HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-06 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot0 Serving the Newpo rt-Mesa community since 1907 SAT\JRDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2003 OON LEACH DAILY PILOT First-and second-graders point to planet Earth projected inside the inflatable planetarium Starlab. Instructor Shelton Basham presents the order of the universe to kids and teachers at Chirst Lutheran School in Costa Mesa. Starry day Mulsa O'Nell Daily Pilot I n the middle of the gymnasium at Ouist Lutheran Elementary School on Friday morning was what looked like a giant, wobbly. gray mushroom. The dome rose about 30 feet toward the lofty ceiling and spread 50 feet across the painted Ooor, with what appeared to be a super-sized stem coming ou1 of one side. "Oh my goodness!" first-grader Milan Long exclaimed. "What's that?~ The Starlab Planetanum, a mobile. inflatable observatory -think bounce house without the bounce -brought the stars indoors for the students in preschool through the eighth grade. The inside of the bubble made a darkened room lo observe stars projected onto it. But the outside first piqued the interest Th e universe opened up for children at Chri§t Lu theran Elementary School on Friday of a group of first -and second-graders. It look.eel just right for poking with Unle fingers. "Please do not poke my big bubble."' implored Shelton Bahllam of Mobile Ed Productions, which bnng.., the·~arlab to area school<>. To enter 1l"Alanetan11m, mo'>t of the '>tudents cr.l\~ through a shon tunnel the Mcm into iti. dimly lighted belly. thl'ir squeals of delight erhoing o0 llS nylon walls. First-grader Garren McCarthy. however, wa., a lmle -.kl·pt1c-J.1 about the whole thmg. ··is it fun in there?" Ba ham asked the children tn11ide in an attempt to rea-.sure Garrett. "Yeah!" they shouted back.. Convinced, Garren joined them as they watched a slide show about the solar system, narrated by an energetic Basham. As he went through a description of each planet. be gave it a special gesrure. Ulc.e pointing down for Earth and mimiddng martian antennae for Mars. By the end of the show. the chUdren were reciting and signing all the planets, in order, alone. The lesson concluded with a slcy full of stars projected inside the dome. pointing out the major constellations. such as Orion. Ln Orion's armpit. Basham poinred out, sits a star with a funny name - Bctelgew.c. "Beetlebug?" one girl wondered aloud in the darkness. Arter the show. ~ham lifted ont.> edge See STARRY, Pa1e A4 Newport Dunes has first snow Children had snowball fights and built snowmen, thou gh Frosty won 't last long next to the b ay. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACl I -Grains of sand blended In with white snow crystals that gleamed under bright holiday lights. It was the first snow at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. which has cele- brated the hollday season by lighting treeS on the water for the last 10 years. But never has the resort had 20 tons of ~now dumped next to the bay. And the children of Newpon Beach, who are probably tired of dreaming or a Whtte C:hric;tmas. rejoiced Fnday night. Snowbafu. flew around. sometimes hit· ting unsuspecting by!.tanders who simply responded witll a shrug and a smile and took a qwck sip from a cup of hot cocoa Swoosh! Brenna Currey came sliding down a patch oflce. "This is fun," the 7-year-old eitclaimed as her friend pulled her away saying, "Cmon Brenna! Let's build a snowman." "Mom. can I eat It?" Brenna asked. "No you can\," repUed her mother. Kristin Cuney. "This Is nlce," Currey sald. "This is our FAMILY TIME " first time here. and we've never really seen snow in the!>e parts. It'!. great for the kids.. and it gets you in that holiday spirit." Brian mom.as wru. stacking up SOO'N- balls for his 5--year old triplcu>. Gage, C.ole and Charlee. "last year. we went to the Corona del Mar event," he said. "Rut this Is great. It's a lot of fun." It was not just the kids who were hav- ing fun Unda Powers and her son BW Koop were having a little snowball fight on the side by themselves. Koop laughed as he tried to get ice out of his pocket. See SNOW, Pa1e A4 A chance to give a little N o one asked him if he wanted to be born. No one asked hJm where he wanted to Uve or what he'd like his mom and dad to do for a living. No one asked him lf It was OK to move rar away from the faml!y members who could offer help when It was needed. what they would do or how they wouldUve. He was onJy along ror the ride. No one gave him a choice on · .__ ____ _ anything tmpottant. After all, he wu only a kld; what did he A Jfttle older now, he ls beginning to recognize lhat he la d.IBercnt. He knoWI So whrn his mom loat h r job bccauae the comJW1Y wasn't doing well, It didn't ttally matter what he thoughL I le bad no voice ln where thty would go, STEVE SMITH ts btglnnln8 to reall.ze that most chndren do not live In a group home, ot muldple group homes. the way he has. He understands now that moat 1c.ids who have &lept t.n their cars did not do so because it was an adventure, as his m om had told him. but because they had nowhere else to sleep. Then the car was gone - sold to buy food and clothing. Anendlng hlJ third school In as many months, he struggled to make friend l<nowtng th.at the o01er kids In acbool ttturt1ed homo each afternoon to the same house or apartment. he could not ult them aver to the •helter to play. Thay wouldn't W1 deraiand and would probably tease him. But be watched televillon £torn dme to tin\~ and he began to understW'td how it was supposed to be. He began to understand that a family was a mom, a dad and a child or children. He watched and saw e parent golng off to work; sometlmt'S both parenta went to work. Th• kids went to achoo!, often walking and laughing with chums they met ll1003 the way. At nfaht, the 1V people had dinner together and talked about their days. After dlMer, S.. FNllL.Y, Pace M Rohrabacher faces Dornan Former firebrand congressman Bob Dornan files papers to run in the March Republican primary. Allele Robinson Daily Pilot COSTA Ml:.SA -lt's a political battle that could include every- thing up to B-1 bombers. Former congressman and conservacive talk show pundit Bob Doman filed papers on Fri- day afternoon to run against Rep. Dana Rohrabacher in the March 2 Republican primary. Despite an up-and down his- tory of friendship btttwecn the two candidates. lhe campaign for the 46th District is expected to get ugly. 'Tm just di11appointed that Bob decided to do this," Rohra· bacher said of [)()man's decision 10 file. HThi<. 1~ all based on ego and an old grudge. and I'm sorl) QUESTION 7 Whom would you support, Doman or Rohrabac:h•r7 Call • our Reader's Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send an e-mail to dsilypilot @latimes.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. that he doesn't remember any of the positive fighb that we had while we were on the same team." That team fell apart after Dor nan's high-profile lo&~ of his Gar- den Grove based Congressional i-.eal to Rep. l oretta Sanche1 in 1996. Dornan has loudly blamed that loss in part on a lack of <;up port by his fellow California Reps. Olri'i Cox. Ron Packard, l:d Royce and Rohrabacher. He also lost a rematch in 1998. Dornan, who earned numer- ou'> nicknames during his fire- See DORNAN, Pa1e A4 Leaks lead to large settlement Builders give Corona del Mar residents $1.2 million to fix their con dos. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot CORONA lJf"l. MAR -Less th.in a week after •·ran~ and Barbara Pe1er~ moved into their dream home overlooking the ocean. they came home to find that rain had left a puddle in the kitchen area next to the phone. From there. things went !>teadily downhiU as they watched more water leak into their $1 2-mil- Daily Pilot ATA GLANCE ONllfEWES: www.~com WEATHER S It will be mostly cloudy today, with high• near 70. The real fun could be late tonight or Sunday morning, when there'• a chance of rain washing through the area. SeePa1eA2 A DISPLAY OF ART South Coaat Plaza Village is llon-plu!., 3,000-square-foot lOndomii1lum with every 1ain- fall. The Peters and their neigh- bors the Albers have reached a landmark $1.26-mlllion com- bined settlement with con struc- tion company ETCO Develop- ment or Westmin1>1er for construction defects in tlw decks of their two <Jcljacent con domimums on Breakers Drive "It started out as a dream home for ui. and ended up the mp-side of a dream -a n1gh1 mare: Peters said. "At one point, I think. I had 13 holei. c;topped up in the ceiling in my See LEAKS, Paee A4 There was an all-out snowball fight Friday nrght at the Newport Dunes Resort. The resort brought m snow for the 10th annual lighting of the Bay ceremony. STEVE McCRANK/ OAllV PILOT the setting for an shpw by artists more Interested In 1helr medium than the money SeePaaeA15 ABOUT CHILDREN - Parents find Inspiration during a apeedi at Harbor Day School in Corona del Mar. SeePa1eA7 SPORTS UCI women'a volleyball takea the Tigers by the tall In first round of NCAA tournament and will fee. UCLA tonight. S..PqeBl f 1 AZ Sltl.t~. December 6, 2003 BOOMERS & BEYOND Finding a place to call honie There are plenty of options for active seniors and seniors who need more regular care. ' lul1 P1fta Daily Pilot ' NEWPORT-MESA -AB the country's population ages, more houatng opdons are becoming available for senlors. each offer- ing dift'erent levels of can! and service. lbJs Is especially true of areas with large senior populations. such as Newport-Mesa. Senlor apartment complexes allow Independent seniors to maintain their lifestyle in an en- vironment fllled with their peers. Adult day cares offer struc- tured actlvides and services and also provide regular care and su- pervision outi.ide of the home for part of a day. Assisted-Uving communities are residenllaJ communities that provide help with medlcatJons, bathing. grooming. but they ere not a skilled nursing facility. Contlnulng care retirement communldes are full-service and offer long-term contract They provide assisted-living and skilled nursing care. Residenlia.I care facilities tend to be singfe-family homes that offer complete personal care, in- cluding meals. housekeeping. medications end transportation. BOOMER CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR llema to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St. Costa M ... 9:a627; by &-mall to lui1.P«Ja@latimn.com; by fax 10 (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 57~298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well 81 a contact phone number. ONGOfNG Oula Senior c.nt.r holds • pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, conoe and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center la at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. ,_..... 50-Plua 9UPPOft group for women 60 and older la a diacu .. ion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address Issues such "en>tl.-y, depression, ralationahlpa, lonelinass•and family. The group meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays It the agency officea, 260 E. Balcer St., Suite G, Costa Meaa. Prereglatretlon required. (714) 446-4960. The Btallle Institute olflrw .... computer claaaes to people with fading vision who hew dl1"culty Mefng the computer KtMn. The Oasis Center at 800 MargU&f'fte Ava., Corona del Mar, oftara ahc Mllk>na. can to algn up for Alzheimer's facillt.les offer a se-the residentl through such activ- rure environment for those af-ities. Olcted with Alzhelmer's. The fa-Their Alzheimer'• unit pnr cilldes provide esal.st.ance with vldes 24-hour ICIQn care. Reai· such daily activities as dressing. dents are monitored. grooming. bathing and mcdlcn-•Residents that a.re living at dons. home that think. 'Oh, I'm not Where a senlor should live de-quite ready to r:nake a maYe to an pends, of course. on whal that assisted-Uving Cadllty,' really person needs. thrive once they get lnto our Avalon at Newport ~t ls an buildings because of how active aaslsted-llving and independent out acllvity program ts," Harper facility Lhal ls set up to offer as· said. slstance to those that require It The cost of their fad.lity can and Independent living to the vary from $1,650 to $4,000 per elderly, said Annette Harper. the month depending on the leYel of communlty outreach director for care that an indM.dual would re- Avalon. quire, Harper ea.id. The facility also has a secure Another Conn of housing ta unlt called Recollections for peo-provided by Newport Beach pie suffering from Alzheimer's Plaza, a luxury retirement com- and dementia. munity that caters to the inde- "What happens ts that they pendent lifestyle for active peo- would come into the commu-. pie, said Connle Marvlck, nlty, we would do an asses.1ment general manager. on them based on what their ad-"The active pior Is one who dillonal needs may or may not works part-llme, travel.s, who Is be: Harper said .• ,.. personal-very Involved, maybe still voJun- care program Is put together for leering. and who is a very active. each individual that comes mto curious indivldual.w MalVick the community.~ said. · Avalon is not a skilled nursing Newport Beach Plaza plans (acillty but Is next to Hoag I los· trips to such places as Mexico. pilal and next to a skilled nursing Hawaii and Branson, Mo. They facility. also lake day trips to closer desti- Workers can take care of nations such as the racetrack household needs such as house-and the Getty Museum. keeping, laundry, and they also Newport Beach Plaza has provide three meals a day in the long-term staff, which doesn't dining room. They also have a have a high turnover rate and thorough activity caJendar for keeps their facility running the residents, such as movie smoothly, Marvick said. People nJghts and happy hours. n1ey living at the facillty are from 68 encourage socialization among 10 97 years old. Would-be resi- claaaes. (714) 821-5000. Arthritis Foundetion INtructor Hillary Stone leada an exercise The Com Me9a Senior Cen1er clan at 11 a.m. Thuradaya at the haa ballroom dancing with llve Jewish Senior Center. 250 E. music from the Betty'• Trio from Baker St, Costa M899. (714) 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. fNery Tuesday 613-5641. night at 695 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 648-3884. Oule Senior Cent.r °"*9 a ct.lty telephone contact program for Jewish Famlty Setvk:e of 0raf199 seniors who have a limited local County sponsors an ongoing support system. They also offer healing 1t.1pport group for the computer clauea that teach the chronically ill. The purpose la to basics of Word, Quidcen, Print provide participants with Shop and Internet usage. (949) emotional and spiritual support 644-3244. to menage illness and Its consequences. The group meets The 0.aia Senior Cen19f °"*9 • at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish shuttle to take members to Famlly Service office, 250 E. appointments and grocery Baker St .. Costa Mesa. shopping. The shuttle also takes Attendance la free, but , members to the center. Call to registration ia required. (714) make an appointment. (9491 ~. 644-3244. J9wlsh Famlty Service ofJ9ra O.al1 Senior CenWr °"*9 vlsuel ongoing bereavement support aid screenings with a Braille groups for adults at all atagaa of lnatltU1e representative, by lou. Group members share appointment. (949) 644-3244. axperienc:et, hear how others deel with grtef. receive IUISPort OMll Senior Cent« h••. and leam wsya to cope with walking group called Walkers Not sadness Ind Iola. One group Rodcer1, which meeta once a meen at 7 p.m. Tuetdaya at Btth weelt to enjoy acenic walks in and Jacob In Irvine. The MOOnd group around the Newport Beach area meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays et {949) 844-3244. TWnpte Judea In Laguna Hilla. The third group meets et 1 p.m. The Abhelmer'a Aun. and GrW Thundeya at the Ezra Center In Support Group of Newport Ville Anaheim. lhef9'a no cost to WestNllla Rosa CCHponaora a attend, but edvance registration free eupport group moetlng for ls requlr.t. (714) 44M960. caregivers et 7 p.m. the fourth o.las.Noteenw--. Thuraday of ..c:n month through October It Newport Villa West 11111\tnce, counMllng and ANlttod Uvlng, 393 Hoapltal refln"al •rvlcM for""'°"' (949) Road, Newport Beedl. (949) M4-3244. 831-3566, I DailyAPilOt ~ Ma~ c. Dultln. Don L.aacn, K.erit Tulplow READERS HOT\JM! (949) 842-8088 VOL 97, NO. 340 Newt Edltor'I Gina AleQnder, I.off Andenlon, Deni.t Hunt, Paul S.ltowltt, O.Olel Si.wnt HlWSITAff' 0..,. "'*""" Cl'if'M and court. rtlf:)Orter. (IMQ) 574-'228 r:JNp1.bNntt1•'-"'-com JuMC.•91ende N11WP<>rt Beadi rtp<>rtor, ("9) 57'"'4ll~ /uM .OftltQ,..,..1'11macom Lolltt Harper Columnl.i. cultu,. reporter. UM9)15'7.w27& loltt• ,,.,.,,.,.,.,,,,,..oom o.w..~ Re<:ord your oommant.1 tbout the Daily Ptlot or newt tlpe Addt.aa Our addreu 11 330 W. 81y St., ~a MIN, CA 92827. Office houri are Monday -Fridsv. 8:30 a.m 6 p.m CclnecdoM It 11 the Piiot .. policy to prompdy comtCt ell om>,. of eub9tancft. Pl .... c.11 UM9) ~~ FYI The Nawpon IMdtlCom Meta Delly Piiot IUSPS-1""'8001 ta publlahad ~lty, In Newpof1 Beed't and Com Meal, aubacrlptlone ,,. tvall1ble only by IUbacrlblog to The Timea Orao09 County (800~ DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Freida Peak, Evelyn Lien, Jan Leone, Dorothy Jo Swanson, Ceil Guilliams, from left, lift light weights during exercise class at Newport Beach Plaza, a retirement community for active seniors. dent. must be 62 years or older. The environment Is like a rest- denUal hotel with a concierge desk. message therapist, gym and computer room. all ofwhJch keep the residents very active, Marviclt said. She saJd that the cost to stay al Newport Beach Plaza ls between $2,200 and $4.200 per month de- pending on services and type of room. Newport Beach Nursing and Rehabilitation offers far more in- tensive care than Newport Beach Plaza. It works with people who can no longer take care of them- selves. The facilities also provide room and board, personal care and supervision 24 hours a day. The facilities have an on-site nursing staff, which is provided by regisrered nurses and licensed practical nurses and nurse's al des. The Alzheimer'• Aaan. and Mes. Tel1"9Ce, a residential oommuntty for people with Allhalmers disease and celated dementia, offer• a free 1t.1pport group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of eadl month at Mesa Terrace, 350 W. Bay St .. Costa Meaa. (714) 283-1111. Oula Senior c.m.r conduc:tl blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month In Room 3 at 80<l Marguerita Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. Th• ()ash Senior CentM on.r.. a Braille cla.sa to help with sight loss from 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays In Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The J9wlsh Senior Cent9r on... card games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . every third Tuesday. A kosher lunch la offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 613-5641. RevlM your Hfwdme docum.nta for advance health care directives at the Oasis Senior Center for $3 eadl. Call to make an appolritment. (949) 1)44.3244. ()ash s.r1'or c.m.r offw9 preventive healthcare MrVlcea for seniors on the fourth Wednesday of each month tn the center's Room HS-3, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Seniors and low Income tamm. in the Costa Meaa-Newpori Beech Copyright: No nlW9 ltOria, lllustrftlona, adltorl1I matter or adveftllafMnll herein can ba raproduoed Without wntten permlMlon of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH ua ~ The Timea Orange County (800) 252"9141 Mvel1lelnt a111•.ld C94Sl &U-Wle ~llM8l 8'2~1 EdhoMI New. (Me) 8C2 6e80 ~('48)574"4223 New. .... UM9) 844170 lpotta ..... (9'9) 6&0-0170 l>malt: <Ullypliot•l•tl,,,...com MMlt<>lllaa ...... OMoa (9'$) 8'2..:t21 ~ ..... ("9) 831 7128 Carol Gerken. director of clinl· cal services, aald that the facility is for senk>n and some younger people who have lost the ability to do daily actMtie& The facil- ity's population ls mostly geriat- ric. She said that the price range of their facillty varies depending on the level of care. Aviva Godman, executive di- rector of the Costa Mesa Senior Center, said that one alternative to the various facilities is to keep a parent at home and hire a care- giver wbo lives in the home. For the same amount of money that It would have cost 10 place her mother in an assisted living facUlty, her family was able to keep her mother at home. Goelman said. Anyone considering placing a parent in a facility should check the facility out with agencies area can obtain free U.S. Department of Agriculture surplua food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the second Friday of each month in the rear paritlng lot et the Chun:ti of Christ. 740 W. Wilson St, Cost.a Mesa. Picture identification is required. (949) 650-8236. Oaala Senior Center °"*9 • counselor to assist with questiona about Medicare, HMOs and supplemental and long-term care insurance. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oeala Senior CenWr ofl!Wa a mHI program for members. lunch is served daily from 11:45 a.m. to 12:16 p.m. in the multipurpose room at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def Mar. Hom&-delivered meals are available for homebound seniors. Reservations are required. (949) 644-3244. ' The Anlance for the Mentally Ill of Orange County provides education and emotional support for famlllea with loved ones who are mentally 111. A free support group meeta from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. every other Saturday It the Orange Counry Mental Health Clinic, 3115 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mua. (714) 850-8463 .... ()ash Senior c.n. of'fwa rental of medical equipment - whoek:ttalrs, W91kara and more. (949) 644-3244. The Coata Meu Senior c.n. offers preventlve health care aervk:ea for aenlors ftom 9 a.m . to such as the Better Business Bu- reau to see if complaints have been filed again.st ii.. she said Paying a surprise visJt would be ideal, she saJd, because that would allow a person to 1ee wha1 life is like there on a daily baslc; without having a show put on. Seniors should also be placed in their own religious environ- ment, officials saJd. If someone is a practicing Catholic, they prob- ably wouldn't want to be placed In e Jewish oriented facility. Olaru Mody, the social serv- ices representative at Costa Mesa SenJor Center, said that the phY.- sicaJ appearance of e facillty Is important It should be bright, airy with many windows, Mody said. MThe more familiarity to their home environment that you give them, the better that they will adjust,~ Goelman agreed. 2 p.m. Wednesdays and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every other Tuesday, at 695 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. Call to make an appointment. (949) 645-2356. The Cosu Meu Senior Cen19r offers counseling, assistance and referral services for seniors, 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-2356. The Com M ... Hlstolical Society holds a free<>pen house from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays et 1870 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa. The event features memorabilia from the city of Costa Mesa and the Santa Ana Army Air Base. (949) 631-5918. O.sb Senior CenWr on.r... Parkinson's disease support group from 7 to 9 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (94~) 644-3244. The Co8'-MeN Senior Cen19r offers transportation services for medical-related appointments. Call at least one week In advance. All other transportation needs - such 81 grocery shopping, library vlsita and rides to and from the center -may be reserved between 8 and 8:30 a.m. the same day 1ervlce Is needed. (949) 645-2356. Dial ext. 19 for medlcal-rel•ted appointments. The Costa Meu SenJor c.nt.r offera a Widows-Widowers Support Group from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays at 695 W. 19th St.. Costa M888. (949) 645-2356. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Morning fog wlll atl<* aroond todsv. giving way to partial •ftemoon delring. Some aru1 wlll have lllalblllty of lau than a quarter milt. O.ytlme hight wlll be In th• lower to upper 00.. More of the same fog tonight, bot with 1 30% c:ttance of rein. low tempereturea ahoold In the Uppet o40lJ t0 low 50e lnlonnetloft: www.nws.l'IOla.flOV BOATING FORECAST condltlo'l& could worsen In the evening, and boaters ere urged lo use caution and cttedc on conditions frequently. SURF West-facing breab will be at or •bov• head-high In the morning end above u the day progr .... s. South...faclng breaks should have IOf'l'leodlffrectlon with leM conalttency. Surfer• thOuld antJclplte double-overhead, elongahore 1nd rip current condltl<>M •nd uM IM1teme caution. --qwellty: www.1urfrlder.oro Cose. MMI tepOfttf, 19'9) 57<Ml21 t»ltdN ,...,,..,.,,1111.IMJ,.,,...oom ... 01MI Educellon raoc>r*, 19'8157~88 m.rlu OMll•tatlmcoom ~'-Ae 252 9141 In.,... OUUlde of Newpoit a..<fl Incl Coata Meta, aublcrlptlona lo the Dally Pilot ere •"eli.ble only by firtt c:1 ... melt fof S30 per month. (Ptloel Include 1111 1ppl1etble ttat• and looel telfM.) POSTMAS'TtJt: Stnd addraM Publtahed by Tirnet Community Newt, • dlVlelon of the Loe Angelet Tlrnee CloH to the shore, wlnda wlll co~ from the weat at 10 knots with wevee at 2 fMt or leN on a we.tern swell of 510 7 fett. Winds could lncrNM .. rty In the evening. Out ferther, thete lt 1 am9.ll C:rlft edvleoty for hauitdOln .... from Serie. Cl'\R laland to S.n Clement• i.ltnd. Winds Wiii COfM from tht west •nd nomw.t bet'ween 10 ~ 16 knott With 2·foot WIWtil and• ~Mell of 10to12 fMt. Fo....u fn>m the Natlontl weather s.vtce.,.. pr9d!Gtlrlg TIDES 'l1rne 12.641.m. 7:131.m. 2:22p.m. Wp.tn. ......... 1.93-*t low U&ftethlgh -0.09'"' low UlfMthlgh N-. aAIMnt. (841) ..,~ lu1'.""'1••~tt,.,,...com cn.noea '°,,,. NMPOn 8udVC:oRa MeN 0.lly Pilot. P.O. Box 1580, eo.te Mela, CA tme. C2003 Tlmaa CN All rightll f'8l9rved Jo. WATER TEMPERATURE Dady Pilot Newport to be test site for electronic voting machines Residents going to the council meeting cm be among the first in the county to try out the devices. June Ca1a1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORI' BEACH -C.Onunu- nity members who show up be- fore the Qty C.Owicil meeting on Tuesday will be among the first .people In the county who get to try 01:1t new electronic voting ma- chines. The Orange C.Ounty Registrar of Voters will hold a mock election on Tuesday at a nine locations throughout the county, including Newpon Beach Qty Hall The reg- istrar chose a number of cities that hold council meetings on Tuesday In hopes of getting as many people as possible to test- drive the new machines before they are put In use for real in the primary election in Man:h. "Jr's basically u dry nm for us," FYI said ~ Rowley, a spokesman for the ri3glstrats office. WHAT: Voters can try out the new eSlate electronic voting . machines In a countywlde mock election. The registrar coordinated the mock balloting in part as a sort of dress rehearsal for election offi- cials whose job it Is to set up and later dismantle polling places. The p~ will be timed by ~unty officl.als, who will alsO keep crack of any proble.rm with the system. Members of the public are In- vited to come participate In the mock election. 1be ballot will In• dude four fictional races and two fictional ballot Initiatives. The questions will clearly be about fic- tional issues, to avoid confusion about whether the votes are real. They're not. But they will be tal- lied by election officials as pan of their dry run. The new electronic voting ma- chine is called an eSlate. It looks like an electronic clipboard with a dial for navigating the screen and a button to cast ballots. The new equipment will replace paper bal- lots In future elections In Orange WHEN: 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday WHERE: Outside City Council chambers at City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd. . INfORMATION: Pictures of the equipment and fn*1:ructlona can be viewed at the registrar's Web site, http:/lwww.oc.ca.gov/electlon. The Newport Beach city clerk's office can be reached at (949) 644-3005. C.Ounty. "It's just a chance for people to try out the new electronic voting equipment," Newport Beach Qty Oerk LaVonne Haikless said EJection officials also hope to have a voting machine set up In thJ! city clerk's office prior to the March election to allow people to practice on the machines and be· come familiar with them, Hark- less said. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS UC Irvine will offer minor in accounting UC ltvine will offer an undergraduate miqor in accounting starting In fall 2004. The program will consist of courses de- signed to prepare students for taktng the uniform Cer- tified Public Accounting examination. The school anticipates that enrollment for the new program will s tart a t 80 students and wilt ex- pand in later years. The program was approved Thursday by the UCI Aca· demic Senate's CouncU on Educational Policy. UCI students have been limited to introductory ac· counting courses and must complete course work at other colleges if they wish to sit for the Cer- tified Public Acc,ounling exam. Saturday, Decembef' 6, 2003 A3 RosEY's AUIOBODY _.,._. __ -. ~ -.. - You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Pull Servke Colli.ion Centw m,~ ~ Insurance Approved Shop IOSIY'S AUfOIODY (949) 642-4522 121 lndllc!':~ .,... Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday t!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... QualJcy Serncc .. • ... Nightly Entutal.runeot••• /,ii h,',u'I t'1llJUl/.'i ( .11/ (9 •i9) 646-7'>4,i 1(1'>'5 lt~inc: A\d •• <"•-"I·• .\a.._ .... , ltin•h• u •• nn.I \lt·u "Ml ftn• ~\ti • It.• h •1 ... ,, 1 Wt 1ltMe 7~ {J«4t a-StM-e.. . I WESTSCW. NonDairy Soy Beverage Original or Vanilla •Plus ~ Condnental . NON-FAT ~ YOGURT AcidqXtilis 16 Flavors to Choose •Lactose REG. '1.49 77'tloz. REG. '3.99 •Regular - Free REG. 9W BCR. • FACIAL MASKS Sltin 0re Choose 'lbe Perfect Mask for Your Skin 'fYpe • PAPAYA ENZl'ME PEEL -A Must for al Skin 1yPa . •OM' MBJ( DEroXln'ING-Calms Dry.~ & SemtiYe Skin •APPLE REFINING -RMtalbes Sun DlmlCed 4 Agbtg Skin • PUMPKIN EXFOUATING-Puriftes and a.t8a SJ.f! 59 • FR.ENal a.AV PURIFYING -For Normal REG..p Mid OQy Sldn . 1.2. u Ill - FARM FRESH PRODUCE HAI M Pure Foods ~~Sugar • Powdered Or1'IDic • Wbl.e Organ.le ==~s REG. '2.99 VITAMIN C -1000~ Pia ROiie Hips_ Antioxidant ~ ~. '7.38 -~1001na Plcollnate aoa itcc SuppottG/~$8!! Metoho/Jsm• SUGG. f12.19 2:!11ap1 r --· i K:·, .. ~h i : Ultbnate &bw:t St""""""1Md Milk 'lhiltle11smg :t=.$A99 SUGG. '6.81 All" 100 caps Lutein • 20 mg P6o~-lmg ~G.~.~"'lr SUGG. 912.99 S7AY WAJCfvl FOi< THE HOU'DAY5 ! F~T J OBITUARY .... Paul A. La Sttapes Mr. Paul A La Stripes, a 42-ycar resJdent of Costa Mesa. died Nov. 2-4 of pneumonia. I le was97. Mr. La St.rapes ls sur· vived by hls son Ron; daughter Patricla An· derson; three grandchil- dren; and eight great grandchildren. SHIPPING A MOVING IOXIS FAMILY Continued from Al the mom tucked the kids into bed and kisa4!d them goodnlght. Most of all. on teleYt$lon and through hJ scbool.mateii' lives. he uw secudty. It overwhelmed . him to the point that he thought ofUttJe else. His yearning for a permanent home. a good job for his mom and the chance to walk to the same school aver and over agllln for months or years became a beautiful obsession. After achool, when no one was watching. he acted out the family Ufe he promised himsclC. I le bad a wife and two children SALE STARTS November 28'" THROUGH December 3 l " 1727 Westclff Drfvt Ht leach• 949·642-fEfT 2-494-9069 Fax: 562-494-1069 "'•&aftor Referrals • All Major Credit Cards wind o ws .co. "T CREEK MEXICAN" 8r11kf1tt, l111~ & Dht1er r.--------------------~--n I I I I I I I e., o .. B1t9er & 2 L,. s.~ ..... Get o .. B1r9er FREE I I Y1114 J'M·9PM. M11t ,,. ... , '"'"· Ou f:.' ... , ... ,. llet n ll4 •••~er,,,,,._ I -·-----~'::.!!· .. !:!!·------... , & 11 .. ~ ~ 17STREET BEAUTY CENTER S tocfytg S tuffers! 'Ifie Largest, ~' intst, 1 rietufUtst 'l3tau ty Supp(y & 1 ufl Smlict Salen In Orangt County Got Pets? and a hoUlt! or their own. They mom. When she knew mo• were happy. they gave her eome nice dot.bes Then. one day. his mom took and aent her on job lntervfews. him to a different type of group But as soon llS be saw hope, home. nm one was ln a place be also saw dtead IJ was now he liked lmmedfa~ because Thanksgtvlog. and he began to when he arrived 1n August. he see signs of Ouistinas. noticed that he did not need a.It Ouistmas meant gifts. Toys. He condltlonl.J}g at night. He'd never had been a good boy, he had air conditioning lo the other · thought, and even with all the homes end had suffered during bad stuff happening around the hot. sleep~ nJgttts. him, surely he'd get something. Thls place was diJfereot. But at 10, he was oJd enough to Durlng the day. he went to a know the truth. llChool where his teacher did not He knew there was no Santa judge him because he was Oaus. and he knew his mom different At this school, his didn't have enough money yet to teacher gave hlm just as much buy him anything. So for him, time and attention as the other Oui.stmas morning would be children. like fM!r'/ other morning. During t.lie day at this place, But he awoke last Ouistmas his mom had things to do. They morning to a miracle. That we~no longer sleeplng 1n a morning. he had wrapped gift5 room with other moms and dads at the foot of his bed ~ he and kids, but one of their own. opened them, the miracle grew. This one even had Its own He got the one toy he'd wished bathroom. AD this meant that for and some brand new clothes mom would have to keep house -these had the labels still agaln. the way she used to do In anached -and they were thelr apartment when times exactly his size. were good. But the best was yet to come. During the day, they taught Just after he opened his last gift, his mom how to use a computer, his mother leaned over to him something he was learning, too, and said, "Baby, I've got some in his new school. "You can get a good news for you. The lot of jobs if you know how to computer classes I took here use Um well,· they told his helped me find a job. And some LEAKS Continued from Al t kitchen. d ining area and living room.· Some of the holes were one and two feet wide where work· ers had gone in to try to find the soun:e of the lew. The defects were in the outdoor deck that forms the roof over an open in· door living area. More than half a do~en at- tempts by the developer to fix the problem were unsuccessful. Peters said. So he and his neigh- bors hired an aftorney. John Manly, attorney with the Costa Mesa firm Manly & McGuire, said tha1 the settle- ment amount is extraordinary. ·1 don'1 know of any other set- tlement-this high for just two units," Manly said. ETCO Development works regularly in Newport Beach, often on small projects such as the two-unit development where the Peters and the Albers bought their beachfront con- dos. A representative of FfCO could not be reached for com· ment on Prlday afternoon. very nice person hu glvtn us the monoy we need to mow Into our own apartment again. one that'• rwo blocb from the school you'll be going to. So, I'm sorry that we have to move again, but this time, It's gonna be for a long. long time. Merry Ouisunas.· ••• Th.is dream was made possible by the miracle wort.ers at the Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter 1n Costa Mesa. You can help them make these dreams come true through your donations of food and clothing or by sponsoring a fnmUy to make their Oui.stmas dreams come true. But most of all, your donationi. of cash are needed to help kids who don't have a choice. Please be generous this year and ma](e a donation today. Send it to the Orange Coast lnterfaJth Shelter, 1963 Wa.Uace Ave., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. Or call (949) 631-7213. Than.le you very much. • STEVE SMrnt is a Costa Mesa nnident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Dally Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. ' PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA tr.EM •W... ... 8"Ml:A commerdal burglaly w. ~in the 800bloctM 4!06p.m.~. • Cenllir ltlMI:~ ~ cilla were reponed In t:M 800 b60dt .i 9:53 p.m. Wednetcs.y. • Oinlen Un« \landelilm wa reported '"the 2000 btodt.i 12:01 p.m. ~-. ....,_~An auto 1t'9f\ w .. reported In the 700 blodc at 2;26 p.m. Wtdneect.y. • MonnMI Awnue: Grend theft waa reported In the 2000 blodl st 9:16 a.m. Wednesday. •Pline~ A veNde burglery waa reported In the 3100 blodt st 2:09 p.m. Wedneeday. .......... Awnue; Poeeeuion of merijuant was reported In the 2300 blodc et 9:19 a.m. Wednesday. •ScenicAwnue:A hit·end-run was report9d in ' the 1600 block et 12:21 p.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • w.t e.lboll Bout.wird: A burglary was reported in the 1100 blodc et 7:63 a.m. Thureday. • Birch StNet: Petty theft W8$ reported In the 20100 blodc at 7:39 a.m. Thursday. • Bftstol StrMt and hint .Awnue: Battery was reported at 11 p.m. Thursday. • EMtblu9 Drivei A traffic accident lnvoMng Injuries wu reported In the 2500 blodt at 10:11 a.m. Thul"lday. • ~C..,DnwEat: Petty theft WU reported In the 800 block et 3:68 p.m. Thurwday. • Y/99' 15th StrMt: Vandalism was reported In the 900 blodt et 7:02 a.m. Thur.day. SNOW Continued from Al "It a:mld get a lot worse, you know," his mother said with a laugh. Mark Smith, a visitor from Maryland, is no st.rangec to snow. City officials sald they were unaware of any significant problems with the developer's projects in Newport Beach. The Peters paid out of pocket to repair the six-figure damages and now will get their money back from the settlement. Thts water damage caused by leaks in a roof was one reason that the owners sued the condo's builders. The company settled with the owners of this and another condo for $1 .26 million . "But this ~ so much better,· he said. "You have snow by the beach which Is kind of unusual.• • Every year. the resort tries to do something new to entertain guests and visitors. sai<l Alyssa Mauro. activities director. "We were never sure we'd get reimbursed, so it's very satisfy· ing haVlng the house repaired." DORNAN Continued from A 1 brand years in Congress. among the most polite being ·e-1 Bob." also maintained that he would never have been in the fight had he not given Rohrabacher the safe Republican Huntington Beach district in 1992, rather than take it himseU after the last round or redistricting. Rohrabacher. 56, a former journalist and speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, has served in Congress since 1988. Although Doman helped him get his start in politics with an endorsement, Rohrabacher is on his guard for the coming cam· pajgn. ·aob Is known as a very abu· alve and mean-splrlted cam· paigner, so no one ever takes him lightly,· he said. "I have to make IUJ'e I have the money necessary to thwart and to ex· plain what is expected to be a race laced with highly personal attacks.• Doman ha.a oome out swing· lng. The statement that he ls a mudslinging campaigner •1a a lie perpetrated by Democrats.·· he said. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Delly Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa M ... , CA 92627; by fax to (949) 644M170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orenge Coall College It offering a nl~..p•rt film hlttory on Alfred Hltehcodc. The ••rl11 wlll be moderated by retired OCC proftHor H. A11hur Tau .. lg. Each .... ion wlll be held at 6:30 p.m . one Friday ••ch month. The event• wm be held at OCC't Flnt Artt Hall 118. Adml .. lon lt $8 for a du I ta end $5 for Hnlora tnd OCC etudtnta. For more Information, call (714) 432-5880. Peters said. "Now, it's just a mat- ter of getting over the trauma." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers "I never pul out a negative brochure in any of my cam- paigns until I got hir first,# Dor· nan sajd. HI always try to run a campaign on the issues." Doman toyed with the idea of running againsl Rohrdbacher in the fall of 1999. Dornan, 70. also has a long history of government service. lie served In the U.S. Air Force from 1953 to 1959 and was a congressman from 19n 10 1983 and from 1985 to 1997. II was the Sept. ll, 2001, ter· rorlst attacks that motivated him to get baclc into politics. he said. Local RepubUcans weren't ex· peeling the move and will have to choose sides in the coming weeks. ~, have not seen Bob for sev· eral years, and I don't know anyone who has talked to him for several years, so such an an· nouncement ls a real surprise,· Orange County Republican Party Olalrman Tom Puentes said. Doman and Robrabacher had similar voting records in Con- gress, so it's unlikely that one partJcular Issue will be a factor In the race. Fuentes said. I le expected Rohrabacher's fellow legislators to support him. RAW FOOO GOURMET HOUOAY BAU Celebrate the holldayt with an elegant evening from 7 to 11 p.m. todey 11t the Helecfest Pavilion, 3107 Klllybroolt Lane. There wlll be flva raw got.tnnet a1>P9tltert, delectable deuertt, five mutlc, ~ng all night. roerfng fire, candlelight Mttlng and a cath bar. The cost It S66 to $60. Information and reservations: ('49) 660-0872. RING OF UGHTS Th• Commodore..Club If the Ntwpo11 Btaeh Chamber of Commerce will hott the Ring of Light• home dtcorttlng competition In Dectmber. All home, buafnHe, end yecht cluba llnlng the harbor are Invited to partlclpete. Dec:or1tlon• mu1t be In Plipce by Mond1y. Information (849) 729-4400. • Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagr11nde@lat1mes.com "We have a lot of firsts this year," she said. "We have the snow. the entertainment. the chowder and concessions. It gets "He worlcs very closely with bener every year." the other House members from The event aims to get local peo- Orange County and the likeli-pie in the holiday spirit, Mauro hood of their rallying behind said. him is high." Fuentes said. "People driving by can see ~ Rohrabacher also said he and . from Coast l lighway." she said Doman have similar political "We hope they look. in our direc- agendas but that his opponent's tion and get some of that holiday negativity will likely be a turnoff cheer." to voters. "Bob and I come from two dif. ferent conservative roots," Rohrabacher said: "Bob is an old-line rtght·wi.nger who is al- ways against things. ... A posi- rlve conservative approach is something that is much more in • OE.EPA BHARATH covers public safety and coorts. She mayf>e reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail et deepa.bharath@l11t1mes.com. ll.lne with the voters of this dis· STA DffY trict than what Bob's track. re· I l'\R cord represents." Continued from Al But Doman said his legislative record is not the same as Rohra· bacher's, and he expects Issues to be the most Important facter in the campaign. ·1 don't think I'm running against a Republican,· he said. "I think I'm running against a Llb· ertarlan who changed his regis· tration. so he could get elected.· • ALICIA ROBINSON covers buslneu, politics and the environment She can be reached st (949) 784-4330 or by •mall at allcla.roblnsonlllatlmt11.i:om. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beeutlfully decorated yachts, boats, byab and cenoes will tell along the harbor In the 96th annual Newport Harbor Chrlttmat Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the parac:M will begin at 8:30 p.m . at CoUln. lttand and lest two end• halfhoura. The parade It ho1ted by the Commodoru Club of the Newport Bead\ Chamber of Commerce. lnfonnation: (849) 129-4400, http://Www.chrlntn•• bo•tp•r•d•.com. MUSIC HUTCIMS COftSORT The Hutchlnt Consort wlll bt performing at 8 p.m. todey et the lrvlne Ber'day Th .. t,., Th• cone.rt. tlt19d •Holiday• HNrthalde: wlll feature muMc: by Sweellndt, Co,...11, Toretll, of the planetarium and let the students file out as the top slowly floated downward. By the time everyone was oUJ, the deftated mushroom lay Oat on the · gymnasiwn flooL "It was more fun inside," Garrett admitted. And slowly, the mushroom started swelling baclc to life. • MARISA O'NEIL covers education and mtty be~ et 1949) 574-4268 or by .-mail et marisa.oneilO latfmes.com. ' Mozart and Charlton. T1dtett coat $29 tQ $34. Information: (949) 864-4646, http:llwww.hutchin11COn•ort.org. 'JUDAS MACCABAEUS' Orange Coa,t College'• 100.volce d\orafe will open ltt 2003-04 MUOn with a performenca of Handel'• oretorlo "Judea Maccabaeue • at 8 p.m. today et OCC'a Robert 8. Moore Theetrt. Advanced tk*ett coll S8 et the but'Nr'• otnce. They will bt $10 at tht door. ln1ormetfon: (714) 432-6880. JOHNNY MAMS Johnny Malhla will perform hi• claMlet, tud'I •• •Mitty• and •cha~ Are: et 8 p,m. todey • .i th• Ortnge County Pefformlng Art9 Center. l'k*ttt COil: 148 to $100. tntorm.ilon: (714) 661-AATS. hitp:IAwlW.oc:pec.atp. --'898 ·~ lilff LlltSfS •l»rit PrW ~ canon R.-S.- SD100 DIOITAL EL?H •WLDW$99 PRICE! FOft CAMON, MIMOllA a IUKON AF CAMERAS -. PHOTO PRINTER •6rOtONI• '*' .. ........... WIQl15,es •annss '"If",,,,,. .... Jl m111i1J •1111--------=~ $299 13" I 1f' 8349 s50Mail-in Rebate EPMn Stytua Photo 9801 9251 2200 printer when purcnaaea with any dlgttal camera! canon canon optura 20 ZR60 • 11116-IUlne CMIOll ~Zoom SALE · ~ 6S GB ::::':::"° PRICED 2R70GB • US8 ll'ICI All"',.. TtrlllMS • 18-22x Ooelell Zoom • Wld1ldla DY.._.... Sonw¥t • Image Sllbllilw tot,.,..~ c:hlS • Olgllll Pfloto Modt • Anllog lo DIQ4al ColMwt« ...... N75™ NBO ™ 11:-Ntldcor 28-80 lens 11=-Ntkkor 28-100 lens -SZ79~ ........ !399 ' ~ ...... -------. . -................ ·---... I ....,...__....,llUlll NCI ___ _ 5 YEARS Of PAOTECl"IONJH ... -~ _..., ..... -............. -~--·:--;: Nikon Nikon • COOLPOC"!!5700 OOllillCAA4£AA HtwlowPriu -•100 canon cptura300 • 11xZoom • 3.5" Screen • 2.0 Megaplxel Stills • RGB Pnmaiy Color Alttr • OPllCal lm1ge Slab1lln1ton ) NEW LOW PRICE - WORLD'S FIRST 100'!. Dl&nAl SLR SYSTEM OLYMPUS. E-1 BOOYONLY • 5.5 Mega Pixel • Fast Focus • Low Noise m Lowlight WIDEA-.EZ. •Fast F 2.8 Lens 27mm·11i.nm , .... • SVt1Yel Screen • Accep Accessory lenses , M SIVday, Deetl'Dber 6, 2003 sos • v1e~ers, Photos bring joy to · Delrdr• Newman Dally Pilot NewPORT BP.ACH -Gaze lnto the eyes of the dogs in Blake Schwendimann's photo" and you feel u lf you can see lnto 1.helr aouls. Uke in •Harvey ln Repose," ln whJch a terrier with Chinese· crested inJluence, Is lounging luxuriously on the rug. looking wistfully toward the ~era. , 1bls photo and 22 othe~ by 1131 Back Bay Drive Newport Beach, 92660 949-729-1144 www.newj,ortdunes.com Schwendlmann will be on di.s- play today and Sonday at the Carole Akins Studio in Cannery Village. Dogs and peopJe popu· late most of his wort. But his photos have an air of sponta· neity slnce they are not posed, apturing the raw essence of the ubject, Schwendirnann said. "I like to catch people ln their mttwal environment,· he said. "I would prefer to shoot in some· body's backyard or park.· Schwendimann, who just moved to C:OSta MeSa thJs sum· mer, is donaling a portion of tho proceeda from the show to Share Our Sel\'el, a comprehensive charitable organization in C.OSta Mesa. He wanted to focus atten· tlon on an organizadon that helps others. espedally at this time of year, Schwendlmann sald. "Since It's the holidays. It seemed like an obvious time to pick a charity that helps people over the holidays because my ;B4STIDEAUX HOME INTERIORS • FOR THE H O LIDAYS • Special 2-W eek D elivery on cunom-order chests, bufTccs, consoles, armoires, etc. Pws HOLIDAY GIFTS ANO ORNAMENTS 20% OFF WITH THIS AD 2915 Redhill, Suite 8 103, Costa Mesa CA 92626 • (714) 540.5959 STONE.Miu. DESIGN CENTER BARD WOOD SPECIAL S Ply. \IV Cuftd with Alumlnum 0-.kk Plni.h. A"1ll~blc In r~ oak. Mlu.-.1 ooli. oak •UMtock Of" INPk Mlunl 200 54. flt. Mlnl-.m INSTALUDt $&~.'! LAMINATE WOOD s.,..c~I olfn on Holl buutlful fk>btlnll <Omn with• llfdl-Wllmonlyl llurry, tbi. pnct won I lul • 200 '>Cf l't Minimum $ JNSTALL!Dt Fnm4?! LOOP TRICKFRlllE IN8TALL&D $ WITBPAD I D. ClIAIWft'D 1 ~.'!. ':rre.STA.L:::: S J 99 10 YR. STAIN AND ~~.~ Sq.Ft. ( FYI Schwendlrnann'a show will take place Saturday and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. •t the Carole Akin• Studio, 418 31st St. For more lnformatlon1 call (949) 673-8663. work is about humanity," he said. ·1 want to aeate awareness so the whole thing' ilm' just about me." · He is also donating his time and photography services on an ongoing basis to the nonprofit organJzation. Schwendlmann, 25, was born at Hoag Hospital -the largest baby the hospital delivered at the time, weighing in at 11 pounds and 23~ inches long. he said. He was born Into a creative family, he sald -his mother works in Interior design, both of hJs aunts are artists, and his cousin ls a writer. He is also drawn to music and plays lhe acoustic guitar. His attraction to photography started in junior high school, when he started taking pictures with his dad's camera. As his hobby progressed, friends would ask hlm 10 take picture8 or their kids and dogs.. His style even· tually evolved from portrait pho- tography to more abstract art. All of his pictures are shot locally. ~1·m a good people person." Schwendlmann said. "I like see- ing people's reactions when they see my photos. But I also like ab· stract art." Schwendimann likes shooting human subjects because of the diversity of shots that can be at· tained by varying the posing. lighting and depth of field, he said. He has been influenced by photographers such as Edward Weston, a contemporary of Ansel Adams who specialized in worlc with the human figure and land- scapes, and Anton C.Orbijn, who photographs musicians such as the band U2. As Schwendlmann derives a lot of his creativity from his fam- ily ties, he also inherited their photo equipmenL He built the camera he uses now by combin-. ing two Identical cameras that had been owned by his father and his uncle, mixing the lenses together. "Now I have a nice camera from the '70s." he said. Schwendirnann has a pen- chant for blaclc and white pho- tography, but does some color as well. He is partial to black and white because it allows photog· ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Adam1K·6 2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa Principal: Candy Cloud Main phone: (714)424-7935 Attendance: (714) 424-4702 AndenenK-6 1900 Port Seabourne, Newport Beach Principal: Mary Manos Main phone: (949) 515-6935 Catffomla K-5 3232 California St., Costa Mesa Principal: Jane Holm Main phone: (714) 424-7940 Coltege P9ltr K·3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Meta Principal: Pat Insley Main phone: (71 4) 424-7960 o.via~ PHOTO BY WILLIAM VASTA I DAILY PILOT Blake Schwendimann of Costa Mesa will have his art photography oo display this weekend at an exhibition in Newport Beach to benefit Share Our SeNes, a local ocganization that provides meals and as51stance for those in need. Many of his photos feature dogs. raphers to focus solely on the shapes. fonns and Lines without being disuacted by the colors. I le prefers shooting in ambient light, so he will usually start his photo shoots about two hours before sunset to capitalize on the softer, diffused Light at that time. Overcast skies arc also advanta· geous, he said. 1 lls photography style is old· school, he said, as he prefers to have his picture~ manUally de· veloped in a darlcroom. "II forces you to think about what +rou're doing.• Schwendi- mann said. "You have more con· trol." I le also has his photos devel· oped on silver gelatin prints, a time· and labor-intensive proc· ess that gives them an added ve- neer of absuaction. For his color photos, he cross processes them to generate col· ors that aren't completely true to life. "It's not life-like color, so it forces you to think about shapes and lines, because I'm not inter· ested in life-like images." Schwendimann said. Using this process, a wall ap· YOUR SCHOOLS 1050 Arlington Drive, Costa Mesa Principal: Cheryl Galloway Main phone: (714) 424 7930 Attendance: (714) 424-4762 Eu1blutt K-6 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach Principal: Charlene Metoyer Main phone: (949) 515·5920 Harbor View K-6 900 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona def Mar Pnncipal: Mellissia Christensen Main phone: (949) 515-6940 ' Kalser3-6 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: Stacy Holmes Main phone: (949) 515-6950 Attendance: (949) 51&-6852 K.lttybfoolat K ·5 3155 Killybrooke Lane, Costa Mesa , The artist's print ·0oc. 2003.wiff be on display this weekend at the exhibition. pears as greenish in one photo and bluish-purple in another. Schwendlmann likes to get on the same level as his subjects, which usually means lying on his stomach on the ground, which can get messy at times, he said. "I bought a pair of nice, black c;hoes so I would look nice when I go to people's houses, bec'ause my shoes are usually wet and dirty," Schwendimann sa!d. This is Schwendimann's first gallery show. His maned and fi;amed pictures will be on saJe for between $325 and $450. Akins, the owner of the gallery, is Schwendimann's aunt. An lm· pressionist painter, she said she is helping her nepheW'get expo· sure because she can relate to his photography on an artistic level "I Wlderstand the process, and I can see how he has a sense of what to shoot, without it being contrived,· Akins said. •And ii just happens, and I see its spon· taneous, and he has this soulful way about him with people, and ii draws me in. So I believe in him. I would never be able to get as involved with him if I didn't. Everything I see just wows me.· Pnncipal: Kathy Sanchez Main phone: (714) 424-7945 Lincoln K-6 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar Principal: Barbara Rothman·Haddodt Main phone: (949) 515-6955 Attendance: (949) 515-6808 Mariners K-6 2100 ~riners Drive, Newport Beach Principal: Pam Coughlin Main phone: (949) 515-6960 Newport Coast K-6 6655 Ridge Park Road, Newport Coast Principal: Monique VanZeeBroedc Main phone: (949) 515-6975 Newport Elementary K-6 ~SCHOOLS, Pa1e A7 Parenting expert inspires corona del Mar crowd William Sears, author of numerous books on 'attachment parenling,' speaks at Harbor Day School on Thursday. Marisa O'N•ll OailyPttot CORONA DEL MAR -Wil- liam Se.ars, author of more than 20 parenting boob touting "at- tachment parenting".' and a regu- lar on television talk shows, brought his message of sensitive child rearing to Harbor Day School on Thursday. The lecture on raising a "suc- cessful child" and improving children's IQ through proper nu- trition was part of a parent edu- catio~ series at Harbor Day and other area private schools. Hun- dreds of parents crowded the auditorium, listening to Sears and plying him with questions for hours. "I was glad he came (to Har- bor Day School!." parent Lucy Rawlins said. "I think his mes- sage is awesome -to provide your child with love and atten- tion and what that does for their self-esteem.• Sears, an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at UC Ir- vine, has been a pediatrician for 32 years. He recently moved his practice from San Oemente to Dana Point with two of his sons. He and his wife, Martha, a regis- tered nurse, have eight children and drew on their own experi- ences to write "The Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Agel\vo.· His philosophy is grounded in the belief that children whose needs are met early in life and who receive proper direction will blossom into independent, re- sponsible adults. Early bonding through breast feeding. re- sponding to a baby's cries and letting the child sleep in the par- ents' bed provi~e the founda- tion, he says, to shape children into successful adults. •Parents are lilce gardeners of the Oower garden of their chil- dren,• Sears said. "They can't control the color or lhe time of SCHOOLS Continued from A6 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beacti Principal: Deniae Knutsen Main phone: (949) 515-6965 Newport H9'gtrt. K-6 300 E. 15th St., Newport Beach Principal: Judith Chambers Main phone: (949) 51&-6970 Attendance: (949) 51!Hl872 Paularino K-3 1060 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: John Sanders Main phone: (714) 424-7950 Attendance: (714) 424-4742 PomonaK-3 2051 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: Julie McCormidc Main phone: (949) 516-6980 the blooms. But they can water and prune and ferti.liu to make the blooms beautiful." Success, he said, should be measured by the positive effects someone has on the world, not by a person's earnings or career. Giving children the proper tools can help them make the world a better place, he said. Fostering empathy and com- passion should be a priority for parents, he said. Finding "teach- able moments" during the day and encouraging children to "get behind the eyes" of another person start getting them in that mind set. "I wish I'd had his books when my kids were younger," said Sue Ellen O"Connor, a mother of four. "I agree that raising chil- dren with empathy and compas- sion should be the No. 1 (prior- ity). That's what's going to carry them through Ufe." Harbor Day School parent Viviane Ogelvie, who has lcnown Sears for eight years. managed to book him for the engagement at a substantial discount from the sum he usually collects for speaking engagements. Rawlins started reading his articles in parenting magazines 18 years ago, but was happy to hear him speak in person. . "His love for children is so strong.· she said. "t:iQw do you not walk away glad to be a par- ent?" The next speaker in the series will be Michael Thompson, 1 a children and families psycholo- gist, who co-wrote "Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Ufe of Boys." The lecture will take place 9:30 a.m. Feb. Z4 at · Harbor Day School. RM4-6 601 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa Principal: Ken Killian Main phone: (949) 51fHi.905 Attendance: (949) 515-6836 Sonorll K-3 966 SOnora, Costa Mesa Principal: Christine Anderson Main phone: (714) 424-7955 Victoria K-5 1026 Victoria St., Costa Mesa Principal: Judy Laakso Main phone: (949) 515-6985 Attendance: (949) 515-6985 Whittier K-3 1800 N. Whittier Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: Sharon Blakely Main phone: (949) 515-6990 Wltaon K-5 801 Wilson St., Costa Mesa Principal: Candy Sperling Main phone: (949) 515-6995 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale 51099 Reg. Sli.99 Now through December 2 l COST-'M~A ltm STIU'Jrrf'ltoMcNADel())RN Of' 11TH •SAHTA ANAi TUSTIN MAU&TPLACI 291S ELCA....oltw.~ Ka a U11 Ca OAD CENTD b VIN& Ofl BAnA.!CA 1·(800) 5'1"6176 Satl¥day, December 6, 2003 A7 lV-·~·f ""' Bobby ]na Kllit C.lf Shirl rwftw FREE ' Al Sat\wday, December 6, 2003 FORUM. 1 . • HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -t..eu.r.: Mell to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Re1den HotAne: Cell (949) 842-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 846-4170 E-melt:S.nd to dailypilot.nlatima.com •All corT'8spondence must Include full name, hometown end phone number (for verification purpo1e9). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clerfty and length. READERS RESPOND Complaints about th·e roar overhea AT ISSUE: Noise from airplanes using John Wayne Airport irks some readers. I read with Interest the Daily Pilot article about Laguna residents complaining about new JWA airplane noise in their communJty c·1..aguna voicet. noise complaints about JWA," Tuesday). My observation is that the new airplane Olght patl'\5 that resuJt in thls noise ln Laguna Beach are also increasing noise in the western portion of Corona del Mar and along the coastline. This noise is increru.ing over time as the planes turning cast (the muiority of the planes) wcut the comer" closer and cloi.er and Oy ne.uw the COB.\tlinc dunng their turn onshore done about the number of Rights. However. It doesn't seem right that thousands of re:;Jdents ore subjected to unnecessary noise when the planes couJd Oy the old Oight path that had a more direct route down the Back Bay and straight out over the ocean for sufficient db'tance that the tum could be made without noise to the coastaJ community and also allow the planes to reach I\ higher altitude before coming back onshore. I wouJd urge readers to contact their county supervisor if they are bothered by airplane noise. A pilot friend told me that an early tum is a "big dear in cost savings to the airlines. I would contend that an early tum is a "bigger dear to the thousands of people that have to hear the unnecessary noise. RALPH W~RINGTON C.orona del Mar .. • County. RUSSELL NIEWIAROWSKl Santa Ana Heights Your story regarding noise in Laguna Beach from llighLS departing John Wayne Airport was so full of·incorrect statements and misrepret.~ntation!>, I'm pot sure where to start. First, the airspace over f'J Toro was not wclosed." The John Wayne Oass C airspace was revised, largely with the support of the airlines that were asking for more aass c protection fro(ll small GA aircraft on their arrivaJ and departures at John Wayne. ·me amount non-reguJatory airspace over EJ Toro has actually increased dramatically. Second, this revision of the John Wayne Oass C airspace was triggered and made possible by the closure ofEI Toro and did Thert' are sevcml reason'> for the increased noi~. First. there are more flight!>, t-!.pe<:iaUy at peak departure rime<,. Second, the fight path for all planes from the airport to the coru.tJinc has been chW'lged such that the planes cross the coastJine much closer to the harbor entrance than before. This t~es the planes closer to the penJmuJa and areas such as Irvine Terrace and Corona del Mar. "rbird, the flights turning e&t (toward Laguna) are increasingty affecting the coaMal community betWttn the harbor entr.tnce and Laguna ~use the majorily of the planes are not goin& as far out to sea to make their tum as in the past l1>n°l it Ironic! Irony of ironies. The South County "NIMBYs~ thought that lcilling the proposed airpon at FJ Tol"()lwouJd guarantee a peaceful retirement free from annoying jets. Think ag-aln. Now they have to deal with the overflights from John Wayne AJrport's departures. And despite the NIMBY's claim that there Is no need for "another" aJrpon in Orange County, South County can be guaranteed even more overflights and negative Impacts not from El Thro but from John Wayne Airport as future air travel demands will force more ~rrowth to au Southlnnd airports. FILE PHOTO/ DAILY PILOI South County residents are complaining that planes departing John Wayne Airport are flying too low. not (repeat not) have anything to do with Measure w. And finally. the departing flights in question from John Wayne have always crossed the shoreline eastbound over some part of the south Orange County coast. typically Laguna Always. There Isn't much that can be This gives the NIMBY's two options: Since they feel that onJy those privileged enough to live in South County shouJd live in a "no-Oy zone" free from any and aJJ pesky aircraft. they shouJd then take up a new fight: slaughter John Wayne Airport. They boasted that their truth wouJd prevaJI to lcill El Toro, so then they shouJd have no problem using the same arsenal of anti-airport activists to kill John Wayne AiipOrt. as well. After all, how dare the pilots and FM send planes over their homes. And if they can't manage to stop John Wayne Airport with new cunning. deceptive campaigns, then this leaves an Make The Buys Of A Lifetime On Some Of The Best Quality Furniture Brands -Save On Bedrooms, Sof as, Dining Sets, Accessories And More From The Finest Makers: Century, Drexel Heritage, Bernhardt, Marge Carson, A nd M any O tl1ers This Is Just A Sample Of The Great Savings: . Hlgfl.Back Uvtng Room Set 8HUtifufly upholstered with tasseled skirt and cushion pllloM. Sofa seltS 3 comfOIUbly. SOfA a LOVESEAT <s-t Only} Was $2999 FINAL MMUCDOWN: •1,499 1H I <,.,\/I ITFMS LIM/TE 0 TO ~ TO(K ON HANO .. ( altemalive plan: move south to the Camp Pendleton area. South County insists that one day Camp Pendleton will close, and when It does, it would make the perfect international airpon c;ite. And with their proven track record of killing proposed airports, they will not hevc to worry aboul an international airport at Camp Pendleton and being half way between San Diego's commercial airport and John Wayne Airport they shouJd be safe from all overflights. The real irony is that with the V-Ptan at El Thro. all of South County wouJd be guaranteed no overflights from John Wayne Airport and depanures into and out of FJ lbro wouJd be over a three-mile-wide pennanent open space corridors. But inc;tead. the same NIMBYs MaLing they didn't want to be like Los Angeles. referring to all the sleaze and negative impacts that an airport at PJ Toro would .. upposedly generate will now instead experience endless traffic congestion as greedy Irvine council members rubber-stamp countless more business, housing and high-rise residential projects through. all of which wilJ generate far more traffic and neg;itive impacts to an already overcrowded Orange These misrepresentations and incorrect portrayals of the facts by die-hard pro-El Thro airport factions have got to stop. It's just part of a last ditch campaign to vilify Measure'W and drum up support to revisit the El Toro airport issue. Uke the county's dead aviation plans for El Toro and the typical near-hysterical Newport Beach rhetoric, it simply isn't true. DOUGLAS K. BLAUL lrabuco Canyon FINAL MARKDOWNS! Bernhardt Balmoral Short Poster Bed Hand-<arved headboard with pineapple finials. Cal. King: NOW s1299 Queen: NOW 91199 0WU6 .fi'a&ndlM,.. &. bltm.r DelW1' ~~~~~::;~e-~= us FURNITURE llMiili ~ (Mt) 727·1212 • 101 Technok>gy Ortve (&st ol l-6 Off A#oo Prrtway) SAN moo IHOWAOOlll: (858) 686-1 tilOO • 7480 M1111mat Ad fktM Lot Aon Pyrwr'lll N. 1111....,.. .._..,, FURNn'UM OUTUT: (868) 586-1til00 • 7480 Mlmmar Ad. {S«mdRI# ~ Nxw r.... ~ /10VRS.Altln•Frl., IOAM...tPM..e.&. f04Jil.fPM, Sult flAllt~Pjt VISIT UI ON THE WEB www treaaureafumlture "-' ()Olly Pilot SOCIETY Sa~day, December 6, 2003 At THE CROWD _Evening .by the Sea supports Heritage Pointe WEDDINGS . Brant-~ Amy Ouisdne Brant or San Oemente and Douglas B. PW or San Oemente exchanged vows at Paradise lsland ln N ewport Beach's Lorraine Hennessey, a former San Diego television news ctporter and the wffe of prominent heaJlh care executive Tom Hennessey, chaired the ·Evening Ry The Sea" gall\ to benefit ..------~ Heritage Pointe. Joining Hennessey in organhdng the black-tie fundraiser were patron co-chairs Betty Sadder and Feryne B.W. COOK Margolin, the Bahamas on Aug. 2. The bride fs the daU8)\ter or Ml. and Mrs,. David BranL She wore a l~Jy white gown and veU. The matron of honor wu Kathe Van Hoften. The bridegroom la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Pill or Toronto, C&nada. Andrew Pill was the best man. The recepdon took place in Paradise l&Jand wfth SO guests. The couple plans to live Amy Christine Brant and in San Oemente. The Douglas B. Piil bride wotlcs as a second-grade teacher in the Capistrano Unified School District. The groom is employed as a Fitness Center manager at the Ritz Carlton, Laguna Niguel. Tervamaki-Oraham also of Newport Beach. l lcrilage Pointe, in Mission Viejo, is an assisted-living facility designed to care for elderly Jewish resident~. The 15th annual gala and auction raised funds for the reSidenl a'>Sistance program, benefiting senior:. with limited or no financial rc\ources. Laguna Beach n•sidcnts Henry and Meryl Schlrnmer were honored at the gaJa for their service to the <;cnior community. In addition, Dick and Estelle Blake of Fullerton were prcc;cnted with the annual "Heritage Award." I he Blake!> have served for thl' past eight years on the I lcritage Pointe board of director\. St. An~e's Christian School raised $250,000 to be used for financial aid for students, at a holiday gala co-chaired by Donna Shortt, Jacqueline DuPont-Baum and Christine Buckley. Dupont-Baum 1s a highly respected advocate for Alzheimer's patients in Newport-Mesa. Merl Tuull Terva.mW of Helsinki, Finland and Drew Oiandler Graham of Newport Beach exchanged vows at Suomenllnna Oiurch in Helsinki on Aug. 16. The bride Js the daughter of lrja TervamW and Velkko TervamW of Helsinki. She wore a white empire waist dress with a lace bodJce and bad a bouquet with white lilies and roses. The dinner and .1uction at the Balboa Hay Oub and Resort in Newport Beach atlracted a cross-section of community support. fhe highJight of the live auction was a cruise of South America on the elegant Crystal Crui'>e Linc . HONORING THE SHERIFF The YMCA of Orange County honored Sheriff Michael Corona this week at the John and Donna Crean "Reach Out" Awards. The 28th annual dinner and reccplion was held al the Sulton Place Hotel in Newport Reach. KOCF -lV anchor Ed Arnold emceed the evening with purpose and punch. The Reach Our Awards are the major fundraiser of the year for the YMCA Community Services branch. Proceeds from the dinner go to '>Upport at-risk youth. Corona joins a lis1 of distin1,rt1ished citi7..ens who have supported the YMCA communjty Services including Newport's Merlan Bergeson, Peggy Goldwater Oay, Harris Done and O.C hamburger tycoon Carl Kan:her and his wife, Margaret. MOTOWN MAGIC They called it .. ,.. Knight or Motown Magic": An annuaJ holiday gala fund raiser sponsored by the Knight'> Commillee of St. Anne·~ School attracted nearly 500 devoted "'" lf.,/11f11t .!111/:J ,-.,,,,,/ \ru/f"Uff', an tJJt111JJJl 1mJi1,,,,, gut:sts, raising more lhan $250,000. Omired by Jacqueline DuPont-Baum, Olrlstine Bucldey and Donna Shortt, the evening at the Ritz Carlton I lorel in JA1guna Niguel was a 'mashing success. Tum and Monica Parr, board members of 1he school board and dedicated '>UpporterS 0£ Strong community education, were honored fo r their long service to !:>rhool and community. Ed Arnold also served a!> emcee and aucrioneer for the St. Anne\ evening. Funds raised will support students with financiaJ need at the independent 01ristian '>chool founded in 1992. Newport-Mesa support for the school came from Carl Nolet, Caroline SutUe. Ken Braun, and Nina and John Jack Mamie AJso in the crowd were 11-11\ H o! IDAY St:.A\ON, Ll:.1 l:X<.11 l:.MLN I Ml::R<1L WITH< ULINAHY IX< LIL EN< r AND c;RACIOUS SERVI( E AT THE ST. R l <ti~. COME HOME FOR THF-HOl IDAYS. Home to a certain world. Th• ST. R EG IS MONARC ll 8EACll l>•n• ''""( ( •hrnrnla I Rttort 1.949.2)4.3200 www.1tre1tsmb.com A~P N HO lON LOS l\N(;lll fS MO"IAflCll BEAt IL t ~ ~I W VOii).; WA~HJN<•ION D.t:. IH lllN<1 IONL>ON ROML ~ltr\N<rllAI .) OtandJer Olandler, Angel Burton, HeldJ Machuga, John Moody, Olane Epp and Alison Anawalt. SOUTH COAST GLOW The Newport-Mesa public turned out this week for South Coast Pl37,a's 21st annuaJ tree lighting ceremony at Town Center Park in Costa Mesa. The All-American Boys Otorul> Joined Jennifer York of KTLA-lV to herald the arrival or t.he holiday season with the lighting of a 9()-foot Otri'itma'> tree delivered to Costa Mei.a from the slopes of Mt. Shasta. South Coast Plaza adorned the tree with more than 15,000 ligh1s. adding plenty of :.parkJe for the kickoff of the holiday season. 'I •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. The maid of honor was Ms. Helni Kekalalnem. The bridegroom ls the son of Mr. an~ Mr& Albert Graham Jr. or Newport Beach. The best man was Kevin Arcarls. The ushers were David Graham and Meri Tuuli Tervamaki and Petteri TervamW. Drew Chandler Graham The reception took pJace at the Scandfc Hotel, Kalastajatorppa with 90 guests.. The couple spent its honeymoon po Mauritius Island ln the lnd.ian Ocean. A second reception is planned during the Olrlstmas holidays at the home of Albert Graham Jr. The couple plans to live in Paris, Prance. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, pleaM ~II Lui• Pel\• at 1949) 574-4298. eo ·ov DESIGN ie women's Athletic. Rehabilitation and Pi/ares Centt'r of Newport Beach. Body Design is convenieritly luc:ated ifl Fashion lslallll. Give the Gift of Health for the H91idays SERVlC~ Body Design is your one stop health and fitness destination. We offer the following M:rv1ces to our membel'l> • Pilates -on equipment -for golf -for rehabilitation • Physical Therapy • PersoOAl Ttatniog • Cardiovascular & Weight Machines • Allegro Pilates Circuit Classes • Core Board Circuit O wes • Spa Services -facials & Massage • , Laser Hair Removal Design is Orange County's exclu ive women's health center. Our mission is to empower our. clients by providina knowledge and support "to achieve their pcrsc;xla1 health and fitness Al O $atll(doy, DecernOet 6, 2003 Vi.it Our Open HouMe; ~. December 13.. 2003 Sundlry, January 11, 2004 ............ •.. , ... " . Call f« mot"9 lntorm.tion. 'lt••t "lt••en '4••• ,,,_. Mt••.,t Ct••• CA •r•tf •• , ••• .... • ••• .... th•.!l.Mt ••• H.J. Garrett Furniture Full Design Consulti ng Service ( Fine Furniture Sistce 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing &rviu and Valu~ 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. thru Sar. I 0 to 6, Sun. 12 10 5 , Q uality· Service Valu e ( COMMUNITY & CLUBS Daltj Plot • • .. A chance of snow , .. M ore than 30 tons of snow will be available from 4 to 9 p.m. Friday at Newport Harbor Lutheran Cl:n1tch and Preschool for sleddlDg by youth and adulu, Aid e.al l:lawker, congregati.on member. There will be two 50·fo0t &led ·Nm and one 30·foot &led run • (or children. lt'I part or a C.OmmunJty Ouistma.s Snow Festival sponsored by the church and preschool that also Ceatures a children'• aaft area. a live petting manger, train rldea, two play areas, Ouistmas caroling. Christmas tree decorating and an opportunity to visit Santa. Admisaion is free, and food and refreshments wW be available for purcba.se, Hawker said. So gather your CamiJy and enjoy snow whil~ getting In the holiday spirit KIWANIS HOST HOUOAY PARTY The Kiwanis Oub of Costa Mesa will once again host a holiday party for 25 children on Thursday, Dec.. 18, at its dub meeting at the Holiday Inn. The children a.re from Human Options. an organization that works with familles from bruJsed and batter homes, said Carl Langston. event chair. "Thanks to Kiwanlan Ed McParland and his wife, Pat, who started the program, our club has been providing this program for many years,• Langston said. This week. club members will draw names of the children attending the program and bring wrapped gifts valued at $25 or so that Santa will present during the luncheon. "Yes, it is sometimes quite teary-eyed for the children and for the individual who purchased the gift," Langston said. LIONS HELPtNG FAMILIES Harbor Mesa Uons Oub has selected two local families to sponsor for the holidays this year. One family has 11 members and are living in a local motel The other family has five members and another one on the way. Uons Oub members have purchased clothing, toys, food and gift certificates foe the two families. ·0ur club has always bad big hearts. but this year is especially generous In wanting families like this to have a wonderful holiday: club President Joan Pub said The club has also donated ssOO to the fire victims of Southern California. GETTING INVOLVED • GETllNG INVOLVED runa periodically In the Dally Pilot on a rotating basl9. For infonnatlon on adding yoor organization to thla lilt. call (949) 674-4298. ORANGE COUNTY P£RFORMNI ARTS CENTER Dooentt .,. needed to lead tours of the Center, 800 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Leam about the history and the development of the Center and the working• of the badt stage areas. For more L I v E E N T E R T A I N M E N T ROTMMS MOURN LOSS Beesle Loul9a "Beale .Lou" Secbrtst. 61, pusedaway at her home . in W1a Park, from cancer, JIM on Sunday, DE BOOM 0ct 12. She spent her early years In Huntington Park. After attending the University of Utah. where she was involved with the School of Modem Dance, she studied classical ballet at the Sorbonne in Paris. She graduated from USC as a French.and P.nglish major In 1964, recetving her teaching credential. She was affiliated with the Alpha Phi sorority. She obtained her master's in linguistics from Cal State Fullerton in 1978. After conducting cross-cultural education for foreign students at USC and other locations tn Southern California, she taught In the Long Beach Unified School District for 10 years. She attended Western State University, receiving her doctorate of law and California State bar certification In 1992, later establishing ber own private law practice in Orange County. She became a member of the Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub in 1994, serving as seaetruy for the club from 1996 to the present, as well as Rotary District 5320 secretary from.2001 to the present. She was also a member of the Republican Women of Orange C.Ounty. Her father, WllUam 'lbomu Sechrbt. was a past Rotary district governor and Hrelong member of Rotary. lntennent was private. The family lcindly requests that tributes be sent to the USC Norris Cancer Center or the Rotary Foundation in care of the Newport-Irvine RotaryOub. A specific arrangement in connectJon with the Paul Harris Fellowship ha,, been made with the club. Family members wish to express their sincere gratitude for the kindness of so many who assisted her during her long illness. Bettle Lou was a friend, a great Rotarian and will be missed by mWlY. Condolences to the family. WELCOME TO ntE WORLD OF SERVICE CLUBS Dr. Arthur Go14ateln, OB·GYN, joined the Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa. He was sponsored by Thny RollAeJol information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833 ORANGE COUNTY RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Sponsorship opportunities are atlll available for the Orange County Ronald McDonald House High Tea benefit to be held on Oct. 30, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The benefit will be held at the Tumip Ro .. at the Grand Newport Ptaza, 1901 Newport Blvd. In Costa Mesa. R>r more Information call (714) 639-3600 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS PartidpatAI In life management and employment training WORnt REPEATltG From Thought (or the Day provided by Grea Kelley of the Newport-Mesa Irvine Interfaith C.Oundl: •Flatter me. and I may not believe you. Crltictu nw. and I . may not Ila you Ignore nw, and l may not forgtu. you. Encourogii me, and l may not forget you." -WILLIAM~ · SERVICECWB MEETINGS THIS WEEK TIJBSll\Y . 7: 30 a.m.: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns for a Craft Talk by John Hedlund (http://MWp<>rtbeoch sunrlserotary.org/lnda.htm). 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa ,. Newport Harbor Uons Oub will meet at the Costa Mesa C.Ountry Oub. WBDNFSD\Y 7:15 a.m.: The IO-member South Coast Metro Rotary Qub .. will meet at the Center Oub (http://www.souchcoastmetro rotary.orl(J; and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at · the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub .. 6 p.m.: The Rotary Oub of Newport Balboa will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for Craft Talks ( http://www. newportbalboa..orl(J,. TIIURSll\Y 7 am.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uons Oub will meet at Mimis ear~ Noon: The SO-member C.Osta Mesa Kiwanls Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn to hear Irvine Mayor Larry Agran discuss ·111e Great Park" (http://www.ldwanir. orglclub/costmnesa); the SO-member Kiwanis Oub of Newport Beach-Corona del Mat will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a Ladies Day program for Ouistmas featuring vocalist Janine Wynn; the Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor will meet at the Nautical Museum to bear Bob Cauatln, founder of Defend the Bay; and the Rotary~ Oub of Newport lcvtne will meet at the Atrium Hotel for a • white elephant auction led by Roger Ruatand and Jim Vlllen (http://www.nlrotary.orl(J. • COMMUNfTY •Cl.UBS it published Saturdaya in the Daily Piiot. Send your service club's meeting Information by fu to (714) 921-8655 or bye-mall to jdeboom@aol.com. womhops as a auocess coach to foster teens 16 to 18 yeart old. •• (949) 609-1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS - Volunteert are needed to care foi: stray and lost animal• In the Newport Beach, Cotta Mesa and Corona del Mar arua. (949) • 722-1357. PACtflC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Paclflc Symphony Orchestra'• Volunteert In EdtJcatlon .. \ . SH INVOLVED, Pqe All• H C> L I D A v P . A R T I E & HAYE YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY AT THE BLUE BEET MAKE· YOUR NEW ·YEAR'S RESERVATIONS WK CAN ACCOMMODATES TO tSOJ WH•THBR 11"• JUaT COCKTAl&.a AHO APP•TIZ•R• OR 8TIEAK• AND 8SAP'00Dj Wa CAN PIT ALL YOUR NIEaDa1 IT'8 YOUR PARTY • T•LL ua WHAT YOU WANTI INVOLVED Continued from AlO OpportunitiM program needs volunteen to aaalat children In a variety of hande-on musical ~ ~unteera spend a tot8I of six Satutdey momfnga with the dlikhn. {714) 766-6788, ext. 244. PARENT HELP USA Founded by mothers and others against chlld abuse, Parent Help aska the public for help and volunteers to Inform the community on vital isaues affecting children and the family. lbformatlon: (949) 650-3461 or (949) 676-6271. PARTNERS Al.WAYS CARING SERVICES Volunteers are needed for a Crisis Assistance Program, assisting the emergency responders by providing emotional first aid at the scene of a critical incident. No previous experience necessary. Information: (949) 724-7199, partnersalwayscarlng@cox.net. PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNi :TlON PCRF. which raise oney to support pediatric . ncer research, needs volunteers for a variety of duties. (949) 859-6312. THE PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE The institute is looking for volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn more about the program, call (888) 774-4673. PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beach nonprofit organization for the 99 and younger set, needs volunteers for its programs. (949) 262-7300 PROJECTrACCESS Project Access is a nonprofit organization that links resideot of low-income housing developments with beneficial social services usually through resource centers. Volunteers are needed to tutor children, teach crafts and computer skills at the various centers. Paul Shapiro, (949) 253-3120 ext. 229. PROJECT CUDDLE Project Cuddle is a Costa Mesa-based nonprofit organization that meets the needs of girls and women facing unplanned pregnancies. In addition to office help and 12-hour hotline shifts once a month, volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group and fund-raising committees and to help distribute ~idcers to stop babies from being abandoned in trash bins. Service groups of all kinds -mom's groups, churches. students, men and women's clubs, and company-sponsored sport's teams -are wanted for creative fund-raising projects. The organization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. lnfonnation: (714) 432-9681, http:llwww.projectcuddle.org. PROJECT TOGETHER Project Together seeks adult voluntMra to utebllah • trul11ng, o~to-one reletlonahlp with child ren ttresaed ff'C)m f amily problem• and ebuae. Thia component of the Orange County He1tth Care Agency'• Children's Mentel Heelth Servlc:ea offers tnllnlng and supervision f or the program. M1ny of the chlld'9n are economically deprived, victims of neglect or both. (7\4) 850-8444. READ/ORANGE COUNTY Volunteer literacy tutors are needed to help create a more literate community with no-ooet tutoring for adults In reading and writing, on&-an-one or In small groups. The adult literacy • program serves the Orange County Public Library system. Lessons are individualized and confldentiat. Training is provided and required. Information: (714) 666-3070, http://www.readoc.org. REAOINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students In kindergarten through the third grade. Costa Mesa schools need help for students in reading, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and after-school from 3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Pomona Elementary School, (949) 515-6980; Whittier Elementary School, (949) 516-6898; Wilson Elementary School, (949) 515-6995; and New Shalimar Leaming Center, (949) 646-0396. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree, hold a canned food or toy drive, or make a special gift or donation directly to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Individual, business and service club volunteers are needed for the holiday season in the distribution of food and toys at the Christmas Warehouse and Red Kettle. Information: (714) 832-7100. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organization is looking for volunteers to help create a positive alternative for people 12 to 23. Volunteers are needed to help in areas such as boxing, sports, health, fitness, aerobics and academic tutoring. (949) 548-3255. SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals · to help small businesses succeed by leading seminars and coatiling entrepreneurs online. The corps is a nonprofit charitable organization composed of 11,500 volunteer business mentors, both wortc.ing and retired, who counsel businesses from nearty 400 offices throughout the country. Call (714) 550-7369, and ask for membership. SERVING PEOPLE IH NEED Serve 11 •guide for hometeu famlllt1 by helping them Ht go1l1 end maintain a bealo budget. Blllngual 1klll1 needed. Orientation and training provided. Theresa Row., (949) 767-1456. SENtOA MEALS AND SERVICES INC. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound senior citizens residing In Costa Mesa who are not able to prepare their own me1l1 and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. Volunteers are asked to donate at least one hour per week for• six-month period. Substitute drivers are alao needed to fill In for regular drivers. (714) '4()-6611 or (714) 89l-0804. SENIOR MEALS AND SERVICES INC. Senior Meals and Services Inc. will host its annual holiday celebration, which brings holiday fe81lvlties to its homebound seniors, on Dec. 5. The event Includes a complete holiday dinner, Christmas carols, gift giveaways and a visit from Santa Claus. Gift donations are being requested to make this day a successful and special one. Suggested donations are stationery, cosmetics, toiletries, slippers and gift certificates. Information: (714) 891-0804. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serving People in Need, also know as SPIN, is looking for volunteers to help prepare sack meals for the homeless, assemble hygiene kits, distribute meals and pick up food for preparation. SPIN provides move-in costs for housing, case management and support services to families leaving shelters. SPIN workers also serve as family advisors or mentors and conducts workshops on budgeting and more. Visit SPIN at 2900 Bristol St .. Suite H-106, Costa Mesa (714) 751-1101. SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The clinic, whictt provides emergency servioes to the needy in Orange County, is looking for volunteers to deliver and pick up food from local restaurants and grocery stores, help with medical and dental staff, data entry, assist with food sorting and distribution, to help at the front desk and some other duties. The group also needs translators. (949) 642-3451, ext. 257. SHERMAN LIBRARY I.GARDENS You could assist with the garden, woft in the gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for children and adults at Corona clel Mar's botanical garden and historical research library. Stefanie Kristiansen, (949) 673-2261. SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER The Small Business Assistance Center of Orange Coast College needs volunteers to advise small business owners in finance, accounting, law, marketing, sales, human resources and other areas. (714) 432-5916. p-~~~~~~#"!~~~~ t\~~~ MIKE'I ~~~CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Glue Installation Wood Flooring Refinish ing & New Texture-Plush ~arpet \·~o •2a aq ft Installed Berber Carpet -;.~O~ $169 Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic yY..o~s1 so sq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ·s~ ~ESIGN CENTER ;;For All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY •Custom-Mede Furniture •Slip Covers •Patio Furniture Dra~ries, Shades, & Bedspreads Pamper Yourself with a Massage, Facial or Special Treatm t ] Our special Holiday Packages give you savings plus Spa D./Jars for extra pampering ingredients ... I C' FACIAL PACKAGES FROM $160 FOR TWO 80 MIN. FACIALS TO 1 $650 FOR TEN FACIALS GIFT PACKAGE $300 -A $55 SAVINGS 3 SPA HOURS + $ I 00 SPA DOLLARS* SUPER GIFT PACKAGE $5 I 0 -A $ / 00 SAVINGS 6 SPA HOURS + $100 SPA DOUARS* GRAND GIFT PACKAGE $900 -A $320 SAVINGS 12 SPA HOURS + $200 SPA OOUAP.S- *Gooo TOWARD GAYLEE SPA PRODUCTS. 01 the I lyatt Newporter Newport Rt!och, Ctili/omia , ............... . FREE VAi.BT PAAKINO 1107 Jambortt "oad, Sult• #l, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 640-«>93 ~ , I ~ l I . ! A12 Satntay, Decen'tler 6, 2003 Jeff Ewing & lylun Ewing SELLING YOUR HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS If )'llll want lo sell (CW" buy) a horn£. C(~ wi..oom Wctale. du ~ ~ WlUI lR.11 ~ OOIJdiay ~..01 L~~. ll's&alt:f'llly 1WR.1noo lhel poop6c un: too bu\)' ~for &iR.~ nl wm'1 Wip for ~ e.tillc. Hov.eva-, wMc home ~ INWly ~ lbwn btcw~n November in.I Jlll'1Ulll)'. !hey a:nwnly do,..~, Who bu)'5 hornal during the holil.llay i;ce;on? Scnou.\ hu)'Cf". who will oontmue house hllntma even with ~ 0n"'1'1U'> bJle tieti to !hr nri ol the Cllr! UOcn they ~ opmitirw on 11 ruQ.la..,.oove deadline. wdi 11111.JOb trartJ'cr1r mil.uwy re~ I k >lid;ay bu yen tend r.o Ix Wllhoul dulJren llf1d n.:rcMcd in '"n'llMn& '-"" -l(ood news tor ~!er. ul htgtHnl nliri.CI pn'JIC'ta.~ L~:oruling ynur horn: wuh holdii)< td!U CWI aJd '1gntflC3flll)' IU 1l~ d\!11'111 inJ "1..utl ~ .. It'' th1.• 1 llll) lllnt of thr yuir when the lll:1ghlx.-. won ·1 romplam 1f you Jdlim ynurt.11nc wuh hw~hu" 1>1 l>lri.mll hgllb tnl •• J..U} <i.1111a "Jllldmg next to ID.: "lu Sule" "I!''! Anuthcr l\.'U'"1 111 IL-a )'OUI' lune tht\ holdty 'C<l...iWI I\ lhc Jlt~'ihtlll> 11' future~'" th&: ratl ~ 11\lwlct. WMt: Ol(ll111i~'C 1111('1\..""1 rui..""' JR ~II hoYrong a1 11:.'Utrd kw.i, who l.lll'IW"\ aOOla llCltl )'CW! The 11111<& ~&al OOldiy pfl '°' ~ whole fw111ly cclllk.I he the dood to 1 llN lune l.ykx.'fl llfld kif have 11 l-omoculJ"t: )t'.11'1 1'1f real C!il3lt" cxp:ncr11.-c m Newpon IJcach. for pmfe..~1<inal \(.'fVICC or .advice with wl yourn:al l~ needs Q&JI !hr Ewn~~ at Coa.\I Ncwpo11..ColJweU &inker w (949) 759-3796 The Ewings Ate Coat Newport Property'1 #1 TMm Fot 2001 ocMw't-lf FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY Being less panicky and mo.re thankfµl CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON There were IO • many~J eo~abouc Thanbgtving Day and~ rMt of the wet'bn<f. blit OM of my favorites WU beaiblg what other.pec)ple wm th8nkfuJ for ln their lives. We went to a 'JbanksgMng service at church. and we were Write on my Hat. Beildes lhe onea above, I wrote: tamBy. friends, God'a ~and second chanoea. but then stopped wben'other people went forwud to share from the fronL One woman wu thankful for God's faithfWnes& to her, espedally when she wun\ faithful to Him. I nodded tn agretmenL One man was gJ'8teful for reconcillation ln families, health and the nid of a lawsuit. What a wonderful cbaoge for him. Othen loved the power or prayer and hope. I'm grateful that God offen us those glftB every day. ' ' room.~ other brought tears. The service pve me lhe reeling thJt I was pan of an extended fatnUy. One woman thanked God fo1 her cuey bait after beating&ancer twice. Another was grateful for being free from drug addiction and out of jail. There were more amazing stories, but one woman's answer summed it up well. She saJd, "I love being reminded that I'm not the only one who doesn't have it all together." We all laughed. ~Is no drC'Um.m11~. no t10ubw, no tadnf, that aan ftlft" IOUCh '* unti4 flnt ~au. It Ml go,,. pall God""" pall 0uVt. f1PI throuiJa to me. If it #141 QNlllf that far, II has COIM with a 8"etll fll'l'POfllt uihldt I may not ullllmtlwl al dN ltlOIMnt. But I refu# to b«iorrw panicky, as I Uft up "')' ~ to hlm and °""Pl It"' comU.,JW>m tlw IJttoM of God for JOnN trMJ P'#1JOSC of blaiU., to my own haut. • -ALM REDPAlH I hope that you bad an enjoyable 1banb(lfytng, and..that your heart and aoula are more full of Joy than your stom&chi are of tulkey, dreulng .:na pJe. J 1oVe twtey. dreuinC and pie, and all the other delJgbts that are part of the day £or many people, but ~Ying ls about more than food. given a pi~ of paper that said, "Never forget the good lhings He does. .. Undeme4tb wu a partial U.t of aome of the good ttw.'81 God does for us. I liked belng reminded that God ~ heal-. ti merc.tful and gracious, llow to get~ loves uncondttiooally, removes ow sin, ls a tender and. compasalonate Father. rules over ewrything, and much more. We all smiled as brave children marched forward. One little boy was thankful for his dad and that he played with hJm. A Uttle girl seated near us looked up and smiled at both her ~nta. and I heard a young boy say, "I'm thankful Cor my sister, even lf she ls a girl." Several other children with bJg srnlles and surprising composure thanked God for family, food, friends and pets. Some of the responses brought nods and smiles around the Nobody bas lt all together, and we all £ace challenging cirQJmstaoces in lif~. But if we can trust in God's goodness and faJthfulness, perhaps we, too, can be less panicky and more thankful. And you can quote me on that • aHDt TRANE CHRISTtSOH 11 • Newport BNCh resident who speak• frequently to parenting groups. She m•y be readied \!Te e-mail et clndy@onthegrow.com or tttrough the mel~at 637 Newport Center Drive, Suite 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660. t began thinking of what I would IN THEORY The process of lending and interest QUESTION: In light of the various debts held could say that these Ouistians no absolute prohibition of interest and Jewish law believed that "have no interest in 'interest'.· In was legislated. From passages charging interest on loans ought by several countries throughout the world, the Anglican C.Ommunion and such as Exodus 22:25, •If you lend not be practiced with one's what is your faith's take on gaining interest the Episcopal Church a money to any of my people with co-religionists. from ·a loan? percentage or all budgets is you who is poor, you shall not be But the European economy directed toward this concern, to him as a creditor. and you shall would never Oourish if the giving which includes: poverty and not exact interest from him," it of loans WdS not advantageous. Islam people" (p. an> are found hunger and homelessness, was conduded that while the Start-up loans, for example, encourages frequently in Christian improving maternal health and Bible condemned charging could not be obtained to launch the use or documents and prayers. When reducing child mortality, primary interest on loans, it centered new business ventures if there interest-free Christians pray as Jesus taught. education, gender equality, primarily on the transgression of was no anticipation of profit for loans in all some use the words "forgive us . combating malaria and exploiting the poor through the lender who was talcing a risk economic our debts as we forgive our HIV I AIDS and other epidem ic lending them money at interest in maldng the loan. transactions debtors"; and all Chrisda.os know-diseases, ensuring environmental The Torah's distinction between Since Jews could charge ~prohibits not to "rob stability, and developing global loans by Jews to non-Jews and non-lews interest on loans. and lh plningof Peter to pay pannershlps. Fmally, Christians loans to other Jews resulted from given the few opportunities open interest on a 'l>aul"! agree with Shakespeare in that the fact that loans within the to them. Jewish people gradually loan, except •1..oans· and "He who dies QEJ:v alD" Jewish community were for became heavily involved in In some cases. These cases "debts" are TliE REV. CANON charitable pwposes only while money-lending, pawn-brokerage include the purchase of money PETER D. HAYNES loans to non-Jews were for and trading -performing a vital essentials, such as a home. a car, mat1ers. and St Michael & All Angels purposes of commerce. service in enabling Europe to etc. Christians Episcopal Church While the Turah prohibits emerge from economic IMAM MOUSTAFA AL-QAZWINI should view C.Orona de! Mar Jewisl;l people to charge interest stagnation. Islamic Educational monies as of their co-religionists, Moses lbroughout Christendom, Center of Orange County means to Psalm 15 Maimonldes rules it is prohibitions of interest were Costa Mesa ends; our asks, ·o Lord, permissible for a Jewish person slowly but relentlessly dismissed focm is on discerning and who shall to charge interest or a non-Jew under the weight or economic Ouistlans put prescriptions for implementing th~ will of God by sojourn in thy only when and in the amount reality and new theological "loam" and "debts" in Scripture all means. tent? Who necessary to provide himself with interpretations. The word (see Deuteronomy 23-24 for With regard to the larger shall dwell on a basic living. 'lb charge a "usury" itself. which once meant good examples) into the question, Christians are very thy holy hill?" usurious rate Is prohibited. any interest. came to be defined perspective of being good concerned with international One of the in medieval Europe. only as excessive and exploitative stewards of all that God has development. Resources ranging qualifications authorities steadily limited the interest levels. In the area of given to us: all we have and all from mission~ to money are then offered occupations allowable lo Jews. money-lending as in so many we are. Phrases from the Book of mobilized for ministry to this Is, "He who Ultimately, Jews could not own others, religion gradually made Common Prayer like "faithful end. Many Christians have does not put out his money at or farm land or enter certain its peace with the modem world. stewards of God's good gifts" (p. lobbied governmental Interest." 'That represents the professions. and were afforded RABBI MARK MILLER 259) and •stewards for the representatives in favor of Ideal. Hmited educational Temple Bat Yahm common and equal benefit of all forgiving foreign debts; one Ni Juda1sm developed. though, opportunities. Both Christian Newport Beach FAITH grades six to 12. It provides active ENVIRONMENTAL ZEN WORKSHOP worship services at 5, 7, 9 and 11 faith part1cipatton for teens SCHOLARSHIP The Zen Center of Orange p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian CALENDAR during their high sdlool veers. St Martt Presbyterian Churdl In County will offer an Introduction Church. The 100-volce St. Participation includes singing at Newport is offering an to Zen Workshop from 1 to 4 Andrew's Presbyterian Church mass regularly and at special environmental sdlolarshlp fund for p.m. today at 120 E. 18th St., Sanctuary Choir and Ordlestra .. will be conducted by Larry K. Ball. SPECIAL EVENTS events. Rehearsals are from 11 two students. The 9Cholarships will Costa Meaa. The cost 11 $60. a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays in the only be offered through Chapman Information: (949) 722-7818, Senior Pastor John A. Huffman Jr. CAPPEUA CAHTORUM Chapel at 314 Marine Ave., UnlveraJty and UC Irvine. http://www.zcoc.org. will deliver the Christmas Cappelle Cantorum, the young Belboe Isl end. Younger children Interested students should contact message. lrfformatlon: (949) edult choir of St. John Vlenney are Invited to join. For more their flnanc:lat aid of'lioe. CHRISTMAS EVE 631-2880. Chapel, Is beginning Its fifth year. information, contact Nancy Kelly, lnfonnatlon: (949) 644-1341, WORSHIP SERVICES The choir is open to students in director at (949) 6734595. http://stmarlcpresbyrerian.org. There will be four Christmas Eve See FAfTH, Pase All DO YOU OWN AN ANNUITY? The pump you -~JI NEVER take off! AR E YOU CONSIDERING PURCHASING AN ANNUITY ? Comfort & Style 4 COLORS IN SIZES 5-12 (N, M, W, WW) Available exclusively at Foot Solutions. Meet the factory rep Saturday, Dec. 6, lOam to 6pm. -Refreshments served SFoar0 •Ns 1sas Newport elvd., sm Alo1, eoata Meu OllJTlw (ne.r the UPS 8eor'9 In Che C.oMa M ... Cow1prde) (949) 734-2020 ( ' If the answer is "YES" to either of these questions ... consider Smith hrney. • We have contr.c:ts to do business with approxlmately 30 Insurance com~nles. •We can review your annuity to ensure you are receiving a competitive return. Invest your time bef0te inwsting your money. FOR FREE INFORMATION CALL: 660 Newport Center OriW, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 717·5300 (800)468-3352 TMtl II WHO WE Aft!. TMll ti HOW WI IARN IT:"' , SMnH~ FAITH Continued from Al 2 HANUKKAH CELEBRATION H•nukkah Wiii be cetebreted Dec. 19 et Te~ple Bat Yehm. Dinner will be served after the fighting of the candles at 6 p.m .• and a aervkle will be hetd at 7:30 p.m . There will atao be • children's menorah liphtlng. Information end reaeNltlona: (949) 644-,1999. ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIRE St Midlael & All Ang9'a Epl8COp81 Church will h.ve an Altemative Gift Felre from 8 1.m. to noon Sunday. Sales of the gifts will help iupport the needy around the world. St Mlchael & All Angels Is et 3233 Paciflc View Drive, Corona del Mar. lnfonnatlon (949) 644-0463 PRIME·llMER'S Prime-Timer's will be-holding its annual Christmas event after the 11 :30 a.m. mesa on Dec. 14 at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The children's choir will be performing. A hot lunch will be served for $6. All youngsters over 50 are Invited. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP 'Jewish Family Service of Orange County is form ing a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 4454950. Pre-registration is required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service is offering a support and diSCtJsslon group for adults whose children Of' spouses wffer from alcohol and drug addietion. The group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 260 E. Baker St, Suite G In Costs Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. ~istration is required BAHAI ARESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 .for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646--6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offe,.. an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 1 to 4 p.m. the first weekend of every month, typically on a Sunday, at 120 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. The cost is $60. (949) 722-7818, http://www.zcoc.org. A SPIRIT\JAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled •Journey to 1he Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave .. Newport Beech. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Aduh Faith Formation at Our lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Viste Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free "lectio divine" meditation group meeting la held .t 7: 10 a.m. Tueact.ya at Our lady Ou.en of Angela. 2046 M•rVlsta Drive, Newport Beecti. l..ec$1o la a ltyfe of meditation that includes ualng Sct\ptul'e or a special reading u • atlmulua. The Chmtten Meditation Group meeta from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periocf4 of meditltlon with some lnstl\Jctlon on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. TALMUDIC ETHICS The Jewish Leaming Institute will present "Talmudic Ethics: Tlmeleas Wisdom for Tlmely Oilemmaa• from 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. through Dec. 18 at the Hyatt Newporter, 1107 Jamboree Road. Information: (949) 721-9800. HANDEL'S 'MESSIAH' "Hallelujah: The Blble and Handel'• 'Messiah'" will be the topic for an adult forum at St. Mark Presbyterian Church at 11 a.m. for the next three Sundays. Information: (949) 644-1341. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety and depression at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (7 14) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parkway. The service is also forming a parenting suppon group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. GAY /\.ESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRIT\JAL The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 681-2290. RE·MEMBERING GROUP Our Ledy Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Paclflc View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S F£UOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's F-ellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m Wednesdays in Dierenfield Hall. 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631-2880. SE.PARATION SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County holds a women's divorce and separation support group at .. A I T H 7 p.m. Wednetdaya •t the Jewfah Famlty Servtce'I office at the Jewish Federation Cempua. 260 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. For d•tes and fees. call (714) 445-4950,ext. 114. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPOf.tT GROUP Jewish Femlly Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women deellng with issues such as life passages and changea, body images, family, relatlonahlps and loneliness at 7 p.m. TueSdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. ext. 114. HELPtNG THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a dlacuulon group focusing on the Issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderly parents. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St, Suite .G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults e><pariencing anxiety and or depression from 10 a.m. to noon on Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G in Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service is forming a discussion group for Interfaith couples where one partner is Jewish to speak about issues affecting an interfaith relationshlp. Jewish Family Service is at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach holds weekly Friday night services at 8 p.m. with a fellowship hour and fefreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. (949) 548-6900. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults dealing with the aftermath of divorce at 7 p.m. Wednesdays al the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Call for prices. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a support and discussion group for people dealing with the issues of anxiety, depression, relationships, communication, life changes, loneliness and family at 10 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mesa. $15. Preregistration required (7 14) 445-4950. PASSAGES 50-PLUS SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a support group for women 50 and older dealing with the issues of amuety, depression, relationships, communication, life changes, loneliness and family at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Col1a Mesa. Registration is required. Information: (714) 445-4950. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP GROUP Presbyterian Church of the Covenant's men's fellowship group meets from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednetdaya at the Vlll9ge Farmer rataurent. ecroa from South C:O.st PtaH In COlta Mesa. (714) 657-3340. UNESS SUPPORT GROUP Jewish F1mlly Servlc:e of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people experiencing chronic Illness. The group meeu a1 7 p.m. Thursdays at Jewish Family Servkle. 260 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. AT A CROSSROADS Presbyterian Churdl 9f the Covenant hosts "Crosaroads• for sixth·, seventh· and etghth-graders from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. The program. includes dinner, games and Bible study. $2 donation la suggested. (714) 557-3340. HELP WITH HEALING Jewish Family Services of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group at 7 p.m. Thursdays for people who suffer from chronic Illness. The group's purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to help manage the effects illnesses have on J)eople's lives. Meetings are at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G., Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. TEEN SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Services of Orange County sponsors en ongoing support grou~or high school students that will address such topics as coping, with stress. aelf esteem. resolving conflicts, with others, body image and other Issues. The group will beet from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Mondays at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School. Information and registration: (714) 4454950. WEEKLY KIDS PROGRAM Presbyterian Church of the Covenant presents "Children of Our Lord; a weekly Thursday evening program. for first- through fifth-graders. Games, a speaker and dinner are included for a $2 donation. The church 1s at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. (714) 557·3340. TORAH STUDY AND MINYAN Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz and rabbinic intern Gersh Zylberman lead a Saturday morning Torah study and minyan at 9 a.m. at Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelback St., Newport Beach Information: (949) 644-1999. HEBREW CLASSES David Zarnow leads a beginning Hebrew class offered from 9 to 10:30 a.m. and an Intermediate class is offered form 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. Information: (949) 644·1999. SHABBAT SERVICES Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach has a new schedule for weekly Shabbat services. The first and third Fridays of the month services will begin at 6 p.m. The third Friday Is a catered Shabbat dinner of chicken. baked potato. salad, challah and wifl'e after services. The cost will be $12 for adults and $5 for children. Paid reservations are required by the Wednesday before the dinner. For the second, fourth and fifth Fridays, services begin at 8 p.m. All services are conducted by Rabbi Mark Miller, Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz and Cantor Jonathan Grant. • Is your church or place of worship planning a special event? If so, send the typed information et least two weeks before the event to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, attentton· Paul Sa1tow1tz, rahg1on editor., lax to (949) 646-4170; or send email to dailypllot1m/atimes.com stoddn1 stuffers fetttve sift dna sift basbts corporu. alfta caramel apple• volume dl1eounts NSWPORT BEACH WesTCUFF PLAZA. INtne Ave. at 17th. 1111t 11 ~ I H(l(j I t '· ! 1. I ' ....... ""' 1 .• I• , , • ' If I • '111' Saturday, December 6, 2003 Al 3 Swvint tk Comm1mity for 30 ytars Now TAKING ORDERS FOR HOLIDAY PARTIES (Aslt us abo_ut our Hout:U1 Menu Chult List!) HERB ROASTED CHICKENS $599 ca. (kit "-' nboNt a quirlt Wk dish to <ompkmnll yoNr meal) Corn Brrad Stuffed CHICKEN BREASTS OR Appk-Cimu1mon Stuffed PoRKCHoPs (Cao/ for CoU/ Nights) SANDWICH OU/ Fashiorud BONE-IN OT ROAST $499 lb. (Tnukr & ui ) GARDEN OR FRUIT SALADS I I~ I -..11 -..1 \I< H 11 l •11\111.1 I ..... , \IJtll'.... • ... ,I 11~ • 'I 11~ I\ 11' • ''I I 11 I I I I 'I : • ' '' • ' I I I >1·/11·1·• ,.,t / 1,11/1 nab HmuJ-CJJqpJ>d s.i.. • Br11110 Cbips er TortiJ/As • HtnM Styki 32 Yllridiet 9/HotnmHllH SaUHfUt Wtcr:::i:!J%'!/"*J/!:JIKll 270 East 17th St.• Costa Mesa• (949) 642-7191 Mon ·Sat. 8 OOAM to 7 OOPM •Sun. 9:00AM to 6.00PM MAGIC FOREST CHRISTMAS TREES Back for the 19th Straight year! •HUGEST •SELECTION •BEST •SERVICE •EASIEST •PARKING OPEN 8am -9pm Dec. 3 till Christmas •FLOCKING •AND FLAME PROOFING -NO LIMITS Checks and Cash Only Please. A14 SeMday, Dec.~ 6, 2003 Daity Plot BEST BUYS ANTIQUE ROW Fashion Island in holiday mode GARDEN CAFE ,.. ''-n..,J,, • .....,,._ 6 C..11.mMn. ~ • C.,. Crj'tt ..J a.,,,,,. o..r. IV'u6 Lilt-' DJ;.,,. a.,,,,,. Ufa c,m,,. PrttN on.;.., -a., 8-ltfost. 1-11. Tu nJ • &1-&tr ' CAFE I/OURS: ~,_, ... ,,,, Cnttlln ,_ CIMNIJins, Uml 0-R6rr BHh. C*"-t Pimm Fra1i11:. F1m1ittm Ratorwti1111 Did You Knowl *That we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to ~ Nurseries and let us show you how.• •"" "'"'" mort I ROW /IOURS: Tw-S.I 10.-·51"' NURSERIES, INC. ___ _ COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2 700 Bristol St. (714) 754-6661 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 COMPl.ETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE # 308553 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Aowerdale Nunery -Costa Mesa Master Nursery Professional --------------- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE 95· Get the Best tor Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT F ashJon Island offers terrific gift-buytng ideas perfectly tallored for everyone on your list There are more than 200 retailers and restawants to choose from. For those that like to be pampered, there~ wonderful skin and aromatherapy products from L'Ocdtane, the Body Shop, Bath• Body Wo:rb and c..weu-~. For chocolate connoisseurs. there's 1eulcher Olocolatel Ii Qali. Many conslder Thuscher the finest 1n the wortd, freshly made ln Zurich, Switzerland. Its house specialty, champagne truffie, has Dom Perlgnon in its cream center. BenchJey Lugage bas wonderful gifts for all interests. There's a wonderful selection of games, travel products, clocks, pens and high·quality Tuml luggage. For hostess gifts. or if you're • entertaining at home, stop by Baa agea • Morel It specializes ln a large selection of wines. spirits, beers and mictobrews. It also carries gourmet foods that go well with its beverage selection: fresh cheese. caviar, chocolates and snacks. TradldonaJ JeweJen carries top jewelry designers, and fine gift items from world-renown Lalique, Cartier and Mont Blanc. More than 20 highly respected watchmakers have merchandise available, and it's the exclusive watch dealer of A. Lange Sohne from Gennany. . Kenneth Cole has fashion forwaJ'd gifts for men and women. Oloose frOm apparel 10 handba~. Garya specializes in men's sportswear, suits and accessories. At·F.ue has Robert Comstock's collection of men's sportswear and outerwear. NIKEgodesa. an Orange County exclusive, has an array of active Ufestyfe gifts that are fashionable and comfortable. Al·f.ue Women'l It Home Store carries conservative sportswear, as well as home d4cor and gift items. Mautudlo.com specializes 1n trendy fashJons for women. At BpJld-a-Bear, children make custom-made stuffed animals. lmaglnarium and Thia little Piggy Wean Cotton have wonderful classic and imagln8tlve toys, including Bruder toys trucks, rocking horses, and more. Momma John Jennifer Gus Brenda ~ bdtmt to "" ,,,.,./Ji 1Arpstf/Hri111 mAJl,,.. -ttMI,. ~"". b~fl-• *""" i1Uiiviilwl1Jy """"'aJ oJ>!Nllll. 4,000 STOllB BUYING POWER NOBODY~m. Mu ""' ..... ,,,. ., ..... Ynn '19#i1 •,,.a, if ,.,,. ""' --"""'~~-•.,___,...,,__.,,_,,. . lifetime Warranty Carpet SJ99 llfetl111e Warranty. ......... $2'' lifetime Warranty Cera111lc $1 '' Lifetime Warra•ty . .... $2''· lo Que1tlo•1 Asked FULL SERVICE CtHftr Ttpt • S•ewtta • Ctrt•I• • SttH • GrHlte • Wtt4 Rtf11ls• ONE STOP SHOP WldtW Ctnrl• •• c1 ... 1. Car •• & u •• ,... • P1i1ti1 ·l1ttrltr & Erterier Co•ta M••a . lrvlne (M•> •80·7•78 <M9> 8U4t•t ta• •· t7tli ''''' • .. n ••• MOlf.ftl f..S MOM-ftl lt·6 • SAfUltAY 10·4 SAfURDAYS & SUMtAYS 10~ CLOSED SUMtAY IYHIHS IV APPOINfMlNf ' ( ,,_.... --·~~ -~ . . GREER WYLDER Gld Mania h.&s tbe latest fashions for glrls; C1dldreda Pl.-cehas darling appasel for girls and boys; and for matching mother· daughter ; outfits. check out Sunablne In Newport and April Comell Great gifts from the Apple Store Include the latest versions of popular ,IPods in 20GB or 40GB models. Other gifts from Apple include PO\s, notebook computers, hundreds of software titles and much more. At Boee. find its popular Wave Radio, along with plasma televisions and home entertainment sound systems. Home d&:or and accessories can be found at Sb8bby Ollc and ~the Sheela. There are scented candles, beaded frames. decorative pillows and top quality linens. HoUday entertaining items are plentiful at Restoradon Hardware, Pottery Barn. z Gallerle and Bloomlngdale's Home. Oioose from home d~cor, serving ware, linens, candles, frames and more. Holiday d~r specialty shops include: Macy's Holiday lane. the Art of Olrlstmaa or the Ouistmas Store (San Francisco Music Box and Calendar Oub). Personal shoppers can assist with purchases. They can be found at Bloomlngdale'8, Nehnan Marcus and through the maln concierge desk in Atrium Court. SOlmt COAST PLAZA South Coast Plaza offers wonderful holiday gift selections. It even has a list of unique corporate gifts to make gift-giving easier. Here's a partial List of where to find perfect gifts for clients. employees and business prospects: Antonello Rlsto.rante offers gift certificates. The award-winning Italian restaurant offers a $500 gift certificate that will give an additional $100 towaJ'd dining. or 20% off. Call (714) 751-7153. Baccarat offers a tradidonal Noel Collection, as well as new decorative collectibles. Corporate accounts offer benefits that include custom engraving. presentation pedestals. gift wr..ipping. delivery, and discounts. A complimentary brochure is available through corporate services. Call (714) 435-9600. World renowned Bally, a maker of fine leather goods, offers business cases, watches, cell phone cases and key chains. Call (714) 557-1914. At Bodega Cllocolata, there are personal and corporate gift packs. Gifts can be personalired with company logos or imprinted ribbon. Prices are from $20 to $150. Oloices include award inning truffie bars. English toffee, chocolate petits 1n white and dark chocolate, sugar-free petits and chocolate-covered short breads. A charity program contributes 109l> of a corporate order to your choice of charity. Call (714) 429·1057. Bvlprl offers exquisitely designed gifts. Oloose from aterllnl silver and black onyx rings ($130), sterling aµver money clips ($450) and cutJ llnb In at:ed!ng silver and black onyx ($590). Silk collections lnclude Bvtgarlt' exclusive Seven Fold tiea and scarves for men and women. Call (714) 751·7833. Dooney Ir Bowb offers quality handbags and business acceuories. Ololce. range from travel and tech.no !term. lncludlng cell phone holders. Pll\ cases. briefcases and travel cloclcs. PeOOnalizadon o1fere-J on address boob, jouma,1.s and gifts books. Call (714) 641-5622. ff'9l Hugo Boes offers band-woven sillc des made in Italy, sterling silver Hugo travel cloclts, which fold up Into a compact square; and sterling silver Hugo rawrs that pair perfectly with Hugo for Men after-shave or cologne. Call (714) 751 -9100. Loro Plaaa. the ultimate in fine fabrics, offers elegant gifts that include travel pillows ($125); cashmere baseball hats ($195); sillc ties ($100 to $195); cashmere ties ($140 to $195); fancy and solid cashmere scarves ($195 to $400); blankets ($ 1.295 to S l,895); and caslunere socks ($100). Call (714) 432-1301. Orrefora Ko8ta Boda offers an artistic selection of clear or crystal bowls. cases. sculptures, votives, clocks and penholders. Engraving is available. Call (714) 549-1959. 11lfany It Co. even has its own business holiday catalog. which features awards, trophies. recognition programs and customiz.es holiday gifts. Call (714) 540-5330. Also. South Coast Plaz.a makes holiday shopping even better with its selection of specialty and seasonal stores. AngdJ is a children's boutique offering European fashions for infants up to si7.e 10. Oloose from fine holiday apparel. play clothes, and accessories. Level l, Macy's Home Store Wmg. Call (714) 432-8056. Broobtone specializes in functional holiday gifts. At this interactive store, you can touch, test and play with products. Level 2, Crate & Barrel Wmg. and on Level l, Robinsons-May Wing. Call (714) 434-8190. Calendar Oub is the world's largest calendar ret.ailer. SelectU>ns range from wall to desk and even engagement calendars. Level 1. Macy's Home Store Wmg. Call (714) 751·8741. OuUtmas Dazzle specializes in ornaments from around the world and hand-crafted gifts. Level 2. Crate & Barrel Wmg. Call (7 14) 641·3500. Day-By· Day features hundreds of calendars with every theme: travel, sports, animals, entertainment and more. Levell, Sears Wing. Call (7 14) 556-5973. Go! the GfUDe Store is one-stop shopping for the latest boaJ'd games, puzzles, party games. kid's games, bestsellers and classics. Level I, Crate & Barrel Wing. Call (714) 751-0622. The Hallmark OuUtmas Store also bas doubled in size with its Ouistmas Annex. Now there's even more gifts, Oiristmas cards and gift wrap. Level I, Macy's Home Store Wmg. Call (714) 540-4760. At Hickory Parms. select from novelty baskets and containers full of Hick~ry Farm's weU·known treats. Level 1, Sean. Wing. Call (714) 435-2000. Home Holldayl It TradJtlons specializes in coUectibles. handcrafted one-of-a-lcind ornaments, persona.l.iz.ed stocldnp and even offers complimentary personalizadon of ornaments. Level 1, Sab Fifth Avenue Wing. Call (714) 435·2000. Kuhlman offers high-quality men's shirts featuring a unique Anglo-Italian tallortng. Level 21 Macy's Home Store Wing. Call (714) ~1412. Mn.~ offers holiday baskets filled wtth gowmet bakery Items, wines, chocolates and candies.-Level 1, Macy's Home Store Wing. Call (714) 75f-7300. Sen Prand.:o Muak Ben carrles more than 1,200 musical Kifta and oollecdbles. Level 2, Sears Wing, Call (714) 751-0651. FHEF FSTf \1.\T F DC JIAllLI A C:IAIOTI lllTOIATION YOua NATUmAL STONB Cd& nons110NALI IOl.Ul.71t8 ~ ,0....., Piiot • 1 _, Getting their art on. the wall embers of Orange County Fine Ans will :showcase works at !South Coast Plaza :Village today. ~•lrdr• Newman Daily Pilot SOU'lll ~ MBTRO-ks part of Costa Mesa's Conner resl· dential design guJdellnes, "bar· mony and compatfbilitf" were known to strike f~ and frustra· tion in homeowners trying to oi'ake their expansions fit in with their neighborhood. , On Saturday. the positive as- pects of "harmony and compat· lbillty" will be on display, cele- \brated by at least one local artist at the Orange County Fine Arts 1organization's holiday reception :and showcase. l The showcase features the art- work of about 30 of the 300 OONLEACH/OAA.YPILOT lmembers of the organization, Jila Hakimi will host a holiday art showcase on Saturday at a gallery at South Coast Plaza Village run r;:u~~ ~~':;:tn:P1~~k ~ by Orange County Fine Arts. Works by about 30 of the art organization's members will be on display. leciic array of art will be fea-the artists the opportunity to ex· case Saturday, many of which il-FYI \tured, including sculptures, hibit their work. which Is espe-lustrate local scenes. 1paintings, jewelry and glass dally vital for amateur artists, "I've been doing lpleln·air) work.. said organization president Ma· longer than I care to comment,~ "With glass, the main thing is rilJyn Brame. To exhibit, the art· Tag&art said. "Now It seems to be harmony and compatibility," ists have to bring five pieces of coming back ln vogue again. For said Jila Hakimi, a Newport woe\: to be approved, Brame a while, everything was wa1er- Beach artist who creates with her added. colors." husband. ulf you use the best de· The galleries usualiy change Taggart and I lakimi said one sign and the best glass, if one el· their exhibits every two months, of the perks of the showcase for ement ls not compatible, it can but the artists group has not customers L'i that lhe art 1s more break from within. We use this as ,.been able to use the South Coasl affordable 1han what m1gh1 be a message of life for everyone." Plaza ViJJage gallery for the past found in gaJleric!. in I .:1).,runa The organiz.ation has two six weeks because Coastline Col-11each. showcru.e gallerie!> -one al lege students were using ii for an "Most of thl' artii.ls an· n•ally South Coast Plaza Village, where an show of their own, said Marie not into that much money," I la- the holiday reception will take Taggart, a Costa Mesa artist kuru '>aid. "A lot of them have place, and one in the Santora Taggart will be exhihiling her hecn there lor u long Uml'. Jl1dl's Arts builcllng, The galleries afford plein·air painting at the show-thdr hobby anc.J lifcMyll' and I !AROUND TOWN I• Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to luls.pena@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event as well as a contact phone number. .TODAY The Cosu Mesa Men'• Ctub will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairvi4!W Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. The entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both days. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903.9090 Wakloff School win preMnt its Winterfestlval from 3 to 6 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Drive. There will be seasonal craft m•klng, music, theater and intematlonal !food. There will be a nominal ctlarge at the gate. Information: (949) 574-n34. ~e Anget9tal Prayer Breakfast II be after the 8:30 a.m. mass at Our Lady Queen of Angeles. 2046 !Mar Vista Drive. The prayer breakfast will feature guest 1speaker Madeline Tucci Tannef1111, founder of •Gary's Place for Kida. ' There will be a poinsettia pf ant sale after the breakf'&st. The breakfast is sponsored by the Casa Teresa Foundere Guild. The cost Is a $15 donation. Information: (949) 640-0886. The cat Fanden Aun. wtfl heve a ctlamplonshlp and household pet cat show from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Exposit.Ion Center. The event will feature up to 225 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along with retcUe a.ts and klttena looklng for e home. Information: (858) 455-9390. ,rationM Untwralty'a Center for Cultural and Ethnic Studies will present "The Allure and Significance of 8odv Art from 11<>:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. et National Unlveraity, 3390 Harbor • Blvd. lnformltlon: (714) 429-6408, lzukaa@nu.Mlu. ,._,,..,.. .nnual Christmea Fair will be from 9 a.m . Ito 4 p.m. There will be over 176 booths of top artists with unique handcrafted items including live music, food and entertainment. Information: (714) 641 -3)12, http://Www.p1~makers.com. Triangle SquaN will host holiday events at the shopping center's Town Square. The Dance Center event, with unique performances by dancers ages 5 to 17, is noon to 2 p.m. and elf face painting la 2 to 3 p.m. Also, a toy-soldier mime will perform from 2.:30 to 4 p.m. and the Classical Trio will play from 3 to 4 p.m. The Corona def Mer High School Madrigal Singers will perform from 2 to 4 p.m . at Bloomingdale's Fashion store in Fashion Island. Shoppers can ahow their support of Corona del Mar High School by shopping at Bloomlngdale's Fashion or Home Stores. A special table will be setup where shoppers can show their same day rect1ipts so that 10% of the amount that they have spent can'be donated direcily to thesdlool. SUNDAY The Cat Fanciers Assn. wlll have a championship and household pet cat show from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The event will feature up to 225 of the wor1d's finest pedigreed cats will be there along with rescue cats and kittens looking for a home. Information: (858) 455-9390. ~abra'annual Christmaa Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 6 and 7. There will be over 175 booths of top artists with unique handcrafted items Including live music, food and entertainment lnfonnation: (714) 641-3112, http://Www.plecemakers.com. The Co9te MeM Men's Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Toumament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Meu Golf & Country Club. The entrance tee will be $76. Information: (949) 646-2888,(949) 903-9090 The MWnth annual Balboa laland Walking Holidey Home Tour wfll be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. et Balboa laland. Tidcet.a COit $20. lnformadon: (949) 673-4280. The city of Newport Beach's 14th annual Winter Wonderland will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m . at Grant Howald Park, 5th and Iris avenues. There will be more than 30 tons of snow dumped onto the grounds. There will be winter carnival games, and Santa will be there. Information. (949) 644-3151. TUESDAY The Dororthy Weffam Memorial Lecture presents "The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity and What Can Be Doner with Of. Aoyd Cutler, professor of pediatncs at UC Irvine; •pediatric Neurology: What's Newr with Or. Steve Philips, neurologist at Children's Hospital Orange County; and •The 50th Anniversary of the Double Helix Projecting the Future of Genomic Medicine· with Or. Ed_ward McCabe, ctlelr of pediatrics at UCLA These lectures will begin al 6 p.m. at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, 100 Academy Way. Information-(949) 824-8202 WEDNESDAY Body Design will offer a free seminar end demonstration on the latest technology on cellulite treatments from 7 to 8 p m. at 100 Newport Center Drive. The event 1s presented by Mary Oellene, a massage therapist. Information and registration: (949) 722-3555, getflt@bodydesign.tv. Hoag Hospital will h.ve an evening lung cancer support group discussion about ·coping with the Holidays" fro m 6:30 lo 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conf8fence Room A Information 1949) 760-6542. Jona1han Mor.no, profnsor and director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Virginia, wiH present '"The History and Ethics of Human Experfmenu from the Nazis to the U.S. Military" at 4 p.m. et the McDonnell Douglas Auditorium. et UC Irvine. Information and reservations: (949) 824-9298. THURSDAY The Campu9 CollMG .... of Orange Coast College will hold a luncheon to raise funds for the OCC Dfaabled Students C.nter from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will be entertainment provided by Tyler Hoff and Klro Klro, who wfll be pfaylng wfth the The holiday reception at the Showcase Gallery will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. today at South Coaat Plaza Village, No. 815. 3861 S. Bear St Refreshments will be served they really want lo contribute to c,ociely. You can find a sculplure for about $90." In addiuon to the gaUen c,, the organization foi.ter., art appre- ciation and arti~lll skills in the community by giv111g art <;ehol- ar.h1pr, to s1ude11h II aho just star wd a youth group for young- er p<'ople who art• studying art. Harry and Grace Steele Children Center. The cost is $9.50 per person. Information: stancJardtint@hotmail.com. Tha Thursday MQmlng Senior Women's Club will present its Chrl1tmas party lunctleon and a musical show at 11 a.m at the Newport Beach Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd This will be $23 Information and reservation: (714) 842-5863. FRIDAY Faahlon laland and Star 98. 7 Radio will host a holiday toy drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Bloomingdale'& Courtyard. Customers are encoureged to drop off an unwrapped new toy to be placed under the Fashion Island Christmas tree. Information: (949) 721-2000. http:l!Www.shopfashion Island.com. The Reftex Sympath9tk Dystrophy friends support group will meet at 7 p.m. at Cocos, 2750 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 650-1212, (714) 491 9400. DEC.13 Sh1rtcy'1 Wood-flred MelCican Gnll will have a grand opening celebration from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help Newport Coast Cares rar so funds for La Hacienda de la lnmaculada, a small orphanage in Ti1uana The cost will be $10 for adults and $5 for ctlildren. Sharky's is at 21119 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coast Shopping Center. Information· (949) 433-7879. The City of Costa Mesa end Torelli Realty are sponsoring lhe city's annual Holiday Snow Hill. whictl will be from 9 a.m . to noon at the Balearic Community Center, 1975 Balearic Drive. The event will Include 60 tons of snow, hay rides and a speclal visit by Santa. Santa will arrive at 10:30 a.m. by helicopter Information: (714) 754-5168. Orange Couirty P90pte for Animals will have a allent auction, live music, a guest speaker, and OCPA's annual "Pvaoe for Animala" community ceremony at 6:30 p.m . at the Ayers Country Inn & Suites Hotel, at 325 S. Bristol St The cost la $40 for members and S60 for SM TOWN, P11e AUS ./I&"'-~tv/..Yffc«'~'" • GIA •mt Cerl1fted Diamond.a • Cutomilld Ordm • ~\ • WeddlDg RlDgl • ~ WhUe You Walt • 18 dent Mercb&ntl ) Satur~. Oeeembef 6, 2003 Al5 • BANQUET ROOMS Available tor lVrt~ fe~Uve P<Arties! JVo f£verytfiing :Must 901 'Reasonable Offer 'Refa$ed ! Last day of Sale is 'Thursday, 'December 18, 100 3 'lfJe're open eacfi •lues day, 'lf1ednesday, rJ11L1rSdf!Y. and Saturday, rnecember 6tfi. Jiours : 10:00 u.m. to yoo p.m. .'How t~jtt 'fnere: 17•• Stm'I 'West p11)f 'Trndrr ]ol!'s to nert lra}}lr b91i1 'rum 'Ri9fi1. 1md tfirn '/um '1U9(r1 09am al Ifie first allry entry 11nd follow tlic s19n) lo Unit · F-i. HOA G VOLUNTEER THRIFT SHOP , 949 ·722 -9106 MAILBOX RENTAL B/W & COLOR COPIES FAXSEFMCCS NOTAAY PU8UC w~~m&.s. ...... ortCoMt 111o,p1 .. Ceftbtr 2t ta Newport C. DIM at S4W1 J09q1W1 HtUa Aoed 848.944.8849 .......... to.a Sat., Dec. 6, lpm-%>m Bonita Creek Park in Newport Beach (located at EastblufI/Univcrsity Drive & La Vida) • Girls ages 5-14 from Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach. •team practices begin February 2004. •Games begin lare Fcbruary/C2Ily 'March 2004. 1 • First time registrants are required to bring a copy of birth ccnificacc . • Alt Saturday, December 6, 2003 SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL ·1~~""'*'"-t/Wll ....... ·-~-"*" n,. ~ Prcween ~. Rector 3209 Vio lido ~~ 7 30 om Trodcbonal ~~~ 1 lom ChorilmCJhc and W.Niday NoOA A ( a11~011 a[ thr Antfsu111 ( •m11111111111 llUW/hG 0(,R fAl171 WI/NC, <.HRJ\1 AN/1 SllMNG Olm W.'IMI ~/]} I hr ~·d Putt L> Hiynn. RcctOI WNDAY ~CHI £>l 11 8 am • Holv EuJwi• 9 •m Su~y xhOOl!Adul1 81hk \cuJy 10 am · Chon! bi..h.uui NlJRjf.R)' W> AVAi/MU Continued from Al 5 nonmembers. Information: (71A) 751-0CPA. http://WWW.OCJ*JN.Qrg. TtMt merctaants of 8alboe Invite VOo to W9td1 tM ltl.ldents of Newport Elementary School as they partk:ipant in the annual merchant Chriltmn paintJng program from 9 to 11 •.m. at the Fun Zone area Balboa VIilage in front of the Nims wheef. Information: (949) 675-0501. http:l..WWW.balboanewpott buc/1.com. Costa~ High School will have a communltywide campus oleanup day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2650 Fairview Roed. Peopfe will meet Inside the main entrance by the lyoeum. Adults and teens are welcome. lnfonnatlon: Ricerdo Dence (714) 751·9856. OEC.14 HMecrMt Palk wm be ho.ting a holiday boutique from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 3107 Klllybrook Lane, Costa Mesa. There )Nill be • handmade crafts. Mary Kay Coatnetica. Cool!• Lee Jewelry, Avon Cotmetlc8 end more. Child care will be avallebM. • lnfo,..,,.tion: (714) 557-7234. . . Mwd\a'a loob-. wtl h..-. •Champagne boOlt &lgnlng for the "Silent Screen Cootbook" by Joanabetl L.wia from 11 •.m. to 1 p.m. at 308'h Menne Ave., Balboa Island. Information: (949) 873-7185. Judging wtl ~ fwaalboe Island'• annual hoflday home decorating contnt.. Judging will go ol\ until 10 p.m. each day through Dec. 18. Some of the categories are traditk>f)'al. most original and beat animated. Homes are all judged by volunteers. lnformattOn: Joanie Cooper, (949) 675-4441, (949) 673-8700.' OEC.15 Judging wm continue for 8alboe Island's annual holiday home decorating contest. Judging will go on each day until 10 p.m. through Dec. 16. Some of the categories are traditional, mort original and best animated. Homes are all judged by WORSHIP DIRECTORY \II llllll >l \J Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. CathJccn Coots, Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. comer of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 8trm Q111et Wonlnp S<ro1u /Oam Wonh1p anti Ch1/drrni Sunday School Youth meem11 u>eeltlJ I\ 11 11 H \'-. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church CLLC.AJ 788 Dover Dr .... .-port 8-ot'I Trwdltlonal Lutb•ran Pastor Chartn Endter Worehlp Service with Hol~ Communion Sunday 9:18 am (949) 148 3831 MESAVBRDE UNITI:D METMOD'5T CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 end 10:00 a.m. '714) 979~8234 Dr Aleh.lld beoroe Rev Stephanie Toon SeniOr M1nistei Youth Minister Christ Church By the Sea Un11nl Mc1hoJ1\1 1400 '1t l\tlbo.t nl•J ' ~C"J'<lfl lkach l~\ ~m. A.I.Jc "'rJ.r "-h..ul 8 IQ & 101.m II;, ~·p ...J l bJJ,..,. ... .J,i, \chool Tb~ RCY. Dr. c-'1~ R CnJp, l'utor (949)673-,80S Shelter from thi cold '9 Food For .I. The Soul Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlsclplH of Chrtst) 2401 trvln1 Ave. Newport IHCh, CA (949) 645·5711 llioiltef: Dr. 11..ia lllltl 1 111{ I\ I I \ '\ \( 11 '\ < I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST -SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST .. THE COMMUNION 3303VlaWo NeWJXl18ecx:tl 3100 Pod1lc Vh Dr NeWJXll1 Be<xh OF SAlNTS" 'j\N~ 67~1340 or 673-6150 OlUrch JO am & 5 ?11 SUnday School JO am wa..soy ~ 7 lO pm ST. MARK PRF.SBYTERIAN CHURCH "Optn Antu and Optn Minds" Worship 9:30 ,.....,., .......... ~lddl (949) 644.-1341 ( PU U•Tll lAflf ( Hl.'11 H A + •A God<ct1tmd parish community, instructtJ ht r:M Word of Cod • and ~ncWed lJy tht Sammenu Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vi ta Drive NCWJ>Ort Bc2ch. California 92660 (949)6«·0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 t Rtv. Monsignor William P. Mclaughlin Pascor LITURGIES: Sarurday. S p.rn. (Cancor), Sunday, 7·00 (Quiel), 8·30 (Comcmpumy) 10:00 (Choir). 11:30 a.m. (Cantor) and 5:00 p.m. (Conrcmpora11) 644-2617 or 675-4661 WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publishes E~ Saturday in the Pilot CALL 949.57 4.4249 .. vofuntee,., lnfortMtion: Joenie Coopet, (949) 876-4441, (949) 8'7U700. OEC.18 Judelnewll ~-.... i.tand'• ann-.ial holiday home decof'8tlng contest Judging will go on 8edt dly until 10 p.11'1 through OK; 18. Some of the cetego.,_ are traditional, moet origlnaJ and bMt animated. Home1 ere all judged by volWlteera. lnfonnatlon: Joanie Coopet. (9'9) 676-4441, (949) 67U700. Co.ta "-8 High 8c:hool wtl host a boOlt t.lr fundralser from 4 to 8 p.m. at Sames & Noble Boobellena at Trfengle Square, 187()..8 Hatbor Btvd. A. book fair voud\er r. required for • peroenuge of the purthne to be given to Costa M8SI High School. Vouchers mey be obtained at the school's front office or they may be received by fax. lnfonnatlon: nadine112390@mlndapnng.com DEC.18 The ~ng ExecudVa of AIMltce will hqs1 Paul A Motenko, c:halnnan of the board and co-CEO of Chicago Pina & can eteat• the r own apecial hOfiday MUOn gifts fOf family end friends uelng a valiety of mat.nets from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The ooct la $140 per student wttt'I a 10% diaoount for members. There Wfll be • $26 m•terfals fee. Information: (9'9) ~- DEC. 23 The~,...,,. Cent9r wdJ praent • holklay craft WOfbhop In Which participants can create their own apedal holiday eeuon gttlt for femlly and frfendt using • variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m . The cost It $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-84!!9. DEC.24 The EnWonmental Nnd Cent. will present • holiday ct8ft WOf1cshop In which participants can create their own special holiday l8890n gifts for family and frlenda using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost Is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. lnfonnatlon: (949) 645-8489. Brewery Inc.; during ita breakfast DEC. 28 meeting at 7:30 e.m. et the Pacific • The Environmental Hetu,. Canter Club. 4110 MacArthur Blvd., will present a holiday craft Newport Beach. The cost is $16 workshop In which participants for members end $25 for can cteata their own special nonmembers. Information: (949) holiday season gifts for family 721-8686. and friend• using a variety of DEC.20 •DivOrce: A N.w &.ginning" is a workshop for men and women in the process of divorcing or recently divorced from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Canter Drive. The cost is $40. lnformatJon: (949)~. DEC.21 Fashion lsl•nd will hem lb annual menorah lighting ceremony at 3 p.m. at Bloomingdale'• Courtyard. The event will be hosted by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Chabad Jewish Center In Newport Beach. Information: (949) 721-2000, http:llwww.shopfashfon island.com. DEC.22 The Orange County Marbt Place will hold ita Holiday Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and crafters' comer, photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. The Environmeni.t N.tu,. Canter will present a holiday craft worbhop in Which participants materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost Is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee . lnfonnatlon: (949) 645-8489. ONGOING The Newport c.nt.r Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and backgrounds. The group meets every Monday moming from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available In the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721-5732. Sot. Comfort and lau,.•a House have teamed up to help those in need by collecting shoes from Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfort. Corona del Mar Plaza. 836 Avocado Ave. laura's House is committed to ending the cycle of domestic violence and strengthening families. Information: (949) 644-5939. See TOWN, Pase Al 7 Sharky's opens at Newport l Coast Shopping Center Just in time for catering casual holiday get- togethers or to satisfy your hunger while you accomplish your holiday shopping, Shark11'11 Woo4/fred Mexican GrUl will open Monday, December 16, at Newport Coast Shopping Center. Located at Newport Coast 1 Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road, Shark11 '11 is a high quality yet casual Mexican restaurant, featuring fresh, natural and organic foods. Sharkg'a distinction is in its use of the highest quality ingredients such as fresh Foster Farms honnone and preservative free California chicken breasts; Harris Ranch fresh natural beef (all grain fed, with no antibiotics or hormones); premium grade fish; and 10096 certi- fied organic and GMO free black beans, pinto beans and long grain rice. Shark11's slgnatu:re items including tempura battered mahi mahi ftsh tacos with salsa blanca, a grilled shJirpp burrito with achJote sauce, and stone tired Mexican pizzas ... Slaarkg's offers sit down service, a.s weU as take-out and party platten for cat.erlng. The restaurant is open daily from 11 a.sn, and dos.- es at 9 p.m. Swtda,y through Thursday Md closes at 10 p.m. OJI weekends. The telephone number ls (949) 729--1000. A/.tJlr you ef\loy a meal at Slaork11¥, take advantage of the conv nfent holiday shopplng and pany prepara. tton with th varict)> of stores and servk ahQPli at Newport COut 8Jaopptq Center Tu ftnd U1e pcrfiK.1 sift for the littl ones on YOW' ~ be butt to visit 'lbt1 Boi&C, whl ·h ls ldlOwn roe IU. eta. ate t.oys for glrU and bo)'I. 1b11 Boot .&o otten a aelectlon ot t.Oday'a moet pe>pular \oJI and c.'ollec· tables IUI well u tree llft." wrapping and free assembly of trikes and wagons. Any woman on your holi- day list would appreciate a gift. certifica.t.e to BeUagio Spa & Sal-On, a full"'5ervice European-style spa and salon. A massage or other treatment aft.er the hectic holidays could be the best gift she receives. If the woman on your gift list Ls fashion conscious, Marie'• Boutique offers the latest European fashions from sportswear and suits to cocktail attire and con- temporary accessories. Gifts for pampered pets can al.so be foWld Newport Coast ShQPplng Center. Dogma has dog treats, custom dog collars and bedding, grooming products, travel accessories, apparel for do~ and their owners, as well as gifts tor dog lovers. Tu give your home a holi- day touch or send a gilt of flowers, Flore specia.li7.eS in on~f-a-Jdnd ~ements and off en the highest quali- ty, fresh florals. Fiore can custom-order any variety of t\ower and otters delivety of glft.s that can be attached to flower ama.ngements . For holiday party invita.. dons and supplies, as well as ca.ros and giltwrap, CdebratloM Plue will have just what you need for a memol"Pble party. The store also off en gU\ wrap- ping servi~e. full..ervice malllng and shipping. as well u apeclaJty g1fta and hbme .cceasorles. Tu heJp you prepare tor a intimate get together or din- ner pat1y for 12, Pa.cilUou r~ n\AJ'.\Y convenlen«s such u a hot baJc ry, full· M.Mce deli, rvice seafood CM-'ie, an exten."lve ftne Wine aelectlon, a fW.l«Mc floral depa11rn nt and more. l<or more mlonri&Lion on Ne11Jport CtHUt Sho.PPln# Cent•r, call (949) 790-9713 orvtslt www.shop~com . • • • • ' :• I • • • • I TOWN Continued from Al6 Th•~ a..ch Pubic Ubrary i1 holding Its holiday food drive through Dec. 12. There will be Share Our Selves bin• at the libntry for donations of canned goods and non-perishables. Donations can be dropped off during regular library hourt: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m . Friday and Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Information: (949) 717.a801. South Coast Plaza wtH have its Santa's Village through Dec. 24 at Carousel Court. Shoppers can make crafts at the Alpine Wood Shop, Holiday Trimmings Shop and the Village Bake Shop. The cost varies per craft. Information: (714) 436-2083, http://www.southcoastpltJZB.com. South Coast Plaza will h.v• its famous carousel transformed from horses to Santa's reindeer until Dec. 28. The cost for a ride is $1. Information: (714) 435-2083, http://www.southcosstplsza.com. South Coast Plaza will have Santa's Express Train running through Jan. 4 at the Crate & Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing on Level 2. Information: (714) 435-2083, http://www.southcosstplazs.com. -The Newport-Mesa cribbage dub meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m . at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. The cost is $2. Information: (949) 646-5293. Pastor Hein Austin leads a Bible study on #How to Become a Contagious Christian" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 377 W. Wilson St., No. 15 in Costa Mesa. All are welcome to come and meet new friends. Information: (949) 722-7498. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Un1versalist Churctt, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) • 957-6107. Macy's in Costa M ... invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. Yoga classes will be offerwd Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration Is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3161. Costa M ... 's Recrutlon Division will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m .. Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . or 4 to 1 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist of lunch/dinner. games, crafts, prizes, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost'$250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 754-5168. r----- 1 with this I . coupon not Vlld wtch I I ~ oCfla' offer. I Excludes slci1 I Cll't pn>ducts, 1t1CCtP(ll 1 ': off I (lrpllu 11/J 1AU I .... _________ ., "i See Us For All Your Color QUcStlons. '· . . , ~~ 949.6•1'2.4482 Av. new wt.. wil be Mrwd on BaysJde Aestaunint'a terTICle <Mtrlooldng Newpof1 Harbor f1V9fY Thu'9dey from 5:30 to 7:30 . p.m. The coat It S16 per pel'10n. For more lnfonNtlon, call (949) 721-1222. A variety of ptM111. ~ and group swim leuons will be offered thl1 1ummer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options Include one-on-one instruction on Saturdayt and a Monday through Thursday program for all egea and level1. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) M4-:1151, or • regl1ter in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Chlkhn, tMn8 and edutb can now register for summer recreational boating clas.es offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3161, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more Information. ProfMaJonal and lic9nMd IOa* trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-6103. Jewtah f.emlty Set'Vlce ls sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The First Page -Fine Children's Books, at 270 E. 17th St, No. 10 In Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. Gl'Ml"I Syst.ema lntwnational shows you everything that you wanted to know a boot orchids and repottlng during a free seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. An ordlid and tropical plant sale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Biren St facility. Information: (949) 756-1211. ~rthe 18Crfta ol Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Sat\Jrday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-6262 for more Information. Teem Survivor. a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts #Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgode11 store In Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitneu levels ere welcome. For more information, call (949) 276-3888. Newport Community CounseJlnil Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to B p.m. Free. Fot more Information, call (949) 721-8079. TMne In M¥9ntti 0-.rough ninth gl'llde. are Invited to drop by the city of Costa MeN Recreation Center from 2 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday for 1port.1 and other ac:tivitl ... The center Is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more Information, call (714) 327-7660. The Newport 8MCh W.Ndng Qub meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Roed in Newport Beach at 9:16 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) ~ 1332. The Newport 8Mdl CaD Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hoapltal Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Spanilh Speaking Club meets to leam Spanish quic:tc and easy. For more information, call (949)~1332. The Aan. of BUiin.a SeMces hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of flV8ry month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. •oivorce: A New &.ginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. me tours of th• Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, bacbtage and on stage at 10:30 a.m . every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS. ext. 833. The Newport a..ch Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit http://www.newcomers· newpartbeach.org. Oasis Senior Cen19r holds • pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. "°ii• and rhythm, #Yogarhythmlcs" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. Interfaith coupl" with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join• discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address Issues such as amciety, depression, relationships, loneliness and famlly. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the •oencv offfces, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, C<*a Mesa. PreNglstretlon r9qulred. (714) 4'M960 . f1Mnda of the Newpott lwh Public Ubrary UMd Book Store are asking for petrona to donate books to rwplef'llah the dwtndllng stock. Boob mav be left at any of the three bnnch llbntriee - Balboa. Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or In the book cfoset next to the Friends Boole Store, et 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and peperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law boob, will be acx;epted and are tax deductible. (949) 769-9867. Th• Brellle lnstttut. °"9ra free computer classea to people with fading vision who have dlftlculty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six se11lons. (714) 821·6000. A apllftual eare da11 meets at 7:16 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 2~1462. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St. Andrew's Presbyterfan Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfleld Hall Cat 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 674-2236. The Jewish Family S.Vlce of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Set'vice of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Beker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. The Costa Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W 19th St., Costa Mesa $4. (949) 548·3884. Scrabble Club No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Boqks, Music & Cate at South Coa!>f Plaza, 3333 Bear St. in Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coin and Stamp Club mfftl from 1 to 3 p.m . M ondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members Interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. (949) 644-3244. Saturday, December 6, 200) Al7 699 With Thl1Ad 599 With This Ad Pegasu~~chool · l!ll\. A National Blue Ribbon ~ ~ School of Excellence ~ e A rigorous academic curriculum for bright and gifted students preparing for success in secondary school e Science, Technology, Spanish, Music, Art and Drama •Outstanding School, O.C. Science and Engineering Fair e Award-winning Art Students e Competitive Athletic Program Now Accepting Applications for Preschool-8th grade for 2004-2005 Campus tours are now being scheduled. Please s ail to reserve your personal tour time. The Pegasus School 19692 Lexington Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 964-1224 • FAX (714) 962-6047 www .pegasus-school.net Everything Must Go. 4Q-7Qo/o ()ff • FINE JEWELRY PENDANTS EARRINGS • PEARLS e B l ' ' I \ I ... ... II () I R ... l """ I'' ',1 1 •: 111,, I ',11 ll Id .I\ ,, 11 it p 1 '\ II l 1 I 1 ~ I" lllJ .lfll ~_"._''~'~:J 200 Westcliff Drive. 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Larry Hint, Newport Hart>of boy$ basketball cooch BOYS BASKETBALL B·aek.Bay ~rowngoes to Sailors Newport knocks • off crosstown rival Corona del Mar in a tight, INSIDE Newport Harbor'• girl• beaketbell teem cepturea Beck Bay bragging rights for second yeer in e row. Page84 well-played game .• Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACH - Hirst said. -Playing against CdM, their sen- ion and our seniors are When the high school basketball season winds down and Newport Harbor and Co· rona del Mar get ready for the playoffs, Friday night's clash of Back Bay rivals will mean Uttle. It's not a league game and It's only the first week of the season. But lhat lack of meaning wasn't apparent in either the players or the fans for what rumed out to be a fantastic rl· val.rygame. • Newport Harbor just barely eclipsed the visiting Sea Kings, 59-56, scoring 19 points in the fourth quarter of a seesaw battle in which they were down by three at h.altti:n\e. "The thing I liked about Ibis game first off, was the crowd was so into It,• Sailors Coach Lllry so competitive. Theres nothing like a rivalry game. It brings out the best in every- body.• Harbor's best was just t little bit better, particularly over the fi- nal 2:20 of the game after Sea Kings junior Brett Hirata had tied the acore, 51-51, with a thJee. pointer from the rtgbt comer. Taylor Young returned the lead to the Sailors (2-0) with a put- bac:k bucket after a series of of- fensive rebounds, which was a Harbor strength all night After Adam Preede connected on one of two free throws for the Sea Kl.ngl (0.1) to cut the lead to 53·52 with 1:52 remaining, Har- bor 6-foot-8 center Jamie Die- SM SAi.ORS, Pase 84 STM McCRIH( /DAU Pft.Ol Newport Harbor's Rafael Mouradyan (10) drives past Corona def Mar's Jay Northridge in Friday nighfs Back Bay clash. Sporta Editor RlclMird Dwwt: (949) S7-M223 • lpor'8 Fu: (949) 650-0170 MARI< C. DUSTIN /OAl.Y Pll.O'f UC Irvine's Amanda Vasquez, left, and Oana.Kurzbard block Missoori's Jessica V~nder Kooi in Friday night's NCAA tournament match at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion. UCI won in five. UCI survives _ opener in ·fi Ve Anteaters rally to defeat Missouri in first round of NCAA tournament; face UCIA at 7 tonight. Steve Vlrcen DatlyP1lot WES1WOOD -For all the youth and wide-eyed feel the UC Irvine womens volley- ball players possess. it was actually the Ant· eaten' experience that turned the tide ... ex- perience in five.game matches, that 1" UCJ, which had won six of elgbt five-game matches before Friday, defeated Ml.ssowi in five games to grab Its fl.rst·~r NCM towna· ment victory at UCl.A. With a 30-27, 31-33, 25·30, 30-28, 15-12 victory, the Anteaters advance to tonight'• second round, facing UUA at 7 at Pauley Pa- • villon. "We have been very fommate to win a number of flve·game matches this yeM,• ua Coach Owile Brande II.Id. ·ance we got to that point I think we had a pretty good pup of what to do in the t1fth game." ua junior outside hitter Kelly Wing led the 'EaleR (2.f-9) wlth a match-high 31 kills, yet it was also the play of soph~ mores Terbrie lkylor (20 kills) and Amanda Vaequez (16) that helped make the durerence. Thylor slammed three consecudve kWs, as UO broke away from a 5·5 de for an 8-5 lead in the ftfth game. The Anteaters, who continue their best seuon in their blsto~ maintained the momentum to grab a 13-9 advan..., but Misaouri, ult bad most of the night, came back and pulled within 13· 12, prompting a Btande timeout UO then went to Its do-~ryth.ing playet Wing, who dug the .er.re and then &lammed the kill on an assist from junior Ashlie Hain, who i1maued 58 asslats. "We just kept golJ'l8 at them and fighting; Wlngsald. Vuquez teamed with Dana Kun.bard for a block that turned away Shen Danru's hit for UO's 6naJ point and the victory. Danru had 19 kills, while freshman Jessica Vander Kool'• 23 kills Jed Mim>u. Sophomore setter Und- aay Hunter, who ttarted last year and helped lead the Tigen to their first NCM towna· ment victory, collected 62 assistJ. The 11gera entered Frlday'c march having won juat three out of eight ftve-game match- 5" UCI, Pac• 85 . Kiley Hall Dec:. 8 tionor.. DAVE JERANKO Saturday, December 6, 2003 81 MEN'S BASKETBALL ·'Eaters outdo Tigers, 57-55 Parada's layin is the d\fference, but Baskauskus, Ethington provide spark off the bench. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot FRESNO -UC Irvine guard Aras Bab.usbs called It getting oft the IChneid The flfth-year senior was refer- ring to his own early-season scoring drought. but he could also have been describing the Anteaters' collective satisfaction with their dra m.at:Jc 57-~ men's besketball wln over Princel ton ln the open- ing game of the Mc:CafJ:rey Qu- ale Friday at PteSno State's Save Mart Center. The victory, spaiked largely by the contributions otr the bench by Basbusas and 6-foot-8 junior Greg Ethington. halted a two· game UCI losing streak. The manner in wbJcb the Antnters (3·3) rallied also may do much to fortify Coach Pat Douglass' IQuad, which Basbusbs laid le ltilJ trying to establish Its Identity. "'Ibis was a btg win for us,• Bask.au.skas said "Not only for our record. but the way we won the game, by gutting it out." Adam Parada. with a deft feed from slashing sophomore gu!Ud Jvfike EJ'evberha. converted a lay· ln with two seconds left for the gamt:·winner, capping a come- baclC from a 43·35 deficit with 11:14 left in the game. "That was exactly what coach drew up," Bakausbs saJd of the winning bucket, a play that be· gan wtth 5.5 seconds left on a side out of bounds. Stanislav Zu- uk inbounded tJ!I ball to FJev- berha cud1n& near the top of the keY and the 6-5 guard, who IOOfed 10 of bJs le&IOD•higlt 12 points ln the second halt pen- etrated Into the paint. before finding the 7-0 senior center. Parada OJcbd the ball over hls right shouJder into the basket to band Princeton Its first loss ln four games this season. "We have some differept op· t1ons on that play," Doug1au said of the acbeme he let up during a timeout. after Baabuvu re- bounded a missed three-pointer by 11.ger guard Scott Greenman S.. 'EATERS, Pqe 84 • 'l . OalY f>iot l ..... ., ' 2925 Harbor Blvd. • Costa ·Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 979-2500 (800) 96ACURA •.Fax (714) 435·1521 -, I" I I I ' u I' c -I I"" 1, I,, t I ) -- SPORTS FROM THE SIDELINES ' I I Irwin gains PacificS Alonzo Stagg Award I I lrwln, an outstanding 3 p.m. athlete and coach for lrwln has lnvtted decades in the one of hi& noted Newport Harbor area. gridd~rs, ~ Smalley. ~as been named to receive the who scored 104 points f<>Veted Amos Alonzo Stttgg ., as a halfback In '49, to Award for merit from the attend the ceremonies University of the Pacific Jan. 24 as a guest. Smalley Sn Stockton. attended Pacific lb the • • Only 43 other prominent m1d-50a and pJayed athJedc penonalltlea have been football for the Tigers. ------. honored over lnit1ally, Irwin bad ~ Irwin the years received a scholarship with the offer from USC when be was Stagg Awa.rd. attending Harl>or High, but later The • changed his di.recdon to Pacific recipients because he favored a smaller chosen by college and also held a high Pad.fie regard for Stagg. officials.are ... frwin was a 16 letterwinner in those who sports at N_ewport. As a guard measure up and fullback. he played four to Stagg's yean of football under the late notable . Ralph Reed. Irwin earned examples of Co-Player of the Year in the integrity, Orange League in '35. )teJilcation, i~eel.Wn and team He returned in • 48 to coach fldrlt. Newport football through '55. 1 lbe major force behind the His '.f9 team won eight, lost one J;lom.ln.alion for Irwin was a and scored 323 points. 1>ne-tlme versatile athlete from He was later hired by Dr. BasU ~ewport Harbor High named Peterson of Orange Coast baren McGavren, who is also a College to tutor the Pirate grid cllic alum. team. lWo others scheduled for the His '56 season was a wan:l lnclude Matt Equlnoa, whirlwind of success as the ass oC 1952, and Or. Terry Pirates captured the Ea.stem aple, of '68. Irwin was a '42 Conference and went on to play ate. Stoclcton in the Potato Bowl in ~recognition luncheon will Bakersfield. l>e at Pacific Stadlwn from 11 Unfortunately, lrwin's health ~m. to I p.m .. The trio will also was not up to par antt he chose t>e honored at the men~ to retire as the (ootbaD coach baslcetball game, whJch starts at and turned his attention to , coaching Pirate aquatic pc>cts. lrwin had a long, rich history ln directing aq&latJc sports at the Newport Beacp Lifeguard Department for yea.rs and as a swim instructor with the Navy during World War n at the Great Lakes Training Center. In time, be was hired away from OCC by UC Irvfne and continued on with numerous championships in water polo and swimming. He later became the school's athJedc din!ctor and served with prlde and distinction. Stagg was once regarded as one of the founding fathers of footbalJ and was a master of he T-formadon, which lrvQn brought to Newport in '48. · Stagg was one of the prolific inventors In the game of football • Mrs. Lois Irwin, )Yho married Al Irwin out of Pacific. was amused once by OUcago University in regard to Stagg's career. "111ey fittd him many years later because he was too old,• she said. Stagg could accept their opinion, but he simply advanced to Paclfic where be continued coaching the grid sport for more years. He died at age l04. . Stagg earned All-American honors at end for Yale in 1892. YOUTH BASEBALL tars win nation.al crown ~ !fravel team lives up ~• o top ranking with 2-and-under Triple rown win in Vegas. championship game to avenge an 11-1 O loss in July's World Series. Strong pitching put the Stars on top. Matt Davldlon struck out seven and allowed one run in two innings and was followed by Jordan Beck. who went another two innings, striking out sJx and allowing no runs. Ryan Boeger struck out four and allowed no earned runs in the final two .lnninglt. Huerta provided defense for the Stars, ranked No. 1 nationally in Triple Crown sports. California defeated the top-seeded Arizona Panthers, 7 -0, ln the semifinals. The Stars were 6-0 entering the game, outscoring their opponents, 73-4. The offensive surge continued with Sinske (2 for 3) blasting a first-inning home run. Griffin went 2 for 3 with two RBis and Boeger finished l for 2 will) a double and two l .:11'e 2003 CalifomJa NadonaJ JW-Star travel baseball team ~ed the 12-and-under Q:riple Crown fall national ~pionship in Las Vegas, Jllev .. ln late September. The tournament featured teams fOm aaoss the nation. t. California, nJcknamed the Cal ptars, features MllllJller Mike µrlfftn, his son Ou1a GrUlln -.od Garrett GaUegot -all Newport Beach residents. The Stars bad some timely offense from Boeger, who doubled and tallied two RBis, Beck (21or 3, two RBis), Griffin (I for 2. one RBI) and Jaime Domlngua (I for 2, walk). • RBis. Winkler doubled and : The Stars defeated the 1WJbusters, 7-4, in the A.J. Hqh-, Gallegos, Kennedy Winkler, Corey Slnsb, Joah Lee and Gabe GIRLS SOCCER k:urry leads Sage Hill ' I• ! Three goals from senior Tor-Shoctley each tallied one .wist ~ Megan Qarry helped lead for the UgbtnJng O-J). Qirry's Jbe host Sage HW School girls, third goal gave Sage Hill a 4-2 IOCCet team to a 4-3 nonleague lead before Calvary cut the defi· ~ctory against C&lvaly Oiapel of cit with the games flnal score in powney Thursday. · the 70th minute. 1 funior Amy Werl>lin added Junior goallceeper Laura Gor- -wttile .6ubroaD Kara don made 13 saves for Sage i>eft:t\llr'an.t' soPbom«n ,.... Hill. ! YOUTH BASEBALL • • fony signups today at Mesa The Costa Mesa Pony baseball ague will hold slgnupa for the ring 2004 seMOn from 9 a.m. noon today In front of the gym at Costa Mesa High. i . The Pony dMslon ii ror play· en ages 13 and 14. Fees are $125 pet pla~. ,,,.,. Call (714) 318-3482 for ..lftore t.nfonnadon. added two RBis. . Dominguez, Beck. Hughes. Lee and Davidson led the defense behind the pitching of Huena, who tossed a complete game, two-hit shutout. SCHEDULE TODAY Bulultball College men -UC Irvine vs.. Art(ansaa-Montlcello at Freano State tournament, 5:30 p.m.; Vanguard at Concordia, 7:30 p.m. College women -Vanguard at Concordia, 6:30 p.m. Community college women - Onsnge Coast ft'Cuesta toumament. High ~ glr1a-Newport Harbor vs. Estancia at ~Wtrlity tournament. 9:30 e.m. Socoer High 9dlool boys-Webb at Sage HIA, 3 p.m. High IChool .i'rta ... Estancia at e>ce.n Vl4D4 t_9U'mament ~..,::"*' Cot -NCM tou mem, aecond round: kvln .. t UCLA. 7 p.m. ·- K'!! --..="" . . (BBB 2 71 -7 5 9 0 fi .• , 1 '.' ...... It .. "-• , ,, " •. I •• I I •• ,, ... I .. .. 14 Satli'day, ~ 6, 2003 SPORTS 'EATERS GIRLS BASKETBALL Continued from Bl -who wu 4 of 4 from three· point ranae and 5 o( 5 from the field to that paint. •[F.f.evberba1 la one of thoee 91Jdona and Adam cutdng down th«t middle is .n· Newport Harbor rolls oy~r. riyal, 60-~4 olhet.• . Para.da's clutch conversion helped negate hts Wee mJsSed Cree throws ln the tlna1 momenta. whJch helped keep the 1tgers within strOclng range. Princeton, which converted l l of Its 29 three-point attempta. ,netted a trio of threes early In the second half, on tbe1WB.y to turn- ing a.21-26 halftime dtfldt Into a 39-32 edge wid) 15:26 left In the game. 1be Princeton lead WU 43·35 when Baska•askas, 0 for 5 from the fteld lo the ftrst five games. hit his aecond 18-footer of the nJaht while being fouled. Bas· buskas converted the free throw for the tlnt of three UCI tradi· tlonal three-point plays that keyed an 11-0 burst and earned the designated vtsltors a 46-43 advan •. A Greenman three ball ended the run and Greenman con· nected apJn from beyond the arc with 2:44 left to pull the Tig- era within 52·51. Bfevbelha. who hu struggled ftndlng his ecorlng touch In the regular season after amaufng 41 point. In two exhlbltlon games. ICX>red on a stx·foot step- througb. but Greenman picked off a J>6SI and went for a layup to shave the lead baclc to one. After Parada. who was 4 for 4 from the fteld. but made Just 1 or 4 foul shots, sank the ftrat of two free throws, Princeton junior loading scorer Judaon · Wallace drained a pair from the line to forge a 55-55 deadlock with 1:08 left. Parada missed a pair of free throws with 49 seconds left, but Ethington, matched In man·to- man defense on Wallace, forced him to pasa up two would-be baseline shots, resulting In the reversal of the ball to Greenman all alone In the right comer. His shot, howeve( bounded off the rim and Basbusk.a.s secured the rebowid to set up the game- wlnner. ZlWlk added 12 points lo match Flevbetha for team-high honors. while Parada finished with nine and sophomore point guard Je« Goger eight. Gloger also earned praise from Douglass for his team-blgb alx re· bounds and bis lone turnover helped the Anteaters, who had averaged 19 turnovers In Its worst start since 1998-99, win the battle of miscues, 10-11. "I tboUgbt Aras Baskauskas gave us some real good defense,• Douglass saJd "And Ethington [ftve points, three rebounds and a key block in 10 minutes) played with some intensity.• Baskauskas sald he was just happy to chip In. "When I come in off the bench, I want to help us any way I can, whether that's scoring or not,• Baskausb.s saJd. •1t was nice to bit my two shots tonight. I'm not the most talented guy on the team.• Wallace. averaging 25 point.a coming In, settled for 13, while Greenman collected a game-high 14. UCl's defense helped Prince- ton shoot Just 44.2% from the field (l9 of 43), after it came In convertilll 56391.. The Anteaten, meanwh.ile, converted 22 of 41 (53.~). ZOTS -UC Irvine concludes to two-day tournament tonight It 5:30 agalnat Olvltlon It Atbneee-Montl· cello, whlcn entered Fridr(a game agalnlt hoet Fmno Sllte With • 4-2 recotd ..• The m.tthup P41I the Ant· Ntera egtlll9t the Boll W..Vil• .•• Princeton, which along With Van· derbilt and UNLV are the only ihrM ed'loola to 11nk • thrMi)Olnter In each of their DI"* alnce th• arc was ~ fOf the 1986-87 ... IOn, needed jult 31 MCC>ndt to eictend IU at,..k to 470 gamee ... UCl't win Hidey eerned Jeff Gloger femlly bfegglng rights with older bfottw Spencer. who led the r1g. .,. In ecortng •• a tenlor feat sea- son with 15. 7 ppg. Sailors build a big early lead and earning their second-straight victory over CdM. Patrick Laverty OallyPtlot NEWPORT BP.A.CH -As the opener of a Back Bay rtvaby doubleheadet Newport Harbor Hlgh's girls basketball team de- cided to leave the suspense to the boya. The Sailors raced out to an early double·d.lgit lead and cruised to a 60-34 victory over visiting Corona del Mar Friday, earn.Ing their .econd straight vie· tory over the Sea 10.np. •Prior to la.st year, (CdM) had Corona del Mar's Jay Northridge (3) and Tyler Lance (32), above, tie up Newport Harbor's Jamie Diefenbach in Friday nighfs Back Bay rivalry game. At nght, Newport Harbor's Ricky Green, left, and Corona del Mar's Kevin Welch both come up empty Friday night. The Sailors defeated Sea Kings, 59-56, at Newport Harbor High. HALL Continued from B 1 schoola got a lot going for It" Brought up around volleyball-her mother returned to the beach ahort1y after gjvJng birth and Hall toured the COWllry with her. ·1 bated U," Hall ta.Id "I was the kid on the sidd1nes that would get bit by the ball and acreain.• Hall really got Into the sport when lhe was 11. For her, lt became a year-l'OWld activity th.al now lndud playing on the O(ange County Volltyball Oub. An outside hJner on the club ranb, who often ftnds hereell 1n the middle with the Sailors, Hall saJd her atrengths on the court Include serving and puaJng, but che kill atal&tics i:night fndkate othttwtse. ../ •1love10 hit," Hall said. '"Playtog front row, h most fWftlllrig feeling Is splklng the ball down.· But abe'a alto aa.itely •want that lpOd.n.i che bell woWdn't be poaiiible without her ..,. leamrnate. and lhe 11~ her teammates are one or the primary reuona for her paulon for volleyball. Soccer ii a way to blaw off l1eun irid O'aCk ia not one of Friday's counts ....... LMlll'll ~.2 ~ 11 ........ Oiloo iliii.. eoulpfn, -~ tlWhlllnlh, II blue S*dt.• ..... -6.voat· .,., Hall lald, bua ptcMdel that .... mutual ICc:ompllalunli cM1 brtnp a ·..-.o1~ .... -~bHal.tbe won tht198 )'ell'I in a row,· SalJon Coach Jen Thom~ aid ~ won last year and we wanttd to keej> It that way." The Sailors 0-0) did so with aa- greutve play on defense and strong work on the oflens.tve and defensive boatds. Newpon Har- bor fon:ed 33 Sea J(Jngs tl.l1nOvel'S In the game and came away with 13 offensive rebQunds and 22 de· fensive boards. Jn the first quarter alone, New- port Harbor grabbed 13 rebounds to the Sea Kings' two and the re• rult was a 19-10 Sailors lead. Corona del Mar attempted to stay close with the three-point shooting of Sarah Stem, wbo made three shots from long range In the first two quaners, but New- port Harbor took a 33-17 advan- tage into the break behind 11 ft.rst-half points from Undsey majority of the group that she has j>l.8yed with the la.st two yea.rs is graduating from Harbor this year. Hall was the only underclwman In the slatting lineup this lea.Son and one of just ftve noll.leniol'1 on the l'06ter. Her first volleyball team tncluded Jeiln1np U'ld Al~ Keams and now those playera a.re Jeevtng, putting the team tn Hill'• hand.. Hall aaki U'le will mlM their leadenh.lp. as well ea their frt~ ·even as of rijlt now, J don't know that I'm ready to tab the roles that they did,· Hall aald. "They're all role mod• to me nen thoulh lheYre Jwt a yeai-older." Hall wW be a-. Older nm ~when b 11 llbd to uune tboM lildlnblP ro&a AaJona•lbR•• ~..., ........ cOaii ... N ' ISbs ' Mlilet Miller was one of four Sailors to finish In double fWues as she also ended the pipe with U point& Junior Ciara Lawrmoe led Harbor with 14 polo.ta and con- verted eight or to 6ee throws. Senior Victoria ~ added 13 points and nine rebounds and Krlstl Eddington bad 11 points and six boaids. The balanoed acorfng attack is even more impressive &Ince sen- ior Jllllanne Whitfield. the leading scorer last sea.son had just four points. But her effect ~n 1he game was much more prominent •She\ ICiU a leader on the court.• ~ llld "She makes thllws happen." 1be s.uon extended their lead In the th.ltd qlWter, using a 12-2 run over he Anal 4: 15 of the pe- riod to push the advantage to 49- 23. ~ and Allyson Stoltz each bad a pair of buckets In the run, while Lawrence came up with a buclcet anct a pair or free throwa. Stem led the Sea KI.np (0-3) with 11 points, while Alliaon Long had five polnt.s and seven re- boun~ Newport Harbor won't have long to celebrate the victory OYer Its rival It returns to the court at 9:30 a.m. today lo battle F.standa in the fult round or the University tournament The ~ the de- fending Golden West League champion, should provide a stiff SAILORS Continued from Bl fenbacb hit a pretty turnaround jumper in the lane, putting the Sailors up by three. Again CdM converted one of two free throws -the Sea JClngs were 19 of 30 from the line In the game, something Coach Ryan Curry wants to see more consis- tency from -cutting the lead to 55-53 with 1:08 remaining. After a turnover by the Sailors, CdM came up with a loose ball and scored what seemed to be the game-tying bas· ket, but a double dribble violation was called instead. tell for the SaOOrt. • •1 told the gldl; don't go home thinking you're the OF chainp.. Don't pt cody,. Thompson laid. "Think about tonight and carry It over to t.omorrow." ~ Nft•port Helbor to, CoroM .. Mer 3' SOCM9 bv °'*'*" CdM . tb7t11 -llO HetbOr ,. w ,. t1 -34 CdM -Snell 3. llenbow 0, Weyte 0, Marb o. Stem 11, Wldhwa 6, Schulte 2, Long 6, Heetdlen 5, Kawata 1' I' SUiia 2. 3-pt. goala-Stem 3, Wldhwl 1, ~n1. Fouled out -None. Tectinlcela-None. NH-Trobmen 0, Swigart 13, Sioftz 4, Whitfield 4, Miiier 11, Koon 0, Melo o, Eddington 11, Slatet 1, Oeyan o, ~14'. 3-pt. goall-M11181' 2. Fouled out-None. Technical• -None. ... "We battled," Curry sald. 'We put our- selves In a position to win. That's all you can ask for. It was 55-53, we got the steal and we thought we hit the game-tying bucket" Newport Harbor senior Ricky Green made two free throws after the double dribble violation. A steal and layup by junior Rafael Mouradyan with 10 seconds remaining sealed the Sailors victory. PHOTOS BY STEVE McC~ I DM.Y PILOT Newport Harbor's David Allee, left, and Corona del Mar's Pancho Seaborn battle for a rebound in the first half of Friday night!s Back Bay contest at Newport. "It was a great high school basketball game,• Curry sald. "We would have liked to win, but like I told the lcids, you want to play well because ltfou play well you're going to get the victories In the long run. We played well, but we're not In to moral victories.· There was nothing moral about the Sea Kings play In the ftrat half as they built a 27-24 lead at the break despite giving up siz.e to almost ever Harbor player on the court. Harbor's slz.e advantage helped them grab 15 offensive rebounds lo the first half, but the Sea Kings were still able to .score 18 points in the paint. most of them In transition. In the half-coun set, Freede showed a knack for driving Into the lane and Led CdM with 18 points and seven reboun~ Pancho Seaborn added 15 points. Harbor never trailed by more than four points and came back In the third quarter to take a 38·37 lead on a putback by Die- fenbach, who scored 16 points and grabbed 15 rebounds. From there, it was a back-and-forth contest, that seemed to tum when Dennis Heenan hit a three·pointer from the left corner on a set play corning out of a Sall- ors timeout "We were trylng to use our big guys as a decoy,• Hirst sald. "We had both our shooters on either side, hoping they would all crash lo against Jamie. Luckily, we got it to the guy who made It .... The three-pointer gave Harbor a 49-46 lead with 2:58 and they never again trailed In the game. Heenan ftnlshed with nine points, while Green added 11 points and nine re- bounds. Thyior Young came off the bench tp chip in with eight points and 10 re- bounds. NonlMaue tMwport Harbor 59, Coron• del Mer SI ScoN by Quwun CdM 1~ 13 12 11 -&e Harbor 13 11 1a 1t -159 CdM-Northridge 4, Wantabe 0, A. Lance 2, Freede 18, Seaborn 15, K. Welch 5, Hirata 11,T. Lance 1, Kabaldlan 0. 3-pt. goal• -Freede 1, Hirata 3. Fouled out -N0r1hridge. Technlcal1 -None. NH-Mourady1n 8, Hunter 0, Green 11, P8rrlne 3, Slater 0, Heen1n 9, Young 8, Orth 2, Mac8eth 0, Diefenbach 16. 3-pt. goal1 -Green 1, Perrine 1, Heenan 1 Fouled out-None. Technlcall -None. MEN'S BASKETBALL Garey heats up for _Bucs Sophomore ties a career-high with nine three-pointers to lead Coast to a 63-57 win over Oxnard. Sophomore guard Jason Ga- rey Ued a career-high with olne three-pointers to lead all ICOr• ers with 29 points as host Orange Coast Colleg& posted a 63·57 h()QCOn· fen!ftce win over Oxnard Friday. Garey, who also connected ntne times from behind the arc against Los Angele• 'llade Tech last seuon, con· verted 6 of 9 ahots from three· polnt range In the HCOnd half to help the Buca (2·4) hold off lhe CondOn 0~). Coast shot 5°" (10 of 20) In the "HCOnd half, but wu •till outscored, ·U ·M. • Fresh!Nn guard Jlbrf fiylor ft nlthed with 11 points while center Matt Hatch taWed eight with Micah Yo~ and 'Aaron BOblk liiCh acortns four polrltl rorthePlmel. Juon 9-nford added three polntl while Wee~ tallied rwo. • A 19·5 1pun bY _Ol!Wd to etan che eecond h8lf bro•t rm COlil ..... clowl)Jo 32.31 with 11•m•3'l1ecDlldl ... ~ ..... ---· .. ............... bombtJI WOMEN'S BASKE I BALLr Centrall too mu H for: Oran.ge Ooast lbe halt on tbe ensUlng poase1- 1lon to atop the blffdtna. 1be Bua outecored,the vial· ton, 13·6, In a flve·nilnute span in the second half to re· pin an ll·polnt lead. ~or conwnld 8 or 8 free th.roWa In the final 1:31 to tee thepme. 8oblk led Cout With ..,,... rebOundl and tour Ulil1I. Cout nmame to aces. 11 3 ~Dec:.lt ..... ...._lli ~·--~· a..-.. eo.t a, o.un111 OllMN-McCoV O ~neon I, Hudeon 20, Tlbbe t, Hmty II, Mo11 Ii, ..l ~I, A. loott J, lorle S. MertlnO. 3-pt.~~ t,A.SCoft 1,J. Sooa 1. Fouled out .. H~. ~~n,Httdll. ._,,... &, ....... TtNtY'2, Ml,.., 2. Huftt8r 0. FlndMlm O, lelfeft o, ~ o. lheMlm 0 ~.-.-~ .. &.p. I 1p.. cl ylt .. 0, T e a ~------ SPORTS Saturday, OeGember 6, 2003 85 PHOTOS BY MAR)( C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT UC l~ne's Ashlie Hain {5) back-sets to Sami Cash in the first round of the NCAA tournament Friday night at UCLA. Below, UC Irvine's Kelly Wing (10) fires a shot through the arms of Missouri's Lisa Boyd as the Anteaters rallied to win In five games and advance to tonighf s second round against UCLA. UCI Continued from B 1 es. "We just know that we have the confidence that we can pull out the fifth game," Tuylor said. NOnce our team gets going and bUilds momentum, I thJ.nJc we're pretty hard to stop. That's what happened in the fifth game. We just kept going, going and going." A fifth game seemed inevi· table, as both teams matched up well. UCI and Mizzou both have just one senior, and the two teams' tallest player ls 6-5. They also both have strong outside hit· ting. UCI with Wing and the Tig· ers with Vander Kool. Missouri appeared to have the advantage from the first game, considering the Tigers were more seasoned, having earned four straight NCAA tournament ap· pearances, yet last year was the first for most of this season's players. The Anteaters were ner· vous in their first NCAA touma· ment match since 1988. Hain's serve to open the match went into the net However. UCI was able to overcome their anxiety and a few tough setbacks throughout the i;natch. In the sPcond game, the Ant- eaters led, 28·25. but the Tigers (19-II) rallied and won, 33-31. Missoliri's victory, however, dJd not cake the life out of the 'EateIS. They battled with the Tigers in the fourth game with no lead be- ing more than three points, until Missouri scored five straight points, breaking away fonn a 21 • 21 tie to talce a 26-21 lead. UCI looked like it was falling apart again in the fourth game. The Anteaters built a 24-18 lead. but let the Tigers bade In the game, as Missouri came back and caught UCJ at 26. There were two more des. until a Taylor kill gave the 'Eaters a 29·28 lead. Then, Sarni Cash, who struggled with inconsistency. collected a kill on an overpass. Going into the fifth-game, UCI senior Brenda Waterman. who UC Irvine's Ashlie Ham, above, lunges to bump set a pass in Frrday recorded a match·high 24 dJgs, night's NCAA tournament match against Missouri at Pauley shouted encouragement at her Pavilion. Below, UC Irvine celebrates after winning the fifth and teammates. telling them to never final game to move on to tonight's second round against UCLA. qult. Brande called Waterman, a Newport Harbor High product, the team's unsung hero. She also led the team after the match, $S the Anteaters were not ecstadc.. .after winning. Instead acting as if they had been there, done that When they went to the locker room. Brande saJd, the players wanted to know what time they played the next day. "I told them to enjoy the vie· tory." Brande said. "These are the rewards for understandJng how to play at this level "Please understand what a huge match this ls for all of these girls.• Brande said, when ad- dressing the media. "fl'his is) their first time playing here at Pauley. their first time In the NC.V.." BRIEFLY Sea King boys win third straight match Ringstrom, Rubin o score for CdM in 2-1 soccer win over Long Beech Poly. Ol.ris Ringstrom and Domi· n1c Rubino each scored goals to lead the undefeated Corona del Mar High boys soccer team to a 2-1 nonleague win over host Long Beach Poly Friday. IUngstrom gave CdM (3·0) a 1-0 lead when he scored his fifth goal of the early season off an assist by Austin Brawner in the «th minute. Rubino made lt 2·0 when he scored In the 59th minute off a pass from Julien Cerutti. CdM drew two red cards and pJa~ the final IO minutes down two players. ·we had to drop people back on a large field," CdM Coach Pat Callaghan said. NThe boys worked hard, It was a long week." Jay Zlmmennan made five saves in goaJ while Shane Col· tins led the Sea Kings' defense. CdM, which hasn't played a home game, travels to face host Sage Hill at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Lumbreras lifts Eagles •SOCCER: Narciso Lum· breras scored a goal 10 min· utes Into Friday's nonleague boys soccer game and host &- tancia High made it stand up In a l ·O victory over Marina. Lumbreras booted the ball into the net off a corner kick from Lu1s Mendoza. &tancia goalkeeper Uber Gallegos made two saves while only facing four shots. The Eagles put 13 shots on the opposing keeper. F.stancia (2· 1) faces host Fountain Valley at 3 p.m. Monday. UCI duo ranks first •TENNIS: The doubles team of senior Jon Endrikat and junior Brian Morton Is currently ranked first in the West region in the Fall Inter· collegiate TennJs Association regional rankings. The pair ftnJshed the fall season 10·3, Including win· nlng the ITA West region championship In Carson and reaching the semifinals of the Icy Hot/ITA All-American championships in Olaua- nooga. Tenn. The pair was also seeded fourth at the ITAi National Intercollegiate in· door championships ln Ann Arbor, Mich. Senior Zoran Korac is ranked 29th In singles in the West region through the fall schedule. The West region consists of all the Division I schools In Arizona, California, Oregon and Washington. The Anteaters will open their seuon Jan. 15th at UCIA Eagles soar in opener •WATER POW: Courtney Hess and Marilyn Reich each scored five goals to lead the host Estancia High girls water polo team to an 18·2 non· league win Friday over Bolsa Grande to begin the season. Melissa Buchmann and Carollna Barnes each scored three goals while Arnaryah Thaler and Kade Ml'ban tallied one apiece for the Eagles. Ma· han llnlshed with six saves thro\.!Sh the first three quaners. ~we were ju.wt trying to move the ball around as much as possible,· &tancta Coach Bob Bandarulc sald. The Eagles face Sage Hill In a nonleague game at 6 p.m. Monday at CdM High. Nonlea&ue &tenda 18'i8ofu Gr9nde 2 8cON 0uart.9n BG o o 1 -2 Ell 3 11 e 4 -18 BolN Granda -Yoon 2. Saves· Van Ph1m6. Estancia -Mahan 1, Hall 6, Buchmann 3, Thaler i , Reich s. Barn·ee 3 Savas -Mahan 6. Sage spun in Webb • BASKBTBALL: Webb High of Qaremont took advantage of Sage Hill School missing two of Its starters to earn a 33· 30 nonleague girls basketball victory Friday. The Lightning (0 ·2) played without Katie Puishys (6· foot·2) and Haywood Wright (6·1), their two tallest players- Fresbman Kaitlin Tyres and sophomore Rebecca Hembar- sJcy took their places and scored four and six points, re- spectively. Debbie Yoder-Lee led Sage with eight polnrs while Vicky Gutierre1 and Alli· son Gonzalez earh tallied s ix points. Webb outscored the Light- ning. 16· 7, in the second quarter to take a 24· 16 haJf time edge. Gutierrez led the Lightning with five rebounds while I lembarsky grabbed four. Yoder-Lee fini.,hed with three assists. The Lightning ho~t Ocean View in a nonleague rnatchup at 7 p.m. Monday. NonlHaue Webb 33, Sage Hiii 30 Scorw by Quarters Vivian 8 1& 3 e 33 Saga 9 1 • 10 -JO VMan -Ho 3, Kalk11 2. Mitchell 2 Kent 26. Chen 0, Garo 0, Silberg 0. Cook 0, Ree 0. 3-pt goal1 -Nona. Fouled out -None Tectmical1 -None. Saga Hiii -Gutierrez 6, Hembaraky 6, Yoder-lee 8. Gonzalez 6, Tyres 4, Kali1ki o. Schaeffer 0. 3·pt goals -Gonzale1 1. Fouled out -None. Tecnnicale -None. Costa Mesa wins two •WATER POLO: Costa Mesa Hlgh's girls water polo team earned two victories Fri- day to continue pool play in the Bob Benson Memorial Cup at El Dorado J Ugh in Pia centia. Mesa defeated Long Beach Poly. 3-2. in the first game with Jessica Steenhard scoring the winning goal from the pe- rimeter In the second three- minute overtime period. An· nie Lee and Allyson Harris also tallied goals for Mesa while goalkeeper Quyen Ngu- yen recorded five saves. Mesa held on to defeat Arca- dJa. 7-6. ln the second game. Sarah Bowman scored her fifth goal of the game. which proved to be the game-win- ner, with 42 seconds left an regulation to give the Mus- tangs a two-goal edge. Jo- hanna Slacey scored her sec- ond goal of the game with 26 seconds left to cut the lead to 7·6. Harns and Ouisrine Twohig each added single goals while Nguyen made seven saves. Mesa wraps up pool play with two games at Valencia High in Placentia. The first game Is at 2 p.m. Laguna defeats Sage • &\SKETMU: Sage HilJ overcame an early deficit to pull withJn four points In the third quarter, but Laguna Beach's athleticlsm won out as the Breakers pulled away for a 56·35 victory In non- league boys basketball action. Friday. Kevin Joyce led Sage Hill (2 • 1) with 15 points. Three sign with UCI • VOLLBVBALL: The UC Ir- vine men's volleyball program, which finished with a No. 5 national ranking in 2003, has added some height with three recruits who singed letters of intenr recently to compete for Coach John Speraw's Ant· eaters. UCI, with only four players taller than 6-foot·6 on its 2004 roster. including one senior. will count on 6-8 setter Ryan Ammerman, 6-7 opposite Jon Steller and 6· 7 outside hitter Taylor Wilson to elevate the program's burgeomng na- tional profile Wilson. a senior ar Capis· trano Valley High. was first- team All·South Coas1 League last seai.on He plays for the Balboa Bay VoUeybaJI Oub. Local products All-Ivy • VOLLEYBM.L: Corona del Mar resident<> Lauren (,rumet (Princeton} and lai:queline Becker (Yale) have been named All Ivy League in women's volleyball. Grumet. a 5-foot·B outside h111er who attended Cate School 1n Carpentena as a prep. ii. a first·team choice af- ter helping the Tigers claim the Ivy crown with an 11 ·3 league record She recorded 10 double-doubles (le.ills and blocks) in 14 Ivy matches. Becker. a product of CdM I ligh. is a '>ccond·team pick af- ter triggering the Yale offense. A 5-8 sophomore setter. she amassed 1,024 assists th1c; fall, an average of 1 l.6 per game. Wormel y earns honor • BASKETBAU..: I lo race Wormely, a S·foot-6 starting point guard for Ote Vanguard University men's basketball team, has helped lead the squad to a 4·3 start and has been named the school's Lion of the Week. Wormely. a junior transfer from Pasadena City College, scored 10 points, dished out seven assists and grabbed five rebounds in the Lions' 61 ·60 vic~ory over University of Mary Nov. 2R. His final two pomts came on a driving layup in the closing moments and proved to be the game· winning basket. He leads the team 1n assists (3. I per game) and steals (2.43 per game) and is second on the terun m scoring ( 13.6 points per game}. Fonner Tar All-SCIAC • VOLLEYMLL: University of RedJands freshman Shelley Langford. a product of New- port Harbor High, has been named first-team All - Southern Callforma Intercol- legiate Athletic Conference in women's volleyball. The 5-foot-11 middle block· er. a member of the Sailors· CIF Southern Section Division ll·M champions lasl fall. helped Redlands finibh tied for second In the conference. The Bulldogs were 15 12, 9·5 against SCIAC foes The only underclassman among the coaches' flrst- team, all-conference elec· tlons, Langford led Redlands In blocks (73) and was third on the team with 232 kills. She also had 36 service aces. --------------------~ ..._......_,. .. ~----· ........ -... ___ .......... __ .._. .. -._ ............................. --... ---..... -.. ........ _ .... _ ............... _. __ ._. ..... _ ........ _ .................... _ ...... .._ .............. ~ .... ~ ................ ..:J .. Sltlrday, Oecen1>« 6, 2003 'EATERS Continued from Bl -who WU 4 of 4 from thfee· polnt range and 5 or 5 fiom the fteld to that point. "IFJevbtrbll) la. one of thOle opdoos and Adam CUttina down the tnldcfle ts II\• other.. Panda's clutch conversion helped negate his three m1ued tree tbroWs Iii the Ona! momenta. which helped keep the 11gers wfthln •triking range. Pdpceton. wblcb converted 11 of Its 29 three-point attempts, netted a trio of threes early In the second half, on the way to tum· lng a 27·26 ~e de6dt Into a 39-32 edge with 15:26 left In the pme. 'Ibe Prinoeton lead was 43-35 when Baskausbs, O for 5 from the Odd In the first five games. hit blt second 18-tboter of the night while being fouled. Bas- ka.usba conwrted the free throw for the flr&t of three ua tradi· donaJ three-point plays that keyed an 11.0 bunt and earned the designated visitors a 46-43 advantage. •A Gneenman three ball ended the run and ~nman con· nected again from beyond the arc with 2:44 left to pull the ng. en withlri 52-51. Bfevberha. who has struggled finding his &COring touch In the regular season after amassing 41 polnl4 In two exhibition games, ecored on a six-foot atep· through, but Greerunan picked off a pass and went for a layup to shave the lead back to one. Mer Parada. who was 4 for 4 from the field. but 111Ade just 1 of 4 foul shots. sank the first or two &ee throws, Princeton junior leading scorer Judson Wallace drained a pair from the line to forge a 55·55 deadlock with 1 :08 left. Parada missed a pair of free throws with 49 seconds left. but Ethington, matched In man-to- man defense on Wallace, forced hlm to pass up two would-be baseline shots. resulting In the reversal of the ball to Greenman all alone In the right corner. His shot. howevei. bounded off the rim and Basbuskas secured the rebound to aet up the game- wlnner. Zu7.81t added 12 polnts to match FJevbtrba for team-high honors, while Parada flnlshed with nine and eophomore point guard Jeff Gloget eight Gloger also earned praise from DolJ8lasa for his team-high l1x te· bounds and bJs lone turnover helped the Anteaters, who bad averaged 19 turnovers In Its worst stan since 1998-~. win the battle of miscues, 10·11. "( tholfsbt Aras Baskauskas gave us some real good defense,• Douglass said. "And Ethington (ftve points, three rebounds and a key block In 10 minutes) played with some Intensity." Baskauskas said he was just happy to chip In. "When I come In off the bench, I want to help us any way I can. whether that's scorin8 or not.• Baslc.au.skas qld. Mil was nice to hit my two !lhots tonight. I'm not the most talented guy on the team.• Wallace, averaging 25 points comJng ln, settlt.'<i for 13, while Greenman collected a game-high 14. UCl's defense helped Prince· ton shoot just 44.29' from the field (19 of 43), after Jt came In convening 5639'. The Anteaters. meanwhile. converted 22 of 41 (53.79'). ZOTS -UC INine coneludee lo two-day tournament tonight tt 5:30 1Qaln1t Division II Artansae-Montl· cello, which eni.red Fflday'a game agelntt holt Fresno si.i. with a 4-2 record ... TM metchup pita the Ant· eater• against the Boll 'Neevilt ... Princeton, which along wfth Van- derblh end UNLV are the only three IChooi. to tlnk a three-pointer In NCh of their gamea tlnce the arc WH ..Ubl shed fOr the 1986-87 ... aon, needed Just 31 MCOnda to extend lta lt....it to 470 gamee ... UCl'I win Friday eemed Jeff Gloger family bragging riglltt with older brother Spencer, who led the Tlg- era ln ecorfng •• • •nlor 1111 see ton with 16.7 ppg. ' DEEP SEA SPORTS GIRLS BASKETBALL , Newport .~ai:bor rolls oyer i:i:v:al, 60-34 · Sailors build a big . early lead and earning their second-straight victory over CdM. P•trlck LaYlrty Dally Pilot Wbn threl yeen in a row." Sailors c.oach Jen ThomplOO aa.ld. "We won last year and we wanted to keep ft that way.. The Sallora (1-o) did eo with ag· gmaiYe play on defense and strong work on the ollmsive and defensive boards. Newport Hai'· bor forced 33 Sea Kingi turnovers In the game and came away wCth 13 offensive rebounds and 22 de- NEWPORT BEACH -As the fe:nstve boards. opener of a Back Bay rlvalry' In the ftrst quarter alone. New· doubleheader. Newport Harbor port Harbor grabbed 13 rebounds High~ girls basketball team de-to the Sea Xlngs' two and the re- dded to leave the suspense to the rult was a 19-10 Sailors lead. boys.. Corona del Mar attempted to The Sailors raced out to an stay close with the three-point early doubie·dlgft lead lnd shooting of Sarah Stem. who au1sed to a 60-34 victory over made three $hots from long range visiting Corona del Mar Friday, In the first two quarters, but New- eaming their second straight vie· port Harbor took a 33-17 advan· tory over the Sea ~ tage Into the break behind 11 MPrior to last year, (CdM] had first-half points from Undsey Corona del Mar's Jay Northridge (3) and Tyler Lance (32), above, tie up Newport Harbor's Jamie Diefenbach in Friday night's Back Bay rivalry game. At right, Newport Harbor's Ricky Green, left. and Corona del Mar's Kevin Welch both come up empty Friday night. The Sailors defeated Sea Kings, 59-56, at Newport Harbor High. HALL Continued from B 1 school's got a lot going for it.• Brought up around volleyball -her mother returned tuVle beach shortly after giving birth and Hall toured the COWltry with her. •1 hated it." Hall said •twas the kid on the sidelines that would get hit by the ball and &ereanl. .. Hall really got Into the Sport wben she WIS 11. Por her. lt became a year-round actMty that now 11\cludes playing on the Orange County Volleyball Cub. An outside bitter on the club ranb, who often finds herself In the middle with the Sailors. Hall said her strengths on the court include serving and palfJng, but the kill statistics might ihdkate otherWtse. "I love to bit. .. Hall &aid. •ftaYirig front row, the'lllbit fu.lftlllng feeling ii spiking the ball down: But lbe'a aJeo acutely aware that aplldng the bell WoUJdl'l't be J>Ollible without Mr reammates and ahe 11)'1 her teammates are one ol the prtmary reuonl foe her ~onror~ SoC:cer-Ii a Y!IY to blow oil smun and track Is not one of hlr fevo5$te Hall Mid, but w ~-mat felt.llnc o mUtuil ~tthltbrtnpa 'pipof~t.-. ~bHiD.the majoJ1ty of the group that she h8ll played wtth the l.ut two years la gi'adti.adng from Halbor this year. H8U was the ooJy underclal.sn:wl In the lt&rting lineup this season and ooe of just ftve nontenlora on theroeter. Her ftnt vo~ ltam lncludect Jenninlj and Alexil .Keams and now those players are Jelvtng, putting the team iri Hall's hanck Hall laid she wllJ mlla their leadership, as well u their friend1hJp1. ·even u or rljlt ~ I don'\ lcnOW that I'm ready to tare the roles that they did,• Hall llkL "JlleyTe all rOle mod to me Mft thoush they're just a yttU' older.• Hall WW be a )'ff!' older next ~ar. wtierl the la~ to uaune thOM ie.ct.ahlp role1. ,.. Jqi'8. -~ OQ the ~ coutt, It ahO\ild come tathet filhJtaDy lor her. Miller. Miller was one or four Sailors to flnlsh In double ftguree 14 she also ended the pme with 11 poln~ Junior Clara UWttnce led HarbOr with 14 points and con- verted eight or 10 free throws. SeoJor Victoria Swigart added 13 points and nine reboWlds and Xristi Eddington bad 11 points and six boards. The balanced acorfna attack is even more impressive since sen- ior Jlllianne Whitfield, the leading scorer last season bad just four po.in ts. But her effect on the game was much more prominent "She~ tdD a leader on the cowt. • Thomplon llid. "She ~ dUogl bapperi.. 1be Sallon extended their Jead in the third quarter, using • 12·2 run aver be ftnaJ 4:15 of the pe· riod to push the advantage to 49- 23. ~ and Allyloo Stoltz each had a pair of buckets ln the sun. while Lawrence came up wtth a bucket and a pair of free throws. Stem led the Sea Klnp (0·3} with ll points, while Alli.son Long bad ftve points and sewn re· bounds. Newport Harbor won\ have long to celebmte the victory OYer its rival. It retwns to the court at 9:30 a.m. today to battle Fstancla in th«tfint round of the University tournament. The Eagles, the de· fending Golden West League champion, should provide a stiff SAILORS Continued from B 1 fe.nbach hit a pretty turnaround jumpet' In th~ lane, putting the Sailors up by three. Again CdM converted one of two &ee throws -the Sea Kings were 19 of 30 from the Une In the game, something Coach Ryan Curry wants to aee more conais· tency from -cutting the lead to 55-53 with 1:08 remaining. After a rumover by the Sailon, CdM came up with a loose ball and scored what seemed to be the game·tyln8 bas· ket. buc a double dribble violation was called Instead. test for the Slilora. ·1 tok1 the 8lrW. don't go home thlnkin8 you're lbe CIF cbarilps. Don't get cOclty." Thomp60n said. "1blnk about tonight and cany it over to tomorrow.• Noni •• Newport ...,_ eo. CONNdelMllrM ~ bY OuMtieft CdM ~ 7 811 ·80 Herbor 11 14 11 11 •• '4 CdM-SneH 3. hnbow 0, Wtryt.e 0, Mefb 0, Stem 11, Wadhwl 6. Schuit. 2, Long 6, HMldien 5, K.lwlUI 1, SU!te2. 3-pt. goell-Stem 3, Wadhwl 1, ~1. Fouled out -None. Tedlnlcall -NoM. Mt-Trobmen 0, SW!gert 13, Stohl 4. Whltfield 4, Miller TI, Koon 0, Melo O, Eddington 11, Sliter 1, Oeyifl 0, l.8wnlncl 14. 3-pt goell-Miller 2. Fouled out -None. Tedlnlcalt -None. MWe battled,· Curry said. "We put our· selves In a position to win. That's all you can a.sic for. It was 55-53, we got the steal and We thought we hit the game-tying bucket." Newport Harbor senior Ricky Green made two free throws after the double dribble violation. A steal and layup by junior Rafael Mowadyan with 10 seconds remaining sealed the Sailors victory. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's David Allee, left, and Corona del Mar's Pancho Seaborn battle for a rebound in the first half of Friday night's Back Bay contest at Newport. "It was a great high school basketball game." Curry said. "We would have liked to win, but like I told the kids, you want to play well because if you play well you're going to get the victories in the long run. We played well, but we're not .in to moral victories." There was nothing moral about the Sea Kings play In the first half as they built a 27-24 lead at the break despite giving up sii.e to almost ever Harl>or player on the court. Harbor's size advantage helped them grab 15 offensive rebounds In the 6.rst half, but the Sea ICings were still able to score 18 points in the paint. most of them In transition. In the half-court set, Freede showed a knack for driving into the lane and led CdM with 18 points and seven rebounds. Pancho Seaborn added 15 points. Harbor never trailed by more than four points and came back in the third quarter to take a 38·37 lead on a putback by Die· fenbach. who scored 16 points and grabbed 15 rebounds. From there, it was a back-and-fonh contest, that seemed to rum when Dennis Heenan hit a three-pointer from the left comer on a set play coming out of a Sail· ors timeout. ''.We were trying to use our big guys as a decoy,· Hirst said. "We had both our shooters on either side, hoping they would all crash In against Jamie. Luc.Icily, we got it to the guy who made it.ff The three-po.inter gave Harbor a 49-46 lead with 2:58 and they never again trailed in the game. Heenan finished with nine points, wbfle Green added 11 points and nine re· bowids. Thylor Young came off the bench tp chip in with eight points and 10 re- bounds. Nonleque Newport Harbor 59, Coron• del Mar SS ScoN by Ouamwe CdM 14 13 12 11 • 56 Harbor 13 11 11 11 • 119 CdM -Northrldge 4. Wanta be 0, R. Lance 2, Freede 18, Seaborn 15, IC. Welch 5, Hirata 11,T. Lance 1, Kati.kllan O. 3-pt. goals· Freede t, Hlreta 3. !=outed out -Northrldge Tedmlcats -None. NH -Mouradyen 8, Hunter 0, Green 11, Perrine 3, Slater 0, Heenan 9, Young 8, Orth 2, MacBeth 0, Diefenbach tll. 3-pt. goalt -Green 1, Perrine l, Heenan 1. F=ouled out -None. Technicals -None. MEN'S BASKETBALL Garey heats up for Bucs Sophomore ties a career-high with nine three-pointers to lead Coast to a 63-57 win over Oxnard. Sophomore guard Jaaon Ga· rey tied a career-high with nine three-pointers to lead all acor· ers with 29 polnta as host Orange Coast College posted a 63-57 no COD· rereftce win over Oxnard Friday. G~, who also connected nine times from behind the arc against Los Angeles lfade Tech last seuon, con- vened 6 of 9 lhota from three· pol.nt range in the aecond half to help the Duct (2-4} hold off the Condon (1-8). Coast shot 5°" (10 of 20) In the second hall, but was attll outacored, 4Mt6. Freshman guard Jlbrt Taylor ftnlshed with 11 points whUe center Matt Hatch tallied eight with MJcah Youns and Aaron Boblk each acorlns four polnta (or the Ptntet. Juon Sanford added three polnta While Wet 'Jerry tallied two. A 16·5 1purt bY Oxnard to atart tho second hur brought the Coatt lead down to 32·Sl With 12 mtnutea; 28 eecondt left, but GVey MIWttwd wfth hJI aeCond 1-onl·ranp bomb of WOMEN'S BASKETBAL~ Centralia too mucti fo~ Orange Coast the ball on the ensutng posae1- 1lon to atop the bleed.lng. The Buct outscored the vlsl- tort, 13-6, Jn a ftve-mtnute span In the second half to re· gain an 11 ·polnt lead. . Taylor convened e or 8 ttee t.hioWi in the final 1:31 to let the game. Boblk. led Coatt With aeven rebounds and four Uallta. Cout returna to actJon at 3 p.m. Dec: lt ...... Ponemui ln the ~ naund ., die ~Qilik. 0..,.. Coeet U, O.ftaf'd 17 OlcMrd-Mccoy o. RoRllnton e. Hudton 20, Tlbbe I , H-'dy e, MOii I , J. Scott I, A. 8ooa S, Sorle 3. Mlnlno. 3-pt. ~-tiMdv 1, A. ScOft 1, J. Scoa 1. Fouled out-Her~. TIClhnlOlle -~. • ,, occ -o~n. 'Jlvk>r 11, Hetdlt, Young 4, loblk 4. lenfofd 2, Terry 2. lelley 2. Hunter o. P:lnctiem 0, SelfM o. Ch..-o, 8h1helm o. ..,.. toelt • 0e'9V •• & ........ ---T· "''t.; Daily Pilot S P O R TS Saturday, December 6, 2003 n 1 PHOTOS BY MARK C. DUSTIN I OAILY PILOT ~C Irvine's Ashlie Hain (5) back-sets to Sarni Cash in the first round of the NCAA tournament Friday night at UCLA. Below, UC Irvine's Kelly Wing (10) fires a shot through the arms of Missouri's Lisa Boyd as the Anteaters rallied to win in five games and advance to tonight's second round against UCLA. UCI Continued from Bl es. "We just know that we have the confidence that we can pull out the fifth game," Taylor said. ~Once our team gets golng and builds momentum, I thinJc we're pretty hclrd lo stop. That's what happened in the fifth game. We just kept going. going and going. H A Mth game seemed inevi· table, as both teams matched up well. UCI and Mizwu both have just one senior. and the two teams' tallest player is 6-5. They also both have strong outside hit- ting. UCI with Wing and the Tig- ers with Vander Kooi. Missouri appeared to have the advantage from the first game, considering the Tigers were more seasoned. having earned four straight NCAA tournament ap- pearances, yet last year was the first for most of this season's players. The Anteaters were ner- vous in their first NCAA tourna- ment match since 1988. Hain's serve to open the match went into the net. However, UCI was able to overcome their anxiety and a few tough setbacks throughout the match. In the second game. the Ant· , eaters led, 28-25, but the Tigers (19-11) rallied and won, 33-31. Missouri's victory, however, did not take the life out of the 'F.aters. They battled with the Tigers in the fourth game with no lead be- ing more than three points. until Missouri scored five straight points. breaking away fonn a 21- 21 tie to take a 26-21 lead. UCI looked like 11 was falling apart again in the fourth game. The Anteaters built a 24-18 lead, but let the Tigers back in the game. as Missouri came baclc and caught UCI at 26. There were two more ties, until a Taylor kill gave the 'F..aters a 29-28 lead. Then, Sarni Cash, who struggled with inconsistency, collected a kill on an overpass. Going into the fifth-game. UCI senior Brenda Waterman. who UC Irvine's Ashhe Hain, above, lunges to bump set a pass in Friday recorded a match-high 24 digs. night's NCAA tournament match against Missoun at Pauley shouted encouragement at her Pavilion. Below, UC Irvine celebrates after winning the fifth and teammates, telling them to never final game to move on to tonight's second round against UCl.A. quit. Brande called Waterman, a Newport Harbor High product, the team's unsung hero. She also led the team after the match, as the Anteaters were not ecstatic after winning. instead acting as if they had been there. done that When they went to the locker room. Brande sald, the players wanted to know what time they played the next day. "I told them to enjoy the vie· tory," Brande said. "These are the rewards for understanding how to play at this level. •PJease understand what a huge match this Is for all of these girls," Brande Said, when ad- dl"tlMing the medla. "[This Isl their first time playing here at Pcluiey. their first time ln the Ne.AA.. BRIEFLY _Sea King· boys win third straight match I Ringstrom, Rubino score for CdM in , 2-1 soccer win over Long Beach Poly. Cluis Rinptrom and Domi· nic Rubino each scored goals to lead the undefeated Corona del Mar High boys soccer team to a 2-1 oonleague win over host Long Beach Poly Friday. Ringstrom gave CdM (3·0) a 1-0 lead when h e scored his fifth goal of the early season off an assJst by Austin Brawner in the «th minute. Rubino made it 2-0 when he scored in the 59th minute off a pass from Julien Cerutti. CdM drew two red cards and played the final IO minutes dawn two players. "We had to drop people back on a large field,· CdM Coach Pat Callaghan said. "The boys worked hard, it was a Jong week." Jay Zimmerman made five saves in goal while Shane Col- lins led the Sea Kings' defense. CdM, which hasn't played a home game, travels to face host Sage Hill at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Lumbreras lifts Eagles • SOCCBR: Narciso Lum- breras scored a goal 10 min- utes Into Friday's nonleague boys soccer game and h ost F.s- tancia High made it stand up in a l ·0 victory over Marina. Lumbreras booted the baJJ into the net off a corner kick from Luis Mendoza. F.stancla goallceeper Uber Gallegos made two saves while only faclng four shots. The Eagles put 13 shots on the opposing keeper. F.stancia (2-1) faces host Fountain Valley at 3 p.m. Monday. a nonleague game at 6 p.m. Monday at CdM High. NonlM&ue Eatende 11~BofN Grande 2 8cOl'9 Quer\erl BG o o ' 2 E1t 3 a a ' -1a BolN Oninde -Yoon 2. Sa11e1 - Van Pham 6. btancla -Mahan 1, He11 5, Buchmann 3, Thaler 1, Reich s. Barnes 3. Savea -Mahan 6 Sage spun in Webb •BASKBTBALL: Webb High of Oaremont took advantage o( Sage Hill School missing two of Its starters to earn a 33- 30 nonleague girls basketball victory Friday. The Lightning (0-2) played without Katie Pulshys (6- foot-2) and Haywood Wright (6-1), their two tallest players- Freshman Kaillin 'fyres and sophomore Rebecca Hembar- sky took their places and scored four and six points. re- spectively. Debbie Yoder-Lee led Sage with eight points while Vicky Gutierrez and AJJj. son Gonzalez each tallied six points. Webb outscored the Light- ning, 16-7, in the second quarter to taJc:e a 24-16 half- time edge. Gutierrez led the Lightning with five rebounds while Hembarsky grabbed four. Yoder-Lee finished with three assists. The Lightning host Ocean View m a nonleague matchup at 7 p.m. Monday NonlHau• Webb 33, Sage Hiii 30 Score by Quart•"' Vivien a u J a 3J Sage 9 1 • 10 -30 Vivian -Ho 3. Kalkat 2, Mitchell 2. Kent 26, Chen 0, Gero O. Silberg 0, Cook 0, Ree O. 3·pt goel1 -None Fouled out -None Technlcel1 -None. Sage Hiii -Gutierrez 8, Hamber11ty 6. Yoder·Lee 8. •TENNIS: The doubles Gonzalez 8. Tyrea 4, Kal11k1 o, SchaefferO. UCI duo ranks first team of senior Jon Endrlkat 3-pt goeta -Gonzalez , and Junior Brian Morton is Fouled out -None. currently ranked first ln the Technlcel1 -Nona. West region in the Fall Inter-Costa Mesa Wl·ns two collegiate Tennis AssoclatJon regional rankings. • WATER POW: Costa The pair finished the fall Mesa High's girls water polo season 10-3, including win-team earned two victories Fri- nlng the ITA West region day to continue pool play in championship In Carson and the Bob Benson Memorial reaching the semifinals of the Cup at El Dorado High ln Pia- Icy Hot/ITA AU-American centla. championships in Olatta-Mesa defeated Long Beach nooga, Tenn. The pair was Poly. 3-2. in the first game also seeded fourth at the !TA/ with Jessica Steenhard scoring National Intercollegiate in-the winning goal from the pe- door championships In Ann rlmeter in the second Lhree· Arbor. Mich. minute overtime period An· Senior Zoran Korac Is nle Lee and Allyson Harris ranked 29th In singles In the also tallied goals for Mesa West region through the fall while goallceeper Quyen Ngu- schedule. The West region yen recorded five saves. consists of all the Division I Mesa held on to defeat Arca· schools In Arizona, California, dla. 7-6, in the second game. Oregon and Washington. Sarah Bowman scored her The Anteaters will open their fifth goal of the game, which season Jan. 15th at UClA. proved to be the game-win- . M r, with 42 seconds left in Eagles SOaT LO Opener ~gulatton to give the Mus- • WATER POW: Courtney tangs a two-goal edge. Jo - Hess and Matilyn Reich each hanna Stacey scored her sec- scored Ove goals to lead the ond goal of the game with 26 host F.stancia High girls water seconds left to cut the lead to polo team to an 18-2 non-7-6. league win Friday over Bolsa Harris and Oiristine TWohig Grande to begin the season. each added single goals while Melissa Buchmann and Nguyen made seven saves. c.a.rollna Barnes each scored Mesa wraps up pool play three goals while Amaryah with two games at Valencia Thaler and Katie Mahan tallied High In Placentia. The first one aplece for the Eagles. Ma-game Is at 2 p.m. ban ftnlshed with six saves through tbe Brst three quarters. Laguna defeats Sage •we were just trying to • BASKETBALL: Sage Hill move the ball around as much overcame an early deficit to as possible/ F.stancla Coach pulJ within four points In the Bob Bandaruk said. thlrd quarter. but Laguna The Eagles face Sage HUI in Beach's athleticism won out as the Breakers pulled away for a 56-35 victory In non- league boys basketball action • Friday. Kevin Joyce led Sage Hill (2-1) with 15 points. Three sign with UCI • VOllBYMLL: The UC Ir- vine men's volleyball program, which finished with a No. 5 natlonaJ ranking In 2003, has added some height.with three recruits who singed letters of intent recently to compete for Coach John Speraw's Ant· eaters. UCI. with only four players taJJer than 6-foot-6 on Its 2004 roster. including one senior, will count on 6-8 seller Ryan Ammerman, 6-7 opposite Jon S1eller and 6-7 outside hitter Taylor Wilson to e levate the program's burgeoning na 1ional profile. Wilson, a senior at Capis- trano Valley High. was first- team All-South Coast League last season. He plays for the Balboa Bay Volleyball Oub. Local products All-Ivy • VOl.LEYMLL: Corona del Mar residents Lauren Grumet (Princeton) and Jacqueline Becker (Yale) have been named All-Ivy League in women's volleyball. Grumet, a 5-foot-8 outside hllter who allended Cate School in Carpenteria as a prep. 1~ a first-team choice af- ter helping the J 1gers claim the Ivy crown with an 11 -3 league record. She recorded 10 double-doubles {ldJls and blocks) in 14 Ivy matches. Beclcer, a product of CdM fllgh. 1s a second-team pick af. 1er 1r1ggering the Yale offense. A 5-8 sophomore setter, she amassed 1,024 assists this fall. an average of 11.6 per game. Wormely earns honor • BASlCETBA.LL: Horace Wormely, a 5-foot-6 starting point guard for the Vanguard University men's. basketball team, has helped lead the squad to a 4-3 stan and has been named the school's Lion of the Week. Wormely, a junior transfer from Pasadena City College, scored 10 po111t'>, dished out seven assists and grabbed five rebounds in the Lions' 61-60 viclory over University of Mary Nov. 28. I lis final two points came on a driving layup in the closing moments and proved to be rhe game· winning basket. I le leads the team in assists (3.1 per game) and steaJs (2.43 per game) and 1s second on the team in <;coring (13.6 points per game). Fonner Tar All-SCIAC •VOLLEYBALL: University of Redlands freshman Shelley Langford, a product of New- port Harbor High. has been named first-team All Southern California fntercol· legiatl' Athletic Conference In women's volleyball. The 5-foot-11 middle block- er, a member of the Sailors' CIF Southern Section Division JI-AA champions last fall. helped Redlands finish tied for second in the conference. n1e Bulldogs were 15-12, 9-5 against SCIAC foes. The only underclassman among the coaches' first- team, all-conference selec- tions, Langford led Redlands In blocks (73) and was third on the team with 232 kills. She aJso had 36 service aces. " I .. __ _.. ---...-,,.--•• ~ n • ·-a -n •••• ft. ft ftp. ···,A,-ex·e=ne=-•a a•-.-... ,- .. tl.lday, December 6, 2003 SPORTS BOYS SOCCER Prepared and ·confident With 14 seniors and a share of the PCL title last season, Sea Kings enter 2003-04 with high expectations. Steve Vtr1en Dally Pilot Last year was known M a breakthrough for the C.Orona del Mar I Ugh boys soccer team. so there is little wonder why expec- 1 tadons are so I high for the Sea Kings' 200.1--04 season. The expecta· tloos don't just come from the I coach. but from the playeB. as well. C.Oach Pat I Callaghan says his players gained confidence through last season and now they are ready to take ' the next step. "There Iii a lot expected from us.· c.atlaghan said •That comes I with living with success and now we have to see what we do with it" l ·n1e Sea Kings won a share of I the Pacific Coa.~ League title with t Northwood last year. They return most of the players from l:ha1 team lhal went 16-6-2, and the Sea Kings arc anxious to return to the OF Southern Section Division 11 pla yolis. "'Otey learned how to wln (last year) and they learned about suc- cess,· Callaghan said. "lbey learned how to fight and not to give up. They also learned bow dillicult ii is to win champion- ships. We tied for the IPCU title I and' we were feeling good about 1ltE SEA KINGS step, preseasoh. post.season, you NM! to improve because the teams you play are very experi- enced.· The Sea Kings possess plenty of experience this season. They have 14 seniors most of whom have been coached by Callaghan. who is also 1n his rourth year with the program. They. along wilh Callaghan, wanl to return to the OF playoffs because of their short exit last year. CdM lost in the first round. 2-0, to visiting Fl Dorado. "I thought we deserved better,· Callaghan said. "It's hard to say we deserved lo win, but I felt our team was good enough to get far in the playoffs. I'm sure we'll be ready next time we gel that op- portunity. lf we do." Callagrum is confident the Sea Kings will be ready for the play- offs because of their schedule and because of their experience, which includes senior forwards Chris Ringltrom and Danny Whi- taker. Ringstrom baa gmit speed. while Whitaker b crafty and Is a powmu1 player. c:e•lagban said. The Sea ~ will also be led by their team cqptairt Julien Cerutti. the squad's senior mJdfielder. Cerutti is an exciting ball han- dler whO is also a dangerous threat Lo score. "He's our playmalcer. • Callagh- an said. "He has phenomenal ball skills. I fe's very quJck and reads the game w:ry well He's the type or dangerous player that can change the game because he can beet one, two, three guys off the dribble and score a goal" In addltion to Cerutti. the Sea Kings also feature senio~ Jerilt 1llayer, a midfielder, and junior Shane C.Ollins. a defender. Both earned second-team All·PCL honors, as dld ~m. who scored the game-winning goaJ in the victory over Northwood. Ringstrom's goal. scored with Jess than a mlnute remaining, en· sured c.dM a share of the tWe. This year Callaghan expects the Tunberwolves to contend for the PCL title again, along with Tusom "It should be fun,• Callaghan said. "We have a lot of worlc to do and I lhlnlc the guys understand lhaL" Junior Grant Almquist. a mid- fielder, is also a key returner. aJong with senior goalkeeper Jay Zimmerman. Senior Michael Be- nabou is a forward who adds depth, balance and intrigue. I le spent the past 10 years ln Israel. Junior Austin Brawner, who played foot.baJJ along with Collins. as wdl as seniors Peder Ferguson and C.Ory Azzlino figure to be key contributors, as well. YOUTH SOFTBALL .Brown sends Riptide out in fashion ·n1e Newpon Beach Riptide Gold. an 18 and under fastpitch <toftball team, went 4-1 ln the presttgious America's Flnest College Showcase, a tournament that draws the premier high Khool juniors and seniors ln the country last month in Rancho Bernardo. The Riptide ended the / tournament ln dramatic fashlon I when DanJ Brown sent the first plrch she saw over the lefl.lielder's head to score Michele Sierra. who had slngled 'with one ou1, for a two-run, game-winning home run to earn a 3·2 victory over the So C,aJ Jet:. Lold. , The Riptide began the I tournament against Minors Gold with Kel9ey Pergmon In the cm: le. I The RJptide rallied for three runs lo stake a 3-1 lead In the rhird inning. with Sierra drivl1'g in two runs with a sharp single to center field. Katy Brtc:bon 1t11d Alanna Snedlpr began the lnning with singles and the first run scored when Kristin Nlcbola drove in Erickson with a base hiL Julianne Bue added another single in the inning. Ferguson threw a complete game, allowing three hits while striking oul three and walking none. Rachel Reebdn tossed 8 five-hit shutout and benefited from strong defensive play from second baseman s.ha Gn.unman. who covered first on a bunt and then threw out a runner trying lo go from first 10 third base. Nicholas threw out two runners al second and third attempting to steal. Shortstop Jasica Hudgins covered the left side of the infield. Nicholas al,o tripled to drive ln Heather'Mlbrman. who had walked to start lbe inning. Nicholas scored on a single by lludgins. In 12 and under action: • The Pacific C.oast Riptide swept a doubleheader from the Mission Viejo Angels, scoring 23 runs In lwo games. The Riptide won the first game. 11 -8, behind two RBis from Lauren Tolfa. wbo pitched the final two innings, striking out two. The Riptide scored sii runs ln the fourth Inning, highlighted by Amy Smlth'I triple to the gap in left field which drove in two runs. Melanie Sitt.er walked and Amanda Ring had a key slngle to ser the tage ror Elb:abeth Cramer, who drove In one run. Riptide won the second game, 12-5. Courtney Prands foUowed lblfa in the circle with three strong innings and K.elsle Soltero completed the game. Brittany Martinez stopped a potential Angel rally ln the third lnnJng by catching a popup. First baseman J.-k:a Brockett and centerflelder Jade Watta added strong defensive plays. Cramer, Bmma ZUblln and Francis produced multiple hit~ to spark rallies In two Innings. GIRLS SOCCER DON L£AC'Ji I DM.Y Pit.OT Corona del Mar sophomore Taylor Fallon, right, is one of eight returning players this season. Sea Kings stock up CdM returns eight but will carry 20 in hopes of returning to CIF playoffs. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot ' Second-year coach Bryan Middleton decided to carry 20 players on the Corona del Mar High guls soccer team this season. five more than last year, to de· velop talent that wiU hopefully carry into the future. The Sea Kings recum eight from a team that went 12-6-2 and reached the ClF Southern Section Division II quarterfinals last year. Four members off of that team signed scholarships to play coUegiate soccer and include Lauren Shepherdson and Paige Janes (both at USO. while Eli- sha Morgan, a four-time All- CIF honoree, Is allending UC Sanla Barbara while Allvia Mazura moved on to UC Berkeley. Mazura and Janes were both selected to the AJl- ClF Division II fin>t-team a year ago. "Last year we had a strong senior class, so I this year I de· cided to 1alc.e on a larger num- ber of players to develop them for varsity this year and next year." Middleton said. Forward Brook Burgner and THE SEA KJNGS N.me Yr. Kintle Kramet Sr. Brook Burgner Sr. Radle! Yeluy So. Kelly M0tgan So. JMslca Mazura So. Tanlshe Senanttne Jr. Taylor F•llon So. Vaneua F•llon Jr. Katie Schlet8er Jr. Alex Tobie88on Fr. Air Torree Fr. Amandi StocUtlll Jr. Courm.y C.mah•n Sr. Eflzabettl Almaraz Sr. Hann•h RoHIM So. Jeesica Glanottf Jr. LlndMV Manning So. Mlctielle Ouerel Sr. Phoebit Chang So. Samantha Price Jr. ea.di: Bryan Mlddtelon (MCOndyear) sweeper Kinzie Kramer are the two returning starters. Kramer has been named captain and talc.es Janes' former spot at sweeper. Sophomore forward Rachel Yelsey, midfielders KeUy Mor~ gan and Jessica Mazura and junior defenders Tanisha Sena- ratne and Vane~ Fallon, along with '>Ophomore Taylor Fallon. all return from last year's team thal finished sec- ond to Northwood In the Pa- cific Coast League. The Sea Kings had claimed three con- secutive PCL titles unlil lasr year. Seniors Elizabeth Almaraz. who saw action late last sea· son. C.Owtney Carnahan and Michelle Querel, juniors Amanda Stockstill, Jessica Gianotti, Kalie Schiesser and Samantha Price, sophomores Lindsey Manning. Phoebe Ol.ang and Hannah Rollins, along with freshmen Alex To- biesson and All Thrres, give Middleton a variety of weap- ons to use. Schiesser started in goal when CdM opened its season Monday against Mater Dei, which won, 4-1. Rachel Wa· ters, the team's goal.keeper last season. reportedly transferred to a school ln Colorado, Middleton said. Middleton expects the de- fense to be the team's strength, but the onus will be on receiving contributions from everyooe. "We will not rely on·one in- dividual player,· Middleton said. ·All will have a hand in our success. The question from game to game will be, 'Whlch player will step up?'" The Sea Kings belicNe they can regain the PCL tide, but figure to receive stiJJ competi· tion from defending champion Northwood and University. Northwood edged CdM, 3-2, in the final league game of the season, to win the PCL by one game. Middleton said no talk has surfaced about that game. "The third. to last game we lost to University, so that was crucial,· Middleton said. "It is definitely going to be a more challenging year, but I have a fuJJ roster of Individuals who have equal talent and abWty. It will be a fun challenge.~ I llgal MoCICll 2640 Llgal MClllca 26'0 Legal Madca 26'0 Legal Modca -------MIJCIOOO ...... Dhdw'.u. , .... UP200J..GCI ~AJOOJ.-Noltee ~ h•r•by 11vt11 that 1n appllcalton hH beu s ubmltltd b, Andrew Ho.tktl Re 11u .. 1 lo allow lht UM ol properly for a ll111iled "'hl<I• ~•lu faelllly w1lh1n 111 ••l1t1n1 1 lomm.,clal property I Since the operation Includes the l>foker111/ wle ol 1utomobllff, the I Celtlornll Oep1tlment of Motor Vehklu t*«aulfes provls1or1 of • vlltlicle I d.spl1y WH IOf t i ltut on• nhlclt The subject ftc:lhly will act 11 a b1ohr betwun th• 1utomoblll dultf •nd tl\I buyer wltll 9!>4' of the "ellielt dtlt....,.111 to take pkce off site. fhe propond llo1ir1 ot GI* 1tton are II 00 a m. to I 00 p m fht pt op· .,,r 1s 1ocattc1 '" UM SP· ' (Old He-.>ort 80lllt· nrd SH<1hc f>l1n AIH) O!Strki. l"r~ty lof.1114 ••. ... w ........ w ••• -·kite 10.D llftlf flVllwlflt this pro)ld, tt Ill• '4111 4'tt«mlned that ti la ute1orlcellr enmpt uncltt tit• rtilulftment.a ol th• C11h1oinl1 f11on· ronmtntll Quality Act u11dtr Cla• 1 (lallUnc rKlhtill) ,.llMllll Ott t<; tor's Ute f>•r"' It Uf'200J 04I It ichedultd lor review 1>1 ttt. f>111n111n1 Dtt1rtmtnl ol tlll Ct~, ot NtwWt luch •'9. er. •her ~.~1•. IMI. W11tlt11 CHI ...... Of ..... t ....... to Ille pt'Oject "'°"" " 11bm1tt" to 'tit• Plan• nl"I 01g:tm111t lly Motwl1y, ••• ., u. ... J. In CMdtf It bl Hllltdttt4 I" llM f>ll" "1111 OlrttetOf'• d«liJlon. If ....... •t ttlt tWM ., ""'*"· tfle ...... ,.,'°" of I• d•r• •Ill ........, ............... ~Wflltht'- 1ntwHttd .,.rty or theif authorized eaent aa crlevtd of that decl9lon may Ille a notice ot eppeal to the PleMln& Commlnlon w1lh a t1~n1 fM ol $91!100 to delfay th• cost ol the 1ppe1t procedure lht applk:1tlon end development plans of tM prepo"'4 ptOject Wt •v•ll•lll• for public 1•Ylew 1nd ffl!ll>ICllOn el the ,.l1nn1n1 Depart mtnt, Cttr ol Hewpott BH<.h 3300 Newport Boul•verd, Newport e .. ch, Cahfornlt. 92659 1761 For furthlf lnfor metlon tonlacl 1111 NewpcH' I Buell Pi.nnln1 =tmenl at (949) 844 MOf11 The Hlll!\MI of this notice Is peld lro111 a ftllna IM collected from the 11P91lc.anl ,.11bllth1d ~porl Be•ch C4)al• MAe Deity Piiot Otcember 6, 2003 T864 Beach •" •t efter T~,Oec..,._16, 200J. Wrllten com ments or tnpul reblt.d to the pt 011ct should be subm1lltd to th• Pl•n nlna Department by Mondly, o.~ u . 2003, In order lo be con1ldlftd In th• Plan nln1 Dluct0t'a Oecl&IOll ft lllOfOVtd al Ille time ot rev11w. Ute epe11el period of 14 deys will 1>q1n from that date. dutln1 which time eny lntweated perty or tl>etr 1ulhortzetl a1ent •I trlev.d ol thal decision may hit a llOhce of ..,,,_., to the Plonlllnl CommiHloll with • fllina lte ol $915 00 lo dtfny the c:OJI of the apput proctdurt The app0<.11tk>11 end "9velopftlllll plens ol the pr OIKIMd Pf ojtct ,.,. anll1bl1 for pvbllc review 1nd lns~tlon et the Pl111nl111 l>epe(tinent toe.ltd at 3300 Nn!IO' t Boulavtrtl (llulldlftt C · Stcontl Floor) ror further lntor 1n1tlon conttcl the Ht•port 11 .. c11 f>lannlna 0.01ft ment at (949) 644·3100 MOTi• The UPICtM of thb llOtkt hi p1ld frOlll a lilifta IN colltctetl ftom lhe IPtllk•nl P11~1i1httl Ntwpor t BaKh·C..i. MtH D•llY Pttot Oec1mb11 e, 2003 s.511 TO All INTERESTED PERSONS. l Petitioner Dora Ceclha 811nard. on behalf of I er n11ndo Au 11110 Per 11r l"1 Oom•nauet and l\1ttem Pereplna, Minon hlod a petition with thl• court fOf a deer" ch1n11tt1 names n toUowt a f ernendo Aurelio Pera 1r1ne Oomtnauu to ft1111ndo Rol>tft Bat nard. b. K1rHm Pena rlna lo Keraem Wallace 811rnard 2 ntf COORl ~otRS that ell persons lnlef estetl m this matttt st11H .,,...., belott this coutl at the htiMln& lndlc:lted below to show cause II •n~. wlly the petition for chen,. of name lhould not beranltd HOTIC Of HEARIHC Oat• 12/JO/Ol Time. 200pm0.pl,. l73 Thi ttddrfft ol tht COlll'I It ume " notttcl above J A copy of this OrdeT to Show CIUU 1111111 be publlshH II IN1t OllCI uch •ffll. lor four 1u1.w»1,,. w.§1• Pftot to thl date H t tor l'llwln1 on Iii• Ptlltlo" In tltt lollo•1n1 ftlWS• .,.,., ol l•ntr•I cltcu lltlOll, Pfllllt4 I" 1111$ county• TM Oai11 f>1lot htet NOV 14, 2tJOJ MAIJO .. I UllO CAllfllt, JUHi Of 1111 llWllllOll <OUllT f>u.i1111td Nn,per l ludl-Co.tt MM.a D•liY ,.., ~ u. 2f. Ouemier I , tl~ 2001 Sa:ic>1 ThiJ buslneu 1s con duded by. •n ind1vldual H•vt you 1111 lrd dn1111 buslntH yet7 No Otl Staudina .. This 1t.lemtnl wu hied with Ille County Clarfl ol 011n1e County on 11/71/03 2003'9UN1 Dally l'tlol Ho• 7'1, ?9, Dec 6 13. 2003 S1'I08 RdlllM ....... M.tS....... The lollowin& peraons ••• dotna bu,meu aa Idle lndusl11es. ll81 Cote••• Or • Costa Mesa, CA92616 Juahn Robert T eylOf, 2381 Colaate Or , Coste Meu,CA92626 This business 19 con ducttd 111 en ltld1vldu•I ... ,,. rou slllrted dom1 buillMll yet? No lustm Tay1o1 Tltla lllllmtnt WU hied with the County tlerll of O<anp Count1 011 IQ/2'11>3 200Uff2'27 01111 f>1tot Nov 22, 29, Oec &, 13. 2003 S.509 Ac-. ..... ......... TIM lotlow1n1 p11 son• Ill dolnl 1>11 lMU 0 8ob'1 tqulpment Rtllt ats, 13'0 Cynthie Ct.. Costa Miu. C1flfornla mn """'' J AJlan, 2340 CYfllhi• Ct , Cotta Meu, C1hlornte 9Z(l.l7 Thi• ~utllldt It con• dueled by 111 lndtvldual ...._ ..._ ....... ,.., •terted dolne ... ~ bliOIMa ~··'Ho -ltHirtJAlf•ll f111 followi.e ,_so,. lllla _........,, wn f!ft doin& k\illttt M flltcl -"tt t"8 i;:ou"t' a>: tltt.9 11111 ht.tit J Ct•ll .t 0!111t1 ctwntr Mciftc• S.vtl , &) on J7.IOM>3 £11tt llHI hl1t1 & ,..,....._. M•rt1•1• lreh111• Ol4tr '"°' 0.c e. as. Corp , t) Ulte lllof ..... ~.71,IOQl .Wli fktltlm ..... •s..... The loltowma personi ,,. t:1oln1 buslnn~ as a) Edttwalw Properties, b) Ectcewat11 Realty, c) Edaawater Homes. d) Edaew1ter lnYtslmenll. •) Ed11w1ttr Croup, 16942 Pmclllc Cont Htlhway 1101, Huntina to11 Buch, CA 92649 MlchHI W Evdolumo 11. 16942 Pnlf~ Cont H11fhw1y •tOI, Huntlna· ton Beech, CA 92649 Stacee C.L Evdotll moll 16942 Pacific Cont H11hway •101, Huntlnfton Beach, CA 91$49 Thl9 bu•lnass Is con· ducted by husb1nd and wife Have you slat led dome busllllU 1•11 Ho Michael W hdollimoff SIKM C l Evdokllnolf This 1tat1ment w11 lllld with Iha Count1 Clerk of Oren1• County on 10/17/0J 200MHtU. Daily Piiot Nov 15, 22, ?9, O.c 6, 2003 Sa503 ~ ....... ......... ., The loltow1n1 ptnMNlt .,. ..,,,. llllllnett .. Aull1 Qood ltlt•• Co , UUO lhoollhurat !lt11tt, Suite H, G11dln Crove, Calllotnlt 92MO S.tlto f m 111111 S•ll ""· ~s f 11r Or .• 111111. eo.t. Mtst, Cel!for11l• 926.le Thia t11111Mtt It eon IJuct•d •1 1n itidtvklual Ha .. JCMI at•ttd dolf1I bulillt" yett ... S-1 StMMt Tlll$ fll'91M!lt WH filed •tth the ~llfl·­Cltl~ Of Ore,ftp CoUlllJ on 10/11,/Q) ... ,...,, .. o..., ,.Mot ~ "· n . "· Ott •• 100.J ~l • ""' bl.Ill• s-~. -------7ll W J7th St H 1, __ _.. __ _....._.... Co.ta -.. Ctllforl!ll 92127 Oat Sll•di~. Zll T11•ttll Ate, ,.._ t ICll C ...... 1119 STARTING A.NEW ~ ~~ BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Tht Ltgal Dtp4mnmt"' tht Dail] Pilat is plu.std to 1111W1U1Ct, ntW smtict nDW 1wli'4bll fQ ntllJ businmtJ. , Wi wi/J MW SF.ARCH tht 1l4ml for }Oii llt no tXtra chargt, anJ S1UJt you tht tim1 uuJ tht trip t4 tht CAurt H~ in Smita Ana. Thm, of count, afar tht st11rrh is compkttd wt wi/J filL JO"' fiaitins businar 1lll71ll Itlltnnmt with tht County Cink, publish ona a wttk for four wttks llS Tt'f"irrd by Liw anti Ihm fl" your proof of puhlimtion with tht County Clnt. PltllSt Ml by 14 flit JOUr fittiti4"1 b.uinm """'It4JtmmJ 11 the D4i1J Pi/,t, 330 W. BaJ St, us14 Mtsa. lf JOU unnot sfQp bJ plu.st u/J au 4t (949) 642-4321 anJ wt will ""'1t mantmttnl1 for JO" to hanJk thu proctdtnr by 1'11ZiL If JI" m/J havt 'llJ forthtr ~. p/tllSt c11/J iu 11111 wt wiO bt mMt tlMn pd to 4t1iJt JO". Good lwk in}°"' ntr11 b.uiw! Daily Pilot ~·~ ....... ,. 9 A CO .. ... -I I I I t»W4ft • SERVICE DIRECTORY ~f"T -For All Your Home and Business Needs -~'l l ' ,j, I 1I1, ".I I ll l I 11 • \ ' .• ' I\ I; 11' ,,, ' H°'* f.ldl ~ 11>1" Only Sl2 per~ (4-k etniaamJ •<.I&.-. 11194'1 S74-4t4S - How to Place A CLASSIFIEAD By Fax (949) 631-6594 jf'ltM s!ldt )'IW-... ......... H'lc..a,..lloilwo• ,..... ..... ) By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In P~reon: l'IO Wc\I U1y Slfttl - CO\hl ~.CA 92627 At N(wpoo Bl\d. & Hay St llourR: Ttkf'OOrll" 8 ».am-5:00pm Mool1>-Fnd1) W.&Ji.-ln I< l(kun-S~ M-Onday·Fnday a Policy------ R11e~ and deadlines are subject to chan11e w1theu1 nooce The pubti her reserves lhe right 10 censor. rech1i1"fy. rev1~ or l"CJCci any cluslfied advertisement Pica~ rcpo11 .my error that m~y be in your cluMficd ad immeduuely. The Daily Pilot acccph no liability for any error in an udvcnl\cmcnt for wluch 11 may be responsible cxcepc for the co~I of th1Yspucc uctu:illy occupml by the error. Credit cun only be allowed for the first utsc:rtior~. .------Deadlines---- MuoJay fuc-.d~y Wah...-"1.1) Thur'odu). t'ndJy 5 tJOpm \fonday 5·00pm l U!!~) HJOpm \\ctlnc~:r 5.00pm I nJ:i) \.11u1da\ .. Sur1<l.iy lhuN.IJ) ~.()()pm •. l·nday l:llOpm FndJ)' 5.tlClpm Lepl llallces 2640 Legal Matlca 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Nollca 2640 Legal Noaca 2640 Col1tdlblesl Garage/ CLOTHING/ I CLOTHING/ St~arage ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.liii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili~OIDlli~'~JKl~ll0.~~~1~, J.ii~~~~~~~~;;_~;; Mem __ m_a11_111a __ 1_1_60 _Ya_nl_Salles __ 1_489_ =RJ=RS===31=50=. ==RJ=RS===::::=;;:=3:;;150;;; Space For Rent 6060 AJ101D11A1K1 Of TJI (JTY COUl(l Of TJI nrv Of -J Hlfti TOP'$$ 4 UCottDS lTC Newpor1 a-i, Sot 8-?, NPI Z4hr sl0< •IL• 4(lO "'' ""'"""' "'"" .Ila. camic. E" 50\ ' Sh ?306 Auila, Across from 60()1f units May ~•Of~ AUTHOllZllGPIOGDWISfOllSSUMaOfASPECWCIOJISTANCIVAIWICI .Ill Altec. spy, lube a~ COM hi&h school tt.,.. T T 1 · ""hk'IH, low> rat"" Cat WHIRlAS, lhe Newport Bea~h Cily Ch•rler vuts the Cily Council with the authority lo mike and enfor~e ,,11 law•, rules Mike 949 645 7SOS ltrcrte/Gor_,. Sot. ara's at• or C...olyn 9498631300 •nd reaulellons wilh respect lo municipal affairs subiect only to the rolrocloons •nd lim1t11ions Lonl•ined on the Charter 2 t1•n•r•fl•iu. Wiii end lht Const1lut1on: and ruftDTAJNMENT '-'• lvef'Yfhlttt1I WHllEA~. the Crly Countol h•s thv aulhoflty to make and •dopt re&ulalloo• •nd permit proceduru for d<lvtlopmenl of U.IUll, & WT •I property w1th1n the City of NPwporl Be.ch and hn done so pursua11I lo the Newport Buch lon1n1 Code Ttlle 20 of lhe Ca........._. of e NlW,.OltT llACHe W el NewpcHI Buch Munoctp1l Code C-Zon1na Cnde"). ~nd • IVlllNI SAT 8 _12• 2307 A.all• WH(alAS, as • chatle< crly, Newporl 8ud1 ts not subiecl lo lhe p1uv1s1ons of lhe St•le Zonm& and Plann1na Ad eacepl Events 1310 St (laslbluff). Xmas B d N W, ' lo the Hte11t that thOU prOY"IOnS relate lo matters of sl1tew1de COl1Cern. and derO< lu&&aae. small don f an CW Q fll Cn 9 WHllttAS, the Coty Council finds lhal the special Clfcumstam:e\ lh•I have ceneraled the 11eed for. and the spe~••I provisions EOUAl. llOUSllG the ors c IC CASH ONl y Ell ro ri Cd n c I o tl1es & of. Uus ordinance do not involve m•lters of stalewode concern And ere nol matters the reaulahon ol wh1<:h an subiecl to _....,, express or implied preemption by lhe learslalure. and ~•-• • S U 'f, WHlltlAS. the procedures and f1ndmcs lor the cons1de1•1tor1 •nd •PP•O•al ol v.uoances are found m Chapter 2Q 91 of the AH real esl•le 1dverh• N l W C H I l D • l NS lOCS P O NeWPQtt Beach Mumclptl Code and lllose p1ocedures and f1nd1ncs dr; nut Jddress lhe uruque c11cum~lancu dnc11bed In 1n11n thos newwaper 1s ClOTHIS llOW-OUT, ff lhls ordinance: and sub1ecl lo the r edenll er HI for tills. &iris srles 8 0 o~ 0 WHlltEAS, the Coty Counul finds lhel, during tne pasl 3 yea,., • locAI MChlle<t. Andrew Ooeh (for p11rposn of this fa11 Housm& Act of l'l68 Infant lo 6X, nothing Q ordinance, lhe words Andrew Goelz or Goelt include lhe busines• enlity hnown .115 Andrew Ooelr and Aisoclale\, any other as an1ended wh11 h ovar SlO SAT 8-12. 607 business enl1ly owned or controlled by Andrew Goelz and any person °'''"' on behalf of Andrew Goelz) submitled numerous makes II 1lle11 .. 1 lo I/? la,n11n• five in Alley appllcallons for buildin& perm1b lhal wtre accompanied by lopu1111ph1c 5u1veys 111•1 (•) were nut siined by lhtt surveyor; adverl1\e ·any 111efer (Alterations Availabl e) 120 Tustin Ave #C Newport Beacl~ and (b) were altered lo increase the •IPV~loon~ on all or a pot11on ol the 1'8rcel, (c) or wore f•bnceled by Andrew Goetz ence. l11n1IJl1~n or and not based on any held dala. and • d1~cr1m1naUon ba,~d nn WHllllAS, the City Council hnd\ that lhe 8u1ldl11& Dep<irlmenl, follow1nt standard procedures In all use\, 1uued r~ce. color. rel1wiun, "•· appro1lm1tely JO bu1ld1n1 perm1I\ b&\ed on and 1n reliance on the false 1nformaltnn •ubm•tted by Goetz: and handicap, fam1hal •l•l11s WHOl.AS, the City Councol lond\ lh•I ba\ed on prehm1n11 y •nalys11 v1rtually all of the bu1ldm& perm1h 1nued on lhe or n•llOnal 01111111 ur Jn basis of informelion subm1lled by Andrew Goelz durmc the pasl lhru y~ars aulho11z•d conslruchon of bu1ldmas th•I 1nte11hon to ma~• '"Y exceed lhe he11hl hm1ls speuhtd 1n the Zonine Code, and such prefeienc•. 1111111• WHEltU.S, the C1ly Council hnd\ lh•I based on prehmonary all91Y"' the pruiecls for which bu1ldm& permits we•t issued hon or dis..,rmmJhun on Ille ba$ls of false mformaloon subm1ll•d by Coelt are on various staees ol conslruchon rancmg from completed structure• This new\paper will not lh1I have been occupied for an ea lendrd pe11od of hme to pro1ech Iha I 41 e nol yet undl'• tonslr uctt0n. and know1n1ty .. cce11I 1ny WHDIEAS. lhe Bu1ldrn1 Dueclnr has. pursuant lu the prov1s1on' of Sect11>n 303 5 of the Uniform Adm1n1\lr•hv• Code •dverhsemenl lor r-.1 (edopled by refer•nce on l1t1e I!> of the Newporl Beach Mun11.1pal Cod•) suspended con$hucl1on on all proieth thal thP estate which I) in Crty has determined involve permits lhal were 1"ued based on falSfl 1nlormallon ~ubm1lltd by Andrew Goelz. and v1olatoon ol lhe how Ou• WHlalAS, the Coty Council find~ lhal, under vulually all clrcurn)t1ncn sl11cl enforcement of the lonlna Code urve. reade" Me he11by lmporl•nl public mterests such ai. prornohon ul aeslhehcally pleasm11 ne1ahborhood-. prolecllon ol lhe pt•blu. health and informed lh~I All dw•ll welfare and the equal handed "dm1nistrat1on of laws. and lne) Jdverli\Od on lhh WHlalAS, the City Council hnds Iha! the utremety unique cn1.umilances 1 elev ant to the building perm ii •PPll< al1nns newspaper art 1va1l11ble subm1lled by Andrew Goelt warrant the ollaord1nary step of adop1tn11 lh" nrd1nance eslnbli•hlllfl sptc1•I <11c11111sl•nu on an equal opporl11nlly varr•nce procedures for a very hmoted number of properties. and bosh WHlalAS, the C1ly Council finds lh•I aranl1ng lhe special circumslanct v111oncu lo the ex lent authorized by th" <1rdmancf To 1.ompla1n ol dis will not 1dversely affect the health, salely, well are or peace of the Coly 01 the persons who own properly 111 and around c111111111lt0n. call llUO toll the parcels lor which 1 special c11cumst1nce va11ance may be 1ranled and lree at I 800 424 8!>90 WHlalAS, the City Councol finds that the class1hc•lt0ns 1n lhi\ 01d1na11~e wh1d1 allows the 1nuanlf ol • sp~c11l c11cumstance var1a11ce for certain conslructoon pro1ecls lhal are complele or \Ubslantlally complele, repr•unl a la11 and •qu1t1bte b1fance ol the pubhc 1nle1esb 1n sl11c11y enforc1na the lomn1 Code wolh the h111dsh1p\ nperien<ed by lhe owne" ol praperty who have been vichmued by lhe •pparenlly c11m111al conducl •n&•&cd 1n by Goe11. and WtUalAS, the Crly Countol hnds that the clanohcahons and provmons <>I lhr\ ordinance. and the crolt11• 101 erdnhn& a special corcumslance va111nce. •re rea•on•ble and represent. lo lhe best P•lenl possrble arven lh• wide ••nee of llllUm•l.,rlto. projecb that are substanlt1lly $1m1l•1 1n all relevant respects, and WHUlAS, the C1ly Council finds lhal lhlS ordinance. and lhe procedure and u1te11a for l[ranhn& a \Prtlll c11cum\lanv variance is not lo be cod1l1ed and 'hall not be con.,dered an amendmenl to 1he 1on1n1[ 'ode due lo 115 eolr•m•ly narrow end limited apphcallon WHEalAS, the City Council finds end declarn that the prov" ions of lhl\ nr dlnan'e •nd any special c1n urn~ta111.e vanance eranled pursuant lo th" 01d1nan•e. do not supe11ede or 111 any way elfccl any private cont1ac1 rclaltne lo Ille UiC ul land and/or sire ol structures such u the ·cove11nnb, conJ1hons and reslnclmns' applltable lo marty prope1 t1e~ 111 the C1ly ol Newport Beach NOW, THIRIFOltl, the City Council of lh• City o f Newpnrl Beech ordain' es !allows SICTIOte ,, ca1n•1A Nolw1lhsla11d1na •ny other p•ov"11111 of lht Newport Beech Mun1c1pal Cod,, ao owner of property thal ~•'"''" all of the lollowlna crite11a may apply to the Plann1n11 Doretlor for a special c1tcum•l11nu va11ance pursuanl lo the P""'"'"ns nl S.ctioll 2 and 3. (•) The prc>perly IS the subjeel of a buildin& permit lhal was issued on lhe basis or an apphcahon' subrn1lled by Andrew Goetz°" behalf of lhe properly owntt/cltvetope.1 (b) Tht City determined, wheo lht bu1td1n1 PM'mll 1ppl1C11ton was 1uu•d lhal the proposed structure fully compt~d wolh 111 relevant provts10ns of the lonina Code b•sed on the mformahon subm1t1rel by Andrew Goel1 011 beh11f of the p1operty owner/develope.r; (c) The build1n1 permtt apphcallon submolled by Andrew Coelz included a lopo1111ph1c survey lh•I cnnlams • lor1cd. 11le1ed, 01 f1lsohed stamp and/or Sl&nature of Ille hcenMid surveyor who conducted lhe survty, (d) The burfdint pe<m11 appllt1t1on subm1lled by Andrew Goell included • topoar.1ph1c survey lh•l conl•m~d allered and/or lalsllied survey data 1ncludln1 eleval1ons lhal did nol accurately reflecl the 1nform1l1on p1ov1ded lo Coolz by lhe person who conducted the survey (e) The City would not have i<sued the buoldlna permit or determined lhe \lruclure conformed lo the b111ld1nR he111ht hm1h eslabh•hed by the Zoning Code 11 the true and accurate topographic surv~y h•d been s11bm11ted with lhe ,1pphc•l1on (I) Conslrucl1011 ol tit~ p101ecl pu11u•nl lo the bt11ld1na permit 1ssu1ol on lh• basis of the false lop<•i'"lll111 •urvPy has proceed lo lhe slaae lhal the Bu1ldln1 Oepulmenl has inspected and 111ve11 approval for, wo1k on the <e•te11ur ur 111lr11or) drywall, suspendl'd ceolin1. •hower lath, e•lert0r lath or •plaster su~lch" WAI (&) lht City ha\ no ev1denu lhet lhe owner or developer of the property lnr wh!ll1 lhe buoldrn& permit wa< '""'d pursuanl 10 the apphcaloon subm1,led by r.0111 had 11ctu1I knC1wled&e ol Ille fel\lhr•ltnn 111 lhr "&nature/stam11 111 Iii• ur v•vu• nr lhe lats1l1c.t1on or aller•l•on of lh• survey data SlCTION 2: ltlQUlaEO FINDINGS The Planning 011eclor may ar •nl " speual ClfCUm•lancl' varo•nl~ lor any 111opP!ly described '" "•< 111111 I II lh~ r1.1nro111~ 011eclor l1nds lhal (a) No portion ol lht slruchue on lhe pro.perly lh•l was conslru<ltd. or is bttnll LOnslructed. u~eed~ by mor~ lh•n hvr percenl (5"-l the he12ht permitted by lht lon1nc Code and the •lrutlure lornphe• 1n all olhPr •Hprcls with lh• prn.,.oons of lilies IS and 20 of lh• Ne•port 8earh Muntclpal Cod• or (b) (r) rhe appl1<:anl has compltlrd (nr the 011ance rs cond11tnntd on tomplehonl dll fus1blr allerallon' In lhe 'lrurture Iha I cen be made lo cause the '" urlu/e lo conform. or mnre closely conform In the bu1ld1na he1ehl p1 ovl\1n11\ of lhe ~onina Code. and (11) Thal aside from the feasible dlleraltons specified on sub~ell1on II) the apph<.anl hn µru¥1ded credible and umv1nl1n11 evidence lhal there is no leulbl• •llerahon lhal would cause lhe struclure lu conform. ur more closely •m1form lo lh• bu1ld1ne height prov1s1ons of th• /onon11 Code; Md (111) The structure comphe• In all <>lher respects wolh th• provision• of 1111~ 10 and 1111~ I!> of Ille Nrwport Beath Mumcrpal Code SlCTION 3. COVENANT The tranl of an~ special c1rcumslanu va111nc1 " cond1honed on lhe •pphunl's recorddh"n of ' <nv•nant approved •\ to lorm ind conlenfby the Coty Allomty. lh•I stales. amona other lhrnas lh•I (a) Th• •lruclure 1s the •ub1ecl ol • spetoal c1tcumslance va111nce. (b) The spet11I c1rcumsl•nc1 varianrr lerm1n1les 11 lhe slructure os dl'lrny~d or demolished o• 11 lhe Ctly find\ lhal lliere IS subslanl1al evidence lo support 1 lond1n1 lhal lhe owoer/d<lvelaper tif lhe prnp•rly whe11 the specral u1cum,l•r1<• vanonc• was irranted knew of lht fals1hcatt0n ot lhe su•veyor s slamp/s1analutt or lh• faktflcatoon of lh• sUJvey dala SlCllON 4. P•OCEOUH The Plannina Ooreclor $hall conducl • hea11n1 on ;ony 1pphcahon 101 • special c11cumstance va11ance Wroll•n nnlice of lhe hearant shall be c•v•n lo 111 ownrrs of rul properly, as determined by the latest equalized asuunrenl roll loc•led W1th1n JOO feel, lnCfU\IVt Of pUbhC properly and pubhC fllhls of way nf lhe taleroor bound811n of th~ proprrl y lhat IS lhe sub)tC'I of the apphuhon Wnllen Mirto shall be 111ven al leasl Hvenly lwn (72) hours pnor lo lhe d•I~ •nil limo of the hea1111e hstfmony al the huronc shall be tt11clly hmoltd lo whether the pr<>perly It eh&•ble lo• 1 speu~I corc11m,tance verl1nce on Ille basis of the prov,.rnns of Section 2(•) or l(b) Iha Plannlna Director shell 1101 COO\ldM lt•l!mooy or commenh on other sub1ecb lncludm&, without llmltalion, the Impact of the uceu1Ve slructu,. helahl on any 'djuenl properly or any view from or lo any adjacent prnpedy. The Pl1nnlnQ Dlrcclor may, p11or lo any ho1r1na, 1•slobh•f1 a )l•IY (60) minute limit on l•slimony The decision of the Plannine Doreclor shall be final SIC1ION S. fUSl8U r or th• purposes of this ord1nanu the ltrm feasible alleretron(s) shall mHu a mod1f1ca1ton ot llM structure lh•I 1nvnlves removal and replacemtnl of roofon1 (shlnales, slates, hies. etc), the remonl of 1ntl'•l0< or ealeroor ftn.,hes (d•y well. stucco, plaslei etc. etc.) but does not mcluclt lh• removal, allerahon 01 rtpltcement of s11pporhn1 member\ of 1™" structure JUCh as lrussn. load bearina walls. columns beams. or 111de" unltu lh• Plannln& 011eclor delermlne1 that lht llmiltd removal replacement or alttrahon of \lructutal elements lh•I pe•l•m d11tclly 10 the porloo11 of lhe slruclurt lh•I oceeds the 11e1aiit llm1t In the Zon1n1 Code can be ;accompllshed without any rmpacl on lht rem1lnder of lht slrutlml" SICTtoN 61 SfVDAllUTY That tf any sedoon, subsec:tH>n, sente11ce, clauu or phrase of th" Ofd1ntn'9 " fo1 any nnon htld to b• lnvthd or unconslitutlontl, such 11K1sl0n ahall not eHect tht v1hd1ty or tOn\lllult0nal1ly ol the remam1n1 porhnns of thl\ Ordinance. The City Council decltrts lh•I ti would hne pend lh1s Ordinance and H<h sedt0n, substehon, clauH or phrnt hereof, lrr•Sflecllve of the tact that any 011• lo more sections, subse<hoM. wnlt11ees rl•uses and phr1ses be decl.,ed uncon\lllul10nal SIC'Tto" 7• CONCLUSION The Mayor shall s11n and the City Cl11k shall atlnl lo fha paaue• ot lhol Ord1n1nce The C11y Clerk •hall 1·~11•1 t hA ume to be published once 1n the offtci•I ntwspeper within fifteen ( l!I) dayt efler its •dot>llon Thia Ordinance w11 lnlrodund al a r11ular meelin& of tht City Coulic1l nf lb• City nf Newport Beach held on the l?th dey of Hovembet 2003 and adopted on th• 26th d•y of November, 2003. by Iha followlna vole, lo wll AYIS, COUNCPUIHll .... ._ .... _ ... y •• ._., w.w.. Nl<h.t•. M...,., • .._ .... , Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS a Cofle<tiblet ·~..-c ... ,......._... -~ ..... ·~·<.Jlhl••..,., ..... $$ CASH PAID $$ --~°'"""~ WE BUY· ESTATES :!64M922e soumc3AsT AUCTI N Estate Sales 1486 eCDM Ra-SAT t -2• llayadl'te Tetr ·•• oH Avoc..00 lolk.1,. '"" b•lloon~ turn ar I Murann Chandeher rlodls. """' rterm qu111 ml\c items Proce•ds brnrfll projects nf ~~lmll.t lea of NP Mes.I Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 loltooo lst-d SAT 1 -2, 223 Diamond Ave, crou ~• Dalbo• Ave Furn clolht'>. artwork llsh1n1 rods. nsor led misc •MitW.s.ta. Great thln&S! 2962 Ceylon DrMl, Costa Mes., )t &lJ9'Jt Bake•. Meu Verde trH o-...-Sele Strt I- TV. btd hOU\ehold rlems. crob, cloth mort • 1800 Beryl l n Newport Buch c1on ,tree~ lrvlne/lliahtand 8AYCUST OAltAGI SAU SAT., 8 -NOON fu1111lure. toys, hou11 hold, looli, etc, etc 201S Leeward l•nt, Newport 1leach ............ ~, Office prod CO burner'\, <:O's. shreclden. lob Moral New l IVICOOWl, -lub, looklay Qlfts. Sl2 Ls~ COM. S.l 8.lHCtJO lost 1505 Pm Of fll VICTllS MUD YOUI HUii 400 ANIMALS RlSCUED WllH NO OWN(RS MONCY DONATIONS HUMAN£ SO<llTY C/OPAWS 240 l HICHLANO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 General Announcements 1610 DUCKSlASON "•lvof• Duell HUftth'fl Clult •pprol I/ht from Npwpo•I Beach f •cet tent huntm11 •d1atenl lo •late waterfowl reh1&• ownership mle1ul & ,;ppro• 375 dCrn ol land ' improvements • your own lamp compound w/slrutlurt' and 2 lraolrrs Wonderful fu n111ht BBQ s & wine tasl1na du11111 duC'k sra~on • rt1any e•l••sl Idol lor 2 Ir 111nd5 or lath~• & son C•ll Mike "' 310·!>4 I 08~• Wnuhl likt' In conlacl 4 son11wrlltn11 piam'l on 111h~r blue•, 1111. swing Qr pOfl 1f you arflt ~end Phnn!' • or mMlrne add< ~s wher~ ynu may be tnnlacted tn 0 l Ray c/o D M Adams I 590 Adftm• Ave Costa ~'" CA 916761366 949.645.4412 HOME FURNISHINGS t-fOMES HJR SAi. t ORANGE COUNTY 5400 Furniture 3435 OUHN MATTltlSS sn Corona del Mar ~ b<Mlel MW~ NEW US TINGS " ~ w/WMT Sac Siil> CONOO Jbr • dM & .l '> Ull1 ~ 949 llf>.ll»/ ba Iron I brand new So CHlHY SUIGH 110 Solid wood br Ind ,_ "' boa lnU\I mlMI WMh $8Xl sac ~ 96 Tib81.I/ of the hwy SI 4~ 000 • ourux Jbr ib.r & lb• 1b.; Corner Nu nf hwy SI 4!>0 000 Own•" A~t'nl 800 640 6661 3460 lrvtne JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coo•! Celn Need• Old Cnlns• Gold, \llv~1 ieW<•Wy, w•ldles, •nhque\ collell1blt\ 949 642 9448 TURTLI aoCK CAM"U~ VllW lllOADMOlll 3 hom.-3 & 4111 $549,000 \b I !J,OOU $624 000 O\ne1/A11rnt 800 640 6661 Cati 3610 NewportBeach --------OPfN s.t 1-4 S-11 12 U SCUl 911 lole's !>19 Vrsta fwa Slunno111t Unter l•1nhn Happen• c ptan e•f>-'nd@d & re Pel Owners Nred Help ~ M\lr •It! enlty Well M1nnered Adult M. &OUJmel t.11ch 2t>f Cals & Olde1 Docs ne~d 2 5ba tam 101 w·all uff11.e naw honoes Adopt Adull Juht! Stl'(lhenson AfllhofJ Anlm•ls lhl\ Xmas• JO ProperlN!s 919 ~ 1197 day return Pohcy WWW 3"1nl•lnetwotk Ofl Wlft8t IOTllNS & CAn Ho1t1e r"" & tt..i rnmd " l2Y'C Imm. .ll ~ lml h l)IY bb.d ~ ~ed. <hlb. d!wmled. "" w n.M ~ "' w..m. ,., (I' """' 17;\:m ~7719 www •mmalnetwor~ °'& MISCEUAHEOUS MERCHANDISE Newport Coast STllADA 71 fASfl 11 NII Ill 3br dwn m•.tr l ~h.1 .l!>OOsf I Iyer Vtr 111.11 I 0111 www bu ho mt' 'nm Sl.610000 A&Vown~r 949 &J/ 0 «WI ONGHlNlllT CONDO !hr Jba &•l~d tomm new t.upcl '"'"'' Ownt" Aernl 800 640 1>661 ANTIQUES Mlscellaneous Arflcpls b SaJe 301 o Merchandise 3855 0.-. ......... J'/.t.o SI 8?!> oOO I Co1tollno Coul Properties of C•lil I aur"' leeato 949 'iO'l 197.1 AU STUl ILDGS. 28.JO WU $8,900, \~II SJ,89() 311>44 W~\ $14,900, \~II SS.9!>0 4fh I 06 WH S32.916. ,ell Sl1.916 1'1 Co!'M' Isl S.Hel I om 800 397 7806 Attenfl.., Croltws • c, all Supply Sare Hall P11te F11 & S1t DM S & 6 9 Jpm 22021 Malibu In HI, blwn MAQnnh• & 811,har d nfl of llA11111n11 BUILDING/ GARDENSUPPLY/ Business TOOLS ~=~nd Toot1Manlwar1 3135 Fnnchlses 3905 TOOU TOOU TOOU Craflm•ns looh. lbl uw, Shop Smith set up tf1l1eh1 Chop !tlW, Sllrll uw. o.t11 band saw lnh of misc hand loots day• 714-745· 15!>3 ave 949-645-4431 II lnlrrn~I I "11ch11• oppor lun1ly In lhnu look1111t I» wnrk 1nde pend•nllr S8K 1nve\I menl lf'Q1111rd Includes Ir ••n1111 •nd ~11pro1 I for Ir anchists wmldw1de loll r re• t AAS 4'17 6/31 Rtal&tate SeMces MISCEUANEOUS ROOALS ReralToSharw 6030 CM l . 1lde C....te 2br I' ba n11 IJPh no &•' •&• no \tnh"r . MiOO. mo 949 21<, 20'J'J Nl/Oce.,, View lteom Ote•nlrnnl ·Und 1·11 vatr fm untwn, ,,,,.,. ba uhl\ paid nt•mk k1l<h•nell~ lndr y I hi~ lo Ncwpor I pier . SI JOm Cnll Sam '149 218 /'JO'> (b~lwe~~lll !>pm) re 00 ... bd• Uy b n 2b 2h1 r.-,.... cm tmdY '!lwed ao:om•AIQ.fl\ ~ p Sltm ~ lll <Bl2 N•wp<>rl 8ULh rnr1m avail ck}\• lo bnch Perfec.I 10< surlrol\~y•~ S77'>1mo 'M9 '>48 63!13 Rooms for Rert 6040 COM, s-y Aftr ba., In bch, $8!l() + ut~ Av~K now, 1at1e Km. Wr1'!l around deck 949 61'.i l/06 HrSlOfNllAl AfllllALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island A ........ lbrlbo l•u-tl ~I, w d, Ir~ n-.;ro diw ou upl/p.wll dert., t.Nport SI !J900ln YJ tv 949 613 D:fJ 7bt lbrl LIO~e lt1 h•y. r11A t urut Q,r~ntt .. lhrnuahnul. new appl ~. wd, batcuny & vault tl'1b. aar S 1900 949 675 1\822 Balboa Peninsula Clot• to beoclo lbr I b• 111 I I c•r wd h~UI• new tcupt:l &. llouun~ Sl600 "'" 9-19 644 9111 Corona del Mar Cleon & Newt 41)11 Hehnh oiw 'f rout I 11t IJR• I t;DM 7b1I I"" n•w k1lfhr11 & IJ~ll•. 111 hrdwrl lk 111 LR l/l 11ai. """' cd W/0 714 3J6 9800 21r. I l o Apt. llrtghl & Sun11y f p } c;arporl\ SI 1'10 mo 4 ll Sr•W•ld 949·'40· 1208 ....... r-. 2br, "''"· ~)Vt b~ h dt.tt:~~ 41YiHI rtc>W ur.oo mo 402 Ser. 0.1vl' c.," I'"°" 949 673 8A94 21K 21>o p , har I~" •• w~. ma\ler ~u•lt ... ~ 111 t ln\tl\ ro .. t IOfi dee~ ' ,,,,1 I •11nrlr y av11i llllW S'KJOO 949 177 97'17 At-,,., Ni!Wly renu1 .lx /b,1 I t ~. 1MilW hdwd fh """"" dr>. Ip, M '!llil "''"I ~.DJ\n· "J6749,l.61/b (WW() ~ OffiTl'U"TUl 111 7'm wd .-v., , ... ._ "'·· '"'" 1°"'1 " ,..,, vrw olU. w'IUd ~ ~· • l.dl:J"l ..... lo bd1 ~ b 1 I S.IXD 'Jotl 2't'HIOI Costa Mesa 1 Ir $170m I mile lu beach. v•ul teif,, <luv• lrtQ, c.t1I I.tu & mor" lM l 16th Sf 949-544-2421 GMAT fAST5I)( IOCATION 2bt. p4l111 ldu11dr y w.·11·" It. lbr fHllto lauudf y "" v•t' 949 1;46 I lt, l l0tl•fcl. lod&boy llJ1 l''"""" w 1 g flU'.Md .,... d J!'.H.11 .. VJ~~ llwr.hw ~'i14aBI Maple Apltl Lovdy G.tlt"tJ r.umm nt!.tr I" '"~I~ Square 21" Iba w/~.11 & lrra $109~ lhr lhn w , .. 110 c•rporl \IOr.tKC ~ ""*' bid1 p ~ 1 d II I 1• 1 ~ Mwiagemer>t an 11)1 ff'.49 £11 9'DJ NEWPORT HEIGHTS lbr aas & Wdler P••d SI ISO 111<" yMd totdener no I.'.."!.' '149 6!>0 7756 l SIDl CHAaMtNG, hho n~w 7hr I '>ba lnwn hou\r 'I ylL l'J22 E Iden $ tl7S nm 949 642 5-488 N,_n Hehfs, Spoclovs H-b l' .,. &• • Ip Av•• 01/Qll $2200. mo 2.36 01!11' CM 949-644-1811:) E~.....,.Jb2fua hA hfHM, w/df>lac.Md e- ll RI-• room S2f0l/mu Mir.1 Y'C 9-19 642 rm Laguna Nlguel 0.-ltonch lit• ...._ 4b< 1 ~ pted romm pets nl\ 4!l00/mo •vi 711 WI Aat 94!H40 '1.111 NtwpOft Beach V9n4111ft <--. roe.r Hoo>&. sec. a•ted. ~n """'d sl\Jdlo ava~ 12 18 S97'>tn0 IHVI 949 49:i OJ19 YIAltlY llASIS flNl HIWPOtlT HOMlS 8fll GltUNDY RlA&.TOU 94t-67S-6161 NOfS, <OUM<UIMHH "- AISTAHll, COUNCIUlllMllltS •J4tewey AHINT, COUM<UIMHaS N.- MAYCMI /•/St-.,..,.._, """'' /•/ a..v-M • .._. ..... cm CUH Publlslled He t Beach Cost• M ... Oalf Pilot Oocembef 6 2003 Our Lease H•• Explredl EVERYTHING MUST GO/ Hoag Vol•nlttr Tllrltt Shop. 67.0 W. 17th St. lf-2, Costa Mesa (near corner of Pomona & 17th) Open TUIS. Wed , Thura. 101m -3Pm Rea Estate Investors I Smart Money Mac• line R•nk~d Authn Teau H lhe II plan• In lht U S lo rnvHI kl fffl 1ttalt f Ind out why v•\il Kttflll Rennt_!i !il2-42J·541ltl J.t'Mt u........ s...i... YM M-y. I Clift ll\1 your ho111e IOI J tt. HYlt'll you lhOU\t1nlk ol cloll•t• (SIOOK llo,,,.) rtaut.tr a~ rommlwon 11 ~I l property @ 3 t" 11 Ul,ZOO lllal equets • Hvfn11 of flUOO ,,..._ .. ..,_, PLUG IN Best place in the world . to advertise! Call today to plaCe your ad Classified 642·5678 (949)722·91 HUNTINGTON 8P.ACH BOUTIQUE S;1turday I Oam • 3pm 19891 Beach Boulevard i J\etw~n Utic:ll &t A.dAlnt Cnftl, Gift., New Artnrtr. HoiM Decor lwu UP TO 80°/o OFF Pm:Co~ ~~ • 'f.'4' v ~? ........ Ht~tJ4.-jt II "6ew .. SIA <OHT Vfl&AOI f481 ~wport 81"4 CM UOOaf S2100/1n o W/letH 94!Hl46·79JI Plug Into the Pilot Classified section tO find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters rK'IM'QtO If lo(ll • (!)SIA Daily Pilot ( I l\'\lft• 1 I 1·11tfl1•1111'. ""1 • r • 't 1 ·-------------- N•WfHlrl St.wn lbr 2t>e n•-carpel pelt &. Iii. ? t tandem 1« wdhk ~'~~~ UDO ISU SfUOIO lArae closet &. b•th, • wnny taPl'l5\lfe, Sl<lOOm ~1 949 Ill!> 6161 -SA iw-Jid. am., • ..-~fl>••dw • m I« p-d. Ir' tir. Sl4nn ,,,,_ Now 96®67.J> ,-,_ ......... lbt lbt pall'\ ' llf~pla<e \hattd w/d llkups I car 1111111• ~I Sl!iOO/MO 949 ?9J 4630 "° c.111ornl11 law , •. qu•• lh•I Cc>nlr .tC• loo leklna IObt ~\ totll ~ Of more (lebot or m•ltllalt) bt ·~·Mid hy lhn Colllpctors State lie~ Bo•tCI State law also rtqo1lrH ttutt co11tt1ctors 1..clud• t• lktttM 1111ntMr Ofl all lldll«IDlfll You ca" C'*'ll lht •lah1s of rour lltt•ll•d ci.n t r1tt o1 a l www cslll c11ov 111 10C).321•CSl Unll nnHd contraclon l tllln1 jobs th.ti tot.i l•n then S500 m1ut 1\11• h1 lhtll 1dvlfllumenh lh•I lht)' If t not llcensed b)' lht Ct111ltALlor1 Statt l k•tl" Board ~ . Mlllln• AMID~·-,.,.,,.. DIYllOl'MINT . ~ 1 fltttllflcdlt~I rom l'fJD ~ IMD&fi.m : wos.-. n;-u., Bd1 Uv 11.m ;a. lb1 Ille • den portialy ,,...., alOWl1TlldlllMJ 1!0.7 p SUM O:m.95Zl 2lr 1 "'-,... psll,/cal>l'l 2<a 11r .. ~d l/l blDdl lo OCINR. mus! -Sl!Dkmo 9f).278. l!n> cal '*-' 'lMl 5pin only N' Hel9kh lbr lba IMIYm. Ip. hclwd lh, pvt yllfd, Sllf' 2110 Culll ,...,., ~ 96-642 54811 SI" Sito "-tu, qu,.1 .,.. newly refurbished 2 CA• it•• wd hllups. S2l00Jmo 949 759 0874 llASIS AVAIUI U x-......., NP Hts Newport 8e•ch. Newport eon. llAy twn lb l!iba Cout.11v1ne. 3 !>bf from llVltl O& ll 28111 S3lX) $Zllnno ~ 949~6700 ~642 f.97M:»<Wl58 a.. h 2.5ba CJlfldo. ? Rory 2 c pr lluroq OCfl -.~~ ... lo bin """' Jon 3. Plm'mo 71"2>?1ai VACATION REMTAl.S Desert Rentals 7915 ttU o HU • .uu Tbc bldd.tn&.,.. ~ W1l8T N(Jlt11t F.AST SOU'm KJ lU4 o 7) •U The bldJl11a hN ~ Uft:'CPI' NORTH 1AS1' liOUT1J ... ...,, to ,_ lo ,._ JO I• ,_ t •• ,_ r Wl!Mt ei;llon do you take? What do you btd rv;w1 Q l . Al Soudl.. tlllnera.ble. )(lU hold Q 5 -AJ South. vu.lnenh&c: yw bold; •U o AKIJ O AQ'16 •Af Tbe biddilli. h&c\ ~ SOl1m \\'1ls1 NORTH 11'.AST •64 O AJl7 ,..J6J •11JJ The biddUla has Pl'OCt'Cdcd: NORTH IAS1"' SQ<ml WEST lo ,._ 10 ,_ I• ,_ 10 ,_ ' l o ,_ ' WhM do yw bMl oow7 Whist do you tMt now? Q 3 • fMb YUIMf'lbl<e, ti Soulh you hold: Q 4 • Bodi vulnenlblc. u South yuu tlold: • A'7J ICQ912 • K6J2 •All'76J o AJ '7 o JIU •4 The bidd111s has prooc:cdcd: sovn1 lVkS'f ri-ORJlt The biddin& bas otoeeeded: soum ~est l"Orro l e ,_ I• 1• ,._ l o 7 ' WhJc do yuu bid oow'/ What do you bid now? Q 4 • As South. vulnerable, you Loot for answt'ri on Monday. ( .. ' " .. World's lr&MI ~ cq. IOol<klt lor r /1 mtn•&er. a. P ff en'91oYMS @ N8 toc•tion openlna In Ji n II you ~"' en«a•tic, sll motivated ha•• enlhu 11ntte person1l1ty &. • to work with l*>l!'e. laa res 11~ 1937 or 9llW to an._nl>@YlhOO.AlOITI 1AU1 $2501 IJI l.UllSfATI The •t ull1t11 lnde~n dentlr own•d Rul Estale company In Cahlornl1, Is 1nnouncln1 • unique, hilhly ,.. wardln1 ~rtunlly for • Masoned aales pro· fna1011al We art seMI· m1 • top quality ..... P«SOn w1lh • proven lrtck record. You must ~ u ltt mtfy CUSIOITltf ouanttd. relate to 1 llfoad ran&• of client foelin1s end nnds and c o m municate with piefcln& 1M<SUHl11tnen II you have a sttona deslu lo SUCCMd, IS • supenla• who fits lh• blll, and anjoy seltln1. screenln& and closit11. Give us 1 call @ 888 454 ·0!>93 •• l 945 (Over 30 HIH assoclaln hava a11ntd 1n e•cess ol $250,000 in.2002) T Sales in baby/children s furnllur t s t or• openins In Sa&M1 Ccmt AR&. °"9' nperilnce + salary + bonus + medlcal 949-496-4541 SWSt Ow ..... ..-n- w/phone saTes eap E..n Ullo. &. up ~ 949 862·7474 lu 968i2·747S .... frmtc6»Alll!lld lor busy Endocrlnoloay Mottt Tiiter nn ded tor office 111 i..wport Bch. "90• ~ f •• r-949 64S-8856 fax ,_.. to PUTAFEW WORDS TO WORlfOf ~ 1tllkAbott YOUR GWGfSWI - IMW '01 ZS ceup<t, 3 0, 5spd, 2311 1111, Ml fact w11tranty s1tvt< /blll llhr, CO mnrl. 19.n whls. buutrful llh new cond. hn av••I "99b621 S:>4. 995 Bllt 949-6116-1888 -~ CtMlllo< '91 C9' ... o 506' mo, blk/blk llhr, blk ctrrt•p roof Sou CD am Im, ct\rm wltls, 1otd pk.a, booU,lrecords, Ilka new $8995 v557281 Bkt 949-5&6·1 ... w-...... "l.c..,. Cltevt.t.t 't 9 M-t• C11lo 2dr coupe. V6, JOI< actual mt, MIVef /llHfl me1an1e:. CD, beeultful hlle n•* cond, ~ y~I Slit 9"9 581-11188 __ .....,_ C'°'Y•* '96 "'°'l"' LXI Conv llllr. actual m1 meteUic lfeen tan ltlw black top, buullful loll• new cond, $7995 firm v 156nt Bllr. 949-!)116-1888 _........,._ ......... 91etll. W/fJ•Y iftqr ·~ Ottlt~nted .. wn-.. ... 91Kll, Utfl 1111• '""''' *isl w IMW Jttt'ft ' 8nmu. &911 lftttt IVS491 ""1.t S4lll IMWStaa.'00 Cr"", tall Inter •VCY!A1 01\CountlllS IMW H Ot 'Ot WMlt, tan •2466 Mint See BMW !>40! '119 .Blue, erey Inter · 1vi1u Mu" Sell BMW 14()je '00 8ront•/\•fl 191S8 Otic:ounltd .. W740te 'OO Bitch. 1111 lnt11 IV9435 Olscou11t1d BMW 740ll '01 Blue/(ft y 12313 Must SN IMW740fl'OI SHV9r. l't'/ t V8606 Gr .. t Buy BMW 7~1 '01 Wll1te, arty '3951 GrHI Buy O....T ..... '02 Blacll, 1fey t \14367 Creel Buy ...... , .,.,, , .... 'ti Rtd, bla11k #V8J09 Dluo~mted COVllOTCBG '-516'97 T31aek, Ian 13548 Grei l Deal -FORD TEMPO '90 .., 114 1157 0705 •a< Sw..,._ Lii ~1..·_•wo. 10l ~ .,.., .-,run ltltf, alu Htt , super" .,,,_ co•d JU,9'5 wS52 ... l "" Ht-SU-IHI _.......,_ ....... ,., Ac-' 2dr coupe [X, Y·l.c 1n11nt. 6911 1>1Kk/aro 1w. lrtrl buut1t111 11111111rhd cond, prectd. non •milr Sl495 vl012&751 Bllr ____ .....,..""" _...., '00 S Type J.O YI, 3Sk ml. lull tic\ w11H, 1ilv•/aatmul lllv, mMf1 co. nwimory Pkl. built ... new unnwtitd cond. S2J99!1 vl7522'2 8~r 949-5116 lat _.....,..._ >...-'t 7 lJ6 8t1tlah rec:ln1 1rffll/)ln ltht. CD, tebulous cond throu1hout, U \,995 v59nl llkr 949-586-1818 -. .....w.- ,_ '01 lUll t 61a .... tulr fec:tory warr, blk/bll ltllr. nav~l!M. chrm wtlb, looks nt'llr, Mntlls n•w. f1ntutlc value, $37,995 v457829 Skr. t49-SU..1HI .-.ecpaloJ..cem ........ '94 l06V-'- Plas ma.talllc red tall llhr, beautiful orl11nal cond, musl see to apprecl1te, 1are1ed, non 1mkr. $6995 v702571 811.r 949·586-1888 -w.ecpcdll.,_ LAND I OVll 2 0 00 Otscovery II S07. duel moonr Is, rt•r 1ump snh. healed ual lac: warr 36,000 ml, $21,900 \l2lm'llllf lltwl 714-272-6161 J....-X11 '99 UXUSU470 '00 Slue, Ian 4X4 blacl<. 1trev llhe IV7947 01scountad 1nler. tow pk&, 431( m1 J...-Xll'OO Creen, l•n I J280 Musi Sell Jo_.,.., XII '99 Red, Ian Cru\Oeal Mractou cno ·02 Black. black 11/9217 DtKounled MllCIDIS U20 '01 Black, Bl•ck IVS.!18 Discounted MflUOfS U20we '99 Green Ian •V4581 Great Deal Mll CIDU MIU '00 Sliver, blacll •3859 Creal Oul $36.750 949 350-5202 lOUS '99 U SOO Pearl While, 4X4, healed seals, showrm cond., luu r•c:k. tow pk&. $19,900 949-350 5202 '14 Mft-.tl-11 Twit. •Low ntdas. <tery nice,• $4200949 240-101' MERCEDES BNZ '01 Sl500 Loaded s1lvu, Spotts pk&. AMC whls. 91( mi, showrm cond. 302 hp $52,750 714-969-ll87 Mlt<IOIS ''2 JOOTI Wason, auto. sunroof. 3rd SHI, while Ian/ Interior, $10,500 12511 ml 71 4·549 9942 MDCI DIS SSOO '95 l'OltSCHI '0 1 CAlllLtl, Whitt, l•n llptronlc, mini condition. •3650 On.counted ~ mrtes , one ow- MbC'l1>1S Sl500 '00 $62,000 Pf' !M9-3Sl 1719 Whtie, tin ll0580 Musi Sell MINI COOPll '02 Blue.11••Y 10962 Must Sell 'OU CHI CeT .... '99 Bl•cll, blacll t VI063 Discounted l'Ouotl c..r-'99 Blue, IV•Y #V6049 Must Sell o .. .a.M....,.1'01 Silver. blaclt I W 139 Dtscounted ,.,_.so.ms fl•t 500 -l t70 aood c:ond. new brtalles/ ............ '9t 4.6 HSE 48k mt, lull l1ct w•rr. bll\/blk lthr, 18" chrm whls. superb cond llwlJICl!I, S23.e vllnDl Bkr 949 586 1888 www.•cpeltl.c•,. RANGE IOVll 19'3 lWS, 1 l5K m1, bkM/t•n, •Ir sut,penslon, Immac- ulate throuehout $649!> Pl'l&'!l2fl) ~ 714-122 5Ull •-.. • .,,., •oo 4.o S£ 16" 1ctual ml, lull feet "''", bllo./c11m1f llhr, buuhful Ith new cond Must 111 lo ~ $28,9!15 llll17tll6 Bkr 949 586 1888 www..ocpaltl.c-VACA'lbl IOOAU • SAllU llfTM.S YOU! (949) 642-5678 '" ClASSIFIED clutch& shoc:ks $5000 Cerv•lt• '92 Cenv 949-631-7956 Wlute. orie1nal owr>er. ............. '95 4.0 S£ 80ll• ml, bleck/l•n llhr, superb cond throucht boolls. records SI 0,995 v04!i829 Bllr 949 586 1888 tf 11!11 Siw DM1 r.ontxt Mlcbael ~Is 7Ql.3lHJl7 tolf dewtncaboM.'°'11 (949) 642-5678 HOME, HEALTH Alf) .~ ... llill A -l HANDYMAN ~ ~ Doll& 714-546 72511 ~a.ntno ti• 1, • il 1'.I .~ r, 11prt I 111 1111•\q S•" \.tr 1 YOUllMOMI IM'1IOV1Mfltl 'ltOlfcn Cell 1 plunllltr. P•ln14tr, h.tndyme11, or •n'I' of lht lfHI t.tf't~H ht l.d htft lft -1t1vic;. dif9' lot ti 1 HCSHOCM. SVC 'EOPLE CAM ltfl,. YOUfOOAYI SMAU X»t l XrtlT local, Qulc~ Responu Home, Yard 6 Dock Elect 4!> Yts E119 ~ Dectric L'lJ!iKIO ~~ Tr•• Sef'Ylu, Yard Cl .. nup, Mainten•nce. Spnnlo.let Repair, Haul1111 (94t) 650471 1 RI~ IOHI • f!LP,l!R .. 1<11\lOlll I ING J 1\j 'f1 I I ,~ d I • , (t I' I I U.\t 1"1f I .1.'. :Tf• . .. •• low rn1 1mm1cul•I• corn! $1!>.000 562·212 4117 DaYe llamllton 949-322·1292 c....ICoatdw ·~ Car pantry • Plumblnt °'ywtl • Stucco Palntlo&, Tilt a. more ZOtY..,•E~l JI 7t4-t6'-S77& Hllllllg .IU* TO THI OUM,.111 714-968 1812 AVAIWLE TODAVI 9'~673-S566 .... a... ...... a ... ''C'' Wllly/91·w-lr en hlr "•fs. Grul rates! lftMlcU ~ M-1JUIUI ....., v..-. ,_, ••• & ._., llttc.11. llocll, ~r-...~ \'7•74417\496!1 3124 ...... __ ,.. ...... ••• , '65 ........ . Conver llble, ori1ln•I owner. sohd C•r, rrull .. SIB$)~ 9&m2!Ml HOUOAY HM Home a. Pllfty Dtcor. Trtt Trim· m1n1. Room M.thover,, Shopplns 949 459 8270 Open109y9 Law,.._ SlonlOe_,... .,_1911 ~5'5 IHT MOYfaS SSS/Hr. Set~ All Cltiol lnsurld Tl 323-997 1193 ~9971ul PUBLIC NOTICE Th C1lll ,.ullllc Uhlllles Comm~slon requltH th•I •II vt6CI hout tllold 1•od1 lftOVtfl .rrl11I lhtlr ,. U C C T nuinbtr: h!Ne •Ml chauffeun print lhtlr r c , . n11111Mr In .tll ldVtr• tl~nts. If r ou h•vt 1n1 qu11llon• ebotlt th• ••1111ty of a 111011tr, 111110 or c.ll.tllthw,ttU .-&IC UTIUf•t COllMtlaoet . ,,...., -.eqto ... (_ c::f'•N6'~:: Price! GU111'1nt wook fr" IS\. Lf375I02 714-538 1534 7 ·390-2946 m "S QISTOM 'MnltG Pror1. cletn, quality --lnttrlot/ul and doc.k• L #103468 9'9'400-1054 UMOW<*ll MN#f ,.=W/nl ~ Qll•llt I f ret L 7 714-6316-81811 ........ • dlVfsJonor Mlf J 9aft11ert SEWCR.CTilHC lLCClltONIC SlM U.AK OUECTIOH frti.ftdt/ Setvlce 94t-• S -9104 -#Jlfl • ,... llOCMIS llllllUlnlllQ aWOOOfDIW ~ ,,,...,"4897 •1111 I ... ,. ....... ,..,. Stlw«, 7Kl!ll (1'770) $2S,9IO "H~V ........ ~ly 3711ml SllYer' J5k ml o•m w . .o "",...,., JUa CnhlMre. 4CK ml (19124) 126,980 'f7 ...... #0 • Sll\lor (l!MS31) $l1.•. 'H •.nHff l-4ft> White (19823) $11,980 ...,,..,...ssoo Sillltf, Low mr ( l !MOJ) 52.980 ,,s,._...,,, Wlllte, flf>Tronlc (197~ Sl4.9m .,, ,.,... ,,_.,.. Stiver, V k ml (19875) $26.BtlO 'fS Tayor. C.tke Con~ Whit• (194781) $5.980 "H '-J "'-""'-Bleck, 211< mt (19899) $26,980 Mt-574-1777 ftlllfS AUTO :'le•• '003UOCC_, ~AIJto,Nn Sysltm. Xenon. load ed (839989) $29.CJlO '001404 Whll/Blk, Navl. CD. Sport Whls (Pl5454) $36,900 '01 X·S J.O Blk/Cry, Pfeft\ Piia, CO.Low M1 (M612JI) $34,900 '02 Codllloc '""""""' .... Pewtlln', Loaded, MoonRoof, low Mt (122180 $39,900 'OZ Y ... _Sl.T P'"""', loadttl, 221'. m1, Perfecll (202894~ $26,900 'OOGSJOO Wh1/Tan Plellnum Series, low Ml, CO (09'3216) $25,900 'HCU-JH Blk/8111, Al/to, CO, Bose, Great Price (048525) $23.900 'Ol<K--'Aet$1 Auto, AC Ct>, Rear Splr (263'27) S9 .500 w,,.., ...... ,._, Only lllk ml, CO. Slue/ 8111 (JOOZ05) $22,900 'ffS-420 super CINnl CO, Lib New (431928) 128,900 949-6S0-2222 T1e.'1 l........-......... SIWll AllD DUii aumte (t49) 645-2JS2 TOYOTA •12 '" wl\ltt. owntr alntw '92. •et !NllnltllMtCt, must see to 191Neclate. $3800 Ollo ,., 322 ~292 . ..,., .. - "'....., Dwt .... Roadklna. lmmeculele condrtlOll. $12.QOO call 56l·212·4117 BOATS Mastwa aft '95 SIU boat wltlt to•er, stereo. custom covt<, S 17 ,000 562·212·4117 16' Duffy a.trtc ... milt mnd Uly rtlu'biihed/ tiatt._.upholltery/ en ~ adt 17/roO old S\4.CJX> 949-~IS-0288. SaJlllolb ll520 m6 rAT'-LM VFT. roler bl 8U1o plct. EHN ciesel l'lbon, u a/'M, hstt bottom palnl recent, .,..._ ~ c:a.i 11 a.uem~ BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVtES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 16ft IUCTU CaMT (llh •Duffy) 1992 New top S6SOO 949·&«-4144 * I OAT SlM" * Salbo1 Penn up to 14' beam, Bay lsl•nd Cove area. secure, 949 922 1m. Newp«t l eodi 50 ft Slop 1va1lable SJOOO/mo call •949 723-31~• WAN OUT YotlHOUSE WITHA &AUGE SALE! W1 (949) 642-5678 ~& ......... Cu.stom Hand P•lnled ,.,.. ' r.,.. ,...,.._ Nllll b hn DEll14164. HOMUT & aASOMAIM! ._... _..., 0.... f'WMHa s.rw., f aperllnc:ed I Ft• Estl Sm rtllllrs. A11!1in1a Tracks, Slll1, OCl'FCU Dilci. 7lA 2J5..91SI Scren' 114 t57 3301 ,_<tSIPWMI.... o .. ... ltepaira' ltemod•llnl OlJ>(,. ... in FREE fSTIMAll WIMDOW HaYKI I 1691.Jllll 714 969 lOllO Sali.$f1Ctl0n llU••lfl\ffd .. !N9-6.Yl 1511714-•!IO«l SELL • . Perfor.mance Parts Available SUBARU ~ ...... ... . . ~"""" . ~~L-L-T . •"'NC.V4T1C.r..• tanaoe. 2003 LEGACY OUTBACKS "#1 ·SELLING WAGON IN AMERICA" Based on AL Polk Co. Retall Reetstratlon atatlstlca .. of Year End 2002. $3500::. (Includes Factory Rebate) On Models (3BU, 3BT, 3BP, 3BQ) NEW 2004 FORESTER XS "AN ALTERNATIVE TO YOUR AVERAGE MINI SUV" • EDMUNDS.COM "A CON$UMER DIGEST BEST BUY" Call Ferdie Your Perfo;mance Parts s ecialist at 714-689-2103 2003 BAJA _ THE WORLD'S FIRST MULTICHOICE VEHICLE . AUTOMATIC! SALE •••••••••••••••••• $21.,995 *:19 995 FACTORY Robat8 ... S2QQO NET COST •••••••••• $:1.9,995 ' • Model #3PB · ALL REMAINING INVENTORY !!.'!~~.~'7~J41!,.~.~ .. ~ ............ ~ ...... $2.4, 100 . . I !!,~POl~~ CrulN Control (828390) ............. $~7 t &00 ~!~!~~~2!?..~.~.~~ ...................... $18, 1 .00 • -------..~~--,_....___ .... "'--' ___ _,, ____ .._ __ , . ..._. _.... ... .._ ___ -~-....... -~-_ ........... ----.-..... ----·~-.... -------· ...... _... ,,, ....... ~~~~~------------ . . . • 8LAOC. V9.) kllt. AUTO, ftWO (t22758) $29,900 • I . I 2001 BMW 525i SDN 40 -..112me ............................ 31,900 1995 MBZ SLSOO ROADSTER 2D (W)'mt1 ......... $25,900 1998 BMW 740il SDN 40 CS1w1i.1me ............. , ........... 24,500 1999 LEXUS GS 300 SON 40 ...., ...................... $211900 1 2000 BM\N 323i SDN 40 ILl ... lmm ....... : .................. 19,900 1997 PORSCHE 911 CARRERA CABRIOLET 2D llM'IMn• ... $41,900 1997 BMW 740i SDN 4D co-11mu ........ :.................. 19,900 1002 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE CPE 2D (RM)UJ4l1 ....... $10,900. 2000 BMW 323i SDN 4D (11hor)IUm........................... 23,900 1999 MBZ ESS SDN 4D ~,.m,: .............................. 35,900 2002 MITSUBISH' MONTERO XLS 40 ISIMll•m• ...... 16,900 2000 MBZ SLSOO ROADSTER 2D·lllM*),.......... 9,900 2002 CHRYSLER SEBRING LX CONVT. 2D ._,mu, ... $13,900 1995 MBZ 5420 SON 4D !Shwlmtn ... : ...................... 20,900 1999 CHRYSLER 300M SON 40 (SllNr)wms .......... $12,900 1998 M-Z E320 SON 4D ....... ,.. ............................ 18,900 2002 FORD F150 HARLEY DAVIDSON SUPER CREW !Grlrl"'* ... $30,"500 (' .. lnspecte.d .. euaranteed. • Rigaraus 140-paint inspection • Camprehen1iv~ 12-manth/12,000-mile limited warranty • 24-haurs R11d1ide A11i1tance Emergency Service • . . I 2 FORMULATED FOR TODAY'S CONSUMER CATALisT· HOMES IN c .' J· \ J f· I< I I c I I \I \ 1 j ... ... I l I ' ... OFFICES IN HERMOSA BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH AND NEWPORT BEACH Call us at 888.228.2547 Take a glimpse at the future of real estate at www.catalisthomes.com \•,. ••• ,,, ............. ~. ,.·....:....l~"t'J .·: ... '' 4 ,.., 8 N You're invited to participate T he 9Sth Annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade, "A I ioliday Bt?ach Celebration," will take place Wednesday, Dec. 17 -Sunday, Dec. 21, 2003. Starts off Collins Island at b:30 p.m. and finishes about 8:30 p.m., Wcdne~.lay, Thur..day and Sunday; 9 p.m. on Friday and ~tunJay. Two different routes. • Horit Parad1• £11try dcadlirw: Must be received at the Newport ££ach Otamber by Monday, Dec l ll at noon. &ltry fee: $25. • Rm}( of L1Kltli0 Competition for waterfront homl'S, buMnt.'5SeS, re.taurants and yacht dubs. F~-e to enter; rcgistrallon form n-quired. Oeroraboru. must be in place by Monday, Dec. 8. Viewing and parking during the parade T he parade will run for approximately two and one-half hours and can be viewed from several points along the harbor. Streets get crowded during the nights of the Boat Parade, so allow f plenty of travel time. City parking lots are available for Boat Parade parking, with those on Newport Peninsula (near Balboa Pier) a short walk to bayside viewing areas. See the parade route map on pages 24 -25 for viewing areas and times. Another great way to see the parade is aboard a chartered boat or from the comfort of a waterfront restaurant. Make your reservahons early as all restaurant~ quickly sell out. •Award..; D1111u'T a11d Aucho11, Fnday, Jan. 16, 2004, Four ~asons Hotel. Public invited! Honors Boat Parade and Ring of Lights winners. Dinner, danong, entertainment, lave & silent auctioru.. For item donation mtry form. see page 39. VL•il t wurw. chnstmasboatparade.rom. '!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~==~~:::::-For more information 011 yaclrt '= . 1 f ineme _ "Celebrating charters a11d restaurnr1ts, call tire Al/ /J(X1t f1Qrt1d1· pluitOi' in this program, murlrs11 of ~1lm I Rlam, u11lt'SS otherunsc rwtt•d 2002, 2nd Plac~, B~,t ~as~sa1~y Scouts Sea Base Newport Beach Chamber of Comml'rcc at A nca with Lights, A S ' me (949) 729-4400 or visit wwu1.11ewportbt·ach.com H.J. Garrett Furniture Fin e Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing , 1,1 1•1 'I' Service and Value ~ . • 4 .:. fY~ '91/iluzma N1W "~'f'bk ,l Full Design Consulting Service • Q uality Service Value 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon chru s~1 I 0 lO 6. ~Un 11 IO 5 ,-- .. ---~---~~~~-:-~--~~----------------------------------,_.--------~ •• ,..-••!tlt••••..,·•-n•11aw• ..,•un•• -fl&ti8CAU. .. fWj9.,lf Ill P8.ISU1'l9C tas SYCAllO&D AT SHADY CANYON f'OUY-SbD WXU&Y USIDDCIS J .. THI SPAJllSll a&YIYAL IUClllllDA ™MTION .... • ._.. · m ' liliet t , 1 n rel t ,.,. ...... , .. , .. _., I I I .... r11s •. t It tn1 • r,, ~ ............ kn' ·• '~· ......... , .. II a p , - -..... :OP f 5 f -.., hMt" I ..... I'• r •• ,.... .. _..,. ..... m.w • ..._ .... ., ................ .. 5 0 ~ v; 3 "' VI CD 0 ~ " "' ~ a. "' ~ "' a. < "' ::l v; 5 00 VI c: 0 0 ii) 3 I 11> l .::! 0 g 11> \ 0 ~ -< 31 ~ (/l "' c Ci "' '< 0 "' n "' 3 ~ ~ cr' N 0 0 w .. , ' .,. . ,., ... , [ ... Q " .., ' ·, . .., . Q Q .. ,, ' ... c .. ..., ~ "' I Chairman's message W Plninw 10 till' :wrn l\.l'''·port I l.1rb11r <..h n.,tm.l:'> Bo.1l l'ar.1lk! l'rt·..t·11t111g <.,p1111 .... 11r '-,11npk l1r1·1·n .ind l)fhltc1l <.,po11<.or I .. 1.11t· ... \V1• ... 1 M.1g.1111w "''th•' nu lu 101n u.., lor "/\ I lohd,1'r l~".11 h t.'1·l1·b1 .1t1rn1 " Now 111 1h ll"ith v1·.ir. llw p.1r,1d1• \I\ tll l10,1lur1• moil' 1h.u1 !till bu.it l111•1 .11t•,I 111 th1 ..,,n1tlwrn l.1hl11r111.1 hol1d.n .,ptnt Dm• 111 tl11 o.,uu•'"' 111 l.1 .... 1 \•'·" ·., d1.111g1• in 1;11m.1l, th1• p.11,1dl· wtll .1g.un run It,.,. 111ght... 111d luUo\\ .1 .... onwwh.1l long1•1 n1u1t.• on tw1111l lho"l' night ... \J.,11. till' "Rtng 11111ghi..." "alt•rlnmt honw .... d1.•n1r.11tng l.t1mp1'l1l1011 ...p1111 .... 11n·d h l'nid1•11l1.il C:iltf11rni.1 R1·.1ll\ will light up th1• h.1rbor br1ghll'1 th.111 ,.,.,.r 1 lw ( c111111111d11n•., (. lub ul tlw l\i1•wp11rl ll·.1d1t11.1mtwr111 lnmnwrtl', \~ho h.1., "l't'lll h1111drl'll., 11t volunl1.•l'r hour., 11rg.in11tng !111., p.ir,1d1•, will "''" l' ,,.., 11ll111,1l 1udg1•., .mJ w111 i... In l...1.·1•p tlw p.1r,1d1• muvmg Ill an unh-rh t ,1.,1111111 \.V1· Ml' llllll' .1g.11 n th.in Id ul I or till' I l.1rh11r D1.•pcHll1ll'll I, L <., (. \lJ ... t ( .u.1rd .111d tlw L'o.i...l ( .uard /\u"lt.1n f11r tlw1r .i... ... t'>l.11111• Ill 111wr,1t1ng .1 \\••II dr1.'"'l'll lhn ... 1m,1., l\1,1t 1'.1r.1d1· 111 .1dd1t11m, thanl... \OU t11 thl' lt11 ,ti \'.II ht l lub.., tor pnl\ 1J111g l'.ir.1dl· Con I rol wtlh h11.1t., .md d rl\'1·r.:: Al"' .1.,pt•,1,11 th.rnk \I'll ~tll'" to '\1d,mn.1 'cld11 ... 111 ~outhl'rt\ ( .tl1l11rn1.1 tor pmv1d111g thl' 110,11! ho.J t for tlw o.,i;i..th Vl'•" in .1 niw. J lw lomm11d11rt•., l Juh ,., ,111 oil ll\'l' (lllllll ti Ol t• ... t,1bJi ... hl•d blhllll'" WE CAN HELP KEEP YOUR DREAM AFLOAT. WE LIVE W H ER E YOU I.I VE .~ Now thJt \'Oltr JreJm ol owning your own hew hJ\ finJlly rnme m1t·. let ntt: ,how you how St.Ill' F.um ' hoJc 1mur.1nn· lJO help vo11 makt· \Ure II .111 \IJY\ d1Jl W.l\ Steven H ill, Agent Lil II UCX06 l X .~')()Li" 17 \crn·c. \um· l.11 CoM.1 Mr,.1, (A 949-64(,.<) -~9J ,,., ....... 11K1 A c:orn> N .. 1<..11RoR A s1An IARM 111 ·111F1u 1 .. , I"'•• INnt. '"""'"''' .mJ I tn./Hc 1J/ Vll'J• n · .... , .• , .. =:~=-='= ........ pl•opll• that lx!rwftl'> th1.• Newport &•ach Cht1mber ot (omnwrCl.'. As both hu.,1111.•.,., .lnd rommun1t\ ll'ad1.•r .... we view ourSt.'h l''> ,1., ind1v1dual., who lovl' lhl' t ily nf N1•wport fu,Jlh and l.ll...l· iln 111t1•rl''>l in promolinh marw w1dl'lv rl•n1gni.11•d l1101mun1tv L'Vl'rll., llir m•\I L'Vt'nl j., tht> .1nnu.1l Qin.,tm.i... Bn.11 l'.ir.l(k 1\\\ .inb D1nrwr & /\tKltnn pn.·~nted b\ I r.1d 1111111.i I lt'wl.'h·r~. ·r111., ev1..>nl will he h1•ld at thl' Fln1 r &·a ... nn~ Hllll'i 111 N1•wp0rl l:hh h on I nd.1v ].mu.Hy 16, 2tKl4, and ,., open to thl• publll (. 1tlwr l'Vl'nh Wl' ho~l thmuhhout thl• Yl'M llll IUdl'; I light ot thl• L .:io.,1•r.,, ~1mkaslle lontl''>l, ~d10larsh1p ,111d Athld11 Aw,11d., bn.•.:ikl.1.,h, Fm• .md I 1tq~u.ud \ppn.•n,1t1111\ Pt '.11 h l'.ul\ .ind thl• Arrt\cll P.irt\ for Mr lrn•kv.1111. J lw l111nmmlnrl•., l lub ,111J till' "°l'wporl li•.ilh ll1,1mhl•r 111 Cumnwrn.• w1 ... h \tilt .1 I l.1pp\ 1 lohd.w ~·.1 ... nn [nJll\ till' l'.u,1J1· [~w1J J,rnt'" 20ll.1 l.J1 ri.,t m.1., Bti.11 l'.1r.1dl· 01.11 rm an J,11w., l.1p1t,1l l'.1rln1·ro., Dayna Pettit for your "News around the neighbo rhood." "Covering Balboa Pe n insu la & Newport Beach OR V ISIT M E O N THE W EB: www .pettit s plac e.c om Bus. (949) 673-3777 Pgr. (949) 651-461 O Hm. Off. (949) 673-3899 Fax (949) 673-6805 CANNERY VILLAGE REALTY INC . --------------------·----------------------------- FIRSTTEAM E':>TAH<; N£WPOAT BEACH 17CORPOB1\TI PLALA,SUIH 210 WWPORI BlACll,(A92660 949.759.574 7 ISHING YOU AN UNCOMMONLY 'f/J HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON WATERFRONT MANSION HUNTINGTON HARBOUR LUXURY THROUGHOUT LAGUNA BEACH - ~ 6 Bl\. S BA estate wfth bay IMwi b sttwt~ at the end of I cuklttac, on I 12,000 SF lot. 1 so ft straight boat doct.:. Pebble Tt<h pool~ SJ>1. built·ln BBQ. putting green and more. $l,7JO,OOO (1SS882) CALLI00.129.3481 R~uc.cf $100,000. 'Rebuilt" home offers qu1flty amenities Including lntematlonal stont"tlWOl'k ind MW 1ppllances. Custom Indoor-outdoor IMng with ocun. coutllne ind af1)'0n views. $1,.)49,900 (15SS8.l)CAlUOO.ll7.1447 360' views of OCNI\ bay, c:.myon and mountains trom rmy sing~ room In 1ht fabulous em1e. This home ~phfle1 altl!nllon 10 detail wllh the hlg~t quality upgrades. $),U0,000 (1SS881) CALL 800.lSl.7630 Awe-Inspiring 180" unobstructed wfllt4!Wate1 and nonh to to111h co.utllnt v'-5. Vkloria llffch and The Mont~ R•IOtt within tNCh. You an ako catch the sunaeu owr and beyond C.tallna. $1,890,000 (1SS980)0lll00.317.14.SO ~ NEWPORT COAST ELEGANT TUSCAN Vl LLA LAGUNA BEACH 7 ·-; ,, (' u. "- " r • - J om mnn• th,rn llXJ l:ll.Mtl'I" '"you t"TUl'>t.' ..ilon~ thl• h.1rbor m tht• l.lt;th Annual Nt•Wptlrt 1 larbor <.hn..,tm..i-. li>clt l\1r.1dt• A comrnuruty tr.:id1taon for almo'>I IOO Yl'ill">, tht• p.1r.1dl' draw-. .ippmxtnMtdv nnl' mdhon Vlt'Wt'r. to tht• C.. •I) ol Nt•wport B!arh annu,11ly l'rt·~·nhn~ "if)\>ll-.tlr '-,1mpll' Cl\'t'n, { )ffin,11 '>pon'llr 1:~-.l.lll'' Wl~t Maganrw ,1nd Tlw <. ummodon·-. C.. lub llf tht• Nt•wport li'ach UMmht•r nf C..omnll'~'\' invilt• you to o;.111 tu tlw tlwml' of "A I luhJay El·dch (l·lt•bratum." • 95th Annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade - ·A Holiday Beach Celebration event. With this year's theme, the bedecked boats are sure to impress ac; they wind their way some 14 miles aroW1d the harbor. Th(' parade is fn.'\! and can be viewed from waterfront rt'Staurants, yacht clubs, yacht chartt?r.., pubhc beaches .and JUl">t about .mywhere on the harbor. The boat parade will run for five consecuttw nights, Wednc-.day, Dec 17 through ~unday, Dec. 21, 2003 The parade '>tarts at Collin.') l~land at 6:30 p.m .. and finishes ,1t the same site at npproximately 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Thur..day and l'mourngt.'d to dl"Coratt' their Sunday; and 9 pm. on FmJay and Saturday Two separate routes are run Vl'~b taking into account the Tht' award-. catl>gories for the Newport I !arbor Ouistma.., Ibat Paradl• <lll.'. unique cell'brallon of the • Swcq1slnA~ -Bill Lu~k Award holiday sea-.<>n m 'X>uthem • B~I Dl'l'la.11 of Themt• Gllifom1a "A Holtda11 Bencl1 Celt'brn/11)11" Once haill'd a-. one of the (11't-3rd) '"fop IO Holiday 11..ippenmg.c, in the Nabon" by t~ New York limes, boat owners have lx'\.>n known to -.p1md more th,m $.'iO,l~l to dl'corate their v<.'!>....cb for thl' (jive JI <;jif t Certificate to visit CATALINA CATALINA PASSENGER SERVICE Balboa Pavlllon, 400 Main Street, Balboa (949) 683-5245 • Bt-sl H1111111r a11d Onx11111f1ty ( t..t-3rd) • &~t Ltgl1h t~ A111malu111 (1st-3rd) •Best Music • Bc<;t !=at/ &"'' • Bt>:>I PflU'f.T &lat • Best Boni 11nder 30 fl • Rest First Tinw E11trv • Bt'St Clmrlt'T Boat • &st Yacht C/11b E11try • Spcmsor'o;; Clw1cc To be eligiblt.> for the contest, participants must complt'te an application ,rnd return 11 to the Oiamber by noon on December 1 c; Winners will IVCl'IVe a commemorative award and two complimentary tickets to the Oiristmas Boal Paradt' Awards Dinner &r. Auction. C11/l l/11' Clwmli1•r 111 (94Q) 729 4400 t1r 1•1sit ll•ww.clirist11111,/1clflry111f111lt• n1111 ~ Lora Vance R~l~r •: Specitl/izing in: Sales & Rentals throughout Newport H arbor • .. njoy The Boat Parade and prime waterfront location on desireable Bayside Drive in Corona Del Mar. Approximately 120 front feet, vintage single story bayf ront with preliminary plan s for a two story home , private do ck for large yacht, 3 bedrooms and 4 baths . • Cliff Drive -Laguna Bayside Drive -Corona Beach Del Mar ~8tf -Hartl~ 949.723.0940 Fax:949.723.0941 ling@aol.com Website: MickeyHartling.com TH EBYS R t:Al.I Y .COM Suire 250. Coron,1 ()cl M.1r, (A •J2(1l'l • '>49-M4 9200 SothebyS INTERNATIONAL REALTY • I ("") ~ v; 3 ... "' co 0 ~ -u ~ "' a. "' )> ::> ... a. < ~ v; 5 °" .,. c u u ;;; 3 "' ~ I 0 g \ "' 0 ... ~ Jl §" U> ... 2 Q ... -< 0 "' n "' :3 0 ".'! en rv 0 0 l>.J 10 ...... 8 N ~ E ... c?t ~, n S ,·rvmg as the b.H l<.drop 11,r tlw hunJrl'l.b o{ hghll'd h11.lh m thl.' (nn..,tma., Bo,\\ P.H.1d1· ,.., lhl• Annu.ll Ring 1ll I 1ghb dl'Cor,,lmg uHllJ'>l'll\1on. I !nm, ..... lnd hu'>lnl''>~''> p.1rl111p.11l' in th1-. 1 om pl'l 1t 1on 111 1 dl•br.11l' t h1 • hnhd,1¥!'-.md Annual Ring of Lights sets the scene lughlight 1h,•1r propcrl1''" l'r\''>t'llh'd by l'rudl'nl1.il l.1ltl11mi.1 Re.1lty .rnd ho-.1,•d by l'hl· Cnmnwdml'"' Club of thl• N,·wp11rl l~·.il h U1.1mlwr 111 C.1mlllll'rn•, all honw .... bu..,1m'"'>t.''-• n· ... t.Hl r.1nt.., .ind yacht 1 lub ... lir11ng thl' harbor .ir1 111\ 11,·J to entt.'r With 1h own 1uJged ,,111•g11m·.., .md pntl'S aw.1rd,•d, lhl' Kin~ of Light<. h,,.., hl·coml' .1 .. cl'll'brall•J <1.., thl' boat p.ir.1d,• 1hdf. l'hl' clWMU'> categom· ... Im th1• Ring of Light'> Com~ht10n an• • Rcs1dent1,1l SWl'l'p!>lakcs Winnl·r • Comml'rc1,1I ~Wl'l'pstakes Winrwr • ~~t l lumor & Originality (I '>l-1rJ) • • \1o ... 1 lr,1d1twn.il (l-.;t-Jrd) • 1>.> ... t l>P .. plar 111 Theme, "A I lvl11.J.1y l1..>.11:h Cekhr,1l1on" ( i '>t-2nd) • tlo ... t l.1ghi... .rnd Anim.1tion {I ..,I-2nd) • <..llairm,\11'.., lhrnn· • l'h11to>;raph,•r'.., Oloite • Ll· ... t Decor,lh•J Re ... t.1urant • ll•!..t Decoralt'd Club • &.'1>1 Dl'rnr::ited Landscaping ( bl-3rJ) lo bl' l'lig1bk for thl' q~nll'~l. p.irlrnpant., mu ... t h,wc their decnr.1lmn.., 1n pl,ice by Mond,1y, Dec 8. futrv in thl' Ring ol 1.1ghl'> u1mpl.'t1trnn 1~ Frt'l' W111nl'r.., will rl'll'IVl' a romml'mor.1t1vl' pl.1qt1l' and two complimentary t1d.1:t... to the 01n .. tm,1.., &Mt Parade AwJrd.., D111nl'r & Auctum for 111ort• 111/ormn/1011 or for a ri·g1:-tmtw11 /111111 lo rnkr Ille Ring of L1xl1ts rnmpct1t11111, cnll llu· Cliamha al (949) 729-44(>0 or vi.~11 lht• W1·h ~1te h_v logxmg 011 to wwu•.chnstn1ashoalT1arade.com 1001, lrd plJce M Enc .incl !>hirle 'o osr Tr.id111on<1I y repys ' ~, --------~ -----~~~------------~~~--------................... .._ ....................... --------------------... Mc Kinna Yachts will lead the way N ewport Bea,h-bJ'K.'d Mcl<Jnn,1 Yathh will oncl' again bl• lt>ad mg the 95th Annual Nl'wpnrl 11.irbor Oiristma-. Bo<1l l'M,1Jl1• For the sixth con!>t.'n1t1Vt' Yl'M, Mcl<Jnna Yachts \>\ill bl· wac1ou..,ly providing Lht.> le.id bo.it tor tht• pM<ldl'. A 65-foot P1lothou'>t.1 yaLht will "lt.'t.'r tht> way for morl' than 100 boaters. This ... t.111· ,1f-thl·-art yal.'ht features Sub-Zt.•ro rd rigerntors, plasma ll'il'v1sann.., <1nd custom interior oplton.., A <,tern grill and bar with .rn 1n' maker and rdrigerator round out this luxurious packagt' 1 ht.' yat.ht M( l\inn.i Y.H hts, LP.tel Boat abo features technology m which the 'ik1pper can b.1ck thl' boat mto a !-.li p with !-otl'rn slct>ring and thrust controls VIP-., dignitaries .rnJ sponsor~ will crowd lht.' tkcks of lhl• McKinn.i yacht t.•.Kh night, .1s tht.• lead boat is "the pl<1ct.• to~.'' In addition to tht.'Sl' distinguished gue..,b, tlw boat will rMry one speoal pas<,engt.•r each evening -Santa h1msl'll fhnnA you Mc/...1111w Y11rl1b, for"""' smcwu~ /w,p1ta/1t111111d n1c11wmlllm 11t•cr t/11 l/t'"'' MEXICAN RESTAURANT & BAR W1Slung all a Joyous & Safe Hohday Season We Specialize in Large Take-Out Orders EST. 1972 296 E. 17th Street • Costa Mesa • CA 92627 (949) 645-~ FAX (949) 645 -0373 TOLL FREE (877) MI CASA 1 www.MiCasal.com ""' J ..• • ... •.•. '·'·"'''... • • t ' •• ' ', ••• ' ''',',.; .. "'' .. ; ~·· ·'' ····••tit• 11 (") ~ ii> 3 "' "' ID 0 ~ " "' a; Q f1) :J> ::> "' Q < :: ;;. 5 (JO> "' c 0 0 "' ::i "' ~ 5 I g fl) 0 \ ~ -.<;" p § (/'> "' c a "' -< 0 fl) ..... "' 3 er ~ O• r..J 0 0 w u ,.., 8 "' • • • ......... *• • • •• -· * * • • • * ••• • • •• • Thank You To Our 2003 Christmas Boat Parade Poster Sponsors = -· --~ IGWH>at llAWl9 C1IBlSTMAS BOAT PARADE 2 0 0 3 • A HoUday kach Cdrbrationl • &Event of the J ewport Beach mber ol Commerce 1470 J.1mbon'I.' Ro.id Nl•wpnrt lk•.ll h, ( A 42flbl l l'h (tlolll) n 4-4-l('K) • 1-.u •. ('l·t<I ) 724--141 7 www m•wportlx>.1ch.nlm www chnstmac;boatpa r.1dc com a he Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce thanks the following ompanies for their support of the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade by sponsoring their logo on the Official Poster and Program. ~ 11..thu l onntluan \¥ht Club BALBOA'-& BEACON-A "--' ............... fl6'• .. \.trr.t-4\I.~•,, "'""\! ... la.Oft Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club 1801 a.,.ldl Cr. CaaN dill .... CA 825 (941t~·~ Balboa Bay Club 1121 w. Coml...,. -.irt a.:t\. CA 9293 ...., 645-alQO. _ ,.., .. ..,...,,'"" Balboa Beacon News P. Q Bar G.11•8llJae. CA 92851 ....,67)«i75.~ Balboa Merchants & Owners Assoc. 400 ... S. • 8llJae. CA 111:186'1 l94lt m.3014 Balboa Pavilion 400 ... S. • 81111a9. CA 112M1 Bank of the West .io lllr:Nlu a.l. -.irt&IQ.CAl2mll Clelt 1fl1-11DO • _........ 'me lllC: Bellport Group 101 ...--Sia. .. BELL P 0 R T -.irt&IQ.CAIB3 t ..... "'"'• ,,, • ._, ll•nt• .... _ .... I\ 'fl. 1 IORNl\l l)Wf R i I I I iilift HQ ,. ..... . fill' ..... ,.11:,, ... tn fM't 72'3-71IO. -~·,.,,. Black Pearl Gallery Balboa Island SJIMllNa Blllm lllnl. CA l2llllll '9t8t 51H173. ~ Cannery Village Realty 211!5 w. Bllm .... -.irt &IQ. CA l8MDI flMltm.3TT7 Cau.Jina Passenger Service «ID lllla SL • llllm. CA 1291 flMlt tnQfl5 • -a zL 1 ,,,.. Estates West Maguine ttlZ N..1111 fltlm 8 7 SS Al&S f4mlt&6'21D•-, , 'me Fow SeuoRS Hotel ........ C.-Dr. .._....._,CA_, ........ _> MOW Hornblower Cruises and EvenbJ XI"! w. Calll ...... 911.. 101 .._.....BID,CA11m flMlt .-otS&. ----.cm HQ Global Workplaces lllGD ..... • lllllD .._......._,CA_, ..., f1N1ID. --· d .. 1,..,. The Irvine Company ....... C..Ck ..... ..._CA_ .... ,.....__......_ • Joe's Crab Shack 'll1J1 w. Calle ...,. -.irt&IQ.CAt::la1 (949)~1818·~ McKinna Yachts of McK.lNNA Southern California lne, ~ ··~ [ 341Svtl~Sll.21M Y A C..: II 1 s -.irt~CA912113 ~ Nl:Wl'L)RT l\I'. AC II i ,.,.._Ff1Cr"IJ( J ('.<.. \I lfllll i.. f'llP:t -\\t (Mii) 6T.M871 • ~ Newport Beach, Conference & Visitors Bureau 110...., c..... °'~ 1120 ,.._,~CA 82llllO (948t 71N100•~ Newport Beach/ lfai ly .J) Pl lot Costa Mesa DaiJy Pilot 330W. a. St• C.. ....._CA 12827 t948t &e-m1 • ... ,,.,.._me KH!JP~~jU OUllfS . "' ... ' .... ' .. ',.,.' Newport Beach Restaurant Association P.Q. Bar 2215 -.irt 8ila. CA 121151 8n-4NMJIE Ol 117~ ~ Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort 113180a.Cr.•-.irt8ladl. CA 12M> (948t 72t-31&1 • ~ /Siiil'\ Pacific Life ~ 100~C.....O.- Nlllport a.:t\, CA l2M> PACIFIC LIFE t948t 21H011 ........ COii • ·---------.....-......... -·....,. I I\) 1111( M llllNI Prudential California ReaJty Duncan Forgey DnE.CGlll ...... C"Alllll 0. .... CA t:zm5 (Mt 72S-1ml Raouda Limited & Suites, Costa Mesa ,..,....,. ... C.. ..... CAIMZ7 (Mltl6m1 ~ Simple Grttn 15122 ~ CGlll Hfllliilr ..,........_,CAl27• C1110t t.2.ICJJ'OI•--I / O co.a. SysConnections a. ............. Raar .._CABU ........... ~.Mala Taylor Moore Design Group POim•1 .._..,..._CAl2mt ... M4-40C7 ...... ~,,,.. W.Aa• Ware Disposal Ol!il'OSlll. cs 1nc Company, Inc. _._ _._ P.0. .. 12111• ._.,. llml. CAllMl!il (714t ..... \ -. -- 13 I l ~ ~ ~ ... ll "! I ~~ .. (~ " . J• ... n ·~ ' JU r 0 {l "' I '; <: ID ~' c.. . ti . (/1 ~ ( <l ' ,rJSOJQm.mB ~ EXPERIENCE COUNTS! ~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiii.,,_. 1.800.849. 1308 l ,j ~ I I I I 1 :j l I t ! I I J ' I 14 D Q. ' ) Photography tips for the parade By John Blom Jnhn I. Blom lu.,tom l'hotogr .l ph y l'hoh1~r,1phing thl' Christma., Boal 1•,u.11.fr c,rn bt.' cl littll' trickier thiln you think. Ont.• of thl' mo.,t difficult Phott>gr,1ph1•r\ . ( horn•, Rohert O/~('n .ind Chr1q1n" '>urton ,,..,..,1gnmt.>nt'> 111 photography 1~ to shoot lighted moving obwi.1., ,11 night Rl'ahLt.' that ralhl'r -.oph1 .. 11c.1tt•d (,mwr.i l'1.ju1pmenl I!> ncedt.•d f(lr your photo'> to loo!.. '>Onwthing hkl' whJt vou will ,1llu.illv "l'l' Tht• ba.,1l 1dl'a 1., tn bal.mce your fl.i.,h with tht• hght-. nn tht• bo,\l If you u~· too mut.h 0.l' .. h, yuu will 'tl't.' .111 b1ltll .md no light<, If vour tl,1-.h ..., too 'lo\l',1k vm1 will 'tl.'l' light., anJ nont• of tlw bo.ll or rwoplt• .1bo.ird I l1•n• .ir1' -.onw hmt., t11 h1·lp you gl'l th1• i.,hol<, right: . Only one club can give you the strength of a million women. C'llnt• ••• -~ 1(1 Ii-lbll I helped~,_ m1u .... -r.cti lhtir p•. We alrtr 1 provq lllltty m1111llC! w<d..Mll lllld t'OllUllOll tc•'le w1ati1 k>n 10 .. n••ftlltmCftt It.I h lnc1Jy Md ~·c. Aad 111111 JURll.111 mUc• 11U the tJilJC!fCll&:C C\>me -11' 11 (.~ Mel dl-r a plk-e trhcre ,.xw ~·MC! OOf ..,. • u..._. (a.,t film with an ISO of 800 or • ~incl' tht.• bo<1t., 111 the parade are moving, St't )'Our shutter s~d at I I 60th or ra ... tt.•r to <,lop .my mOVl'mt?nt of thl' boat If you .,hoot <,lower than l /60, your film will blur • u.,c a kn., thc.1l upens to f 1.4 or foster •The ... trobe being u~d shoul<l be powerful enou~h lo ruach from you to the bo<1th. This will probably be at lt.'d!>t 50 feet. Check the distance table usually found on the side of the strobt..>. • For a crea\lve effect, you can put your camera on a tripod and create a timed expo'>ure that will rt'.'~ult in ,1 .,tn.~<1\...mg effect of the light.. Sc>e Pl IOTOGRAPI IY, page 22 Happy Holidays from 0 PaulGlowfenke.MSA Financial Ropro<;<>nt<iltVf' (CA Llet'nY No Q()MqA1 I (CA l.Joon No OC69920) 0 Thtt Wulto~roup 1500 Quall troet. Suite 600 NffWport BM . CA 9/660 (9491863- ~ ~Northwestern Mutual FINANCIAL NETWORK• 15 0• ,_, 0 0 1.#J 1• 2003 Newport Haibor Christmas Boat Parade committee Art Gronsky Ar1\ L.rndmg 2002, 2nd place, Best Humor & Originality, T.C.B., Ruswl and Cindi Perin 2002, 2nd place, Best Display of Theme "Celebrating America with Lights,H Bob and Marcy Cook Mike Whitehead Peggy Fort . The Bo.ithouse TV <1nd R.id10 Show California Marketing Com t>pts (CMO Ralph Rodheim Balboa Boal R<•n!J ls H. Seymour Bee&c BcJlboa Island N>rry, Inc. l ee Sutherland Stephen Blackwell Chase Manhattan Mo11gag1> Brett Hemphill ~ temphill's Rugs & C arpcts David lanes Advanced Concl'J>ls (ngineering C on'>ultc1nts Jdnes Capital Par1ner~ Bill Mountford Boy Scout~ of AmN1< .1 Christine Brown, CPA Brown & ( omp,rny Paul King King Executive Search, 1nc Mar&c Silvey Marine Services Frnb Seafood Market FloJl1ng in Lower Newport Ba~. nt·,tlcd under the l'C II l:m<.l~e. e11Jt1Y '>clcllrng a va11l'lv 11f hvc lol al nah and loh~lc1 from 10 hvc 1.an i..,. If fish fit, your pl•111' lht.•n lhl' '' lhc place to be C'h<~"c from .111 arr.iv of the frco;hc~I qu.tlal\-,e,alooJ available Family owned. run anti fs.,hcd <.laily for ;almo'il l I yea~ Pcaf\on·~ Port 1!. open 7 day' .1 949.675.6771 ~ • • f \f."' fh ' • ""' '""' .... , ' ... ,.. ,_,.,.'If'!\ .... -~ t-lo•lln1 In R•).Kk l\brin• week for your convenience ' " ........... Clllll..,, ......... ....., Duncan Forgey Prudential Ca lifornia Realty Karl Von Voigt Orange County Sheriff Depar1ment/Harbor Patrol Bill Pierpoint Safeguard Business Systems Rick Kaufman United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Dale Zimmerman United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Pat Swope United States Coast Guard Auxiliary {jl?IU Ufis 'Mne, 'lastinfi & 'Boutiqru lnflitt.s You to Join tftt !Fun & r tstiviti.es ef 'flit ~wport 1far6or 'Boat 'Panuft 'Wt 'Will 'lk Open 'Ewy ?(#rt 'Until 9'PM '1>urillfi tlit Parotfe. 'We 'WiU .:Mvise You of tfie '&st rr une to Su tlie 'Boats Just OutsiJU Our 'Wint 'Bar on tfu 1J<xiJ (jrwt lqjs 'Wint, tftt 'Pface !for jt{[ Your 1WliJay '11-int & <jifts, induiinfi (j ift Certiflcaw & (j ift 'Bas~t.s I ...,.,.... ------~ -----------------1 17 CJ ~ .:;; 3 "' "' a> 0 ~ -u ~ "' a. 11> . )> ::> "' a. < 11> ::l .:;; '5 00 "' c 0 0 ~ 3 11> ;a 0 g 11> 0 ~ .:;: -u 2 . (/) "' c a. "' -< 0 I 11> n ~ 11> 3 cr ".!! O• "' 0 0 w u ;, u "' j ,., f:. "' 2002 Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade . "' Winn·ers AWARD Sweepstalce!> Best Power Boal Be't Sail Boat Re'>I Boat Under 30 Feet Be'>f Mu!ti<. Be'>t Light., & Anim,1tion f ..,I l'l.1c 1 • !11d l'l,11 c• lrd I 'l.111• Be .. t Humor & Originality i ... 1 l'l.1< I' 211<f J'f,H I' lrd f1f,H I' BOAT ( 111 >UJ>l'f I l.11 ii) fl "-'l'IH'h111•1H• I lull 1'1111 fl N,1\1·g,1111t· Bl.H lq.lC k ( >11 I m ,llfon ·"'" 1111: \'111l.11111n T< I! lrrhu11· Best Display of the Theme -"Celebrating Am eri<a With Lights" 1-.1 Pl.l( I' (. I 4(171 PV 2nd f'f,tc I' !rd Piel< I' Best Charter Boat Sp11 It nt Nl•Wpm1 OWNER "I'll h Jom•.., U,1\ l' r hom,l', . Ion \\o(J(h\orth "i,1" o 1 Ii'< tm IC'tl .'< .. l1m ( .ihhorh ,,,, ,\ Jct\ \11111h l ort•ll,1 ,\ l'aut B,H1ni.1n11 Ku-.,<·I ,\ ( rnd1 l'c·nn I .111 y <'\. I kl> Worn lh.1111' lri'nl I .111111 Boy ",c oul \(',\ B,1..,t• D1•tpn-.C' of Fn•Pdoni l',w I c ,('r-.1 Buh .ind <. .iry Bum'> .200.l, ''' pl.iu • Be~I I tumor & C )rig1n.il11y, oving Vml,111011, ...._!l!!!!!l!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!--1!11!!1!!!!!1!11!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!! .. 1!!!1!1!!.-I lore1t.1 ,1nd Ptlul B.rum,111n Predictive Genon1ic Testing Utilizing your genetic "blueprint " to empower you with the information you need to take control of your health & longevity Call for more 1nformatt0n (949) 644-0511 The Wellness Doctor • Newport Beach --------- 19 I I I I t l - 20 ...., 8 "" o.r ~ E <U 8 ,:, "' 0 :; ~ V) 0 a: .2:-;;; 0 £ E c ~ <U Ci 0 ::> "' C>O c v. e <U ~ "' ~ <U 'O "' :ti CL ~ ~ "' "' £ If:? .c u 2002 Ring of Lights • winners Residential Sweepstakes Winner Jim Ousby Ill East Boyfront Littll' Balboa Island Business Sweepstakes Winner The Bolboa Pavilion 400 Main St~t Bolbod Peninsula Best H umor & Originality First Place: Bill and Gay Wassail-Kelly 409 East Edgewater Balboa Peninsula Second Plan• Lester Hale I BPSt I iurnor 2002 '{·t.P 3~ """'\\ Kl'lly & On~1nality. 417 falgewalt•r Balboa Penm~ula Bill .1nc "'~ • 2002. Jrd pli\C'f', Best 1 lumor & Original11y. Joi Hurd Third Place: Joi Hurd 304 South Bayfront Balboa Island Most Traditional First Place: Donna Dibari 710 South Bayfront Balboa Island Second PlaC<': Dennis and Patty Vitarelli 140 South Bayfront Balboa Island Third Place· Enc and Shirley Pe,py'- 526 South Bayfront Balboa Island t'r~nch 'Buek~t~ a florist 'lt't <1rr a /anui11 <fU'ntJ 11nd •'J1tr11ttd /L.rrut wttli ""'"' tliun I/ lf'OrJ of t){]"runu in J1orol do'lf" <'ur //•"•'fr lllTWl!(tm1ni.. art """II'' /rt.sit and IHlluto/ul 'lu<t.• '""" 1111anmnd1/u ,,~,,-(.!"' trvrv pnu run9t ut tht aN1.1aru ,,, 'frtntlr '1'1Jr4.r1.> />lau11/y !I'"'' h.>rn.t '" ••fl•u M•ft /iuh Jl•"•'fr• 51/A. t1nd •/>ruJ arr also or'tlutlbU Boat Parade Special 20'rff ' rn.tntWfl tfus ad'" ll'(lll~ .!urnunt Faslrlon Island N~wporf ~ad• N~port 8e4'£11 Mc111d~w I"""" Scltwrda" <;""""" (800) 6S2~9S5 I -:==:1:0=":'":::;11:::::"~"'==:==:::11="='"::::: 7 11 m II«'" tt Pm '------------------------------· ! ... • • t ' l . -,~ ' -. . •• ( ~~ 2002, Rf.'Stdential Sweepstakes, Jim Busby Best Display of the Theme - ucelebratin g America With Lights" First P~e: American Legion Hall Balboa Peninsula Second Place: Bob and Marcy C.OOk 538 South Bayfront Balboa Island Best Lights and Animation First Place: Jim and Peggy Rich 802 South fuyfront Balboa Island Second Place: Scott Sarkisian 630 Via Lido Nord Lido Isle Chairman's Choice Bob and Matjie Bennett 103 Via Lido Soud Lido Island Photographer's Choice Robert Olsen and Ouishne Sutton 901 North Bayfront Balboa Island ~ -·--------------------------- .. leac& :floFM /IOr 1M :flofttf4y~ SOUTH COAST 2925A HARBOR BLVD ., COSTA MESA ~i-866.764.1111 Parts & Service M-F a-s:~ Sot s-4:3o www.southcoast.subaru.com SUBARU · . J 22 n .,, 0 ~ £ c u Pl tOTO< 1RAPI IY, from p.lg<.' 14 • M.11..t• '-Urt• \,llll dnn I wrl.. lht• l.1nwr.1 ~"lwn Jt•pn• ..... 111g thl' .. hutll•r n•l1•,1-..• KOO or l.hltT ftlm ,.., ... 11 ...("'n ... 1t1vt· 111 ltght vou 1.m 1.111 ... 1• blurring 1>1 tlw ltghh h m,,, mg tlw 1.1nwr.1 rill'-1.., 11111,I<11'1111\ I' 1•1f1•1 l, JU'-t blurrr • Sn1t1ll .1utom.1t11 t.inwr.1 ... 1.11111111 1.apllir1· th1· p.1r,1<lt• w1•ll h1•1.tU'-l' tlw1r ll·n-.c.•.., .1n• 11>1' .,1\lw ,mJ thl•1r tl.1 .. hl'" too .,,..,,.,11,. I 11 g1·t tlw ho.th IP l11ot. ,,., prl'lty ,, ... till'\. ll'•llh .lrl' • I 11111., on t'.H h ht'·'' <.,in1t' vuu ,\fl -.lh>ottng \\ 1dt• opl'n, thl·n· I' Vl'r\ httk 1.h•pth 111 lll'ld (ho"' l.ir ...., ill b1..· m fuul'-) .llld tlw bu.11 ... Lin nnl ,, l"" .I\' -.t.1\ 1 n .1 ..,, r .ught hn• • I >.ulo. .. m.1ll b11.11-. with n.•<l or blul' h~hb 11\.'1..'J mor1• 11.1 ... h but not full pow1·r KOO I~) him 1.., -;11 fo..,t th.it full pow1.•r from a normal fld~h will h~ht up thl' l'ntm.• h<Hbor ,m<l bum out vour photo • Lar.-;1'. whttl' boat' with m,my l1r,ht~ n&•d littll' f\,i-.h • rr\' 1111 hoO">l.' ,1 ... pot \\ }ll'fl' th1•n• Mt' no uthl·r bo.1h or ltght.., rn tlw b.i1!..y,round I Ill' l''tr.1 11,;hi.. wtll bl'1.onw c1mfu<,an~ ..ind you won't lw abll• to tdl wh1Ch ltghh bl'l1m~ to which boab • Us1' Ion>?, rolls of film (36 l'>-po~urt> .. ) ~l you won't h.w1.· tl1 changt• ltlm "" oftt>n A bo.1t lull p,uadl' pa-.l your v,'11t,1~l' prnnt "' ll'-.~ than fivt> ~lonJ ... • Don't b\.• Ut!-..lppnmlt<d ti yn111 p1rturt'!'. urt.• not p1.•rf1•1. l ) nu h,wt· llVl' '"~hi... h• 1.apturl' thl· 1wrh•1. I photo.., I \a, l' lun' foh11 ,,. 11u1111·r o/ /t>lr11 I H/nm L 11~111111 Ph1>ti1srn11J1y Ill Lllrtlllll ild Mar. A Clwmlia member ~111cc l 9tn, /11h11 Im .. ' bec11 tire parade plrolo,\{m11l11•r for :.t't•t>ral year.; Balport Lock & Safe "When only the best will do" 11.ippy f lol1ddys' WP he.JV<.> €'xpc:1nu<.•d agdin1 V1sll L1ur 1ww -.hPwrnPms with mterdrt1ve C<:HlH.·ra ,i11d ccird <ilU."~s d1...,pl.iys J\b11the(~11ut our newest line of "Royal' sdfl's by Bur~ Wdchter 1lu'>lt•fl1 m.1dC' -..dfe..., dnd mternirs dVdtlctble 1 Balport Lock & Safe 177 Riverside Ave. Suite I Newport Beach, CA. 92663 949-642-3585 U c.# 713827 K 1ck off the New Year at the Ne~por~ I IMbur Oin~tmas ~at P,uade Award~ Dinner & Auct10n. Sponsored by Traditional Jl'weiers and hosted by Thl' Commodores Club of the Celebrate the New Year at the Awards Dinner & Auction Newport &•Mh Olam~r of Commerce, thl· t>vcmng will be hl'ld .1t thl' Four Sl'a..,on., Hotel m Newport &•ach on Friday, Jan . lb, 2004 ,11 6 p.m Open to thl• publt1, this event will honor Om~tmas Boat Paradl' and RinR of Lights winners, .md raise funds for next year's parade. All awMd winners from both events will rec..ciw two compli mentary ticlo.c..'l!-> to the Oinnl'r & Auction. 2002, 1st place, Best Display of Theme - •Celebrahng America with Lights," Trent L.1ttrn In ,,Jd1hon to the award" n•rcmony, guc<,h will havt.> the opportunity to take part in mcred1b\e live and ..,,knt auction..,. Hundred'> of umqul' 1h.•m ., ll) bid on mdude: tr.1vd cxl.'Ur~ions, w1-ekend getaway~, fine dining, rare 1ewelry, art and hotel stays. The evening will also feature live entertainment and u.111cmg. 1002. 2nd place, Best light.-. & Anrmauon ~c Otl \,uk1<,1,ln Rl'cngn1t1on of donated item' will bl• mduded 111 tht:' auction pro~ram, 1•vt.·nt s1gnagl' and 111 tht.• LXirly Pilot Thl• deadline for dnnalllln'> ,., Fnd,1y, Jan 4. Glll Nt'Wpurl li:>cKh Oi.1mbl'r of <..ommercl' at (lJ44) 729-4400 or fill out tht• form on pagl' 39 The First & Finest n Electric Boats since 1970 John Daigh Sales Representative Factory Showroom: 200 I Wcs1 C10~1 Highw;u Newporc Beach, CA 92663 Office: (949) 645-6812 Ext I 27 Fax: (949) 64'5-8108 Cell: (714) 3 15-1907 email: nbsaJcs@duffyboars.com www.duffyhoars.com ~~-~------------- GMC ~DODGE ( ACjJ)A @ ~~<' ~ LINCOLN I N F I N I T I Jeep PONTVIC' BUICK CHJ HONDA C:Jl.) TOYOTA • MITSUBISHI SUBARU @ CHRYSLER i} ~ MOTORS • 11.--MERCURY .. 24 M 8 N <D 4i -g "' u ~ >-"' "' !'. ~ VI 9 0: ~ "' 0 "' £ 9 c: ~ "' a a '::> "' 00 c: "' e "' ~ "' .? ~ ~ 0. ~ 0 a:> "' g "' .C u l' I CBIU.l'MA8 BOAT. PARADE 2 0 0 3 •Allllliljlr .... C'I '"'4• An event of tne Nev:port Beach Chamber of Commerce begins at 6:30 each flWlning Wed., Dee. 17 Shorter Route Tltuts.,Dec.18 ShorterRoute Fri., Otte. 19 Longer Route Sat., Dec. 20 Longer Route Sun., Dec. 21 Shorter Route ,.. .... ., ........ ,.,,. .. ......,,,.,. .. .. .. • • • .. • .. • • • .. 24. .. • • .. • • • ·@. . ' ........ ... '- PWl,to!!lan ShOrt 1:12 7:12 (18) VIiia Nova Aeataurant 1:sA 7:11 7:12 (17) ....... COftlrd Point D) 7:5 7:13 7:13 (11) Ude MartnaVlllDt I McKlnna ~ 7:56 7:16 7:15 (11) UdO Paih I LldO 8rldQe 7:67 '1:19 7:19 (80) VII Udo North Genoa Beach 8:09 .,..26 7'.25 (21) (IWM Cotlllol "°'"'I) 7:30 7:30 (22) Lido 1819 YaGht Club 7:34 7:34 (23) Udo tell hnd (entrance to Lido Wlet Ohennel) 8:12 ~~NlntP) 7;48 (24) Udo .... 8rfdal ~ Oofttntl :JolntiG) 8:14 E 7:3S 7:6S (25) Tip of Udo Penlneufa I Rhine Chaftntl 8:17 E 7:35 7:64 (28) Marina~ 8:21 E 7:37 7:54 (17) ~Legion Vacht Clu~ VWNtng Area 8:25 E 7:37 7:&4 (28) 11th Street Beach 8:26 E 7:43 8:00 •> tom Street 8-h 8:30 E 7:47 8:04 (30) Newport Harbor 'tllcht Club 8:S7 s 8:39 s .. . • -~-• • • • • .. .. P.trildt Cantrel Paints Cllrllbna Tree fuming Marker 25 (") ~ .;; 3 "' V1 OJ 0 ~ " "' ii: n "' }> :;, "' 0. <: ?i v. :, 00 V1 c: 'O 0 ~ 3 "' ~ 0 '5-"' 0 "' -< v s . &. "' c a. ~ CJ ~ "' " "' 3 0 ~ cr rv 0 0 "'' BAUE-R AG UAR BAUER JAGUAR THE ALL-NEW 2004 JAGUAR XJ8 1455 South Auto Mall Drive Santa Ana • 55 Freeway at Edinger In The Santa Ana Auto Mall 866 • 499 • 4111 • www.bauerjaguar.com London to John Wayne Airport: flight N-CAM3 John Wayne Airport to Newport Coast: flight 087 Volante Bauer Aston Martin, 65 Fwy. ~t Edinger, Santa Ana Auto Mall, Telephone (888) 704-1937 or visit www.bauerastonmartln.com BAUER ASTON MARTIN Power, lauty _. Soul Jlapp!f Jlofitfays 2002, 1st place, Most Tri1d1t1on,ll, OonnJ Dibari 2002, 2nd place, Best L1ghtc; & Animation, El Ni1vegante, I~ Woodwonh/Si1sco Electric 2002, Buc.ine~s Sweepstclkf'~, The' Balboc1 PJvd1on l002, lrcf plMe, Best Humor & Origin.1l11y. Tnhuw. l .1rry and Deb Woodh.imc, 2002, lrd pl.wt'. Be~t l1Khts & An1m,lt1on, On Lcx.1t1on, Art .ind loy Smith 2002, B~t ( h.1rtN Ro.11. Spmt of Nc>wport. Bob ,ind C ary Rurnc, • I lol ida \ Phol w ·an 1 ... • ( ; if f \\ rap • I lolida\ I lo111t · I )(·c ·or Boundless Creativity, Outstandiing Service & Quality Products • Papt·r ( ;ootf.., ~ \Ion•! 949.722.1803 .H o\ 111111 S 1'/' 'J f> 270 East 17th Strt~(1't Costa M('sa Z7 n ~ Vo 3 "' "' . OJ 0 ~ ~ '" 0: 0 "' ~ :> "' ,.,. ~ "' => 00 "' c 0 0 •b 'J '" .;? 0 :;. n> C"7 "' ~ ]) ~ (/) "' 2 ii ~ Cl n> n "' 3 cr ~ t ' °' "' 0 C> w m::::z::: 21 ~ History of the i Boat Parade ~ >. "' -e a ~ 2 ri. ~ T he Newport Harbor Oiristmas Boat Parade began at the tum of the century. John ~.irpa, an obscure Italian gondoh<.>r, and Joseph lrek, dt•veloper of Beacon Bay, the Balbo.l Ferry Lme and the principal forlt' in the early development of Balboa Island, amvcd 111 the Newport I !arbor area about 95 years ago. ____ , "' a £ The~ tWll men established what was then called the Tourn.lmt>nl of Lights, ,m cwnt that would continue for thl· Ol'' t mne dcc.ldl'S. Decorated b r Odts irom west side of the Pa ·r· v1 ion 9 F' ~ ... 6 0 J. DO c ;;, e ., tl "' ~ ., ~ ;;, 0.. ;;; c& "' e :;; <= u Wh te's Bay Island bridge in luly 12, l930 I \ht> background ( In IY07, ~CMP·' bl'~.rn lhl' tr.1dil1\1n of lighting boats by takmg viMIOr!-> from 1',1"adcn.1 acros., thl:' bay in a gondola decorall'tl with Japanese lantern~. A year later, on July 4, 1908, the hr!->t lighted boat parade took place. Scarpa, along with h1~ fellow small boat operators, created a loosely orgamz.ed affair consic;ting of nine vessels. The parade, 1llum1nated by Japanese lanterns, was led by Scarpa'.., gondola followed by eight canoes. Thus, Scarpa,., cn'Clatetl with creating the first lighted boat parade In 1911 tht• parade, th('n called the nluminated Water Par.:idc, wa.., held .1~a111 Tht• boclt~ wl'rt• judged and pnL.l'" for lhl· bt•.,t dcrnrated and be-st lighted ves~b wen• g1wn. /\nolht•r lar~cr p.ucl<k followed in 1914 and for tht• fourth 11f July in lt/1 5, an L'Vt•n larger turnout w.1 ... l'>.pt.•rienc<'d. 1 listorians say as many as 40 I.Him Ill'.,, c,uuw.., .111d rowboat ... pc1rtidpatl'J The "Pl'dtlculM l'Vt·nl ft-,1tun·d .1 dL'rt•lid bo.11 hull .,l'I ,1f1n•, lollowl•d bv .1 dr.1m.1ttl "rL'"CUl'" of P•l""l'llgt•r..,, ,1 "l~1ttll' ,1f I 1n·V>. 11rl-.._" lwt\H•1•n two launlht•.., .ind thl' l'\pll'"'"n ol tWtl UndL'r\>\clter mtl1l'" Newport Harbor Yacht launch "Mt'"< o I . p.1r,1r <' 110.11, <. 192<> l lw l'l'l.1 t" t•h d .mgt•n ni... l t•ll•br.11lon w <1'-w1 t nt'""l'd b\: thl1u .... 111d" 111 ,.,..,1111r' l. nturturMtt•h. tlw. \\,,..,lo tw the l..l"I parcH.k for thl' 1wxl fl\ t' ~ l'M" Wtirld V\M I l'ruptt·d .md .1 "l'H'rt• dl'P"''"lllll hit Newport 11.ubor It w.1 ... nut until lllltl tlMt li·l·k '"'ho .11 tlw t1nw \.'\ ,,.,, 11p1•r,1t111g h'rr\ bu.:its Ii\..(' the l·,1t £ crry, l.111w to n•.,t ut• thl' lighted boat 11t1r.1tk Mo'>I of lhl' t'.HI~ pMl1upantc; wen.' children who Jecoratt.>d f111.11 ... th.11 Wt'rl' towt.'d around thl• hMhor Tlw float" wt•rt:> constructed in Beek's gara~t' and m.rny Wl'rl' , 1 CJ29 pattl'rned ,1ftcr tho-.e "l't'n 111 the Pasadena Tournament of RoM>s Parade With the l'Xception of several years durihg World War II, the Tournament of LiKhts was held l'very summl'r from 1919 throu~h 1949 1lowever,1n 1949 the city fathers belit•vC'd the paradl:' was dr,1wing too many vbitors lo th<.> harbor .rnd creatm~ ht•,wy t rowJing .:ind tr.1ffk congt• ... tion Thl' Tournament of L1~hts fell out t)f favor. rortunatdy, back in 14.U,, Nt•wpnrt lhwh nty l'mplilyt'l'" had outfitted" barge dunng the holiday Sl'il!'.011 .111<.1 installed a h~htt•d Omstmas lrel' The bargl' w,1, towed .Hound tlw harbor whill' 1tc; pas"t•ngerc; sang Qin..,1m.1s t.1rols In res1dt•nt., on ... hore. In l,ltt'r yl•ar-., tht• l\'t•I.. f,1mdy tanw In till' frnnt ,1~.11n ,rnd provided one of thl•1r ferryboats for lht· floalln~ <..lmstmas tree ll'll·br.11lon. Gradual!\, l'.ll·h )'l'M, llthl'f lighlt•tl bo.lh fl'll 1n lml' bchtnd thl' nty l'mployees' no.:itmg tn·e. 'x><m the Tourn.imcnt 111 I 1~ht.., l.UTW Li.Kl..,,,,, thn ... tm.1" tl'1t•hr.1lion ~----...r--------~---~---, 29 (") ~ v. 3 "' V> co 0 ~ " "' ~ a. m s- "' a. < "' 3" ll' => QQ V> c u u co 3 tD I ~ l 0 g r m I CJ !!' ~ '< Jl ~ (/) "' c a. "' '!' CJ tD I ('l tD .J 3 er ~ ?' "' 0 0 w We Service All Ford, Lincoln Mercury Car• & Light T n.1cka1 " I r 30 ,..., 8 "' \J:> ;;, .., E w •l< (;.) ~ t> ' ·- ;., ' m "' ,,, [ "' ~ • WWW sea Ii-Time. For all vour holldav uanv and • •rade needs. Beer, Wine, Spirits, Gins, Glassware, Kegs, Mixers, etc ... HI-Time Wine Cellars 250 Ogle Streat Costa Mesa, Cl 92621 949.650.8463 hldmewlne.net u The fun continues with myriad events happening in the New Yea r 2004 Newport Beath ( hamber of Commerce Ca lendar of Events Chri~tma~ Boat Parade Awards Din ner & Auction l'rt'"l'nlt•d bv Tr.iJ1t10n.1I )l'Wl•kr-. I ,1-;hion l-.l,1nJ l·nJ,,, j.rn. 16, 200-l at thl· Four ~·.1-.on., Hotd, \kw port lk.Kh, 6 p 0\ M1.•hJ1 rfll!i-..HI & D<1H' J.uw-.. w-d;,)IT!>. 1 lo-.tt.•d b\ rh1.• ( omffil)UOfl'" C.. lub nl lht.• Nt•wport Bl'.ll h l hambt.•r ol (. omm1.•rn• ( >ptm to till' pubhl lht..• r>1niwr ,ind \uct1on will honor tlw \\ 1niwr-. of tlw Chn-.tma-. ~o.1t P.u.Kil-.ind Ring of L.1ghh rompd1t1011-. .mJ r.11"4.' fund-. for rn.•,t \'l'•lr'., par.Hit• All .1\.\ .:ird wtnnl.'r., from both ulmpl'l1t1011" will rl'CL'l\t' 11\ 11 nlmplinwntary tirl-.L•h to thl' l'H'nt lnnt.•u1bk• live and -.11l-11t .ltld1011., with hundred., nf itl'm" lo hid on 1nl ll1Jing: tr.ivcl C'lur-.11111-., Wl'l'"-l'nd gl.'l,nv.:iv-., finl' dmm~ rCH1.' Jl'Wl'lrv, .irt and hokl .,t.:iy-.. 1002, Best Boat UndN JO fN't, MPnehuen<', KE'ith Jon<>s Business at the Beach Bus iness Exposition Wl•Jncsday, Feb. 11, 2004 ill the Newport Beach M,1rriott I lotel, 5-8 pm Bill Horttor, chaimMn W1th more than 500 peoplt• expt~ctl.'d, the Busme.,., at thl' Beach Ru.,tnl'"" Exposition 1s a great opportunity for local bu.,mC!>!.C!!-1 to <>howc<1-.e their goods .111d ..erv1ccs. Both Ch.rn1bl·r mt>mbt•r ,md non-member bu-.1m•-.st'S clrl' inv11t.•d to p.lrlll tp.llt' l nll'rta1nmcnt, food .lnJ Jr,,wmg pn1es. (Rl•pl.ln'" monthly Nt.•"' port C.,un!>el Nt'lwork1n~ Mixer.) Sec CALCNOAR, page 31 CALENDAR, continued from 30 Mentor for a Day Program 'v1.uth 200..J, I oc.llmn I BA, 7·10 .1.1n 1 lo ... tt•d b) thl' Ch.rn1lwr'., l:dl1l,1t1on Commit kt'. th1 ... progr.1111 p.111 ... c;o '>lu<ll•nl., lrom Nl•wport I IMbor .md Conin.i dt•I \1,11 high ... l '111111., with lm.11 bu'>int''>S pt.•oplL· fnr ,1 h.111 day ol Jtlb -.h,1d11w1ng ,111d expl•ril'llll' 111 their chlht.'n l•lfl'l'r" of 1nll'rl'"I. lncludt•d 111 tlw d,1\ ·., ,Ktiv1ttt.''> .irt• .11-.cynt•ll' '>pl•,11-.L•r brl'akfa.,t ,md rl'·l·'I' lundw11n for both ... tlllh•ni... ,111d mentor., 33rd Annual Police Appreciation Breakfast Wl'<lm,.,J.iy, Mtirch 24. :wo..i. Newport Bl•,1ch M.imott I lotl'i, 7.1 "i ,1 Ill 1 lonor ... tlw nwn .111d '' onwn of the Nt•wport Bl«1d1 l'nhrt.• Dl'p.irtmt.·nt '' hn dt•d1l,1tt.• tht.•1r ltVl''> to ma1nt,11nmg Nt.•wport Bl'•Hh ,h .1 .,afe pl.in' 111 "hit h to lwt.• ,rnd wort-. \itl'rll .ind v.1lor ,,w,ud ... '' 111 bl' prl''>l'ntt.•d, .icrompamt.'d by .1 v1dl'o '>howt..hlllg tht.• dt.•p.irlment (Rt.•pl.ict'" monthly Nl•wporl Networking t.'vt.•nt ) 43rd Annual Scholarsh ip ~~ Awards Breakfast April 2004, Lm-.1t1011 111 ,\, 7 Iii a.m. Davi.' Blank('nhnrn, Ch,\lrm.m I io'>ted by Tht• Cnmnwdrnl'" Club of the Nt.•wport Bt.«ll h Ch.imbt.•r ol C11mnwrtt• A commu111tv brt'<1kf,1"1 honoring thl• ad11t'Vl'nw11h ol tlw lop 30 scholar., from lornn,1 dl'I M.ir ,md Newport l i,irbor h igh '>chools. Scholar., r('Cl'IVl' •'".in~., .111d lt'rltfit.att''> from local government. (Replac('., month Iv Nt.'" port Nl'tworl..mg l'Vt'nl ) 42nd Annual Athletic Awards Breakf.t'lt M,iy 2004, I <1l.it1011 I BA, 7:15 .1.m . Norm Witt, Ch.11rm,111 I lo ... tcd by I hl· Commodon.•s Club of the Newport lll'.ll h Ch.imlwr of Comnwret'. /\ tnmmunity brt.«1!..f.ist honoring the .ll h1t'Vl'nwnh of tlw top 30 <.,lu1frnt ,lthll'lt''> from Corona del Mar and N('wporl Harbor high <;chools. A prominent sporh C('ldmty gives a 1..eyn ote addre<;s. (Replaces monthly Newport Networl-.mg event.) See CALENDAR, page 32 I 31 n :; v. '1 "' .,. u• 0 ~ 'U ~ c.. u b ~- " a t n " ' r ' 1 '" 0 ; "' t l• u '-. .. t> 1 I I ~ CHITECTURAL HARDWARE p rt Beach, CA 92663 ymountalnl!ardware.com .: ~'··•-·rl• l M 8 N a a NEWPORT BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMER CE £ a CALENDAR, continued from 11 Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting & Volunteer Recognition May 2004, l.o~atton lBA, No<m Annual ml:'l'ting highlights the Chamber's pc1-;t accomplishmenb anJ futurl' ~oah. A kl'ynotl' ... pealo..N will bt.· featured and Chamber voluntcl•rs will bl• rt•cogn11t•d. 1 wo Chamber volunteer" will be honored with the ~ilvt'r Anchor A wilrd (Replact•i. monthlv Newport Networking event.) Chairman's Reception & Citizen of the Year Presentation Jum.• 2004, Lf><:ation TBA At this ewnmg rel'l'pt1on, tht• Newport Beach Cih1.en of the Year will be honort•d Addtlllmallv, the Ch.unber will in.stall its new Chairman of the Boilrd .ind nl'\.\ BtlilrJ tif D1redor" for thL• upcoming fo.ccll year Irrelevant Week Arrival Party fune 2004, l.th.1t1on rnA I lo"tl•J by Tht• (.nmmoJnrt'"' Club of tlw Nl•wport Bt•ach Ch.amber of t.omnll'rrl' With the motto of ''doing something nice for ~omeone for no reason," community ph1lanthropkt Paul Salata, created Irrelevant Weck lo honor the underdog in all of us. J fonoring the Jast pick in the NFL Draft, "Mr. lrrt.'levant" will trawl to Newport Beach for a week of ft:''itivitie" in his honor. Thi!. event is a great opportunity to network with 'ports celebrities and more than 350 expected guests. (Replaces monthly Newport Sun:.ct Networking Mixer.) 68th Annual Flight of the lasers Boat Race July 2004, Newport Harbor Yacht C lub Seymour Beek, Chairman Hostl'<l by ThL· Cornnwdore ... Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. A community trndition for more than 6() ycMs, thL· Flight of l!he l asers 1~ a one-per~t)n !iclilbocl t rclCl' around .1 f1ve-m1le courM' in Newport 11.irbor. See CALENDAR, pag£> 3 3 HOLIDAY FLOORING SALE • 100°/o Solutia Wear-Dated Durasoft® Carpet • Matted Finish with wool-like appearance • Non-Pattern Berber Cordial Reunion Regularly $4695 sq. yd. Sale $ 95 sq. yd . CALENDAR, cpntinued from 32 16th Annual Taste of Newport September 10-12, 2004, Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island Featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment, 15+ wineries, refreshing cocktails and rich tasting 43rd Annual Sandcastle Contest celebration is not to be missed. The city's top restaurants continually participate in the Taste of Newport to show off their menu items and to promote their eateries. The evl'nt provide!> a unique opportunity to sampll' a variety of area restaurants in one location. Visit www.t.:isteofnewport com October 2004, Corona del Mar State Beach Hosted by The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Each year, thousands of sightseers descend on the beach to view thL' amazing sand sculptures created by a variety of participant~ ranging from the novice to the expert. See CALENDAR, page' H - • l<ONICA MINOLTA L>i~GE E323 • Higll·ResolUllOO 3.2 megapixels • 12xzoom (3x opbcat and 4x digital • • Fully-automatic operahoo with pomt·and·shool • 40X Mega·ZOOOl (10X ~. 4X Digital), simpflcity eqlMlenltoa38-\52()rrn~ S24 • ~ Af system pro'lides the WOltJ's 9 fastest AF speed' • H9'1Resolution3.2 elfoctr;e megapix8s • ~ lV QUaity (VGA. 640x480) l110YleS .. l.l.Diiiil .. @iiilMiliii~1·1-=s===:=111 • l<ONICA MINOLTA Di~GE~'(t ~- QUARTZ DA 7 ·point AF system 14-segnent metenng • 3 2 Megapoels • RevokrtK>Oay, Non btoodong l2)( Zoom (3X Oplicai, 4X 09t~ Lens • W(1!d's Fastest Star1-iJP Time' • Remote Gamela Functioo l0t u'l11 Video Coolererong i With Minolta $249 AF 28-80 lens. • Data tmpno1ong fllilkes unaqe S0111ng ano rOCQ!d ~eep.ng simple • l<ONICA MINOLTA Di~GEGSOO • World's Fastest Af Speed' • H19h ResolutKlll 5 0 e11eciive megapixels • High-power Af'<J 14X zoom (7X optical. 2X dig1taQ Minolta GT lens • Ultra-High-Speed Shutter of 1116,00J sec 1s pecfect fOI sports photography • High-speed wntinuous advance rate of up to 2 8 lps • Anti-Snake FunttlOO 899 'As QI Jul'y 1,?003 33 0 "' n "' 3 O' "' ... N 0 0 w -~ I ' I I J • .. ... 8 "' ... 0 [ ... u "' n 0 n "' cl ... 6 [' OPEN EVERV SANIDAY • 9-" PM 149-758-1211 1,ooo•s ••Stock ,. -~~ Buy Early .. We hove on excellent variety of Beautiful & Exotic Plants 20362 Birch Street • Newport Be a ch ORCHID .AND TROPICAL NURSERY HA,,Y HOl.lfMrl FROM Ol/lf EllTIRE STAFF (4) ~ &WUJ«I.. 1n<-. http:/lwww centralescrow net We are one of the largest true independent escrow companies tn Cahf Our professional staff has been servicing the community for more than 25 years We handle all types of transactions including residential commercial. bulk transfers and refinances City of Industry 1661 Hanover Rd #201 City of Industry, CA 91748 Tel (626) 965 4499 FaK (626) 913 5186 Diamond Bar 22632 Golden Spnngs Dr #160 Diamond Bar CA 91765 Tel (909) 860 5140 Fax (909) 860 6512 Huntington Beach 2134 Mam St #185 Huntington Beach. CA 92648 Tel (71 4) 698 9982 Fax (714) 698 9983 Irvine 4040 Barranc11 Pkwy #200 lrvme. CA 92604 Tel (949) 733 0022 Fax (949) 733 0028 Los Angeles 3660 Wt/shire Blvd #108 Los Angeles. CA 90010 Tel (213) 389-8300 Fax (213) 389-1881 Monterey Parl< 861 S Atlantic Blvd Monterey Paf1(. CA 91754 Tel (626) 308-7000 Fax (626) 308-7041 Newport Beach 20 Corporate Plaza #150 Newport Beach. CA 92660 Tel (949) 729-0668 FRK (949) 720-9620 Temple City 5170 N Rosemead Blvd Temple City, CA 91780 Tel (626) 292-6678 Fax (626) 292-6698 (ALEN! )AR, < ontinut'd from 3 ~ 7th Annual Fire & lifeguard Appreciation Beach Party Odobcr 2004, Newport Dunl''> W illerf ronl Rc-.ort f-l<hll•d by fhe Commodorl''> C lub of the N~wport Beach Chamber of Commercl'. Tht• md1v1duals of the Newport Be,11:h Fire Dep.ulmenl work hard cverv day lo l'n~ure our commun1t\ ·., safety anJ the Fire & L1fegu.1rd Apprecrat1on ,.., a great w.1y to :-.cly "th,rnk you." Tht' n•lebrat111n will hlmor lhl• men .ind women of lhl• Newport Beilch Fire Dep.utment who dl.'d1cate lh\•1r live-. to our g re,1t city 96th Annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Den•ml'lt.'r Vi-IQ, 2004, Newport 1 la rbor I fo'>lt•d by fh,. Commodore-. Club of the Nt•wport Bl'illh Ch.1mber of l omnwrcc. lom mnre th,rn Olll' mil hon Vll'Wl''" a ... you watlh be,iutifully dt•corall'd y,Kht-., boat~. k,1yak-. ,md ldflOt''> ..,atl illong thl' h.irbor in tht! 96th Annu,11 Nl•wporl I !arbor Chn-.lma-. B<MI l'ar,11.h.• Thl• p.irade bq~ins at Cnllin<- J..,land t•,ich en•nmg ,11610 p.m ., cllld \.•.-ill lac.I ilpprox1mcltdy two and nnl'-half hour-.. l'rovidtn~ thl' bJd.drop for thl' p.iradl• ,., the Rin~ o( I 1ght" w,l\erfronl homt• and bu-.11w~ dl'Coratmg compt.'l1t1on. V1-.1t www.c.hn~tma'>bo..itp.i r,1de.com I l,1rbor P.llrol, Boat P.lrade 100! " Newport Beach Chamber gives b ack to th e community Taste of Newport Grant Program tops $11 S,000 in donations to local organi za tions Ovl•r lhL' past 15 yciln., lhL' Taste of Newport h,1~ expl'rll'IH'l'd tremendous growth ,mu prosperity. One of the reason'> this l'vtmt is so '>UCCl'!>Sful t!> bL•cau'>t' of the support of our community rlw 1',1..,ll' of Newport Cr.mt Program 1.., one way the Chamlx-r can g1w batk to thoM' who h,1w g1vt•n u.., ... o mud1. It b the hope of the Nl'wpurt BL•,Kh C hclmbt.•r of(. omnwrcl' that our contributions will ,l'.,..,1.,t lhl•.,t• nut..,tanding or~t1111/,1t10n'> in tht• work they do lo nhll.l• our community thL• bL•..,t pl.1u• lo hvl', work and play · Thi.., v1.•.u, thl• I ,1ste of Newport Cr ant Program h.ls ltmlnbutt·d $28,000 lo thl• following nin1.• nrgamnhons Ucllbo.1 l'l•rlorming lhl'iltrt• Fnundilt1on City nf '\J1.•wport Bt.•.11.h Julv 4th FircworJ....., C1rl 'xoul lnunul of Orang1.· County I I um.in ( )ption..,, Inc Lt.•adt•r..,h1p fomorrnw l.o., Angell'" Tim1.•.., in r:<.1uc,1t1on N1.•wporl Bl',\lh him h.•sllv,11 N1.•wporl-M1.•..,,1 ~lhools l·nund.1l1un Sh.1r1.• Our 'x•lvt.''> 1 lw N1.•wporl Bt•.H h Ch.1mbt•r of Comml'rce h.1s cnntnhutt·d rn11n· th,in $1 :l'i,000 ... 111n• lwgmrnng tis T.istl' of Nl'wporl Cr,rnt l'rogr.rn1 1n I ~JH Ch,mt,1bll· org.1111/cltlllll" nlcl\' applv for I ,,..,ll' of 1..·wport prmt•t.•d.., through .1 grant appltc.1twn prml'"" TAYLOR MOOR DESIGN GROUP ORANGE COUN1Y P.O. Box 8951 •Newport Beach, CA 92658 (949) 644-4047 CORPORATE 0Fr1CH 6767 Brockton Ave.• Rjverside, CA 92506 (909) 684-4743 www.tayformooredesigngroup.com 3S (J ~ "' 3 .,, "' ClJ 0 !.'! TJ ~ w Q •l> r • u 0 w I J • 36 ,... 8 "' ~ ;;: u ~ a. a. Cl "' 0 '.5 ;; v , 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ t ? c ... E ... a a .:> ,,. '>LI c. "' ~ 0 "' c. <[ QJ u .., :., ~ ;., r ID .,. .. ,, f; </> i.:. L ' 1 C~RC )\ \'~ CJ 1\ 'E .._-, Senior Care Community 1<)(J/ I Co1M llt'{hU•t~l\ Coro11t1 rlrl /l.!11r, Gi/ij11n11tl 9.!6.!) ( '""11 ( "'" h ,1 11J11111ul rwJril wrnning to111111111tlll\' uvt·rh•uk1ni: 1ht· 1'.u 11" I )u.111 .1nJ J '.lll\'011 t'"'\4.TV( Ill d1Jlf11111j.! l ollllllJ tld 111~1 ( ll•Wll ( llVC otl\I\ 111.!q'"""''"' All\! A_\\l\lcJ I 1•lllj: I r.•i:IJl11\ .-'"II·"'''" 11n111uc luumn' ~) 1'111j?.fJlll lor ·\11h11111\1' Jll<I d,nl\1111.1 di< """" 11/ro /•111fl/f') ,/,.,•I I,,,,/ 111tl• ~l·l•tt"1rr J nr ,/ /f'lr• l•rt111 CARJNG ·~ ibout Ror«t ~•rmlh •nJ -.;ununni: I mrnh) .111J lnJ1\IJu.al11<'J \11cn111111. "nJ en the stJIT J I ( rtl\\ 11 ( O\C <Jnni: n niuth more, 11 •~ 11111 ltlc loc.m ( '''" n t O\.l \t,,n._h 11Ut .u1t1u1.,:. 111h, r t 0111111t1u111r' f•H IJlHTH'tilU\ Jl,t\i•H,, h111 \\l ll(IH'\.l lllH 11f 11Uf fi\llli Ill\ \llllllll.llJ11.d II 111 \I Ill J fl\ l'nl 111.lj;J/llll Jll h 11 ·-... .... ·-..... ----:::J 0 > I /.11 '' 1/.r l1~1 rL1c r '" l11·r I ht frtiplt .,,, •n /t1t11tllt t7>rrf'" .1/11 .. 1~· wmrtme to tJIA: 111 nr I 11111 lit "'"'" 1/ I 11·11111 /'/,( /nod 1• dr/111011> 111111 "''rt'"" "'·" ,,.or/11 htrt /t11, ,, u•n11tkrf11/ 11111111dt' 949-760-2800 Mention This Ad For Extra Savings RECOMMENDED BY PODIATRISTS a1hle1oc ~hoe~ • hfe~1yle apparel • perforinan<e ftt Get the best of both worlds Nationally known, locally owned. Expect professional shoe-fitting service in the brand you trust. Hard-to-find sizes are easy here: AA to EEEE and woman's size 5 to men's 16 ! achieve new balance Mon S<>t 10om 7pm Sun I lorn ()pm Q31 AvocOdo 51 • Newport BPoch • CA CNono Dc•I Mor Plaza • QdQ 710 1602 t~ll{~ tflftL\l•c)llf l (llf'fJ 2003-2 004 Board o f Directo rs h t.'cutive Commiltl'e ( h.llrm.rn ,11 tlw B11.nd. l l,wll1n C.,hurk\ < /111//1111 i..J111tl1·11 ... J{n1/ HHl) VH l' <. ha1rm,111, I h1rothv I aro.,011 / 111 -.1ll1 (.~ ''''"' 111/t' ... , l f' A·., l.,t'l rl'1,1rv, Kiri-. D.1w..,t1n l /1'11 /Jt'i '"""' \ 111/11/ ( ,,, ... l h1l'I Fm.mu.ll l )I ltu.•r Jo\' DuBrn-. l\'r ... 1rr..,J..1 {~ /11ft'k / / /' l11111wd1.ill' l'.1-.t <. h.11rn1t1n. Philip lkiknu1u1 I /kl/t'lll ll/11 f ~.. \.....,P( 111/t'' l'n·-.1d<'nl l hrl'I I \n utl\ t' Ofl1u·r l{1d1.1rd I Ul'hr..., \J1'il'/'<I// /kt1t Jr ( /111111/11 I 11{ l111/llllt'/1 I " Council Pre-.idents lh1-.111t''" Dt•v,•lnpnwnt, I kni-.l' M M1 mM1l·ll1' / JH<..,/1 1111111 \\'c /•1•1 C. " rt Aff,11r-.. l~u-.h '\ I Ir II, II //11· 111/f />11rt111·1 ... /11J1 /111 . An lr1tcdl f\ir,1•11111 I l11tcnid ""'''" , .... Mt'ml'it·r~hrp C...l•rv1u·-.. M.irll' l11"1' < 1h1' Cr111111111111u1t1111,... ~1wn,1I i: \ l'11\-.. Rng1•r A llord J /1111 ... 111a11111x"' H1·1111t· I 1111s 1\lf11r.I ( .. < .11,d1111•1t: Cl'/h Area Directors Philip Bl'lll'nC1)urt, /-frtt1•11n1111 I { .. "''Ile 11111•.., l\1'f'l'l''c11t111..; Nn1111(1f/ l 1•11tn 1'.trk Oawson. fir tr/wr /<lll<'~ J\.111l1>r1111 ... Rc11rc...,cnt111,"( l/rl' /\11pvrt Arca l ul.1 1 lalfacre, Trnd1ti1111a/ f1'U1eJtor, Rq1rc ... c11t111x N1·w1•tlrl C1•11t1•r I md,1 M1)n~no, /111nrbhlw1·r Crn1't'' l:,. F1•c11t' l<1·1ir1· .. ,·11t111x \.111rt11cr .. Mile MJureen Mulv1h11l, [)ou111ey S11vi11g:> f'1 /m111 l<1·1m"c'11li11x 1/11· /\1rporl Area Kl'Vln l'rrec:;tky, l'r11·,tll'V Clmo11r11rl1c l11r lfr/irt'<:t'11/111R C111m111 d1•J Mnr T ,1nya Thoma~, I 1islr1tm ls/n11tl M111111xm1c11t l<q1n· ... c11t111g Nc•w1•orl (t'11trr Norm Witt, Tire lrt•mr Co111i1n11y R1•1m· .. 1·11t111s N1"11711rrt Crnlrr See BOARD, JMg<" 3 7 • • ROARD, < ontinuPd from 36 Director~ at Large Brun• Br.Hn1.•rd, I ftft1/I Nc•wp<11 kr ~lanforJ Cn•l'll, l'h.D., Mrnlor ft11 I t·11dcr.,J111• Dorothy I .n ... on, /.11rst111 {1 As:-.11u11lc:-, Cl' A\ C.. l.1~ Ion C.,hur It•\", Cltltf/1111 0.,/111tlc If' ~.·c1/ /iHc.J Andy Tlwndorou, M·11111c11/ /)11111'' \V11/c•1/m11/ f\c,111/ I nm Wild .. , T lr1· lVi/c'J.. Cr1111r1 Ch amber Staff R1Ch.ird Lm•hr..,, Presu.fonl & Cl:.l)/729-44!N, rlul!hrs~nl•wpurthe.Kh.com kif PMl-1.•r, V11.~ Pre ... 1denl. D1redor of <.. )p1.•r.1lwn ... I lo~munacation'> I 729-4408, 1p.irl..1.•run1.' .... p<>rtbeach com J 1m V 11\erc,, M1.•mb1.•r.,h1p Di n·ctor I 72Q-440n, 1v1 I lers@n1.•wporllwctch.com I 111d,1 I knd\. I 1n.inc1.• D1re1 lnr/72'1-4401. llwndvli•.1n1•wporlbt•Mh u1m 1'.Min Lr.l\'l'"· t,1wual I v1.·nh hir1.•ctnr /724-44 J-l. l..~rt1vt•..,{fllnt•wp11rtlw,1t h cnm 1.1sh.1 ~d1w.tr/, Mt•mb1.•rc,hip St•rv1u·s Dm•ctor/729-4411 , l ..,1. h w.1r 1Ct1hww portbl.'.1Ch .com C.1ra St1.•plwn..,, Public Affairs Coordin.ltor / 729-441 2, r ... tq1lwn-.;@rww port beach.com ' Dd1r,1 Vanl kl.'I. C u!-loml'r Service & Admm./72'l-44 lll, d v.1nhl·1.•lwi>m•wportbl'ach.com Nt..•wport B ... •.hh lhclmber of Commerce, 1470 /,1mbort'\' R1Md, l\Jl•wport Bt'<H.h, <..A 92660 • (949f729-4400 •FAX (~49) 729-4417 l' m.111 111fo49n ... •wp11rtbt·.Kh comwww n~wpnrttw.Kh l om r~"1 ~ • I ' . . . ' STOP BY AND PICK 31 (") ~ Vi • 3 "" .,, UP YOUR 'f;, CHRIST~~ GIFTS! f.. *f CD 0 ~ -0 ~ ... a. ,,, ):> ::> ... a < ~ .,. 5 °" .,. L "' 0 ii) :3 CD ~ .. .3 ,, CJ ~ ~ J:1 £ "' "' c..· cl c.. -< 0 ... ,.... " CT ~ ..... 31 ....., .. 8 N .c ~ "' v ~ ,:. "' "E ::> ~ I.I) , 0 if. 2:-"' 0 l 2 c ~ a a. ::> "' bl> c: v. e "' > 0 "' .i "' 'O "' )ij 0.. 1;; s ,,.. "' s "' f: (..) Seas"nS :&u<Ztings! Prt//I TIL..0'5 EUROPEAN AUTO HAUS LOWEST PRICES ON PRE-OWNED MBZ · BMW · PORSCHE Come Experience a Friendly Way to Buy a Pre-Owned European Autpmobile 200 W. Coast Hwy & Dover • Newport Beach, CA 949.650.2222 www.tJlocars.com •1·11NTERPACIFIC ' ASSET MANAGEMENT A ccREOITEO M ANAGEMENT O RGANIZATION® FULL SERVICE REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT Serving all of Orange County and Southern California .for over 20 years • Commercial Properties • Industrial Properties • Homeowners Associations • Single and Multi-Family Homes Locally O»'ned and operated For information call: William E. Garrett, CPM (800) 714-020q Promote your business at N ewport Beach Chamber networking events M ake your c..o nnectio n on the scc..ond Wednesday of each month Tht• N,:wport Be.lCh Chamber ,., plca~d to prov1c.ll' networking opportunities for area busml'.,., pt•ople both mcmbt!r-. ;rnd non-members. ~ince bu.,ine~-. rcldlion ... h1p~ often stMt <is .,oci.:il fncndshtp!-> f1r~t. our monthly rwtworking evc•n l!-are ,1 ~real opportunity to l•xpand your rnntad li-.t Met't other proft.>.;.,1onaf., at our monthly nl'tworl-mg l'\Cnt., and lwcoml' more th.in a n.tmc on .1 Newport Nl.'tworking Brcakfa~t~ ,1nd Lun ... hl•on., meet 1.m the "l'Cond Wl'dne ... day of <.'.1ch month altematmg bctwt.'t'n a 7·10 -9:30 cl m brl·tlkfa~t ,1t the Dtl1ly Gnll F,1-.hion 1-.land, tlnd a m'on -2 p.m luncheon .it tht' Rad1sc;on Nl'wport from left· Tom M,1nonr, MJnone'" C .irJlf>t l IP.1ninp.. c hnstmr Rrown Brown .incl As<,0< 1,11es .ind R.1y ~.irori1,i, lmpaCI ( .r.1ph1c ~ .ind lJe'i1gn~ JI the C h,1mber\ NPwport "unwl Nl'lworkm~ pvent Beach. Brin~ your businl''i., card!-> and brochu rt•., to promotl' your comp.1ny "mini-expo 5tyk•.'' Don't miss th .... opportunity to mclke ongoing connection'> with other arl'.l profc.,s1onab. Meab are included in the pme and parking is fre(! Rl'St>rvations Ml' rl'cornmended. Nl•wport ~unset Networking Mixers Mt' cl great opportunity to meet more th.rn 100 area bu.,ine.,s .issoc1<1 tes 1n cl casucll and fun ,,tmo.,pherc. Begin fnend ... h1ps, form busine.,., alliances and exchange bu~im•.,., card!> while enjoying dnnk ... and appt->hicr., Join U!-al our next t.'Vt?nt on the fourth Thursc.lcly of each month from ~ -7 p .m . Reservation!-. are mit required. Locationc; and raffle prize-. .uc cllway... dtffl'Tl'nt and des1rabft?. For more 1nformahon, contact tht.• Chamber at (949) 729-4400 or log nn to thl' Web ... ite at ww..., newportbeach com. Ch.lmber members and guest" have thr opportunity to d1<ipl<1y 1 omp.iny inlorm,111on ,11 thP Nrwpor1 Noon Nl"tworking l unc hf'on John Rr'""'· JRA Promot1onc,, T.l'>h.1 'ichw,1r 1 Nrwpor1 Br,)1 h Chamber of< ommercf' and Rodman Muller. Prime Pac 1fic Financ1dl .11 the Newport Sunsel Networking function at Newport Coast VtlJ,1, -· er AHJiluAJ.. NIWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE 2 0 0 8 " • A Holiday Beach Celebration! • The Newport Harbor Chrismuu Boat Par/Uk Awards Dinner & Auction January 16, 2004 • Four Seasons Hotel, Newport Beach /'HI \f.N II /I Ill .. "••hlon l•land·Newporl •••oh e.ae/l'l 1 eo I 0 I 11• 1'1111 t..arllan •• H11nrhn M11 nu., A I uuunn N1u11 .. 1 W W V. l ' ,. d I I I n 11 d t ,J 11 V. a I • I 11 t: I> lt1 The Commodore~ Cluh of 1ht Newport Rt1u.:h Ch:unher or Commc:n:t proudly prt~tnu chc Newport Harbor Ch ri1tm11 Boat Parade Award1 Dinner & Auccion . Thia 1m nual c:venr cdrhmc~ rht' parade: winnm and tCa1111·i:~: • live entenainment • Fabuloua 1ilcnt & live auction • Sumptuou1 dinner • Award winnen from the Chri1tmu Boat Panade and Ring of Lighu Home Decorating Competition • A grear opponunlry to 1howc&H your buaineu through your concribution of an auction hem(a) Recognition of yuur Jomuion will Ix included i11 : • Auction program at the event • Auction 1ignap at rhc evcnc • Company name on the Chamber'• wcb1he • ln a 1pec:ial recopddon ad In th• N.wport Btach/ Coaa Mcaa Dally PUot ntwtpapcr Tht' npo1urc will hcndlr your bwincu, with proacd1 l~ncfi11ng rhr Nt<Wporc 8C'a'h Chamber of Commerce iu1d chr C:hria1m11s Boar J>ar~dc. T he Deadline for inclueion In the event proaram I• Friday, January 9, 2004. Th1111j yot1 far your p11nklp11tlo11/ /ll#n11 ro111p~11m11I1'1'11m1 111 t'11 NrN>/Jr>rl hhlt:/J (.'hff "4WI'. Drn.iiptiun of du1wcJ 11rm bpm11io11 l >.11i: 111:111 w hC': n M1111,.,1 n Orliv('r,·<l n Pkkc.-d up on .. II( ( :nn1p11n)' N.HllC' -----------__ _ Addrcn ---------- City Zip f'honr f\tx ------ C:onua1 N111n.---------------- ( :011111..:1 t' mull l h IJlplJpt yfl#r ''""' 11HJ lYllHJNIHJi pl.tcff l#UIMJI •iwhuM or tfrtljltrun for t/11,blj, 3t () ~ v: -j ... "' UJ 0 c._; 11 "' " .. " 1• ' "' ., ": ' fl• .. ,. 0 ., .. ~ '" , c; ; m j IJ ... u ': VI .. \ c; ~ b "' 1 " '"! (To '" ,,, • <""I 8 "' '° I ~ >. RI "'O I a I RI V) , , J .2 ci: ~ "' 0 "' 5 B c "' E "' 0 Q ~ "' "° c ;;, e "' ~ ~ 111 "O '° ;;; ~ :;; ~ "' g "' c J:: u ¢ s NEWPORT BEACH C HAMBER OF COMMERCE Th e best surf in Newport Beach www. newportbeach. com Chamber's Wch si te fcaturec, a listing of Chamber member bu ~ines~e~ U4..'fon• }'Oll tall 111lonnat1on or look 111 tht.> phonl' bcxll.. for a h>eal bu-.int·~.,. log on Ill tlw Nl'WfXlrt Beach Chamber of Commerce Wl'b ~1le at www.newporll'll'.•Kh.i:om. 1111..• site cont.11n~ a compl<•t(' fo,ting of Chamber rnembt•r bu~1m'"M."> h~ted hv husin~., c.:itegory, keyword and contact name. Busme-."'-"' IL'>ted on our Web .,1tt' include a direct link to their comp.my Web "ltt• and .:i bnl'f deM:nphon of their ~·rv1ccs, along with a wnt<ict n<ime, t ... mail and phone number. From accountants to plumbers, tht• Chamber ha~ you cowre<l Categonec. featured on www.newport~ach com include: Acmmmoddtion...,, As.c;ociahon..,, Entertainment, Fmanci<il Servi~, Food & Beverage, ~neral Services, lndu~try, Medu:.11, f'rofes...,1onal Servin~, Real fat.:i tl', Recreation~, Shopping. Tr.m ... port.:ihon ,md mon: Our Web site ,11..,0 link.., dm><.ily to a varit>ty of community rt'.,ouri:~, anJ conl.)lns ge1wr.1I inl11m1alt0n on thl· Ch.1mber. Gain exposure for your company at Business at the Beach Business Exposition Don't miss this opportunity to showcase you r business a t the expo on Wednesday, Feb. 11 Ho .. tl'd by the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, both member and non-member businesses ar.e invited to participate in this business expo. To be held on Wednesday, Ft!b. 11 , 2004 from 5 to 8 p.m., and featuring complimentary food, a no-host bar and an opportunity drawing. 1t will be located at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Dr., Newport Beach. A single space is $300 for members; $650 for non-members. (Exhibitor space includes a 6' x 8' p ipe and drape booth space, 6' d raped table and chairs.) A double space is $650 for members; $1,000 for non-members. (Located in premium comer locations.) There will be an extra cha rge for electricity and phone Imes. Market your business as an event sponsor - Presenhng Spon<;or $5,000; Official Sponsor: $2,500. Contact Special Events Director K.mn Graves at (949) 729-4414. For more i11fon11ati011, contact the Cf1nmba nt (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT BLACH CHAMtHR Of COM MCRCl ------- Newport Beach Chamber CEO Program -a valuab le bu sin ess tool The CEO Roundtable provides continuous learning/development Sponsored ,1nd hoslt.'J by the Newport Beach Chamber of Comml'rCt', the CEO Round table provides continuoui-leMning and development for CEOs, company prt''>idcnts ,md busines., owners/ manager., in a pet.>r group setting It delivers to its ml•mbcr.., a unique blend of business resource ... ,1nd pcr ... onal support th,1t helps to make the challl1nge of nmning and growing a business fulfilling .rnd worthwhill'. Members exchange idl.?c1S and opinions and ~· Vl' each other honest feedback thl'y rarely gl'I These meetings allow CEOs lo step back from the day-to-day pressun.:--., take a more global perspective, and focus on the critical issue., of running their buc;ine'>SC'> Chairman for the CFO Round table 1s Newport Beach Chamber of Specializing Commerce Board Ml'mb .. ·r ':>t.111fonJ C.recn, Ph.D, Group Chairman for TEC Worldw1Jc, an tntl>mational orgcini.lation for CEOs for the past 15 years. Green is an experkn(cJ business professional who will ensure thl' group functions smoothly and nwmber-. receive full value for their invec;lml'nt m.1ml.Hn'> ii strong emph.1 ... 1., on follow through and 1mpkoml'nlal1on of action ... lomm1ttcd to by ml'mbers, t'nsuring th.-it the key tMgl'h art• .-ichil'Vl'U and results are ml'ilSUTl'U. • p._.r.,onal and Proft:'~sion.-il Crowth -I low many time., have you thought th,1l you o.,hould altl•nd a confl'rencc or !>t.'minar, thl•n found that Bcndits denved from pMhc1pat1ng in the CEO you couldn't gel there for any om• of a thou::...lnd Rnundtable are m.lny and v,med Most would I.ill into one of the following bro,1d groupings: •Improved Dech.ion Mal-..tn~ -Mo-.t CEOs wrt .. ,tJe with issueo., that r.innot bl' d1scuss .. ·d w it h staff, friends or othl'r bu..,iness pl'opk. Thl' CEO Koundtable provide.., ,1 t,1lented, L'Xpl.'nl.'nccd and .,upporllvt.> pl>t.'r grnup. • Increased Account.ib1lttv -A., CEO, you n .'.l!'.{ll1 ... 7 CEO Roundt.1bll' bnn~.., thl' wmmar to 1t.., ffil•mbl'r'>. • 0Vl'rL·rnrnng bol,1tton -M.111y ( LCh L'Xpt'fll'IKL' a ... en ... e of hoJ.1tmn thtlt r,111 limit the rl•w.ird'> .ind ch,11lenges of thl• po ... 1tmn Tlw suppnrllvc P'-'l'r group help., to n•duu' th .. • <,tress of b1•1ng at thl· top. Calf t/11· Cl111m/1a ut (949 J 729 44()(1 I 111· /011 r -lro11 r l'll'>Urt' that those who work with you are held l I 0 Ro11mltnblr me1•l111'1~ 11rt' lil'ld t't't'n/ ol/rt'r clC'COUn table. But who hold-.. you accountdble 111 a 1111111111 Ill the CJwml1er /1onrdril<)rll Cost $11JO rcr ..,upport1ve and helpful way' rhe Chairman ~1·-.~11•11 Jn Quality L a "' n "' ] 0 ~ " "' 8 w I I I I ~ .... 8 ' N o.D ~ '" (~ > .., t} ·, ;,; I/) . n - " n ?-' ! ' (' <1 0 Cl 3. "° r .,.. .. > u "' J . ;;, ' "' <> er : ' f •I ;,, c • . ' ' '~ JA,~~l(/1· .. -, $111/i· (t(f/,Jitk~ ''l!i/;; ~~~ ,, .. -...... look ~ack at the Boat Parade • • ~-----------------------------.....- 43 .,. ci c> r .,. U' 0 !". tJ u· .; 0 '" ... . I I ~ ,.., 8 "' Reduce red tape, • loan payments and most importantly, . your worries. Take advantage of today's low rates to purchase your new home or to refinance your existing one. I can help you assess which of our many mortgage programs is right for you . Hassle-Free: No asset, income or employment verification. Great for self - employed individuals. Jumbo Loans: l oan amounts of $4 million and more Interest Only: Now available for 3, 5, 7 or 10 years!! Save thousand s of doll ars a year. Direct Lender: Call today! HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM YOUR HOME LOAN EXPERT Sheila McCarthy Call today for a FREE loan analysis! ( 949) 57 4-8686 UNION RA r.i I( OF CALIFO~N I A Or visit my website www.uboc.com/smccarthy Mtn•llt1 FOil; fqu4I H(lul••g 1 •ndtr (!;}Thi\'' •.Of I tmnmnmtm tu l•nll Som• rut,,c:hOnt 1ppty Alt to1nt '" 1ub1•<I rn r1o411 tpj)rcwal Ttrmt tll<l rnnd•hOOI may rhanot W1thout M11l1Uf10!1 -~- T H E COMMODO RES CL U B lfost('r 2003-2CXl4 Activr Members RUSS ALEXANDER Ru.,., AlcJ<.mder-RE / MAX Rt'al Fc;tak 51.'rvtct."> ROGER ALFORD HJu'>manin>;l'r Benoc Lan~ Alford & C.t'.,t'luw1t.r, CPA., BILL BARRINGTON Wilham B Bamngt<m H SEYMOUR BEEK Balboa Is land Fl·rrv. Inc Enc Bezku l uuntryw1dl.' Home Luans DAVID BLANKl:.NHORN I !arbor Natic:m.JI Bani.. JOHN BLOM !l•hn I. Hlom Cu ... tum PhotogrJphv. Ltd JOHN BRAEGER G.1rys & Company KIRK DAWSON rletchl'r ]lml.''-Mntor Car ... OUNCAN FORGEY l'rudential CJlilom1a Rt•.1lt) t, I ANfORD CREL:N, l'llD StJnford Gwen, l'h () BILI GL NDrRSON i\a•wp11rt Bw1d1 1\1.lrrtull I lt•ll'I anJ T l'lllll" Ch1h 'v1ARl()t'1 I !Al !ACRI I r.id1tinnal }lowl.'lt·r-. DA'\, llAMIL TU'\ M,11.lrky'-. Jn.,h l'ub & Rt•.,t.rnr.111t BRITT I IEMl'HILI I ll'mph1!1'~ Rug., & Carpl'I-.. RU'il I Hll l Tht· I 1111 l'.1rtn1·r .. h1p, Im & Nt•wp1 •rt lnh'rnd '->t•n 11 , • .., I LOYD IKH<D 11-t•rd Cornp.1nv 1311.L fACOB'r Amt•1(..i..,h I I C PAVIO JAt\.FS f..11w ... Capital Partner., T0'-1 fOHN"i<.)N \.1•wpurl/(rn.tJ Me~.1 0.:lllV Pl111I PAUL 1--ING 1'.m~ I Xl'C"Uhve ~·.irch, Im MIKF I AWi rn \11ch.wl R Lawll'r, Attoml'-,, .11 l .iw C.rORC.E LESLEY l.t•-.ll'y Thuma~ C:.Chwar.r and p,,.,1m.1 C.ll I UKO<;KY N1k k1'<. 11,,g Shnpf'\' Bil I MOUNTFORI> IX1y Seoul'> of Am('nc,1 MAI COLM PHIL.LIPS Ph1lhp., Auto BILL PIERPOINT ~feguard Busme<;s Sysh'm., 811.L RHINESMm I Nl'll'ath Cnmmun1cahon .... l L ( See COMMODO RES, fMg<' 4 S - COMMODORES, continued from 44 RAY SAPORJT A Impact Graphics & Sign'> J ERRY SEWELL Knobbe, Martens, OIM>n & Bt·.:ir CLAYfON SHURL EY Clayton Shurley's Real BBQ LEE SUTHERLAND Ad vanced Concepts Engineering Consultants MIKE WHITEHEAD Boathouse TV Show NORM WITT The Irvine Company GLENN ZAGOREN Newport Harbor Nautical Mu"ol'Um S~ff Commodores BOBBADHAM J PETER "PETE" BARRETI BOB BLACK BILL BLUROCK DAVE CARMICHAEL DOUG CA V ANAUCI I JOHN L. CURCI JIM DALE JIM DEBOOM MEHDI EFTEKARI PHIL GLASGOW C HUCK HfRSCH DAN KILMER JEAN PIERRE LORTA I BOB MCDANIEL STEVE RABAGO 1 IENRY SCHIELEIN BOB SHACKLETON CECIL SI llRAR MICHAELSTEPHFN<; Honor.uy Commodore~ CHARLF-'> CURIU:Y WILLIAM P FICKER OC.18 GARDNl:.R LULA I IAl.fACRI· DENNI'> I I ARWOOD l<ICHARD R. LUEI IRS DAN MAHCI IFANO ROBERT MCIX)NFI I IOHN NICOi L, 1'11 D JEFF PARKl'R HANS l'l<A(,f·R CAROi ~)L l II RICI IARD <;l r VI,._;<, JIM VII L I K..<, lOM Wll ( 1-.. ---~- T H E COMMO DO RES CL U B Pil5l Skippers RUDY BARO. JOl lN BLOM U(.)11 CAL.LAI-IA""' DICK OICK~N TOM r;VANS Ml( I IAl~I l.hRINC. Al{'! (,J<ON~KY Bii.i I IAMll.TON l·J<H) llOW">ER T 1-1 > INOUYl I UM 1011 '\l">Ol\i '\.Ol<\11 I 0/\1..,. l'H D Bil I 1 U<,J... l'Al MIU I Al I"> IHI I l'll:l<l'OINT llM 1<11 f'l 1111 I RINC. ll( Ill Rt lll 1 N'> I I< l<AI 1'11 HODlll:IM l'Al I "Al ATA <,TAl<NI·..,, nn ... I IARl<Y WI '>IU\ 11< ( 111{1" \~'I '\,l<OOI' Colder weather can increase winter electric bills for many customers. Lee Southern California Edison help you lower your winter electric bills. * Visir www.sce.com and take an online energy survey and gee cusromized tips on how you can conserve energy, * Look inro caulking and wearherscriping aro und doors and windows ro winrerize yo ur ho me, * Repla ce your incandcKcnt lighr bulbs with compacr fluoresce nr~-rhcy use 75% less ene rgy and last longer, energy and monl·)'. I l ' ~ p .. "" 8 '" '° Q; 0 E QJ v QJ a -"' u '; ~ 0 (:£ » .,, c ... 5 B c ~ ... Ci a ~ "' 00 c: ~ ... J > u ... ,. c: < QJ u • ~ "' °" ;;; 0 ID "' ... f ;,; :? ( • Members .ire t'ncour~~rnl to J"lll the Chamber's conunineca wvc II\ your inpm and dcvrlop 111cmhcr rd~tron~h1p' .11 rhc ~me wnc • Volun1ttrinit " .1 ~rc.11 w.iv 111 ncrw11rk .111J mcmhcr~ h.1vt l1r.1 rn11ru) Marlcetfng R.Neh potential custonvn • )11ur h11,11w-.,, w11h "' ~f) word d«'>< rrp111111, " pr11rn111cd 1n rli1· Online Mcmbcr&h1p Dit't'Ctory. • J\Jv('f!ISC v11111 hminc·" 111 our mumhh n1'W\lt'r1cr. rhc· loolto11t, 1111 .111 .1JJ111<11ul <ml • l'tintN member hi1~ ~ frtt h> m.mh.-r, unh d 11\1 on d1,k .1mll111 111J1ltn>: l.il1tl~ Jrt' .1v 11l.1l1l1· l11r purdu.\t· • Y11ur l111\1t1t·" will ht IM«tl 111 rl1t Looltout 11111111hlv ncw,lt•flt·1 .111d rh1 Uatly 1'1Uit N~spapn "..1 nrw 111t·111l1<·r .111J 11p<1n tl'l1t'WJI How Do I Become A Member? Contact Our ~ship Director • 8Ulili4SJCS rdevant ro our V"ui.Qm, WW/Jmt lllUi IW«tniM GtOtks arc t'c:arur«I whnl appl1Gihlt' • l11foenun, a 24-hour pluioc 1cfcrr.1I ~ystcm. I\ av;ulablc for an add111onal rnst. • Your lms1nt-ss can advt·r11~1· 1n our Map of Nnuport &Rrh for .in .1Jd11tu11.tl 1m1 Educational ~nars ~ >W" buslnn.s sA.J/fj • WC11lt,hn1'' fc.i1unni \'.\rtllll' 111p1<' l><:ndi111ni: hll\llll"' Jn: Jv,ulabk f11r y1111 .111.t v11111 crnployc«' ~lslatfve Advocacy Yow opinion counts/ • A11111d N~n Sunri~ Brc.ikf;uu 10 oprl"'-\ y11ur '1t"W\ 111 CoH·rnmcnr r.-prt...._ 111.illvt."'> • I he ( h.iml~r rcprt'WOI\ yo111 hu,111~, .mJ fig*'t\ for pro business lci1\b11on on your behalf • I h1 llu&incss And Communi1y J>oli1ical Action Commiutt pn~mort'\ 11111 p11l111t.1I pos11 """ h1r 111urr· 111111011.1111111 1111 how v11ur hm111t·" t M• h .. ·11d11 lr11rn d1t· .1f11rt•rnt•n111rnc<I. "' "' hn "'"' J 111<111hn. pk.1<1 t11111 Hr Mtn1l><'nh1p Dirrclor Jtm Villt'r) M ('14'11 ~}'I l\.j()(, 111 1v1lln;(J>mwp11rrl" .1th w111 1111 I h.1111h1 1 ""<' '" l1<ndi1 "' 1111 rnl1t·"l11p .rntl 1h" «•111111111111~ h~ • Building o Stront Loe.al fr.Dnomy • Promoting tM Community • PrO'Vldlng Hrtwottlng and Buslnns ~·~~rin • fnMl"I In Polltlc.ol Action Affinity Programs Dt1counts "" products and Wf'lllCls • The Member Advantages rrogram oflc:r, mt'mhcr-10 mcmhcr tl1\Cu11lll\ .mt! ~!"" ul pnun~ • '>.1111· up 111 60% on nflitc suppl1c. rhrou~h rh< Offia Dcpo1 l>u<.0um Program • Mr:mhcr,h1p .illow' you rn chmt~· frnm ~lt-cr C~t Union& for yuur fin.incral .1tlv.in1.1~c. Show Your Comnurity Support Actlwiy JLt'POtf tJw City of Hrwport 8ftJch • V.iu .ire supponing tht' business community .md rflorrs 111 k<'t'p Nt·wpim Bt-.adi rhc Jt'\1retl cuy 111 which ru lrvr <111d J11 l>wmos • A Ctumbcr plaque Jr~pl.iyc·J 111 your workplJu· 'hnw\ your '"f'Jlllll of tht> hwlllt''>\ commun11y. j '* 1 NEWPORT BEACH CHAMIU Of COMMUCl "'11·"l'"rr lki.lr < h.1111l1tr nl ( 11111111<r11 • lil70 f1n1hwcr R11.11I Ncwpnn 8t'Jth (A '),)(1(10 • (')•\')) ..,l'I 1100 • b~ ('M'>l 7..!C) 111 7 • www1wwporrl'<~d1 <11111 NN. selnlill m am -GD gtMll' -'lllEllJ aasamrw www.nabersautomall.com Sale Hours: Mon.-SaL 9am lo 9pm •Sun IOvn 10 6pm Parts & Service Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7am 10 6pm • Sar Sam 10 ';pm Body Shop Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7am 10 6pm • Sar 9im 10 I 2pm PONTIAC• GMC • BUICK• CAD ILLAC 2600 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA (714) 444°-5200 --- ~ 47 VI ... ~ rJ. ~ 0 "' ,., •O 3 0 ~ a. N 0 0 w C"l ~ .,. ::I "' "' CD 0 ~ " ... <;; a "' I )> "' ... a < ti> :l "' 03 00 .,. c: c c "' :3 .,, .;? c3 " "" 0 ... ~ "U q ... ~ ··~ T 'I ..... .. ' - 41 ... ' Q ~) r <l• u .-,., I) .,; ·~ ·, ;.J r n . "' ' " :. i. llJ t-Cl g ~ ·~ <-.,. 0 tl "' ( •J " " "' :., (l . m "' f y . ) Keeping your holiday seasons ~Jfe and c lean for Thirty Years. ,,I \ 95 111 ANNUAL NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE THIS WEEK'S HOT PROPERTIES • DECEMBER 6-12, 2003 ' . ' l I M ~ .. .D I ~ f i Lt.I J . • i2 § ~ - r I Experience the c:oastal lifestyle in this magnificent golf course and ocean view residence created by the renowned builder and designer Fari. From the moment one enters this dcgant six bedroom (~o master suitcS). nine bathroom home, it is evident dtat it is one of the finest ruidcnccs on Newport Coast. There arc three stories of oversiu:d rooms including a library; two bonus rooms, cxcrcisc room, sauna and steam room, home theatre with custom seating. devator, and a six to eight car garage. The abun~c.c of amenities include upholstered walls, intricate ceiling design, granite, marble and slate, large closets, laundry chute, tw0 wet bars, light . and dark wood ac:ccnu, and beautiful landscaping. The exterior boasts an oveniu:d lot including a lawn and barbecue area, loggias and a four-side infinity pool and spa, plus I 37 feet of frontage on the golf course. Most fum.i.s~ ate included in the sales price. EsniERYANK 949-640-1529 COVER ••• REMAx REAL FsrA1E SERVICES 2. Map/Index 3.-26. Coldwell Banlcer/ Coast Newport Properties 27.--47. Prudential California Realty 48.--49. Coastline Realty 50. Abrams Coastal P~penics 51. Laguna Seaside Realty 52. Metro Realty 53. Cote Realty Group 54. Countrywide Mortgage . Mariner's C-apital SS. Roger'• Realty 56.-57. Remax Real_E.«ate Services 58. Cannery Lofts Wtldim & Nialis Portfolio Financial 59.-89. Strada Properties 90. Wells Fargo Bank 91.-95. Fmt Team &tates 96. Bank of America 97. Wells F~ Priftte Mortgage 98.-99. 100. 102.-103. Homa of the Weck 103. Opiit Home Guide 104. First Team Estates DailyAJ>ilot Proudly tcrving Ncwpon Beach, Cosca Mesa, Corona dd Mar, Newpon Co.ut, Shady Ca.nyon, Lagura Beach, Laguna Nigud, • Dana Point, Monsrch Beach, Capismno Beach, San Jw.n Capistrano and San Ckmcnte. SHADY CANYOW $3.ltl,000 SpeccaQdar custom home wlpanonimie views OI Stlldy c.n,.on. Ron Miiiar A OellMe ldafanl TUITtN SIM0,000 Cowan Hei&ha tennis ~on ll• acre. • bd. s.s bL pool/spa. HAlllOA IUDGI NH.000 Hounaln and dty vt.w. ~ .... 2 bd. 2 bL In pc.d community. MlnaMqhaml COSTA HUA SSlf,000 8-d.ll C01C1 Mia rwnocW. 10.000-. It loc. Ron Miiiar ...................... " ........... SHAD'I CANYOtft $4,4tl,OH Santa 8arWa ... QllCOm ...... c.... courqwd. pool&~. ........................ ... s I ~ I ?' N 8 w ::>o ,,, !!L ,.., ~ ,,, 0 9! '< -0 a ••• • "" ~ -D j f i w ;; i ~ ------ Sun I :lCM:30 .f2JH23 rn. Femleaf $1,129,000 Sun .... COSTA MESA 2113 COiina Vt.ta DANA P01NT 24911 Oanaftr 1200PCH#l17 J.:AGUNA BEACH 21542. AMI Ln LAGO NA NIGUEL $689.000 $8+9,900 $759.000 $675.000 $799,000 $3.SOO.OOO 11.0lt.000 $925.000 J247J OucrW-' Wy $549.000 Sat 1-4 Slit/Sun 1-4 Sun 1-4 sun l-4 David McCulloch NIWPOllT SHOlllS . Sun, ... Kennie Jo Rb::zo . ·'. .,.. MONARCH aeACH $11,710,000 ' ~ Pactftco. A swnnlnc ocan Ytew enace Wfch over 10,500 ... ,.. foot, located In kla Cow. CORONA DIL MAR $1, I S0,000 Rebullt In 2001 with ch• finest mat.erlala and cnlfumanahlp.A pert.ct aeutn1 In • prtric. .,.. NewPO«T COAST $2,149,000 CataAta ~~from,... suit.. Exquisite home showcases refined nyll. HaxJne and Qeorse McGdlpn NIWPOltT HACH $I ,'21 ,000 2 ~on I ~hJonw~IOl'll'll bodl or 11119 In one and ""' 1he act.: LauraGW DANA POINT $70,tto 11..e~Oc.ri. .... and lwbor -....J bd.2.5 bl.ham& Jennifer MtcheU .. OMNOI $JIJ1100 c;,,.. ..... home In Orqe. 3 bd. 2 ... Zoned tr~ unit In ,...; lllofw'o.h . --... .......................... ~ ............... .,._.._ ...................... _., .. _ ............ ,.... ........ __ ,,_,_.. ........................ ____ ...., • t NEWPORT 81ACH Sl,tff,000 .,.,,..., ... ~~lot In ..... cn.yVll!ea-. Gall GNbner and Joy Curtin COSTA MHA $1,400,000 3 unla. ~ In Newpol't HelPa-fTcWlt II al bd.2 ba.Ochrure l bd. l.7S bL Loa. Arrlp end T1ri1 IUMNM NIWPOltT a1ACH $4tt,HO ac., ...._ ciown.'lome wtd'I wttlCil Wllllr "'""-End locadon on,_... 2 car.,. c.til McDoMll eM """',_.,.. -.------------- . ·' NIWPORT 81ACH $174,tM a.di ~on BKk lir wtltl prmaNll:tw\ ~bnandP'i119~ htrkla Mehall - _ ......................................................... ------------.......--.-..-. ...... 4 ....................................... _______ __._. . rt 7 i ~ w .. i 51' N 8 w ::c .. !!!. f'TI "' ~ Iii" ~ ~ -0 a I 4 I I f I I r I I , . . I I I I I ii I 'I I i I • ' i I J , I i i I • , t J I I r i j J f J ' I ' Daily Pilot • Real Estate • Sat:wday, Deceni>er 6, 2003 - ~l . m . i' . •; DA.NA POINT • 14649,IH Pl'tldne 4 bd. l.75 bL wtdl prMq Ind ~~anddty~ ..... MLS#SJ~ll LAGUNA llACH t474,lff Gend1 ~,.ml~"*'· l.oc:ac8d In irimcMI dolar ·~ MLS# LllOIS • • MLS# LI 1067 t j ==-=----- t . 11 M ~ ..0 J ' j \ .. ·~ 1 ex i ! ~ f ROBERT TJ\YLOR 949.338.8885 , DAVID McCULLOCH 949.718.1549 llROKER. ASSOCIATE CALL FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION Of YOUR PROPERTY OR A PRIVATE TOUR.. u .. u ,,., ~ ..0 j 1 f I • ~ ;; ' . t i ~ LINDA TAG LIAN ETTI 949.718.2369 OFFICE 949.422.6478 MOBILE { • ' I 949.718.1526 • LAGUNA UM:H "29,IM 5cMrwq IWlCMciolL tJnobscrUcwd OUlll W.W. l bd. l bL lM'&" condo. ................. LIDO PINIHIULA Slt,Off car, older '-di aiaace. I bd. I bL ff\ beach IWOtf. laHhold land. IWMGordott cbsocal.com C OlOUll'L~ lll\PO\<.'H, • 8 w ............... • J f • ~ i . i t ;t ' I( 'I' NEWPOllT tlACH 949.6.f.f,1600 II 'IN lo\< 'II . ----=-----~ - LIDO ISLE flll:ED WITH GORGEOUS BEACHES, TENNIS COURTS, YACHT CLUB, CLUBHOUSE AND AN UNEQ1JALED -........ ...,.. ........... ..-.-............... .--........................ -------..... ,,,..... ...................... ._.. ..................... ..,_,.,., . ._. MARILYN READ 949.718.2733 . 2003 SALES Sl7 VIA LJQ.O SOUO 336 VIJ. LIDO NOllD JlS VIA OR.VIETO t-40 VIA WAZI illS l!l VIA DOLi -416 ALISO tilt W. IAY 111 VIA RAVENNA 104 VlA JTHACA ._ Ol l'W~~l l. ti·'""'"'''? .. 17 !7' "' 8 w ... 11 ~ .0 j ! ~ ~ ~ w 1 °' i ! ' \ ......_. __ ··--- I ' I II t DEBBIE SCLAFANI &RON MI LlAR 949.933.7393 949.718.1741 #J COLDWELL BANKlll TEAM IN OUNCE COUNTY FOil 2000 & 2002 )0CIETY OF EXCELLENCE COSTA MESA TURNKEY PllOPEllTY ON LAil.Cit LOT. SS29.000 SHADY CANYON• CUSTOM HOME S3.89S.OOO BALIOA PENINSULA DUPLEX WITH HAllBOR ANO OCFAN VIEWS ... __ ..._..._. - '\ #1 COLDWELL BANKER TEAM IN ORANGE COUNTY FOR 2000 & 2002 SOCIETY OF EXCELUNCE TIM SMITH 949.718.1735 CHRISTI BELL 949.718.1734 COLOWCU .. Bl\Nl'\~H .' °' N 8 w ... .s;; I f G:HRIS VALLI 949. 759.3738 714.883.4397 StfADY C,ANVON BROKER. or THE YEAR 2002 • RICK !:ANGEVIN· 949.759.3759 .,,,. SHADY CANYON• VILLA . ~ ... SHADY CANYON • CUSTOM HOME CHRIS VALLI 949.759.3738 714.883.4397 RlCK LANGEVIN 949.759.3759 C0l uuH'U. ijh~l',C'f". !" N 8 w ... " 14 ,.,, ~ .0 j f • i ...., ! . ~ ! JEFF EWING 949.759.3796 LYLE EN EWING 949.759.3786 HALL OF FAM[ IN ASSOCIATION WITH ANNE TURNER ..t.. CORONA DEL MAR -........ ....., ..... ._._,_.,__...,...,__.__ .. _.._._,.,..._. ••• _...._.._ ____ .. .,... • ...,...._..,._.,....,,,....,.__.._.. ................... •iiEIM I a DERIK BRIAN 717.4797 COLOWeL'r UhN~CR. 21 f ~ ~ i "' ~ N 8 w ~ ~ j Q!. ~ ii ~ 0 C>I ~ -0 ~ • Dover Shores Baycrest \ Buyer Irvine Seller Dover Shores Seller Belcourt Hill Seller f7 J I ·°' N 8 w .. I f .. --- • I 1 1 t 29 f f\ 3 ~ 57' "' 8 w • i w ;; - l I ... NEWPORT BEACH ~ Slit 1-S S111 t-5 S..12-5 !" "' 8 w '. I "' J • ~ ! This Mediterranean~~ece off era gorgeou.t ambiance throughout by utiJJzblg WU'.ful ~of l'ft'Oligbt ltOD, ftne hardwood, and imported stone and C.ux accmu. nm unique 12 acre estate is located off the main~ offering~.~ ltririg. l1le:re 11 a total of sb: bedrooms, each with a pttvate deck, walk-in &set, and fUl1 bath. Also featured ii a state-of-the-ct home theater, a ~backyard with pool and spa, and fab'uloUJ panoramic mountain riews. 1he frOrit yaro has cascading waterfalls, ponds and rolling liwna and a prtvate pted entrance. 1bil home ii offere(l at $2,790,000. Fof'.#IOfT ~, eAll Lu Ann °"""1liy of~ Cllljomu. ~I MOMrd ~ brnda lilt (949) 249-2424. Visit W Wtb lite Ill .... °""""1yGl'ONp.t:m11. TM offea Is 1«Mell Iii 2 RIC Otrfkm Drlfl!, MoUn:la BMela. P'rwllntUl Otl'fimt"' Rtlflly ts f1"0'lll to be 11 member of H~ ~T· 111&., "Berblitrt Hliltlul""'Y Ajftli4te. Vint ~ Ir.ff" Wtbsll< ,u • .,.,,..~.cowi. ,, -- New agent joins Prudential Ca1ifornia Realty Barbara Selby welcomed at the Laguna VIiiage office has afforded her the opportunity to appreciate the great lifestyle available to residents and visitors to this wonderful community. Selby is active in Barbara Selby, a the Laguna Buch native Califom.lan, Garden Club, which gzew up In the thll year celebrates ranching famdng area ltl 15th annive:rwy. of southern Monterey She enjoys Wnily, County. She received Sar.denin& working her bachelor's and out, cooking, teacbtng credential oft'-road Jeep trtps &om Califoinla State and travelin& University at Prario • (Australia being a and completed one tavortte). ye.11' toward muter'• in guidance Selby has completed the 14 Sales coW*ling at CalifomJA State Univeraity at Success Serles TrainJ.n& classes offered Lot Angeles. by Prudential. She ts looking forward Before~ to LagUna Beach, Selby to using het baclqp'ound, experience rettded ln R.anCho Palos Vtfrdei where the and training to inltill the confidence wu ICtive Jii the PTA., youth aports in homebuyen and sellm that their progimm, dvic affafil and community real estate objectives Wt1l be handled volunteer wade. She received .nmal in a pn>f'esllOn.il, tnlltWonhy and recognition awardt for her work in thae efBdent manner . are.u. · .....,. Selby ts tlfltlllAbk for you For the~ 13 ~. she ha oWned and 1tbili h:>"f16""4 stUltJ8 #eetls tn operated vacadon 11'~ FO~ty mown u ~'I !Ap"4 V1114g ojftu at lAguna Beach&ont t.eiitu'. ~ ~ (949) 491-3331. 33 ~ ... ~ l( ,. i O> N 8 w ::0 n> !!!. ,.., .,. s n; 0 \ ... ~ ""O ~ ..0 I f ~ -_,_,---·---,_ ...... ~ ...... ·~·- 11 llJllllllllll1llillllJlillllll11lllllJ1Jll1JJ111lllilllllll11lllilllllillll1lllllll&llllllllll1lJlllllJl&llJllllJllllJ ~ ••• • • I f j J • • Tht McMillim 0 Fok Organimioo « the Thne Ard\ Bay Office a111inue to break pm records for hims they 5ell in~. DP, SJC nt ~ If you In!~ listing your home for aale visit their Websitt f7 J I 8 w • j f • .___.,.,.-! ____ 4,.-~ ............ ~ .~ at J I J i ~ N 8 w ,J l q .... [ •i''t a qi· if. !f I ~, !l.:rl~ ~'fit~ FIJJl 'J•:-1 I 1-s:itsr :f tJ' ta.w1·1 J: llf~j fo.,1 • -:f.f Fll'f '~·lftl1 . fftll C~Jifl j.-~_n• .• i 1ft11\n iitJl i t!ili rf;nt rr1:1=I f.fl ~fl r~1tl . -, • ·--4'E"' ----~ ~-;·~ i ··1.1:1cr a:flfft ' t· Jl' I H'!:ri_~F.E l JJ.J}t. ,I· ~°'I l~r ~ 'iif11i ~ f-1 f.1:r.'r.1 ··~rr lr~ i1U•1 11 [I~ . ~tl_lJl.' t'lllli_·. ti1:-1t firlj--r iln U ~1; , ·r ... t _ e ri -~ l if UH tk~l~ Hltf.l_~ I rff. ll r "'t -~ , Oliy Plot !' Real£~ • Satwday, Detent>er 6. 2003 a ~ -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '. ; • : I ' . ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • . ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • JI r~ll Lfl i! ··O Q • illf~s ._t-~1?:1 I'll a: 1 " 1 1ri~1 ~ .::~· ~_-. a.:-.1!l1i'._r• 1;-: ...... · :l Of . rz -,"~·~ =l .1e-1. t-1 fEhl i. r~lf .. ~ , ... ~1:{~f11•tfi · :H' : : ;la·'J'I [~l f8~ -'. ~r1f1ra.tl~fr~. ··~·-, ·_ : a = r -· -l ., a. J' . . • lj._· .il ~ "' :z: ·'. ' . ., -re ~a: 1_ 'ii ' ·'1'"4 ' -' , • . - ··_f •.. ,1. _ ~1if .. s;: ;r ...... ·. ·~ ls-.frll.n:.~.·~ ~' :"' : I; . -. ~ Q -. ' ' • . IS.~ ,. N J'. ' ·, ·•, -• I J t la !I• · I ill ,51 -~ · '' '!J'[· • lil-1'.l!::t~ ' • 9'r ... i~l-. R.JIJ ; ··.2 ." ;,., .. :-. \Ill. f.f~[.ri_t·I : "."ll_ \ : lf· re· 1·'1! .g I ' r ' ' -J: rN:. ·1 . ' I'--\'-_ ' : -,-• t . I -!llal -' ,.'.·.. , ,.,_,"tl!I'.~: : c'. ,.;•';!. ~ . ..: . --- • BFSI' OF CASSIS Breaduuing Ocean, Catalina. Harbc>r and dry Ught views. A European designed home with beauciful landlc::aping. foun- tains, and rwo ex>wtyatds. Dcnmstain master Juiic with ocean views, duce bCdroorns, and an enteruinment room. I..arae entertaining badtnid with pebbled-tee: pool and lpa. built in BBQ, and large patio. cfu't miss die cm.y nook off' tfle kitchen with outdoor fireplace. Ofltred ar. $2,9SO,OOO. LAND FOR.SALE • FABULOUS PRIVATE OCEAN VIEW LOT The ultimate in privacy, this estate lot is Approx. 6 acres with beautiful ocean and mounwn views, Located in the c:xclusive guard gated communi- ty of Bear Brand Ranch. This cwtom multi million dollar estate community offers spacious, pri- vate living, f.antaStic equestrian td.ils along the mounClin side and just minutes from the beach. One of the few lots availablcl!l Seller will entertain offers between $1,09S,OOO and $1,294,876 • BUIW YOUR DREAM HOME Spacious lot located against the SaddJebaclc mountains, Coto de Cau in a guard-gated, golf coune and equestrian community. Featuring two 18-liole golf coun- cs, world-class tennis and cquemian facilities, plus sport and recreation parks. 6 plw acres, 3 acres flat, hol'IC property situated within the •Enclave• at the end of a cul-de-sac. One of the best Jor.s with views of Coto V:alley, the golf course and hillside views. Offered at $2,459,000 •CUSTOM ESI'ATE SITE: Plnwtic 20 ac.rc home site in the gated community of Juliana Farms. Equcsui.an zone submit. Views Of die entire valley of San Juan Capisuano. Approved site plans a.re available for home. Owner is motivated and will trade or achangc. Offered at $2,200,000 • HUGE lDT, HUGE VIEW1 Build your dmun home, one of the f~ lou° available in this beau- tiful c:Xdwivc guard gated custom estate community with multi-million dollar homes. Prestigious community with large estate lor.s and ocean and mounwn views. The ultimate in privacy. Offc.rcd at $2,000,000 ,,,. ........ o.w.oi--....... -......... ---... .... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !" "' 8 w J f • .. \ • i .0 J f • ! ' fl _J • I ! EXTRAORDINARY BAY OCEAN & CATAllNA VIEWS . 21 RIDGELINE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH REDUCED TO $5,899,0 0 COLEEN BRENNAN 949.275.2775 coleenbrennan@prucdm.com "" .. _ www.coleenbrennon.com fl Prudential Cel~Reetty 8 w . ••• ~ J f • COASTUNE 8 w . j • J f . • Don~Broket ABRAlll COASTAL PHOPERrllS V.1<'.tllllll u11 H.:ll)P,1 I .I 11H.I. NH ---~- Jahn Stanaland · Direct: 949.494.2804 Cell: 949.689.9047 LagunaSeaside.com ---· -~ •ASIDll Pl•AL. TV More Insight, Better Results F ealured Laguna &each P roperl:i~s ~a V.-.0 · Wake up in the morning to panoramic ocean viewt in almost • every room! 3 bdrm.a / 3.6 and two car garage ~1.~5.000 bJuna Ror* Ocean front condominium is beautifully remodeled Crom top to bottom. Located on the 5th Ooor, condo features 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooma. Underground parJclng garage with two side by aide parJclng spaces. Building has 24 hour security aru:1 pool/spa. Highly upgraded throughout including plumbing and elec- tical wiring. Highly upgraded cabinetry, sound system and beautiful flooring. Please contact AGENT, KEITH FERENCE 949.637.6236 ,!>1.295.GX)() PM -soon to be under construction. Ocean view. Custom Mark Singer destgn. • bedl'J bath home. 3,800 sq. rt. ~2.5CX).GX)() 1045 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California * Office: 949.494.2124 * LagunaSeaside.com ?"' N 8 w a ~ j w i ' _a. N 8 w ,, ::0 ;_ f'T'I "' .lil" ti j ~ .. \ . ·' . . .. .. ,., .. ~ • • ., . -- ~ An exceptional neighborhOOd deserves exceptional service . As a $ea50ned home loan consultant serving Orange County for 28 years, I'm proud to brin~ considerable experience to your neighborhood. I also have the technology, resources and innovatlve loan products from one of America's leading lenders to make your next home buying experience fast, convenient and virtually hassle-free. A vast selection of home financing options, includin&: ~,,~--~ PayOption ARMs ,____. ~ Fixed Period ARMS 3/1, 511, 7/1, 10/l ~ Interest Only Loan ~ms ~ Home Equity Loan ~s ~ Fast & Easy'I' loans ~ Purchase & Refinance ~ Stated Income Available ~ Primary Residence, Second Homes, High Rise Condominiums ~ New Construction (Rate Cap Prowam offers interest rate prqtection for up to 14 months) Kevin Budde BrlllCh Manlpr C.11 94!M22-2075 kfV1~1"1trY#lde.com MllSIOfl Vie)O 8tlnCh 27101 PUlrtl R•I, Su1ta 100 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Toll Fr99 866-551·2008 Irvine Bflnch 18044 CuMw Omie ltvlne, CA 92612 Phone 949-552·2777 o.t.224 F111 949-552·2770 ....... YM!a .......... '-• ....,... 0 ...... ti._...,.... .... ......... u..m ....................... c.-.. ......... i.-. ............... .. ......... -................... c.-.. ...... .. Architectural masterpiece • ·' •'· ~! V\1l1'). iN(1 J I !7' N 8 w ::0 .,. 2!.. ... ,.., ~ a;' ~ 3' ~ •.. r-..· ... ....... ••• • ~ .0 j f • "' j ! • ~ :t :• •' •' /~ 11 < i ~ !( I ... !7' N 8 w ::0 ~ (Tl "' i .. .... 0 9! -< ~ j ( ... .... . ..,, ~ .s; t~ j f . I l.U , ..... J • I ! : - -. ' -j /. REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS LAW ALL MAJOR &MINOR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS LITIGATION • BUStESS UTIGA~ • eUStESS FORMAOON (INCORPORATION'S, · PAATNERStFS, ETC.) 4 • BF\.OYMENT LAW & U'OOATION • HOUESSALE~LAW &UOOATION • ~OOH DEFECT DISPUTES • ZCM«l. VARWa & PERMIT PfOl.EMS • FOOECLO&JRE PROBLEMS • CC&fl NTEAPRETAOON & EttfORCEMEHT • ENVRMlENTAl LAW "Let Us Put Our ~trimct To WOrk For You" .. Visit Olir Web Site: www.wtldiahandnialicom r1 ~ lOcated To Al Of Orange Coooty 500 N. Stlle College BIVd., Ste 1200 • 500 ~Tower, Orange, CA THE PORTFOLIO .DIFFERENCE • Over 50 banks and lending institutions to choose from • Loans to $10 million; all credit profiles, including cas9-doc -. and intcrest-onl9 • O ur goal is to provide the best rates and lowest cost Oscar &15tamantc -all with our bt price President guarantee TRY FIXED S·YEAR TO $1.5 MILLION • 4.95% • ZERO POINTS• INTEREST·ONLY OPTION• NO PREPAYMENT PENALTYlll :t4 ... --------"- .( • • J w ... I 51' "' 8 $2.4~.ooo w :0 ~ ,.,. ,... ~ 0 i :y a Sun 11-2 .. ~ s.t , ... Allan E. Heller Sun, ... Mary Ocnno S.t .... eory Clwtla. SUn .... ,...~ "'9.000 s. .... ~W.W. ., ... ~w-. .,,,000 Sun .... ScoaSirp: 215 c:...-s.r.. Sl3',900 Sun, ... Murphyt'Sdwla PELICAN CREST 21 lwllal'I VIM $2."5.000 -SI UOO.OOO s. , ... ~Wha " lmtcf Yllca '6.'"5.000 Set .... JohnHcHol ..... PROHONTORY BAY ................ Drw. 12.,.,.000 ..._,,_. S2.295.000 ,.,,.,...., Jlr11 ... WESTOJfP ......... DiM Sun 1;.s ................. s... .... ' • , . ... -I • -·· -=--.~,. :•.J'••·-='·" .-.,lJ•:>-.'".M-i._-:I,J_,_ • _ r _ --.... ~~--.-- ----.. ..~ • M ~ '° .. j i • '~ i w ;; . l ;! }J'eN,.,;t ~ • IJ,o<f5,ooo Spec;:taa.W-'4 8d. home on approic. I fl acn '\) • ' I f • • • -• • .. -OTt .. •..t.£ ...... -~~-,_ a •'\ ~ '° j •• I • I ;; • ~ f ! -. Ull 11 • a > J ~ I •• 5" 8 w . :xi ~ ~ M ~ r J • 0 • "" :9 ~ ~ ~ ·~4~0(){) c.p. Cod._ l ICIOry home on.- cul • ac. ec-, Ind Cllfl1D'I ..... ~ "' 8 w • n ~ ~· ~ ~< i ~ N 8 w . .... • ~ In ct.~ rmnner around an airy centrll courtyard. Bouq ~ 3,&SO ~ ... °' ~ ~the home olen .. bedrooms, 4.5 bllhs. a Sumpcuot.11 mutw IUb Ind LnUrpused vt.ws d Shady ~·· timed Ff coune. Thk ~ .. a1sO lncludea a~ ldldlln, ...,.,.. trw. room. *9 and -OS. room. No dlllll tm bwl owet111.a la chk ~Whktl ~-fNWYUcurY ~ecqi '11•--- and _..._ CUltDn\ ~~Shady ~11 woricktlll,,,,, COUI.., Ind swtm dub amenidel and al ht this posh ldchu '-to °"9r. - ~ oc.n, Catallnil Ind harbor w.ws. The hlaftest ~ c:ionsa'uc:dOf) Md the ftnest ~ arid finishes t.. been employed to ~ a bit - • • . ... J w i !" 8 w ::0 [ ,.,., ~ ~ .,. j ~ • 11 J ~ .. f ,. ~ "' 8 w ;;o g_ L.. ,..., ~ • 0 i ::s> g T .. • I -'j .... n I f ~ J • I ! ,.,,, ... .,, .. •• • ,. I . . flllt1flllf11flllflllllllllllllllllllllflltllflllllflltllllll lll tnt hu 2 bedrooms, 3 balhi, ~ lduMri Wttt. Sol>-Zerci '"' ... tor. custom ~ind ClblneU. 2 car .,... Ind twndrY. l..Owef" unit hai 2 bedrooms I.. .. i, ••• ~ 1 " . ,. • 77 J ~ i ?' "' 8 w :::0 I ~ l'TI rtl-(9 E :SJ ~ JOuth, ..4tj-11M &'IOY alt the benefits of the ocmn side of .. • J'~ ... JI ,., ~ t,Q ] f ~; I " j 2003 Newport Harbor Hl&h Home and Gatden Tour resldenc.. .. • • ,., ~ '° = j~ j J l • i ~ ;; • I ~ Cfi://J-IAven • /2,,;.54000 New Tuscan ~ S bedroom custom home whtl library. media room. open kitchen and ir-t room. 3 car pnce and 1arz-yard. N 8 w . ------- Sdh VJWi CAfi.16-dhv • lt,~~ooo Relocation sale. ex.cucM. estate on a vwy mp vt.w lot In the p.d ~ d a.a.an. s Bd. '4.5 Ba. wkh coo many custom flltures to list. Call for decalls. ... -...,;_ !S' N 8 w . - -----·· .. --- • 1 • f(;' ~ , ~ 1-- 51' "' 8 w ;;io m. ,..., . !fr'- Iii 0 ~ ~ a I • ... ,;... • ~ --j f • • 1437 ?:>o~ e:fmAa A soft contempcnry home Slain& atop one d NMport Beach's prtcm view locations.~ vistas d harbor. ocean and light's are ~ from d ~treas; Enter dlls I story, 3 bedroom, 3.S bath home dl~ rich mahopny pt.es Into Inner courtyard. Rich Ollnese quara.lt.e ftoors flow thrOuah to the view side deck. A handcnlted entenalnment/art ~ enhancm the ~ room. The aourmet kJtc!*' Mtures Brazilian &ranlte counters. dle aatest lri appllnCei and ~ to deck and ~.,.., -Nt1k:h alows for easy~ SCll'lflin& In .very W'l:f· this home Is perWc.1ty craft.id; elecandY destpd and Smardy executed. fj,J'gs,ooo -------·----~r.-c • ?' N 8 w .. ' - • ... , .. ~ "' I ~1 • j J • • ~ ! .. " I ~ "' 8 w . ' I ) •• ... • . · • 91 ~ J ~ i ?' "' 8 w ;;io "' !!!. (Tl "' r,; n; j Jl a • • •J I .. • .. • .- • .. ~ .,; I f • J t.• . ! • ~ :t ----. First Team to feature top new agent at Career Seminar Laura Orlow wlll share her real estate success story on December l B at the success Academy estate company offers a 5,()()()-square-foot training fadlity ettlustvely for~ new and exis~ ~ts. •0ur academy is dedicated to provt<Ung ilie • highest quality of trainiQ8 in the fteld of r:W estate sales," Fouru:lilJ8 President and CEO Cameron Merage Aid. •Offering the best service to the c:Uents is Pint Team's No. 1 • priority and we are Able to dO that through our ~ tralJ:llng~.· According to Ftnt Team Success Academy Director Dale LaMeDU, "11llBJI not the easiest tntnm& nor the sbottat; (n r.ct, ft is the most .bltenle and comprehmalve tUl estate traJnfng m the biill,,,.... We owe our clients aDd ituderiU all the tbOk they need to be succ.eaful; the statl demomtrate that It is the moat succeaful. In fact, tn the 1 S years he~ a a IUldoml lpMker and tramer l'ft Deftl WOrW for a~ Wllb this ~Of lialJllai;• n. ......... twt .. *•"'- e.rtJll' .. ""'""*"" .... ,,.., *'""""' lllet:11 ......... ..,....~-"""'*"---.... l.,,,,,,.,.. ""°"" ...... ,.,..,., cofllfld Finl T,...., O...~ DeptirlWllllll flJOOJ n1-n11, ex1. 8Jo. • .. • IS ~ e 2-':.< :? n> ~ ~ !" N 8 w ~ (Tl .,. a; ii 0 Cl> ~ ~ ,_ , ••• 1 -~ SO; if you'd lih more information, call today. ~Banker Account Executive 949.347.1729 949.212.47 44 cell Bank of AmeriCa. ~ . embracing ingenuity .... P . Nlil • .,,.,.. wm....., ... ' ca' f'+Ci work b«m 61a. All credit is 1Ubjec:t to appro~ normal cmlit standards apply. Bank of Amerial. JU. Malia' FDIC,,... Hi-eies LC:MaecnooJ Bak ol Amaica Corporation BOAA-1102 Ageless charm with modem amenities Serenity, gxadousness, and the sound of ocean tnaes whispering through trees are senSibWties that never go out of style. This classic Laguna Beach home with its 8De budwood flool'S, thitt &replaces and ocan views allow one to live tn a time ~ wtthout leaving modem amentttes behind. The home has two bedrooms, three ~ths and a den. A Dutch front door opens to a formal e:ntiy that leads the way to a light and ~living room that offers views of the ocean. A hl&h open beamed ~and elegant ft.replace cute an ambiance of country1tyle livtn&. Ommlng French doors all,pw accus to a private courtyard garden. Seduacd by lush banana: trees, pajms and mature uees ii a ~g pool and spa thAt wlll offer a romantic setting for candle-lit dtnnas or a serene ~swim. smuted on a streeH<Htrect lot that measures appromutely 9 ,300 square ~ the home also offers a beautifully app<rinted gourmet~ formal 4alng room and a lovely uwter bedroom with Pml.ch doom that lad to the munyard pidcn. There ts a spacious den wtth_ a ftreplace and wet biir that cuuJd be converted to a third bedroom. nm bOme is offered at s 1,599 ,ooo. m lflOfC ~. rAN .o.~ WPOdw.rrl"" Stne JWrts of Pim Tt11111 N°"1IC 111(949) 193-JO()J. Also, ,,.me. tlu lioWie CMlhuJ 111-.flrs#ett,,U»"'· • 8 w • ••• .. f\O) ~ \IS I I • . I ~ ; -I • I ! . ~ . i i ... i i i i ~ .. ~ i L> i i ~ i i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... _,. To PROFESSIONALLY MARKET YOUR HOME . Hal Ellis CataList Homes Ch.airman fJ CEO Former Ch.aiTman and Co .. founder of Grubb fJ Ellis Company • Charge excessive fees eroding your home's profit • Use agents motivated and solely compensated by commission • Use your home to find buyers for other people's homes • Insert agent photos in your ad • Advertise your home without a photo • Omit address and price from your h~me ad BEFORE YOU LIST WITH ANY OTHER FIRM, VISIT OUR WEB SITE AND FIND OUT THE REAL FACTS. I \ l F I\ I I l ' I I \I \ 1 I ' '-I I l " " OFFICES IN HUNTINGTON BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, and HERMOSA BEACH Call us at 888.228.254 7 Take a 1limpae at the future of real e1tate at www.catalisthomes.com - 39 Malloru • $879,000 • Bnuclful Home In PTwine Cond1uon Stn.ttdontqr Lex"'~~~ ~ • 4 Batroom.. l e.dvonrre • 2,604 SF (A)cil.Mnc~ •Buth m 1989 • lC-0.... Quiet & SecluJcd~ M 1nutts from SIV'tp &. R.sawann Mr. Po.kt • 949.722.2'400 FOUNTAIN VAl LEY • Tun Eaateo Rcmrockd 2-S<ory Home • 4 llNrooms. l &1lu • 20S7 SF (A) t1'Ll•lfll &.cc on a 7,200 SF (A) Lot • 2 Macer Suun (I Upow"' I Down) • Laree F.m1ly Rnum ur Sch Bodm>m \Jpall'J • BeaUully Undocaped e.cl<yanl M,, McycnJMs, Meyn. • 714.S93.lH9 I HLJNTtt'-JC,T ON BEA C H • Oct the Ambiance of New Mulco 1n thh Ocnn Polnrc, Dow111own Huntln11on Buch Home • 3 Bedrooms, l 1/2 Baths • 2,639 SF (A) • Built In 1~9J, Tht1 Hl1hly Popular Del Mar Model Bouu NumcTow Uptradci Ma. Mq~. Mc-yen • 714.593.3339 HIJNllNC.T<JN BEACH 633 Lido Park Driw • $1,$49,000 • RcmocklcJ Pmlhouot-on ~ Bey • 2 BcJra.im.. 2 lM &tho • Lqmc Fl .. ~ - 2.650 SF (A) • Otn Cwld Bt Jnl Bcdro.>m •llnu~~A~boble ·~Onuu1t Courutt Tnp, Mirror«l Wall,, Matbk Surround Fll'Cl'lau- Ma. POllter/Mr. Haou.n • 949.721.1400 DANA POINT • 3 !Xdmm.t (All Dowruttln) 2.S Retha • 1.878 SF (A) Li¥i"8 ~ • 8-Juf~I Two- Lcvrl Townhome with Srunn.,. 0..ean Views From Alrn.111 Evuy Room • 0.-...N.J P.-t Window. ~ • Oxwaumrly Locaud N-8eKh. Showt,._ Goll Ctiurw & Htteh Ma. Fot1er • 949. 722.2400 H UNTI N GlON BEACH DUPLEX, CLOSE TO BEACH • L'po111n Un11 l BNroonu. 2 RlithMnm1 • llm•n1111n Unit I ll«Jr.'K•n1, I l\a1hroo1n • 2 C.r G1m11c w/2 Extm Spaces, Ttlrnl n( 4 C.r Perk1na • h1e(ll1ce in 8o1h Unll• • Rcnh Arc Luw Ma. Foller/Mr. Han.aen • 949. 722.HOO D A N A POINT • R.mwdtlc.J unlt.1 w/GdfCoonr v ...... "'"" 1,.i,.,._ °'"""' M.-m & 2nd &liotim • ) bcdnnno 2 s i.t.room. • 1637 ~ ft (A) • B...lt Ill 1976 • ~ Mndmt n.lu.in.ibk Kilchen. Pcrir.• Rot,,., ~. Maom l\imrmm (lndudlfltl lMjlt D.1.'11 Shi.>Wtt) • 2 Car Pwt."11 Ma. fOlllcr/Mr. Hanaco • 949. 721.2400 DANA POIN T • S SeJrcM'.Klll, 3 Bethrnomt • 18SO SF (A) •Completely Rtm•l<ltltd • 2 Mattu Suit~ All New A1'9l1ancct end Flaiurca • Two C.r P.oll·up Oanise • New Roo( ind New Windowt • Tens o( Th!'Naands In Upt11tdtt Mr, Meyen/Ma. Meyera • 7 I 4.S9l.l339 1 • ,, .. en ~ ~ i( I !7' N 8 w :::0 ~ "' ifr ~ 0 Sl! -< ~ •• ....... • ~ .0 J f • i w \,• -,, J • ~ t J :J . ~ - , KEY LENDERS AND RATES .,_, ..... .,,,.., ~ LOCK· INrlMST " ~ P!!Q!9 MT! nu • A.PA RAT! OWN A.PA "--~~ K (800~ 344-2739 5.375% 2.375 30 5.627 3.7504!' 5 4.022 A&tp9rtor~ R (800}591~ U75% 5 1.000 30 6.090 NA NA NA NA NA AC:Dof'l Uncll IQ R (888) &41-.00 5.750% 5 0.000 30 5.930 2.9SO"llo 10 0.000 5.4"0 500,000 · 2.950 110 1M ~com R (888) 411~48 5.750'Wt 5 0.000 30 5.854 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Nnericen Finl c.u . B (800} "58-4617 5.375% 20 2.000 45 5.968 3.375% 20 0.500 4.182 322,700 2.750 HS 1V Amertc:an Ffnlt Ra» Mtg. R (800) 887-9108 5.875% 5 0.000 30 5.910 4.()()()% 5 0.000 4.980 322,700 2.750 1TS 1V Detrk* Mor1p!O! Group R (800) 478-5996 5.500% s 1.750 30 S.680 1.250% 20 1.000 3.506 800,000 2.150 1TS 1M Dlversifed Fui "!19 Group R (877) 644-9920 5.500% 10 1.375 30 5.673 1..260% 20 0.000 3.IM7 800,000 2.500 1TA 1M Downey~ s (800) 348-5931 5.500% 20 2.375 60 5.756 1.250% 20 1.000 4.599 322,700 2.600 110 1M E"*Y Flnanc:tal R (IM9} 729-9200 5.376% 10 2.250 30 5.581 1.250% 20 0.750 3.478 650,000 2.150 6l..B 1Y ~<>UP.com R (800} 4()().1611 5 .750% 10 0.000 30 5.787 1.250% 20 0.000 3.831 1,000,000 2.750 1TA 1M fnc:lyMac Senk 8 !eee) 236-0546 5.625% 20 1.875 45 5.916 1.250'Y. 20 2.125 3.719 322,700 2.225 1TA 1M PFF Bank I TNSt s (800)~ 5.750% 20 2.000 30 5.999 2.875% 20 0.000 3.759 322,700 2.450 1TA 1M PnMdent Bank~ s ~&OOJ 250-1713 5.500% 20 1.875 45 5.704 2.950% 20 1.000 6.471 322,700 2.350 1TA 1M Union Sat* of CA e (800~ 828-2000 5.875% 20 1.500 60 6.050 3.125% 20 1.000 4.160 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y u..w.r.i Arr.an ~ K (800~ 871-7345 5.750% s 0.000 30 5.787 3.250% 20 0.000 3.399 322,700 2.000 6LB 6M U.S. Mol1galge C.. R !800) 8&7-!~813 5.500% 10 1.000 30 5.658 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA W• Fargo Home ""0-s 1888)71~7 5.500% 20 2.000 30 5.683 3.500% 20 2.000 4.152 322,700 2.750 HS 1V WOftd s.Mr1Q9 s (800) 914-8196 5.950% 20 1.000 30 6.07 1 NA NA NA NA 600,000 2.900 110 1M 81111 .... 6 ........ ~ -»30-Alill __...., 1-of ....... 11.8 • 8-M; K • ftlOl1gllgll ~ R ·~ lln*er: 8 • ....... I to.\. ~ ...... Wld~-lo9f!wl ~ .. Cllllornla ~al AMI &-.a.._a ...._OI OOlpe< ..... ~ FOl.,..,,_..ClllOlll OflE •~fl 227.Qt31 . .._ -.1or ......... II mn ~ ......... ..,._.P9flad. 0.-~·~al 4*l'I fl' al ..... ,.., ..... P'lorlD~ ,--. CIOllhd. ....... _"al IDMb*IOe lllld ID ....... al loin dDIW'8 ......... II "8 IUTW of_......, ......... pflor tadcJllna. IJA la ........ ........... ,_ wf'lid\ II mn ...._. _.., Clllll ol .. -.111 .. --· M A..Pft.a -t..s .. a '300,100 lwt _.,,_~"'°""'Md 1700 laCll IMa. The A..P R.a -lrlc*d9d., 1W dwt lar ~· wtJr wt.. ~ llf • i.n, F«lill1ll T~ ......... ..,... ID~ mn Al' I\ IP9dll>ID -=ti._, Ofllr ........... !OM II "8 -....... ._, uncMr glwwl -M lud ,_~'-a IRUlnun ol $300,1'00 ...... ~~la ..... ...-;.,...• lndmi ..... ,_ ...... ......-._ llldllll It .. ._. lor.-0., ........ ,.. (Mwgin • nllll • .... ,_.) 110 • 1 lfl llllt. Co.a of FWldl. fT8 • 1·Y-T'-'Y U . LAM • ._._ l.aA, IT'il • ~ T~ -tTA • t-Y-T_.y Mg. •• l •,.,.._,la ,_,.....,._,....,_. 1W • ,......., 8M • &-._.,., 1Y· 1 Y-M t111aa atijac:t ID dlll-oa. V~ ... Wld ...,..Pflllr..,.....,. lot•IDM. ,....,.. ........ ._._....,.. _ _,_tor...,. ia-i-n.~..--11 not mnolletamlM •!Oen. I you i-_.,pnllb!Mw..., .. .._..,.....Cllll' CIOOJ -.NFN8 a...,...,...., •• _....._ Fabulous 100 block location One house to the sand with whitewater views. Upper owner unit has two bedrooms, three bat.hi, modem lcttchen with Sub-Zero, custom countertops and c.abtnets. Two car gaiqe and laundry. Lower unit has two bedrooms and one bath. Very nice condition. Great full-time or summer rental property. nu. home is offered at S 1,495 ,000. Ftlrf#Of'e '~ &llll Bob Colucdo Ill (949) 640-3600. Slr'llM Proptrlta, 140 Netllptlrl en.Ur DrirM, SU. 100, Newpori Budl. Remodeled home on Lido Isle Locate4 on Udo lsle, d1is home shows llke a mode.I. Feature$ include three bedrooms, thtte and one-half baths and a strada couriyard entry. Recent additi<>ns include a formal dining room, biukWt nook and living room. Each bedroom ii a suite and th~ is a state-of-the-art lcttchen. 1b1s tloaie II oft'ered at Sl,690,000. FM'~~. t:illl Aliso# MtCtn'MJdc Ill (949) 640-3600. Str""4 Proptrlta, 140 Nncpqri CalJel' Drl.e, SI& 100, Nnqtllft Betide. I COPYRIGHT C :<o03 Thll IWor* Arwdml .... SaNba \ Elegant Shady canyon villa Barefoot elegance and the belt of indoor/outdoor living characterize this invttfng villa. Built by Taylor Woodrow, the ~dence ts desfgned in the European manner around an a.by central courtyard. Boasting approztm&tely 3 ,850 square feet of spacious IJvfng, the home offers four bedrooms, four and one-half baths and un.swpassed views of Shady Canyon'• famed golf cowse. This elegant villa also includes a gourmet kftchen, generout pat room, office and exerdse room. No detail has been overlooked in this residence, which lncorporates every luxury amenity, exquisite fln.tshes and extensive CUltom Jandscap~. Th.IJ home ts offered at $2,949,000. For~~. c4ll}obM:M~ at (949) 640-3600. strllllll ~-140 Newport O::ltUr Drlw, SU. 100, NaoportBMd«; • I • I L I • I Elegant country estate Nettled 1n the bills of San Juan C&pistrano, thJs home 1s just a couple of miles from the bustle and bustle of the dty, yet offers the ambiance-of country living. This property ls zoned for horses with ample room for goats, ducks, bwmies, chickens and more. Collect your fresh eggs from the hen house in the morning before getting on the freeway, only minutes away, to swt your day. Who said you can't have It all? Situated on appro%lmately 2.75 rolling acres, thJs custom home has wood ceiJin&', French doors and five fireplaces. With a total of four bedrooms and three and one--half baths, the home has more than 5,300 square feet of spacious family living. The master suite is secluded upstairs and features two walk-in closets, a Jacuzzi tub and romantic fireplace. The childttn's wing, with Jack and Jill bath, is located downstairs. 1be lcitchen is open to the eating area and family room. In addition to the fabulous center island with second sink, it has a six-burner Viking range and a newer Sub-Zero. 1be famJ.ly room offers a brick fireplace, window seat and vistas of rolling hills, trees and the c.anyon. The spacious three car garage offers mother-in-law quarters above with a full kitchen, full bath, fireplace, deck and spacious walk-in closet. Thia home ls offered at $1 ,999,900. For mort lnjomultkm, call Donna Sulltvan, Coldwell Banlter In the Dana Point olfice Ill {949) 310-761 7. Get your newa pubH•bed in the Daily A Pilot Advertising Supplement Advertisers are encouraged to submit press releases, keeping in mind that date of ..,,. --~-....Ill .... • publieatlon is per space and copy may be edited. Here are several guidelines that may assist you in getting your information published in our Real Estate Section: -The Dally Pilot is a community newspaper, therefore, it is important that your new5 or properties also be In the circulation area. Well-written press releases are comprehensive, concise and current. Content may cover agent profiles, personnel promotions, company events, awards ceremonies, brokers previews, community involvement, property profiles, and industry news and trends. -Materials should be submitted by 5 p.m., Monday. -Press releases and photographs, with good contrast, may either be given to your real estate advertising representative or mailed to: Jiii Ulrlksen, promotions, Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. You can fax Information to: (949) 65<>-4802. If you would like to e-mail adve"torial and or photos, direct them to: Jlll.ulriksenOlatlmes.com. . If you have any questions or ideas about material you would like to see in our real estate section, call Lana Johnson, promotions director at (94'9) 574-4239, or e-mail her at lana.johnsonOlatimes.com. .. Providence Plan 4 home in One Ford Road Located in One Ford Road is this beautiful Providence Plan 4 home. The living areas are elegant and spacious with custom built-ins and plantation shutters throughout. 1bere are top-of-the-line appUances and a security system. 11le master suite includes a Sitting area plus oversized exercise room adjacent to master bath. Private backyard with custom spa, garden fountain and barbecue area. lb.t.s home ls offered at $2,429,000. For more informatWn, call Michaela Mt:Closltey or Riclt LAngmn of Coast Newport Properl'les-COldwell Banlter at (949) 644-1600. Codst Newport Properlfes is located at 4 CMc Plaza, Suite 260, Newport Beach. Coldwell Banker Resukntial Brokerage is a member of the NRT family of compan~. NRT Incorporated, the nation's leading residential real estate lmil<erage company, is a subsldl4ry of Cendant Corporation (NYSE:CD). I' ' /'I ' I ~ I I J I • .fJlnnual Jfo{iday 'Brealf ast and I nsta«ation · Tuesday, December 9, 2003 Doors open at 7 :45 a.m. at Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort - Dana Point For more i1Jformatlon, call Laguna Board ef Realtors at (949) 497-2474 • , 101 f ~ w I !" 8 w ::0 ~ ~ Ii . j ~ .. • Ill . I· ~ .. ... You COIJld pay more to sell your home but why would ,ou?? I Clll lst 'fOl l'IOmt tor 3.9-W srvlng yell thouslnda °' dolall. (Se00,000 home) regular K commission la $48,0001 E property 0 3.9'% II 131.200 that equals a IM1QI of $16JO). m •• aplrtpltwDlt.cm Trisha leplar, Realtor Phone: 949.254.3913 PALM SPIUNGS· PALM DBSEilT VACATION PlOPBllTlES Offering both Sales and Seasonal or Annual Bma..ls ANNUAL RENTALS: Furn. or Un£ from $1,200/Mo . VACATION RENTALS $2.000/MO and up Hilb Scuoo $1,100/MO and up Off Sealoti GREAT INVBSTMBNT PROPEllTIBS FROM $200,000! C.Ont:act MIC ANTER 760-333-73 golfdcsertvacatio .com ~mail VacationwatrM991a.c.om 2f eut.101111 Drive $1 ,670,000 STRADA-OCEAN HTS-3BR. 3 1128A, Mast8f Down, 3,500 Sf, Romantic Tuscany, 3 Tmertine Ct Ydl, designer landlcape. ~-Vfrtual Tow, Ayer end 8n>ctMn -At: www.a~.com Aolr'ftlOwlw George VleD MM37-CSOO 811 Vl9tll .... ... •• ooo &urnno e..pan. ~ & ~ to petfec:tionl Entry level master suit•, formal OR, gounnet kitchen. butler'• pantry. 28R, 2.58A, fam.nn. w/attac'hed office. Julie Stephenson (949) 720-3900 ANCHOR NEW LISTINGS CDM SI,450,000 CONDO 3 BD +Den & 3.5 BA FRONT-Brand New South of Hwy CDM SI,450,000 DUPIEX 3 BD& 3 BA and 2BD&2BA CORNER-North of Hwy NEWPORT COASf $695,000 CONDO .3BD3BA ON GREENBELT Gated Community New carpet/paint nJIUl.EROCK CAMPUS VIEW BROADMORE Irvine 3 Homes 3&4BR $549,000, $615,000 $624,000 1-800-640.6661 ·············································································································~······· 8"CTACULA" 0cEAH VIEWS NIWPOfn' COAsT $2,715,000 GATED ColiMHTY CASStS ~dr.hllcamu6stlll.uuybrml.,_,.ldt..,llda* Ml!Sdll !llr Sll!Clly~ llltl lolwlllllrMll Sch bman'lnl 4.5 l*wlla)O g1ng1. HllloRlc SANTA Lorna ~ WIJJ( LOFTS Mooe..· Pl.AH 31.AsT PHASE· $575,890 Plt!l.._lllllDmwllclyl'ils PrallddesS9Xl11b.b wm illmn ...., .. t2'ClillagslllW& Md ti Gilry« .... A""8TS WAU< lOfTI ~L Pl.AH 4 • $489,800 IUldlJwl..nin nmonablec6ntcrttoq 1ricr kin~ )tar Pm Mall nt kalioi w11 ciY W.S. Pli:e iQl!es S3SJm in tu»J tWJdes m Ollll ll'sciW ** 11 C1it'9 ~ Pwted lcr Gallery IX l'ol1e ab ............... -O ~ .. ......., I f'llf71h11f •Ilk• ARTIST Lon ~ 4 • $419,000 Fiblklts i'tllri«, hM )QI Olb IX gallely cbtinstlh in lhis 11"8 Wirt loft. ..,, *'*' llmldsin'W* CORONA DEL MAR 2630 Seavlew 4Br 4.5Ba · Sun 1-4 $2,877,000 Michael Bril'\Jtman Coastline Realty 949-759-0177 LAGUNA BEACH 549 Mystic Way 3Br 3Ba Sat-Sun 1-4 $1,299,000 \Yynn O'nelll First Team Nolan 949-~17 NEWPORT BEACH • 1518 Anita ln 48r2.5Ba Jon Cobain Broker Reduced $1, 149,000 Sat-Sun 1-5 949 842-7211 ean for gate access 58f 88a Sat-Sun 1-5 $3,995,000 PatrtCk Tenore Nationwide USA 948 8l58-9705 8NcTA LuaA t1 ,711,000 MIWl"Olrf COUT Flbulcul octlll lnl ...... *'""°"' .. CM IMI homt. s tmooml, s blf'4 am a 3 cer 91110'· CllllOnl 110111 ~ lMVt OC*' ICildlla. lady room lhlt ha ... ol 1111 Nrbor nl ~ --Movt rlltll "*> "* ellgal'll homll °"" .................. #1 I .-..'*41WllMll'-nld. 1 NEWPORT BEACH 1925 Highland Drive (comer lot) 38r2.5Ba Sun12-4 Agt. Brett Baugh 714-713-6556 200 McNeil #11 O 2Br 2Ba Sun 1-4 Cathi Dentop-Jones First Team Real Estate 949-422-9484 for gate code 291 O Laf8yette Ave. $939,000 $439,000 Bay Front Loft Sat-Sun 2·5 $3,000,000 Sharon McKinnon Cannery Loft 949-673-5638 519 Vista F.lora (Bluffs) Sat 1-4, Sun 11-2 $959,000 2Br, Otftce, 2.5Ba Julie Stephenson Anchor Pro~rtlea 949-720-3900 , . • .. IOI ! ~ ~ t ~ 8 w ::0 .,. ~ ~ ~ .,. . j ~ • t I