HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-07 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotI . ' .. COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Snow, real o r no t, has rules I 'd hardly call the weather ou tslde frightful. a fire is always delightful, and who says we have no place to go? So let it, you know. like ... snow. That's not exactly what Sammyc.ahn had In mind when he · wrote it, but you get the point Do they ever let it snow around here? No, but if PETER you want to BUFFA be meteorologically annoying. yes. There are a few snow Hurries now and then, as long as "now" and "then· are separated by JO or 15 years. T he "virtual snowstorm" has become a holiday tradition, though. TuJCk In some manmade snow, find some sleds, grab the kids. make a few snowballs, have fun. etc. Newport DI.mes Resort did the snow thing Nday night as part of their 10th annual tree-Ughtlng party. and Newport Harbor Lutherap Church will do their version of the white stuff from 4 to 9 p.m. Friday, if you are so Inclined. I thought it might be Interesting for the small, California-grown people to know how snow really works In those places where the white stuff falls from the sky. not from the truck. When you are a kid irra place where "cold" does not mean forty degrees, you pray for snow. There are two reasons for this. The first is that snow is fun. Does that require a lot of explanation? I dldn\ think so. The second and much. much more important reason is that if it snows enough. schools will be closed. And that Is the most wonderful thing that can happen in the life of any school-aged child, ever, and let me repeat. ever. Here's how it worts in the land ofthebrmr: A major snow storm usually starts late in the day and continues through the night, which means It's almost impossible to sleep lf you are . anywhere between the ages of six and 16. I'll give you visions of sugarplums. Does anyone even know what a sugarplum Is by the way'l Neither do L You peer out the window at the streams of SH COMMENTS, Past M INSIDE THE PILOT RESEARCH uc1·. lnttltutt for Gtnomlct end Blolnformetlct haa been tw1rdtd fou r gr1nt1 totlllng tlmoat $7 mllllon to study the found11lona of hum.n llfe. lte PegtAJ FORUM Oey we .. n·Ktllv end her huebtnd Biii go to grMt lqthi to light up the hOtlday MMOn on Belbol PWnlula. ANd what QOM Into their epectaeular dteorldont end how thtY gtt Into the holld1y 1plrit. ... ,..A7 • . S UNDAY E D ITION ai-. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 DECEMBER 7,, 2003 SUNDAY STORY 'The first image that came through my mind was that I was watching a m ovie because it was the only thing I had ever seen. Bw at the sam e moment, I knew we were under attack because I knew something was wrong.' Debor1h Hamm.tt PHOTOS BY MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PK.OT The Hammett family has witnessed two of the greatest tragedies In U.S. history. Deborah, left, volunteered at Ground Zero in New York after Sept. 11, 2001 . Her father Jack, right, was stationed at the United States Naval Hospital Pearl Harbor with his wife Mary Jo, center, when Japan attacked on Dec. 7, 1941. We will never forget Two days that lived in infamy, sixty years apart from one another, are forever a part one family's life. While volunteering at Ground Zero, Deborah Hammett was issued this respirator and badges to wear. People were not allowed in the disaster area without special badges from the city of New York and the Salvation Army. Deirdre Newm1n Daily Pilot I n an Instant, Deborah Hammett's life began to m irror that of her father. The 47-year·old was In New York City on a business trip when two planes. commandeered by terrorists, struck the World Trade Center. Surrounded by so much devastation, she felt compelled to help and spent three days at Ground Zero. Slxty years earlier, her father, Jack Hammett, was at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese bombed the naval installation on the island of Hawaii, drawing the United States into World War II. A.a a Navy hospital corps man, he had the gruesome job of iden tifying the dead, with a break every four hours to perform triage on the wounded. The actions of both father and daughter ln the aftermath of national tragedies illustrate their commitment to their country and their courage In the face of adversity. "I didn't know my daughter was [ln New York! until she called me," Jack Hammett said. "She steps right in and got a lot of charge and I'm very proud of her." THE DAY OF INFAMY Slxty-two years ago today, on the morning of Dec 7, 1941, Jack was in bed with his wife, Mary Jo. The house they lived ln was 10 miles from Pearl Harbor, high atop a hUJ, with a view of the harbor. Jack. who was 20 at the tim e, wu off-duty that weekend and was surprised tu get a knock on his door at 7:55 a.m. TOP STORY It was his landlord looking for the rent. Jack handed It over and as his landlord walked out the door, he nonchalantly mention ed that the Japanese had just attacked Pearl Harbor, Jack Hammett recalled. "I was standing around ln my skivvies," he said. "We looked out toward Pearl Harbor. I think the Arizona had already gone (d own.) There was a tremendous explosion and overhead were Japanese planes circling." Jack Hammett jumped into his uniform and commandeered a truck to get a taxi down to the harbor. He found a cab with five other Navy personnel and rushed toward the harbor. On the way there and while they were entering the main gate, they Golfers brave fog, cold for charity SPORTS UCLA~ UC Irvine In ,three g1m• In tht 1econd round of tht NCAA women'• vofftYblll tournament. ... , ... ., f The 32nd annual Fairview Developmental Center Tournament, which raised $8,000 for the center last year, continues today. Dttpa Bh1reth Oail'J Pilot COSTA MESA -lbe mOod on the golf course waa wanner than the weather Saturday morning. Thick fog enveloped the green. and there wu a ltinllna chill in the air. But there wu no shortage of sinilet at the Cotta Me .. Men'• Oub'1 82nd annual Faiiview Developmen• taJ Center Golf Tournament. Over three decadea, the Men'• Oub hu vouChed ttl support for the Cotta Mesa hot1pltll, wbkh 11 only one of flv. 1t1te·run hoapltale chat houae1 developmentally dll· abled adults and thUdren who need conatlllt care. It'• not just the good came that drawt locaJ golfen to thla tournament. Many come here for the camaraderie and the f\in atmoaphere, Mid Ken Burch. who hu been a tucher at the center for 51 yeara. •Bveryone'I r.Jued out here,• he Mid. "You don't aee lllyonethtowtnsthekclubs.• The foa made tt hard Satur- day momJng for golf era to play. but moat people almpty joked ebout It, Burch aaJd. ... TOURNEY, P .. e M 1 111111---------------------------------~----~-------------~----· A2 ~. ~ 1, 2003 • NEWPORT BEACH Ridgeway eyeing a · return mayor's.post Vloe Mayor and Conner Mayor 'lbd Ridgeway~ be In line (or b1s old Job. Ridgeway said be hu asked council c;o1leagua to vote for hJm when they aelect a ne\¥ mayor on Tuesday. · • Mayor Steve Bromberg announced that he wW seek• MCOnd cam on the Chy Council. C.Oundlman Stew • Rosansky had already said be Intends to run for re-elect.Ion In November. The only seat 1hat rema1nl ~is John Hdteman's. The coundlman has said be1l will dedde this 1WJUDer whether to nm for reeJec:Uon in November. • JUNE CASMMAfC)( OOYet'I ~tt 8-d\ and John Wsyne Alrpoct. SM may be reached -' (Ml) 674-4232 Of' by HNil llt ~M.~ran<Je•t.tJ,,,...oom. PUBLIC SAFETY Police believe thief did more than steal . c.osta Mesa police are looking for a man who reportedly exposed himself twice and trled to ateal women's unde~ from a home -all on the same day. Detectives believe the a.me man was involved In all lhree lnctdents. which were reponed on Nov. 22 between 3:40 and 7 p.m. At about 3:40 p.m .. the man, said to be between 20 and 30 years of age, walked into the lawuiry room of an apartment complex ln the 700 block of Shalimar Drive, nude. He confronted a gtd there, police said. Police said tho eame man allo ICCOlted another girl lea than an hour later. apJ.n in a laundry room o( an apartment complex In the 700 block of West 18th Street. and e:xpoaed hlmse1f . to her. The third incident happened at about 7 p.m. In the 1700 block or Newport Boulevard, when he was aeen INlde a home steal.l.ng women'• wtderwear from tho bedroom. • Newport Beach police are looking for the person who fired a Oare gun at a poliq! hellcopter on Nov. 28, officio Mid. Someone fired a Oare at a Hun~on Beach police helicopter as It was responding to a brush Rte call near Newport Ridge Drive and While Qtp Lane at about 1:15 a.m., omclal.s said. The profectile mlssed the left alde of the helicopter by abour JOO feet and went above lL No one was hurt. lnvestfgaton later detected that the lnftial brush ftre was caused by a ahnllar ftare. • l>EEM IKARATM covers public N*v and courts. She m-v be rNdled at 19491 B7~ or by •mail at dH,».bharam•"'rJ,,.,.,.com ENVIRONMENT Los Trancos named to list of dirtiest creeks Los 'lroncos Oeelt ln Newpon Beach was named among the dirtiest waterways ln che county In a recent study by coastal monitoring groups Including Orange County Coast.Keeper. The report was based on data collected on May 17 at polnts along the coast statewide. Los nancos Creek and 1ll1bttt Channel In Huntington Beach allowed high levels of phosphates and nitrates. which can call!le explOllve plant growth and kiD fish. CoutK.eeper project coordinator Ray Hiemstra said. Loe Trancos aJso contained high levels or B. coll bacteria. Hlemstta saJd at 31 or the 36 sltea studJed exceeded at least one of the ltlndards measured. •ALICIA~ covers buslneu. polltlca end the environment. She ~n be reedled '8t (!M9) 764..c330 or bv ....-n.11 at ellcle.robineonelati,.,,...c:om. ...... EK IN REVI·E PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'CONE HEAD' The original ustgnment was Native American Day at Uncoln Blemen~ Jt was nothing out of the ordinary until I saw a child mimic the other kkts by putting a tratnc cone on bis head and start meandering arowtd. He took It very aerlous!J He thought lt was like the homemade bats the DON l£ACH I O.U..Y Pl.OT other kids were parading around at the powwow. Ollldren do many funny tbin.p that make cute pictures, but lt can be clidl~ after awhile. But this was too cute and too good to pass up. -Don Leach. staff plwt.ogrOpher EDUCATION Top-notch student rallies against school testing Corona del Mar HJgb School aenior Amanda Rubemtein lsn\ taking her own succeM lying down. The 17 ·year-oki has a GPA aboYe a 4.0. She cabs four Advanced Aaament dasses and perfonned well on her SAn. . But for her eenioc project. she ~ lobbying against aD the dUn&'S in ~she excels, bopingto abift educators' focus off test 9COl'eS and onto teacher qualit)t On Wednesday nigbl. she held a meeting to drum up support among srudentB. parents and teachers. Her project started as a rally against the SA1k and the lmpoC1ance placed OD them by schools, teachers and college admisslom boards. As she reseerched the subject, she sak1. a .ligbt bulb" ~t off In her head and she decided to tackle a bigger Issue. •A funner faculty member who wrote the book about beating the house at bladgack made a $I-million donation to UC hvinek math department Newport r.oast resident Edward Q COSTA MESA Monahan reappointed mayor by City Council Gmy Monahan dld 6Ucb a good job as mayor after replacing Karen Robhuon that his colleagues unanimously reappointed him as mayor, although O>uncllman Ou1s Steel expressed reservadons about che choice. touting himself u the only choice for change. MARt< C. DlJSn'.i / OM.Y Pl.OT CdM seniors Rose Yan, Vanessa Valdes, Linsey Wood and Florencia Krochik, from left, are among other students pushing to improve the education by removing tests as a way to determine academic fitness. Thorp, a Conner mathematics and finance professor, has used his math slcll1s to devise ways to wtn at blru:tjaclt and roulette and In the stock market Thorp also came up with a unique structure for the donadon to UC Irvine's math • There will be a new face on the Paits and Recreation C.Om.mission. come )an. 1 when Mirna Burciaga replaces Kelly Feldman. Feldman is moving to Laguna Niguel where her ftancee Uva. BUidap was appointed by C.Ouncilwoman Ubby Cowan. • Planning C.Ommlssioners wW pock.et more dough this month, as the council upgraded their salary from $.300 to $400 a month. The c:ommls-W>ners will get paid by the month oow, instead of by the meeting. • The council cemented Its support dep&rtment that wm ute eome money to attract a renowned m.atbemat1dan and reinvest the rest. • MARISA O'NEI. COY8f1I educatJon end m-v be~ et (8481674-4288 or bv HNll at ma"-.onelttll6tl,.,,._com. of an underground route for the CenterUne light rail system by approving a second preferred route that It got the county to consJder In October. This route will run from Bristol Street to SunOower Avenue to Avenue of the Arts. with a sbon underground aect.ion OD Avenue of the Art& The county will choose Its preferred route In January. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN cowra eo.t. Meaa end m-v be ...-ched et (9491574-4221 or bv e-mail al cN/rtl,..MWYNflO"'llma.com. " NOTABLE QUO TABLES . ' "Jn Iha# five yr.an, I got the kind of ape~ peop/.e normally get ~r a wlwle career. l'Mre ~several offi«r-lnvolved shootings, and I want«I to taU that uperien« and lrtlln of/l«rs who worbd in amu wMre they did not get thal kind of expmena." -Dll¥e Ift9I, who runs the C.Osta Mesa' Police Department's shooting range, on pattolllng pattolled South-Central Los Angeles earlier ln his career. "He doesn't seem to be vio/.ent, based on what occurrtd. But we don't know if he's want.ed for wmethlng else. And with anyone wlw ls braun e1Wugh to do wmethlng like this, we never know for sun." -Dale Blmey, Costa Mesa Police lieutenant, on a reported Basher the police were seeking. "We nttd to go to the council and say. 'Thls ls what wt have right now in Buck Gully, but we no longer believe it's enough."' -1hn Blley, Newport Beach Fire Chief, on a proposal he ls set to make Tuesday to the Oty C.Ouncilaboutllnproving fire protection in Buck Gully. • "A lot of people say that students an laey or don't want to learn. I think the opposite is true. They want to learn. But things are showd down their throats and they're not allowed to thinlc analytically or critically." -Amanda Rubemteln, a C.Orona del Mar High School senior, who ls lobbying to shift educators' focus off test sco.res and onto teacher quality. · "It~ Important to me because I fttl Uke being a teacMr ls a very important profession and you have to striue to remain educal«l and condmu IM growth process.• -Cha.ndta Prot.cb. a teacher at Newport Coast Elementary and one of three In the district to gain board certiftcadon, on eamtng the honor. . DailyAPilot PHOTOGRAPHEAS Copyright No news eton... M.wtl c. °'*'"' Don leectl. lllu11ttatlona. edltorlal mnar or SURF AND SUN i<.rlt Tl'9ploW advert!Mmentl '*91n cen be , ~wt~ written WEATHER FORECAST condltlona continue •• MADEM HOTUNE permlulon of copyright own«. (949) M2..eo88 northwest wtnd1 wttl be VOL: 17 •NO~ 341 Aaoonl your commenu about the HOW 10 MACH U8 Todey 9houid have mont between 10 end 26 knotl wtth Dally Pilot Of' .... tlpe. ~ doudl but .... fog. Moettv 2· to 3-foot wevee end a THOMM H. JOHNION NewsYIDrs ~ The Tlmea Orang41 CouMy cloudy~wfth• 30% northWMt IWell of 710 10 Publlehtt Gina~. lcMi Andaraon. Our eddlWI It 33() w. Bay St., Coate 10NYOOC>f.RO (800) 262~141 c:.h1nce of ,jfn ~ICIMd. feet. l!'.dltor p.ni.i Hunt; hut Saltowlta, Meaa. ~ 92$27. omc. hourt are Adt4•'911f• Wlnda wtll eteo be~ about 10 Denial~ Mondev · Friday, l:JOa.m. • 5p.m. Cb11'nad (IM9)M2·5878 JUI'( QI I flHQ HOfllTNf CoitectilM °'9pllly IMS) M2"'321 m~ from the eouthwMt. SURF ~~ .,.... ...... It le tha PIJOt'a policy to promptly ~ pemu,... lhould rMCtt Pron!Otlonl Off9CllOI ~wooun.~. OOfT'Kt 1ll 9"ort of IU~ ..... In the mld-eDa dUtW'9 U. d9y Dou~wwee CMll~ ......_~II (9491 ?Mo<U24 (949) M2.eel0 . ..i~--·· art In order once 1191ln, .. the IDfTllG l1IW .... ,,,..,-.,..,,,..,°"'" ..... (949)~ and 60 tonight. northwest tw911 continuee to UC.. ..... c a ' FYI ..... ,., ... )M-4170 Cloudl, that ..... beetrong. ~Editor, Newpoft lelid'I ,..,.,.,, Th9N4iwpoft ~~ ...... Alll(M1)'80-0170 d)ence, of Wiii be a. cal'Wful out"*"· ( P4-4m -·~ Daily Ptlot (USPS-144-«>0l ie ... ~ • .,,...tJOm gone by w.......-,: sJ Ollltlt• ..,..._oom Jw».~•....,__com publllh9d c»lly, In~ 8Md\ Mlllt Olllil o..... ..... .......... and Cotti ~ eublllc:tipillone .,. ........0Mae(M JM2..W1 WWW.1411frk»r.orp ~,.., • 1'wFUt94tl'31·112t www.nws.ttOM.f1""' , .. ~ Columnilt. c:u"'°" ""'°'*· IVlllM>lt only by 1Ubec:r1blng to The TIDES dwet.==-«lm , ... ~ Tlmee Orange eounty (IOOI BOATING FORECAST 8PcMta !«Mor. ~,...,,_.,....,_,°"'" m ''"·'"MMe ou9'da or -TllM *'IM (Mtl'M-<UD .,.... ..... Newport taadi and c-. M9ae, Ooet to tN ehore, wlnda t:20e.m. 2. 115 fMt loW rltMid Wnt1•"1tifrW,aom co.ta ... ,......,, .... JM-4221 eubtcflptto11e to the Dtlty Not are wtfl be varteblt et 10 knota or 7'S7e.m. 15 ..... hlgh ..... J.. ...... """"'9.,_,..,.•...,,_aom eval'*-ontv bv ltrtt ._ melt for ltM wtth 2·foot W9Y.e on a 2:&3p.m. .0 . .21fellllow M Dl'9Ct0t' I N9wt 0..k Chief. Mallle O'Nal S30 .,., month. '"'°" lncklde .. , ~ bv Tinlea COmtnunlty ...-m M911ofs105ftet. 9'.22p.m. 3.83fMthfgh (149)117~ EdUclltlon ~. (848) S'7'-4291 epptlCllbl9 ...... arid ~ WX..l NtWt. • dlWiOtl tA the "'°' Angelee Wlndl wtll atrlltghtan out to /t»fl.untot1e'-ttnw.oom ,,,,,,.,.._°LtJf"'"*·oom POSTMASTER.~ add!'9le TllMI. the nomwe.t and loc,,.•• to WATER ---~ • (hengee to The~ betWMn 10 end 20 knoc. In Photo Edttor. NflM Meiltant. (848) 17«291 CQ003 Timel CN. All righta TEMPERATURE , ... ,,........ ~Mela Deity Pt4ot. '-0 thtMnlng. ~m«nnt•l«fmM~ lul•.,,.,..•t.tlnw.com Box tMO, Coie'4i MIN. ~ 1282t. ~-Out flfther, hanlrdout 12dlgrw r, • LOOKING BACK Keeping up with history Th e Costa Mesa Historical Society maintains the city's history, and has for almost 40 years. vtr1lnla E. Lopez Daily Pilot ·p or those with a question about where c.osta Mesa tw been. and maybe even where Its going, on·e place has the answer: the Costa Mesa Historical Society. Fonned in 1966 to support the Diego Sepulveda Adobe hlstorlCa.t 1and.mait. the historical society began a lifelong commitment to "promote and preserve" the history or Costa Mesa. on the past to future generations. Soon l<>dety members found that preserving history meant the need for 5torage space beyond the use of private homes and garages. . The adobe, also referred to as the l!stancia. was officially dedicated on Aug. 28, 1966, largely due to the dedication of the core group who promoted this undertaking with local service groups and Interested community members. In 1981., an answer came from the dty of Costa Mesa. The city agreed to lease a 4,000-squa.re-foot building to the society. but before they could move In, they had to move out. literally. In order to obtain the building the society had to move it from Its original site on Adams Avenue to Its planned home in the historic downtown area located at the comer of Anaheim and Plumer streets. With a place to call home, the historical society continued to preserve local history and assist residents with their search of history as well. COURTESY Of THE COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Costa Mesa Historical Society board meeting adjourned to Pink's Drugstore for soda and ice cream in 1979 shortly before Alvin (Pink) and Lucy Pinkley retired and closed their store. Having received its charter just one month before the dedication, the society began giving tours soon after the dedication and its own history began to unfold. Using the Estancia as the jumping off point for their group, tbe historical society began harboring other activities as well. Members pulled together historical photos, many of which are the only evidence of the early history of Costa Mesa. To help -increase interest in local Ristory they brought in speakers to pass "People want to know the history of their houses." said Archivist Mary Ellen Goddard, and society members help them to find the answers. The society participates in annual events like the Fish Fry and the Orange Cow1ry Fair. - Members publish a local quarterly to keep residents informed of their history and sponsored three books written by Edriclc MJ.ller that cover various aspects of area history. As it heads into their 38th year, the society continues to provide tours of the adobe. It also long has been commlned to the future of the community, having establishing. in 1969, an annual scholarship fund awarded to an Orange Coast College history studenL One area of recent focus are the people who were and are a part of Costa Mesa. ·one of the kinds of things we're trying to find (is thel historical djversity [of Costa Mesal. including Hispanic. Japanese and other ethnic groups, H Goddard said. •We want to represent all of Costa Mesa hlstory.• she said. The Costa Mesa Historical Society Library and Musewn is open from 10 a.en. to 3 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays. • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays. Do you know of 11 person, piece or event that deserves a historical Look Badt? Let us know. Contact us by fax 111 (949) 646-4170. e-mail at dallypilot@latimes.com; or mail her at rJo Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627. UCI research group awarded four grants School's Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, which does research on the h uman genome, has received $15 million in funding since its inception two years ago. puter, said 1 ladield, has 140 pro- cessors compared to one pro- cessor that a desktop computer has. One example of the work the mstirute docs, Hatfield said UCI researchers had created. was a "synthetic SARS gene" a week af. ter officials released information about ll1e genetic makeup of the virus. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot UC IRVINE -The university's Institute for Genomics and Bioln- formatics has been awarded four grants totaling nearly $7 milllon bringing the totaJ money It has raised since Its Inception about two years ago to $15 million. offi· dals said on Friday. Pierre Baldi, a computer soen- tist, and Wesley Hatfield,"a micro- biologist, founded the institute about I 5 months ago. The institutes goals are closely linked with the U.S. Human Ge- nome Project started 13 years ago by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National lnstitutes of Health. The project's primary goal of identifying all the 30,000 genes in the human body has been suc- cessfully accomplished. This type of research. in addi- tion to knawtedge of biology, re- quires computation skills as well, said G. Wesley Hatfield, the insti- tute's associate director and pro- fessor of microbiology and mo- lecular genetics in UO's College ofMedldne. "1bi.s researcll calls for inter - pretatlon and analysis bf huge amounts of data which requires the knowledge and skills only a computer scientist can provide," Hatfield said "Together, com- puter scientists and biologists can do what we need to do to under- stand life processes.. The grants includes a five-year $4.9 million award from the Fron- ders of lntegrative Biological Re- search program. a new one ere- ated by the National Science Foundation. This grant was gtven to Eric Mjolsness, an associate professor at UCl's School of Infor- mation and Computer Science. The four grants will help the In- stitute fund its 150 researchers and provide for equipment such as a "supercomputer." That com- 11Ecma11 "This Is a new era in research," he said This uuersection between life science and computer science is very important for such research, said Balcli, the lnstitute's director a SALES EVEl11 lpecllll Yes-bit Values • -..... IDll llNwlw1' MAGIC FOREST CHRISTMAS TREES Back for the 19th Straight year! •HUGEST •SELECTION •BEST •SERVICE •EASIEST •PARKING professor in UCl's School of infor- mation and Computer Science. "This is a field of research that's growing very quickly," he said. "'This is going to help us design new medicines and protein~" The computers. which imitate biological systems and create complex simulations. will help scientists skip several experi- ments, saving time, money and effort, Baldi said Part of the grants will also be used to "train the next generation of scientists,• he said. s~. December 1, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday t!J; TuestlAy 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Crocktalfs --QuaIJty SctTict••• •••Njpdy E.DtvtairuDcnr• .. f ,,, ,,, • .,.,,.,,,,,.,,, '"'' (lJ•llJ) (11'(1-.,,H·t l h1I\ Irvine Aw, , t .. ,, .. ''' , .. , ....... " ........ , .... ~ ...... \ .... f1 ..... .., ........ ' .. PRINTING Opal Mond.y-S.turday 435 N CC>Mt Highway Laguna Beach lagunapr1nt.cce11sy.com Pick up & Delivery Fast Quality Scrvtcc ulect _your Holldav Card• onllne at ... www.holfdoycardwebsfte.com/lagunaprfnt MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF • california's leading underwriters . • New offerings available •AAA Bo nds • No n Rated Bonds I RBC Dain . Rauscher 1b Set an Appointment. Please Call LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 61 O Newport Center Dnve, Suite 900 Newport &ach, CA 92660 (949) 72()-8901 lantz.bell@rbcdairt com OPEN 8am -9pm Dec. 3 till Christmas THIS H OLIDAY SEASON, LET EXCI rEMF"' T ME:.R(,L WI I H CULINARY E:.XlELLE:NC.E AND GRACIOUS SERVI<. I: AT TH E ST. R H,t~. COME HOME FOR THE 1101 IDAYS. Home to a certain world. TIU ST. REGIS MONAHCH BEACH Dane Point C 11irflm1'1 RHort t.9~9.23 •. 3200 www.1tre1lsmb.com ASPi::~ llOU~TO'I I"" A~C.111.; M0'.11.\1(( II lll:Ac.:11 I A Nl·W VllRK WA I, Ill Ne, ION II C 141 lll"IC1 I llNl>O'll ll0\.11 \llANl:llAI .. .. A4 SundlY, Dteef1'1bt< 7. 2003 PUBUCS~ETY POLICE FILES COl'lamlA • ...... ltrNt: Grind'*"' wet NPOt'9d In ... 3300 bloc* • 2'40 p..m. Thu'*V. . ......,..,..._,.... .. A!Wnue: BathrtvWM ~ at 12~ a.m. Sttu~. • ffMaor'*"l'l:ilWd: f>9avthtft wet "POl1ed rn ctw 2300 bloc* at 8'A& p,m. ffidty. ....... '°" ..... : Pwtty theft wt• reported In ~ 2700 bloc:t •t•U7p.m.~. • EiM 11th 9tNet V.nd1llam WUftP()rt.cS In tht 100 block •t 2:53 p.m. Wldneldly. • w.t 1tlh ltrNt: Orfnldng In publl~ WU reported In tho 800 bl<><* et 10'.0S e.m. ThurteitY • w..t , ........ Md ......,. -.nu.: lndtcent txposore WN reported at e·ie p.m. wedn..c:tev. COMMENTS Conbnued from Al l>Oowflalces In the glow of tht' 5treetlight as long us you can, then drift off to sleep. When you wake up. you race 10 the window to check the levels. If h's a two-inch ft7Zle. you go back to slt>ep. exhausted and heartbroken. But if It's the 2-fool mother lod<' tJuu Is the stuJT of dreams, you '>Cl'8JTlble across the bed and tum on the radlo for the words that >-OU live for. "Puhltc schools In all five borougtu will he do'!ed today. .ilong with the following parochial ..cl1ools. • Your heart begins 10 race. In fact. )Oil can hear 11 beating. I .ondoneN huddlt>d aroWld radm~ in a bhvJ..rieg ~re•'' 1warly ~desperate for the right worth as we were. When they finally. finally UJlOOlUICed "P.S IO.J an<l -~ I r.mcl'> of Rome ~ hool. • you rnuJd hear mutTied 'hout'> and t hee...., up and down the block. Wilhi11 minute.,, the street would he a '>t\Jrnbting ma.-..'> of llMl!>. hooth, gloves and galo<Jlt'S .uiJ the smallhh people inc;1de lhern. Tht.•re ww. n bnef <>trntegy meeting -'>ll'ddlng. '>nowball fight or snow fon which was a total \Vf\.'>tc of timl' because the answt•r \~ alwar-. sle<ldtng. The real reason for the meeting was that. M In all moments of grea1 joy or tragedy. you just want somrone to '>hare It with. Incredible. IWenty·four unexpected houri of no i.chool, no teachers. no homrworlc. no hassles. all fun 11\ hard to descrtbe. The sleddlng wa.c; the high point of the day and went on fo1 hours. There were a lot of rules and ll complex pecking order about who could go dawn the hill when, wtth whom and for what rro.\On, etc . cllJ of which would take many, many pages 10 explain. But in general, the 1>0ow rules were not that ditTerent than lhe !.Ul11ffier rulei.: c.-veryune pioo on the dweem m<'rcil~. the rnol kids gel aD tJ1e clttention and everyone steers t lear of the tough kids. So was It then and so .,hall It t.over be, regardles.r; of the lemperature. Tilere lllt! a few '>now myth.s that need to be d!l>pelled. ~r. Nobody builds '>nowmcn exctlpt little kids, ur;ually with their rarents. I uJly grown rworle build AFTER HOURS NEWP0"1' BEACH • MlilM ... Att ....., .. Ml llPOMd In lhe 100 bfod! '"9:37 p.m. "1dlY. • W.. C.-1.W:My. l.....;wte~ln lhe 2900 blodc 111 2:11 e.m fttdeV • ........ ~: V.~ waa raported In m. 1800 bfodC .. 11 a.m. Frtdav. •,... Nlllwpofl o,M: A burgllty WIS "9pOt1ed In the 4200 blodt at 8;&9 p.rn. Friday. • RMw~ A hit-end-run was reported In the 4100 blOck -.t 3~29 p.m. fridly. • 2Wi Sb'Mt: A Whld. burgtarywu ~In the • 100 blOdt at 11 :.20 a.m. Ftldav. • ., ltrHt .net West lelloa loulwllrd: P9lly ttwft WM reported at 11:37 p.m. Friday . • 111t 8""' and Neptune ~ vandalltmwa• repo11ed at 8;27 a.m. Fflday. snowmen because they th1nlc they remember building them. wruch they really didn't Snowmen take way too much time to build and tl1ey never look right. ever. The only ll).lng you can roll 6now into looks like a giant roD of conon gauze. You can never get it round no matter how hard you try. and if you pick up any clirt, sue.ks or rt>Cics. it's not going to roll up at all. And who was the last kid who could run into the house and come out with a carrot, some lumps of coal and a cop hat? Snow fort.'! are what you build, not snowmen. It can be as simple us a tunnel dug into a snow bank or a.\ complt-x 116 an Inuit crafwnan'' fin~t wort. Thrngi. RO on In and around ~now fort\ thdt cannot be told here but are amoog the WMm~l memorll."> of the coldesr dayi.. Snowball fights .... Again. 'iO many rules. MJ linJe time. Leave the organiud snowball fights with the neat piles or snowballs stac.ked up like 'iO many cannonballs 10 the tt 1ovies. Never happens. Tite only fun m throwing snowballs is to be as devious and unfair as p<>Mtble Other than that. ns no fun and your handc; gel M> cold you t!unk they'll fall off. I lere'!> the deal. You get two or three well·made snowball.'i (Its an art) ready. then lie in w.llt for an unsuspecting person 10 rnme by. al~t aJwar-. a dweeb or n girl. On rare occnston, it could be a tough kid, but you better be really fast and I was never that fast. I stuck to the .~and the girls. 1he rule as you don't wnn1 to hurt ·anybody but you do want to cause great discomfort, moderate pain and/or emballCIMment. Why would you throw one7 The object ls ro knock the target's hat otT, with extra poln~ for making them drop anytlung they're carrying. dlld doullle extra points for getting their hrur wet. If you can do all three and have it properly witne~. you will be treated like royalty for weelc.s.. So there you have ir. JUSl a few of the snow rules. Take the ldds to the hobday snow hill of yow choice. have a blast, and when they ask you, "Is this what snow M" teU them, wye,ah. sort of " I gottngo. • PETER BUR=A 11 a fomler Costa Mesa mayor. Hla column runs Sundava. He rnay be rea<tled by ~II at ptrb4 "aol com MUSIC CHRISTMAS CONCERT ATTACKS Conboued from Al go111rafed by enemy IJ,te, he said. Al the ho•pltal, they tarted receMng dead bodies. ·1 didn't see my wife gain for 72 hours,· be saJd. ·r don't remember sleeping. I may have, but I don't remember.• After that intense experience, he helped recover bodies u part of the burial det.U for two weeks. When the allies lnwded' Europe. he wu there u weU, ldenlifying casualties from the 82nd and lOlat AJJ'bome divisions that parachuted into Normandy. He also worked on navy destroyers In the North AtJandc . SEPT. 11, 2001 Deborah Hammett was in New York CJty the mo ming of Sept. 11, 2001, for an International trade show. She was visiting one of her customers in the area when they heard that a plane had JUSt mashed Into the World Trade Center. They went out to look around and as they were discussing what had happened, she saw another plane ling low, vanish heh.ind ~the first tower and then make a horrendous explosion. "The first lmage that came through my mind was that I wa1> watching a movie because II was the only thing I had ever t.een," she said. ~But at the same moment, I knew we were under attack because I knew something was wrong.· When officials from her company told her to go back to her horel, she complied. But the urge to go out and help was too great to rcSist, she -;aid With the daughter of one of the owners of the company, ~he headed out to do anything they could to help. rhe next day. they got a call from the Salvation Army. They 1umped into a big SUV with other volunteers and were told they were going to Ground Zero. She followed a minister through the rubble and began to absorb the full impact of the devastation. ·The one thing that really stands out in my mind is that it looked like confetti," Deborah Hammett said. *It takes a higher heat for paper to burn. There among all the TOURNEY Continued from A 1 •it's a lot of fun." he said. "It's become a tradition here, over the years.· The money from the tourna- ment Is used for extra-curricu· ta r activities at the center, Burch said. "Without this money II would've been lmpossible for u<1 to participate In events such ai. the Special Olympics." he said. Several programs such as an· nual picnics, holiday parties that are like the "Icing on the cake~ for residents, have be· come Increasingly difficult to suppon with heavy budget cuts, Burch said. Bob Zedick, whose daughter 1s a resident at the center. said he has been playing the tour- nament for about 15 years. ·The people over at the cen· IQ< Tmtt1y l rU 1loo1t.i.1.,.., ... ~., ' tl.tmqt"I ht .ilUf\i11ttKu1rit'''t ... ~ .... -..... .... ·-·, "'"'...,.... ... , ''"'' 11.J Nn .-Jnrai MARI< C DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Jack Hammett often shares his experiences at schools for the Freedom Commrttee of Orange County. Some of the items, above, are one of a kind and help to tell the story of Peart Harbor. ashes were pieces of paper. I would realize that every one of them came from somebody's office: She helped organize the food tents and took the food personally to the weary firefighters, who were too busy to think about eating. wone of our things was lo get them to start 1aJlcing. w Deborah Hammett saJd. "All I would do ls reach out and touch' them and they would start talldng." One, sirting by himself, had a far away look ...... a · •thousand-mile stare· as her father would have called It. Another searched relentlessly for his crew amid the rubble, she said. Improvising was key at Ground Zero Deborah 1 lammett discovered when she went 10 scrounge up more food for the firefighters in the wee hours of the morning. She found a restaurant that had some functioning machines and figured out how to use its huge coffee makers and slicing machine. She open ed up the refrigerators and started slicing meal. Another time when the coffee and milk ran out, Deborah panicked momentarily. Then she discovered in the American embassy towers down the street, there was a Starbucks ter are saints," he said. "They take very good care of their residents. And it's nice to see everyone giving something In return.~ Zediclc said he also enjoys the wcommunlty atmosphere" at the tournament. •we got here at 7 this morn- ing and the women from the center were already here wilh coffee and doughnuts for us," he said. •They make it known that they really appreciate what's being done.· Last year, the Men's Qub do· nated SB.000 to the center. This year will be similar, said Jill Dlncecco, who Is coordina ting the tournament along with her husband Steve Kapaun. "Steve and I took a tour of the center and It really touched our hearts.• she sa.id. •They need our help.• Kapaun said he was thankful that there was n o rain on Satur· day. None of the employees had Jocked the doors behind them when they evacuated in the aftermath of the attacks, she said. She found some cartons of milks and took them to the firefighters. Later, she wrote to Starbucks and "confessed.· she saJd. REACTIONS TO A TRAGEDY ln the heart of the recovery effort, Deborah Hammell witne!>sed firsthand the herculean effort of the recovery workers. -For me, I wa!i extremely proud,· Deborah Hammell sa.id. "I knew I was standing side by side wi th America'c; finest. You would see line~ and lines of constru ction works and lines and Imes of firemen. You could see they had come from all over th e country." Watching the events of Sept. 11, 200 I, unfold from Costa Mesa. Jack 1 lammen said he felt the auacks wouJd jolt America out of its complacenl slumber. "My first reaction was, 'maybe this will wake America up because they don't know what war is like,"' he said. "Amenca doesn't apply any attention 10 what's happening overseas. Even now. kids are so blase. They're so laissez.·faire and don't' want to do anything · Jack Hammett said he was glad to see President Bush . react so quickly by bombing Afghanistan. SHARING TiiEIR STORIES Jack Hammett has been sharing his experience In World War II with students, thr ough the Freedom Committee of Orange County since it started in 1995. The committee has spoken 10 22,000 students in the past 18 months. he said. Today, he and his wife will be grand marshals of a parade in Villa Parle. He is now working with his daughter on a program for schools where they Will share their stories together. This will enable the kids to have a frame of reference for Pearl Harbor Day, he said. "With Sept. 11 , they understand about mass casualties," he said. "I thought it would be a good way to keep their attention. Now we can relate one to the other. You learn when you have something to compare il to. The motto of the committee is 'Passing the torch of liberty onto future generations. Freedom is not free ... • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa end may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e·ma1l at deirdre.newman@latimes com STEVE Mc.CRANK I DAILY PILOT A group of golfers tee-off from the 18th hole of the Costa Mesa Golf Club as they played tn the F a1rview Developmental Center Tournament on Saturday. last year, the Men's Club which organizes the event, raised $8,000 for the center. ' "That would've really hurt foggy.· our donations." he said. ·nut it The tournament conlinut's turned out OK although It's today. • Submit AFTER HOURS itema to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bey St, Coat• Mesa, CA 92627, by fll)( to (94916'8-4170; or by calllng (949) 57oM295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Ore~ Co11t College It ofhlrfng a nl,,...,.rt film hfatory on Alfred Hi\d'lcodc. The aerie• Wiii be 11'\oderated by retired OCC profeuor H. Arthur Tauulg. Ead'l llffslon will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be held at OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116 Admlulon I• S6 for adult• and S6 for aenlora and OCC ttudents. For more Information, call (714) 432-5880. St. Andrew .. Pretbvterian Church Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra will present Christm11 concert works by B•u. Rutter, Hayes, Stroope, Menotti, Td'laikovaky along with holiday carols three Sundays In O.C.mber. Tho performancea wUI be at 4 p.m. today,•' 4 ind 1 p.m. Dk 14, and at 4 p.m. Oec. 21 11 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Wednesday 11 regular entertainment et 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Houra are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Caf6 pretent1 Monday Night Jama from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" mu11dan1 Include guitar players, blu playera, 1lngera, drummers, keyboerdlltl and others at 100 Main St, Newport Beech. Free. (949) 87s.neo. Common Ground from Wednesday through Sundav. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and S.turdav and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is et 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newpon Beach Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant Is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday end S.turdey. Plavers Is at 512 w. 19th St, Costa M .... No cover charge. (949) 646-5616. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Tickets cost $17 opening night. otherwise $13. Information: (949) 631-0288. THE MIRACLE WORKER Estancia ~igh School's drama department wlll pretent "The Miracle Worker• at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Barbara Van Hoh Theatre at E1tancla High School, 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Meaa. Tldceu ~ S8. Information: (949) 516-6537. RING OF LIGHTS The Commodom Club If the Newpon ~Chamber of Commerce will hott the RI~ of Lights home decorating competition In December. All home, bu1lneu, and yacht clubs llning the harbor 1re lnvltod 10 participate. Doc:oratlon• must be In piece by Monday. lnformeflon (949) 72M400 NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADt BNutlfullv <*orated yachta, boau. tavaka and c.na. will ull •lono the harbor In the 16th annu I Ntwpe>rt tt.rbor OlrlttmH Bolt Parad4t 0.C. 17 through 21. Etch night, the perade will begin ot 8:30 p.m. •t CoUIAt laland and last cwo and a h•lf hours. Th• parade It ho*tOd bV the Commodoret Club of tht ~Bud! Chamber of Commtroe. lnfonnrion; <Ml 7~ ~M'WW.~,..,com. Beach Tldceta ~ $10. Information: (949) 574-2284, (94.9) 574-2283. Chllckare reservations: (949) 574-2283. KINGS SINGERS The King'• Slngert, England'• premier vocal ensemble, will perform at 3 p.m. today et the Irvine Barclay Theatre, ~42 Campus Drive, Irvine. The colt will be from S30 to $35 per person and full·tim• 1tudent are h11f prfce. Information: (714) 740-7878, htti>:l..WWW. tt..barclay.org. AESTA NAW>AD CONCERT JOH &llclano wUI join manac::n1 bandliadar Natl Cano •• part of the 10th annual Ruta Navldad concert et 8 p.m. Tueadav et tht Orange County Performing Ml Center. Tldcetl colt S20 to $69. Information. (949) 663-2422. hrtp;l!Www.phlharmonH:.ocJety.org. ORANGE COUNTY WOMEN'S The Orengo Co\Jntv Wornen't Choru1 will perform lu 2003 holld•v progrem, •t Sing of a Malden;' 1t 7 p.m. O.C. 14 at lhe Newport Hatt>or Lutheran Chutd't. The ci\oru1 will perform worb about the VlrQln Marv and many more. Tldc.u coct $10 to $15. lnformitlon: (949) 461-8590, http:l~.ocwomMMJhoru .. org. DUKE'S Pl.ACE Jaa and oodttalls flow dally from noon to midnight Sundays thl'Ollgh Thu~ and from noon to 2 a.m. ~and Saturdayt at the Belboa Bay Oub & ~at 122\ W. Cont HJghw&v, NeiNpC>rt Beac:h. lnfommion: (949) 645-6000 M.t.MMA GtNA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yortt Jazz Connection Ouo, pley at Mamma Gina •t 261 E. Cout Hlghwav In Newport 1t 8 p.m. H1dayi and S.turdaya and at 7 p.m. Sunday. •nd Mondav1. Diana Oltrf Joint the duo on vocal• on Mondavs, 1t'1 fnMt. Information: (&49) 873-t!OO. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The BIUowtter Grtll ofYera llve mutic Friday and Salurct.v nlghta. Greg MOfVI", Nldt ~,and ~lly Gordlon (known aa MPG) petfonn cl erode, RAB and IWlng st 1:30 p.m. Fridaya. Marvln Gregory and MPG will perform c1 ... 1c: rode, awfng and R&B st 8:30 p.m. Saturday•. The rettaurant Is It 830 Udo Park Orivt, Newport Seidl. F,... (848) 876'M74. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony'• Riverboat Rea1aurant In Newpon Beech pretentl Jeue on the sax on Frldey and Saturday 1t11enlng1 and Sundav for brunctt. The program ftetu,.. all your favorftM on the aaxophon.. Anthonv'e 11et151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 873-3426. POP-ROCK AHO FUMEHCO Tate 5, • funk. rodt •nd Motown act, pertorm1 at 9 p.m. Saturda'fl at Carmelo'f Rlttorente, 31520 E. Co .. t Hlgl'twey, Corona del Mar. Solo guharllt Ken SancJ.rl perfonna clatelcel ftamenco tuoe. at 7:30 p.m. Tuttdlv- and Sundays. Frtt. (949) 875-1922. SAMOAY NIGHT ft&B Gtrald tahlbuhl and the Stone Br1dgo Band play n>dt and R.&8 tt 8 p.m. Satuf'dtYe st SU11on Ptaoe HOtttte lnanon Lounge, 4500 MICAl'thur Blvd., Ntwp0tt &.f11· m-.. 1949> 476-2001. STAGE 'THE •OflTAHCE OflEiNGEMNESl' OtGlr Wld9'I ~of manners Wfll bt petfonned 1hf'OUQh &,nday. Die. 14. 'fTS A WONDERFUL LIFE' The City of Newport Beac::n will present the Newport Repenory Theatre'• efghth annual production of the pl1v •ft'a A Wonderful Life" through today •t Corona del Mar High School'• Theatre, 2101 Ea1tbluff Drive. The last performance will be at 1 p.tn. Tldcata colt $2 to $11. lnfonnltlon (948) &W-3151, l'lttp:l~g«>eltle•.comlnewpottbHch r•POlfOf"(thNter. AN OU).f~D MELODRAMA AND ICE CREAM SOCW. Orange Coatt College'• repertory thHter company wlll 1tage lt1 annuel holiday 1how todav through Sunday, Dec. 14. The performanou will bt at 7 p.m. Friday and at 2 and 7 p.m. SaturdaYt •nd Sundava In OCC'• Oram• Lab Tl\Mtre. Tickets colt$& In advance and S8 at the door. Information: (714) 432-6880. A CHRtSlMAS CMOl Sout~oett f\tpertor(e p,...nta Hal t.JndGn Jr. In ·• Chrlttmat Cerol" Which wlll be performed through 0.0. 22 at th• the Folino Thtat,. Center, 866 Town Cen .. r Orlve, Cotta Mt11. Ticketa Sunday, DKemt>et 7, 2003 A5 CHECK ITOUT Something new and different can captivate readers of all ages Premium CHOCOLATES stocklna stuffen festive ,tft dn1 A re you ready tu try something new? Well, look no further than this list of books that offer up enjoyable reads In refreshing new styles. Instead of page after page of text, try a novel m letters, or verse, or better )>el a novel lhat looks Wee a comic book. Authors are getting creative with not only their stories but with lhe formal of their books. Newport Beach PubUc Library has a variety of titles to discover for every age. "The MusJc of Dolphins" is a novel for middle school pupils that tells the story of Mila, a feral child who has been rescued after being raised by a pod of dolphins. The author 1 1~ Ulustrates Mila's rehabilitation to the human world with the size of the print throughout the novel. As Mila is inLroduccd to a new and foreign world, the proi.e is short and stilted and the type <;i.7.e is large. As Mila comes to terms with her new world and is forced to make a decision between the human and dolphin worlds the type si1.e and ~tyle illustrates her inner shifts. Another great book for 8-to 12 year-oldi. is "love That Dog" by Sharon Creech fl\i<, funny. HOURS Continued from A4 cost $29 to $44. Information: (714) 708-5555, http://Www.scr org. LA POSADA MAGICA Previews of the Octavio Solis and Marcos Loya musical MLa Posada Magica; about a band of neighbors who journey to rediscover the magic of Christmas. will be given Tuesday through Saturday at South Coast Repertory. Preview performances will be at 3 p.m. The musical's regular run will be from Saturday to Dec. 24. Regular performances will be at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. at 3 and 8 p.m . Saturdays and al 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. Sundays through Dec. 23, and at 12:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve. All performanoea will be on the Julianne Argyros Stage. 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-5555, http://www.scr.org. ART original 1ale is told entirety In free verse. The tale revolves around Jack. a young boy who discovers poetry -against his will. As the s1ory opens on the first page of Jade's journal the reader finds Jack complain ing about writing verse, because boys don't do thaL From Jack's entries, the readers tag along on this deUghdUJ journey where Jack learns poetry Isn't just ror girls. that he has something to say and where inspiration lives. For the reader really looking for a change, Barbara Kesel's beauUfuJJy illustrated graphic novel "Merkllan: Plying Solo" is an excellent choice. This is the story of Sephie, who has grown up on the idyllic Ooaling city of Meridian. With the sudden death of her father, the Minister of Meridian, Sephie finds herself in a power sLruggle with her uncle over the well being of her people and her home. With out~tanding anwork and the intriguing taJe of Sephie, the first instaJlment in this series Is defmitely worth a read. "Monster" by Walter Oean Myers tells the disturbing :..tory of Steve llarmon, a 16-year-old boy accu.,c<l of being an accomplke to a robbery and Saturday of eacti month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintodt Way, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 641-8688 POETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY Courtney Montgomery and Jaimes Palacio will offer performance poetry and live music et 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beacti. Information· (714) 564--6526, (949) 675-0233. CHI LDREN STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppetplays at 7 p.m. Mondays at lhe Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (9491 648-8845. PJS ANO BOOKS A ctiildren'$ story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beacti Central Library, ARTFORUFE Artists from Israel will sell their work to raise money for Israel's Red Cross at Art tor LIFE from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dec 16 at the Jewish Federation of Orange County. 250 E. Baker St. Among the artists who will be present are sculpture Frank Meisler, jewelry designers Amital Kav and Ractiel Gera. Information: (800) 323-2371, http://www.armdi.org. , 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. DANC E SWING Lessons are given from 2 to 6 p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ball room in Newport Beacti by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages ere welcome, and no partners are needed. Information: http://ocswing.com, (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing Is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first WEEKLY STORYTELLER A ctiildren's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DI NING/TASTING THE SINGLE GOURMET Single Gourmet members. upscale business and professional singles in their 30s to 50s. will be getting together at 7 p.m. Dec. 17 at the Chart House, 2801 W. Coast Highway. Information and reservations: murder of a local mercbanL Myers uses an innovative format to tell the story of an lnner-dty kid who Is as confused as he is scared. Steve ls an as~iring filmmaker and to calm his nerves during h1s trial he tells h1s story In the combination or screenplay and journal entries. This book will find an audience with mature teen readers who want to delve into the issues of guilt, prison life and compl~tics of being an Inner-city teen. For a much lighter read, teens and aduJts alike can enjoy the discovered journal or J in "Sevmteen Wa}'ll to Bat a Mango" by Joshua Kadison. Appearing almost like a picture book. the pages are illustrated as if the hand-lettered journaJ had been found written on weathered brown paper. This rich and lyrical tale is the story of the young botanist J who is sent to a t:ropicaJ isle to open a mango cannery. A chance encounter with a local elder sends his plans awry. Instead, J learns 17 ways to eat a mango and the meaning of life. Another beau1iful set of books that turns reading into a tactile expencncc 1:. author and (9491854-6552. http://Www.si nglegourmet laoc.com. SUNSET DINNERS The~sty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beacti. Meals typically cost between $10 $15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunet. from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. Meals typically cost between $8 and $15. (949) 642-3431. lWIUGHT DINING. A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes sucti as ctiicbn parmigiana and calamari p1cante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-nme Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunet. featuring international seafood and salad buffets. roasts carv~ to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beacti. Meals typically cost $30 -$40 with ctiampagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House. 506 31st St., Newport Beacti. (949) 676--0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented dally at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd .• Irvine. (949) 833-2no. ARM 9 IRE 11 0 ll'<'ill' /i/.:c i1. The ARMO IRE is closing its doors! ~ lncredibk bu 'S %90°/oO F origi""1 pricn Clothing; Handbags, Jewelry, Shoa & Giftware NEW MARKDOWNSAREARRIVING •. n.,.,., .,,,,;u #'-tin """' N BfAcH Corona del ar Plaa • 840 AWcado (94 644 9888 Wu.suator Nick Bantodc's "Grtflln It Sabine trUoglel." Griffin & Sabine: an extraordinary co~pondence is the magical first volume that Invites the reader along to examine the handmade postcards and open beautifuJ envelopes that unfold the otheiworldly story of lonely Londoner Griffin and exotic Sabine. The reader Is drawn into this haunting tale of love and mystery that is finally concluded in Bantock's final volume in the second trilogy The Morning Star: in which the extraordinary correspondence of Griffin & Sabine is illuminated. lf you are looking for more than just a new author to read. these titJes offer a feast for the mind and the eyes. •CHECK rT OUT is wntten by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. This week's column 1s by Tern Wiest All tttles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing 1he catalog at http:JIWww nowportbeach library.org. For more information on these titles or olher selections. call lhe Newport Beach Public Library at (9491717 3800 and select option 2. BIStR020l Jau is played at 8 p.m Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays al Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beacti. (949) 63l-1551. DURTY NELLY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714)957-1951. HARD ROCK CAft Live m usic is performed Sundays at Hard Rott Cafe. 451 Newport Canter Drive. Newport Beacti. (949) 640-8844. TltE HARP INN Live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 648-8855. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Udo Cigar Room, 3441 Via lido, Suite D. Newport Beacti. (949) 723-0595. MARGARrTAVILLE Live music is performed at Margaritaville. 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing 1s offered at 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel. 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'S Muldoon's is an lnsh pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beacti. (949) 640-4110. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night 11 held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 Mesa Verde Drive East. Costa Mesa. (7141435-9367. itftb..-U corporate sifts caramel apples votume discounts 8 02. assorted melt-away truffles widl free delwte oft wrap. $8.00 C'}C!r 11 Cfjn1r·e CHOCOLATES I our60ch NEWPORT BEACH WESTCLIFF PLAZA, Irvine Ave. at 17th, nut 10 Starbucks (800) 16 7 .4 240 www.lwlrngr.u1•.< om SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in sec nds! 50% OFF: 1st Session $15 Val ue I I I I Expires 01/02/04 1 .. __ .. ~ _______ ,,. CzJJ today to schttl11k your appointmmt (949) 719-2896 27 44 East Coast Highway, #7 "tee0nd Boor" COrona dd Mar, CA 92625 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale s1099 Reg '14.99 Now through Deccmhcr 21 ('O,l\MI'\ 17111\lttl'll'leu\tl'"'llf t "~• t tl "'''"'''' l \ '"' \1 \Kl\~ fl'I '\I I }'IX\ I 1 C ''"°'"Kl \I 'I \N 1\11• I( l .1 C'MOl\,RO \II('~' HM IR\I"~ o~ ll~NN \'t \ ti I t DO YOU OWN AN ANNUITY? ARE YOU CONSIDERING PURCHASING AN ANNUITY? If th• answer is .. YES .. to either of these questions .. consider Smith h mey. •We have contracts to do business with approximately 30 insurance companies. •We can review your annuity to ensu~e you are rece1v1n9 a compet1t1ve return. Invest your time before invest ing your money. FOR FREE INFORMATION CALL: 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 717-5300 (800) 468-3352 THll II WHO Wl Altl. THll II MOW WI !A9'N tT.• SMml~ M~.~7,2003 FORUM HOW 10 OliT flUIUIHED -Ldlre: Meil to Edtte>fW hge Editor S.J. Cahn .i the O.tty Piiot, 330 W. S.., St., eo.i.. Mesa. CA 92827 • Aeedel't HotlM: Cell (949) 842.eo88 fa: Send to (949) &C&4170 E.mal:Stnd to dallyplJot•IMfrr-.corn •AU~ mu11 lndude full name, hometoWn and phone number (for verlfteatlon purpe>MS). Th• Pllo~ f'9MtVea the right to edit ell 1ubmlulon1 for d1rity and length. EDITORIALS . . Planners' raise could begin a vicious circle E veryone loves a big. well-deserved raise. But a 339' boost to Costa Mesa Planning C.Ommissloners poclcetboob may not be what's good for die city. There is no doubt that commissioners are invaluable, but in a year ol cut bacb and a hiring freeie at C.OSta Mesa City Hall and budget de6dts Jn Sacramento and labor strikes in the private sector, the Oty C.Ounctrs off-the-cuff generosity seems a bit misplaced. On Monday the council unanimously agreed with Mayor Gilly Monahan's suggestion to up commissioners salaries by $100 per month. taking thelr pay from $75 per meeting attended. with a cap ol $300 a month. to a ftat fee of $400 per month. Commissioners will now get $400 a month regardless of if they attend meetings and even if there is only one scheduled. as there will be this month since the council canceled the Dec. 22 meeting for the holidays. Both the council and the Planning Commission took pay cuts in 1992. The council reinstated its previous pay for its own membenJ in 1998. 1bls pay increase brings the commissioners back to the pay they enjoyed in 1992. Bumping those up would seem to tndlcate sttang economic times. And while the economy has ~from the last couple years of slowdown the coffers are by no means overflowing. And even though in the grand scheme of thingl we're not talking a lot of money, Ifs ju.st the timing. What about bumping their pay up lo $100 a meeting? That way they are getting a boost for the service rendered and not just getting a $4,800 annual salary. That would also raise the cap per month from $300 to S400 without spending as much extra money. And where does it stop? Next the Parb and Recreation C.Ommlssion ls going lo wonder where their pay hike ls. And what about all the other commissions in the city that residents volunteer to serve on? Soon they may ask where their money is. Sometimes public service should be just that Planning commissioners clearly do not perform the thankless raslc for the pay. but because they care about what happens in thelr city. For that. we are grateful, as are many other residents Jn this fair city. though probably not enough of them. Still, there is a dme and place to be handing out more money and raises. Right now just doesn't feel right Giving must' not be forgotten this season 0 n your marks, get set ... Wait. everyone's already gone. The Ouistmas shopping season is oftldally more than a week old now. The wallets are well-used. The purses are pooped. Presents are hJdden away In closets. garages and basements. And theres more to comi So much more. It all speaks to the great benefits of life in Newpon-Mesa. While the rest of the country struggles economically. this area avoids bubble bwstl.ng. When real estate prices across the state and IM country continue to d1mb. steadily and surely. rul estate here shoots through the roof and b!eps ongoing. And when the holiday shopping seuon beglns, it begins with a bana. with thousand-dollar hems ftyfng out the stores. On the Fr1day after ThanbgMng. aowds were ltufled together It area atoies, espedally thoso at Fuhlon Island and South c:oast Plua. Yes, fortwio -and the fortunate-thdYe here. But the less fortunate live here too. Homeless~ seek shelter at night within walking distance of our grand shopping centers. People struggling to make enough money to pay rent and to buy food pass designer stores and even mlWon-doUar homes on their way to work. Clilldren trying to master the English language even u they have to master their multiplication tables sit in <:Ws alonpide their more fortunate schoolinates. But they have thelr fortune, too, for the splrlt of the holiday season ls vast and wide here. Organlzadona adopt families to eNU1'e thelt holiday happiness. Cha.rides become well-stocked with food. clothing and toys. Many of the better off among us spend dme aiding others. But. always, more can be done. An ema hour tutoring a student; an exua nip to donate clothes; or one mote clieck to one of the many charldes that can do so much good heie. A llttle bit man! can make a whole lot of dlfferenco tl\JI holiday teUOn. both for the perwon who gets the gtft and the one gMng it TH~ LAST WORD A little cut and cblor D elldous. That ha.a to be the word fat the Pilot ttory on the lncreaaed crowds at alona dUJina tho holiday aeason. IMryone. It eeema, wantl to look their best for the big holiday ball. that company party (aren't they Just awful!) or maybe jult a romandC Wli1ter dinner ~r two. And~ the lllont ue pacbd, crawU.na with poor aeatu:ree w1th hair frf2%l.tig out ol cxmttoJ, root1 t,tardng to abOW lhd nan. c:wUna Into unnatulal cuna. It'• a ltyllst'I drum. and an althete'a delight. because December .t"'1 tho New Year are Alled wltb picture perfect hair, makeup and naUa. DeUdous indeed. Plnllly, ha otf -we want to thow o« that fabulous ijo -to Judy Kulp. For d10le who m1aed It or, pap. can\ recall, she'• the lady who dtiva to a C.Orona c1e1 Mar Nlon to get bmelf ta.ken c:anrot Flom Del Mar. BOLTON .. LEITER TO THE EDITOR Facts don't support closing preschool • • By John Br•H~on My ou:ne ls John Brudton. 1 am the fatbet' of a 4-)'NJ'·Old who attends the pre&ehool progmn at Newport Harbor High ScbooL Aa you are well awatt, the Newport-Mela Unlfted School I ot.uict lidnUn1ltradon bas decided to dOee the program In late Jan~ I am alsO a faculty manber' at Newport Harbor HJgh. and u sUcb. I have been attempdng to keep my diaWice from this llsue. However. the edttorlal piece run in last Sunday's edition hu put me over the edge \Dl&trlct'• dedsion Js Jn studeoti belt interest">. Given the abundance of half-truths in the pl~. it ts obvious that the author la a spokesper1<>0 for Newport·Meaa Unified School OJatrlct adm1nlstration. Allow me to fill in eotne of the critical infonnation , th&l wu conveniently left out I. '"The program wu meant to be fUnded by the tuition parentl .. y but bu been unable to support ltsdf. Tbe diairlci. therefore, haa been foOdng the bll for years•: AS aoon • the parent1 found out chit the program WU rui\nUlg 1n the red, we 'fOlunteered to pay ~er tuidol\ to keep the program afloat. The dlaCrict Mkt no. 2 .•..• lt " not the district'& job to run prtvate cky care programs ... the tc:hool d!IUJct's lint pdority .mutt be to ttudentl In ttl kmderprten throUgb 12tb·arade clueet.." If the IChool" dlltttct funds are meant to benefit 6nJy the ldndetpnen thn>uctl 12th-grade acudenta. Ml pnachoolen; then why does the diMrld bbe I very well-paid ~r in chqe of eldy CbDdhood educ:atioo ownee11,, all of the district pswhoolaT The thottfd wbJch dlllsict bll ciMred (and ~ti were willing to pay. see 11 abcwe) must certainly be a una1I fractton ol that adJnlnlstrators salary. 3. • ..• the school would have to meet the same standards as atate·Cunded preschools." Simply put, why? H the program is sell-funded, ~Y lncrease the ~by requi.dng the b.l.dng of a h.lgber paid lnsuucto1 which is odly requlnd tor 11ate·fUnded pniecboolsT You would have to ask the administrator ~tioned abow for the answer on that one. The vut majority o( area preecbools do not have a te.cher wlth that cerdficadon. yet aomehow they teenl to tlourllh. Also. the parents are aD very aads6ed wtth the program In lta current conftguration. Too bad nobody ew:r asked us. · 4. "The closure will not affect the high school 1rudent1' hands on 9eaming expedence llnce they will be sent to other pt9lehoole in Newport·Mea.. .. • Who's paytna for that? Sure!y the ca.t of repeatedly ahuttiing four claaMs of hi8h acho<>l ltUdenta (~ \()()+. kidl) to and from other .Stea ts tlgnillcantly greater thaJ\ the shortfall whlcb the dlstrlct bas covered (IOd pamita were w:mtng to~· see Ill aboYe). And I won't fM!D get into the IJAbWty Jatie that all of that traVe1 thne will pment. There are more than 100 students who enroDed in ch.lldhoC>d development to Interact with aod observe prescboolen on lite, on a ~bula. Now theywlll be waDdng or riding a bus to another lite 10 do to. How often? How much ~ wW they really pt to obtetve/intenctf Who 11 aolns to look them in the ")'et and tell them that "Ibey m not being dtc:ted. • GM me a bctaJd 5. • ••• the dlltikt WOI workwtth che pllllUI of the Pftlchool dlildrm • to 6nd an altemadve. • In the Jetter pamltl recdwd confirming the declaion to cloee the preschool, a list of other Newport-Mesa area p~le was included. It WU Identical to the list I fowid Jn less than three eeeondl by perlomililg a Googje search on-line. I. and ~ pam:ttl. found tbe • majotily of thoee' fadlldee to be Aili. and those that were not~ 11gnillcaotty mote iXpenSfve thiul the - Newpon Harbor High School • preschool (even at a bJgber rate to • make up !or the shortfall). • At the m08t recent dlatrict board meeting, parents spoke to this "Jue. We wae told that SUsan OeapeOu \¥OU1d betc:ontacting ua to help ua "find an alternative.• That WU two weeb ago. J have yet to hear from her. Aa a parent of a c.hlld In the pmcbooJ. I haw been more than pleased with the program. My ~ter baa grown and leemed more in bet time then tt.n t coWd have hoped. In my opinion, du. JI not only due to the lnltiucton and the cuniculum, but laraelY. beca1• ot the tnteractloo lbe ti do.rded with the high school atudents. No other area pretehool aDowa fta atudenta the opportu.nJty to interact with teenagen on Suci> a~ bull. The value of du. experience (for the preechooim and the high ICboot st\.ldents) ta the moat crtdca1 l9R.ie that dlslrlct ignored In mUfng their dedlk>n. In dosing, l have yet to hear a alngle argument whJcb ttuty IUppor1I the ldx>oJ dlstriCt ~·· dec:Won to ckJl8 tbe PteeCbool propua a& Newport HubOr HJab Scbo01. Unloitunately, ) don't expect that I ewr will. • • . ' HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Cotti M..a ctty Hell, n F1lr Drive. Com M .... CA 92828, (714) 764-6223 Meyor: Gary Mon.hen Councl: Ubbv Cowan, Allan Manaoor, Mike Sd\eafer and CMt Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport 8et<tt City Hell, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beacn. CA 92&e3. (Ma) 8"-3309 Meror; Steve Bromti.tv Councl: Gery Adame, John~. Olde Nicflolt, Siewn Rou~. Tod AldgtwJy Ind Don Webb COAST COIMJNt'TY COUEGE Oll11ttCT Dl.irict Ofnct: 1370 Adtmt Ave .• Com Meu, CA 12$29, (114) ~-6898 awt 111 IM. W'fUem M. Vega ~ Pttlfdwnt ,..,. Bef;er, Vice Pretldent Am\Jndo Rul&, George &rown. Jeny Pwert0n and Wtlttr G. Howtlld; ~I.Nit" M~lne LAvy NEWPORT•&A UWllD SCHOOL DllT'NCT D11tric:t Office: 2*<A 8Mr St.. Cotti Meet, CA 92828, (714) '2A-IOOO ~Robert Barbot lotrd: Ptealdent M1rth1 Auor, Vice PNaldent Dent Bladti a.rte Set9ne Stolt•. O.vld Brook.a, Tom Egan, Juctv Frtlnco end Uncle Sneen COSTA MESA SAHn'MY DtSTRICT P.O. Box 1200, Cotta M.,., CA 92628-1200,(714)764-6°'3 lo9td: Pruidlnt Ar1ene Sdleftr. Jim Ferryman, Art .-.rrv. Greg Woodalde end Dan Worthington OMNGECOtM'Y IOMO Of EOUCATIOft 200 K.lmu• Drive. P.O. 8c»c 8060, Cotta M ... , CA 9282HO&O, (714) ~ EllDbeth o. Partcer, member, TrultM AIM 6, Cotta Mfll, NtwPOrt 8MCh OUNQI Cotlm' IOMDOF ~ Hell of Adf'l\lnfftr8don, 10 CMc c.nt.r ...... Stnu AN, CA 92701 • Jtm snv1. 2nd 0ttt11ct <Cott. Mau, NtwPOtt 8Mcft), (714) ~20 • lhomn W\tton, &ch District (Newport eo.t}, (7t4) 134--3660 mTlllMTI AoeeJohn•on (A), ilMh Dlllrtct. 11162 MICArthur Blvd., Suite 396, Irvine, CA • 92716, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0e98: p,... s.cr.t.rv Pat Jovce, (918) 323-1200 STATE AISDa.Y John tampbell (R), 10th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 96814, (918) , 319-2070 E-mail: dlatrlct'IO•euembly.a..QOV Ken MeddoJc (R), 88th 01stt1ct. Stai. Caphol, S9ctamento, CA 96814, (918) (918) 31t.2088! Or loc.1 oftlce .i 1503 South eo..t Oftve, Suite 205, Cotta Mna 92$2$; (714) eea.2100; Fax: (714) eea-2104 E-maU: "-n.MlddOK•Nm.ca.QOV ' ITATE COM1N. C01911S110N 415 ~St. Suite 2000, San Frenclaco, CAl410S. (416) 90W200; f9g6onat oftlce In Long Beech, (310) 580-6071 GOYEMOft Amokt Schwl~r (R), ~ c.ptOt, StcnNnento, CA 91814, (918) .. .... 1; fa: (118) 44S 1833 E.:mel: 1J<N«nOt•(IOWtnOf.c..1tN 1. I• BIO ;Age: Gey Wassail-Kelly, 64 '(her birthday was Wednesday) Bill Kelly, 62 FORUM Smday. Detember 1, 2003 A1 Kin·g and Queen of lights_ A oyone who'• bobbed along Newport Harbor during the holiday season, especially during the annual Ou1stmas Boat Parade, has seen GayW11rlll·KeDy and Bm ICeJ1y'a pen)nsula house. It's impossible to miss. Whe.ther iJ be the blow·up figures, the sheer brillJance of lights or just Gay Wassall~KeUy in her costume, something is sure to stand out -way out. And as much fun as lt all is, there's a lot of work behind the scenes, weeks of decorating that doesn't even include the shopping trips to buy new lights and decorations. ln the midst of all the craziness. Gay Wassail· Kelly managed to find time to answer a few questions from Pilot Managing Editor S.J. Cahn about the yearly, much-loved ordeal. How long ha~ you been decorating your houae and what got you •tartedf figures ... this year a snowman greets you from the second story. along with Ice cycles. lighted bows and swags, two Christmas trees and two lighted wreaths ... have lo move the IG11y Utter into our bedroom. design. Bill cuts out! Of course. the blow-up figures are a big hJt with people. Do you vary where you put stuff much? STEVE Mc~ANI< I OAlt.Y Pl.OT (two times) and the reaJ surprise .•. Sweepstalces! F.rniy: Share seven d\ildren and four grandchildren We have been decorating ow home since l992. We would decorate a small Ficus tree that I had given my parents on their 50th wedding anniversary in a pot in the front yard with lights and ornaments. Next, we put up the wooden candy canes my dad made in lhe '70s.. I began to create "yard art" (oversize figures) for every season in late 1994.1 desjgned a Santa and an angel in 1996 and we made ice cycles from strands of lights we had! Much 10 out surprise, we won first place in the Ring of Ugh ts. We were hooked. The next year I designed a Olristmas tree dress out of green tulle, decorated it and added banery operated lights. That was a hill Week 3: The dock and the boat. Wrap the railings with red plastic candy cane effect. ice c.ycles around the dock house. Bow lights and swag!; around the railing. On the dock roof a border of new heavy duty lights and hoist the Ughted Christmas tree onto the roof of the dock. Down the ramp with red wrap on the railing on the dock set up the seven-foot blow up Ouiscmas 1ree and reindeer. New thi'i year, Ughted candy cane arch. Then comes the tug boat: Ice cycles around the hull, blow up soldier and Santa. large shiny ornaments. a lighted tret! on the stem. lighted wreaths on each i;ide. And •BaJboa Pole" sign on the side. f..ach year we vary our placement of decorations. We draw up a plan and change things all around We add more lights and anything new that we think fits! Last year the Newpon Beach (hamber or Commerce asked us if we would like to be on a Home & Garden 1V show "Extreme Christmas." They were going to 10 homes ln the USA and interview families that decorate to the "extreme" their homes. YUSI It ran 12 times last year and we got callt. from all over the USA from friends and family that we had not seen in years. It ran in November and again Dec. 14 at 11 p.m. and Dec. 25 at 4 p.m. Getting more calls this year1 Love it! Education: Gay, USC; Bill, engineer gradlJate Farleigh Dickerson College <>ccupatlon: Gay, publisher of the 'Balboa Beacon; Bill, environmental engineer Activism: Gay, board member Balboa Improvement District; Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center; host of cable show •Pages from the Past;" a show about the history of Newport Bead\; Bill is •right there beside her• How long does It typically tab to put up the decorations, and can you walk us through eome of the mon: dltDcult moments? Do you try to have a theme or metsap each yearl We try to go with the theme of the Parade each year. This year we have a new palm tree and I'm golng to paint my son's old surf board red & white to go along with ·a holiday beach celebration." We like to decorate with all white lights and use red, green and white decorations. That same year Megabright Ideas came to us and asked it they could film the S.S. Michigan and our house for a book they are writing called High Voltage HoUdays. LIGHT THEME 'We try to go with the theme of the Parade each year. This year we have a new palm tree and I'm going to paint my son's old surf board red & white to go along with "a holiday beach celebration." We like to decorate with all white lights and use red, green and white decorations.' Tuday, some nine years later it takes our family over a month to decorate from the inside out! Week I: We stan on the inside with the tree. BUI strings the Ughts on the tree. I'm not methodical enough (engineer coming out}. One full day to get the ornaments just right, then we move to the piano, stairs, windows. mantle. above the bar, breakfront, front door, lhe kltchen and the bathroom ... all illuminated and a hoUday scene in each one. Hang oversized ornaments In the windows and the plate that states: "You can never aver decorate.· The grandldds have their own tree that they hang either handmade ornaments on or ones they have coUected. Week 2. Front oC house. Hang the giant Santa Oag -bottom says "Ho, Ho, J lo.• Lighted arch in our yard ... Ice cycles on every window, 10 trees spread out in the front yard. lights & decorations on all. Wrap white lights through the fence, giant red velvet bows on everything. place Santa and the gingerbread man up against the house. Next move up to the balcony. ln the past years we have added inflatable Week 4: Second story roof ridge. First time th.is year. Now this was scary. Bill had to dimb out on the roof, hang over the side and nail in the holders and hang over the side and put the ice cycles on and lighted wreath in place. Prom the bay it looks beautiful, just another touch for the parade participants. Also we light the railing of the stairs up the side of the house. on the gate and entrance at the front of the house fence and the deck on the back of the house. Where do you store all the decoradonaf We store all of our decoration In out house (creatively) under stairs. In our closets (five of them). under beds. in the attic and on to the garage (top. bottom and sides). You name II, it has a decoration in it. What's the favortte decorauon you put up? Our favorite decorations . . hard to decide! My Omstmas tree ou1fi1 is ~o unique. We love that but we al~o love the yard art because it is original, I Any Idea how much your eJectrfc blD rbea In Decemberf A nonnal electric bill is about S65. per month. During Ouistmas it is well over $200, but who Is counting? How do you power It aDf ls there an elaborate system behind It all? No elaborate system ... to power our l~ts. we just pray! In 2002, we add~ 100 amps to our house since we used to live in complete darkness during the holidays. lf we turned on the microwclve one side of the holL'\C would go dark. We had to plug in our coffee maker ln the bathroom or take ow popcorn popper up stairs and only watch lV in our bedroom. What awards have you won in the Ring or Lights competition and what other anention have you rcceiv~? We have been honored with awards for decoration in the "Ring of Ughr.," -Most lhlditional, Mosr Creative, Most Original. Best Ughts & Animation. Best Humor & Originality BiJJ got up at 4:30 in the morning so they couJd have just the right light at dawn and some two hours later as the Michigan was idling ln the bay she ran out of gas. BiU was close enough to the dock. J pulled him m. This year we are thrilled that A&E Network, through the Newport Beach Conference & Visitors Bureau recommendation by Gail OsipofT, asked to film our home as we were decorating with family and friends for the Ring of Ugh ts and Newport Beach Ouistrnas Boat Parade. The show, Ultimate Holiday'lhwn USA. wtlJ be broadcast at 9 p.m. on Oec. 18 on A&E. Haw long doa It take to get It all down and how long doee It take you to~ We don't take down the decorations until after New Year's. It takes us .i week 10 take them down ... but gel ting all of them in the proper place tucked away takes another week. We need to draw a chart so we can remember where II all goes, and then we have to consider the new stuff. Bill never rccovcn.! I am ready to draw up the new plans for next Oirislmas about Jan. IO. BUJ's birthday. FROM THE NEWSROOM Influence of DUI list an important topic I t'a a phone caD that we get every once and awhile. but It's never a good one. J got one again recently. someone, usually a frlend of the paper, gets picked up by local police on auspJdon of drunken driving and wants to know lf we could do them 11 favor and take them off"tbe list.• The Ust is the Dally Pilot's weeJcty tally of people an-ested by the Costa Mesa and Newport Beach pollc;e departmenta on au,,pldon of drMng under the lnftuence. By most accounts, the li$t of names ts well-read. And those who get on the list lcJlow Lt Any time l get a call from eomeone asking me to ~ hJs or her name. I always say oo. t never feel good about It. bur the R!UOn ls 1lmple.. We don't tab anybody off the lilt. Bd.leve me. we'-ve had eome pretty bfg nun on the list N4met of poUddanl, athletes.. the rich aoc:I the pOWaful Some haw uked f'DI!, my boa or rny predOCCMOrt to take them off tho Ult and they have Ill been told no. 'Let mo ~o hoWwe get the lilt In the ant ~ £ach Wilel. we •the Newport Belch and c.o... Meso pOllCe cleplrtmenu to .upply U1 wkb ihj nan. Ind ... o( mo. unilted on urp&don of dJtvtna under the~ ..... lhl dty M then lribmldan" pubBc record and we compile It and publish It each Wednesday along with a dJ.sdalmer th.at those arrested are ......_,.,__ __ .___, not guilty but TONY DODERO have only been arrested onauspldon of the crime. And we have a standing offer to anyone who ts found not guilty, that we wW report that storyasMJL So why do we pubU.sh the rntonnation you uk1 well the renson passed dawn the editorfal ranks of the Dally POot over the yean ls lf.rnple - detem:nce. Thoee who creitted the list fdt It WU a pubUc acMco the newap11per provided and that the potential ot belns on the list would deter IOme from drlvl.ng drunk. maybe cwn •ve a few ltvea along the way. And for a long tlme, my ueumpdon-.iio pmect down the Mltortal ranb-wu \hat we publlthed the Ult a t the urglna of Mothm~ Drunk Dnvlng. the oatiOn91 otpntudon (oUrided In 1980 by mothCn and Other pua>tl who hMs Jolt 1oYed ona U> dNnken driwrs. MADOhu~ ~·()~the .... bloOd·~ 1am1u .oe 1n I many stales and ls probably the Ingle biggest foe of drunk drivers on the national scene. So this week when I called the good folb at MADD to ask if they still favor newspapers publishing the names of alleged drunken drivers, 1 WU surprised to hear the answer. Paula Birdsong. the executive director of the Co.J.lfomia chapter or MADO said that whlle me:mbert of MAOD, acting independently, may Indeed urge newspapers to publltih such Usu, the agency lt:sdl does not ask newspapere to do so. •rti not an °!:ncy posJdon, • Birdsong aald. ft'a not our pracdce nor bu It been our pasldon. I don't lcJlow the benefit lrom dolng ao. 1 don\ know duu poople can be ahamed Into nor drinking and drtvjog. 1 don't know II that'• an effecdve tool." Whh that ln m1nd. I Wllll to open up the dbc:ussion here whh readers. Do you bclkNe \he t t la bendk:larl Do you bdJ«JYe it ta a good thing tor a newspaper to publtihl WbiJe tt may not bt 1n eft'etdvc tool tor MADD, What about for mnununJdel like Newpot1· Mftal ls lt an eO'ectl tool hc:nl ln the batt.lo eptnsc diunJc dtfytncf Rememblf publtthlna llltl 1a nothing new to ~pcrs. Some oewspiaprn pUblilh the of IUJ9led johrw In drug-prostitution sweeps. Some newspaper1. a.nd the Daily Pilot used to be one of them. pubUsh lists of restaurants that have been closed by the health department This newspaper has been publishing the DUI list for at least a decade •md a half. It's a long standing poUcy that I believe shouldn't be changed at the whim of one editor. lbat's why I want the readers' help to give us good arguments for and against the list Because of the sensitive nature or th.ls !Mue, any thoughts you share with me either by mail, e-maU or telephone will be kept anonymous. And before you fire off that message, let's put a little context Into the debate. Otubken drMng ls a serloull crime whb sometimes-serious consequences.. The whoJe reason MADO emu Is because of the camnge created by drunken drivers. l'U leave you with this 1estlmonlnl that t pulled off the web te of the Mlnnesous chaplcr or MADU It WU written by parents ebout thf'lr daughttr, who WU klJlcd by A dn.u\ken dri~. and ' betleYt It really puts the lllgCdy ot dru.nkfon drMng Into pcnpecdve: "Upon puadoo. Angela was ftlJied with eu:itement .i>oot her new \'enturft collep ln Bau Oa1re (Wl&.J. 1be day before n 4'ed. wupent at £au Oal.re for college orientation. I wbh you could have seen the sparltle in her eyes. This W88 her big day! The next day changed all of our lives forever." Angela's plans were to go out to dinner Saturday night with a classmate, Lorelei Schultz. They left the OUve Garden restaurant discussing plans they bad for the future without knowing what Ue ahead. As they headed back to Caledonia. Minn,, a man and his wife were coming back from an end.re day of partying the driver swerved, going 25 miles per hour over the speed Umlt. ending Angela's life forever. ·omcers found two open cans of beer In the car aJong with druga and drug puaphemalla. The driver's blood alcohol concentJ'lldon wu 0.14. Angela died lnstantly, olong with the driver. Her friend. l.orelcl. died tlwe daya later. 1he mans wife left the ICM\e with minor tnju.rtes. At Ute age of l8, our daughter did the right thing; she wu driving on the rood tobcr. The driver of th other vehicle bad a Previout OUI and should not have been drfvl-ns. Our ram.0y haa changed giatJy since the cruh. l do not lh1r\k a drunk ddver... dWQtrtu con.eequenca When ahey arc on th road cllunk; Oti1 daUghtcr. AngeJ.. c:at\l)Qt como home now bealuee or IM Ktlom of another drtwr. OUr auvtvtna daughter, Laura. Will noc be abt to be maid or honor In her \ ------~~------.~------~~~ TEU IT TO TliE EOfTOR TONY DOOERO is the editor. He welcomes your comments on news coverage, photography 01 other newspaper·releted Issues If you have s message or a letter to the editor, call his direct line at (9491574-4258 or the A...,. Hotline at 642-6088, send ii by e-mail to cony.dodero a.times.com or daitypilot@ ldmn.com, or send lt by mail to 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA. 92627. wedding and vice versa "Our son. Kyte, wtlJ not be able to spend days at bible school with Angela. As a mom, I will mills out on all the great hugs. advice and companionship of e beautffu.I human being. Ange~ father will not be able co '1lanl any mo.re good dm w1lh hJs doushtcr either. As you can see, we now can only live one day 81 a time and pmy that God raking good care of our beloved Angela. Ang 13 Wfll be great)y mJssed. Her lll1il the flnt th*'13 a perM>n would notice. She radiated love. Joy. enthwllasm rot lift. Md I readiness for adventure ~ dld not let life h.3ppcJl to her, she mibraced h and mado a dlfrtrenc:e. Thole who~ Ar\&d;i enrkhed by knowina her l\nd her lovo. Wt kMt )'OU and 11\ba )'OU al MomJDad, Ll\ura and KY\'· __ "_""" AROUND TOWN artfs'ts with unlque h.andcnafted lttn'lt lndudlng live music. food and .ntettainrNnt. Information: (714) 841·3112. hap:/!Wwl'!f~.,..oom. carnival gemee, and Santa Wiii be S23. lnformaUof'l •l'ld .....-vatfon: th4n. lnfonnatlon: (949) • (714) 842-45863. • Send~TOWN ftem.10 the O.lly Pilot. 330 w Bay Sl, c.ost. Mela, CA 92827; trv .mail . to IU,,._,,.,,..l.rim..com; by fax to (949) ~170; or by celling (tii9) 574M298. Include the time, " dtt• and k>eiltlOn of the 9V'9l'lt. n weU "a COf'lttet phone oumber. TOOAY n.. Cit r.ncten AMn. wll have• c:Nmplonahlp and household pet cat show ftom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at,.,. Orange County Fair &.Exposition Center. The event wilt feature up tom of the world'• flnelt pedigreed cats will be 1here along with rncue ceta end kittens looldng for a home. 1nfonnatlon: (858) 456-9390. ,...._n.._.,annuef Chnstmu Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 6 and 7. There will be more than 176 booth• of top TIM Cotta._ Men c:a.b wUI epon90r the Fafrvlow ~ITourn ment ~gFff~ Otvelopmentel Centar •t the Costa Mae Goff It Countty Club. The entrance fN wtll be '76 lnfonn1Uon: (949) 846-2888,(949) 903-9090 The MWnth MnUal Balboa ltland Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa l.aJand. Tlduns cotlt $20. Information: (949) ~- The city~ Newport Beech'• 14th annual Wlnter~riand will take plac:ie from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Grant Howald Plrtc. 5th and Ina avenue.. Theni will be more th.an 30 tona of aoow dumped onto the grounds. There will be winter BANQUET ROOMS Av•D•bl• for fu,,~ ftstive P<Artie5! 6,, With This Ad &M-315t TUESDAY The DcwoOwy Wi6lft M9morfill ltdu,. preMnta "The Epidemic of Ct\Odhood Obe11itV and wtm Can Be 0on97• with Dr. Floyd CUii.,, ptefnsor of pedl8tnc. at UC Irvine; ·~.iric Neurology: Whar. New1" with Or. St9¥9 Pttlllpe, neu~lst at Chlld;.n•a Hoepitat Orange County: and "'The 60lh Annlverury of th9 Dou~ HellJC Profectlng th• Futurw of Genomic Medicine" with Or. Edward McCabe, d\alr of pedlatrlca at UClA These lecture• will begin at 6 p.m. at the · Amotd a.nd Mabel Bedcman Center, 100 Ac8demy Way. lnformstioo: (9491824-8202. WEDNESDAY Body o..lgn wlll 6' • frM seminar and demonstration on the latfft ted\nology on ceflulite ttearmenta from 7 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Drive. The 91/ent Is pnaaented by Mary Oellene, a mauege therapist. Information and 1'9glatration: (9491722-3565. QBtfltObodydnign.tv. Hoag~ wll h.wan evening lung cancer Support group discussion about "Coping with the Holidays" from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference Room A. Information (949) 760-5542. Jon.than Morano, profuaor and director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Virginia, will present "The History and Elhlcl of Human Experiments from the Nazla to tha U.S. Military" at 4 p.m. at the McDonnell Douglas Auditonum, at UC lrvlne. Information and reservations: (949) 824-9296. THURSDAY The Campu9 Colleagues of Orange Coast College will hold a luncheon to raise funds for the OCC Disabled Students Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will be entertainment provided by Tyler Holt and Klro Klro, who will be playing with the Harry and Grace Steele Children Center. The cost is $9.50 per person. Information: SfandardtlntCi'fhotmail.oom. The Thul"lday Mom ing Senior Women's Club will present its Christmas party lund'leon and a mueical show at 11 a.m. at the Newport Beed'\ Radisson Hotel, 4546 MacArthur Blvd. Thia will be Presenting Sponsor Simple Green Official Sponsor Estates West Magazine attd tile C.Ommodorl!s Cl11li • • l !: cif ihe Newport lkach Clutmber of Com11wrcc invilt you lo attend tlte 95iJ~~fwd~ w~~a,11PJJ~ rq)(J~fflh(A~ 17 -2~ 200.1 0:30 jt.m. each ('/J4>1U~ n~ ~ky ~~ ~~ha#C.n 11 and tM Prrsenttd by Prudential Ca/ifomia Realty rtlf' mort 111fermirlion or Ill fl'4utSl 1111 tnlry fmti. pltrw call t.M Nni'J'O"I ht1 Chiimbtr of Com~~ II (949) n f..f4txJ '11' f'Wt ll.'WU.teJrrilot""""'1fi,,.,.,.,tom FRIDAY. ,....., ..... eftd .... 88. 7 R8dlo wCll hoct a holiday toy drtw from 10 •.m. to 4 p.m. In Bfoomlngde,.'a Couttyatd. Cuatomera.,. encouraged to drqp off an Uf1Wf8PPed new tov to be placed under°" Fuhion Island CMstm .. trM. · lnformdon; UM9) 721-2000. hap:lt.witw.ahopfashlon island.com. The .... ~ Dystrophy frienck aippoR group will meet et 7 p.m. at Cocos. 2750 Harbor Blvd., Cotta M~ . Information: (&49) 650-1212. (7141 491·9400. SATUROAY Sh..try'a Wood.fired MexJcan Grill will have a grand opening celebration from 11 a.m . to 3 p.m. to help Newport Coast Cares raise fund• for La Hacienda de la lnmaculade, a amall orphanage In Tijuana. The cott will be $10 for adults and $6 for children. ShertcYs 11at21119 Newport Cout Drive. Newport Coast Shopping Center. Information: (949) 433-7879. The City of Com M.-. and Torelli Realty are sponsoring the city's annual Holiday Snow Hill, which will be from 9 a.m . to noon at the Balearic Community Center, 1976 Balearic Drive. The event will include 60 tons of snow, hay rides and • special visit by Santa. Santa will arrive at 10:30 a.m . by helicopter Information: (714) 754-5158. Orange County P9ople for Animals w111 hl\'e a silent auction, live music, a guest speaker, and OCPA's annual ~Peace for Animals-community ceremony at 6:30 p.m . at the Ayers Country Inn & Suites Hotel, at 325 S. Bristol St. The cost is $40 for members and $50 for nonmembers. Information: (714) 751~72, http:/1Www.ocpau$8.0rg. The merchants of Balboa invite you to watdl the students of Newport Elementary Sctiool as they participant In the annual merchant Christmas painting program from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Fun Zone area Balboa Village in front of the Ferris wheel. Information: (949) 675-0501, http://Www.ba/boonewport beach.com. Cotta Me.. High School wlll have a oommunltywide campus cleanup day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . at 2660 Fairview Road. People will meet inside the main entrance by the Lyceum. Adults and teens are welcome. Information: Ricardo Dence (714) 751·9856. D£C.14 HaMc:rMt Part win be hosting a holiday boutique from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 3107 Killybrook Lane, Costa Mesa. There will be handmade crafts, M ary Kay Cosmetica, Cookie lee Jewelry, Avon Cosmetics and more. Child care will be evallable. Information: (714) 557·7234. Martha'• Bookstore will haw a d\ampagne book signing for the "Silent Screen Cookbook" by Joanabell lewis from 11 a.m . to 1 p.m. at 306'.h Marine Ave .. Balboa laJand. lnfonn.11on: (949) 873-7186. JudrllN Wtl e-e1n lot 8alboe lsland't-"'""81 hoflmv home ~ng contest Judging wlll go on until 10 p.m. each d9y through Dec. 18. Some of th9 Categories are traditional, most orfg{nal and betlt animated. Hom• are all Judged trv volunteer&. Information: Joanie Cooper, (949)67~1.(9491 873-8700. DEC.15 JudeJnll will comsnu. lot Balboa lal1nd'11nnuel hol~ home decoratJng cont~ Judging will go on each day until 10 p.m . through Dec. 16. Some of the categories are tredltional, most original and betlt animated. Homes ant all judged by volunteers. Information: Joanie Cooper, (9491675-4441 , (949) 673-8700. ,, DEC.16 Judging wtU continue for Balboa l1land'1 annual holiday home decorating contest. Judging will go on each day untll 10 p.m. through Dec. 16. Some of the categories are traditional, most original and best animated. Homes are all judged by volunteers. Information: Joanie Cooper, (949) 675-4441, (9491 673--8700. Cotta Mesa High School will host a book fair fundralser from 4 to 8 p.m. at Bamet & Noble Booksellers at Triangle Square, 1870-B Harbor Blvd. A book fair voud'ler is required for a percentage of the purchase to be given to Costa Mesa High Sctiool. Vouchers may be obtained at the school's front office or they may be received by fax. Information: nadine1l2390@mindspring.com OEC.18 The Young Executives of America will host Paul A Motenko, chairman of the board and co-CEO of Chicago Pizza & Brewery Inc., during its breakfast meeting at 7:30 a.m. at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. The cost Is $16 for members and $26 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 721-8686. OEC.20 •Dfvora: A New Befllnningw Is a workshop for men and women in the process of divorcing or recently divorced from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive. The cost is $40. Information: (949)644-6435. OEC.21 Fe.ttlon Island win host lta annual menorah lighting ceremony at 3 p.m. at Bloomingdale'• Courtyard. The event will be hosted by Rabbi R'euven Mintz of the Cha bad Jewish Center in Newport Beadl. Information: (949) 721·2000, http://Www.shopfashion island.com. DEC.22 The Orange County Martcet Place will hold its Holiday Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admiuion will be free. There will be artisans' and crafters' comer, photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. Th• Envtronmental Nature Center will present a holiday craft wof'bhop In which J)a(tidpanlS can cnat• their own tpedal hOl~y ee.son gifts for family and~ using a va"-ty of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost It $1AO per ttudent wfth a 10% c:hcount for membera. Thef9 will be a $25 materials fee. lnfonnatlon~(949) 645 8489. OEC.23 The El'Nhnm...n:al Nature Cen1W will pl'elent a holiday cta1' wofbhop In which pertidpanta can Cfeate their own tpeelal holiday ...an gifts for family and friends using a variety of materi.ls from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The. cost la $140 per student with a . 10% dil()()unt for members. Thero will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.24 The Envlronmenta1 Nstu,. Center will present a holiday craft workshop In whid'I participants C8n create their own special holiday season gifts tor family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m . The cost ii $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. Thertf will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.26 The Envlronmental Natu,. Center will pntsent a holiday craft wortcahop In which participanll can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends'Using a variety of materials from 9 am. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There 'will be a $26 materials fee. Information: (9491 645-8489. ONGOING The Newport c.m.r Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badcgrounds. Th• group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m . at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Bead'\. Validated parking is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721·5732. Sole Comfort and Laura'• HouM have teamed up to help those in need by collecting shoes from Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfort, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. Laura's House is committed to ending the cycle of domestic violence-and strengthening families. Information: (949) 644-5939. Th• Newport BNdl Public Library Is holding its holiday food drive through Dec. 12. There will be Share Our Selves bins at the library for donations of canned goods and non-perishables. Donations can be dropped off during regular library hours: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Information: (949) 717·3801. South Coast Plue will have its Santa'• Village through Dec. 24 at Carousel Court Shoppers can make crafts at the Alpine Wood Shop, Holiday Trimmings Shop and the Village Bake Shop. The cost varies per craft. Information~ (714) 436-2083, http:llwww.southcoastplaza.com. South Coaat Plau will have its famous carousel transformed from horses to Santa's reindeer until Dec. 28. The cost fof a ride Is· $1. Information: (714) 436-2083, http:/lwww.southcoastpltJZa.com. Sou1h Coast P1ua wtn hive Santa'• Express Train running through Jan. 4 at the Crate & Barrel/Macy'a Home Store wing on level 2. Information: (714) 435-2083, http:llwww.southcoastpltua.com. . The Newport-Mesa cribbage dub' meets on the second end fourth Wednetdays of every month from 6:45 tit 9'p.m. at 0His Senior Center, 800 Marguerite TOWN • Continued from N!J Av.. In CoioM del Mar. The cost 1a $2. lntoiYMtlon: (MS) M&-6293. ""°' .... Aultln .... a 8.,.. study on "Howto Become• Comaglou1 Chri1tlan• from 8 to &;30 p.m. Wednesdays at 377 W. Wllaon St., No. 16 In Cocta Mesa. All•,. wetcom• to come and meet newfrienda. lnformatlon: (949) 722-7498. The ACLU of Oranee County meet• at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the. Unitarian Unlverullst ChurCh. 1269 Victoria St. In Costa M .... Each month'• meeting will feature a different 1paalcer on l11uu relating to the Bill of Right.a. Information: (714) 967-6107. Macy'1 ln COat.a M ... invites Orange County nonprofit organization• that provide services and program• to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation In Macy'• South Coast Plaza'• Pnlpe>rt In Store fund-raiser. Thl1 year'• event will be held on Oct. 4. To rec;elve an appllcatlon to participate, call '714) 556-0611. ext. 4231. • Yooa dalMe will be oft.red Tuesday• and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one claaa each week or $100 for two dayt a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more Information, call (949) 644-3151. Colt.a Meea'• Recreation Dlvbion will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekday• from 5 to 8 p.m., SaturdaVI from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Partial for children 6 to 12 wiU con1lst of lund\ldinner, games. craft&, prlzes. cake with ice cream and 1upervl1ion by 111aff. Parties coll1 $250 or $300. For more Information, call (714) 754-5158. Aw new win" wHI be ""'ed on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thurtday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost 11 $16 per person. For more Information, cell (949) 721-1222. A wrtety of private, 1eml-prtvat• and group 1Wim lfflOna will be offered th11 1Ummer at the Marlen Bergeson Aquatic Center et Corona del Mer High School. Optlon1 Include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays end a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For HUion date1, tlmet and coats, call (949) 644-3151, or ('90lster In person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newpor1 Blvd. Child,.,., tMnl and edutt1 can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes b$gln July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644--3161 . or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Service• a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more lnfomTatlon. P..-Stlonal and llcenMd eoccer trainers With the All-England Soocer Academy are evallable for one-on-one. -"''" uroup and large group trainlnu. For more information, c;all (949) 395-6103. Jewfth Fem'1y 8etvlce .. sponsoring a t"n auppor1 group for high .atool ttudentl that BEST BET third Saturday of .very month, Cott II $40. For more Information, call 844-6436.. ftoM ..... ol the Orenge COunty Perfom'lfng Arts Cen1er talk• guests to the dreaing rooma. peff<>nMt''a lounge, btldcataQe and on 1tage at 1<>:30 a.m • ...,ery Wednesday and Saturday at 800 Town Center Drive, Costa Mua. Group toura can be held by apeclal arrangement. For more Information, c;all (714) 656-ARTS. ext.833. The N9wpoft 8eadl Newcom..-. Club hold• a gener11I meetlng"on the third WedneedaY of every month. The organization 11 open to all women resfdentl In Newport Bead't who have lived In the area fewer than five yeers. For mo,. Information. call (9491 645-9922, or vi11t http://WwW.MWCOmMS- ~.org. 0.-. Senior c.1tlr holdl a pancake brNkfelt from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the MCOnd Saturday of every month. Breakfast Includes pencake1, aauaage, coffee and orange Juice for~. $1 for children. The center II at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644--3244. The Philharmonic Society of Orange County presents Fiesta Navidad with Jose Feliciano at 8 pJTI. Tuesday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, Segerstrom Hall. The Grammy Award-winning artist wm join mariachi bandleader Nati Cano for the 10th annual event. The audience will take a musical journey with the Mariachi Los Camperos and explore the many holiday traditions of Mexico. The Ballet Folklorica Ollin dancers will also be performing at the event. Tickets cost $20 to $69. For more information, call (714) 556-2787 or visit http:// www.ocpac.org. lntMfatth couplel with one Jewish partner are Invited to participate In a dlscul81on group at the Jewish Famlly Service of Orange County office. Call to schedule date and time. The offrce i• at 250 E. Baker St .• Suite G, Cost.a Meta. (71 4) 446-495(). Women 60 •nd older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Famlly Services to addreu lssuet such a• anxiety, depreulon, relatlon1hlp1, lonellneu and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offiCH. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (7141446-4960. meets Mondays from 3:30 to 6 p.m. at Tarbut V'Tonih Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The First Page -Fin• Chlldrwi's Books. at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information. call (949) ~5437. Bayside Re1taurant In Newport Beach offers wine testing every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. Fo( rnor4f 11\fOrmatlon, call (949) 721-1222. Green SynMn1 l"1*'ftatlon1I shows you everything that you wanted to know about orchids and repotting during a free seminar at 2 p.m. t1Very Saturday. An ordlid and tropical plant ule is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Information: (9491756-1211. Discover the secrets of Carbon Canyon Regional Partc as you walk through grO\les of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Partcing Is $4. Call (714) 996-5262 for more information. T .. m Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise. host& "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month In front of NIKEgoddeu store In Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It ls free, and all fitnesa levels are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 276-3888. N.wport Community CounMllna Center offers a way to stop the cyda of domestic violence through the support group In SA.F.E. Hand1. SAF.E.1tand1 for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more Information. call (949) 721-8079. THO• In "venth through ninth grades are Invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation ·Center from 2 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday for sports and other activities. The center Is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more Information, call (714) 327·7660. The Newport 8eadl W.nctng Club meets et the corner of Superior and Ho1pltal Road.l.n Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. ana 7 p.m. everyday. For more Information, call (949) 660-1332. The Newport a..c:h Calm Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thuf*iay nights at Superior and Hospital Road In Newport Beech. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Spanish Speaking aub meets to learn Spanish qulac and easy. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. Th• Aten. of Buslnea s.rw:.. hosts a networl<lng meeting that deals with education connections from 8 to 8:30 p.m. on the 1econd Tue1day of every month at the Holiday Inn st 3131 Brt1tol St., Costa Mesa. For more Information. call (949) 80!).-0011. •otvon:ie: A New Beginning; a worbhop for men end women dlwrced or getting dl\IOt'Ced. 11 hetd from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 N.wport Center Drive on the • S T YL E FI T S Friends of the Newport~ Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patron• to donate books to reptenl1h the dWindllng stodt. Boob may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or In the book clo1et next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beam. All hardcover and paperback donation•, with the exception of megezlnes and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 769-9667. NOWIN PROGRESS! SEMl·ANNUAL Linda Rider Cltnkal ~thlraplst &r.day, December 7, 2003 AJ t I TAKE CONTROL • Weight Loss •Smoking •Stress •Anxiety •.Pain Control • Performance • Confidence •Fear Q9(C(f~~ ~~~ 1000 Quall St. Suite 190 Newport Beach, CA 82680 Ph: 949. 752. 7990 bring lasting pleasure Orange County's Premier selection of Hummingbird and Seedf~rs 4\ plus Bird Houses • Bird Seed .. Bird Baths • Garden Art Nature Books •Binoculars Avoid the mall crowds ;-s4.-oo-off-~:-20 -n;:::;1 1 BirdWlse Pranium Seed blend with this coupon I ~------~~1~~~~~-~~2=~~------J \ $1 0 off any purclwe of $50 or more \ '---~~·E!.~~~"!..-!-'_...._~.!'!"-~~2e.--J Wild Bird Center 27995 Greenfield Dr. Suite A Laguna NllJUcl, CA 92677 TJ.. ti# GrwwjVli °""' .U ofltlH 73 So• ToU RluJ •'"' "'"' "1111. lldw#fl Btb4lt1 A/J8 """ 1.MbffUlrrfl ._ 949.360.7114 Mon. -Sat. 10 -6 Sun. 12 -S SPX GIFI' CEKI'IFICATFS AVAILABLE FOR All PACKAGES & SERVICES. For a compl{949Y r464-{!/JO please call • Van Ell • sesto Meuco • Rangont Of Florence •• \..,, Temftc savtnga on faH & winter shoes. boOta. handbags, & ecoeasortes. Corona 0.1 Mar Plaza 949-721-1325 Next tD ChlOoe . Spa Pacifica is locaccd within Marriotrs N~ort Coast Villas at 23000 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Co \ .. QUOTE OF 1IE MY "It's been the best season in school history." Cherh Brende, UC IMne women's volleyball coach Daily Pilot Spol1s Edftor Rk:Nlrd Dunn: (94915744223 • lperb Fu: 19'91650-0170 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL EYE Cl'DiEll .~~· Die. 8 honorM DAVE JERANKO Sunday, December 7, 2003 81 UCI swept, ·but proud of Season • . . . f < Anteaters bow out against host UCIA in __..,.,.~ .. second round of NCAA tournament. Steve Vlr1en The Anteaters' 24 wins are the Daily Pilot best in school annals. Their sec- ond-place ft.nish in the Big West WESTWOOD There are C.Onference Is their highest ever. several levels the UC Irvine UO had been to the NCAA women's volleyball team bas tournament just once before reached in Its past two seasons this season. ln 1988, the Ant- as the bar raised at the end of each year. eaters lost in five games to Long Beach UCLA swept the Anteaters, 30-24, 30-State. But in 2003, UCl won a thrilling 28, 30-22, in UCI's first appearance in five-game match over Missouri. record- the second round of the NCAA touma· ing Its first NCAA tournament victory. ment Saturday at Pauley Pavilion. UCLA UCI's season still seemed to have advanced to the regionals. but for the ended on a feel-good note. That wasn't Anteaters (24-10). the standard has the case as what unfolded during the moved up a notch. first game. ln each game, the 'Eaters showed . The Bruins (23·8), who have three signs of a program seemingly filled with' NCAA titles in thelr history, took control promise. Yet, Saturday night that wasn't with a 21-14 lead, but junior outside hit- enough. UCLA was just on another ter Kelly Wing, a first-team All-Big West level, though the Bruins were not totally performer, led an Anleater comeback. pleased with their match. After an Amanda Vasquez kill gave UCLA C.Oach Andy Banachowski said UCI serve, Wing served for five sualght the Bruins were not at their best, and points to bring the 'Eaters within 21 ·20. • that was mainly because UCI's size and She collected an ace and a back-row kill feistiness. during the run, while junior Dana Xun- "We played with great intensity," UCI bard recorded two kills. Terbrie Tu.ylor C.Oach Olarlie Brande said. "I'm very chipped in with 14 kills for UCL proud of how hard we played. As things However, UCLA answered with a ftve- got close some of our inexperience point burst and stayed in control for the showed. We were making some mis-win. Brittany Ringel led Ua.A with 14 takes that we probably shouldn't have kills. while Newpon Harbor High prod- made." uct Heather Cullen was one of three Brande was also proud of UCls girls to collect 10 kills. breakthrough season. When asked to They were important in the second put the Anteaters' season in perspective, game, when the Bruins held off UCI. Brande delivered a fact. That's when the Anteaters played thelr Mlt's been the best season in school history." ~e said. See UCI, P•1e 83 MARK C. OUSTIN/OM.Y Pt.OT Above, UC Irvine's Kelly Wing, in white, rips a kill past the block of UCLA's Brynn Murphy on a back row attack in Saturday night's NCAA regional final against UCLA at Pauley Pavilion. At left, UC Irvine's Terbie Taylor and Amanda Vasquez (12) hit STEVE McCRANK/DAILY PILOT the floor for a UCLA spike, but come up short in NCAA tournament second round. The Bruins defeated UCI in three. Efevberha lifts 'Eaters to :v:ictory Sophomore guard's career-high 37 points ignite early blitz of Arkansas- Monticello. B.,ry hulkner Daily Pilot FRESNO -In order to heat up. UC Irvine aophomore guazd Mike Efevberha bad to 8rst tone down. and the result Saturday night WU clear· ly something to ahout about Efevberha. averaging jUlt 7.2 polnta com- ing in, after erupdna f'or~41 in two coltlblned e:xhibtdOO games t.bla leUOn, more than doubled h1a prevtou. career high with 37 points In a bnlalt· out perfonnanoe aga1nst A.dean· aas-Moodcello. H1I berolta keyed an 8U7 utwnph owr the otYtalon D IChool 1n the BoaJe of me two- pme ~ a.ilic at Prll· no State'I 5-w Mart Center. PleYberha. Whoee typlCll pre- pme eiuberli'loe la rnanhed In hlcta·pltchied hOwll oumde the Ameacm' IOcbi' IVOIQ; llld he heilded COICh Pit pot ' ,, pre-toWlla· ment sug- gestion to be more mellow before tipoff. He also said his preoccu· pation wlth his defensive ~ent helped blm relax and embrace an oft'enSive now that IWflced In bis 10- potnt leCODd-hllf ap1nst . PMcetoo Friday night "I think I got the feel bade. in the second half {en route to a eeuon-blgh 12 pbints Frtday)," Efe¥belba -.Id. "And. tonight. I ~ lt belpeCS me that I was aJQC11$filnl op:ury ctetenQ. .. ......,.._ w m.C:bed up on BoD ~ fMlunan guard Nate NIMJll; wbO netted eeven three-polntera In • 25-palnt petfonnance in Friday's 68·55 losa to Ptetno State. Newd1. with Pfevberha partly ~ ftnilhed 0 of9 ftom the fteld. lndt....,, o ot 3 rrom mne-~ ..... MeMWblle, WMi Bllvblrba ~ hbmelf on the. wtr»il on OfenH. he qu_k:kly MCtlec1 lnto • Coinlort 1Gne. ~ MARKC. DUSTIN/OAILYPl.OT NewPOrt Harbor High's Robin Senour wl be one of the seniors playtng In the rotation this season for the Sailors. Concordia sends fourth-ranked Uons to their first loss. Brvce Alderton oii'1y Pilot IRVINE -Vang\Wd UnMif. alty'1 women'I buketbl1l foUnd ltlelf Lo Unfaml1iar tmttory, M Newport looking to blend pieces to_gether First·year coach inherits nine returners in hopes of giving Sailors continuity. • season after reaching the .Pf vision II quarterfinals the prior )'eU'. "We've always had strong individ- ual players, but at certain polnta. we have been unabl~ to bring together all thoM *II u a " d Hay- B'lce Alderton Daily Pilot First-year head coach Brandie Hayungs, above all else, wants the Newport Harbor High girts soccer team to be more about "team" and less about "individuals" as the new season dawns. The three-year uslatant to former coach Juon Sorrell inherits nine returners from a team that went 5· 10· 7, 3-4-S in the Sea View League, and Called to make the CJF Southern Section Division I playoffs lut ungs, a star de(endet on NCAA Division In championship teams at UC San Diego. The Sailors' strength figures to be on de- fense, Hayungs aa.ld. as evidenced by junior returners Erin Hardy and Tayler Glaconwo along with sophomore Stephanie Lambra- ld& Giacomaro earned flnt-team all-league laurels last season while Hardy garnered second-team recognition. Newport lost defender Turyn Flamson along with forwards Amy Burlingham and 8-foot-5 Junior ttartlnl center. shook off numerous double and utple tea.rm to acose 17 other 19 polntl ln the eec:oDd hllf while junior point guard NanCy Jiatlu. abl. • Costa Mesa ~ and Oranp C.oalt c.ooe. produCt. netted 16 paints (3 cf 5 tbree- po&nten and 7 of 8 frile tbivwl) to go with MM!rl ....-. )mlor torwaid Launn ~ lfatlu· lhl't teunmate at~ lcal9d 14 ~ooaotn .._ ,.. ....... ind ... • 1 • ' 12 ~. Oecemt>et 1. 2003 SPORTS NEWPORT Contiooed from Bl J.lte Yot.D'\llOYe to gradua.don. Burlingtlam. a two-time Pl.rade All-American, continues her ca· reer •• the untverahy or Tens. Sen.for Kara DeMllle recum. as .one of Newport'• goa1kttpen with fnlshman Mary Giberson ready to fill In. • • .. ... .. t:· Jr. Fr. ·1 don' foreaM any lllllbdcaJ ltandouta. just solid player. that bold a teem toplher and do what they need to cto;• Hayunp aid. Senion Jmd)e Arnold. Dana ()wad, Hayley Miller, Robin Se- nour 11\d Stacy Allee Join junior Julia Bernay, sophomores Krys· taJ Wright,· JactSe llylor and Heather St~n. along with l'reshman Erica Weedn. as the Sailors (0·2) begln a c:ti.fficuh nonJague stretch to begjn the aeuon. 'EATERS Continued from 81 dine)." It was also a reeord·~ night for UCI sophomore polnl gtwd Jeff Glog!er. who finlihed with a career-high eight ...aata to go with his 10 potnta and team·leadlng nine rebounds and rour steals. Junior forward Jenny 'bylor wW be one Hayungs wOl count on to lead the olfeme In the ab- lef>Ce Of IOpbomore oenter mid· Oelder Aqly lllppen, who broke .1\ylor mWed most of last aeuoo with an ankle lnjwy. •She la 1trona, quick and a gOaJ ecorer. • Hayu.n£.' aid of laytor. "\ look at the pniaeason as addidonal atrength along the pracdce and preparation for front Una. l~e." Hayunp said. •These Junior ReeM Simmons aboukl gameJ are tough for us, but that provkte consistency ar the mid· sets the standard b.igb and al· field for a teun that prides Itself , lows us to wott toward the level three-pointer, barely more than two minutes into the cooteat trlggaed a 19-0 ua run in wbk:b the 6-foot·S standout contribured 15 point&. An Efevberha three ball with 9-.34 left In the half gave him 18 potrua. one mocm than his previous slngle- game best and be concluded the 6m half wltb an even 20. Elevberha htt three of his 8eWll three-pointers ' after ha1ttirne and finished 14 of 23 from the field (60.99li) and 7 of 12 from beyond the arc (58.3"). • Jeff had • really good tournament,• Douglass saJd or this se&..'JOn'• most consls· tent performer. "He's an un· usual point guard. .. Senior center Adam Parada had 11 polnts, lndudJ.ng 5. o!-5 shooting from the Held, and also chipped ln six re- bounds. ' her sh.ln in a eoccer tournament a week before the teaon began. IQlppen will most liUly miss the entire RaSOn, Hayunp l&ld Senior Bubara Julian provides on balance. we want to be at• • Man Okoro had fow or his six rebounds on the offensive end, before exiting the game with a slight right ankle 'J>rain midway through the second half. VANGUARD Continued from Bl finished with 12 polnta for the Eagles. "(ConcordJal wanted h more." Vanguard Ulistant coach Mike Cherney aald. "We should have come back and won that game.• Cherney and asmtant John Barney took. over the coaching reins Saturday for Russ Davts. who Cherney sakf was "unc:ler the weather: The BagJes bolted to a l,_5 lead in the game's ft.rst eight min· utes, but the lions went on a 15-2 run over the nezt 6:11 to trim the lead to 21·20. Vanguird shot 8 or 16 in lhe ftnaJ 12 min· utes of the half while Concordia (5-2, l · l l went almost Ow min· utes with a ficld goal and ended the half shooting 3 of 14 from the field (21.4,.) and trailing, 28-26. "We talked at halftilM about what a dusy ~t wu for US lO enM tbal ddlc:::it, • ~ aid. "We about f.cx:ul. but tt took a lot of energy to make a run lib that.• Concordia c.oach Greg Din- neen apec:ted Vanguard to mount a comebldc. but wanted bJa team to be more inteme and wott harder. "We dec;kted to attack the de- feme and try to get good lhotl while limiting their 5trengtbs. wbidl are outside shooting and ball control,• Dinneen aaJd. -i wa happy with our post play. We dJdn't have &n)'OM foul OUl • A putbeck by Undtey Sher- man gave Concordia the lead for good at 34.32 with 15:11 left ln regulation.. The EagSes expanded the lead to 43--34 follawlng a bucket by Ryan u Vanguard went almost 8eVel1 minutes with· out a Oeld goal In the second half en route to lhoodng 10 of 31 (~) compaed to Concordia's 52'ft cUp (13 of25) In that apen. .We mlseed too many layupe and other abou we nonnaDy make.· ~ ml "We were playing uphW the whole pme." Guud Cec:iUa Joee(uon tallled 11 points. lndud.lng 3 of 6 three~ point.en. while starters Lacey Bums and • Lacey Mills each ICOred eight points fur the Uons. 1Wo free throws by Schmidl wt the fagles' lead to two with 4:32 &eft. but a pe.ir of free throws by Murray and • three by Katsu· abi put ConcordJa up, 58-51 with 3:32 left and Vanguard couldn't rebound. The Uom had eight attempts at the foul line to the Eagles' one in the 8rst half. but things changed drasdcally in the sec- ond half. Concordia went to the foul line 25 dmel, making 19, wblle Vanguard. running &eYeral pick-and-rolls for Schmidt to get near the basket. converted 12 of 16 free throws. -it bdpt when rl\vaddeUI Is an ~ free.throw shooter,· Din- neen said. "1b1s is the biggesl win ilnce we beat The Master's two years ago.. Coneonla 73, v.nau.nt M v.ng...d -Faulkner 11, "Mills 8, JoMfaon 11,.Sdlmldt 20, Lacey Burne 8. 8eele 4. McOeflM 2, Dillenblt o. 3--pt. goell -JoMfmlorl 3, Milll 2, Feultner2. Fouled out -Sdlmldt. Miiis. Tecnnic.11 -None. CoMoldle -Ryan 12, Hatsulhl 18, Twaddell 19, Covmgton 0, MWTeY 14, RaMgen 8, Sh«men 4, Shiomi 0, MillerO. 3--pt. goall -Hatsuahl 3, Ryen 2. Flanagan 2. Fouled out -None. Tecnnlcetl -None. Helftlme -Vanguard, 28-26 "Mike has a tendency to get hyper sometimes and I think he plays better when he slows down.· Oouglaa said. ·1 liked the way be kept bis composure tonighl For a sophomore, it was a remark- able game.• Junior Greg Elhington had eight poinlS In 22 minutes off the bench, while Billy McDa- niel paced row BoJJ Weevils in double fi~ with 21 points. flevberha sa.id a subdued pregame will now become bis routine and he looks for· ZOTS -Mike Efevbertia's 37 ward to fulfilling the promise points were the most by en Ant· ~ th eater since .Jeny Green pro-many projected or e SO· duced 41 on NOY. 20, 2001, in 11 calJed heir apparent to for· 96-93 double-overtime win over mer fow-year star Jerry visiting Pepperdine ... Efevber· Green, who, like flevberba, ha's point total Saturday was played high school basketball three short of matdling the in Pomona Mc:Caffrey Classic record held "We need to keep It going by two pl11yer1 ... Adam Parada fNm these last two wins,• was 9 for 9 from the field during FJevberha sa.id. "We need to the tou~nament. including the come out all the time like we geme-_winner ~ two seconds did n:nhlft , left Friday against Pri~on :·· to'"!"'. . Just seven games mto his lrvines intensity, on both sophomore season, Jeff Gloger ends of the floor, was appar· has 90 steals, which ties him for ent from the ourset against 10th on the school's all-time list Arkansas-Monticello (4-4), as with George McDonald end the Anteaters (4·3) seized a Ridcy Butler. Gloger needs six to 32· 10 advantage with 7:58 left surpass 11s11stant coectt Tod In the first half. Murphy m the No. 9 spot. SAVE MONEYI YOUTH BASKETBALL Newport ~ats San Clemente The BoU Weevils, who came in averaging 78 points per game. pulled to within 50-'40 with 15:41 left in the game, but got no closer. "We came out and got that lead, then l substituted and they q.it into it a little, ft Doug· lass said. "But this was a good trip for us. We learned a lot about our club with three games in fow days (Including • loss at cal Wednesday). We need to take what we did, re· group and come back after fi. na1s (their next game is Dec. 18 at home against Pq>per- UC lrvtne 14, ~~ Artl.-Montlollo • McOaniel 21. Mayweather 4, Marks 3, Newell 3, ~ 2, Cartllf 13, MeUtevicius 11. Harris 10. SAVE TIMEI Whhthe Daily Pilot ClASS&AEDS CALL 642-5678 MkbMI llelfdcb bit~ Jump shot from the top of the key as time expired lO give the Newport-Mesa leYerlth·gJade bubtball team a 56-55 victory over Sen Clemente to win the All-Nd championship. Sen Oememe Wiii called for ~with two lfJOOllds to ~ wbk:h .. up Hd&idU Ibo<. Newport 00-1) reaMJd dd playtm:nJoer ... (12 ~. Choose a card ... and help a child this Holiday Season These designs were created by children who are, or have been, Otive Crest children. Olive Crest is a leader In the prevention and treatment of child abuse. To date, Olive Crest has provided shelter, care and professional treatment to more than 30,000 a.bused children and their families. By supporting this program you will be giving children the gift of hope. A Albanlons· Purchase your Ollve Crest holiday cards et aeleCt Albertsona stores this -•on. Semi DomMD (10 points), Dmoy ,..... (dgbl pdols), Olmeroo eom. (elgbl rebounds) and Heirdc:b (14 poima). Blalne Bowlu8. Brian Rbocle9, Da.ny Moeka¥tu and Nick Fleeman all played solid defense with 'Duy Mdlanahan making several key shots. Th1I team also won the AU-Net It.ate championship as fifth gr.ders. 3-pt. goals -McDaniel 3, Harris 3, Carter 2, Metkeviciua 2, Marts 1. Fouled out · Mayweather. Todvticals -None. UC Irvine • Zuzelt 2, Okoro f, Parada 11, Efevbertla 37. Gloge< 10, EthiogtC>n 8. Sdl...cter 7. CampbellS. 3-pt. goall • Efevt>ert.11 7, Campbell 1, Sdlradef 1. Fouled out • Ethington. Technic:MI • None. When it comes to learning, kids are,like sponges. Good thing our museutn is surrounaed by water. Dld you know that it is required for all 5th graders in the Newpon .. Mesa Unified School Disttict to take our classes? We teach history, geography, science and math as it relates to the sea. And that is just one of our many programs that benefit Newport Beach. Please support our educatioo and community progtams by making a tu..deductible contribution to the museum today. We wish 'JOU and 'JOUT family a happy and healthy holiday season. THE NAUTICAL MUSEUM Newpon Harbor Nautical Museum 151 East Coat Hiehway (on the Rivedxtat), Ne'.'J>Ort Reach 949-673· 7863 • funOnhnm .org • a~ Mond"ys Conoibutc or Join online r www.nhnm.orw n.. ... &Jiii .... & Open,. Your,..., ... ...,,... J ~ ...... Nilldllt ~~- I .. SPORTS Stlldly. Oecembet '· 2003 .. THE BIG EASY If you want the real story, look inside for the motive W llhtbeprep buketball ln the early 1tage1 or nonleague and tournament games, two Items ln the arena have always bothered me -the motive·drlven transrer and the overzealous parent, muquerading as a "booster.• Both are destructive to the ayatem and the game. lt'a Just hwnan nature, ot course. for one to support and encourage one's own wlthln limits. Fortunately you don't come across the super·zealot often, but when It does. he or she ls not hard to spot. It's an old· fashioned Idea. but nevertheless seems to have merit An athlete answers to his or her ROGER ::~·the CARLSON answers to the athletic director, and the athletic director answers to the principal. A true "booster" is in another• class and Isn't ln the mix. "Booster" equates to "support.• Thanlcfully, the vase majority of boosters are overwhelmlng supportive and rerulze their roles. Once In a great whJle, there Is an exception. Once In a great while. a coach doesn't m~ure up, as well. That's when the athletic director does bis or her job and takes appropriate steps. every once In a while, an overzealous parent. paradlng hlmself or herself as a "booster," will squeere Into the mhc and, combined with a weak admlnistratJon, the ayatem cracks. We've seen It happen again recently, and unfortunately, we'll probably see It again. A couple of HeVeral events of thi5 nature that have stuck over the years comes to mlnd. One was when Edison High School lost one of the most respected coaches you can Imagine, In Don Leavey, a coach acknowiedged In every direction as one of the most prep~. dedlcated and knowledgeable around. Unfortunately, he had a sixth man who was a junlor point guard. and his dad was certain he was destined for the pros. or blg·time coUege at wont. A. a senlorJte wus a starter for the Cllargers, but, despite being a good kid, he created little lnterest In college scouts, other coaches or the press, and was hardly an all·league candidate. let alone an all·league selection. Dad, who had been livid since his son's time as a junlor on a nightly basis, dedicated him.self to one thought Get rid of the coach, no l'TlJltter the expense. And to my amaz.emeot. one ct..}' Leawy called me to o.nnouooe he wu ret1rlng &om the game. '"l just can't take It any longer,• he expla.lried of the · lnaunnountable pressure which had been applied aa the parent hounded b1rn and the admlnlstration on a day-In and day-out basis. Making It an even more memorable d.ra.unstance was that I bad once known th1s parent OD an entirely dltrerent basis. He and I were co-workera, our wives knew one another, we played poker and baby-sat our flrstboma while doing It. and enjoyed each other's company. But that was a long dlne ago, we went our separate ways and junlor grew up to become a point guard at the Huntington Beacb·bued hJgh school. Wt! talked a couple of times on the phone after junlor . joined F.dison's basketball program, but there were no more poker games. I saw his son play three or four times, but never quite saw a rainbow. When It was over and done, the coach packed It in and junior failed to catch on with an appropriate college. dad called me and said some of the blame was mine, that I had failed to promote his son properly, had not contacted any schools to his knowledge to let them know what they were missing and had generally failed his son In every way. I never got o chance to congratulate him on successfully getting the coach at E!disoo to resign. That was In 1978. Another that still resonates was the time In the early '90s when Newport Harbor High failed Its responsJbllltJes to a very strong and dedicated coach named Bob Serven, who. In my opJnlon, hu always put teams on the Ooor which played above expectatJorui.. Serven had the misfortune of having the son of a standout fonner player from our area who went on to considerable glory. In this case junlor was a staner, had been since he was a sophomore, was the team's leading scorer and clearly the Sailors' game seemed to live or die on his shooting prowess. Unfortunately, the Sailors died, a lot When the kid clicked, occasionally, all was wonderful. And If not? Serven was doing something which Interfered wlth the rhythm, or something. according to dad I never couid really figure It out Perhaps no one else was supposed to take any shots, at all. Even at a 30% shooting rote, he'd still be castJng off. At any rate. dad was certain his son's future was being wrecked by the coach, and eventually the admlnlatradon fulled Its coach. 1uccwnblng to the parent'I pressure. and Serven became a former RUNNING Newport Harbor coach who went on to ~ta Marprlt.a Hlgb'a ultra succ:iesaful program and 11 presently the ftrebmnd at Costa Mela. When It W8..9 aver at Newport Harbor I wrote a column. very sympathetic to Serven and the drcumltances, which brought dad to the phone, demanding a meeting with me. So, myaelf, my editor, BW Lobdell, and dad, sat down and the latter proceeded to lay out a list of complaint& Finally, I said, "Well. you've got him fired. Just exactly what else do you want?" And he said, "I don't want you writing an)'t.Wn8 good about b1rn. • He was also put out that he had been "ldentilled" ln a story. I wrote of an "upset parent." with no ldentiflcatJon given •Everybody knows who you're talldng about. You're talldng about rne.• he said. Tu my knowledge, junior did not play any collegiate basketball, at all. Fortunately, Serven was able to bounce back and condnue a respected career. Dale Hagey. a fonner Newport Hart>or High basketball coach, offered thls advice when he ftnlshed hls tour as a roach for the Sailors ln 1975: HAlways,H said llagey, "make sure your boosters club president Is the father of your best player." It's not ne<:essarlly a guarantee, but, certainly, a step In the right direction. • •• Add Newport Hart>or-St. Paul, circa 1978: Further, and corrected. Information on that night or upsets when the Sailors knocked off No. 1 St. Paul in the first round of the CIF Big Five Conference football playotfs. It was St Paui, 7·3, at halftime, not 7-7 as I, and Coach Bill Pi7zlca. had recalled. Bob DaSllva ltlcked the first-half field goal and with 20 seconds left In the fourth quarter quarterback Dave Hitt.el ran for the winning touchdown with no tlmeout.s left after a long. time·consuming drive. Hitul's description of the famous St Paul "intJmldadon" and the Sailors' response to such tactics: "The only way to and from the locker room was walking by the St. Paul stands. We were yelled at. spit on and had sodas dumped on our heads. This made the game even better for U& • Hitt.el and his famlly reside In the Palos Verdes area. Heyl See you next Sunday! • ROGER CAAL80N 11 the former eportl editor for th9 Delly Piiot Hl1 column 1ppura on Sundaya. He can be reached by ..mell et f'Ofl•randdorothH flm•n.oom. Runner s converge at OCC Local runnen wlll converse for the Orange Cout College Run· nlng Oub lnvttatJonal beglnnlng with registration at 1 p.m. today on the OCC track. Dues-paying members of run· n1ng clubs a.re invited to register and mutt wear a ~ub unlf'onn to participate in one of seven ewntt that Include races of one mile, two mllea, 100, 200, 400 and 800 meten, and a l ,600 re· lay. Cost for Wlllmlted pa.rtidpa· don ls $10. Prooeeda benefit Coast's tmclt and fteld programs. The one-mile race wl1J lctclc off evcnta bqlnntng at 2 p.m. and an awardt ceremony at 5 p.m. wlD conclude the day'a activities. Awardt wW be gtven to the top three Individuals In each event ba..ed on &ge·gxaded world re· cords. 1ea.nu receive ftve polntl for ftrst place, three for second and one for third. All area running clube ha\'e been invited to pa.rtfdpat.e. Family and fl'ienda are Invited to cheer runnera. Above, UCLA's Heatller Cullen (15), a former Newport Harbor High standout, gets her fingers on a kill attempt by UC Irvine's Sarni Cash !14). At right, UC Irvine's Sarni Cash (14) stuffs a tlp from UCLA's Krystal McFarland. 51 fVE McCRANK I DAILYPILOI STEVE MeCRANK /IWLY PILOT BRIEFLY UCI Continued from Bl best game of the match. UCJ opened with 11 3·0 lead. UCLA came baclt yet It never had more than a four·polnt lead. The Bruins led, 29·26, but the 'Eaters scored two stralght. How· ever, UGI.A won the game, as It called a timeout and after the break Wing's serve went wide to end the game. Wing led UC! with 18 kills. She contended for Big West Player of the Year honors as she won the conference's Player of the Week ave limes this season. When asked Is she wanted to make a statement against a t~am with tradition, Wing said, "I was just going out there trying to win. "We jui;t wanted to go out and play os hard os we could,• she said. "Everyone played their heart.Ii 0111." Brande Is planning for that ef· fort to rerurn next year, when ex· pectotJons will be high. "Thlngs look very good,• Brande said "We have Kelly (Wing) coming back. we have everyone coming baclc.. The on~ question mark we'U have to solve ls Brenda Waterman. Brenda has been a major part or our trans· formatJon to where we are today. We'U have to ftnd 11omeone with boll control skills and leadership skllls." Watennan, a Newport Harbor l-llgh product, cried after the match. yet dJd not seem sad. "It's been a great four years,• she said. "We have gone through a lot and we progressed a lot as a teum. My freshman year I donl think we ever thought we wouid make It here. It's been a great run and I'm proud to have played with these glrl11." Sailors surge in second half Newport Harbor's girls basketball team outscores Estancia, 35-16, in final two quarters Saturday. Newport I !arbor 1 llgh's girls basketball team era.tied a IO· point halftlm1• deficit and l'amed a 52·45 victory against P11tancfa In the first m11ncl of the Univer- sity tournament 11t UnJverslty HJgh Saturday. Newport I !arbor (2·0) went on a 14·0 run to begin the third quarter end took advantage of the thin Engle,, who hud just six players. Lindsey MUJer scored o team- htgb 17 polnlS followed by 14 from KrlstJ Fddlngton end 10 from Allyson Stoltz. Junior guard lmeldo Pena led all acoren with 18 points fol· lowed by 17 from Nancy Castro. CIAt.ro and Pena combined for 25 or l!atanda's 29 flrst·half paint.a. •we held them to 12 In the second half," ..Newport Cooch Jen Thompson suld. "We don't have a lot of hrlght this year, but In two gWTI(''I w1• have done a tre me11dous Joh of hoxlng out.~ Newport gruhlwd 40 rebounds o day aftrr tallying 35 against CdM. WhJtfleld had nine bourdi. whUe Miller (seven). Victoria Swigart (six), I ddlngton (five), April Slater (Rvr) and Stoltz (five) also contrlhutt•d 011 the glass. F.stunclo continues the 16· team 1ourn11nwnt at 8 p.m. Mon day while Nl'wport plays again at the -uune lime• on Tuesday nsaJnst the winner of Esperan:r_..o and k~oro ~ \OUr'nlfTIMt """ round Newport Hllf'bor 52, Ettande 45 lcof9bv0ulrt9tl Newport 1, 8 lt 14 112 E111ncl1 13 1e a n • •e Newport Swigert 2, Stoltz 10, Whltheld 7, Miiier 17. Eddington 14, Trobmon O. Koon 0, Melo O , Sliter 0, Devan 0, Lawrence 2 3-pt. goela Miiier 2. Fouled out -NOM. Tecttnlcelt None. &tancl1 -W11e 6, N"I 2. Pena 18, Maldonado 2, Caetro 17. Becerra o. 3 pt. go11l1 -Pena 3. Fouled out None. Tedlnlcalt None. Mesa captures coosolarion • WATBR POLO: Sarah Bow· man scored nve goal.a for the second consecutive game to give the Costa Mesa High girl! water polo team the consola· lion Lhamplonshlp of the Bob Benson Memorial Cup after a 13· 7 victory over Bell Garden• at Valencla High In Placentia SOturday. Allyson Harris found back of the cage (our times whlle Jet· slca Steenhard. Olandta Mala· pita. Cllrtaline Twohig and C.U· ley Millian each tallled one goal for Mesa (3·2), which ftn1abed 18th of 32 tea.rm. Hania scored five goala In Mesa'I 7·8 victory over Arcadia Prtday. · Quyen Nguyen made nine saves ln gocsl for the Muatanp, who return to action wb.m they ho1t Bl Modena 1n a nonlequ_, game ll3:15 p.m. Tue~ - WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer .15951n1lne Dl•1noal8 . Policy How to Place A CLASSlfIEAD Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ' Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5 :()()pm Rates and deadlines are subject to c:blnac without notice. The publubtr reserves the riaflt to cenwr, n:clll5 lfy, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error thAr may be in your cluslfied ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accqxs no habalny for any error m an advcrusc:mcnt fOT Which 1t mny be rcsponi.ible except for tbc cost of the space· actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first UlSCrtlOO. By Fax (949) 631-6594 By Phone (949) 642-5678 By MaiVIn Person: 330 West Bay Sireet Com Mesa. CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd & Bay St. Thursday ............ W"dnesday 5:00pm ll'lca.e '""ludc Y°"'"'"""' .nd phcwlt nwmber Md we 'II call }OU beck "'llh I pn« quutcr I Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Hours Index Walle-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Friday .................... 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In thrs newsp•per 1s 1fl>jec1 to tl>t fedefel t"Jlt Houllnl Act of 1968 ..-emended wllit h !Mikel 11 1lle1al lo ..iverl1H ·1ny prellf e)lce, llrnlletlon or dbcrlmlnatlon bn•d on n ee, color ••~11on Mil, h9ndlcap, fem•lltl status oJ national or111n. or 1n 1Qtenhon lo make 1ny '41cll IK•feHMe, lt""I•· U•n or d1sc11mln1l1011 • 1ll)s MW•P•I* Wiii not "i!Owtnrty accept eny ......... usem1nt lor 1111 .. 1e11 which Is In ytoleUon of th• l1w Our rtaders 111 hereby 1eformed ll'tel ell dwell l"i~ advert11td 1n this ""''P•Pt< 111 1v11fable 11J1 •~ equ11 Oppoftuntly hit~" To complain ol d11 ,r11ntn1loon call HUO loll lrH 11 I 800 •24 8!190 230S.2490 Al ESTATE R SALE Our Lease Has Expired! EVERYTHING MUST GO/ Hoag Volunteer Thrift Shop. 670 W 17th St. #F-2. Costa Mesa (near corner of Pomona & 17th) Opeo Tues Wtd. 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Ltn• Ranked Austin, ~ 9119-8&.l-ll!Kl Jtwnd aw11uod1.,• l!iCO Texu as the 11 piece fl/I SllBl ~ AESIOENTlALRENT~ tn the U S to lnvHt 1nrulnt1le Find out why vtall BUYN..STNCXM Kenn Renner, 512 423 5626 l.t~ Uatlftp s-1,.. y.., •-1· I can list yo11t home f0t 3 9" $llYln1 you lllou•1nd1 of doHars. (SIOOK home) reauler 6'.lo 'ommlulon Is $481(1 E proplfly @ 3 9" 11 131,200 thet equ1I• a uvln11 of $16,llOO 1rl .......... • ....., t0-25'-•tas **=-++=•>•••t&Msw .... .._ - SIA COAST VIUAOI 2'88 Newf)Oft Blvd CM 2800sf 12800/mo w/l•es• 9'g.&46·7931 '-~ ........ & ... rwtd:in ~ -. -ClllN:lld to lid ~ ~ ,..., ,,.... bJ llprrt Q!f CDnl .... .. ~ tlWtd ClalllNll:a "" AUii 11 l!D •75681 HOMES FOR SAL.£ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona det Mar NIWUSnNOs CONDO lb< + den &. 3 5 bl front brend new So ol the hwry II 450,000 DutUl 3bt lbe t. 2br 2be Comer No. of hwy. $1.450 000 Own1r1Lin1 IOOMOWI TUIN toctl CAMPVI WW NOMllOll 311ometl&4llr "49.000 Wl 5.000 1114,000 Owntt/Aa9nt IOOMOielt nuN 21 ~ .,. ....... tr ...... !IODlf, 'IYW ..__. , ... ••• ••·••111•1.co111 ~--411111 ORANGE 7400 COUNTY A ......... lllr U•lic.il. AIC. w/d. ,,... "*10. d/w. ,.,~ .... mport Slfll.ll5mci 1f1Y MM173-n9 2bf 1 be cloM to bay. rter unit, 1r1ntl• llwouCf>Oul. new epprs, wd, bek:ony &. veult cells, I" $1900 949 675·'822 Balboa Penlnmill X-...... NP Hts Cotbill~ 1wn ar Ubl _. Dec I l 28lh S2IXXI 949-642~ NP Helfhta 2br 2b1 ltnvm, fp, hdwd firs. ""' ywd. Set 2110 Cor• """· $2250lno 9'9-642·5488 dlete employment. --yta.r ~lot ...... @~ or drop by one of the followlna locellons 23572 Moulton P1rkw1y ue,.. ... ,, ~ -~- ch,.,.1« ·•• s.1w1,.. UU Conv, 18k 1ctu1I ml, metallic arHn ten lthf bleck lop, bHUUIUI like new cond. $7995 fifm y 156721 Biii 949-516-111118 www1,+'._.. (ervelt• 't2 <•nil Willie, orisinal ownt<. low ml, lmmecul1te cond $15,000 562 212 4117 ,.., soo -1t70 cood cond, new bruku/ Recruiter Entr.,..._ur clutch&. shocka $5000 SOie moneys Aur•aslve, t4f-U1-7tH motlveled &. -lrlendly, a... t• "'-ell 2111' 1.,. llw SIHI "-"• quiet f llH, newly refurbished p. I c I"· wd hi.up, 2 ~ ear. wd hkups, n•w carpel & flootln1 $2300/mo 949 759 0874 11600/mo IM9 644 9777 C111949 756 8037 fer4 '•S M11tt•n1 ConYlrtlble ofl1ln1l ownat. aolid c.,. nul .. $111.!D) obo 98719.29Q. • • Coruna dtl Mir Cleen & Mewl 406 Heliotrope (Front Cot· teae}. COM. 2bd. lbe. new llllchen ' beth, fp, htdwd ftr In LR l/c: cw. SllWN W/O 714-llS·SlllOO Ur, th Apt. lllpt & Sunn1 fp., 2 C1tports, $1350/mo 432 SHw•rd Ht ... 40-•HI 2bt 1.75be on the weter, 1500 en blby/,hlld1en'a FORD TEMPO '90 , furniture •lore 11 petlo, deck, llP&r•ded Oj>elllnr in South COlll S600 kltchan, wd hllup, 111. c 11 , 11 • e Pt.i&. o.wi ~ 714-957·0705 12450 949·293·'632 wartrs lrpll ~ ors. + ql1ry .. bonus + LUSH AVAllA.IU ioo411nC for FIT m1n11er, medk:al 949-496-4541. GMt Svtt.urlten LSI Newport Beach. Newport & PIT employHs @ NB 2500, 4wd, 70ll + ml, Cont, lrYlne. 3-5br lroll'I locellon openln1 kl Jan. 1old/l1n llhf. atr• IHI, s:z500moa.o115662'67Q) II you •1• 1ner1et1C, 111 superb orl1 cond "' mollV•led, hot enthu· SWSt Ov....,. ,_.... 114,995 Y552'41 Bkr a..i lbr 2.5ba oanlo. 2 &19Stk penonellty & • ~,,. sar.a iap Earn Ht-516·1· llary, 2 c .,,, ~ ocn to W«ll with people, fa1 _.. & up phone ---·~•.~ View, Aoiaoc: ~ ru n4e-193'1 or.,.,.. ~ 7474 In --7475 wlll to bctt ""'" iln 3. to ~..,/'lb@~CIUlll H .... 't1 Auw4 2clr ~ n4-623-2105 Metli Tiit., nudtd for coupe EX, V tee: 1n1lne, HM fer .-. 2'w, ,..._, -........... F_. ........... ..__.__.. 6911 blacili/pty llhr, anrl, pvt bell eccut, •Y•il now 3br 2b1 UPf" ltYll -'"'""""'" ,_. Alatl>r•. ~~ beeutlful unmerktd •1,,_, ..,.., •-DfL-b f 1 1 for buay tndocrlnoloo FaA rtam1 to • -mo""" ....,, ...... •Y ront un . per od office In Nawport Bch. ___ ......._...__ cond, 11t1 .. d. non smkr Cel l'rlllk 9&&73-MIM slyf1, 111 vu, 1 c c•r. Fex r~ 1149-6'5 8858 ·-·-~·-" S8495 vl!Ol2e7!11 Bkr 2k ,... ... , h~ =·1~t=l2;;;;;800;;;;;9';;;;;;;9·=293==463===lb;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1===========;:==::::~981~!11&~l8118~~~;;;;;; •laws. mtlts 1111t.. welk· r In doMU, root t~ deck & ape. _ ~aunc1rr _ ....... now l3llOO 94t-72l 9292 ....... rtlllDd 3lr a.. 2, .... -hdwdh .,.... en. fp. -no ..,., pill> OXllmo !irl.eMlll llWC> lt:.W cocmu:;.,.,. ar 2.b•-ta.._ .. ll'fL ....,-h IO'I -.dldl..-ar-.~· ~-··""' •10a>•astQ cm ... "Employee." "Empka00. '' ''Arbeitnehmer.' "Employe .. , I ' , I I ' • I / I ( , • •• : .. "' •· .Z 0 Piot ~., 1<0il;;,.,;::_~•ii W:'taiiii•l;•~•iii !!B~lllll!~~d-gsllilie~--------F==-T_Q_D_A_Y_'_S_S_Umll!'N_D_A-=Y--P._U ........ Z.-.....Z_,L........,.E~ ~AUfO l'\U&ft AU91M 'M ...,..._,SHARIF 81.ek, W/lfty lnttr 'OI MW~, Ml and TANNAH HIRSCH 1V0102 D~1;0tiftt1d WNtt, 321( • IMW HIM 'ff (l966to) ~.980 NOT ~Vt;N t"LOSI llldl, tin lnw •• ~ .._ •Y9911 flllutt .S.11 , ..... ~ .. w IHl'te Uvw.1K n1i lrontt. ttfl int• 09710) 0 .980 l'IS491 Must Sd "'H ..,,_, v_.. IMW Stale '00 "'-Only l7k ml Gtttn, tan Inf.If Sdvw. 3511 ml ""6>7 Discou11ted U•l2) $27 .9'0 IMWSMt'Ol c':::e.«K~ Whitt, tin (l.,...4) -.980 ft4e6 Must Ste ._ -v BMW !140i '99 .,7 &nw 400 Blue, &r•)' lntec Silver IY2lll · Must St" (194531) Sl7,980. 8MW'i40i1 '00 .'94 ,..,._.. UIO 8 tit Whitt 19158 ron~ D~ntecl 09823) Sll.980 IMW74CMe'OO '01 M._,..SSOO B,_.... t Sll-, I.ow ml ....... ten 1n If (l!MOl) S2.9IO •V943S Discounted BMW 740ll '01 '9S hndie f II Blue/srey Whit•. TjpTroruc: 12.843 Must Ste (19152) $34,980 ••w 14CNI •01 '",..,.,.._ ,._,., Silver. lf•Y Sliver. 27k mi •Yll60S Great Buy (l9875) $26,980 BMW 740il '01 'PS 1-rotw Celko Whitt, arey Conv White 13951 Great Buy (194781) $5,980 °"'" T..._ .02 'O.f for1l IV0<11t1 ... Bltcll. any Black 21K m• •Y'367 Great Buy (191189) S26.ll80 Nertoy o... , .. ·u Ht-574-7777 Red, bluk •Y8109 Discounted Pll.lfU&rTO cow IOTOlll6 "Tt:k~t.~·7 ' •3548 Great Deal ....-xi•·•• Blue, tan •Y7947 Discounted J ...... X!l 'OO Green, tan •1280 Must Sen ~X11 '99 Red, tan IOIS9 Great Deal MllCIDU C2JO '02 Black. black IV92n Discounted MlltClDES ES20 '01 Black, Black #Y!>458 • Discounted MlltCU>IS IHOwo '9' GrMn.t.n •V458l Grut Dell MUCOIS MISS '00 Siwtr, bl.U. 13859 Creal Deal MOCIDIS 5500 'H White, tan '3650 Discounted MllCIOIS SISOO '00 Wlllte, tan #0580 Musi Sell MtNI COC>Pllt '02 Blue, ar•Y 111()962 Must Sell POUCHE CW1'tr• 'tt Black, black 1\11068 Discounted POIHCHl <wr-'t9 Blue. ar•Y 1\/6049 Must SeM 0 ...... ....,.,.0. Silvw, black IY0139 lmcounted MMSO.StlS ;'S; lltt.• Tll•'•lur.,_ Avtohoon 'OOJUOCC....,, S.VSli. Auto. Hlov System. Xanon. lo.td lld (8399119) S29.900 '0014«1. Wllot/B~. Navt CO Sj>ort Whls (Pl5454) $36.900 '01 Jt.s J.O Biii/Cry Prem Pk&, CD. Low Mt (M611ll) $34,900 '02 Co<lllloc frcolode .... P1wlwr. Lo1dtd, MoonRool, low Ml. (122184) $39,900 '02Y ...... str Ptwtlf. Loaded. 22K ml. Perfect• ( 202894) $26 900 'OOOUOO Wllt/T en Pllbnum Slfoes. l ow Ml. CO (099216) $25,900 ''9 aK-310 8111/B•, Auto, CO. Bose. Creal Price (048525) $23,900 '02 G,_,,, Am SE Auto, AC, CO, RHr Splf (263427) '03 "•• ... ,,. ,_ Only JOI! mo CU Slue/ Blk (.!00205) $22900 'HS-420 Sopcf Cleanl CO. l ike New (431928) $28 900 949-U0-2222 Tllo'• lwopean Avt.i.cNe Nellbcr vu.lncnble. S41\llh dllah. NOR'lll • '75J AQJ 0 65'2 •KS WEST F.AST •A • 0'4 c;;i 1953 1 IU7J o K17J o QJJO •J 10916 •742 SOUTH Wail led lhl J.;l o( ~hlbl Si~ 10 lricb woulJ be cny if ~ beaw1 (i weft IO to«ttd; SIMh won In t.i v.11h die 1a1 of dub. lllld led a !art to lb! jld., luaina to thc ki~. E.c lhifll'ld IO lhc quceo o( d' monJs. Soulh ll>'Oll ll>'hh lhe ...:e. c:roacd IO Ibo kin& ol clubll ltd led lhe IC\lell o( Sllldel, £last fullowioa with the four The ~ of In.Ith had llrived: hould dc!:larcr fioa;sc (« the queen or rl!IC with the kln&7 ~ 18 llQthlna in the bl<kllna or piay' to suagtSC ~hlch II superior. so 11 mi1bt seem dlit lt ls a mtntal toss· up v.Rich line you cboo:.e. Not M>! Coosidet bow the four nusslna spades mi&bt be divided. If P.a~t holch either A Q '( 1. A Q It.QI I or Q x. Oowma for the queen lalllh the COOl1ICl Ooa.iia up l"lth the Ung Wllb only if West holdS A l Of I bare Q. 1'be moral ol this parUCular 'tor) i5. with nolluna clx IO guide you, make the play Ilia& wdl wod most of the time. Ill Ibis case, taki.na the r~ is twice ti likely to be the Winning play. ~t the seven ndc. When lhlli loses to I.he ICC, as soon as you pin the IClld return to dummy with the queen of bew1s and repeal tbe lille$se to land yuur i:ame. You l06C: only one llld; m each wit excepc clubs. • KJ 1082 "864 o A9 ·~QJ ~~ng: ~ID WIST NORTH EAST 1• .... J• .... ... ,_ ,_ ...... Opeoina Je;id: J~1 ol • At the tlble. iilllatlom can crop up where the chotce appean 10 be a tw- up. That is M:ldo111 lhe ClL'iC lhoogh, as this deal illustnUcs. ~ i• ncllhing lo lhe auction. North bas ju~t enough for u limit raise of throe spades aflC/ South opens ooc ~· With 14 poinh .ind a ruffing value, South Im nu problem about accepting. _Aldol_maUwe ___ 9004 __ AllD_mot_w __ •_ BOATS Jepor 't 7 XJ• Brotosh a-a.,,., '00 4.0 r11<:ln11 sreen/tan Ith•, S£ 1611 actual ml full PuwlfBolll CO. fabulous cond fact w1rr, blVc•rmal throuahout. $11,995 llhr, bNuhlul hlle new 11615 v59721 bllr 949 !>86 1888 cond. Must see lo www.ecptlltl.<-~ $28.995 v017896 Bkr 949·586 1888 J~ '01XJa2'11 .. .a. www.!CpGll!.•- ful factory werr, blk/blk ·~·..,., •ts 4•0 llhr, navl11tlon. chrm whls, looks new, smells SE •mi, bl1ck/tan new. fanlHllC value, lthr, 'superb cond $37,995 v457829 Bko throuaht, books, records Mu te1c11tt '!lb Ski boil with tower, $ler10, custom cover, SI 7 .000 562 212 4117. 949-S .. -1811 $10.995 v045829 Btu 949 --~· .. -5 ~.,~ ... ~ 8 _Slf_lboltl _____ _ ...... 't4 XJ• V ..... n Teyeta '97 Cw .... DX l9'6 CATH.HI 11f'l. rollr Plas metallic rid h1n 6()1.. + mo. auto. pw, pl bl a*> P*JI. BMW dml!I lthr be1utrful 0111m1t crous.. whole/ar•Y int. reio.d, U ._, ~ cond, mus t '" lo superb M99!o vl57829 boltom pamt recent, appreciate. cerqed, non 8kr 949·586-1888 .. .._ '4lllJ8dm dllrl " smkr. $6995 v70257 I www • .......lo.1.<-& '"$l) 9&51»32!IO Bko 949.586 1888 ~ -.CK,....<_ TOYOTA Mlt2 'ti wh1t1, owner since '92, LAND aOVH 2000 rea m1inlen1nce, must Discovery 11 SD7, dual •te lo appr~ll11. $3800 moonrh. rHr lump obo 949·322·5292 seals, healed sul lee warr 36,000 mi. $21.900 V2lHi'BI ~ 71A-2'lM161 lUUS 'ff Q 300 PNrl White, 4X4, h11t1d seats. showrm cond • fuu n et.. tow pkc $19.900949 35().5202 '84 Mueretl-11 T~ •low ITlllts, ¥trJ nlct, * $4200949-240·1012 MERCCOES BNZ '01 SL500 l oaded silver. Sports 1>111. AMO whb, 9K mi, showrm cond, 302 hp. $52,750 714 969 1187 MOCIDIS '92 JOOTl Wa1on. auto, sunroof l<d seat white t•n/ lnte•"', $12'~ l~K mo 11•·549 _.z POllS<Hl '01 CAH1UT, trc>tronoc. mint condth< n 1151( mtles • ono owner $62.000 Pf> 949 351 1719 a..,.. .. ,,.r 't9 4.• HSE 48" ml, lull Itel wan, blll/blk llhr. 18' 'hr m whls, 5Uprrb conll ttvooeht, $23.495 vi 1/201 8~• 949 58ti 1888 www.ecpolol.coM -_,_, nnq a rd. Truda, v... "-Call\ m. T~ W. alfrll kl l'IJU w/Cll!IH Pa<t $100l500.llaxum> 9 •-2n-sua MOTORCYWS Motorqda 9400 'U Horfoy Dovt•-Ro•d~1na fmm~Lul1t1 ~ondllion, Sl2.000 c•H 562 212 4117 Clmifil'is CONVENTBNT wlutltuyOt11rr buyini, s1llilf1, or just looldlt1, tllWiftt" llllS BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE ••ft 1ucru cun (like 1 Dully) 1992 New lot> $6500 949 644 4144 * IOAT SUP * Balboa Penn up lo 14' beam, Bay Island Cove area, ,.curt, 949 922 7777 Nowp<m leodl SO ft Slip 1varlable $1000/mo cell • 949 723 3143 • Tell Us About YOUR GWGESAUI In ClASSIFIED J..,_ '00 S Type J.O v6, 35k ml, full fact w1rr, solver/oatmeal lthr. mnrf, CD. memory pk&. be1ut f1h new unmarked cond. 123995 vl752262 Bkr 949-586·1888 wltot Nfl utd I CUSS/PIED RANGE llOVll 19'3 UXUS LX470 '00 LWB. l 15K ml, blue/ten. 4X4 bl•ck ll"Y Ith• aw suspension, tmm1c mler tow pt.c, 4JK mt ulate lhtouallout $6495 .. _....i_._ __ • M 642-5678 (949) 642-5678 -. ......,.<_ IC( 0 C11lforn1a law rt· quires that contrac ton taklna jobs that total $500 or ~ (tabor or mater11ll) bo licensed by the Contractors Stitt lk•nM Boerd State law tbo requwes that contrtclors Include lhelr license number on aN edvertislnt. You un check the status of your licensed contra ctor 11 w111w.calb.c1.1ov or 800·32l·CSL8 Unll· cen"d contractors l1kln1 jobt. th1t tot1I less then $500 must st1t1 111 their 1dvert1semenh th1t tlle1 1r1 not heenHd 'l Ille l;ontr~tora S ate Lidtls. Bot<d • S36. 7so 949 JSO 5202 P"62ll28) ~ n4-222-6161 li1 M A -l HANDYMAN lnsl1ll, reface cabinets. kltdwvbll~ ,,...... Ooua 714-546-7/!JJ Carpet Clunlng ~ - llR A11 [)11 I!'. l .. 111wl { lr.1111nq S• 1 ..-r ,. ... 3 rooms & hallWly M .• lndudts ~rtlOIWIG CALL TODAY • CWll TOOAY K1Yl11714·32f.3M2 Ottlc1 71WIH110 C.,lt Repatr,11111 o <AarfT<l'<AaPno Rtp1lrs, P1tchin1, Install Courteou~ 1nr silt )Obs Whollsel•I 949 492 0205 ~Servtcll COMPUTER HELP! ...... ""'~ .. ,.. ..... •l'C•• ·~ ·-... ~·· ·~Modllll •met-var-. ·Oglll-~-·-.S=,~-UC Or-. 10, .. een.-.. 714-61Z:.2786 Conalll I Masonry lrkli llacli St-• Tit. COllCfete, Palro, Driveway F 1t@lllc. BB9 IM'• 25Yrs EKP Terry 14·557 7594 c.......~w..ti Cemmt. ~ saa... Tll. DrMways. lie. ~ HD lllb 1oO tmel 71UIM062 ~Pullllltq YOUIHOMI IMHOVIMlllT PltOJKn C..11 e ~IUMb411, p11n111, •ndyrntn. or any ot th• f."t acrvlcH llsted tit In OUI "'vice dlrtctoryl THESE LOCAL SVC P((Jf>I.£ CAN HFI P YOO TOOAVI Bldltcllllrvlca SMAU Jot IVlltT Locel, Quick RHPC>nse Home. Yt1d & Dock Elect 20 = Dl.llcnm DOie l 9'&a;o.~ ACT10tUI BKTIJC Tnt!We .......... ...,,""4.,... ... ............... 71 ~146--6130 lUSIMU I . I.<. llKtrk Low prlCOI loclll conlrtctor. no _., too sm.I. no ~ too ~A.rs ~~LllC~ lm8 l71 l U2-1410 U<INSID COMTUCTOa No~tno1mMww.I Repllt', remodel, fens, ... ,_ M: ~3fi56 Roortnt/lllt QISTOM Cl .. "M TU lnlUlltlon, ..._ ceremk:. _. ....... 1t7S L1&12l* Jiff n4-612-911&1 UM\' ..... : Rtpout111 & IMta atk>n TILL DEAN 949-67s-8065 71~ 714-883-2Dll Tree Service, Yard Cleanup, M1inlen1nc., Sprlnklef Rep1lr. Haullna (t4t) 650-878' 11[!>10111 • 11(1'.<ill & HlMOOll l'i(, ALAN THI HANDY MAii AH work cu•r•nteecl l'bntq. Clilctrltlll. °'*" Fw.11<*p*-98-.n J 1 lf Alf y,, 1 r Ht ti 1 h. f {"I' Ill (h~I c""lf'fVll 1 ', •r.• . .. . ACROSS 79 ~ OOWN 88 Generator pwt 1 Omegll oppoeft9 I 82 ElCtioct bird• 1 Kelpt 89111n't hndzed 8Pua 83 Hourgtaa fillet 2 Nobelist -Pauling 71 --tac.(~) t1AMnp~ 84For.._"'9 3 Di'lnerware item 73 UPS C011ipetlt0f -: 18~ 88 Balcet wflloWI 4 Olw apeaal 7 4 L.lltl 1189 21 Dellcal9 hue 89-foday··· 5 Throtibed 780pen boet 22 Aeglcrtlll ~ 8 Fought n a.tm1n'1 1oe 23 Brit»'• Wllcwey 90 aw. blood• 7Showup 78 Sflger -8'oolc9 2•~ Sit ()Ne --lflO( 8 Lowcatd 79Stlowsup 25Grind.•1811f1 92 SingapQl'9'1 9 PJQPIWle 80 City n&111 Kyoto 28 Hlwe faith lfl • 10 Is, in Madrid ---- as~ 27 Boulcrritfe'I pi.. 9"CiY1fd~ 11 Enzyme 68Ct&ll0n 81 c~ puckster 82 Ill O~fy fond . ' 28 OOgpalctl relldent 29Genolno 95 L ... narr0..V · 31 In flamea lil7=dowith 33 Yang complement 98 drink 35 Make o typo 99 U&efulne11& 36~drr l 00 Pioleemon 37 Dig Into !he flies 101 First name S8 Tenible czat 1n cti11ucall.• 39 8lacll See ell)' 103 Namo In elevator& 41 Tiny I 04 Ou1 of town 42 Wlnglea lnsect8 t 05 Wtttl ltnthUSl&Stn 44 Emphatic refl.IMI 106 Cowboy compettuon 48 HaN9ehld wool 108 Kind of Walch 51 NoYellll JeM -110 CPR giver · 52 If I - -Hammer 111 Abhor 53Nervcu 114 TalloW source 57 Percuaab1 115Greasy lrtatrumem 117 Mln&fal lpflng 12 Smalt etowns· 13 Colofado tree 14 Seine site 15 Depend oonfidenUy 16 Komi>!Wa·s nallon 17Crux 18 Alms 19 Web habitues 20 -lirma' 30 Banister post 32 Meadow 34 Hawlleye 4() Potaao bud 42 Energy !IOOrces 4J Grassy meadows 44 Basllica 88Ctl008 45 Keats' works 46 Cancel a launch 83 9lacll 85 Lightweight quilt 88 Novelist Danielle - 87 ~nger 89 MlfM device 90 Former Italian currency 93 Lo-cal 94 Plies the oa~ 95 Greet, as a dog 96 EIK ooontry 98 Secret meesages 99 POGq>ones action 100 Simple ball game 102 Mr Bucnwald 1 OS Renowned 107 Noled shofl·Slory writer (2 wds ) ' ' • '. • \ ' ~ •• ..... 58 Overpowering fear 120 PretllStOric 4 7 Veldt scavenger 1 08 ccnainly 590onated 121 Psychlo power 48 Letter by modem 109 Koo« 60 King (Fr.) 123 Chandelier pendant (hyph) 110 Overjoys 6 l StrW:h out 125 Woody Allen 49 TV ne1W0!1c 111 Mies 82Shutsup comedy 50 Shout of approval 112 KUlda's pal 63 Kid• around 127 Sent by plane 51 Gr~ul steeds 1 13 Hacienda malefial 84 .b.malllt -Sawyer 129Sootf 52 Honey tactones 114 Talk 66Bi· hllved t 31 Steal the scene 54 Theat8' otfeong 115Flm8 67 11 lndiscteel 133 Feeling remorse 55 Dead dude 116 GOid -ght 68 Cwnlv., attractions 134 Rome's nver 56 Street sign 117 Outet 69 Gymnast'• horse 70Lmiment 72Lampreys 73Crease5 74 Spotted cal 75 Transtonn nPier 78Type 135 Sterilize 58 Passed 011t the 1 16 Committee 136 Of durable wood cards 119 Burnt up 137 More prohc1ent 59 Ughlheaded 122 Attentron getter 138 Like l'leabag hotels G2Dozedolf 1 24 Kllty's plea 139 Honshu metropolis 63 Leaves at the altaJ 1 26 Bond instrument 140 "Parenthood" s 64 Kind of pnze 126 Unite Dianne -650blige 130 M1I rank ~egory 141 Add up 67 Suitors 132 -ta1 (rum dnnk) IJ 14 I!> 18 .... ---------------· • r Mllcllrvlca Pal~ng HOUOAY HllP Home & ======== Plumbing SEWB P.rty DtCOf. lree Trim mlna, Room Malleovcrs. Sllopplna 949-459-82 70 AND DUii QW9IG (949) 64S·2U2 * ~·~ MMle•Storage No Job 1bo SMIJll Big Mike's TrH Servke =i...a.-1.s.. :=o..:\\~ DaftB....Utoa 949-322 .. 292 '-'IC .... , ..... Carl*!tr)' o Pllllllbtrle Dr)'wlll • Stucco Pmllna. Till & men ~ Yurs Ellperltnctl JI 11 ..... ..,,11• JUNI TO THC tuM"ll 71• 1161·1112 AVAILAll£ fOOAYI MM1S.Vile V ... tw. (Muoto I M..-y Bria, Bk>tl, s...., Conoet• ~ ll747448 714 1165·2'2• ...... --IW'ICW -~--. -.. . . . . ' ' . -• :4 • O.-.-•,... um 1111> Gte.tfl'rlc1I Cuer1nlMd work Free est LIJ15602 714 531 1534 7 390 2945 IWS CUSTOM rAINTINO Pron, dean, qu1hty work lnlttlor/H t and doch ll703468 949 400 1054 Im MOVUS $SS/Mr. 11.AllllOW C110.1 MAINT S.vtnt All Cltlla lnsUted P•lntln1 lnVeal, I~~ Tl8Jl.44 323-997·1193 Quality Jobi free estJn111te ~ 9971 c•U U569*97 714 636-3888 PUBLIC NOTICE Tiit Callf. hbllc Utlllllta Colllmrsslon r14111tt" th•I 1H u\H 110 .. eholf 1o•d• "'0Vtrl Pflnt IMlr I" U.C. 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