keep your revenge or c) any Cast-food plotting ~ilent as we go commercial that shows a through the firsr-ever young woman eating a Business of Language pop cheeseburger while riding a quiz. mechanical bull? If you Quc!>tion I: How 1s your answered a), you seriously boss different from Jesus? missed the point of a recent Whoa, whoa, slow down column. lfyou answered c}, ·there. J'll be more specific. I must ask you never to Tell 'me whether the read my work again. possessive is written Now, for the grading. If correctly in the following you got one question sentence: Jesus' teachings correct. yoy still get an A, as are an the Bible. long as It was Question 4. lf ' Now, compare that with you got two right, I'd say lhis sentence: The bo~·s that's pretty good. If you got teachings are ofbiblJcal three right, that's excellent. importance to lhe boss And if you got all four alone. questions right. you could Remember the rule? probably convince my boss Neither did l. ln fact, I had to let you take over writing to look up my own column this column. from June 30. But heed this warning: For plain old nouns that Uke all bosses. mine is end ln S, make them quite different from Jesus. possessive by add!rng an Oass dismissed. apostrophe and an S. For Run. Phil. Run! proper names that end in S. add only the apostrophe. Therefore, both the examples above are correct. There's a little twlsterdo to thls rule to keep in mJnd. If the next word begins with • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be readied at (9491674-4232 or by e-mail atjune.caugrande @l11fime•.com. n .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---. . SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be partly cloudy today •• and the light wlndl will continue, becoming 10 mph west winds fore time In the tfternoon. The hlgtia will be from 87 to 73 degree" At night, It'll get cloudier near the CQMt, and fog will out vl•lblllty to r... th•n • qu1rter of• mile In pleoM. The lows will be from 48 to W. lnfonnatlon: www.nw..no.l.lJ<IV BOATING FORECAST The windt wlll be \latlable tt 10 knott Of' llgtit.r on 11'9 Inner waten. The wavee will be 2 feet Of' ameller on a wrest ewetl Of 3 to 6 Mt. At night. lht wind• wfll be-out of the 90Utnw.t et 10to 151mata. Farther out, the aouthwtst wlndi Wfll bt the order of tt.. dty. The wtvea will be 21Mt or am•ll•r on a nol1hwelt .well of l to7Mt. TheNwOlbe• chence of lhowers northwest of San Nld'K>la-l1land. At night, th• winda wlll tladcen by '•bout 5 knots end the swell will drop • coup4e of feet. SURF The northwest will be<* down todey. WNt·1eolng breelta will get mostlyW.ltt· to cheat-high aurf, but• few.- could be held-high or • Ollethead. On Tueedey, expect nothing but waist· and chest·hlgha. W..quMtty: www . .urltldfr.oro TIDES Time . 4:63a.m. 10'A7 a.m. 4:00p.m. 10:38p.m. tw,trt 4.e&fMthlgh 2.38fMt1ow • 4.07 '"' htgh 0.98ftetlow . WATER TEMPERATURE eo-- • • ( I I l \ • ' • , L· ... Monday, December I, 2003 AS COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA recommend approving the In respon1e to the FY1 extension. coocern.1 of major •WHAT: next City Council · Here are a few of the ltemt "lt'a a huge plan. and stakeholders, the county mHtlng the council will discuss they're trying to do thinga • proposed a new •WHEN: 6:90 p.m. Dec. 1 Monday. right," Mayqr Gary Monahan underground alignment that • WHERE: Chy Hell. n Fair said. •They're 001 ready to go would use SUnflower Avenue Drive EXTENSION REQUEST forward. We should allow the and Avenue of the Arts, with •INFORMATION: (714) muter plan to be extended." the underground portion on 754-6221 The council will consider a Avenue of the Arts. City request from 1\vo Town CENTE~LINE oCfldala will consJder Center for a one-year ALIGNMENT approving this route as the 200'3·04 fiscal year mctenalon on lta muter plan. second preferred route. community objectives. The The plan covers .. The council will consider objectives are Intended to cona~on of an 18-stoey the proposed rQutes outlined WHAT TO EXPECT provide staff members with omce building. a ftve•level In the county's , Public and transportation clear direcdon on the puking structure, environmental report·for'the services std members council's prlorldeS. They a1&o demolition of two existing CenterUne light rail system recommend that the co,cil serve as welJ-deOned structures and and may select a second chose the underground blueprints that the reconfiguration the surface preferred route. Avenue of the Arts route as community can use to parking In the 1Wo Town In 2002, the council the second locally preferred measure the city's Center ln!a of South Coast uoanlmously endorsed an route. performance and progress. Plaza Town Center. elevated alignment along . ~What we're saying is, The master plan was Bristol Street and Anton either alternative has the WHAT TO EXPECT approved ln October 2002. Boulevud. Since then. the suppon of the City Council." Finance and administrative Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Mon~ & Tuesday 6-9pm SteaM • Seafood • Cocktafis I I 111· Ne ,,, t .. 11 ,,.,,, r .~ti/ (?49) 6 ·t6-7'J·t ·'I The extension will allow 1Wo Orange County Monahan said. "We're Town Center to have more 1\'ansportation .(utthorlty has working very diligently with staff members recommend moving the objective for ... Qualiiy Servi«: ... ... Nightly Entcnainment ••• t(.C)" lt\.ilh. i\'\~ •• ( t\t1• ~h ,.t fl,...n tt 'M\h•t \1• \,1 (,.,. \ U • h.• · ·•r • . • '" time to get the necessary bulkllng permits. If the company needs more time beyond Oct. 21, 2004, It will have to ask. ror another one-year extension. WHAT TO EXPECT Planning staff members Local organizations get environmental award The Orange County Water District and the Santa Ana Watershed Assn. have been honored with a national envi- ronmental award for their part- nership to protect the Santa Ana River Watershed. The 2002 National Wetlands Conservation Award was pre- sented to the partner agenclts recently by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, which established the award In 1990 to honor those who help pre· serve wetland& ln the United States. 1 The two agencies have worked for years as partners to protect and enhance the wet- lands in the Santa Ana RJver ba- sin and the habitat for endan~ gered species. The groups have removed more than 1,500 acres of non-native Plants and imple- mented a habitat restoration for endangered birds. They operate 465 acres of human-made wet- land& ln the Prado Basin to en- hance water quality while pre- serving wildlife habltata there. For more information, call the water district at (714) 378- 3228; or the U.S. F18h and Wild- life Service at (760) 431 ·9«0. ext. 205. Technology group to hold holiday event The Orange County Technol- ogy Collective, a Costa Mesa- ba.sed group that supports ac- cess to technology for members of all social and economJc groups. will hold Its second holiday event and annual Roundup of Technologisu. The event will be held from 6 7 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. ~-.. COST AMI.SA Daily Pilot 777 7 worked with city public (the county) to mitigate Incentives for services, transportation either or both or them so at owner-occupied housing on services staff members and least one of them will work." the Westside and the the major stakeholders in the objective for park. South Coast Metro area to COMMUNITY development Tees to the determine the specific OBJECTIVES completed Ust. 'Ibis signifies alignment and best station that the objective has been focatiom to serve the local The council will receive the incorporated Into •baseline community. first quarter report for the .. service delivery levels." BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS to 10 p.m. Dec. 2 at the Ford Motor Co.'s Premier Automotive Group facility at 7905 Gateway Ave. ln the Irvine Spectrum. The event will be a networking op- portunity for local business leaders ln technology and will vens came to Johnson Gray from the Alcone Marketing Group in lrvine, where she han- dled accounts for Burger King and Limited Too. senior vice president of Inte- grated se~lces a1 engineering and construction firm DMJM. Registration open for OCC writing classes also raise money for Habitat for American Vanguard Humanity Orange County's adds · al h alth (' Orange Coast College will of- technology inJtiatlve, Digital arum e me fer a variety of creative writing Bridge. American Vanguard Corp. an-workshops through Its English This Initiative helps very low-nounced Its subsidiary. AMVAC department this spring. Income residents find afford-OtemJcal Corp., has signed an The classes include English able housing and have bener agreement to acquire a line of ll 7AD, Feature Writing: English access to technology. • animal health products from 119, fntroductlon to Creative Member organizations of the Novartis Animal Health Inc. · Writing; English 1221\D. Novel Orange County Technology The produ~ts. marketed un-Workshop; English 127, Script· Collective Include the American der the trade name Nuvan, con-writing; and English 131 , Writ· Ele-ctronlcs Assn., the Assn. for taln the active Ingredient di-Ing Reviews and Crl.tlcism. Women in Technology, the Digi-chlorvos. which Is used to The courses. presented in tal Coast Roundtable, Forum control pests such as mosqul-workshop environments In the for Women Entrepreneurs, In· toes and cockroaches. morning. afternoon and eve- formatlon Systems Security. the The deal Is expected ro close . nlng, are designed to reach ex- Soclety for Jnt~met Advance-by the end of the year, and sales perlenced and Inexperienced ment ani:t the Software Council of Nuvan are .projected to gen-writers. They are transferable to ofSouttiem California. erate SS million In 2004, ac-the Uni'lerslty of California and For reservations and lnfor-cording to American Vanguard. California State University sys- mation, send an e-maU to Terms of the agreement were terns. RSVP@Martparty.com. For not disclosed. Spring semester classes begin more information about Digital Feb. 2, and registration is under Bridge, call Kenneth Knapp at way. Enrollment fees are $18 <949> 294-04-03. C.osta Mesa companies per unit. The collective Is also seeking 'd The spring schedule is Usted sponsors for the event. Spon-get new presi ents on occs Web site at littp:ll sorshlp packages range from Emulex has appointed Jim www.orangecoastcollege.com. $250 to $3,000. For information McOuney as president and For registration, call (714) 432- about sponsorships, call An· chief operating officer, the 5072. nette Smith at (714) 307 -0600. company announced. Newport ad company announces new hires Newport tleach·b~d John- son Gray Advertising Inc. an- nounced It has hlred Paul Schmidt as an account supervi- sor and Heather Revens as an account executive. McOuney previously held the same positions a1 Vlxel, which Emulex acquired In November. He will focus on Integrating Vlxel's sales, marketing. engi- neering and manufacturing op- erations into those of Emulex. Costa Mesa firm Stadium Seating Enterprises has ap- pointed Frank B. Moson as president. Moson has 25 years of experi- • c..sltllllllt ., Cab Illy Ovt •lltaatllll • Pict "' ... Deflmy .u .. 1at111ot , .. , atltt • lulf11111 llqulllltleu • b1a11 AllctlHI • Ltpl AWllsall -------• Ucnwd, IH'-4 11111114 Stllors, Mlhtary, law Enforcement 100% HAND WASH flU WASH IF IT RAINS WmtlN 24HRS I $7.99 / SlieW ID I Gto4 11n DK. 31, 2003 6.99 With This Ad 599 With lhis Ad Schmidt has 13 years of ex- perience working. in account s~rvice and management. Re- ence In design and construc- tion. wor~g most recently as tf the answer I~ "YES" to either of these questions consider Smith Barney. ~ . 3 3 2 •We have contracts to do business with approx.rnately 30 insurance companies. •We c•n review your annuity t o ensure you are recl'1ving a competitive return Invest your time before investing your money I FOR FREt INFORMATION CALL: 660 Newport Center Drive. Suite 1100, Newport Buch. CA 92660 (949) 717-5300 (800) 468-3352 THIS IS WHO wi ARE. THll II HOW WC CARN IT.• SMITH~ . - f M Monday, December 1, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTAlllESA • AVOQdo St..et Drunken"-u In public wu reported In the 300 bloc*•\ 6'.20 •. m. S.1turd1y. •Del Mat~ end N9WPOrt Bouleveftt: Vnlawful camping on the street wes reported 11 9•20 • m Saturday. • Falt Dffve end Newport Bo\llewrd: A parole vlolotJon wea reported at 7·25 1.m. Friday. • Gt.'9r Avenue: A person WH reported In 1 park after dark 1n the 1200 blodc at 5:26 p.m. Friday. • Newport BouJeverd: Illegal camping wea reported In the 2000 blodc It 8.65 a.m Saturday .. • Sleftc• Stl'Mt end Wutmlnmr Avenue: 011 was being dumped on the street, 1t was reported at 10:13 a.m. Saturday. • South Coa.i Driw: A person waHeported driving under the Influence of alcohol and drugs In the 1000 block at PARKS Continued from Al 12:50 e.m. Saturdey. • w..t Wiiton 8trMt: A pereon Wiii repontd •• hevlng en open container of alcohol In public; In the 300 bloc* at 9:48 1.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • WMt Bay Av.nue: Medical aid w11 reponed In the 1200 blodt at 10:44 1 m. Sunday. • S.V-W-tw. Vandalism was reported In the 1400 bloc* et 11 :,91.m. Sur>day. • W. Cout Hlthwa,: A person waa reported drunk In publle wu reponed In the 4500 blodt et 1 :59 a.m. Sundey. • Und1 lale: A dead ,nimal w11 reported In the 100 blodt at 1:'8 p.m. Sunday. • Ean Newport cen .... Drive: A hit-and-run on a par1ced vehicle waa reponed In 500 blodc et 1 :38 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Pi.r: An animal bite wH reponed In the 100 blodc 11 9:22 1.m. Sundey. • 27th StrM't: A g1rage WH blodced In the 100 blodc at 2:34 p.m . Sunday fronts for a number or years on other comrmmity tSSues, and she is clearly interested ln having i.omt input In the dlrection that lhe community takes." de Araka1 de Arakal said he wru. looking for· !>aid. "I am happy to have her ward to serving with Burciaga. serve on the Parlcs and Re· Colleagues can agtee to dJsagree, creaucin Commission and am he said · looking forward to see what kind ·She has been active on i.cvcral of ideas she hat. • ~VIL1\'S 'EL~CinTo BANQUET ROOMS Available for fYri, Festive P<Arties! 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale $1099 Reg. s14.99 Now through December 2 I COSTA Mt!>4 11m '1111 fl PllU\1f""°' .c-01"Fa n1• 11111 • "'"' l'I "'"' TuSlL~ M4RKF1PI \n' ]Q~\ LI ( "'41"11 RMI 'tA• i.11 ll I ' CROO.CiROAO Ct.,'TT.R IR\.,. O'b;\llll;\'-<:'A 1-(,800) 541-6176 / 2003 .. ' All:OWED Conbnued from Al realized how lucky I was to be born to a loving mother, to make• decent living. to have an education, a roof Qver my head and healthy and happy on . The list ls never~nding. A1J my complaining about not having this or no1 being able to buy that was so ... so petty. I felt guilty and humbled. SALONS Contmued from Al agreed that thla was the best time of the..year for people in his pro· fesslon. Many or his cllents re- arrange their usual hair·mainte· nance schedule to correspond with their holiday plans. "Some people hold off on their process a little longer and want to get It all ln for the holidays," Tll.pla said. Not Judy Kulp. who was wait· Ing for her appolnunent on Sat· urday at the Corona deJ Mar sa- lon. Kulp, who drives from Del AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to 1he Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Maaa. CA 92627; by e-mail to lu/$,pen11@/11tlm88.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or bycalllng (949) 574-4298. Include the time, ,pate and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. TODAY South Coest Plue will have Its 21st annual Tree-Lighting Ceremony at 6 p.m. at Town Center Parle, adjacent to the Westin South Coast Plaza. The 90-foot white fir will be adorned by 15,000 lights. The ceremony will feature the All American Boys Chorus and an appearance by honorary emcee, Jennifer Yorlc from KTLA-TV. A meeting In support of Democra1lc presidential candidate Wesley K. Clerit will be held at 7 p.m. at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Volunteers will share information and Clarlc's positions on key Issues. Information: info@voluntsersforclsrlc.com, http://www.msetup.com. TUESDAY A town haJI meeting on homeland seamty will be from 6 to 8 p.m. at Vanguard University's Smith Hall Room 101, 55 Fair Drive. Auemblyman Ken Maddox. Costa Mesa Councilmen Alan Mansoor and Michael Scheafer, Califomls National Guard Maj. Gen. Paul 0. Monroe Jr .. Costa Fire Chief James M Ellis and representatives from the Orange County Sheriff's Department. California Office of Emergency Services and the FBI will be on hand. WEDNESDAY The And-SAT mowment will hold a meeting from 7 to 8 p.m .. ln the ASB room at Corona del Mar High School. There will be guest speakers. an open forum for comments and questions, and an outline for implementing educational reform. Students, parents, and teadlera are weloome to anend. Information: Amanda R\Jbensteln, (949) 719-1756 THURSDAY The OrenQ9 County Chepter of Childhalp USA will have a holiday boutique and luncheon et 10 a.m. In the Hyatt Regency, 17900 Jamboree Blvd .. Irvine. For rHerveuons contect Nancy Whltlodc at (949) 6484228. The Chudc JoMll Qahfy In th• Atrium Court of F11hlon lalend will pre11nt an exhibition of ert of the anlmeted film ·or. Seuu' How the Grinch Stole ~rt1tm11# with voice actr111 June Forey and ~Wortr!up stJ~M;,M,, .9A11Nd'W QJ~kr 11 wut !?Ai~ 0e«n~ tN ANN OENDROUI (Ml)l7•.;cue , fll:( .. l)U14M • t I " I PMiyAPilot I left Lourtne to enjoy dlMet wtth her family and put on an apron. The I t I could do was help out In the kitchen. I wu >tationed with Conner Newpo11 Beach Mayor ,Evelyn Hart, whose eyes we.r~ brimming with that high you get from knowing you are doing a good thing; from pU$hlng yourself outside or tour comfort zone and getting closer to people you thought you would never speak with. It w-.il the b~t thing I did that day. despite the wonderful lime Mar for her favorite stylist, said she Is ln that ch.air like clockwork. regardless of what season It may be. "It's caJ)ed maintenance.• she said. Kulp's calendar ls full of holi· day events such as company par- ties and nights out with "the girls." but she will be in for her regulady scheduled appointment on Dec. 21 and then again, three or four weeks later. The same ap· plies to January. February or Au· gust, she said. Nail appoinunents, facials and waxing also Increase In the month of December. said em· pl~ of the Nail Spa on Baker animation producer end director Phil Roman. The exhibition will be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery I had with.my own family later that evenJng. And I hope J uo run Into Oeinons again -If not 1u the soup kitchen, then perhaps on tnother ua.18Jlme1\t, when she ls back on her fett o.nd aerviog as an In trumental figure In her company's success. • God willing. • LDUTA HARPER wrttea columns Mond1y1, Wednnd1y1 end Frld1y1. Sh• may be reached at (949157""4275 or bye-mall 11 lolit11.h11rper@l11rlmn.com. Street ln Costa Mesa. The~­ cure chatrs are nearly always full, as most women want a fresh new coat of polish to accentuate the "saappy" new heels they bought for their gown. And what woman would reach for a seasonal cup of egg nog with rough, cracking cuticles? Uen Pham, who speclallus in sJcin tperapies, said the ~t of the week Is usually her bl.Uiest time, as facials and waxing should be done about three days before the event, to allow time for irritation and swelling to go down. Then, on Fridays and Saturdays, the women return for manicures and pedicures the day of the event looking for a home. Information: (858) 455-9390 .• . MAYORAL Continued from Al four vote have t history of choo&ing to continue the tatw qoo, woe. Oow. So, I don't expect to be mayor." Putting politics aside. Mona- han said he would not suppon Steel because. he •ts not ready,· leaving a short list of those who are. ·1eouncilmanJ Mlke Scheafer is brand new and (Councilman) Allan Ma.nsoor Is a good kid,• Monahan said. That leaves elthe1' Monahan or Cowan to lead the council. both' of whom have alree.dy served as mayoL Monahan would not con- firm or deny if he would seelc the support of his colleagues for his third term as mayor. •1 don't lcnow what Will hap- pen," the ma)'Or said. "Let's just say I would be honored to serve another year and I am prepared. But It would not be the end of the world either way.· • LDUTA HARPER writes column1 Mondays, Wednesday• and Frld11y1. She may be readied at (9491574-4275 or by e-mail at lolit11.h11,.,,.r@l11tim11s.com. Is at 401 Newpon Center Drive. Plecemebn' ennui I Chrt1tma1 Jewish Center In Newpon Beach. Information: (949) 721-2000, http:/...WWW.shopfashionisland . com. Information: (949) 759-0758, Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. http://www.cllud<jones.com. Dec. 6 and 7. There will be over OEC.22 175 booths of top artists with The Onnge County Coalltlon for • unique handcrafted items Youth will host •Let Your Voice Be Including live music, food and Th• Or11ng• County Merbt Place will hold ita Holiday Maritet Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be anisans' and crafters' comer, photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. Heard# from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at the entenainment. Information: (714) Costa Mesa Neighborhood 641-3112, Community Center, 1845 Park. http://www.pi~cemakers com. Costa Mesa. The event is to let youth voice their concerns, talk about issues and 10 influence policy decMions. Information: rle@edd.ca.gov. A. pert of Spa Gregorte'• customer appreciation rf10nth. it wlll have a representative from B. Kamlns on hand to perform mini-facials and skin analysis from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The mini-facials cost $50 with a $20 coupon toward B. Kamins producu purchase on the same day. Information and reservations: (949) 644-6672r Herbor Dey School's Student Enrichment and Parent Education Committee will present parenting expert William Sears from 6:30 to 9;30 p.m at Harbor Day School. Sears will lecture on 10 tips for successful parenting and on improving a child's 10 through nutrition. Information and reservations: (949) 645-8004. FRIDAY Sha"'v'a Woodfil'9d Mexican Grill wlll have a grand opening benefiting a small La Hacienda de la lnmaculada in Tijuana through Newport Coast Cares from 5 to 9 p.m. at 21119 N4."pon Coast Drive, Newport Coast Shopping Center (949)433-7879 SATURDAY The Costa Mesa Men's Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Couniry Club. The entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both days. Information: (949) 645·2886,(949) 903.9090 Waldorf School will p,.sent tu Winter Festival from 3 to 6 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Dnve. There will be seasonal craft making, music, theater and International food. There will be a nominal charge at the gate. Information: (949) 674-7734. The Angeletaa Pnyer BrNkfast will be after the 8:30 a.m. m.eaa at Our Lady Queen of Angeles, 2046 Mar Vilta Drive. The prayer breakf111 wlll feeture guest speak.er M1dellne Tucci Tennehlll, founder of "Gary's Place for Kida. There wlll be a polnaettle plant sale after the breekfHt. The brealcfut la 1pon10!'9d by th• Caaa Tere11 Founde,.. Gulld. The cott II. S16 dona1lon. lnform11ton: (949) 840-0886. Th• C.t '9nolere AMn. wlll heve 1 d'lemplonahlp Ind houHhold pet . cet •how from 10 1.m . to 5 p.m. et th• Orengt County Fair 81 Elcpoeltlon Center. The event will feature up to 225 of the world'• flnut pecffgl'MCI cet• wlll be there along with ~• cets incl kitten• looldng for 1 home. lnform1t1on: (851) '6&-9380. Nattonel Unlvttllty't Center for Culturtl encl Ethnic Studl• wlll preeent •Tht Allure end Slgnlftcenct of Body Art from 10:30 1.m. 10 12:30 p.m. et Netlonll U~. 3380 Htrbor BMI. Information: (71') 429-8408, lzuk•••nu.«lu. The ~It• MaH Men's Club will sponsor the Fairview Deveto\:>mental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. The entrance fee will be $75. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903.9090 The nventh annual Balbo• Island Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa Island. T1dcets cost $20. Information: (949) 673-4280. The Envfronmental Natu1'9 Center will present a holiday craft workshop in which panicipents can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $26 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. . DEC.23 The Environmental Natu,. Center The city of N9WP0rt Beach'• 14th will present a holiday craft annual Winter Wonderland will workshop in which participants take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. can create their own special ~ at Gran! Howland Park, 5th holiday season gifts for family Avenue and Iris Avenue. There and friends using a variety of will be more than 30 tons of snow matecials from 9 a.m. J p.m. The dumped onto the grounds for the cost is $140 per st.udent with a enjoyment of the community. 10% discount for members. There There will be activities such as · will be a $26 materials fee. winter carnival games along with Information: (949) 645-84a9. Santa. Information: (949) 644-3151'. DEC.10 Body Design will offer • frM seminQr and demonstration on · the latest technology on cellulite treatments from 7 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Drive. The event* is presented by Mary Dellene. a • · massage therapist. Information and registration: (949) 722-3555, gstfit@bodydssign.tv. Ho&9 Hospital will have an evening lung cancer suppon group discussion about "Coping · with the Holidays~ from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference Room A. Information (949) 760-5542. DEC.11 The Campu1 CollHgues of Orange Coast College will hold a luncheon to raise funds tor the OCC Disabled Students Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will be entertainment provided by Tyler Hoff and Klro Klro, who will be playing with the Harry end Grace Steele Chlldren Canter. The cost la $9.50 per person. lnf~ation: 1tandardtini@hotm11fl.com. DEC.12 Fuhlon l1l1nd encl Starll.7 Radio will host ~holiday toy drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In Bloomlngdale'e Courtyard. Customers ere encou,..ged to drop off an unwrapped new toy to be placed under the Fashion Island ChrlatmH trM. , lnformetlon: (949) 721·2000. http:llwww.1hopf•1hlonl1/1nd. com. The Reflex Sympethetlo ev.trophy frltnde support group will meet It 1 p.m. It COOOI, 2750 Harbor Blvd., C~ M .... lnformttlon: (949) 86().1212, (714) 491·9400. ~C.11 T'ht~ng~ofAm .... wm hoet P1ul A. Motenko, c:Nlrmen of the board encl oo-CEO of Ct'lio.Qo Plue • Brewery Inc., during he brNld1et mHtlng at 7:30 1.m . 11 tht Plclflc Club, •110 MtoAnhur ltvd., Newport hecn. Tht OOlt 11 $19 for mtmbe,.. and $21 for no~ lnfonn1tion: (Mel 121.-.. OIC.21 ,..,_Wend wll hott ... •nnutt menoreh ttohclne oerMnony It 3 p.m. tit ltoomlngdelt .. Courty1rd. The ewnt wtll be no.Md by R.bbl ~Mintz of the Chabed DEC.24 The Envlronmantel Netu,. Center will present a holiday craft workshop in which participants can create their o-.yn special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $26 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. D~C. 26 The Envlronmental'Netu,. Center will presem a holiday craft workshop in which participants can create their' own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There wJll be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-6489 ONGOING ·• The Newpqrt Cent.r Toaa'tmasler's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or poll1h your'buslnfll preaentetions. Members coma· from a variety of professional dlacipllnea and badcground1. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Canter Drive, Newport Beach. Parking la evallable In the parking stn.lcture next to 24 Hour Fltneu. For more Information, call (949) 721·6732. Sole Comfort end Laul'9'• Houae have teamed up to help tho11 In need by collectlng ahou from Dt<:. 1 through 31 et Sole Comfort. Coron• del Mer Plue, 838 Avocado Ava. Laur•'• HouH Is oommltted to ending the cycle of domtttlo v'91•nct end 11,.ngthentng famm... ' lnformttlon: (!Ma) 844-5939. 11'1 Nwlpoft leech ""''° Ubrtry la holding It• holiday food drive through 0.0. 12. Thtrt Wiii be sn. ... Our S.IVN bin• It th• llbttry for donatlone of eenned good• and non-pet11heblM. Donation• oen be dfl>Pl*I off durfng '99Ultr llbrary houra: from 8 1.m. to I p.m. Monday through Thurtday; from I 1.m . to I p.m. Frfday and Seturdty and from noon 10 e p.m. Sundty. lnfotmatlon: (a.ti) 717"3801. louth CoMt ...... wtl hlw ... Stntl'e VIiiage through Dec. 24 tt C.ro\IMl Coun. Shoppera cen meke crib tit the Alpine 'M>od Shop, Holldly Trlrnmln;t Shop end the"""• Bek• Shop-. The ~ vtriel per cr8ft. lnfOrmltton: (7t4J 431-20l3. - QUOTE OF THE DAY "But my scream was nothing compared to the rtst of tlte group. Everyone was very, very excited." Char11 .. 8ra'1cM, UC Irvine women's votteyball coach Spoi'tl Edttor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-422.3 • Sports fax: (9491650-0170 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL >.IA~t\ DUSTIN DA Ip LC'T UCI middle blocker Sarni Cash (14) will be among 'Eaters' top weapons in Friday's NCAA first-round match against Missouri at UCLA ( ' Anteaters earn NCAA berth UC Irvine granted first trip ·to..64 -team tourney since 1988. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot · The most successful '>eason in the history of UC Irvine women's volleyball gained an extension Sunday. when the Anteaters were selected to the 64-team NCAA tournament field. The Anteater:. (:!J-91. who set a school single-season record for victorieJ., will meet M1\souri (19-10) in a first-round match Friday at UCLA at 5:30 p.m. "We were all watching !televi- sion) when it came on and I ,creamed wlien 1 c;aw us in.'· UCI Coach Olarlie Brande said ~But my scream wa., nothing compared to the rest of the group. Everyone wa!> very, very excited." The excitement replaced the disappointment of not making the tournament after last year's I l}. I I ret·ord. UU, winner!. ol '>even ol its la!>t eight matchei-., fin b)1eu tied for second in the Big We.!>t Con ference. The Anteaters' only previous trip to the NCAA tour- narnl•nt waJ> 111 19H8. when they were eliminated in the firJ.I round Brande, however. believes hi' appearanrc and looking for its team has a chance to advance fourth straight 20-win i.eason. to the second round, where the The Tiger<, were 12-8 in Big 12 UCl.A-University of San Diego Conference play They have five winner will await. freshmen, four sophomorei.. "Ou1 girls are absolutely two junior'> and one senior on ready to compete," Brande said. fourth year coach Susan Krek- "They're so excited and so ready low·s roster. to move to thi:. level. There was "We played them in a spring so much disappointment after tournament,• Brande said of la.!>I year, the realization that we the Tigers "I think JI will be a arc m the tournament and play very compl'lltive march We ing in an environment in whic:h. hoped we'd be :.omewhcw in with some hard work, we can be the middle !of the bracket! and '>Uccessful. has rejuvenated f the we'd draw .. orneone cornpa players! " ruble to u' We know w<.''11 have Brande said his team 1c; not a great Ian ha!>e and that we rnmpletely unaware of 1he 1al-don't have far IO 1ra\t'I fto ent possesi.ed by Mis!>o11rt:' ' m.ik.ing its fou rth c;traight NCAA See ANTEATERS, Paae A6 GIRLS SOCCER New outlook for Estanc ia girls New coach hopes to create greater sense of µrge ncy within Eagles this season. Bryce Alderton Ofily Pilot lf Jen Hutcheon has her way. the phrase "laid back• will not be heard around the Estancia High girls soccer team this winter. The Eagles' first-year coach told someone .at a recent prac· tic;e chat she doesn't like losing .and the person responded, "So why did you come to F.stancia?" Hutcheon. who played for· ward on Cal Poly San Luis Obi~po'i. women\ !torccr learn and Wal> a 1unio1 var~lly coach at < .nrona del Mar, had an an!>wer ready. "I want to bnng th1" team to g<.'lher and turn 11 around, .. I fu1cheon. who played under her maiden name of Redmond while at Cal Poly. said. "It has been laid back and. because of that, the girls haven't had hopt in the pro- gram. I want to show them that if they try bard and work together, they could potentially be a good team." Hutcheon becomes Estancia's sixth coach in six years, but will have -Nadine Rajabl. last year's head coach, along as an assist- ant. The Eagles return a second- te<im All -Golden West League ... e lection in sophomore sweepc1 Marina "Coco" Abdul, along with junior forward Elise Carroll. jun- ior halfback Lauryn Cushing and 1u111or forward Rachel McMa•.- ters. Abdul played along the front line last sca1>on. Junior halfback Sandra Lope;.o figures to lead the midfield, Hutcheon said. Lopez will have help from junior Lauryn Donner. as well as freshmen Avery Wll- llams, Bridget Gleason. Jacque- line Johnston and Traci Panon. The front line will also fearure sophomore forwards Susanna Carmona and Haley Rosner while the defense Includes fresh· man fullback Taylor Brown and starting junior goalkeeper Mar- SENIOR SPOTLIGHT David Mitchell Costa Mesa man has developed passion for running and, at. 66, shows no signs he's slowing down. l ttv• vrra•n OallyPtlot D avid MtccheU played hockey ln Canada. He grew up In WlMJpeg and WU pracdc:alJy raised Into a life dOmlnated by Jee, 1tJcks and Pucb. lie began Ice akatina at age6. Now, ho hat turned tn hla t tor runnins ahoea. He has takl:n on doicns upon doteJU of COWMI ln sunny Southern Callfomla. Mitchell, 66, a Costa Mesa resident. has been competing In half marathons. 5,000· and 10,000-meter race. for the past 24 years and wanta to cond.nue running for another 10, at leaat. WhJJe most people hit age are redred, Mitdlell continues to woit. He la an engineer, 1pec:lallz1ng In earthquake u(cty ln reprd to constn.ic:tion. When he's not working, hs'1 runnlng ... about'2S·35 miles a week. "I just-..w peoplq doing lt and I aald, 'I ought. to try that.' " Mitchell II.id of bla \Art ln runn1n& in 1979. Kt enjoy1ld tt lt'a competitive. It dot1n't matter Where you're at ln the mix. Wl\cthtr you're ft.rat or lut, you're always competing against eomeone. That'• pd for you.• , Mitchell belongs to the Cal Cout running club. headed by longtime Corona del Mar High aac:lc and field and cross country coach Bill Sumner. Mitchell said the club helps h1m stay ln tune with h1a running. lie also hu frlenda In the club to help keep him modvated. It's not that he needs their modvatlon. He alrudy bu enough. "l run t'or health reuona, • Mitchell aald. "1 couldn't lmaglne myself lltting or having th.at problem of, you know. when you get ln hot water. You think. 'Why did I do that?' I would have to uk that que.tlon about my \ health. I would hate that. I lff ldi many people my age: theyre not flniahed. but they could have See NITCHEU. Pa11 Al ue ~m:hlwrg 1.o;tanl 1a, l'ntering II'> wrnnd '>l'il!>Oll 111 the Goldt•n We ... 1 League, h,1, .1mple depth 1n gi•..11 wi1h '-<.'nior \tephanie Belitt'. a' welJ .i., lre,hmen Jaye I lellnuch .111d Juha la.,ed.rn, aiding Kmhb· l'rg. Returner Melissa Willey might bl:' ready to play by the mid-i.ea .. on after recovering from in111ry. I luttheon added. The r..aJ<le\ open their se~on at Garden (.rove High today at 3:1Sp.m. "We are young, hut we need to work 1ogNhtr to create a more seriou!. team:· 1 lutcheon, who played for the So CaJ Blues, a semi-professional soccer team, said. "II is a good opportunity 10 help the girls." EYE OPENER ~II] DailyAPi1ot Ill "porl!I Hall ofF&IDI" ~ ullhullu!l Dec. 8 honor et DAVE GERANKO Monday De"mber 1. 2003 A5 llfllD Dai ly A Pilot lfl Sports Hall ofF~e Ct>letJraling llw 1nil1t>tulitu11 BILL WETZEL Estanci~ Original Estancia boys basketball coach's career solidified upon landing with Eagles. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot W hen Bill Wei/el wanted w begin his baske1ball coaching career, he had w wait. · If coaching were a basketball game. W~uel .._..,as on the bench. But thafs 1us1 how 1h111gs started. &>on after hi<. bnel lesson of patience. he was In the game and he was on' fire. In 1962, Wetz.el began teaching at WeMem High. I le wanted to coach baskethall but there wa.'ln't a job opening for that. Grl'at kids. Greal srnff. Good co1nmunily. It was an ideal posit ion for sorneonu who w.ic; looking for that .. Wet.tel began coachmg at I..stancia when he wa., 27 vcar\ old. He had .. o much mo1ivallon and L'lll'fh'Y and, at bta11cia, it -.eemcd rn newr die. When you're that age, you think you can run through a W<1ll," he said "I knew it was gmng to be great. I i.ruuted . the 1.11comiflg talent and, luckily enough. we had nice perM>nnel. ·· For the fir.t 10 years ~tanc1a wai. o pen. Weli'cl worked 1b the varsiry head l uach I le then bee<une a~sistant principal al the 'ichool. The varsity head coach was Leroy Stevens and EIIu Van I lorn occupied the junior varsity Bill Wetzel "After il y<.'ar of coaching position. Surely the Cee team would need .1 roach. Nope That job wa!t taken too. hy a man named ~ute Olson. "This whole time, I wru. definitely wanting to be a coach.'' Wel7,el <;aid. "My whole aim was to work at a high school and be a basketbaJI coach somewhere. The rea~on I left Wei.tern was becau~e Newpon l Iarhor''> po~illc>n wa." open111g up and that was L IO:.er to where I was hvmg anyway. I knl'\\ I would be 111 th<.' N<.'wpori-Mesa area. It wao, jmt a matter ol when• .. I or rhe next two year., We11el lOached what wac; h,1.,.(ally the -;ophomore b.t..,ke1ball 1eam at Nrwpon I larhor, his alma matrr. whe1e he was imp1rt'd by Coach lules Gage "I w<I!> lucky enough to have \Ome nice talent,'' Wet1el '>aJd. "I had '>Ome nice years which I'm <;Ure got me the 1ob al Estancla I ligh." At E.stancia. Wetul lound h1<, home and he started the basketball program thrre when the school opened in 1965. "A<; it turned out. I spent J3 years there." Wet? el said. "II wc1s a lot of fun. J wouldn't change a thing. Jt \.\'ll.!t just a great tradition. doing that, I mil>sed JCO<\lhmgl.'. Wet:tl'l \aid "We had Larry Sunderman "" l oalh and he had me work a<; the fre!thmen coach .• rnd I did that for five year<; 1\nd we had ~ome great material." Ouough Wet1el'" l'<lrecr at l~'>tancia, he en1oyed h11n.,elf and created man>' memone'>. I le ,tho ea1 rll'd a 1>trong winning 1radi11011 in ba,k.etball aml the tord1 wai. c.irricd on by !'lundN111an and latc>r, Tim <rBnen ·· nwre are a 101 of high" and 1>ome low., 1n toad1mg," Wellt'I \ai<l. "Bui tlw thing:. you 1emernbt-r the mo't are the luds you coach .mtl the peoplr you as<,OClt\te w11h II wa" my dream 1oh. l· . .c;1ancia wa-. my hfe. I loved going to work It was f\ln." Wct:1.cl. 66. who liw" in I lunllngton Beach With wife ol 37 years. Bunny, 1'i the latest honoree of the Daily Pilot <;ports Hall of fome. nw Wetzels have (WO 1>on~. David and Michael, nnd two granddaughters . .i.rc1an and Mc Kenna. I've been retired for almuc;t five years nO\\, • Wei/el '>aid. "I still go to quite a few of the basketball games and see a few of the football games. I'm ~till attached to !Estancia). ru always be attached to 1l" • i ........................ ~--~ae:: ... .,. ................ ------~,---:-~-~-:--;---~-,--~~~- ~ M~.~l.2003 SPORTS f . ... BRIEFLY . MITCHELL =o~c!c,1:i°i:~~the • ~ Continued from AS Orange County Half-Mu.thon. th.I.I year, be Q!d, and plant to have the wne type ot icbedu1 nm year. • .. Newland's quest for 700 on hold beenbetter: =t~~:i~: There are certain upecu of ltonetheleu. He doetn't eee hJ.mse1f J~ h.la modvadon. He wW not b.1a coocentradon durlna the racet, u well. UCI coach takes 6~8 wins into '04 season. Legendary UC Irvine men's water polo coach Ted Newland, wqJ need to retum ror his 39th season to reach the 700-victory plateau, Rfter the Anteaters suf· feted a 9 8 overtime Jou to UC Santa Barbara in the seventh· plaoe game of the Mountain Pa"· ciflc Sports Federation touma· ment Sunday at Belmont PllWl In BeJmont Shore. Newland. whose 'Eaters fin. lahed 12-17, ls 698-33 1-5 at UCI, lnduding national champlon- shipa In 1970, '82 and '89. UCSB senior Doug Anhur scored with 27 seconds left in overtime for the game-winner. It was the Gauchos' first win over the Anteaters In four auempts this season. UC! junlor Rick Merlo gave the Anlftaters a 7-6 lead with 6:28 re- malnlng In the fourth quarter. but UCSBs Joe Ferguson sent the game into overtime on a goal with 29 seconds left In regula- tion. Arthur scored with 2:28 left In the first three-minute overtime session to give UCSB an 8-7 lead. UC! senior Phil Garcia's goal with 42 seconds left In the sec- ond three-minute extra period tied the game. Medo led" the Anteaters with three goal& and· Garcia acored rwice. Sophomore goalie Joe Wynne had five saves for ua. ,,.,...,,.,... ~.£-~ Score bv pettodl UCSB ? j 1 1 I I 1 t UC Irvine 2 2 1 1 o 1 ·I UCS8 Atmur 3. ~nder 2, F9rguaon 2. Tnvefto 1, 0.1• l. S.tM -Wrlgh! 13. ' UC kvlne -Merta 3, G1rcl1 2. Noon 1, M11tereon 1. Hutten 1. S...... • Wynne& • Thune Uon of Week •CROSS COUNTRY: Van- guard University junior Jenny Thune, who flnlshed 34th at the NAJA cross country champion- shJps la.st week. has been named Uon of the Week by the school's athletic department. Thune's flnlsh, the second best at nationals by a Vanguard woman runner, left her just short of All-American honors that go to the top 30 runners. Her time was 18 minutes. 39 seconds. Thune excelled all year for the Lions. She set a new per- sonal record with a time of 18:28 on an Oregon course In the c,hird meet of the season. and later earned All-Region /Vew~Pocus ZTS: 4-Door fQliijlfilijliljMllJ "'II -.-"11.'.J llDfl '""90La.U 111'11.iW•Z.'!1' &!I/- SalesP~: .'114!! Ford R1bat1: , 1 561. Bonus Cash: Elm ~$1a975 - honon with her second-beat time of me aason, good for a ninth-place ftn1ab at the RegioJl n champlooabipa. It WU Thune'a eec:ondlJon or the Week award th1a fall. Pirates edged in m' • MSDTMLL: lbe <>ranee Cout College women'• buktt· ball team fell to Contra Cotta. 69·67, ln ~nime ln t:be tbird-)>la~ game or the Ventura tour- nament Sunday at Ventura Col· lege. Freabman RbondJ Nalf led the Pirates (3·4) with 22 polnta. while topbomore Alita Cartllo added2l. Santa Ana bests OCC M.itchell'a ll(e that are done, but · He ftnlshed In two houn. not running and bis career. He etght.mlnut-. Nearly 20 years ~:c1 hockey. football and ago. MJtcbell ftniahed a dball tn h.lgb tcbool and ball-marathon ln Canada In lhe college. He continued to 97-mlnute range. compete ln bocby well lnto bis Now be'a content wt th 409, playing In aenlor leagues finiahing races but he'a atill and an old-timer league, he captivated by the compedtion. l&ld. On Thanlcaglving, he •tarted He ha4,Peen playing hil day with a SIC at Dana Point, bandbalf until eight mootbl known u the. •Turkey not• ago. '1he aport took a toll on b.1a He said running bu kept him ahoulden and he decided to In grett thape and be also tries qult after going thro~ tOQ to. "eat reasonably well." many lnjurlea and Mitchell, who has ftve children rehabilitation. and aiven pandchildren, will However, there seems to be compete ln a half-marathon ln nothlng holding him back from Sycamore Canyon th.It month. racking up the mlles In He has competed In 15-18 races ANTEATERS •Jn a race, You're always • th.lnk1ng about Onlahtng," Mitchell said. •No grand t:bougbt.1 go through my head. You're pushing. You're t.ryfnJ to concentrate on f1nWUng die best you can..,I don't think about politics, religion or women whert I'm ln a race, because lf you do, you alow down. You have to focus." Mttc:hell-safd he bu applied those aame thoughts to · · everyday life and his career. .; That'• why he remahu energetJC': about his work and does not J>lan to retire until he reaches 70. · -Probably." he said. SCHEDULE ·- • BASDTMLL: The Orange Conti ed fr A5 Coast College men'• baabtball nu om Hain, a junior setter, and Samf Cash, a 6-3 junior middle block- er. Addltiorial UCI standouts in- clude 6-5 junior Dana Kurz. bard, 6-2 sophomore middle blocker Terbrle 'Jaylor and 5-7 senior libero Brenda Watennan, a produC1 of Newpon Harbor TOOAY luMtball team fell to Orange Empire Confereqce rtval SAnta Ana. 67-UCLA). 61, ln th~ conaolation champl-. "I'm so proud of these girls. onahlp game of the Citrua Col-To look back at where they were lege tournament SUnday. two years -so (a 4-21 season In High. High IChool girl• · Co1t1 Meu at Corona del Mer, 7 p.m. Soooer High 9'tlool bova -Corona del Mar at Cypreea, 3 p.m. TUESOAY ~. Aaron Bobti led OCC with 18 2001) and to see bow far they've polnta and Jason ~ord added come with a lot of hard work 13. and desire, to be where they are Jesua Miranda bad 19 points now ... • "When we beat San Jose State Friday, I felt very confident we'd be In,• Brande said. -And fin- ishing attong (Including ll four- garne triumph over Thxaa Oiris- tian Saturday In a tournament at Long Beach State) helped us trehl.endout.ly. • College women· V1ngu1rd et Blole, • &:30 p.m.; Sin Diego State It UCI, 7 • ': p.m. . for the Dona, for whom NedJm UCJ ls led by 5-11 juh.lor out- Pajevic, a freshman from New-side bitter Kelly Wing, a two- port Harbor High, had five time ftrat-team All-Big West polnta, three rebounds and pedormer, as well as first-team three auiats. all-conference honorees Ashlie High ld\ool glrf1 • Loa Amlgoa at • Cor9n• def Mar, 7 p.m. : Yolleyt>d Community college women -lrvll)e Vati.v at Orange Coeat, third round ot Southern C1llfornl1 reglon1l1, 7 p.m. _ GlFI' GUIDE #1 WtdMstiAy. Novnnbtr 26 Thursday, Nowmbtr 27 Friday, Novembtr 28 DEADLINE FOR liPACEJAO\ t:RTOIUAL W~y. Nowmbu 19. 2003 5 p.m. DEADLINE FOR CAMW kl.ADY AD~ Mondly. NcMsbcr 2t 200) s p..m. GIFT GUIDE 12 WNinntf4y, Dttnnlm JO .Thu"'4), Dtcnnl>tr 11 ~DmmimIZ lad o.-ber 10, ., Ncwpott 8-h • <:otone dtl Mw Ncwpon c-. Co«&~ KUNTINC1'0N llAOt , '*'---• Book Drive The Rotary Clubs of Newport-Balboa, Newport Beach Sunrise and Newport-Irvine Fountain for Youth Funds will match up to S6.800 In contributions mode by the public to ~UV reading b9okS for the libraries at three NeWport-Mesd Elementary School$ on 1he ·M••QfCdcl 111a~P0r1nona...v Yes~l.Z;ntto-hetp-chiidre-,,-;~-;R;a"d~g;;d-e;,'itis"h"bY'ttte qe of nlne~e";;°1s ;-y--- conb1bution to buy books for Pomona, Whittier and Wiison Elementary Sdloots. _ S10 wlll be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 12 reading books. _ S25 will be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 30 reading books. ..• • . . . . _ S50 wlll be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 60 reading books. ! _ $100 wlll be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 120 reading books. : _ Other amount to be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds. Make your tax-deductible check payable to Rotary 5320 Foundation and mall to: Oalty Piiot Promotions OepartmenVReadlng by 9 Book Drive P.O. Bo>< 1560 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 To order books for our students, your contr1butfon to be recef\ted by December 15, 2003, Is greatty appreciated. Donors and the amount given will be ~ognlzed In th• Reading by 9 Honor Roll In the Dal~ Pilot unless they ~uest not to be listed by checking here: _Pleast don't list my name. YourN~'~"--~~~~~-:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ ~"-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oty and Zf.,.._ ____ ~---------...--....;_---Phan«---------- .. • • • • • • " " "' • " How to Plac A CLASSIFIE AD -----Policy----- RAles and t:leAdhne~ a.re 11ubjec1 to change willlout notice. ~ publisher reserves the ngh.t 10 ,cri~r. rcclll!lstfy, revise or rcjec1 any classified advertisement. Plc11se report any error that may be in your classrlied ad 1mrocdJately. The Daily Pilot ;lcceph no liability for any Cn1jlr in an advcrtisemeol for which it may be respon~ibJe ucep1 for lk co~t of lhe ~paoe actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be aJlowed for the li~t in~crtioo ,..,... SERVICE DIRECTORY -For All Your Home and Business Needs - ADVlaT1SlMINT roa DlSIGN IUILDllt •llQUAUrlCATION Subiecl to condohons P<•Urtbed by the Unlv•nlty ef Cellfernl•. Irvin•, rnpun,es lo lhf' U111v~r\11)'' Prequ•l•llcatoon Quesl1onn<111te for • Ocs1111 Build ~ontr•ct are i..lu&lll Ir om Oes1iin Bu1lde" fur the lollowona protect CINTHl PLANT CHIUH STEPS f'rojecl Numl>•r: 991940 COOINIHTION ADDITION ro THI ((NTlAl f'lANf f'rof•ct N""'l>•rr 991105 UNIVllShY or UllfOltNIA, lltVINI PllQUAUFICATION or "lOSPICTIVl OISIGH IUILDlltS The Unrven11.)i's prtm•ry ob1ectove m ulllwna thl' de>1e.n build •wro•<h I\ 111 '"'"f ""' but ••••table ontesrated df'Sttn and constructoon eapert•nc~ tu thl) f'r111f'CI lhe Un1vel\1ly h~' del01m111ed th.it t>es11n 8u1ldeo wtio $ubm11 p1 opo,.h on "'" Pro1ect mu·.I be pro11uAhhed P1<:11u•l1foed Oesoan Builders wolf be requlfed to have the tullo.,.111e C•hlo1111J conll •dui"\ '"~""~ GINlltAl INGINHIUNG. "A" ....d GINIUl IUIU>ING, "I" GINfUl OHCRIJOflON or Wotlfl( Tht' WOfk 11 comprlSt'd ot two st!pa•at•ly •11111oved ptot~•" t I) Crnll •l Plant Chill•• St!p '> and (2) Co1enerahon Add1hon lo th• Central Plant Documenh for thnr "' Ofl!Cls wolf b~ 1nuf'd separately. Addlloonally, the Unover\tly Is cormderong •number ol Altrrn.tte• to lhr prO!"'CI\ <•ntr.I "°"' Chlller St•p 5: 11!(! bne ""ork too th" UCI Du111.n 8u1ld Rf P is " Chill•• Add1\oon Project tot the Central Plant al u<!h llldlfl c•ntpu\ on lrvrnr Cahlornoa rt1r PIUJ~LI will <On>~t of the tnsl•llalion ol 5.000 tons ol chollrd waltr c•pa<oty by lht •dd1llun ul ch1llr" .lnd coohna towers - lhe "'\" for the proietl 1s hxatrd dd1.acent to tl\r northl'J\I wall ul tit• I ~ml1U' Ce11trdl Plant ft UCt's m11n campus on Irvine C~hforll•• lhe 01,tonl? bu•l1hn1• wolf ht n11•nd<ld "' lhr e>1s11na chiller rOOOl floor elevation to lhr n1••thust ,1lo11g WP-\l l'•llM1111 1lt1v• low.lid the lho11n.1t rn•• itY 1J,ore1e·(l(S) tao~ In th~ lull width ul tho o"lt"l buoldrn& Iii. ~•I'·"''"'" will •lso ur<lulJe • lull Msement at :ro fret Jn depth undtr lhe ••PMtdrd lloor luo ti•" • J11llr1 .111-.1 II 1s '"""'led lh•t Ille bu1ldon1 upansion will total .ipr11u11ma1~1y 9 900 ''l"·"' h••I 1111 lduhty "'"' tndude\ ~0~1mately !> 400 \qll•<e fut at the u"tona th•lle• room floor l••rl '"' th• t hill"'' and .•n iJdotronal 4,500 squ~" f••I of ba~ement .,.,, for pump•. 1 001111~ '""""' P•fl• hr•der< ''·"''" VI •ives. and ~ondens~r •In prep•11•hon for t11e h&,...ment. lh• prt>f-CI mu\I at\n '"' lude new 111111111•• ol •1•1 tr11 "' power (reds. cnmmun•cataon'\ tmtt\ .JOd dfa1n p1prng undtrgrou11<1 tn lht4 .ur1t plMuit>d for th.-h.1'\Pmrnl ., The buoldone •nd all structures wolf be C•>I •n pl.Ju~ 11•onll<r«'•I '""ll"l• .ond 1oterl h.0111on1: with alerior tn~etope to match u1shn11 lhe p101ett will ontllld•· lh<· 111\laltdl•on ot two new eledro< ~ntflfugat chillers and primary <tulled watrr and <Onh11i: IOwf'I pump<. lh~ pr.•t•• twill"''" rncl11<1r Oie removal and rern,lallat1on ol thft "'"'"'2 11Utdnnr ,11111•• Lil 6 .ind ''' , holl•d w,11•• .rnd rnohng {llwer pumps mto the new f&llhty •Add1tion11 cootm& lowers are also 111tluded lu be onstallt•d ,tlonr the lrn• ul ea1sl1ni: t11we1 cell• t the northent The new tootona tuwtr ba"n 'hall .oh2n with tilt r>l\11111• ba\ln '"'" lhdl wale• y freely pus from u1stm1 cell~ lo new •nd bdtk ai,tarn •· 1.lcm .. nd .rnd upt'<a,hon >hilt .. mune coolone to.,.er cells Coohne lower structure wolf dlsn malt h lhf' 1 '"""Jl •In preparation tor the cool111g to""r". lhr "' u1c•I 111u\I al\u 1111 lude lh•• • omf)lele 1 ~n111v.il ol !ht Ii&• sloraae syste1n, oee are& wall• A11d und"il<OUl\d ore v,11111 I letlr11 •I \wlt<h11ear "'"d' thP. ice Go•aae ar.a and addohonal swotcheeM ou1'1dp th~ wnll In lhr nnr th we' I l11r lho ~holler C:ll 6 O)ust it remond •The proie<t includes poweo d"tr1buh.;n tu• "" dulle•\ pun1w .ind C•"'"n" tower I.in' .1111J .1 n•w •ctric letdoi!r duct bank to lhe Ul\lm11 sub\l•toon l<i.•l•"f ~""""""''t•ly ont (I J 01111· tu lhe ~uthwesl ~~ lhe new system writ bP IHO&•amn~d lo "'"PPt•tl th~ e<••lmv. II<, \y\I""' lhe d•\IRll h111ld bod llmenl\, includrntt dtveloprnent ~tlurl• will hi• b"sf'd on "'' tl11t rr11111f11~At d11llr" r.1t•t1 lor .500 tons cootina capa(lty each c..--o11 ... ,.._,, lht bas~ wn1k tm th" ltl'I Ou12n 6uold RI I' " • I "It"""'"''"" '"""'•' ... Ole Centr61 Plant at UCI' ma111 <.1n1pu' on lrvmt C•hh.11111J rh~ P1t11<•1 t will <1on~1)t ol the 11Utallat1on ol one n•tural aas lrrcd turbine iim1er.1lu1 (Cl I wolh d11tltd wnler onlct n•ultnt, une Et reco~ery \tum 11eneiator (llHSr.) dest~nf'd for future dud luttlg, ""d t"l•I rPupro• aun;: naluuil s compressors each \11ed lo supply ?OO'i' of lhr GI demand lh• Prow• t wolf also "" lud~ baole< d pumps lo supply the Ml!SC " tlraeratm to '"Pl•re the f'•1<lrn& lted w•l~r I.ink •nd 'upf)ly bOllt'r fttd pump\. two ho&tt temf'flalu<e wal•t hut .. ,hanv••\ to «•nvell \te~m In hot water • dump condenser to condense t•Ct•\\ •tr~m lrnm thr HRSG ll kV p11wrr 1ll>h1buhon w1•h1n ).l>e "'•lily, •nd """" oleclr" leeder duct ban~ lo Ito~ ~•.,line sub\tahon lit~ llRSC will bi' lurno•hed wllh a control system to m~el env11011m•nlal .111 1••11ml •r<1rnrem~oh The site 101 tl";e pro1ect •• locat•d •tl1Aunt tu lht •oulh """\I ""dll 111 thr C,uupu' ll'nlral Pl•nl lft UCrs main ciimpu~ Jn ft vine C.thlornta Int U••I'"& bu1ld1n1 will ~· r • p..nlled al Ille ""\tone boiler <0om floor elrntonn to th• ~nuth ... e•.t ak1n1: W.-t P•"·""" Orrvt tnw•• d th!' tun11el •nd back to the southeast ~• needed 111 dltommodalt thr 'P"'" ttQu11eml'nt' ul th< prnpu•ed.Cl ~SC. 11n co111pressc>1 s. plu\ lutu1r M1t1c1pat~J f'lf'Jn.,on nl the ~u~e"'" ,1!11111 ldcihty ltw lulu1e capanston. 1n the fll\81 btuld oul nt thP l•uhty wot be ba,.J 11n "" <1dd1h1111.1l CT l~RSt. 11;olu1ol c,es comprenor. and a nrw tondf'n\rllK Steam for hull' ~entrdluo tSl l with t•inclrns1:1 dtHl • oohnK towers The current pro1~d w1U au.ornmot1.\lr 'ti~ pl 'nt\f'ft futm" ~•PAH,1on hy ,.n .,vo1lu1v. •II tht 1>n t1c1pat1tf Area need11d fn, the r:mrt*nl nnd 'utm«" t n~""'''j'lhin 'Y\l~m' .inrt •.true l11tf'\ al th_. Hlsllng bo1l~1 room llo11r clevallo11 I II• bu11d111R will l'rlh~t bf b111ll on It\ Mlort•IV on th• • urrenl ll(OJect or lhe buoldtna will be buoll lo h»u•• only the cu11~11I pru1•<I e11111pment dlltl ret4111111e: ""II' will be erected lo conlam th« llltu1e '!>·"~' al lh~ '''''""~ '""'"' room •'f•v.,t1u11 fhr ••t•oome w~ll\ would ll•rnrne the bd·" for th• hu1l!l1t1;! wAlh "' th• 110.11 IJU•fd 0111 fh,. t1mlrl1ng and all tstrurlure' wtU bt of ttotnfmt "" • unlJ1-lf' .11td ,t,.t-1 h \1'\11ll£. wtth .... ttt1t1t ~nv~ln''"' to m(ttt h tltStmg Grin~n1I arrangfm ... nh MHf thf'tmilr f v• It' mudrhn•' woulc-t hr: ti,~ .. ,, nn .-.1thrr .t Sol.-u 01 GE supphetl 'v•tem Both p101erh Wtll tndudr: th .. p1ii.t11n11l.UV .,,.,l~!I\ '"''"'''dhu•t ot WOtlt,ut•' Jt..\wmv· .. 1,n(l 11U\•.ffut llOfl btsed on the UC Irvin~ l.•mpw Sl•11r1.1111' "'"' O•\•lln f11t1•t1·• ~llu•. 1111111 • t 1••<1111 <11·\11•n ""' Pit lor m•nce u 1lern1 C•ntrol PIOftl Chlll•r Sl•p 5 de•lgn ond coft•tructton coot ••tlrnole• Cog•n•rolh•n f'lonl d••lgn ond co•nlructlon co•t .. ttmole: (C1>11ener alton l'IAnt lund•!•R 11~ndrn1>. •PIH nvat l ... OCIOUltlS S 14, I 11.000.o'O SI 7 ,0$6,000.00 The prequff1hca1ton p1ott~\ will be 'ondudrd w two p.1rf\ tnd wtfl t• 1111 m Uu ,,.1 .. rt111n ot Pf9QU•hf1td Oesran B111td,.,~ who wilt b" ''\Ued prnJ)4> ,,•t 1tm 11mt"nr, tm ltw p,_.,,., t Part 1 wolf bo the submoll•I of a Preq11ahl1cal1on QUt\llonn•i,. Alt~• ,., er11I ot th~ l'<•<111.•llfocat1on ~uttonna11e the Unoveruly will r•vo~w and d~l~r mmP a point '°"" f111 "'" h ~ubm1tt,11 S• nflnQ of Oes11n Bultden for Parl I .,.,11 bP delcrn11n•d by thr ~111Jl•«•t11111 nt •11 e\l•l>h,hrd 1•1111~ \Y\l•m Outen 8u1ldtrs who meet the requ11rmtnh on f'••I I will b1· tfll"'""w•tl on Pall l ot lhos l'teq11althc1loon proceu f'•rt 2 will be lhr lnlorvoew O•"&n Builder\ will Ill' 11nl1f1f!I 111 wo 1tor12 """""'" "' not tl1•v h.tvt been selected for thr P•1t ? lnt~rvrew lhe ln1111v1•w will •thllP!>\ ltw 1t•111• <1•'-• nh••I on tht Prequ•tiffcauon Qu11stlonna1re !ht r"u"' nl lhf' 111t111v1tw will h~ '•Pd• •l~ly ua1 •ct l.a•ed on ~n ftbbhlhed r•lln(! sy•lem lhe OP\l&n Build•" whu 11r <tit• ltd by lh• lln1v.r.,1ty 111 f'Art 'l wolf ~ jH'equalol1ed to submit Proposals 101 lho~ P101ec I ,.(QUAUfl<.ATION SCMlOUU On w ....... <1ey. Nev_ ... , 26. 200J, PrtQu•hl1c•loon Quoto1111n•11r\ "''"hr l~SUl'd ltr llll~rt•ltd 0-.l&n B!l•lders at Ouren & Conslt111 Iron S"'"" t\, Unover\lty ril 1..•hlurn,. hv1n~. ~701 l.Klllo•nl~ Alrenue. Suite 250. t~vlne CA 9?69/ 74'>0, (Corner ot ll.,no alld Cahlnrm~ flv•n11~I f!K lnf0fm1tton call the holllnt (949) 874 81 l /"' (949) 874 8014 On Tiwud.ry, Dec..,.•• 4, 2001, o Mon4ot ... y Oe•ll" lultiMr ,, • ...,.uttcw1f-Conf•••nc• 'lftll be conducted be111nnlo1 promptly •t 10:00 A.M. Only 00\1~n Buol~" who pd1 Ir< •p•lt "' the Conference in ob enhrety will b" allowed to submit Piequaloloutoon Queshonn••11·s PPr<.on\ a111v1n1 alter 10.0S A.M. wlll ftet be ollew•" t• su ..... lt f'ra<fuollflc•ll-Qvettlet.,tolr••· '•rtlcl,-h .W ,,. ••• oh O••tr & C-•f,...c11•" S.nrl<H, University ef Collfornlo, lr•lne, S201 Collfornlo Aw-, kite !SO, SuUl•a11 ca...t Wrlpt Cenference It•-· tnrlne, CA t2697-24SO, (Co•-• -'( ... ,_,.,_Av--4 llo-Av-•) '"' fwttiw ..,._., ... , •-l«Kt Scett M..,it.., et (Ut) 124-1527. T1" •"""-le rocehre c_,.a.1 ... l'r..,.ilflcoll-0,...11-lre• wlll ~. Thvnday, Decemkr ti, 200J et 4.00 l'.M. at Oe\oan & Constru1:t1on S11rv1u\, "Henhon "''"" M11ulhm Unov•rslty OfCallforn••. lr•ine, 520l Calltornoa Avenue Suitt 250. lrv•ne, CA 92697 2450 Oesian 8urlder Prequallllullon Q11rit1-0nn•lr11s. onclud1ne any 11qu11 rd •tlachmMI• \hall b• wbmllled tn sHled 4m••lopu m••~itd with the notahon rin tlte out"M •olSIGN IUtlOll MlQUAUfKATtoM QUISnoMNAtal f .. CINTHl f'lAHT C"IUllt STI" S f'ref.cl Nu"'l>.,.1 "1f40 _, COGINIUOOH 'lAlfT "•ol•<I N .......... ••1105• and •ddlO\\rd tu tht Oltir~ If 1&n1ted eb(I••· IMC\UOl OMI °'IGINAl ANO fHltH COPllS Of THI f'ltlQUAUflCAflON OUlSflONNAlltl (WITH ilnACHMINfS). Oes11n Buoldtr 'h•ll .1s\ume lull r~•pon"llohty 1,,. timely delivery ~t the ln••tion dea'C"ated ICH receipt ol rrequ•hlicatonn Questionna"u Orel l•l•phon•• lii1u1m1le, nr t•t.&• •Ph•~ PrequallfocatlOll Qu~tionn11rtt. art 1nv~lld •nd wtll not be eccepttd No pr•r1111hhcat1on d<>Cum•nl\ wtll be accepted after 4.00 f'.M., Thltrt4ey, Oec•"'"•• 11, 200J How•ver the Llnivtt"IY r"'•'"" the rlaht to request, receive, ftl1d tYlhMte ~upplen1ental 1otnun~llon 11\er lh" ~bov& hm;o 1nd tlal• Successful Dulan 9ultdtfl wlll ll• 1111tfllod ol the dtl•, tln111 a11d loc•llon ol lheh h1lerv1~w' llQUlST rott f'ltOPOSAl 0.l.lfn eurldotrs wtll be "nltfltd """''h•1 01 not they ha•• bffn l>'•Clu•hlled •lle1 th., \lnlY•"'" evatu1les the 1esuth nl th• 1ntervl4lw All Advc1h"m~nt lo P•eauahhtd Ptl)p()iers· wolf fntto"" !lipecify1n1 the uact d1h,., lltrut11. end •oc-hnn ttlt1•~' n1n1 th,. •••1l~b1hly 111 Propo•al Oorumenh Bid (Proposal) Security 1n the amount ol 10'!. ul th" Lumf) Sum Bue Pm• f'ropOllMl, nclud1n1 •lt•n•IH. shall 1c,omp1ny each Propo111 !he wr~h luuona the Bid 801111 .111111 b11, 11n the Ptoposal Deadline, •II admitted •urety tnwrer u deftr1•t1 m lh" C11hlorril• Cod~ of Ctvll Prnredurc Seclloll 995 120 All 1n,u1ance pohcllo\ ••\lulled to be obl•lned by the Oe\lan 8v1l<1•• ,,,.u be •ubiect to aop<o .. 1 by Unlvtnlly fOf f.Prm and tub1tanc1 All p0tie1e• leot Commerctat f orm C:M•ral t 11blltly. Lace'" Llabtllty, Bu\lntu Automobile l l•b"•ly and "•oladlonal t tabltlt,y Insur""'~ ,11a11 be '""'d by eompanlta ..,,111 • B11t r 1fln1 ot A ot better. end • lln1111~111 cl1ulttc1t1on nl \1111 01 bettor (or an equlvalent ralina by Stend1rd & POOf CH Moody'\) All pnlkltot 1equtr4'd for WOf~•"' Comr,enutlon ttfWf Employer•' llablHty tnJur•nc• t.h•ll be luued by comp•nrr• (1) that have 1 letl r•I 111 ul B• or .,.tt.,. and a hnanclal cln~tl(etlon ot YIU or bell..-(ttr "" •<1utv1tenw ahn& by ~111nd•rd & "'wt Of, Moody'•) or (II) lh•I ere atcotpl1ble to the Untven1ty '"" r11rt11TCat1 ol lntm•no '"• be ,, .. ,.don UHi Unlvt,.ltv'• form. f'rotpKll•• Oeslf&ll 611lld81t. lntendfn1 to Ila pr•t1u1hll11d ate tnlormell tll•t they wltl be tulJjltl It and mu•I tuff~ c.omply 11t1th all of the proJl'lul r.11nd1tton lndudinr 100-. p1yn1•nl •nd 100~ ,,.. for111anc• l>onck All lnforrn1ll0ft :wbm1tltd for p••qualttluhon toh11tlon wtll t>t co111ldtttd 0Wcl1t 1ofor1111l10t1 1,:qulr•d 111 confldente,~d the Untv•r•llY wlU malnt.in 111 conftd•nli•l•ly to lh• nt1nt perm11t11d ~~ . the UnlYf,.llY r9'tt••' Ill• rlc"' to ftt.ct eny o• •It re"llan'u lo f'11q111hllt •llOn Qutttlonnelrl' and '"Y or eM l>foCIOMI• elld to waive 1ny non m1lt1ltl lrr•111t111liu In any r•'ll""" ot PfoPoMI '~·"'*' ll f1£C[NTS Of TH£ U"IVU<Sl1" Of CAllf04tNIA 1"'4unllr ot C.ltlotnla, lfvln• Nonmbel 200.1 l"Ubli•tll'd Na,..,llft lle.<Kh Cot.ta Men 0111Y 1'1IM l'fnv~rtll!N 26 D1c1mbet l l. 2003 WM2&S SEU your stuff thrCMO _ classified! J. w,. ........ .. .,..,. ..... a..19' .-,i _ IHfl MJ.5671 I .. By Phone {949)642 ~78 By Mull/In Peri;ou: no West Bay Strttt Coi.ta M~ CA 92627 A1 Nc"'pon Bl~d. & flat S1. .------Deadlines----llourH: Tcltj'hooc 8:JOam ~ (Klptn Mooday·hid~) MIH"klll~ lu~...i~~ Wrooc~I") Thur.J11y h1J4y ~ <lt1Jm1 M1111Jli) 'I <10po1 I 11c..Jay 5 :OClp111 Wc,lll<'"'-l.1y 'I llC1p111 l-ml11y 'i..tlUrOO) Sun<l,1y ••. Thul'\l.l.i) '-Clt)pm I nJJ) J:OOpm f ncl.Jy HlOp1ll W~lk ln R:JOiun ~:fXtpm Monday-1-nda) 2640 legal Notices ISCIS730 NOOO Of Pm110M TOADlllSlB lSTAltOf: W11W1 l. PASCOl;I Wl110.unm lo .all he11~. beneli c;titrtes, ~ted1tots. con t•neenl •frd1to15, 11nd ve•snns who may oth tr wise be interested on the will 01 estate o both of Wit I IAM f ""scor 111 A PEllTIUN f UR PRO f o• further onlorma lion, call Sun Crumby ProJect M•n•aer 11 (949) 644 3JI I Publl\hed Ne.,.porl 80 .. ch Co•IA Mesa Oatly Piio t December t. ?OOJ M8~1 llOOO Of AlftKAD* fOI OWIGl II OWlllSHt Of ALCotlOCK IMJAG( UCDIS( Dtttef ... ~ ~20.2003 OAT( hd~ be,11 toled b~ In Whr1111 II M11y Cn11 SARAtl I I l MAR ltN 011> l'ASCOl •nd R0l "l'C0 The NAm•« •I ol the SPClRS f SQ on the Apphcant(\l 1".>i•"WON Supe,,or Court of c,11 SEUNCliU PARK lornoa. County ol OR lhe ••11phc .111t~ h~t•d ANGE 1bove <11P Jµ~one tu THE PEHttON rOR Ill• C)rpartnfrnt ol PROBATE lf•que~ls SA Alcnholl< tl°,;vp1 ii11e RAii lll MAl!llN PAS Conlrnl In -.11 .<kohohr CO.I .lnd HOI ANO brverae~' JI H'i'i VIA SPEE.RS I ~v be djl UDO Sil H. NCWPOR I pointetl "' person~ BCACtl f'll '1766' r.1pre•cnt~t1ve\ to <>d Typ~ ,,1 l1<er"~I,) ononoster tht otAte o 11pphM too 41 UN the d~,t41>11t SAU Ill I~ ANO WINI Tiii Pl TlllON requnt' £ATING Pl Atr lhr d~t edo11l , Woll •1111 Publt~h•tl N~wpu1 t cod1c11, 11 11ny. b Beach Cusl~ Ml'>d 0111ly Jdmottod to 1J•t1b•I• The Pilot Oe<e111bcr I, 2.Pl>l Woll 1nd Jny <Od1L1ls air CNS 61141'> ~S7 ••••lable for e•amrna '"'" 1n tht tole h•pl b lht court Pm Of flE VICTWS NUD YOll ff811 400 ANIMALS RESCUED WITH NO OWNERS MON£Y DONAllONS HUMANE SOCIUY C/OPAWS 240 ( HIGHLAND SAN BC RNAROINO CA, 92404 Genml Announcemenll 1610 OUCIC SEASON f'rlvol• Ouc.ll "-''"' Club •ppro• l/tlr from NewµOlt Buch hcet lt'nl hun1in1 •d11cent lo sl•te water fowl retu11e own•r\h1p onte<esl & •PP•O• 11'> DI •e• of lenll & 1mpro•6menls °'" your own c•nop lon1pou11d' 'w/\h uc luo 11 •<>d 2 lr11!J,rs ,Wund•dul Fro '"flhl BH(J ' & w1roe 1a,11ng du11n11 dutk -.ea~on ~. n1trny eJ(fr,,._1 Ideal "" l f11ends or fatlter & son Call Mil>.t •• 310 !>41 0854 APPLIANCES 3050 UV1HG AM P111llnW GlllAT HOUDAY . Glfll home olt. Clll. IN Bni.'llll lte<n air ~ 114-21418111 81iinea Oppof1llnttles Businesses and Fnnchlses 3905 SUSINC SS f OR SAi f l Advertose 11 Stalewodel 200 Comnounlty news papeo ~ Ruth over 5 m1ll1on C•lolo1 OldOS $450 fot a l5 word •d Cat Sun H~es you time & money Call this lout PMllt1pat1n11. newspa1>~r 101 mo.e onlorm•toon www cal sc1n com (CAl."SCAN) locol vending roul•. 80 ma<~"'~' luc atoons included •II lnr Sl0,99!> 100-509-7909 AISOlUTI GOLOMINU 60 vending mat.hones with ocellent location\ Must S!U 800 134-698? Buslneu OppOftunity Services "391 O Cl ASStrtr 0 110\/lR lt~ INC STAl(WIOfl 100 Community MW'P•ll"" 'ff each . OVtl '.J Rlllhull Reral To Shatt 6030 1111/0ceon View lteom Ocean Ir crntj22nd Pro ult rm, unturn sh•1e b• u\Jts p••d n smk k1lchenetlr, lndry }bl!. to Newpo>fl p1e1. S730m C1ll S•m 949 178 190~ (between 9jm ~pm) Storl~atage Spact For Rent 6060 N ... 24 hi ''"' •w:~. 400 600sf un•h M•y 'It••• ver.hocle\ 111ws r•lt\ Cal Car11tyn ~ l:Bl RfSIOCNTIAJ RrNT N S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island lbr. 2bo, Unfurnished. ... d ''OV• Ir 'II· Avail Jan 1 Y1>a1ly lu•e e 676 l') I )695• A......, llw lbo h1wtl <\!1:, w d h11t m•.ro 11 w nu apt;p.{.,I df\ ~ C.."Jll'•I $1!oafwm ytly ')41J bit ffll Corona del Mar c...,..1.1.1y ·-""•l•d lbr lb" 111111 av~11 now St l!>Om b09 Nan1~•u\ l..111 Ploll 9'19 /?'o 11!>3'.! Newpen si-.. 2tM 111. newer cerpet P"'' & hit' :> t tandem tt". wdhk ups. aat 949 ?93·4630 UDO ISU SfUOIO l ilf&• closet £ b•th wnny upo~ure, $1000111 Ael 949 67!i 6161 I Ir Apt. I Year Old. ulll"s & ulflhle TV p11d W O no• lfoaa Ho~ S 1300/mo 9'19 63 l 4!Ml4 Wes1cllff1 Lr& 2bd. <'bll condo Up5t•ns. carport. t ?!>&fl ~tl•nd $I :r.lO · n10 •714 8Jl 1766• -2IA 'W.idlll. wo'd.l ·-Cilffl<."Vp.Jr-Ip. """ Ow, 10 pd. in ... tJl toe Sl~u AIRA-~ ,._lnsulo lbr Iba P'too ltreplace. shared w/d hkllp$. l q1 earaee Agt S l 500/MO 9'9 293 46.lO 28r Ila, ,...,... p.vit/""'I• t ?wr 11 ... ,...-b.ttily•d 1(1 "'°"" tn• 0t.-1 mu.I .,._. SllO'.llmu !WJ lJ8 7'il1J <-II t>r>iw-1 ~ ~n only ssoo oft t .i mo. 2br i'b.t rlr NI' Jlll!I C~><# to '>l•V• & r....twf11nh Ip. I c 111v wd $lllXI ~29.l-46..l'.I Jtor, 2'(. ..... I pr l ""port, rl(X).-sl. MW lllJl)I & crpt 3 wWldsonC crt S1950/mo 714-~5870 ~~~ ~~~-lltt Pf It llON requnt 11•thnr oty tu •ilmm1't~r lh~ eslalr under lhe lndtpendtnl Admon°' t1~toun ol £'Idles Alt (Tho\ Aulhnrotv ""'I' allow the perwMI rep•e,Pn tatoves t11 take m•n .,d1011s wothoul obt1m IOI COUI t •llPrth•I Before l~kone certain very 1mpor tan I dCl1ons howevftr lh~ 11er'!.Ona <!PrHent~ll••' wolf b requlf~d to eove nohc to 1ntere .. ted per WO\ unless th~y hive wao~ed nntoce or tonsented In the propMed action l lhe rndepend•nt all ·m1n1\lr1l1on aulho11ty will be 21 •nted uni~~ •n '"'"'~'terl ptt,on ltfO\ •'" ohte• llon lo the I h~ lnllnwll\K pe1 .,on\ HOME ~•e doone bu\mes, •• lhe wro".rre Hui 660 (' •hfn1 "'"'" S4'>0 foi .i 2':1·W01d .ld L~I s. an s•'Yf''i you hnte amt money c.111 lh15 lo< ~1 part1c1p•tmtt 11ew>p•ptt 1ot mOtP 'ntorrnntmn WWW <al ".(dfl tOtn • (CAI •sc11N1 Hse for r•nl, 2br, Ii.., pvl lklt "' • ·~· ••••I no"" $160) mo 4'T/ ""'• 01111• C•ll f r "''k 'M<).673 8494 "'" .... 4r a,;, twrM\ ? !ty, ru ~ 7 llllm.""1~'lti,.r c:nn~j S?XJ}~ w 17th st •Q 32 co,1a FURNISHINGS Real c-.te Mrs~ CA 97671 . --------• YU! rneres" Atn1~la Ha1111. furniture 34J5 S_efVlceS 1!187 hvonr 11 ... Cv~h Mes.t CA 926l7 4250 S...tttul "IP<ll dean flrn 2br 2boJ (I nrsll sh w/p"' '"'•-hl lnwr"""-41~ "°"' b;..h "" pr.I/VT.. I c 1(.-s;> l'btl tro Harc~r1 Jlt< 31to i. • ., •• , qu111\ area. newly refurbllhell 2 ca1 QJI. wd hkups S2JOO/mo 949 759 0874 Ttus bu\1t1t\\ 1s con dut led by ~n 1nd1v1du~I H••e yuu \l4r t•d domK buw1e\s ytl7 No lh•1eu fllmrl, Han11 1 hlS-\ltl!~lllf'Of Woll' hletf with lhr f"uunly r1..,1o. ol 01.m;:• Cuunly nn 11/?l/OJ 200J696S898 O•oly P1l11I Nnv 74. Oec I ~ ~ ?OCll M8!>0 petotton 611d 'hows e:ood I h~ follow111K pe1 ~""' <•use why th• tourt Art rlmng bu~mes\ .t\ 'houtd nut 11rant the t otlrtl l'1111l11lfl••ns. 169 .. utho11ly N Sh•lleo. Ur.tnt1<' r.A A HEARING on th• 91866 1wt1tron wolf b11 lol•ld nn Patrock £ueene S1111th OECEM6tR 18. 2003 Al 169 N ShdllN. Or~n~t'. l •s p m 111 0~111 l / 3 CA 928b6 ' located at 14 l lhe City lhl\ h11>111•" " L!>n 011vr Sl\uth Or an11e CA dut led by "n tnd1V1du ti 9?868 Hdv• ynu ''·"led du1n~ IF 'IOU 081£ Cl to lht busme\\ Ytt 1 Nu ~· a11\1111: ol lht petition f'11lru kl Smtih yo1J ~hnulct llPPf'•H 11t lhr rh" c,t.tfPmt>nt wth hf'Mmg ,•nd •t•te yo111 tol~rl with Iii. r u11nty nht<'<llMI ,,, "'' wntten n •• ~ ot Ot.rnr• r.uuolty nht•• 110111' ""''" th• t r>111 I 1111 l l 04 0 l h~l111e "" ~i-.mn& V11111 2003b9b4072 ·•1>111 ara1tlt 11,.y I>" 111 D••lv P1l1•t Nuv 10. 11 11~• •on ur by yuur 74 Der l .lOOJ M84 I 1tto•ney II YOIJ AIU " CRCOI fQIW HOOSltG JOH or , 11nt1net1n orrol'llllTY ir~d1lo1 of the dc•eas~d flll •Ml r\t•le •dv~rt,. you mu~I lolr vou1 ctatm tna on tho\ n~w•P-PN " ""'th the • 0111 l an~ m••I \t1bte<I lo '"" I t•deo al • rnpy 111 the pctso111I ~.or Hou\lflf Ar I of 1968 1 ep1e>•111 •l>•e~ ap ~' •m•lld~d who'h poonttd by the COUI "'~"·' ot •ll•t1.•I to wolhrn lour monll>$ from adver tis• ·"'\' pr 11fer the date nl lhe for•I Pllt•. tomol•lton 01 "'uam.e nt lett•r\ h dl\tttmln•tooro ba•ed on prov•dt'd on Prob<1t' 1a.e cok>r tthgoon. se\ Codt> sectoron 9100 lhP h•ndo<.ap 1~mo114l >l•t11' lotne for lol111~ • '~'"" ""'II 01 nahanal nttit•o. "' •n 1101 e•pu • tlelnrt fnur 1111ent1on lo m•kr •ny mnnlh• l1nm lh• hu11n11: \Ulh pr~lfl•n" hmtl" d1te noticed abt>Vfl't hon ot ctis.u 1mm,1t1un • YOU MAY fXAMINE 1111' Thi• new\P•1Pet .,.,11 riot hie hept by lhl' tourl 11 knowonelv •r<epl 1ny vou ut • 11e1so11 in •dvert,.em~nl tor rul te111•ted on the estat• "''"'" ""'"' h ,. on you 111ty lilt With lh• voof3tuH> of th• 1 .. w Our ~ ourt " Request tor • ••d&" 01 ~ h~• •hv Special Nol1u• (lorm 0£ mlornoed 11111 .,11 dwtll 1~) of the film& ol an rne\ 'tl'"'""d 111 tho\ inventory •nd appr•IHI neww~P•• .,r av••l•hlt of u tat• anets or of "" 1>o erwAI OJlpnrtumtv any Pl'l1t1011 or eccount b••" n prov1d4!d In Probate t 0 tomi•l•n> ol do Code sf'rhon 12!JO A cromin.ttoon. ull HUD loll Requesl lor Spf'c1•1 tree at J 800 424 11!>90 Not1c1 form is tva1labl• from the cour I clerk Coflectlbl81/ Att-y fw f'etlll-• Me-•lfll ltut.,, & Tud1.,. u.r """•V 1160 , ... 1 ,~ .... ,.. ..,... .. ._. • I l Ant-llw ... , Ste. 14100 c •• , ...... u •2•2• '°' $$ 4 ltlCOllOS nc lllll'. ()...,., r IL !O< & W.. tit. MllC. $p,1, htbe ~ Mike 949 6.t5 7505 Publl\hed H•wpo• t a • ...i 1.1H Beach Cnsta Meu Daily "'_,iiiiiiions;;ii~=;~~~_,==i Pilot November 24, 28. ,. 011cember I, 2003 WANTED MFM9 CJTY Of llWPOIT llAOI llOTICl~llS Sealed bids may be .. telVPd •t tho olftoe of th• Clly Cltrh, 3300 l'l~WIH><I 80ulevatd, P 0 80'( I 7flll Newport Buch. CA 9~ S9l6 untu 10 00 • m. on the 18th dlly ot Otcembtr ~. •t whkh time such bt<h a.hall be oc>ened ind '"cl tor CAMIO SNotnS fOlltQ MAIM UN<t•IMl Tltf• •• ,,.,.C1 (Mtt'ed ..... )M6 1201,000 ,,....._ .. ,.o_. 114fff'• Uet A...U.W. Onlt11e1 --.c1.., .... .,..... Modo.< .... ,.._ ...... (lldn OolQM ~•• • ,...,.. Wttilt tl4 Uot 1~t.!~. ,..,_,,....,le W..teDl'"tor ,ro1p1ctl.,. blddtr• m•!f obt11n one S.t of llld clocumenlt !Of m 111 t~ office o4 the P .. bllc Wurka 011pert• ment 3300 Ntwpor t 8 oulnu cl, N•w11ort ltttf!,CA9M6.l 01rierel "A' r. .. 111111etor license 1tqw1d '"' lhlt ptotKt • ANTIQUES .. CASH "AID tt .SEll your stuff through classified! Hl ... ~1-lelate Sel- New,..,, lch. F 1eocfl couche, ""'"llb•<k ch&on lave \HI\ Ir br & dr lommy Bahama luont hue. d•uden. bronlu. f""'1y Ianµ!.. ticlus. dindto. l/ Pil l*-.crcs el< """ /513>40 JEWELRY I 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coot! Coln N••d• Real Estate lnvestonl Sm.>1 t M1111ry M•1,1a unr fl.tnk•IJ Ao"I'" r~ ,d.,. ttlft. tllt•. J pl.itc t 1n tht us '" 1nllt-\I .,, ,~,., ,. .. , .,,. I ond out """V vo-.11 BUYMJSTNC™ Kenn R•nner 517 47J !>676 LOTS/ACREAGE Old Caln\t r.ntd 'liver l"Wt'•Y Wdlrlll'\ atl\lqj.lei <Olle<lobfl"\ 949 ~2 9«8 3610 ~~age Cats 4740 ~~~~~~~~~ •Cf A Kltlera Few S.. • Gor~rl loV"1. le<•ler P" \Ian kttl•o~ R•n l .. i. ..... ~" •" \llnh $400949 218-58~ ltlSCUl 91 I I off' tt11crrl~111toes ll.•p11e11• l'•l Own.r .. N•ed Itelµ W•ll M.;11ncr rd A1J111t t •'-& llht•r Dua• nted 11ew hume' Adopl Adult Amm;of, th" Xm.-• 10 rtav return l'ohty ~·m•lnptwork ore WNl1lt 1111186 & CATS e.d! Fl!d & fin.I ,._., •1 Qltl'C lnml, ll L\ly l"e1lh ., ... btlod ~ ......... ftJtl.. ~ '"" ~ fl'U'T\.f...., I<> W..11'.l\ rlel ... ~ 17~· ~11}9 www enom•tnet.,.orh 01& NI W Mf XICO MOUNTAIN'\ 140 AC' Oroty $49 900 C •il1••t·11t to N1lltnn.tl $ nr .. \t) Sl"'1\ut1fut I .•ud .1tnm d.1111 w1t1tl1lr R• t"al ,,.111ne v .... , 1011111.1 1u.:unta1nt-d 1 nct.d l u fll ltnl Iman• on~' C•lt 81>6 )!>O !'>26J 1 l.AI. •SCAN 1 HOMES ron Sfl1 r ORANGE 5400 COUHTY Costa Mesa Bt-;I Buy I I I s.t. CM "'\t l:im mrorl ;lb llOm" ,_ klll1wl & h.1 $449,<XX> (uh Ael L.wt & i.aty 1 if)b 9't9 574 ~ MISCEWNEOUS MERCHANDISE MISCELLANEOUS 3855 RENTALS Mlsctllaneous Merdlandlse AU STUl IU>OS. 78al0 WU S8.900 ~ell SJ 890 'l8•44 wn Sl4,900, ull S!>.9!>0 481106 WH $37,916 S4ll.Sl2 916 1,1 Come Isl S.rv•' Tom 800 39l 1806 ReratToShart 6030 [ Side Co•lo M .... \hMe townhouse. """ •ulle w/b~ Cnmm pool/ \j)A. eated G•raao S7'>tl mo 949 &42 5620 .iva• l 1 I I 888 J:.1 4h71 Costa Mesa Mapl• Apul t ovetv L.;lr•d f"nmm 11rat 111.melt> Sttll•••. 2br lbA w/ea• & 11111. SIO'Y>, lb• lb• w pallu lMpo1I •torar• W> wallf 11,m p~1dt1.t.-1n~ 8Tl ~ lb19 l xt CW) l SIDE 9u .. 1 hou••· I br v.rnlt td l. "''· 'k yhRh I\ ntw 'I ov" 111~ 'f<Jlt •hC..,IH • Jrprl Pvt 1iaho. •hared v•rd. v.1<li11t Sl.lOO 1!>41 01~1111.C 114 624 796!1 l SIOl CHARMING, hk~ n~w 2b1 l ~bd IOWll huusr ~tyl~ lS12 £1dr" $ 131'>. mo <149 6"? ~41111 Newport Beac:h YlAltl Y 4.lASU flHf N£Wl'OtlT HOMIS llU GllUNOY ltlAI. TOftS 949 675 "'" STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Newperl lsl-4 lay frent 111al compl•letv remodektd' :>br l1hbo Hup So facma patio $2S(X)/mo w/dock avail f0t •dd let 6 mo toav O•ve/Aat 714 812 5668 lbr :!bn upper l~vol b•yfront u11ll pe11od '\lyte, ill YU \ C 1*1 aet $2MO 949 ?93 4631 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAUi In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 Thr l-lf,111 Dtpamnrn1111 the Daily f>i/qr u pkasrd ro announcr 11 tmii smnu now avail.abk to nfW bu.sinron. Wr wiU now SF.ARCH tht namr for JOU 111 no rxtn1 rl111rir. and Ulvt you tht ttmt and tht trip 10 tht Court House tn 5'tnl4 Ana. Thm, of roum, 11far thr st11rfh iJ rompl.tud Wf wi/J fik your fimtiofl.l bwinas namt sttttnnmt with the County Clnlt. publuh on.ct ' 1L1ttk fer four wtds 41 rrquirrd by law 11ntl tkrl fil.t JOU' prt>0/ of pub/1(tlti1m wirh tht Clunty C/m. Pkast stop by to fik your fi(titiqw business 1'14mt 1111tnnmt at the Dail] Pi/41, 330 W. &1 S1, Co11.11 Mtsa. If JO" (JJn~t stopJy. p1'm rail us 111 (949) 642-4321 and wt will makt iimtngnnnsts for!"" to haN/Jt this prrKtdurr by l'Mtl If JO" shou.ld haw '"J forth<r qu.ations, pvast r11/J us An4 wt wiO ht rMIY than i.IAd to mist you. G«Hi 4'clt in JOU' ntW "'4sinm1 Pilot EMPLOYMENT, AG~. AND RESUME SEIMCES •••ANHOUHCE.MENt .. • Hfrin1 for 2003/Poslll po11Uons r l'd1r 11 hlft. Sl4 80·$38 00•/hr No 111>1r11nce necenery lnlfy loel w•lh r ult Benehb P11d It 11nonc C11t 7 deyi for Info loll lrH (888)826 2513 [al 707 (CAL •SCAN) ... ANNOUNCI MOH• .. H1r1na for 2003/Posl•I l>O'lhons Federal hwe. Sl5 SO S39 00•/h• No eap111ence necessary Entry level wllh rult 81neflh Paid Ir 11n1n1 C•ll l deyt for info loll lrM (817)329 5268 Cal 131 (CAL. •SCAN) Int place 11 tlle world t0Mvm11sel· Clll todly to placl JO• Ill Clmlfltd 142·5178 0 Rr s Callfornea law 1e QUlfH lhel torlhK tor• t•k1ne "''" th1I totef $!i00 or more (lebo1 m melerlll,) be llC:en .. d by the Conlraclo" Shh lietnw Soard Stele law 11M> r1qu1<e1 that contrulors 1nct11dt lhelt Hcense number on ell ~I YOll can check tlw 1l1hn of your llcenud c:ontrector 11 WWW cslb ct IOV 01 IOO 321 CSLe Unll t ensed contr1cton hk1n1 fobs thll total ltu than '500 rnuat •l•t• In their •dvtrllHmtnls that thty are not hcenHd by the C11ntr1ctor1 State I icense Board." ---· Rlmolllf'.oll Caipentry A·l HANl>YM.AN Install, rtl•o e1b1net1 k~~ ~ ~ /14 546-"T'a Clrpet Cleaning ---------llR Air !l11rl l. f,,Hpl'I Llr-,1 111111 Sf'r vtt 1· 3 rooms & hllwiy •·• tl'lcludll ptlCOlldttJOl\lnO CM.I. TilllAY • CWll TOUT ltnt1 714-82t-SM2 Otllct 71Wtl-t111 c.,.. Rlpllf/11111 UCI Athleflcs seeks Ouclor for Community/ Youth Proc V1s1t hll //www athlela uc.1 edu lor COrT1> job desallJOOn ,...., .. J ,._. 1..-p, ctiw lo F IAlrtoll m I, pdl&.c> cf*! tram mlOOI. cio.t, pr..,..-e m8ll. ~ t-OWnUt ~ 1968 ~, ......... ,_ Ind sm. ct.a out Oii' MW pll'f pion ~ Operator~. C xperMinced ~ ..... """ .nt ~ sUlrlb. c.t l bt.llH. PAY (1-8188!7 3!19) (CM.~) c .. r" •• Worlds ~-fill.-orc. loolun1 IOI r fl m•n•&l'f lo PIT emc>loyees @ NB fouhon open•na •n Jen II you era 1ner .. ltc;, 1lf motivated have enlhu >IUllc:" l)lfSO!UfJly I. • lo work with people. fu r n n4-62!>-I 93? or .,,, ... lo CllW.$ nb@~ com SELL your stuff through classified! COmpu&lf llfttca COMPUTER HELP! ......... -. ....... ........ ., ..... •leer• ....... ,,,a.,, . ., .. ..., .. ·~...,... ca.~ ._..._ ........ -~,.,.. .. uc~---. 10Yf'f~-7J"-61~2786 OUttMOMI tMP•OYIMINl N.OJl<Tt C.itaolumb*f P• 11tw, handyman, Of any ol the ar11t .. rvktt llt ttd ~·In our 1M¥k• d•ti;toryl THtSE LOCAL SYC PfOPll CAHlCU Y TOOAYI The bidding ha> orocecded sou ru ~t.lff NOR'fH KAS'1 Q 4 • Both vuliienbk. as South you hold. I• ,_ I• ,_ T What Jn )'OU hid IW.)W7 •A914 KU ¢ 10 •OJU A • Allhwp! 111U<1 u1 rour blah caRb comm of~ hofton. lllCl\ldJlll • wtalclOO cpen. your tri(k·WlnJJl()Wer lltld hi&b wds-ln pwtner's wll IJ11{"0VC the value o( the hanJ An 1m-11.aUCJN11 JllfllP IO lhrtt clubt de9cnbn '10Uf' hokt1111 nt«:ly. ~~"'~ Wfsr I I'll" ,_ 1• ,_ z, ,_ T wtuu do you bid now? A • Yw w1111 w auy oo1 o( slam If panner ha.' only I} pt14nb, bul )UU want lo mv1tt 1f panncr ha.• 16 nr Q l ·Neither YUlncntlk ... Soulh )'OU hold 17 The way IQ do lbll 1s to bld rour no trump Thi~ 1y noc 11Ce -ask.Ina. but lnHlallOOAI. m:jue5tln1 putner to bid the alam wnh a maumum opening •H~~J 1 Q J$ •KQ tt 6Sl no-uump bid. • The biddJJl& lw. MlCCCdcd NORTif l'.NIT ~ \.\'&'II Q 5 • Neither vu.lncrablc. )OU ti.lid •• U CH Q1702 Vold •KQl Your nghc·hand opponcni open' the bidding with ooc no trump Cl!l-17) Wlul lfo."tJOO do you take 1 I• 1,;t T Wlwll do you bid now'! A • If you ~Tibc IU the thetlf)' Iha! )OU need four .:aJ'd suppon lo ruse i-uier'1 ~.you arc In dtcp llOUble. Tlwe clu~ would llhliw a .iron1er hand and br vlrtual- 1)' pin1r·fumn1, while I""° no trump Iii 1mpoalhlc llfllhoul • i.tOppCf In A • tr you have some way ur ~how· 1na both ma.)OI' suits. 'uch u a Landy twu clubs. by all meam make IL If not. btd IW<> hearu. even !hough that nm~ lhc ri&k or m1i.sing a ~pack COOtracl the enemy WJI The only opooo avwlablc, ~ptte havmg only three low i.:urtl• in p11rtner '' •-ult. 1 • IO na~ IOllNU~ Q 6 ·Neither 'ulnmllilc. Ill Sooth you huk.I •AKQJ952 I 8 .1 •985 1 .. 2 J 1 6 5 J • 10' 1 6 The bt.dding had proceedrd L\ST Sotrnt ,_ l ' .. 1'0RTll tA,'iT SOUl II Wl'.,T I • l ! What Jli )UU btd now'' ,_ J•"" J · .... ! • ;uu f 1<: &al game rorcc ••wwllni btd •••ncjl_Uvc Wh~t do you bid "°"'" A • <;.1 far you ha•c pmnmcd fll.lCh· mg. but/OU ha•c gold 1n the form of pote.ntla i;uffina values in spades A • You h.i~r ~ i.Ulf)l IO ~II. WKl JU't one Wilh revcn o;ohd ~Jllldc.' fac1na a po.nncr who opened 11\c bid tllng. yoo want tu he in the spatlc aame-Bid four~ Tha'-llJ put ~ m re-.1 about the quabi)"11f yours~' Md. w11h oumde coo trolll, po.nn.:r can move toward slam· Automobiles - Ce,.llloc 'U DeVllle white/o.tmoal 11111, low ml. buutlful MIC-I cond lnsldl & out, dwm whh ~ Bllr !M9 586 1888 _..,..._ Ch•vHMI 'tt M°"te Carlo 2df coupe. V6. )()I( 1ctu1I m1. s1lver/areen 11Mt1fhc, CO, beaulllul Ilk• new cood. $6995 v87'2491 8llr 949-586-1888 _..,..._ awy.1., ... SeW-1 ... LJU Conv. 181. ectuaf ml, metallic 1reen tan flhr bllCk top, buullful f!ke new cond. $7995 f11m ¥156721. 949-5116-1888 -····-coav1n1 ·•• c,.1 Auto, 1c, 111 power. while/red inltr, buu. runs strona SJSOO obo 949 2«·3324 hr.. '6S Mesteng AltDmaCIVI 9004 Conver !Ible or111n1l --------owner. sohd c•r, mull IMW '01 11 •-pe, 3 0, 5spd, 231. mi, lull fact warranty, s1lve</bfk llhr CO mnrl, 19tn whts. beaulrful hh new cond. hn av11I v995621 $24,9'1S SN 949-!186-1888 __ ..,..._ c.41 .... ,. C·•-SOit m1. bfk/blk lthr, blk cam•a• root BoH CO am Im chrm whls, 1otd pl\& 1>oolls/roc0< ds hke new $8995 •557281.Bltr 949-SH-UU www.~1.c- SMAUJOl IXPIAT local, Quick Response Home. Yard & Ooc:k f leet 20 Yn r "II 01aYAm £Itch: lrthlIIO 9'6«J0.11'.M2 I .LC. O.CWk '--pncn local ~actor. "° job too 8nel, no job loo I*-Rira 1c>on r...,._ UCll)lt01IJI (714)142-1410 U<lNSll> CO .. TUCTOll No ~ too Ill\ ,,. ww.I Repair. remodel, lans, 11>''-WC~ CUSTOM ClllATM lU lr1ltllltion. ... °""'*' nwt11e, .._ ..... lt7S t.A120M Jiil 7L-44l2911&l ea.an. .. ' I I, , ', • • "I, ' f1' I t I .. $Ul!D) dx> 9&719-29Cl FORD TEMPO '90 $750 714 9'.17 0105 OMC $vrllvrl>H U I ~. 4wd. 70k • mo aold/tan llhr •lr• seat surerb' Ortl cond $1 ,995 •!°>!>2461 Bkr 949-SH-1111 www.ecp ... l.<- Cr ... 4 '00 Mer1'M lS 33" metallic silver blue trey lthr fully loaded, Ilka new cond S I0,495 vteb1'21 811.t 9&~18111 www.e cpe.,1.ee• LIMY sa.-. Ft.p.td RqToutln lo Installation TILE OON 949-67).~ 11~ 714-8113-2031 ----'' .·. . ' . . .. ,,.. s.t'vl<e, Yard Cleaflup, Maintenance, Sprlnll.lw R411>1lr. Hauhna (94')H4M7'1 1110, r11111 • llrf""Jl ;.. Fl -.11JIJl l IN1, I ,\H y I 1• • 1 '" fl, I I I I ' ~. l ' ' • I ,,. . " . Honde '97 Acc..... 2df coupe EX. V tee ename. 691< bf.tck/crey llhr, uv I. be1utiluf unm11 kad 'ond, tar l&ed, non •mk1 $849!> ¥#0126751 Akr 919$-Ufll~ J..,.... '00 S Ty~ 3.0 v6. 3Sk m1, lull lacl warr, silver /oalmeal llhr, mnrf, CO, memory pka. bteuf hh MW unmarked cond S23995 v•752262 Bkr 949-586 1888 •-.ocpc.i.1.c- ,_ '01 XJ• 2611 "''· lull l1tlory wau, blVblll llhr, nn111~1ton, chrm whls, lonk~ new, smells new, fantastic value. $.31.99!> v4~829 Bltr '4t-SH~IJll www ........ r.c- Joe-r '94 XJ• V-4en Pies metafflc 1ed Ian llhr. l>eeuhlul °'CC•n•I eond, must-see to 1pt>1ec11fe, ri1ra1ed, non 1mflr. S6995 v702571 Bkr 949·586 1888 ...-......... ~ u ....... '00 lS 3t0 V6, Ilk aclual m1, cham pa1ne/1111y lthr, mnrf, CO. chrome whls. •uperb as new cond throu111t, books, records, Sl9,99S ll045879 Bkr 949·!186 1888 -............ ... MERCEOES BNZ '01 Sl 500 l naded "lve1, Spor ~ pile. AMC whls. 9K m1, showrm cond, 302 hp S52./!>0 114-969 1181 HaodynwV Home Repair CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18Y11Exp•ai.IWI M Pllll9IS ol Construdloli ~ Allnodll *" LIS77982 949-305-7699 GflBAl. IUAll 6 IWP~IANCIJ .. 1-.m .. Qmmdll No Job 1bo SnWI DaftBam.lltoa M9-32U292 ' 1 '"' -,., ... ~~~~~~~~ COSTAMnA U.COUt•--· •1u..a.u T Oii of IN lne, ... .... ,_oaf. cl'romes,Mlo.,~ "-" (mllf~) S23.991S •&-..~ Tot> ot the Una •1"41•1Pllofl l)'IJllll!'I, dulll ICIMn. i nter· i-t,'°"'4 (.l420Z4) 24.985 ,,,,_.u 59ort PllC wtn-oof, CO loaded (605391) $17.850 -or u-.1rrs19 T•-<• Cer tilted. 6 yn, 751> 1111, warninty, moonrool, a> (671059) $19.985 'Ol~C..tt· _,. MoonRool, a>, Sl*J) (617972) $19,/15 w Ltoocmo ,.,.,..,,., ••• r°" of the 11ne. u111 male IJilc, OVO, Nn s~ Moonr-oof, t oad9d ' l lllCOln Certlfi9d ( JlDi&.l) $41,lllti 714-S..SUO COSTAIWA IJKOLI llflQIT COVE IOTOllG AUDIA4 '00 Black, w/a1ey Inter IVOll02 01scounled IMW3211e'9' Black. tan tnler •V99/8 Musi Sell IMW S21t'tl Bronlz, tan inter •V5497 Musi Sell IMW 5211a '00 Crten Ian inter IVOS67 01"1< ounted IMWSJOl'Ol White. tan 12466 Musi See BMW540t 99 Blue, arey inter #V21 I I Musi Sell BMW 740te'OO Bronze/bn if91 !>8 01nnunled IMW 740la'OO Bl1d1. Im 1nle1 •~35 Otstounled IJMW 740ll Ot Blue/arey Mu•l See IMW 740!1'01 Silver, 1r1y IV8605 G111l Buy BMW 74011 '01 Wh1le.1rey 13951 Cr HI Buy Chev Toh-'02 Black, a••Y -tV4367 Crul Buy Herley Dov t• 't2 Red, black •V8109 01scounled Merced.. '96 C280 Bnutiluf balck/cream fully loaded. showroom Wool S9'2SO 714 ~l 24164 Merc•d.. '9S U 20 Black/blk beaut. nfl opl, llOflft rnc:e< MW m•IOf SYC. $10.250 714 /!">I 74164 Hauling JUNl TO THl l>UM .. 111 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOllYI 949.573.5566 .._.. C'-..... lar.'" Wkly/Bl wkly/Mon hly Ref's. GrHt r•ttsl Imelda 9&54Ml.85 949 vs.am v ... ,.,,. c-u••• & Mes_.,, Brick, Bloc.It. Staie Conaeta Ret(Comm ll74l 448 714 965 2824 HOUOAY HUI" Homa & l'e<ty Decor T1" Trim• rnlfll. ltoom Mekeovtn, ShoWln1 949 459 1270 anT MOYIH SH/Mr. S.VUIJ Al ()Ill• lttwted TllJM4 J2J ,., Jl tJ sn ~mi c .. COWIO'I09 'Ta:k~'97 •J!a.4.1 Crut Dul ~XJa '" 81ut. fen f VJt47 OtKOVf'IM J .......... cr .. n. tan • • :1tlO Mint s.u ,.._Xll'ff Rtd,t1n OreetOul •nai.n cuo ·02 lllK~. blaclo. IV'¥l17 Oluounled M£RC£0£S E320 '01 B!Kk.Blec;k IVS458 Orscounled MERCEDES E320we 99 Green, Ian •V4581 Creal OHi MERCEDES MIS5 '00 s.rv.,. black •3859 Greet Oul MCRtEOES 5500 '95 While Ian 13650 01scountad MHCIDIS SISOO '00 Whit•. tan 109110 Musi Sell MINI coo..r• '02 Blue, aray •0962 Musi Stfl POHCHI Cwrero 't• Black, black fV1068 Otscounted ,.OlSCHE Correro''' Blue 1r•y IV6049 Mu•I S.tt Qvele Man11u•I 'OJ SUve1, black IVOlJ<J Discounted t4USO.StlS 'HJOOM Auto, leelher, CO. P1ern Whb (699275) $12.900 '02 Accord V1' Sil/Grey, Cu~tom Wiits, CO ?611 m1 (116!>?1) $13,900 '9f Sl·SOO Sport Pkg/AMC, Bose. Multi CO. 7 lops ( 107291) $39,900 'H CZJO Whl/lan, Auto, moon. Nice C•r (099216) $14,900 '02 Gr..d AM SE Auto, NC, CO. Rear Spfr (263427) SI0.900 ,, ..• _ l irmted. load~d Slife Prt<ed (094773) $16,900 'OOGU OO Whl/T an Pfeltnum Series, Low Mt. CO (099216> s~.900 '9'GS'°'1 Blk/Tan, CO. Haka Audio. l oaded (046903) $?! ,900 '91l-40S.-. T09 of the lone, Bow. co. V84 2l (444967) $19.900 •• , ._,,. ··-4.0 HSI Auto. 4WO. Multi CO, loaJod ( J261ll6) s 14. 900 Moving 6 Stonge PUBLIC NOTICE I he Calif Public UUllh•~ CommluH>n r•riu11u that elf uwd houuhofd aoods movers rrlnl their P U.C. Ca T number, !Imo' and ch1ull1urs print lheu T C P number 1n 111 lldvef t111ments ti you have any questions aboul th• l1c1llly ot • mover. llmo or t h•ull•ur, cell • ,UIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSION eoo en..aH7 "fflMWaetS se.i 1111 ... (19470) JIUS> ... ....,., ..... IC.AS 3711 ml . (l!lll :>) $27 980 w~o.r.ar­A Steel (l 9111181 ) $9. 9llO •1 tu .. &S400 Sliver, IOw ml (llM!>31) $11,980 ,. •• ~asoo 4911 IN (19751) $49,9!!0 -.. M.".J.' UOO Oetwl. Pf Iced lo Mii (19842) $23,980 '9SMtKC ... U00 Wlllfe, 6411 ml (19836) 2S.980 '91M~SUto .... ,.,. 4311 "" (1911!19) $28. 980 ., M11nfldH SUOO ..... ,_ Wlltle (190:?0) $21 ,980 'fl SAA• .OOS c- 6711 m1 (19852) · Sl2 9llO '9• V.lt•worn ,,.,..,._,,. (19728) $9,980 '4f.S74-7n7 PHl1fS AUTO ~ ... -Mlm PHIUWS AUTO '9fV~Z',,_ ( 19728l) $9,980 '00 O..v Corvett. White low m1 ( 191161 ) $36.980 '00,._.cit.f11 c-v S1lv~r. ~ m1 (194-4 ll ~2 980 '9S ,...,.,.,tiff SJ20 Lona Wheel Base ( l97890J S21 980 '9f Mere.ft• U 20 While Very Niu (19723J) $23.980 '01 """M11•'-g GT BIM:k 23" mt (19663) S\6.980 '00 lOfl"ar Xltl c-v e1.,c;11, 18k rn1 (19818) 43,980 '02 SAA• 9.5 Red 2i>k m1 (19869) S25.980 '02 IMW J2SCI Rid. Only Bk m1 (19826) $29 ,980 '01•MW1'0lt Sports~ ... (198A9) $37,980 '99 , .. ,, <""'-•- A 1leal (I 911l8 I ) S9. 980 t49-S74-7777 PffllfS AUTO ,, ....... ~ '•n che 'O 1 Correro 4 8lk/h1n inl Aero kif pkt every upl possible, 4k m1, never wenl a night oulsldo "' 1 dllltd on. $62,500 nbo 949 322 6248 l(l'S CUSTOM .. AllCTING Profl. clean, quality Wllfk In tenor /u I and docks l•703468 949 400 1054 UIHIOW OlO.I MAllf1' P11,.una t'll/tJtt. Hou!MVApl Quallty jObl Free esllnlolte Ll569897 714-636-8888 Plumb Ing . ... 1 lli'lfflclflol .. 9TJ .. n-1 SCWCR .fl rtlNG El £CTRONIC SLAB 11 AK DC TECTION Friendly Service •4•·67S-tJ04 -~.mn u1~1nw~ SIWll AmlUlll<lu.G (t4t) MS-UH •-......... ••s 4.o SE 80k+rnl. bl~an llhr svperll eon d thr011&ht. ~kw. record• JI 0, 996 '°'58211 Bllr w.11" 516 -1 181 --.ecpeL<-,_..,. '9S Gl .Wt•, to1ded, 111 options, 1mmeculaflt $2500 714-751-2464 T.yet. 't 7 c ..... DX 60k + m1. auto, pw, pl. CIUIY. wh1te/ar•y Int, superb $4995 vl57829 Btu 949·586 1888 ---~1.c.. TOYOTA Ml2 'ti while, owner since '92, 1ea maintenance. must see lo appreciate S3800 obo 949 322·5292 ''' Volltaw ... " lu1, Ten New motor, runs ,, .. ti SJ?OO obo •714 4!>8 0612• AUTOS WAN TEO BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 7Sh IOAT SU .. , Sublet tor Dec & Jan $23 I* fl. on XMAS IOAT PAltADl ROUTl 94!H;40 0052 * IOAT SUP Ballloa Penn up lo 13' beam, Bay Island Cova area. secure, 949 922 7177. Cl.ASSIFIE It's the so/u, lion you 're searching/ or· whether you 're seeking a home, apart· ment,petor new occupation l Plumbing 'llCISI PlUMllNG Repairs & Remodelln1 r RH ESTIMATl l'687398 714·969 1090 ..... ~a-.. ~ E.,.-19Qd I ~ Treclll, Stttwr- ScJttn• 714·957 3301 OOU>lHWIST WMOOW HaVK.I, • SetlllecUon ~•1•flle.!d • 9411-631 1562 • I '. • ·. ... • • . . SPYG LAS HILL • C OR0N A DEL MAR Spectacular 180 sit d<r.11' Ck:ean. Bay ~ona & Sunset l/e'IS from thrs single lewl home. remode1ed itiroughoot v. · har!t.'IOOO floors. new 1wldows & soM wood ~rs .gourmet kltehen :1 granne counter10l)S and le.lled glass caboetry llnyard features 880 r:tN· ered pano puttJng green & exQUtsrte k'lndsc.ap111g This home~ over 2.liOOsf & srts oo an approx 29.IXXlsf tot (1rrjudes slope). 0FFEIUD A1~ $2,300,000 . Ll NDZEE BRACHO 949.500.2340 NEW PORT BEACH • BAYSHORES Custom built architectural masterpiece with formal dining and h111ng rooms plus 3 bedrooms and 3 baths plus a w111e cellar A contemporary Bayshores Beauty1 0 1-FF.IUD AT S2,495,000 PERAZUL ESTATE • NEWPORT COAST 360° views of ocean, bay, canyon and mountains from this 5 bedroom. 4.5 bath home featuring 4,400 SF. a redesigned chef's kitchen with stainless appliances. Subzero refngerator, imported gran- ite countertops and dark fru1twood cabinets OFFERED AT 53,250,000 KFNT M cN AU<,H f ON 949.7 19.2050 l..1111-.---.... -................ ____________ ..___ ___ --- /11 ]()())to daft:. I hat•e nprrnnted 19 Sello·J anrl 30 8 11yers and t'ery pro11d lo 110/t' tht11 al111w1 7 0'{ inn rtf'MI clients or chent referrals. Pll·,111: wll 111t /or'"') oj yo11r n•,tl estate mml.r <9 19) 729-...,161 mumy·lre(a yahoo.rnm O CEAN & BAY VIEW E STATE • C ORO NA DEL MAR Perched above Newpor1 Harbor the 111ews from here truly define the term "breathtaking .. With more than 9000s! of luxury this new 6 bedroom home has captured the balance between elegance and warmth OFH Rl:D AT S9,850,000 CoLu N BREN:'-.AN 949.275.2775 . ' ,. TEAM HOOVER EXPERIENCE • KNOWLEDGE • RESULTS ANNE & J OHN HOOVER • DEANNE M ACINNES 949.219.2560 •• I I • • • --------~ --------------------------------~---------------------· 5 bedrooms 3 5 baths Devonshire model The drama of this property begins as you enter the dis· ttngu1shed guard gate 180 degree unobstructed v1~s of the Pac1f1c and Pnvate Park by day and sh1mmenng City lights by mghts A . N Pt-Tt:R~. Btu & St 'ZANNE WYRICK O H I RFD ATS 1,690,()()() 949.422.2889 • 949.632.2890 • 949.466.316 1 Umque oceanfront estate perched on a cltff above the Pac1f1c Ocean. mouth watenng views abound from this incredible home w/ numerous decks & private salt water pool 0FHREO AT S8, 700,000 . )UOY BLOSSOM 949.793.5068 NEWPORT BEACH A rare and seldom available T plan Tax records show 2648 sq. ft On a green beh just a stroll from the pool and Eastbluff Elementary school This plan has a first floor bedroom and a bonus room plus a family room. kitchen w/an eating area and 3 bedrms up stairs. OFFERED AT $782,900 DIANE WILLIAMS 949.644.4144 ~ Prudential . Clllw•....., WE HAVE YOU R B UYER. ~ SUSAN WEIR 949.795.2771 RYAN WEIR 949.337.2782 '<~'\ '\\ • .. BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT CONDO " This home has approximately 2,500 SF on a single level living space with 2 bedrooms. 2 5 baths plulO a den, living room , dining room and 2·car garage OFFERED ATS 1,600,000 KENT M c NAUGHTON 949.719.2050 PRIME WATERFRONT PROPERTY Approximately 120' front feet on desirable Bayside Ortve In Corona del Mar ... Vintage single story Bayfront with preliminary plans for two story·home Private dock for large Yacht . 3BR. 4BA OFFERED AT $6,795,000 . ft ----.'7 ~. ' - - MIC Y HARTLING 949.72 3.0940 . __ ..__ --...--- • ________________ ................ __ ...., _____ ...., ______ ~--:~~----~-. -. ---· ---·--.