HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-04 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot•• 0 • •• Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,DECEMBER4,2003 PHOTOS BY MARK C. QUSTIN/OAILY PILOT Corona del Mar High seniors Rose Yan, Vanessa Valdes, Linsey Wood and Florencia Krochik, from left, discuss teacher accountability. Won't stand for SATs As part of a senior project, a student at Corona del Mar High School takes on the way students are taught and tested Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot 0 n the surface, Corona del Mar High School senior Amanda Rubenstein seems like the last student who would lobby against standardlz.ed testing and traditional grading systems. The 17-year-old has a grade-point average above a 4.0. She takes four Advanced Placement classes. She performed well on her SATs. and onto teacher ql,lality. On Wednesday night, she held a rally to drum up support among students, parents and teachers. HA lot of people say that students are lazy or don't want to learn," she said. ''I think the opposite is true. They want to learn. But things are shoved down their throats and they're not allowed to think analytically or critically." But for her senior project, she is lobbying against all the things in which she excels, hoping to shift educators' focus off test scores At Wednesday night's meeting on the Corona del Mar campus, about two dozen people came to hear Amanda talk about what she called Hthe systematic breakdown Senior Amanda Rubenstein gives a presentation during the first see SATS, P•&• A4 meeting of her club No Child Left Behind at Corona del Mar High. UC, teaching assistants make a deal, avert strike The strike would have begun today at Irvine and other campuses. Marisa O'Neil Da1lyP1lot UC IRVINE -University of Califor- nia officials and student teachers averted a strike late Tuesday night when they signed a tentative bargain- ing agreement Neither side would discuss the terms of the successor collective agreement until a union vote by the student teachers later this week. The strike was set to start today, just days before final exams at UC lrvtne. "We're pleased to be able to resolve our differences at the bargaining table and reach an agreement.~ UC spokes- man Paul Schwartz said. The former contract with the Unlted Auto Workers Local 2865, which represents the Academic Stu- dent F.mployees, expired Oct. l , said the union's recording secretary, Beth THE BELL CURVE Rayfield, a UC Irvine graduate stu- dent. The graduate teaching assist- ants, readers and tutors have been wortcing without a contract since then. Rayfield would not comment about the union's demand., but they had earlier alleged unfair labor practlces by the university system She said she was "very excited" by the tentative agreement and expect& a "very strong turnout" for the vote. More details should be released Monday, after the vote, Schwartz and Rayfield said. Union members originally staged a wallout on Oct. 3 but returned to work after the demonstration. The university system has contingency plans In place for such walkouts. The union represents more than 11,000 people at University of Califor- nia campuses at lrvine. Berkeley. Da· vis, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Bar- bara, Santa Cruz and San Diego. • MARISA O'NEJl covera education and may be reactted et (949) 674-4268 or by e-mail at marlaa.oneil@latimo•.com. No monopoly on horse manure Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONllEWEB: www.~com I t isn't often that a journalist finds hlouelJ personally involved In a brealclng news story. But when I read about the ongoing tiff between the city of Newport Beach and the Back Bay Equestrians over how, lt and why hone manure should JOSEPH be d.Llposed of. there I times a year, I find It necessary to shovel up horse droppings in the entrance to my driveway. If I don't, they get carried Into my garage every time the car passes over them. This is both WuaJly and aeathet1cally unappealing. It mlgbt even be unhealthy. WEATHER c 11 will be mostly 1unny end nice tod1y, with temperetures topping out In thelow70.. SNPqeA1. SPORTS .. Newport creek one of O.C.'s dirtiest Los Tran cos Creek contains high levels of e coli bacteria, a study by coastal watchdog groups finds. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Two area water bodies are near the top of a list of Orange County waters with poor water quality, ac- cording to a report released Tuesday by '-...ofange County CoastKeeper and other coastal monitoring groups. The report is based on data collected May 17, a statewide water monitoring day for various water-quality organizations. Los Trancos Creek in Newport Beach and Talbert Olannel in Huntington Beach showed high levels of phosphates and ni- trates, which can cause explosive plant growth and kill fish. Los Trancos at Crystal Cove also contained high levels of e coli bacteria, Coastl<eeper project coordinator Ray Hiemstra said. The two waterways were among the four worst sites monitored in Orange County, Hiemstra said, who said the Tal- bert Olannel empties into the ocean just See CREEK, Pa1e A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Flare flies at chopper, fi_!:.er sought A flare comes close to a Huntington Beach police helicopter responding to a brush fire call. Deepa Bh.,ath Da1ty Pilot NEWPORT COAST-Police are looking for the person who fired a Oare gun at a poUce helicopter early Friday morning. of- ficials said. Someone fired a Oare at a Huntington Beach police helicopter as it was respond- mg to a brush fire call near Newport Rldge Drive and White Cap Lane at abQut 1:15 a.m., Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman said. Police officers on the ground heard a loud noise coming from within the New- port Rldge condominium complex and shortJy afterward saw a red, Oamlng object shoot up to the slcy. he said. "The projectile missed the left side of the helicopter by about 100 feet and went above it,· Shulman said. The Oare, which was still burning and See FlARE, P•&• M wu. right ln the mtddle. N. BELL So t bad to put aside an almost·completed column to take a cut al the Santa Ana Hetgh11 I lone Manure Caper. !!very time r have to ahovel manwe, I must admit that I thJnk unkind thougbtl about the people on the boraa who leave the , dropptnp. Thae thoughts pue. more or less. as I lake a longer vfew. I acknowledge a deep blas against horses ever since I was required to be a part of a U.S. Army horse-drawn 8eld artillery unit at the University of Missouri u an Integral part of my education. On my fint exposure to a horse, I didn't tighten the dhch properly. lt .Upped around the horse'• belly when I tried to moWtt, and while I lay ol\ the ground beneath hlm. he relieved hlnuelf on me ln an ultimate ehow of contempt My relations with hones have been acralned UCI men .. belketbell trevela to UC Berlceley for 1 tough tNt. S..PqeBl ON VACATION: N.wpon 8elCtl Mayor Steve Bromberg ind hi• wife, Ronnie, center, dlecled the 01lly Pilot onUne While on their wey to Me•loo e~rd the CtUIM lhlp Ryndam. for more On VICdon photos, ... P•• A13. . J would gua. that lbout rour SMCUIWE,P .. eM . \. .. J, . \ POLITICS THE POLtnCAL LANDSCAPE ~ Fl.EPHOTO/l>M.YPt.OT Re Dana Rol'lrabacher, who was on hand when Arnold Schwarzenegger stopped by Huntington Beach during the rec c.ampaign, was recognized as a "taxpayer superhero• this week for his voting record on spending bills. Lo9k, up in the_ sky Alicia Robinaon OallyP1lot Rep. Dana Robrabacber wu Oeemed a "taxpayer superhero· oo Wednesday by the Council for Cltluns Aga.ln.st Government Waste based on his voting record on 2002 legislation. "It means that he voted 1009ri o( the lime ln favor or curling wasteful spending.• council President Tum Schatz said. The council looked at how legislatora voted on 24 Issues, such aa cuttlng 1ppropdatJona to the federal treasury, a farm bUJ and · ~raJ tax reUef bllla. The superhero awards are given annually. Eight of the Hou.e's 435 members received superhero awards for 2002. 4111111& Schatz said Roh11bacher's lifetime natJng for votes on wasteful spending Issues Is 934'1., the second POLmCAL CALENDAR DECEMBER highest of all House members. Topping the list with the hlghest lifetime record at 954Jli ls another Orange County legislator, Rep. Ed Royce. California's two senators dJdn't fare ao well, Schatz said. Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Diane Feinstein received scorea of zero for their 2002 voting recorda, he said. The council is the lobbying ann or Citizens Against Government Waste, a fiscally conservative watchdog organization, Schatz said. The awards ft gives are •really intended to encourage legia)atora to vote more often to cut waste and cut taxes. lt"s really a lobbying tool," be u.id. Cox tells Russians to shape up if it wants into the GS Rep. Chris Cox has Introduced legislation stipulating that Rus.sla's membenhfp In the Group of Eight nations be condJtioned on Russia Improving its record oo human rights. The bipartisan bill says the Russian government under PresJdent Vladimir Putin has suppressed tbe media, arrested prominent opposJtion supporters and has moved away from a marlcet economy. Russia's membership In the Group of Eight should depend on Its "voluntarily accepting and adhering to the norms and standards of democracy,· the bill says. A press release from Coxs office notes the bill's coauthors include Rep. Tom Lantos, Sen. John McCain and Sen. Joseph Uebennan, but does not elaborate on the bill. Cox. a longtime expert on Russia and its former Incarnation as the Soviet Union, could not be reached for comment on Wednesday. JANUARY • The ftepublcen PINtV of Or.,. County~ CommhlMwll hold 1...,_..m•Clog8t 7 p.m. 8t the South COlll ..... WMtlft HoMI, It • AntOn Btvd., Cotta Mele. (714) ~ FEBRUARY . • Tht "9pubbn,.,,., of Orange Courily centril ConwnltllM wt• hold • gener.e "**•et 7 p.m ... the ~ Co.tfllllra WMdt1 Hoeel. .. -~ ..... COiia Mela. Adml•lcn le._ Ind lilt ........ .. e .. ICl>r'M. (7141 --.. Artb.-0 ...... •• In SOl.lltl ~Wl9gelnwnddltydit'lhe ..,.,... comli ... melllng. lnformldon: ('714J .... ... DailyAPilot '"°1'00IW'HERS Marlt C. Oultln, Don l.Md'I, KM!t~ READEM HOT\JNE (949) M2«18G ..... ~ GIN Aluandef, l.ori And41non, o.nw Hurit. Plul s.ltowltz, o..ts.wr. ... 8JAlllF 0-.. ...... Crttne end CIOUftt f'IPOftlf; (949)PM2,28 ._,._,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,.,,_,oom .-ec1 ... •• Newpon 8Md\ ....,, -·~ '*»rd your comm.nta •bout the Delly P\lo\ Of MWa tlpe. ~ Our lldd,._ le 330 W. Bey St., eo.t. Meu, CA 92821 Ofrloe houre ere Mond9y • Fridey, 8:301.m. • 6 p.m. Coi11~ It .. the Pilot'e Polley to ptOmptty COtreCt ... lfftH'8 of tubltanc& Pl.-.aalt (M) ""'432'- m . ~·llltJ,,,..oom ............ Columni.c. culture~. IM8157iM21& ,,...,,.,,,.,..,,,,,,,_, CIOm 0-...Mecun• POLITICS ASIDE You .'re welcome, ·Mr. Goverrior T he "thank you" didn't come to my e-mail. but it dJd baYe my Mme QO it Sure. my name wasn't spelled rfgbt, but no one else at the Pilot bas • last name cloee to "JCabn. .. No doubt aboul lt then. This was a thank you from our new governor. bus1oess aedendals. 1ba.t doesn't seem lib much help. And tbaB where I goot comu.d. B'verl WOtle. on Aug. 28 and Sept. 4, I let Conner ABaelnblyman Gd f.ergulon Oluminate readen lbout the candk1ate be Wit suppoidng durtng the recaD: atate Seo. Tum McOkitock (l'emember bim1). That abould baYe gotten me licbd out of .Arnold\ S.J. CAHN campalgnheadquartera. Alao on Aug. 28, 1 hl8bJighted the one wfn Uebeoocb got during his abbreviated recaD nm: lnlonnationWeet.c:om naming his C8JJlP"i&n Web she the best among the recall C8Dctidata Is that moderate GOP blasphemy'l "-Stew, .. the &-ma8 bepn. "The Join Arnold team tbanb )'OU foe your support. efrortl, and c:ontribu.tiom to the Orange County Scbwan.meggier for Gowmor Headquarters in September and October. 2003. •.. Because of your aupport we~ ha~ an outsCanding Republican GaYemor in Sacramento.· 'MM; I bad no Jdea. I didn't reall1.e Ia done quite that much. Yeah. 1 also realize that what I~ gotten was a mass e-mail And when it aald: "The Orange Couoty Schwarzme8B'er for Governor Jfeadquarters was able to acoom.plish a great deal of success. beaw.!e or your eodless dedication. aee.dvity, and hard wori. • someone didn't really have me In mind Still. I think it's worth noting that "lwlithout dedicated volunteers such as yourse!vet, Arnold would not be guyemor ~ He ls grateful and tillUlks you from the bottom ot bis beanf' I'll remember tblt when I need a gubematodal 6Mlt or a wdgh1tiftlng tip. But It d left me woodedne What did J do, exacdy? J apparently helped with the following • •Del.Iver 639(, of the vote for Arnold Schwanenegger on FJection Day, offidaDy making Orange County 'Schwarzenegger' O>untry. .. • "Organize and mobill7.e 13 Get Out The Vote (OOIV) Headquarters, and 7 OOIV phone banks used to help drive up the vote." • ·Mobilize over 3,000 Arnold for Governor Volunteers via e-mail and telephone for a strong precinct and phone bank oorv effort.. • "Make owr 30,000 phone calls to low propensity Republican voters and Ded.lne to State Latino Voters.· • •eootact nearly 60,000 pennanent absentee ballot voters on behalf of Arnold. through an Initial volunteer phone bank. organized by Rhonda Rohrabacher. Devin Dwyer. the Huntington Beach GOIV Coordinator, the Huntington Harbor Republican 'M>men. and Jonny Yhst.. •"Distribute 68,000 Schwanenegger for Governor dooltnob hangers for the 72-Hour Get Out The \bte drill to help in<nase the number of voters at the polls.. • "Walk approximately I SO precincts during the weekend prior to Election Day and almost 600 precincts on FJ.ection Day:" WfNI, l'tn suddenly really tired And sdJJ confused. Daily Pi.lot designer Gina Alexander, when hearing what I was writing about. offered one possibWty. "Maybe lt'a all the pictwes we ran," she said, echoing a aendmeot more than a few readers bad sent our way after \Yl! covered~ repeated appearances here. I suppoee that didn't hwt. But. still. what did l do. e:xacdYl 1 didn\ take any or the photoe. for instance. OnAug. 14, J ~ Schwam!negger to memben of the wealthy, modemre GOP 8JOUP the New Majority. • And Arnold. tf be wins, could rewrite the New Majority story dramatk:aDy," I wrote. But in the same column. J abo said that Petet' Uebem>tb had afmflar If not, then pointing out that Mc<lintock was coming to a brealr:fast in Newport Beach. as I dld on Sepl 18, surely is. t Then. on Sept 25, I wrote these 'words, which I'd now like to disavow 0 have to remember that 18.vor I'm counting on): "Arnold's amdJdocy is not resonalirag wilh fa classroom of Omnge <:bast O>llegt> students} for a sim,M rEWOn. ... Arnold. he sounds 1'" he's got so~ good ideas, bul ifs all aboul pulling it into action,' saidfulia Goldman. 21. tullO saw Arnold at hls Cal Srate Long &och stop. What's he donel' • "Arnold netJl!r gWes any spedJfcs. Desliny Sn)dD; 22. said. .. (Hey. that's them talking. not me. Don't kill the~) I more than made up for it. though. five days later with this lead: "Peter Ueberroth's withdraw81 from the recall election has proven to be a boon to Arnold Scbwaaenegger's fund-raising In the area" lbat's much more like it And I was just wanning up. On Oct 2 · (right about when other medla were heaping charges of sexual misdeeds on our state's leader). I penned a column with this headline: •Arnold for presidentr' It detailed that Sen. On1n Hatch of Ut.ah bad Introduced legislation that would amend the C.0Mtitution and allow naturallzed citil.ens to become presideol I think. I now know why I got my e-mail "Arnold• and "president• In big type. That's gold. Still. I was curious if others who'd been M helpful had gotten their than.ks. 1be result or a few calls was deflating. Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg. who endorsed Sc:hwarz.enegger. said the e-mail I was talking about sounded f'amWar. He thinks he got It about three weeks ago. Maybe even a month. And Laura Dietz, who'd been sound.Ing: the Arnold trumpet, told me she got an • e-mail thank you a few days after the election. Perhaps worst of all, l wasn't even pubJidy applauded In the e-mail But Corona del Mar businesswoman 01sd Cristicll, who lo be running for the 70th District. was. What did to do to earn that? ' Well. ac:cotding to a campaign spokesrn.an. she put her own campaign on bia1us and dedicated herselt her • headquarters and her~ to the recall and Arnold. Instead or rafsblg • ca&J for her own bene6t. In other woids. • she was woddng for someone else& I didot do nearly that much. But we • dld nm 80me awfully ftattering photos. • LI. CAHN Is the maNglng editor. He can be reed.t et (949) 674--Q33 Of by e-mail et a.J.cahnOi.time&com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST 30 knota. The wa~ wtll attrt the day et 3 fMt and shrink to 2 fMt or amaller In the afternoon. Th• W9St swefl wtll be 81 3 to 6 fMt. Tonight, the winda will be out of the nof1hW9lt 8110 to 15 knob. It wtll be m091ty sunny uoept for aon. patchy low douda and fog .. rty. The hlghl w111 be from ea ton The wencta wltf be out of the north 8t 10 to 16 mph. Thev will become ~81around10 mph In the afhlmoori. · ~ wlll be mo.av char except near the c:oaet. whet-. tt'll be a Ihde doucler. Expect petc:hv fog. The IOWI wlll be fton'l 48 to 52. ~ ~IMIS.noN.,QOV BOATING FORECAST SURF TIDES ,..,.. CotCa Meiu rwponw, (Ml 17~1 dWnh.nMmoM IMltriiii.ciotn MeslliaO'Mll Ecluoldon ,..,.,.,.,, (Mal 57._.281 "**'"'-"•,.,,..O(lflt a.Me The Newport~ Meee Deity Pilot (U5'$-14"MOO) le publlthed dtlly In Newport~ end Co.ta MIN, tubecripdone .,.. ml,... o4'lly by tubecriblng to The TkMe °' .. Councy (800) 252.f141. In lf'MI OUtafde of Newpott e..d'I end CottAI ~. IUbtcnpdone to the Dlfly Pl6ot 9f9 ~ onty bV ftl'lt ct... INll fof' Q) I*"'*""· t"1oe9 lndude ... ~II.ft• end locel taJ!tt,) POSTMA.ST!": s.nd ~ c:Nneet to TM NMpoit leechlCciN MIN Deily flllot, '-0. loll 1111Q. <:-. ...... CA 12S2e. fliubli.Md bV T1mee Communlev ~ •• ~vte6ol\ of~~ Angtlee Tlmet. Wfnde on 1ht lnnw Mtwa wtll be~ 8110 llrlOla or 1'9hf9r. The wwee wllt be 2 tMt or-. on• wttt tWtlt of 3 '° 6 ...... Ftfthtt out. the wtnda ~·be vart.bM 8t 10 llrlOla or lighter UcepC ncwthutftlll of Sen ~ ~ whet'911Wf .... ~ ... ~et20to e:lSa.m. 1:18a .. m. 7:1tp.m • 12'.27a..m. Newt~(Mlt'7~ ,..,.,..~.oom 02003 Tlmet CN. AM rtghta ~. WATER TEMPERATURE 80degf991 UCI professors pocket awards . Two Graduate School of Management teachers are named top in their class. Deirdre Newm•n Daily Pilot COSTA MP.SA -UC lrvlne professor Brad Killaly considers himself one of the toughest graders at the Graduate School of Management. • His students agree. but also consider him one of the most ef- f ectlve teachers. Based on course ewluations from the last school year, Klllaly received an award for teaching excellence and a Sl0,000 cash prize last month. Receiving the Charles and 1\vyla Martin Award for Tuaching Excellence illustrates the depth of UCI students' commitment to their education, Killaly said. "It never ceases to amau me that my students consider me a good instructor, because I'm generally one of the most tough graders in the school,· Killaly :c.aid. ·And I think it speaks not of me, but it speaks of what stu· dtmts want in their education and what we deliver -very rig- orous and demanding course- work." Lisa Barron, an assistant pro- fessor or organization and strat- egy in the graduate Khool, was named the Dean&' fionoree for Excellence in teaching her nego· tlatlons class. whJch ls an elec- tive. · The awards are based on i.tu- dent evaluations and optional statements written by the pro- fessors. A committee reviews the evaluations and nanows them down to a group of seven flnal- ists who are invited lo the awards ceremony. Killaly and Barron didn't know until the cer- emony that they had won the awards. "I was very honored." Barron said. "I Jove teaching. and it's a real privilege and it's an honor when the students tell you that you've been really important to them. We have some excellent teachers here so It's nice to be in that group." KlllaJy, also an assistant pro- fessor of organization and strat- egy, taught four classes that qualified for consideration. He mainly teaches students the skills they need to make high· level decisions on Issues such as mergers and acquisitions. out- sourcing and investing abroad. Many ·of the evaluations de- scribed his no-nonsense style combined with a great sense of humor. "He'i> very dynamic and en- gaging and puts people on the spot but encourages a really strong dialog\Je about cases based on bis style and tech- nique,• said second-year student Jen.nifef Wolf. who was on the! ev;t.luation committee. "All Qf us on the committee felt strongly that he was the best candidate thfs year." Barron teaches negotiation, organizational behavior and managerial communication. Her teaclllng style Is interactive, she said. "We do a lot or simulations where (the students) negotiate, and we analyze those,• Barron said. "They read a lot of different material to help them prepare and learn new ways of ap- proaching negotiation." In addition to doing research on salary negotiations, she has finished a project on the sym- bolk meaning of money. Killaly said he will probably use the $10,000 for research. He lauded 1Wyla and Olarles Mar- tin, the founder of Laguna Beach-based VentureLab. for es- tablishing the award. uOtuck and 1\vyla have been pulling for this school for a long time," Klllaly said. "They're com- mitted to the UCJ campus. com- mitted to higher education here in Orange County and commit- ted to increasing the strength or the links between the university and. the business community, which I'm all in favor of. 11lis is a couple who cares and gives of their money." Three local teachers get national honor The certification process is grueling, with numerous applications and a tough daylong test. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NhWPORT-MESA -The ap- pUcalion takes almost a year to complete, and the intensity that goes into it is comparable to get- ting a master's degree, say teach- ers who have appUed for Na- tional Board C.Crtification. This year, three Newport-Mesa Unjfied School District elemen- tary teachers ascended to the highest echelon of the profes- sion by gaining board certifica- tion: Chandra Prough of New- port Coast, MicheUe Hanscom of CoUege Park and Amy I locker of Newport Heights. The certification recognizes excellence in teaching and usu- ally comes with a $10,000 bonus. This year, however, the recipi- ents will not get any money be- cause legislators eliminated the bonuses over the summer dur- ing the state budget crisis. The three teachers, who found out they had been selected the weekend before Thanksgiving. will still get some monetary re- ward -the distnct increases their salary by 2% every year, said Barbara Rothman, principal of Lincoln Elementary School and a board certified teacher herself. Most teachers consider it a benchmark of professional growth. "It was important to me be- cause I feel like being a teacher is a very important profession and you have to blrive to remain educated and continue the growth process," Prough said. The application requires sub- mitting a portfolio with four en- tries, two of which must be videotaped teaching experi- eoces. Prough, who is in her ninth year of teaching, said she labored on her application for I 0 months. Applicants also have to take an all-day test, answering questions on how· they would deaJ with student issues in ruf- ferent subjects. To help her go through the In- tensive application process. Prough worked with a group of 45 teachers with support from the Orange County Department of Education. She also worked wilh a group of teachers at New- port Coast. "We supported each other, and we grew as educators," Prough said of her colleagues at Newport Coast. Hanscom couJd not be reached for comment. College Park Principal Pat In- sley expressed pride in Han- scom's achievement and said she is a huge asset to the school. "She really takes an active role here at our school, particularly in all our school-wide events, and is active in our Parent Teacher Assn. "She's just a real cheerleader for the school. She Is a lifelong learner, obviously. And anything having to do with tech nology, she's the go-to person for that She just malces this a fun learning place to be." Hocker could not be reached for comment either. Newport Heights Principal Ju- ruth Chamber.. said Hocker's dedication to the school made her a perfect candidate for cerli· fkalion. "She exemplifie:. the kind of teacher that wouJd first of all pursue something like that, and she is always taking on chal- lenges and leadership posi· tions," Olambers said. "She is a very strong teacher on our cam- pus." Chambers and Rothman said they wouJd both like to see Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger reinstJ· tute the bonuses. The Original '· •• MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENn Y MARKED DOWN 30%off · Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 ·s~ ~ESIGN CENTER #for All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOUTERY •Custom-Made furniture •Slip Covers •Patio furniture • Draperte.s. Shades, &6edsprea~ TIU'sday, December 4, 2003 Alo 1 1!!'""'~~ ~\_U_ na · 8:00 Pt.1 t" 1:00 AM Th• 'ala Parb and DlnnM Includes: A C•l•bratl-n DIMM &uff•t 6 C.nt•9'tamm#t by . lllflfl- perty !Jab • Fa~1rs ~ D~C:~"' A ~p•dacular &aU.~ln Dr'P. atj"1idnlfht • Ch1mpafn• T •ut and T.w., Drink Tic:ll.-b P.• P•r$on . • A4Wanc• Party and Dlnn•r: Ticlc•b ~150.00 ,_r p•raon \ I " ~ccornmo ~'n11ms ITT.COM B>e~t '.b4! Quarianiee or8*.~MtM ~ Tw" or Tir..!4! ~ Padcages ~ -., • Gin Cu:n11aau • P M:lmc W au. Sa PAOUGU • GIJ'f luun t HoJ.IDa 11.UNcH 1Uurcr10N1 • N1w YLU'• Bn C11 HUl'ION llooJJl.ll'10N AND Tlcon ~ H;i-AlT • ) • .i • r l .. r· .. , ~ 1o. ,. [)rcen1 ber 6 & 7 rJ i.-. ~ • • C~~ • M.1rine Avenue mer hant ...... ~pec1alry srorc. all day. [)cccn1 ber 13 Bring the E1111ily for a fun day! Santa Snow ~lrce Lighting Hayrides Refreshn1ents 3:00 @ ~fhe Fire Station · .Balboa Island is located at the end of Jamboree, just past ·rcH and over the o bridge. See you there! 949-673-4280 949-673-2130 't ' CREEK Continued from Al ~d. The fP& ~ level or • c:vU l'l 61 bracterla oolon.ica per 100 nillllllten of water. Los Trancos monitoring &bowed more lba.n north of Newport Beach. Tile 5,000 ooJpn.les p« l 00 m1llilltm. olbtr two top otfend(U'S "N'tl't! All-1-0enstra &aid. 1bB e coll is prob- 80 Qeelc In l.Jtgurut. Bead\ and Se-ably coming from bfologtc:aJ gunda Deshecho ln St.rl Oe--~ ln the water stream. he mente. laid. Of lhe 36 sites dteclced county· The Santa Ana River Wal.er wick, water at 31 sites exceeded at Quality Qmtrol Board cwersees lcn.st one of the stahdards mea-numerous bodies of water ln the sured. Federul f.ovlronment.al Newport-Mesa area. including Protection Agency !Jlnndan:is ~ Los Thmcos Creek and the Tulben used In the monitoring. Wem.sua Marsh. water-quollty boord w.d. spokesman ~ Bcrehtold said •Pretty much evety stream that he had· not seen the re1>;<>rt yet. we monitored had &Orne kiod ol but the board has wotted with problem." he said •Some of them Or;mge County O:>ast:Keeper 10 were just more serious thaq oth-solve water-qua.liry problems.· Ct'5. • Orange County Is already famil- Compared with an f.PA·deslg-lar with beach closures and pollu· nated •acceptable" level of O. l ..non of coastal waters. he saJd mUllgrams of phosphates per IJter "There have been significant of water, Los 'francos water was problems in the past, nnd in re- measured at 0.16 milligrams per amt )'e"d.l'S, I l.hinJc. those prob- Uter, and Thibert waler contained lems have been Improving, but 0.18 milligrams per liter. certainly they're not completely The high levels of nitrates and eliminated/ Berchtold saJd. phosphates are "your classic ur-'11le first step to fixing a w.tter- ban runoff problems" caused by quality problem is identifying the lawn fertillzcrs. people washing source of pollution. he said lf ur- thelr cars and the like, Hiemstra ban runoff is causing polh:uion. Elr'.ZJ Dunn-Well La U1 & io,,,. Nnu ~ari Rl10/alion! Rabbi ct Insurance Agency Alfl'O • HOMl!O'NNf.JlS • Hf.ALTii \iJ/11/lf') ''"" /'JP. ~,~ ~Sr.)_, 949-631-77 40,, 441 Old Newport Bhd. • Ntwpon Bach (Near Ho.g Ho.J"tal} 11Ecma 11 FLARE Continued from A I had a parachute mechanism at· tached to it, then floated down dangerously toward the oondo complex below, he said. Bui it landed on a tree and was recov- ered by officers, Shulman said. investigators later detected that the initial brush fl.re was caused by a similar flllTl', he said A helicopter, operated jointly by Cosca Mesa and Newport Beach police departments, had already landed at the scene when the second Oare was fired. Shulman said. Huntington Beach's helicopl~r SALES .EVENT! 0 '" JOHNNY G's "THE OREEIC MEXICAN" 8rt1kfttt, l111~ & 11 •• ., ---~---------------------- munldpelltles beaJ eomo rmpc>n· llbWty, and the boani can l8qUint them to tllke con:ecttve acdon. 'We will certalnty review dle ro- pon and look for any problern.<I chat it ldenti6es that we can ad· dms us1og our regulatory tUthar· lty," Berchtold said "'°' water-quality nutnp In the water bod.Jes did not come as aswprise. "It has been a source of prob- lems owr time,• said Jeannette Menil~ of Laguna Beach, who led etfons to maintain public ac- cess at Crystal Cme State Put. New bousmg developmentJ in the hills abQYe Crystal Cove and the PeHcan Hill golf course hive llkeJy increased· runoff into the· creek and subsequently the ocean. sbe said "That 13 alatmlng to me be-- cause (Crysta) QJve is) the state padc beach that Is affected... she said. "The public needs to be able to use that beach without getting ear Infections and skin infections. ... It's a place where people take their c:hlldren.. Tulben has likewise been a trouble spot for yean. "We've looked at it many. many times.· Huntington Beach Coun· was tlying about 1,000 feet above the ground, he said. Mir's really fortunate the air· craft didn't get lilt/ be said. ·11 could've brought the helicopter down, incapacitated the pilot or could've even injured or killed the officers ln the helicopter." Shooting at an alrcraft ls a felony and a federal offense pun- ishable by a fine and up to 20 years in prison. Shulman said. Thjs is not the first ti.me Hun· tington Beach airl>ome officers have been targets, said Sgt Tom Arnold. who supervises the city's helicopter unjt. ''Occasionally, someone would shine a laser at us as a joke,· he said. ·eut they don't know it can blind the pilol Some shoot fire. works at us. And while we do take aU that seriously. this Ind· dent is far more serious." "!The ilare) could have brought the helicopter down,· CURVE Continued from Al ever since. But when f weigh this bias and the manure in my driveway against the free.wheeling. laissez.faire atmosphere in Sancn Ana Heights that makes it possible for horses to behave in this manner. I soften And when I further realize that supporting a hard line on the manure question might encowage the Newport Beech authorities to examine my own eccentricities -like leaving the garage door open all day. for example -I find myself in bed with the horses. . That may be occasionally uncomfortable, but the alternative might well be worse. I am exceedingly waiy of efforts from outsiders to tidy up the environment around here. As President L¥ndon Johnson once poetically-and illogically- said: ~1! we don't stop 'em in Vietnam. we'll .bave10 stop 'em in Honolulu.• Or something like that 'This concern -expressed before the annexation -that Newpon Beach might tty to reconstruct us in its image does not. however, preclude some comments on the merits of the horse manure debate. As 1 read the quotes in the Pilot news story. the wic atgUl'llellt Is biological rather than aesthetic. The Back Bay Equestrians are ·say1.ng we should be pleased to embmoe the benign qualities of horse manure, while the authorities are warning that horse dropping8 could mudt up our water quality. This Is, perhaps. an overslmpliftcatk>n. but the subject matter Is pretty hard to intellectualize without making bad jobs. We are asked by the spokeswoman ror the Equestrians to educate ouraelws -along with city olfldals-"on the environmental benefits of horse manure." Theae benetlts. she' explain~ to d>e Pilor reporter, don'l pose the same risb to hwnan health as do other anJmaJ drop])lnp bec:a'*' ho11a ear a lot of ~Y. whJcb we ere told prodll<* "eco-Cdendly" manure. AD this la beyond my btologk:al pup. but ln 6Umell, I must pofnt out that hone manure wasn' very belJthy for my late da.cbsbund ft1end aod companion. Coco. Sevt.nlJ ycan aao when our ltiaX.lt trom Prance, 1-ldwatd and Pnlnoolle Appel. were~ one of our neigtlbothood borw left us a . c:Owoman Debbie <:ook &aid of ~ 'Diibert Mmb water ptOblem. "lta been &tucUed to death, and Wf!ve done evetythlng we can to try to dean "IP what\ coming out oltbere." The dty diwrkd l1ow riom 'Dll· bet1 Channel co the Orange County Sanhadon Oi5trict.. but even that twn't eoMd the prot). lem entirely. she said. "It continues to be a problem and nobody's come up with any altemadves for what to do with ft ... We're open to sugpstic)ns." Hienlstra saJd that abQut balf of the 546 sites monitored statewide showed some water-quality prob- lems. Tue ieport will help mtab- Ush benchmark data for water quality along the California coast. he said .. A lot of these waterways. as far as I know, have never been tested for th.ls." he said "It's intended speciftcalJy to Identify problems chat maybe nobody even knew about• • AUCIA ROBINSON c:overs buslneu, politics and the environment. She can be reached at (949) 764-.il330 or by e-mail at allcJB.robinson@latimes.com. Arnold said. "It's fortunate that no one was hurt.· Newport Beach police have sent pictures of the Oare at the request of the Transportation Se- curity Administration to Wash- ington. D.C., Shulman said. "They are maldng sure the in- cident is not an act or terrorism,. he said. "We have no reason to believe that thJs is the work of tenorlsts, but we don't take this type of activity lightly." A flare such as the one that was fired could easily be bought off the shelf at a military surplus store. "lt's not good when they are used Improperly.• Shulman said. "What's unfortunate is that these helicopters are up there to help people and heres someone try· ing to bring it down." Those with information are asked to call Newport Beach po- lice detectives at (949) 550-6273. sizable pile of droppings. Howard. who farms a bade.yard palch at his home in Provence, was ecstatic and regaled us at dinner with all the fine attnbutes of horse manure. Then. early the next morning. he collected a bag full of manure from the deposit in front of our house and presented it proudly to my wife for her ftowert>eds. Anxious to please our guests. she distributed it generously. Then, the Appels \\ent baclc to France. That's when Coco got mysteriously sick. The vets couldn't find anything wrong with her except a bellyache. which seemed strange since she wasn't eating anything. She would disappear for Jong spells in our capacious backyard when we put her outside, then come back and throw up. I finally followed her and found Coco in a bed of manure. eating with gusto. So my wife an~ I spent several hours tracking down and digging up manure while Coco watched. full of the knowledge she had stashes we hadn't yet found. That took several more days. Then she got \Wll. Now f can't prove It was the manure that made Coco sick. but even a dedicated equestrian would have co find this evidence persuasive. I'm sure the equestrians would also contend that Cocos bout with manure has little relevance to the issue now vexing them: multiple signs along their trails telling them that fines of up to $100 -under a Newport Beach animal w.i.ste ordinance - will be levied against equestrians who don~ clean up after !heir ho11eS. These signs -which the Back Bay P.ques~ not swprlstn~y find "unfrtendly"-are accompanied by trash cans. complete with shovels, along horse traUs. There are none. to my knowledge. along driveways.. Apparently, the authorities dotft consider driveway manure a threat to our water. Oty otBdals and the Back Bay l!questrians are go.Ing to meet aver the next few weeb to resolve th1s problem I'm going to watch It a distance for the moment while I try to Ogure out if thil 111 an lsNe on whJcb an of us in Santa AM Hclghts thould hang l~ Meanwh.lle, ft secma Ironic and appropriate to me to be debating the subject of hone manure \n an dec:don year. • JOl9M N. llU ... 1-..idont of Santa Ana HelghtJ. Hit column ~Thundaya. PUBLIC SAFETY . BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Motions to dismiss rape charges put off Motions to dism.Jss rape charges against Greg Haid.I. the soq of Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl, scheduled to be heard today, were post- poned to Dec. 22. Attopleys •for Greg Haidl, who. with Kyle Nacbreiner and Keith Spann, Is accused or raping an unconscious girl at Don Haldl's Corona POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • har Strwet: An auto theft was reported In the 2900 blodc at 2:33 a.m. Tuesday. • c;.,field StrMt vandalism was reported in the 3000 blodc at 3:36 a.m. Tuesday. • H.tbor BouJevard: Possession of marijuana waa reported in the 2700 blodc at 11:08 u.m. Tuesday. • Lorenzo Avenue: Vandall$m WJIS rellQrted in the 2700 blodc at 6:59 a.m. Tuesday. • h m .. a L..n•: A garage burglary was reported in the 2200 blade st 9:42 a.m. Tuesday. • Santa Ana Av•nu•: F-orgery was reported in the 2400 blade at 9:21 a.m. Tuesday. •Victoria Street: Graffiti was reported In the 500 blod<. at SATS Continued from Al . of th6 academic institution. n Hefproject started as a rally against the SATs and the importance placed on them by schools. teachers and college admissions boards. As she researched the subject, sh e said, a "light bulb" went off in her head and she decided to tackle a bigger issue. Many teachers, she argues. don't follow California's standards for teaching. Rather than encourage learning, Amanda said, they require regurgitation of facts and figures. Oaire Ratfield, a Lincoln Hlementary School teacher twice certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, spoke about the need for progressive teaching techniques in the classroom. ln a speech titled "Paradigm Stick," Ratfield said that the world is changing, but classrooms have changed little since the early 20th century. •Amanda's angle is not just the SATs, but that there's no meaning-centered teaching,~ Hatfield said. Nit's all memorization and facts. SATs are like 'Jeopardy,' and we're not doing 'Jeopardy.' We're trying to build students who are thinkers." •1 have two freshmen who are just starting out in high school.'' said parent Jody Young, who was at the meeting. Ml'm curious what a senior who's been through the SA'.IS would have to say about them." Amanda hopes to have future meetings for the organization. which she has called "No Child Left Behind.• Though It shares a name with the federal No Child Left Behind J\ct, which relies heavily on standardized testing as a barometer of school success, lt has a different approach. Encouraging discussion and thought and analysis in cl8.S4rooms instead of relying on teats and traditional grades will help students learn and retain material, Amanda said. When teacher& gtve a test or a reading assignment and then sll in the back of the class not lnteracting with atudents, she argues. they're n.ot doing their job. "Wdrc targeting a system that allows a teacher not to teach or allows a ttudent who wants to IC4m and ii struggling, to fall , .. Amanda aaJd. Thousb aho lntenda to study law or tntern•tional business In college. Amanda aafd she u •pualonate" about education . Corona deJ Mu H.lgb Schoo! bas tncredfbl• teachen, she deJ Mar-home, bave,Allcd several motions. including one co dismiss the c.ase against thelr client because of •outtageous prosecutor· Jal misconduct." The judge Is also ex- pected to rule next week on whether Greg Haidl and Na- chrelner will face an en- hancement of causing •great bodily injury" to the victim by penetrating her using a pool cue.. If the judge dismisses the en· hancement, the defendants. if convicted. will likely not face a life sentence. 4:49 a.rn. Tuesday. • Eut 17th StNet and Tustin Awn&,.: A traffic accident involving Injuries was reported at 7:49 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Nof1h Bay Front A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1000 blodc at 7:46 a.m. Tuesday. • Birch Str99t: A commercial burglary was repqrted in the 20100 blodc at 7:28 a.m. Tuesday. • lrviM Awnue: A hit-and-run was reported in the 600 blodc at 12:25 p.m. Tuesday. • N.wport Boulevard: A reddess driver was reported in the 2800 blodc at 8:10 p.m. Tuesday. . •Vista Caudal: A burglary was reported in the 20000 blodc at 8 p.rn. Tuesday. 'We're targeting a system that allows a teacher not to teach or allows a student who wants to lea rn and is struggling, to fail.' Amanda Rubenstein Corona del Mar High School senior said , but more attention has to be to paid to ones whose students regularly perform poorly. Comlstently bad test scores and grades may be a better indicator that the teacher, not the students, needs more work. Amanda hopes to give students. parents and community : members a voice 10 speak out : for educational reforms. "Her heart is so rich, her message is so real.~ Ratfield said. "She's fighting a mythical beast that's refusing to change. And she's right. In some way. the system has failed." • MARISA O'NEIL covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4288 or by e-mail at mariss.onell@latimes.com. OBITUARY JohnE. Tahl .. i' A funentl mass fbr Mt. : Jobn B. tahl, a 47·yeu ~ resident of Newpon : Beath, Is scheduled for Saturday at 11:30 a.m. at t Our Lady Queen of An· gels Cathollc O'lurch In Newport Beach. Mr. 1ahl dJed Sunday of oatW'tl ctUlel. Ho wu ! 81 . • Mr. TuhJ is eurvtwd by his wt!e Marjorie: ton PatrlckA. 'lhhl; dauahten Matjortc A. WllllamaOO and Lllura A. 1Rhl: and four grandcbDdren. ' .. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Susan Joyner will close the retail part of her family's Tides Office Supply store, which has served Newport Beach for 54 years. Tide Office Supply will close Alicia Robln1on Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -For 54 years, the Joyner family has been there when people needed co write a memo or staple a report together. Though it has relocated sev- eral times over the years, Tide Office Supply has been the Joyner family business since Fred Joyner opened it In 1949 , on the Newport Boulevard where Malarkey's Irish Pub is now. His daughter. Susan Joyner, who has been running the busi· ness for the last three years. re· cently decided to close the re- tail store at 2823 Newport Blvd. ,in January. ~he will continue to supply local companies that make up the bulJc of her clien· tele. With the trend moving toward bigger chain stores such as Staples and Office Depot, Su- san Joyner sald she doesn't get as many walk-in customers these days. "Most of my business is phohe, fax, e-mail orders by now.~ she said. One of Joyner's longtime cus· tomers has been the Newport Beach Police Department. "We've had a great working relationship over the years." said propeny and evidence offi· cer John Pabls, who orders of· fice supplies for the depart· ment. The Joyners' store was one of the few office supply outlets In town when Pabls joined the de- partment In 1975, he said. Pabis himself will retire next week. and he asked Joyner to keep her store open until he leaves. Over the years, the de- partment tried other suppliers, but it got the best service from Tide Office Supply, he said. "We find the service dealing with them very easy,· he said. "They know whal I need with- out me even writing it down." While the business now uses computers, Susan Joyner said she's tried to keep other things about Tide Office Supply the same as when it opened. She still uses an old crank- operated cash register, and some customers even have a tab that's wrinen on a piece of paper. "We know most of our cus· tomers by name; we know what they buy," :.he said. After she closes the :.tore. she'll run the business from an office in her Costa Mesa home and from some warehouse space through which she plans to continue serving Individual customers. One of the reasons she didn't close lhe business earlier is the personal relationships she and her family have had with cus- tomers. Her father worked in the store until he was 88, her two brothers have worked there. and Susan Joyner herself began her career in office sup· plies when she was very young. "It's nice hearing people that remembered my dad and the way things have been over the years," she said. Thursday December 4, 2003 A5 BRIEFLY I~ THE NEWS Author of 'Baby Book' to speak Pediatnclan William Sears, author of "The Baby Book.• will lecture Thurs- day night about parenting issues at Harbor Day School In Corona del Mar. Sears wtll speak about "The Svccessful Olild: IO Tips for Suecessful Parent· Ing" and "Fe~ding the Brain: lmproving Your Oilld's IQ Through Nuui- tion. • A graduate of Harvard Medical School, Sear:. serves as associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the UC Irvine School of Medicine and has prac- ticed pedlauics for more than 30 yean.. "l\.vo of his sons are lo his practice, and two more are fini:.hmg their pediatril., re:.idencie~ and will join him soon. He and hb wife, Martha, live in Capi:.trano Beach. Other books published by Sears mclude "The At· tachment Parenting I land book.· "The D1:.ciplme Book" and "The '>uccc<;SfuJ Oilld. • He h~ appeared on "Oprah" and "GuOll Morn ing America." The lecture wa.ll nm from 6:30 to 9 p.m. lhursday at Harbor Day School. J44'i Pacific View Dt'lH' in Co- rona del Mar A k\\ -.eac\ are still available h\ i:aJling Viviane Oglev1t• a1 (949) 645-8004. South Coast Plaza presents check Sale!> ta.xe .. from South Coast Plu.a Mores gener ated nearly S 11 million for the clty of Costa Mesa he- rween July 2002 and June 2003, Costa Mesa Cham ber of Commerce Pre!>i· dent Ed Fawcett said. He and Werner facher, a top South Coast Plaza ex- ecutive. presented the city with a giant check on Monday representing that r~venue. Though Lhe revenue has already tfeen t:ollected by the city. the check presen· tation is a marketing move 111 anticipation of the state's putting further fi. nandttl strain on local governments, which might look to businesses to make up funding gaps, ~awcett said. "'What we wan1 to do is .,how them, reinforce to them what the plaza means to the city, M Faw- cett said. "If you want to t•ncourage more golden t,gg.,, don't strangle the goo~e."' Coi.ta Mesa Fmance Di· rl·rtor Mark Puckett said lhl' '>ale., tax is the city's largt''' single source of rl•vcnue and it has been 11nponan1 to the city bud· get. I le noted that city '>ale'> tax collections have ht·cn flat for the past three year!> becattse of Lhe eco- nomic slump. "llopefully, this year. we'll see some growth In that," he said. Snow will blanket the Dunes Friday No matter what the weaiher. bnow will fall Fri· duy at Newport Dune:. Re· sort to create holiday spirit for the 10th annual Light· ing of the Bay. T);ie event will hewn <11 6 p.m. with 20 ton .. ol .. now for all to en· 1oy, and then Santa Onus wtll turn on the lights of 40 Climtma' trees situated in the Back Bay waters. I here will be caroling, hot l hocolate and live mu~1c by children's groups and the Lakewood High St:hool ~ladrigal choir. WATERFORD CRYSTAL SIGNING EVENT ' I I I I I I I Boat Bowl $495 •• : CHARGE rT WITH ROBINSONS-MAY WE ALSO WELCOME AMERICAN E)(pRESS VISA, MASTERCARD AND DISCOVER ............ 'ROBINSONS· MAY Give the Greatest Gifts I, SHOP ONLINE AT ROBINSONSMAY.com OR BY PHONE 1-800M633-1224 .... ~-------~-----------------------------.-..-...--.,.; ................ .._ ..... ..;.... _______ .......: __ ~ ............. -----.. ...... ~""-------.:----- . Newport denies it ne~ds a Greenlight vote on resort ~. , ~ The city stands by its decision to put the project at Marinapark on the ballot. June CHacrand• Dally Piiot ........ NEWPORT BRACH -Oty or- Ocfa.l are s1andlng Orm on their dectaton to put a' lUxury reson on the Novelt)ber ballot not be- .cause they think the project re- quires a Greenllght vote but be- cause they believe voters should decide. • City Atty. Bob Burnham sent a leller thJs week. to John But- tolph. a resident who had asked the dry to explain lta rationale for putting the Balboa Peninsula reson proposal on the balloL That resldenl's request prompt- ed a st4tement by G~nllght that the ,group's leaders believe the city is acting outslde the law and setting a bad precedenl Burnham disagreed, de/end- ing the legal basis for the City Counctl's decision In February to send the matter to a non- WHY PAY RETAIL? WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC . t,.;.~. g'.¥1HAdM·y;/'~~t:tn1 • GIA 6 BOL Certifted Diamonds • CultomJl8d Orders • Engagement ' Wedding R1np • Rep&lrl While You Wait • 18 lndependeni MercbanY Help keep our city clean! Greenlight vole. hotels to lllgbtJy dllfereot c:rlte-vember 2004 ballot,· which will prepattd to gtw an opt "'The decWon, lhe process rla, ba.slng lhe GrttnUght quet-f.Dclude the presld ntia.I · rac;e Bunolph, too, said he nee(\' leading up 10 the election and tJon solely on the craftlc factor. and other genetal eJectlon naces. more dme Jo consider mos• tht elecdon Itself fully comply Anticipating that tbe 110· Greenllght supporters 1'9· Burnham'• polnts, but the ha. with lhe letter. splrit and latent room luxury reaort they hope to c ntJy questioned this ap-matter, be said, ls cut and dri~ or lGreenJlghtl, w Burnham build on the Balboa PenJnsula at proach. saying that ft under· "1bis ls a big change wrote. the site or the Marinapa.rt mo-mined the lntent or Greenllght. what the voters lhought According to the clty'i Green-bile home park wowd not ex-But 8umt\am said be believes were enacting/ saJd Buttolpe Ught rule, which voters passed ceed the thmhold for c.ramc, the lhat the City Council adopted who ls not a member of th In 2000 as Measure s. any council nonetheless decided tbls guideline with Greenlight Greenllght. Committee but ~ project that slgnilicant!y e.x-that the matter would best be supporters' blessings during a Ueves that the move IS ir th ceeds General Plan guidelines decided by voters. Acting under Sttfea of meetings ln Marcil to the voter-approved lnit.lativa. ror trafllc, homes or square foot-a provision of the rclty charter 2001. -. "This the first hotel project stnc-e ege must go 10 a vote of the peo· that lets lhe countJJ put such On ~ednesday, G~enllght GreenUght, and to me, this 1$ a pie. Ourtng meetings before lbe ' decisions into the hands of spokesman Phil Arst said that time when you defmltely don'\ GreenUght lnJtlatJve was adopt-voters, they agreed to put the the group had not yet analyzed want the camel sticking Its nose ed. officials discussed holding Marinapark question on the No· Burnham's Jeuer and was not under the tenL w ' NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI Here are some Items to be considered by the Newpon Beach Planning Commission tonight. numbers and estimated that replacing four units of affordable housing would mean the owner wouJd lose about $865,000. So staff members have recommended tha\ the city approve the request and require lhe developer to chip ln $54,000 10 the citfs affordable housing ln-lieu fund to make up for the lost affordable housing. •WHAT: Meeting of the Newpoct Beach Planning Commission • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today • WHERE: City Council chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Agendas and staff reports are available at http://www.city.newport-beach.ca. us; for information by phone, call (949) 644-3200. AFFORDABLE HOUSING COAST HIGHWAY CHEVRON The commission wiU consider whether the owners of a six-unit apartment buUdlng that now includes four units of affordable housing at 206 P~ BaJboa Blvd. can demolish the building to replace it with three single-family homes that would not qualify as affonJable housing, The commission will also revisit a reques1 ii heard in October to demolish the B11yslde Olevron station at 301 E. Coast I lighway and replace it wiU1 a new station. The matter was brought back 10 the commission afler the developer requested some changes to the original .WHAT TO QPECT WHAT TO EXPECT Staff members have conducted several studies to determine the best way to approach the issue. They crunched plans. ' No surprises. The commission has already thoroughly considered most elements of the project. So its remaining task wiJI be to weigh 1he nuts-and-baits marten. of th<' developer's final design changes. GETTING INVOLVED • GETI\NG INVOlVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298 JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerism, d&¥eloplng the potential of women and Improving communities through the worit ond leadership of trained volunteers, is seeking new members. (949) 261-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to s.pend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers m communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622-3805. • LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Park staff and James Oil(ey Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general poblic orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, en organization that works with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking caring volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies such es massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally ill adults rety on the Newport Beach center for residential housing. It needs professional fund-raisers to support and maintain this resource. LUV·A·PET CENTER Volunteers who love to wortc with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv-a-Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 451-3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer , inpot, tidceting, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6264. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's life. Students 10 lo 18 years eld are' matched with mentors to , improve their school .• , performance and self-esteem , while developing positive peer - and adult relationships. (714) , •' Now is a GREAT time to borrow! The lowest interest rates in 50 years! Come to Commercial Bank of California for tailored financing and quick, local decisions. Loans from $250,000 to $6,000,000 rir Working Capital Lines of Credif li' Equipment Loans li1 Residential Construction Loans li1 Commercial Real Estate Construction/Mini-perm loans I Call us at your convenience! Bala Balkrishna, President 714431-7002 Mark Dumas, EVP, Commercial Banking 714-431-7003 Ron del Toro, SVP, Real Estate 714-431-7013 Free Valet Parldng Commercial Bank of California 695 Town Center Drive, Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 71~31-7000 www.combancal.com Where Business is Personal sM Member FDIC 9'1111> All IAT 9llM . All MT -.,,...._ lltOAM 100,... fOONol ~(~ tGOMI tlOMI !1JOPll """""-IASPlll lh6AAI l1GOAM DecNluldten-J tllOMI tOGOMl IGOPll ~T-IOIOAM •JJON I.ON ~~I lltlONol !~.,. 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'''"" ''°"" Ht 1'-' f-IOON I ltl'll 11.llO 1-1_...._ ..... ..., r0o"""" IOOOAlll l1IOIM UJON .....,a.rA •OJO A.11 11 •0MI tO'll 1#191'0..I IOCIONol IO!tMI !OJI -HOMI ta.W 187 -...-1000.W ...... . -c:iio.~ 11 •A111 1t•AM ,.,.. -~,.._.._. ·••* -... ~··""' _......,...... >at"" na.w 11 .. - -tOOMI it•"" ltOI ._........., ...... -II l'IM tltN 14tN ......... ••N IOON I•~ ....,..,....._~•ODAM ,.,... tCIO* .__.,.,_ t•"" I01IAMl•N --~-~~-------------- INVOLVED Continued from A6 649-9622, ext. 35. Mpel.£ MEALS Volunteer drivers al'9 needed to 'hetp deliver nutrltioualy prepared ·m .. 11 to homebound, frail or elderly clients Incapable of ahopplng and oooklng for th4tmaefvel. Information: (9491 646-8060. MOZART CLASSICAL GACHESTM Otange County's only nonprofit realdent chamber orchestra oefd• volunteers for ticketing, tiahering, phones, malling end http wtth receptlona. Nominees are also being eought for the board of directors. (949) 830-2950. NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORS The City of Costa Mesa will host 'lta annul community clean-up event on Saturday, Sept 27. ThoM Interested In making donations of cash or ln-tind donations of supplies for the event can call the "Neighbors for Neighbors"' hotline at (714) 764-4892. Information: (714) 764-4870. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The 1'9COVefV center for women with alcohol orotherchemlcal dependencies aeeka volunteers. (949) 648-9927 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 548-8764. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center is at 2301 University Drive. NewPort Beech. (714) 973~29. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISITORS BUREAU The bureau Is dedicated to the promotion of the clty to potential visitors. Volunteers with extensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. (949) 722-1611. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults wtio want to Improve their reading and writing akllls. Volunteers will be certified during training workshops the Central Library. (949) 717·3874. NEWPORT BEACH PREMtERE CINEMA GUILD Jbe Newport Beech Premiere ~nema Guild, which aupPorta the Newport Beach Alm Featlval, la looking for new member•. l~rested candidates ahould *t to help further an artistic cultural heritage In the ~munity and ahould have a ~ of cinema and a desire to Me ewareneu of the ftlm fOtjval. (949) 263-2880. ... .. ~BEACH PUBLIC ~FOUNDATION ™library foundation needs :.Ira hands to perform clerical ea. auch as filing, organizing ~stuffing envelopes, a1 the ~tral Library. 1000 Avocado .... (949) 717-3890. • • T BEACH PARKS, S& :nON COMMISSION ewport Beach City Council ls eeeldng qualified electors from :Nl'WPort Beach wtio are t'ttervated serving on the Parks, :Beaches & Recreation '.Commission. The deadline for ~' Hing application la 4 p.m. Nov. 3. Information: (949) 644-3005, ttp:l/www.city.newport-beach. 'ca.us. ' • MWP0RT BEACH :tffEATRE CoMPANY :The company need• volunteers . ' to help with oottume deelgn, sewing, melc911p epplatlon, Mt construction, tedlnlcal help, publlclty, etage management end ~ supeMaJon. (949) 769-1048 ot LJ(Sltf#laol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NMll1CAL lWSEUM The Newport Halt>or Nautical Museum oi'fera a number of volunteer opportunitlea In the gift shop, •• docents or rec:eptlonlata, with detical worlt and with fund-raising events. Training 11 • pf'OVided.(949)676-8916,Ext.101 NEWPORT HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY Newport Heights Elementary la collectlng new or nearty new children'•~. games and smell 1oya for cttlldren 6 to 17 yeera old who9e famitlea loat their homes In the Southland firea from 7:A6 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Nov. 21 at 300 E. 16th St. lnfonnatlon: (949) 616-6970. http://httlghfa enrldlment@yahoo.com. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of general volunteer help. (949) 642-9990. NEWPORT-MESA lfMNE INTERFAITH COUNCIL The Newport·Maaa Interfaith Council la now taking registrations for service organlzatlona, projects and volunteers on a first come, first served baala, for its "'Hearts and Handa• multi-faith family aervice day. The event will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 22 The location will be at 801 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. Information: Jaimie Day, (949) 642·9460. jaimieday@yahoo.com; or Jim de Boom, (9491660-8665. nmiinterfaith@sol.com. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation is looking for volunteers to help with fund-raising efforts. speaking opportunltles, public events and occasional office wort. (949) 631-4143. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A variety of jobs need to be tad(led, Including set construction. ushering, mailings and assorted technical duties. Scheduling is flexible, with a two- to 20.hour commitment per month. The NewPort Theatre Arts Center la at 2601 Cliff Drive. (949) 631-0288. OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared diahea to homebound aenlora In the Newport Beach area. Thlt delivery time Is between 11 :30 a.m. and 1 p.m. dally. The center elao need• volunteer nurses for IU semi-monthly blood preuure screenings. The center offers thla service between 9 and 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Volunteers should commit two hours once a month or volunteer on a substitute basis. The center 11 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) ~3244. OPERA PACIFIC The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, a suPPort group for Opera Pacific, has activities for volunteera. (714) 646-6000. OPERATION CLEAN St.ATE Operation Clean Slate, a Costa Mesa-baaed organization for graffltl prevention, needs volunteers to paint out graffiti and other duties. Michael Howard, (714) 435-0745. OCC NAUTICAL UBRAR'/ Orange Coast College's School of Sailing and Seamanship needs boot donation• for lta Nautical library. Thousands of volumes of boating-related tittJ• are needed. The School of Saihng and Seamanship la at 1801 W. Coast Highway, Newport Buch. (949) 646-9412. ORANGE COAST . INTERFNOt SHElJ'ER The lergett'famlty thelt9r In the county needs volunteers fof' Its chi1dren'a programa. tt ~tty desires tutors end thOM who can take part In ec:tlVftfea after 8 p.m. 1\rtora will wotic with groups of chlldren or lndlvlduelly, helping cttlldren In their academic problem areas. Volunteers wl~ also act aa • big brother or bid' lister during the aummer. Jaime Mayo, (949) 631-7213. ORANGE COUNN HUMANE SOCIETY A. volunteer group If' Costa Mesa needs anlmal·lovlng volunteel'9 for two hour &blb on weekdays to walk doga and help toeialfze them In order to help them get adopted. Information: (714) ~2288. ORANGE COUNTY CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER The center needs volunteers to work with hlgh·riak families and children, providing weekly emotional aupport to families in their homes. The center Is asking for a three-hour 'Neekty commitment. (714) 6434333. G I VE T H E ORANGE COUNTY COAWUMTY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Vol~ 8"I needed for a variety of functions. (714) 83M199. ORANGE COUNTY HOMEl£SS TASK FORCE The talk force la rectUltlng volunteers for the Interfaith CooncllNetworktoworkoneon one with homelesa adults In a program on beslc life akllla. (949) 263-1n4. ORANGE COUNTY WSEUMOFART Learn more about art and share with your community by becQmlng a ~nt at the Orange County Museurh of Art. A volunteer docent guides groups through the galleries and teaches about the museum'a collections and exhibitions. (9491 759-1122, ext. 204. ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Docent• are needed to lead tours of the Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. learn about the history and the development of the Center and the workings of the back stage areas. For more Information. call (714) 65&-ARTS, ext.833 Tlusday, December '· 2003 A7 .. ,.,c .... I 00" llllll WISI .......... Mm 61 .M WftliDIC.11 21t1 51 Purchase any two pairs of 2Anella pants and receive a FREE ZAneUa µs "- wovm shirt. (value $165.00) !F \ FORUM r HOW TO GET P'UllJIHED -L..a.n: Mail 1D EdttoriaJ P9ge Editor S.J. C.hn et the Daily Pnot 330 W. Bay S't.. eo.ta Mesa, CA 92827 • A• dsa a Hotlne: C.11 (Mi) M2~ FtuC: Send to (949) ~170 E-fMl:s.nct to dallypllotel•tlmctc.com •All 00t1espc>ndenc9 m\41 lncfude full name. hometown end phone number (for \lerif'ication purpow). The Pilot twfVee tti. right to edit all tubmluk>n• for darity and length. EDITORIAL ~ime to get the .Shovels A s the cUchl! goes. "we've heard it all before." Then again, after hearing the equestrian trail· riders or Santa Ana Heights trol out the argument, with a straight face, that they should not have to clean up after their horses because, well, horse manure Is not as bad as other manure, maybe we haven't heard it all before. But we have heard enough. The resldenu or Santa Ana Heights need to face reality that the reins nave tightened on their Ufestyte. For years, they Uved under the auspices ·of a laisse1Aaire county government that allowed them to have horse stables . and, apparently. let their horses do their business with abandon. Many, however, weren't happy with that arrangement, and the majority of residents of Santa Ana Heights lobbied &uccessfully. albeit for many years, to be taken into the ever-growing Newport Beach stable. With that now a reality, and resJdents or Santa Ana Heights enjoying the benefits of Newport Beach residency - higher property values. localized pollce and fire services and trash pickup - it's time they also abide by the same rules. .. And that means cleaning up after your horse. thank you very much. The horse owners are saying nay, but the reaJ concern or city officials here is water quality and the effect on human.s. Uttering the trails along the Upper Newport Bay with horse droppings is not beneficial to either. and the equine owners or Santa Ana Heights wouJd be wise to discontinue the arguments lhat somehow horse dung Is good for the environment That's highly debatable and a moot point. What matters most ls the cleanliness or the water in lhe nearby estuary, a state nature preserve that is home to hundreds of waterfowl and other wildlife and which directly feeds Into Newport Bay, where it is used for swimmJng and other recreation by humans. Their health and safety shouldn't be left ro the debates over the biodegradability of horse manure. We agree with Newport Beach Assistant City Manager Dave ICitI that there is a solution in the offing and the horse owners should be looking to malte that happen. Meanwhile, we urge city officials to corral these defiant horse owners and demand that the trails remain free or manure or face the $100 fines. LEITER TO THE EDITOR Children are in school to learn about life C hildren's cruelty to olhers begin'> at home Sue Oark's admo11ltion1> of disdain for name-calling and cruel remarks from children In i.chool are certainly idealistic ngnore ft, and II doesn't go · away,· Tuesday). The remarks of which 1ohe speaks start In kindergarten. What's sometimes forgotten Is that going to school is a soclaJ t•nterprtse. Our 1eachers and parents tell us that we are there to learn. Ah, but learn what? Children understand two things that most parents and teachers tolally mJss: that school ill not &upposed to be a pti!\On of the mlnd or spirit and that each one ls very dlfferent from others that they go to school with. These differences make children want to follow the bask mandate: You are there 10 learn. They learn by discovering that not everyone Is lllr.e lhe.m. They learn that they like certain people and others not They learn that not everyone dresses the same or hu the same values. They learn that by picking on otheB or saytng mean thlnp, they can ftnd out why people are like they are. Th.la eppllet to teachers, parentl and everyone ln th Ir eye Una. Perhaps ft all lbU1.I when children an? at age 2 and l am to aay no. They ovetUM It becaU.ICI le eUcJu a responae. and lnstead of playing wt th a spinning top. they play wfth other.people'• ernodom and attltOOea. 'Ibey~ powrt•Upt do the eame thing ~ty day lo a more 11ealthy manner and don't quite underlWld why they Ju.•t don't com out wtth tht tn.nh. Remember the ~tetMot •onty kid and drltnb will tttU you th uuth'1 l\ultytna rtctlca that are me111, many tlmet are r11 l• out front. but more tub~ and Ju1t u hurtful. A pMllng glance of dltdiJn, rn.a.kiJ18 a r.ce when you do eomethlnJI or juat lprln a pertOn. may bO fu. t , more painful that being called ·tubby: Do we consider this "bullying behavior"? The facts are that getting a name or any kJnd actually creates what chUdren want more than anything else: an identity. They find that these names change over time and that they have the power to rnalce the necessary changes to adopt to any peer group -if they wan I to. Morn always told you: You better get tough! What did that mean? It meant that those that you go to school with are just lllr.e you. They are lonely, can't relate and dislike most of the people they.see. They reallie that some parents have more money than others and many are very cruel. They finally learn that they have to take lndividual responsibility for their actions (not blaming It on people they hang out with) and learn the valuable lesson of hanging out with a better group of people -lf they can. Tuo bad that teachers and parenta oont.lnue to ran to underst.a.nd that child.ten go to school to get life instruction in how to deal ~tb rejection, approbation and mJarepreseJ\Pltfon. 'Ibey are there to learn logic and how to enjoy Uf o when a1J or those around them are busy trying to pick or bully on others to ftU up their days. They learn that •bullyina" 1.s Just a filler occupation to make others rtt.1 empowered to thdr buddJet. They wtll rejolce In log at t.hctr reun.lona tho buWea who often fall on hard tJ.mea. All of ua cont1nut lhe Ute'• worl or crytnc to relate to othera, and Sue out probabfy needl to help cJilldm\ und~tand tblt lt'a all pan of srowtna up -rathu than ttytng to stamp on an ta while the el phantt get away. "You can call me Ray or you can call Jay-but Just call mei- #dCOd 1*id•e L,e :.t!.1- .. I MAILBAG flLE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT The Assembly's vote Tuesday to rescind a measure letting illegal immigrants obtain driver's licenses should have pleased Costa Mesa resident Dan Worthington. who had collected signatures for a ballot initiative toward that end. Immigrant license law makes Hispanics angry, too Please, let's be clear ("Battle over licenses for immigrants not over," Wednesday). We are talking about illegal Immigrants who are working in factories and in other jobs with false SociaJ Security cards and who now demand driver's licenses. These people and those who employ them are breaking the law. As a Hispanic and an American, I can tell you that state Sen. GU Cedillo and these other Latino organfaations that want to force the driver's license law for iUe~aJs down our throats do not spealc for me and the vast majority of Hispanics. Many of us are very angry with Cedillo. He represents the lllegaJ population and those who break the law by hiring illegals with false Social Security cards. YOLANDA Cot.6N Anaheim Homeowners not the only victims of false plans My sympathies go out to the couple who have to lower the height of their home. My sympathies go out even more to the neighbors on my streel on the Balboa Peninsula who are stuck with a home that is overwhelmingly above the height limit, but I guess not 5% over. This is a "spec" house that we called the city about during conscruction. City staff members' answer was that if the permits were issued, then it was within the heighl limit. There should be some way for the city to come out with a tape measure during the framing and m easure if it is indeed within the limit. This would talce 10 minutes time, and if it Is over. redo It to the correct height. I know my husband and I were not the only ones to call on thls home. I was also told that the height is not necessarily measured from the ~idewalk. Well then, where is it measured? Obviously, It is measured to the advantage of the bullder. which I guess could be from the second step of the front porch. What a way to a permJt office! RHODA FRIEDMAN BaJboa Peninsula Get off your high horses and pick up after them I live In Santa Ana I !eights, now Newport Beach, and support the · COMMUNITY COMMENTARY M ove the peop le around Costa Mesa '( city's law about cleaning up after horses ("Horse riders fight animal waste rules,· Tuesday). A few years ago. a woman bought a house for her horses on my street in Santa Ana Heights. My street was not zoned for horses. and a battJe ensued. The woman sold the house to a police officer and family who had horses. After more legal wrangling. the police officer sold the house and moved to an area for horses. I miss the police officer and family. The horses were magnificent! What a treat to see them pass my house! They were awesome! What beauty and grace. The only downturn was the woman who o~y bought the bowe did not clean up after her horses. I asked her and her companion to dean up the manure in front of my house, as the street was not a toilet for me to clean. I cleaned up after my large, 140-pound dog. always. They were stunned and insulted. The intelligence, b·eauty, love and companionship I find ln animals enriches my life beyond description. Oeaning up after your horse is called consideration for others. PEGGY CALHOUN Santa Ana Heights CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY Of COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor. Gary Monahan Coundl: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Scheafer and Chris Steel CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663. (949) 644-3309 Mayor. Steve Bromberg Councl: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Olde Nichol1, Steven Aosanlky, Tod Ridgeway and Don • Webb NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DtSTRICT District Office: 2985-A.Bear St., Costa Mesa, CA 92628, (714) 424-6000 Supedntwndent:: Robert Barbot • . . .. ao...d: President Martha Auor. Vice • Pretldent Dane Blac*. Clerlc s.r.ne • Stoka., David Broob. Tom Egan, • Judy mnco and Linda Sneen GOVERNOR Arnold Sdlwlirzenegger (R), State Capitol, Sacramento. CA 96814, (918) 446-2841; fa>c (918) 446-4833 E-malf: QOll'fHTIOr gowmor.c-.gov • . DlllY Pilot :. SOCIETY Thursday, Oeoembe< 4, 2003 At THE CROWD The importance of supporting the arts W hat began more than 22 years ago under the direction of former television personality Betty M081 has evolved lnto a most valued community tradition, The Orange County Business Committee for the Arts presented Its 22nd annual "Business ln the Arts· awards l\t a posh pre-hoUday reception and dinner ln Newport Beach. Many of the most important business leaders in the community turned out in force to support the association that Moss has created over more than decades of networking within the B.W. COOK Orange County business sector to support ans and culture in the region. "This is a very important recognition for Cartier." said Caroline Jones, manager of Cartier, South Coast Plaza. Jones clutched the handsome engraved crystal bowl that was awarded to Cartier in the category of distinguished achievement for a business with fewer than 50 employees. "This personally means a lot 10 me," she said. "I am honored." Jones and Cartier have been very supportive of local arts programs, most particularly connected with the Orange ... County Performing Arts Center. Another honoree, Bob Conway, representing his firm KPMG UP. accepted honor., in the category of businesses with 50 to 500 employees. Conway, attending with his wife and co-worker, Haruml Owen, and fellow KPMG executives David and Colleen Yuukochl, Mark alld Tina nllotson, and Carol and Jeff Carlile, was also P,leased to be recognized. "KPMG has a long history of providing support for the arts reaching the common good or enhancing the overall landscape of Orange County,• Conway said. •We are committed to being socially responsible.· Others recognlud for their commitment to social responsibility were jeweler Black Starr & Frost. Owner Paul Lam made an eloquent acceptance speech, Joining staff members Jon aancy, Craig ICedlng and Jo Anna Lowrey at the reception and dinner. Washingtnn Mutual Bank; Haskell & WhJte LLP; South Coast Plaza; Narratus Inc.; Noelle Corporate Communications; Latham & Watkins; The Los Angeles Times Orange County Edition; Mcl.arard, Vasquez, Ernsiek & Partners; Boeing; Wells Fargo Bank; and the Flour Corporation were aJso honored for their service to community. The Sunday evening gathering was emceed by Donald E. Sodaro, chairman of the board of Hanford Hotels Inc. and chairman of the Orange County Business Committee for the Arts. Sodaro, a Newport resident, introduced guest of honor Victor H. Doolan, president and CEO of Volvo Cars of North America. Ll.C. Doolan, also a Newport resident, addressed the assemblage with purpose. •Art is essential to business: he said. ·eusiness is not essential to art. Art was with us long before business, as we know it. Art enables us to express our freedom. ln a less free world, art enables people to find freedom." As the crowd applauded, Doolan joined Sodaro in introducing Dean Corey, representing the Philharmonic Society of Orange County, who was selected to receive the 2003 Arts Award. Corey quoted the. inventor George Eastman as he thanked the committee for the honor and the donation that accompanied the recognition. "George Eastman said that what you do with your working hours determines what you have, and what you do outside your woridng bows determines who you are," he saJd. The Eastman quote was a perfect fit for the ~mblage brou#lt together by Moss. Many people ln the crowd commented on the significance of the quote, lncludlng Jeff Besmett,representingTI.ffany& Company, a donor and underwriter of the event He attended the evening with his wiJ~. Barbara. Bennett also served as one or the judges of the 2003 awards. Jennifer Van Bergh. Anton and Jennifer Sepntrom, Carol Stan:evtc, Bob and Betty Grant, Parker and Sherry Kennedy. Dave and Jeanne 'lappan, Bob Fluor, Stew and Lort Haskell, Daw and Da White, John Hakoplen and Stacy Cantrell, Paul and Heather SlnpreDa. and Carol Bonner were also in the crowd. After the presentation of awards at the Newport Marrion Hotel, Fashion Island, guests crossed the boulevard to the Ritz Restaurant for the traditiQnal holiday breaking of bread. The Ritz has partnered with Moss and The OCBA for all or the 22 years. establishing a strong community connection. Enjoying the dinner celebration were OCBA judge Stephen Otandler and his charming wife, Susan, of San Marino and Emerald Bay. James L Cooper, WUJ1am Hall and Pat Poss, also judges, were in lhe dining room with Steve and Lynda Flynn, Ernesto and Soccoro Vasquez. Doug Simon with Kate Peten, Oui1 and Aletha Anderson, Chris and Julie Schuh, be Allred with Drago Gllglc, Terry and Terry Goldfarb Lee, and Orange County's most prominent ambassador of the Arts Henry Segentrom and his wife. Ellzabeth. "You are aJI leaders,· I lenry Scgerstrom told the crowd. ·When leaders lead, others foUow. I'm proud to be your partner." ' •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Enjoying the Business in the Arts awards dinner presented by the Orange County Business Committee for the Arts were Elizabeth and Henry Segerstrom and award winner Caroline Jones. Committee Chairman Donald E. Sodaro, founding Executive Director Betty Moss and Business in the Arts Awards guest.of honor Victor H. Doolan at the Marriott and the Ritz restaurant. .. -AlO Tlutday, Oecen1>et 4, 2003 LIPE & LE I SURE . ~·~ ...... BEST BUYS p-~ ~trzltlw 'Y~g~ Celebrate the halidq,ys at Cannery Village "'fou are inYited ro join us in c.cleb~ring.the holiday ic:Uon at The Showcase Gallery while meeting the loal artists and C!1j9ying the refreshments. D on't miss the festJve Cannery vm.ge Holiday on 3 lst Street ewot celebrated from 4 to 8 p.m. today. W>nderful food and drlnb from theOumay Relt.MlnntandAlta Co&e will be served at Newpon Beach. PHOTOGRAPHY Carole Akbll Stud.lo ln Newport Beach hosta a~pbo~hy show, Friday through Sunday, that will help fuJ'.)d Share Our Selves programs. Featured December 6, 2003 s p.m. -7 p.in. Rdrahmenu will be terVed participating stores. Holida}'slngers will GREER works aJe by c:osta Mesa photographer provldb entertainment.-WYLDER 8laJce Sdtwend.imann, and you can enter a who shoots ~utiful South Coast Plaza Village #B 15 3861 S. Bear St, (Across from Blucwater Grill and next to Room & Board) 714.540.64309 L.. .. Holiclay'&hibicioa November 12-January 4 11 A.M.-5 P.M. Wed, Thurs, Fri 11 A.M. -6 P,M. Saturday 1 t AM 3 P.M Sunda w w w or u nu 1· c o u n I y f 1 near I'> . com UPTO 75%0FF ·M~ »flbclrt--Am-. Slim~-· .................... ~ Cllllt IM ca.. Cir* ..... Mllllllftlll Fttday, Dec. &It ............ s.turdlJ, Dec.• ........ TYR Spoft 15391 Sprtngdale Street Hunttngton Beach, CA 92649 10%=.. Wtl'ltwWtrtfloUll ..___. .. .._. • .__., BLOWOUT SALEI ::-..::..~ .. n11 IY CASA• AMCA • , ... lllldt pttdl • Llfttlmt lflOtOt Wln'lnty raflle to win a reproduction vintagetricydeattheAlper Home. Call (949) 566-9863. WALK 1lfE COURT Another fun holiday event, Walk Through WestcllJf Court, happens Friday (rom 6 to 9 p.m. Santa will join the festivities. Westcllff Court Is a haven for shoppers. It's one of Newport's favofite neighborhood oenters, focusing on hlgh-quallty, upscale • ... merchants. New to the outstanding group of tenants that includes A'Maree'1, MephJsto, Urban Ge.rdener, Barclay Butera Newport Beach and David Rk:by are the following stores: Lezu Atelier, a high-end bridal and formal wear store from Beverly Hills; Marpm .. aeanen.-.. high-quality dry cleaners originally from La Jolla; Red Balloon, specializing In darling children's wear and some materrury apparel; Factotum Shoe Repair, a well-known, excellent shoe repair shop from Laguna Beach. Westclilf Court is at 1711 WestcliffDrive in AFTER HOURS •Submit AFTER HOURS it8m1 to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, .Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 648-4170; or by calling (949) 6744296. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College la offering a nine-part film history on Alfred Hltchcodt. The eerie• will be moderated by retired OCC EVERY STYLE IP.1AGINABLE UNDER ONE ROOF! ..,..,_ tfMfaL. Mitlll MD. .. Oassk fJI '-J ... Old Mlnp1MI lllM a.ab. .. bltlcM.. ....... to,...,. ........ claMllMs. .• ft4lfdlor,.., , ' black and white photoS. A reception wW be held from 5 fo 8 p.m. Friday. The gallery is open from noon to 5 p.m. Carole Alkins Studio is at 418 31st St. in Newpon Beach. Call (949) 673-8663. POINSETilAS F.ach Ouistmas season, the Ornamental Horticulture students at Orange Coast CoHege sell' beautiful school·grown poinsettias. You can purchase them at the greenhouses on campus from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m Friday and Saturday. Proceeds from the sale will fund future student projects. New this Year are centerpieces In red and in red and white. There are also 4-inch pots, 10-incb pots and hanging baskets. Striking colors to choose from include white, red and Monet. The plants cost from SS to more than $40. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. IN THE BAG In The Bag will hold a pre-Cluistmas warehouse sale on Saturday and Dec. 13 from 9 profe$60r H. Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be held at OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission is $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and OCC students. For more Information, call (714) 432-5880. RAW FOOD GOURMET HOLIDAY BAU Celebrate the holidays with an elegant evening from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday at the Halecrest Pavilion, 3107 Klllybrook lane. There will be five raw gourmet appetizers, delectable desserts, a.m. to 4 p.in. Thousands of. acquired and will be sold quality purses are reduced in exclusively at the Fashion Island prtce 30% to 80%. Also included store. Call (949) 6«-2800. in the sa1e WW be wann-up sets, home accessorles, silk tnies. OPEN HOUSE lucky bamboo, money trees, Merle Norman at South Coast wallets, candles and more. In the Plaza will be hosting a Holiday Bag ls at 670 w. 17th St., C-4 ln Open HOU&e on Saturday from Costa Mesa. Call (949) 378-11~. 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Receive a 15% discount on all purchases or ORIGINAL ART a 20% disci>unt on purchase$ of Juoe'9 flneArt Gelle.ry is $100 or more. Music will be in showing S. Sam Park's orlgfual the a.Ir, treats will be on the .. oils on Satwday from 5 to 8 p.m. tables and savings will be on all Sam paints some of the most your favorite Merle Norman spectacular places In the wond, products. Call (714) 545-4109. including the Aroalfi Coast. Hawaii and Callf omia's scenic HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE spots. Sam also commissions The 11dttocbr Thrift Shop works. June's Fine Art Gallery is will open Its holiday boutique on at 326 Marine Ave. on Balboa Saturday from 10 am. to 3 p.m. Island. Call (949) 673-0939. The sale will offer gently used holiday decorations and some 10 YEARS OF PRETZELS new items. Select from Auntie Anne's Pntzela In Christmas ornaments, table Fashion Island will celebrate its decorations, wreaths, candles, 1 Oth ~versary on Monday and gifts, holiday wear and more. Tuesday with a pretzel Everything will be marked at special-buy-one-get -one-free. great prices. All proceeds will go There will be free hats for toward philanthropies supported children and other items. Auntie by the Newport Beach Chapter Anne's offers 10 varieties of fresh, of National Cllarity League, hot. hand-rolled pretzels, pretzel including Human Options' sticks, hand-squee?.ed lemonade Second Step, the Someone Cares and Dutch Ice, and frozen juice Soup Kitchen, Share Our Selves, drinks. Auntie Anne's is between Kids Konnected, Serving People Macy's and the Iris Fountain. In Need, and the Cost.a Mesa Call (949) 721-1255. Senior Citizens Center. The Ticktocker Thrift Shop is at 540 DESIGN MAN W. 19th St. in Costa Mesa. Call On Saturday, Waterford'l 'chief (949) 6464<>24. designer, John Connolly. will greet customers and sign pieces • BEST BUYS appears Thursdays. purchased from noon to 3 p.m. Send information to GreerWylder at Robinsons-May. Just for the at greerwylder@yahoo.com; at 330 event, an additional $50,000 w: Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; worth of Waterford pieces were or by fax at (949) 6464170. live music, dancing all night. NEWPORT HARBOR roaring fire, candlelight'setting CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE and a cash bar. The cost is $55 to Beautifully decorated yachts, $60. Information and boats, kayaks and canoes will sail reservations: (949) 650-0672. along the harbor in the 95th RING OF LIGHTS annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Dec. 17 The Commodores Club if the through 21. Each night, the Newport Beach Chamber of parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Commerce will host the Ring of Collins Island and last two and a Lights home decorating half hours. The parade is hosted competition in December. All by the Commodores Club of the home, business. and yacht clubs Newport Beach Chamber of lining the harbor are Invited to Commerce. Information: (949) participate. Decorations must be 729-4400. in place by Monday. Information (949) 729-4400. See HOURS, Pa1e Al 1 ' • .. ,. r [)alyPtlot L I FE & LEISURE Thur$day, December 4, 2003 All NO PLACE LIKE HOME Something old can be new again T here's always a home project happening at the Wight house. This week's was a combination home and science experiment It seems as though appliances collapse in cycles around here. This week's casualties: The washing machine·dled (which was admittedly on its last legs); the stove top finally shorted our; and the dishwasher overflowed onto the hardwood floors. But the thing that bothered me most was the demise or the off-while slipcovers In the family room. I expected the washing machine to give out at any momept It went through 15 years or kids -it's only fair to repair an appliance about a dozen times before you let it move on to the next life. The stove has been dying since the day we installed it 15 years ago. but that's another story. I lc:new that off-white slipcovers were a risky bu!)me~!) with the lcids, but 1 lil:e<l the look, I was able to wash them (though that task was laboriou!)). HOURS Continued from Al 0 MUSIC VIVALDI'S FOUR SEASONS The Pacific Symphony will perform Vivaldi's ·The Four Seasons; Bocc:herini's Sinfonia in 0 minor No. 4, and Corelli's Concerto Grosso in F major at 8 p.m. today at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tichts cost $20 to $65. Information: (714) 755--5799, http://www.pacificsymphony.org. SANTIAGO CANYON COLLEGE'S 'A JOURNEY TO JOY' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will host Santiago Canyon College's music departments annual winter festival concert "A Journey to Joy" et 8 p.m. Fril:1ay at 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. There will be a 100-member chorale backed by a professional orchestra. Tickets cost$15 per person and $12 for seniors, students and children KAREN WIGHT and they held upweU for about five years and dozens of washings. The kids did not help the cause. They-were not supposed to eat on the !><>fas, jump on the sofas or sit m their wet bathing suits on the sofas. Even though I do a great Wicked Witch of the West imitation, it appears that I am the only one who took the rules seriously. So, to breaU1e new life into some very dingy looking fumjture, I decided to dye them. Radically. These <,oldiers went from white to dark gray in one afternoon. Not bad for a major face-lif1. FirM on the to-do li'>t' gel some rut Dye. I wanted "graphite. M Right. I settled for black and figurtd I could caUbrate the younger than 12 Information: (714) 628-4828. HUTCHINS CONSORT The Hutchins Consort will be performing at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. The concert. titled "Holidays Hearthside; will feature mu1c by Sweelind<, Corelli, Torelli, Mozart and Charlton. Tid<ets cost $29 to $34. Information: (949) 854-4646. JUDAS MACCABAEUS Orange Coast College's 100-voice chorale will open its 2003-04 season wi1h a performance of Handel's oratorio •Judas Meccabaeus" at 8 p.m. Saturday at OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. Advanced tid<ets cost SB at the bursar's office. They will be $10 at the door. Information: (714) 432-5880. JOHNNY MATHIS Johnn¥ Mathis will perform his classics, such as "Misty" and "Chances Are," at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tid<ets cost: $45 to $100. Information: (714) 556-ARTS, http://www.ocpac.org. Santa is Getting Hie Game in Shape for: Intensity of the color. rught. I mixed up the first batch of dye and lc:new I was in trouble when the water rumed a deep purple. l went back to Save-On to get tan and clarlt green to add to my already purple-black. If that combination wouldn't cover a few stains, nothing would. This Is where lhe science experiment par1 comes Into play. We used the new washing machine to dye the slipcovers - a front-loading machine wilh a porthole window. It's llke watching the soap scene in "Stuan I JtUe." You can see the entire process. from the water going In. the slow saturation of color and finally (with fingers crossed) Lhe right color of fabric . . . or at least close to it. I wasn't too excite(! about throwing Lhree loa~ of black dye into my new machine, but one must make sacrifices in the name of progress. so Mary Rose and I ..at in front ot the ~hing/watching machine and watched. the transformation. I mac.le sure the water was hot. got the fabric wet by running CHRISTMAS CONCERT St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra will present Christmas concert works by Bass, Rutter, Hayes, Stroope, Menotti, Tchaikovsky along with holiday carols three Sundays in December. The performances will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, at 4 and 7 p.m. Dec. 14, and at 4 p.m. Dec. 21 at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. Tickets cost $10. Information: (949) 574-2284, (949) 574-2283. Child-care reservations· (949) 574-2283. KINGS SINGERS The King's Singers, England's premier vocal ensemble, will perform at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. The cost ,will be from $30 to $35 per person and full-time student are half price Information (714) 740-7878. FIESTA NAVIDAD CONCERT Jose Feliciano will join marlaP,1 bandleader Nall Cano as part of the 10th annual Fiesta Navidad concert 1Jt 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Saturday, December 6th, 10am-4pm . tt!l:J;~t71ZJ SAVINGS 20%-60% Irons -Drivers -Fairway Woods -Wedges • Putters Bags -Men's & Ladies Golf Apparel • Shoes Q\\a~ tQot.:Joy ORLIMAR .7l'i.&i•t' PINr5 TO~ITE' ~f l W"4on. ((ce)) 1701 Golf Course Drive • Costa Mesa 714·540· 7500 through a rinse cycle, added the cup o( salt recommended when dying fabric that 1s 100% cotton. and then I poured the dye direclly into the drum. Going from white to light gray to dark gray to almost blaclc Wtll> dramatic. Tu make sure I made the most of my brew, I stopped the cycle before.it rinsed so Lhe fabric could Meep a littJe longer. The experiment worked, although I hadn't thought about the while i1ppers staying white, which of course they did because they are metal anJ plastic The true test came when I pulled my "new" slipcovers out of the dryer niey were dark gray: much better than badly stained white. The scil'nce experiment worked . I figure I can get at least another year before the o;lipcover\ start fraying at the sea.mi.. Nol bad for a $20 investment. • KAREN WIGHT 1s a Newport Beach resident. Her column runs Thursdays. Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tickets cost $20 to $69. Information-(949) 553·2422. ORANGE ceUNTY WOMEN'S The Orange County Women's Chorus will perform its 2003 holiday program, "I Sing of a Maiden;· at 7 p.m. Dec 14 at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The chorus will perform works about the Vi rgin Mary and many mO(e. Tickets cost $10 to $15. Information: (949) 451-8590. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant 111 Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians Include guitar players, bass players. singers, drummers. keyboardists at 100 Mam St., Newpon Beach. (949) 675-7760. Q: OU/ :L..lan-'.714.!:W<I . ...... You are invited to a Trunk Show 1 I at Bow Danglers With )eweltr Connie Archbold \\u u~ JJ,er .k>!Jm• in Ron~• B™rko • E.imlllC' • '"~l..w\ Ont·of-a-kind clothing with Heidi Brunswick Collll' D«rmber 4, Z001 • lpm Ill ihh • Rtfrt'~hmenh '4!ntd 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642-5459 -~~ .... , ----~,,.. 11s;REET B EAUTY CENTER Stocking S tuffers ! 7fit Largest, 1intst, 'f rieruffit.st 'Be(iutl_J Supp(y & 'luff Serclice Salo11 In Orange County 725 BAKER ST. (at Bristol) • COSTA MESA 714.540.5061 My 5-year-old daughter hos a sunburn with blisters that popped. ASKA CHOC DOC How should I treat lhl$9 A: Leonard Sender. M .D. Medic~ Dil'KIOf CHOC Concllf lnslltule Sunburns can range from mild to severe cases. If your child acts sick or ha.'i a fever, you should seek medical attention immediotely. tfthe sunburn seems less severe but you notice red streaks or yellow pus, you should amnac 8 visit to your child's J)Cdiatricim during office houri. If your child shows minor • I QUESTION #72 discomfort, admin ister ibuprofen (Ad vil) for two days. For broken blisters, trim off the dead skin with small scis ors that have been cleaned with rubbing alcohol Wash off the blisters and apply an antibiotic ointment two times a day for three days. Also gently rub a l % Hydrocortisone cream or lotion on your child 's skin three time a day. for two days. 'This will help reduce swelling and pain. Cool baths or wet cloths on the burned urea can tempora rily relic\ c discomfort. Also. be 'lure to have your child drink cxtta water. When your child drinks more water. it helps to rcplemsh loss of fluids. w.•,.. kldlfi.cl for~ 11ifoml0tlon on lun ~toll to yowCltOC~ .,.,.,._GI \4lilt ,l\oe.etg .. .-- .1 I A12 Thiltsday, December 4, 2003 LIFE & LEISURE . ,,,. tf the answer is ·ves· to either of these questions .•• consider Smith hrney. •We have contracts to do business with approximately 39 insurance c.ompanies. ~We can review your annuity to ~nsure you are receiving a competitive return. Invest your time befOfe investing your money. FOR FREE INFORMATION CAU: 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 717-5300 (800) 468-3352 THIS IS WHO Wt AR[. THIS IS HOW W! !ARN IT.'" SMrm~-. ~ STRETCI-IABLE LEATHER PUMP The pump YO\! will NEVER take off! Comfort & Style $10 OFF EACH PAIR ....... t.: .. ~ •• j 1 + j! ' : '. I - . ' ' ~ • • .' ' • • ' I }o. ; 4 COLORS IN SIZES 5-12 (N, M, W, WW) Available exclusively at Fo9t Solutions. Meet the factory rep Saturday, Dec. 6, lOam to 6pm. It~ Refreshments served Foot'I·· SOlUTl9NS 1835 Newport Blvd., Ste Al 07, Costa Mesa (near the UPS Store in the Costa Mesa Co1lr1yards) (949) 734-2020 TRAVEL TALES PHOTOS COURTESY OF TOM MOUL SON Like all Greek theaters, this one in Taormina is built high and with a commanding view. A little city, a little country in Sicily A couple walks in the footsteps of the Greeks, who began settling the island in the eighth century. By Tom Moulson M y wife, Tita. and I have just fµlfilled an ambition to see Sicily. We took a coach tour starting and ending in Rome, landing in Sicily at Messina by ferry.from the toe of Italy. Sicily is an island shaped lilce a triangle with its apex in the south. Our route now would be down the east coast to Thormina and Syracuse, across the interior to the Agrigento on the south coast, and finally north to Palermo, the capital city. before the flight bade to Rome. The six days in Skily provided a good mix of coast and interior, city and country, ancient and modem. 1Wo thousand years before Columbus. Sicily was the Greeks' New World, a fertile colony beckoning settlement. The Greeks lefl their mark and then some. Their theater built in Taormina in the third century BC is set high in the hills with a spectacular view of the bay. Syracuse, farther south, is where the Athenian empire was destroyed when, attempting to seize the co~try from their Spartan rivals. the Athenian fleet was ambushed and the harbor waters literally reddened with blood. At Agrigento, on the south coast, is the Valley of the Temples, seven in all. The Greeks built their temples on high ground to be closer to the gods. Many gods meant many temples. The elegance of these designs owes much to the bending of things so they look straight. The bases curve upward while the columns curve outward. Also. lengthwise. there are always ANN GENDROLIS (t4t)l7•..U49 Fax:(949)131-1194 A street in Taormina, high in the hills on the east coast of Sicily. ~ .. twice as many columns plus one as there is widthwise, for example 13 and six. Temples were the triumph of Greek genius and several hundred thousand slaves. Now brown, worn and roofless. they were originally coated in stucco made of finely-ground white , marble. The Villa or Piazza Amerina in central Sicily is not Greek but the. ruin of a large, opulent Roman estate. Its complex of walls and floors ls covered in colored mosaics of great variety depleting animals, warfare, and even pornography-perhaps a 300 BC Graceland. We were struck by the depiction of young women in bikinis working out, just as though in Ti&a's gym in Newport Beach. On the drive to our last overnight, Palermo, we visited the ancient town of Erice, set atop a 2,000-foot peak. This cluster of castle. old houses and twisted, cobbled streets was the most westerly settlement of the Greeks. On our final leg to from there to Palermo, we passed by the "Godfather" -famed village of . • Corleone.,but not through it.~ did. however, see the steps of the Opera House in Palermo where; the Godfather saga closed. Coach tours are a .. combination of limo service and boot camp, of pampering • interspersed with strict early morning departures and long hikes. We were kept in line by a• whip-cracking female tour : director and peer pressure. In n(> other way could we have .. experienced so much, with sucn ease, in so short a time. So. if you want to see much and learn much. take a.touL And an alarm clock. •TOM MOUL.SON is a Corona del Mar resident. '• mAVEL TALES runs on Thursdays. Have you, or someone you know. gone on an interesting vacation 7 Tell us about your adventures In about 400 words, accompanied by a couple of photo. to choose from that do not have the Daily Pilot in them, end send them to Travel Tales, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to dsi/ypilot@latimes.com; or by fax • to (949) 646-4170. DailyAPilot LIFE & LE I SURE ON VACATION Mike and Sue Buettel of Newport Beach vacation at the Rock Islands of Palau, M1crones1a ·Harold and Ellen Sandler of Costa Mesa stand in front of F aneuil Hall in Boston. Donna and Dick Card of Newport Beach celebrate her 50th birthday tn Bermuda. WE REALIZE YOU WANT TO BE PREPARED I F AN EARTHQUAKE HITS. \X. f I I \ I ' I I I I ' I \ \ l l I I . F . As you neighborhood State Farm agent, I know the impo112ncc of bdng prepared. IXvclop a family emergency plan, learn how to shut off utilitie5 and pack an emergency kit with 6ashlighu. fil'lt aid items and non-perishable food. If an earthquake hiu, you can c.ount on me, your State Farm Agent, to be there for you. Seven Hill, Agent Lie.I OC80618 3 50 East 17'" Street, Suite 211 Costa Mesa. CA 949-646-9393 UICBA GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM IS THERE. TM Denise, Alex and Andrew Xagorarak1s traveled to Crete in September Matt Vanderwarker and his sister Jean Chapin of Costa Mesa reach the top of Mt. Whitney. Buy Eorty. WehoVeon excellent variety of Beouttful Thutsday, Oecent>er 4, 2003 A13 ,~LOW:£1t · & PLANT EXCHANGE Spend Your Days With The Delightful Scents Of Fresh Holiday Greens lill..Ked Green• $599 l><'r 211> f'h~·M l'llk• Nol>ll• <11•1 Ct..Uir l11111<llr• ~~· $199 Gl"fl<-rous l.lrundlt-a qJ trrJdutortul f<uol1k• lrom r.u h Oa.rla.ode $100 ~w .. 1 mlrw.I holldtU/ </f •~'flS i,..r fool ~~~,,......._ )<t1 "" U1xkll•~I h>k $4 SO t.und1 lkm\lM''"""~ ta.niorc;..d~ 1r "" $499 uunch Freebeet lill..Ked Green Wreath• $ 1299 Thr "'"''"'fllll li1/fflbol q/ hoUdoy ho>pl/o/U11 ptTl>d /•!"'' Double heed Wreathe (.lJrGfru.,l~•"'I $2299 and Cu.etom Deelped Wreathe Imm Arrtutng Dally Piton,.. -~ Prom "-Zff.l&Dd, Phub Tull-.-. ....,. 1nlc. CuablaAca Ull .. , Wh!C. ft7dnJICea. Red Bented Bra.ocb .. lmPort.ed 11.1.D.1 Ca.llu aAd Morel w.-. DeanlilC ~ • "UJ f"'*7 lld !lltll'daf, tlkOOla a. ree: $25.00 llcWa iD" WMIL ,.._ .. ......._ Wt1~1" mttt • llJIM--111 ,_ r-Dy .. fl!cMt can ua f<1r the lat.est ln Wedding 11owers, Party Centapleca, O(ll Arrangements or Funeral Dfsp(ays 1308 LOGAN AVE. 22600 -A" LAMBERT COSTA MESA LAKE FOREST lat th -...S II f'Wya) (714) 545-0310 (949) 581-5566 MAGIC FOREST CHRISTMAS TREES Back for the 19th Straight year! •HUGEST 9 SELECTION ._FLOCKING 9 AND FLAME PROOFING •BEST •SERVICE -NO LIMITS •EASIEST 9 PARKING OP~ 8am 9pm Dec. 3 till Christmas Checks and Cash Only Please. SILVERBERG SU GICAL AND MEDICAL GROUP • Kllft~ ~ 17f1Mt16!'1_ IJvl/#1 "'"I f;U,,~/, /J rtifd /IJ if/, • Rosacea • Brown po s • Fine Lin • u NANCY L SILVERBERG, M.D. • Over I I .,-. ex,,...._ lkdcman U.-ln•dtut•, UCI • ......, Certified DennM:olos'st • l"rtv-. l",..ctlc• In Newport a...:h for o.,.,. 11 rean • Anodate Cllnk:al ,.,.o.._ of Medicine. UCI LYNN BANDARUK, R.N. • 0.er ISy.ws~ a.dcmM law lnstkute, UCI • ExtemtYe dtnkml ·~II'.._. end llaftt thenipy . 949. 760.0190 www.sllverberamd.com SI~ Sursical It Medk:al Group 140 I ~vocado Awnu., Suit. 70) Newport~ CA '1660 . ~TIQUEROW GARDEN CAFE ,.,, "'-FrrMal .. ..._,.,, "CJJKt/"'4 1/'Wltlil-'. c...., CifD .J c..lt. 0.-. .,. .. U..J Ort-,. GMltw Ct/t ~,.,. ~....., IJrtdf-. l-*1#-'•flr-&r CAFE HOURS: M-S-9-41• c,,.JJa I# (M,.J,,Um, Usttl 6 hn S..la, Qa,.,,, Pittwn Fr•Mntf, F1m1itwrt Rnt•r•tio" •"" ,,,w/, fllOIY I ROW HOURS: T-S.1 tt»m-5/"' 722-1177 ecco TRUNKSHOW The Ultimate Comfort Footwear Experience. 1131 Back Bay Drive Newport ~h, 92660 949-729-1144 www.newportdunes.com AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN item• to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Say St., Coa1a Meu1 CA 92627; by •mail to luls.,,.ndll•tlmucom: by fax to (949) 64M170; or bycalllng (9491674-4298. Include th• time. date and location of th• event, at well H •contact phone number. TODAY Th• Ofange County~ of Chlldhelp USA will ha\19 a holiday boutique and lunctleon at 10 a.m. In the Hyatt Regency, 17900 Jambbree Blvd., Irvine. For reseivatlona oonWlt Nancy Whittoc:t at (949) 648-4228. • The Chuck Jone. Gallery In the Atrium Coon of Faahlon fsland will present an bhlbitlon of an of the animated film "Or. Seuaa' How the Grinch Stole Christmas· with voice actress June Foray and animation producer and dl1'9Ctor Phil Roman. The exhibition will be from 6 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery is at 401 Newpon Center Drive. Information: (949) 759-0768, http://www.chuck/ontJS.com. The <>ranee County Coalltton for Youth will host ·Let Your Voice Be Heard· from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Parle.. Costa Mesa. The event is to let youth voice their concerns, talk about issues and to Influence policy declslons. Information: rle@edd.ca.gov. As part of Sp• GNgorie'• customer appreclatlon month, it will have a representative from B. Kamins on hand to perform mini-facials and skin analysis from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The mi(li-facials cost $50 with a $20 coupon toward B. Kamins products purchase on the same day. Information and reservations: (949) 644-6072. Harbor Day School'• Student Enrichment and Parent Education Committee will present parenting expert William Sears from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Harbor Day School. Sears will lecture on 10 tips for successful parenting and on improving a child's 10 through nutrition. Information and reservations: (9491645-8004. FRIDAY . Newport Dunff Resort will have 20 tons of snow at its 10th annual Lighting of the Bay at 6 p.m. Santa Claus will flip a giant switch and illuminating 40 electric Chris1mas trees There will be hot chocolate, caroling, the Dones' award winning seafood chowde1 and hve musical performances by various children's groups Including the Lakewood High School Madrigal singers. Information: (949) 729-DUNE, http://www.newprtdunes.com SATURDAY The Cotta M.,. Men'• Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament An A mer/can run business sl1a-c I Y"iJ . ow /11J111()· .\1!1'1'/11,i.:. )•11111·/amll>• jut "iO l'<''"' ------rn . . "" John J ennifer Gus Brenda Ufetlme Lifetime 100% Warranty Warranty FREI Car~t Ceramic $1 '' $1 '' No 4,000STORE Questions BUJ'ING POWER llfetl•e Ufetl111e Asked W•rranty Warranty . 60 t!a>' f«Cbtinge. La••···· Wootl If you dOn't If/# It, $2'' $2'' we Wiil ~ce II ( beMf'ftlng Falrvt.w Oevetopmeni.I Center •t the Cost• Mesa Golf 8L Country Club. The entrance fee wlll be $70 today and S135 for both day•. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090 w.klorf 8chool will prMeftt ha Winter ~val from 3 to 8 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Drive. There will be aenonal craft making, muaic, theater •nd lntemational food. There will be a nominal charge at the gate. Information: (949) 574-n34. -Th•~· "8yer8'eakfast will be after the 8:30 e.m . mass at Our Ledy Queen of AngelH, 2046 Mar Vlata Drive. The prayer ' breakfast will feature guest speaker Madeline Tucci Tannehill, founder of "Garv'• Place for Kids. There will be • poinsettia plant sale after the breakfast. Tl\e breakfast is sponsored by the Cata Teresa Founders Guild. The cost is a $15 donation. Information: (949) 640-0886. The Cat fllnden Assn. will haw a championship and household pet cat show from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The event will feature up to 226 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along with rescue cats and kittens looking for a home. Information: (858) 455-9390., National University'• Center for Cultural and Ethnic Studies will present "The Allure and Significance of Body Art from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor. Blvd. lnformatlon: (714) 429-5408, fzukas@nu.edu. Piec:.mebn' ennual Christmas Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be over 175 booths of top artists with unique handcraftedJtems Including live music, food and entertainment lnformatlon: (714) 641·3112, http://www.piecemakers.com. SUNDAY The Cat fllnclen Assn. will have• championship and household pet cat show from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The event will feature up to 225 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along with rescue cats and kittens looking for a home. Information: (868) 455-9390. Pl~akers' annual Chrtatmas fair will be from 9 e.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 6 and 7. There wall be over 175 booths of top anists with unique handcrafted items including live music, food and entertainment. lnformauon (7 14) 641-3112, http:l..WWW.pitlCtlmak~rs.com. The CosUI M ... Men's Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. The entrance fee will be $75. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090. The seventh annueJ Balboa la1and Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa Island. Tickets cost $20. Information: (949) 673-4280. The city of Newport Beach's 14th annuel Winter Wonderland will take place from 10 a.m . to 1 p.m. at Grant Howald Perk, 6th and Iris avenues. There will be more than 30 tons of a now dumped onto the grounds. There will be winter camlval gamea, and Santa will be there. lnformatlon: (949) 844-3161. WEDNESDAY Body Design Wiii o"9r a frH seminar and demonstration on the latest technology on cellulite treatments from 7 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Drive. The event is presented by Mary Dellene, a massage therapist. ln1ormation and registration: (949) 722-3555, gBtfit#lbodyMslgn.tv. Hoeg Hoepftal wUI haw an evening lung cancer aupport group dl1eu11lon about "Coping with the Holidays" from 6:30 to 8 p m at the Hoeg Cancer Centw, Conference Room A. Information': (949) 780-6642. Jona1taan Moteno, profeaaor and director of the Center for .. Blomedlcal Ethics •t the 1 ..,, Unlveralty of Virginia, will present.: "The History end Ethle9 of "l Human ExperlmentJ from the " Nazis to the U.S. Miiitary" at 4 ., p.m. at the McOormell Douglas •1: Auditorium, •t UC livine. ~·· lnfonnat.ion and retervatlona: , • (949) 824-9296. . ' OEC.11 ••• Th• Campu• ColW.agues of J Orange Coast College will hold a ... luncheon to ral•• funds for the • OCC Dlaabled Student.I Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will be entertainment provided by Tyler Hoff and Klro Kiro. who will be playing wfth the' Heny and Graoe Steele Children .- Canter. The co5t la $9.50 per .. person. Information: standardtfnt@hotmail.com. · r The Thul"ldey Momlng Senior Women's Club will present its Christmaa party luncheon and e musical show at 11 a.m. at the • Newport Beach Radisson Hotel, 4645 MacArthur Blvd. This will be $23. Information and reservation: (71 4) 842-5863. DEC.12 Fashion ltl•nd and Star 98. 7 Radio will host a holiday toy drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Bloomlngdale's Courtyard. Customers are encouraged to drop off en unwrapped new toy to be placed U'lder the Fashion .. Island Christmas tree. Information: (949) 721-2000. http://www.shopfashionisland. com. The Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy friend.s support group will meet at 7 p.m. at Cocos. 2750 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 650-1212, (714) 491-9400. DEC.13 Shartcy'a Wood-fired Mexican Grill will have a gral\d opening celebration from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help Newport Coast Cares raise funds for La Hacienda d\' la lnmaculada, a small orphanage in njuana. The cost will be $10 for adults and $5 for children. Shartcy's is at 21119 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coast Shopping Center. Information: (949) 433-7879. .. The City of Costa Mesa •nd Torelli Realty are sponsoring the • city's annual Holiday Snow Hill, ,. which will be from 9 a.m. to n<>Orl at the Balearic Community Center, 1975 Balearic Drive. The event will Include 60 tons of _ , snow, hay rides and a speQal visif by Santa. Santa will arrive at 10:30 a.m. by helicopter Information: (714) 754-5158. DEC.14 -J' Helecrest Perit will be ho.ting a -• holiday boutique from 8 a.m. to .6.., p.m. at 3107 Klllybrook Lane. Costa Mesa. There will be handmade crafts, Mary Kay , Cosmetie8, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Avon Cosmetics and more. Child' care will be available. Information: (714) 557-7234. Marth•'• Bookatore will have • champagne book signing for the • ·snent Screen Cookbook" by • ~ Joanabell Lewis from 11 a.m. to t' p.m. at 3081/a Marine Ave., BalbOIJ ' Island. Information: (949) 673-7185. OEC.16 Com Mesa High School will hos.t a book fair fund raiser from 4 to 8 p.m. at Barnes & Noble Bookaellera at Triangle Square. 1870-B Harbor Blvd. A book fair voucher la required for a percentage of the purchase to be given to Costa Mesa High School, , Vouchers may be obtained at the school's front office or they may be received by fax. Information: nadine112390@mlndsprlng.com DEC.18 Th• Young Executtv.s of~ will hoat Paul A. Motenko, S.. TOWN, P111 Al5 Receive Up to ~ OFF selected Items Gift l Certificates Avolloble 949.646.5 .. 79 I TOWN Continued from Al4 chairman of the board and co-CEO of Chicago Plue & Blewery Inc., during its breakfast meeting et 7:30 a.rn. at the Pacific Club, 4110 Mec:Arthur Blvd., Newport Beach. The COit la $16 for members and $26 for nonmembers. Information: (949) n1-8686. DEC.20 ·~:A New S.Ulnntng• i. a worbhop for men and women In the process of dlvorcfftl1 or reQOntly divorced from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. The cost la $40. Information: (9491644-6435. DEC.21 Fuhlon Island will host Its annual menorah lighting ceremony at 3 p.m. at Bloomingdale'• Courtyard. The event will be hosted by Rabbi Rellven Mintz of the Chabad Jewish Center in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 721·2000, http://www.shopfsshionisland. com. OEC.22 Th• Orange County Marbt Place will hold its Holiday Marl<et Plaoe from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and crafters' corner, photos with Santa Claus and seesonal entertainment. Tha Environmental Nature Center will present a holiday craft worbhop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts tor family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information-(949) 645-8489. DEC.23 The Environmental Nat\lre Center will present a holiday craft worl<shop in which participants can creat e their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m 3 p m. The cost 1s $140 per student with a· 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee Information-(949) 645-8489 DEC.24 The Environmental Nature Center will present a holiday craft worl<shop in which part1c1pants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of . materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.26 The Environmental Nature Center will present a holiday craft worbhop in which part1c1pants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 1Q% discount for members. There f..TII be a $25 materials fee. Information: (9491 645-8489. ONGOING Thf Newport Canter Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badcgrounds. The gl'Qup meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach Validated parl<lng ia available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. G4Glts are welcome. For more informati9n, call (949) 721·5732. Sole Comfort and Laura' a House have teamed up to help those In YOUR DENTAL H.EALTII .... by Deed.reea Rieb, O.D.S. BRAND NEW TEETH ~tTcdlnology Ad..- \ i • • .. ..... -.-.~ BEST BET Orange Coast College's 1 QO.voice chorale will open its 2003-04 season with a performance of George Frideric Handel's oratorio M Judas Maccabaeus• at 8 p.m. Saturday at OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. Orchestra and soloists wlll join the chorale. Dr. Ricardo Soto, OCC music professor, will direct the concert Soto is in his third season as director of OCC's chorale. Advanced tickets cost $8 at the bursar's office. Tickets will be $10 at the door. Information: (7 14) 432-5880. need by collecting shoes from Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfort, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. Laura's House is committed to ending the cycle of dompstic violence and strengthening families. Information: (949) 644-5939. The N.wport Beach Public Library is holding its holiday food drive through Dec. 12. There will be Share Our Selves bins at the library for donations of canned goods and non-perishables. Donations can be dropped off during regular library hours: frbm 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Information: (949) 717·3801. South Coast Pina wlll have Its Santa's Village through Dec. 24 at Carousel Court. Shoppers can make crafts at the Alpine Wood Shop, Holiday Trimmings Shop and the Village Bake Shop. The cost varies per craft. Information: (714) 43S·2083, http:/!Www.southcoastp/sza.com. South Coast Plaza wlll have Its famous carousel transformed from horses to Santa's reindeer until Dec. 28. The cost for a ride is $1. lnformatlon: (714) 435-2083, http://Www.southooastplaza.com. South Coast fltaa will haw Santa's Express Train running through Jan. 4 at the Crate & Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing on Level 2. Information: (714) 43S.2083, http://Www.southcoastp/au.com. The Nawport-MeN c:ribbaga club meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. et Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. The cost is $2. Information: (949) 646-5293. Pastor Hain Austin IMds a Bible study on ·How to Become a Contagious Christian• from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 377 W. Wilson St, No. 15 in Costa Mesa. All ere welcome to come and meet new friends. lnformatJon: (949) 722-7498. The AQ.U of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of trVery month at the Unitarian Univeraelist Church, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957~107. Mlty .. tn c.taMeea ..... Orange County nonprofit organiratlone that provide aefVfcel and pn>gramt to the HIV/AIDS community to IPPIY for pertldpatfon In Mecv't South Cont Plue'• Paaport In Store fund-ralaef. Thia veer'• event w111 ba held on Oct. 4. To receive an eppllcetfon to pertlciJme, call (714) 666-0611, ext 4231. ......... wllbeofJwed Tu.days and Thurtdaya from nc><>n to 12;40 p.m. for nine weeb et WMt Newport Community Center. Registration Is $64 for one claa Nd\ week or $100 for two daya a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residentl. Others pay an eddltk>NI $6. For more lnfonnatlon, call (9491644-3151. eo.ta Mesa'• Racreetton Division wlll provide a three-hour theme birthday perty for up to 20 guestl at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 6 to 8 p.m., Saturd8y1 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 6 to 12 will consist of lunch/dinner, games, crafts. prizes, cake with Ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties oost $250 or $300. For more Information, call (714) 764--5158. Aw MW wlna9 wil be Ml'wd on Bayside Restaurant's terTace overlooldng Newport Harbor trVery Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The oost 11 $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721·1222. A van.ty of prtvaw, aaml-ptfvaW and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include on8'0n·one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels_ For session dates, times and oost.s, call (949) 644-3151, or register In person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Chlldtw'I, tMna and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3161, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. ProfMalonal and JlcenMd aoc:cer trainers with the AU-England Soccer Academy are avallable for See TOWN, Pa1e Al6 Tlusday, December 4, 2003 A15 • BANQUET ROOMS Available for E\f-;,~ festive P tirties f Living Air Purifier A Great Holiday G(ft S1mw.u,,.. llU'M ,,.." air In yow llW., room that a tluuullrrtorm produces In nalln. UWtf Air has ~rqlkala1 natun)mMt~ air clausU., agmt and '"""-u '""""',,,. "' "" alfo""'1* prlee. Start upnVndng IM dJf!rmw frah air con make ln your home or offb-for }rut pmfll.a a day! Call NOW for a FREE trial offer I lndcpendcn1 Distributor Amy Simmons 714.241.8077 ,. ·' .. . ' ,, .. . .. . .. " ' .. . ... - That's why ~ cre•trd glw your chlld pncttce In all b~K language skill•, lnclud1119 phonks, voc.abut.ry, comp~ lb RHdlng, It's I provtn program gu•rantH'd to r1lw your child's ~( one ru119rtd• in R--~eading justµ hour~. .., Utlhll119~clu1I~ .._ .. _,._ .. _ henslon, and appl1rd slctlls s~ch as reading, rate, and r«all TutorAld teitlng, we analyu tt1e .9•!» In a student's reMJlng 1blllty and cre1tt a l>llaoctd program to If your-child Is talllng betllnd In school, now ts t:M timt to call and find out mort. (949) 653-TUTOR (8 886) 488 East 17th Street • Costa Mesa (Comer of 1rv1~ Awnu~) 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale 51099 Reg. '14.99 Now throGgh December 21 COSTA MF.SA 17nt ~flirt I l'llOMl·NA.OC1COIU'«Jl0f 17rn .tS»rfAANAI TUSTIN MAR.K.ETl'LACi 29113 61.. CAa.tlNO R!w.tNl!All ICJD'l R UJ1 C ROSSROAD CINTKR IRVINE Oll 8A~ 1·(800) 541"6176 TOWN Continued from Al 5 OM-On~. em•ll group •nd large groyp tralf\lng. For mont lnfonNtlon. call (949) 395-6103. JewWt '9mly hrvtce .. apontOring •teen auppott group for high ld\ool studenta that m.ett Mondtyt from 3:30 to 5 p.m. lft TertM V'Torah Upper Sctiool In Costa Me.a. For lnform1tlon or to register, call (714) 44&4950. Pre-registration Is required. The Ftiit ~ -Fine Chllctren'a Boob, at.270 E. 17th St.. No. 10 tn Costa Meta, offert free story time Mondaya,Vlednetday,Ftidaya and Saturdayt from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tu'esdaya and Thurtdaye from 4 to 5 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 645-5437. &.Ytide Reetaurant In N.wport Beach offert wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person. featuring five new wlnet each week. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222 . G'"" Syat9m1 11119metionat •howl you everything that you w1nted to know about orchids and repottlng during a free seminar at 2 p.m. every Stlurcfay. AA orchid and tropical plant sale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St facllhy. · Information: (949) 766-1211. otacover the aecrets of C.rbon Canyon Regional Parle as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood tree• every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parlclng is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more Information. Team Survivor, • nonprofit organization enoouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "Walk end Talk• at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month In front of NIKEgodess store In fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium coun. 11 is free, and all fitness levels are weloome. For more Information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Commu1dty CounMling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the 1upport group In S.A.F.E. Handt. S.A.F.E. ttands for safety, swarenesa, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more Information, call .. (949) 72HI079. 1--In NWnttl throueh ninth gntdea ere Invited to drop bV tn. city of~ M ... Rectutlon Centor from 2 to 8 p.m . Monday through Friday for aportt and other activities.. The aent9r It ti 1880Anehelm Ave. For mOf'9 lnform11Jon, call (714) ~27-7680. The Newport 8.-ch w.ldng aub mMtt et the comer of Superior and Hospital Road In Newpon Be.ch et 9:15 a.m. end 7 p.m. everyday. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport 1.-d\ Cea Decorating Ctub mwta from 7 to ~p.m. Thurwday nlghta et uperior and Hotpltal Rold In Newport Beod'I. For more information, call (949) 660-1332. The S~nfth SpMkJng Club meets to leam Spanish quldc and easy: For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Aun. of Butln ... Servicee hom a networtting meeting that deals with education connectlont from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St.. Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (949) 805-0011. •Divorce: A New Beginning; a worbhop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, Is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more Information. call 644-6435. ffM tou,. of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, badcstage and on stage et 10:30 s.m . every Wednesday shd Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, cell (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organlzatlon Is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit http://'www. newcomers-newportbBach.org. O.at. Senior CenUr hotda • pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m . on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast Includes ------~ ~Pilot pencelcea, u uuge, cof'fee tnd A bf*"~ euppott tfOUP orano-lulce for $3, Si for meets tM first and third chlldren. The center I• et 800 · Thu...c:tav-of Nd1 month from 7 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For to 8:30 p.m. It tn. Hoeg C.ncer more lnformatlon, cell (949) Center ti Hoag Hospital. 1 Hoag 844-3244. Drive. Newpon Beach. Free. Regllttatlon not 111qulred. The ~and rhythm, group II dNlgned to help •vogarhythmk:9• comblnea 9oga. pa&fentJ and their famlllu dance tnd fun. Theda .. Is held understand and cope wfth the trom 4:30 to 6:45 p.m. Tuesday. illnen. (949) 674-em. at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East Suite 111 , Costa Mna. For more St. Anchw't Pl~ Church lnform11tlon, call (714) 764-7399. hosts a mental llln ... aupport group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. lnteffelth couplft wfth one Sundays In Olerenfield Hall C at Jewllh partner are Invited to 600 St Andrewt Road, Newport partldptte In a dlscus•lon group Beach. (949) 674-2238. at the Jewish Famlly Setvloe of Orange County office. Call to The Jewllh hmlly SeNic. of schedule date and time. The Orange County 1pon11or1 a office I• at 260 E. Baker St., Suite discu111lon group for adult G, Costa Meta. (714) 445-4950. children and their parent• from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesday• a month Women 50 and older can join a at the Jewish Family Service dltcUtslon group coordinated by office at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Jewlth Family Servicee to Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per address lssu" such as anxiety, seuion. Preregistration required . depreulon, relationships, (714) 445-4950. lonellneu and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. The Jewish femlly 8efvlce of Monday• at the agency offices, Orange County hat a weekly 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa . parenting support group. Pantnts Mesa. Preregistration required. team strategies for succeffful (714) 445-4950. parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their Friends of th• Newport BellCh children. The group meets from Publlc library Used Book Store 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the are asking for patrons to donate Jewish Family Service office at bookt to 'replenish the dwindling 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa stodc. Books may be left at any of Mesa. The group will cover the three branch libraries -managing anger, anxiety and Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del peer pressure children Mar -or In the book closet next experience. Preregistration to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 required. (714) 446-4950. Avocado Ave •• Newport Beach . All hardcover and paperbadc Th• Costa Meta Senior c.nter donations, with the exception of has ballroom dancing with live -magazines and law books, will be music from the Collt8 Mesa accepted and are tax deductible. Music Mekers from 7:30 to 10:30 (949) 759-9667. p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St .. Coste Mesa. $4. (949) The Braille lnstttut. often frM 548-3884. computer classes to people with fading vision who hove difficulty Jewish Family Servk:9 of Onr)U• seeing the computer screen. The County sponsors an ongoing Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite healing support group for the Ave., Corona del Mer, offers six chronically ill. The purpose is to sessions. Call to sign up for provide participants with classes. (714) 821-5000. emotional and spiritual support to manage Illness and its A tplritual ca,. dau meets at consequences. The group meets 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays et 3400 et 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Family Service office et 260 E. Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) Baker St., Costa Mesa. 263-1462. Attendance Is free, but registration is required. (714) Th• Costa Ma .. Chambee' of 445-4950. Commerce hosts networlcing luncheon meetings Wednesdays Sc:nbble Club No. 350 meett from 11:45 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Costa Mesa Country Club. The Borders Books, Music & Cafe et cost is $14. The cluh is at 1701 South Coast Plaza, 3333 Beer St. Golf Course Drive, Coste Mesa. in Costs Mesa. $3. New players (714) 885-9090. ere welcome. (949) 206-9822. SOUTH COA.ST PLAZA THE SEASON BEGINS ·HERE GIFTS .FOR EVERY HOLIDAY WISH LIST FOR. SOMEONE SPECIAL: Ti.ffan.Y & Co. • .. Ju:z" platinum and dfamond drop earring• featu~ round brilliant-cut end baguette diamonds. Tmtpk St. Clair • A cla ic neck.lace available in rhodolite~ aquamarine and blue moon tone from the jeweler's Classic collection. M'dimotr> • Necklace featuring lu trous cul.tu~ pearb and diamoods from the Spheres collection. fOR HER: Smilli ~ Hawhn • The limited-edition Gazebo Ornament is a miniaturized vc.reion of a garden gazebo with a deC'Orafed holiday tree in a b eautiful wooden box. Herma • Ditoo\'er the elegant and c:Wsic Tummy by Cristal Saint·Loui5. ~6 • Civ the coMol ur't wine opener tct. for cffortl cork removul nd all of the , c tia.11 for ~1g and pttttJ'Ving ftnc win • FOR HIM: Ennmtgildo Zcgno • Let him warm up to winter with the softest of cashmere sweater! he can wear for easous to come. /lzrodiu Pm Co. • The mastery of Chinese lacquer is featured in the pen from the Blue Placed Metal Orpheo coUectioo from S.T Dupont Diut!I • Dre s him up this winrer with Dicsers sexy velour distressed blazer, satin button-down shin and straight-leg pant.S. FOR. IUDS: • Puzzl~ LxJ • A unique selection of toys, stuffed Mimab and coUectible for all ~· including vintage Star Wan memorabilia. Sanrio • The ultimate giftJ and fashion accessories. featuring Hello Kiuy and all heT friend, arc more popular than eveT. FOR. MUSIC AND BOOK LOVERS: Sony Style • Sony's NW MS700 Network Walkmant"' i the latest solution for digital music on the go, and is small enough for a pock.et or purse. Book Soup • find ,omething for everyone on you r list this season at th.is famed independent bookseller including limited editions, first t•<..l1tions and author autographed books. '105 Fr~•W4!J at Bri110/ Street 800·182·8888. 7/l/.l/J5-208J Call for sµdal Ao/itlag /Jour.1. www.1outhcoutplaza.c-om 0 a l ... .. " - QUOTE OF THE DAY "We felt if we could get into a shooting game with them, maybe we,d have a shot." Plrt ~u•lau, UC Irvine mens basketball coach Dally Pilot ... -· Spot1IJ Editor Rlcherd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: 1949) 650-0170 Dec. 8 honOree DAVE GERANKO .. - Thursday, December 4, 2003 81 -SOYS BASKETBALL MEN'S BASKETBALL Cal outmuscles Eagles fly away in second half Estancia overcomes slow start to knock off La Quinta . Patrick Laverty Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -It didn't take long for Russell King to get bad into lhe rhythm of coaching. "A.'l soon as I stood up and yelled and screamed," lhe new Plltancia High boys basketball coach said. over visiting La Quinta. "It was probably just jitters," Estancia junior Carlos Pinto said. "But at halftime we got every- thing under control" Fstanda {1-0) trailed late in lhe second quarter before scoring lhe final seven points of lhe first half on a lhree-pointer by sophomore Mike McDanlels and two buckets from 6-foot·S senior Scott Sankey to take a 25· 22 lead at intennission. ' UC Irvine, 65 -57 Bears dominate offensive glass and gain turnover edge. Barry F1ulkner Daily Pilot BERKELEY -The stat sheet confinned UC Irvine Coach Pat Douglass' worst fears Wednesday night, and it also helped explain lhe final score in a 65-57 non· conference men's basketball loss at Cal. Instead, the Golden Bears (2·2) dominated OD lhe offensive glass, pull- ing half of Its 28 rebounds after its own missed shots. In addition, the hosts' 11 rumovers were eight fewer lhan lhe An1eaters (2·3), who lol>l despite shooting 53.8% from tJ1e field (21 of 39). ·As you can see,• Douglass said while reviewing lhe finaJ statistics, "they had a big dlspar· ity in turnovers and offensive re- bounds. they had 18 more pos· sessions than us and we can't come on lhe road and do lhat" It took lhe Eagles a Little bit longe; to get into lhe flow in lheir season opener Wednesday. But once lhey did, lhey began to roll. au lhe way to a 66-49 victory For Sankey, it was just his sec· ond and lhird field-goal l!ttempts of lhe game as lhe Eagles faJled to take advantage of a distinct size adV'dJltage. Not only was Es· tancia not looking inside to San· KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Estanc1a's Carlos Pinto (1) goes up for a deuce with La Quinta's See EAGLES, Paa• 83 ~s Nguyen (13) and Case Jongenelen (23) in the neighborhood. "I knew going in we had to limit lheir second shots and take care of lhe basketball," Douglass said. "We felt if we could get into a shooting game wilh lhem. maybe we'd have a ~hot." Leon Powe, Cal's 6-foot-8 freshman forward, a prep All· American last year and deemed to be among lhe best freshmen Se~I. Paa• 82 GIRLS WATER POLO a CdM wins season's first battle Arlington pull s to within a goal, but host Sea Kings hold on for 9-7 victory. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -There are several indications lhe Co- rona del Mar High girls water polo team will be different from last year. but there is still one attribute Lha1 remains: compo· sure. The Sea Kings never seemed 10 panic against nonleague visi· tor Arlington Wednesday, even when lhe Lions came wilhm 8· 7 wilh 4:06 remaining. Kaue Kubas scored her sec- o ml goal of the game with 2:28 left and C..dM held on for a 9· 7 '>eason-op1ming win . .,. Sophomore Camille Hewko provided lhe assist. a sman pass. II wru. during a six-on-five '>ituation. I lewko's shot was de· fleeted, she grabbed it and de- livered a ~oft-touch pass Lo an open Kuba'>, two meters in front of the cage. The Sea Kings will need plays like that. CdM lost seven play- ers 10 graduation from last year's team. They helped lead the Sea Kings to a CIF Soulhern Section Division II champion· '>hip. Now. 11 seems the program is starting anew. Among olher things. lhe team has different '>wimsuits -pink and blue checkered outfits lhat definitely o;tand out. On the team, in addition to MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOl Corona del Mar goalie Brittany Fullen keeps an eye on the Sea Kings' defense in the season opener Wednesday against Arlington. Hewko and Kubas, lhere are young CdM players stepping up. such as junior Jordan Anae. She led lhe Sea Kings wilh lhree goals and, despite feeling a bit under lhe weather, provided glimpses of her 1ale111 and po- tential. ·rve seen her play more ag- gressive," said CdM Coach Aaron Chaney, who 111 in his lhird year. "I was impressed flhe Sea Kingsl did not get rat· tied They staye<l composed. They kept on counterattack- ing.'" Chaney also respected Arling- ton, ~ying lhe Uons never gave up and have improved from last year. The Sea Kings defeated Ar· llngton, 13·2. In last year's ~­ son opener. But lhe Uoos-{~f 1) consistently contended throughout Wednesday's game. They led. 4-3. after one quar· ter, as lhey scored two goals on lob shots, but C...dM goalie Brit· tany Fullen. a junior who is a returning '>tarter, made adjust- ments. as did the Sea Kings. CdM outscored Arlington, 3·0. in lhe second quarter. mainly because of Its effective counterattack. Each goal came after a Arlington turnover. Hew- Im recorded a steaJ and lhen came up wilh lhe assist to sen· ior Vivian Liao for one of her two goals. Uao and Hewko had two steals each. Llao's goal tied lhe game. 4·4, and with 3: I 2 left before half- See CdM, P1ae 82 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Annie St. Geme •r Corona del Mar sophomore enjoyed big kick at the end of the season, leaving coach excited about the future. Steve Vlr11n Oa1tyP1lot S ho flnfshed 13th out of 189 runne11 ln Division m at the CIF State croM country championships, • athlete ln any arena. usually walks away not totally satisfied. They usually walk away always hungry for more. Ewry game ls an unfinished piece of art thete ls still a place where you can touch it up." but that wasn't good enough. She recorded a personal best. coming acrota the 6n.iah line at 18:40, but tomehow that 1dll didn't do It for the Corona def Mar High tophomore. Greatn• ls IOIDCttmea meuured by Intolerance, newr bdng towty content with your lut p_etfonnence. Annlt St. Geme bu It. sM &MO ha8 a few more thiilp go'"8 Mi way. •She hu the pottndal for greeoiOM." CdM Coecb 8611 Sumntf llld. • lv.ly great St. Geme'a masterpiece is certalnty a work In progress. She began the season with the same type of trouble ahe dealt with last year. HJp paln plagued St. Geme'• t'telhman croes couotry aeason and the ache and dghtneu returned earlier thla (all. She WU re.legated to training with the junJor varlity runnm. as the methodlclJ}y worbd her way back to full ~ Set lT.~,P..ae U Sea Kings in search of identity Defending CIF Division II champion CdM looks to reload rather than rebuild. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot The goals and expectations have changed al Corona del Mar 1 ligh, where girls water polo has been quite successful the pas1 two years. The Sea Kings are m search of an identity this season. They are no longer known for or defined by a cert~n quanet lhat was key in leading CdM to two CIF Soulhem Section tJtJes in Divi- sion IV and II. However, lhis season·~ i.quad plans to build off lhat success Wllh the hopes of continuing to establish tradi- tion. Seniors Katya Eadington, Amy Strack and ViVJan Uao fig- ure to be among the leaders for lhe Sea Kings. who look to start anew wilhout that quartet, which mcluded Ouistlna Hew- ko, Danielle Carlson. Danielle DIGiacomo and Brittney Bow- lus. I lewlto. who earned CIF Player of lhe Year honors in her See PREVIEW, P11e 82 a a at t a a • 12 Ttuldly. Oeeemblf ... 2003 PREVIEW Continued from Bl final awo llnal eea~ns. I.\ play- ing t Stanfold. Bowlus ls com- petin1 for UCJ.A. Carlson, along wfth Jessica Haltins. another key senior Crom last year, b at Princeton, and DIGiacomo will be suiting up for UC BerUley. "'Were trying to establlsb an idendty rtght now,· said CdM Coach Aaron Olaney. who I.I In hJs th1td year with the ~a JCings. "I lhink the identity tw been about the seniont who graduated. They ~ the Lden- tity and now ~re trying to ei· tabllsh our own.• <llaney guided the Sea Kin~ to a 50·12 record and !he two CIF tJUes over the past rwo years, gaining <:oach or !he Ym honors in both seasons. Now be wants this season's squad to keep It going. · "We have a new team. but they lea.med a lot this swnmer, • Chaney sald. •t-txpect them to continue the tradition chat has been established here. ·1 don't think they know whnt they can do yet because they haven't bad the opportunity yet~· the CdM coach continued. •They have to carry larger re· spon .lbWlies and larger roles. I think they can do it. I'm not sure if they know they can yet.· Along wfth P.adington. Strack and Uao, the Sea .Kin~ will also reature junior goalie Brittany Fullen and junior two-meter a sea a as a a a ...._ Yr. lktWli/ Allen Jf. ~ McComti "· ,.,,,, Slrd If. IC* Kalbel .Jt. a--.~ So; ,.,,...., Oiendler So. ~Weyt9 Sr. VM.nU.O Sr. Jotdan Al* .. Jr. lf11CY kubM Sr. l.auAln ~ Jr. KatVIE~ Sr. tcade Ummem\M\ Jr. c..nHle ...wtco So. eo-1): Aal'Ot'I ChllW/ (third Yttt) player Jordan Anae. •She had a really good sum- mer,· Oumey said of Anae. •She's one of our most improved players. She really stepped Ir up this swnmer. • In addJdon. I lewko's younger sister, Camille. a sophomore driver, also adds her slc:ills LO Cd.M's talented roster, that in- cludes seniors Tracy Kubas and Natalie Wa}'1e. as weV as Tracy's younger sister. Kalie. a junJor, and fellow junlors Lauren McA- dams and Kade Lemmennan. Sophomores Olelsea LyJnan and Ashley Cllandler, aJoog with senior goalie Kel&ey Mc:Connlck plan to contribute to the Sea Kings' quest of winning a fifth straight Pacific Coast League championship. Eadlngton and Uao have the most experience on the squad, as they were key role players on a = u • • • S'P 0 R T S MAAK c. ousm I OM..Y Pl.OT Corona del Mar High's Jordan Anae uncorks a fas1ball in Wednesday season opener against Arlington. CdM won, ~7. last year's team, that was also themselves.· bolstered by FuDen's sJdl1s in the Olaney said they will receive cage. plenty of tests because or Co· ·1 think the whole team has rooas cbaJJeoging scheduJe, improved," Chaney uJd. •I feet a which Includes Foothill. long lot more confident now than I Beach Wilson and Bad Bay rival did prior to the summer. The Newport Hrubor. 1be Sea Klngs. glrlJ really improved. Now they who will also compete in the top have to learn to play wfth confi-tournaments, defeated Arllng- dence. I believe in them and ton. 9-7, in the season opener they now they have to believe in Wednesday. time. Anh connected on a skip shot. shortly alter Arlington had a shot-clock violation. With 56 seconds remaining befom tbe half, sophomore Ash- ley Olandler made good oo a breakaway I.bat came after her teal She pun Just before shooting to get the goalie out of position and fired in the ball for a6-4 lead. Kubas and Uao scored in the third quarter. U110 hit an out- s.Ide shot wfth 34 seconds left in the third to give the Sea .Kings an 8-5 lead. but the Uons came storming back early in the fourth quarter, scoring two goals In less than a minute. Bl.11. Fullen. who recorded 14 saves. including 10 in the second half, led the Sea Kings' defense that turned away Arlingtdn. "The girls countered really well.· Olaney said. ·we made some adjustments in the sec- ond quaner. (The Llonsl didn't back down. I don't think we were expecting the1'1 to be that feisty." NonlNp Cotona del M• 9, Altington 1 ~by a....rt.n Arlington ii o 1 2 -1 CdM > 3 2 1 -9 Arlington -Frish 3, Owens 2. Behzadian 1, de Jondchoore 1. Saves -Oavis 4. CdM -Anae 3, Uoo 2. K. Kubas 2, Hewlto 1, Chandler 1 Fullen 13. Renovation of Newport's pool almost completed Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot Newport Harbor I ligh's pool. whJch has been refurbished and wu:. initially expected to be ready Nov. 'l. has been held back for use because the heating system is being repaired. but the school is hopeful ii will be ready next week. Newpon assistant principaJ Ruben Cunard ho ped the pool could be used Tuesday, when the girts water polo team opens its season againsl &lperanza. But even if the water's fine, .the game's site has been changed. -Jfley won't have the bleach· er.. m on Tuesday.· Newport Coach Bill Barnett said. ·The pool may be warm, but we'll play at f:speranza."' 'lne Sailors would be able to prcictice in their own pool, pos- !>ibly Wednesday, said Barnett, who is pleased with the results. "It's beautiful," he said of the renovation that w~nt for roughly $I million. •They did a great job, Jll'>t a wonderfuJ· job.• Harnett said the first game lO be played in the new pool is tar· ~eted for Dec. 19. when the Sail- 0111 host Back Bay rival Corona del Mar. MEN'S BASKETBALL MEET MEAT ~ Hot shooting aids Vanguard in win - Open 7 Days A onday -Th • 4 p.m. Friday and Sa 3:30 p. S: $ 10 fu Adults $ 7 for Children $3.50 Skate rental for an hour and a half session. Sponsored By: R&'MRf SeCect Oni Free atterr Test c PACIFIC CITY H u'l11 \GT0"1 B i1.c11 INDEPENDENT s14ss oll and fitter cMnge Servloe Includes up to five quarts of Motorcratt$ oll and new Motorcra~ oil · fitter. lnofudes hazardous waste dlaposal. • See SeMce Advisor for detalla. Offtt vallO with coupon. ~••xua. 12/31/2003 Vanguard University shot bet- ter than 65% in the second half Wednesday to overcome a four- point halftil'\'le deficit and post an 84-76 non· conference road win over La Verne. The lions . (5-3) handed the Leopards (4-1) their first loss by. hJttlng 17 of 26 shots over the fi- nal 20 minutes and 19 of 22 free UCI Continued from Bl in the land, bullied UCJ inside, finJshing with a game-hJgh 27 points and I I reboUAds. Six or his boards were offensive, lead- ing to eight points. "(Powel is a man-child inside,· Douglass sald. ·1 like crashing the offensive board, because it gets you points and It gets you rebounds," said Powe, who had 17 points at half- time to help the 8eaIS survive an early UCI nm and secure a 29-29 de at lntermi&slon. ln the second half, Powe had help, both from fellow freshman phenon Aylnde Ubaka and 6-5 freshman swing man Marquise Xatety. ~ Ubaka hlt two clutch three- pointers in the final 6:03, the first expanding the lead to 50-45, and the second, with I :34 left. push- ing the Bears to a 57-52 edge. lie finished with 12 points, eight in the fin.al 20 minutes. throws. That was enough to overcome La Veme'i. 33-29 haJf. time edge. Brian Kim led Vanguard with 24 points and t lorace Wormely added 23, making 13 of 15 from the charity stripe. Brett McGee added 13 points and a team-high six rebounds. The victory gives the Lions a two-game winning streak a<i they head into the Golden State Alh· letic Conference opener at Con- cordia Saturday. the lead, before settling for the first.baJf stalemate. Adam Parada, UCI's 7-0 senior centel, scored eight of hi8 team's first 13 points In the first 4:36. while 6-10 senior forward Stanis· lav Zu7.ak had 13 of his team· high 18 points before tbe break. During one frustrating first - half stretch. the visitors went four straight possessions without talcing a shot. including one 35 second shot-clock violation. Sophomore guard Mike Bfev· berha gave UCI a lift by scoring its first seven points of the sec- ond half. including a three pointer from the left wing that gave the visitors a 36-35 lead 1Wo z.uzak foul stiots upped the advantage, bul Cal went on a 9-0 run 10 take command for good. Made Hill. a freshman who added a sparlc with four point~ and four rebounds off the bench, hit two free throws to pull UCI within 45-43 with 7:52 left and two Greg Ethington free thrqws cut Cal's lead to 47-45 with 6:20 remaining. But Ubaka hit from beyond the arc on the ensuing posses- sion and connected again from Honconfuenc:• Vangu•rd 84, t.. Verne 76 Vangu•ld -Wormely 23, Burnette 8, Oelefu 8, McGee t3, Kim 24, Sookios 2, Pierson 6. 31JC. goals -Dalafu 1. Kim 2. Pierson 1. Fouled out -None. Technicals -None. La Verne -Greenlee t6, Ferrera 5, Langston 4. Holmquist 12, McCoy 21, Witherspoon 4, Rvgg 10. Reynolds 4 3 pt goals -Greenlee 2. Holmquist 4 • McCoy 5, Rugg 2. Fouled out -None. Technlcals -None. Halhime -La Verne. 33 29 th.reed om with I :34 left. after two RoM Schraeder free throws and a Zuzak layup had puUed the visi· tors within two for the final time. Parada finished with 10 points to join 7..uzak in double figures, while sophomore point guard JelT Gloger was his ui.ual steady self with eight points, seven re- bounds and six assists. UCI gets the chance to bounce hadc Friday night at 5:30 p.fl'.l. against Princeton in lhe first game of the four-team McCaffrey Oassic at Fresno State. zors -Wednescuiv·· setblld< made It bad< IO·badl losses to P&e· 10 c1oss1own n vela Stanford and Cal II was the UCl's fo~mh st.ra1ght loss to a Pee-to loe Cals won c:ame without the services of sopho- moro guard Erik Bond, who left the Baars shonhanded In the badtcoun when by olect1ng to transfer. Borid 11anod Cal'• sea •on opening home loss to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo UCI Coach Pat DouglMs. not known lo• wort.Ing tho offlc:i1111, toolo. several opponun1t1es to vo1C4I h11 diaplea· sure with some certs Wcdnetl<lay And there may have been some lusuficat1on beh•nd 1111 cr1to0sm. "nee lhe An1eaters did not shoot 11 free throw the lirBt 26·05 of tho contesr .. Cal helped keep the game close by convening ju sf t 6 of l\1 30 tree llllows. while UCI flnlehod 12 of 14 from lho lh1Q .. Both te11m1 combined lo ahool 6 of 25 trom three p0lnt 1enge (24%1 Among those in the crowd w&1 f0fm8r UCI assistant Len Stevene, 111 well .. for· mer Cal COllCtl lou Campenelll cars defense, which helped spur several runs throughout the contest, earned praise from Braun. who said his team's en- ergy level helped overcome UCls ' execution. SCHEDULE •1 have a lot of respect for Pat Douglass, the man has won oa- lional (Division m champion- ships," Braun said "His teams always execute.· The 'Eaters ex- ea.tted early. riding a 9-0 burst lo take a 15-5 lead. much to the dis- may of the Jl,069 home £a.lthful at Haas Pavilion. But Cal answered with a 12-0 run of Its own. before an 8-0 surge by UCJ allawed It ro regain TODAY 8..utbel Community oollege women - Q,.nge Coa9f •t Cuesta U>Umament High ecnoot girt. -Katella at Corona del Mar, 7 p.m . a-- High 8Chool boya -Sage Hiii at Calvary Chapel Downey, 3:16 p.m. High Ktrool glrl1 -Corona del Mar a1 Dana Hiiia, 3:16 p.m .. Boin ~29es::::. A/C Check Includes a performance test, leek ln8pectlon and a oheck Of belt.a and holee. Act now and get a free battery teat. FWrigerant Ind- taxes extra. See Service AdV'8or for detllla. on. valid wtttl ClOUPOI'. Tax•elltrL 12131/2003 Grando at Estancia, 3 p.m.; Santa Margarita at Newport H11rbor, 3:16 p.m.; Calvary Chapel Downey at Sege Hill, 3:16 p.m Tennlll High Ktrool gins -Newport Harbor In CIF doubles dlamplonship Round ol 16 at SeaClln Country Club In Huntington Beach. Wrnttlng High Ktrool-Corona del Mar hosting she-way tournament, 3 p.m. --~~f;itl! -............... . • ~-·--~ r ~ • I I I I .. SPORTS COMMUNITY COLLEGE · FOOlBAl.1 All-America team honors for Dominelli Safety is program's first in three years to earn distinction. Sophomore free safety Nick DomineW became the ftr8t Orange Coast C.Ollege football player In three years to be named to the JC Gdd-Wlre Jun- ior C.OUege AIJ-America team when founder ,.--......,.=~--. Hank Ives made Nick Domine Iii the announce- me nt Tuesday night. Dominelli earned honor- able mention on the team af. ter leading the Pirates in tack- les (110) for the second straight season. The two-time AU-Mis- sion C.Onference selection also tallied five interceptions, eight pass breakups, one fumble re- covery and one touchdown this fall. He was the Pirates' leading point-getter based on the coach- ing staff's weekly grading system, twice earning player of the week honors. EAGLES Continued from Bl key, 6-4 sophomore Dallas Kopp or Pinto (6-3), they were also struggling on the boards against a team that started just one player over 5-9. 1brougb the tlrst two quarters, Estaoda's rebounding edge was just 20-16. "It could just be first-game jit- ters," King said "'You've got to re- member, we're a young team. We're going to make mistakes, but we want to learn from them before le<l8Ue starts.• The Bagles apparently learned their lesson at balftlme. In the third quarter they nearly equaled their point and ~bound totals of the first half, out.Scoring the Ai· tees. 24-9, and outrebounding them, 18-5. Mhands are high as Estancla's OalasKoPP eyes the =~ through traffic against L.a QuintaW'lthe season opener Wednesday. , KEHT TREPTOW I ~YPl.OT with a three· pointer from the left comer. He then added two put- back buckets, lhe first off his own miss, and added a drMng layup to ftn.lsb off the run. Banda then closed the third quarter with a seven-point run. lnduding two buckets by Pjpto. who led the Eagles with 19 pointl and U rebounds, and a three- pointer from just beyond half court by E1icobedo as Ume ex- pired. pushing the lead to 49-30. The P.agle4 also improved de- fensively. La Quinta took the lead in the second quarter behind three three-pointers from 5-4 senior guard Dean Otsuka, but the Eagles prevented him from scor- ing from beyond the arc In the second half. McDaniel 6nished with 14 points and seven rebounds for the Eagles. while Kopp added nJne points and 10 boards and Sankey contributed nine points and eight rebounds. Oomlnelli scored three touch- downs in his two-year C.Oast ca- reer. In 2002 he returned a fum- ble 50 yards to go with a 95-yard interception return in a win against Golden West and added a 14-yard Interception return this season-against Fullerton. Pinto, McDaniel, Hugo Esco- bedo, Kopp and Sankey each had at least three rebounds in the quaner. Estancia's growing lead coincided with that rebounding adv-clDtage and a more aggressive approach on offense. ~ Estanc:bi 66. La Quinta 49 Scont by OIW1iMs La Quinta ~ 13 8 19 -49 Estancia 12 13 24 11 -• u Quinta -Fort 6, L Nguyeo 12, C. Nguyen 1, Lam 14, Otauka 12, Phun 2. Tran2. Tight end Ben Fredrickson and linebacker Martin Janz.on were each named to the All-America team in 2000. The Pirates have had 28 players honored dating back to 1963, when 6ve Bucs off the national championship team received the accolades. After Sankey's third field goal of the game gave Estancia a 33- 28 lead with 4:45 remaining in the third quarter, McDaniel scored nine consecutive points to Increase the advantage tQ 42- 28 with 3:02 remaining. "We didn't play our game in the first half," McDaniel said. "We came oot with more Inten- sity after halftime." McDaniel started his surge 3-pt. goals -"lam 2, Otsuka 3 Fouled out Jongenelen. Tec:tinlcal• -None. &tMde -Pinto 19, McDaniel• 14, Verene 3, Vi111montes 5, Elcobedo 7. Meiuner 0, Voung 0, Kopp 9, Sankey 9,SelnO. 3-pt. goals -McOanlela 2, Viramonte. , • &cobedo 1. Fouled out -None. Technicals -None. llOTICI TO <8J01S Of IW SALE Ale Of lfTll. D TOTIM5fll AlCOllOUC llVIU5I IJQIS( jU.C.C.6101.r~• UP2407ht~) hcrw~7oose.I Nolke ta hereby &lvtn !hat • bulk sale of nsels tnd e trensftr of alcohol11: l>ever•e• h cense 1s 11>out tu l>e m.cle fhe names, Socl•I S.c.unty or federal Tu Numl>trs, and •ddren ot th• Seller /l teenset tre. DA£ SUNG PARK tnd TSUHUCHI MAH HUI, 2675 IRVINC AVE , SUITE 0, COSIA MESA, CA lhe business rs known ns KYOIO JAPAHCst: Hf.STAURANI The n•mn. Soctal Secuflly or Fedenl Tu Huml>en. and addresses nf the Buytr/lransferee 11r1 GRACf HYCKY£0NG NOH tnd ll HH LE£ As hsted by the Sellor I licensee. •II other busoneu namu tnd add1.u.s used by the Seller /llcensu wot hm three yHra before lhe dalt such hat was sent <>< dchYe<td to the Buytf/ hansf11eeare: HONE. The aneh lo be sold are dffcrll>ed rn 1en.r al n FURNITURE, flX· TURES, lQUIPMEHT, TRAOEHAMC , GOOOWlll. LEASE, lEASCHOLO IM1'110vt.MCHT and ert • located at 2675 IRVINC AV( , SUITE 0, COSTA M£SA,CA Th~ kind of hcense to b4 tnnsfetred is Ofll SAlE OHR & WINE EAllHG PLACE now 1'5ued for tile pHmlna louted et. 2675 IRYIHl AVE • SUITE D. COSTA MCSA,CA9?672 The anticipated dtle of lhe ule/lransfer Is Hnuary 9. 2004 et tlM office of United Escrow Co , 11942 011 den Crowe Blvd.. 12'!!t. Ger den <lr ove. CA 9:t944 The 1mount of tlM purch•H prlee or con ,1c1er111on In connection with the t1 ens fer of the lleente tnd bu,lneu. tnekrc1tn1 llM 1$tlm1tttd ln•tntor1, t. lh• ~um of Sl20.000 00 which con alsts of the followtn1. Otsu 1ptlo11 Amount Checb S70,000 00 PromltAO•y Note S50.000 00 It hH bffn Ill ffd between the Stller/ LkensH •nd the In 1&11ded 8uytt/Trantftf ... •• 1equlrtd by S.t 2.013 of the 8wlntn and l'rot.,.,lon• Code, th1t the qmskltrtllon l<H tllt ll 1lllf« of the bvtllltat at!CI lkenM It to l>t p11d Olll1 efttf' llM lrtnsfer h., ti.en •P jl(OVtd by lM l>tt>lf'l• intr1t of Akolloloe Bev ., tft COftll OI =D: No11embel 10, (SICll•luft of Sell.,/ I ktnSH) la/ OAl SUNG ,ARK, /s/ TSUJIUClll MAN HUI. (Sl1nth111 of luy11/l1tt1•fartt /t/ OUC[ HYCIO'CONO NO+t. /I/ ll Hl[ LU P'ubll•lled Newport ... th Cfltt• ~ 01111 ,lfet Dectfl!Mr 4. 200l CM 112911• fh SUPmlCOmTOf CAllOI*,. cown Of OUll8I OUMla.TY ... COE,l'IOIAll COUil OfllA1IOIS, S41lll01Y ... POST OfRCUOI 14171,0l- AMf,CU2611·1S71 Pl'fm()f .,.. .... IOI OIAl5I Of U OIDB TOSltOW Ul5l fOI OW1510f- WIM&Am470 TO All IHTERESTEO PERSONS. I. p~ Myunc"" Nam filed • petrbon Wilh thn court fOt • dla• clwWf1I IWTl9 IS follows; My\1111 Ni ~ to Mia HamlM 2. M COUllT OROCRS tlwt .. pssons rnwesled ., Ulll matter llllll ~ l>efor• lhe coo.rt et the 1-q _.,1!9d below to show '** If eny, why the petition for dlllf18ll ol name should not I>• IJlftltd NOTa Of t€NllNG Dalt l/&l'OC r.... 2.'(JQ pm Olpt.• L13 The addt-of lhe court ISWf!le -not.cl~. 3 A C1CC>Y of this Order to Show ~ lhll bt publillled at .... ~ each wttk for four .--siw ....... prlOt to the dll9 ttt f0t '--II on lhl petJbon 11 the folowq ~ of ....... CltaMbon, pt1r"8d piny. ll C. 3220 H low• St.. Costa Mes•, CA 92626 Th•~ l>usineu Is con dueled by llmtlted l1al>thly Co. Scott G111mon This st1temt11I WH flied with !flt CountJ Clerk of Oran1t County on 12/02/03 200Jtttt741 Ollly Piiot Dec 4 .. 11. 18.25,2003 Th962 S.......fl .. , ........ ............ The l0Howln1 person h•s tbtndontd Ille UM of ttie Flctruous 811sr ness Hime: ht Vls10n Auto Gian. 2800 Shin tar Or .. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 The F lclltlou, 8uslnes~ name rlferred to el>on wu filed In Oran1• Cou~;g 7-12·02, Fill HO 909761 [lllporn Yootan1wrn, 2800 Shantar Or .• Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Carlyle 0 Cornwtff 2007 Tahuh1 Ttrrece Coron• del M11 , CA 92625 This business 11 con ducted by • a•neral p1rtnenl11p E1t1porn Yool•n•wln This statement was filed Wllh the Co11nty Cltfk of Or1nce County on 1Vl4/03 200JttUot7 Dally Piiot Nov 20, 27. Oec 4, 11. 2003 Th955 In thB ~· Newport Rc9M ..... B•clV'Cost. Mela o.lly ,,.,. ......... D9l9t NOY U !GOS lll• follow1n1 ~nons JUDGI SHiil:.~ ere dolnl buslntu ... ........... "-'*'-' TIM follow1111 persons ltt doin. b-MSS as Sln1i.t11ell Publlcallons. 2074 Continental A•t .. Costa MMe. CA 92627 Robert R. Rumuuen, 2074 Contr111ntaf Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Jane HYd•. 2074 Con· trnenl•I Ave.. Costa Meta. CA 92627 This business Is con dueled by husband and wire H1 .. you st•l•d clolna busonn, yet' Yu, 1/1/ 03 Rob41t RHmussen This st•ttment was hied with the County Clttk ol Onn1e County on 11/14/0J 200Jtt6St01 Dally Pilot Nov 20, 21 Dec 4, 11. 2003 Th949 AdlllM ..... '-*'-1 The followfn1 P4f sons lft dolna bu .. neu H . La Siffre H•ial'lts LLC, 18242 McDurrnott. SI H, Irvine CA 92614 P1dlic Grind Const. Inc.. Manll1m1 Member (Calif), 1&242 Mc:Dur- mott St H ltvont. CA 92614 Thb busrnen Is con· ducted by • corporation HIVt JOU •tMted doq bualnn& yet? Yes Octol>tr 2. 2003 Pacific Grand Const Inc • Ronald E Lecrand, Pres This st,.emenl w1a llltd wilh the County Cle1k of Orena• County on 11/ll/03 200HtH41' Oeily ,lfot No11 10. 21, Oec. 4, ll. 2003 Th!M2 .IUDGt OI M 1) Olat'llQn4lot com b) alUU 'etro-T~ll Olstribulll'I· ~ ..... Newport 8HCh·Coal1 17155 Von Kwman Awe . M.11 ()My Piiot o.c.m. Suit• 112 113, lrwlnt, C:A ... s..i...I 4, 11, 18. 25. 2003 Th961 92614 The followfn• pttaons AOM Dlttllbuttna. Inc illre dolnt buslneu H . ~..... (CALIF), 17155 Von AllC:lu11Slf111C ... 27062 .......... K1"nan Ave . Suitt 112 f1Hln•l11t Or •. le1un1 lll, lrvlnt, CA 92tl4 Hiiis, CA 9:z&S3 The followl111 persona Thia bwlnest 11 con-918411,1 v. o,.,,, '" pdollll b111tlpn•ss es· dr.Kted by. 1 c«p«atlon 27~ felllllt lttf Or . •) ut.tu• ertnen. u. ·--t d ...... _ l • .,, .. ,, ...... ,, c· ...... u b)Puklrell ,ropefl .. s .... we JOU s.-e """'"'' • '"" "., .. .,....., c) ,. .. 1111111 Cepllel buslnauytt7 re.nt Kamerman, Minisement. 24586 VI• YH 10 00-93 17062 Flllln1 L .. f Of • Otl Or Leoin• NIC\lef ROM Ofttrib4ill111, Inc.. LQun1 Hilb, CA 92653 CA926;7 ' Rlche1d Welurlon, 'flm b11slne&a It con Grent F warntt, ,.,Hldtllt ducted bJ. • pner•I 11 1 o 1 o Thi\ 1t1temtnt wn pwln•rtlllp 24S & J,__6 .• c'• ,.,,17°4 r.-.d with tM County HHt you tt.rted dollll L•111n• •• ,.u... " nv ' Cltfk of 0raflfl C0Vftly bittfHU pt? '"•ul flt.z..CMltlon. 2111 on I l/ll,IOl y"· 11/15,,'0J S1nl• An• Ave • Coste ~,61416 Ired'-v. Dr'"-MtH, CA 92627 _, _.. Thi• business It con Delly Piiot Nov. 20, V, Tiii• atel1111t11t NS d t d b e •• II~ 1 Dec. 4, 11, 2003 Tll9J5 ftled wltll "" Cou11ty uc • 1· -• Clerll of Ot•nt• Co1111tJ pll'tnership on 12/01/03 Have yOIJ "-1tttd doln1 ~... lOOJH667't busln .. • t•H No ..._ t.t....t...-... OallL Pilot Ote. 4, 110 Clfent F. Wll'ner --1 ....,.., P•vl Flll·OltllH>fl Tiie fotlowms ,.r1ons 1 • • 6.V<H Til97 'fhl1 st1t1ment wet ere doln1 bvstneb ••· ~ ..... fll4HI Willi th• County lnhencecf P•fotm•nce Cltrll of Or•na• County Cent,er, 234 C l7tll St ........... 01111/ll/OJ 1100, Cotti ...... CA Ote fon.wtnt pereon1 IOOMffS.Ut t2.'N7 we dolnl buJ.lntn as DllllJ ,llol Nov 20, 21i 0.l'llM Ann lodihwt, fer .. t '• Creet10111. OK. 4, U , 200J Th!M 14» Su,erlof A\08. 1204!, Z2472 Sunlllht Crttk, ~.. fllt_wperl llHtll, CA 1.'*t,orut,CA9113Q -92163 Tt1t11 A. Wheal, Ql '~ pfl .. fl TM b~ I• ton 22A72 &1111let"t CrNll, .___ ....... dll(.l.ed b~ en llldM4u1I llfle htut. CA ~ ,._ H8¥t 1011 etll1141 llolnt TIMI but'-11 CCNI !'II. f=:.a r:-bvllnftt ~lf MIMI by -. ........... llH IN l llH Y• Jefl 1000 He¥1 )'Oii •tlftN ...... of Ille 'lctiltolls lull• OtnlM Ann Lotllh.,t -.,.1nua Jtlf v ... \Olll neu N•Mt Scott Otr• lfltt 1t•'-11t wu 01 '"'II COl!ljllllJ, u.c. ~ wittl Ille Courtly , __ A MIMI n10 " IOw• st . c:o.t• ci.-"' 0r~ '-'' ""' ,1 • .......,, w11 MtH, CA 92t21 °" ll/ll(Vl -.... _.... ,...... C"'•nty fllt h:tlflon I~ 1"16MHh ,.,... _,.., ... _,. II-l • ..._rtd to ebOYe 0 ... r"'"t .. _y ,.., ..,.. ~llf'J•,!!._2t)e.n1e Count, '"' -1 -._,, .. 'firtij .,.,., <JVCJV WU flltd l ~ ... :;"" 0-.4, ll.ZOOJ ~ ........ , .. Covrtt7_ ~-!.'.. • OllltJ Piiot a.to t .. l,l" NO ZOOJIR9711 I.I, It, NDI ,,_. koll G#MO "111•, --.,.-------.1· f " ~ ..... "-'*'-' The followlna persona ere clorna business 11· lmprt$Stve Prlnhn1 & Graphics, 6305 Gell•I Wey, Yorbe Linda. CA 92887. lmpresrve Prlnhn1 & Grtphlc•. Inc (CA), 6305 G1flal Way. Yorba Lrnd1. CA 92877 This buslnen IS con ducted by a cotporallon Have you atarted dolna bu,.nesi yet? Yu Oclob4r ht lmprnslve Pflntrnc a. Grephics, S.ndr F 1h1ny Pre11denl lhls st•lement wn tried with the County Cletk ol Oranae County on t0/14/03 20096 .. 1621 Dell) Pilot Nov 13 20. 27, Dec. 4, 2003 Th929 ............. .......... The lollowln1 persons ,,. dorn& business aa Orenae CoHt Consult ants. 1420 ( u,,,.., Ave 1212. Sent• An1. C1t1101n11 92705 Thomes 01vld R1nd1ll 1717 E Oyer Road 1159, Sant• Ana, Ctfifornle 92705 Tl11s l>ualnen Is con ducted l>y an 1Qdi.vld111I Hevt you it.wted do1na bullneulel7 Ytt 10/2 /03 fhomts Rendell Tiiis statement was ftlecl w1tll the County Cfetll of Oran.-County on l 0/Z 1/2003 200H .. H21 0111J Piiot Nov 20, 27, Dec 4, 11. 2003 Th951 ,... ..... ... ~ "'" followln1 peuona '" dotna buslneu 11· the 001 Squad, 16' Ltas•r. NIWl>Ofl Coast. CA9!657 Laurie ,.atrlcll. 1641 Ltss•y, Newport CoHI, CA9~7 Rtlt>h V Pttfidl, 1319 Opal St • Se11 0!.10. CA 92109 This l>uslnu' '1 con ducted by • &tMfel p11ttllefsh1P H••• you started dolfll buelneH yet? Yes, Oot t , 2003 l111r11 Pallkk thl• statement wn flllld with the County Cllf~ of Or11n11 County on 11/10/0J to0Hff4•7• 01~y Pilot Dec 4, II, II, 2'. 2003 Th~9 ........ ......... 1111 to1towl111 pttao111 ... doln1 kllnfft •• Sb•nll Ll.,.n1. 1071 Sent• Rou AW• .. Co.I• Mw,CA92e2t lllle EN11He Ula1betll Kd, 107l Sent.. llou Awe., C..la ...... CA t1IH Tlllt kMnftt 11 con· ~led llJ. Ill ffldlwldvll "8¥• rH lllrf-9 ~ •u1ineu '°'11 v ... 11· Ot·Ol (Ill• llftlede lllaa!Ntll " .. flllt 1t1~t ••• f_. wlttl llll Cout1tr C.• of Or11111 Courtlr "' ll/l4103 MUMtMtt 0.11, ,a.c ,... ~!!i Dec 4. "· 200J I ""'1 } BRIEFLY Mendoza's four goals lead Eagles J..Uij Mef'dou ICOttd four goalt to leed tho Eatanci. High boyl eoccer ~ to • 5 .. 1 DOD• league vk:tQry OYef 'Ytstlinl Santa Mafprtta Wedn~ Rafael Hernande also scored Cor PM.anda (H), which never b'aDed and gained asalsts from Mendou, Na.rdso Lumbreras and twO Crom Quiroga C'.ampo& &taada goaDceeper Uber ~ gos recorded four saves. Corona deJ Mata boyl soccer team rqiltered a 3-2 road vlc: Cory over Santa Ana Valley Wednesday. Ringstrom scored off an as- alsr from Brandon Bamitt to g1ve lhe Sea lCings a l ·<t lead at halftime. He uteoded the lead off an assist from Grant Alm- quist six minutes after 'the break. and ~u.Ut ~ 3· 1 cushion wit a score to the 52nd minute off an assist from Jeritt Thayer. recclved 12 polnls and 16 re- bounds from a.root·2 JunJor Katie Pu:Jsbys. but fell In Its aea- son opener, 69·34, to Calvary Cltapel Downey In a nonleague game Tuesday. Freshman Kaitlin iyre added 10 points and nine rebounds for Sage Hill. ~ "1bls ream is very talented," F.standA Coach Steve Crenshaw sald. "We played a beautiful game.• Calvary Chepel 19, Sege Hll 34 Score by Que"9ft Thayer and Julien c.erutti con- trolled lbe midfiefd for the Sea Kings (2·0), who return to act.ion Friday llt Long Beach Poly, while Jay Zimmerman had nine saves. Saoe Hiii 8 10 10 I ~ 34 Cafvery 11 11 l4 11 • Estancia will host Marina Fri- day at 3:15 p.m. S.ge Hin -SdlHfer 0, Gonzalez o. HembllrUy 4, Voder·l.ee 2. Tyre 10, Gutterrez 4, Pulahys 12. J.pt. goals -None. CdM stays unbeaten •SOCCER: Senior Oaris Sage Hill drops opener • MSKBTBALL: Sage Hill School's girls basketball team Celwry Chapel -Belllnge 4, Miiier 4, Anderaon 15, Islander 3, Butler 17, Garriaon 6, R. butler 11. Gimenez 4. Jamea 2. Rlngstrom scored a hat trick as 3-pt goals -Anderson 1, Butler 1. ST. GEME Continued from Bl Once there. St Geme never looked back. She recorded qersonal-best times in seven consecutive weeks to close out the season. She won the Pacific C.oast l:eague Individual title and maintained her momentum toward the state meet. ·r was hoping to get at least in the top 10 this i'ear," said St. Geme, the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. Ml look back at that race and I think in that last mile I could have done better. If I could do It again, I would get in the top l 0. I look at the girls in the top 10 and r think: Why am I not there?" Tu that end, St. Geme has adjusted her priorities. Last year, she played soccer between the cross country and track and field seasons. She grew up with soccer, but this year she will not play. ·1 was on the junior varsity team last year.· she said. ·1 was going to play varsity this year, but I wanted to focus onrunnlng.lmadetbatmy Hnal decision. No turning bllcknow.• Tu become great, there are sacrifices to be made. There also standards and tralts to be attained at CdM, where Sumner is helping finish the St. Geme piece of art. "'You have to have passion,• Sumner said of what it takes to be a great or speciaJ runner. St. Geme doesn't want to ask herself that question again. She has started to train for the track and field sea.son and in the back of her mind she has goals already in place for next year's cross country sea.son. ·Perseverance. latent. You have ti> do a lot of hard work. We have this saying. 'the harder you try the luclder you get.' • St. Geme is also grateful for her mother, Ceci, who was the 1982 NCAA champion in the 3,000 meters at Stanford. Ml would like to be In the top three next year [at the state meetl,ff St. Geme said "I know it's going to be bard, and there ts· going to be a lot of wort. but I'm willing to do that." St. Geme credits Sumner for her rise in cross country and track and field. She finished second in the CIF Southern Section Division Ill finals in the l,600 meters last year, and she wants to improve on that performance. too. "I never even thought l would like running as much as l do," St. Geme said. "'My mom has helped me. She never forced me to run, even though she has ran all her life. Her running did haVl' an effect'on me, but not in a forceful way.· .......... .... ....... The lollowin1 persons lfe clo1n1 bUslMSS H Ptetslde Gallefy L l.C . 300 PClf Suite 107A, Hunllnaton Beach, CA 92'48 Pitfslde G11fe1y l .l C (CA), 300 , PCH Suitt 107A, Huntlnaton Buoh, C/492648 This b1n111eu ~ con· ducted l>y: limited Li1blllty Co. Hev• you startad e1c>1ns l>u,lness yet' Yes 10·1·03 Plttslde G1fltty L.l.C. Joe Rubin. Mtna111 lh11 statement was fried with IM • County Clerk of 011na1 County on 1 l/tll/03 200H .. S42t D•1ly Pilot Now 10. 21, Dec. 4, 11. 2003 Th940 ......... ... s...... TIM followin1 parsons art cloln1 business n Paws 'H P1ws , • "ro fessional Pelc•tt s.r vk1, 70 P•r~ Crest, Newport Cout. CA 92657 Brldaet Sue jones, 70 Perk Crut. Hewpo•t Co11I, CA 92657 Thlt buain.u is c:on· Oucted by· .,, lnd1v1du•I Hne '°" started dotns blfSIMu yet? \'n. 5/13/ 02 Btldllt Sue jones Thia alltemenl wn flied with the County Cltfk of Or•n1• County on 11/14/03 IOOUHSOtl 011ly ,.lot Nov 20. 27. Oec.4, 11.2003 Th947 The fofloWllll "'.ont •fl dolnt b11tlne11 es Creative Pfty 0.SllM, 170 l . 17Ut St. tor.ta Moe,CAt2tt7 Reale 8. Jechon, 170 [. 17\h St.. tor.ta Mtse, C/492127 Lonnie 0. Voss, 170 £. 17th ST .. COtt1 Mtu, CA92t27 Curtlt J Blenlltnbl.lltt, 170 E. 17th St, Cott• Mae,C/412821 Thia buslneu It COil· ducted by: 111 lndlvldvel Hlvt 1CMI lllfted doq busirtftt ''" YH Hovtfl'llltt l. 2003 C:ur tl11 I BltnlltntlllW This at1tem.n1 w11 tiled wltll ttle Coullty Cte1k of Orenp Cou11l1 on 11/l l/03 toOJHH411 D1ll7 ,ilot ~ 20. U, Oec.4. ll.200J T~ Ac-. ..... "-'*'-' The followln1 pttsons ate IMllTI buslnen IS S11n Onl1n. 13525 BHch Blvd., Westmln· sltr, CA 92683 Monlslly Sr1n C01 pontlon. CA. t352S Stach Blwd.. Westmin· tier, CA 92683 Thi$ l>ulffltu Is con· dueled by" corporallOn Have you stwled doln& l>uslnus 1•11 Yes, October 30. 2003 Mofrlssey Srcn Cor · porehon. l\eilh Morros- HJ, Pns1dent This slllemenl was hied wrtll tlM County Clerk jf Or •na• County on lZ/02/03 200 ..... ,., D11t1 Piiot Otc 4 II. 18 25. 2003 lh973 ~ ..... ... s...... The followfn1 peoons .,, .dolnl bus1n.n as Qet Roch M•rket1n1 & Qra91\les, 1622 Corsk• Pl , Cost• Mna CA 92626 0. Rrchard Pefm81. 1622 C011lu Pl Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 C•ryn Collene P1fmer t622 Corsl'8 Pl • Costa Men.CA92626 this busln.ss is con dueled by husband and wife Hoe you alarled doln& l>usineu yeP Yes. 31811 0 Rrcherd Palmer This sl1temenl wu flied wrlth the County Clerk of Ouna• Counly on 12/02/03 100Mt .. 7S4 01111 Pilot Oec. •. ti, Ill, 25. 2003 Th967 ~ ..... ......... fht folfowh'C pe1~on• ere doln1 business as Procedur • Cn1rnttr's Inc .. f314l Verduco Or .. 1105. l11una Hills . CA 926~ PEGROUP INC • (CA). 23t41 Ptrdu10 Ot . 1105, La1un• Hill•. CA 92663 Tiiis bvtlt>tss Is con dvctad br • c0tporet1on Have you 1t11ted clol!la b111fnen 1•t7 Yu, 191111 l"CCROIW LINC. 81uo Sakl!sl\MI, l"ra\ldtnt Tiiis ataltMtnl was flltd with the County Clerk of Of •na• County ell 11/l 4IOJ HOJttHOt4 Dally l'Uol Now, ?O, 27, Dec. 4, 11, 200l Tll952 fldltll. .... ..... s....... fhe foflowlns persons aft dollll bu~ness ts Southwul Center for Medlctf Cosmetics. ~ Ne'#pOfl Blvd . Cost• Mui, CA92627 John r lalond•. 2664 Newport Blvd.. Custa Mes.e. CA 92627 Sytv11 f ""'· 2664 Newport Blvd . Cost1 Me11,CA92627 this busmen 1s con dueled by • aener al partnership Htve you sterled do•nc bu11ness yel' Yu. 11/ 15/03 john f Lalonde This sltlemenl wu fried w1lh the County Clerk of Orence County on 17/02/03 2001 .... 1ss Oeliy Pilot Otc 4. 11. 18.25.2003 Th969 ~ ..... ... *'-' Tile foflowlna persons ere Oo1n1 business es lht Advoc1c1 Group. 17801 Cartwrlch1 Road, f1vrne, CA 9261<$ The Or 1n1e County Adwoc1cy Group, Inc (CA) 17801 Cartwrllht Road, Irvine, CA 92614 This business Is con ducted by e cotporellon H1 .. you sl11ttd clam& l>uSIMU yet? Yes 11/03/1003 The Or1n1e County Advocacy Gro119. Inc. . Debt1 l Tr a1>11to111 Pr ts This statement wes filed with the County Cltrk ol Or1n1e County un 11/10/03 200HH4stl Otlfy Piiot Nov 13, 20, 27 Otc. 4 l003 Th916 ~ ..... ... s....... The follow•n1 persons ,,. clo•na 1>uJ1ntH ,.. Y11uef Metkttln& Con cepls, 5228 Rtsldencl•. ~orl Buch, CA Grt1JOf1 l Smith, 5228 Ruldencl•.i •• ~•wpor I Buch. CA 9-LllCJU l•ll Otnr.e OrtMlflo Smrth. 5228 Resldenc:11, =ort BHch, CA This bu,1neu Is con ducted by 1111sbtnd end w1f1 H1we you started dorn& binineu yet? Yes. 1!113 GttlOf y l S1111tll lhls stattllltlll wtt llfed with tht County Cltrll of Orent• County Oii l 2/02/0.J ....... ,., Delly Pllel Oeci 4, II, II, 25, 2003 Th91J .......... ......... The foflowlfll person• '" dolna bvslneu ••; t.IHd View Moblll Hofllf hrk, 16'0 Wlllltlef Awe • Cost1Mtu.CA92627 ftlchlfcl COfntMl.. ttoe MH'91lt 2'°...i~ Wtent Ml Mar CA 1'nD This .UllMU b COft clu'lld by: 1n lndMdtitl Have you tltltMI dolna Mlntat yetP Y•. tl'A R!Chlld C.ntl Tiiis tt.l11M11t wtt f!IM wltll U.. C•1111ly C.11 of °'""" C:ovnty Oft 12/0ZIOJ RUMM,.t De!lf ,.ttol Dee .., 11 J 18. 21. 2003 1htl4 - ~a...u ... s..... the fullowrn1 persons •rt do1111 bv1Mntu n Duckhorn OHien. 11 Juplltr Hiiis Orlvt, Newport 8,h, CA 92660 Mlflh• HrQlfl [fltott 12 Jupiter Hiiis Dr , Newport Och, CA 92660 This busmen is con ducted by 1n 1nd1v1du1I H••• you sta• tad clo1na business yel7 No M•• Iha H Ellootl thrs st1ltm1nt wa• fried w1lh lhe Couoty Clerk of Or•nee County on I t/07/03 200Ht644ot Datly Pilot NOY 13. 20, 27, Oet 4. 2003 Tll9l3 Fldltlm...._ •s..... fhe follow•na penon$ ire llo•nt bus1nen n a) WhowellnownetwOtk.com, b) WWl\N com, 1927 16rbclf Blvd '606. Coste Mae. CA 'Rfi/7 Oan Barrell 1!>8 luhp Ln Unit C, Co•t~ Meu . CA'Tl6'17 Tiii• busoneu " con dueled l>y an rndtvlduef Ht•• you star led clorn1 bu-ayel7No O•n Berrett fh1s statement wn hied with lhtr County Clef1' of Or1n11e Counly on 11/14/03 200HtUOIS Dally 'tlot f'tov 20, 27 O.C 4. II, 2003 Th~ I Fi.. ..... ... *'-' The followln1 persons alt dol111 business ts ht Vision Aulu Gl1n, 2800 Sh•nler Or • Coit• Me11,CA92&H Ctupc11n Yootan1w1n, 2800 Sh1nt11 Or .. Cotlt Mta.,CA92'26 This bualneu b con dueled bJ 111 lnctiv~tl Hevt JOU l larted dolrti business yet? Yts. 11 / la/03 Eltlp0tn Yool•n•wln This stetement w1.1 liltd with Ille Count1 Clerk of Or1n11 County o" 1 l/14/03 2ooa .. uo10 Dally l'lfot Nov 20. 21, 09' 4, II, 200J 1h953 ........... ......... T'h• followlnc Ptt•on1 er• doln1 butlneu " Tiit Oll11111 Ptoietl, 17'0 Oriole Dr., Ca.le Mtst, CA92G26 ,.tople l11volwd. Inc .. (CA), I 780 Orlolt Or , ent• -.e, CA mze Thia bualneu It tOfl· dtKftd DJl t COfj)OOtlon Have yeu 1111 lid dolfts bwlnen ,.n Yea. IOI IS!Ol 'eoplt Involved, Inc., ICHtl Wllliamt, ,,llldeftt Tllit alltfflllnt ... fDed wttA lhe Courtly Clt1k of Ofert .. County on ll/14/03 IOUHU .. t Oeif, Pilot Mo•, 20~ _'l?i Dec. 41 ll, 200J T~ ~ ..... ........ The f~Wlnl IMOOna llf• cloinl bu•lnnt ... lu••1t1. lMll C!letlta ~..L. ~tifl~ h.U, CA•IM7 Lo111t 01vl4 .lequln, 1M1 I . Ch. 11111 l111!= ......, ....... 5! 916"7 Tf11' busints\ is con ducted by an 1ndov1du1I Hne you st., led do!n1 bU$10tH yet? No Louis David Jaquln This slaltment wes tiled with the County Clerk of Ot•nl• County on 12/02/03 200Jt .. 67t4 01ily Piiot Dec. 4, 11. 18.~.2003 Th972 Actl'-..... "-'*'-' lhe follow1n1 ptnons are dotn1 busmen u o&o D•rostlion Repo1t-en, 2 6 Bro1dway, Costa Meu, Callforn .. 92621 Denise Meri• Dtunch, 2202 Broadway Unit 1 S•nta Ana Callforn11 92701 Th" business •~ con· ducted by an rndrvlduef Hawe you st11 lad doln1 b"'lnesa yel1 Ho Denise Merle Oaunch This 1t1tement wraJ fried with llM County Cle•k of Oranee County on 11/2!1/03 200Ht .. 21S Daily Piiot Nov ll. Dec 4 11 18. 2003 Th957 Rt-. ..... ... s..... The follow1n1 perM>ns are <1o111c t>u.,ness as Scott Garmon Company, J220 North Iowa SlrHt, Cost• Mesa. CA 92626 Scot! Gtrmon. 3220 NOfth Iowa StrHt, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 this business Is con ducted by en lndMdual Have ~ou started dolf1I 1>usrn111 yet? Yn. 01/ 01/2003 Scott Garmon Th11 slalemtfll WH flied with the County Cle•k of Onn1• County on 11/21/03 200HtU .. I Oa1ly Piiot Dec 4, II. 18. 25. 2003 lh960 fie-. .... ......... TIM followtna """o"' •~ dor111 business H : V££C£. 321 Hlnonr Or .. Coste Mese. CA 9262' YECCC INC (CA), 328 tt•nner Or.. Costa Mt.11,CA92626 Tb~ buslntas It con ducted by • corpor1tiof! H•v• JOU slatll4 dolnl butlilll• r•tl Yea 9 I.OJ VHC£ INC . Alltlft Cooh. CEO. 01vl4 eo,t, CFO T'hls sl•tement wn fifed wlltl llM Covnty Clef~ of Oranp County Oii ll/l l/03 IOOMtH4to Oally 'lie' Nov. 20, '11. Ow 4, ll, 2003 TM.'M - • - \ ' .. ~.~4.2003 ~--a. -l.11111-... --.---...... llalcll -LlllllMcll -~---""'.... 1MI .......... -l.llllllllCll -liiltMcls .......... ......... TIM follow "I I* •0111 .,. dollta '""in.a ., ltthtol IM.altll S.vicH. _ 2IOO ltlalol St A 104, Cos•• .... Al. cA "626 l.W.y ' .11...tt. oc. 2tOO If ktot .st A LCM. Cost.tMHa,CAIM29 ftllt ltuai-Ill COft ducted II)' 111 lndlvldv.tl Hevt you 1\ttlad 4olftt Ou sine l" 1 No " l 11i.y Jewett. OC lhl• at.tttmenl w1• filed with 1119 Cowty Clelll ol Dt111" Couoty M 11/)"1)3 1001't6S4J7 Oa1ty fi111>1 Hov 20. 27, Oec; 4, 11. 2003 Tll9l3 ............ ... s...... The lollow1n1 PttlOll• .,, doln1 buli- UnlvM~I Boat Palnlll1a, J.400 10lll Via Oporto, Htwporl 8nch, CA 92S6l lon4on Gould, 3400 1038 VI• Oporto, Hew· potl Beach, CA 92663 rn11 busin•u " con dllcted b)' en indlvldual H•v• YO\I llllfl•d dOlna bu"nesa yel1 v ... 11/ OJ London GDUld lhla 1laltrntnl wu hied with the County Clttk of Or•_np County Oil 11114/0l '"'"'set• D•llt 'llOI Nov ~ J!J 0tc 4, ll, 2003 TU'M ......... ----Tht follo•llil IJMlf.ol\S •• tloilt& ~-... 0 Ill Co..W11<tl0ft, 2.,. Colltle Ot • Coito "'"-· CA81629 lttchlHd DllMI Mtllllff,., 2431 Colleo Or • Co,t1 Mtu,CA9~M Thlt buslMu Is con dueled bW an lfldlvl4u1I .._ .. you atortad dolna blt~i~ .,.u Ho '"'~ ....... 11 .. Thl~1ternant w11 hied Will! Ille County Cllrk ol Dta111e County Of! 12/02/0.l tooHt .. 7.td Da1lr _ "''°' D.c 4, II, 18, 2'5. 200J Th97 I ~ ..... ... s..... I he lolttlwin1 pttsons •re dolna llusinHs • •• . TM Hurn111 Ea~hMICt Mulkal l'rolfal!'ls 852 M•tenan, Cost• Mesa CA92626 Tyler Jeffery ltoH. 852 M11ell•n St . Coste Meu. CA 92626 Thia bu,1n1n Is con dueled b; 111 1nd1v1dual Ila•• you 1l11tted dolna buMn.ss ;et? Ho • r,.., Hoff fhis 'tate-nl 'WIS Policy filff with tlle Count't Clel'll ol Onn11 (fo11nt1 onll/Ul/Ol 100J6t 6Sdt.I dvcted •Y· '" lndM<kl•I H•ve yov tt.utecl dolnc bullneu ytt 1 Ho Atl• ,.,, ... 0-'ly '""' "°" Dec 4 11. 2003 10, 11, 11* 1t1tlftn1nl wll ~ llltd wltfl llM County --------Ci.tll of Orenre Cou11t)' • Oft 11114/0l ... ,. .. 5100 .__ .... ... s..... flM tollow11t1 ,.,_ et• do1111 bu~lMu u R M Markellllt. 9J88 Moll RIHI Cit • f ountlln Valley, CA 97708 lt'tall MMl!ft Mattern, tUa Moll RI.er Cit , Jounlall1 Valley. CA 92708 This bullntil Ill con ducted b7 an lndffldual Have yuu alertad cloilll bustnn• y•t1 No Ryan Merlln Mattern fhlt ataterntnl wH llltd with th• Cou11ly Cl•rk ol Or•np Covnly on IZ/OU03 200JH .. 7tl Oally Polol Dec: 4, II. 18 ~. XlOJ 111916 ........ ... --.. lhe followm1 JHllM>na •rt do1n1 bullMss n : liabella Rou, 1280 Bison, Suitt 89497, Newpo1I a .. ~tr. CA 92660 Alta Pelers, 1280 Bison, Suite 8901. ;:6Gl)or I 8Hch CA Th~ business is· con Ollly ,.llot H<J" 20. 11. De<; 4, 11. 2003 Th9'8 Ac-. ..... ... s...... lh• lollpwlns peraon• .,. doln1 bus1ne1-u .1Dsl1n lnAllftN:• -.a.nc;, 202S HewPorl Soula Hfd Suite 100, CoiY Me~.<;A92627 Ger1ory ltelend Joslyn. I~ WHltllff 011we, Newport Buch. CA 92'60 Thia buslnen Is con dueled by. an 1nd1vldu•I Hive you atart•d dolnc l>utlneu yell Ho CrtlDfY llOlend )Oatyn lllls •l•lement w11 loled with th• Counly Clttil ol Drenae County on 12/02/0J 100J6tH 7S2 Datly l"lk>I Dec 4, II. 18.~.2003 Th964 ......... ... s...... The tollowlna persons •re dolnl bus1nu1 es Scroll s.tw Malic. 392 Pr Ince Ion Dr • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 MJlthew J Collett, 392 l"rh•eeto11 Of , CHI• M ... ,CAmn lllb lluliM• Is con· dlKttd by. ... 11\dtvldv-1 ..... you •tafi.4 ... h•llltu)'.tl No Maltllew J Conttt Thit llole_,,t WIS Mw •Ith '"-County Cletll of Or•1119 C.wnty Oft 121Qt/Ol ~ ... , .. D•llW ,tlot O.c 4, 11. 18,25,2003 Th975 Adi.a ..... ... s...... The fo~w1n1 peuont ., • c1o<n1 bvsiJI-•• · Ya111yo & H•lt. lJJ c 17th St Sit .S. Costa Me..a CA92627 Y11uyo Taddeo. 16102 Sprlnadalt St. 19, Munllnaton 6eadl. CA 92649 T11l1 bUtlllHS 1$ .con· ducltd by an 1ndrtidu1I tt.v• yCK1 staned 6Dkl1 bUMneu yet7 Yu. 1111/ OJ Yuuyo Taddeo rhls •titernent was ltt.d with the County Clttti. of Oren .. County on 11/14/03 200H t6Sot6 Dilly Pllol Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 4. 11. Z003 Th!l46 ........ ... ...... I he followina fMJl)llnt tt• tlolnt 11~ as· MID s-tt Sef111Ut, 21170 luell lhd. UU02, Hot1111ten IHd\,CA~ Carol J AnmtrO!IJ, 21270 8udt lhd. IM202, Hunt1n1to11 Beach, CA t2tOS Thia bu•iMU Is con dueled II)'' tit ltldlvldu1I Hive YOll •l•led d6111t bnln•sa y1t? No C.rollne !. NnubOfll Thi• •t.ttelMnt WU filed With the Co41nly Clefll ol OrMl(9 County on 12/01/0l MOM•ff1to Dilly Piiot ~ 4, ll, 18. 25. 2003 Th977 Re-. .... ... s...... Tile lollowln1 11«sc>ns 1te dolnf busln.ts n . Chuck's ltcltlc. 18975 Roclilnat•one ln .• Hun-t1naton a .. ch, CA 92648 Ch.,ln Martin W.,d lt .. 11975 Roct.lnahofu ln , Hunt;naton Such, CA92648 Th11 business 11 con· ducted by· 1n ind1vldu1t Hn• you stetted do1nf bus1neu yet7 Yes, 198 Chatl9• M1rUn Werd, " This •tatement was hied WIUI UM County How to Place A Ac-. ..... ~ The lollow1111 persons Mt cjoinc bi.slnetS •s Gatehouse, 57 Ci.rmont. Newport Cont, CA 926~7 Klmberl)' Rene Chozen. 57 Clermont, Newport CoHI, CA 92657 Thia business Is con dueled by. 1n Individual Have you •tarted do1n1 buslnus yet? Ho Klmbady Renae Choan ..... .... ......... flM follow1111 P9f'"°"'. lie dotnt binlnns H Adv111ced E111tne•nn& ~a.t•ms. 4642 Slerre T••• I n ., Irvine. CA 92611 NICk KourHSll, 4642 Sltft1 TrH lll, lrvlM, CA92tl2 Thia business 1s con· ducltd by 111 1nmvidu•I HalHI ;ou atart.O dolnl busllltuyet7 Ho 'Hk:li I( our assl~ l hh alalemenl wn l1l1d with lhe County Cleik of Ol'•nce Count1 on ll/07/03 200Ht6d40I Ot1ly Pilot Nov 13, al. V Dec 4. 2003 Th924 AdftlM .... ... s....... lh• lotlowlne persons 11re dotne bus111en as! OcHna Ocicor. 220 2h St.. Coste Men, CA 92627 klhey Jem9' Norm· Inion 1918 .Hollday Road. Htwpotl 8NCh, CA92660 Thia lllAHlfY .. COfl durt•d by. tn llulivldual H•v• you •lttttd dolna bu•IMO yol'f No Jeflr.r .NnlU N0tm Inion Th1t 11.elelfWlnl WH f!M4 1111th the Counlt Cltfk of Oranp County Oii 12/W.IOJ tooS6t .. 7SJ Ollllt Piiot Dec. 4, 11, 18. Z), 2003 Til966 fldllM ...... ... s....... Th• follow1n1 persons Ml dOlnc busonus .u Saa-1'hotoar 1ph;. 30'J HHtillon SllMI Costa Meu CA92621 Mich1tl O Sai•. 309 ltlmolton Strffl. Coale Mu1CA'"92627 This business " con ducted by. 11n Individual H•v• you st.rted doone bu11nn1 yet1 Ho Michael G S•e• Th11 1tet1ment •as filed wllh the County Cletk ol 0<1n1e Counly DO 11/07/03 200SH M 406 01ily Piiot Nov. 13, ?O. 11. Dae 4, 2003 Th9~ fklilMs.t.m .... s....... 1 he follow on( persons lrl do1n1 business IS la ,.1err• lntwprettna. 3848 Campus 1121, ~~otl Buch. Troe)' to P••H•. l C•l.o1p•. _He..,lM>tl Buth CA92660 Thi. bu,lneaa Is ro1t 0.. ltd by. •n lnd1Y1du1 tt.ve JOtl 'IMltd do> bU\11111"1 ytl l Ytt, 1H6·JO lr..yltl'IMt• Thlt 1ttt•m•nl w1 filed with tho Count Cieri. of O!'a11a-Count) Oii 12/02/0J 200J6tH74S Dilly Pilot Dec 4, I l 18. 25 2003 Th96~ WAGISAU SAlUfWAY, DECEMBlR 6, 2003. 900 • m to \ 00 pm J29 UNIVER SITV DRIVE COSTA MESA, CA "OARACE •6 HOUS£HOLO COOOS INCLUOINC BEDS. <:HCSl or DRAWERS. WASttER . ORYLR. MAHY MISC IT(MS Pubh~he d Ne•pOrl 8 .. <h Cosla MeH Daily Pilot Ho ~•mber 28. D«e.mber 4. 5 2003 F91!> SEll your stuff through classified! ---Deadlin es --- Rates and deadline arc i.ubjccl lo change wilhout nouce. The publtsher reserves lhe right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your cl~s1fted ad immediately. Tile Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error 111 an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of the space actuaJly occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first 111~rtion. CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00prn ANNOUNCIMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINAN CW . '°" $$ • IUCOltDS nc Wl. Cllolllc.. Ut. !at. & 61' Ill Altllc. sp,r. Wile 811'119 Mike 949 ~45 7505 l--Oft011\111'Y All 101 etl.,t• •d¥11flb Inc In th .. newspaper Ii aubjllcl 10 th« I' ect..al F •Ir Hou.i111 Act of 1968 u ame11de4I which rnaha II llleaal lo adv11 Ilse ·any pre1• 1nce, llMll•llon or dlscrlll'lln•lion bH•d 011 r•ce, color rell&1M, au, h•11dlc1p, lamlllal status or netloo1I orl(ln, or an lnttntioll to make 1nr &uth p<tlttenc., l1mlt• lion Of dlstrlmlnetlon • l Illa l'll'lnPllH" .... l\OI ~nowtn•f't eccept on)' •dvwtt__,,t I« reel .. tat• which la 111 Ylotlllon ol lh• law Our ruden are htrtb)' lnfofrnod th1t •II ctwen-lllp advertlHd In lllb 11.-apj"" are 1v.lf1ble on 111 equ•I o~tunlty bllals. To complain of do• ctlmtnellon. CAii 000 loll ITM 11 I 800 424 ISIO r 2SOS-2490 Oldtf s~ FurNturt l"IAHOS l CollecUblft ·-·-•\t ............ a-...,....,.. .. CAllM l'AIO .. ............... -.. WI auv UTATU ................ .......,._ ,..,.... ~coNs~~~,~~-N_i~ • . . I ' .. ~ ' " I ' ' ' I I By Fax (949) 631 -6:'\'M I~ ori.lu.Jo )t>Uf""""' and rfi<onr numf!et .00 "'' II ••II }OU bad .... llh 61'<\'t \jU.1't ) Jly Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Mai I/In Person: 330 West Bay Slrecl Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Al Nt:wport Blvd. & Bay Sr Wednesday .............. Tuesday .'5 :OOpm Thur.;day ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thuri.day 5~pm Saturday ..................... Friday J:OOpm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-F'ndny Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday· Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm rm Of t11 V1Ct11S IS YOUI lfBPI 400 ~IMALS Rt:SCUCO WITH NO OWHERS MOH( 'I' DONATIONS MUMANI SO<ll'TY C OPAWS 240 C HICHLAHO SAN BERHARDIHO CA,92404 Gnni Annoltncemenll 1610 DUCa SlASON Pm .. • Dwdi H_. ... OolAo •PIKD• I/hr from Hewport Beach [JCef i.nt huntu111 adjltctnl 111 state w1terfowl refu1tr owneoh1p 1nlerut & »PP••• 375 acres of lend & 1mp1ovements • your own ctmp compound w/slruc ture end 7 t111le1s Wondttful hi n11ht 880 s & wine t•-l•na dunna ducli uason • many u lrasl lde•I lot 2 friends or lathe< & ion Call Miiie •1310541 ~ HOME FURNISHINGS H ... -tl... btwrte Set. New,-t l et.. French covd1e, wlnpacli ch11ts, Ion •Ub. If bf & do Tommr 8ah1ma lurnl lure, dlnoan. bronzes, lVla"t ..,._ .,,.., chltll. » a1 ~ • n4-r.,1.a:.i - 6.WBJtY/ 3480 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-t( ......... Old COlnsl OOlcl. sllvw, ...,...,, Wlldtet, lllltiquet collecllblel 949 642·9441 3110 ~0-3940 soos-saso MISCBJJHEOUS MERCHANDISE Mlsctllantous Mlrcf\andlse 3855 sH()p• sH()p' 1HOpl Pos• as 'USIDIMI\ .. &el paid Sec1et shoppns needed 10< l0<al \Imes, res- taurant\ & thule11. Flouble hours Email 1tquwed. I 800 585-9024 e116048(CAL"SCAN) AU STHl llDGS. 28ll30 wt\ 18 900 sell S3.B!IO 38144 WI< Sl4.900. Mii S!>,9!>0 481106 WIS SJ?.916. wll Sl7 916 1st Come ht ~•vtl Tom 800 392 7806 Attentl..,Cr..ft.,..• Cr•lt Supply S•le. tt1ll Pron. rrt & Sit Dec S & 6, 9 .)pm 22021 Malibu ln HI , btwn Ma1nolla & 8usllard, oll of Bann1n1 8alnlll o,,cnnlUa BUllllllaea llld ftlnd\lsa 3905 WAH11D 29 fllllftl To ~ from l'IDlnl. £aro ..., ., Sl.50> P/T fl .50> F /I .,.. rnan111 a. m.a 'O!il-rcr~ (rA-3CAH) 11 Internet Fi anchise opportunity lo lhDH 1oo1t1n1 to wotli lnde pendo"tly SS!< Invest mtnl required. Includes II 1lnl111 and iupport for lranchlau wotldwlde. Ton fr .. I 8-452 6737 \IOO ~ 10 Mii ~..... '8.1f/J Thi Bast l~I~ ?~ (CAl•XAN> Ral&ll* S4nvlca - Estate lnvestenJ Smtrrt Mon•y Maa11· rlnt lbnlilll Alndn. Tun attfl• •I "9<• Ill the U S to lftYHI lfl ,.., •••• ,. 'jnd out 'lfhy vl11lt: BUV~ KeM Rt11111t. 912 423 Sl2C l.t~ u. ... s..... y.., •-r· I c:an' llal ,°"' home tor 3 K "''"' ,ou tflounftda of dc>lllff (llOOK home) rtJ11ltt 8'-' commlnlon Is Mell I C Pfot*'Y <!JI U• k Ul.200 th1t og11al1 • UYlll., ef SlUOO , ............ .t ...... •••·lu..ltt• ua++sz a ·- Index -, .,--- -....· ' . ll -..... . . ., -: ... ' ' ' -------- 7412-7466 llOH510 Under tli e Sl'rvice DirL'Clory Banne r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorralne'llt (949) 574-4245 . • ~ Olcallrta. MJ RoomsforRent .6040 AESIOENTIAL RENTALS Hse,... ...m, 2"'· ,...,, CosttMesa pvt IK.h 11C1.ess. avail now --------$1600/mo 402 Sera Drove OllEAT WT5ID( WCATIOH C.M 1 r anll 949 673-8494 ?br, 113110, laundl y, W/iM Nprt Hghh, Spodeus • llme lbr, 'i'/-bd, ~~. Iii l\v111I 01/04 S2200/mn ?36 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY MIW UUIMGS CONDO 3br +<kn&. 3 5 b• front br•nd n .... So of the hwy Sl.450.000 OU,.UJI Jbr lba & 2br 2b1 Corntr No of hwy Sl,450.000 Owner /Aa•nt 800 640 6661 fUttfU flO(J[ CAM"IS VllW UOADMO.l 3 horTHIS 3 ' 4br ™9.000 $615.000 1624,000 Dwner/Aaenl 800 640-6661 SflAOA 21 001tl.IM OR 3br dwn mstr 3-5ba 3500&1 rtyPr Virtual Tour www bu h omes co"' Sl.870.000 Alt/o-949-i37 OD> OM GlllNllLT CONDO lbr 3be Jtltd comm, new cerpeVpalnt Owntt /A&tflt IOOIM0-'601 ,_,Tollllfl - Ml/Ck_V....._ OcunltOftt/2111•, 1"11 nit '"'· tlflfutfl, ....,. bl!. utile Pt'4 II/Miii, kHcti.ntlle, lndrr, lb• lo,.."'°'' pier 1130m CtN Sim 049 tla.19QS (btt-n 9•M·~m) HlwJ>Ofl II••'" . tOOf" •nit, tltoH lo llff<:lt !"•fact fat 111tfw/K•r• $7"/VlftO ttt Ml Bl COM, s-y Afit blks lo bch, S850 1 ut~ Ava~ now, lat&e Rm, Wrap wound dedl 949 &73 3106 ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Oele. t:M 949 644 71!1\<1 • 21H 2toa gor, harbo• v,.W\, mast• w1te Wiik· on closets. root top deck & spa L1undr y •v<irl no• $3000 949 122-9292 &. 3br. p1Uo. laundr v ~s 949 646 7363 Mo,le Aphl lovely G•Ud Comm """ Tr14n&le Square. 2b1 Iba w/a•• .. tr1a. $1095. lb1 lb• w/patoo carport slo••lle all'.> .....u. lr.a!h paid Kleon ~II gf/ /Oo1llli49 ut 9200 ( Side ....,. 3br 2 fuM ba hot~ w delad>ed II"' , & cue-I room $2lllX> mo " Must -·949 642 rm ; ... 24'¥ stoup.~ fiOOsl units lloby slcwe vechk:Jea, lows rates. Cal C.olyn 919-.:J 1300 6eai Newt1 nmod h 2ba. 2 C pr. MW lldwd ftr5. Wooitft ctn. Ip, no ism._ petln SJmno 56?~126 Laguna Niguel • ' Conlnl del Mar 0-lanct. "'-Hoo1M 4b! 3 '>ba, eatl!d comm peh olo 4!i00/mo av! 2/1 appl l\al. 949 240 '¥137 HlWf'OflT HllGHTS lb1 --------' c1 .. ,. & Mewl 406 81WC>l't.W~ l8\&wal11pa1dSIJ50 .---&_J.._ 4 Co jib .?.5be lod. ~ <tlrb n1eey1rd.ea1dener no ,__,_ I Heholrope (Front I __, _P•h 949 650 2256 "--'""-• j •aee>. COM. 2t>d. Iba ml '""" lwlwd " ocn --1 .... ,. ne"" kitchen & bath, Ii>. -dlld< wla*t '1. P • l SIDI CHARMING, h~e ClmffiM .. ...,, hrdWd fir rn lit l/c I., ClYID1. ..... ~ bd't '-' new 2br I Sba town • "'2 ""·71 Shared W/O 114-336-9800 bt I SJ/00 9'9-ll&JIOI ho us• \tyle ?!>?2 Elden " " •Je • j::ii=:iiiiiiii;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;=l;;;;:;i;;;:;:;::;s;:::;::;:;::;::;::;~;;;:;:;::;;:;;;::;::;::;::;=::::;:::~S=l3=7=~/=m=o=94=~==64=2=·5'88=:;:=i:=::;;=:;=::;;=::;;=::;;=::;;~l STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • The LqaJ Departmmt at the Daily Pilot iJ pleased to announu a ntw strvict now 1111ailable tP new busintsses. wt wiO now SEARCH the nllme for you at no extra charge, and save you tht tinu and tht trip to tht Court House in Santa Ana. Then, of count, afttr the st11rch is completed we wiil fik your fictitious husintts name statemtnt with the Co1Jnty Ckrlt, publish onu a wttk far four wee/a as rtquirtd by "1w and thtn ft/, your proof of publication with the County Clnlt. Pleast stop by to fl~ your fictitious businm name ftatnnmt 4t the Daily Pilot, 330 W. /Jay Sr,, Costa Mtsa. If you cannot stop by, please call us at (949) 642-4321 11nd we wi/J mJJ.!u 11mingnnmts for J"U to handk this proctdurt by mail If )OU shou/J have any fonhtr IJuntibN, plea# caU us and we wi/J be mo rt than tbui"' dSSist you. GO<><i. luclt in your nnq businasl Pilot .. t . • • ty Pilot --'· C•;j _, . lM<r Rutll, l ' con ! Mdu•I J «kllllC I ' I 'wn I ::ounly 1 ::Ounty , ' 4, II. J rh96~ , --· :MBER I 111 lo , NIV(R 1 :os1 A 1 ::r #6 I )OS 'CHEST I 'SlllR. MISl' ·~he!d Co~I• I No 'ber 4, • F91!i • pm pm m m m .... Ip ..... ' • • lul .. II" t n"' 'I YlAR&. Y UASIS Jlfll "IWP'ORf HOMIS Ill OltUNOY lt.fAI. TOltS 949-675-4161 M•~ Shorn Zbf 21M ntwe< c•rpet. .,.1t & lilt 2 c tand*m pr. wdhk · ups •&t 949-293-4630 LIOO ISU SlUOIO L••e• closet & bath, wony ••POSUfl, $1000rn Act 949 675 6161 •aA ~.mm ,_~~.frll,O<N, no Pit pcd. l;JI Ix Sl«Dn Av.Arw~ '•nfn11;la lbr Iba patio. flrept1ut. sn11ed w/d hkups. I c.•r 1111 aae Ail S1500rMO 949 293·4630 • 11-. IWW pwiVcarptl. 2-<:91 ..... bd.yard l/2 bb:ll to -· must -Slm'mo 96278 r.ni ail ~ 91m-5pn ontf ssoo ... 1• -2llr 2ba , nr ~ i-close ID ~ & restuennts Ip, l c p wet. SJ&XI 96293-463> 3br 3bo houH, · quiet •ru. newly refurbished 2 e1r aar wd hkups, $2300/mo 949· 7!'>9-0874 UASES AVAILAIU Newport Buch, Newport Cont lrv1r1. 3-Sbr from S25(X)m ~ 949-!:b2~700 Jbr 2b• upper level b•yfront unit period •tyfe, ,, t YU, l c Rat. •at $2800 949.293.4531 VACATION RENTALS Desert Rentals 7915 VACA notl IOO Al.S SAW&ROOAl.S tl'alm sir.-a1m Oesttt Conbct Mrdtael Anter 100-m.rsn &Olfdes«hacabons.com Vacation Renlals Exchange 7930 VACATIOl IOOAl Palm Sprines vacation hous.. sp.cious 2000sf 3br 2ba prrvde pool & SA. S2!J()lnW>t 7 l.4.~7-5499 TellUs~ut YObf GARAGE SAUi In CLASSIFllD (949)642-5678 IC 0 READE Callfornl• l•W rt quires that contrar tors t8klna 1obs lh•I tote! $500 or mot• (lebor Of m11tr11ts) M hon~ by IM Contractors St•I• License Board State lew elso r equlres th•I contrecton inclu«H their hcense number on 111 ad...O~r You can chec~ the sl•tus of your llcenud contraclor 1l www cslb.c1.10• or 800 321 CSL8 Unll· c•n~1d contrector• Uklnt fobs that tol•I ltu th•n SSOO mutt 1tat1 in their advertlttmenh th1I they ire not ltunJtd by th• Contnctora State licenH Board " ·~~ ~ larthlntO.•tiOPmlnl.com l!ilD!i'!) ~ ~ EMPLOYMENT, AGENCY, AND RESUME SERVICES Employment Services 8020 DRIVERS Ce1tlr•I low~ Carner wants l ums & Solos t;ood MVR W0<k H11tory Pre Scheduled li<>mt ''""' l.x) 147 1010 or www CH Truck com (CAL •SCAN1 Empl<>Y!'lent 8500 c ", v e . W0<1ds lreest fitness too~1n11 for f n man & P /T employees lout1on openln II you are en lie, sit motivated, have enthu- siastic perMJnallt~ & • to wor~ with people, fu res 714-0-l 9J7 tY .,,,. to W'WS nb@~c:om .... Fro-c olfa Alllltlnt for bu,y f ndocr1notoey office 1n Newport Bch f n 1 esumes 949-646 8ffJ6 IMW '01 U ,,.,.._, 3.0. Sspd, 2311 m1 lull fact warranty, '''"' blh. lthr CD mnrf. 191n wh~. buullful l1h.1 new cond hn •01t v995621 S24,995 Btu 949 586 18811 ---~ Coclllloc '91 C"'era SC>li m1, blk/blh. lthr. bfk carriage roof, Bou CD. am Im, chrm whls. 11otd Pkc. books/recurds, like new S899S v55726l Bkt 949-516-1111 -w.•.,.bf.c- Chevrolet '99 M-•• Car lu 2dr coupe. V6. 30K actual mi. s1lver/areen meblhc. CO. be1ut1ful hke 'new cond $689!'> v87249\ SM 949 !i86 1888 www.ocpd>.<wn Chryoler '9' Sebring LXI Conv 181. 1etu•I mf, metallic ereen tan llhr black top. beautiful like new C!>nd. $799!> tum v15612l Bf<I 949·58& 1888 www.ocpabl.t.em COVE MOTORING AUOIA4 '00 Black w e1ey inter •V0802 D1~counted IMW l211a '99 Black tan inter •V9978 Mu't Self I MW 5211 '91 Brontt, tan inter •VS497 Must Sell . IMW S211a '00 Gretn. tan inter #V0567 D11count1d IMWUOl 'OI White, tan •2466 Must See BMw~·99 Blue arey 1nttr #V21 I I Must Stll BMW 740ta 00 Bronult•n •9158 Di'counted IMW 7401a '00 Offc A .. t, c,,...tr Ski••· Black, tan onl1r Schedule. PhOne, Detail #V9435 Discounted Oriented, eMrellent P•Y BMW 740tl '01 raw re,um• 949 646 3121 Blue/1rey Recrvlt., Entrepreneur SB11 money$ Aurus1ve. motivated & ftrendty, Cati 949 756 8037 ll1 a ts In baby/chtldrtn's furniture 11ore 09en1n1 •n So.Jlh COMt PWa Dts9> t•l)llr*1C9 + sataty + bonus + medical 949 496 •S4l #2843 Must See ... IMW74011'01 Srlver, arey IV~ Cr11t8uy BMW 740it 01 White irrey •3951 Crut Buy ChevTehee '02 Btacll. arey IV4367 Creal Buy Harley Dov falh '92 Red. black •V8109 01\rounled 949-650-5915 SAU S1 Ovtgon9 penon w/phone safes up C11rn S35k & up pllooe 949 flat 500 -19 70 aood 862 7474 lu 949862 7475 cond, new l>ruk•~/ clutch& •hotk• $!'>()()() 949-'31·795' - J...-xia•tt Blut. (1n •V7947 0M011nttd '-lQ•'OO ~tHn. ten 11280 Must Sell MIAClOIS U20 '01 Black. Btack fVS4S8 Discounted MIRCIOIS 1320wa '99 Gr•e11. lan •v•581 Great Deal MIRCIDIS MISS '00 Sliver, black •3859 Great Dul 1111aaou ssoo ·u White. tan •3650 Discountad MHCIOIS SISOO '00 White. tan 10580 Must Sell MIMI COO,tl '02 Blue. eray •0962 Must Sell 'ORSCHI Carrera '99 Black, black IV 1068 Discounted ,ORSCHE Canero '99 Blue, eray •V6049 Must Sell Qvale M-.... t '01 5,1 .. ,, black •VOl39 Discounted t4f-'S0-591S Faril •6 5 Muotang ConY1rt1ble. or1a1nal owner, sohd car. rrust -$1&9)) OOo 9&719-29\'.l FORD TEMPO '90 $150 71• 957 070!'> GMC Svrbvrban lS( ?!>00 •wd, 1()1.. • 1n1 11otdtlan 1tnr. 1tra sut superb orte cond $14.995 v55246l Bkr 949-SH-1111 ---~···-Hen4• '97. Acc ... 4 2dr coupe EX, V·t•c en111ne, 6911 black/any lthr. snrf, buutlful unmarked co11d. 1araaed. non smkr $8495 v•Ol26751 Bkr 98-!8> lBlll wwwDlf1i11.>a:m J.,.._ '00 S Type J .O v6, 3511 m1, full fact werr. s~ve</oatmul lthr. mnrf, CO memory pha, b .. 111 Ith new unmerhd co11d. $23995 v•752262 Bkr 949·586· 1888 -~··-J...,_ •97 XJ6 British reclna 1r11n/tan lthr, CO, fabulous cond throu1hout, SI l ,995 v59721 bllr 949-586· 1888 www.ecpoltl.com '°-' 'O l ltJR 26k Ml, lull factory warr. blk/blk lthr, n1v11allon, chrm whls, looks new, smells new. fantastic v1lue, $37.~ v457829 Bkr t49-U.-IHI -.......... .... 1....-'94 XJ6 y., ..... Plu mel1lllc red Ian lthr, be1utlful oriCJn•I cond, must see lo apprtcl•I•. earaired, non smkr. $6995 v70257l Bkr 949·586-1888 www.•cpal>t.c- LAMO ROVER 2000 Dlacovary II SD7, dual moonrh, rear 1ump nats, healed seat lac w1rr 36.000 ml, S21.900 V2!ll)Bt l:1To 714222-Sl& Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WHERE'S THE ENTRY? East WC)I vulnerable. South deals. four<ard ~or. North 1:on1rwctcd tor lhc ob"IW,) au.me. NORTH •KOU "163 gasz •K We111 led the qUttll ol clubs and one thina WU ob\>iOOS lO Mike Pa.,i.ell. 1mn$ F.a.st. With• combtned W&\,-EAST 22 poullS lR bi\ hand and dummy llld I S 1n Soolh, West cOuld hold 1lo' hooc'lf c11m n1her than 1he qucen-JIClt of club\. When dtdllCI' won the firsc trld. in i.iummy ~rforcc aod came IO' hru1d with the iing of dilunon<h tO lc'l!l a )p00c to the queen. PllSliCll dmppcxl 1he jucld • 10 7 l l05 93 • AJS QJ94 • QJ 10971 SOlTTH • 863 J 107 6 •83 · A8 2 AK4 • A654 l)c;:iarer re111mcd to hand with the xc ol diamond\ and led a bpade to the ~ng. Jlll\j!llN~ the~ JX16i· uon P..i,"11 woo with the ace and rctuma.I J dub Dcdarer ducked. The lnddml! SOIJTU W~T NORTH l!AS'r Wc~t woo with the rune and oooUn· uctl dub\. fon:mg l)UI the acc. When diamond\ r11kd lo hreU, declarer could 11<11 ..Cllrc more than eight tncl.' Su1:111er ur llllt{ W~t woUld gwn the le.Id by lc~mg 10 the nine of sr>a<k~. '"ith the rcn of~pades to CllSh the Jl:\t of lhc du~ I l\/T l'1w Z• Ptif 2 I'-JN'I r:- Plltl Pal Opcn1ng lcaJ Outen of • SruJy the. Jiogram nlx>\C. At one tuhlc. threl' rk• tni111p w11' bid wlll uuide. At thl' other. 11 went down after Wt\t woo thrtt club tricb. What Wil\ the emry to We~t's clu~? The auction wo& routine. Alter Soulh'~ IS 17 no·trump vpcning biJ. Notth used the Stayman ,'Ollvcntion to chlxk on a pcm1blc .i-4 fit Ill a 1n1jor. When South dcrucd hohlmg a Ob-.erw 1h111. twJ Pa\>el woo the lir.r 'l>JJ~ ind. \\Ith the occ. declwt!r would !il'l.'P Wc~t oil lcoo. by leading to the 11111e of ~p11des. cvenrually c~whti>h1ng m C\lJ11 'padc for lhc nmth 011.I. H" cle~er play of the jacl. prc~cnreJ dccl11rcr with u loMng upuun WI wa_, hanl tl> refuse. Ttlo'14ur'l"e°" Aut.t.0111 .,, ""1M Auto. le1thet CD. Prem Whl~ (699275} $12,900 '02 A«Ol'd V' S11/Crey Cu\lom Whls, CO. 261( mt. (116527) s ll900 '99 SL-.SOO Spor I Pke/AMC Bu.e Mufti CD. 2 Tops (107291) S39 900 '91 CZJO WhVtan Auto, moon Nice Car (099?16) $14,900 '02 Gt'-'..,.. SE Auto. A/C. CO, Reer Spl1 (263427) $10.900 994 •• ,,_ limited, l0.tdtd, Sate Priced (094773) Sl6,900 'OOOS'°'1 WhVTan Pl•llnum Str .. s. low M1, CO (099216) $25,900 '990$'°'1 Blk/Ten. CO. NBka Audio, Loe<Md (046903) S?l.900 ''171-40S~ Top ol the line, Bose, co. vs 4 2l 144-4967) Sl9,900 '96 lflHtfJ• •• .,,,,, 4.0 HSI Auto. 4WO Mull• CO. loaded (326806) Sl4,900 llXUS LX470 '00 4X4 bl.ck. arey llhc Inter . low pk11. 43K m1. S.16. l!>O 949 350 5202 '14 MeHr•tl·ll Twt.e •tow mli.s. vwy nice.* $4200 949 240 1012 'HILU,$ AUTO '01eMWKS1.01 White 32K (196690) SJ~.980 'O I Forti M1111ton11 ,..,.. Silver. 7K m1 (19770) S2S.980 ''9 Joflu-V"'"'-n 'lo.Only 371. m1 Sliver, 351< m1 (19612) $27.980 '99).,._XJel Cashmere. 44K m1 (19824) Slfi,980 '97t..irw 400 Stiver (194531) $17.980 't4 M.,cetle• 14:10 White (19823) $11,980 'O I MHtetl.• SSOO Sifv.r. low m1 (19403) 52.980 ·u,.,..••11 While, T1pTronk: ( 113752) $34,980 .. ,. '-"* .... ,. S1twer. 27k m1 09875) m .980 '9.J ,.,,.,. Celfco Conv Whitt (194781) S!>.980 'OZ Forti IJiiNt/ltf.-i Blick, 21K ml (19899) $26,980 949-574-1777 PtlllSAUTO LlXUS '99 RX 300 Purl White. 04, hnhd sHh, showrm cond . tun rack. tow pk11. $19,900 949 350·5702 MERCEDES BNZ '01 SLSOO loaded silver Spo<ts Jllla. AMC wht1. 9K m1. showrm cond, 302 hp $!'>2,750 714-969 1187 RANGE ltOVltl 199S lWB. llSK mi. blue/t•n. 11r •uspension. tmmac· ulale 111rouat1out $6495 Pfl6lBllD im 71~22'2-5161 Range llo'Y•r '00 4.0 SL I 6k actual m1. full tact warr, bl~/carmat Ith•, beautiful like new cond Must see to illJll'llCll\9 $28.99!'> vOJ 7896 Bkr 949 586-1888 www.oqtalal.c...., Ranp Rover '95 4.0 Sf. SO..•m1 black tan Ith• superb cond tllrou&ht. books. records SI0.995 v04S8?9 Bkr 949 ~86 188B www.ocpab.com loy•ta '91 Carolla DX 60fl + m1. auto. pw, pl, cruln. white/arey 1n1. superb $4995 vlS7829 Bkr 949·586· 1888 •--~teem 'enche '01 Cerr•ra 4 Blk/t•n int. Aero kit pke. every opt posslble. 4k m1, never sp111t 1 n111ht oul•kl• or rained 011 162.500 obo 94~322 6248 ........... '9t 4.• HSE 4211 m1. full fact Warr, blk/blk ltht. 18" chrm whls, superb cond tlwoocht. $23,495 y JI 7201 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ec,ebl.cam TOYOU MR2 't 1 white, owner since "92 . re1 maintenance. must s11 lo 1ppr•cl1te $3800 obo 949-322-5292. AlJTOMOiiUS, Mlsca.tNIEOUS Wanted 9045 AUTOS WANTED Thutlday, Decembtr 4, 2003 85 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE BOATS Sallboats 9520 i976 CA 1 AUN\ 2/f I roler fu1 autn pilot, ~ ~ .ibo.lrd f\AI ·~ fresh bottom p~ml tec•nl u lltn<M OqJilda dean n & OtA. $fJ6(X) 96-500-llro BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOAlSSLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 7Sft IOAl SU,, Sublet IOI Oet r. i.n S23 pe. fl on XMAS IOAT ,.MADE llOUTE 949 640 a>S2 I.,, (UCTU CRAn (loke • Ouflyl 1992 New tup $6500 949 {>44 4144 SELL your stuff through classified! ~I PUZZUI IOLVID PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed sedion to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace HoME, HEALTH MD SUSINESS ........ A · Z HANPYMAN Install r efact cabinets Md'o\tbalh/docrl,iwnlows ~ Dou& 714·546-7258 Carplt Clnnlng ----tHJ Atr Our I /I. I .110~1 r:1t•a1111111 S1·iv" r• Ing 3 rooms & hallway SM.ts lrld\IOlll ~ CM..l TOOAY • CUAll TOM Kevin 714-329-3142 Oltlc1 714-111-1110 Cll\)lt R1111lr/$ala -QCAR,ITo CAR,IT1) Rtpaln, P•lch1na. ln1t11t Courteou1 1ny size fobs. Wholtnlel 949 492 0205 Computarsemcn COMPlffER HELP! • MYICI flt Gr-.1111C1"9 ,.,,_._,.tlllcil • .cor Ille ·~ . -Aiilt91nv•. ·~lollxllr!I ·Ob~ •Clglll ...... fll-.fi'C ·~~"'-~ UC ~ IOTN~ .... 714-611-2786 Concretl&Maonry lrlck lleclc Stlfle Tiie Concret8, Patio. Drfww1y Flrtp\c, ee9. Reh. 25Yra Exp. Terry tA 557 7594 c-.. ~ w..t. ~ Briel!, Sbw. l11, ~~ .. R4llll*. Ho lob loo 111111714-61.S-9062 Daldop Plbl1111tng YOUaNOMI CMPROVIMINT raoJ1cn Cell a ~lumber, p1tnl•1, 1ndym•n. Of any or Ute ~·••t w111c .. 11ated •it In our S11wlc1 dlrectoryl lHESE LOCAl &VC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU 100AYI DrynQllfwlcll wm1to1n PtYWAU All !lllut• Mn/Ill jOllt CUANI ~·· f•lr, lrta eat L«IOO 714'»-1447 EledrtcalSeMca SMAll JOI EX,.RT loc1I, Quick Response Homt, Yard & Dock Elect 20 Yrs [•p Duncam Elecln: lffZMIO 9&Qj(). 7042 ACTIOllUIU WCTIK TrouMI slloal1lg spedalsl. Woor 'yat4 ~fa. ....... .,,.. 714 .. 146-6130 ......,.,.., 1.1.c. llec!Ylc low prlca locll oontr ..:tor. no job too small, 110 job too b1a. Ref's 14>00 l'ICJ*t. UCI0-81~ (714)942-1410 UCINSIO CONTRACTOR No lob too sm Al ll4r'Ylces! Rep•lr-, remodtl. lans, !ipCI. MW SllC 9&645-llli6 Floortnlmte CUSTOM CllAlM 1U lnltllltlon. .... cw llllWC. nw1*, a.on. hN6o lt7S l#8120M .,. 714-612-9961 UMY......._..~ R~ouhn t Installation TI O£NI 949 67H06S 7l4'14HS217l...,,.2031 ~ ... 1"'1Plm.I= MdMoNI 'NMti~~aMbt' 714--715- Tree Ser"'"• v,.d Cleanup, M~1nteMnce. Sprinkler RepMr. flauttnii (949) U0-1711 Handyman/ Home R19alr RESTORC • REPAIR & RlMOOfllNC r or All Vow llt11llf' nep.111 •• DIH SNvtr .. f'.., '!'' " .. your stuff throueh classlfledl Handyman/ Home Repair CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 VIS Exp•Grut Rel's All Phases of Construction ~Remodel E~ Ll!in!lBl 949-305-7699 • Raldaual * Qmnnml V•ntvra Cencr•t• & Maoonry Brick Block Stone, Coner ete Res,/Comm I #147'48 114-965-2824 MlscServtca OllJG TB'IWG/P(YK1IOH l111te11t Dr111 Tutl119 Ool OMV, Pie ~ment. ONNl'hysals 714-317-9743 HOLIDAY Mil, Home & Perty Decor TrH T11m m1n1 Room M•hovers. ShDP9tnC 949-459 8270 No Job 1bo Small Moving & Stor1Qe Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 ALAN THI HANPYMAN Ml worll 1u111ntffd PUntq. Electrbl, Doon. 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