HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-02 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. ' • • .. a -1 1 -0 Serving the Newport-Mesa· community since 1907 TUESDAY,DECEMBER2,2003 . HOrse riders fight 1animal waste rules Equestrians· in Santa Ana Heights say the city's law about cleaning up after animals should not apply to them. June C11aarande Daily Pilot SANTA ANA HEIGHTS I lorse enthusiasts say their trails got a little less happy two weeks ago when signs appeared warn- ing riders that they must clean up after their horses or suffer penalties of up to $100. But horse people say that the "There's lots of bacteria in same rules shouldn't apply. horse manure. there's lots of nu- "We're hoping this will be an trients, there's lots of sediment, opportunity to work with the city and all of these things are things and educate them on the ben-that the bay has problems with,• eftts to horse manure," said Ki1f said. Jon.es, who pointed to studJes · Water quality is measured In that suggest that horse manure part by examining the presence doesn't pose the same risk of of what are called "indJcator bac- causlng human illness as do teria. • ~ese are not the bacteria other animal droppings. that usually get people sick. but And there are more environ-these microbes are usually a tell· mental benefits to the manure, tale sign that other viruses and too, Jones said, attributing the bacteria are present. Indicators difference to the fact that horses, are used because it's too costly to unlike dogs, are herbivores and test for the viruses themselves. thus leave more eco-friendJy So even though horse manure "We'd like those signs to come down immediately," said Jayne Jones, a member of the Back Bay Equestrians. a group of lpcal horse enthusiasts. ~They're just so unfriendly." ' Members of Jones' group have been lobbying city officials to find some middJe ground on wa- ter-quality rules. Newport Beach has an ordinance, written in 1996 and tailored in part to ad- here to county water guidel.IJles. that says that people must pick up animal wasteqeft on anyone·s property but their own. When the equestrian community of PAst Santa Ana Heights was an- nexed to Newport Beach this year, the rules automatically ex- tended to the new area of the city. droppings. is lilcely not associated with ill-DON LEACH I DAILY PtLOT The city of Newport Beach wants equestrians in Newport Heights see HORSE, Paa• A4 to cfeposit their horses' droppings in these small trash cans. But that may not maner, As-ness-causing microbes such as e siStant City Manager Dave Kiff said. . COME ON, BABY, LIGHT MY FIR DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN /OAiLY PILOT Gavin Waldvogel, l, held by his mother, Lisa, reaches for one of the colored lights after the lighting of the South Coast Plaza Christmas tree. • THE VERDICT Theres Mountain Dew in that cup of cheer I 'm not exactly Ebenezer Scrooge. I don't stand on my rooftop shouting. MBah, humbug," as tJ1e holidays approach. I don't think I could get up on the roof at my age, but if I could, that wouJdn't be my purpose. At the same t.lme, I don't exactly go out of my way to celebrate the holidays, either. I suppose my attltude col.lid be characterized as benign Indifference. Why one Thursday people should bustle to work and another Thursday they should stuff themselves with food has always puzzled me. ROBERT Katy, my wife. loved hoUdays, and my lack. of enthusiasm was a sore polnt. I'd wander in to find the house transformed, lights everywhere. Let's see. Lights. That means It must be GARDNER "Chrutmas, Bob,· she'd snap. Mlt must be Ouistmas!" So if it was Ouistmas, that meant I had to go shopping. What agony. I wandered around stores aimlessly, not having the slightest idea what I should buy, only knowing that whatever I bought would be returned. The only time this dJdn't happen was when I bought her a wig. and that's only because wigs are not returnable. I thought platinum blond would be a nice change for her. She said it made her look. like a hooker. Finally, after 40 yeara of failure In the gift department. 1 gave up. That Olristmas, I put a couple of SI 00 bills in an envelope and put It under the tree. Slie said It was the best present Hard drive stolen from OCC library The computer, which OCC at about 4:05 p.m . Friday by a ctan told poUce. police found in another computer technician who reported When they went to the room that he was missing a computer hard where the computer was, the hard building, isn't valuable, drive bearing valuable inf onnation drive and power atrlp connected to such as telephone reglitradons and the computer were mi.sling. the J"e<> but the software and school records. port said. Police estimated that the information it holds is. The technician had tried to cheok incident probably OCCUJTed some hJs wot.t e·mall from home on Friday rhne t>etwMn Thunday night and DHP• Bhar•th morning, but got a m8'Sage that the Ftidaymo~ Daily Pilot system was down, accordlns to the The tecbnJdan told polJce that the police report hard drive lt•lf wu not worth that ORANGE COAST COUEGB -A The computer controlllng the en· much. but that the IOthwre running• biz.am Incident that could or\ bo tlre Coast Community College Dts· the oornputec wu worth about described ns a .. 4mercta1 ur-trlct's network. which includes OCC. $20,000. Peary" intrigued Orange Coast Col· Golden West and Coutllne, wu ~ the technician and the lnvesti· ego omdals on Friday. housed tn OCC• old Ubrary and no Co ta Meta police got called to one even knew about It. the technl· IMOCC,Plll•M I'd ever given her. My gifts dJdn't stack up so badly when we got to Samoa, where I once worked as a judge. There. any time you are lnvited to any kind of ceremony. you receive gifts that are prescribed by tradJtion, albeit a somewhat bastardiz.ed tradJtion. Originally. these ceremonies. or fa'alavelaves. were simple affairs. People gathered, kava was prepared, and a coconut, a chicken, some taro. a piece of tapa cloth and a fine mat were given to the gue~t. If It was a big SH VERDICT • Paa• A4 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~COOl . WEATHJR ~ Partty doudy today. SeePa1•2 SPO~TS .. Costa Meta beats CdM In glr1e' baakatball opener. SMP11e!S Monahan is still • mayor 1n this town The Costa Mesa City Co uncil appoints him to a third term. Mansoor is appointed mayor pro tern. Deirdre Newman· Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -The post· Thanksgiving mayoral shuffie resulted in a repeat per- formance and a new act and only ruffled a few feathers In the process. Mayor Gary Monahan will remain at the center of the dais as mayor for a third term. Councilman Allan Mansoor is now sec- ond in command as mayor pro tem. And former Mayor Pro Tern Chris Steel was shut out. On resigning himself to bemg passed over as mayor. Steel graciously voted for Monahan to ensure a unanimous vote, al· though he had expressed reservations. HI have a problem with !Monahan) be· Ing mayor again," Steel said. "This will be his third term. I think the city needs new ' See MAYOR, Pa1e A4 A CLOSER LOOK What people • • are giving this year Shoppers are out in force this year. Store managers tell the Pilot what's been flying off the shelves. Allcla Robinson Daily Pilot With the holiday ahhppin8 season underway, Newport-Mesa's retail stora are seeing firsthand that consumer confi- dence ls on the rise. Shoppers are looking for a variety of gifts at a wide range of prices. but retailers said one popular area ttm year b\s been luxury hems. "When there's troubled times, people like to buy aometl\lng to make them tee.I good,,. said Jay SmJth. store manager at Dooney & Bourke, which setts ~ handbags and aCceuorles. Hot items at the south Cout Pim ICC>ftl are the ·Noe.,. a leather bai handcnfted In Italy that comes Iii a l'alnbow of Colon and coats $3?5, and the "It" ij>Dectlari. which Includes handbqi ,and mitchlng acceasortea created bY young falhlon de'\ sign atudenta. 1 ... I A2 Tuesday, DeGembet 2. 2003 KIDS TALK BACK The circuit is in town The Daily Pilot went to Eastbluff Elementary School and asked students in Karin Selby's fourth-grade class, 'What have you learned about science in this class?' "l'wleamed what 1erles and paraBel dtcufta are. Parallel ate a few put togethet and series are one ~t." RAUCH,9 "You can make a temporary magnet if you get wire and wrap It around a rivet with electricity.· ZOE PARIS, 9 "I hate science. There's too ~~-, QUON.9 "I learned how to write a paper about science." SARA -PORTNER, 9 "I learned the scientific terms like 'experiment,' ·hypotheses,' and ' 'conclusion.'" NIKI PETERSON, 9 "I learned how to be a scientist and what a scientist does.• MADDING JACKSON, 10 "I learned how to make an electric magnet. Put a D·cell ln a· 0-ceU holder. attach wires to a switch and wind part or a wire around a . rivet and put It on something that'• metal and you can tum It on and off." 8RADEN COOLEY, 9 -/nrerviews and photos compll«l by Marl.s4 O'Nieil . ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSR()OM DON LEACH I OM.Y PILOT Farrah Ferguson, left, and Niki Peterson pick up washers with their homemade electromagnet in Karin Selby's class at Eastbluff Elementary School. An idea that sticks Fourth :.gradii scientists at Eastbluff learn how to make their own magnets 'lo • • Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot Y OU couJd call the f owth·graders in Karin Selby's~ at Eaftblu.II Elemental)' School little MatGyvers. except they're probably .too young to remember that 1V show. But give them a battery, some wire. a rivet and a switch, and they'll put it all together to make an electromagnet Each student at the school in Corona del Mat has been diligently keeping a sdence notebook detailing all the cla.ss' experiments. induding lessons on magnet.sand electricity. On Monday. they put those two together. 1ltlnk of a junkyard and the cars stacked on top of each other,· Selby explalned to them. "They use a really big magnet to pick up and move the cars because the anne operator can tum the magnet on and off. Can you make a junkyard crane that turns on and om· She then demonstrated that using a permanent magnet attached to a steel rivet turns the rivet into a temporary magnet, able to pick up small meW washerll. The students went through their notebooks and wrote down their question. Selby made a~ of all the materials they would need -a rivet, a J SO-centimeter wire, a I S..centimeter wire, a circuit base. a 0 -cell battery, a switdl, 50 small washers and a plastic cup. "Uh. don't we need a magnet?" 9·year-old Ullian Raucl1 asked skeptically. "No. no magnet." Selby replied. ·And I'm not golng to tell you how to do this. You are sclentisis, and you have to figure out how to make this." The scientists broke up into groups while one member of each got the needed materials. "Th.ls Is going to be hard," 9-year-old Grant Wysopal sighed as he sat on the Ooor. ln a nearby group, 9-year-old Adam ~teh struggled with his supplies. He held his notebook In one hand, wires. cup and battery ln his other and hopped along with the drcult base be~ his ankles. Grant's group members. Zoe Paris and Braden Cool~,sat down with their supplies and set to wort. First. they set the battery io the base. strung wires to the switch and one lo the rivet TI1ey dipped the rivet in the cup fiUed with washers. Nothing stud. "Grant, you have a really long wire there," SelbySald when sl)e came to check on their progress. "Why do you think it's so Jong'? It has electridty running through it" ~1 get it,· he said. struck with a sudden epiphany. "Wrap it around the rivet· They took the long wire. wrapped it around the rivet and again dipped it in the cup. "Ifs workjng!" Grant exclaimed as hny Washers stucX to its end. "We did itr 7...oe added ~ progressed more slowly in Adam's group. The first few trif>S yielded no magnet for Adam, 9-ycar·old Brett Thompson and 10-year·old Katie C.orum Student teacher Ouistine McO.lntock came by for a look. just as they caught on to the 'And I'm not going to tell you ,,.Ow to do thi~. You are scientists, and you have to figure out how to make this.' Karin Selby foorth-grade teacherat Eastbluff Elementary School wrapping-the-rivet idea. But, still, no magneL Brett fetched a new battery, just in case that was the problem. He re-wrapped the rivet for added measure. They dipped the rivet in the cup, and the washers finally clung to it "Yeah. that'.s coo~· Brett said, satisfied with their miniature junkyald magnet. • IN llfE Cl.ASSAOOM Is a weekly feature in whldl Daily Pilot education writer Marisa O'Neil visit8 •campus In the Newport-Mesa eree and wrltee about her experience. DallyAPilot PHC7TOORAPHERS Copyright No new. 1torlee, SURF AND SUN Mari< C. Duttln, Don l.eactt, llluttr1tiona, edltorlel matter or Kent li'eptow lldvertiaementa herein cen ~ reproduc.d without written WEATHER FORECAST l..ued. That will be when the READERS H0TUH£ pennlttlon of copyright owner. wavet will pldc ""P to 3 to 4 feet \949) 642-eoe8 It'll be pertly doudy this The ~I wtll be wester1y et 4 . VOL 97, NO. 336 Rec:«d your oommentl •bout the HOW TO REACH US morning, but tt'll clear for an to 6 feet. At night. the winds Deity Pilot or newt tipe. ~ lliOMA8 K. JOHNSON ttew.Edhon ~ The Tlmee Orange County otherwise tunny day. The will get up to 30 knots, end the Pvbllaher Gina AleJalnder. Lori Ander.on, Our~,... ii 330 W. S.y St., Coci. (800) 252-91'1 winds will oominue, llght for combined .... will be from 5 TOHYDOOEAO O.nlel Hunt. P9ut Seltowitz. MeM, CA 92627. Office hoYra are ~-.. the most pert, but coming out to 7 feel Editor Daniel SteYIM MoOO.V • ffiday, 8:30 e.m. 5 p .m. Q111tfted (949) 642•5878 of the southwest et 10 mph for JtJt/'( OETI1HO " ~ NEWSSTAlf COl'9dlona °"'*Y (!Mi) 642-4321 •time In the afternoon. The SURF . 0...e..tldl It It tM Pfl0t'1 policy to promptly EdtcotW highs will be from 68 to 74. .. PromotlOne Dnc:tor Crime and COU"-r9901'tef, correct •119'TOC'I of aubeuinoe. ...... tt'll be deer •l night. The Weist· end "'-t-ttlgh surf la (IMll) 674-4229 Pleeee call \9491 7&M324. (948) 642-6680 EDITING STA.FF ~.bhllreth•l11tlm#.com 8potta (949) 674-4223 lows will be ff()m 42 to 62. ell that can be expected.from LJ.Cehn JuMC1111r1111de FYI Ntwsfu(M9) ~170 lnformdon: the receding northwest swell. ~Mg.Ing Editor, ~lta..d\~, The~ BNdv'Cott• MeM 8potta ,.. (9481 680-0l70 WWW.fMIS.~.QOV A southwest wtll join {9'8) 67"""233 (949)67 Deity Pilot (USf'S..14'-800) hi E....-.: dllilypikX•JatJl1* com WednMdey for welst""11gha •,l.CIWl• l«lff')ef.oom ;u,,..~nde•IMi,,,_oom pubh1Md dtlly. In N9WJJ9ft ~ MelftOllee BOATING FORECAST ev~. o.......00:.. ..... Ollloe (9491842~1 CltyEcMor. lolla....,., Ind CO$W JMM, IUbecriptiOnl lf'e .. .,,.. Fa 19491 e:n.nie W.W.,.mty: .' (MJ?M-4324 CokHnnlet, culture~. •veilable only by sob«:tiblne to The The winds will be out of the www.1e1rfrl<#r.org .,..gou1«•1Mttn-.oom ' (949) 674-4278 Tlmee Orange County (IOO) ~ fn>m 10to 20 knota lldwdo.-t fo/lt.e.Mf'P#•llltfmee.eom .2$2·91A1. ln ...... ouWdeof on the Inner w.tera. TI-.. wtV9e TIDES Spona Edkof. ~NewmM Newport 8Nd\ and COIU MeN, wU•be 2 fMt Of' smaller, nm. Height (M) 574-4223 becoming 3 fMt In the . rlc:Nrd.cA11tn•1«1,,,...com Colta M..a ~. (948) 574-4221 IUbeetlptloM to the O.lly Pl40t .... 6:291.m. 4.98 fMt high JGMJ. .... dMrdre.~•"1t1ft•com evellableonty by first c1 ... mail for 11temo0n tnd .wnfng, on • 11:A9a.m. 1. 72 feet low An Otrector I ~ O.lt Chief, .... O'Neil $30 per month. (~Include all WMt aw.II of 3 to 6 fMt. ,.flvbllahed by TlrNll Community Ftfthef out. the day will start 6:22p.m. 3.$1 fMt high ' · (M) !74-422.t Eduoltlon ref)C)fW, l&Ul 674--0e& eppllcebl• ittat• •nd local texM.) Newe, • dMtlon of tl'le l.ot A~ /04N . ..nto.•11tlnw.."°m tnMIM.OMll•,.tlmee com POSTMASTER: Send addr ... , . !~enough, with 11.21 p.m. 1.02feetlow .... MoefMk ..... ,.,.. Tlmet. nor\hweet wfnds et 10 knota. ·" .· ., . . dlangee 10 The NeoM>c>rt "'°'o Editor; Newa ...i.t.n«. (948) 674-4298 ~MMe 0.lly PllCK, P.O. •C2003 Tim.. CN 'All rights Wh.n the wtnde pick up to 20 WATER TEMPERATURE • , (IMl.7'4-4311 1u1ia.perw•11etmM.oom ~. to 25 knoft ln the liWnoon, • ...._~.Utimee.oom Box 1&e0, eo.D MMe. CA 92$21. emett c:nft IMMeo'Y win be. Tuesday, December 2, 2003 A3 Laguna voices noise complaints about JWA . ~ Newport Beach and Costa Mesa have not registered similar concerns. The problem airspace rules came lnto eft'ect In July 2002. many may be turning over or near Laguna Beach, Air· port Working Group President Tom Naughton explained. may be new flight paths. · June Ca111r1nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACH -A spate of eornpla1nts from Laguna ee.dt residents about Johfi Wayne Airport noise appears to ~ ,. problem specific to South Co\Dlty cities and likely does not retlect increased noise over most of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. LaJuna Beach Mayor Toni Iseman last week ~ed other South County cltJes to lobby the Federal Aviation Administration to do a study on whether planes departing John Wayne are Oying too low. Iseman said that she wants to work with the adminis· tration and leaders of neighbor· Ing cities to reduce the noise she says has increased over her city. "If your altitude's a little higher. then our shelves won't BR·IEFLY IN THE NEWS Homeland security meeting tonight Assemblyman Kei\ Maddox will host a town hall meeting to· night at Vanguard University fo. cuslng on homeland security. Costa Mesa Councilmen 'Man Mansoor and Mike Schaefer will co-host this securiry summit, which will discuss disaster pre- paredness and information about what local, state and fed· era! authorities have done after Sept. 11 to protect the country against terrorism. GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. Foe Information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 674-4298. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enrichment opportunities for girts and boys. (949) M&-7181. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make • difference In the lives of terminally Ill persons and their families. Volunteers would aa,alst them with nonmedlcal needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients •nd weeldy social visits. The organization Is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to aulst with oftice duties. Training Is provided. (714) 980-0900. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Project Caring, which provides 90Clalization and cultural ~periences tb the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers Madopr a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basla. They muat take a TB lest and undergo a fingerprinting badcground chedc. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewiah terminally Iii and their femllles. The group 1ponsor1 en onuoing Jewish healing support rattle,• aaid Iseman, addin8 that air pollution is a.Isa a concern. But the problem may not be caused by changes In altitude. Instead, a change in airspace rules that came lnto effect after last spring's Measure W vote could be what's rattling Laguna Beach. After Orange County voters approved a. plan to tum the closed El Toro Marine Air Base into a park and developed land, the FM closed the airspace over El Toro. To make up the differ· ence, the administration widen- ed the airspace over John Wayne, stretching it In the direction of Laguna Beach and creating an opportunity for pilots to make turns over Laguna. Planes taking off from John Wayne depart to the south. Flights with eastern and north· em destinations then tum ln those directions. Since the new Also participating will be Costa Mesa Fire Olief Jim Ellis, Califor· nia National Guard Maj. Gen. Paul 0. Monroe and representa· dves from th~ Orange County Fire Authority, the sheriff's de- partment, the California Office of Emergency Services and the Fed· eral Bureau of Investigation. The meeting is set to begin at 6 p.m. at the university's Smith Hall, Room 101. Vanguard Uni- versity Is at 55 Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. School board to hold special ed study session The Newport-Mesa Unified School District board of trust- ees wiU hold a speciaJ study group for people with chronic illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 4454950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through A spokesman for John Wayne Airport said \hat there have been no ooticeabJe increases ln noise complaints from Newport Beach or Costa Mesa. Newport Be•Ch Mayor Steve Bromberg said he was unaware of any similar effect in Newport Beach. Pilot& do have some discretion as to the altitudes they Oy at shortly after takeolt FM spokes· man Don Walker said. •To operate the aircraft safely. they're given very broad latl· rude," Walker said. fyplcally, planes are at some· where between '4,000 and 5,000 feet by the time they get over the water and they a.re usually be· tween 6,000 and 9,000 feet by the time they pass back over the land. There have been no changes to flight panems in the area In recent months, Walker said. and no reason pilots would be Oying session today about special education. The board will hear about and address the needs of chil· dren in special education pro- grams In the district. It will be open for the public to attend. "We're trying to become edu · cated on where 1he monies come from and where they go," Trustee Linda Sneen said. "I hope parents come, too, 10 understand. Once you under· stand the budget, you under· stand a lot of other things.· Paul Goldfinger, vice presi· dent of the Sacramento con· sulling Orm School Services of California, will speak about special education funding. "Special ~d is becoming a the work and leadership of trained volunteers, is seeking new members. (9491 261-0823. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that works with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking volunteers to assist with running the office, delivering meals, providing . transportation and providing therapies such as masaage, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Lisa Toghla, (949) 494-1446. • Vala.nee• & Cornice Sous • Roman Shades • Bfinda • VertiCals • Shutters • Bedspreads GIVE • lower than normal. In.stead, he said~ It's possible that a trend toward bigger planes Is causing tM effect el planes Oy- lng closer. Since the new airspace rules took effect last sum.mer, some resldeni.s of Costa Mesa and Newport Coast have reported flight noise increases. That nolat!, too. might be a result of the changed airspace ~. Iseman said that, wbatever the cause of the increased noise, she hopes that officials will find a way to buffer the effect. "What does it cost them if it takes 30 seconds longer to Oy that much further out before they. tum around?" Iseman asked. "Why wouldn't they want to do that?" But aviation authorities may not see It the same way. "It's our policy 10 make the turn as quickly as possible once the pilot is over the water, be· cause the farther south you go, you're getting closer 10 Camp Pendleton, and that's restricted air space," Walker said. bigger and bigger portion of our budget." Trustee David Brooks said. "It used to be funded fed- erally and by the state, but now we have to pay the whole thing ourselvc!>. We'll be looking to get an idea of Lhe whole pie· ture." Study ~es.,1ons functJon simi· lar to board meeting:. with time for public comment. The board schedule!> them throughout the year to focus on different agen- da items that they feel need more attention. The study session will take p)ace from I :30 lo 3:30 p.m. to· day in the Roderick. H. MacMil· lian Board Meeting Room at the District Education Center, 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa. FOR THE RECORD A headline in Sunday's Week in Review stcti.on about a shooting Incor- rectly stated that the Inci- dent took place on the Westside of Costa , Mesa. The shooting hap~ in a ·neighborhood on the north side of Costa Mesa Featuritig A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday e!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Qualicy Service••• •••Nighdy Entertainment• .. I'" Rr1t11 t'f'"°"'" l "'.1/I (949) (,46-7944 1 c.•JS In tru. /\,«,., < ..... "'• f\1c.-.. Oki .. • •··n tJ \t.. 'Mfr-•"'~• &1 "•1•" ..i ' M'I 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale $1099 Reg 'M99 _______ Now th~ough December 21 co~1~ Mh\ l7111\nc11 t t'Ru'u'"o• ,('ow"ku I ut '''''' ''' Tl sTr. 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PUBllC SAFETY .. ;t BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Man robbed at gunpoint at night Three men with a 8W' re- ponedly robbed a man who WU wa.lking in the 2600 bloek of Elden Avenue late SUnday night, Costa Mesa pollce said. . lbe incident occurred at about 11 p.m .. Lt Dale Bir- ney said. The man was walldng near the comer of Mesa Ortve when a car wftb the three mto pulled O\/el' nat to the victim, he said. "A man in the back seat pulled out what seemed UU a rl1le or a shotgun,• Bl.mey said. "They demanded money. The victim banded over the money. The men left and we(e last seen west- bound on Mesa Drive going toWatd Newpon Bou1e- van1.• No one was hurt in the lnddent The vehicle was only described as a blaclc or dark blue domestic !Jedan, Birney said, POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • WMt S.k« S11Mt Art auto theft waa reported In the 600 blodtat 12:16a.m. • w..t Bew and 8.mot Street: A tnr1Tic accident Involving Injuries was reported at 6:61 p.m. Sunday. •.Beer 8trMt: Vandallam waa.ll8ported In the 2800 blodt at 12:10 a.m. Sunday. • Chart. Street: An auto theft waa repoiied In the 2100 blodt at 12 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • 88ypolnte Dttve! An HORSE Continued from Al col~ It's full of the microbes that. while possibly harmless, are nonetheless the ones chat are most strictly regulated. "If they contain indicator bac- teria. that's a conce.m," 1Ciff said. Oty omdals say they will meet with residents over the next few weeks to tty to find a solution. Kl.ff said that trash cans wlth Westside park vandalii.ed A Westaide park dedi· cated to Costa Mesa's only two pollce officers to die In the line of d\lty was v,andal- lr.ed lea than a week after it wu ~ed to the public, oftldals said. Ketchwn-Llbolt Park. which opened Nov. 21, waa named aft.er Dave Ketchum and Mike Ubolt, who were killed Mardi 1 O. 1967, -ln a helicopter aub while cha.s· ing a stolen ~cle. . Vandals drew, graftlU oo the parlc's tables and walls on Wednesday nJght, Lt. Dale Birney said The writ- ing was gang-related, he said. "We have no idea why this happened,· Birney said "They could have been marking their territory or tagging a rival gang's teni· tory. Or they . could have done It simply because the park was dedicated to po· lice officers.~ No arrests have been made, he said. attempteQ garage burglary waa reported In the 600-0 blod< at 4:24 a.m. Sunday. • Cheminact.: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 100 blodt at 10:04 a.m. Sunday. • Maltn91'1 DttYe: A vehicle burglary was reported n the 1600 blodl at 4:38 a.m. Sunday. • N.wpott c.n. Drtve East A hit-and-run was reported In the 600 blodt at 1:38 p.m. Sunday. • PolW Drtve: A hlt·and·run wae reported ln the 1000 blcx:k at 6: 19 p.m. Sunday. shovels have already been placed along the trail a,nd that one solu- tion is for riders to scoop as they go. For those who can't mount and dismount with ea,,e, they cou1d come back when they're thrOugh riding to clean up after the horses. Another option, he said, is for the equest,rlan group to Increase Its once·a·weelc trail scoepings to a daily routine. "My hope .la that we can ~ some type of agreemeot that the equestrian community can keep the trails dean,· JCitJ said. /hf.. l\lwul 10 lluy UNllMITED 11111111 w .. "' ( ''"""" Mu&.1 /\ppf f 0 1 /\utu l>1 t1u\11u1 24 HRS . A DAY . ShoOting victim released from hospital The girl is one of two people who were shot in an alley on the north side of Costa Mesa. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot The incident seemed to have. been the result of an ugument that escalated into a fight. po- COSTA MESA -One of"two lice saJd. Several rounds were victims shot Jn an alley on the fired th the alley. · north side of town last week No othe1 witneSffS have bas been releued &om the come forward ln the case, hospital, police said on Mon· Costa Mesa Police Oet. Sgt Jack day. Archer said. , The released victim, identl· .. •AlJ the lnlonnation we have fled only as a "female juvenile," hu come from the ~o vlc- and another man were shot by tims,,. he said. unidentified gunmen near the Last wee\. police had said 300o block of Coolidge Avenue that thr~ or four people had on WednesdaJ night. approached the victims ln the MAYOR Continued from Al direction." Right before the vote, he of- fered himself as the only pros- pect for change. "I'm offering (myselfl for any concerned. sensible councilmen VERDICT Continued from Al enough affair. a roast pig might also be given. Today, the gifts have changed slightly, In place of a coconut, guests receive a can of soda pop, usually Mountain Dew. Instead of an acrual chicken, they get a can of chicken wings. A box of crackers substitutes for the taro. How these particu1ar substitutes have been chosen,) have no idea. Then, in place of tapa, one receives a couple of yard$' of who wa:nt to change direction,· Steel said. "If you want to con- tinue wttb the status quo, rm not yi>ur man ... Monahan eJQ)ressed gratitude for the council's continued sup- port. "I'm just honored to be ap- pointed again and want to keee things moving as swiftly anq proactively as (they have in) the cotton cloth, usually from Thiwan. This is more understandable. since tapa-making is almost a lost skill. The same can be said of fine mats. Once, they were works of art with the consistency of silk. Now, they are factory produced, about six-foot square wlth no conceivable use except to be given and received at fa' alavelaves. Finally, in place of a roasr pig, they give kegs of cured beef, called "pisupo." I acrually tried cooldng pisupo once. After 12 hours of cooking, the bee( had the alley. But now, A.rcber said, that itumber hu lncreued. "We now suspect there could have been anywhere be~een four and 10 people involved,• be said. omctala bad not been able to say la.st week whether the incl· dent was gang-reJated, but Archer said t.Jonday Otat de- tectives weni now lnvestiga1ing 'tt as "a possible gang-related Incident." · ·niere used to be gang activ- ity ln that area,• be said. "But It had subsided for a while." Archer decUned to release more information about the nature of the argument or the last few months," Monahan said. He said he looked forward to working with Mansoor. ul feel safe slttmg next to a sheriff.~ Monahan joked. Mansoor also expressed thanks for hi.s colleagues' sup- condition of the other male vic- tim, who ls stilJ ln Westerh MedJcal Center In SantaMa. The only descdpdor>lf the group Involved In the oting ls that they were in th 1r late teens to early 20s, he said. Wednesday's shooting was not related to a s~ey shooting in the Westsi!I on Oct. 11, when 2o:yeu;0Jd Fer- diniUld Eugenio Zamudio- Saucedo was killed afte~ an un- ldendfl.ed man wallced:up to ·him and shot him once the chest after an argument, l«ther said. 1, Police determined tha•that incident was not gang-related. Monahan'& last tenn began midway tllrough the mayoral cy- cle, after former Mayor Karen Robinson left to become an ~ ... Orange County Superior Court judge. port. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Co11a ~rm just honored and appre· ~ Mesa and may be reiictied at (9491 dative of the support from my 674-4221 or by e·mail at fellow councilmen,· he said. deirdr&.newman@latimes.com. consistency of a Goodyear tire. Anyway, at Jl fa'alavelave, not only do you get all these wonderful gifts, you us\Ullly get several hours of speeches accom~ying them. After about a zen of these ceremo , we had enough pisupo to stock a small market, and even the platinum wlg was looking pretty good to Katy. Holidays in Samoa were exercises in creativity. We never saw a turkey, fresh or frozen, in OW" three years there. Since I'm not a big fan of turkey, f thought 'rhanksglving pork chops were a great idea. As for Ouistmas, if you think it feels a little odd to •• duplicate a Dickensian Yuledd in Southern Callfomia, try It Samoa. Even Katy was daun I thlnX she hung a few ball& o_.._..,., the frangipanl in our yard an let it go at that. It was one of a number of reasons she was happy to come home. As for me, I'm not hanging any lights or decorating a tree, but I'm not totally devoid of holiday spi.(it. If anyorte comes by, I'll be glad to give ~em some pi5upo and a to'llst in Mounta!l Dew. • ROBERT GARDNER Is a Corona del Mar resident and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. GMNG Continued from Al 'When there's tr:oubled times, people like to buy something to make them feel good.' Rhodes said she's noticed a re- surgence in the spirit of giving. Customers have been asking for. gift wrap for items they've bought to donate to charity, she said. Jay Smith "It's been a great seasonal gift, especially for the young girls," Smlth said. Store manager at Dooney & Bourke As people prepare for holiday entertaining, they're looking for home accessories such as lamps, pillows and textured blankets. At Between the Sheets in Fashion Island, store manager Nicole Serpico said she's already sold out of the down comforters she carried and customers have been Interested in sheet sets wtth a htgb thread coun\ that "feel like silk without being silk." at Fashion Island that carries clothes by Tommy Bahama. T9p sellers have been basic men's jeans, which cost $78, as well as women& stretch jeans and leath· er jackets, store manager Jenni· fer Abrum said. CHIU>R~'S PICKS Popular gifts for children this year lnclude Neo Pets, electronic pets that children feed and care for. Neo Pets can be had for about $13 to $15, said Sheri GADGETS ANO LOOKS Plaisted, ·manager of the lmagi- . A variety of trendy gift ltems narium store at Fashion Island. can be Cound at Broobtone. Also sought after are the HuJk which has remodeled its flagship and 'Il'ansformers toys, intemc- store at South Coast Plaza Store live learning toys such as the manager George Passmore said Leap Pad, and boaro games such the AcoustiOear CD player's as Monopoly and Candyiand, transparent speakers have she said. drawn customers' interest The At Toy Boat in Newport Coast, $195 AM/FM radio and CD more classic toys for children of player can sit on a desktop-or be ail ages are the store's specialty. mounted on a wall. SaleS clerk Julia Conroy said the "We'll sell our of this before Olarlot. a three-wheeled scooter the holiday," he predicted. with a hand brake, has been a A stress-relieving cushion that big seller this year. It comes in cornea in four colors, a lighted. several sizes for different age erasable message board and groups and costs between $100 slippers that conform to the and $130. wearer's foot shape are also fly-Lego building kits, race track Ing out of the store, he said. sets made by Darda. and Denim jeans are as popu1ar as Madam Alexander-<lolls are per· ever at lndigo PalmB, a new store enniaJ favorites, Conroy said. . occ Continued from Al gating oftlcer walked around the building they found the missing tttmlS in the cooling tower por- tion of the building. sitting on top of a compressor out in the open, the report said. The officer had written that the technician was greatly re- lleved \o get the bald drive back. but remarked that the incident was "very peculiar." The omcer also observed that there was no forced entry into the building, which was strange because the only parties who had acoeaa to the building were the technician who reported the incident and Sprint Phone Sys· terns. 'lbe old library building I& empty, locked Uld fenced off, ace spokesman Jlm Carnett said. • "WeYe getting ready to reno- vate that building In spring," he tald. "No one even goea tn ~ ... C&mott aald ho could, not comment on the lnddent on Monday t>e<:.ute he did not have acceaa to the lniddcmt t9POJt. "Ewn 1 didn't know dull tht central CO:mp\tter ~ wu lo· cated ID that ~,. he eaiCL Cotta Mell PoJtce Lt. Dille Bir· ney Mid Monday that ht did not have any more tnronn.doo about the lnciderit. He aid he did not Jinow Jt che ~ .... under lnwil~ ..,,. omc.; -* to Ki¥I apmt~50 ..._Me on ~"llmlr..W.~ tn not um.uil co --iilUdl drill on cm.. ta II WM-al tit tbla type ah c:d kl OOC. • CARD CRAZE There's even a trend this year in holiday cards. People want to send something more personal than an e-mail message, so they're buying cards that have a place to insert photos, Papyrus · store manager Traci Rhodes said. "Those are something people buy hundU?ds of.· she said. The trendy cards accoWlt for about 4091> of the boxed caros in the store. ult seems that people have been wanting to keep In touch more via the postal service," Rhodes said. Because of troubling world events such as the war in Iraq, people have been drawing closer. "It's like an emotional boom," she said. Most retailers said the trend they're happiest about ts that people seem to be spending more dnd buying high-ticket items this year. But not every· thing is about spending money. • ALICIA ROBJNSON covers b1;1~neas, polltict end the environment. She can be reached at (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail at alicla. robinson@lat/mes.com. BAILLIE, I :~ Mary Wlllrlch · passed away on November 25, 2003 at the age~8. Bom In Evanston, IRln graduated from Northw em University. A 50 year rnldent of Corona def Mar, she enjoyed her aecond home on Maul, Hawaii. Survtv0t'8 Include sona, Peter and David Balllle; daughter, Unda Balllle Huber and grandson, :;t , Chaae Hubet. In lleu of flowers donations may be · made to: nfnlty Church by the Sea, 100 Kulanlhakol St. Klhel, Maul, HI 96753 (808) 879-0161 . Private family Mt'VICff are being planned. ~~ Lois Jean Patteraon Lola Jean Pattet'IO~· paned away on 11124/2003 at Hoag Memorlal H09pltat In Newport BMch, CA. She WU bom "' Fort Wayne, lndlana on 311312S. sn. had bMn a long time r=of Costa Mesa. with her hutband, Charl" Arthur P and her children. She continued IMng there another 32 y_ after her huaband paMed away In 1971. She la " aurytved by 2 son•, Richard Patteraon, Costa M-..; Oevtd PatteraonL Nanalmo, Bnt11h Columbia; and ti daughtn; Oloria Mltcholl, "-· Bonnlo Mauch, CNno, ~&In Bemadlno, Donna MOttn, RoHburg Or; Unda , Co.ta M.... And two ttep daught.,., SallY Beck, F 'Wayne, lndlana, llld Shlrtev watt.... Lometa. lexaa. Allo ....,.. and 2 bt'o~ &ft of Indiana. Sh; hu 27 ~hlld~4'4 cnat anuidohlld,..,. an. win be lald to .-t at Good e.m.£9t'Y1 11952 8Moh BouJevard, Huntlnaton 8Moh on l\leed~ l>eCembef' 2, 2003 at 10 em. (11~7-8648). s.rvtcee under the dl'90tk>o of ROM HINt Mortuary, eo.ta Meu. c.tlfomla. (11~56&4) (Fax-11~28) ~ '} r . • Tuesday, December 2, 2003 A5 Locals want habitats for locals ~s 'EL~cmro People are complaining that the cjty should only belp Habitat for Humanity if Costa Mes/"1esidents get the homes. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Some resl· dents say they want the city to stop providing land at a cheap prjce to Habitat for Humanity unless Costa Mesa residents are selected to move into the houses. Habitat for Humanity ls a non- profi~ ~tian housing ministry that l.Jild~ and sells affordable houses and loans money for the mongages to low-income fami- lies. The main criteria, which varies with family slu, is that qualifying families can only earn between 25% to 50% of the • Orange County median income. The organization has built 11 houses in the city. No famllies from Costa Mesa have been se- lected to purchase these houses. The disgruntled residents. in· eluding Manin Millard and Mike Berry. say they appreciate Habi· tat for Humanity's effort to pro- vide affordable housing. but the city has its fair share of low-in- come residents who could ben- efit f'rQJTl Habitat for Humanity projects. They would like the city to slap a condition on Habitat for Humanity mandating that Its houses in Costa Mesa go to Costa Mesa residents. "I'm perfectly willing to say to the people of San Oemente, Gar- den Grove and Santa Ana lthatl if they need homes. those cities should build it for them -not ·us, when we have enough needs of our own," Berry said. Major said. •And as a lender, we can't discriminate." Major said. ln addition to meeting income requlrements, famllles have to have some credit experience and be U.S. citizens. They also have to be capabl~ of making the down payment and closing costs for their homes. Ohce Habitat for Humanity has chosen families· to move into its houses, family members have to put in 500 hours of construc- poo work on their house and take classes on how to budget their money, Major said. Habitat for Humanity has built houses at four sites in the city: four single-family homes at two locations on Del Mar Avenue, six houses on Pomona Stteet and a single-family home on Wallace Avenue, City Manager Allan Roeder said. Most of these projects have been on land the city .owns. In these cases, the city underwrites the cost of the land so Habitat for Hwnanity can build afford- able housing. Th1s is achieved by using a combination of redevel- opment agency and federal funds that are required to be used for affordable housing, Roeder sai~. "We·re not giving f1te land away or using local tax ll:illars to offset the cost of the property." Roeder said. · The city loaned Habitat for Humanity $621,000 for the Po- mona project.. One-sixth of the loan will be forgiven as each of the &Ix home buyers enters Into escrow. A majority of these funds were pan a pot of affordable housing money that the city was at risk or losing at the rune the loan was given. Millard said that lf the city is going 'to facilitate Habitat for Hu- manity's elfort to build bouses here, Costa Me5a residents should be given priority. "If we're gotng to do a sweet- heart condition, they should go to people who live in the city," Millard said. "Costa Mesa ls do- ing more than its filir share. We pick up the slack. for cities ~e Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley. They're dumping their social problems In our backyard. That's got to be spread out a little bit• Berry acCUJed the city of doing a double disservice to its own citizens -taking land away from projects that could benefit Costa Mesa residents by letting Habitat for Humanity build on it and talcing money that could be used on Costa Mesa residents and loaning It to the organiza- tion instead. For example, the ci~ could have used the money it loaned to Habitat for Humanity for the Po- mona Street project to help the senior citizens who are being evicted from the FJ Nido and Snug I !arbor trailer parks, Berry srud. I labitat for Humanity checked the quall8cadons of the six fami- lies living on the Pomona prop- erty to see lf they could stay and become Habitat homeowners, Major said, and none qualified. While no Costa Mesa families have moved into Costa Mesa Habitat for Humanity houses, at least two Costa M~ families have moved into Habitat for Hu- manity houses in other cities, Major said. The desire to own a piece of the American dream typically su- percedes where that dream ma- terial.iu$, Major said. "There's a reason why we call home ownership the American dream.· Major said. "And to take hope away from people just be- cause they live across the street (in another cityl, I don't tlunlc ls very American." Major said the only means Habitat for I lwnanity could em- ploy to increase the odds of Costa Mesa residents qualifying Is a more intensive marketing campaign letting residents know about the opportu'nlty. Habitat for Hwnanlty is con- templating another Costa Mesa project behind the Home Depot on Harbor Boulevard. Major said. Councilman Allan Mansoor said he agrees with those who have complained about Habitat for Humanity projects benefiting residents from other cities. "ln my opinion, the priority should go to Costa Mesa re,1. dents," Mansoor said. "Its Costa Mesa's money that's being loaned." BANQUET ROOMS .Avallabl• for fu.,,~ festive P~rtie-sf MAGIC FOREST CHRISTMAS TREES Back for the 19th Straight year! •HUGEST •SELECTION •BEST •SERVICE •EASIEST •PARKING OPEN Sam ·-9pm Dec. 3 till Christmas •FLOCKING •AND FLAME PROOFING ~NO LIMITS Checks and Cash Only Please. While i.ympathetic to these concerns. there's juM one prob· lem with Costa Mesa residents' plan: it's illegal, said Pete Major, executive director of Habitat for 1 lumanity Orange County. ··we are bound by the rules and regulations that we have and the 01oney we are spending," Jn the case of the Pomona Street project, the city did not own the land. The property owner was interested in selling the swath, which was being oc- cupied by renters, and Habitat approached the city about pan- nering with it to buy the land, Roeder said. Habitat for Hwnan- ity therefore had to take care of relocating the Jenants and other responsibilities that come with displacing tenants. • Celll.-nt If Cllll . .. ~ Oassified ads work for Illy Olt •lllmCllll • Pick., .. Dlll"'Y • u.w.u.. et • c=-Lilllldatlta • Eltltl Alctl• •Llpl ... GET THB POINT? lllll•Y,2~ ------•U~, llllllM THE Daily Pilot = -.. 86 • AIOIUAL N'EWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE 2 0 0 3 Presenting Sponsor Simple Green l Official Sponsor Estates West Magazine and the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce invite you to atttnf}1e .951A~~wd~ ~~ rp/Joae PJJ~ P"J)~,JCJJ< 17 -2~ ·200.'J ~ 6':.'J 0 /t . "'_l · e,ac/e, ~ "c\if ~ pjj~ ~~II and tire Presented by Prudential California Realty fnr mc>rr 111/nrmatllm or•to rrqum.,, mtry form. pl~ call IM Nrwport hh Chambtr of Co111ml'rt't at (949) 729-4400 or trl ii wt1'fMl1rl•l11111 bctllptirllduom ...... Saturday, December 6 5:30pm to 8:30pm 20612 L4Quna Canyon Road Laguna Beach. c~ 92651 Adult (non -members) $12 Adult (members) $1b Children (12 and under) $8 rfJTotl:,/hy r::§nt!lrri>~? cfr'i.11i11'/l~r @nr6tfi'r:. • Holiday Craft making • Tours of our Intensive care and wildlife viewing • Carnival games. prizes and food • Opportunity drawing and silent.auction • Hot cocoa and holiday sweets • Live tide pool exhibit • Holiday shopping at Sea Lion Cove • Get your picture taken with our mascot Tkkets can be purchased In advance or at the dOOf. Paper tickets will not bt Issued . ReMrvatlon1 can be~ by <•nlng the Center •t (949) 494-SOSO. FORUM . · · · ..a St. Costa Meta CA 92827 • R d Modine: Call (949) 642-Ei>es Fa: Send to (949) 646-4170 MOW 10 QET PUBLISHED -t..u.n: Mall to Ed1torial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at th• Daily Pndtlot. h330 W. ·~ ('tor veri~ purpoea) ~~ot 1"9MNea the right to edit ell submlulon1 for cl1rity and length. !-tnell:~nd to dallypilot latlm-.com • All corre1J>Ondence must Include full name, hometown a P one num r · MAILBAG Robbers should have chosen tools of the trade better As J remain at the bedside o( a critically lnjured old friend In the neon wasteland that ls Lu Vegas, I've tried to stay abreast of current eveots ln the Newport-Mesa &Ma by reading the travails of our community in the online version of the Oally Pilot, u time permlt&. .. 'lbday, as I perused articles describing. among other things, post· Thanligiving shopping, community angst about recent shoodn~ and Steve SrnJth's rejoinder to the rebuttals of his recent column on bullylng. one lead tine jumped nght out at me. In the "Briefly in the News" ~on. I read the following line: "Two arrested after robbery with belt. fork.. The accompanying short piece deiterlbcd a couple of real boneheads who actuatly did anempl. unsuccessfully, to rob a man using the above mentioned fork and belt as their weapons of choice. They. 'of coune, were apprehended after their failed attempt at armed robbery -if you can actually call it that -and are presently In the hoosegow awaiting their fate. After spending nearly a month here, much of that lime In the wailing room of the trauma center -Watching what appears to be it"never-endlng cavalcade of agony and despair -I want to thank the editors of the Dally Pi.lot for providing me with some much needed levity. Once again. they have provided us with a perfect example of how the-truth can be stranger than fiction. GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa Corona del Mar High School stiould be squeaky clean I did a marathon reading of the week's Dally Pilot articles recently and just had to respond to the Mailbag article that talked about the Corona del Mar 1 llgh School campus ("Corona del Mar is not the model of a clean campus." Nov. 21 ). I attended Corona del Mar High from 1979 to 1983. l had a fantastic experience and still keep In close contact with most of my frlandl Crom high school. I have been so excited at the thought \hat my daughter will be attending Corona del Mar next year as a seventb·gJader. We rode our bikes to the FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT As unfunny as some may find the crowds shopping the day after Thanksgiving, it was another item in the D.aily Pilot that brought a smile to one reader's eye. school so I could show her around. and I was shocked and dismayed at tl1e condition of the school that greeted us. As I entered the gate, all I could see was cement that wu covered with gum. trash, dirt and stalna. The buildings were so marked up that It looked like they hadn't been palnted since I attended Corona del Mar 20 years ago. The planters were hard mounds of dlrt and thin ftirubs. NOTEBOOK What happened? Corona del Mar Is a fantastic school filled with an excellent stall. brlg)lt kids and very supportive parents. I feel that the physical school should reflect the success that ls within. I whole-heartedly agree with Flo Martin that only then will the students be able 10· ta1ce some owners' pride in their school. KEW DAVISON Newport Beach Thanksgiving from the Gaza Strip By HuHln MH hnl T here was no Turkey or ~ing. No beautif\ll colon. of fall or special holiday programi. on television to rem1nd me that Lt was Thanksgiving. In fact. here In Qua, where I've lived for the past two years, most people have never even heard ofThanksgMng. In fact, even though Thanksgiving ls one of my !WO favorite holidays -the other being Easter -I was oblivious that we were coming up on the fourth Thursday of November. And. I suppose, ln a way, all these factors combined to make th1s the best Thanlcsglvlng I've ever had Weeks before, l had spent some time down In one of the most lmpovertshed paru of the Gaza Strip with some friends of rnJne. Ga.'IS8n and Abed a.re twO brothers who have a pedal Jove for deaf people. Together with one of the prominent deaf men in their dty, Mohammed, they started a club for the deaf. They rented three Ooors of a cinder bloc.It house. They turned one Ooor lnto a work space with sewing machines where some of the deaf mnke money. On another Ooor, they have their office and a classroom where they teach Palestinian a.lgn language and other classes to the deaf. Proudly on display a.re the pottery. ne«llewortc and other art projt(tS made by thdr student&. On the top Ooor, they have a pool table and a ping pong table. Almost every Thursday, l go down to ilieir city and Jl)efld a night 1u the center. Thclr ctty, which wtll remain unnamed. I.I always in the news, as there are almost daily shootings and home demoUtJons there. A few weeks before Thanksgiving, some friendi. from a churcll in Cypru.11 sent some money to help some of "poor folks" In the Gaz.a Strip. I tallced It over with my friends at.the center, and we agreed that a great thing to do for the deaf would be 10 spend a day in Gal.a Clty..They rarely get to leave their city. And even though their own city is by the sea. due to security concerns. the beaches have been closed to the public for years. So a trip to Gaza Oty. where they could visit the beaches. parb and have lunch with us seemed like a great way to spend a day together. My friends in Gaza City were equally excited about hclptng to make this a special day Cor the deaf. Gas.san. Abed and Mohammed gathered around 60 of the more than a hundred members or their club. We rented a bus and brought them up to Gaza City, a 12-mile ttip, which depending on road blocb can take up to 12 hot11'5. A week earlier, l spent nve hours at the checlcpoint whlch spUta the southern and central parts of the Gaza Strlp. But thank God, there were no road blocks that day. 1'he first place we took the group was to the Malahl (which ls the Amusement ~ in Gaza City. It's nor Six ~ or Disneyland. The most daring ride i., a rusting, smaller than usual Fems wheel But that didn't make It any less fun. There ls also a kiddie train. with an obnoxiously loud whistle running on a track that encompasses the small parlc. There were a few other standaros. like a merry-go-round. twirling cups, and a (made In Colorado} roclcet, which lurches up and down and sideways to create the illusion of space travel. After a few hours, we left the Malahi for a large hall we had rented for lunch. The beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea a few feet away added to these few special moments we had together. We ate a traditional ~bic meal of nee and lamb meat For deskrt. Instead of pumpkin pie, we had baklava Afterward. we played some familiar games that were customized for the deaf. Neither I nor my friends In Gaza City know si&Jl language. but somehow. we seemed to be able to communicate anyway. As the deaf got back on the bus to go back home, one of the ~ who isn't deaf, said to me. "We'll see you next Thursday.· That was the first time I realized that 11 was Thursday. After a few minutes I realized that it wasn't just any Thwsday. It was the Fourth Thursday of November. lt was Thanbglvlng. Had I known it was Thanksgiving. I would have planned a day exactly like this day turned out to be. But 1 didn't know and It tumed out exactly the way 1 would have wanted it to anyways. Thanks be to God. • HUSEJN MASHM 11 a former Dally Piiot lduc.tlon reporter, who It nc:NY living 11 • mlulonary In the Gaza Strip. He periodically writH COfTMPooden<:e for tti. Forum pages LETTER TO THE EDITOR Educators are usually ex-teac~ers T h aruwer 10 Sttw Smith's query about tho din: rence berwttn a teacher snd a.n educator ("When teachcra get buJUed too.· Saturday) could be either or tho Collowtng: either tn educator Is a t cher who feels that the word •t cher· doetn't cany eno\Ulh aodetal Wt:tght. or an educator ls a fonnet teacher who opttd out or the tlall&room to become Jn admlnlsttttor, but t1D CONldelt hJrn or herwlf an educatoc. To the fttit •Clle tcriW'io I can only say, up." , ' Thach.Ing Js one of the noblm professlonJ in society. even If, at Umca. It 1t underpaid. Among the myriad problems ln that profi on la that te.chera are regarded (and often ~ themselva) u labor f1lthcr thM u proli lot'lals. Wont U when they act Ubl It. Hvc:o though many were fo~ed to become union mtmbell. It dldn't Jeuen their value In the cl.uaroorn. Worrytna more abOut teachfna heduJee a11d day. Offthlln about tudent 1ChtMnW>nt S. not the behavtor of a ororelllOoal. The second ca~ ts more common. Years ago. r opted to gtve up being a busoonltt in symphony orcbatrn for mort lu"''t'ltiVe work tn the m usic Industry. Although ln my awn mind I may stW be a bauoonllt, to a blaoonlat. I'm an et·basaoonlat. Those who opted out of the Clwruom to becomeM.hool admlnlstratora may conildel themtclvee educatora. but to a t achln& educator-they are In <he ex- catogof')( ·COMMUNITY COMMENTARY ' Ignore it, and it doesn 't go away By Sue Clerk ' 'I gnore teasing at school, and it'll go away.• counsels Steve Smith In his Nov. 29 column. l think he's overly simplistic. I still remember kids at my high school calling me the Jolly Green Giant. At 5 feet 11 Inches, l towered over all of the girls and many of the boys. It didn't help that I was skinny. shy and studious. a deadly combination. With my short. nerdy haircut, I resembled an ill-at-ease pencU. It took starting college for the jokes to st0p. Even then, I would still have to tell people the three answers to the three quesdons I repeatedly endured: How's the weather up there1 *Fine." Do you play basketball? "No. I don't· How tall are you, anyway'? ·five-11: Cathy was a 14-year·old dark-haired beauty attending my school last year. She was so gorgeous. I urged her mother to put together a modeling portfolio for her. With her huge brown eyes and full lips, she resembled a younger version of Angello~ Jolie or Julia Roberts. But she ditched school every day. She'd show up, peep shyly into my office and say, "I'm here. I just wanted you to know." Then she'd ditch. When I could find her, I'd tallc to her and she'd reply in reasoned, articulate language. She didn't feel comfortable at our school. tes, she was planning to go to college. Yes. she knew she was in danger of being uansferred out. "I can't keep tracking you down, Cathy.~ I'd sigh. "I have 100 other lcids who come to school and work their hearts out to catch up on credits. A lot of them aren't nearly as smart as you are. I will deal with whatever ma1ces you feel WlComfortable, If you'll only tell me.~ "It won't do any good." she'd sigh. Eventually, Cathy was sent before the attendance review board and transferred to a county school in Costa Mesa. "What a waste of a brain,· 1 thought. Several months later, she dropped by school to see me. She was beaming, but wouldn't go into the school. We walked out and chatted In the parting loL "How are you doing at Access?" I asked. assuming she was dltchJng there as well. ·rm doing awesome! I'm almost caught up on credits." she ~wed me. "Why is it better for you therer 1 was mystified. who are being teased. The most horrific part of the seminar was when we watched film cUps of three studentS who had gone on shooting sprees at thetr schools, killing and injuring their classmates and teachers. They were interviewed in jail and asked why they did it. One of the boys had grown up with poverty and poor parenting. He had been teased relentlessly for years. Jn anguished tones, he told the interviewer that he felt there was no escape from the taunting. "l told the counselor and vice principal. but it started up again:' lie fell, he said, as though it would never end. The common thread from the three students was the perception that, m spite of efforts to ignore the taunting, and in spite of requests for help, the harassment just wouldn't go away. In my years counseling at various schools. I have worked with a lclnd but chubby student new to this country called "teletubby." I've had Middle Eastern kids called carpet-heads. I worked with a girl who was called "white trash." One little sophomore with big eyes was constantly called "Flounder" (a pop-eyed fish from "TI1e Little Mermuld"), Another overweight student was constantly harassed about his weight and called ·r~t bpy," but successfully fought It by getting help from the staff and demanding bener treatment. A profoundly depressed black student was ridiculed for his hairstyle. Jt's mean in the hallways these days. Teasing isn't confined to my school district, either. A friend was attending a football game at one of Newport-Mesa's high schools last month and heard some students loudly advising a boy with crooked teeth to go to a dentist. In our area, it's sometimes a social liability to be poor, or even middle income. This isn't true of a!J the students, but It's certainly a common occurrence for the "haves" to taunt the "have-nots:· Some students do try to ignore teasing. Some get counseling, and some report the crimes. Othe~ find a way to excel and flt ln. The young man who was called "teletubb{ found a tough crowd to get into trouble with and eventually gained some relief from the nickname. The girl called Flounder became a chronic truant and is now at coun school. "No one leases me," she answered. "At your school, the boys all called me 'Ups.' They always were aslclng me out and crowding around me and scaring me. They kept bugging me. They knew where I liVed. and I was getting prank calls all the time.· As for the Jolly Green Glant, I am now fairly comfortable with being tall, thin and studious. But I remember the teasing very well. I remember exactly where I was when a "friend" told me they'd taken a poll In her PE class and no one. liked me. l wns walking home with her from Junior high, and kept myself from crying until I got to my bedroom. Now, when 1 see a child sitting by herself al lunch or desperately dlnging to the edge of a group lo the hopes of being Included, I watch carefully. And when 1 see a srudent being teased. t figure "Why didn't you tell me or the vtce principal?; - "You would have trled to help. but tbey wouldn't have &topped for long.• ·1 would have made lhem lltOp." 1 Mfd angrily. ·rt'I better thh W&y," Cathy UIW'ed me. tgnorhls the ba.rlllment wouldn't have helped tn her case. and her only thougt1t WU to etc4pc. "Just Ignore It, .. Smith tellt U.S. out a way to make It stop without ft looldns,.Hke he •ratted them out. Because when It comes to belng t~ I won't settle for one of my sl'\.ldtrUt to Just Ignore It. No one ahould rec:t un.safo at my school or l wlah It were that eMy. Lut month, I attended.a conference liven by agtntt from the federal govemmf'nt and the lrVlnc PoUce ~unent. Its Oblective li to h Ip achool ataffc'1 be aler1 to sttldent.1 any other. We can't tgnorc <Nelty. or we're condoning It • SUI! CLARK It 1 Ntwpof1 e .. d'I , .. ldtnt and. high ~ guld•~ COUnHIOf I\ c..-.lde High Sdlool In lntlne. I I I I I I I I I J I i , I I . I QUOTE OF THE DAY "I knew this would be a nice, competitive game, but I wasn 't sure w.e could pull it o ut." J1m Wffkl, Costa Mesa g1r1s basketball coach Daily Pilot Mustangs rally past Sea Kings CdM ·goes cold in fol:Jrth quarter a nd Mesa takes advantage for victory. Barry Faulkner Daily Piiot CORONA DEL MAR -As with most early season football, the de- fense was ahead of the offense in the girls baskerball opener between Costa Mesa High and host Corona del Mar Monday night. , But it was the Mustangs, down, 19-9, with 5:29 left in the lhtrd quar- ter, who came from behind most dra- maticaJJy for an unlikely 33-29 non- league vicrory that left both coaches shaking their heads. "They got real cold in the fourth quarter, after we were cold early," said Mesa Coach Jim Weeks. who credited his defense with triggering the tumaroun.d after halftime. And while the Mustangs' tnan-to· C:O.UMeu 33 Coron. clel Mar 29 man pressure did fo\'ce nine of the Sea Kings' 15 turnovers after intermission, , Cdlvt Coach Jim Barkalow be- lieved tus team's failure to con- vert makable sho1s was most cosily. "We missed eight layups, or at least hots where we were close enough,to where you figure we could have Dipped the ball in," Barkalow said. CdM missed its first JO field-goaJ '-..., an empts In the fourth quarter to watch the 27-19 edge it took imo the final period sUp away. The Sea Kings went scorele~ for . just more than eight minutes after senior Colleen Skalla followed her own miss with 13 seconds left in Lhe third qJ arter fo r a 27-18 lead. Senior Lauren Snell's bucket with six seconds left broke the CdM drought, but, by then, the Mustangs had constructed a 32-27 lead. Cassey Brick. who scored the Mus- tangs' final six points in the last 3:31. netted a free throw with two ticks left to seal the deal. Brick finished with eight points, while senior Suzy Trujillo paced the winners with a game-high 10, eight of which came after intermission. Trujillo's three-pointer from the right wing puUed Mesa even, 27-27, with 5:23 left in the game and capped a stretch of three straight conversions from the fleld for the 5-foot-6 guard. Bethany Vergara (se\ten points) started the fourth-quarter comeb0ack with a three-pointer and TrujUJo sli~ through the defense for a layln 63 seconds later to puU the visitors within 27-24. After Trujillo's three ball. the two defenses held things scoreless for nearly two minutes. before Brick sank a 15-footer on an assist by Brittany Vergara. Brick's 10-foot pul!-up put the Mus- ' Sports Editor Rlchwd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Spof'1I Fu: (949) 650-0170 . GIRLS BASKETBALL KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar's Sarah Stern, left, lays the ball in as Costa Mesa's Bethany Vergara tries to avoid fouling her. tangs ahead, 31-27, with 41 seconds left, and CdM could not respond. Mesa, after hining 5 of 10 fourth- quarter field-goal attempts, finished ll of 42 from the field (26.2%), while CdM hit 13 of 41 (31.7%) for the game. Weeks credited the play of sopho- mores Bethany Vergara, Tuley Bjel- land (five points) and Deanna San- chez {three points off the bench after noJ playing the first two quarters). "Those three girls are really going td help us a lot as we grow," said Weeks, who, disgruntled by his team's poor play in the first two quarters, wondered aloud from the sideline "How bad can we be?" "We've got a lot of work to do," Weeks continued. "I knew this would be a nice, competitive game, bot I wasn't !>Ure we could pull it out." Barkalow praised the play of Snell, who just jotned the team after con- tributing to a state playoff run in vol- leyball. "I was very impressed with her feel around the basket, especially for not having played basketball until a few days ago," Barkalow said. "Wffre go· ing to need to get her the ball this season.· NonlNp eo.t. M ... 33, CdM 29 Score by Ouerten Costa Mel8 • 5 10 1• 33 Corona del Mar e a 12 2 29 C09ta Mese · Trujillo 10, Briclt 8, Be. Vergara 7. Bjelland 5. Sanchez 3, Cluff 0, Br Vergara O. K.lly 0, Akansel 0 3-pt. goela • Trujlullo 2, Be Vergara 1 Fouled out None Techni<:llla · None. Cofone del Mer · Snell 9, Stern 7, Skalla 6, Benbow 3, Marka 2. Wadhwa 2, Heetchen 0, Long 0. 3-pt. goals Stern 1. Fouled out · None. Techniaila • None Costa Mesa's Cassey Brick, left, dribbles around Corona del Mar's Colleen Skalla (33). Brick scored eight points for the Mustangs in the victory. ..._ EYEOPENER 11 Daily~Pik>t ~ H:alolFame " "'-«°'"~~ Otc 8 honoree DAVE GERAHKO Tuesday, December 2, 2003 A7 MEN'S BASKETBALL Coast , creeps up the ladder Pirates, coming off first 20-win season in 13 years, return three solid starters looking to improve. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot l.Jttle by little, Steve Spencer is trylng to es- tablish a tradi1ion a1 Orange Coast College. Spencer, in his third season of guiding Coast's men's basketball team, 1s com- ing off OCCs first 20-win season in 13 years after the Pirates improved their win total by 13 from the prior winter. Coas1, 20· I 3 a year ago, qualified for the Southern California regional play- offs. But Spencer contends there is still work to be done. OCC again doesn't have the height some of i1s foes will posse~. bu1 will fo- cus on its transition and half-court games, using a motion offense with a few set p lays. Coast return!> sophomore starters Aaron Bobik {a 6-foot·3 guard/for- ward), the team's leader m three-point '.!thooting (43.2%), rebound!. (4.6 per game) and steals (68) and Coast's only representative on the All-Orange Em· pire Conference firs1-team, along with shooting guard Jason Garey. An All- OEC second-team selection, Garey fin· ished the season with 111 three-point goals and averaged 12.7 point!. to lead Coast. Both Bob1k and Garey have received recruiting m1erests from four-year schools and will most likely take a ma- jority of the ~nots, Spencer said. "Aaron will be the guy that fills the box score with points. rebounds, assists and steals, he can do a liule bit of everything." Spencer said Bobik has added muscle in the off. season and has improved ht!> mental outlook, taking more of a leadership role, Spencer said Micah Young, a 6-3, 190-pound freshman, redshirted last season after recovering from a tom anterior cruciate ligament suffered early in his senior season at f:stanc1a High. The former All-Padfic Coast League and All,,,New- port-Mesa District selection, 'ihould see some starts. "He has showed more consistent glimpses lately of how capable he Is,· Spencer said of Young. "He brings a consistent level of aggr~ion to the Door.· Sophomore forward Malt Hatch (6·4), returns after averaging almost four points a game last year. while freshman Jibri Taylor, out of Anesia High, will take control of the point. "Hatch's post moves and perimeter shooting have gotten be1ter and he's also worked on a left -hand shot In the post, which 1s exciting to see." Spencer See OCC, Pa1e A8 GIRLS BASKETBALL OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Estancia shoots for three Eagles are in search of third straight league championship behind senior leadership. Patrick L1v1rty · Daily Ppot P.stancla High Coach Tamette Rappa hu just nine glrb on her basketball team for a reuon. 1Wo reasons, actually. She knows that if ahe was to pull any more glrla off the junJor varsity team, they wouldn't tee the playing Ooor. A1td with five 1enJor1 among her nlne playere, be knOWI the'• golns to have to let thoM younger pllyert get some playlng time to develop for the future. Those senlora are only concerned with the present and consid- ering this group ls com- ing off coruecudve league championships, the Paclftc Coast ln 2001·02 and an undefeated run through the Golden West last season. the present loob good. ln fact, another league champlon- shlp. once again ln the Golden Weat, ta a legitimate po lbWty. "I gu It would be back-to-back champions, even though It would be three ln a raw," Reppa &aid. · The reason (or the opdm!sm beain• whh returning point guard nfsha Wa.se, the lt~~ MVP last aeuon when she averaged 12.6 points per game. ·she's a commander on the Ooor," Rappa said. "She controls both side•. She's unstoppable lf sh e wants to be. She's the type of player that has eyes behind her head.~ Waae has the abUlty to play at the next level, tlappa saJd, probably at a Division ll achoo!, but her work ethic will decide her future and will play a ltey role for the Eagles this season. Work ethJc. for all playera. will be one of the keys to fltt:C th.ls eeuon for the Eagles. "They get lazy,• Rappa aa.td. •They know that they'nt good. They need to know It'• not about acorlQ3. lt'• about SM EAGLES. P11• Al • 1 .. I I ... ' Al T~. Olctrilef 2, 2003 SPORTS EAGLES THE EAGLES BRIEFLY Continued from A7 playing defense and grabbing rebou.nda. It'• not an NBA game out there. But sometimes lhese girls think they're Kobe Bry- ant"' Me.sa wins sriaS9n opener Jolnlng Wase u returning starters are 5·5 senior Krystal Mlno, a defensive standouf that averaged four points last sea· son, and 5-10 senior center Nancy Castro, who averaged 6 2 points and more than 10 re- bounds tut season. Rappa etpeclS Castro's num- bers to nearly double this year. particularly after the gradu- ation of XochJtl Byfield and naha Gray. Those two players combined to average more than 24 points tut season. Picking up some of that stack will be 5-10 sophomore BreAn- na NeaJ, who played junior var- sity last season, but Is expected to grow under the guidance of Castro. The other five players on the roster are all returners from la5t season and they should all see expanded minutes this year. The experience that the Eagles possess glves Rappa a number of options and her lineup is often expected to be composed of four guards and one post player as Estancia tries to push the tempo. Senior Olivia Maldonado (5-7) wlll provide outside shooting as will 5-8 lliur'lior Nicolle . Wilson. Junior ,melda Pemi (5-6) was the Eagles' ~t player off the bench last se'8on and will· "once again back up both the point guard and shooting guard positions. Jazmin Flores, a 5·8 junior, provides depth at power for- ward, while Anabel Becerra Is a 5-9 senior who can play both forward positions and will likely find hersell ln the starting lineup along with Wase, Mlno, Castro and Neal With all nJne players ex- pected to see playing time, the Eagles will get their feet wet in the University, Artesla and Ma- rina-Edison tournaments thJs month. The defending Golden West League champions should be tested m those tournaments as they get ready for league play. "l always go With a tough preseason: Rappa said. "If we can compete at that level, when we ge1 lnio our league. we'll be ready." With an experienced, senior- laden team, the Eagles shoulq be ready for anything. Costa Mesa High sophornore Scott Knox sco~ a ~~r-hJgb 28 polnt.s as the Mustangs pre- vailed in tbel.r boys basketball seasqn opener Monday, 62-37, over bonleague foe Serra. Knox. a staner last season as a freshman, twice scored 2 J points in a game. He connected on four three-poinlers ln his first game th15 season. Junior Jeff Waldron added 11 points and 12 rebounds, while sophomore point guard Brian Molina 'added aix polnta and seven asalsts. nte Mustangs (1 -0) won't re- turn to itctlon until the VaJJey Olrlstlan tournament begins next week. ~ Costa Mela 12. SetT. 37 Soot-. bv au... S.rra • 12 I • 37 Coste M... t• 12 1s 111 -e2 Serr• -Johnten 4, Spell• 2, Oun'91n S, 8r1Qg1 4. Omoto1ho 3, Moore 4, Don 4, Ernie 8. 3·p!. goal• -Don 2, Dunigan 1. Fouled out -None. Technicel1 -None. C41t1 M ... -Mollna 6, Knox, 28, W11e 2, G1ndl1 3, Krikorian 7. Al11on 0, Lefebvre 0, Waldron ll, Stankovic 5. 3-p!. goal1 -Knox 4, Gandia 1, l(rikorlen 1. Fouled out -None. Technicals -None. 11e1d11v, D''· 2, 7:00 PM 81111 Bv1nt1 C inter lndividua\ G.ame Tic.ket1: ~-; a<lu\t1# $"J t.hi\dren. • Women's Basketball family Pass Season Tickets: Season tickets for the whole family are on sale now for just $50!1 I Good for two adults and two children, plus two free memberships in the Junior Anteater Club. A $120 Value! To buy Family Pass Season Tickets , please call (949) 824-6202. Free Battery Test s14as=~:~d change VlsuaJty Inspect and test battetY using Aotunda Mlcro-490 tester. ,· Service Includes up to five quarts of Motorcraft® oll and new Motororatt® on fitter. Includes hazardous waste disposal. See SeMce Advisor for detalls. Off• vllld wtth coupon. Tax .. extra. 12J0Sl2003 Sage Hill victorious • MSJCBTMU.: Kevtn Joyce scored 19 points and grabbed nine rebounds as ~e Jlih School overcame a six-point halftime deflcit to post a 50-45 nonleague boys basketball vic- tory at Orangewood Academy ln Garden Grove In their season opener Monday. Sage Hill had difficulty against Orangewood's two- three zone over the first two quarters, scoring just 16 points. But the Ughtning roatcbed that total in the third quarter and took the lead for good with an 18·point outburst In the (ourth quarter. "We haven't spent much time (working again.st a zone)," Sa,ge Hill Coach Steve Keith saJd. "We juM-kind of grew~ lnto the game." Matt Loper added 15 points, five assists and five steal$ for the Lightning. Nonle•lll• Sage HUI 50, 0111n9ewood Academy45 Seo,. bv Quertera S.ge Hill 'I I 1S 18 -llO Orangewood 8 13 12 12 -'6 Sege lflll-Lefler 8, Loper 15, Joyce 19, Voge 4, Wilkin• 0, Hancoctt 0, S.mel 0, Oerhelm 0 3-pt. goala -Joyce 3, Lefler 2. Fouled out -None. Technical• -None. Orang9WOC>d Acedemy-Kyte 18, Dominguez 8. Corros 6. Robles 9, Niva4. 3·p!. goals -Kyle 2. Dominguez 2, Corros 2, Robles 3. Fouled ou! -None Techntcala -None. CdM defeats Cypress •SOCCER: Dominic Rubino broke a scoreless tle 15 minutes Into the second half when he dribbled around two Cypress defenders and pounded home a goal that helped lift the Corona del MRr High boys soccer team to a 2-0 nonleague road victory Monday. Cllris RJngstrom added a sec- ond goal for the Sea Kings ( 1-0), scoring off an assist from Julien Cerutti, while central defender Shane Collins and goalkeeper THE PIRATES 3 Al9ll Hum. ~9 Fr. 5 Bfvan F11ld'tam H Fr. 11 Jitw1 Teylor 5-11 Fr 13~Martin 6--0 Fr. 14 Je~lne Baker • &-1 Fr. 16 Jotaph NwllblJzor ~ Fr. 20 Aaron Bobik &-3 So 21 Micah Yoong &-3 Fr 23 'Mle Teny 6-2 t Fr 24 J110n S.nford &-4 Fr. 2!1.JalonGarey 5·11 So. 31 D.vld Seifert 6-4 Fr 32 Mia ttatd'I 6-4 So 33 Joel Chtcttr 6-4 Fr ~All Shahelm s-10 So "2 Sam Ballty H So Coed\: St9W Spenc.r (third year) Jay Zimmerman, who hod five saves, prevented Cypress fJ'f>m getting on the scoreboard. Corona del Mar will return to tho pitch on Wednesday at Santa Ana Valley. ~ailors start with win •SOCCER: Joel Walker scored on a 25-yard nee kick late in the second half to break a 2-2 tie and lead Newport Har· bor High's boys soccer team to a 4-2 nonleague victory over Es- tancia in the season opener for both schools. · Walker, who had two goals for lhe Sailors, knocked his free kick over F.stancia's w.il or de- fenders and beat the Eagles' keeper for his second goal of the game. Adam Pinlcenon added a late goal, while Matt Tracy knocked home a f1ee kick from 35 yards out in the first half. Taylor Carver made six saves In goaJ for Newport. ruverside. MqnoRa tournament Pool play _first ro"nd 8191 Hlll t, ,.,19noll1 e (on kora by Periods Megnotia • 2 2 o o . • S.ge Hiii 2 2 I 3 1 I Sage Hiii -Hu1c:h11on 4. Roner 3, White l, Tooma I Saves -811hop 5. Mesa opens with loss •SOCCER: Fountain Valley High's Matt Brummett scored a hat trick as the Barons scored all their goals in the flnal 20 minutes 10 post a 6-0 victory over Costa Mesa in the non- league season opener. The Mustangs' lone goal came on n free k.ick by. Luis Villanueva from just beyond the penalty area. Willmer Hernandez made four saves for Mesa. which also received strong play from cen- ter midfielder Demetrio Velas- quez. . The Mustangs return to ac- tion Friday. at home, against Cerritos. Luis Mendoza scored both goals for F.stancla. Uber Galle- gos and Juan Castaneda shared time in goal, each making four saves. Monarchs top CdM •SOCCER: Corona del Mar High sophomore Taylor Fallon Lightning strikes in Of scored on an indirec1 free kick •WATER POLO: Sage Hill in lhe 72nd minute 10 pull the School senior Hayden I lutchi-ho~t Sea Kings within 2-I , but son scored wlth two minutes Maler Dei pulled away for a 4 -I remaJnlng to de the game. then season-opening nonleague girl' added an assist in sudden death sotcer victory Monday. for a 9-8 girls water polo win C:dM Coach Bryan Middleton over Magnolia in the first round praised the two-way play of of pool play of the Magnolia junior midfielder Tanisha Sena- toumament Monday. ra1ne and he estimated junior In the overtime period. goalkeeper Kati e Schiesser Hutchison assisted on a made nine s.tves. counterattack goal by sopho-The Sea Kings re1urn to ac more Stephanie Roeser in the tion Thursday at Dana 1 lills. first minute to giv,e the Light- ning rhe vic1ory. Hutchison paced the Light- ning with four goals, while Roeser added three. The Lightning overcame a 6-2 deficit and outscored the Senti- nels, 4-0. after three quarters. Sage plays Rancho Alamitos today in a nonleague game. then returns to tournament ac- tion Friday agamst North of occ Continued from A7 said. Preshman AJex Hunter. a 1eammate of Taylor's al Artesia, provides another option al point guard for Spencer. Coas!'-; guards also include freshm«!n Bryan Fincham, Her- bert Martin, Jermaine Baker. Wes Terry and sophomore Ali Shahelm. Sophomore forward ~am Bai- ley is Coast's 1allest player at 6-6 and is recovering from shoulder surgery performed Sage Hill dr9ps opener •SOCCER: Saddleback Valley Oulstian High scored a pair of second-half goals 10 d~feat Sage I lill, 2-0, in the Lightning's non league sea!>on opener. I.aura Gordon made 14 saves for the l.1ghtrung. whll.e fresh- man Emily Webb playt•d strong defense a 1 the sweeper posi lion. Jao,t sel13o n. "lie is alc;o battling shrn splints, so he is JUSI trying to get healthy. Bui he 1s making progress.· Spencer said Freshmen Joel Olester, David Seifert, Jac;on Sanford and Jo seph Nwabuzor add 10 Coa,1\ depth at forward. Coast wa' plus-I 96 111 tum mer marg111 a year ago. a stat Spencer credit!> l>1mply to "bet- ter players." "Coaches get 100 much credit when they win and too much blame when they lose," Spen cer said. ''It ic, a players' game. "(Last yearl more guys were willing 10 p111 oul a gr<'at effort. Guys were hungry ....----------------------------. 10 have success OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK EMIUEVO *llom: May 19, 1985 e =5-foot-4 120pounds Y....: IM.1'1 =Biology tchooli Santiago Spolt: Ctoss country co.ct..: John l<nolC. Marco OChoa and Dave F~ ~°'* food: St11wberfy Ice cream hlwom. movte: rrhe Ring" ..,, .. .tt.ac moment: "lrukJng 19 minutes at our G.rden Grove Le:t• m.t. • WMkln~ OWtiikey ~In Orange Co.st College's state c:h&mplonshlp on the women's side at WOoctN.rd Parle In Fresno. DllfNot eotr.ceDr 9Clftl Ulid,.,,.. '2995 :!t::. A/C Check Includes a performance test, leak Inspection and a check of belts and hoses. Act now and get a free battery test. Refrigerant and taxes eJCtra. See SeMce Advisor tor details. Offef Velld with coupotl, 'TP•extra. Ex 1~ . and good things happened." Building a con sistent winning • program l'an be difficult becaus<' 01her schools m the area vie for the '>ame play~s. "We have a long way to go to estab- lish what we want," said Spen cer, who ' teaches physical educa- tion at OCC. "We are still fighting an uphill battle. It is not like some schools that have teams who have been to the final fo ur 20 straight years. You hope 10 work hard, build on suue sand at- tract more and better players.· I I I I ~ I I 1, i I . I I , ~ I ~..... -.....,Mollcla -Llpl ... --CMTOf full lore• and 1lttcl 1a.s-unless moctlfi.d by tlli.a -Ol'dW. THC OIU>ER TO cmY Of 0... SHOW CAUSE Al'C) nus <t_jl-.... n.. ...i.;... OROU DCPIRC ON Tiit .. --i-OAT( AHO tlt.E or THC ~Q.., HEARING SOOWN IN fHE •-Jilllrt BOit ABOVE UNUSS -EXTtNOE.O IV THC C...-COORl -111.-.. D ... , ltOY 20, 2001 " ....... _,M.M._................. Jv .. '-<• '· '-·"'· .. ,..,.__ JUDkW OfRCll 1SP•11JWAan1 Publialnld N1wporl 1---· lkkll Costa Mesa Oa1tr MS.,... Piiot November 2S #PUCA....... OecemlHH 2, 9, 16. 2003 fOlmWklOf Ollll T860 TO SIOW CAUS1 5WllD CCMT Of Wl-t.-.ol WCIU, ~llqnl 1s. M~rll S COIMTYOfOUllG( p~licant requesb lh1 UI lMOtyDttwt eourl lo re1ssu1 the °'-lt,CAt2'4S, ()f dlr to Show Ceus1 IAIOllAIJX orlclnally 1uu1d u •IH'ln follows Dreier to Show • IVmWi cena C.use w11 1$SUed on POJT10I Of: 10/21/0J • CAllOI Applicant requnh smAllO re1uu1nce of the order HllaweGf OfllAIU b1c•uae: Petitioner/ ~TOSHOW"wr.­Plttnl1ff could not b1 _. uw~u·- urv1d u r1qu1red CHAllG(Ofl{Aa( bllOl'I the heat lnl d1t1 CAS( 11J110: Am2tt I dlcl•re undet pcn1lly ol !*lury under the 10 All INHRCSTED laws of the State ol Pt:RSONS Callt ornla that lh• I Pel1lloner. Carmen fore101n1 is true and Serrano hied a peltllon correct Date· t tno/03 with thli tottrt lo• a /s/ Tlfenee w Roberts decre~ chana1n11 namu ORDllt n lollow• Cumen IT IS ORDERED lhal Sefrano tu C11men Shaw t!MI Order 10 Show Cau~e 2 THE COURT OROE RS 11su1d as 5hown 011 1ten1 lhRI all person• Into• 2 •bove Is reissued end esled 111 1111$ matter shall res-I lot he;aune 1n thii appe11 belore lh1s court coutt as follows 011e at the hurme 1nd1cated 1/05/04 Time 8 45 ~ bt'low lo 'huw uu>e 11 dept L62 1ny. why the petition 101 A copy ol th•• ur<ler ch•nee ol Rdme •hould must be atl•ched , to not be ar.intecl documtnh that noust be NOTI CC Of ltf ARING served on the Pehhoner / Dale 12 JO OJ l 1me Plamhff dS dtrt!cted '" 'l 00 pm Otpl l 73 the Order to Show The addreu 01 the court C•use I\ ume o noltd above All other orders con "3 A lOj)y ol this Order l•med In the 01der to to Show C~u\e shall be Show Cause remain m published el ~eut once ucb wuk !or lour Policy IUCC~ ...... prlOf le Ille dal• Ml !Of llurlnt on the ,.u11o11 hi the fotlowtnc news PllPtf or aen~ret cl(cu· latlOn, prlftt•d Ml tlll\ c~nty rt.WllOft 8eadl/ Costa Mau O•llt ""°t htet MOY 10 IOOJ MAllOlll UtlO CAllTP, IUOOI Of TMI SUPlllOI COUttT Publlslled Newport Beach Costa Mesa Dally Piiot November II. 25, 01c1mber 2 , 9 , 2003 TIM2 ~ ..... ... s...... The lollowln1 persons ere doin1 bu1l11eu as RIV, l!M5 Placentia Ave Bide C·3 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Blqer. I .rther. fest· tr. llC, (C1hfo1n1a), 4l343 lode• Av• T o1uc1 l•ke. CA 91602 This bus1neu " con. duct ed by l 1m1ted I 11bll1ty Co !lave you sl11 ted doll!& bus1neu yet? Nu B1u•r. Farther. fut er lLC, Darren Crilw !Old, Mana1in1 P11lne1 This statemenl was fifed with the County Clerk of Or ana• County on 11/21/03 200S6t6SH7 Daily Pilot Nov 2S. Dec 'l 9 16.~3 l8!13 FktlltM ..... ..... s ....... The lollowina pe11ons are do1n11 buslnt•s ;n· P1cd1c M•mland 1760 Mornov1a llA 18 Cost•· Men, CA 92627 Paufic Mi1111l1nd Inc , (CA). 1760 Monrovro Ave IA·l8, Cosl• Meu, Ct\9:?627 l his bu5ine" 1s con· ducted br a c01pu11llon Have you sl•rted doine business yet? No Pat1f1c Mainland. Inc .. B11an Watts. Vice Pres· ld1ot Tllit stal.....,.t wu 11114 with t,.. County Clerk of Ooinc• Co11ntt on ll/21!03 200StHHIS Oaily ,.llol Nov 15, Dec 2,t, 16.2003 Tl50 ........ ... s...... The tollow1111 penons .. e dolfll bUMfllU H ! Town 6 Country Hand Car WNll, 2747 East C11apinen Ave., Ot anae. CA82169 Town & Country Hind C•r Wnb. Inc.. (CA), 2747 East Cb1pm1n Ave • Oranae. CA 92869 This buainMs Is con duc:tld by I COfpot•hOn Have Y<MI started dom& bullneu yet? No Town & Country Hend Car Wnh, Inc • Rendall A G1eeor1an, President flltt stltllMnt WIS hied with the County Clerk of o .. na• County on 11/21/03 200HHS90T Diiiy Piiot Nov 25. Dec. 2,9, 16,2003 T857 Rc9m ..... ... s..... lhe lollowin1 persona .,. dolne business as: SC8 Wholesale lendln&. 32261 Camino Caplstra no. Ste DIOJ, San Juan Cap1sll ano CA 9267S llnda Jtn5an C.Qler pm~s. Inc .. (CA). 32261 Camino Capistrano. Ste. 0101, San Juen Cap1sl r ano. CA 92675 1 his business " con dueled by ;a corpo<1hon Have you st11ted do1na business yet? No Linda Jen)en Enter p11so, Inc.. lmda R Jenun. Prt\ldenl lh" statement wu filed wlUI the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 11/21/03 200J6t6Sl99 Dally Pllol Nov 25. Dec: 2. 9, 16, 2003 !856 Th• followh11 pe'•on1 1r~dol11 butinns H . M eek tom. 121 E. 1h1. Suite 135, Coit• Mftll. CASl2U6 Hettll Atnwlc.an Ac c1ptan'9 Corporttloa (CA), 126 E 81kt1. Suite 13S, coal• Meaa. CA92t26 This buskllu ~ con dueled bJ • corpor•tlOfl Have rou atarted dolrl& buSIM$1 yell Y1$ l0/15/03 Horth Amtrlc.n •Ac n ptanc1 Co1pont1on, M¥co J Ruic. P11$I dent flus 1l1tt,.,.nt wes hied w1tll the County Cieri>. of 0110111 County on ll/l4i03 200S6'6Stl2 Dally Pilot 0~. 2. 9, 16, 23.2003 T861 ...... ..... ... s...... The lollowln& persons are do1n1 bu1lneas H 1) AWG R1mark1hn1. b) AutoR1m1rft.1t1rs c:om. 600 Anton BoulevJrd. 1 ltb , and i 1th floor 1. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Auto Wholesaler Group. Inc . (OE), 3078 Rivoli. Newport BHch, CA92660 Thll business 1s con dueled by • c01pouho11 Have you st11 led do1n1 buslnns yet? Yu. 10/ 27/200J Auto Wh olesaler Group Inc , Bradley Greenwald CCO This slalement wn hied with the County Clerk ol Or •nae County on 11/03/03 200H9UOIO Dally Pilot Dec 2 9. 16 23.2003 f862 FidlflM~ ..... s....... •) ,.ortol1 Plal•, ~)Holl Cfllltft-. c) Ce•• llons M•o•&•m•nl Ttniee"''· 1000 Qu•ll StrMl .. ~.I.--Hewporl 9Hctl.CA~ G1MHtlons M•na_.· "'"' (CA), 1000 Quilt Strfft 11&0, rtewporl S.Kh, CA 9~ This butlntn 11 con· ducted by 1 COl'porallon Have you •lerted dol111 ltu1ln1u yet? Ye1, Allaust 21. 2003 Genentions M•n•a• ment, Stuerl S Frve, fi'111iclent Thia alat1menl "'" lllld with the County C,.rll ol Or•n1• County on ll/2l/Ol 200J6'6u.4 01lly Pilot Nov 25, Otc 2. 9, 16. 2003 1846 fktftlm ..... ... s...... The lollowln1 persons •11 do1n1 buslnns H 01v1d and J1net Br11ky M•tco Tools Olslribu· ton. 9742 Clearbrook Or., Huntlnaton Beach. CA92646 Oa•ld B11sky 9742 Clurbrook Or . Hun llnaton Beach, CA 92646 lan1t B11slly. 9742 Clearbrook Or , Hun· uneton Beach, CA 92646 This business Is con ducted by. husband •nd wile ltave you •tarted do111a business yel? Yes, 12/ 99 Jenel 8rl~ky This statement was hied with lhe Counly c i.rti of Oun11 County on 11/21/03 200J6965HJ DA1ly Pilot Nov 2!>. Dec 2. 9, 16, 2003 18A7 fidltlM ...... ... s....... llow to Place A 10fnl8 WOl 7410 K1thlt1n l1n1fo1d, 10414 Earet Avenue, founteln Yellty.: Cell· f0tnl• 92708·7•tu Thia buslne" Is con ducted ~y. 1n lndi¥1dul Have rou 1t11rtld dolftl bullnau yet? YH 10/01/2001 K•thllen Lentlord Thi• atatement wn hlld with the County Clerfl ol 011~ County on Nov1mbe1 14. 2003 200J6t6Slll Oaily Pilot Nov. 18, 25, Oeo. 2. 9. 2003 T841 ~ ... ... s...... Th• lolfowtn1 penons are c1o1nc busineu 11· Dale Franklln flully, ~511 8rldlewod Drive, L11un1 Hiiis, CA 926SJ Tran~ Wntarn Bro k1r11e (CA), 2851 1 Bridlewood Drrve. L• 1un1 Hiiia, CA 926!>3 This busln11s 11 con· ducted by· • c:o1 porallon Have you star led do1ne buslneu yet? No Trans Western Bro kere11. Kennelh D•le f,.nkhn, President Thi~ sl•lement wu tiled with the County Clerk of Or1na• County on ll/21/03 200J6t6SUO Dally Pilot Nov 7!>. Dec 'l 9, 16, 2003 1848 Rdttlea ...... ..... s....... The lotlow1n11 p1nons .,. do1na bus1neu u · Kenwood Construction & Shutters, 3001 Redhill Ave. Bid&. 116, Suite 103, Cost1 Mii'-CA 92626 Kenny f'f Kuhns, 3001 Redhlll Ave Bid& '6. Suite 103, Co5ta Meu . CA92626 This busmen 1s con dueled by. 1n 1ndMdual llave you slarted do1na business yet1 Yes, July l!W Tuesday, December 2. 2003 At --------UplNGICll -llplMalces 2MI Ktnny ,. Kutina Tiit• aletement wff filed with the County Cler~ of Ortna• County on 11/?l/03 200Mt6Stol Otily PtlOI Nov. 25. 09' 2,9, 1e.zoo3 rast .......... .......... The lollowtna pe1Son~ •11 dolnc businus u White Hat Web Oui&n. 111 W 17111 St. tC4, Co1ta Me.at, CA 92Q7 M11th1 0. S.11d. 18l3 Penln,.ule Place. Costa Mesa, CA 9~27 This bu11ness is con ducted by an 1ndivldu•I Have rou 1tart1d doin& busmen y1tl"Ho Martha 0. e .. rd This st1lem1nt was hied with the County Cle1k ol Oranr• County on 11/21/03 200S6t6Ht6 Daily Ptlot Nov 2S. Oec. 2.9. 16.2003 T852 RcllllM ... .....s ..... The !ollowin~ per •ons are do1n1 buSlfleM as Men Tact1c1I, 227 Ma1noll1 St • Costa Meu, CA926?7 Meudyn1 Co111<>11tlon (CA), 227 M•anoha St . Costa Mesa. CA 92621 This buslnns 1s con ducted by • c01poratlon Have you star led do Ina buslneu yet7 No Mes.dyne Corpor allon Mitch 8a11le, Pr e'51denl Th1l slal1mtnl wn hied wllh the County Clerk ol Or ance County on 11/21/03 20036t6SHS Daily Piiot Nov 2~. Oec 2. 9, lb, 2003 T8A9 RdlllM .... ... s...... m27 Cht 11 t°""9f Alan 80 Wiit, ~ F11tltrton 118, Coat• Men. C•llfOfnla 02027 ftlls but.llleu It con dllCtltd by llft lnd1vldutl Have you 1tatttd doln1 business yet? Ho Ch11s Bowen This sl•ltment wes flied with Ill• County Clettl ol Orana• County on 11/21/03 200S6'6H14 D•llY P110I Nov 25. Dec. 2, 9;' 16, 2003 T8S8 flcllM ..... ... s..... The lollowm1 .Persons are do1n1 bus1neu 15 Johnson 6 Assoc11tu. 19200 Yon Ktrman .-venue, ltVIM. C.hfOI n1a 92612 Joreen W1l1111nas 19200 Yon K.,m•n Avenue. Irvine, Cal1lorn1a 92612 lh1s businus 1• con· ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual fleve you i l11 led dolna business yet' No Jot cen We terr 1n1s This st1tement was filed with the County Clerk of Drane• County on 11/05/03 20036''4251 Dally Pilot Nov 18, ZS, Dec 'l. 9. 2003 T843 RcttlM-....U ..... s....... The lollow1111 pe1>ons ore dolrtt1 bu~lnns as •) Catalina Flyer b) Newport Boal 400 Mam St Balboa CA 9?661 C•talin• P1uen1er S.rv.ce In~ (CA), 400 Main St . Balboa. CA 92661 Have you •ti>rted cloln11 busin~~ yel7 Y.s 1993 Catahna Pnsenaer S1r .. 1ce. Inc , Robert Black, President This statement was filed with the County Cllfk ol 010111&1 County on IOD6/1)3 toOHHM7S 011ty Pilot Nov 11. II. 25. Dec. 2, 2003 Tl37 ......... ... s..... Th• followlnt penon1 .,. do<nc buslnu.1 H A1U1try Ory Cleaners and Laundry, 106 Tu~tlo Ave , NtwPotl Beech, CA 92663 Pick Inc (Nevld•). 6327 Resldenci.t. Hew l)Ofl 8nc.h. CA 92'60 Tiits business is con· dueled by: • cCl(poration Have you itatted Ool"I buslnen yelT Ho Piel! Inc.. Gene Ptet. ard. ,.,.,. This •latement wes hied with tll• County Clerh of Ol'•na• Couoty on 11/21/03 200J6t6SH6 Delly Pilot Nov 25, Dec 2. 9. 16.2003 T84~ Rt-. ..... .... s....... The lollow1n11 persons .,. dolne business H Lo1111• Oesicn Studio. 4 Canyon l n. Coron• def Mar. CA92625 Glo111 J. Hlcllman, 4 Canyon Ln .. Corona del Mar , CA 92625 lh1s business Is con· ducted by •n md1vld111I Have yuu started doina busmen yet1 No Gloria J H1ckm111 lhlli slllemenl was' liled with lhe County Clerk ol Oran1e County on ll/2l/03 200Ht6Sto2 Daily Pilot Nov 25. Dec 2.9. 16.?003 1855 SELL you r stuff through classified! ....----Deadlines ----. " . Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without nouce. The publisher reserves the right to ccn~nr. reclas~ify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any crtor that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in .an advertisement for whu.:h it may be responsible e1tccp1 for the C0'-1 of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSJFJEJAD Mon~ay ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... 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Gold. sllv11. jewet'y, watU-, antiques colloctlbles 949·642 9448 from no Down Reh Or OfACE CaVI Out I OOK $41t. mol 16 6 7 0 9 { a s y RJRNffiJRE/ Casynodoc:loa~com CA ld8ll590'l (CAl "SCAN) BUSINESS Flnlnclal EQUIPMENT _Pl_am_lng ___ 2_465_ MldlcalA>lntll CASH ADYAHCIS Foti Eq1t"'*11 3565 Ct11ms, structured ul· --------llemenh, Annuilles, lrihtrltencu, Trusts, CCII'• Fundinc Cr<MIP llQO. 836 0479 (CA! •SCAN) HEM. T1I SERVICES Medlcal StMcea 2515 CANl AFFORD hulty 1ns.ur1nc17 ltHlth plan SJ 1 day (E11tu F•m1 ly )I Oocto1, dental, llowll•ll. St5 Presc:rlp lion card 888·686-6770 (CAL•SCAN) AIOUT UICfllC WMHl<ffAtaS New no cost to )QI II ~ Medlcere eccepted Wtttillcl•s and P- c:twn (w:.oot.-styte) WI tr..t you rlf/flf c.I 1 d•y• (800) 83S 3155 (CAL•SCN!) •<JA IOI-. hr ,.. Gorll(M. IDvq. lllllldlr Persian killen1 Red, T ortolseslld aR sholt. $400Mt-21a.-5alS llSCUI t 1 I 111•'• Unurt11nt111 Happenl ,.,t Ow~" H11d Help UYINe • ......S W•ll Mann11ed Adufl OMAT NCIUD4Y Gft1 C•l• a Okltr Doc• nffd home oll, Cllf RV 8r..ih n1w homes. Adopt Adult twlll • If:\ h4-Ztl tlJn Anlm1lt tlll~ Jtm~'I 30 -d•Y ralUfn Polity °"*1f HOllE -W llnWMl1141tWOlll Ol'I Annc1111c11nn 1110 FURMSIMS Wlftll ... a c.an OU<K HASON 1111111 F4d 6 ._ ,_, ti , ....... D.cll .._..... ~ ... ar'1 '"'-ti> °"' ,... Ct.It •ppro• l/tlr from .,,.,_. -.-. ttood lilllm1 r&tnll Newp"lt llffcll hut ..,...._,,.. ._,... s.t. ~ h ~ lent hunlln1 ld11c.nt to ··r. ...... r11~h tnmfllltbl • Yllllrlllll .... .... "tte u.,. ~ 1tat•••l•lowlrtfUp. c~ • Win~ ... -'" In, ••• lllMtllfMlwetk 011 own11Jlllp inlt111t a fo'At lll•ls, It bf a cir • •Pfl'O• 37611t.1n1>l land lommy B•h•ma fu1nl ~ 1 aMrftllle S. lftlll'ov•rn.,,ts + your Ito, dt~!!Lbfonal, ~ o .. n c•n1p comgound nr.i, ~...,.. ..._ lttllEIN'UalllftlOr w/ttr11c;lura tnd ' ~ ... ..,.._ * 7)4-~ lrl.llen Wondfflul flf , ... a> c nl111t 180"• & w1111 •11IHllUI IHl1111 durin1 docll SELL -l~I I 1 ... VII • tn1111y eatrHI llktl (Of :I fr1tnd1 Ot letMf' & M>n Cell Miki 1Ut0-641 085' SEU tolll' ll'IWlltltH iltrn• lhlOllaft cl-illed your stuff thrqh classified! -AU STiit IUHn. 29tJO WU 111900, .. fl IJMO 44 ... $14.tOO .... $5,9~ 48'101 WU 132,tlS, Ml,112.tll hi Come ht kwl Tom IOOo392 !IOI 11 lnltrnel f ranch1se oppo1lun1ty to those lookmR to wo•k mde pendenlly $81( mvest menl required lncludn tralnlne end 'upporl IOf f11nchtus worldwide foll-flu I 1188·45?-'737 ........ -.. 1 .... -••• 80 mechrnet loc11tons Included, elf IOf SI0.99S. aoo-sot-7tot .usown 00LDM'"11 60 v1nd1n1 mKhlMI with 11ctlllnt locatrons Must S.11 800 23-4 6982 Ralf.ttltt SeMca R Estate Investors I Sm11t Money Maa~ rlne Rankld Auslln. Tu .. ts th• II p'-ce in lh1 U.S to lnvnt ill•HIHl•lt f Ind nut why vltll. Bl!Y'~ Kenn !t1n111r. 51, 423·562G HOt.cS FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Se your unwaated Items the •Hywayl Place a Cla11lfl•• ad te4ayt '42-.5671 7402·7466 ' f000-9750 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Moura In Property 5965 I · 800 Ch•11tyl Donat~ your vehicle d11ttlly to the Ol'i&1n1f, n1t1onaHy acclaimed Charily Cars 1001. charily not a used car dnler /fund relur I 800 che11ty (I 800 2 4 2 7 48 9) WWW 8eOchtlltyUrS Or& (CAt.•SCAH) MISCS.lANEOUS RENTALS Rlnlal To SIM 6030 NI/~-View•- Ocunlronl/22nd. Pll· v•I• rm. un!urn. •hll• ba, ulll1 p1id, n/\mk, -ltchlnett• lndfr. lblll lo Newpotl p111. S1J0m Can Sam 949 278 790S (blhoretn 9am 5pm). ==-... 24 hr •IOf.-, 400-'4>0st unlta May •10«1 v•chklu, Iowa r•IH c.l=~l.B> ~W.AFNTAl.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY <1,,. .. ..., ,. ....... . lbr It• unit avail now 'llbOm IOI "8rC1Stm Cellf>hilt4 ~ l.111 dl'r til e: Sc:n·icl' Directory Ha1111e r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ......... ~C.le"fl-;;n ?ht 2be (2 msb •h w/rwt decks) r~~ 4hlls lrnm heh, no Pf!lkn•. I c pr• $l19!irn 6Q3 N.lrc!WIS 1'11111 I/I 1-888-~7 46n CostaMesa Mapl• Aphf l nvely Cated Comm. n~., T11anale Squ1111e. Zbr lb• w/111 & 1111. SI095, lbt Iba w/p•lro. carport, slo1111 Sll:l5,..... ...., p11d Klein Mior,..1•11 rm J04..8649 r •t s;m I SIDl ,., .. , houoe, I br. Vlulled tetl•. ·~Yllllhl\. n•w SIOYft, f1111 •l•I• shower c•rpet Pvt patio. sher ed yard. vecant SIJOO 1547 °''"~ 714 624 796S YIAllY UASIS FINI MIWl'CMIT HOM.ES l&.l. GllUNDY lllAl TOltS ....... 75-6161 "•""'P'W1 st.. .. 2br ~a I SIDI CHAIMING, hkt1 newer carpel, 11111 & Ille new ?br I.lib• town 'l c tandem a•r. wdhk house s1111 2522 Elden 11P'· •ct 949 ?'lJ 4630 Sl375/mo 949 642 s.438 UDO ISU STUDIO Lare• clo!<el & b•th. lunny eaposure. $1000m A&t 949 675 6161 o.-...... t..c ....... 4br 3 5ba. 111ted comm, peb ok, 4500/mo evt 2/1 11r Apt. 1 Yew Olcl, eppt Alt 949 240 9007 uhrs & s.telhlt TV p••d. W/O, near Ho•1 Ho5.11, SllOO/rno 949 6.JI 4984 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Wtolcllffi L11 2bd, 2ba condo Ups l1l1s, cerport, 1256 Hutlend $I 3!i0/mo •7l4·832 1766• 211 2M IWdld. alfldD. ,_~tp ..-.o.r . no Pit. im. rt lot Sl!IDn """' l't'Jw 96«l067l) Penhnulo I br lb• pat!O, llreplace, sh1red w/d hkups. I car 1a111e Ast Sl!>OO/MO 949·293 4630 a1._. ... ~ ?-a. ,.. •. bed\Ylf'd. l/J block ID -· musl -Slsn'mo 9'9-118 7!ni cal ~ 9am-!'lpm onlt $500 ...... -2br 2llll nr NP i-c:be lo shapl • restu.anb Ip, 1 c .. °'wd. Sl8X> 952!B4.:I> Tbt Lrt•I Dtµmrrm1111 UN DAJ/y !W.01 u p/,llWI to AMUJUnrt' 11 ~ knlltt If~ ttlJtlifA.f>k ,,_MW hriflttltl, ~ will MUI SF.ARCH tbt lfltllfl for 1"" 111 no OflM chttrtt, 11r1il IAW J"" ~ timt 11nd ti# trip to 11H Co11n H011Jt ;,, Sant.II A.Ni. Tl>n1, of ro11rtt. lljkr tht 1Nrrll iJ eompl.ttul wr llA/J .fik JOI" fir1itio1U lnainns M.mt sf4tmfnll u.;1h tht CA"'"J Clmt. p11flluh """ 11 u.wk for fowr M.ftks AS rttf"'ml IJy /Aw Ind 1hm fiJ, ,ow-/lrHf of p11flbcmo11 with IN UwrlJ Cini PINH swp IJy "'fik your fim1io111btui1J(SS1111mr 1l4tnnm1111 "" DAi/y fi/41, 330 W. 8"1 St, Co1u MtJ11. If JOI' '""""' 114p b,) pktl.ll r11U"' 111 (919) 6'11-4321 11,,J Wt wiU fMkt ilml"'""'1'11for1°'' u IMNlk thu '~"" IJy ""1i1 If rw 1htiuU h.lw ""' for11Hr qun1t.111, pktw uU IU ""'"" wiU tt morr tlwn clAJJ"' llJSut JO"" Good lid Jn J"'" MIC/ ~''nasf , •• 11/-1 pr, I Ca'P«I. \400>'51, -.. ' apt. 3 Wll1dllonl crt SI 9!JO./rno 714 390-!IB'lo llw ,.... hov.e, qlltel art1. n1wly relurb11had 2 c111 &•• wd hkups, $2300/mo 949 7!>9 0814 ... ..,,.., t~i..411 loy- front !us( compl1l1ly temodehMI' 2br l'/rbl Hup So lac1111 pahc1 S2!i00/mu w/doch ••"" fOf lllld I• 6 mo leno. Oa..,tA&t 714-812 56611 -NO O llf Callfornte l•w re· qu•es that conlrac I011 lahlne tob' lh•I total S500 °' m0tt (l1IJU1 0< mattttalt) bt lrc:enad by tht Co11t11clo" State lie_. Bo.rd Stal• law aho requites thet conlrtclou tnclucle te-Ileen.,. number on all 1dvetllsln1. You un thick th41 1t1lu1 el your ltttn1td con t ra, t o r a l -• cslb ca 1ov or 800 321 CSLB Unli censtd con Ir acto11 takln1 toh that loltl leo th111 $500 mu t 111tt In their ad11erU1emanh lhel IMJ If• not llctnstd bl. Ill• Conlr.c;lou S I Uctiut B«MNll • -"--' R ....... lbr2ba bavfront unit period st1le. srt vu, 1 c aer. •&I S2800 949 293 4631 Cliutifid is I CONVENIENT wWu JOfi •,., buJbti. tdliltto or just lootiltr, cltzsri{W lw wltal youtttl! CU SSIFIW (M )Ul-5678 UCI Alhl1l1cs seeks 01feCIOI 10< Cnmmunoly/ Youth PloW V1s11 hll//www alhlelin ucc.edu lot conp Pl dcscr p!lO!I c", " •• Wtltlch -11!'1 ""-' Otl k>olti1111 IOI F fT menaaer. ' PIT t'mployee• @ NB loulton openona m J•n II you are wnercel tc slf Rl<lltvalt'd heve •nlhu \IA\ltC Pt't M>n•hly ' • lo WOik with Pt"UVle. lu rt'• 714-625 J9J7 Ot oow to <"""" nl>(@v-.,,,.can • Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH MAKING Tiit MOST Of IT Nonh·Swtb ~ulncnbk. Swlh dcab. NORTH • KJ'7J 71 K to• 2 • KY6 Noni! h..l OQ taldt to dltpule part ocr'• dcc1•JOO. WE.ltl • 1086 5 2 .., J 4 QJ 8 •AQ5 fo:AST •AQ94 OU5 J Wesc lcd lbe IM.'C ul clubtt Wld dlifi- cJ to lhr fhe of~· Declaret p1.,>eJ low rrum dummy The Rule of l 1 Jlliv.cd F..&.'A lhal the do~ h:ant.I hckl no canJ higher than the fl"'· Ml f:aM pmdlll.'Cll the foor &pot. Ocdlll'Cr ruffed l..tbel hnJ to hMdlt the tlurd club and then: WU lhc PMiblbty of I tnunp lu:o.cr ~ '"c II Soll. tho: hiMliJ wai. O\lcr in 11 OOt1J11c of minuie.. l.cbel casl)cd I.he ace and ling of hc<u1s and led o thud heart. We<11 could 1101 ruff prufiwbly. 'iO he tlt!>- c:ankd 1 spade. IA:clarcr ruffnl. reiumcd to hantl w11h • ~ ruff and led 11111Jlher hc&rt. Wesi p.attmg with a ~ultl \patlc The .ll.c untl ling ol J1a11llNKI~ wetc cw.l~J .mtl u tlurJ ~p:MJe 11111\ runlld • IOl'72 SOUlli • Vo&d AK 106J .411 75 4 •J4 J The l>Klllmj. i.oum \\1-..0,1 I Paw 1 .._ MlltTif t.A!-tT .. ,._ J "-s .._ .... PlltlS (~1ng lead Mc of• We ha\c alw•)'~ ldminxl the piny of frcnch intcmuuonalbt ·Mid1el Lebel Ills mpitl pluy obscures hi\ ITIL\Let) of techn~llt' lbis deal f rum 1 F-rcoo..h tum dwnp•onslup d1,p1.&p 1..dlcl t n actJ011 TI1C bitlJ11111" mutmc. Tl-= 1ump 1.0 foe d111111tlliJ,, I.he Pnnciplc of tea.\! Arnval. denying any 'lam lme~t. Wt\I Wlb do wn 10 the mo1.,1cr trump and Q ~of c:lu~. while ded.1r er hckl the master ~ Ind J -I of clubs Tllc heart V.Q\ kxl. Ind WC\I had to rulT und lead u dub away from the 4oeen The f111.:1 that the defender had not continued dub\ Ill any Jll>IOI \'rrtually marked w~ for the qocen w Lebel Jlb)'Cd low lrom ih.of1Ul1) and i..'Oml the last 11110 1.m:u wll.h the J:K'l and lmg of duh\. h~c d11 mood.' bid and made. ..... fnri~1-bre IOI busy End<KrtnololJ office 1n Newpot I Bdt. F11,....,.~8B56 9004 c.111oc 'ti '-'••• sot. mi. blk/blk lthr blh ca1tu11• roof Bou CO, am Im chrm whls, antd pk1. boohs/record~. llke no1 $8995 v557281 Bkr t4t-Sl6-ltll ·--·~···­Ce41llllec '93 DaVlli; wh1te/01tmeal 1111< low m•. beautiful ur 181f1al cond Inside & out. ctorn1 whls. S2995 Bk.r 949 586 1888 WWW • ..,...<_ Clorrlor '96 S.torlttg llU Con• 1811. aclu•I mt. melalh<. &reen Ian llhr bl•lk top, bHulllul hke new cnnd, S/99!> hrm v I !i6/? I Bllt 'M9 'l86 1888 __ .......,._ COllVmE '16 CPE Aulu IC, oll power whtle/r ed inter, b~111 run\ •lto1111 S/!>00 obo )M9·2« 31?4 - Fot 411 '6 S Mval•ftt Cun .. r loble or111nal owner . sohd car rru'1 ... Sl8.!iD !bl 9'J 719 29U FORD TEMPO '90 Sl!>O I U 9!17 010'> COSTA MESA UNCOut MlllCUaY Wu-.t.~ ZWD C. lthed, 6yn, 7511 "" ..,.,r1111ty, moontoof lull power. black & sh1tp (fl/939) $26.915 'OZu-.t.U Top of the line tpOf1 pl\&. .-oo( chromes. showroom lresh (607364) S23.99'J '00 u....60,.,.,,..... Top of tti. lme w Nawtcialt0n s1stem dual ~teen. enter llllnmenl. loaded (14202~) 24,98'> '01 Un<•U Spo<t Ph1 w/moorwoof. CO lo•ded (60'.>191) SI 7 .ll!JO '01 Un<oln Sig re- ' Car Cartit.-d. 6 Y'S. 1'fiA "" w•t•nly, fTOllWOOI ro (6710'.>9) $19.~ 'O' ""'°"' c-'' "-"" Moonllool CO. ShMp (6179n> $19 ,.,.,, ,,, Uncoltt ~ 4i4 1 op of the hne. ulh mate""&. DVD. rtlv Sys, Moonrool. Loaded &l~CM!fild (.oo66.}) $41.le 714-5*-5630 COSTUESA lllCOUI l llCWY GMC S..rlturltan l SC 2500, 4wd, /Oh • rnt. ROid/tan llhr •It. •HI superb ur 12 l Ond $14.995 v552461 Bkr 949-SH -1111 www.ecpat>l.c..,. uxus lX470 '00 4)(4 blM ~ 1rey Ith~ onter tow Ph& 4311 mo S36 /'JO '149 3!>0·570? 9004 COVE IOTORltG AUDIA4 '00 Rl•ck w/arey Inter •\#0802 01scounted IMWJ211e'9t Blach, Ian inter #V9978 Mus i Sell tMWS211'98 Bronlz Ian onlt't •V5497 Must Sell IMW S211e '00 Gree11 tpn tnll'r IV0!>61 01i.counted IMW SJOI 'D.1 Whtl• tan '1466 Mu•I See BMW '140! ·99 Blue 2"Y inti'• •V2 I 11 Mu~t '\ell BMW /40.• •()() Brnnre/l•n 19158 01scounted IMW 7401•'00 Blad, tan 111le1 #V9435 D1stuunled BMW 740tl '01 Blue erer 12843 Mu\I See IMW 74011'0 1 Solver. vrey •V860!i • Gr ••I lluy BMW 74011 01 W111tr ~rev fJ'Y.>I r.rul 8uy Chev Toho• '0 2 01•• k arey IV436/ r.reatBuy H•lor Dav Fath ''2 Rrd blatk •V8109 OM nun led 949-650-stlS Gr-cl '00 Mar~• lS 33k mPtalll• ulvt'r blue arey lthr lully loaded. hlie new cond SI0.495 vllf!einl BN 949 !>116 1888 www.ac,altl.<om H-do '9 7 Accorcl 2ctr rnupe l X. V toe t'n&me 691< bla~li l"V ltht •nrl be•ul 1l ul unmarhed cond 1•r •Red non •mkr S8495 v•Ol 26751 Bkr 9&56> 1.1111 -.ocpib.ocn• '14 Moaor•t l ti Turlto •tow m1ln vHy nttl' • $4200 949 240 I 01? HoME, HEAL TH AND BuSINEss ~ ... A -l HANDYMAN Install. retace c•blneh ~ moll!! Os 71A 546-7258 ClrJlt C1eanlng . -- lffl f\I' f) II' \ ( I'll"! (l.,,1•1111 I \1•r, •' .. . .. . ... 3 IOOllll ' lllllway ... cQldts P41C011dlll0nln9 CN..l TIIOAY • Cl.EM TIIOAY Kevin 714-321-3"2 omce 714-191-111 Computer SaMcta COMPUTER H ELP! ....... car. .... .. ,.. ....... ·.C•• ·~ ·:::::t"• . -Ob~ °"'.._..._ ...... ·*"9~1'1#91-0C ......., Or--. '°""~ ... 714-612-2786 Yt>UlttK>Ml lMNOVIMUIT PltOJlCtt Call a plumber. painter, h1ndy1ne111 °' •n1 ol 1"41 areal nrvic_. ltsted hate if\ ovr HfVlc• dlrecto<yl THt:S( LOCAi. SVC PEOf'Ll CAN H£LP VOUlOOAYI wnTHOln HYWALl All ph11Ma 1111/ltl lubt C\IANI IOvta, ltlt, f1H wt l«Xnl1 11~ 1441 SMAU JOI EXPlllT local, Qulch Rnponse HotM, \'a<d' Dock Er.ti 2D ~ o-:.n [11th: l 96«JO~ ACTIOIUNl rumK TrouWe sMoling spOh. , ... ,,.4~'-. ............... 714·146-6130 fOCTl.R.S INSINltO ' ACJ'ltlRfD u:r.117982 M~S..7"9 t .l.t: ··-·· • -jll1tfJI klClll conlndlOr. no !Ob too ~ no ~ too Illa. Rers l4lCJfl rec,..t. LAICI0-81070! 714 142-1410 NSID CONTlA<TOt Nojllbton~"'-' Repair, remodel, l•n~. ,,., -SYC 1149 645 '.Rl6 FlooMg./Tlle CUSTOM CMATM TU lnlQll!tOn ..... c.-arnic. ,,.. .............. 7$ Ll612DM .1111 714-612 9.161 ~ R1arout1n & ln\tatt1t1on Till 0£Nf 9itg.&1!t~ 714 fM6.M26 714'Ml 2001 eec.tal "'*" ' I 1\. I \1fn111 I HI fo'. 1l1/\fl1 I Hill!\ r I • Slnct 19&4 Cur11t CfllM Appliance '*1 C.wnaran HO ~31820 714..aM-1060 _Ganlenlna/ llndscaplng ree ~, .,. Cr.anup, Ma1nten1nce1 Sprinkler Rep11t. Haultna !'4tl .so-u• t RES TORE • RC PA IR A RlMODll INr. r "' "" y.,,,, tioflH• ft• p.1H D~l ~•·•~"<" SELL your stuff through classified! ' CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yl5 EJIP • Gl'lll Ref's All Pllases ol Coostn.ction I(~ Rtmodd EXl)el1S U5T79112 949-305-7699 GIMIAI, IEPAll AJU.INIENANCE ·~·~ No Job 7bo Sma.11 Dawe Damllton 949-322-8292 s...IC..... '~ Carpenll., • l'lumbtn1 0tyw11N • Stucco Paint."'8. Tiii a lll()(O 20+ YMr1 l xperlentill .1t1 ,...._ .... sn• JVMC TO Titl OUMPlll 7l 4 961 188.a AVAILABLC TOOAYI 949 61J !>SM ........ -cow ... J....,Sf• .. , a1itclo., tan n'l48 Crt1t l>MI .. Ila'" Slue, fen •V/947 ~wnl•d •..-x11·oe G1Mn, tin • 1280 Mlllll S..11 ,.._.IQ. '9f Red Ian l()ll59 CrHI Out MPCIDU CUO '02 Bl•ck bite.~ tV9211 OIM.nurited • M£RCEOCSE320 01 Bl8'k Blull tV!.4!18 01-.counll'd MCRClOLSf3?0w1 99 Gttell,l<'n IV4!>81 Gtul Oul MlRCCOf$ Ml!>') 00 Stiver lll•<.k •3859 Greal Out MfRCEOCS S!>OO '9'> While. ten 136~ Oiscuunh•d MUlCIDlS SISOO '00 While tan •OSSO Mu\I Sult MINI COOPllt '0 2 Blue It"'' •O'Mi? MU\I s~u rOllSCHl Cwrera '99 era .. 11 bl••• 1VI068 01~nunled POaSCHl (.,rera '99 Blue. aray tV6049 Mu\I Sell Uv•le M•n(tU\I 01 sn11pr. bla• k •V0139 D"n•unt~d 94MS0-5'1S rHIUlrS AUTO '9f •MW '2111S 56h mt (194701 Slb.980 '99 Jotr-V....Jon PfAS tlk nu (19817) $71 •18() '99 i..,, a.., .... f\Stul <1 'M!Oll I ) S'I 'l80 97 , .. ,,. U 400 Solvrt, low r111 (1945Jll Sl/'l80 '99 Mer<""9a CUOO 4!111 rnt (19751) s.49.980 '99 M•rnd•a C:JOO O•o1oel, pr t<"d 111 -.II ( 198-12) SH980 'f S Mere•"-• SllOO While. b4~ mo ( I 9R36) '/'1 9!W) '97 M•rceclH SU10 Rood•'•r 431< mt 1198!>9 > Pll <WI 94 M erced" SlSOO 11ooc1.,., Wtutr (19020) Sll '*l() '9• SAA• 900S c,,,.., 67k 1111 (198.'>2) Sii ~ '99 v.ni1w099n New•••"-09728) s<l.'JI«) 949-574-7717 PHll1'S AUTO ,,..,_...(_ Jogvar '00 S Type 3.0 vf, 3'>~ mt hllr I•< t W4U \tfvt-t natmr 41 IUu mnr t C:O mPmor v pk~· btttul h~e nrw umu.u k.-tJ 11111.i. S2J99'> v¥ l'>llbl Hko 949 'J!b I AAS www.ocpaltl.<om Masonry Vofttvra Concrete & Mn••"Y Brick Block. Stan., Concrt!la Rt-I.·!.<"""' l 1747448 714 96'> 1824 Misc Services Ir .. tent Dr u9 T oatln9 °"4 ONN, Pre4fT1*1Yn""11 ONN~ 714-311-9743 HOllDAY Hllr H11111t i Party Decor Ire. lrom· ml111. Room M~k11nvrrs. Shoeping 949 459 8270 Mowing' Stonge - --- ' , ', '.._ • I ~ 4 f f ~ "J , . ~ \, ,. i, J ·, • n :, ~ Open 7 °"Y1I LowAet• Stcnoe~ Since 1981 949-645-4545 r. Stnlnt All Clll•~ low• H Tl6JM4 323 997 1193 313 6.JO 9971 reN _ PUTAFEW WOIDSTO I' WORIFOR YOUI (949) 642-5678 DalyP*'t ----... ~ . .,..-.--.~---,__ ..,, .. ... ... emce • ""8MJI ,,. O.• (el'fftt• Wh1te. low ml (t!J176l) SJ&.980 "00 ,...,..,.. ',, c-SJ ... l!'*m1 (19441 > SS2 CJIO "H MK<..I.• U IO Loni Wl1eel Bue ( 1978'.IO) $21.980 'HMKc ... IU O Wh1lo. Very k1c.t t1972JJ) $23.980 'O I ,.," .... ,... · or lllAI h 1311 ml 09661) SIG.980 "OO~XH C..., Plath. 181. "'' (19818) 4J.9llO '02 SAAB 9-S R•d ?2lt "" <19869) $15 ~ '0 2 •MW :J2SCI R•d Only 1111 m1 (198?6) S29 .980 '01 •MW7 40/t '>1>u1 I Srlvl!f c 1 ':184!11 SJ7 980 '99 J .. ,, ,,..,. ... _ A$IUI ( I "8081 ) $'1' 'llKl '49-514-1111 MlfSAUJO _. .. ,. Tllo'• (wopeon Avtohous '99:JOOM flulu, lealhrr. I U f'remWhl•. ( 6'Jl.lll!>) s Ii' <Q'.l '02 Atconl Vf' S111r.rey, cu,tnrn Whl\ C:D, ;Ifill nu (I 16!17 /) s 1.1,'lllO '99st-SOO Sp<KI l'hi,flMG I "" Mulh l:O 71• (Jll/1'11) SN J(IO '911 C230 Whl/l~n. Aulu. muori. N•rt• CM (09'11tbl $14 !lOO '02 Gr.N Am SC Auto A. C CO Rl'ar Splr \11>3"71) SI0.900 994 ,,.,,,,,., l111t1t<J. In 11J~d S.11t• f'ft1 f"d (0941111 Slh 'lllO 'OOGS300 Whl/f,111 f'l~t11111111 Serte$. I nw M1 I D (Q9<1!1fl> SI'> ~~l '99GUOO 11111 I .r1 CO. Naha Audio l 11AJrd (1}41','"lil I> VI ,'lllO '97 C 40 Seel°" rulJ Lii U1t· lme Bo\f. 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