HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-05 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' .. ; •• . -4 ... . - at . ... .. Se rving the Ne~p ort-Mesa community ~ince 1907 c " MIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2003 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Det. Phil Hartman fires at the target with a high<aliber pistol at the Costa Mesa Police Department's gun range during a routine practice session. Officers practice several field scenarios at the in-house range. Right on target Shooting range master Dave Kress keeps Cost a Mesa officers sharp Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot When It came to picking a cueer. Dave Kress hit the bull's eye. The 47-year-old, who runs the Costa Mesa Police Deparunent's shooting range, doesn't just help officers aim. He teaches them something they value much more. Kress teaches them to dig deep and survive In the real world where they are forced into unforeseen situations and face grave dangers. "Teaching is my focus," Kress said. "Not guns." That doesn't mean the range master doesn't love hi!. weapons. Kress has been a marksman since he was a little boy. His parents were archers and he picked up on Pohce range master Dave Kress trains officers and fine tunes their shooting skills. see TARGET, p119 A4 making sure their weapons and training are in tiptop shape for any situation. Costa Mesa police search for flasher A man exposed himself twice and tried to steal WQJllen 's underwear all in one day, police say~ 0 H p1 8har8th Daily Pilot ' COSTA MESA PoUce are looking for a man who reponedly exposed himself twice and tried to steal women's underwear from a home -all on the same day, officials said Thursday. Detectives believe the same man was involved in all three ln- cidents, which were reported on Nov. 22 be-...._ ____ _, tween 3:40 Composite sketch of suspect and7p.m .. U. Dale Birney sald. At about 3:40 p.m., the man, said to be between 20 and 30 years or age. walked into the laundry room of an apartment complex in the 700 block of Sha- limar Drive. nude, Birney saJd. "He confronted a female in the laundry room, w· he aald. Police said the same man also accosted another glrl less than an bour later, again in a laundry room of an apartment oomplex in the 700 block of West 18th Street, and exposed himself to her. The third Incident happened at about 7 p.m. in the 1700 block of _Newport Boulevard, when he was seen inside a home stealing women's underwear from the bedroom, he sald. No one was touched in any of the incidents, Birney said "He doesn't seem to be vioJent, based on what occurred," he said. "But we don't know if he's wanted for something else. And with anyone who is brazen enough to do something like thla, we never know for 6\JJ'e." The two incidents in which the man exposed himself happened in broad daylight. Birney said. "The person may have expert· enced the thrill or excitement he SH Fl.ASHER, Paa• M Former faculty member gives UCI $1 million Newport Coast ----·a::. couple's dona could, through investing, become the largest research grant in the U.S. book about beating the house at blackjack has made a S l • million donation to the math department -one designed to grow to become the largest research grant in the nation. Newport Coast reJldent Ed· ward O. Thorp, a former mathematic. and flnance pro- feuor. has used hi math •ktlls to dmse wa)'1 to win at bJedjack and toulette and in the 1todC. market Thorp alto came up with a unique atruc- ture foT the donation to UC Jr- vine's math departme,nt that will use some mbfte1 to at- tract a renowned mathemati- cian and reinvest the rest. •HJ$ strategy Is that ln 100 years, this Will be the wealthi- est chair ln the country." aa.ld Ronald Stern, dean ot the School of Ph)'llc.I Scltncet. •That'• his way ot pmertna some Immortality. lt't 1 very forwa_nf .Jookina gtft. ~ Thorp and h!a wife, Vlvtan, have created the Edward and Vivian Thorp Bndowmen t with an initial gift of. a little more than Sl million -the largest in the department's history. Each year, a portion will be used to support a re- 1earch grant for the new fac- ulty member. "l?d ls a brilliant penon wbo came up with an elegant and 11ml)le 1trategy to handle tho chair,· Stern said. Most reaearch endowments come f'rom tho federal IO\'etn· IMUCl,PaceM City might bring golf to landfill The city could also get some revenue from the methane gas collection at Coyote Canyon. Alicia Robinson Dally Pilot NEWPORT BEACH Residents could find them- selves golfing on garbage if the city moves forward with plans to create a golf course on the Coyote Canyon Land- fill. Development at the land- fill could be one result of a city initiative to explore in- creased control over facilities within its boundaries includ- ing the landfill, John Wayne Airport, the harbor patrol and tidelands in the Upper Newport Bay. City council will vote Tuesday on whether to form a "sphere issues committee" that would ad- dress those topics. WI think everybody who has been involved with the landfill ... have all had it in their minds that someday the landfill will be a golf course." Assistant City Manager Dave Klff said. Wit's a question of who would step up to the plate and construct it and ac- tually manage It." The 325-acre Coyote Can- yon Landfill was operated from 1963 to 1990 by Orange County on propeny leased QUESTION ? It a golf COUl'M a good Idea for the landflll7 Call our • Reader's Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send an e-mail to dailypllot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and pho11e numbers for verification purposes only. from the Irvine Co .. which still owns the 859-acre site, said Linda Hagthrop, spokes- woman for the Orange County Integrated Waste Management Department. The county officially closed the landfill in 1995 but is responsible for ongoing maintenance of the cover over the landfill and moni- toring to prevent groundwa- ter poUution and erosion, she said. In addition to the possibil- ity of development, the city is interested in the landfill be- cause of the methane gas it produces. • The Irvine Co. now con- tracts with Gas Recovery Sys- tems to collect the methane gas produeed by the landfill and convert it to electricity, lrvine Co. spokeswoman Jen- nifer Hleger said. The Irvine Co. Is paid royalties for the gas. but the company does not disclose such financial information, she said. See LANDFIU, P11e A5 PUBLIC SAFETY Increased fire safety sought for Buck Gully Chief will go before Newport council to push improvements to safeguards in place for a decade. June'taH 1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -fire Ollef nm Riley saJd he's proud of strides the city has made to prevent a Buck Gully fire from getting out of control. But now, he be- lieves, It's time to take the next step. On Tuesday. Riley will give a presentation to the City Council on what he believes Is the next generation of fire safetylor Buck Gully-a se- ries or measures that would increase 'the distance be- QUESTION What more thould be done to ensure fire protection In Buck Gully7 Gall our Reader's ? • Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send an e-mail to dailypl/ot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes onty. tween homes and the unde- veloped gully area where plants growing wtJd can cre- ate the perfect fuel for a fire. ~we need to go to the council and say, 'This is what we have right now in Buck Gully, but we no longer be- lieve It's enough,·· Riley said. Fire protections in Buck See GUUY, Pa1e M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com THINKING ALLOWED WEATHER ~ Be carwful thla momlog of the thldt fog. It wlll bum otr, though, INvlng mottly sunny lklet end temperatlJre• Into the lower70t. SeePq1A2 Columnlat Lolita Harper lion vacation. She will retum next week. SPORTS UCl'a women't volt.ybell tMm makea tt. flret appearenoe In the NCAA tournament tn 15 ye1r1 today. S..PqeAlO t AZ fndly, Oeceml>et' 5. 2003 ON THE • The crew of the Del Mar of Newport Beach won the top award, the Golden Windjammer, at the Rendezvous at Port Hueneme. -Return in triumph Sea Scouts-win top honors at a youth sailing competition at Port Hueneme Navy Base. June Casa1r1nde Da1lyP1lot about 400 pounds, and in scuttJebutt you have to build a tripod that lets you lift the barrel about a yard off Lhe ground," said Steve Ignacio, a 17-year·old I funtington Beach resident who ~rves ns boatswain for the Newport Beach-based Sea Scout FYI For information about getting involved with the Sea Scouta, call Mike Stewart at (949) 500-6249. The Newport Beach team won the Golden Windjammer Award al the event for taking fitst place among 17 crews, competing in rowing. sailing, knots, first aid aAd some more exotic-sounding events such as ·mystery nomenclature." If you want the scuttlebutt on how to win top honors at the Southwestern Rendezvous youth sailing compe11uon, you'd do well to talk to the crew of Sea Seoul Ship 7 11 . For starters, these 10 young men know that the main definition of "scuttJebuu· isn't go~'iip or rumor. A scuttJebuu was whal sailors used to call a vessel to hold drinking water on a ship. Today, It's the titJe of just one of the 15 events for which this crew won first place In last week's Rendezvous at Port I luenen.1e Navy Base. Crew. "Back in I.he old days, they wouJd build these to lift their drinking water onto the boat." The Sea Scouts are a group of 14-to 21 ·year-olds who are "basically Boy Scouts on the waler." lgnacio said. The scouts teach sailing and seamanshJp and. twice a year, talte part in competitions such as the Port I lueneme event. in which the local troop took top honors. Ln this event, Stewart said, a number of gadgets used in sailing are laid on a table under a cloth. The cloth ls removed for 10 seconds. The teammates have two minutes to write down as many of the items as they recogJ\ized and couJd remember. ·we just have a really excellent crew this year,• Ignacio said. "It was awesome.• "There's a SS-gallon drum of watt.>r; it'~ "'Ibey did very well this year," said Mike Stewart. who as skipper of the troops shJp, the Del Mar. acts as aduh advisor to the youth crew. In addition to Ignacio, the <:teW was composed of Deve George, 16; Jonathan Harada. 15; Corey Kemp, 15; Ouia McKay, 19; Dave PaquJn, 19; Nick Peterson, 16; Matt Schneider, 15; DaJe Stoica, 14; and Daniel Stoica. 20. WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS AFlOAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Cos1a Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)640-4170,or bye mail to dailypllotllilatimes.com SPEClAl. EVENT The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will have an exhibit opening for "Hooted: The Lure and lore of Sport Ashing; at the Grand Salon from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Feb. 29. The museum is at 151 E. Coall1 Highway, Newport Beach. lnfomiatlon: (949) 673-7863, http://WWW.nhnm.org. The Def9n8e of Ff9edom Foundation will host en •HQnor our Veterans Sell" aboard the 122-foot, Atnertcan topsail IChooner the lynx at 1 p.m. Sunday. The lynx will set sail from lta aee base et 1931 W. Coast Highway. There will be a speed'! by the captain and a broadside cannon aalute, and a flowered wreath will be placed into the sea to honor the survivors Information: (949)723-7814, http:// www.defenseoffreedom.org. SAILING CLASSES Salling Fatdn.atlon ofht9 ct ..... m boating safety and sailing year-round for persona with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County empk>y9n can bring their employees out to NeWport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of salllng courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Salhng and Seamanship now ofhlrs a chance for groups to wort with the on-board instructor on different sailing tadlniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing ax.perience Is necessary. -One-day clNSes cost from SlOOto $125. (949) 645-9412. Onnge Coast Cohve'• IChool of sailing and seamanship will offer a five week noncredit Introduction to Shields aalllng clan from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 11, 18 and 25and Feb. 1 and 8 at OCC's sailing center in Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. XX ll40MA8 H. JOtiNSON Publisher lONYDOOERO Editor JUDYOETTINO Ac:tvertltlng Director I.AHA JOHNSON Promotionl Director - New.Edlton Gina Alexand0<, Lori Andel'90n, Daniel Hun\, Paul Seltowltt, Daniel Stevena NEWSITAFf' o..p. lh8retfl Crime and court.I repo~. (9'9) 574-4228 ~.~h•l.rltTW.com June C•• laf'lllde Newport Beed! reportM, l!M9) 574-4232 Jun..a.ugr•ndfl•l•tlmn.oom LoltteHlfl)ef Columnla\, culture repe>ner, (IM9i 67'M275 • lol1r..haf1»r•lllt1,,,.,.oom 0.... NewtMn eo.t.. Meea ~. (0'9) 57'"4221 dfllrdre.newm..n•t.rlmM.oom ~O'Ntl t:ducatlon reportor, (MIO 574-4268 marlu.onoll(fl•tltnfll.com &.ult~ News.., It.ant, (9'9) 574-4298 tu/6 ,,.,,..,,,,,"'*com Newport Beach. The cost la $120. Information: (.949) &tS-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina ~ st1ha Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experience. from mild to wild ~ke a aelf11ulded tour of the bay in your cholc:e of power and sail watercraft. jump the ocean swells In a See-doo Jetboet. put you sport-fishing Ullla to the test In a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above It all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beveragea are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rent.alt can put you on the water In many ways: with single and double kayeka, electric boats, 14-holder sailboat.I, pedal boats end runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour 5C8Venger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit oruanlzatlons end group outings. The hunt pec*ages Include boats. trivia questions. maps, Polaroid PHOTOGRAPHfRS Mane C. Oustln, Don Leach. Kent Treptow RfAOERS HOTUNE 19'91 &42-8088 Record your comments about the Dally Pilot or newa lll* ~ Our eddrea 11 330 W B.y St., Co11a M ... , CA 92627. omc. hour. are Monday Friday, 8:30 a.m. -6 p.m. eon.cttons It It the Pllot'I policy to promptly cofr9t't all erron of tul»t•nce Pl .... cell (949) ~ FYI The Newpof't ~a Meu Da"'1Wilot (USPS-144-8001 la publl~ daily. In Newport Beectl and eo.t1 Meta. sublcl'lptlons are av1ll1ble only by 1Ubect1blng to The Tll'nel Orango County (900) 212-914". 11'111*'8 outside of Newport 8Mdt and Costa M.u. eubtcrl~ to the 0.hy Pilot are SVt1ii.oi. onty by first c:fan mall for *JO per month. (Pr• lncludo all 1ppllctbl1 1U1t1 and local uixes.l POSTMASTER: s.nd llddrMa changes to The N9WPQlt a..ctVCotta MeM 0.lly Ptto.. l'O Bo.II 1IOO, Cotta MMe, CA t2«2a cameras end supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $226 per bo-1 and catering la available et en additional rate. For hunt reservationa, call. (949) 673-7200. Elec:tJic boat l'Wltals ... .vala.bM by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coat Highway, Newport Bead\. All boa1S are equipped with window enctoeurn end CO pleyers. Ice end cupa ant pnMded. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 640-6812. Gondol. tou,. .,. offilred by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, saleml, Ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine la also available. (949) 676-1212. Gondola AdwnturMINewport, 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one--and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne Is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne Is $180. Pic*up Is available et waterfront restaurants. (949) 676-4984 Copyright No newt stories, lllustr1tlon1. edltorlal matter or advenitements heNln c.an be reproduced without written permlaslon of copyright owner HOW TO REACM UI ~ The Tlmee Orange County (800) 252-8141 Ach'el11J11111 a....., 19491 MH678 oi.ptay 194918'2-4321 E.cltoftal Naw9 (949) 642-6GIO Spot-ta (Ma) 574-4223 Naw9rat9491 .... 110 lpofU ,_. (IMl) 850-0170 e.m.tt: d•l/ypllot•llltlrrt#.com Melne>Mee ... "'-Olloe l1M8l 642-4321 au.in..,.. (9491 e31-7t28 PublllMCI by Times Communttv Nows. • dlvilloo of th• Loe Angelet Times. C>2003 TIU* CN. All rigtlta ~ THE HARBOR COLUMN Dirty and dirtier Ahoy. nitrates. Both of these compounds feed aquatic plant life and decrease the sunlight and oxygen levels in the water that will kill aquatic omgan.i.sm.s like fish. shrimp, etc. I've just rerurned from an uphill bumpy yacht delivery to Ventura. and upon my return I see two Daily Pilot's • headlines that read "Newport creek oneofO.C.'s dirtiest" and "Horse ride~ Oght animal MIKE WHITEHEAD This is a textbook example of urban runoff pollution caused by fertilizers waste rules.• Unfortunately, the stories were in two separate Issues. I lhlnk it wouJd have made quite a statement If the articles were printed sJde-by-slde. I am curious in the difference in th.inlcing by some horse owners that it is perfectly acceptable to leave horse manure on public streets and walkways but that you should be fined if you do not pick up after your dog. Why am I mentioning horse manure in a harbor and boating column? Simple: "What Starts at the Drain Feeds the Harbor When It Rains" is the title or a video that I hosted a Cew years ago. That video was shown at every elementary school in Orange CoWlty to teach the youth how to protect our harbor. Yean. later, the title says it all once again. I do not wanl to be swimming in horse manure that has found its way down a storm drain. lb.ink about this: A l,000-pound horse will deposit 45 pounds of manure per day. or 5.61 gallons per day. or 0. 75 cubic feet per day:.., Thal totals 8.2 tons per year. Interesting, as I can remember many committee meetingl> where we were concerned aboul the waste that sea lions and sea gulls deposit in the )arbor. l have personally seen mounds of horse manure while walJdng with my daughters along the Back Bay. and It Is ~gusting. espedaJJy in an urban environmenL More important Is that those moundseventuallyendup Into the Back Bay's watershed. Animal waste is never to end up in a harbor, lake or stream bed as defined by farming regulations mandated to farms aero~ the nation. If any waste is used as fertilizer, then It is selectively used on those fields. Los Jrancos Creek was just labeled the dirtiest creek. I think the wrong label dirty has an emotional affinity to dirt or fouled, like horse mllnure Ooating in the creek. However, in this study cited, the creek. ls contaminated with high levels of phosphates and Cone can indude manure), soaps and the multitude of •stuff" that flushes down our storm drains. We do not live In a rural environment where a manll.re mound here or there is negl.lgible in the l ,000-acre woods. In a very populated area where you can not hose off your "dirty" sidewalks into the storm drain, it all adds up. Those who know me know that I .am not a tree-hugger, but I do have a problem with such blatant disregard for our No. 1 natural resource -Newport Harbor. There is no gray area on the solution to this issue -be responsible and pick up after your animal -horse, dog, elephant, whatever. I am confident that Newport Assistant City Manager Dave Klff will ta clc.le th.is issue with the passion that he has for our clean waterways, and Dave, you have my full support. This Sunday. Otandler Bell will be racing in the I lot Rum Series aboard the Abracadabra/USA 54, an America's Cup aass boat that I told you about in last week's column. Cllandler will call in 10 the radio show and telJ us about his adventures. Also, Erle Hovland and I have a special in-studio guest: Capt. John McCarty. I le is the owner of Newport's infamous tournament winner Pacifica 44-foot sportfishing charter yacht named Fin Fever. Remember to tune in every Sunday to my Boathouse Radio Show from 4 to 5 p.m. on KCBQ AM ( 1170) or listen over the Internet at http://wwm boathouseradio.com. Listeners can call (888) 344-11 70 to join in on Southern California's only boating tallc radio show. which reaches ports up the coast f'rom San Diego to Oxnard and out to Santa CatalJna Island. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD 1s the Pilot'• boating and harbor columnist. Send him vour harbor and marine-related thought• and story suggestions by a-mall to mlktt@bosthousetv.com or visit http:llwww. boathousetv.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Momlng patchy fog, with visJbHity at lea then a quaner mile along the coast, end clouda will give way to mostly sunny ald .. with high temperature• tho 60s near the beach end as high as 73 .degrees In some Inland spots. Expect • llght breeze throuvh most of the day. The dou"-and fog should bulld bade In a1ter 10 p.m lnfonndon: www.nws.nou.aov BOATING FORECAST Wlnda will bo vari•ble et 10 knott or i... In the morning, becoming we.te"Y ln the •ftemoon In 1he Inner waters. Thew,..... wlll 8t 2 feet or smlftef' on• west .well of 3 to 6fMt. Out farthtr, ne>tthwost wind will bt bttwMri 10 l.nd 16 kno .. , wtth 2·foot WllV9I on • 8-to 8-foot we8tef'n .wetl. • There's also a chanoe of rain about 15 to 20 miles away from the cotat. ' SURF Winds ere favorable, end the tide 11 starting to swing to ebnonnel highs es a full moon eppt'Ollchea. Today, the northwest energy inc:re8Mt, wi1h .U.. In tM cheat· to head-hfgh 1"9glon tor weat-f.ang brNb. Expect emtlc tidal fluctuations this weekend. Weter qualtty: www . .urfrldtlr.org TIDES nm. 12;27 t .m. 8:50•.m. 1:50p.m. 8!01 p.m. Height 1,eGfMtlow 6.70 feet high 0.22 feet low 3.73 '"' high WATER TEMPERATURE 62degrMe •• :· . · . •.: '. .. . , '. _r City readie~ tr~iler to teach fire preV~Iltion The mobile classroom has flames painted on the outside and stadium seating pn the inside. DHP• Bhar•th Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -Local fire offi· cials have tried it all Going to classrooms to talk about "stop, drop and roll." Hosting open houses. Putting out ruers about safety tips. But this time, they believe they've nailed It They've found the ultimate way to teach fire prevention to the public -chil- dren, teenagers, adults and sen- iors. The Costa Mesa Fire Depart· ment has a 55-foot mobile dass- room, or wha.t they like to call the Fire Safety Education 1\'ailer. It is a white trailer painted on the outside with bright red flames. It houses a model kitchen, bed- room and a presentation room with stadium seating. That's not all. It has smoke machines and even an earth- quake lcit to simulate swirling smoke and scary temblors. Add 10 all this a Dolby Digital Sur- round sound system, which drives home the reality of such unimaginable disasters. The goal is to educate people in a way they'll remember, rue Chief Jim Ellis said. ~J(Jds will remember the les- sons they'll learn in.side that trailer; he said. "It's all very real- istic." The $50,000 trailer was made possible by' a grant from the Fed· eral Emergency Management Agency allocated after Sept 11 , 2001. and matching funds from the city, Ellis said. The trailer Itself came from a company in Florida. But it was fire prevention specialists Teri Dumall and Clleryl Wills who breathed life into It. Ellis said. They decorated the in.side of the trailer with firefighting pic- tures, set up a kitchen with stra· tegicaily placed hazards and even used fire department· theme bed sheets and accesso- ries for the room. HWe're really excited about this.H Dumall said. "Kids are our focus because they carry the message home and through their lives. They're careful with their homes and their children." Wills said the department has also hired an artist to create chil· dren-friendJy characters that can be painted on the outi.tde of the trailer. "We have Firefighter Bob," she said. ·A story is toJd to the chll· dren through these drawings even before they get into the qailer." Oilldten OI vi5ltors to the trail- er will also get to tab home ln· formative brochures, she said. The trailer will mostly be oper· ated by Dumall and Wills with the help of firefighters. It will be ready for use by February. Bills said. It will also be used in public 'i safety expos, the Citizens Fire Academy, the Junior Firefighter Program and the Youth Expo at the Orange County Fairgrounds, to name a few. be said. "We plan to expand its use as we get more comfortable with it," be said. N As we get more re- quests and m ore people trained." The depanment has already gotten requests from countywide groups, but Costa Mesa groups will always get first priority, Ellis said. HOur goal is prevention,· he said. "We're here to fight fires and protect the public. But if we can prevenl the fires in the first place, that's what we'd like to do." • OEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be read1ed at (949) 574-4226 or by e mail at deepa bharath u lat1mescom BRIEFLY IN .THE NEWS Snow will fall in Newport Beach Grant Howald Parle will be filled with 30 tons of snow on Sunday for an afternoon of spe- cial activities for kids. Adm~ion is free to the park. which on 5th Street and Iris Avenue. Snow events will talce place from 10 a m. to I p.m: The after- noon was made possible through a donation from the GETTING INVOLVED • GETI1NG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVlCES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help in a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. ENVIRONMENTAL NAl\JRE CENTER The Environmental Nature Center provides quallty education through hands-on experience with nature in a 3.6-acre outdoor classrci?m· Adult volunteer trail guides are needed to in the afternoon during the week to lead children's tours in the Center. Several other volunteer opP<>rtunitles are also available. (949) 645-8489. Newport I !arbor Elks O ub and through work by the city's Re- creation Services staff. For more infonnation, call (949) 644 -3 151 or visit the city's Web site at llttp:llwww.city.newport· beach.CIJ. tlS. Street sweeper, trash truck cancellations Street sweeping and garbage collection will no t take place on FRIENDS OF THE BALLET MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perform in professional theaters. For 30 years, the organization has provided the communttY with quality Russian ballet training, helping youth develop strong discipline skills. build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of Cluistmai. Oay in Newport. Resident~ who usually have their lra~h picked up rhursday .. will get sel'ttice the day after Quistmas. a Friday. Areas with Friday trru.h pickup will have their service postpo ned one day. 10 Saturday. Occ. 27. Regular street sweeping will resume Occ. 26. For more information, call the city's General Services De partmcnt at (949) 644-3055. being a professional dancer (714) 241-7424. FRIENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a suppon group for the three libraries in Costa Mesa. Help with fund-raising events and htilp promote library programs and services in our community. (714) 556-4396. Featu.ring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails I ur 11,.,,., ,.,1/1011, ( 11// ('J·t9) C,46 -7 ')ti4 l(,•Jt; ''"'"'. '''"· c •• ,,., 'h·-. .. 1 •uQuality Servi«••• •••Nightly Entcnainmcnc••• • ·~ ........ .,,.4 ,._ , ........... tf1. ,,., .. •·1•• "' 41 ti• • STYLE FITS NOWIN PROGRESS! SEMl·ANNUAL Sizes 4 to 12 In • gl'Ut 181ectlon of widths. • Van Ell • Sesto Meucci • Rangonl of Florence .. Terrific savings on fall & winter shoes. boots. handbags, & aocessories . Coron Dal Mar Plaza 949-721-1325 Next to Chlcos Friday, December !'>, 2003 A3 Om /lo/,,/," /fl!O.! "4uu/ \t "IJHtllt, '"' 1u1111u1/ trwftltun I fll't Htll 11>" S1 \'-,()N, I I· I l \< 111 Ml 'i I \111«.I \\ 1111 ( l 11\ \I'\ I \1 1111 \(I \\I) ldl,\C IC>I 't '-,I fl\ fl. \I I flt c.., "' '·"' C111\1t llCl\11 I CJll 1111 II< II Ill\\\ llonw t o a certain w o rld . I ht s·1. Hl·(.I ') \.1 0 N \ II C II 111 \ l 11 Resort 1.949.234.3200 www.s tregismb.com I,, I ( • "\ '' I I \It l\ \It II II \ I I \ I \ 'l'.I, I) I Ill ,,,, 1•1'\1111'1; I 11\11 '11\'\t I \ M Ft'iday, Oecembef S, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Aneon ~Ind Pwtc Centllr Oitwe: A tra1nc ecddent Involving lnjur1ea wot 1'9PQrted et 8:40 a.m. Tue.day. '\ ~of Ute Alta: Petty ~from a vehlde wa1 reported In tn. 3400 blodc 11 7:04 p.m. Tueeday. • 8rWtDI StrMt: Vandalism was reported In tn. 3300 blade at 3:22 p.m. Tuetday. • l.oNft t...: ForgefY WN reported In the 3000 blodc _,, 4:43 p.m. Tuetday. • Ntwpoit 8oulewrd: A tra111c accident Involving lnjuriea was reported In the 1800 blade at 4:24 p.m. Tuesday. • ~ Dltve: Grand theft was reported In the 2800 blodc at 12:54 p.m. Tuesday • Eut 11th Strwt: Vandallam was reported in the 400 blodc at 12:57 p.m. Tuesday. • West 18th StrNt: A home burglary was reported in the 900 blade 813:11 p.m Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Buddnghem Lane and Westcllff Drtve: Battery was reported a1 6:26 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Cent9r Drtve bit Petty theft was reported In 1he 600 blade at 5:44 p.m. Wednesday. • Superior Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1400 blade at 7:19 a.m. Wednesday • 30ltl StrHt: A burglary was reported in 1he 200 blade at 8:29 p.m Wednesday • 35th StrMt and Seuhora Drive: An auto theft was reported at 12:41 p.m. Wednesday. UCI Continued from A 1 men1, Stern said. and are re- stricted In their fo.,;us -some- thing that wiJJ not be the case for Thorp's donation. Having such a large amount of money as..,ociated with the faculty po- !.ltlon ha!> already attracted in- terest from people at el11e uni- versities who would nonnaJly pass over UCI as an option lf the country's economic fu. 1ure follows the .,ame as its past, Thorp saJd. according to hi formula, the donation could total SJ2 m111ion 1n 90 year\. In 180 year~. it could be worth $I billion. "Some might 'JY it :.eems fanciful.· Thorp '>Jld. "Rut Ben- jamin Frank.Jin hold an idea like this. Tur power of compound inrcrest ii. VCJY great over the pa-.'>age of rime ·· GULLY Continued from Al Gully date back to shortly after the 1993 Laguna fires. At that ,, • I' I" • '"''' '· '.I'""'' I 'I 1" ' 'I I I O'I I I, . , I \, Open ~turdav 435 N Coast Highway Ltgw\lBach lagunaprint.~.com ~ Qp. Dellwrv FMQu.llySenb TARGET Continued from Al It early. At 7, he was competing. "I grew up ln the Midwest," he said. "So J was used to shooting hunting riftet." After graduating Crom Michigan State University, Ksas got Into the Los Angeles Cowity aherltf's police academy and patrolled South-Central Los Angeles for five years. "ln those five years. I got the: kind of experience people normally get over a whole career.• he said. "There were several officer-lnvolved shootings, and I wanted to take that experience and tf!1n officers who worked ln areas where they did not get that kind or experience .• He became a t:ralnlng officer at the sherttf's depanment and later worked at Laser Village In Downtown Los Angeles where he trained officers using simulations. He came to Costa Mesa six years ago. "We went after Dave because of his obvious talent as an Instructor," sald Hugh Thte, training and recruitment manager for the police department. "He ls firm but fair. He's very practical and sees life os real as It is. He understands the importance of officer safety and he pounds that into the guys." . The more officers get trained. the better It is for them and for the community. Kress said. "It helps build confidence,· he said. "You can't think. 'ThJs is Sleepy Hollow and nothir)g's going to happen hert'.' Anything could happen in Costa Me~a jui.t as soon as it can happen anywhere. And our guys are ready for it." Costa Mesa officers are required to go down to the range for a shooting practice every other month. He or she would then have to undergo a t Thorp cited two donations by Franklin in 1790 for 1,000 pounds each for the cities of Roston and Philadelphia. Over the course of 200 years, they had grown to $2 million and $4.5 million. Thorp said. A founding faculty member for UCI. Thorp has also worked as a mathematician at MIT and UCLA. In 1958, while on vaca- tion in Las Vegas, he played a game of blackjack and ha tched the idea of counting ~s. In I 96l, he published the book ·Beat the Dealer: A Winning Strategy for the Game of TWenty-One. • He later created a wearable, concealable computer that cal- culated the position and veloc- ity of a roulette baJI to figure out where it would land. Even· tually. the Nevada state legisla· lure banned such devices in ca- 'ilnos. but counting card<> remains an effective method, 11me. officials agreed to create a buffer of about I 00 feet between wild growth in the gully and homes in Morning Canyon. Eve- ning Canyon and other Buck Gully communities. Since then. A memorlai ~ce for I Mr. Richaid N. Golbacb, a I 36-year resident of ~rt Beach. 1• i tcheduled for noon oo :J Tuesday &l the Pac;lfic View Cl>apel ln Corona del Mar. Mr. Colbach died Oec. 2 of natural causes. He was 86. Mr. Golbach is survtved by his wffe of 64 years, Marjorie: son John Golbach; daughter Jane Halsey; and three grandchildren. Paul Searight Keams J DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Det. Phil Hartman, left, and range master Dave Kress change targets at the police gun range. A memorial service tor Mr. Paul Searight Keams, a Costa Mesa resident and Presbyterian minister, is set for 2. p.m.. Saturday at St. Mark Presbyterian Onucb, at 2100 Mar Vista ln Newport Beach. least 30 minutes of training. "It's important to go back to the basics once in a while,· Kress said. "Because if you don't reinforce the fundamentals of marksmanship, your proficiency will tend to drop down.• Kress also participates in training sessions every year using paintball-type bulJeu. called Simunltion that don't hurt "but sting quite a bit,· he said. They usually reserve a vacant building for eight-hour blocks. "Si.munition is good because officers don't like gelling hit in exposed areas like hands or feet,~ he '>aid. "So, for instance. if an officer Is behind a barricade and his feet are sticking out and he gets hit with this fake bullet, he's going to remember not to do that in a real sicualion." Recentlv, Kress asked new Ouef John Hensley for patrol assault rifles and got them. "For officers, this Is their tool box." he said. "They pick the tool they need for a particular job." What makes Kress a superior instructor is his ability "Lo see what you're doing wrong and tell you in a way that doesn't embarrass you." said Det. Phil Hartman, who was in the middle of a routine practke session on Thursday. "He has helped me with the way I grip my gun and the direction in which I pull the trigger," he said. "He tells people about their limitations. Everybody has their limitations, and it's always good to know what your limitations are. He really cares and Lakes that extra time." he said. FLASHER "{Casinos) made a lot of m oney on people who try to do Continued from Al these things and don't do them very well," Thorp said. "But !>ought with what he did or he they also lost a lot of money on may not have," he said. "There people who do these things may have been drugs or alcohol well.· involved. It's hard to tell, and we Later, he applied his math-don't know at this point.~ ematical formulas to the stock The incidents have made market and co-wrote "Beat the neighbors on Shalimar Drive ner- Market: A Scie"l'fic Stock Mar-vous. said Yareli Lopez, who lives ket System" with UCr professor , in an apartment building near emeritus Sheen Kassouf. Thorp the complex where one of the in- went on to run one of the most cidents reportedly happened. successful hedge funds In the •Police were in cars that night country and retired from UCI in looking for the guy,· she said. 1982 to pursue the stock market "And they didn't find him. which full time. for us is pretty scary.· Over the past 38 years, he has Lopez said such incidents are averaged annual gains of 15% rare in her tightly-knit neighbor-'° 20% with no down years. hood where "everybody knows • MARISA O'NEIL covers education and may be reached at (949) 574 4268 or bye mail at martss.oneifta lstimss.com. the city has annexed Newport Coast, whose innovative "fuel modlficauon zones~ lnsplred fire officials to consider ways to make Buck Gully safer. as well. Riley said he beUeves that the 100-foot areas could be ex- panded to 170 feet with sections designed to slow and reduce lhe size of Dames. The areas closest to the homes would be Irri- gated, a llnle fanher away would be a strip that contains only plants that are less prone to drying out and becoming fire fuel. then the farthest areas would have some plants that deter fires mixed in with the wild plant life. Unlike Newport Coast. where homeowners associations maintain these areas, Buck Gully doesn't have homeowners associations dolng such work. In 1994, city leaders struck a deaJ with the 230-plus residents there to use 75% federal gran,t money and a 25% contribution from homeowners to pay for the lnltial work. Riley saJd that he would seek a sl.plllar anange- ment for the improvements. But the nut.a-and-bolta questions are still quite a while away. The council could decide Tuesday not to act on Riley's suggestion, or they could decide to brlng It back to a council meeting next year for a public hearing. Councilman Olck Nichols. whose district lncludes Buck Gully, said he wasn't prepared to ma.Jee a statement about the Fire Department's pl1n, but he aa.Jd that fire safety and llobOlty ls- auea In Buck Gully are a con- cern. Riley u.ld that the laaue ex· tcndJ beyond Buck Gully. "tr a ftre wu to s t Into Buck Gully. It would go through Co· rona del Mar like a hoc Jcnlte through butter, .. Riley wd. • JUNI! CAIAGRANOI! covert Newpon Beach end John W.yne Alrpon. Sht may b9 re.ched et UM9157U232 or by •mall at June.uuoren"-•t.tJnH».com. ( everybody else.• "We're all taking precautions," she said. "Parents are asking lcids to stay at home and not talk to strangers We're all hoping they AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items fo the Daily Pllot, 330 W. Bay St., Coata Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to luis.pen•(ll•timss.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. TODAY Newport Dun• Raort wUI h11Ye 20 tons of anow at lta 10th annual Lighting of the Bay at 6 p.m. Santa Claut will flip a giant switch and lllumlnatlng 40 electric Christmaa trees. There will be hot chocolate, caroling, the Dunes' award winning seafood chowder and live musical performances by various children's groups Including the Lakewood High School Madrigal singers. Information: (949) 729-0UNE, http://Www.newprtdunss.com SATURDAY The Co.ta M99a Men'• Club wtll aponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefttlng Fairview Developmental Center at 1he Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. Tl\e entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both days. Information: (949) &46-2886,(949) 903-9090 I Wllldotf School will pt'9Mf'lt tta Winter Fewval from 3 to 6 p.m. at 2360 Cllnyon Drive. There will be seaaonat creft making, music, ChMter and lntamatlontl food. There wlll l>e e nominal charge at 1ha ~ Information: (949) 674-n34. The AngeletN,,... ~ will be after the 8:30 a.m. tnaM at Our lady Queen of Angelea. 204e Mar Vista Orlv.. The prayer ' brtakfaat will featurt gu..i apeaker Mtdellne Tucci TanMhlll, founder of • G•..Y. Piece for Klde. There will be• polnMttla plent ule efter tM brtekfaat. The bntelcfut la epontortd bv tN Cau Ttfll:8 foundetl Guild. The ... TOWN,f>aleAS , Kress also teaches officers how to react under extenuating circumstances. Hartman sald. "For instance, when you don't hold the gun right, it could get 1ammed," he sald. "You can't panic under a situation like that. You just have to learn how to clear it. You like to know that when you have to do something like that, you have the ability to dolt" That is exactly what Kress loves about his job, he said. "The fact that I may have taught an officer the slcill to survive in a lethal situation - that's what gives me the most satisfaction.· • DEEPA BHARATH covers public 111fety and courts. She may be readied .!JI (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com. "Parents are asking kids to stay at home and not talk to strangers. We're all hoping they catch him soon:' Yarell Lopez catch him soon." Police are describing the wanted man as someone who is 20 to 30 years old, about 5-foot-6, wei~ing 135 to 155 pounds, with blaCk hair and brown eyes. He is abo said to have a tattoo of a skeleton on his left arm. Anyone with infonnation is asked to ca!J Det. Ed Everett at (7 14) 754-5360. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reactled at 1949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharathliil/atimes.com Mr. Keams died Sunday of prostate cancer. He was 82. Mr. Keams is survived by his wtle Ernestine Shinto Keams; sons David Quln Kearrut;-Phillp Mauldin Keams; "Ulwrence Archibald Kearns; stepdaughter Billye Shinto-Uttman; six grandcbUdren;and brothers Gordon and Donald Keams. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the USC/Norris Comprehensive Can cer Center, 1441 Eastlalce Ave., Los Angeles. CA 90033. Audree Helen Coe A funeral service for Mrs. Audree Helen Coe. a 34-year Balboa island - resident, Is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday al the Pas:ific View Mortuary Cl>apel in Corona del Mar. Mrs. Coe died Nov, 23 of natural causes. She was 86. Mrs. Coe Is survived by her husband Fenton Coe; daughters Vicki Veden and Danna Rountree; four grandchildren: and two great grandchildren. • • The Dally Piiot yvelcomes obituariea for resident• or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. If you want to have an obituary printed In the Pilot, eek your , mortuary to fax us the Information at (949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 642-4321. JOHN S. SOCOLOFSKY John who has resided In Newport Beach, CA for the past 30 years, d ied Dec. 1 of natural causes. He was 64 years old. He la Bllrvlved by his wife Ruth L Socolpfaky, her sons J on L. & Stuart Weedn and daughter Nancy. Alao an older brother David of Vancouver, WA. John was born In salem, OR graduated from North Salem High In 1955, and from University of Oregon In 1962. He served two years In the US Army In Germany and worked for Western Electr1c for 15. He was General Manager for Care« Reaearch Systems and Huntington Forge. He also managed several Investment properties. John waa a c harlamatJc, fun loving, devoted family man, who greatly enloved people, life and hard work. He loved watching hla grandchlld,.,, grow and excel, and looked forward to the annual gatherings with his college tratemlty brothenl. JohQ was a loving husband and caregiver who provided the baala for a luting re4atlonshlp. Funeral MMcea are Friday, December 5, 2003 at St. Andmvs Preabyterian at Noon In Newport Beach across from Newport Harbor High School. MARGERIE MITCHELL BROWN Margette MltcheU Brown, a resident of Newport Beach for 58 years. died Monday, December 1, 2003, of natural causn at the age of 91. Marge wu born and raised In San Pedro, California, and wa• a 1934 graduate of Oocldental College. She married fellow Oocldental alum, Lawrence E. Brown In 1938. Their two children, Susan and Timothy are alto graduates of Occidental College. Marge and Lany moved to Newport Beach In 1945. Along with other family membera, they opened Balboa Marfnt Hantware Company, located on the Ml~I• Mlle In Newport Beach. .. Both were charter membera of St. And,..w'• PrMbytel'tan Church and nelated In the founding of Hoag Memorlat Hoapltal Preebytertan. Marge wu a put prealdent of the Newport·M••• Attlatance LHgue and .. long·atandlng memMr of tn. Hoag Hospital Chlldren't TOy CommfttM. During the lat three y..,.. Marge lived at Regenta Point. a Southern Callfomla PrwebyteMn R.tlr9ment Home In lrvlne. She continued hM volunteer w~ tt*9 wofklOQ_ In the library, =t~hop. Uld writing blographt.a for ntw ~t. Potnt H., daughter Susan, son Tlmothy, thtM gnandchNdren, f~ QrMt-gf'Mdchlldrtn, and maryy wonderful Mend• aurvlv "'~· . . A memorlal MfVlce wm be hek:S kif Matgene at St ~ ~Church on WednMdev. December 10, at S:~ 11'9 faml~ that don.tfont may be mact. to 8':. Anchw .. P Church, the Ho.g Hotpft81 FoundatJG1 or a cNrft)' of , • Tree trirpming with fanfare City Hall improvises, .using red, white and blue track lights to illuminate its Christmas tree. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot NI:.WPOR1 BEACH -Oty I !all held its first official tree- lighting ceremony Wednesday evening -for a tree with no Bghts on it. With no nearby electrical outlets, tree-trimmers impro- vised, shining track lights In the lqbby on the 12-foot natural tree decorated in red, white and blue. Though having a tree there is a long-standing tradi· tion, this year was the first tlme it was done with any fanfare, in- cluding carols from Lincoln El- ementary School's chorus and a reception for city employees. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT "In the past, we just deco- rated it and walked away.• city Lincoln Elementary students sing carols at Newport Beach City Hall for a tree-lighting ceremony. spokeswoman Marilee Jackson said. "Then in the morning. all backdrop for the fourth graders' of a sudden, there was a tree caroling on the steps of City there. This year, we wanted to Hall. AB city employees finished Incorporate more of a commu-. up their work day, they gather- nlty feeling to the holiday." ed in the lobby, peering out to The Newport Beach Arts watch the children sing. have Commission decorated the tree cookies and hot apple cider. this year and helped put on the "They're all dressed up so reception. Jackson said they cute," exclaimed Viclr;y Gallagh- may expand it in the future. er, who works in accounts pay- Rven though there was no able. "This is great. It really gets ceremonidus Dicking on of the you In the spirit of Otristmas. • tree's floodlights, which re-Mayor Steve Bromberg 8.fld mained on through out the cer-Councilman Don Webb also emony, it i.erved as a festive had a listen, as they watched ·LANDFILL Conbnued from Al me landfiU's methane output vari~. but ii is licensed to pro- duce up to 20 megawatts of elec- tricity per day, enough to power 20,000 homes, I-lieger said. The county spends about $456,000 a year on maintenance of the landfill cover and moni· toring the site, and it does not collect any revenue from the methane produced by the land- fill, Hagthrop said. Who will own the landfill property and make money from Its melhane production in the TOWN Continued from A4 cost is a $15 donation. Information: (949) 640-0886. The Cat Fanden Assn. will have a ctiampionship and household pet cat show from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The event will feature up to 225 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along with rescue cats and kittens looking for a home. Information: (858) 455-9390. future Is hazy at this point. The Irvine Co. approached the county earlier this year about transferring ownership of the landfill property to the county, Hagthrop said. "[Butl they're just in the very preliminary stages of those dis· cussions," she said. The city would like to get in on the deal and talce ownership of the land itself, Klff said. "Potentially, we would step into the shoes of the Irvine Co. and get some of the methane gas revenue," Kiff said. While the city has expressed an interest, Hieger said, the Ir- vine Co. is not in talks with the The HVenth annual Balboa Island WalkJng Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa Island. Tldcets cost $20. Information: (949) 6734280. Th• city of Newport Beach'• 14th annual Winter Wonder1and will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Grant Howald Perie, 5th and Iris avenues.. There will be more than 30 tons of snow dumped onto the grounds. There will be winter carnival gamea, and Santa will be there. Information: (949) 644-3151. TUESDAY from the doorway. "I think they think you're Santa Oaus, n city employee Scott Watson joked to the white-bearded Webb, clad in a red and green plald shirt. Outside, a small crowd of parents looked on as Webb and Bromberg presented the chil· dren with official city of New- port Beach pins. A few weeks ago, the chorus also sang at a Toys for Tots event at the Four Seasons hotel in Newport Beach. "She's thrilled to be singing here," John Murphy said ·or his 10-year-old daughter, BridgeL ·nus is the first one I've been able to attend, and she gave me the: 'Daddy, Daddy, Daddy you have to come hear me sing!'" Erin Dennison and Heather Feibleman, both 6, bounced and sang along to some of the holiday tunes. "I don't know all of them," admitted Erin, who was there to watch her sister Rachel. "I just know some of them." county. unsightJy right now that it looks "We, in fact, are not in nego· like you're passing a dump on tiations to transfer the landfill to your way to Newport Coast, the county," she said. which is a beautiful community. If the city obtalns the land, it Anything would be an improve- would like to operate an afford-ment." able public golf course, K.iff said. The comminee was consider- " A golf course this close to the ing bull ding a community center ocean and that spectacular of a on the landfill property, but the site potentially could make a . time involved in tranSferring the good chunlc of revenue." Kiff land from the Irvine Co. to the said. county made that site impracll Residents would likety sup· cal, Ross said. port the plan if traffic and park- ing issues are addressed, he said. • ALICIA ROBINSON covers "l think it would be a good use business. politics and the of the space." Newport Coast environment. She can be reacned Advisory Commlnee member et (9491764-4330 or by e-mail at Gerry Ross said. "The place is so al1cia.robinson@lat1mes.com. McCabe, chair of pediatrics at UClA These lectures will begin at 6 p.m. at the Arnold and Mabel Bedtman Center, 100 Academy Way. Information: t949) 824-8202. WEDNESDAY Body Design will o"9r a free seminar and demonstration on the latest tecnnology on cellulite treatments from 7 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Canter Drive. The event is presented by Mary Dellene, a massage therapist. lnfor'rnation and registration: (949) 722·3555, getfit@bodydosign.tv. History and Ethics of Human Experiments from the Nazis to the U.S. Military" at 4 p.m. at the McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, at UC Irvine. Information and reservations: (949) 824-9296. ntURSDAY Your Oloice of Three Delicious Entree Item 6'lecl Sealloss Ytllteri F.n.. t• SW., -,.. ,_ T.1• ..., t• Crwdry Roi Friecl Rict' o..piilss S pu. Nilif ~ Ahe il<htdt1 "'i~ ,..,, stied. .-... 11-4rict11111 frllt ltt.t 88 --- Available Nightly in the Sushi Bar Onfy [f]BIHADA. www.benlhana.com Newport Beach 4250 Birch Street (949) 955-0822 National Univeralty's Center for Cultural and Ethnic Studies will present "The Allure and Significance of Body Art from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd. Information: (714) 429-5408, lzukss@nu.edu. Th• Dororthy Wetbm Memorial Lecture presents "The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity and What Can Be Doner with Or. Aoyd Culler, professor of pediatrics at UC Irvine; "Pediatric Neurology: What's New7" wtth Dr. St8V8 Philips, neurologist at Children's Hospital Orange County; and "The 60lh Anniversary of the Double Helix: Hoeg Ho9f)ital wll1 hl!Ve an evening lung Olfncer 1upport group diacusalon about #Coping with the.Holidays# from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference Room A. Information (949) 760-5542. The Campu1 Colleagun of Orange Coast College will hold a lunctieon to raise funds for the OCC Disabled Students Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will be entertainment provided by Tyler Hoff and Kiro Kiro, who will be ploying with the Harry and Grace Steele Children Canter. The cost is $9.50 per person. Information: stsndsrdtint@hotmsil.com. 3 lb. &ef Stick Sale $1099 Piecemaken' annual Chrtatmu Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be over 175 booths of top artists wi1h unique handcrafted Items including live music, food and entertainment Information: (714) 641-3112, http:hWww.p1ecemskers.com. SUNDAY The c.t Fanderl Assn. will hl!Ve a ctiamplonship and household pet cat show from 9 11.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The event ~II feature up to 225 of the wor1d'1 finest pedigreed cats will be there along with rescue cats and kittena Cooking for a home. lnfonnation: (858) 455-9390. ~•ken' annwil Chrtmnaa Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 6 and 7. There will be over 175 booth• of top artists with unique handcrafted item• rncludlng live music, food end entertainment. Information: (714) 641-3112, http:/~.plt1Cemake,...com. The Costa Mesa Men'• Qub Wal ~naor the Fairview ' O.vetopmentel Toumement benefiting Fairview Developmental C.nter at the Costa M ... Golf & Country Qub. The entrance fee will be $76. fnfonnatiofY. (M) 64&2886,(949) 803-9090 ) Projecting the Future of Genomic Medicine~ with Dr. Ect.Yard Jonathan Moreno, prot.aaor and director of the Center for Biomedical Ethicl at the University of Virginia, will present "The The Thurad.y Momlng Senior Women's Club will present its Christmas party luncheoo and a musical show at 11 a.m. at the Newport Beacti Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd. This will be $23. Information and reservation: (714) 842-5863. Brooks Brothers to Open at South Coast Plaza in May. Orange County E!xlusivc Brooks Brothers, the country's oldest clothin·g retailer, has announced it wilJ open a new Orange County store at South Coast Plaz.a. Combining innovation, fine quality and personal service, Brooks Brothers continues to be a favorite among corporate men and wome~ dignitari ports great& and image:-consciou ccle.- britic . The legendary label has introduced major •• trends like seersucker. button--Oown polo shirts. argyle sweaters and ready-to-wear suits, which changed the landscape of fashion in the U.S. Every- one from Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy to Caty Grant and Katherine Hepburn has favored the iconic Broob Brothers style. Today. stylMetters like desiancr Marc Jacobs and ~ctor Matthew Broderick wear Brooks Brothers. . R~dy, the retailer introduced Digital Tailoring. a body scanning ted1- nology that allows the customer to customi1c men's suits~ trousers and dress shirts. The result is precisely tailored and custom-made clothing that fits an individual's exact proportions. Another in- novation is .BrooksStorm. a new men's outerwear collection made of the finest I 00°/o wools. all of which are both water-and wind-resistant. The South Coast Plan1 store will open m Moy 2004. ' Reg 14 Q9 'llm' through lkt:cmbcr 21 ('11' I\ Ml" I ... ,1111 f'Jlll\H II t•W"IJfll l'dl~''''"''' 11'11' \1 \l<'°'I 11'1 ,\I I •1t I ( \\ti " ' I ,, ' h II•' H ' ' •• I' l ·OU>O I 5.i 1-6176 .. -~--------- Al fridly, Oec:lmber 5. 2003 FORUM HOW10GETPU8USHED -lAUlln: M•ll to Edltorl•I P• EdltorS.J. Cahn •t the D•lly Pilot, 330W. Bay SL. Cosu Meu, CA92627 • AeedenHodlM:Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu; Send to (949)646-4170 E-maltSend ro dallypltore tatirrw.oom • All conespondenoe muat lndude full n•me. hometown end phone number (for Y9riftc:ation purpoua). The Piiot reeerva the right to edit ell submissions for clarity end length. Editorial missed-the importance of preschool I feel I have had enough and must respond to your edJtorlal ("District's decision is In s1uden1s' best Interest.• Sunday). The facts of the matter are as loUow~. for 24 ye~. I have successfully run the preschool program al Newpon Harbor I-Ugh School. The district took over the program. and it failed in less than six months. As 10 the quality of the learning by the preschoolers. everyone agrees ii is a great program. and the childre n are ready for kindergarten. Most of my referrals have-come from other parents and three school board members who have had their children in the program. The Newport I !arbor High School Mudents have a quality lab program In which I.hey can interact and learn from working with the children. The children get one·on·one auenUon from the high school students. How can the cancellation of this program be in the "best Interest of the students?" MAILBAG the fees for both 200 I ·02 and 2002 -03. However, we stW had enough money to cover the debt Lf we had hired a tel'cller with the old job descriptiodit which met state licensing requirements. The way the district financially 'l handled the preschool this year, I'm certain, It is very much in debt. ·- Although the district has been unable to find a reacher with a children's center permit, I talked to a lady this weelc who has her master's degree In early childhood education. She Is wllllng to take the preschool position · . In summary. the Newport Harbor High School Preschool is unique. , There is no other place else where th~ preschoolers will get the one-on-one attention they get at Newport Harbor High, and the high school students will get the Interaction they receive with the children for learning about child development. It is definitely not "In the best lnteresr of the students,• both high school students and preschoolers, to close the program. I really hope you will print the ' correct facts about this issue. The informatlon the district has given you is not correct. Your edj1orial also stated that the "closure will not affect the high school c,tudents· hands-on learning experience since they will be sent to other preschools In Newport-Mesa to work with chUdren." With the opporrunities provided by the district. and unless transportation Is provided by the district, the students will have an experience with children approximately once every 3~ weeks. FILE PHOTO /OAILV PILOT Marcy Cano. right. high-fives a youngster at the now-dosed Newport Harbor High preschool center after an assignment. WANDA SHELTON Newporr Harbor High School Preschool adminjstrator both the state funded and the Newport Harbor private preschool teacher positions. The preschool does not have the same requirements as the state-funded program. If you c.heck other private preschools in our area, you will find none that require Oilldren's Center Permits. and there are many that have quality programs. You do not need a teacher with a children's center permit to have a "properly cred.entlaJed, quaJity part-time" program. 1he same thmg. rhe editorial stated that the district has hecn .. footing I.he bill for years. n This is not correct. For 2.4 years, I have been charging the parents what the dbtrict says it will cost because they have the figures for benefits. etc. For 20 years. I had a surplus of money at the end of the year. I was asked to spend about SJ.500 on equipment and supplies three years ago so I wouldn't have a surplus. At that time, Temple told me that we were ahead about $33 for the year 2001-02. I quickly figured out wiLh Temple that if I charged the parents Worse things in air outside of school than at school I'm surprised the sp okesperson from the South Coast Air Quality Management District didn't explafo 10 parents that asbestos removal in schools have a higher standard for clearance at the conclusion of the work than other jobs ("Asbestos removal finished at school." Nov. 30). S 100 more for each semester In 2003-04. I would have a surplus of $4,000 and could easily pay back the debt. Most of the preschool experiences set up by the rustrlcl are observe-only experiences, not working with the children. At the district's suggestion, I have been sending some of my period 3 Mudents to Harper Preschool every other Monday. They walk for 20 minutes each way to mostly watch the children eat lunch. Lorie Hoggard said the district had to require a teacher with a children's center permit because the job descriptions had to be the same for The editorial also stated that the district will "worlc with the parents of preschool children to find an alternatlve. • There are no alternatives available at a comparable price. The parents have called around and found When I went to the district to dii.cus!> the budget last May. I was infprmcd by Sylvanna Temple that I was going to be approximately $2,700 overdrawn for 2002-03. Thfa was a complete shock to me, since I charged the parents what I was told to charge. When I left school in June. I had 20 children enroUed and the deficit covered. A parent paid a late fee, whlcb reduced the deficit to $2, l 00. Later, last summer, the district decided we were overdrawn approximately $700 for the year 2000-01 . I found this rather interesting since Temple had already told me we were $33 ahead for 2001 -02. If I had lcnown. I would have rrused Since 1989, aJJ schools sh ould have had a program for controlling asbestos in place. If parents are really concerned about children's exposure to Lhings in the air, then I would advise them to never, ever wipe a wet sponge on their window screens. JACK PERKINS Costa Me$ DECEMBER 2003 "C~ of iN J.trts" 1700 Adams Ave • Ste. 101. Costa Mesa, CA 926~14) 885-9090 • lax {7 14} 885-9094....:._!iww.costamesachamber.com PLEASE MEET Rick Compton 3190 Pullman Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 71 4/979-41 00 voice 71 4/417-7554 cell MAG ELLAN 11 4f)79-41os fax STORAGE rcomptor@magellanstorage.com www.magellanstorage.com OCTOBER NEW MEMBERS Broadview Mortgage Corporation Gordon Currie I 71 7 S. State College Blvd., #2b5 Anaheim, CA 92806 714/939-0100 voice 71 4/939-0675 fa'< Bruce Gorlich 3401 Wimbledon Way Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/545-3896 voice • Unlverlltg of Redlandtf, School of Business Michelle Hannah 200 E Sandpointe, Ste 200 Santa Ana, CA 92707 71 4/549-2006 voice 714/549-2078 fax V-SG.11, Inc. DlgUal Media Storag~ Huy Do 13122 Benton Street, #9 Garden Grove, CA 92S..3 714/697-9 7 41 voice 714/537-9672 fax O CTO BER R E N E WALS JO gtal'lllll Plaza Cutlery 18 !Jf'anl/ Sparkletts Drinking Water 16 yeanll Cartier jewelers 1.'i years!/ Tiffany lit Company 13 ycarali Costume Connection I Z 11eanJJ Catta Mes.l Motor tnn II 11eanJI Balboa Instruments Cost.l ~ Flr~ghtm Assoc. 10 IJ~nnll Quinn Pools 9 1/f'M'tl South Co. t Tayota 8 gffnl bher Fallah1, CPA 7 gtNJnl Computer Masters ~J.B. Cot~. Attomey at Law Lallque Costa Mesa Corner Bakery C Maggtano's Herrington & Co .. Inc 4 years/ Rutan & Tucker, LLP Stiodard PK1fte of Onnge County Ferrart & MaS('f'atl of Orange County 3,eanl Baker Fa1rv1ew Self Storage 2 l/fl01'8/ Datamart Information Services I FIX M Automotive Alllance Royale Boys & Girls Club- Harbor ArN BREAKFAST. LUNCH ANO AFTER HOURS OCTOBER 90-MINUTE BREAKFAST BOOST Pictured Breakfas1 Sptoake1 Violet Woodhouse, Esq v1\1I' w11h emcee and sponsor George CotE. Attorney at Law at the Octobl•r 1 filh breakfast, Raffle Pr/le Donatmn' A Second look Orc1nge Counly Pertorrrnn~ Art~ Catalina Pa~~e~er St•rvtee George Cot~. Attornl'Y Ramada Ltd & S.u1tt'\ --... For information on donating a raffle prize. call Ambassador Sandy Kasler. Kasler Venture~ In<.., q49/631-0855. NETWORKERS LEAD LUNCHEON From left: New Networkers Gordon Currie of Broadview Mortgage and Ami Patel of Grant Optometric are welcomed to the group by President Mohamad Huh«nl, CPA at a recent luncheon meeting. RIBBON CUTTING The •after remod hng• Grand Reopening eel bration o( Washl"lton Mulu1l'1 branch at 1455 Baker Street. featured a Chamber Ribbon Cuttint Cert'mony. Shown above Me (l ·R) Ambassador Chair Rosanna Sumrall, mayor pro tern Chris Steel, Ambauador Eric Andenon (forearound), Washington Mutual staff Lou Arruda, ha~ Shipley (branch manager), Scott Klpen (regional manag r) with Kls~, .tnd Ambanaoor N~lton Murcia. Networkers l••d• lllncheon 11:45 a.m. ·Costa Mesa County Club 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa 12/24 & 12131 -DARJC Monday, Dec 1 Tuesday, December 2 Monday, December 8 Eduutlon Committt1 -DARK Legi1l1tive Committt1 -DARK Fin1nc1 Committt1, Noon Tuesday, December 9 Executive Committt1 7:30 a.m., Chamber Office December 9 Ambauedora Holiday Pot1uck Noon, Chamber Office Thursday, December 11 Board of Directors luncheon -DARK Thursday, December 18 90-MiAut• Breekfast Boost-DARK Wednesday, December 24 After Hours Bu1ln1u Mi••r -DARK We. at tile Chamber. know this is a busy time of y ear for everyone thus we have chosen to cancel most Chamber events and meetings in order to free up your schedules for more pressing concerns -such as family. friends and holiday cheer. L Happy Holidays AFT~R HOURS MIXER From left: Ambassador and emcee Mike Donohoe of Golden Touch • Entertainment, mixer hostess Marisa Neal of Santa Monica Seafood, Ambassador Tami Wendel, Golden Touch, and Ambassador Ivan Av~ of Office Depot From left: Ambassadors Albttta Mlrlsdotti of A. Mirisclottl Photography, Andrea Durrett of Western Financial Bank, Ambassadof Nelt0n Murda of Nelson & Associates and memt>.r Patty Muon of MaSon Insurance <Flor.ii arrangement donated by flowers by Mc:>ttl) Rt1ffle Prize Donations: Avila's El Ranchito, Gina's Pizza & Putarla, Habana Restaurant. Ma~ lnwr.t~e, O.C. Periormlnl' Arts, Caralina Passenger Setvlce, Santa Monica Seafood, 11'1 Flowe~ by Mofrl, Gift Baskeu by Rehka, Office Depot, .. ,, Transportation Corridor, French'• Cupcake ~•leery ,'.~ for Information on donating a raffle prize, pleate call Am~ Ivan Avendano, Office Ot'pot Business Se(tor, 714/"497·S214. 1i11 ( r 72 FRIDAY WlnW lhow. St. And/'IW'I ~n Church wfll host Semi.go Clnvon College'a mualc depenment't ennuat w1ni.r fMtivel oonoert. •14. Journey to Jov:' et 8 p.m. M IJOO St. Andmw Rold, Newport Bud\, Thtte wlll be 1 1()()..member chortle becked by• profnalonel orcne.tra~ Tldteta C09t $15 per pereon end S12 for Mnlort, atudenW end children younger then 12. For lnfonNtk>n, call (714) 828-4828. SATURDAY Hold9y patty. Celebme the holldlyw with en elegent evening from 7 to 11 p.m. It the Helecnilt Pavllloo, 3107 Klllybrook Lane. TMnl w111 be five rsw gourmet 1ppetlar1, delectable delNIU, llve mutlc, denclng ell night. e ro.rlng fl,., 1 cendlellght MUlng end I cuh bar. The COit 11 $55 to $80. For Information Ind reeetvetlOM. call (949) 850-0872. SUNDAY N1tM tot 1cint9. The Klng'a Singers. Engl1nd'1 premier llOCll enMmble, will perlorm tt 3 p.m. It the Irvine 81rcley Theatre, 4242 C:.mpu1 Drive, Irvine. The cost wlll be from $30 to $35 per per1on, ind full-time ltudenta P•Y half prlOI. For more Information, cell (714) 740-7878 or vlelt htrp:/lwww.thebarclay.org. HOURS Dally Pilot An art show featuring Thermoses will take place at the Camp on Saturday The ·art comes pouring out A Thermos by artist Jill Griffith. Lui• Pefta Daily Pilot The Camp will host a benefit art show featuring Orange County artists who have all designed special creations out of Thermoses. In addition to the Thermos displays, there will also be various works of art to look at on Saturday. The Idea behind event Is to show what local young artists and designers, some from the surf and skate fashion industry. are capable of, said Chris Bennet, the organizer of the event FYI What Thermos • Keeping It freth art show and auction Who: Local Orange County Artlau. Wh.,.: At the Camp, 2937 Bristol St .• Co1ta Mesa When: 7 p.m. to midnight Saturday. seen in fashion, the surf skate industry and that's going to show up in the show as well." Bennet said F.ach of the 1 O artists will be showing their latest works, paintings, drawings and of course, Thermoses. With the gallery being held at the Camp, old-fashioned Thermos bottles seemed like a natural selection to use as a medium. All the worlcs will be auctioned off. The proceeds from the auction will go to a local charity and another charity called Pioneers. which will help to better schools in Indonesia One of the participating artists Is Jill Griffith. an Orange County artist who is a member of the LA Art Assn. and works in mixed media. Her work features a lot of photography. She mixes the film wlth resins. copper and wood. This Thermos decorated by Aaron Kraten will be featured at an art show at the Camp. I ·~ ~ere'a definitely a flavor that Orange County has in that area [design! that can be 'When the theme of the show was announced and Thermos containers were sent to each of the artists, I immediately began the challenge of building a story around the plece," she saJd. NI wanted to share the struggle of coffee addiction and a break-up. I call It 'Dear Joe.'" She has copper wires coming out of the Thermos so that it appears as though coffee Is pourlng out of It. She also has a "Dear Joe" letter with It. Griffith became involved with the show because she Celt that it was an opportunity to work with local artists and contribute to charity. Luke Mysse is another local artist who decided to get Involved with the show. •• t I ' BEST BITES ~ Bayside does it the right way I • I fr GrHr Wylder iB cyalde Restaurant debuted four years ago wtth every ~t ror aucceu. It J hill apertel'lQed ownm. :~·~!~ • e to beat, across rtom • bay. ~In this rettaurant ~hubeen -.c:oncetved and euc:uted With IUperb attention to detail. 'ltiia la a wtnnlng restaurant ~pe. The Ghoubsslan family; ~of Bayside. allO da1m 8ittango. It opened In 1987 and f remaiN u one of lrvtne'• FYI WHAT: Bayside Reataurant HOURS: Open for lunch from 11 :30 a.m. to 15 p.m. Monday through Friday; Sunday brunch la from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Open for dinner from 6 p.m. dally WHEAi: 900 B1v1l<H Drive In Newport S..c:h ..c>RMATION: (949) 721-1222, http://www.bar-ld• rMtaur•nt.com 1U1TOUJ1dings. It bu Inventive dishes and atand.t out u on• of the few that abowa dancing and live entertainment. 1be BJstango ln BeYerly Hil1I WU the tamlly'a ftrat locadoo. It closed In 1990. California bW of fare. 1he dinner menu also offers venison loin medallions wtth a Washington Granny Smith apple, fnlab potato gnocchl and apfoed wtne reduction ($29.50). For lunch, there'a medallion of venison loin and fole cru with caramelized Granny Smith apple and aptced red wine reduction, potato puree ($18.75). Gltreln\ other llgnature dlahes include the pilkd mJet mlcnon aerved wlth Mad ... tcatl pepper uuce. potato trlo and ln·eeuon vegetable ($31,75): rlCk of lamb terwd on m.ubed potatoea and yoWll grftO beana with a pain mUIWd •uce ($29.25); and the.outmndfng wlJd mulNoom·crusted, • He felt inspired to go back to art because he hasn't done anything outside of his profession in the last five years. He brin~ 14 years of professional graphic design See ART, Pase A9 Friday, December 5. 2003 A7 THEATER .'Carol' opens holiday season By Tom Titus Daily Pilot My son Tim used to tell me he never really felt It was the Ouistmas season until he'd seen South Coast Repertory's annual production of NA Christmas Carol." He felt even more strongly about it after appearing ln the show 19 years ago at the age of 11 . Yes, It's that time of the year again, SCR's 24th annual visit to 18th-century London and Ebenezer Scrooge's transformation from "Bah. humbug" to NHappy holidays." The show opens tonight and plays through Dec. 27 on the Segerstrom Stage. Originally planned as a one-shot event in 1980, NA Quistrnas Carol," adapted by company member Jerry Patch from the Charles Dickens classic, was so popular that It was brought back in 1981 - and It wasn't long before SCR directors realized they had an annual hit on their hands. Aside from being a holiday tradition for local audiences, NA Oirlstmas Carol" is also a time of rejoicing for the SCR cast -many of whom have been performing their roles since the whole thing started. A handful of them have been with SCR from Day One, back In the summer of 1964, before the company moved to Newport Beach and adopted the name South Coast Repertory. The linchpin In director John-David KeUer's familiar cast. of course, Is Hal Landon Jr., who created the role of Scrooge and bas reprised it every year since. Founding artists Don Took. Art KoustUc and Richard Doyle all will be returning in the roles they've played for two dozen years. And the only distaff member of the founders, Martha McFarland, also returns to take on three vastly dissimilar (but by now very familiar) roles -a charity solicitor. Mrs. Fez.ziwig See HOLIDAY, Paa• A8 • top--rated nttautantl. The ~ farn.Oy hiw• ~tu. for prtme location&; BlatlnF ii in ID Offtce bul1d1n'9 ....... with blue ellt.ta and glue Paul Gstreln WU the on,lnal chef' at 8'9t&ngo. Now BlyWde can blla of th.la AulCri&n culinary muter. HJt lpedait* ... pm. dlthee. which It an unuaual and e.ddna twist on your avmp DmM'OMted Alubn hi1Jbut DON LC.ACH /OMV flt.OT ~ wtth l!°wo PUl'M and Kett Barber, who greets patrons at Bayside Restaurant. holds a bottle of the popular . .... IT,hpM~I Frttt'T\lrk~ 1997Cab ln therestaurant'sartgalefy~ . .. . ;. , Al Friday, ~ 5, 2003 ~~S~L~CIIlTO BANQUET ROOMS Av•ll•bl• for fl.tn ~ festive P ~rties ! Starting at $5.95 7 Days a Week 11-4 Includes soup, salad, appetizer & rice Starting at $7 .95 FREE DESSERT HONEY WALNUT SHRIMP $7 99 HIGH lN UWTY, WW JN PRICE, BIG JN POK!10N, GOOD IN SERVICE Health Conscious Menu Available. / . 'II,,,,,,\ II I I ' II/ I\ I""' I I/" (I/ I ll/,'/1//1'\ \/ .~·/''""'; ;,:,:i:·ll: 0 1 "•ol./1 (949)759-3388 Spa Gregorie's AND SA LON GREGORlf'S Ct .. 7 .. Y~ .... :/ ·, /.~ ~· .· ... ;f~ ~Happy .'Holidays Jrom Spa 9re9orics! Purcll•M any gift ce11ffic.te v1lued et S86 or more end receive 1 FREE Sp. Gregoria tnvel c.ndk. Or1"r by phone fn P4"fOll or on/int al WWW llJllfl'llflor11111 com Spa Gre,~orir's Htmrs Monday I lam 9pm, Tuesday Sunday 9am 9pm 200 Newport Center Onve Suite 100 Newport Beach, Callforn1a 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM (949) 644-6'672 r ~4da /1 1!/?(J('ejt/WJ1 o~ f/u, J~§~ You arc invited co joi n w in celebrating the holiday season ac The Showcase Gallery while meeting the local artiscs and enjoying the refrcshmencs. December 6, 2003 5 p.m. -7 p.m. Rc&ahmenu will be ae~d South Coast Plaza Village #B 15 385 J. S. Bear St, (Across from Blucwarcr Grill and nar to Room & Board) 714.540.6430 Holiday Exhibition November 12-Jammy -i I I A.M.-S P.M. Wed, Thun, Fri 11 A.M. • 6 P.M. S:nurday 11 AM 3 PM Sud ' w ...,., w o r CJ n q , · l o u 11 I y f 1 11 r · c1 1 I ., ,. o 11 • H APPEN I NGS REEL CRITICS ·'Missing' misses, 'Mansion' has no spirit Thtte ls a lot to admire and o Jot to dltJlke In Ron HowaJd's darteat film to date. In "The Missing,• he offers a classic Western tale of revenge against evildoers with many Oint P.a.stwood ovenones. ThP'quaUty acting, cinematography, editing and spooky music set the tone for a scruy cowboy thrlll ride. But this story ls so dreary and depressing. it is painful to watch It unfold to Its inevitable conclusion. lnnocent young women and JOHN DEPKO children are lcidnapped from homesteads on the Ariwna frontier by renegade Indians. The girls are taken to be sold as prostitutes in Mexico. cate Blanchett Is excellent as the tormented mother of one of the abducted gh1s. She is forced to tum to her long lost father, played by the craggy faced Tommy Lee Jones. He has lived many years with Indians and has first-rate Lracldng slcllls. She counts on him to help her track de>WIJ._the renegades holding her daughter. While Jones does his job well, at two hours and 15 minutes, this drawn-out, simple Western is way. way too long. Full of gn1esome cruelty and violence, II want' to be a mddem day "Shane" but ends up being a 19th-century horse-drawn version of "1axl Driver." A Oawed Yhero risks his life to save a captive girl. Excellent moviemaking sJcills are placed in the service of a brutal and vile set of drcumstanc~. It's aU very well done for what it is. but it's a relentless downer in every rcspec·t. See it if you crave a humorless experience at the movies. • JOHN DEPKO is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange County public defender's office 'Haunted Mansion' exorcised of plot, acting The antagonist behind the HOLIDAY Conbnued from A7 and a 'il reel scavenger. McFarland has appeared in 17 of the fir'il 23 ·o.riMmas Carol" stagings. having missed the first year when she was on a U.S. tour with James Mason in a play called "A Partridge in a Pear free.· McFarland wears, or has worn, many hats at South Coast Rep. She's also a director. having staged "Sly fox" and •The Foreigner" at the Laguna Playhouse, "Top Girls" at UC Irvine and the world premiere of "City" with the Circle X company in Los Angeles. She Is an instruc tor with SCR's Professional Conservatory and gives private lessons, and she's a popular voice-over artist, a published poet and the Southern California casting director with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. The latter talent, casting director, is one McFarland Pf rformed for 11 years at SCR'. On stage, Mcfarland has entertained SCR audiences in a number of productions, most recently appearing in •1Wo Gentlemen of Verona," •school for Wives· and ·Major Barbara.• She's probably best remembered for her loopy psychlautst In ·eeyond Therapy· and Pope Joan In NOW PLAYING COURTESY Of PARAMOUNT PICTURES Gerard Butler and Anne Friel, riding the lead horse, gallop away in "Timeline," an • action-adventure flick about time travel now playing in theaters. .,, murderous scandals thriving In an ancient, abandoned mansion is revealed as the Evers family unravels the truth about the death of a woman nam ed Elizabeth. Jim (Eddie Murphy) and Sara Evers (Marsha Thomason) SARA SALAM arc two successful real estate agents from New Orleans who are invited to the challenge of selling the "Haunted Mansion." which is owned by a man named Master Gracey. Ramsley, his orderly butler and trustworthy advisor, makes the call to their household with the intention of recruiting only Sara for this Job; she is identical to Elizabeth. Iler husband is the one who urges her to accept lhis·man's offer. As it happens, when Elizabeth and Masler Gracey "Top Girls." Joiotng the five founders are other actors who have become regulars in ·A Olrist mas Carol" over the years - Howard Shangraw, Devon Raymond, I lisa Takakuwa, Julia Coffey. Jonathan del Arco and Timothy Landfield. This year, Daniel BlinnJcoff. who has been featured in several SCR productions, joins the cast in the role of Bob Cratch it. Additionally, four young graduates of SCR's Professional Conservatory will make their debuts in this year'!> production .:_ Sean Dume, Dennis Garcia, John Stsk and Otristine Yael. Keller has directed the show since Its Inception, and three other backstage professionals also are tiling their 24th crack at it -costume designer Dwight Richard OdJe an d the lighting design team of Donna and Tom Ruzika. Performances of• A Quist mas Carol" wUJ be presented Tuesdays through Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at noon and 4 p.m. until Dec. 27. Tickets cost from $29 to $44 and may be ordered by calling the SCR box office at (7 14) 708-5555. ••• While SCR I staging Its annual •0tristmas Carol," Orange Coast College will also were young, they were in love. Then mysteriously, Elizabeth took her own life, and Master Gracey never got over his tragic loss. The Evers family. Including the children, is raught in the turmoil surrounding the past of the mansion, and they do their best to solve the mystery behind Elizabeth's death. There is one catch incorporated Into the mix of mystery: the mansion's inhabitants are all ghosts. Jim and his kids wander the mansion and unintentionally come across clues to Elizabeth's .death. It becomes apparent, wi th the help of an imprisoned spirit, that Elizabeth did not commit suicide. Discovering the true murderer will ultimately be an endeavor of high intensity. Jim encounters Madame Leota, a woman's head trapped wtthin a crystal ball; she becom~ an important asset in the uncovering of the mansion's murderer. As in the summer Disney release ·Pirates of the Caribbean." the special effects in this film convey the exact be presenting a Oiristmas production geared toward the entire family. Titled "An Old -Fashioned Melodrama and Ice Cream Social," the holiday production opens Saturday and plays Fri days through Sundays until Dec. 4 in OCC's Drama Lab Theater. Curtain is set for 7 p.m. Friday through Sunday nights, and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday afternoons. The show, under the direction of OCC theater arts professor Rick Golson, features an evening of music, vaudeville acts and the college's traditional holiday melodram a. Thi~ year's melodrama, written by OCC theater instructor and designer David Scaglione, i!> titled "The Lodge of the Slender Pine" and is geared for the entire family. Rudolph Nieman, a native of South Africa, will sing a South African Ouistmas carol. , Everyone in attendance will be treated to a free ice rream. There also will be a visit by Santa Qaus. so parents are advised to bring their cameras. Advance tickets are at $5. Tickets will be sold at the door for $8. For more Information, call (7 14) 432-5880. •TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Dally Pilot. Hit revlewa appear Fridaya. message that each specific plot exemplifies. But when it comes to dialogue, plot complexity and humor, UHaunted Mansion" does not meru.ure up to audience expectations after one has seen prior Disney work. ln any particular film , I personally love listening lo l>he actors speak. This time, I dreaded it. They weren't as passionate about their words as I would have expected, and even the words spoken didn't fit the tone expressed by the setting and special effects. Also, the plot wasn't as Intriguing as one may have thought; It co'nsisted only of, who killed Elizabeth and why? There were no other issues to make the story seem more interesting. Truth be told, this film is more directed toward a young audience, but even with 1his i.n mind, It wouJd have been the slightest bit more interesting to complicate things a bit. • SARA SALAM is a student at Corona del Mar High School. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, by fax to (949) 646--4170; or by calling (9491 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY Of HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offering a nine-part film hlstoty on Alfred Hitdl<:odt The series will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month The events will be held at OCC's Ane Arts Hall 116. Admission 1s S6 for adults and SS for semors and OCC students. For more information, call (714) 432·5880 RAW FOOD GOURMET HOLIDAY BAll Celebrate th9 holidays with an elegant evening from 7 to 11 p.m Saturday at the Halecrest Pavilion, 3107 Killybrook Lene. There will be five raw gourmet appetizers, delectable desserta, live music. danang alt night. roaring fire, candlelight seuing and a cash bar. The cost is $55 to SOO. Information and reservationa: (949) 650-0672. RING OF LIGHTS The Commodoree Club if the Newport Beacf1 Chamber of Commerce will host the Ring of Lights home deconltlng competition In Decembef'. Alf home, businea, and yecttt clubs lining the hart>or are Invited to participate. Decorations must be In place by Monday. Information (949) 729-4400. .A/.;"-~u/ !Ai'oLNll(HJv;• • GIA • BGL <MUfted Diamond.I • CUltomlled Ordm • lnpgema&. We4d1Dr Rinp • Repa1n Wb1le You Walt •t• lllfaoobinji - V• HAPPENINGS rnday. December 5, 2003 At THEATER Chilly 'Terra Nova' hottest SCR show of 2003 By Tom Titus new musical adaptation of "The Ballyhoo.· Also impressive we~ Daily Pilot Emperor's New Oolhes. • Geoffrey Rivas for "Anna in the 1111.s is tl1e firsr in a series of Of the major productions, one Th>plcs, • Tuny Ward for "'Iem in particular swod out Tud Nova• and Scott Soren for "1Wo columns reviewi11g tlte year 2003 Tally's "Terra Nova.• chronicling Gentlemen of Verona.• i11 loca{ theater. the ill·futed Engll.<dl expedition 'fbe same circumstance holds to the South Pole in 1910, was true in l:be best acness category. South Coast Repertory hands down the finest offering F.mily Bergi definitely delivered traveled to the ends of the earth, from SCR in 2003. Director them~tdynamlcperformanre and occasionally beyond, during Martin Benson's chilly drama in. "Proof," but Unda Gehringer 2003 as the company came proved to be the hottest show of proved outstanding in no fewer through its first full year with the year. th(lll four SCR appearances -in both of its main stages fully Runner-up honon. go to a "The Oupetbagger's Oilldren, • operational comedy by one of SCR's favorite ·Relatively Speaking.• "The Both the remodeled authors. Alan Ayclcbourn'i. intelligent Design of Jenny Segerstrom Stage and the newly "Relatively Speaking" hilariously Olow" and "The Last Night of constructed Julianne Argyros depicted a series of romantic Balllyhoo.· Stage offered some challenging snafus in the English Other actresses leaving and viscerally involving theater countryside. Directed by David indelible impressions at South during the year as the company Emmes, it was a pure delight Coast Rep this past year were approached its 40th birthday. fJ;om start to finish. Melody Butiu in "The intelligent That occasion will be next Mathematics can, indeed, be Design of Jenny Oiow''; Shane summer, since the seeds of whal inlriguing. as Michael Bloom's Wtlllams in "intlmate Apparel"; wouid become South Coast Rep production of David Auburn's Kandis Olappell in "The Last were sown in mid· 1964 in Long 2001 Pulitur Pri1..e and Tony Night of Ballyhoo,· and Jennifer Beach, burfor local audiences, Award-winning "Proof" Dundas in "Relatively Speaklng. • SCR was born In early 1965 demonstrated compellingly in · Next week. this column takes a when its tin.t theater was buill -the year's third-best production. look back at the seru.ons of the or rebuilt -in Newport Beach Roun&ng out the top five were Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse and and the young troupe officially Nllo Cruz's ·Anna in the the Newpon Theater Arts Center, became known as South Coast Tropics,• directed by Juliette this area's two community Repertory. Carrillo, and Alfred Uhry's "The theater groups. Collegiate Playgoen. were treated to nine Last Night of Ballyhoo." staged theater comes in for closer fully staged productions on by Warner Shook. inspection the week after that, these stages -as well as lhe For top individual honon., and this year-end series will currently playing 24th edition of Don Reilly certainly merited close with the unveiling of the ''A Ouistmas Carol" on the recognition for his outstandjng Daily Pilot's 30th annual man Scgerstrom Stage and the I 0th work in "Terra Nova," but for and woman of the year in annual rendition of"La Posada· conLinuously high-quality acting, theater. Magica" at the Argyros. SCR's the nod must go 10 Richard Youth Theater also staged the Doyle for hii. performances in •TOM TTT\JS reviews local theater world premiere of Laurie "Proof," "Helatively Speaking" for the Dally Pilot His reviews Woolery'!; "Orphan TraJn" and a and "The La!.t Night of appear Fridays. BEST interior takes advantage of can be sampled for $15 on the Newports temperate weather Lem1ce, and the selection Continued from A7 with an open-air aesign. It changes every .week. Seasonal features wrap-around window<; prix fixe dinners highlighting asparagus spears in a delicate and a large terrace for dinfog. major wineries take place Riesling sauce ($27.75). But wait -it's the Venetian throughout the year. Considering the competition designed "tower" bar and wine In the bar and lounge. Bayside on the menu. it comes as a cellar that rightfully steal the offers a Tapas Happy Hour from ciurprise that the best dish 1s show, even from the bay view. 5 to 7 p.m. daily. During happy considered 10 be the simple The tower is a bit of old-world hour, tapas are just $4.95. There roasted chicken breast. It's charm, with reaJ gondola oars are nine selections, including: served on willed spinach, lemon supporting the ceiUng's grilled lamb chop on potato i.auce and soft polenta Al canopies. Then there's a puree with mustard sauce; dinner, it's $19.50, and at lunch stunning circular bar and wine cai.1-iron-seared quail on ($15.75). If your ordering the cellar with bottles arranged in a scallion pancake; thinly sliced most popular dinner, why not contemporary gla.-.s and bresaola (air-dried beef) stay on track and go for the stainJess steel i.tructure. carpaccio with arugula salad and best-selling dessert; warm Upcoming improvements parmesan; and crab cake with chocolate souffi e cake with include fresh canopies, new roasted peppers and chipotle ha7.elnu1 ice cream and warm lighting and adding more aioli. hana.na bread pudding with privacy to the tower room. Easy listening, j37.z and lounge caramel sauce and banana Bayside is a popular choice for music plays daily, starting 1>orbet. wedding receptions and other between 6 and 6:30 p.m. At There are a daily menu private parties. Its private "tower Sunday brunch. there's a options, though always a new room" adjacl'nl to the wmc Bru.ilian and Latin duo. four-course prix fixe dinner. For cellar can seat up to 35 for I .unch prices: soups and $48, enjoy a compressed Maine lunch, dinner and cocktail salads from $5.95 lo $6.75; lob'iter salad with light wasabi parties; the terrace can seat up appeli7.ers from $9.7510 Sll.75, dressing. sUced cucumber and to 60; and for larger receplJons, mam course salads from $10.75 cru.c;hed avocado and grape the main dining room can scat to $13.95; main courses from t.omato. 'l11e next course is a up to 120. For parties larger than $12.75 to $18.75. cast-iron-seared diver sea 20, Bayside recommends one of Dinner prices: starters, soups scallop wrapped in -;moked ii'\ three or four course menus and i.alads from $7.75 lo SIS; bacon with baby artichokec;, ranging from $25 75 to $32.75 for main courses from $19.5010 roasted peppers, and white lunsh. and $34.75 to $49.75 for S.11.75. All desserts are $7.50 halsamic vinaigrette. usrn dinner. Bayside is open for lunch from prime Oat-iron steak and In addition to its excellent 11:30 am. to 5 p.m. Monday -.hiilake mushroom comes next wine selection -45 wines by through Friday; Sunday brunch and 1s served with a Yulcon gold the glass. and 500 ii. from 11 am. to :1 p.m. It's open potato and spring onion in a red bottles-Bayside boasts fair for dinner from 5 p.m. daily. wine reduction. And finally, prices. Its motto is 10 encourage The restaurant is at 900 delight in the wann chocolate guests to try wines, so it does not Bayside Drive in Newport Beach '>Ouffle cake with ha7.elnut Ice excessively increase prices. Call (949) n I· 1222 or visit cream. It is a delicious and (:0-owner Marc Ghoukassian l11tp:l/wwwbaysidRrestauran1.com elegant bargain, and you get to says that guests applaud their enjoy the bay view beside you! formuJa, comparing with • BEST BITES runs every Friday. While both Rayside and frustration same-bottle marlcups Greer Wylder can be reec:hed at Bistango Restaurants serve at other restaurants. Weekly greetwylderc@yshoo com; at 330 W c;imilar cuisme. the decorc; and wme tastings are Thursdays Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or ambiences differ. Bayslde's from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Five wines by fax at (949) 646-4170. ART I tc also does photography. iL combining it with pop art and I le feels that he can truly be Continued from A7 advertising art. creative in this particular show I lis The~s creation, becau8e he doesn't have to take experience lo the show. not to "Holiday Blend," will be a parody orders from clients the way that mention that he's been an artist on all of the special holiday he does at work.. all of his life. t lis brother Johnny blend coffees that establishments "I really like spending time Mysse's appearance at the c;how such as Starbucks produce. l.uke alone out at the beach ... things wa'I another reason why he Mysse will have various like that Inspire me," Luke Mysse decided to partlcipate. Ouistmas objects pouring out of said. 2003 ,. WorB!up [£)1/Jlt:r/ICN f?lttUtUf-<w fAoom16er 11 mu/ ~LUY«/~, 0l!CVltW IN ANN OENDROUS , ... ,11...ct• fu:(Ml)U1-llM Daily A Pilot STRE'f'C111\HL~: I.J~:ATill~R f>l J MI~ The pump you will NEVER take off! Comfort ·& Style $10 OFF EACH PAIR 4 COLORS IN SIZES 5-12 .(N, M, W, WW) Available exclusively at Foot Solutions. Meet the facto r y rep Satilrday, Dec. 6, lOam to 6pm. ·~ Refreshments served Foor'I· SOLUTl9NS 1835 Newport Blvd., Ste Al 07, Costa Mesa (near the UPS Store in the Costll Mesa CourtyaTds) (949) 734-2020 1r1a111ar 1111111111111111 llEI 31 TllS 11 lllW 1111r. .. ~ewport Hatbor Lutheran Church & Preschooi 798 Dover Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 548-3631 www.nhlcs.org • Two 50' Sled Runs • One 30' Children's Sled Run • Two Snow Play Areas • Santa Claus • Live Petting Manger • Train Rides • Chlldrens Craft Area • Christmas Caroling • Christmas Tree Decorating Food & R.freahments wlll be on S•lel · Fridav. December 12. 2003 4:00 PM -9:00 PM If the answer is "YESH to either of these questions ... consider Smith Barney. •We have contracts to do business with approximately 30 jnsurance companies. •We can review your annuity to ensure you are receiving a competitive return. Invest your time before investing your money. FOR FREE INFORMATION CAU: 660 Newport Center Drive. Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 717-5300 (800) 468-3352 THIS IS WHO WE AA!. THIS IS HOW WE £AAN IT.· SMITH~ QUOTE OF THE DAY .. They are very excited, yet quietly confident." Chm'le ...... UC lrvtne women's volle)'bal coach AlO Friday, Oecemb« 5, 2003 lpo'1a ~ ltlcMrd Dunn: (9491574-4223 • lpottl ,u: (9491650-0170 GIRLS SOCCER Eagles squeak . b·y sore Sailors Visiting Santa Margarita earns 1-0 victory in a game where both teams were short-handed. Brrc• Alderton DaHy Pilot • keypla~ Sophomores Jacquelyn Johnston and Katie Smokowsld teamed up for the game's only goal In the 56th minute to gfve visiting Santa Margarita a 1..0 nonleague victory over the Sallon (0-2). Johnston sent a cross that Smokowald got a foot on just enough as she was sliding and sent the ball off the rlghl post., then trickled lO the left side of the net for the goal VE OPENER • Daity.4'Pib •• ~Halt/IP ... ,., ~-.......... , Dec. 8 honorH DAVE GERANKO Daly Pilot MEN'S .BASKETBALL 'Eaters meet Tigers tonight FRESNO -The UC Irvine meria bulletbeD team opens the Save Mart Center at Fresno State UMmlty at 5:30 to- night. when the Anteaters (2-3) face Prtnoeton (3-0) In the opening pme of the McCaffrey Classic. The Anteater&, olf to tbeJr worst start since 1998-99, will be trying to snap a two-game los- ing steak agaimt the 1lgers. who have won their fttst three for the first time In seven sea- sons. NEWPORT BF.ACH -The resull might have repeated itself, bul New- port Harbor Hlgh girts soccer coach Brandie Hayungs saw a stqj toward lmprovemenl Thursday afternoon with a team already facing lnjuries to The Eagles outshot the Sailors, 13-1, but the Newport defense made It as difficult as p<mlble lO fire a shot Jun-• MARKC. DUSTIN/DALY Pl.OT ua Is led by 6-fool-ll senior ~v Zuzak (14.8 points per game), u well as 7-0 senior Adam Parada (10.4 points and 6.2 rebounds per pme) and sophomore point guard Jeff Gloger (10.0 ppg. 6.0 rpg and 4.4 a.Wsts per game). The Anteaters are coming off a 6.S-57 road Newport's Shannon Arnold, right, is a junior varsity calkJp who led the SM SAILORS, ,.,. All Sailors' ftont line Thursday against Santa Margarita in nonleague action. See 'EATERS, Paa• All WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL STEVE McCRNt< I DAILY Pl.OT UC Irvine women's volteyban coach Charlie Brande has guided the Anteaters to the NCAA tournament for the first time in 15 years. Headed for the big dance Confidence is high for UC Irvine as it opens NCM tournament action tonight against Missouri at UCLA. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot WESTWOOD -With a potent middle at- tack. sound paMing and effective hitting from the outside, the UC Irvine women's vol- leyball team has ri5en through the ranb and posted Its best season in the program's bis· tory. But ask ua Coach Cllatlle Brande the main reason for his Anleaters' matu- rauon and berth Into the NCAA tour- nament and he could sum it up in one word. Confidence. MWe're playing with a lot of confi- dence right now," Brande said. "'The (statistial show that we are perfonnlng well and they a.re aware of their abilities to.play at a high level" The Anteaten (23-9) plan to maintain their swagger as they face Missouri (19-10) in the 6rst JOWld of the NC.AA tournament today at 5:30 p.m. at u~ Pauley Pavilion. u a, making Its first NCAA tournament appear- ance sJnce 1988, has won eeven of It last eight matches, Including four in a row to close out BOYS BASKETBALL Lightning in search of playoff spotlight Sage Hill hopes to reach CIF , postseason for : the second • straight year. Patrick Laverty Daily Pik>t S.,e Hill School wOl attempt to ~ to the CIP Southern Section boyl bUbtbaU playo«t for the .econd conaecuttw )'911' bthJnd two retumlna ID·lng\Je perform· en. ICevtn Joyce and Matt Loper. ftcult." Sage Hill Coach Steve Keith uJd. •1 don't think we can do It person· nd wile, but we can do It program wile." Kdth. In h1s eecond tea· IOD, bu finally provided the program with eome ttabWty after the IJahtning went thro~ three coaChel In It.a ftl'lt three yara. Keith ls the flnt coach to ttiek around tor a aecond aeuon and h1i playen have now apent a )'Mt 1eai'nlng h1s syatem. the regular season. Brande's squad has also built momentum from achieving accolades of historic pro- portions. With 23 victories, the Anteaters set a school-record for wins ln a season. The 'F.aters also posted its highest finish in the Big West Conference. tying for second with a 12-6 record. Their marquee player, junior outsJde hitter Kelly Wing. be- came the school's career leader in kills with 1,600. 1Wo years ago, ua finished the season with a 4·23 record. Last year, the Anteaters were disappointed, to say the least. that their See Vou.EYBAU.. Paa• Al2 But what may decide the tJabt· ninp Cato It how W9U tb.y a.re able to make up (or the lolt of the padtiated MJchael Fitzhugh. who eUried AU ·CIP honora lut MMOn after •wrlclnl 22.3 p(?lntl per pme. \ "Th make up hit Iott la~ dAI· That continuity It only expected to belp Joyce and Loper. A 6-foot..c thood.ng guard, Joyce averqed 15.1potntt1aat aeuon u a junjor. Loper. a 6-2 J>()lot guant avenged 3.8 polnta. With their hetgbt, the gtw Keith two valuable weapona on the periineter, but they alto .,. the coech'• two taa.t,..,.... ST£W: McCIWI( I OM. Y Pt.OT Saa• Hil senior Kevn.Joyce, rilht, can• he8vy pmue on defense or score on offense for Colch SIM Keith. GIRLS SOCCER Variety rules for Mustangs Mesa begins season as the hunted in bid to repeat in CIF Division III. Bryce Alderton • the Golden West League title. the program's first en route to finishing 22- 1-3. Juniors Nilan.I Duarte and Jenny Sparb. aJong with sen- ior Stacy Krikorian, are Daily Pilot One needs to look no further to find generosity thJs holiday season than lo playen on the Costa Mesa High girls soccer team. The defending CIP Southern Section Division Ill co-champi· ons pride the~lves on helping out their temtlfnates, which is why Dan Johnston, entering hls 12th season as Mesa's head coach, calls them, "security blankets.• wwe can swilch positions on the Oy. very quJck.ly, which ls what helps our transition game,• Johnston said. "We have versatile players who are very active and make the off-ball runs you need to be open. They are always ln a position to help out.• Mesa returns 12 from last year's unJl -Including •Ix three-year varsity starters - that went undefeated to claim the squad's three captains. Sparks, ln her third varsHy season, finished second on the team with 27 goals last season and added 15 assists as a for- ward and center halfback. She earned first-team All-Golden West League and was a second- team CIF DivisJon m honoree. Sophomore Jasmin Day scored 24 goals to go with 15 as- sist& and also earned first-team all-league and second-team CIF Division m accolades playing aJongslde older sister, Sharon, who led the Mustan~ with 29 goals and 34 assists en route to eamlng Offensive Player of the Year laurels In the Golden West League and CIF Division m. Sharon Day was a forward on the CaJ Poly San Luis Obispo women's soccer team that set the school and Big West Confer- ence record for wins with 18. CaJ Poly qualified for the NCAA Di- vision I playoffs for the fourth time in school histoyY. SH MUSTANGS, Paa• A12 GIRLS TENNIS Two Newport Harbor doubles teams bow out Adams and Dunlap lose in three sets; Khoury, Olson also fall~ Rounddf 16. • The Newport tan- dem won four atral&ht games to earn a 5-4 lead in the third aet and needed to break 1e1ve to force a tie- breaker. "The Marlborough team wu too tough." Newport Coach F1etcher a.on Nkl. "I don't think I.Mama and Dun- lap) made two enora in that Brat aet. .. 1bek Newport ....-nmatet Diana Khoury and AJ. OliOn. whom Dunlap and Mama de· teated for the leque title. &o.t to the top-teeefed duo ot Cheyenne ind Katrtna A. vedM ot· Clmi>bell Hall, 8-1, &-2. In RoUnd ot i 16 action Thuricll!y. 1be four helped leed ..,. SIOort to a lharw of d>e..,... cblinpion.hiP With ~­bddie and to the eecond round ot the OP DtvWOn I ~ ( UTERS Conthlld from AJO YOUTH FOOTBALL Seahawks finish season undefeated Newport-Mesa Jr. Midget team de feats South County in Super Bowl game. The Jr. Midget Seahawks (12· 13-year-olds) football team became the first Newpon·Mesa squad to complete an undefeated season ( 11-0) by . defeating the South County Patriots, 19· l 6, in the Orange County Jr. All-American Super Bowl game Saturday at Rowland Heights High. The Seahawk!. used a long drive in the game's final minute 'to seal the victory. The Patriots took a 16-12 lead with one minute, 19 seconds 10 play. Newport responded with quanerback Matt Barkley hitting Matthew Gan:a on a 14·yard completion foUowed by a IS-yard pass caught by Robbie Boyer, who eluded three tacklers before being stopped at the 4-yard line. Barkley and Boyer tried 10 connect on the next play, but officials made a pa-.s interference call 10 give the Seahawks the ball at the 2. Jacob GUdart·Matheny then scored his third touchdown of the game behind strong blocking from PranJde Russo, Justin Elbown, KeYlo Morgenstern and tight end Max Stelgler. The Patriots took an 8-0 lead in the second quarter using a double· wing running game that posed matchup problems for the Seahawk.s. But Newpon moved the baU with Gana and fullbadc Erik Rask gaining yards on the ground Barkley completed a pass to Boyer over the middJe for a first down and GUdart·Matheny then broke free on a 55-yard TD run to cut the lead to 8-6 at halftime. The Seahawks took a 12·8 lead early in the fourth quarter berund the blocking of Russo. Elboum, Jamee Mc:JCennon, Corbin McNutt and Morgenstern, setting up a 3-yard ID run by Glldart·Matheny after a long scamper by Gar1~. Raslc. Brett Hanrahan, Patrkk Marln·Flnn, Garza. Gildart·Matheny, Carlo Valdes, Boyer, Austin Ra.lger, 'fyler Hannon, Johnny Heard, McNutt, Alex VolJa.lre, Scott Olene. Morgenstern and Travis Prtcken shut down the Patrior.s' runnmg game for 2Y. quarters. Team members include: Kevin Rmk. Hunter Alder, Stephen Oeverlan, Ryan Lawler, Joshua Olll, Taylor McSunaa. Ricky Townsend, Evan Uvadas, J.P. Gormly, Morgan BrombaJ, James Burger, Zach Peterson, Steigler, Erilc Rask. Hanrahan, Valdes, Barkley. Boyer, McNutt, Raiger, Marin-Finn, Hannon, Heard, VoUalre, Olene. Prick.en, Gana. Gildan-Matheny, FJbourn, McKennon. Morgenstern and Russo. YOUTH SOCCER ·One goal enough for Sharks in boys under-14 title game Cameron Otue scored the lone goal off a free Icicle from Calvin Jhunjhnuwala and the Newpon Sharks defeated Costa Mesa, l ·0, in the boys under· I 4 championship game recemly in' AYSO Region 97 action. Newport supplied many offensive threats by Tuylor Davis, Andrew Kahan, Taytor Allee, Ben Swift and Peter NSU)Tn. The defense of Rex Nelson. .Jhunjhnuwala,Kaban.Brandon Rowley, Spencer Barratto, Tobin Olson and Stewn Stoneman kept Costa Mesa scoreless. Cory Hanley sat out with a broken wrist and Rob Joslin had the Ou. I I: In girls under· JO action: •Purple Panther\ 4, Breaker.. The Panthers scored four unanswered goals after halftime -three in two overtime periods -to claim the championship Nov. 25. Panthers' forward Balley Mcl>anlel tapped the ball into the net with 30 seconds remaining to tie the score at I. forcin g overtime. But sh e was not done Neither team scored in the first or period. forcing a shootout. The Panthers' SophJa Evant and Leah Halper each scored goals to give the Panthers the edge in the shootout. The stage was set for McDaniel, who blasted a shot into the upper left portion of the net, sealing the victory for the Panthers de.,pite strong play from Breakers' goallceeper Ouistina Young Young had blocked McDaniel\ previous shot in the shootout. but an official nagged the goalkeeper for moving before the shot. allowing McDaniel another attempt. Panthers' goalkeeper Merry Schnelder also made a strong stop on a sharply-hit ball. Striker Meaghan Kay gave the Breakers a I ·O lead m the firsr half. Alyson Delbrook and Robin Young each fired shots for t11e Breakers in the shootout. The Panthers won five playoff games, including four m four da)I'. McDaniel, Fvans and SamJ DePeo provided consistent scoring throughout the season while Harper and Schneider '!hared goaltending dutie'>. Allaon Pala.fem and Hannah Walker controlled the midfield with Logan W&rwlck, AIJylOn Hall and Katherlne Deal llmlUng the opposltlon's shots. The Breakers 02·3) were the only team to have five players qualify for all·stars. The list includes Kay, Robin and Christina You ng, Alllon Haya and Delbrook. Both the Panthers and Breakers will represent Region 97 in AYSO area play. S P O R TS Fnday, Oectmbfr 5. 7003 A.11 BRIEFLY Lack of subs can't stop-Sage Hill The Sage Hill School boys soc- cer team played with no subsd· tutes for the majority of the game, and cwlce had to com pete with 10 players. yet still won Its season- opener. 3·0, over nonleague host Calvary Olapel of Downey fhurs- day. The Ughttling have 16 players on its varsity team, but because of injwies and illness, Sage I lill was down to 12 players entering Thwsday's game. Freshman Jona· than Gordon suffered an mJury early on, and twice Sage ~lill was assessed a yellow card and played a man down. Sophomore Z.ack Milder, fresh· man 'fyier Elm and sophomore Ouis Neale scored goals. while as- sists came from Neale. senior Jor· dan Salinger and freshman Con· rad Whitaker. Senior goalie c:esar Arriaga defended weU, ac; did freshman Alex f.delstein, Sage Hill assistant coach Doug West !>aid. Mustangs win again •SOCCER: Costa Me!>a de· feated Universlry. 3-1. in a non· league girls victory Thursday at Costa Mesa. Costa Mei.a and Uni played in the Pacific Coast League m SAILORS Continued from AlO 200 l ·02, but the Mu:. tangs moved to the Golden West League last year. Freshman Cin· dy Mendoza scored an unas· sisted goal less Lhan two min- utes 1n for Mei..: (2·0), but the Trojans 10·21 answered right back two minutes later. About two minutes after Uni's goal, senior Vera Gak sent a shot in the net from JuJre Nomura's cor- ner kick to give the Mustangs a 2· l lead. In the 70th minute, junior Jenny Sparks put in the insurance goal on an assist from sophomore Jasmin Day. Junior goalkeeper Kindra Bailey had five \aves for Mesa. Abdul scores in debut •SOCCER; Freshman Nazmy Abdul, playing in her first var- sity game, scored in the SOth minute to lead the Estancia girh. team to a I ·O nonJeague victory over visiting Bolsa Grande Olursday. Junior Elise Carroll assisted for Abdul, who began rhe sea- son on the junior varsiry team. Jumor goalkt>eper Marcie Kirchberg recorded one save for the fagles (1-1). who outshot the Matadors, Hi-:.!. ior goalkeeper Knra DeMille ma<le wvl'll ..aves and received <lefen<;ive and midfield 'upport from sophomore Stephanie Lambrall'> along wuh iumors Reese Simmons and Tayler Giaco- maro, a first-team All·Sea View League returner. "I wanted to see improvemeni !Thursday! and I think the result speak.<. for itself," !>aid l layungs, in her first year as head coach. Newport lost to l·d1 ... on. 4-0, J\Jesday, but made 1t difficult for Santa Marganta, winners of five CIF titles m the pa.st seven year ... "I'm waiting for ui. to get healt11y," ltayung::. said. CdM ties I:Mna Hills •SOCCER: A strong second· h alf surge highlighted by sophomore KeUy Morgan's goal gave the visiting Corona del Mar girls a I · l nonleague tie againbl Dana Hilb Thursday. Morgan wen t around the Dana Hills goalkeeper, who had deflected a prior shot, and sneaked the ball into the net for the tymg goal in the 44th min· ute Dana Hilb' < •u1dice Raker :.cored almost the \amc way 111 the 23rd minute when sht' kicked the ball out ol CdM goal keeper Katie Slhtt·.,,er's hands. Schiesser madt.-four 'aves. Defender I lannaJ1 Rollin' filled in valiantl} lor Courtney Carnahan, whu lt•ft the game with a spraincd ankJe, CdM Coach Bryan M1ddlc1on sai<l F.stancia sol id in opener •WRESTLING: I he E...ianna lllgh wrestling tc<1m M'nt 2-I in a four-way meet ar Savanna on Wt>dnesday, when the legle'> opened their "car;on on a high now. L'>rancid defeatt·d Orange. 4H· 22. and Univer'>lly. 43-22, but The Sailors were wuhout two ~tarter'> against the Eagles Cl ·0). Junior defender rnn llardy. a second-team aU-Jeague selection a year ago. ~t out wllh a <>prained ankle whtle sophomore Amy Klippen might miss the entire season after breaking her shin in a soccer tournament last weekend. l layungs said Khppen wao; released from the hoi;piLal Tuesday, but was un!>ure If the injury would require surgery. Junior forward Jenny Taylor, a memher of the Newport Harbor field hockey team. along with Simm ons, that claimed the Los Angeles Field Hockey Association Tournament of Olampions title lru.t month. played just haJf the game agaimt Santa Margarita as she eases into soccer after breaking both ankles the past year-and-a· half. faylor was aJso battling a chest cold. MARKC DUSTIN/OAILYPILOT Newport's Jenelle Arnold (4) and Santa Margarita's Robrn Reames (22) tangle, while Harbor's Tayler G1acomaro trarls on the play The Eagles were also 'lhon-handed with three of their top players -Kiara Bosio, Amy Rodri· gue1 and goallceeper Kori Lu -competing in a high '>chool o;howcase game at this weekend's NCAA DiV1'i1on I women'<, '>Occer champ1on~hip i 11 Cary. N C.. "We dodged a few bullet,, .. Santa Margarita Coach Omck Morales said "Six of Newport's player:. could play anywhere. TI1e challenge was getting (Shannon Amoldl under control. e'\pe· cially the la'>t I 0 minutec; of the first half" Arnold. d iumor varsity call-up, along Wlth senior Barbara Julian, led Newpon·~ from-line attack. Both put pre~ure on Santa Margarita goalkeeper late in t11e firsl half. Arnold drew a comer and Julian fired a shot from 20 yards on a p~ from sophomore Heath er Stevenson with less than a mmute lef1 m the first half. but~ta Margarita goalkeeper Nicole l..oldetz knocked the ball down with two hand., for her one save. Newport dealt a final flurry in tht> final two minute'>, getting a.:;teal at midfield from senior Jenelle Arnold along with senior I layley Miller lnockmg the ball away from an opponent. Lambrakt!\ also rrncked ball\ along thl· .,,dehnes, but the Sailor:. rnuJdn't get that one opening for u dean &hot on goal. "!Arnold) has ... tnmgth and c;peed," l layung1> said "I war; trying ro get the player'> to be more> vocal, \hO\\ c;ome g111dance and run to support eaLh other. We need more people like Stephanie 1 .. 1mbrakis 10 take m1t1ative and w.mr the ball." Newport return' to action aga11N host El Tlfw 1'\Jc.,day YOUTH SOCCER lost to ho::.t Savanna Lstanl'lu and Savanna tied, 38-38, bu1 the Rebels won bet.:aU!>l' rht>y recorded more pin!>. Against Univer::.ity, llly'.>W'> Cardena (I I 9 pound diV1s1on I Alfonso Pedroza 11251 dlld l'Jt rick Conlan ( IJOJ won by pin for the Eagle:., while Danny Al derete (112). Martin Diaz (135l. Gabriel Thaler (145). Adam Ru driguez (152). Mart Zich (1601 and Landon Puhn.1 (2 151 al'>o recorded v1ctorie~. OCC tops Napa Valley • BASKETBALL: The Orange Coast College women'5 ba.,kct· ball team scored 44 second hair poinb to pull t1way and defeal Napa Valley, 65-51, in the fir.,t round or the Cue~ta tourna, ment Thursday. Sophornorl' Ali!.a Carrillo kd the Pirate-. 14 ll wnh 15 point'>. while frei,hman Hhonda N.111 and '>Ophomort• Amy ~h.m added 11 po11lls e.1d1. Sh.iw hit three thret' pointers. I .ou~t trailed, 23-LI .1t halftime OCC will lill t' < en1rall.1 ol Washington to<l.1v .1t h p rn 111 the tourne) \ wm1fina1., I hl' ft nal will be \atunl.1) GIRLS BASKETBALL ~ CdM falls to Katella !'laying w1thll11t !'i·loot-ll 'l'll 1or Lauren 'indl, \\.ho "'.J' .it tend mg tht• 'ullL') ball banqUl'l. Corona dl'l Mar lligh\ i.:1rh ha~ketball tl·am wac, uutnM1111t•d against Katell.i .u1d droppl•d ;a 42·34 nonle.1h'\1c Killlll' at hontt• fhursday. The Sea Kmg' (0 .!.I IOI>~ I .!. I· lB lead into hallt11m·. but 111a11 aged juc;t I.I pmnt'> 111 tht· ...i•to11d half, includ1n~ thrt•1· 111 tlw th11d quarter. "We jl.L't l'allll' out a htllt.• l\;it from haJfwne," CdM Cwd1 hill Harlc.alcm ..aid · !'hat really hun lL...._ .. The Sea Kmg'> aho hull 1lw111 !.elves by i.hooting ju-.1 5 of 1 !'1 from the free-throw lme and committing a high numbl'I of 1urnover1>. A lor of that Barl.dlo\.\ a11nbuted to the team\ youth I he Sea Kmgs have five <;opho more~ who play prominent roh:,. Senior Sarah Stem led ( "dM ' with 10 po1111-., while '>ophornort• /\lli-,on I ong had thrt•e point" and t•ighr rt•ho11nth Nonleaeue K11toll11 42. CdM 34 Score by Quarters CdM \} J I ;.i Karella 11 1 • CdM -Benbow 1 Wayte O l\A.."~s :.I Stern 10. Wadhwa 0 Sctrnltt 1 lony 3, Heesctton 6 K .. wata i SkJll.t 2 3 pt. goals Murk~ 1 $11•11' 3 Heesctten 1 Fouled out Skallo Technicals Noni• CdM boys under-1 1 team finishes third in Harvest Cup tourney Corona del Mar's !>elect boy. under-11 AYSO Region 57 soccer team placed third in the 440-team Nike Harvest Cup tournament held Friday through Monday at ~hes throughout lrvine. CdM defeated West Covina. 3·0, in IL~ first game with Brennan Andenon scoring two goals to go with one by ~nt l.awlon. ' Anderson rebounded a K}eU Wolbr shot and sent the ball past the goaltender for his first goal. Jack Gorab assisted on Anderson's second goal. Bftnt Gray passed to Lawson. who outran a Covina defen'>eman and faked the goallceeper to tally tht;.iinal goal. CdM poi.led its I I In shutout of the i,eason with a defense led by Nick Curd, Gray and goaJkeeper Clarlt f.ashJon. CdM then defeated Dtamond Bar, 1 0. with Mason Cue, Lawson and Taytor Rosa each ~coring goals. Case scored off a Blake lllOm.wn assist \.vlth l.aw<.on tallying his goal on a rt'bound from a shot by Ros.s. A comer kick from Case allowed Ross to use his lefl foot to boot the ball past the goaJkeeper for the third ,,al Grant ~n and WlD Morrow led the defensive effon 1n front of Cashion l'hc Irvine Strikers knocked CdM out of the tournament with a I I V1Ctory in the o;emifinals. I.aw.on scored his third goal of rhe tournament when he took a Mike PaweU pass 10 knock it in from 10 yards. Hector Marino paced numerous CdM attacks while Grny, Curci, Morrow and Cashion helped stop numerous offensive onslaughts. In Region 120 girls under-I 2 play: • Co'>ta Mei.a Blaze 4, CdM 0 Shay Goldbtt& Justine Cathey, Jeana de Arakal .111d AllY90n Wallace all lournl 1111 back of the net for tl1e Blatl' (7·2· J) in the regular '>t'a ... con finale. Kendra Plsher prm 1dnl ass is ls. CdM (4-4 21 wa" l ert 111 11 ... side of the field mo.,t of tht' .:,um by solid defen<.e from Misha Brown, Hrln Rodman, Megan Hendenon , Karen VlllaJbo. Jenny Johnston. Natalle Seckel and Amanda Wataon. Goalkeepers Sh ona Lamb .rn<l Amy Ramire'L led the RIID".<.'' league-leading defen,e. wht< h allowed six goah in W gan11·' Blaze will begln Area Q playoffs Dec U • . ' ¢ 4 SPO R TS IGHTNING ·1rs good news, bad news." acdth wd. ·1 have a 6-2 point Ward and a S... shooting guard f n the Academy League but the ,.est or the lineup doesn't follow .• The Ughtnlng ftnished third in the Academy League last aea- 60n with a 10-13 record overall and a 5·5 league finisb. They reached the playoffs for the first time and advanced to the sec· ond round. TitE UGHTNING Ht. Yr. M Jr. &-0 So. 6-2 Jt. .... Sr. 5-11 Jr. "° Sr. 5-10 Jr.· .. , Jt. 8-0 Jr. would be dlftlcuh to replace,• IC.eith aa.ld. ·eut the fact that we have depth at other positions Is really reuaurtng. • WJth a motion offense, all five players on the Door will run through the post positions. But while Joyce has strong post mows, he la really a perimeter player that can Oourish behind the three-point line. He made 48 three-pointers last season and hit three on his way to a game- high 19 points in Sage Hill's sea· son-opening, 50-45 win over Orangewood Academy. To once again achieve those fealB they will need a Vllriety of players .10 step up from a group of seven that all stand between 5 ·9 and 6·1. beginning with 6-0 sophomore Tim LeOer, who pJayed ln 16 games last season as a fresh· man. But the Ughtn.lng must have balanced scoring so that de· fenses can't load up against Joyce, a standout voUeyball player. Loper, ln addJtion to his point guard duties, will likely be cons.ldered the second option and scored 15 points ln the opener. Another returner, 6-0 senior n m WllJdns, was a pan-time starter la.at season. 1 "We're going to suffer from all the problems that all small teams have, reboundJng. in· 'enor defense ... ; Krlth said. Sage Hill hopes to make up for It with a bit of athleticism. From there, the Ughtn.lng have a collection of inter· changeable parts. "If we lost Kevin or Matt they "We think we can battle for a playoff spot,• Keith said. "We think that's realistic.· Season tickets for the whole family are on sale· now for jl:JS $50111 G o od for two adults an two children( plus two free memberships in the Junior Anteater Club. A $120 Value! To buy Family Pass Season Tickets,, please·call (949) 824-6202. legal Notices 2640 legal Notlca 2MO legal Natlca 2MO Ltgal Notices -------The Cost• ~ Zon1n1 Adm1nl\t11lo1 will render ;a de"llon on Tltur14ey, Oecemller 11, 200J 01 ·O soon u poulble lh~reafter on the IOI ·1ow1n1 items I Minot Ott11n Review ll\·03·37 fol Dan P1n1r, aulhor!Ud 111nl fnr Susan Cum1anl to CO'l\lf ucl • I ,l4!'> •q II \lcond·slory addition lo a 1ln1le·farnlly 1t1ldenLa with • mlnot mod1hc1 lton lo 'ncroach lflto tront ntb1ck (20 11qulrad, 19 pr09oselt) E'•nd an edmlntslr ttlvt djustment for 1 rt duud bulldln1 wp11 • 111on (6 11qutred. 4 pt090sed). located al J l4e Barb1do\ Piece In 1n RI ront fnvlfon m1nt•I dele11t11n1t1on 01"'1!t 2 Monot 0.11111 Revltw lA OJ 79 and On•loO 'm~nt Revltw OR Ol lo lor Jn....,i. c.fallt IOt cof\Jtr11Ctlon of 1 two 1tory, l !150 sq ft. lrestdence, and to con• '~•rt 111 ulttln1 one loty, 945 •q ft unit to a 1un11y 111111 located al 2483 S1nt1 Ana Avenue In an RI rona Envifonmtnl1I dtllfml nallOn uempt l M•llOf O..tcn ltevl4ow 1ZA OJ U lot Jtt1411 Ctl•li8, 1uthoflrtd a111nt for 101 C1f1tl1, to construct • lwo slOf'f. l .l!iO tQ " 1ln11t f1mll1 "'"''"" on • wttanl lot, loutld 11 ~44 lanlo Thomas Ill an ro111 [nvlronment1f ltfmin1hon na"IPt 4 Monot Dtalp Rttltw IZA O~ 90 for hff Cll•rnf•J'. 1uthorlud epnt f« ,.,,. Cafalll, to Oll'lflltl I 4.291 SQ ft wo tl(lt), 11n&1e•f1mlly ldtnc1 lo •ttd 11 ' 2214 Elcltn Avenue 1n In R2 MO zone Envi1on mental deter min•llon Otmpl 5 lon1n1 Appllcetlon ZA 03 94 lot Andflw K H11 llell. fOf 1 minor dulan 11v11w end minor coridltlonal use permit to contlruct an office with 1 lun b1th1oom above a new ''"I'· located 1t 440 t 19th Strati In en RI zont. 6 ~lnor Condltlon1f Use Permit ZA 03-102 tor Kevin Campbtll, 1uthor Ired 11enl for Camuoa, LLC. for outdoor stor11• ol planta with lnclckntal 111111 sties to the main wholtule bu•lntu, loG•l•d •t 711 w 16th Street In •n RI rone Envltonrntnltl dttermt nation nempt Publhhed N1wpo1 t Buch Costa Mnt 0111~ Pilot OtttMber 5, 2003 f937 IOTKI Of YACAD ....... .. .. ., . .,., '= tti.t tt.. City A tf *-City eJ ...... , .. , ···~· win <-14 ...... _ .. ,tfl •f o utlllty "-'· Tiit ffcttS-r. .. ••t wlll ... ct" .. ,,,. ,.__ ...... <-"· terolt Street e1ul .. ...._. <• ... ,,_ •* .. ,., .. """''· Hlf'iwey1 .... leryk e 1 ... ..,,.,,. VocetlH law. ,... wtllity _ ... "'"'' '"'°"' .• .. ~ k ............ ....... TIIOH Cert.In H~I mentt for utllltr put poau, 4.00 lttl In wldtfl. OYllt a ponlon of l"arrtf I ol t11et etrf1111 lot Lint Ac1111tt111t11t ,.. Nftlltt-Z, In th1 Otty ti Newport U1ecb C:QMnty ( ol 011n1• Si.ti of C1htornl1, racorded M•y 10, 1995, as Instrument No 9!>·0201207. ofhclal record~ of Hid County Seid nMtmenl " d• sc11bed u follows TI1e southerly 4 00 feet of Hid P1tcel I u uplift& therefrom th• soulhltly 4 00 ffft of lht westerly 114 00 fut of 111d Parcel I NOTICI IS •U1tTHH OIVIM HIAllY thet ttie City C-tl tf the City •f lttwper1 ._.._ htt ... ,_ • ....,, ,_tf"Y 1 I , 2004 et tftt htvr tf 7.00 , ..... .... ...... _., .... c-u ~'" •• th• ,lee• fw tflt ~l"I ef ell P-• lftferttt ... lft/ tr ·~ectl... •• .... ,,.....941 ftC1111911, .... •tl4 City c-11 tf ttie ·-· ,,_ -4 ..i.e. wlll hHr "• 1vf4't11Ct effwt4 !.y -Y ,..._ llttwt•t" '" the ,nA ,..'41 ................ tefwe4t1u lftt4. /t/LeVttMttM. Mert&Jt.1 (tty .. "-i-1 ._. Publlahed Newpo1t 8ueh·Co•l• M111 Oetl; Ptlol December S, 12, 200.) F931 TO All INT£RESTEO PERSONS I Pelolion•r Ramun Moh•mm1d Vaktlt ftltd 1 P•ltt1on wolll lh., court lot 1 dnrn ch1n11n1 name• '' follows Rameen Mohamm1d Val\lh ch1n111d to Ch•d Lowell V1k1h 2 TH£ COUR I DflOERS lllat all perwns inter Hied 1n lhl' m1tter shill appear before lh11 Lour t •I the h11rln1 lnclkaled below lo show c1u11 11 eny, wlly the pelllron for china• of name •hould not bl l"nted NOTIC OF HEARING Datt 12 JO 03 lime 2 00 pm Dtpt. L7J The 1dclftn of lht court la same 11 noted 1bov1 J A C:Clc>Y of tt11s Dfdlr lo Show C111M Shall bt publlshed 1t ltut once t1ch wul\ for lour •ucttulve wHtls prior to Ill• dtlt set for h1ar1n1 on the petition 1n the fotlow1n1 news P•Plf of 1•n111I tlrCU· l1Uon, pr In led In thla county Newport Btach/ Coat~ .._.,. 0.111 Piiot o.t.1 OCT 1', 1001 MAIJOAll UllO CAITll, JUOOI Of Titl IU,R•COUIT Publhhtd Newport 9tech Cotti Mtit.. Otlfy 1"1lot Hov1n1btf 14. 21, 211 , DHemb11 5. 2003 F907 AA. .... ...s..... The f0Howln1 1111•0111 .,, dotnJ bu•lntst ., Hetbof I• tlld Wint M11l1t, 2130 H1rbor 81v'b Coate Mnt, CA 111'11J lua lttdl Tt\llm.tn, 1010 W MtcArthur llfwd , 179. Sant. Ma. ~A¥270Z Thll bu11nus " Lon ducted by an individual Have you 1larted dnln& buslnns yet? Yts 10 01 03 lsu R1d1 Tnhm1n Thot statemenl was filed with lhe County Clerk of Oranre County on 11/10.'03 200JH'4702 Dally Pilot Nov 14 21. 28, DK 6. 2003 f 910 IOOO OUPftJCATIOll fOI CIWl&l I OWIBSll' OfAlCOHOUC IMIA&l IKDISI l~~~e.. cern The N1m1(sl of the Appllcent(s) ij, 111 Am111c1n Coli Corpora llon The epphcanb ll1t1d above 1r1 1pplyln1 to the D1p1rtm1nt of Alcoholic 81V11 •1• Control to Hll akollolH: btv1111u at I Sand bllfl W1y Irvine CA m12 Type of llcanu(t) applied IOf 47 On Sala G1n111I for bone fide publk 11tlnc place Pullllahtd Newport 8uch Cost. Mest Daily Pilot 0.Cemti.r 5, 2003 CNS-611914 rg32 .......... ... s...... The folloWlftl !*tons 111 dotnt bualntu as· lsll114 ltomtnct Honty• moons 11212 llCKhway Or , l"lacent11 CA tn70 Kymbt1IH Jo'f floy, 16212 ltotkaw11 Or., l"IK1nt11 CA 02870 Thi. ,,,.._ i. ton· cl\ICtH b'f. an h11iv1C1u.t H.•• yo.i tl.trt.cl doltlt bu lnuutlt Ht I VOLLEYBALL Continued from AlO 19· 1 l mark was not cnougil to gain an NC.AA tournament berth. In 2003, they claim they are not aatlsfied with merely making it to the 64-team NC.AA tourney. "They 81'1 very excited, yet quJ· etly confldem. • said Brande, who Is ln his fourth season at the helm. "They are very detehnlned to perform at the bJghest level they can. Whoever can play the sharpest will play Saturday night. Today's winner will face the victor of the UCl.A -Uruveraity of San Diego match. ln its attempt to advance to the second round, UCI will depend on Wing, and mo t assuredly on flmior setter Ashlie Hain. With balance from the outside and the middle, Hain Is usually the one who directs which area of attack will be the most effective. She L'l sixth in na· tlon in assists average, 13.74 per game. She was first in the 8lg West and earned first-team all· conference honors, along with MUSTANGS Continued from Al 0 "There is no way 10 replace Sharon because she covered a lot of ground and was a security blanket ou t there, -Johnston said. "But we have kids that are fulfilling that role. Nilan.I Duarte and Sparks have been very ac· live and Jazzy Uasmin Dayl is a great scorer, bur so is Vera [Gale).~ Duane, a first-team all-league and All-CIF selection last year when she scored eight goals to go with JO assists, plays both stopper and center haUback:. Johnston plans to use her more on defense in the early going to make up for the loss of senior stopper Valerie Gomez, a sec· ond·team all-league honoree, who broke her ankle when she was slide-tackled by a Rosary player in Mesa's 2·0 nonleague season-opening win on Tuesday. ~That hurts, [Gomez) was a big part of our defense," Johns· ton said. Senior Kara Jenkins, a second· team all-league selection last year, will lead at sweeper with help on defense coming from junior Sara Bryant and Krlkor· Ian. Junior goalkeeper Kindra Balley returns for her second varsity season on the heels of making 63 saves last year. Senior fullback JuJle Nomura returns after missing last season with a sprained arch and shouJd provide speed and strong kicks on defense. Junior wingback Laura Dinsdale returns for her second varsity season and pro- vides quickness and agility and also is a strong tackler, Johnston TODAY B..utball College men -UC Irvine vs. Princeton at Fresno State tournament, 5:30 p.m. Community college men - Oxnard at Orange Coast, 6 p.m. Community college women - Orange Coast at Cuesta tournament. High adlool boys -Corona del Mar at Newport Harbor, 7 p.m.; 2640 legal Notlca Wing and middle blocUr Sarni Cash. a Junior. Dnna Kurt:bard. also a junior. earned honorable mention recognition. Brande thought the Big West coaches m1ssed out one selection from UO, Brenda Warennan. the team's lone senior. Waterman, a Newport Harbor High product. led the team in digs. 4.52 per game. She wa.s also attlcal in re- gard to passing, Brande said. "Tu not vote Brenda (for all· conference) is an injustice.~ Brande said. • The Anteaters also feature sophomore ou.tSide h.itter Thrbrie layior, who ls third on the team ln kills, 3.05 per game. Missouri. which will be making its fourth consecutive appear· ance in the NCAA'townament, ls Jed by flrst·team AU-Big 12 hon· orees Lindsey Hunter, a setter who led the conference with 12.28 assists per game, and Shen Danru, a S·foot-11 outside hlner who leads the team in kills, aces and dJgs per game. J~lca Van- der Kool, a 6·2 outside hiuer and the Blg 12 Freshman of the Year, and 6-5 sophomore outside hit· ler Undsey Noll are also impor· ntE MUSTANGS No. N•m9 Yr. 1 Kafla Andrade Sr. 2 Stecy Krillorftn St. 4 Jenny Sparb Jr. 6 • Veta Gale Jr. 6 Caitlin Duffy Fr. 7 Laure Oinsdal• J. 8 Kyte Aores So. 9 Jasmin Day So. 10 Yarell Ortega Jr. 11 Kara Jenkins Sr. 12 Gaby Piwlto Jr. 13 Sara Bryant Sr. 14 Valerie Gomez Sr. 16 Rachel Ronquillo Jr. 16 Kristen Paulsen Jr. 17 Julie Nomura Sr. 18 Nllani Duarte Jr. 19 Brittney Banning Jr. 20 Kindra Bailey J r. 22 Cindy Mendoza Fr. 24 Santh Humphrey Sr. Coec:h: Dan Johnston (12th year) said. "I was thinking we were as strong defensively as we have ever been. but will! Valerie oul, someone else will have to step up and make plays," Johnston said. "The scheme we play re· quires smart players who are al· ways thlnlclng, not necessarily an unbelievably-skilled player. Tl requires a team approach with kids who are willing to run." Juniors Rachel Ronquillo and Gale anchor the front lines. Ron- quillo scored six goals and tal· lied eight assists to earn second- team all-league laurels last year while Gale scored eight goals to go with five assists. First-year varsity players in· elude sophomore forward Kyla SCHEDULE Laguna Beach at Sage Hill, 7:30 p.m. High school girls -Corona del Mar at Newport Harbor, 5:30 p.m.; Webb at SaglJl'Hill, 6 p.m. Soccer High school boys -Marina at Estancia, 3:15 p.m. High school girls -Estancia at Ocean View tournament. Volleyball College women -NCAA DIRECTIONS fe1ISSOURI vs. UC1 •t UCLA~ PMl/tty P.vlllon, 301 ~•twood Plaza,~~ Take the San Diego Freeway (~I north toward Lot Angeles. Exit Suntet Boulevard offramp and tum righ1 ooto Sunaet ContJnut on Sun.et end ttlm right onto the campua through 1 street named Westwood Plaza, then tum right 1 onto<:hartes E. Young Drive North. Par\Jng Is available In a strutture on your right Pari<lng coats S7. but there are various areas in and around the campus that may cost less ot be free. tant for fourth-year coach Susan Krelclow. Mls.wuri finished sb¢h in the Big 12. Last year, the Tigers recorded their first postseaSOn win 1n school history by defea~g Northwestern In the first round of last year's NCAA tourney. They lost in the second round. The last time UCl reached tbe NCAA tourney l1 losr ln five games 10 Long Beach State lQ the first round. Flores, who scored 14 goals to go with five assists on the junior varsity team last season, aloog with junior halfback Gaby Piw· ko, who ama&Sed eight goals and two assists on JV last winter. Senior Karla Andrade with juniors Brittany Banning, YareU Ortega and Kristen PauJsen, a1l provide resistance along with senior fuJJback Sarah Hum· phrey, last year's defensive Most Valuable Player on JV. Freshman halfback and goal· keeper Cindy Mendoza played on the Slammers club team that won a national championship while freshman defender Cail· Iyo Duffy can play a variety of positions and is a strong tackler. To maintain endurance throughout the season, several Mesa players participated in cross country this fall, including Jasmin Day, the Golden West League champion who finii.hed fifth al the CIF Southern Section Division Ill finals and qualified for the CIF State champion· ships. "Kids had the intent of getting in bener shape. i.o conditioning ii. not a problem when they get out there and have to run will) people," Johnston said. "I lhjnlt that had a big impact on the 12·0 win over Rosary!." Johnston knows opponen1J will circle the Mustangs on the scheduJe now after last season's success. "The players know that every· body is gunning for us, but I think it motivates them, -Johns· ton said. Mesa has nonieague games scheduled against University, Ir- vine, Aliso Niguel and CdM be· fore beginning league play at home against Santa Ana Dec. 16. tournament, first round· UC Irvine vs. Missouri at UCLA. 5:30p.m. Water polo High school girls -Bolsa Grande at Estancia, 3 p.m .. Sage Hill at Magnolia tournament. Wrestling High school -Corona del Mar at Downey. 2640 legal Ncilca Kymbetlt• Joy Roy This stetemtnt w11 filed with the County Cletk of Or1na1 Counly on 11/21/03 (CA), 1901 E Deere Ave , Sant• Ana, CA 92705 RctltlMhsltMs "-S"'-' Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAUi 200H .. Sl67 Dally Pilot Nov 28. Oec. 5, 12. 19, 2003 F930 GAIAGESAU SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 2003, 9 00 • m. to 1 00 p.m. 329 UNIVER SITV DRIVE, COSTA MESA. CA "GARAGE 16, HOUSEHOLD GOODS INCLUDING BEDS, CHEST OF DRAWERS, WASHER. DRYER. MANY MISC IH MS Published Newport Buch Coste Mtu D11ly Piiot No vember 28. Oecember 4, 5 200l F915 ,...... ..... "-*-"' Thi lollowln1 persons ••• doln1 business H w .. tern 8ulldin1 Erte tlon Servlcn. 183 A Monie Vl•ll, Costa Meu,CA92627 btn11 A W~dey. 183 A Monte Viste. Co1ll Mt11, CA 92127 This bualn•t i. eon· lhlcted br •n ln41vidu•I HIYt yOll ater tM clolfll busoneu 1117 Ho James A Wildty TI111 atatemtnt wes filed with tilt County ~rll of Onnp County on 11/\2/03 200Ht64UJ Otlly l"llot Nov, 14, 21. 11, Dtc 5, 2003 F911 Re-. .... -~ f~ followln• "''°"' .,, 4olna bu.ineu u , W"t Co11t lmporte, 11113 I Bt.tr Awt , S.nl1 Ana,CA921~ Al'• lpttrpM Inc. This bus1n1u Is con dueled by • corporation ' Have you slarled do1n1 buainus yet? No Atl1 Enlerpt1u, Inc., Nader Nocnh11 Pruldtnl flus statement wn hied with tht County Clerk of Oranie County on 11/03/0l 200UH4017 Dally Pilot Nov 14 21 , n. 0tc 5. 2003 rs12 The follow1n1 p1nons are do1n1 bu11n1u n Or•nae Coul C1pltal. 10522 Shedyrlda• Or . Senl1 Ana, Callfornlr 92705 Peul v Erwin. 10522 Sh1dyrld1• Or . S.nl• An~. Cellfo1n11 92705 Thia b11slntss 11 con ducted by· en lndlYldual H1vt ,ou star ltd do1n1 business yet' No P1ul V Erwin This statement was filed with the County Cler• ol Or 1n1e County on 10/29/03 200J HUSSS Dally Piiot Nov 14, 21. 28, Otc S, 200] F913 ''Employee. " "Empleo.do.,. The follow1n1 per,ons art domr busmeH 11 Lesley Elliott C1ttflf\I, 1428 Posada, Newport B11t h. CA 92660 I .. 1ey C1meron E.lltott 1428 Pond•. Newport B11ch, CA 92660 Th11 business Is con dueled by en lndivldu1I Have you st1rl•d doln1 business yet' Yes 11 /2!1/2003 Luley C. CIUott This sl1l1m1nt was fifed with the County In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 Cltrk of 0111111 County SEU. on IU02/03 10036966774 your unw1nted Dally Piiot Dec. 5, 12, Items throurl't classlfled 19,26,2003 F9l9 ••no I ... YIU IAIJJ11 cuu.llDCJ111 , ,_II. "Arbeitnehmer. •• 0 Employi." ,. t I"'' I,,,., I • '' I _. I'' ; .·: J ..... ( / I J SI & n h d 11 g :i y / ANNOUNCP.MENTro PREQ.UAUFIED PROPOSERS Subtm to ~lwlitiOAf ~ w dlt UG!Wlf•lcy of Califomll.. tmoc, ...W pf'090llb IOt a lw11i-un d>ftlti9d <Ott anv\Uld fOf ~ ~"I wodi. ua MEDICAL CF.Nn!Jl RBPUCPMENT H~PITAL a.n4 BUllDING lA RENOVATIONS Ptojta Nl&Dlba 994SOO UNIVERSITY OP CAUPORNIA. IRVINE CE.NERAJ. PF$CJUWON OP lli£ WORJC. Thc Univt'nl~ of Califomi., Irvine, lni.mck to <-111l1u11Ct a new rq>loKmlCftl hu•p4AI uwl ttn;wuloo.a 10 aistiag 8ulldlrtg I A widiin d'C cmtuig Uoiwnl1y of c..i.fumA. (l\'int, Mcdlal Camr (UClMC) campus. The propotcd 4.n.na IQIAIC fooc ua Medial Cmm ~t HOIPI~ and BWld.ilog IA ~iadu& SB 19S3 11PfPda o( lbt OJJ1.i11g ~ l'l«at .nc1 danoUtion ol tdectcd cxilting bu~ 1'1w 0011111-ion pn>j('Q will br lmplmienleld U&illJ a modif'icd Daiwi BuilJ appro.dt. The UQ Medkal Cmtcr rcplaooncot bo.ptral will become a tigoifica.nt publK: jiQJdi ruounz io ~ County and will l.ilid~ br lbt County'• ocJy ~ I Tnunu Centn-Tht .aft' ia bounded by Chapman Avmix w the oooh. Dawn Way to the eoutb, lntcnuic ~ (S.1111 Ana F.uway) 10 the cue, and~ Cty Oriw to d'C west. The A~ ldd.taa is IOI Tht Cf)' Driw, ~.CA 92868. ~ '432.788 tqU11rc (ocx hofpita.I c.oiuisu of a fuJJ buemcot and a full fuorprint for ~It I and 2. Lcwu 3 • 7 consitt of four int<fCOOncctcd tOWCO. PRQC£DURf.S Propoal docummu .... 1J1 br 1"1ibbk 10 ~uaLfied ~n at I 0 00 AM, Wcdncwcby. Ottembtt J. 2003. Pmi.Wified Propoocn may pick up flu of dwgc a mwmum of fj..., (S) KU of Rf P documer111 It Design & ConJlrucuon Servicu, Univtn.ity of California. Irvine, 5201 California AYttluc, Suit~ 2SO. Irvine, CaLfornhi 92697-24W Anmuon: RM:batd Geigu Tdq>honc (9'49) 824--4475 Fu: (949) 82.f-8096 £.Mail· rgcigcttlluci.cdu A.ddiuonal iCts may be pwch;ucd •I Prcq~ PropollCfi ~rue from th< ..Jdrca Lilted bdow. Subconiraaors and clnign coruulw1u may purch-RFP douuncnu, at 1kir npcnse, al IO;(IO AM, Wcdnc:scby, December 3. 2003. Documa.u can be ordttcd 1111<1 rcproducal only at: P-.acific Gout ~.a. Inc 1176 Main ~.iUt. SY1t~ C Irvine, CA 92614 An<orion: Ala Torra Tdq>hone ('H9) 474 ?7'.lJ F.u: (9'49) '174-9070 Web: hnp./lwww.pcrq>ro.com rr IS rnE Rf.SPONSIBWTY Of AU. SUBCX>NTRACJ'ORS ANO DESIGN CONSUIIANT'S TO REGISTER WITH 11U! UNTVl!.RSITY OR PAOPlC COAST REPROGRAPHICS. INC. TO ACXNOWLEDCE JlECE.IPT OflllE UOMC ltEJ>U.CJ!M.FNT HOSPrTALAND BUUDlNG IA RENOVATIONS RfP OOCUM£NrS. 11U! UNIVERSITY WUl. NOTIJIY ONLY Sl18CONT1\ACJ'ORS .um DfSlGN CONSUUANTS WHO HAVE REGISTFJUID WITH UCI OESJGN A: CONSTRUCTION SE.JMCfS OR PAOFJC COAST REPROCRAPHICS. INC. OP ANY AND AU. ADDENDA. WHJCH W1Ll. 8£ MADE AVAJUBLE AT ua DESIGN lie CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. UCI Medical Ccnm Rq>l:aamcn1 Hotpn;il and Building IA Rcnova~ioru RFP Oocumc:im will additionally be avail.a.bk f0t vicwing .i tbc foUowing plan room locanoru beginning at I 0:00 AM. Wc:dnod..y, Dtcembcr 3. 2003 F.W. ~Company 21 )0 I~ Cent~ Pl-. ~UJI< 100 Anaheim, CA 92806 (626) 932-61 S'1 CMD -Anahnm (RttJ Data Coru1rumon) 1717 ~uth mrc Colkg< Boult'Vll'd, Sunc 180 An~1m, CA 92806 (Sn) S~9J71 THE FOLLOWING DESIGN BUTl..DER.S HAVE BEf.N PRf.QUAUFlEO TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS TO THE UNJVE.RSITY ON nus PROJECT· Hmid Phdv• Cons1ruaion Co. H 1 'i l amf>'L' Ori~ 'lu11c: I 00 Irvin~. C.A 92612 lckplmnc ('H9) 8S2-0l l 1 '""' (?ii?) 8Sl-02 J 8 PR.EQUAUFLEO SUBCOl'(J'RAC'.J'ORSs M~Carthy Building Compatut'S, l1K Sou1httn California Division 21>401 SW Birch 'lcttltt, SwtC" lOO Newpon Bach. C..A 92660 Tckphone (949) 8Sl-8J8J f.u, (949) 7S6-68<16 The Kkcted Daip 8eildcr will be limited eo .. bcoacna only with ti..-.. 1:booarnaon in odectecl rrada bdow char "La~ been pftefualified by the Unmn1ry. 11-c .ekcuid prequallfoed tl'lloda am I) ArJrnecrur..J I'~ Conctttc 2) ~ruttural S1cd hhncat.ioo \) McJi~-al Gas \yncnu and Plumbing 4) HVJ\C Wet and Dry Systcmt ~l llrtwol 6) Buth-Up Rooling 7) htt '>uppreuHln 'iystC'llU K) \11c Conctt1c •J) llrywall md M .. uJ ~tud Synem 10) U-ork 11) Moonng Systems 12) C...lus and Glwng Symnu IJ) M1aodl.neous Mculs Fabncauon 14) Building Comrou 15) Vitt Narm Syncm PR.EQUAUFIED ARCHITECTURAL PRf.C\ST CONCRETE SUBCONTRACJ'ORS Clark P.c.ific 1980 South R;ver Road Wat S.t.r•rncnro, CA ?S691 Walt~ & Wolf Pr«an <11 m Boy« Road Fttmon1, CA '>4H8 Loralah Strucruru (LA.) Jnr I SO W. Pl'1«nd~ Avcnuc l'mu, CA 92S71 PREQ.UAUFlED STRUCIUllAL STEEL FABRICATION SUBCONTRACJ'ORS S<tocal, Inc. 11'c Hcmclc Corpo,..11on • 232'4 Navy Drive 7021 Koll Ctnm l'arkw~y • Sroduon, CA 95206 rlcawiton, CA 'l4S66 PR.EQUAUFIEO MIDICAL GAS S\'ST1'.MS ANO PWMBING suea>NTRAcroas A.O.~ •m Rullnc:r Suttc Seri Dqo. CA 92111 !':an-P.Jcific Plumbmg 17911 M11dldl South bvinc:, CA 9261'4 Murray Company 2 91 '> P Vicroria St rm R.tn• ho Ouminguet. CA 90LJ I UnM'rstiy Ma.rdich Mechanical I 000 Nonh Krxm<t Plitt Amhdm. CA 92806-2610 PR.EQUAUFIED HVAC WIIT ANO OR~ SYSTEMS SUBCONTRACTORS A.O. Rftd '4m RofTner St_, San Diego. C .A 9 2111 Conr.rol /\Jr Condmon1ng C«pot-111011 2301 Nolth Gt-II Sum Oranp. CA 92116S Mumy Companr 2919 £.an Viaooa Srna Rane.ho f)om1agwi, CA 9022 I Hdb: Elettrk. JM. au,o <Ainioo ~.no p.. Sidi Oiqo. CA 92111 ' Suc:o fJeruk ' I l900 AlondtJ Bouieftld 1 Curiroe. CA 90703 ACCO Engi.n«re'Cl Systcm1. lrK 9040 Kcrmnu. Suire 406 San Diego. CA 92121 C.rndmdd M«Jlan!QI) Inc 4085 Campbdl AvtmM! Me11lo PJrlt. CA 9'402S !louthland I nduur1c:1 7'4.21 OnanrCMJd Avet1uot G.nknGn.w,<.A 921141 Mot'l'OW MeM1awt Corportfion .U I lkntoa Coun Ccy of lnduary. CA 91 ?89 PUQUWf1EO I UU:t-UP ROOFING S\1800N'BACIORS F.bt1hald Roofi111 I 52l0 Raynwr St.tt« Van Nur. CA 9140' Soll«Nrn Celi'°'111a R.oor.nt Cims-ny 96.U r.. lnipcrW Hiprq ~CA 90141 • C-,., fitc Pro«<non '°1 Wai $oudwm A>"Cn11« Onnp. CA 92865 Simpla Crinndl 1701 Noni\ Sequoia AYe111.1t °""'F· C.A 91868 Sou.rhMD Flrt Prorcictloo Company 21 s EaM FJ Sut Suttt MonrO\'le. CA 91O16 Non:b1w !Vt Protea.-. Inc. 87S Bluc CentWI Ro.d E.pn, MN SSl21 So.iihbnd lndunria 7421 On.,..ood AYe111.1t Cudcn Grove. CA 92841 PllPJQl.IAUFIED SJTE CX>NCllETE SUB<X>NTltACJ'OlS Mame Conmucnon, Inc. 748 Nonh Poplar Srna ~. C.A 92.1168 Shaw & Solll Conanc C.onm1ao11 829 Wat 17th Su~c Coma Mca. CA 92627 Su.ll1va.11 Concme Tatum I II I 8Uc:r Sattt Cana M-. CA 92626 P1lEQUAU.fl.ED DRYWAU. AND METAL STIJD SYSTEM SUBCONTltACTORS 8'.cly Company l 0 l 0 Non h Oliw Strttt Anahnm, CA 92801 Puformana Conu..aing. Inc. 1270 Hancock Suttt Anahcun, CA 92807 Raymond lntenor Systems SouwWd Dtywall, Inc. 520 Wai Walnut Avmuc 62S I Schackr Avenue. Su11c t > Onul~, CA 92868 Chino, CA 91710 PR£QUAUF1ED CASEWORK SUBCX>NlllACJ'ORS Dow DivcTSiflcd, Inc 1679 l'lliCCnt.i:a Avenue Cmta M-. CA 92627 Mtd ~Mill-I\. lJJ 78 PTH )2 Wat Steinb~h. MB ROA !AO ISF..C. tncorpon1cd 10601 Calle Ltt, Suite 190 Loi Abm1ro., CA 90720 PR.EQUAUFlW FLOORING SYSTEMS SUBCONTRACTORS JJJ Aoonng Covering. '"'-· 1831-A l'.wolll Boul~ Piro Ri...,ra, CA 90660 SCS Hooong Syitetru 752 We11 Town & Country ll<M<.I Orange, CA 92868 L:awrcn.:ie W. Ro.inc Comrany 123)0 Monag11< Suttt. Unit C 1-'.lcoima, CA 91331 Un1""nal floonng Systmu, In .. I SS7 3 Cornmtra U1X llunungron llc:ach, CA '>264? Dupont Commc:1~1al Hooring Systems dN TM E11v1ronmc:nr;ohm 13 ~ S Sourh Aa.oa Fulknon, CA 'J28JI PREQ.UIJJflEO Cl.ASS ANO GLAZING SYSTEM SUBCONTRACTORS ArJ111cuural GI-tot Aluminum Co I 'J 11 Union S1rttt Oakbnd, LA 94607 F.mJos Corpon11ion 2050 I 1'.arlg;uc l>r1w Walout,<..A 91789 l\,rma.ucd1aa Cladding r .... hnologics 229 North S~rman Avenue Coro11.1. CA 92882 W.ihen tic Wolf GW. 197~ l'l.dd1nptonc 1>11\1(' La Vern .. , CA 91750 !lnuon lndwute>, lrl<. 12W l:UC 223rd Siren. \u11C' IOI Carson, CA 907•~ Modd GW. Company '4907 East Undun Driw Anaheim. CA ?2807 Tower Glaa, Inc. 'iS70 l'athway Sirm, Su1ce A San1tt. CA 92071 Woodbrid~ Cius Com~y. 111< 14321 Myton!~ Tunm, CA 927110 PREQ.UAUFlED MJSCEU.ANEOUS MFTAlS PABRJCATION SUBCOl'ITRACTORS S..pko Mn.al Fabnuoon 838 Nonh Cyprcss S11ttt Oran~. CA 92867 Par.ounoum Metals and '><11'f'ly l"omr1ny 81'40 Lui Rosc..raru A-.en~ ~moum, CA ?0723·279'4 Cowc:ko Steel Cuntr.>etOD 16.H West 14th ~"«' long Be.ch, C'..A '>0111 J PREQUAUFlED BUILDlNC CONTROLS suea>NTRACTORS JohnJOn t..omrolt. Im Sinncru Bu11d1ng Tcchoologin, In, ~no Wsrl.nd Drive ions Bus111CS$ C'.cnm DnVt' C''}'pr«l. CA 90630 Cyprc:a, CA 906JO PREQUAUFlF.D fl RE ALUM SYSTEM SUBCONTRACTORS John10n Lontrob, In• ~770 WarLutd Ortvc Cvpros. Ll '>OMO \unpk• l.nnndl 1701 Wcs1 Sequoia Avaiuc Oro1.11gc, C.:A '12868 IOI~ SicnM!ru Building Ttehnul~ici, Inc. I on~ Ru1111n1 C..cntcr Ou~ C'yprus. CA '>063(}.5219 Rpp SUBMITTAL REQUIRfMENl'S SHAU. Bf M f'()l.LOWSi RI r ~ubm111al dull be lUbmmcd 1n chrct romponcntt' f'tnt Com_pooau So.bm.iaal will not be reoei-s afttt1 2:00 PM Friday, Ja.au.ry 30, lOCM Secood ~t Sobalua.l ...W -be~ aftm 2.00 PM ..day, Fch,_,,-'4, 2004 1llird Coco~-t So.bmlaal wW -be NCd-t "'-1 2:00 PM Friday, M,..,,. 6, lOCM fj,., Comroncn1 Subminal, Sttond l.ompcmcn1 \11hmmal, iriJ fluid C:nm1wm..-n1 \uhm1ml ""Ill be r<'C.Civcd only u : Delp ac ~ 5-ion UllhvNty of c.JifonUa. 1.m- 5101 Callforala Aftlluc. s.iu lSO tm.ae. <Aliforaia (9-49) 82"-6630 Ancntiocu Ra..rd Gc:lp 1Wo MandatMf' Pre-l'ropomal C.0U..-.,..f ~ Pto,;c.n Stir Voaiia will bt (!Ond...acd oru P-Prot-U ~No.I 2:00 PM to S.00 PM Wed....dily. 0-b« 17, 200.l Ru1ld1n$ No. 22A, Room 2107 Un1Vt"n11y ofCal1forn11, lrv111C', Medial Ctnm I 0 I 'l'hf C'hy Drive Oran pt. CA 92868 Pft-Pro.-1 Coalucw No.l 2:00 PM to S.00 PM Wedl>C9dity, Jantta17 ? I 2004 8u11dinf No. 22A. Room 2107 Un,...,n1ry o( California. Irvine. Mad1QJ C:.rnm IOI Thc Ciry Ome < mngr. CA 928611 Only l'ropotct11 whci panio~rc in 1ht IWO mandatory ~Propoul Conttr«ICO and d1 .. rw11 rnvKUtOI)' Proj«t Sftc V atiu. 111 their mu my, will br .uo-cl w pn>f>C* on the ProJ«t l'l'opG • ....+wing luer than lilO PM ...W -t.e an-M w .._. Pw.,._a. .. 0...,. a.Mw. -doe ,,..;.a. I'ttoquahflnl Suboon!TaCtOn 111 pttquallticd trades, 111.boonttV«>" an non·pnqualif;(d" c,.Ja, llnd det1Jll <oruult.u111 ·~ invited. but nor ttqotred. to am:nd. For further informauon Wtllkt 1hc Proi<a'• (.()ntna lldminiJt.f'IJOf, Rd.ard C'~ 11 (9'49) 824 447~ l'mpnAl S«urity In ti~ .llMunt nf I~ or dJ.c lump l\4m bue bid. CldudJn& lltM\Ata, shall MXOmr-oy nc;E. !l«ond Compol\C111 ~l'OJ>'"°' 11'< Nmy lauln& dw Bid Bond ahaJJ be. on the bid doodl1~, 11t tu1M1tml '""'l J1a111wr (., "'flMI ;,, ~ CM/fa"'"' C.. ef Clrll ~"' Sm!.te m. J 20) All tntunn.:t poliua rcqvirtd to be obwnoed I>)' Oailn BulJJn llld Dellsn Con.uln.nu thaJI be mbf('CI IO app«MI by Uni"'fnicy f'or ronn llld 1111Munor. At(' .uch polirit. nqulfttd by Un.ivt~ '°' ComiMl\.!al Form C'-<nenl l.Hbtllf1• Elatl Uabillcy, ~ UebUlty end Bwimu Au1omobllt llibllJf)' .h!i.11 he laucd by romp&nla .,\rh • 8m R.ulna of A-or !>nm and a llnandal daa1(1e11lon of vm ()t bnm-. Of with Ill equlw.knt ratlfl& = and '°°"'Of Moody'.. All polj&j ieqwred by Uni~,.IY fur Worbt't CompcnMtion a"4I '1 l.WilU17 tlWI be '-Md ti,. oot11pat10 •1th a (I) 6-Ranna ol 8• °' better and a fl~ don ol VUJ « ~. °' widi an equlwknt ta1111J hy SrJndmt and Pbor'e or Moocly'1; Ot' (1) dut Aft~ to the U1u¥Ctlity. ~ '11auran« th.II bf wrint:11 to be not lea it.an 1 .. rtiquirtd by llftknl and 54-att of <Allfomla !Sw). 'The CC'.nillatt of lllJUl'lllCC thall be i'llUl"CI on dw Unlwnfl)"1 fottn. Tht •l.tOL.allful ~and m Subcoc11niti0tt will be RqU!ttd IO rotlow 1M llOC>ditmmtnan0n NQU!tetnc11t1 .c IOnh In 1ht Proprml DocuMCnO Ind ro pq ptc¥tt1ina.,... nco at tht locaoon of tbc W"otl&. 'The IU<ftSful Pn>pOlltt .h.11 he iequi..! IO hl.'ff tM IOl1c,w!111 c.allfomla rollfl'llCtOf't llcccuit II lbt ti~ o( dw P'ropolll opu1lna: EAlma.rtd C.l.lrtnKllon Com SI 9S.OOO,ooo nu: IU.Ce.NTS OP 11-U!. UNIVPJUI rv Of CAU.FORNIA u~cr o1c.i,f0nt1a.11"Mc Otcanber 200) Publ.111...t Ncwpon Dadl..C-. Mell Dally PllM Ocoawnbcr ~. J 2. 200.l NOTIC£ OF TRUS- Tll'S SAU TtllAM $Ille No. 404669 LOW! Ho.~ Thie °"'9r No. 32709'I YOU ARE IN DEFAUl. T UN-DER A DEED OF TRUST DATED OV1111919. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PR~CT YOUR PROPER'TY, IT MAY BE SOlD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NE.ED AH EXPLANATION OF TlfE NATURE OF TliE PROCEEOIHGS AOAINS'T YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 12/2ll2003 llt 02:00 PM, CALIFORNIA RECON-VEY~ COMPA~1 SUCCESSOR 8T MERGER TO N. A. MORTGAGE SER- VICES, INC. u the duty tippO!nted Trvt• undlf and purau.m to DMd al TNSI R• corded 02/1811-. Book , P909 , ln911U- men1 1ll800ll0e27 of oMclal ~ In the Ottlce of the ~ of ORANGE County, Cellfomla, Hecutlld by PAUL DOUGLAS~ AHO CAROUNE E. l(JNG, HUSSAHO ANO WIFE, M Truetor, WASHINCJTON MU- TUAL. BAN~A. u e.nenctery, ft .... .. publk ~ .... 1o the hlgMl1 b6ddltr tor CMh, c .. ,,..,.. clleclt drewn by • 11a1e or netlonll bank, • caith-..,.., Chick dr.wn by • .i. Of t.dlt.i c19dlt union, Of • ~· checti dr.wn by ..... Of r.det'll uvtngia end loen INOCi.don, ....,_ Inga INOCi.tk>n. Of uwtnga bank eoectned In MC11on 5102 of the AtlMClll Code Ind ~ lo do buill- ~ In !Na 11-111. s... ... bl held by the duly llPPOtntld tNl'8e -thOwn bltow of Ill tight, dlta, and lntel'H1 ~'°and now held by the in.• In the hlttlll lllftlr it. Ktibed ptOPlf1Y und9r .,., pursU9nt to the PLUG IN Plug into the Piiot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. (I ,.,,if,,.,i ( "1111•111·11•., '.1 ~ '. , . • I I . I I 1 I I I I i . . I I I I I i • I -----..------=--~--------.............. ----------..... ------............... _ .. Policy By 1~ .. ax (949) 631-6SQ4 1Plc6-· 1ni:ludc )OW n.omc: ...J ~ n..mbcr aod "'"" ,.11 }OU hkk "'Ith a !"1« <I"'~~ I How to Place A cLAss1Frn AD By Phone (949) 642-S678 II ours By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Cosa Mesa. CA 92627 At Ncwpon Blvd. & Bay St __ Deadlines -- Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Rates and dc:adhnc:s arc subject to change w1thout notice. Tite publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any clas111fied advertisement. Please report any error that may ~ in your ·da.'is1fied 3d immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error m an advcruscmcnt for wh1ch 11 may be responsible except for t)\e cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credjt can only be allowed for the first iruertion. fclcphone 8 .~Oam-S:OOpm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am·S:OOpm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCIMENTS & MJSC. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 230S·2490 l ESTATE R SALE 3010-3940 soos-saso Index P7 ·-' , I ' . ..; ... " .. ~ .. ~I _ I :... .. --..--- 'I -~ llH~ I Ii-----~ 7402•7466 IOOWSIO Linder the Se rvi ce: Di rec tory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 LegalNoUca 2640 Legal Nmlcn 2640 I LIQal Notices 2640 Legal Nodca 2640 Collectlbln/ p;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-'-;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;.l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiol.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-. Memorabilia Garage/ 1160 YardSaln BOOKS/ 1489 PUBLICATIONS 3100 Buslneu Oppof11Jnlties Buslnena and Franchises Newport Coast Beto Newly !emod :b 2be, 2 l p , ,_ hdwd ""' &r8flltt ctrs. Ip, no snil. pabo mnm !'J62 ~1211 AJINOUtaJUJIT TO mOIWJID PIOPOSEIS Sub1ttc I to cond1t•on\ pr nu 1bed by the Unlvenltr ol Cofllornl•. lrvlne, •uled propoul• fur a lump •urn conh•CI are inv•t•d for the tollow1nR wurh STUDINT CENTElll IXPANSION 'HASl 4 Pr•j•ct NumlMri t9 UU UNIVlllS YY Of CAUfOlllNIA, llllVfNl OINllAl OlSCllPTION Of WOH Tht 111011o•ed prof'lcl cons11b of upanuun •nd 1t•nuv•loon of tht eustm1 Student C•nleo Cumplea on the main campus of lhe University ol Calllorn11. lrvont Ille HOIJ• of wo1k includes "'w bu1ldon1 1dd1llun• lolallng •PPloalmelely 168 000 &•OH Jqu11e leet "" 1dd1t1on to Ille Cron Cultur1I Center of 1ppro11m1t1ly !>.000 iron square feet, maior renov1l11>11 to po1t1on• nl the main complea lolalma •Pl"oaimat•ly 1'J.'>OO cron 1qu11e IHI and 1llow1nco tor mon<>r renovation to t<1\lln1 areas totahnc •wrn .. mately l!>.000 crou •quarf fol In addition tnere " ••ten\1ve ••I• wor~ included In the protect \lope The 1truourel •ysltm for the new 4 \lo•y meon buoldm~ 1dd1llon will be a structural steel lrenie with metal dech and h&htw111ht ~oncrele lopp1n1 Sp1 ayad l11eproohn1 to 111 stulworh will be r1quw1d fOf the n11i• Type II fR •dC1i\1on Also included 1te 1t111lotud concrel• 1et1m1n1 walls 1a111torc.ed conuete •llb nn ared• mec11a111ctl equopmMI pads \e1sm1t 101nh and m1\ull~11•ous mttela •nd supp01t ''"'""'II lat1roo1 claddm1 for th11 portion of the bu•ldona will b• ot mnonry brick unit\ with metal •tud support lram1n1 Other ••lenor fonl\M> mclude pre ca•t con<rele b11se 1nd tom 1lum1num panels. 1lum1num fr omtd on>ultted tlatm •. lou•e1 panel' el11f'd enh y door. and • <Onlonuou' met•I roof fuclt tlemonl The Cross Cultural Centor Add1loun is 1 Typ• v NR wood lrtmod. •hur wall •lructure uhlotlna truu fO"I floor •nd ruol lram1n1 \upported by st•f'I b••m• tnd pipe columns The 1dd1hon • nttroor finish 1\ tOM,.ltnl with Iha hlSl•na bulldona • oaterooo plHt., fonllh Vertocal trenJportatoon 111cludt\ \l~P\ tnd \hort •l•or fh&hl\ metal p•oo •l11rs woth pointed metal ralhnKs •nd (4) hydreuhc p1uen1er elevalOrl lnttroor conopunenb ol the eapand•d fecoltty woll 1ndudt muttna ind conlf'ronc• .,u (1ncludm1 two 11111 multi pu1pose ruums ot •pp10>1mtlely 6 000 and 9 000 ifOSS >quare feet I food Service Art1 (•pPfoa1mtl1ly 2J 900 CSF new'9.900 CSF 1ent1vatedl to 1ccomn1od.le lnod preperatoon areu, k1lche11 and urv11y spat11. d1n1n11 foc1l1lles. tne1 >upporl f1ulll10; Retail Al11 (1ppro•1rnately 6.000 GSF nf'wt•.000 CSf 11nov1t1dl. end Student Aclov1ty·Adm1n11trttlYe Olloce ArH (•pp10.im1tely 7!>,000 CSf n•wlt9 000 CSf rrnovtledl Slltwork 1ncludu th• d1mo1111on of 1n 1a1•t1n1bu1ldm111ppror 1mately 17 000 GSr 1nd thf' removal of other mllulleneou• •lructu1 o , 111ner ti "'• dear1na •nd substanl1•I cul •nd fill urthwork Also lncludod m 11te development Is 1111 e,.d• pltll area with hard •nd •ofhc1pe lo 1em11111n11 \lie are•s PIOCIOUIU Prol)(IUI dntumenl• will be 011l•bl• to P1111uahf1td Piopn\lf\ el 1000 AM f11d1y. D•ttmber !>. 2003 Prequ1hfled Propou" m•y pirk up Ire• of lllArll' • marnnum of llYe (5) uh of Propo\el dO•Umenh .ti Ut111n a. Construction S11v1ce• University of l:•l1forn1• lr•one .,?01 C11of11rn11 Avenue Suite ~ lrvont Cahlu11111 92697 2•50 Add11ton1I ••h m•y be purch .. ed at p1equ1hllf'd propo .. r s ta\I from Conlohdtled Rtpr111r1ph10 Proo<n•I dot umenh •1111 bf' •vaolable to •ubconlu1 tu1\ dlld dn1211 ton\ult•nli al 10 00 AM, froday Oecembn1 5. ?OOJ •nd will be 1uu1d only 11 Cenaolldated ltepro9raphlu. In< •• 3182 Pullm~n Strut Cost1 Mau CA 91676 Phone • (714) /SI 1680 Attention Mnh1mmtd Rehman or Sotl11 Areal NOTl1 IT IS THt SUICONTllACTOlllS' ANO DISION CONSUlTANTS' ltlSPONSllllllY TO llllOfUllt WITH THI UNIVlltSITY 01 CONSOLIDATED lllP'lllOOllA,HICS TO ACKNOWllDQl ltlCll'1 Of THI STUOfNl ((NTlll lXPANSfON P'HASI 4 P'llOP'OSAl DOCUMENTS. UNIVfllSITY Will NOTlfY SUICONTUCTOIS AND DUION CONSULTANTS, WHO HAV( lt(GfSTllUO WITH DESIGN AND CONSTllUCTION HIVICIS 011 CONSOllOATfD ltrROGllAPHICS, OF ADDENDA. WHICH Altl AVAllA&U AT DHION AND CONSTlllUCTION HlllVtCU. lHf fOUOWINO DISfON IUllDlllS HAVI HIN ,IUOUAlmlO TO SUIMIT 'lllOPOSAlS ON THIS PlllOJ(Clr HtttHI Phelps Ctftstnutlen Ce . 2•1f> C1mpus Drive. Su1t1 100 Irvine. CA 92612 l•I (949) 852·01 l l r .. (949> 11!>1 0718 PllQUAUPllD SUICONTUCTOllS 'Cl C•,..tructt-Servi< ... ht< 100 !lurchelt Slr•@I Gl•ndale CA 91 ?OJ lei (818) 246 3481 r o 18181 ?41 '17!>'> Net•• ,,_.tlflo4 1t1lt<tfttracton wlll lte ldontlflod lty tho u .. 1voulty fn tho ltfP dacument1. "" SUIMftTAl llllQUfltlMfNTS SHAU II AS fOUOW~r ltfP aua....lttel 1hall i.. 11111Hftftto4 f,. rlt.•• ,.,......,. .. , rot Component Submittal wlH ,.., a.. recolvt4 aften 2.00 ,M, lvoadoy, Mauh 2J, 2004 Second Component Subm11tal wilt tt•t Ito r•colvMI aftero 2100 PM, tl.undoy, Morch 25. 2004 Thltd Component Submltt1I wlll ftot a.. ruelvocl aftaro 2100 PM, frldoy. Morch ~6, 2004 r111t Component Submittal, Second Component Subm1t11I and Third Comj)Qntnl Subm11t1I woll b• received oni, at Dolan & Con1truchon Servin~. Un1v1rs1ty ~I Ca11torn11 ''"'"' 5201 C1hf111n11 Avenue. Su111 250. lrvlne. CA 92697 2450. (949) &24 6630 Thro• M...4.tory P'ro~Pr~ael Ceftltft<Kt• .. d P•ti•d Sit• Vlolh will be 1 onducted on Thuredey, Oec...,loor II. 2001, 1.00 PM, Unlveruly of C1l1forn•A lovon~ Ou11n & Con•lrut twn Services. 520f C1flforn11 Avenue. Suite 250 Sulhven ' Wrl&ht Conl1<1nu Rooms ltv1n1, CA 92697 2•!i0 Tv .. 4ey, feltrvary J , 2001, ltOO PM, Un1ver"ty of C1lllC1rn1• 1rv1nt Onoen & Con•t1111 t1on S.tvlc:n. Sullivan & Wroaht Conf111nc1 Rooml. 5201 Cthforn1A Avtnu• '\ult• 150 hvme. CA 92697 24!l0 end l-adey, '*~ 24, 2003. 1100 PM. Unrvet\lty of C1hfo1 n1• lrvont Oooan a. Con•tructoon Sef'vic ... ~201 Cahlorn1• Avenue Suite 250 Sulhvan & Wroahl l':nnftrenu Room• Irvine CA 92697 2450 (Located 11 corner of C•llfornl• Avenue and Bllon Avenue) Only Proposers who ptrtlclp•t• 1n the thr•• pu propoHI cont11•n<n and poorect silt •l\1h, 1n thcllf entK1ty will be ellowtd to propose on tht p1011<.t Ptnons au1v1na liter than l:OS "" will not be etlowed lo 1ubm1t propouls u Dn11n Builder on the pro1et1 For further lnform•llon, tontect the Unlw•rsoty'& R~present3tov1 Scoll Moulton at (949) 8?4· 1527 PropoHI S.c11111J In the 1mou"t ol 10" of the lump sum base bid t•clud1n1 1llPrnatn 1h1ll 1ccomp1ny uch Bid The 111rety 1uu1n1 the Bid Bond \hall bt. on the bid dHdll111, .an adm1tt1d surety 1n1ur er (H defined In the Callforn11 Codi of CIYll Proudult Ste loon 99!> t 20) All m1uranc1 policies required to be obtained by 01,11n Builder and Ou11n Con1ull•nh •h•ll be subitet to •PP<Oval by University lor IOf'm ind 1ubslanc1 All au•h pollc1t1 requ11ed by Un•Wltllly IOf' Commerc1•I rOf'm Ct ner1l llab•l1ty ProleuJOnal l11b11ily end Busineu Automobile l1eb11ity 1h1ll be luued by companies with a 8Ht Retina of A Of' batter 1nd a f1n1n11al claulflc1hon ol VIII or bell•<. "' with 1n tQUlv1lenl r •tln1 by St1ndard and Poor'• or Moody'\ All pollcltl required by Unlv.,1lty fOf Worker's Compenul!On and Employer's L11b1llty 1helt be l11ued by companot1 with 1 (I) But Ralina of B• Of bttter ind a hnancoel cl1nrllcellon ot Vltl or belttt or with an 1qu1v1lent rtlln1 by St1nd11d Ind P'oor s or Moody's, or (II) thel 111 1ccept1ble to the Un1ver\lty. Such lnau11ne1 1hall be written lo be not less than (H requlrftd by f'edtrel and Stele of Calrlorn1e 11w). The C1rt1flc1tt of ln•u1111c1 ah•ll bt IHUtd on th~ Untve1111y'1 fOf'm lha •uccanful Proposer end its Subconhatlon '"" be req111rtd to follow tile nondrsc11m1111tion 11qulftmenb HI fOl'lh '" the Propoul Ooc-umants and lo P•Y pre11a11tns "'I' r1tts •I the locat10n ol tht Wor~. A copy of lhe c•n•• •I 1><1va111n• Ptt dl•m wait 11111 wtff be on file et Unlv•l*lly's prlnclpal Ftclflty ofllct ind will bto madt 1vall1bl• tn any lnter11tad ptrly upon 11qu11I For this pro!KI. the Un1ver1lty has l"ltl1t1d end shall •nfOf'ct 1 labor compll1nte P<OCllm ("lCP") '" confo1M1nu with lebOf' Code HCllont 1771 5(b) 1nd 1171 7 A pre c;onstrucllon •onf.,enca will be held with the aucceuful 8tddet and 1h Subcontre<.101> In dl\CUU federal 1nd •late l1bor law requlttmtnla to th!. projeet The au•t.•nful Proposer will he 1tqulotd to hive th• follnwl"i Cellfo1111a co11trect0f'"1llc•n•11t tht llmt of the proponf optn1n1 Ctner1l Bulld1n1 CMtre<tOf (l k tnlt c1-..1flcat1on) .... _... C-11nKlfeft <"" $41,500,000. lHE REOENTS Of fHl. UNM'lllSfTY OF CAllFOANI~ Unl~en1t1 of C.lllOfnla, lrwln11 ft11hl1•hed Hew t llueh·Co1t• Meat Dell f'llol 01<en1b~1 5 1i 2003 Otctmbe1 2003 F935 ( Best place · In the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classltled 842·5878 ( lO' SS 4 IUCOllDS ETC .Im. CMll:. ( k. so-. .. ED\ fll. MK. Spht lube Mr4>5 Mike 949·645 7505 ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 (QUAl HOUSlt& OPfOl11JffTY IAYClllUT OAlllAGI SAU SAT .. I -NOON f Ulntlure. IOyl hOuH hold, IOOIJ, etc ''" 201!> leeward lane Newport Beach Nowparl lto<h Sot I ·?, 2306 Alaha. Acrou from COM hl&h \Chool H .... htate/O.,op Seit 2 1•1tero1l11ta. W iii hcwo lverytttt.,1 • NfWPOllT HACH• SAT &-12; U07 Ar.tie St <Eutblull). Xmu decor. luu•ae. small don ~hair.. £TC CASH ONL V NlW CHILDUNS ClOTHU llOW-OUT. a•••l for a•ll•. cull sl1u infant to 6X. nothing ov11 SIO SAT 8·12 601 I 1 Ja/ilhln1Ave1n Alley CET MORE DONE w1tl1 tho f1m~ You Heve• Now tiler• " a technoloay lh1t makes people mo11 1ftecltv1 Buv and Rud Ooanehc:s 41S-986·1997 S 7 60 P1pe1bdCk (CAL •SCAN) BUILDING/ GARDEN SUPPLY/ TOOLS ToolsMarctware 3135 TOOU TOOU TOOU Craftman• tooh lbl uw. Shop Smith Hl·up, H1t1th1 Chop HW Sklll uw Delta band Hw. loh of mlic hand tool• d1y1 714·745·1553 eve 949.515.031 All real ot1te •dver hl one in th" newsp•per rs sub,ect to th• r edeul I air Hou""I Act ol 1968 •$ emended which m•lles 1t 1lle11al to advertise • •ny p1 tftr eroce. l1m1tat1on or d11cnmmal1on bosed on rice. color rehcion H~. h1nd1up famohal st1tu1 or national 01111111. or 1n lnl~nhon to make any >uch preluence. l1m1ta- toon or d1su lm1n1t111n This n11op1pe1 will not know1naly •ccepl any advertl•ement for real ul•I• whic h ll In v11>)aloon of Ille 11w Our •~•ders tre hereby onlormed tt11t all dwell 1n1• adwutlsed In thos newsp1pe1 ue ava1leblt on an equ1I opportunity bnls ........................ OtflCe prod , CO burnlU, ro~ llndd11s Lots Mort' Now LMCOml. IC» luti hOllclly aifh Sl2 lwl'.""". HOME : s.t a»~: FURNISHINGS '-' Daltal vw.. c-.. Fumlture "' 3 Bfack Nylon Baa @ _Q_U_f_f_N_M_A_T_T_lt_l_S_S_St_T_ Mvano·s rllSI 9 ~ Otl Or1hopdc. brlnd ..w u. 12/1 562 S96--0623 ., p1M1JL. w/W11t• S. SIOS To complarn of dis mmonal10n ull HUD loll free 11 I 8()() •24 8!>90 1483 Olc:lor Style Furniture PIANOS A Colle<tlbln ·"'1o'• ... ,....,,,...... • '5•...-..o. ....... 0-.C• ~ ,,~ _,. $$CASHPAID $$ WE auv ESTATES ;:649-4922. SOUTncgAsT AUCTI N Est.Ill Sala 1486 • • • B•ylldlre lwr-off Avocedo, follow the b11lbons lu•n 11t, Mure no Ch1ndalle1 , clod!s, ~mas 11.tms qu11I misc 1t1ms Proceeds b•nallt protecb of AnnlMICt L1 I NP Mesa 1489 ..... t.'-4SAT1-2, 1U 011mond Avt. cross 't Bilbo• Ave f 111 n. clothes. 11fwork, flshlnc rods, HJOltad misc .... W.s.ta. Crut th11111,J 2962 C.ytoon Drive. Co&b Mau, lC slreet Behr. Meu V11de trH o...... ,... $at ._ IV, bed llouuhold Items crib cloth•• • 111oral 1800 B•ryl Ln N•wport Buch cro11 'ltMt1 l1v1n1/Hl1hlmd. ms Of Fii VICTWS lllD YOl.I KfUI 400 ANIMALS RESCU£0 WITH NO OWNERS MONEY DONATIONS HUMANf SOCIETY C/O PAWS · 240 l HIGHLAND SAN BERNARDINO CA, 91404 Genenil ~1610 OUCK SlASON Private Dwell """""' Cllllt IOPfO• I/hr from Nt,.,port Buch E•c•I lent hunt inc ad1acent to •late waterfowl refu11e, ownership interest a. appro1 375 ecru of land ' Improvements • your own camp compound w/\tructura ind 2 trallan Wonderful F11 n11ht BBQ's & wine tu11n1 du11n1 duck UHon + m1ny eatrasl ld11I for 2 Ir lends or falhe1 & son C.11 Mille II 310 5'1 0854 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 MllCllllneous Slfvlca $$CASH$$ CHh now IOf' structured Mltlemanh. annuities and lnsurence p1yout1 800 794·7310 J.C Wentwortll JC Wentworth means c11h now lor structutad \tl tl emtnt•. (CAL •SCAN) ANTlQUES H UNTINGTON BEACH 8oUTIQ.UE Saturday 1 Oam -3pm 19891 lkach BouleVatd fktwe.cn Utica ec Ad.am.. i CnJia, Gtfta, New Anwork. Konit Dear t._ UP TO 80% OFF .. m.c.oa. ~~6)rt1JJ4' ®"~ can diet-w 949. J56.lD97 CH(IUIY SlllGH HD Sold wood br Mid new 111 box must move Worth $8X) -$250 9&3!J!>.lm7 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-•t Coln Needs Old Coin ti Gold \llver feWNY wale~ antoquM cotlect1bles 949 642 9448 3610 •CIA 0... fw ~. C'.orpous, lo~ ll!flder Pe"lan k1tt1n1 Red Tort~ al \hot\ SQ)Mt-21 .. SllS USCU( 911 Lile'• U""er taonhts H•ppenl Pet Owne1 s Nud Help Well M1nnered Adult Cah ' Old~r 001' need new homes Adopt Adult An1m1ls 1111s Xmas• JO day return Polley WWW anlm1lnelwork Or& Mnwt ltl1'TINl & CATS 8attlll Fed .. Hind ,_, In crrc l"l--. 3> Illy ,... ... bbJd -*I.~ ...... dlwQnw1 r. ~ N!vf'.,_ IL W-0 ,., arn.12•~ WWW 1nlm1ln1twork Ori MISCEUAHEOUS MERCHANDISE AN EMPIRE STEEL Bulldlna Company Pro vldtna 1111 Htchut Quality P11·1n11nured Metil Bulldln1 S~stems H11dquuter 'd In Southern C1llfornla C1ll now lor F 1ct0f'y direct prlclna 800 905 3443 (CAL •SCAN) WHY PAY RETAIL? Top Quellly m1nulaclured llomtt et GuaranlHd Low11t Prk:a S1v1 up to $30.000 111a11ntffd Wholffa.. home prleu dJtact to the publk (CAL•SCAN) ALL Ulfl IU>OS. 28-30 WH $1,IOO, Hff IJ.l'lO 38..... .... $14,900, .... $5 950 481 IOI wu W .911, sell,SIU11 ltl c-lit Serv1f TOfll 80(). 39Z 780I Att•"• Cmtffl¥ Ct a ft S11t>Pf1 Sele, Hill· P'rtct, frt a S.t Dee 5 • 8; 9 lpm 22011 Mtllbu t.n •,Mwn M·1nolla a l u 1111d, off of lann•ne 3905 AOVERllSE STAT(Wl0£1 Cel·SCAN saves you tom~ encl money 200 community new•p1pers Reach nver ~ m1lhon Callfornoan\ $450 for a 25 word •d Call this loc•I P•rt 1~1patin1 newsp1p~r for more information www cal- scan com !CAL "SCAN) • 1 Internet fr u1ch1se opportunity to those lookma to work inde· p~ndently S8I\ onvesl ment •~quired Includes lrJmma 1nd support for franch""' worldwide loll·fr11 l 888·4!>7 673/ STRADA 21 OOTEl.J..NA DR 3br dw11 mslr. 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I can lost you1 home IOf 3 9., uv1n1 you thousands of dollars (S800ll home) ncular 6'\ commission 11 SA81(1 C Pfoptrty @ 3 9,, os $31.200 that equals a savlnas of Sl6,800 Trf1ha 1e.,1.,, llooltor t4t-2S4-HU • ._.,. .. ,r~ 011ces ai.-M '-~......., 691 .. ~~~ lb1llt --arndld lo Ad l9flCY n ..-& ~ ~ llPrt Cdauw-*-~ thnd o;rirn:ooe m1 From SI 1!0 !le M8iD1 HOfJES FOR SI.Le ORANGE 5400 COUNTY NIWUSTINOS CONDO Jbr + den & J 5 be front br•nd ntw So of tht hwy SI 450.000 DU'l.D br 31>.t ' 21>1 2111 Corner No ol hwy Sl,450000 Ownt1/Aaent IOO f40 "9l TU.TU IOU UMP\n vtlW lllOM>MOllf J hom••3• •bf "49,000 SSIS,000 M24,000 o .. n111/Atenl 800...-06681 Property SO COLORADO RANCll Sale 60 AC $29.900 Yur end close out• S1ve money now and own some of Color ado's best land Spect1cular VfeWS ol the Rocho,. 1rceu to 6000 acres of BLM Rec a1u Yea1 round •Gcess. el~c/tel included C.cellent flnancon& l ow down payment c1ll today toll tree 866 696 !>:?63 (CAL •::.CAN) MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 Nl/O<•Clft View !loom Oceanfront/22nd P11 v1te rm. unfu1n, share b1. uttls p11d n/smk. k1lchenette. lndry, lblk to Newport p11r S7J0m Call Sam 949 278-790!> (between 91m 5pm) Newport Buen room •viii. close to beach Perlatl for ~url•r/Keyeh $775/mo 949 548-6353 NtWPOllT HflOHTS lbr 1•• a. water oa1d SI 150 nice yard. a11dener no pe h 949·6'>0 2256 I SID( CHAllMING, l1k~ /l@W 2br l !>be town house style 2!\22 E Iden S 137!\/rno 949 6-42 5-488 Nprt Hthtt, Spoce- Hme Jbr. 'Z'/iba. '"'" Ip. Av1M 01/04 $2200/mo 23' O&te. CM 949 644-788t l Sida Huge 3br 2 ful ba hoY.e, w/delitChtd &"' ' cuest room $28)0/mo Must see 949 642 rm Laguna Niguel YIAlll Y llAHS fWtE NIWPOll'T HOMES llU. OllUNDY ltlAl TOU t49-67S-6161 Nowpan Shar-M 7br 21M Rooms ..._ R-IUUI\ newer carpel, p11t & tilt M Vlft -2 C tend•m aar, Wdhl!· C!>M, ~ "¥' bills to ups. eat 949 293·4630 bch S850 • ulll Ava~ now. l11p Rm. WTflll MOUlld deck 949-673 3706 ..... 24hr ''°'•· 400 600sf Uflfls • May ''°'' vechlcles, lows r atH Cll Cerolyn ~ l.3!l) AESIOENT1AI.. RENT AlS ORANGE ·7400 COUNTY Balbol Island UDO ISU STUDIO I ~•R• closet a. bftth. aunny uposur1 SlOOOff\ Act 949 67!> 6161 NP H•ltht• 2br 2b• ,. __ .... , .._ lllnYm, fp, hdwd lb. pvt ""9UIMR -ywd. !ea 21)0 Ccnl Aw, c1... a .... 1 406 S22!!0ftO 986CZ seas Hellotrot>f (front Cot t ... ). COM. 2bd, lb•. ntw hllchtn & btth, Ip. hr4wd fir 111 LR Ve 1•, ShmrwW/t> 714·338 !8l0 $bt 2b• 11pper In b1yfront 1111lt Ptrlo4i 1trte,. 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SllMy • bonus I medlcll 9'~. 541 AUINA4'00 at.ck, •/&rty lnttt l\l0802 Olst611nl•d IMWHMe'" 81-ct., tan lrtt., IV997e MlstS.H IMWJttl'tl JSronh. tin !Iller " 1~91 Must Stll ••ws211e ·oo Grffn. l•n lntw IV0567 Discounted IMW sao1 ·01 Whrle. len •2466 Musi Ste BMW540t '99 Blue, a1ey lnl11 IV211 I MU•I Sell BMW 740!1 '00 Bronze/ten •91!)8 Otscount~d IMW 74010 '00 Black. ten 1nte1 #V'l43!> 01uounted BMW 740ll. 01 oa.t RentaJs 7915 VACA1'0IBTAIS SMIUBJAIS el'alm Sprinestf>abn llewt Conbct MIChael Anter 700-333-7117 BIUt/lftY SAl.IS1 Out ..... 11'4'".., 12843 Must Ste w/phone s1les exp Eln1 IMW 740ll 'OI ~ t. up phone 949-862 7474 lax 96862 7475 Silver &•er IV8605 Creal Buy go~desertvacabons.com Vacation Rentals ~ 7930 VACA TJOll ltOO AL Palm Sprlnp vecallOn house. ll*iDtlS 200>!.I Jbr 2ba pnv1te pool t. ~. $250/.,.rll 714-~ ·!>491 ••ORIVERs•• MAY TRUCKING CO. •ts your road to success' •vans 11 Wntern 800 547 9169 x3217 °Reefefs '8 stain 800-S47-9169 x3214 011d1eated tum runs Owner operators Minted www maylruckr111 com (CAI "Sl:M) ---Curv•• World's ~i?"SI litrwm org loollrne for r /l man1aer. I. P/T employees @ NB location opentng m l1n If you ue enereetrc slf motivated. have enthu ,1astrc personaltty & • ID WOflt. With people. fu res 714-615-1937 er tmlll to CYW1 rtl@yahoo ccm IMW '01 ZS <oup•. 3.0. Sspd, Z3k ml. lull fact warranty, sllve1/blk lthr. CO mnrf, 19in whls bffut1ful llh new cond. fin avatl v995621 $24.995 Bkr 949-5116 1888 _..,...,_ Codlloc '91 Utero SCML mr blll/blk llhr blh cer111a1 roof. Bose CO. •m·fm. chrm whls. aotd pit.a. boolt.$/records. like new $8995 v557281 Blt.r 949-516-1181 www • .cpMl.c- CIMvrolet '99 .... ,. Carlo 2dr coupe. V6. JOK actual mo. srlver /areen metalllc. CO. beautrlul Irk• new cond. ~ v8n491 Bfv 949-586 1888 www . ..,.._<_ Chry.ter '96 Sobrln' LXJ Conv. 1811 acluitl mr. metalhc areen Ian llhr black top, beautiful hit.• new cond, $7995 firm v156nl Bkr 949-5116 1888 -............ ~ Front allice Asi!l5ln for busy Endocnnoloar office In Newport Bch Carvell• '92 Cenv riv.,_~ Whrte. orr11nal owner. low mi. 1mm1cul1te cond Offc AHi, en.tr Sltlth, Sl!>,000 !>62·212 4117 Schedule. Phone. Detail flat SOO • I 970 aood Oriented, ucellent P•Y cond. n~w breaku/ ha resum. 949 646 3121 clutch' shocks S!>OOO 949-631-79$6 Recruiter lntropr•n•w Ford '6 S Mutlart~ S8111 money$ Awus1ve. c 1 motivated t. frrendly. onverlrb e, 011a111a Call 949 7!>6 8037 owner. ~olod car. •R.151 "'$1&m cm 9&m29U -~:_~. ·-~ Iii ~ Service OlrectDt'y Accounting A -Z HAIH>YMAN lnstall.1eface cabrnel-~~ rnoldir1&. Ooua 114-54& 1258 carpet Cleaning --------HB 1111 1l11r I & C.1q1PI Clt-.•1111111 Se'"",.. 3 rooms & hlMy Sii • 1ne1uoa PflCOl1dltJonmo CALL TOOAY • ClfAlf TOOAY Ktwln 714-321-3942 Ofllca 714-891-1110 Carpet Repllr"'lll BMW 74011 ·01 Whll~. grey 13951 Creal Buy ChevTa"-'02 Bltck. arey #V4367 Creal Buy Hwley Dav Fath '92 Red. black •V8109 Du>counted 94t-6SO..S91S COVllOTCDG Japv Slf>'97 Black. ltn #3!>48 Creal Out Jaeuar Xfa •99 Blut1. Ian •V7947 01scou11ted J..,...x11·00 Creen, tan • 1280 Musi Sell J...-xt1•99 RPd. tan '°8!>9 Greet Deal MlllCEDIS CUO '02 Blatk. black •V9277 Oruounled MlllClDES 1320 'O1 Bleck Black •V54S8 Dl$counted MHCIDlS U 20wo 'M Green. Ian IV458l Crul Out MlllClDlS MISS '00 Silver. black 13859 Great OHi MlllClDlS SSOO '9 5 White, tan •3650 Drscounted MlllClDlS SISOO '00 Whtie. tan l'0!>80 Must Sell MINI COOPU '02 Blue. aray 10962 Mu•I Sell POllSCHI Carnro '99 Blltk blach •VI068 Discounted PORSCHE CotToro '99 Blue. iray •V6049 Must Sell Q...&oM°"""t 'Ol Stiver, blach •VOi 39 Olscounted 94'4SO..S91S Poncho '01 Carr••• 4 Blk/tan rnl. Aero k1I plt.g. every opt pMsible. 4k mr. never spent a nl&hl outside Of r •oned on $62.500 obo 949-322 6l48 POllSCHI 'O I CAlltllO. tlplronlc. mint tondltron, 851( miles . one owner $62.000 pp 949·351 1119 ~uterSemcel COMPUTER H ELP! ....... er,.. ...... .. .,. ....... •Pt•MIC ·~ • Wlbl'IU'Sllle'O•• ·~t.bllrn ·Olm~ • Ogloj lit-.-lo\Alt • X1"'1~"""-.. uo~~ tO y.,. eom,o-a.p. 7 14-612-2786 CGnCl'tlt' MllGNY 0 RFAOlRS Cahforn11 law re 1111tres lhet con tr •c Ion laklna iob$ that lolal S!>OO or more (labor Of materials) be loc1nsed by the Conlr•clors Slate License Board State law also rtQutres that contractors lndude their lk:ense number on all •dvartisJni You c•n chtcll lhe status of youi lic;en$td contractor e l www.ulb.ca.gov or 800·321 ·CSlB Unll ctnsed contractor' hh1n1 iota lhtl total ltn than SSOO must stale in therr advertisements that they ••• not hcensed by the Contractors Stall l lf'lllM Bo«d " lrltli lleck St-• Tiie Coocrtto. Patio. Or lwway oCAllPrT-Q-CAllPIT~ flreplc, BBQ Rer. 2!>Yr1 Rep111n. Palch1n1. lnst11f E•p Terry 714.557.7594 Courteous 1ny sire jObs Who1Ha!41 949 492 0205 'Mn918 lllW.ONYNf ~ lwttrinpve~t.corn ~~~ AllDSenlca IAllOI - YOUIHOMI IMPIOVIMIH'f PIOJICTt C•ll a plumber, P•kltk handym•n. or eny of the aru l Ml vlcH Ust1d htlf't In our aervlc• dtttel0<yl THU ( LOCAi.. SVC l't0Pl£ CAH HELP YOIJ TOCMYI ........ 'IU MW .ll'S .1.0 I Wl\lte,321< (19*.90) 135.llO .,,~ ....... , .... Sliver, 11< ml. omo> m.• 'nJ....,V-'- "-Only 37' 1111 si1-.l!*m1 (19812) $2/,911() 'ff,,,,._ XAl C•shnw•, 4411. m&. (1982.4) $26.980 'fTU..w 400 Stiver (1~31) Sl7,980 'ff Mwcetln lfZO Whitt (19823) Sll.980 ,,, ,..,, ... ssoo Sllvw. low ml (19403) 52,980 'fS ,,__,_ f II Wllrl•. llpTronlc (19752) S34.980 ,,, ~ ._.,.,. Sdvlf 27k ml ( 1987!>) $26.980 '9S rorta Cohee Conv White (194781) $5.980 '01 f-4 ,_.,,_ Black, 21K m1 (19899) $26,980 '49-574-1777 Mll'SAUTO ,1a,.-.a. '99.JOOM Auto. luther. co. Prem Whls ( 69'J27!1) s 12, 900 '01 Au .,.J V1' Stl/Crey Custom Wh~. C0 261( ITTI (116!>27) $13.900 "' st-soo Spo<I Pha/AMG, Bose. Mull• CO 2 Tops (107291) S.39.900 'fl C230 Wht/lan. Aulo, moon. Nrce Car (099?16) $14.900 '"01 Gr.-1 ..... Sf . Auto A, C CO. Re•r Splr (2634?7) SI0.900 ,.._._ Ltm•ted loaded Sall P11ced (O'J4773) $16.900 '0005300 Wht/T an Plalrnum Serr"s low Mo CO (099216) $2!>.900 '•9GSJOO Blk/l~n. co. NBka Audro loaded (046903) S21 900 '9T f-40~ I op of the Une, Bo\e co. vs 4 2l (444967) $19 900 .................. 0 HSI Auto. 4WO. Multi CO. loaded (326806) $14,900 FORD TEMPO '90 $600 714 957 0705 EledrtcalSentca SMAU JOI IXPlllT locel. Quick Responsn Home, Yard t. Ooch El~<.I 20 Vrs l ap Ouram Eiec.or L'2'7SM> ~JOCl 1.1.C. O.ctrlc ~ pras local conht1nr. no '°" loo smel. no jDb too boa. Refs upon ,.,_. L#Cl~IWOI __£_!_4) 142-1410 UCINSID CONTllACTOI No '°" tDo VI\ ,. -""*' Repatr. rtmo4el, fans, sp9, MW SVC 949-645 Jfii6 Aoomwme cunoM a.ATM tu lnsUllltlon, ...... --· ~.stone.~ 197S l.161.2044 Jrft 714-612 9961 UMY.._..~., Aecroutin a lnsttllallon TllE DCAH 949-673-806!> 71.A-84M15Z6 714-8113 2031 8rrd1 e PLAY OR DUE.ND? fndlyl Oecembet 5. 2003 A.15 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE NcWw vulllCtlbk. Nor1h dNJ.s NOR1'H solid 11evc!K&ld ow11, Saum can hard- ly b\d uiylhina odxr lhlll rwr ~ 111\tt pel1.nC1 <>pen\ the bidding. ~inco South would not make Illar bid with o sohd wu and 111 oui.idc .x. North has 1111 easy l*'- •5 "KOJf3 ->Qllt •AKQ5 Wl!:bT l'AS1' SllPP.'JIC you clcct to dcclatc. EUI Ulkcl ihc: kina and 11CC oC dlarnonds Wl<l .:ontinues with 1 tl\lnl dinmond. If yuu ruff with the jack. pn!vcntlna dlte o•crTVIT Md draw 111lm!)'. you w1U •Ull lo.e • trick to !ht: 11ee of hcaru anJ the ten of ~i. Your 11\lmp ~uu I\ not \Q 11uhd ol\cr 111 • JOUl •4 ~ 84 2 c;i A 107 5 <>92 Q AK8 74J •Jl4.) .. ,, ~~JU 7 ~' () 65 . .. 1071 The blddmg: NOMTH £A~1' SOUTH \\ t-'T Before you d«rdc ro defend. how· ever, \Uppclbe that, in~u:ud of ruftlng the th1nl d1amonc1. )'OU Ji'ICJlfll a hc.irt We~ t'lU1 ruO. but that " the third •nd last tnd. (or Ille defense II:' 2v 4• Pim tfowc~cr, you were ri&ht to defend. .._ Pus Opcruna lead. Nuie vi Stlldy the d111ararn abmc, lhcn decide: Would )'OU rather play °' defend rour spodcll after the lead uf the nine of diamo1xb? Altcn;a,hina the king and ace of Ilia rllliod,. Ea.'il 'lhouJd ctih the lk:c ul hc.vtlJ before rcvcrtlni to dillllll>Od\ wvJ.. be.Cliuse of the odds-against 4 I trumps SJ)flt, your 1n1mp ~Ull llll' spruna a ICak afttt •ll. Wbctbct Suuth ruffa hl&h or low, the ren ol tnunP' " prumotelc.I w the ..etting tnd. .. Thc 1t1Jo.."l1on ;, 1e~tht111l With a ..... ...... •99 4.6 HSf 48*1 m1. full l1et warr, bltt./bth lllv 11t· chrm whls. superb cont! ttwOUlht. SZl.495 vii /i'OI Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ecpabl.cem llANGl llOVllt ltU LWB. ll5K m1. blue/Ian 1lr 'uspenslon. 1mmac ulate throuehout $6495 PA61821D .tm 714-ZO !>161 GMC Sur .. urbat1 LSI 2SOO. 4wd. 70k • m1, 1old/t111 llhr. xtra ,HI, st.lperb or1a cund $14.995 v552461 Bkr 949-SH ·llll --.ecpobf.<- Hon.,_ '97 Accerd ld1 coope t X. V·tec enarne. 69" black/er ey ltllr snrf beautiful unmarked cond. 1•ra1ed. non smkr $8495 vf01267!>1 8kr 9'&!111> UBI -c.qlilb am Jaguar '00 S Type J.O v6 35k m•. lull fact warr. s1tve1/oalmul lthr mnrf. CO m~mory pka beaut hk~ new unmarked cond, $23995 v#752262 B kr. 949 586 11188 -............. _ J ...... ''7 lU6 B11h>h rac1n11 areen/t•n llhr, CO. fabulous tond throuahout. SI 1.99:. v!>9/21 bkr 949-586 1888 www • ....,....c_ Jaguar 'O 1 VII 2'11 ml, full laclory warr. blk/blk llhr. n1v1aetron. ~hrm whls. looks new smells new fantastic value $37 .99'.> v45/8?9 8kr 949-SH ·llll www.ecpabl.com 9004 '84 Mo1era1l-ll Twt.e •luw moles. very nice * $4200 949.240 1017 UXUS '99 llX JOO Pearl Whole 4X4. h~•ted suts. •howrm cond , luu ••ck. tow pk& Sl9.900 949 350 5202 MEllCIDH '92 JOOTI Waeun. auto, sun1oof. Jrd seat. white t•n/ onterror $10,500 12!>1\ "'' /14 !>49 9942 .... ,. llover '00 4.0 Sf 6k actual nu. lull lacl w•rr. bllt./carmal lthr. buullful hlle new <;ond Must see lo appretd~ g.995 ..017896 8kr 9'9 586 1888 www.oqoaltl.c- 11 .. ga R•••• •ts 4.o SC SOI.• ml. black/tin lthr 'uperb <Ond lhrouaht bonks. records $lo. 995 .045829 Blu 949 !> 8 6 1 8 8 !I .,,, ................ - Toyota '9 7 Cor-'le DX 60k • mo 1u10. pw pl. cruise, whrte/pey int. supo1b $4995 vl578Z'J Bkr 949 S86 1888 www.ocpat>l.c..,. TOYOTA Mll2 '91 while. owner stnu 92, re11 ma'"tenance. mu&t see to appreciate $3800 obo 949 321·!>292 AUTOMOBl.ESI M1SC8..lMEOUS AUTOS WANT!O w ..,_, 16' Duffy a.ctnc ._ m*1t cond fumy refl.t'blshecV batterln,lupllolstiwy/ en dousures ~ 17/mu uld $14.900 949 Sl!>-0288. Sallboltl 9620 l,9';ig CAT~ 1JFT. nillr Ml a11D pb. BMW dmel ...,_Cl .. -· ... bottom p11nt recent, e•"'-~ cMlwl ., &outw.o:>~ BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 1 "'' u1cru cun (lrke a Duffy) 1991 New top $6!>00 949 644 4144 * IOAT SUP * Balbo• Penn up to 14' bum Bay hl•nd Cove •• c• secure. 949 922 77 77 Newport leadl SO ft Sltp •Vlll.tble SIOOO/n10 ult •949 723 3143• STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • J09uot '94 XJ6 Vonden Pl•~ mel•lltc red Ian llh1 beaulrful orr111nal cond. must ~ee to appre,11te. 1ar111ed, non smlt.r. $6995 v 702571 Bkr 949-!'186 1888 n.mt11 a mt In.d's, v .. .,. ,.,CAI\ F"'9 TOMV W. come to you w'Cll!hl ~ $100.Slm.Sl<XXl.uXD 949-221-S641 Jiu L,,;al /)rp11r1mr111 ar tl1' /)111/~ /'1/nt,, pll'11Jnl to anr1n11na ,, """' 1rrr•1u nnu1 11vai"1hlr UI nl'w buJ1nl'tll'S www.eqoeltl.c- LAND IOVlll 2000 Discovery II S07. dual moonrfs, rear jump seats. huled H•I lee warr 36.000 m1. $21,900 V2llli.1lt lm 714-2'.126161 UXUS lX470 '00 4X4 bl1rk, a•ey llhP lnler. tow pit.ti. 43K ml $36. 750 949 350 520? MERCEDES BNZ 'Ol SLS-00 l oadcd srlvei. Sporh pilfl. AMC whl,, 9K mr. •howrm cond. JO? hp $!>2./50 114-969 1187 GardenlnW l.andsaplna Tr•• Se,..fco, Yard Clunup. Marntenance. Sprinhltt Rep111. Hauhna (949) U0-1711 Handyman/ HomtRepalr RESTOllf •Rf PAIR S. REMODEL ING ALAN YHI HANDYMAN All WOik 1uarantHd ~ Uldrlcal, Oocn. Flnmllorp*-98~ r • 1• /\II " n 11 H· •" H• p.11r n\,.t 1>1 r\itt I MOTORCYCl.ES '93 Harley Dav14'ton Ro1dt.1n1 Immaculate cond11ton. Sl2.000 cell !>62 21? 4117 BOATS Power Boats !1515 Ma\l~ruaft ·95 Ski bo•I vrnth tower. \lereo, custom covor. SI 7,000 562 211 •117 Hanctymaw Home Repair WI-will norv ')J-J(R(.J / 1/,,. namf' for ;you"' no "''"° d111"K"· and sarv _you thr 11mr and thf' "1p ro tlu ( ourt Hou.JI' 1n s,.,,,,, An• J '1en. oj rounr. t1jtrr rhr U'11rrh 11 romplrtl'd u~ will filr _your ftrrruous bu.Jml'll """'' ;tOll'mrnt wuh thr County C.urlt. pub/uh onrf' 11 wt'rlt for four UVf'kt 111 l"rifU•rrd by law 11nd th,.,, filr your prrH1f of p11bbr.111on wrth tin-Cf/unry Clrrlt l'lr.iu •top h., to filr .J<JUr /irrrt10w bu.smru """'' 1tatrmt'T1t at rhr l >ody J•,/01. J.30 W flay .\1 Co<1u J\.!1'111 I/you t0nno1 ""P by. plrtUr rall UJ "' (9"91 (14.l-432 I llnd ""' u•1ll ""'""""'"'.('"'"'IS /£11 'fOll to lmndlr 1/111 proutlurt' /Jy ,,,,,,/ If JV" J/.oul1/ l1111•t' ,,,,.,, jurtht'r qut'Jlwm, plrflJI' rull UJ ut1d .,.,.. "''"bl' 11wrt' than xwd ID QSSIJI '"'' Gund lurlr "'your ,,,.,.. bwinns' Misc semces Painting HOLIDAY HUP Hnme & =======-- Party Oeu>r Tr"• Tr1111 m1n11. Room Mdt.ruver\. Shoppona 949 4!>9 8' 10 Plumb Ing -----SfWll AJID DWf Cl.WlllG ('49) 64S-2JS2 Tree Service Big Mike's Tree Servke :t1;.. ....... = w.d,Ctnatll a. u,\ ,.,.,., Sw, • RtsiclmlAI • Conmn:al Moving a Storage No Job 7bo Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 ~ CMStnlctlll ,..,., Carpentry • Pkm1binl OrywaM • Stucco l'elnllfll, Tile I. more 201 Years Eape1icmcel JI 714-969-S776 Hauling JUNK TO THI DUMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE fOOAYI 949 673·5566 Hom C1nnlng VaftfW• CM~,.to & .._., Brl<li, 81«~ Sllw1I, eancr. ~ U 747441 714 965 2124 MllcllMCll ..... /WfltiDi -~ ----- 9 :. ..~, ... ..,Et~:._ , • '• . •, --1~:,,,.1 l[ ()pen7 09)'9 Low Autos Storage Spectal1 Sine. 1981 949-645-4545 ""'"•'• ~ Z/Vts •ll> Creal P1lce! Gu.trtnleed WOik Free est. ll375602 714 538 1534 7 390 294!> RCl"S CUSTOM PAIN11NG Prof! c~an. quallty W(>(k lntert0t/ul 3nd dock• L#703468 949 400 10!>4 11n MOVlltS SSS/Hr. llAINIOW atQI MMfT Servln1 Att Cities lnsurfd Palntlna .-.Veal. tbu/Apl rl63844 3?J.997 1193 Quahty tobl Free est1m1ta lll 630 9971 cell L•569897 714-636 8888 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calll Publrc Uhllhes Comm1nlon requrrtt lh•t 111 used household 1ood1 movers print their P U C. C•I T numb111 ltmos and ch1uffeu" print lhttr T C P number tn ell •dvtr tlMments If you have any ,11 .. llont •bout lhl ttellty Of a mewu. 111110 or dla11ffellf, call. PWUC UTIUTIU COMMISSION aoo .,,_..., SIU Plumblng ec tlll•IMOnOf MITJMnlll!<'I SCWER JCmNc ClfCTRONIC SlAB LEAK DETECTION fr ltndl~ Sir vie• 949-6 S -9J04 www~oorn L975'••7 IMIJA' f.IC-.•-.Alc-949-400·4277 Wall Cover1ngs Strip & ....... P...-, Custom Hand Painted llb.ot< t. r .... P..,,.... Ar1ls1 "" hJ. ~ 681 E664 THI STlllPPElll Spn1alr11n11n W1llp1pr Removal L•588?4 I 949 360 121 I Window Cleaning ......... w......::-r Sorvb. E tperienaod ~ Traths, Siiis, Screens 71 4 9!>7 3301 PlllCISI PWMllNG GOLDIN WIST Repairs t. Remocl4lhn1 WINDOW SHVICl rAECESnMA TC S1t11fachon Guar1ntetd L#687398 714·969 1090 949 631 1562 7l 4 966 co.a ~ SEll your stuff through classified! l I \ ... ......,,.., ..... ..._ ......... c..,., Ind •'I tml..oo llldna c:hlrJe. S6000 RE.lfATE IN LIEU OP SP£CIAL LOW RATE FlNANClNG. BUSINESS MUST BE £N ' YELLOW PAOES ANO PROVIDE BUSINESS CARD FOR ELIGIBILITY OF SIOOO 1 At This Net Cost YEAR-END Old pdilll): so tc:«icy .,.,.. required. 20r• per mile ciw,e O\!et 1 o~ ptlet per yw On approved credn ON APPROVED PMCC LEVEL; 0, I & 2 CREDIT 1 At This Payment (JOJ,36) (117499) 27K Mlle, Und9r f'9Ctory Werrenty, l"ull Po-r, In Xlnt Condition .............................................................................. -.•.•.•.....•....•............... EVENT .......... •to,••• ~~~~~ :,~.,.0..e:. .. ~~ull P-r. Under Fectory Werranty, Xlnt Velue .......................................................................................................................................................... • 41 • I • • • ~~~!~~!~~.?~! .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . ~~~,:~e~~~!~v~~v'!t~~ .. ~-~~----.................................................... ~ .................................................................................................................. • t • 1 ••0 g~.f~~~. ~!~:.!!':,.~~~Power S..t. Loecs.d, Like New, S.ve .......................................................................................................... : ........................................... • 41 • I ••• ~:.!Ps:!e.~~~.~C:,.T~c!!!!! Leether, UncMw fltletort WerT .......................................................... -......... -·r-........................................................................... • ~ • I 8 8 8 g:.,.~!;>2~: .. '!'~~~r!~~~ Moon .. 00 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. • ... ' ••• ~~:,~~v .. ~!.~~~~~ ~. wtth Lumbar~ ................................................................. -................................................................................... • 41 7 I 888 ~!;!~Sc~~le':'Lr!!~~~~ .. ~ ~~···············-···································•······························································ .. ····-···················································································· .. I. 0 0 ~:io'-~~-~~~~~·~~~~.'t~~ f!ntenalnmen: 8)<9t ........................................................................................................................................................................ I ••• C e:J7!~~~~':' ,,!!A.,.':'!,~!J~~~!> Chrome WhMI•, come .. Control ...... Shef1> ......................................... ._ .................................................................................. • • • I • • • ~~~~~~ !.',! ~~~!21~ ~~~~ !!:'J"V:. ChromM + Unooln c.rtmed lyr9171.000 Mii• Weminty .................................................... : ............................ .,•• t I 8 8. .. . ~ .,\ -· COMPANION :\ .,,1urce of comfort and joy for all .tgc:-. .... cuffc.:d ,m1mJI.., will always be a perfe<.t ~~ft for rhe hoLJay~. Fur the holiday sea'i(>n, Rogl·r·~ dfcr., you an t:xc1C111g w llccch>n of quality plush an1rnalo;. Our 11wn.1gl'm' rt:prt:.,t:nc., 1.. rt:arure~ ot all types anJ sizes f rum around tlw w11rlJ. Crnfo .. nwn h.wc faith fully reproduced chr \..cy fe.mtrl'' nt l'<1d1 .m1m.1l 1l·.,ulung tn cin cxtn·mdv 11k lt\..l· ·'l'l'l'.iranLl' With t:ihril., -.u -.111!, 1 llll l' ) 1111 J.:l'I tt huld. t ht:y .m.· d 1lftu1lt 111 k·t gu. A R11~1·1 \ 1 \dtNt l' 1 h um ~6 tll $I .HOO. Elegant crcati<.>ns from Cllll 11\\ll 1k-.1gn cc:,un . v,..,,, u.., to '>l'l' our complete !->election 111 f Tl'" ~ ... ilk \\ rl'.nh-., l!•irl.ll'hl .... and more! Custom J e:-.1gn-. .trl· '' .11 l.1hlc. Oiaer online at rogersgardens .com ... ._ ____________________ ------------- • A ROGER'S GARDENS l~ogc,·\ Gurdcn' hu " so m ething for cvcnonc on :vmo holiday gift giving list. I li1· 111 ... 111111111 l"'1 l1111ging gitc ... has been around fl1r 111111 11 In' gl·1wr.111• 111-. .111d li.1-. <1 lway:, been a highlight ot d h I H ii hl.1 \ "'l' ''11n R11l.!1.·r\ l 7<Hdt:n<; mnkes it easy w f111J 1 I w 1 crtect trcnsurc . .' -.111fkd .1nim.d~ .111d m11re . l ·1~·.11~· unl11q.,:l·t1.1hll' 1111p1c-...,11111' with .1 gift Imm R11~n\ ( i,1rdi:ns. ROGER'S A GARDENS Your Holiday Experts For Over 25 Years! 949.640.5800 ------------------- --__..._ -----________ _...__._ ................ __________ __.. ....... _______ ....... --~-:-"'~~~--.----------...----~-----~~--~----~~--....-~~~~--~------------­ \./ CMIC pQClcc): SO 1cur11y deposit reqult'ed. ~-per mile ctwae ~ 10~~ piles per year On approved c:redu ON APPROVED FMCC LEVEL O. 1 & 2 CREDIT 1 At This Payment (J03S36) . (187488) 27K Mlle, Und4tf "K"tory Warranty, Full Power, In Xlnt Condition ............................................................................................................... . . .. ~VENT . .......... •t Oi88• ~:ee~2~~~ :.~erQ.!!ill~~ull Power, Under F•ctory WerTanty, Xlnt V•lue .......................................................................................................................................................... • 41 • I ••• ~~~!?<~~!!.~~-~~:. ............................................................................................................... : .................................................................................................. • t ••••• ~~~~,,,~~~~~ ':~!~v~:Y~~.~---~~~ ......................................................................................................................................................................... ,. .. • i 8 t 8. 0 ~~~u?o. ~~ :llCl~C:,.c;;?,~~Power S.•t, Loaded, like New, S.ve ...................................................................................................................................................... • ... I ••• ~::!P~!l~~.~!~~~!~~~ LeetMr, Under FM:tocy W•ff..................................................................... ·--······"····· ................................................... -.................. . ~.,.~,::;>2';1~!1e ~~o~.eu'!~~ Moon Roof ............................................................................................................................ ~ ............................................................................... • t • I. 8. ~~~!!,':,~c!!ny ~~!~e.~~~~ ~t• wtth Lumber Support ................................................................. -.: ................................................................................. • .. 7 I ••• ~!';!~~C?.~le~L~~~~!.?,,~1 ~~ ................................................... ., ............................................................................................................................................................ I. 0 0 ' ~:J;!~.<;;2';!!!~~·.2~~~.~~~ Ent•rtalnm9f'lt &yet ........................................................................................................................................................................ I ••• C ~~~~KC?.,';.~ ... ~~!!'~~~!> Chrome Wheef•, ctlmete Control S..te, Shetp .......................................... -..................................................................................... I ••• ~~~~.~~~,!~~.?.!To?..~ ~~Z~ !!,:'o>!:. cttrorw. unoo1n c.ntt1ec11yr9171,ooo M11e w.,,..,ey ........................ c. ....................................................... •• 41 18 8 • • r ... • .. COMPANION :\ 'l'urce of comfort and JOY for all ,1gl'"· ... rnttd an unal ... will always be a perfect ~ift for chc hol1Jay!). Fur ~e holiday seasl)O, Rogl·r'c; 4.)ffer~ you .111 ~·'>:uttng cullccrwn of quality plush ant male;. Our nwnagl'm· rl·pr l''l'nc.., crcacures of all types anJ sizes I rum arounll t hl' w11rlJ. ('raft 'llll'll luvc faith fully reproduced the key fe.11url'' ut l.'.llh .1111111.11 rl.'~uhmg m an l':\Ln.'ll\l.~ly l1k-l1kc appeM.tlllL'. With 1:-ihrir.., ..,u ..,l,fl, Ullll' yrn1 gel n h11ld. r hl·y .trl' J1tfo.:ull I ll ll'l ).!ll . \ J<CJl!ll \ 1'\l/tl\ll'l'.1 r n>lll 't-6 Ill $1,800. Elegant creat ion~ from 1111r 11\\ n 1k ... 1gn ll'.ttll Vhrl u.., to ..,.._.l. our complete ~elect ion 111 ftL''" & ..,ilk wn:.1th.,, garl.11111.., and more! C ustom Je~1gn.., .Ill' ,1\',11L1hk. Order online at rogers gardens. com .... ---------------~-------------- A ROGER'S GARDENS. Rogcl·'s Gardens hus something for et•erymH' ou y otff holiday gift giving list. T lw l 11'" 1111 111 l'\L h.mi.;ing gilts has been around to r 11•l1111le ... , l.!L'1w1 1111111' .ind h.1 ... <ilway:. been a hi 14hlighr of tl1v h1tl1ll.1\ 'L"''"'' l\11J.!l'r\ ( ;.udcn-; make it ca'\y t<• fm<l till rerfcct t f C<l'iUfC. l )111 L'\tL·n ... l\'l' L1olk·Lt11m, 1111g1n.1tmg frum all 1>\'Cr the "11il1l, tnl h11il'' li11lhl.1\ tlwnll'd g1lh .m .. I .in L'l kcrac ""' ... 1 utkd ;1111111al, .md 11111re. l ·rl'.lll' 11nl11q,:L·n.1hk 1111prt•..,,1un ... \\ Hh .1 g1 l1 I rotn Roger\ ( l.1 rdl'n!>. ROGER'S .A_ GARDENS Your Holiday Experts For Over 25 Years! 949.640,5800 ------__ _........ OUR BEST SELLING SCENT v OTIVO 'RED CURRANT' All wra~ and ready to go. Nothing wulJ bl· e.N er. The aromatic candle fearurcs a fragranu· Jl·wl- uped by V~vo fur irs richness :md drr1 h Ir '' h.mJ poured tn the USA usm~ 1hc finc~r wax. TI1c room scent ts available m '' umvenll'nt .Hnm1:er ~rr;1~ (' ~·<;Y~·7 'LADY KBNIDA.tI! Box OR. VA~~' I .................. ________________ ....... ________ .__~----- -1